HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-05 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa17 • • ·• · &in~ Battle Wit . . ,; -• ------, ' -· ·F~ll~~~trilt .:~~u~ , • '.;!;-." ··~· .. ... -·-.. ..~ -. : . ; •' . ·•. -· ... -.. ·. . Daug.,er~~ ·i_~~ Q1.e .. , -. . On S,A.-F~eeWay 1 • ! I ' ... : . -. --- • • -• ' • :Seal Bea~h · (;ra8h .. . . ' ' ' . ' . . . Burts Ba1ns ·.S:tar ' -' • "J ,.,, ' • • ... • • .. • . . . . . . .Myron Pottie's . ·an-som on ., ' . ., ..... -~· . . . I •· - -WEDNESDAY. AFTERNOON, lilOVEMB'.ER 5,)i96t " ! VO'-61. NO. a I l•CT IONS. 1' PAHS • • 0 I na ers ' ' . , 'LJie~y Li~d:say > • 0 _ I ' l Police Nab Ga11ap-Po11 Reports Bod.y Found_ " ' :• • -. ·-=;.~ ~ ·NEW YORK~S ~[NDS,/\.Y ' PORT~)T OF A Wll!l!t!!fl . .-:In !ho-Fun City, Ho•i!lll • Party lon't.l!var:ytlllnt- ·· · . " Nixon Gains 70 .Petcent In Brazil; .;:! ·u-Js _Sto:q.e4 .. $ -~. ~ · · ~ l'J. IAO PA~ (AP,_.'1'111! ,.. fl .. PRINa:i'ON, N.J. (AP) -SeveaiJ· -._ lhla llJ'Ollp, lntm•o•1 · . seven percent ot the NIPle wbO liltene4 , reporied a lafle percentage JI~ an Anter1cin . encutive In Brull .. , ~ pair" of a.•.M (llHt ~ Ir·· to . Pr .. idOnt. lllxon'• \'~ policy and .._..by 111100•1 .......a; , kidoaped and llbol to dealh cluplte the ~ Tuaday bi-a Coota 111 ... polke speech Mond"7 approved o! i~ lbe Gallup · A sill~le minority 111d Ibey were pa)'IDelll of a f12,JOO ransom, pollco •od ~utenant, while theJ: sit on a street Poll aiys. ' · · disappointed that the· Prealdent had-not consular officJals aakl today. · · Carner getUng ·~"by anlfflng fumes 0n1y·1 percent were outrlgbUy opposed corqe up wllh~ideiu to lld the war.. The youth's bodf was found oa I · farm from an aerosol can of. utlseptlc. to Nixon 's program a~ 17, percent were Almolt W of thole Interviewed Jn a tmall .. community ne#r. tltla lndu .. "We heard about it at scbooJ," the undeckled, the poll reported. thought Ni.Jon'• policies would probably ·- lntMicated JOW1p&en: told Lt. Glenn The study .was conductecfMonday night bring an end to the war. Twenty-five trial city early today. '!be ycuth, P& WalKer, who w11 driving by Sula Isa· immediately alter lbe speech. To lat percent ,.Id the policles would probobly rick Dolan, 18, had been miaslng atnce ~Orange avtnua wbm he •patted first reactions to the President's plan to fall .and JI percent aakl. they were un-Jut Thursday. He was the .SOD ti Rtch--~~===--=:r=:-::.:lr:;:I :-::=~eenffir'Uie etnam war, the\ia1!hnupo-..id,ecided1~. 7'-:c:-:--:-·:;--;===·-.!ard~;!:J·c.EDo~la~ni,_, ~v~lc!•Jpre~m~«i'!!e•!!_tJol!!.JS[!w!!!illL __ -J ~ ve 1gaon g s were ·· In .,;toxicated, irratiorial and had the anti-organization put a aeries of questions to At a ratio of 6-to-I those tervlewed and Co. of Brazll. ~ptic on their brea~ SOI adults living bi 286 localities in a na-said they -felt public demp111t.rationa Police . and the family had kept the ,·They also confeaRd to ahopllfUng one lionwlde telephone survey. a1aln1t the war hurt this country's pu.ce abduction a secret ·for fear the youth ~ eaih from a ...,.111 mtrket belor. About 7 \II 10 persons beord lbe speech. efforts. might be kllled. Thi hmiJy paid lbe ~·the compotm:I m· • way that / ransOm demaoded. •tionll drug authoritih: warn is tx· tnmety ·dancerOOs. · y h F • M ' h • G The break in the c111 came Tuuday .A wive of ·dealhs IJllOl)I young people . out ' . ll'es ac me Uii night with the arrest o( a young.llUlpecl hu occurred this year through lnliala· \vho was. an a~ualn~nCe of Young I)o. tion of aerosol compounds-no matter Jan, police reported. They Wd the boy ;~~ C::~at:h!t !h;~1 puunng A p Im F told police where the body. could be Some have died of frozen Junp, while t . atro en on reew· ay found. others have apparently silccumbed to . · A ""1Ch was 9n (or the other kid· almost instant brain damage a.s a result napers. Police sources aald one o1 th• of aero10I sniffing. • men beil'lg sought is the raibtr of tM SACRAMENTO .. (UPI) -A leell'qe car and was walking tow1ril Olmstead ' · · · · hitchhiker from ·San Oiego County, atop. when the lbltchhlUr began shooting, of-youth under arrest. · l 1 Fullerto M ped on a freeway by two California flcers .aald. -·· These ~aou.rces llid there waa DO con-.. · Il 8ll, Highway Patrolmen. wlldly fired more Tho yoiith firs! !Ired a .4kallber necUon' between the .kldnlP,illl ~ a, than 30 rounda from a machine gun today marhlne gun and when thlt 'was ~pty, wave of terrorism and -violence. IOine ·. Daughter Killed before bel!ll \VOUOded. he began ' lhoi>ting with • ,23-<allber or H directed at ' AmerlcW, that hat CHP ai)okesmen said Robert Earl automaUc handgun. • jrlppedkazll,.[or Iftore tban .a :ve.r. Olmstead, 111 Solano Beach, began. He Onally was subdued after grappling u .S; • Ambauador ·c. Burke Elbrlc~ 0 ~A F. · s~1~a:,w~enJie-"•!_•ppro•ched ~y or~ with lhe omcers. •as kidnaped 1n ,~, and the Il -" · FeeWay-Heers Doriald W. van -Vilkenburg-and --JeQ!ljjJf Amt[ica1J dllibnlt in_lbe Inland •• • ; ' · , , Joi!nnie G. Andrade. caplla ol 'llnillla; Stepjleo Low, hat . I ~ J; 'i ·"· ; . ,.. ... , J.41 A ,J'U1Ja1on ,ll)ID'I 4UPer•te bid to ~OlJl'stead was charged with assault A t" og' -F1"ght received death"threata. . L ,.~·· , ~ " . ..l','"'Tl C';'l-· 1· j c pl~ bli :1-~..id d...,...,. from the with latent to ktll a peace officer. n l•Sm . . U.S. -lar' alllclalt in th1I lndua-' l ffy.• ho,. , J , _'"·-Slala_Ana' ll'reewl• •• ended in irl•· Dur!i>& the e•c;i!&nre ol flre with the of. trial city ol sh million have al!o received' U.-, _, ' • ncen Olmstead w11 shot In lbe ches4 0 B. ll t ~.:.:.. ' cal~ and letters threatenlilg their lives. -I • . ' ~ -" -•. .. ' "!1:· 'l'aiodi,. . Andrade was wounded In the ·root and a n a 0 ~n . . ' -I' • ·1 • ,._ , . • .: • -· ..... .._) •I K u :.. -~ hi • I of ! . • 1 • ,., 1 -~.. 1; ~ "'· .. ' ,, -.. .. -1 ;,, ar , -· tllfU s bullet £1!!ltlrated the gri I a passing , \. ; , , '... ~ T ... , _ .. • es.,. ... M ... · .. : -··-·-.:p .• -, .. , ......,.... Diane, ""'"'ktlled In heavy car. . . • . ..or•••· .. t;oul ·, rounc W1iilo•·: ar· *ii·n.o. -~' --tlit .atJ ol COlruwct. A . Sp0kesmen said Van Valkenilurg ·and. In Los AJa.iiJitos W U"f ~ ., Andrade were driving east on Interstate • ' • ' • • • I • =-:: r ..::."::.~ today "' about l ;!O a.m. when Ibey spotted Anti-smog lor<a In Loi Alamitos. wtll ' ~ • ·· ' r-....-were Qlmstead hltchblkin( Oil the httway at IRillite a drive 11lursday ·to gel NET{:"""• •Mo..; Jolin,V: ' ' w '• -by Ibo...,. .cor._ -. t!!eJ:I Camino exit. tu"'' ,_ .:1DijtJ.l•.t :-. •IL&C:nON ,'. ICilrD, ·lit-tilil;1nked bit i;ar 1od Hltchhlktng Is illegal on 1 California signaturo fo,.an lntllaUve \o ·io-on the J.lndSll1, cttPt nf oa,~ dlpTay 1ln· ,,--;., ~.I to the JllV--ofter freeway. state ballot next year. the. Democratic camp, 'woh rfflection RISUL Tl ON 1 PAOI 4 the mu, P'l opened 8 rear door and feD "[ always stop hJtchhJker1 and always Tbe proposed measure wOUld impose T•-""••, declsi~ely defeaUng the can· _. to •the. freeway. He "'' hnmediately cite' them," Van Valkenbura; later. told · ~ ty want qie war bl Viet.Dam to end."• struck ·by the. car which bid crushed hl1 severe p.uUtunent on those fOund to be dklaks of the two majoi partiei. dlulhter newsmen. contributfn& to air IJld water pollution' Lln.iDy•s victory, comin& only .five Wilh .aU -the cilJ's election ~ ,Kar•'•· will, Mii}', "'-wu rushed Andnde left the black aod white patrol within lbe ltate. . & • ffJ)Qr1in(; LiodloJ ·hid ·llJ,IOO -.. to ~' p.ilmiWttj ·~1. where Tile smog flghten started their drive mooljll alter h~ J>DllU 1 la.;tunes sank . • lill ·lnde~ 11111 Liberal P~ lhe --.for 1Jbocl. fnmtlgators several weeb ago In Seal Beach Leisure ta lbeir 10we$l •lib with • loss 10 the didate. Democnl Mllrlo 'A. ~ 11ld . Ille II today ...... cared for by 1 "00 Coun~ians World , where ' they collected I, ~·oo., Republican primary, catapulted him once was secOnd wl\h Dl,IM and RepuJhcan-. friends in the area. "' '° slgnautrea! , . ~ ,. ~· "l•ia Jnlll'national prominence as a GOP Coorervallve John J. ·Marchi•-•"" with .!1'8 ~ ~~ .~~~v.'! J!'t:lhe • 1 · ' · Heading. th!! antl-pollutton cainpa!gn Is . Jeadet'""and a hero of the naUon's liberals. ..--i:i" ...... WJ ui.-:a AQU ua TF/ • · p : JI -t Max Drtt. a • retnd · s.h--Be9c:t'I 1n 19111.tncioay wu conak!ei:ed a dark w.•. · • ter-reietved ....,_, treatmenl or PT>. Ire .. TeStut::IJ bustneasma0:0He 111d peUtlori' tablea w111 · hcinl'lor lhe prllidentlal nominttlon. His UllcbaJ, ~. -1111....... ......... ~-~ ~.;;:orldedof~ -11!'. • • · , '· . be! IOI up Ia" ol1opptnt Cartin lo pu,.r mayonilYictorywingtveblmapowerful 'from M-·-bl n{i;i,';;," ~ r-•~ -Orllllt Qimlty mldenla dlspaldled signatures-• ' , "" •)· • voice In lbe selection of' governor and than llO,oll -_,, Pr,,....lno, a Oftlcen aiid' ,., charpt will be filed. ·-...-l.90 ta1e11-to ' Pmifent • ,,,_ mannq tho fablol '1k11 t,,W sen1tor Ill New York In 1970 and In the lead the De11!6a'lllt -,... llUrpo ·"1 mldAillit Tuetday in lbe wake • surgical maaks' and stgn1. Gil 1lldr bockl · formaU• of ~idential !lat.e In 1972. tmable to overcome in the otheri~ oC bi11 M-..., Dllht nalionwkle addreu ~ to attract attentkln, Dreyer aald. ~. -· c'alnpalgtied a1ain!t the .when -111e iwar ma11e • ~ SQn Granted Retrial ·1on -..,, policy. , . Dn!l'lr-~ ~-. that Vletnom -8¥'1 (or racial harmony in lb'oal -.... ' '!'be IOtal .,... averoged ool by John • ei>ough algnaturea wt)I be ob\Oined'lo pul the cllY told campalpen in 1 vlctorY An ...._ ........ ~., the "'~ • L06 ANGELES (UPI) -Chriatlao Sttv.,,..., -Ill • ...,..., of the tile lllll·lililol -Oft lbe June 1peNI early today' tem illdk t I "' • WI l'lllJll qro 11111 ff"7dtll. It.,.. ol oclor Sterliol Hayden, Westen> Unlair;telllnPh office In Sant. p~ of lio\otmber ~ election "1'•-lliv1 dell•erecl •..m•ssaae 1o ..J Puerto Rlcm --lbe waa tctMlltd to be ~. u.-_.. ..... ..11tor..a.poll.ol..olber..Onni~ -Hot. • Albany 11111 Wahlngtln that they can no Jewlillvali lliiltlll lfl ""1iittc· CtiarJl'I ii >lolalliicaralt i...1 alter a olllces. e chatgeil um·only m--ol i<mger-'--.o1..,. and-iLil.a • llW<h1 1 ._:._ --.Y,--•1 JldlDI · latrlaLui.4edmd .. l'uadl)CJ1Ll1.S !UJLllQl_uy,w!lollhe pro,vmus(Oll_. lhe_mplt·C!ll! mull in llWI be~ mes, sagc_Oiat t the oeOo1e in New .York Cl· -•.•• zy djltrtcl_court. .ratio waa. pollullon. ~---r-· . ...,.c. .... _, ........ . ' . . • ' ., ·' 1 , I w ... a~ Thooe low clQl!ds mlibi be ror. rttl, the weatherman warna, d'- lng • chance of llbowen lonigbl .,., conttoued cool temperaturis along the ~ c-. 'l'bunday. INSJBE TODAY ' 1 Two new 1Mw -and a ne10 a tar of an ,old one -will bl on view this _wtkehd on Qranoe Coar& area st.aQca. See Thtak1 N9t11 In tqdov's tntfrtaPuntn& ~ l'ofle• n-33. • -. " ....... -· " ,..., ..,.. • =."::::. II C.......... IMt tr .... c...r II C-..C• 11: 'TA • ~--,. i .... ~,...: ;;;;,,,--. . -. :!00:.":.'""'""w 'JI ....., .,.,. a: _....., . """"" . .. .... lAIWt • ..... • ,....... . ............ . Mlft.._........ " WWM ~---M ........ .. ................ < ' Committee OKs ~ .smoke Ad Ban 1, .. ;( WASHlllOTON (UPI) -Tiit 11l11t1 c-ce CommJttte IPJllOVtd 1q111t- ,1on today to ban clJ:arette commerdall on rt1dlo and televisfon effective Jan. 11 '1971. '~ But ln 1 10-9 vote, the committee •P- p-oved a provision pushed by tobacco 'itlt! senators whlch woukl bar the t'ederal Trade Commission from re- ~uiring a bealth warning in printed ~lgarette ads. The ban would nm II montbl beyond 'the date on which broadcut c11ant11 td- vertlsing stopped -presumably J\lly l, ... , . ' ' ,,,. ~ lwl bet>) ~ lhr., ~ on the brotdcaal c«n-' mercla!O -. One would 911111• lheln either itett Sf:pt. 30 or the llrst of 1171. Tbe trouP picked Jan. L 'Night Shift' To Take Over 1,·~~bacc~ state ..... tors '"° ... a. 1~nd Hauling victory in their NU.le to. IOftep l•nguage ol a .. """1. health Wu$1 . • . cigarette packqes. By JEROMB r. COi.UNi The conurUttee 8grt~ lenlativeJy Jast Of "" o.llr Pl1'M Slltff week on a package notice saying, ~·Warn-'\\'est Newport ii about to be 1:i!lted by lng : Cigarette smoking is 'dana:ei'Dua •lo the nJ&ht hlWert. ., health." They'll 1begin carting lbtir loadl of , But tud"7 , on a motion Ill'. Sin. llow'!d aand !!I dump ·on .the beach tqnlcbl - Ji, Bf,ker (ft.T~.). the co~ml!~ unJesa rain intei'venea. Screed to insert.~ word .''~c.~uive._ . The overnl&bt .project, an exttnsion of approved a warning reading. Warning. the diyUme und haul that hu been E:a:cessive cigarette·~oklna: 11 dan1erous 11* way for two wttb wlll lut ttch 10 health 11 1lilii ' · nt k warning reads . nlg t until 2 a.m., according to Newport . The . prese . pactte ag:mo"1.... may ~ Beaah City Tidelands Administrator' . ••cauuon: c1gare ....... George Dawes. ~aurdous lo your healttl. -Dawes said today that Chadwick· 6 -r: ~ :; BuchanairIDc. ol Long Beach, contractor · li • for the II.I mflltcn job, bu '°'"Pleted 10 7T anker Sp ts percent of the wort. "Al ·the pr. .... "" they sbould bl flnJabed by mid· ln' Dectmbtr, 11 ll doem~'rlln too much :~ Ragm' g Seas·, between now and then," he said. __ 111e <1vernight hauling Js aimed at 1 • beating the heavy winter rain!. .All Aboard Safe All of the sand, silt and -say some · Wes\ Nrwport resident.I -adobe Is bttng BOSTON (•UPI) -A Liberian oil tanker broke In balr tn racin& A~antic ·aeu today. All 31 crewmen were r.eported sale on the aft aectlon of the &hip. ;. A massive rescue effort including Ill. ~Ivy destroyers wa1 mounted. ,"The Coast Guard said the 632--foot linker Keo split in two in 20-loot seu 120 ~es southeast or Nantucket JJahtabi.p, Winds wtrt 50 to 60 knots. ; Six Naxy de&troyers maneuvering in the &tea were diverted to the scene. Also dispatched were two Cl30 rocue planes, a Coast Guard helicopter and three Coul Ouard cult.en. .The reacue planes were ready to drop riif11 t0 the 1tr..-.. ll!leo;· if oeceuary. •.The tanker was en route from Ghent, Belgium to New York City Where it was due to anlva Thurtday. It carried fJMI oil. carried to the beacb from the Santa Ana River. It bu pluged up lhi rivet a.Ince last February's record stonn runoffs. U it lln't eone before Ill" next big llorm, the rtver·couJd overflow It• banb-upstream . Dawea emphasized that con&lderatlon Is .bein& given light-sleeping West Newport homeowners. "Chadwick & Buchanan will be usln& trucka only at ni&hl." he said. "'Ibey won 't use t~ hu1e earth-biullng rigs. The trucks make a Jot Jess noise. And the hauling will bt done down by the water's edge." In the daytime, the b,lgger equipment, as well as the trucks, will be making the round-trip between the river and the beach. Dawu said there may be some in- stances where the night deliveries will be ~~ .. cloae ~ hpmes. "'Ibis f!Jlght occur where~ ·NM is to be spread. But as they ...-the belch with the new sand, they'll JnO'l.t even farther away from th;I; homes." ·· . no.-..... arfeclld str•td>el Imm... the river jelly IOllll1 to about 14th Street. • ' . '·~·..:• ... ·tt,., .:. .. j Vote Winners ' at a:Glance Break Bread Together President Nixon greets Britain's Prince Philip upon latter's arrival for dinner at the \Vhlte House Tues~ day. The prince stopped off in Washington on his . way back to London alter a tour of Canada. He leaves for home Thursday • ~~oJi~~g. . Quell.MIT , • \ J • rea~l\(arcli: I ' hu~;R::;!:M:;.::") ~ ~·; COll)panled by ~.!Cl dop, brb\e'llP •. clamorous antiwar demonstntlon today · at a reseatcll labo:rator:Y ot ~tarsach-usttls JiislifLite of TiChnOiojy. The police1 JOme equipped with -tear gas guns and all wearifla: riot helmets, swept back a picbt line formed by $00 chanting c1em ... 1ra1on from an ullialeft group ~ ti the November AcUon Ci>mmiUee. . . The protesters, demanding an end to the Vietnam war aild MIT's involvement in defense-~te4 re..-ch. sought •to prevent workeis 1rom. emeria1 an MIT IJ11trumen11tloli-Laborolories building 1 ... blocki ll'Olll \j1t collep campuJ. Seven peqpm, i.rlcludl.ng at least .t:Ro newsmen, were, hurt, an MIT spokesman said. Most or the injuries seemed m~; the spokesman added. Cambridit· police spokesmen nkl seven deqionslrltoil were takP,t . trito cu study, bOt 'offlcers"rdrBmod lrom· nlai<: ing mass! arrests. their _,pdm1ry hfb- jective waa to clear the pickets awa:r.~. . The ollletn -from Ctmbrtd&•. Boston, Somerville, the MetrOP,O~ District Commflalon and the Stile Police • -wheeled ocltit the sthtl wba'I 'th<! ptckell wm mmllln&> from ... .n.i Senate Committee Delays Hearings On Vietnam War . : dlrtcUOltS. \ Study Of. Yo· uth Problems.: · d~:."t:n~~ ~~,;::,:iuh! " clasi!eJ . . 'llley 1.0l""•i!dlll~ . broiieh.U ilstd thdr cnips. . · WASl!JNGTON CUP!) -The Senate Fonicn Relations Committee decided to- day to_ put off again a planned series of publl.: hearings on the Vietnam War in order to ·avoid the poulbWty of inflaming "the public mind." Chalrman J. William Fulbright (0. Ark.),-W1'o had said Tuesday he would reschedule "educational hearings" on Vietnam that had been postponed pending President Nixon's Monday speech on the war, said the committee (elt pub Uc hear· ings at this time might "contribute to the inflammation of the publlc mind." "The committee didn 't want to do anything at this stage that might be in- terpreted as antagonistic" he sald. ··we want to be rupoMible and careful ." He also said that when the hearings are set up -he dld oot say when they would 1tart -the initial sessions would not be open t..1 the public. Fulbright said Secretary or State William P. Rogers·and Defense Secretary Melvin -ft. bird· ·wtiuld ·ti." invited" to testify in e1ecutlve session -rather than in ar. open meeting. He ~ ~P!• hearings milht be oche<luled;Alterthtl. • 'I! t .,, I '• t . ' ; In Valley Takes 1st S~p ·AJJC's· eat . School because of the alleged drug silua· · ~ To less :Hit By TERRY COVILLE 'A twr>-man committee to lay the groundwork for comprehensive study of youth problems in Fountain Valley was appointed by the city council Tuesday night. A1ayor Edward Just first called for im· mediate launching or the fact·findihg study itself, but lost 3·2 as the city's three freshmen councilmen balked at establlshln& a large committee be.fore having time to th.ink about jt. Just was -joined by Vice Mayor John Harper. Eugene VanDask, leader of the city's SJ1ccessful recall, and Doug Meyers, wtiose wife is a Fountain Valley Schopl District trustee, were appointed as the two-man committee by Jwit. 1 Their job is to study the mayor's pro- posals for a laraer committee and determine how the 'f:lty caft.'best· Jearn the facts about juvenile'de'llFlquency, drilg use and other )'i>Uth problems in the city. 1 The Mayor's propo$a\ waa prompted by rece"t newspaper stories about a Foun- tain Valley couple taking their two daughters out o,f Fountain Valley Hi&h lion there. "This is one or several Situations I've heard about in the school," exclaimed Just, "and 1 think it's about time we found out what the facts are here." Just was not satisfied with a police re- ply that Fountain Valley was no worse than other citles. "How bad are other cities, 1 don't know?" said the mayor. He then outlined his proposal for a massive fact..findi.nC study. SACRAMENT (UPI) -Attorney Melvin Belli ar1Ued before the state supreme court Tuelday that the state deparbnent of AJcoholic Beverage Con- trol has no authority to ban topleu waitresses. Belli. Teprelfrrtln& the Off Broadwa1 night club In San Francisco, said the fr.ff speech and expression claUses of lhe first ametKll'nent of the Constitution protect toplessneu. He said ABC was "actin& as an arbitrary social censor" in tl!Aatenlnt t!> revoke the llquor license of-· Oft Broadway, which features top 1e11 waltresse1. "We need a lar"ge committee to iilciude a chairman, a vice chairman, a man ap- nolnted by each councilman, an appointee from each school district, one from each high school student · body, at last one high school drOp out under 211 .•II at. · · ~ , ' 1 . torney, doctor, pollce ::_e!!lttr, ·minister,.. T .::_ ~ : · .l .::.,c-_._ • · and club re:presentaUves,' be e:a:plalncd. J..AJIDp<>C .tU"eft ''Walt, it's not that simple/' interjected Councilman Rori She~an. "We've go\ "U!t ~ • QuU 10'0 ~ who WI pt! lM. llft<l'I .. .Ill V \ e . QuJQnhs ti dot eff!Oldk:y.'·~1 -·11 ! ., ) ~ · 'J',·. . 1 'I.We're not aski~g them to aolve the PASADENA (UPI) _A rollln& earth· ~roblem," countered Just, 11merely to quake rocked parts of Sou~ California f1~ ~t wflat the problem is~:· shortly before 10 a.m. tOd:ajr, the Jt s still not lh1t easy; conUnued Selariiolog!Cal Institute at the Clllfomti. Shenkman, who refused to jump lm· Institute of TtchnololY reported · • -. · , . ,. mediately into such a study. d of the Lorn • •·•t tho S I D• ~ Councilman Bernle Svslstad then sug. Res! entl PoC: area 'tJI ea e 1srupts 100 Negroes Occupy gelled th• I-man committee lo prepare temblor •1 1,~ a.m .... slow roll which <? method for auch a study-. &htnkman. lasted a J.ull minute . An olfic~, at 81_THE ASSOCIATED PREIS ---if>---,,.m.,.-.. .,..,-,sorniM' "e•ot>"' ~ w nnerifri TUiidiy11' ml)or etecuons around Uie nation : Tuf D · S svalstad and George Scott, flrst·defeated Vandenberg ~B. said I,~ wu. .the --ehfc:irg· o-!£-rial, lS OrIDilory . ite Harper's motion to ltunch the entire strongest one Ive ever fell. -. study, then the council unanimously Selsmologiat sajd the txact mqnltude 1.IEDFORD, 1.lw. (AP) -About 100 ~f!l"eed to the two-man committee of of the quake wu not yet known. • t • I • • • ! I ! • f f ~ I ' ! • ; t • Governorships New Jersey: WUllfm T. Cahill, Republicm. VtraWa: Linwood Holton, illpubllcan~ .. Mayon · New York: 1.fayor John V. Undsay won a setood term as a Libera).. Independent candidate alter 1o&ln& the Republican primary. Clevtlaad: Democratic Mayor Car1 B. Stokes narrowly won a ·aeconc1 term. . .• Detroit: County Sheriff Roman Gribbs won a nonpartisan election. Pittsbarglri: Peter F. Flaherty, an independent Democrat. Hartford: Republican Ann Uccello re-elected. Buffalo: Democratic lhcumbent Frank A. Sedita. New Haven: Bartholqmew F. Guida, Democrat Referenda Proposals lo lower the voUn& age t.o 11 in New Jersey .ind 19 in Ohio failed by substanUal margins. New Jersey voters approved overwhelmingly a state lottery and a '271 million bond to fight water pollution. North Carolina voters okayed an add!· Uonal one percent sales tax for local purpoees. . Kft1tucky voeen rejected a constitutional amendment provldin1 for an-· nua1. ihltead of biennial, leglslaUve &e1Sions. In New York State, a conserv• Uon ''bill of ri&bt.s" 'appeand headed for approval,. DAI L' 1'110 1 ............ ....... , ...... --_,,., --C'IT0"'1A OltMGI C'Otlt ~·lltftllfO COtflU'iaff"f "MM N. '«••• ,,....,. .. '*Lits Jed .. c.1.., v.,_,.,..... ... .....,.__., n.-r.!-11 111 ...... A. .... ,....r .. _, ... . -....,.,.c...~,.&'t.::.... ~=--~·-Ji= From Page I LINDSAY •.. or th<i total vote, v.·u well out of the raa, wtnntnc Mly In hit hornt borou&h of Staten Island. Abraham O. Bttme. the Democrat defeated by 1Jnd11y In the t• mayoral election, won back his old job of con. trollet. Sanford D. Garelik, a re11lltered DernoCrat who ran with Undaay, waa elected president ol the City Oounctl . Undaa)'~s triumph was the rtault of Detnocralic failures coupled with the mayor's adroit fenct·mendlna: campalfn. 1'la handsome, artl<:ulate m«Yor raced about tile ell)', ualng the pnatJce and gllJDOr of Ms olflt< to aisue11 the 1 .. 1. mca of dllfinnt dlulfecl«I rrouJl'· • B d Witness young Negroes, many carrying. clubs, oc-v nDuk nd M er a gers cupied a donnltory under conslniclion al ~!I c:ow!11in,en ~~ lhal no one cur· f .., CHICAGO (UPI) -Black Panther Tufd ll Unlvenlty tuday lo press their renUy know• the !tell about juvenUe pro. 'Where Is J ef re.y' cmands !or more minority group blems ln Fountain Valley, but IO!lle re- leader Bobby Seale brought tbe trial of workers on the job. · ed kepU I "·l I"·-· -LOS ANGELES (UPI) _ ,,.,t..-1&&.....· the "Chicago Ei..t.tt• to a·standstill again mam 5 ca ..... a c 1oUCB1 ......... nu~1-oe" The demonstrators set up a barricade mittee Could dllCOvet the facts. sought superior court act.Ion today \hat today when be asked a whncss, ''liave at the building 's m•itl entrance and took VanDuk and Meyers both admitted Jt would force Mrs. Betty Fouquet, already you e\'er killed 8 Black Panther!" up tv\Citlons at secondary entrances a a big'tas' and that the people with ch~ ... with ab•""""'•• her •~·• .. Id I' Was Selle's latest move in his stub-,...... "'' s fl, .._... _.......,141,. .,..,,_ around the facility. There wss no the best knowledle about lt were the da ttr, to reveal the wierelboutl ot born insistence to act as his own attorney violence. y<1ungete:r11 themselves. her missing son, Jeffrey, I. et the trial-of l'limstlf arid aeven other -=============='=""========;=======;;:i;:='=======;; men on· charges of Conspiring lo indte ti" riots during the 1961 Dcmocra:U~ N1tl<1nal convention. Seale asked the question of a pro- secution witness and-then four limes refused the order of U.S. District Judge JuJIU1 J. Hoffman to sit down. Finally, Hoilman adjourned the morning session of the trl.11. Hoffman had Seale bound and gagged last week when he shooled and wrestled with deputy marshals in demanding that he suve u _b1J_<1wn a.ttorney. Four marshals stood re1dy to srab Seale again today, but Hoilman ordtred no !llch action. · ' s,tale moved in when cros1~aminaUon Jiigan of 8111 H. Ray. a deputy sllerUf fN>m Sin Mateo, Calti. Ray ' t11\1fled tuesdii.y he saw Seale board a P.larit In San Francisco for Chicago on Aug. 27, 1968. . . William Kun&Utr, the chief defense at· torney. aald he C<>Uld not crou-exsmlne Ray because he was not Se~e·a attorney. Seale then st!pped to tht J.a~ui-' lecttrn and asked Rly the ·<tue&tloh, "Rava you ever killed a Black. Panther?" As Hoffmari repeattdly <lrdered Seale t9 sit down,.,Scale turned to the judge and said. "Why can't you see that I have a r1,e:ht to question this witness?" Scale followed the same pattern Tues- day, saying onct, "May thC" record show that l'm a black man 'too and I'm being railr0aded." Pll,LS WORKED; MOM HAS QVADS ATLANTA (UPI) -A »-r•r-old wol!llll who hid been lllttni fertlilt1 plllt betauM • she w1nted. arfolh« chlld p .. oenled her husband with quadruplet.I l0d1y. The f..,r ldlntl<tl bt\'1, borr>· to-Mrs. K,...lh.Jltl1't :Mi&!!td fl<m cne tnd 1 hllf to thrte pOUndsl n1'-we-re-ntM wtek• premature. Doctors said lha tmallest was 1lvlnj iem concern.- • PORA 1.IMITID TIMI ONl.YI Oft WIC sm OF TOWL.• aTIRL.INO H•r• I• a ,.,.. Oppot'\ullft:y to own tfl• TO'IM Stllrtfnt S.Mce you hl'¥'l •twt;I •nttd.. Subst.enttal ~,,.. on Mrvlch for'-a. or t..t.t PllP't ovtr tht ii°"' pi.c. Mttlrw or op.n ltodl pnca, CONVENIENT , Tf.RMS, • IANKAMERICARD • Stvt up to S28.00 on fovr 4-•lect piece tettlnp .. • la•• u, to $72.00 on tl1hl ~tee piece •ettlnp • Sin 11JttllOl.OOetw11n.t.pl .. pl8CtMa&nP MASTER CHAR&.£;~. --- •• • f .. . -~ , I i I • 1 l ' I , I I I I •• . • N.Y. Steek.$ yoL 62, NO. 26S, s SECTIONS, 71> PAGES ' • ORA~E COUNTY, <:;ALIFOitNIA WEDNESDAY, N09EMBER 5, 19,9 • TEN CENTS ' ' Edison By JUalARD P. NALL Of lfJe o.llY Plltt Stiff CARLSBAD -San Onofre Nuck!ar Generlun, St~tion ·lot a c:lean bUl1 of fieallh from two state agencies Tuesday. inte p:>wer plant which neighbors anotber type Power ceuter -President Nixon's White House WC;Sf. in San Clemenle -lhus far has the blessiJW of both the State Department of PiJblic l{~lth and State Department of Fish and Game. ' ' .. pf=-= r!': .=-:~a;:f~ a f(lb U<I gll)le marine blologbl """'1 he .got (0 ccmparative Hgures :on n5h kill dt•inll plant~ c:hom. . '"" ~ ... San Onol.-, plan! -ill 45,GOI JdJowaU ~lly ii Onouib efec- trlejly for hall \\itllloa periom .-'!BS slocflocf lly the San Dief(o Begfonal Wal<r Qualify Contn>I Beard o1 city ilall Wre. ' Repoi;ts -were given oo both plant discharp into the ob. al radiological ' -.. ' '. • • ·Platit materials and effects on 8el life. Alter detaiUng types of biota (Hora and fauna) collected and analyzed for radio-- activity, Amasa C. "Comish, senior health physicist for the State" Department of PubUc Heallh, sald the San Ooofre plant· has not. caused any increase in radioloc· ical miterials that can be detected. 1 P.. F. KreUt, board member, mentioned a Stanford prolessor quoted ~ntly as saying be dldn't.thinlt il.il sale to ljye wltN.o 150 miles of a nuclear power plant, l,larhor Supported . ~ But Beach Mayor Asks Dissolution BY TOM BARLEY of ... Dtllr .. , ... '''" The Orange County Board of Super- visors, after a lengthy .tiearlng of pros abd coru, late today voted 4 lo I to-re- lain ,the Orange County Harbor District. Supervisor David Baker cast the dis- 5enUng ballot: Boa.rd action came after lhe super- visors beaid len&thy testimony both for and against the much debated district. In three weeks, supervisors ruled, they would consider a name change for the district and pOss.ible expansion of the district's role. Prior to the vote, supervisor:s heard testimony calling for retention ~f lhe district and a plea from the Huntington Beach mayor to call for a vote or the people on lhe issue. Nixon's Policy 011 War Backed By 77 Percent PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) -sev .. ty- seven percent of the ~le. who llstened to President Nixon'•· Vietnam pOlicy speech M!Ddar approvod 'ef tt, the OlllUp Poll says. •,.:; " ::. Critic-ized ·• Ill Report • • • . ' . ~ . !hat u,ey ~bt undier.-_ .. Comish COOCldpd that. &btre are dlf· • ference.1 ol, ·~ about prdldmlly .to nuclu,r plants. "I go. along with Pml· dent Nlxoo. I wciuldn'l mind living wllhin a milt or baU-mlle of a· nudear power plant" • ... • When in his San Clemente h6me, Presi- dent Nixon l,s three or four miles from the San Onofre nuclear reactor. Cornilb ,.;d he thouiht the Stanlord proteaor ~ overly e1e11ed. ''Tbere are ' many 41y-to;!ay hazards !hat r -Ider dilcharl• or lhe lemperalures mlgflt more hazardous," ~ ·cause some changes and we would hope if Char let Turner:senkw marlnt Biologllt 'there are chJnges we would be coosuJted for the State Department of Fish and · Game, detailed conUnulng ~tucUet1 and and a monitoring program set up," he monitoring of the plant'11 e~t -d from ltBld. sediment seooping to scuba diving. . The plant haa a 3,200-fool pipe line Info He said biota in the area remains the sea I.hat sucks in water lo use In cool- diversilied and said the plant'• coolant · ing. A 2,6CM).foot pipe d.ischargea tha'- water does not appear to have bad.a,iy . water toward \}le ocean s u r f a c e • adverse effect.an marine lift. • Discharged water is elg~ degrees "Any increasa 1!1 lhe arnoont of ISO. ONOFRE, P11e &) -* * * ·LA County Power Plant Draws Blast Criticism of expandin& 1 t e a m 1eneraUng plan!! sud! u the 5oulltern California Edilon Company laclllty In Hunt,tngton Beach reached new intensity ·Tuesday in Los Angeles CountJ over anothe'r one now under construction. Air Pollution Control Officer Louis J. Fuller warned that unless the third unit or the Scattergood plant al Playa de! Rey 'is abandoned, he will attempt legislation to forbid its future operaUon . The SM mUlion plant is being added by the city's Department of Water and Power and lhe impending court clash promises to be an historic battle between two public agencies a'hd their interests. l<'uller said he will ask the Los Angeles Board of Supervisora to adopt what would be Rule &7, 1ellll)1 the levd ol llnOl-pro. duclng nitro~~n oxtd~s. '!be rule 511~ealed WCl\lld 11Jo prohibit con~n of any new l~ power indullrlu, DO mllitn-- ' 'ii&Uil'af pa Oi'1oii s1ilpliir'coii' leol oil. • d--.--<ll01"1 ....--.... Ol\lrilhllY ~ to Nixoa's program and 17 perc!nt were undecided, the poll repofted. -~The-study was-conducteil-Monday night . Immediately after the ipeech. To test first reactions lo the President's plan to end the Vietnan war, lhe OaUup organizatlorl put a series of questions to 501 adults living in 286 localities in a na- li onwide telephone survey. ' Fuller abQ ufd JI rule Q Is adopted by .......i..n·i.-ww -Uy reluae-to--isSUe ·Pemuts ·1or the steam generating Choose a Baroness senioi:s (from left) Nancy Weidenhammer, Pari Rangel, Debbie Nelson, Joy Jon~s aDd Linda Nelson form 1969 homecoming court at Fountain Valley High School. One wiJJ be'crowned homecorrung queen , Nov.. 14 when Barons meet new crosstown rivals, the Edison High Chargers, on gridiron. About 7 in 10 persons heard the speech, and among this group. interviewers reported a large percent.age as impressed and reassured by Nixon's remarks. A sizable minority said they were disappointed that the President had not come up wilh new ideas to end lhe war. Almost haU of thole interviewed thought Nixon's policies would probably bring an end to the war. Twenty.five percent said the policies would probabl y fail and 26 percent said they were un· decidetl. At a ratio of 6-tcrl those interviewed said they felt public demonstrations against the war hurt this country's peact· efforts. Stock /llarhets NEW YORK (AP)-The stoc k market continued to edge upward in moderate trading this afternoon, with gains main· tainlng a better than ~issue lead over losses. (See quotations, Pages 28-29). I • ';~ • DAIL., Pll.CIT ...................... P.=~~N ·CASEY. KIEPS IN S,HAP.E · . . _ , ' H1 'StO;s Yau, :Brethor -Smile . • • ~ < -' "I .; I ' '"Yes Sir! · Offi~er~· Seal Beaf1k Pll;trolmW.. Big Guy . By· RUDI NIEDZIELSKI . Of ,,.. IMllr .......... Wbeti Seal Beach palr'obltari Pat Casiy pulls you over to the aide•af the"road and writes out a cltation you are likely to smile and say "Yea sir, offlcet!" whether you committed an c;>.f{ense or'flOt. Just ·one look at his OX·llke shoulders, and hii bulging biceps are convincing enough' that yOu are on the wrong side. .. -· , "Although J hadn't done. any serious po)Ver llft1n& since 1967 when 1 set three wo<l4roconll .of'a117-pound bench•p\oas, IOOopound squat and a toJal of z;o315, I ma:na'ged to lilt faifly 3"11 lince .. l had trained for ooly two mosUIY before the police oJyrTipics,11 Said Cuty. • "During lhla perjod\I fncreased·Jll1,body w~hl lrom ,250 to ., pounds,. iilowing that ~.added paundage would, .ltit;:rease my s!rengtJi, When l lill<d In ltl8'1, I weighed 340 pcunds,'' plant so It cannot be operated even when bulft The _Los Angeles· Department of Water and Power, however, bas spent '3 million already on lhe Scattergood III unit, with another fl7 mlllloo ln contract& awarded, and .retu.ed to haft. · Authorities for th e. city agency also aay the newest unit will have a new type of boiler lhat will emit rar less smog-mak:· Jng compounds. Vast volumes or electricity produceJ would also allow cutbaclts of 17 older-type steam generating plants jn the county, resulting in a net amog reduction of perhaps 20 percent, they add. No ma.Uer what the Department· of Water and Power contends, Fuller and his deputy, Robert M. Bar1ky -along with the chalnnan of a state agency - are adamantly opposed to Scattergood DI continuing. . Barsky said the APCD w!U ·try to ob- tafn· an injunction to forbid the steam gelMlrating plant from operating . if the power districl goes ahead with It. And Albert Pearlson, cbaiunan of lh1 air quality committee of the . Stalt Envjronmen\al • Quality Study council said he will seek an Injunction too. 100 Negroes Occupy Tufts Dor1nitory Site ,,. .. . S-tudy of Youth Problems Cast)'·haa been a policeman for only 18 montha. He also Is a weightlifter -a world champion. ·He can bench preU about 811 J>OUl'lds and loft a durnbell weighfnc %20 -pounds with one arm and • make it look easy. He can rip up telephone books with his bar< hands, squat lift 800 pounds. run !or five miles wtthout stepping and cnulh all lhe bones in your right hand )'lib 1111 lmn Entered la the "Superheavyweight CJaai,",Cuey wUy lifted-a 5311 pound bench p-. a llO pound squal and a '40 ~ deadlilt, to !he ainaUmem of ·other·-pelitors. '"rm·sure 11 1 bad ~ pu>hed, l could haVe done~550-7(0.875 f.Or a 1,925 pound total." be ·says, without really sounding Pearlaon's p!ea would be for the. atatf attorpey gen,ral to issue an injuncti.Of against .ar'IY further construct1oq on th1 plant before supervisors decide 01 Fuller's request. Orange County Su~ underline( their displeasure Oct 21 with a simila1 proposed expansion of the Huntingtot Beach steam plant operated by Southcru California Edison COrilpany. MEDFORD, f\fass. (AP) -About 100 young Negroes, many carrying cl4bl, •CIC· cupied a dormitory under conslruct}on at Tufts University today to press their demands for more minorfty group · wurken on the job. · - • , Oraage .-Wefltlter Those low clouds might be for real, the wealhermjln warns, ell· ing a chance of showers tonight and continued cooJ temperatures along lhe ·Orange Coast Thursday. INs·mE TODA. y Two new shows -and a ntto 1tor of at1 old 011e -wilt bt on vitw tlli.t weeke11d on Orange Coast area tniges. See Theater Notes tn today1s entertainment stcUon, Pages 32·33. ...i1111 ,, ww1n 11-n Cit!""''-11 MlllNI '"' ti c-C.Mltt Jil N111 .... HllWI M c..,tt,... SU• 0r...,. CwntY n Ctmlc1 n l'TA '" c,..,..,,. Jt s, ...... hrtU 21 """ ""'k" u s-t• :tl·tl ........ , •• ,..,. ' Dr. '"""'""'. • •~flrflilfl"*'ll .D4J It.di ~ 2l•H ,INllCI 3'11 "'T.irth!911 SI ,..'91<_ • T1tttltf1 il·Jt """ ........., ,. w...,.., • ; In Valley ·J1akes 1st Step . ' gri~' who stands & feet tall, weijhs 280 pOundl and h..-biceps wllh a %!.,,.,,, circumference, is just about the moat feartome cop you'Ve ever seen. bOutfuf. / ' Now that the comPetiUon baa been'put away for' a year, Casey ia tryine to get hi• welllbt down to a men acceptable level. "]'m trying to get back down so Iha( l!'H pt back Into my unllonn." be The board voted 4 to 1 to ask tht California Public Utilities COmmission tc prohibit constructk>n of any more· fosalJ. fuel plants in the stale as 1 means 1C curb air pollution. . By TERRY COVILLE ' Of .. .ptllr """ ,,.., ... ' A two-man committee · m lay the groundwott for comprebeMive atudy of yoyth ~ in' Foontaill Valley fu appoln~ by lhe clly council Tlil!llal' nl&l!L M'ayw EdWard Just first called for 1m-+ mediate f1unchln1 of Iha facl·llndlng stPdy it8elf, but lost 3-2 as the city's three ·rremmen councitmen balked at establishing a large committee before having Ume to lhlnk about it. Just was joined by Vice Mayor John Harper. Eugene VanDask, leader of the tity's successful · recall, an<l Doug Meyers, whose ·wife is a Fountain Valley ~hool District trustee, were appointed as the two-man tommittee by Just. Their job is to. study the mayor's pro- J)osals tor a Jarger committee and determine how \!te; city can beR learn the. facts about juvenile delinquenc)r, drug use end otMr youth problems in the city. Son Granted Re~rial . -. ;tie Mayor's proposal was prompted by He's a supennan. He .doUa 't p t hia recent newspaper stories about a Foun-entlfO from krypton, . but ~olurnlnoua lain Valley couple taking their two qdanUUes of stelb, eggs · and milk be datJ,lhters out ol Fountain Valley High coewww11ea every day. School beca ... of the alleged cfru& 1ilua-Fortuoatel)', !or laeb<ukel'I and law· Uon Ulere. abidlng citbens, he la a nice sµy. He '"Mli1 iJ ·o6e of RVera1 1ltuaU0111 I've doan't throw bis weight animd: heal'd' about in the IChool," exCtalmed 1n September;he came out of retire- Jult, "and I think Jj'a about time we ment from his wf:lghtllfting c8rtei at 'the found out what the facts are here.'' prodding or Police· Cliief Lee Cise and Just was not satisfied with a police re-1ome of Ills fellow officers, who sug- ply that Fountain VaDey was no worse gtSted lhat he might ef'lter the 1annual than other cities. Police Olympics al South Lake Tahoe. J "How bad are other cities, I don't He threw hls weight around then ahd know?" Wd,the rpayor. trounced 47 entranll in tht power lift lauaJled. • -• • . Before becoming a •pOllceman, Caaey operated hil own hellflh· club In Norwalk ud oow MePI hlo prage and .bac:Qanl sluffed wllh 18,000 W<ll'tl> of exotic , (fief om~ Pip I) • • • sacramento legislators have called fOI a stepped-up program of nuclear powe1 plant development to provide both ad& qUate electricity for public needs ancl clean air, within a decade. * * .* ' Alamitos Starts Drive . . . He lhea 'outlined his propoul for a conte!t, •htch cOnsi.!ll of a bench prel8, massive f,!lCt~finding study . squat aod.deadllrt. A gold medal wu his F A t • I • t • t • .~~~~~:a1:r~:=~~~ato~~,~~ prize. ~.r n .i-smog ni Ill ive nolnted by each councilman, an appolnlee • ~ 1 ,,. M • • from each ochool di1trict, one from each Harbor District sm-.. AnU·s.:.... lo-· In • -A· 1.·m1tos. ~t;I ..... ___ an. He said peUtion t.blta will high school student b&ty, at least one . ...,.. ,...,.. J.Alll .,.. .... ...,.... .. high !Choo! drop ·oul under 21 , an a~ p . Vall C -"'T lnjt!Jlt• a drive Tbunday to get ::;oi..:...~ in lhopplng centan Iii .plher lOrney, doctor, police offw. minister, 38Se8 ey . ~\;U ilgnalu(ft for an lnltfa!h" ,to go ... ~ -- and club representaUves,"Mexplalntd. · • , • · ' state blllot next. year. 'nlose manning the tables wiD wtll' "Wall, fl'• nol lhal 1Jmpfe," lnlerject<d A leiolullon l\Aklnr lhe Or-CoonlJ Tlie propoled meuure Would lmpooe 1Urglcal maalu and slgnl cm lhelr 1ilcks councllman Ron Shenkman. "We'n got Board of Supervilon to allow Ille ~ "''" punlll>onenl on ~ l"'fnd to .be to allracl aU.nlloo, llrey<r said. to know who can llnd the anNers. to decide the fate of the ooantr Harbor contrlbutloC" to air anQwaltr pollullon Dreyer expceaed · w61eDce that Qulcknw ls nol efficiency." D!ttrfcl was unanimously ~ Tllolcfly, wllhln !he ...... "\ . eDOUflh olpatures w!U be oblatned to put "We'rt: not. asklnt lhtm to aolve the night by tbe J'ountaln 'Valley Cltf c,i.m.. The smas flshtera stac1H l>elr chive the anU~ meuure ~ the J• problem," countered J l&lt, "iner,ty to ell. • ·· • 1 several weeks ago ln Seari1 Beach tAbare primal')' • November &enenl eleetloa tind out what tht"prtb1em is." Fountain Valley along wllti f!uV!iot&on' World tfhere &hey coUectd I ,tt• twillot.· · •' M ... 1 ' Glt!ffi •W1tfJ1 • n H~f'--t-1,.....,.....s.md~•--..,.._,.._._ ... Mll .. 1111 1J W""""'I Nf'tll'I 17.tl LOS ANOEL!S (UPI) -Christian Hayden. 11, aon of actor Sterling Hayden, wae ltehduled to be-retried Nov. 12 on _char1oul Ylolll!<Lclr.•fLl~in..af.1«_. mlstr1•1 wu declared Tuesd.11y in U.S. di1trict court. ·~l'!..!lilL..ll<!L.lh•l euy, • conllnue4 Beach, has bttil t.:aallional)t ~ lo-1lgna11tru. , - - . Re charaed that only mau mppart'al Shenkman, who iiliiid !0Tum'j)lin:-111e iloorD!1mcillnd fihllloolb . ifl~ll'J)<)ll(ltlOJna111P•IJprll e· peoptrcan-.. 1U1Hn-lowrlloamtaclm<ll!m~--< I t ·, . • mediately into such a atudy. . UM4ccea!ully k'*I, to withdraw from it. . 'tu Drtyer: a· retlrc;.1 Seat Be:clt pollution. ' ' • • • Wtd.....,,.il,,.. ~ 19'9 i • ----~!!tF-~.·:~ ~~--,__,..,._· --:<i~ Long-defayed ;f?oijce, ~~s ! - Rezoning ,0K'd A -•.~. 4elaj>ed !or livt montlla aNr !llaiu\in1 commi11lon •P-provo~ ·hu· been ·ir1nte<1 by tbe Hun-tln&ton BU<h ·etty Councll. . '!'lie ~ CorporaUoa wu &i,.n •P- -al to llulld oportmenta ao 14 ..,.. ol P<GPOrtY ogut11• ol Wotntr Avenue ond '""' ol Edwards SttotL Orllll!ally !be re..ne requost was held up becBUJe of ob)ectkms of three bomeownera (r'OUPI in the are1. Tbe dtve1-'a priaented • plan show- in& Illa\ .!be bul1,dlpc dtn&llY would be ltss than single family home develop- ment. · Councilman Jerry Matney, who had op. pOSed the. cttanae. &aid he wu satisfied and that tbe homeowners groups bad ap- proved the dev1lopmenL Macco Corporliion has also ·been given approval for development of 11 acres on Warner Avenue, east of Edwards Street. The dev.eloper accepted a proposal of tbe plainPn1 i;om~ion lhat part, of the property be built to muJUr,l• •perlments a~ the remalnd~r to.dup ~iea. Beach Boys Club Starts Sale of U.S. Flag Kits -. . Membera or the HunUngton Blach Boys' Club tod•Y. Jaunehl<I a llllort, ln-tensi•'e drive to .en American n11 lclt1 to West On.op County residents in lime for Tuesday's obstrvance of Veterans D~. 'Ill< kit, priced •t 13.95, include• • l by ..ioo1 Amerlcon· Oq, • I-loot, i-piece NII, halyord and metol mounUng br•cket with screws. The entire kit is packued in a heavy cardbo8'rd carton wbicb can be uaed for storagt between Senate Comniittee · Delays Hearings On Vietnam War uaes of the flag. A. a booua !or buyen who support the Boys' Club aalea: drive for Vet.ram Day. the club will include a 12 by ta.Inch California state .flac al no addltionaJ:cost. Flag kits can be oiodered by m'ail, liy phone or in person . 1be club's headquarters are at 319 Yorktown St. Huntington Be a c b . Telephone number i, 5!6-9415. 'M!e proceeds fi'om the 1ale wnt be used lo support Boy's Club progiams in the Huntington Valley area. ,... * * * Veterans Day Events Planned WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tbe senate In U~tington -Forel&n RelaUons Committee dteldtd to-. _ . ___ _ ~•Y to put off 1111D a planned serlet of Plans for observance of Vetfrans Day publi.: hearlnp on U.e Vietnam War ig: Jn Huntmaton Beach Sunday at tht Hun· On!er lo ovoid !be. pombWty ol inflOming tlqton ll<a<:h Hl&h School audltotitim "the public mind." have been completed. Oiairman J. William Fulbright (0-Co-chafnnen of the It a.m. even~ a~ Art.}, who had saJd Tueaday he would Vice Mayor George McCracken and Hun· reschedule "educational hearin11" on tin(ton Beach Le~on Post Commander Vletnom that bod lietn postponed pending Hal Wirtz. . Prtaldent Nixon's Monday apeeeh on the Wirtz: Tuelday was presented a pre>· war, said the committee ftlt public hee.r-clamaUon by Mayor Jack Green ur;lng tnp at tht1 Ume rrdlht·0 contributt·to the rt11$1.,ita to attend the one·hour aervjces inflammauon ol the !"'bile mind." SH"411Y.,, , " · , 0 '1'11e •ce»nmitlee dldn1t'\Yant.. to do 'P.!TnPhllisi i ·lhe ~fogr&mf\Will 1te b'ii'th~ 1 anything at tht1 atace that might be in. youn1 men who have fought in VJetnam, terpreted u antagonlatJc" he u.Jd. "We ·commanoer Wlrtf 111a. want to be responsible anct'careful." Mayotl1 Donald Babbltz of the U.S. Ht a11o said that wf"'ll lllO htarl!'P.... Marine Corpa, El Toro Air SlaU'!'}tnd 1et •P ~-lluU!I llOUIYJ!l!m !hof !lllllld_~_A_Doiiakl' Shipl'l/.i.irJU'l.$e atart -the lrUUal ltllionl would' nCJ$ be · a:peaken at the' Sunday ceremdnlel.I 1: . Medall will be awarded to mothers ol. meri' who dJed' in recent military service, Wlr1: ssld. · open M the public. Fulbrla:ht saJd Secretary of State William P. Rogers and Defense Secretary Melvin, II. ~~d . \'PU1d .Ile .. ~vlted-·to teatily bi eucsiuvo _..._ ratbor th,ln In t.r. open ~ ' . Ht uld' open . beuiqJ mili)l be --thaL· ._, ; . : .. ,-t . Narrow Park Plan Studied A slender, two-acre park south of Ellis Avenue and behind a proposed apartment campier on BNIOkhunt Stmt, 11 the lone Item for con•lderatlon of the Fountain Valley Parks and RecrtaUon Commlsalon at B tonl1hl. The park, proposed by Architect-Leroy Rose, ii planned In conjunctldn · irrttll Rose's apartment complex. Parks COM• mlsaioner1 have been asked to adVist tht plcnnin& commission on the value of the park. Planners have already turned down the apartme~ because of nearby resid~, b\it i~cated a p a r k separating the apartments from the homes ml&ht solve the problem. DAILY PILOI ll:aMrf N, Wetl f1"11ftnl W P'Hllllltf 'Jeck II:. Ct.1rley Vitt Pr•l*AI afld "-"'trtl M~ttr lhe111•• 1e,,.,u ...... lheNh ·A. M11r,h;111 ,,.,.....11, fetttr . . . . ' . ' . .. ~ ., .... ' . ·p!Jrfi:. Project lteport · Set for }leach Council HunUngtQn Beach tecreatlon and pa.rks cotnmissJOne.n wlll hear sCatus re)>Orls on' sevef.al P.8fk building projects at 7:30 tonight bl city council chambers. , Among the parks to be discussed arc the future fluntinaton Cent ral Park, Eadtr Park )nd •ieveral .ne~borhood , • park sites. · ~ .,. .. , ............ .. • ·:'1 . --' ~ Quell M,IT .' • • • • ' -41\· • ,· • Peaeei\fareliI • JI ... ' ; . CAMBJIIDGE, ,;;.... i~i>I •-' Three! hundred police officera:; ... some~ ,~ comP'anied by police dogs, broke ~p clamorous antiwar demonsU'&Uon ' · .. .. ' at a rt.search Jabo r..atory Ma,..cb...U.S lnaU\uf" ol TecbliolOl)I. r Tho pouc:e. llOl!lt .equIPl'"4 ,with 1':"i gas guns ahd all wearing riot btfmeb:{ S\fept back a picket line formed by 51)6; chnntin1 demonstrators fl'Qm an ultraleft~ grwp known as the November Actioni Committee. • ~ The protest.el'.!/ demanding an end ' t~ the Vietnam war and MlT'1 inv.olv~ent{ l in . dtfenst-rtllted research, sou;ttt· t((-1 prevtot Worken from eotertng ab ~ Irtstrmneatatlon Laboratories bttlldi~ two blocks from the colle1e campus.' ·~ Sev,en persons, including at le.st .twol new1men, were hurt, an MIT spokuman.t said. Mon ol the injuries see.mid. minor~ the spokesman addetl. . ; Break Bread Togeth:er Cambridge police spokesmen 21alct; seven demonstrators were laked into• custody, but olflcers refrained Jriim·~ftl ing: mass arrtst1. Their _P.rima~ oa·; jedlve wu to clear tlli pi~keli aYh'J. . l The officers -from ·cam6fi:dle,'i Booton,. Somerville, .the MetroiN!lllin Diltrlct Commission ,nd the ·Stole Poll<l>l -wheeled onto the street wbete the'~ pickets "ere marching from sever•! l directions. ~ President Nixon greets Britain's Prince Philip upon · Jatter'g arrlval for dinrier at the \Vhite House Tues· day. The prince stopped off in \Va sbington on his way back to LOndoa atttr a tour of Canada. He leaves for home Thursdayo · Frot1a Page 1 ONOFRE ... warmer when !t joins ibe H4 again. The intake pipe must be cleaned abbut every five weeks to prevent a sort '"of mechanical hairlenlnl of the arterieS. The pipe would be cloged witb m-Is and other aea rorms. Thia· ia done by reveratnc the process and heatlnc water in.the_ intake·to about 100 degrees to klli llft form1. Turner cOngratuJated the San .Onofre operation on only killlnc about 85 pounds of flahln1 durlilg Jts pipe cleanln1. He conttuted th1-to the Huntin1ton Beach steam generating plant which he said killl from 10,000 to 12,000 paunds of fish when 1t heat treats the pipe.a: every five weeks:. The ~ fish are picked up .on a travelin1 !5Cl'ten and weighed. Turner 1ald officiala of SOutbem CalUomia &.~~uri ComP.l~Y are ·"'ncer~ about t ln"l!!!l!"fj) 'i!~ fi~;~.~;¥l-F . · g on we~pr'o'lilem. _ .. ·' . . . QtlesUontd t6d01, Orlllldo J. Orte&•. assOCiiteefilef mecfiai\rc&l enjlneer ·ror F.d.l&on1 aa.ld, "We .. dort!t want to tUI a_ny flslt"' 116 sold i Jilmp i•-belnl ~d -!U.1t-'Wliliolear fiaI\, lrohl fi-bitWl plpe1 before they are\beat lttoted. · FAilOn Company -which recelvta 80 percent of the Sen Onofre power in a joint venture with San Diego Gas & Elec. tric --~gal! ~ moni~orin.g oper~tlOfl ttf -the •ri• \In· 1113 lonf. belore' !lit' plant ma~e el~~ci(v. . .. : , _ ;. Ortega s11d t6ts W¥ to estabhsh "a ba9e line for comparison Qt' ~ne lK'e ~~ other llata before and after ~lion. ~he n1tel!ar -reactor: first .,"Jfeni f'IUC.1" to product power in JUiy 1M7. - Edison has kept a control station and elaborate monitoring •system for several years and now wants to be relieved of the n1onlloring chore. It was pointed OU~ that the ,ieares.t kelp bed !:O th~ ~ "4s the "'Bam Kelp'' bed six miles l.o tbt joiuh: . -• Dwyer Students Oppose Hiring of Angela Davis ~ . ~ Valley Planner~: i Slate Hearings Fout public hearings top the list of _ items to be faced by Fountain Valley_ Planning Commluioners at their ? : 30 meeting, tonl1ht. ' Twenty-five students at D w Y. e. r Intermediate School in Huntington Beach have joined in. the controversy over the hiring of admitted communist Angela Davl.s to teach at UCLA. In a letter to the DAILY PILOT, the Jiludenls stale: "We feel that it Is unjmtlfied for Angela Davis to teach her philosophy at UCLA or any other college or university. The reason for this la why shoukl we be over in Vietnam fighting against com- mi.lnism yet having it taught in our universitles and s'chool1. "We· also strongly believe that It Is wrong for Alfgela Davis to use our right!: In' ilhe' COnstltGlll>•· be<:a .... opperaly sbe~4oest!'t btl!evtJnjt. · "We, 11 a ~P Of el1hth graders at Dwyer Interm .. late ~hool feel that , , , ,I •I ' •· I • .' 1. Frol1~ 'fage 1 OFFICER ... muscle.building "equipment. One of the devices, used to bu,lld back muscles is boldly emblazoned with the warning, "Gorilla Rack -For Apes On- ly." Casty 's son Mike. 2, and his wife Carol share his enthusJasrn in k~pinl .fit and \11ork out with hlm on occasion . "I've got Mike chlMing himself with my help and he runs with me now and then. He can run a quarter·mile around the track." His wife, a thin and aprltely creature, also trains with weights and can perfonn seeming.I)' fantastic feats of strength, i;uch as a 500 pound squat lift. "Nobody btlltves it, but ,.,,omen ac- tually have more o( a potential for strength in the hips and lees," says racialism ls no excuse for ett~na her job back." The letter ls signed by 15 1irts and IO boy a. 'Where Is Jeffrey?' Public healngs acheduled are: - -A request by Marilyn Hoej.ltner for commercial zonln& oft the !IOuthea•t ((If· ntr of Maplla Street and Hell Avenue. -A requ11t by Phil's .Mexican Food reslaurant to serve beer. ~ -An Ocean View School District re- quest for construction of an elementary school near M11noUa Street and Heil Avenue. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -AutbortUes soua:ht superior court action today that would force Mrs. Betty Fouquet, already chara:ed with abandon.1111 her 5-y!:aNld dau1hter, to nveal the wh1re1bouta of her mistina: ~.Jeffrey, I. -An Oka Brothers request to build •~.~ proiemonol office buildln& •nd a nuraery1 .. on the north side of Talbert Avenue west ~·, of Bushard Street. , V.i>te.Winner.s:aaGlanee_ :~ ' "" . ~ ."c 'Jlr;'.TJIE. AlllOCIA1SD.J'Ulll · H111 .,. iome cl !ht w1-t In Tutoday'1 m'ojor tlectiaa. oround U!e naUon: . . 1 · v• · Governorships • .,. Niw Jersey: WiWom T. Cahill, Republican. Vlrllala: Linwood Holton, Jlepubllcan, Mayors New York: Mayor John V. Linduy won a second tmn 11 a LlberaJ. lodopendont candidate ofter loain& the Republlcin primory. aevelud: Democratic Mayor Carl B. Stokes narrowly won a lf!Cond term. · Detroit: County Sheriff Roman Gribbll won a nonpartlaen election. PIU.barp: Peter F. Floherly, on indape1'feat Democrat. lhrtlord': lltpubll~· Ann· Uccello re-electar. Batfalo: Democratlc lncwnbent Frank A. Sedita. ~ew Bava: Bartholomew F. Guida, Democrat. Referenda ~ ~ ,. ... Proposol1 to lower t_. votinf qe to ti In New Jer..Y •nd II In Ohio ·failed by 11:1b1tanUal mar1hu. . L New Jeraey voter~ approved overwhelmingly a state lottery and a $271 mllllon bond to flaht water pollution. North CaroUna votera ok1yed an addi· Uonal ooe percent ales tax for local purposes. • ~ · Kentucky voters rejected a. contUtuUonat amendment provldini far an-· :1 nual, instead of biennial, JectaJaUve 1t11lona:. In New York State, a conaerva· lion ''bfil of right&" appeared headed for approvil. Casey. ~'======~~==~==~~=========;\·' l'OR A LIMIT•D TIM• ONLVI °" WIC sm OF TOWL8 aT•RLINO - . . .. ·' , ,. -. • . A1herl ·W. ••••• .-..iKltM ltlMf "' -, • · I OAIL-(.P,n.01 S'9fl Ptl.M CITY' ATTORNEY GETS NEW LEGAL AIDE Dtputy City Atty_. Nina Wal1h, 8011 Bonf• " .............. omc. 109 5111 '$"••• Mai1;111 A4411n: P.O. I•• 7t0, •Z6"41 -Of-............. ••t(ll, ~J1 I 11/HI ••M t awtt¥W4 cesi• Mtui »I w_..1 ••~ l!ttet L"-~II: JU fwftl Artrllt Woma11Now Hm1tingto11's . New Deputy C~~y ~tto1:ney. ~ . . . Appointment of a ntw deputy. city at· f.orney Was ann~.111Ced TUUday bf H~ tbfltOri Bach City Attorney Don Bonfa. Mrs. Walsh i.11 a gradu~te of UC Berkeley. Her husblind. Edv.·ard 1 ~also an at· torney. Is ~mployed by the State ol Callfornia. : • , The appoiatmenl of Mrs'. \Vabh brln&• the i;lty atlorney'11 stiff to lour. Other• liat1 Is • fll"I oppo1t14nrty te· twn ,the TeMt lttf1h'11 StNkt you hive •""11: -.rttld. ~ ..,..... on &trvieff for 41 I. or twillfllt people over tM lll'llte pltCI Httin1 or 0'*1 ltod: prkt;. CONVENIENT '· J.C. TERMS Pll"lntl of the lrlda. Now.Ith tiFM to ctnY Oft VMt wol'ldlrf'UI 0111 1Mltlon of IMl'll 'YfNf dtUIMtt a Mt of sttrtlna for l'ltr "9ddiftl, Many ~ TOW pdtma: to .._, ...... 23 YEARS SAME LOCATION ' .. .. • Nllllltd to the post Is Mrs. Nlo• Walsh; bf TuJt in. 'Before Joining tbe clt7 lfall ahi wu enaaied in private la"w practice •oeclallzln& In -km~n·a comJ>O:!l"Uon la -~ "· . She ha11 aTIO been,an eltment t1ry school -teac r an rtl~IJ>lled· lirthrRC111 ire Lu Ann Marshall. asststanl city at· , BAN••MIRICARO \Orncy, and Charles Liberto. deputy. i~ tqt;~~~~;!n~~4~1t1~nw~:1c11~;l~~ ---MASTER-CHAR6·..._ __ _ J!umphriu ' J1wif.rJ 1123-NEWPORT BOULEVARD ---<C"'0"StA--MES PHONE -----..49 .3401--.Al· Start.progr~m in Fullerton. \'lo!atlons, 89nfa saJd. ' • I J • . . . -, r· .. ··. ""'• .·' ' ll•a y :! -' . ' ' NEW YORK'S LIN.DSAY : PORTRAIT OF A WINNElt. In the Fun City, H•vlng • Party lan'tC verythint Bug-horn Baby Beach Tot to Collec t $100 By EVELYN SHERWOOD 01 ,... Otllly P'lMt .,.,, For ·months, the people at Volkswagen have had this little advertising gimmick about giving $100 to the first baby born in ()?Je of their cars. No one coold claim th"e prize until Tu~day, when little Tricia Majors of HunU~ Beech came along. 'fr:lcia, 6 pounds, lO ounces, made her lirsl.dfm~ ror Ille llrtze:U lbe mitered ~~ia V<iksWagen jo the Hoag' Memarial Hospital parking lot in Newport Beach at I :30 a.m. . And today spokesmen at the1<:hlck -Iverson dealers!Up Jn Newport 1vowed i&he'd get a $100 savings bond. "It was quite an experience," said Richard L. Majors, Tricia's dad. "We were at home expecUng the baby tnd Urning the labor pains," explained the pharmacist," when, all of a sudden, they came c105e together." The family doctor advised by phone that the couple meet him at the hospital. "So lmy wife went out to the Volkswagen and J took off driving in 1the fog, going as fast as 1 could. "As we turned into the parking lot my \Vife gave a moan and ·1 heard the baby cry." · As h1ajors puUed up to a slop, hospital personnel ran out to lbe front seat of the bug and diapenoed .Onie caJmlng ·eili.. Tricia..was-comlartable in ber--motber'1 arms:-- Botb mom and babe are doing fine, hospital spokesmen said. -Trieia-ancH.il's. 'Majors will go home today to join Shannon Majors, 17 months, and dad at the family home, 9531 Lan<ltall Drive. What about the offer of SUKI? "Oh, I had heard about it, but I didn't think anything about it," dad said today. "We certainly weren't planning on It." 1 SA Trustees to Fight Two-thirds Bond Ruling sa;nt.• Ana :school trustees Tuesday declared two bond proposals totaling $.1.1 million had not been defeated but approved by voters. A majority of voters voted in favor of the bonds Oct. 14 and under the one· man, one-vote doctrine that is all that matters, trustees reasoned. The State Constitution requires two-- thirds voter approval on school bond tssUes and the Santa Ana proposal.11 re· ceived only S5 percent and 59 percent apProval. · BUt the school board wants to take thi~ eonsUtuUonal requirement to court. A taxpayers group in Sutter county,· northern C<llifornia, has an action head· ing toward the State Supreme Court. West Virginia, Idaho and Utah have suits on the same issue which appear beaded to the U.S. Supreme Court. All the challenges are based on the one·man, one.vote doctrine expounded 'by the· U.S. Supreme Court in ruling state legislature representation must be based on population. Man ·Found ain . . ~~ --- 11{ Ransacked'' Home X. iitsL step was taken Tuesday night w~ they asked the County Board of SUJ!erviaors to proceed with sale of the bonds. Four trustee.II voled for that HARBOR CITY {UPI) - A man who acUon, one against. , was fQ:llncl rrwrdered in his ransacked Thus the Santa Ana Unified District apartment Tuesday had apparently been joined a list of others attacking the re-dead for two or three days before fellow :t · ndsay • ~oor-es-Stnnni~. '.\Vr(I ~ ·"*!~Y:~r,'s ·-V-1e-tory "~lirsonal .Triumph F. ·~"~::;;;;;:''~. ~Black ' Panther ! • • ' Seate ·Again · · Disrupts Trial CHICAGO (UPI) '-· Black Pmther leader Bobby Seale brought the trial of the "Chicago EighL" to a stancbtlll again today when he asked a wi~. ~8"e you ever ,killed' a ·slack B.apthert" ' ll was Selle's latest mave in his stllb- bom insistence to acfas li1s own°att.orney at the trial of hlmseU and seven ~r men on charges ol conspiring to incile riots during the 1961 Democratic National convenUon. , ' lead llW ~Uc' •ll)dld•to .... ' .. uilable tO 09iicome In Ille -borouglw where lhe ft1lYOl' made I IW])rlslngty •Iron( ll!owlng. "" e,orly .breakdown of tbe VGllq pal- tom..lpdlcated Llndoaf !!tpl Nqro ml -1\!Un-. wlllle llPllUlill the Jewilh vote ·-evooly wjLh frocac. clno. Marohl, with Uttle ..., II .,....1 of ~ total vote, wu well·aat:of the race. winning only· In his home boroqh • ol Staten him!. ·. ' • -. . ' -' ·.. I • .. n.itP ' ......... Iii '11 rHllm.t ''" .,.. ·-· tltltl ltil-.... ...u·· .• . . Abraham D. Beame, the Domoerat del .. Ltil .by tlp<laay.to the 19!0 mayor«! el~, _, back his aid job ol con· Lrnl!er. Sai1fon! D. ·G.,.!ik, a rq1a1enc1· .Jfor.'• adroit r~m<ixllnl campilgn.· Democra~ who ran with Llnduy, wis Tha1handtome, articulate ~ raced elected pi'al<lenl ol tbe City CoonclL · abooL tbe city,, using 1the prestige aod Llndlay'g 1llumph WH lhlr reou]I of , gjamot' ol hJa. olflce to ,a-e the fee}. Democratic fallureo coupled ' wilh lbe : lnp ol'dlflerenlillsalle<teil groilps., • • • l :~igarette Ad B·a·n OK'd Fullerton Man, ~ I . • Da ughter Killed ... ' ' . . . ' •• ' • J •• ' • • • • j '! B.ut Not 'Hea lth-w arni~g WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senate Commerce CommiUee: apPnived le&lsla- tion today to bat1 cigarette commer(iats on radio and television effective Jan. t, 1971. But in a 10.9. vote, the committee i.p- proved a provision pushed by tohi~ state senators which would bar the }~edl!ral Trade Commission from re- qulnng a health warnlni in printed ci'garette ads. · · · The:ban would run 19 montha beyobd the date on which broadcast cigarette' ad· verti1ing stopped -presumably July 'J, 197J. . In&' Ci(at<tte fllD<)klng ii dange-to health." . '1, ........ , But today, on ~motion by Stf\ l!<>Ward H. Baker (R-TeM.)", the cpmmittee agreed to Insert the word, '!ucesslve." Jt approved a wal;ling reiAfJni: .''WarniJli : Excessive cigafeh smoklq is dancerous to. health." • The present package warning reads: "Caution: cigarette amoking may be hazardous to your health." The committee had ~ considering three opttonl on the bh>a'dcalt com- merclal1 issue. Ohe would ouUaw them either next Sept. 30. Qr .the first of 1171. The group·plcl<ecl Jan. I. . 0 !1 . ~A F~eew~~ ' . ' ' A .. Fullerton man'1 4.esperate bid to oluak bis :I-year-old lll\ughLer from \be bUsy Santa Ana Fro.way ended In lrfi· ed~ ~ay. ' . BoLh William J. Korli, 36, and hla , . dau,abter; Diane. were killed in he•VJ. tralfic .near the· City of Commerce'.. A Calilornia Highway pi.trolman today said that father and daughter were struck by the same c;ar. Karll, 'be-Aid, ..Jnk~ his . car and leaped to the Pivemen( seCmds lfttt the Utue girl opened a rear door and fell to the rreeway. He was immediately struck by Ille car'whlcb bad crulbeil bil daughter. Scale asked lhe question of a p~ secutlon witness and then four times refused the order of U.S. District Judge Julius J. Hollman to sit down. Fin11ly, Hoffman adjourned the morning .session Tobacco Ila.le aenatcn also won .a 11).9 of the trial. victory in their . battle to softeti the i Korli'a. ·wife, 1,{ary Anne, was , ~ to Downey Community Hoapjtal, wljen! W wu treated for shbck. Jnvestigator1 .aid she is today beln& cared '!or by Hoffman had Seale bound and gagged language of a revised healLh warning on Lompoc . Area_ . last week when he shouted and wrestled cigarette package!. . with deputy marshals in demanding that The committee agreed t~ntatlvely last H' b Q k he serve· as his own attorney. week on 1:.package notlce 'say'ing, "W~· It y ua ·e Four maTshals "'Stood ready to grab Seale again today, but Hoffman ordemi F K G' PASADENA (UPl) -A: rolling earth· no such action . . airview . ids el friends· in· the area. " The .J)!l.trolman said the ' driver of the. car. whlCh rtruc.k the iather and· daU,b- ter recelyed emergency treatment for minor bead injuries, 11t1ffered when hll head struck the "'indshield of bis car. Officers aaid no charges wiJJ, be filed. q\jake rocked parta of Southern CaUfomia Seale moved in when cross-examination shortly before 10 a.m. Loday. Lhe 3 Th f N "7 ooo· began or Bill H. Ray , a deputy sheriff Loot Front Halloween SeismolomcaJ lnstiLule ·.L Lh• CaUfornia. ' e ts et .. , from San Mateo, Calif. Ray testified 11• Tuesday he saw Seale. board a plane In SLud,.ts· ol Newpoll Harbor High. Institute of Teehnology reported. In Less Than l ' Hour San Francisco for Chica10 on Aua:. 27, School's J>rosreu{ve . .Educallon Club ~ Realdenta ol· lhre ·'LomPoC area felt the. , . • ~ 1968: • day donated IO pounds of ff.al!oween can-temblor at l :N a.m. ••ii 1knt' roll ~ch LOS ANGELES <ilP'll _nu:~·~ Willlam Kuniller, the chief defense at-dy to youngster• at FalrV:iew State lasted a full minute. An offklal-at· r~berlea. netting more than fl.000,-wera torney, said he could mt cross-examine Hospital In Colla Mesa. -·. _Vaodenberg AFB said Jt wu_ "lhe. conurtilted Tuesda~, thin less, than. an Ray tiRBuse he-wanrot-~lt't attorney.-The-'HalknreerFnlltrt-lciot"was~ct1nected -"""' Tw~lt"tlte bettevecl Seale then stepped to the tawyers' lectern from H'arbor wp itudeptl Jly Pai Hu~ strongest one I've ever feit." -~~Id Wt by the -.i-;,c trianJ doo and asked Ray Lhe question, "HIV• you bit cbalrmln of ' !he proJtd ,Miko Selamolopt laid the exact magnJLUllo •<!itt>ed lj1 ru. li'Le Iii oM dtesied ln 1 ever_1tllled_a_Black~ant.br '" -; ~Ru~~~k~•r'._and~~-Leo~·~-l'~~oPO-~:::;;!:!:::::' ;:::;::::_ol~Lh~e~q~u~~~·~u~n~o:i_t y~e:_t~know~~n:_. _.__-::-::!b~lil!' ""~~au~11.-::_ _ _::.::::_ ____ _ M. Hoffman ~teeny ordered Seale 1· , . · to sit down, Seale turned to the judge and .11aid, "Why can't yol.f see that I have a right to question this witness?" Seale followed the aame patl.el'1l Tuu- day, saying once, "May the record ihow that I'm a black man too and I'm beinl railroaded." Tanker Spl;its In Raging · seas; . All Aboard Safe BOOTON (UPI) -A Liberian oil tanker broke in half in raging Atlantic seas today. All 36 crewmen were reported safe on the aft aecUon of the ship. A massive rescue effort including abi: Navy destroyers was rilOWJtecl. The coast Guard said the 632-root tanker Keo split in two in 2Q.foot seas 120 mlles southeast of Nantucket Ught.llhlp, Wl,;o~ were 50 to 60 .knots. Six Naxy dutroyers maneuvering in the area were diverted to lhe acene. AllO dispatched were iwo C130 rescue planes, a c.oast Guard helicopter and three coast Guard cutters. The rescue planes were ready to drop rafts to the stranded aeamen, if : I I , Mtw AM·'M r.cl!Wr i. 1111•diaf wtlll G•n1n1• Aol:oionotlc :w,.. •. /Cl....oet '*'"°"' ~-.d I 1r ~•Ill •lolMol ((Ill-L1n1;1r ~tklr •1'1-, linm. • • · M·lt "ft ................ :.. .. : e ... ~ 9fftll1'11 .: .••.•••..••••.•• ,111 ......... . ~~lt:.' ............... ,. ....... . . sAYlt $74'271 $4 ' 9· I .• 5 f 1.s6u1t0(9.A"IMIM ,LA.Cll '11,1 OILIO . W.til.'.HUT .,IAltl l fY.STlllU. • ... #I.II ... .,,. .... ,, ....... ,, . • AWTOMAT1C TUltMTAI LW ' #,LUI ITl .. O CAITllJ~ WITM IMUlll 01AMOICD IT';l'LUI' M1tl 11:11. 11t4.ftl -··'····1·:············ • .,. ""' .... tl.JJ ·+ -••• , ..•.. : .... 1111.11 l/llttf 111711 ............ l lJ. In ... ~ ................ , ..... .... ..... 1389~~ ' S.(YE . S30.GO NOW OH NEW; SONY 2301 Solld.St1t1 Sf•r••· . quirement of two "yes" votes for every , employes ~overed the body. one "no" vote. -· : · Oe~ivea =ne An~~ ... '· ID Loi Anteles· countx four school dis-. WIS either. blu . t to death bi-•4'jd trldl are preparing J ,jolnL sull'qain>L • of bullot WOWM!IJ·bi Ille head. An lll!ufet the clerk or Lhe Los Alll'!ea 'llOlltd ol ... sdiedllled ... ~ tbe't>ilo{cil t·a!•er·~ ~ ~ ~ ~nt. Belgi)IDl lo New_.,YIJ'~_ City where it w11 due to arrite';1Jiuiaaay. It carried fuel ' Com,.ct T 1pe Sys!'"" ~-Ttrii1 l1 "-·fli• l'fl••• wll. .;..., 1 tr•· ty ...,. ... , •• ,.,..~ ... ..,.. ..... S\"• ...... c~ ... •·tr••• ... ," -11>111/t- .SA VE . Sl0.00 NOW O.N ~ SONY 2301 ' OLD . - PRICE ....... '229"° r I I l: Sui>enllsors to force salt of. thl bonds. · ileaLh. • :• '• - Li Hr ti 1•rm1 ~ .... a.i.1. oil.·' • • ( 1 • 1.~ ,.;..., .... Ki.rt '"' .......... •••••• .,. • .-..... klltol• St...· c...-1~1 ~ ... .,,.,.1 ... ,_,.. '"'lJ~ • hr 1 ,.._ tn.r, •r ,...t,etl• ,,...... '(.._:,.tr•~ T~. ~, .. ~,~-liMh.4~-~ .. ~ I I "I: ' . I ··CBJ " ' ,, . ' T • t l.... • • • • ·-y--- ~wee · • GOP Victories in NJ, Virginia Triu~phs for Nirorl , ' ' Millionaire playboy 0 ""' t •., ' S.d!1, whose th!tyear rpaptlage lo French sex star·l<Jtltto 'Banjot ended . tn divorce in,)6"1enUW: ls engaged to a s~ pboto1raph- er's model, his Oflici in Munich an- nounced. Sachs ·cel~~rated his en- gagement to Mlrl•:~.'soii"wlth a weekend party at 1il~les!ate•ih' the upper Bavartan to~._ of'. 06erau- dorf. The office didn't ·say Jw h.'e n they will marry. · · ' ' • An education oUicer and h i 1 -~ .,-V,f1',..,._N WON''I' TAKE CRIDIT ' ' Pra1ldont Nixon • By Ualled PftN lll*uu.al running u lnd<pendent liberal candld•I• "'!lie Democrall won the ooly .,,.. RepubUc111.1gabbedthe10vernorahlp1 alter belt>g denied renomlnatloo it> tho 11f0111«>a1 teat up for gabJ,.-A. . ol New Jeney and V1rs1n1a from Ibo Res':tb~t~~ raceo drew . /!"" " etJ>OC!ed delealinc ~111., Democnll in Tuelday'a eleelionl, and i:nocl aUenUoo, and stve lle)MlbUc•n EUl'lie Boyle In ]iew Jeney itD a '*"" · proclaimed • triumph for Prealdent Nix· leaderl, a raUyin( point belUnd the Viet-thll wu cl-lhl!l .anUclpolef. . on u '1olll a polltlcter and a Vlelnam lW)I pollclel. N\100· -1aled In h\' . The tW. tlato vlclorlet 11v1 the GOP policy mater. ~bl'<lldcut tothellll!on. Tiley""• ·n to 18 margin o..-the ~II In WUllanl T. Cahill, a 17-year-old ""°" so wd the Hollol>Cahlll wino §hewed the governonbip1 and left Ibo Democrala gmaman, lld-1he GOP off.year ourae force of Nllon~ campalp power. with only Tuu amona the nallon'1 lllOlt with a r~ dtlaat o1 Dtmoct.Uc Nlaon hlmlelf dilcounlad hil role u an j>opulout atal<I. Hollon'• victory ailo fonnu Gov. Robert B. '4eyner who wu eltcllon swlnaer timlugh hil cam)>liln )Miii Re)Mlbllcanl In govemonhlp1 o! leylna lo re1um lo the New J-1:: .'apjlNrances for Ciliill ancl·HOltOiii NYlna: •-of the II oncf.aoU<lt' DemocraUc ataleboule. Cahill J)OUed 1G pmeaj it the "1.cloo't Wee credU.'I '. . . DIIie llalel. vote. ilut ht notid' lhal Me)'l1tl' bad ' made · Tbeae vlclorjes al., went for lo olllet In Vlrlloll, Linwood Holton, ll, Vlolnam "an up and down lml<," and llie damqe llilfered by the GOP In los- delealad Democrat WIUlmn C. BaU11 to said · Cahill'•, euy .. vi~ '!'\14· ,"very_· .1111-111ree coocr<lllonll .e.11 In 1pecjal gain election u the ftrlt Republican reaasurm,:• . · . . elecUonl earlier this year. governor of that atate t1nce recon1truc~ Republican NaUonal Chairman Rogers In New Jersey Tuesday, Republican lion days. c . B. Morton aal~ In a alatemeill .lliai· · Jmle made a surprlllngly ~ tbow-· The victorin cave the Republicans a Cahlll's victory in particular added up to ii'!& qalnat·Democr:ti Roe for a vacant lot.I of , 3Z ol tbe ·60 1overnonb.lpt -j•a hearty endorstm.ent 'ol'Presia.ent Nlx-~.:lDemocraUc aeat in the.~,~ final hl~bl•lnc~ 1920 1· 0 __ -'---~ .. __ 1 .. 1 on's tireless search for peace in Viet,. count showed Roe wilb a marlin of about .•H f city eet1.N110, w1~e .r-nam ''· . ' 1.000 votes but faced .lfiLb~a -reoouDt -in tensk>ns, law ~ order and the V'litnam Pr°edletable, this was prom p t l y &Orne precl.nctl, war were maJOr luues, the results Wirf: . disputed by -I.be DtmocraUc natidnal New Jeney voters njected a Jiopoaal mi.led. A black mayor, Carl stokt1 al. chalrriiin, sfn. -Fred R. Harris of to 1lve the vote ; to JS.year-olds .. Qhlo Clevela~. wu ~. and another Oklahoma, who said he doubted Morton turned down a propou.1 to eltend the Negro, Richar~ H. ~ustin, ran a ~lose se-i'eally "thinkS thit." Biit Hairil said NiJ:-vote to 19-year-olds. cond to Sheriff ROman S. Grtbl, for on'a appearanca In Vlrglnia and New In Cleveland Stokes won another close mayor f! Detrott. : Jersey,. coupled with his electfon eve contest u he ·had two years ago by at-- And m New York, Mayor Johil V. speech. "probably pilyed some part" in tractint;: enoulh while votes -about 20 Undsay U tlpeclad WOO • ~ !!10, the GOP triumphs. ---pen:ent=to·go-.Iong wlth-bi1·-IOO- ln the cllles, Deihocrall turned out In-pen:ent bactlnf from the· Negro ·com· wife have been freed from prlson alter an appeal court found t h e couple b8d suffered "'frOm 0 mid· 6ummer madness.'' Gwynne,Thom- i11 and his wife of Gorseinon, Eng- land had been sentenced to nJ n e months i.n;lprls.Qnment for ~rring liOme $-1~600 worth of hotel, ~lothe~. 8"d automobile rental •bills-I a s I swnrner. "Mrs. Thomas was .in a bad state of health ana Mr. 'l!'f"'"· as was also in a f-9r from hewth.Y condition," \h~.cotirt decided. They both appeared.t6;Ja sufferinJ from a case of mld~et ,madness." '1-.;•· ... ·;' . ,• ~eports .on Rep~ing Abra·ms, Lodge Denied cumbent .Republic~ ~dnllni!trationl in n:iunlty. Hil Republican opponent wu Louisville, Ky.; and'Syracuae, N.Y. -County Auditor ,Ralph J. Perk. ..... _ NEW JERSEY VICTOR Ropubllcan Cahllt Yeung Oklahoma Nat>JJ riitrvift recefVf!d the Purple Heart in Special cerimonies at the Stillwater Nava l Reservt Center. John Shingleton., 22, Teceivcd tlu~ honor for injuries sus- taintd in a North, Korean prisun aft· ,; being captured on the USS Pueblo. -Ca.pt. V.-S.~RadUnaki pr111cnttd.-t htt award to the current rophomore at O.kWioma State Univerlitu. • Students tn the Bedford School District in Michigan had a one-day layoff because a y9uth who was not allowed to ride ichOOI buses pulled strings to see thit <>!>bbdy.' else 'did elll>•r. The 11Jli4eiitilied • sludent kept off sciJool .b¥.se• for dt1clpll- naey reasons , puned: the wtre1 on ail 19 buses In .the 6,20().student distrtcl All cla&s~s Yf~re cancelled. ... The National Accelerator La- bbratory near. 8atbvia, Jti·.; Ma rented six buffalo to roam.. .on g1as1 near where Scienti&U wiU study the atom.. Official! 1 a id the big bea..tl! were cheaper than lownmoweri. ,... • In Second Mesa. Ariz .. VI o I a Lemahaftewa, candidate for chair- man of the Hopi tribe, 11ays he can bridie the generation gap because "I consider myself , to be some- where between the older generation and the youth of today." Lomahaf· tewa is 72. WASHINGTON (UPI\ -The WblU. House and PenlalOO today deilled reports that Cen. Crelghtoq w: ~ama might be ttplated aoon u rV.S. mllltary com- mander.in Vletnam.1 "There has been M ...,ch rteom· mendation made to the pte&ldent af\d the President js not considering taking such action," said Ronald L. Ziegler, White House press secretary. "Completely untrue:• said Defense Department 1poktlnlan ,Jerry W. Friedheim . The statemtnl8 regarded re~rts by Elite Saigon Troops Trapped, Mauled by-Red~ '~.ulibN-<uen -An )tmO:sonlh Vld- namese ranger unit walked into a trap and wi! severely mauled by North Viet- namese troops in a test of the abillty or Vietnamese forces to carry on the war, reliable mUitan aources reyort.ecl today. Tbe aD<1111 liatUe wu fou(hl oeai' Ibo DQc La~ Special Foi<et Camp 1lO miles . northeut of Sfl&OIJ and only a few· hun- dred yardl from ~ Cambodian border. American force• provided air and artilie!'Y IUpporl but Ibo fiablinl WU car• rled ~l by the V>~tnamese.. , . It came u Vtce·Presklent Nguyen Cao ~y -~ the readiness .of tht..:.Viet- namese to fight the Communist.!. He told newsmen in the reaort town of Dalal .the S&con army · wOWd replace all American combat trooP1 in Vietnam by \lit eod of 1970, treein1 100,000 to 150,00Q. Gia ~ 10 home. A South Vietnamese apot:esman llld the government forces • u ff ere d "moderate" losses and killed IO North Vietnamese, part of the force of 1,000 reported poolng a new threat aJona Ibo Ctmbodian border. · · ,Mll\latY aoureea aald South VieU\am.,. UsualUea totaled 21 killed; 38 wounded and mOre thari eo missing, most· of them part of the original two companies of about 200 Ir1en who were ambushed. Later, Vietnamese reinforcements were flown to the actne by htlicopW. -' • CBS that Abramt would ht IUCCtadeci by Gen. F. J. Cbesarkek, now commander of the Army MaU.riel Command I n Wublngton. At the same um., the White H-ailo denied a report by CBS that Henry Ca~bOt l.odge, President Nixon's chill ntcOtiltor at the Vietnam peace talks ln -Pai'b, planned to return to private llfe loon .... .Reporta alao have circulated abroad ihat Lodge, who served two atlntl aa am· baa.udor to South Vietnam, wii ex~d to resign. The nporU came following Nil:OD.'1 ad. dress to the natioo on Vietnam in which he said the on1y progress in Paris to date hid bffn on the shape of the barltalning table. · However, the Presictent made clear in brief remarks In his office Tuesday. that he plaMtd to continue on the "dip10mluc· track" as oni means of Htldng peace. Ju foe Abrama..lbonJw.beoo periodlc talk In Washington clrclts lo the elfect lhat the' general bad lhrealanod to rulan if the President dee.Jared a unilaten.l cease fire in Vietnam-or accelented the rate of troop withdrawal -neither of which he did In his spe¢cll. Pope's Painting Thefts Denied , . . VATICAN CITY (AP)--The VaUcon today deoled a report that three polnt11111 had been stolen from Pope Paul'• •part.. ' . lllent. ..., "We can cate1ortcaUy deny·the rtporll o! a theft of PtintlnP su~ lo have tueo place 1n the poo1111·~ llf&lime!>I," Ill• Valleao cominuqjque ,lild:. ' Th• IlaUan Newa 'AltnCY bad nported thnt three palnllnp yalued ot more than IU mlllton bad -llolan from Ibo papal oparlmtot lo the Vallcao Apoolollc Palace. The news agency Mid Utt paiptings were cut from their frimea .• t.Uen away some lime betwffn the J'Qlddle of July and u,. middle of l!ei>ttmbar, while the pope was at hi.s swnmer residence In Castel Gandolfo, 18 miles outside Rome. Rainy Weather Ill Offing Rai1J:Ct?ats May Be N_eeded A.long Coast Tonight Sears OIA:MOND Pri~ Effective Beginning T\)day! • \ . ' . 1 &. Solitain ft ..... 11'80 lll99 BUY SEARS DIAMONDS WITH CONFIDENCE Becn1e dla-t wiigbta are 1eldom identical. approximate carat weigh.bl .,.. ahft'li.. Sean aives you• C.rat Weitht Certificate which 11tate1 the UJ!cl ~ ~to oae-hondNdlb of a caret. of enry Tndilioa center diamond el 11#1 cant or more. LIFETIME TRADE.IN Sean al.lo._. yon fall ca!h price paid (exelaf,. of taxes and carrying chara:e) on any Tn.dition diamond ring. pia,..,.. rinp in trade for·a higher priced diamond al any Lime. Miii'1 Dit•••d RiQC i.o.e1, ~ Ditmona .......... 1112 P....W:.t --~ ISO PeniiWtt a.s. M t19 -...... II• .. w..t.. •tU " "' A .. .,. •tot o.trt W .4 l~J 141 i Seart o((en 1evenl credit plans for your con~nienee. Jewelrr enlaqed to thow detail ' c • --~------~-----------------------------------~-~-, I :O.."':. E ~":"-'. ~·--' ~...... . =-NM • I .. iQi ,. -....... I µ-· .. --. -J '-':".:--·----------~--------Sears '=r!~--------~---. ................ ,....., .............. , ... .....,, ....... , ... ----.... , rt ... , ..... . . · .. • • • .. Cl • - I I )I I 'I • 1' l Ex-Tennessee L-Gover-nor-K-illed-- NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Frank G. Clemenl, an old· fashioned orator who once was the nation's youngest g~. has died in an auto . aCadent at 49. Clement, tbree ·liR'!e governor of Tennessee, won M~ attentio1qU1 keynoter · .Qi 'the Democratic National . -~e!l\191) YI 1956 .. Castigating :ibe• !lepubll<an ac!mlnlstration in Washington, he asked over and over, "How Ion g, America, Oh 'how long?" He . won hill first term as goVemor by "'ftnseaUng Gov. Gordon ·Browning .1n the state t ~ ~ 1951, ;pronil!ent. mg to ~ · govermn m a _gOldfi!h bowl" He was 32, the ..: ~ youngest man ever '! elected governor of Tennessee ~ and the Youn&elt govetnor J .then serving in .any state. ,. Clement'• public career end- ed With ·his defeat b y Republican Howard H. ~aker !Todl~&I. Jr. in a race for the U.S. U,IT ...... a Senate in 1966. He had since CLEMENT· KILLED At '56 Conv.,,tion 4 pr8diced law. ~ .l!'·<ljed 'flleocl•x night I.n ~ ---------1 ~ be»oa, <!'llllion .~:.hi& "br_and '-"'Othor_ neat • b1$ ~ .. ~. ,Clement's friend• and hll1 . liOluml ~qreed tha\l -his: years u : governor Wet8' marked by unparalleled pro- Egyptian.,s Raid Israel gress in education, mental heahh pro g r a m s and By. De Assed•ied Pms k'higb.wt1ys. Egyptian commandos cross-~ ·11r Wdering flags on state ed the sUez Caiial today Ind ~buildings lowered to half-staff, attacked an Israeli patrol, but l Gov. Buford Elling\1111~ a · political protege of the former Egypt and Israel dilputed the ~ govemO_r; said Clement's. con-results of the ril~. · tributims to his ~state• "'will · Egypt said its force killed l live forever." · an Israeli officer and eight : _ Ellington owed much of his soldiers, captured a no l h e r !llccess to Clement. After Cle· wourided Plan and destroyed meut· had served six years and two annored ·can Ind a tank. could not under state law sue· Israel said two of its ceed himseU, he endorsed Ell-soldiers were killed, two woun- ingtlln who had served as ded and a fifth was missing, agriculture· cmunissioner in probably taken prisoner by the the Clement Cabinet. Egyptians. The Israelis aa1d Either Ellington or Clement nothing about any equipment has been governor sinCe Cle-losses. ment first took office for a An E g y p t I a n spokesman two-year term in January, said a "large number" of t~. After the gubernatorial commandos crossed ahe canal term was lengthened to four at El Shatt, at the southern years Clement was re-elected end of the blocked waterway, d'1 1954, succeeded by Ellington and attacked the I 1 r a e I i '<fin,,1958, won again in 1962 and armored patrol. ..... again 111CCe<ded by Ell-;=;========;! .ing(on in 1986. , Clement, who never remov- ' ed hUrueJl lrom poliw, had iobeen working on a campaign ~erga!tiz.ation to. make another · try for. the gtivemorship in Who Cares? No othfr ll!WS~ 111 tht world ' cam about your COfnmlmity lite your c:ommunltJ dally newipaper does. It's iM DAILY PILOT. ··~1970. YOUR PIOILEM: Y•·-te·..n.-ti.m !hot -ilo ._.. -""' ..... .... Clft -,.,. NO.T OYER ·S50 . ? ? 1 ? ? ? 011 AflSWEI: . . Yov call THI DAILY PILOT, Mk for Clltllfltd Adwwttllnt, and pla. • _,,,.-PILOT PENNY ·PINCHIR CLASSIJllm ·AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW IAU • 3 uins 2 1IMis 2 Dou us .AHD YOUlt ClllDIT IS GOOD I . DIAL NOW' DIRICTI 642-5671 CM._ ___ 11111 • SALE Van Raalte . ~ 'panty hose and stockings ~ve oa l""' faooriik style;s of Van Rulte· Caotm:. II. Vaniloa, miao mah, sheer md flex to~. Pantr hose and -1cin8' that · fit llDOOihlY • · •• flatter ioude&'· In .i-o1w1ea that e0mp1imeot a11 )'O"' 1m0ns. 'PANIY HO&!! 777 ~ p..iy hoee, with nude heel. . '°8· 2.00 1.69 I p1. for ,,00, 6 pr. for 10.00 . . 711 Actif Cant1cce U paoty liooc witli' ·nuae Jle<I teg.l.00 . 2.49 --3-pr. for 7.3', ().:pr~for-14.70-- 629 Vanilon Run Resilt panty hoee with nude heel; ooe site fib a1L 2.89 l pt. for 8.lO, 6·pr. for 17.00 panty lioM a>lcrs ·and aim: beige. WI, taupe and many other fuhioo color~ Junior, ~'8" to ''O"; petite, ): O" to ri" .. _ _.....:. ,·3· to ,. 6": tall ,. s" -~-u.. . -.,_ ' •. STOCKINGS 11 l Micro ,ldesli >lockings with rcinforC<d h<el and toe. .reg. l.ll 92c I pr. for 2.73, 6 pr. for l.4l 283 fler top ll>eer.llockings with rripforcod ~eel and toe 28'1 Flextop 30 stockings with reinforced heel and toe reg. 1.6) lJ 2 l pr. for l .93, 6 pr. for .7.80 stocking oolori and tlzi<: lieige, .WI, taupe •. brown .and many other fashion mkirs. Short, medium, long, 8~t I. may. co liosiery 7 . . • • W~sdq, Nowmbtr !i, 196t ..... ~--------, Sale! imported gloves May .Co's own A glove <Xtravagaau. Many, many lightwelglal leather atyleS to choo" from. Glov<S ••• •imply tailored, or ildllfully do- tailed with tiny burtoos, delicate hand-ttitdiing md lots, lots more. Alt imported from Italr ""d Germaay. Unlined, lillc· lined, or, if you prefer, toft wool and nbbit bolt lining 1oo. Sizes 6Y1 to 8. So, mme la. Yoa 'U find glova to lut you the 'Whole year lmg. And • , , bring a friend. Unlinod leather glO'Ves with dellate liancktildllng and tiny button trim. Some leather with aochet bacb, too. White, black, brown, naTy. vaiue 9.00 5.99 Smooth kid gloves that stop at 1°"' wrist. Some tailored styles.. Others with tmal! llitch dc:signt. White, blade, btown, na.y. 699 Short lightwtigbt leather gloves lined in JOft, toft wool and rabbit hair. In black, amel, brown ..;1· 'red, fuhinn colon. , 799 Mid length gl""" soft lined with ]>Ur< silk. Simply tailorod. Great accessori" for city knits. Ol006e from bUck, while, &WT• navy and .brown rolon. Perf«t for fall . Tllue l~.00 8.99 fa.sbion colors the leath ers you'll flDd • black •navy • c1assia • white • kidJlcins • band detailod '• grey • CIDbtttta • mia.lmpo • btt>wn : . """'"" • sboitiC. may co gloves _, may co south' coast· plaza, san di ego fwy. at bristol, costa mesa: 546-9321: shop monday thru 11turd1y I 0 a.m . to 9:30 p.m. - DAILY 1'11.0T {S MAVCQ • -~-----------' • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE -----r----=~---''--'---~·---· ·---!-- T.ime to Act . . The moct tmpo~t decision in the modern history of Huntlngtoa Beach could be made Monday nigh~ Before the City .council w!i! be a propo1al to move forward in the redevelopment program ll'om the city's blighted downtown aieii. · , Subject of the pubUC"hearlng la Ille Urball Land ID- sutute Citizen Steering Committee's (CSC) "Top of the · Pier Plan." The proposal In its lint 1tep, wblch the· councilmen must endorse U It Is to !DOVe forward, calls for the clear- ing of five city blocks along Paclllc Coast ·Highway from l!tb to Lake Streeta;,and the acquisition of about five acres of prtvalely-owned proparty east of Lake. The ciU... committee bas-been studying and de- veloping ,plans ior four. years ·su11uted by the Urban Land Institute board in December of 11165. • Progress bas been made' in the four years. Parking facilities have·beeu· expanded on the ocean side of the highway from the. pier to Beach Boulevard; the pier has been refU.b!Jhed and a new JighUng system in- stalled; !ieveral well designed beach conce111on stands have been erected; the old Pavilion building bas been replac ed with a modem restaurant. Major road improvements have been made· on the highway and landscaping of thlJ front d.Or to the com. munity is near completion. In studies made by experts, the city bas been told that continued eeonomic growth of· the coirunu11!tY de- pends to a large extent on rejuvenaUon of the down- town ar.ea; that extension of the parking authority north of the highway will act as a-catalyst in overall deve!Oj>' ment of the area. on Blight trlct, necessary in most commun!Ues. The financial success of the oceanside parking facll· ity proves the feasJbllity of the new project. The proposal has been thoroughly discussed at a series of-Pilblic meetings. Aj>pi-OVll is almost unani· - mow;. Now is the time for the councilmen to move for· ward. Police-School Cooperation The HunUngton Beach Police Department and Hunt- ington Beach Union High School Dislrlct have launched a new era Ol local police-school cdc>ptfation with a prg. gram of on-the-job police trainlng·!or high school •tu- dents. , . The first two to lake advantage of the program are Wendy Offutt, 16, and Mark Waite, 17, both students at Huntington Beach Hi~h School. They'll receive a close look at police operations-as well. as sChool -credit· for thei r afternoons. A pair of students per semester will be chosen fo r the uruque course. Requirements are a minimum age of 16, average grades and parents' permission. It's pleasant to see such a program .open to more than jUst the schools' top scholars. While the program is only on ·a limited basis now, it promises great potential for improving police rel8~ tions with the younger set. Huntington Beach Is In a unique position because ol Its established parking authority. The extended parking area can be financed through sale of revenue bonds rather than the creation of. a parking assessment dis· Observing the police performing their duties on a regular, hour-by-hour basis sboujd give the young peo- r.Ie new perspective on law enforcement' problems and it is to be hoped, increased respect for .police. ' . Since this type of knowledge is best transmitted to young people by their peers, the sooner this program can be expanded from its modest beginnings, the better. 'Cluck cluck ••• Cluck c/JJ.ck •• .' _ Moviesltre . Growing Into i Puberty It would be a foolish exaggeration to say that the America motion picture has come of age ; more accurate to say that it Is growing up from infancy to puberty. Adulthood is still quite a way off. But all the encouraging signs are here, If the two films I saw last month mart the growth peiiod I think they·do. These were "The Midnight Cowboy" and '' MedJum Cool." 1 ALTHOUGH completely different in theme_and approach, boUleomOO. our aj. tention, jnterest and respect for much the ume reason!. They deal with real people (unlike most American films of the · past); they forego false naturalism for the sake of a deeper rtalism; and they know that motion photography is not just a series of stills in rapid succession. H 'Here Comes Another Putsch Against Schools' . Dear Gloomy Gm: Masters of the Big Lie Technique We liked those aDDl'ODl'late Bible quotea on long hali: ru one goes along with that same type : "For even when we wt re wtth you, this we commanded you, that if any would -not work, neither shouJd he eat." JI Thessalonians, Chapt. 3, 10. -Mrs. E. W. F. Tllll fffhln ftflllctt ~· ¥inl. Ml _...r1.., tit-. .. ,,. .......... , ..... ,_, ,., _,,, ... .....,, 0-.. OlllJ Plkll. To the Editor: Man your battle stations. Here comtS another putsch against the schools. Based on that infamous dictum that a lie or hall-truth, if repeated often enough and Joud enough, will finally be taken for truth, here is lhe pitch: "The schools do not teach the three &. The schools have frills. The kids do not learn discipline. The classrooms appear strange. The· teachers are immoral and instruct their students on how to engage in sex. The graduates of the American public schools are ~·nothing!. 1be American public schools are-a-waste of the taxpayers' mooey. The faculties are th • nd filled with Communists and adolescents never quite sure what Is "out ere' a and pseudo-in_t~ectuals and Pinkoa and what exists oniy in the minds of the peacenib. The teachers are over-paid cbarqrs. and under·worked. Academic freedom is This is, of course, truer to file th~ the ano~.i term for communism." plodding aerial quality of conventional . . films, which move heavily from cause to_,._ IF-mY CAN sell th.is stuff to ~e effect and from present to future . We live V?ters, they ~n destroy the public Jn three kinds of time, not one: our schools by shuttmg off funds; apparently remembrance of things past and our they feel that all public schools s~ou~d be hopes or fears of the fubire combine to m~de ~ res~mble the old ruin in a affect ouf present actlons and attitudes. ne1ghbormg city wblch ranks near the Letters tram retukrt art welcome. 'NOrmallu Writer• 1h0uld convty t~eir mea.tage1 in 300 word: or Uss. The right to co-ndeme letters to fit space or eliminate libel is reserved. All ltt- ter.s must include signature and ma.if... fng address. but names may be with.- ~etd on requtst if sufficie nt reason " apparent. , ,, bottom of the list In reading and bu its . walls and ceilings supported by oul3i_de braces. other hand they cite the Nazis' Big Lte technique as a tool of the professors in our colleges. WE ARE PROMPTED to ask who In America today has most· ably mastered the Big Lie technique, seeing ita unblushing use againlt Justice Warren and the late and ' beloved President Eisenhower (as well as against numerous other honorable AmeriCans). We wish t6 inquire into Its classic implemenlaUon in the recent Senatorial campaign and in several of the local political putsches. It is not Irrelevant to note that we Americans whipped this ideology in two world wars overseas. We can do ·it again in California. W. ANDERSON On the one ·hand they hold up as a nlodel the Gennan system of education (one of our-eJected-omctals;wbo-a:s ·far-- as anyone has been able" to learn was To the Editor: never near Gennany during the Eur()-Mr. Knowlton Fernald Jr., vice presl- pean catastrophes, has referred to the dent of Laguna Niguel Corp. has gone on German schools as the greatest educa· record that the corporation has no con· tional system in the world); and on the aideration or sympathy for the public's access to the beach at Salt Creek. lt Js apparent that the Orange County Board of Supervisors , concurs with this phll<>sopby. BARBARA G. STABLER · •w 1>rd t1> the Wbe' To the Editor: There is a message in the 20th chapter of Job that our representatives in city government would be wise to heed. Verse 19: "Because he hath oppressed and hath forsaken the poor; be<:ause he hath violently taken away an house which be builded not; Verse 2(1 : Surely he shalt not foe e I quietriess in h!!'beJly, he shall not save of that which he desired. Verse 29: This is tbe portion of a wick- ed man from God, and the heritage ap. pointed unto him~by God.-!' There Js an old saying that "A word to the wise is sufficient." I wonder if there are any wise men ln the government o( Huntington Beach today? MRS. C. P. MOEN ln both these pictures, the camera ls fully in charge, on ita own specific terms. A movie is not a novel that is photographed , or a play that is reproduc- ed; it is, rather, its own art form, with tts own rules and laws, its own atnse of spatial and temporal relationships. And the moving camera can give us a view of life not possible in any other art form. AND1 JUST AS obviously, we live in an admixtllre of two worlds: what is ob- jectively happening to us and around U!, and the way our minds refract (and often distort) these events. It is only sanity to reeognize the paranoid component in our most "objective" views. Support for Laos•-a Basic Issue "THE MIDNIGHT COWBOY" and ''Medium Cool" demonstrate this uni- queness with charm and power. The camera moves, as it wUI, between past and present and future, in a series of quantum jumps; and between external reality and inner fantasy, so that we are While "Medium Cool" has a thesis to offer, and "Midnight Cowboy" is merely a vignette, it Is the form rather than the sub9ta.nce of these films that gives them their validity and vitality and in tegrity. Whatever their flaws -and they are lar from nawless -they lay naked before us the painful and lovely process of a mediurii that is struggling into maturity, after decades of sullen retardation. For Dogs, a Groomobile Things a columnist might ne ver know If he didn't open bis mail: If ~uy dog has his day, thii must be the day. Tbe latest pet-pampering device, a mobile van called a "Groomobile," calls at the dog's home ~hen he needs a nose with both ey,s. If that doesn't work grooming, thus sivlng hlm the nuisance try using your hanky. of having to make a trip lo town for a Rest from )l!s endless labors may be bath and hair trim. coming at last to the Volga boatman, one Wak' up tired this morning? Maybe the of Rulsta's most .picturesque figures ln mattress was to blame. Most ~.I~ roll song and story. The Volga River, the over or change pqsture 40 times during: 1 fl u eight hours ol sl~ut mtire often if argest waterway In Europe,, is na y the mattress is too hard rather than being harnessed for hydroelectric power merely firm. Sleep experts say the extra by the building or a number of dams. twisting and tumlng can leave you weary. THE ODDS: If you toss a coin and call either heads or tails:, you have a 00·50 WHAT IS THE healthiest perlod of life, chance of winning. But lo make a coin except for accidents? Medlcal authorities CQf11e down heads 50 times in a row, It uy it Ls between the age& of 5 and JS, has been theoretically estimated, it would when the body's resistance appears at its have to be tossed 10 milHon times a peat and therefore the mortality rate minute, 40 hours a week, for 900 years. from infectious disease is at Ill lowest. But don't bet on it. WASHINGTON -For some weeks the White House has been disturbed by the extent and nature of information con- gressional investigators have teamed about American supported operatlons in Laos. The-concern is not that Congress or committees of Congress shall be kept iri the dark on how American technicians and moriey have kept a clandestine army in the field against the Communists in Laos, but over~the advantage to the ene- my if such information became public accidentally or by design. In fact, however, this is probably the least of the consequences that would flow if the senatorial challenge to Amertcan policy in Laos should be sustained. THE ISSUE IS WHETHER or not the President of the United States can carry on such operations without explicit con· gress.ional approval. If he caMot. the whole structure of American policy ln the past 20 years in supporting govemme"nts against Communist takeover will collapse for lack 0£ public support. Following the appearance of CIA Dlreo- tor Ri chard Helrm before Senator Stuart Symington's subcommittee in the Senate, it was charged by Sen. J. William Fulbright that the United States la spen. dinit $150 million annually to SUPPort and t ransport a clandestine anny of 36,000 in Laos. Senator Fulbr!&ht des<rlbed tills Dear George: acUvlty as "most unusual and irregular, if not unconstitutional.•: Senator Fuibrtghl ii quite ri&ht about. nne thing. Neither Congress nor the An\erican public has been frankly in- "formed of the nat ure of American sup. part for Laotian forces in flgbting the Pathet Lao insurgency and the North Vielnamese incursion. SECRETARY OF STATE William Rogers put on an air of Injured innocence in saying that he th.ought Congress was famUiar with what the United States has been doing there. He said "operations" in Laos were begun by the Kennedy Adrniniotratlon and conUnued by both the JohlllOTI and Nixon adm1nistrations. However, ai late as two weeks ago when Laotian Premier SOUvanna Phouma wu in Washington he dissembled with elaborate Asiatic grace and patience in maldng it appear that American combat troops in Laos were nonexistent and American battlefield support negllble. "The largest forclgn contingent in Laos ts French," Souvanna Phouma blandly replied to questions on the number of American personnel there. He admitted that some American persoMel was necessary to service A m e r i ca n equipment. Throughout the whole public discussion on American involvement In Laos frankness has been the main American casualty, If we have lost few men we have lost a great deal of the truth. THIS IS UNFORTUNATE because the Nb;oo Administration wlll now be com· pelled to defend and carry on the policy in Laos in a growing atmosphere of criticism and distrust. President Nixon cannot conceivably carry out the JX>licy Controlling Precedent In court you may have heard your lawyer 11y that such and such a decision -Jones v1. Smith -governed the case at band. How did he flnd thal "-oiling precedent"? Law ocbool trains ~our lawyer to ute the "cue" method to find md analyze le1at prl)blems .. Tbe Jaw atudent rtada and 1n11yies thou1ands of selected cases to flnd out how to apply the law In perticular cuea like yours. your case. for Southeast Asia he has so orten elaborated if he can no longer sustain and support free nations against Communist incursion. · His policy Is based not only on the withdrawal of all foreign forces from South Vietnam but from Laos and Cam- bodia as well. Without training, support and direction the clandestine army in Laos would have no hope of ejecting the North Vietnamese and probably would be unable to put down the Pathet Lao. A Vietnam cease.fire or settJement could rapidly collapse if the Communists re- mained in position in Laos and Cambodia ready for quick strikes once American ground forces had been t o t a 11 y withdrawn. ·THE CHALLENGE to Nixon's policy in Laos, therefore, is as vital as the challenge to his policy in Vietnam. If, under congressional and public pressure, the Kennedy.Johnson-Nixon policy in Laos were abandoned the United States may as well give up any thought of in· fluenclng the course of events in all of Southeut Asia. I This ls what the opponents of the Viet-nam War basically want and they make it clear by their attack on even indirect .support, not involving ground forces, for the ,Laotion iovemment. They would deny to President NlXon the authority to keep training and support forces in Viet• nam when the combat withdrawal is conipleted.~ President Nixon will have to deal-with this problem in hl11 November 3 speech, or give up any hope of achieving his avowed objective of setf~etermination In Southeast Asia . __ Weeds are the bane ot' the forest as Sweet history : Around 1956, a young well as 1he home flower or vegetable Prussian volunteered for military combat . Before 1 started rtadlng your cot. umn I used to WOlTf a lot about debts. I tossed all ~t worrying about money I owed. Since readlng your column rve learned to quit worrying about money. Only one thing bothers me. I get sued all the time now. The cue method allows him to sort out people's predicaments and to see again and a1aln that the outcome of each case rests upon its own set of facts. This is why a lawyer has to study the facts and law in your case to give you an answer. He has to get the particular fada of your <ut and then find out exactly how t b t Jaw -as reflected in the cases -applies to them. Alter all th is, your lawyer can stand ' before lhe court and say "Your Honor, we believe that our case is controlled by the case of Brown vs Johnson." He then usually outlines the circumstances In the Brown case, and compares them with the fact.s In your case. lf they fit, the judge usually makes a judgment in your favor. -----garden. They have been found · to llmtt and immediately was assigned to b1kery the growth of trees-and thereby the pro-duty. Annoyed, he took some bread ducUon of lumber-more than any ad, dough, formed them into littlt cannon vene factor. balls and filled them with jam. Thw: was SptC:e may need ils trarfic cops ~fore created one of its most lasting in- t b I 1 -.y ii over. Already In orbil vtnUOllf-tbe jollied douglinut, Udbtl o1 around tbt elrt.h art nearly 3,000 man--childhood. mode Gb)odi, llld more an 1oln1-up all the -WORm REMEMBElllNG: "A iillle lie Js not so bad -it '! all those you have QUllrABU: NOTABLES: "There are to tell to keep up with the fir" that day• Rn any ellctrlcal appUance in the make• )'0(1 IO uncomfortable." hou91. including the vacuum cleaner, Know· your language: Wby ls CUpid -.· to offer more entertainment ofttn called Dan Cupldt C\lpld, the god of ~s U1ID the telev isi on Jove, derive1 from the Latin word tel. "-Haniet Van Rome, critic. "cupido,u meaning desire, passion, or The ''kachoo11 .eaoa ii btre. How can love. Dan ls merely an old Utle of honor .JOU end-• ~dng Jittack? The old orrcs~.aimilarto!Ard,Masterorsir. Penilsylvanli Dutch .thought tlit! bCif"-w°"a~y-""Piiefic rertrencts 100aJfCup1a dilelrom was to staMI fixedly at ,the Up of your the lttb century. CONST ANT READER Dear Constam. Reader: No wonder. Sitting around reading advice columns ts enough to ruin anybody. CONFIDE"liT I AL TO DISGUSTED SMALL BUSINESSMAN :' ilol\'t be dlssusted -try~ soing'ln~ bUslnei1 ror yourself again. There are many opportunities In othtt fields . ln fact, it might bt better II nex.t time you started something besides a _!t~phOJ!!~~""'''-- WllEN vou·sEEK advice, your lawyer begins atonce to-sort out facts and fr1rne the legal problem. Sometimes he can anmr aronce; bften he hls to go to the boob and cbeci< out your problem. Thf1 process m1y take only a few minute•. But sometimes il takes hours, or days i and In big cases, IOmetlffics months. Lawyers must also double c.heck -on--wttethtrl(ime ~f-..ppeat-har overruled a decision he mlsht ht using in - . IN BORDERUNE cases, of course. ad- versary lawyen. too, may quote from other cues whi(h they feel support their cp~ing contentiont. Finally, in JUCh cues, the judge weighs the contentions of both · sides and-ui,n- " instruct.s" the jUrors what lliW to-apply .,. in· the cas:e before them. So far as lhe jury ls concerned, the _ Judge's 'In:· atrucilons are the lot word. Tbelr job Is to measure the evidence given In court agaltlst the law that the judge gives thero and retum a verdict accordingly. Nott : Cali fornia lcwuers ofier lhl.1 eohrmn Sl)!IOU -matt-knote-about our - lawJ. Wednesday, No~ember 5, 1969 rhe edilOrlal pap• of the Daily pjlot 1eikf to inform and stim- ulate rtadera by prtsenting this 'lit·.01paptr•r·optnio11.1 and~om· mintcry on topfct of inttrest c1td iignificance, bl/ providtn.g o forum for the t.ipression of our reccUn' opinions, and by prt1tnting· the diverse view- points of informed obs«rvtri and spokesmen on topics Of the day. - ...Robert.N. IV.eed~l'ublisher I ,[ I\ ,, " I' ' ,\ II I I ~ )' Wtdntsdly, Nowmbtt 5, 1969 DAil Y PILOT JI • • ~ • - ' • HONG KONG (UPI) - Communllt China wants the Soviet Union to admit that _. than I00,000 oqum -of.prOoeotSovletter- rilory wu Rolen h'om a weak and belple.u China by tbo Rlllllan tsan of old . 11lll ll one of the key laaues Involved in border talks that opened in Pekl111 Monday between vice fore.Ip ministers ol ihe two courtrles. The Chlneae have said lhey do not upect the return of all this terrtttn. 1cquired by what they call ''unequal truUea'"irilp<.m on Imperial Cbinl. But the Cbineae appear to be • adamant in their insistence ! that tbi Jtunlans admit the ~ lud oec:e ~to China. 'I. ..... -of the Soviet ~ state, the late V. J. Lenin, not ? only admitted this but also ..,. "~vocated the annulment of • theae unequal treaties," the Chinese have declared reptatedly. -• So, the Chinese said, has the late Soviet dictator Jose£ Stalin and such Communists .,1• as Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. I wu In the Soviet diplomatic dynasty 1ovemment'' in Chlna "By the Sino-Russian Ill dlctlollary J>Ul>Uobed in 1981 lo lliP !he "TahcbtOI proloCOI Treaty and the subsequent under the editorship of the on the dellmitaUon of Slno-protocols on ~ o u n d 1 r y present Soviet f o r e I g n -· •--.. _ .. _:AG k Russlao boundary." •. dellmlnation, T1arist Russia muusu;a , tu1wg • romy o. f I A Chinese foreign mlnlJtry By virtue or this, the urther ncorporated m o r e document said Gromyko'• die-Chinese saJd, .. Tsarist Russia than 25,000 . squiu:e miles of &ionary "unequivocally ad· further annexed more than C:'hlnese temtory into ~ ler- mitted" that "'the Sino-200,000 square miles of. ter-'ntory of Twist ~ssia. _ . ~ian trei;ity of Peking' is ritory 1n the westem1 pan of m lllt area ilso ls tn an. unequal treaty." China." nUs ii in whit llOW""is Chi~'s Sinkiang region abd in 1bls treaty, algned .on. Nov . China's Sinkiq regloo, site Soviet Kazakhstan . If, 1860, is one of four major at her main nuclear test site. The question of "unequal tuaties umkr which Tsarist The fow1h m1jor ~·unequal treati~s" involving Ru~la.and Russia unexed) Chinese &er· ·tn!aty" involved is the "Sino-China were brougllt up public. ritory, China cotUndl. • Ruaian Di Treaty" which wu ly for the first time by the According to Ch l n e s e "forced" on the Cblng dynasty Chinele in March 1963. government s tate me o ts, on Feb. 24, 1181, according to Sensitive about Ch In 1 1 s Tsarist Russia "forcibly in-Chinese docwnents. charges of a Soviet sellout corporate.cl llOmt lt.ICIO·aq111re miles of Chlileoe territory out of the Wusull (Uauri) Ri ver into Russia'' by means of th1a treaty. Two years earlier, aunese stitemeots lli,d, T s a r I 1 t Russia took, • advan., of Aqglo • \l'l'eni;h . lioOWiiiea against China . ~ia "oeized lho oppoilunlty tb compel. the .authorities of the Ching dynas- ty by force of anns to sign the Sino-Russian treaty of Algun on May 28, 1858, by which it annexed more than 240,000 square miles of Chinese ter· ritory north of the Heilung (Amur) River and south of the outer JOUngan mountains." On Oct. 7, 1864, "Tsarist durilig the 11112 Cuban missile c.Tials. then-Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khruachtv note in a speech before the Supreme Sovlet .(Dec. 7, 1962) that China had failed to act to kick the British out of Hong Kong and ,the Portuguese out or Macao. ~ Tile Chinese did not reply lo lhls publicly unill March a, 1183, when an editorial in the aulhorltaUve Commuoist Par· ty newspaper, the Peking People's Daily, had this to say : 11Jnasmuch as some persons have mentioned T a i w a n , Hong Kona: aod Macao, we are obllged to discuss a little of the history ol Imperialist aggression against China. "In the: 100 years or so prior to the victory ol the Chinese revolution , the imperallst and colonlal powers -the UnJted State., Britain, Fr a n c e , Tsarist Russia, G er many, Japan, Jtaly, Aust r I a , Belgium, th e Netherlands. Spain· and Portugal -carried out unbridled a g 1 re's s Ion agalnst China. "They compelled the governments of old China to sign a large number or une- qual treaties -the Treaty of Nanlting of 1M2, the Treaty of Accordin1 to the Chinese, a more up to date admission Russia forced the C h I n g :· 3 Youths Face Rape Charges Wow to treat an e«-•·lovingly, please! It will UKIAH (UPI) -Three Younc men were arrested by Mendocino County sheriff's deputies Tuesday oo charges of kidnap and rape in con· nectloo with an atta<:k on a hoalewlfe. Capt. Ma-le Howard said the' vicUm was forced into an auto Monday as she, her mother and a male friend walked toward their car in a perking lot here. 'Itle man and the grandmother were knocked down. THESE PENNEY.STORES WILL-BE OP~N. SUN.DAY AFTERNOONS 12 TO 5 P.M. •AZUSA •BUENA PARK • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY •EL MONTE •FULLERTON • GARDEN GROVE •GLENDALE • HUNTINGTON BEACH •INGLEWOOD •LAKEWOOD •LONG BEACH •LOS ALTOS •MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH •NORWALK • NORTH HOLLYWOOD • SAN FERNANDO • SANTA MONICA •TORRANCE •VENTURA • WESTCHESTER • • WEST COVINA • WHITTWOOD . curdle, crumble, toughen, cry, turn leathery, lose its delicate flavor, even darken yotir best aluminum pan unless it's treated with care, kindness and a little know how. Then what a perfect round-the-menu mate. eggs make! They whip into -~snowy frostings,.pouf up sollffles, fluff up omelets, froth up ru111 nogs, stuff sand· wiches and stretch salads ••• make puddings creamier, sauces richer, add body to stuffings, lightness to cakes and the sunniest color to your breakfast plate. In fact they're indispensable. Want to learn more about what's what with eggs? Put yours en in one basket and come to the Cook 'n Shop! wtth a wire whilk for airy, frothy llghm.e. It's those thtn wire strands. (9opper mixing b!!!<11 gl•• egg whttes more volume than whttes beaten In atumlnu~.or stainless oteel bowls. Oeloclable topping for·cak81 and pies. H""''• where you uw up thcoe egg whiles (carefully coVerea arill riifttgerated). Beat lnlo snowy peaks and slip into oven to toast tips. " ':fusta pmch ... rOlemery. basll, chives, para~. chervtl, tarragon, watercress, ~ ••• plej>tlred or grind your own. • ~eit ... in earthenware custard cups, best for dellyering enough heat ao eggs coag· ulate but not too much to make custard 'weepy'. CJhe French Chef OMELET PAN ~eavyenougb for moderate, even heat, long handled to keep Jn motion easily for a 1ott, moist omelet that's just heavenly. S/icen quarter. •• . crumbl•free neatnen rn lllm lllc81, flnn wedgeoior pk:ture look 1alads1 sandwlcheo,' deviled-eggs, hors d'oeuvres. ' A~ ofJ8't· 1he Treaty of Tlentsen 1851, the Treaty of Peking of· 1860, the Treatr of JU of 1881, the Protoco of Lisbon of 1887, the Treaty of ShlrnonoseJU of 1895, the Coaventlon for the Extension ol Hong Kong of 1898, the IntemaUonal Protocol of 1901, et<:. ''By virtue ol these unequal treaties, they annexed Chinese territory in the north, •&euth, east and wut • . . " . The ed itorial accused the Soviet leaders of "having pick- ed up a lltooe from I cesspool" by railing such questions. "You are not unaware that . auc,h qu~lions 1s UM>5e et Hong K\nd and ?ifacao rel• to the category ol uneqllll trea ties left over by hlst<WJ. treaties which the imptrlalilb imposed on China. Jl may be asked : In r . .W., questions o! this kind, do you Intend lo raise an the questions of uneo qual treaties and have a general settlement? Hu Jt ever entered your heads what the consequences would be?" The consequences w e t • steady deterioraUon al the Sino-Soviet border diJputel to armed conflict and reunpUon of border talk s for the tint time in five years. 'Plip .it ... liR it ... stir it, beat it. Spatulas, wooden spoons, skimmers, ladles help you blend the lrlcki88t egg sauce, handle the slipperiest egg easily. (;addle it .. for 'just rlghr bolled eggs, cov,ered ceramic )ara1o cook and~ In ••• racked up to set in boiling water. < and then there's ·egg P..lant ••• • l • ~ ' • ' • • ' I • I • WHlnlER DOWNS -HUNllNGION BEACH~AND NEW'-OJl'LBEACH OHL Y! • L ....,.--~~_.....,......,.,,.....,..._...,...,._,......,..._.. ________ ............................ ._ ...... ______ ,.... ...... ____ ._. ______ _.... ......... __ .......... __ ~--~--~ ...... . -~· DAILY "LOT H H 14 PJLOT·ADVEUTSE' • • STARTS THURSDAY, 10:00 A.M. HUNTINGTON CINTIER ONLY -------------FIRST FLO-OR------------- ' SAMSONITE LUGGAGE "S•turn" ltffvty c ........... 1 only. .,Jt, 1t.H NOW 9.88 MENS GIFT mMS Shoe lltlMr MM! •ute YKYVf'M. I 88 "'""' _,.,., 'LOllOUT o MENS SWEATIRS 100% al,.c• wMI unllpna. 9 88 Small t• X·I•,... ., ... 11.H NOW • MENS Sl'ORT$'41RTS 100% ......... lntCk ........ le. Solid c.t.n. ., ....... MENS SUl'l'OIT IRllFS Ela1ti1l1M. •trftct f• werk ., ,..,. 30 to J6. .,... a.ff WOMENS UNIFORMS Polyester 1rt4 nylef! ltltftlft. ...... JM WOMENS ~OATS Fur trhna, ml.,. tlUlo f -"• 1 .... WOMENS SWEATSHIRTS 2~•· NOW 1.22 NOW 3.88 NOW 98.00 Short 11..., .. 10CI% H'l'flc, I 88 GrMn onlr. erl,. J,JI NOW • WOMENS UNGl!RIE H•lf '11'' 2 88 Ir• '11" 3 88 orig. 4.00 NOW o erl• 6M NOW • AMERICAN TOURISTER LUGGAGE Beauty case or weekender orig. 34.95 to 35.00 NOW 22.11 'Zl" Ladies bag ·····r········· ....... : .......... orig. 51.95 NOW 32.M 27 Ladies' bas .................................. orig. 53.00 NOW 42.11 ~ENS SUITS Two liutton, 1id• ••nfJ. Dacron@ polynt•r 1nd wMI ., ••• L NOW 69.00 erlg. 10.00 WOMt!NS SLll'S ltllduc11411 to cloer. 'ull longth sn,.. Dl1contlnuM styl• "141 •• i... 2 88 1rl9. S.00 NOW o HAIR l'IECES 100% DuPont® nylon wlglota. 9 88 •"•· 20.00 NOW o MENS SPORTSHIRTS Verlous knits, poly"t.,.1, cottons 1nd llll•IMla. AuortM colors ind collar 1tylH. 1 99 I •i•Ult.4.11 NOW 0 MENS DRESS SHOES Odon! aM l1c1 styl.., Sic" 7 to 12 ori• 12.ff NOW 6.88 WOMl!NS DRESSl!S Print.I and 101\d1,' polye1ter and blends. Juniors ........ , ............................... o:I~ 9.00 NOW 6.11 Ml1en ...... -...... : ........................... orl1. 12.00 NOW I .II Half •ize1 _ ................................. ori1. 10:00 NOW 7.11 WOMINS DRISS SHOES lettor hMl1, fill fe~hlon 1tylo1. •I• I." ro 15.H NOW 6.88 MISSU ILOUSIS L .................. """"' I 88 ... 88 .. 1........... NOW • .. •• JUNIOR SKIRTS IU1,1"41r •tJ ... 111% cett•"-J ,. JS. erJt. 1.00 NOW .81 MATl!RNITY CLOTHES T.,. •M ~"''· 10I% cettlft. .,,,, 1.00 ,. 7,ff NOW 3.88 WOMENS HOSE Plfllfllh'-IMMI-. ..... J ,., 2.t5 c.terM ,.ntl ....._ NOW 3/2.33 NOW 1.33 .,1,. 1.6t WOMENS HEELS Fall felhloft 1tyl ... "Yi to 1L erlt . 15," Ml!NS IMl'ORTED SHOES .... enlll 1aftN. Pill celw" . .,1,. 27.ot GOL.F SHOU Miit'• ctrf•m ......, Ntw c .. ., .. .,,. ,, ... CHILDRENS SHOES N1yY 1M 1r1tn f1lllrlc. 11 t1 2. orl• 3.M MENS SLACKS P9nn·..,...t• coffM c.i.,. only. 31 to .H. orlt· 5.H NOW 8.88 NOW 14.81 14.88 NOW 1.88 NOW 4.88 ~~------~-----SECOND FLOOR--------------- NOVELTY CURTAINS ,Inch pleats, semi 1hoers. kltchtn prlnta. «Jg. Uf to 2.tl NOW 2/ .66 to ,99 P•· BISSEL SHAMPOO MASTER orlt· '·" HOUSEWARE BUYS Kitchen 1NU 1IHI 1Httt1 Group 1 Ori9 .• n ti 1.4t NOW orig .• 4t to .II NOW TEFLON COOKWARE NOW s.8a 2/1.00 3/1.00 Cellf'tlll wtth Ilda, UUCI ,.,_, fry ,.,... 5 •• ,..Jg. f.U NOW • l'ENNCREST® DETERGENT Het' er eel• wut.. 10.lk. Ha. orl9. 2.4t NOW • 99 PATIO SNACK SET a.plec .. Durable plastic ort9. 1.tt ~ow .99 BOYS SOCKS Acrylic/nylon stretch crew Ml· uow 2/.88 Small, modlum. orl9. 2 for 1.2s " DECORATOR SHEETS Asfiorted solids, Strips, Prints In Pencalc. Pillow Cases ................ orli. 2 !or 1.69 NOW 2 for 2.50 Pillow Case~ ............. ori1. :.! for 2.~9 NOW 2 for 4.00 Twin Slze Fitted .... orig. 2.99 to 4.49 NOW 2 for 5.0G Fun Size FlttP.d orig. J .29 lo 4.<19 NOW 2 fef' S.DO to 2 for l.00 FABRIC CLEAN·UP JG'' to 43" width GROUP I ............................. ...... orig, .99 NOW .M GROUP ll ............................ orig .. 69 NOW 2 for 1.00 GROUP Ill ........ . .......... orig. 1.29 NOW .H GROU P IV ........... . ..... nrig. 1.98 to 1.79 NOW 1.44 BOYS SPORTSH!RTS C1su1I cottons, knlt1, ahert sl...--. .,,. 1.H NOW GIRLS SLEEPWEAR loiiy dolls, short ind lont 9own1, culottos. orig. 1.H to J.n NOW .99 1.22 READYMADE DRAPES Solid.~ and Prints 48x54, 48"84 ................ orig. 7.98 to 9.98 NOW 5.00 72x54, 96xM ................ ori¥:. 12.98 to 24.98 NOW 10.00 72x84, 96"84 ................ orig. 1·1.98 to 21.98 NOW 15.00 120x84, 144"84 ........... orig. 27.98 to 35.98 NOW 20.00 REMNANTS REDUCED GROUP I ........................ orii;. 2.25 to 3.00 GROUP n ...................... orta:. 1.65 to 2.00 GROUP III -.................. orli:;. 1.4S to l .95 GROUP IV ..................... orig. .85 to .95 NOW 2.oi NOW 1.50 NOW 1.00 NOW .50 BOYS FIREHOSE JEANS '°'y11ter •M cott1n1. R.,ular, sllM ind husky 2 99 I to 16. •rlt· S.tt NOW o GIRLS IRIEF5' El•1tlc w1l1t, Wh lto lftly. NOW 4/1 o22 BOYS UNDERWEAR •• , ...... T ... lrtL MOW 3/1.00 100% comltell cotten. " BOYS PAJAMAS ,Ponn•Pmt@. Prints Intl sllh... • NOW 1.88 lutten .,. lll!Mft. -CASUAL IOXER l'ANTS Penn-~ &lutlc w1l1t. 'tt 7, 72_1nlJ. INFANTS PLA YW1AR R .. uud te cl .. r knit ..,.. dr ..... , romper 1ulta. GIRLS 1'1!TT1 l'ANTS El11tlc waist, IM:o trim. l'lnk only • orlt. l.lt GIRLS ANKLE l'ANTS GIRLS GARTER P.ANTY 100% stretch nylon. •rl1. 1.22 NOW 1.88 NOW .99 NOW .so NOW 1,99 NOW 088 -------------THI.RD FLOOR------------- WALL MURALS DiKontin* Klntf. SOx31. NOW 1.44 MODGE PODGE KITS orig. j ,fS NOW 3.99 SEMI GLOSS PAINT DIKontlnu .. colors. Quirts. orl1. 2.6f NOW 1,44 E~CTRIC MOTORS , 1725 RPM, % hi" apadty, % & % h' U11MlfJ m.ten. od1. 25.ff to st.ti NOW 19.88 to 39.88 TOYS AND GAMES Toy c1r1, ••fro 9un1, ESP. '66 1 88 ,.;,, .U to J... NOW • to • WORK CLOTHES Shlrta. orl9. l.4t to J.fl Pant1, white only. eri1. 1.2' NOW 2.11 GOLF CART Ch*tor. Whlt1.1r1y •. J .nly. .,,,, Jf,11 NOW 29,88 JIM TURNESA GOLF CLUBS Fine line ~l1>S. Dcluxf' stl.'el shafts. WOODS . .. .................... orig. 22.88 NOW 11.11 IRONS . .. ....................... orig. 36.88 NOW 19.11 SPORT SHOES lkn111ing iihoes, all lealhcr. B~la:e. orig, SM NOW 7.M Golf shoes, corfan1, "·attr and su[f rl'.'Sistent. orii;-. 15.88 NOW 13.11 SOLDERING KIT 1S to 200 watta. 12 •nly •rlt· •. ,. NOW 5.77 GRASS SEED l •IH1rtnt blends. 1 poun4 ltex. orl1 ..•• NOW 3/1,00 LIGHT FIXTURES Discontinued ceilln&: and wall flxturn. Reduced to clear! GROUP 1 ................................. orig. 4.98 NOW 2.66 GROUP Il ................ orig. 9.88 to 10.44 NOW 6.66 GROU P III .............. orig. 12.98 to 13.98 NOW I.II GROUP IV ............................... orig. 15.98 NOW 11.11 HALL RUNNER 27" wh11. TwMll, solit, 1114, trffft 25 "'I· ... ft. NOW • ft. FURNITURE ODDS AND ENDS """' 41¥1der1, walnut, S4il4. 66 00 4 Oftly. °'lg. 7LOO NOW o Pl,. rock 1!Mtier. lr111o 6 00 6 Oftly. orl• 1M NOW • BUGGETA Kiiis M11l1 anti 1fu1t. I pouM lloL orlt. 3 fw 1.11 NOW 5/1.00 TENNIS RACKETS "Dunlap" "M11pl1y" REGULATORS "A••lon", One enly. "Dctfphln 11". On• only. VOIT AIR TANK orJt. U.11 . ...... ... 1,. Jt.U 71.2 ft. tank. K ••Ive. 2 1r1ly. orl9. Jt.N LEAN-TO TENT rrxt'7"x4', Di1contlnue4 1l1L or11• 22.u BUCHMEIR HOLSTER All l11th.,.. 10 enly. ····2.11 AMMUNmON NOW 11.88 NOW 7,88 NOW NOW 11.88 24.88 NOW 24,88 NOW 16,88 NOW 1.88 ' Eloy .22 short. hll ef 50 orl9. l for 1.tt NOW 4/1.00 --------------AUTO CENTER--------------- BACK REST . Qlp en 1tr1p Mc.k Nit. , ... ...t IJtld we~ht. 1 88 ·-·•if. 2M NO .. o STPRING WHEELS CUlfom .....i"' whMl1. Available In wttltt, ..,.,.. ,.W, Mttal flak .. 2.44 CITIZEN IAND RADIOS ~ -"'• 37.00 NOW 21.11 CITIZEN IAN.P MICROl'HONES MeWt. mlkea. 3 88 2 ... 1y. itt~. J.11 NOW • TAl'E DECKS 4 Tr.ck .. ,. 4tck 1 .,.,,, NOW 29~·· CONVERTIBLE TOl'S lln• to fi t Mfl'I• Amerluft c1ra. ""'-are ftir to,. tti•t tn In stMk Mtly. 19 88 .. 1,, 29.U NOW • SEAT COVERS "IUnrl•" ent "Vlct•rla.'' lrok•n 111" 1rwf col.,.._ orl9. t .11 NOW 5.88 ... ,. , ... ,. IRW TIRES RN Will~ 27 m.,.th w1rr1ntr. 14 IMftth,,.. ..... h•1•r4 ,..,. ......... 19.00 ~~ .. 750.1416.00i::i'.~ .. ' EMl'I IXHAUST EXTRACTOR Vtlkiwtt.n oah1u1t system. 19 88 2 only. o•lt . 2t.ll NOW • ------------- HEADRl!STS Aw1ll1lil• In llleck. ..-. ....... erto. '·" NOW NOISE SUl'RESSOR KIT ,9N, Chrysler •Ml General fMttfs ,,...,,ta, erJt. 11.00 NOW l'OUSH M11 whMI ,.11th. ,.,,.,, DASH KIT$ WMll ,.n•llnt• Dr"'"' your cir. ... ,.. 2.44 NOW FlOOR MATS '•Isley 4•ltft. Pth Ill Clrlo LllOllM •••Jlty, .,Jt,..i.n NOW ' .99 I l 9.88 , -·"' 1.11.1 ) 2.44 , • j I ' -' I I I I ,, j I I • DAfl Y PILOT ID Meetin Exchanged . For Chats ·-t~---R-Alf'H 6RA!llt ¥JIU', M.D.---1~-' Iii ' J. -, . . LT. AND MRS. JOHN. WttLIAMS JR. Homo In Gormeny ' A "1iet ·of flruiile cbata Will replace the re e, u I a r monthly meeting ol the Hun- tington Beach b r a n c b~ Amerie1n AslociaUon of Unlveia:ky Women. Purpose of ,the "ch1tsi'' tak-ing place In !he home ol three meinben, 11 to informally ao- quahit new and old member• with Ille purpooes ond goal ol AAU)V and provide an op- p()l"tunity for members to ~ acquainted. Members. o r pl'Olipective members may select an even- Jng and location whtcb ta ·con- venient Mrs. E. David Willette will hoot the f111t gllhering on 'Iuesday, Nov. II, ond the se- cond chat is llCbodUled In the home of Mrs.' William R. Stanley on We<b'lesday, Nov. 19. Conducting the aeries will J>e a meeting in the home of Mn. Donald H. Rowe, Thurs; day, Nov. 20 • . Marriage Announced , ·carol Hinesly Selects Rite · Setting 1-farrled durlnJ a nuptial mass in St. Joachun's Catholic Church were Susan Jane Benware and Patrick Welman Caudill. Performing the double ring ceremony was the Rev. Thomas Nevin. Parents'. Standin& befart the altar of of the bride,' Jack Boyd Jr. Christ Church by the Sea, the and Anthony Lorig. , setiing for her parentl' nuptial A rec'e ption in the Ptfonlicello rites 21 years ago, Carol Clubhouse. C o st a Med, Hinesly• became the bride o{ followed the ceremony white Arm• LL John N:iaJe .Williams Mrs. Boyd circulated the guest ' ~ book .. Jr. . The early art er noon Speciil guesls[.were fdrs. Attending° the couple were Linda Stinson and Andrew Cummin!, both of Costa 1ofesa. Following the ceremony, a rectptlim took place in the Newport Beach home or the brtdt's parents, Mr. and fl.trs. Ralph F. Benware. The newlyweds are making their home in Newport Heights. Religious Doy ceremony was performed by Laura Harvey of Philadelphia, the Rev. David Di Profio for the benedict's grandmolber; the daughter of .Mr. an~ Mrs. Miss Beatrice Hervey, great· BUI Hlnesly of Costa Mesa and aunt Of the bridegroom of Mr. and Mrs: John :N . Philad~pl].ia. :arid Mrs. Sally WUUams of Radnor, Pa. Hinnly .and . Mn. Le l tie A' white .linen •gown with Vlugbn,-pandmolheri of the Un'1t·es Women· hea~ lace. trin't at Q!.e neck bride. frOm .Costa Misa . •. nd 1leeves was Chosen b~the After hone)rmooning on the . - .. " M•~ ·~~ newl•--'• w1·11 Christiana in lnternationa1 bride . .4 match;,,., lace . ad· ._..,... w11: J """"" · :1 .. _w ·->e 1 nd · make theiJt home ln Berlin Development will be the }'4"" t: • • ( # .. ""' . . .. ,._,, ..;; ;-.. J't'"~ -LJ""'ii:.>Z\:i;t.<L .I JI..\ l .. .tit4 IT1S A 'FREEZE' - Holiday entertaining will1present no problems (dr the host· ess who plans ahead , demon strates Miss C~rol Beinz, EdisOn · h·orr\.e economist. Holiday programs begin in the compaily's elect;ric living center on Monday, Nov. 17. 'Heat's Off' for Holidays ' . ' Hostesses Plan A.head baqd ~.,. her vei ' in wheie the '1Jri4egroarq 11. !~-theme when Churchwomen her·ciscadt Were lllf'deola;s, fontd witlrtheBetlin~ 1 de United of Laguna Beach mark 1tephanoti1 and .lvy leav~. _ 1 The new MrS. Willi~ ~p ·World Community Day in V i s i on s of sugarplum's the Holidays. . F~da>:, ·D:ec· 3 ~nd 5. ~s Carole Grjnd1r "._. gradllated from Costa Mesa South Shore Baptist Church, needn ·1 tum into nightmares The program t.o fill cookie Evening . programs wlll be ma 1 d .or honor ·an.d lliih School ·and aUended South Laguna at 9:30 a.m. Fri-when host.e~ anticipate h<lli· jars af)d create candy ·treaU;, preseJ'lted at 7 p.m. Monday bridesmaids were Mr• David "n-.;. ........ -Colle -•·y Nov 7 day ente~inina. along with other holiday tips and·""'ursday NOVJ 17, 20 and , · · v••"I' vUaoo. ge. UC1 , • • ·-o \" PT~tt and. M~ C_athy Her'husband ;s a graduate Mrs. Charles Severns of Mi ss Carol Heinz, hon1e and pla n-ahead tricks-utilizi ng , 24. and·,Tuelday and Thursday Wilharllll, sister of ' the of. Radnor Hijh School and Orange, the apeaker, has been economist · ror the Southern the frec~r. will begin .at 'J· nee. 2 and 4 .. They-all are ~·'Ibey wort pale blue Welt Point. -president of Churchw·omen California · Edison Company p.m. P.fonday, Nov. 17. open ·to the public without -~g~.lQd_carried _ptnk_ _.. -.. • -United-in -Pboenix-and-worftd Electrie--Llving-€enter1 will Day sessions·wilf-11Lart at 19 eharge-;-~nd-::"'each-s-u.e.a ct1'nltla:and pink daisies. •· with youth teams in Mexico demonstrate the pa inl ess way a.m. Tuesday. Nov. 18, and rectiives a. recipe book. Ad- 1)ta1t-' ~·1 father s i~ LJ ; ..,. and Venezuela and young to greet friends w i l h continue Wednesday, aod Fri· ditiQna l information mey be wu1bls· best mJR and ushers _ a .. !J:;_ .1¥. l..n U~ wCoo~en. tr~g for the ~ob sumptuous delicacies when day, Nov. 19 and 21, Tuesday, obtained by calling the center, -'Yer!B"irtiiilllineiJy----; brother . ,.-Sfie presents--Plin /iliead for-Nov. 25 anii--WCdnesCfa}'and------s47=7581;-Ext-:-278. E '•. .. T b P.frs. J. W. Lansdell lso--'-----~-------------------- ' TOUWIU GOPIOM 11%1 . .... _,. • SHAPE SHOPPES i •' ••CMeNn. , w.iu.' --· • 4 nai -~ • 1111 1~- ' .. ' qu IPS U chairman of Ille day, ~nd all ~ . · women in tht area are invited \ , ' · . tQ par:tlclpate. This year's pro-~~ s ~ reason for ~ bar ject for the group tneludes the ~·J~c~ to UM; bathtub-nm. r.ollection of clothing and Small chl~ .and elderly blankets to help with refugees periolis i ...,,'the thing whm through Church World Service. ,..ppmg' IJl\<I and put of the rtub. One dual-JlllTPCl8'8' unit provi4's' a ~-:.t:flnch bar with space.Underneath for~&OaP and bath!ni\.accessories. Ea-.Oy spbnged cleon, the vinyl ~'kay i..!i water and nJ,llproof. ' Cactus Society Orange County Cactus and Succulent Society meets the first Wednesday at noon in Odd Fellows Hall, Costa Mesa. Thursday Friday Saturday m00 100 NEW FALL SAMP..LE SUITS Sheer wooli ••• gobardino and imported fwHd1 · Sizos 10 to 16 Modo to Soh For $75.95to$115.95 ' SAVE $31 .. $39 .1/3 off . .. 673·2990 ~cee Effecli'Ye Beginning: Today Sears SA VE -~5 Now! _Glamorous Human Hair Stretch Wig> Regular $39.95 3488 • ltfaehine ,Made on .an el11tie base to glt11 eepu:re custom.life fit ••• wi1h pina body · ·e ·Yonr clioice· iJJ many wonder• •. fol •hades · Sp:tisfaction, Guara~teed'rs::=1 -or Your Money Bach · ·~ llAlll, IMIUVCC .AlfD c;0i .. ' Announces the Opening of h!s Offleo •• 7~5 Dover Orivo, Newport 8Heh ~r1ctic1 l irnittd to: ' . . OBESITY, NUTRITION l METABOLle PROllEMS IEHAVIORAl RETRAINING .HAIR TRAtlSPlANT SURGERY . By Appointment Only: 645.0711 JOIN HAIR & CO. Come As You A'9 , 1:."'lt~th.1 ch1in1 o.f roll1r1, clip~. •"d dn9 P ••.. !rt~•w 1oft1 '~ei11or cut ••• Y0tt IMT .....,. •• te ..,..,.. llolr ..... . . • . • • Now.:. PonolOf'O (Formerly ol.Gotio Shocoyel & Robert Pignotti HAIR a lco. , · '· (It lllVA'I . · ,l ·r 117 Marine~. Ill._ Ill• '1501~ hiJAW' o,. r o.rs • •-· ,..,. -'*-ca• P.W ' ,,.. M•lr WI LICf9AL ~ 1 Wonted Oporotor with FolloWhltl . ' .. .... . AS FEATURED AT THE 11th ANNUAL ORANGE COAST ~OL~EGE COOKING SCHOOL.!_ November 6, 11 & 20-;9:30. a.m. at the Maia Theatre 30• DOUBLE DECKER • 0 .. 111 •11d broil•r ''' 1pol• l111ly cl••"' i11 t.o hour-. e R1quir11 011lr two 1i,,.ple 1t1p1 to op1r•*•· e Fuh, 11'11111 uni 1ffort •re elilrlinetW. NEW ·from • Portable Gas Grille • e ''"' 111 the ether tre1t t•llltic f11t11r11 ••• Ultr1·R1'f® ll'lfr•·r•d broiler ••• ceok •Ml kftp • .,,,,. •"''" . • • 1H ni111y ll'IOrl l •. 11My Wiii le The G~d l!'rlnt Ta le Wan IY So.,.. LllcJcy Ha-•ken A"••lllRt Thi f'opidar . Coakl119 ~I · ,. .SEE THDA ON DISPLAY 1t '. © DA\' I S B R 1,.") \\ ~ \' . ~ . -. --·-. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ' ,. ' ' '""~" ""•• f. '"' ::"ti • purch.,. edueaUoilaf"t o y 1 contest ln"'.i"..i Mch 'ICOu, t l'"Olllll•lll YiilitY, 11.UlllLftt'Ofl _ K~ -..1 .. ,..,.." OtNn vi.w,Sc,:t•J O[~ N~m-au111 ~Ui}>menl for the C&rVlcf 1's inchel lfl I flVt-}!!!~l[Wl1UllOlll wn •i=:r in 1 cla.ssrooms. Wlnnlns claMtt foot pole. Ont.to&eni n••pole !Jl' v" 1 ~~ ;",Mr\~~~ had 65, 64 and 63 percent •-. ~="ie!'it: t•T:.:i. Df~ .. 14~ partjclpation. .;.• WU creatli(bJ·fl?.ot four lfllolbllUlioll ~,.,_, ' •• denl, KUN6C .. Mra. 'FV._Council --Fulton -PTO . . • llldilrd-. ~. Mn.' benw lb . . • Mn. -rt \flkli Paat .,...,_ii U.. MGo- ; ·Prtlidln\ ,\!. '") ~" P]esktellt' day, Nov, 17. • , REPORTS: wm we Be Fore· COMlNG UP:'E •i~u11v e Marin• High-L A· ed Into Double ~Ions? We board will meet tomorrow at .,. t" I Need Your Help wallopic of I :IO p;m. in the muJUrnedla Mn. 0-. w-· ' prggram . Prestn~ a ~ ~Oom, Upcoming pop cooctrt Pl'llldent I general° meellng !Oday In • Will II< dllcuued, accordli>c COMINq UP: Unit mtOtlarr • Tlmura 'Scbool . 'UWollling '° 'Mrs. ·Robert Wehner, wOt tab piece at 7:·• p.m. • bond, election and • school music boostir ch&lrman. Monday, Nov. 17, in the ...-building pi'oaf'am ~"ere ~.Robert ..Olinitr. voctal mwlc caleterli." Guest~ wt:ll discussed ... Council acts Instructor, will be In ch1r1e be JI.mes Wtllt lchool ¥ 1..,«:!)0tdµlaUOC utlfl J,or of the produCt.Jon. coordinator of wort ei:- tl\e ')2 me(llber Pl!l'Oal-~ORTS,, Jllt\ $cool '!roop perlinot. Joho M n o n , telCher organizations ' and ~ began1.anllu&I calendar muaic department director ~€. dis&fict ~tion·~ salea ~ t a.m. today. Sa les will 'Jud the Marioen in ~ Council meeUnp a r • will contloue through SafUr· pfopam of, mulical Nlec- !iX_hedultd ~the fft'g.·Wed· day .... Nov.1.s. Proceeds will · tionl.· ... Es:ecuUve board ~sllay'lll'dch -.anil • be uiod to lmanc<>troop pro--~•-~ -~-~-~ M-· are ·o~-to .. an-.mblen of : jects. Mrs. Ivan Ubaldini ~~-"if:-;t7730';.m:....- ' . ' ~. 1t 117-lltl or Mn. t.ee Mock· II lrUIU. ~ Inn tb&, dinner iYiU be Ulld lo purchue fttma for tbe IChool such IS ~equipment, ::;:r-Ilda Md librsry REPOilTs: Winnen of first . pfi<e.' In l1lt meiUe"rilll - p . 111n1 the cluses of Ml!. rred. Plllold U<1 Mill lllonl &nlib. Pladnc second -clams ol Mrs • Howard Berptoo, Mr s . David Nichtnoo and Mils · Cblrlolte Cllnm. Total of $211.50 WU produced by the ' drive, a 1&1n over Jut year. Altlioulb Ille ofOcl1I drive hu eoded, lllOl!lbenhip it open to everyc:me tllJ'oqhout fhe 7eor. ~ii IQ centa per ,.._ « '1 per famll7. Schroeder PTA the community. They are ~ reports tbl!it caleDClan are REPOJ.TS: Mem'-nbip drive designed to provide in-priced at 50 <:i!J'!ll each . . . ;.11 bi u. rinaJ days. Banana Mn. P'11-urle1 Spade lonnaliO!I ab o •I the", PertldJ!lling '" PT o -.:, •• wUi ,_ eel b Pl'A distrlcl'1 educ:olloiW pro-'' ~dunk booth durlng .,... "" oerv y COMING UP: ''!be Hound and •--~•-_ _,, the u-•~-ba •-·-•··t W-.,Y, Nov. IJ, lo the -·· grams ~ .. -ou ~n r,,_,uic _, homeroom produ$1 lhe '"'" ThW&ht He Wu a and answer .,aons. net were the M m e s . · larielt p e r c e·n ta a I of. .Rateoon:' will ·be the film C'1rele Vw.· '""A' -Robert Welch, Greg Burke, mep>ben. Jtl'I• Jl'm., preienled atl:IO p.m. in lhe r1 -William Roberts, F I o Yd · w Ii b '! · ·caft.lorium Tudilay, Nov. Mn. ~ ~: ~I Warr and Ubaldi~i ... First • ~. ~.c:,.::.: ~c!J. ll, -~ ... Y ....... 'Ib.tic- Prejldent of .. etpt education classes fee and pml:Cb be )aid by cartoonil wU1 CtXDplete the REPORTS: M'embenhip drive !or pare nts of kin· PTA to .CWt . emeatkln ·program. Price of Mmmlon with the theme k. Trip With «rprtnen was presenle4 clauea to railt · fdDds for ii 2$ ctDU. PopCOfn will be the PT~ produced 1linol! yesterday. Dr. Robert Swan, PTA _.._ Mn Joie I sOld for II <ea11 and punch 350 _.,._..__ and more ·than c o n 1 u lting psychologill. ,... ... .,_~ · • . rv n for • _..,.__ M-. •-•--"~"-" d'--·--• obi f Cnwlwd, if111 and meona • ~ •• ~ $170. Winnen ln Ute. drive 1~~ pr ems o , chairnian ii Jn ·~-~ · NortOn b chalrinan of the , were the clatses of Miss preparing youngster! for ' .~•e· ~ event and ·Mrl. O Ii v er Glenda Peterson. firs t ochool life -, .. . PT o -McDowell PTO eu.hinc ii e<><halrman. place: Miss carol Sabins, sponsored Cub Scout Pack · .REPORTS: TotaJ of 2 3 t second, and Mrs, Christy 415 participated in • picnic ·Mn. J .... ~ AUJe1 chlldren partidpaled in the Bruno. third pl1Ce. 'Pflzes of lasl Satut?ay to celebrate Pnildeat costume parade al school ss. $4 and $3 will be used to the recent totem Oa(JIOlt OOMJNG uP: _•Te a·c her 1 • Jut 'nwnday. Each con- . )unc:heon wll! .be pmenled tesllDI received a &if!. Win· by PTO oo achool con· nera in the. · lower grade ferenct dl1 Tbunday, Nov. dlvlalon·wei'e David Durrett, 13 .•. PTO wUI ~ food Kyle Garcia, Terry Davies, .. . ... ,, wa;Jfow . j Prizes Take Carnival ile1111 IOt'•i>lldl'.llDltlla in Sindy.-Manier, Gayle l1lt .... durinl 'lblnUil•· Fentlndel, Cbriltinl Rice , inC 1ea1on .• :-Room C.lllte KJUa, Kevin mothen bave been Milcltd Rapindln, Pam Smllh, Ed- and wUI 1ttend a tea to plan die Schltmner, Sherri Leyva Emphasizing two'OC the numerous attractions at the Wardlow PFO carnival next Salunlay are (left to right) Mrs. Harold Schnackenberg, who as a clown will sell balloons and Barbara Schnackenberg and A Lot of Fashion ' ' Zap ' I Three exciting country Set fa&bionl combine for supertaste. Lean pants in plaid , a great shiny knit ~ scarf blouse and a ribbed knit coatdress. Part of ~ the fall look in May Co. stores. future class parties. Mrs. and carrie Clolrosz. Winners Chari ea Bolin, room mothrr in the upper grades were chalnnan, is in charge. Brian Payne, Scott King, REPORTS: Parents are need· Ktvin Garver, Doro th 1 ed to work in learning Kilts, N t I i a Fernandez, centers. Primary center re· Valerie Craig, Andrew qu ires the aid of two parents Copeland, Allyson Griswold, for, one hour dally ,'9 read LyM Grlawold, F r a n k stones 'to 'UM! childtth. Mtd· Howensteln, Jeff Woods and dlepnter needs two parents Chuck: Spade. All winners eac'h Monday.for ont or twp received award r i b b o n s • hours to auist with library J1.1dge1 were Mr11. Clarence bc]oks. In upper centel", Brew1ttr, Mrs. Bfll ..Miller, pareota are nterled to type. Joe Howens&eln, D a v i d file, cataJope and perfonn earthy, Rlchard Weaver and -oilier clerlll ~ me or · Michlel Cobb. ; IOI. •·Cllllf.;~rs. J, M. ' . llllama-ilH-Ntifled-.. -T amur.LfTV-~-- c ti a~tl-'m'l"lft . (:.;.;Re celi Mn. •trc• r.s_~.,..11 membership drive produ~ ~ -Preaident __ 600 f'.'.!'O !"embers_. • .Vision COMING VP : Laker film will ~ WU--eoftducted on be pr~nted at general ~ all clUIU. meeting Thursday, Nav. ~~: ... Newland PT.A · · iiin. ·GeW,e · cro.1 Prelldent ' COMING UP: Amer l can Herllqe it 111tijecl cl pro- ,ram!to be presented at unlt meeting Monday, Nov. 10, at 7:30 p.m. In room 11. Sav· ings bonds will be·awarded the clau from fttlt through fourth 1rad'8 lhat produces the be1l mural dtplcUng some aapect of United States l\eritqe .. Second bond will be 1w1rded the atudtnt- from fifth through eiahth grades who Produces tbe best essay ori the aubjeit. Program allO Will lnclu'de presentation of a p I 1 y performed by studen t•. Refreshments will be served with baby-s.lttin&,Ptovided. Oak View PTA at 7:30 p.m. in t,h e,. multlp'urpo s e .• room .. , Althoulh the evoal ., is , dealpte4.,,l .l''fathe"'6o " lpnrts qipl, '!'obtiis • .,.. -· to ·-· : . REPOR,;s: Pn>tnln.• 'anig. -... ~·. l" ' ' ~ It.: the Cake Carl Carrinz8 w6o eye ihe cake waik prizes. 1ba t event will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.JD. at .the : ~ school. • .. · , . ' ' Mrs. Hank Standridge President abbse'-''!fU ·preaenteid &odaY· fbr p,arents and pub-. lie . . • Partnt educauon meeting took place in the horn~ of Mrt. Fred Gillis. Wendell Edward/ principal, dlacnlaed schoo pniblems ...i ...Wered qJJUllons Pos- ed liy atte~na parents.- Prt1tnt were Mr. and Mrs. Birch Matthews, Mr. ·and Mrs . &dward , the Mmes. Fred Foutch, Art Corrivtau, Glen Cook and James Myers ... ~lember· shi p drive has resulted in 350 parenta Joining PTO .... 1'1c·tac-toe booth spon1ored by PTO at Halloween barbe- cue netted $80 for PTO proj· eels .... Roorp parUes were presented last Friday far all classes and • Halloween COS· tume ·parade look place on the school arounds with lower grade students parti· Offers Gift Possibilities . Y flO r of. the Blouse Country Set clnjun1 , ap lhl1 peisant-11lJplred dream in 1ilky PQ!~ster.srepe. Hugely oleeved wit/I JlllChred 1houlaer detan, lt'• available' with • rfttdlll!g fn!ftt'pleated·ilt4rt of'Wool <h~~: - ' I REPORTS: Wi nners of Hallowee n parade preaenled as Plrt of a rtc«lt unJt· meeUng were P1ul Mackie. ugliest eost~e: Jane ~ Webllter, •· pre\Ueat, and Lyrold Pillano , m~t orlglnal. Each rectived a •1 prize. Judges were tbt Mmes. Joe~ph Van Burtn1 George La Roque a n a RuSlell Albrilht, Girl Scoull Teri Cantrell. Sherry and Shirley Kellogg; Robin Clsrk and Pom Soto perfonned tht fill ceremonY. Ye a r I y budCet wu approved by the membenhlp, PT A-_....e.t Cub Seoul pack displayed collections assembled by tht boys. First grade room mothers hosted the meetlna. Wln~r of tJ:te evening's prilt. I pumpkin, Wit MiN Rita Gaudette. Robinwood PFO Mn. Loe Mod< Preltd"t COMING tJp: Smor~asbord dinner will be pre!ented Frl"-Y, Nov. 7, in fhe coleterla from I lo I p,m. Olnttl will be served SwtClllll meotbilla, m1111td potatot11 and sr1vy, • varte- ty cl 11l1da, .. u~ and bu~ ter. dmaerl and coffee or punch. Prizes will b t •worded. Girl Scout Trooj> 347. -ft1' dlrtellon Of Mn. Tooy SunUn, wtll ... 1ilt II the dlnn<r. An,.,.. '!llhll\I to purch11e Ucktls « dOnlte fOOd cl!sl\e• may -eorM« Mrt. :.Jack H•tr11, cipatJ na. Werdlow PFO ' Mn. 0eot11 Mttlw Prulclent COMING UP: Carnival will be preaented Saturday, Nov. 8, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nine a:ame booth! Will b e '"tared llld every· pa,r:Uci-pant will' r r t c e.ty t • prite. 'Cate·and pillow walks will bt J s~lal attractton11 and a e1own will be oo hand to sell balloons. Hot dogs, ice crearri, punch, c o f f e e , doughrru'ts and cake will be told. Advance licket aalea wm lake '·place -~ duriog· lhe · lunch bour, Tkk<ts "''Y " purchuod then at a reduced ratt. Serv· inl on the. carnival ~ mlttee with Mrs. Ja11 Car- ranza, chairman, are the Afmes. Tip Donald1on, ·Robert Mana,.., Richard •f!tkerl, Harold Schnocliln- berg aod Willl1111 H11'{(!Cid .•• General -Ung 1'·11•~ eel Wedneod1y, Nov. I~ 11 7:30 p.m. In school. After a brief business · mtetlng, Roderick McClain, principal of Doig tn1ermed1a11 School, Gardtn Grove, .J'tll 4pt1k on Bttter Uncler1tlndina S.. tween Parent and Child. Progr•m will be of special interest to seventh and eighth students and their par en LS. .. Wrapping up books for presents is great fun , dis· cover Ron Barbee and Barbara fl.lassie .. They are hoping their parents will take adv!\ntage of East· . ' wood School P1A'S"book fair this week . PTA mem- bers \viii take orders for books in the library and they \vill be df:livered in tj.me Cor •. Christmas. · Growth . ' Expectations Met, Thanks to Successful C!>rive ~1ary Beth Skands measures up to expectation-: of · (lefl to right! Robert Smallwood, Mrs. II. R. Wilk· in.son and Mr.&...A. ~I. Gra ham, wbo also watcned i 'lonroe PTA gro'v d~ring. the annual Jnemb.ersh.lp drive. Mrs. Graham's third and fourth grade clah brought fn the n1osl merribers. There now are 461 poople in the PTA, accojdlng to Mrs. William G"" fey, };bairm~n . --=---· ' . • I . i • 1 ' • YO!:. 62, NO. 265, S, SECTIQNS, 7.6 PAGES . . , ' ~ \ ··I • • ' ~~E COUl\ITY, CALIFOltNIA < •• ·~ ,.., . WEDN~SgA '1', NOVEMBE ~ So.1'6' .. TEN COOS -.. J• ' •• .. -. ' Edison )ly RI CHARD P. NALL 4lf t11t Dlll'f P'll9t Stiff ' t1,!_ CARLSllAD -San Onofre Nuc-r Gener\l~. Station gol 'a clean bi)J of ~eallb from two state agencies Tuesde.y. 'nle poWer plant which neighbors anb(Mr type power cenw -President Nlx9.1t'S . Whlte HouSe West ·m San Clemt!nte. --thus far has tlie bleaainl of both I.be· St.ate De;partment of · Piil:ilic Health and'State Department of 'Fish and Game. -· ·• . " , ~Stea-In ~ '1-•• , ... Pla-rit . •J • • .. • :." · Hlllillngtm Beach llUln generating materials and efr'J'ls I" .,. lile. • . ptonl dill DI" !are as 'Wl!D In RP,Ort from Al"r detailing types al biota (fklra and a fish-and earae martne.blologla( when he fauna ) collected and tnJlyzed for r~ 1 g61'•t• compa111Uve flgu.., qn !lsll kill acUvl.ty, Amasa C. ~ • ..ruor health · duriqj pllnt '-"keeJilnl ~.... ' physid!t for the Stale Deplrtmenl ol """DUdeor age San Ono/re plant_ It. Public Health, said 'the San Onoltt p!ant 45:0ii lldlowoll capoclty i. ellOlllh elec· bas ngt caused any tncrea&e in l'llilloloi· . tridtf.f<r baU ml-I"""" -was !cal matedab.that ~ bo ~· • ·~ by the San DI.,. ReglOl!i!. w.>ter P.. I'. Kreile, board meml)er; menti• ~·Control Boo~ ot city )iaH Jiotlo. a Sl:m!ord·'J."of....,r q.-nceotjy u.' ~.were given on both plant . saying he d1dn1 thint .. lt ls life to live di p into the sea of radiological ·within' 150 miles of a nuclear power Jtl!!lt, . -... ·~· .. ~··.;---- , ' -• --"J' ' ~ -Ha~r Sttpported .But. Beach Mayor Asks · Dissolution • ' By TOM BARLEY I oif"l!MI Olll'I' ,llM Stiff ' The Ora1111e C\>l!nty Jloar<LQL!il!~­ visora, · after ,a • lflngthy hearing ·of ptos and p:m, late today voted, 4 to I• to re· laln !he Orange Coun\y Harbor Distrli:I. Su'pei'visOr . David Ba~'lf cast the dis-. senUng ballot. . Board action came after the super· visors ooml. leOilhY~t..u.,.,,, J>1>(1!.J9r and· ajainsl 'the mudt debated district. In three weeks, supervisors ruled, they would Consider a name change for .the diSfrlct ancLpossible expansion of the f. district's role. Prior to the vote, supervisors heard testimopy-calling foc--retentioiror--the district and a plea from the Huntington Beach mayor to call for a vote of the people on the issue. Nixon's Policy 011 War Backed Bv 77 Percent •. PRINCETON. N.J. (AP) -Seventy. seven percent of the people who listened to President Nixon's Vietnam policy speech MOl!day approved it, I!'< 01'!,1"P. Poll says. -t :.. Only s percent ·were outrightlr •opposed to ffixon's progr~-i1-percent-~­ undecided, the poll re~ed. The study wu CODd\Jcted Monday night ' .. •' . --. .. ' Criticized . • • Ill . -Repor~ thal they obouhi be WldefsiVun<L Cornllh COllClde<f that theie ""' dif- f...._ or. opinlona about proldmllj to nucl&r plants. "l go along with Presi· dent Nixon. J wouldn't mincl living within a mile or haU-mile of a nuclear power Plant.'' . ' · Wh•n in his San Clement. borne; l'nsi· denl Nl*'<I II -er four mllea from the San °""'" nuclear ~r, Comllh lald be thiluihl thi Stanford prol{UOI' ll'" overly eacltel!.~~·are I ., ' . ' maw day.IO<liy lwarda Iha'! ! conaider mote ti:uardous,'' · · .. Charlell Turner, &erUlr marine biologist for the State Department of Filb and Game, detailed conUnuJna: 11tlxtiea-and monitoring of Uie piaal'1 ~f<ll ,... !iOln sediment "-llll to aciilio .lllJl!JI;, \. He said !Mota in the an;a ~· diveral~ed and said the pint) COlllant water does ~.appear·to hJv.e ~ .ll!ve,.. effeet on martnO ~ , ~ ~Any-lnctew .:1n. llJa.~_.it" of ' . J ~ilcbarge or the lemperat.ura might ~qse aome changes and we would hope ff then! are changes we would be consulted and a monitoring program set up," ht aaid. .The plant bas a 3,IOO<foot pipe line into tbe sea that sucks in water to use in cool-IJll. A Z,600'foot pipe discbargea that w~ter .1~i(it the ycean 1Ur face. Diacbaf1<!1 \water It elpl de.,... < f!W ONOFRE, Pago I ) * * * ' i+County P-0wer P_lant Draws Blast CriUcism of expanding 1 tea in r-•g~enm"""Ong plants suCh es the Southern California EdiSOO Cornpanf faclllty in Hunjington Jle•ch .reitjied new inlallty Tuetdiy in Los Angeles County over another one now under constructJon. ' . ' . ' Air Pollu~ion Control Officer Louil J. Fuller watned that unless lhe third unit of the ~attergood plant at Playa del if.ey is ab&n<loned, he will ·attempt legislation tovforbld 'it.s future operation. The ~ ll;lillion plant 11 ~lng added by the ,City's Departme nt of Water and Power a'nd ~e. impending court · clash prom~ to be an historic battle·betweea two public agel)cles and their lntereeta. Fuller lald Ji< wUI ask the Loc Angeles Boord of Supe"'isora to adoOI wbal ""'1d bo Riile rl, .ett!itl-the !Oioel of ducioi 'nltr ..... -. --i- n Tiit rule suaestect WWld alaO. prohibit coMtructioo..,of., 1111' new · w1e powor jllllllS or ~' DO maller_;.bothat !bey l>onuialjlral.cu or Jow...,1Iplp.-.... tent oil. · · -lmmedlatdy_aflec...tll!' · .apeecb..._To lest-. first reactions to the Presk:lent's plan to end the Vietnan w,r, the GalluP organization put a series of questions ·to 5()1 adults Jiving in ~ Jocallties in Jl na· tionwlde telephone aurv,y, l. •• • , ' OAM.., PILOT ....... '1' llWI Mief~ fATRO(~N CASEY · KEEP~ IN SHAPE. ' . • ·r,. Whf!n He ~ops You, Brotlter> -· Smfle , · ' · ·' · Fuii.t .i.o llid JI rule ri i. adnpt..i by ~ )1urtll,m;80llll!y llillae Jo iiul!~ for Ille ' steam 1eo..,.tlng p(ant1 so it clnnot be opera fed even when bulll. • ' .The Lot AnleA Department of 'Water and1Power,.bolyever, has spent fl'million .1!reidy °" the-.SC.tter1ood Ill unit; with" f;IJqose a Baroness_ S~Ors (from left) Nancy Weidenhammer, Pari Rangel, Debbie Ne1soo; Joy Jones and Lirtda Nelson.form 1969 homecoming court at Fountain Valley High School. One wUI be GTQ:wned homecomi ng .qµeen Nov. 14 :when Barons meet neW" crossto\vn, rivals, the Edison High Chargers, on gridiron. ' · 1 ~ • About 7 in 10 persons· heard the speech, and among this ~p. interviewers reported a large perceiltage as i.mpresSed and reassured by Nixon's remarks. ·A sizable minority said they were disappointed that the President had not come up with new ideas to end the war. Almost half of those interviewed thought Nlxonts pOlicles -would Probab ly bring an end to the ·war. Twenty-five percent said the policiea, would probably fail and 26 percent said they were un· decided. At a ratio of 6-to-t those lhterviewed said they felt public demonstrationll against the war hurt this country's peace t>ffort.•t Stork Marlcets NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market continued to edge upward in mod!!rate trading this afternoon, with gains mai n- taining a better than 300-issue lead over losses. (See quotations, Pages 28-29). Study .of Youth Problems . 100 Negroes Occupy Tufts Dorn1ilory Site MEDFORD, Mass. (AP) -About 100 young Negroes, many carrying clubs., OC· cupied a dormitory under COl'WrucUon at TU(tl University today: to Pfua their derilands for more minority -groop workers on the job. 1Ip .Valley Takes 1st Step , 87 Tl!RRY COVILLE Of .. D1itY Piie! l'-'t t • Oranlfe A tw~man committee to lay· 'the Coast 1 gioundwork for compreh..i.lve otndy QI • :_ . , )'Olllh problem ln Founta!O .\'alley W110 · aj>polDled lit the'. city countll Tueaday .... n18bt., l .t I • ' Weatlter Those low clouds llil&hl be for ' . reAI. the weatherman wlfrns. cit· ... ini a chance or showers tonight • and continued cool temperatures along the Orange Coast Thursday. INSmE TODAY Two ntw sl1ow.! -and a "ltew star of an old one -will be on view this weekend on Orange COO$t area 1ta9e1. See Thtottr Note1 in toda11'1 enttrtainmmt section, Page.! 32-33. Mf'l'ltt Jl>D Mvhlll PllM1 ti ~" ....... °' ..... C-tt" 11 ,TA .. lftnl l'..w • ....,.. •... Dr. llM!c....,,. JI lled: Ml"''" a.n Tt...,!Mil '1 'TllNlen .... ·-. ...... wtl!tt tt Wwlf Ntwt ... W-'s Ntwa 11_.I · Ma:poeF,fward Just first• called for Im· Jnedlate laURching of the ract-Ondlng study ltlelf, bdt !oat 3-2 as the city's three freshmen councilmen b a I k e d at establishing a large committee before having time to think about ii. Just was joined by Vice Mayor John Harper. ' Eugene VanDask, leader of the clly's succeMfur ~all. and Doug Meyers, whole wJJe is a fountain Valley School Diatrict trlistee. were appointed as the two-man committee by Just. 1beir job ia to study the mayor's pro- poula: tor · a larger commltt.ee and detenfiihe how the city can belt learn tht 'facts about juvenile delinquency, drug use and other )'Olllh problems in the city. Sun Granted Retrial LOS' ANGELES (UPI) -Chrlall•n Haydei;i, ll, son of actor Sterling Hayden, was sCebduled· to be retried Nov. JJ on charges-of violating draft laws after a mi!lt.Mal wa1 declared Tuesda)'. In U.S. district court. -" - I The Mayor'• p~i..:as prompted by recent newspaper stories about a Foun· latn Valley couple taking their two daughters out al-Fountain Valley High Scliool beca111e of the 11lepd drug situa- tion there. 1.: ''This is •one or aeverial 1ituaUons I've heard about in the scbool,1' exclain1ed Just, "and I ttilnk• 1~'1 abOut time we found out. what the facts are'tJere." Jullt was not satitfied with a pollce re· ply that Fountain Valley was no worse than other cities. "How bad are other cities. I don't know?,. said the mayor. He then outlined .hl& proposal for a massive fact-finding study~ "We need a large committee to i;.clude 1 chairman, a vice chairman, a man ap- , nointed by each councilman, an appointee rrom each school district, one from each high school student body, at least one high school drop out under 21, an at- torney, doctor, police ofHcer, minister, and club representatlve11,1' he explained. "Wait, jt'I not that s:tmple," interjected Cooncllman Ron Shtn.k:m.an. ••we~e ,got lo know wbo can llnd the aurwerL Qulckn•uilnot e!!lcleftl:y." - "We're not asking I.hem to solve thfl problem," countered Just{ •1merely to find out what the problem s." "It's still not that easy,'' continued Shenkman,,_who r~ to Jwrtp ilk. mediately mto such a alu<ly. ... ., ~ l ~ r I ..:.• . ." s··., •es· tr~ ::011ieer' ·· . -. ' Seid Beach Parrotlrt~n ·Big cJy·. By RUDI NIEDZU!l.5Kf ''All~Ol!gh I, hacln'I done any serious Of tlMI Del" Pi• atlM , . ,.. · PQWer '1iftlag iinOe 1917 when J 11et .Jbrte When Se¥] Beoch patrOlmari Pal C-J. -id -rda of 111 -·nd ~.>. -· pullayouovertqllie, sldeolthiioalf'arid "-·-~a. ·~ ~,,.. __ , 11'.JO.pow\Cf aq..i_ and a . total al 2,0ll, , I writes Out a citation you ari likely to malia&ed• tO· lift JICrly,well 1isice J hid smile .and say '.'Yes air, ofiicer!!' whet.be# traiiied~fOr ·onlf, •tWo ni°"thl ,before ' ,the yoo commltte;d an offense <>!' not. • . police olympb;_s " said 'CaltY, . J. • Just one look at his ox-like 1houlders .. · . . ' ' •. "I • and his bulging biCeps are cOnvincing JltJrl1nc tbJa perJOd, I lncr~ "1>' body enough that you are on the wrong side. • ~iwelght rom 25q to 280 ~. :kh9wW& Casey ha1 been a policeman for., only ·1& lhaf the ··~ ~ndag~ w~ld~ li>crease months; He also Is a weightlifter - a m~ IF'~· When,,l lilted, in 1987, 1 . wurkl champion. He can bench press w.ei;tied .340 pounds. aboUt 117 pounds · and loft a dumbell '.Entered , in the "Superheav)'w'elg~t wefghl.ng 220 pounds with one_arrp ~¥ Clal!.', '-' ·Caley easily llfted_a &» pound make it look eaay. · benCh ~. a 8$0 pound aquat and a MO He can rip up teliphone books w'tll liis """IX)tind deadllft, . to the amazement If bare hands, aquat lift BOO pound.1, run for-otiier ~pellton. , five miles without stopping and crush all "I'in sure lf I had been pushed I could the bones ln your right hand with h~ iroq J.havf! doDe .560-70M75 for a t,eis1 pwnd grip. · fcilal," he 18ys,. without really IOUndhlg Casey, who otands-6 feel tall, w~igho-""""'!,, 2ao poonda UJd has blcepa with a 21;iridt: ~~ lhit the competUion.l\aa'lleen put circumference, I~ Jus\ about the mOat awq for a' year, Casey la try= feanome cop you ve. ever seen.. , hb we1aht down to a more a Ke'• a allperman., He doean-t ge~ hi.s· leveJ. "l'm trying to 1et back ·clewn '° energy from krypton, but vol~lflOUI thiit I cp pt back ii.to my Uniform " be quanlities of 1teak1, egg1 _al)d~nult he Jauahed. ' consume& every, day.. . Be(ore ·becoming a policeman; Caley Fortunately, for la"!breakers a™! law~ • operated til1 Own .heatth club in·NonrllJt abiding cltlzen1, be 11 • nice Ill>'· He and now keepe hlS garage and badryard doesn 't throw his weight around . . stuffed with $8 000 worth of· exotic Jn ·September, he c~~~out Of 'r.eUr~: (See or1'JCER, P.aae I) menl from his welghthft1ng career at the - prodding or Police Chief Lee Ca~se arid another f l7 mllllon in· contracts awarded, anl:t-retused .to halt -- AuthorlUes tor Lhe City' agenCy also say ~ newest unit will have a new type of boiler U\at wiU emit far Jw· smog-mai~ Ing compound<. · \I ast volumes of electricity produced would also allow cutbaCks of 17 older.type ateam generatm1 plants In the eounty, 1U1ltiira in 1 net llTtqf reductJon of perhapa 20 percent, they add .. No math!r what. lhe Department of Water and Power Contends, Fuller and hIS oeJ>U!Y, Robert M. Banky -along wtfh U)e cbainnan of a state aa:ency - Ill adamantly opposed to Scattergood Ill conttruting.. , Barsky said the APCO will try to ob- tain an injunction to forbid the steam ~rating plant from "operatlrie If the Power district goes ahead with It. And Albert Pi!a rlson, chairman of the a.Ir, ~quality c:ommittee or · lhe State Envlronmen,tlil Quality Study ~uncll, said he will seek an injunction too. · Pearlson's plea would be foi the 1late attorney general to lsaue-an injunCUon· agaJnst any further construc!iorl on the plint before supervi10rs decide on Fuller's request. Orange Oowty Superviaora underlined tlleir di::pleuure Oct. 21 with a llimllar pi'opo&ed expansion or the Huntln~ton Beach steam plant operated by SouUlern Caliromia Edison ,Campany. "The board voted 4 to l to ask the d&filornia Public Utlli~es Comml.ulon to prohibit construction of any tnor:e foasil- ruel plants Jn tQe state 11 a means to curb atr poUution. · ·Sacramento ·legislators have called for a stepped-up program of nuclear power plant development to provide both ade- quate_ electricity for public! needs and cleao_alr,_'fi_t.biD a dee•~-- 'tr * * some of his fellow officers, who sug- gested that he mighl enter the annual Police Olympics at South Lake Tahoe . I-le' threw his welglit around then .and troupced 47 entrants in the •pOwe·~ lift contest, which consists of a bench pr~s. aquat and deadlift. A gold medal was his Alamitos Stai:ts , n ·rive prize. ' Harbor DiStrict Bill For Ant~ ... s~~g Initiative ' . . Antl·&mofl forces In too Alamllol wijl bullnelsman. He llld petition lahlel will P · 8• · b Va'Uey' "'ou· n·eil lnlllBte· • a drl,.. :ll>undl)' io 1!! bel aet up to atJoppina centm 1o plher a se.. .., . . s!paJUl'lfl for an _lalliltl•e to .... ,the , ~·· . .· , . -• "::.=.. statel>aUotnexlyear... -n-l\)allDln(·fhe ~bl~·wm. -A.re8!)1utlOl>•a.iid!ll• the Or.,,.. t;_oomly • -'ltJe j)l'1>(liJlec!· ~ -Id 1ni-.Jfrel<al.niub· fltllf a1&l!i 0. ·~ bocUi Board .ti! Suj>ervllclri to allow.. the ·ifeopie sevm pOiitsllment on thoae (oimd· lo be to au-altabllOn, Dloyer lald. to decide the late of the COWlly Harl!!lr conltlhtlt!Jll to air 'and wat.r polJullliii ., Ilrqtr tx]ftllOd -that Dl!lrlci waa unan!mot1Sly pa....s Tueifdl7 within the stale.. · • • onoq11 slgnawm will bo olllalned 1o pu1 nlib! by the Fount.In Valley 9itl' \AW>-The &mOI flghlen started lbeir d~ the antl"'"'OI me...,.. on the JUDO ell. several weeks a10 In Seal Beach Let,.,. · Pllmln' "' November poeral ele<tloa Founfam Valley, alonK with Hun_ttl.tlon • World wtit!re they l!olle<led' 1·, O-ot b1Ilot. · Bearh, has been traditionally opP>ped to signautrea. He 'tharged that only "man aJpp:ri· ol the l.lf\rbor Olotr!C\ and, to ltll '1'th !I•adintl..!f>e.a•Il·pollulloo4'ampolp· lo -tbe~poople-can -11 In 1 ..... ·bomlna uns"'cwfully tried to wltbdraw·ll'O!D I~ Mat Dreyer, • t'ttlred Seal • -.P(l!lutj(>n. ,, ' ' • . t ·~'y PILOT JlllffO'>Pr H " ect ':Long-delay~ -. • .Rezoning ·' OK'd . - , ----- A. .._ • .j, ~. 'llelayed for live mGialhloltor~-· ... ... VIL baa been llrUted by Ille llun-tlnctoo lleodl'Clti Council. Tbo Maceo O>rpor.UO. WU 1lvtn .... ptOYll to build.aparlmenta mt I{-· ol paoperty tl;Kitb ol Watner Avenue and weot ol lidwarda $ttoe\, OriC!nallY !her!"""'~-·•., held up becaU5e of obJectlOns of three homeowner• ll"OOPI h1 tbe vta. Tbe developen iw->ted 1 plln 11-- 1111 Illa!. Ille bul"''"I cleml!J' would be . . leas than •lnale !amlly hom~ ~evolop. ment. · . · Councilman Jerry f\.tatney, who had op- posed the cbanp, aald he was aatWled and that the homeowners lfOUPI bad ap. proved the developmeht. . · Macco C«potaUon has also bet:;n 11ven approval for dev.elapment of Jl acree on Warner Avenue, east of Edwards Street. The developer accepted a proposa~ ot tbe planniJlg comml5slon that put ol the property be built to mulUple apulmaits ai>' llle·?e!llainW 'to duplexea. 'Beach Boys Club Starts Sale of V.S. Flag Kits Members of the HunUngton 'Stach Boy&' Club today launch«I a lllort; In- tensive drive to oell Amtr1Can flq llill·to West Orange County realdenta Jn tlmt for 'Tuesday"a observance ot Veterans Day. The U, priced at 11.95, lnclUol<J a l by Uolit American flag, a f.!oot, two.pl..,. lllalf, balyard and nietal mounting bncht wtth ~a. The entire tit ls pectaged in ' a ~avy cardboard carton whidl cao. be Uled !or lloraf< belw ... uaea of the (lag. Al a bmtue !or buym who aufll'Orl the Boys' Club 11le1 drive for Veterana D1y, the club wUl include a 12 by IS.inch CIU!orni• state nae ll no additional cost. Flag kiti cln be ordered by mall, by ~ or In ~raor. . 'The club"a beadquarttr1 · 1rt at 319 Yor~ Sl Hu.nUngton B e a c h , Tolephone number II 53H415. The proceed& fi'mn 'the &ale will be Uled to npport Boys Club programs in the lluolhlgton Valley aru. Senate Committee * * * -neiays 1learings -V,eterans Day On Vietn~ War Events_ Planned In Hunting~o~ ' WASlllNGTON (UPI) -'-The Stnate Fo~ Rel111Qns Committee decicleif io-a•y ~ pul.off qalis a planned Rriea of Plans 10< observance of Veterans Day i)ubu..! besrtnp on the Vietnam ·war in Jn Huntlncton Beach Sunday. At the Hun· or<!tt to avoid tbe paalbWty of lnllaming tin1to1F B<ldt lll,n School ' audltoriuin "'the public mind." have beerf completed. Oatrman .J. Wiiliam Fulbri&ht CD-Co-chairmen of'-the· 11 aim. event are Ark.), who had aald Tuuclay he would VIC< Mayor 0.0.1• McCraC<en and Hun- mchedule "nducaUonal hearinp" on ilnflon· Beach Ltgl<in POof Conunlllder Vletoam·that Uc! bean poalponed pandlnc llal Wirtz. Pttsident Nlxon'1 ·Monday apeeth on the WJrb Tueadl:y was preslbted 1 pro. war, A.id the cownlllee felt public bear.· clamaUon ~ .Mayor J1cl!: Green ur&Jng lnp •t Ibis Utne l!'IPI "cootrlbate to !be r ... ldenll ,la attend !be -.. ••rvlces lnfl1111111a119" of the public mind." Sunday. 1 "Tha' eommitlei ~'t' loant lo do Em"""" ol lheprogran;~ill bo ,on ii>e anylhbir a\ Wt ..... that mllhl be In-10Ul1('-who have' !oupl In ,Vietnam. lerpttted u antaaqntatlc" he .llld. "W• Commander Wlrti aald. want to.be mpomlble ucl cll'tlul." Mayor Donald llobbit• or the . U.S. He allo Aid that whln the hearinp are 1,-t•rine Corpa, EJ Toro Air Stilion, and itt •f-bo did nol lll'.lf~· ~Id ~n ·Donald , Shiplay i •ill <be atart -the lnlUll MllllDi ~ bf •J>Mkin •t Ille Sanday .....,,,IJ!i•· , Oj,en tillhe publk. ~ _, · • ~eifj]j wm'W'awinfed:to iiiotllen of P'u..lbri.... uid secn•·--of state 'riien'who died in recent military 1ttvlce, •"' _, Wirtl tild. William P. Rogm and otrenoe S.Cretuy . I . . ~:JI; LtJrd -1tf•be Clm'llld to. '· .. , '" "-, ; .. teall!'·11~·~-:f.,•~Uiaai .,arK Pt<iJect Repo~t In ... _ m,..t!nf. '" Se-;;... :n h c . , 11e •nld ·CIPl!JI , ........... mipit be · t ror-'l"eac otu1c1 KNdldld '.'lftw uz::7 -r:; . ' . . ·-_ ·• ·• · · , . . • • • llulitinaton Beach recreallon and Jll5lts ••• 1 ~en· will bear 1tatu1 ·repart5 N ·· · p l _ on 1tVt<al park building projecta at 1: 3'l attOW 8rA tonight in city council chambers. Among the parks to be discuMed a.re Plan Studied the future Huntington Cen!ral Park, Eadtr. Part -anCi. H vtral nei&hborhood park·~ · A alender, twwcrt ]llrk south of Ellis A venue and behind a propoled apaftmtnt complez on Brookhut1t Street, ls the Jone ittm ·for eom:lder1tlon of the Fountain Valley Pll'kl aDd RecrtaUon Cornml.uion at 8 tonight. The park, pr._d by Architect I.oroy Role, is pll.Med in conjunction wt\h Rose's 1partment complex. Pirkl com- missioners have betn asked lo advise the p!&nning commi:ielon oo the vllue ot thtl pArk. Pltnnert hive 11ready turned down the 1partments bec1u1e of ne1rby. resictencu, . but lndicatejl 1 p 1 r It aeparatiag ..the 1parlmenll from the boma ml1ht aolva ~ P!"blem· OAI! Y Pit OT OU.MG-I CO.Uf ~llllttl,.. COMl>,t.N'r ... \.rt N. Wtt4 PrQldent 111141 PW!llllltr J tslr R. Cu11:r Vici ,,. .... Ill tflt G-r Mtntt" · Thff'l•t r.,.a llllOI' . ' T~•"''' A. Mur,hlftl IMft .. lllt •flier ·Break Brefid Tbgether • . . - s Quell MIT ._ 1 Pcitoo'1Warcli I . • ' '· r . t • • ., r . ' • • • : CAr.IBlllDGE, Mala: lAP1 -Tb,.. hundred police olficin, ..me . ~ companied by police dol~ •. b~ up ~a clamorous antiwat ~1Uon f.odlY at 1 ,._arch 1ilt"olfitort of Massadwletts lllllilllte ol il'echnOlisf. Tl>O police, ,.,,... equipped w1111 ·!Ur ••• i1l!1I and au wearing riot helmeu. swept blck a picket Uoe formed by 500 chantinl demonstrators from an ultrale:l't group known u the Nov,Qlber Action ConuniU... Tb,: .Proteste11, .demanding an end to the Vietnam War and MIT'a· lnvolvanerit t.n del--~lll&d .._c:11, IOUll!t , to P"'\'nt ~. !!WI) ent¢nc 10 M\T llllltumtnlatloll LlllaraU)rlel b\'ll!lln1 tw0 blDW lnxn the co0.,. campus. ~en. P,ro0ns, ~udlni at I~ too newSm.en, were hurt, an MIT a~esm.n said. Most of 1he injuries seemed minor, the 'pokesman added. Cambridge . police spokesmen said sevelt demonatra.tors were taken into CU!tfdy, but officers rdralnetl !nm 11\lk· ing mass arrests. Their priml.ry , ff. jectjfe wa, \o clear the ·pickets 1w11. · President Nixon greets Britain's Prince Philip upon larter'S arrival for dinner Bt·tbe White House Tues- day. The. prince .stopped off in \Vashington on his way back to London after a tour of Canada. He leaves for home Thursday.· Tl1' officers -f1'oDl Calnbl'ldp, BostOn. -•rville. the M~ Diatrlct Commisaion and ibe Sllte Pollee -wheeled onto the street where. the pi~kets weri marchinc: frmt · teVeral directioos. _ From Page l ONOFRE •.. -wanner when it joins the aea· 11ain- The intake·plpe must be cleaned .about every five weeks to prevtnt 4 aort of m_echanical ~dening or the arteties. The pipe would be clogged with mUS11el.s •nd other sea forms. Thia is d~ by reversing the proctss and heatjgg water in the intake to about JOO degl1!e• to kill Ille forma. Turner congratulated the San Onofre operation-on only kllliiig about 8$ pounds ol !lablng auring ii! plpe.cleulnt. . - He· contfisted thJs ·to the Huntington Beach steam generating plant which he Eald kill1from10,000 ·to_12,000_pou~s or fish when -it be1t treats the pipes every Uve weeks. The killed fish are picked up on a traveling screen and weighed. Turner 1ald afflciall of Southern .California Et'.iaoo Company are concerned about the Hu.nUngton "Beach fish kill· •0\1. are work- ill& on ,ti!< prp~lem. . f , · · ,, , . QOH:tioned "l0d1y, or ando' J. Ortega. auoci1te · chief mechanical engineer for Edlsoo ..... ~aJd, "We don't want to kl.R any fish.". Jfe-slld ~~PumP.ril l>eing deslined now, that .wUI clear fl~ from '°" intake plpa before they lri.btatl ire1ltd. 1 1:illi0ii.Conlplliy .l; wblCln'ect1V>TIO percent of the San Onofre power in a joint venture with San Diego Gas & Elec- tric -began a monitoring operation of ' the . aret -la~Jae3 Joag;e.before +the plant ma· ere e.-Ctiiclt •. · ... , . : Ortegf~sal4'~1S.:Wa's"lo" establish a base line for~COfJlpaiison ~ matj.n~ •.life ''-nd other dtta before atld ,after operatiOn. The nudtar flactor flf$t "wtrif criUc1l11 to j>r0d1£e poWe1' In' Jutr lll7. Edlsod has kept a control station and elaborate monitoring system ror several years and now \vants to be nlleved of the monitoring chore. It was pointed OUt that the neertat kelp bed to'the .re. was the ''Barn Kelp" hl!d six miles "to tl'le south. Dwyer Students Oppose Hiring of Angela Davis v}mey Planneri " Slate Hearings Foor public hearinp top the llJ\ of Items to be faced by Fountain VaUey Planning Commisaionera at their 7:30 meeting, tonight. Twenty·fi ve students at D w y e ?' lntermediate School in Huntington Beach have joined in ··the controversy over the hiring of admitted communist Angela Davis to teach at UCLA. In a letter to the DAILY PILOT, the students state: "We feel that it ls unjwtified .for Angela Davis to teach her philosophy at UCLA or any other college or university. The reason for thb tJ why should we be over in Vietnam fighting against com· munlsm yet having it taught in our universities and schools. "We a!Jo strongly believe that it is wrong ror Angela Davis to use our righll i• tbr .Constitution . becauae. ,apparently ishe d~n't bell eve :in it. "We, as a group of eiahth graders at Dvi:yer lnterm~te School feel that ' ' I' I • 1 . ~rom r-.e l OFFICER ... muscle -buiidin( equipment. One of the devices, used to build back muscles la boldlj emblazoned with the warning, "GorlU1 Rack -For Apes Qn.. Jy." Casey's son Mike, 2, and his wife Carol share his enthusiasm ln keeping flt and .,,,.ork out with him on occaSJon. "I've got Mike chinning himself with my help and he runs with me now and then. He can run a quarter.milt around the track." l!is wire, a thin and sprltely creature, also trains with weights and can perfonn seemin gly fantastic feats of strength, i;uch as a SOO pound squat lift. ''l'IObody believes It, but "''omen ac· tually have more of a Potential for strength ln tht hips and legs,'' says Casey. racialism Is no excuse for getting her job back." The letter Is signed by. IS girls and 10 boys. · 'Where -Is Jeffrey?' LOS ANGELES (UPI) ,-Authoriti" sout:bt superior Court action today that would force !\In. Bttty Fouquet, already charged with 1bandoning her· 5-year-old daughter. to reveal the whereaboUt.s or her miMin& 1on, Jelfrey, a. \'"blic heoln&• scheduled are: -A request by 1'farilyn Hoep\ner for corTimetcial zoning on the aoutbeut c:ot• ner ot Ma,n.9lla Street and Heil Avenue. -A requeot by Phll'a Mexican Food .restaurant to serve beer. -An Ocean View School Dlltrlcl r .. quest for construcUOn of an elementary school near Magnolia Stree{ and Heil AV!P.Ue. ..:An Oka Brothers request lo bWkl 1 iirofwk>nal office.building and i. nurwy on lhe north side cf Talbert Avenue weat of BU!hard Stre<t. Vote Winners,at a Glance •J'. ,, B~'.L-AiloaADD NIESS - , ,' ,11"9 ... ...,., fl! ~ w)ltoora In TllltllaJ'1""'1jor electiON around Ute n1Uon : -.r:-~-r'!~ .,,_.. ~ ,~iy · !J.O,vernorahli)s. ... · •, • • ' · New }erHJ'' William T: Cahill,.RepubllC>n. Vlrslala: Linwood HOlton, ~bucan: ' M1yor1 . , New Yerk.1 Mayor John V .. Lll)duy "woii ., ateon'.d term as 1 Ubtr11-· Independent caniildate ifter loal.ng the Republlcan primary. CltvdQd: Democrillc Mayor C11l B. Stokes narrowly won a aecond term. . . • Detroit: Caunty Sheriff.Roman Gribbs won i. nonpartiun e1eetlon. ' Pl&tallarP: Peter F. P'laherty, '° in4~ Democr1l Hartf..,J, Republican Attn Ucoello rwleClll!. Bt&ffale: Democratic incumbent Frank A. Sedita. New Hl•ea: Blltholomew F. GWda, Democrat. Referenda • . , Proposall to lower the VDUnl qe to 11 in New Jersey lhd 11 in OhJo failed by aubltanU1l marJin\. "' New i)ersey voters approved overwhelminily a state lottery and a '211 million bond to fleht water pollution. North Carolina voters okayed an 1ddJ. tional one percent ulea ll• for local purpoees. · .. Kentucky votera rejected a consUtutlonal amendment providinl for an- nual, insteid of biennial, leglalattve sealona. In New York Stile, a C001erva- tion "bill of ri1hta" appeared headed for 1pproval. POlt A L.IMITID .TIMI ONL. YI j ' '.,. ' : "'"'' w .••••• ...._It .. 1<11191 I -: " DAIL V PILOT tteff0 ,_.... CITY ATTORNEY 'GETS NIW LEOAl AID&' 0.puty City Atty. Nin• Walih, .... Boni• __ , __ . ,Of lfh Shttt Mt111ftt AIMr••u ,,o. ••• JtO, t2641 --N .... -1 l eatft; 1111 Wtll .tllftf ..... lt..._4 (ni. /olif!tli ~ UI Wf1f It• •trn• \.h\lllt lf:t(fl; ltJ •tftll AWt~\.\I > • Mrs . W1l!h ls a graduate of UC Btrkeley. -· " · Her husband. td'tfird, 1190 .an 1t· torney, i1 employed by the Sllte of Call rornia. 'Tiie appointment ol>Mn. Welsh brtnl!S the city attoi:ner 's stl.ff to ~our. Others ate Lu Ann MirshaU, aulstant 'city at. torney, and Cblirles .LlbTert6,,deE1ty. 'J'ht new appointee's duUes will include " .-'• Htrt 11 I ,,,. OM*tuftit1 to own the Towl• Stitrllna Strvlct YOll hew Mwty1 wtf'lted, ""**ntitl ........ on servi«a for 4', t. ., hiiefft peoph C1¥1r tl't• sifllte plac• .etttna or ... itoc« ptiot. P•f'IMI of th• ll1de. ....,, " tflt time to ceny aft tlWlt •ond1rfu1 .ofd trMltlOn •r 1Mnt ,.,_,, dl\flflttr • Mt 9f 1t1rlln1 for Mr .wdl"I· MtnY IOw9ly '"" PltWM to choou from. CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARll MASTER pHARGE • S-.., ht IH.00 Of\ four '-p!1C1 .,.., Hl11"CI • Savt uato 12.00 on tllht 6-pl1ee pl~• Mlllnta · • 1.1\ot ... tt lOLOQ on M!VI i-pllC4 pltu MIUllll ·1111 NEWPORT IOULEVARD COSTA MESA ' j I •· 2l YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 541-)401 .. J"qal research and prosecution of city law ~ vio!atlons, Bonfa 3ald. •:.._.:_ __ _;:.;.::::.. __________ ..:__...=, __ ,=. ______ _;:;;;,,, _______ _ • • ' < ..... ' VOL. 62, NO. ~6$, 5 SECTIONS, 76 PA&ES .. -. ' 1 ' • , t ii, . : . . • ! ' .. .. .~ Schools :.:~D ef ended-· . ' . • k • , •. , ' ~ ,• Trustees Bae k' Mini-course Plan Laguna Beach school lrust.ees rose to the defense of the high achool'I mini· course program Tuesday night, in tbe face of a challenge by' Ed Lorr, frequent opponent of local school melbodl. "I que1Uon lh1I whole idea of letting i:f.udents take a part In deciding whit they want to study," said Lorr. "When I 'Yent to school, the cbiklren were told what subject to 1tudy. "In the light of what Is happening at higher levels of education, I think you're Jetting the cam'el put his nose in ,the tent -pretty -the whole camel 'WW be in. If you give them a band, they'll IOOD tan an arm." '.'! hope UW old camel does come In the tent if it's a question of 1etUng kids excited abQut what they're lumine," retorted .~ Wl!Jiam·WUcuen. "Some o1.-kldl in on j!n. Maybe you wouldn~ object if Ibey got uclted about l!OIDelbing that lnter..ted you. I :e~;:: .:?r~ :i:~ plan 'a study of I01llflhin& that acites th~m .. J ~ jl'1. &rtf.l!" . · , Board -~ Larry Taylor added, "Jjild you be<n at our m..ilnp, you w_Ql.lld. have .en. us~spendlni: about five hours studying the·mini<ourses and at.- Ung up a procram ol..communicaUon so that the three teachers and two ad- ministrators who evaluate the material !l'lected:by the students wlll keeP Jn COl\- stant touch with the board."· "I ··think it's all Tight if the children want to get together outside school hours to have bull sessions about world affairs or 'whatever they want, but in school they shoi.Jld spend all their time on academic subjects," said Lorr. High school Principa! Robert Reeves eiplained that under rotating schedl!linl. (S.. DEBATE, P11e I) Gall~p Poll :Reports Newport Off.ers Rescue Bo~t To Lifeguards Nixon Gains 77 Percent Sup. port for Wa ... r .. Policy Th> d\y or Newport Beach Is ready to . . • se'.l the city .of Lquna l!eadi an la.root PRINCETON, N.J, (AP) -Seventy. and amotl( ll1il lll'OUP. lnwviewen reocue boat witll a n llc>isepower mW{r ••vm perc<nl ol lho people Who llsteoecJ repcrlejl•••lofla ,..._.., 31 ~ al the blrlaJ\> j!lice "!!! ffM. · ' · ' ~-=j~~'i:~el!VJt';l';.= ~':tr~·~· Wtn 'ebJet~ ~t. ~ Poll JIYS. di~ that the ~"h,,d not prepared a five-page· dwertabon to only I percent were oulrlglrt!J ...,.m ~ -·ldeu to ml the •tr· persW!lle"the City C6tlici1 to KCCpt the to _ .. """1!l •Dll 17 perOenl --a half ~....e-intervio.ed ,rar . ' .,,de<Wed, ..... r<portea. . • , r_...,,_. ..... . ~!f:!2t .·'.J'hea\Udl'iAa<OllductedMOlldaJ!lfibl -iii!~' jjj ,~,-· · •. • • · Jmroedla'lelf"a!JU]!!!s~...,..tiit-peras"*the'J!O\kltl.,•oald ·-been Irid•t , , ·& l!rst reactli>ns to ihoi l!relid<nl'• plan to . ran and • ')J<l'CCnt sald UiO,. -• preJIJilfury ~liir ....... 1 years ~ end lhe Vietnam war, the Gallup d~ ;-, · ' ' _,.. .z': the reQU4iit was lhr.,-s: elliniMted for organl.z:atlou put a terles of q.ions to ~t a 'fltio of 1-~I ~~-, tconomki~ 'I · "· ,. · 50.1 ndl!lra living In 2811 locallllea In • na· ·'"'d· l!>ey. felt public d . , , '.The 'boal·avallable rtom·N•wi>ort: CIJy • ti on wide telephone survey. against the war .hurt this ~'i " t 1 M~ef-3amea Wbia\on wru:aavJse 'the · About 7 Io 10 persons heard the ,speech, ellorls. . .,.. l ., cPidl' Widneildar nllbl. l.l·wor!I!· $1.11111 '. ,. • new (without motor) mt the ·_..y· to American's Son Seize,4,- Shot to Death iri B~· : • IMJT I• c8n. 'be' eslr.iaied .from the ' ap- . """'Od· 111~ lloidiet-• ' ' . ' ' ;One' ,.,-...,.i JIOllllon .now 11 • ,...,,.,_ add a .H!Ory uvlni of 11.ltlO Is ontlO!poileij bdoft·the pool Is filled after IJ1Mlrll ol' the-year. . '"' lh dOlalled all~ or wat.r....,,,. ~ DUlJBOr ooia "!bat a four· wtieel' 'rescue · vebtcle, aach a1 'the one operated bl' Lalun• gUards 1linco Decom- SAO PAULO. Brazil (AP)-The son of an American es:ecuUve in Brazil was kidnaped and shot .to death despite the payment of a $12,500 ransom, police and consular oUicials said today. Merch a nts Back Lag una Central Site for Librar y Tbe youth'a ~ .. found 00 a farm her· or · 1917, can cover as 'much belch ~, are. is ID loot guaids, In addltloR ~ In • small COllllllUDilT .,ar,tj>l• 'lndu&-getuog,them to tile acene ol tile mcue In trial city· eariy' -y. Tbe youtll, ·Pat-good phyllcal ·<ondilion, instead ol U· rick llolao, 18, had been missing 1ioce hausted from running. last Thurtday. He was the too of Rich· A rescue veasel, fully equipped and ard J. Dolan, vice president of Swift manned by two guards, he says, can han. and Co. of Brazil. die a work load that would require at P:oh and the, lanu. ·1v. had k.nt the least l£ fpot guards st.ationed at six block " ~r intervals from Crescent Bay to Victoria ..... _ a · secret ror r-· tile youth Be ch .:;-;. 'lit killed, ;J'he famJIJ paid the nu.· number ol guards, says Dugger, .,_ranaolb demanded.~ woold cost the city $27.216 a year, " Tbe -inat Vt the cut> 'a.me Tuelday cmpared with an esUmated $112 a year to amortize-the cost-of the boat and tts gear ·nfP.t ~the arreat of·~ IUIJ*l .and pay .for fuel, oil and maintenanct. who was ·an acquakltahce of'"young [)o. One foot guard, Dugger notes. can. 't..aguna·s Downtown Business Associa· Ian, police repcrted. They 1aid the boy rtscue one victim in heavy aurf, in 1* tibn Tuesday adopted • resolution urging tokt police Where, the body coo)d be less than an average of 15 minutes. the city to retain the prueot central found. ,., But heavy rlpUdes in the Laguna area library silt. · !r · A IWCb Wu .... on for tbe other kkf· are known to &weep ~ft \o 10 victims out • The OBA alto asked that the citJ g. "u.pen. Polee IOUrCa ..id oat Of, the to tea .•tone time at a nleclt) ol three • · · '"'"''"" by ...,_ the ....._ _.... , ·~ i~•-j .~ . lo !Ive knoll. pend the existinl -... ~ c-• . men -. .........,, is u..:; ~ ·w wi: "It is not anootnmQll," he concludes, a~jacenl Par~ Avenue ..-and ac-·. ~ _. -. •to have 10 vlctinp1 !ll<IY-a qUirlng the former "Pll'kin& lat~ -TIMilt . .....,,laid thert •• no ·con-~ veseel tn lell 1tbmt~foW minutes between Pork An-and Lqur.a ' necdm bot•-Ille kldmpq ad a liom tile time tlJe .,.., llle111..S IOlll1ds ·-,.-:;.-the •• -1 ... .. Avenue. ·, waft,af ~ and ~ IOll'tl _, .... . 'EssenUa1Jy tl\e j>Jan.\ II UW prOpiood ·<# It dlt.,.. :.al' Amaicanl, that bU gome time ago by tho Cililn' '\'own ll'i!Jpeol_Brall. for more tbao a ,W. · 3 J , ' ben•a Planning AlloclaUon. .,, I '. U.S.• A:"b"-c. --I noum "' DBA prealdeot Bob ~ sa!il ~ Wll . ~' lo Septemlier, alll the • ' ' ; merchants la"" the C<litrar ·lotaUon leacijog _.,.diplomat In the~ Win' Reoelection ~ause the Third Street site approved by capi~ of BruilJa, stephen Low, his t~e city on recommendation ~ ~ ·~ '!'s~ed= ~tsai. lri this lnaO .. general planners appell'I '° be • trial city ol ail: mD&n have alao recet~ pensive. ~ '1..u-,..__._, .... their 1iff1 ,Tbt suggestion that the O:Jenneyre e and ~· __ ...,,... • Street municipal parking lot be used for a Hbrary is ln opposition with the DBA's hope for a mulU-level parkihg f1c.i.1Jty 1t tnat location, he added. "¥le sUU want to see 1 parking facility ~ilh at leut. one Jevel available on a leMt basis for downtown employes1" aaid Benner, NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market continued to edce upward in moderate trading this afternoon, ,..-Ith pJns mabt- taining 1 better than 3)0..isaue lead over losses, (Sec quolaliool, P.,.s 13-19). ) • • ' ~ •' ... i: ' ]: • ~~ . • • • --=T~• M.ai _, ': •• • .. an. • • . . ---• " •• • ... • 1 Tf.ou nc-es Maj or Purties ' NEW YORK (UPI) -Mayor' John v: Undaay, caplla~ng on the dlaarray in the Democra.Uc ~p. •wOn re-electiol} Tuesday, declsiftly defeating' ~ can-. didates of the two major parties. Lindsay's Yid<Jry, cominC .oiiJy rw• ' months aft.tr his' political fortimes sank. to.. their lowest ebb with a loss in the Republican prltoary, 'ca!apulled lilill 0!100" again into nation1l•prorhlherice'al.a ·GOP ~ ' ' ' . : . ~ ', . ' DETAILS ,OF E LECT.ION , !J ESUl TS,O~ .PAaE. 4 _ ~ leader and 8 htto of th'e niUon's liberals. ,Jn ·l961 Undsarwaa corisidered a dark horte for lheJ>ri:!IJdentiaf.nominatlon. His . mayoral ·Victory y;Ul 's)ve·.him .a.JJOWerful vo,lce:1 tn the selecU9n of , govunor and senator ln1 New York .Jn 1910 and in the forrna~q of pre1idenUal slate ·in 1972. · . Lindsay, who campaiined> against· the VIKnim war and for racial hannony in the city told campaigners in a• victory speech early todoy: !§' . ' ·.cnYIJ.' •11·hnnl lit wu 'rt-tltcltol, llVll 1IH ICl'llll; lltd .Ill ~··•nU' . - "You• 1have delivered a .mess&~ to All>"1Y 11\d Wuhln&ton •lhJJ( thOY, can no Jongtr,i ll'll.ft aim dliea .••. and ,1t K a meeuge Uiat tbe,people Jn New Yor~·qi· ty. want the M"tr•in'Vietoam to epCI." · reporting, Llndaay had 981,000-votes as an independent and Liberal Party can· d_idale. Democrat ·Marlo A. Procaccino WU aecood•with •l21,t24, and Republican- ConservaUve John J . Marchi lralled with MS,Oll: . . • · ., ' . ! Ullitay, 47,.drew his greatest strength from Manhattan Where 'he tan better . (a. L1ND1A Y, Pap I)• I Wltll all the city's 'electlon dilirjl:ls V ~te ·Wmners at a Glance • .. • • . ... l' ' • • -• . ' B. riu: ASSOCIATED PRESS , . . Here aTe.~ OC fue wtMen"'"ln T~11.major eleCtiOM aroontt"the · nadon: . • .. Governorships • New Jmey: William. T. Cahill, Republican. Virginia: Linwood, Holtoo, llepu'llican. · Mayors • New Yort: MiY.or John · V. Liridlly won a second tenn aa a Liberal , llllltpe!ldent candidate' all«" Jooio1 tile Republican primary. · • • · CJnelaad: Democ'ratlc -Mayw Carl B. ltokes narrowly -a iecood' · tmn. · · • ' · lldnll" Coumy Shefltt 'll!Jman Grtbbl -• nonJ!&rli&an elecjloo. • . . =t' Peter F. l"laba1J, an ~--Democrat. .. -: llepdlllcap 'All!' l!<cdlo ,. e1 .. IOd. . • ' • ' '• ·;~ ""t~ ... ~-~1'rat.,;,a.1Jl.I. I : _..,_ ;..,:-.p,GtdJla, Deilloei'at. . , • • l 7:·~ T ;-,-: .. ~--~ •. I , • t ' .-; .~ : ~~l:i!'illiiI~tt-~ .i.; II ~~-N"': ~'1'1 and II lihOhio ' -~Nefr J....,.-~ 01,!l'lrliolmingly a stall~ ll)d,a In! 1 · mUllontbin! iojllibt waloiC.;eii-.•Ndl ~ ...-... 6icayei! an adcJI. 'lioliil n,.....nliiales IUill!'.....,...._ .. , • · 'JiiMo'*1-· •lfoidll '•·~ ~~ Jiro•ldll!I ror on-..,{; INCead of Menriial, llPlitlft: Mliohl. Jn Nt!w~Yatt State, 1 C~a- U... "bll ol rlgllla" appeal'IOl!tilld'far a~vlt ~. , , · . ' ., .. '~·· ,• . • f N.Y •. SiGelul TEN CENTS ' ,. State Units Give Project OearBW By ·RICHARD P. NALL Of ,... Daily ~"" Slflt CARLSBAD -5a:h Onofre Nuclear Generating StaUon got a clean bill of health from two state agencies Tuesday. The po"lter plant which nef&hbors another type power «nter -Praident Nixon's White House-West.-----1111>-'San-- Clemente -thus far has the blessing of both the State_ Department of Public Health and State Department of Fish and Game. HuntingOOn Beach steam generating plant did not fare as well In report from a lisli aJid game marine bioiO&lst wl1oo be got 'to comparative Ogures on flab kill dlain~ plant hou>e-keeplng chbres, The nuclear age San Onofre plant -'Us 45,ooo· kilowatt capacity 11 enou&b flee· lricity for hair lJlillion persons -wu studied by• the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control ~rd at city hall here. -Report& were, given On both Plant discl'.arge Into · the sea of radh>loCical materials and effects on sea life. · After detailing types of biota (flor~d fauna) collected and analyzed for dlo- actJvlty, Amasa C. Cornish , senior h th physiclSt for the Slate Department of Public Health, ·said the San Onofre plant has not callled any increase in radiolof' ical materials that can be detected. 'P.. .F. Krelle, board member,-looed • !ijanlord pro1...., quoted reOoniY .. ~he dlijlJ'f !lilnll: 1t 111 ·sa1o !O'uve oitlllim 1IO mljeo <ii. miclear -plan~ tllat fhey'Jbeu]d bo ~- Comish conceded .that "there ant" .,. ,.,.,,.,.. ol opiol~ about prualmltJ. to ""'1ear plaoy. "I go aJoog with Presl· deoU&m l HrlllldD't rniod Uyllf within r.-or"1Jill'lldfe';-al-r~ plant.t' . When .in his· San) Clemente -home, Presi- dent Nllon Is three or rour mlles from ttie SaDtOnofre1r11ctear ie1Ctor: 'Cornish said . he thoo°ght tile Sllnloril' proftasor waa overly eiclted. "There are many 'dayo.JIHlay hazard.a thOt I cWtdor more hazardous." . : Charles Turner;·senlor marine 1>19Joslet for-the St.Ile Department of Jl'ilh and Game, detailed cont1'1ufu1 studiet and monitoring ·of the plant's effect -from sediment scooping to SCUBA dlY!ng. Ile said biota in the area remains diversified and said the plant's cocilant water does not.appear to have had any adverte er~ .on marine life. "Any increase in the· amQUnt of discharge or the temperatures might caue some cJlanges and we would bope'lf there are ch,.nges we would be.consulted and a monitoring program set up," he said. The plant h8t a 3,200-loot pipe line Into the.sea-tha'-"suclis In-water-to 1.11e-in cool• il'lg. A· 2,llOO-foot pipe cHscharaes that Water toward the ocean s u r f a c e • Di~harged wat~r ls eighL d!&rees warmer when it joins the sea agabf . The Jnlake pipe must be cleaned about every five weeks to prevent 1 J9rl of mechanical JJardening of · Lhe arteriel. The pipe would be ck>gged with muaeels and other sea forms. This is done by reversi ng the process and heatini wal.er In the Intake to about 100 '<1egree1 to kill life forms. Turner congr1tul1ted the San Onofre operation on only killing about ts J:ainds of· fishing during its Jipe cleanio, • He conlruted thli to tile . Huntington (See ONOFRE, Page I) Oraage WeadJer ~ low cloudl • mllh\ be roe real, the Weatherman 'Wllt'Dl1 cl\!. ing a chanc,i of showers tonlsht and conUnued cool temperatura along the orange Coast 'l'llllraday. INSmE TODA 'l' Two new •'*"' -and a new star of 011 old oae' -wUl ·be on utni th l.s we1ktnd cm Oren.pt Ooaat orea1 stGfllL s.~ Theater Notu In iodall'• enlerlafmneot section, POflf• 6i-u . ..... . " -" c;.,.., 0...-~ • -~ -"1 ·-" ............. ti ..... ,,_ . • ..,, ........ .a ..... "'" -. ........... ... -. Mwlll ..... '* -" . I • • ' -~-- ----. -------------· . --- ' '2 O.llLV PILOT l *-te, Actlol, nu: , .. • •.,. s . .,,. •• ~ ~ K • ' -., . ( ·Mor-e Cr1tif;is.m ' ' ' . . . . . ' -For· Steain Planfi~i.: • . ' be Ji.ule 17, setting ~ Jevel of smoc·pro- ducina: nitrogen oxide!. ·- CAMBRIDGE. Ma ... (AP) Th;., ~ ,ctlli<'i"" of ~xJ'011!111W • a I t a 11\ au.ralltli plant& sueb u the SOuthem Call!crula Edllori C<iroJ>lllY facility In Hl!IJllniton . Beith ,...cited ""1' lnte111lty Tuiaday In Loa ADP!tt Co!tnly. over aniither one t1:0W under CClliltrUctkJn. Air J'ollullon ~ol ol!lcer Louia J . f'Ullor' wained that wllos the-thltd ·unit o! the Seatter&ood pi.pl 11 Playa dd 'Rey la •~ed. he will alt.mp! l'iJslation to forbid Its future aperation. The rule suggested would also prohibit construction o{ 1ny new large. power plants or indualr!~s. no ma~ter whether they bum natural.cas or low aulphur con· tent oil . · · buri'dred "polli:e Olficer11, some ac· 1 companied by police dogs, broke up a clamorous antiwar demonstration today ; .. at a research Iabori'tory ot4 __ ~•Achuutls .lrtllilute_Qf TOchnolill)'. , The ' police, some eqw~· with tear · gas auns and all wearfac riot. helmets. aw~t ~ck • P.lcl<et lino (~med by _ !GO chllllting demonstrator{ (rom an ultra left group knoWn as the November ActtOn Committee. 'I'hi ISS ·million plant Is being added by the city's Department of Water arid Powtr and the impending court clash promises to be an historlc .batUe between two public agencies .and their interests. Fuller aald h• ~l aak the Loo Angeles B6aril Of ~rv.isors to adOpt what w.oukl ONOFRE ... Fuller also oald If nile 67 lo adopted by ~r.visora be will · J)tnonally refuse to liisue j>eiinits 'for' ·the steam generating plant so it cannot be operated even when built .. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, boweviir, has. spent $3 million already on the Scattergood III unit, with another $17 mililon in contracts awarded, .and raluaed to. halt. , Aul)torl!les !or lhe clly agency aloo aay the neWest unit will have a new .type of boiler Uiat will emlf far Jess mot-mak~ ing compowids. Vuf Yolumes of electrlcily produced would al!o allow cuU>aeks of 17 older-typt stearn geaeratipg plants in the _ county, resulliDJ lo a net amog rodu¢ioo of perhaps IO percen~ they· add . Beach steam generating plant which he No ma.tter what Jhe pepartment of said _killslromJ!.000 to ltOOO_~ndll of Water and Power contends, Full~r and fl6:h when U beat .teem-the pipes every ·111S dtPl.lty .. Ratiei't--:M. Bifsky -along five weeks. with ,the cbltrman of a state a1ency -The~. fish are picked up on a are adamantly opposed to Sc1tter1ood III trav1Ung «\! .and welghocj. Turner i:onlfnulng. · , aaid cl~s of Southern CalUomia ~arlky 11id lhe.AfCD wUI try Jo ob- Brea1'BrefJd .Together President Nixon greets Britain's Prince Philip upon latter's arrival for dinner at th! White House Tues- day. The prince stopped oU in Washington on his · way back to London ,after a tour of Canadtl:-He leaves for home Thursday. .. F.lioon-C.111WY.,.. co~ aboul ·the taln ,!II! lnJlincllon ·1o forbid the ateam Huot"""'" Beach !lob.kill and ar~wort· geqeratliaPJant fl'O!Jl operalin& i( the Cigarette Ad ing oirthe problem. power-~ct lot! ~ with it. . Questioned today, Orlando J. Ortega, And.tAlbert Pearlioli, thairman of the asaocille chief mecbanlcal engin .. r for air quall\y'. coirunlu .. !II the State Ban Approved -Bug-born ·Ba.by EdilOll, oil<l, "We don't want Jo kill any Envlroi)mtntal Quality Study COUncll, • ' fllh." He ·si.fd a pump is being designed said~ wW seek an injunction too. · Beacli Tot to Collect $100 .... that .. m clear n"'. irom the intake · Pear"""~ pl~ '!'o\Jld .he. ror lh•:•ta.1~ Not Warning pipes before tht:y are beat treated. altorney .1eperal to issue an . inJ~ , , -By.,.EVELYN si,:ERWOOD . The faO'lily doctor advised by, phone EdiloD Company -which rt9'ivts ., agaJDlt any further coutruehon ·on ·tli) , 01 ttM 0•111 "'"' St•lf that the couple mee. 1 him at the i...spital. perctbt Of the San . Onofre pOwer in a plant ~befOrt superviaors dedde on WASHJNG'OON (UPI) -The Stnate •IV jolnt venture with San.Diego Gas le El~ Fuller'a.requeat. . · • •. Coirµnerce Committee 1:pproved, Jeglsla· For months, the people at Volkswagen "So my wUe went out to the . tric _ J;>egan a.monijoring operaUon l)( Ora.nae Qounty su~ilon underlined tion t~ay ~ ban ci1~ette commercllls have had this little advertising gimmick Volkswagen and I took off driving in·the ihe area.In 1953 Jong before the plant their dtlPleuure Oct. .u ·,wttb a .alri1Uar !)n .radto aJl4 television ef!ectJve !an. 1, about giving $100 to the first baby born in fog, going as fast as I could. · ~-··'-of 'lh Hunt.i ,,.._ 1971 ... --one of their cars. "As we turned into the: parking lot my The protesters, demanding an end to the Vietnam"war and· MJT?t involvement in di!feue-relat~d research, sought to' prevent worker!~ ,entering .an MIT Instrumentation U.boratOriea building ,\\-.0 blOcka from jbe c01Je&t c9m~ seven pe~. includmg at 1eUt two newSll)~, w~ hurt an,MIT ff>C)kesrnan said. ~oSt of tbe:lnJuries ieetned mlDor, the, !p?kesman added. C~bridge police spo~esmen laid seVe11 demonstrators were taken iftto <JuttOciY, but officers rd'rained from mak· ing lnlas1 an=eats. 1belr primary • c;iJ>.. jective was to c!~ ~'Pi¢ke" •W•'/; The officers -from Cambridge; Boston, -somerville, the·-MetropoUtan:- Distrlct Commlssion .and ~ State..Pollce -. wheeled onto lhe 4l~t· wbef'e U,., piifk,ets were marching from sevei"al dittctiom. The meo pushed ·tbe taunt'ln·g delnonstrators back slowly, and (ew clasttes occurred. 'Mley occaaiooallT, bfoke ranks and used their club~· · Seale Disrupts r . . .. Chicago .Tri~l'> ' Badgers Witness made eltclrlcity · l)l'OpOled. ~-.... , e · ti:•':'"' • ' No one-could claim lhe prize until v.-ife gave a moan and J heard the baby Ortq:a said this w., to·esU.blish a base Be4cl1 at.earn plant o~r.at'4 by ·Sodthe'm ~t. bi a lp-9 vote.-the ,committee ap-Tuesday, when little Tricia Majon of cry." , CHICAGO (UPI) -Black Panther line for cotnpari&on o(_ marine life and CaUfanilii EdllOD COmpany. i • proved a provilion pushed by tobacco Huntington Beach came along. ~ As Majors pulled up to a ~top, ho.spltal leader Bobby Seale brought the trial of other ·data berore aild after operation. """-board. • .voted 4 to 1 to a.•k the aiate . _senators. which. would bar, '!be · th "Chi 0 Ei'""t" Jo a ~-n•·tlll ••am· "-'"' · Tricia, 6 PQUnd!,-JO ounces, ·made her personnel ran o.u\ lo the front seat of the e ca1 e11 ...... UZI ._ The i'iuclear reactor.firat "weut-crlUCaJ'• California Pi,bllc UtillUea ~Ion to Federal Trade CommiAion from rt· first demand for the prize as fihe entered bug and dispensed somt calming pills. ,today when J11 .~ked a •. witneas. ''Have to prodUce·pOwefin July 1967. prohibit conatruCUOa of any more folillll· quiring a health warning in printed the world via Volkswagen in the Hoag Tricia ~·as comfortable in her mother's you 'e\ter· killed a Black Panther!'' Edison bas kept a control statioO and fuel plants in the state' as a means to-ci1arette ads. , · It s le' latest move in his stub-.1.bl)f.•· m 'Jonng' ys"•rrf for ·-·eral rb · ·po1iuti·,... Memorial Hospital parking Jot in arms. was · ea s 1 "" on1 s "" ..... cu air.. ...... . The ban woold -·· JI mon••-•·yond " b · · tence to act as h s own attorney · ..... "'Ill 1.11e ,,ewport Beach at I :30 a.m. Both mom a,nd babe are doing fine,. orn 1ns1s yearS and now wants to be relievf4 of the Sacramento legislatora· have called for the date on which broadeast ci1.arette ad-And today spokesmen at . the Chick hospital SPQkesmen said. ·at the trial of himself and seven other monlfQriDg chore, It wa1 pointed out that a stepped-lip program of nuclear p>Wer vertisln1 •topped -i:reaumably July 1, Iverson dealership in Newport vowed Tricia and Mrs .. Majors wJll go home men on charges of conspiring to incite the nureat kelp bed to the area was the plant development to provide bolh ade-1972 · · ~id get a $l\XI savings bond. today to joirf Shannon Majors: 17 months, ·riots during the 1968 Democratic Nltional "Barn Kelp" bed six miles to the south. quate el~Jricl.ty ~or public need!; and T~baceo state senators also won a 10·9 "IL was quite 'an experience,'' said .and dad at .the family home, 9531 convention. An Ediaon engineler, J09eph Reeves .-cleap alr, wit.tu!' 8 decade. . · victOry in their · battle to . soften the Richard L. Majors, Tricia's dad . Landfall Drive. Seale asked the question or a pro- seern)ng to borrow a page from traffic Experts~ predict the m_atter will be ex· lanlu~e of a rtviltd health warniag on "We were at hoqie expecting the baby What about the offer of $100? secution witness and then four times en&l~r hl1hway user .formulas -said trem•ly~crltlcal by 1980 if the proil'am ls cigarette p_ackiget. . and timing th~ labor pains," explajntd "Oh, 1 had heard about it. btlt· 1 di<ln't refused the order of U.~. District Jud&• thi "number of fWt (taken) ptl\ l!qilr 8petded UP,. ' , , • 'o. " "'1'11< ~ al"ffd• l<DlaUvoly l.Ul t~ li!l"J.W&Cist.:• When, ,11, of ,a 1\Kf\l(n, think anrlhl!lg a~ lo'!tl!!i<t>a14\lod~y, t JuJi°' J,,~~.)·hJJl ~owning. f,in~_\ly, ~~~i·d ... lh~p~~ :~~"':.\' =~; ' · Week on a"pkkage riotlce'1iaying, •)warn• they came close·together.'' • 1 · "We certainly wei'en't}>fadning on it.,; Hdttnfah a..,..\{111:4,""'' t e morn lltN;tOD n • ., p I ina: Cisarette smoking is dangerous to · ' of the triar· !e<!..lilll.Wt C!!!dt!1111c_ = -.. _rom .... e health.. -,c-------Hoffman-had.Seale boJiod. and pnld Dennis A. Q'Leary, executive ofliefilr to . , ' · ' . h he Jbouted ind Wi&tliil lhe wat.f quallly boatd, .aald tl)~.Slt\ DE.Qf\TE " . .. . But lo!l•i. qn a moli<ll' 9Y sen. H~ward War· Pam·c~··Prob~ne·L~ed'4 {:i~ ~_11,k t; ~~.bl! •• "' demanding llill ~-~ opera"on ap-ec1'·to ~ ""-' • • • .. :!,'. H. BUrr, <R·TeM,>. tfte coll)!1Jlltee he "" his 1"-• uuuu~ , .,. , ~... , . -.,....... , . • . ~ agreed' to inurl •\.• ·-d ... "exc.•.ssiv.e.." Jt . .11 , .. 1 ' • ,J,. . _, set'\'&d owa Wl"ne,." , ctedlq without flaw. He Aid he would -"4-•u• -w ' ---· "'!'--".U '~ --;.::. -• ' ~ ~ -• "Foui 1riirsh8.ls stoOd ready to grib like to discuss findings on temperature of all students have free periods during the approved 1 warning rea~ing: arning : Seale aa:ain today, bllt Hoffman ordered discharged water and .report back to the day which are used as study, halls. They Excessive cigarette smoking is dangerous WAStfll'{GTON (UPI) -The Senate start -the Initial sessions would not be no such action. ~·. · · . , ' • · . r wer~ lfvtn permission to qae \his tl~ .to he~~~ · t rn;•• ,.. . .:..1*. F · n.1 · C .... d "ded · ~-bl' Seale moVe(i iri when cross-examination O'Uaey .'aafd .be. woulc;I· alao •Jite to , ht sald~-tO Rt-up ihtir mirlt-coUrie pr@.. . -The ·~~nt1,1ac age._fi~ .. '6 • ~-. oreign .rn:: at1ons omm1.....::e ec1 to-. open t.i I.lie' pu ic, began of Bill H. RaY. a deputy therlff· ~;Edllan'.1 •top.m,.:dtotlng propoul gtlm because·the school felt it'WOUld be "Caution: :cigarett~ S!fl, king may be day to put off agaip: a· planned serie1 Qf Fulbright said Secretary of · State from San · Mateo, Calif. Ray teatif.led• "1tb :A*·lld· ,game, sdentista: and other adVisable-to conduct it under faculty h~n:le ~~%~= ~~~It~. cons1derinl: pub Ii.: hearings on lhe :vietnam War in William P. Rogers and Defense Secretary. Tuesday he saw Seale board a plane i1'. ~...:_~~ -"11JaJdna, a recoi:n-superviSion. . · Jn .. v • .., orc!er to avoid the possibility of inflaming Melvin R. Laird would be invittd to San Francisco for Chicago on Aug. 27, m=. on.· • " Dr A•',_" Or .. 'andolla sa·1d "'I a-e three optbis-· On the-broadcast -COi;p·· ".t•· public m1·nd." · 1~• · .. ,. • ' ' ..... ..,..,, "J ' ··~ ~I.... t.a• ti ,\._ n•; testifyinexeculivesession-ratherthan ....... . Tbt d· allow.ed the .company to con· with Mr. Ree9ts. ·tn the formative 1ta1e mercla1s 1uue. ·One WOUP..OU aw :U''"''-' Chairman J. William Fulbright (0.. William Kunstlet, the chief defense at·· tlnue , IMtng , • ·filter for dlschar&ed it's better to have-this sort of thing ~ither next Sept. 30 or tl\t fll'!t of 1971• Ark.), who had $lid Tuesday he would in ar. open mfieting. ·m-'iaht bt torney, said he could not cross-examlM!. r,adiological ·material that catebt5 any handled within the academic confines. lf The group )iclttd Jan. 1. re&eheduJe "educational hearings" on He said Open hearings o0 ]\ay because he was'not Seale'a aUornty.' particles 20 microns or larger. A micron they meet out of school, \~1ithout · · ·· Vietnam that had been p<>Jtpqned pei;'ldlng scheduled after that. stale then stepped to·the lawyers' lectern 1S the thbusandlh part of a millimeter. guidance. that's when you get militancy President Nixon's Monday speech on the and asked Ray the question, "Have you· ~mllh of pu~lic heaJUt agreed wUb the and rowdiness,.wilhout any control." Arch Bean h war, said the committee felt public hear· ever killed a .Black Panther?" ¥Uon. • • Taylor'ni!t!<:I ·\hat both ~· aod Dr. "' ings at this time mi1ht "contrlbute Jo the 'Where Is Jeffrey?' Aa Hoffman repeatedly ordered ,Seale: , Norman Brcrwne'had oppo5'd the present " ' • r · inflammation of-the public minp.'' to sit down, Seale turned to ~e judge and' fonnat of the mini-courses, feeling more ,_.. :...:.: ...... 's·s·ni·.· e·n· t 'Plan "The committee didn't want to do LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Authorities said, "Why ciln't you see that l have. 100 Negroes Occupy· infonnation was needed. but had been ~ anythlnr at this stage that might ~ in. sought superior court action today that right to question thi!i witness?" , voted down by the rest of Uie board after · · · .,1 terpreted as antagonistic" he ,·said. "\11'.e would force Mrs. Betty Fouquet, already Seale followed the same pattern Tu~ Tuft D "t s· len~hy study. . . B. f «,,,. eo· . uncil . wan\ to. be respousible and careful." charged with 4bandonin1 her ~Ye•r~ld day, saying once. "May the record show '· 8 orml ory Ile "We don't want lo put out the fire of m· e Oru ' . : . ' . . ije abo said that when the hearings are daugpter, to reveal the whereabouts: of that I'm a black man too and I'm being • 1 ~ quiring minds," said Taylor. -•' "' set up -he did not say when they would her missrng son, Jeffrey, 8. · railioiided." ,?.tEDFORD, 1.fass. (AP) -About 100 "The students are in a marvelous Laguna's Attb·Beach Hela:bts assess·' . .=="==============="'===="==================~, young Negroes, many carrying, clubs, OC· Jeaming situatio0," commented trustee ment district will 'be. bac~ be.fore City -~.apied a darmitoey undu..co~Uon .at-Jftne·Boyd . ..U.They are really leamin1 the councilmen tonight In the form of a "1fl.s University today t.o preu thefr problems of evaluating and organizing public hearinl of protests on-~ndlvidual dtmands for more minority 1roup curriculum." lot as~ssmenU. ' . ~kers on the job. , Lorr returned to the danger or permit· CUy Mana1er James .D. Wheaton said. The demoristrators set up a barricade ting students to participate in school af· the cowicil may also be able to award the at Lbe building's main entrance and took fairs. citing the fact that the UC Irvine bid for the work If new assessments are ue positions at secondary entrances fa culty ha s \'Oled lo Jet students Sit in On conflrined and other details worked out. t.t,ound the fa~lity. There was no Academic Senate sessions. The· district long a thorn in the clty \'~Jenee. , "Not only that," added Superinlendent sidei would bring sewage lines, streets · '\'llliam Ullom, "but we have just recelv~. and utilities to about 365 Iots _on a steep • . ' L\All'f ''1101 . . ' ' . • • . ' ' • Tli•••• .::.,,n ..... "'°''"' A. ... ,,1it11. --ll•ll~ •P. NtU ·--"' -• . ---' 221 ,., ... ..,, ••. t M•m.t AM'"" •.o. ....... tt•12 ; ~ ..... fl a....., ........ ,,,..1 ~ "9dlll 1711 ....... "'''"'"' I ......,.,.,. a.tcflt • 9"I Sin.t I , ' l I ed a communication from Dr. 1\-fax Raf· hillside. Assessments are running $2,824 · rerty (state superintendent of schools) per 25-by-100..foot lots. . advising us that a girl student has ~n Other lots receiving lesser benefits are appointed to the State Board of Educa. assessed Jess, An Ocl 9 council meeting lion." indicated thlt the: city ls now absorbing Mrs. Esther Lockway. a member of lhe seme· of the -ooStl bl, the improVement audience, noted th8f the student on the district to keep it within ~ of state board would not have a vote. avaih1ble funds and Rtt construction:'ac--1 Ullom said th.la was true, but she would tfv'aled. · be permitted to participate ia discussions and had been specifically assigned to ~ather informallon from students and transmit Jt to the state board, serving as liaison betwttn the board and the 6tudents. Dr. Orlandella amiably remarked. "1 think Ed Lorr represents a special ele· ment in thi s area,, a very conservative element. that's wholesome and worthwhile to have around . He 's a sort o( gadfly. keeping watch on the board \'ery ~trlngently. It's good to have you here, Ed." 3 Thefts Net $7,000 In Less Than.I Hour LOS ANGELES !UPI) -Three bank t robberie11. netting more than $7,000, were , ... tOmmitted Tue.sday within le~ ~n a.n JJOm-.~·Two of the holdups were ·btlltved ' <~med aut·brthe same -ed m111, rJo.. r ACrtbaliRilis late l>I and dressed tn a browo IUJI.· '.'11te atllptC! too!t !2,311 fro!ll a branch l or Crocker Citizens National Bink 41\11 SJ,:Jllt from a .branch of tht Unltld •C.11, !ornla Dant. 11ta City N1Uo111l Bank on Pico Bohlevird was robbed of $1 ,240 tn another holdup. , Frot" Pqe I LINDSAY ..• than 200,000 votes ahead of f>r?cacclno, a lead lhe Democratic candidate wa!i unable to overcome ln the othe'r boroughs \\'here the mayor made a surprisingly 6trong. showing. An early breakdown or lhe voting pat· tem Indicated Llndsay !Wept Negro and Puerto Rican districts. wblle splitting the Jewt5h vete almost evenly , wllh Procac- cino. Marchi, with little ovtr 2.o percent of the total vote, was well out of the race, winning only In hlo "9me borough 'of Staten lsland. Abraham ·o. Beame, the Democrat deleated by. Llndlay In the Jl!O mayoral electlot11 won back bla old c[Ob of con· trollir •. San!onl-D. Garellt,-~illlltr<d Democrat who ran· \fltb'--UnduT,=was • t!eaC<fpreo aent~I the Clly Councll. · Lindal,y's triumph ·WU the nsult <l( · Qemocratlc failures coupled ; with the mayor·s "'rolt fenct·mendtng campaip. Th3 handsome, arUculate mayor raced about Ute city, uslhg the prestige and -lamor of his office to assuage the feel· 1ngs o1 dUferent disaffected groups. - • l'OR A L.lMtT•D TIM• ONL.YI He,. Jt • rare cppoftunfty to own ."'9 Towe. S&tf\lnc StMct )'OU hWI' •hnlyl Wlnltd. lulllbntllf,uwflp on atl'Vicet for .. 8. or twel .. peopte "!_I' tM ...,.,. cQce .. ttl"I Of' Opel ttock fl!1ct. ~ ' .. ' .. ""nt• of tht lrW•. New ft ttl• tfmt to any on ltltt wondtrful old trtdltltn of IM"I ,.our dfUIMW • eet of aterlin1101 her wtddil'll. MlflY ltwily TOWI• pttttr11• to cttoo11 fnmi. CONVENIENT " • TERMS 8,_NKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE -' . • • •--.. upte SH.OOOl'I fottt'-plect ptace lltttftp • tiYt up to 172,00 on 111ht 6.pltce•plttt Mtll".'11 • levt up to $1Cll.OO on twtlv1 6-pl•• pllct .-naa . . -""' J.~ C.: !Jumphrie6 ~-Jf!'Jfl~l'.6 . ,. l' • IU~ NEWPORT IOULEVA~D 'COSTA t-tESA . . • I . 2l YEARS SAME LOCATION ... " . " " PHO~E 548-)401 • ... ' I 'I I - -1 •• •• ·,· ti ~ • • h ~ l I ~ I I I I ' ( f t I I 11 ' I -·-· I --• • . . ' -. '· • -~ , ... ~ ' •• . . .... ~ ..••.•• ,. .. J.. ••••. ~.;, ' .__. .._I • «1 }" " . ·~ .•. . . ,.. "', ,,.... ~ , ' . .. . ~ •...J.:-.-.. \. ) ·.'-:~-·~ r----e--.. ~ . .. .... .. _..... .. · > .... ".'.'j'T"-- ._ . ·-...... . , .. . ~ .. ll---~ . . ... . " . . ... .,.. ,::,, .. ·= ' ·: .. . -· .... .. . -........ ..,. . " ~Trus~es :Buck M-ini-course Plan _ t,. .. : . _J •• ;:_ •• • •• • • -. . .:~upport for •• .' • • . • ,, f WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5,. '1-96' . .. ·Vote Winners at a Glance · TEN <::Ems State Units Give Project Clear Bill Orange C:.ut Weatller 1'hooe low clouds mijht be for real, the weatherman warns, cit· lo{ a chance of showers tonight and contlnued cool temperatures along the Orance coast Thursday. INSmE TODAY ·, • . . j • • • 2 IWLV PU.OT . --L ,. • More . Criticism . r· ~~e~Dpgs~. Quell MIT . -' For .Steam -p1anJs I I J Peace March : CrlUCiim' ,of e1,pandi.ng ate 1 m generaU., pluU ...i. aa the Southern Camoto1a 'Edilcin Cocnpany fadlity In . }funtington,Btach reached new intensity Tuescl11y ·ln ioa . Anples-.Cclinty over another one·now ul\(ter constructloo. Air Potlullon«lontrol Olllcer Louis J. F\lller warned lhat uni. tbe thJrd unit cl the S<aUergood plaat at Playa de! R•1 is 1blndontd, he wiH. attempt· Jegialatlon to forbid its future operation. · The $55 million plant is being added by the city's Department o{ Water and Power and the impending court club promises to be an historic battle between two public agencies and their interests. Fuller said he wli\aak ti>• Los Ana<les Board Oi Superv!Mrs to adopt .what would Fro111 ,p~ J i ONOFRE ... Beach steam gentrating plant which he <ai<lkillsJroinJO,llll!!·to 12,000 pouilds of fish when it heat treats the pipes every five ~·eeks. The killed .fish are picked up Oh a tta.velin1 &cteen and weighed. Turner. said off'!Cials or' Southern caJlfomia Ec:!ison Company are c.oncerned about the HunUngton ~ach·nsh klll and are work· ing on The problem. · · · Questioned today, Orlando J. Ortega, assoc1it! · c~ief mechafilCal engineer for Edison, said. "We don't wa"nt to ldll any fish." ire si.id·.a pump:lS ,being designed now ·th-t will clear fish rrom the intake pi~ before they art heat treated. Edison Company -which receivts I> perctnt or· the San Onofre• power in a joint venture with. San Die&o Gas & Et~c· tric -began a monitoring operation of the arti in 1963 Jong before the ·plarit made electJ'.icity. Ortega aaid this w~s to establish a base Jioe for comparison of marine life and other data befort and an~r open11tion. The nuclear reactor rlrst "went critical'" to produce power in July 1987. Edison has kept a control station and elaborate monitoring syitem for several years and now wants to be relieved of the monitoring chore. It was pointed oot that the nearest kelp bed to the area was the "Dam Kelp" bed s1I miles to the soUth. An~ enebleu, Joseph Reeves - seeming to borrow a page from traffic engineer highway user fOnnulu -aaid the "ninilbisr of fish .ltaken).1per q ler hour has remained relatively constant." He said the plant hal bad no adverse af. feet on fl!l:l~Ci -· . Denpts. A. O'L .. rv 'er""~• ofQ!r.to the v!At1t ~U~iuf'~id?"' d llio "'SM Onofre ·operaUon ap~ 11to . pro. . ceedini w1thout flaw. He said he would tike to discuss findings on temper3.turJ of discharged w.ater and report back to the board ... ' . •. . .. r. . • . . 'O'L<ili iild·)ie'il«ild '01.0 Hke to dlSCtll& v.dJ3oii' ~1""..;. I ' with nil M4' ~e -,;,; .. u;.;~~r consµltaals . befofe '-nillkinc' a recom- me11datimi . ' . ' : . . The board allowed the company "to con-- Unue uilng a rut.... 'for dlacharfld rldiolotlcal material that catches any particles 20 microns or larger. A micron is the thousandth part of a m.illlmeter. Comigh oI public health agreed with Ute · 1cUon. ~ ' 100 Negroes Occupy Tufts Do1·mitory Site MEDFORD, M .. s. (AP) -About JOO young Negroes, many carrying. clubs, oe- cupiM a dormitory under Construction at Tufts University today to prw ' their demands for more minority group workers on the job. The derhonstrators set up a barricade at the buildinj's main entrance and took up posjtlo(ls' ··at secondary entrances around the f~IUtf. There was no violence. • fJ AllY '11!0 1 OIAHGI COU"I l'Vll llMIN8 COM""-MY lteaitrt H. Weel '"'•'*"' ... ,11111..,,., Je, .. •. c.,1.., Vite "'-*"" ._. Genlr~ ,,..,.... t•lf!lll ktt•ll ' ...... l\•M•• A. Merplril111 --ai~ r. N1U . .__ "' ----212: F-1 A••· M1lm1, Mitn u r.o. h • 6", tl611 --c..re..-..1 .. w.t I » S'tftl :, .. ..,.,, -..ct111t1• l'fti,1 ...... ••·tt~1ra ttUlllMllM IMOI:' .. 1111 '""' ' be Rule '7. ,.,ting the ltvel of tmOfl·pro- ducing nltroa:en. oxides. The rule suggested would also prohibit construction of any new large pawer plants or industries, no matter whether they burn natural 1as or low sulphur con- tent oil. .Fuller also said If rule 67 li 1dopted by supervisors he will penonaity refuse to btue pmnlts for the steam generating plant so it cannot be Operated even when bulll. Tbe Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, however, has spent $3 million already On the Scatteraood Ill unlt, with anbther '17 mililon in contracts awarded, and refused to .bait. Au.tborlUea for the city agency al10 say the'.ne!fest unit will have-a new type of boll er· that will emit far less smo&·m~- iog compounds. . V,IT~ v. i;AM;J18IDGE, r.J.,a. (AP) -T)lr<ti< hundred pollct ~fleets, S()111e ac.. · companied by Poitce dogs, broke up '• claiDorous 111Uwar demonstration today·~ .. ll a re~arch laborato ry ~ w. . Massachusetta lnltitut.e of Technology • ..;-: • The police; _. equipped with tear po auns IU1d all wwq riot helmets, swept back a ·plcbt line fonqed by lGt• dw!Ung demonltrators from an ultra.left group known as the November Action Committee". The protesters, dem.andini an encl to the Vietnam war ancl MlT'i involvement In defense-related l'f:seardt; sought to l prevent workers from enterin& an MIT · :. Instrumentation Laboratories >Ji•ildln& • lwo blocks from the eqllece campus. seven pertoa.s. iocludhlc at leut t:a'6 .. ritwamen, were lmt, 1n MIT splke1man . •Id~ Moel of .. the injutla seemed mM,~ the spokl!sman added. • ·"' t ' : Vast volwnes of electricity produced woyld al.lo allow cutbacks of 17 oldtr·typt 11team generating plants in the county. result.inc in 111 net smog rtduCtlon of perhapa 20 ptl'<t!ll, they add. No matter what the Dtpartment of 'Yater and Power conttnds, Fuller and hlrdeputy0Robert-M~Banky---aloog with" the chalnnan of a state agency - are adamanUy opposed to Scattergood III contlnuln&. Break -Bread ,Together ' ,J Camt:ridge police spoke.wen aald~ seven demonstrators were tlbn into cu ttody, but officers refraioed from mak·· Jng mus arreals. Their ~primiry ob-· jeetlve WU to clear Ille plcketa,away, : The olficer1 -from Gambridle. r ll<>s.tcm._Somen:I!!< the l!lelropolltan" District Commission and the State PolJce . ~ wheeled onto, lbe: · 1treet where the : plckets were marchiDa frcm llViralt I'resident Nixon greets-Briiain'sJ'rince Philip-upon latter's arrival for dinner at the White House Tues· day. The prince stopped off in Wasliington on his· way back_to London_aller a (QJl_r of Cana<!a. He leaves for home Thursday. · Barsky said the APCD will try to 00. tain an injunction to. forbid the gteam d , ..... Ung plant rrom operating u the Cigarette A power district goes ahead '!Ith. J( Aod Albert Pwlaon, chalnnan of the .1r qu.uty corrpnlttee ot the state Ban Approved. Environmental 'Qu•llty Study Council, . ' said he will aeek an injunction too: Pearlaon'I plea would be, .. the stat• Not Warning attotney a:erieraJ to is.sue an injunction agaiJtst 111y f~ C9~ctkln on the plairt , belori supervtiorJ decld~ on WASffiNGTON (UPI) -The senate Fuller'• reqUllt.' , Commerce Ccftnm.ittee approved leelJJ&-Oranc• .c.ciunty Su~ underlined tloit today to ban cigarette cOmmerclala their diipleUure Oct. 21 wltb a slmllar on radio and television effect.Ive Jan. 1, proposed ·•lplllOion of the Huntm,ton 11111. · Beach" Mea.m plant 0P.er1ted by Southern But in 1 10-9 vole, the committee ap- C8lifoii1i1 EdllOn eori-ipany: . proved a provlalon puabed by tobacco t1ll board Voted 4 to 1 -to uk the state teiiators which would bar the C81ifornla Public UUUUes COcnm:luton to Federal Trade CommlulQb . from re- prohibit construcUon of a'ny more fOllil-· quiring a health warning_ in printed fuel pla,nls Jn the ltlte as a means .to cl1arette ads. . · .' curb alr·pollution. · The ban would nm 11 months beyond Sacramento le&i1laton have called for the date on which bludc4iat ctprette ad· a siep~up JllWl'lm of nuclear power vertl•in& atoppld _ preaumably JJJ!y 1, plant de velopment to provide both ade- quate electricity for public needJ and l~~bacco state senators alao won a 10·9 clean air, within a decade. t to f th Ei:perta~predict the matter will be ex· victory in U>elr halt e • ten e tremely crtlical by 1980 if the prOIJ'am is laniu•le of a revised bealUt -warnlng on · , ci,arttte packa1es. · spe<ded up. . •,· · , · .Ttie -1ftitfetl·awed tantallvely laat -~FronrPllfe i week on ·a piekqe notice uyins, "Warn- --Jng: Cigarette amokloa: is 4..werous to DEllATt· .. : all students have free. periods during the day whic:h are used as study halls . They .~•-RIV• J'<'llllls!"" to qse . ~ um., lle tald;:to Ht up thetr mJnt-eOune pro- gram because the school felt it woold be advisable to conduct it under faculty supervision. Dr .. Anthony Orllndell• said,. "I qree . with Mr. Rteves. In the fonnative 1t.a1e it's better lo have this -aort of thing handled within the academic confin". If they meet out of school, without guidance1 that'a_ when you get militancy cindt:QWdlnesi,-wllhout any control." Tayli>r_ .noted that both he and Dr. Norman Browrie had opposed the present format or the minkoursta, feellng more Jnfonhatlon was needed, but had been voted down by the rest of the board after len11:thy study . health." . "BUt tbilay, 61\ a motkm by Sen. Howard H. Biker (R-TtM.), tPe commlltee lgreed to-Mrt-the word "excessive." It approved a warning read_ing: "Warning: Exet:ssh·e cigarette smoking ts dangerous to ·health." · ·· ;.,,- 'I'h&:ptuentr pack.Se wamma ·readS ~. "Caution: tlaarette .;;smoking ")nay ·be · hazRrdous to your health." the:commiltte had been ~slderlng three _ optlOM on tl_!e . b~adcas_t eom~. merclals i'Uue. One would oo~w ' th~ either ne1t Sept~ 30 or the flnt'.of-'1t7l1 The aroup picked Jan. 1. •· 'Arcl1 Beach r • ' ' Assessment Pian , . I ' Before Council A•~· llS > ~~~wo . • Bug-horn . Baby The men ~ the tauntJn1: demon5trators bact slowly, and ftjt'~ cl&sht;S occumd. They ~~ broke rub and Uled tbelr ~ . • . ' • Beach T~t to Collect $100 Seale D~rupts Cbicag~ Trial, . Badgers Witness By EVELYN SHERWOOD 01 n.. DMIY Plllf It_,. For months, the people at Volkawagen have had this Utile advUU.lng gimmick about giving $100 to the first baby born in one of lhelr cara. No one· could claim the prize until Tuesday, when little Tricia Majors Of Huntington Beach came along. Tricia, S pounds, 10 ounces, made hu first demand for lhe prize as she entered the wofld via ,Vplkswagen in the Hoag: Memorial Hospital · pilrklng · lot in Newport Beach at I :30 a.m. And today spokesmen at the Chick Iverson dealership "In Newport voWed she'd get a $100 &avings bond. "It was quite an ex;perience," said Richard L. Majors, Tricia's dad. "We Were at home expecUng the baby and timing the labor pains," explained the ph81"D}acist, ·~ l'/ben, all d 1 sudden, they came close together:" The faintly doctor advised by phone that the oouple meet him at the hospital. "So my wife went out to the Volkswagen and I took of( driving in the fog, going as fast as I could. •·As we turned into the parking k>t my wile gave a moan and I Beard the baby cry." CHICAGO (UPI) -Bloct P- As Majors pulled up to a stop, hospital leader Bobby Seale broulht the trial ol, per30nnel ran out to the front ital of the the "Chicago Eight" to a standsUll a1aln bug and dispensed some calming pills. today wben he ask~ a wl~. "Havt. Tricia wu comfortable in hei mother's you ever killed a Black Panther !" ' arms. It was Seale's latest move in his stub- Both mom and babe are doing fine, bom insistence to 8ct as his own attorney hospital spokesmen said. at the trial of himself and seven other Tricia and Mrs. Majors will 10 borne men on charges of conspiring to incite today to joln Shannon Majori, 17 months, riots during the 11161 Democratic Natior\81 and dad at the family home, 9531 convention. ' Landrau Drive. Seale asked the question of a pro. What about the offer of $100? secutioli witness and then four times "Oh, I had heard about it, but r didn 't refused the order of U.~ .. District ~udge Jhlnk anything about 1~ "dad."""'/00"1' . Juli¥.• J . .Hollman to Ft down. Fmally, ''.We certainly Weren't p~on 1r.·~1 ~ H'offinin BdJOOrn~f:u;.t. rri~in1tsesslon of the trial. ------Hoffflian hlif St"ale bound and W: War .. · ,noli·cy ··Pr-1...e·: n ,(1 -1,~ 1. ~~1--r-~~i::~"!..~"' tllal C ~ · · lUJ ~Ja ·~ (he ,.fi£.~hll .... attOrfte\o. ' ' ----~ -Follr marshals stoOcl-reaely to grab Seale again today, but Koffman ordered WASHING'roN (UPI) -The Senate start -the initial sessions would no:t be no such action. , F Seale moved lo when Cl'OIWXamlnltion oreign Relations Committee decided to-open to the public. began of Bill H. Ray, a deputy abtriff- day to pllt off again a pJanned series of Fulbright said Secretary or State rrom San Mateo, Calif. Ray testified· publi..: h.earings op. the Vietnam War in William P. Rogers and Defense Secretary Tuesday he saw SeaJe board a plane in- orde r to avoid the poeslbllity of tnnaming Melvin R. Laird would be invited to San Francbco for Cblcaa:o on Aue. 27, "the public mind." · testify in executive session-rather than l968. Chairman J . William Fulbrii;ht (0. William Kunstler, Ult chief defense at· Ark.), who had ·sakf Tuesday he would in ar. open meeting. torney , uid he couJd not cross-examine. reschedule "educatlonaJ hearings" on He said open hearinp might be Ray because he wu ~ Se:ale's attorney. Vietnam that had been postponed pending scheduled alter tbat." Stale then stepped to the lawyers' lectern, Prtsldent Nixon's Monday speech on the and asked .Ray the question, "Have you war, said the committee felt public hear· ' evtr killed a Black Panther?" · inrsat wsttme mtght "eontrtbute to the 'Where Is Jeffrey?' to~t ~~m. ~.~-'petumec1atec11ytoot11eroerjudec11e~' inflammation of the public mind ." ... uv"u on ~ euu. "The committee didn't want to do LOS ANGEt:Es {\JPI} -'Authorities uld. '1Why can't you see that I have a anythtnr at this sttge that might be In-sought superior court action today that right to question thl~ witness?" terpreted as ant11onlstlc" he aaid. "We would force Mrs. Betty Fouquet, already Seale rollowed the same pattern Tues· want to be responsible and careful." charged with' abandOning her ~year-old day, sayin1 once, "May the record 1how He alao said that when the he arin&! are daughter, to reveal the whereabouts .of that )'m a black man too and I'm bein& "We don't want to put out the fire of in· quiring mi nds," said Taylor. "The student& are in a marvelous learning sltuatioti," commented trustee J·ane Boyd. "They are really learning the problems of evaluating and organizing curriculum." set up -he did not say when they would her mlsslng son; Jeffrey, 8. railroaded.'' • L.nguna's An:h Beach Heights Assess--,,.==:::;:========"'==========;:0:;==================. ment district will be baclc before city councilmen tonight in the fonn of a Lort returned to the danger of pennit- ting students to participate in school a(. fairs, cltlnt the fact that the UC Irvine faculty has voted t<1 let ;(udents Ill in on Academic Senate sessions. "Not only that." added Superintwd~L 'Villiam Ull om, "but we have just receiv- ed a comrnunication from Dr. Max Raf. ferty (state !Uperlntendent .of schools) advising us that a girl student ha& been appointed to the State Board of Educa- Lion." Mrs. Esther Lockway, a member or the audience, noted that the student on the state board would not have a vote. Ullom said this was true, but she would be perinltted to particlp1te in discussions and had been 6pttlfl~any assigned to Jt&ther infor1nation from students and lrangmit it lo the state board, serving as llaJson between the board and the Jtudt!ltb . Dr. Orlandelta amiably remarked, "( think Ed Lorr represents a special ele. ment in this area, a very conservative element, that's wholesome · and worthwhile to have around. He's a sort <1f a:adfly, keeping "''alch on lhe board very ,trlngently. It's ·good to have yo1,1 here, Ed." ' ' 3 Thefts Ne t $7,000 ' In Less Than I Hour LOS ANGELES (UPI) C:::IJ'fim bonr robberies, netUl\I more than fl,oet, wtrt ~tied Tu!.lday '!ithfn leoi lllan an bilm Two or the holdups -· believed cAn1td out b7 I.be same anntd man~ df. eerilled bl· hit lat• IOI and dma<d In a bl'OWJI llllt. . ' TM ~ tool< '1,lll from a bl'andl d ~· C!t1-'NeUonal Bank and '3,IOI !rom a branch or Ille l!fllted Call· fomta Bank. 1be City National Bank on Pico Boulevard was robbed of $1,tto in another holdup.- i public hearing of protests on individual lot assessments. City Manager James D. Wbfftl:>n said · the council may also be able to 1ward the · bid for ~ work if new a!sessments are confirmed and other detalls worked out. The dlsti1ct Iona a thorn in the city side. would b'rtna sewaae lines, stretls and' utllitlis to tbout 315 lots ,Or\ a steep ' hillside. Assessments are ruMlng '21824. per 25-bY-tlJG.foot lots. Other lots rectlvlng lesser beneflta are aaseued Jes\, 1tn .OCL ·9 council meetlilg iodlcaled that the oily Is now al\>Qrblng. some of the COl!its· in the lmp~nt district to keep it within ~11 of avall~ble fUnds and P,t constr:'!..~on ae- tlvated. -. From Page 1' LINDSAY .... -. • than l-00,000 votes ahead ol Procaccino. a ' lead \he Detnocratic: candidate was unable to overcome In the other boroughs where the mayor made a sllrprisln&ly strona showin1. · An early breakdown or the voting pat- tern Indicated Lindsay swept Negro and Puetto Rican districts while apUtUng the "Jew1Sh· vole '1lmost evenly with Procac· clno. Marchi, with llUJe. over 20 percent or th~ total vote. was-.w4U out ol Uie ra«. wlnnln& oruy In h1$ .bome i>Or9"1h 'of Staten llland. -' · • Abr1ham ·D. Beatllf. the Dlrnocr•t de!Nte<I by Undsay la lhe 11111 mayoral electloo, won bad< 1ds ·old Job of, .... troller. Sanford D. GlinlJt, a rttbtered Dtmocrtt who ran ~th Llndaay, was -elected preold<nt or tqi Cllf ~I .. Unda.y'o trlumpJI was Ille nllUI of DtmocraUc !allures coupled 'With tho nl"1'or'1 adroit fonce-mtn<fflljl caiilpalin. 11w ha:AClsome, 1rticultte mayor ra«d aboot the city, u1tng the si-estJge and al•mor of his oftlct to as1u1ge the feel· '"'' o1 dlffettnt dr.au.ctec1 sroups. - f'OI: A LIMITaD T!Ma ONLYI ' • Cll WlC sm Of TOWUI 8T•lll.INO Htrt la 1 ,...,. oppMvn~ to own t"• T~•. sttrtinl hrv~ )'0\1 Mvt 1/Wlyt .,,.Mee. ~na.r"IH._. on &eMott for 4, I. or twelve ,...,._ Wlf the ti• p&ect Mltin1 tr o"n etock.Prtca. •, l'lrtntt et h lrtft: Now ft Ole tffftt le a"' Gfl M wonc:ttrful old trldltW. ff ltwlftl yovr .. ...,.., I • ef llttrllftl fof htt ...... ,ftt.. ~ ....,. , .... ......,. "' chOOM from. .... '. • • ' • ... CONVENIENT 2l YEAR ~ • •· TtU<tS .. , ' . IANKAMERICAllJi .• MASTER CHAR~E J.C. ~e4Ii:?:·rJ!~4r' -1' ' 1121 NEW,ORT IOULEVl!<RD ' . COSTA MESA, r : . " ' . SAME,~'lQN ,: PHONE 54 1-1401 rr------........................................ _..""""~ ....... _.,. ..... ..,..,...,,.,, ...... ,,....,...,... ...... """"' ..... .,_.,.....,...,....,...,;c --~ -=~~~·· ...... ~..-...-.. ..-...._,, -· ... -• ..... ----··---..---.. ..-.. ._•_.~- LEGAL N011CE LEGAL N011CE La Paz--Ra,,..,ee-- Passage Facing Blackfin Again Allhourb. thm will be ~ ..,_ boat Wll privfl'led undor the trlH In the Leng Beach lo La wlncfward-leeword rule. Pu race •tarting Saturday Johnaon dted ol a heart .i. lram l.onf Beach, moat ol the tack a few -u qo while bo -will bo cent.n!d on tho rematch ol Windward wu lllll In the procaa ol Puoage and Blackfln. trying to get the pr- In one ol the moal vlgorouo-rebeord on the bull ol - ly contested rJvalriu in in-evidence that wun't broqbt lemlllonal yachtlni Wlndword out at the orlgfnal hearing. P....,e, owned by tho late The Tran-1flc Yacht Club llDbert F. Johnaon ol Portland, tum beat Ken De Meuae'1 Blackfln ed down the request lo Hcmlulu by 1.,. than an postbumoualy. ClllT~g~ .. ~~NIN, boar, but Blackfln got credit Windward Passage wtll be ~ *"trsleMd ._ '"'"" w " -far first to finish and a new sailed In the LI p ._ dudlnl • llwlneu ,, 1am ,_,. 11Y11., _,1 _... time r·--' ,._.......... u race UJ Hl/llflnetoti 1.-dl. C.tlt'"''-· ....... .... eJ ........ C\.VIU ~ •t old M • J-•---lldlllous 11nn -., THI! 11u.••e: ot a __ ,.., lm--" on oJ ·Yeat ar,. wu-. ton ANTIQUES ..... hi Mid f1ml Is -r--"I ,.._ of the ownel', Jobnaon made _... ct ,.,. toMow1.. w-. ,.... Windward Passace for a -n.1 n ••-llllM 1" fUU ..., 11i.a a1ntlderlce 11 •• ... ,..1 ... 11--fouL .,. ... ~ons Jn his wi that -hl11ow1, • ._ ...... ......., yacht be cam ..... i-&.1 over a vir.11.ra J. lardotl,, t7M SOulti Both yachts are 73-foot ~ "~· Or•nH. four-year period and set ulde 0.1111 Nov.mhtt' '· 1"' ketches. Windward Pusa.ge the funds to finance the cam-v1.,1111e J. 11r0on WU •-•....o by Alan r,._, Ill~ of C1llfoml1 ~........ """"'"'"J' palgn which includes IOrD9 of 0o,,"" ..;o::.,. 4 ,,.,, Wort ,.,.. , and bullt by Johnson ln hls tbe world's major blue-water NOTICI TO ClllCllTOllS N.O"rl' ,!llbllc In •lld, fer Hid lltt.. own 1hlpyard ·~--Ffreeport, races. IUPl!.IOlt coU•T OP' TM• p !Klfll ·~ IPHlrH v "''"'-J ••• ,...._ Blhamas, and B~k in WIS De ... ITATI 0 ,.. c.t.&.il'ollNtA ~• kMWn -to me 1a tie ttM ..-..._. -..i __ ... Meuee and lWI crew are TN• COUNTY 011 OIANllll 111,,.. 11 .W.Crlbed to 111e w1111111 In-deslgned by Bill · 111pp auy convinced that Blackfln II the ,.._ .t."4UJ :"::.~. •nd ~lllh• .,... u.cutld built by Abeklng & Rasmussen be Ed•ls Gf HAJlltY c. SCOl'llLp. !OFFICIAL SEAL) of Germany. tter light wind performer DKftNd. J-L Joblt and are prt.dic:tfng they will NOTICE is He•eav_ GIVEN ts_tl!.9_ Notwv P~He>C1llfornl1 BLA~ WINNER arrive flnfl( -u;e Sea of c:rtdllOl'I el .till eboMI ,..,..., ~. Prlroc:INI Offkl Ip \,a.I'"'' thll 111 ---tlfivl11• d111N _, °''"" Cotlflfy • ....__ f'~ time the ~. Cortes filhing village on the .,.Ml c19elldf!t 1r. r.-.u1rtc1 to"" tMm. MY COll!mlhlon i.ir.t 11~ u11• ~" _ .. _.. _ _.of Ba" CaJll-'· wll'll IM Mottf.lllY voudltrs. Ill Ille offic. ~rd! t. 1tl1 ach'-t ·-ma•-i. ~·co-Ja UllW-. "" .,,. c1m °' ,_ 1tiow ... 11111d aiurt. or P\lbll!IMd er-. ~ D•llY 1>111t Y wo me was m a 14-11 to IH'tllflt !him. ,,.1111 the 111ea11rv ~ .1, 12. '' v. 1-.. _,.,.; ract for the California ~t SHORTER RACE \IOUCIOlln. to ""' undllrslt'*' 11 ,,.. effloe '-'-:-...;;;..;;,,.:c.:.:c· ::..:=c.__..:;:::: \ th • « 111, ... ~ ~""'· PMCM. •rod 1 , .,,..AL NOTI Marina del Rey. In e "' AJl&.-· .. " l,IOO miles aborter H•l'YW· br C.11 I. Ketlev, 2100 E..t ._.-.. CE' air ..... 11; .. ,. around the buoys ....,"'&" CO.II H.....,. C:.-6fl Mlor, C.lltor·:l------::-:-::-::-::-------1 -..........._ than tbe Transpac, the Lona: 1111 ,,.,21 .iildt 11 ,,. 111.ce o1 llutlM11 Ult rru Blackfln wu an ~ winner· Beach to La Pu race ii in (If ,,,. ............... In •H IMl19n .... IUP••tct1t CCMllT Oii' TIN I ~-llonolul -· 11111,111 "' ..,.. •"'-of Hid ~. IT.&.T• Of' CA.Llf'ORtuA Ha D w• u race a """., IOll\e ways more challena:tng wfftlln ._ "*""'' ,,..,. ,.. 11,. -.. Tfll C02_TY 011 CHU.,..• later the two yachts bl.Wed to skippers and crris. 1be 770 tk111o11 « 11111 flOfkit. NOT1c• °" ....... :t:::' oM •niTIOw atT083 the PaciftC within light miles to Caho San Lucu •-c.fWlll Oc:tGber !fl, 1fdt, POlt ,ao•A.TI OP WILL A.Jt0 l"Olt of each J•-for f-da~ a Joflfl ~ Sc:ofltW LITT••• T&STAMINTAIT ""1111 ..... J" generally a downwind nm ~x:r;1" ., ,,.. t:111te o1 ANGe:LA ·D. ovKAiw.u.i.. with Blatifln leading. But similar to the """'-c, but 1i.m ~ed d«fdlnt OteHMcr. wben De Meuse and h1I crew 4 ·--.-111:i•L•T. , .... c"'' ANO "AltYn NOTICE fS . l'llltEIV 01\IEN l1WI the real W'Otil: begins when the ., C-' I ."...., OAYIO s. HIOUUA.llel -111111 hltllll I decided to take a llOUthem yachta tum north at the can. tM •n1 c..t ....,,_,,. ""'"'°" for ~-111 '"'1ll Mil tor -·-· J-~--held t be ,... C-....... C1INl"lll• ftlU llWll>tl of letltt1 T .. , ... ""''" te "'"" '---UUUllUll and start the more than 100 tlonlr, ~~ to 'IWtlldl i. mlde for Wind d p •--~ Tof1 1n•1 vwm turr11er ... r11eu11n. •lid 11111""'11""" war auage c._.. "" mile on-tht>-wind battle againlt A"--• • bKVtW ,.11,,, PllCI o1 """"' 111e ""'' h•• ""' Ht the rhumbline course and beat ft tlm J-ts ,.ub11"11d Orlflle CN1I DlllY J l2 1111' Howmi>tr 21, It.If. II t :JO A.M .. Ill 0 e9 1niu11g turren • Oclob« 22. 2t 11...i Novwmllll' ,;.,...,: "" c.oum-TI or 0.111~ No. 1 "' Blackfin to the flniah. The finish line will be the· IJSC Enjo11s Short-lived The USC Douglas Cup defender (left) appears to be the leader at this point but the Tulane Univers- ity teed was the eventual winner by 57 seconds in j Tra,nspac Precedent In Paz? '·"'·=---o-c=7:'-::::::::::=---\111d court, 11 1«1 civic Clftlw or1v1 Relations between De Meuse IOUtbwest corner of San Juan -LEGAL NOTICE w~~ ~= :_ =~ AM, ~ilforn11. and the Johnsotll were frayed Nepomezeino Island in the Lona: a~ Yacht C!u~ ~·Y w. e. sT JOHN, eou"" c .. rt. fer • time after the race when Bay ol La P--. « may t have taken a long ,..l NAO•t.. ltIOAM & OA.VIOION; .., L--Cl•Tl•ICA,.. OP IUIUllSS. Alt9nwf• .. uw ,· De Meuse flied a pr 0 t e It 1be start will be It "'.... lllU d in.it at the Transpac tttCTmo•s NAM• 1t11 Nll1ll Mel• Sl'r'Mf, 1-•-•-· ~-t w J d d • ..,. """ TM ~19Md '" certlfV """ -'"'" ,A111, C1l"-!1 ""' c 111lllll'6 WUI n w • r noon Saturday off B.elmont fiasco ~D ccmpillna: 111 COllClvdlfl9 1 111#1-1 11 lllS Vietor .. Tll1 t71'1 MMM Passage bad dellber1tely Pier •-T ....,,. n---i. u-..a..-, geoe-' ,~.--"'lions ·r-•'""-• $""'' COit• MeN.. C1IU0<11ll. Ulldll' tt.. A'*11otn flt P4tmo-f '·jfj-"' L--...IU-......+•lo 1U ~',& ~ na&UYI '&I \.VJN.I _ ......... ll<llttoul nrm '""'' of AIEltOfEN Pllbllll'led or.,... Coest DlllY '""'' ... cu IJl:J ........ UUll reyv• -providjng plenty of land apace 1 .. the ,.UILISHING COM'ANY 11111 tM1 .. Id ~•miler.., .I.,., lNt 205Wf mlalea.d De Meuse and hlt !or -~taton. Scores Of s-.:.-protesta:· ro• La Paz Race. ::;.!'<;:"ri:'.lld11i"'~1 111~'::'1":1=..rson:; LEGAL NOTICE crew lnto thinking Blackfm tator boats are also e~ In tht1La Paz instructions '"~= ·:.:::W1i1n • Amlr1e111 l-----7.~-=-----1 Wal ahead by a wlde margin. to follow the Oeet for the flnt It was atec1 that In case of a Aw .• coi: .. 11 ~~ ,,_ • Amtflan .c1aTH1tcAT1 op 1us1N11s. The protest was dlsallowedrd few mllea:. protest tivolW. right-d-way ..... Ill .-!lo ·~ PICTITIOUS NAMli ~ piloll of Coast Gua Ra'~ dlJ•-of ,._ -II ,._ Aw., cos11 Meta. TM \Hldfflkl.,W doll cerl'ltr 1111 h c--...,,,. ......... wn:: .... .., or OJ.11'1:'r' Violations of the rules °"'*' Oc1o1>w 21. ,,., d\ldlntl , M l-fl nest. c111r, c .. ,, planes reported that WP was 960 miles. U""'-favcrable go _._ ,._ th o. "°"'' .....,. """'' c.1Homr1. Ul'ldlr ,.... flclltllllll firm 1 t ••-1•1-...... -ve ...... un:: race, e pn>-An!ll M. H111111 l'lllnl; "' Pl!TITE AUIEltGI! •rod """ a way• a OI' near Wl'I:' pos ,,,_.. weather' condtuoos the flnt tested y ....... -if the, pn>tat i.I stiits « c.otornl• 11ld "rm 11 ~ o1 lbe toi•ir.. she reported when the planes yachtl !lbcllld arrive at La Pu ----*-~ m•u at,._ di-Or•-c-tY: ~ ....._. -111 tuU ..... plecl « fi ,.__ •1111~nr;\ll -J "111; ......,...,. 0n OclOblr 21. ,..., belor• ""' • r,.._ 11 '' tolloM: ew over w.: course. in abwl Iii: days. Uon ol tbe race committee be Nol•,., P\MC In 11111 ttr Hid St.it, Geor9ft DuPll'l'OJ, 11• Afte llpuM C1ua brtakdown of tbe fleet .,..._.u., .... m n. "°"' MP9t11 ...i l lvd .. L..-8-.cll. c1111. LOST RECORD penal!,... by being disquallfled ..... 111 M-HOllll ~ lo ___ .. N ti;:! Dat9d OCtober 21, 1"' ls erpected t0 be made known or hayl.O ... hf!r corrected ..,_~ --~ -1r1 I '" ~ E. °"""',., 'lbe protest that knocked t the -a..i _... ,A.-"'& -.war the Wltl'IJll ~ llMI ~ STATE OF CALIFOllNIA... • WP out ol .. _ e•·-.... time a i&ipperl ..... na ... aeatcn in the race increued by two lt'loW uec"'9dl""' -· --011.AN'OI! COUNTY:--w.n:: ~ m.Jl .... m...1..-.1 .... .;.1-t at ·--tOPFICIAL '&A..l) On Oct. JI, 1 ... , t.tor. Mio• NottrY record and fint-li) finish --.--..---.,, iu.,. flUl.U"3. MllY K. Hllln' Publ1c Ill Ind for wld St.ti, --ll'r L-· -·· ru~ ~ ·~ yacht Loot Beach Yacht Club. In the 1919 Tt"•n~ the Noll,., l"vbtlc~1IHorn!1 1ppeirwd ~ D.,...., •-N .,,. uu11u1 w cu .,, \.11'1:' ----,.~NI Mo 1n to 111 ""' "rsot1 ..._ """' 11 1ubtcr11>-E-'t, claiming that WP faiJ.. race 1Mtruction1 provided that Ontlfe c-tf ed te "" W'.!ltlll! ~"' •nd "t". • ·~-· ~t ould e1~-M'1 tonw11fnt11u Enlm 1ctotew!td;ed ht •KV!oMl_ttii""'_ ed to keep clear at the I li w· pro1.a11.a1 y ..... ·w w--- ' ...... ~~ • .,.,. 2~ 1!!2 I ,,.1... ,llol !OFFICIAL $!'.AL) ttariln" line when the smaller ta an IDS be diaquallfied or have ·two v..,,,,,_ ,_ ....,11 ,. ' M•rv K Nt11,., e L-·-dd~ h I _ _.. Octoblr 22. 2" 11111 Novmiblr s. n, Not•rv Pl.lbn~ • ct1rtom11 uuw II a ~ to er e 8r- 1tB l'1Mt ~~::-~i: 111 LEGAL NOTICE Paris Marathon Ume. 1 • LEGAL N01lCE MY eein....t111°" Enlnl ,..1ttn 'lbe tule caused Windward NOY, 24. 1m NOTIC• Ofl DISICK.UTION Pas··"" •• be ~--k-• t ol .. - ,.ublfilllld Orontt Co.It D1l11' ""°'· o• •••THlltlMI, '!'be Par! Sf H ~ "" MN\,: ""' OU • x -o u r flnt tol flnlsh ho-and an (llt'Ttf'ICATI OP IU11NllS, October n. n •"4 Nov"1\blt' •• n. "ullllc Mllcl II hlrltlr ··-tMt ··--thon f . ····I ·-·· f'ICTITIOUI MAM• \t611 1m ... A.ltlllD!W PtlkVlll, ..,.,.., per?nlf'. 11111 l'Ul.nl or .... '6 e engine eJa.....r time record and caus- TM uncltf1llfW'd do c;lf'!tf'I ""'" .,.. 111.llPfrl M. Hlftdrlck.. HmlMd "'"""'· outboards WU won Ocl 12 by ~ .- (:lllldo.ICll"' 1 11u1Cnn1 11 no Tllltrn ........ LEGAL NOTICE 111r9!ofcN'1 *'"' MIMM ....., TM fie.-'D-·lo Molinari of Italy In • ~ a 9'orm of controveny in N-' a.ch. C•llfon'l!I, """"' TM nc-mi-Hrm ... .,.. lnll lfV .. ., LIGHT~ .ncu.. ch"-lrcl ~ -J to tllllut firm llllM ol ,.EGASUS LIMITED 1"-11177 ING LITO .. 1111 Genltrl .,,... ....... apectacalar charge du..i .... the )'I. """"& c es llVlll L.vaolll ...... 11111 .. Id II"" 11 COll'l,...:I al ""-Clll:TIPtcA.TI OP IUllNIU, '19fd. Clf1' ol G..-n Grow. CeulllV of final 15 -'-·"·s. ..... coast. folll!Wllll ~ wholl lllmft In fUll 'ICTITIOUJ NAMI 0.1-. Stiilt d c;.!lforllll, orlld 911 !Ml 111 UlllJUK ' '-nd th t 91111 "'''" oJ mldlnc• •r. •• toJio.w: Thi' w.om~ do c1rtlt'I thl'I .,.. '"'°' Odlillfr, lHt, br nw1ua1 OWIMl'f, Molinari drove a boat of bil Many experts COfl.K 8 CRftororl Met'll'lil P1r1,.,,, 10\lS ........ uctl-1 1101-• II 111 M1l11 SI., dlllOl'ft llte Mid Nr!Nrshlll lftd t.r1lllft. ~alt'-· ••--t be --~ Halllurn Dr., Hvn111111o11 •••""· ;:w;,1...;,;;. IHdl 'c;11iom11 llMlr "" 1Ni thllr 11111tlol'll 1• "rtMn """1111 own design powered by a ,..... ~ ...... ._. ~ Jimn •· Co11!111. 41• Ar••llo Dr., fkllllow llrm ~., su11:Fu1t HOUSE s.111 bull'*' In #le tv•"" w111 N -Mercu~ ·•~ Su-r BP. 11 against elapeed. time IS big Lead the crucial match. Series was sailed 26 stoops. S.nti """ C11!fonlll, tt.. cludtd br ""'l'IOllJ ,,.n ... , Mid M 1111 •J I.MN r-•'1.-_. 1. 11-....1 lo D•ltd OctoNr 21, 1,.,. _. ""'' .-1d nrm 11 COIT--' o1 --111on11111, ....,_ .in 11.., •NI was Molinari's second ~ u ""' :yauut .., a......,..c:u re- c 11fford M. P1rt..., followl119 penon1. ""'°"' 111"'" 111 _run dlKM..,. 111 llM!Rtln .net dtbh "' Ille main In ••-r-Appe-nlly J•INI •. eomn1 11111 1111cn ot l'ftkleTK• ,,.. •• to11ows. firm •rid r.c11Vt 111 11111111 .. P1Y1b11 '' aecuUve victory In the annual wn::i '""'' '" Douglas Cup Goes to Tulane DAILY 1'11.DT in Columbia· .. • • ' 11119 of cintOrnll Dino c11cedo. mi A11nlvrrH,., 1.1111, 9111 firm. event and marked the IOth tfle LOng Beach Yacht Club °'o',,1111~:':21• tMt. be!01'9 -· • "=1:''t.'ic~· mt AMlv.,_, UO..:....~!lld~ ~':'~b:,o"~ year Mercury ensinea have ;='""';;;;;;;;;;;;comml;;;;;;;;;;;;=ltee;;;;;;="'==·="=·;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Presentation of the coveted Douglu Cup for intercollegiate match racing cap-: Not•,., ,.u1111c 1n and '°' t11d s11t1. LIM. N~ alldl. C.llf. ""' N Y °"' ""' ...., Gb11""°"" ~ 1--~ ed rf t · f ki John Ill ( nd f ·ght) and his Tul """°"'1"' _f"fd c nttord M1xwt11 D•lld ~ 'i :.::0 br MfhMY ''W;v'" 1n hi• _.. 111m11 ., PUI~ first. p a pe ec series or ~ pper seco rom r1 ane "'"111' n J•"'" o. eou1t11 ._,_ '° au1r1<11 c.1crM 111 1111 -e1,.. tirm. mem11 Seventy contestants in three BOAT BUFFS University crew followin g Ute series sailed 'last weekend at Long Beach Yacht ! "" lo bl "" H•111111 ~ 11-••• $TAT!' Of CALtl"O•M1A. DAT£O AT N._.. .ltd\, Cl • i:er clulea: f"'·""t the six.· ~ .ublcrlbed t1t "" .-11111n "-ffV!Mllf •rod o~ANGE. couNTY· 111111""' 111' • Odoblr. 1"'· "'"6'' AIM•111 L•cli:1Hy '' th• •11lv Club. From left are Tulane's · "Cop" Perez and Steve Collins·, Ed Rodrigu•• .~ledtld llwY 111K11lld 1111 111T11. °" Oct 21 1.., · 1w1or NCI! ,., M"'°"" PnkV•n r contest on a OOl.l'le 1 11 b · ,. L· -..., (OFFICIAi. IEALI • ' • I ,,.,., 1 1 ltlll'lrl M. H~rlckt U ·+Im, 01t1119 I tfor wo,~1119 · • KJln • ,,,,. ar111 ""°""" Pl/bite: 111 and tw •Id s1111 • .,..._.,"' -.-. ~ 1. "'""' within 1 stone's throw of the ta'11y 111 .. ,,,,, 111 O r•nt• representing the trophy donors Mr. and Mrs. Donald Douglas Jr.; Bill gen-• No:;., ,ubllc.C1llfomtf •,,-m,':! ......... ·-·-."'-'"~-........ -·--· ... • ..... EWel Tow-·. Drive-from I ~ HI I I ,,111e1111r 0tt1« 111 '" ... •• ..... .... •• •·1•1 ' 1111 " "1 cov•r•9• srru·lh, regatta chairman, ·Dane and Bob Nogon of Tulane. Victory was a r• o""'' covnt'I !~~':::.:: .!::. :i=-~ 111111 °""' •""'"' dozen European countries, 1f bo1tl119 1114 v•c:htfnf 111w1 :1.!.if~;s1• Euir" coFFICIAL sEA.Ll • :.::"..:'-~mi,,... England and the United States 11 • -'•llv fe1tur• of th• DAILY markable comeback for Tulane which in two previous Douglas Cup regatta. l"vb11111..r or•1111• eon1 011rv "11o1, M8,., t< • .i.,,,., ,~,I/ltd 0r""' c ... 11 0•11Y Ptiot. participated. PILOT. failed to w1·n a single race. OC!oblr n 29 Ind HoVll!lbll' 5, u . Nol•rv l'ubnc • C1llftml1 "'~-~~·:_•~'"'~-----:":""= I-..'.::=~==--------'~============-;:::::::_::_::::::_::_:::::~:_::::::_ ____________ -------------! 1,., ' lf)'l-49 Prl'1(.INl .Offlc1 Ill I• ' Or&l'IOO Cou~tv LEGAL NOTICE M'I Com"'IHIMI l!x,rr" LEGAL NOTICE NOY, 24, 1'72 -•UllNlll PubH&lled Orll'lfl C..lt Dlll'r ,.llot, ClltTl,tc.t.T• ...,.. T.-4mt Octoblr tt, 2t 1rld NOVln\1111' J, 17, PICTITIOUI NA.Ml I NOTICI TO CttlOITOttl 1169 1'7oMt Thi' vnd4t1lt!lld don cei1ttv Ml I -IUPl•IOll COUIT OP TMl dlKlllll 1 bln.lntll 11 '· 0. koll tlli. ITATI OP' c.t.Ll,Oll:NIA f'Oll LEGAL NOTICE c.11 Mew. c11110!'nl1, undlr ~.no.,, TNI COUNTY 0, o•ANGI lllkM firm MIM Ill LA.NO-.... ,.....,, ,. .. OGaAMMING 11111 ,,,., Hid firm h 1!d1t. of AllEENE STA.A.Tl WINGE•. NOTICI TO Cltl!OITOl:I COll'IPNtd of 1111 folloWI"' ..... -. ""°" Dlaffed. IUP•ltlOll COU•T 01' TH• """' In f\111 1rid plltl of ,_ldlnce I• n NOTICE IS HElllE9' •IYEN lo .,_ ITATI OP' CALlfOltNIA f!Olt tol....,.. crwdltors el the •bove ,,. ...... dtcedllll TNI COUNTY OP ou•• u.r, J. '"*"·""Jn• tt• .. """· thll 111 --h1vl"' cl1ims "111111 the "9 • ......,.,. MHI, C:.lllor11l1. iild c19e9da'll '"' ~I,., la "II thlm. !'llllt of IALA JEX MOltll:IS, OICMfo 01t.d NOVlfllblr 4 lfff. ¥1'1111 !hi """'',., ~ 111 1111 olfkl ed. L1rrv J ... r1111r et,,_ clel1! of tM .-.. 1rtlllltll _,,.,,or NOTICE IS MEll:EIY' 01\lll"N te h lllt. oJ Clllfom\t, Or-CfM!tlo': "' """"' 9Mm. •1111 llw lllCltW,., cnclltorl of "" '"°"" !llmd dtcWeftl °" No¥tmblr .. ,,.,, .....,.... -• lrOUCi'tln, to "" llltdl"""*' ti lite «!la lhll Ill l'efMnl 111¥1111 c11Hnl "'"'" ltlt Niii,., ,,_le Ill lltCI ftr Hiii ...... o1 HlrT'I' It. Urllofl, A!'h)fMY. UO Hid decldelll lrl ..-lnld te flll fhln!, _._ltY ..... rH LI..,., J. llf'lllt .._i ~r Drlwi SVlll eJ, ,....,_, ""Ill lite MCftll" vwd'le..._ In IM lffln ~ 11 -to " It'll --""-1 .. dl. Cllltllrflle '26'0 ~ 11 tM 'llcl el the clll1!. ol ""-1bow Wllll'IH ewrf, II#" .,._ h Mlblcrlbld t. thm wllhlft ..,_ of llullMI& oJ tM .....,,_lt!IM 111 111 mtt-to ,,_,,,. lhlln. wlfh 11'11 _,, ''""""" 11111 1dl_..... hll ll!ICllflld i.rs ""91nlrll 11 1111 nt1tii of 11N _... -..chin. "' 1111 llltdtn'-"'"' 11 1'1!t ot11c1 the HIM. dt!ll, ""111111 follr ,..mi. lfltr 9llt flrlf "' ,tvt A. N111t11, Attw.,.., " LIW, '1t (Ol'FICIAL l l!AL' ,.,aHCltlorl (If fhll fllll'lel, l!ltl 17111 '""'' Col11 ,_.I Clltlfwllll MllY I(. Htll"I' Dflld Odotlw 21. '"' nm. whkh " ,,. 11ao1 " ""''""" ef No11,., ,.ll'4k-C•1tton111 Peter t;ltni: Wtnw flt9 !Jl'ldlrs19r!H Ill 1H ll'llfflil'I ,.,,tlnlllt Prl11ttHI Olllct In "*"lri"trllor lo IM a'9t. « 11kl dtc'ldllll. w1111111 lwr er-c-t'I 01 fM ""11 d !hi mollflt9 lf!9r lf'll first ~ of fl'lll Mv ComM111kwl IU1"' lllow ~ ltlfcedlrf Mllcl. • 1 """"'""' "'' lf12 Nl&ltT 1. CAltLTON Oiied Od9Nr 2J. 1NJ. , ,.utiltll'lld °''"" Co11t DlllY flllllt, IM """"" ~ Drt111 J•...t Lat .Morrit Now<nllll' L U, lt, ti. 1M !OSJ.# lllM .. 7 E•KUll1lT Clf 1111 l1l1!1 .......... llee•• CMlf, nMf of lhll 1boW l'llrned ........... LEGAL NOTICE Tth 1714) ..... 1191 ''UL A.. MAMMA. A,,._, .... ...........,..,IW A~ If Law IUP•IUOlt COUIT Of' TM• "llMr.tlM Or1f111 Cat1f D1l11' ,.,..,,, •tt •Mt 11"1 ''"" ITATI OI' CALIJllOltNIA P'O• CC"*' Jf 111f Ntvltftllll' L It, lt, Clltl ,,_, C1"""'111 "'1f TMa COllMTT Of1 OllAM9l ,,.. 701Mt T" mn ,..,,.. -'*'t" ,.., "'4Ml A~fwl-'TU "I• ........ LEGAL NOTICE ,.ulltltllld or.... C111ll Ollft' llltool. OltOI• TO IMO'# CA .. •• •• flON POil CN.t.Ne• 0,. NAMI -------~-----jOttobtr 2t end NIYlmllll' S, ' ' A•llcillllll o1 IA.UL HA&& llON ,.411Jf !Mt .. ,.ltlTTI ,..,. CM-of Nl!lll ClltTIPICAT• °" •WINI SS. LEGAL NOTICE WHEll:EAS. ,.tllllollln. AL•EltT HAit• PICTITI0\11 MAMI •csor4· "ft1TT$ 1flf JUDITH KAY Thi """"lfned do crrllfY ,....., .... ,.,TT •• """ "\Id Ill .... ""-Ml cendutfl .. 1 bvllntH fl P.O. 9om 15'1 SA.lt•ITft Nllfll fll SAUL HAll:.lSOtf PlttTTI wtlll MllfltlMioll lllc:tl ""7, C.Rloml1, lllldtl' " aOIOO T o• ... 1111 Cllrtt « th11 Clut1 for In orW "" flettllfl.ll '""" -., IPt(: • SPAN ... ,. cov• dlt"'1"' M1d -•k•lll'• Mflll .,..... G1!"NlltAL CLEANING IERYICE 1,.. ITAT• OJI CALl,...Mll f'O• SA.UL MAltll:!M>N ,.ITTI tit DAVIO t"Pt 11111 Htm II _.,....,cit fht fol...... TNI COU!fl'V 0111 ~-· HA•lttSON .. l;tTTl1 "" --. ..,.. -Ill full IAll ....... ...,,. IT 11 OIOEIED tlttl all ,,.,_... • 'llcft of rtt"'911C1 11'1 11 l<lllNI• MOTtCI OP' M1tA•INO CW "ITl'TIOlll ~ 111 1111 1_... lftfll .... lfllllwr .._ TIWl'tlll l\eul, lt142 C1ldlellff LI"" f'Olt ...O•ATI OP WILL ANO Pott -r b1for11 llllt Cluff .i f :JO A..M.. Ml ~19'1911 l9ldl. l ""!lit I Mllll. MIG LITTlll TllTA.MINTAltT Ot(9mlllr It. '"'' 111 tftl Clvrll'OCll'ft et c~ LIM, l'llllltlnefllll 9ledL (ftltii oJ Htlrit '~°"'""' o.wtmtnt ,. " ,. CMc CWllfr ~ CHiid I0-21># Oftw.... Wiii CltY If llntl Alll, c-tf II: TMrM l hvl NOTICI II NEREIY GIVIN T1'll Or..... Stitt « C.llflrllll, Mid _.. ......... I. M11M ''"'-~ 0...11111 htt ft!oM '-"'" I ~. " Ifft, ..,..,. f1tt ~ fir 1t11't ~~Htwftll, Orlftte Cwtrf'I: ..ntl9rl 1111' ,,_t. of W'll """ ""° cfll ... fl MOM Moulf flllf 11111 ,,......_ On 2' JM. ~ IN• t fltlllllCI d Ltttwft Tftl11'NftT•rt t. fl~ IT 11 'VltTHf:lt OJlOEll:IO ""' • Mf!IFY Pwbllc lfl 11111 fol' Hid llltf, tlorltr. ,...._, to ftldl .. ,,, .... for _., of 11111 ~r Tt lfww C:.-'- ,.,....111' """'""' Tl'llP'lll• 111111 llld IVr!Mr '9rlkull"" Miii fhlt 9"11""" 1t1'1111 lllbllthltll 111 fht 0111'1' ,.Uiof, I ;www1•11 l rlllllt I, Mltll '°'"" It "" "" be IM t len oJ llMrhtt "'°' 111111 IM !tltll flf el ~I tll'Clllllltfl l'l'lllted In IM C... --*"-' "'""" f l't 1111!9mttlll te fol' N-f)lr 11. lMf, 11 t~• •·'"" 111 !ht f'I of Orlflll, '""' el t1M'°"'ll' -• "" wt!lllR ..,.~, 111111 e<1ilowi111Md ('OllrtT-Ill o-frMllt NI, I of "'"' """ '°' ,..,, '" IVCd'lllVI "'Wb ...... 50 Yachts • • • • Vie in Bank! • l\lor. Ulan llO oalJlng yachtS will •hove off Saturday at 1 f a.m. In Newport Ocean SaJllnC. Assoclatloo'• 14-mlle Bani! Race. The race will start orl Balboa Pier. Weather mark of the 28-rulle nee la the 14-M.lle Bank ea1t of Cataltna Island. A committee boat will be anchored at the 14-Mlle Bank. J( the lead yacht has not rowided the mark by 5 p.m • the race will be called at that point. The race wUI be divided Into yachts measured 1unC:ler the Ocean Racllig Rule, Midget Ocean Racina Fleet, Pacific Handicap Racllig Fltet and Ocean-going catamarans. On SUnday NOSA Will hold Its annual CommOOore's Ap. pr<elaUon br.e!dut al Balboa Yacht Clab. N..., olflcen will be elected, to be followed by tho CommO<lor.s race In Lldo- 141. ADVl•TlllMINT EXCLUSIVE B~INESS t111y alCUltd thl lllM. Cl!Jfl, If 1W CMc (lllttJr ortw Wtlt, Ill .. 1'111 dlM ... tw 11Mrl111 .. ..i1c1t1t11. '°''ICIAL IEAl.l "" Cltv el 111'1!1 AftlJ Clllf9rf\ll. Otltll! ..........,... I, 1Mt. JoMf>fl f , Dlvll Otltd ~ 11, lW, •AYMOND THOM,toN Not'" ,ublk>C1Ufol'lll1 W. E. ST JOHN, CWlllY Clllt.. Judll el !ht l\IHl'llr Cl'll'f An AC!e aad Tltree Queens AYAILAlll MOW. 14 \'IA,.. IXPllllNCI -WIU. TU.IN PUlCHAllL HteH UININ.S llCO.ID -St,J .. llfUlllD. P1!nclNl Olf~I In Allll Mll1111 It_,,., 1¥•L,.UTT & OKA.ZAKI °'""' Covntv 11• *""' Mllll """· •II C"'4c ~ °"" .... Outbo~ log dri D p It f Newport My ~1111W1 1 •• ,,. 11ni. •111, <•llfwlll• 111111 ..,,.., c.""""' ..,., '"" rac ver on rue o . JUN ,,, '"' , .. 1 c210 m-u11 · T1L1 111•1 ...,..... Beach ts surrounded by a trio of beauties as he~re-.....i11Mt1 ~ c-1 D11"' flllot, ..,,..,_, trw ,.~ AltlfrMY• fir l'.ill*-n · OCtoMt "' elld ........,...,.. "' u, 1•. tl.~~-0r."" c• Dtllr '""' !."':!~ °"""" t011tt Dt11r 111111 •. ._..,.~es for. the N0.000 Outboard }:Yorld Champion ips .,., · ----'°114' ·r's, lt; 1"•----...,,.. HMl'lttr '"''· ''·,., '"' .... ov~ afLUe K"1va1u--Citj,. Atlz. ln tht center I mm IOI M·ltf '"" NIWIPANI. llilPl.lft HILD ITllCTL Y COMADIMTIAL. is que~n Diane PotUos, Los Alamitos, Flanking her are two Lake Havasu lovelies, Nancy Sin).s, left, and Wendy Alvord. Pruett will drive a tunnel hull built oy Ron Jonu lfi his Costa Mesa pta --'!:::======== , ............. ._ ...... .; ..................... ;.;. ... ;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::-:::::::::::::::::::.~-=-::.~~-.::-. :.-:::~:.;;--;::::.:.-:;,:.:.-:-;.~~:::;::;::;::;::;::11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ............................................... ~ ......... . U !>.Ill V PllOT L WodMsdOI, N""mbtt 5, 1969 Car Rentals Off er • A Drive-in Maze II)' SYLVIA PORTER Y GU CIC all t plane in a lllraop dty and start abop. pUI( for a car to rent. At ooe rmta1 CGUDter the use ol a car Will ...i y<>i fll a day, plus 13 • cents a mUe, plus lM coat of au. At the ooxt booth, you can pt the wne car for $14 a day and 14 cents a rrille, but the gas II funtlsbod by the car ttOlal company. f.nd yoo also read iD an ad thal ju.st a block from the airport there 's an economy car matal outfit ot- tering compacts and small.im· ports for about half the price chorged at the ai'1'0rt offices. How can you te.11 which is the best deal ln • car rental? Wl>at ls the moot lmportanl · Ung to ~k for! FIRST, TAKE the example of the fll a clay v1. the fll a day car. Your total costs for driving a $13 a day, 13 cents a mlle car 200 miles are $44. tn- ('!udlng $5 you must pay for gas. However, the $14 a day car would actually cost you '2 Consumers Lose Faith lnEoonomy NEW YORK (UPI) American consumers a r e becoming less confident in the economy's stability, according to a ~t sul'\ley by the na- tional .industrial conference bolnl. Of 10,000 families ques- Uoned. 37 percent g a i d business is "'goOd," compared with a 40 percent response in May.June survey. 'Jbe sunrey, released Mon· day, said YI percent of con- iiumera plan to purchase ma· jor appliances, such a s re fr I g er at ors , vacuum c1eanen or washing machines, during the next si.J: months. Forty.four percent planned such purchases in the previous aurvey. 'Ibclfe were 510 families con- 1iderfng buying a new car, slightly fewer than during May.June, but higher than the 4.4 percent a year ago. 1'be interut in buying new homes and television &eU has remained about the same, the NICB said. Irvine Gets Coke Plant Construction of a n e w Orange County branch for the Coca.Cola Bottling Co. is ·under way at Irvine Industrial Complex, A. 0 . itacDonald, prui.dent of the beverage· firm, announced. Tht facility will total more than 33,000 square feet ()f of. lice and wareouse space. ~ The site is at the comer of Carnegie and the frontage road of Pullman. The site covert four acres, leaving six acres for further expansion. When completed, the warehouse section of more than 26,000 square feet will represent the largest branch ~torage facility the compa.n,v has ever built. Jen: -or '42. This example Points up how lmportl!rt il ls tor yc;iu, to figure tot.al car ren- lal C()Sls on a dally basil. car rental costs v ari wildly from compan_y to company. To illustrate, the daily rental rate for a Ford Mustang io one major U.S. city ranges from fl, pJus 10 cents a mlle, to $14, plus 14 cents a mile. Thus, if you drive Mustang A 200 miles a day, the daily cost Is $27 - vs. SU a day for Mustang B from another company. Over a rive-day period this differ- ence amounts to $75. In this same city, the special weeken~ rate, running from Friday noon to Monday noon. ranges, for a standard size car, from JS per day and 1% «1111 JlU pile to 18 per day and 13 ~nts per mlle. <>Ver three days, driving 200 miles a day. that's a difference of $48. ACROSS THE U.S., the dally rental rate for various types and sizes of cars range from $1 to $90. Weekly rates typically range from $35 to $100. And on a monthly basis the spread is similarly wide. In some cases, you get a certain number of miles free; in others, you get unlimited mileage: in still others there is a mileage charge of 5 cents to 20 etnls depending on the car and the compaay. Ia addition, there are the special deals -such as rates for a "business d a y , ' • "overnight specials,'' "drive atl you want for $99" deals, a variety of fly-and-drive ar· rangemens. WHY PAV UP to twice the car rental rate and mileage charge from a big name C()ffl· pany when far less expensive deals might be made around the corner? I) As a general rule the big- gest companies offer newer cars with newer tires than do the smaller companies. But Olis does not necessarily mean that the cars rented out by big name companies are always safer or significanUy more trouble free. 2} THE BIGGER companies have hundreds or ~-v e n thousands of offices across the U.S. -usually in the most convenient places such as airports, downtown hotel 1ob- bles, etc. But the smaller companies can deliver a rental car to you quickly if you call them, often on a direct line telephone; and lhey also are frequently will'· ing to let you drop off wherever you wanL when you return the car. • 3) The bigger companies tend to keep their of!ices_open for longer hours than do the smaller companies, and to of- fer you a long list of travel assistance. BUT THE SMALLER companies often will make special arrangement5 for off. hour needs or returns and also provide you with maps, dlrec- tlons, etc. 4) The bigger companies will let you drop ()ff a rented car at another U.S. city - either at a small droJ><lff charge or at no charge. In this case, lhe smaller companies may not have an office at your destination. 5) Both small and large companies probably will let you charge a car rental on any major credit card. Ne%t: How to Sliop f or a Rental Car. "Here's how leasing beats the I 'reverse interest' problem." ~~{J~ You WDU!dn't pvt your money In 1 1 ..,. wbtr1 lh"llJ day 1 litUt of your t CIY WIS taken IWI}' In "trv•rt• I lrrternLP eut thlt's what hl9PIM to.. )'IN!' hWtstralllt whu JOU Ill I g r, truct, • tlllt Of tlr1 Of tnds. Oeprecbitloll ••h llJI Ult CasJI JOU'" tnv11ted. Oit thl other II.Ind, when yoti le• ,.,..r '"' or trucks, yo11 but the dopNCidloo """"' nd ,.. COMllM your""' tor IHllJ ,rotlteWI llMstmtnt. ft llllkes pM" stMt to fme lftd it. f'l!fll• utn road Mnll to ,.,,. ftoM .illdiowsd's. Clll now-11111 OM of MlcHawarl's IJ*illista will ltll JOll flow 11V~. lflll11 "" tcOllOITl\elllJ )'QU e11 tf!JtJ lfl .. bltleflb Of -AM tor•~-""°'tfoo. ....... fo6111r. OPM Moftdq fl'Wllf" Sllurd•, ----- MacHowaRb AUTO AND TRUCK LEASING 124 No. Harbor at Bolsa •Santa Ana Telephone (714) 531·0607 • 1---:-:---~~~--i--=-:Com-u~.· N. ~w~York-5.tock:list OVER THE COUNTER ·r • NNSW YO~~Al')·W"""""'I _..,. \ ......................................................... ,, .. Ywlt I~ ..,1u11 Met (• .I Mlttl LfW C'-<-.. ~11'1 ,tJ9 11 """ 411l 11 tV. 0 '°" NASD ~for Tuooday, Novomber 4, l96f -A-' •~ 2 ''I -i" 11• + \\ "" '·~ ••-.i1•"' ......................... ..,, .t..M. ,,_ iu.1o. ~'1:;1'~ 2ff i"' IL n: i1U _1,~,t::;f 'r ~ i~~ ~t~;·Jj ..,... .. -,.... ......... ,..,,.,.. ...... -'•= ~(~" I " I ~~ + = ;; er~:: 1"; 11.:aa n~ ti~= ti fril·.li ;:P,:~~t : ... ~ ~s:w'''"'Na"&~NtG.J '~lfl ~~, 11~ Im !!=.J111ljl ''4 1l1to 11\4 :::ij 1wCHW'1::: 'a mi 'IM t~W 'J.:. '" lii:,'·F. ub0 ~· .... ,,:~ u ~ ~~,..-af 17" Ill~=~ I { g~ ~='YI ~IJ.!~2.M • .. _ .... _11"' 1:1 ,Mf ' .... 1.1 AIMC ' '° ... " "' Sell CmD 11 At1.\al'i1 .... .M1 ,, ..... YI ... r Uf m -t"' ,,,1.,.11. '" &.1 .~~': .:1r 1!~1m =1e" • , ~ .. ~u. ~~,,~~~ci.... .,, t\jo ·= ,, == ~ .. .,. ff ll1! ~ ~..:~ r:up1ilt\1·n ;.;.Jrv. •rt 1n'"~ ~.!: liv. tt ~i~~~ :a If:~~ Htl 'l\, 'l11i ~!<":. ~fiJ I~ ift: I~ I~\ +·\4 i::nl'lfllllf0Je l m! .. " ™° l~ = ~ !'Mot .. -w:i1:.iw: .. 1 'B,11" 1-m~wA.::a 1mlatt~1,,'l'l ~11 l,rt:",A~ll~-~1~. ~ Hl\X 11~ 1:t: •. ,. !,1r:~~·-" H. n~=1S .n~m':'-a.n:;;1j1!.w11~ = ' fvt 1J .... iJ" J:IW Pm n\4 tl f:U ·t~ f ?: IL,, 'J s.llla lltt-1it 11\ti~l»t I .dl4 ~ .,... -" PullUt IM r: ... .._ llUf'> .... .J ,,\IJ Oh~ An lift n-I: :r1: 7 ,, :e;. '· 2.i ri: ; ~ :i:-.· , •• i:e 1/ ~n ~ B~ i ;44 :~ tMr~io =:tJ:r.:J:ri .. ~~ ~ H~ oti -~·: ff:*" f~: i \41 li-. ~=~!I ,fl "" p Hf! f1b ~ l~ •11!1 . u~ ..... ~ ~~··.-t :~~Mt,..,.:~1=,t· 1m ~t'i "'' Jt '~tgi: ~"°Hm t1~.1.t::•1=:t~·!t1 JM: I\~ .1:!1: ~·C!t:;,~ ft 4 ~ 4= ii·: ~~:~~ .... ,1u ,,...,.1111, • ~ ...... 21~ m E'f·:,,, ~ti .. it~ 15, f,: ", ... , •,i.,\IJ :1~ rd ,!t re! = ~,,z>tt + ~ I =rr·'f:ll 1 ttt !!~~ ii::::~~ "\ ~"W. ,1 :::r.\~,,, "' com. ~IT~ l~ Uli: l"tlllt er ' ," Sr.illol 11'4 .J141 l\a Al!fOjl .. lf,..«lb i1 !ll ~ M + ~ I 17 I\ 14111 + lk lr1t ~ W' 'r '1 ~'" 1}? 1¥1 :He[~ ':~ ~ f:~; •1 !ff : l~~ :U ~· I R != =·~ ~. '"' n fu .:.:·lo; ~~;+:i:: AIT$ )..'!_( 4"'· o~ • 1111 T YI \4 l"k"IWV 01• U lt 15 a'tlOI' w IV. IO ... ,,',I" .. I pf.~ \.\ '°" 60\.11 -I • M -... ••c on • AFAP't'r, f:' l" £' I~ !'' j1ii P1nctil •:i. 6\l t•n•t• ~' uv. Al""!'' l.'8 :M i4 ..... ~· ,·"',, ij , P, 11 -1~ Pie ~:, '11 r" J!HVI ,.:.J~t 1U" ~!~ ~:~= ': f~.,. H rL":n~s : 2i Allh c".f11in"" ~, !Ir:," !~ ~l~ ++···~ Dml "., JA. , +. f1! +'\\• :t;,,'rl~ AUl'll VR ,..... VI fl~IOU iO u P1111 .... p 9 .. IO t~rrn A 7\.!o l" :1~!1"','~"' !Ii: ..... ~ ... oml~ A ft m y~ ii + '""" --• ·~: ~°'.: n,,. m ': ~ 11 M11i ~::: T 1• 15 Tlf'"" f: fS l \Ii ....... o"I' I~ n'""'. JJ~ -, tt .,,. ,11;~ 1 ;.._ »Jiii Vi .: .. ::4-'·~ ~;~ Busmess Set A n F 1f UYI f!~ tPlt • 4'"' """ 20" Tj ,,,., " 1k il" ::I~ l.""° " 1 201b Si " .,,.,,.. l 1.o lU t2'1t. ' \'l + 4' liw-111 '1,, llH H I V. 11\i ~ Wl"ln 5 f'l1 ~:" E:1~ s''r\ ~ f ltll GR_ 11\0 ff All'lffE• ·1'21 jl :K\t 2.fllo UV. I~ k »& 21~ " Mi + " ldd LNI .M ~mi:-"Lnll 11•12 ~ ~ /'\., ~ iJ ~:,_,,"'--: 211~ 2f\i ;'m:~.:a· n~ i:Wt ~~:.~t: ,,,l "~~ ~ .... ~v. 1~ :r•Lo11. 1 lfl v.\t ll~ t\\ =' ... i::=,.i . ., . A fl•w I'll ~ '"' Fio ~ 6" ~ •• 0 •• '' " Arnlti -.,n:loO JJ 11 U J\IJ ar:CD M l 41'4 '° -\. l.,. Ald110 Prospecjlve business owners A 11 Pea ~ !°"' oi1 1N 1~ ~l w~ 1 :i.a ,,. Tr co "" M rrt=111r·:.o ' 'ir ,,.. ).l\lr "' 1111(:dJ1 t• 11 27<,;, 2. 21"' i {o !otitf, ~•In . Cl Aeto ''" ~:arpt :IJ'll. ""' P11'111f r~ ::: ;~,~~ ~ li111 Arn AlrHIO .IG 466 '6\~ mo 3$1 \lo 1111 di. of' I ...... ""' ""' Vo lobt n IG in orange County will have an ~i:;:i c!:' 11U"12t.. o-:' ,m ,:~· u··~ri ,, ~14 ~ho ti~'°"'·1;:" ~~ 'lii: U:t:e:;,1!6t 14 1S\t mt u,.. ~ 1111 0~J.J 11oi,:: ~""ti tt~ ~ , (h ·1.12 rt nit t I the ~ All'llOc m ~ ~a s. l"'4 ~'-' 1 of ,1 ,1 ,, ur ln'h m •r•nd!~ 1~ tl.1(1 31 ~" " FoOil''i.10 11 d\l 4'V• .s\'I -1.4 n'llr:A ~} ~orkshop On Starting oppo u y 0 earn a "" 8UllO 1!1.4 1 r I Co ,,. 11 "\~ !2\41 22/ ,, I lum 31\li Am8c1Qf i! n"' U\4 •h~ .:.::" °"'" Df4.SO ~ 11.l.. 116"' '.!.! -:: iJ1nc i.40 vantages nd disadvan''""es in A El Ull ,,,. , n E 22 1J PhOIDll 23\'ir 2• OIO McGH I '"" ~me-"•' ' ' ·1 41'1t.; ... . ... onFt'IDlll 1 2 1n• "tt f'J;-••ceCo 1.50 H -a Am J-~ .. II' ~ n p1c Pd ~~Un lll'ID 1'417111." -· ' 1J n "Tu:···~. =~ ... 1111Nt1'0'1 1,,, :¥ ,fJ Ii :K~+~~G:::::o,,1·:0 .. • starting their own buslriess" :"'(Or: !I i ~ •r11!e U l~ ""1'*"" n 14 ul a11110t 21 21v. ~oJ1:"1.# ... 1.N $1 ,a·\t Ulb lSVi .. ~ ltlM )0 22 ~~ m Pio Por!r H~ 21\to 29\/o U ~:::\ ,r 4\<lt Atl\CAdll tO ,: n mt ,!_1 \olo a,,.:SO d$I •nt. 61"1 = \\ r:~:; lSlJi through. program announced "Mill • 10~ 10/ . Fnc: JI •\ii ~~~. 1~ 1~ us rwe """ ""''"" 1:... I t7~ 21\.'r 7J" -"' Pl•.16 l1l -.. jl ~ -1'-" r1111W 1.:.0 A MWICO SS ~ a • ~ '"' ~ 5i. UI ii<AtP" .ffVo SI AmCran I H 7'1 ln\W 2"\ 30 + \\ on!A L .SO 21! 11-.. j•• l~ ! Iii r110t pl' l JJ by Ben Paschall execuUve Am PIClf" 21'1. 11 '""~I ~Jj u ... = ~~ ~"'~ m ~Am 011111 '1 ·10 21~ 21.-ii§~ -~ IC.art 2.• ..., 7'~ 4?io 75\0 ~ ,.~or; 1:20 d. I r th •-1 A AS G 'I • 47 l"ubllll" 11\<lt17lli Ulll l!ld » 2' AD~IVt .121 25 2:1\ 12\\ "' on!Col"" ....... a~-"'GrtNolr l SX • • 1• !'.?. ~ , ,6.,... 11\li Publ Ne II"!', ,2"· 0,.11 rL4 , '" AOltlt~t .:io. ,2 1.,. 21"' + ._ lllCOQD .22111 c ,,~ 1n.. •i -. Gt A&-P •.• 1rec ar o e ~n a na A!n.__!•' ;rn "" ~~ y~ Pur'~ w. '" vat LD 'U 12.,_ ~~uli~fi Ji: 1~1o n:: 1 ~ +·" '~: :I~~ IJ 11~ siv, !Iv. :;2~ GtNDP1• ·'·"' Chamber of Commerce. ~i*~ Cj,. !i J"' a/OR: $'4 ,~·t. =u·'~""il 121~ ~J ~t..'fr:.. s. n ~1 ~m Enkl ~1~ J' nt: R\ii M" +·~ ""'1·¥!1" J~ ~~ ;1~ rin 11~ .!.1~ 811H:: r,.-, P --• ii ·d th t th Arc.tel~ •~ 14 C~ '2 ••!Duo Cp '' ra Viv Wad 2~ Ul'I ExJt I•• 101 lO\ol 2t 2t -V. on "0 I 1.:. 410 Jt 71411 ie\? +\I, g W.U Finl 8:M:.ua Sal a est ~rn., "O C ll lln 11tnrnt !"'4 15'1i Wld~W p 2'1'1 UVi AExlrrd D A6 J JO 6A\ 67\~ '7" .... , ln\Oll jlf f 4 .tlN <IO\lil .cl.\ . .... IWnOIOll .tO .. r ,, .. ' r.oll " \Ii,,, Id °"" '"' II'&. w A:tide 101/o lDJ(i AO«tl!lt .50 JIG u 2!YI UV. -" Dn 111 1 1 lll'li l\V. 31111 +"" wun pfl.11 clinics call for 0 n Cl • d a y ~"'....',. Mtt Mt fJ~ ~ =•JI bTr:: im ll\.!o W•r•hw G 9U 10Vi ~'IJ;i.,1111: l~ .f'~ ~~ n~ --on! •I .n ,,, ,,.. 22 .... ~ • ' •. 8~~~~ ·n workshops for those con· ~i~T:." 52 111E 1nt.l~Ra~ c ~W••~,.. 17"' 7t•,. .._ i c 191 .. ~ .. u 4'14+·u 1111tro1 0•11 ni1ny,1'JOY1ltt tm0,..,,511 1•20 AC Cllot ~~~ 1-1,,r ln,.1:1.,.R!vm c:2ff"'2~ :::"T~E llttl}~t,,,~·in! ~,:'~. ~': t',. .. :.~~.· •• ·~I.I~~."'~~ ••. ·~."-.,"' ... ·• sidering starting a business of A~ia S<.I 1~u 1 ,,, 20 21 •,KOii Eci " ,,,,., Webb R• 20"' 1111i ._1"'1$1 ,. , ,, , •L .. ..-~ -•• -to11tr A ~ 1,1o 6'i fll Mhl 70 711" Weldlrn U U ;\'" ~F• · u '1~ ,. ' -'"' -In 1.40 14 2'14 75\.'l """ -:t11 Grum~Jt I their own or planning to buy h=:' 10 m li::r{-',,,'i" ~ 10"" ~Tr'evC?: ~ ~V. ::ura ~ 1:~ 'i'\IJ ~c~' 1~ f.i n~: 'g•• nr. = ~ -TR I tJ 116\l l'\\,.16r.l··9·1 Gg~1~'!J.~ 1: an established one , They are e•,,I'! At u~ ~fnxln 12 nu A:oact EK ;;~ 21!4 Wttc1t P ' o A Metellr Ill to 11"' IDIA 11 ... oo11T 1111.2s ' '1YI' vir1·c:m i"so 8 ~· 3J14 11~ ~·m~r s 2l'.!I 2m RC>bl" M 25 2' WJ!n NA 10 1114 ""' ~"°'"' 1"9 u v. n,, l?lji + v. =~": 1J: 17I ~~ :: " !1"" ulf Rnrc· .. conducted by SBA personnel. ::~1~~1'1! t \• ,1141 '""" in ,•. ,, Rotelotl 11v. 1!"" w1111 Mici ,"" •I'll ""', N~ ~· ' n ~ 33 • 3.fJ! ··· ~w1ltt i 20 6 1t11t 1; 1t g""R9t "'·'° I i Co l l'h l Vt a!\iiltll .;:o~ ~~ llV. ROY C11I Slli t.41 W1ln Pub 16~~ 1JYJ ,1.\re!'~o,oJ_t ~~ 12\li 1214 'H&' -V• I th8 :ioa ll !'IA U 26¥.i ,+."'" llRe• 1111 )f success u Orange unty and .. 1.~rn(11,., 1 1\IJ 1,,1 10 10" :"" siw h~ :isu w1/IO wh 11 n Vi Am Shi•' 60 11 ~:t ~~ ~v. .!_1Vi :8w 2_j,o, 3t 212'4 ,.1 u 1 -6 111fS11U1 '.:& Los An~eles businessmen and a:~~~ ff~ mt 111 wn 16111 n ~:;17,rHo 1"-3f"l w1::: T ,1'11 ,!1~" Sf!lflt i .llO ll'I Jn,. 30l~ 31\t +'"' :;;U:!7 ·!\ Uf ll>t jfil h7tt i ~ 8~!:~tl :U:.a are available without charge. BfJCh"'o , ""'»'A ~!!r E~ ~"" ll •"'" E '"' 1 Wisc PL mt 2 =tti:',·~ 't i;" ~ r, "'.':.v. PC 1,,u 1.10 11 :i.1'11 11 34111 11' Gui~'",.,,..,, B•ll• 1 f I~ l'IN H017'~nt 121,1; UV. CPloll llO 1"41 1.rn. Wrdlw ! ' ''Ao Ml st.'! In. 6t ~Iii ~ :Mtl + "!Ir r1111t 1,.ab I oll\a '4 Ml.It !,(, Gii '" ... Eight major topics will be eelm lrrd 10 11 H-t ,.11 2\lo s ~1 Clll• l'~ ~wr1o111 w U l• it ArnSl.:I or•JS 11 102 101r. IM .+"" crornplCft .• 1 ul'I l•'Ao 11\lil ... gurw P{!JS d''"ussed 1·nciudi·ng Iran-"·--, ",.',,_"", 91~ 1~ Muc:k Mf • ..., •~\ l Ind · Siio """'l'"rd10V E 1\ji 11.:i Am ste•ll :... 61 ll\11 3214 33..., +I"-CrauteHINI 1 11 21 ""' 2"" 1 ,,. 11 •on a era! ma agemenl p •c 1111 u11 39 • H1111 G" ''fli u.,.. ASucl ""'·6S 1 " .., 42 _, .._.. c:oni "" '"" ''"' 111o11 11-\ · ...,... U~ 1l H l'f ~! Mud l"P 2211'1 3.t"" A 54/pr 1.llO 11 11\11 21 ,7\lo -V. ~toWCol 1.01f 1 \J2!il Jl41o l?'llt lt e en . n rut-llluos. w 1v. f'li ""'"I p 30 ll Amsw. " ·" 12 ru "~ ,~ rwnhn 1-'t n 11i!A. 31 1"' -\lo H1ekw11 2.to C·opies record keepi·ng sources e1rd son 390,. 4l!l M.,.,, ca ml! ll'Ao "m ra.r J . ..o 1on Sl'A .so.o 51 •~ +·..., rn z Pl.JG 110 "' •:m ~ i ~ H111Pr1 1.«1e ' ' Blrt(nr .,. Ind Gtt UV. U AmWWkl .56 16 101f 11R' 101'11 -\.Ir. T5 £_orP .Jtll 2U .... , 020'.~ .-. ~ Htlllbr~I 1.115 Of capl.lai and the · right e11tk HI 3J l 11c1 Nud ll\'• n MUTUAL AWWS!>f 1.2s 1610 1•11t 1111o 11v. +"" lld\"' co 1 •\\ •Iii f.i'lli .. H1mw11 .561 . 800\le El •ti SIM J'latlC n• j\'l AW pref 11S UjO IM 1 \Iii l&'h -14 lid ~ J'fl.2$ J It 1~ lf -V. H1mm P1p l business location. A question eo611 '"e 1s\.!o 1•11o n r1rd Tll Am ZlllC • ' 1J~lt 2J•/• "iJl!-v. cum•1" .21 • 2:wi 23\io 2:Mi · •••. H1mrMc1 .10 oa!ll~ 21 21 IOI CQnl l•V. ,.,,., Ameltlt .60 11 nVr 23\'li -V. llm"'I" JOb 10 ..O•.r. 'O AO • • •• Htl\dlmn .60 and answer session will follow soi c~o 13\i 1i1i11 nc:u sv• 1•'-" 1s Aml•(lnc: .to ?4i ss ~ +1 ullf!Dtut .10 11 !ill ""' 19\4' -~ Hind H•r 12 each Speaker. •,!,_td~SfG• .S oil t"tr'" In IM 19'.r. AMI( CP .30 17t 31'~ 30"' 30\l-" utll11Wrt I 12 I'll 21 21 .,. Ht~1Cp ;,o •K-• ''"' 11"4 '"' ~Wiii l\:o •11:. FUNDS A.NIP' lrw;: ·"' -.MV. !SYo 551/o -lli IH1 W• A 2 1 1\11 31 ~ + .. Hll'llMM i.30 The nest free -busi·ness •,~ sc.,•, "" 23Vi Int 111 1""' av. · l ,._ CM11 ID! 4V. "6\IJ 4 + v. 1111er tt 1.'10 2J 31 17\\ . H1•court 1 I'·~ ,_,, 11~ 111-' Int ttr lf" u Am11ec1 JAl \' • j1'• 31>lo + v. claff 1.tO • :Miii :M\~ :loll~ -'·~ tt1rrl• Int J workshop In Orange County is 0B.~!:!h,,~• 2rn. 111 I"' .,. 11 Amtel .32 • l'-'ii ,,,,. 1~ -v. C'f'!"l'IM 1..0 21 !2 .sov. sn11 +n'1 H•nm Cp 1 "'-K 11\l 12"> "' of IS"'I 17 Anacond 1.lfO 21• 301-'9\lo ~ -1• D-H1r1SMn .IG scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 16 ,e~.!"~ ,s 11~ """ 1n1 1" 111~ 1714 Alld!Hotk .1a n '3Vo 431'1 4ll\ -tt -H•"" Al 1.10 v••~ ll'ili lN llll•al 161111'1,li AncorllHSv I .0 21\41 21 tltll -~'I g:11Rl't 1.13e 41 IJ\.'1 1~'o 14&. -'~ tt1! Corp .<IO Jn the board room of the Santa c..1 w sv '''"' lm 1on1~ ,,,,.. 25\.!i And c1ov 110 11 4114 lt:it •1ia +llh. 111 co 1.2S n 22v. 2111i "" + 11. H1wu Et 1 n Ch be I C Cameo 25Y, 1 I• ~u1n JH~ 32\~ ... ~p ":ta • J4l'i 2~1'1 2'~ + , • .,., \nd .XIII 14' !J'A 52'4 $31(, -V. H•Y•• ... 111" I Ana am r 0 ommerce, ~llClll M ,, IG jlcotn F !Vi ' Nn. • Inv lr!lllC 13.M 13.tc AP<GOll 1 .fit 5U ,.~.. .0 44 + l O.•I 114 oft 15 5'1\ 5'\lt +1 H"l"M 1616 E 4th St S ta A 1nnM 8 )J 71 t(D1'f0 C 11 1114 N'M YO•K: IAPl 1nvft Bot 12.56 l3.7l A<IVt a,.e;,, 13 51"' S0\11 '8\.lr. -1~ Oa'f'coCp l.14 2 15'\i !Sib ~-+ '"HK 1M119 10 • •1 an 08. 11\f..i IV, 7 Jtm W~I 101h 1111.i -T lo11ow D-n'lft!Ort Gto1111: AAA Svc 96 II lit .... \19 119 •••• Ol'tto llU.2.S J10 '9\IJ 191/t ...... -1 Hel<>? HJ ."t• D SOW 11 lS\\ Jtrntf F 2tlt Jt\li-. follDwrlJI .Cl-10$ ndJ S.G S.19 Arch0111 1'60 37 SJ 56 56\\-~ 01y1nHlld .SO j7 43 •l~ .0 +l\IJ Htlelllt Curt CID Intl\ ,.,., '"' j•""""" n .... l• 1ttlan1. SlolllPll«ll "" Mui 10.1111.01 ... r11PSvc 1" DI II 22~1 221'1 li" + • g1wtnPL 1.60 I ,,.. ,,,,. 271/o ••... Hell Coll • CIPTUI 5"4 6¥.i llfr Fd1 6'AI 1'-'lti:!:r:.:1llDnal A.IMM:~ Pl'floq 5.27 J.11 ArltmDS "70 SF 7":i.a Jt\' Vi ..... PL 111A3.75 Ul SJ 5J S3 .... -Htllrrlnt "Ml Carte 81 ii.~ 1 IC•l1trSI '' 61\lt t t GI Stcwllt.$ Slack 1'0.2121.f7 Ar1'10CSI !°to 101 JI\~ :It~ JO •..• DPL pfCl.1'11 17Ct 5'V1 0Y•.~.Vl+YIHtlltrPU01 C1r1r GP '¥JI.Ii 2' IC1"5t pf 70 '1 Oita , lllC., ttt Sflacl f,01 9.61 Annour 1-'ct t .ffL't .ffllt .i:f11J \\ OPL 11!0 7 '9 Z'O 101 01 01 .... p · CIK NG 12\lo 121t ll:•lwtr l.S 15' 111t arkfl 11 .... Ith Vtr Pf I ... f.21 ... tmr 11f , 7J ) a1~ 61\11 611\ = .... DMrt C6 f 130 44 '11~ 4' +1~ ~=~pdJ 1J 1t11 .. 11 '' •I,, Ktl•"Grn S'lk .n; lllfte 1teurltlel lrw Rah S.11 J.51 AmtslO; jo 113 St\li :11 3'1" +1'~ OOM:i.:r•rl>-1.1:9 ll 21?11 11111 21'11 + .... MtmltPI'> Cta "' VPS ·~ 20 .... ICtnroi 5"' IV. (Ollld llllw. lleorn l!ltl n _,,, .... Amtll~b 1 Ml 32 .a :JtV. l'fV:t -"g Mtllt 1.10 J! Jt :!I'll ,. +\it H•rClft 1209 llll•t RA 71'> I !Cur T '™ l•V. IDld Ibid) or bouohl l'tHI U.•7 U.4' A c II .... • ,,, .. 1''" 19lo + •• e Air 1"' '61 lS\' lM :s.\6 +1141 HfrlllFll "110 z11ar1 LO 1!!t 1J~ ~:11:.!J 327\\ ritl' (l1klldl T'1~:•YAJ• ~VfHncack :::2 ::n A~f" 0{rld "1 16 !J._ 2J~o 27~ii + '' O.tlk In lt7 IN U 151,li + lli Hllllil•I" io !~mkl" 1~ 1• !evil E 11'11 II A"Otriln 2 .ff 2.n Jallnstn · 22.tG 22.90 ... 11110 Oii 1.70 1.. 31 \~ Jct\'> 30i' -Ioli OtM M111 .t.a 66 .llD'i~ 30 30 -I'> H'°""PICk • 10 l'lfl ,,..., ~ ~i ..,. Fiii 17;\ u~ .. AOv!sr1 ,.,. 111 IC~•ane Fund1: AlllOll P12 . .0 l ~7 61 61 -IV. De1111Mf<r pl I 1 "'"1 n '4 7:1\~ -,,., Hlgll Volilllt ' ',",",,"/ lSV. 16~1 IYI Cl.IS 2• 27''> Afllll1ld i.to 1:,j.j CUI Bl 19.22 10.01 ~'."• ,........ 3.t lJ•o lll'I 11"1 -ltli Oennylhl ·°' T.I W' u~: ~J -:;: "'HIUolOHOlll I ' 61 611~ l''t PC 7V1 t'll Alutr• 11.1211.6' (11$ 8J 20.0l21.U z.,•, '..... " ··~· 41~• "'" + ~i OIObDlv 1·'°: 2} 11\1'1 1117\ 18\~ 1\. Hllta " ~hrl1t S 111.C 101 I( no ....,, l'Vt 15 AH Am J< 91 l 07 C'A 8( 9,d 10.21,.. H • 4 3' '.16 36 •··· OelORGr l.l 611 6(1 -Vt HG111ri 12' '"l't DI 100 103 IC NII El 7~ IV. All)h(i J<d li.5' 13'.nt C11t 11:1 •. 0( I.II A,,'t°Tr,•,• ,·!2 '° h~~ 1''A I'\~ -1• &::::: :; : : :,~ ltO ,0\4 + v. Hoernw11" .n I It IJ A '''~ »'\ ICr>&O \lot '6'4 11V, Am 81,11 1::1t J'.5' U1 SI , 11.16 70;a AUCEI PIS.IJ 1 ft • 99'4 991.11 ···· · f!Edls 1 ~ 61 ,. »lli ,. + \. kolldVlnn .10 1111 U 8 26 2aYJ l(r11llr 6'" 7l~ Am Dlllft 10 '' 11 ft 111 SJ 10.Y 11.5' All IUchltd 7 S1• IOIF,'1 99\:t 100"-+lV. Del Ed 1115.so ~ 17'4 17 11\(o + 11: HolldA l.10b Beckman Teams Win 4 Awards 'lldel I llt ,Kltk Co U•t ll Amcto 411 6 15 ~us IC2 SM 6 22 "-ll' •""" 11 '·~~ 24 2•"!' + \'a ges...tof!IC .!l'O 16 30U 31!'4 30111 -1 Holt EIK!r" llrtl Mf 251' 1t LMC 0~1 3V. '14 AEll H>I Ja°16 " 111 $3 1.00 1.7• A!l llldl Ill l • 110 170 110 +I De!S!et1 :J0D t1 11~ 1•1\ 11'0 ->.\ Holl'tSut 1.10 Beckman lnstrum.nt'. Inc .• ',!, .... , M•• ' !" t:nc• In ti 21>4. Am Grtll 6 .• 1·02 CUI !t-1 S.Y l.Ot AllA~ 1112.IO 1n 67'!& "'"' 67'4 + '4 Ot•l•r ,;, '° 11'• 31'-'t J'(~ + ·~ Harneslk• ... 12'\ 1 V. ndl I" •'II .~Am llW 1'•1 1°41 l"ol1r •.U S.06 AtltsChem l ,•,: '"'•'> 2~~, 2~, -)! Ol1IF!10i10 .!ill 12 Ui:'i 1,0.. ~ -•\ Ho!le~WI 1'.2a Fullerton, received four John pnl'lllO 0 "\ 10 Line Wd IN> 1"4 Am Mui t"!l 10"42 IC!lkkll 7.U 1.16 AllPS Cora OO> O" ,,, •. o--. ll'' l)ltml nfl 1.90 H 41i 'I"'~ 1~V. -Y, Hoov Bl 1.20t ow (II 21\'l 2, t:n.on Slit , .... AmN Giii lu i: .... KIOlck GI 12."613."5 ATO Inc: .01.1 ...... "' ~ l)laSllun 1.40 M ,..., ?'I\ .. """ ~· llOll .lO C. Vaaler awards this year for ~011~ ~ •'•" •'"" Ill Clwtl ~ .!»: Am ·Pi t "u111vt ll L-. Gr111 •.tl 10.u ""'°'' Plas n 11\.o 11'! ll'J• + , 01asri "'a n ~·. :Jl'll.~ :vi,, ... "• Hotel CP Am M lt!su• G l llll ""' Ancllar GtouP" lex ln'llt 10.0J 11.0I "uhirntn lrld tJ lS 14li U1• -~ 011s p1 01 l'll 'IO 1:n~ '~' ir.1 + v. Houd Incl .ID contributions to the chemical olon Str ,",11i tt:~ ~L1vt0• •"• ,,•~ ,•,,, CaPll t,1:. 10.61 l•K Rich 1•.n 11.6 A'l<O Cp 1,20 6f 21~0 ?1i. 21~\ -~ Old••l>Dn :... ''' 11rt )'I ...,..,,: -v. Houd ,., ,.?S omal ..... •w I "": Gni!ll 13 ,, H" Lllltlrt 6.11 7.33 AVCO Pll.20 ' Sl'h 57'·' $1 . -~ Ol~llold ...... "' 67 ~1'4 AH~ -•i Houg MUI 'II processing industry. It is the om C)r •;,. '~1 111! !ti 'l!.t 'JU tncrnr ,:n .: .. Lite ur 5.16 '·"° Avtr•·Pd .» 1 ~ ~ ~ + h 01r.1or111ct .•ft 11 ,.~~ 2"" ''" ... lo. Ho1111t11F 1:'io r . t u· • j om re\ ii' '\'I b I~ I •• IV. • Fd ln't 10.!1 11.Jll l l(e IOll' I .Of I.I( ... Vf/"I Pd w1 3 JO') 30'• 30,,._ · · ··· OIGID!"g ISi ~~ 1 '"4 ~•14 )1\'1 +:Jlh Hou1F pU Mt JrS ffie aoy SJTig e COmpany :: Gn~, l!IZ 12 !-!!_! IEtr~ 7J ''\.; Anotll 1.lS 11.4 Lina . 6.-46 7.06 Avnel Inc . ..0 13' IS'li !JI-\ lJl';i ••·•· 1)1111Mhm :'O l' '"" 11 '1'4 ... '-l< HOllJF ofi.l1 has received four Vanier Ttl 2l'h 24 :--"'!.-~ c ,..L 3' Allron •.n 1.i. Loom'I Sl'tl.S: Avon Pd I.Ill l•t 1711'" 149 1111"? ••·•· Oll!nD ofA1 ' ''"" ~I''> .u·~ +~ Houl!LP 1.12 1orn Httll 17V. 1l"" Mv,."'"''oe i 11.Ji' 13'"• Alce HOllOhlon : C•n-.d 39.'s 39.ts A.l:lltC OH Gs 26 l 'lAI 1' l•loil + l'l n111ont:a ,56tl l 11.U 1614 1~·~ , . Hou1fNGt .llO awards fn one year. orn p1.,. l•V. U•\ M•ok c:ri 1....., ,.,,, Fu!ld A 6.11 1 • .-i C1a1t 11.11 11.l1 -"l1nerc1"" .so ~ ,., 1•·~ "'• +1"" HauG1 llf1.SO A .......... I ''' '" •••. Fund • I.SI •.71 Miii 11.u 15.15 -l)ltllltY .lDll 111111~ 11 1Vi 117'4 +, ... HawJof\n '' "Top Honors" went lo c'::i.11 cm --;,-. .... " ~ "' Sflldt 6 o 1...,. M.t11111n ·" l.sJ e bek w , » 110 nu "Hl• m a -"''lt11svci 1,;in ' SI'~ ~'"" ~,~., .l-"" Howmet ;io gv.. ff'~=• lkt'M ':" ~. S<.I C::D s::n s:1• Mtu Fd 11.n 12.lJ e.:~rOllT .i.1 7SI 's "'' ,.,., +l~ '"ltvtn1ncl ·'A ,,, I••\ ,,.. 1~ + ~ Hud•I08 3 «le Beckman's model '135 dissolv-s;:::: l::i IOU 11U .. ~n M 5 S1i Btbo.011 •.18 ,.11 MIH Gtll 13.101•.:n 81t!GE 1.711 17 " H'4 32~4 •..• 'lrP-r _.., ,, !oll'. ~~'~ !J'\~ HllClll lni:.a. i I d l Miii 3'4 • M"' c 13'~ 1• Bera l(nl lft 10 10 '10 Mon lr l•.D1 17.loO B•G lalB• 50 J.00 661~ 6S•• u~ -1 l')DmtMln .~o . Sri ,~,.., l\l.\ '~'~ .L •.• H1111h Hal _., ed oxygen ana yzer, deve ope e::;: Ttc: 3,,,. l• M''fr"-r 32 · l• 11111r Fd 13:151.:n MM•11~~ ,,•·,", ,,',", st11G ore::~ z«> .uy. $6\~ 56\11 ..••. .,..,,,.F,. 1.1,.. 1i 11•~ ,,,\ 1 "~ + v. •dehoPw 1 • .0 b · l · T Mark Carn•• 9 tlh ~~ o 2t JOU 8orldl!k 7.1)011.65 • ,..,ri · · 8111<1P11n1 .60 2' 22h :ni,o 22\/t + V. '>annell•v .NI :l.j ,.l~ .'!'"\ .,.,~ ..1.iu. l11e1! ll•sl( I Y proJec engineers • con Roclt 30 31,.., M 17 21 801toM s1 ,.76 •.•~ McDan •.•110.60 eanaP of 2 .t J3 311• ll t l'I• 'lortc t:" .32 ..,. ., • ~1·~ ''M ... ,,~ ldulB Pfl.7S Bleak and Joe Porter, both of 1' •,tr~•hl 5~~ 6'11 M( 1c H 11•" n"~ Bost Fein 11.11 1~.,s M•~ Mc• ,,,.~·,,·•.11 B•nk j r 2..!.• .... 61'• 67'• ""' l7l1 • """ rinvv 1~ H1~ 1,•,:•, ~~\~ .i. ," 'I• C!.'nl 1.11 Whittier. on1r1f> '"' l/ M••Dfir 7\lt •Vi BrOAd SI IS.Ol l6.2S MOOCIV. U.11 15.49 B••d CR ·" " S6'~ " $6\~ ,.~ 'lowC~ ... '·'~ 131-,...,, 71>.1 1··~ -·~ II Powe• 2 °"'"' 11·1 f'4 Medlrl0 llV.3<1'""'.,.'°" .so '·~ _.v. D · · 8••b01 2.nl ~9 51'• 5~•> s1-.i 'l'lGY~•Co ·'' '~ '"~ + 1 • •1cen•11ll.'8 CDCll>f< l ?O'A 21\4i Midi GllO !\ll 1"-Bull~ lS.t' 17.44 MM0 IMm F•,-, .i OO,,. Bts1c Inc .tO ~ 16'"1 16'~ I~~ 11 "'•~vnCo ,_...., I "t:t>.', ,,,~ ••t; ... t• Ill Pw llft.39 "Honors" went to the con· c"'o ~ ,, :u = c• l 1Jlh CG Fo '·"° 10.JB "" ·-·'~ B•iic 01 1.i.o 120 '2'" a\~ 'llilt •• ....... 1.1rrd 1""' ,.. .,. •• ~· r·~ ... '" Ill Pw Prt 1~ Cwl d UU ll\IJ M tt• 711; 1'110.....tn lt.30:111.U 1ncarn •.U ,.SSse1,1Mlotl 10 15 l•'M 15 + Yll"'ruu ,..,."II '9 "'-"" ~~·~ "",+1 ,...., pn',o.i tlnuous pa ft j CJ e e\ec• C~e•~ Mh 1!'111 17'4 M GT 71 22 C..Of'mr 1.S1 "·" ltt1~r I.IS t.70 Btth Incl 11 2& '5 UV. + W '1rt i•r nf P• l "'' "'" "l'J.•\ -'' Imo Co A"' ph · \ d ~'°'' Co "' 'j'lo M .. t G•• ~ JIV. Clall ln't •.11 ~.21 MIF Fd 1.15 t."6 &1uKhlll .la S1 IG 77!/o ~+JV. '1r-vl• .. CP lb 1" ,,.~ '"~ ~"'• -•~ rzA CD I .. tro ores1s system, deve ope •ukll R 15'11 1 ... Ml$$ VIG 11\li 11'• C•olt SIV 7.rt 1.5'1 MIF Giii •.DI 6.!,11 81xtrLlb .10 11' lOI' 29•; 29'" -\~ ..... ~•PW 11'! I )1tO 31"4 ~,.·, ....... ncOl!'ll c•a11 b Ali S ·kl ndDr Vi ar c llYI U~Mo Ri.c:n n• ,,,.c,111 Sl'lr 11.nn . .ieMu OmG , . ., J.f7 B1vu~c1o .so 1 11 11~ ll'il-1'•....,.."rd 1.10., A ·~•• • .,.., ......... ,, ncc::um JllO y en lric er a • C· v ni:' M 15 15>4 Mot!Wk It ,,\~ 201') Ch"aMll'ID J<\lndl: M.11 Oml!I '1·32 11.:n B•••lnas I 11 .. ,7,,. 4 i ~ l)U"l•n r:~ ,. ,,, .. ·~1'> ..... -.. 1nc111n Hd .4(1 tor H b b 0th Of °"'' °'" u:v. lS\IJ ~ 1"11. 1• u ··••n l?.lJ lJ.11-Mll'I Sl'lts I .6111.61 Bet! FdJ l 116 ,, '°" olll\'J ~ • .t,)POfll '1~ 11"1 11 .... l''"~ 1 1~~ ... 1''" l'IDi>l•PL I.SO 'ue ner, Divis Fd llV. 13',. Moor• p 10Vi II Com 51 l.IJ 7.00 Mui Tnt 2.67 1.61 B ... t Fdt DI 4 l 1Q2 102 102 l ~11Pon* pU."t ,1 An.c. A7 Al -"' Ind Pl 016.ll Fullert. on ; the modeJ 915 total Dl,',,M1o,r 21111 251'1 Maori ' 13 .... H Grwth 6.~l 7.•i NEA Mui 11.1' ll.J2 Bec~mll~ .SO IOI 61,,_ 60'4 61 ~~ \'t ~uPn<>l ..,,,,SO 11 ~,u, 51 .u -'"" lnEIMra .J7Q De 12'h 13!/o Match M. ro. l'h tncam 1.21 l.t1 Ntl WSec 10.H 11.21 Btc! Olck .:IO 6• St'' 51 51 \ii""" l l lJl '' 2•>.1 2•" ,.,. + 1'" lndB•nco .IO organic carbon an a 1 y z er ~111nc lD 1~1 Mctt c11,111 ,.,... 1s S01tt1 J.01 1.l1 N~t Jnd 11.H 1 .•9 eeec:h"r .ntt 61 20\li "~~ 20 "',,llfl1 , ,.., 2 .i:io ._ """' ""I " 11111••ll•"" 2 de''·gned by Chuck Keenan, of' '•'•'• 'c~ t •~• M111lltr ""' 1311> Ch~st Gto110; N•I lnv•t 1,1J t.ll Belco P11 .50 7t 21v. 2J ,7 -~• ria :i.1~~11.•• 111111 "1''1 ,.,., , ... v, +iv, lnQRd 1111.15 ,, J.'i 56 My!RI Et •I\ Rli F11nd l).1S IJ.'11 N•I Secirr ft: BtlONIH .600 12, 20\.!o j' HU t V. "'a '10t>l21" tl"lll ="' '°"' ,.., 1nl1rrd SU 2 Irv'·••• and Je,~ Randall, ' c,•,•,T 16'h IJV. NCC Lu 1 ,,,., Frnt 10J.U11)1!.t1 B~lllO 10.U 11 •• , Bell HOW ·"° 706 6$ n<, •l'" t~ f'Jvma"1!1d .,., ., 1•>11 ,_ .. 1• nmanJ(p .16 ·-1 10 ~ N•rrlO c: 27 2'1..\ Sllrll(f n .IM ll.16 bond S.IJ •. u B~ lnltt<OIO 12 ·~· 9\lo ""' v. OYM Arn ••• '" n·~ 131/o 1~\ ·+~ '"sUco .10b C d I M nd th w Am U U NII Brnd •'ii Ht Spec! t.1i 10.74 Dlvld ,.41 4," Bernl1 Co I 11 2• 23'~ 2~ -t:. . IMllc llfA1.1J orona e ar; a e ADC!! 11v.11 N~IC•r R 11\~ n c11amt1 1•.u 21 . .o Grwlh •.1110.Hgtne11• 1.IO 115 'ov. 3'l• 3'\\-1\ -E·f'-1n511lrt11Cop J OMEGA ·' t e d t j 0 n f E 1"' I\~ NC"1D Ca li1 ,1,1, Catolll•I: Pl Sil: 6.'1 7.15 endl• al J • U 6'111 t.11\ -~• · ''" ln!•rco I uaa r UC ltm Cr 20 10"Hll EPUI 51 liO Eoutf !.OSS.5~ lncom S.ll06.119~Fln1..0 ~SS~ .. S-' 5'V•-lltli!l<JltPdl.IO 10 Jll'o ll~, ,,._,~lnl•rfkS!l.ID ''stem developed by a Sc'.en lie Ille 1\1' 7'1i N Fd f'1I 31 r.z Firnct 11,~ n.~ Stock 1.62 •.a Bt!llll' pl•.JO 67 11'> 1' lt~• -1 1sca CP .90 I? 21\1> 211' 21 ''> +14 I'" , tific Instruments 0 iv j s i 0 n ,,""•' ' 2' ,, NII Lib l7 l7l< Cal Gr111 l•.Sil 1•.5' Nf Grlh 10.ll 11.23 !'MUi i 1411 11!.;, ISVi UV.+ v. E111GF 1.131 30 29\ 1J't 29\ -~ IM Hll"V • IO ' • ~VM 111'1 26 ''""NII G&O ll\\ u•. GrwllO , .• 1 J.SS N~1 Wnt '·" t.09 BenF 5ol:f.SO I10 ,,.,, 3•'·" 3.t". •·· E111 ... 1r .37D 611 "°"" !ti. .. 20\~ +5• MFl•Fr .a team. Product line manager .., Jon 131 1u w.i P•• J~ '\lo oms Bd 5.32 5,11 N!W w1d u .O'P u .olll BerkPno .n 1 1n 11•·, 11(, ""' + U Eal• KOO•k 1 •" nil 1sv. 1-~ -1•\ 1n1 tr!ll1111 I " 11" 111;, NAii Mtd :Jt • 1ommc ID.~ 11 '' Ntuwth 26.13 H.1J u1auet 1~ lMI U•\ iv,_ ll!• .... Ea sl Ull! I.Ml 11 21\fo 21 \lo 21'1& ·· ln!Hold 3.r"ou Oofle DB 1s 26 N•t l«lt 11>~ lJ~) ommanwlth Fd!: NY \lent lt,1921.3• Bermec Coro m 9\o •~• 91\ ..•.. 1:.ionY1 1.•o 1ll -ti\~ ~ .is!o +'II In! Ind al170 Jor OMEGA is Willis Cash, of O••w NL 1 1t• tt11 hllw 6'~ 6u C•P Fo 10.s111.s! Ntw10,, 1a.u 11.1.1 e11h 511 1.co 19~ 191~ Jt'·" Jt~ -111 F•'°" 011.1• 1 .uv. •.•'-l< •.1\~ ...... 1n1M1n1r iso Santa Ana. Ovnk!IO 0 2S'!& ,,~NII llvt 10 11 lncatn 10.02 10.t Nor1111 l!.17 U.6' BHM 1J>O 1,10 70 1?>\ m-. 22'111 .... F.chll~Mf .12 24) im ~I 'lll\ +•; Int Mnq .JOg •n~nl 10.0111.Dl Ou\oofl 1.42 9.G BIO Tht•• .60 SS 41\11 "6!. •1 + v. EP.tclFll .10 JI s :u-1• :M~ +1« '"' Nkk i.20 Stoc~ , _ _. ID.32 ()mlQ~ I.st 1.11 B ttkOk 1.70 42 11 111':1 7Ql1 -1 Edt1on Bro' l • 31>t :W... 31\0o. -11. I"' Pt11 1,51! with CO 1"11 (97101 Fd t.H10.17811sl l•VQ I 17 ll\. 21~1i 21i-.+Vll f;iM11,lc .'90 ,12 ~ l.&o "4 +''.Intl Rect if Clirysler Recalls 75 ,j Cars, Dodge T1·ucks !wl1h A8 1 53 1 66 100 Fd 15.0'P II."' Blt\rJOM .•I ft 26 U\• 151~ + Yi !GIG .10 4' """ 32'' ):!!iii -~\ nl Peo pf • °""' A' 1&":19 liM OM WmS 17.0l 11.0I e1ock HR .1• 76 S6 s.!lto S!~ -1 lecf ~ 191 tf\41 11 II'• +'~Int j•ll 1 • ..0 """°'' ... t"nO'Nell 1a.1111.•sB1y,8tll 1loO :n" "'"' 5-l'l(o+Hi !Matn M" l\S 791\ 71\li ,...,, +l\1nt &T .,s com11 &d f1101o·o1.1°""""" l.U 9,l1 8ot>ble !Irk• 76 10~ 1,... lf"'+~\EIMM111 Pll th '1lt 2t\4-l\1n1T&t orO ' Coona "" •:1110)3 Pace Frrd U.OS U.17 Boel119 1.20 217 .n 211\ 311'0t ~ .. F.lolnN•I 1r>O u ll'A 10'\ 10\\-\~l!llT&T plH ' Corn1111; S.SO 6 01 Penn Sci 1.-. l.'4 BolsCat .l"> ?U 11~ 16'11 77 \~ EIP1 ...... G 1 " lf"lo UV. 1'\\ +Ioli ITT pfl '50 concord ,, S6 u "S6 Pa Mui t.5• 9.5'1 Borde" 1,20 no 15 ~ 2•~; V. Ertra Co l.10 • XII\ XI »lh +lh Intl& T 1'!J • con1o11,. 11:so12:11Phll• 1.1.5'17.D:!BookMlll 1.21 • 2Jl\ 2"1~ n:v.-~l~"lec I 1'4 51111 57'~ SJV.-"'ln!T&TafK' con'u '" S ii s~ Pllarlm 10.0210.•s 8or"man1 .IO 71 17,.. 11v; l~-'lt mwy"r .eo f 6$ WJ. 65 ,., nlTT 11l1Cwl Cont Giii 10·'6 1o·n Pllol I.II l.t• BoraWar 1.2S '1 301:. 'JtlA )It •••• · mhtrt 1.:Mlt> t •1U 111~ 41'• -\~ Int Utll 1 . ..0 iora Ld "unevill P ne St 11.,t 11,19 Bos EGll '·OI II n"' ~ lJU -'1 EmDOlll 1.7• 7 21V. '1\IJ 281/t +\~Int 0111 A nty c811 I• so n 6I Pl~n Ent 1."6 t ,U Bourn• 11\t 70 6t~ 1m 26 + 1Ao EmporC .fltll 1 JI SI 11 +\to lnlUlll 1111 31 r~ wo1 .. f11 7"95 Plan Fnd ll.51 u.a. B•o111!Alr .so '°" •I~ •~• 1•·~ + t11 i!ldJollrl .120 ' '''" 2''" t•i1 ... lnltrHc• i CrlO WO..I 1i u 13·31 Pla11 Inv 12 . .i.21l.S1 8rlte5t 2....0. l 5'\lo 5'~t :141\ .•.•• l'lllllMllO . .CO •• '5\t 2f'-' t~ +to Int 8r&nd .to OtVah M 70"1lJlt°IJ Prke Fund» Brill .MY 1.70 "J 73 7!•t 7l +2 ,,.,l1llws 6'I 111t lt"-31 llV.-''o lnterOSlr .60 DETROIT (AP) -Chrysler Corp. reporled Tuesday the recall of 7$4 1910-model passenger cars "for lnspecllon and replacement, i( required, of Inadequately we I d e d wheell!l." In addition, Chrysler said 828 Dodge trucks, including some 1970 models, are being recalled for inspection and replacement, where needed, of nuts and bolts. The 1970 passenfer cars In- volved are P ymouth Belvederes and Barracudas Oectt• Inc 11 ·-. u "n G ..... 111 U .•2 21.C Brl•IMY pt t "'' .... 4614 -\lo 1111tG .. i.10 I )•I'll w• lot'\+ "" lntersPw 1.1• and Dodge Coronet 5 and 0.11,,..,t 1i •1 is·n H Er• 10.0. 10.!M BclwJH•lt 1 n •2~ •1 4\0 t "Is"' Inc 1.10 11 ?SO'J '"' 1s•o -•-low• Btlf O.!ht Tr IM tu N Hor Jt.512'.51 BklV>!VG Ln li 2110 11'~ $1'1t \\ 1<1Ulrf .30 .. 7Pli 111; 21'•-A'll•EILP 1,lO Challengers. Ol'tld S'1t' J'.11 .:1~ Pro Fund JO.II 10.M Brown Ca 2 \J 13 u ... SftX lnt 1.20 ,. 3''1 :J611t ;M\; + a, •• II GE Lll I k 00wr '" 7 IJ 1" Ptovdnt .... S,J\ 8town CG Ill ' 11 17>\ \™ i·' !ll!X pft,U I "''" "" "'" -,, 1owa PLI 1.60 n ooe true ampajgn 522 O,,..,nt F 6·s• in Purl1an 10.2111.22 ewn Sh1rp 1 10t ?.,, l,~,• r,'•• ~' thfl Cp .72 111 n:i-21:u. ,, ... •0ow1t>,Sw 1.n Dod 1968 d 1969 h d Orn•I 11"" 17°'4 Putntm Funoi : BwnSl>olt I.SO .... -• ., fllyl "'2 . .0 16 •1 <IOU 41 + 411 P~O .-.OID ·-ge &n eavy U· Orevt F-' 13)1 1~'.°' Eo~ll 11.16 1'.~ Brunt.wk .1Dt 705 If;• lf\4 fi,<j h Eurofrld 1 lOt 1s la U lli 30 + ~ IT Imp . .SS ty, tandem axle models are DrfYf tw 1J.11C1 u.03 Gl'Ora 11,1Jl6.1u 08ucYEr 1.10 11 '11'-'i 711V. 21 ~~Eurtd 1n1 "309 1s in~ u"" 11v, nt cor11 fl'IO~&How~ttt· Grlll 11.95 1~,ot. lldd Ca .IO 41 11~ 16'/o l ll\ + V. Ewln'I" 6oti 31 '' 41\11 '1'< .'...: ·,,, \TT Sv Pl•.!>O being recalled for inspection 11111n 11 .oi u.os /:,Xo'7 f·l', :·U :::::: fo PrJ ,210 6S\IJ •·~• •s1 + '-• Ev•r•h••P 1ot 21v. 21v. 11•• + v. acksnA11 .2• d t. :r Grwt~ lS.70 H,t7 wn . . Bvd 'I ·6, il 1~ ,, .. ,1 t lt E•C•IKI 1.2$ ,1 lS'll 1S l!•\ , .. ' ~:=~~ ·r ... an COrrec 100, u nectssary, lnc:orn 6.~ 1,03 ~~U• 11,.~. I',·!!! ButtT!ortn 1"10 l 33"• 33•; ll\\ -\\ F•lltr"11t ,.0 l• 21".' J) :1114 -\\ J1on fn1:.,.. Or equalize b ttachln '°"' \115 U~ R flD , .... S _ W 'o t -•, ~, lt\li _ 14 FIC!Of A .SI ll ~\;\, •S olJ -\'5 ...... ,,,., -r earn a g stoc11: S::u 16.n ea Tl(P! s.u J.n ,.,. ... , · • "' , ..... , ,. •• + ,, F11r~c .ioe Jc41 """ t5 •1:u. +2"" ~.-i!·_,,,.,,, ·:: bol'• F.ttetli ,, 02 l!.93 Rtwrt l,,ft 16.lll 11 lmG .... ,.,. Ftlr~ Hllltr 157 11Uo 16'1 1'~ ~ ' '"' -~ ····-••.•• ··-Ratt111h 1.t1 I·"' BuNIR llll.541 I ,j~ ... ,1 -tl•t 1 ,.. ,,,, -Jtr PL pt ' ' " · ·""' S 11 -Burl Ind I o1111 lt :llV, :11 31'~ + .... l"llr""°"I 1 l ... 11 "' + \t J-1 Cn 1.$0 In another 286 Dodge 1970 Em!'"ll k I.ls •.II'> .. ~~tr 16 .•• l .J2 84,irncl Je •7 2:t't'I ~ 1l\.!o + "' 1'1l1t11f AO Ill l)\O ll lJ -~Jim W•ll «I • ENniv 11121,,:i --er 'm'' e :& · "° 2so IS1111o ,,1 l"'~ + '4 '"'"' '"'" 1.• a •Vi '°" 20v. -···· J1...w111 of 1 model 0200, 0300 and W200!;~ ,::i~i, ~~1 ""' ll:fJll:fra:On., i.•lt s '°" ~ ~+"::'W:~1 'ff,, 1: lfl'l lJ~ l~::·.,.Jlmw .. ,_.a !ru~lare her ing recalleld for E:::. Giii \~:~s . :ID ~St 111'.o! l61:~ -C-~~'W' I~ li H .... iffi5'1\IJ r." + ~ r~~;" ·~ 1ns.,.. .. ...,on 0 master CJ inder !:w1t1t llO IS.Gt 16.~ m E •10 i''"n I .'3 C1bol CD .60 I lJ l~ ,·.~ +VI Ft00.r1 .411 1Al 32\' h 22111 +1\!i l"I!~~~ .,,. ti h. bolt F.JPIM l"'l'31 IC DU . •.26(8!Flr>11nt .... 10t'I ,",\'!: ..,···o;l'"ftlMolll .IO ..., 21 1\fo 27V..-~•M1nJw"so a ac 1ng !. Ftlrlll J:•J JJIJ t11w . I .... ~11la~M .IJI u• 251~ .... u .\.4 +14 FMIPtc E1ec " jl" ""' 21Mi -Vo M•,l•D l • Twenty Dodge 1971 model ~~,,,,G~~ l!:l: ll:l~ nl1._o!a 11:'1 i::: c:~:s~ !}.: Ir. ~~ ~·~ 3:;; t ~ ~.J'P-:01:1~ 3: ,1:~ 'iF! i'l~ t ~ :ic'o..~Ml ~ D200, W200 and M300 trucks~1e1 ~~ li·l!l5;i!!!'c.. "fi:!Jfi:~~d~f."'"·3.70 , 1•04 7!:Z 74V:-"'" P•11r1,111100 21111 lib 1"'·····MtC•orr l.'O bein ii d r • • ,,, • "-11o ... , 109111 n • ,,,,_ " ·-· '"' 07.. Ftd51t!I ·"° io:2I m• l1 JJ!t +l\11 Mo;Cto pU.SO are g reta e or 111· F:t~ri:t l".:0..:29··~ fG 1,.., 11:,, u:1' ,,,.,~., l'.'io 2 ;;• 2•'11; 2,~ · · ·~ Fe<1°:fi1s1r 1 m 3'0' ltl'. " ..••. mccrorv6111 ' specUon of p 0 0 5 1• b i y Im· DI/nm 6_,, 1.61 1•~,-'•' ,•,-!! ',',·'•' cap c Bcku -'• ~\' :n\i. :wv. + l• Fl'd '-11'1'1 u 1~1-; 10l• "" l u McOennafl 1 . lndUJI 4 » •.7• m m ,.., • C••btll'll 1.411 JO ..U oil "6>1 I ~ Fltfr8 C:I" .l'O ll I U\li 26 ~' MC:l">onltd Co properly 1nstalled rear axle 1~om l.u 1.tt ..... , •~,, 11111w1tl c...-u,ie ·"° 61 11 16'11 nu 1 ~!:'~ i~ 3l ~ i:t? ;;iz .. ~ :~~~o.-# bearin t ta! , ...... _ Vtnl •.• •.10 w,,.., UlllWI Ciro C&Oh s ''* n 10, 11 2 J<ltlrOI 1 ' Miio 31'11 l \'> -1 McGHIH '°* II: nu re ner ~ ~::"E~;,. l1':ft n:tt m ... ~ 'al 1::f151I:~ ~:;:;~ ,':;l ~ ~ ?~: ~ .. , "J<ln Fedtfl!IO llO 1011 23\.1 1~· +"'Mer.too.-·"' Fst nStll. . 10.lt 11!1 SI ~-2 $l.2S ltt!erCf .tO If 401' .00 IO'~ +' \' FIAJ!llt 1 . .0 lt JS\~ M'lt. !S'A + \r.; McK" \.j!I Flt 11111 10. • I0.1'0 !11d11"1tt1. 1rw1: arrGn .tte 3 31"' '\" i1°" + \t 1"11 Chrt t .l'tf '' 45~ 4' 41\\ ···· Mel*•~ .IO• '' '' ,,, ,,, Am 11111 J •j11ClrtffW .... 312 n 31,\ Jl~•-11~,.,INClf'f' 1.40 16l ., .... llVI ·~-ll!Mclwl!l 1.60 ,.:1 sr:r1 •7'.t• J1:.ff "!due '. :-" (1$e J~ .. 1•llo 16 16'~ t ,, Fl' NS!r .11• 3 11 '6\lo Uk + ., U,(N~ll .10 .'.I Coo !" klfto 41t •'«001'-o •• U '" "'' •010 I Flchllf;ll .la • "'" a4 S4. --"MttdCoro I Fie! l'nd :oo :::: 5ttl" Ra. Fa.i ..,. G11r~'Tr 1.7o""' 1li ~ •""° .cm I 11111\t Fd .~ '' 21\t. ttVi J)\jo +1 Mt•d D182.IO !"le (;Ill 7..59 I. r:· 11.• "·" CCI (Ol'D ni4 ICR' 10\\ -u Fllhtr."' .16 n 14\, "" \6tt -\\ Fnd Grh 6.01 6, tD 00 J.7" lJ," CCI Ca llfL,S XI '°'' J:I + \ .. P:ltm M .M 1 l•lb U'' 11\IJ + \.o Talk Set .... , W•f t•) ..... lw c._ Chi. MORE DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE U,SE On Stocks l'oll'lllln t.U • !O¢k lj·'f '1·16 CKO Corp .tO I 16'\ ~• ttt\ -&ll "'l"lkO'lt 1 U • 21l~ 1m. 2' -~ l'oQfla 11 .M "·" SllCI lnGI .• .56 C•lene~p t ,. 6$\lil "'" 6<1t\ -\1 "ru"' O'l"A4.51 1711 12 11 I? -·· Corn St •.U 7SI vnu Gt 11. J.19 CMCO IM .JO '' ,s_ ''"" olJ .... +lV. F e COis! IO ,~ l'YI l1'lli + 1< Fr•IW;JllO Grwn: fuet lnSt IO.El'·" Ctktn .,.,. • .so 3 61 ~\~ ibV. -\\ I" llt pt82.2J t .,. »'• 31Wt + \Ii DNTC 10.M 11,!l'O !MR AD n. • . ., C111iFCIY .X<I JG IS•• 1'" ls'~+ v. Fl• ~s .so n 1"11 '"' 11\.!o .. Market TAB BECAUSE WE 'VE GOT THE , G . um · 6.'3 1.21 ncnr, 1oz. 1.,. ctn Hw \·" l 2'" 2'4'' •I• -\' Fi. "'""' 1.SJ 'l 1111 "(• 4"• + " ' rowth Stock! for Polen· 1~om 1·~ 1.47 Ttte:tinc:• .1, 1.• ct,, 111t1 .31 231; 1.m ~ -..., J<11PwL1 1,91 1 H n~ 11 .+-1~ Symbols ANSWIRI FOA AS LOW AS 14.50 PER MO, tial Price Appreclallon" will ~~'"t:u1 1 ; 10$ IT~~~ 1:# ':(i !!::l 1~.! Ji1~ fi R~·. ~l~ ~·I~:!: ~i ~1~~,5c!:"11.0W 1J ii{? lo~ llv, + :~ be d' ••• fr . Funtl Am 1·.511.ltt tm~ Gt ,.02 ,.,~l HIM .... I.It I• 11~' 11\! I l'I ••• F DI 3 * ;Jllo '61' 4JOO t ~ 1scus~ 1t a ee 1n-~r.: •« j·" 11.61 ro-MR 1,3' •·• ""' !r'J 1.tti ., 9•-, c• •11, -·~ Flf 11r1r .1• 11U1 ~ 1 ll> \'estment lecture Thursday G ~•llr .11 J.11 Tr•,, C111 Ulll .. 1.i i•n! I .IO lft ~ ,..\ ?ft\ -~ ~M5 ~ .u It! mVt S:\' 15\lt + \ n.. ID!lOWfl'll ~ I kty IO tYJnllllhl uwd 1 rovo \';_(: f ••w !~ 1~:.: 11.eo tlOTtl .• ll~t tt:-: g1o :+ ~ F~l.ll~tQ ~ ' ffi' it,~ :: !,: Ill tilt 1IOCJI m1rt;ll '"°"" °""'"' Nov. 6, at the Newport Beach ~= Ii 11•:JJ lt:l: t::C ~~ ''-JI! "!:I: ~-~• 14 ™• t1 . 'DOI• c "' 1j 1 \' ' fi.~ .... 111· Office Of Dean Willer • Co. ~~ 1:: nJ fi~1 i~ J!i'f .:·" 11:J: m~~IO 1U "'' fr~ ~ti $ ~ ;;;!;.~ ~~, u~ li~ + ... Stitt ntura •r. unofttellL CALL US NOW FOR INFORMATION AND A BROCHURE. •Bb=: BUREAU 543-2222 • I OfF1Cl!8 TO SERVE ALL OF ORANGE CO. Account executive Alu C. ~w u.90is ~J~ ~ •·. t1." =4~ 1\+ ~ lJl,t tf~-~f~~""~f fU ~ 2lu ~"=~tt1~tt:r::'~To:;~~.g:-..,.~~ Racey will uptalD standards .,,. toll: A«m ..., •• JU ""NY'·' fl n~ ll,,. D"' -llol ,M~f"il 'Ji I iii: u:i--~er "icf ~ ''\ t!l...._, ... ,,~1-"i".mlr~ .tor 1dent1ty1n8 arowth stocks ~!"..... t.U 1:;::0!r-f '~:B':~~ ="~ 't! m. m: llt~~i!~S:,.,wri i:io1 l' nla w!~~=11~.';o:~~"iJSFit and the rel1Uonshlp of P* B;r~. ~11,i ~ V•I~ ~1ne ~ ,; ... '·'° D mi rm ff -~ ~~~"'{ 1~ 11£ al: fit; ····-...... w~ .. ,~'T.rtt.t l!r ... ~ }tcted earnings to cumnt 6~'1.., Ji:U lj:a YlL!: ft t·]f i·M v:' 1:D • Ir ~ti: J" +1" ~~~ ,J·111 ~ 1t 1~ ~ .:.: ·;t ~&! ....... "':.14 ·t111e "' .... r "' 1111• market price, for the Investor "!l!.. Gar 1;.H u'tl vS~~ :1\ t,. ~' '<:.: • n "• '' Sl'A •~ -~ ll'llw• 1 ~ \\ 1414 -$;~?•~*• •!:,,GJTv~ ..=n! Whose go.I I' Ca Ital • wth H~ S.11 l 41 tnclrtll .f! t~ Cllk!"f'1 Ill t U 1' I' .+-tt -er IOI itctlon tat1~"Wi~1 O'Mo p ,.ro . H 11\Ulll 1•.0j •t!? •nod JI t ~IMSl:f: ct II "" '°" ~ -+I• AC c, I.JO ll' ~ ll" fl .t.lt " !!!'!' .!11 .. ''1· 1-otcllmf OI... ltl "61 Th lecture will begiq at 7:~ ~r'~ 1~ ty ~rui~-~ 11 f is~lllkcf.IS 2l Un~ ~>t ¥'\Ii, :~ c;;~· n l'I t' ft\ •.... ~ ~ lv"!_~~1v•b~ ~ p.m. and will be followed b.Y a ~~, :~,711s:~ ;~i~ lt'.fJ ll~ 11r:irr:_1 3P :i J ij1' s~ ~+'•\ ~1sa:n~11' ff ,;~ nn ~-: ~:~ t~w:.. 2f.,ia::itll..lr:!' Ztt. ':-r~ question and answer penod. ::: S~: 1~.ti-·;t ~=t~iJ'I" jl:Jt \f' ~R':Fu~/N.:i ;i Jjt., JfJ ff" .!i: "" ltfl... j /ti f1:°' • !_ :Z t-S.lft"' '1111. RescrvaUon1 may be made by 3 P:da 1.l' l·l' wwn,. !..~',~ J .. ., ~if tviit.10!f ' ~' j1 Jtl'I +1* !,,,,..;oaii" II iJI ~i -4 t~1rie.. tJ11-o •1Y10tl'(O. •·ell-£• h I 61• -b ·u •onci 10. 11 h h1,,.,,1 ! . '!·'" rirOtM ll ;u 1• »'~ 2w ~t\ -,:ootn ,.. 7' 1 \) ' +1\~ p on ng , • ...,,.. or "I wr1 ng t rncl l•.H 'J·fJ Wl~o .,.., 1 'ff ~·1" ' 111 H" •• ~\Ii --rlOck .ao 1. 11o \• r, _ ~ •t11r111utr... x-•• rllriJt. . ..,.._wm101.1 to the~ Newport Center "'11,.,s111. !:' 1~w1,.11~ l':ll'l0:, ii~'J•1! ",, if' 214• +~ etwv1"$ 11 1r.: 11t, i ::···"'•rnn11. .... -w-1111 ••''1"1'· D · · stm I Ui "" lj.l>A I f 1 :u IC''• . ' " I!! Ill 1 1:z! Ml n fI +1 ~n 11 I II '• II'•+ ti 111f-1Kirrt1i.1 _.,,,,...,II? 1uctl. IOCl-Nt~ rive ltlVe e.n 0 Cl. "" ~1114 t.U '·"Wort!! J,IJ ,,., ln$\t l'I 2.... '1 'lti "'' :ft.+ ... M.,,., !. ?Iii •11 1111 .... """"4hltlbut• wt-\ll'htn lt.6UH. Mlf'll -· D~tLV PI LOT 2ft -' juesda~'s €h»sing:-Pf!ices1 -~omplete Yorli MecAnF :!Ob Ma(0<mk1 60 M1ckf' co 30 Macv RH Macv ol ,15 MedFCI 3~(.(I Mad SQ Ga ~:ft~V~!f ~go Man nd $6b M1noow 7? ManHan 2 SO MAPCO IQ '"'"a hn 60 11.arcor n<: Ma cor o A1 Ma f'mn 7 r Ma Mkl l 60 Ma cnlb 2• Me ennan M•fl Cm 60 Mar on .UI l'va •hFd 0 "'•rt 11M I 10 M v cuo olOD M••Co Co 1• M&SOl'I le l 20 Mas~v F 1 M1 • 20 MBVDSI 1 611 M~<ivseC l 10 ~YSl'IO lXI Mevsn pf ' Memor(!X Co 111,e cans 1 .eci Me ck lSG.'1 Me~df\130 Me\.llb T 11<1 MPS a M(f\ 1 MGM 6011 Merom SOI! Me Ed 113\IO MG C Inv lO M Cl'IG&~V 1 M di Tut>e 1 Mt Odo "°A MiCICnle .&ci MdSoU I Bii Md!! R 1~ MdW!ll 01 3 M •L•b 1211 MtBad60 M nnEneo M nnMM 60 MlnnPl ?Q M 9snCp 1 lS M l.S Riv 20 MoP~c,,,S Mr>Cem 160 MoP11bS 80b Mob I 220• Mohasco 1 o Mona ch 20 Moncqm Ind Mon RR 250 Mon ce11 .a Mon;an 80 Morwo o27S Mcm OU 611 Mon Pw I 61 Moor MtCo MO"-'nJ 1.ecl Mo Nor IO Moto 011 MIFU<!lS 1 BG MtS1rt \)~ MSI. Ind .fl Munl llQwr 1 ::11 "l:Tn 1 :o M\ll'Ol'PO 60 Muro<> o1s 10 .... ~" -----------0 ......... Ltw CloR Cllt ....J·K- iJi " " " '" ' ' " " " " " ' • "' "l • " Zl n "' J • ' .. 'lj "" '~ mo ' ~ .. " • " ,,. "" '"' '" ~ • "" .. '" " '" " " • "' ' ... ll~ ~­" , .. r,~ " D • '" ,. '" .. .. ,. l!" u l ' " " "' "'' '"' ' • ~-., . '" " ~. • STOCK LJW>ERS • " • ' ' "' ~ " ' ., ' ' " " .. " " " •• -5-.. ' • ,_, ___ _. __ _ • " "' •• .. " .. " "' ' ' " " • " " " • " • ' .. ... ' " " ,. ,. .. " '~ ' " " ~ ' " ,.. " • " " • ' '" " ' • ' " " ' ' '" " " ' • " ' " " ' ' ,. ' • 7~ ' ' " " ,! ' • " '"' " • ' "' ii~ '"' •• "" ' ' • ,,. "" ". it Elect1·onics lead ' ' Market Up~ru·d ' NEW YORK (UPll -The stock lnarket wea\h ered a surge of profit taking toward !the close Wed nesday to f1n1sh higher on moderatttlY actlvt: trad mg Minutes befor e the final bell the UPI stock mar ket 1nd1cator was up 0 44 percent wiLb 1 593 Issues traded There were 785 advunces 8Ja1nst M3 de-- chnes The Do\v Jones average of 30 ~dustr1a l blue chips wa s down trom earh er levels h)lt still on the plus stde 1 Volume \Vas around ll 500 000 sh~res The market turned up a t the start despite a prediction that the country faced an ~f<>netm1c slow. down next year by W11J1am S RenchJlrd chairman of the Chemical Bank of Ne\V York I Traders \vere heartened by one particular anaJ .. ys1s of Nixon s speech on Vietnam ij1dicat1ng that it comnutted him a httlc more stron~ly to a possi- ble withdrawal of all U S troops netxt }ear Electronics were the market Jead~rs with par ticularly good gains recorded by Texa'S lpst.ruments Fa1rchlid Camera lloneywc11 and Con1rol -Oata The com.rutrattvely fe\v losers \Vere: o(f frbctlonally GlamC»"s including Polaroid and Xi.!rox also gave the market support .\ Airlines continued their upsurge av1th most ma 1or carriers sporting gains moslly 1n lrtact1ons Air crafts were finn PI1ces on the American Stock $xchange 1n1 proved In moderately active trading Final Stocks Jn All Home Ed1t1ons -A111erica11 Stock Exchange Li"t ' ' • " • " • ' ' • • • " • ' ,.. " ' .. .. "' '" ' . -E G- ' • " • ' ' '" "' • " " ' ' ' " ' ' I ' ' ' • ,. • " "' "' ' • " " "' ' " ll " "' ' ' " ' " ' " " " " " " " " .. • ,. ,., '" " ., 1; ' • . , "" • • • " • • .. ' " . ' " " , .. ". " , .. •• • " . ,,. ... '" .. " . ' . ' " •• ,1• " ,, . , .. " . ... ' ,.. "" J~ ~~ "•• •• " ,,. .·~ ' "" I ! "•1 " "" • l::t ' l~ t .. '" ,. • ' . • .,, ... '" ... ~ ~ •• ' '<I ': t 1~ ~~ ,. , ..... '' , ,, ' l•'t ~·­,_~ ... ! ., . ,t ~ ,. • JU~ . "" , .~ ~ ~j Jl. ,1 ''"" . ~~ ~ •• ~ ,,. ''" . " 11 ~~ i ' 1 I'll ' ' '! .. ... " ' .. , .. • .. "'' " l l'l '" • sl ' " • " ' • \ " " j: ,j ~ • ,. ' n ' • Buy The DAILY PILOT Just for 1Peanut11 -- ' • I \ I ' • ---.. ---. 1....-..... ---...... --. . -·--,_.. 1'.o , .. , ... ,<l~il ,._ , I' " I I l U 'OAJLY PILOT Wedntsday, Nowmbtr 5, 1969 Wtdnesd~, Novtmbtr 5, 1969 6 PILOT-ADVERTISE" -ldsters -;€an-Relive -Earlier B11sine~s ~xperienee By JOYCE LAIN firml of every description. he IJld his 1011 lollowed the ad· on IOIJll !or el]>allllon; with trol program IJld reorganize -e value of uUlizlng the vast m of • SCORE volun&eer. SCORE'• help .he'a now lel'V• executive duties: The owner .. :-: 11 ll.: \\~·•!., ~ "' ..... ~~ re3el'Volr of reUred talent A Florida printer, who Js a ing 1$,000 ~men and hu was alao helped to obtain a ,. ~~.~..,:,~"'l marshalled in SCORE has handicapped veteran, 3Speopleonhlspayroll. _ loan to solve a cuh-fiow rr.; :._~ 1111 been proven thou.sands of quadrupled his monthly gross A M A S I AC H U SETJ1 &queeze. "~" .,, =.,;u-_.i;i: ,..:; times. when a counselor helped b1m c on 1 tr u ct 1 o ft«LuJpment And In Cooneetlcut, a ......,..,.=... .:ltf:. AS .ILLVSTRATIONS: A with equipment and location, business begao to ahow a pro-retired oll company e.,;ecutive ... ...,•.;= tNI 1 ..... ... Howton clothing retailer, who A Columbw, Oh.lo resident fit when a SCORE represen-helped a woman set up a SCORE chapler1 a I 1 o operate management serntnar1, such u a con- ference held this year by the Sioux City, Iowa chapter with the Chamber of Copunerce. Sllbjects Included advert1ato1, contn>lling, credlt IJld plan· nJnt . ' ,, Government, Small BuSlnf!A Adminlsb'aUon. Or for more lntonnaUon, wrlle to scoa,:, SB.A, 1«1 L Street, N.,., Wuhlngton, D.C. 20418. :.-1" Ni":!'\.' "-' • runs two shops, has doubled who started a blae.t ' beauty taUve advised the owner to children'• nurHI')' which ii 1111 ~ ::r ~ ..-';"Wr aales Jn 111 months, because aktl bu.llnea, needed guidance raise prices, set up a COit-con-now going great. ~~~···~··.::~~~~~~·....::==--=-=-~~"--~~~~~~~~'---~~-'-~-__;.-~~-~"---'-'~~~~~-~-~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-::-- "" a tn•t WY • ..._ c r-....,, ••w -1111' .,...."'. FOR YOU who want to Send career topic Ng• gesilons to Joyce Laln 1t this new!!lpaper. Sorry, bot tll• volume o! mail m a k I 1 personal replies impoaaible. 1 malDlaln cooJacl wtth the bual· ness world but at your own pace, remember the old 11y- lng, "When you row the other fellow 1crou UNI 1tream, you also get there!' To volunteer .your aervlce (or to receive SCORE auiltance), consult your phone book under U.S. -A. -Why settle I o r memories when you can relieve earlier success by doJnc it again -at a fraction of yoor original efforts: Since , •. .Jou're lucky enough to be ·~y secure, how about ~ with SCORE, the -volunteer Strvlce Corps of :l\ellred ExecuUves? SCORE is - :=.. lll'Vk• of the· U • S . ·~ftt's Small Business ~dminlstration (SBA) to give ~ree JllJll,llem~nt advice to ::Jlounderiog small businessmen •Ud to those who want to start :a business. Counselors - -ntired eseeutives and former -:Uowners of businesses -can • accept er refuse any usign- -ment. No fees are charged firma: receiving SC 0 R E usistance, but clients are ask· ed to rebnburse the SCORE volunteer for bis out-of.pocket "'travel expenses. · SCORE utilizes m any talents: expert retailers, pro- • duction analysts, o f ! I c e ~ managers, lawyers, engineers, • a c c o u n tanl!, economists, : banken, advertising a n d ' public relations men and : ~en, aalies manager!!!, , wboleulen, controllers, plant : manqm, management con- • .Wtanta, lndustrialista:, sclen- ' tlsta", and many m o r e . ! Established five years ago, ' thlJ nationwide organization has already enrolled more than 3,300 business and pro- fessional leaders ln 800 com- munities who have counseled )lelrly '4,IXX> owners of small -UCI Offers . Varied Film . ' --Schedule ' A number of films, l'f'eltnted for the p u b I i c, may be s~n at UC lrvlne dur-ina: the month of November. 'nie schedule: • Wechteldly, Nov. 5 -"Stop the World, I Want to Get Off," aponaored by ASUCI Films, 7 and 1::.1 p.m. Tickets 75 cents. ,5clence· Lecture Hall. Frld.ly, Nov. '7 -"Ulysses," •ponaored by ASUCI Films. 8 p.m. Tlcket.s $1.50. Science Lecture Hall. Frkl•y, Nov. 7 -"Salt <lf Jhe Earth,'' sponsored by the .J>epertment of Comparative Culture, 7 p.m. No admission Ffiarge. 101 Physical Sclences. Saturday, Nov. a -"sin," ~sored by Radio Slation KUCI, 7 and 9:30 p.m. Tickets $1.50. Scil~nce Lecture Hall. I Sanday, Nov. 9 -118low Up," sponsored by Irvine Cinema with proceeds to UCI aquaUcs, 7 and 9:30 p.m. Tlcket.s $1.50. Science Lecture Jlall. Wednesday, Nov. l!. - ''America, Am erica," ,,,..,......, by ASUCI Films, 7 aod 9:30 p.m. Tickets 75 cents. liclence Lecture Hall. Sablrday, Nov. 15 -"The 'Dlreepeony 0 p e r a ' ' in German wlth English sub- t I t J e s, sponsored by the German Club, 2 and 7:30 p.m. Tlcteta $3. Science Lecture ball. Sucla.y, Nov. ll-"Citizen K an e," sponsored by Ir- '"'ttne Cinema with proceeds : to UCI aquatics, 7 and I:~ • Jtm. Tlcket1 $1.50. Science ! Lecture Hall. • • Wedaaday, Nov. Jt - :-11Hard Da,y's N I g h t , ' • lpolllOl"ed by ASUCI Fiiml, 7 ; Oiid 1:80 p.m. Tlckels 75 cenls. • ~ Lecture Hall. : , SudlJ', Nov. II -Audience. ,., request nlgllt, sponsored by : ltVine Cinema with proceeds -UC! 1q111tlc1. Tlckels IJ.50. ~encc Lecture Hill. --3>n Honor List -... iwo Col Poly, Pomona -.--1o11111111t1 rrom Costa Meu - ::mlchoeJ Bosecker, majoring In ~. IJld Chari .. Mohler, ,.......,... enpeenng - :-made the aCademlc honOn list : (or the l\lmmet quarter. ---·- l Fin•I Sloch In AW Home Edlli!>ns SCHICK Krolla • Chro11t BLADES (Pok ef 4) flllfl!I- ~·66c HllDGllllT ••• s.m lit "'"' "' " i.;;, close. 7gc 1.• C1LSih 1 "VOTE" ADar IDfllll'ISll. .. r ...... ens bralll llett!I' tllal _, 73c Ullt:: "VITALIS" 1111 ll!SSllS •• ·• ""' .... 11111 - .,..... 1.25 83c Jn.Sin I ;~~~-~~!. streaitti pin reliM'l 1 ...... 6gc "Cojcf!e" INST SllAVI 1opiir.-1.u.. lll 11ot Sin 2:11 POLAROID Colorpack II IA The fin! flaslabt tall!ll'I by Polaroid , •• fakes COiar llld b!i::k ' wtli!ll picbtru. DRU 24,88 . POUIOID Color Film .,., ...... -TYPE IOS -75 S,..,-fl!U OITTJI, 25 Postcards w/pardllsl of le i1:·55 s...,110 '3.18 . ''Downy'' ':~' FAlllC sonua· Cl-Ill Siil Siii• flSll lfftlmf•l•Wllt! llpls•H ot Sin ii!t't1n 69c 3i39c STAltlllSS'ma "Mini-Bowl" •JUD fDUT-14 oz. size is per· foct far m;.g foods io.,. 9gc frigeqtor.Set-Unlid allows MAGNUS 37 Key Organ • l'l>lyst""" walllut al<t · cabineL 12 clklrd buttllllS & hand wlume contl>l. Musk rack w/6211. liu 29 95 rm~ book .irduded.\ • )'Oii to '" ilsa • Infants' "Booties" ' Jllooso"'" -...... M styles it am, -1u "'"' loctlll•~~ 98C INFANTS' Gift Sets Clloo5e """ """ color. ful 0111 l two piece tets i• "i.!'1. =-i.. 2 69 1'92111.n. • .......... UDIU' ~ Slipperettes Jllooso""" -"'"'· "I styles forQ:SUI wtat 2 88 ill ISSOl1ld Jlllteriab. S4lslm. hit' • TV Trays or ~·Trays ~· rne1al tnys "''"'""'t.1 99c et11otfut desli!IS wittl dunllle bakad on eumel finish. IL :::~~' v;Rocket llYIU. -1196 -•/lit liaest of tails. Whea 1 -led~5 8 98 llip.AustagesfitlD er 11111 cam be • Model Car Kits "Silly Stri1g" " Wlflll.f-~· , ... tastic! Aemso!CillshciotJ """"of"'' -1 49 less, non-toxic plastic. Clloose C wild colors. u. • Cook & Bake '" AllllllllflM SP!CW.1T -Dduxe all-alumi111m set wi~ pie ""'· cm 2 69 """' ~· "" and ... kettlt. • TOOTHQUSNIS _ ....... ._ ""'"!,11,,!\l~ c.~ ... 3i99c "Breck" SllAllPOO AM/IM S1lnt Mllti,IU will m 121 Wott Pmr °""'I! ..., -Walnut DIP INTO Cellophanes Blush Colors ~·=--88 95 •11-,,... • Pmslllc9"1Y ·-ll"wllll"let :. "'&ti".-· " 74 88 -llfl.111 • "Casscillll" llCOIDll ,lloltoy" ..... ~ 12111 wlll-='·•· Mitt It• 39,95 CllCk-11111 HAllU&TI --"'~ '1111 91111 witlllltlM-1 95 ... AssClnld ... '.9 --=--Clil-1111 • =jl:: 9'128811 5ip, a 5es lty YAIDLIY S•,.r·S11-nn ••• s1,•-Tllil ... S•••r-111nr It's the tlatmlr ~of ftll fashion! ti"est whips ol ~ colow. Givl )'Gii' f ICI new SlfPll'·t18ll'Ollf. Now bl11Sh tor hlm wltll Ult stinkiest. 3 00 Pf•• W•l•-P•ac• Rl•-.. •n n1, • lldl HIWfO•T •U.CH-1020 1m11e I• WdttlH ,. ... HUNTIN.TON •U.CH -Acla111t & l '""9!1nt HUNTINITOH IU.CH -s,rl1ttd1l1 & ldl11tc ' FlUOIESUllT Water Colors '" "' lrtlrt tn ear• ,, t c.1111 2.19 TOOTllPASll lopllrMll Ililtn-. BOY'S n• GlllS' Carcoats C-PllCI Canister Set Molded pbslic wilb bodies ii IS30fted colors, l!ds ii CAlllATIOll Instant Breakfast -llllcloa- 11i:~,.aac ..,ilt. 5 ~-floor & up 2 88 col!tainer, 2 t.. coffn ' IN canister. • NlW lift ltla .•. 1tt11ctitt lltcU tbttrlllnhKtp•ts•lt 1rtblltUtlf1•11t )!~m.1 .. 3.95 • l'J. Qt. Onl =-~~!~ .. 4.95 • a • • ... ... _: ' 7 ••• • • ' ,~:..;...;: ... • •* . -*~~·-voi:. 62, NO. 265, 6 SECT(ONS, 84 PAGES . . . ' ' ' . I ORANGE COU Nn', CALIFORNIA • , WEDNESOAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1969 ... ) -TEN CENTS ' -. . : ~.. ':" l. ' ' .. • SchQols 'Seek 3.;year · O;yerride Climb ~y ·TllOMAS FORTUNlll , _! O! tM Mlly Pllet ~· :-t . A lhrewtep override tax electkm of 60 . ' \ . c;ents·the first ·year, 11 cents the aecond and II <"'!" the third WU decided _, 'ny NeWport·Mesa school trusted Tuei-- doy n!lhf.' ,\laO •utborir.ed (Qr the Feb., lt batk>t was a proposition to sell fl million in ~ bood4 at Up ~ seven pueeti in in· terest rate: · • ·The, vote· (or. t.l}e sharp ta.I iJ\Crtast propoaal eoded weekl of delJl>tlra~on by the sCtp>I board. The pro~ tar hike 'l -..· . • -~ waa. _,.cl . by ,lloaJ:d member Dooald straUl!I. ~ \ax -Override appro~ by voters lb.tee ' yMn ~ pirovkled-Year)y in· creues of 24 ~nUJ ,13 'cents •.~four cents for~total of 41 cents. The-amout a:no klppr considered ~f(jcltnt ·and 1ehool olijcials 1ay the distrM;t ii oeeratlttj . 'it ~. 15· percent deficit ll1lJ year;"haYinj already tapped re[lel'V8'.. · The current New~-Mesa tu rate is IJ.&! lor res!'!,dJts · of ~ta' M;sa and 'IU I for-r~ o!•N~Beach. · .. T)le pre><ioU1ly voted 41-ctnt lncreue is lnclu<led in-those totals anCI conUnut1 in· definitely. So, too, would the akent in- crease after Uk third year if a in8jority of voters flvor it 'irt lebruary. The second ballol.l'!'Ojio•i.Uon -tho 19· 1nillion in school bofidS -will ;eqwre twO.:tpir.di: voter, app"roval JO pass'. The same bond pro~al was pasaed with 75 percent majority last February but at a maximum interest .rate of five perCent. Siilce thm. the interest rate' ~harg;¢ ~y ·~rks.has tjimbed a}>Qve.five ~rcent and the bonds ean't_..be ~Id.- ' ' . &hool bonds are ror bulldlng.projects -new schOol con1lrudlon ·~ femodel· Jng. ~ override' tax 11 for da,y·to-d,ay s~ool operatloni:, the blggest portion of w~ch goes for salaries. ... Cost to the owner ol a '30.000 home for the ovtrride lncreue would 'be. $4$ the first yur. 113 tho aecond and 161 the third and yem lbereafter, a=rdinj lo school· officials. , · School' -aaid they Intend to put the Override and bond pfOP,)llls 1on se~ale blllot -ts with the hope they fl'\lght hot have. to ask. ror the boDd ap- pro\·al. School Superintendent William CW.. ningham is trying to arrange for ~ and tarae developers in the area to buY the bonds at five percent as •'public service. It hu been done elsewhere. · Trustee StraUS& voled agains\ lthe IQ. cent. 71-cent. lkent override. He said he thougflt 30 to 15 cents lo start would be the right amount. · ·~ 1ut year our tn: rate went up ZS cenbl •net yet we fell behiDd in reservea," he said. "It bothers me more than a llt- tle. It means we overspent what ·we set oul to do." ' An ' oppoalle vi... .... o!fmd ' by Charleo Canniff, pratdenl ol !M - her Newport.-Mesa Faderallon o f Teacbm. "We thluk the overri(f8 ~t tO !>' . 10mewbat near $.1.SZ,." be uld, "'Your mmoom le not lllfflclerit lo iiovtt 1he ~r 11lary increue reeom- mendallool we are pll)I lo -~ with:" . The 1gmct upoo override ll1aUll rs flaured lo tab """' ol 1 u permit,... ly cost ol llvlag lncreue. the ''"'II' amount for teacher aa1ary hikes· OYV the past ihree years. Harbor District. OK'd Cou11ty Supervisors J!.ote 4-1 fo,. Retention Bv Ti>M BARLEY oi Ille Dlllt PllM Steff The Orange County Board o( Super- viaors, after a lengthy hearing of pros and emu, late loda)' voted 4 to 1 to re- tain lbe Orange County Harbor District. Supervisor David Baker east the dis· sentlng ballot. Board action came after the super· visors beard lengthy testimony both for and against the much debated district. In lhret weeks, supervisors ruled, they would consider a name change for the district and possible expansion of the district's role. Nixon's Policy 0IJ w~ar Baeked ~ ,. . . Prior to the vote, supervisors Peard testimony caWng for retention ot tht district and a plea from the HunUngton Beach mayor to call for a vote of the people on the iasue. Carl Kymla of Newport Beach urged the board to accepl his Orange· County Coast Association's suggestions ror a •·new harbor district tmage": the ex- pansion of Its board from five to nine members, the calling of monthly preas conferences, open meetings for dlscusslon of controversial topics and the more fre- quent is11ue of reports by the district. "Our greatest problem, as I see it, has · been a o:mimunieatlon gap," Kymta l&id. • "'I'he public has never really known the vital role perfonned by lhe dlstrld and "'·ould agree, U we could get our IJ'IU• ment across,.ttw abolltlon of, the diltrict would serve no useful purpote. ,, The board's suppart for lettinc of an election on the dissolution prt:lpCHI wu urged by Mayor Jack Green of Hun- tington Beach, eumnUy president of thl County Leagi.ie of Cities chapter .. Green told supervisors that 11 of Orange County's ZS cit.lea represeilth!c more than M0,000 residents -wen ID (See ILUIJ\011, h p I ) Move to Beat BAln ~-B\.r-7-7-Jler.ceiit-.; 'Night S·h;,ft' to Help Can Sand urB-e~he;~ •. t .. ' '. . ' ;. ,,. )"';.. .. !. . MIGRAT.ING DU S TAK,E .T°'TH' AIR OVER WATERS OF UPPER NEWPORT'llJl.Y Corona ftJ M1l"WonNn Seys ~,on• 11 .a.•ting th• Drum fo r Gun Clubs. .. . $1 Million Marilla Will Lea ve 50' • • ' ~~!J.~s ~p Ducks Dan Beater Scored · in CdM ., ' Boats Homeless ' ':;, ,. , . . iBy ~.VA.LT~RZA ·. .,. · mespg. e wi~ incr-eclulous expreuio°'. . -· >. • ot tM.DM; Piltt stiff . Work crews moved in today to begin 'An :impmnpt~·. percu!is!Onist W h 0 "You mean: there .was !Ome:idibf. down c;Jearing oat ofd wooden slips bet\lfftn ~ perfant(ed befort! . .i..weekend tour of Up.: lhere beatirJg on a tin cai'l'l '" uked Com- Jlelboa. Island bridge and the BaJboa per NeWpori Bay' nature 1ovei's {ot a rot• 1riissloner1 David S~ Tinaler.., Yadit Out>. -! ten nvlew .TueSday iµgtit t>y a Cor.PrUi ~I Other cofiiri11ssioiie~s · shook t·h e i r They w. ill be replaced by a 11 million Mar woman wbo dislikes more than just h"Ads, therrdecidetl to refer the matter to his music. .,.... new marina, widt wider slips. concrete The tin Can-he was banging qn and the · City AUomey _Tullf'Seymoor ·to see-il the w'alks -and less room for boats. dog at bla side didn't help the perform· city has jurisdiction. · ; lrvin~ Company spokesmen aaid. about anee at all, Mrs. Beatrice· Longley, 283 Seymour said this morning that the city I h d b th . Morning CJmyon' Jlo4do 1aid. hasn't, unless a can-banger tries to shoot J~ ... ve3sels wil be or'p ane Y e pro-Alli. furthennare,,Jt's a dirty trick on :he ducks after he makes them fly. 1n0'"' •the migr~ducka. Harbor Department spokesmen said ,The number of slips will remairi the tn a 'li!JLer to city cOOncibnea (the let· lhe rame thing. sime -150 -but "many of the boats ter ~a _referred for lctio~ trr,·parb com-"Beating on cans to make ducks fly nOw on sldeties cannot be accommodst-miss.ioDiti 'NeldlJ:) Mrs. Langley cmn· isn1t a crime. We almost nailed a ed," explained E. A. "Sandy" Sandling, pla1Decf 1thit the unklealW• can-banger photographer who shot a gun to make w.S cb&sint .due~ from their resting them fly. Now that's somethig ·we can Irvine marina manager· place on the bay 10 they michl ny into prosecute," Harbor master Al Oberg ·He said the new marina will provide the sights of scattergunoers waiting in s?.id . space for fewer boats because oC Newport hunting clubs nearby. Unusual as the complaint may be, It Beach city n!gulations. City req,Wrements Referring to the dozens of visitors to isn't entirely new. ori parking spaces (7a for each loo' alps) the' area on ibe guided iour, Mrs. Longley Spokesmen (or the state Department of said, "the.~ ns appalled.at the·man .J:jshiand Game say tbey receive teveral will take up too much of the rite. Alto, bealina the lirp can to disturb the ducl_ts similar cotfipla1nta '8Ch duCk aeuOn. the new slips .ie designed '°' tarea so buuterl 11. -iun clubs eould shoot ,"We've. hurd1tbllJ before and I'm sure . ' ~ts, which~a.lso eats· up a lot of the tbenr. 1 , If happens," Glte -wmlen aakf. ' ayatlable tidelands. "U ttiis area· Is In part of, tbe· cit1, tben '1Bllt if we ~ate.:aU we can do is '"Th ,_ __ ol '-'"'•• Ill be we -·c1o 41J we c111 lo..-wl!Ol u~ thlnp,nier.•o no I!"'°'·" _ e ~ , ._ ........ space w little of..nablfiwi have left.r.·~,--~ Ht ducrtbed &he ~I question bOme pnmuily by thole bolls which Pub .....,.....,." teceived the (Ill flllCU, Pqe'I) ~ve been on side.lies," said Saadllnc--• .. ... 't ~ Jle said the companJ 11 doin& . , • ~ . ... , .... "!"'Y1h1na u. c~n to get the ...... 1 .... c•ke to Newport ll~ltts .: PRINCETON, N.l . (AP) -Seventy. Wen percentfilthe people •Mlliliiiell to Presidtnt NixOn'• Vlttnam policy speech' Monday approved of it, the Gallup Poll s8ys. . Only 6 percent were outrightly opposed lo Nixon's prOgram and 11 percent were undecided, the poll reported. The study was conducted Monday night immediately after the speech. To test first reactions to the Presidtnt's plan to eod the Vietnam war, the Gallup organiiation put a series of queStions to 501 adults llvlng in 36 localities in a na· tiOnwide telephone survey. About 1 in 10 persons heard Uie speech, and among tbis group, interviewers reported.a large percentage-.s impressed and reassured by Nixon 's ~marks. A sliable minority said they were 1 disappointed that the President had not ·come up with new Ideas to end the war. Almost half of those interviewed t~ought Nixon's policies would probably bring an end to the war. Twenty-five percent said the policies would probably fall and 26 percent said they were un- decided. At a ratio of 6-f.o.1 those Interviewed said they felt public demonstrations ai;.:iinst the war hurt this country 's peace- efforts. Robbing Hood Steals School Bow. Arrows Costa Meaa police are hunting an archef-enemy of law and Order today, but it isn't Robin· Hood. Someone 'Who' apparently unlocked a door at a_ Halloween dance and returned later lool<d the Coota Mesa Rich &hoof gym ol !II arrows and eight bows worth 11111, aulhor!Uet learned Tuesday. boal'I relocated in lht harbor. -_ ~ -, ~~:;;r~;:~~~~E. ·2 Principals Reassigned spaces 1n Newport Harbor bas been a · . • ploblem for many yean. We -Id ml • emy Ind! o1 the ""' walkways for side· ~ ·Pttncipoll· have been reassigned c1,rke, 31: bu been J!l"inclpal 1t M ... Ues, but we must abide by tht (clty) and a new princiP1l na~ in Newport-Verde for five years since coming to the ngulatlons aod In lhb case they are pro-Mesa Unilltd School J>iJtrict, it was an· school district Crom an Anny de~ndent bibly pnidelll." nounced toclay. 1chool In Germany wber,t he wu' pr(p- --. with Its et< Tbe·~l!I"·"''" . cipal. , ~ , . ;., '"' new manna. concr _l_-~R._"Dh:~''J Clatke -~ Mese Fannon. 3e, hu, been.at VlctorJa..41inoi !!oats, wHI ·feature indlvidul\ -...,_ -V-.-loJllll)IOl'I HaJlhte SChool-he'!ltlt becainea priQclpal 111 yeati aao. n«llons, teelphone jacks, a ftl!:W concept Lftil D~ Fannon -from Victoria Thr!e of thole. years be alao was prln- ln dock klcbl'I and low·level walkw1y SchoOI to.!4esa Verde School. ' eipal at McNally SchoOl1ln a dual role. Ugfttlng. Mn. Bettf JtratJSe -uslgned lo Vic-Mrs. Kralile, tO, fohnerly was a prln. torte Scbeol. -clpal In ThouaanchOl'U. lle«nUy hired Steele llfarlceu 'lbe.clllilpa will be <ffeclive Feb. 2 a! by the school dimlc~ she bu been -k· the aWt o1 the -.. ~. Ing In the dll1llc:t celltraf office on cur- :NEW YORK (AP)-'111e slocl DMlr~el continued lo edge u~ml Iii .....,..le trtdJOI' this afternOon, ~itb pin1 maJn.. t1inlnc a bttter tha!J~3QO:.issue ltad over ~· 15ef 4uouuon;, qer•ni. ·- Tbe sbaffle bepn with-the previous an-r1eulum . nounc•11111>i that Mlch.iel Hill, jlfincipal She will be 111" ochool dls!rlcl'• firs! at Net111Wt,lltllhll 11))1 p11t life yers. woman princlP'I. "She's a verJit creaUve woold 'bicomt tbt prlndpal 1t • new and talented peii&i Md Wi arWl very EWfllll elementary school. -1ortunato to-mf'W-ll!UI ,,.aald_ ~ .. J ' • Alsiltan! Stipt. for Personnel Kevin Wheeler. Wheeler !lid the reaul&nments were made '1becauae cbange ls load fpr "°'" pie .. There are no· prolJ'IOtJoni invo~; tbele..all are later.al moves. 'l>ifferent people have d If f..t.r en t ~kiU.," Wheeler remarked. "J( ii fOOlf1.o bring MW• ideas to dllltre:nt schools. Vic pruented lbeat people with 1n · op- portunity to mob 1 cha"'' ind !hey were rtttptive to• It." . , Whteler said the school district has no dtflnil~ pollcy for rotating prinClpal•. A year ago ls.st September sit prln- clf>als were 'shifted,· sonie betften tht hlll)I l!Cbool, lotermedtole encl elementary levels. By J&ROME F. COLLINS Of "" CNllY PUM Sllff West Newport Is about to be visited by the nlibt haulers. They'll begin carting their loads or sand to dump on the beach tonight - unleu rain intervenes. The overnight project, an extension of the dayUme sand haul that has been under way for two weeks, will la.st each night until 2 a.m., accordlng to NtwJ>Ort Beach City Tidelands Adminlltrator Georg• Dawes. Dawes said today that Chadwick &: Buchanan Inc. of Long Beach, conlraetor fcir the $i;2 mllllon job, has completed 20 pi!rcent of the work. "At the pretent nte they shouJd be rinlsheCt by mid· December, if It doesn't rain too much between now and then," he said. The overnight hauling Is '1lmed at beating the heavy winter rains. All of the sand, slit and -say some \Vest Newport rtsidenls -adobe is being: carried to tm beach from the Santa Ana niv'er. It has plugged up the river since last l"ebruary's record stonn runoffs. If it isn't gone before the next big storm, the river could overnow its banks upstream. Dawes emphasized that consideration Is being given light-sleeping West Newport homeowners. "Chadwick & Buchanan will be using trucks only at night," ~e said. "They won 't use the huge earth-hauling rigs. The trucks make a lot les!I noise. And the hauling will be done down by the water's edge." Ne wport V i.sitor Play s Possum In Living Roo1n Nane Mandell , a visilOr ·to Newport Beach from Tahi,tl, got a lesson In American wildlife Tuesday afternoon - a possum ln her living room. Mrs. Mandell. in .the U.S. ror a few months' stay, called the DAILY PILO'l''s Newport offict to report finding "this Ulina that looks ilke a rat, but It's too bl~." . Newsmen didn't have too far to go. Mr11. Mandell, 220 23rd Sl, llvn: upstairs. There, at her doorWay ln a wooden bo:t, was the rat rreY pOssum that ran' across her lfvlni room floor an4 hid ~hind the retrlgerato1' before ·ii• .capture. I.; u wlirffflftlchtnfolfl>e"led aJlplet· In • the box betwetn Its tradltl:oilal acts of pla ylng dead. ' l·fumane offictrs were summoned and as they led the errant manuplat Into Pie truck for 1 ride to the wikSerness "Of fhe lrvlne Ranch and frttdom, Mrs. Mindell heaved a sigh of relief', "I thou~t it waa a rat . l hope they do not hurt lt.1l Jove 1T1imah1. ", •. but not Ip nit boUH:" l ln the doytime. Ille blgpr eqwpmeil~ as well as the true.kl, will be makin&·the round.trip between the rlyer and . tbe beach. · Dawes said there may be some in- stances where the nJght deliveries will be marle close to homes. '"nlla might occur where lhe sand is to be spread. But as they widen tbe beach with the.new aand, they'll move even farther away from the homes." The beach area affected stretcbel from the river jetty s;outh to about 4fth ~ The emerg~ncy pr;oJect, financed by tM U.S. Ariny,Corp> of Engineers, alao IOday reei!lved the blesalngs of Rep. James B, Utt tR-:rustin). He loured the area over the weekend. llis conclusion : "It was a miserable job at first, but a public outcry has made it change .for the better. The resident! told me they an11 pretty satisfied with the way it's aolnC now." Utt's reference was.to complaints from homeowners and Newport city· Ofnclats over the quality or tbe material deposited on the beach . "After inspecting the matter with IOITie depth, i\'s obvious Jhat the contract o.n the job Wasn't Ironclad," said Utt. "There didn't seem to be any provision for the •polb, '° the twigs and cley and junk just went on the beach." , · The unwanted material IS now ~ cleaned up periodically by work crews. · Utt praised the efforta of the Corps of Engineers in correctlq, the problems. "It's not easy coordhlltlng 10meUtlng Jike this with so mariy agencies in- \ olved," he said, ••"oot that c:ocWdiriation is finally working Ind the job should con. tinue satisfactorily." Oruge .c...a ' Weatlter Those low clouds might bt for real, the weatherman warns. cit- ing a chance ol showers tonight and continued cool temperatures along the Qrange Colsl Thundly. INSmE TOBI\ l! Two new shilw, -and a ntta star of an otd one -toUi be cm tricw .tkii · weekend ~ Otano• Coe1t orto• •to.Qta. Sn TMokr" Notti in todo11'1 ttttertaimnfftt- ,.cllon, ilagei 32-33. --.. Ct l*rMI ., 11 ,,...., CtfMr • Ci.ti!.... .... -.. " ,,,_, n Dl81111 ""*' ,, IMINI .... ' . ... ,,...... »-» llM\1-,.,. -. Aftf!..._':_""'" 'I Ml-· Miii .. ..,. '' -" ....... .. --. ..,, ---= .. m-• '""" ... .. --Ot.111 ..... ........... ~= J ·-. .......... •· --.. --- I BreakBreadj'~eifier . ,,. " ' i-_N;plant Rul~Jt e' ---. ' i tean r. .... , • ' ' .. ! ' ·~.·~tate ~gent~·~~s San On:()fr,·Station ,~· ay 'iUCllAllD P. NALL Of 'lit o.t11 Pl ... t.ttft , • CARLSBAD -Sa.ii OnQfre Nticlear GtneratlJll Stall"I'. rot a clean bUI of healtl\.ffOm two at;IU! aa:encita Tuesday. The power plan> which Mlghbors another type power center -President Nixon's White House West in San Ciiiftente -UWJ far hu the blessin& ol bciCh lhe State Dopaitment of PuhUc Health ind Stale 0.partnillll or Fish and. Glme. Huntington Beach steam generatina plant dld not fart u well Jn report from 1 fllh ond g11ne muine blologllt when he got to comparative ftium on Oab kill durinl pilnl houae-wplng cbora. The nuclear aae Sin Qnofre pl~t -ill ~.ooo kllow1tt capacl\Y i. •llOUlh elee· tticl\Y !or half mllUon persons -w11 •tudled by.lhe Son Diego Rectout w11er Qu1lily CMtrul Board 11 city hall bert. Reports were liven on both pion! cllschaFI• into'. the 111 ol rodloklitcar m1tiil1l1 and effiets on .,a IUe.' . aSIOCiaM! chiff mtchanical engineer Jot. EdillOlt, aaJd, "'We don't ~t to ~ !nl' ftah... He Oll!4 a pwn 11 beful 'deatgOejl new that-'1Jl' clear 1rs.i ltom tbt ifttake pipes before Ibey m heat truled. ' Ed!soo Company -whi<:h receives M» percent of the San Onofre power In a JOlnt venture with San D'-10 Gas & Elec- tric -.bepo a monitoring operation• of lhi lltl In 1111 IOlll be!ore the plant m*<f• ,electrictty. . • ·oneu said this wu ta eslahlish a ba~ line for; compariaon of 'marine life rahd othf:r data before ancL. aft.er oper~lion. Tbe DUcleaf J'elCtOr flfsl ••went CriUcsl" to product power In Ju ly 1967. Ed.1'°'1 b11 kept a t'OJltrol station and elaborate moOitorln& system lor several years lDil now \fattla 19 be rellev.ed of lh•" monltarllil chort. It li(os pointed. out !hat the neareat kelp bed to the ~· was the "Ba'!' Kelp" bed slj miles ti lhi. ljlUih. An Ec!llOll ~. Joseph Reevea - ... ni1ng ta -·I -friin\ trolfic . ' . . \ ·~neer h(s!>way ..,r ,formu}a&--.said . lllil •number or 'fl!IJ' (lak•n} J!.t!' ll)iltr ,fi&ir tias remaln~a retativf:Iy .C<instQt .. He said the plant Ms had no J<i:Ye.rse ·ar .. rect OP fish catching. Dennis A. O'Leary, executive Officer to the water quality boar<i, saki tfle ' San Onofre operation appeared to be prp. ceeding without flaw. He• aaid lit. 'lriilld like to d~u.ss findings On tem~ratU're of . discharged water and'~ back Jo pie bc>ard.. [ ' O'Leary said he would also like to discuss Edi.son 's stop-moniWring proposal y,•ith fish and ganie sl:lenusts and other con.!lultfnts before making a n;cq~m- mendaUon. ' • . _ ,The kd.aUowed !he com1'4.ny :to Con- tinue usfug· a" filter for ·dischaiced radioljical material that .catches, .any particles 20 microns or Jitrger: · 1-:JiilCron is the thousandth part· of a millimeter. Cornish of public heallh' a!reed •lfb the aCtion. f -. ' ·* * :-tf . * * * 2 ·P~ublic Age nrlies Cfush · .. President Nixon greets Britain~s Princ:e Philip upon way back to London after a tour of Canada. He Jat.te~1s arri~'1:for'~ipner 2.t t!Je. Wh!t~Jl.AU~e .. TU.t~-. leaves for home Thursday. After det&1Un11ypt1 of hlotl (Dori and f1una) collecled and onal)'IOd for rid! .. activitj, Amaaa C. Comilh, lmior bealih phyllclst for ·the State Departntent of Publi.c Health, .said the Sin Onofre plant his nOt cauaed any incrute in rtdloloa· ical materials that can be dttected. :.~::~~J;?~r.~~ Over i A·Co unty Plani day. The prmca s~ped off m Washington· on hIS Newport Builder Rea ches 'Dead ·End ' on Sign_ Plea . A Newport Beach builder has failed to win approval from lhe Costa Mesa City COuncll 'to erect tw() little signs ad· vertiaiilg a $2 million apartment complex. The &igns would. be on public right-Of· way land. William Lyons, of Lyons and Cashion Bulldera. 1117 WeatcUU Drive, said there •J:y iln't any good private land to Ule" for the ad!! at Fairview Road· and Merrimac Way. The project -123 units with only nine rented. -Is in.:lhe too block of f\.ferrlmac . \Vay, where few ~pie, but commuting Orange Coast COiiege students notice ·it. Surrounding land includes the Orange County Fair Grounds, the OCC ,campus, fajrvlew State· Hospital property and Costa Mesa High SChool. · City officials. said the problem is that ordinances.,prohi.bi_t·postlng such signs in right.of.way property.- Councilmen sympathized, but City At· torn~y Rqy June s~i~ it would be a viola· tion to give Lyons their blessing to advertise. on public property. ''He's tfying lo legalize what everyone else is ju5t'"dOJ.ftg;'' ol)eerved councilman Willi""! J,,·~t,C\lir,· , . ,, , "U you put thl?nt up, wel'll tear l.hem do\\'n, so beUer ,make them ·paper," he P • rm·· h·· d quipJ>ll.4 · · · rn1ect-'f e .• _.,, ___ .. ~J'rri . .'c~.ce(®d_J)1~LF.!re sett~j a ....,.. ', ' • i · ; ,.. \ . real precedent,~'. tC\Jul]l'Uman'Wllfi if ~ ~ , '"' · •I J d · I 1" Except for minor lnoR-uP ol)ef:aUona or an said. snd fandScaping WeStcllff Dr IY.' e.' s ''Our haitd.s are pretty well tled," said length)r~ l)OO,Ciii> 1t:orm-·aiiiit jifojiali'lfs Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley as L}'ons' reqiwst been completed, and the a r ea ' s was unanimously denied. businessmen can greet their customers "I guess I should say 'thank y'ou."," lhe with a smile again. builder said as he left. .Co1lltructi0n crews. 1till will, fill odds and '-eadi ·Oil.~ ·ia.f:ge ·•l«m drai~·. r~c;l!il proJecllc)iil 1Jl.1~S1 IG.lhe · ~,,. lh~-jieavllf·ttayeled road ~~ ll~! &i\d.DtlYtr Dt1ve hu·-;naW~Oil. ., L , . ., 111o'<in!y n\ijoi'.worii 1en to do .will he . 11t WestcUff' and ·DOver where a fUU traf· fie signal wUI be·iiistalled. ·eut delays for lnotorlsts wUI not be a part of that project, city aidea .said. ,Prepar"atory work, lncluding cable laying, was completed doritig tht atqrm . tlrain work. The constructi'on crews wlll 1 bi.iild the lights at curbsll!e. The stonn drain . project. which in· eluded a complete repaving of the area, wa& stalled for 40 days during the heavy equipment operator's strike of last sum· mer. But patient businessmen wit.hstoc;>d the extended problems to the praise or pty ' officials. · • One engineering aide said ft vr busine:ssmen complained about th e hampered access. "We have to praise them on that point." one aide said. Asfdt from the strike, worlt on the pro- ject procresaed quit~, spok.,m•n ad· ded. . . • llAl!Y PllOT ~ OlaMll coA.l toVll ~"ING ~()MP.AMT ' hMrtN.WH ... ,.,....,,._..~ J•c• l . c,,,,., YIOt ,,.._.,, -Gtlltftl ~ ' . T~ .. .:: .... 11 . ••-:. ,.,. ..... A. "•''"'" .................. . .,._ '· Cfllh11 .• ..._. 1"'11 (ltY £tlltl' ' . -----11i1 w ... ··'"· '" ..... ,, M1Ul11t M4,..t1 ,.0 .... 1171. •2661 .. ··~· -- . : ' ' . ' ' . ~· SCli9Ql . Fina nce Programs SJated In Harbor A1.-ea ,Q)neerned · il~~ reconciling your burdtlWltnt ·school tax bill with a desire ta dd.thuight thhig by scll<ioJ,cluldien1 May~ then you're interested ln learn- lrig soinell'ltng about schoot 'tinruice which will be aiscussed by \eadit\g authorities in four programs put on by Newport·Mfsa Unified School District. .Alf of lhe school district staff has been irlvited to the programs which also are open .. to the public. But they are in the aftemoon. . If enough persons call .in indicating their intere!t Ule speakers will be scheduled for evening appearan ces the same dates, school Budget Director Walter Adrian said. In the first program', Nov. 13,_ Dr. Wallace lt1uelder. associate dean for ad· rninistration 1t USC, will speak·on ."An Overview of Financing Public Educa· tion ." Nov. 20 State Department of Education Field Representath·e Milton Hood will talk about "The State in Support of P•Jbli.: Schools ." Dec. 4 Dr. Paul Lawr~nce, regional assistant commissioner for the U.S. Of· fice of EducatJon, wlll speak on "Federal Sources as Public School Support." "Local Taxes -Can They be Dependended on ta Support School!?" will be the topic Dec. lL of Dr. Chester Gilpin, associate secretary or the California Teachers Assoc:i allon for S~thern C.allrornia . Persons in,terested in atte®hig the -pro- grams 1bould contact Adrian's olOce at 645-1100. Programli will be 3:30 to 5:30 C.te Miier *' w.it h'r ..,_, • p.m. in the Llttle Theater at Corona del • Mar High School. • '--...,., tn ,_, --.......... l!Mcll!·· ""''""' ' ~ DUCKS ' • • • u a "t~mt tQ. qack~ '' . • : lf we 'Wtl'6 to •k the IUY what he's doing, he'll aay h• just wllllllo a~ lhe ' ducks fly. How 4)111 you r,rove he's drlv- jnl lheft'I to • run club? ' . ilie clubl .. 111, 1H' rtgh·I. 1 fbere _ •r.e four al tltem ~ tl\e crOw - tr, Tuf[i -.fliu arwnd upper portJon• of the ....... • -.. ,,.... ..,, , Onbl ane.JIAl·o,phane. A.,....._.. 8'\swetlna calls •I !ht Sprln' DW!k CM>, :12116 6 . .)olaln St., said 11Veetly, "f\·t ritvt.r, evor tiWd ol 111yt.hin1 Uke · THAT bc!orc." withln·IIO mtlea of a nuclw powu plant, i that.they should be undersround. a-Jticiim of erpanding l tea rn boiler iiat, will emit far Jess lrnoa:.mak-Cornilb conceded that there are dif· ~ . r ferenct•· .bf oplnlona about proximity to 1enerattnc plants such u the Southern lnJ!: ·co~poun~. , • , nuclear pl111ts ... I go alone wlfb Prai-CallfGrnla Edison Company facility in \last vohtmes Of ·electricitY, produCed dent Nllon. I wou1dn't mind Uvtng within H~ Beach reached new intensity wqutdJalso alibw ,cutbacks of 11 olcle!-t1Pe ;,~~~ or half-mlle of a nudear power Tuudl)'· in Los Angela County over steam"' generating plants in the. county, Fro m Pllflti 1 HARBOR ... ravor of dissolutjon or election. another one now under construction. resulting in a net smog reduction. cf "We believe the tazi>ayer should have When In bis Sin Clomente borne, Preal· Air p U lion eo~-• ~•-. · 6••t 'N••;... .. ·~-or four -"·· from o u •~ ~~~r Louis J. perhaps 20 percent, Ibey add. the opportunity to expre8! himself on the " "'un • Wive 11UKA · · the San Onofre nuclear reactor. Fuller warned that unleas the third unit No !matter what the Department o{ harbor district que.tion," Green uld. Cop\lsh. ul~ !>< ~ht. the Stanford of the Sclttergoed pl"1! •l Playa del Rey Willer arid Power contends, Fuller and "Let us Jay this matter lo reit aDd get .0!1 professor was overly excited. "There are is aba{ldoned, he wlll attempt lqblaUon ·bis deputy , Robe.rt M. Barsky -along with the business of providing the ·beat many day:-to-day huardl that J consider to forbid ita: future operation. with the chairman of a state agency - pa~ks and r£lcreation to tbe county at a mo_re; hazardous." -' The $15 m1illon plant ii being added by. are ~amantly opposed to SC.,ttergoocl III minimum of cost." · Charla Turner, senior marine blologilt the clty'a Department of Water ahd 1 contarutng. · for lhe State De ... .-..nt of P'lah ...... Powrr and the impending court clash Barsky said the APCD will try ta ob-Green reminded tbe board that dissolu· ,... .,,_ &IN t · · · · r h' h O~. dttalled contlnutnc itudlee and promtsts to be an historic battle between a1n an mJunchon to or id t e steam lion had been urged by the Local A&en-inonftonnc: ol the pl~t·1· effect _ from two public qtncles and their interests. generating plant from operating if the cies Formation Commiaslon (LAFC) and sediment scoopln& to ICUba divine. Fuller said be will uk the Los Angeles power district goes ahead with it. wa:a also supported by "several Oranae He •aid biota in the area retnaim Board of. Supervlaon to adopt what woukl And Albert Pearlson, chairman of the County legislators." diveraUI~ aod aaid tbe plant'• cqolant be Rule •7, aetting the level of smog-pro. air quality committee of the State te doe not ha had ducing nltroeen oxides. Envirorunental Quality Study Council, "No one seems to know who really ism \\'a r 1 appear to ve any said he will seek an lllJ. ·unctioii. too. , · h adverse effect on mlrlne life. The rule qgeated wouJd also prohibit c arge of providlng 'parks and recreation "Any inereaie in the amount cf conauucUon of any new large pawer Pearl&Oh's plea would be ror the ·'atat• or harbors in the county/' Gretn Hid. dischar&e or the ' lemperaturea micht plants or industries, no matter whether attorney general to lssne an injunction "Does. the :harbor district ·al.90 build . uw, bum aatural cu or low sulphur con-against any further construction on 'tht parks? Or ls there a pa~ks department 1n cauae tome~ ~ncfwe would hope ii te t oll · plant · before supervisots decide on county govemmfnt~"1 . • , ; there are~ jJe ~ould tie·.~ n ' . · Fu1ltr'1 request.. · · ' •.:. G-ur1od ,supervi10rs 1 ta >.Jin. and 'li ·mcihJtortb;· pi-osrom iet"uii;" .. llo ~i!"~·~y~:bt! Oran~e County,5upervi""•',illideflipeil mediately call · an -election "so that this aaid. . , iSiue' -rmtta fer the steam ie:Deran...... their displtai~ Oct. 21 !'11th a •!f?Ula.r confusion cao best be cleared in the Th 1 -• 1-,... ~ . be . "-~ --e pro~td 'teJpans1~ of ·the Hunbnpob debaie which would fl"ecede such an eleo-e P ant ~ • 3.~foot pJpe line mto pt1nt '°· Jt ~ opera~ even when ~Qch:.atean\ plant aperated by ~ tion.~· theeea 'WMt.ertoUH!ll cool-killt. a.e _. ~i~di§gg__c~=~ -~Ym1n J n l1p I R· '!'J1 , Mo=t& ' •• ~ ... ,~~~In;~."'~ The hoardvot"1f t ,jij°j· to 'ilt_lht_ Full!rtonl baaltd Cl en'• ar,..,1111 ind 1"~tlr l(d .·~ oc11q • ur f·1 c ~. 'f:' •· ',~~:. hl§.1 m· r.:t,ij'l~on CalUoroia Publle UtrnU'" Commisilon to re;mfnded · supervisors that H "you D11Char1ed water la itcbt deareea ~ ea..., on w.oc --, .\~"'1 "•'th prohibit corlstrUction of any more ·fMsu. gentlemen turn -a dtaf.ear to the league's -wanner when·lt-jolna the .. aaaJn. . ~ ... !!!f.11W~ id_. aetl:a~,-. fuel P1Biit51ii. thn tate u -:-a means ro plea than I am committed to put the ~Intake pipe muat be cleaned about _ &llQ •~WDCl.l to nail .. · · -. clJf'b air pollution .· · · issue to the legislature in January. evet)" five weeks to prevent • sort cf Authorities for ~e city agency also ssy Sacramento legislator!! have called rar "\Ve do not like (in Sacramento) to mechanical hardening al the arteries. the newut unit will have a new type ol a st~pped-up program of nuclear power resoh1e loca.~ 9~estloas: We do not llk~ "?' The pipe woula be ·cloged with m\llllls plant i!eVelopment to provide both .id~ choo:+ '!JP'1lde11 •. That 11.why I am 'here 10 and ?lh~r sea forms. quate electricity for public needs and urge you. t~ )et !;he -people ~Id• thJs This is done by reversing the ptoces!I J,200 Co unt:n ns clean alr within a decade. issue," Briggs aald. .. . • · , and he a Ung water in the intake ta about ""' ---·--------- .Ky111laj: pita.for rttainµtl tbe0 diattl~ 100 degrees to kill life fotm1. \Vas backed by:ex<OUncllinan ·0ee~·COok Turner conaratulated the San Onofre of Newport" ~cb who 'warned operation on only kllllng about as pounds supervisors !hat :dll!J!lhtion of the of fishing during \ta pipe cleaning. district, as urgtd by the Orana:e COunty He contrasted this to the Hurltintton Orange -County residel)ts dispatched Wire Presi.dent . ' ' PILf,S WORKE D; ' iHOM HAS QUADS division O{ 'the cautornia Le.,ue of Beach steam 1enerattna plant whlcll he more than J,200 telegrams to President CiUes, "would achieve abeolutely.ltltbing. said kills from 10,000 to 12,000 peunda of Nixon by midnl1ht Tuesday Jn the wake · ATL~TA {UPI) -A 26-year-old "Speakin1 as a tuPtier l.J:d· a man fish when it heat treata the pipt!I every of bis Monda)t night nationwide address \voman ~ho had been taking fertility pills \\'ho has been closely ConneCfed With the five wetks. · an Vietnam war policy. because she wanted another child district; I want ~'tell you that I like qie The killed fish ·are picked up on a The tatal waa averaa:ed out by John presented her husband with quadruplets way it bperattJ,•'"t:ook said. ~ traveling acretn and wetcbed. Turner Stevenson, usistant manager or the today. ~·Everything .done by this district: Is said officials of Southern California Western Union telegraph office in Santa The four · identical boys, born to Mrs~ \•ery clear ahd obvloua lo the people, and ~llCAl company are concerned about Uit Ana alter a poll of. Other Orange County Kenneth Bagwell, weighed f~om oiie and;t T like. this 'concept of government ln ·a Huntington Beach fi1h kill and are work· offlct1. a hair to three .pounds and were nine' glas!I hoU!e, lhl! lay board tif:twetn mtn ing on the problem . · H~ did not say what tM pm vel'3us con weeks premature. DoctOrs ·said tbi and the profesa)OOal operators of govern--;;;;;;Qu=es;;;il;;;one=d;;;l;;;od;;;ai;yi;;, ;O;rl:;aod:;o;;;J:;.;;;Orte:;:;':;•·=='=1t=lo;w;•:•:· ===========':=m;•l:l•:sl;w:•=•~gi:;,·v=in~g:,;t;h•:;m~co;n;ce:;m:·=:;....j ment/' Cook ~ed. 11 -; Cook, whole city i1 opposed to dissolu· lion, challenged the: Le:aa:ue of CIUea argument that the harbor district 1trve1 only the coastal communities and is of benefit only to that region. "Its operations, aa l lte them, benefit us all," Cook aaid. "I am oppoaed to it& dissolution and I am equally opposed to the c;allini of an election to determine the district's fate ." Harbor Mastel'S ~~t fu Newport CaUfor.nia'1 harbor masters will pt.her at !~ N8wporter 1M next week ~.talk abOu( water pollution Incl hoallng Sl!i\Y. Th~ ,µtre&.da.f convent.Ion, at.artlft'g nut WedO.l<iaY. ta:sponsored by the State Association af Harbor Masters and Port Captains. Association prtsldent is E. A . "Sandy" Sandling, Irvine Company n1an1ger ol marinas. He !aid the keynote :speaker for the conference will be Robert Walker. dlrfc· tcr of \he state DeparJ1nent of Harbors and \\'ater Craft . liC \.viii talk on Nov. t3 on the wnt fl::iv. Lachlan Richards. marine CO!l- suitant and legislati,·e advocate, will re(IOrt 01t boating legia'*~ve 'ctlvity in Sacramento. • Among other sptak'n the following. day will be Or1n.1e CCIUl)IY Horhonnlllt4r Al Obarg. · 100. Negroei Occupy Tufts ~rmil9ry Site MEDFORD, Mus. (AP} .-About ·1110 you ng Negraes,,m•rlY carryi~ clUbl, oc- cupltd 1 domllt«y onder comttuctton at Tuft• University lod1y to. I""" !heir demands for mofe minority group n·orke rs on the job. " .. " • ... ' I .. ' " .. ... i ,. • .. ' ~·1 1 ! ;'' ' ,, ' · CONVENl!NT TERMS IANKAMfRleARD MASTEP, CHAR6E --~-- ' ' ' ' POil A LIMlftD nM• ONLYI Oii IMIC am OF. TOWL.• 8,..RL.INO "' ' ! I ·,~ I ~I ' ' I ... , ., ' ,, \" .. ' Ptrtntt ef tht llridt. Now 11 tht tlrnt to carry on tl'l.t: wonOtrful cM tratfltion of sf'llnc your dlufhtw • ttt of lt9rllnc tor Mr wtddin1. Many MMty towte Ptttems to dlooM ,,..,.. ' J.C. ll YEARS ,i.jAME LOCATION ,. ' ' t12l NEW'<)RT IOULEVARO COSTA M!SA ___ ..;...:.. • L PHON! 10•3401 , • '···--~-·-·-.. ·-®nNIE • -~ _ly l'hllJiiltilandLl=lf'.+:':!~~·~==~~=~~'.::==::::::::::::!::;:=:::=:·:-:-=:::";::::::'.'.::::==::::;:::====~---1 I Ex•Tennessee Governor Kzlleil- NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - r Frank G. Clement, an old· [ fashioned orator who onc.e wu , the natioo's youngest pernor, has died in an auto aceident at 49. - C1ement, three-time 7 ~ovemor of Tennessee, won ~· J!'.a~ -attention as>tteynoter f' of .the Democratic· National QIQVtntion in 1956. CastigaUng · the ReP.ublican administration ; in WashiQgton, he asked over aod over, "How I o n g., America, oh how long?" He won his first term as governor by unseatirlg Gov. 1~ Gordon .Browning in the st.a.le r P>aiY; 'i J 952, pion\ialag to l ~ government tn a ;~·~·bowl." He was 32, the ,,, aeCond )'QUllgest man ever '• electid governor of Tennessee • and the youngest governor .; then. aer-ving in any state. Clement's public career end- ed with · his defeat by Republican Howard H. Baker . . ' ' . Jr. in a race for the U.S. L. u,.,T.._... SaM!1< m 1966. He bad since. CLEMENT, KILL~D ·- ~ law.. • At '56 Convention · lie -died Tuesday night in a ---------1 . 1 • ' • . . . SALE • Van Raalte pant}'. h~ and stockings . . •\ . -. s. ..... ,.,.,-laTOriit< styles of Van RU!te ean~ R . , Vllliloa, micro -". th-and fla tops. Panty hose ' and llDdci)>p that fit MMOthly ' ••• flattci your legs. In • sli0or1h1da that aompliment oll"J<lUr fllhioOs. ' :. p AN'I'.Y HOSE ' 1n "-io ponl)' i-, witli nude heel. reg. 2.00 1:69 , pr. for '-00. 6 pr. for 10.00 711 Actii" Cantrea: II ponty .hose widi nude lieel ttg300 2.49 - 3 pr. for ,73), ·6 pr. for 14.70 629 V"'1ilon RUD 1l..i.t ponty liooe wltli nude ~cd; one size rm all. regl lO 2.89 J pr. for 8.l0,·6·pr. lot 17.00 > !*'ti' Dolc eo\orl ond -liles: ~ tu,-taope and many . other fuliioa"mlorL Junior, 4'8" to ''O"; petite, l' O" to ' ..... _ __,, ,., .. lo ,. 6".-·-" ,. 8" ;1 ·•~• ;1 • 1:~ r• ...... 1 ... 1 • • ...... STOCXINGS . -...... . 11' Miao Meo!i llodciags with r<inloroed bed and tee. n:g. l .n 92c } pr. f<Jr 2.7~1 6 pr. fcx ,.4l --:!fl'-flaiDp oliecr'llcdcings wltli ..infotad·li«I and tcc 284 Flmop 30 ~ with n:infor<od heel and tee "'K· m.65 .132 ; pr. for J.9~. 6·pr. for J .80 siockiirg ·aiion ond .._ i;.;,.. 1111, taupe,. _btown and -. many odMr f8'hioa•ailoq. Sliort, .em....,,1oog. &Jh-11. may a> hooicry 7 ' . ' . • Sale! imported .gloves . -I· . . ' . . I May Co's own . p,ao.on :e:olli~on between ·his " · -..and another near-hll -c_...C~-1~1-'-----~--------, -::;im;:e: E-~.. . . --. " CJmienl's friends and his r gypti#J)s ~ l>Olitleal enemies •lll:eed that_.. n-11-:-yemas eovernor were R 'd I · I marked by unparalleled pro-a1 srae greM in educalion, mental health p r o g r a rn s and By The AslOdated Prn1 .highwa~s. . · .,_ • Egyptian commandol Cf'Ol5&- 1n ordering nags on state ed. the .Suez Canal todaJ and lll&ildings lowered lo half.staff! · · bu GQ.r;.. Buford Ellington, a l attacked an Israeli _patrol, t j>oUtical protege of the former j Egypt aDd Israel diaputed the governor, said 'Clement's con-; results of the raid. tr[butiona , to0 ~ &tale "will I Egypt said Its !~ killed live forever. I an Israeli officer 1ild eight Ellington owed much· of his 1 soldiers, captured .a·n other success to Clement. After Cle-wounded m..n and dpVoyed meJU. had served si1 years ·and two armored' Cars and 1 tank. could not under state law sue-Israel said · two o( its ceed himself, he endorsed Ell-soldle.rs were killed. two,wouo- ington who had served as · ded and a fifth wu mlsal.ng, . agrieullllre ·-C0"1m~sloner in ' priibably taken prisoqer ey.llie . tbe·Clement 'Cabinet: Egyptians. nte .JsraeftS said Either Ellington or Clement nothing· about any equlpinent has been governor since Cle-!ewes. ment first took office for a An E g y p t I a n spokesman tWC>-year tenn in -January, said a "large number" of 19'1. After the gubernatorial commando! crossed ahe canal tenn was lengthened to four at El Shatt, at the aouUtem years Clement was re-elected end of the blocked .wl.terway, , in 1954, succeeded by Elli ngton and att.acked the I 1 r a e 11 Mt 1~ woo •Pin in 1962 and armored patrol. ..was again saceeeded by Ell- •lngton in 1968. . Clement, wbcJl-.never remov~ i*f' lfumol! In>!!) politics,-had bei!rl working ~ a campaign 'lllrp.Diution to.1n.ake another ~try' icr -the gqvernorship · in Who ·C-7 . "1970. No olhtt ~ la Ult world cam about '°"' community Ub 10llf' COIMMlllity• dilly IW:W Plf*' · don. lt'1 Ult DAILY PILOT-. YOUR PIOILEM: ... .Yo..w1n+·ie.oit-1ttm !hot.,..._ ............ __ lout --• ._ ain w. hr •• ": . H,OT OYER $50 1 1 1 : ? ? ? .rou1 AllSWEI: ... ' . Yov c1R \it1 DAILY PILOT, eok hr Clmlflod Mv• 1111 ... lflll .... a " • ~.._._-_ . PILOJ. PENNY.-. ' , ~ j I' I ~ ' ·~-­---CLASlll'liD'AD I ~ II • • • AT OUR tflCW.' LOW U.'il 3 -2 1IMIS ·2 llliWs .AND YOUR CamlT IS OOCID I DIAL NOW DlllC:TI 642.5671 CT•·,,_-~-~ may co .. .· -~ _, . . . A glilv1 -1 .. g.n.1. Maa7, many lightwlghl leather .styl.,; to choose from. GloY• •• _. limply tailond, « akillfully de- tr.iled with tiny buttoo1, dcliate baad-ttitdiing and lots, lots more. All iinport<d t-Italy Ud ~y. Unlined, silk- lined, or, if you prefer, ooft· wool olld robbit hair lining too. Sizes 6Y, to 8. So, a<mt In. Yoa'U find ~ to last you the whole yeaz lcmg. And , , , brirlg 1 friead. Unlined leat&r glo.es witli J.u,...; lianckbtchiog and tiny buttoo trim. Some leather with aochet backs, too. White. blade, brown, n .. y . v1\ue 9.00 599 Smooth kid gkms that stop al yoar wrist. Some tailored otyles. Others with .. a11 ltitdi desi81ll •. White, blade,_ brown, any. ... :i:ue IC.C :l 699 Short lisJilftigbt leather gloves lined m tof4 IOft wool and rabbit h&ir, II) bl.U, !&me~ ~ oiid 'lill, fubica colon.· • v.::.' .:: i · CJ 799-~-.. -.. ' . ; . Mid lmBth' g1°"" IOI! !ini.i ,;,.jtb'~· .ilk-simply ~ Great .....,,.;.. for city knits. Choose from blaclc, whim, J!llT, navy ond brown mlon. Perfect for' f~i.1 • .-. : . . . • . . . . ·. n!U.14:00 :g99 fashion rolors the Jeatbers you'll find .. blade .... , • dAssia • white • kicbkins • hand dotailed • grey • cobretu .• mid.~ ' • .iiorti,; .• blown e novelties . ' may c.o gloves .. ' . . ' .. ... soutli coast plara, san Cliego· fwy . at bristol,_costa mesa; shop monday thru seturd ay . I 0 a.m. to 9: 30 p.m. 54'6·9321 ; .. MAY CO ' . . ~ ' . .. .. .. ~----~-- ___ :__ __ -------- ' a DARY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Court · Decisi(!n Urgent Justice Is allegedly blind, and it Is Just u well. S.. cause she would tum up her classic nose and turn in her scales at seeing conditions under which Barbo!' Judic!IW. District Court has to llmction. Tbe facility bas been forced to handle the needs of a rapidly growing .. rea, wblle being left behind n .. lf Ip terms of adequate expallslon. - 'Comfortable courtrooms may equate to that new cllcbe, "coddling-<>f-crimlnals," to some unthlnklna peo- ple. But, courts are for· protection of the lnnocenr as well as prosecution' of the guilty. Eecb is equally im- portant. Eaeh has suffered locally. And so, inevitably, bas the majesty of thf. law .. A solemn and serious Judicial proceeding jammed Into a small room ·upitalrs over a music~•tore -or tis 1 trailer ~nted to llU the. need !or a third co¢oom-- may have its amusing aspects. , But, there ts no~ humorous about a ithree-time loser who gambles his· own ~ the lives of innocent passersby against five-te>-life at Chino. Folsom or San Quentin, by brealdng free at cotfrt. • Twice in recent months, felony prtaoners have es· caped from cuat<JW of marshals wblle being moved around the overcrowd~ court complex. One -who had threatened to kill captors a week before -was felled by a single shot and re.captured. The other spent a few hours free before he. was caught, but spots fired at him hit a truck and a downtown. tavern dbor. · The last escapee bad a friend park a car nearby to use in his break for freedom. The next one could com· mahdeer·a car-with perhaps-an ·e14erty person or house- wife and child as hostages, setting the stage for a real tragedy. Negllge~e. it ls important to note, was not a factor on the part-of lawmen transferring the escapees from holding cells to mate telephone calls. Prisoners are guaranteed certain rights, but the crowded, outdated court complex is not capable of guaranteeing adequate secyrity lo go along. : -· County Supervisors have been offered sites in the Newport Center and on the Orange Counfy Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, but negotiations have been slow and so far almost !utile. The Newport Center site appears too costly, tBe superviSQrs. in_dicated. Tlleit disliked a site proposed .by the Fair Board because of possible parking conflicts with nearbr. schools, and distance from the Costa Mesa Police Facility. Now the Fair Board has Invited the county ,to look over the fairgrounds and pick a suitable site. SO we're back in the seemingly endless business of site studies. Authorities say it will be at least three years y~t ~efore the new court complex is a reji}ity. In the mean~ tlme, the Harbor Area must do the best it can; with an overcrowded, under-secure facility featuting rented trailers, folding chairs, a leaky roof and a clientele with an itch for freedom. . . ,_ Why not just let them escape! Because men desper- ate enough to risk tbeJr lives in an escape are equally capable of committing a desperate crime to make good the escape or to stay 1r.,. Makeshift efforts to reduce l h e problem and the danger are in progress. But it is clear that the countv supervisors and the county staff must put the Hur8entt' label on the court building project aod act accordll!gty. 'Cluck cluck , , • Cluck cluck •• .' • Movies Are Growip,g Into Puberty lt would be a foolish exaggeration to say that the America motion picture has come of age; more accurate to say that it is growing up from infancy to puberty. Adulthood is still quite a way off. But all the encouraging signs are here, if the two films I saw last month mark the growth period I think they do. These were "The Midnight Cowboy" and "Medium Cool." ALTHOUGH completely different in theme and approach,.Jxitb_compel our •t· tention, interest and respect for much the ume reasons. They deal with real people (unlike most American films of the past); they forego false naturalism for the sake of a deeper realism ; and they know that motion photography ls not just a series of stills in rapid succession. ln both these pictures, the camera is fully in charge, on its own specific terms. A movie is not a novel tbat ls pbotographed , or a play that is reproduc-. ed; It is, rather, its own art !Orin, with its own rul~s and laws, Its own sense of spatial and temporal relationships. And the moving camera can give us a view·of life not possible in any other art form. "THE MIDNIGHT COWBOY'' and "Medium Cool" demonstrate this uni· queness with charm and power. The camera moves, as it will, between past and present and future, in a series cf quantum jumps ; and between external reality and inner fantasy, so that we are !NI Dear Gloomy Gilii: 'Here Comes Another P utscla Against Schoo'8' Charging 10 cents for a half pint of milk mean.s families that can't ·afford hot lunch fer their several children can't now afford milk to go with sack lunches. A ·nickel Jn. crease should have gone on hot lunch, where affluent parents would hardly notice iL Shame en the school district! -A Mother Tllfl IHhl"' nfll(lt "'*"' ¥....._ lllt Mr;t1Mrhr "'"' ~ ltM .......,.,, I""' ,_ ,., -v• • 01...nr o.., C.llf' Plllf •• Masters To the Editor: Man your battle staUoM. Here Comes another putsch again!t the schools. Based on that Jnfamous dictum that a lie or hall·truth, if repeated cften enough and .loud enough, will finally be taken for truth, here ls the pitch : "1be .schools do not teach the three Rs. The schools hav.e frills. The kids do not learn discipline. The classrooms appear strange. The teachers are immoral and instruct their students on how to engage in sex. The graduates of the American public schools are know-nothings. The American public schools are a waste of ·never ~te sure what ls "out there" and the taxpayers' money, The faculties are what elists only in tbe minds of the filled with Communists and adolescents ch f.. and pse\ldo-Jntellectuals and pinkos and aract.ers. . ' peactiincl. Tbe teachers are over-paid 11tis i!, of course, truer to life thih the and &iider:·worked. Acadt:mic freedom is plodding serial quality of conventforial anothfr term for communism." films, Which ri'lovelieivily frofu cause to--. effect and from present to future. We live IF ~ CAN sell this stuff to t~e in three kinds of time, not cne: our voters, they can de.stroy the publtc remembrance of thin~ past and our schools by shutting of~ funds; apparently hopes or fears of the. future combine to they feel that all public schools shoU!d be affect our present actions and attitudes. m~de to re~mble .the old ruin 1n a AND, JUST AS cbviou.sly, we live in an admixture cf two worlds: what is ob- jectively happening to us and around WI, and the way cur minds refract (and often distort) these events. It Is only sanity to recognize the paranoid component in ~ most "objective" views. While "Medium Cool" has a thesis to offer, and "Midnight Cowboy" is merely a vignette, it ii the form rather than the substance of these films that gives them their validity and vitality and Integrity. Whatever their flaws -and they art far from flawless -they lay naked befOre us the painful and lovely process of a medium that is struggling into maturity, after decades or sullen retardation. neighboring city which ranks near the bottom of the list in reacijng and has its walls' and ceilings supported by outside braces. On the one hand they hold up as a model the German system of edu<:aUon (one of our elected officials, who a! far as anyone has been able to learn was never near Germany during the Euro- pean catastrophes, has referresi to the German· achools as the greate!t educa· tional syatem in the world); and on the other hand they cite the Nazis' Big Lie technique as a tool of the professors in our colleges. ' of the Big · Lie Te_chnique f,..,,:-u~·-~1·"'17'.Jrm.. ~. . { ·r ®;\ "-' ~. ,>i,l"',,"<"" . ' t'r'i'~1 ,Mfl''~~·i'j:" · 1 ~ • .£.,, .... ~;'~.~) Lette'ra: from readers arc welcome. Normally wriUrs should convey their message1 in 300 words OT less. The right to c~ndeme letter! to fit space OT eliminatt libel i1 reserved. Al! let- ters mlt3t include signature and mail. ing ad4r(is, bui names may b1 toith- ·~1ld ~:request if sufficUnt reaso1&. is apparent. recommended that Mr. Bregouo's ap- plication for a permit be denied by the Costa Mesa City Council on the basis cf a single individual's complaint about the nOise -even irter Mr. aregozzo in~ dicated he would soundproof his studio. HAVING KNOWN Mr. Bregozzo and his contribution to the community for the last seven years, I feel that a serious mistake would be made if the application were denied. Mr. Bregozzo, employed full time as a scientist for NASA, haa Ullle.llishly given many hours to asstst in developing and maintaining a 'It.ring pro. gram in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. An outstanding string teacher. he'has given private Jessona to students who ' are truly interested in df!veloping their playing -not for the small amount of money involved, bu.t as a labor of love. I FEEL THAT denying a pumit to Mr. Bregozzo would be detrimental to the crch,stra program in Costa .Mesa and Newport Beach and could deprive the children of the communf9' cf a rare op- portunity. It is hoped that the Costa Mesa City Council will consider these facts when the matter comes before them. I would also like to urge that .those who support th is point of view make it known to their councilmen. RICHARD C. WATTS Director of Instrumental Music Horace Ensign School West Ne1oport Beach To the Editor: \Ve, the residents of West Newport, are trying to upgrade our area Into a place Of pride-both. for ourselves &nd our city. Single family homes have told for over $100,000. It is not uncommon for duplexes to sell in excesa of this amounl 1f t h. e council will keep in mind we are striving to build a fine place to live, we will have no problems. Jf each member of the council will say to himself, "Do I want this for my neighborhood?" before com- mitting West Newport to such policy we will avoid parking lots. SPECIFICALLY WE are concerned with the proposed parking lots which are to accommodate S00..1,000 cars. Did any member of the council take into con· sideration the cbviou,, Jack of facilities? We have no restrooms, our streets are congested, traffic in the summer now Is sometimes at a complete stand.still. With parking for 1,000 more cars we can an- ticipate an influx cf 3,000 people looking for a place to park, then we will need ad· ditional parking lots, r e s t r o o m Ii , someplace to change and shower, someplace to eat. 0 . K., but this will not be a residential area anyrnort . are turning the beach into a parking Jot to control the overflow summer weekend beach crowds with the newly discovered adobe, which was found six .Inches· under the sand at the River Jetty. CriUclsm arose and the sand ha\ll was halted for the Ume being. MAY MY POSmON be made clear by saying that I have nothing against cmi. serving the beach and the Homes in west Newport, but I am agaimt the means that they (the Anny Corp of Engineers) are using at present. Using sand doean't seem to be the answer, I suggest using rocks because rocks don't have the tendency ol slipping into t b ~ ocean as eJ..§Uy _as: sand. However, rocks are not economically feasible and the friendly football. games would have to be play:ed elsewhere. These games, and what have you, could be played on a beac:b above the rock shoreline. Rocks are expensive but in the long run the.y_w.ouldJastJonger. I know beggars can't be choosy but they sure can be picky. JOHN C. STEVENS Student 'Harrah for PollCe' To the Editor: We are 14 years old and want to tell you of our experience on Halloween. The. police were giving out bags of candy tB each trick-or.treater who wu walking down the street. We want to tell you how much we ap- preciated it. With all the bad things pee> pie are saying about the police, it sure helps. Hurrah for, the police department. KRIS LILLEGRA VEN and KATHY KOCH For Dogs, a Groomobile WE ARE PROMPTED to ask who in America today 'has most ably mastered the Big Ue technique, ieelng its unblushing use against Justice W8!Ten and the late and beloved President Eisenhower (as well as against numerous other honorable Americans). We wish to inquire into its classic implementaUOn in the recait Senatorial campaign and in several of the local political putaches. Race for Space __ .. .,...,,. ' •\ Comments , NEWPORT SHORES can become an excellent area for mall boat owners if given ocean access, somewhere In the proposed site of parking lot 8. Balboa is reducing the size of the oceanfront park· ing lot, so why should it be encouraged at site C? It has been acknowledged that beach parking doWngrades residential property. The solutions have been pro- posed to have inland parking and a 1bu~ tie system, so how can you comlder oceanfront parking here? Quotes Things a columnist might never know if be didn 't open his mail: It every dog has his day, this must be the day. The latest pet.pampering device, a mobile van called a "Groomobile," calls at the dog's home when he needs a grooming, thus saving him the nuisance or having to make a trip to town for a bath and hair trim. \Vake up tired thi's morning? Maybe the mattress was to blame. Most people roll ever er change pOsture 40 limes dui'blg eight hours or sleep-but more cften i( the mattress is too bard rather than merely firm. Sleep experts'say the extra twisting and turning can leave ycu weary. WRAT IS THE healthiest perioc! of lile, except for accidents? Medical aulhorJUf!a say It is between the agea of S and 15, when the body's fesistance appears at Its peak and therefore the mortality rate from infectious disease is at ita: lowest. Weeds are the bane of the forest a:s well as the home nower or vegetable garden. 1bey have been found to limit the growth of trees-and thereby the pro-- duclkm of lumber-more than any ad· ve:rae factor. $Dice ~ needjl,J tr~ic co~ before t h [ 1 century la over. Alr .. d3 In orbll around the earth are nearly 3,000 man· made Objecls, llld """' are fOll>I up all the tJme. QUOTABLE NOTABLES: ''There are days when any electrlcal appliance in the boUle,' incllJdlng the vacuwn cleaner, seems to orrer more entt:rt1loment possibJUUts than lbe t e: I e v l 1 ion ut."-fflrrJet Van Borne, criUc. Tbe "KachOO" seuon. ls here. How can -you nd --..a sneezing attack.1--The~ old Pennsylvania Dutch t.bouaht the best way was to stare filedly at the tip of your nose with both eyes. If that doesn't work try using your hanky. Rest from his endless labors may be coming a.t last to Ule Volga boatman, one d Russia's most jlicturesqUe figuns in aong· and stOry. The Volga River, the largest water.way ln Europe, is ·finally being harnessed for hydroelectric power by the building of a number of dams. THE ODDS: If yt1u toss a coin and call either heads or taUs. you have a 50-50 chance of winning. But to make a coin come down heads 50 times in .a row, It has been theoretically estimated, it would have to be tossed 10 million times a minute, 40 hours a week, for 900 years. But don't bet en it. Sweet history: Around 1956, a young Prussian volunteered for military combat and bnmediately was assigned to bakery • duty. Annoyed, he took some bread dough, formed them Jnto .little cannon balls and filled them wlth jam. Thus w11 created one ol ita: most last.inc ln- venUOlll-tho jeWod doughnut, lldblt <JI chil<lhoed. WORTH REMEMBERING: "A little lie ls not a:o bad -It's all those you have to tell to keep up with the first that make1 you so uncomfortable."' Know your language: Wby 11 Cupid often called Dan CUpld? Cupid, the gOd of 1 o v e , derives from the Latin w o rd "cupido," meaning desire, pasak>n, or ·· Jove. Dan ls mcrtly an old Ullc of ,bonor otJ't.aptet, similar to LOrd, Ma~~r 9r sir. ~ references to Dan CUpld date from the 11th century. It is not irrelevant io note that we Americans whipped thia ideology in two world ..,-ars overseas. We can do It again in California. W.ANDERSON Salt Creek Acee•• To the Editor : Mr. Knowlton Fernald Jr., vice ;.irtal· dent of Laguna Niguel Corp. has gone on record that the corporation has · no con. sideration or sympalhy for the publlc11 access to the beach at Salt Creek. It is apparent that the Oranp County Board of Supervisors concurs with this philosophy. BARBARA G. STABLER Bregoaao Permit Cue To the Editor: I shook! like to comment on an un· fortunate situation which has arisen . re11ardlng the granting of a permit for Mr. Rene Bregouo to give violin and viola lessons in his home. Apparently it ta ---Bg George ---. Dear Goorp: II<!°" I .wted l"'dlnt your eel· umn l wtd to worry a lot about debts. 1 tossta all nlgl!t worrying about money l owed. Since reading your column l've. learned to quit worrying a~ut roooe.y. Only Pile 'thing bothers me. I get sued ali the time now. CONSTANT READER Dear CoMtant Reader: ~ ··-·-··-.. ' '""' .. --···-__) Elkton, Md., Whig: "The exploration o( space will go ahe3.d whether we join it or not. It is one of the great adventures of all lime, and no nation which expects to bt the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in this race for space. This generation dots not intend to founder Jn the backwash of the coming age cf space. We rilean to be a part of it -we mean to lead Jt.' 'l1iese visions have since come to · pass, although the 'man who spoke of them never got to fUlly savor their fulfill· ment. 'nllt man was President John F. KeMedy •• .!' -· Pttalama, Ca 11 f ., Arp...C.Vler: "Innau...,11 the cruelest tu of 111. It penaliies\e\ttryOne ~the poorest most of .all. No one ·is milled. The .thrUty suf· fer ill· rewards for their self-deni e '• ~ontn and others with fixed incomes find tbtlr living conditions ever more dif· f1cult. ,. .It ls high lime the government be1m to Ht an example of trimming off unnec1111ry fat. Uncle Sam, that. fine a:pare figure cf tradition, is getting almost too rat to carry." This summer we went ror weeks · without a sand cleaner. So--add 4,000 or 5,000 people a day onto our beach and let's discuss just cleaning up after them. TWO YEARS AGO I sat through a wliole series of budget sessions and in· eluded was a restroom at Orange Street. We never got It. We have thousands of people come here right now without park· ing lots and not a restroom for two miles. Can't the city just acq~ire a small site and give us one restroom just off the beach at Orange or 54th Street and then budget the funds to keep it maintained? MARGOT SKIU.ING Presl<ll!!it West Newport Improvement ASEOCiaUon Rocfu "'· Sand To the Editor : Recently much criticism has arisen from residents in west Newport . Beach concerning the qllallty of the sand they John Day, Ore., Blue Mountain Eagle : were receiving due to beach erosion as Dr. Paul S. Smith, Whittler 1 new dlrtc· tor of Nllon IuUtutioa for llllmu Af· faln--"We will teach the benefits of the free enterprise system in a day when teaching fundamental principles of our government has b e en desperately ig· nored ." Astr011aut Mike ColUna, in L.A., oa wh7 he lllaved off muatacht · -"My wife didn't like It, my kids didn't like it, and besides, it itched." Willia!\' D. Wesaly, Glendale -"Tha mere possession of a diploma Is only the start er a business ~areer; from then on the employe is on hls cwn." Cbe1ter Varcu, S.F. -"It Is time to reaf(lnn our faith ln-Uie great American dream ... (to) replace pennlsslvene.ss with dlacipline, fear with hope, socialism with liberty (and) once a.ialn be willing to dream, work and save. ' --WWW- Wednesday, November S, 1969 "A welfare reciplen\ ha a: received well u I.be .rate a\ which the sand had money for &oll pennlts and greena fees been 'dllappearlng. The lmporltd aand, Th< tdttorlot JJGQ< of th• Dolly from the city because physicians say he comin1 from the Santa Ana ruver mouth Pilot seeb to inform and stim- needs "special therapeutic experience." :ind going to west Newport, has caused ul4U rtaders by pre1entina this His bid to buy 11 race hor~ with city two disastrous physical cbari&t1 at the nticspope1's opin!o11.s and cont.- funds wt1s-turned down. The city in· beach in we.st Newport. mtntarv on topic.s of interest \'Olved is the City of New York, a huge, and 1io11'flconc11 bu providing • dlsorganlied metropolis that will be im· UST YEAR THE Imported sand con--forum •for tltt expre.tsion of poverlshed by welfare lf current tr~nds ta lned large amounll ol a chalky .aedl· tnJ r«1dtrs' opinions, and by conUnuc. It'a: e.asy to see why. As a ment. The areas In which Ule new sand prt1tnting tile diverse view. postscript, ll should be noted that the was placed turned into dust bo\vl'i. Diving points of Informed ob3ervers 'special therapeutic experience' was ap-for a pas.'! in a friendly football game was · and .spoktsmen on topic& of the No wonder. Sitting around reading advice columns is enough lo ruin anyb0d9. - parcntly of dubious value. The man was and ~till Js like diving into e aack ol floUt. ®v. · 'in court tor a ~ar~g on four counts of Touri sts were dismayed by the ghoatllkt Robert-N lVeed ..Publish -grilnd "i'rctili' inl:r hree -o£J)ettY -rigmrsWandtl'i1'11ib01Jf th!' bea·ch:-----· · -• · · er '-------------' Jarocny. Now It seems tbc ••consttuaUoneets1 ' ' ' 1' I , 7 7 I \ OAILV 'ILCIT Ji. --eh-ine·se-Hav e Long-standin~©aim-s-Against=Russi . ..,_-_~-H· t•t"" '"4•: s~ ~b """" ftCittdly In ,.lflt '" ttlt .. \':"'"'~,rt."'t'11ow'r,..,_"re11 ~.:.Ti:~ :.._ ci.l!M to t.mi.rr 1111w "'"" ._, .. was tn the Soviet diplomatic dyn1sty govenvnent" In Cblna "By the Sino-Russian Iii durlni the Ila CUban miutle are obliged to dbct.w 1 little Aia:un ol 1158, tbt Treaty ot such queations as tJM>M et dictionary pobrwied in 1961 to sign the "Tahclten& protocol Treaty and the subsequent crisis, tben-SoYlet Premier of the b1Btory of lmperlalbt Tientstn of 1851, tie Treaty of Hong Kond -nd Macao rm.. under lbe edlt.otsblp of the on tht dellmitaUon of Sino-protocols on b 0 u 0 d a r y Nildta S. Khruschtv nqte in aggression against China. Peking ol 1*• the Treaty ol to the category or '"*Piii preatnl Soviet foreta:n a.... ... .:i .. ~" del'-'··Uon Ts rl a ,,_h before the Supn:me "lntheJOOyeU'SorlOprior Ill o( 1881, the Protocol of treaUes left over by"~-·. HONG KONG (UPI) - Communist China wanta the Soviet Union . to admJt that more than I00,000 square miJN. o( -nl Soviet ler· ii""1 .-tlolen •from ' -k •J!d belple!s China by the Rmaiu tsars ol old. minister, Andrei A. Gromyko. Russian ...,,....,,....,., uuUlll ' 1 st RussJa Sovfet(oec .. 7, 19112) tblt to the victory of the Cblnese Lisbon of 1881, the Treaty of treaties which the lm~ A Chinese foreign min1atry By virtue ol µits, the further lncorporited m 0 r e China had faUed to act to kick revolution, the tmperllllt and Shhnonoseki of 1"6, the Impelled on China. It ma1 be dOCUl1)eDt uld Gromyko's die-Chineae-'llkl,. "Tsirlat,Russia than 2S,OOO square miles of the British ~ of Honi·Kong cok>nlal powers -the United Convention for the Extension asked1 In.raiaiog queationa ot t-...,. "unequivocally ad-further annaed, more than ~':;~f = ~' ter-and the Portuguese out of St.ates, Britain, Fr an c e , of Hon~ Kong of 1•. the this kind, do Y.ou intend 'to mltled" that ""the Sin<>-200,000 1quare mUH ol. ter-Macao. T1111st Ruasla, Germany, lntmiabonal Protocol ol 1901, raise all the questklns of~ Russian treaty of Peking' is ritory in the weat:em, part of The lli area al~, la in '!be: Chinese dkl not reply to Japan, Italy, Au at r i 1 , etc. qua! treaties and have a an unequal treaty." China." 'J'b1s is in what now Is China's Slnldani rtgion and In thi11 publicly until March a, Belgium, the Netherlands, "By vh1ue of these unequal general settlement? Hu it ~This ii one of the key issues involved in border talks that opeoecj in Peking -~nday· ~tween vice foreign ministers Thi! treaty, signed on Nov. China's Slnki&iig tigioil, Site Sov_iet Kazakhstan. . 1983, wbtn an editorial in the Spain and Portugal ~carried t~aliea, they annexed Chinese ever entered your buds what 14, ll60, ls one of four major of ~r main auelear teJt site. The question of "unequal authorlllUve Commwlist Par~ out unbrklled a 1gi'es1 Ion territory in the north, south, the consequences would be?" treaties under which Tsarist The fourth major "unequal treaties" involving Rus.sll and ty newspaper, the Peking against China. east and wes t , .. " nae consequences w 1 r4' Rus11ia annexed Chinese ter-treaty" involved is the 1'Sino-China were brought up public-People's Daily, had this to "They comp e 11 e d the The editoria l accused the steady deterioration of thl J of.the two countries. ritory, China contend!. Russian Ill Treaty" which was ly for the first time by the aay : governments of old China to So\liet leaders of ''having pic k· Sino-Soviet border disputet ta According to . Cb In ea e "fon:ed" on the ChiDg dynasty Chinese in March 1163. "lnasmuc.b 11 aome persons sign a lar1e number of une-ed up a stone from a cessP.OOI" armed conflict and reunption ;The Chinese have said lhey do not expect the return of all thla lerritor)', 1cqulred by what tbty call ''unequal tn!:aties'" imposed on Imperial Chino. government s tat e m e n ts , on Feb. 24, 1181, according to Sensitive ,about Ch in a ' s have mentioned Taj w a n , qual trtaUes -the Treaty of by raising JUCb questions. or bQrdtr ta tu for the ftrst Tsarist Russia "forcibly in-Chinese documents. charges or a Soviet sellout Hong , KOOi and Macao, we Nanking of 1842, the Treaty of "You are not unaware that time in five~- corporaled tome I0,000 aquarel-------~--------------'-"----------------------------~----- mlle! of Chinese territory east lllJt U.. Chinese appear tq be adlmant in their insistence that U.. Russians admit the land OllCt belonged to Cbinl. The founder of the Soviet state. the l.l:te v. r. Lenin, not only admitted this but also "advoeated the annulment o( these unequal treaties," the Cllinese have d e c I a r e d rtpeatedly. of the Wusuli (Ussuri) River into Russia" by means of this treaty. Two years earlier, Chinese statements saJd, T 11 r is t Jfussia took advantqe of Anglo • French hosWiU.. agajmt China. J:tuss.ia "seil:ed the opportunity to compel the authorities of lbe Ching dynas- ly by force of arms to sign the Si.nl>Russian treaty ol Aigun on May 28, 1853, by which it · annexed more than 240,000 square miles of Chinese ter- ritory north of the Heilung (Amur) River and south ol the outer Khingan mountains." So, the Chinese said, has the Jal< Soviet dictator Josef Stalin and such communists as Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. According to the Chinese, a more up to date admisSion On Oct. 7, 1864, ''Tsarist Russia forced the C h i n g 3 Youths Face Ha pe Charges UKIAH (UPI) -Three victim was forced into an auto I YOW'll men were arrested by hfonday a.a she, her mother Mendocino County sheriff's and a male friend walked depuUes Tuesday on charges toward their car in a parking ol kidnap and rape in con-lot h -nd ~-nectJoo with an attack on a ere. 'ue min a i.uc "'-·-__.. grandmother WEn knocked ~··· Capt. Merle Howard said the down. THESE PEN.N.EY STORES -----· ...._ t_ WtLL .BE. O~EN_ ' . SU~DAY AFTE~NOONS 12 TO 5 P.M. I •AZUSA •BUENA PARK • • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY •EL MONTE • FUU!RTON • GARDEN GROVE •GLENDALE • HUNTINGTON BEACH •INGLEWOOD •LAKEWOOD •LONG BEACH •LOS ALTOS e' MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH •NORWALK • NORTH HOUYWOOD • SAN FERNANDO • SANTA MONICA •TORRANCE •VENTURA • WESTCHESTER • WEST COVINA • WHITTWOOD • WHITTIER DOWNS ----------------- ~ Wow to 'treat an egg .•. 1ovingly, pleasel It will curdle, crum ble, toughen, cry, turn leathery, lose Its delicate flavor, even darken your best aluminum pan unless it's treated with care, kindness and a little know how. Then what a perfect ro und-the-menu mate eggs make! They whip into snowy frostings, pouf up souffle;s. fluff up omelets, froth up ru111 nogs, stuff sand- wiches and stretch salads ••• make puddings creamier, sauces richer, add body to stuffings, lightness to cakes and the sunniest color to your breakfast plate. In fact they're Indispensable. Wan) to leam more about what's what with eggs? Put yours all in one basket and come to the Cook 'n Shop l • , ~pit ... with a wiie whisk for airy, frolhY lighlnesa. It'• those thin wire strands. {bopper mixing boWls givo egg wtiitea more ¥0.lume·than whites beaten In alumtn~ or stal nl~ steel bowls. Deloctablo topping for cakes and pies. Hero'•~ you .... -up lhooe egg whites (..-ty·cowred and rel11gerated). a.at Into snowy pealcl and slip Into ovon to toast ~po. ':fast a pinch ••. r6tilmary, blll~ chives, porsfoy, chervl~ . tarraQon, ............. .cun)' ••• prepared or grind your own. CJlakeit ... in earthenware custard cups, best for dellyerlng enough heat oo eggs coog- ulate but not too much to make custard 'WeflflY'• ' 'Dae French Chef OMELET PAN Weavy,enough for moderate, even heat. long handled lo ·keop In motion eaily for a oott, moiil omelel lhat'1 Just heavenly. ~cen quarter. •• crumbl9-lree --In allrn ot1-, llrm wedgolfor plc:uro lqok oallda, • oandwlcheo,' dOYiled eggs, hors d'oewra Plip it ... liR it ... sllr II, beal iL Spatulas, wooden spoons. ski mmers, ladles help you blend tho trickiest egg eauce. handle the sllpperlnt egg easily. (goddleit .. for 'just right' bolled eggs, covered ceramic Jars to cook and serve '" •.. racke d up to set in boUingwater. and then there's !!ggplant .. HUNTINGTON BE~CH AND NEWPOR_T BEACH ONLY! I • I ! ! . I • ELEGANCE IN FURS 2-:0.link J>a:<t<'l .Jackrls ........ orii;, 429.00 NOW ::!-i\l1nk :::itolC's ........................ rc>g. 188.00 NOW 1-r.!ink Cape ··-··-·-··········· ... orig. 2~9.00 ' NOW MENS SUITS · L 32t.to llt.ltO 1Jt.OO • lttduc-4 to C:lur -Teel•)"• l1tfft lu11ury f1llrlu. r1ncl• 11nd tolld1. L11te1t f111hlon celorL . S8 00 NOW • PENNCRAPT RIDE-ON MOWER 26" <•ttlnt ., .... -•• .-.. 1... ·199 00 One enly. •It· 31t.OI NOW • .. MAIN FLOOR LADIES 1'NKLE PANTS Aut. Styl" to. ltrlnh, le!J4a. 88 & 1 88 •trelght, fl°'• 1.,. I to 11-5 to IS. • • WOMENS FASHION HANDBAGS Vinyl ind b11k1t purMI. Dr11tlully rltductd. NOW .99 CALFGRAIN CLUTCH HANDBAGS Gre1t evening or daytlm• It.It•• Vinyl f11attlon colors. Orl9. 4.00 NOW 2.88 MEN'S SWEATERS Acrylon-Acryllc, link stitch Cardl911n1. 7 88 S·M·L·XL. In orang• only. Orig, 10.fl NOW • PAJAMAS AND GOWNS Pajama• and gowns. Full length f11ncy p11jam11 3 44 or full length gowns. Orl9. 4.00 NOW • ' MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Woven or knitted, In many 1tyl1s. lrok•n slie1 & colors. Orig. J.tM.fl NOW 2.88 9UILTE.D LOUNGING JUMPER ~ CUiotte with m11tchln1 lllouH. Bright colorful print. Orl9, 16.IO NOW 11.88 WOM£Ns~s1;1p CLEARANCE Full and half slip in f11hlon coler1. 1 88 2 88 Dltcentlnulcll styles. RNucM. NOW • • • I HOSIERY CLEARANCE e>'ds 'n Ends. Seamlus 1hHr1, hl9h fathlen-muh. Ail et one low ,,;.,, 3/ 1 00 Orig .. 65-1 .00 NOW • WOMENS COSTUME JEWELRY Pins, Mrrings, llracelats, necklaces aM rlnt• lnclullM. All dfastically reduced. GROUP I 3/1 00 Orl9. 1.00 o GllOUP 11 Ori. 2.DO .99 GIGANTIC FOUNDATION CLEARANCE Drastic recluctlon1 on many of t.r11s anl 9irdlt1. Stock up now ind s1Y1. GROUP .66 ?,ROUP 1.22 ~~OUP 1 .88 MEN'S NECKWEAR Stripes. 1olid11 all woven, under knota. 88 2 44 4 In h11nd . • to • GENTRY STYLED MEN'S SUITS Slim cut, university grad. 25 88 llua green and black. OrJ9, 50.00 NOW • WOMENS GROOVIE GHILLE New suede leather look. Handsome fleaallll1 oxfords. H•ndsome flex11bl1 oxfords. Compo1ition 4 88 sole 11nd hffl. Orl9, 6.tt NOW • WOMENS TAILORED OXFORDS Soft crush uppers. Comfort1ble un·lfned IMthff. 6 88 Gre11t fitting shoe. -Orig. t .ff HOW • MEN'S SPORT COATS Group 1 Av1il1ble In most 11Ja1. G'roup 2. Awall1ble In most sizes. 2.88-18.88 34.88-44.88 MENS CASUAL SANDALS Soft leathff uppers. Contour cushlen lnaole. 2 88 Cr•pe rulllMr out 1ole. Orl9. 4.ff NOW • MEN'S WALK SHORTS . lo1tc1s .. pl1id1 In P•nn Prest 1 88 3 88 Most 11z11. • t1 • MEN'S DRESS SLACKS 100% Wool 'n D•cr.n·woel blend. , 11hlon co.I ors 1.88 •• 1 o.88 LADIES FASHIONABLE SWEATERS Slipon •nll cardig•n 1tyl"' 7 88 Attt. colors. S-M·L. Orl1 t .00 ft 12.U NOW o I" the latnt look&. Pl11id1, ,rlntt and 1olld1. MEN'S HEAVYWEIGHT JACKm Nylon llnH, thirt 1tylt. L1te1t fa1h lon1, Orig. 12.11 /<OW 9.88 JUNIOR DRESS FASHIONS SoUds and prints. Sith 3·15. Orl9. 10.H DRESS VALUES PLUS NOW 6.88 Wool1, cotton• 1hd nylonl. Ml1H& ind Half 1fz ... Orl1. 12.tt 7.88 WOMEN IN WHITE GROUP I. Dllcontlnutd 1tyla1. lreken 11111. Orif. t.oo NOW s.88 ... DISCONTINUED BRIDAL FASHIONS 3-Empire A·Line gown~ ····--nrii;. :19.00 NOW 20.0I l-Lace ovrr Taffeta i;O\\'fl, •... ririg. 70.00 NOW 34.00 !-Satin A-Linc i;o,.vn .............. orig. 80.00 NOW 44.00 DELUXE MAG WHEELS Hurst, Creger, K1y1to111 CIOH 01i1t1. ONLY 15.00 RUGGED FlREHOSE JEANS Wnt1rn 1tylin9. Choo11 from Sell rel1111. Sl111 6-11. el{Citln9 uU4 colora. NOW 2.99 UPPER LEVEL FLY ME TO THE MOON A-I· 11 T -shlrtL l'trm•·Pr•L slae1 ... ,. Ori• 1.2f HOW .99 BOYS 100°/o POLYESTER KNIT SHIRTS Th• lat11t In stripe•. Machine wa1halll1, 2 44 loys' 1iz••· Orig. 3.JO NOW • PENN PREST WALK SHORTS A-1ortM plaid1 11nd styles. Polye1t1r and cottons lllend. Ori9. 3.50 NOW RUGGED BOYS WALK SHORTS Je11n m11terial. For th• tough boy. Solid colors. Ori9. 1.tt . NOW GIRLS PLA YWEAR GROUP Shorts, Tops. lloomer1. A11t. 1tyl1s & sizes. GIRLS EASY CARE DRESSES 2.99 .99 .25 In 1eason color1 & f11hlon1. As&t. sizes 3 to 14. 2.88-3.88 P~~·SCHOOJ. PANTS Solid colors. A11ortecf 11•1. £l111tlc waist. Orlt. 2.t l BOYS PA,,AMAS Short 1l1tvt, short 1111. Polyest1r blends-Orig. 1.11 GIRLS SLEEPWEAR P1nnPr11t@ In Pajamas, Gown1. Sizes 2""4·7-14 . BATHING SUITS Pr .. Khool siz .. 2 ... Auortwll pl11ids. DOUBLE DUO SUITS NOW 1.44 NOW 1.22 • 99 NOW .so Coodln1tad p1nt1 to match. The l1tt1t ttyling. Orig. 24.fS NOW 19.99 SOLID COLOR MATCHING SUITS Thrff llutton styllng. Sizes 14-11. 19 95 llu1-lron1t-Bl1ck. Orl9. 24.tS NOW • BOYS DACRON AND WOOL BLAZERS 14.99 Slngle lllru1ttd hopnck we•v1. 2 button stylln• Sizn 14-11. Orl1. 17.tl BOYS PENN PREST SUITS Solid colors. Tr•dltlontf stylln9. or11. 12.•1 BOYS CASUAL WALK SHORTS lox•r or Conv1ntlonal wal1t. Size 10-11. INFANTS PLAYWEAR Choose from Short•, Sunsult1. A1st. styles. NOW HANDY ELECTRIC SCISSORS £very 11am1trt1s should have a ,.1r. C•mpletely ••f• for chlldren. Orl9. 4.11 NOW 9.99 .so .25 3.88 DECORATOR LAMP CLEARANCE Choo•• from t•blt or h11ngln9 styln. Dtsl9n1 15 00 to flt 1ny llM.,.. 14 onl7. NOW • MINATURE PICTURES AND 'MIRRORS Mix or nwitch for w11ll 1roupln9. Gotd INf ernat1 fr1me1. NOW .so DECORATIVE FEATHER FLOWERS L.,., st.,.,,mtd. £xtr11 fluffy. Hyte color selection. Ori9. 1.0I· NOW .so PENCALE COTION SHEETS f'ltt911 Httom. FHm' mattr•••· 1 Deu•t• ltod tilt. 11 only. White only. NOW oOO 100°/o COTION TERRY CLOTH APRON NOW .88 VlvWly colored kitchen prints. 1"81 for tiff givin9. . Ori9. 1.00 GIFT BOXED KITCHEN SETS Attr1ctlvely 1rr1ngtd. 3 88 luy now for tM holld1y1. Orig. 4.50 NOW • LUXURIOUSL '( QUILTED BEDSRPEADS letW c.torf It floral prints. 9 00 T•ln., full 1111. Orig. IS.OO · lt.00 NOW • . EXTRA HEAVY BATH TOWELS UM% cott.n terry .. c9'th. frlnted krller. White with colerell emllroHl1ry. Orl9, 2.00 HOW 1.66 WESTERN PRINT CAFE CURTAINS Wnttrn ttrlnt cat• curt1in .. Mocha tirown or cMalt llllu1. 24 .,. W length. 77 NOW • !Nit w..,,,.,,.,, w ... mi.. '· 1169 •. t: N l<I P/LOT-AOVERTIS£R I • ~-­• OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL '9:30 FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE NEWPORT BEACH FASHION ISLAND LIGHT FIXTURES M1ny ltyln PrkM rltht. ,,..,, llvlnt '""' t1 tht kltchM. ••It· 6.fl NOW 3.88 3 H.P. REEL MOWER ....... " ,,_, • .,_, ... , ,,...ii.. 88 00 2 enly, .,,. 12t.ts NOW • FALL YARDAGE CLEARANCE 'rlnh 1M Mlld1 -1port1 or llrHt)' cott .... •cryllu ., wool 111.ndL .77 1 .66 2.44 Grev, I -II Grovp Ill LOWER LEVEL 90" TRAD. SOFA-OUYE GREEN Oii•• ,,.... on,. •7'.lt NOW 269.00 84" MEDIT. SOFA-RED PRINT .... prlflt. 366 00 Orlt. •2'.00 NOW • B7" CONTEMP. SOFA-VELVET WHITE Velvet whit._ 320 00 Orlt. 3ff.tt NOW o 90" MEDIT. SOPA-BLUE PRINT llue ,..mt. 0.11. 2ff.OO NOW 199 .oo 94" TRAD. SOFA-GOLD Gold. 166.00 Orlt· 239.00 NOW MATCHING CHAIR-GOLD Gold. 0.11• 1.,,,. •. Now •. 1 19.00 ' COLONIAL LIGHT Fll_CTURES Or•lt'k1lly rMuctlf. llHlltlty. T• en~nc• }'•Uf' ... ..,. LIMltM od 1. 6.tl NOW 7.88 3'12 H.P. ROTARY MOWER ''"ncr1ft Char llrlv., lnchtll• utchtr. 119 88 On1 enly. erl• 144.tS NOW • FlOOR SAMPLIS-SHOTGUNS & RlfLES I. Foremost® Slide Action 12 Ge, 20 Ge. 06q. 64.99 ........... NOW 4'.11 2. Winche1ter Mol. 70 30.06 Bolt Action Orig. 149 .95 ................ NOW 129.95 3. P1rktr Hilt 30.06 Or;q , 149.95 ........ .NOW 129.95 CAMERA DEPT. KODAK M18 MOVIE CAMERA Orio. ..... NOW 39.88 ARGUS MOVIE CAMERA Zoom len1. Auto. lxpoeure Centre!. Orlt. 72.11 HOW KODAK S·lO INSTAMATIC Sllm Line Design. Cartridge LNd. Orig. 21 -11 NOW POLAROID BIG SWINGER 59.95 17.95 I & W Plctuf'91 In IS MC. 9 88 luilt In fl1sh. Orl1. 11.11 NOW • TASCO SPOTIING SCOPE 20mm to 6Gmm Zoom. Tripod lncl~ed. Orig. 59.fS " NOW 45.00 PHOTO ALBUMS ,., 3Yad '''"''" 2 49 Pl•1tlc: U~ Pit... Orlt• 3.U NOW • PENNEY'S TOOTH_ PASTE __ 11_,V'-"'IEW..,_,_MASTER HO~~ TliEATER Es.tr• Whit. er ,luttlll1. 2 Ilg 5 oz. TuMa. Orlt .• 44 5 PC. COOKWARE SET In C1pper .,. Flam• T•flon cHtoll. Ori• 1t.n 4 QT. DUTCH OVEN NOW NOW .22 14.88 Teflon cH .... ~1My Sis._ NOW 3.22 . CARPET SAMPW 1.88 .88 SCANDIA SHAG AREA RUGS 100% R•yon pile Sise 27"..ii"', Orl1 '·" NOW 3.88 1 B CU. FT. SIDE BY SIDE ''°'' fr.._ lU-Jti. Fr11zer capacity. Orlt-42t.f5 HOW 18 CU. FT. SIDE BY SIDE ,r11t·frM. 223-lb. fr11z•r cap.1clty with •utom•tlc let mekor. erl• 4't.tS NOW 23" COLOR TV ln1t•nt-On. Molllt1rr1nHn, Motlarn or M1ple. Jltt, 4ff,IO NOW COLOR STEREO THEATRE 23" picture. 71 w1tts puk power. Orig. 7tt.OO NOW 374.00 418.00 477.00 699.00 PENNCREST SEWING MACHINE Od1. 14.H NOW 79.88 BOYS & GIRLS PRE SCHOOL TOYS 0•11• 1.11 NOW 1.22 M1ny. Many To Chooa• Fr9fft, PRE SCHOOL TOYS fer loys & Glrla. 66 Ori• .II NOW • BOY'S STEERING WHEEL BIKE With Dr•t lreku. 111 20'' wh1tl1. Orio. 54.41 NOW 39.88 BABY SMALL WALK DOLL ;uahn Het lwo 0 t1r ' ..... All I J tfwtelf. 3.99 PRESIDENTIAL ALUMINUM SHAFT NOW 6S.88 PNtWofttl1f. Alumln""' tl'laft. i WM1111t I lr.na. OrJt. 11f.ff NORTHWESTERN PUmR ,.,._,.. .. """" 1"· 6 88 'I.._,..," t'-I 1Mft. Orlf. I." NOW • GARY PLAYER GOLF SET WoMtrthlft. flMrtlu shift. S,t of J WMlla. I Irena. Orl9. 7t.tl NOW 62.88 GARY PLAYER WOODS SET W9MiW"lh•ft· flMrtle1 th.tft. Set .t J w9111s Orl9. 27.6J NOW 18.88 "GENE SARAZEN" GOLF SET NOW 62.88 Wllaon Delua• ''"' theft. ;) wooda, I INna. Orl9. 74.11 lnclud• Vher & Pr•J· 9 88 15 Full C•lor RMI•. Ori1. 11 .ts NOW • MEN'S CARRY ON LUGGAGE Famou1 lran4 N811Mlo Grey & Ollv1. 0,1,. U.00 NOW 24.88 LUGGAGE CLOSE-OUT ,amous lr•MI N1mN. C11m1tlc or 2T .. WMlc9ftlll. Orl1. 35.00 NOW 24.88 AUTO CENTER FANBELTS ly the hundreds. All flr•t quality. Ori1. I.It NOW ELECTRICAL SWITCHES Connectors •11111 ·wire Prlc~ .t• clur DELUXE CAR HEAD 'REST ,,..,.,,t whip l1sh, PlrfMt for 1 g Ut I NOW 3 ~1.00 4/1.00 2.50 ··- DUNE BUGGY STEERING WHEELS Plo1tlc with chrome frarne In celor1. Wa don't want thtl'l'il~ A ml b.lr11ln If you del . 3 00 Orig. f .ts NOW • ' ALTERNATOR GENERATOR TISTER Pl'9f ... 1on1I 11u1llty. • Priced to cle1r 9 .OO _ ONE ONLY CAR REVERB UNIT Jt••r ffteu:nt with .,..k•r Prlctd to clear LOCKING GAS CAPS Chrome 'lnl1h. For most cars. AUTOMOBILE MUFFLERS a.oo .so For Most 4 88 American Cars. • each ALUMINUM VALVE COVERS ' I ,or fords •IMI ChnyL Priced t1 clear. Orl1. J4.fS NOW 20.00; TAIL PIPES Your Choice Whitt they la1t. NO W 2.00 ' CONVERTIBLE TOPS ,.,;, 1nll Chwy1. Vlnyl 1111 wllHlowa. HOW VALVE COVER WING BOLTS Chrome. Wing Nib Set ef f.ur. NOW 20.00 1.00 WOOD PANELING FOR CARS Sets mMla lly PIP. D ..... Uft ytur C8rl NOW .so·1 •• RUBBER OR PLASTIC CAR MATS Drott llft the C8r, 1 00 i SHo tho ••I· 1-NOW • DELUXE BELL HELMETS P"ent11tk value fer tM trill rlftr Ori• J7.0o NOW MOTORCYCLE TACHOMETER 2 cylinder, 2 cycle. llectrlc. Sheck-r11l1t1nt. a.;ucod to clear, ~ 12.88 i 9.00 .: PENNEYS NEWPORT BEACH ONLY • • • Like It ••• Charge " Ill ------- I ~I 7 • + t 1 7 \ ' • l, ~osta-Besa I• * *·. VOi:. 62, N0.·265, 6 SECTIONS, 841PAGES '. . ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . W~DNESr> ... 'Y: 'NOVEMBER , s; · l 9"69' -.. -' ' r • ' . ' Schoo IS Seek 3-year . .:... . --. -~ -: . .. :Fall out . Shelters Bomb No One Wants 1hem, Says Mesa CD Chief By JANICE BERMAN ·• Of .. o.ltr Pllilt I• -:Remember the Cuban missile crisis in l982? Remember the Hungarian RevOlu- Uon in 1956? Remember the fallout ""'tter! I . - · Chances are you remember all three. But dimly. And your memory of the first lwo is one of the main rea.90ns you hardly liur anything about the third. Richard T. "Tom" Knight, assistant director of Civil Defense !or the 'City of COsta Mesa, says public inte~ in faUOut proteclion declines· in direct pro- pOrt.ion to the degree or alann about the possiblli~y of nuclear wa~. -And right now, even with a shooting war~.in... Vietnam, lhe public thinks the thancuof 1 bot war at home are dim. "What has bap!)ened here in Costa ~fesa.," says Knight, "Is the same thing that'.s happened to the whole Civil Defense program. "fn 11162 there was a Jot of hustle becilil.se of the Cuban missile crisis. In U151: there wa5 the Hungarian Revolt. · People were definitely interested because It .was in the news." ·aut tbQay, wit~ the missiles ou( or Cu~a an;d the Hungarian episode a trai:edy ol the past. nuclear attack "ls a lhing (the public) thinks is nevcr•oin& to llap_pen," Knlghl said. , S<i for local Civil Defense, the>emphasis II elaelJbOtt. '1 atrlv.e along the lines of natural. rather than nuclear, dlsa~," said Khi&ht. "In preparing for natural disaster, you are preparing for a nuclear fiSa!ter. ~Except, of,-course,....for-fallou lbelters.~' 4 ,,P'°l!I" In. Southern Calllo~ caii go IJO!!g WI~_ the natural disaster ""1ne 1n tlie. jieHodlc cour1es In ~lcal'iell'11elp 6/rered by the c~y. Knight nld. :••we 4o hive natural disasters. Earth- DAILY I'll.OT Sltff l'ti.i. KEEPlNG 'DEF~NSE CIVIL Cuti' Mn•'• Knight qu$es, Ooods and mudsli4eli." He added that the recent• guccession or fure~emocs wiU,.i_g_ ~~ce ·or less;~ i week has stimulated public interest In disa ster prepa~ness. "Some pOOple think we're in for a big quake," .. 1d·t(ajght! During his 16-hour. six-week course, ) Knight covers emergency first aid pro- Sniffer.s Snagged Girls Get Hig1i on A'-erosol Can A pair of JS.year-old girls were ar- r~ted Tue!diy by a Costa Mesa police lieutem.nl, while they sat on a street · 1 r getUna: atoned by sniffing fumes an aerosol can of antiseptic. e heard about it at school," the lnto:ticated youngsters told Lt. Glenn Walktt, who was driving by Santa Jsa- bel' aitd Orange avenues when he spotted them. Invettigators said both girl~ we~ lntoxlcaJ.ed, irrational and had the anli- aeptk: 0., their breaths. Tbey alao confessed to shoplifting one can each from a nearby market before sampttng tbe compound in a way that national drug authorlUes warn is ex- tremely dangerous. A wave of deaths among young people has occurred this year lhroogh inhala- tion of aerosol compounds-no matter what is in the can-and it is still puzzling to understand what kills them. Some have died of frozen lungs, while others have apparently succumbed to ;almost instant brain damage as a result of ·aer0So1 siiiffing. '.American's Son Seized, Shot to Death in Brazil SAO PAULO, Braz.il (AP)-The son <>f -,n Americin u:ecutive in Brazil was 1Qcina]>ed aod llhol, lo death duplte the Jiayment of a $12,500 ransom, police and consular officials Did today. · Tht youth:f body· was found on a fann ~rlington Drive Work Delay OK'd ln A -small C1>mmunlty near this Indus- trial city early today. The yooth, Pat- rici Dolan, 18, had been miaslng since last 'lburlday. He was · the son of R1ch- ard" J . Dolan, vice president of Swill and Co. or Brull. . P,olice ·and the fami ly had lcept lhe abductlm .. a secret for fear the youth mfilit be killed. The family paid the ramom .demabdtd. ,. Tbe brtltr1n the caSt came Tuaday niP,t wltb 1fie arrest of a young 1W1pect Who .;!_U ft acquaintance of young J>o. Jao'I ~lice r<ported. They uld the boy toltC j!ollot where the body could be f09pd., ' A delay of a few days !n completion of. A · atarch,..wu on for the: other kid· widehing and resurfacing of Arlington napers. Police sources said one of the Drive was approved by the Costa Mesa rnen being aought is the father of the City COuncll Monday. youtb uf!Cier arrest. • 1 , These IOUrce!I aald there was no con- The dellwtJ ol 10me equipment needed nectioo ·between tbe Jddr.aping and a tOfini1ll the }Ob has been delayed;-~wate-of terrori!m and violence, ame tilmen noted. of it directed at Americans, that has George P.1adse:n city efllineer and gripped Brazil for more than a year. ~ ' U.S. _Ambassador C. purke Elbrlck ~ of publk works, explained the was ~ped in September, and the Jlt_est slowup In lhe often-delayed pro-leading ;American diplomat In the inllnd iflm to councilmen. capi~ el. Brullil, Stephen Low, bu u... · 'th . k . Jn I · nceivod death threats. ~·Mmg WI paperwor VO v1ng u s --·lat -Ul...J 1-• th' Ind , • , , • .,VI.... Ull.1\:18.l:J 10 IS U,_. tf\ree Jand-<1wrung age.nCH!:I the wkJening trial city of 1lx: million have also received pl'bject has been held up by bad weather, caJIJ and letters threatening lheir lives. 1triiea and unav11lablllly d materials ~ince last year. Originally part ol the Sanll Ana Armr Air Base, lhe lraff.k: l\nk between F'airvlew Road and Newport Boulevard stnra tht.te achoo! campuses and Te \Vinkle Park. Steele ltl•rlcets· . NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market continued to edge upward In moderate tradln& tbia attetnoon. with gain• m1in- taining a better than 30().luue lead over losses. (Set quot1tions, Pajes 23·29). I I I • Senate Co111mittee Delays Hearings On Vietnam War WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senate Foreign Relations Committee decided to- day lo put off again a planned series of publi...: hearings on lhe Vietnam War in or<!er to avoid the possibility of innaming ''the public mind." Chairman J. William Fulbright (D- Ark.), who had said Tuesday he would t eschcdule "educational hearings" on Vietnam that had ~n postponed pending President Nixon's Monday speech on the war, said the committee felt public bear· ings at this lime might ·•contribu te to the lnnammation of the public mind ." . "'The committee didn't want to do anything at this stage that might be in- terpreted as antagonistic" he said. "We want to be responsible and careful." He also said that when the hearings are set up -he did not say when they would start -the initial sessions would not be open t.' the public. Fulbright said Secretary of State Wiiiiam P. Rogr.rs and Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird would be invited to testify in execuUve session -rather than in ar. open meeting. ' He said open bearings might be scheduled after that. Robbing Hood Steals SchO(Jl Bow, Arrows Costa Mesa Police art huntin g an archer-enemy of law and order today, but it .isrl't.Robin Hood,· . Sorheorie l(Jjo ' apparenUy· unlocked a dqor' at a Hi~ d&nce and returned loter· loolod the Coeta MeBa Htp SchOol gym of '6 arry~11 agd eight. b0w11 worth . •tit, authotities Jeimed Tuesday. 'Music M. ' ·an Wins Battle. Coun-c~ V psets · P4inners':· l_liifing : ~ii. Teacher · ' Slrike up the band, because Rene J . d•Yf"aso really helped," Aaid :Bre~, nOn-ftiited~Pmofi thchlni a yriuilpter Bregouo ia back in ·hllsines~. .., didn't hav.e an_ylhini lo & wi(b JV music at home. . The Costa Mesa City Council has voted The atory told bow the PlaMinl C<Jm.. Where do you dr1w· tbt llhe? .. ,W1s·hi11 lo allow the part-lime NASA space pro-mf.!&ion,)lstenod \o complal$ orprnlod otlument. · , • pulston rcae:atch acientllt to te1eh violin )l;y'~one toouple,1 u.eft·~ Brep.o'1 10•Aoc1·Jt~1chlkt1i lt~ie and piano in his home. appHcaijon1en.an1appee1 .after.taktnc the aomethtng besklel don.,.\Jtdlein(r ftt I The victory for Bregou.o. ~Sherwood aame actton _.·beforei A cbanle," he added, drawtna 1 round ol St., was unanhnous ~onaey and ·The'-piannli)f dlpirttnen( ltlff-:-}tietr-a~mc. • ... J ~ '"" ·- overturned two earlier planning com-'h8'1·~merlfled •J>P.'9Val. . Wl(y WOOld a1an1n.concentrM Oh such mission recommendations that the zone Bregouo even olfericl to IOUnCtproof hi.a df\'erae fleldJ as ·aerospace ttse1rch ind exception pennit be denied. Jtudic, ror -lhe Weo.'day eveninJ_ Joel iriliilC? . • · • " · No one-showed up-urpro1es1-erqono·1-daJ!lm• Sifunt11-ij they dlaturb. Siiiiple, 11y1 .....-. thej er•n'Mtlll pennit, while force was added to his plea ed anyone., bUt commls.sloners were .Viet dlvlfH. · by a pro-music Instruction pe~Uon car-in their votb\I. "One . or the !Inell voiunlet wrtlten ry ing 375 signatures, plus a delegation of-Such permill are oftefi reierved for about music la b)'J1n RCA eqi~''•he fering personal support. h1ndlcapped perllOnl, while ~·1 exolalna~ oatml thlt malbtrrt.atlcl 11 a Students and teachers from the home occupation ii more an avocation tcience. ls buic to eldl. . . Newport-.Mesa Unified School District than• prpfesakm, aince he i1· allO a ·1pece , ''I can 1bo·repalr my own 1ttreo 1nd w~re present to boost Brego'tio't splrlt.s, researcher. TV," he noted. .. . • 1 11ince he also devotes free time helping Councllm•n George A. TUcker alto "lt'a all in the frequency 3pectrum,"i bRnd ;ind orchestra members. . leaped to Breaoz1.0'1 defe11se-by say'ina · Breaouo l<lded, and he ccrtalr:icy ought ''Th e article in the DAILY PILOT' tG there is UiU<i difference in 1 paren( or 1 t.o know. • ( • _·Telay'rft•••llllr---1 N. Y • St.oelul TEN CENTS 7%1nterest . '-· . --• • 'New .Lillllt • • For Bonds · •, Oraage Coast Wea~er ThOee low ckHJlts might be for \ real1 the' weatherman warns. elf.. 11111 a chance ol ahowm tonight and coatillued Cool temperaturea along the Orange Cout Thunday. t INSmE · TOD.\ Y ' i Two new ihowc, -a net a fttto 1klr of.an old OH -will~ on ..... w.-.... l< .. 14 .. -<>moo• Coo..t ore« tfGQfa. Set flitattf' Note1 in todc11'1 entertcrinmcwC nction, Paga 12.JJ. --.... C....-It • ............ • c ... r:--• JfMlteel' ..... .. c........,.'l"" .. ..., ..... c-., 1t c-lct JI l'tA • c.......... • lmtl...., • I o.911 ....... Jf ...,... ... ...,.. .... . '=~ -· ................ I ''*"""' .... T ft -• =.=i.... -•• UMwt • ' MMIMll • ...... • II\# "' "'"'" ,. --~ .. M9tfllllt 1t ..,_,. ......... j I • ~ "•' :DAILY-Pllo01' ....... W 1.." """' MIGRATING DUCKS 'TAKI TO THI AIR OVER WATIRS OF U""ER NIWPORT BAY c,,... del Mir W°"'•~ Siyo ·s.m-1 lo looting tho Orum for O..n Cl~bo . Dru111s Up_. Du~ks Can Bea.t.er Scored in CdM By JORN VALTERZA City Altome)' Tully Seymour to aee li tbe °' • 'N&Jf ,. .... twt cicy hu Jurl&dicUon. /ut Impromptu ptrculli9flilt 1' h o Seymour said thia morning thal the city p¢onned before 1 ~ tallr of Up-hasn 1l, unleas a can-banger tries to &boot per Newpqrt Bay ~ Jovert aot I rot· tht ducks after he makes them fly. ten review Tuesday il1&ht by a Corona del Harbor Department spokesmen said Mai' woman who dislikes more than Juat the 1ame thiJ!i. his mlJ.lic. . "~tinl on cans to make ducks fly 11te tin can he was ban&inl on and the Isn't 1 crime. We almost nailed a doe at hi& oide dlcin't help the porrorm· photosrapher who oho! a aun to make •nee at all, Mrs. Beatrice Lon&1ey,· 213 them fiy. Now that's sometbl& wt can Moiniiw: ~yon Jloa4, said. · prosecute,'' Harbor ma!ler Al Obtrf And, lur1bermore, it'a 1 dirty trick oD saJd, the mlar•tini duct&. Unusual as the compla.int may bt, it In a letter to city councilmen (the let· bn't. enUrtly new. t.eT wu'referred for ecilon by parks com-Spokesmen for tht state Dtpartrrient of mi!lfonm TUesday) Mn.· Lonlley com• Fish and Game &a'/ they receive several plained ~at tht unidentified can-bln1er similar complaints taclt duck season. was cbtlin& ~µckl ftom their. rtiUnc "Wi've htard thi! befor.e and I'm surt place on the bay .. they milhl !ly _Into It happW.""ooe w.,.ien ·~· . ' ' . the li&bts of acatttraumttts wakloC 1n •1But lf We Investigate, all we Can do 'is bunUna clubs nearby. . . assume w'n.J!. "J'htre·s no proof." . Referrin& to the doJtns of v1s1tor,s to Ht described the cap-banging questipn the aiu oo the guided lllur, Mn. ~ley · !See DUCKS, Pale ZI WI~~;·~-~ llt'Jlle~., a "IOiijli nur!O crack:"'~~-­ beoljnl u;, J,up eau lci~b ~ d!l!ill . 'If .,,; W.re 1c· ask !he ru1<Arflat ·he'• '° himlers at the IW1 clubi could ~. doing,, he'll say he jll!t w...., ie,• 111• !hem._ _ __,_ _ _ _ web fiy. How can you prove he'a dnv· "If this area ls in part or the city, then Ing them to a run club ?" we shou:Jd do all we can to ~ what The clubs exist, all right. Utile of n1ture we have JerL" . , lhm are. four or ll)em as lhe er!')" ~ P»,rki, · -"'lpSl'iieri ' ~l\'td' the· it', fuck -4, llies an>Und upper ~'of me~ '!lill lncf«hilaus ~. the. 'bay, · ":V9'1~1n, thert'wQ'ecme i~ down onty one has a phone. fJ1ere butinl an a ti.it .e1h1" alYd Com· A woman arill'eting calls at the Sprioa: ml-Davl.d S. TltiCltr. Duck Clu~ 236.\S. Main SI .. uid neelly, Olber · --.. ihook lha lr "!'Ye 'ntvtr, ever beard ol anylhln& Uke- h,..i&.lllln tltcidld 1" rt!et \lie matter 14 THAT befort." Newport Builder Jtea~hes ' ' 'Dead End' 011 Sign Plea A Newport Beach builder hu faUtd to· win approval from !he C..ta Mesa City Council to erect two 1ittle alp ad· verUsing a '2 million apartment complex. The ai&na would be on public right-of· WIY land. William Lyons, of Lyons and Cashion Build~. ltl7 WestcUlf Drive, said there Blmpl7 isn't .any ·gbod private land to uae for the ads at Fairview Ro.ad and OfUNOI c,fauY Ml. tlMIMt dMl'AN'I l•Htf N. Wtff '""'""' .............. Jull I . c..4"' Vlel ,., • ...,. .,.. Gffltftl M""'r TJIMlt JC11Yi1 .... llltlllff A. W.1,1tl111 -·-__ .,.. ?ioferrimae \Vay. Ttl~ project -123 unit1 wilh only nine rMted -ls it1 the 400 block or Merrimac 'w3y, \vhere few pe<iple, but commuting Orange Coast College students noUct it. Surrounding land includes the Orange County Fair Grounds, the OCC campus. Fairview State Hospital property and Costa Mesa High SchooJ. City officials said the problem Is that ordinances prohibit posUng such siins in rlght.oJ'.way property. Councilmen sympathized. but City At· torney Roy June saJd it would be a viola· lion to give Lyons their blessine to ad vertbe on public property. "He's tryina to lea:allU whit everyone else is just doin&," observed Councilman \\'illiam L. St. Clair. "If you put them up, wel'll t!ar them do"·n, 10 betttr make them paper," be q1uppec1. ··rrn concerned th•t \\'f:'rt setting a rei1 precedent," Councilman Willard T. Jordan said. JJD Witt t.., St1 .. 1 M111f"I ~ ,,O;I• llliO, tltll --....,..,...,.1mt ........... ~ "Our hands art ·pretty well tied," said · 1 ~fayor Alvin L. Pinkley 1s Lyons ' requfft \\'Is unenimously denied . ~ ...,_,,. PMll li....ut """"""" ...... ; ........... ••• 2 .... ,.,,.,......,. • !!'-~--.::::: ...:l.~ft'!tw ti. --'!!ii!!!!i!.o ......... -w -·-----· --*"~~ ........... :.:r.~-..·.i:~"'i.t ....,. ........... ,..... ... "I iuess t should say 'thank you.'," the bull~r said 11 he left. 1 ~00. Countians Wire Pre1i.dent CJrance CotJnty rtsldtnts diS:patcbed more Uwr I.JOO telqrama to Pnsidenl Nl•on by mlilnl&!>~ Tuesday I• the l"•k• <f bis Monday night natlonwldt addms Cl't Vietnlm wit policy. • , • · 1 The total wu 1vet11ed out by John Ste venson, a51l1tant n\anapr ot the Wealml Union telecrapl\ oUlce in Santa ~na arter a poll or other Oranp County offices. School Finance Programs Slated In Harbor Area Concttntd about recondllng your burdtn&Ome school tu bill with a desire to do the right thlng by school chJldren? Maybe then you're interested in learn· ing something about school finince which "rill be discussed by JeadJng authoriUes in four proirama put on by Newport-Mesa Unllied School District. All of the school diStrict staff has befn invited to the programs ~'hich also are open to the public. But they are in Uie aftmioon. If enough. person! call in indicating their interest the speakers will be &cheduled .for eve~ng appearances the same :.dat.ea, .IChool· Budget · Director Walt.tr Adrian said. In the first vram, Nov . 13, Dr. Wallace rttuekler. 'associate dean for ad· n;ilii ~tr·. on afusc. will apeak on "An OVel'View of Financing Public · Educa- tion." , Nov. 20 State Department of Education Field Repre.!tntative Milton Hood will talk lh<!\11 "The Slate lo Support ot P'Jbllc School!." Dec. 4 Dr. Paul Lawrerice, rtgionat asgfstanf commissioner for the U.S. or. llct of Education, will apeak on "l'edtrat Sourcts iia Public Sch<iol support." "Locl!l · Taxea -Can They be Dependended on to Support SC.hoots?" will be I.ht topic Dec. 11 of Dr. Che1ter' Gilpin, associate secretary of the California 'teachera AsBoclaUOn. for· ~u~rn .Califqrnla. . Peraon1 intttuted In atl.tndlng the pro. arame •hould' contact Adrian'• otr\ce 11 Kl-tUIO. Ptoerama wlll be 3,30 to 5,30 p.m. In the Little 'Illeiater at c.orona del Mar High School. Harbor Masters Meet n1 Newport California's harbor masters will ga thtr at the Newporter IM next week to t•lk about water pollution and boating 1afety. The three-clay convention, starting ne1t \\'edntsday, i3 sponsortd by lhe State Asaoclatlon of Harbor Masters and Port captains. Association president U E. A. "SaJ'ldy" Sandling, Irvine Company n1 ana1er of marinas. 11e 11id the keynote speaker for the conftrence will bt R~bert Walker, dirf:c- tor of the s11tt Depattment of H1rbors and Water Craft. He wi )I talk on Nov. 13 on the same day, Lachlan Richards, marine 'con- su ltant and leglslalive advbcate. wi ll report on boatlng ltgislallve activity in Sacramento . Among other speakers the following day "'ill be Orangt County· Harbormaster Al Oberg. Mesa Crime Unit Selection Slated Stlect.ion of membtr11 for Colita ~fes•'s new ' Crime Preventlon Committee will be:1ln liter this month-:--11soon11 citizens from all art1111 of, the city apply. No one from two amot11 six dlstriclt i~ "'hlch the community ill dl\1ded has a~ plltd. Mayor Alvin L. Pln)l:ley revtated Tuesday. And the app11c;t1on j>triod will be extended another 10 ctays. Dl1trlct1 lacking 1ppUc1nts are No. i ; soutli of the C:O.ta Mesa Gou and Country Club and west of Ha-rbor Boulevard, •ncl Ko. I. north Of ihe San D1tco Freeway ilnd east of Bristol Stmt. • , I ~ . ~ . . County Superviaor1 Vote 4·1 for .~tfn~~n , By TOM BARLEY tiQ!l had bef~·Utled by lhe Local AC..,. w~."-<k<\I tr,~-<llUncilman Dte,C..I .. "" '"" ""' '"" cle1 Famt•llon Ci>mmi11)on (LAfC) and ol .I:l .•·Y po !I· 'ltach wbo wl1Pllt4 The Orange ' C.Unty Boud· of Super. was also support~. by "severa\ <J;•-.• a"'*"!ltOra . lhl! 1llitao!u!Jon .. of , ftls vil!Ot'I after a lenetJ!y hearin& of P1'0I County Ji:gl11Lator!. • 1 dtiti'!Ct, a.s ur1ed 'bf':tb$ OiWo COlmtJ and ~. late today vottd t to 1 to rt-"No 61'1~ seems to know whO !eally J1 In dlvblo~ of the .cawo~ µ:~ ·al I.I th 0 g. Co ,. Har~-Di•tri· •1 char~e ot-provldlna .J>lrks and recreation CILlea, 'would achieve ibaolute:ly no!l>Jiti n e ran unv . LIUI. " • or harbora in the county '' Creeo said. "S aki la nd Supervisor Da vid Baker ca st Uie di11· "Does the. harbor diatrict also build "'ho~ i:n~b' '=~!t ~00: senUng ballot. aft h parka? Or 11 there a parka department in dlstnct I want to tall Y,ou that I lib UM . Board action camt . er I e super-county aovemment?" way It 'operates ., CooJr,1aalcf , ~ -;· V1aor1 heard lenathy testimony b:<>th for Green uried supervisors to Im-., . ' : • . and aaalnst the much debated d1strlcL mediately call an election "so that lhl,I .., ~ done by .this diltrict JJ In three "."'eeks, supervltors ruled, they confusion cin best be cleared in the \~ clea!'.anct obvious to'1he peejM-.-srMI w_oul~ consider a . name chan.1e for the debate which would precede such an elec-I hke this con:cept of go\•emment 111 -' d1str1ct and posSJble expansion of the tion .. glass house. thl! lay board between mtJ distr!cl's role. . A~semblyman John Briggs ( R • and ~? professional opera_tors of govtrfl' P~1or. to th~ vote , suptrv1sor.s....heard Fullerton) backed Green's argument and ment, Cook added, ti;stu.nony calling for retention of the reminded supervisors that it "you Cook. whose ci.ty ls opposed to dissol0< d1str1ct and a plea from the Huntin1ton genUemen turn a deal ear to the lt1gue'a lion, challenged Ole Lea1ue of CititJ Beach mayor ~o call for a vote of the plea than 1 am committed to put the argument-that the"harbor distriet' setvt! people on the issue. iuue to the legislature in Januar)'. , only the coastal ¢.ammunWes" and ii 'Cl Carl Kym la of Newport Beach urged "We do not lite (in Sacraroento) to . Deneflt only ~ ·~ rtlion. . ·. the board to. a~pt his Orange COunty resolve local quell'llons. We do not, like to "lt.s operatlOM, ·J'S f see tnem, bent~I ~cast Assoc1ah~n ~ suggestl.~?s for a choolle up sides. That is why I am here to m all," Cook said. "J am op~ to tt.1 ne\~ h1rbo.r dtslrict Image · the ~I· urte you to let the peoi>le decide this dlS$0lution and I l.m equally opposed ~o · pans1on of 1t.s board from Jive to .rnne issue ," Briggs said. • the calling of an election to determine tlie members, the calling of mont~ly press Kymla 'a plea for retaining the dlltrlct district's flte.u t ' conferences. open meetings for d1scuulon · . t1f controversial topics and the mote fre· quent issue of reports by the dJstrict. "Our greatest problem, as I see it, has been a tommunicaUon gap," Kymla sai d. "The public has never really known the vital role perlonned by the district-and would aaree, if we could get our argu· ment across, that aboliUon of the di.strict woul d serve no useful purpose." Ttie board 's suppart for setting of an election on the dissolution proposal was urged by Mayor Jack Green of Hun· tington Beach, currenUy president of the County League of Cities chapter. Green told supervisors. that IS or Orange County's 25 cities representina more lhan 640,000 residents -were in favor of dissolution or election. .\ "We believe the taxpayer should have the opportunity to express himself on the harb9r district question," Green said. "Let us lay this matter to rest apd get on With the business of providlng the best parks and recreation to the county at a minimum of cost." Green reminded the board that di!solu· City Councilmen Mark Unity Week Unity Week -higllllghled by Vet.erans nay and Prayer Sunday -has been pro- claimed by the Costa Mesa City Council at the requellt of a group of Harbor Area youngsters. The observance will be Nov. 9 through 18, and ha& hem organh:ed to celebrate American freedoms and e1press con- fidtnce in the u.~ form of govern~t.~ l'!ilfWl111~ IOcl\I c~ltmll!l Ill< the Colnmllte. roi: a We:ek or MaPoiill llnilY. represented the Costa M'es'a ~ ~la High School students before the city council. Mesa Street ~eve"'?pment . . Plan Delayed by Ciounc_i~ .A public hearing on future: plans for plan for fu.rur!development of -~ 11treet •r•Iopment ln a secUon of north· Ilea west of ~rona def Mar.Frttttwr;, eu1 CQflil Mesa h" been delayei! pend· and is houn ... ~y Bak«1 SI. CJalr ~ inc a .tij(imung department nport re. Bri11tol Streets. · · qut.Sted b'Y ~ city council. The acUon came Monday night when the owners of the largest parcel tnvolved , •.s acres~'"asked for a rtZoning for high- dtnalty apartments jn n:turn for dedjca· tion of almttt one acre. Mr. and Mrs. Glen B. Wolmutt, of 402 Fem Hill 'Lane, Anaheim, said it will cost them ,.0,500 in land value and '15,~ 000 for strttt construction under the pro- posed roadways plan. The prime commercial land would then be almost uaeleu, except for realden- Ual use. "We do that all the time,'' observed Vice f\.1ayor Robert M. Wilson, but the porposed mutual benefit swap must go throuch proper channels, resulting in re- ferral back to the city staff. Richard Hanchett, Btl St. Clair St .• to!d councjlmen ~e feels ~igh-riu apar~­ rhents are not needed in the area and was advlaed that would be resolved, too. If the propo11ed zone change should be: regueste.dJ>y ~ Wolmu.ttaJ t _would J,e_ hmdletl by the'Planning Comn'dS!lon Md councll, with property ownen. notlfled: The property involved in tht specific Anyone Lose State :Agencies OK San Onofre r Nuclear Station CARLSB4Jl -·San Onofre NucleaJ Generating Station got a clean bill~ ol health from two state agencies Tuesdq .. The pawer plant which ~ighben another type poWer cfnter -Preald~ Nixon '! White House West in Stii Clemente -thus far has the blessing·~ both the 'state Department of PublJt Health and State Department or Fish ani Game. ..., 'Jtuntlngton Beach steam i:eneraUna plarit did not-fare as well in report m:ip a fish and gamt:" marine biologist when: got @.comoarativ~ l]guru_ o_n fish durina: plant houle·kffpin& chores: Th< nilclear age San. Onorie plant;... l~ 45,000 kilowatt capacity is enOIJ&b eleo lricity (or -half million persons -.. waf studied by ·the San Diego Regional Wa~ Quality Control Board at city hall .here.' Reports were given on both plan! discharge into the sea of radJoJoet~ materiilt and effects on sea life. · Plans include the "·earing of red-while· and·blut armbands, lighting of headlights during daylight hours. as weu as the special 'observancts for Prayer Sunday lt'le ninth and Veterans Da y next Tues- day. A 'Love' Purse? After detailing type. of bib cnora ana i fauna ) collected and analyzed for r11di0> ) l activity, Amasa C. Cornish, senior healtll 1 physicist. for the State Department ol Publi~ Health, said the San Onofre pJaql 1 Mesa Thief Content With Vacµuu1 Cleaner . Charles and Isabel Savage returned to their Costa Mesa home after a month· long vacation in the scenJe San Fernando Valley to find a burglar hadn't exactly cleaned out their house. \\'hoever broke a rear window in the home at 192t> Anaheim Ave .. stole only a $279 \'acuum cleaner, but left everything else. Sa"age told police Tuesday. ' ' Liz Re inders found love ri;ht there on I ith Street bet"·een the Ll~o Car W11h and the Oran11e Julius stand. ~f iss Reinde rs. owntr of a personnel agency at 4500 Campus Drive. Newport Beach, found a small gir1'11 purse lying on the sidewalk and checked }t for iden· tifi cation: "All I found inside was a stamp in.hot pink and purple saying: Love Never Gives Up," she explained, and will return the purse to its owner if the young lady reads thls. "The little stamp was so real and significant to me." she exclaimed, "Lo ve never does give up." 1'01': A LIMITID TIMI ONLY! . OH U$1C SUS OF TOWL• 8T•RLINO ha s not caused any Inc rease in radiolog. ical materials that can be detected. P.. F. Krelle , board member, mentionftd a Stanf9rd profes~r guoted recently .aa saying he didn't Plink It is safe to ~vi withlil ISO miles of a nuclear power plan~ that they should be underground. 1 Co~ish conceded that there. art dif· feret!C!S of opinions about proximlty ti 11uclear plants. "I £0 along with Pre» dent Nixon. l wouldn't mind living Witbil a mile or half-mile or a nuclear pawci plaot." ·, -. n, Here ls • rare oppoftunrty to flWl't the Towtt lttir'lint SIMce you hfVI etweys Wlnted.-SUl>ltllltill ..,,,... on seNlces for 4. a, or twel'll peoplt ""' tM .,,, ... pltet: s.etun1 or op1n atock pclc&. - Ptr1nts of the lrtde. N!M It ttlt time to tiny on tt.t wonderfut old tr•dltlcq cf lfYl"I your dM9Mtr • Mt ., st.fti"I for htr wectdlltf. Many IOWty TO'IM plbml 1e ChOOM from, CONVENIENT TERMS 8ANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE -. - • t•w up to H&.00 Oft ftv~ ._p1.C. pl1e1 Nttlnp • S.Ye up jc 12.00 on elCM I-piece piece Mttln_ .. • S•w up to lOl.00 on t1'1ht fiN•• jtlac:t HQlnp J. C .J.Ju11iphill6 ' Jllwllfe1·6 1823 NEWPORT BOULEVARD COSTA•MESA • ll YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE ..&~1-!~0 I , I Ht did not say what tbs pro versus con r1tio WIS. Mayor Pinkley said &election' of a nine- membt:r panel from 11mong the 25 adult• and three high school and collece youths .,.ho havt appllM \Vlll begin sxin after appllcatlona are in. • -l'-------------------=======--.....:=-----------_J 1 ' l " • 1 I .. . .. ~ '• · . ·. E~-·Tennessee · Governor Killed , NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Frank G. Clement~ an old· fashioned orator whOjonce wu ·'the n8ticrt's y_o.~ngest • ~. bas died in an auto ~ .CC:ideot· ·at':'o . . - " '?emel}t, tb~~flm ,e • pvernor qf Ten , wog_ · ·i"'--E· . · • GI': .lhe DemOcrauc Ilona! . ~Uonin'l951! ati Vibe~ ' ~ ia-W he.:uked over • and ovtr, "How 1 on g, America, ob ·bow long?'l He won hia first tenn as governor by· unsealing Gov • • G«dcll Browning ~state. ~, •• ,..,.Ofi9'2; ' : g'ld ~ ~-"government · Iii a '1~· 'bowl." He wu-~ ~-~ · yOOngest man "ever ~ ioverilor·ol Te~see ". il_lll' file · youngest i<!".e\nor ! -then aervlng in any state. ·j ~ CJerDeut'1 public career. ind· . ' . ed with his_ defeat by Rep.iblican Howai:d H. Bake.r Jr. in' a race for the U.S. -' ~ ' ' U..r~· , s.a~ l_n 1\166o He bad s~· ce CLEMENT KIL-L~D , ' J~ practkeil"law. · , · At 'S6 Convention [ .Jk.dfed Taelday'niilit. • w~-cO!liJlon -'¥", .ilr . ~-i_~· -..... -~-Egyptitfus~·~·-" ~tjr • 'S:, friends. aJt,d hl11• • ,.,,_ • . ~: . ·-ma. qrjed tliat· m.'r.!:"~~~.:l" .. ":'e.i ~'.'! Raid -lsrael-gress in education; mental health pro gr a m s and By The Assoda~ Pi-ts1 ~-highways. ~ Egyptian.commaqdos cross: ·~ ~~ ~ring flags .on stat~ ed the Suez Canal ~y and ':' bOildhis lowered to. half-~ta[f, attacked an israeli palr!ll, but .• G09. · ''lJuiord EU1ngton, • , ;:.piol.Jtical ~e of the h1rrhtt Egypt and 1srael di!puted the i .,.,einbr, .ald· Clement's con-! results of the raid. t·~ trlbtitiOlia to' hil statti ·0 will · Egypt ~aid . its force killed ,,Jt•~ ktwver." an Israeli officer "and eight Ellin'gt.on owed much of his soldiers, captured · another mccess to Clement., After Cle-wollnded nian anc1· destroyed meat had served six. years and two armored cars i&l a, tank. could-not under state Jaw sue-~Sr1¥l said · 1wo 'of its ceed himself, he endorsed Ell-&oldiers were killed, two woun-. lngtoo' who .had· served as ded and ·a fifth wu nliil3ing, agriculture commisllioner in iprobably taken prlsoner·by'the the .. Clement Cablnel Egyptians. The I!ifa~ls said Eitber Ellington or Clement nothing about any equlpme~t -· '· has been governor since Cle-losses. ment first took office for a An E g y p t i an spokesman t"'°'1ear. tenn in January, said a "large number '' of 1953. After UJe gubernatorial commandos crossed ahe canal term was lengthened to four at El ShaU, at the southern years Clement was· re-elected end of the blocked waterwar, . in 1954, M1cceeded by Ellington and attacked the I s r a.e I • Jn ·1958, woo again in l~ and *mored Patrol. · wil, agaia succeeded by Ell· ;:::;;:;;::;'=':======~I . lngton In 11166. ' ·Clement, who never remoV· .. ed. himNlf from politics, had · N;a· Working "'1 a campaign ··«iulation td make another Who: C.-res 7 ! . • . ' ~, ... ~the governorship In Ne othe~ "'wspalltr In Uie world , tatts abotlt your 'commllllfty 11/ke\ Yolr·commUllit.y clajly newspaper dots. tt's tnt_p~LY PllJIT. ·JOll PIOILEM: V"' ~!ti~· . ' Item -. . Modliut _,,,, '~ ·~ y ' l . , .................... Cl':' U9 ~ ·' NOT OYElt $50 " ,, 7 7 ?· ·1 . 7 ? -:tJ{ll 'A-:~. , .,_· " Y•callTHI DAILY .PILOT, uk fir . ClllllW . Mwrllol.,. aild .,._. • · . ~ ' - ..-.-. PILOT· ... ,PENNY~' !PINcilfEll ., ' . . l. · . • • . CLAsstPllD AD i '~\I ·•J• ' ... l • . •• -,J.~';AT ·OUlt-sPICIAL~ iow·u11 . 3~-2-2~ • .AHO YOUlt CUDIT. IS GOOD I ·DIAL NOW DlllCTI 642-5671 """"'w~•1m1 l~~---"**---*'!f.I -· .. . ..... ·---· . .. --· ------· ,.. · .. --.;..--=- • • . ' ... ' SALE ' ' I Van Raalte . . • . ,- . . ' -~panty hose and stoekings s.•e oa-your u-W 111yles of Van Iiuii.-~~·n. v..w.;, micro ,.ii. lheer and flex topo. Pantyhose 111d *'!lW>gs that: fit -niy .;, &tier J'S"' legs. In sliotr llwla th&t CllGlplimeot-all your faihiom. · • '. ' ; • f PANIY HOSE I •I' 777 lhcedo panty liooe; witli nude heel.· .. II( :. , l m '""· ) . . ttg. 2 .. oo, 1.u::;r ·-· · . I pL for ,,00, 6• pr. for ;10:00' ' . 111 Actif Cantreu n polity liooe -wilfi 'a¥0 n..1.· :·, z.sj,oo .. · · 2.49" J pr. fer J.3,, 6•pr. 1ori14.10 629 V..Uon Run l!Aoist paaty liooe ';witfi . .wk ~eel; one size fitJ alt rog.3.lO 2.89 ·'3 pr.·for'l.,0;6'pr. for 17.00 ponty'liooo·mloci".aad lizs:_l!ei&<.·tan; n;.pe and aw!, .~· ~er f-mlors. Junior, 4'8" to ''O"; petite, f O" to \l" ''J~·;1w;nld.iam. ''3" .,,,. ·6''"; .t&U ,. ·~·. -''?'-:: /·'.· STOCKINGS Ill _Miao Mc<!i ltoekinp with reinfO<C<d heel and toe. ttg. 1.11 92c. I pr. for %.7i, ~ pr. for ,,4l . · 283· flex top W.. -1cings witli reinforced ~eel and toe- 284 Plextop :30 stockings with reinfO<C<d heel and toe "'8· tt'.6l ' 1.3 2 l pr. for 3.9)', 6 P." for :7.80 stocliing 'col&s and · ali.,.: l:ieige, tan, b~pe, ~rown. and many other .Ushion wim.. Short, medium, long, sv,.11. may •CO hooiery 7 ' · · : . • ,. -~ I • ' -..... :.~ -,..:. .•..i • ..._ --•• • "' Sale! " imported gloves • .. ' , A .gio.. mravagana. .1Ua7, .,..y liglil'INl&Ju Jeilhet 'sijie to Choose from. Glov ...... limply taiJond; w aldllfuJJy· de- tailed with tiny buttoaJ, delicate hlllcHtiti!>inl ~ Jots., lots more. A:JI imported f,... Italy and oGenuay, Unlined; ,siJk •. lined, or;,if;)-ou prefer, IOl't wool and tabqit· llait liaing_'too. Sizes 6Y, llo 8. So, CllGle la. Yoa'U •fiad sJooa !lo Jut you. the '!Ohole yeu !mg. And , , , btina • friGld. . . . . ' . Unlined leatlier gloves witli delf?te liaacktildiing and tiny butiOO trim. Some lather wiih aoc:het bacb, too. White, bUdc, brown, nny: v1lue 9,00 599 $mootli kid gloves tliat atop at your wrist. Some tailored styles. Olhm with .. all atitdi desigm. White, blade, brown, navy. \·:tlue 10.00 699 Short lightweight leather gloves lined in JO!~ IOI'~ woi>J lbd rabbit hlir. la blad<, came~ bcown ii!d"' ml, fubion colon. • .. + + • f· vo • • 799· •Mid length gl.,...; ooft lined Wllh·'pute 'iilli, Simply Wloold. Great lrtessories for city knits. CllOO$e from blaCk, wliite;.P,Y. navy and brown wlon. Perf«t !cir 1ao: fish.ion colors the leather.s • biaa • navy • white e kfddQas .• $rtr" •.X..tta • blown • .omtie. may "' ·glans ' ' . . . ' ' 899 you'll . fin~ • daaia • liaad cl$il~ • mid-Jea&tlis ' . . { : • llk>rties . ! ;-.: ~ .. " m1y co soutli coasf pl~e, -sen ·Cli,90 fwy. et bristol, co1f11 mesa; shoP. m9nd11y 'thru 111tu,rd1y .I 0 1.m. to 9:30 p.m. . . S46~9a2·r: . ' " . ' ' .t ' . ~~¥.cq • • ! . . I . . . ' ' -j ' • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE .. -. . " -- Cour t Decision Urgent Justice Is .allegedly blind, and lt is just u well. Be- cause she would turn up her classic nose and turn ln her 1cales at seeing.conditions under which Harbl>r· Judit'lill District Court bas to function. . The facility has .been forced to handle the needs of a rapidly growing area, wbUe being left behind Itself in terms of adequate expansion. Comfortable courtiooms may equate to that new cllche, "coddling-of-criminals," to some untblnlting peo-. pie. But, courts are for protection of the innoc6nt u well as prosecution of Ibo guilty. Eaeh is equally im- portant. Each has suffered locally. And so, inevitably,.has the majesty of the law. A solemn and serious judicial proceeding jammed lnto a small room upstairs over a music store -or in a trailer rented to fill the need for a lhlnl courtroom - may have Its amusing aspects. But, there la nothing humorous about a lbree,time. loser who gambles bis own and the lives of innocent passersby against fivelto-llfe 1t Cblno, Folsom or San Quentin, by breaking free at court. . - Twice in recent months, felony·priaoners ha.Ye eg. caped from custody of marshals wbUe being moved around the overcrowded court· complex. One -Who bad threatened to kill captors a w.eek before -was ·ieJle!I by a single shot and ~aptured. The C)ther spent a few hours free before he was caught, but s}lots fired at him hit a truck and a downtown tavern door. \Vby not just let them escape! 'Because m·en desper .. ate enough to risk their lives in an escape are equally Capable of committing a desperate crime to make good the escape or to stay free. Mo vws ·A re Gro wing Into Puberty ~1,~e It would be a foolish exaggeraUon to s1y that the America motion picture has come of age; more accurate to say that it ts growing up from infancy to puberty. Aduhhood is still quite a way off. But all the encouraging signs are here, if the two films I saw last month mark the growth period I think they do. These Wert ''The Midnight Cowboy" and "Medium Cool." ALTHOUGH completely dilferent In Iheme and approach; both compel our at· ~_nU_on, intereS.t _IJnd_respect f9r much the same reasons. They deal with real people (unlike most American films of the past); they forego false naturalism for the sake of a deeper realism; and they know that motion photography is not just a series of stills in rapid suocesslon. Jn both these pictures, the camera 11 fully io charge, on its own speclllc te~. A movie ls not a novel that ts photographed, or a play that ii reproduc· ed ; it is, rather, its own art form, wilh lts own rules and laws, its own sense of spatial and temporal relationshi~. And the moving camera can give us a view of life not posslble in any other art form. "THE ~tIDNIGBT COWBOY" and ''Medium Cool " demonstrate this uni- queness with charm and power. The camera moves. as it will, between past and present and future, in a seriea of quantum jumps; and between external reality and inner fantasy, !O that we are De ar Gloomy Gtis: Charging 10 cents for 1 half pint of milk means families that can't afford hot lunch for their several children can't now afford milk to go with sack lunches. A nickel jn- crease should have gone on hot lunch, where arnuent parents would hardly notice it. Shame on the school district! - A Mother ,,. fMtwt l'tf)Kb ,....,... .,...,.. ... -llY !i.t o1 tM _...,.,., Stllll -"' _.... ,. ...... , ..... Dtllf f'llft. never quite IUie what ia "oot there'.' and what exists only in the mlnda of the . . characters. +,. Thi! is, ol course7 truer to·rue Uia:n-me Ploddilig serial quality of conventlrmii1 ~l_t~!il films, which move heavily from CBllR to effect and from present to future. we live in three kinds of time, not one: our remembrance of things put and our hopes or feart of the future com~ine to affect our present actions and atUtude1. AND, JUST AS obvioualy, we live In an admixture of two worlds: what ls ob- jectively happening to us and around us, and the way our minds refract (and often distort) these events. It is only sanity to i:eeognize the paranoid component in our most "objective" views. While "Medium Cool" has a thesis to offer, ind "Midnight ~boy" is merely a vignette, it is I.he form rather than the substance of these films that gives them their validity and vitality and integrity. Whatever their flaws -and they are far from flawless -they lay naked before us the painful and lovely process of a medium that is struggling into maturity, after decades of sullen retardation. For Dog s, a Groomobil e Things a columnist might never know if be didn't open his mail: If every dog has his day, this mull be the day. The latest pet-pam~lng device1 a mobile van called a "Groomobile," calls al the dog's home when he needs a grooming, t.bus saving ,hhn the nuisance Clf hiving to make a trip to town for a bath and hair Vim. Wake up Ured this momina? Maybe lhe mattreu waa to blame. Most people roll over or change posture .0 Umea during eight hours of sleep-but more often Jf the mattress is too hard rather than ... merely firm. Sleep experts say the extra !wisting and turning can leave you weary. WHAT JS THE healthlert period of tue. except for accidents? Medical authoriUes &ay lt ls between the agea of 5 aDd 15, when the body'! resistance appears at its peak and therefore the mortality rate from JnfectiOWI disease is at Its lowest. Weeds are the bane of the forest as well as the home flower or vegetable garden. They have betn found to limit the growtl! or treu-and thereby the pr<> duction of lumber-more than any 1d- yersie factor. Space ma y need Its traffic cops before t h I 1 century II rmr. Alrudy In orbit around the earth art nearly ,,000 man- made objecu, and mort are coing up all the time. QUOTABLE NOT&BLES : "1bero ore daya wbon any electrical 1ppttance In the ,hou.se, 1ncl1.1dlng tbe vacu111U cl,aner, ! aeema to o((er mort entertainment : po.ss.ibWtle1 thin the t e l e v I a I o n fsel."-HarrJet Van Horne, qJUc. J The "Jtlchoo'• aeumfil bf're. How can •you end a imee:tlng attadt1 The old 1Ptnnsylvanl1 Duteh thought the be!t way was .Lo stare llxcdly 1t Ute lip of your ~ .. --.. ·--~~-~ ... .,~, •"'' ' ~.· .\ } 1. '°\v ~af Boy.le ~ · .j ~, i1it.i:~ 1-" .l I nose with both eyes. If ttJat doesn't work try using your hanky. Rest from his endless labors may be coming at last to the Volga boatman, one of Rlmil's most picturuque figures In song and story. The Volga River, the largest waterway in Europe, is finally being harnessed for hydroelectric power by the building of a number of dams. THE ODDS: If you toss a coin and call either heads or tails, you have a 50-50 chance of winning. But to make a coin come down heads 50 times in a row, it has been theoreticallv estimated, it would have to be tossed 10 million times a minute, 40 hours a week, for 900 years. But don't bet on it. Sweet history: Around 1956, 1 young Prussian volunteered for mUltary combat and immediately was assigned lo bakery duty. Annoyed, he took ~me bread dough, formed them into little cannon balls and fUltd them with jam. Thus was crtated one of itS most lasting in· ven~ jellied dougbnu~ lldbil of chlldbOod. WORTH REMEMBERING: "A little lie is not so bad -It's all those you have to tell to keep up with the first that -makes you so uncomfortabla." . Know your language: Why II Cupid often called Dan Cupid! Cupid, the god tif I o v e • derives from the Latin w o r d "cupldo.'' meaning desire, paask>n, or love. Dan is merely an old title of honor, ar respect. 1imllar to Lord, Master or sir. Poetic references to Dan Cupid date from th~ L4lh century. Th• last escapee had a friend park a car nearby to use In his break for freedom . Ttte next one could com• mandeer a clr With perllaps ·an elderly "person or hous .. wife and cbUd" as hostages, selling the stage for a real tragedy. Negllgeru;e, It is Important to note, was.not a factor on the part of lawmen transferring the escapees from holding cells to make telephone call9. Prisoners are guaranteed certain rights, but the crowded, outdated court complex is not capable of guaranteeing adequate security to go along. County Supervisors have been offered sites in the Newport Center and on the Orange County FairgrOunds in Costa Mesa. but negotiations have been stow and so far almost futile. The Newport Center site appears too cosily, the supervisors Indicated. 'l'hey.disliked·a site proposed ·by. the Fair Board because of possible parking conflicts with nearbr. schools1 and distance from the Costa Mesa Police Facility. . Now the Fair Board has invited the county to look over the fairgrounds and pick a suitable site. So we're back in the seemingly endless business of site studies. Authorities say it will be at least three years yet befoie the new court complex is a reality. Jn the mean~ time, the Harbor Area must do·the best it can, with an overcrowded, under!'secure facility featuring rented trailers, folding chairs1 a leaky-roof and a clientele with an itch for freedom . · Makeshift efforts 'to reduce th~ problein and the danger are in progress. But it is clear that the county supervisors and the county stall must put the 11urBent" label on the court building project and act accordingly. 'Cluck cluck ••• Ci.tu;k cluck •.• <Cl 'Here Comes A nother Putsch Against Schools' Masters of the Big Lie Tech:pique . ' To the Editor: J\1an your battle stations. Here comes another pul!ch against the schools. Based on that infamous dictum that a lie or half·truth, if repeated often enough and loud enough, will finally be taken for truth, here is the pitch: "The achools do not teach the three Rs. The schools have frills. The kids do not learn discipline. The classrooms appear strange. The teachers are immoral and instruct their students on how to engage in sex. The graduates of the American public schools are know-nothings. The American public schools are a waste of the taxpayers' money. The facuJUea are filled with C.Ommunists and adoleacents and pseudo-lntellectua~ and pinkos and peaceniks. The teachers are over-paid· and tindtr·1worked. Academic freedom is a:oo~~ for CilnununiStn." IF THiY CAN sell this stuff to the voters, they-can destroy the public schools bY shutting off funds; apparently they feel that all public schools should be made to resemble the old ruin in a neighboring city which ranks near the bottom of the list in reading and has its walls and ceilings supported by outside braces. On th~ one hand they hold up as a model ~ German system of education (one of our elected ofiicials, who as far Letter• from r1adt'n ar1 · wlcmM. Normallu writer• ihould Cot'IW'JI their fnf!ssager in 300 word.I or Iea1. The righe to condtme letten to fi* rpa.ce or eliminate libel U resnved. AU le~ ters miut includt aignatur1 mid mail- ing addrt1!, but ftames may be toith- held on reque.s& jf sufficient rttUOn is opparrnt ' as. anyone has· been able to learn wu never near Germany during the Euro- pean catastrophes, -has referred-to tbe German schools as !he greaten educa- tional system in the world); and on the other hand they cite the-Null' -Big Lie technique as a tool of t.be professors in our colleges. WE ARE PROMPTED to ask who in America today has ~ ably mastered the Big Lie technique, seeing it.s unblushing use agalnsl JurUce Wanen and the late and beloved President Elsenhower (as well as against nmnerou.s other honorable Americans). We wiah to Inquire into It.a classic lmplementaUon In the recent Senatorial campaign and in several of the local pollUcal putsches. It is not irrelevant to note that we Americans whipped this ideology in two world wars overseaa. We can do it again in California . W.ANDEROON S•lt Creek Atta• To the Editor: Mr. Knowltm Fernald Jr., vice prisi- dent of Laguna Niguel c.orp. hu gone on record that the corporation has DO con- 1idera1Jon er sympathy for the public'• access to the beach ~t Salt Creek. It ls apparent that the Orange County Board of Supervi.sorl CODCW'I with Uris philooophy. · BARBARA G. STABLER Bregozzo P ermit Case To the Editor: I should like to comment on an un- fortunate situation which has arisen regarding the granting of 1 permit for Mr. Rene Bregozr.o to give violin and viola lessons in hia home. Apparently it la recommended that Mr. Bregou.o's ap- plication for a permit be denied by the Costa Mesa City Council en the baaia of a llngle individual'a complaint about the noise -even· after Mr. Bregou.o in· dicated he would soundproo( bia studio. HAVING KNOWN Mr. Bregozzo and his contribution to the community for the last seven yean, I feel that a ll8fious -miltake-would.be..macleJUhe_appllcatlon-. were denied. Mr. Bregou.o, employed full time as 1 scientist for NASA, hm unselfishly given many hours to assist in developing and maintaining a ltring pro- gram in the Newport.Mesa Unified Schoel Di.strict An out.standjng string teacher• he has given private les&ons to studenta who are truly interested in developing their playing -not for the small arpount ol money involved, but aS a labor o(Jo~e. I FEEL .THAT denying a permit tq Mr. Bregouo WQU}d be detrbnental to the orchestr~ program in Costa Mesa and Newpg_rt_ Beach and could deprive the children of the community of a rart op- portunity. It is hoped that the C01la Mesa City Council will consider these facts when the matter comes before them. I would also like to urge that those who support this point of view make it known to their councilmen. . RICHARD C. WATIS Director of Instrumental Music Horac. Enslp School Support for Laos-a Basic Issue WASHINGTON -For some weeks the White House has been disturbed by the extent and nature of information CilO· gresslonal investigators have learned about American supported operations in Laos. ThP concern Is not that Congress or committees of Congress shal l be kept in the dark on how American technicians and money have kept a clandestine army in th e field against the Communi&ts in Laos, but over the advantage to the ene- my if such information became public accidentally or by design. Jn ract. however, thls is probably the leas~ of the consequences that would flow jf the senatorial challenge to American policy in Laos should be sustained. THE ISSUE JS WHETHER or not the President of the United States can carry on such operaUons without explicit coo- gressional approval. U he cannot, the whole structure of American policy in the past 20 years in supporting govemmeob against Communist takeover will coU.pse for lack o( public support. Following the appearance of CIA Direc- tor Richard Helms before Senator Stuart Symington's subcommittee in the Senate, ~--By Geor9e ---. Dear George: Before I started reading your Cot· umn I .used to worly a lot about debts. I tossed all night wtirrylna about money I owed. Slnct readlng your column I've learned to quit worrying about money. OpJy_ one thing bothers me. f get sued all the time now. CONSTANT RUDER Dear Constant Reader: No wonder. SJUlng around readlng adVice columri! iJ enough to ruin anybody. CONFIDENTIAL TO DISGUSTED SMALL BUSINE·SSMAN : Don't -be-- d~gustcd -try going Into builnoa for youratlf again. Thert art many opportunities 1n othtr rlelds. ln fact, It might be better U next time you started something besidei 1 · telephone company. · i • :Richal''!, :WU-"1.l ... -.-~ --...,_,~ ...... ~ J it was charged by Sen. J. William Fulbrf8ht that the United States la apen. din(: $150 million annually to suppcrt and transport a clandestine army of $,000 in Laos. Seriator Fulbright described tl1is activity u "most unusual and irregular, U not unconsUtution al. '' Senator Fulbright is quite right about one thtn1. Neither Congress nor the American public has been frankJy in· formed of the nature of American sup- port for .Laoliao lon:a In fiib!lni llto Pathet Lao insur1ency and the North Vietnamese incurah;in. SECRETARY or· STATE William Rogers put on an air of injured iMocence in saying that he thought Congress was familiar with what the United States has been doing there . He aaid "operatlons" Jn Laos were begun by the Kennedy Administration and continued by both the Johnson and Nlton 1dminlstrations. However. as late as two weeks ago when Laotian Premier Souvanna Phouma was in Washington he dJssembled with elaborate AsiaUc grace and patJence ln makl111 It appear that American combat troops in Laos were nonexistent and American batUefield support De1lihie._ Controlling Pr ecedent In court you may have l)eard your ]awytt llf that such and such a decision r -Jonea vs. &nllh -governed the case --,.-.."""""-,-' ,. Law l~ Action 11 hand. How did he find that "controlling precedent"? t.w school trains your lawyer to use the "cue" method to find and analyze lepl problems. The law student reads and analyns thousands er selected cases to find out how . to apply the Jaw. in parUcular cues like youn. The cue method allows him to sort ou t people's predicaments and to see again and again that the outCilme ot each case rests upon ils own set of facts. This is why a lawyer has to study the facts and Jaw in your case to give you an answer. He has to gel the particular fa<U of YOW' cue and then flnd out exactly how t h e Jaw -as reflected ln the cues-applies to them. WHEN YOU SEEK advlct, your lawyer bealns at onte lO sort out f1cta and frame the legal problem. sometimes he can answer at once : often be has to go to the book• and check out your problem. This process may take tinly a few mlnutts. But sometimes It takes hours, or days; and Jn 'big cases, 1omellrtle3 months. Lawyers must also double check on whether some court of appeal has overniled a declalon he might be using in your case. After all this, your lawyer can stand before the court and say "Your Honor, we believe thlt our case Is controlled by the case of Brown VJ Johnson ." He then Ull.ll\ty ouilinei the clrcumstanctl In \ht Brown case, and compares them with the facts In your case. If they lit, the Jud&• usually makes a judpnent ln your favor. IN BORDEIU.INE cues, of coune, ad· vtrwy law.yen, lOO, may quote from olhtr caea which they !eel support their opposing contenlltlns. Finally, In suolt c11es. lhe Judge weichs the contentions of both aldel and then "Instructs" the juron what l1w to apply in the case before them. So far u the jury ts concerned, the Jud1e'1 In- structions are the last word . Thtlr job la to measure lhe evidence 1lven In court against. the law that the jUdge gives them and return a verdict accordingly. .. Not1 : California Jawiiera of/tr thil colun1n 10 uou mau know about our la~•· "The largest forei gn conUna:ent in Laos Is French,'' Souvanna Phouma blandly reP.lied to questions on the number of American pt!rSOmiel there. He admitted that ,·some American personnel was necessary to service A m e r Jc a n equlpment. Throughout the whole public discussion on American involvement in Laos frankness has been the main American casualty. If we have lost few men we have lost a great deal of the truth. THIS JS UNFORTUNATE because the Nb:on Administration will now be com· pelled to defend and carry on the policy in Laos in a growing atmosphere of criticism and dist.rust President Nixon canno C1lnce1va · y carry out e Po icy for Southeast Asia he has so often elaborated if he can no longer austaln and suppcrt free nations against Communist incursion. His pclicy is based not. only on the withdrawal of all foreign forces from South Vietnam but from Laos and Cam· bodil as well. Without training, support and direction the clandestine army in Laos would have no hope of ejeCting the North Vietnamese and probably would be unable lo put down the Palhtt Lao. A Vietnam ceast-rtre or settlement could rapidly collapse If the Communlats re. malned in poslUon In Laos and'Cambodla ready for quick strikes once American ground forces had been to ta 11 y .withdrawn. -----iiiiliii-- Wednesday, November 5, I~ The edi&ori.al pogt of th« Daily Pilot seek! to ·inform ond sllm.- 11lote rea.dfrt bu prtaenuno this mwspaptr'1 oplnlon.i and com- mentarv on topfc1 of intereat and 1iQn f/fconce, bu provfdtna tt forum . Jor the •.J:Prtasion of our reada1' opinions, and bv prtstnrino the diverse vie~ points of informed observers ond spokenntia on topica of tl1e da~. ' Robert N. Weed , Publisher I I _, II lo • 1 I I ( l l t I < I t • ~ W~. H,,.~btr S, 19;69 S 'OAn.Y Pl~fT j1 -. sgn~nan~-P~~ise~on~demq~· 'I ~hu~s·f~~S.cllQQI· Bf J.;w Kkmtc11 ' \ yoq,oum ,lbal ocl!Oiit 10u·I"' ..m. eor1 ilO!<hedut!ld rtm~ki by ,Ed 'Lorr; 1020 -ot: ... ~••IWt j ot·a.~'' q,e ~ ('dorttd. Bila IL,, ~ty Alr!or. o~alar ~CM· Praise and coodemnatlon of Llguna's Pralle for the innovative 8Chool camt it.ant Joe of moikni teaching methods. unique ThuntDO Intermediate ScllOOI la J ·~'*' ll'J>Orl b1.Thurslon, Prln-who blas\ed ~ manner in which a were i!fec\ 'belate dlilrlct lruBlea 1n a cl"Mlovlcl,LIOyd on hiuecenl.parliclJ>I!· T!Riroton hiltory clus "" being con-l<ilgth)l,oellfoo Tueodl)' nigllt, • !loo. wtlh three olhU> membera of 'lhO duded: ' ' ftt 0.., potnt tn the ~ngs. av0wed tehOo\ stiff,· in a national con~ on Sharing ~rr'!. view was Mrs. CoMle ainlervailve truale2 Dr. Nonnan Browne -~ lllafOng• (theoties and l!•rdl•. 177 M911"taln Road, who uld the ~u atcuted by a diltraugbt mottter o( ~.of making better: U&e of t..cher tchoo1 ls •'b'y&tg to turn my son Into a b'ejng a "leftwlnger." ti.mt.)• , , . . , 1 . , 'c:omhe mu.rust •lld a hippie" and added tha,t ci .. r11' lllrtled by Ille.charge 8....Vne r...lr~iu.0 Jo PlaY a ,m~Jor rple hr lhe f_,_. lll!enc)s lo IQ• him out of Bchool and piped, -"BuM voled for Re .. 811' ___ ., ...::;·,,..,,, ·' I ••·· ,_ • ... ch-hlm-al'home. ' for.Goldwalel'I" 1 ""1 ano , • .,,erence wn "a real aa•-"' lhe 1 In his iePD!\, PrJnclJ)<l.LIO)'ll '°""1l a , "I donl care who y.;, ·vot.d for ·-ll ~=P~;\:Y~ 1::,tii,' opeclal'boarjl lfll<ly session to go Into lhl! ~· ...,., '1-1 """""-_.. -.O.:.:·c..;.:.:.:.:;,:..;..--=--~ ~:;:;:m>i!l;;:-:;;-:::;:_:::.:::,:;-c=:;:::.· ;::· :=,;:!, f:;:,;, , 'be~til llMl~ll\lsbt acmle to T)IW'llon ., ' .. the ro5u4 ~ q;.rConleronce. a federally lunded 50~..,.ic!naor••l°by o.. bdlttuie for the Study ol Oliler<nU.ted Stallfug at the University of Massa~tts and headed by Dr. Dwliht' Allen, head of the university's s.lllo) of F.ducatioo and Dr. Ala~ BrowNWorldroi the U.S. Department of Health, EduCJtlon and Wtlf.M:t. Brownsword:he to\~ the oom1; had in· 'vited lbe"TburSton't~am to~~~~ in the conference ·at 'go\lemment upe:~ , after, llEW officials·, toureih the 1;<\11\lll• fa.cl~l,y. one of th_e ijrs~· _ · br'ip,lfie~a· , Uon d"llR!'l· ••fl'Cll ; lot ti teOln ·teaching ihd flexible iilln&~ . -r' . . . ' . ' -. " The Thi.lrstbn team waa allotted a fuli day to present the •flndings of an 18- month evaluation of the school's unique program. The condensed ttJ)O'rt will ..t:e produced· 15 ·1 kk fOf.nallonal ilissernlria- U.., 4.loyd 1ald, LQar1 of a •'3 million gov~ment program Jo help school dlslricta develop and lmplement 11imUar plans. '!Moat of the others at the conference were juat in th\! sta4e or taDdng ·or writing al::iout the thlliia we are doln( at 'lbunton l' the pririciplJ,' aaJd. 1'Tbq were m excited about .mat: ft' had to show we had to repeat our preeentaUon. 11 ' . . .... _!' • ' 200\ COntdry~Oil:."He concluded. "I Ju.o.t hope to God my daughters wUI never have \0 10 to that place!" Board ptt>ident Larry Taylor asked Lorr \o band ~ a copy of hiJ char&es for evaluatlotr. by the board, Mro. · Hardlt tQok the lloor to tell trusted llbe bad brought her 12-year-old son dottn from Oregon and entered him tn.tbe'ieventh grade in 'nlurston this fall ooty to find he was: being exposed to "hip. ple mu.sic''. and not given any education, . "The 11chools here iU'e anti-American.~' &he ·charged. "If you're going to put him lhrolo,i., all ti)is "!!<! no~ leafh him auyUUag I'm withdrawing bim." , ·Planners Vote -4 -1 " Brownsw<1rd, he added, noW has recom- mended ·that Thunton beoame a-natlonal training eet1ter for edltta\on ·eniaied in developing similar program!. Taylor reminded Mrs. Hardie that he had diaC\lssed her problems with her Ofl the telephol)t and asked her to submit them to the board. "l ask you agaln," he .sakl, "to 1wbmit your charges so we can stufl:Y all sides of the questlon," said Tayl~. let Set Romance . West German millionaire· Gunther Sacb! and his fiancee, Swedish --m"'oaeflllifja Lars!oil;'trtp"through-tlie-flelds-of--hilJamily~a Ba•arian estate. The announcement of their forthcoming marriage was made Tuesday. Sachs was recently divorced froirt French film star · Brigitte Bardol. 1 SA Trustees to Fight Two-th .irds Bond R_uling : Santa Ana school trustees Tuesday d,eclared two bond proposal• tot.Jing $33 million had not been defeated but approved by voters . A majority or voters voted in favor of the bonds Oct. 14 Md under the one. man, one-vote doctrine that ls all that matter&, trustees reasoned. 'lbe State ComUtution requ ires tw~ thirds voter approval on school bond issues and the Santa Ana proposals re- ceived only 55 percent and 59 percent approval. But the school board wants to take that constitutional requirement to coort. Laguna Students_ To Get 4 Da y • Veterans Holiday A four-day Vetera111' Day weekend is in st.ore for students in the Laguna Beach Unified School Districts, but for teachers, admirUSlrators and employes it will be A first step was taken Tuesday night when they asked the County Board of Supervisors to proceed with sale of the bonds. Four trustees voted for that action, one against. Thus the Santa Ana Uniried Dislrict joined a list of others attacking the re- quirement o( two "yea" votes for every one ·"no" vote. In Los Angeles county four school dis- trict& are preparing a joint suit agairuit the clerk of the Lo.s Angeles Board of Supervisors to farce sale of the bonds. A taxpayers groop In Sutter county, northern CallfOmla, has an action head- ing toward the State Supreme Court. West Virginia, Idaho and Utah · have suits on the same ·issue which appear headed to the U.S. Supreme Court. All the chaJlenges are based on the one-man, 00.e-vote doctrine expounded by the, U.S. Supreme Court in ruling state legislature representation must be ·based on populaUon. 'Blind' Director Seeki11g Divorce only I three-day holiday. Wllhelm De Ni}ll, 1Jongtlme director of ~~gunan Deni'.ed '"Ibe g<Wtmment would ,pay us," '8'.ld lJoyd, "to develop ,a worksbop progflm Lo explain the Thurston system to the na-- tion and to enable us to release teachers Jo go Jo other art1s .lo help .wi\h th'Wr pri>}lcts.·" ~ -~ Leary De nied: . . . '' ~andem .Parki~g By submitting a proposal by the Nov. 30 deadline, he explained,. the ' school coUld recet~i f~eraJ. f1i1ndl under the trainini program .. Trustees, clearly Impressed, lgretct to set an ea.fly study date with Uoyd. Permission ForSMU Talk r . Desp~ support from hif neighbors. Laguna Bea ell ~lanners this week denled . a variance for Burton Dake of Arch Beach Heights who wanted tandem park- ing at hls home. Planning commissioners agreed that Dake. does indeed have a problem at his home at lM Dumond Drive but they in- dicated there must be a better solution. The vote for varianct denial was 4 to 1 Down the Mission· Trail Capo District Ma y Sell Buses .CAPISTRANO VAL LEY -Th e possibillly of selling the district's bus fleet as a budgetary measure is being consklered by the Citizens Advisory Com· mittee to the Capistrano Unified School District &ard of Trustees. The committee composed of 35 cit.izens Is studying the district's budgetary needl'I. They will adviM! the tioatd at ils ne~t meeUng whether or not a lax election will be needed in Ap(ll. 1 PalOl!I Verdes 'unu'ied Sc.hooJ., Distr:lct, IJmilar Jo Capla\rano, in that,lt loc,.is growlng IalLandJpr_eads over _a great distance, sold its buses when ta1 over· rides were rejecte~. Transportation waa left up to the parents. e Wrap Session Set MISSION VIEJO -Recreation center members and guestl; are invited to a special gift wrapping session and brunch on Monday. Reservations must be made by Thurs- day for the specia1 show whJch wJll feature unique and beautiful .package wrapping ideas and the latest in stocking stuffer ideas. The event will take place from 10 a.m. U\I noon at the center. It will be free ·to members; guests will be charged $1. e Explor e r s Popular CAPISTRANO VALLEY -Presiden~ ar:! taking a back seat to explorers these days al least when il comes to naming &ehools. Explore.ts ranging from Spanish Con- quistadores to modem moon walkers have been suggested for the names of new schools to be constructed in the Capistrano Unified School District. . Pr. Robert Beasley, chairman of the · willr.Dl'. ·~~'Frerich dlssenttng.; Dake's request was for permission to make additl'Jns tQ his nonconfonUlng ,dwelling OU '<l\lpijx (R·IPptoperty.;J!e wants to make it into a single·family home. Dake wanted to extend a cover for his car almost·to the front property line and hav~ tandem parking. He req~sted these modlflcativns without providing · a re- quired Interior connection to the lower leve l .of the home. In addltlon, it was found there' waS an existing extension on the second floor whldt encroaches on the side lot line. Dake had recruited letters from some of his neighbors, including John B. Mor· ris, 2.167 Victoria Drive, saying \hey, ba'lt no objections to his plan. · However, Lois E. Osborn .. 2745 Victoria Drive, read a letter from John Williams, 2757 Victoria Drive, protesting the change on the basis that it would cause a hazardous traffic situation on an already difficult to maneuver street. "I'm wonderin~ about taking a non- conforming buildlrig and exfending its nonconformity . Can you justify a hardship (o~ of the requirements in ob- talning~a variance)," 'Fred Briggs, com• mission chairman, asked the applicant. ''The hardshiP.: is on the community . They have lo IOOk a f lt Ole way if1s, '' - said Dake. Briggs said he fell il could .be made in-- to an elegant house without inc~easing noneon£ormity, and Dr. Joseph Tom ehak, moving to deny the application , said be felt Dake could develop better solutions. ln other business MGnday night , plan· nera. approv.ed , home· oca,ipation or dressmaking although Myra Teters, the dressmaker who applied and wu &ubject lo a first yeai:, review, no loriger . was doing any dlessnakioa• in1her bou'le. . ' , ,t ,< Pl t . Lorr was not impressed . "\\'e've heard a 'lot of ballyhoo about Thurston here tonight," he safd, "bat I visited a so-called history class tip there tod3y and l ·lhlnk the place ia the. biggest disgrace•lve ever seen." The class. he said. wa1 "stampedta _by . a lot of undisciplined rabble." , \\'bile 225 students setUed down~ t.he te:ither Played a "bop reccird,',. then started showlng slides of a field trip they had made to study Indian trlbal life, with the musjc still playing. The slides started with a shot of James Earl Ray, soldiers' in Vietnam and a Mad ?-.1Rgatine cov~r ,before getting into scenes of the field t.rip. Referring to notes •. he quoted ~ teacher as telling 1tudents. "Don't' knock th eestablishment, get In arid become part of the establishment so you can change it.'' He emjlhaslzed the role the sludenli; were play[ng in a changing society, said Lorr and said they should 0 1earn to get along together." Lorr said that when he attended school In Chicago, such lack of discipline was unheard of. ''l walk.ed off worlderlng'I£ this ls rea~y Ma n Found Slain In Ra nsacked llo~e HARBOR CITY (UPI) -A man who '"as found murdered in his ransacked apartment Tuesday had apparently been dead for two or three days before fellow employes discove red the body. Detectlve!i sakl Wayne Anderwort. ·19, was elthtr 'bludteoned· to dead! or died of bullet wounds in the head. An autopsy ~as scheduled to determine the cause of ~lfli;"'···'Q;-• I •p! I \' " '"A e ( N"' AN .. ~M A U i"'" II "'''.''*' w"" · G~rr•rd ..... :.,,,;:tit [""'Jlllrr. 01,,.....6 >tylln, '"' l 11" ce-nl•I '"°""'" a11ri.men Unur lPU~.,. ,,,. ·~- "·IC ~-................ 11 ... Slit .. Oernord ..•.•...•..•..•..• 11....-1 ••• , Uftc:•r•ll" •••........• 1t11. I ff.M " . From Wire· Services DALLAS, Tex.-Admlnistraton at cori- servative Southern Methodist University ha've forbidden LSD culUst Timothy ·teary the right to speak on campus. Dr. Ltary -a someUmes-Lagurla Beach resident who will run for governor In 1970 on the psychedelic pl atform -:- may still get ·a. chani:;e to address SMU students later. Dr. Willis Tate, president of the school. declared 'l°IH!sday alter an 111-0ight ccil- fereDce with tluitet11 11tµdents ind aluth· ni, thaf Dr. Leary Ct>Uld nol keep a Nov .• 19 spealdna: eng:agemeqt:. The controversial fonner Harvard psy- chology professor la due to keep an en- gagement three days after that In Or- ange County Superior Court. far trial oa posas.sion of LSD and marijuana charg. "· ' Changing it. original stand. the SMU studf!!lt Center Qmvening Board calb- celled Dr. Leary•,~Jecture after· adverse reaction from_ the scho0l administraUon. Taking up the Wue, however, a g:ralip called The University Men repreaenUng all male undergraduate students renewed the inviW.iM__on_its_ o • Again. the SMU administration Inter- vened and The University Men decldfd to postwne Dr. Leary's appearance until another· time. ·•· Specifically until after Or. Tate and his a?~sers decided whether Dr. Leary1.s V1s1t and address would be appropriate foi: youtig Methodist collegians. The officials decided he may COnl!. later -depeniling on the result of tits Orange County trial and tribulations _. if another ·i,peaker gets equal time for the ,Methodist Viewpoint. :, lt7t u.JIUIO IL_,. AUTOMATIC TUltNTAtlW ..LUI STlltlO CAllTllJOOI WITH SNUlll 1HAMDND ITVLUJ MU• ._._ .. ID:.4..ttl ... _ ..................... lltJ1lllf.Ja IL7S + ••M·••••••"" lq, JIU.ti :. SAVE $74.27! -•25968 t·SOUNOCltA .. TWIN L•NCllt '711 OtLIO • W•LNUT 1 .. IAKlll SYITl/111. 111•. ffJ.M I"""' MIJI ••••••• , .... 1111. I Jt.M L.-. -.................... ,, ... ...... '38997 · In setting the school calendar for the Orange County's Services for the Blind .__~e·ar;-veterans Dey;--which-falla ... on-J~ is .eeking to_end .his_ ~year mar- Tunday and, Lincoln's Blrtbday on. a n,age. ' board of trustees, tossed out a few or the names from which board members will h:av~ to make selections at their Nov. 17 meeting. Names included l)e Anza, Bautista, Pio Pico, Kit Carson, Daniel Boone, Sam Houston. Patrick Henry, John Adams, Rjch_ard _Ni.xDn_ and of course Collins, Armstrong, Aldrin and Apollo. Th'!~Y. were ~goaled as ln-aerv1ce De Nijs, of 33592 Big Sur, Daoa Point trammg days,==t~ I eh e II and $:hargel his wife Maria AM• in ah . omployes itiillg· :lillllrVtrri«· Milllriiy • 11v.rce 'acUon. 'Iii. Superior· furn ' and Frldlfi . · • u~dQ's oft. indicates th& the couple separated For llludentl, · ;tlf be ho ell"'! April :111. '/ '"'etther ~I)' Jf~. 10 .i'l:~Yi .. Tbe,couple~ Nov.1, !9!3 hi Pd Nov. JI, ,J 1 • I 1 _ ,_ Naa'.g. H~ birlhp11ce._ ~. • ' . r I , LI Mr al l•tM• ...... n.i.1 • Anyone wishing to suggest a name may do so by •taUng their ""''°"' why they would like that name and by oendlng the tnfonnaUon to the Capistrano Untlied School Di•lrlct board, 161l&' VlcJoria, Coplstrano Buch. Solid-St1te Ster•• Comp1ct T•jM Sy1tem tliJ• ii fei t\ie jtl rlell whe Wlllh I tr11• ly ...... til1, ,., ••• 1. -'•••• •• , •• ., •• t1rn. Ca111,l1t1 4-tr•ll( Jf•'•I -•11i1t. ' IR ,. •• , 1111,lifi1r1 elMI Wlt fclleil 1tereo ''''~'"· l11 llt-Ui s ...... CCHll· •rel C.~t•r p•r'"'lfl •-itloft f•clllMea ' for • it.re• t1111er, ar '"'t111tk pita"° tr•~ Two lf'irNpAI•••• l111hJ'4 • • SAVE .$30.00 NOW . ON NEW SONY 2301: OlD '$n JO ' PRICE •••••• , A:29 . , ' . • (IJf ~." ( 'Ul\.fl!Ull' -' ~·"';: •' :,~ •• '•' .tt~.·f"I'\~"/ .. -"Wliliiii<liit:"N-3~19W" ep· ~·ubtic~ans· S.weep""· ·· ---~at~:·:: ·-Eiectio#·__,_: .. :, -· I. • 1' . , r )' • ~ GOP Victor~ in NJ, Virginia Triu11Jp~ ,for Nixon/: · • ,~.,....... _,·' . ' Millionaire playboy Gu 'Iii; ~ · S.ch1, whose ~year rilaniaJ,,) .. to French sex &tar""8111<!:9'1)1ot ''. ended In divorce ilJ,'~~;; I~ I . engaged to a SweillJh:,ppotograpb-.; er's model, bis offlce bl Mwlich·an-' nounced. Sachs :c~bratecl · ~ ~n­ gagement to Mlrja't•r.aoli yJth. a weekend party at h~ eltate :!J> the upper Bavarian .. towit'of..~J'!'U· dorf. The oUice didn't· ~ '!"' ·e n they will marry. • .. ~ .:.-t . " . An education officer and ,h. i' BJ U-r---runnina ., Independent liberal cii.aldili' -n,. Democrats · woo the only COii' llejlubllcooo .... -.Ille fOvimonhlpo alter being denied renomlnetlon In. the ll'f'salooal aeat up /or grabe,:-Roberl A; J N~ Joraey ...i Vlr"'•'• from the Republican prunary. .. · <" • • Roe ·~"" ·c1er .... 0 -·blic ~ ""'· ... -Bui the two gub.er.natorlal rac,.111'ew ' · · 11 -..-·-· "-.. .,,..,.. •n . Dftndtl In Tu~'• electi«ll, and .,..t •llenUoo, and give Republlcen ~ Boyle1,ln New Jersey"jn 'a. racn proclalriltcl • trlum~.., ""'ldtnl Nilr-leadera.• rallying polnl behind the Viet· that was clooer thah anticipated.~ on U llotb • polJI ml• Vietnam M!'l ·~lea lflaon; ~~"bl )Ila :: .Tjle two stale vJl,tories g~ve. ~·Go(' polll;y "!Iker. Mondayl>roadcUl IO !lie nation. 'lllty ·,r, id to 18 marfl!n over the Oei11DCrals In Wllllam T. Cahill, • &l·year.old con-ao _aald the Holton.Cahlll wins showed the g0verhorshlps ·and JefL the Democrat4 ireseman. led the GOP off•year aur1e force' of Nixon's Campaign power. wiUi only Texu among the naUon'i'JJ;Olit with • """1lldlnl deleal of lltm(!qtt!; Nixon hlmeell dlacounled hla role aa an populoua st.tea. l!OJton'a victory abo former ~-Robert B. Meyner ~ waa., ·el~~qD.· twinger t~r9U8l'\. bis ca.mpaign ~ts RfpubllCans +in governorships· or · trying ;to return to the N~. · Jt~ ... appearances for Ccrhnt ana·aonoir s"4fing .., thrtie o the U ot'ietl-solldly Democratic statehoqse. Cahlll polled 60 petce~t ~ ~· :_ "l don't..take credit."· i ~· ;t . ~~ , •· -:. . .'.l>itle states. · vote. . • 1 , !!Ut ·ti. noted .that . Meyner ha~ made ·!glese victories aleo went fcir to offset Ip Virginia, Linwood Holtoo, ,4C, -· Vietnam· "a?i ·up~ ah?t Clown· LSsue "'ii"n'a' .... the damage suffered by the GOP in los. defeated · Democrat Wllll~ C. Battle tG said· 'Cahill's euy .victory 11was \"very \ inftthree congre'sslonal:·seata in special gain e~on · as the f1tst Republican · reassuring." -elections earlier this )'.ear. . . 't g_overnoc: of that stat., lince recoR$truc-RepubUc•n National Chairman .p.ogers.,~-_In New Jersey ·Tuflday, Republican ilon d~. C. B. Morton aald In a atatenleiit that 'lldy~e made a, surprll(_ngl)'-lttOng ahow· 11te Vlct~es gave the RepubUcana a Cahlll's victol')t..in,pari~tdat.Jdded .UP to ,.-ill.I against Democ;at Roe 1or a .. vacant total of U of the 50 govemorshipe -"a hearty endorsement of pf~sidenf· NIX·· . .tOe'mocratic seat in ttwt fR!uie. The-fil)jll hlglnheslb1!lnc~tyl9201:....lo .. :.i...-• •81 oo's tireless search for peace in Viet· count showed Roe \lith a marsi!l of abOut· ~ c1 e-· ns, win:i•~r•1 , nami!r : . . 1,000 votes but faced-with a recount ·tn ~. law and cwder •nd tbe Vi~m ' PJ:edlciable, thil )YaS p r 0 m p t I y some preelncta. . war W~ major 1uue1. &be l'tft$fJ!tr..• • .dJ.sputed\ by ~'!l>tmocratic national New Jersey voters rejected a proposal mixed. i:A l>11ct mayor, Carl $.tokes of chairman, Sen. Fffit R. Harris of lo give the vote ~to 18-year-olds. Ohio Clevela~, was re-elected, and anothef~ . Oklahoma,. who said he doubt.ed Morton . , tlll'ned down a pfopasal to extend the Neiro, fUchard H. Austin, r~ a close seo -· ieali)o ''thinks thilt." Bu't HarriS 'said Nix·-vote to 19-"year-old!. · ~ ~or =ft Roman S. G~ for. on's a~arances in Vi1'.linia and ~ew ._. In Cteveland,·Stokes won another close mayor · . .1. Jersey, ·coupled with his election eve contest as he .had ·two years-ago by at· .And in New York, Mayor Jbhn V.: speech, ~·probfbly p~yed some part'' in tracUng enough w!11te votes -about 20 Li.pdsay 11 upected wcm a •ec«M:l lall.· · ·the "GOP tcfumph¥.. ,. percent -to go a11;11g with his almOlt 100 wife have been lreed-.lrom prlsO!I alter an appeal court foUnd t h • couple bad suffered from "mid· 1ummermadne1s." G~-~ "' and his wife. of Gonetilon, .11:n:g- iand had been sentenced to n I n e months imprisonment for incurring oome $1,600 worth of ho~, c!otli~s and automobjle rental, bQJs I a_J t summer. "Mrs. Thomas• was tn1 a bad otate of health and Mr. Thorri- . · ~t.~ , ~ -:. 1 In the cities, Democrats turned out in· percent backing from the Negro com· ~~,;4rts ~Ii Replacing .. ' .. ~=;.~~~'-tr-:1~~~ar.~,jA" '~~:~· A~lr°~i~~J:~~1:~ was Ul'tTl ... 1• NEW JERSEY VICTOR Reoubl ic;an Cahill aa was also ljt: a far. from .. healtliy condition," lll~eourt decided. They boilt appeanid 1c>.ge;1ulfetlng from a case Of mldsmliin.er ·madries1;v '"•· 'ff: . \ . r . , , . ·.; >,,. 1 '·· 4br~ms~'.;Lodge Denied ' 1' ,. • . ·WAsumGTON.'.Jtl?t1 .-: The Whita Houp and Pentailoi ~~ ~ reportl that Gen. Crellbtolf!l: 4bril!la IJlliht be ("' .. -. ' replace<! soon aa lf.8: 'll)llltlry com- marider in Vietnam: · ' ""'•__:_ . 2 ':.. CBS that Abrams would be aucciiided by Gen. F .. J. Cbesarkek, now cornm&llder of the Army Materiel Command I n Washlniten. . ' . • f'1iere has beeA '. f no·: ,JJUch; recom· mendatlon made to the PrU1delt .and the Prt1ident la not "°""""""' .ia!!JD& such ocllad." aald Ronald L:"'Zle*ler, White Houte press secretary. Al Uitaame time, the White Hooaa also denied I report by CBS thal Henry Cabot Lodge, Pruldent N~on'1 chief negoti~r at Ute -v1etnam peace talks in "Paris, planned lo Jtlum ta pl'ivate IUe oOo.t •. : · ~ '·s· ·,_ , .. ~ ears ,.: "1 • ' -,-: "Completely untrue," s.fid Defense Department spokesman ;-Jerry w • Friedheim. The atllements re1arded .. reportl _by ' . Ybung Okl.ahoma Nav11 rt.senii1t Elite Saigon received the Purple Hean in special . ctrmwnits ot the Stillwater Naval. ~ -~ ---~::i:eed c~~tt;;~;g~fo~h~:f!~~· ,2:s: _:TrOOps --TrnpPed; to!ntd in a North Kortan pri.son aft- er bei!lll ccphlrtd on th• USS Pueblo. M. a ... uled .. h ,u ,R, . eds.· Capt. V. S. Rcdlinskl prf!s£nted the _ 1tl] , award to the currdt sophomore ot OkWloma stat< umvemiv. ~.. ~sAIGON-(UPll~:Mi'eUte·&iath-vi.t- . • nameae ranger unit walked 'into a trap • · and was aevtrely mauled by North Viet.-S"'1dents 1n lhe...lledford School-namese-troopo tn-a test ofihe abllity·of District in Michigan had a one-day Vietnamese forces to carry on the, w~r, layO!f because a·~oulh.wbo waf.not·, 'r~l>ltnlllilUy·-~~f' allowed to ride school .bu~ pulled '. lb. !!ll<lay ~~ wu 1""111!·-Ille otrtnga to oee· that nobodY else cllll nUc: Lop spei:lal For"c:ei Cami\ \I() 'mile• either. The unid_,.Ufied· •Indent·:~ of Si!IOD and' oiili if.,..·hmi- kei* off school, buoes lor di5,clpli· ; ~ y~ fr9i!> the;Cambodi"" b9fdsr. nary reaa~na. pUlled"the wirei od· American lorcea provided aJr Jnd all 49 bbseo in the -.a,:ioo.:studenl .ntJle1'·sUpjlol't'titi1 lb< flrhtlni :w.; ear- dlslticl All claues ware cancelled. -lied out ·by.tjle,Vielllameae... "-. .•. ' · ... · · .. It' c•""' aa Vice Preikltnt Nl\iYen Cao ·., · K~ u.. haa1neu of''lhO '\iii!. •m•••••••••.. name.st to fight the Communista. He told The NatiOflGl .ili:<deralor La---•·!!I the-ton o.f llalol.~ borotory near · Batat1fa; ·JU .. h4s SaigOn arJny w~d replace all Amtrlcan r111ted riz buffalo to · Yoom on coliltl&t ·lr<iOi>a In Vietnam bjo tlle''Oncl of ~· Mar whtre scientiltl toiU 1970, fret1ng 100,000 to 150,00G· Gls to·sO stUdy the atom. Officicll 1 aid· home. tM bia beaatl ., chta:ptT than A South Vietnamese 1pokesman aaJd lawnmowers. ,the government forcu 1 u ff ere d "moderate" losses and killed llO North • Vietnamese, part of the force of 7,000 . reported posing a new threat along the In Second M~~' Ariz., V,1.•! .. , .,e1111bodl1n;border.· .. ·. ·, · ·" ... Lomahaftewa, caitdidate for Cbl!r· .. MW!arY.M~ said South Vjeb:!~tl'\.e&e .man.oI .. lhe..Hm!l~.-•J1YJJ!t'~M___ cuua!Utl .. tatah!ll ·24 fdlled ... 3J wound<d bridge tbe generation gap becauae and more than &O missing, most of them ••1 consider my_seU to be some-part cl. the original two companies of whete between ute.older generation about 200 men who were ambushed. arid the youth of today." Lomahaf-Later, Vietnamese reinforcements were Iowa iJI 72. flown to the scene by helicopter.- .... , ... Repoita: 11ao have circulated 1btoad that l.<idge, who served two aUnts'u 1.irl- bauadOf to South Vietnam, WU e1JllCl«l .1 to roalp. ... • • Tl!!..rem c1me 1o11ow1ng NIJ011:aJ1.1!· dress to the nation on Vietnam In Wtitch he said Jhe only progress in ParlJ ·to date had been IXI the ahape ol the bar&alnlng tablei . .. . . However, the President made ·cJfar' in brief reinarb in his office Tuesday ·111at · he pJanned to continue on the "dtplorilatic track" U tme means of seeking-peace. Aa for, Abr11111, there hu been periodic talk in \vaahlnRton circles ta the effect thatthe .. genml..had..lhrtltened..to..reslgn if the President declared a unilateral ttase ftp in Vietnam or accelerated the rate_oL,ttoop_withdrawAl_-neither of_ which bi did In hia opeech. Pope's Painting ,a-.· I Thefts Deni~.t ' .. VATICAN CITY (AP) -n:. v~iloan today denied a reporl thal th~ :~t111is ~ hid been atolen from Pope ~iul's·ap,~t· , ment. ..... .,'.· · · · "We can categorically dln{lbe reportl · of a then or painllnp supposed ta hava taki:n piece In the pontllf'g:~t," . ~<l , the VaUcan communique .Said., The Italian Newa AgedCy hid reported that lhtee paintinss valued at'. ipore than $1.S mlllton had been iltolm· from the papal aPartment in the ~atlcin A~tollc Palace. ·; ·'. The ne\\'S agency said the ~inlings wt re cut from thelr frimei ~Dll ,iaktn away some time bttwee'n the. inlddle .QI. July and the middle of Septenibtr. while· tht po~ was at his sunimer rdidence in CisteJ Gandolfo, 18 mi.Ifs outside Rome. ' Ra.iny Weather Ill O(fil!g1 . .. . .'.'DIAMOND -. . ,, . . . • . " j l .c&. Solitaire ........ 1 ... $1~ : !.BUY SEARS DIAMONDS '\VJTH CONFIDENCE Beoaa•• dla....t w'eightl are &eldom idcritical, approximate carat weight! are ahowa. · Sean givc. you 1 Carat ·Weight Certificate which &lale11 th e exact we~ .' ·lo one-bn,ndredth-of a carat. of t.ery Tradition cenler diamond of l/%0 carat or more. LIFETIME TRADE-IN Seat. allowa you full caah price paid (e::i:elmiw of taxfls &Jld c.4rrying charge) on any Tradition dian1ood ring, pin. c~ rings in trade for a higher pri"ce'd diamond' al any time. I Man'• Diamond Ring Lonly Eaninp -Diamond l;m"lll $132 Pendant $38 Peadlnt S50 Pendant :·1 a.,i.m 179 R.,.WflM t89 a.i.-&111 . .... ·AV .... ! tl09 o-ifl 133 A--8..--,-! I_ Ul 1 Scars off en aeveral credit plana for your co n-unience. Jewelry enlarsed lo ahoW detail. --------~----------'!'t-------------• __ .. ____ -·-_______ , l I ...... -lliiioNTf ~. ~-lOHOIUOI :JCO....... ....-' ...,,._mtiiffWA I I CliNDOAP'Aa • OUtCWI Ot'f'WIC llOIO ~ • • lotHTA.Me.l I .. CQllOION .HOUYWOC9 QIANGC I ·µ"""'"'"..... Vi'WT I aMNl NOl.IWOC» il'i.SMINA Sears ........ '.oi«A -....... • ... , '·--------------""'!.------------.------------·-··I .... ....., ...... .....,,. .. ~ ................ 1)-.. 11.11. -----·· .. td' d 8 I tr; iw .. M•ttlt~. •:1 • t •• ~··-··- I .. ---~- -------------------· ------------ Ex-Tennessee '· • Governor l(illed NAS HVll.LE, Tenn, (AP) - Frank G. Clement, an old- fashioned orator who once was tlie nation's youngest '&OvemQr, has died in an auto accident Ht 4.9. Clement, three-time governor of Tennessee, won national attention as keynoler of the Democratic National Oloventlon in 1956. CastlgaUng the RepubUcan administration in Washington, he asked over :and • over, "How long, America, oh how long?" He won his first term as governor by unseating Gov. Gordon Browning Jn the state 'Jl['imary of 1952, promising to opUate "government in a goldfish bowl" He WIS 32, the Second youngest man ever elected governor of Tennessee and the youngest governor then servi ng in any state. _...Clement's-public career-end-~"'Pt't' ed with his defeat by Republican HO\\·ard H. Baker J r. in a race for the U.S. Ul"I T ....... Senate. in 1966, He had since CLEMENT KILLED .·practiced law. At '56 Convention ' He died Tueaday night in a _ _:.::.:....::.:....::::.:.....:..:.::..:::.:...._1 hel«kla coll.Won between his 'CU and another near his -. Clement'• friends and his -lllillOIOO,,_ agreed lj>•t · his )ears 11 governor were marked by unparalleled pro- gress in education, mental Egyptians Raid Israel health p r o g r a m s and By 'Ibt At90Clatecl Prtss highways. EgypUan commandos era&-- . In ordering flags on !tale ed the Suez Canal today and buildings lowered to half-staff, attacked an lsrae_ li patrol, but Gov. Buford Ellington, a political protege of the former Egypt-and Israel disputed the gOvernor, said Clement's con-results of the raid. tributions to his state "will Egypt said its force killed live forever." an Israeli officer and eight Ellington owed much of his soldiers, captured a n o the r success to C1ement. After Cle· wounded man and destroyed ment had served six years and two armored cars and a tank. could not under state law suc-Israel said hl'O of Its ettd hlmseU, he endorsed Ell· soldiers were killed, two woun- ington who had served as ded and a filth was missing, agricu!ture commissioner in probably taken prisoner by the the Clement Cabinet. Egyptians. The Jsraeli5 said Either Ellington or Clemenl nothing about any equipment bas been governor since Cle· losses. ment first took oUice for a An E g y p ti a n spokesman ~year tenn in January, said a "large number" of I~. After the gubernatorial commandos crossed ahe canal tenn was lengthened to four at El Shatt, at the southern years Clement was re-elected end of the blocked wate rway, inl954, succeeded by Ellington and attacked the I s r a e 11 in 1958, won again in 1962 and annored patrol. ··was' again succeeded by Ell··;;::========I . ington in 1966. Clement, who never remov- ed himself frorri politics, had been. working on a campaign organization to make another try for the governorship in ll'IO. Who C.res7 No other newspaper 111 .tlle world cat!S aboul YO!Jr communllJ llkt your communi ty datty MWSpaptf' does. It's tilt DAILY. PILOT. YOll PIOILEM: y., -19 ..i1 -lt.m -.,.. .............. liut ......... elle An -hf' NOT OVER $50 7 7 7 7 ? 7 YOUI ANSWEI: y., all TKI DAILY PILOT, ""'fw ClnllRod Adnrtlling, and ..... •., . '"'t' _,, . ...... . , "' ' < PILOT PENNY PINCHER .-.,_.., CLASSIPllD M AT oUR SPECIAi. LOW IA'fl 3. uins 21IMIS 2 DOUAIS .ANO YOUlt CltlDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT! i 642-5671 , <M ... ___ lml ································~ • I • ______ ..,,.. - • SALE Van Raalte parity hose ·and stockings . . . . s. ... cm ,.... faormiilr styles of Van llaaJt. Can'-II. Vatiiloa, miaa -ii, si-aod fl.;. IOJ'I! Panty ~­ and *"*io&'. that fit -.Iy . . . . flatt<r )'<!Ur ltss-)1'· . .... . ' . . ~ s'-r illldea ibat oomp1imait all JOU1 fashiooa. PAN'IY .HOSE 777 ........ p...iy bolo, ..;th aude boeL ' . l · "'!· 2.00 169 · J pr. lor l.00, 6 pr. for -10.00 711 Actif C.O'-Il ponty liooe witli nude li«l,. ', ·• . ,, reg.,~': , · 2·,49 . J pr. lor 7-3l, 6 ,pr. for 14.70 629 VaailaD llua i.itl pa.aty-liaoe ..-!Iii nude lie<l; ope size fia alL I 2.89 5 pr; for l :lO,:d•pt.-for 17.00 p<nty liaoe ...... md ...., beige, ""' bllpe and maay odier fubioe mlors. Junia<, ''8"' lo l'O"; petite, l' O"' to •• , ... --"'-")'3" to· l' 6"'• tall ,. 1·< .. ;;o .~ • • • , • STOCKINGS Ill Miao .Nm :itockin,gs ..;th rcinfa«rd h«l and toe. reg. l:tl 92c J pr. fa< 2.n, 6. pr. for l.4l · 283 fla: 191> Wu. ll<dln8' wltli m.forced lie.I and toe- ~ · Jllml,p 30 *'<ting< with rcinforcad ·bed and toe ttg. I .6l. 13 i2 ' J pr. for 3.930 6 pr. for J·.llJ >toclciag ~lots Ind aim: lieige, tan, taupe, blown and maay other fasruoa colors. Short, medi=, Ior.g, ay,.11. may CD hoolery 7 .. ---. 1 _ _) ---• • Sale! . ' imported gloves •I DAILY 1'11.ot $ ~·~ I • I l ' ; ) '· ,, ' ,• --1---Ma¥.,Co'.s~own _____ .... ~; _, . , .\ ' . . • . . '1 ... ' . ··' . . ' . • ;! f-•.• ,.,.: ;·(!!.~~·. .... : , • • !; ;--r A ~ ~~-i1M1• ~ lig~ leather t1y1es ·· ID moo.•_f-. Glono , •. ;.liaiply llilcnd,·« alcillfully d .. tailed ..;th tiny ""'-della .. baad-tlildWif aad Iots. _1!>!> .-. All impon.d 1-Italy and Gmnaay. UnliJ>ed, .iik. lined, Or, if ""' pref•, di -" aad nWt llair lining too. SO.. 6Y•·'ID I , So, -la. Yoa'U £ind ,m. • laat ""1 the whole year kllg. Aad , • • bQai • fn.nd. Ualined ltlllior g!Oftl witli dcl!a1r !Wscktilchiag and tiny buttm trinl. Some latbcr with ....met badr:s, too. White, black, brown, any. 599 s.-h kid glma thlt atop al l""' wriJI. Some tailored >ty_les. 9th.is 'with ...n llilth desip. White, black, brown, .. ..,.. 699 .. . 799 ·. Mid 1mgtb p.,aaf\ lifted ,;;~pm. .iUi:.. Simpq ,tailonJd. Gm! acaiaxia for city knits. CllOOle flrD black, wlailr, Ff• any Mid"bnnra oolon. Pmecfl<>r"!all;_ ' ..iut 14.oo 8.99 fashioa co'lpl• tht leoth<r> )lCOI'U fmd . •. blad; •. "!"'! • dllaks • white ' • ldclJldlis • blDd dmiled , • grey . • ail>ttlla • micl-lqtbf .• ""'""' • nmrelties • lhortie ....,.~,y,... -.: .. • • ,, ' ' ' " may c:o· 1out~ coeat plaza , 111n di ego fwy ••• bristol, coita m•••:. 5'4ll•932 ·1; ihop mondoy thru 111turdey I 0 e.m. to 9:30 p.m. , • ,, . ' I • MAV<;Q . t ·• ••• •• II a DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Then hive bola two nola~le points of unanimity in discusslon1 of. Lapna's library s1tuatJon. First the ulllJnl library, au agree, la •b•111'111¥ •mall, bas been !Jladeq .. te for years and niU1t bt ,... placed. Second, th• lov•I of Hrvice IMitllallle4 by "'9 prn- ont library stall, dnllilo woeful 'WOlldlll eondl-. ,JI; by any standards, nCnordlnary; Wblle castlgaUnc 'the city, Iha county and everyone else In sight for lollure to 1olve the-problem of CtltlllC Laguna the sort of library facility lt t!Hotvll and ""'11, speakers have J••• out of their way to ahower pra!H on the local llbranant. They cllo frlendlln11s, WlllinllJIHI to lake troubla to help patron• find whit !hey ntltf; attenUon to detall and many other vtrtu11. . Whether the ultimate dtclllon la In favor of a c!IY.· operated library or a coollnuatlon of the county brancli, the standard for service already bas ~ set. 1 In addition to lheH excellent, well trained llbrari. ans. the county Jlbrary service ha& mucb to offer tbat probably would bt difflcult to obtain, a least for a long time. in a city facility. . .. . Access to hllU a million volumes, with one.day U. - livery service, 11 not to be sneezed at. Sixteen miJll. meter sound !Ums , both educaUonal end ent•rtallllls& and quantities of records, from Jazz and cla1slcal muiic to language les1on1, are available tree of char11 to county library patrons . The vul collection ol reftrtnco works would cost a small fortune' to duplicat~. 1 .• Lacking space to store even an ad equate s~pply of books , Laguna's preaent library baa· not been 8ble to give local residenll a really complete Idea of what th e county library can offer through a first class facili'ty. Knowledge, and soun:es of tiiowledJe, have mu!U· plied at an unbellevable rate. A .OmP!Ote, modem ll· brary needs book1 by hundreds of tbou11bd1, along with films; slides, tapes, rttordings , newspaper ·~d mag• ztne Illes and technical journals of all kinds to supply Ibo needs of tis patrons. . Mo vies Are Growing In to Puberty lt would be a foolish exaggeraUon to aay th.t the America moUon picture has come of age; more accurate to say that it is crowing up from infancy to puberty. Adutthood is sUU quite a way off. Dear Gloomy Gm: Did Mayor Vedder say Laguna had ltf own epicenter or hippie center or was It maybe both? -C. C. Tit" "'"'" ,.,Itch """"'' ,..... ... -"' ffl-. .. "" -......... ..... ,_ ..., ....,. " .,_, ... Delly l'li.t. But all the encooraging signs are here, If tbe two films 1 saw last month mark the IJ"OWth period 1 think they do. These never quite sure what is "out thtrt" and were "The Midnight Cowboy" and what elisU only in the minds ol the •'Medium Cool." characters. ALTHOUGH com let<I~ different In Thia Is, of count, truer to ttf• than the ---theme and approach~ both compt"fOur at:-~Jodding-sertal-quallty of eormnUonll tenUon, interest and respect for much the films, which move heavily from cat11t to &ame reasons. Tbey deal with real'people effect and from present to future. Wt llff (unlike moet American film& of the in three kinds of tlme, not one: our past); they fore'° false naturalism for remembraoce of thin&• paa\ and our the take of a deeper realilm; and they hoptl or feata of the future combine to know that motion photography ls not just attect our present actlona and 1Wtudi1. 1 series of still1 in· rapid aucceulon. In both these plcture1, lhe camera b fully In charge, on Ill.own 1pectflc terms. A movie is not a novel that ia photographed, or a play that ta reproduc- ed: It is, rather, Its own art form, with Ill own rules and laws, its own seMe of spa.Ual and temporal relationships. And the moving camera can give w 1 view of lile not possible in any other art form. "THE MIDNIGHT COWBOY" and "Medium Cool" . demonstrate this uni- queness with charm and power. The camera moves , u It will, between past and prtsent and future, In a series of quantum jumps ; and between external rull.ty and inner fantasy , so that we are AND, JUST AS ob\ilOU1ly, we Uve In an admixture of two worldl: what 11 ob- je<tively bappeoJna to UI and a""'nd UI, and the way our mlndJ retract (lftd often dJJtortl lhete event.. It la only sanity to recognize the parnokl compoMnt ln our most "objed.ive" views. While "Medium Cool" has a thelJa to offer, and "Midnight Cowboy" ll merely a viCJ>ello, it la the form ratller thin the sUbUnct of these films \hat tlYH them their validity and vllality and Integrity. Whatever their flaws -and they are far from flawleu -they lay naked before us the painful and lovely procea ol 1 medium that is struggling into maturity, after decades of sullen ret.ardaUon. For Dogs, a Groomobile 1'1lng1 a columnist might. never know It he didn't open hia mail: U every ®a hu·hl• day, tb11 must. bl the day. Tbe latest pet-pampertni dev!CO, a mobile van called • "Groomobile," calla 1t the d0&'1 borne when he ~ a groornlni. thus AYlol him the nllillDCO of bavlna: to make a trip to town for • bath and balr trim. Wue up i1red tbla m«11lnll Maybo the. mattrtu was to l>ltnJ•. MOit people roll over or ctianae posture to tlrna during eipt boura of slee~ -• often il the ruitreia is too · hard rather than mertlJ ftrm. Sleep expert.a uy the extra lwiltlng and tum.Ina can leave you .....,. WllAT IS THE healthlost period of lile, nceptfOr •~ldents? Medical autborltles say li la between the ag11 of 5 and 15, when tht bod}''• reslstanct appem at Its peak and thercforl tht mortaUty rate bun infectious dlttue ll at Ill lowest. Weeds are the bane of the fortst as well as the home flower or vtgetable garden. 'Ibey have been found to limit the grow\h of trees-and thertby the pro- ductloo of lumber-more than any ad· vt.rM factor. Space mi)' ntecl ha trafflc COP' btfore I h I 1 .,...., ta lllft. Already ID Oll>tl around the earth m nearly 31000 man- made Ajec!ll, Qt! man sre llOJn& up all lhedme. nose with both eyes. U that doesn't work try using your hanky. ReSt tram his endleu labors may be coming at last to the Volga boatman, one ol Jluasla'a m<ilt pldurl!l'I•• 11..,.. in '°°'·and story. ~ Vo111 Rlver, the largeat waterway in Ewope, Is finally being harneued f« !ii11roelectrtc power by the bullding of a number of dams. THE ODDS: lf you toss a coin and call either beads or t.alll, you have a fi0..50 chance of wiMing. But to make a Cilln come down heeds 50 tlme1 in 1 row, It has beea theoretically esUmated, lt would have to be tossed 10 million times a minute, to hours a week, for too yean. But don't bet on it. Sweet hlatory: Around 195', a YOWll Pn1sslan volunt.etred for mililar)' combat and immediately was assigned to bakery duty . Annoyed, he took some bread dough, formed them Into UUle cannon balls 1Dd filled them with jam. Thw wu created one of tts moat la.Ung In. ... u-jeWod doullmu~ tidbit al childhood. QUOrAllU: NOTABLES: "There are da)"I *" any tlectrlca l appliance In the hcM-. lDdudln1 the vacuum cle•ner, t ,._ • lo olfw mol'I tnterllinment {po ... llla .._ lhe television ' at. "-Hlnitt V1n Home, crlUc. WORTH REMEMBERING: "A little lie Is not to bad -It's all lhost you have to tell to keep up with the first that m11kes you ao uncomfortlble." Know your Janguap: Why 11 CUpld often called DaR Cupid? Cupid, the god.of I o v e • d'rlves from the Latln w o r d "cupldo," mtanlng drslr,, passion, or love. Dan is merely an old UUe of honor or respect, similar to Lord, Master or sir. Poetic references to Dan Cupid date from the 11th ctt1tury . I 1'bl "ltacboo" ltUOD ii here. How ct1n I you llld a 111eeztn1 att.ck! The old I !Je-rmS)'IVanls Dutch lhou8ht the best way wu to stare tiredly at lht Up of your • "' 1 If It II in any way pocstble to come to terms with the county on financing lhe new facility . the benefits of remalnin( within the county system probably would, In the long fWl , outweigh the advantages ol iaunchl0g a city-operlited library. -t --............ ,_ _ _.., Suitable Balance Needed Lagulja'• Community Players appear to be having understandable pains a1 they attempt to grow Into their new theater. -. \ Over the years, the one-lime t•UtUe theater" group hu had Its ups and downs, with ,Ptrlodic chanting of the guard as new facUons, with new ideas, moved 'into the spotlight. Now, -having. accomplished the acquisiUon of what is probably one of tbe oufstanding community Uteater in· stallaUon1 in the country, they find themselves, by the very physical nature of their theater, moving into a faster league. -· The change to a more profe11iona1 and less "little theater" approach to their art l1n't entirely o}1Uonal. There is more overhead, there are more aeatl to be filled, bigger sets to be built -and these mean money. Competition from television and motion plclurH, along with the proximity of prof01sional theater brooght about by the freeways, may indeed make it necessary to provlcft a more sophisticated' brand -of theater to keep Ute new Playhouse filled. The hope is that Iha Players will be able to find a suitable balance between the traditipaal, theater much Of the membership enjoys and the more experimental wor~s soU:ght out by modem theater buffs -and per· haps to devise a way of letting audiences know approxi· mately what to expect, even {o the extent Of preaenUng separate seasons. 'Cluck clUck ••• Cluck cluck •• .' s 'Here Come~ Another Putsch Against Schools' ' Masters of the Big Lie Technique To the Editor: Man your battle staUons. Here comee another putsch against the schools. Bued on that Infamous dictum that a Ile or half-truth, if repealed often enou1h and loud enough, will finally be taken for truth, here ia the pitch: · "The achools do not teach the three Rs. The schools have frltls. The kids do not learn dllcipline. The classrooms appear atrange. The teachers are Immoral and Instruct U>eir students on how to engage in sex. The graduatea of the American public ICbools are know-nothings. The American public schools are a waste of the taxpayers' money. The faculUu are filled with Communists and ado\elcentl and pseudo-intellectuals and plntOI and peacenikl. The teachers are over-paid and under-worked. Academic freedom I.I another term for communism." IF 11111)' c»f1e!rW.. sfilfr!Ol!ie l. Litt.rs from r111Mr1 art we!eomt. NormaU11 ID-rlter1 1hould cont1e11 thttr mttJaQll in 300 word! OT U:$$, TM right to condense letters to fit $pact or tltmlnaU Ubel i.t f't$tnied. AU tte- ttr1 mun fftclud• lionature and maiZ.. tng addreis, but ftame1 ma11 be wlth- heLd on reque;t if aufficitnt Ttasoti U appcrent. bottom or the list in reading and bas Its walls and ceilings supported by outside braces. . On the one hand they hold up u a model the Gennan system of education (one of our elected offlclalll, who as far as anyone has been able to learn waa never near Gennany during the E~ pean catastroph~, has rt.ferrtd to tho German schools as the greatest educa· tional system in the world); and on the other hand they cite the Nazis' Big Lie technique as a tool of the professors in our colleges. Inquire into ill classic implementaUon In the recent Senatorial campaign and ln aeveral of the local poliUcal putachea. It Is not irrelevant to note that we Americans whipped this ideology In two world wars overseas. We can do lt qaln In California. W. ANDERSON Salt Cr eek Aeeesa To the Editor : Mr. Knowlton Fernald Jr., vice prm. dent of Laguna Niguel Corp. hu gone on WE ARE PROMPTED to ask who in record that the corporation hu no con- America today bas most ably mastered sideration or sympathy for the public'• voters, they can destroy the public the Big Lie technique, seeing its access to the beach at Salt Creek. acbool8 by abutting off funds ; apparently unblushing use against Justice Warren It is appannt that the Orange COunty they feel tbat all public schools should be and the late and beloved President Board of Supervisors concurs with Wt made 10 rtsel!!ble ~old ruin_jp ~~nhow~ (a.swell as a.galMt.num~rous _phllosopb.Y--====-:--=cc oe ghlJOniiiCity Which nnta near the other honorable Americans). Wt wish to BARBARA G. STAB.LIR Support for Laos,-a Basic Issue WASHINGTON -For some weeka the White House has been disturbed by lhe extent and nature of informaUon con· grtssional investigators have learned about American supported operations 1n LaO!. The concern is not that Congrtu or cmnmittees of Congress shaJJ be kept in the dart on how American ~ell.fl! and money have kept a clandutlne army in the fitld against the Communllta in Laos, but over the advantqe to the ene- my if such information became public accidentally or by dUign. In fact, however, this la probably the least of the consequences that would fl ow if the senatorial challen1e to American policy in Laos should be sustained. THE ISSUE IS WHETBEI\ or not the Pr!sldent of the United Stites can carry on such operations without explicit con· gresslonal approval. It he cannot, the whole structure of American policy In the past 20 years in supporting governments agalnst Communist takeover will collapse for lack of public support, Following the appearance or ClA Direc- tor Richard Helms before Senator Stuart Symlngton's subcommittee in the Senate, it was charged by Sen. J. WilUam Fufbrtgl11 that the Unili!d Stil., is ·-d~ $150 mUlion annually to support and transport a clandestine army of 31,00> ln Laos. Senator Fulbright described Wt activity u "most unuauaJ and lrrtcullr, U not unconstitutional." Senator Fulbright ts quit< rtpt about one Ullng. Neither Congress nor the ArMrlcan public has been frank!J tn- De~ Ge0rge : Before I started rudlna your col· umn I used to "°:rt Jot about debts. f tossed all WOo:rYln& about money I owed. nee rtldlna your column I've learned to qui\ worryln1 about money. OnJy ont thing bothers me. I get sutd all the timt JlOW, CONSTANT RE-'DER Dear Conltant Reader: No WQDdw. Sittlnc 1 r o u n d r .. dlq a<M<t eo1"""" 11 •nouah to ruin anybody. CONFIDENTIAL TO DISG USTED SMALL BUS INES SM AN : Don't bt disgusted -try 1otn1 into busi11t11 for yourseH asatn. There m many opportunities In other flelda . In fa ct, ft ml1ht be better If next time you started somethina: besides a tA!lepbone company. fonnecl of the nature of American sup.· port 10< Laotian forces bl flglltlng the 1-athet Lao imurgency and tbe North Vietnamese incurs.ion. SECJIErARY or SrATB William Rogers put on an air of tnjUred innocence in saytnc that he thought Couress was famlllar with what the United it.ates hu been doing there. He llld "operat.ioM" in Laos were begun by the Kennedy AdmlnJstratloa and continued by both the Johnaon and Nl:zon administrations. However, as late as two weeks ago when LaoUan Premier Souvanna Phouma was ln Washiniton he dissembled with el.rate Asiatic grace and patience in making It appear that American ct1mbat troops ln Laos were nonexistent and American battlefield support negllble. "The larr,t; foreign contingent in Laos is French, ' Soovanna Phou.ma blandly replied to questions on the number of Amtrtcaa penoontl there. He aclmltted that some American personnel was necessary to service A m e r l c a n equipment. Throughout the whole public discussion on American involvement in Laos frankness has been th! maln American casualty. If we have lost few men we have lost a great deal or the truth. THIS IS UNFORTUNATE because the Nixon Administration will now be com- pelled to defend and carry on the policy in Laos in a growing atmosphere of criticism and distru st. President Nixon cannot Cilnceivably carry out the policy for Southeast Asia he has so often elaborated if he can no longer sustain and suwart free nations against Communist incursion. "' His policy Is based not only on the ; withdrawal of all foreign forces from South Vietnam but from Laos and Cam- bodia as well. Without training, support and direction the clandestine army in Laos would have no hope of ejecting the North Vietnamese and probably would be unable to put down the Pathet Lao. A Vietnam cease-fire or settlement could rapidly collapse if the Communists re- mained in position in Laos and Cambodia Controlling Precedent Jn court you may have beard your lawyer II)' that such and such a decision -Jones v1. Smith -governed the case at hand. How dld he find that 11controlling precedent"! Law ochool lratns your lawyer to use the "cMt" met.bod to-flnd and-analyze Ie1al problems. The law lludent reoda and analyqa thouaand1 of selected casea to ftnd out how to apply the law in pirtlCUlar cun like yours. The cue method allows him to sort out people's predicaments and to see again and .aaaln that the outcome of each case rut.I upon Its own set of fact s. This is why a lawyer has to study the facts and law In your case to give yoo an answer. He has to 1et the particular facts of your 1 Cut and \htn flocf out esactiy bow t h e )1w -&I rtfltcltd ln the CUM -1ppllt1 to them. WREN YOU SEEK adv~e. your lawyer begins at once to sort out f&cll and frame the legal problem. Sometlmrs he can annrer at once: often he has to 10 to the books and check out your problem. Thi• proctu may tlke o"ly a few mlnutes. But sometimes tt takes hours, or days ; and In big cases, sometimes months. Lawyers must al59 double check on ·whether some court of appeal has ovmulod a dec!alon he might bt using In • .. 'Law •in Ac tion t ·t -- --<)'Ollt case. After all U1i1, your lawyer can stand before the court and say "Your Honor, we believe that our case is controlled by the case of Brown vs Johnson." He then usually outlines the circumstances in the Brown case, and compares them with the facts in your case. tf thfy fit, the judge usually makes 1 judgment in your favor. 1N BORDERLINE cases, of course, ad· versary lawyerl, too, may quote from other cases wbloh Ibey feel support their opposing contenUons. Fin any, in such cases, the judge weighs lhe contentions of both skits and then "Instructs" the Juron what law to apply In the case before them. So far t s the jury is conce~, the judge'• m.. structions are the last W(lrd. Their Job la to measure the evidence given In court against the law that the judge gives them 1 and return a verdict accordingly. Note: CaHfornia law11er1 offer tliil column so you mau know about our law1. ready for quick strtkes once American ground forces bad been t ot a 11 y withdrawn. THE CHALLENGE to Nlxon'1 policy In Laos, therefore, is as vital as th• challenge to his policy in Vietnam. If, under congressional and public pressure, the Kennedy.Johnson.Nixon policy in Laos were abandoned the United States may as well give up any thought of in- fluencing the course of events in all of Southeast Asia. 1 'Ibls is: what the opponents of the Viet· nam War basically want and they make it clear by their attack on even indirect support, not involving ground forces, for the Laotion government. They would deny to President Nixon the authority to keep training and support forces in Vitt· nam when the combat wllhdrawal Js ct1rupleted. President Nixon will have to deal with this problem in his November 3 speech, or give up any hope of achieving hla avowed objective of self--determlnation ln Southeast Asia. , . -Quote s Dr. Pu! S. Smit•, Wlilltier, new dlttO- tor ol Nt:r:• la1Utatlon for Haman /l.f• fatn-"We will teach the benefits of th• free enterprise system in a day when teaching fundamental principles of our government bas been desperately 1&· nored ." A1tron1•t Mtke CotHna, lo LA., on ""' he ab1vtd off mustache -"My wife didn't like it, my kids didn't like it, and besldea, it Itched." Wll119m t>.Wuily, Glendale -"The mere possession ol a diploma Is only the start of a business career; from then on the el}lploye is on his own." --W- Wednesday, November 5, 1969 Th< tditorlol JlCIO• •I tM Dailv Piloi 1etkl to jn/orm and. 'tlm- uld te readtr1 b11 pr11tnting thi& MWspoptr't opinfom and com- mtntarv on toplu of interest ond significance, b11 providfnQ o forum for tht ezpreuton o/ our readtrt' opintom, and b11 pre1entinqo the dit>trse vi.ew- potnt.t of b1/onned obsl'-r11er1 and JPOktsmtn on topics of the c1av. Robert N. Weed, Publisher_ '%, CHECPl<ING • u • Average Man Falls In Love Five Times By f,. M. BOYD OUR LOVE AND WAR MAN contends the average fellow Jn his lifetime falls in lov,. five times, the average woman twice. However, most men won't believe this, he says. As that expert named Basta so long ago stated, "Man loves little and often, woman much and rarely," A man is apt to roraet be was iB love on thiJ tr that occuion, but a woman a.I w a y 1 rememben, it's said. CUSTOMER SERVICE, Q. -"How lon&~w1ll tt take me to double my mooey at I pet• cent compounded IJ1l'llllly? A. -The "'"1Jllll<r ~bOyrM}'I; 18.96 years,·, , • Q. -"HOW BIG DO the biggest pumpkin& get?" A. -Biggest I ever heard or weighed 102 pounds. Somebody at Circleville, 0 ., grew one that size last year. .•. Q.-"WH~T'S a 'glitC;h'?" A. -11iat's what the man in Vietnam now call what the men in World War ll called a gremlin. WHAT DOGS do with their tails has been under study recently. Take their tendency to wag high and fast when pleased. In ancient days, they hunted in packs. When one hit the game scent, up went the t.ail to signal the otbera. Or the matter ol putting their tails between their legs when scared. In fights they did that so their tails wouldn't get bit- ten. Now it's all ln!tinct.. ctr· tainly. But In the beginning, there were reasons, simple acd obv!QWI. HOW DO YOU feel about !he color yellow? Pollsters claim two out of five citizen! have an aversion to it. ... THAT GENTLEMAN named Strum who teaches guitar leuons in Lynnwood, wash., won't have any trouble getting into the Proper Job club, I'm sure .••• CLAIMS ADJUSTERS for the dry cleaners figure a man's winter overcoat can be es.· pected to !&St no miire than foor years. AVERAGE INTEL· LJGENCE of a d ult women is said to be exacUy equal to that of men. With such In mnd, how do you ac- count for this contenUon by Lucius F. Cervantes: "All our recorded great p nluses have been men. Not ooe woman has ever risen to the ultimate heights in any field of human thought, action or cultural creation." IT HAS BEEN NO T ED frequently in the press that women's hemlines tend to go up as the economy of the COU11try getl better. 'lbe:y at.ay put whtn business lap. And they go down when bnsinea drops off. '"lllese bemllne• continµe to rise at this Ume," aays economis t Paal Arbuthnot. "and e•en tho they've .gone up about u far u.11181' should, thero'1 no end in sight." lnl.Ueltlng. Mr. AWtlmol bu b e e D II> sufficienllJ --o:Jallrtt Dt-: however. RAPID REPLY: No, sir, It has been atabllsbod -thot In four out of five murden, the kille r and the killed were ac- quainted. Your question s and com· ments are welcomed and wilt be wed wherever pos· sible in "Checking Up." Addre11 mail to L. M. B~d. in care of DAlLY PILOT, Boz 1875, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663, . Journalism On Displa y Golden West College students will display their new journalism facilities to high school new s paper staffs throughtout the area Nov. 5 during an open house. The activities beain et 3 p.m. with a tour of lhe "Bran- ding. Iron'' newsroom and a staff writer from a metropolitan newspaper. Also scheduled i s a videotape of newspaper ·opera· tioM In the area. "We're proud of our new journalism facµilies," said Miss Borbara Bell, plannlnf committee chairman, "and we'd like the high school peo- ple to see them and get to know us. • A MESSAGE from A.CJ.* "This is • world of 1pecieli1ation we liYe in; the comput .. r is her• to stay; Stick your head in th • 1and and te ll youraelf It isn't happening, it's going away; bu t lt eve your head in the sand for fiYe yeers 1nCI a compuf•r will be sweepin g th• fl oors. 1 In other words, unl11s you at• specifica lly tr1in1d In l "lptcifie fit!~, you won't even b• qualified to swe•P: floors." IN 6 MONTHS • • • • You will be six months older or you cou1d be a computer programmer with your future secure. '"""' 547.9471 '~~~io. •THE A CADEMY of Computer T 1chnology UNION IAH K S9UAll, SOUTH TOWl'R. OUN•t r , 'DAILY '11.et 7 I 1 ~ ... . , ' 3 DAY SALE! • ' PENNCREST RANGES Reduced 56.951 Penncrest• 14' ·Imperial refrigerator Orig.~~: $233 101 lb. fretzercapacity, twin porcelain . enomo l a ispen, 3 zinc finish -I shelves. In white, coppertone or avocado. :1 SAVE 22.95 Penncreste Custom 30 inch .gas range Reg. 299.95 NOW $277 • Two °"'" with programmed cooking,,, 1 at 919 i.VWll • S• through -door windows • Top lifll off for easy deaning • In white, coppertone, -do or homst gold CLOSEOUT on these Penncrest® refrigerator·s Penncrest• 18' side-by-side refrigerator with ice maker Orig. 469.95 NOW '418 Ptnncrtst• eyt ltvtl tltctric r1ngt 2 bake 'n broil -••• Reg. 319.95 NOW '297 SAVE 32.95 Out ey-e · level electric range Reg. 399.95 NOW $367 • Pennaest• 30" ronge ••• 2 bake 'n broil ovens ••• 1 ot eye 1 ... 1 • Radiant clean lower oven &.a1• llleH, both are dock controlled • Coppertone or avocado Reduced 55.951 Penner~• 18' Imperial refrigerator C!>rfg. :;: '37 4 223 lb. freeur capaciiy~ fvll width porcelain enamel ~ble crisper and meat pan. In white, coppertone or .avocado. These Stores Open Sunday Too l 12 to 5 P.M. ' BURBANK c;ANOGA PAR~ DO.WHEY FULLE{'!TON GRANADA HILLS HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON PAR K LAKEWOOD· LONG BEACH LOS ALTOS · MONTCLAIR NEWPORf BEACH NORTH HOLL YWOO SAN FERNANDO --SANTA ANA-TORRANCE-VAN NUYS -VENJll AA-WESTCH ESTER- . ---~ ~ 11 DAILY' PllOT WtdneSda:t, N0vtmbtr 5, 1'69 '----l.•..U.ss_n_c_--t--- Jiist Married Ne\rly.J\<eds \Vil'liam and Myrtle I-Jenning are settling down to married life in their home at Carrier Mills, Ill. afler marryin~ last week. He is 104 years old and his 'vile 76. It 1s his fifth marriage and her third. Said Henning, "Bo.th of us were lonely." . 2 Nixon A ides Boosted To Cabinet Counselo,.s The President also created President N i x o n ' s con-the post of Assistant to the gressl onal liaison and his President for Dorpestic Af· urban affairs expert have been fairs, to which he named John elevated to cabinet rank as D. Ehrlichman, now a counselors lo the President. , counselor to the president, Ziegler said. \VASHINGTON IAP) Bryce Harlo\\', former t y March · Rejected WASHINGTON (AP) -The government has rejected a permit !or a mass man:h from the Capitol to the White House Nov. 15 to cuJmlnate what is being billed 11 the largest an- tiwar prolell In history. Oaly "a small symbolic parade" •Uf be allowed, the Juatico I).• pa r t.m e n t an· ~ Tuelday ntatrt. citing "relllble reports" some demonstrators plan to ••ft> ment vlolenee or to stage con-fronWJions. II A department spoke!Jll8n claimed "coordinated and ef- fecUve law enforcement would be lmPoSsible" Jf "any serious ~ vjgJence"' .~d.. erupt._ along the Pennsylvania A v e o u e route. Immediately, the New P..1obiJization C o m m I t t e e , sponsor of the anti-Vietnam protesl.s planned for Nov. 13- 15, denied· the charge and ac- cused department officials. of negotiating in bad faith. ''We vehem ently deny," the committee said, "that any New~ MobJUzalion group is planning activities .. _ which are not leg81 and nonviolent" Meanwhile , some demonstration leaders sug- gested Tuesday their protest would be swelled by new recruits unhappy wllh what they tenned "the hard line" taken by President Nixon kl his P..1onday night Vietnam policy speech. I They earlier had forecast as I many as 500,000 persons would I take part in the massive pro- test. ! charged v»ith gelling Nixon's legislative program through Congress, will become \Yhile Jlouse nationa l af fa ir s counselor . Daniel P. ~foynihan, head of the Urban Affairs Cooncil staff, become Nixon's counselor for the Military Spending Critic Dismissed by Pentagon broad range of urban pro-\VASl-IINGTON (UPI) -A. grams. E. Fitigerald, the man who The staff revamping. an· told Congress the Pentagon nounced Tuesday by presidea-was goinf!: to have to pay near- tial press secrclary Ronald L. ly $2 billion n1ore than ex- Ziegler, follov,.s Nixo n's pected for a batch of cargo designation of his chief planes, has been fi red by the counselor on domestic affairs, Defense Department. Arlhur F. Burns, as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board . The Pentagon said it \\'as an Ziegler saiq boUi men will economy move; Fitzgerald continue lo advise the PrC51· said he expected it; and Sen. dent in their ronne:r -areas o£ \Villiam Proxmire (0-Wis.), a responsibility, but will be ~ilifary ~ndlng critic: called releaved of day. t 0 • d a Y Jl .a. reprisal fo,r offending the responsibilities l)y· other yet nuhtary establishment. lo be nametl', aldc.'i. ~ J Fµzgerald, 44, an industr:ial engineer \\'ho served as a cost watch dog in lhe Pentagon. was told Tuesday his $31,000..a- 'year job had been eliminated, and that no other job there \\'as available for him . The Defense Department said 849 other jobs also w e r e eliminiited in the s a m e ~onomy drive and th a t Fitzgerald's testimony in ·the cargo plane case h a d ''absolute ly no" COJUle<:tion v.·ith the loss of his job. More Security Wit~ FALSE TEETH AtAayTlme Don't be'° afraid th&t 7our r..i... teeth •Ill come JOOH or drop j1111t at the wrone Ume. Por mono 1eCUl1t7 and more comfott, Ju1t 1p1'11lll.l.e • little PAS'n:ETH on 7our plai.ea. FASTl:rl'H hoidl both upper1 ~ lowera finner JonRer. Maketl llat\n1 easter. FABTEETH 11 llk&Ilne. No innnm7, i-stf.tNtl!! Denturn that tit •re -nt l to bell.Ith, See your llcntlat lCgui&rly. Get FASTEETH. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL, NOTICE ' . 77.6SS Fitzgerald told a con- gressional commiltee nearly. one year ago that the cost for 120 CSA cargo plane had risen to n1ore th an $5 blllion, com· pared lo original estim ates of $3.4 billion. The revelation precipitated a stonn o f congressional criticism and close Senate scrutiny of-the whole project earlier this year. -~ The public announcemtnt iQa. volving Fitzgerald'• ~) ~ no~ mention llim by~.-~ 1 position as an Air-Fjll"Cf dePU= . ty for management systems \vas merely one of those jobs, listed as being abolished to save money. "Well," Fitzgerald laughed when told about the way _it was announc:ed, "I'm for economy too." But, he added, "It's hardly a surprise." And he sai d he was certain his con· gressional testimony "set in motion a chain or events" that ended wi th his firing. LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR LOCATION APPROVAL FROM BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS Of the route location of the Route 55 Freeway ln the Cities of Costa l\1esa and !\e,vport Beach and the County of Orange. 1 ' l "'°"'lllOlu.t[ M:•ll .. ,~OlfUT r \ """"~ l ' ' • """ •w • •, • • ·2 • • Notfce Is her~by given thai the State of Cnltfornla, Department of Public \Vorkl. Oivi&ion oi J:U£}l\v&y5, ha' sub1niltcd a request to the U)llted Statt'S Bureau of Publk Roads - for appi:oval of-t}!e rook locat1011· of the prOplUCd Route 55" f~·ay bel\\'ttn Roule 1 Frtt- we.y and Be,Y StrecC' ln the Ot1es of CoAla MeML and Nc,vport lknch and the Coon~ of Orange as shO\vn on the abOve m·ap. • ~ · . . .. • l • Special buy! 3 pc. Spanish sectional Two sections and o table creole an elegontly lovely group. Kiln dried hordwood frame that is doweled, glued and nailed supports seal filled with urethone f~m and cotton. Corner !Obie, features plastic top of simul¢ed black slate .. Group in olive.gold. , • • I • I ,.,, "'~ t "-• ' LllCl IT ... CHARGE ITI • Special buy! Our man sized, deep seated recliner •.. 3 position recliner features steel reinforced hard· wood frame, thick polyurethane foam cushioning .•• covered in expanded vinyl for long wear. Ebony, avocado and chestnut brown. $139 1-----.. ---· -. Special buy! ·' Special buy! 7\' Spanish sofa and chair set Sofa a·nd chair featura kiln dried hardwood frame, walnut wood finish .on maple. Urethane. foam and cot ton seat and bdck. In turquoise/ green.or red. .$388 If purchased separatelyr s;,..nish style sofa •••••••••••••• ~66 Matching Spanish chair ......... ~122 Special buy! 9 pc. fireplace ensemble 19 pc. socket set ... Special~ buy! . Lumiiet•flashlight 8,lock and brass fireplace ,ensemble consists of deluxe hooded screen, 5 pc. tool set, 2 andirons and a basket. · 29.99 A perfect starter set containing the two most wanted drives with on assortment of the most wanted s~kets! .10.99 No bottery or bulb replacement- after thousands of lights, dispose ond replace with a whole new Lumijet. 99c -Tll@ routP. localion for "11ich approval has bttn rcqu~led u·as that 'hown u Study Line R~-B!ue (S-71 at the Rou le Adoplion Public Hearing ht'ld at the Junior E~hibfts Bulld- lng, Orange County ta1 rgroun<b on f ebruar7 18, 1009, and adopled by the Ct.IUornla Hia:h·,~-------------------------------------------------, •'1¥ CommW!on uf July 17, 1969. 11 Al1)' requests for furlhcr ln£01·n1allon should be mailed to: Mr. H. Ayanien, District Engineer California Division of Highway& P. 0. Box 2304, Terminal Anntlt __ _,,Lo• Ana ... •I••· C1llfornl1 90054 PulllWwd Oranie Col.It. Dell¥ Pllot. November 5, 1969 - These Stores Open Sunday Too! 12 to 5 P.M. ~~~~PARK ~~'N)1~~~~N BEACH t:Jrirc~1~ ~~~ll ·BEACH ~!"-----~~~~~~-~~~~~~__. t • I •• ,, " ' ... ' .... \ • . ,f =···•-•.:.:.".<.",. :=-··-. I Cozy hrushe~ acrylic · ove..Slel!pers 3.so. " l r-.-~,...,.-..,---~~~~~-ri " • i, I, i' ~ Special buy oh printed cotnfOrters! I ~ , ' ' f, ,/t?rt~r• filled with \\ fl~ poi>'Oom-f;ber-. ·11H:~.68x86 , a•-·~.. __ ............... j! .: .. ·:· ·KIJ"lWU ~n$ ·f or ,, twtra or full.~, l r . ~ .. " /' . \ .• "'--~~.,-.-"''-!-'~~~~~~~~~~~~ .'' .. ,, f. ,. .; " f ' • .. • ' ·'. ' ' ... . \ • '· . '· ' I . ' '. ---_ .... ,. .. ' I I ' -. . ' I• '· J, .•. .. . ~- Wednesday, Novembtf 5, 1969 • PRE -HOLIDAY · I : I -. ' ..... ; . "· ... ' • " • • ... .. '. Men'~ 10.0% Virgin O_rlon ® cardigans specially priced 7.8·8 Handsome s~at~rS that you'll wont to stock up on ••• for now; and fo r gifts later. You'll find a great assortment of fashion colon in men's sizes S-M-l-Xl . Fine quality Orlon~ acrylic sweaters at this priCe •.. unbtlievoble! · ' ' 1 I ' j W\)men's luggage special Scuff-resistant vinyl co:'ered ... beautifully! I • $6 . each piece . SJrdily bpilt, •XpeltllYe looking fuggoge ••• In blue or grHn. ~.washable lining. 14'' • . d • cetm•tic, 21 week en er, 24 pull man ... y~ can afford ta bvy one of each ond how a 1et at this great price. Special buy ... men'• luggage! Scuff·r.Sistant vi nyl cov ered i 21' • . 56 mens c:ompan1on ..........••••. Terrific re~uctions on a special. a$sortment of lovely decorator sheets •2xJ6c-... 4 2 50 lef.2lo'1.69.-,.NOW f., • 72z10lsh .... • ... 2.99 ........ -....... NOW 2 fw t5_ 11 zlOltheehi 2 ,5 Ref. 3.29 .................. NOW fo• twin fitie'd bott~m $ log. 2.99 ..... : .. ; ......... NOW 2 for 5 fulrnttod bottom 2 'S R ... 3.29 .................. NOW for · • •• ,, .. _ 4 '4 Res. 2/2.59 ................ NOW for . ' ·nx101 .• 11oo1s . 2 ,5 Reg. 3.49/4.49.-. ..... -.NOW for lhlOhhHtt 2 ,6 .... 4.99/5.99 .•• "; ....... NOW for ,, 24" m1n1121uiter ••••...•.••.••••• ~8 Handsome hardside luggage in olive green .,.sturdycor.tructi9n, doubleeqfetynickef plated locks, unbreakable matcliirig p!Ostio handle. twin fitted Mttont 2··--'5 'CJ'->~ R .. 3.49(4.49.'.: ........ NOW for full flttOd bottom 2 · ,6 109, 3.49/4.4t ........... NOW fO< • Collect luxuriolll:deccrator 1heeb ,_ and 1CJV1J ·The group cOnsists of smooth' • . -l....:..-percole postel9, foshion-nght v..r t~r:ies,_!t_rjpe! o~ beoutJ!u' pripts. '· ' . Girl 's play sets value priced now 2.n Cotton fleece Kt'H41 printed tops with cot- ton cord erasto-back slacks for busy little girls, sixes 3-6X. DAIL y l'ILOT D Nylon knit striped top and pant set 5.99 100% nylon •tripod top and cO«d;nated solid color ponts ••. in as10rt1d combina- tions. Misses sixe s . Boy's Orlon9 pullover sweater buy 3.99 lOOo/o Virgin Orion• acrylic pullovers in Ivy, midi um hlut, gold,.,..brvwn,oi- 6.18. _A tremendous value! VISIT"YOUR LOCAL PENN·EY STORE 'FOR CLEARANCE VALUES . IN ALL DEPARTMENTS . ' . ' . ' ..... . ' . . ..... ---------- ' ' ' ' . ' -• -1 J I I Jf IWL V PILOT .. . . . .. • \ ANAHETh1 (UPI) -Politics nual fall convenOon la s t "Most campaign strateg1sts votes for Ronald R an." Boit sailit "Republicans got 5$ California style is moving out weekend. have made the mbtake in the The party .official said the peteenl of the vote for of the smoke filled room and ~ He estimated ii will cost past of concentrating just on computer will be '. ed . ex· a:t'blymen but only 35· per· into the co.mpute r bank. $1 00,000. voting patterns," De Bolt said. tenslvely for the f1 t Ume f the ,_ Th Republicans hope in another \Vhen fully operational -••we want to know not only during , the. 19 7 1 1r'eap. 'tee 0 . sea""', e year to have most if not all probably in 1971 -pollUcal wtio people have voted for but portionment of cong ional itocrats did a beautlful job the state's voters catalogued strategists will be able to nick how they think. and legislaUve dist r ct 1. ~mandertng~ as to income, vocation, at-a switch or push a button and "Taite a union Jabor man: . Republicans etPecL Jiang i! •-would settle-for a talr titude, race, religion. and even obtain c r u e fa I lnfoimaUon 1ie may be a reg~tered onto their ~rrow le aUve ~Portionment where if we hobby. about · voters: that prevloua1y Democrat -and Jived Jg_,. a control and thus wrl, the ; , Democrats reportedly are has taken ldays or weeks to $16,000 house at the last dee-once-a· de cade { e ap-P~ perce11t of the vote 'l(e d y,·orking on tfie same thing. learn. tion but'oow is ~ariting_~,000 porllonment act. · jet ~ percent of the ~ vie-• "It's what campaign Such Information might in· 1 year niore and has ditlerent By carefully d r a~~ n g .tortes." manaeers_bav.e_.been doing for elude the average income, economic it1terests . ........ .. distri ct llnes a party oftE.•1ic;m Ttle~·Party also hopet:·to USfl years, but now we're trying to race ,. type of job, int,erest 'Ind "We want." he ~nUnued, almost . guarantee victory for the Conlputer during .the 1972 2929 E. Cont, H~t~•Y ~ 693 , -Co.If Highway do it with modem techniques," voting recOrd of a irOl,IP of "to isolaj.e on tape .. tm type of its capdk1ate. electionso; to help select can-Coron1 del Mar 673-3722 L'I a a.ach 4f.\.9411 said Ed De Bolt, es:eculive 3,000 persons. Democrat who nonnally votes , "In 1962 after lhe st ctidates 8nd iasues in whlchl'------------+-------' director of the Republican There were 1.5 ml!Uon .:.Repu:!::'.'.b::llc:::an::_::._:the:::__;lype'.!'.E· _:wtio:::_:''.'!'8~Ul'.:ar'....'.:re::a~pportloom=:. ::::'.'.!:'":'.~!'J.' l'..:__::voters~~w:::i:tl~be~in~ter:'.:e~st:ed'.'.:._....'.:===========+====== State Central Committee. registered voters in.Cailfomia.- De Bolt talked· to reportefs • duri~ jhe 1961 electkm! with about the new cmnputer an approximate 3-J split favor- system at the committee's an-ing Democrats. UNION BANK • ' . ' . ' . . ' ' t .\ ' ' ·en11e••1 ALWAvs·:FIRST GUALIT;.· AlJ11 ~CENTER 1.ritroduc-ing the ·FOREMOST GP '\ I DESIGNED FOR ·THOUSANDS OF I MILES OF TROUBLE F~EE DRIVING! ' • Pure poly~ster cord on all 4 plies! •Tough, super-strength polypreme rubber! 33 MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH 17 MONTHS FREE REPLACEMENT 9FDllMOST TIRE CUAltlmE ., t \llamtu aplat traf'Wllrllt ; -ttYour'tint wears out during the first half of ttle guara ntee period, reh.lrn it with your guarantee certificate and f'ennl!ys will replac:e·your'tii'e-wlttl-a new tire. charg1ne: you 50% less thart the current selllng price including Federal Ellcise Tax; if ycuritire wears out during the second haff, you pay 25~~ Jess than the current selling price including Federal Excise Tax. Guar1nt11 aplut faillre If we replace the tire during the free- replacernent period, there is no charge; if we replace the tire after the free-replacement period, you pay so~r. or 25,r. Jess tl\an the current selling price of the ti~ including Federal Excise Tax. Co11111trcial U11 This guarantee is void whete passen-ger tires are used on trucks, used for ~usiness, or driven over 30,000 miles tn one year. · Her•'• ltow yovr guarani" ofctln11 failur1 wotk1: · Entire guaralll" period, . 33 months ,.,., r1plourn911t p1riocl ••••• •• •••• 1.17mo11lhs 50% •ff period. , • , •• 1a.2s1no11tti1 250,;, off period.,,,, .26-33 9'0ntht 18.95 BLACK TUBELESS 20.95-700.13 plus 1.94fod. lax & old tire 20.95-C78-U plus2.18 led. lax & old tire 22.95-E7S.14 plus 2.41 led. lox & old tire 24.95-f7S.14 plus 2.54 fed, lox & old tire 26.9~7S.14 plus 2.66 led. tax & old tire 28.95-H7S.14 plus 2.89 fed. tax & aid tire. 30.95-J78·14 plus s3 fed. tax & old tire 20.95-560-15 plus 1.76 led. tax & old tire 24.95-f78-15 plus 2."45 fed. lox & aid tire 26.9~78.15 plus 2.62 fed. lax & old tire 28.95-H7S.15 plus 2.85 led. tax& old tire 33.95-900-15 plus 2.83fed. tox &oldtire WHITEWALLS •2 MOREi DRIVE IN ... CHAIGE RI WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL 99c: Pinto Jr. 6 channel CB mobile transceiver ••. Penney's Pinto 23 channel CB mobile transceiver ••• Handsome Pinto 23B CB bue transceiver radio _s99 .This small, compact, beavttfully styled Cl radio fealures built.In tange booll, a microphone-speaker c;omblriatlon, blue transma.Jighl. ' . TranscaiYer oper-as aD 23 chan- nels. Features fnclu.d• ''S'' meter, sqµolch cantrol, public adcha rt> '""· .-....1 speokor (ack, more. !159 11111 hanclsom<ily desl!lnecl base statioli -complet. Wltti a i.a.. atatloii mlaapl"'"9 that ... be -i1y ._ nected and replaced by a mobile m~ - •FCC TYPE ACtfllllt These Stores Open Sunday Too! 12 to 5 P.M . SUENA PARK (°'::::=,:"} CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA DOWNEY . FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENr.URA I I I . ' ( I I I . ' . ' l'11in9 for1 .Roses . . ' . One of these young ladies will start the New Year oU as Queen of the Tour· nament of Roses parade in Pasadena. The lovely contenders include (left to right, to.P row) Rebecca Patricia Gonzales, Deborah Jean Carroll, Patrice Laine Hightower, Dixie ~1n Whatley, (left to right, bottom row) Pamela· Dee ·Tedesco, Christina Marie,Nurches and· Vicki Lynn Tsujimoto. Patrolmen,Kill Hiker Su,spect, 15, . 4fter He Opens Fire Iii Murders1 SACRAMENTO (AP) -A none or whom was im-Dies of Prag hitchhiker opened fire on two mediately id~Hfied -were , 'taken to a hospital. LOS ANGELES (AP) -An California Highway Patrolmen Patrol Sgt.'DOn Wallace, in. apparent drug overdose· bas with a machinegun today Bnd vestigating at "the scene, told killed one of the two teen- then was felled by a shotgun news1nen that the t w o agers invOlved in the' in· blast from one of the officers. patrolmen stopped to question vestigation of the knife The shobtiilg Incident hap-the hltctuker and-get him off slayings of two brothers in pened this morning onf rainy the interstate roadway. their 90s, officials reported to- Jnterstate 80 near tte El ''He ·started 'shooting with a ·day. Camino intersection in (~era. machinegun at the office.rs," Donald Bell, 15, died ~ly mento's North Area. jl Wallace said. before midnight Ttiesday in One of!icer suffefed ~iriii:ior .The pat'rolmen retaliated the Counfy-USC Me d I ca I wound (\om .gunllhot #ld the with one blast from a shotgun Center. A sheriff's spokesman other bq__d :mi~ inJ.tij-ies in then rushed the man, Wallace sai d the youth's stepfather sc:ufrting with the hltehijiker. added. related the lad had telephoned There v.·as no immediate One report was that the man him and said he had swallow. report on the gun-Wielding had other .weapons in a Suit· ed 21 strong sleeping pills. He hitchhiker. AU three men -case nearby. was later found unconscious. On Tuesday, Donald Lynch Says Dru g Use By ,Yout~ Slol\ring Dow11 Robinson, 16. Los Angeles, v.•as booked for investigation of murder in the double s\ayings. The other yoUih had been sought. The victims were Thomas G. Nash, 94, and Louis F. Nash, 90, found dead in their hotne...Monday by_a nephew_ SAORAMENTO <U?°J) -pears j.o be .,loW;ing dowi!i..ac- 'l't)e increasing use of cOrdi!!S to Atty •. Gen. Thomas Th~y moved here fl from Bozeman, Mont., 1% years ago. narcotics and' dlingerous drugs · C. Lynch. -! ., ..;~· by California-youngstfs ap-. but LynCh also reported Raid Death ,I Pro&~d by · ,, Grand Jury _Tuesday the percentage o{ drug arrests involving all age groups has jumped sharply. Jn a repart on drug arrests . during the first six months of 1969, the slate bureau of criminal statistics in the Justice Department said the rate of increase in arrests of Mom of Boy • Cliain ed in Desert Talks LOS ANGELES (AP) -A juveniles seeins to be tapering two-day il)qhiry ¢ontinued to-, off. INDIO (AP) -The mother of a 6-year-old boy, found chained inside a bd1 on a desert commune last July describes the boy's father as a "perennial student" who traveled the world on inherited ' money. day by the I.oa Angeles County The report called this a Grand Jury if\lo the fatal "rather surprising develop.. shooting of)a young Whittier ment." But it said that man dur~ j Mr~otlcs raid whether "this s i t u a t I 0 n Oct. 3. '! Beverly June Gibbons, 37, represents a re.al departure one of 10 persons charg~ with from the past or a reporting felony child abuse, offered the a'nomaly remains to be seen." testimony about her l}usband. The victim, Heyward Henty Oyer i,22, diett 'Jnst'!ntly when a policeman's · !ifle: fired ac- cidentaJly tr<m a Whittier apartment a~e him pierced the ceiling ~( the room in ''lhich he was standli1g and struck him 'in;dle head. Deputy Dl~L Atty. Ralph Mayer indict ed the inquiry. which opened,tliesaay.~ W?uld involve muef1, of the same teslimon)' presented ko .a cor: oner's jury I~ m~th. . . The inquest !'erd1ct, w~1ch 1$ not binding on 1ttie district at· tomey's office, WjiS j. t~~t Dyer's death was cau.sea "bY criminal means." It wa* .not a unanimous verdict. however. The riOe was held by Delee· live Sgt. Frank Sweeney of the Vernon Police Department. ~1ayer said Sweeney .had be~n invited to testify before tii9. grand jury. Hipp y Sipp y lnvesti gatedL LOS ANGELl!S (Afl -Ai candy product ~ailed "Hippy_. Sippy" iJ uoder · scrutiny by ·Figures collected by the James, in Superior Court bureau and police reports Tuesday. .t showed a tripling of juvenile James Gibbons. also eharg- drug arrests in 1967 and a ed in the case involving his doubling the following year. son. Anthony, is one of seven But preliminary data indicates defendants whom authorities only 33.7 percent increase have not found . during the first six months in Mrs. Gibbons related events 1969. that led the couple to take While the percentage of in-their two children•to the com- crease was less, the estimated mune near Blythe last. year. arrest total refleeled an in-She said that her husband crease. The bureau ·said ,20,290 inherited and sold i medical juveniles ·were arrested clinic from his tat,1father, a J8nuary~1111e compared with Van Nuys doc:tor,1;.and com- 15,177 during the same period meoced studies around the in 1968. world while she remained ~1arijuana of re n s es ac· behind in Los Angeles ta sup. counted for 53.1 percent of the port the children. total compared with 6_715 per··.==========.! cent last year. Dangerous GI d_ I dr~s r~Pre~nted· 111 pert:ent · oomy ~tn s lhi s year compared with 24.6 Your Kinda~Guy· percent in 1968. ,.. I SEE BY TODAYS . . WANT ADS : county airthoritles. · · Supervisor Ken~n ... reported Tuesday .that .the small candy bead's 5fc!lft OOt· • All the ~f~ ?' home "·hen the snow flin •.. for""l~-rent-th\9· mo- bile honJe in J\.fammoth by the day or weekly. ties shape:d like hypodermic needles. · Hahn Said \Vllliam Hunt a member or the County Narcot.lcs and Danger o II sl ·Drug Commission, was con· cemed that youngsters might be tne0uraged to ,j!_xpiriment with drugs later If they buy candy from such containers. "Hippy Slppys" have rpo- truding straws with wtuch children suck the beads. They Are aold alon'g with buttons with auch labels as "Feed 1.-1e" and "Soc! it to Me." 8 lmprovet with qe! Used pink concrete bricks for 4c eacih .•. many, many uses. • Ridln' old Paint on the ~? Rider needs a U'' or 16" Western saddle in good oond!Uoo, reUJI'» abif<prlced. a c.-..te,tu1er• - Struggle Sh,aping To Succeed Unruh ' ' SACRAMENTO (UPI) -A . party. split Ung figfit !or the . ' -An>ule Is tU1q llhilpe ·poot·ln an ·electtoo year 1'hen amc.tg Asaembly Democrata, unity is ~8.W'Y lf they are flrtd by speculation tt;a.t :tc:i ~Ve~me ~ ·cUm'nt 41-39 mlnorJty leader Jess Unruh Republican edge in th e ,.m relinquish the po.st to l"lm A ... mhly. for governor. -Privately, Democrats give Unruh has been the financial the con~st to Z e n o v l c h • and policy strongman behind Moretti has the power o! a Qaembly Democrats for a .commJttee chairman. Crown, decade. Now he la an un-fonner ways and means declared can d I d a t e for c h a t r m a n ,· unsuci:tssfully 1overnor. maneu'iered for the The three most prominently speakerahip in 1961 when It was thoo1ht Unruh _would run mentioned contenders .a s for the state senate. Unruh's sucteaSOr are caucus · Unruh was Ass e·m b I y chairman George N. Zeno\.'.IC~. SJ>C:Bker for seven years until ·; Bob Morettl,j Van Rei)ubllCaM won control laSt Nuy , cbatrman m the govern-year. . ·ment. organiiaUon commltfee, He already h8s said he will and Robert W. C r\o w n . not seek another term in the Alameda, vice chairman ol the Assembly. ' ways and means committee. Democratic sources said "I'm interested, definltely,11 • Unruh could· maintain the said Zenovieh:."We'tl see what minority ~ if he wanted it hap~ns.lzi.January." 1' while cam°palgning against "WV~, all sitting in, the Gov. Ronald Reagan. wings walling to see what Jess But, they said, he probably is going td do," added Moretti. will resign the le~lalive "We'll make our decisions leadership job if he formally based on what he does." : becomes a candidate for Democrats 'do not want a governor early next year. I , ·Belli Joins Tr y to Free . -. Winnie Rutli SACRAMENTO CUPI) - Attorney Melvin Belli is plan· ning to go to court in an al· tempt to free convicted trunk murderess Wlnnle Ruth "Judd. ~Iii .told newsm~n Tuesday he will initiate the court ac- tion, probably later this week, but did not say on what grounds he would base his ap. peal · He said the refusal of the Arizona parole board to com· mute Mrs. Judd's life.sentence ~or a double slaying in 1931 was "the most Victorian thing I've seen in my lifetime -ut,.. terly ridiculous." DAILY Pl~OT JJ Wo111a11 on 'l'op SF Vot~rs Re]~~t · . . · Tupless-A-dvoc~t·--i.-'I SAN FRANC!~ (AP) . ;- San Francisco's voters did not reel~t Tuesday a suptirvlsor who had declared the city sh.ould ·be tolerant about· top.. Jess and bottomless dancers. Ai :lhe _same time, they_ reelected a supervisor who on 1'1onday introduced bills aimed at curbing undressed dancing in the city's clubs. Also rejected was a pro- pMltlon for an elective Boe.rd of Education, a proposal by a group that opposes the busing of pupils to achieve racial in~ tegratlon . That proposiUon, which pro- vided election districts that Negro organizations ~sserted would prevent the election of minor i ty group board members, was defeated 122,361 to 48,514. A proposition that merely suggests an elective educa- tlonal board .was approved 85,494 1$> 84,536, but has no legal effect. Oefeate4 after bis topless .§land waa William C. Blake. Mayor Joseph L. Alioto said · he believed'the statement con~ cerning the night clubs alien· ated voters. -• ~ Peter Tamaraa, wlio W fn. troduced the ·~ui. !hat w.ild ban toplusness, o:wu the Je. cond most succelitW vote set· ter. The leading .vote .tel!J!r was Dianoe Feinstein. a challeqer ·and the first ""womJD to be elected supervi!or w l t ho u t having been appointed to the board earlier. Because she k ·the leader, custom dictates that she shall be the board's new. 11resident. The five elected to the board in the final unofffclal tally with .ii" des I g n.a t In 1 In· cumbenls: Dianrie. Feinstein, 93,496; Pet'er Tamaras, t, 92.090; Roger· Bou, I, 91,098; Herbert Barba"'gelata, 82,338; Dorothy von Beroldingen, I, 81.llS4. The two incumbents flOt reelected were Blake wtL'i 80,540 and Jack Morrison with n,985. · Mrs. Feinstein, 36, had been a member of the · mayor's crime commission. I.n Qtller b11y areit .elections, San . Mateo voters rejected a proposed new charter 3,347 to 3,027 . FAMOUS M·AKER ' ' CLOS .Eo,u~Ts_! -- I I • 1 ... • ,, , OAIL V PILOT Wrdntsd1y, Novtmbtr .S, J%q . Pi t IAflboe , .; '· --_::._ ' • • .. t • -. , . . ' ,• •• i \ ,: l' •"&;f"(T:tr , ---i-~·:...,___,.T~a=lking Shop With Space Scientis~s (. ... ' . ',, ·-·-•· • " ..... •• ~" ... By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI attentively listening , engineers. 01 "" D•llr """' 11111 . . d Evifn the exhibits ibown jn conjunction wi1h the .oonven· -~What-do-f,000 of -the natiqn'5 lop-ipaCLSCl~DllStf an _ and 1 lured · utronautica lnduitry leader• do when Urey get together for Uon were of a blghly -technlcal nature ea contin· their annual convention ? uodsly-ruMlng motion plcturea and lecttarea on the ~a-teat They talk about beryllium hardware, re-entry systems, athlevemtnta ot·technology. unmanned teleoperator spacecraft, buoyant Venus station 'f11ole eihlbltora who were really .clever hlied pretiy "a. requlttmenll, STOL'• V/TOL's, roc~et motor ca1es vs. deep tro-chi~kl'' as bait" to get the scieniiliC typef over to their submergence hulls and control of the biologically closed en-. ..,,., vlronment In the Sch Franklin submersible. . dl!p,...,s, . . And in the e\•enlng when the sessions are done, there is A n d even they spouted .off techn1caJ Jatgon about IUch still time to talk 1booi the CWTtnt status of electric propuJ· things as the "rtrst mllllmeter wave space link" ·and t be Jlen technology or solar electric asteroid probe 1tudies. structural design of the lunar surface sample drill. But "conventloning," in the comm on Some Orange County aermpace executives, presumably ... .(~ ·~'~d-i stnse of the term, is 83 foreign a term to too indispensable to attend the convention on a fuIJ.time ba.. · them as "muJU.functlon. dexterous cy. sis, Went S()o far as-to have themselves shutUed between their bemelic l!lpacecraft" is lo lhe common firm and the-convention center by helicopter. • "'.;f" man. . It was really a far-out, spaced-out convention. Our space scientists are a serious And the most down-to-earth question I heard during the ' .:;~~· -~:~'· ., ' . ., lol 'f!ley know w~ are COW'lting on th~m entire four day session was one asked by a grayina: industry to finish explorat.i~n of the moon, build representative. ·space bases and head for Mars. . 'H . th t bolt I b . S t A till . '" And conference ,sessions dealing ' ey, lB a o~e~s ar in . an a na ~ going . with these topics at the annu al meeting he asked a group of sc1ent1sts standing around 1n the lobby of ·the American Institute for Aeronatics between sessions. and astronautics r«ent1y in Anaheim were. )amml'd w i t b They shrugged lheir shoulders in unison. H~"1l:t:AWSON, Fr..,..,.cll T .. to. t lld H fl , .-, tltlll ol lftl W, (-t mi.. ...,.n lucll. (AUO!Ll-.-g~NNONE, .1"-'rldt W., l f , o1 6$l S.• .• C .. lt ~ .. •I'll Su1t11 \·f.1~'. . lot ci.y .Sl.. N..,,.l'Orl ll!SCH-MAJL, O.Vld M~ t!, <If 21' W .• M•r<Nll., S•~ ,...,,~~ ...., Eve•r• e .• It. ol It. R, '· L•wr111UVIU1, II . MtKOLAGAIC-HAllOlO, A.Pollo W,, 16. ttMI S111dr1 L , 16, bolto ol 11021 Plllfl>unt L-. Hut1lllltloll !IMO\, Itleetlnf,-s · Santiago Libraries Add City Hanna Seeking Youth Conservation Corps Legislation to create a proposal and the fonner Youth Conservation Corps has Civilian ConseTVatiqn Corps been introdOced' il'I Congress during the 1130-jo·pet.iod.. ' by Rep .. Rlch.ard T. Hanna (D· _ "Although l envisk>n the , \Vesfminste~). , corps em p Io yin g dfsad· Hanna said the purpose or vantaged yourigster!i "who· will the corps "will be to provide f d . ob h ti diff It d , American yoUtb With an op-10 J un ng 1eu ur- portunlty .for understanding ing this period or. i.Ocreaai11g and ai)p"reciating the ' nation's unemployment,'' Hanna said. natural -envirorfment a·n d "Its main function will he to· herila_ge~.," -. rf• let youhg·people play a.role tn : The ~o~gr:ess!"lan said lhe~e forest manageJl)e'1t·· · · 15 Ultle simtla:titY between big "Toda)' otir numerous forest Nurse Director 'falk Slated manageinenl. piograrris · ai'e overadministered b u t un· d erman ag e d,'' the con- gressman contlnued. ' ' W e need more people in the field SANTA AN -Lillian E. if we are to adequately con- ... . " ~~~~~. !#/.~ ··-·•:;::.,_ ..• ~ ;.:,_ .. ,;,.:;:.,. . Jo;;..,,_ the new hoine of Newport National 'llil~'s Airport:()ffiG~ This is an extremelY.,f.OllV~~ient·1ocation 'fo r thOSe who use· I!: MacArthtif Blvd.iteq,µ~1.l.tlf '":t,1ichelson is n ea r 1he San Diego Fr~eway, N.,Jfit . .,E~.~way and across from the Orange Coµnty Air..po.rt. ppen yo ur account at this 'c(nwenient · location and enjoy J>;MFLE PARKING ••. SPEED WINDOWS FOR PEAKPER!flDS..r.. BUILT-IN CUSTOMER: ADDING ' MACHINES ••• ~OffEE AND COOKIES.;:, SIT,DOWN • . -TELLERS:· .. UNIQUE WELCOME CENTER .-•• PATIO BAN'lffNG·• •• BEAUTIFU!+¥:DECORATED. EVERYON E lS INVITED TO OUR PPEN·HOUSE, :. . . : REFRESHMl;Nl' AND GIFTS . -' . . i Serving the needs of the industrial complex-. ' Open tll 1 p.1D. daily .•• Ip'~. Frid1y ... ' .. ~. -... ,,;,,, .• ~; • . r •.. , •-" . ,,. ·~ ! ~ : . , . ' "--ii - The Santiago Libra r Y Brown, director of nurses at serve and utilize the a e System, 01 which llunlington Orange ~ounty Medi c a I precious resources and that is Beach i:; a member, wil l soon Center. will be th_e speaker ·" t what the proposed youth t xpand '''Ith the addition of tonJght at a meeting of fhe• _JU~ •. ,, J--------'-----------------------------------i~ Association of o p e r a t t n g • corps Will do. 11 DEAJ'B NOTICES NAVARRO J*• N1w1rro. 17' I!. 2lrd St .. t11t1 MQil. Otte ol -.111, Octobtr JI. Grt~IJldt ....,kn, fOdty, Wtclrlttdt f, Glod ~ Ctmflfl'Y. BllQ: HGr- N•>"I'• Collt Mist. Olrtcron. PYLES J.o~~ w. '"""L 10• 1llh SI., Hun!· '""°" l11ch. sui;vl¥td bf w!l1, Gr1,11. ~ ~hl9rL Mrs. Lindt HIMQtl ttMI Dtbl't J•flll Pylfll - t111u, M.11. DDrtlh¥' 1«>1111. S1rvk11. 111\indff, 1 PM, 111 !ht Ltttff Olr S.Olnll W•rf Cll~ 111 W'1h'nlft11tr. Olr«ltd llY PMk r9"111'r Ctltnltl F1111trtl HorM. AllBUCltLE 6 SON W-WIM-...Y U7 E. 17tll SL, Cotta Me1a -• BALTZ MORTUAlllES C--dd Mar 011 1-Hll CoNMeu llll-%114 • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 ~·v. ~ ate.11 LI Mm ·-DILDAY BROTHERS 11..tjqtoo V.U.7 Martur)' 1!111--. BudqlooBudt aa.m1 • &leCORMICX LAGUNA BEACH MORTVAllY 17111-a~- Lqvu- ~ • PACIFIC VIEW MEMOlllAL PAU Cr•1_,. • ....._,,. cu,.i --View Drive N ....... -. CaUlanll ~ • PDSFAMILY COLONIAL FlJNERAL -lllllloluAH. ... , I Jn • .,. • -~-"l"Ek~ MORTUARY the r~ullerton Cily Library Room Nurses or Orange Coun· Hanna said there will not be ; System. ty. ~ any additional cost_, to the tu;. . • f il The Huntington Beach City The meeting is .scfledul.ea (Gt , payer .PJ creatlng the corps DIAM QND ARTJriTRY Council dld ita part Monday 7,30 p.m. ·at Santa An• 'Com-. •Ince hi1 6IU requ~es affected .) I 1 ;~~~~: E~~e::::_c:_· ~~tyn.~;~.ta~Al:~-~~· ·':illr~l:~ecl7dun~ n~ . :. I ... ne••J ~,.~, .. ~·f!N~c-·,~1·:,,:~ ~GOL·o:.1:·1 a_·._t member of the joint powers, are invttt"IJ. ' -·.now J.~ ze · · ~~ ~~ l ~FV~ 41\. . . _ w ALWAYS . IRST QUALITY cooperative library system. ·' r._~-""' The SantiagQ_ system in· ~ .., • ; • r JI eludes city libraries from j • io.. , Huntington Beach, Newport ~ · Beach, Yorba Linda, Placentia ·' t~:r.: s~:n~e ItC :t~i~; enne• 11 about ll00,000 volumes en-ALWAYS FIRST 0.UAUTY.,. compasaing '50 square miles. , The joint power1 agre_tment Come 1·n· now allows members of Ill)' one , I ~~~"!th~,~:.:~~\\~~:.;'. . ·before the rush, ·and .save! said Huntington 'B'e a ch Librarian Walter Johnson. "It also allows us to buy special books, films and other items thal no one library could afford," 8 dded Johnson. The Santiago system does not limit the .programs of any lndiv1dual libraries, he con- tinued, but merely serves as a coope.raUve venture to expand their capabWti.,. Dana Point, Mesa Road Work OK'd DANA POINT -Major highway safety 1mprovements have been authorized by the State Highway . Commission foc tntMsectlons In Dana Point and Costa Mesa. · The. Dana Point project in. eludes a $56,200 widening and traffic light installaUon at Pacific Coast Highway and the Strtet of the Golden Lantern, ahattd by atate and county. Modified and improved traf· fie signals and llghtl!I will be built on the ramp approaches Unklng ~bor" Boulevard llnd the ·Sin Diego . Freeway in Cocta Mesa, at 1n $11,000 cost. Geared lo hudle Increasing traffic due to completlon of the Dana Point Harbor, the south county Jri;}ect will in- volve '32.200 In county runds and the rem1lnder from the ttatt., The Costa Me11 project will Involve cha111e to a seml·lraf· fie actuated signal proiram al the busy freew1y·boulev1rd 1-. -eUmlnatlng po- ttntJal safety hilzards. HOLIDAY: SPECIAL!. Beautiful 11x14" Chri$tmas Portrait of.Your Family • •• the gift that lceeps.on.giving ' . ' " Nothing s11rpmes ~ Jiety beau!f of diamo~ature's most preclo~s ;em.: "Md no •. o!f.SijrP.tsses Penneys artistry, whafe each set 1s a mastarpleCa of desian amt exceptional wormanshlp. Choose from 1 1!1f(YeloU:S arrey of f~,flattlring: creations for her • , • bold, distlnctlva sty~s lot J.iim ... You .Mow you "!I lrljt~~-Penne~,~rts,.;lhey've mado qualily and value 1 tradilion! -· - . . . ... · : :: . ' - A. Three's not 1 crowd in this lovely ltlo stt. His ba nd m1tcl!es htr bridal stt. [•ch with its own Kii: $3S di1mond .ln l\K·--------Ht11:$125 I. 6-di1mond wldl!inr band in strikin1 14K rold • Richly dtslrlllil for lht richest lllDllllftt of your liwi1 $75.00 C. 8tnds of Jovt for hilll lfld for h1r. S tnchanlln1 cti1mondt In tkl'l-to l!lllch lh1 enchantment of lht occ1sioft.· 14K $11 .. 50 0. ConttmPGrl/Y atylln1 tl lts.in.ost bdiriM'f.·B~al .lit wilJI tile new "'wrtp-a rounf' stylift(. 141(-$121.00 L· Tho, .t-1 lo .,...IUJ ... ,;.,,;;,.,· ~ "'""' C0111bfn1tion of moot-and llortntinl l4K rid wit_ll 2 briJht dlmollds · · · . ..,.. )' $m.OCI ·.~- '· Bold b\1Ut11or <the 111111 of· df-ndhil tfl~ ~A • s!nele brl111•nt dlar11ond set lnil'l1sslvt l« nld Sltl.SI I . J l spar~linl $\OMS tnhal'ltt~tht" f'IU-a,iHJl\l;I e, and be1uty of the m11nif!cenr c1nlfr'dlt~. ·1. dill!"( rlq. thtl. will Will I Jif1tlfnl .of *1\ft& · . · • ' I· 'It"'• 1linttt• I ' -F l -.. 1. Dr1monc1 slld Mrrl~ to ,llld 111 •~iq , , touch of 1tMeslst.ablll\y! So-·,.;y ._ ...... Iii 1r11mln.114~ l!!d Ji· ~, ., > ,$1~.IO I. A cre1111)' culhri'ld pUrl ·np dt~ette4ftonr Its purt l4K ch1in. A fiery 1cetnt dilJll0¥ 1.dd1, tht lintl loutll of 11111~1 $11.N . ' . •' I ' ' 1U11tlt11iolit enlJtstd , 'lo,. · Sf*j11ltd119 ~ TIN ~"' l>it-M lt111•1mti"t• W•tchn, .,._, • •ttd te,..ir Serriwi. .. ·• I " ., " " " •I ~ " f, " •! I !. I .. ,, • 'I ' " I' ·I !I •I " ' ,. 'I :i " " . 'I ' 'i 'I ii I " I• •! " .. I " ' ....--Of.Jiii Engineers ~leet Now., lflll flolt Iii Milt In Ifie "'""'"° f<w a flM fomily ,..,.;;.. You1 boot.JM~ ..... lMCIOfd -l j . oncl '°'"' Dutlot ftQ l>ft HolJday Spe. d,. you en '*" ow, two,·..._ • ...,· .,..,.~ of,_.. foMlfy I• o big, btout!M 11 ii ~ -11 lot I"" 6'.9$ . .....0.:W, ,...:. ·..., d\orve b at '-'•I ---...... . .. , ... , ' ' CHARGE IT AT YOUR PENN~'S FINE JEWE~Y ~EPARTMENT a.a••• ...... • SMITlll' MORTUAllY mllllolL Hullll.,_Be ... 111118 SANTA ANA The ,-.-----------------, November meeting of the . _ \ • , 1 Orange County ch apter . 'ULL111011 "uNr111oro" ••Ac:M 111wl"Ol:T 111Ac:N American Society ol Civil '""""" CM'" ""'"""''CM•• '""'"' ""'" FULLERTON NEWPORT BEACH . , ·HUNTING.TON BEACH :1 !(nglnecrs Is sc~edulesf for 2nd tioor. fll-44> 2n11 flllw, 1.,.1n1 tne n-. ~111, ~ o.m· Fnhho• 11101111 -Haiid~ ~ j 11 : 15 p.m. 1'bul'5day at the Sad· / Hllfbw o Ml.Al'tttw ., Pttfffc 'c•etf &.n..:>,; • ·-• "' tlhiftt .t·s.11 Mli~ ~ ~ · dleback Inn here. ''--------------------· ll---~--"'-••_'="-''_•,,..:....:.: __ ....._ __________ "_"'-------------- , ( ' I ' ' \ D~llY Pfl.ol' JI • l • ], l .. '::""~:: ";:.~"' ~ •,: WIS ID the IOvjel diplomatle dynalty pvtmment" lo. China "By the Sinc>Rusalan Ill durlni the !IQ Cuban mlNlle are obliltd to daJ:lw a lilli• Alrun ii 11111; Ille •Treaty ol 111<h queslioas as U-el -='li'..ll:.'"" ::i:::; diclkllary Publllbed 1n~1111-1o'iljiitliil ' ih qpn>toco Treaty and thii su~r erillt,-lhll>Sovl<Ll!runlu_oLihLhll!ory_oLJmpo1la~lla~1-;cTl':';entstn<i 1111,'tlieTreaty.ef l""1 Kon<! an<! iofacaoH!ala lf."':1 "'"", • -::::"-under, the · edit<ll;lblp ol the the d lbnitatioll ol Sine> -~-I b d Nikita, S. Khnlochev note In aggre.,ion agalnll China. Pelilng ollMO;-llieTf"ty"'Of'-7t0:'9t"""'c:;a;=.gory:='"7"~ .. ""-~~--•-T""-i ...... ~.,._... --at i.-~ fore.Ian on e • ... -vs on oun ary ........... ~'-theSupreme Ill J 1wt, the Protocol of ""-t.._ I •·-n ... I ....... --T ri t u .... 1 .,.,_._ -..... . "ln, the 100 year1 or IO prior ..,. • treaUea left over by bistary. HONG KONG (UPI) -mlnilter, Andrei A. Gromyko. nu.:oS an uuw_.ry,~ 88 s .. ""°"' 8 Soviet (Die. 7, 1982) that to the victory ol tht Chinese Lisbon af 1887, the Treaty of treaties which the imperiallstl Communilt Qlina wants the A Cblnele f<ntp ~ By v~ of tbla, the furtha licilrporated m 0 re China hid falled-to act to tick rt'(Olutlon, th6 imperallst· and Shimonoseki of 1895, the im poseci on,.'°11na. It m., be so.Jet Unloe lo admit that documllt uld ~·a diC' Qllnese llld; "Twill Ru,... ~ .!5.--· 1!'11•i ~ the Brlti&ll oul ol Hoog Kon& <OlaolJal powers -the United Cc!ovenUon !or~ Extension a~ed : Jn rJ~ g~loi!o of ~ ,.... than a loa I/Quan! tlmary . ''llnlqulVOClllJ _. lurlber ~ ~ than Chinese ~ IDlo tht Iii' ud the Pwlug\ltR out· o1 Sta•, Britaht, F ran c e , o1 Hong Kiiilg Of 18111;-1he thiJ kind, do yoo Intend to llllloo ol, JnMiir'M.let ler-milled" thal "'tht Slnoo ,.,.,IOO llPW'O mUet. II ter-rll«y of Tmlll.-.• Macao. Turllt ftuala, Gt rm any, lnternattonal Protocol ol 190t, raise all the q-ol une· ri1«J wu ltolen lrom a wuk RUlllu truly ol Ptldnl' ii rllory In t11t ·-• pirt ol · The Iii arU ,.ai... ii In The Chinese did not rtply lo Japan, Italy, Au at r I a., etc, · quai treau.. and have a and 'belpleqJ· CblDI:· by the ID unequal trtaty." , Qlina!' 'l'h1I ii anat.aow Ls Cblna'a Slnklaal· rtglOll'.and ln th1a publlcly until March 1. Belatwn, the Netherlands, "By virtue of thae)unequal general settlement? Ha1, It Ruaian .tun ol ~·, _ TlllS"~, alanld. on Nov: Cblna'• .,.....DC,, fllloa.: 1Jte Soviet· K•JMhd•n, (.. t•~ wbm'.an editorial ID the' Spain, and Port1,Jga1· -carried treaties, they annued Chinese ever entered your hMds whai 'lllla ii one« the ny isliios. J4,. 11111,·ll· -GI lour inoJar · o1 her miln nuci,ar tat llto.. Tilt ,-• o1 "~I autboritiUve Communist Par-out unbridled,a 11r•·•1 Ion terrltorY In the north, south, the consequence• would he!" Involved in border talU that tr.e&Ues under whlcb TSlrilt · 'IM.fourth m1jor "1D1equal &reaties' ~ing Russt.;-and ty n'ewspaper, the Peklng qainat Qlini.. · wt and weat •• ··" · The -consequences w er• opened: 0in Ptkinc Monday Russta unend Cbloese ~r· 'tre~"'~ed is the "Sino-China were brbught up publlc-People's Daily, had this tD "They comp e I Jed the The editorial accused the steady deterioration of the between Ylc:e fortlp ministers ritory, Clilna Mends. Ruisin Di Treaty" which was ly for the first time by the a.y; g-0vernmenta of old China to Soviet leaders of "having pick· Sino-Soviet border disputes to of the two ~-~din& to Ch l De a e· "foreedf'.oa tbe.c:wn, dyDUty . om.e-in.¥arcb 1163. ,._ "lnumucb U isome·penons 1Jgn 1 larte number' of uneo ed up a stone from a cesspool" armed conflict and resumption 'lbe .~ hive aaid they 1overnmi~tatemtnt11 0 , oa Feb. M.11!1,,,lCCOl'dig to .senawre".libo9l Chlqa.'s,, have mentiooed. Taiwan. qual treaUu -ibe Treaty ol byraiBlncauchquesUons. · of border talks for the fint · do J10t upect the return of all Tsarist a "fordbly m, Chinele docuirienl!. charges of a Soviet Hllout Hon& ~Olll .and Macao, we Nanking ol 1842, the Tre1ty ol "You are not unaware that time in five yfara. this tmil$1'Yi acqµlred by . corponted 111me·eo,ooo ICJUart • , what they call " u n e q u a I miles DI C!>ln••«lerritory tut treaties" impooed on Imperial "' the WuluH (Ugm) Rim auna. into Russia" by means of ~ I But the Chinese appear to be treaty. ' a-In their lnslatence Two YWI earlier, aw- • 1 that tbe Russians admit the st.atemena, Saki, T 1 a r i 1 t ' ~ ............ ~lo a.ma. ~ took •. ..n,anlqe "' .... • ... :::;:;o-Anglo • French hoolllllils' •• ., ,...,...'-ol the Soviet , '"'al ... , China.. . .: n .... la "oilaOd llalt, t!Jt•Jate V. I. Lenin, not' -...,. ,...... only -tied this but also the opportunity lo compo! the , .. _ the annulment .i authilrltle& ol·lhe'. Chhor <IJnb. thfte 'unequal treatiel," the ty by forte ol arm1 lo "8n the /.thlnese have d e c I a r e d Sino-Ruuian treaty ol Alaun rlpeatedly. : on May 21, !al, by whlcl1>1t .So. the Chinese Aid, has the ann<•ed DlDR than ,.JIO,llllO late Soviet dictator Jooef square miles ol , Chinese ter· . Stalln and lllCh Communists ritory ooith ol ti.'o Htil~ ' as Karl Marx and Frederick (Amur) Rlvtr and aouth ol ~ Engels. outer Khingan mountaim.". ~ to the Chinese, a On Ocl 7, 18M, ''Tsatj!t more up to date admio•ion Ru&la foroed the Ch! n 1 3 Youths Face Rape Charges UKIAH (UPI) -Three yOUll( .. m«> wen arrested by Mendocln<> C<lwlty lherilf'1 deputies Tu.-!ay OD ,dwps of kidnap and rape in con- necUon with an attack on a Victim was forced into an auto Mcoday 11 Ille, her molber and a male friend walked toward lhelr.cor In a parkin( lot here. 'Ille man and the grandmother were knocked down. -·· Capt. Merle Howard Aid the enn.-.•1 ... ALWAva -.T~rrY.. •' THESE ~E :EY STORES WILLBE_OJ!fN'--'-'--l ' . ·SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 12 TO 5 -P ~M. •AZUSA •BUENA PARK • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY •EL MONTE •FULLERTON • GARDEN GROVE •GLENDALE • • HUNTINGTON BEACH •INGLEWOOD • lAKEWOOD •LONG BEACH •LOS ALTOS • MONTClAIR • NEWPORT BEACH •NORWALK · • NORTH HOLLYWOOD • S~ FERNANDO • SANTA MONICA •TORRANCE •VENTURA • WESTCHESTER • WEST COVINA • •WHITTWOOD • WHlmER DOWNS I ... -.......... . .. ,,.. ,,. . ' ' enne~1 Al)NllHB Fl1'191'111JAUTV • . I , . . Wow 'to treat lul..egg. •• ,<Ningly, please! It will curdle,' crumble, toughen, cry, tuni leathery, lose Its delicate flavor, even darken -' • •• ' ~ I<'$ , • -• your best aluminum Pill) unless t's !teated wil~ car~, kindness and a little know how. 'rhen what a peifect round-the-menu mate eggs m.akel They whip into snowy.frostioQS. pouf,up sou111-!i. 'fluff up omelets, fro\11 up rum nogs, stuff sand- wiches and stretch S&lads ••• malle puddings creamier, sauces richer, add body to stuffings, llgl)tness to cakes and the sunniest color to your breakfast plate. In facttlley're lriClllj>er\elble. Wantto leem mortl about w.hat's what with eggs? Put yours 811 In one basket and come to the C!>ok 'n Sllopl . ' . ' . -- -ll:l'll'~·:u ... ' ~niD11.1& ••• willl 1 Wir.,-1tcir ally, frothy llglllftrn 11'1•9-' ' " ... tltln·wlre lhnda. •' .. ) .. ,. ; , -. . ' .. ' Dll-• topping for cak• and pi .... H4ft•a-Yo<1'uMup lhole~ whites (COHfallr-lnd rlMgeo-i. Btetlnto onatri ...... Ind ollp Into owen to toat tips. ,,.a pincb ... rOl11MrY, bJitlf, c:bivea, ___ s-iey. cflerVll, '"""°""'--,_,; • •• Pfepnd or jltrld}OUrOWll. 'Walceit. .. in eartlienwat• custard --for dellyorlng enough heat oo. egga coog· ulate but not too much to mnko custard 'weepy". . :Weavyenoagb .. lor modlrlle, oven heal, long -•d I~ k~ In motion 91l1Uy for a-. moll! omelel lhal'a Just heaYenly. " ~·: ! ,,. -ouce' .. quarter. •• cnHnbl•frM neatneee in slim llloM, flmW9Cfll•'for pl~re look Hlado, eandwlclllo,0 'dftfled eggs, hor.,d'_,,r-. . • cpjjp it ... lift it ... stir It, beat it. Spatulas, wooden spoons, skimmers, ladles help you blend the trlekleot egg Sltlee, handle the slipperiest egg easily. (Doddleit ... for 'just right' bolled egga, covered ceramic jars to cook and serve lrt, •• racked· up to selin boiling water. 1md 8-en there's eggplant .. HUNTINGTON BEACH AND ' NEWPORT BEACH . ONLY! I ' • ' • ' • ' • ' : I I I • ~ • • •• .J( DAIL V PILOf l N ELEGANCE IN FURS 2-l\link Pastel ,Ja"kf'l~ .: .... ~ orig. 429.00 2-l\fink StolCi ....................... reg. 188.00 1-l\link Cape ···-···············-·· orig. 249.00 .'MENS SUliS NOW NOW NOW 32'.ff 1Jt.M lat.II ReducM t• cl11r -Te4•y'• letut luaury fatirlu. Pencl• 1nd tolldt. L•tut fashion colon. NOW 58.00 PENNCRAFI' RIDE-ON MOWEI '· 26" '""Int ltle .. , J..1,..S tr1naMl11I-. 199.00 One only. ...JI-' 31,.DI NOW MAIN FLOOR LADIES ANKLE PANTS A11t. Styl .. to. Prints, MIMla. 18 • 1 88 1tr1l9ht, flare I ... I to 11-5 te 1J. • -• WOMENS FASHION HANDBAGS Vinyl and H1ket IHH'HI. Dr11tlcalty reduced. NOW 099 CALfGRAIN CLUTCH HANDBAGS Gr11t ennlt11 or d1ytl1M k91. Vinyl fathlon c:olon. Orlt· 4.M NOW 2088 MEN'S SWEATERS Acrylon-Acryll<. Unk stitch C1rdl91n1. 7 88 S·M·L-XL In orang• only. Orig. JO.ti NOW • PAJAMAS AND GOWNS Pajamas and 91Dwn1. Full length fancy ,.jam•• 3 44 or full langth pwn1. Orlf. 4.0I NOW • MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Wrt•n or knlttllll, In many 1tylea. lroken 2 88 iii.ff & colors. Orig. 5.M•.tl NOW • QUILTED LOUNGING JUMPER Culotte wtth "'atc:hlnt llllovse. lrlght colerfwl ,rfnt. on., Jt.• NOW 11.88 ~ WOMENS SLIP CLEARANCE full ••• .. ,, •"• In IHhlOft <0IM0. 1 88 2 88 Dllcentlnuod 1tyl-. RHuced. NOW • • • HOSIERY CLEARANCE oicls 'n lndL $eamlUJ 1hMr1, high fashlefMrl .... All ot ono low ,.;,.. 3/ 1 00 Orl9 .• 6J..1 .00 NOW • WOMENS COSTUME JEWELRY Pins ... rrlng1, braclllat1, nocklac" anti rlnt• lnclvtll..i. All drastically reduced. GROUP I 3/1 00 Otl• 1.00 • GROUP II Ori• 2.00 .99 GIGANTIC FOUNDATION CLEARANCE Drutlc reductions on many of bras anrll tlr1111Ho St.ck up now and 1av•. GROU• 66 GROU• 1 22 GROUP 1 88 . • II • Ill • MEN'S NECKWEAR Stripu, solidi, all wovon, und•r kn•tL 88 2 44 4 In hand. • to • GENTRY STYLED MEN'S SUITS Sllm cut, unlvo"lty gracl. 25 88 1:1ua gr••n and black. Orig. 50.00 NOW • WOMENS GROOVIE GHILLE Ntw 1ueda leather look. Handsome fl•xallle •xf•rd1. HindMm• fl11•bl• oxfordL Composition 4 88 Ml• and hMI. Orl9. 6.H NOW • WOMENS TAILORED OXFORDS Soft crush upp•r•. Comfortable un-llnecl l•t'*'· 6 88 Gfoat fitting 1h01. Orl9. t .H NOW • MEN'S SPORT COATS Group 1 A•allablo In m01t 111••· Qroup 2. A•allable In most 11111. 2.88·18.88 34.88-44.88 MENS CASUAL SANDALS $oft leather up,.r1. Contour cvlhlon Insole. 2 88 Cre!M rubber out tol•. Orlt-4.H NOW • MEN'S WALK SHORTS SolklJ. plaids In P•nn Pr••t Mott 1l1n. 1.88 .. 3.88 MEN'S DRESS SLACKS JOG '"/,. Wool 'n Dacr•n·w•I bl•nd· F•1hlon colors 1 .88 •• 1 o.88 LADIES FASHIONABLE SWEATERS Sllpon and cardigan 1tyltL 7 88 Mtt. colffs. 1-M-L. Orlt t .OI to 12.U NOW • tn the lat•st lffb. Pl•ld .. Jrlnt• •l'Mll toll4L MEN'S HEAVYWEIGHT JACKm fl(ylon lln.tt. shirt style. 9 88 Lat"t fashions. Orlf. 12.U NOW • JUNIOR DRESS FASHIONS ' . Sol;ds and 1Wlnh~ Sl1e1 l·IS. Orl1. 11.0I NOW DRESS VALUES PWS Wools, cotton• al'Mll nylonL Ml ... and Half si.zaL WOMEN IN WHITE 6.88 7.88 GROUP 1. Olsc.,.tlnw4 1ty1 ... l roken el1•1. Orlt . f ,11 NOW 5.88 DISCONTINUED BRIDAL FASHIONS 3-Emplre A·Llne gowns ...... -orig. 39.00 NOW 2t.tl 1-Lace over Taffeta a:own. -or!&:. 70.00 NOW )tM 1-S.tin A·Une gown ............ -orl&. 80.00 NOW 44.11 DELUXE MAG WHEELS Hurst, Cra9er, Keystone c1 ... OutL ONLY 15.00 RUGGED RltEHOSE JEANS W"tern styllnt. ch.... from Soll rel ..... SI•• 6-11. oacltlnt MIMI colon. NOW 2.99 ' UPPER LIVEL FLY ME TO THE MOON A,.llo 11 T-shlrtL ,_,m ... l'rtu. 99 SIUI t.21 Orf9, 1.Jt NOW • BOYS 100°/o POLYESTER KNIT SHIRTS The latMt In strlpea. Machlrte wathllW.. 2 44 loy1' •J•n. Orlt. J.51 NOW • PENN PREST WALK SHORTS A&Mrt .. ploW1 oftll styl ... P .. J•tor and 2 99 ,-. Olond. Or'9. UI NOW o RUGGED IOYS WALK SHORTS JNn rnaterlol. For th• touth Ny. 99 S .. 14 colorL Orl1. 1.tt NOW • GIRLS PLA YWEAR GROUP Shorb, Teps, lloemotL Ant. 1tyl01 & .1 .... GIRLS EASY CARE DRESSES .25 In INton cot.re & folhlen1. A11t. •i&OI l to 14. 2.11-3.88 PRE-SCHOOL PANTS Solid ,.,.,L Aaaorhll1 ...... llti1tk w1l1t. Orft. 2.N BOYS PAJAMAS Short lloeve, short lotL Polrn.... lillen4s. Orl9. 1.11 GIRLS SLEEPWEAR PennPr"t@ In P11Ja1M .. 0.WftL 11.z .. 2-4-7-14 BATHING SUITS Pro-echool 111• 2-1. Allsorta4 plo'-fL DOUBLE DUO SUITS NOW 1.44 NOW 1.22 · .99 HOW ~so Coo41nato4 p&fttl to match. The lat•t 1tyllftf. Orlt. 24.tS NOW 19.99 SOLID COLOR MATCHING SUITS Thr• ~en stJllnt-SI.in 14·11. 19 95 llue-lron.z•llack. Ori .. 24.tS NOW • IOYS DACRON AND wooi.; BLAZERS 11"''° "'""'" •-•• -•" 2 """°" 14 99 styll"f. lllH 14-11. orft. 17.tl • IOYS PENN PREST SUITS lolhl colerL Tradltlonal 1tylln9. 0r1,. 12.tl IOYS CASUAL WALK SHORTS laJCtr or ConvMtiol'llll w1l1t. Size 10-11. INFANTS PLAYWEAR Ch"'• fNm Shorts, SuntllltL A11t. 1tyl1L NOW HANDY ELECTRIC SCISSORS Every Hlm1trffi ahould hav• o .. Ir. (....,.ettly Nf• for chlldren. Orl1. 4.11 NOW 9.99 .so .25 3.88 DECORATOR LAMP CLEARANCE <•-..... ''"'° .. "'"'1"' "''"" "'"""' 15 00 t• flt eny decor .. 14 only. NOW • MINATURE PICTURES AND MlltltORS Mix ... match t.r wall 11"1Vpirtt• 50 Geld IMf Of'Mlte framH. NOW • DECORATIVE FEATHER FLOWERS L .... ahmmM. Extra fluffy. HUii c .. or Hlectlon. Orlf. 1.• NOW 050 PENCALE COT.FON SHEETS • Fl"-1 Wtom. , .. ,.., mtittr .. s. 1 OO 0.UM• i.. ~ ... 11 only. Whlto OfllJ. NOW • 100°/o COTION RRRY CLOTH APRON Vlwltlly cl!lorecl kitchen ,..1nta. 88 ldMI for tlft tlVlftf. Ofit. J.M NOW • GIFT BOXED KITCHEN sm Attractfvely arr•ntff. 3 8 • luy ·now fot tho holld11s. Orlt. 4.H NOW • LlJXURIOUSL r. QUILTED llDSltPEADS ...... -. "llonl""'1"1·-9 00 Twin er Mt tlso.. Or .. IS.•• lt.• HOW • . EXTRA HIAVY l~TH TOWELS 1"% cett... tor.ry c.ttll. ,,,,.... ~' WMt. 1 66 wttt. c~ omllfellltrt. Or ... 2.M NOW • WESTEIN PRINT CAFE CURTAINS W..,..,n print cm. C,Uffolnt. M.che lilNww w cNft M-. 24 " ... ........ 77 NOW • ,.1r I ' I " ___ ,.__.~ Wolnttdv, No,.m"" 5, 196' L N J ( PILOf ·ADVU1!5U ' ' . -. . ' OPEN EVERY NtGHT TILL 9:30 FpR 1YO"R SHOP.PING~C-ONYENll~NC~E~ NEWPORT BEACH FASHION ISLAND UGHT FIXTUltlS ,,..,. llYlftl . rMM .._ tM kitchen. '0tl• 6.fl NOW 3.88 3 H.P. IRL MOWER _..,-·---IM.· ·I ooly., · •to. 1~,11 -81.00 FALL YAIDAGI CLEARANCE Prim aM .. nu -.,.,tt .-· 4,.,, cetNn. •cryUu .,. w ... MeftlfL .77 1.~ 2.44 _,. _.. .. ... 111 LOWIR LIVEL 90" TRAD. SOFA~UVE GREEN Oii•• ,,..,.. 269 00 Of'lt-~tM NOW • 14" MEDIT. SOFA-IED PllNT Orto. l:lt.11 NOW 366.00 87" CONTEMP. SOFA-VELVET WHITE Vol ... -Orlt-Jtt.11 NOW 320.00 90" MiDIJ'. SOfA-ILUE PRINT lloo .,twt. . Orlf. :nt.11 NOW 199.00 ' 94" TRAD. SOFA-GOLD Hd. . Ori,. 2)t.tl NOW MATCHING CHAIR-GOLD ... d. Ori• l)t.11 NOW PENNEY'S TOOTH PASTE Istre Whit. w Pl.,.,Wa. Jlltl-.T .... Ori• M 5 · PC. COOKWAIE'SET. 111c.,,... ... ,, ... T.rl• cM..._ Orlt-lf.tt NQW 4 9T. DUTCH OVEN 166.00 119.00 HOW .22 14.88 °'"' ,.,. NOW 3.22 CARPET SAMl'W 1110 27 .. zw llae 1r1121•, 1.88 .88 SCANDIA SHAG ARIA IUGS 111% • .,... pll• llao 27".U•. Or .. 7,ft NOW 3.88 18 CU. FT. SIDE IY SIDI Pr•t froe. u.flt. ,,...., c•'"lty. Orft. 42t.fl NOW . " 18 CU. FT. SIDE IY SIDE Fr•t-fno. 221-1" .,....... c•.-lty with IUtOfflatlc lco •k•. ...... ...... NOW 23" COLOI TV ln1t1nt-On. MtllltwrlMtft, MMorn or Mapi.. .... .,,.. NOW COLOR STEllO THIATRE u • picture. 71 .,.tta ,..1r ,..., Oriti· '"·" HOW 374.00 418.00 477.00 699.00 PENNCltEST SEWING MACHINE Ori• M.H HOW 79.88 IOYS Ir GllLS PIE SCHOOL TOYS HOW 1.22 Many, Many To C.,.._. ,,...._ Orlf. 1.11 PRE SCHOOL TOYS For loyt & ~ Orlt-.II NOW .66 BOY'S STBllNG WHEIL llKI Witt. Dr .. lrtik-. llt 2t"' ........ Orlt. 14.11 NOW IAIY SMALL WALK DOLL P11111Mt HW $cMter IW.. All a, Htrtotf, Pr11-.1ntte1. AIM..-"'9tt. a ...... 1 Ir~ Ort• 11t.ft NORTHWISTllN PUTIER 39.18 3.99 ,,..-·....,.., .. ........ , ... .,... *"· Orlt. I." HOW 6.88 GAIT PLAYD GOLF SIT wwtnNtt. ,..,,, .. llhart. .ht II I -I"-Orio. 7'M NOW 62.88 GAIY PLAYll WOODS SIT NOW 18.88 wu..,. °''••• .._. •n. ) ...... I tf9PIL Ori• 74.11 COL~NIAL UGHT FIXTURES Dnltlulty rollw ... ...... ty. Te enhance ,...,, heme Umlt.11 w l1. a.H NOW 7 088 ' 31/2 H.P. ROTARY MOWER -·" ... , •rtn, •• .,... ........ 119 88 OM llftfy. ...... 144..ts NOW • ' PLOOI SAM~OTCiUNS & RIFUS I •. Foremo1~ Sli do Action 12 6•. 20 60. Od9. 64.99 ............ NOW 4'.11 2. Wincho1tor Mol. 70 30.0b IOJt Action Ori9. 1-t9.95 ................ NOW 129.tS ]. Par,ar Hale 30.04 o,;9, 149.95 ...................................... NOW lZt.95 CAMERA DEPT. KODAK Ml 8 MOVIE CAMERA Dr., in LMdln• · Zeom L~ 0•11. 46.tl NOW 39.88 ARGUj MOVIE CAMEIA z-i.-. AvtL l~N CMttrel. Oftfo 71U NOW KODAK S-10 INSTAMATIC llhn LIM h ltn. CartrW11 Load •. Orft. 21.U NOW POLAROID llG SWINGER 59.95 17.95 l&Wl'ktuN11ft'1s... 9 88 lullt lo fl.,h, Orlt-11M NOW • TASCO SPOTIING SCOPE Hmm to 60mm Zoom. Trl,..il lnclucl.... Orlt. ft.ff NOW 4S.OO PHOTO ALBUMS Por 2y,:a5 PrlntL 2 •9 Pl11.fk Llneil ,..... Orlf. 2.25 NOW ..._ VIEW 'MASTER HOME THEATER · IMlucl• Y...., & PnJ. 9 88 15 Full C91w loola. Orlf. 11.tJ NOW • MEN'S CARRY ON LUGGAGE 'amw• lr•ftd NuMs. 24 88 Grey & Olivo. Ori• U.11 NOW • LUGGAGE CLOSE-OUT ramout lhM H•-. ,..,,._,,, or 21 .. w.-... Orlto. U.fl NOW 24.88 AUTO CENTER FANIELTS ly the hundrM1. All first ~uollty. Orlt· I .It NOW 3 i 1.00 ELECJRICAL SWITCHES Cennocten tonlo • wlro 4/ 1 00 ••k ........ , • DELUXE CAt' HEAD REST Prtwent whip tail\. · 2 SO ' '"'°'"" o tlftl NOW • •'- DUNE IUGGY STEERIN(jr WHEW "•stlc with chrome frame In colorL W• don't want theml ' A rNI krt•ln It JOU dol 3 00 Orlt· t.tJ NOW • ALTERNATOR GINERATOR TESTER . Prk .... "'" 9 .oo . ' ONE ONLY CAR REVERS UNIT IHr ntMnt wltfl .,..kor Priced to clhr LOCKING GAS CAPS Chrome Plnl1h. Per rno1t carL AUTOMOBILE MUFFLERS 8.oo .so ,., Mnt 4 88 Amerlc1n Cars. o Melt ALUMINUM VALVE COVERS Per ,_.., 1M Chovr .. Prlcecl to clear. Orl•rM.tS ,NOW 20.00 TAIL PIPES Your Choice Whll• they l11t. NO.; 2.00 CONVERTIBLE TOPS Pffll1 Incl ChavyL Vinyl wtwlMMwl. NOW VALVE COVER WING IOLTS (Jiil"OfftO. Wint IMtb let .t feur. NOW 20.00 1.00 WOOD PANELING FOil CAR$ a.tt rNdo •Y PIP. so 1 -•• your '"' , NOW o \ RUBIER OR PLASTIC CAR MATS 1 == t':! ~car. NOW 1.00 ~ . DELUXE IELL HELMm F•ntutfc ••'"' fer 1ftt trill rtffr . Orlf, ,ll'M • HOW MOTORCYCLE TACHOMETER 2 cyllMer. 2 c:yci.. llMtrlc. lheck ..... l1t1nt. ' 1 .l"ucei1 te <INr. 12.88 9.00 ~ ' f I ' Steps Set -ByJ'in~h WASHINGTON (AP) - l!c~\al')' Robert H. Finch Is ~iliUnt he l!Jie~ to "" the ffpreme Court'a delegrega- tJon.now dlclaloo U I IPrlllf· board for vi(onlul, -... I ~:1':sout ~the~ 0 :1 ~ell. . "By the 1-e of tht decbloo tleelf, aelthof the courts nor th11 department should toluale Ill)' further delays in abolishing vestige• oI the dual system," the secretary of health, education and welfare said in a state- ment Thursday. He pledged maximum resou~ "to achieve etluca- tionally IOWld and prompt desegregation." Furthermore, Finch likely will send a letter to the a~ proximately IKIO d I 1 t r f c t I within the next few week! ouUinlng his determination to bring about a quick end to stil l ·aegregated school systems, informed sources said. Finch's Jleutenanta In HEW's Office for Civil Rights are busy mapping desegrega· tlon inJUatives In a new at- mosphere of opltrnlsm. One civil rights official referred to lunch Thursday as a "victory 'celtbraUon." The turnabout is lronlc because Finch h I m s e I f precipitated the court's aban- donment of its previous doc· ' trine of "all deliberate speed" by requesting a delay In the desegregation of 33 Mlululppi school diltrlcts. The • high court Wednesday overturned th e ruling of a federal court of appeals that had a~epted Finch's request for delay. HEW U: armed with one of the government's two weapons against school segregation: A cutoff oI federal aid to districts that refuse t o dismanlle ' dual systems. The other is: court orders requested ~ by the Justice Department. • Aid termination was af. : forded a back seat to court- ordered desegregation under the Nixon administraUon's Ju- . ly 3 school . guidelines. And many southerners welcomed f the shlft believing court orders . offered a chance for further delf~· ' Biit a number of ad· } minlstraUon officials n o w · think southern 1uperinteQdent.s wW p ref e r desegre1aUon superviled by HEW. Court· · ordered plans will have to be imlnedia~ or so -th! atgu. men~goea, while HEW may be open to ntgotlation. HEW reports th a t ap- proximately 3,700 of 45 school districts in the 17 southern and border states are n o w desearegated or have pro- mised to d esegregate. However, esUmates are that between 60 and 67 percent of black southern children art still at t e n d I n g segregated schools this year. GRAFFITI by Leary r·." ·•t · ·---:i--.~··-"·-···. · Help take the terror out of " . I ttlllcirrflold .... , ,.. JUii)' kMW thl •· md.tln1 lrlctloll lld Jllti• ti t!lmln1tJon. Ccllltf P11iOl'I tan ht WOfMI COO!fTOOfOID1.w. he!P'I rtlll'fl ,..,,, Ari:tltloa,Md COUNTER1fOll) t111 ... '"' ,.i. llld ndll11t tf '-'tllOld 1nn11111111Uon.dfitct11. COUlllTlllf'IOID sollt•• '''' liard atolls • 1How I« usllr •••••l•i dtti"r' •• •fftcfl\11 llltiflhl .., to ......... sltlll ltSM lot lllln1 II tht llrM t!1111 protacb Mid soothe• lnft1med 11111. COOHTtltJIOIO, t l111lc•llF lt1!ecl lrJ tQCtln, ii l llPPffllO,, Ind w'llltt c1..,. rorM. AJk ,.,., plllrNd1t. lDll/ITEUDID. l Wtdfllsda1, NO'l'fll'llMf 5, 1 ... DAILV l'!Lot JI Jimmc Caru Fiv1-tim1 World'1 Poc k· et lilli 1rd Ch1mpion, wlll 1pp11r p1rso111llv from 12 Noon to 2:30 p.m., 6:]0 p.m. to 1:10 p.m. in !~1 following S••r• Stor11 on th1 Joi. lowin9 cl1y1: e s-c .. ttiM...- N•n"'Mr S -4 6 . '"" ,.,,....,_ H..,.-., 'I eMI I ~bi · ~; I ..olii:.'i!!!~"'I $19.07 Bl~e Pack Combination, Rip and Plycooth Blades Sa le Priced at 1399 ·SAVE s26! The All-New Exclnisive Cnftlman Floor Model Drill Press ' . , .. -·- Regular · 13691 Sl64.99 , 0 - •Streamlined l·pc. cast iron hnd for greltter accunicy • Enclosed belt guard for 1afety • Elabt operating 1peed1 ••• from 3M to 8550 RPM •• ~ ideal for drilling , ., FREE Gifts Available • In Our Hardware Department J Craftsman 9-inch Radial Arni Saw ' . Regular '169.95 122.99 7" Dado Adj-.we. Prci- ,;.,. ...,. '-1~ m 1683. ·l!A~ a.., ...... .. , . 'SAVE ·•44 .. . Craftsman 10-in. : Bench Saw Combo 5-•'11232.92 • Tilti..,...i--eoll dmt wood ap ta lM-in. tluc:k • Sell4llplns rip reaee tell e11ctl1 IO dealncl C'll •Ttll"J' time e Preteaoloned eoairolt bold dopth and 1aa18 Nttinp f'or _npnt.ed eatl • I.HP mot<>r. blacleopard, teaeo, estendl'n. f"llllllKI 1teel b•e' incl more#l3437 $62.56 Saw Kit Dado, Molding Set, Hold Oowq snd Cabinet Biade Now Only •. 3 999 97 e n ... elopt 1 ¥ .. BP with direct drive for fttll power at all times e Plenty of power to aip thl'll 1tock up to 21,;. inchOI thick with all the accuracy needed for profeaaional use •Color-coded control• and key-look • ...,er owitch add 'to safety and ea•• of operation $21.99 Saw Stand, #I030 2.88 $239, l(~in. Radial Arm Saw •t 79 Ask About Sean Convenient Credit Plans Cr.rt.man ower oo uarantee Free service and pans upon murn, if any put prove, defective within 1 yeor of sale. This auaru!lee dOes not apply to electric tools uie.J j rvi ii' llllim:immaami:mra ~ ~I Hardware V aluea for Home or Shop $5.99 IO.Pc. Ignition Wrench Set $5.49 Glue Gun $5.49 Appliance Roller $6.59, %-in. Ratchet $5.29,' la.cloor Cabinet $4.99 Claw Hammer '4.79 Propane Torch $5.49, 50-fL Tape $5.99, 26-in. Hmd Saw $6.29, 12" Acijllllable $4.88 Pipe Wrench Set Other Savinp Not S ....... U.49 Router Bit Stt $4.89 Aviation Snipt SS.49, 9-pc. Sooket Set $4.69 Rural Mailbox $4.99 Slim Pen Kaile • • • • ' • ' ' • ' ' ' ' • ' • • Ba.ili..in workligbt., full 4-lach 1pin· die tra.-11. deplb puge, more - ~ Motor, extrti -. ' ,-------------------------------------~-----------, •utNA PAllCTA. 8·.C.COO, .521-.C.SJO it MOMTE GI 3-3911 IONO tEAot HE 5.0121 '°""°"" fD 2·11 .. 5. NA 9·5161, YU 6-67.51 PICO W! 1·.C 262 · SOUTHCO.UJrlAlA 5.Co.3333 I : I CJ.HOGA rAAK 340.066 1 Gl(NoAu CH 5.100,c, a "4:.C611 OlYMnC & sbro AN 1·5211 WtfA AMA Kt 7-337J 101UHC1s.c2.1s11 - I COWTOH. NE 6-2.581, NE 2-576 1 HOllYWOOO HO 9-.5941 Ou.NG! 637-2100 l§ . SANrA" SNWS 9UIJ1t VAl.Lft' PO l ·l461, H4·3J20 I : COVINA966-0611 IH<ilfW0000 ••• ,,2, , .• •ASADEHA611 ·321·'·3~'·•2•• • S~a.rs SANTAMOMCAIX•·','' '9"ctn"'"''''' , ,__________________________ _ ________________ ,, f • • ' Shop Nights Monday through Saturday 9:30 AM. to 9:30 P.M., Sunday 12Noon I• 5 PM. ---... "SatbfadlonGuoranlHdorYourMonerllaclt" ·- - I DAILY PILOT U~I TtltPMll ' - .Stanford (;oed Dorms-No -Problel,d --~ arANftllll).--..ltW'l-Y-mea ..i -• • ..,. UJM..,I ... :rf Ii uo UYln&o 11' 1141-lialle-rooms in what orndala call an experiment in advanced co- educaUooal llvlnc. ~·1111 going quite well,'' says Wiiiiam Leland, , usociate dean of students. Many ot the student&' par· ents approve. No parent has Comp1aine4. • . I Joseph Ka&. •'"""live di- rector of the scbool'a Institute for the Study oMlmnan Prob- lems, said the 40 studepts' co- educational living may ba-.ie led to a "partial moratorlpm on sex." ~ Students iniUated the change last spring by drafting a floor . plan assigning names of men and women in next-door rooms at Roble Hall, previously an ail-WOD)eD'S dorm and ooe of • the old e a t Mnlctutel-te-io men aod ooe to women. campu1. . 1M , ....,am ha broqht ....., Bulkelry, a \iew deaa ._q COliiiilenU Ir om vlllllng Roble, ia" Ibo --pomil. gested plan_oo_a...-11-ond l-a--100,,.,-etnt:" lllooghl the ual,-al-aald Mn. Anne HUllon GUU.. ready had been apprqYed. and of Corvallb, Ore., vl"'ho5e ''Soundl like a grea_lidel" dauchterSue.livesint.bedorm. he said. - -• 0 Wbml went to Stanford 25 .WI. Prof. Jolin Palmer and yewa ...,, Ibo bo10 were at hil wife, dlrtcton ol. the dorm-one eDcl or the campus and ltMy, undontood Bulbley'1 the Cirlt al the otl>er. Dola remark to mean official ap- proval and men were moved Into rooma uslgned by Ille plan. -_. became klO Important They -;fine Idea. I'm-DOI .lbockecl created leMloo between boys at all." and -'•Is " Kall aid Ibo c:ooducaUooll ... · unita: avoid 11over kkalluU.-Coed·"onlc•.Pl~esw.of Sao..-otthe-opP!)lite--.n-.md-a-aood - la Clan, Calli., aald she sens-deal ol the m•tllll t...mc ond ft a mort relued atUhide to-destnietive' beh•vklr cbarac• ward women among men stu-terisUc of, c~pua dJUnl. denls. On a ~.,...,,. liuk. Robert Blees ol Los Angeles, Katz said, porlklpuia, m11 a Dutmouth aradu.te 1'hoee develop 'atUtudel lhlt wW llad ..., ii ID Ille lfOOp, ialcl, "It'• them lo 11roo&er m&r(iqa. The Palmers aay they have encountered no s~lal lftb- lems so I• In the eaperirnent, which _,....,, ,beyond the now falrty ~ ·conece co- educaUooal houslnl with men and women on separate Doors or corridors. Prices Effective, Beginning Today Ttie bath·and·tollet problem was resolved by asslgnin& one Neivport-Me8aSclwols A idirig Kidney Study 'i S·ears F i f l e e. n J$ewport-Mesa schooti will be parficlpaUng in . a program for detection o{ kidney' and urinary tract in· fection put on by the Kidney Foundation of 0 r a n g e .. Riverside. Foundation, It 1s w e 11 estab1l1hed by Public Health Service aurveys that many thousand_! of ~rBOn!I have this undetectetl ·problem. " • • 'JBB Pounds of Power , Third through fifth gi:ade \students will be tested for ex· cessive protein, sugar aod bacteria in the kidney and urinary tract. Students will be asked to donate $1 for the tesl but will not be required to. The schedule for th e pa<Uclpatlng acll\>Olso Victoria and Whittler, Nov. 24 ; Wllloo and Pomona. Nov. 25i College Park and Presidio,. Dec. I; Sonora and Bear street. Dec. 3: Harbor ·View, Dec. 4; Mariners, Dee. S; Adams, Jan. a; California and Meu: Verde, Jan. 7, and Paularino and Bay VJew, Jan. 8. . " ;Hamilton Riddle, 17&-pound student·at·Westfield.lJigh School in New Jersey, is )lt a disadvantage on a teeter-totter ... witb.'th·e:world's heaviest bowling ball as -iellow student Leslie Mapes look s on. 'l11e 188-pound ball was fabricated from -'ungsten powder in a massive isostati:C -press by ,the chemical and metallurgi· teal division,,.of Sylvania Electric. According to the Kidney ' • , • • • • 1 -, • , ' ,, • Sears . ~· - • LRetanl beat in nnneryon .billy .i.,. "·a nn UJ' ,,.. rage or work· ,;bop in a jif(y -. - SAVE$7NOW! Scars Portable Automatic Fan-Forced Radiant Heater Regular S26.95 ~ i 1988 ! • ' I • • • I . .ideal (O'l' coun· trJ·cabin or cottage. too •This aolomntic portable heater goes to work irntanl· ]y, moves from room to room with eal!le and takei up tiO little space. •.Just set it and forget it ..• auto111atic thermostat holdo heat at the •etting you choose. Three b~t oet- t i ngs. Carry ~andle · L Use Sears Revolving Charge , _________________________________________________ , I _.,_ tA 1.-IOO, 511•41>0 ll _, Q l.Jfll tOMO •.ta Hf J.0121 f'CIMOtll, to 2·114S. * f .Jl61, 1'11 "'1tl MOWI l-4a61 ~QMlfl\AIA s.JW ~-1•.ow1 c.o.llfMltot S.1004,0.._..ll ou•...c.1.11MOAN•t211 • MNl'ANMll74ln ...... ~a.1s11 I I __ _.. W•I, ... J.J16t !GllWOClt NO Mf41 OWrllOl W ·llOO ~ .tNt!A N ~ ,.._.,, WIUf JO Mt61. fM.zm ~9#06·'· ... 0 ... WOOICIWJl• ,~ .... ,, ... ,,,.m, Sears .......... lllOMIC.t.IX,..,1, _,..,.,,., 1 '-·------------------------_________________ , ....... ~......_.....,, .. AJ&.,.,..»,.M.,s-lorll-lel,JA. ---.. ~0. •• 1 •• ~ ...... _, ....... • .. ....... ·"-di.he .. ··-••• •ihe"'- SAVE •10! 30-GaL Water Heater •Plenty of hot. bot water? for diahee, laundry. andbalha • 53,000 BTIJ heater m:oven M-5 GPH at 100 degrees rile • Feature• inclade 2..uge "Flame with• Brain" Modei33'31 . S9f.95, 4Q.Gal. W1ter He1teT 84.88 $1!)4.95, ~aL Waler Heater 94.88 Regular 84,95 ' 7488 A•k About Seen Convenient C~t Pl.ms SAVE '40! Automatic Softener • 5-cycle opentioa, proTides tuperior water 90ftenin1 • E'ferythin1 is a little deaM.r, 90fter, easier for you and your familr F11.11Jf~ftt Iu1allaaio11 .A.rro,..f!d I '7 4.95 Electric Dual-Element Water Heater Save 5988 115! Idetl for your famil y'$ need~ $84.95, s:.GaL Water Heater-69.88 f}S.95; 66-G1L 'W•ter Be11ter-'19.88 $105.95, 82-GaL Water Heater-19.88 Regular 1239.95 19988 , Regular '5.75! Dryer Vent Kit .... 34%1 388 , Oumanding..IueaS-. low. low price ••• Murr while quantities lut. Satisfacti-On Guaranteed ~ s•op Xoday tlira :5-' .... 1 Yc ,,. B k ears 9:30 A.M.10, 9:30 P.M. or our • .,oney ac Su•a .. u Nooa 1o S P X. ........ aaavca .um <lO. '. • - l • • • ·.....;;~-=-.:;;=-====::::::-:;:-:;:·-=--------------·-·-- - -. --------""-'----· -·--. -----. -------·----~-.,.....,. .. . . . . .. .. ' DAil V PILOT ' ·-~-~.·~otil~A:I~,lt~t~e~A ... ' . ' . . ' .. ' - ·>~''; ~fllC;Uiating F'act$ Lis,ted 'irl, New .f ·ubUcati.on . ·;; ... ~ Staw. UPI) -'-. The ~ 'N ... ·1ovethe moat. h· langtla1~. be,lni opoken by an · bottles of medicine. f!e dltcl In - · '"':'"' ~ N>ldl t~. record ve P'!vatt J>i!IY In \he eatlmaled $7' n\llllon pe1'10hs. 18t7,'8t the age of Ii. • lot the' 11dlest· 1IHfo In the wcl-ldf a lllln!lli at' the Elllll"1 11 ·.-l\'llh an Brilce •' Atklnlon and Keith ~· 'b6t l\f~ca . his the Waldorf llObel lll'New YI!')< in · tltf!DI~ ~Ill ~ lnl'.l llo n-llulltaort ate unequalled In ', ...,.!<!, il'blcl\NI llnd'dune and 111117 that COii $111,llllO: • speilteri. Tiie !tut complex the art ol ,...,... They .. ~~· ~ mon,;..._,etuatve l'J'!Klse 'llDI! ilum:s.~are µie \lah;ulle ls Taki Till, ~n · muq:ed~ boura n~toR , 7' ,.. , · I , -:--So!i~.-.llri-iuliei-11111'-by-B~ n<grGes !Jt-:Frelj<: l8'1~ay lji Nunawildln&. • r~. l~al. eti ~~ •lllali~ o1 ...... In Soµlh W~st G~ and ~utlnam 'in, .SOUi!\ Austtalla. Last year, six ~a . U.l·~ ol.'.'!i.iPJdt.ct_.illlb'Jlll \!atilt _~~.. and p.,..d the en ti re i;.-"D· .~ ... ol •. ~~ch &!II , ... t •. ~Jll ··pc:,l~. h•· lrilltmtn demolixhed a pilno he.a. ~1'1:ditlV, iQ1 ~ ... :,Int_ the prlm!Uve ~Wtng : Mr. Zete_~ qc Chicago wreckage through a circle thingi\ilP.• tllli~ l81h-~ found· In Southeast. lfi.,t. wins' the ~ )fol the· nine Inches In diameter In the and~~~edtt1in.~~. , G~ A&!'· r , , . .,_ ~~rin.ined ~~ tO be 1 reco~d time of two minutes, 26 11<'.S~~ ~-. , , , • . • • -~ IWJildUf creatule · the lut'1n !oC,or lelepboile· direc. secoi><ls. B~ .... ~. , ~; Wla,h14~~rr.waa tht ~'f" .tojy.\_Hls p?J4et:efsiJtf•as Mr~ ;'As for messages ln botlleSi dev~~ , f,. e·to {!llU~ ite.go.sauru s .• a Zyxzy Zzy~; the IOng~st ~nee traveled the .,~ .. ~·, ... __ J~t!in .,·p~tq~ -~etile lh.tlt .Jack O'Ltlray -of Los ts 25,000 miles by a botUe · man s landing on e mQOn ' meafNred 30 feet in length and Angeles Calif suffered the ~dropped in the Pacific Ocean last July, The first stiw was weighed almost tw.o tons but loaj!;est ~rd~ attack of hie-. lltay 27, 1947 and recovered on Fre~man. Jea!l PHafre <!e ha~ a plum-sized ·brain that cups. He is said to have hicked the island of Sylt in the North RoZ!er:,,. flight tn a hot all' weighed two and a, half more than 160 million limes in Sea Dec. 3, 1968. balliii to a heJght o! ~ feet ounces. Guinness ' says the an atiack that lasted irom · · The largest brlbe in the on Qct l.S, 1713. stego.saurus ~roomed widely June 1948 to June 1tM ·with world, $72 million, was A~ from the ~ ex-across t be 'n'o .rt h e-r Ji one 'week:s 1'e~ tn" 195L allegedly offered by a Saudi plo"'uoi}.-..·the United .:-.6atta hemisphere ~t 150 mllllon Peoplt sent1fi0 too rlUiMIU<>ns'. Arabian official in 1965 to heads· tlie7world league fot the years ago! tryiDa to ~epiber . for CUib.:~' qnt. wu ()aim .. Sb~· Z;li~ lbn,. sulla~ of A.bl!' • weaJthiest· private c t t I z,e p s . where it had been, DO doubt.: · ed to hive Wai;~.~· ptaye~ bha~1, concerning . Oil con-wi~ ;twO'. bi.llionaif'es, oilman' On the sub~ of w0nl1, &tie tca.St.'J~, _tbe patfOn dint of: cessions on the Pe~1an Gulf. Jeaq 1P"ul Getty, 78, and in· worst · tongiiffwlster ii'! the loat caUlea...' 1 ~ ~ • ·~ The. -i!'tl~~t a_hmony was dusltiatlst Howard Hughes, 63, · English language ls: ~"The · EnillS'htnaR .. Samuer·)·essuP $!1.5 ,nuUiop . paid by \J,S: • plus a possible third, oilman six.th sick sheik's sixth sheep's Is reckoned to be , the a1rc~aft manufa~turer Reu~n HarOldSon Lala)'.ette Hunt. 6ick." hypochrondrilC·IOf an uine. In l:follis Flet;t to his second wtf~, A · 1 M f • •·-•· II d . Dorothy, 1n JHS after thetr ~ mer1can coupe, r. North Chinese, or Mandarin/ one yea Inn., ,m:: s,wa owe .. U f 11 ing ,, e bal and 1~ •. Bradley Martin of Is the world's most common 51,590,,pills-~dr~k ~ 40,0Cll? .!=~" ~ 0 ow v r · · · 'nie shortest valid will in the Old World . " · .:-·:, ,Jl,fedite.rraneata ~ .. :~-' ·; · ',J.,Sp,a"jsh. furniture. ·: : ',: • :', :,; ~~~\' $l'OO;QQO IN.VllNT~Y ' 'I( .. ·TO. CHOOSE FROM . OECO~TORS cANCE~AT)ON-_tMI ,. RETURNS FROM MOOEL HOMES . DECORATORS DREAM HOUSE ON DISPLAY 1 Jle4 _.,. foli~~f'..iS~~g~us cu.stain quilted sofa wit~. ;~p•roie pillo"s witli:.ha~vy, oa kl_trim qocor and match)ng love · se~t •. 3 .m•t~~i~g o•k «!!;· -cisional tables~~e·• :tell decorator 'lamp, ·hanging ',_chain Swa__g ·t.mp,.9-•lt ~-piece king s~;;misler bedroom suite, pin~ltd l\1iditerranHn style with• fop qualify "_IS •years warranty king siie matreu and box sprin<JS. 5pa~islf dinin.9!:a,t, ·etc .. ,· · ·-. :, COMPLETE HOUSEFUL :~i.m.. . $l528.00 ,. ANY PIECE. t AN BE PllRCHASEO M-0. r:r.· sAc'DiF· i·cE' . 'I NlilVIDUAL,L Y-At EQUAL SAVINGS . ifj::.. 11\ . ,'' --, f • • • -• • •• ' • \\. ·-. " ' .. -·-----·151 8 .. world was ."Vse Zene," .Czech ~ .Jor "all _to wlft," closely . seconded by an English will, . "all-for mother." owe Aide ·Given Post Golden West College law en- f&n:finelit .. ~program director' ' 0681d a. Hunt has been natj:l- e~ :.the firSt presideht of the C!fil~_la;;f_o~e Jrainingj)_(~ rloors~lation. Ke wlU<Serve-IUs term with' the ·-•mtmber association throUSh . JOiy 1970. · HUnt • befan hs law en-; . ton:emerit career with the Rlversiae Police Department; comin'g up from patrolman to captain from 1945 to 1955. For the next flve years he served as special supervlsm-on peace .. · clflcer trajirlng witb the Cali- fornia Department' of Educa- tion . In 1960, he became - coordinator of the police scien- ce program at Orange Coast NO JllftNEY College, which nioved to new DOZ-:~·.? NO facilities af Golden West Ulla' fa11. · ,! -., ... MY, . NT The assocJatloo .. seeie\to ~ -___,_Tc;IL'-'i!'li'.!'"7=0'-ll upgrade polico tralnin 'b CIX· .;_ c li n1e Of" matenili, 1J1 - -know~~ 8E'1 technijJUN. , ' , -- • • • f j -~ Wala•t ·, Fitihh ' C.lt!Oll .f9100 SAVE '24! ~ig-Zag Console With Storage llase~ck , Total Regillar 'l 01. 90 $· • -' ' ' • •• 1 ' • ..... : • Overcash , s•tin. stitches, eewa Gn buttons, rrlakea ~J.'"., ~ ~liyUonh·olei, mQnogram1, • · · . -' ' :. , . , t -Front~moonted b 'bb~inder_wlt!Lau'.t,omm..,a.uti ... c ~_,'=-~' · cnt-o whe.n bobb'ln if full. , · . ' ' ,,e.:lfa~°i.f~·chiir k~epr'all.'••Wi~g needs in o~e !., 1 • . -, ~--=tll• . · oil~l1204-9100-433•-, . . -.. . . ----.--. -- ' ' • .. • . ' I····' , .Iii;.-•---•·••-•••••-•••-•.••••••••·•••-••••••-••-•••-\. ' · I -tLllNA PAlic ·rt MONl'I lOHO 11.AOt Pl<!CI ei ..;.,.. l"OJ,l,ONA 'I: • SOUTH COMl' P&AIA 1 , T Simple-solUi.K>n~ . t9 rlsing car~prices. . :::,. --. •\'-_.._. . ..... ' • ' '• , . ' '.\' .. . ,t . ·The Simple Mac~ine. . . .::Fbrd Maverick. I ' ~ . I• • _... .__ ;. .. ' our ero•ll cat has scored 1 big 1uc.,..a. And · "°''"' Ill ""'"· Maverick la easier and leas ttte relaon 11 iitnplti-solld value. Now; With · · ex-pe"•ive to maintain then an economy ,impe,t .. Maverick requires fewer ol.1 changes, fewer chll• 0th.er a1r prices going up all around It, Miv-sis lubrications, too. You .•ave time and money . . ,' e rick-11going111 own Maverlcky wey. ll'l 1 I UoMOCMPN«· OlMAlf OlY14'1Cl lOf'O • SANTA~ TOUAMCI : I ~ HOll'l'WciQD 014NGI ~-SANTA ff SPl:ING~ VALID • I I ~ • , INGllW'OOO ,ASAOIHA ' ears SANTA MONICA .• .., VIWDHr• .... :. '•.-------.-----------------------------~~--l""'---, • I ...,~: ....... s-...,t:JioA1M ... t:JOP.M.,s-1.,12NNitteJP.M. ---.. "S.tiJ.ct*IG .. a:•••• ...... s ., ..... .... ' - " ' . Pilot Pete $e%: 'Vacant Rental Units Make Vacancies In · . . . . . Your Bank Account'· .. ' Here's How ·Sig The 'Voc:ci ncy' Is • • • If Y•ur Every Monthly Rent•I Every Ever{ Price Is: Day w .. Two Weaks I 75 '2.50 '17.50 I 35.00 90 3.00 '21.00 42.00 100 3.33 23.33 46.67 .. . .. • . • • --\> • . , ,. .... ' . . ·--· .. ,. . '. .. '-t s1•-1e •· The Maverick Owner'• Man~el "•>. 19'70.CllJ-tt 1960 pricHI And you get your hu 2(p19a~ ~I lnatr~ctlon tor routine mainia· '-mon,,~• worth. Maverick la &lmple· 10 ·drive. nonce Jobi.illiu oan •do youmlf like change 1park Sfmple to perk. Simple to Htvice. SlmP,11 lo . plugs, lid~~lgplllon tim ing, and more. Fjlnders- 120 4.00 28;00 56.00 130 4.33 -30.33-60.67 -J -repair. A'OJI. almple lei own. . -and grl~a,Cljll bl! replaced.In •matter of minutes. Simple II .lf.n. The 1lmple machine c1n start 'llmpte to drive. Turn on the engine and you turn eolving money problem• forYoy righ~ n~w. Ohe~~ l~osi; the ,'power of 105 hors,s:·vet Maveri9k lt·out at your Ford Dealer'•· 1hti prlct ·fh1t•m1d1 •. "rivals the economy imports in gas mileage. it famou1 now ma~is It I. better bUy.'than evir, -Stmple to park. Maverick can U-tUrn In a tightei circle than the leading Import. It can nip around-._ • corners and stide into tight parking spaces with :•_••• \JCl')I. CK~ -.. amazing-agility. IYJl!\Y,i;;QI ~ • • -For mOrt . lnl0<m•llor1 •bout U,vtrlclt H• Y~~:!f!· p.s1•1 01 wr!M: • Mmt~k. C•lalog, D1pl. N·f, f ,Q..1011 1503, .. ..,_"'Jt'.'l" ),f~li/fMt flf21. __ -, --,o •· . « f ' ' • I~ • \ -F.'Ord g;ves yoll:eeaer ldea&,~Uie QOin9Thina!-- # • f " ' ~ I • . . : : ' . ~ " ..... '"Tl!ST·DRlVE A 1970 AT YOUR PORD DE~~ER'S 'NOW! , , . . ' . ' ·--- . . •• • • 150 5,00 35.00 175 • 5.83 40.81 200 6.67 46.69 225 7.50 ~2.50 250 8.33 58.31 -I 841atl on • 30 °.lay month I . AM th• "v1tlf)CY" In nur lttok l(C9\1ftt tet• •rift ltl ... r wh~n you t1k• fnte con1ld1rlfl•n the ~t of malnt1lftfnt th-amply -unlta. Summertime la ldlon llm• let DAILY PILOT rental oda. Call ~2·5671 lot Iha dltt<t llM to raoulta. We've 9ot tome •pa• to rent, too, •M the price 11 alw1y1 d9ht In Iha <IH1HIM edverlltlnt -Ian ti the · \ 70.00 I 81.62 93.3a 105.00 --11'6.62 . .. ' . . • ' DAILY PILOT , I I 1 - -......, .. -· . . . ' ,11 OAILY'l'JlOT Wtdntsdu, Novhl:lbtr'S, 1969 od ~e$.iMe,;r,i ·:n~Seiwi~e ~r_p_uttd-. \ ' .. . . ~ . ', ' . ... ' ..... " Al-',lei.· wntM, IOll ol ~ !or duty lo Phu Cal Tactical Air Command'• 11th Sp. S t e I n b1 ~ h er was • · A. W !It' 1al,._, lo Mather AJl'll, !or ~ :.t,·•'-·{t~,.t;:l--Mra.-ll\JNe-M..Wr!Pl-<1-6U ABr-V caJ-Alrll~ p..,.. award !or Larklpur , Avt, .Con>na .de! duty_ wllh .the Air Trllbln& Weatminsle(, hu.betn -osal@-Stwart AFB, Tenn. • ' ~ oervl<'< in con-Mar,.hu been '~ lo Commud. lfleul Awarded' . Staff Sgt. Randolph M. Seale,-~iin:'o( -Hubirt,.Out- ram of 1720 Palm D[. Laguna,Bi<~ receives the nation~s highest award !or he:ro/iini ii) 1a lion-®mbat sit.uation, the ~oldier's Medal; durihg cerenionies held in Vietnam . ThC 26-year-old soJdjer also recent- ly received the Bronze Star medal in Vietnam. -r ' .. " .. See -The New FRIGIDAIRE GAS DR¥iR ' . l. -I ' ... ., ed Co Wm RulailJ.'RAr Sta-ScL Lewll 1. Wrtpl, 27,,.. nectlon wtfh· mUitary oper• Tr.W., Siluldrm • 11 lhe . The alrmall; ll'llned to ~~: f1~~';;1J:-;n'E~r:: lhe of Lewll T. Wrlgl>I, !Off SI\. C>ey B. 81d-r. ~ qalllll hoslile enemy . ~j~i.f ~ t._JJoa. ~ •':'er::::.::~ Jj Airman Wright Is a Flamingo Road, L 11 u n a U.S. Anny, JI, IOO of Mr. and ca: j''=M: He =~ e ;, ' . . ' :; _.ft lltJW JJJ1b !'-': graduate of Wu6ninster High Beach, has t>een a:islgned lo Mrr. Beman! Steiabaetiir'of I, 11M. eaa · 41r'1w ...... C.~..n.. -School, and ittinMd . ONjil' ~ School, 1918; ad llltnd<d the 69lb lnfamry Brlpde, fl. S776 c111o1,; ~ ''Neu,' --son o! Mr. ·'Ind lln. !Jr! $Ula Uolv<nlly on4 ~ .- Long Beach Cttf'Col~/mid ,ClnQil, Co~ • ' received the 1 sr-· Siii' 1-c . .....,.. C. WU-, Pele,_ or 1111-Klilp illiCe.-c-t'~.l!efore_,,,,._, GoldenWestCollegebelife•o-M!dalnearTam _lty,Vlelillun. USN,.,,.. o1 Mr. ad Mn.· .•Newport Beoch, hu ...... _the~ terlng the service. .. Stepltea C, Job11kln, U.S. • • ' -tJ. Roldi A. &teek. Jr., • Anny, whoae mother, .Mrs. S. , ,. Whole partnil liye 9j aa ·C. ,Johnston. WlJ'e, LesJie Ind j. .I L " Santa Ynez Drive, i'OJntlniton datJ&hter, Jive at lit 29th St.. ·" ~ Beach, h•• )leen uslgned to Newporl Beach, has been The Stockbroker.I to Know Invite '(ou ro· .... ' Vance AFB, Okla. for pilot ' assigned to the American , training. P'on:,es Radio and Televiaion lf The lieutenant, . ~. ts .• A Servkt, Hollywood. graduate of Alexandria Hlgh He served three years with School. Va., and .of. the tht American Forces University of Florida. Network, Germany. T ,h e ' speciaJ services operator earn- Airman Jolan J. Scbaedtl, -eel the Army Commendation. , son of Mr. and P.ln. John medal for meritorious service Schaedel of 17311 Cann a Cir-during his European tour. cle, Huntington Beach, has . · been assigned to Bien Hoa· ABJ -seet. 4. Yllllam D. Rim• · \'.ietnam. · . J,-,..i}._ •. 1 .-; mat, 24, S9f1 o( Mrs. Marlie' · . The airman 1,.1 ~te':ot M. '. ~act of I 0 0 _Huntington lletid> Jliilh'S<!•••I'< t lltalaae, ,coi;ona def Mar, Is He is a recipfd@.' ~! ~ with the 4th l~antry aircraft systems rstpice.1aftd . DivJtion,nea:r Plelku, Vldnam. mainlenanct! .mall.' j, A rifl!'.""'I ol CW.-A, Ind c· ,' ~ .... ~1.l'1,~.:. '. • Battalion Oi ti Dtflaioll'1 Ith, Atrmn: ~ 'T.•'Clo-· lnfanlr)', be· II ~-graduale. ol .. lb>, son ol 1'1"-"'1!1·-11!l. Conma del'Mai lllp'.Sdlool, J . w. Conneny ol' 11441dl!lil<!-19". ' • ish Lane, Hunflngtbn ,o!Jeach, His father, Dan S. Ham-, (That's the day befo~ Sunday) . . . . has been assigned to Sheppard · mack Jr., liVes la Glenda1e. AFB , Tex., for training .in aircraft maintenance. The airman is a raduate of fl.1arina High Schoo . Cberl Broy~ is ·arrrenUy employed with the Army special services in B ad - Kreuznach, Gennany. FlremanAppma. TltomaiN. MW Broyles, who11e S~ay, November 8 10:00 A.M. to 3:00. P .M. Edgew.iter Hyatt House-Empire Room 6400 E. Pacific Cout Hwy, long Buclr Th is is YoUR DAY ID become better aGquainted with Mutual"FUlldS. , .MEET THE FUNDS.in. person through a day of free seminars and displays conducted by represen!;\t~s . of thes!! funds. • -Clark. USN, son of Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mn:. R. Mn1. H. N. Clark of 641 St. Broyles live iat 341 La Jolla James Road, Newport Beach, Drive, Newport Beach, is a Is serving aboard the nuclear.. recreation leader (Service from 10:00 AM. to 3:00 P.M., executives Ob tain additional infoimalion of putJailat powered. airJ:raft carrier USS Club) grade 5. of the Mutual Fun.d industry will present interest to you and yoUr family in the display Enterprise a~ NewpoJt Ne~. She l'!ceived her B . A . Va. degree in Art and ' Drama in informative and· inter-8 • • • a • • • • 8 8 8 a • • • ·aruwhile)'Dumeetand ' Atrm'· .,. 1 c:· Etlj'_,. ""-'19DJfrom '.the'' Uaj.v.eriit)'f1 · . ~tjng ~i$iCUSsio~°"; 8 ', ' · • i' .. 1,. to attend • talk·wiih representa- . · "'" ,.-, California Irvine. h ch I · I ,., ., .:.-fro ~-Mutu·' Stoacbton, son of Mr. and ,_ "T eTe noogrca • ~..,.._;1..._, • u.-~ m 111C ... Mrs. Frank L. Stoughton of Almian. Orlltoplter L-Revolution/'''YourGpa,ls • PWI~ • Funds, throughout Newport Beach, has been Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. and Mutual ful_)ds," • . • the day. Refreshments. assigned to Patrick AFB, Fla. Ray D. Anderson of 13941 , "M~ the Portfplio a Please tend ., no. ti«et5 a Oo0r prfZe: $100 ln The aU:manJ a s u PP I Y Cardillo Drive, Westminster. • with Pf'Olt'j,JQ schedule. • Mutua1 Funds ot-•r speclallsl With the 6$50lh Air has been assigned to Chanute Manager,n "Growth Admission free. 1-· Base Group, previously served AFB, DI.. for training in 'the Stocks,w and "i<>f .• • choic:e. in Vielni'Jll. annament systems field. . Livi ngT in •:Nim• I'! • Admlallanfree,a.t ~ The ainnan is ·a graduate of · · ' • · • tiolll Alman 1.C. Ra·j m ri1t d Westminster High Sch 001.; _ • finan$:fijjP~an . ." •. Address • raerva: 1.re ' Gauthier, sdn1of Mr. arid Mfs. 1969 '-{Pros~ses~'M. • Telfpi'lon• ~· • necmuy.Please phone · George Gauthier ol 9·1.3 I . • • • \ r Polly Mcilrath forVN.•r Crawford Circle, Huntington ' di - , .) -a City Zip • . _1_ I~~--Beach, is serving with the U.S. Spec. 4· Ervtn A. Burs:e, • ri ti~eb, o.r mai Ul9 --·-im ·a1 Combat Air Forces,.Blen Hoa · · • pj,\j, · 1 NE • coupon 11><. ne, Burge lives at 264.l S~ . ' ·' AB, Vietnam. · Ave .. Costa Meaa; liU'· bf:en' ' ' a , °'., a Webber, Jackson & • l • . Tht airman Is. an aircraft wr:BBER rriechanic assigned to the 804th ~~': ~~\J~):!~ 1 ; ; • • r-. ·~· ~ • CUrtis, ~· ,, .. ~ .. ~~--= ~1-''"4'~-=~~t~S:::,,·.," .. --"'";"'-·--:-::---,----,.-c~· "'--;;·,;;·"'· i~~-;...___-_-,,_,~"--·--+--',<-:.:"· ·~··.---1~ -A-G'Vc Q,_.._,_1-__ • eome and Mm Beach High School,-11167. Spec. 4. Buri• uva Hibl l '~T s : ~ . !>SJ .; ,- ' NOW.WASH DAYS ARE A BREEZE""".'VilTH. THIS FRIGIDAIRE GAS DRYER! • 1 '"i'''o~ t.i:..•~· .,,.,,., '·" vn No~-A +~ · tont1ol dryin!J ~••I 1, 111it f1brie! DA v.s;jif"OWN e Dw•1bl1 p•en t~•• -J Md I~• p•opt r lefl'!pt•e!w•e lor d wr ebl• pren ihll'1l ·, e No.Sloop l ift! Su 1en! ' • • j ' Jet Action Washer with etOnomit1I Small Load Settini • Smt!I load Settinf. ~ 11'1\tf Ind delll&tllt f11r !olds of ieu-thtn-llSUll siu. , Automatic Sos• Cycle. For ~r1v1ly soiled ittms, di1peu. • Otrp Act1011 Alit1tor. • 2 Jet~JIY linstL \fii 11 u I . Mmhins Dly!r with 2-fKISltion fabrics Sel!Ctor • l1h you te11lrol tlryln1 but ta Slit flbrit. • Di.mblt rms can:. 'rcpt\' temperrlute plllS ecol.,_. ind encl-of.cycle sip1\ ~tell tilt pr1ss 111 Durlbl• Pitt iltms. • Ko.stoop li!lt tcl'HL . $ 88 BUY THE PAIR 35,8 Since .J 947 DAVIS· BROWN 41.t E. 17th St. COSTA MESA Dally .. ,, S.t, '" .'4t-1114 • arms Jnfantryman ln,.11',roop ·D, • ~ • • & ct~··R I Staff Sgt. Robert J. Yanta, • 1st Squadron ~ the 'divlsiap~f ·_ ~ -.. • ~\\;) • 80!1 or Mr5. I Thelma(' v. 9th Cavalry. 'lb! IOldler,:-)t, k • -M .... of it.. '¥W'YDfk stoa: tat.rip • Marshall OE -)7543 Jefferson a graduate of Cohma ~ ?.Jlr • locust at FoUrth . • 'SL. Hwiti,9gton tJea,ch, ~s High School, 1~· . 1 • Long Beach, C•lif..90801-213 432-5933 • been decorated 'wfth ·the U.S. • Air F o.r c e Commendation Lt. Tbomat O. Bui ,·:Mn G '' • • 8 • a • • •. 8 • • a • • • W Mtdal· ror fueiitoriouS seivice Mr. and Mrs.·R9bert G;,Beals in VietnaJT\. of 3141)4 Flylnc Cloud 'J>rtve; , Sgt. Yant a distinguished Laguna Be a ch.,' ls a himself as a supply ln'(~ntory ...,;'r~ans;;;porta;;~tion~o;ll)<er~!;;wi~-lh~d============;:;;;========================i specialist at Bien Hoa Alr,f ... Base. Fie was cited for his outstanding professional skill. knowledge and initiative. Spec. 5. David Bolougb, U.S.' Ann y, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bolough of Costa Mesa. has been assigned to Wonns, Germany. He is serv· ing with the Tascom lt1otor Pool. _.,. -- Ttth. Sgt. Ronald E. Prior,· son of Mrs. Dorothy Prior of 14081 Magnolia Ave., W~tminster, h.as been assign· ed to the' 4258th Strategic Wing, U-Tapao A lrfi eld, . Thailand. Sgt. Prio~ ~s a radio! maintenance techn1c1an. Ll Patrick T. ConMr, USAF, son of Mn1. Vlrginlp Conner of 216 W. Allesandro. San Clemente, has b e e n vie& Here -• Lt. La\vrence L. Rupp,, wh ose parents, ti.Yr. and Mrs. Clarence R u pp live in Newport Beach, has r<!ceived ·two Sil· ver Star awards and lbe Annx Commendation Me4al whlle lierving in Yciurmoney gets a nse oqt of us. We always react the same way. Whether the economy g~ up, down or side- ways, we keep on paying you the highest interest a saviligs & loan can pay. (Short of breaking the law.) · And no matter when you put your money in or take it out, we pay compounded daily interest for 100% of the time we hold it. Want to earn mo-re tha-n:-rh-e passbook allows? Ask about our 3, ~ or '5, year special accounts. They pay you a higher rate that's compounded daily and guaranteed for the full term .. Short term or lbng term, brilig us your money. It's sure to grow on you . HUNTIN --1lietnam. 'lbA ,.!!!,loon H\JNTlNGTON PARK BELL/MAYWOOO STUDIO CJtY,. . ~ CATP: WlLSl!TRE/ COSTA MISA leader WI vyu • .,any (M1in Offb) 62.50 AtlanUc Awtlut 12&.57 Ventura Blvd. illo Twteely Bhd. HIQI~ 3l10 BriNol Strttt 1 E, 2nd Battalion, 12th ,2650ZoeAwnue Ml-6151 766-f.lSB ~ ~ 492.SW!WriftBl't'd. (KrC111froniSouth Infantry of lhc 25lh Jn-$1.l-1541 _938-37'1 ~~ \ rantry Division, the lieu-I tenanl also has th re e , _ Pwple Hearl award&. 11-----------.----,....--..... ..._ __ .-................. _____ -___________ --J_ I ' • • ' Wtdnes4ey, NOwmbt' 5, 1%? I * -DAILY PILOT J;;, iry VERN HAUqLANO befor~ the *11J10C~ ar~ ready but tbtre at mlny b ~ ticktttnc ·them, lHCUoc them, Una execuUve vlee president, Pan Am .P.ald I half·bUIJon. for I\," he, sal~ doos problems. The blgllt ' pttlng t1!em to and from Ille 11y1 adjuaUnf the naUon's 'dollars for I! 747• In 1111 •1111 WASHINGTON (AP) -The ''We are bUllding, at the' pro b I em of· a I I I 1 alrP.ort." · • alrporil to &he 747 tfUl COit tlS later Increased the order to 33 ·747, Boeifli'• b~ggest bird, airports, as fast as we can, p e o p I e -band1 .. · them, I.-Donald Reilly, AOCl ec.. blWoa bJ lflt. ' cosUng a total.of t765 mllKM ·makes iU airline debut next .~-'---'~~~~~""""'--'-'-'-~~~~:::.._~--.,.~~~~~..;..;.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"......,.~~ yur. But airport officials fear l _ ~ they. cannot provide nests ' ·. '" \' large enough-to handle lhe GJ\J:; ,_ " ~ ,;;.J ;J.--f ~· ~ · ., :~7~;;~~'~r:b~ i:~~~'. ~~_,qw .. ,C./.I uatlng ur;;lfl ~~ym J ··"itt more passengers, more cargo, .• -·-. more vlsl.tors, more terminal " darin Pl th CR~ th d l/li; ' ~dMfllC needs, some clo1ged access dealer'is doing aom~& OU 'A· . ror. ~..h:.... pobl\c use and parking facility •our & ymou · · (J121' . • 11*1. rt1ads and no less aircraft . -l.I~ -.,i 4 ~ -,,.,,-. noise;" says one worried of· that'& never beetl done before. ' !lclal. The 747-cupable of carrying between 300 and 5 O O paSsengers ind twice the caf10 ol, the now popular 7q7-wtll be first put into com· merclal service by P a n .\merlcan World Ahways. LEIS. PROBLEM r Giving sale time deals on the first of the year can. Because this year your Plymolitl) dealer has can like he's never had before. Magnificent can ... real flying machines. See those daring young men today. Get a sale time deal on a lint of the year Plymouth ! • ; • • • • • I 1 • • • • ' i;>aa Am'• chal~, Harold E. Q!llY, -.r leof ill I prGi> 'lem... ... "• ' • • • Wet Walk , Leland Flynn of Bradford, Pa., has a definite ad- vantage over his chihuahua pup, Twiggy: He sim- ply hoists an umb rella to keep dry but Twiggy find s a two-legged trot the only way to avoid the raindrops . Boy,~"tl{4b of Lagu~a Lists Winter ~Progr,a11i "It _ ~·t flflulre IDJ1 looser runways ~ or a n t · ·stron1er n'.lnwly~. It cu o~rate with the n me desree of ·~af~y on .these runw1ys as ' our-cu~nt 'liJllane1 and, in ract, the· 747 will use teu runway. ''Any terminal that tod_ay can ha ndle two 707 aircraft or DC8 aircraft within the same time span-say about 15 minutes.. -can equally well handle a-747," he· said. The Boys Club or Laguna and safety instruction, art Beach has launched . its--pm-·clas11.and ~lnl~· gram or w.lneer.·activiUelP/for , W,fflada)': ~lngo, boxi~g, bo 8 l 18 at.JUle clubbouse wrestling and football pra.ct1ce ys 0 • for sJ~th, seventh and e11hlh B.ut Warren H. Hawesl director or tconomic services for Airport Operators Council International, Inc.,· the non- profit trade association -~f governmental bodies owning or operatins maojr airports throughou t the w o r 1 d , dl.9agreei: 11The imn'.edi ate problem ls that the 747 will be in service ATLAS CHRYSLIR·PLYMOUTH, INC.; 2929 Harbor Bolllevilrd, Casta Mesa, C~lf. 175 N. Coast Higbway. ,. grades. The club is open daijy. ex-.Thur sday : Surprise weekly cepl Sunday, from 2 p.m .. .'to "5 _conte:-t. physi~al achlevemen,t •. p.m. and from 6·30 p.m. 10,9 lettenng, _senior pool_ ~ma-, · ment, boxing and wresU1ng. p.m. weekdays and ,ff.om _ 10 ~rlday: Football ·practice a.m. to I p.m. Saturdli:ys . · fo~ "Seventh and eighth grades, Dues are 'l.501 a year 1and Cade! games room membership is open to all in-tournaments, king of the terested boys. , \ :. . mountain, paddle ball and The winter schedul~: in-ope,n" activities in· the emf eludes: shop. _ · J\toqday: Qiess, 1 checkers. · Saturday : Open activities at four square, tumblig, v.:OQCI clubhouse a n· d . intramural working, senior pool touma-seasonal sports. ment and football practice for Optional open activities for" sixth, seventh and eiihth each boy's interest a r e1 erades. . . available daily. For further in- Taeaday: BB gun practir. fCirmaLion call 494-2535. ' ,, .. -Mure-N-O'iemlfun-'-1..,.. Scheduled by UC .Irvine Saturday, Nov. %Z Special Iiceds of the Mentally "Technlcal Stock Market Retarded ." Audi t ori u m, Trading," Virginia M. Belt, Fairvie w State Hospital, 2501 Ph.D., professor of lnvestm~nt Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, Corporate Finance, California 7:30 • 10 p.m. Admission $4. S~te:Collep.1t ;.Lofti··:Be1ch .. :::: ''The Great Feminine Co~ Carousel Room, Newporter Oul." Sulvia Tucker, Ph.D., Jnn. 1107 Jamboree Road, lecturer, School of Education, Newport Beach, 9:30 a.m. -UCLA. Panelists : Kris H~ 4:30 p.m. Admtulon '25.00 kett, and Ann Doyle, student. (lncludes lun cheon). Part or a UCI Extension series Moadly, Nov. Z4 on "The 51 percent Minority," "With My Eyes Wide Open," Room IOI, Physical Sclencu F.orrest Goff, sales mana1er, Bldg., UC Irvine campw, 7:30 Palfrty's EducaUon Aids, Inc. • 10 p.m. Admission '4- Howard Samuelson, director, "Ma n in the Sea," James R. Santa Ana Public Library. Ste\vart, Univ ers it y of Part of a UCI Extension Ice· California diving officer. Part lure series on "Divorce and of a UCI El'tension series on Remarriage." Room 10 4, "The Natural History of Physical Sciences Bldg., UC Soutbem California." Science Jrvlne campus, 7 • ~:30 p.m. Lecture Hall, UC Irvine ca,m· Adnllnlon '4-pus, 7:30 • 10 p.m. Admiulon Tuesday, Nov. 25 $4.50. "Paychlatrlc A.!lpects ,of the "Freedom of E.xpre5$ion," Handicapped," Gerald I . Douglas Hobbs; ,pfdfeuor or Lubin, M:O., as!istant pm-Political Science, UCI:A. Part fesaor, P sych I a t r y and of a UCI Extension series on Pediatrics, School of Medicine, "The Bill of Rlght.s, Tod8y." University ol S o u t h e r n Room 104 physical Sciences California. Part of UCI Ex· Bldg., UC Irvine campus, 7 • it111loa aeries on "Meetlna: the 10 p.m. Admission $4.50. ·valley Schools Start :Hunt for Volunteers I Hundreds of volunteers are ne.ded to help with jobs that benefit over 10,000 youngsters In the Fountain Valley School District, according to &upennteil<fent Mike Brick . ; Those interested Jn donating their services may call the t urriculum Materials Center, '4U651 for additional in-Mrmati~n. No eiperience is cessary. Volunteer teams have been rganlted in the roll owing reas: -Laboratof}' aidCs: Construction of leachina aids fUch as fraction klU• m_usl~ gourds, multlpllcatlon kits and phonics wheels_. • , , i -Library Aides: Checlhng ot books and procwlng and ftielving of newly acquired volumes. -Health and \Velfare ~m- ' mitt.et: Members assist ·t n clerical dutle1 as \li'dl as in hearing and vision screening, Immunization clinics. and tnr ing of statistical re"ports. -Community Resources: Participants visit classrooms on request to share with students t h e i r specialiled knowledge of a hobby or CJC. cupatlon. • 1 ... -Music Boosters;. V0w. leers help promo&e cultwal programs and support muUc activities for F-o u n t a i n Valley's students. -Learning C.ntor Aldea: Clllf!!os he!' With the noo- te1Chigg 1ask.5 in the school Jeamlfia; centers, such · u c~eeklng out bOoks, fl/tpan~g bulletin boards, loading pro- jectors and· preperlng art materials, : It's Habit-for ming .-. loon'l get wt1ry. Rtad Ltary, Biii ltarJ''• ont-tine to.nl"mfnl5 on ithe WOl'ld aro11nd us c1n bt habil·totmlng. Chttk today's Gtiltfflt.I 'by Ltary. ' . ' .... . aows AID aows caOOSI ••OllJ · 5 lllD SAVI\.\ Of CAif :t 10\.\. •.To SHOP A~ HOM! C,ALt 549•3 3-49 . . 2406 S. MAIN · • ONI ILOCIC $0UTN Of WAaNIR SANTAANA · I TRADE IN YOUR ·,. OLD CARP.ET NOW Use Your Present Car~ting . ' As DOWN PAYMENT .Onlfew- ' : •• YOU CAN C H 0 0 S E ·Fll:OM 10ooes oi; SQUARE YARDS OF CARPET -EVERY Fl.- IRE -EVERY WEAVE -EVERY COLOR!. "~ OUR T REM EN ·D 0 US BUYIN'G POWER ' ·11 MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO PASS ON TO TH{ •. PEOPLE OF ORANGE COUNTY THE GREAT· EST SAVINGS POSSIBLE (AT WAREHOUSE PRICES> -SEE . US 'Fll~St AND SAVEf TRADE IN · YOUR OLD CARPET NOW! . j -' • -~I,, .. m· ,,_ .. .... " 2 .. ttilclr, •• ftr ~,,, 1. 0..r eH lntfl ttlld1. Very Dffp, rkh ,.,.,., "''d' fer ...._ """ W. Im INlllY x:n ef IM1, & Mcll.h4&•ledi.W11e1 ,tueh -fir the "'"'"" "'''· ·~· •111, ... ......... ,.... ...... f1Mlly • , .•. llG. NICI 6.H IOLD AT LIADING STORES llG. 10.tS Cl091 OUT ~CIAl ClOll 3.39~:: FO. I.ts Pll SQ. YARD 4.92~:: OllT OUI 6.95~:: NOW SPICIAl -C.UPR llfjLY-N(CI -CAIPR OHLY- Sl'ICIAL DU PONT 501 NYLON SHAG ROU ENDS Neny •tr u ,,.f with lyWundoWllft'e IOtelOSO. YAUS ~W1 l1ttt Mtk. le11tif11I Very t'9ht twletff, hit • leitl~ Alriln, .......... ,.tteni. Giid. NI, nylN .J'""· M14' fer w ... -.. the ,,,.,. th hNwr ,,,,, VALUQ Tq 14.fS SllN AT OTMll STORES fie. OM ct•r Nfy, A.,. .2.17 ~: POl l .tS Pll IQ. YAlD ,.. ..... "'"'-·-ONLY 673 YDS. lEfT OUI 4.29 ~:: VALUE 7.tS 'lit TD. ' • '" llMf c• "''' ftir PllCI OUI 4.92n: tMte. TM, ..... , t.11. -C.UHT llfjl Y-NICI flrlf .,....., flnt 1ttt l THESE ARE JUS·T A FEW EXAMPLES .oF-THtTERRIAC-VAllJES. IRING IN Y~UR ROOM SIZES I -, • . ' • " • ' I I I t If DAILV PILOT Narcotics . Crackdo'm Severe WASHINGTON (UPI! -In just one month ~ Nixon • ministration hu,inittl11ted the • hanhell u.s:-drug traffic craclcdown in recent inemory ..,and urpd Corigress to lighten penalUes for possession ol any illicit dJ'il&. omcla1s hei-e see -,no con. tr~ in Virtually closing the Mulc&n.:U.S. border in the hunt for m11rljuana smugglers while urging liberal treatment for first-time drug users. · They regard users as . vic- tims of "pushers" woo con them · into uperimenting with drugs, then get them hooked on the eipenslve habit. It costs 1 heroin addict as much •~an Mtim8ted $16,000 a year l• support his habit DRY UP,SUPPLIF.S The border crackdo\vn has had the effect of almost drying up marijuana supplies and forclu& up the price of what' ii ava1lab1e, according to the "lov111UJ1ent.. · · Jl 1s · 'hopOd. lhal ligtller penaltla for first Ume drul users would • warn 'young ' persona qair)ll r e p e a t e 4 usage· but nOt put them behind · bars only to emerge as em· bittered and potential addicls. John E. Ingersoll, director of the bureau of narcotics and ' dangerous drugs, believes that by reducing the penalty for possessloil or drugs f 0 r personal use, "prosecutors l4•ill be mpre willing to Initiate cases and the courts less reluctant to sentence these violators or the laws" because of the high penaJUes. -Thepresentmandatory ·, penalty ror possession of marl· juana -which many medlcal experts consider Jess harmful than alcohol -is five to 20 , years in jail or a $25,toO fine or both, with no provision for suspension or probation. 'PENALTY HJGHER "Th!s penalty struclure is higher than the federal sen- tence for manslaughter or sabotage, which carries no minimum (sentence) and a maximum of 10 fears in prison." Attorney g e n e r a I John N. Mitchell told Congress last month. 1'1itchell ·said that,,.while the medical profession believes LSD to be mllch more harmful than marijuana,_ the J>!n&lty for possealon cit -the ~ used h1lluciJ101enic aUU car- ries nO'lTilnfmum.,.sen~ -- The 'administration h a s agreed with prevailing medical opinion and, ptg~ Congress to consider m8r:i- juana as an hallucinog~nic, pendlilg further study, instead cf clauifyliig 'it as a "ha(d" narcoUc like ~in or co- caine. Dr. Stanley F. Yolles, the govemml!nt's top rn en t a J health official, believes the social a n d psychological damagC! caused b y in- carceration "Is in many cases far greater to the il}dividual and to society than was the of· fcnse It.sell.~' BIGGEST MOVE . ~he border c ra ckdown begun last Sept. 21 Under the name "Operation Intercept" was billed as the biggest move in history to try to halt the now of illicit drugs , particularly marijuana, from 1'1exlco. It provoked a furious response from Mexico, which complained that tourism and businesses were s e r i o u s I y hurl. Talks were arranged through the Stale Department, and after three days of highly sensitive negotiations, t h e United Stal.el agreed to ease its ir:spections and MWco promised to cooperate in de- •lroylng marijuana and poppy fields. "Operation J'otercept" became "Operafion Coope ra· ti on." In its first progress report on the crackdown, the govern· ment reported Thursday that Mexican marijuana was either very scar~ or completely unavailable in most major ' . ---... _ -~ - ,, ' r , ~. '· ·C": i #', ,• ... • )' • I .. ~ cities and on collq:e-carn-·1--- , puses. It said the price alsa had been driven up by as mU«;h as 100 percent. Marine Recruit Office Moved The new location for the M~ Corps ReauiUn1 ol- rJce. will be al 141 Wist ltth SL., Ccma Mesa, according to . Sit-Paul Turpin. 1'Durs will be 9 a.m. to S p.nl. Monday lhroup Friday ud I a.m. to noon on Satur. dllJ." Only One ' • • ' J ' . .. r . I , • • " • .1t;o..;__ •'·· ....__ ....... ------• • • I ' ._. ;o,' " !. \""' . -~ -. -. . ,, .. -• . • . - • -~ , " ' . -• · .. • ., ' ' -. -- -. -' ,. . " • ~., .... -o. -< • , ••1 • I ' . SI" ... _ .. ~ .... "., LIM D•• fllll• ~ ., ... U71 I~-~···" ........... --• ~· -- . I ' ( . ,; . . . "· , i.11111111 •tt1 'lljlfs 111111111111111; 1111 ~lfllnlt '*111 •Hin. lllCk, 11111', 11111 •-II• a~ lllllt -'· ... . ;, . . . . . fl lllilll lllrlcll •""'11111 call. 'll.it1 t1 Mack,.. ~I Mii. D•'l 11111 •111ri11, 1111 ..Ull Jlltl R !lllbl--Sll•1.l \ . ' . , -. : . : n... s&och hi Jff '*9le tdlllom. l"9l't a llft dNl? It It In Oran;e eo.tt. llli DAfl V PILOT is tilt onlf ""' ""'P'Pfl' tMt drllv-NEWPORT • #1 FASHIOM ISLAND a NEWPO~T CENTER • 644·2200 • MONDAY •. THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 Till 9:30 • OTHER DAYS 10:00 TIU. 5:3.0 ----t-"Ullt---~~~~~-~--~-,-----,~~---~~.--~------,,.c---~~~~~~--~-~- •- _J ) . \ t • I· • r t. ' • I • " i • t i • : • • • • :BOOTS " , •• LIST PRICE ·$29.95 SH£1lS SCOP!/S ..... l ' RIF/,£S GRANT'S fOl GUNS II '''"" br .. ,.... lo -llel4 " sllooflnt. Wliotmr ,.. ""Y WIAI la "'"'·--I $211.00 22.itlflo It I_ $3,JOO.OO Sholfoo, G<111r1 hu tt lo 11ockl c .... lo ...i '" fw '"""" 001 of tho."""' 1tocka_ of ''"' lo Sootlltnl c.ilfomlll ·. * OVER 1,()()j) GUNS ON DISPLAY * ~Wi«Hma----·-US DALI • c~ • ARM.WT! • Wll111EL • H &'I • REMINGTON • IRmA •,RUGl!I • llOWNlll • WlMA • ITHACA • WfATitRIY • suo_ -• SMITH & WlSSON CiJ!W 191·0·( Ill All Of . TME l~NO NEW 1970 MODELS OF COLEMAN APP· LIANCIS AT GRANT'S NOW! WE'VE GOT IT WHEN YOU KIED ITI ITOYES ••• LANTERNS ••• HU.TElS , •• TENTS ••• STOWS ,, • 51.l:lPING .IAG$,.ITC. SIA-PREST~ NUVOS $8 c .. 1.;;.P.,ary IAvl:s' ~tyflng . in 1 ""11t4, hops1ck f1brlc, brlg~~·n~, ~ltfl bold pl1lds, 1tript1, ""'•lolld ::ct>lori. Sii· Prtsf-1 of count-•• ne'ter , .... ._1 ....... '•"c -... ~ ' " . .: ' ' '_,, , ' TRJ/R~ '· RIMI NO TON -1100 TNE MOST DEPEHDAIU: AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN INTIJWOllO ~ V, t. SS"llt ._._let • l::'.r w1t11'1:".ooo""'!t.. ·•C......a.t ...... ... 5-Aet c.,.dty ...... ,... ... , -·-··-~ tcratch Mill •lftltr rtalatl.. ' .......... ~,_ -.nw.aiu ...... -. !~ ......... ·-$164'5 Coleman ,.. PROP.NE SUPll . ·STOVE • , • IUS1 AIJWIDI · · &/J~ ·I. LEVI'S @ for Gals! ·VELOUR H4NG"TENS.' · $J. '· An-.ttllt ._;""'.._. .. I ... ,..ti,...... '. 'I • ' OVER 20,000 ·PAIR·· LEVl~S® ·, ... 1·N· STOCK!' . ~., . .. Levi's!' for Gals! "PACE SEnERS" THE LATEST In 1m1rt HopSKk 1l1cks. Smtrt 'color'I of ChocOl1te, AYOCtdt, Gold, N1vy 1n~ Whitt. Slr11 6-18 in short, med.:_ 1um and ' till. 'II . ·. All Nr,lon . WESTERN~.m.ousES ' . '~ . . : · • ;ngo% !IYI<!•. Pld<-rour· '"°'"' lrom·1 '$1 '4 , TH!'CLASll~~"l'!" look In 1 gntl, •,•!'.tl!lrt . · wide l elKtlon of fishlN colcws. · THE· IATESff · BUSH JACKOS ' --DAll.Y I'll.al' .II GRANrs GUtF . NEXT DOOR AT SIRYICE ~TATION ''THE WIND KING'' . ' , by Pacific .Traill · Tltl RJIGGID "WI .. Kini'' unllnt4 fackot h '" .U:floll la"'1tt. s.,.. SIUcooo lunblt wot" ,.,.ltot .ftobtl. FUp.c,, coUlr •. All of the .new coton-wislt.''n w•, ti co~I Slzn J6 to 46. "CllAllD" by l'aclflc Trall •22so • ' • • • • _, Rams' Pottios Injured in Seal Beach Smashup -· No· Bowl Contests For Bucks, Irish CHICAGO {AP) -Notre Dame's "No 1amea:• conUqufd Panee~n. ''It would Bowl" policy hu been 1n effect for more create creat incentl¥e and it would be than four decades but 10mehow the lriab great for recnltinc ~· nev« have been able to comptetely ~IA 11Allo, a bowl'pme 1rsiWd gjve ua an the docl< on another pDllible bowl •Po opPOl'Umlty to !<deem an wly seuon pirlDCe. loll such M we suffered qaiaat Purdue. Notre Dame's only post ,....,,, football Some toam11et Into bowl pmee with 7-i llmt WU the 1915 Rose Bowl game In l$¥ll'dL -. J ' which Knute Rockne's Irish whipped · "N~, 1 b&Ye ~~ Notre stanlord and Ernie Nevers 27-10. • Dame's JIOl!<il' qslllll; bowl I""'" and Rumors and speculaUon have It Ullt haVJ endanied it," UicfPanelhJan.-' · the lrisb are In a !inanclsl bind -• Meanwblle, tbe 1!11 Ton (W!lniied Its of their new muJti-m.illlon dollar sporta bowl paUcea of the ••.no repeat" rule and convocation center and that they abo govemq the Role Bowl ·,and the rule would lite to cover their football fields which prohibltl confermce mem)*'I, like with synthetic turf. Wlde!eated Ohio Stat<, lrom'•Pj>Winl In To do ao, money is needed ind a bowl apy other bowls. . appw-ence la about the eulest way to CornmJaloner BIU Reed lalued a 81'te- pk:k qp a fut '300,000. Add to this the ment thai be bu canv.....i the faculty · lact that Cooch An Paneghlan la all.for repnoenauv.. who pem tbe con- Notre Dame appearing In bowl I""''"· !erence. 1peculaUoa that Notre Dame mJiht Reed asld "I find no possibility that the change Its policy contlnu... coal......., ,w!U modify !qr thla ytar "In all prtvioua five seuons l've coach-either the 1no repeat rule' which 1ovem1 ed at Noire Dame, we've received a bowl appearances in the Role Bowl or the rule . . . . lnvtlatton evff-t year," Paneghlan Ibid wblch prohibits members from appeerlng tbe Chicqo tootbatl writers Tuesday. in any poat-aeuon football game other "And eve!'J year our board meeta to than the Rose Bowl." review and comtder these 11\vllatloas and Ohio Slala cannol . nl1lnl to the Role every year Ibo board llllTll them down," Bowl be<auae ol tbe ,.,...epeot rule ol the SHARP ENS PASS ACCURAC'f -Los Angeles Rams quarterback Roman Gabriel shupeils ·bis passing accuracy by pulling \be ball through an old tire held by coach George Allen during work- UfllT........,. opts,. Gabriel has been discovered this year and no doubt if tile critics were voting today, be would be the all-pro quarterback. he aaid. Big Ten - a rule which was slipped in u "I'm llll"t if we can win the rest of our a cornpromlle aome years ago so ~t games this yter, we'll probably get · enQU(b faculty volal woul4 favor a lloM another invitation but I have no reason to &WI C(Jltract. , beUeve the policy w!U · chaiiae. Maybt nit sOcond -place lelJl) -~ emnebody ilmwa sometblng tliat I dOl!'I Mlclilga\I and PurdUO .,. ,_tied lo that ltnow. spot -> probablY ·w!U be Ille RoM Bowl BYU Put on Carpet "EverybodJ' ilmwa my poslllao on bowl dlmce. • Black Students Seek Ban Sports In Brief Super Bowl Price: $15; Blnck Boy~otts Spread • DENVER (Af) -Tht cbairman ol the Black Students Union al the Unlvenlty of Artsona called upon Westtrn Athlttlc · Conference officials 'l'ueldl.Y· to expel Briglwn Young Unlvenlly, The Ari1.ona studeo~ Giie Dean, asld this action should be taken because of what be called "!he taclst doclrine of the Monnon cburdl." NEW ORLEANS -The 1970 Super Bow I football 1-w!U be qulla democratic In that It will COii :raa 115 m matter where JOU alt -end 1cne or ao yard line. The price per tide& lo u... Jon..11 game in Tulane'• m,llOO-lut stadium "" announoed Tutld&y by Jim K...U, tx· ecutive director of commlsalootr Pete Boselle'.s office. The game matchel the champlorui or the American and NaUonal football leaguu. Tickets to the lut game, whlch saw the New York Jeta upset Baltimore In Miami, were acaled at 112, '8 and 16. CBS wtD televile the game naUonally -with the New Orleans-Baton Rouge .ar<a blacked ouL • SEA Tl'LE -W lllh1npla Alhltllc Dlrec1or Joe Keerney asld Tueoday It la lakfng him longer than be apected to gather all the fact.a aurroundtna dlaoenlion In Husky football nnkl. Kearney had 6pected to make a litate- ment during Ute day concerning the con. troversy that followed the suspension of four Negro playen by coach Jlm OWens. "The pulbng together and evaluatina: of all the facts around our football con- \r0vtl'8)' is taking inofe Ume than 1 bad antk:ipated," Kearney aaJd. He said be wa3 moving as rapidly as possible "and will make my comments at the earllee.t poaible time ... • Brigham Young Univenity ~-operated by the Cburcb of J-cmtst of Lalllr- Dsy Sslnta (Mormon). Dean and all<lther o!!ld8llo! lbe BSU MINNEAPOLIS -SJzlaen ol 11 black at Arizona; John Heard, appeared before members of the Univtnlty o! -the WAC Conlert!ICO Council, made up of loolball teom reportedly !idvanoed in- pollls calUng for 1 blacit oalllont coach faculty npreoeotaUvea and direclora ol and a guidance coumelor for bl.ck ath1eUcs. athlrUs In a meeting with Gopher coach Prior to the -erence meeting whlcb Murray Warmath Tuesday. · opened Monday, commluloner Wilec e Hallock asld be did not look for any "e1· • treme acUon" to be taken. ~?TON, Ind. -A Nearo who Any major --enda'~-made at Is • ·-~ .. tllht end for the Indl1111 ·~·= ~~ football team sakl bi.ct playtra who the meetlncs heft would have to be bc'tyQ>tted Tuesday's pracUce would reviewed by presldenta or the eight return today. wliveraHles in the conference. AU 14 Negro vanity players, 1nclud1ng Dean told the conference council that tight end John Andrews, were mlaaing from Tuesday's pracUce. Andrews said the Mormon Church hot~ "that blaciul all players 1'fould return this afternoon are ihherenUy inferior" and ill policies and woold talk with coadl Jolin P<11L call for "acceptance of a white e supremacist doctrine on a naUonal bUis." INDIANAPOLIS -lloc:ton al the In· dlana Urllveraity Medk:al Center &aid Tuesday that they would have to remove the toes and another parUon of the left foot of Charles Bavls, the Purdue basket- ball player Injured in a weekend auto ac- cident 'lbe:re was no report on wbl!ll he would be operated on or eljacUy bow much of the fool would be loot. Heard asld the coa!erence -Id recognize "an athlete's right or co~ sdence In n:gard to playing agalll!t an;,; given school." Barbara Brown, an official of the Black Students Council at the uruvenity of New Mexico, another WAC member, sald she sought to meet with the e.onrere~ Coun. ell also but w~ bU'ned down. Hallock said Monday he feels the con- ference will lake no sides in regard to a current controversy at the Urllvenlty of Wyoming. Foortten Negro memt.rs of the Wyoming football tum were suspended after they wore black arm bands to COach Lloyd Eaton's office to protest what they termed were the racist policie11 of Brigham Young Urllversity. Black members of the Texas of El Paso track team, led by Olympic long jump champion Bob Beamon, also staged a boycott la.st year, protesting a track meet againBt Brigham Young. County's Top Coach .-Hill's-Loss of Job-at OCC Was Gift From Hea vens Trying to CONole a man who haa just lost his job by saying thlnp like that U1Ually work out for the best Is like tell- ing aomeone who has just loat • fortune that at least thelr ta.lea will be lower. In retrospect, losing his job u assistant football coach at Orange O>ast College ls probably the best thing that ever hat>" pened to Herb Hill, a second generation Orange County naUve and highly suc- cessful grid bols at Anaheim's Loara High. After working two years under Steve Gl.IHPll WMITll ........ , .......... ~ WHITE WASH _,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, .. bridge." Hill admits he's one of those kind of guys who is happier being head coach. Some have said he is the heir.apparent to Clare VanHoorebeke's job at Anaheim High whenever Van decides to hang it up. Hiii isn't interested In moving. But who would be if they dominated their pro- fession and were as highly thought of as •nn~ In addition to being a £lrst class foot- ball coach, Herb Hill is a first rate genUeman. lie's also the father of two teen-aged daugh'te.n:, one o( whom will be cheerleading for Santa Ana High School againtt Loar a next year. Like VanHoorebeke, Hill doesn't often experience defeat And like Van, he doesn't rub anyone's face in Loara's spring ol success. Being released from Orange Coast turned out to be a gift from the heavens -for Hill and for Loara . • • • Musseau (CX::C's head coach at the time), Would you believe the Nov. %Z USC. Hill was told his contract would oot be UCLA game may not flll tbe n,500 Col· renewed. Jseum aeall! Subsequently he wound up al Loara USC pabHcbt Don Attdenea s1y1 the High and now he's molded that school in· combln1Uon of the Ult bel.ag televised to the dominating prep football force ol llve ht the Soath.land and dte fact 15,0ll Orange County. llckeb must be reserved fl'lf Bruin Hill says he's 39. He also says he has 1tudet1U may aceoant for unfilled aeatl. the best job in the world -with no cur-Recalllng a 1lmilar 1ltu1llon two years renl ambition to move to higher echelons a10, aome 4,000 auta were empty 1t or coachng. 1ame Ume. Looking back at his jaycee coaching * * * days, Herb says lhey were two unhappy Harry Lassat, Westminster High years. "\'re didn't havfl an equal op-defensive tackle in 1967, is back in the portunily to win •.• we couldn't recruit area. He's r@cuperating from the loss of like Santa Ana and Riverside. • a leg In Vietnam. "We didn 't have booster groups to BUJ>.-Lassak was wounded once, returned to port us ind we bad an inadequate the front after recoveri ng, then lost a number of jobs for our ktd.s. But that'a all limb when a shell crashed through hia Mur grapes now, water under the tank. LA Jolted: ,, Scibelli . Out For SeaSQn LOS ANGELES -Pro !OOlkll's only undefeated team, the Los Aqelts Rams rectlftd -double jplt Tueldly with the loss of slartlng right tl!Ckle Joe Sclbelll for the balance of the Ralon and the in- votvem~t or reserve linebacker Myron PotUos in an automobile accident. Sclbelll, a nine-year veteran with the. Ra.ml, wu injured during the first half of Sunday'a 3M vlctcry in Atlanta and underwent surgery on hJs rlght knee Tuesday to repair llgam~t damage. PotUos, who waa a starter. for the Rams Jast year, but ls now playing behind Douc . Woodlle!, WU reported In good condition following a bead~n automobile collision near the Seal Beach Naval Weapoos StaUon. The ».year~ld veteran was reported In fajr condition today In Loi Alamitos Hospital with head and facial Jaceration.s. The driver of the other car, To6hlkatsu Hondo, a security guard at the station, was tttated for minor injurie:s and released. · The loss of Scibelll was a crucial blow to the Rams' chances of going through the Nalional Football league season undefeated, The 6·foot, 255-pound ex-Notre· Dame star hu never missed a game since joining the team nine years ago and it look a bit of arguing to keep him from returning to action in Atlanta Sunday. Team physician JuJcs Ra$\Ski Jr. wanted to send Scibelli to a hospital. Scibelli wanted to play. ''All right, if you won't take me to the ho6plta1 I won't try to play," the tackle finally agreed. To fill Scibelli's hole In the Rams' fron t line, coach George Allen i& calling on Wyoming rookie Mike LaHood. LaHood, 6-3, 248, was a second-round draft choice in 1961, but spent the season in military service. He was All·Western Athletic Conference two years when Wyoming had a 2H record. He filled in for Scibelli Sundilj and did a creditable job. Allen said it would difficult replac. Ing Sclbelli. "Joe ls not just another player. He was a leader. You just can't replace this type of player," said the Rams' head man. $10.5 Million Price Placed On Pilot Team SEA1TLE (AP) -Maz Soriano, with brothers Dewey and Milton a mlnorlty shareholder in the SeatUe Pilots, sayS reports of a Pilob sale agreement "may be somewhat premature." Soriano, who returned Tue8day from meeting in Cleveland at which principal shareholder Bill Daley and Seattle bw;inessman Fred Danz dlscua9ed posSi· ble purchase of the club by a Seattle group, said "to my knowledge. negotia- tions are not complete." The Cleveland Plain Dealer, in its Wed· nsday editiorui, quoted Daley as saying "fl.tr. Danz and I have agreed on the document and the terms and all that re- mains is for him to talk to his associates and Iron things out with city leaders in Seattle." Danz:, reported returning from the talks, was unavailable for comment "We ezpect him Danz: to officially an - nounce on either Wednesday or Thursday that the sale of the Pilots is complete, pending approval or the American League," DaJey was quoted as saying. The Plain Dealer said it had leamed the purchase pri~ would be $10.S million. The newspaper saJd the Sorll.nos wi t\ bow out or the partnership. Football Ratings 'NO 1. Ohio $t1i. 1. T .. ,, l. T9!WMliM '· flmn $t1t1t S. J.Ovttiem C1flftfni1 '· AflllllMI 7, Ut:LA I. Mluourl t. ll11rd11t 10. Notre Oenw 11. l.Oll!t llt'MI $tll• lt. ltfl'lttfll U. Mlcl1'9111 11. HMlllrl lJ. G90!'gi. W·l.·T f11l111l .. ,. ,_. :!DP .. ... 1.0 n• M-1 HS Ml 17l 7-6-1 Ut "'' '' '"' 51 J-1·1 30 '"' ,, "1·1 1J ., . .. ' ., ' .. . . ' Rockne Making It on Grit i~ LOGAN, Utah (AP) -ll'I fOI to be ~tough on a t•)'Ml'-okl struaHna: to make .-...a name f9r himself when he already eporte oat ol the-areatest names ln foot- ball historl'· Y• that) the goal set for Knute Rockne, a hopeful on the Utah State UnlveraJty fr~hman football team, and """"°" ol the tabled Notre Dame coach. YOUf'I Knute Rockne nevtr knew hil grandfalher, but he can't help but be" reminded, almost conatanUy, or the UPf ,........ beritqe. J AA T St •-Rockne, 5-!oot·ll and 1711 l""'nd•, went _, e%U fi n:: to Utah Slate because thats where bis · father, Jobn Roclmt, played In tht late Memben of Ibo Unlverslly of Texaa bacltfiald dis· Sieve Worster, lullbaclt, 13'1 yards; Ted Koy, hall-40s. Hi• best perform~ carrylna the ball b8' hem a IS-yard l<ickolf mum. __ By his own...admiulon1 Rockne is not blessed with superior athleUc prowess, but hl1 coaches say he's making it as a ballpll,)'l!r ''on grit." "l have to try harder," says Rockne "I'm not rather large, I'm not rather l!!trona:, and I'm not ra.the:r quick. I have to husUe a lltUt banter." "It probabi1 started because ol the name, but matnly It's been bectuaeof my !aJher. He asld hustle ls the key lb a good bsllplayer. "lo I hava to be the flnt oo the field, and &be IMt OM oft." saya Rockne. "hly ifandfalher Sita on a· pedestal: · somtthing to reach for. I don't 1ee ho'tr J can ever be as great, but 1'11 always try. "My father and I have talked about it -rny name -and he alwaya II.id my grandfather earned hls name. I want to earn mine." The pressure Isn't as great at Utah State, aa it WM when he played high school football , in the South Bend, Ind., area. lie thanka Chuck Milla, the head eo11ch, and Garth Hall, the !reshmsn coach, for this. Tbey'rt lettlng me be myself." he says. I~ a helmet wllh a 100 li&uro, norm~\[ delJ!!(.ing back,.111; James.St.reet.,_quartetbaet.J21.;f.!3 Jill\ _Ht'• not a stsr. __ _..aOlllh:auiliYe.tlaQ' o. _Ciillqo...foat In....UiJs_Bertelun,.ballback,..U7..l'8laa..C•rrenlly..J L the __ .Rockne.II a reserve line bl-Ok er on tlie cue, Ibey ••r lt Is for the more than 100 yanl• nation In rushing yardage. frosh team, and a lllarttr Oil tht klckolf Roeltne doesn't want to live In. his grandfather's shadow. He wante: to play lootball, and after 11' la fradualod, be wanta t9 coteli. 1'But I want to be known for my own, not my 1randfatber'1 accompll!hments," "They Like me for who I am. U I make a mlstatt, nobody Jumps on me just becau11.otmy name -becauae Ulty ·~ pected more from mt." \bey each ni•hed for against SMU. From IeI! are · and punt r<1um units. • Ri&ht now his maln concern ta Just maklna the vanity team next year . • • -----------------------------------------------------------------~-~ -··----------------- ; . • Once-beaten Rustlers How does a football coach go about preparing for the two toughest con- ference foes of the season on suocemlive weekends with a berth in the state playoffs hanging on lhe outcome? Floyd "Scrappy" .Rhea of Harbor College faces such a dilemma as he prepares the Seahawks for games with Golden Wes t Friday night and with the East Los Angeles CoUege Huskies one week later. "l don't know how it couJd be any tougher than having our two biggest games in a ro\v. "We just hope we can gel the lm-- portance of th.is first one ncross lo our kids. We (lhe coaching staff) know if we don't tie or beai Golden West, we won't get Into the pl>yolr.." Golden West has already met and defeated East Los Angeles (17-14) and a victory over Harbor would virtually assure a place in the playoffs for coach Ray Shackle(ord 's Rustlers. Rhea describes the Golden West team !~ ;;tr~1!!~~ and th~y p~:-~~~--~-.~~t '"They have a fine quarterback (Tony Bonwell) and their running back s are as good as anyone's in the conference. "The Golden West defense ls well coached and reacl5 well t.o all situations. J haven't seen many defensive players better than No. 74 (Bob Serowlk), No. 77 (Dave Graven) and No. 75 (Mike Rice). And the secondary is very strong." Turning .to his team, he says the Seahawks will be at full strength. Top running back George Lumpkin was held out of last week's encounter with a badly sprained ankle but is ready to start against the Rustlers. Many observers feet the real matchup will be at quarterback between Bonwell and Jimmy Sander. . · Sander is described as one of the finest signal callers in junior C<>llege ranks and like the G\VC quarterback, mak~ the pass-run option play work to perf~lion .. Sander has done more lhrowmg this 1eason than Bonwell and .the key to the outcome could be in the accuracy of the passing game. Rhea admits his team · throws more than it runs. Rio Hondo recently held the Seahawks ln check. • _ "We left our game on the practice field Tuesday before we played them. We will be ready ,for Golden West." Harbor lost its only game to the same team that defeated Golden West, Orange Coasl The Pirates won a squeaker, 21-20, 11<tiite the Rustlers lost. 30-20 . ,, "'Mlat score doesn't mean a thing, llbea says. "If Golden West had Bonwe~J. it would have made alt the difference Ul the wOrtd. He's-. great athlete.'' Lo ss of Dunn Menaces MD Win Chances By ROGER CARL'lON Of tM 0-11., Plllt Sl•ff Normally, Thursday night's collision between ~tater Dei and invadinj St. Paul High School at the Santa Ana Bowl would be considered a battle between the two best running backs in the rugged Angelus League. Mater Del has halfback Mark Dunn in tt.s camp while the Swordsmen boast fullback Pat McParlland. But Mater Dei Is threatened l'i'ith Dunn hampered by the nu. . He played in the Bishop Amat loss Wlth a high temperature and a severe tieadache and he was not effective. Ht was.limited to 40 yards in 13 carries. Through Tuesday Dunn has not been at school. U he can't play Thursday, coach _Bob Woods says he'll put Slan Jackson into DJnn's slot, move Ron Muniz from end to J ackson's wingback position and utili ze Jim Nanry at Muniz's vacated end. . Meanwhile, St Paul and tts bruising running game, will be spearheaded by McPartland. who's equally adept al going inside or outside with remarkable results. For the first time since 1981, Mater Dei enters battle with arch-rival St. Paul with a ltague loss. Woods says it's the same story as usual with St. Paul. "It's a typical Sl Paul tea m. Tl beat.s you physically and It runs that fullback at you." says Woods. He also notes the huge slzt: of St. Paul's -. offensive line. The Swordsmen average It-193 pounds per man up front. f "My only real worry is if we can physically stop them," sums up Woods. Despite the presence of two capable quarterbacks. Woods doesn't seem overly concerned with the. Swordsmen's passing game. -"They throw just enough to keep you off balance. lt's the running of the fullback that Is the key to their offense,'' Ays Woods. Woods' forces have had seven playen absent from school the first p11.rt of the v.·eek, but ht seems worried with the IOM of Dunn more than &.nythjng else. Bob Haupert ls set for continued duty al quarterback. ttSf--'Nttr DM SJ, 1Ht--M•MI' Dtl 21, l'tl.......St. P111I U, 1'6f-MIMI Dtl U, 1'6)-Mlltr 0.1 I, 1"4-M1'11r Del 1•. l..u-M1ter Dt-1 19, ltt&-M1kr 0.1 tO, 1Jl7-SI. PIUI Jo 1 ... -$1. Paul If. Mti.r Dll W111 .. io.t :i, ll9CI 1. $!, Pe.;1 • St. P1ul I Mt'11r Otl 7 St. PIUI U S!. P1ut 0 SI. Ptul 0 Sl. Ptul )0 ''· ""'. ' Mei.r Del I Mtttr 0.1 1 DAILY PILOT 13 ,. --· ... ,,. ~ ~ •· . .. . . ... -. '-' .-.,,. ----~ --" ~hilders Puts ~hill Into Rivals Golden West Punter Vital to Rustler Success Injury Bug Puts Bite 117-HOWARD-L. HANDY Oftlll ... ,. ........ One pl>yer puUinl the loot Into root. ball this year Is Golden West punter Mike Qi.Uders. And the Rustler freshman from Fountain Valley HJ&h School has done an outstanding job of it and ls• one big reason the team has won. five In a raw and is in strong contention for tbe Soulhem California Conference title. Mike took over the punting duties at Golden West In the ll«Olld game proe-1-thoulht..-too..-!!l-want-.lo beoome a coach aQd haven't thought t.oo much about p~ p'°resalooal football." Mike aays. U his lnher<nt ability conUnuea lo Improve, he will be a m~ed man at the pro draft meetings in im:·· Ironically Mike.didn?t do the punting for his high school team tn his senior year because of a "bum leg." He did the punting as a junior and was a fullback in prep days. " against Mt. San Antonio and '"1co that time has kicked 22 times. He boasts a nifty 36.9 averqe for those 22 punts but this Isn't the thing that pleases coach Ray Shackleford the most. MUte has a younger brother at Fountain Valley as a freshman. Young Bill is also a punter and has learned much of his prowess from Mike. The punting technique comes from the elder Childers. father of the two boys. "He was a fullback. linebacker and punter at El Centro High School and Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo. He has helped me a great deal," Mike relates. •• "I am pleased with his ability to kick the ball inside the ten yard line. He kicks Jt high and gets good dlslance as well. This gives our team a chance to get downfie]d under the punt beJore the receiver ba.s a chance to run with it," he says. Proof of lhis lmportaDt factor lies in the statistics. Only seven punts have been returned for a net yardage figure on 71 yards or an infinitesimal average of 3.2 per punt. Place kicking is another matter wilh Mlke. He has kicked off but placement for accuracy on conversions or field goals has escaped his reach to date. "lam working on it now and hope to be able to kick both converaiont and field goals next year when Bob (Bess) graduates. Right now l am not too good at it." One thing that Childers does well is getting the ball under way In a hurry. "We work on getting the ball oil in less than two seconds," Shackleford adds. When he Isn't punting. li-1lke ls a defensive end £or the Rustlers but his dreams are still on playing fullback in. college. He got in one play at that position against Orange Coast before moving to defensive end. The 13-year-old, 185 pounder will concentrate on punting the remainder of the 1969 season. And thJ.s is a good thing for the Rustlera because at least 13 or hi.s punts have ended up irWde the opponents' 20-yard line, a remarkable feat in itself. In his wildest dreams he gives the Mass Produeed They're Having a Ball At County's Voit Pinnt By JAY DAVJD Of tt11 Dtl!J Pl"I Iliff The football and basket.ball capital of the world Is located only a dribble.drive or a screen pass north of Costa Mesa on Harbor Blvd. It's the manufacluring plant of the W. J. Voit Rubber Corp., a place where they doo't play. games, but make it pos.slbl• for games to be played Voit Is the-largest producer of rubber· type sports equipment in the United States and the company annuaJly tun'l.1 out millions of footballs, basketballs, volleyballs, socet?r baits, bowling balls, homeplates for baseball as v.·elt as other kinds of sporting goods. And all of ft is produced in the com· pany's mammoth plant in south Sant.a Ana. Virtually every organized football game in the United States, from the pro- fessional level down to high school com· peUtion, is played with a ball made in Oralige County. And in basketball it's the aame story with Voit balls being used unlversaJJy In the collegiate and high school levels. The manufacture or fo0tbalts has come a long Vl'ay since 1869 when an animal bladder was inflated and covered with a pig skin. Making a football or any other type of Inflatable ball is a complicated and highly mechanized process today. Any inflatable ball, whether its round Wigmore Hurt; Out of USC Tilt J ack Wigmore, former Mater Del High quarterback who now serves as field general for Washington State University, will a p p a r e n t I y be sidelined for Saturday's duel with USC at the Coliseum. Cougar officials told the DAILY PJLOT that Wlgmore is a doubtful parUdpant in the game after a knee strain stifiened up over the weekend. Wigmore passed for 197 yards and twl!l touchdo'l\·ns in Washington State's 27-20 Joss to Univeralty of Pacific last Saturday. The WSU sophomore made his first start against Oregon earlier in the cam- paign and has been directing Cougar fortunes ever since. or shaped like a football, is manufactured the same way. The process starts with a synlbetic COOlpound called butyl, which is stronger than rubber and doesn 't deteriorate Uke rubber, according to Pete Morales, pro-- ject manager of Voit's inflatable ball division. , The butyl is compounded and then stretched into Iona: sheet.a which are cut into ama1f sections. A-;aJVe Musing is In. stalled and the butyl is pressure sealed and inflated. At this time the eVentual football or basketball looks like a small square black package: The bladder, as it is now called, is vulcanized or cured under high tmperature and then the valve ts in· •tailed. The next step, applying. reinforcement for the bladder, is done by machine. lylon filament used to be hand wound on the balls, but now its done on high speed machines in a icosahedron pattern. That long word, simply describes the pattern which the filament is applied. It's the maximum number of equidistant points that can be placed on a sphere and this tYPe or reinforcement insures the manufacturer of the strongest and best balanced ball, says Morales. The unfinished product is now called a carcass. The next step is to apply a cover. Basketballs and other round balls rect!lve a plastic liquid coating and the Seam.!! and pebble grain on the cover are moulded on. Football covers are made or the same material, but in a solid state. They are applied to the carcass by a vacuum pro-- cess and the seams and grain are molded on. The final step requires the r.;eams and any lettering on the ball to be hand painted on. Throughout the manufacturing process the balls are constantly being checked for quality and so is the finished product. Morales' division uses one machine to test the durability of basketba)ls. 'The machine automatically flings a ball at a wooden surface for 24 hours. "During the lest, the ball Is thrown iso,ooo to 300,000 times. That's the equivalent of three months of play arMl if it can stand up to that it can stand anything," he says. Apparently Voit's products can stand that kind of punishment, becal18e athletes have been kicking bouncing and abusing them tor years and they're still having a ball More Sports Pages 24, 2S, 26 On Pirates By JOEL SCHWARZ Of "" Dtllr ,. ... I ll•tf Whoever said lightning doesn't 1trik11 twice didn't know what he was talklna about-at least as far as football ls con• c:et"ned. Just ask Orange Coast College coacb Dick Tucker, who's seen his last two teams crippled by key injuries down thJJ home atretch of the season. The Bucs were batlered by a flock ol late .sea.son injuries in 1968, foiling their bid for the South Coast Conference title. Now in 1969, with the Bucs very much allve and batiling for the conference title, again the college has been hit by in· juries. 'Mlree regulan-Ray Ricardo, Bruce Hicks and Mike Ezzell are through (or the sea!IOn. The mo6l serlous Joss has to bl! Rlcardo, a flashy and hard running tailback. He's the Pirates leading ball CaITfer and ranks second in the con· terence even though he's onJy seen limited duty in Ule last two games. Ricardo reinjured his right knee Satur· ~y night against ML SAC and will undergo an operation Friday, Ezzell, who has sta'.rted in lhe defensive secondary the last two weeks, also has a bad knee was opetatcd on today. tlicks, a fJankerback who has been plagued wilh a Variety of leg injuries in two years at Orange Coest, rei.njured a banged up ankle and Tucker says he'! also through for the season. The loss of Ricardo and Ezzell sharply reduces one key ingredient the Pirates are desperately short on-apeed. "You can't believe how slow this team Is," says Tucker. "I can't until I go back and look at our game films." With Ricardo gone, stumpy Mike Haynes, who gained 77 yards last week, will fill in sl tailback. · The situation at fullback isn't perfect either with Coe Meyer sti ll somewhat hobbled from an earlier dislocated knee and reserve Richard Durante probably out of the Mesa game with a bad charlio horse. That means quarterback M I k e Tamiya!lll, second in lhe conference in tot.al ?{fen.se, the Pirates' big but gJow offensive line and the defense will have to sh<M:ilder the load again. One of the keys to the Pirate defense has been the ability of the secondary t'l come up with the interception at crucial times. Bob Curry leads lhe conference with half a dozen thefts. . .. RUSTLER PUNTING SPECIALIST -Mike Childers of Golden West College, is one big reason why t he Rustlers have won five straight games. Mike has kicked 22 times in the five games Golden West won for an average of 36.8 yards per try and h a s become particularly adept at putting th e balJ inside of the oppo- nent's 10.yard line. He did it three limes against East Los An· geles, once having th e ball roll dead at the two. r-,.. ...,. Running Gam e l Spearheads Loara Attack Saddlehacl{ Is Solid Undefeated Loara High School appears to have the best running attack in the Irvine League. And it will be exploiting: that asset Saturday night in the title sho\\'dcwn against Fountain Valley, Up, Down the Line The Saxons have buried fi ve league op- ponenLs this year and the running game ' has been the primary reason for the lopsided scores. fl 's a lit tie too early t.o st.art shouting ••break up the Gauchos," but George Hartman certainly deserves credit for building Saddleback College into a respect.able, if not a powerhouse, football team In just two years. When Saddleback ended 1t1ira Costa *************** ' JOEL SCIIWARZ College's 16-game winning streak Satur. day night in Oceamlde, the GauchoS pro-- ved to any remaining skeptics that they are rot real. Saddleback may not be ready to take: on bigger 11ehools like Orange Coast, Golden West or Fullerton and tllat's ~ bably for the best. Playing school!! with similar small enrollments has enabled the Gauchos to compete on an equitable ha.sis and avQid being humllialed ga~ after game Jik_e poor Cypress, which has been dumped in· to a level or football way over it.s head. Saddlcback, under Hartman's coaching, has all the Ingredients of a solid team despite a variety o( handicaps, the J~ast or which ls no permanent football facilities of any sort. Ofrensively the Gauchos are a~eraging 425 yards a game. Hartman is blessed wit h a te~m lhat can crunch out the yardage on lhe ground or take lo the air with equally devastating effect. Tailback Toby Whipple is a.s hard a running back as there is in Orange Coon. ty ~d he wasn't even supposed t.o be a ~tarter before the season opened. Hartman was counUng on veteran Tim Butler, who had gained nearly 800 yard.1 in 196cl, to be his tailback. But Butler broke an.ankle in a preseason scrimmage ond was lost for the year. \Vith Wh ipple back next year along \\'ith a healed Butler, the Giiuchos figure lo have some kind or one-two punch on. the ground. \Vhipple, of cou rse, isn't the whole Sad- cllcback offense. Far from l t. Quarterback Rod Graves is an ac- complished passer· and a dangerous run- ner on the rollout. He's one o( the. total o£fense leaders in the slate. Tight end Marc tfardy is an exceptional receiver, even though he's being double-· teamed much of tbe lime. And when it cqmes to hauling In the puses from Graves, flanker Gary Rossman isn't a sloucb. either. Up front, the Gauchos' irmall Jlne does an effecUve and consistent job of block· ing with help from hard-nosed fullback Rocky Fletcher, who also doubles up as a linebacker. , On defense, Saddleback has a swann· ing, quick unit that makes up for Us lack of siie with near suicidal de.sire. The Gauchos have given up just one touchdown a game In a conference Where offense is king. Coach Herb Hill of Loara was asked why his running game seems so effecU,·e and here's what he says: "We're two deep at running back and fullback and that really makes us a lot tougher with fresh people." Hill has senior Ray Spagnuolo, pro- bably the best running back In the league at tailback along with senior Greg Helms at fullback. Spelling those two are juniors Steve Elkins and Jim Beyers. Beyers and Elkins finished among the top three.Jn the Irvine Le;ague LOO and 2'lO races 111 last spring's league finaJs. Hill says his offen.sive. lil'le play had Its best game of the year against laSt week'i> opponent, Corona del Mar. The Saxons oj>ened up huge holes and the Loara·backs took lull advantage or it, piling up a 28-0 lead in the third period enroute fo a 35-14 win. Fountain Valley tuned up for the clash with a &-0 win over Estancia. But Hill says he isn't fooled about the apparent lack of offensive might from Foun- tain Valley. "They played very conservatively against Estancia, just well enough to \Vin. "But we know 'they have halfback reverses, end arounds, screen passes anrt draws that they didn't use and they have plentK of backs to execute those plays well,' says Hill. "And they haven't been scored on in four lames. Wfiat's more I don't bclievQ they've gone into a goal line defense onco in that period. Moats Fears Vik-es' Bag of Tricks SUFFE RS INJURY J ack Wigmor1 By GLENN WIDTE Of 1"' Dtnr ""' It•" Halloween may have come and gone but lo Huntington Beach High football coach Ken Moats, Marina will aUU resort lo all the tricks In an eHorl to knock the Oilers out of a Sunset Uque co-UUe when the arch-rivals collide Friday night &t Westmlnst.er. "They'll have cream puffs ln the lclds' Jockers, Oilers will be hanein1 from the celling •I!! thel"!L~robably m'li baby food or bandafes to the!r players," Moats opines. The Oller chief II apparently not look· lng down hls nose at M1rina despite the fttet Ula Vlklnp are 1-~l tor the season and reside In the league Ct?llar. "They can move the ball against anyone -they showed that agafnst Ant1helm. But they seem to have trouble ~ring once they get close. 'I 'd call them a fine team that Ju~t hasn't pul l!:vcrylhlng together yet tr _their quarterbac.L(lllck..5a•IDMLplai>s, they'll have a strong passing attack. "That eod (steve) Monahan ts an e'f• cellent receiver. I think lhty'll have to throw against us. Thetr tailback (Henry) Lazcano does a gre11t Job of find ing the op<nings and plcltlng up e"'ry possible yard. "And their linemen are big and q · grcsslve." Moats has a snappy pass defense to mot.c!l ~larlna's aerial threat. The Oilers have picked o!Ll3 enemy throwa with Mlkc McCord owningJOULlllthem. Another tfunllngton asset haS been (he punting of Mike Mui, a wm!ler who turned out with a desire Lo aid the team. He wu convtrted to punter and hOll pedormed ldmlrably. • Moal4-says only one of his kicks has been returned for any app:reclable distance -that being an 18-yarder by Santa Ana. The Oiler coach feel1 his team has yet to reach U.s pot.enUal dcsplle a Oossy &-l season record. 11We haven't bad our pa5.'t Jng~nd.dcfel)Se.goUlfl strong tn tht! same a a me yet," he says:. l I ,.us sac ca &!$2 4 .mzzz_zc _z:as s s a a: e :Sf&$ 92¥ '¥-+-•• •• *•t !¥.f f 'W f f OG±QG +ewwc f_:;c a t •• -I n-State Poll -··~- Area ]C s Hold R anki·ngs 1b. Orang. ,,A""' area's a five-way tie. for nln1h with LAll:Gt sc1400L1 "-"'4IM 1. Wnl V1lle'1' three junior colleges held firm East Los Angeles (a team it ~: :!.;':Id t<>" their spol$ among beat), Fullerton, DeAnza, and •. H••bel' .-.:-# ,;--California's bttt-f o·o t-b-a-1-1--veniurai~. --;-----+<. ~=-=-- teams ~in Jhis .week's ranklni• The· only uruk:feated unUed ;: ~=~ cotit SADDLEBACK'S TOBY WH IPPLE FOLLOWS MARC HARDY (8"), CHUC~ FINN (75j AND ROC KY FLETCHER (30). l\Iagnolia's Panique Sets Pace CHUCK FINN (75j AND ROCKY FL ETCHER (30) FOR A SOLID GAIN. Rugged Slate for Barstow \Vhcn the Desert Conference overjoyed at the prospect of made out its 1969 football facing the Saddleback jug-sc~edule, Barstow Colle.ge cer~ gemaut this Saturday night at liflsslon Viejo High School. a concuuion Jut week against yards a carry. But he hasn't Mt. San J acinto. done much this year because Welding also ~oubles up as a our offensive line must hasn't flanker back so the Vikings can take advtnt.a&e of his J>83S blocked for him,'' says catching ability. Caniiales. talnly ~ot the short end of the "Saddleback's the toughest bl th · b" sUck. team on -·· ~edule," he Proba Y· s two 1ggest """ D\,'11 The past two weeks the Vik· says flatly. dl.!ilppolntments of the year in lngs havthad to face ML San "I ·figured they'd beat Mira the Irvine League have been Jacinto and Mira Costa, two of Costa last week because they A1agnolia and Costa Mesa. the fa vorites in the battle for have a superior offense. The Canizales won't bow until The Barstow squad is down The two collide Saturday the ·conference crown, and way they move the ball, night at Newport Harbor High took it on the chin 35-6 and 44-anything they do probably will School in an · attempt · to 9. 1 -work agalnst us, particularly And this week Barstow runs in the late stages of the game. salvage a sojnewhal dismal · up against Saddleback, the No. "We've been worn down by football campaign. 2 ranked small junior College th e time the fourth quarter ~01ra.,-sepun·e1s-art"·'3"'·3'~mm"the~te.,. -~· -----rolls-around -in-all-of our- 1 overall ·and are tied for Coach A I be r l Canizales, games.'' Friday if Welding will be able to 30 players and Canizales to play. Complicating his pro-says depth is his main pro- blems ·ls a back injury to Joe blem as lhe season draws to a Cooper, Barstow's backup close. quarterback. "We have eighl players Cooper hurt his lower back going both ways, and they get two weeks ago and the injury pretty tired in the second half. prevents · him from throwing And they 're not very big and a the ball. physical team can push them the ground,-halrbe~k -around.------ Gary Evans is Barstow's chief "Saddleback has a Jot of who'! seen his team chalk up Barstow's top performer, fourth place with Edison jn One tie and five loses so far quarttrb1clt Pat Welding, may loop standings. 1t1esa-is a this season, isn't P:Mticularly miss the game after suffering nolch baCk with .a 1-4 I~e threaL bodies compared to us. Along record. However, the Selltinels of coach Marty Hicks ' hive shown the abilily ·to come back after knocking oU Santa Ana Valley, 27-14. In that one, the Sentinels had three touchdowns called back via penalties. Leading the Magnolia of· fense is quarterback Ken Panique, who dOes mo s t e\'erything for the SenUnels oot ot his rollout patterTl'i. He leads the team in rushing with 294 yards on 73 carries and has passed for 6:iO yards.He's completed 5.l of 107 attempts for one touchdown and has run for eight other scores. Last week he completed 15 of 20 attempts, good for lhree TDs and ran for the other tally against Santa An a Valley. Panique ha s u s e d two receivers to good advantage. He's hit split end Dave Bohanan for 131 yards oo 15 ccmpletions an<fiWlilfb a ck Marv Owens lf.. fuitta -for 158 yards. Hicks sa11 his. team must contain the Mesa rustling game and 'ls also worried about the Mustanis' passing. "No. 10 CBIIl Adelson) lbok· ed good lasl wet)< ag~~St Edlson. Mesa.seemed to really come back ·1n the . third quarter," ~s Hicks. JV Footh,all H.,..,..,. t t 11 l-311 Fell'tr'eol! 0 o o t-• Toudldownl' Owll'I Cl). lillfMll '"T' l+umen I•• fl'llnt lielltfl"'91 Tinllto $a!> Clemen1e TOUCIMlow!>: UrJM PAT: Ptrtrfe (lllU) t .,, 711-Jl 0 0. 7 ~1 "He was ._ great runner ror with that they have gooct &lie us last year, averaging 6.5 and are very well drilled.'1 Oilers,\ Newport Given Shot At . Berth in CIF Playoffs Chances of t"·o Sunset League teams mak- ir.g lhe CIF playoffs appear particularly bright al this st.age o( the football season. Should Ne,vport flarbor and llunll ngton Beach l'ollide next week with 4-1 league J'f'cords (odds say they will) the winner will most 1ikely tie for the Sunset ~hampionship with Anaheim (which has underdogs Santa Aua and Western remaining on its Sche(fule). The AAAA division consists of only 12 lt.'.lgt:es this yesr as opposed to 13 last season and that means four openings for co.cham- pions" Second place teams are placed afte r all ~an1ps are accommodated. • Thal could conceivably trip up the Angelus ...... , ....... .. ·ROG ER CARLSON ····••111••4••••• . . . League should Bishop.Amat win It all , leaving secor.tl place Atattr Dei or St Paul out in the cold. Of the JI ltaguea: ·In mention, seven ~ ebly wW )aye one outright champion. Santa Monica is a runaway lfillder in the Bay · League as is Blair {Foothill), Compton lCoast), Redlands (Citrus Belt), Hueneme !Channel) and Arroyo (Pacific). The Irvine ~ague should produce a clear<Ut tltlist alter Fountatn Valley and Loara clash Saturday night providing they don't tie. l:.o,vola and St. Francis are 3-0 in Del Rey plAy but Alemany (2-1) could throw a monkey \•1ttnch into the picture. Long Beach \VII.son is a shaky 34 leader In t~e litoore League with El Rancho and Lakewood right behind with 2·1 marks. The weak Whltmont league may have an outright winner. Monte Vista leads with a 3-0 marlc with La Serna (2-1) the only real threat to the title. \\'Ith so many leagues apparently destined to have outright champion, it seems a cer- taint,!1 lhe Sunset League will be provided with llvo entries lo the coveted playoffs-providing there is a tie for the title. As for a second place Sunset League team making the playoffs -It's anybody's guess. * * * Marina Hlgh's Bee toolbatt. team ts leading the Sunset League with a 4--0 mari: and is 6-1 r o r the season. Coaching the VU..es ls Sam Ver.a. * * * 111embers. of the 1945 Sumet League cham- pionship football team rrom Hunu.n,ton Beach Jroke loose tor a dinner for the. current crop of Oilers. Victory against Marina and New· port Harbor will mean the first Sunaet UUe since '46 for Huntington Beach. * * * Basltethall workoui. began Monday In pnp riJ'C'it>s and the Sunset League appeen headed fror a frantic Utle race. Westminster, Newport Hll'bor, Marina, Huntington Beach and Anaheim all h a v e excellent teams. \\'estmlnster's chance at its first-ever varsi- ty basketball crown was bolstered by the enrollmet"Jt of transfer Eric SOutbwlck, a 8-7 fuoior from Miraleste Hij_~. Pro Cage Standings "' 111"'11 DM11o1! Ntw Y&l1c .. hlledtlllhl• Mllweull" 81111""'9 80S!OI! Ot!rolt CIMlnn1tl W1t11 L•t .. d . Oii U1 .'7l - S I .'25 ' $ .s.s ' ' ... l • ,,,,, l " .ns ' 7 .JOO A!l1n!1 W111W1 Dlvl1lilh . ' ' ' Lei APlltllt San Fren<lsco Chltl•o Phoenix 5Hlllt 4 l .J71 s .. .J5' l ' .m 2 1 .m S..n D!190 I 7 .UJ Tllft4•''1 11..,,lh PhllNet..iila JU, Chlce10 !Qt 81IHrnor1 U•. Sen Ft•n~IKO 1nJ S11n11 116, 0t1ro11 102 Ntw Yori! 11•, Phoenhr n WH:stMI''' C..mn Si n Olin:o 11 Cl1"1Cln!>1ll a.111mor1 11 PhllNellll'll1 801f'On et Atl1nt1 T1W"4ll"1 01m11 All1nt1 el CMe190 San FrtnclKO If Cln<l!>n11! ... l11ttr. Dl¥1llllfl 1ndl-Ktn1Y(~ .. "ltt1burth c ... ou,.. N1w Yori! Mleml W1t11 L•I Jl(I. 01 61 .157 - , 2 .IJO • f ... , •5 .4'4l 3 5 .)75 l~~ l6 .lll 6 Dell•• W•'-D1¥lllllfl ' ' ' ' ' . ' . ' 7 Los Art!MIH Wall\1"9ton MN Or1Hn1 ..,,_ .61' - .500 1\\ . 4ll 1 .400 7\1' "' ' ~lt•vrt Watl'llt'flon 111. C1tttll1W1 107 w ............. a,mn lridlel'll et Nirw YOttt Kentvcrf VI. Caroflne et N.t . Tllllf"Me1''1 $-mn M!tml el Plll1burt11 Dtrlvtr 11 Ket!h.IU' Western Bos s Praises Tars Pl'o Hockey Standings NAT IONAL LRAOUI •• .,. DMllaft ! WLTl"lt.G,•A1 •ffl6Jlt1 •>111nn Last ftek Western High School. Sootball coach Jim Everett helplessly watched S111ta AM sweep his ends with dllm~ &equaicy as his ttam wobbled to its lhird SUmel Loque 1.., In lour •Wla. Thls weelt he's_ 1IJ> against som~ entirely differtnt, the potent runnJng game of Newport !Urbor'a Tm. 1'3°be)!. lint.up in a fonnation ihlt't lbntJ•r to 1 llng:ltf-Wing ar>d come right at you," says ' Everett. "Newport ls 1 . filte tum, one of the claS.!ie.st Jn the lea,ue. They ire fast. very physical and can move tbe ball on anyone. "I lhought Ibey could have beaten Anaheim , and l'm still not so sure they didn't score from the one against them . That would have g Ive n Newport a 1~7 lead Instead of a 9-7 haliUmt: l@a~" sayi E\1ertU. E\·erett says his own team has played fairly well on defense until last week against Santa.Ana . "'Mial waa our wont game without a doubt. '1 The Pioneer coach reports that passing has been the strength of hh team all season lo~. "Bob Miller is a fine peuer, but ~·~·\'e h.11d to do a lltUe more throwin& than l Uke became we've been behind and had to play catchup. "Howtvr:r, our pass pro- tectton hu broken down a lot and Mlller's not rully had e.nough time to lhrow." He saya the Pioneers have three more than capable rece.lver1 ln Rick Emde, Mike Wlllon •nd Cr.t( H ..... Wiiton '1 broU'lr:r, I to-pound Ted, and Tim Arlu balan<e out the We1tem attack on the ]fl'Ollnd. Everett describes the former as a n1qed de.pend- atile performtr while the later .l;s .a _brtakaway thttaL I ...... NM YllR "'"" MOlllrffl t ... 111110 CP!lce90 .• t 1 11 " • •7•lt•:M 442103074 2 ' I S 17 Jj W....,. Di.t11tft 51. Lc:vti 6 3 I II Otlll111' .. J 1 • Pf!Hldllll'llll 2 t S ' " " " ~1 1 " H ft " 21 t7 Ml""'9tll 4 ' 0 I ,.,~ ,,,, l.MAl:ltltl ,,. ' T....,...11:..it TOrontt J. OlllC.nd 2 ....... ,.. .. _ Mlflntt$f1 11 M°""1111 T-lfl " LOI A1'M1" NIW 'rorll et Oketo St, LOllll .i la.ton Ottroft 11 JlllllClurtfl ""'···· ... -MorllrMI •I .. hUHtllltllll I I. Loufl 11 0.troll , IS t6 I released by the Junior College teams in the st.ate ..:.. \Ves t '· 11111 uolden w t-11 Athletic Bureau. Valley aiid Reedley -hold ~!~~.~ Anttin AU three retained the aame down the . No. 1 berths in the ve11tu•• ranking they held• week ago. two Polls. oe.1.nu SMALi. SCHOOLS Saddleback bolda down the West Valley (7--0) replaced 1. ~eedlt'I' highest. place of. the trio, sec-Bakersfield as the top large ~: i=lt-bolck ond in the small college school after the Renegades t ~~'.ie::n °1~1~~· divisioo. were upset, J7-13, by '· MOl'IJe•e'I' Pent1111111 Orange Coast is eighth Pasadena. Pasadena moved ;: ~~~ among the large junior col-up into second plaet while 1:: f.t;11~lr• '°'" Jeges while Golden ·west is in Bakersfie1d is now third. Hartnell YOUR SAFETY IS OUR BUSINESS al ••• Drive In today. bit 0111' skilled mechanics get your car ready for SAFE holiday travel l . 10-Point B'RAKE OVERHAUL GUARANTEED 20,000 MILES OR TWO YEARS We ~rantee oar bnke linirll' !or the 1peci.6ecl nmnber of mil ea or yeani from date of installation., whichever comes lliir.tdjUltmmts prunted-on·"l!!tle&'ge 1CDd hued CID pricec carrent at time of --· NOT JUST A RELINE ... we do all this work: I Replace brake linini; on al! • lour v.·heels 2 .Arc lining for perlet~ <.lni.lc(. • with drum1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Rebuild sll 4 wheel C) !ii:~crs Turn and true bf'l!ke drums Inspect master cylinder Repack outer wheel bearinp:s on both front wheels Iruipe:ct brake hose! lnspect brake shoe return springs Add Supe.r-1-i-.vy-Duty brake .fluid Road test car ,rlc• for drum-type brtlles on most Fords. Plymouths. Chevy·1. Amerlcen comp1cts '"d light ttuck1 . Others slightly higher. Just say ''Charge It" Buy on convenient terms Buy S lhoclc abetorbera at our evtryda,y l\i:r ·+m: •111 FOR99< 99 ~=· by •killed mecbaniOL C111 with 1or1ioti b1rs or air colld. slightly high.,.. Brake Adjustment FIRESTONE STORE S COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH 475 !. 111h St. e 646-1444 Open Mon.· Fri. I lo 7; 51t. 'tll s HUNTINGTON BEACH 16171 BEACH BLVD. 847·60!1 Optin Mon .• Fri. 8 to I; Sat. 'til 5 11-0) U+!t 16-11 l.S-11 l.S-0 c-s-o 16-1) (6-\) l.S-11 l.S-0 (.S-1) '5·11 16-I) 17-01 ($-11 !.S-ll '"11 ''" 1 J 45·11 f.S-Jl f •.JI IJ·!I (]..JI ,...,, ' dldl lhJJ ed Ion. is I Joh ·ioo. co ace or rail •Au: lac ga1 \vil ro. .Ar1 n•• dri 'h•f t iC1 .... '20 1 ·wo· .rul ' .'hi' M1 ,300 In fro lo ·du1 ca> mi m< Ru "'' pa th• lex ha ho t ir " 'Ta Ct lo Tl u: C! 0\ h< p: m rn Cl C! fM cl m SI r< ie Ir t' la lll g• " ci w C( pl Tl cc s -- - ------·----------------------------------------------·-~----------·-~----------- Engines! by-Deke Hou/gate A couple of the fellows were sitting around, and they didn't have anything to do. The conversation went some- thing like this: "I have a good idea what we can do for some fun .'' 11What~s that?" "Let's enter the World Cup Rally. If we gel accept· ed we'll promote ourselves a car and go in the world 's longest auto race." "\Vhy not?" That's maybe simplifying the story a litue, but it is generally how Brian Chuchua, 31, of Fullerton and John Thawley, 31, of Van Nuys decided 'to enter tb.e '$60 ,000 London Daily Mirror sponsored London·lo-Mexi· ·co City rally. ll is 16,000 miles long. As of this week they are the only American team accepted for entry in the incredible race, as about half or the 120 starting positions have been filled. Already there are 14 countries with te!ams in th e rally, including entrants from Yugoslavia, Argentina, 1 Australia and Kuwait. The course of the rally will take drivers across the face of Europe in a winding route from Engl8n~ to Bui· gar~a and back to Portugal, wbere cars and _tbe1r crew_s \Vill be placed aboard a ship and taken to Rio de Jane1· ro. The rally starts Apr. 19, 1970, and ends May 27. * * * In South Americ• they will w•nder from Br11il to Argentin•, th.n tr•ver•e th• Andes •f •n •ltltude of · ne•rly 16,000 feet. Th• entry •ppllcatlon insists th• t drivers Include • 1tatement from • doctor th•t t II·• I r 'health will hold up in the r•rlfied atmo)pherlc condi~ tiOns they will rnfft. Eventu•lly th•y will sn•k• through Centr•I Americ• and finish in Mexico City. Th•wley bell• .... • that •bout '20 per c.nt·of the 1t•rter1 will'" the finish line.Th• t ·would be 24 c•rs. ~ea Kings Clinch Tie For Crown Corona del Mar clinched at ~ast a Ue (or the lrvin~ League water polo crown Tuesday downing second place Costa Mesa, ~2. in the loser's pool. The Sea Kings. who won their l'th straight match. ha ve only Estancia lert on their 1 o o p schedule. The Eagles, currently lied for sec- ond, can grab a share of the title with a win. In other aquatic action, Es· tancia edged Fountain Valley, 8-7, Edison defeated Santa Ana Valley, 14-4i, Westminster nosed out Pacifica 5-4, and Newport Harbor dunked Swuiy Hills, 5-4. • SEA KINGS-MUSTANGS Corona del Mar jumped off to a ~ halftime edge and never looked back. Gai:th Bergeson, who led the Sea King scoring with three goals, hit the net twice in the second period when Corona de! Mar tallied four time~. other Sea King scores were Bnice Black. two and Kurt Krumpholz, one. Curt Plumlee and Mike Beal scored for Costa J\.1esa, both coming on penally shots. EAGLES-BARONS Doug Weiler came out o( the nets for Estancia to tie the game at M and his team- mates did the rest out.scoring DAll..T !"II.OT ...... ., •ldlwll hlMW invading Fountain Valley 3-1 ARTIST OFFENSE -Sophomore Scott Allen (39) Diablos. The Artists, without starting quarterback in the final stanza. eludes Mission Viejo tackler and moves behind .La-Brian Ottmer, invade San Clemente High Friday Steve Webster led the Eagle guna Beach's offensive line in Friday's win over night in a Crestview League encounter. · attack with three goals and -=--------------=-------=------------------ Weiler added two more. Ward DAILY •a.or M Artists' .Ott mer ·Injured After being racked will! In- -· juries for tha eatir. --. Laguna Beacll HIP'• vllillly football twn sutfer..i perlllpl Its worst blow ~ tlio "'°'polp alter quarterback -Oii· mer was declared out for the remainder of the year. Otbner, who hu pwed for 18'1 yards on S5 c:ompldlom, IUffered • tom ligament In llle Artlsts' only win ol tbe JUr Priday nJ&ht agalnsl Mllllon Viejo. He was operated on Sundq. Wllb ottmer OIJ!, coodl jlal Akins ii DOW down lo Bee llld Cee quarterbackJ. He'll cboole later thla week between end Denny Sdmdtr, Bee ·quarter&ack Tom Murphine or Cee q(iarterback Gary Flssett. Southpaw Mur'pbilie lllllerff In arm injury earlier in the year and has not played at all. He's a junior whUe Fiueti ls a aophomore. Akina says he may sbnply go to a shotgun formatloo by game tbne lf be can't came up with the ri&ht combination In practice. At any rate, it appear• the ill fortw>e that lw plqued the 19111 Crestview League cham- pions all year ls mntinulng. "It's • rally only in token,'' Th•.;,a.y ••Id. "The . rults make it •n out •nd out roH race.'' ; That, of course, is typical of Europe•n r•llies. We , ~haven't had •nything like them since the days of the Mexican road race. Saunders, Greg Aydelotte and Randy Blatterman each scor- ed once. Kurt Westerfeld and Bill Rice put '.hree !hots in the nets for the Baron'S and Russ Solt conltibuted one. Spartans Field New Shorecliff s to Host GP A Bart Tabor is ltill out with a severely Injured ardi that bas not r<Spooclod to --Akins credits oomer with a gutty perfonnance against * * * IJONS.PACIFICA Problems to be solved are mind bogglers for th e Chris Ohre .or Westmillfjter Pro-Sweepstakes Tourney M1ssioo Viejo. "He played half of the ta.I quarter with tllat Injury. "He's been a nne player and leader for us this year 1 11)'1 300 or so men and women tackling the World Cup Rally. scored rour points, two com- 'Jn the case of Chuchua and Thawley, they are starting ~~ lfon~h:S~~n~a~i~~~ fu: from scratch. victor's pool. \r11Ja Park football coach "The first thing \\'e have to do," Tb~wley said, •\js Up until Ohrt's two final Kermit Isaacson isn't happy to promote a car and about $30,000 in expense money goals the Lions trailed the \vith his starting backfield and •during the next 60 days." • Mariners, ,...3. is planning some changes fo r Ir they ra,·1 to get the backing before Feb. 1, they Friday night's game wilh . The only other Lion lo srore M1·ss1·0 v·ci· · Cr t · •can retrieve their entry fee. but after that they are com-was Ken Davis. Leagu~ act~on~ in es view mitted to the $1,440 they have already posted. CKARGEftS.S.A. VALLEY "\Ve have n't jelled at any \Vith a car and backing they are still at a disadvan· Edison made the hosting time this year," he says. "We tage, because Chuchua and Thawley have never been Santa Ana Valley Falcons haven't had enough of a team to Europe or South America and do not plan to do any 1heir first Irvine· League vie-effort and c on s equ e nt I y practicing in either part of the world. · tim as !.he Chargers piled up everybody gives uS problems." -"\Ve'll staf1:-(?0ld~ Thawley said • ...!:\Ve..can'..Laf!orcL five fll'!ll-and-nine -eecond hall--Oniy_Dave l.a11cbau .isJisted rto do any practicing. We'll be lucky toge there. period." goals. as a definite . starter in the Tom Liodas led the sroring Spartan backfield. * * * li st with five points while Bob John Tull~ and Pat .. Mclnally h • t t th t Wurster chlpped in with four. a.re both hsted as probable Along the way t •Y ere certain o encoun er a Phil Durall and Dan Eddy, signal cali~rs •and Isaacson most h1urdou1 of •II ob1t•cles, the border guard. two and Mike Moorhouse .one says he will alternate them Rules of the r•lly st•te th•t entr•nts •r• on their own. finalized the scoring. ' against ~fission Viejo. In 25 countries the competitors must have all the Dave Medigovich at the key I I d nt t "t TAftS.SUNNY ~U.S tailback spot, suffered a hip necess1ry International and oca ocum• s o permi Dou~ Snyder put 1n a shot point injury in the Loara game passage of their car, *'•m••lves· •nd all spa~• parts ~Ith JUsf: 30 seconds remsi~-and is a doubtful starter. He they carry. !ng to give N~wport the win will be replaced by Roger Thawley figure• that he and ~huchu• will .not f•!e m the Lancers pool. Thompson. too well in Europe, where experienced rally1sts will The Tars had to fight ba ck Gordon Duncan and Rosh have pltnty of practice before r•c• time. from a 4-3 deficit in the final Ansari are likewise in lhc "When we get to South Americ•, that's when we period. ques tionable stage and a hope to take them. c r 0 s s j n g the Andes in sprint-Snyder and Tom Warnecke decision on a probable slartcr time we figure to meet mile •fter mile of rough ter· each potted two goals and Bob will not be made until Friday • ..,_ -,, Searles added one more for night. rain," he said. "That's where we have rne experience. Newport. The Vi lla Park eleven is * * * Thawley has competed in two Mexican 1000 off-road r aces, plus the Mint 400 and other events of ~at type. Chuchua said to be the father of off.road racing, pro- motes th~ oldest continuous event in the sport. He start· cd the Riverside 4-\Yheel Grand Prix in 1954. "Primarily \Ve are off-rOad racers," Thawley sa id. "We have no idea yet just what problems will be en- countered along the way, but we are hopeful that our hot rod ingenuity will see us through." Bucs,GWC Score Polo Victories composed largely of seniors this season with Duncan and Rod Krage the only juniors in the opening lineup. T h e Spartan defensive unit Is also composed mainly of seniors. giving concern to Isaacson in planning ahead for next year . The Villa Park mentor looks for Mis.sion Viejo lo give his team a tough battle despite the Spartans' •·eign as seven· point favorites. Shorecllfrs Country Club In San Clemente . will host the ne wly formed Golf Professional Association general meeting Monday with J im Perrin of the host club wielding the gavel as presi- dent. A pro-sweepstakes will get the affair under way al 10 a.m. with the meeting at 3. Next oUtlng of the group will lake place at San Juan Hllls Countcr Clll Nov. lI .!'ilh starting times assigned as en- tries are recei ved. First tee. off is set for 10 a.m. -Jr11i11e Const Thanksgiving is just around U1e corner and men's club members at Irvine Coast will stage their annual turkey shoot on Wednesday, Nov. 12. The event ls a two.member, best ball, shotgun affair with dinner in the evening, at which tin1e wi nners will receive turkeys for their efforts on the course. Uendomlnrk Chuck Beatty defeated Les Harris, 1-up, lo gain the semifinal round in t h e Meadowlark Country CI u b men's club championship com- petition. Beatty will face Larry Brown in one semifinal match with Rick Young and Craig Olsen meeting in the other. Semifinal round competition must be concluded by Nov. 16. Rn11clao SJ How about the odds against winning a motor race for \vhich there is little hope even to finish? •·we wouldn't even enter if we didn't plan t o win it." 'fha"•ley said. "They are sound and pass and run equally w e J I , ' ' More than 70 players in four lsaacsbn says. different flights will compete Follmer Gilles flp Villa Park boasts a 2+1 in the presiden t's club tourna• record for the year while ment al Rancho San Joaquin ~1ission Viejo has won one Country Club beginning Satur- decislon in seven outings. day. The fellow who made racing history by winning the USAC 150 at Phoenix last spring in a Chevy-powered car. George Follmer, has given up trying to be a car owner. Follmer drives just as much as he always did, but he has his car up for sale. This weekend he will be in Phoenix testing for Andy Granatelli's STP team. Golden West and Orange Coast colleges pulled off water polo vµ:tories TueMlay in non- league games. The Rustlers dumped visiting El Camino, 7- 4. and the Pirates blasted Chaffey, 14-9, in the Orange Coast pool. The Rustlers had a rough time getting started, but managed to put t h i n g s together in the second half and notched their 17th win in 22 outings and fifth in a row. fJA~ .. f:.~ Depending on the outcome of tire tests on the one· mil e oval where Follmer won the first champ race of 1969, George will drive either a Plymou~b or Ofienhaus- er-powered wedge in next week's Phoerux 200. The race can be seen live on ABC Nov. 15, incidentally. Follmer originally had a good idea for his Chevy· ~ered racer. He intended to drive it on both t~e U~AC champ trial and then -making fuel tank modifications and changing an engine -go racing with it on t h e SCC . .\ Cilntinental Grand Prix circuit. J-le never did. althou~h he never admitted to fear ol reprisal from USAC for driving the cat in the rival ser· ies. "It's still a good car for anyone who wants to run Tndy and maybe a couple of USAC road races. then turn in his USAC license and finish up on the Continen. tal ," Follmer said. The fact the Sports Car Club or America has come up with a race car which is so similar to Indy cars that guys llke Follmer figure a way to run the same car in 1wo leagues has apparently caused concern in the coun· cils of the U.S. Auto Club. Mario Andretti made a startling statement last week to Chris Economaki. the sport's most d1stinguish· cd in-depth reporter. ~1ario said he \ViU "quit the cham- pions hip trail except for Indy if USAC dropped the road races." I asked Andretti about the quote. and he shot back : "Economakl never prints anything but the truth.'' USA C contemplates droppln·g road races? Thi 1 could on ly mean an attempt lO slv ing away from th e SCCA type roa~ racing car. Tom Hennstad's men led by a mere, 4·3, at the half as the RusUers failed connection on many of their passes. However, in the final period Don Lippoldt, the leading point-getter for Golden West. got untracked and tallied twice to preserve lhe victory. Besides Lippoldt, five other Rustlers entered the scoring column. Al Rojas. S t e v e ~foore, Roy Buell, Kris Swenson and Dave Griffiths each scored once. The Orange Coast-Chaffey game was 1 laugher for the Pirates. Coach Jack Fullerton played his second and third stringers a good deal of the way as the Pirates increased their aeuon recard to 13-5. Orange Coast scored four times In each or the first three pedods and never trailed in the match. Gary Thompson, L o n n I e Keefover. John Blti.uer, Steve Schwer and Bob Mo,eley pac· ed a bali1nce.d scorlng attack with two apiece. SWING PAST AN "INVISIBLE WALL" You should haVe a feeling of definite firmness in your left side as your arms and club move into and beyond the ball. This is the "firm ·left side" that good golfers create, and which helps provide them with the great powe r they achieve. Set up your own "invisible wall," resting against your left side (see · lllustratiol)), and through wh ich your arms and club, but not your body, swing on your fo llow-through. If you can get the feellng of a firm left side, and if_you keep your ftead welt behfnd the wall you have "erected ," I think you will gain greater consistency and distance on your shots. Qualifying round action too• is 1 best ball of partner's Akins. place last weekend for the shotgun event that starts al So, Laguna Beach moves fn.. four-week aEfair that runs Into to the San Clemente clash Fri· early December. noon. day night with another re. In a men's club low net Buntingtot& Beaf!la vamped 1ineup. tournament, Bob Hubbard won Akins thinks his club can James Croom successfully move the ball agaJ-~ •·· top honors with a &S f61lowed 1~ .,... by Bob Bradshaw (lie) and defended his Senior's title at Clemente's defense, but be'• Dick Barryman (67). Huntington Beach Country worried about the offensive Charlene C 0 11 i n 1 and Club last weekend when he punch the Triloos camt up Margaret Egbert tied for low fired a low gross of 147 for 36 with in their last game. net honors in a ladies day holes lo gain the crown. Junior Bob Mc N a m.a r a f!Vent with 721 Vi Suton wlis L6w net was WOil by Eugene sparked the Tritou last week third with a ·74 foUowed by "Doc" Ford with a 1? follow· in his firs~ start 1 t Marron Keeler' 78 -ed -by-Lee-Caaey-with-r.1ai-quarterback-with-aeven conr ' • and C. W. Ward with a J3C. pletions for 111 yards. · Se•clllt Robert Lenbloom-became the first men's club champion at Seacliff Country Club when he defeated Daryl Wilkins, 2 and t. Jim Tollefson won a low net sweepstakes even t with a 67 followed by Joe Cincotta and Pete PelerBOn In a second pla~ tie with 685. G. Barry, D-Conlin and BUI Collins tied for thlrct with 691 followed by Jack Sontag with 71. Sa•ta A•• Second round matches In the Sanla Ana ewilliy Club High· L<lw championships hive been completed with lhe following results: Bill MacA"uley and John Neal def. Pat Hart and Dr. John Stocker; Fred Frtnch and Dr. John Wehrley def. Ed Gould and Gene FalOO; Jlm Gianulias: and Rupe Hendricks def. Jim Voelkl and Al Shinn. Dr, Ernie Ainslie and Dr. Tom Clark def. Dr. Ned Kohrey and Walt Corbin; Lou Clem and Neal Foster def. Art Nisson and Larry Ridgeway; Don Smith -and Harry Martin def. Horner Kerley and Bob Hoyt. Coleman French and Bill Bakr def. Dick Aurey and Lee Hasenjaeger; Bill Dennis Ind Dr. Doll DtClll def. Marahall Duffield llld John Conley. Third round competition will take place·Saturday. .r Frank MeCann of Santa Ana made a hole-in.one .on the se· cond hole using a alx iron. A par-three, 141-yard ha 1 e , McCann 's .ace waa the first recorded at Santa Ana in several months. He w a s playing with Bill Llvln1ston, Bob Cant aod Bob Hurtt. Mesn Verde AT$ll.79 OCT: NOV. ONLY meet our better half John French and James Lorenz fired a tl at Mesa Verde Country Club to win the partner's bes\ ball tourna- ment. Clyde 5arver and Bob Littleton alona with Mannie Allinao 11nd 1.owell Start had 62s for the runnerup pooltion. Keith and Jackie Neal com- bined talents with Tom and Phyllis Liken for a M to win J the tbestSund ball of foursome , .•• g • 'Ilie erdusive Built-in·l'omw even ay. avoida ...:n:--. A Ue for second developed ! .., ....... between Ken and Phyllis 11 • lt'•twoincbesahorter,10irs ' • • • i .. I I i I • Leasure and Frank a n d easier to hand~ easier to llore.· Georgia Farmer and another 1 • The price male .. it nen bottc: learn composed ol Keith and .. • ll!jt'lle~acllonald and Bill Additional Holiday Savlnt•· Stock up.-for the~ and Marjorie Wllllam1. eomlnt holidays and llYO an oddltlonal $1.11 por !Mlf A one-day mrmber·suest i•lten. men'• club toumamenl 11 C•H of 6 l•rly Tlme1h•lf1•llon1. Each h•lf t•IS- ocheduled Wedne .. y, Nov, 19 $10.'1. to be followed by a dlM<r. Jt,,~:;,.:..;;,__ _______________ _ ;~~D~An.~Y~n~~LO~T;;;;;;;;:;;:~w~ .... ~...,~·~N~ ... ~ .. ~~~l-~9~11;;a:;;i~~ ~~~~-':::o----,~~~~~--~~-::::-:---..~--,~----Brlf~t 'Net!'I tor Eagle• Liglitweig t Fa ons -seeli -BrealC Pilot · Pigskin P/CKEROO Co-Sponsored by ~ . . "Wvau. DAILY PILOT BE A PROPHET FOR PROFIT 110 10 In Cash For Each Week's Flrlt Place Winner Voit Footballs (or atlter Sports Equljlment I each week It• pl91lrin prophtt. Ple y.fht DAILY PILOT Piclct rt• igt m• for w•elrly pr.ix••· Wlnn•r ••ch wHk r.ctiYtl $1 0 ce1h e nd • Voit Coll•igltf• footb.11 t1u99•1+M r•f•il price, $1 0.951 or prist picktcl from ll1t of othtr Voit quelity sporting 9ood1 lno pritt under ,10 rt• teil Y•lue). w.tch for this pl•y•r's form ••ch Wtelr ITue1cley1 end Wt dne1d1ys I in th • DAILY PILOT Sports Ste• tion. Circlt th• t•em1 you think will win in the lid of 20 9•me1 end sencl in tht pleyer's form or r••••n• •bit f•c1imilt. Then watch tht DAI LY PILOT 1ptrt1 P•t•• for ••ch wetk'1 list of 10 winn•r•. RULES 1. 'SulWnlf tllll "'''" lll1nt tr 1 '"-"'-+..nlmlt• i. ..,,.,. lfl• c.-itnl. 2. IW!d te: P'1LOT PIGSIUH "ICK£1tOO COHTE,T, ~llOrh Cfll'tr'll"IWI'., P, 0, .OX l.WO. COiii M .. , Ct. t2'26. I , Orlty -Mttry per ptor.on HO\ WMk. 4. !nM<M """''ti. detlwttd flly IMU ar In penot1 l IO OAIL'I' PILOT ot!ic1 by I p,m. Tll~y. I. W. J, VOii lll:llllbtr Carp. trld OAll Y "ILOT •m~leyea. lrld t1111r I"'" l'Mlli.i. r.mm" "" llltlble 1" '""'· Ii. TlE tlll:IAKllt tl'MI CHOICl 011' P'lt'ilf b'-l'lkt ~I ti. lillld IR W entry i. will. 1••·················1 • ENTRY BLANK • • Clrtlt Mm JH tflhlt will wlt1 thlt ..... , .. -• I ~ tH• h 1t1N4"' lbtl4J • • San FranciKo YI Rams • Washington State YI use • • Geor9ia vs Florida • Princeton vs Harvard • • Alabama YI f.SU • • Oklahoma vs Missouri • MichiC)Cln State YS Purdue • • Iowa vs Indiana • • LA Harbor vs Golden West • San Dl190 Mesa YI Orange CMlt • • Barstow YS Saclcl.tback Col*)t • St. Paul vs Mater Dti • • Huntington Beach YI Marina • • Newport vs Western • Fountain Vaffey .vs Loara ( • Edison YI Estoilcla • • Villa Park YS Mission Viejo • La9una vs San Clemente • • Ma9nolia vs Costa Mesa • • Corona dtl Mar vs SA Valley • • l lE BlltfA,Jl:Ellt -My O~>t .., !Ill t.111 1111111-.r tf Plll'l1i IC.1'111 • 111 111 10 g1mu h1tea 11'0V$ b .. ., ....................... - • NAMI • • ADDlll SS • • CITY : PHONI ... Ill • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CHOICIOP PlllD lehtd.e-.elrcte1.._..... • •o••"" o_.,. o-• • S M ML L XL O T..._ W O t•t..... • ···············•••••i SOFT SELL SAM ly Manitl Myers ~·-- 11 rrs A ~YROl L BDND--M ENF~cro --~·VJN~~fR-yoo'vt-601 T.O,, µ,,Lp IT 'XJ MINUTCS &fR>Rf OSH/NG/ • Johnson Return s to Lineup Foo~~all In Winless Campaign Tbe :rttat niwl In tine weeblt Mda.Jf!OScl>ool la In Ille wlndl wltll lilllbac:k Dive Jollnaon nturnlnc lo proctlce alter m!Ulnl Ille to.ra and Fountain \t.Uey -will! • back injury. Jollnaon .la bac;k and runninc wtU In prlCllc:e, actOrding lo caocb Phil Brown, and wlll start for the Eag!ea in their Irvine Leque hassle with Edlaoq Friday nl1ht a t Newport Harbor High. The 111.Jeque candidate had ruthed for Mt yards and a 5.7 averqe in, the Eagin' first five ~ before being lldellried. Without him, the Eagles faUed. to score qainst L<>ara or FOWJtaln Valley. Wltb·JobnSon back it means Brown wJU move Jim Schulti back to fulJAck and keep Curt Thomu at quarterback. N••fer . llYEABB ._..,,.,, .•.. , ""•'"n •Ym .. 1 •f tire •••llty . PI NI TUNIN• AND TONI CONl'ltOL 4&1 TRACK That combination w a a P1'.lm¢11 -ble for tlle EacteJ' fineibowing through the um hltf o1 111e ........ Brown 1111 E<tim poRa: a bt1 problem wltll 111 slot-I torm•tlon. ..., "Jim MWey Ls a real nne Amat at Servile Bbhop Amat High School, and ita junior combination of quarterback Pat Haden and spUt end John McKay, will be seeking its eighth Win or the year Thursday night (I) at Anaheim 's La Palma Stadium. 1be undefeated Lancers bat~ tie Servlte in an Angdus League football encounter. McKay is the IOD of USC coa~ Johq McK1y. Amat lea~ the Angelus circuit with a 3-0 mark. •long With St. 1'••1. -rr~ .... ~1., N~- back and operates well out or that fonnalJon. "I think we'll havt to attack him ratber thin stand back and allow him to run in to us," says Brown. Brown nys if hls eleven can ~~te u well defensively as Jt di~ agal!151 Fountain Valley it should be all rl&ht qawl Edlaon. , '"We had some real fine performances out o( Bob Kaiser and Mike Shaughnessy and both of our ends, Robbie Van Vlanen and Cal Shores. Paul Joyce did an outstanding job defensively for us at roverback," says Brown. Brown ls optimistic about the Edison game desplte the ~aky record the Eagles have posted recenUy. "We're nally pleaaed with the way our kids keep corilinc back despite the disappointment!," he says. -1.M ,._ -L..l'-"'""""''""""' ..,_.. '""'-·-·-c.-~ .. -····--_.... -.. _ .... _..,.,._ ...................... -.. - N,,,.,.... f • 12 t-!O Fttlbroolf t 0 t 1--I T.utJ'Nlow111; Owtfl (1), Hu.,,..n ""'' Hllll'lfn IP*J lf'lm 1!01ter-'"'' L•tuN ' 0 t t-' Ml1tlgfi Vltit' ' 14 t t-26 T~: Rull (U, ,.....,""- I- l'AT: ill.ult (HU lrom 8rem•nl '" !•n Cit"*'" I I t 6-6 Tutlilt I 1 I ._ll Touc:Mown; Albt!DM IMriN I t I 1--16 ...... Nim I '' I 1--ll TCllKlldOw .. : 'roe:! ... , Htutll 'AT: ..... ..,. () rVNl .WSMDll Vltit' t • t 1--111 L1111n1 ' 0 I S-lf Touc .... wnt: (MV) f . lftro, GtlWlll, ·~"" PA.1': fMVJ IE. ltlrt (rvftl Humlflt!on ht<.11 t I t 6-' Wtttml11Jlt!r I I t "-11 TOIKlldoWllJl (W) TtYlor, Mtk;omi IHll Cit~ ""'' .._,..ncr, Cp1u from ~,,.. oa/, ,,.,.,..,.. Cr11nJ JV "001'1ALL Wt Uml1111.. 1' Ii ' 1,_,,. H11nll1111I011 lttcll 0 t I 6--tt Toutlldown1: tWI V1n1Yl!"I' UJ, 1(1lly, Wlnlll11. Olull~. Fltmt1111 (HIJ Glz1!1, Cruzll, COrtMY. ,.._,., !WI Fl-nt lr11n)J fHll C•Ulll (rllft), Plum111tr IP•MI from M1rtlnJ AMllllfll t I t ~ Mtrlf'MI I 0 I ._.,. Offll llrmS !.IT. 111'1. I, 1111 FISK Oil FILTER ,., J::n.a:!JI--for muimum. 11. twiq _,,..with • mia:in1um ntiatua tD oil few. 24·1000 ... Two games remain for ' !ta.son. We haven't been 1ble coach Bill Mills' Santa Ana to field the same backfield Valley FaJcona to record a vie-combination for two games i.n t.ory but It dotsn't 1ppear this a row." week wW pi'odUce the long~ The Falcon mentor w1U con· awaited wln. tinue to use Rudy MIU'Oi at The Falcons will h o s t quarterback after two weeks Corona del Mar's Sea Kings in of experimentation. 1'hiJ ctves a S.turday afternoon contest PhU Bland an opj)Ol'bml.ty to at Santa Ana bowl be&inolng t t fuUb k at 1:00. The Kings are W bn opera e a ac · th ""-' Mills' Bland WU-the stutini e year as com.,.._. to signal calltr the rint half of M-1 squad. ' "Corona is big and they the season but hJS returned to throw very well. They play a 11 nmninc back post. good defensive game and it Keith Denson at r I ah t will be hard for us to run halfback it the most •~ through them," Mills says. cessful running back on the "We have moved the ball Valley eleven while . Dale well against every team we Garcla is the team11 blocking played but oor defense haa left back and a boy Mills ny1 something to be desired. A lot &ives 100 percent all the'timt, of our boys play both ways The F~ coach was ple.u- and they seem to let down on, cd with the showfnl ot hi5 defen.se. team againlt Magnolia last "We go int.o every game week and feels they could with the idea of winning but have won if Injuries hadn't injuries have hurt us all hampered them. 6.S0.1 3 7.75-15 7.75·14 4·AMP IATTEIY CHAR, ER '12 '14 '16 1.79 2.21 2.20 2.36 MOST AMlllCAN CAii a -rHESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY! WESTMINSTER -1---. .. -1t2.2011 , -- BUENA PARK HIS ~.AY..at.Y"'"1.Yio 12'·AOO BUENA PARK U~l ~ ~.at Lothriolor S2l.JtMO COSTA MESA 2200-llN.at- Al.JIJl2 - SANTA ANA 1400 Mloter .. ....., 111.mr - Cl Tl 1 5 ,. •DI '" i::: ' ' J ·~ "· c~ ... ... .. •• .. :.:: .. -.. ID ., •• .. Lo ' "' '" I "' I '" ~· "' •• .. .. ~ .. "' Co '" .. "' wt lk • •• .. .. c. To •• I "' •• G .. ,, .. '" .. ~ " .. ' •• " "' " ~ ~ " .. " ~ • "' • .. • " 0 N • • • • • " 0 " ' < • • • • • • • ' I < • • I LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NO'l'ICE La Paz Raee Passage Facing Blackfin Again Althouih there wlll be S3 en-boat wu privUeged under the triea in the Long Beach to La wlndward·leeward rule. Paz race startln1 S.turday Johnaon. dltd of a heart at.- from Long Beach, most of the interest will be centered on tack a few weeks ago while be the rematch of Windward was still in the pr~eas of Passage and Blackfin. trying to get the protest In one of the most vigorous-reheard on the basis of new ly conlelted rivalries in in· evidence that wasn't brou&bt ternatlonal yachting Windward out at the original hearing. Passage. owned by the late Th°t Transpacl!ic Yacht Club Robert F. Jobnson of PorUand, LEGAL NOTICE beat Ken De Meuse's Blackfin turned down the request CIATll'ICATI OI' IUSIMlll to Hono1ulu by less than an posthumously. 1'1CT1T1ou1 MAM• • hour. but Blackfln got credit Windward Passage will be Tiit IJtldMJ•'*' -. c:ertffy .,.. i. C11t1o-for ·first to finish and a new d1,11;11 .. • ..,.,,... ., 1am BMdl IMI., uiled ln the La Paz race by HU11t1111'°" BNdl. C•llfor,,i.. """'-' tt1e elapsed time record because t1c111111111 """ Mme of THE i1IA1u1.1! of a penaHy Imposed on 31-year old Mark Johnson, aon .t.Hr1ouEs •nd tt1e1 ... 1c1 n"" 11 COfl'I-or the owner. Johnson made '°"" of fflf: to1tow1119 ""°"' """°'' Windward Passage for a ;:=.':" fl.Ill .rid pi.ce of rellcllMICI II 11 !tarting Jlne foul, prOViSiORS in hi! Will that the v1rt11n11 J. eerdcwt. 21u, 1o111t1 Both -1..ts ?3-f yacht be campaigned over a Flower. 0r111111. )'lui are oot four-year period and aet ulde D•ltd H.,....m• 4, 1m ketches. Windward Passage f vr,...1,,11 J. e1rdo!I the unds to finance the cam-sr11w °' c.11forf!i. was designed by Alan Gurney paign which includes some of ___ L~E~G~AL-=~N=OTI==CE=:---l o~llff~Zr 4, ,,..,, lllf--. , and built by Johnson In his the world's major blue-water MCTtc• To c111oiTOJt:I Hot•,.,. Pvbtlc 111 •flll tw .. 1c1 s11tt, own shipyard at Freeport, races . • " ••• 'Oil COUllT 0, TMI --1" •-rM Vll"!llnl• J. 91rdoll Bahama• and B'·ckfin was ITATI 01' CALl,OJINIA ,0. --n "' .... "' bt "" --.... • 'fl De Meuse ind his crew are TNI COUNTY OI' ORANGI n:me 11 .ubKrlb9d to "" •""1" 111-designed by Bill Tripp and convinced that Blackfin is the Mt. A-f4tlJ :,::: •NI .a.r-ledleo w uKUled built by Abeking & Rasmussen !d•lt' crf KAll.~Y c. SCOFIELD. (OFFICIAL IEALI better light wind performer DK••*· Jnn L .H>blt of Germany. and are predicting they will HOTl(I!! II HEllE&Y GIVEN "' lllt H!lllry ""bllc<•llfom1• arr1"ve first at ... Sea of cl"ldllel"I Ill 1t1t •'-• n1mtcl dKICl.nt Prlnc1pe1 Qlfl 1 BLACKFIN WINNER 1.1n:i ""'•!I--· t11v1,,. cl•lm• , .. .,.,"" Or1111tt CMnt1ce ~ · Gortes fishing village ·on the ••Id dtcedf!!f ,,.. rtc1u1re<1 111 t111 ~. · Mv c"'""'1"1cn Eui...-The first time the two east -ast of Baja Calllomla. with fflf: ,,_,...rv VO\ld'lln. 1"' "" "''" Mal'Ctl t. 1m hll t I lch "" ·---------· ·-·-------......... V~<: Enjo11s Short-lived Lead ' ,. ll'heltl •1 TM'! Wlllltrweon \ · ~ '· crf '"' c!•l1l et 1111 1tooye ""111i.,i ~r!, er ,11ti111111111 or1,,., Cont D•llr ''lo! yac me was n a ma 10 ,.--m • "*'" .. 1111 '"' ,,._,.,. l'.,...:;;;~·=~1:'.•:,'::•~>~• ~·"';:'"'=--_:"'::::;'"';:'I -race for the California Cup at SHORTER 111.a wuc:Joier1, Ill'"" und41nillned 11. f!ll offk• -, 'I ....... of 1111 .t.tTWMn< Kil'ltv. PetcMe •rid LEGAL'' Marina del Rey. In the light-Allhough l,200 miles -•~·r The USC Douglas Cup defender (left) appears: to the crucial match. Series was sailed in Collnnbia-~ be the leader at this point but the Tulane Univers· 26 sloops. H1rvf'1', bV C1rt $. K"19'1"· 2100 E•lt NOTICS I sa11· d ... bu ~M~ ce.11 HI•"-'"· c-4411 ~r. c111fof. 1 r. lng aroun 1.1rc: oya than the TriDspac, the Long 1111 nw wflkh 11 "" piace of b\11.1""' M• 21u BJackfin was an easy winnu. Be -• t La p crf 1111 11111Mn191*1 111.:. •II """'" --IUH:AIOlt:fJOUllT· 01' TNI 81;11 0 u raei! II in ity team was the eventual winner by 57 seconds in ~; ~~--=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-, 111,,1,,. le ,... .,, ... "' •Id 91C11ft!!P, STAT• o" t.1ll'otuuA .,01 • In the Honolulu race a week llOflle ways more challenging wllhlll b.rt' tl'IOfl"'1 ttlilr ""' fll"ll IMlb-'"' (OUM 011' CUNG• later the two ' yachts batUed to •. kt Nit """"' sa1ppen and crews. The 710 ""'"" °' ""11 not · lfCTIC• c• M•A111No °" PITtTtON acr0$S the Pacific within s!nht ·1 I s O.ltd Octeber ti. 1Ht. •O• ,.OIAT• 01' WILL AMO ,c. ... ml es 0 Caho an Lucas is ~~ldDrl kofleltl ~•Tl'l"Jt:• T••TAMINTAJt:Y of each other for four days geperally 8 downwind nu\ el 1111 Wiii "'""' •••t. Of ANGILA o. OYHAltlAIAL. with Blackfln leading. But similar to the Transpac, but •••L•~':°~=• ~ttVIY :F§jf:, ~rGu'::~~E~~ .~:•.:,.l:"~ when De Meuse and hls crew the real work begins when the ,,. c.rt •· """' 11et111ori ..,,. Pf"Gbltt o1 w1H ,.. '°' decided to take a southern yachts turn north at the cape :,!"'._C::, i:::::i. has •1-nc1 of Lttters Test1ment•rY to ll'ett· course Johnson held the and start the m--tban 100 - ' tlel!er, rlftrtM1 to 1"!flldl h: mldt fflr Wind ard p J lo "" l~ :••eai• ~ · _ "'!! .. J",..•t1cu,11rs, 1J10 lh•t tttt """ .n11 w assage c ose mile on-the-wind battle against ll'ubllllltd Or-cflftf 011~ ,lief P-~ "' r,,. "" ,_ "'" ._,, llf the rhumbllne course and beat oft 1i·m-strong C"-n!s ~-~ ,. ,.... ..~~·~ 5, 11, ftir November 21. lwt, et t :3CI A.M .. In '-'In to '·h •• -" ' Transpac Precedent In La Paz?· ...... ._ -""' , .... ~...... 1"1_,. 111e co...rtr_.. of O...rtrMllt Ho. ' of Blac1..1 the finui · The finish line will be lhe ,,.., .. Id ~rt. ,, no (l"tk Cll'lt.r Ortw Rel Uons bet De M west, i., 1111 ctl"t of s.i1 AM, c1nforn11. a ween eus~ southwest e<irner of San Juan Long Beach Y.acht Club may D•ltd OctUier •· 1•. and the Johnaons were frayed Nepomerelno Island in the LEGAL NO'l'ICE '·*" NAGIL~it:oll. f'=v~,.. c1t,., ror a time after the race when Bay of La Pai. ot may-;not have takeri a long ci•nl'1C.&T1 01" 1us1N111, A11_.,. '' i.-De Meuse filed a pro t e s t The starl will be at hl•h hmt look, at .the Tranniec ,ICTITIOUS MAM• 1111 """"' Ma .. """' I . ••• lh t w 1 d d ... -, Tiit UfldtriltMll 11o cWll"t tM"t •r• ,..,,. Ana, c1.....,,lfi t2111 c aun .. '6 a n w • r noon Saturday off Belmont fiasco 1wben compiling its =.t~: ~"T.1r:!-nl~~u,:.~~ !~~'1., w,.-::i~ Passage had deliberately Pier In Long Beach Harbor, general coodltioos regarding ttctittovs "''" ....,.. °' A&EttOEl!H ~11blllhe<1 or.,..e COin o.1rv ,11o1, falsified her position reports to f.'::ldlng plenty of land space proted· in the La Paz •·-,u1LISHIMG cOM,PAHY •rid ""' .. 1c1 Hovemblr '· J. ''· 1"' 2050-ft mislead De Meuse and his _,.., ~ .. .,,, tirm .. ~lld °' lh• to11ew1"' P•rions.I spectators. Scores of spec-· ""'*' ,,."'" "' fllH •nd ""''" "' LEGAL NOTICE crew into thinking Blackfin tator boata are also ·eipeoted · In the La Paz ·lnllrucUons rnldtllc:• ,,. 11 tori-.: ah ad b wide mu I D. Rottr HM•"' ,1,s a Amer1c.1, "'*" was e Y a I! n. to follow the neet for ibe first It was stated that in case of a Aw .. costi Mtu. , ._.,,,.!. ct1tT1,1cAT• oil' 1u11N••s. The protest was disallowed few miles. pro•·d lnvolvlog rl""l.of·way Al'lll1 M. Hote""" 21'5 ...,,,. -· PICTITIO\IS NAMI h U ls of Coast Guard ~• &" Av. .• COl1• Mna. T1lt u11C11r11., ... dllt:I urtllr ,.. 11 CM-w en P 0 Rated distance of the race Is or other'. violaUons of the rules 011• D~'1 M!:',. =::-c:U:S~i:.-:,,:.:s:._St~~i!. c::::; planes reported that WP was 960 miles. U_nder favorable govemin1 the race, the pro- ,,,,,. M. Hetti,, "'"" « ,ETITE AUBERGe •rid ""' always at or near the position weather condiUons. the first tested yacht -if t.he protest is Stile If C1llfomlt uld ttrm 11 ~ of 1111 feOowl111 she reported When the pl.&nel his •'--uJd J La p Or•n• C-IY; ~ wt1et1 n11m• 1n 11111 •rid ,11e1 °' n-over lhe cour,., yac °'...,. amve a u sustained -may at the discre-°" OctaMr 21, lHf, btfor• "''• • rn~• t1 '' tollowl: ,. "" in about I" days " f ~ · be Netiry ll'ubnc "' .....:1 for .. 1c1 s1111. G-.u °"91rrw, 31641 Attw Latwi• -• won o 1.11e race comnuttee --llr -red D. 11-r Hfllrlln 1nd BIW .. LllUNI •e•~ c.Hf. LOST RECORD Class breakdown of the neet penallzel:l. by being dilqualUted Anll• M-Hot111 ,_,, to "t" 1e bl tM 01ttd Oc;loblr 11, 1Mt ls expected to be made known or havm· g her corrected t•-· .....-wr-llWl'ln ••• tutoKrlbld 1• G-•" E. °"""~ The prot.est that knocked u1m "" w11t1111 In•'""""'"' encl .oriowltdttd sTATI!' of cAL1Fo11.N1A.. of 1 ed ti at the skippers and navigators in the ra« increased by two tll.., •lflellltd"" .. me. ORANGE couNTY: WP out the e aps me meeting Wed ··' l""t t <Ofl'"LCl.t.L IEAL) 1 Oil 0c1.-21. ,,.., 11e1ore ""' • Hettr"Y record and first to finish nC!Nay ~ ,,., a hours. ::iz,.,"~'tt'~a111om11 :::!1!~ ~ Jt~r~"'i.t.::':': honors was fllia by the ~aCht Long Beach Yacht Club.· In the 1989 Transpac ·the l'rlnctpel OlllC8 111 1t1 bl !ht "non ...._ "'"" ff 11111tcr!ti-Espn"' clanrung· · that WP fall· race lnstnJCtlons provided that m,,.. Coun!Y 1c1 le 1111 wtlhtn irstniment end ., Mr CotM1tullilft eoi,... iciil'll!WleOted 1oe t>:eantd t11e _ ed to keep clear at the ltali"an Wm" 8 a protested yadlt would either H""""lllr 24 ltn 10 E"'l . -·"-be dJ allfled ha l'llllllM\flll or....~co.t o.nr ll'lkit FF1c1A1.. s -. starting line wheti the Ml~· squ or ve t"IJO OctoW n. Jt "" H-mbtf J, u: :-:,':"K.,.:_~~aiom11 houri added to her elaPffd "" · ,.,... ~~=-=·• LEGAL NO'l'ICE Paris Marathon lime. -LEGAL NOTICE M~ Comm!ulcllli ,.,..... '·lt411 The rule caused Windward Hov. M. lt72 NOTICI 01' OllSCILUTIOfll p to be ~-•ed of ,....._, Publlllltd 01"11111e c°'" 0111y Pllet, cl' ll'AAllolllltHI, -.._ p-~-SI H assage .. """~ out c11tT111'1CATI Cll' IUllNllS. OcPobtr n. ,, •ncl ~bit" J, u. ,11b1lc notlc• II Mrtb't' ,,....,, trltt lite: <UUI :a:-() u r first to finish honors and an l'ICTITIOUI MAMI . i i 1Nt ,,,,..., ,.,..,_,. Puk~•"· ..,..,.1 ,.r1,...r, •nd Marathon for single engine ela-"" "-e record and caus-,,,. ulldtl"lll!!td do ctrtlfv ""' •• 11.1111m M. Heftllrkki. Um!ltd pir!Mr, outboards was won Oct ll b ,_.. wn c:oM\ICllftll , 11u11,,.,t 11 uo Tustin Avt.. LEGAL NOTICE "'''toto't c1o1,,. bu11neu Ulldlr lhl fie· · Y ed a stonn of controversy Jn NIWl'fll"f IMdl. c1111om11. unc1er 1111 fie-1111eU1 11rm "'"" •nd '""" °' LtGHTN· Renato Molinari of Italy ln a yachUng circles from cout to tllteu1 flrm.ntml of ,EGASU$ LIMITED '•»117 ING LITO It 17•1 ~rdf!I OrCIVI lelll• eta J h d rin th 111c1 th1t •Id nrm 1s «imPC$1'd If tti• CElnll'ICAT• Cl' auiiNISS, .... rd , cll"t crf Girci.n Grov1. ceulll"t or lpe CU ar c arge u i e coast. followflll' ,.,_., wtlQle 111mn I" t~ll l'ICTITIOUI HAM• °'"'""' 11•1• " c..i11or1>11, did Oii ,,... 1•1 final 15 minutes • .,.., ,1_ °' ~ •r• •• 1e11ow1: ,,... utOd•nl•ned 11o c"1lf"t !MY .,.. 441, of ()clebllr, 1w. w rn1111.111 ml'JWlt, Molinari drove a boat of "·, Many experts contend that Cnflerd MIJ(Wttl ''"''"' IDllS COflductlftll 1 bllslllHt II 11, M.I!,, St., dl.Olwl 1111 .. Id p1rtM,.,hlP tnd Mnnlll" 'WI penal""! t be -·~ Helllllm or .• Hv!infllfori hid!. H..,.,11.,,ion a.er. ClllJoml• ul\CllOr ""I'" rtielr n1111on1 11 _.,,.... llltf"l!ll own design powered b} 8 uc canno ass~ J1rnt1 R.. ee111t11. 41' ArlPlho Dr •• t1c1uioon tlrm ~of suRFutt Housl! s.1d 11u11rin1 111 lhl tut\lr• wru "eon-Mercury 1250 Super BP. It against elari: time as long 11"11 ""'' Ctllfofllll. 1nd ff\f:I uld firm 11 com~ of h dllcltd ~ .t.flft'le!IF '•ll!vafl, •rid " tii. •1..-ch '· JI ed to 0,,.. oc.... 11, '"'· ""'"""°"'""'°""''· ..... wm "" 1r111 was Mollnan''s -nd con-as Lut: ya RI a ow re-cuffiN"' M. '•nllY '°11""'"' ,.,_ wt'lme "'"'" "' tull ·dlKlllra• 111 111Gtnt1ts 11'111 dlbtl of !!'It -. ... u ' In lh A U J11M1 tt. cel!lm. •rid •llc11 of rnlclellc:e '"'" 1o11ow1: """ , .. reuN• 111 "'°"'" HY•bll " to secutive victory in the annual main e race. pparen Y Douglas Ctip Goes to Tulane .. .. title of c.111om11 No1eto ce1cec1e, :z7ll' Anri!'llfMIN L1M, ""ttrm event and marked lhe loth the IAtg Beach Yacht Club Or.-Ceun!Y: -" lltktl, Cll • l'urt!!W t'IOllCI 11 he~W itlVlll "-I tlll " ' °" Ocloiltf" 2,, ,,,,, btkore ....... , ae11rrcw c11c..io. nn AMl"t•,....,., 11,,.,.,.1,11111 .,.111 not t. mPOnllbi.. ''""" year Mercury engines have -='=a=ce=c=omml==tl=ee=•=sr=e="=·==~ Presentation of the coveted Douglas Cup for Intercollegiate match racing cap-"°'',., ll'ubllc In 11111 for .. Id s1111, L•nt. H-' lleith, Ctllf, 11111 d•v Oii tor ,,,., o111111tl0ri• lf1curr.d ;;; · perto11111"t •P-rM Clifford M•llWtllt Dlled °"::~ 'b· i':. b¥ Anlfl!lnF Pl!lll;"tl" In hl5 own llllM or placed ftrsl ped a perfect series for skipper John II ( (second from right) and his Tulane .. ll'1rs1w 11111 Jttfttl D. co111111 lll'lllWl'I '° eoe 1 t In !I'll n•m• ot lht ttrm. Seventy contestants in three BOAT BUFFS '. ,.,, to"''"" 11er•ON wr.e" """'',,,STATE 0 .. ~~(~~~R:/~11 oATEo AT N1WPCrt e1•ct1. c.1ttvrn11• · University crew following the. series sailed last weekend at Long Beach Yacht ....-r1bttl te tM w11hln 11111\'vrntnt •rid Oii.ANGE COUNTY· rh11Hlh111v of oetllber. 1Ht-ppwer classes fought the slx-Al l • b 1 th I · 1cllrlowledtld 1111'1' IXICUlecl the Mmt. • .... .t.ri!llOllY P•tkv•n hllll --· st mori (IC I •v ' I en., Club. From left are Tulane's "Cop" Perez and Steve Collins·, Ed Rodriguez, tOFFICl.t.f.. SEAL) Oii Oct. 2!, lHt, befort mi, 1 "''"' RUPlrl M. Htndrldi.1 r ""1We On a course full-tim• bo1!i11g 1difer wor•ir1q .. .-••lh Mor1er1 ll'ub1k in •rid..,,. .. 1c1 s1•1•· ,...._.1,., w.1111c .. '""'"'a c:r11n. within a stone's throw of lhe ,, ••v ,,.,,,.,, ,, o,,,1, rep tt'ng the t oph donor Mr and Mrs Donald Douglas Jr• B1'U Klingen N;i;,..., "~e-e,..•,11forn1• ::::r:'~~~~~C:O,.!."°;; Alttn!IY•_., .... ,, Eiffel Tower. Drivers from a Ceur1tv. Hi1 exclu•iv• co ... •r•t• resen r y s · ' ·• . ~ '· Pr1nc1"1...,., ,, iubKrtbtd to '"' wllhrn i..,1,_1 •rid ""' Nu smith, regatta chairma=n . Dane and Bob Nogon of Tulane. Victory \Vas a re-or1,,., eounrv •r~-1......,""'" euc\llld !ht M1111. Drtlr 1u11111111, dozen European countries, of bo•tfr19 •"" y1chti111 ,.,_.. :,,f~;lklrl Enlret 10FF1c1AL sE.ll.1 ::~~c.1111n111 ,... England and the United States I• • d1l1v f•••ur• ef tk• DAILY markable comeback for Tulane which in two previous Dougl8s Cup regattas :: Pulllbhtd Orll"lfll Co11t D•I"" ,llof. M•r"Y K. Mtnrv ll'IIDlltllld Or•ftll• C.O.•l D•llY ,llOt. parUclpated. PILOT. Cktablr n. n •rid Nevembtr s. u , Hof•,.,. Publtc -c111tom11 l~~-=~"'~'c'~·~"~":-::::=:;;;-~,,,...::::l...!:==::::::::::. ______ ....:============'-~f~a~il~ed~~to::..:w~i~n'...'.:a~s~i~n!g~le:_:r~a~c~e':._~----------1.., ltl'Uf ll'rlndpet Olftce In ------------~. Or111P1 CeuMv LEGAL NO'l'ICE .. ,,.,,. CemmlulOll Eulrn LEGAL NO'l'ICE HDY. 2•, ltn UIOHOll l"ubl1111ed Or11111• Conf D1lty ll'Uot, ClllTll'ICATI Cl'• T.-4nU Octobtr 22, 2t 1rld Havtmbtr !, 12, ll'tCT\TIOUS MAMI MCTICI TO ClllOITOlll l'hlt 1t14·0 TM urid11"1l1ntd dOH ctr111V M I• eoll-IUll'llt lOR. COUll.T 0, THI ducllno 1 llultnes1 11 P. 0. lo• 2132. ITATI 01' CALIFORNIA l'OJI LEGAL NOTICE Cos!• M••· C1l!tornl1, ulldlr "" flo-TNI COUNTT 01' CIAHOI tl!lo\11 firm Mme crf LAND5CAll'I! N .. A....,, PllOOP:AMMING •rid '1111 11ld firm 1' fl"" l'I AILEEHE STMTI WlHCER, HOTICI TO CllEOITOJIS com1M1sed of the followl111 ptrltlfl. wheM Dtcfttld. · 'suPlllOR COUllT 011' TM• ri•m• lri fllH trod pi.ct of rtt1441ntt It as er::l~~Eflflstt!E.:.!,Y !!~"~= ·, !~:'c:~:#'::"o".':~o,tt tol~~' J. a1tktr, 7"2 J1v1 ltd., Cotti ,, .. , •II --lllvl1'19 (l;tlTT\I ffllnll "" "'· A .. 2m MIS•· (llltornl•. Nici -..,,1 11"1 rt<IUll"ld le 1111 lhlfn. 1!1!1!1 flf !ALA JEX MOii.ii.ii. 0-Olltd H ....... r 4. 1969. wtlh 1111 MC .... rv 'l'CllUdls"I. 111 tM office tcr. '-'"' J. a1r-1r crf tM ci.rtt. of 1111 tboW tnlltttd llOIK1. M NOTICE IS HERESY GlVEH le lllt lllft of Cintomi.;, Or•-Ctlllfttf"! 1'111 """""' them. wlth the NC-l"Y crtdltorl of lhl •~ l\lrned dlCldlftt Oii HCl'lll"ftbtr •· lHt, btfort mt. • yllUCMfl, le 1M ll!'ldlr11tNd 11 tfle Gflkt !ht! 111 ,..._ ht"tll!I Clllmt "1hwt 1111 Nollr"Y Publk In arid fof .. Id 11119, er Hlrr"I' It. C1rllon. Attorll"'" WI .. Id dKtdllll 1r1 f'WCl\lfred h:i ftll !!Wm • .....--iillY '"'8rM L•ITY J. 11•11lll" H-' Cl'rlttr Orlvt. Sulit //07, H-' wlfh "" Mc:eutr"Y ~ lft "" dfkt kMWll to ..,. ••• bl l!lt perltlfl wf\Dtl 111dl, Clllfomlt nw wf'lldl 11 tt'll pllcl elf t1'11 citric of the tbeve t11tllltd e111rt, or 111m1 11 111b$Crltlotd to lltt wllh!n 1,,. crf IMll111111 °' lllt ul'ldel")llM'll In •II ,...,_ le ,_, "*"· with "" _,....,. llrut'Mftl 1rid 1ckflO'llled9H , .. UICvtld tll'1 P1rtlln1111 to lflt e1t1tl crf .. Id ~ YllllCMrs. to !ht l.'Me•slll'IH 91 1111 tfll« lhl ttml. ftftf, wlffll!'I foUf _,lftl tfttr lhl lltll of 11'.ul A. Mum1, AllerM"t ti Ltw, 41' (OFflCl.t.L SEAL! ,..,,.lkellllll of nih l\Olltt. E11! 171h llrttt, Cost1 MfM, C11llef!l!I M.lrv I( H.,,,..., Dftld Od!lblr t1, ,,., ' t"l611. wl\ldi 11 ,,,. ..... ~ (If bullMH crf Hollt'I' .. ubtlc.C•llfomlt l'lflr ~ltrk Wl!ltll' lh1 urie11nltMd !ti 111 m1tlel"I """''"11111 Pr\nc1Pl1 Otll<• 111 "*"lnlitrt1ol° le ltlt nlth crf Mid o.c~t. wm11" fo\lr Ort1'191 C-"" Of tM """ of llH! mOftfltt; "''r tlll flrd Mllctl!On of ni11 M"t Cllf'!'lm!HIOtl 1!111'lrtl llle"tl riltll'I .. 11ecldll'll nofl~. N_,,,_ 24, itn MAllll'f JI. CdtTOf'I · Dtttd OcfoW n. 1M•. ,vtintllld Or-I Cci11t D•I"" 11'1\el, NI .......... C.... Dr1W J111el LM Monl1 N"v1mblr S. It. It, 2'. lHt ~ ....... , E:•tc\lfTlll ef llH! &11!1 "-' ltMk. c.tr. .... "' llH! 1bovt 111med dtc..i...t LEGAL NO'l'ICE 1"1111 (lit) .... 1"1 ,AUL .&.. MANNA, ""'""' tw "*"'Mtf'9tM' AJl•ft1tT -' lAl'll' SUll'llllotl: COUJl"T Cf' TM• ,114111 ..... Or ..... CClltf DlllY ll'llot, •1t Int 1"-''""' STATE Cf' CALll"ORMIA l'Oll Ocflllllr It •rid fflvtlnlllr s. n. ,,, cma -. c ......... .,.,, TNI COUNTY Cl' OUN•• 1• 201Mt i:11 cno ,..,"' -'4M141 111e. ,,..Ml LEGAL NOTICE A='~ :-·COid 011~ ll'tlof, c•o•• TO SNOW CAUll CM PITI· >t TtOM l'OI: CNAMOI 01' NAMI --..,.;----=-:::::-----:· 1• Octalltr It llld """""""'' S, lt. ' A .. llcit10ft of SAUL H A llt It 11 D N ,.., .. ' \Mt ~ ,RITTS for CMnw "' H•rnt Cl•Tlll'ICATI Oil' IUllN••S. LE"AL NOTICE WMEltE.t.S, P1111i-.. ALllllT ........ ,ICTITIOUI NAMI ,.. tt1$0H ,Rim 1nd JUDITM KAY Tiit ..,...-.i.ntd do Qrllf'I ""' 1t1 11'1tln1, hev• l!led ,,, ,.,.11ut10t1 "" \andlictlr9 I blltllllll -' 11'.0. !Ill{ 1'66 •AIJ·1'1*2 blflllt at SAUL M.t.Rll1SON ,lt!TTI "11'1111 H"""'-IM tffdi fM.11, C.lf9ml1, ulldtr l\lll'lltlOI (OUIT ff THI !ht Cltlt ef 9'111 Covrt for Ill erd« 1M ftclltllw llrm ,..,.,. _, IPIC lo PAH j cM"'I"' uld ,.,11<1nl't Mm• fP'llft GlHlllAL CLl!ANIHG SEii.ViCE trod S1'AT• Of' C Lt"'1tNIA ll'Olt IAUL H.t.lltll.llOH ,ltlTTS to DAVID tMI •IO firm II l"llTIPOlld ol' !I'll follow> TNI CCU""n' Cl' CUIM• HAllRllON ll'lllTTl1 "" ...,_,, .,,_ -In IUll Mf .... A...uM IT 11 OllDEllED lhtl 1n ~ "'° ,llctl at mldlllol ...... follewl: ltOTte• 0, MIAlllNO °' ,,,ITICIN llt"nlld lft "" lboW lftl'ttltd ,..n.r .... ni.r.11 lllt\ll, lt1'1 Clkfltlltr L111t, ll'Olt ll'llCaATll~ WIU. AMO POii: _, btfot'I 1'111 CWr1 tit:• A.M .. .., Himtlftl*'i BHdl. lr1trttl I Mlllt. lt\42 LnTIU lllTUltl"1'A«'I' OtclmW n, 1fft, ,,, ,,.. coum-., (°""""' LIM• H\11\llllr!Oll INdl. Etf•lt of Hele" l!:lfltblftl QvlM, °'"'""""" J. 11 700 ("'1C Clflltt" Orlw D11td I•... Otc111t111. W1:!11, Cltf of s.i.t1 A111, Clll!llY flf TMrt1~1 tleul HOTIC! IS HllllEllV GtVIN TNI Or1"'fe. Stile of C.llh:irflll, trld .,_ ltltmt I, Ill.II.. 1'1ll'lel' Onnland O\llM !\al !lied !Wt'tl,, • CIUH, ff .,,,., wtly 1"41 HP!kllklrl fer 111" of C11"'"'ll. Ortllll COUnlv: ..-111111 let .,.Wit of wlll •flll !Or d't•* of ,,._ .,_,kl riot bl 1rfl'lftll. 0,. OCfllOlt" 21o Ifft, btfo ... IMo I luuMICll ti L"'91"1 '""'"'""" lo ,rtl-IT 11 ,UllTME!t OROllllO ltllt I Hotlf"I' , ... If! lrld tor .. Id $lllt, llOllll". l'Wlol"lftCll lo Wtlldl II lftMI to( CQIO'I' of 1!111 OnHf" Te llJclfW (1-... """"'"' .... ,., ~II 111111 tM tu'11111" ,..rtlcu!1rt. •rid Ill•' tht 111111 M'llll ,ubtlslltd 111 IM D•llY ll'llot, • MWllt.,.,. llrltllltl I. Mjltt k_,. fO ""' lo bl ™" •lfe9 crf PIHrt"' 1t1t _...,. .llf1 "'" 1•1 If ~ral clrcul1l1oll 1>1'1flltd '" tllt Couflo "'*" wN1tt ........ '" tubKr!bfd It fer Nll"ttl'!'lbtr fl, ltff, •t h• 1,m,. lft ltlt tf of Orll'lft, Slllt' of (•ltfonll1, tinai I 1111 wtlfrllll INtrvmtllf Ml tck/IOWllclfld C11U""°""' of Ol'Nrt!fte'll Ho. l crf .. 1d WM11 tor ~ 14) tuett"l"tl """'' ltrlor """' .,.~ !tit -CtUrt. II "' Chllc (lftltf" Dr'!"' w .. 1. '" lo"" dtlt' ~,.. ...... 1,,. "" ... llultlDll. COFl'ICIAL KALI !ht Cl!Y of Slftll '-• G1h""11!1, D11M1 M,,-Mr I. \Mt. J-.h I. OIYlt Otttd OcteOer JI, 1.... llAYMONO THOM,SON Not.,.., ll'uttlk.C.U!Ol'fti. W, E. tT JOHN, Gan'ltY C..,._ JIMI ~ ..... s-IOr Cturt "'*""'' °"* 111 A• ~ llllfY, '#ILll'Un A OCAU.ltl Or..-~ lltt Mlrtll MIHIF.' \ 111 clric C..... o""' ..... MF c.w.....,. ._.,. """ A-. ....,, A"'I c""'""' ""' ~ ,1, "" Tth 1n•) mo I TIL1 '"' lf1•1'1f P\llllw.11 or.... C•d 01IJy ,llot, A"'"'" ftf" ~~ A"'""" "' 1'111"-'t Oc1111W ,,_ tM ~ S. lt. If, 11'111111..... Ol'lftt9 C... DtllY l'T!Of, 'llbnlflMI 0rtl'l9t Cetd n.11)' ,llot, '"" IOl1.ff Newmbtr 4 I, lt.•IMt HH.ff ,.,....,., ... a. It, It, 2'. lHf mHt ' • -----~--- An Ace and Tlaree Queens Outboard racing drtver Dllll Pruelt of Newport Beach ls surrounded by a trio of beauties as be pr.,. pares for the $501000 Outboard World Championships Nov, ~ at La .. Havasu City, Ariz. In the center Is queen Diane Pottlos, Los Alamitos, Flanking her are two Lake Havasu lovelies, Nancy Slms,·l~t. and Wendy Alvord. Pruett will drive a tunnel bull buUt by Ron Jones in bis Costa Mesa plant. 50 Yachts .. • ,, '· Vie Bank' • ID .. Mor~ than 50 sailing yachf4: will shove orr Saturday at 1 t a.m. in Newport Ocean Sailinf Association's 14·rrtile Bank· Race. •. The race will start ofe Balboa Pier. Weather mark o(. the 28-mJle race Is the 14-Mil~ Bank easl of Catalina Jsland. A committee boat will be anchored at tbe 14-Afile Bank. If the lead yacht bas not rounded the mark by 5 p.m. Lile race will be called at that polnJ, The race will be Wvided intD yachts measured under the Ocean Racing Rule, Midge t Ocean Racln& F11~t. Pacific Handicap Racing Fleet and Ocean·golng catamarans. On Sunday NOSA \Viii hold Its ·annual Commodore's Ap. preclaUon breaJa:ast at Balboa Yacht Club. New o[ricers \viii be elected, to be followed by the Commodores race In Lido- 14'. ' . .lDVlltTISIMIHT EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS AVAILAILI NOW, 14 YEARS IXHIUINCI -WILL TRAI N PURCHASll. HIGH (All.NIN~$ uco•• -St,710 IEQUIRIO. Wini IOX M.J44 THIS MIWSPAPI•. R!PLllS HILD m1cnt CO~lllDENTIAL S Wtdfttsd11, Nowmbff 5, 1969 "Yeilr Money'• Werth • , , r, t I , f ' . . ' ar ent,a ' - A: Drive-in Maze ~YIA l'!!!ltJll_ Ina -or 14!,. This euniple -"'"' pt ·"' • piano la ~. Poinll J.U>~ "!'=-.[I ls strailll c11y aDd IWI lllw-!qr yoq 1a nsuro car ...,. ..._ ._ , , •t Ill COiia oa·a<lally . ....,.. ... •.cu ~ n:nL ~ out Car ~ oosts vary wildly .,..tall~ dile ""of a car frun compMy '°company. To. wtll -JOU 111 • dry, plus JS llluswate: the dally rental rate cliU 1 JnJlt, llilll U..,COll ol !or ' Fprd Mustin( In ono p1.·· l(t lbO nut 'booth Y'" major U.S. city rang" from · .• ..._ · 1 :114 $7, plus 10 cents a mUe. to $14, ~-. 11ll!!·aame 1~ .• • plus It ce~ a mlle. Thus, U cloy• .,.i II cent& 'a nille, but you drive.MUiian( A 200 mllet Ille ps It~-~y U,. CV a day, the daily coat II $2'1 - rental company. And' Yf1C1 also vs. $41 a day ror MUJtang. B r'Jld 1n aa .,:! ~t just a block from another. company. Over frim. t\ie ·.akporl Uiert'i in a llvo.day periocl this differ· ~ car rental' outflt ot~ ence amounta lo f7S. ftiiac~pacts •NI sm&U Un· In tbJs same city; tht special ports fir' •l?wt flall Jhe" price 1\'eekend rate, running from· . dwpl at U>e alri>Ort offices. Friday ,_ la Mooday llOOll, How can )'OU iet1 whkb is ·ranges.· for a standard she tl>O llell dW la a ..,-...tal? car, from $5 per dry ud 619 Whal Is 1111, mOot lniportant e<nts per pile to 11 per day till IO~lobl kit· ' IDd ll' cent.a per mile. O\'er rui.r, 'TAU the·'eumple th,.. ctays,.driving 200 mi!ea a oL tl>e llJ» dry vs .. ljl< .,14. a dry, lhaV• a difference ol 141. dry car. Y<1Jt latal ·coota for ACll0681l'RB U.1., Ille daily dri'r!llC a 111 a day, II cents a ,.ntal ...W!Or varloul types mUe Clf'I·• mllel'ai-e,$44. m:. atld ,.aei of can range from dudlnt $$ JOU must pay for fl 1o '$90, · Weekly rates pa. llo\l'ever, the f1f 1 day typically range from '35 to car would actually cost Y'" 12 $100. And on a nioothly basis Consumers . ' Lose Faith .. , InEOOnomy the spread is slmllariy wide. In some cases, y~ get a certaJn number of miles free ; in others, you · get unJ.lmited <Qil«I<.: Jn.11111. O!be~ thero: la a-mlldgel dlarge of I cenls to 2IJ cents depending on the car and the company,· In additlor\. tlier'e are the 1pecial deals -iUcb 11 rates for a · .. blolness: d 1 y , • • NEW YORK (UPI) "overnight apeciab," :'drive Amez1c1n cOmumen 1 re all you 'fant•for $99" deals, a ttec:ernhlc")eu confident ln the variety of fly-and-drive ar· ~t·atablllty,' according rangtmens. to a rteem IUi'vty by the na-WHY PAY UP.to twice the UGDll 'lDdustrial confertnct ·car rental rate and mileage .bolrd. charge from a big name com· Of 10,.000. families-quea-pany when far less expensl.Ye tioDed, S1 percent 1 a i d deals might be made around buslneai is "aood." compared the comer? with a 40 pert<nt response In I) M •general rule the big- Mn-June IUl'v.ey. rest companies offer newer 1be fllfVt)', released Mon· can with newer tires than do 4.ly, al~ 11 percent of con-the smaller companiei. . .....,. plu to pudume ma-Bui this does not necessarily jar ~. · such a s mean· that ,the. cars rented out · r·t·.fr i 1 e r.a tor 1 , vacuum by btg ,name companies are clunen' ot Wuhlng m.1cblnes, aJways safer or slgnificanUy durtng ·the .nest six months. more trwuble free. F°"y.four 'pel'Cfnt planned 2) THE BIGGER companiet tucb purcbues in tbe ptt:vlou.s have htEd feds or even uvry. thousands of.'1flces acrou the There. were 510 flmilles con· U.S. -usually in the most aidlrinC bu)'in& a new car, convenient places such as . sllfhlly '-than during al?JlON, ·downtown hotel lob-M*Y-J..,, but higher than the ble~ el<. 4.4·~ a year aco. But the smaller companies ,,. iD~ ln buyin1 new can dellVtr a mrtal car to you -nd wlevlsklo-seia has qulCl<ly if yw call them, often rtlJllh>ed -)he llme, tho.. on a direol line ltiepl>one; ud NJC8 alcl. ' they also or< 1-ently wlU· lnine Gets ·f.oke Plant Cdnltructlan of. a n e " Oi:anr• County brancb for the Coca.cola Boltling Co. ls wider way at Irvine Industrial Coroplei. A. D. MacDonald, preskient of the beverage nim;~ 1be facility will total more ij)an 3.1,000 square feet ol of. lice and wareouse. space. 1he site is at the corner of caniqie and the frontage road of Pullman. The site Coven. four acres, leiving six acrM for further expansion. When completed, the wanhouse section of more Uian 28,000 square feet will reptesent the largest .branch ~ facility the comparw hu tver built. inJ to· let you drop orf wherever you want when you retn.m the car. 3) The biUer companies tend 1a ~P thtir offt«1 open lor lo111el houn than do the smaller companies, and to of· fer you 1 Iona: list of travel asststailce. B\IT TllE. SMAUEll • companies olten will make speclal •rrancetnents for off. hour needs or returns and aJso provide you with· maps, direc- tions, etc. 4) The bigger companies will let you drop orf a rented car at another U.S. city _. either at a small drop.off charge or at no c.harge. In this case, the smaller compmties may not have an office at your destination. S) Both small and large companies "probably will let you charge a car rental on any major credit card. Nt:et: How to Shop for 4 Rtntal Car. 11Here'.s how leasing beats the : ~rame ·Interest' prob!~m." ~m...~ 1'!1'. .... _,.,_ __ .. ,. ' .. --.., I lit1io If,... . ...... .., .... ,,,.,.. . ......................... ,Jllll'L t .... ,_ ... , •.jtld..""' If CflJ'I f/11 tnlcb. ... -................. .. _ .... ___ ,.. _ ,_ ... ·-... ... , .. ,,tl'i ................ ,.. _,.. ........ ., · ptlllili§ .. ,,u•t ·---·--" ........... -"ilooo,,,. * 11tA"-Cll ........ OM ef ·•'"*'' , 1'ltfsta ..tn tt11""' "'"9: ____ _ ,.. .. .. '-flbfl -.... ,.,. ....... ....... _.,....,.._._ . ----- MacHowaR?l 'AUTO·AND TRUeK LEASING 124 No. Harbor at Bolsa •Santa Ana ·-Teliphone (714) 531-0607 Workshop On Starting Beckman Teams .Win 4 Awards DETROIT (AP) -Chrysler Corp. reported· Tuesday the recall of 754 It70·model passenger cars "for lnlipect.ion and replacement, if required, of inadequately we 1 d e d wheels." In addition, Chrysler nid m Dodge trqcks, including some 1170 models, are being reCalled for inspection. and replacement, wbere needed, ol nuts and bol.ts. The 1170 passenfer cars In· volved art P ymoutt: Belveder-es and Barracudas MORE" DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE USE TAB BECAUSE. WE'VE GOT THE AlllW•RI . ' ·=R::;; A BAOCHllRE. 1'.·=: b111wu 543-2222 I Ofl'ICll TO llRVE ALL Of ORAllGI CO. I ' . . --· ..... ·~ ·:.-.. t.r;. '-~ ' ' ! I I ' ' '. • I W~ntsd11, N0vtmhff 5, 196'1 6 PILOT-ADVERTISER _Oldsters . Can Relive Earlier Business Experiences B1 JOYCE LAIN firms of every deterlpllan. be and bll son-followed the ad· on Jo.ans for expansion; With trol program and reorganize SCORE chapter• a 11 o m&lntaln contact wtth tbe busl· Government, Small BullMP -~ ~ •J ~-~'1 The value or utUlzlng the vut vice of a SCORE YOlun&eer. SCORE's help he 's now serv.. executive dl.ltles. Tbt owner oP«&te m a a a g e m e n t Mii w«kl but at your own Admhdstr1UC111. Or lor n1tN ~ .= .. 'U.C~ reservoir of rtlired talent A Florida printer, who 11 a ing 15,000 curtomm and bu was allo helped to obtaln a seminars, such ·as a con-pace, remember the old 111• lnfonnaUon, write 'to sbolJF. '• ""' ::'\: matSballed 1n SCORE bu band I cap Ped veteran. 35 people on his payroll. loan to solve a cub.now ference held this year by the lng, "When you. row lbe other SaA, 1441 L Street, N~ .• ~ •"= ' betn proven tbouaaodl ot quadrupled h1a monthly 1fOU A MA s s Ac Hu SETJ'S squeeze. Sioux City, Iowa chapter with fellow icroas the stream, you Washlntton, D.C. 31>41t. j iftW 9¥ -1 • times. when a coun11lor helped him. c on s t r u c t I o -utpment And ln Connecticut. a-the Cbambtt of Commeree. ol" ... __ Send arttr •....L. ~ ... -... ·--· .. ......... ... I ·--.. •• ~ub ec•· '·eluded ad..-tl.tnir alJO set tbtre ... To v WJKQ c -....... . • ._ ..., " ,...,... AS .ILWSTRA110NS: A wllb equ pmentand -..Uon. business began to ahow a prG-_rt~ ®fDP•"" uecuUve-"°~ -·!':""-~ -st.kins to Joyce Lain at ~!?=~• ~ --1MI Houston Clothlng'?ela1ler,who A-<lolumbu11-0hio-.relident.-lit-wbtn-a-&00RE"'Ttpresen-hiJPed -a wom~ aet up a rolllnj, crtalt an(! plan-yourRE·~~--~~-to) ~:;...paper. Sorrr.• but ~ ;:ti·.,: 1!!f!..::"1rw.'"':;. ': runs two shops, bas doubied who ltarted a black beauty tative advised the owner to children's nursery which I! nlng. SCO .-w1MU11,;e ' con5w• volume of mail m a k ~ 1 " ~ lit·.,... ... ~ salea in aix months, because aid• bualntu, needed guidance raise prices, set up a cost.con-now go~great. FOR YOU who want to your phone book under U.S. personal replies impoalble. 1 ,.....,. ~ ltM 111 I M It •It 0_::....c ____ _;_ ____ ;__...c. __ .::_ ____ ~_;.-_;_ _____ .::._...::;~------------------------'---''--"----o-~0 r." t':; !1':!!! . I~ im.,1 lll"f =.::. ;:-,,._ W:1 lftY ••• A. -Why seltl!: f o r • m!:mories when you can relieve earlier suce!:ss by doing it again -at a fraction of your orlglnal efforts: Sine! you·~ lucky enough to · be financlafly secure, how about 1COring with SCORE, the olunteer Service Corps or ':}\ellred Executives? SCORE is ... . . !') service o{ the U • S . ...OOvenvnent's Small BuslneY ~atlo'1 (SBA) lo give af'ree ' m.i;naa:ement 1!1;dVlce to ' :floundering small buslMssmen ' .-.nil to those who want to start ::;, business: Coonselora - ...retired execuUves and former ~ers of businesses -can :.V.ccept or refuse any asslgn- -rnenL No fees are charged :"!irm1 receiving SC 0 RE ... esslstanct, but clients are ask- ~ed to reimburse tilt SCORE volunteer for hi! out.of-pocket trav!:l expenses. SCORE utilize.s m a n y talents: expert retailers, pro- -ductlon analysts, o f I i c e •managers, lawyers, engineers, a c c o u n tants, economists, _bankers, advertising and : public relations men and •women, sales managers , : wholesalers, controllers, plant " managen, management con· : Sullantll, industrialists, &cien- ' tisU:, and many rn o r e . • E6tabllshed five years ago, this naUonwide · ors:anlzaUon ' has already enrolled more • than 3,300 business and pro-! tessional leaders in 800 com- • munlties who have counseled ~arly H,000 owners or .small :ua Offers Varied Film :.Schedule '_A number of film•, pr!:ftllled ror the p u b 11 c, .may be seen at UC Irvine dur- ing the month of November. Tbe 1cbedule: · Wednesday, Nov. 5 -"Stop \hi World, I Want to Get Off," )ponsored by ASUCI Films, 7 and 9:30 p.m. Tickets 75 cents. Science Lecture Hall. Frtd1y, Nov. '7 -"Ulysses," 1ponaored by ASUCt Films. 8 f .m. Tickets $1.50. Science J,ecture Hall. : Friday, Nov. i -"Salt of Ute Earth," aponsored by the Department of Comparative Culture, i p.m. No admission sfiarge. 101 Physical Sciences. ·lltarday, Nov. I -"81,'J," sponsored by Radio Station -KUCI, i and 9:30 p.m. Tickets Jl.50. Sclence Lecture Hall. '! Smtday, Nov. t -"Blow Up," sponsored by Irvine Cinema with proceeds to UCI .aquatics, 7 and 9:30 p.m. 1'icket.s. $1.50. Science Lecture Hill. " Wednesday, Nov. J2. - ''America, America," fpOnSOred by ASUCJ Films, 7 and 9:30 p.m. Tickets 75 cents. Science Lecture Jiall. ··•Sablrdly, Nov. 15 -"The :rhreepenny 0 p e r a ' ' in German with English sub- t t t 1 e s, sponsored by the German Club, 2 and 7:30 p.m. ~lcket.. $2. Science Lecture ·hall. Sadly, Nov. 11-"Citizen K a n e.'' sponsored by Ir- vine Cinema . with proceeds to UCI aquaUcs, 7 and 9:30 p.m. Tickets $1 .50. Science ,:-t.ecture HalL •·-Wednelday, Nov. lt - ,,_Hard Day's N I g h t ' 11 1· 1 , sponsored by ASUCt Films, 7 : )'nd 9::1> p.m. Tickets 75 cents. .. ~lence Lecture Hall. C : SaDCla,1 No¥. 3' ...-· AUdience '4 requert. night, 1ponaored by ·' Irvine Cinema with proceed1 :.to UCJ aquatics. Tick.eta $1.50. • 8clence Lecture HaU. ·~ •• .... a>n Honor List Crwo Cal Poly, Pomona ~ from Costa Men -~ Beledter, maj oring in ~t and Charles ti1ohlu, ~ engineering '!nlde'flle academic honors list ;re, the summer quarter. ' ' " • ~ -- Fln1I Stocks In All Homo Editions SCHICK "Cojate" "Downy" Krona • Chrome INST SHAVE FAlllC SOfTDIEll ILADES (Pak of 4) bplir, _,. u.. S.ftllSI f• , ..... , Wllinll ... "~ax'' C SER TOOTHllUSHES c-,,.. lk "Do•~ !Iott" wlli I~ u4 lk "Pn lo". C.Jm. "Crest'' TOOTHPAm I bpi. ... 1111n-. u••AnOll Instant Breakfast . """1Hlllld111-.J lk 11 u.11n ••1·"' 66c 2:11 ll H. 69( llaotslu 3i39c 3i99c 1•i:-aa~ i u111i11 • . ' . 'r'M i1uT • 1£11111111 ••• s;.,,, tioo"WllllJ'OI!·~ imi1 ' ''°"' : . 7gc . r.• . 411. Sll1 "YOlE" I ·• . 11U1.1 lllll(Pl!T! ... fosb- .,. lmtl -liol 1.• - 1 73c :u s ... s~· . "YITAUS" 11111. •nsnti ·. .. . K..,. ""' Hit wjillolt -1n ·e31: hz.Sln I 'EXCEDRIN' lllU!S ••• lie-. ttrength pail reliMr! , ..... 6f; POLAROID Colorpack II C IA The first fllStlaie cmra by FoOlold ....... color llld black & whltt pictwes. ONLT 24,88 . l'OLUOID Color .Film BOY'S o..i ~lllS' Carcoats Ill Chocolates llllk Cllalalls "81'ck llalic" 111orted {1li-• .cious ceatws! · 1.21111.111 1.49 Ass'! tmlalls . •o.;~ao···· deli1~tlul IS· 1ortment of thclc:olates. Assorted coloful ltJles • :·1t ~: 1. 49 :~;ai::::it: "Chunky" ?~11 has altlclled ~ wit6 a-Choose fl'Olll son• "Pogo-Pony" Basketball Kit bte n•·~ . ~~:'; d .. ., MIHUU mnm • . L. II la' 3 t IX 5 39 •ii. J7c Slz• , _;$ Moves with the actioll OI a • -TT ., YOrJ. -~H We3ltler . .,.r .:J'I J ~ 1 3 1 00 real live l!Grse. Gim little Y! 0 offw:~l si~e and wei(h Yllf Cll1li1 , • ~ mwboys and cowgirls from Reguiaf!on size steel r1n1 Ea II • • n•"W 1ges'4 to 10, a real lifelike -goal with sturd'/ bD9 net •--:;;;;;'=!:=======:: ST AIMUSS STiil "Mini-Bowl" •IUD IOUT-14 01. •"1 b .... • fect kJ storir/1 foods Ill re-9gc lril'fltor. See-tlnlld lllows MAINus 37 Key Organ • Folysljrenewelnutco!O< cabiML 12 dlOl'd buttons & hand volume COltlroL Mas;c "'' w/Ullt free 29 95· mustc book Jncluded. • rid1-.2orortdm2 8'8 4,98 . IUllllMAID •D•AL • Ct "Little Laurie" !~1!~ .... A!pliques "Poppin Hoppies" ,. i~L.~.~:i:-~~~ 6 9-8 ~~ ~Jf; .. ~·.::11 l 66 A game 11\at will kttp C\lte 0011 with lier own ques.Assor19dcolors. you ti all ilsicle. • Infants' "Booties" ' a.o.e """-Ollar· . hi styles -Olfds, """' IDd Or1011 (KllattJ. -98{) . ,.. - ••fAm' Gift Sets Ciooa•""'"""' color-ful one I two piece sets i~ ~.::n-is. 2 69 .1ti21 lb. 11. • ............ LAOIO' ~ Slipperettes Ciooase"""..., Ollar· ful sfyles for tl5llll wur in 1ssorted llltlritls. S-M-1.siles. P1lr 2.88 TV Trays or Lap Trays colorM d~;gns wTiit dotlh~ c M ""'I l!Jys wTiit ""'1ld 99 bakld oa ellimel finlsl 11. ~~'vMoon Rocket IMLL -1/96 scale model withe Ii nest of~ 1ails. When completely assembled it stnh 46" 8 98 •;ih-AJI silges ta~i'\11- er_ n ca1 be separated. • younr arid old ho~in. bedroom and kitchell sat • .lei. 1.U • ~·~~~':t.~;: .T I Ch t ;:==========~ ,, ...... "" "' .. ""' _ oo es p:1p 1ntothe 1iritrltldotft. llJ UIEllCUl-for tlle PMyAllllYlS ftl .. ·, 4 88 ::,,,c:,n;;=; 4 88 ec,"!l"llllJICT • designed for C011Struc· YnMllM Fiim.A w/llHIULS • Model Car Kits __ ~fDIAL "C~issy'.'. DOLL -.,...... ""'1i"'";,'"''·J,-f .""w,...ed"""g-e-""'Bi.,..ke7.!-r:00 -·=· 1-~=:=· .. """"'=-=IOO'=:t::4:J"====~-~J~7~; :1: AMF -wi~ traialn1 p: ' cal be combed. set llld wwi th.rt may bl I "Silly String" 1J WUIM-lt's fan- Usticl Aerosolcansboob: • strm of safe, harm-1 49 less, N>n-toxic plastic. Ct.oos• 4 wild Cl)lol'S. ••• • Cook & Bake 11T ALUMlllUM SPICLU.TT -Detaxe ell-ahrni1a1m w. with plt pans, cake 2 69 "'' ""'" pen llXf '" kettle. • made to CfOW. Hef 1ovtfy 1emo¥ed. Adjysbbl1 COIY ~:.r;.~~l!I· ~;~~::=15.88 ~~~-~! 8.49 4t-:-~~-o-l-.;.O ___ R_. o_l'_'_w_AG_O_N,1 ?~:i~E 2.88 SOUTHBINO Doll Stroller ca l I, ... .,1 .. ;, --==========:; w rods, .,,,_ 3 88 r with Cll'(IPJ 100 Slkl11-111d cubes in woodea IAllll'S ~ing Bag ••• tubular wagon w/pull string. • A 't C k • $ • a7::!~h::=:~ •. ~C;;...on-stru'--c-'ti'"'on....,,..Se-t-1 u!.,.,.!° is!!. blue print on white quilt mentof home stylecoo~ies 88 eml»ssedv;nyl. IONKl-Cooillns !Im · " • k C 39 ... }list 11~e rmm ~• es. 3 ffl~~~c~n~&~~~0D! 9 98 h&. He 1 It I IL In • pieces. All p!ms havt • :::=============: llllvillg parts. 3-l'llCI DIP '"'o Cellophanes Blosh Colors by YARDLEY S1•lf·SH-nr1 .•. S1~tr·Dl1 ••• S1,1r·Slis1r It's Hie ataiooir mood of fill fas~ion! Now blush for /lim with tbe slinkiest. 1iriest whips of stt-tllru ailour. Give 3 00 yaur l.w:e new svPer·glllMUI'. Pl•k Wkl•-P•tt• w.i,-lr1111 'fti' a 1ac• Breakfast Set Pllstic set contalm blltter diU and cover, brtld llas- ~et and salt .i ptpper ...... -,.,w "'"" 4-l'IECI Canister $et Molded plastic wiabodies in assorted colors, lids in wtlitt. s lb. flour & Slllll' 2 88 contlin!JI'. 2 lb. coffee & tu canister. • PYR•X• W~~[g NlW llft Item ••• attmtift lt1e,1 ta.twill nblc1 J1trfl•l1 " "" ltlljor '""' ).~~nm .... 3.95 9 1'/2 Qt Onl :::~.1~~!~~-· 4.95 • 21/2 Qt Onl Cmoroln/Mlfilf 5 95 a l11k1I , •••• , • • • • • • • 21/2 Qt. ROlllll ~:i::r~'.~ ....... 5. 95 Mi OPlll t AM to 10 PM -7 DAYS A WHK ~!'.~:.~. 6.95 ~ 1'!. Qt Onl ~ 5es • I NIWPOIT IU.CM-1121 lrriM .. Weftllff Plmr HUNTIN•TON IUCH -Affa & ..... "' HUNTIN•TON IUCH -1,rlllfdol• & ldlaqc:· For lit lrtld 2.15 Cell ol I Cllon 2.19 Cau1r1t1 wltt 5 95 Cloj~ •-r.. , • • • . ' ' . , .. • •• ; ; . I I l:OI a * l:Jt 7:00 ' . . ' ' -TUMIUWllDS·-- V. [ D N f ', D A Y ' NOYi._MID I l :•BlfC,._ (CJ (IJ') Jer11 DunphJ. ............ ,(Cl (JO) ·-- -CC) (10) Glllltl .,. Norm Ctolby, TM H1rd)o aop, hH roo:. Gwt11 O.Yis •Ml W'~llur Hall. D "THE llROS" -P1rt 11 * llOO TAYLOR -COLOR! ,, D .. .._ -l<I "11N h"' Part II· 1...-.1 '63--llOll T"4o1', .i.slca T1My, SUl1nn1 Pit · -"·"-· g lllll •• .,.. (:HI) 1 ·--(!O) ... r"' !Cl<"> !!II (J) ... -CC) (to) ........... , (30) • (I) ... -CC) (30) ·-"-('~ 9 llM (C) (SO) JICl HicUy, ,,,..-·-·CC) (60) G Tiit llM 11 .. (C) (30) Jim .-i-itelln!R llolll. ID Tt Ttll .. Trllttl (C) (30) • om. ti .. PrlllMHt (30) fa 00 • ...., • ......, {C) (30) i .... , .. (30) • (I)"" ·-(30) •-"CCI (601 ·-CC)~·) 7:00 8 CU lvtnln& llns (C) (30) D "911\'I Mr Ll•l (C) (30') m 1 LM LllCIJ (30) m 1111 6t QIU (Cl (30) •C• llJ/.,_ ..... '301 9(1)-CC) (3~ -·-30!-ll])TNll • (1111-llHUI (C}i •-«<> (30) 9 TW llli (C) (30) 7:31Dall00 Ii. """"' (Cl !60! tm1ra f.!6111 and Gto111 lillCIMY ..... 8121 00 It! 'Hit Vil'&iMt• (C) (§0) ''Tll• Slibllitute." While on vtc1tio11 !«1111 Shlloh, T11mp1s Is aCltltM ef klllilll • tn11ll K'lln ftdlW ,,.. f1011 • lyncllinr party. Denllit c:..er 1M Bmrltt McKin· ........ __ e..., 11111 •n-(C) (lD) Geofae nc:l, • YOli: TIIMS Cflflc CI NI l1r111a. \ pll)'Writllt Edwl1' Al~ actw bMlt llr•n. •cti. Jufit H1rris, •larwri1ht M1rt CGnn1Ut. •nd l" "Stmtiers. leundtr of ''Tll• AclDr's Slu'i•." tlus· music•l·coln· 1dy ltlr tl1h11 Strite.Ii. .,,,, "",...,(Cl (001 ·--(60) es.•• <Jo) '"' 9 IUDWEISER *PRESENTS "Sl~ATRA" • Ill Cll f:!ll Jh~ .. llll!!' ..... It) (ltl)A oonuff Oflifts 11M11ni111 tlll 1t~ tf'llM HcMtl of Fr•n• Sin•· tn 'a phenomtnM ur•. D KRAFT MUSIC HALL * Eddy Arnold, Sid C1e11r, The lettermen D l:lll IJJ Bl lull ... "" !Cl ~dy"'lrnold is holt lo Judy C11nt, lht l.ttt11111111, l rownin1 l ry1nl, Sid Cleur tnd flt• Yon: Mell pitcber Ttm SU.vu . e Wflltlillr (C) (60) lllU.J .loll• • and '•uf OilfllOlld 111 1 .. 1urld. D ft(I)·ll AIC W•••••••J M•: (C) ~lln 111111 • .._. .. (dr11111) '66-Anouk Alm•. JNn- LDtJis Trinti1n1nl Pi1rr1 l1TCMJh, Y1ltri1 l1111n1t. A l'llln '"' wom· 111. both widowM, Met! 1l their child1tn'1 botrdln& school. fD Ntn ill PnjlletiWt (C) \&0~ • 3'tria ' ~ (60) t:lOQ"-(CJ tJO) 1'llw W11d . • "' ....... s.w (C) (30) ·--(00) 10:00 8 8 CIJ MIWll fiff.Q IC) (60) A sll1tch drawn by 1 U.S. Intel· li1tr1e1 111nt uposes McGuret 11 1 11im pouibHity of 111m w1rf111 ind polenti1l loll ot H1w1ii'1 '4llff industry. ThtoOwt l iklt 1uuts. a~oo en. c... ,,_, (C) (10) KOi' Tlfii1 -Hntt Die- TlllY Just ltUlt AWIJ." A l1t1siOll• ~ridN!t-llMl!twll ~rdill t11it- !1Unl1 bllitm; his will is 11· trldtd 19 "-'t. 6'lah 111 Ciab• DtM, Olaftt lN' IM' W~1 Gttr. a ·m --1cn60> Cl hHt! (C) (60) Tenl11i~ely sch1dultd 1uttb in elllde Merl• H1111nl end Tht Stflllrtrt. llthllJ ....... llJ llftllM1 hlllMh• (60~ •c..i ....... (30) =· :.~ G1lo11kl i nd Jttkllt:JllmCrililll CllllN• ()I)) l)af!A~r':u~M~=I~'~ ll:ODBDll ID""" (C) Thi ftlllll 1ttributt rnlrtct1IOllS pow. • AHt.I MttM9d: ltf1 ti Sdttr 8tftriOI wfltlll I fllndy· 11'111'1, • St """ • 111illlon1lrt tiMs U.111 lflOllYll'l!tllt (iltJ. fl•lll· mltll hnlff rlltlb. lllf• $ Mtvit: '(C) .,..IM "-"' (drun1) ''3-Susa11 H•Y· ward, Midllll Cr1ir. • T,_. • c...-(C) (30) .... "' ........ (C) (iO) • Tldntlaf C.11• (30) . ..,._ ..... ,,,, • CNdMi .. ""' (30) l :OOIJJM llMf (30) Conni• fr1n- , cl$ &Ullb. • !:!l 111 QI "" -" ,, Uiii 1 ,.._ (C) (30) ''lullr lor YOll." Mil. lfvln1ston •rlftp GUI tilt t irl lH lolllbo)' .IDe, Kellt, stV· in1 Eddie t1om more •11u et'tt. Mr feltW l lltlh. m Qllll fir I DIJ (C) (30) .... t• (30) • 1111 ,..,.. Sip (IOI !RI • ,.,... Ill ..... (30) • I< IJ P '-D .'. T DA'fTIME MOVIES • ..n lint! (C) (60) "Th• ('.n. HNltiff Mr. l uc kltY." (R) 111mm-!C> 1ll:lG8Ql(.(J M1tt lrittill (C) l"r• I 1r1m ori11natas trcwn lnl1rn1lie111I Motet in l11 Ye11t. Mtvtdt. e@ rn m,,..., "'"' '" PJorr11n bqin1 ori1irl1tio11 ii Bur· b1nk, C.1if .. 11M1 centiltllts t. of11· in1t1 fro111 the Wnt Cast Hlto.,P Nov. 2S. 8 MMit: .,_. -" 1111 .,.,,. (wnltrn) '56-.John A.1:1r. DlmCll SJ••r lit~,, (C) Schtdu!td &utlll indlld1 MiltDn Strlr, Ba1b1B Mtlhir 111d lr..Wn. Lev l awls. P1\dlltt & T1~ 111 11• Xhlddltd . 8 C..••lti1it lllk4it ._, (C) • Adiln T11MW1: "Y11111i --~ h1tllltr11) 'S7-4tod C11ntn111. lt:Olll"TM , ..... ™' <-- ._,, ''2--AMll M11n1nl. 1111 Caz. ret•. tt:ll •""" fl&il'll ...... (•'· venture) '•s-wllltf'f 't1lw, Anrll ltulN. • \'ltd.....,, ..... btt 5, 196' D.lllY 'llOT :ti ---1lf-Chades--'anott~-------1ly Tom-Kr Ryan- - PERKINS ~EST TWJ OOfA °™~EE 6E1S HIMJ ••• CALL IT ..... _,.._..- lUIOMINllID FOR SlASHIN6 •• FM: /.\INl/TES FOR F~TIN6 •• TEH MINIITTS /.!ISCONOOCT •• JUDGE PARKER ves: r THOOGMT SHE'D' SE our FOf nlE EVEWIWG WI™ ~A.lo\ Pli!IVER: ! THAfS WM.t.T ! THOUGHT: BUT ME PllOPPEP HER OFF Alrrltl' LEFT'! SME • SEEM.EU UPSET! r r--" AH ~MMYSClllMl.T<t M!GlfT, BUT NOT A LAl>Y EMMA PLUSM80TTOM ~ STEVE ROPER MUTI AND JEFF -SAl:loY-IANANAS------ E·""" LI .. ""1' {ot.tA. .IN.11./ F. ~ <><d ¥<;(),, .wt! £ ~ O<i:I. ~.tlu. b.;Jl I ......... ~ .. '" I DON'T L'NOERSTAND IT. Ill Pl:ETEt.!P THAT rM. STOl'f'lt.!G IV TO ~~~~:RTR~K ~SE 1· .1 .; " !l -. " •• "" 11M SO INNOCENT! ly John Miies By Harold Le A.LL R16HT •• &UT PON'T ST.t.V MORE TI!A.M A FEW lo\IJ.IUfES! By Saunden and Overg.!!_d 1200 KALORE ~ YfAH.' TH~r·s HIM OVER AT THE WO!ill(8ENCH1 OFFJCER'.t 1'.16EAN'6~1NE! !i's 7:30,'TtME FOR:WORK.1 I DR~AM~DI CDSTMYJOS! 1+-1e sass l'IRED MO: -·• I • .,,,,6000. I LL GO l!IACK AND i&U..+llM! GORDO "'" 5P.A"'1 !~ ,, !AS'/, 1'rtJ.IOf.! SOPA MJ:A.N5, SOAP. ~OPA f IS ROPe. DiN•flo-· ,,; PINNRllf • • ,., MISS PEACH FOR COMING INL..ATE.' IJ Gus Arriola .. ·-· llST FOREIGN PILM -Anouk Aimee and Pierro Baroub. above, star in "A Man and a Woman" t1>- night al 9 p.m. on Channel 7. It won Academy Award Oscar& for the Best Foreign Film and for itt ori&inal screenplay. Excellent cinematography in this picture. TELEVISION VIEWS Leslie Uggams On Way Out ly RICK DU IROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The Leslie Uggams se ries with which CBS-TV replaced the canceled Smothers Brothers show, is being axed by the net· work . Miss Uggams and he~ progra~ will leave the air next month. In the natiQnal ratmgs for the. week of Oct. ~26, her series ranked 65th among 88 shows. TH! UGO~S-series will be replaced, starting Dec.' 21, bY. Glen Campbell's musical hour, which _ win leave its Wednesday slot and take over as CB.5- TV'!I Sunday competition for "Bonan~-" The Campbell show finished a powerful 16th In the ratings, while NBC·TV's "Bonanza" was even more potent. coming in second among all programs. Ironically, the Campbell series originalfy w~1 brought to the airwaves by the Smothers Brotheri organization. Now it is ask~d to do what µie b~otherf did successfully for a while before being fired -... keep "Bonanza" in check. CAMPBELL'S Wednesday ni&hl slot, mea,.. while, will be taken over on D~. 17 by a weekty one-hour entry called 0 Hee Haw," a sort of hillbillY version of "Laugh.Jn ." A successful ratings run last summer earned "Hee Haw" it new regular·seasott spot. , CSS..TV, by the way. is al so canceling another series: the half·bour situation comedy called "Tht Good Guys," starring Bob Denver and Herb Edtl· man. This has actually been a rather good slapstl~ series, with Denver and Edelman an increasingly pleasant team. The sho\v. however, finished 86t!J 1n the latest ratings. ", REPLACING "The Good Guys." beginning on· Jan. 30, will be a ne\v half·hour situation comedy starring Tim Conway, formerly of "McHale.') Navy" and numerous guest appearances on variety Jhows. On Jhe plus side for CBS.TV. the national rati. Jngs conclusively proved again that its l\1onday night lineup is still awesome. All Monday series.on CSS.TV ranked among tht top 14 programs. The powerhouse lineup lncfude> "Gunsmoke" -which was the most popular show In the land. It also includes Lucille Ball (No. 4l, "Mayberry R.F.D." (No. 6). Carol Burnett (No. 14) and even the erratic Doris Day series, which clim~ ed to lh• No. 10 spot. De1atai• the Menace -1--V--r.ig.inaJ~-1~~~3§~: .~"U!!\~:~t1 ·;; • .. 'i• ~ • ' A:i' Chtip~a':t ~ ~Rancho, GWC Open ·Shows By TOM TITUS OI tM 0.llJ '°;"' Sl11f A n1odem comedy and a Shakespearean tragedy share .the spotlight Jlong lhe Orange • A '~ot·so-fu1u111 Oiing ' lwppened to Ari Koustik •on tile way to "A Funny Thil1g l~oppt11ed ·on th t • \Vay to Ille f orunt" last 1oeeke11d. lie last 11 is ' . .001ct. 1(011stik. w·lto plays tile : leading role of Pseudo- Lous in the SCR m u.sicaL 'comedy, 1001 ordtred 011t of action _by his doctor •. 1 11~ BiU /if ii lit. >Who plays • a1minor role in the show, '~ rushtd tnto •the • brftch. Miller topk over 'tM role last Saturday , al)d Sunda11 and will play ~lntntil Koust1k recovers. • Trhe production. direct· ~ td,by Ron Thronso11, will , be on the stage of the compgn11's Tl1ird Step !Theater, 1827 Newport BlV<i .. Costa Mesa, Thur.t- ; dqV through Sunday. Res· erootion.t are being taken 'ot 646-1363 . :eoast this week as the Rancho 'Community Players a n d :cotden West College's drama •department lift the curtains on 'their respective seasons. • The Rancho Players start olf the action Thursday night v.·itb•their production of "The ~.irriage ·Go Round," Leslie Stevens' sophisticated comedy ;or an attempt al an an- 1hropological affair. : "~facbeth" is the heavy fare •al Golden West where the '.r.lassic tale of greed and ;revenge opens Friday night in INSTANT ACTOR SCR 's Bill Miller the Actor's Playbox on the G'VC campus. Ede Sabo, a newcomer to the Rancho Players from Michigan, is directing "ft1ar· riage Go Round" and doubles in a minor supJ>911ing role. Sabo is a former .television director whose credits include such diversified sta&in&s as "Death of a Salesman'' ind "The Music Man." J~ck Keilson portrays Paul Delville, an esteerrlecf pro- fessor of cu ltur a l an- thropology, with G Io r i t:1. Newjon as his eq u a 11 y educated wife, Content: The triangle is sha~ by Diane Lysiak as Katrin,, ~ young SY.'edish beauty who seeks the professor's ·help Jn prop. agating a little "n>a$ler race" of her own. "The Mru:riage Co •Round" ' ' RANCHO NEWCOMER Dlr•ctor Ede S•bo • will be presented for three weekends at the little theater oC Mission Viejo High School, on Christiana Avenue. Tickets may be ordered by calling 837- 1753. * At Golden West. soph6lnore drama student Mark Haselfeld plays the title role i n "Macbeth," with Diane Baty portraying U1e ambitious Lady ~facbetb. Drama department chief Charles Mitchell is direc- ting. Other major roles will be played by Roland Barajas as Macduff, John Biery as Malcolm and Larry Gilldberg as Banquo. Completing the cast are Harold Keeney, steve flfutschler, Bill Land, Bob Pone, Gerald Pierce, .. Dan Brown, Dennis Gilmore, Bob Pt1Drley, Oe!Use Du 11 n e , Christine Wilson, B a r-b a r·a Shores·and Kathy Soden. -IJ'he show will be staged Fridays and Satu rday s thf9Ugh Nov. 22 in the GWC cornmUAicalions b u i I d i n g theater. Tickets may be ob- tained at the college bookstore. * '·"· ' ... A Long Way !tom Home,") an original play based on the Ure of Ira Aldridge, a lea<U6« 1 Nqro aelor of thi 19th cen- tury, wUI be presented at .~ College as its fall drama production. •---------'---" , , The' play was WrjUen and ls•l~--------'-~11 the Orlental musiCal ..........ru-~beint...directed by' Professor Today's Final ....... ,..,.., · · Htnr1 Kemp-Blair, bead o( 1Jon~tta", "J1itt M-• l01JeGod?' .f. UlflW.•U~ ~1(;"111•1 •tlC:Nfl!C.0~091__ with Joyce 1'-1uraoka and Chapman's Speech all(! Drama Stocks Today Newport Beach's Open End James Door in the leading Department. Perfonnances11,;,,,,,,.,,,,.""'""'""'=::r::=Zl""=====.:;,""""'::"'i Theater closes its three· roles. Reservations may be are scheduled for Nov. i31r ----- weekend potpourri Friday and made by calling the Long through 16 at 8::.t p.m. in the Saturday wilh lhe f i n a I Beach Civic Light Opera bor C h a pm an Auditorium, 333 performances or the "Open office· at {213) 432-79'l6. North G1assell Street, Orange. End Live Action MuJti Medial~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three Ring Circus Dance-In and Show." Under the direction of T. HOllYW060 UK~ IT WASfl. Michael Jaeger, -the show will '.! feature an originaJ musicaJ, ·~ ...... ~, ..... ,. l "For Whom the Time' Came ••y"ii'f. (\Vho?)" on Friday· and a (:()MIC"'" theatrical e :r: p e·r i enc e, "Emergency Broadcast v~ ... VAN° DYKE System," Saturday .night. The SEE ONE OR 1.11om lEE latter was written and SEE BOTH h<Q.f Y ROONEY directed by Stanley Fried. ~ ·Cokr 1'€i Perfonnances· will be given ..... :J at the Open End, 2815 Newport Blvd., Newport B e a ch . Reservations may be acquired by calling the theater box of. lice at ~5-1120. * "All ~ty Sons," Arthur ~1iller's postwar d r a m a , enters its final weekend of Now Together Thru Tu.aday production by the Fullerton!ii~iji~i~~~~~~~:::::~~1 Footlighters ~ Walt Asstnheimer directs the show with Dale Hogue, Betty Strom- quist· and_ Mark P b i 11 i p s ... he. s-.ow St•m 7 P"' heading Ute cast. Final performances will be given Friday and Saturday evenings at the MuckenlhaJer Center, lit Buena Vista Av e., Fullerton. Tickets may be reserved by calling 827-1339. * Winding up its sis-weekend Co11tl11110111 Show Sot. 011d S11•. Fro111 2 pm BARGAIN MATINEE EVERY WED. 1 P.M. TWO BIG HITS ·.A· ~ Eve. Sfrioow Stlfl'tS 1 p111 Co11tfno11• SIHlw Sv!Mlioy frOM J pl!! FREE PARKING ff'fuRcrrooU:: ~ KATHARINE HEPJ!URN lHE UON IN WINTE.R -1 °"""""""~·-..,~;;;;·~-~-~·~~ .... ~~ ... """"""""""""'<)"'; · A~SO THIS GREAT FEATURE : New Look for Old Theater engagement is "What Did We Do Wron&?" at the Long Beach Community Playhouse with Huntington Beach's 1 Joe BALBOA 673-4048 OPEN 6:45 7tt r. lalbN blltN hniri1.,I• NOW -ENDS TUESDAY, THE NEW SIZZLER ;, -SO GRAPHIC, THE. SCREEN ALMOST SMOKES II By JACK GAVER , NEW YORK (U~l l -The ·ANTA Theater. which started ;life 44 yea-rs ago as the newly . built home of the Lhcn ;powerful The a t er Guild. :has entered a third phase of ils 'career. · The second phase began in "1951 when the guild gave it up and it wa s acquired by the 'Congress-chartered American N ational Theater and :Academy . II \\'as completely ·redesigned on the inside, and was rented lo commercial pro- ·ducers for their altraclions for the nexl 13 years. The name . was changed from the Guild '.Theater to the ANTA, after the initials of the tenant : organization. · The ne\v th lrd phase finds :1 he ANTA out of the com· mercial market and now 1 showcase h::>use for t h e American National Theater and Academy and the National Council of the Arts which are cooperating in rostering the g r o w i n g regional theater enterprises around the coun· try. The idea is to bring va rious productions of these groups lo New York for.8hort, underwrilfen engagements. The first item on ·this pro- gram. which is under the s upervision of Jean QalrympJe~ veJeran producer, was a four-week stand by the American C o n s e r v ator Theater of San Francisco, which has gained m u c h prestige in the past two or three years unde.~ the direc- tion of Will iam Ball. Three plays of the ACT repertoire ~w~re pr,e51nted 1 and Betty Karbo in the prirr Edward Albee's "Tiny Alice." cli)al roles. Bertram Tanswell Feydeau's old French farce , directs the generation gap "A Flea jn Her Ear." iind comedy. Chekhov's "The Th re e Cloidng performances will Sislers." be presented Friday and Next on this agenda is a visit Saturday al the playhouse. by the company of lhe 5021 E. Anaheim St., Long Amer1can Sh a k esp ear e Beach. Reservations are being Festival Theater or Stratfurd. accepted at t213) 4Ja.-OS36. Conn., with its presentation· of Also in Long Beach is the Sha kes{>Urt's "Henry -V.," Rodgers and llammer.stejn which jt st.aged in Stratford musical "Flower Drum Song," during the past summer. It which oompletes its t .w o will open Nov. 10 and play tor weekend run with ( i n a I two weeks. performances Friday, Satur· That!..V(ill ~~followed by a day and Sunday at Jordan production by the I o ca I Auditorium. 6500 Atlantlc Ave. Plumstead Theater orgarUza-!:!avid MacArthur direcUi lion, which specializes in OC·l~;jjjjiii'ii'=.;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;·~I casional limited revivals o( E•clv!dw RDlll'Wfd prominent American plays us--Sur£"..,."""'! , TONIGHT AT ing "all-star ' casts. Thomton 1:00 ,.,M. "1ilder's "Our Town" Is likely to be the play, with Henry Fonda among those in the cast. Crossword. Puzzle Also scheduled is the ~ Angeles Center T h e a t e f G r o u p , to be followed by several weeks of presentalions by various Off Broadway and Off Off Brodway units. ACROSS 1 Nonsense .J Wall ' covedog 10 Proinonto ry '4 G1rmftl\ 5 Relaliv r • or Emmy • & Tony Ji:. Onr of I the K ing ~ 7 All ovr1 ' tht platr 1' Rral , rstatr , man's ' inlrrrst t O Put in nt ·~ • shtlls :?l lastrs timr }3 --fritnce : • 2 words !6 letter 27 Dispraised JO P1h1ter's ICGeSSOry 34 P1rtic1 r 35 Actors 37 River;ol England 3B However 3'i •••. Columb!a 41 Faste ner 42 Piecr or Yer st 4} lapguagr of old 44 Rt al •r state. broke1 's· sign t5 Great fright ' " " ~· • •7 Singing !roups 50 nst1umtnt: Informal Sl In want 52 Uakes unhilllPY Sb Ent!rtaif'ltr's ntcts slly b() WGodw \n d bl Ont making a summar~; Vat. b ~ Uaiulai;tll'ing tslabllshmt nl b5 Squelc!ied: 2 words hli Merchand is· 1119 event h7 l ik e~ certa in fish l>B Worlits 1>11 Sllip bOd· DOW N 1 ···· F o~ or Rabb it 2 An t1110l1on 3 Actor Waller 4 Reasor+ for Vic tori~ Cross or Congrrls1oi11I ~Mrdal 5 Cosmr \1 c I> Trre 7 Dr sstll 8 Ointn1ent .., Yesterday's l'uzzle Solyed:. . ' ' More regional groups will be Invited for visits during nert spring. ' . ' . ,, ' . lU4lt''1l ~ . ·~ .· • 5 I • Cl•rk s.b1-v;.,.;.n L1i9h D "G-With T\e WIN'' 11/5/b'i plu1 "S1ppen Y•., Loc•I S!Mriff" 9 F oDI 33 Ruptures wi th Jim G•rnir 2001 • IP I Dlociylllfi CINIMA SClllN METROCOLOR operate~ 3b Cut into C11nti nuo111 Su-l :lO P.M. drvicrs small pircrs l'.:=:=:=:=:=;=:=:=:=;:=:=~~~~~~=~~~~~.ll 10 Summoned 39 Chap: Slang 11 Jai ··-···, 40 Scarclty 12 Piece of 44 Chic glass 41i In an 13 Footba ll unclvll play~s manner \8 Asian, rlvrr • 48 Gr.and ••••.• 22 Dog walktt's 49 Chrrst ntcrssily 52 lndrlinltr 24 Resign quantity z; Fiv t Star 53 Soy's Final , nickname for one ~4 Srautlful 27 John or 9i1I: Slang Sebastian-·· ~·DI sagrrrmenl 28 Musical 57 lsa1t'1 son composit ion 58 Dicken s 2'i Obsrrvant ch~ractrr pt1so11 5~ Journey 31 Ra ilroad b2 Resident: build ing Suff ix 32 Banish b3 Draw FiOO ' I ..,_ SOUT .. COAST '""~ .. i..azA,THEAT-CORPOllAllOll San Diep fNIWIJ 1t ltriltot • 546·'1.711 . . I ' A toacl1 O'Blar1ey ud a ~eap O'Maeic ~J s ' 1 • 9 " " Kids! ' It's a llNCI A DINCI LAINlll AFBlll 11, •enlH Mr -0..'t ~ s,..,.., ,.... -...,,..., ""· 11 -11:11 , ... ...... OE881E HA RYE REYNOlDS -ffiESNfil · PUAYLn"' l lllOCCIUll COOKING SCHOOL THURSDAY FREE ADMITTANCE 9:30 A.M . "Visually breathtaking ... awesomely powerful. .. the most provocative and important ye.t of the new American films!" -Chart es Champlin, l .A. T1ME~ 1 think the young people of the world should be required tosee nlCCIUn cool!" . ~Rft ...... HOUDATM191ilne "One cl the best pictures r:l 1969! 'QJ1 never forget th. I" .. IS C>l'le. -li1lmllh,COSMOPOLITAN M1;1zir.e ParMl'IOl,lnl Pl(.t ures. pte~nts medium cool .. ~.., br ... ~··~ -···"" br TlllU -& MUD! WW!R/MJUD I WDUR @,,_....,, • ....,., 1echnicolor t trt1•....,-r,.1.,.... NOWI Eitcfualvt Or•nge • 1 From Sweden ... the classic female c~ • ALSO THIS FUN-FILLED CO-FEATURE -PACIFIC-~:§!~ii:!#;~ B;JI Mu"'y El~a l•nc1uter hi Wolt Oi11tey'1 "RASCAL" (GJ l'lu:i Pel1r Uilinciv Su1t Mll Pl•J.•lt• "BLACKBEARD'S GHOST" (G} Japanese Mov ies Every Tuesday Night Two of Wolt Dl1110r's lest "OARBY O'GILL AND . THE LITTLE PEOPLE" (G) "'"' "PETER PAN IG) • . . ······-· .. ·······- · E1:c.l11si•e OtQ'"J• Co1111ty Drive-hi E11ga9eine11t l ir• Mi"n1lli Wend11>ll 8ut111n "THE STERILE CUCKOO" (Ml ShoWll ot 1:45 p.•. -Pltn J•c• L11>mm11n Walther M•O••u "THE ODD COUPLE" Re<Oftll!lello.d for Ad11lh ...................................... E1c:h11ive Oro1191 Co111ty D1iY .. i11 E119°'eme11t • M it~••I c,;,,, l•u••nce Olivi er "THE BATTLE OF Bl!ITAIN" IG) Show11at1:10 '""'· -'1111 ... "-'ti.II' • Jahn ~•yn1 D1•id J1n11111 _..,...___, "THE GREEN BERETS" IG\ • • Sho-9t 6:JO N 11 :00 p.111, .... ~ .... ._. .••.•••••••••. _ .............. ~··········••tt I --$1~~ I~ CAii.LOAD U. M1"'lrl l""°'I l-111nt "THE OIRTY DOZEN" '"' Jt"'~ G•"'t< "GRANO PRIX# . . ' .. " ,. ~'. . 1: " " I Si1 le; : tir ap ( . ~ . gir . res "'' wit "" ... '~'B dlt Ha .wh a I WO Bn brc t<n 1 Ha '"" Ho Th' me . '" 'An Ge to : . - -. . . . . . . . .. ·-· ----·-------------------~-·-------~--------··-~~------· -------------·---- UPIT......._ ReallB Strange Beilfellews Since hardly a movie goes by these days wi1Jtout at , l ~ast one bedroom scene , it was only a matter of . tune before the western followed suit, However, it appears James Stewart doesn~t really appr~iaf:e the charm of his bearded, walnut.cracking bedmate, Henry Fonda in a . scene from "The Cheyenne Social Club," now in production, in which a cowboy inherits a frontier brothel. :•Roberta' Lu~ky for Hope ' ' Comediqn Present,s 'Big Break' Show Tliursday Night 87 BOB THOMAS thellealle -I &nd '"You're ' HOLLYWOOD "(Afl) -A D~t:•a1t1ttnc"·'jt'1 .un- ' girl named Roberta has an ir· =~bit why' t bey re • resistible allure for Bob Hope, ged. work for scale minimum salary during the hot month!. I had too many good offers to play movie houses on stage shows, so I cut out." t~e MllDlcipal Lighl Opera. 1be invitation came from hLs close friend, Sen. Stuart Sym· iaiton of MW<>uri. Hope perfoimed the musical In Goe GI hll TV 1p1elal1 thol lall. ; as he demonstrates once again Bob Hope ta.lked . about his with his monthly television !~g as.~ o c 1at1 on with special Thursday night. Robe~a o~ day after ' "The Bob Hope Special'' on returning from !>allu, \li'here , he taped lhe .&bow at the new , N.~c will be yet another ren. Bob Hope Tbtater 0( Southern d1tion of the Jerom~, Kern-Ot.l,~ Methodist University. He first . Ha~bach operetta_. Ro~. did the show on Broadway : which the comedian considers when tbe original version ap-. ~ g~·luck tallsma~. And no peaced in l933-34. Two other Hope did three m o r e Broadway shows before suc- cumbing to the Hollywood Jure. He agreed to come west for ParamOWlt to do "The Big Broadcut of 1936," in which he was given a song called "Thanks for the Memory." Now· tt'1 ••Roberta'' revisited, w i th 11eWcomen John DavldlOo and Mlcbele Lee ag 't::o-ttan. "The show holds up just 1s 100d As ever," said Hope. "We played it straight through before the theater audience, with local camera crews shoot- tin( ;1 from the rear of lhe theatlr. The IJlditnce was greaC, nen when they wtre paying a "thousand dollars 1 seat for charity. ond r. That \\a.s 1.h e newcomers were in the ast: Broadway show whi ch first h c lo 1933, Hope ,_ to "Roberta," playh1(·1he oper.1- ta in the Los Anplea ... Clvic. Lighl Opera ~ Clrole Landis. He beari a frilJl memory of that enga;tment: brought Hope to national al· George Murp Y and Fred tention. MacM urray. ' The !ale Messrs. Kem and "I got a lot o.r m~vie Offers . Harbach might have trouble from the show .,. but l turned recognizing the version which them all down, he recalled. 'Hope presents Thursday night. "I ~as still nursing '-arudge The book will have numerous against Orangeville ·because modern touches; orlly the ~hey didn't like the test 1 did JuSt before the opening Z curtain, the . fire sprl system went off and IOlbd "TboH son1s -thty're !imply .areat. When t heard Michelo ~~ 'Smok• Gctl In Your Eye1, I IOI' ..... bump1, Tbey juJt doo't mike songs Uke that 1ny more." his entire wardrobt. i ' s&ngs will remain the same. in 1930. ·And with tunes like "Smoke "I stayed with 'Roberta' un- Gets in Your Eyes," "Lovely Iii the swpmer, and then the to Look At," ''Yesterday" (not producer wanted us all to In 1™· Hope went back to the theater and p l a y e d "Roberta" in SL Louil to mark the 40th annivenary of • • . ,, •' : . . . ' . . ' . • . . . . . . . ' . ' ! . . . • • ' . I . ' • ' . SJ>Nd-~-is& Vf1rf ~ W.,.. Jl is nomod for the" llpeed with -ill .,.. ridoe to~ 1...i. 1>1 a- cilahility mt ...wt.-. Speed U ·--f11Mhiflmoro JMDc mindl in Calilomia than any ocher dru&. Expms r-tbe illicit -or thi• and limiJar dnlp will reach epidemic proportioae this year. If )'Oil arc a worried parent with """'""'" .-the """ IUbclll-,..., or &n OjlWHDiudOd younc penal tW.1 -J<i:ll al tlle ladl, read Oii ••• _ .. .,...? lt" llUCb • "-' dru1 thct the medical pro(aUoct limits it& U5C to emetf:Dclcs such • con-- trollio1 blood pi-. dmils""'" FY· When Speed i• • indilcriml- natdy, it over~f'llel tbl pbyli· cal and ner.-ous •Jlf*al-with dr11tic &Od ldlpl'edictablo -111. s...-s,...-r The hudoood Speod-- blldn11he-W&Jlltbe- uoer-hy injodioa. He ---rilnca a -rudl• up ID a.,....._ an evphoric ..._..,.., diot <U i. DllintainodfO(.uJoN,11•- hy r..-.a milnliniii Oa • ·.,,...i ...... die - -...,. -· for d&yL His 7 ~ for food or drill: is ...,. pr-. Hit ...... IO tllo .. -npillJ, .. -• ' h f .,. --.. ---] 000 .. 5000 •1 .., _ f•..--·-·--.................. _. .>i.w.-..·,.••z , ... ' • opoadwer _ _.,_ and~ He moy-1ie ----~~-~~~ 'l..W' .. --_ .. ;r • H ho ... l tol:o tlii1 ~ he may die tmm Oftrdar•r-or -ittJPll!liia ill tho .. --« frmt 'rialiiiia ..... !fClllt hit,.,__ At m -'11111io polll, lie ...,. ....... 'Illil -..... _ . .,,,.._ .... .,....,. "" .. ...., _ -,,,. .. ..... _ ... ..,. .... , fttlD a.,pacw:illble Ute to one d.. d'beme t"Qwntic:llL Jf he'• • ~addlii ..... ,-. .. "" ....... ----·-~ -Ill ~ -lllo ,,.. q..ily oddidmg He D18J sleep for2410:1&-.,eo1........,q on awWnlli. theo F iilo • ... of •ttrmM dept afQft. This eu 1'e .. -Md -11111 lie ,,,., tab.,,_ .. --..,_, .. _ ... _ ..... .,..i Sfwd1 a';a..,.,..ii... 1-• t i rriw:.WI . , I .r "***' ... '. Anal .... __ .,,_ e:1peri&A••1:.••** 1e ... OJ.G IL'wwe.il I 1 wltD6e or4iJ!ol Jllillll;AM CJ ..... .......... IJ -~ ... •cnatfw _. nv,t w .,.~ .-..."':!':I l;MI .. p' -JI.._ _ _. ..... .. I II ..... la ..... Zj t I ,.._ ..., lo. llli'* ......... 7 ... -·" .,_....,. a+Jittl1 k4& 0 1 I n .. C-. h ia .. cat"with supror ia feet 1111 •frill powdtr to mah tho MJpply llnd..md --Ille .... --.~totlledoolw. --11J·=1mador XS h11Jm •;.-.ec:m ......... tioa ii -,.-_tho www aide elec:tl..., .a .. ! •,Mood po;-mc -Mpldtis """'tllt• 1t1rile-So lhemcdical i-- ftllion ii f-'lrith -plJylicol w1 rrli.-k: problam n uat- iq th -~ freU:.• __ ,.. .. _ .. ? ALo:11-,1o1.-&4-r1 'Oho ... -I With cliaical -to llolp -tick the habit. -... --tlqJ& --tab in copins-'llith die arowila: .. prb'=: ,.. Gd"",_ ... """'""' ,,,. ~""""'to,..._, __ NotlLe_,. ...... c.,,...,""' dWtwl nl-.... n.-• .--... tbse" I "" ,..,. ... ....,.... 'J»* lllWllH ,_>i/f, 0.. .,_ .,_.....,_,,.7*'_ _, ___ _,_ llw <hJr Jlf'J 11 .._ °'-;,, 1..., •· ... i• • *"' '" ::...-,...,,. ""' - • _Eaultle11 llellvttfl ~ ... OAl\V PILOT 11 NY' Lyric Quprtet Sparkles at. Laguna By TOM IAIU:IY O(lfllo.ilJ,... .... It WU IOQd to ... IO IDlftY Lquna lleadt mutlc· io... fanlk•Jhe llllll1lt 1'°'1 "' • 11uperb Sabbath day and honor the 25th ahnlversary or their, Community Concerts AISOc la· tlon with a near capacity au· , dlence In the high .school t audJlorium. • . They dU«Ved·' ,...olhlnc exceptional, In thl way ol. 8uft... day recltal1 and they .-U.ly gol ll: a top-flight performance by the.New York Lyric Quartet and the faultlus delivery or a program that was as consistent in quality as it was delightfully varied. This girted quartet - Claudia Lindsey, so p r a n o ; Jacqueline Norwood, mezzo. soprano; Arthur Williams, tenor and Cortez Franklin, baritone '!..... first became known to American concert audiences as soloists in their own right. It i.s io thelr im· mense credit and a tribute . to their art~tlc worth that thtee four Necro artl•tl have ef. fected ao effortlellly the not Inconsiderable transition to group singing. Their auceess!ul liaison was never more apparent than in their utterly btaullful ren· dltJon of four Schumann chuslc1: "'Es lst verraten," 0ntermeuo." "Liebea,ram" and "lch bin 1ellebt.'' They ere, f« UI, the pick of a 1Ut· terlng proaram and many members of a delighted au- dience apparently shared that Vtrdlcl We portlcularly noted and reUshed the clear, careful phfasln1 employld by the group in Its Schumann of. ferln&.!i, an 1saet that ii not always employed to such ef- fect. It la a quality tbat Is not, alas, alw1y1 prominent in the Tourists Spell .Finis For S punish Censors MADRID (AP) -Wh .. "'omen in blklnls started a~ pearing on the beaches of Spain's Costa Brava 10 years a10 , movie censors knew the days of snipping s c e n e s "harmful to-morals" -were near an end. Until that time, government censors supported by the Roman Catholic Church had kept. a light grip on what au-- dlences could see. This meant no love scenes. no bank rob- beries and no shootouts. The tourist boom brough(~in more liberal ideas a n d resulted in the ·easing ol censorship. When It happened, 1fnes at m(lvie lhe:attrs rot longer andl tbe house wu always full . Reapl111 Ute beneflt o! -all submit their scripl.9 In ad· Vinet: lo 'the Mlnlstry or1 Tourism a n d Information. which regulate! movlemaklna 1 In Spain. If the government doem't like the· script, they don't give-the-company the money. The big companies ususlly obtain a location permit from the ministry and run the risk that the censors will cut \Vhat they consider "too daring" fori Spain. I Although they have become• more llbtral, censors still say they are against vio.lence and obscenity and they continue to remote sce nes that strike them this way. part of the worW tor a quartet publicity It received. Let us lhat dtHritd -qi«e lhan hope lhal lhetr mum ""1•1e- tllt ~ ....,..onnonce meat will !IOl bo Ion& defmed. -IT'S NIW IXCLUllYI AllA • • ..... lllllr ....... ...... . ...... .. ~ ....... o.i... La \tiiinpartJI SHOWING fOl ADULTS ONLT . .......... _ ..... -.. -@"t&"I --"'LIO PU.YINroo-- "HOW 10 lllUCI A ""'TIO'f"" ,.,_;. ..... ~Ml><:njll:lo.b~ ..., liiiJ Mnrd•~&mlc'fmfVdiie. ....._ ..... ·-... ,. .... ..........,bt ,...,.... ... """""" """'""""'!'i ' i .I · I . .. JoM Nictds O:Nidl.onge ~Yin Soo:Jttt i.,.&Joii J. Pokulo fredKoriin ~~~7P:~~,~;;;~J f8} Dick v.,. Dylle Jee.II L•111J11011 & W•ltft M•M•• 2Mf ., HUNTINITON I 211td ., HA.1101 ,.SOME KIND OF NUT" 1'THE 000 COUPLE" WEST COAST PREMIERE RUN NOW AT BOTH THEATRES • ' · tlils was a. ·Sp&iUlh film ttn. duslry, wtllc~ had been dor; mant for ·20 yean. In the pllt Jt years, according to unof· ficlal estimates, movie pro. duct ion has increased 20 r*'· cent Like many other countries, Spain now has a film ratin(I : system to help the viewer ' dec ide if a film is sultablt. It runs fl'GITI Category 1, edlfyina picture, to Cate1ory 4 R , dangerous to mor1l1. Films above Catqory 3 are for 18-•/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ year-olds and up. II /:be big pfoductlon corr. P,lniu. whole money came from Hollywood, New York or llome, moved in lint. Bllt tllere was enou&h of a demand f!'( several small . SpanJih 'COlllpanles to get a start. 1he government provided financial baei:ing to aome or Che 1maller: com~nle1. · V\e .only pillc~ la lhaf the 1maller corni-nles have to Distributors fight to gel a 3, • or R ratin& beclUle they know tb< publlcll1 Will mua a blge.r box o!Oct. . Clilos "Roblu1 Plquer 1n•iP- Uans lhat'• why some cemor!!hfp is neCeaury. Ht said : 11There's no reaaon why prOducers should b e c o me weathy on ·filml of corruption and violence 1t the expense of lhe peace of mind of their feUow man." WORLD PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT POSITIVELY ENDS TUES., NOY. 11 . ' "" . ~ lVll\DWOZVll\ll of Glfl}I The motion . plclure designed to save the world from sanity. •wr+.-. WAM!.~ Uii ....... /llo ll' lMIONJ·•TM jlQq($ ,,_.,_ t:ATIWHtlE Hll'IU~N., ~THli MADWOMAN~ CIWllOT" tl(Ul.f.itor~ •Cl.AIM~ t ll<l'I< (W/ol;,$ • X*Will. 'loUl. lllWkO • O,SCUI MO«<l'4. """"""'r U""1lllll . W\JlnA llASINA IMlnt 111.-... ~-™""llJll.l\'I YUl 8Al'NNlA r .. -·OO!Wtl Pl(ASENCf J:.,,_,. ..OANN'I' KAYE ... .,._·...,.,•""""""""'• .llM tM.mJx w .._ • lllfloi lllUJlCf v.yiq • ~tr flMAllO -u • '-"" -..-r.•llllTllll ....---· -.1..-.. tfllY WIOAU • o-»t '1 MTMI fCMl~WlllXIUlll" .... ' • •• • '" , -f V. Nl .. WPOH'f ., c" -.. • ' ... ,.41 .... •nsl&Jll . ... ----.... Stam' Wednesday, f.lov. 12 lit ORANGE COUNTY SHOWING : "ne · Christmas ·Tl'ff"· ~~~.~ ' '. "K'rcackatoa. Ead of StarW No-Y. Tf Java" ' NOW PLAYING EXCLUSIVE ORANGE' COUNTY & GREATER LOS. ANGELES SHOWINGS ..... I FOX CINEMALAllD Hl·WAY 39 ... Off* °'"' 1:41 S.. 'S--ltll ... OMH,0,.-1141 .... ~ ."IAnL•" .... 7111 A t e41 "IATILl Of lltfAIN"-9:11 ht •• ha. ,,41-4!)~7111-,. P.M. • ..... H n1m-4:J .. 11:4t ' I 31 DAILY PILOT ------------- ~··:Remember Them I • . . :'(' . .., . .,.. .. . • • t!" ... .. ... • • • ,• . . • .. • -, • -" .· ' ·. . .. -. -• • • -. . - • • .. • . . • . • •• . ,. • . . . . . . . . . • • • • ~ . .~ •• I 11¥--flying Your--C~lors • . Buy a New .. Flag For • • • Veterans Day Nov. 11 Help Yourself Delp The Boys~ (;Jobs Fly a new flag at your home or office during this patriotic season. Here's an offer that lets you save money and help your Boys' Club, too. Participating in this public service offer are the Boys' Club of the Harbor Area, Boy's Club of Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach Boys' Club. Here's how you can help them and help yourself. Just order this beautiful deluxe flag kit, at a fraction of its retail vcilue, and get as a bonus a California state flag -all delivered to your door by Boys' Club representatives or mailed directly to your home in. time for holiday use. Order N·ow At Any of Four Boys' Club Headquarters HARBOR :AREA HARBOR AREA !CENTRAL IRANCHI !UPPER IAYI 594 Center Strfft 2131 Tustin Avenue Cotta Mesa, Calif • Costa Mesa, Calif. Phone 548·9387 Phone 642°8372 HUNTINGTON BEACH LAGUNA BEACH IOYS' CLUB IOYS' CLUB 31.9 .. .Yoititown 175 North Coast Highway HunrlllCJfOn leach, Calif. Laguna leach, Calif. Phone 536·9415 Phone 494-2535 Use mail order coupon below and send it directly to c l·u I) headquarters nearest you . Your flag kit and bonus state flag will be delivered or mailed directly to your home or office. Or you can pick them up in parson at the Boys' Club headquarters in your area. • SQ.STAR · UNBID STATIS RAG 3~s c,_,1.a1 fllllltCDft11119J llr!,._flll .._....,,__ -· .............. ,...,, A a• ..... ......... ·······························~ • Just cl ip out thi1 meil erder coupon end fill ff' eut, Send, elon9 with check or • • mon•y order, to the loys' Club heedquerters nearest you. Mak• ch•cks p•y•bl• • ' "B ,,... L U • o oy1 -ug. • • Pl-s...i '"" ...................... A'"lri-!let •Its ot $1.H por •It. I ... • • ........ ~ 1 ·w11 ............ 11~., -• ~ .. -!let --•11 •• • Ne,.e ............................................................................ _............................. • • • • Str••t Addr•11 .................. : .......................• -·-························--··-··-······················· • • City ...................... ·-···································-······-·.Zip .... -·---····--······-········· • • Phon• .................................................... Enclo1ed is •··············-·······-·····-··-··-·-··-• • • • Thi1 1pecial holid•y offtr is a public 1ervice of the DAILY PILOT and the loy1' • Club1 of the Harbor Ar••, Huntington leach and Laguna 811ch. • ~······························~ .. « ; .. « -· " . i I .. • < • ' '• .. . , . ' . . ' ' ' ' • < • . < . . < • E , ' i ! ~ t ' l t $ • ' I l • . ~ ' I ' ! • ' r i • . l • • ' . ; • ' ' ' ' . l l ~ . . " ,; ~ ' ' l ' l ' , i j ;1 l ,. ~ ' ; , ~ ~ , ~ ' , ~ I i ? • J 1 l ' . ; --: .. ' ' . : . • ; , . . ~ . .' . . . ! ~ • : . ~--;------------------------------------------=----···--~----~-~. -- ,. . ' j · ~ . ' " < l . < . ! ~ . 1 { . ' • ' . ' , . • ·: ~· ' • ' • l 1 • f 1 i • :; ' ' ' ~ • . ' ' I ' .. • ' • { j . .. . , > . ' l l 1 ~ • ~ i , • . l • , i j j ·' ! < l ~ l ' . ' • .. ,. .1'1LQT·AOY£~nsu --~--,,,, ... Substitute e JIJ L 11'111 lt.-C.. •-••s•>1C--.C.,.- e IMU .,.... • .,.. ...... _._ .. ,, •• ,t1r1t11c.1tw-hrM•,..,. e t6'1 C•••• AM.•~ -Of...-C...., ........... ,.,. e 14MW ...... _.Matellt.-....... C...,5mteAN Water .for La xati ves By Peter J. Stelncroha, MD Coru;tlpatlon can be stub- born. Its causes vary. Some get constip ated because they get Into the habit of takln1 daJly laxatives or ene.mu . Ttt, bowel gets laiy, and rtfauu to work wllhout help. · Others a: e t col\IUpated because they have a spuUc lower bowel. The stools are in- frequent and ribbon-like. st1L1. olhers do not have regular movements because their diet Is deflcltnt ~ roughaa:e -foods like «lery , lettuce, cabb11e and fruill with skins. , Lazy lo,Oe1 '0it1n Ii pr~l ./" if we get into the hablt of postponing or ovtrl~ng signals which Indicate we DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE .,.. ........ . Orlon• Acrylic Sweaters should evacuate. The phon·e rings, a pressing appolniment hurries us, and we put o!r Gre.t 11! purpose bowel movement. \Yhen this s"·eattc in MW I.di happens often enough, the ~ ! Sty In with bowel at ~la.Sl ,becomes im· ltmi-~11 •ltcv's pervious to signals. Then come ~·••M.t• the dai!y',tenehiis and lax· ··.: tii1n..'9t·lon ........ , leltff weQters Dl11111t ,rttti ! ~97 • l11tid Carii(tns • ltltt• P•lllYtrt F u I l f .uhiOM:J sv.·c1tcr jacl;tts ol 100% wylic knitt. Choice of <ol lars and V• ntck" atylcs ill 1·1b le ind ri b lronu. 36 to 40, atlves. 1·\t ·"' _, ~~c.-sm. S.M..1.XL ANOTIQ!R Important polpt .; ·~~-~~-~~-·~--~!l!llJ!l!ll•-1 ia some people who think tlley ~ lrl 1 II It are conatlpaled aren't. Forex-· HllllllCI llJllll G I J II ample, I know paUenta who W 1 Shtlls PlllfJ 'Tl.,.fs have a daily movement yet Ollltn I •" · consider them a e I ves coo-fuhiOI\ 2 F s5 ~;:chm !;i!n~ 99" sllpated. Somewhere they've riJht 0 r .;.•ors. 1·3, ,. h l colon in l ~ heard it's necessary to ave a ains 36 to 40. . ,.:6. .. 1~ 12. lea!it two or three movements . daily "to get rid of the poisons." \Vhatever the cause of eon· stipatio n, it ts evident each in· dividual must look for the cause and try to overcome it. Someti mes lack of fluid intake is an important ·cause. Many of us drink loo Ht tie water. For example, consider the follo wi ng Jetter. This patient cured her own coruitipation. It may or may not work for you: DEAR DR. STEINCROHN' During a greater part of my life I have resorted to lax- atives. I had many problems buJ, cpnstipation ,wore me oui. After four months of not one rtgular movement a new doc- tor said "dfl.nk more liquids." I did and nothing happened. Then he said, "Drin k 20 glasses ol water a day and keep a 5COre pad near lhc sink. No one ever drink& as much as they think they do." I kept score. but could never get up to 20. The fourth day, after drink· ·ng 17 glasses or water a day, l had my first bowel move- ment. After that. as long as I kept to the 17 glasses a day schedule, I went regularly . Since then, almost three years ago. I hav~~·v taken one · cathartic or trxatlve. ' NOW I NEED to drink only about 10 glasses or water dai Jy. lf • couple of days go by without taking my regular ~i­ quidl, I bind up. However, if I start drinking a lot, within 12 hours I'm back to normal. \Vheneve.r I hear of someone with thls problem an~ tell lhem lo drink so much water, they say, "My body holds the water and I get fat." But 1 have not gained an ounce on this schedule. The b o d y eliminates wha t it doesn't need. Enough said! -Mrs. C. DEAR DR. STEINCROllN' Six Months ago t had my uterus removed. My problem Is my family says 1 have not had a hysterectomy because I still have my tubes and ovaries. My·doctor claims the remo.val of the uterus IS a hysterectomy. What is the surgery called when they remove uterus. tubes and ovaries. Please print the answer in your col· umn. I'm depressed enough without having to st and my family's nagging. -~trs. A. CX>MMENT: Removal of the uterus Is a hyslertotomy. Removal of uterwi, ovaries and tubes is ca ll e d : panhysterectomy.· 3 on Coast Get HQllOl'S \ Boys' Pullover Swltll•r• ~~·:O, 2• 1ltevt pull· vvtf1111U• toned mo c \c, cttw, and V.IK'Cb, Full f1.1hion Siies 6 11. fantalli~ Se/tctian Glrl'1 IClflte "'~~· .. rm. '"' '"' SM! ~mbroide rr .,-- trim. Siics 7 to 14. Sweater !i:"., s2ea pull~·c-r I" many styles 11.1 cftuuK" fru111. Pull fashion fall col· _ors._Sizt5_4_to_7.~ Gift loxed Sparkll•g J1w1lry Values la $5.09 lhlnestone Jewelry Pio ................ s11• l'inp. pi~ Ol' ~ii"" b&Ck eunnp, rhrne- ltoac pins It uninp. I.oob; llke the rn l ...... J.oorlol >lyiM lf297 in p i 11 1, drop end . b1.1cron esn inp i nd bracelds. $695 Swiss Movement Men's Wristwatches f1.11Jr iw.raoteed. brt .c.k prot.«1~ 1l'ltcbes with pm:iso ion 5'rus IBOft!l'lmt, Ullbrak· a bit rMin•pd11g. l.t11htt straps ur o:puuion N.nds. A11ti·mf¥· nttic, ,39' ... Circus . . . '/ P'euuts · 4i'1 ...... 81.11 ' incl ~Ye ,k , ho iced 4 •at· -· •••· •sn Tltherll1H & Pole hi s411 ·9••M~1tlt ·B!lllMPldtl T alilt Lighter fu1cst Ji1h t io. '°"'~! Piellr •oh)-199 ""'ic, ear 10 "'. Jud, •dj uttaltle n..e. $12.99 Value) flod<ocl. Chri1tma1 ''"tr .... Shimm::rin1 sg• · bci,1,1ty' with "' bn.ochcs. S<""'r ~ Ct'll~lpOlt. . . ; "' Three 6r,.nge 'C~1t a~e• ~ ~ studtftts nee& ved honors at f ~ entrance •t Chapman Co11t1e: • ~ in Orange thb ran. P.11 .. •.it ... anllftd. $l!Jf"l'C. £ar to iutalJ.Jot fUQ iA "9---· .1·...n~--'--1 $11.91 V•luol Del uxe 6 Y2 ft. Chrlllm•• PIM TrH ~· s1211 ~ ;. They are : ... .. -Nancy O'Connell, Frtnch • "' major, of 9870 La Granada ! "1 Ave.. Fount.aln V a 11 e: y ; ~ • daughter of 1'.Ir. ·and Mrs. f ,. Jamca O'Connell. • -Karen McDani e l, S ·"' mathematics major, of 13181 1 ... Marquette St., Westminster; ~ :! daughter of Mr. and Mr1. .. "" James McDaniel. I-~·._' .... ~thla Skwtlr·, Eng\1111 ii)Oi', r-Vt13 well'"'AV .. Westminster; dauahter o I Mn. 0111 Gordon. -w).lh ,,, hf dike l'ttft brtndltt. 119; 99' D11 Cut hlrtltC.. • 1iiiitr·fltr Hrw, •Plini 1' laa '°"' ... '""' 83~ 1u&pe111;o. 't•t•l1. • 11"4 .... , ••• "·. ,.....,_....., c..w. .•.•• -23 ........ ltwl.-............ Cfttet, C.·M. ~ • .._. .-......, .w._ "'....,... '-'• ,..,,1"' e .. ,.,.itt••_,... .._., e Jl1JI INcll IW. 9t A ...... H.I. $3" Y•lue! Angelique .Black Satin ~ Cologne D»c•1111t s,.ci•!I $129 l:>c:li.i:htful lilac\: S • r i " fl'llgral\Ct IUfl.' 40 Jeli;iht any wo;nan, Ip. 1Ur1cl1'lf hlatlr 'rt. In IL (Ofttlil\Ct • Gift boxN fut ~ivin11! ' ' . $80" Value! ~ecliner Chqli' ON CAS~U $5411· i Polyiirtihani t.nr J.nd bl.ck ' att· uphol· 11n tJ ln ·n:ptnded vinft-fnd . in <hoica of · black ot av~ Ha" '!food Ir• ' " . . . BUY THESE 3 VALUES AND YOU GET 10°/o OFF EVERYTHING YOU BUY.. Up To $25.00 . 10% OFF EVERYntlNG YOUIUY f_' ·-·-$2.J19 x.11•1 ' 11 s• .l.nt.if 60 Chewable d a i I r vitamins SJlCCiillr priced! 1.S 01. 1He4.,..11t, Price l11cl. ,,. , .. ,, Oft" e11 l•ll:fl 't • ~ 1.01· 1;. ,.;11.oi : .•..• • .., · ~it.ti· vit1.i11 H1lr 97c Tt•lc ...••... ••••. •••• • le!Oe el 60 TMol•h 66( • Sl.05 E111i rhr .••••• , ,, SAVE 10% ON TOTAL PURCH~_IES WlflN YOU BUY 3 OF TH[IE FINE PRODUCT~ Hri~rol ?tlrt~ .,,·ill itnd )UU ·10'/n of your !oul p1,1rcha)tS (up to $2,-1 $2.,!J rcflltld) ... hrn you buy any ~ ol thl.' 1heie 4 branJs ! ,tt,., (all fonni). Yott, ExctJrin, Vitalit.. (horll forms). "fail in i:;oUPON ,,.~V~blc ~t 1"hrift)'. ynur ,;i,les m:tipl ~ prl)Of ol rur,hut Vft 1hc 3 br~n.b. Offc-r C'l<ludtt 1knhoti.: ht-\1.'ragn & robac(Q prod1.1r1s, /lsk 1ny salept'tsOft for information. 69c Dec•rwletl l exetl Statl•n•ry Plainwhilcor 47' lulors, t v t n l()ffiC 2ir mlil. .... 2 9c 1000" C•ll• Tape Comes l:1H11plcte 19' with h1ndy dilpl.'llS· '" .4 9 Dry Mevnt ....... . ....... .. ,. -: O~ILf ~ILO~ J • 1HJl--lt . .,'f--W-.,_, ~ • ••11 .................... -w.,.1 ... , , r • 11t61 • ...., ""*. Q' ···-~ ...... ..,..;..;,. ' .... • • ' $1.49 Y•l...t 7te9 ..... 11tl· lnu111I l ..... N F1rni1v •it<" ro.st«s ill I'.,,,,..,_, •·I O!Mitr Jerir;o J··:--. ;;:p 11 .. ., .... ··--• I 1.ttff lt•I .. H•ndsol!K' heaYp'ti,gbt sttinlm ittcl in "Pinnadt" p&lttrn to complttnent 1ny t•ble sdtin,. Bf•uti f1.11lr 1ift box~! SmoJ,;e ' 1t~nd, tDagi. or al bu..cn holJtr. • • , • • • '"'"" htatinJI". l.'namd . $144 •1 '-t•IS~.$2.69 •16 .. 191:. ... $1.19 . 1inc oi U'Cord rack 99' Bm stont -wire! . ,: . S7.9s -¥11111,1 ~·­ ~k 11-" ''.8Mc~de'•~p1ast.fc coY• $577 e r in lrorr, T1n1i:t'rint or Bro,..n. :?Ort,11(", · · DeceNletl M ... I UHllty lex C9l or fu l desi1111; •.h~: .... i1h tiP.t lit· $1.29S0.'-fTY' Le•tl 111 Wire· :Rl.'p]ice 11! of yuur w old TV Wire now ind U,\'t ! $2.M Alllvmillle . ' I' WMtle11 Chlle ExttnJ1 to covt r ,. $233 .Joors..,,.•J'S. C.Ompltie ..,, ilh h~nlw:i~. $1.98Y•l••l4 l'c • Sleek t<Jllfe .. , 3·SpMtl H-tl P•rt•ltl• Mixers lldr V1nity, 111tt1m1-· $ 66 tic bottc ei«tl>l", ~I ,,,..... . $18.80 Uttlv-1 lty G.I. T-•• C!,E, quality (OIU!fl.IC· 12•0 hon, to.in IC) •Ar YIC• .it<f ~hade. UT.J. Fl•• .. T•wy KltchH T•wel1 18:r27" in hi· fuhion.colo rf. 2 F $1 !'uptr 1Mo rban1, O Jintfm-. l • ' ' ' • ' ' • . • • • • • ~'I I" Electric Drink Mixer l y Sft99 R .. e.nll • 7 . LClq11erware Gift · serving Pieces 1 Pnwtrf1.11 ·100 w 1 t t '1.1per-tonroc ·motor. lifetime l1.1bria:tioa. 2 0·oi. cont.liner." Reg, '''" Acetate y~, $)44. CMK• 1·n,.,, C'Ompotu; btn:e., 111 ore in ntw h ot colon wilhdii1r desi1n. Satin H•lrlle ...... _ '3" acron® led Piiiow Filltd witb DuPont ll'lll•w C•M• Protect and pmtnre· 99• h •i rd o1 whilc yoo tlrtp. D""" "pol""" $2'' fib t t(iJ I tOY• ettci -with satin i11. fcls, white . . • • , • -I I '39" Value! Grape·Swag LClnips Decorator Styled Gor,ireous lainps 1hi1 look hkc • lir,gc Repeat of a Sell-Out! $19'' d1.11!rt of graJll.'S. Come in Blut/ Grttn ·1od Limc/Y,110..,,·. Rt1dy 10 h•ns· Hook1 iod1,1dcd. .. "" ,., .. ,. ·1•11------------~~!""~---~ P I JttJ, pttm1LS '"°" "'°'""" $19'~ Solid State ltg, 114 lamltH Lawn Rakes t:::,'i' 63c Srurdy smooth MnJ• le ...,,.jth .i mporttcl Nmboo ti4*. n e idrilrahforlnw! '2" All Metal Porta· Flies ,----, $)58 P•,tel finiJh~ • , , holcU 1.1p to 100 doc· 1untn11. With A to Z indt'A'. Novelty Radios ~;:i~q~~~i!:"1i~ $)488 ,holct oi Anriquc Sp;i nish Qil'non, ·Sia~ C o ach, ••• 59' to '1 11 D1a1ni•t Fra11111 .,ir7" or l x lO", Bl&i;lr or nttplt fin· --·'<'!!'--~ ... ctrtiliw.t, fk, .. Ancient XniJht Helmet or Antiqu t Car • ·Bur tnt ral at tbia Thrlftf, diKOWlt pticc, ttJrr make -wondttful ,1i It. . . -. ... ,, .. -I . . . ·~1 .. ·' . .. . 4 ':•. • . • . • ' ..... '10" Yal11el hl1y Foot Leeker ...... ' •1• s711 vtnttr ftamc with covered qul/itr biked tnl11"14f JMI· al fini1b. '=' Ww,,.,.., with..Da i ... , • Daian .. Uw. u tor chttt. tool t:""il!l"-"~---,-,-..,.-,--"",,-----,c----.-,,;:---~ ~~ ··-~----,. "' "' T-------..~~.,......---------~----~-----• . • . • . • • • ~ • " T H E .' s ·H· 1/4 IR· I ' IP 1 ·Ei : s ~ T p, E N c I L T H E w E s T • ' • • • ~ . .~OR T~E BEST LOOK Ar:--:TO .. ORROW ~·50 Thetidor, Robins Fon/~0_nAv THL 'HOME OF THE SHAR.,St PENCIL IN HE WEST ' ' ' I ' ' ~ . , ,'I ' -- '• See ·Them All A.t , " ' 1.ay' .Orange '&uni 1 ViJlume Ford Dealer! . FANTASTIC · DISCOUNTS ON ~U. . 1969 . MODELS ' LARGE SELECTION OF BOTH , NEW AND DEMONSTRATOR CARS ' ' OVER . 70 ENGLISH FORDS IN STOCKI ENGLAND'S NO. I SELLER • , , AMERICA'S NO. I IMPORT BUYI CUSTOMS • Grs • STATION WAGONS ' . ' ' ' . ' ' • i' • ' . ' . • ' • #;._ . ,,.,~ . • • -- t .... ;. ~"'I ·~!;.: "',< - "' • ·'I . . • . ' I ,LEASE A NEW . ' 1970! . .. ~· .,,,t. , • .. ' ' ( . I . r ' ' . . . . . ' . . ~<t. . ~ ,,, • ·'J' ' . ~ -. ~ ' ' • • -... , v . ,. . . ' ' .. ' ~ 'I,· . ? ; . . WINTER VACATIONS? . SKI WEEKENDS.? . · . ' . .Go when ind where-you wont -lo witliOut, r,eservotions , •• on ·• fomily budget tho! mokos sense. '-· · :BRAND NEW ELDORADO '···,. . 1• 101/2 FT. CAMPER . ~. ·S1ri1I No. ISSZ d; 'PActOIT SUit. PllCI 11114 .11 READY'TO ·INST ... LL ON . -Saie Prlce s 139 500 youR PRESENT Tkui:.K • ' •• DISCOUNT $619.85 OR Ap~~:ORD • · incl~Prnsure W•t•r·Sy1tem, Sin~ Stove with Oven, IC. Box, MtittrelHI, Dr,,.ii1, Electric •nd Gas Litht1, · 1Vlnyl "Floor1,'"'Etc. LARGE SELECTION OF FULLY AUTOMATIC & FDUR SPEED TRANSMISSIONS ALL POPULAR M.tf ES AND MODELS OVER 40 'CAM,PERS'IN STOCK MtEDUCED'TO CLEARI BUY·YOUR TRUCK &'CAMll'ER'FROM . THEODORE ROBINS FORD. -COLORS -TRIMS. SEVEN BASIC MODELS TO CHOOSE FRoM • .. .. ~ ' , ~ WeAreA _,, !"•" ~~ber Of The Ford Authorized --... AUTHORIZED TRUCK l ~PER QEALER WHERE FINANCING IS AVAILABLE ·· ON THE ENJ IRE PACKl\GE. --~ " USE D CAR LOOK"FO~THE DIAGNOSTIC~cE"TER-SEAL ON THrWtNQSHIE[D.--- 100o/o PARTS & LABOR WARRANfY-4000 MILi$ OR 90 DAYS Covtr• •II mtch•nlc•I ,.m lnchldlng .,..,.., 'tr•nwnlNlen •nwe llnt, re•r llftd, PLUS lli•h1. 'N ttery arid ••h•u•t 1y1tem. All repair work dOM In our ewn MrWlc• department. , . • .,, .. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '69 MUSTANG · A•l9-.., ..... .....,, wWte wen.. white wftti rM1 i...ler. ,_. f'9r, Ww1w 1, _..,....._ Af,,_i ..... 7,100 ......_ IYCW061 I. . · s2495 '68 .. FORD CUSTOM JM YI ....... ,..., ltwt .. cnllo..i .. ~-. redJe eH Heter. Pellce C.. l1114HJ • . '66 MHCURT MONTIRET :z Th'. H.T. VB, automatic, radio, beater, power i;tttrlng. (SLW865) '65 ~a:~~!!: trammlalo1' radlo, heaterf$1195 Olive green with ~k interior.(~) '64 DODGI 1/2 TON Pickup. VS, automatlc, radio, heater, long bed. Cl.26342) '64 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4-DOOR SEDAN $695 V-8, FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING, automatic, power steering, power brakes. (0FF863J '65 CHIVROLn IMPALA '$895' 4-Door Sedan. V-8, FACTORY AIR, automatic, . radio, heater. CXEV776) · '68 FORD LTD 4·DOOR SEDAN One ov.•ner. 390 V-8, automatic, power 11.eering, ra~o. heater, new tires. CVTP703) '65 FORD GALAXIE 500 HARDTOP 4·00Qr. V-8, crulsomaUc, FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING, full power, radio, heater, (PIX337) J 64 CORYITTI HARDTOP . Removible top.~4 siieed. ·radio. healer, power windows, AM-Fl\t {adla. (RHC901) ' J 69 RENAULT R16 . . Wilgon. 4 speed, e.lr condiUoning, Appx. 4,952 miles. (XTE696) I . \ \ ' ' J 63 CADILLAC COUl'li DoVIUI Full power, FACTORY AIR cciNDITIONlNG. Su~rb conditloQ.-(~A6) . J 68 DOD&E CORONn 4-DOOR SIDAN V..S. power.ateerlng, powerbrakes, heater. Detective ear. (315871) $1895 r 66 OLDSMOllLI MS 4·D0Da SEDAN $695 V-8, automatic transmission, radio, h~ter. Detective car. (311126) Stock No. 2'65A . . ~1895 J 69 LTD sii)UIH Wagon. 390 VS, auto., P.S., P-dllc brakes, .· radio, heater, (YC)-1221) '$3195 51295· Hardtop. Factory air, automatic, R&H. J 64 TllUNDIRllRD P.S., P.B., P-windowL (OTW778) 51295 .. . ' $1395 J 66 CHmOLl'I 1/t TON PICKUP s1395 Long bed. automaUc tran.unission. (1'83512) OPEN SEVIN DAYS A WEEK (ALL SALi PRICH .. ncr1v1 rHtiouOH· NU T suN~Y UNLIH NIVIOUILY SOLD.) • .. ' • M <• > ':'i~"!·' --~--.: < • t ~-••• "!" ~.·~1 ., " f.'_jl . 81/2 acres of the tncitt '!1odar.n, Fo~d .sa.le~ and .. ~ ';;!·';rl f .t ~ ;ii, v· .Tj(· ·. . . sarvlca·ta\:lllt1n on·the West Coast ~ : :"19il ~ .~· , § . . rf' ;-.::~, ~ " 19SIN21CE ((' j ~ ' ...... /: .g!AsTH.1•,,,,;,. , ! . _:,-».~ '"\\ ~· . ;, "'"""r ~ ~-\ ¥6 ... t=::J 17111 -====--__ ..,... ____ It __ .., 2060.Harbor Costa Mesa ~ 642-0010 I ' ' • ' • ' ' r 1 • • ---~---~ ~-,-~-------.,.,----·--~,..,.-----~-· -----· ~---...--.-,..._ --· .. --· -~---- ·' • " " ; -... '\ • • • ' .. ' ; ; .. ~ -,. " p ' ,;) " • ..... J •: j ,! I '• • ~ • • y ~ ,r -StfUKE' ~T 'RICH WITH COMPLIMENTS . . 24 Carat Cobbler ·~s gold. lo be found" In ,estem cookery! Discover a mother lode of delicious - nutritious wealth in Fresh Orange Prune Pinwheel Cob- bler. A 24 ·carat orange? Thal's gold th al carl't be brushed on! The rich flavor, Juiciness, deep orange color and "fresh imack" qu@liUei of f r e s h California'-Arl.zona oranges are all Mother Nature's ways of calling altention to their high vitamin, mineral and energy value. The recipe also calls for honey. prunes and walnuts - favorite weslern ingredients. 'llley add their own rich vein Of flavor, te1:ture and color to &)a~rbe the cobbler dough. Onct discovered, then baked Md 'served, Fresh Orange Prune .Pinwheel Cobbler is sure as 1hootin' to please the whole family, whe ther they're lokl seeking or not. .. , • FRESH ORANGE PRUNE PlN\\'HEEL COBBLER I tnblespoon freshly grated orange peel 1 ~ cup freshly squeezed orange juice ·~ cu p honey ~' cup butter or margarioo 1 1,~ cups pilled packaged prunes, snipj>efi i n t o halves 3 large California oranges, peeled, sliced into ~: inch cartwheels Cinnam on Pinwheel Topping Briskly simmer orange peel and juice, honey and butter together ror 10 minutes in small uncovered saucepan. Pour halC , or syrup into ungreascd 9 inch square bak- ing pan. Add prunes and layer or thick orange slices: top with Cinnamon Pinwheels. Bake al 425 degrees F. for 15 minutes. Pour over remaining syrup, Flavor making sure each pin'!httl is n1olstened. Bake IQ. tu l5 minuh!s,Jonger . E·x ct I le flt served warm or cool. A top- ping of whipped or pour cream or aort vanilla. ice cr,~J;D&Y tie added if desired.. St:.r\'.ef 9c. Cfnnauion Pinw ... Topplnj: 21h cups biscuit ll}ix 2 tablespoons s1.1gar 2/3 cup milk -. .. 2 tableapoons n\elt!d butter or margarine "' I teaspoon cinnamon •,~ cup choJ)ped Jl;:ilnuts Combine blscult.i mix;> and sugar ; stir in1 mil: to form a soft dough. Turn out -on floured board; Wad a fe'lf seCond> until 1n..otl" l!!fl oul lnlg • hl4 loch ftci'!ltll•: !'o!fJll will be th Brillh wilJI butter; Sprinkle with cin- namon and, walnuta:. Roll up jelly r o II fashion, 1lartin11. Yt'ith nllJTOW end. CareluJly cuf into nine 1 lnch slices. ... I II ~ ' • • " ' j ' • -• ' KITCHEN MAGIC ,WUh the proper know-how and a few magic tricks, ordinary ingredients can be transformed into deliciously .difierent sal"!dWich- es. Demonstrating her San~w~ch'ery is. Mrs. Eileen . ' Co~ne, Southern Coun'tJes' Gas Co. home economist who is one of two ·instnictors for the 18lh annual Ora~ge Cp(lst College ,C.QO)s:ing Sc.h®l. She ha s con- jured up Pizza by the Yard and Sandwich Cake. Earl's Fad Now Fanc_y By JO OLSON The ho1ne eco1101nists of. ,. • • Of fllt Dlltr Plllf It.ff fered eeneral hints . 0 n The world owes a debt of sandwich m a k i n g and demonstrated 12Tecipes, from gratitude to the Earl of party sandwich loaves to brun- Saiidwich for being a gambling ch and h c -m a n com- man, ·ror back in the 18th Cen· binations . tury he was r.oo busy to atop The demonstration began gal11bllng 1nd eat and ordered . with stuffed rolls, hard ·his meat btooght between two French rolls stuffed with a .slices of .bread. for easy handl· ground round. cheese and 1nJ. · tomai<>, sauce m!xture. spiced His "eat and gamble al the with onions, chlh peppers and same time" bread and meat olives. Very good for informal ~naUon was so successful entertaining, these c~n be • th~t.: en ever since have been made ahead and left 1n !he . ea . 'sanctwiches. though not refrigerator until party time. al ys wiine gambling. STUFFED ROLLS 1n fact, sandwlcbei have 1,-J pound Ameri~an cl~eeite Come i loog way from th eir I ca~ .c~ ripe allvcs humble beginning and now are 2 boiling onions found even in the midst of 1/2 Ortega pepper gourmet feasts. 1/3 cup tomato sauce 0 of th . l lh' 1/3 pound ground round, ne e n1ces mgs browned about 1andwiches, both for 1..:.: teaspoon sail hearty everyday fare and the Bulter or margarine fanciest brunch or tea , Is that 8 hard French rolls they are 1lmple and fun lo Jn food mill, grind cheese, make. olives. onion and Orega pcp- A capacity crowd In the per. Add tomato sauce. ground ~fesa Theater .learned l;he .round, and sail. Stil' well and secrets of Sandw1chery during refrigerate mixture two hours ttte first session In the current for . full blending of flavors. Orange Coast College Cooking Remove centers of 'tiard rolli; SchoOl taught by Mrs. Pat with grapefruit knife and fork Mogan ol Orange Coast and spread inside ligh tly with College and Mrs. Eileen Coyne butter or margarine. Stuff of·Southem Counlles Gas Co. rolls, wrap in foil and c.hl.11. A handful of men bra ved lhe Bake at 250 degrees for one crowd of women and about 1 hour. Serves 8. doun of the women were ·The ho1ne e c o n o m i s t s returning for the 18th year to pointed out that the rolls can the school, keeping their a~ be baked ahead of lime and tendance record perfect. then kept In a warm oven. . . They also can be pul inlOfhe rrcercr and then healed en ex- tra 15-20 minutes at serving time. Th e nexl recipe dct11onstrated was Sandwich Cake, a spec tacula r party sandwich that rese mbles a -layer cake and is dressed up with parsley and gar nishes of fr esh vegJ:lables. SANDWICll CAKE I round loaf unsliced white bread 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 cup finely chopped cooked shrimp 1,:.i cup soft butler (at room temperature I ' '4 teaspoons tomato paste Dash cayenne Sa lt ·to taste I cup st uffed olives, finely chopped ~.·~ cup chopped almonds 3 tablespoons mayonnaise or salad dressing I sma ll flrm ripe avoc:ido r lcas1:oon lemon juice 2 8-ounce . packages crcan1 chec.sc, a~ room tern· perature 2 tablespoons mayonnaise or Malad dr essing 2 tablespoons milk •,: cu p chopped parsley 2 thin cucumber slices 3 radish roses . Cul a thin slice frorn brcRd to make top flat ; carefully slice off outer crust. Slice bot- tom section crosswise into 4 . even layers ; spread lhr~ layers vilth butter o r margarine. Combine slirimfl, ~~Cup sort butter. tomato paste , cayenne and salt . Spread evenly on one of, layc~s. • Mix olives, almonds and 3 tablespoons mayonnaise or salad dressing well and spread on one of remaining layers. lialve avocado; pit, pet! and cut into small chunks; place 'in small bowl. Sprinkle· with lemon juice then mash with fork. Blend in one package cream cheese and 2 tables· poons mayonnaise or saJad dressing. Spread on tl}e rt• main'ing layer. stack the 3 layers on a large serving plate: place plain lciye r on top. Beat remaJning package of cream cheese with milk u n·t i I fluffy.smooth . Spread over side and top cf loaf. Pre!s parsley firmly onto side. Chill 3 to 4 hours. Just before serving, garnish with cucumber slices and a cluster of radish roses . Cut into wedges with a sharp knife. Serves 16. The home economists sug· gcsted gelling lhe bread a day ahead or time so it can age. Sheepfierders or French bread are good choices. Take a minimum of crust off the bot· tom for easier cutting. They also said that they prefer to add another 3 ounce packqe of cream cheese to the icing for a rul/er frosti~. Insects 'Get Smart' an·d S.urvive Man's Effort to Destroy ,, By DOROTHY WENCK Or111" cwnf'r Him• Ad'tlw • . 'Home: ~News and. Views Jia\re yoU ever met a &ained cockroach · -----------------------------one that ~ad learned to avoid being conen, Jn cracks and crevicea, In voidt uder cabfnetl, and In all out-of.the-way pl.-HUly to be Infested. 11trtt months aflcr lreatment there 'were no cockroaches at all to be seen. The bOrlc 1cld powder, at .about a pound per apartpl.ent. prov.ed far· superior to another widel,y used insectlclde dust. which • allewed 11 percent of the cockroaches • to survive alter lhree month>. there indefinitely. A bulb duster or squeeze boltle can be used to apply it: Do not apply boric acid powder where . children or pets might cat it. And In ac. cessible areas, do not leave more than 'At 'teaspoonful in any one spot. Do not. apply lhe material lo planls. Take care not to inhale the dust during applicaUon. Keep the powder in its original labeled con· tainer and store It out or rea ch of children. beeUe larvae may ~ yellow, brown, or black, are much Un1er (aboul ·la to ¥• inch) and have a furry, hairy ap. pearaqcei They aoo leave a protecUve case b:ehihd. • klllecl by lhe it-llcide you put down! Amazing: 1s it may 8Cem, insects can , learn. Beet and 1nts have the greatest capacity for learning. Cockroaches learn Jess rapidly, forget n1ore ,f4Sily Ind art more resistant to behavior changes. But "smart" cockrol<:heS can Jeam to avoid repellent insecticides and µ,ttefore survlve111an's efforts to destroy them. So If you've had cockroaches ln your home (it ca n happen In the ' ' be s t ' ' neighborhoods! I and haven 't been abk!: to get rid or them, maybe you've raised a breed or "smart" ones. Dr. Walter Ebeling. noted.authority on household lnsecU: at UQLA, has shown in experiments with German codcroaches that they learn to avOld insecticides so Cockl:~cheS normally prefer darkness to often llved •Ion& aa thole lhlt were not light. • treated with lnaedlcidea. LMN(l llABITS• CHANGE Dr .. Ebefl.;. abo found lhal common Aeeonlies ti Dr. Ebelill, u.e GenDat boric teid.powder~ which is far Jeu toxic · than other insectlcldea, ICjlieved the ceckroltclt -Ute oee _. ~ most effectiye cockroach control 1n tut ,.. ... I.Ji ,.._. -... «••I'd HI "'1111 boxes trt1ted with boric ICkl powder, JOO ltabi&I ia &be laat. n yean or ao, ,. prercent ol the cockroacba: were killed 1n respone to bOal'clMilden' attempQ &t es.-six diy1. In holies tre1ted .wJth the next termhla&e IL belt lnaecUclde:, there were .WI I perqnt "Twenl• lo 30 i·e••s .~." aaid Dr. of the lnleda alive 30 days after treat· " -•" menL It's tbese "smart'' survivors who Ebeling, "you found cockroaches •bnoet1 Id -~~--b-~ 1entirely in the kitchen -around the sink, wou 1.vu1o1111ft: to 1 ~· refrigerator and panlries. Now with •m TREATMENT , 'M>e reason why 'boric acid is more ef· lectlve In cockroach control than other • more PQWerful mater\als Is that it is not repulsive to the roaches, and the, therefore do not learn to avoid it, ac- C<lf'dlng to Dr. Ebeling. QUESTIONS WE ARE AsllEO , Q. I juat &oolc some wool lmtt 111hl out of Ille closet where lbey had been stored ftr' the 1dhlt11er 'and' drseivered at\'t:ral holt.1 in !Mm. ApparenafJ we Uve motht. Wlllt ca1 I dt to get rtd fll U..7 You can rid woolen clothin&, blankets. etc. of insecll and their eaga aod 1arv11 by brushing and aUnnlng them. or by hlY.. ing lhem 'dry cleaned. Moth-proof liDllhu' can be appllcd during dry cleaninj:, or at home you can apply protecllve sprays -available in aerosol cans. Store wooleot in garment bags." Clean the closet thorooghly with yoor vacuum cleaner and spray inaectJcldt (one labeled as being effecUve 11• clothes moths and carpet beetles) oo the surfaces over which the Insects are likely to crllwl -especlaJly in crackl and crevices. A. You may have clothes moths in y(llJr closet, or more llkely, carpet beetles. Both e11t clothing during their larvue stage. The clothes moth la rvae arc about Q. Is il ~Ille ao e.t cllee1e Del _., •---~well that they'll crawl into a light area ·• tntr-lbin a lCd aark aha. these areas being treated,. and the 11 1* hrtc add ,...11er wM ned hi a ccckroach leaving to avoid them. you find au P.rudlet ,.,....._. pnJec& dla& lhlfe ~kroach almost inyWhei'e In tttel ~.,.. • 1teav11 laff!ltff wt• eockrtacl»ff. OU&e. • I Borlc•itcl<I -............ ..,. ...... ln~£.~~.tf.=r £' /J!id'~ :tC:~"!tl,'ii..:t'ili:!: When handled properly, boric acid is not. highly toxic to humans. It is relative- ly lneipenslve, and sinct it docs not decompose rapidly , It Is eftective as long 11 ll ls leet in place. It should be placed In ttw! out-o!-the·Wli)', warm, da,rk a.i:ep's _,(llkL.11J)dtr tbe.dl1bwuber or_.c ' r where cocllroli:lla Illa tO hide) and 1tn 1.i inch Iona, arc while and haye bctome moldy? J broWnJsh·bll\ck heads. , ' A. Moldy cheese is not harmfu(. JM Oii! ' y-d.l•loi? &ilk.,,._, ...... -1.be•.--.... -you wauld ... n1-to·~1r"'lm.__ .. .,, ............. -~ whl~h ls ''often round on rabrics, Carpet mold before eatin& the cheese, r ' ---·· ,, , • . ~ .... ~· ... ...... Cl •• -H DAILY PILOT \VtdntW~. November 5..196() olitaire On y Garii-e or 1'Aiss DEAR ANN 1-ANOERS: I am engaged to be married. k>vt my nance deeply. The thought of carrylng his name for the rest f\f my life and handicapping our children with it makes me \errlbly unhappy. His name iOund! like a dirty word. Is fhere any law that saya a woman must lake her bUJbll.DCl.'a name when they marry? Could ht take hers Instead? Our family name is simple Ind pleaaant·!IOUn· <ling and I would much rather have Jt than his. He is opposed lo the Idea and l think he's be.lfll unre1101table. Please comment. -NAME OF THE GAME DEAR.~GAI\{E: .Yov problem ,, Dot egal. lt'1 t motioaJ. A man's name is mpartanl to klm -evta if It does ICMlDd \.like 1 dlrty 1'91"11. r ANN LANDI RS ~ . . 1 Cll ru'dlty ultdenaaacl JOllr fluet11 ""°°'' ntldlmt, )'fa ll't Vtry Wf"Onl! reluctance io trade .U1 ume""tor )'OUL \'our advJce te, ~ peoplt who: .Ia our society, fem111et an ctmlq .,_J .,ml.Iii llvt w:lth a pbt»y relaUve wu off · stron1er ud 1tro111er. Yow •'ltUftdoa tarpt. ~ doesn't help th• 1 • could well be laierpret.ed 11 tbe alttmUe btttqutftd Vlctlma. · It mertl)' wear1 1Uempl 1t em1tcul1~011., Dlo't ·prtllW'tl them do'n. , blm or be ml&bt wln4 up ~ ,..._ Uep , I eloped ·~ ' tender ap to cet away your e.lmple, pleaJ1Dt-IOUdln1 ame llil from a ._ )alker -my mother. l &Ive bk to SOJJlebody elle. : rtallltd, too JalB, .that her cooUnoua talk· · • In& drove 1111 wt 'GI Ille ....._ Into a DEA!t-·ANN LANDERS: Yoy aron1 dlJutroul .-,.. Believe me, AM, I wrq v.-y often, but when you ARE hlvt liltened to ber for 70 7tll'I, and 1f It ' . ' I •'" A , . I ~ Palette of' Pleasure Awaits Parfygoers Sampling a palette of pleasure are members of the Pacesetter Chapter. Children's Asthma and Re- search Institute and-Hospital (left to right). the ~1mes.>. Victor Bardack . Herbert Lenchher -and Irv &:hlesinter, ~po anticipate-the cb..,te:i's fifUI :an· nual wine-tasting party and art show Friday, Nov. 14. The Newport Medical Plaza will be the setting for the 7:30 p.m. event and tickeU_may be purcbas· ed at the door or by contacting Mrs. Lechner, 838-8496. William At J. Brennans Laguna :...,..,., ... ,..,,,., .. ,..,'""'..., .. ..,..,...,,..,.,,..,.~.,~..,.~~m~""" Home -·'· Laguna ~ch ls . the new home of WiUlam J . Brennan and his new ,bride; the ft>nner Judy Jolene Mehuron, who ~·ere marrieH frl P a c I f l c MRS . W. J . BRENNAN Palisades Rites Members 1n Palisades Pr es byteria n Church. • The Rev. Pel.tr Macky ._ performed the ceremony link· tJ ing the SOll ol Mt.-and Mrs. tl \\'llliam J. Brennan of Rye, • N.Y. and the daughter of Mrs. ;;t James 1. Mitchell of Pacifi c ' Palisades and Gerald G. 1i1ehuron. ' ' For .the cereinony the bride " wore a white saUn empire f 1own and canied a bouquet of di while rosebuds. Her . maid of P honor, MW Patricia Allen, i and bridesmaid, Miss Connie ii Mitchell, both wore ptnk crepe ~ gowns and carried pink baby ti roses. tt K'evin Walsh was best man ~ and James Mehuron was an usher. Tse new Mrs. Brennan at· tended University of Callrornia. Santa 'Barbara and UCLA. She affiliated with Chi ~· Omega sorority. ~ The bridegroom attended St. I:'" MichaeJ ·s College, Vermont. The newlywe d s honey- mooned in San Francisco. Pour Tea and participating ~·ill be Delta Beta Zeta, Gamma Alpha Nu, Iii Xi Kappa Lambda and XI ~fu ~ Lambda. ?i.trs. Robert Kremer Qq//as Catalogs Mail Order Rush DALLAS (UPI) -There It ls, right on page 11 of your fa vorite mail order catalog, just in time for Christmas. "ll~long·lerm, very stable growth. Baby girl elephant from Thailand, the best . source for baby girl elephants. Weaned. healthy, of good family. Allow lour weeks for delivery, F.O.B. Dallas· '5,000." \Yell , maybe a baby elephant is not your speed. But how about : "llC-long~term, slow growth. Galapagos turtle. from the Galapagos Islands, where el se; only two are available so don't delay! Male or female '! \Vell, it will be one or the other. Allow five weeks for de-- livery, F.0.B. Dallas $1,200." Of course, if you don't want to be a part of th e rush for lhe two turtles and want some- thing that can grow a title faster, there's al· ways: ''llE-short-term, fantastic growth. Gerbills , cleaner than a guinea pig. Pair of a male and female (with fantastic family po. tential), cage, water tube, food dispenser, food, litter and bool<let of care. $35., freight included." The new Nieman·A1arcus Christmas cata- log offers all this. plus 1uch items as a brass owl to Ught matches with, a suspended high- ball cocktail glass that hangs around your neck. or a "clock cube" that tells the time "via three light spots that mark the hoqrs, minutes and seconds" on a grey Incite ball. is chairman for Xi Xi Pi. Lo; __ ""'..,""""'""...,""!' ltache to " . ,... polllble to become accJ1JIOm<d to !)EAR ANN ~DEBS: 1 am a lnctloint Jabborln& 1 Would wely be us-middle:ai«t inale wtJo·r••tr lhoqht I'd ed to It now. t.ly mothtr Ii nearly 95 and be wrilin( to you, but jJere 1 am. Now dell 11 a·whale.,.. Tbll...,, ol course; a you can say, "Welcome to the Club.'' lrt-adv-far bu. Sbe . The probleni ii Gui ~·ln·IAW, _, -blraa •• lihe)lanl l'I along · Shrll drlvlilg.111 crazy. o.r·..., Buddy, with a ...... IOUI. She la !11flr W1'<>111· No left hOr three '"'"'"" q, 0 f0< .aood l~a la &"'!I )ln1eaa aha tlJaMhl GI It. She '"" 11 -bly tral~ !Jet eyesight· Is ,......., which I •1111'1 p 1114· bort., 11le -and her ban& are uMeody. Bui her g~l Ill~ or -Mr every·ni,hl voc1l COl'dl, the part of her anatomy ahd crltt bit eyes bu.L She WUil UI &o wlllch haa a very right to be worn out by. help her l'I Buddy bli:kc ,We ' can do now, are better than ever. · nothing for her. -1 -BUNIONED EAR IMolBER TWO My ..,vu are ll1ot and I am alclJ 11( Dlt.t.R IUN: 1Pw -of yoa wbo the sitbt of h<r. l\ll' w~e la i .,...~ lroJn -........ wtUo 1M natln1· <01"· lllJenlng to . this nllltY, pl -•L In a ~ of a -liiMt ·(ad t11on· mlnuto detail, llorlta which m trivial .... -,, .. wrllll f -.... · aod"lrnlevuL HOor•: llllidl ... wt owe _..,..ltarJltCLnlJD0-1. · '1*?Wblldo:you ... !POlllTOFNO ' ' " Horoscope ame llE'l'URN DEAR POINl':-Yeli ... , owe lier Y"' dllty. T1D lier lo pt •"'"'eulHal -... -... ollvloollly -· •••••e • ~ &e 1111-9. ·· OIVt in ,or lole him •.. when a guy givea you lhll lfne, •look out! For tJps qn how lo hand.le the wperses aalesman, c~k Ann Landers. Read ·her booklet, "Nec king and Pei1)ng -Wbat,Are the Limits!" Send your request' to· Ann Landers fq . c&re of thl1 newspaper, enclOilng 50 cents1.n a:iln •od a Ion&, it.amped, self-addressed envelope. .Ann Landers will be gla4 to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care 'of the DAILY PILOT, enclolinl a .ttlf.--, llamped envolope. . . I .... fl I'! • Secret's · Re.vealeel THURSDAY, NOVEMBEk 6 87 IYDN6Y Ot.IARf\ AIUll (March lt-Aprlf.11): Barslillnl developmental If• feet Ind change your im~e. Bo'. .... for sudden \hrUlt Jn. to ~-A friend who 1p- ·J1Wtd lnbocuous lakes darlnc .. wl).leh cOOld involve yau. · l'AtllWI (April -ay :IO): Stew ' claar of sllmulllllL Mlloi -of rest period" You .-do every1hlq at ooct. ltudy pace will attain fOll. lllowtlig <Jlf lleam cao Gl11y 1ud to ..... 1e1s dllpute. ODilNI (t.lay 21.June :IO)r Good 1mJar aspect today eoln- cida with romanUc 1es&ur1 from Ml who attract! you. Kmw that yoor peraooal, mljheUlm is vibrant. Be con-,fidtftt. Pleasure principle IC• centtd. CANCER (June 21.July 211:" There . are challenges pr10-Ucall1 made to order for you, Your hunches are correct. your natural abilities come to fore. Don't ftar the unknown. Clrcwntt&nces will favor your efforll. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):' Surprl!es apt to occur in con- nection with relatives in tr.,,.. sit. Your mind races ahe1d ol acUons. Be !IW'e others are fEDl1i1r with your meaninga. P..ace_youHelf. . VlRCO (Aug. 23 ·Sept. 211: Be versatile . .$omt-tinandal. dealings appear erratic. Di rtldy to move with the llmee. Key Is fiexiblllty. Purcha• ol unique product i.! '"flYor~: Unorthodox methods sucCeed. LlilllA (Sept. 23-0ct. 21): Sudden i;:hanges, ,~bliclty, , romlflct, unusual bapPenln1s ,Jn creeUVe area _,these are bishlJl!it.cl. This 1li0uld be. one 1Jf the mast slgnlf.lcant days GI -k for ~oo. Bruk thtouth to new horizons. ICORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Very dUflcult t{) keep IC· tlvidea a secret Family soon pt.I wind of what's occuntna. XDOW th1I -act accon:U.na:ly. Be ready for llU.r]lrlses. Otlt wllo wu confined to hoopltal la ref-. Jt): 1'Wt la 1'ocn "!or yoo al l~GITrA!UUI (Nov. zr... tllo IGp, Yout dadalOlll, IC• Dec: II): Prtendo may act In U... Ila· ap1 lo' oparkle with eccentllc' mlUilllt .. Y11J will orllfJWlty, !1fte In authorlly hlVe to be • e I f • r e 11 a n t • trultl you to inlke richt move M-aould bit 1arbled. Do wben lllOllOY la concerned. · your own ·cbeck)ilc. Strlvo for ' AQUARl1)1 (J111. :IO Feb. balance -eopectally In flnan-II): t.luoh to . your poulble claJ aree. · . .am~. there la flurry of "'CAPIUCORN (Dec.· 2t-J1n. reapc11111 to recent cor- Third Ball Designed ' rt1pondli1ce, ellortl. 'llllat teemed out Of reach becomes .: ... au1ble. ee· practical. Line up to retp0111lbWty. PISCES (Feb. l~Marcb IO): One close to you feels greater freedom to decide, act. Give advice, aJd when it. ii r~ q1111Jed. But. avoid try1111 to lmpooe your will m otben. Designihg plans for the third annual ball of the Orange County Chapter, Na- tional Society. ol Interior Designers are (aeeled, left to right) Mrs. Raymond Velardo, chairman and Mrs. Vera Dennis of Newport Beach, president, with (standing, left to right) John EasUund, Mrs. ·Robert Smalley and FrancoiJ Thi· beauK.. The gala will take place next Friday in the Balboa Bay Club. Reports Read At Gathering OltAHGI COAST COLLEGE P!tlSINTS COO.KING SCHOOL RePorls will be given when Mrs. Pat Williams will Lafuna Stach Chapter, Order preside over tht meeting ol lhe Eaatem Star meets next where plans will be made for Friday night at l '"ln Laiuna' lnatallatlon and a Christmas Beach Maaonic Hall. party. Mrs. W!Urld Lawion On the Stage of the MESA THIA TR&, Co1ta Muo . -Prepere for th• Holidays - -PRfZES- THURS., OCT. 30, NOV. 6, 13, 20-'-9:30 A.M. Mr. and t.trs. Arthur Stead and Mn. Beulah Smith are 1n wlll preside, and r!freshmenta,-;;';;ha;;r;i;ge;;;;of;;;;re;;fr;;es;;hm;;;;e;;nll;;.;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii have bee arranged by Mrl.lfl Tony Olivares and her corn· mlttee. Also coming up Is the Star Club's monthly meeting which will lnclu<le the election of of. fic:en tn Laguna Federal Sav· ln1s and Loan· Wednesday, Nov. 12. Service Mothers Every third Thursday U.S. Air Foret lolothera, FUght 11 schedule meetln11 Jn Callforni1 Federal Savings and Loan bulldln1, Costa Mesa, at I p.m. . ENDS WIDNUDAY NOY. Ith! e "MIRACLE" WIGS e I Wtth 'tlft •1tr 'tlll, rcill th•lll 11p ftt tr1•1f t11tl 100% K111tk1len fibtr1 '"••• tlit111 tnaly "111ir1cl• wit,"1 Participation in a bout ique tea taking place Saturday. Nov, lS. will be discussed when members of Xi Xi Pi chapter, Beta Sigma Phi. meet at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Costa Mesa home of Mrs. John t.loquin. Abo to be discussed during the meeting will be the chapter's ru.Sb party \\led- nesday. Nov. 19. and Mrs. Eldon Dvorak , president, wlJI announce the group's Valen· VIRGINIA'S . . ~t9ul1rly 24.95 I Regularly 29.95 SALE ~ .•.• 17.95 SALE •..•. 22.95 The tea wUl lake pla~ between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Costa Mesa grange hall, How lan you lo1r wriqht and,}\ k""I' it off :~ fn' qor.d ? · . .- WEIGHT•. WATCHERS. THE BEST • il.11d1r1hip p • f I 1 p•••• "P111111tt" 11 •11• ef th• w.-rlcl'• 11101! fiop111tr co1'1l1 1hiJ11. lltttl II ift v 111 flit DAll'rl'Ttc • r tine princess. She also will present the program, The Good Life, from lhi!. bOOk of "Life, Leaming and Friendahip. '' Mesa League La Lcche League meeta the second Tuesday at ?:30 p.m. ~trs. lt. W. ~toore, 545-4359, will answer que s tions regarding location. . . LID .f1LL'C? STRICTLY JUNIORS NOW OPEN '. .. In The Alley Of Open Fri, Ives. tlH lC24 ¥14 LIDO All CRIDIT rvtPOIT-IU.CfrC",(lDS-Wll:'CO.Jilll SNIP 'N' S'i'ITCH SHOPPE llH E•sf Co~st Hwy. • Coron• dtl Ma r Phone 673-1050 · ' MAKE WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS &IFTS lt'1 f11" te ltw foi th• "'tit 111 'Y••; lift! Mil• • h;"' f11I e11trt 1,.cltl with • c111ltflll•llliJ1 r•M. sleep ce•t, '•!••• et 1ptrt 1hlrt. Sl111plicity '•tft"" 1410 I 1411 fHtu,.1 t ! .. It ,1;1r1 f•th1r tlMI 1•1t reltt. Mtlr• It et ••1lttW• •eol•n1, ctrll11rey, vt lt11r11 ferry M pltMI •r1,. 111d Jry cetto111. Ye11 fi11d 1Jlfftrf11 kt both tltt' ceet tr , •• jt111•1 if v•11 111• l•tftrlc• 2101. l1rtt••tMl f1lt • ,;,,, flt1111tl, •••re11 •1114 ••tf•" 111• ~r.111 ,,J11h er pl•i111 t!MI f•r rttl h1111ry, lto'A ~tlyttttr c.11p1. SH ye11 •••ft, 'llr1l11it P$1 It tht wtll t1,..11H lh•ft••tl•l11t1 H1.t1u i11 cee"11111te4· ltl•••• 1114 l•11t1 f11ll ,1fth, s1111,1!1l• ty ISi• er tft 1tty t• ••tr f11t11p111lt fM111 SI•• pU1lty 1506 • e CASCADES e F•r th1t ''$p~1l1I f•tfti11t" -:-W11r • 9l1m110111 100% c•tctllllt -• lt•lr trul., low1lyl REG~l.ARLY 17.95 SALE -.... -.... ..!.. ...... -......... 12.95 1 All Wlfs, Wltlefs and FaHs a-._ucetl 20% to 50%, affie~ """ ' 250 E. 17th St. WIG and llAUTY SALON Costa Mesa .Phono 541-34-46 Dally 'Ill 5:30, Thura. an~ Prl. 'Ill I l1A I ~111-----'------IWHL_cffj~~I_ I I . ,.,. .. ·~-----,-=--------------------------------... .,.... ......... .,. ...... ~ ..... ~~-=----·=--·-~-... -·------, ... - -. LT. AND MRS. JOHN WIL~)~S JR. Homt In Gtrman.Y · "Carol Hinesly Selects . ' Parents' Rite·'· .S~,tting ".1~ before the 0 a1tar of Cllrisl .Church by !he Sea, ~· setting for her parel1ta' nupUal rites 21 years ago, carol Hine!ly becanle the bride. of. Army Lt. )ohn Nagle'Wiillams Jr. . of the bride, Jack _Boyd Jr. and Anthmiy, Long. A r.ceptlon In the Mootlcell<> Clubhouse, Co I ta Mesa, followed the ceremony where Mrs. Boyd circulated the guest book. ' The early a f t e r n o o n Special guests were Mn. ctremony was performed by Laura Harvey of Philadelphia, tbe\Rev. David Di Proffu for the benedict's grandmotbtr; the dau&ttf.er of Mr. and.Mr•. MiS!I ·~eatric:e Herv~y. great. Bill Hlnt!ly or Costa Mesa and aunt of the bridegrOOJD "Of Mi:. ~and 'Mrs. John N • Philadelphia, and Mrs. Sally Willi~ of · Radnor, Pa: Hines'.lf and Mrs. Lett ie A white linen gown ·wl!h• Vaughn, crandmothen of the ~vY lace trim at the nec5 bridti;from Co8ta· Mesa. . and sleeves was chosen by the Aft.er l\oneymooning on the b Ide A '·ht I h d east coast the newlyweds will r · ma""' ng ace ea · make their home in Berlin band caught her l'eil and in Meeting,_ ' . Exchanged For Chats A ""°' ol flr<olde chats wUl ,nplact the re1ul a r l"6al!*bJY meeUng ol the Hun-tllWlin Buch branch, • ~ AplocloUon of 'tln!'-'ll1 Women. , . hrp<19 of .the: "chlttl' Uk· i., pl><e In the hmM ol three Uil!mbert, ia to iriformally ac- quaint -llOd old memben with the poirpooes and aoal ol . AAUW and provide an oP' portuntty for members lo become acquainted. Members o r proapecliYt: members may i»elect an even- ing and' locaUon which ls con, venitnt. Mrs. E. David Willette wiU • host the first gathering on Tuesday, Nov. 11, and the se- cond chat is s<:beduled in the home of Mn. William R. Stanley on Wednesday, NOV.' 11. Conchtdin1 the series will be a me<lln& In the home ol Mrs. Donald H. Rowe, Thurs- day, Nov. 20. Marriage Announced Married 0 durln' a nuptial maY In St. Joachim 's Catholic Church 'l{tte Susan Jane Benware and Patrick Welman C.udlll. P<rionnlng the double ring ceremony WI! U>e Rtv. ~ Thomas Nevin. Attending' UM' couple were . Ltnda Stinson and Andrew Cummins, both ol eosta Mesa. Following the ceremony, a reception t.ook ~ in the- Newport Beach e of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Benware. The newlyweds are making their home in New p ort Hel&ht" . Religious Day Unitel Women . IT'S A 'F REEZE' - Holiday entertaining will present no problems for the host· ess who plans ahe~d , demonstrates ·Miss ,Carol Heinz. Edison home economist. Holiday programs begin in the-company's electric living center on Monday, Nov. 17. 'Heat1s Off' for Holidays Hostesses Plan Ahead . her cascade were iardenias, where the bridegroom il1 sta- stephanotis and ivy leaves. tioned with the Berlin Brigade. The new ~frs. William! was ~ti~ Carole • Grin,der was graduated from Costa Mesa m.a1d .of Honor an_d High School and attended bndesma1ds wer~ P.1rs: David Orange Coast College. Christiana in 1nternational Development wjll be the theme when Churchwomen United of Laguna Beach mark World Community Day in V i r; ions of sugarplun1i; the Ho\idayr;, Friday. Dec. 3 and 5. South Shore· Baptist Church , needn't Wrn into nightmarN! The program to fill cookie Evening programs \\'ill be South Laguna at t:30 a.m. Fri· when'hostesses anticipate holi· jars and create candy treats, pre~nted at 7 p.m. Monday P _f !l-t.t 8.IJd MISS Cat h X J{er ·busband i1 a graduate _Williams. sister_ of _th e..__ol Rad:no.-Higb School and benedll"l. 'they wore ~ale ~Ne ·West "Point. · day, Nov. 7. day entertaining. along \\'ilh other holiday tips and Thursday Nov. 17, 20 and Mn._ Charltl Severns of Miss Carol Heinz, home and plan·ahead 1.ricks utilizing 24 , and Tuesday and Thursday Orange, Ult' sptakerr ha• been economir;t,... for lhe __:_Southern lhe freezer, will begin al 7 · Jlec...._J_and._j._Tht y all are presldent of Cburcbwomen California' E~ Company p.m. P.1onday , Nov. 17. OJ)f;n to the p~blic "lthout Unite(! in Phoenb: Ind wor..ked Electrli: Livlni qepter, will Day sessions will start at 10 charge arid each gue s t With yotith ~ms in Mexico deinonstrate the ,palhless way a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 18, .end· receives a recipe book. Ad· and Venezuela and young to &r~t .friends with continue Wednesday, and Fri~ ditional information may be women tralning for the Jo6 sumptuous delicacies when day, Nov. 19 and 21, Tuesday. obtai ned by calling the center, Jinsl.&owna and earned pint cimlt~ and pink dalsiea. . . .., The' bridegroom'' father was bb beat ma11. and ushers ·Were-mu10n mneBty, tirother ' • YOU WILL 00 PIOM SIZI 141910111300.,. 16tit12 1113la.,. ti .. ,, 11131 0.,.. fOlt THE FllST TIME fVEI SHA'1: SHOPPES IS OfFEllHG A 12 WEEK CHRISTMAS SrtCIAL EVERYONE • · f'AYS THE SAME Lqw P!ICf · O"U LIMITID .CA ·LNOW NOC ......... SHAPE SHOPPES lnuatrM HIT. Corps. slle preseDU-Plan A:tJead for Nov. 25 and \Ve<lnesday and 547·7581, Exl. 278. Mn. J, W. Lansdell l•r-:-'------'--------,----------,----- ·Saf_eJ:y U_riit . ' :;Equips Tub safety's the reason for a bar atjached'IO the bathtub rim. Small chilci,en and. elderly per'!OOS'<-grip the thlng when _stepping lnto and out of the tub. One dual-purpose •unit provides a 13-inch bar. with space. uitderneath for soap and bathing acceMOries. Easily sponged clean, the vinyl bonded tray i5 water and rustproof. chainnan of the day,. and all women in the area are invited to participate. 'Ibis year's pr<t" ject !0< the group Includes the r.olledlon of clothing 8nd blankets to help with refugees through Church World Service. Cactus Society Orange County Cactus and Sucadenl Society mttls the flnt Wednesday at noon in Odd Fell°'.ff Han, Costa Mesa. Frldcly Satllfday 00 100 NEW FAlL SAMPLE SUITS Sh.er wools ••• 9eb1;<iina end imported lwood1 Sizes 10 to 16 · Medo lo Sell For $75.95 lo $115.95 SAVE $31 .. $39 1/3 off 673-2990 2515 E. Coost Hwy. et MecArthur CdM Your Ch1r11 Account Welwme. '·~eeaiffeeti•e Jkginning±od•J Sears . ' •Juel popon~e oCtheee light· weight woad.en. nan • bta1h through it and JOQ."re re.dr to go anyw!Nr. • Wondrou,modKryllc Ober! • Choice ia•liitlcio81 tb.dinp , ' Ir• • SA VE' •5 Now? Glamorom IJoman Hair Stretch Wigs Regular 539.95 ·3433 • ~f•ehine <ihade iin' an el•ttio base .lO G•• tecurc ca1tom:life lit .•• wiill 'l'!i"lf bod)' • Your chotCe in m••J wopdt'I'* {al ehadu • • • · Sfitfsfact iqn Guarante.ed ~ or Your Mo~y Back ~~ •MU. aouvcr A.IQ> oo. DAil Y "LOT 30 -,.,Lt'frGAANNEIBt:Y;-M·:l'I ~. --+--1 ' · Announces the Opening of h:. Office •* 745 Dover Drive, Newport BHch Prtctict Limited to: OBESITY, NUTRITION & METABOLIC PROBLEMS BEHAVl.ORAL RETRAINING HAIR TRANSPLANT SURGERY By Appo;,tment' Only: 645-0711 JOIN HAIR & CO •. Come As You Are· ·· Brea k the cheins of rollers , clips, •ni:I dryers. T;y OUf soft scissor cut , •. You ""'Y • ..., me to Ht , .. Ila!< _1.. ' Now •.. Penelope (Formerly of Gent Shacovel & Robart Pignotti HAIR & CO. {tt II.VA'S) · )17 M•rl"• Ave., hlbN l1l•nli-PJt.M •7Jo1tll fw ~ 0,.. 1 C•.-. & 5•ff. w1,,,.,,. ........ -'""°' C1l 1rw '"'" H•lr C1r1 & LKJur-. Wented Oper•tor with Following CALO -'Rl·C (@.~ ~ Self~Qle~n Olen ~L.rti~ and Broiler! AS FEATURED AT THE lith ANNUAL ORANGE COAST CO~LEGE -COOKING s·caOOL! Novembtr6, 11 & 20-9:301.m. •t the Met• The•tre 30 " DOUBLE. DECKER • a •• ., end broj l1r t r• 1p;f. ltulv cl1e111 i11 two ltouu. e Rtquir•1 only twollm)I• 1ttp1 lo optral1. e Fun, "'""' •rid 1fforf: er• '< t limin1t1d. NEW fr6m Portable Gas .Gtille fer .,.,. ......... , ...._, e Plu1 111 th1 o.+t1r· tr•tt c:•1oric ft•htr•• , , • Ultr1·R•v® 1r1tr,.rtd broil1r .,. cook •rwil ktll' we rm ow111 •• , and 11111'1y more l 111ey-wnt .. nit~ .... d .,, ..... To I• Wan By So•. ~ • Homemllken An11dlnt Th l'!lpllar Caald1f:l1di11ll , • SEE THEM ON'· DISPLAY ·at: © QAVIS BRl°1WN .. , 1 I. 17111 St.,,Costa Me,. Dolly •••• ht.~.. "'"'"" . ' ' • 1 3 .,, ........... .Ji,-.,·.a.•11 .......... 't, •• " \."\ \,• .: •. • ..... '\.' ', ·, '..,,1;:~. ' 4l Dll~Y'Pl\eT ... "WH11~ar; Neiitlnblt 5, 1-9 $ ' N ' p:f' ~ tJ nit s · fi me ' Me1e Verde PTA -~~- -' . :.J:~~:•~Q~V: Crum and Robin Crook, rectstrar 'frarll Nllrton 'e,:;"loM~.:.:.'ll'~ fourth IJ'ade diVl.slon ; Cot)' Junior COUtft• ~-Ind ~J.r: :r.;~·t~'"::rw--~ ~ s0yJv~d•l•Hr, third gndr1Jdohe; d~~_PUiod. Por!'.9!. foallown d "" INllll(l!I ,, cie1 v '"'\::lliit ~"'lt"Mn. av1 1gmeycr a n ..,._..,, sm11 •~'"''· <, ~1•«:1. Me er filth ~ d IOI ot··"'____,a ..... 1-..i. .... .111 H k !'(h1 _,,tr·""· rlMY !'Oii' '/ t e•I e • • • ~n~ ..-.~.,,~. Mt 1 w .. ntN••. • bicycle oper1t.or's liceORI RE.PORTS~ .Jtl partn&I )\ave Harbor ~o. un I were '"""' yesterday to joined membenblp drive, •ludeou in Wrd. ~ ind repoNd Ml'L Del Lewis, M,._ Mi ~ fllli!' gudeOl, Mr•1c,foloor •, cbalnnan . • . ~ P .. .!''! I W&ltl11nd~are..,.1nnon raUfled et lalt .bo1rd COMING UP: MMting and and committee assisted. rpeetJnc , WWt :Mn. Simer' .oceaooif'aflhy program will . Par kl, -..,.em . and flmUy , take place 7:!11 p.m. Mon· Balae ri~ PT A life; Mn. Allred V 1 n COMING UP: Rummap ule frorft t a.m. to I p.m. S1tur- day, Nov. I,• Jn VIJii Shop. ..... Cantor, Ml W. ltth St., Cciila -• • • ae-11 Mtllllnc Tueldty, Nov, 11. P...,.... wlll bt praeni.d by Rlvmlde Seard! nd "--•1-. . day. Nov. II, in cafeteria of Darill A. &kemai Hooten, coUll• cooper1Uoa1 N e w p n t t Harbor Hl,tl . Presideot ~ and ,Mn. ~ ~pard, School. Mrs. RObert· Hetiel, COMI NG UP : Annual ransack heal~ a¥ Wtllaf'\ .Pi'A P!"lideftt, end Charleo I f 4 30 Goodiel!. prlnc:lpal, -.1·111 "e rom 10 a.m. to : 'H a rbor ¥1, tv/ PliO I II T 1 p.m. Satunf1y, Nov. a, on .. , we COii\" pa...., ' 01' <. ochool ploysrOW>d. Public ls Mn. Oill4la 8.-.l Man'f Bltlnakln.r ·Into the , m..-ited. · President Sea, wW bl ~ 11>' ·-' " COMING ·-Ex U e and 'nlomll 8. Cooke, held of C PT "~' .,,. v • applied ·.,.,Int b 16101 Y. a n¥on A commlUee oouocll, meetin& irouP NAval· under at• Xe1 W•1.er • ilnt ~~derl~!· .. ~~· !f ..,.arch Ud 4efflopmenl · ' Pruident °j. • '1'~· .• --~ ll'ld Philip Qrl&ntn COMING UP: Bicycle safety Mn, k;tb ~tr. J:r :'J:~r Of 1 c I enc e '.. ....am with written Lest1, Cate, principal, l'f1L 1 · Capistrano ' Unified Scheel mechanical inspection a·nd EvJ:'Uon ~ Hallowetn District will 1pe1k. Coffee tiding 1k1U test will take • ca val wtU be led by Mrs. "'-t 7 pltce tomorrow. Students io Frank halt, chairman. and rejiltta""'" a p.m. third thrtugh sixth grade REfrt?RTS : ,,Ml .• A. K . A dams PTA wW parllclpate . , . Iden-Roml>e)', , recordln& tificaUon bncelets will be • e e re t a r·y , and Mn. Mn. Pwl ._ aold1'riday,Nov.7,for$1. Fredeliek Gt1zt~1 cur· Praldent REPORTS: Budget and pro. respondfnc ••e c r;t tar Y; . COMING UP: Sw11tehirt 1pd lf'lrD for year · w e r e reeorted . that. a ;parents boo.kbai sale wlll ~ln preaented al meeting during gu1Cle bookle,t,contalnil:lg ~fonday, Nov. 10 •.. Film baN.·tHchool night ... 103 school regul.IUor-. calendar "Perri" will .be lbown at partntl ha ve j 0 in e d and names of teachers and 3:30 p.m. Friday, lfov. 1. Jn membetUip drive. Join the PFO members hu been mullipuipoae room •.. Meat Ra'ce, Set the Pace was dilttlbutecl to all pirtnta. cool<bookl m1y be purdtu-h u-11 ti ed from MrJ. Ro bert teme· ... ~oweenpar" .Harper PTA ' Mortte Viata PTA l!ln. Man ....... Pruldent COMING UP: Boord members 'will c:onu. to aerve coffee tllroup Jl'rtdaJI, Nov. 7, to pa...... tlilt ... hiving ~COl\fennceo. REPOllTS: l!ooll fair com-· mlttee -· -· placl iOlt Friday in mulll- roort). Attendlnc •wtre Mn. J UMI Moor, chlirman, and Mrs. Dlv!d Goodaell , Mrs. Jack GleM, Mn. Mtrk Mor· ris ud Scott P1ulltn, prin- clpel , , • Halloweon porldo om. nre awarded to. Mart Lamb,"!unnl•at; Scarlet Chamberlin Pl'fl~ tleat; Dave Mickle, most , ·orlgln1I; Robert. Ta y I o r • opooldott, along w I I h Dtne«f Glenn and Debbie Oiamberlin. overall bHt in parade. Judpa were Mrs. Turner. Mn. Hubert Kun1 and PauJMrt. Zif attended. McGraUI IDd Mri: Gtrtld toqt p~e In each classroom Doln • w it.h 110 .•tuden11 Mn. Boll u....1 Ne wport Hts. PTA REPOO...C: Miu M'1'Y Ber· particlpaUng 11\ costume · : ~dent Mn. D1vWI CUvl1 • 'I, ., ....... • t .. '! I j • I • : I • ' ' ' l ( .. • • ' ' ! f ry,1 ':~."... -~e ·,.-•-:. w-porade. COMING : ~!cycle llfety uuru .. .... ~ "" program from t to ll 1.m. Praidlnt . ' i membenlllp drive. Winners • CdM H igh PTA Monday, Nov. 10, ill parklna COMING UP: iwate and were Drake and Drew lot. Students in P."adei thlrc1 jl.ldit dtmon1tration with 1en-P6!ten, boys, Ind SUiia and Mn. JllHerfKemble Lhrough 1lslh m1y pm'ti-ulne match .. roundl will n-· ""''·"' .1oJ1. President G t ug11$e u11._n, ... -• · • . . clpate , . • e. ft er• :1'11"'1 f-·~-night at M Doan .~ meana COMING UP: 'Board meeting u t 7 10 ... -~-· rs. , ways ..,.. met nir a : p . m . "' m ~--•-y No• ti h . -~ Id--at ' 1.m. tomorrow in w~-:!'. N ti . r:· • 'UWIMUI • • • c airman, annou1~ ,....,. ~ri::-ay, ov. • 1n Ml'I. Lawrence Pet1t._pr,P- tlflcatlon br1celtt i ft d ficulty Jounce. Mrs. Altx· m u I t I p·u r p o 1 e room. gram chairman; has Ht up neckl6ce u lt was a auctas ander Black, put presJdent, Program will be Tr1vellng wbadtute tither and ton tr· with mor• tl\tn ZOO ord.ers will speak on newly formed through Africa ,with Darrell ranttmet& Fifth and sixth placed. Harbor clinic. S t u d e n t Mann grade fathers will holt ind , repruentatives will dl1CVS1 · serve re!rt1hmenU: Bay ·View P.T A, R ~8~hool ;~;.~":;hool Kill ybrooke PTA REPORTS: Mrs. E 11 ;, Mn. WllU111" !"rtst ni..,.t attracted a cspacity Mr1. Rooald Hayward Annour, room moth tr, 1 President ... · 1 President coordinator, has 1nnounced IJ\EPOKTS: Biard meeting, crowd. A 'Heritage tssemb Y REPORTS: Meeting for rOOln new mothers who will serve. I tett place yMterdly. ~rs: J)l'1)F•m 1 n d .clawooJD. mothers took place and They are the Mmtt. Ralph l Nanun Snead, l'•Y• and viJltaUons took place. parties far year w e r e Short, Terry M e C 1 r d I e , r·~ -~~n..,r~~ Davia f!TA dl!cu•'l!d· Mothers to oerve Michael Adair, Robert t"vuY '1NMrf ~ nauow-.. 115 """"1'tprtSentitlves are Blibtl, John sch u It z ' carnival were '510. "Mrs. '-Mn. Grul Bertoltl Ule ~mes. Ronald Hayward. Gordon Provts. Blll Je111te. Al::lam s St udents Don't Clown Arou nd Kenneth ~.r 1-IP1 President Thomas Fisher, Ger a Id Richard Bailey, P er n e I and welfare e J:i:·a i t ln'-a a, COMING UP : Mrs. Donald Foos. James Galasso. Barnett, John B a r s ham, reported 141 s t o d t n ts Hendricks, science teacher, Ronald Coleman, Richard Robert Bisbee, John Shea, particlp1ted in ,"' blcyfle will lead, Ja~ly life educa: L.egae, Jon Goett¥:h, Joseph Wllllsm Smiley, Jo 1 e p h safety pnfll'arn: tion cori'lmtttee. Plana' fol' Mountain, Thiottore ·r.tount . · Slow.lkow1ki, 'Ronald Wilcox, parenta and childrtn.to-vlrlr _·'LesU:r. M.elaer\helmer; John . Of>n Stlby, 'Robert Budde , Be e r PFO · film• . .., the subjecf '"' Gomoll, llobert-Jleilh. L. R. Rlchlrd England, T • d Mn. J• ..-. . bti111 ~ldertd . .'. -: Ticket ' LaJeuneue, Dona,¥ Paige, Martin. Lloyd Denn Is, ,• Pn!lideM-.r boob for County .F'air Will -Cl.Ude 'hyltw·, PHla Hulse Rlchu'd Wandrocke, Hart1ld MING UP: l~lion go on ssh! Friday, Nov. 7. . . and Willlarft Turper . • . Normlnton, Herman Kronen- program · tom~ .. *'· Gener a I meeting at 7:30 Parent.s still ha ve time to 1 berg, Gtrald SJ n y k 1·n. Milet-1Moore -ltta!Ch , Ind tonight.· • ..Wernel'._4! CarlsQ!I, jo1n PT~~Jnl Mrs · Melvyn Kiddie, Larry Pease welfare etWtitian ~ 'eJpt principal. will dJIQuss CUf~ Alfred ~ art!." . snd Dick Keith . motben wtn auLst m atvinc ncu1um. I ,. lhoU to otudenta in kin-Estenct'a 'PTA ~i rico.lit , T ,~; Peuleri no PTA ,. d--, flnt and !Uth Mrs, N 1. IMry Mrs. Nljil lllDiy . , PORTS:. StUdtntt . ~ were 1warded l' l ~b o.11·1 for portlclpatln& :lo ~. porlde;_...,._ Caldor, ·llnl plKtj Hippy Ghtfl; lJnda Ftnernari, sec· ctlftil ptaCJ.(HekH, ,and Mat• ty Writs, thlrcl, ~P I 1 c e. 1itl&bt1 liloue. ~ \In le r Chami>et'.~ O>mmerct win- dow ,.intln(,-·1•ardl wert Pfdllltea to 1\lta Mrs. Ralpll '°'''I Pre1ldent Prtlldent President COMING UP: Liit of tltr~ .. COMING UP : Lecture and COMING UP: CoPeae and seminars for pann\s will.. unl\ mtttlnc will uke place Vo cat Iona! 1nforin1t1on take place tonight. Subjecb at 7.111 Pm. 1llOlday 'Nov Night wiU take"pllce 7:30 have~tiicfuded Uvlnc With. 11. 's1stir Lut1lle, ~noted p.m. Monday, Nov. IO, in ".our Teenager, Sex Educa·, authority on bpen , court foru!n. ftll11 Aldlf~ Johnsoo, tton for \he Parent and the. reading will speak on Insight ch1lnnln ''1wouril!el panel Teenager a~ the Llw ., Into the New Linguistics. memt.1 will be Jdhn Owen. Spea ker• will '?e Dr. JusUn Pitents 1re urged to attend Oranp "CDut Collett; Paul Call, Mrs. Sylvia Buger and and heat thli new method o( Oeele, Chipman Copt&e; Lff Kunc.It, said Mr 1 · t e 1 ch1 n g read.Ing . Dr. Jamea DWm.IJl&., UCJ, Nonn~n 0 Coll'!or, program Refreshments will bt served . Ind -Mlll Mi)dl'ed . Sco~t, chairman. by mothers withistudents in ~ fourth grade. •, REPORTS : Mrs. RI ch a rd Baldwin said 465 parents and teachers joined the PTA. George Robertson's fifth grade won t h e Paularlno Bandlto, Good Guy eonteet wlt.h 91 "retnt. Engr1ved 11taqoe Will be placed in \heir clauroom for the ye ar. Runntr.up was ~frs. Marvel Carlson's flrst grade with 85 percent. Both rooms reeeived ice cream treats. Mrs. R i c h a r d Graver, "'ays ind means chairman, reports a profit of t900 was real ized from Mex- ican Fle1ta Carnival. Win- ners in the costume parade were Ronnie Diaz, best theme: Wend')'. Diaz. best dressed girl, and Bobby Brumleau, best dressed boy. Strini{ puppets were award· ed. Brad lAlndgren won a ticket book for Disneyland. Since they didn't clcHvn a rou nd when they were out to win the Adams School PTA membership drive. Drew Poston , Susan Onlsen and Drake Poston (left to right) are taking time out to celebrate their vie· tory by having a circus of fun_. Drake Po~ton isn 't clowning around about the llpcdming sweatshirt and book bag sale \Vhich begins at the school Monday, Nov .. IO, however. He~says it's for real. " ' Pomona PTA Mrs. C. D. lkiodley PreSident Sweet Music Served With Spagh etti • • Cranked Up, ancl Reacly to. Go Hu the clO!'k llffn turned bock 40. yunt 1110, II'• Just time for lhe Roaring :!Os even1n1 planned by the Newport Beach Elementary Schoot PTA for it• an· mW Fatller ind Son Dinner in the 1chool cafeteria. Friday, Nov. 14 wlll be the date for the fetUYiUH which will include root beer on lap and old time •I· i...t lllOYits. Rounding up the i••I to IO to· the 8:30 event is school principal F ill( while 011111)' \\Cayne (!ell) and Dancy Stewart (right) turn the --.!Uli. •• COMING UP: Exciting .movie \\'Ill be ~n at l p.m. Tuesday, Nov. tl, in mult i purpose ream. Admlll&ion 2S cents, popcorn and punch will be' aold II 10' The sweet music of coins jinglin~ will accompany diners' conversation "''hen Ho r~cc Ensign PTA hosts its an nutd Family Night Spaghetti dinner in the school cafetoriurh Friday, Nov. 14. from 5:30 to 8 -•· ••• -·~ Mr view ·video lapCJ made at ... -...irw 19U.I, an,_""__ I . -i nc>mas c.:te.: "'11 and t:chool . . • Mrs. J o h n means chairman. .. Father. Ophennan, ways and muns Hn •ports nltht a n d chairm11n, annc..mced a IDithetU dinner will -Uike paper dr\\'e will Cake place 11l1ce Thursday, Novl ~ .... -from t to t\:30 a.m. Satur· Darryl Bradley, . proaram day, Nov. 22. chairman, i.s in charge. REPORTS: Mrs. S. D. RoSr. REPORTS : Member 1 at· library chairman, staged ltndina Fwrth D l 1 tr I el meeting ye 1 t er da y in Conventionette in Garden teacher!' -lounge . . • Mrs. Grove last week wtre the Ron Groce .and ti.1rs. 'fed P.fmes. Murry Black, Walter Argott served coffee and Gaspar and C. D. llrldler. cookies to parents fol lowing annual Halloween p.irade. Victoria PTA Mrs. ftttl Wo(l(lwePtlll Pruldent CO~tJNG UP: Extcut lve hoard ~·lll metl 10 l .m. Moodly, Nov. 10. In ffffiltlJKJrr;ose ro6m w I t h Uwlt Ftmion. principal~ to Woodland PFO l\1 r~. Frtd~rtck Ellis President COP.tlNG UP: ~trs. Ch11rlt1 r.11chan11n, "'RY~ and mean~ chAlrman, announced that paperback books will be sold ' £ro1n ~l~dll)'.,. Nov. J7, to Thursday, ~civ..· 20, tn .room K,2. Books ·tillt8ble .. for kindergaripi_J.t)rough alxth grades wffi bt 11old for 35 cents to 9:i ce:n~. Profiti will br used fof junlOr slid lltllor libraries : : • Gener111 meeting at 7:311 p.m. 'I'!!_eJ_.:__ day, Nov. II , i n 1nulUpurposc foom. fl.trs. Oavld Brant , special reading teacher, will speak on new st.ate· adopted reading aod lilcraturt texts for kin.- TOPS Me rmaids TOPS l\terging ~lcnnaid~ mecl at 7::Kl p.m. every Thursday In Woodltnd School, Costa Mesa. I p.1n. Anxious for the evel'ling are Ensign student~ An1y \Vagper and Duffy ~iaftnone, who are preview~ in g the rm and song . Tickets may be purchased at the doo r. dergarten throu1h 11 I x t h grades. Paperback b o o k store will evenina. be . .,,... durln& Art i ~try Described I A lcc:Lure-de1"on1lration titl· ed Holid.iy Boutique v.•i\I be ll~l"cd for the Floral Arts Guild Monday, Nov. JO, at 10 a.m. in the Santa Ana Woman's Clubhouse by Mrs. Vernon Allree of Stockton. The speaker, V.'ho has ap- prared before v.,,men'1 groups nnd garden clubs throughout the state, is 11 111tUl)lu1lly ac- credited n\a5lcr flower Mow judi;:c as well a~ a teacher o( floral 8trangement. A member of the.-Stocki Art Ltagui; StoclOOn Garden Club. Stcramenlo Arr1npr11 Guild and cbalrm1n of 1ht Volley Group Jud,..' Council, lier designa have appeared·tn n11tlon1l maglzlne!, gltden club calendars •nd most recently in a new book. Anyone lntemted in flower :.rranflnc may 1ttend plld mettln11s which lake place the ~ccond Monday of each month in the 88-n(a Ana clubhouse:, t~urlber I nformati on II available by calltn1 Mrs. _Jf111ry Spie11. ~51,_or 11r .. A. J, Weblltr, 137~171. ---- i '· I • • i • • ' . • ' ' ' • I J d c ~ I ' I ' I ' I ' I I ... -·------:--~-----------------~ ............... -~-~~-------·-- Sweet Adelines INTRODUCING FROG LOVERS TO CHOPtN! ,. \ . I • PA~INTS, DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOUR CHILO IS OUT OF THE fl$)e, LOYIRS AGI llFORI YOU,GIYI THIM THI GIFT OF MU$tC-YOU WAIT AND IT MA't II TOO U.Tll dMrn " tt.e ff.,. ...... ,, ... (~II ... tlie perfitct lllJ• hr 'You 're Invited •. I DAILY PILOT 4J ___,,, .... beck CharitY-~-~::~:~:.: :~~~!~.~~-- Before .Giving "'....... 1pon1ared1 by 1\1< wlll be the Alt al : Natural COila Mesa Chapter of La Feeding and Overcoming Olf· Leche League wUI beal n Tue!-flcultles: Arrlv1l o( Baby: the day, Nov. ll, ·in the Newport Family in Relation to Natural· Beach home of Mr•. David fed Baby and Nutr.ltJon : ~fcl.aren af7;45 p.m. Weaning. By ARLEEN ABRAHA~fS explains. '.'.I'd at least find out Topic (9f the Cirst session AJI mothers, motber1-t~bc what lite cause Is and seek will be Advanta ges OfN5tural and Interested persona are-tn-- The next lime someone soinl! local idenlUication." -Ji'eedlng to Mother and Baby. vlted to attend the sessions. knocks on your door and asks •-;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ms for a donation to the XYZ "Most people do seek a If charity , don 't reach worthwhile cause !or their automatically tor y 0 u r charitable C<1nt~lbul1ons. but checkbook. says the exttt1tlve . too oft.en they re r e a t I y • director of one of the natlon's unaware of. just w~at a 10 largest charities. partl~lar charity does. . , Sumner G. \Vhillier, ex· Having a 1.ood cause 1sn t, ecutlve director or the Na· enough, .continues · Whittler.I tlonal Easter Seal Society for ~ contnbutor should seek ~o Cri ppled Children and Adults, find out not only the charity s isn't intpl ying that many a:oals,. but whether It Is ac- charitles are suspect. comphshlng the~. He believes, however, that . J:iow does one Judge. how ef· it's everyone·s responsibility r1c1ently a ch a r It y 1s: to question any organization managed ? . . that asks for a contribution -One clue hes 1n the figures of money or volunteer services listing wha~ perc;cnt of each -before making a donation. dollar received !' spent on Americans probably will &ervices and adm1nlstratlon. donate $15 billion th is year to "It's• the responsibility of, charity; $11.5 billion will come each ,charity to spell these out !rom individuals. clearly so th at a housewife; "Personally, if I were mak· with no knowledge of financial 1 ing a large donation or statements can understand j volunteering my services, and just where her dollar is I had one question to ask going," WhiUier comments. about a charity it would be : He suggests that anyone 'What is the attendance at conlemplaUng doing volunteer local board meetings?' " says work for a charity should first the softspoken, g r e y i n g visit the local organization. Everett, '-1ass., resident. and find out all about it. . IT',5 A FACT! If you •pent 30 ~cond• looking at ...... each of our shag samples, it would take you over 9 hour• to .. e them all- so . come early and bring your lunch. DON'S CARPET SHOP 426 SO. MAIN (2 Blks. No. of Bullock'1) ORANG! HOUHt f·S:JO DAILY CLOllD SUNDAY ~~~~~ ·----Presenting Gov. Reagan \\1ith an invitation to the Orange County Bicentennial Y--., 9'ttir yeen •f fftffrcll Ball is Mrs. Beverly Kraemer Brennan, granddau~hter (>f Angelina YorDa and Whltlie r concedes tha t tn many cases it isn't practicable to put such questions to a neighbor soliciting door to door. ''But in any case," he And, he says, "Since most people believe that charity ~-ths ,....... Mille S al K f"f c ..... hi ,_..,. ..et on chil· a mu raemer. A 1th generation Californian, s e is a descendant of Jose "'9 c• .._ .-c. Antonio and Don Bernardo Yorba. The ball will take place Dec. 27 in· the Dis-. begins at home ... that is. in ~ the local area ... it's also im· neyland Hotel. Mini"' of Yot11111M1 9reduo•n11------------------------------ fr9jft i;,1 •"1 Hie world t.itify t.~flt Mu .. of tho YAMAHA MUllC: COURSI. portent to determine how much of the funds raised re· main in lhe local or slatewide area.'' Yo~ tllo flOt llcrY9 to b11y 1111 ;~. ,, .... ,, ttt.r. 11 ..... ,... •ll•dy -IMt loh 9' f1111 t.. yo11r cll~dml """ll• tlln '""' ll'lnlc. DON 'T DINT TOUI CHILD THE CHA.NC I TOU MAT HAYE MISSED IN TOUI CHILO· HOOD. ClnHl ere "'"" 1111rolll11g - w1111'1 '" plHM gl,e " • cell OIHI let " Mew 'f'OY tile whole ttofy of th YAMAHA MUSIC COUUEI TOUI tt•CiUT IEWAID WILL IE WHEN TOUI FROG L01ER '-OOkS UP AT TOU AND T!LLS TOU ••• "I GAYE MT FROG A NIW NAMI, IEnHOYIN." DON 'T DILAT-CALL TODAY 642-1 B44 Fred Lang Speaking Frederick hf. Lang, a well known landscape artist in Laguna Beach, will speak on Creating Personal and Com· munity Environm ent througb Gardens before South Coast Garden Club members and guests at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 12, in TI1ree Arch Bay Community Clubhouse. Lang has worked in the area for more than 25 years and provided the master plan for landscape ~autification at UCI and Saddlcback College. Sounds Abound Laguna Club Ploying Cords People should be suspicious 1 of organizations that don 't use ethical fund-raising practices.~ he polnlll out. Sending oul I lluntington Beach Public which \viii fea ture such con-unordered merchandise and l.il>rary plans an adventure in· temporary fa vori tes as ''Aqua-All \voinen a.re invited lo a hirin g a fundraiser to work on1 ta music beginning Sunday , rius,"" f\-1ore Soul," "Time Is monthly .card p:irty given by a pe rcentage basis are l\\'O Nov. 16, when the Studio Jazz No1v." and •'Going Out of t.1y \Voma.n's Clu b or Laguna practices 'he particularly I Ensemble of Fullerton Junior Head:· Beach at 12 :30 p.m. Thursday, deplores. I College will play beginning at The 22-man group currently Nov. IJ, in Laguna Beach . "Fortunately, ttie regula· 7 30 · lh l"b is campaigning throughout the Woman's Clubhouse. lions concerning charities are , : p.m. in e I rary. ~1 J W La d II . . Rounding out a three-part country and has 2ppcaJed to 1• rs. . . ns e is growing more stringent. \Ve in "Ounn p•oplc or all ag" wo"th hostess for the event which in· the charttv business want to series of musical programs J " ~ J I will be the fiiadrigal Singers or their "lodny" approach to eludes a luncheon. Tickets are weed out the bad charitics,1 j ::iu:. $1.50 per person and rese rvii· too, .. he says \\'Ith a smi le.1 Orange Coast College at 7:30 The l\1;idriga \ Singers \\'ill be lions may be obtained by call· "One bad charity -hurts w p.m. Sunday, Nov. 23. in the 1 1 d b ,., 11 GI kl iog her al 494·2319. all." ' i library, and the Orange Coast corn: uc c y .. a er ec er, a11d the December sym M•"y Mrs. Ruth Hull, nresident ofl'jiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii Symphony Or chestra which """'" " II FIND OF THE WEEK The dauling brilliant cul·solilaire. One half caret, $350 J,wele,. 5ine1 19 17 I 8 FASHION ISLA ND NEWPORT BEACH -644-1380 Ytxir (h1r;1 Account V.'•kDfTlt -151nkAm.r!c.rd, Masllr Chtrtf. 100. • Opt11 Mond1 y, Frid1y until t :JO p.ft'I. will be heard at S: iS p.m. Dec. concert \Viii fc:iture Joseph the group, revealed a change 9 in thC Huntington Bcar·h PDcarlmSa n C')nduct.ing al~ td min eet~~gu~~ S~~r sa:C th!e~~~ High School audit'.}rlum. ;.ive wenson as piano so 1s . -ONE WEEI( ONLY During his talk he vdll f'eview the plants, shrubs and trees which are best adapted The progr:im \Viii include luncheon meeting. which takes All concerts will be opzn l•J Rimsky-Korsal;ov·s "Russian place the first Friday of every lhe public without cha rge . a~·· Easter o v erture••; month, will begin at 12:30 p.m. y AMAHA cording to \Valter Johnson, Jl a chm an inoff's "Piano The gatherings the third Fri· to the gardens of the vicinity. Jibraria11. Concerto No. %" and Dvorak's day or every month will begin FABRI.C MUSIC SCHOOL -'Tea-will be seM<l-fo)lowiog-'--ruchard-H. -erur-w;u dircet "Sym phooy-from-the New al I o30 p,m, and will.be follow· l•--:----~--fl the meeting. ~1rs. Phlllip _the~ Nov. 16 jazz program World." ed by a program and tea. JN -i:Jernan, e ti a-i-t'-m-a-.;-:-ofli;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;i;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiOO;;;;;;;;;;= ... ·. , c;:oST A MESA tre~ente,1'i\J be assisted -·- • • A Beautiful Bedtime Story By Vd by Mrs: Charles Coughlan and Mrs. John Kunney. Once upon ·a time Vassarette.• created a Ores- ,Jen-do!I tuni c and tiny matching bikini of soft, sheer Crepelone nylon l.Jvished \\•ith lace. rn: \·1sion your seli as the romantic bedtime beauty .• , .. uxJ have S\\'eet dreams ell(!t after. Sizes 32-36, in· a lovely selectiotT nf colon, 1111 with ml.sty ~ige lace, 513. -How to sew up this TV for just SJ995 Buy The.Dream Machine from Singer now- get a portable TV for just s19os more! SING.ER AndSingerlasa~lofrt)Wl'budget..--...,,~_..-... , .... _ For oddress of storeneores.t you, see white poges of phone book-SINGER COMl'AHV • HARBOR CENTER-COSTA MESA . 2300 HARBOR BLVD •. 549·1195 • B.AZAAR at SINGER Fashion your most exclusive wardrobe dream.a! SelecL tabric!I at SINGER. Now you can have special chic &Dd charm-and at reduced prices! Shop at SINGER today. High fuhion bu never been so ea.sy-and economical! ASSORTED DACRON POLYESTER DOUBLEKNITS MANY WEAVES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM SALE PRICE 54" TO 60" WIDE REGULAR $7.91 ASSORTED \VOOL AND WOOL BLENDS SOLIDS AN D NOVELTY WEAVES · 54" TO 60" WIDI REG ULAR $3.9B SALE ' PRICE TO $333 $555 YD. --------------------~~--- .•. ., .•. 1 4 YDS. ,iDOOR BUSTER SPECIALS SOLIDS, PRINTS AND NOVELTIES ·WASHABLE AND DRY CLEANABLE RE!OULAR-99c TO $1.91. .•SALE ~ ;. ·PRICE ! '~OR .$100 FASHION GROUP 2. YDS, STRIPES, DEN IM AND BROADCLOTH S~LE ; :VARl~US FIBER CONTENTS . • . .. l'RIC.E $100 ' l,6" ·TC! 45 ': WIDI UllULAR $J.H • • . _ . ~OR • l ' . , ; !. ··•~ fANTASTIC FABRIC SAVINGS ON . .J.' : 99" · Cj)UAUTY FABRIC SALE"--•. · ~ ASSORTED WEAVES J:.ND PAJTERNS pt" l"'l!J " · -· .. ' H" TO. 41~' WIDI llGUlAll-tlc . "' · •. ' 1 r 1.0 $1.91 . • :Y.D. , ., ,~-IQNDED PLAIDS & SOLIDS---· • ~"'7"Y COLORS l PATTERNS TO CHOOSE '1. •• $2. 99 ·,FROM. 92 1. nxtuRED ACET.ATE ' 1.1. SALE , , '. . • NYLON, 100 1. ACETATE lRICOT BOND-PRICE .... ' 'IN C>. 54" WIDE. i . Hll.•$J,M -J ., . . ' HARBOR CENTER COSTA MESA 2300 HARBOR BLVD. 549·1195 .. fl DAIL V PILOT Wtdntsd1y, N0vtmbff !, 1%• PILOT-AD\IERTISU J1 r.• "" "' .... . ,. ,, ' . •• .. I' • Potato .Nu•llellllall Mayonnaise Cieamy-4 Smooth Alto NuMado Sa· lod 019Uing ...... Town HoulO c Green Beans Regular Or French Cuts IHI.- Town Houto Peaches Clings Sliced Or Halved n-.- Dairy & Delicatessen Fresh Baked Buys.' Dletlr11d =-= Mitlllll .......... Is '•Liii .::.: ltlllltllllllllr ...... .U.Prbl ,. •• Clk1 -::..·=: A ..... c.11-.. llllll Whlto Maile Qetergent ~f~i!i~54c Clothes! 4t-eL ... Cra1•••• Beverages Assorted flavor1 Quenches Thirst! . ..... 1111 •. 12: RoyallaHn Shortening lncludei ~c off 71 C for Frying, Cooking . Or Baking J. .. _ Town HOUIO Soup Rich& I Thick Tomato Flavor 10\ML- c NuMallo•Mllll Oil for Salads, 4 Cooking Or Frying. 24-oL lllf. Popular ...... Cigarettes $ 06 -Town House Corn Golden Cream-Style Or Whole Kernel IHI.- lllwarll• .,. ... Coffee Vacuum Packed Choice Qf. Qrinds J.llo. - $175 BIG BULK CHEESE SALE! Mild Cheese = ~. 89' Jack Cheese ~-:; "' 89c All llew Crop ut Sale! T 1We Syn, :.: 'li:" 171 D Pu11t Bitter .:. l' .. ~ 79' D lreai1p "':;!:l' ·.~ 25,. D Tlllet s.., = 10 ,':. 55' D Fin Softller ::-: •:: 59' o Onl ClaHr ::': ~ 19' D WiHIW Clmer ;: ':0::-39' 0 T11th,.ste :r.:: •:;:.· 511 D • W1llm .,_ • Allloa•s • rlkls • Bruils • Mil• lsh , ...... , ...... Tozr erL11 .. Sbe c•oice Bananas c fny Cabn's-firm '"'1 Goldoi. iaw Pricod! 1.llc lb. T 0tt••rznes ~:.::. .... 31' D T11t••m•es '=' .... 311 D IJSll,\ Grade A Ind US eo.t. lnspecte4 WIOl.E IODT 11-u,,.35~ i.. Lucorn•"'"'•"••• Cheese IC ToW.. HoulO Tomato Juice Tantalizing Rich Thick Tomato Flavor. 46-ft.- Apricots ~::~ ".-::-31' ___ ,..od :Su!!'~~· t:-69' P ., .... , 29 ears ""' ,...., c Ttl'lderSocaMll:Hlhts. RtJI Tntr! Cll Grapefruit T QWll ffDl.lt. T 1StJ Fnil S1ctians. Cleanser 'Mlitt Mlaic* Blnchlrcktion! ·::II' Town llou$e.l'eeled For Stews or CWtroles •Full Center Cu!Roonds •Sirloinfrp • Fami~ Stuks ·Y•rCll-•• •::21' ~2Sc 1::23' c MOST SARWAYI OPEii llOV. 11 I Veterans Day! *VII I.=~-· *lllltl-Yllm' ·~2 YOUR 88C CHOICI ..... ..... . .... .. . """ , .. ... Canned Ham I I 411 $ --4-lb.can --,.., ...... ............ 98 Sweet Corn F•r Qulily 9c ' Tllldtf Mi!)y Knel1 Ill lQllS 11 F1Mr TA Apples ~~!::= 4 ~ 49' Grapefruit . = 5~ $1 Most•wa• -~':.".:'. ... 't;.• 31' D Hlir s,ny ..!.'":::;.. '!:.'" W D Sb•,.. '"'~... •;;:-41' D Ctn• a.I '-;...-'~1' W D nile Flosr '::" 5 ~ 41' D ldlrplt -... '::' 3110 lnc•U.sW ~ ~WO Ha•lltan •••ch Electric Knife ...... YolHI ~'II" Beef Rib Steak a;: .. at Ground Beef Boneless Roast :=:_ .. 98' 5'~i'ii .. 49c T ·Bone Steaks .:.::":;:". I .. $1" Ground Chuck Top Sirloin Steak $..: .. $15' t=~1 .. 6" Dates lllPI 11ir """"' JI .a. 49c l~tted VsitlJ 1.-. pli *I ! No C.CU111ben /:i:. -'' C.1ots ':."l!\':' 2 ~ 29'. Potatoes YellowOnlou .. tt.3:.2" ~~ 5a.39• lr11nCabllat• == .. r l~l•lol! .lreen leans ::::: .. 214 Mu• Plants . ledlreptl u,,:=-,. 19' :.-'.."::r ';:'$229 FrultJlke ~.:: =. : 45' .... ~ ... -- • TWO BIG CHRISTMAS ALBUMS -.&A•-..... ~a-...- """ """"' .-.. B I R I _, ... --a• Sl1cecl Bacon one ess oas s ...:.::.:... .. 7 =~:."!';:: 1.a. 6& ~ Orill'mol """'"' ..,._. .... LlllTEO EDITIONS ~.iw....., I ~':,' SJDD IOTMI l'WAIM Sausage ~ ~;~ 59' Frankl = ~59' Bologna !::\".:' .::. ~~ 39' -""""""'-'"·'"''~ .~ ........ Danola Ham •;.-~"591 II c.atils ti Vtntwt tnCflll ,..., Oll!lp lkli l!I~ c.11 Mty, """"1 kA l.,_ "" •Juitt ~ 0 t C••• I I 7ftl :::.:.~.::·-·"'-""-""" ys ers ~ i~~·" 71 .._ ... ..,_ No 7· e 1000 Bayside Or., Newport Beach • 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. Laguna • 636 H. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach • Santa Ana Freeway ·at La Paz, Mission Viejo • Wilson & Fairview, Costa Mesa -~-- r, ) • • l I ' • • f ' • • • I • I ' . , .. • I • I l , .. ' '· •' l • •• • • ) ! l l . • 1 • • i • !I • • ' , l ' I ' Ii • ' 11 ' .' . - ~-...-........ -····-··-·-·-·-···~·-·-· ~ Preparation ~sy Calif.ornia • In Liver Quick Cooking · Gra ·pes ~a~ital Id.ea . Gropes !or your t.ble, for and lutl oa ud on Ulllll It Emporor1. Almedaa a a d look !rub, nol brittle. When Modern storap -e&· wine, i0< ralallll and caaoed almoot bumpo lalo tho liar! ol ~ fl\O. you llfl tho bundMI, no 11'111* teod the srape -throulll lndt c:ocklall. the am -At Ibis time Callfonla l'APH llC4ld no ahaU.r and fall. the winter, Bui lboro ls no Some otd-1-meats brulblna.., -liver ls turn-garlic and half the almondl; Almool ID percent of tbls of yaar thmi .,. ......U cot-~ 1r'!':: "~u:"r~ At home, bop IP'IPfl In the DeOd to watt. 11Mro Lt no ~ make meaJa.IJH.burry f or ed. Broll four -· from salt to taaleo Heat gently (do co u n try ' 1 srapes are or!ul var!otlel to -· Gl'ljll barvell llaib only rtfrlp.-. Wub thom wbo!I tor way to oerve lfapea than two. heat, nve minutes per side or not boll),.stlrrlng, until garlic California grown. 'lbere Is no You cu cbooll Flame when testl for sugar lhow you ll't ready lo terVe them. just wash "" NL Tbty are Ground beef, 'teaka aDd unW liver ls done to your llk· concentrate Is melted. To doubt abwt the irape lfOWlng Tokayl, almost bllck JUWera tbey are IWll!t uting. Gr1pu art beautlful 1n · tbe not eapecially noted for bu<ho1P•thwy come ~i..~ flntJtM I Ing. serve, spoon sauce over liver capital state. · or lhe light p-een, seedless Chool1q grapes that are fruit bowl. But remember, nutritive value, but th t ere are uwa-.. Moat: and sprinkle with remaining Grana aeuon starts early ln -n..-..... ns. 'l'bolt aren't the -..n.. fresh is easy. Fresh thev hive a abort life a\ mnrn refresh.Ing flavor adds Jn. variety mu.ta make tbl quick· Meanwhile, mate sauce : • .-Ai.. • J .,; h desert ...... .....,.... •...q " ·...--· . to-eoolc llilt. Liver, for 0•1~eom~~·:!!lne:_""'=~c:'.rea:::m!!!'.!panl::.:•:_:Y.:_• _:a!::monda:;:::::·:..:-="::;:lw;:o..:•erv::.:.:m::::g::.•· _. :.":::"•:.wi:..:t::..:=:..:l::.;'°"=11 Cl'::.optl=:......:ooly::::.....;ch:::ot::.ce::.•::.· _,:_:..:.l;:;ool<=-::.'':.' :..:-==lool<=..:freah=·:..:'lbe==-=:......:te:;m.:...pe:;;ra;::turo:..:;_. ____ __;ter_:.:ell::.. ___ • --- ampla, nee;! only lilt Ill minutes (at the vorr mooll fl'llO' llarl to .. rv1n11. lt'a 1 bit atr1111e, in 1 way, lllal ~th la1enl ud tute foe copying the cuisine from pnc> Uc&lly . evarywbero, too many people stop abort of 1earnlnl the delectable ways wttfi viriety meats. i1le only nal trick to cool<· lnl liver Is coot II jull unW tht pink color bas dlsaJ> peared. Cooked any longer, t t beQ:>mes flnn 1 must have 11· quid added aiid be covend for braising another 20 mtnutea or so. Braised liver ls very good ••• but when you are 1n a bur· ry ... it's not the beat cook- ing choice. Some like liver prepared any way 1t all ••. 11 long u it Js broiled, wlth crisp bacon or amothertd In onloao. Otho" like tt after a couple of fast Una over charcoa1 fl.re. And there are those who like a new rtclpe. So bert 'ti.. UVER STEAK WITH GARUC ALMOND CRllAM 1 lXlllDd liver (calf, beef, lainb) cut ... and one-ball Inches thlclc Salt and pepper ( .. uoned meat tenderizer is a good alternate; juat follow label directiona) 2 tablespoons butter, melted 111 cup dairy IOW' cream 2 tablespoorui m l n c e d parsley 1 to I tablespoons garlic oprtad concentrate J4 cup allced natural aJmonds Remove skin and tough membrane from 11 v e r . Sprinkle with gait and pepper or tenderizer; place on broiler "pan and brush with melted buUer, reserving aome for Slenderizing .• --. ----• ' I ,I ,926i. $IZ!S 1 1~1S t;, 11T.:.i .... 11fe,..'"T'~ Printed Pattern 9 2 6 2 : Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 11. Siu 14 taPs 211 yM . :IS-In. SIXTY·l'IVE CENTS In coins for each pattern-add 15 cents for each piltem for flrst<lass mailing and speclaJ handling; othllnrile tblnklass delivery wilt take three 1'etk& or more. Send to Marian Mortin, the DAll.Y PILOT, 441 Patlem Dept., 2!2 West 18th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. ~ NAME, Al). DRESS ~th ~P, SIZE .. d STYLE NIJMBER. Orange Juice Flavors Lamb This redpe pnjducel a cru>- t7 weJJ.flavored rout. ORANGE LAMB Leg of lamb Salt Juice ol 1 lemon J'ulce of 1 orange l!i cup 0<angHl1v«ed li- queur In a preheated 41&<!- 0'Vtn brown lamb; reaet OV'tll to 350 dtJr~ Baste lamb with pan JU1COS and oprillkle wtth 11lL et1a· ·.w.-..u111 ,. ................... ., ... W,~IY• .. . T ablo King Top Quo Illy Meo Id Boneless Cback =. ....... as~ jil-ilcol Rolled Roast ~-... W Fresh Brisket ~r:... ....... 95~ DI YOU TAIL! 1111 73c UAH,WTUN Rist Beef Short Ribs ~ ..... 39~ 'w. "G...... GlADI! _._ __ , ... --....,...., ...... _..,, Plate Boilinc Beef ::.. .. 2f Choice Chuck Steaks , .. ~ 53l .Family Steaks ~,~~UT~.., 98t Choice Stewing Beef ,::,:. 85l Farmer John Sausage ~~io.31$1 Roasting .Chickens~~sst PEACHES HALVES ~ ELBERTA2 R lody 303 S.Ch'ilh CAN I CRISCO SHORTElllllG 3~ Grapefruit Juice aw;. 46~ 39' Del Monte Green Peas l:. 22' Stouffer Entrees 5-~=J1i 39! Instant Breakfast .z. '""' 45' Fadal .Tissue~.=~,_,~ 23' BOLOGNA ":t".:a' 79c falfylGnclwkltlen'Ol'h • ·-·-. .- f! I' ~::l'1L•1L'l•J~ ~ ~~\. .,.l ~ ll Iii ii: ,... :; rJ -: -;1 ENRICHED BREAD ' ' ..... MANMJT ....... Coffee C.k11 VONIDUXIUS Iran Mlfflu f}f.iJIDfl llOUORI fEAllJk!I ltdcl·Wh1p T opp1ng 1«. u ........... ......... ,951 Coronet Onion Rfrlp IOOZ. .... •••• ••• •• •••••••• • 3fc Dvti1l)'lolc• French Toad IJ.ol. Pia ... ..... , 39c Holloway Cabilage Rolls '"°" llO. ·••••• .... _ 79c Honoway Soll.bury Steak t"4)Z. ,. ...... •• • 791 Holloway Sfufr.d ltll Peppers .14-0L "'°' ..... 7Pc ='.!!:-!!:a:= ... 39' Johnston Apple Pi• M« tlZI .. ..~ • • ..... ~ 0111 Ida Chopped Onion• tioz. rm. •• • • 25CI Pen & QulH Whipped TopplrtQ m.ot. lltt • 399 PldSWHt Stew Vtgttables UOZ. -. ··• '" •• S5c Pictswfft Crlnkl• Cuts t.CZ.. no . , . • . . ......... , 2/33c Smolcty Joe &IQ hef Sandwich "°".... . . Mc, $molmJ Joo,._.,. Saoclwldo .... -........ .,. 1!DWSIOllll ROAST SUCER U.$1.91YAl.Ul'89' hrO.."-•w.I ._ .. LISRRllE ~IJL,,,,.,, -IOll'I UMI JUICI · : 13' WTOi< -Solod Orming Ban Roll-On Deodorant ......... °""'Mk ................. ,,. ..................................... Coif.. Magic --1 -·-....... ~a.... Ml.' ... ••••0•"-HOH 111 ... oa.. Oil .................... __ ... 41• Toa ............... 68• ~II."'°" ... ~ ... --38• lMOfllmllCl.flClf,,., ••••• , .. HO•••• 58• IAHIPMTlllCIDOl.AHf -... f1,1f ..... , ........................... . ................................ ,2'1 ................................ 2.:o'I" J.:,12ot --· 6& ........... ~ .......... 7 ~ ......... °"" '"' ............ ~ ... ... 'Miit ... '*"" ...... ,,.. .. , ....... - "-!r'•O..... -----.. In • small bo<Wl llir together juice of lemon and ora111e, and ~ u=._1a::;~ '!:'1ri!~ lOU Adams Ava., at Brookhurst Huntington Beach =:u. iu1ce-Hqu:i mu· 34081 Doheny Park Drive Capistrano Beadt tnrt. ' 5922 Edliwer Ava., at Sprlntdale, Hununtton Beacll • . 17950 Magnolia, Fauntlln Vally 21012 Beach Blvd., Huntillten am ·-) ;n~v P!(O .-w,dn.~N,,.mti>r>,1969' _______ '------~----------'w.foosdr.N°""""'"';-1969-N--J!~PllOT·ADVERTISER-=----~~--''--'--'-"''===-:.'--'-. " / ON ALL MEAT --DIPi.-PUR·CilASE5· ~,., . ' - GRADE "A:" CHICKENS l GOVT. INSPECTED .: ' LEAN FRESH PAN·READY .. , ! FRHNG cmcKEN 1 FRYERS ~~'.35~·" THIGMS , ....... 53• • GROUND . BEEF · • • • · . . ·. DRUMSTICKS .. 5.7~ ECONOMY Pf,CK i~~s. c BEST OF FRYER . All WHITE MEAf ~. BREASTS .... 59 OVER NO BACKS, NECKS, OR GIBLETS , . " Betty Croche1· • l S J! arieties 5 S FOi Sb\JP OR STEW ·.. ~· Necks & Backs ! ' , FROZEN FOOD Rup.rt 1·01. 79' fl I ID HALllUT. :" •• P•t· Rup•rt 1-10. 65' FISH 'N' CHIPS .•• P~1- R11pe•t Fried 12-01. 69' SOLi FILLflS, •.• P•t· Mn. Fridoy'1 I-lb. SJ " SHllMP •••..•••• Pk9. 8~ • • • • LB. • Kold Ki•I 8 .. ·•" 89' lllF STU~ St1•k1 ,. c KE . I ES • c 39C VALUE EA. • Turtk-V,,I 11-01. 69' DIUMSTICl.S •.•. Pkg. Sh111e-T1ftd• Ch.i1;ke11 p,, 98'" FllED STEAKS ...... tb. l onel•o 2-Uo. l -01. s3Jt TUIKIY IOAST ••. Pk9. ,,. .. r.. · 2-lb. 55' rfTIUIGll •••••. Plg . BreakfaslSpeelal Wi11on'1 Cri1 prite 1:1b. 69' SLICED IACON • P•9. l1,1er'1 Qu1lify I-lb. 75• SLICED IACON • Pkg . Seafood SJl"t!lals Fr11li FiJl1t1 ' Per 79• MONTE~T COD ••• lb •• F,..sh Filtl1t1 p,, 79• OCIAN rllCH •••. lb. Fre11t·Fill•h r •• 'I" DOYEi SOLl •• 1 ••• lb. Fro11~ Nerlli•r11 p,, 91' HAUIU.T mAu ••• ro . "TE/IPER·LEE" QU,,,UTY RIB HALF . . RIB END CHOPS CENTE.11: CUT lO!N OR Rll 1 WAFER THIN PORK 99• l PORK 98¢ CHOPS. • • 111 l CHOPS. • • 111 POtKD• '"" 49· ¢ i PORK STYU 69¢ SAUSAGE 111 1 SPARE RIBS 111 JERSEYMAID :!t~ 6ftc ICE-TCREAM-.-.... CTN. -I " ~;~~~, ..... OINT.H·~. ~au· . . . ROAST BEEF •• .-69u.-.-:-:-· · ·-~· ---•9c •• ·~ ·-··· •• ., •• ·--· ~ lb . -, FLORIDA · . RUBY GRAPEFRUIT ROMAINE,· BOSTON, BRONZE LE 11 UCE ............. . LAR,GE HEADS GREEN CABBAGE ... STUFFING1 SIZE BELL PEPPERS ..... . LONG GREEN CUCUMBERS ..... -... I -LB. CELLO. BAG CARROTS . . . . . Your 6-0Z. CELLO. BAG Clioice RADISHES .......... . B11nq1iet FrotZe11 8-~1tZ. Phg. .EATPI S BEEF, CHICKEN; TURKEY NUCOA, R_EGULAR ., BLUE SEAL "CABIN CREST .. MARGARINE SLICED BREAD '"" '• ·" 2 5c . WHITE •• 2a ~ c 1-LI. 1-10. WHEAT ~ . LOAF ~- LIBBY 's..,....46-0Z. TINS . . . . . 4 $1 OO TOMATO JUICE ................ ' FOR C~SE SWAYNE-'16-0Z. TINS 3 $100 ORANGE JUICE................ FOR STAR-KIST LIGHT-6-0Z. TIN 29' CHUNK · TUNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. DETERGENT-INCL I Oe OFF 59· C GIANT DASH......................... . -EA. 25-FT.-12-IN .. ROLL-INCL. 4e OFF 25· C REYNOLDS FOIL ................... . DOLE HAWAll~N-CRUSHED, CHUNKS, TIDBITS-2 11 TINS 5 $100 PINEAPPLE..................... FOR . QUAIL-2!'2 TINS 4 $100 PURPLE PLUMS . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . FOR ··LIQUOR DEPT. SPECIALS·· SCOTS MIST SCOTCH ~3 7R! HILLBROOK CANADIAN WHISKY '3.99FIFTH HILL RIVIR IUND 53.29FlfTH TUCKERS LANDING-STRAIGHT 'BOURBON •329 RFTH • 4·······························-~ 200 BLUE CHIP . STA~PS • wmt CCIWQr4 IHJ PUKHAS1 or ·~SAUCE PAN·"'"!"'"" ·llMIJ· 1 COUPON PE"• AOUl.T CUSTOM!l eoutOHOOOO TMUH.'MIU.$UN.,........,, .. , Delicatessf!n Dept. S11ecials LUER'S LUNCH MEATS-5-0%. PKGS. COLD CUTS ALL BEEF BOLOGNA-ALL MEAT BOLOGNA-COTIO SALAMI BEEF SALAMI-PIMENTO LOAF-OLIVE LOAF-SANDWICH LOAF HAM LOAF-PICKLE & PIMENTO LOAF c EA. JANE ANDERSON 31 c SLICED BEEF •• ';~~: JANE ANDERSON SINGLE WRAP a.oz. 39' AMERICAt,1 CHEESE •••••• P~G~ • . . PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thru SUN., NOV. 6, 7, 8, 9 . . ' . 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER. SA .. TA ANA 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH e 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO I , • , • • . . ,. I I I ~ ll " p ,, I 0 ~ ~ .. .. • •• ... ' . • •• .. •• .. .. .. : • • • • . . i l I ' ' t • LB. BAG APPLES. J:XTRA FANCY -Rl:D ROME BEAUJY LBS. i,u .s.No.1WASHINGTON 2 29' PEARS D'ANJou ................ Lns. · · REDEMP~ 2 25 C GRAPES ~!!ftv .................. LBS. . ~ 50' OFF 1 0' off· ., WIT11-~ I ...... :..; 111U COINI :~ COUPOI . Ol 1~.<M ~ g COLDWATRALl !ii MAXWELL HOUSE ;;; POWDR DmlGEllT ~ ~ or ELECTRA PERK li! . KllK SIZI ;; r;r COFFEE ::: )0.0ff ~MU...cl j:;:;!: Qll&ft k.a,wmlUUON ~· ~~ ~~ GoodOnlr•tSTATRllOS. ,~ ~!~i Good O,..Y•t STATRllOS. ~;.},. GoodWn.tofNOV. 6 °11 GoodWft.tofNOV. 6°11 If.; .. , Lw.rTO!lt~Mll••*:!..,d uwrOMCOU'Olt,.,•••T ··-..ltl.·:·:l/llll§llllHJlll/l!ll~ .. ; .~· r.<WiW.iil-itiiiiflil" • ! FREE!· SAFKUARD SOAP OIE REGULAR . Si!EBAR I NO NICMMl lSISW 1'. , • G«XIOrtly •rSTATll •OS, Good WHkc:i NOV.6-11 llll!l'dlt«U'Oll •'U l.1' . t: . CARROTS LA.IGE FRESH CRISP 2 1 -~B. 25' PKGS. CORN LAIGE X-FANCY TENDER 3 EAR529' ... ~ • .l ~ii.f.i'ot.~i'ii'oAST .u.49' c .·~Saki . • , U.S.D~A .. QtOIClOISTAnl KINILWWSHOI~ • · IROS.CllTlftlDIHf 'aotLEUOAST , ......... l1.79c I-BONE __ U.S.D.A.. CMOK! OI ST A TU llOS, lflF RUMP ROAST .......................... l •. 77c '°""0$ I . 15 ·. U.l.D.4.0tOIClOll STA TR nos. IEEf 87 -~;i;;.,,,;,;;;~~- ROUND STEAll tONllHS ..... ll. c PORTERHOVSE FlAVOIFUlUTIALIAN ~s 1 19 : .GROUN~ ,ROU.ND ............... u.77 c POUND • JAIMElt .IOHN'•'IA:STllHSHOIADtt . . TOP SIRLOIN BOSTON aun PORK ........ u.59c .. ....... n AN POIJND$ I .39 WIENERS Au MEAT .... :: ~.5 7c -=5~1i'"'C'<;m"t;a:::A;co-'i...!°;!.:;..!lKl.:! ... •_~ ... ~.u~.7-l-, .FRESH• LEAN• QOUND HOURLY GROUND BEEF ...................... La.49c " .LB. iioii'~iiiii(s ........................ L •. 69c FARMfl JOHN 1-LB. REG. OR 2-LI. THICK SLICED .BACON ........ : .................... La.69c . . . ROUND PORKF~I STEAK ROA51' · U.S.D.A.OIOtaORSTAnR PICNtcSnLE . \, ·::· f7~. . 39~ .. ·· X-.\\}ti!-.~::~'/:!•! r.. .'ii•' -· .... ~ ~· ~· ,., ~I ••• • ~· . ::; ~ !!: ~ . .. =~ ~:: * ill ~ ••••• ... ·~ ::: .. O:• • ·~ .s ll! ~ " i~ ~ ::: *'' -• •. 3-LB.CAN. ·; ;$1.7S .STATER BROS. COFFEE ............... 1-LB.CAN ·Dl1iioii-A CORN 303-CANS ......................... .. LAURA SCUDDER MAYONNAISE QUART JAR EA ......... OSCAR MAYER LUNCHEON MEAT ................... 12-0UNCECAN $ FOR ('H'ocoLA TE CHIPS -3 ~~. 69' NESTLE'S COCOA ~i?r. 99c ' ' . •MHIDI ANAHEIM PRICES EFFECTIVE7-FULL DAYS, THURS. lhru WE • OV. &th-12111 COSTA MESA -.. -•••• 3430 W. LINCOLN AVEN UE 2564 WEST BROADWAY • . GARDEN GROVE 888 CHAPMAN AVENUE -, I . 21BO NEWPORT BOULEVARD SANTA ANA° 707 WE.ST 19TH STREET 2630 EDINGER AVENUE 1175 BAKER STREET 2603 WEST 1 7TttiJ~EET HUNTINGTON &EACH WU TMlNSTER 6862 EDING ER AVE. 8522 WESTMINSTER BLVD • WHITTl!R-14212 MINES AVL • """"~..,._ ..................................... ":"'''"'"''•·'"··"'·'"· ;.,;;·_,.,..,,,__,.,. .. ,, ....... ~1,_,.,,,..;.;;. ,.-.. • ..--...... ~ ~;,;;_--;;r,-... ~17+ ;['-. ;: •• ~ , -· ~ ,: :: z.,t:. : -· I • I • .. ea =· . h -•• -. ' ..... -. .. -.••••• ~ •• ~ ,. ·'""'·--................... _ .. ·-·-7"'" -~ _......., •• -..... ~-' r"' 4f DAil V PILOT Wtdntsd1y, Nowmbtr 51 1969 ' l::lenry Fonda D-oesn't Need _to A_ct iD the . Kit~_heA - ' By JOHNA BLINN ) WrrA FE, N.M. -A pair of bortel were Ued outside the Great Plains Saloon. Townspeople, women Jn poke bonnet.I, shawls drawn across their 1boUJder1, and a menagerie of cowpokes and wranglers walked down the ll'ooden sldewalk1 and crossed through lhe dust In rronl or lbe stand out like the Parthenon salOO!l. agalnat Ult Inky black nl(l>L Down at the rajlroad 1tallon "I'm a good cool!:. In f1ct, in an ancient ltain, circa 1870, the days when Jlm and I flnt stood nest to lhe 1lfj that Jived t0£etbtr In New Y~k, I read, Chtyenne. A 1 t t I e w11 lhe cook," llld Henry further olit of town stood the Fonda. Whlle the cameras t b rte-storied establishment rolled and Gtne Kelly directed known as "The Cheyenne atop a haikler, and Jimmy Social Club," floodlighted to Stewart, eleganUy decked out ~~~~~~ TOP YALU Discount Supermarkets COSTA MESA AT 19th ST. and HARBOR BLVD. 7 DAY SALE STARTS WED., NOV. 51h THRU TUES., NOV, 11th DOWN GO MEAT PRICES AT TOP YALU! ........................................................... . ""'')'.., ''1·r · •, ·' •f ~ ~· ' .. , t ' ROUND STEAK 69~ flULL CUT ........... .. f ~~mRf~!~~~'.~ 29~ !;!0r~8aR~!~~~ .. 98~ CUBE 9 c STEAK ~~~· s~~:.:~.. . . . . 8 lb .. '.i~.... ' .. ,, '• 1t' ' ' . . . , 'A . . . "~ ff IW r~~~1c~~ ......... 7 8 ~ • . ,-... '-,,,,_ . ,... '~ I ' ",, .... ·~ .,._,.._.._._~ CHUCK STEAK Flovorful Blide Cuts ...... 48~ ~}~~-~!p 98~ ~}IAK :;·.~r. 88~ 18rfr r.:~'. 69~ RUMP ROAST Bonolou ...... 89~ LINK SAUSAGE Sklnlus -I OL Pk9. Farmer John's .......... U.S.D.l. FOOD STAMP COUPONS , Gladly Accepte~ 29< In a cocoa-co1ored frock coat, you art •ickly or heakhy.' Upped bis hit oc""" Ult "Ho aid lhe belt thing In ttreet. Hank waldiod tho pr.. Ult -Id to prevent hwt '*inl> ancl talked belnon trouble wu relU]or .....i.e, tall• of Ult w'alarn comtdy, and lbe but way to hive trou- .,,,. Clley-llocJaJ Club." bJe WU to start IOmelillDc JJllO 811ARB APAl\11\IENT Jofcl1111 wtlhout proper con-dJUonl1111. The cJoctor said lhot "ln New Yor' JJm and l UJ-JoaJ.ng may have killed more ed to brinl back maybe II or people lhan Jt hu helped," II buddJ,. to tbe apartment Hank 1ald. for dinner. I wu famoua·for A nctp. from the raunchy two lhlnp, Swecllili meet baJlt ... stem wraJl(]er, Hc:uy y..,. and Mexican rice -bolh roclpes I IOI i...u my cla follows : mother.'' The actors wer1 part llENJlY PONDA'I of lhe Unlveralty Pl>Ytrs who SWEDllB MEATIWU worked on BroachY1y dur1n1 ~ cup bre1d crumbs lhe early IOI. _,,, ( Ugh l "My mother was a goo<I >f.t cup lllU& or 1 cream cook," Hank aid. "Her mea~ I> cup finely minced yellow onion hills were made with around 3 tiblespoonl sweet butter veal ancl beef and bread _,_. I crumbs soaked In mlill: I sUJJ 1 ;;;;;~ eon ground '"' mike them as a matttr of 1 pound ground raw veal fact." He left at thls point to 2 teaspoons ult join Stewart before the y, teupoon freahly £round cameras. pepper Hank 's daughter Jane, like J,2 teaapoon. cinnamon, op- her fathtr, la: facile 1n the Uonal (or y, • teupoon kitchen. "Jane's --coo'od ~-· • ground 1111tme1) for me in her dressing room at :! egp, lightly beaten. the all.ldio, at the house on the Soak b~ad crumbl in rnllk beach and at her farm ln (or light cream) unUI milk la France. Sh e '1 particularly absorbed. Mix with a fork to A TEXAS WRANGL ER Henry Fond• .proud of biking ill'ead. She form smooth mixture. heat on all lides by ohaklng does that very well.'1 Jane Saute ordon slowly in about 1 the pan. Transfer meat balls Fonda and her husbaod, llo1er tablespoon butter ~ onion 11 to an ovenproof baking· dish. Vad lm, llve In a rMored golden; remove onions to mix.. Add few tablespoons mlli: to farmhouse outaide of Paris. ing bowl. Add beef, veal, salt, akillet; deglue aklllet over direct flame unlll slightly reduced to have the. con- sistency ol a thin sauce. Cor· rect seuoalngs.) '"Ml.ls old d 11 Ip Id ate d I pepper, cinnamon (or nutmeg) medium heat; pour over falling-down French couhtry and beaten eggs. Mlz well mealballt In baking di.sh. house looked like bombs had with the flngen. Place m1xlng: Coot in preheated S 5 0 hi~ IL Now It looks as It did a bowl, tightly covered In degree F. oven about 15 hundred years ago. Jane stood refrigerator for several houn. minute• (or until meatballs over the men workin1 on the With fingers, form into Z.. are well heated through), roof, making them place the Inch balls. Heat 2 tablespoons Serve with mashed ~tatoe• tiles crooked. If the Wes were sweet butter ln large skillet and sauce made from julcea in too straight the roof would until It begins to a1ule. Brown bottom of casserole. (Blend have looked new and the wills the baUa quickly over mediuin with a llWe heavy cream over For a green-vegetable . choose fresh (or !men) clean- ed chopped splnlch cooked few minutes In bolling salted water; drain, squeeze few drops fresh lemon juice ,over spinach and season to taste with salt, freshly ground pep- per, Meatballs sarve 4-6. ........., ..... . old. But she wa1 smart, and liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii you can't tell where she'• ad.o ded on. It's a brilliant job." ' Fonda was told that Jimmy Stewart had rated Hank'a Swedish meat balls u "ter- rible." 0 He did!" Hank exclahned, In fal!e lndJgnollon. "I think he's just trying to make a fun- ny story out of tt became Ibey were very succeutul and he alway1 ate abol!_t 11 of them." BREAD'.IST His visitor 01ked Honk about this great brealtfut thing that he had told Jimmy about. "I just llarted Jim on it the lat three ur four d1y1, and it'• not mine," Hank said. "It's a hlib protein.~drlnk -made wllh ledlhin, a powder that you put Into lhe milk. I add egg to mine, but Jim ham't done that yet. II gives you ent<!lY during the day, Jlm admits It." Foocla beard of lhe drink from the makeup man on lhe picture. "Breakfast ii always a dlf· ficult meal, u you know. ll'a not only a drag to eat, but it takes Ume. And If you are working on a picture you have to iet up at aill. "You can't~ your cook up at home at that hour, because lhe'o sUIJ 10"'8 to be up at I o'clock at dinner. So you cook your own or do without. I used to throw two raw egis ln me and chase them with orange juice. When tbe makeup man nw me aqueellng the oranaea, he told me about the powder and save me aome. I've since bought a cue of It," be said. '11 look forward to SUnday when the staff ls oU and I can get into the kitchen and cook. And 1 love to have people ln for dinner. I don't mind .brag- alng t.hat I'm famou1 for my 6arbecue steak. People uk me over to do the barbecued steak, and it's the easiest thing In the world. I got the recipe from Bill Goetz. Start wtth the best piece of meat yoo can 1et," he said, in· dicatlng a thick one. "Marinate it In soy sauce for one hour before you're going to eat. Tum It several times, and that's·all you do. Sprinkle on a UtUe pepper and Jt really does someUtlng to the meat so people say, 'Wow, what ls thil, give me some morel' " He hu all the gourmet cookbooks, he said. "l'm a great reclpe guy. I trted out a recipe for gupocho just a week or so before we came down here. And now 1 make It at the drop of a bat. My wife and I had aome gazpacho a ,few nJghts ago in a Santa Fe reataurant and ahe II.Id, 'It'• not nearly as &ood U )'OU make.' " FOU.OWS RECll'M He follows a rtclpe to the letter. "I have to bt told whit to do. If It aaya add OllHlplh of o 1e.._, of pepper, I put that amount in, or If the direo- tions say beat IOmethin1 four and ooe-!iaU mlnutet, I do just that. But If you don't tell mt what to do, I don't know what to do." Asked how he stays looking IO fit, Hank Kid, "I don't do onylhlna particularly. $hlr1et bou&bt.me an uercycle.a ftw_ years ago for Chriatmas. I a. ed 11 for two dlya and not 1 •II unUI hro yun liter. I had my yearly phy~c.ol just befOft coming out htre~ I iraduated with flylnl: colors. "The physician aald, 'You can thank your ancesklr1 for whatever )'OU are, whelhef ( FOR UNUSUAL GI FTS •• , EXHIBITION AND SALE Exclusively el Richard's,. the works of Miss Palomba. She is Sardinia's leading ceramic artist, end considered one of the fi nest in ell Eu ro pe. All items in the exhibition ere for selo. Storts November 5. • '"" (,, u" c,c.c.t ..... IHH l11U i l\ 3 pioc11 from Emme Palombo'• collection , reflecting tho tredltion1l arts and crofts of Serdini1. An inipired gift choice for• collector I G•ld M14•1 Aw1N1 Milin TrJ1n1ll1 Art f 11tl•1I ltlt :;-:; . ' ,· ~ :.<' .I • . . . ' .. : 'f~""'\ ·) 1 l\I· ., ~\'>11.. . . C' ' , '· ' I ,;' OUR SHELVES ARE LADEN WITH FABULOUS GIFT IDEAS! DAILY 9·6 RICHA.RO'S LIDO CENTER 3433 Vie Lido, Newport Beach 673-6360 !'!J!Sli• ... . •· •' ·I PUMPKIN PIE IS HARD TO BEAT " •' •, Up for fall flavor grabs in .. :. the Bakery . . . sparkling ,, cranbel'l')' mufflns and nut ". lo&ve!, efferv~clr.g with · cheery color and tantalizing =-t fiavor . . • posh pumpkin • nut loaves, savory and :;- dellclou.s ... sheer eJUtica ...... when mlnei!meat a n d : 1 pumpkin go halvsies on tha ·'r top and bottom to make a ·~,.. harvest pie, which topped • with wh1pped cream is ·~ . about as fall gourmet as a ; pie can get •.. traditional , . .,.. and mellow, s p I c y and ·~ delicious old pumpkin still -~,. holds the number 1 spot in ~ people's hearts. Dale, the ~ king pin in our bakery tells .... me he has to keep pumpkin ,,., pie in thls cases almost all :1: year Jong because of con· ·'!'I: &tant requests. Even_ ln the ;: summer, people like to ... aerve them for a cbang :.. '" • ·-.ANOTHER ALL YEAR ROUNDER .. , ., ,. • • The cake that cries *- fruit. When Dale does his ~ traditlonal November fiak· . Ing, he whips up ~ to : last a year. "I always have . calls for them in the sum· • mer," he says, "So ~·m ~ alwa ya ready." This year's crop are beautiful. ;tlo ; raisins and all butter w •. All the exciting fresh cltfus • fn.1lll and dates and nuts are marinated in brandy for 48 hours before they are put in the cake. 20 m1nQ.tel : before It comes out of 1be: : . oven, big whole chunks ' of • pineapple and whole rosy , maraschino cherries • . round filberts, pecan halves, . · almonda and walnuts art · put on top for the flnal bak· Jng. 'Ille reason they're 10 : bumpy; chunky and-festtve - Jooklng. What a joy .•. ~d would you believe lb e smaller cakes are bl~ in .. ve:ry large pans, then cut ln t and l 'f.I pound pieces so the &Ides will be nice -am. &Oft and not all hard and crusty tasting. These ,..re put in gay striped caimls with windaws in the top for malling. The 2 pounders.are baked in red foil angel ~ns • , And of course the~1re the loverly clolsonne tbD or the gay red ones with candles for the larger W es to have or have not u you wish. CHEESE OF THE WEEK Ski Queen Gjetost trom Norway, old as Ume, but newsy because it baSn 't been around for a while. Would )'OU believe a Very firm cheese made with pure · goat's milk, with a hint of aweet fudge navor and .the · color of chocolate. The Deli Is the place to perk:~ up cheese taBUng buds. CANDLELIGHT MEAT" OF TIIE WEEK You girls love these ready to throw in the overt-and bake goodies, so we have to k"P you posted. Try on • stuffed round steak for taste.tempting size. • A beautiful round 1 t e ~ k , spread with a heady sa\rory dr~slng, then rolled up neatly and tied in its own f~ll pan. You bake •1.ong with some potatoes, slice the luscious roll, into little pinwheels of meat spiraled around the dressing goodness, and rate rava all up and down the table.~ TIIE MOTIVATING FEELING OF ACCOMPLISHMENT -. Richard's the p e o p t e store, where yoo don't just " shop, you ha ve a bappy Ume. Light a match and walk Into lhe Glfl Shop .• Candles are everywhere you'll feel like you want t~ aee them glow. Candles llke pears, eggs, mushrooma and bowls of fruits or nut&. Candles 6 Inches across or candles set in a topiary tree of wax or a pineapple. Candies that smell like black tulips • . 1 Can- delabra land o( g 1 a 1 1 wrought Iron, votlve Ughtg' nowers, scents and smell~ to make a home happy and warm. . a 7 IJ as" 7 f '• ~ , ~ •• . .•. -. • .• ~ ~· .. • .,.. .. .. ., ... . ,,, .. .• , ~· .... .. ~ .. •• ~ ~ ·~ ;• I .. .. , .. ' . ... .. . . • ,• .• ' ) I ' I ! • ' ' I ,. I ' i ' ' ' ) I I ' I : I PHQNE 1173.WO FOR ~E DELIVERY ' IN OUR DElMRY. AREA ---------~=---- OAll.Y 'llOT ~ , -·· DELIUTEllBH PRICES EF..FECTIVE NOV. 11, 7, a • HAVE SOME ON HAND FOR DROP.IN GUESTS RICHARD'S OWN, FRENCH ONION DIP ·oz. 59¢ ALEX, BRICK OF Chili Con Came•0L 39- DELIGHTFULLY SEASONED, REISE SEAFOOD Cocktail Sauce .~L 39¢ QUICK HORS D'OEUYRE-C.t .. i..,; in ..... , •nd sp••r with olive ., onion. HOFFMAN'S ALL IEEF Salami Chub)Ll.IOLl .. 25 • ... Org•n Sertn•d• For Your Pleesuro by Bornico f.•y LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE Hot foods·lo-qo •nd food ••toring are specilties of Rich.rd's Delic:ateuen. A different, vuiod menu ovoryd•y in our RN<ly.to- go foods - With • day or two notico wo con whip up· 11 sorts of elegant, Hvory delic1cies from Hors d'oouvros through complete dinners. ; ,,. .i .. "' " .. ' ·' .. ... PltDDVEE ;:FANCY, SWEET; JUICY <'CALIFORNIA VALENCIA ORANGES 10 LIS. $1 EXTRA FANCY, CRISP WASHINGTON STATE .~:GOLDEN DELICIOUS JlPPLES 6 LIS. $1 l".i.~ ·"~ARDEN-FRESH, CRISP, TENDER '·~UST THE THING FOR CEASAR SALAD! -:ROMAINE 2 FOR 29¢ ... ·.'.'EXTRA FANCY, LARGE CLUSTERS, SWEET .; ~ED EMPEROR iGRAPES 2 LIS. 29¢ UltDEEltY ·~ :2Folgers Coffee 1 LI. ~· FOLG9''S COFF.EE ..... .-. J .... :i:fOL~R'S COFFEE , , .. •• ~;-OUNCAN HINES, BLUEBERRY '69¢ 1.37 1.98 ?iMuffin Mix ;J)i •.ICNUDSEN '''LA BON BUTIER 13 oz. 39¢ 83c 1 LI. GELATIN DESSERT MIX JELL-0 ~c&H SUGAR -.;:i>EL MONTE YELLOW CLING ',SLICED PEACHES :;!>El MONT! YELLOW CLING i-PEACH HALVES DEL MONTE SLICED PINEAPPLE DEL MONTE 'or. Jl/J 'ZUCCHINI SQUASH ,,, .. ' "" -DEL MONTE STEWED TOMATOES ,,, . -DEL MONTE TOMATO SAUCE I OZ. EL MONTE TOMATO ¢ATSUP 14 oz. .REAMY PEANUT BUTTER IF LEEN EX ACIAL TISSUE 2H CT. 4 ,..51 4 ..,51 5 ,..'1 4 ..,'1 5 ..,'1 PLDDlt IHDP FRAGRANT, FIRST OF THE SEASON VIOLETS 49¢ BUNCH YOU'VE HAD THE CUB SCOUTS ON A FIELD TRIP, OR YOU'VE BEEN DOING VOLUNTEER WORK ALL DAY -YOUR APPETITE IS GOURMET BUT YOUR TIME IS T.V. DINNER -TRY THIS ' Choo10 • hot, t••dy cooked •ntr•e from our Oelic•te11•n, combine with quick little touches of your awn •nd voil1 - Gourmet in • fwinklin9 . •st.n-ed items in o.Ji. • ENGLISH BEEF SOUP- Gernish with 9r1t•d P•rm•san. •SIRLOIN TIPS WITH NOODLES GREEN SALAD with JULINNE BEETS SLICED ORANGES WITH CURACAO. •LOBSTER THERMADOR WHIPPED POTATOES BUTTERED PEAS with MUSHROOMS RUM CAKE w;th WHIPPED CREAM 0 IRA TWURST •GERMAN POTATO SALAD FRENCH ROLLS LEMON SHERBET with RASPBERRY SAUCE lllT HERE ARE A QUARTET OF RICHARD'S FINE BEEF ROASTS, ESPECIALLY SUITED TO BAISING, STEWING AND Ml<RINATING 7•BONE ROAST Cut into lorglah chunks, marin1to In teriyakl and barbecue. CHUCK ROAST 8r1l1e In beer with plenty of onions. · CROSS• RIB ROAST Dell9htfulforpotro11t. ROUND-BONE ROAST ~~~=~~~:~~ ENGLISH STYLE SHORT RIBS Broil and Hrv• with mustard 11uce. . BARBECUE BEEE RIBS GROUND BEEF Mike JOm• littlo mHt turnovero. STUFFED ROUND STEAK Stuffed with our own parsley dr•ssing. Yi STUFFED · CORNISH GAME HEN Perfect for en intim1t1 little dinner. BAR-M HAMS whole BAR M HAMS Yi or l4 . BAR· M DEMO FRIDAY & SATURDAY 59¢LB, 59¢LB. 69~LB. 69-LI. 39¢LB. 59-LI . 53¢LI. 1.J9 u. 59c ... 1.39 , .. 1.49, .. PltDIEH PDBDI HONEY SUCKLE Turkey Roast 2~ L .. 2.79 HONEY SUCKLE Sliced Turkey & Gravy nor. 1.29 BIRDS EYE ORANGE PLUS · , or. 2 ,.. 89c NEW, FROM BIRDS EYE JAPANESE STYLE VEGETABLES MEXICAN STYLE VEGETABLES SPANISH STYLE VEGETABLES BAVARIAN STYLE VEGETABLES DANISH STYLE VEGETABLES 10 OL PKG. 39¢ UCH IUITTONI INSTANT Sausage Pizza BUITTONI INSTANT PEPPERONI ·PIZZA ' CT. IUITTONI INSTANT CHEESE PIZZA 6 CT. HEATH ICE CREAM BARS .... BllEltY MAKES A SANDWICH SOMETHING SPECIA[ 69c 69c 49' RAISIN BREAD 45' FOR A GREAT HAMBURGER Onion Hamburger Buns . 6 ,.,31c SOMETHING TO GET UP FOR .. , LARGE Fruit Filled Danish 89c WHAT A RUM IDEA RUM CAKE 1.19 EDDY SOMETHING NEW! ' MINT PARTY WAFERS Delicious in essortod pestol colors. -· OUR HOME & GIFT SHOP. IS A WONDERLAND OF FRESH, VIBRANT GIFT IDEAS, CULINARY AIDS, SERVING ACCESSORIES AND DECORATIVE ACCENTS a as••• sorts"' PUR&US JOs?JS .. 1 SS& Sidi Oils Us ftSNStllsiJOJ Jl&F1 'LIDO -YACHT S~OP ANTHONY'S. SHOE REPAIR FlOWER SHOP . CLEANERS , OPEN DAILY '·' OPEN DAILY 9-6, SUN. I o.J DAILY •-i :JO, SAT. q,5 OPEN DAILY ·,.6 DAILY l :l0-1, SAT. l 1JO.S ,- • ,• • 4f DAILY PILOT Wednesday, Novrmbtt S, 1969 • Mayfair's FR OZEN FOOD SALE! BANQUET , :DINNERS ASSORTED . REG . SIZE PKG •. $ BANQUET MEAT PIES 1 -0i. BEEF, CHICKEN&. TURKEY for1 ... MAYFRESH MIX 'EM or MATCH 'EM fJJlllm1=1:-1 GREEN PEAS ........ rn ......... 1:·~t ·-· t . ~~.:~:m ... --~ MIXED VEGETABLES ... 1 ~~l: . . GREEN BEANS REG .or i ·OZ. FRENCH CUT ........ PKG. SWEET CORN .................................. 1~~l: CHOPPED BROCCOLI ... 1~i<i2 s . -FRENCH FR,l.ES ~~~:~~:~~~ 4ti s 1 MAYFRESH FROZEN I-LB. PKG ........................... ~.................................. R ORANGE JUICE VIT A PAKT 6·0Z. CAN ...... $ for DOWN¥FLAKE-WAFFLES- 6.COUNT'PKG. ·;·-......................................................................................... . VAN de KAMP HALIBUT 8-0Z. PKG .................................. , .................................................................. ~······ LARRY'S SANDWIC HES !IE.ff HA"' 0~ PASl~AMl 2·COONI 59' !ll~~~~~i~·~~~~G .......................... 89' l U, r1,c, 3 S< ~~,!~,~~,~~tr,~Jo~J~~~.~::'c!J.~". "c "" 39' I I GINO'S FROZEN ·PIZZA CHEESE 5"' 16-0 Z. PK G. .,. Pl"IROlll 7n. : & $AUSA&I 19-0 l .... 7 - FIRST DAY FR~SH FROM FOSTER FARM~ MAYFAIR 'S BLUE RIBBON STEER BEEF OR U.S.O.A. CHOICE RIB STEAKS FRYER PARTS . WHOLELEGS SHORT RIBS OF BEEF WELL AGED TENDER AND JUICY 89~ HOFFMAN - c lb . SPLIT OR WHOLE ......... lb. 69< 3 c lb. PllEPllE WITH ADOLPH'S ME.IT MlltNAO[ \ COFFEE ~ lH LAN S jQ 'rlJBANCOFFEE 75t llJF,ElllTAILETS 'lnc fl /illWlll HOU$( 3 111 u.H $? 0) J lb IJ.N i I &~ _ 1-LS. I.).:; 60 OOUNl -·--·--··· /\I. SMOKED PICNICS GAME HENS POCK COllN\:.H U.S 0 A GllADE .I,' le Ol.IAIN ..... '""69' ~ m~fair Liquor WWHD~wuvw ,.'.~'-PARK AVENUE Van de Kam 's §,, ~ fl$fTH ~8 !hut~~~;'.~~~. 61 p SWEET SMOKED FLAVOR ' lb. SLICED&. TIED ............. 5 Seib. CORNED BEEF BRISKETS R(,t.\ McC.CJf ·-· .. --·····-' •• :.: -~ ......... . CORNED BEEF ROUNDS !<!~!!N'c!~UT HAB~!Hol~~P1lc1 ·~~.1.29 SLIC ED BACON ,,.69' ""'il-l!iBlACKM ... W'i. ...... .!OlP<0 89' HAM SLICES ~.:..Hi 5 Bl "CKliA~ HONEY -·--·---·--·-·--.. 80-PROOF ~ -SEAGR M'S O Iced 1r Su1ared "''"'°' ~" '"~ ~ '~-.. s 1139 Cinnamon Rolls "•·ri•39c , . KAMCHATKA VODKA s313 Chocolate Coffee -1;,.,.,,.,,.!f "'"'"'"'"'"''"" ----T L $119 Ill '"'"' WO IJer Cake .••••.. :-' BRIGADOON SCOTCH HAiF GAJ. ·---19" • VORINDFF VOO!f ='ff,}/.~ 1311 COLD DUCK fl'l,\:'i nfTII ____ 11" MAYFAIR MARKET-175 EAST 17TH STREET, COSTA MESA OPEN 24 HOURS -.... --.--·-----·-----··----.. ----..---._.-----.....-...... -.. -........ --.......... -........ --· ---------.. ----~ PILDT·AOVERTISER J J N Wedntsday, November 5, 196• Pineapple's Glow Green Onion Secret Slip in Some New Zip New flavor;-fOr . gr i 11 e d Make sandwiches of the cheese sandwiches -and so bread, cheese and scallion. good ! ' Spread both outer aides ol GRILLE D c.u EE s E each sandwich with mayon· M~ nalse. SAND ""~ In a heavy lklllet or on an Sliced bread electric griddle.alowly grlU the Sliced cheddlr.cheese sandwiches until golden brown Long sllven ~ 1ealll0h On both ald~ and cheese has (green onl"I)). IOOle greep partly melled. top included Cul In hall and serve al • MayoMaJse once. ' Watch for the full · w~ek's T.V~ listings in Saturda 's edition of the --DAILY PILOT. Cranberry Raisin Dressing li.S.D.A. INSPECTED CHICKEN FRYER .PARTS WllOl.IUIS OR TllllMI 57.~ YOUNG TUllt:EY 29 ....,DR;;;;;;U;;;;MS;.;TI,;,;CK;;;;S;....-;;;;;,o;..;;;;1i . ., '· U.S.D.A. CHOICI! lfEf -IONEUSS CHUCK STEAKS McCOY'S lllSKET, Clf<-0-VAC PKG. COlllED IEEf lUl!I QU4UTY PORK LINK SAUSAIE 891t ' 981t. 3 · ..... $1 ,., .. FRESH I ROUND BEEF 49,~. FRESH FROZEN U.S.D.A. INSPECTll}' LAMB ROAST SHOULDER CUI McCOY'S IEEP 49:. LINK SAUSAIE flUH flOZl!N U.S.D.A. INS'fCT!D SMALL LOlll LAMB CHOPS •••SH fllOllN u .s.O.A. INSPl!CTIO LAMB Ill CH.PS : PRllH GOLDIN CRllU • I I I . . . LARGE 'AA' EGGS ·, I • I •..•.•..•....•......•..•.•... ~ • • 1,-'~ C.H.I . PREIH KIST FROZEN FOODS ·~: SMOOTH or CHUNKY PEANUT BUTTER JAR · ASSomo PRUIT DRINKS ,,., .. 591: ,.,. V.t.H DE UMP'l ll~f or SAUSAGE, ENCHILADA DINNERS VAl!I DI ICAMP'S CHICKEN PIES •···· 39c ,.,. otl IOY SOUR CREAMorCHIESE STUFFED POTATOES ,, .... 39c , .. . SAUU.GE or PEPPC~ONI, 16-0Z. SIZE QUART 79c ~,!'~·29c GINO'S PIZZA Ill A BAG LIQUOR SPECIALS CAllADA'• ~•IDI CANADIAN WHISKY DISTILLED AND BLENDED IN CANADA / I DELICA IESSEN DUBUQUI CANNID BONELESS NO WASTE HAM -~-........... _.,,..... s4•t KAMILAJI ·~· 49' t,L~. '3" """ Ol' VIRGINIA. AU. lllf 'PRANKS 12-oz. pkg. 10% ... ~mHINO . YOU IUY · IXClUOtNO ALCOHOl nu1• "'"' ''°'"'" DCIHlll "' .. '"'. 77' ANDTOIACCO ,._.. .... IQ nml lllPUY fft llTAllS IAI ..., ...... 87• Df00040. .. l<T t it• von '°"'"'"" ""' 64' ' .1 •• 'YITALIS :~ ••• 64' ... PLUNGE . DRAIN CLEANER 7c 32·••· WINiliii 1i1• WITH AMMONIA 20.01. --· All GRfNOS COFFEE MJB ~~ 73c SAN FERNANDO RIPE 1 EXTRA LARGE JUMBO PITTED OLIVES 3 N0.303•1 CANS PRUIT COCKTAIL 4 .NO. 303 .,._ . . ,,CANS . ...... o c •Ii• ~ ea. IP1~ . •. M. Joe 2300 Harbor Blvd. at Wilson St., Hat•hor Shopping Center, Costa Mesa -"'""~~==~~~~~~======-=!~~ • .• .w.. 6, "'' llC ' . . ' ' . • • . Super-B_hoppers! Looking/or· ·fiiti :savings? _,. . ,- • This week it's El Rancho's tender-aged · steaks! ·. ~ ... '• ' · · Compare quality ..• Compare trim •••. Co,mpare val"(le! . . u.s.D.A.. Cf!rOICE • ' .. . lb 'El Ranc!io'11U~.D.A. Choice Beef .•• aged to perfection Ule natural way ... and .cl~se trimmed for more value! Comoare value ••• and you'll.be rlad you·chose El Rancho I NATURALLY._.- AGED!_.-- Win.c nuzku the meal! lellljollls ................................. ~1. 98 Marlin Leveque , ; • ereat steak mate I , .• Fifth TAIL REMOVED! $plnlsll Wines ................... ~'~~:~~.~ ................... •' ,,~. Lope de Veia ••• Burirundy, Vin Rose. Claret, Sauterne! ••• :F)fth J Instant Breakfast .. ~ .. : ................. 5 9' . Carnation ••• pac)tages of six envelopes in y0;ur favored varieties! Healthful, nutritious, deliciou11 -smucW'sPreservu-........... · .. ~11 · - Bil !O ounce ja.ra ••• and your choice of Aoricot.-Pineapp~e, Cberry,.or the ever popular Strawberry I Peanut ·Butter ......... !~~~-J.'!' •••••••• ,4 9' Peter Pan ••• amootb or cl'lllicby 'at thia price .... and you iet the true flavor of fresh roasted peanuta I Bisquick ............ 4~ .~~~ f~;£K}~ .......•.... 39' Bakinr mix that performs wonders! ••• coffee cake ••• or pancakes ••• but don't forret bi.scuita t Purex Bleach ....... · .. ~A.L~-~~~ ••••••••• 29' Geta whites .re&IJy. white ••• and puU.money back in your bu~ret at El Rancho's low low J>iice I Libby's Tomato Juice .............. 29' Rich flavor •• ~ pure juice! ••• 46 ounce can Sna~E· Tom ...................... 2 :; 25' \Vowfzin1 l \Vhat flavor! ••• 12 oz. cans. 2 for 39c Pineapple-Grapefruit Drink .... 29' Del J.lonte ••• pink or refU]ar! ••• 46 oz. cans Green Giant Mushrooms ..... 4 "'$1 Sliced or buttons ••• 10 with steak! 2Y'2 oz.·can.s Bird's· EJe Green Beans ........ 5 "' $1 French Style or Cut ••• frozen ••• 9. oz. pk,s. . . . Mixed VegetBbles ................. s .... '1 Ga.rden favorite& from Birds Eye .•• ~froz"' 10 oz. Kulana Nectars .................... 5 "''1 Tropical deiiJhts •• ao delicious I All flavora. 12 oz. Dole's Juices ......................... 6 "' $1 Frozen ••• Pineapple, or Pineapple blends ••• 6 oz:. Folger' s· Coffee ...................... ~ .. 69~ Two pound can • , • 1.37 Three pound can •.• , J.95 Swanson Entrees ...................... 39' · Choice of reruJar 49c varieties! ••• Frozen Dove ~auty Bars .............. 2 ... 39' Creams as it! cleanses I Bath size. ·Italian Dressing ........................ 33' Withboat •• , Flathera the finest rreens ! , •. 8 oi. ·· Calgonite ................................... 59¢ Dilhwaaher deterrent ••• save 16c! •• , SS oz. pq, Rinso ..................................... , .... 69' Giant !i:te ••• includes lOc off label t ,Delicatessen Specials! Su'Oer Liquor Specials! . P h $ 39 orter ouse ....... u~;~~-. SH~t! ......•. 1 fb; Man sized aatiafactiein! Tender ,beet· ••• flavorful beef •• , hearty 'beef., • selected to afford fluality t' . : '. T S •. ,. ·• $169 op .· Ir 010 ........ ~~~~-.~C! ......... , lb. The Super Steak for Super-Shoppers! Fol'k tender, ""ith natural flavor .•• enjoy all the goodness of beef I Ground Round ........................ 79~ Chopped Sirloi.n Steak ..... : .... 89~ Lean and ff-esh ! Patties, too. at this price! Patties .•. 3 per pound! Ground Sirloin :89c lb. Fresh Crabs ....... ~~~~ ~~Rf~ ....... 79~ Check the valu~ ••• ·tlien decide to have crab this w~kend! Baker or steamed .or fried or cauerole! Roasting C~ickens~ .~H. ~~L!~I~~ .59~ Bir beatittrul golden birds ••• average weight .:. 5 Ibs •. and up! For an old fashioned dinner! . El-Rancho's Slieed Bacon ........ ~-.... ~: .................................. 89~ Rtnch style ••• aliced a little thicker ••• ~d I~, for more .shloky flavor! Supe r. Fresh Produce! Pllfa6111 B~~G . . Big U.S. No. 1 Russets .•. serve them baked, with gobs of butter ••• or with sour cream and ·chives I IB! ·a · · 19· roccoh ................... ... .. .. .. .. . • Garden fresh and tender! ••• compare Quality! .; Red Grapes .............. 2 .... 29t Sweet and flavorful ••• rreat anytime f Open dailr 9 to 9 ••• Sundav 10 to r Romaine ............................. 1 s~. Crisp fresh p-een leaves for finer salads! WE WILL BE aOSED VETERAN'S DAY NOVEMBER 11th I Prices in effect Thu·r. through Sun. No-v. 6, 7,·B & 9. ft.'o aalea to dealera. Ask the manager al19ut our convenient Ch~rge Account Service ---------~.- 111111' s Sliced Bolo91i . " " ...... " " " . " .. 5 9. Sanchrich favorite ••. all meat .•• 12 oz. ' N•efs .SUds .......................... 3 '" •1 Your daOice of rett1lar 39c varieties! • Pell & Qui Dips ........................ 3 ... '1 Clam, French Onion, Garlic. Bl.., Chili! Ws DreUgs ............................. 59• C-.Kae ... 16 oz. , •. Blue or I obo Island lloqootort Drtains , , • 16 OL , , 89c ' Holiday nmes VodU ........ QU.111 ........ '3.99 Select quality.,., 80 proof .... anat mixer! Harvey's Scotch ......... HAlf-GAL ......... '11.99 Save $1.00 on thi• value I •• , 86 proof. tionlon'S Gin ............. QUA!T ............. '5.65 Buy the brand you ~now tor quality I El Rancho TequHa .......... ,Im! .......... '4.89 fl.largeritaa are great! •.• quart ••• 6.89 B111-b1 the cue and 1&•1 10~ I HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave: & Algonquin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd.• 2555 Eastbh1ff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently to.caied stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena ' . I \ ' J ' . \J lJ t !! T -u a • •• ~ -0 1 I t ll 9 T ) ! J • ., ( .,. I • • • • Tl!NDERIIE,D .~ " BllP CUii ~· "..::.'.1.r.,~ , . . . ... - ,;~~ \~,· .. __ \· '" _, -.. ·,,· ' ~. ~--·. 1-':::-. ---· ---------- r. ,$TRITCH ~ t,, ,, . 'N' ,J. . . ' ,_,,FIT PANTl•HOSE -100°/o Nylen " f '' " RO -~1'tir~110N . ' -.; t . ~ ~~~~t;, ·3~$1 RIG~39c--R " PT. CARTON " l:IOLL"T.WOOP . · SAFFLOWER. 49· C-OIL PULL QUART . ~ ... . . .. ' ' ~oFi\t~::-:·~ ~"~s.-.. ' flJH !HIS COU,ON , NO "41NIMUM 'UllCHASE ~!QUt l!:tD • vOiD ~nllt SUNDAY, .NOV. '· lt4t ONLT I • :...; .t •• -~ • • • • ~~Y~LOT IJ 491 CENTER CUT ... FRE SH P•ucE FL YING CLOUD Mandarin Oranges , 11 OZ. CANS ' ' IXTRA ·,ANCY"" "~ • • ,, .• 1, .t. ' . . . . ;., ' .. ,, GOLDIN 'RIPI' .... _. •. ,' ' \ ,, ' , ' ' • gers.~ Win-:?i.' At School . • DEAll ·NAN: M7 y0,..g1ter1 111 tut wltea Utty were Yltlhi • frlnd11· lcltool ......... bl..,...., !!lie Ibey •tt ...... , cllled. ••pp p1-..n" .... ...,...,. jlltl misy -... ... 1-IMJ.-')liod< wllll, Cll'NI beer-.... ·w · I can't ~ • • I f, LET'S.ASK THE :COOK w ·~· ,...;•to. ·dtlpllate .lbem lo AIL · Woold yoo -wllat lllo)i .• ~ )le? MRS. E. ~ .• Alllilq:Uerq., N.M. ~y '1-e•a school rage with all sortS 'Of, variations. Good! Fir~, you toast tiplil ham- ~~buns, spread them with ., iood layer of canned corned ~ haih .. top !hit with plenty " ·wedded Cheddar cheese a·nd·a blob of pin.a sauce. You can. lop that with chopped green ' ·Pewer, · onion,. mushroom& or olives. Then a goo(. !J>riUJ\!ig ol the dry Jll.ttd'~Pa~n cheese. l:putcthem-·m a·400 oven till tf>eY :are bol.', all the way IJ\roql\. Takes about I 0 minuW. Jf you lay a sheet of foll over the top of the pan it k<eJ>! the buns from drying out-tOomuch. N~~ school& often skip the green pepper, onion, etc. be- °"use of cost, or student tastes or both. At home you can make jt a do-it-yourrelf thing with everybody using what he liMI best. Thea make a nice qaicF Saturday lunch without a '10t of fu!i and they are aJeo fine to·ftx art.er you get home fiom·tbe football game. DEAR NAN: I wq a Ullle amaled te tee yoer eelama OI beu iproola u l llloogbl only we 0 bellUll auta" we re tpl'tltjac ear own. Anyw•y. ...OWbeutlJldll<Odaol ~ liblU ~..-,.mot be .... _, ao"be boag\t ~· l91. llp>OI!' ;1M4 ..... , lli1ngs Ull<i JeD1111 DI. .-berries,. hfflc1e1. u.e mu, ·• . .oy beau·,_ meatimeil. .. -.!-_.. ... lnm olltUa.Medt.. They .are jul·11t7 ...... lJld 1be •P""'" ue, --""'° f-a. .. ,.,_. nei an deUdOb wit•· • _,., -. ...... oil d ...... llll • aaltd. I make mlae la .... aw qurt Jar ud )iat 1·1t111.._. of lbe seeds will _. o larCHbe mixing bowlfal . la •boat foar d•y1. Mt.r lbt Ibey keep crisp Jo .... ref!llertlor well ..., l wet\ orrH. ..._ nd Hedi eome to life la llie · sproals lJld lld1 way Y• pt tbe Jive euymes. 'l'lte.J mn rte• 111 the B · ~ M weQ ••Vitamin C. f>'e Mftt · aerved lltem to m.,,_ fto dldo't like tllem llld pflateraled 11 sproallog Ml ...._ Aa tntemtin& et· perlmeol fer·-... toe. l\lllli. FRANK E. POWM, mea-,DL . DEAR NAN: rve been •av· ID1 fma pie mast troublt?·t IMglll -"-wrlllog lb e llWlllfa.ctaren but I thl.nk you nd yoar ruden C'Ollld belp ilte ,more. I Uvt altd HVtral brudt, ~ cltt.p and et· peaslve, wttll Utt ume result. '!'bl top cnoit jut bnoili aO over Ute piece. I never bave lbe .Jlrof>lem. wllll my ..,. pie deallt. I e.e1 Ud my rup chcked; I follow every bit of the JNICb:se ~on; ao w:b& un 1 doln1 wrong? MRS. w. J. MALL, MI...,.us. Do any of those packaged and frozen crust wrappers tell you that the top crust 11hoold be thawed a btt before posi· tioning? They sbould. A solid crust Is so brittle it is just ~nd to crack, especially , When you try to cut the neetasary slits In it. lf 1.ou ~aw the c.rust a little ---first, Jt is an easy matter to eatcb any 'cr•cb by weUing a finger and pressing the dough . back together again. llomellmes lhooe frozen :!hells . . 1 · tt.~ oroliiiil a 6lf m lhi case ao watch for .any cnc_b in the bottom shell too. OJberwjH, YO\lr lilllng ,..ps -_, llie crust and you -wp with It being '°BIY or _.,..Ibis .. eopeclally true or, """1aol4 1,,.. like pumpltin ' • · -it can blow right #II ftlling like .. V.Uvlua. t1ie -cnuts really "" ~'" nke ~ have on hand ..,,,,... , a!O too busy lo _.. ~ own. One reader ilfd::me ibl .IVtn used"tbem u a•...., _, tooPillg. Just ~·tlttm up·(n aizable ,._ io, 181 ,,_ lbe fruit or whlmler. . ~ ........ ,..... ......... ,,., • • ' -·- w..i-,,.-.,. 1969 ' YA ;RKE~ -EASJ..BA~-10~~1 ~40. fl , -:-i<l~s'rORE HOuRS 9 i;. ~. to .M. ' ' · ".' ~ONE: . 6~·8310 ; .,, 1 PRICES EFF£~n~ NOY. 9 °10'0 I ltll . . . I ' '. PORK C'HOPS PORK LOIN . . CENTER CUT- ' . .. GIANT RED DE'LJCIOUS APPLES LARGE RIPE TOMATOES FRESH BROCCOLI CELLO PACK CARROTS . . CAMPBELLS\. SOUPS ALL VARIETIES TIDE DETERGENT GIANT 49 OZ. BOX UBBYS Tomato Juice • 46 Oi: TiN I LB. 2V. TIN DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL 10 oz. JOLLY TIME POP CORN 7 OZ. PKG. CHEERIOS 7 UZ. PKG. WHEATIES ALL FLAVORS SHASTA BEVERAGES 28 OZ. NR BOTTLES MARTINELLI 12 OZ. SPARKLING APPU JUICE ·I OZ. r REAL LIME JUICE ~- 5 oz. . START ORANGE JUICE MIX ·, 16 OZ. TIN CAMPBELL'S BAR-8-Q BEANS 303 T!N DIAMOND A CUT GREEN BEANS 303 TiN WK OR CREAM STYLE DEL MONTE CORN 303 TIN LIBBYS SAUERKRAUT. 300 TIN HUNTS WHOLE TOMATOES 14 OZ. BOTTLE HEINZ KETCHUP BUFFET CAN SPRINGFIELD TUNA 12 oz: PKG. BEAUTY SPAGHffil 12 oz. QUAKER OATS QUICK OR REG. 2GO COUNT PACK CORONET FACIAL TISSUE -LIQUOR DEPT.· . Balboa Vodka_._$~4~19 FULL QUART · ~ ..... PORK .·ROAST ' " LOIN END . 'LB •. , OUR FAMOUS ' ·: " t ' ' CHECK THES~ BARGAINS PORK SAUSAGE c " • F 0 . R· lb RUFFLES ~POTATO CHIPS GIANT c . . ' TWIN PACK CLOROX BLEACH l/2 c GAL CRISCO OIL SUPER .c ' SAVINGS LARGE 240Z BO TILE .... \ ' ' "BALBOA . MARKET . . •• .. ON THE PENINSULA. 608 E. BALBOA BOULEVARD PHONE 673°8310-Hom: 9 AM to 6 PM 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL CASE PURCHASE o• WIN[ AND L19UORJ i " I I ' ~-- ' , ! . • ' I • I ~ t . ' t , ' ' - •• PILOT ·ADV£RTISER 95 ·~· )i ' . . t~ .. ··a· ~· ,. ··~: t• ' ' "~ '• ~' +~·' •'._iJ~•':. I ' ~ '. iJ._r.1:i .::·n;~a._k e ''• utif ut' Lmmina'slc;ltcoration ' -· 'lit ·I • ' ":I " ' x q u 1 s I t jj l'l>ecou- e" folds ~"'rrit .. •t.-_ ~ . Thr'° w~: -1,!en • are upr@&~' to Icon.1 tibf1lt Id if 'llparate."Plt; ?!iii • ttern pieces, creche 17 \.2 x 2 ' . ff'IFTY _(;EN'fS __ (,Cllins) ~or elc;h pattern -add 15 cents ff, el.ich pattenl.for first-cjau Hing and special handuri'g ; . envise third-class delivery I take three'w~k& or,,more. d to Allee: .Brooks, 106, the '"{ UtitoT,. 'Needlecraft :pt., &it: 163, 'Old .cbelSea tion, New York , ... N. Y. 11. ·PrirC Name, Address , , Patten ,.N{li:iibtt: B[G , o Needlecraft t~taloi ....; 40 es., over 200 designs, 3 fr~ tterns! Knit, cro che t tants, argyle sweater, ball!, 'sses, swim sult. Quill, .em- lder, weave. Make toys, ts, gay afghans. Send 50 ts. · r .50 INSTANT ;Glf~. M~kc to- y -give tomorrow. 50 ts. '11 Jiffy Rugs" Jo knil. het, weave, sew, h90k. SO nts. oC 12 Prize A£ghans •. .50 Ls. Bargelnh,Qidlt Book !. 16 ~utlliµ'.;pa!,~-' ,50 , t!. .-'1.\ ,,-.~ ~--·. . ~ ,?.t .. ..m"ilunt Boo»'-! -pat; . fOr· 12 69peib :quilts. 50 nts. 1• Book 3 ... QuUJI for Today'• · ln&''. IS patiitns. 50 cent!: • . ewName Greenland Turbot . . . the h that changed its .nam_e ... a good mtlJlu. choice for o. You buy it as beautiful ite,.meated, b o n e I e s s , nless fillets. -What about ~ ttle name ange?_ UnUI . • few • monlba o, Greenland Turbot . was own as Greenland Halibut. £eca11iie C'f "balibui'' In the ·me, it tended to' be confused th-true haltbut and turbot is 1 different kettle of fish ogether. aJibut and turbot are embers of the same family flatfishes, but that is about end of. the resemblance. li!:!9.t Is a big fish and Is en s1:i10-as steaks, complete th skin and bone. Turbot is Id · only as booeJess, skinless lets. . . Turbot !§Ji.fa[ fish (don't~ 6C&l'ed, salmon is also a t fish ). And that rnak~s it sy to cook, ideal if you are a ginnina fish cook. Because it's so easy to cook, may want to experiment th turbot. Jt \caD be broiled, n broiled, .,_ 'i'Nd, bake4. ffed1 .poached, smothered 1n ,. uce ·Or flaked for' saladS. . _ e !ilt)· fish, turbot, cOOU 'ickly. It's done"" when tt · es e111ly '\',Uh • fork .• .ln or twenty minutes cooking e. .. GREENLAND .TUl\!IOT WITH SOUR .(REAAi _ TOPPING . Jo 1 llQ!!M ll!rf!!>l fiU•ta. 1 lf• teaspodn-----.aH · I/• cup 9oUr cream , ,2 tibltspoons mlil<:ed ontoo t tab! .. _ minced pa~liey t table"'°'"' dlcod -pimiento 1 telspoon· 1emon juice PlJCf! fillets in a single layer a shallow greited"'l>8tlhg h. Sprinkle with aalt. Com· -e rematnlni Jqredlenta sproad over fllleta. Bake l50 dea-for 15 minutes unW fllb llakea easily when with a fork. Makes two -~ . Wedneiday, Novtmbff 5, 1969 . lit DAILY Pl~Df ·1f3 ~ - . ' CHEESE .. PIZZA Alu lSOL ............ ,.984 aµRRITOS Al•"v"'"''"'o ... _ ..... 5/1. CHOPPED liAMo...taSllc>d•oL "•·43t BISCUITS ::~r;-~::.: ........ :.,3/2911l--- PEPPERONI PIZZA Alu tso ....... 1°' PASTRAMI GolloSlkod3·3/•0z. •••••••• 684 SLICED BOLOGNA~~i.tor;'o. ... 761 CHEES!it.;~~t.f.h, ~b ....... : •• ,,,: .. > 89:: AL"-'MINUM •.. ·2·5e A.lBERTSON'S : WRAP 25 fOOTROll ... _ ... ' CABBAGE ,FRESH-NEW GREEN SOLID HEADS • M - M0. RAANNDGARESl~vom , ·2oe Kraft Miniature •. 22c Ameritpn B~·Ufv1'1b2· o· -~. • · 11oz.,, .... . M/MAl.LOWS .. : .. ELIO ~RONI-.. INDIAN RIVER RED OR WHITE . . ' . ... ,, .. -.. ' ' ·~ .. ::·:: .. In-Sto re Bakery ,. ' " " . ~ ' . ... , ~ 1· ; i · ALBERT.SON'S Pal ·m·o·-1 .• ·ve o isHWASHl~Gs~c YUBAN ·. i~· ·. 2;~.1 :. l1QUID10 ¢0fF .. -: .. ·-·COf.m 771 -]53 ., SUNSHINE TRU·llU ,,' l;4 f~ : (OOIOlS U 30 Ot. . . ' 16wsuos 1··-)76 .i'DITllGINT . • 10lBS:' · r ~ • -< . qnollti r i ; ~ ~ .. . . Hlllltl~on 1eac11--891 1" Adams · orolia ~'fMar -30'f9 Coasl Hwy. -.· .~;:..:::.:....;;~-:::: .. -:::.;-::_:::.._ = ----.'.__ --· -. -_:-=.==.;.;... ___ -·---..;.....~_ ----~- ff llAll.Y PILOT Wed"""'1, Nowmbtr 5, 1969 --...--.·-. a Beta' ... Man in . Blu.e. -says: , DISCOUNTS, 1111111111[ - :111~, [.1\C 'U N !~ ! l[RY DAY 3 OUNC& aom.t •FOR ctm.DRttf RomH1r Cougll SJrup PACX OF 12 Romll1r Ctugll Discs 111 86C 49' 41c Fasfli?il'P&w6£1 89' 71 1 sua vE' it'AlilsP'iil'Y-99' sac me=o Cc101·1t·••r· . 211J1 •1 lwnl PACI: I 431 Usterlne T11tllpast1 79' 7.ouNCE PtlST?C BomJ: 7.ftC DIAL SHAIPDO · 1°' .. 7 IOIAL DISCOUNTS fV!RY DAY IOlilf A1'HA IUA STOltES OISCOU«T GHMGE l'lllCt -nn SVfCQEl'I tfJP.' THIS; Vfl£IC>. .. CHICKllf PARMqM" Your ALPHA SETA Ntl&flborhood Butdler (the Man In tile Red Apron) Prvudly Offers 7-0Z. PLASTIC vonu: • lliCWOES·9i:: orr .AllllA.:RrA QVAUIT UDIT @Y0"5 L£1101 IOI ~OTALDISCOlJNlS MRYDAY •-=--•C .. BE,..ll.,£..,.1 ... :~···u .. 1_u. ... USTRA-:· .. : i~i-.-,!:; .. =:;;L;;;~;;~;;;~;:n:;;,,;;;,~;;:-,:;:3=1'=,'i')E!---- 1 COLOMB11 ERCYCLOPEDl1 . Wl,.llETI • •UICI! .... -"'"'"" I/I · · Ir ' . . ~.YAW'i.-LE PIE J5i$ . "...,'",', ""°",.,'"' VQLONE!9c;VO!!M£i2,,,N22$1.99 FllDlllK ~' ... !!S.~ liiMii '"" ... f;bfATS • 1-t.B. LOAF" ·1-~:::.._:..-:-'.'i VOLUME 10 NOW OH SALEI ' ·::iO-Mr. sTOREs CHARGt: c.1c 31s... POL!!_!_R~A_iu:~!tP!NI: _ v sauAw BREAD . g CDri'\ AUJIT t&MIMA . 9.oz.· rRozo1 35, ~~rr 1' -t@E-x< *-t0t-1' \!!S.'Cauntry Waffles 41' ~DRINK •i.Cri CAii -n.28' .FamoUI FICflON ULASSICS .. .T"A'"'sT1~1 T •. ,A"T"'£•R·s""· ·.~'v',",~-4 .. 8. c ···-~ "pf~w~ctUict 11o 11 1 ~Jr.i~'~if;&'E'""ilo 841 I -"" ~ ~ @ VAN'CAMPS •WOZ.CfJI 9' f-OR CHILDREN VOi.UM£! 94 • BOJ: OF ao . NEWJORnJ.49 11.31 MORTON'!>• frozen • 17-oz. ·~U Varloll.. 64' TOMATO SAUCE 11c " @ Box or 30 • DA1i'IME: f.69 •1.sa 3 "OURS£ Dlll£RS 65• "STOFr 160Z.SPllAY 99' "V 30.l CAlf . . · 11' 0 1RfASURE C ISi.ANO" OVEN CLEANU . 1.21 ' . APl'LETIMf APP!ISAUCE 20c ' @&\'fu~r' · •= c;1~ 25; @.1RDS£~~o:::ETABLES fro'k1'1 uAv~iU Kiiur 2~ 23i l.OO·Y!LUE •ONLY ~~lfu~ ~2...... 11 ~ All J2 _VofumNon Serie t-i.8.-CAl1 •3VARJtrn:5 8# 9CZ PKG $1llCAn " 181 VET'S DK FOGO 10c: • FREilCH GRttN BEANS \'linl AUfONDS YAN CAMPS Plllll IEAIS 11c LEnUCE RED LEAF DR BUTTER 10! ---RED YAMS-:-. flAVOR FAVORITE 10~ ---K.Y.BUNS CRISP & TENDER 19~ ·EVERYDA-Y LOW OISCDUNT PRICES! DOTIC ... ZPUPID I HAWA11AN KIWI 1 O' LAH! FRUIT " PAPAYAS 31:. rtOl/S1 QU.4UJY' lff DISCOUH1 l'llCfS · co1offv1 •. ,,..11 c..i 78C POM' PONS BUNCH ) "WISI IUYS '" ICOHOMY SIU¥ I ~l'"~ 1n1 IS ot CTH. il).l.I. W • CM.tFORNlA l'OOR tlfOICt RAISINS •DlLIDIDUI APPLES 97c 28c 20-ll, I.All • M.l MP'OU • RUUIT PDTATDH ,_____ _ __. THl>l "OOUCE "ICES ~CTIVE TIMIRSlllY ll\roqlJ WEDMESnolY NOVEMBElt 6 ~ ...... I! R£DE£M FOOD STAMPS IN N1Y LOS ANGEUS DR DRMGE CQUlll't AU'HA WA 8".oz. PKG. MIXW Vt:G6. Wl'l'H ONION SAUCC · •Otl!OtJS Wint 35c CRI:AM SAU(,:£, 411 DOWNM.ut: • Fll~ • i.w,.QZ. t::iWNIOT. SUCUI . I 421 ~BISCUITS ·· 53 · · , '?W:-OZ. CINNA.MOM LOAF 6k-'ti•• ~ I-LB. TUB • MARGARINC 34 271 . ~ GOLD I' SOFT ' GOLDtN GROVE • 48-0?. DECANTt!t : i:j;;j;\ORAIG£ JUICE ~IL£1D 79• 681 @fffitsi}i;'""" 55• 39' ftOOULM 6l7l! • ALL COLOflS 141 DIAL BAR SOAP 15• 8Ant SIZE BAA 22<1 2t1e IUU~ • INQ.UOl:S 1111;: orr. FABRIC sonENER 89' 691 1111WACTJOfll CUliMMfm •YM lfOM;'I' •UUllmll • MLIJTU~Cllll AU. rTDa• Wltt:SUMTMlflifrTOlllPVltULUTO-..m:1M.llt'll.ru S~iffitc~ cHoWDU a 33' '·''"''" 71o -·Mw llARIU nOUl 1111111' fif't&l'ur~ma. "'ii: a 1' 5-1.3. BAG • GRANULATtD --C 11~=:~ ,~,~~ STOIE ltOURS: ·M'Dlf. t1!r1 flt. 11 lA tit , ... SAT •II Siil. 10 A.M. • 7 P.M. COSTA MDA-141 L 11 .. St. HUNTIN•TON llACH-tt41 MMI HUNTIN•TOM IUCH--11611 N .M• St. fOUNTAIN •ALLIY-t9M W..., ~_, ~···~ .. QUICK MEAL FAVORITES . . IV'/Cllrs rllDI BARBECUED CHICKENS -.:"oo••I I• fM log" 78e FOR TENDERNESS • & FULL ftAVOR c1'iimi'0Lu 69;. -ZIPPE • IUDS UWE 'DI I ii!='> iiiiiiTDS 59;. > ,!.l iJl~LUllNl\ ['ti. il T [I Ar lh.Plll 1('11 • 1~1. lOi\f RfGUl.AI fif WIDWICH WHITE er WllEAT URIE "' 29' IRUD """ • m ' " 'j·) " \' . . @r;;~Pie"Fil1l~I 47c 401 22-0Z. CHERRY PIE Fn.llNG-'3o .... /.'.i:Mi'\HEGULA.R Oft Wtsn:RN ~~':lha11ust.n1 19c 1 s 1 WlSHBONE • I OUNCE: I OlTLE SOIC FRENCH Salad Drmlng 39c 3QI DEWXE lllENCH oa CRtAMT ONION ~...soUTtU.At.uMA IOIU J.-.C.. .....,, __ _ • ·~ . .. • LA•UNA HILLs-tJl41 c.n. 4e le UM lllYINl-11040 C.t"!, ,Ull...Uty hrk I l I •• • • : • • • •• • • . • • ~~~~~~~--~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~--~~-~~,,,.~~~~...-,r-~....,-~~~~~~..,-,....,.~~.,-~~~......,..,-~~--~-:--~~-~--..,,,~.~...,. ,~ ! .. l ; 19 PILOT-AOVEltTISER . -' DAILY PIL_!T_ll. . .. • ., • • '. ! . -=- --' . . . . ., . ' ' • ., . ' ' . --.... , ~ • .J ~ ' i' .,.,,._ --~ , 1 o' 1 t I '.J -· ••• ' " .. ~ .... ' ' - ' ~ ... , : . ' ' : ,' ) i\ -EXCEIJ,ENT SELECTION OF MODELS\ & COLORS AVAILABLE FOR · LEASE . OR PURCHASE · ~Jag'l•J~~.CCJll • . I . ' ' . . .. ' . . ' . " ··SALE .. ., 't . - ' :: ( . I . . . •. . '. . .. . : ,) ' . . . ' . .. , .. ' . ... -· J "I Full power e(iuipment plus factory air conditioning, AM-FM radio, power door loc~s, auto seat releaSfft ate, Lovely Cameo b,iga exterior with a flax piid· dad roof· end Delphine Flair cloth •nd leather interior, .r14 1129 1 $5700 ' .,. ... ~ . ' ·~ -. -= 1966 CADILLAC Coupe: De Ville.. Full power. factory. air con· : dltloriing, AM-FM rad.lo .. tU~teJeacopic ateer- lng wheel. Gteclan gold with black leather Interior. (RKK878) 1966 . ~ADILLAC Convertible~ Antique gold with matchint: top ancs' fUll teaiber. interlor. Full pow,r, factory . air. AJtf..m radio. iut•tel5:opic 1tttrini' wheeL CTSR728) · 1968 T·BIRD Landau · Atittkn gold :wtth bttlck landau roof· and black vinyl interior. Full power·and factOry air conditioning, stereo :tape deck. CZMW· 393) 1968 CADILLAC · ~ ·ne We. Full Power, factory air con- , · dJtionin,i signal seeking radio, power door .. locks. Arctic blue with dark blue top and rxquisite matching cloth & Jrather interlor. low mileage. One owner, C820AGA) 1967 CADll,LAC Sedan De Ville. Full power, factory a.ir con- ditioning. AM-FA-'C radio~ power door Jock!, power vent windoWll. Bronze fii:.emlst with black padded top and black leather interior. (822AGAJ ,. 19)'0 BUICK Electra· 2'l5 4·:Dooc hardlop. Byza,ntine &old with gold~&: matchlng-vlnYl tntetior. Full power, factory air, tilt Jteerlng' whee1, pow. er ,dQOr l~k5, AM·FM,radio, aoo ·'miles. Lo· cal 1 owner. (127a37) ,. \ l . SALi $2600 PllCI SALi $3100 PRICI SALi. $3600 PlllCI SAU $5100 . ' ' PRICI .... . . r .. ; ' • ,., •• .., ...J ~--. • '•). R. l•. • ...... ~·~ OYl·:n :m Ol'.\l.l'l'Y C .\IJLtL,\C~ • TO SELECT FB<>\I . L \H<;E ~T ::iEJ.Ee 1:10\ .. I " OHA ~~GE C<>Ui\'J',.! •' • ' ' ' I • ' 1967 FLEETWOOD "BROUGHAM Thia lovely ~reci4fJ ·white cadillac 11 ai.otut;ely ror~ IMlde and·out. Hu cadidac full power features includlnc factory &Jr condlUonln1, AAf· FM radio, premium-tiree .plus much, much more. Thill one "OWner Cadil- lac has Only 22,000 -miles and should be driven to be f ully appreclaled. (TGU9781 SALE PRICED ' - ·- .. . . . . , .. ' ,,. .• ..,.. . ., .. r 2600 Harbor Blvd., -._C-osta M-esa · · · . _:.540~9IOD .. _,, :1 ; .•... · • .: .' J' ·.··,:, )• 1: I . ...: .... , . , . , . . . . . . ' . ' ' ' ' . . . , ' . ... ~, .. .. . . ' 'PRICE . ' 1 "' CADILLAC. Coupe de Ville. Normandy blue with black Landau ind blue leather trim. Full power, factory'• 'air coridltloning, tUt-tele wheel, AM·FM radio, etc. Local Ohe owner. (VGZ117) ' 196~ TH'1NDERBIRD . AlpJne white with black vinyl Jnterlor. Full poWer, factory air, AA1·FM, tut aleerill&' ""heel. (UTC387l 1966 CONTININ_TAL Full power. factory air,' tilt ltttrlng· wtletl, Antique copper with lvhlle vinyl top and , copper leather Interior. fRHY3961 1-967 'CAliiLiAc · ' " . Coup@ 'De Ville. Span[l!lh !i!Vft'; wl.th black padded roof and black cloth It lealh~r Int.er. ior. Full power, factory air, ~FM radio, power door locks, 1 owner: C'iif4t6) 1965 CADil.LAC • , j. ' • Hardtop coupe. Cascade-green with.match· ing clpth and "1eather interior. Full power, factofy air, AM·FM radio.-tllt...teleacopic 1teerlnr wheel. fRCU643J 19'8 ·CONTINENTAL i Sedan. Glapler iir~n with green leather, In· tttlar,, Full' power,.factory air, AM-FM ndlo. '(VWI<492J . . ' '. '. .. ' ' ' .. : I' • ' . . . . . ALL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE., ALL SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER ., , •· . . ... . ..... . $ALI i ~I{ ~ l f' s21l)O .· PlllCJ • .,. SALi ·~2 000 ,, , •. ~ .. • ' • -~ < • ' . •. . '""' SAL '" t3 .408 ' ' 'PRICE ·' . --· ' -..:_. . . ' ~ .. j , •• ... • 1, ' ' • ~ 'I ,._ •• I· ·' r .. _, I ·' .. ' ' .. ~· ii " .. • ' ·. i • ' , .. .. " .. • .. •I ... ' • HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE llOUSES FOR SALE General 1000 General 1000 Gtner•I 1000 Foreclosure Eminent- Seller's Dire Necessity Is Your Opportunity Any kind of terms will be con1ddcred -It's in good condition and it's in ?.fesa Verde. l big bcd1'00n1s, 2 baths & I1.1nily room with cozy fircpl~. M o d e r n kitchen with buill·ins. $2:i,500 ,. Col~sworthy & Co. "A&:ent" "For A \Vise Bey" 6-U-Tm Here's Your Doll House $21,750 )'OO'll fi!'kl It In Costa l\1esa. It has l bc<hwms, 2 baths, a double gar8'e and i~ Jn excellent L'Ondition. It 's vac. ant now, so 1nove in \\'i!h }1iA or VA lenns. ORANGE COUNJY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 Ol'EN EVES TILL 1:30 FOREST E. 0 LS 0 N Inc. Realtors EAST SIDE PRIME AREA $17 ,500 BARGA IN A real Chrisl.mas bargain~ You couldn't buy the lot for this price! A real doll hou~. Immaculate 1hrougbout. \Vall to \\'all carp<>ting. f'r.!shly painted. Beautitul paneling. llugc 20 fl. livifl&' room. Shake root found only in inott expensive homes. Sub. ml t do\\'n payment, C'.U no1v! 64Xl303 6 ON I LOT PAYS $9,900 6 beauWul lath and pluter hqmes on 1 huae 120 x 140 It, IOt. Averqe att 5 years young, Fantastic value! 3 bedroom and 2 bedroom units. Ample closed garages and parking. Patios and ni.anicured grounds. Submit on dn payn1cnt. f!npossible lo replace at $76,000. To see today! Call 6'1:Hl30::. LEASE -OPTION 3 BEDROOM custom estate home rij;:hl on the blulli. 3 large bedrooms. 2 baths. Oelll.Xe pool, Spac- ious family kitchen 1vilh 11!1 latest built-ins. Huge 20 ft. living room. \Vall le> \11all carpeting throughout. Fttsh. ly painted. All th@ cha.rm and privacy you could uk for. Only S31,:m. Call no w! ..,_ . 645-0303 al Harbor Center 2299 1-Jarbor Blvd., c.~r. Uit O\vntn ••. A 3°ledroom FHA•VA TERMS SIX YEAR NE\V, con1plete. Jy ~con.led. FOUR BEO. ROO!o.1, family room, 1 ~ bath home v.-ith fireplace. forced alt heat and dra~. Larre over-ai.ied double gar. A£e with \\'ashing facilitie!. 15' x 20' patio, fenced yard -sp1inkli.'rs. l) n I y nllnutcs from major shopping a n d SC1¥JOl!1. Conveniently loca!· ed to COST A MESA & HUN. TJ!'fGTON BEACH. ONLY $26,950. (IU>duced Sl,000). Best View In Newport Beach on the point of Newport Blurts this home overk>okl au of Ba.lboa Bay and Nev.·. port Bench. Beautiful ash paneling and harchvood pt.~· ged flool's, high txoan1 C'cil- ingll and brick !ircplaec. Heavy shake roof and much lllL!Ch lnOl'l' . ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546 1640 OPEN EVES TILL 8:30 Beach Cottage This older l·bdnn. co1tagr. near park &: tennis cou11s on Balboa \Viii go for only $29,5CO. Ownt"r may carry ltt loan. Rents for $100 month, \Vinter; $125 \\'C't'k, 1ummer. Buy now • avoid the rush. , PllOT·AOVERT!SERJr'- HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSll POil IALI HOUSES POii SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 1100 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lilonar1I Huntington lt1ch 1400Huntington Boach 1400 1100 l~~~~iiiiii~!i!i!~ii!!i!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiJ FIXl!R UPPER 2 lld1·n11 l bath, ;araat. On ·R·2 lot on Eutaidt. Vacant. ' CHit•pt-., ''" """ $174 Mo at 51/4°/o --NII I rM pj• Can't Jut lofll on a tree tin. FAST MOVE IN CLOSE IN Wl4U' 1111 ed cw.a ... , In ,..,. Ver- ONLY 1 -de, ~ oveniud bdrtn.!i, NEAR SHOl'l'ING . II ·""'· Don't. let th< WITH POOL ··-· family ""''" ~ lriteh. pnce fOOI yoU This t \Vo • • ..... Eastside beautiful 3 bdnn 2 bedroom _ e~lJ¥ car-Grand piano me llVUll room, en, built·ln BBQ on patio, Lath hOm~ completely redec. peted over v.·ood .nobn bU hup lamlly room A S ¥· •P.UJte play yard, near orated. Electric bull! • Ins. been remodeled recently ma:, 2 bt.l;hl, ~ for~ new dp.pts l ~ carpets. Lat1:e living room \vith fire. a nd otters a BEAUTIFUL famllY, New lhq cupeU,.. ONY. S2T.500 •. cAu. s.M>-1151 place al!IO recreation room BUILT-IN KITCHEN \VITH A decorator interior, Low Heritaa:t Real Esl.lte (o~n beautifully panelled, Ga.rare ASH CABINETS breakful tntintenance yard with a eves). doors bu!lt for c~per. Ex. bar, dinette are~ and sep. .Blue Haven Pool •• a cover. __ _ tra 20x20 bid&:. R-2 lot. -Can arate llCI'Vice porch. Live In ed pedo to relax Wider, C&ll 3 earm 2 ~th crptd, drp, convert to d1tplex. com.Jort and llhop onl two now to we. frple", bl!-1115, dlshwa1her, New homes, ready to move iii. 2 lo 5 bed- rooms, 2 to 3 baths. 1h mile !ro1n beach. lt"'irst payment up to 60 days after move in. VA/FHA Terms. From $23,990 The Beach (on Brookhur1t I mile South of Adams) 962 -1353 1237 H~ntington Beath 1400 blocks away at E.y 17th $29 950 Oversized car. w/el~ open-,University Park LAGUNA BEACH S•--., .. _ . ,.._ 2 • er, Like new, \V/&1de CM ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;; 1 ·----=-=-:---:-=-,-u,,.,t """'pptrc ....:nter. R· (~~ ~ loa.n @ $161/mo &\'ail) 5e0137 aft 3 Vacant la1i;:e vit'w lot. SlO,<KXI LOT· ADO ANOTHER UN. ~~=-----= •M'• LOAN .C BEDROOMS t JT LATER EXCLUSIVE WITH 3 BR, l~* ba., new cpt. 6'~ -1• • erm~. · • lo&n pmnt '14I Pm. Quick Available on this JUST u sr. Lochenmyer R+>,1ltor 3 BDRM BEAUTY New pert It Vi<Mrl1 '*'811 Ce11ytl1111I pGN. JU.tr. 142-9130 eve ED 3 Br. home, Beamed 5'8-0720 ceiling, wet bar, newly dcc- orateod. Priced to sell in low Now110rt llooh HOLIDAY l'AllYY PlllrlCT 1200 4 Bdnna., dln. rm. a famil,Y $.108. ~It. •red hill REALTY LOWEST PRICED f• 1--.. I' Sale rm, • drUm 1ritch. + UNNli VIEW. 0 pen Slln. thnl 180il Culver Dr., Irvine OPEN 9 AM-8 PM 83U820 11; years nl'\\'. $22,000 c:-.11:ist· ing f'HA !pan, $196 per n1onth includin~ iaxr~. Cul. de-sac 5tt~t'I. \1·11.lk to schools. Carpets, drupes, built-in range & ovt'n, dish- 'vasher, double garage, lenc- cd, landscaped, S U b Ill i I -n. In ~!i'!RPltpriva<!N!m. Vacant 5 bdnns, 2 ba~ Tburs. l-4:30; l.Ut 5-ntita:o.J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~J , '" "-~·~ ti 1 I>ovulOYSbonD ll~IALTY Corono dol Mir 12SO liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO/ ""SI' f I boat iwuu\vuuu oor s, arg~ 4 HOUR TI\is nut11tandjng home has muni.., · IP Ol' arge . ' bdmis, tenilic k itchen with 2 · NO DOWN hand rubbed kitchen cabi· sandy .~· covt'r~~ patio, built • ins &: dlsh1vashet. 3G9 E, ~t"30'V>'·1 Cdi\1 "STORLYIBVOEOIK~' LAND nrts, 1astl'fully deroratcd lardgoalll"1 1ng root"!·,.~;:',..... Loan, Choice location n.!!U schools. W~A. POSSESSION Interior \l'i!h Jots of \\'all ~n or on y ~·"""· 1 year lease OK .. call now! NO ITING Only -a couple of blocks fron1 pa.pei·. Covered patio. Re· \\'altl!:r llaasc For the bath Slturday night Corona Beach this charmct• }'HA/VA 1crnu, S26,9j() · for etch bdnn. There are 4! modern kitchen and 3 bed· cently painted inside & out. ........... or any mom1nc with a bath with peaged hardwOOd l.loors, Plus a vltw from Abalone rooms, 2 baths and family • COATS '·"···ell •-• & Co. Pt. to CtltaUn•. 3 F""'t'""' "'°"' -$47,500. & ~ ' _., 1093 Baker, C.M 546-M«I -blend with ~ paint for 67J.1550 WALLACI 550 Newport Center Dr. . extra chann. \Vklow \\'ill REAL TORS Now)o'' llach, Calif. DOYER SHORES "'"" "°""' . i;;oo handloL O THEREAL '""\. ESTATERS Payn1eu1~ like rent. Try $1500 do11•n 1\ssomr GI Joan ol S23,l&i at S2ID 111onth. Nearly new 3 bchm near schools & park, Katella Realty 847..6061 "'°'=,_..,,.-.,....~~1 --Sll3 A MONfH- -54M141-133-0 OO ~2430 Brand ne w Ivan \Velis' 4 H•I Pinchln &. Assoc. (Open Eve•i""' bdrm 3 bath + powder 3900 E. Cout Hwy. 6Ta-t392 BROKERS room. Formal dining room• 6 UNITS DUPLEX So ol ""'Y· 2 .... •·-/ t •-· •. ~-Prim N n~-houses. $55,<KXI, $8,000 tlown. ....... m we ..... -...... _.. , e ewport ~b loc., Income $450 mo. 642-3&15 LINDA ISLE BAYFRONT WANT. Ea' L~llly qrpetl!d. Su-Je4turinc fi trand new apts,, perb view. Pool in landscJp-2 io 4 BR., all with 2+ S.lboe Penintula 1300 eod court yard. Roy J . Waft baths. A fnntastk baytront buy. 3 Why not work on your tu:i Galaxy Dr. 6'6-1550. PltOPIRTIES WEST Large bedrooms, 3 baths, own? 5,,_.:11 aval&. 67UIJO 67.S.1'42 separa1c dining room. 55 Ft. allle. Conr1ct JayM •-·•-nt lncame Ch ol bayfront with pier It alip. Davidson . IHIAUUllll annel 'rMtt Duplex Ne\\', Asking $105,000. (Will ., A ~al aharp llatina. Walk to ''!"" '" '-' bayfront). DAVIDSON Rtelty 7~ .:=.,~ooi, ;:r. ~;"'~ "::':,:.' ~~ Developer's Duplex Three bedroom upper t"·o ~room lower. In very good rental area. Now JuUy leas- ed_ GOOd i:rowlh potential. 149.500. BURR WHITE I Oh ft mGCftGb mo l"rb<" A"·· C.M. Ownor wilt e&ny ht TD. "'"''· $6.l,<IXI. (714) 642·1235 "'6-"'6 Ev". 549-1o.;& W11lll'McC1rdl•, Rltrs. R. C. GREER, Roalty REALTOR By owner: spa<.', 'I Br. condo. comp. v.•/bltn!, poo l privil. Assum~ existing FHA loan \Vi!h 5~~ ·,~ inL 1\lo. p~)111ts. $ll3. \Vhy pay l'Clll & col· lect only receipts? Ql.\~r "·ill help \\·ith f1nanc. Full ptice $19.000. 962-Zin evt:1 -- 1rknds. Owner Transferred 6 BDRM. BEAUTY Need elbow room 7 This ideal family home has over 2400 aq ft of living area! Immac. cond, in.side & out. New w/w cpta I.. dJ.'J)&.--l-balbs. Great Joe. Prof landsc. pool ·aize yd, Sprinlden. Patio. OnJy $37,000 EZ tenn1, Home FOR ONL'' 901 Dover Drive, Suitr 120 1810 Newport Blvd., C.hf. 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 !!901 Newport Blvd., N.B. :?Q2:i ·\V, flalboa, NB 61:..6000 fl.'c1\·port Beach SU-7129 644-<li84 evf!9. FORECLOSURE CP a r k 675-4630 64Z.22S3 Eves. "" "· eoo.i; CdM """'° DIVORCE SALE . Lido) To-. ~ BR, 2\> As.~u1ne Fii,\ loan. P,1-mnt~ under $17J n10111h. 4 Bit ~ bath Prcsli:;c llonlf'. No qualifyini;. $JJ!,995 BUILT ON YOUR LAND" FEATURING: S~ r--FANTASTIC VIEWS 4j1 MAGNOLiA DO You """ta borne clooe ·BA. Frp!c, btt.,, poo1:,.L_l_nd_o_l1_lo ____ 1_306_ lo a 1rea.t Elem school in an ffd 1 · 'A 0 Of ocean, jetty £-: .harbor Altumey aays, sell l bdrm area jult ri&ht for kid&? N s paint • etc. $28,450. LINDA lale lot for ~ by .. Jigh!s. Steps to beach, Grae. Easllide, C.f.f. V a e & tt l That's ">here you will find 1,_,L,,;wo,,;· ,,_"-:.;°';o·,_946--0732.;,;;c..;.;;c...__ owner. $32.500 plus I ease The Reil Estat'e Mart 847-8531 Owner Triinsferred Sharfl 2 5to1y 3 bdrm 2~~ bath, On 1.'0n'W'r Jo t. Ca~ cts/d111.pcs, all buill-i11.1,;_ For. nial dining roon1, s(!rvfce porch, family t'OOn1. Assun1e ti% GI loan • price SJJ.900. I'\ I I · \1 111 11 .,.,.j \Ir\ \I!\\ / I \ 1 I l < • lOln sq, ft. • Double garage • All lath and plaster e. Pullman bath • Spacious 11·ard1nbf>!I CALL 537.03IO I =::=;:;:=:=;:m==:==:==:=::!= j •In most Orange County and other approved attas. WESTCLIFF Very desirable location. Spac. ious 4 bdrm home with 2n bath5 & Jamily room. Beau. tifully decorated. Kitchen has loads of cupboard.!! &: l"ounters • breakfast 11.re1 . $56-500. Barrell Really 1605 \Vcstclill Dr. N.B. 642-5200 STANCO Builders Inc. OPEN 7 Days 10066 \Ve~tmin!ler Ave, Garden Grove Balanc<!d Power J-lomes LINDA ISLE BA YFRONT LOT Cholec building site on e:.:clusive Linda Isle. m.ooo E.xclusively \Vllh Gorteous 3 BR 2 bath homo! on quiet tre!!lined Cul-de-sac. Ne\Y 1\·/1v carpets, all buil1- lns. brick !ircplace, Iamily room & huge oversized lot. Outdoor BBQ &: room for boat &r. trailer. Assume 51:. % loan -$20,400, $174 P.LT.t. Priced for immediate sale al S27 ,500. call 545-842" South Coast Real Eslale '1'**-•'41 $8500 CASH &: you can assume a sv.~;. loan. 3 bdrn1. deep shag cpt.s, lanai pa l i o, sprinklers. garage do o r opener, S28.950. (Now vac.l ·'" ,1 ·,, ·1 .••. I ' ' " I ' ' . 5·16·5990 ious home w/2 frplcs., den, $23 500 thl.!I 3 bdrm home pynlltb Mptnµ: Heline -w/tull paymt. of $4300 per year . formal din. Walled gardcri. 1 1~ than rent. Full price q,bana, Ltix. park. Bayfroot Slip capacily for 2-60' boats. Stres5ed for addt'I. rms. S2ZSOO-VA/FHA OK. Bkr. penin.tula. Mulls Call .. 51 Ft. v.·aterfront. App1'0ved Xlnt linanct>. $108,500. ~14 67W100. plans included. Wa lker Rlty. 67S.5200 11--====~--642-6481 or 3W6 Via Lido. NB Open sun. FANTASTIC OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX OCEAN VIEW 4 BR. + 2 Br. unit. Walk to 3 BR :.>. bath home, conier * '42-lnl Anytime * SJJ OIO shops. $39,500. Arent lot 130xl 80 • add 5 rnef'e • ..._bt ho' 8 ol ~er S,U..1071 ·1 ..._. b m San -• 11e me. e: st uru "· vi1ve y J....., ta EASTSIDE -$21,tlO ev'1')'th1Jls. J,f mile to new ""BLUfi==<=s·""• '°2"'11dnn=:-,°"50"·""d"-.k LOWEST PRICE An• Ave. then call Cozy, Private, on a t:ul dt r.rartna. Tarbtll. 837-3138 ti"/ prbfie Bay V iew. Home on Lido. 2 Br. 1 ba. ilania £ralty sacamldneatlykepthomts. 4 Bk 1,, baths, 'lanai, $39,500. ·c.u 6 4 4-2259 Street-to-strttt lot. 6-t?~ Lara:e Jot u·lth several fruit .aep.rate outskle v.ukroom t:ves/wlmds. LIDO R ~~y INC. trees and room for a fard· tree house pleasant yard. 5 BR. 3 BATHS en. 10% down to qualified Near \Ve~tcl!U Pla~a . Newe!»rt Htights 1210 3377 Via Lido 673-7300 Prie\XI und(!r n1arket at b\J)'l!:r. $27,900. Kina:aard R .E. :rtll ;.;.:;==•""-='-"'-'--- $43,:lOO. EastbluU . choice lo-&16-nn e ~2313 ~= NEW 2 BR, 2 BA, din-ATTRACTIV E 2 BR. cal ion! 1:-=-::,.,,r-==-c~ inc/play U'l!!I. $ 3 0 , 5 O 0. Remodeled. Owner will car· 1351 Lido Isle Paul Jones Rea lty 847-1266 Eve. 847-8919 LO/LO DOWN Large Repossession ·I BEDROO:\IS, ne1v pain1 l ne1v carpeting. Very dcsir· able area. HAFFDAL R11 y ~ 12.4.105 3 liR, 2 BA, famtly room, Owner '31 R i v ~ r 1 I d e • ry lge Joan. No points. CORBIN·MARTIN prot,deror. l~i yr old-xlnt 642.&099 $45,500 Phil S ul l ivan . BY O\VNER: 4Jldnn,1 Ba, RE3036ALTOE Rl___ 675-1662 cona. $J2,500. 21382 F1eet S4S-6?Gl. fa m1 nn1 . bHn1•.t drps.,,'""o' • '-UW!l lh\'y., Ct.Ii\! Lane, HB. Owner &46-4l28 crp s 1 u11~u . yr o . n LOWEST PRICE! SPAfiKLIMG i~IGHT O.ver ShoHt 1227 Hunttn,.ton Beach l400 cul--<le-i;ac, Ncilr s eh I s, 4 BR. Condo in BluUs 4 BR. 2 ba. plus family racm. Costa Mtta 11DI • bchcs. shop'g. Co111plctcly Lovely grccnbeJt view & near Ne~ new shag carpetin&. • lrr.,l1cultle Vl9w Of PRESTIGE Jenced &: landseapc<l. Im· S\vimnilng pools $39 500 Drive by this r.11aa Verdi! . UY & MOUNTAINS! mac! &c at 21&12 Archer E xtr• Sh•rp Beautifully intproved comer •·aaulc'' home, lush new carpeting & drapes. Owner sacriCicing for personal rca· sons & most anxious for oU. DaLancy Re•i E~t•te home. 29();) Redwood. Only MESA DEL MAR UnM{ue "old '!i'Qlid" contem. Nq. 2100 Plan. 4 Lee Bed· Orcle. S40,0C(I. 968-lj61. B Of The Week 2828 E. Coast Hwy, Cd~I $28,500. Lowest priced heime in Meu. por&ry, execudw lwrucy room&+ 20 x 30 iame room Th' k R I B' uy 67~3770 Or•h•m Rlty, 646-2414 de! Mar. An appelliinf 3 MQ. hoin!!:. 5t1DO ·911. ft. 4 BR's. + 3 baths. Near a:olf course In ea ICJ "· Delightlul home on large R-2, ---~~==---N N_,_,rt POI Ofli . 1 f ~~ BA + maids qtrs. Ideal & hol"ICs. 5 big bdrn1s, 3 ba , 2 5tori€:.!I, t Ith I •1 , $350950 ear ~~.-t ce J"QOfD 2 bath sh1n1 ed roo t t . T k ot '\' . room or more u .. 1 s. bel.uty '}[< 1 . led for entertaininf, Ea.By main. g1'ea oppo1·tunily. a ·e $23,300 -10';0 and 01·;nc1· S BIG BEDROOMS IAYFIONT APT · ome n(!wy pa.1n Immed occup. Furnished D __ I. [•~-over GI loan. Gencroui; sec. will cany at 7~;·;., with no • on out.ride. Carpels ind hed A Pllf,. CIUILt d rin k l I ""''""""''""""'""'"'"""""I Fan1ily 1'00m. 3 baths. Built. Vista Del Lido, Pier l slip drapes in excellent condition. or unluml11 • ssum flt Vi on ary . rc•fl5 { n pyn1 n S.C•-~•IQ loan coat. in kitchen. Deep pile carpet. available. Sell or lease/op. Call now for a .!lhowini, G~S'i.!,.~o&n .. Box 1632 NB ~ e OAj lov.·. Huge F;1i1in(l11I . Hc.x ..., 646-7171 ing. liugc patio. Electric tlon. Price mr.r., 548-,...., L. Hodges Rltr~ 8-17-2j2j. nNreinMatllllbt) Imagine a 4 bedroom 2 bath OLU-GE,.R~J homeforonlyS25,500.Le.f'R~ i;:arage opener. Sprinklen. G.er .. Wlli•mMn TIME FOR e BY OWNER e ~1720 REALTOR Very nilT 2 Bclrrn. 1 1~ b1. enjoyable back yatd \Vith TARBELL 2955 Harbor 673-4350 Ewa m1564 17007 J\1aanolla, 1-"V home. Xlnt Hl'i"hbo!'l>ood. family .!li7.e patio. Assume · · ftUICK S 545 0458 • $30,750 .,;,ting Hnandng at to w 2100 SQ. FT. 5 Bedrm·fiool 546-2113 T CA H • A"""" """"• 6'0 VA TROPICAL SETTINGI 5%% interest rate. c>.vner MESA VERDE $29,150 0wne 4 bdr 2 ba loan; bal. or si7,sco plus \Vaterlall & foWltain • clear v.·ill abo sell F HA or VA. $24,950-4 BEDROOM 4 Beth'OO~, ~ ~th.!!. Family $26,950 2 S'J'ORY 3 BR. 2 BA, crptt:. JHlOUGH A 8~ts., d~ .• bea~ed ceii'. Sl,550. 847.1329 blue pool. Lush plantings. +GUEST HOUSE room. Bu11L-1n kitclien. Fire. Tbat's not all. a lovely swim drps, bltns. Nev.·ly painted ings. Landscaped, fenced. PRESTIGE"-.F"°H'°'A~5~3/.~,.~y, Oversitcd bedrooms, large 2 baths. Built in kitchen. P!ace, dt>Cklng & patios. pool too! 3 baths. Rich "''ood interior. Lrg fam rrp. \VeU DAILY PILOT Boat gate. Near Ocean. Lovely 4 BR, 11111ny c.,.h·as. den. 2 baths, family room. Covered patio. Double gar. 1 arbcll. 837-3138 panelini:, breakfast bar, fire· lndscpd: patio. S 31, 9 s o . Priced below FHA. 10 n1os. near l'.1udn;i l!i ~1.'1100\ &. Luxury featurrs. SI0-1720 age + carport. 54().172{) {)p{'n Sun. place. 544).1720 MS-2286 wk8ay1, 5'(l.SU4 WANT AD old. SJU Landfall Drive., Douglas. Early 1:ios0ssio n. TARBELL 2955 Harbor 546-2313 TARBELL 2955.H•rbor 232n LaVKca. El Toro TARBELL 2955 Harbor ews' wknds. Btr. H.B. $33,900. 01\·n~r 847-4072 1 ,;;;::=;,~~~==~~===-'-":=::===='=='=====:-:-===~~~:..=~==~,;;:,:,;;;;;::~~==---=========~========..;..========- IOOOGonoral liiOOO.nor1I IODOGoMnl 1000 -··· 1000 Ganer al NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE-t111io- 2043 W11tcllff Or. 11 lrvlno Open Evenings INVISTOlS SAVI $10,00011 t.:onslder re:place.ment value: If nit ror- 1·2 Bd. houst-12.000 2·2 8<1. To .... ·nhousf's 4!1,000 2·2 Bd. Apts. 20,000 Drive, fences, pa.ti(),! 4,000 Total replacement ~l: $75,000 YOU can own all th!!: above for $64·,9M wllh exctlle:nl loan transtet rabJe at 6.6~ ! TR.ADE IN YOUR HOJ\!E for lncomt l TAX SHILTll...OIANGI GlOYI NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY $U,000 4 llDlOOM "VACANT" Sl 40 per monU1 lncludt.!I all on existing lot1.n anyone can anume \\i Utout quail .. fylflil!.Eeaturina ·4 hu1e-·bedroam1; 2-luxurlous-btthrehvmlns·L'Quffna" kJtch-- C'n. Creal llvlna room with rich panelll'l.i. AnkJe deep carpetina. Excellent cu.I~ sac. \YUi arll FHA and VA. FO• THI llG FAMILY 4 Queen Size bedrooms. 'I\vo vuy hpruriou1 ti.tbs. Thla: home t~turt1 att pdov.'11 living roo1n "i th ~nlic firtplace. FORJ..tAL D.INING ROOM. Selltii.te 1ltp do\Vn family room leads to complettly enclond ttar yard bttui.ifi.lly llnt.ctptd • STEP UP Into thh gorgeous a ll-electric kitchen. 1'HA Joan bu Plfmenb ot $133 includes all. \Vlll sell VA at appralaal of $29,450. DUPLEX WITH HIGH F.H.A. LOAN Opon 1w .. ln9• 'tll t P.M. YMIANS $671 TOTAL COSTS Spe.rkllN' 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Vo'lth HARDWOOD FLOORS in r~CX'llt'nl JO(;ntion neat 1ehool 1: t hopsl BUILT·l:N KlTCHEi.'l..Drapcs It catpel4. FIR~Pl..ACE-! Nmt- v.·r 11.y mote than TOTALPRlCE ONLY $21,750. NIAi THE llACH •. IXICUTIYIS ATTENTION Assume mA 5 ~ ~ annu&lly an4 aa11e $13,000 In intel'e6t! Gracious 1 ~tory, 1 bedroom hpme with 3 luxurloua baths. S tep down living room \vlth ankle dCt'p carpets! Mlulve BSAMED CEIUNG J'AMll.Y ROOM with wall to u·all Flr~placc. GleamJnr OAK HARD\VOOD FU>ORSI Stereo A bulll in ·intercom! This no main· tenance back ya.rd hu regulaUon VOLLEY' BAU.. COURT plu! kin_c sllr BBQ fi.replt. surrouncled by 1~Iuding block wan and is 1,i MILE TO TIIE DEACll! o.,'Tlfi-tran1terred and offers at :\ LOW LOW $3&.500 uith substantial down at only $223 per m onth lncludina: t.axn and i~urance. MISA YlltDI Jf YoU ACf NO\V you c1n still take adVlnUl&:e or MAXThtUPif PREPAID INTER• EST nus YEJJl and bt-ntfll fl'Om DEPRF.CIATtON next ye.ar. Approxlmately 1000 trttS (8 Yrs. old) "'ilh lrrttation. CUSTOAf HO~f.£. orchard and £'8.rdcn. 10 produc:Uv. acN!I with LAKE VlEW and nearby development. $7'1,500, O\\'l'ICr \\ill tln.ance! Assume high lntrre~t loan \\•Ith SJ,000 Oou'?l. Have Independence t.nd l•t )'OUI' 1r11ant pay your \\'By. Get Smart! Total payment of $198 includes aU. Creal Hunt- Jn:ton Beach location. POOL PA-OWS THI TIMI $4.000 total cash dCM'n nffdfd to,111ume low lnterftt VA !nan f6r this atw'p S btdroom home w:lth '36' Pool. LOta lol.-deckJnr a~-~~-~ ~ta 6 Orapts. hfodcrn carden l)'pe kftche:n. Prlctd at $27.~ rou. PJlict.. Tow Pu· menu, just llke renL llG fAMILY ROOM Jllu1 5 BEDROOPifS It 3 1uxurtOUI baths. c'ompletely AfR CONDJTION EO ~nrl in liiiaa. Vtrd~ ortrne Jocatton on qutet strttt or towering 11h&de lfff!I! Spacloua FAMlt.Y ft00M l PRIVATE OEN tr )'Ou wl1h. FQR}fAL DINlNG ROOl\1! Fnbu .. IOUI Carpitl • custom drapet;! So tmm&culate and tasteful il's hard In brllcvc l Extre lat'p IOOO ft. lot ot unJq_uc lush landM:apinR with lov• maintrn•nce. Owner TrUltmed Md anxious at ONLY $48.500. For Ole !)6rtlculftr cxecolivc. WE SILL A NOMI IYIRY 31 MINUTU ..... _ .- -. • ---·----·-· ----. ~·.....------..---.. -,, ... ---·----... --..--. ~ ........ --------........ ---~....-~ -----·-------·---~-----·----,....--.. 1~ I IFountlln V1li.r 1410 51DO . ---. Genor•I' '2000 c., •• Moll ' -3Jlf0 LlilOlsr.--3351 $30:00 wtr.-up BEAUTIFULLY FurnUobed 1 f~%. $145 mo. Spacious S:l----·-.,.-_.,._,.._.1'.::'°T ___ • --,---'"';;-' Cl~lNG'S Br, 2 .8& ~ e st~dio A 1 Br Apte. It 2 BR apta. AvaU on lhart 2 BR •Pt. cpWdr»s-bit-la l ~ 1 •3 h ~o'r hlgeo 0 •'°" vToP,. c • 1 CON~MINIUM, 3 Br, 2 Ba. ly rental JWJt remodeled &: • Kitchen " TV incl. term buis. 'mE JAMAICA rana;• .~ • .! .. ~~-~· ~U 2 car ear, ¥Wlmtning pool ll ted I lo • Phone Service A Pool INN HOI'EL, CcL\f. r, ... .,.._.., a.le '-'\HM •• pa Q. Brookh.Uflll I: Ellis, Orpti, RENTAL f\NDElll recreatiOn f&cUltlta. JtlO decora • (rp & pat . e Maid aervlce avail. LARGE MOD BACHELOR AU. ut1Utie1 paid. $200/Jll<\ xtr., cr1111na. 3 fr p I c , .!!.,,... Avail Dec. 1 $3.SS mo. E\lta e Day week A Mooth AdUlts onJ1 -no pets. cow.red patio, sprinklers ilDBSIWI ·•• ..,....-"nlO. $57._6;[1' aft & pm. 67~7044i dl.ys $4"'"5121 2376 Nfwport Blvd. 543.9755 Beautifully furn, all uUl t>d. Wellt-McC•rdle, Rltrs. front & haok, fruit '""'" • .~.--in~ 2 BR, hl)le, ·-$1>0 mo. h * VILLA POMONA * l==Sl=OO=mo=·=-=-== mo Newport 81"1!., C.M. yn old. $32,750. E-Z terw. ,...., -·-Cl).UdrenJpeta ok. No . aar. Huntington Bt:1c 3400 , 548-7129 'tve. MS-193 Leavlnr state. 962-3475 200.51 "~-54&:.ooM · ---""'"-~-----New 1 4: 3-·BR furn··•DlS. -a a lbo1 4300 •""!~!"1~~~~·!!!!!' .,.,,.., .... _. -• ·4 BR; 10WJmJU.IK'. Near Adults on I y, no pott. 1 _________ _ "" Who4cly1. Wont? Whoddy1 Got? l :S.!!!o~l _!!!°<~h!.._ __ ~~1-=~ 3 BnR .• 2 ba., built·iqs. Lrg-, beach 2 pools. clubhouse. Enclosed cat'llies, la.undcy CLEAN Bachelor Apts. THE VICTORIAN I· !am. un ... W/tl~pla.ce. No LEASE. 536-lm rm, swimming pool, 1760 All utll lncl $85 up Compltttng Nov. 8th OCE PROPl!RTll!S .WI S-T pel" •M<, ~eves. . Pomona. 015 E. Balboa Blvd. Brand new 2 BR, 1\1 BA. AN Vw. Like New, va-n~-tol Loco~rs ~ • $150 A du l t I . canl 3 bdt., 2 ba., sun deck. R~denti•l -'Apts. 2 ,BR hollse. $165. m« 389 S1nt~ A:h• H1~9hts 3630 BACHELOR apt suitable for BALBOA 673-9M5 erpt.drp,s..bltns. • s0onu: ci SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR • 80'.x 105' lot, S4~,800. Owner 2627 ••-rt 81 d Rochc5ter St .. C.lof. LEASE Or --•1 _ w/oplion to 1 or 2 i:-ersons. Qlder people OCEANFRONT 2 BR. $175 proofed, pri gar w/sto~•><•e. 6.6% Int. can (7141 531-4""" .-.wpo v • * 645-1848 * --• 1110 2 ·-~;, Newport Be•ch buy. 2600 sq !t, 5 BR 3 ba., p ..... , • n10 135 Elden Yearly, uUI. included Fenced yd w/patio. Water NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Spoc:lol Roi. 67S..l642 RENTAL SERVICE Jiv rm .. din rm., fan1. rm., Ave., C.M. Mgr., apt 6. 613-4124 pd. Gardener maintained. 1Nor1h Tu1tin 164S I~~~~~~~~~ GOLDEN WEST RENTALS dbl gar., elee kit $350 mn. SUS CA:tl TAS 667 Victoria St. 63MllC S Lines -S times - 5 bucks .-uLl!S -AD MUST tNCl..uoe 1-'IW'fiel ..... lltM IO '"'°'· ~Wllft yOV Wlllt Ill It ... OWNER 1'raMlerred·Singiel; 1193 Garden' Gro" 5.10-<600 !i<G-1713 Furn 1 BR apC 2110 Newport Bllboo l1l1nd 43$5 MARTINl9UE 1-YOUlll ~ .nd/tr •Cldl'tts. ~5 dnts of -411trti.111 .. a-NOTHING FOJI: $ALI! -TR .. DlS ONLYI 1tory ~ome in beautifully Rentals to Sh•r• '2005 EASTSIDE Lge 2 BR. Gar, mvd. Medallion by HotpOint. GARDEN APTS. maintained neighborhood.•---~------patio. \Vater pd. S140 mo. L19un1 le1ch 3705 \YELL furnished 1 BR apt. BAL fSL., Nu 2 BR, a:ar, PHONE 642-5671 •· Sl85, Avail irnmed. To Pl•c• Your Tr1d1r'1 Paradise Ad Well layed out 4 Bdnn, 3 BACHELOR School !n.slr. 54~2655 UPR DUPLEX, 2 lg bdmis, oH Tustin Ave. $135 wtr A 67!>ru5 Excellent, park.like surround. bath, den, 3 car gar. Rear looking for I or :t, early to 2 BDRM, lenctd yrd, Gar. 1 lg spacious liv. rm, fireplace, gas pd, 838-8919, $U·3379 ings for adults only. Near ~~~~:in ~·1 ::ea~~::::; pool area, 80% cement, lot mW 20's, lo share 2 BR apt child ok. $120 mo. fr porch, Jg sundeck, clo!led •NASSAU PALMS• Huntington luch 4400 ahopplng. Pool, Unit!, commercial, TD's, or easy living. Full price In new Huntington Granada •54&-4454* garage, view of ml!rptly 1 & 2 BR. Pool --• -1, 2 &. 3 BR APTS ., t $00,500. Custom furnishings Apts on Golden West, Hun· ed 1~ E 22 d S l BR Medallion condo, ell 1771 Santa Ana, Apt 113 '! • Nancy J. Moore Bkr. <lao available: SP an i 1 h, u·ngton "·ach. Call~ "l<O, 3 Bdr., partially furn. home, oce;u1, nev•ly paint , ne\V •• • n t. &1~5 646-5542 or 642•1465 642-7000 ~ ~ $180/ F "" nI AgL I •· •· ho bit-in, rellig, encl. patio, liiiiiii....................... ___ _.:_:::..::=----Oriental, & Contemnnta1"'. A··•·•·m. bet"-" S-3 P.>I. mo. am....,-0 >'-· w \V cp..,. ,.,:apes, nr. s ps RENTAL SERVICE Blulf Ba v · 3 B Pri !pal nl 138,'Jf GI J '""~ .... ~ 96&-4?.6% & hi:.school, l 'h· blk to bch. GbLDEN WEST RENTALS pool, quiet. S130. 675-m34 s Y iew, cus r, nc s o y. en-WILL share my 2 Br apt, NO dogs. To reliable people. 1193 Garden Grove 530-6600 2 BORS., 2 ba. Adulte:, No 3 bit, aplil level on wide n1ere Dr. 838-1066 ......,.,, w/<rirl 2:; to 35 \V/good LEASE ·~ Altor 6 PM Fu nf 2320 3 BR l" bath $1$0/mo. greenbelt U3.000 e<f. FOR IL1gun1 Hiil• 1700 ::;;rals,eoff.efl!." 645-2969 aft. 4 Mesi Verde 3110 494-3727 -· · $11~1 BR furnished apt. UtU ~!~da. ~~I ~~30: TD64<-4l65, i~e, acreage or ?? -~~======I pd g,·ng1e ad··'t only N Wells-McC•rdle, Rltrs. p MONTiiS old Monterey 1---------· w • 0 1 ~=-==------ 1rfanor 2 bdrms 1 bath. Coit• MIY 2100 IMMED Occupancy! 3 BR. 2 Lagun1 Niguel ' 3707 gal-.* 548-9.iOS Legun1 Be•ch 4705 s:1J.:cwport ~ c:~. Corona del Mar 2 unit:t, Owner anxious. m-5734. BA szza. Sharp? Shai·p $165, 1 BR + den, beside R·2 lot So. or H11')'. Ex· RENTAL SERVICE house! Will consider 3 BR, 2 B'A, crpbi, drps, pool, garage, very private. PANORAMIC view overlook· c~e approx. $20,00 equi . Lagunt Be•ch 1705 GOLDEN WEST RENTALS lease/option. 838-6341 eves. view! Prlv. beacb &-pool adults, no pets. 646-3764 • ing Aliso Beach. 2 bdr A 3 ty for Hawaiian property, ---1193 Garden Grove 530-6600 pr•·v s= 4"' •124 1 BR be bdr. fum. All elee. apts. fa1'rww Villa Apts Call· s1~ ~7 3 BR, 2 BA. tam rm, dbl ==·=-==~==·===c l , new, aut, furn, '""I · "'""""' CUTE COTIAGE 2 BR, gar patio, Quiet ll't!P. lrplc, drps, bltns, gardener 3708 monlh·t<>month $160. Adults Mature adults No pets Or 12 units close to Harbor & WOODED ical setting for adults only, incl. ~50 lstJlast dep. ~M;i:s~si;o~n::;V;;"le:;j:o:--;;-;;;;";~l·~o;nl~y~, ~2220~~El~d~•;•-~64~6-304~~2.,,. child. $19S & $230. Call aft. 6 Ne.tr Orante Co Airport & Newport, CM. VaJue $9:i,COO, 1 Blk to shops $175, 544-CH52 "'•5-51ll8 . 2 B l'I PM, 499-375'.5 UCl. Adt:!ts only, 20JZl Want home, O.vner will car. GROUNDS ~ · BEAUTI>--UL ,,.w, R, , 1 Bd N t •-•-h San•· A A u• -BA. Frplc, bltn bookcases Newport Be1ch 4200 rm. r. O\vn "" """ · -na ve. ~"'" ry tin. chgs. Leon Vibcl·t He-re's a ual buy, Olanning Newport Bitch 2200 C ,_ drp 837_.,31 $150. mo. lnq 1020 So. Cit 1--~=-----Rltr. 548-re.88 anytime. I Bh32oo rp.,,,s., WE H -~~nci:.c11eL~m~Es~~g FIREP~CE, Pool, 2 J;ldt._. 2 N1wport etc 1 -•-'e°"·N,..,o-l ~A°'°L~>-----$35 EK & UP R~;~LS , ~~5"/ f P$~~· Purcha&e agreements. Sc. BENEATH •TOWERING ~ .. patio, _adults. Bayside ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;; Apts. Furniihed 1 BR, 2 BR. Bach. Maid ser-Aats, Unfurnished c\UN. 10% Interest. Last I SHADE TREES, \VHERE Village. Until July 1st. $200. -''"--"--------1 vice, TV 8.: Pool. 1 &. 2 bdr., 2 swim. pools. All pymnt due April 19TI. Dis- 1 THE COOL GREEN OFl-=c=-'':_":c'=-2-62-"--IO'-~~~~ JJ / B Gener1I 4000 THE MESA Gener1I 5000 util. pd. Adlts. only, no peta. count gt'tlsa $34.000. Tradt' ' NATURE ABOUNDS IN A BLUFFS, new 3 BR. 2 BA TO\VNHOUSE 41:1 N. Ne>.vport BJvd. Fur::i ~~~·~ boat. or? can Allen 645-277'1 I QUIEl' ArR o~~ SECLUS-Condo. Pool. Partly turn. Ne\V carpeling, ne\V paint. 2 s· I &46-9681 Trade $1900 equity in Col. ~ON. A pleasant \Valk from S350 yrly. 61,j.7225, 642·36~5 Bchins., 2 baths, split-level. 1ng e VENDOME DELUXE l bdr. Range & Sabre sloop, 32', :ilps 4, the beach. -Pool. Adults only. SW $35 WEEK & UP oven, dishwaaMr, crpt & Xlnt cond. for smaller boat, ' Ne\Vpol't lleigl'lt. hom~. 3 BR. 2 BA, DR, nook, aerv porch, den, 2 F/P, 2000 aq, It. Trade Sll,000 eq for Aue- agc/2nd TD's 548-~ Oient Will Take Problem Properties, has free Ii cleat acreage plus lots. SI SLAVIN, REALTOR 642-6222 Laguna 4 Br. view home, val. $6.l,000; :take land, boat, apts, !or ,21,000 eq, Mr. Conrad, Riviera Realty 499-2800 ·494-133() ·Eves. 81) Ac1u 1'1-3 East Hemet Value $225.000 equity $200,• IXXI. Tt-ade for income. Berl lolott with Ed Riddle Rltri. 646-8811 or 833-0437. Good R-3 lot; want late travel trailer. Also have an. tlque Parker dbl. barrel shot1;un: want outboard mo. IOI', 499-2770 What do you have to trade f List It here -in Orange County's largest read trad· in& pool -U>I moke a deal. Olde fashioned parlor tyno Huntington Beach 2400 Month. d It l Br, 2 Bi:, Bach. Maid scr. tw.tACULATE APl'S! drps. Elec. pd. Swim. pool car, or ! ? 6TJo3nJ.. •-B & B h A "' A a:ar. Adlt. living. $140 a 673-4003 Jiv. rm., 1-IAS OAKEN CO'ITAGE furnished clean ay eGC u s vlce, TV & pool. ADULT le FAMIL1 mo. 241 w. Wilaon. 548--074S eves. PLANK FLOORS WOOD . ,h Ge U , $Th Rulty, Inc. THE BAY CLIFF SECTIONS AVAILABLE or 6'15-5555 _. * * * aJ PANEILED wAJ..i.. COZY Near beac • n eman. 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 Close to shopplnv. Park 1..::...;:.:c=:_____ w -* • mo Aft 6 pm, 536-7870 , 455 N. Ne\.\'JlOtt ruvct , ___ 3 B , • ft-•-'CTIVE •tud,.· 3 BR !~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!J!!!li!~!!!~!il!!!J!!!!!!!!!i!!!I LOG Bu RN ING FIRE- . 615-2000 Eves. s-18-6966 Luxury single. 1 & 2 616-3265 * Spaciu-r .... -i i<W1-PI..ACE IN ANT I QUED RENTALS * 2 &droom.s &(>t8. Centrally l ocated, l(CN 1AL) a.EAL £SlA"fE BRICK DESIGN. "'-nt-h•ll Hou-Uftfur .. b hed • DOVER SHORES • bedroom apartments, DUPLEX Balboa. Nov. thru * S\vlm n....1 Put/,,.~n Children welcome. $ 1 5 o. l"!.-noril 1.x '" u ., furnished and unfur· •""" • Mrs c ( M 874 w A u f • •-• -opens to the 2 bdrms .. ser. BEAUTIFUL, Jarse ttlediter-May, I bdr. $160, 2 bdr $220. * Frpl, Indlv/lndry rac·la: · o e. il'· · pts. n urntsr- "' ·,-· by_,, __ , 4 F IXTURE Gener•I 3000 nished. \Vith complete Nr. Ocean & Harb 0 r. 1145 An•helm Ave. Center, Apt. 1. = ..... ,,...., rancan home. S\vin1ming · d l d R I W /-• BATIJ. KOPPER KEITLE 3 B-"roo-·. 2 B•th•. Full 01 1 , A -1 ~ t 1 privacy an an scap· Recreation deck vw. 1213) cost,\ MESA 642-2824 HUGE 2 BR. 2 bath. Ne'v ent• 1 1n 9'g 5990 ""' ..... "' poo, ec. val. """c. s. d I I b I 681 61'" C d I u. KITCHEN \VI TH Et.EC. Sunshine. Close to free\vays. for 1 or 2 yea!' lease. S650 e coun ry Cu a . 1 -=~-::~=--------carpets It paint. Heated oron• t ""'r 52.SO RENTAL SERVICE RANGE & OVEN, CERAl\f. Owner temporarily transfer. Per nwnlh. 645--0283 mqsphere ' including OCEANFRO~"T :i B.r. 2 HARBOR GREENS pool, no pets. Responsible FREE '.I'O LANDLORDS JC TILE, ETC., OPI!."'NS TO red. Lease al $l!l5 nio. WATERFRONT Lux, Apt. on $750,000 \V Orth of Baths. $300 Plus util., adult$ $150. 1887 Monrovia. COROLIDO APTS. 2 Br. * BIUe Beacon 64.5-0ill * SEPARATE BRKFsr. RM. Sharp VACANT the Penin. New 2 bdr., 2 recreational facilities yearly BACHELOR unfurn 1 r o m 646-5314 . Lo"A·er levels, 1 tu di o s. - ,The spacious rear grounds w ·1k ,. L ba., pool. Lse. adults. Boat desi~ned and operat-673-4n1 $UO. Also avail 1 • 2 &: 3 QUIET, lge, deluxe 2 Br. l~i penthouse, Frplcs., pool, • LANDLORDS • I ha~e sheltere'd arbor ~pe a er ee slips avail. CB..libe Balboa, ed Just for Si n g le SAIL-I NN ."Motel, dlx rms, Bdrm. I-teated pools. child baths apt. G.E, Kitch., 2 patios. Sl80-S220. 673-3378 FREEB~:T~VICE patio, terraced garden, pick-81244__ 310 Fernan d 0 Rd., lil4) people. :singles-cou ples. SllO to S120 care center, adj toahoppinl. Car aar. $160 Adults, no 2 BEDRM. apt., cpt&, drps, 1 et fence, THAT LOOKS TO ' · ;» 671-3003. RENTS .FR0~1 Sl45. n10. Cont brkfst. maid se1v. No pets. pets. 240 E. 16th Pl. a 11 elt'cl kilcb -J-rehig. • f'ree Rental Service • j THE \VOODS & OLD \VOOJ?· $~ YEARL_Y Lease. 3 BR. 2 S!ory 4 yr old beaut. 3 BR. Lirirn xtra, 6Trl841 2700 Peterson Way 543-6432. Wshr, Dryr, Lg gar. Yrly Brokers I l\fgrs, I Owners I EN Bf_UDGE BELOW. This family rm. 1~ Bath. Lrg 2 BA. din rni, fani rni. Fen ANAHEIM OCEANFRONT lge 2 Br, Costa Mesa 546-0370 LARGE 1 BR. Sh a r p I lease. $165. 675-094:>., Propertiei; \Vest 6T>-1642 chai:'ming older home needs fncd yard. Owner/brkr. l\b·. yd. Nr N.S. High. r~rplc. 2;7 So. Brookhurst frplc, nr. school & churcl1cs. e RENT e Drapes. Carpets, near So. 2 BR. 1 ba., cpls .. drps, Rooms for Rent 5995 a httle touch up ht.>rt & Gunde1·son. 673-i300. furn or unfw-n. call 642-1528 I bk •-r L. In \Vinter. 67:>-5442; 1510 \V. Coast Plaza, Occ, $130 mo. bltns. $175 mo., Io·--1 there. It's an outstarx.1inc:I~~=~==~~~ t 1 • ......... 0 inco J 3 Rooms Furniture ....... buy for: US,E OUR HORSES. Custom or M6-14;J6~ (714) 7724500 {)c('anfront AgL SlS-4422 Eves alt Sor semple R.E. 675-2101 $25. PER WK. & UP $25 950 3 BR (will add 4th) fam rm. BWFFS: Lovely 3-BR & BACHEWR Apt. Patio, ... $19.95 & UP wkends 545-all! LAitGE Brand new 3 BR. 2 Bachelor & I BR, hid pool, 1 Back Bay view, new paint den. Crpts, drps, pools. Wlk GARDEN GROVE crptS. All UtU:--pd':-$9JT1Cr 'lroil~--,.o:l-fonth en 2BR; apts. ftespo1mihle -BA. View. Soutb 0 f maid servicc:--Kl~tiettrli FULL PRICE in & out. Vacant. $310 lsc. to stores, school, club, park. 13100 Chapman Ave. mo. Call -64~2808 After 5 WIDE SELECTION 1dult1o No pets. High\vay, 673-69}4 TV avail. 4_j() Victoria (Nr LOWER ON. \Valer Pd. 673--0507. $315 mo. 67f>-4497 oi' (4 blk:I W. Sianta Ana Fwy.) ~p_m________ NO DEPOSIT 0 .A.C. For 'app't. 546-0684 SMAU.. l BR. Vie\v S. of I-I.arbor). PYMT. 0.K. $145. 2 BR., t•,!J b a. 644-0449. <TI4) 636-3030 BACHELOR Apt furnished, ~ HFRC ;urniture Rentals LRG. 3 bdr., 2 ba .. •crpL, Hwy. Ne\v carpets &: ~IS~D S I e e fi in g O\VNER WILL townhouse. Range & oven, BLUFFS, new ;: BR, 2 BA NEWPORT BEACH with g:ara~. $130. 210 J17 \V. 1 h, O f 548-3481 drps._, built-ins. $160 mo. drapes. SJGO. 615-&54. Cl m. esti'OOm Fae ities. f(ELP F CE Co_, P I 1350 ••IY • oo 2 B 2 ha 1009 Valencia, C.M. 540-1633 "";;c..,;.;=7::-==;c,,.~ I ose-in, $60 nto. Ca 11 INAN \\•/w, patio: Avail. Now. ,,...o, oo · · ) . · ffiVlNE AND 16111 Cedar. J48-ll31. 'fl · R. · Encl. gar. SOUTH i;ide of hwy, J Br, 2 MISSION REAL TY Bkr. ;J34-6980 6r;r7T.lj or 642-364:1 (714) 645-0.}jQ 1 BR large. Near ocean. Range & oven. w/ \v. LG 3 BR, 1,. ba. Cpts. drps. Ba. ail elec, bllns, !rpl, 1 ;;646-8-16=,,--1_,· ,.-,--,,,..,--,..-:-- 985 So. Coast !-f\\'Y., Laguna $l~. 2 BR., gar., patio, TOWNHOUSE 2 BR, 2 BA. 2 U""'lairs. $150 Yrly, Children & pets OK. Bkr. Carport & pool. Kids OK. crpts, drps, gar. 673-332'1. ruUtil.RNP. dPr,!~· Room & Ba. PHONE (714) 49• "731 F 1 I """' ,,~ 534-6980 2214 Colleg• No. 2. 646-7005 1.==:=::=o==:=;;=::: I _. Su..1 nlo. Close to the -,v/w, range & oven · car. rp c, poo · ,,,..,.,, Sout h Bay Club Suncleck. 673-8088 BEAUTIFUL Children \velcome. Liaison 646-0732 $155 LARGE 3 Br. 2 ba. Nr. 2 BR unturn er tum. Crpts, Huntington Buch 5400 beach, CdM. 67~1:; eves. BEACH HOME Broker 534--6980 RENTAL SERVICE . Apartments CLOSE To bch, 2 Br. frplc, shoppin1. Chlldrtn·v.·elcome drps. $160 unfurn. Child OK. Room w/kitcJ:en & bath. Pri. beam ceil, bltns, rad.io ...... k 645-0111 p I ... .... 2 BDRMS 2 BAJ11 va•-en•---i11 lovely Laguna condo. com. S165. 2 BR. new duplex. ~1fGEN-1WEGsr ~~~~ The GORGEOUS New dr. $220 yrly. &12-3490 _. __ _:B:::ro.=•::•...:c:...:::::::,__ 00 • ~a. • • '"' u~:J720 munity; fronting on magnif. Encl. gar,, range & oven, 11""" a1uen ('()Ve ......,...,.,., VAL D'ISERE $140. 2 BDR.MS., blt·inl:i, car. 2 BDR., garage, crpts. & icent heated pool, 100 steps wfw. Avail. U/1. Broker Si 11 b 2 b F nf DUPLEX pets, drapeg, pool, drapes. No pets. 174 Monte $L50/Mo, HEATED POOL $15 \VK & up w/ kitchen. from priv. beh. tennis cts. 534-6980 N1wport Heig .. ts 3210 ng -r· r. urn·u · 2 Br near bay. 613-6880 Broker 645--0111 Vista Ave .• Costa Mesa. !ncd, cpt/drps, Kids: OK $30. \Vk studlo apt. 2376 ~le Comp atractive furn -=--~~~7e,_-----, Sauna, Acl'y Rm, Billiards =~'-o'='°~"-=~-~ ========= 2 Dt>laware Studio Ap!s, Newport Blvd. 548-9755. . j d 1-1, d · S210. 4 BR. 2 ba., range &: LRG 3 bdr 2 ba fireplace Therapy & 45• pool BBQs FURN $150. J BR, crpts, C , 5 $150, BR unf. Newly dee. 2-'""' "-( fl B _,.~------ inc U e w w carp g, rps., oven, frpl., \Vlw. · " " ' 2000 Pare"ns Rd '642.8610 dfl)s k bltin,;. 1~• BA. Pool. ;;;°';;;;'•;;;;Mos;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1DO;;; New crpta "-dtp#. Adult$, ""'u """'aware, · · Motels. Trlr. CrtL 5997 kgsz: master bed: Joce!ion Broker 534-6980 healed pool, close to i>ehoo.I .,... . 2-Pl . no pets. 642-2550, 546-6716 646-9666 anytime 5.36-1816 d 2 BR 2 BA -========= A ki s•~ Call 1125 1 BR t / 15 J accnt1a. ecor. s, ~. sep. _ s ng ,,.,.,,, . -.,gar.ap .·111 gar. MERRIMAC WOODS LEASEOrOption,Jbdnns + TRAVEL trailer spaces on Iv., dn. rms; Jaun. with w/d, Costa Mesa 3100 ** 12131 421-1634 * * Bltins., dishwasher. 3 BR, 2 BA, 1 blk from Just completed, 1 or 2 BR, 2 Newport Be•ch 5200 large unfinished r 0 0 m 2 Coast Hwy. Rent $50 mo. stor., 2·car gar. 101\'er Jev· J ;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Broker 534-6980 ocean. Yrly. Fa m i I Y BATHS $225/mo TERRY Call 646-9681. el. Sc.-to appte\!iate Shownt1 Coron• del Mar 3250 11." 3 Br 1r· ( welcomt', 673-2435. BA with air cond. COln· NEWPORT BEACH Villa REALTY ·===~~-~~~1 · RENT LARGE HOME "" 1p ex Frplc pletely sound.........,fed seU ~1459 anytimP. WEEKLY rates Sea Lark by O\\'ner. caJ I for app't. \V/W. Oiildren &:: Pets OK." RENTAL SERVICE ,.._ ' Apt Exclusive section, lux-499_2152 a.m or \\'kends J\.lesa Verde. New carpets & t BR unfum .......... $165 Broker~ GOLDEN' WEST RENTALS ~leaning_ ovens, wood ct.ll· ury living, large heated DLX 2 BR studio, pool, Motel, 2301 Newport Blvd., HA.NOY, MAN'S ' drape!t ........ S275/month 2 BR unfurn .......... S275 1193 G rd G o:~n ="" Jngs, d1shwru:hers, I u 5 h pool, penthouse view. adults, no pets. SI.50. 26Q6Cos __ t_a_>_lc_sa ____ _ 546-9521 or 540-6631 2 BR unr. duplex !Corona $125 SPACIOUS l·Br. 4·plcx. a en rove ~ landscaping with sll'!:ams &:: Spacious 2 BR, 2 BA, wet Dt!laware. 536-2398 r Special? 4 Income units 120 J.Iighla.nds) ............ Sl85 Nicely furn. Adults MODERN 1 BR, pn patio. \!>'Rtfflalls, elevator;s. B~s. bar, trplc, all dee, crpts, I CM~O=D~E::RN:.::,-=B:.R.:. ::1:.in-fa-,-,-0k. Guest Homn 5991 yds. to beach. Patios, decks 3 BR FURN .•....••.• S3JO Broker 645-0111 Ca_rporl. adul1s. no pets. clu.bhouse, saunas, Jacuw &: drps. Adults, no p e 111 . No pets. SI35, 2616 England w/ocean vie1v_ Nds. paint, RIDDLE & ROSS :''=.'":~="===:';';:~ 1,~ll~ll5~.~2620~~A~v~on~.~6~13~~~""~= swim pools. priv. gar. w/ \Vestcliff Villas No. 8, St. H.B. 968-3089. etc, Should gi'Oss S9.000 yr. 3535 E. Coast H1vy, Cdi\f Costa Men 4100 --storage. Everyttlin& new. Bargain at $315 mo .I i=;;;;;;~==== Pr. $69,900. Consider tradc-s. e 675-722:1 e Coron• d•I Mir 4250 Startllll: at $140. Adults 642-2496 or owner 755-4026 Sunset Beach 5455 MJSSION REALTY 49-l·0731 EXTRA Sharp Exec u t. Br $1~ -A'ITRACTIVE, I bdr., . please. Just East of 2600 _.:::..::::..::_:.::.;:::;__:.::c.=::. 1-'-';.;..c_;;..:;:c;.; __ _,_;;.; COASTAL VJE\V! Honie, 5 belt., 3 ba., w/w JRVL.~E Terr. 2 . 2 ba. pool, util. paid, garden liv· LUXURY Apt. New paint, Harbor Blvd. next to Nabers DELUXE 2 & J BR 4·PLEX 1 BR apt on canal. New drps, renific loan assumption? crplo;, drps .. built ·i n s , Lge. din-lam. rm. $400 mo., ing, adults, no pets. Also shag carpels &. ~· Afills -Cadillac-at-425 Merrimac APTS. Sl.80 to_~_fl!O_: clean . .-.-Same-renl year Jnlt"rest rate doesn't in. dish\vasher. S275 mo, 1st & lea&'. Agt. 575-2503 Bachelor apt., elderly \\'Ork· Only. S200:--a-mci. Utll.----pa'. Way, 54~ Adu I ts · tlediterranea.n rotvxl. $125. 536-1766 crease; no points. 3 Bclrms., last plus S!OO d e P 0 sit, 2 BR, 2 BA, unfum or partly. ing peri;on preft'r. 1800 403 ~Jasmine Ave., CdM Village (behind Park Lido I o0=='======= GRAD. Nurse will take ca,re of fe1na1c·patlent in my°"'" home, 21 hr nursing Clll'e, top ref's. 499-4017 anytime, PRN ATE room in licensed board & care hOme for elderlY gentleman Ambulatory only. 548-5225 fan1ily rm., 2 baths. 5 years 630-1549 $250. So of Hwy, Wallace Ave., CM. 548-5962 2 BR, Lge: studio, crpts, Bldg Hospital) 4150 Patrice Tustin 5640 olJ . Reduced to $41,500 EASTSIDE Joe 3 BR 2 BA, * 642.:J'&45 * $U PER WK. & UP 2 BDR., !urn. flrepl~ce, $210 drps, R & O, t~ BA, adults, Rd., NB. 642-4387 Mite. Rent1l1 PLACE REALTY 49-1-9704 crpts, drps, bllns, htd pool. 4 BR. 2~• Ba. duplex. 2200 Bachelor "-1 BR, htd pool, a mo. incl. util. Call no pets 2885 Me n d o i a 1-BR., newly decor. Adults TIIE ASPENS 5999 * GIVE-A\VAY * pool seivice provided. S250 Sq. ft. Bltns, dishwasher, maid service. Kitchens &. 673-8494 after 6 pm. 545-M2J only, oo pets. S135 mo. 15652 William St "" ""' 8 ~( .,~Mo (e" .. ,. "'.,, ""'13 r-WUliamoon Rllr Tustin's prestige -••-,, BelO\V bldg. cosl, 4-\\·ay ma-lease ~ an1-6 "1' · ~<AJ\J • .._,,..,, .,...,..,., TV avail. 450 Victoria INr. u=. ' ' '"'Ill-.: GARAGE, clean " dry. Vic. Atlanta & Beach, H.B. S16.50, Mo., 1st & · lut. 962-1961. vie\v, Dream house. 25 xtra pm. Harbor). Newport Retch 4200Newport Bt1ch 4200 673-4350 Eves. 673-1564 Adult living, no pets features $38.500. Lo\V do\\'n. -3'~B~R~F~re-.. ~,-m-,ho_m_,e-, -,,,.---, .. _B_o_lbo_• ______ 3_3_00 CHATEAU LA P 0 I NT E l BR apt, partly .fw'n. Nr TotJ~~ =~ning O\\•ner 642-4112 crptg, drps. stove. $170 1no. 3 Bedroon1. y"earl:Y S300 mo. Lovely 2 Br furn apt, pool Grind Opening -lmmecli1te Occup•ncy 6~J~4~~ 494-MTI Unfurnished •LEASE/OPTfON• 973 Governor, CM Call aft FRANK MARSHAL carport,adultsnopets,$150 OAKWOOD ;;,;;;;,;;;,=::::="':i= Gyn1ansium.s &Sau11as GARAGE for rent $20 per mo. 2135 Elden, CM. Sec l\'lgr, Apt. 6. :-.1nt terms for this S yr, old l 5:30, ~576!1. REALTY. 675-4600 + util. 1941 Pomona. Eist lluff 5242 Apartment' from $150 Sr. 2 ba. home w/ocean =========-==========-====::-:===== For infonnation 83.>6687 GARAGES -lOxOO. Near O.C. Airport.. S20 mo , Palisades Rd. 548-5044 viev,•. Call tor tem1i;. G•neral «>OOGener•I 4000 General 4000 The best of two wo rlds e NEW DELUXE e PLACE REALTY 4!H-9704 ha fo I lour home •nd your country club ' BT. 2'.\ apt. ' .... Lagun• Be1ch 5705 ~,N~D~u~sr=R~!A'°L~-.-n"'u'°,-1~0 r 180 DEGREE VIE\V LOT or white water & coastline, small but level. $T.950 \vith $1,000 down. bal at $85 mo, All due 3 yra. Broker 494-1137 '197-1021 ~ BEST-2 Bt"";--0.V-;O.Srh~ Trms. ~-liv-din. rm. Xlnl col>d. View. \V a r ten 494-3568 Leguna Niguel IT<ff L-tun• Nlgual Terr. New 2500 sq. ft. 3-4 &: 5 Br. hQmel'I in ocean view a.-ea. Carpeted, front laOOscaped, with sprinklcn: bltns, gel!. cleaning oven: 3 car garage, $58.Tall To .$81,950. Excellent financing with dr.eUning in· t!l'l'C'~t rate fs:om 71A r. 10 6~·~· Lagun• Niguel Corp. 499-13~·1 547·i761 RENT • sell, 4.S bdr.. 2~ bfl .. $275 mo., wtr # lawn care lurn. Mt-7008 IPYKIN . ·(l'l'I ' I I I A considerate man: He was so polite t~at ht wouldn't open on oyster without - rll_A_K_A_l _l ----. 1 .on lho•holl. !l·f I I, I I I' e Com•i·•· ... "'""'· .,..... by fr!llilg Ill tM mlllinO 'ftlOnt. ,... --... No. 3 ""'-· ... Incl. spac. mastr. suite, din or your hom•, s•lect' from .single, on• and rm. 4: dbl. ga~, auto. 100 CLIFF DRIVE storage. $60. \Vest 16th St. two bedroom epe rtmerlts. Furnlshed or un• door optner avail. Pool &: furni1h1d , •1Ch is professlon1lly d•cor1ted rec. att:a. Nr. Catbotlc S180 1 BR, J\~ BA. Crpts, Newport Beach. 646-1724 drps, bltJn11, View cf ocean, Wal.king distance to town. Also !urn Bachelor, very )Arge, $170. 4!»-2449 or 494-S.100. Income Property 6000 •nd Include s cerpetin~,. drep1ri•1, all.electric: Church. Adults, no peb. e ONLY $215 e * NEW 28 UNITS * We1tin nhouse eppllanc:e1, t tor a 9 • sp•c• '"'"A I w N 8 '3' b I t' °°" rnros ay, .. 1pl.-nty and-privet• a cony-pe 10 ·--NE\V 2700 sq ft 3 BR &: fani OJI 1.{ acre in f-lunllngton BC!ach by builikr-:-zz.2-aR, Just st•p• froin your· door is a whole world rm. 3 BA. Owner's !we apt of exc lusiwe country club recr••fion: 752 Amigos Way. 675-5033. D1n1 Point 5740 6-3 BR. Pool, view, patia1. • Professional sit• Tennis Courts .,._R'iiiilint T1nnirProfessional-e nd Shop - • Olympic site Swimming Pool • Whirlpool laths e Pi ddle T enni1, Voll•yball, pa1ketb1ll Courts And a 20,000 square foot cl!'bhou11 offers th••• feetures: • Separate Men's and Women's He1lth Clubs with S11m1 s • Indoor Golf Driving Renge, 8illi1rd1 Room • Theatre TV Lounge, Art Studio, Party Rooms Models O pen 10 A.M. To 8 P.M. Deily HNTS FaOM $155 to $JIO ' . , Isl yr tax break, $410.000, 2 BR, fan1ily rn1, 1!1 BA. $60!\f down. 847·3957 -coron-1....t.t Mir -5250--Appliances; drpr.cptr,p00J,.. NEED Pa t t•~-" Ocean view. $165. r ner w1 • '"""'" NEWLY COMPLETED 499-2005 or 4~24.0CI lnvcstn1en l, to comple!e DUPLEX . PU?Thase of income prnp. 2 BR 2 ha Cl250l or J BR. REAL EST A TE for tax aavlngs. ~zi;i. 3 ~ ($325). F'rlv, patlM, 0.Mrll "B~"'~·~~~--~~ cov. pnges, Cpt'd .. draped, Rint•fa Winted 5990 COSTA Mesa home & 9 unlti o:rnp. blt"Jntt. Best toe. plu1 room to bid. $125.000. 7C6 -i01' Orchid RENTALS WANTED 21>1/0 dn. 0\vner 548-8001 ,, 615-HH 0 .,..a111i· II&,& * HOMEs *DUPLEXES • GUEST MOUSES t APAR'rMtN'TS rnEE SERVIO~ GOWEN WEST RENTALS .11930 C1u'tlcn Grove Blvd. 53o.6600 ~a.··¥. ~ \VANTED To Renl .. i'Urn. ON TEN AOtES Apt. Single \\'Om11.n. Pref. Business Property 6050 black knight l est. 330 E. 171h St .. C.M. (Land ~ Blcta.J By O\vnl'r 714: sa.m f'ull 5·1~ comm to all ·bias. TIME FOR 9UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT e r:+r-:.~~~~IES r r r 1· r r r 1· 1 C) ~~:cr.r~r, L<llUS I I I I I I I I I OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS l & 2 SR. Furn 6 Unt'urn Ci~f. Days -642-0781. E\ies. Flreplaca I priv. p&ttos I 67>0085 BuMn111 R•nt•1 6060 I • WANT AD SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 ·t' 1700 . '16th Street, Newport B111;h Phone: 6'42·SI 70 Pools. Tennis. Contnt'I Bkr~t.1 ,,;c.;...:c;.c,,..-~--- 900 Sea Lf,ne:, CdM 64·1·26ll TEACHER 0.:Fh'ts l!l)'lnU 11\facArlhur I'll' Clout Rwy) AJ)t. In Beacon Day area. · Call S3:z.-0.1l6 or S.3.--71\7 • SfORE for le1111e, 1!¥,l Ill(. fl Oct•nlronl at N~ Pitt. 6T5-T:i66 ' 0 $ ¥0 o WWWU4 4 I i ¥ 4 :;c u •••• s .c 4JCC 4CIW\f W-•..... ,,, *"·H••1 t•••••4C ~•= ti •••• , •• ' •+W(AS ....... , ~· ••• l ••••• ' ..__.,, _______ _ ~~~~~~~~~ -. ~Ull;~~~Pll::;;;OT~~~·~~~w~::l'l;·~·H:;;~w~5,~1%~f !!! L-ATLa.........;.· o--i.WL ISTATI • I • "' ' AHNOUNCIMINTS ood . NC!~ICES.. ,<lft&41ii£1iiitiilit. · " •• ., .t' 8 .. 1-,R•nl•I, --lOMI Ac..... 6200 r!YMJW. M,l).t,!O ., . . ' ' .\\,. .. .1 ~,,.., J .. _, .• \ -. ,,..,,. · ~ DAILY Pl--~,.i_ __. ~'" -.· •. ~.-., ' ,. . ', '"'·.!, !So SQUARI ,T. . ~tE VALLEY llLK/Wlfl' f<m&le" 1'1111Pr. Wh ' y C'"" ""'.__ o1111 -~' , ~., Rei.U 0~ oalc<' ,_, 'l!ltJ. oY1*'1 ~,,~.;2i. a<t<o, vie. 01 -·· Vletotlo 't!n ·" OU j -... ~~-• • ;.,tt uoo.1@ "" tt: ru •o '!u .... , ,. """" Hlll• E11a1... bol\lj<d -K-!f&rt.-~ . Want i't 'cl''one • ...,..,. -~ ~ • . • ' '52!1d st., Newpert. 'et~ch. $HI»: W Cerma. 5CW198 ' , i&IND Bieycl• In • 11t . t Key tor tl'U'>'· N.8. Trani ' '10 latES ', yard. Vie Sanhl''ti }A ., .,..hf .,. UllS JIS)R SA~ :••1•~::,""•11:•4 .......... 1: Lodie. Owner' (2131 ~bl. RANOt aitea -near IWa.1 CM ~_iaa .· ·1 ' 1 • • •• , Tl:;, • • • • •••ua" ,.i: .. ,.-.• ~-;"U1 .... =sc••~'~ l, ••• ,,..,, ~•.l2l3J 246.-0700. l25Jttrmo.,ft1~~~143. wo~' Ch'i°<'!"t>r ~'" -, COff• ..... .. ............. 11• ... ou.,. ....... ., •• T, .... .-.. ~.1.,. Er • ,\•;..,._ •; 'fT" c II ur.ne 0· f -,... .............. ,,. .-1oc .. : ...... -P~ rctoU Ioc., l,tlXI ... It. I. W·...._.. . 2 b\" .on .,,.,,Ile\ . , 0 gr ' Yl•N .............. 1nt 1110111t1w. 11MTAL ........... Jt.. ill NewPO:rt ~pplpc ...,U"! . 6 40 . ' ,~ ~ f· "' ' h '°'1:$\ ~~·.'!.. ........... , ... ,.. '°" ........... -, .............. c· 1r -~· "--... ~-·, t e ex~erts •• -.,, ........... \ill u111atn ..... J.\ ...... ;. ...... •1• n • _,.,,_ ... l:""'t .-.qgm. flOTIC£ I rnrn.rn G I. 'IVh! \I :!u'::'eo':.~~.::::::::::~ri: fr.·:.:.:~OY•~ ·::.'.'".'.)'.':.;..:: _i._._Pr_o~pe_rt_loo_·W_e•~t-61>-4J __ ~ .·~/'°k\\:::-at Mari'!n.-1 l1'sted f.:.i l,9·'.•1:11. .. '""°c•o'"s'TIMM•• ······"···?: LAKI 11.Sllilloff .... :t ....... •m \VA.NTED: lJl<;la. in C.M .. ·~ ~ p • ....,. t.1a SU --~ UGl1 W Jf:: ......... .,.......... ••o•T P1toP1aTY:f.'.'., .... , ... ,,.. 2000 ~ 1 abl I! you have a1S or 4 bedroom' ,,... ... •1~ "1 ·• ••llli~;;..ijj,,.••••llliiiii"'l.llliillll••••••••.I .. '::m' ···-" ................. ,~= OltAN•ICO.PIOPI ,,,,,dtl pro,'<, aq ,tt..su t . elpr ..:..1._.:.. ,_, __ ,_or ·--·· ·ffi•t!'l:•·sE"ITER, 'fole.vlc.' ' ............... OVT 0' ITAff· P• .... 1.'o .. iUll cycle ~bop Write nau,y '""'""' ""' -..,~ "' _.. • • · ·' Cl•'.',.-•• " ........... 11,..m ..-01utTA1N • 0111~r .~ ...... •tit ,,..lot ·Box M. ......... , · · . .-." ............. v we·-,,.,.nt ·of Costa Mu& -Hleh· Sehl. SERVICI Diil CTOlY SEIVICI DIRICTORY "......., ........ su•oW•!Ofl wo .... : u11 "'' ~ "'.,,. ... \ ...... ....,. '" itfl StTT PAllK ........... tm ....... llTATl..lllVIC8 ..... '211 -the emplo)oett· of • l&rCt: 54>7090 . , • -. ; M"._ 1111 ..................... tnl t ... 111;cMAMt1 ........... ·""ROOM Su.It.able tar &lit shop, 'firm v~=-ilhe Harbor VERv T bl k .-h' Atph.tt1 Olla : · 6.no Draperies .. 6630 Mltonry, Irick 6AO __ . 1ac1t IAY ...................... 1,.. •: 1. wa•t•o ... , .1 ...... : . .,,.. n~n's shop or ladies &hop nKI. -~:or-I ~ amt ac ·• w 1te -r.;.;.;;;.;::_°".o_ __ ;::;;:: I •••T•LUFI" ................... ml IUSINl..55 and Call JI BerkWltre ns.-ttoS Atta and ,,hty mutt have r&h111\· Aklj; Vtrde. area. SEAUNG &: PATCH.IND:. A'M'ENTJON New , Home RICHARD A" ·N , t,,~::_. '::~~t1t ·::::::::::::: FINANCIAL • m . hoUalril:1" Afi·Callh ii' detlred. ~ • . • , Reslden\1.1.i .. Jndfls .. eofu'C·i Ow~rs! Dratxrl'a by Ellie. 1.615 ' ·ru: :::•fllUlA ......... l: IUllflttt ~ITVJOTlll '*Off le bnt.. . -6070 Call F~ 5fi!tO WffJTE Cat red collar 1 Comp! rcas &erv. Cunently REASONABLE ll) ~ 'Cvt~,, lipanl.tt ! ~ .. lllANOI ":.;:::::::::::.:.:1 .. ~~:f:.:, ~Ii ... ·:::~ • -I • > • ~.~ ,~Dowey~ ;, .. blue eye Gl~n. ellpge({ by cu~ oJ C.M. for Maso..iry A Spec lefty I 'i:O.:"'~u•D":;::::::::::::l:l ilf!.l,",M,•,,.r .. •,•."'1'•o ...... ~2! LAGUNA llACH For'Tlnancln£: n.yre 1e DiAmond ~ street res!"""u6n.. ·' Block, Brick, Concrete , 11u•T•N0Tot11uc" ....... 1• ---............ .... Al Cond' .. ...._~ . ..-67-2866 * . ,..A, .;;.~co••.J Electric.el 6640 "'" 1~. ••• -3 ' flt\IOTOtt MAllOUll .... t• PaltOJIU.L lOA!lllS ............ '2U r ~~--..,..-> Tl IV ~· •t -.uo" 1 .... v.'""'" .. -...... u .. l .. •m•"'•"'·~··· .. ·~'!!~·~·.... oN FORJ;'_W.AVENUE L t 6411 cen·1 eonlrac~ m-ss18 RENTAL READIER ... , ........ :·· .. ·--: •. 1.ie~U:f,'":t,,"1.·:1~:::::$,.. ""sk · a,~;--~·.va11a'b1~ 1n 1us1N1ss •ne •• · · · OIACM .................. M ., ..... T.... .... ~-o . .54Q.-19'4 •• •9"• ... ~ ..... : .. ~··..,. 11 ·•un•D .. :t.i\:.;n: nev•est oUice buudin.i. at FINANCIAJ.. GENEROUS ~·ard Jor ~o Auto hf*:iilll / 6530 tlAtM .................. !• 1 • ~' • •• • • / • prime location .hr doM'itown to recoVlcy of lona;.baired :I:. U, f Floor!' •t09ir;·::::::::~i~= ~~ONCIMEN.TS ·~ La:una Beach: Air. condi-lu1. o,pWtitMtfe1 '300 5'alpo!Dt , Siamese · cat, AUTO 'body -& F e nder -: m,:,. .. :·::.:~·;:.:·-:.r.=·. ,a NOT:ICES, ·~ t\9ned, ,earpe:ed, b9UU!Ul • disappearing in Irvine Ter-repairs at reas. pri~s. OM. . ..... ., .......... "11 U:UND ,,.. AtU ....... \":i ..,... entrances: Fl'Op.lqe on FAMOUS race arta Fri eve-10/lL VW '• -r fi;>eclattl)l.1 Mg....e()J MIJCITlll .; ... ~ ........... tftl SJ. ' ~.J •••• J.~ ........... ,.-i Fore1t A'1'1!, ./J:J leads lo BRAND NAME Belnn"s to blind ~lderly .uk t(r Larry. ' · · -A.1 CITT .............. .,,1'1' PlltOttAlS .................. ~ " '• • . , v • .. TA ANA ................ 111' AMNOllNCaMIMTl ............ 6flt MunClpa{ pa na Jots. ;M CANOY ROUTES ~.'f'ho, 1l beooll\l{lg.ex-•• f , , if 'i.* ;J ,.• '~~~ .. ~.~~: .. :::::::::·:;~%: =~•,.TaltfAU '"'"'.::::;;:~::::~:::}~ per .month for 'space, Desk NO\Y aval.l.ab~ In C:O.ta ?ilesa 1 •. ~mej.y ill from~· ~ase lalryiltflng · 6550 run1• ...................... 1.-••lo 011TuA1tY .............. MU and. chairs available tac SS. 1c many.otblJ:.; ~ in thi1 help on' piy, lnfo'. 01:>-'Wll -~--~. '---...;."-" ' m•1• TUSTIN ............... 1 ... """.111""' omECTOn ......... u Bmlntas 'bOun inswcrina: ,,_ AU locations. are com-CHILD c11re in iny home b,Y". , ~llM ................ Hll •L••llTI ,, ... , ... ,,,.,.;, -..6411 .... ,.-. L()~ "-'lo-n -• .. _,. ' IAOO CMYOM ... : ..... l&U CA•D 01" TMA!lllKS ... , ........ '41• service avaUable fOl' $10. merclal or. factory. Very .... 11&1 .. ~.. ·~ • ..... the v.·tek. Other children. ' NA Milli ................. 1,.. I" MIMOIUAM ............... 6417 All utilities paid . Xe-t hl&h ··-.• ··-' no ·lf:lll ..... in-:, ,,pia1e ~ s~.lft..~c.Jt~·cat fenced yard. pl•y room; !-ti:""" ·•IAC!lll .............. 1m t•M•T••T .Lon ............... ,, e P -.·-... g .. ,. / ht h 1 Vic 1 D 'Mrt•"" ., .. I.Ill ............ ,,., tlM•T••Y CIYPTJ ........... 1t telephone. volved , To qullify yOu musl w w c ea · o ~ 642:=s,'139 ., .. " .. , .. 'Ill''°" v1aJO ............ 17'1 ~::=z,o:.',.',•YPTS ........... ,. ~ D:AILY ·PILO'l' ·1· be reliable le have 1 hr i rtll & WUson. CM. '13a0y·'t"'-ln' ho """ CL•MINTI ........... 1n• -............. IMH Child . . t MS-3153 I»....... my me Fur~ltUre R9Storfnl & Rellnlahlng . 667$ * EX:p't .R<:t m'iP1e retlnlshlf\IL 21, yean '"' pcrlcnce, 2 day ae·rvl.ce. Call ~~no · 1n1 '""" c••••T•ANO ...... 1n11 M•MO•IAL PAllllU ........... '411 222 FORESr AVENUE day spare time (days or ren 1 W .. $1S. -" 615 Po • 'I. tAPtlTllAMO llACM ......... 11111 lUCTtONS " ................. LAGUN~EAOI . e ) DOG Mixed breed 1 ma! a.:.·-,.,.·, PPY ·,,-_ _j _ • • 66IO OANA "'"' .................. 17M .. VIATIOJ4 SllYICI .......... Mal •• ·"· , . ~y s . • • ' .e. Ave., Corona del r.tar. . v.raen1ng 1; 111uuo ..................... 11• Ttavai. ...................... MU -.. $l3Xl td $!350 REQUIRED , BlackwMt. marb:·· Vie. ----''-----:::.::; 'OCJAIUIDI ................... UM ••• TlllANSPOlllTATIOfl ........... lnquireaboutour"frtebomd BtAeh Blvd. le &n Die""' M~~ 0( 1 wU ~tor AL'S Garoe ... 1-I: Lawn IAM Dl•OO .................. ,.1111 AUTO TIAflll'OlfATION ...•. ~ , \,, av hU' 0, ,-~. 'ln •••• ·-IW•lllDt: couNTT ......... 1 ... l•CAl NOT1ca1 ........ Ms. 1000 SqUcfre Let rou~ rlah'' ,'l'lal<e )'oUr fu. Frttway 536-4092 c u ..,. · • ..,.~.. o"""'· Maintenance. Comtnercial, u~ TO .•• MOY•D ...... 1Nt oaaMAM I TUTDllN• ........... ' ' -• ·If• tUre.iteeure \..·1ltt us, a Dunn }~AMILY . Heirloo~. Gold Fenced yl.rd.' StS-;>214 . ' lndu.strial &: resldentlal. oJ',... •• ~~·~.;. u.1.1 .. ::::::::~: SERVICE DIRECTORY Office ·$MN AYal'I & Brad1treet rated Na~naJ. w•tcl> on ch•;"··E•-av-.. CHILD Care ~ Ironing r.ty .,.: '*' ~ • :~' APA•TMliNTS'" SAla .... 1'.. rv'! 0 Co F --•-•--.. ..,..., ,..,,. "" H accouMT.1N• . . ....... t.MI . \ or :1~•-.:: .-...u.auon runl scene .. Heartbroken! ome. Exper, l"airvle\v & CO"PLETE. t RENTALS :~:r~~ir: :1:x:i:~. ·;'iil'i . :m J(Q t7tli Street, H.B. stnd rwn~. ·addms & phone REWARD 494-3!»6 Bake.r &re\!, c.~t. ~124 IVl ' \ .• Hou ... Furnlahld AIPMAl.T. Olll .: .............. = 536-1101 no. to: ROUTE DEPI', p 0 BABYSIITING hom Yard !\faint.. Oeanup · -llA1. . .. . .. ,, ..... 7'11 AllTi lll'Alll ........ ... Bo.'< 58 Pomona, Calif. 9i'l69 GRE'l ·sl}'lped ' female 'Cat, . ' my ... e, Ri!61.S. 968-19'28/64M247 ,. • JAU TO •MARI ............. :f:TirW'tH:'"" '""ire. •Ut-vie. 'Beach Blvd, betw lunch funu~hed & yltd: JIJ\l 'S ' G--:renlng & la'"" '. TA'Mft.t. ........... : .... ~'1• ......... OFFJCES AUlll&te Mon thru Fri 646-07'76 c1.1-u • Mls.t. Dl'l MA• .............. 2u• IOAT MAfP'TINAIKt ........ ts• R no· _ • . CA~fty SUPPLY Talbert & Slater. Anll to · malnt····-. R•• & "•-, ""' v1111011t111 ••icK, MAfOlllllllT; •re. ....... .-ectp •mMWerinc ,,..., "TT" 847-680;; or .u1:1~ BABYSITIING, l\1y hon1e. '°........... "' """"t"' . Olli'OI PAllll: .............. 1111 1u11J1111 saitv1c11 ........ f5a Secretarial ROUTE inUclal. * 540-483f. "., ... ,, ''''" ,,.. 1un.011ts ................. fJ1t ,..,.: GER'•'"N Shephe~ lo•t ·.,, F,enccdt"~~. k<ncb .... rn. · ............ CArlllllNO U1J ~ N-81\·d., N.B. fN •-m-l ·-• ~) ,......, '" J'IUU ..... lllJPOtltT MOTi. , ............. 2211 CAllMITMAll:INO Ult .... ,....~ 0 ~ ... nvua\'~ ·-..i..-'.'-'e;,..:.-'areal l\1on-Fri Call.~ Japanese 'Gardener~ •; NIWPOIT tMO••• .......... '221 CAlllPIHTE•••• ............. "' 67S,1M1 Excellent income fo, few ll"V1"1R:-'! ...... ~ --~· -'-'--'--~-~ Complete V-~ ·-·1 : tt~ii:i:~:a1i ·:::::::::::::::m~ ~~n~,.~.c~~t~:::::::::::-COSJ'A' Mesa1Ht~~ A/C Jioun weekly •\\'Ork, IDays 673.-1525 BABYSIJllNG. ?tty hontr, Free Estt~:;;·~ WllTCl•PP .............. nu co1111T111ACT0.is c ........ ~ •· 'd Pa' :..."lw . V ' and Eveni1,.sJ . Relilllnr and FEn:LE COLLIE \\'est Costa l'!I,aa. Days Ol' . NJvt:ISITY ..... Ir: ........... nu . .............. crp... rps. • .. ng. ery MA 642--3728 Cl.l!:Ai'l·UP SPECIALlST! V•I ........................ 1111 g,&~ fl':-u:l•: 111·i;;.Aiii'= nice offices. 1555 Baker, coll,cting mOnlle)' ti'oln coin 64&1797 1-°"-'-'~• -·-------t1Io\\·i11£, edging, odd jobs. ' tT •lu•P ................. ttci o•••••••• · ::!: w ·~ ' 0-·-' d'-'pe•·•n , .• Qr BABYSl'ITING, •ty ho-. • 1111v1N1E TE•uc• ........... nu ................ ,. ........-oo'1U .. -.-u.-u "' '"""' -10 ""' Reasonable_. ~:>5 ' OlllQJIA OIL.... .... oaMOLtTIOfl .... ............. ange Co and ... -undin& ,., .... ,. 6405 ..... kl, ·-h ~h H'-. ........... DIAl"TIMO lllllYICI .......... uu 7j(J SQ 1t downtov.·n c l\f . -.. ¥ .. • ....... """ <D ~io~~ ... .;··:·:::::::::::::::::::: IEll'CT.JllCAL ..................... fron'•"e Plentiful ... rki· .. • area. \\'e ettabU5h l'Ollte. ~~ ~c='="=' """",,..""=·"=-1=·=", I m,1,EE.-•• ,sE_ RSVPlCER '1 N••Kn'IL>"'E ... R , OlANDI . -1:eu1 M&NT INTAU ....... usa "'6 • r-· !Hand!•• "'"'" bnnd ~-•y ' JSTR~ & ....... ......... •••e<•• .... ..... ................ IB>I Newport mvd. . ·-·~ •~N . . uW:l~~i.P.uo .............. = 11loo111s ............................ and snacks). $1575.00 •ea'.ab . CAtfD· READ NGS Brlck,.Ma.Onry, etc. REPAIRS. 646-5848 ... ....... ........ l"UIMACE Jtl!PA!ll, l't, •• ,.."11 c: ::~ ..................... g: l"UaM1Tu•e •nTO•••• '1----------1-cquired. For prrsoMI inter. Iring V.eur Problem• to 1. 6560 . • . ......... -• ••PUUIHlfto ... Com-rc· .. 1 .... vi . 0 Co ... -1-11 u-lp y.., "UN1'Ull•TON al'ACH ._ ...... ,... GAIOINl!lllO ,. ..... _... ew In rana:e • arra, ""' "" "9 •• ;)... . . .. J. ~ • * Exper-t Jlip1n••• FINE:57 WORK 646-0384 NTAIN vALllT .......... to• · ........... send .DMne. addttu· and Sol Th "BOn.v, Remooel, repair. 11.u. 1aacN .................... ••Nll Al 11111\l'lcl'S ......... ua l Oii S Ft St' . Bldg ve tm, , 1 Bri k bl k ,_ OIAOING, DIKING .... q .,. h ~ t M'"T[ '-~. r • ,. . ' . c oc: concre.... ~-I So-· 6612 lONO llACM .............. JSll ........... • • • • P 01~ nunl""I' 0 v u • ·1 nive adVJCe on all Jfl.aUers ' ' ' 'v.nlr• ,.,,,(ft L OllAN•• COVMrr' ............. Mii 0 ....... •• ,, .. ,M ....................... '""•led on \V, 19th St. Costa. STA-DIST ~I..,,.. .1681 ,.. ... . carpenttiry 'no job too ~all J TA ANA ................... :u11 ............... ,, .. ......,. · • '"'. " '''-• ·~. of !He. such a11 love, court-' ;· 1TMl!lllSTIR ................ ,.12· -:~:l\~O~lUIS ............... 6UJ. lliem....JduU~WMMISel'. •. -8m1dwdy_____Anaheim. Call· ship marilAg-e, drlorce, bus. Lie. Conlr, 962.fi94i ~IN l;uUers Inst A 1 J t: d. ,J;'A":~'.t"•i9MTi'."::::;::·=:~ NAULINO .. :::::::::::::: .. :;: Parking on premises. $a,890 fornla 92802. ~ ltl'nsac&ns ol all . Rainy Season Almost Htte! COi\fJAL .................. mt r::'::fo~tAD•~r: ... ,...NO ":'"~ Cuh do~·n. FRIGIDAIRE . kinds Reunne the l!epat· Carpentering 6590 Frtt .est. n ea s 0 ll a b·l e LAI NA IUCM .............. 110f IMCOMI TAX • ... ,,.. Realonnm•C'!I Co"'. ' 6T...ti7"" at-', 'ca-· ,pe~y a-• ha~ .CARPEN_T·RY 963-'2QS LAOUMA fllOUaL ............. m1 .. . ........ -··-··r ... "" ~ """"' "" lJU -'-''--'CC.-------~~s~~~J~~~.·:::::::::::::.m: ::::j,,.~~.~~~.::::::::mf BJ.PG for Je!L!e', ll,000.6fl. Jt. ;JET AC;rlQH py marrtaces,.'OWl'Ct>me n. ~IJNbR REP·AIRS. ·t;o Job PRACT. NW"R avail. for nite SAN ,u,.,. CAPllTJIANO ..... tns INSUUTINO .................. '"' PropertY. 90' )( 300·, 64~U33 FrigidaJ~· 1S mln. waah. \'all, lovers quamls, evil TOC' Small. Cabinet in 1ar· shUt. 8-12 hrs. Box 211, San . llTlllANO •IACH ......... 2n. \t~~~~rocf,1NO,''Dttttti~"::::: days, EVes. 642-14.79. 940 \V. Fnate1t In the industly. 30, habits.. stumblln1 blockl of ••'' • ot h er ••blnet•·, Ocn1./493-4424 . ~A POINT ........... If .. JANITOtlAL '7tt 17 h c I 18 mlfJI washes .,vu1 do the • .... llYliKSIOl COUNTY ........ -''WILlllY tl ..... 1 ..... te:........... t .•. P.. all kinds .. There Is no .heart 54>817S, ll no anawer·leave . • vAU.TION •••TALS .......... tttt L.ANesca,tNo • ...... ..,, 1'-'0rk at 45. 30 min washes. lo bad or home 50 drea""' ... ~... at .'"" '~. u o. Haiuling . 6730 lllMMll llMTAU ......... 2'11 OC ........ ·.1.-..... -FRIGIDIARE OUTSTANJ). • ., ..... """..,'" • ..., ·_o;;;:.;;'-"':....---~_::.;..:; -tONOOMtNWM~ .......... _ ... ,,,. ~~=~••iac: ............... : Industrial Rental 6QfO ING LOCATIONS: La Mira· that~ cannot brln& sunshine AndetsdJ •" < :u:NLIT"A"L'SUIN ............. nn MOVING i.. STOIAO'i'".',::·:: .. : ... , . . into it, lo Jact, po ~atter rao~~TRY C b·I-- -"'~ PA1NT1N-,P•...,...1t1111 .:........ COSTA MESA...--.da maJor shopping center, What may hr your hope,~ ... .,.....,, , • net~ · g:"' .Hou1n Unfurnished ~:~~J~N~'..'.~.::::'.::'.:::::::: e · 1350 · ·sq;· ft. '1t9Afionth Gpatt1en Grov, le: Buena fear or ainbltion, Remod. No job toQ .,'!181~ ....... . .................. ,.. l"MOTOOIAP_lfY . "' . . ...... n • 31001 sq ft 4 dftlees 3 a1·k. . SEE Tl'E 'qii~l~:orJ4:."Ql.q 6:4'r~J6.I YA R D/Gai .c l eanu.p S 1 D / I o a d . Salvageables h-ee! Remove .. ~.. ivy, t,'Titdc'OOU74S P1perh1ngl .. P1lnll,"! . 6150. * PAlNTING, Int & e:tl Back t~ Vit!.JttJ11. &di: in bualness again. Free estlmate1. WW subcOntract. 64~1089 .• NEEi> PAINTING? ci1l W! Reliable. Service w/ QUB!ity a~ ii:S best, al the .moat reuonable Prlca. Free e1l1mat~. 5'8-60a'.! INT!EX'i'E-RIOR:' CI e a1 n , neat work • Guaranteed. ~u .ratu::• Fn!e nL Call Ja<"k 891-3895 collect If nee. SUBURBAN Pa'lnUng/Dec Expei:t'Guaratileed Work f'ree e11t. t101ob too Iari:e or too imall~ 494-3190 PAINTER, lnttrior & Ex· lerlor. 3:1 yrs., quality I.st! Pre-estimates .. CALL GENE . 49'-n07 •lNTEru.OR.• EXTERIOR• Painting -Paperhang:lna: LfC'. lns. Guaranteed Harris Paint\llg M2-4558 INTERIOR, ~xterlor : Int,rlor-averap 3 b d r . home, $98.50 labor only. Call 543-1546. INTER. le Ext. paindnl. Lie. le Ina. Frte est. 30 )'f1 exp. Acow:tleiJ.. 645-0809 · CUSfPM PAINTING ·REASONABLE RATES ·6fl.Ol•t * PAINTING Interior/Exler. ior.'· LOCal references. lm- med. 1t.rvice. &46-3657 EA'TEIJIOi.iNTER.IOR & Maintenance · • 646-3185 • \\'AU.PAPERING & PAIN- TING, 10 YRS in area. Reuoni!ble rates. 64l-lW27 FOR Better Painting, inter- ior .le exterior, acouttls= ttil- tngs, 64&4077 & .Sfl.·351X? RENTAL READIER -· -' i:t ,,,,.... .. .............. 11• PUSTl!llN,PfltJI. .... ., ...... . . ' c I 0 M . --~ -" . . =t.1 oai. MAR .............. tia PlUMltN• • : .......... ,..,..,,. phase pow,r. s 310 I mll . 0 n-• at1c PAL..l\llSTRY READER QUALITY Repalrs .., .>Jtera. CLEA.i~-Up ana Uilll mov· 'C'llt.'t1::•.r:air:".'.'.'.'.".'::.::::·:~l: :.:Jt.. 0,~~i:• ............. ::: e ir;JQ to 15,0CO AvtU, Dec. Equipment, Inc. t will tell you just ,vha( you lions • Ne:w Cl!~ b7 ~ lna. Call o.iW:: e p ATC H PLASTERING. ~:; ::~~: ............ :,: Pow1111 sw11111"• ........... m1 lst, under COIWtl'UC!ion. 2334~ \V Valern::la v.·ant t~ kno~. ~-Con\nl~t. ~:'.442 . j * 893-4295 * All types. Free estimate. Plut1flng, Rep.air 6i'ao ::wPOll". IMOIU: ··::::::;;;;= =~:.Ns:·~~~.::::::::::::::·m: C. Robert Nattress )tealfor Fulle1'1on ;• -.: n•t 52~7!33 AY\.11. for pe;t Uts REPAIRS, .µ.TERATIONS CLEAN UP A: ,HauJina; Call~. .. t,1':-0:,.:1111 :::::::::::::::nu =~~~Dt:'t~:';. ':'Ei•Aiii"··::;: Costa 1'11e&a 642-1493 .. b!llVERY \Vlt~ This C.rd and $3.t-O CABINb'T. Any ·s1.ze job Tree~ &: Ehrubbel'}'. trtmmed! I'=========~ I 'Wis CL1I'• ............... m. 111aMOD1~1N•, 11:1Tc111"1 tHl 2000 Sq fl $.250 ptr mo Incl S rvlse th d 11 f 1 · Re«lve $5.00 R'adin~ 2S )T:>.'exper. 54.8-6713 or rcn1oved. 5-19-1359 · pju'mblng 6190 '.·~.·.•,JIJITT PAllll( ........... llJ1 Klttollt • ..,,., ......... ::::.m: • 01ri--1---'l•t•' ••• : upe . ' e very 0 a~ 0 Open 0~:1 •• 10 .Al\i to l_O Pi\l REPA!l',, po•tltlo••• g,,,,u · ·· .............. n. saw1N• .............. , .tHI ........ '"""'" '''" p&1'11 I acce1.90tfes ~1&'our ......, ... .. Cl•an Up And ·Haul 1av1Na·T•••ac1 ........... .ms l lEWIMOMACM1M r aaPA111s•n1 cupa1icy 16th SI NB . lnO Co Fully·UceMtd r.A!n\odcl, etc. !';fie or....... llOaJ-" .,0 _,8 PLUMBING REPAIR. eo1110NA Oil Ml.Ill ........... :tUI Slf'TIC TAHKL lt'nn. ......... , .,.,, ,,....,· .• . . emtomtrs !V'Bt unty Ofr ('13) 697 ........ """J· ua.u <l'IV""" N ~ tco ---" • •aL1oa .................. ,. TAtL011No ........... .,.,,,. ~.. Area. $/;()() inveatrntnt l"e-• • .,.i:. Rens! Call KEN 5"0-4679 I~========= 0 ~ ~·~ ·: ~.·,•~, •• ·~,\.'.,",."~, .• ·:::::::::::::::·r',"•; i~l~'~!.~,.~~.0~ .. ::::::::::::n \VAN'fl:D: 500 sq. ft , one qu h-t<t. srilll per· ~·k plus 1.,'.,10 ';·, ~Vh. ~~-.er ~. ',~d.,H ·~"":::ooc=:~'·=·~·~• .. 2 __ .=6~73~5 I===·="'~· =·'="'==·=== ·, ..... • ............ J TILi, i.111"""' a M•nle ....... ,,, 1nan mach-~hop. Vic Hnl& •P""'fits ·Sh:nlld exce .... -.20 000 '-'-"-~-;~~·;-;'•;~;;-•'-'--II :C~t~m~. !'·"~· 1~,~-"~i::.•:~ri~-~£"'~1~1:_.::6600::: --I IWf'OtT Wl'ST ............ nn Tiii S«tVICI' . "" ,... . "".. • A .... ..1~1 ·so..,,... . . ,, •• "'Jlu~TIMOTON ••ACM ....... :M• Tll1EY1s10N, 11;iiii,"l:iC:".' .. •ffS Bcb or 15i min travel. per yr, For appL, call <TI4) LOSE .,A .. A:Bcach;~aDilD_,.Serv, •• 11~ - '." .,','",•,.·•.•,•u.•,•,•OUlt .•... ,.... UPNOlST•JtY ................ ,,,. 213/477-8620 . SJ&.~ ext 391 • . . . c 0 N c RE T E Work-$ock Carpel!;. \\'lndows, 'floors, Alt ti ~1e •• ....... , .. :Hit WILDINO ... . ''""-======'°"==:;: """ti 'i'' · Pl t Re-A»AJ • C · era ons res,,, saai. •Utfl ............... to• w1~oow tLIANIN• ... ::.:::::'"71 BEAU~ SALON for --•,. , . , enoes-aners. 11ouw::-etc. Reg· a ·· ommc 'l 't • ·~ __ ,, OAIOIM oaova sos L b 6100 • .1. .,.... in<> It Addilions: 641..n'"'" 646-1401 cus on1. oo:usp1~ 9JI• •••cN .::::::::::::·:., JOBS & EM,LOYMENT 0•• Mesa Verde artft, 0.1. r»-._ _... Louise 543-TIM ,,.c::~"c,•UHTY ................ ,, JOI WANTtD, Mn ..... : ..... JICI BU .. lLO 4l u"N-LS In• btv.·n '""" • .,..... wkl• WEIGHT C•ntr•cloro "20 C.Omplete Housecleanlna;_ .................... ,o. WAJITIEO, WMllll ,. ...... 71M rr ~ , vu D 839-3053 "'1-TMINITtJt ................ Mll Jo·a wANTEO C'h• f o t 1 ,..A_ I t gross. Rent SJ.65i mo. Write ays. Til~WAY CITY ................. ,,. .. li!lfl & WOMiN -h.r 0 n al~; \,.Ul'llCr 0. ii ~ ' ' ' "1-8 PM·• : A l'A .... HllOfln ......... :M» SCNOOll a "~•T•UCTIO" .... , ... 21o·xl80\ aU.unprovements. ~D~a~y'=Pilo~· ~·~Bo~x~M--1~·~-~-FRED H. GER\VICK •• v-, Th• Tile Man• TILE, Ceramic 6974 fo• 22 ACCOUNTANT I 'SAN C'LEtl4lNTE • Req\llrt1 de(rae plua tllret ~ cOst ai:;coiµitlna tllpet- tenc+ prtfc:rably In man~ facturtna proces.e1. J>et, fomu duUn at Dlvl1lon ~ U'Olltr ''/ olnee M1111.1er whleh includti .k e e p i n I boofi:1. • pre part financlal 1 statem~ts. forecaat1 of salei: & coell and a:enera'l dutie" ttquired for a i;mall manufacturing flrm. Asais'.t Genual P.fanager of Division in various administrative -f~ttons. Must be stll·start. er apd be able.to wo1'k-wlth. out Close direction 01· super. vision. btttrs a challeiicinl . opportun.ity ·for Pf'nOD · witb initiative and ability. SEND tmf Pl:El'E RESUMI TO DON TOMPKINS ' I 3333 !{arbor t!lvd. · Cd!ta P.fe sa, ca!H. 92621 ,. .$. l\llSSILE SYSTEMS •. . DlVISibN .; ' A TWITIC RESEARCH ' CORroRATION .A Division ol the Susquehanna Corp. An equal opportunHy.. ) employer · · BEAt.rrY Oper. full tlmt. Take -ovlil-ga. elientele. 1'1/be exp'd. App, In ptnon. Ph. for )JlP!· ~ Bo•I Mfgr. -NE EDS,... • · A1s1mbl1r1 • Toucf\..up • e Ffnlth ca;penter1 * O' PAY YACHTS* 3000 Pullman, Cost.a Meaa BOOKKPR/GIRL FR!DA y Heavy l1.5e of 1~key 1dd, Varied challenging Job needs ao a1et1 mind that can use inltiali\'e. Go to the top! Start $500/ Call BWif Beck.~ COASTAL AGENCY .• 2790· Harbor Blvd., Cf\t: BOO~EPER -Secrelaf>' to Jnlt rior Decoratcr, 11)..t. ·545-Sl~9 or 6'4-0037 ·BOYS lD· 14 ' C&rrler Routes Open • for La."W\a Beaeh, So. Lquna ~ DAh.Y-.PILOT 6'Z-431l CASHIEJt . Restaunnt-eki*I'. prefen'td. Nights. fi1l-!WD5. Ask for Mrs. Franke. COASTAL AGENCY Professional Employment As1lstanc1 A 'member ot Snelling & Snelling Inc. . Harbor Bl, O.f ~ Coo"' .. FRY COOKS Top \\'aa:es, permanent, hon- est, and a:ood worldna con- ditions in area's leadln1 restaurant. Apply 9 am to 3 pm for interview at COAST.lt,L ............... ,.,. .... ••••••••••• ... 0 tat' l t . . I '0 . Bllll~nr· Contrac•-• \\'INDOWS DffiTY' ---1,.,\0UNA llACN , ............. 1111 ....,. · · · · · · · 7111 n 10 n e r n a t 1 on a F REIGN \Vrecker niOney I want Io women "-'ho are 10 u• ' au• • ""'0""'" HIOUIL. ............. uv TMDTlt lCAl ................. 7fll Airport 5 mlnutes a\\·ay mnker. Partner l\'lth ~1t ptund,s ·or. more ove,weight F~. nns. bdrm• .. P'-li~ Freo esL 1.5 Y'WI exp. CusL Y.'Ork. Install"' repairs. MANNING'S MJs110~ VIEJO .............. 11'11 M"RCHANDJ•• N L1~nsed-Free e&limales Johl\llY Dunn ... 642-23&1 No job .too ·•mall. Plaster COFFEE SHOP '"" tLrMINT• .............. Jn• 1; ~Ii'. FOR 'C\Y. r.totor ·SpeectWay 10 capital '"anted. Approx to.take ·put.J~~ \l•eia:ht • tch Leakin& h 111'1.ANO ........... mi SALE AND TRAftE ndnutes $3600J cash or .$10.000. 714: ~.7670 aft 6 loss program o( specllllized 67]..QJ.11 ,&i • 54S-21•0 House-Apt Cltaning ~ .. 1;_ •• 7_195718'1., !!er 241131 El Toro Rd. CAPllYJIANO 11,1.CN ...... , .. 17Jll IJ ' ' . '" • O'I ,.....,......, Le'-\ DANA l"OINT .............. 11 .. •u1tM1Tut1 ............ -submit Owner P. O. Box 9, reducing All inqulriea con. · C · , Reai;o_nat;ile , P,rice~ , .. ure ~orld Laauna HlllJ ,,,~,'"s'"uM''""" .......... ,,,. 0''"''' PU0J1N1TU•« ... , .... Wit Cucamonp, Calif Ph lilf) I·-------~-fldentlal.· Ask tor r-.tr. Ken-Carpet leanfng 6625 · • 64G-9Z'.ll • . ., T-"-·fee 6910 837-1014 . , ... . .......... 1u1 o•P1c1 1 "'"MEMT ........... n • Mon•" to L01n '320 ·-_.,. • ~~.MMIE lll llflTALI .......... wtt sToR • aaull'MINT .......... t•n 982-1.J09 I..,.--~'"-=~----nedy 537-5412. CARPET s~;aH! Th 1, CARPETC! Windo..,.. firs, ;.;.:;:eo;:::;:.;;:::::_ __ ~: ·COUNTEftl\1AN -''Au t 0 RENTAL::. "'"'· llll!tTAUIA'tT .......... 14 ========== '"""-"'-'---=-----.. ~-... ...,, TREES runed A F 1 h d ••• IQUll'Ml!NT ........... nu 2nd TD Loan-*D ' 't wetk 'Only!! \Ve vactium, etc. Res or Corne'!. Xlnt p • topped , Parts. Experienced .. All ~pts. urn 1 1 _ Hou1_•H0La_eooo1_ ............ CJtn.ta-G.rovM 6115. _ . --r-. . . Qft • ~hamTv.n-··-·tl.•t-"ll-. Incl-. ~·ork .Re&s!JtefL.5Q..4111 _tt.mo'\'~J..:.....m e~i:.. ~nefltli ... cau Mr. Ba.r:rett. _ Ol'HWi:----~ .40N 1ilAJI IJli SALa .............. till o.,.....;.;..;;.;ccc;.:..._....;.;.;;c.: D ...... tc "II.I .. ... • I '°''" Mast. ::::::::::::::::: 41ot l'UJtNITUli!I AUCT(Ofl ........ tm Smog Free P-pt. -nf!dcntlol ••rvlco soil~retardar\t. 6~~c sq. f t. WOULD You believe .I will A err 11. to \V~ re qu i p. -",. .. _,"":=:--:-:---,;:--.,.-.,,-.,-,1 '~1a1A Ylltll ., .... .-........ :4111 .... ~llAN51s ................ ,IU8 •v•u -.v "" ... ~........... . . . 494:-450;), 63&-7,23-t ,, ftPOIT l l!ACN ............ 4itl ... NTIQUI!. . .............. 1111 FALL 8 R 0 O·K 641·2171 u• ~ll · · ,.,...,,...,,,""°· <'lean vnur horne for Blue CAN YOU type 60, do light .. WPO• SIWJNO MN:KlNI "" --Calt 1•· it •1ou 'still believe in ,. . T NetoHn .......... •111 .. ,...,_........ 61,i ACRES 470 BEo\.RING Se I ll bo 20 ""' J ,it Oio1nonds "''e ntcurured Chip. Stan\JIS·7 397~7350 h bookke,pin'1;? Young hos! •w,01T 1Ho•1• ........ 4m ~111ttAL 1 Tt111111 .......... 1n1 · 1v ng ar r area Yrs. cave style dating. · .., _. -=;;=:::=:::;;::;:::=;::==I U~p~o~l1~l~•r~!.---~6~99~0 · · r1•sTtl lFP ............ :•1• P1AMOS a ou.t.11. .. 1 ........ ••Jf TREES NE \V •J\IOD.ERN S•ttlir ~rt;.,e Co. :;,y quality, so are \l{C'! -· ner''" Girl Frid ay, to $450 :~~·:!~" ~~~~ .. :::::::;: .. : ::f~~1110N"::·:.:::::::;:::::::= A\\IARD \VL'INING HOl\IE. 336 E. 17tb Stml . O~~; ~rd~7g-&668 DIA!\IOiiD. CARPET Janlt,rial -. 6790 CZYKOSKI 'S Cu1t. Uphol, t\I' 5tart. -1.sT 11..UFP ........... ::.nu ,.,.,.a sT•llle:o .............. nu LOTS OF GUSS . TER· 1----=.,,=---CLEANER$'&45.13J7 anypme Euro-an Craltsmamhlp independent OJtONA Dll MAit ........... 42Jt fAf'E •fco111oa11 ......... .itzH RIJi'JC VIE\V OVERLOOK $15,000 LICENSEb SPARKLE Jah1torial &. Win-r p I A IALMtA ................... 'HO CAMElllA\ ~ EIUIPMIHT .... 9* · • ! .......,i CARPET & Furn. cleaning; 100';0 Fin! 643-1454 lrtonne 91ncy tAY HUNOI ................. 4m N011Y suP,L••• ................. JNG PALA MESA GOLF or •"""' rtal el.late loan. Splrltu"= R.eadlna:s. advi ce fo• 1 d•• service• q•al' lh· di!\\'' cleaning Serv. 1Wi11o l83I N .-Bl C '! 1116 Orange Ave .. Suite c ~ ISLE ............... •UI 1 •POJITING GOODS . ............. COURSE $54 oro Sm dow Vacant OK. ~lr. Adanis, . on _ .. motten. ,,, N. El • -~ d Id cl I e\,,,...... .. .,. ' . • llU Ill.ANO .• , .......... 4HS llNOCULA•S. ICOPlt ........ u,. '' . . n -.,.. .... ~'Ork. Call Sterlifli for OIYS, rel ., com ' cons . C.M. 642-00'.26. 545--0979 "INOTOfl ISACM ............ MISCELLAN•OUS ................. It. reasonable tenns direct Broker * 499-213(1 Camino n ..... 1' San Clt mente bn'ghtnos'••. "'" o~-Cle1U1up. Fl'eC tit. 96&-2691 1----------l'OUN ArN VAlLaY .......... "'' M•~c. wit.NT•O ................. 1• 1 r.;::;, '":\""' J ... .........,,, CHILD care-mature \1'0ruan-SDl •EACH ................. ..iut MAtHINllllY, •tc ........... , 17tt ron1 Owtf!':,r. • MUNEY~ TO LOAN ' 492-9136, .,9'2-0076 1 ,:::.,;"-=~c..=.::,c_:.:..__ Window Cleaning 69:97 care for Infant /ti · · "*o •sac• .............. 4tM LVM•E• ........................ nsa J19 SteWart Cyn. Rd. On Vo•ant lot.,. ac-••• 1D AM _ 10 PM CARPET&. uphiolalcry iteam L1ndoc1p!n9 6110 -Brkh-t/Ad•-• 'Hs"". R' ,":.' :>l:AMIJE COUNTY .... STOJIAOc ..................... 11n ....,;, .. 113 -•0~ '-~-=.:.::c;.,:..:.;,,:..:c._ __ I I ned abo t . \\'lNDQW CLEANING •a ...,,..,, .., • CMttOCH 01to·1El .:::::::::::;:,..,. a.UILOING MATlltlAll ....... tut ,...,.., \V, Stuart Foote Rllr. 673-0670 Attr'•ctlve Expert c ea ' earpe in-I~=~='-"~---"'-....,.\8 . ?"SSi~IHSTll!I ................ 4'1t SWAl'S ... , , ................... ,,.1,....... YOUNG WOMAN stallation. Resul ts *un.r. For LJC'D Japa~se landscl.pe \\'e Promi~ to please ! -._Cc;-LA.,-l°''"~,..-,A"D"JU"ST=ER=-I . .uc "'' C•TY .... -............. " ET nd YISTOCK fr!'c est. caJl.&16-6971 contraolor, La'wt111. aprklrs, s.t&-2210 . 1»~ IAlfTA AMA .................... 4'20 P SI LI • · ' ' • .u.~ T dlll'leer WW teach you all RENTAL REAftfER Uos ' t 83l)..30l7 ~---=="----Jdeal location. reliable e-1_. ,t .. "14" HSl8MTS ......... <MJI l"ETS ~•INllllAL .............. --rt91ge1, .D.'1 6345 lat~ t' te Call Ard 11 ..., pa • e c. YOU1ge~ more th&n ycu give AtfAL .,. ......................... CAT• ............................... I I ps, e 540-39'24 ONE Gift H lj>s ?II -United Fund : pandirig Co. Prefer ~liege UNA 11'A,(,. ................ 411t =r. .......................... ms Ji2.00>.·.SS'ASONED-T.o.. m : 581-453! 1-10 PM e any background, cxper. $6000 to ~~:::C "4~.~~l ·:::::::::::::!:1 ~~.,~~!(··:::::::::::::::::: .. = owerlng 100 ocean view WAl'.'ITt'D; Ride from 21.)Ql 1.:. stJtrt on · inside. \V tie n • ............ 4* 1011 sillli" .. at 18 000 h •-·1 A A c f oulftde, ·car tum. + e~-" IAfl ClaMIENTI! .............. 4111 CALIFORNIA LIVIN"" • . ... , eac . ..,..1 a 1~ veT,. .ft . to ~~Ii iPOl!lllT .................. 41* "" All due in 16 ·rrios., peyal'.lle Af\l~tlm, 3 blka. off S.A. JOBS.& EMP.LOYMINT pentes. Gd. be~fits. Call i~J~~Hfi:'M ".'::::::::::: .. :·:: ==~~:• PM1..t ·::::::::::::=: $600 n10. incl. 10% intere•t. · Frwf, an . ~dwv:. Day -'-".;..;;:;...;....:..;:.;C'-.;.;.;-"'.;_ GerTY \Vhitc, M()..0055 ~ klNf ALS PAT* .................... , .... ,. 10"' c11 s c'6 h n I . Bkr. thin, 5 days. 6464579 art Job Won~~. . . Job-.• ...._n) Wom. 7100 Jeltt., Min. Wom. 7100 COASTAL AGENCY A U , '"' f.WMINOI ..................... .ft 4911210 49f:.. mt , ' ~ _,... 2'700 ~ts. n urn1 eel vaCATtONs ................... .,. --. :· 1 e\U 6~31;1 P.M. WonMn 7020 ~ Acc"~'NTl.NG l-===H~arbo~•-B~1v-•_ .. c,c.o..'-'·.,.. ''1•1.~"l ····· ............. ,... O 1SJ d 2NDS *' HARBOR__g\l~ * ' "'"" BABYSIITER Nttded · COUPLE-t.1ana8t and n:iain . ~~'~ ",~sa,: ............... , .. WTRANSPOITATI N • ~an -n..n .. ":.,,..,,,-----., Fun •·ne "·-t . ~IN'tCAlt~ N,UR.sifro--e ~-"LI~ • borne. C.M. o-a .• , .. ,, •• ,'," t . all tral" -~· ·i -WPOIT ~ .... cw·""··· .. ·· .. J11• IQAT$ t YACttfl ..... : ...... ,,.. ' .... ...., .. r1~1 LAI DUil ""'!; _.... .. " .... llU1 am uer ~- I' T HllOHTI' ..... ;· .. •m U.lllO ,, .............. toll, '" ••. ~ t; 1...: rt Co., Balboa ' * 873t-0240 Nurses " ~ld~s. il\'allable f.or Proces' •accou~t I payable; ' M.'rt trln•P. ·541·2393, Smog: ftte Orange eo. lotust ,1 T I NOllS .......... ~,,. l'OWlll c11111111t1 ............... N~lr(:alj\ +' s_ nc. hon1e c~'rii .,on fl?uri~ basis, prepare cost & 1~w-ance re-··::;~·..:.:::::'"-:::::c=:::::. ___ I be1 bondablt. 642-1265 , (i 1~~~-:V •a~I:.:::::::::·:.,,,,· l~1,°T:f,t1W~ ... ·::::::::::: ZE 2.QXl.1 -Ttifi FrH ALOJHOLla' An91\y~ut 1 hoUr<minlm'b.n1. A11b Shilts ports, 'KnoW!edae of IO b y ·~ABYSrrTER Needed: my DENTAL •-"lo. ~-~ •• MCICIAY: ........... 1oaT MAlln'aHANC ........... • 11_.,.., • PhoM 50-121! !!! write~ & Jlve-.in. ~570 ___ add!,,.,' maehlne 1·2 yeal's home CM, from 8-6. ·~ rn:v...,..., ... u, .. · .. "··:::::::::::::: ::.~~~~~'." '::::::: ... :: NOW'S ·1aE· ANNOIMCI . -P-9:1klr"122!CDita""'lif"8.. • i\lllcd Nutse)J &: Akle•. ui.·~-~ 543-1009 expt'r. desirable. Call· lor uo. Dl l MA• .......... ,,,,. .o .. , •l•P. MOO••"• ............ :. , aM wny1cEs . or o c Nlli'si.' nrci try ·v·s·1MEft coRa . BABYsrtrER E Fri mmvw. betwffll'.t I: ' pm. 'IAY ltlANOS····• .............. _ ... , .. , •••Y•C•• .............. tm :'"?." Memorial "•'"' . 6421 ... ' ! ' ~ r I.I ,.., -\'et')' & ~2615. . 'ur ..... . ........... -... •OAT........... .................. "'"' . ~ .. ... • :m9 \V. Llngan Lane,· S.4. . I l\li-s. I-fa.yes Sat nite a pm -2 ain Vlc. ·---~------.... ?~~~~~ci."·:::.1.:· .. :: :g1.~.-\"~~~: ::::::::::;::::: TIME FOR ·F• > {Fr• ~ , 6400 4 PLOTS in Pacific V1cw ·~J0.57'tl 1-fB can &U-7612. DINTAl ASSISTANT .f't:c:"'-'-IY .:::::::::kit !i~;m~':/1 ~·:;;:;::::;:·::: WHVTE ~.,viUi al\ort 1-iemorlal i:>Jtrk. 5'e to ap-JobW1ntec:I, ... ACCOUNTANT ' TRAINEE BABYsrrrtR \Vanled, n1y Oral Slll"ltl'Y .I:" X~Ral tx,p ... .;;:i::::::::::::::e ~·:.rt"'C• .::::::::~:::::QUICK CAS. H lail, peio9.lt, milt, blli& col· predatt. Price 00\'' ~uo Men & Wom•n 7010 'W)'OU have lots ol amhlUon: horn•: lo r tt~cher':. 0..\11 only Mid &PPIY. 548-1719 "' •ll'ova ............... ,, 'L""'• l•lfOl'tl ............. ttM lal'. ~~~· -• e.•.=~·. ; ... "~1·".p. for, . J2S:i CPIINESE live-In' Domestl; "1ere. ll no 111'1\11 how_W; ~-~Call -l§9 aft 4:30. DE!'ENPA8L& uaN "" • ................ MOllLI MOM•• .... ; ......... ,,.. su•X ..:.;. I "Lt: ""' _, wll h ,... Id BABV ., ho ~ 'ly c y ............... NII MOTO• ttOM•S ............... nu " ~ l1I i..a ' n u1lt:1"9S. . 'a; Ptm1anf!nt ExperleDCed you can Co ·~·ti .~ .. y nt@. WHO c•u WORK ll'i~~::::::::::~ :tc .... cc,i...a.~ tA .... :::::::::::::::= TH~ •' o· u'aH "A' Mtaa V<'rdr. llrtll. JJOiwS & R!1PL0YMENT Far Ea.st A~ncy 142-8103. e,1ahll1htd Onn. ~nt Co Mo""'Ftt. 7:30. -3 P?II. In-w1TtrouT' , ......... ..,.111 ,._,,., a11tat .................. t111 ... t..f6.7610 ., eh ant-, _ benellis It ntin!mcnt plan. fant & i'yr bid. MQ-6101 SUPERVISION - llL ~~;~~::::::::::::::::.,. :g;g:fl~rl.;""'.'."."::::: .. :m · S1rlped il'•Y cat. Fl'a collar. ~--~-7020 Jobs-Men, Worn. '110o StutJSOO, 111 ao .ii the WAY Nl~S.t'-l\faid \\'ANTED. Con'"ct t "'tom•n In. Beoch ._ ._,.Ull ............. ..,. AUTO 11tv1c11 • p),lfl .... ..-vie. 0.I Mar , ••• 11 Ano "...,... ~----:-, up! Call "Jein Bro w,n , ..,.._a Room. ~ -~,.-, .,..,.,_ ..........•• 1n1 auTo Tote.• • 11u1, '411 LQ'T • -·' ~ ., .... ..., Otln «rea. Um I ltd auto i.; .f.l~P:mlTU·Jio·:·.·.·.::ffi: f11t a1i.11t, TIAVI&. .. : •. '.:::;::tUS DAILY Pl Siil. CM Ml).3766 NUl\SES 4 Aldea available ATTENTION BO \'S! . ' ._...,, ...._, 1880 Monrovia, Of. travtl. \Ve train, Air mt.ll W l'h ', •• TlllAILl:ll!S. ""'"" ............. ..-.,. _ .1or .. ~.ca ... ~ .. 10. Cu1nntet!d Sl.63 hr. Door. to • COl\~1 A1.t AGENl. 1 CAii in perllOh at 2 pm. ft'""""" , .. ,,,,, •• '" .................. • . . llUIU ~ I 2790 tr !XI~ Bl 'Cl C~t A. P. Dickt!Dlln, Pn!I., L A's,, T111uc•s ....................... DAILY Pflm DI llf E -A • •Allied Nul'lff • Aldts • -0oor Ila es 11fter 11CllOQI, l ar r '" '' ' · BOAT 1.Aboret"s Needed. Soulhwesie~n Petroltwn ..,... I ~~:l\Jt ••"''"'' ............ :J: WANT ·A ft LINES. 'You can use Uwtn Of O.C: Nunes RerJstry ~~·1 1r.1~~~....a 4 ·~~n Sall Alfl!Omb111:n · ..-. ·': 1 e J: t r,o . Arthur Matil't. 1665 Bab-Corp rt Worth T6 .._ ... ::::;::::::::.C: 9,!'lo\,~:•i:t .............. ::1 . • ~ petWes •day. Dlal R~-~u:~. ~· !:~. pm-4 :~ pm. ONLY. c;f,~n~~';P.:.::t1y cock. c.M. Cill 6'1H7S2. 1r ·~1SHwAsM1~· * !"!'!!! .::;:::::::=: 1:.~:u~·~u. .. tet•:;::::::;;i,•: 842-56' 78 ' prtitt 9 •M 10 2 pm, tm'n XioEs._ Nur.Ung .. E x p II: r . fla.od wLrt wrappln( J~hlli; Pl'L.tft-..i ~J'll U!"'I•. A. .. -.. DA.Y Shift ......... "'-"'-'-'-'""'"·•00•.............. '. r• YOU • AD r~ Pl.rd A I J la • ·~·-·· ---·· APPLY Lti 'T11~1lll ~'· M't iUTO IYlflll ................... f" -"" ~ ln.IUpCJrA.UM. 9'l"300l • l)P '!! n Jlel'IO.!!._\I ques . ~ ):OUr .J d, 1lhen •It baclr and u If HOMl-S , '= f.UTOJ W4fl o ........... ~ .. • 1 CLASSIFIED? Son1e6nt wlU lied, T..-.-_QI , PU: 714 -491-8075 l\6Pll'Dl11'( !l. am..~~,~ liaten to lbl'I: p)1ol'lll rlN::! ALLIY Wl!$T i~ ·~.,., ......... ~ ::,.~ WlJ'""::::;:~:::::::::1:••• ••••• -be-Jooklns fror .. lt, 01&1 JU-•·~·· \e. --..----- - -oc.npute.c Au.loma1K11L No\\•! '21~ w. Oetanb'Qrit tLIMN u;r-o;,p;,r _. ut•o CAlt .......................... • ~ Your ._"Falr .Shatt" SU,,,ORT )'OU?' United F'uld 893 W. l6th St. ~.B. . ~·--------Nf'wpcri Beaeh, Callf. -• ' ( ) • ---·----~--~ .. ~~---------~···~--·-"----·--.--....--·---.. ------·-·-,'""'----·---~-'-..... .....,___...-----,.--.---~·-------------·--------·-----~--.....,,..,..~----------------..;,-------------------~''-------. ' -' ' ' . 23 PllDT·ADVUTISU Wed...aq, N""'btt 5, 1'6• , , Wed'"411, N°"mbtt !, 1'16• 0411.V PILOT '. .• ' ' ,,_," ----., .. Mo1'·, .......... ,1-oo <' _;:.:--..::.··w:..:-7100 SALi ,UCO TIADI ··~· AND r•u .. ~ .IOU I IMPLOYMINTlOIS I WLOYMINT JOI( 1 IMPLOYMINT JOU I WLOYMINT JOU I IMl'LOYMINT JOU I IMPLOYMINT JOll I IMPLOYm ... l I'" h~• , .. , .... t~I: l'Oll Hl•llC:ltANlllH _ , ~~ ... ~~~M~..,~-~-~w~...,~-~7~1~00~-~~-5'~irt~-~11,~......._~·~-~· ~ll~ll~i~-!~;~.,~·~·-~tu-~-~·~V~~~.~--~·~Jl~~~~·~-~-~~-~~-~-~"'~.,..~~~~~~~~~~~~li~~~ ,.. .. ....n. --~ !" ·-'.:~ !'.:z;: .. , -• "'" J!l "l!r ': & f Jein ~ "-n. 7111 JMI ,.,;.._ Wwft. 71M ~ ,urftltvN _,41t:JtUN ---Gt'"1"11.,.. ..-11-.. •I~ MAClllllSJS. om ... ,.._ ;;;;,;;;_;:;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;.;;;;;;;;-;;.J:s.;::-;--;:.,;-'T"• -=..,,.._ """"'""· -~~~~c · 11111 WllDI ' -~o.w· * F111t11tic! ~ ..':..".... "'::.1:: ' ' I Housewives anCI Mothers * 0"' ... 111.ilt -· · · ~ ....... 1 -• bill-• • ~ ..-°""" WHQl·Y911 ·WANT INTER!t'l.EWIN~ FOR: 1su. ...... ta.:«111s--iyu..-... -.un:.u.i ~ 79 E•rft t xtr• "*"Y fer , .... ..._ -. lrin&• , e CCXIQ ~~· ~.~"" llr dothlnr . alb!'tllC<· SWI OI) ._..,, _...,,.... e WAITRUSIS _,, --1 We $41iD -Clll B1I11o Beck, • * ( H RI ST MA S, * :::~~ic ~ · '· : ·:~'ll:..as ~murol(S ~ASTAL AGENCY SP~NISH MEDITIRIANEAN ';'f~ , sc111w MACHINI • 'SECRETARIES e . CAR' t10STass1s -MANAGERS 2790 H.,:,,,,. BMI .. CM Shew lloom • Ploor Samples· Poctery Cle . J. C. Penney Company Poohlon l1land -Nowport h..h Hoo pooltlons .,ion hi ' . *Sales ~~b, ....... " • TYPIStS I ~.~ ~:i.. :z '~TIVES ~.!'!,,~:.:' 3 IOOMS OF f1:1RNITUltE Slit.~ ; 1""4.llltr7,..now the tl'tbs:l luc· 1 -TRAilji;ES tor's oHlce for ·MCl'Otarlal • S pc. •uthentlc ~nl1h lclrm. Mt e .-..;~ PUNCH.P,ltl SS Simpl9 &lld. prOireafve dIOs. • B~llDRS · eet lnduatty In the world. 'nl1s ii ·· real· iround Jloor ~..;,._tnV!t~Rploo. M"'. •• •1 f!.". in. quilted Hfa wl 56 In. m1tchi~I '°~:i ' Ml" • It you an bnih(. •·ol•rt. opp•nunltywltba.oolldaut<> urp• up -•~ -or hol e S S 1·• DI -II' neat appe~ ... at l~ 11 matk electron Ii $iltnellt pleaslna: l1>pearance and ' c r pc. '&:" "' "'' ,,... M . :..; • 'PBX-OPER~ · ,..... of ... " oldoi-, we l1nn :ljlal ollon; .,...;na111y with ability IO table l9fl • 3 hoovy Mod lorr10Nn mot chine"" I * Santa'• Helper * Credit Interviews * Gift wrappbli Schedules including attemoono, evenings and combination of both. DltlLL PR•ss APPLY JN P.ERSON' \l. 'flffd )'OU ' · • HIGH handle ~ntial mattr, tab-., top cfur1br. enough for Flamenco'' I ' · ' · tw. H"-1:45 ~ $:30: ·Done ..... Will Mii plocoo lntllvlduolly, · .i . • G~N'L, OFFICE ,IXI' N,OT N.C. 'inn-•···· Pl!·......,. -··' ' U1 "e -·"-..-..loot--1-1.... -:w • Shop Fir1t l Th•n See Our Un believ•ble luytl.·.~ " ·· -·-~ ·~··.. "'"-I'll · SECRITARY -at OW' ~. ~n -9 to Director ol. Finance. BanJt. n .... ~ 1T001 ether iStems with terrific t1vlng1 I / ~ n Finest conditions - Top lu~rvisiOn -Ex· cellent benefits including discount privilege. StiOll·~~ ·co11 ... ' ' ' ,,.., within ~ o:omJl&llY 5"-HSt !-........,_,. havo worl<· t""~ erma tore Charge Master Chatef I benetita. &\Kb u: --.~ •101 · ~ Ins-M•ala· Sales ~. · · · · -ed. tor .controller. Top Co. BankAmerlcanl..All Accepted ... ,,.~ * Apply Now * J:.00 E, Nonhand.y fl., sint&.AJia (1 bllc. N. ot McFadden, ~ blk. W • .of Grarxi:) APJ?f;Y· .NOW ·VOLT· • HosPttlllzattoa. Wise Women w/Xlnt benttlt!. •" Paid Vacat!ont-Umtcrms , MISS IXIC A,OINCY •• , ' ,....,_,...,..pay. or Evos IUY ' 410 W.'Onut Hwy., NB • It A.M. to 9 P.M., Mondoy thnt Prllloy J. C. Penney Company #24 Poohlon lol•ft!I Newport h•ch, C•llfornla FORM GRINDERS *Day SliHt * . " inltrvl<w1 ...... ,~·pm, SliCllliTARY Novembor <~h. ~VON • To• skills. A boa.UM o<Jke. Stt Mr. Sldny ~ * • Co. ga,ya ~· to $600. ·or lillaa Smith . . \Yjser Worn~!\ 1 lnMpenclent & •wit , l'o,_IAeoncy ~E~~~~~:.~~M .. • •ta.,.nt SELL · ln6 °'-' Avo:, Sulto C JOBS I liMPLOYMENT INST ANT , PERSONNEL I M'nlm s 1 ~ .. ,... ~ .161oi1 ... ch.Bl•d., HI. &YON C,M, ~. 545-097> fumlture ...:_~ ~~~~~i,! ' . '.5*4741 . ·· 14~11U "'' . SICltETARY Jobs Men, Wom. 7108 ~~i·, I .. ---· •··~ ·• EquaJ'OllP'im,"" ·..,'. employor Equ,i Op-~~--~.,.,,. ,.£ of !lat ond 'dOvotaU !Orm , , .. ,..~ • ~·-.. ~ ~ ~· v for ''"""'""'"t . Co. Good W"1'fRESSES • 20 l'C. "MADll.,~; ' tools " die .....inc1h1&. • --=~-"'·"·c.·,,.,.;__ ,ou can earn In ycur aktll.s, rood telephone tech-CAR HOSI'ESSES ~ -~ lolio Mon. Wom. 7100 Jolie Mon. Wom. 7100 •" Wark' nd Di... ..,,.......,; ,..,, ""'' """" "'"' niquo. Pub!lc<ootact. Full part u Att . 3 Room G,.... ---------1 Excellent ~"'th opportun. " . I . ~~I ' N1..a... " home; Call now--1 MISS ·IXIC AGENCY wlthor happy m~ce11.ta~ FROM MODEL HO~:: DREAM Job • K'"P your HOUSIWIYIS ""'· ovortiril•;lrlnae bono. • -THI ' , """ '40-lOO-_ 5'..S3'l '10 W, Cout ·Hwy., NB zoo, E, eoa.t Hwy, at lnc!udo" Qwltod "la :;fil bnporlant job u wll• • ht" DISH. w•sHER 5ecritt•rlo• MoArthw: N.B. .ohalr - 2 '"" tabl" •.c:ill' mother Ir. earn a ,vkly HAVE FUN ' ,._ Sales WAITER fi WAITRES.SES feetable-21ampa:·-d....: =)'.,..~_,, AND EAR" APPLY 1N PEMON Western· Cid · · · UNUSUA. l 1nror1m 0v .. :n. u ..... ""'" 0 1n :ii-..:':::~·~ $$$ ~f~ in··person P•rs.n..el $ervlce rm I: Cott. 11hop. 425 S Cst re~ _ s pc, dinlnr ~ DISHWASHER IN YOUll SHUll·LOK CORP. wJ.r,· 0 ' rt . .., E, l._llO St .. CM H"~· Lag. Bcl>. .. ... & • hi·bacl< cha u;,;.r. Exper ienced LE~~"~1Ili'."I 1"'1 E, Normandy Pl., F.&rn monoy on tntorestinr ~EM L LEl ' ppo unity s.1:~~~-RY ~~~ .. :;:::"l':~f:~ COMPA$399 $7'9".'.~: I. BE HELPING (1 blk. ~: ~.dMn. t~~,uaipnients. and IJl;E1 ·Pactflc Cst Hwy The •. 1nct.ejeadent·. Or_der ol Good Bldlla ,wlll l.4nd. job,.. .. ; try Cub Donuill Pallsade11 l: No down-l-mrs only SJ~· ' Apply in peraon SURF I S!llLOIN SIJI Pac. Cst. Hwy. HT l.N ATGHE ' i,s b1k. w: ·of Grarid.) be: ,el!libJe •Jor: Ol,lr 1un dis--Nflwpert .le'"" !._omtw' om"!-"", .. v:...!..~ • di~nd.f~Co. ¥mt· be neat Santa Am. Ave .. S.A. Hts. um V'S WAD . I ' FIG AINST cowit ~e~. . • ' · ·''"' ...., u ......... "' vnrce l: personable. 110 $563. Call WOMEN C6l , needed for ftUI\ · ' POL LUTION IFG ' . • l't@.staurant County. Require ibtelllctnt Sally Hart today! 541).6(l;j,5 work at tht telephone order 600 W. 4th St., Santa ~ ii " . w-.m GI,\:... ' man 6t' Wflqi&n over;25. Col. ·O:lASfAJ.. ACENCY dellk, ptrt time, 9 to ) am Open Daily 9-9 .... 4 to 6 Hours Or A.!m~,· ·vewl~•nt . :4887:11r~--BI,"'. , * HOST.IS$ * I~. nOt nttenar)'. Should 2?90 ·Harbor Blvd., CM or 4 to 8 pm. l2·~ per hr Sat 9--6 Sun 11 • ~ '" ~· "' ~~ ~ ·• ha"·-'""' In moettnc SECRETARY to otart. °"'"""' m C..ta '""'='-''=~-":c...:::.~:....,;< eo~:kn'!,°Ui~~0;!u~r ""Ot'klna: conditioM a n d &lite "3J:4,·Newport Beach public.: D1a:nified life time · ,.. Meu. office, no exp I nee. SACRIFICE -~lust ·.qr No Experience $100 per month frina"e benefitl haa immedi. ~ :n ~=;_:er position. Earninz commcnc-EXPERIENCED Call for lntmo. 642-ll73. Ivory & gold French Pl'Oll' N ! 12 Hn./wk equal.! ate openinp· for • •· PVE!tS&\S ;•· -~ im~lately. Should be Permanent, 25 Hour, 5 day ~1T11 set, perfect: dre~ KHSClry $200 per month A -Traub auto. iettw \Ve neqt )'Oil! APPLY IN PERSON jn t.'l:Ctss of $250 weekly. w eek . :poalUori available School ... ln1truction 7600 m1rmr. 5 drawer che11t, .n;te flf ust have clean CaJ1torn1a (llfinlmum Guaranteed) machine operators, Call .SJ)'litl)!, , J14:.T1~2610 Nl!WJ)Ort 88.ch hrs 9 am· -----stand, 3 drawer ckcat' .!') drlvifw tteord. Apply petaih in Personal B ·Tool room machini.!ts R.·EU" BEN'S Tei!'phone:. 492-8700 beh\·een l2.· Top salary'. '\Vrite Bo.-..: ~ ~ ~~' hutch 2 twin aize ~ YELLOW CAI CO. Jnterv.iew Only . C -General Factory· PAINTER .1 .Ul .·1 PM ?tlon thru Fri P-565 Daib' Pilot . · •. brass headboards, conipt~ 116 E. 16th SL U you are outgoin&" and . Apply at --9 .Ml 12 N Satunrd . ' . . Age/education no b<>!T11?r! "'"' elec blnkls. spr:ee&.; Costa Mesa want to en.Joy yourself, 81:1-Faat·.Inc. ·. . CIT.Y Oil :., .. · . ·coco· , ·1s• .. · tor•p;,,intm~~ aya ~~:~_-Y,._L,!~'!1" ef· ~~::~=£ etc. ~~1920 : '.•~.I call Mr. Darin at 642-6861 640 S. Sant& Fe· St. · ""·~"' ,...,.. USED B 1 J DRIVER WANTED. Over 18 (10 am-6 pm) Santa Ana NEWp<),rtT :llA~H fi~ Wl'$&tile aec with 'lNTERNATIONAL u e ve y~,1 ~~pe= aret!n~;!.~~~ THE LINDSAY. CO. MA1D Experience for Motel .1SU *·~Afl•rft.1, ·c.M. Sales . ~Id ~.1e~e:~~: 'Mote1T~~~f6NM~t Sehl :O~i>-;;; !8du~.!ii~;; Men """ Fri attornoon, Sat ·=====-~--Apu. Gd. aaluy. , Sunny $5'?. te "'4. per mo. Ro•\adnnl GRANT'S SURPLUS Clll Billto ri..:k; 54!).6055 ANTI!ONX SCHOOLS oaoh $9.9" 6 drawor ~~.:!:!~ momlna, can Ben WllliamB HOUSEKEEPER, live in Acrell ?ofotel. 2376 Newport, ~s eom'pletion of \ e IUllOY,$ · · COASTAL AGENCY lll7 S. BROOKHURST dres~r $3l. 3 pc. 11.(!t ."::t~ or Joe Noblea 642-4321. motherleu home 001. 2 C.M. Sf!..97S5 apprenticeShlp, tWo ~an ·• ·DJSHWASHllltS· ._. I 2790 Harbor Blvd., 0.1 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA ocea1110nal t~l11 S14. :'t DRIVER _ Pick Up l: teena&Us. Woinan with 1 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE .,, ~· ..,.;:0~. Ov~r lr.'NO.choOl"'pt!ue, ·1~0W nt.e rYi"'!ing Quse1 fonn every \\'eek Factory, 188,j Ha r b o·~ mW1 child ok. 531-1"50 10 Growinz proc:reaiVe Co. Op-..--APPLY IN .P£RSON . St•tlstkel Typist PHONE FOR APPI' ~2 • ' : ~:ZN!1~rt ~c;.os~ am • 5 pm por. unllmi~. Fine Co. !.PP:~l~~~~ BOl'S,BIG IOY SALES . PEOPLE ~ up: Exceptlon4) oppor. Ask for Betty· ns'.5800 DON'T Gi,·~ up! You ~ HSKPR, • ·•-, Live ·m benefits_ • to' t6000 ".I u a • 1·u E 17 S NB area w/small ltable Co. fnd ·1 t A . , 1 .. ~f. benefits. can Mr. Barrett. .u ..... o: Newport tBlvd.,-Newport ~ · . th t.. C.~I. Top w>orki.nc oond &: bcne· The Newport 1 1' • rncolnca.~-;::,~~~ 64&-:1464 prefd. 6 in tam.,· H.B. SSl;lf.mo on GI bill. can Ger-n---"' r..iif .........,. -. :r;;:;c;;: U " S hool of B I mos unusu ........ ...,..., Whit 543-6055 F N DC&...,., ~: <J_,. ·rn.: ~·A RANT: Full Time tits Call Rita 5-\6.5410 C UI MSI . .-i•n Electronic Tech"lci•n Ref's. &x M-566 Daily Pilot ry e, ee es. (714) 61,31i633. ~·d.,part_ time \VAJTRESS • lunuture sto1-e. Cor. R"'ll'f"llt' to $900. Local company, cood HOUSEKEEPER. ' live in, 27~~~ ~~'&t P•rt Time· S.Cret•ry ~ ~ 9 pm. ' . •. . Experienced prr-ferred but JASON IEST E'catures . ¥:eekly refresher &. Santa Ana F\\y, Tust\•.-.l beQe'"'• Private apt. 2 'IChoolqen:. · Shartband or dictlphone l!X· &q. r!.·. ·Part time· luncii. not necellSaty ltfany com-Emp!oyment 'Aa:ency courses ln the skill11 you mt So. or Newport ·~" . 1.nd•pend•"' ~T1!7 · · · .Ywi• ~iffitUI-eo;rzn:af .:.GASHJ~+ 2·~;-M·pm -pa,ny-~rieti~ApPly-in--per-M So: ?.ialn, ~ta Ana need to ;:ct Ule ' job you Open .. 362 days per .jt . Personnel Apncy INSU'RAN~ 00AY Couple . to ma.nap l2 unit people! ' Appl$ tn p_enon. COLQNIAL son only bl!hl-·een i and I S..._,Censtructien v.ut! -544-S4iO ., ·~ .. , ~· complex,. must be exp'd. M'ISS EXEC AG.INC KITCHEN 19th I: Harbor P i\f G ,_ ·"· •-nd • USED 5 pc. modern walnut 1716 Orazwe Ave, Suite C ency exper. P"7'erred. no:~nc: 1 1 fttnattt · Y C ?tf' . •· ' · · ' ood typ ... t, ..... rt.... • :en-83::.Dovci· Or., N.B dinette $19. Olive qulttei C.M. 64J.00216, SG-at79 Some bkkptia,_ or ~Wial OK. Excftana:e 2 BR duplex. 410 W •. Co.st Hwjt., N.B. · · Please apply • eral clerical. Salary open. 642-3870 sofa &. chair $48. u~ Escrow S.Cret•'ry ~~.· .,~,.!SOO, · Call Billie wrue . D&lly Pilot Box ')f. PART-Time TIRE#ctwJaer. Resta~t ll;)() N~1>0it Blvd., OI -.Newport" Beach area, stereo console ~. The Fe,, =• ~ -~ "" , ~'~<32. SAUCERMAN SCHOOL · , tor V.P. or prestJ&e Co. COAS, TAL AGENCY 't.'l>:I. Apply in pert0n. ·482 Ocean ~INTINANCI -..es , "r-tory, 1885 Harbor'. ~t .. MU.51. be executive caliber, 2790 Harbor Blvd., Ci\l MANICURISf •• GOod opp. to Ave .•. !.&, .. Edi. . DRAPERY TELL~'R. TRAINEE Co\V:e~e~~;~·inl-8 FACTORY ordered \V&Jn:ul min. 3 yn: eacrow eXJltr'. bulld.·CdM. c.9: 673-7321 •. fROFESSJ01'1AL·. Cou.nsdon ' -,MA,.i 7.'" SAL'ESWOt,'EN Sharp thinker, can .i:rab th is F'its the Oiild forrnica dining iiel \Vith 67blr MISS EXEC AGENCY J ANITORIAL, MAT UR E m.-0350 ·l}e here' to aetve th@ quali. unique opportuni ty to learn . back blue naug. chal~··;~ 410 \V. Coast Hwy., N.B. MALE OR COUPLE. Z OR MANICURisr ·tor bU!)' ahop fled ~ppJlcant ~klnr per-\Vanted F'Or Experi•ncecf preferred l: ad,·.11.11<.-e \\'/company. \Villard ll Sauccrman, xlra leave!! $7:). ?.1aple htWi~ E II S t 3_ Hours per .nite., Hun-bl Hun-c.ntft.~Hun-~t part-time Or tern-'•r W11t S.rvlc11 ExcellentbclM!tits.Full tln1e. ~!~~,.~· C&ll Sally Hart 540-4.060 Ed. D.E_~n-oll nO\v bed.~ $2 5 w/mat~~ XICU YI •er• •ry tincton_~~.,!!'!L .·., lol ..... _ Beach:•m;f,·' i59.. porary \\Wk.' . App1y' in person, ~ --673-1738 ....... to $600 ~ ,...,.._, ' APf>LY Personnel otticc COASTAL AGENCY EvCll. 548·11~ :{ Nowport Booch * DllYEIST ABILl'l'IES , " ' '-'4~\rA'1t' IEUIEN E LEE J W 2790 Hub<" Bh·d .. CM AUCTIONEERING USED Spani•h group <:Pni· UNLIMrrED AGENCY LADY, "" "°""'"'P"'< &, M &INTIN'&NCE Pti~_I A1ency . • • • ROllNSON REGULAR 2 WEEK TEP.\! •'" .. "°'• • ' rl"''~ 1 cook dinner Hn •"' PM 5 "' A .... .......... D N I 1 Tree '.l'rim111Cr. Part tin1e. L -3 --" tbl & zc"" 488 E. 17th St., Sufle 224 · · -• -.,.....,. r., , , Fuhion ls.land, N.B. Be in business for yourself! c, .. .,,, en.·~= 11 ·O-. C.OSta Mna 00.14i.O ~ _,! wk. CdM area. MAN 642-3171' ·• ~ 1 ,J4f.2743 151 .I • Ce•st Hwy. EquaJ op~:tunity employer Experienced S5 hriy. Learn to be an auctioneer. lampa, all eut to S168. ~ Fi1e Clerk -Pllll!SS ·OPlltATOIS . Newpof't •••ch SALEsLADY. E>..11'd, full 6t2-4030 e.ve~. \VEST-BEST School of Aue-Factory, 1885 H arbQf;. An Excellent opportunity for ~SCAPE HelJl'.'r. Applf In person Women • \\-Wk for pJasti(.j ..: · tlme, to \\'1n·k ill Lin&'eiic tiooeerlni, P. O. Box 3021, !>10-6842. ~ .,rneone w l th Jota or Full time. Some exp pref. S. moldinl piant:54&-33TO kl-PRO TYPIST atore: Gd. salary, medical, JQQL .& PIE Anaheim, Caill. 6.18-5000 GOOD oondition 8' 1oo1e "moxy ... Ir )'OU can type, Coast area. 83f>.4037. REUBEN E. u:r er Sr . Clerk Typiat Fashions for LaFemn1e. 2J GIRLS 18-4:; 'n'aiD to be a pillow back lll)[a. ~. rrab this one! Work up to a Keypunch 0,.r•tors ·'-(Day ShilO . 1'~uhlon Island, N. B . UIK£RS Dental A.!llistant. Lo ca I brocade material. Madi!,~ • real rroovY job! NQ Joe. ,OLl.CiE· OF fl!ICER 644--0170 M Instruclion. Sponsored by Kroehler rw. 54&-1879 · ~ Stan $300. Call Jean Brown, lnttrlm 151 I . c .. s t Hwy. $711 to $172 Per Month CONTROL DATA SALES· ~l/F. • * Doy Shift * Adult Training Schoo I. ~ity king bed.quilted •. ~ I ~. Peraonnel ·S.rvice Newpof't Beach CORPORATION Neat and aure"1\'e to sell \Vrite PO Box 378, Complete-unused SlD:'.i, ~ COASTAL AGENCY 445 E. 17th St., CM NEWCPIORTYTOIFEACH ?ifDM Qimmunlcatiens Div. office suppllei!, furniture ,.1. . s . Palmdale. Calif. ~ $2:'JO. Aft 5 & \\-knd11 842-6a38 2790 Harbol' Blvd., Ci\1 642-7523 MARIN.I MIC·HANIC st&tionecy. Apply 270 sriW "inimum. YI'.!. expeiient-c, MERCHANDISE FOR M "°q' , Fore'-C•r MedMnlcs ,,._ h w/1veldlna: exptr.' Top pay. 351§ \V. Warner. S.A. Ave., C.M., Al\f's. Ptoil'l!13ive and fat'm di·'" SALE AND TIADE Office Furniture ~\1 ,... neypunc , ... -... hi Willard Se~:eral · ne"·ly cticated 1n<1 ••• -o Good co. benefit&, incl paid ..,.. Clhnvm yac s. ""'"'~,; SALES?il~N. OUTSIDE ' NATURAL Oak desk,~~ vacation, .......,up Ins, unf. &at Workll, ~ Baker, poSitioiis avaiiable 1'i th Equal opportunity employer Convenient,, weU-lmbwn Co. ~~eellent EL'OWth .oppol'tun. Furnltur• IOOO Ilk 1 • •' ••¥ . OP-ERA.TORS-c.Oata ?.fesa. pfOSl'l!ssive police 'cit.. 1llel!. overtime. h1n;:e bcn· .--e new,$ J. ; forms -fUrnlshed free. C"ood $522 -$6.52 partment exparidif.11 In SaletE .. I • Sales exper. Pret 'colle1e eUtii. • Ste' sta I • Call 962-8209 ••• J comm, ached~. Ask fur llM·l(IYPUNCH r.1EOJANIC • One needed, size and.scope of actiV-XClllTtONAL .irad. Oranae ~enitory. . F Joe ?tfoore Ph. 540-1764. HONEYWELL day shift, Un ion 76 Statton, ity. . Req\Jirements . in. OP,ORTUNITY Bondable, to $7200 + car to APPLY JN P ERSON . Office Equipment I011_;1 G•I Frl-P•rsonnel KEY TAPE 1900 Ne1vport Blvd., Collta elude 5•9 .. , 150 poundll \Ve are ex'Jwidtii&' our New 11tart. c;>d. ~·-benC:'fits. can SALE' t to $475. No sborthand. Beach 1-fc&a mJnimum;· 21 to 31: yeafs port Beach oj>cratlon ano Gen)' \Vhlte. 5'()..60;;5 SHUR·LOK CORP. • ACCT. ~lach. Bunoogh'i° S. ... UJ MT/ST OPE a•TORS o/ ''""h to !n<-·low ~•m• mon COASTAL AG ... ''CT 1400 iv/all basic accfnli. area, ut o ces. FUN • TWO YEARS EXPERIENCE "" of a~; 2 30 'unc0?TCCI· .,.., ,.,.. ,,¥-.. ~ N 9 Varied -interesthJ&:! PREFERRED. START ON Interim .ed v:i9ion; hilfi. schOOJ di· who are ttUly lntereated In 1190 Harbor Blvd., O..f ljoo E. ,...01m,.ndy Pl., ew pc. corner am.ng. progranis. Save on C!crit...a 1 Call Rita 546-5410 P I S I determlninc d;ie possibilities Sales ~ A choiee of clrs. rea;. $230, no1v costs & errors. ~fr ..• V,1 JASON BEST SWIN11:30;MsmrrlNLON3GePEMACl!ro. 4~~. 17th s~.'.v~~ ploma. • of a life '.tffne c.~r ln the THE NEW JUDY LEE tl blk. ~~ i\~c8iraddcn, $159.SO . New beds:· King Spesan, 54.>-!Hz; ') Employment Agency Tho.!@· qualified . llhould finU!cW ' sallt!'' 'flcld. \\1e y, blk. \V: o1 Grand.) ~:~· ~= sS::· l~U TYPE\VRITER, add. n1R¢1i'! ~ 642~7sn ' • I.av a Inn .. ran<e train"'" ..,.. ' . · ...,y calculator. Very ttll.!!Onabk'. 2120 So. ?.fain, Sant& Ana OUta:tanditlr employee bene-MODEL, ~fuscular. \\'an led report for th~ ne"1 "i.it· e ¥•.. i ... ill prolilable, fun &: exciting. J'U8l11. King .sz spn?ads .SU.9S Xl 1 nd 892.2_.23 ,•·: I GlRL FRIDAY fit!:: Medical, Stock pur-by artillt. $Zi hr. Contact oc-ten le st 6:30 p.m ., Nov. pro;nm oover1ni both the Eam S5D -SlDO per week J • t fl. az. $9.9:.. Headbrds: • n co · -;.,, Run the whole 1iho1v for ch~. Disability, Life in. cupant P. 0. Box 3593 19, 1969, 'at ·City Hall areas ol estate creation and full or part • time O\oost JplS S Kin111, $15, Queen11 $12.50, UNDERWOOD EI e c Ir ~ef of1e1(rl or f Ice. Adv.n. aura.nee, Side lea~, Retire-Do\\my, Calif. Council Cllambers, lSOO estate eon5erVatlon. 1ll'e Y.'ill y0ur O\vn bouni. No 0 dellvery FIL.I $10.50. T\1tini! $4.&;J. ~1odcl forum. XLNT i..-o.adl.j e em en t opportunity, ex-ment plan etc. Apply: MR DONUT -~-a "'.......... NeWport Blvd., Ne\\'port mak..:__a t'°ln~~ntlaJ ~~-!n. or, i..-olleeHnz, no ln\·eJltmonl P , 1~1rl~ Trundle sets (duo riserJ w/ n 30. 499-JOJ .. i .. ,..,, Must bo _,._ 00 •--~ •• Id u ••• 6th ........... ·v .. -... Beach,, Calif: NO" appli. ves ...... n .. ..,-men·cuu:.cn. to start, Jmmed. profits • eraennt .,.rvice inner i!prln.,. matt ........ $106, ..•. ........ a.uoic , .... ,. invr •Y• ,_.,., • 21 ""'."or ovtr, eves. App. bi Jn add!Uc.n t be! • ... -~.. hold Good •-I dle cu.stomm. to $450. Call a AM .. -.-. cation n~ prior 10 , 0 , na: a na· we train. Phone 54.a-!036. ~ E. 17th St., c.~J. no1v $79.50. K.8. sprda $13.99, Hovse s --.• . Sally Hart 5lt).6055 penon 135 E. 17th, C.M. • I.est. For further infOl'-tional life insurance Com. S1hi1 Tr<1lrtM '42.-7121 5-pc. Span KP· $249. K.a. veJ. GO GEO S "" COASI'AL AGENCY d rria~. contact tm Per-pany, we have i a broker/ • vet apread11 $49.50. Canopy R U Bone Ch1Mf· Harbor Blvd CM E' 0·_·1so· N' '. . Nurse 'Ai es oonnil 'o r'l l "· (n<l d•aler outlot '"' "'~' ol c ... t o-lty, SlllO fiM TYPIST beds ..... $119.50, now $89.50. ocyotal '"-~Watt, ' GIRL moFRIDAY ....:.:_ d. t 673-6633. mutual ~s. lt You have 2 monlhs·trainlnc, $G1 after ~~ Full az. aleep • sofa rea. s~ver. Sacr1f1ce1 $800 or.h:r -.._,...r., c-coCea•~ ti'alnin;c, are l)e... that plus commission. ' . h $239.00, now $169.SO, Oirist. a ... cr separa e pure , taphoM, top typfn& skill11, AL.L ,SHlllTS h\;ten tbe 'aies of ~.~ . 1...1 ... -....i ... nt ()pr. Jor Newport Be • mulay·a\vays no\v.SIESTA 548-0355 eves, ekcnds. ''"; aecur1ty clearance desirable. 531 ?itain St., Huntinrton Sch. EX•'D er TllAINll ·POLICI 'CLlltK &n<f ·a.fie Willlne · to '11pend •' ,,_..,...Irr-.a...:..-Graphics flrm. 1 yr. min. SLEEP SHOP, 1927 1-larbor \VESTINGHOUSE Refrldtf. <'al n-• Call 838-0634 An equal opportunit)' r _,._ ... 1,_, I __ , 1 · r'ArMftM .....,,_ ... y exper. ftqU!red. P erm • .,._.T open, ·employer . j . ," ' _..,., 1uie n wuer to e':1"1 l7lG Ora.nee Ave, SUlte C Position. <ri'4J 5"-4670. Blvd., Ci\1' 645-2160 daily 10. 1 yr old, avocado, U c:u• ~ Gov't., civil aervice, v~ _ CAU NOW $47•. te· $176. ptr me. more ~ui O¥t o~po11.u111b' C.A>J. ! 6GOOJS •. a4$-09791 9 Sat·Sun lC-6. · fl. s100. 4.g.~2r.i9 _;l'i. union, atudenta, dllabl.ed, • · · • *"4 your quallflGAtlons, call . TV Sm.r\ce Tech. USED T pc antique \\•bite ~ Let1timate money maker: LADY Fur Dry CIH.nina -CITY 011 Mr. Brown at t'15-0344, for '··sERVICE De11re toP,.liotch c olor dinette w/fioral chain $58 G•r•1•S.le ~ ' Not door-to-door aales. $3 Plant. Exper. pref. Some SG.6458 · NEW..OIT llACH a n apPobib,.1\. PlcUic ~fu. . aetvlce•tech. Star, 1V, 273 u11ed turquoise hid~ -"pm't -.u aelect--" hand a: machine 91!Winr. • tuat L1le IlllUl"anl!e Co CA' s' HIEI. E. 17th St .. CM. "2-9742 ••• 9 ..... ........... NEIGHBOR'S Car. SJ)dl ~-•• ~ ~-• • ' , -· ..... ""' '"'r &'l'OUJ>, Co A'" 9' 12• ~· 5*fJ88I, -9-U. 5-7 for appt. 1 "J'.l~Y ~-penon. 5 Pointa Requires one . .)ftf recient 8ales ~ Trainee • , aleeps 2 $37 The Factory u .... ., x rug, •Ill 1 ,;;.;;.;c.=.;,,.'-~;.,.-''-'--°'"""· l86411ilaln.'HB. NW'IOI: RN'•: NI .time, J.1.7 clerloal . -· >O El<panllon-m•""Ol r.• Stable ' , W &!TRESSES l&S> H.;bor, ·_, ' end tbl., Xmu !toms. , "'<' G':::;l' Mfr . Tr1-LEGAL ~~ARY LVN'1 Pt, time •.:i •-•-· H'~ ·~-• , · , r-, >-MA'l'URI ·"•RRllD .. Dontincn Rd. <Eulbl~ HJ --' -IO ...... ~' p k ..... _ ' wpm ...,....... ... .. ~IUUI p!tlOn.''SU!i exper htlpful. ' .. '"" • PIANO, Zimme"'-. blond• 7" -• 9th, • •·-· -,_, Tl'Ptna. lhorthand. a bldcps. u -ConvaloKent diploma . ·-•nt ~ v WOMAN WITH ···• ~ ""' • · " lnd9pend1nt al.Ina w~ ~-a-•.._...... Cenwr, tll6 nqBhlp Rd. Apply' ..... ;· 5 -. , f v!o'lf'~· HY AUT.OMOruVI EKpcrienced spinet $JJCI. Duncan Phyfe • I •--....... ~a.... ..--..._ -.i.ore pm Nov. 12 -.fine Co. Btridlts. to $TIOO rnnlnr nn set table 4 &-al 11-PerlOl'IM "fr•-Y in a lo\'dy oltice! In a Newport Beach. IG4IOU ~l ~ •. 3300 -New. plua bomzL Co:' 1'9is fee, BACKGlt NO Apply in --.n. o""' chairs 1; buffet.~· ::a:; enees ·';' ln6 0ranae Avo. Sulto C """1 nico loo:. Start $500 NURSE'S Roatl!Ved • -· Bl'11. R-rt S.aoh, c.µ 'Gcny Whit" 5'0--i03.; l'Ra~l!IRID. ~·-·~ STOVE, Wodgewood 'H CM. -· ~ and .... tho .... Huny! ............. """'-.Ex. Cahl. tn<)'&lUlls.' . Applicanl·"""jobt "''" Roy C1rv' er THE . RIGG. El ·~~..:~ o';°;'r.-.~. model 145 ~· HOUSEKEEPER N~ for Call Jean Brn'llo ~ belllfita. Apply Pft9oMel ..-JIOUCY . Olr.CKEFt · OOASI'AL AGENCY l1 &K--0276 or 540-4700 .;1 Eldtrl)' 9l'ml lrmlld lady. OOASl'AL AGENCY Direl:tlir, So. COut Corn-Anl~c.IJt~ opportun1ty for 2790 Harbor Blvd:, O.f • • ; . • • J..~. BeaulUu1. Call .... Ute -'da. 1:31>5:30 mo.-Blvd .. CM manity ""'" :nm c.... ad~-. with tbl$ old, PRODUCT Sala R&.• •• •oat1'ac ...'.'.,DlliRAAI L Rcfri<cr,~ ... ,. pm. $1111) wk le mMls. LEGAL SECRETARY ff"')'., So. Laa\lna. .. WJ., l'tlllhie Co! A t·t'r' a C·l Ive WaWr CondltlOntnr, "1522 Ii, , #ll Fuhlon.•tsland ~~ .. ~~~ ~~in! .,,=z:· Cal~rie;;*' " Hu Mint Poodle.Vie. lloq Dl""111od -... aharp .... !156, afio.<onol!llGilcd 0 II t ... • -Avt,, Gmlcn •Grove. Kl 14444 Nowporl Bevh ·~.,~-~ -Hoap. Ap 41).15. Call days pl with tood skU1J who * NlJRSES A~~ * Plewftf-bou. Hurry! Start InuriettJm openJn&: lor 2 ----• ho use ho 1 d . FI x I u re WASHEk a dryer, a LI U256. Aft. 6 MJ.-1315. can at&nd.on own 2,f~t. to EXPERrEN · $3.23. call Jein BrOwn .~ loeal attL No expcr. · ' ,$fi.-l'113, evea. m;;. Relrls--Frolt free HOUSEKEEPER It chUd $550 Hurryt Call SI.by Hart * 54WD61 * MO-«U5 neO!ss. v.'W train. SERVICE . STATION help ·WAITllSS· \VHlTE · Provln. Bedroom :rrttier's $65. ~11m r. \J Ca.rt, si,w da,y wk., $50 "'k. + S40-a)j,l Oft~ <X>ASTA.L AGENC'i t ' ApplJ I A.,f, u·an.td. Ste ritlke,. l.flKE I XP lllRllNCI D Set. a mo:otit Wfiile--rtclifi:-"KENMORE aulO WIL!:IF· room It boa.rd. Pd. vac. COASTAL AGENCY FRONT Office. l\tanap.r 2i90 Hari:ior Bl9d .• 0.f SALES ·_ Earn money w\th :rte& ·-CHEVRON! , :1 715 • • , · • .' 1 v:ibratini chr. 6T>S487, alt. late model, xnlt co"". stG-9212 2790 Harbor Blvd .. 01 "'lilted tot Llpna Beach R.ES'l'AURANT. *' * L.ADY, no• • tnvettmtnt. S•r • h SU~orJ c:u. ·. · ' ~y In PerMn I eyclteA. STS. ~. M7.tl I Ji'OUSEKEEPER, 5 or 6 half LF.GAL Secretary ~. Motel. Pnftous 'etputlenct for f'U11 or l*rt time, Coventry I nteeL1 f\111 "SEJt.Vlc;e: stat'°" &tteOOanl. su·•, &. ''"\.OIN AN1'1QUED dlnlnt room set, MAYJ'AG auto wuhtr,••1 r da)'I wk. Good p&y. Ml&ll Mature. Must be accurall. required, 5· da)' -•'lr.-lnd ..mab&re. S2JJO:,. .per: h.r ... • -pert..Ume Mlp .. No dtl; ~·• Gri.VltJG'd ~ ,Apply 2IOO lt•.-.P-. Ctt._ltwy. &OOd eond. I chain. $56.. ..cQnd_, !. Yrl old p;i, L-""'~ <:al', Call -· typlll. Call -MMISl . ...-._ ~ -"·' > ' ""ln.1'or.t'!l-"" lilMlOll W. CoOlt Hwy, /("Pt-. .....,.rt IMch -54~2SU, !MW6'12, 14'-811$ ' ' l . . ' . \ . . .,. ' . ' . .. . ' - I ..... •. • " • . --. . - ·~-_, . .._. . ... --. ... .. :_: "''"'· -="".~---~r~•"' .... ~·..,'<: ~~•-",,_'".';~~"-';\O"'-·"-'"~°"·~'~''"'~~'!'"~•-:.:,-•_~···.--"'·"°·--r.".~·"'" .. '"·~· -"'"·""· ~: ~---:.:'",...-.--.. ,..-.--.. ~. "'· !"f.:-•"•~•··.~·--;--·-·-. --,~~1;•-;;-• • , ' . ... , . Wtdntt<lu, N-btt ~. 196• PILOT 0AOVUTJSU MlltCtcANOISl"Pblt-PITl" .nil'U\'ISf!){IC'!'ltANSl'OltTA'l'!'llN-,rTR:ANSl'OltTATl·Olt::::i:;.;~,.~N;;jlifiiPOR<fi~tA'1Ttai.10liNi:-:f.rI.RMiWil£iB SALi AND TllADI ' = -oo Campers 9520 .. DAILY I'll.OT ' Wtd,..;t.,, Nmmbt1 l, 196• tiiilttEHA-1-liC>I· -li\lltC<iANDISl-FOIF-Mllt~HANOltl l'Olt I SAU ANO TltAOI! SALE AND TRADE SALi-AND TltADI - ...,.. ______ ........._ 112· • 5 Mobile Hom11 u • to •· · .,.... ,..u -rv1e11 '67 Q!EVY _,. T Pick Up """''•• IOOOl'um1turo ---~- Imported Autos -MiacelltnffUa 9"" Lu-1750 POODl..E <p..,, '"11 '°' l SPACES! & P1rtt 9400 111•/lO\..' cab over earuper. ---Alrloond, fl/H. 10.lS.5 gize DATSUN I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I . ..... ... Colan, AKC, ... * AUCTillll, * SO LB. Ml -.... S3.99 ,...Ucy. Shld ""· 19W1U NEW ,. P'ARK 11un ""'Door Locka ...... $t.98J.=::='==-=;;;,,;;;,.I MOVE IN"TOOAY I II 4 x I Paneuinc ..•••••• n .99 Choice of Models PUBLIC NOTICE BEACll Auto Supply tlr'Ci; jack.s, 5elf contllintd toilet lr olhcr txtras. M3XJ, 962-35M '69 DATSUN DlCOIATOl 6lTS CANCllJ.ATION OF 18 WXUIY .APARTMENTS Spanish & Mtdlterr111eaa Funiilw• All llAND NEW FRIOAY -NOV. 7th 7:00 l'M E.'1:1 \\lhlte Paine, Ill :. $3.93 Hor... ;)l~O or Cu1tom Built COSTA MISA • -·-: '69 FOR D " T. 1"2~, V-8, R/H, AC. "-pc. PS, P.B. t::ldorado 9 rt Conltln<:hf>, sleeps 6 SlOCO caa~ + pyn1 'ts. &42.-0030 aft -5 Pill Bl;: 4-df. Sedan. -l ·fPd. Dir .• radio. heater. 1300 mlles. \Vi.II sa.c1•ifi«; Tlt.ke oldtr traar. Call Phil, •J!}.t-9771, ~~3-1. Z\\IJ031. 9-pc:. Med it•rre/oieen Bedroom Suite in Pec•n IR 09. ,149.001 ........................ NOW $161.00 Gorgeous Speni1h Custom lullt Sof• with me+chln9 lo¥• s •• t--Choic• of btavtiful lobrlcs . I R•g. $419.951 ............ NOW $225.00 Spenith Dining S•I• ···············-·-············-···$75.00 S'olid O•k End Tabl•• and Coffee Table1 .. Slt.SO ·Tall Decorator Table lempi . IR•9. $49.951 ........................... NOW $11.00 Spanish H1n9in9 Swag ;.emp1 IR09. $49.9SI ........... -.............. NOW $22.H .. A decorator dream house on display -3 rooms or gorgeous Spanish furniture (was ,.,. $1295. ACRIFICE· ..•••• S398 CREDIT AVAIL. NO MONEY OOWN hi PAYMENT NOT OUE 'TIL 1970 mm RJRNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd.H.,..,::'s1vd.) Costa Mesa Only Evory Nighl 'Tll t -Wod., Sot. & Sun. 'Til 6 -------------------- Appli•nc" 1100 Plano1 & Organs 1130 P.cfri&l'ra tors fl'om .$38. GE Portab~ Color TV, like nu ••..•••...•..•.• $141 Frigidaire elec dryC'T' $59.9.:> RCA Con.sole, color TV • $178 \VhirlpooJ au10 wa1Dcr ~. GE 2 dr, re frig ........ S911 OUNLAP'S 1815 Ne'l\·port BJvd ., C.J.I. .141-7711 PIANOS ii. UHGANS NE\\I l: USED • Yamaha Pianos • Or&ans • Thomas Organs • Kimball Pianos • Kohler &: campbell ,COAST MUSIC NEWPORT £;. HARBOR Co&la Mesa * 642-2851 Open 10-6 Fri lG-9 Sun :U.5 SAV·ES308 UNCLAIMED ST 0 R A C E FROM RED BALL • 11 Lots * Partial I"""' on1y, Unopened lions. Bam:b, Tnmka, Cat;tons, Bedroom iiets, Dinin; Room &eta. <'bl.na cab:lntta, Butfets, Ce- dar chests, Bunks, Vacuum•. Color TV, StCl"OOI, Radios, Ea.By chairs, Se"<tnr ma,· chines. Dlva.n•, l.lizTors. Pictures, IAmp!I, Honda 55 Trail Bike, Refrtze'raton, Waabtta, Oryt:r1, Gas ran;. cs ·& MUOI MORE!!!! WINDrs AUCTION CO~tE BROWSE A1t0UNO 2015% Ne\vport Blvd. Behind Tony's Bide Mat'l1 r.osta 'Meu. * 646-8ti86 OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 nrF'TED Curved sofa, one of ._ kind, xlnt cond $1'15. Rnd library table $35. Fr Prov coUtt table $15. Channel back velvet chr $1.0. Drexl'!I Rr<o'er $35. ~fliw: lampa, FRIGIDAIRE "'asher & drytt, $200 Side by iiide reirigerator $300. Af1 4 pm. ....mi. 41" Cablt-Nelson Console tablt-1, chain1 &: etc-. in be:autilu1 walnut includ· 642-8381 KENMORE:: Po r labl Oish1vasher. good condition, $2S. 5 yrs. old. Call 673-8178, 673-1723 C01''TEST PRIZE: New Tappan-Gallery gas ranee, all delx lcat\U't's. $250. .....,,, 1110 Ing bench, $69j. Limited E·0·sr=A~TE=~SAL>;~~.-fiom~-.~,.~, number available! 1tory home. Oak and walnut GOULD MUSIC turnitur" ...., "•"""''"• 2Gi5 N. Main, SA 347.00SI fu.rn.; Limoge; many per· sona.1 and household items HAAfMO."m . Stelnw-.y. Ya· Nov 6-7..! 9 Lm 1 4 pm' maha • new I: uaed p1anos • ' · 0 · · of all makes. Best beys in 162.8 E. Cl>estnut, Santa Ana. So. Calli. rl.iht titre. 2· Cl.LAN double bed.a corn- SCHMIDT MUSIC CO., plete w/spn!!ad.s, 1-n.tta.n 1907 N . .Ma.in, couch newly recov. l 6x9 tr- Sa.nta Ana iriged 1old area ni1. 2 girl1 Pat Michael Antiques WURLITZER Spinet, full bicycles, 1 GE clock nd'c, 2 GR •No OPENINGI ••Ybo&nl, xlnt f'Ond . marble table tops, t·lr&:. "" bulanl' lank. .nisc Items. f"lnt lelcction of European $500. * 614420 "' I ~=======-, 6 :..<1672. le American Victorian ru m-1 : ~~---~--- lture. Stt al 4611 E. 17th SI. Televi1Jon· l205 Dunning Jewelry in C.M. ~S-2776. 10 to r1. Colna; oot of ~' LAY AWAY FOR Lease Co!Of' TV or Black SALE! 0:ime _ C'HRIS'ThlAS NO\V !! & \Vhile. Option to buy. 208ll Newport B1v ' CM Dolls &: ·doll iten1s or every }"'ftt service. No deposit deacription. ColleclDr 'i ()e:. A-Active TV Rental Co. liibt. open 1 da)'I. HELEN Cl ) 522-1.lS.1 !\!ANN ING Antiques SYLVANIA 23" Black&. '!\·ht. 2-128 Nwpl Blvd CM 64 2-92fll Console TV, $%>. Good cond. Q L D 8 0 0 KS t O L D 1221 B. East Madison. S.A. PRINTS BACK DOOR 11\1PORTS lS!li Harbor at 19lh. CJ\1 PALE Green Sinit-r + an- tiqued cabinet "'/drop leaf tablt SI15. Call 1rter 8 pm, 61">-0:!lS Hi.Fl & Stereo 1210 SON\' ··copy Cat' played 4 limes, m. 642-3584. * * * * ~'A!\llLY :P.fembttllhip In Irvine Cout Country Oub for aale. Pvt pty. 67l-9I31 USED PINK CONCRETE BRICKS 4c Each. Call 549-205.J, After 3:15 P~f. Carpet layer has ffj Lo nylons $1.99 yd. Shqs lrom $3.50 up + my labor, ~ per yard. 96U910 BUILOlltS SUf'PLY . PONY. SAS~";!" TACK 1100 51.u>erior, CM MS-2826 PH: ~~ TRANSPORTATION FLUFFY Ttnier & u::>cker Power CrvlMrs 9020 black maJe puppy. 8 1\'ttks RETIRED Couple S ~I'! k old. ~3170 lln Responsible half inlere1t PURE White baby angora partn!r, tn 30• Chril Connie, kitten, needs loving home. '63. Fully equipt. Nmv at CORNER Cupboards. 1 p1or, 1 lg. y,1iJnut. Rf'fin i."lhcd. Call: 644-2359 6TN787 1116 ~slde :P.larina. AJ8.0034. STERLING S i Iv e r Int'I GOLDEN Rl'!triever-tmle, 2 ="========I lotOOEI. 990 Roberts Tape Royal Danish, co mp . yn, AKC. obdnt trd, gre:at Mlrine Equitt. 9035 T1pe Recorders 1220 Sewing Machines 1120 ----1969 SINGER w/beaul waJ l.'OMOle & zig-zag. ?>takes bu1ton hol~. overcasl"I. 5 \'ear guar. Full prict! $38.2-1 or $5.26 mo. 526-filnfi Mu1ic1I Inst. 1125 CORONET St{'('I S t r i n ~ 1,'Uit8J'. SOO.ne11·. l mos old. i\IAKE OFfER. $41-1619 eves. rtt0rder "'/mike Ii ear .lip"~rvJCe' • • for 8. &«.n60 aft 7 y,·/ ch.ldm. S.S. 6-12-9611 SPINN•KERS phoneii. E:<eel. l.'Ond . $100. " "" EiiJ.-6255 day1. E v e nin g ICE ;;;,n7';'-;;=:-=:-:--, i 6 \\lk.5, picturesque pups, 1 · o:i 39' x 22' SlOO DAR Cheat, ~-l.ega] frft 10 aoolf ho~. 31M4 4~ .' • • • • • • • • _•73-06=="======= I lilt-$40 Child enc:lyo---tia. VI . . w So La J1l6 I.J O:t' .• 39 x 22' ...... S200 _ _ · · ..,... rguua ay, · I. '' oz .• 44' x 28' • , •.•• S2'15 $21. Lawn :mil\{, S 2 5. Sporting Goods 1500 847-6319. BLACK Angora kitten, male, 1.5 oz •• 4.)' x 28' , .••.• $~ 1, . , approx 3 mos old. Gentle 1.S u .• 45• x 21• ••••• , SJOO SURFBOARDS -New. Made ,1 . SALE. All clothes ~ disposition. !!68--097 a oz .• 40' x 28' ,,. ,,, $400 lo order $Th. All types of pntt, ZONTA ~lART, 135.j i.PIPERSIAN kitten 3-4 ~' o~ .• 40• x 13' •• , ••• ~j(l surrboard repair at io\Y Park Ave., C.1\1. mD! old. Nt!ed homes badl}'. Navy Mk. II Sextant .. SIJ5 cost. Call -5J&.6868. BRAIDED Rue fl6i.:191. Just 330-1563 l\1inney's Deluxe Rl'n1ing1on 700 B DL cleaned. $50-lncludes $20 for • Ship Chandlery ~ "'" cl SLUfESE cat. fe m&I e , .o.v~ riOe '!\'/scope, case, & eaninr. 646-5641 1337 W. O>esl High'l\'ay slin,, After 5 Pl\f: 673-5003 ===~;,.;..;..,.,---housebroken. 1~~ yrs. old. .._, DRAFTED, Unablt-to u11c-, his lhots; friendly 61:.>-1821. r1ewport Beach, ()48.-4192 sport coat, size 40, tl, 44. ADORABLE ~~ 8 i am e i e 40 HP Evlnrude motor, 1980-Miscallaneous Sl:i ca. Tustin SlS-7316" baby kit~n. fret to 1...,;.,.. aood cond. $200. LUD\\llG drun11, Z e I i:: i n F Sal ··•• "" •0 7 SOLD Jt o no e, ""erything or ~. Firewood. hornt. 6~7006 ..........,4 . cymbals. Xlnt. Cond. Pnid o • E al J.'OCS \Va.shcr & dl')'l'!t, ran~l' uc yptu111 nsoo. sell for S600 ~!rs. 1r· d' 1 838--6670 LO~Y kl~ens. black !'-... , Slip Moorlne 903• Petel"90n, SJG..5910. re ig., in. sc ·• i;cctional, "111te. % Si&mtse. 673-3452, ---~---"--" piano. dc~ks. typel\Tilt'!r. t' LO \VER Arrangements, 1 ACCORDION (2} XlnL 11.0 drallim: N.tuip. l· more. chenille, S5 to $12. Exoelll'!nt SPOTTED rabbit to rood WANTED: Slip or mooring Bus Lemar. 12 Bai! Noble. :H&-911;-.. Christmu ..,fls. 531~6 home . 642-1256 space lo r 45' Columbia >«>l m I ;;c=,,,.."7.'==o--=-•· ·==-..,,-...,..--..,.,,,. -I Chalkncer sloop. Please ~ KlRBY VACUU~f Cleaner SKIERS-Renl my mobile ~y aenUe bunny rabbits. call (TI4) 522--8346 or Eves: ELECilUC Gu I I a r &: with a I I a c h n1 en ts & home in Mammolh. ~ or Bnn1 c&lf:. 645-3894 <n4l ~I amplifier $40. polisher. Take-O\'t'r small \\·ttk. c . Nelli, 531-l3'14. Fittplac:e Wood 5"8-498'1 paymen~ or pay o(f balance KING Size bed, complete. 936 SWlltt. CM MoWle HOIMI 9200 of S36.40. Credit Depl 1,p;.;;·';;.;"°"=..;&;;..,.;°'J;.;,s:•;;.;ns;o...-'l-1JO;..; s.t>-7289. :~:::e~;;.f:che11 c ~~-Adulta ~_h MY HARBOR FACTORY FIRE\VOOD for We~t to ,...., I".._· a..-.. _ .. __ ,a .a.o EXCEPTIONALLY Cute Mebl .. ,Heme 5aJe1 yo u r specificationl!; well .., .. a i.,, .... -<6 -""'1 ..... tc.o Cua Loma Roll AWl3 CLEARANCE I lt'UO!Yd. Deliv & stck'd rnmplett-unuaed n o;;, worth Ritten1tnJrW!d.~1117 Sheraton Manor -Hometta : ~~ct~r::~r:ie:~~~~ hff. $21.50 1;. c. $47.50 c. $250. Aft 5 i: v.•knds MJ.&"i36 'ETS arwl LIVllTOCk Kit. Pre1tia;t -Sahara floor models, 1ludio &o: re-Call collect <n4> 68&-0846. Misc. Wanted 1610 hMm ll2S NOW~~y turned Pia.no!! "-Ori11ra. CONTEST prlu:: 4 Gate1 ---------= "'al ,.vinp "P to 30%. """ "S"P'' all<ot .aloty $WE BUY$ COLLIE l'UPl'Y ~·:~~~i:,~: Everythl~ 1uarantffil like tubeless v.•/w'1" 4 ply A.K.C. fft11lit Collie. Trf. Costa Mesa <n4) 5«).1470 ntw. Sale limited to speclllc Polye11ter • 2 ply fb&Js. $160. $ FURNITURE $ -'~ nd ~• h N .,._.., "~11 ........... ......., lhotl I wonned, IVY J' NIW illJ-........ 90 UrT)'! 0 money ~ I wtM ~. $40. p h 0 n e SILL 1m "SID down OAC, 5 years to pa.y. I 'A"'to=o=E=L"'·s'""CJo""'t•"'·1-.sai~,-""'-" APPLIANCES 962 11117 c • This areal Nie only ar: 6. 8. JO. Fri ll-6. Sat All c.1., TV-Pl11tt1-1t····· ' w" • . ooper WARD'S BALD\VIN STUDIO • o 1 ,_.., H ... "'" IMERANER'S day. 6.V St AM.8 r., Lai:. CAIH IN If MINUfn TR.t.ILIR S•LrS 1119 Newport, c.~I. &t2-S414 Bch. 4~4 PUPPIEs PUREBRED '' ,.. ,.. • Open Every Ni1r I ==-.--.,,-..,---.-• 541-453 I • &111 t n.! Buy from • men Wholeo•I• • Prit.'t's lu All Complete ~tachinl' Shop SPEED EQUIPMENT REBUILT ENGINES 11:?5 Vletuli;.i, C..\1' 5t8-6i>O 18361 Beach Blvd. HB B·l'l-0991 itr OPEN 7·DAYS • TIRE SALE UnbJ.emisbed • New \\'idc Ovals. $14.95 EACH National Spe.ct Cent•r 2ll0 S, Harbor, Costa ~Te&a 6-16-6700. Hours: Daily S.9, Sat. 9-6. •Next to :P.lr. T'sJ :i~ Ton pickup, alttps 2. ice box SlGa. 548-3840 after 6 pm JO t'l. BUS good !or can1pcr 49-l-8918 or 21022 L.a&una Cyn Rd. Lag Bch. '69 PICKUP Near new, 1;,oo miles: 4 spd, c.ilr, will sacriliec-! SmaU down. \Viii finance private party. ZQS909LB. c.au Ken 0u_n_o~B-""~~;_., ___ 9_s_2s ~'=o+="":o==·=·=~=-===·== '69 Kellison gold flake, all •67 comp, Like new. $9$. Fini.sh ENGLISH FORD youneu. 60--0350 j ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;~~·I o""' Buggy Trail<r ORANGE COUNTY'S Hing!'<! rdmps and l'!XO'aJ VOLUME ENGLISH 67l-6097 6 PM on FORD DEALER Trucks· Imported Auto. 9500 10C>7 1\10RGAN + 9600 4. Ex· SALES -SERVICE 08':! MODELS lmml'!dla te delivCry 1..ARGE SELECTION Theodore 9600 cellcnt condition; ne\v top. J'l('\Y brake&. $1600. Call 8'&2-3716 a I I e r 6 nr "'eekends. ALFA ROMEO I9ti1 ALFA Romeo Roadster. New brakes, battery & tires. Xlnt cond. S 7 5 0 • 962--0262 AUSTIN HEALEY AUSTIN AMERICA Sales, Service, Parts Immediate Delivery All Models J~rlllPLll I j J 111 p Ll l'I ~i .Rro \V /Blk Int. Good Top. Clve! l'f!a1 Economy • Pric. cd for Today only. $1295 ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-0010 1958 English Ford, ti cyl, 1 O\vner , ti9,000 actual miles. $150. 963-52.16 FERRARI FERRARI N~ Import.I Ltd. Of-. ange Coutit)t'• only au~ ized dealer . SALES·SERVJCE·PARTS 3100 \V. Coast J-hvy. Newport Beach 642.9405 540-176C AuUxrlud Fernri Dea1er FIAT 1967 Fiat 850 Bank Tenns Zimmerman Datsun 2&ti 1-larbor Blvd. c.osta :1\Jesa, Callt. Ph: 54().MlO JAGUAR '57 JAGUAR XK·140. E.-.:- cellent condition. P ho n ~ 64&-2911; !iMMANH Gl:llA . ZIMMERMAN OATS .UN NOT A REVOLUTION BUT A EVOLUTION 'All-steel bed 6' x 4'8" wit~ an easy. loading tail-ga te. Perfect fo, packin g bikes, 1urfboards, or rugged work loads up lo • half ton. Roomy , vinyl-lined cob, slick 4-s peed. Whitewalls, fast-acting heater I defros ter . Proven rel iab ility • Datsun's the No. I Selling Import Truck! THINKotan the things you can put in a 6 foot bed We Ha ve Tltc Finest Stock of . NEW DATSUNS 2000's -5 Speech • 1600 CC 4 Speed .Pick Ups & 1600 Roadsters e 2 Door Sedans· 4 Speeds• 4 Door Sedans -4 Speeds or 3 Speed Au- tomatic • 4 Door Station Wagons · 4 Speed or Automatic. Available For Delivery Now! George Zimmerman and his staff offer .i Sunday Afrcrnoon PINK AppJiqued organdy 3 .ur PAY CASH $f0 ea.ch whe llve1 in onel" yard table cloth. 1% diMe1· nt Call 6'2-1223, after 4 P~t. \VE SER.VICE ern Ace Detroit Pitcher napkins, never bl'en ~. =====--=-=·-! \VHAT WE SEU.•. Hammond Organist '55. 673-tS66 ..,.,.. ............. ,...1amruAHU.u • Sllcril~. l24 So. J-larbor, S&nta Ana one of the most mod • of sport car facilities . The service dept. offering the finest of ser- vice for all makes of sport cars. DINNY McLAIN CARPET' u .... ,....,.i col· * CASH * l'l>pPin ._ SlO. ·-I Bick So. of BolJ& !llt.111!1 .M hli group Ol"I 5(lc per yd. New In 30 minutts for Jood rum. ~ ~ 1169 Donet BY OWNER. U\'~ performarn In nur Pol:ynter 2 tone lf'tt1' aha& ttare A applllllCel. Fut, ' · · 1D'x41' 2 BR. Xlnt Cond studio. Sit., Nov. I. 1·3 PM $4 per yd. 54l)..03S5 courteoal IHTSce. 1 o&tce or WEIMARANER. Pu PP 1e 1 5Z Fairfax Dr ' AtrfOC.r'phs _ Door prius. CARPET Jnstalltt hu one ~f'Ul ?-ll Janis d1y or AKC. ahot&. Grand ctwn-Corntr 1p1ce No. 1a,· Of. llAMMOND roll. avocado nylon carpet. ntte, 39'1..3596 or K!..3971. pion.~mt) 8!0-2US*' 'SS Spartan b:42. alum awn. in CORONA Ott.. r.tAR doubk jule-bacla!d. Will tell I •--,_.. .. .. , _..,, ""'" -·: Al-..,.." •N PUPPIES O>' ni, IU\;&tcV a'"""1 park CM. 2!i4 £, Coast Jfwy. 673-89.'.(I all or PArt $3/y ........ ;nr,,,.... e WANTED e ·u nA Xlnt eond., pri~ IO\Y, CROS$ lop R e f r I 1 • , Good UMd turnltun, appli. QU~~ ~· REG. ~ call atttr 4 or .U F'REE ORGAN ~ automliUc diettollt. Exe. f55.--.~riqun. cokrJo 1V'i, ~ ""'-no;r *-day-weekefldl. ~ rittn 7:30 • 1:1> pm The: Home In Back 40 E. refria'1. ttoVt'ia, y,•ashers i: pO~fEJ\ANIAN Pup p I c • '61 G.REAT Lakes trlr lh:60 GOULD MUSIC CO. 1 ,,,no.'".:c·~Sl_;.;U-"-m-"-.=-.,,,-,...-I dl')TfS. etc. t piece or houst' AKC rq, 2 mo1. + aho1a, 2 Br., turnlt\ft, 60' a~mnr: 2045 N. Main, S •• \. 5474;81 CE v,.cuum SS9. Re(ina ful, 2"4 hr str\l"k'e. 142.3921 '7M27I ""'1'00m & storqe. J.~amlly OLD Upr\&111 piano, pod "'a&htt/"·mr $30. b o x AKC Silky Ttrrter mai. Pk. $4,000. I 3 t . 2 4 11 tone, $7i knitting yarn S!). Aller I \VANTEO: 15"·16" Wt1tern pupt. Christmas 1 pee ta I ev,/wknd. 642-ZW au~ .Ptn. pm 675--0326 Saddle. rood cond. Reu. price lo )-'OU S12J. 6H--4D ''·n"°'r""•~SJ,;.l,;TO~N~~~1,-.,.,.--Uxl0-! PRfVAT& PARTY \\IAJ\"TS 19" Portu ble 1'V, \\()l'kS ~X· CAii 64+-ll i'i8 OflHUAHUA i\fa.11", J "'° en. 2 BA. rurnl•hed . A\\'n• TO BUY PIANO t'OR ccllcnl $?.j. Girls bike 7-1.2 NEED br\CS.S one to 1000, eood nilur't'd, fa'l\'tH.'Olor Int I; (':XlrU. i\lua:t stll. call CASl l. su.«M5 91" JU. &16-1.)Z'J n!allOMbly prfctd. 64+-4617 Hu papr_ra ~l 1213) 981-i'260. • HONESTY • INTEGRITY • FAIR DEALING AT GEORGE ZIMMERMAN DATSUN Sales and Service 2845 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA, PHONE 540-6410 ... •• • •• ~ . • • ' . ' ' : : ~: \: . : . " : . . ' .; I ; .. -. ' :· : . l· ' . l . ' . • :· • . -• • . • . . -. ·. · . : : ·. " '• .. !; • • .. . . :; . ' ' .. "' • • ~ s \\ ~ " • .. Wednesday, N0vtmbtf 5, 196, Wedtitsd11. Novtn1bff 5, 1969 r-i<=""""""'""'=-=T=RAk=s~PO~IT~Ay;T~i~OM~-;T""RAH=s·poRTATION TRANSPORTATION TJWffPOltTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANIPOii'lflbN 'f N DAILY PILOT IUi .. --c... 9100-Cars --Cars --~ --C... -Nw"C:.ro ,__Carl --Con - • ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST USED CARS • Here -•• a 1am.-1e of the many out ..... dl119 lluys yO. wlll fhtd at Johnsen & Son lohnson & Son Ha• Th Reputatlon----of Ofleri"fl th Finest Selection of lJ1ed Cars la the Coamtfll CONTININTAL 1968 CONTINENTAL COUPE M•dium tur1uoi11 m1t1Uic finish wi th m•tchln9 in- t•rior, bl1ck 1nd1u roof. luxury •quipped. Compl1t1- ly tilt 1t11r. wh11I, f1ctory 1ir, power door locks, 1tc. ZVP716 _ $4195 1967 CONTINENTAL 4 DR. SEDAN Beautiful Huron blua m1t1llic finiih with matching l11th1r interior. Black l1nd1u roof, fully luxury equip- ped end f1ctory 1ir conditioning, AM-FM radio, 1tar10 t1p1 deck. On•·own1r car. Beautifu lly ma in- t1in1d. TTN02 0. $3395 1968 CONTINENTAL 4 DR. SEDAN Attractive light chrome yallow with bl1ck le1th1r in- t•rior a nd l1nd au roof. Full power equipped, f1ctory eir, etc. WXFJJS $4395 -1967 CONTINENTAL Conv1tlibla beautiful Oc11n Tu rquoi11 finish with m1tching inter. & white top. Compl1t1ly luxury equip- ped, fu ll power, AM -FM. radio, fact , air, tilt wheel, etc. 4 naw tir•s. UOA 184. $2795 1966 CONTINENTAL CONVERTIBLE Beautiful C1rdin1I rid finish with bl1ck top i nd blac• l11ther interior. All the luxury faatures, full pow•r, fa ctory 1ir conditioning, stereo t1p1 system, 1uto- m1tic crui11 control, ate. Excellent condition. SQAt73 $2695 _..,-0 MIRCURY 1968 MERCURY CQLONY PARK 9 pa11ang•r. Popular c1rdinal r•cl finish with bJ•c• comfort w•av• vinyl int•rior, auto.; R&H, starao t1pa dac•, factory air conclitionin9 , P.S., P.I ., du1I action t•il 9•t•. Onlr lt ,ooo mi l•s. I Th• Contlnant1I of Sta- tion Wagons. No. 3614. -• $3295 1967 COUGAR 2 DOOR Lim• frost with m1 tchin9 vinyl buckets, 1uto., 219 1ngin1, P.S., R&H, new car tr1d.,.in, on• own er encl 11rvic1d by our company. VCR.2J J. $2175 OTHIR MAKES 1967· PONTIAC GTO 2 DR. H.T. •old i;nist metallic finish with black buckat seats, •ufo. t rans., radio & ha1t1r, power st11ring, f1ctory air. l11utiful condition, TRJ SOJ. $2495 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-Door H1 rcl top 01s1 tf bai11• finish with matching in· t1rior, 1uto. t rans., r1dio & h11+ar, powat 1ta1ring, etc. Very cl11n and w_1ll m1int1in1d. NCAO I J. $1195 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 ----------------•It-Door Hardtop. Beautiful Brit ish Gr11n with bl1clt interior ind whit• land1u roof, 1uto., RIH, P.S., P.I ., air conditioning, ate. Very clean throughout. VUZl37. 1967 MONTCLAIR 2.Door Hardtop, Arctic white with bl1ck int•rior and landau roof. Full powar "1ui pp1d and factory air con- diti onin9. One owner. C1r1fully m1infain1d, UOFl60. $2395 $1795 1968 PONTIAC LE MANS _________________ 12.0oor Hardtop. Fir•bird 9r1an, black buckats, fac- tory 1ir, P.S., P.I ., 1tar10 t1pa dick, 1tc. Low 25,000 mil es. VCTt 12. 1966 MERCURY PARK LANE $2595 2-0oor Hardtop. Arctic, white with Ivy 13old interior an d bl1ck land1u roof, auto., R&H, P.S., P.I ., f1 ctory !•-------------•---• air conditioning, R11l luxury •t reasonable price. VZU202 $1995 1967 VOLKSWAGEN BUG Radio, h11ter. O ne owner. Lika naw. 20,000 1ctual miles. VEEJ 32. $1495 1968 JAGUAR XKE·Z COUPE Attr1ctiv1 British Racing 6r11n finish with black l11th1r interior, wire wh11l1, Radial Ply tires, etc. 811utlful condition . WI0601 . $4695 -1966 CHEVELLE 2 DOOR MMiium blue m1t1llic mist, with black interior. Auto- m1tic, r1dio I heater, power 1t11ring. laautifully maintainad. O na owner. 24,000 miles. SAl541, $1595 540-1630 lLD ml©® ll 00 ©®mlii'D 00 rn OOii' &Ill. • 642·0981 I 2626 HARBOR BOU~IYARD, COSTA MIS~ MERCEDES BENZ Imported A_u_1os __ 9600_ Imported Autos 9600 lmportld •--1 .......... _ 9600 VOLKSWAGEN YW BUGS Imported Autos -Autos Wonted MG MGA TRIUMPH VOLKSWAGEN WE PAY .. -----MG 1968 SEDAN DE VIW Meroon finish with black landau roof and black l11th- 1r Int erior, Luxury 1qulpp1d. Full powar, factory afr con dit lonin9, AM-FM st1r10, t1l1-tUt st11ring wh•al. One owner, b11utifully maintained, 20,000 ~i111. ms29 _.$41.95 - BARGAIN 'CORNER la Our ...... Corner we Mve IHllMnNll .... • • ..... -.-.-...... .--... •. ...,......_, -· ......... ""' .... -.. •Y nftt tllne CM •• rMI bistalns. LOOK 'IM OYU. '66 T·BIRD Landau. RTB'724. ·'66!!~. ~Door H.T. SVF 052. $2075 $1575 $1275 I 68 ~;.~;~.~.5175 tUt whee1, etc. WFU 466. -'ISED CARS 540-5631 I Mile South of the San Diego Freeway 9700 Autas Wonted -9700 Auto L~l.!'_l,_ __ 91_10 WE PAY TOP LEASE ANY MAKI! OOLLA!t ·OR MODEL .... ' ' ·~ .t: ~ .. . "" 1967 250SE 1.lercedes Ben.z coupe VJG083 air, PQ\\'U', et c . Cu s t o m paint y,•/leather interior only $6T:;il full p1·ice. J I m Slemons 1olercedes Benz, 12l \V. \Varner, Santa Ana. 546-4114 Sa1tt, Service, Parts lmmedia te Delivery. '58 MGA New paint & cur- tains G R E A T cond. everything \\"Orks, Jeavin&: stile, must seU. 675-38:ll '68 SPITFIRE • Inui..c. Gttat 2nd car. Christmas gift. $1500 or oUer. can days., ltfike Tan1le1, S4Q.....5(0), Eves/wkad a 535-6591. rno?tt '65 Volkswagen CAMPER BUS CASH for IOO(l. clean used can, Ld our lease experts .,._ a.D makes. See George Ray YoU the t¥st plan for your Theodore Robin& Fon.I personal needs without obU-. • . : All"°"'"' J1ru.1port Jlillj)Ol l~' COIOHA llDAN IJ[ICUTIYI CAii: IXICUTIYI CAI COIOUA SID. Full ft cl. •quip. Full ftcfo~y •q11ip. plu1 r1· d!o. s.r. # 54JJ. Sir. #4271 51776" 517CJ00° VOLVO ffjj ' OICUT1ft CAI s.r. #2111 144 SEDAN, R&H, AUTOMATIC . . ~989'1 Dean Lewis Imports __ ...._ ............... TOYOTA • 'OLYO DIALll 1f'6 HAllOI ...... Ill C.... M .. • MGB • OPEL 1968 Opel, station wagon. Ill«! new, $1195. 8a)'!ide Moton. 1200 \Y,Coa.!ltHwy,Newport Beach, 646-5055 1900 OPEL S TATI ON \VAGON RUM Good -Slll Call -644)..SJ86. PORSCHE '66 PORSCHE 912 coupe, on- ly $3395. Bayside Moton, 1200 W. Cit Hwy, N.B. 64&-!!055 PORSCHE '66 912. Green. Low mile, xlnt co n d , .AA1-n1. Private p a r t y • 838--0630 TOYOTA TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE ALL MODELS YOUR BEST DEALS ARE 571LL AT DEAN LEWIS $399 GOOD SILECTION 5&9. ao.n Ext. &S or 61 a!U HARllOR BLVD. COST A MESA 1966 Harbor, CM. 646-9303 -------- BILL MAXEY !Tl9fYl§JT0J 18111 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Be•ch 147-1555 3 ml N. ot C.oast Hwy. oa Sch VOLKSWAGEN '63 Volkswagen 1500 Sedan. New paint, low mileqe. $750. Call -675-2916. '67 ' vw . iqback Red Jm- mac:ul.ate MU1t tdJ. Radto, stereo. Prl pty $15!5. SJS.<SIT '67 VW BUJ, xlnt cond. 35,000 ml, beige intlblact ext. Pvt ply $ll95 ..,,.., "'P· porty. - vw '61, &lm>ot Sid Rade, chains, chrome P o r 1 c b e rim&, Michtlln tires, a- tractor exhaust. wood inter. lrlm. iulo/ a< T, 0. P. -ms Pop top, excellent condition. Kustom Motors 845 Baker St.. Costa Mtaa 540$15 '68 vw 1968 Porsche 5 spd., gd. cond. Stett0 t•pe d.ck. $4650. Ph: 536-9«1 '6'1 SEDAN. Radio , •55 VW Camp. Ntw e ... '68 Ponche, alate iuey, uec.. PORScliE exhaut A dlltr. Brakes, Utes, FM Stetto cood. 5 ""'· 14999_ """ """''" Top ..... ~ --- VOLVO VOLVO 6"--0329 $l«D. 6G-..395I aft 6 -'""•'· _. or r-DID Copper Jaro DoM 1966 5 SPEED 912. Mint '81 v.._ -Pr. CLIARANCI NOWI t'Ond. Ort&lnal O\\Tlf'r. SD equip, ctntne 1' a Id tr tia w; Siblr9' i:oc;;J OM 142 .. 1'4 • 145 • 164 ft<m. 612-3856 -.int cood. C111 o11<r "'""'" 'o.tr ... -THE LOWEIT PRICE3 ·O,p.m. 613.ml M-., 1'00 W. Cit H-, YOUll llESf DEA1.S '"' vw CAMPIR N.B. -"' Alli: Sl'ILL AT ROW ROYCE P<JO to~ w-w/ tent '!& vw...,.i ••· ;.., -· DEAN LEWIS l!OU.S '39, aide moon!._ ,,... Xlllt. lmO. CM. 545-UU h-._ 15 bl +, alua l9tl -c.JI. - polnt, -..... ""'· -... vw Compor, pop .... .... fl1drl, ...... .... $1200. =====·======= Prtv. """ au-son , cood. -~ 113-2141 """:!!"~"'!!-!!~-~C~1-~1a~t6~U ----'-·------1-~~==~-~-·· vw, Jaot -Emopo. -'M VW 'CIJrn>M &MPill Ull b!Ul/blk tot. AJl/TM, ~7 Morpn + 4, 'e...i:ent BUSIEST marketplace tn town. Thi DAILY PILOT Oaaa1tted aectioa. S a v t money, 'time A eUort. Look nowl!I Factory ftbdt ensfM ii IUlW'80f. ,ndls I e-6.ll o cond. $1600. IW'fll aft 5, wunnty. Call~ 1 .,;,m-,;;.;,1111;;;.~-;....,--all day wkendl. 1986. 31,llOO ml, ilOiO '99 VW !Jqw.rebick. 1ul0, For Sale ~ Jquar Cl...SC. ialf Humboldt, II.II. bill .. <lllll'OOI, AM-111. Xlnt 1"5 XK-lo!O. 19!<). B-2391 <and. * -c.n -61MOl7 • -+-·- for med can A: tnldm 1mf: caJ1 UI b' free m.lmall'. GROTH CHMOlfl Ask rar SalH Uanqer l82ll Beal'b Blvd. Huntington Beech KI 9-3311 , ~· 2D60 Harbor Blvd. gadon. CM. 642-0010 UNIVERSITY Will Buy OLDSMOBILE 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -LEASE 1967 Galaxie 500, hardtop • coupe, air, radio A heater. $67.00 mo. SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING 300 W. Cst Hwy, NB 645-2182 Used C1n 9900 TRANSPORTATION CARS NEYfllORTER MOTORS .. . - I ' I .,. .. ¥-; "· t· f .. .. -• ... • .• ~- " "' . I' • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' ' .. • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • •• • • ·- • • • • .. ' ' .. .. BRAND NEW' BRAND NE. 1970 OLDSMOBILE SPORT COUPE F~lly l•clor't' tq11ipp•d i11c!11dl11t ll•ed r•'"· •••• belh, ~•cir 11p li9hh, wi 11~hhield wtihtrf, outtidt mir,.r, C•r· peh, ttc . Oii.CEii. TODAY BRAND NEW ~Ull PlllCE 1970 DELTA 88 2-DOOR 1970 98 4-DOOR SEDAN Fully ltclor't' equipptd i11cludin'J hetd ,.111, 1•11t b1lli, h•c• Up liqhh, wi11d1h i1ld1we1h1fl, ouhid• minor, cer- •55 Vt, •utom•lic, pow•t Jltt•l ~g. powef di1' brekeJ end olht r Jua11ry eat•••· '"" ''"$2996 FULL PRICE $3896 ~~~E ORDER TODAY OADElt TODAY WE'RE WHEEL'IN & DEAL'IN ON ALL 1970 MODELS! . THE GMC's FOR 1970 ARE COMING IN BY THE TRUCK LOAD! FROM PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTYS ••• FROM CAMPER UNITS TO FOUR WHEEL DRIVES • • • WHETHER A SINGLE UNIT OR A LARGE FLEET ••• WE CAN SERVE YOUR TRUCK NEEDS BEST! OVER 40 SERVICE STALLS TO~KEEP--• YOUR TRUCK AT PEAK EFFICIENCY! ····------lllllprl ............ ..., .,. .. lllt, .,, i.11. ,..,.,, 1tdfllMttt9ft rodle, f•ll f-..... IMMIDIATI DILIYlll:T IDIAL fOll CAM,111:1 NEW 1970 · 3/4 .TON _ PLCKU_._____ $2695 FULL PRICE CE25900 ' ivdilL I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A lllB»rasl I ~ ~ ~ QUALITY YALUE·RATED USED CAR ~ ~ 1966 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Su-~ ' O<. Autti., ~•ctorv ~lr. vlt\YI IOfl, 'll&H, VI, po ... er 1tttrlng. {SLW tJl) Vlf'f Nk:e Ce•. $1695 1966 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 81 4 D• Auto .• power 1t•1,.1no, VI, rld<O, llN!· w. (58M 7011 Mvs1 See 1965 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS t D•. H T AVIO., pO"""..r 1IH•l"lg, VI, rHlo, llNl9,, ClCiC 6.50) Cletn. 1966 BUICK WAGON loort '".!90" 6 °"~'· AUh:>O'Tlllic. ~r 1"9r- l"O, llt tory 11r, R&H, V•. ITES 3401 Drive Tlltl - 1969 DATSUN PICKUP ' •~ed !rtn1mlnloo, r•dlo, l\ffter, tonne•u covtr. lYCR 519) 1969 DODGE CHARGER 51)Kill f'd;1;o.,. VI, rauory eir, •ulG. P.S., R&H, yj11y1 roof. ()CTL 603) Vtry clt1n. 1966 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 4 Dr. M.t . Au!O .• lt<lory •Ir, ~.S , Yinyl 1W. POwtr wlll4tl"' R&H, VI. IUOS 63') Mull lff to 1J>Prec!11e. 51895 1967 CHEVROLET BEL AIR ~ Or. Std. A111G., ~ 1lnr>1'9, r&d111,. IMellr. VI. CUPT •UJ 1966 CHEVROLET CORVETTE ' ~!Med tren1m!11ion, rtdlo, l\t1ltr. 11'~1· S10)31 I J. 1965 MUSTANG ' 1Pt«1 lr&Mmlulon. • cylinOer. A re.I l'!Jll' /IV, \NCC. 0S7), 1966 JEEP WAGONEER Automlllc. pawer .ieer111111, elr conditlonl"1, VI. l't&H, 4 wllffl Clrl¥1. (RZC SIO) Tllil -IJ n ctptlon11. $2295 1966 OLDSMOBILE 98 (Ol'l~r11ble. rull ~·.,. 11111 l1elory 1lr con· dlliorllno. (YCT OHi 2850 HARBOR BLVD. • Wtdn<ldlJ, N-5, 1969 PILOT .ADVERTISER 26 TRANSPORTATION TltANSl'OlltTATION-TRANSPOlll"l'ATION--l'lllANSPORlA'flON -f~S-~llU:tlOIL 9900 \!MCI Can 9900 Ustd Cars 9900 UllCI Can ?900 Uoed Coro ·uiiil Cars- -;--,-Ul_.C_K __ , CH~OLET FALCON FORD MUSTANG 19&1 IUVIERA. u ,reen w/ lf'n vitlYI top. P/b, P/1, alr, cepter COl"llOit. 30i000 "''' $3,050. Mi-:mo '66 OlEVROLE'l' C.aprice. '65 l'AIL'ON Futura 4 Dr. One owner car with onJy wagon: V-8, pwr. 1tee.r., 24,(Q) miles. hu all power + auto., Fact air, R&H. $950. Jir condltlonlng. Absolutely 5fG...4774 '63 BUICK Electra 225 conv. New «ne., pwr, • le. brkl. ~ir. XInt cond. "$895 963-3423 ~ cleanest one in town. '&3"'"'F""&1"'"ron-. "'>'in<""' ----,ba-ru~· .,,,..., Jun Slemorw t.f er c ede 1 condition ... $350. ca t I Benz. 12> W. Warner, Sula S49-J82"1' Ana, S46-<114 -------- 'CADILLAC 1965 El Camino, a u t 0, -------- alr/cond. Xlnt condition. FORD Be1t offer. 645-2005, 642-5855 '64 BELAJR Sta. Wf•. N•w 1965 Ford An ori lnal lull fa brakes, reblt 283 mtr, p/a, '65 CAD QE VILLE . Olr.· a~. take , .... :~·;,.,. ~ "''"° 1185' M~lll9 Country Squire =.~m~ "°~!; CONTINi:NTAL .;;;M.>06.14;-;;-;:;;-:' ,,-,,=...,..-...,..-~ '65 CONTINENTAL 4-door 'SJ CAD de Ville, landau top, Landau. top, loaded! S0,000 leather, stereo. all pwr. mi. S200J. 64U:e90 $3300. \Viii accept auto in ~ ... ~CO~N~T~IN~ENT=~AL.~Loa-dod, trade. 962-4887 • very xlnt cond, low mileage CAD. '67 Broua:ham, nw. $2400. Private 540-7828. !ires, brakes,· Exceplionally '62 CONTINENTAL. 4 DR ~~~tc. While -$3595. Sedan. Full power & alrlcond. $750. *548--0113. '65 SEO. DV. Matador red '63 c.onunenlal 4 DR Sedan. w/ wht vinyl top, xlnt cond, JW every th in&'· $2495. Full powr & air/cond. 540-7573 $90'J. * 548-0113 CORVAIR Nine paase•r \Vagon, Air eo-1., PS/PB, Root Rack, White W/Red Int. Very clean car • .Prioed to Sell: $1395 Sank Tenns · Zimmerman Datsun 2845 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calif. Ph: 541)..6410 '67 MUSTANG lit11..1t Sell . Exe.el. cond. Lo mile. Like new, $1650. 548-9823 '62 Cad. Sedan DeVille, full power, air, clean, lo. mi., $985. 546-5501 or 545-7066 . '64 Corvair ?ttonza epe, auto 1969 Ford Country Sedan, trans, runs good $ 4 9 S . station wagon, loaded • Bayside Motors, 1200 W. Cst $2800. 534.5290 CA MARO '67 Camaro Convertible Hwy, N.B. 646-5055 1963 Fairlane \Vagon, 8 cyl, Rall.ye Sport, R/H, 327, wire CORVAlR, 4 dr, .1960 sedan, stick. $400 or consider otter. hubs Clean 49S-0478 white. Xlnt nmn1na: cond. lo =646-4='-"~~-=-~ · · m1r. sm. 494-8769 '67 Fwd c.ortina GT, rad., 1966 Ford Futura 1969 Ford Mustang Sp/Cpe. Bronie ~ilh Match- ing Int. Black Landau Top. A real bargain at • $1295 8&nk Tenm Zimmerman Datsun 2845 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa, Cali! • • Ph: 541).6410 ''6 F•lcon Futur• Fully Iactory equipped. Dlt. $695. Phone 64UO'J3 LINCOLN 1962 Lincoln Beil:"e W/Matching Int. FP. Way above average. See to appreciate. $995 Bank Tenn1 Zimmerman Datsun 28~ Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calil. Ph: 540-6410 Grande Blue 'v /B.lk Int and Slk. Landau Top. Goodyear Poly. glas \Vd I Trd \V I Amer. ~la1s. 351, Air/Cond, PS/ PB, '1 Spc-ed '''ilh U.too !l.1iles. One Owner. $2995 Bank Terms Zimmerman Datsun '2845 Harbor Wvd, Costa ti1eaa, Calif. Ph: 546-&no '6:> t-lus!ang, red, $900. Call after 5: 30 642-1429 convt., OLDSMOBILE BANK REPOSSESSION 1969 Old1mobile, 442, 2 door hardtop, ~·er ioteering, pim'Cr brakes, a ir cond., auto trans. Excellent condi. tion. Low mileage. 642-3111 Ext 237 or 241. '59 Ol.DS. Xlnt cond. 70,000 miles. Original o w n • r , BEST OFFER. 962-5602. ======== '65 F-85 STA Wag. Sacrifice. MERCURY Orig owner. :E:xceptional. $1100. 67l-1232 25, 700 miles, XLNT cond. l---C-O_R_V_ETIE ____ , lllOO. <9"-3181 LEAVlNG '°' Carib .. m"'t BEAUT. ,68 Country Squire, aell '63 hionterey, all pwr, CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH 1966 El Camino Sparkletts Grn. 283 Eng . Power Glide, ?i-1any good Milea lcfl1 Above Average • $1695 Bank Terms Zimmerman Datsun a8'1> Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa, Calif. Ph; 541).6410 064 CHEV. Nova wagon. V-8, automatic, power steering. Good condilion. ~2314. '48 CHEVY. GOOD CONO. $1511. Aft. 5, 5'15--ffi93 1!Jfil Che\/)' Conv. Recently ()verhauled. Excell. tires & top. Call Owner -~3196 196.j Impala new ti res , radio/healer. exa?llent con· d!Uon. 962-7120 GIVE the "United Way" air, xlnt cond $750. 644-2634. 1966 C tt 9 pass, all pv.T, air, orve e FM/ AM ''"''" """"" MUSTANG 1965 BARACUDA. $70 over Conv. 3Z1 Eng., Auto/Trans. Maroon \V /BJk Int. • Out.. standing car. Priced to Sell under Market. $2595 Sank Terms Zlmmenilan Datsun 2845 Harbor Blvd. Costa l\fe5a, Calif • Ph: 540-6410 '65 CORVmE V-8, 4 spd. dlr, convert. Xlnt cond. Will take foreign car In trade, or small do\\-n, \ViU line prvt prty. DBUJS. Call Phil 49+9TI3 or 545-0034. DODGE '67 COUNTRY Squire, air, whsle. Total pri1..'f! $995. p\vr dise brakes & strg, 390 Good cond. Call 549-2683 or '"g .. $2200. 968-40!9 1965 MUSTANG CONY. 646-8164. Late '68 Torlno.130o mi. air, Yello1v w/black top and black .-~65"s"'ro~R~T~F~"'-~~383~. ~b,~ok~·ct P/B, P/S, bucket seats, 390 interior, R/H, 289 w/ man-seats, p1vr strg, $0CK> or best eng. $200). 645-2843 ual 3-speed. Four good Fire. offer. 832-QO.t7 stone Wkie Ovals. Excellent Condition. $1005. Call 67344931 --------1 """ 6 P.M. PONTIAC 1966 Ford Fairlane Conv. with Air Cond. DK/ :':-~~~ ... '!'"'~"""I Blue \V /Lt Bille Int with LEA VlNG for C.trlb., must '68 PONTIAC Convert. Red GTA ExtraJ. One Owner sell '66 GT pkg, a/c, \u/malching int. Lo miles. Car . Drive to Appreciate. Al\l/FM, f/p\\T, disc, New tires, Sacrifice! $1925. $1595 ~~ .. 1 2634 .i.,. 4 bal'rel $1895. Call alt 6. 548-6623. Bank Terms Zimmerman Datsun 2845 Harbor Blvd. Costa l\1esa, Calif. Ph: S».6410 "'.. 1965 Pontiac GTO Con- l\IUST Sell -Extra Clean '65 vci'lible 4 ?>-peed. Take over V-8, auto. Checks out payments. 646-3168 alt 4 • perf@ct at Diagnostic Ctr. pm. · 675-656.5. '68 FIREBIRD -400 Turbo J\TUSTANG '65 Convertible. hydro, po'>'·tt, stereo Fl\T. Slick. Must sell·Best offer. $2250 or beat ()Her. 673-6870 6T:i-6291 '67 Gran Prix-Sharp[ --------"62 Ford Custom Van, exceU . '&5 J\lustang V-8 aut o. Loaded! $1995. 846-llliS bronze, xlnt cond. Call '63 Pontiac, xlnt cond., p\ur 645-0114 befr 4 pm. & air, r/h, $800. Call 1968 Dodge Dart, loaded best oiler ouer $1500 534.5290 mechanically, good looking. Best offer over $ 7 ;> O • 5 l:l-2001 1970's ONE Gift ltelps ~1any BIG SELECTION 968-<'64 No better prices anywhere • MAKE US PROVE IT JUST ARRIVED THE NEW THE FABULOUS JAGUAR XJ SEDAN NOW ON DISPLAY NEW 1969's & EXECUTIVE CARS 1970 OPEL Still • fieff ~Ktlo11 One of the lar9est selections of JAGUARS in Southern California. ROCK BOTTOM '67 T0 BIRD I '65 RIVIERA le11de11 4 door. full Hercltop Co11pt . Full p11w1r, fectory eir c.olld. !'OWer, fectory eir co11d. TTi: 702 fl:tdio, httter. TRK 215 $2395 $1995 '65 FORD '67 BUICK We,011 Cou11try Squirt . Wilclc1! C11ifom Cpt . l ow milett•· full P""'·• F1 ct. eir co"d., 11110. fectory eir cond. RG\I tr•1u, ,.$, UU\1054 . ., $1595 $2595 Coro111f 400 4.dr. ftct. t ir concl., •ulo lr•11•., ,.S., RlH. \IGI 97'J $2395 2 Dr. H.T. Ftc ,;,, •11fo lre111, power 1+.1rin1J. WJM II' $2495 '66 RIVIERA '66 CAPRICE Ceo F I · 1111 2 Dr h•rdtop, eir cond. upt. •c ' •tr co ., eulo fre111, pwr tft•t, •ulo tr•nt., pwr tl••r l ridio, ll••t•r, SllMl71 , .. b'$2695"' . $1795 GrerH:I Prill'. Auto. tr•n,., pow t • 1+••'·· ••dio, h••'•'· ! MON277l $1095 ''5 OLDS WAGON F·l5, e11lo. lren1., pow· •r 1teer. PIH 717 • $1495 Colo11y Perk Wt9on. ' peuen91r. Full powtr, F•clo"I' eir cond. SOS· 112 $2395 '67 MERCURY· Mo11ler1y 2 doo, ti.rd. top. Auto. htnt, power il•er, RlH. UON-704. $1795 '61 PONTIAC '69 JAGUAR '6.5 CHEVROLET ''6 .~USTANG 10"11•villt. 4 d•or h•rd-'67 BUICK '67 OLDSMOBILE XKE ltotdi!er, chromt Novo Suptr Sport, t11!0. H•rdlop cpo., •ir co"d., top FACTOR y AIR SPORT WAGON. Full Supr1m1 Cullin h•rcllp wjrt wh11l1, redio, httl· hen1., powtr 1t•1r., r•· pwr. 1!1er., rtdlo, h••I· CO.ND., P.S .. r.I. WXG pow 1r, .;, colld. l ow coup•. •ulo trtni .. fi ct. er. Low mil••'J•· dit, llet+•r. RGH 411 er. ll.000 l!'lilt. SID76l 617 mil•19e VWJl70 ,;,, pow•r "'· UJl91? SAVE $ $1495 $1895 $2995 $2695 $2295 Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 -p.m. -Sat;-1 a;m;-1'11-6-p;m;-=--Sun. 10 a.m-;-ro 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED BUICK· OPEL· JAGUAR SALES i. SERVICE I I ·' .-. " I , '· ' ·~· ' . ,. ' '·.~ ' .. . ·" -. " . - . . . ' .. . . . _, SAMPLE .,ISCOUtl--: :· 1969 MONTEREY Wind. Stkr. ~ffill! tH"5 ~RETHE CUl!6M 2 dr. HT. V-•. Iulo. lr1110., l1clory .... Sale Price siill::Od 1 c.ondlllonlr'll, f"I-• llHrJ11g, powtr Cdl1cl 11r11o;-DISCOUN. T $ 9., O -. ~ w~ r.cllo, 11••1.,., whl'-Wlll tires,, O Unfed gless, -.i (IW .. 1. N1. tZ$i1XumJ. . FACTS! 1969 MONTEREY 2-00Dr l'll rdlOll, Y·I, l \lfo. "'"'" pO ... r 11ttrlne. & POW9• disc brtk11, w11new1111. 111'1!etl 911u. wtlc1I covtrl, dtlU~I 111 vinyl lnlerlor, tl~X· ,,dlt, 1969 COUGAR COUPE . V-1, 1uto. lr1n1 .. ~ 1Pffd, po.,,..r 11Hrlt19, p0wer fdlKl brlkt~. wnlt1w11t 1lrto. Hl·perfor,.,,.nc1 •~I•, ir1t1l()n·lolc. No. 'Ft!Q$"690I. 1969 COUGAR XR7 V·I , 11110. 1r1n> .. -tr lilttrlnQ, power (clii.cl br'11:a, rldil), hNl!lf", whll1w111 ll•t1, lltitld VIAU. No, tFtlHYI• 1969 MERCURY MARAUDER Wind. Stkr. $4074.80 S1_1le Price $3193.78 DISCOUNT $ 881 .02 Wind. Stkr. $3939.00 Sale Price $3275,00 DISCOUNT $ 664.00 Wind. Stkr. $3982.00 Sale Price $3325.00 · DISCOUNT $ 657.00 Wind. Stkr. $4849.20 Sale Price $3825.00 DISCOUNT $1024 .20 , WI M• the numl:ier one tJ!!Mlif·Metcury dealer in i::)r1lif P an d San Diego CWl!ffis by actual f~Et9ry · figufii,' '"' Wt lliifJt i liil t his final group of btand new 1969 mod els to make ro om for daily shipments of I 970's. See row aftet row of mode ls and colors now displayed on our back stora9e lot -just as they came off the fa c t o r y trucks. Take your pick and we will give you same day service and delivery at the greatest y8arend discounts we have ever offered! OVER 70 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! ~:::::-.__ TEST DRIVE YOUR FAVORITE TODAY ·THE FABULOUS 1970 MUSCLE CARS ARE HERE Boss 302 Eliminator • Cyclone GT CJ-428 Eliminator • Cyclone 429 Marauder X-100 Visit Our Complete Hi9h Performance Sales-Service- --• I . TH! FA(TORY SAYS MOVE TllEM OUT.! ' . . Still qver 12· Jrucfcloads of New ~9's To Go! ... SAMPLE SAYINGS··- .... .,\ I • • f .. _, NEW 1969 MARQUIS :BROUGHAM . 2 DOOR HARDTOP WINDOW STICKER OUR SALE PRICE v.a, auta. trans., factory air c:ariditianing, power steering, power I disc I brakes, radio, ' DiSCOUNT 55259'0 5420000 heater, :whitewall tires, vinyl roof, t i,n t e d 9lass, wheel covers. No. 9Z66N629Q44. 5104990 Parts Cent,r! . . .... ....,. ......... ' __ Ere n_Gr_eateL SuingsJ>n.Jlem.aining Demonstaton! . ' ' ... ' · ~ 9 , RAMl~R cAM~itlCAN .1\-c.il., •uto. fra115., ra~io, he.if1r, R~el economy. l ic•h • fVD Jl I 1964 FORD GAl,AXIE SOD CONVT. V-1, 111!0, trtns., power 1!t1rin9' $689 ,.dio, ,,.,.,; wha ow•ll "'"· y., · , c:an't b11 t thi1 cir for th1 money. Lic:1n11 O/S Ill. ON 2916 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA H.T. 1963 CADILLAI; Dl;.;.;V,LiE . . ' · vi: "'" "~•·· '"''"'' ''' """·, $9 89 ti11nin9, fun power, r1dio, h11!1r, . whit1w1ll tires. lu•ury 11 ih best. ' l ic1ni1 JIF 91 1 _ _.: 1964 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL V.j, feclory 1ir co11ditionin9, full power, redio, h11!1r, whifewell tirt1. Bl1d1 with bl1ck Interior. li- c:1n11 IFS 6111 1964 BUICK SKYLARK $989 v.1. •ulo. t •• ~ ... full pow1r, power 1l•1rin91 r1d iq, h1•I••· Run1 lilt• • new· one, lic1n1• HOX 214 $ 7 8 9 . v.1 .............. ··~···· '" '°""· l1on1n9, pow•r 1i••rrn9. power win· dowt, r1dio, he1t1r, l jcense l(IX ,., 1964 MERCURY CALIENTE 4 DOOR '6 cyl., 11110, fr1n1., r1dio, he 1ler. Very nic1 11cond cir. l ic1n11 ONX "' $789 '1965·· DODGE 'CUS1'oM 880 H,T. V-1, '"to. tr1n1., f•cf. 1ir cond., PS, Pwr. Cdi1kl brk1.1 pwr. wind., R/H, whit1w1ll !ir11. l11J11ry 1t 1 v1ry low price. Uctntt REJ 749 $889 1964 OLDSMOBILE STARFIRE V-1, 1ulo. ff1n1., f1,jorv 1ir ,ondi-~ ~ . ..,,. . fiDflin91 full pow1r, r1dio, h11!1r. 811ck1t 111lt. Whitt interio" li- c1n11 IOR 517 , -$889 1967 TOYOTA CORONA 4 docir 1•d1n, 1tick 1hift, r1dio, h11l1r. Wint 1 911 11v1r1 Tr y !hit on•. l ic1n11 VOG 157 l 965 DODGE DART G.T. · 6 cyl., 111!0, tr1n1., ,,dio, h11!1r. A. r11 I c•••m puff, Buck1l ·111h . licenie PCF 910 1964 BUICK WILDCAT V-1 , 11110. lr1n1., f1clory ,;, condi- tioni119, full powe r, r1dio, h11l1r. One ownt• -F1nt11tic condition. llct1111 OPH 556 $989 . OF "TOP TRADE-IN 19.65 ·LINCOLN CONTINENTAL v.i, fod.,V •• ,;. """''""'"•·. 1~11 ·: : $118" 9 power, ri'dio, h11f1;, whlllfwtll ' tir11, vinyl roof, tintM,9l1n. Pricecl ' • btlow low bt111 boo•. l ie, NF-6 I ]7 1966 FORD FAIRLANE SOOXL H.T. v.1, •ul• •. tr•n1., power ·····in9, r1dio, he1t1r. 811ck1t 111h - Driv11 li\1 new. licen•• Rll 116 $1389 1966 MERCURY CALIENTE H.T. V.t, 111!0. ,h1n1., f1 ctory t ir condi- lioni119, pow•• 1't~ri~'J . r1dio, h11I· ••· Rid with bri9ht rid interior - l i9 motor, l lc11111 RSU 681 ' $1489 1968 VOLKSWAGEN 1300 SERIES 1968 FORD MUSTANG FASTBACK y.i, .,.,,, '""'·· '"'"' ''' '""· $2289 tionin9, power ll11rin9, radio, h11 f~ t r, w/w firtt, wltl. 00¥trr. It ti sport. You'll look 9oocl, WJM 360 ' . 1968 M CURY COUGAR H.T. V-1, 11110. tr1n1., power lf11rin9, $2 389 r1dio, h11!1r, whi11w1ll tir11, ¥in¥1 •oof. whool <0•m. '"'"' • ..,,.. • ty. lie1n1• XEZ 506 • lf67 MERCURY. Cala. Park Wa9on V-1, f1clory 1ir conditionin9. pow· $2589 1r 1!1e1in9, rtclio, h11!1r, wh ilew1ll "'"· •hool .,.,.,, IO '""'9"· l icen11 TSI 515 1969 MERCURY MARCj)UIS H.T. 4-1p11d, l~clory 1ir co11ditionin9, rad io, htal1r, whit1 w1ll tire'1. Want economy 11 wi ll 11 comfort 1 T 1k1 ii homt ! $3489 $16 8 9 v.1, .,,,, '""'·· '"'"' '" "'"· · lionin9; f11ll powt r, R/H, w/w tir1t, vl11vl roof, ti11!1d 9l1u , whl. co¥t r1, A.M -FM Stereo. l ie. XI H 166 1967 l'tfERCURY Parklane lrou~m v.i, •"•· "'"'·· '"'"' ,;, ''""· $19 89 tiot1in9, full power, R/H, w/w lir1t, vinyl roof, tinted 9l1n, whl coven. Its! lilttc h11 to off1r. UUV 509 1968 FORD TORINO G.T. CONVT. v.i, "''· '""·· """ ''"""· $19 8 9 r1dio, h11lt r, ... hittwtlt lire t, l ow mil11g1 -F1clory w1rr1nly, l i- c•nte WTZ 171 1968 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL . v.i, ,;,,,,, '" """"'"'''' ''" $3. '.5· 89 powtr, R/H, w/w lirt1, ti11!6d 'Jl11t, whl. CO ¥t rl. r ric1i111 bt low lil111 ilooli: -W1rr1nty. l ic•n•t WXL 454 1969 LINCOLN CONTINEl'o!TAL V-1. f1clorv t it c1nditio"i119, full pow1r, R/H, w/w tir11, tinted 91111, whl. covers. Prictcl b1 low blu1 book -W1rr1nty, Uc1n1t XTP' 2]2 $4589 1'3d1 ' No.''tulTiN, .sANrA 'ANJL • ~~~1cA1s-541.0101 . ••w ~, .. Appre.e~ate : Your' Business'' OPEN Mon.· Fri. 'Til 10 P.M. Sat· sun. 9 P.M • NEW CARS-547-9183 .. ~ . • ' r I .-. :: . - ...,..,-• ......,r-.... ..-~·-·~~·.~w-=-•°'"r ~~~...,..,..--~--.--~-......-~~~..,.-c::-~~,...,.~~---,....--. ..... ~-~~·--~~---~---~~~~·---...--r, ~ --- DIMO '69 GTO Green. This . one is·•b10futely loaded ·With every~conceivable power ••sist i1nd fee. air cond. Must•••· 12423192118681) DEMO · '69 GTO H.T. R.d. Factory air cenditionin9, power disc brfllkes, PS, turbo hy· dr•. lr•ns., R/H, 1242l79ZI090671 DEMO '69 U MANS White with blt c:k top and black bucket seats. Fae. air, P/S, P/B, pwr. .Inf., hydra. trans. (237379AI 101741 DEMO '69 LE · MANS Silver, Fae:. air cond-. power antenna, power steer. &•brekes, hydra. trans., radio, heater, (237J79Zf 10181) NEW '69 IONNEVILLI 4 Dr. H.T. l imelight grean, Power window1°1t,erin9°breke11 tu~bo . hyd., radi~, heafitr, ate. (262399CI07406 )' NEW '69 EXECUTIVE · Wegon. Lim•light ,gretn, full power, fectory •ir con.ditionir19,· t"l!bo hydrt. trans., radio, httttr. 1256369C123229 J NEW '69 EXECUTIVE Wagon. Verdoro grttn. Full power, factory air cond., turbo hydrt· mtfic trans., radio, heater, l256369Cl20852l NEW '69 CATALINA • 4 Dr. H.T. l ibtrty·Blut. Die.or group, turbo hydramatic. trans., pow. str., fac air, redio, h1at, 1tc. (252399C 1207411 .. , . ·Aild ·wlien -~e· sai'l9~s we don~,t'fl'!ean a ·few · ~~· lef.t.owr~·pilk~ver, ' poorly equipped cars. . w~ mea~ the cj.;.~~est . . . selection· of t'1fell- · ·9!1~ _e,sy~p~ed · Wid8-Tracks in cOrdnge ·1 ..,~.,. , .. ,..,.. ,,,Ce~at.yL .. -.__...·~· j ~ .. ,· ,·' . . l . NiW '69 CATAL~NA : ~ . Wagon Blue. Power windows.sf•er .• di.sc ~ra ~as, 1,~. air, ,r1.de ~ ~tn~l- ing pkg., turbo hydra ., RIH, (252l69Cl2333.4) , 1 , • ~ •• ' h • NEW '69 CATALINA · ' . . Wegon. 6 pttstn91r.,.Silv1r, full power, factory tir, turlio hyd~a. ttan .. lug. r•ck, RIH.'12·s2369CI 11245ll ' . . . : ... ( • . DEMO '69 IONNMLLE . I 4 Dr. H.T. Antique "old. Factory air,, Full power-equip., turbo hi._drt. 111 • ... , trans, r1dio,,h1at1r1 ate l262399CI 13223) ~ NEW '69 GTO . Lim'!light green Tu~o· hydr•mttic tr1nsmi11ion,.powtr;it1er.1.con1ole, radio •nd he•ter,'.•f.c. (242l79Z.121766l NEW. '69 '10NNEYIW NEW '69 CATALINA DEMO '69 GRAND PRIX . . .. 2 Dr H.T. Expreuo brown., full pow1r, factory t ir,,turbo hydrt metic. 6 p111. wagon. l igh,t blu1. Fee. •ir, full pow1r, ro•d & ha ndli ng pkg., Midnight green. Ster90 rtdio, t ilt wheel, power steer.-brakes-wirtdows, trans, r1d io, heater, etc. (262l79CI07ll5) turbo hydra ., RIH. {252l6,C12l6l61 fac. tir, turbo hydr•., etc. 127657,P26,941l... ' ~ '67 CADILLAC Coup• d1 Ville. Full pow1r, f1clorv •it con• O'itionin9, tilt-t1l11copic 1t111rin9 wh11I, AM· FM radio, blu1 with white p1ddt 0' top. ITWV666) '66 GRAND PRIX Aufomelic, redio, flttle.r, powtr 1t111rin9· t»r1kM·window1, f1ctory air, vinyl top. fRTY t261 GREAT TRADES ON GREAT NEW CARS! BUY NOW AND SAYE NOW! '68 GTO 2-Dr, H1rdtop. Radio, haatar, power 1te1rir19, 4 •p11d, factory air, ,,.inyl top, ~XEL641 I '68 CATALINA 4-Doot S1d1 n. V-1, hvJr1m1tic tr1n11ni11ien, power 1!11rin9, r1di_o, h11f1r1 f1ctory 1ir condilionin9. tWFE920l' . ' '66 CHEV. IMPALA 4·Dr, S1d111. 20,000 1ppr11x. mil11. R1di11, h111t1r, 1ulom1tic, power 1t11rin9, ft ctory eir,. fTlOA J '69 DODGE DART G.T. 2 dr, H.T. VI, euto., R&H, pow.er 1!11rin9 I brak11, vinyl top. 9,000 1pproJ1, 111il111. fYQC 3931 '67 BONNEVILLE 4·Dr. Hardtop, r1dio, h11t11, automt llc, power 1le"tri119 I br1h11-f1clory ·air, power window1. fTRH600 ) $297.7· '68 FIREllRD A11tom1tic. relllief • h11t.r, i-eww 1tMrint, viiiyl 0top~ IYHA6Jll '65 DODGE DART 6 cylinder, automatic, p-"' 1!11tift9, r10'io, h1•t1r, white w1U1. l RDU7021 '67COUGAR VI, 4 1p11d, power •l11ri11f, radie, h11 ter, whit. •1111, ITRH592) '68 GRAND PRIX f ull power 111d · ftclory oir conditionin9. Lo11d1d. IWOU9291 '66 GTO VI, hyd r11m1tic, powar 1f11rlllf, t1dio, h1tf• er, whit. w11ll1. ITEZ091 ) $1311- . . . ' $2071 ' .$1777 is tl1c ,,.a,· • • 1( ~ to he ,~, I ," • • 1 : 1 • [I] • • I ~011ti11c ~ . ' ' . -""-• '-t-• ROY CARVER ·:rot~ is the way it's going to he, Roy Car-. ~ competjtion has a lot of work to do J~t ·.~o m~tch the great selection •.•. They ~~ver,ttatch the deals and after'-~ale ,sem~'~f.ou want the BEST selection, '-!~T;Pr:1¥"'-1id BEST cai;, buy now & ...., .. ~,,,;no'w ... tJm~ Carver's. · . : ~. .'-\ ·. ~ m~~ . .. . ..,._ . .PONT.I.Ac · ~ . ·-·~I 2925 HARBOR BLVD /~COSTA MESA · -··-·- • Kl-64444 ~~ -. . ' . ~ ~ ---' ' .. . • ' -·· r B N 'Tl patt yeru bee• borr In the day. thei '11 Ju• tjla: n_elt trit N wh< the and tan; ·A tiir <On oli1 ing u l\!llo V<• sys eor ·11 slu• h8C Hal [ ta dio pen ca1 J sin ind wit A rna Ha tlie the dOI 1 r.: l J of "' an w• °' all ,... ... Ii,