HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-08 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa! •. 1 j -' ,_ ' .. --· ' .. -r;-'--I ~ .. . ·-• • '· ... ' . ana __ ' ,1-~?tlili-iDirt--'i--',-'-.'---"-.--~ .... • ... " ... l • ·to.. .. • ~1':· BarfJOr LIO Weste:rn ~~~,,,~~i__:_ __ ~a~_.; 0 '· . . ll•ntiogtoJt • 'Golden West 29 • ...,. •• ··-=-->-•• • '---.t...a.-r-• ; ,----- ' , .. . . ' ·-. -.... ---........ -----. . . . T Satt'· ·€1ePtente· Edi'son t v111a ·Park • • J •• ' Lagu~ai.fU~aeh , Esianeia • .. ---~· 'j ~issioit Viej:~: ,~ ... . . . -~ . :--i ._l!ll!l ____ lli;_jllli-jimliii .. ililllilll•----1111!1!----sEE-DETAILS, SPORTS · PAGES ~ ,, .,,,.. -·---::--.. -..... ~ ' .. I ' ~ -' DAILY PILOT * * * 10< * * * . -~ ... SATl:JRD~Y, NOVEMJER 8, )969 YOL, fi. NO. 2'1, I SECTto!d, M ,Ml!I _ t So .Long~ Sa111- ·t ~ -t>' .• .,,,.. """". Coast Cities · Net 68 Pounds Of Marijuana A duped dope suspect delivered five kilograms of marijuana to narcotics agents waiUng in Huntington · Beach, then ·ted them to. a massive 26-k.ilogram cache in Laguna Beach, police said this morning. The Friday night seizure or about 6ll pounds of weed capped an earlier joint capture of 20 pOunds of . hashish that narcotics officers labeled the biggest of Its kind in Southern California history. Harold Arthur Bartlett, 19, identified as a transient living temporarily in La· guna, was arrested after he assertedly was conned by narcotics offic:ers into • · • . I delivering to them the five kilOl!I of pot at -,~~""L EAVES COUNTY J=OR ·N~W HciME. IN:Z 0 !l3~1 Tahiti Circle in Huntington Beach ~::..: :A.:Ni9ht~ari:. of, $1,500 i~ Food ·~d i.odfinv, aitk Friday night ·· : ··_ ... : ·-· · ' I Lt. Bert Eckstrom of the }iuntington .= ... ~ : · .... 4< Beach police said narcotics investigators , --·· " J · • ~ ~ from Huntington Beach, Downey Police m.:rpp-o Goes Do __ ... inte ~!'rfrr.'em£i:~e~w:1~~:1~ .~"~~ _ _ _ ~ hiti address when Bartlett phoned. • l Jnvestigators, armed \Yith a search 1 I Wa!Tant, were doing foliowup work af- 8 .. ~.m' Leaves County f "· r _B, ake:· rsfieUl ter lhe Wednesday night seizure and U. ~ arre1t of five men at the same address. Polic.e isaid at the lime that in addition ,AKERSFJEL--0 (APl -What d~ an ma! ·Fr~ay cVen•thoudi he h8d;develop. to the 20 pound.S of hashish they had re- u.riemplof;ed-construction worker do with ed a gr~t af(eclion f(lr Sal'n ,the Hipper covered.95 LSD tablets, a quarter ounce an , unemployed hippopotam us when the I • • r h" of her in 400 e J t bl ts d f -former has a family to feet! and the lat-potamus .-al ~ .r,780, pounds o im. o , • s cona a e an our t6' !}as a big appetite. Th~ hew ,owner,. !ohn.. Barber_, a Ba-;aar~~uana plants growlhg in the re<1r Ronrue Hochleutner, 28, sold lhe ani· kersf1eld auto deal~, plans .to give Sa.'\ Lt. Ekstrom said Bartlett lead the un- to theJ<ern ~untt ~ .~iety_ . dercover agents to Laguna Beach vrhere ~· ~ Saml will be thd· first • African exhibit the 26 kilos pf marijuana were selzetl. -.o ...... ge · Coast at a ·~ew zoo. ~er construction rive The ,location ~f the seizure was not im· miles st of l:ysfieJd, · • mediately avatlable. ·i. • , ·•· ,t !Joe · Dier. &bl Sam foi $480 ·1aSt • ~ 1. . \~ek• '~)l-oh<\lock wheri JuniJe·. . . . · :r land, ,5 m .com~nd hor!h, ... , 01 Beacl1 Gridder ' ·: iweathB : Los A r~:-: ~1s~ded. - ' ' I , • _l ' .~ut• 'l'i"r"""' ot)iliibiting sam . s . I H l .'s11qwers, bui not Jhe violent kind. ·:rar~ ·-~iOCl>'lntQ . a •n.iglllmare · or · er1ously urt iare,WI ~ horizon ·wiUl light rai9; ··~!.-500 !~_,and locfgi~g ~!ls. _, 1 lal~piediCted £or Sunday· urulir • · 1'be ang~ Cduntil AJ\lm.tl• Sheller fl-.. • cOntlnued •cool ~cooditJQns. ; • ~Hi' ept~ · Sam.' as a bo\nter, ~t . . A 17-yeat-1>1d football plaf~r from H?n- 1 . ,-,. -7 ; f ~ltli Ro~ •brbman"wasi\'f hapPy , hngton ~acb Was in "!'1ob'1 condition . -.INSIDE· i ODA'"l' . J, . :'mir IL ~ ~si.~. ~· ~!!1!4, tltls lDOfll'Di wilh. neck JDjury IUffered -... . , .. -:-----•... ,, , ';); ----.• -~ w tlfafil ~-·~ "r. ~!~tn the""Fiiday~ football game"~~ ·R,jl! ,;,.ct .,,;.,, Aoold ,' ( dded.. .·go.I'., ' ,: · '1• ·" Edt>on llid' Eolencla High Sohoob. plore ipace. tyoted sciC1tCe writ· . :·w~0\kept ~t ca~ pl~cated' a!d ~1· fe::e ';:na~:';:. f= ~n~:g ~er.· Isaac .Asi~ov · ptoposes to l1f1ed, iWorhnwt said, 'by k,~IDI , m Memorial where he was placed in in-- raise ~~aenerahon of true spa~e well ff(. a~ wat~ed Ocnm. ! tensive car,!-unom~,90Ufeel said the men m ~ooo ~olon1es and tl~n . ,BurFrjde.y,~m _i:heG);oi:l,out ~ truC\:-y&ltfl maf pave sirffered a broken neck, senq:· J.hefh oJ:f. to Mars and be· 'tranq~ f the l~mUe trip• norl\i The tragedy ltruck early in the g&flle uond, Famfltl Week ly. Lo Bakersfield. · 1 which wu played at Newport Harbor "* """ ~ u ,... ~ 11 Now ~nnie, of Norwalk, a~ Anceles mp School •. A physician worked over the ~. ,.. .. _ Mev1tt , .. ,, sulxlrb, can coacentrate on bis Wife, lf. crumpled form •·the field for le\'t1'1I :• 11 _:.. ,,..,,,_ ,,.'i: monOi-old dauafrter Villi and the tee--• mJnutel: before the youth was carried o(f~ ~, 11 •• Mamti· 1 .. 11 . ond child they ke awaiting. Mart Naylon, 15-yur.td EdllOll High -.-.:J ,..,; ,~":. 11-;; • iearber won't 11y howi much ht. paid player. died rect'ntly 'of football head i-,.., for Sam, excepl Jhlt it'• "a little more Injuries. (See rtla!Od ltoty Ind plctura han !ht olh<r leUow did.'' on •ports.page). • ,J • ·' l ·t • ... ' . ,. •• 1 • 1 ~· -- ' .. ,'1" .... ,.....,. .... '"" ........ ,,r,~ .... ~ ... ""~:'"';.,.;...:.~-r"""!:"'"...,.~~··~·~-,....., .i I.I ''"':iif ........ ~. 1 ~ ' I , I,) I ' ; I " ~ , ~ ._• t;" .. •I Jlt. . .111; ' O J "'"" -~ ... , .• , . . ~ ...... :.~:.....:: ·. -.;~...:la..-. t~nett it~d SeaJ!ed · . , ~ltil~r. j),ie~· · · --~ --· ----~~· . . "They were little and hloely and scared ••• wait.inc fOr the world to be explained;" · . The quote is from 1 documentary film about the education .of 'small pa· tlenb at ' Faityiew State Hospital, Costi Mesa. .. They are mentally. retarded. They live in a small world. But revolutionary techniques in education and medi· cine , are helging them to become Part of a larger world. Reporter--Arthur R. Vinsel visited the facility to .find out what is happening there. ~ found hope along with hopelessness; triu l'l]ph along ·with truedy. Take the same t.o.ur. ~feet the people. Read the six-part Fairview State Hospital si.ory. It begin& tvlonday in •the DAILY PILOT. . . Valley Double Slayings ·. . ' ' Ruled Mu .rd_er, Suicide ltfurder and suicide became the formal her mother's bedroom about 8 a.m. Fri- theory Friday in. the double ~hooting of day and found the two siflying victims, a ycung Fountain Valley schoolteacher _call)ng W..estlaj_gs~r poll~e_, in her shock and her male comp8tilbn while the wo-fcir help,, h1 '.S~hup • On Freeway By RICl!ARD P. NALL Of Ille. D•ll1 ~llM St•ff Three men died in unrelated ' Orange County 'traffic accidents Friday ·.evening, and . early this morning. ' The dead arc: -Joseph Eanlco, 47, 1927 Maple St.. Costa Mesa. struck down crossing Ne w· port Boulevard a! 1:12 a.m. ·-· · -Telicbl Matsude, 82, 7071 Spruce St .. \Vcstminster, also a pedestrian. struck while walking on the west side of Locust Street near his home. -A 3'.l-year-0Jd man discharged from the Navy toda·v-who died When his car Crossed a divided asphalt section of the San Oi~g9 ·Freew~y near ·Calle JU{lnita in the San Clemente area. Police Lt. George Lorton of.Costa, Mesa said " Ennic9, an employe of ' the : Sea !!ff 181 ' ' , ' . . County Traffic Deatll Toll 1 t~ 171 man's children slept nearby. Fountain Valley police were notified Bree'Zc Bar, 541 w. l9th St., was creasing The bodies of Mrs. Ba~bara E. Good, and turned the girl and her brothers, Newport Boulevard at. Harbor at 12:59 32, and Howard F. Claytor, 39, were fin· Richard Good, 10, and Robert Good, 1: ally removed-from the woman 's home at over to their father later in the day fort · a.m.• 10780 Eli Plano .Ave .• after hours of ex· 'care. '" Lorton ~id Ennicil was In a cr«iswalk haustive detective work. 1 but !nay • hltive ibWi walkirlg . ag,lnatil _ Mrs. Good hpd been a Fountain Va • red light accor4ing to witnesses· reports "lnve:!iga tion into. the death or Mrs. lev resident for six months and n;!.igh. still 1beR'lg' investi gated. · · Good and Claytor shows that he apparent-bdrs in the neW Green Valley condo1nin. Ennico w21 boUnced 72 feet by a 'car ly shot the woman, then himself." said ium developmeOt said there was no evi--dri ven by William Hanseri, 22, of 644 Fountain Valley P~ce Ll. Marvin For· dence of a m·an ~n jthe house. · Sha!Jmar DriVe ,. Costa Mesa. Hansen Was tin. · . Police were called to the home in Sep-fKl l' held. • . 1 • • T\1rs. Good , ati instructor ;!t Eeastwood teinber after neighbors complained of a Police said Ennico had apparently been , Elementary SctiQOI in Westminster, was family disturbance, which apparently drinking. In ves tigators closed -Newport shot once in the shoulder blade area.' occurred after ·Mrs. Good and Claytor Boule.vard for about an hour, rerouting Claytor, a Long Beactt apartment resi· returned from an evening out. trafric while they studied the scene. ; dent. was fatally wounded• once in the Coroner's ·deRUti~s did not estimate The We.!tmlnster accident occurred at head <Ind was found nopped face down just when the vicllm11 died,· but. one S:~ p.-m,, just ~after Matsuda. who W88 on a 6.5. millimeter Japanese bOJt ac· ' neighbor reported hearing a sound ·about retired. had lert his home. Officill! ~1:1 tion rifle. He apparently fired the rJDe , 12:30 a.m. like la board being dropped llis family heard the squeal of brakes ~ into his mouth, ·shattering his brain, of-on the ground. the · HIM car driven by Donald Bia~~ .. ficialS said:' ' ' , , · stone, 38, 24495 ·chtmalea, MissiOfl Viej~. The relationStpp between lhe pair was , . , . , · Matsuda who wore· 1llsses and a heaij· l!tlll unclear Friday nigh~. although in-M " · H l Ing ald 1 suffered eitensive head injuries. vestigators 4ti:ojii1y believed Jhey had . ari JUall(l au · The ortver was not held. · ; J been mJrrfH,~then ieparated. · . • The coroner's .. office , and CabrornJa -MrJ. Good'• dnlJ?.tef Sue.~, wen~ ·10 -'.:'1c;-;-... ·a·t'.·$' 1 oo,n, o' O·' .;:._ lllgllWl!y atrol were sUl1'. wilhholdin( _,. t · :··'41--11 oea. , ti Ure name of the disc harged sailor klTied N -""'""' 'P•!l ' o· ~ In the freeway accident' al s a.hi. tii!lai eWStU'!"°'' . ~~l · .. l~··• "!i_~Rl.5!1~)\~ll, ;::_ Alu~l~~~y~,. ;;:~. acc~~ent ~;"';'~'_about l '~m ~~ • In, P.hiKn • C 1. ,.,..,a iill6 ,...n~ o mar JU811a up 1 • • . ., , ~ \._. . ,---:rPtn~s '.--~~~~:· ··1~:3e~~~~!e~t : ,··. ?"•' ":~·· · 1·11· ""·r· ~.b ... ~ •• · · f: ... MANILA (~I -A chartered' twin-Palpmar Airport · Sateft1te v • engine plane crlihed in Cebu in the cin-' _ . • · 1 tr al Phllippinea Friday night, ldl!Jng ar U.S. cD!toms agenls 18ld lhe~ JOWld Jhe· VANDENBERG AIR FORCE 'BASE Jealll two -aboont: "'¥1J-Friday whiluherUI"~ depudeo (AP) _ A 157-poond Qmnan-bullt sate!, ' The bodlel"of Pedro Lopa Jr., nn11 1'fl'llrcNJ.~ two men ,who ·r•n from the lite iJ tn orbit the first vehlcle In a.~ 't:.. editor of the Dally MhTor, and JulQ 8 ~· -• . oper;,.tJve,progratn.of West Germany~ ..... Villanueva, the t pllol, were recovertl:I ·_ 1~r; Gntoty tlward Lentz, 26. or the ,NatloruU AeroQ&utics and ;;pace ·A~ ~ from the wreckqe. Tiie Mtr.rw1 an aft.. lA'.lftg.Beachwucapturedln.~rbyYista ministration. ';r, emoon MWQIPllf~ 11 a ,..,.,.. publkao• ~nd ~for investigation of sm\clggl. The craft soared aloft Friday atop a ~.· tlOtt ..: !he -'l'lnlee. · Int· 'l'1le o111er·man wu •Ull S011ght. -IOllr-llai• Scout rocket. · '• • \ I· ' i f • • . ' ' -· A:pllo 1:2. "GOiil • I I .. . DAILY 10 • 10 SUNDAY 10 ~ . r IN SULA TED WORK BOOTS , Sunday 011l !J 1188 i Reg. 14.97 . • · 'I ' G•n"ln• loa thoc 8" bOO" l3i have Goodye11.r \\'ell, put ly !I cork 1011'.'. Taslan la ces. \Vine color. 7·12. Chars;e It. BOY'S WIDE WALE COTTON CORDUROYS . Sutulay Only Reg. Z,97 J96 Western styled Jeans tn action-back model! Pure . finish, easy-care corduroy. Blue, green, brown. 8-18. ., ' . l . ( ' . { COZY SLEEPER BLANKETS S11111la11 0"111 l ·fK'., 11c1·yht·. Nylon ziplX'r. Non·sktd feet, .toe caps: c'Ofllbcd cotton collar, ru tfs. S-~1-L·XL CUL:~l · ~- K MART® 7" CIRCULAR SAW 1997 AUTOMATIC 24-HR. TIMER S mulau 011111 Turns a~l1nce1 on, oft 1ny time of a:J. Just plug In, no wlrlna. ·wt.Y dial, operates on rqular 120 V.A.C. 437 ·--------- r M M M' M ~ WONDER RAWHIDE • SPRING HORSE S 1u1da11 0"111 REVERSIBLE 12" DART BOARD SET S1rnday OHllJ 97~ It ... IM. Basf!ball gamt on one 1ldl!, 20 point gamc on tevf!rse &ide. 3 miniature darts, game rules lncludPd, • I COSTA MESA ONLY -- LAST! r LADIES HALF SLIPS Reg. 2.97 f33 f, Tailored a!\d trim styles. Sizes: S·M·L-XL-XXL. ~ Nylon and ~lends in soft pastel colors , plus white. •• SA YE! THERMAL' BLANKETS SALE Sunday Onlut 2forS7 "Caprice." Napped polyester with nylon blndin&. Gold. lime, bl ue. pink and white. Save! 72"90". 3 PC. BATHROOM ENSEMBLE \\licker dei;1i;n. lncludr~ brush caddy, u·astf! basktt and clothes ham~r. LEXINGTON S1u1da11 OllllJ lS·pc. cryst.aJ.cut i:Jass 11ct inch1dcs; 7-qt. bou•I. 8 C\IP hooks. 8 punch cups and plas lic l1dle. · 511 PUNCH SET 222 I I I I 1 ' j , ( ' ( I 1 ' ! ( i i ' ' . * .. * ' yo~. 62, No: 268, s SECTIONS, 10 PAGES . . . ! . . \ " 3 l(illed on Roads I ' 1 • ' . 2 P edestrwns, Sailor . ·Victims By RICHARD P. NALL 01 fM 0.!IY ,llol Slfff Three·.' men died in unrelated Ora nge Coupty traffic accidents Frida y evening .and early this mornini. The dead are: -Joseph Ennlco, 47, 1927 Maple St.. Costa Mesa, struck down crossing New- port Bo,ulevard at 1:12 a.m. -TeUchl Matsude, 82, 7071 Spruce SI., Wesbninster, also a pedestrian , struck while walking on the west side of Locust Street near bis home. "' .-A 20-year-old man discharged from the Navy today who died when his car crossed a divided .asphalt section of the San Diego Freeway near cane Juanita in the San Clemente area. Police Lt. George Lorton of Costa f.1csa said Ennico, an cmploye of the Sea BreeZe Bar, 54 1 W. 19th St.. was crossing Newport Bdu:levard at Harbor al 12:59 a.m. Lorton said Ennico was in a crosiiwalk but may have been walking against a 1969 In County Traffic Death Toll 1961 111 red light according to wilne$es' reports still being investigated. Ennico was bounced 72 feet by a car driven by William Hansen, 22, o{ 644 Shalimar Drive, Costa Mesa. Hansen was not held. Police said Ennico had apparently been drinking. Investigators closed Newport Boulevard for about an hour, rerouting traffic while they studied the scene. Italy Against Death Term, The Westminster accident occurred at 5:45 p.m. just after Matsuda, who wa.!I retired, had left his home. Official.!! said his famlly heard the squeal of brakes on the 1969 car driven by Donald Black· stone, 38, 24495 Chamalea, Mission Viejo. Matsuda who wore glasses and a ·hear· ing aid suffered extensive head injuries. The driver was not held. The coroner's office and California Highway Patrol were still withholding the name of the discharged sailor killed in the freeway accident at 5 a.m. today. The accident occurred about 8 p.m. Frio day. A highv.·ay patrolman said the ex-serv· lcerrian and his wife were southbound ·when his car went out of control, crossed the divider and hit a northbound car. She is in seriQ\IS condiUon. $1,100 Given , G" U Sk . k For Librar)' Wont 1ve p y]aC er B Lagunans ROME (AP} -One of Raphael Mini-lta\y. t.he lawyer added, does not extra. ' Y chiello's defense attorneys said today dite ltal_ians. Lacu9a ~.each rcsi.d{!S1~3Ympathetic to that Iialy probably would refuse to turn The handsome, da}'li:-hai'red Vietnam a contifUing downt6im aentra! library • ..-... accused hi1'acker over to U.S. auth· war veteran with a Win.some smile has site have· put their ~; $1,100 of -it, ~~ Where .. their hearl is. · _ .. orities because he would face the de"ath become a hero io 'the Italian mountain James(Dilify1 articulate !llld continuing penalty for air piracy in the United village 1fhere he was ~m. advoca~ of library· expansion at the ex· States. The villagers of Acquafredda Di Meli· isling si~had the donated cheeks today Italy has no capital punishment and . to Irpino are raising money _for his to prove e support. defense and ha~ urged the Itahan gov· The ci . in March lied agreed to a liite always has refu~d to extradite anyone erotneni 1to 'r efuse extfadition. on Third treet at what might be tenned wanted for a capital offense, the lawyer An J•nh.. · ....-.1i red · a rim of j he downtown basin. However, ta.id ~n movie .,, """ucer secu a : . · copyrtght~in.Rome Friday for a movie high cost pf land and thftcounty crileria· N!cola ~bar~,. o'?' of th~ee ~ttor· script entlUed: "Countrym8.n, Why Do on u:ie a~· ·tit will pay toward such a neys defending . Min!ch1ello., ~I~ said. he You Arrest Me?" _ the quegtion Mini· branch Ti ry seem to have temporarily h~pec;I to get his-chent out 1111 pending chiello puf to police when they found him stal"mat the Third Street site. trial ~n Italy, where he e-0uld get 30 years in a churchyard last Saturday after his Dilley, of 11 persons appointed to a In prison. 17-hour 6 !i:lo-mi!e' flighL mayor's li rary comrilittee, said details Minichiello, 20, ls. ~eing held in Rome's t.ombar'di\ said he could win Minichie l-are being ~rked out for a trust fund to Queen of .He.aven Ja1l .. on ~even charges lo's tempor~ freedom if the investigat. help the citf build at the existing site. conn:ected ~th the .h1}a~k!~g last wee~ ing ~_Jtate, s_cheduled lo hear the They w'11d necessitate closing or of a ,;rrans World Airlines 1et from Cab-case today, woul(I reduce one o{ the building Oler the~ope-.way segment o! forn1a to Rome. . . charges. Park AveQUe adjacent the existing 226- A f~er°".1 grand JUr_y 1n New xork _r~-Lombardi said prelimina ry imprison· square-foot llibrary and acquisition of a tu~ned 1nd1c~me~ts Fr1d~y ac~us1ng Mini-ment was neCessary because the Italian trian'{le of land next to-Park. chiello of air piracy, k.idna p1ng and as· charges include introducing military wea· 9!11ey saii:I the asking price has been i.ault . ~ut I_taly so far has not agreed to pons iilto the country-a carbine and a $70,000 for the triangle. 'I1le city owns the e..'(tradite him . pistol. Lombardi said that if the ·word exil:ting bililding and land. b d' 'd r · hi r · · .;I'm sure that the mayor's committee Lorn. ar 1 sa1 . ~ne . actor Jn s c 1ent s "military" were dropped from the will be helped enonnously by the show of favor is that Mirucfuello never formally charge, Minil:hiello probably would be "'illingness on the part of citizens to help ga~e up .hs .Italian citizens~ip, 1,even freed pending his trial. the council finance the purchase of the while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. f.1inichiello's linother and sister visited library triangle." said Dilley. him EDda.L shortly _after ther· arrival A fi~st order of business for the Beach Gridder from SeatUe. Wash. His 76-year-old father mayor's comrntttee:-Dllley -agreed. will Luigi, 'who lives in a village iear Naples, be to agree on which site it will support. Seriously Huit A 17-year~ld football player from Hun- tington Beach was in serious condition this morning with a neck injury suffered ii\ the Friday night football game between Edison and ~ia High Schools. Sam Fuga, offensive fullback and de· [ensive left tackle. was rushed to Hoag Memorial where he was placed in in- tensive care. lJnofficial sources said the youth may have suffered a bro ke n neck. The tragedy struck early in the game which wu played at Newport Harbor High School. A physic ian worked over the crumpled form on the field ror several minutes before the youth was carried off. Mark Naylon. IS-year-old Edison High player, died recently of football head injuries. (See related story and picture on sports page). also visited him. Marvin Mitchelson, a lawyer from Bev- erly Hills, Calif., accompanied the two women to Italy and asked for permission to talk with Minichiello. The elder Minichiello brough t his fam· ily to the United States several years ago and then returned alone to his nati ve country. Newsman,· Pilot Die In Philippines Crash MANILA (AP) -A chartered twin· engine plane crashed in Cebu in the cen- tral Philippines Friday night, killing at least tWo persons aboard. The bodies of Pedro Lopez J r., news editor of the Daily Mi rror. and Jules Villanueva, the pilot, were rec<1vered /rom the wreckage. The Mirror, an afl· ernoon newspaper. is a siste r publica- tion of the Manila Times. Countdown Halts As Apollo Ci·ew .Takes Practice CAPE KENNEDY, Fla, (AP) -The launch team for man 's second moon- lfOding mission rested today v.·hile the astronauts who will fly Apollo 12 prac· tlced in a spaceship trainer. . The week-long countdow n started at noon (EST) Friday, aiming for lift of( of the Saturn 5 booster rocket at 8:22 a.m. PST next Friday. The first 14 hours went Without a hitch and a planned 31-hour hold began earl v today to give launch crews i length)t rest period and avoid about SI0,000 in weekend overti me pay. The count is to resume at 9 a,m; Sun-- day. Three more automatic holds are scheduled for addition al launch team rest and in case time is needed to cor· rect problems that might arise. L l d S d The three astronauts -Nuy Cmdrs. one y an ~are Charles Conrad Jr., Richard I' Gordon Jr. and Alan L. Bean.-planned ID IP<nd ' , , several hours today irt the commahd ·ship -'~They were-little and lonely and scared ...... _._. wait~jor Ute wor~ lo be ~ · pltnulator, l'ebeaning procedure. fof re-- XP.ljlned. •• . " -~ o ~'!Dley'llrough the'earth'I ltmo!JJhlirranlf Jbe quott•,ls,Jrom a dpcum(lnlary film about the educat.iOn or· arftall pl· .. land~ art.er ~he ·Jl.dly mlhfon.- .. ..,.~-~ Uents at Fairview State Hospital, Cost.a Mesa. ~ ~g the flight,: ~ad_And, Bean.are """. 1 to land on the moon'• Ocean « Sklrms They are mentally retsfded. They Jive in a ~ ~ to Col\Unu&-aoknUon started by ApollO -:orld. But re_volu Uon,ry •tectu!iquel in ed.ucauon:'and JriiJ.dl. ~·11 ~ .iUty. O,ordon will orbit.the moon crne are helping them to become 'part of a larger world. 1 while his Companions explore be19w: , Reporter Arthur R. Vinsel visited the facility lo find out what is happening there. He found hope along with bopeleasoese:; tr1umph• along with tragedy. • Take the aame tour. Meet the people. Read the ,.~ Fairview Stale Ho9]>1tal s19rY. It begins Monda y in the DAILY PILOT. Satellite in Or bit • { VANDENBERG AIR FORCE 1!4sE l (AP ) -A 157-pound °"'1IW>llltik Ille!· t lite ii In orbll the !lilt 'vohlclo" Ill a ... operaUve prolram Ill Wtll<lenlllli·aid the NatiOnal Aer0111Ulicl'•n¢ &Joie# '-------~==,,_--,,=====.;,,,,======~~..!-:!:·=•Uon. . " . '. • \ r ....._ •.• ...,., _ __,. • * .-=--• • - ·• • • l • ' . •· a~r1 ~ :.u·a~na --. , , " . : ..... ,, AM'·LEAVES'CO!JNTY ,FOR NEW t,tOME l N .ZOO ' 11.Nljlji"'." ors1;5oo In Fdild anc1 Li.t,;,., 1111•-.· Hipp~· G~s Home ' Sam Leaves County for Bakersfield BAKERSFJELO (AP) -What·dou an for profit turned into a ilightmarc of unemployed construction worker· do with ,l,500 in food and lodgin~ bills. an unemployed bippopotamusr-when ·the The Orange County Animal Shelter fi-nally accepted Sam as a boarder, but , former has a family to feed and the lat· d!regtQr_ Robe..rt Wol'_hman wasn't hap,py tcr has a big appetite. with the ide~. Sam's pen. he said, Ronnie HoChleutner, 28. sold the ani· "wouldn't bold him a m'oment if' he de. m31 Friday even though he had develop-cided to go."~ edJ a great affectil!n for· Sam, the Hippo-:'We. kep~ that cat placaled and omol· potamus .;_ an. I',780'· 'PQUndS of him.\ lifl8d,'" Worhlban said, "by' ·keeping; him . The. new o.wner, JOhri 'B~rber, ,~ .Ba· well f~d .anp._ -~atered 1 dow n.". . klirsfie!d auto ,dealer. plans ti) give· Sam . But·Friday, Sam, checked out by truck· • • "iatly "Paper TEN .CEtirrS ·au Huntingt· on . . ' . . . -' . . Laguna Net ' ·68 PQnnds A duped . dppe su~pect ·delivered five kilograms of marijuana, to narcoUcs agents ,waiting in Huntirigll?fl' ~ach, th'en' led them to ·a massive 26-IWogiam cache in i.agUna Beach, police Said this .. morning. The Friday-night seizure or . about 68 JIOUlldS OJ' weed cit>Ped· an ·eatller joint capture: or. 20 , poUnds of .~ashish. ~at narcotics ollicers' i&beled the· bigges.t ol Ila~~~ ~=~e~~~on;!~, ~:i:u~°oo as a transient living temporarily iii La- guna, was arrested afte r .he· assertedly was conned by narcotics officers into delivering to them the five kilOs of pot at 9351 Tahiti Circle in Huntington .Beach Friday night. Lt. Bert Eckstrom of the Huntington Beach police said narcotiCs invesUgators from Huntingto n· Beach, Downey Police De~rtment and Lo~ Angeles County Sheriff's Office were waiting at the Ta· hiti address wheti Bartlett Phoned. Investigators, amled with a Search v.·arranti w"ere dofng foltowup work af. ter th,e Wednesday night se iiure ~rxl arrest of five men ·at the same addniss. P~ aai(l at the' time ·tb'at in addition • to tlie IO J>OUJlds of liiibiSh they 'hid re· covered 96 LSD· tablets, a quarter ounce ot·herotn! 400 seconaJ ,tablets and four marijuana plants growing in the· rear yard. • Lt. Ekstrom said Bartlett lead the tin-. dercover agents to Latuna Beach where the 28 ki103 of marijUalia were seized. The location or the seizure was not im· mediately available. Ekstro111 deXTibed the marijuana as ''high grade," C<lvered wlth brown wrap- ping paper and alumi num. The illicit value of the latest seizure was not-es. timated by agents .Out they had said the earlier capture or hashish and other drugS was a $100,000 bust. Mcirijuana Haul Set at $100,000 · to the Kern COunty Zoo· Society. . trahqu.ili~ ft;ir the 130-~le trip north Sam will be thC first African exhibit · to .Bakersr;eld. · , ' CARLSBAD CAP) -Authorities have at . a new zoo under. conslruction five Now Ronnie, of Nor'i)'alk, ~ ~s Angeles seiied seo pounds or marijuana worth up mil es east of Bakersfi eld. suburb, can concentrate on his wife, I~ to Sl00.000 on the illicit market from a Hochleutner bought Sam for ·$480 last month-oJd daushter Vikki· and 1'the ~c-small airplane parked near a runway a' wtek_at tbe, .. .auctian.-block:~ w.hen__Jungle.-_o.nd c!lfld theY., aru~aitil)_g._ · __ J::alomar "AirRQ..rt. __ . _ land, an animal. con:ipound northwest of Barber won'ff say h?':" ~uc .-' e pai(I U.S. customs agents said they fo~ the Los Ange!e~_., was dis~anded .. . . for Sam, except that 1t. s ,, a .!J£tle more marijuana Friday whlle she~ilf's depuUes But Romue s dreams of eXhib1t1ng Sam ban the other fellow d1d. were chasing two men who ran from I.he aircraft. Valley Double Sfuyings Ruled· Murder, Suicide ., i1urder and s~iCide bec8me the formal theory Friday in the double shooting of a young Fountain Valley schoo lteacher 'and her male companion while the wo- man:s children slept nearby. The ,bodies of Mrs. Barbara E. Good, 32, and Howard F'. Claytor. 39. were fin: ally re moved from the "·on1an's home at 10780 El Plano Ave .. after hours of ex· haustive detecliVe work. "Investigation into th e death of Mrs. Good and Claytor shows that he apparent- ly shot the woman. then him.Self," said Fountain Valley PoUce Lt. 1i1arvin For· Un. ' . ' Richard Good, 110, and Robett t clioo. 7, ove r to their. father later ' in the day for care. Mrs. Good had been a Fount ain Val· lev resident for six months and' neigh· bOrs in the new Green Valley co.ndomin· ium development said there'was rio evi- dence of a man in the house. Police were called to the home in .Sep- te1n!:ler after neighbors Complained o( a family disturb~nce, which apparently occurred after Mrs. Good and Claytor returned from an ev ening out. . • Coroner's de]fllties · di(l, net estimate just when the victitj'IS died,. bu~ 9f1e neighbor reported hearing:•· sound' about 12:30 a.m. like a board beiog ·dropped on the grpund. I 1 1' ·; ' Mrs: Good, an instructor at ~astwood Elementary ScqO-OI in Westminster. was shot. pnct In.I.he should'e.r blade area. C\aytM,' 1 !Long B<acb •pattmenl resi· · • · " ~ 4enl, 11:•• ftllally wtitiiMlfti once In the n1ane £\.;._.-1-.·'fl".~lJs -tiead~~ !Uuml~-r·~ .C:. , ~l!l.ll:..Dlll t~;i·;~"~~~r;: ~~"rr;·, Fout i~ 1 A:.;i~~ri~ 1nto ,hls ~. ,sttattenng his brSIJ1, of=. ·', • • '! .~ · • ficlall.sald • ~..., • ~ I • , .,., • · ·, , .;...1 ' • • . ·FLAGSl'AFF, Ari<. (p]'J) -Four per-. .. ,~.ztlllioilsld1'.belween lbe pair•w8', . · IOlll. all believed'~ bf ru!~entsor Salt sllll . uncl~ar F.r1day' night! although 1,,.. Lak'e City, Were kflled 'Friday 'Wheri a v~ugalors. · s\rul\gJy t>elleved tney had· lighl P.,lane crashed and•burrled in a1 wood- beeu married aQd then separated. ed area 'r1 miles sOuth ol here..-'~ Mn, Gootf'I dmllbl«111je, JI, W'!'I~ Que of tile ;,.icti'"', bell~ to be !be l)llt _,, betllotial ·~~ ... 'li'ii. ptlot1 wu lenlaUvely IHenUfled 11 Har· qy,_1nd found Ille twp.•I VjcUmi, ojd c. ~.'The other.vi~tJms •. a m'n .,.pnig w .. 1m1noter,'JllllC1 hi= ,• sboc~ 'nd ll'O wjliqm, wcrt 'bu<1)ed beyond • -' · · • neoei;JUon 1nd depuUes ··said· floaer· Valley ,P91i<e •ere ~ · prillll. w1tcha and rinp woold be 'ust.f ""1otl Ille'. lli!'..ond..her brG4lim. to-ellllllflh identilicalion. .~ .. Later. Gregory Edward Lentz, 26, of Long Beach was captured in nearby Vista and booked for il\ves ti8:atlon Of sm\.tggt. ing. The other man was still sought. . ' Youths Scale Wall BERLIN (AP) -Ty.to teen-age youths scaled the Berlin wall and dropped ihto 'Vest Berlin Friday night, police report· ed today. The boys, 15 and 18 yeaNJ old, apparently were not riot.lee<! ·by El.st Ger· man border guards as they made Uieir- way into the U.S. sector of I.he divided city during a storm. · Oraage Cea st Wea&ller Sbo.wers,. bjlt not the violent kind, are ·OJl the horizon wil.h light rain- falJ prtdicted for Sunday under continued cool·conditions. ' ' '---~SmE-'l'ODA-Y~ · Real . a pact · 111en' should c~ nZore tpcci. Noted:acitnot tDri&- 'er. -Jsaac··ArimoV propo1e1 ·to raise' a aeneratlon of· frue apote men in rnoon Colt>nies and t11e'1& sc11d tllem off to ~la11 and bt· uo11d, Fanlily Weekly\ ...... ., " Allll L.....;,. .. CllllrC'* ... ...... U•lt ClaH!fftll ••• llM I '"• , . "-" '""' . t>.M C1'11ttwt111 11 ltttll Mffll ... 1•11 ·~·= ' ........ "" e11 .. ,._WI 1 .. 1' UIM:lt \.• " ,lll_f 1•11 .1 I • ' -~ --r---........ _ -. . . DAJIY....IU.OT •"'9\k ~-"'' .. ---. --·-... .....,; la I .t:..i ... • Do 12. Goal ... _. __ -.:Landing onMPOn ~otGobd,~no~gh " feel down 1he sloPe or that crater._is theJL_n m a n n e d Surveyor 3 spat:tcralt:w111cli son.landed In 1967. ';The people th&t picked.the targets decided that in rhyme ~1~ .. CAPE KENNEDY. FI a. fAl'l--For tho Apollo 11 astnin•utS. i""ply landing on the moon w!ll not be good enough. The succtss or eight moon missions to follow could clePend en how well Ws Apollo 12 crew touches down w1th ~~~~th Apollo 13 with our accuracy landing. "I ~ · ~- that rather than just say that • ''·' '-·•liO>.ol:i. we lhoold try to land next to SPECIAL c;.raler X, ~·e would try to land nut Mard'I. Amer ican · ·.n-·plan to par• landing citft tn artu far more rugged ' thaD the lUDar plalns chosen as targets oo Apollos 11 and 12 • ..Parking places will be smaller and more difficult to ruch. And if Astronauts miss the spot they are aiming for. t!ltY mllht be fi>ree<t lo abort a.Jo!>cUnl and "'tum to earth Omo\J·llanded. MJJS1D POINT next to something where we il!''"""'"""""""""""B ~d bring back some bonus lype Information and maleri1ls," Conrad said. Anne«i with cable snippers ~] bought at a hardware store, he and Bean hope to cul off . chunks of Surveyor 3 and bring them back to earth so people deaiping mocin baaes ·can learn hoW wtll various mat.crials .withstand the lunar environment. Because of the four-mile miss on Apollo 11. flight plan- ners have d)anpd procedures and hardware on Apollo 12 to increase the odds of a pinpoint landing. ' MADE CHANGE , - & INSULATED WORK BOOTS Project officials sald Apollo lt utron1uts Neil A. ArmM>og 'and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. missed their aiming J>Oint on the moons' Sea or 'f'ranquillily by nearly four milei If they had been dtacending toward an airport runway on earth, they would have overshot their mark by 22;:oJ feel. For Apollo t 1. whose only pl wu to achieve a landing ->Ad return safely to earth, ,::ne most Major thing that \fC have done is made a change in our, com,puter pro- gram tha~ will. allow us to go into the computer during j>(lwered descent and change the landing 1it.e based on th latest information passed to us from the growid," Coorad ·ex- plained. .Su11du11 Oulu lteg. 14.9 7 Genuinf! leather 8" boot' ha\'C Goodyear "·elt. pulty cork sole. Taslan laces. Wine color. 7-12. Charge IL 1188 ' 'that wU acceptable. · The moon's Ocean 0 r ·storms.. where .the Apollo lZ crew plans to set down Nov. 1t1 ''b a UWe. b_lt rpcre rony femln than NeU landed in," &aid Apollo 12 commander Charlea Conrad Jr. "Gently rolling type t.!Taln with 200- to 300-foot aIUtude differences over a couple of kiloineters." · FJJPt controllers believe Conrad and his lunar module · copilot, .Alan L. Bean, can sUll I~ ~fely U they miss their ·irk. But such might not be the ca.se on Apollo 13, targeted to land near the shallow crater Fra Mauro In a more moun~ tainous rtgion. It ill up to COnrad and Bean to prove Apollo 13 can park in rugged ttrrlin safely. PARK MODULE While utronaut Ricfiard F. On Apollo 11, Ann*"'1g and Aldrin began tbeii ta'ndlng ap- proach with" tracking Jh. fonnaliOn in their spacecraft computer · outda't.ed by two orbits. Apollo ll'1 landiM site was on the eastern half" of the moon, howeveto and the crew -flying east to we11t -had ~ only 16 minutes of radlo con-~ tact to ·accept new date from earth before starting the final descent. J They were busy preparing for the hist<ric touchdown so a computer update wa.s not al· tempt ea. Apollo 12, aimed at a western site,· will have more than 30 minutes of radio con- tact with earth before laodlng -plenty of lime to punch the latest tra~c dota into the LM computer. BOY'S WIDE WALE COTION CORDUROYS Stind.ay Only f96 Western styled jeans ln action·back model! Pure finish, easy.care corduroy. Blue, green, brown. S.18. ' . . , ' ,. I ' ' 'I I .. . ~ '; " f.7:¥. '::;/ -... ' COZY SLEEPER BLANKETS S1mda11 0 11111 1-pc., acrylic. Nylon zipl)l'r. Non-skid feet , t°" cap,;; 1·ombed cotton collar, c·uff~. S·hl·L-Xl. 297 ,. lADIES HALF SLIPS f33 Tailored and trim styles. Sizes: S·M·lrXlrXXL. Nylon and Blends in soft pastel colors, plus white. Gard.Oil Jr. circles the moon IUilllf care of the Apollo IZ command lhlp Yankee Clip. ·~ .. -a.lrld and Bean will try 'tO 'p&rk their lunar module - J~ craft named lntnpid ,.... witlitn ftlkin.a d1ltaDce of a , cril.I( .. •fett wick. S,me 110 Other changes are also being made on Apollo 12. For i:xample, when , Armstrolfr& .~iW(j Aldrin ._. docked from the A Pollo 't 1 command ship piloted by Michael Collins, their L~1 lan- ding craft popped away rapid- ly in the direction of flight, causing grpund controllers lo miscafcu\ate the LM 's exact position. Minor bums of small control rockets and venting of the LM"s water boiler, causing small thrusts in various direc- tioru. further complicated the problem of pinpointing Hs r~:~~~·~~ SA YE! THERMAL Priesthood For Women? LOS ANGELES (AP) - Women abould be allowed to beemie prleata:, a young Negro ciretr wooi1n told a gathering of Roman Catholic women. location. ~ . BLANKETS SALE Su11du11 011111! '"Many qualified w o m e n thiologians cannot be priest!." r.tr1. Lola McAlpln Grant told Thursday's annual meeting of the Archcliocesan Council of Catholic Women. "Why should they be restrained because of aex." PLAN TO UNDOCK Apollo 1.2 astronauts Conrad and Bean plan lo undock from the command ship more slow- ly and do the uncoupling with K MART(!;; 7" CIRCULAR SAW * "Caprict"." ~ap[X'd polyl"ster with nylon bind.in,. Gold, lim<', blue, pink and \O.'hite. Save! 72x90", .S u11du11 011111 the L?i.I and mother ship . . . perpendicular to the lunar Hea"Y dut~'. !\I'.'~' V1s1-Port. Mrs. Grant, 111 27-year<()Jd gr1du1te (If l.,(ly(lla Univ,rsity School ol i..w, was a princlp1l speaku at the conference. She is one of nnly 14 women depu· ty 1tt.omey generals of the 200 in California. Orchid Breeder Selling Stock OCEANSIDE (AP) -Frank Fordyce is turning his back on his 15 house and 75,000 orchids under 200,000 feet of glass. In 17 years as an orchid-breeder and ,rower in San Gabriel and 7 ritOre in Oceanside, Fordyce devtJoped famous strains and aJiipped biJ orchids ov'r the -· Hil · faur acres perlumtd a aection of Southern California, loftg noted for its areenhOuses. -He'1 selling his s1ock. By the end of November, Fordyce "&a.id he ~·ill move to San Mateo. . . . Chrome with oihtc bearini::. surface, elimlJlaling the U.L. appro\·ed Built·in downrange velocity error that clutch prevents .:kick ha.ck." occurs \Yhen undocking in the directions of flight. Engineers also redesigned the LM's water boiler vent to make it ·nonpropulslve. As one final trick to increase odds for an on· ta r get touchdown, Conrad and Bean plan to aim for a point about T 1,000 feet short ot where they 1 would actually like lo go. In a flying machine; it's easier to approach a runWay short and . adjust the craft's palh to land on target than it is lo comt' in long and try to jam on the brakes. "The target point Is 1,000 feet short and 500 feet to the righf' of Surveyor 3's crater, Conrad said. "Jt looks like there·s a good place within about 400 feel of the edge of the crater ·which I would like to manually fly to. just to make il an easier task to \\'alk. to it." BIBLE THO UGHTS U.W AND OllDlll: God o•d•i11•d GOV. EANMENTS for LAW •nd ORDER •11d COMMANDS ob•di•nt• to th1fl1, II.om. 11:1·7, Mtlt. 21; 17-27, I Pit. 2:1)·17. J 11111 p•ld f1ir11, thouth •bhorti~9 10111• u111 of #111• tiir11, Mttt. 17;24·27. A NATION of REBELLIOUS p1opl• i1 1997 ~ -~~crr•>... ... vr-;z1 M ~ 20 GAL MITAL .; M ~ !1 TASH CAN 188 G;.l"an1zi"d n1f'taJ ean "ith tight fitting cov .. r. Char'"e it. .. ·' ' " ' ~ .·I WONDER RAWHIDE N .. .S1111da11 011l u ~i Stra"·berry roan. polyeth~lene plastic. AdjustJ fj abte base and saddle height, grows "'ilh the ~~':H!.':H!.':H!.':H!.':H!.':H!.':H!.':H!. REVERSIBLE 12" DART BOARD SET S1u11lu 11 Onl11 \Vicker desi&:n. Include11; brush caddy, "·aste basket and clothes hamper. 1s1111111r " ntvsll"ll,.,,, • "SICK" IN THE HEAD, th• libl1 11y1, ht. l;S. Whe~ ••ell pet1•11 io11 whet it "1i9ht 111 hi1 ow11 tvt1", • 11•tio11 will h•cOlftt EVIL. Sit Jud9•1 11 ;16-2$ for 1 l ibl1 •rtM,I• of citittlll who w11• KIDNA,EltS, bK.w11 ••d•1•net1 DID AS HI 'LEASED. No•~•;, 11ft wh••• meifdi1r1911 LAW AHD O~OElt •nd de whit "•••I'll•" ri9ht to th1111. c>..ir 11tffo11 c•~t1of 111nol¥1 11t1l111 we 11,t in r1p1c.t f•r l.AW AND OltDEI:. H•llc.•, h•11t1t citi11t11 111u1t DEMAND put1i1h1111~t f•r .... ~hi1h. s, •• .i., , ... ~11hlfttftf fer ... a it•'J i1 • d·t•tT•~• whlch 11 ~ti '•' SOCIETY •~i th• EVIL DOEii.; it ~.,,, him •wt of .f,..uM•I II he c•11't ctlllt•I hi1P11tlf, it'1 b11t th1t OTHERS ,.,.. tr.I t.1111. AUTOMATIC 24-HR. TIMER-97~ LEXINGlON-PUNCH-SET S1l11da9 Ot1l11 222 II!' t°"e1111111ttt I•• ce11llich wah G•i't l1w, w• MUST ch•••• •• .-..., •OO'S lew, Ach 4;t t ,51Jt. l ut. 111 th• 1b1•11c• ef i J1ect Cltl\rllct, Cl~I L Ol!DIENCE h r•!uir1til, L•t u1 110! ftU .. ;cfiln . ~-, .. a •11•1 •ho •••k •• 01v1or ANO CONQUEll.. U11i11i .... 1t1n4, lllridt4" ,.., fell. Mitt. ll;JS. If .,.., ht•• llbt1 C1•tttio111. writ• or pho11• Chu•ch of Ch1 i1t, 217 W. WiJ.011 lt .. Co1lt Mei•, Ct. tl617. '"· S41-S7 1 I. Vi1it .11. WE LOVE 500 WE LOVE GOOD. W~ LOVE OUll. COUN. TltYI WE LOVE CUit FLAW ! S1111dn11 011111 I Turns 11.PJllianctt on. off any time of day. Ju~l rlut in, n('I l\\"lrln&;. 2•\\'ay di11 , opera.I ra on reeular 120 V.A.C. I , 437 ( 18·pc. crystal-cut ;:lass ttt includes: 7-qt. bowl, 8 curi hooks. 8 punch cups and plastic l~dlc. ,) f -' • l • . ( r ' 2 t ' ' ' ' I ' j ' • . ' . ,. . -·'"' -2_Arr_e&ell :·In Th.re~ts 1. . ' -, I OD -Nixon-=. r -.. 7. • "f ~ CAeL=.Iwo-men have ~n \ arrestlf, ln c<JlltleC\ion with th:eats on th'e Ufe Of President Nixon:-Both thr t.s were 'linked to the Vietnam war. 1 Asst. U. S. Ally. Mike Osman said • Gtorgrt W. 84ler.•Sl, of Miami, wa.s ar• reste<f 'on a charge of aw. !ting a federal officer. Osman said John Anthony Baker, 24. of Bretzewood, Pa., was charged with threatening the life ol the President. OS· man said the two were not related. Both mtn, arrested here Thurtdtiy shortly before the President arrived for a weekend at his Key Biscayne i'e"treat, were ordered held on $200,000 bond and both remained in jail. ' • S~tfootnotwf··e, 1'69 DAILY Pllfl' 3 "Maren Nov. 15 · • • Protest· Parade .. · ' .. Route r)ehat~a -. • WASHINGTON CAP) -JusUcw 0oput. ......-11 pork -., ·a blDdl lo --,,,,;;;r,OllJClil~-· -lhe -from ·the-bldl-1-ol-the wtre about 1,000 feet from acreement· executive mansion. l<ldly on the propooed rvulo ol the Nov. '!be roolo wu propoaed by Kleflidlemt 15 m"' marcl> th""'lb WlllhinllGD-Iller <lay-long meetings· with mardl White 'f6Ule security olfldall adam, ........ an<! • ..parate ·-iillb -antiy lnais't.d such a large ~· ,_.ta~v .. ol vaiiod& capffll .-ty mites r111ge from 100,000 to 500.toO -forces, including Police, th& Secret Str- shoold not ~ permitted clOHr than that ,vice· and "the Anny. to the execUtive mansion. · It WAI the Secrtt ServiCe which olf•· Th~ JusUce Depirtment, after consul· ed the most ob.tecUons to a detour•bk:h tation with the White Houae, qreed Fri· _,Id awing the llW'Cb dooo to Ille Whit. day to let the mass march proceed ...t H-. ~ te .. --. Saturday u long as the route ii CMstl· might storm the t'lecutive· ~.tbe tution Avenue and the demonatraton Pfellden.Ual ~aid an Elhple's don't make a side lrip to lhe presi~I . difference would provide ·enaup:·wpro- resldence. tecUon room .• But lhe New Mobilization CMonitlee, Kleindlenstsaid thegov-lnriD· to End the War in Vietnam reje(:ted th& lng to conUnUe negotiatkm" an.• Gibe!" government proposal, again sayfng th;at rou\e altern.ativtS. Both aides haft reet.h- Osman said the Miami man wro'te to Nixon in May and said if his son in Viet· nam was killed he would kill every fed- eral official he could flnd , from the Presi- dent down to members of the local draft .J board. ~ • 'f-'' • ~ I any plan must allow marchers to pass ed atrtement on an other upec:ts ol the In front of the White House. tbtte-day demoMratJon. . "Because the President was comins tn Florida the Secret Service went lo his house Thursday," Osman said, "and he invited them inside." Osman said Baker took a high-power- ed rifle with a telescopic sight from be· hind his chair. "loaded it and pointed it at them ," saying he was ·•ready lo dis- cuss whatever they had to discuss with them ." A"Secret Service official in Washington, D.C., Jack Warner, ,said John Baker had been wanted since Oct. 20 when a war· rant charging he had threatened tht President was issued in P'rtsburgb. John Baker waived extradition to Pennsylvan- ia Thursday. The charge alleges that John Baker told a law enforcement officer in Pitts- burgh Oct. 2: "Remember my name be- cause I will assassinate the President if the troops aren't out of Vietnam by 1970." Ron Zeigler. Nixon's press aide, said the President had never been in any di· rect· danger on Key Biscayne. "At no time was the personal well be· ing of the President directly involved," said Zeigler. who issued the statement shortly before Nixon Je!t to spend the night in the Bahamas. Lagu11,a Theater 'Baptized,' But Shoiv To Go On By BARBARA KRElBICH OI flle o.llY flli.t Sltfl A lilt1e damp around the edges, the new Laguna Moulton-Playhouse I s recovering lrpm. a.n-.~t~~ by rainstorm.' ThutscWy and ~ w • • open its new _show, "The Only Gaine ,in Town_.:_ on Tuesday evening. !ffie cos Uy neW Dilllding al the. mouth of Laguna Canyon sprang a few leaks dur· ing the heavy downpour and wound up with a quantity of water in the orchestra pit -three or four incheS, accOrding to Ctty Engineer Joseph Sweany, but it look- ed more like "a couple or feet" to the Players' artistic director John Fenacca. -Whatever the amount, the water. it was a~. nowed in uo.der double loading doofs at the foot of a driveway sloping dov.'?l from the rear of the Playhouse. The orchestra pit was pumped out Friday morning and attempts are being made to dry dampened carpeting in adjacent areas while It remaitl! in place. Failure of a floor drain, Ferzacca said, caused the build-up of water in the orchestra pit. Power was turned off 1 overnight to prevent possible shorts. Water also built up on the roof or the 1 theater, he said, as a result of clogged , or non-functioning drains. and p o u r e d through aeveral vent.ilafors produci ng a : minor torrent in the kitchen and dam- ' pening dressing rooms and the backstage : area. ~ Sweany said It is not uncommon to ha ve a co.nt111ctw .return to a job to correct ! minor leak -problems in a new building •and that is just what Azar Construction C:Ompany is doing. The city engineer felt all the problems could be corrected easily, including making a slight change in ext~or gr~n_g, to divert runoff. Dfdll PILOT ""1tert ..... .. ........... ---_,...., ..__ CAUfOIMIA Olt.AHGI ct)AU fll.ftll$MIHG c.OMl>.t.NY lt1\tert N. WHlll fl titWltftl .... Mii.,_.. J-ck It". Cwl.,- vict ,,....,.. -G.wrll *"-"' Th1,,.11 ICH•ll .. w Th11111t ,., "'•''"'~· ~lfllOr -c.tt .... : "' .... ..., 11.W, ,.._. 9Hdl; 7'11 _, ..... ........ L-9elcfl: nt, '-1 A-~ at«lll . ,._ , ..... , 'OPERATION INTERUT'.GIVES Tt<ENAG_E~S INSIDE VIEW OF POLICE WORK Mallory Merquet, S•rf! Chiodo Gtt L.--wn From Newport Officer Robert· Coelho The New Moblliiation said demonstra· · tor! feel they' must make a 1mbollc geslure of protest to the policy-making executive branch ol government. .. r. .... : '~ation lnt~est' • * * Harbor Area cTeens Ride Police Cars The new stalemalle surflCed after the committee dropped Jts demand for the march to proceed down Pem151!vania Avenue, traditional route of capital pa. rades. The war protest leaders. however, re- mained steadfast in demanding a swing by the White House arid they laid Depu- .ty .'\tty. Gen. Richard G. Kleindletist knew their posiUoo before he offered the latl!!t government proposal. Students Plan By JOHN VAL TERZA Of fttl O.fly "ll•t S!tlf Teenagers in police cars are a common sight these days. But on weekends in Newport Beach thert: are some youths in the conspicuous all-white units who aren 'l going to jail. They·re just 1,11atching. And so far, in a new, unique program in \Vhich hig h school students observe the "·orld from the inside of a patrol car, one thin£ has emerged. The visitors think the experience is great. Officially, the program is called "Operation Interest," and. so far, a half. dozen Harbor Area students from C:Orona del Mar and Newport Harbor high schools have gone for the four-hour ride. The program, which includes a com· pletc tour of the police depart_menl followed by t"'O hours or more in the rield, is proving 90 popular that each weekend is booked solid through the end of the year. Even the patrolmen nor among the 10 selected to be hosts woUJd like a crack at it. Police informalloo officer Ed Cib· barreUi, who coordinates the tours, said questionnaires filled out by participating students and reports filed by volunteer officers bear out the program '1 success. In all the questionnaires so m e respo~ are universal. Students want the eiperience lo be longer. And an agreed that their lmprwion of the police officer and hil job changed for the better because of the uperience. About the onJy harsh comment came from one student who objected'tO the few restrictions on the program -rules Reds Attack Four Bases With Mortars, Grenades : .isAfGON (APl -North Vietnamese: t,OOPs along the Cambodian border at~ tatked four U.S. lSt Air Cavalry Div1- ston bases north of Saigon today but in- flicted only light casuallies. 1 ~ The enemy pounded the bases with mOre than 200 rounds of rockets. mortars and grenades and followed one of the attacks with an infantry assault. One American was reported killed and 24 wounded. South Vietnamese civilian irregulars helping defend one of the bases, an artillery camp, suffered ope man killed and seven wounded, Four, North Vietnamese soldiers were report. ed killed . American B5Z bombers retaliated by dumping more than 1 .~ tons of bombs along a 130-mile stretch of the border. U.S. artillery and helicopter gunships blasted North Vietnamese camps in the jungle near the bases, which range from 55 miles northv.--est to a:: miles north of Saigon. U.S. spoesmen reported 30 enemy rocket and mortar attacks during the night bul said only about half of them caused-casuallies Or damage. Three South Vietnamese civilians were reported killed Wfiei'i an enetl'ly mortar shell hit< a governmeQt outpast 12 miles north ot Saigon . Government ootposts ringing Saigon were reinforced Friday after the first significant ground attacks on the capi· t.al's defenses since ~fay 1968. the enemy's winter campaig'n. They say captured documents and prisoner interro.. gatioru indicate that the campaign will last two months. Lt. Gen. Julian J. Ewell, commander of the U.S. 2nd F.ield F«ce north of ~i­ gon. was asked ·whether he thought it would be a 9\lataiaed campaign or a cyclic high point that would follow the pattern or previous enemy campaigl\'5 this year. • "My recollection is they say they are going to try lo sUataln it," he replied. Elwell's South Vietnamese counterpart, Lt. Gen. Do Cao Tri, commellted: "As usual, you have for each campaign some high points. Then there is a decrease of activity. Then they come up again with another high point. It will be in that light for this campaign." "The current found of stepped·up ac- tivity "may run again for the next few days, then it will drop down again UII the next high point,'• Tri Wd. ''I don'l think they can sustain maximum ef- forts for 60 days.·• Soulh Vietnamese officials in Phu Thu, six miles-sootheast-ol Hue, sajd_todaY they had located 270 more bodies or Vietnamese slain during the enemy's 1968 Hue massacre and believe that nearly 400 are buried at two other 1ites. But they said excavation must await a slackening in moosoqo Tlins. Excavation of some bodies had been scheduled to begin today, but torrential rains !creed cancellation of the ttigging. More than 1,000 victim8 of the slaugh- 1.et' in Hue· during the Tet qtfensive in Febni!ll)' 19111 have been recovertd from mass -graves since lut May. Estimatea of ~·!}Umber slain ~ange up to 3,000. governing appearance of the student participants. The restrictions the youth objected to are those covering long hair, beads and far-out attire. "Wt: really believe we need Lhat rule , 0 Cibbarrelli said . "The students are representing part of the police department in the program and 0•1r officers aren'~ allowed IO .dre~ that way in the'neld. Otherwise there are few restrictions/' )le. said. Pat;rolmen who aerve as host..s to the youths are Jiven guidelines on lhe ac- tiv!Ues the observers can watch. Calls on burglaries and anned rob· beries in progress are shunned, Cib- barrelli said, because of the basic dan- ger of the situation. The host patroln1an doesn'l 1nake ar- rtsls and transportation o( suspects to jail with the students visiting, eilher. But that restriction is in effect for the students' sake. "If the patrolman makes an arrest. th~re goes the whole visiting Ume. By the time t1e· furishes writing a report' and the booking inform1Uon, the tfme~ It tak~ wollld eat up the tour. It wouldn't-De'fair on the student..s"," ht sali.t. ~.. .- Two of the vilitors, Newport Harbor High School student joumali!lt8 Mallory Marquet-and Sam Chiodoo Were-among the first to take the tour. Both a&reed it was mo e ~ worthwhile, ' ''Like a lot of others my age, I have ha,::I some nega£ive experiences with police of. ficers, but the trip showed us · that policemen are individual bµman beings like everyone else. It's som~g people forget sometimes," Miss Marquet'said. Patrolman George CoelhO served as "guide" for the sludents. "We were surprised at the way he took the time to explain things to us," Chiodo said. Both students ~reed they received a candid look:lnto ~work of a policeman. "I never."'feilized thei.arnount of smalt things they Kave to do and the number of stupid-really stupid-complaints they have to answer," he said . "We went on one loud party call where a man comp lained at 9:30 on a Saturday nigh•, that a party nearby was loo loud. Officer Coelho had to appease both sides, and-it isn!&-an ea1y thing to do." Chiodo said. "I sure wouldn't like to have his job,'' ~1iss Marquet quipped, We spent months drawing up plans for this project. GetUng by the obvious prob- lems involved wasn't easy," Cibbarrelli said. "We went to police officers and asked then1 i£ they would volunteer to do it on overtime basis and they said 'sure'." "Jt takes a lot oI work and extra time. but is might pay off in 1 small, but significant way." · Nevertheles,,, Kleindiensfs statement appeared much m«e conciliatory than his position at a Thursday news confer· ence. At that time, he said there was a "sub- stantial likelihood of smow: violence," and an aide, Johll W .. Dean 111, said the government, "under no clrcumstances" would permit more than a "small sym. bolic "'Olarch" near the dOwntown are'a, Kleinctienst said Friday the department believes "'that the demonstrators have a clear right to meet in Wuhlngton mi to petition the government for a redress of their grievanctl!I. "We also believe," be added, "that the rederal government has an obliga- tion to preserve order in the city and in the march itself." ~te said his plan, under which the march \\'Ollld proceed · down ConsUtuUon to 17th Street and then to the Washing· ton Monument area, would satisfy both goals. Under that arrangement, the Jin& of march would be separated from the White House p-ou.nds by the Ellipae, a * * * Americans Vtg'ed . To Sliow Support For Nixon Policy HONOLULU (AP) -Western Repub- lican leaders, standing behind President Nixon on Vietnam, want the American people to bombard him with telegrams of support during next weet'a protest demonstrations. "It is believed that a great majority of American people &llenUy support this na· lion's effort in Vietnam,'' the Western States Republican Conference declared Friday. Cheers rang through the meeting or party o!Ocials from 13 western states when resoluUons backing the Pre&ldent were read. Then the mea!W"es were un- animously adopted b1 the conference el:· ecuUve commltee without debate. It was the climax of two days of speeches by national and state officiaJI tM&cklng Nixon's plan of gradual with- drawal from Vietnam. There was not a word of public criticism from. the na- tional commlteemen and women and _ state chainnen, the people who ·run the party at .the grassroots level. . Some Painting Deal BOLIVAR, Ohio (AP) -Mrs. Donald RittenhOuse thinks she got "quite a deal" on a picture she bought for 50 cents at a gara1e sale. She said she has been olfere,d--t2:$00 for the print she described as an 1852 Currler and Ives original. • • . ·1-w eek of UDify Groopo of students at .. ch ol the four Harbor Area hlgh·IChools are 1eadfnC ~f· fona-to-mate-nm well: a --Week ol N•· tit;>rW Unity" -a time. they say, to retf. !Inn faith in our Republic. The studenta are asking the citiz.enry ol Coot.a Mesa and Newport BH<h to demonstrate their appreciation for the freedoms ol America and for the sacrifices of those who secind' IDll have defended thooe lr<edoms. • The demonstrations they uk ~ "" 81mple: . ny the Flag, drive with car beadllihta on· during the .day, wear a red. w.hlfe and blue annband or lapel bullon. write a letter to a serviceman, pr11J f« prisoners of war. Sunday beginning the week, this com- ing Sunday, President Nixon has pro. claimed as a "National Day of Pr13ter" to be observed In remembrance of those who have given their lives for their coun- try in war. Tuesday is Veterans' Day. Both mayors Alvin Pinkley, of Costa Mesa, and Mn. Doreen Manball, of NeWport Beach, have proclabned· tho "Week of NaUonal·Urlity" in their clda. · Tlie Junlar EvJ!-Clal> If lfoopod Harbor Hlgh Scbool will --store-w!Mow p:llt«"I to t.i.W ! II I I Wurdily. Tables with lapel buttoa&, um bonds and bumper stick~ will be manned at1hop- ping centers. ·• _ , .• • . - Head of the· local student cornm1uee-1s Brian WllUams of C:Orona del Mar _Hlgh School. • • He said. "We would like to shoW the world that Ameriean.s, no matter what their differences, c1n·sland together. We think most Americam agree that a fair appraisal of our country would give praise u well as criticism. We inv:lte the public to think about the thinp Uut are right about our country." Le.aden of the Unity Week effort at cXller high. 8'hools are Bill Sedlllt, Newport Harbor: !livid~ COX; Estinda, and Elwood Jones, Costa ·Mesa. Boys Quhs Out To Drape Coast In U.S. Flags The-final-drive lo deck_out d)e Orqe Coast area with flags for Veterans Day wa1 under way today in three area Boys Club chapters. • Members of the club in Lapa Beach, the Harbor Area (Newport and Oostl Mesa) and in Huntington Belch ua of. ferlng a deluxe home Oag kit The kit, aU packed in a self~tora1e cardboard carton, cOnslats of a 3 by 5-foot flac.,.two- piecc staff, halyard and mounting bracket and screws. The packaa:e sells for $3.9$ and will be delivered for Veterans Day with a bonus, a lZ by lS. Jnch California atate Oag, at no extra COil. North Vietnamese and Viet Coog.troops broke a n.ine-"·eek lull in the war early this week-with rocket, mortar and ground' attacks on moreihan'SO allied base! and South Vietnamese towns. Since then they have maintained their pres.sure, concen- trating most attacks on bases along the Cambodian border and in the Mekong Delta south of Saigon, Field commanders say the ~rea!ed acti~ mar~ the first "high point .. of -He"s 16-···Not Marine Flags can be ordered by mail or phone from: HARBOR AREA BOYS CLUB, 194 Center St. (phone Ma-9387) or 2131 TUstln Avt. (phone 642-13721, both In Costa Ml't<I: HUNTINGTON BEACH BOYS CLllB. 319 Yorktown (phcine 536-MlSl and LAGUNA BEACH BOYS CLUB, 175 Fairview Plans Open House Fete Optn house is scheduled Sunday at Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa. with a special program in observance of National Mental Retardation Month. The 1 to 4 p.m. event begins in the hospllal auditorium, whrc e•aqiples of patleht.s' handiwork will be on display, with tours or lhe facility leavtna. from thtre. Refreshments will be served by the H\Jntington Beach Junior Womens' Club, which is serving as co-host for the af· terr.oon open house. The hospital -one of four within the state system specializing In treatment of the rttardtd -features a Speaier'1 Bureau to P".Ovlde talks lo Interested 1mups throughout the year. Arrangeh'ltnta for talks may be mide b)l"'COntacting Dr. J<en W1tkln1, FairvlflV School vice Jlljntjpal. • Tours-1re ...if~ WetlllffdaY• and Saturdays at 1 p.m., Qlroughout the year. ' Y outli Poses as CAMP PENDLETON (AP) -A 16- year-old youth ma11qutraded as a Marine: private for two weeb, answerlne roll call, being pakl, doing jobs and being punished as Pvt. Robert A. Jenkins, Ma- rine Corps olficials say. Marines u.id Frida7~&bat LedeU Park· er of Andenon, Ind., IWTtndered to Loa Angeles area police Oct. 23 and told them he was Pvt. Jenkins. abltnt without au· thori:r.ation from the Marine Corps. Pvt. Jenkins. also from lndjana, was and 11till is AWOL.- Parker claims ht was "shanghaied" by the Marines after being-arrested by poUce becauae they found him with in-- adequate JdenUficaUon and carrying 1 Martne's sea b.11. Parker said he maintaiMd his proper Identity throughout. But the Marines said Parker who dJ.dn't hive an idenUtlc:ation ca;;i, was able to rattle off Jenldns' seve.n-dliit ltf'Vice number and sip Jenkins' name to pay vouchers. The youth WIS ~ to Jenkins' Infantry training bettatlOn, but In a' dff~ fcrent com~ny where Jenkins also • Private for 2 Weeks at Pendleton woukf have been 1 stranger. and Jt wu found that the man was not At S.foot-2, 180 pounds, Psrker a:p. Jenkins. Parker 1ave inveatigaton infor- peared oider than 16. -mat.Ion about himself which was verified Parker was given office hoqrs, a minor by Police in Anderaon. · punllbm.ent, on od .. Zl ror being AWOL '''the individual was turned back to the and a..f3Z(I fine wu auspended •• Tbe Ma· hospital and Parker was told the alter· iinea Jlidltbe youth algned Jenk.lnl' name noon of Nov. S that he wu a civilian: lo the un t punishment book. however, ·they would continue to treat The next_ dly be was charied with fail· h.lm It he agreed," the spokesman said. Ing to ober an order and waa sent to But Wednesday, Marines said, Parker correct.Iona cultody Oct. 30 by hil com-disappeared from the hospital and he N. Coast HJshwoy (phone-). Next Tuesday is Veterahs Diy. Rogers Assails Nasser Threat mandlng orn~. was apP.f'ehended by military police 'for WASHINGTON ("UPJ) -SecretlJy ol. An official thtre.11id the youth "wU, .allegedly impersonaUng a Marine ser· St.ate William P. Rotert declared Jl'riday aCUng up'.-and war-transferred to the..:..: geant in front. or Ult womai'•-MariDt-that.a-waxllte speech_~-~J"t!Ji· bl:se brig Oct. 31 . Early I.he next day he b&rracks. dent Carnal Abdel Nauer Wll 1111 Mt· was treated by 1 corpsman for a nose-"He was very belligerent and attempt-back to efforts to find a peteefuJ IOJu. bJeed and lat«. was admJUed o lhe hos-ed to assault the apprehending military · Uoft'' to the Mldtut lttlte. pltal wfth a alJaht fe ver. police," the spokesmAn said. Rogtra tllo said in t atatemmt that 0 At the time ol admislion lo the ·hot-The youth wu released to San Diego Nueer's assertion that the Unfted 8tltill pita!, be told corp$l1'lt11 he wu not Je,,. juvenile authorities late Wetlntld1y. Ju· wu Involved In mllltary portklpltfoe klna. that be W11 Ledell Ptrke:r,'•· ihr_ venlle hall oflld als refUled to 1ive In-with Israel w11 falle. spokC1111&n said. ''To our lmowlet11e. that·" formation and said the youth could not Tho statement wu md by State. Do- was the Ont time he stated~ was Par~· be questioned. partment spokesman John.Klna in Waab:. er " • Marine olfie1als said they did not know tncton. Rocen was In Fkrlda for ..-ir~tal authorlUca told the bri1 on: whether-Parker and the real Jtnkim tnd conferences wltb President Nlxon._ Mond"Y lhal the P1tient clai171ed be war were a<qualntcd. Nasstr said In a &peech Tllundl)' thll not Jenltins. · Officlals refused to release Jenkins' the Arab natlon1 had IOQCbt ~ .... Dental charts were compared Tuesday llome town, aae or other ldenUflcatlon. now "there i3 no alternative but to fichL• • • ,,,.._ ~-... -. -··· ..-......~--- •f 111.11.Y .PltOT Luthtran Cburcb of tbe Mu\er, 2900 Pacific View Drive/Corona del Mar wlll of· "'.r only oot wonhip eervlce 4'lr a special Slewordshlp Sun- ~· Or. William R. Eller will deliver a message •'Give God What Belongs To Him" at the J0 ;30 a.m. meeUng. A speclal feature for the day is planned by Harry Bergh and the stewardship committee ot the congregation. A film "The Caiii:l.lemalter'' will be shown to the Sunday church school students also a~ 10:30 a.m. A potluck dinner for members and friends of the coogregation will follow at noon. The AMual Prayer Vigil will be held In the church from noon until midnight next Saturday. Huntin~on B e a ch First Unt&ed MetbocU1t Cbarcb, 2721 Seventeenth St., will conduct worship services Sunday at 9:30 and 11 a.m. with the Rev. Edward C. Erny in the pulpit. S1turd1y, Nottmbff 8, 1964 Church school also is held at 9:30 and 11 a.m. with classes for all ages. The tnqulrer's Class meets at 10;45 a.m. and the youth groups meet at 6:30 p.m. A family potluck dinner will be held at the slime hour. The Rev. David 8. Wood, associate pastor at Warner Avene Baptist C b arc II, Warner Avenue at Gothard Street, lluntington Beach, and a group of youth from the church are attending the Greater Los Angeles Supd.ly School Coo.vention Youth Rally today. The Rally will feature three youth speakers. Al;o featured will be lhe lfiO.volce seniOLh!gh choir !rOm V ID Nuys First BapUst Church. A Laguna Beach mident, who has just returned from a trip. to his na1.ive Czechoslo\•akia will report tn the UnUaria.n • Unlverutbt Fellowsblp of Laguna Beach al the.Ir Sunday meeting, 10:30 a.m., at Leonora Portney's Creative Dance Studio, 33fi N. Coa!t Highway, Laguna Beach. "What Really Happened in Czechoslovakia" will be told by Edward Sturm . At 8 p.m. Roberta Stewart, who studied poetry at UC I under noted poet X. J. Ken· nedy, and who teaches English at Fullerton Junior Colle'ge, will read her own poetry. --~-----~- The Fellowohlp b also holding a rumma1e sale today at the Woman's Club, Lquna Beach. An uprlghl_plano, peln- tlngs, an antique,'\.. spinnln& wheel in additloo .i ~ ' furnitull, cakes will -~ ' available. • The Women·• GulW ~r ui Uaftod Cbar<1 GI llell,s.al Scleaee··or Humm,ton Bt1ch will boot..s a lNfftt' BouU· que at the Women's Club House, 420 Tenth St., Fridliy. Chicken dinner will be served from 5:30 to 7 p.rit. and a bak· ed good> table and a ttill table · wll[ be open. For reservations~ and further lnfonnauon call ~12!J. The Rev. David DIP?ofio will prech "CU\text for Glv· Ing" Slllldlly \II Clu111 Chrcb by the Sea, 4100 W. BalbOa Blvd., Newport Beach. Ewly worship and church school are held al 9:30 a.m. with regular worship at 11 a.m. Nursery (See PULPIT, Page S) . ' Gespel ,T- College youth of St. An· drew's Pre s by\erian Church in New p ort Beach will hear Norman Nelson,, Overseas Cru· sades• "stnging ambas- sador/' SUnd8y at 9:30 a.m. His concert will in~ elude recordings by the Stockholm Symphony. The public is inVlted. ralplt Gant ~ ' ' The Rev. Cnilrles · A. Malotte-, exeCutive p~s­ tor for Christian Churches, Disciples of Christ -Southern Cali· !omla aDd Southern Ne- ' vada~ Will be in tbe ·pul- pit at Harbor Christian Church of Newport Beach Sunday, 10:45 a.m. His topic is "On Being Tuned In." -·~~r.a~er Day~~- P~o;ect Aimed for POWs By J.OQ15 CASSELS U,, .....,_ Wrltw WASHINGTON (UPI) ~· CbUrches have·been aakoil ·ro Ofter lpeci•I pr;iyers ~y I , ,tile h~ of p.s .. avicemen whO! are -GI' 'Wat In ~orth .Vietnaai. • . , Doepilec:"J'Olted· p t e a s , North VMitnliu· hlSJrelUsed to g!Ye CIUt tbe,namtsl-or even the total namber · -of the Americli'" pritoners it is holdio&-~•allable information l.ndl~t.es t¥te are between 21111 and 4Gti .of tllem. Only 100 have been allowed to write to their famillea. Only niJli,baVe·been allowed repatriatiO& to .America, ind their ac.oxints suggest that condi~ ·' )n • North Viet· n•m~ pnsons.are very grim. The idea o( ae!Uog l!ide Nov. 9 ·u ' a· day of praye r for their welfll'.e griginated with an organizatioo called "The National Ual'!e ol Families o( American Pi'isoners in Southeast Asia," composed of ' wives, mothers and other relatives of American POW's. The project rect.lved an of· ficial boost from Rear AdJn. James W. Kelly, chief of chaplains f"' the U.S. Navy. Kelly has asked all Navy chaplains to include a prayer for prisoners in Sunda,y's worship servicU. At ' the re<i. of the sponsoring organiu.Uon, Kelly also composed a 1 p e c I a 1 prayer, whldl may be used by ciY'ilian pastors as wdl u by military and naval chaplains. Here is the text of the prayer: "Almighty Father, who auf· fen in the affliction of your children, we call u-pon You now from the depths of our anxiety and great concern for our countrymen and loved ones who have fallen into the hands of the nation's foes. In the face of the evils that these brave men endure and before the grim burdens they are farced to beer, give them courage and hope, and a never (See PRAYER. Pa&e S.) ORANGE' COAST CHURCH DIREC.TORY LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEV ANCE7 TltY; FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH 1A.1.c.1 F1irvieW Rd. At F1ir Dr., Cost• Mesa 9 A.M.-Church School IQ A.M.-Worshlp D,_. -s..Mti"ty -De,,a. llMe ShMIJ •,..,s "'""' -....,, c....n.. 141-4611 1 I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You. ST: JAMIS, 3109 Ylo Lido, H•wpon loach 7:JO 0.111.-Mltly lucltwht 9:00 0.111-Monillf ,,,_,.,lit & l td $111. Holy l llC"-ht 2~ I: 4tll S11w. 9:00 •. ,.._..cnrc" 5diMI ~. \l/ NEWPORl' HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 2501 Clill Dr: LI 84293 ' LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER 2900 Pacific View Dr. Tiie •••• Jo ...... 11911, •• ,., Tito leY. ll:o1toJd M l .. . .......... .... , Corona del Mar ' DR. WILLI~ R. ELLER M,.. w111 .. Cho•rW.. F=======================:=::·~· ~111 HARBOR TRINITY 'BAPTIST' CHURCH 1!l1 1 2~0 W... It. _. hfm.w. CNt• Men IU.NCHIS 011 THI MOTHll CHUICH THI ,lll:ST CHUll:CH 011 CHRIST. SCllNTIST IN IOSTON, MASSACHUSITI'S "Adam and Fallen Man" SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9th 11 :00 0.111.--fi•fy l .cMrltt l •t & l r4 S111. Morol1t Pr.,., 2H I 4t\ S111. Chlld c.,. .. 9:00 0.111. Th1 I..,, JoH P. A&hy II, 11:.cor ,,.. a ... Dnld A. Cr11111, A•sociaf'll ll:oct•r I 1'1mlly Worilli, 9:00 Ill lO:JI 1.m. SUl!day School .t::lll kl lO:IO l ,IJI, WOfllllp StrvlA ll:lll 111 12:DO ' Nursery care available at" all services WELCOME PorfMWMer Phone 644-2664 9:15 A.M. f.ullly W.,..lp lO:OOA.M. S.1tdeyC .. N" ...... 11 :DO A.M. Fo1tf•• W•rslll, ' Nursory Pro•ldffl ley. c. .... , .. , ... '•'°' Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ti :00 a.m. Baptist Training Union 6 p.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer .............. 7:00 p.m. FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 610 HAMILTON, COSTA MISA ltlV. J, CJ, WALL.AC• S1111d1y School •••••••• •:45 Tr1ini11t U11io11 , • , •••••• 6:00 Morni119 Wor1"ip ••• , • 11 :DO E•e11in9 Weribip •• , •••• 7:00 Wed11e1d1y Preyer M1etln9 for 111 •911 • •••••·•• ••••• 7:JO ,._. •42·9111 ~. N~ Alw.,. AYMl.t!S. UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2252 S. I , 'ALISADIS IOAD SANTA ANA HllGHTS !UNDAT SCHOOL ............................ ~ .. t:4J A,M, MOltHIMO WOlllNI" ............................... !! A.M. Ell•NrHO WOltSHI" •.•.•... ,,,_.,,, ................. 1 .. .M. MIDW••K l•ltlllC• W~DN•lo.t.T 7:>1 .. .M. WIUl.llm S. Ac• "••lit Chllrd1 l"Mne J45.Mn II ' Co1ta Meta-First Church of Christ, Sclenti1t • 2111 M ... YenN Dr .. Colt• M ... S..U.V Scllool-9:11 A.M. Cll.cll S.....lc• -11 A.M. leMI .. hM!, 2111 MIM , ...... Dr. Huntington Beach-Fint Church of Chri1t, Scientist 110 011 .. S...Hy SdtHl-9:30 1 11:00 Clliudi-11 A.M. s.ntu .... ,., •••11t -110 011 .. Laguna Beach-First Church of Christ, Scientist 'J5 High Dr. Cllurclt I S1111ffy Sch••l-9:l0 & 11 :00 kffcll119 loom, 214 ·f•mt Newport Beach-First .Church of Christ, Scientist Jl Ol YI• Udo Clt•rcll & $111d.y Sctt.ol -9;15 I 11 :00 l.-di .. R"-. Jl11 YM LU. ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Pmclflc Ylow DriW. ot Mo,.Mtit'o, Cor ... o dol Mor Sudoy: l :OG, 9:30 -CWllll c-.. 9:30 H•IY Doys • .-..111ee4 All a-W~c.- ltoct•t, 'Tll9 Rew."" .. 1..-n D•.b-f'hoM '44°0463 ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. 5ltlld.,. 7:30 I: 9:30 Ch11rcll Scho.1-9:30 Tllollill_,.: •:It I: 11 ...... ; Holy Doys • _ __. Ylcor, 1M .... Jellll W. Do....._ -...._ 141-02' ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH •1111 St. If Clltpsl L•fll -J111t till II Fh<e rtlfllt H11111111tton &tee~. Cflitfr1111 Tiit It••· Jfft'lll C. C1icy, P•1l1r ' Sunday Services l:IO A.M. Hely Clll'll'!ltlftllfl .,. A.M. '''""' StrYICI • Church 1:11 P.M. t:•911-Scll .. 11 J;Jt P.M. l!lllK ... I 11 :11 ~. Mernlns W•rtllll' 1 1 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Mhsouri Synod 7'0 Yktvlo St., C..N M9N lo"'-Y. TMllOW, .... , 541·5404 WOnhlp 51rvi<es: l :lS lo 11 /II, M. Sund1y Scl\oof: t :30 A.M. Adult !Ible C!lu: t:• AN.. C~llSTIAN l~MINTAIY 5CHOOL 54MI'' PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Mn • Y1rde Drift I: 1-.,. Street, Cost• MIH. Cetlf. ANOllt:"I C. ANDERSON, 1'111tor ~undtv School: 1:00. 9:JO 1ncr H :~ornlnv WOfslllp: 1:00, t :JO •n~ 11:ot P'rin c.e of Pe1c.• luth1rtn Sc.hoe! -Min Et!h t r 011on, Princ.iptl Office P'ho11e: 549.05~ I School P'hofle: S49·Q5 62 ;;;:B:AP;T;l~=~=R~=~=U:R:CH:::;::~l;::;=F:IR:S:T:C:H:::;::Rl:S:Tl;A;N;::::I ........... _ ' CHURCH I Nawport Beach·Stcond Church of Chri1t, Scienti1t 3100 Poclfk: Ylew Dr .. CPfNO !&el M• Cll11rcll I hllHy lcllHl-10 A.M. a..tl11t ptMJ11 -21,l I . CMlf Hwy. RRS;:;::BLY of G::~:~~:~H 11- 14' E. 22nd St., Cost• Mes• · ~3761 1;1 M. c. Cre11k. ,.., JoM hll•lc•, AIMclot. II Rey Nic.hehon, Mini•l•r of Y oulh , SC:HIDULI Of SEll:YICI ~ ST. ,AUL'S .LUTHlllAN Mi.liSOuri Syriod 429 Cypres1 Dr. Laguna Bt•ch a.,.,W.LN.......,_. ft / ' "' 'l ' < ' Worship Servie8 -lu:OO A.M . j IAlllll'k .. ••.tl•ll Victoria & Placentia Ave. 1 114.15 1i1 ... ..r1., f.Y. ' -Costa-Mesa In. hMi Howti-. Ml1il'9f J•IMS (. ...,., Mlnl1ltr Alf are ci>rdially invited to attend the church services and enjoy the privileges of the ~·Reading Rooms Ch/Id c.,.. PrnidM AT ALL SllYICIS Mornin9 Wor1hip 1:)0 I 11 :00 Diutlos Hodfn Sundty Sc.hool •• , •• , ••• 9:)0 Y•wlll Mlnltler J'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll Youth Meetint , , ••• •••• 6:00 8•rly W•rtbip ............ f:)O •·.""· Ii '"'' 1c1111• ................ •=• •.m. ST "ATIHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH P'rty1r S1r•ic.1 • , • , • , , •• +:JO ~:;,:ng,:-:;~1~.::::::::::'.~'.~ ::::: • rYT f .. enin9 s,,.,;_c.• •••••••• 7:00 v..,.... ....................... , "'"'· !Minouri Svno1'1 ".,...,. Avel!Moll et •II Str\'lces Nursery Care Provided werthipi~ •t th1 142-2421 141-4771 541·0'1 UNIVERSITY PARK SCHOOL FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Main & Adams Street• Huntington Beach Morni119 Werihip NEWPORT UNITY CHURCH l t'911 0.' FlklUllftl' Mllll1t1r 15th I Irvine, Newporl l11cli (Slf1ior Clll rlf11 Bulkll"lll I •••••••• l :JO I ll :OOAM I l ib!1 School • , , •• , •• 9:45 AM I Youth Gro11p1 • , , ••• 6:00 PM E-e11i119 Werihip •••• 7:00 PM • SIDll Sfvlll' Or.11p1 -WM. -1 ,,111. Hurwry Cert Prowkltd 11 tll str•lctl Ofl lct: »6-25" Diel Onotloro·S»-'SIO 1 !0:00 A.M. D1 vetien1! S1r•ic1 I' OFFICE: XIII W. CN1! M'Clllwty, N 8, Phllnt: '*'!Ill DIAL·A·P•AYll -,4,·063 9 CHURCH OF REL IGIOUS SCIENCE Ill "'""" '"'" MtlTIMr C/11111:11 ef Unlltcl Cll~rcll llellt19111 Sd111<1, Lii A1191l11 I ~UNOA.Y SEllY1CE ... 11 Af/o, , Mlfllltll', . , AIMrt 811rt.1, ll S.c.F. OllFl'ITM CHAl"t:L $111dhur9 tf Me lfhewJ in Uni .. •r•ity P'1rk WORSHIP: 11:10 A.M. R1Y. H. Ni•rmenn ,Pe1lor •ll·l 21• CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH Emphuizin& The Pb1n of God The l"erson of Christ • The Power of lhe Holy Spirit Su"d.iy Sd>ool 9 AM I t.torn!flg Wor$~ip 9 Jnd io:JO Ai\.\ 11,1 l~lng Servitc 7 T"M 111 weon1.5(!1y l !DI• s111C1y I Ind Pr~r 7 f',\l 1 NuDtiy du1ln1 •trvrc<'i A full Youth Program Cm. of Or1nge and llnl. St. Sund1y Schoel ..l. t :lO A.M. SPECIAL BlllLE Cl.ASSES ~•rnily Werihip -10:50 A.M. 111d 7:00 P'.M. CHUllCH CHOIR -SHE"lL P"ULSEN, DlrKklr Youth Ser .. ice -5:30 P.M. W1dn11d•v Pr1y1r -Bible Study • 7:10 P'.M. VIMt.r1 Witlc•--N1rwry AttoMowt 51'11,. UC91111111 Pre-Sc .... I -Mr1, Johfl GoUnic.k, Dir1c.lor PttoN: •4S.2J2J SABBATH SERVICES RELIGIOUS SCHOOL harbor reform temple RAl;l81 BERNARD P. to::ING • b.. meeting at St. James Episcopal Church a 3209 Via Lido. Newport.Beach For lnform1t\on: C•ll 67&. 7230 HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wilson, Costa Mes• Y. L. Hlll:TWICX, ~•t•r 141-4704 llOl l!ltT I!. SISTIO Ct.IL O•NTltY /111111111111 ., IMcltllft Mlnlsltr If Mullc SUNDAY SERVICES S111d•'t k h1ol -9:45 A.M. 10:50 A.M..-"CAH A SAV ED MAN II LOST?" Sermon by P11 tor 7 :00 P.M.-"WHIN GOD CA MI IACK" Sermo" bv Peitor Sunday School and Bible ClUl! -8:45 A.M. Phone: Church 494.7998 Parsonage: (94--8110 A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l tlbot l1l 1nd THI UNITED COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 675.0950 9:)0 Tred ition1I Wor•"ip I SuJMl1v Sc.hool Coile M111 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH lffh St. a H1rbor 11 .. d. Ciiurch Won hip -9:)0 I I I Church Scheol -9:10 !541·7727 Coit• M111 North MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH Mei• Verdi I l1k1r St. 549.2719 onhip I Churcli Sthool 9:00 I 10:10 A.M. H11nlin9ton l11cli H1111li119ton l 11c.h -N1rth COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6662 H1il Av1. Worihip I Church Schoel 9 I I O:JO A,M, f"•in1 ....:.. E11t l luff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH lll·llJJ 11422 Cul•1r Ro1d et Uni•1r1ity Ori•1 Won"ip I Cliurch Sc.heel '1:]0 A.M. l 19vn 1 l11ch LAGUNA BEACH METHODIST CHU~CH 216]2 W1iloy Drive in So. l1911n1 Wor1hip 11 A.M. Cfiurch SchOol '1 :30 A.M. 4f9.JO•• Newport l otch COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL , FIRST UNITED Qf"1119t Cot1t YMCA, llOll lk!ln rsity Dr. PLEASE DON 'T COME TO CALVARY CHAPEL Cost• Meu Ji P1itor 11. £.Jo~; lfCA Mbr. 11~===~1 COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • ),~~~-... "·~~,._"""-~K....,"""'"_""_""1"•"-""'"""'-"'"'"1•"<"•"A""""~" l M~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~H TEMPLE SHARON ''""" -9,30 l 11 A.M. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA t400 w .11:lho1.l l--'. 67J.)105 Wonhip I Church Scliool t :l O I 11 A.M. U111'941 Ch1rcll •f RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 6!1 HELIOTROPE If yeu 1r1 looki"g for en elabc111!0 pro9rtm, or 1eciel prtilit•· 420 10th 51" Hufttlftglo11 l11ch Phe111 516·2120 W•r1IM1"-101ot A.M. Cll1rc" lcllHf -10:00 A.M. Or. PllLUp G. Murrey, Mlftlllll Mils Shir~ s1111111, o.c.E. l ul if you ••• loo~in9 for in-depth l ihlo itudie1, C"1;ili1n Iii· Adult l Youth St r•icii, 11 1.m. low1hip, i nd ift1 ~irin9 u1irit1d worthip. you'll lo•• u1! To 1t com · lit y11r Cliu. Wed., 7:1 5 p.m. 67~ mod1!1 our growing c.hurth f1mi\y w1 now hive two Sundty llNHT fATI, MI NllTfl · . "'orfti nq 1i r•it•1. 9:30 i nd 11 :00. Nun1ry c1r1. Corft1r of G1e1n· 111:~:=;:;:;:;:;::::;::::;::::;::::~'~~===============:11 vill e I Suftf1ow1r. 54!-2121 646°951 2 ''-- fia,.bol' Ckri"lian Ckurcfi 0 11 NI WPOll:T IUCH-I DIKI,-) M.eri11t R .. ,1.,1, H.,.,., l.......,_ry Sch•ol 425 I . 11tli St., C""9 Mn• Church Schoor-9:30 A.M. Worship -10:45 A.M. N11rMtJ c.,. hffldffl Phone: 675-398S Minister: Dr. D. W. McEtroy CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WILSON ST., COSTA MESA I ETWDN HAUOI oM P411YllW SUNDAY MORNING BfllE STUO't' •• , • , ••• , • , • • • 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY MORNIN~ WORSHIP l COMMUNION •• I0145A.M. SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP ••""•••., .•••••••• •:oo P.M. WEDNESDAY fVENINS l llLE STUDY •••••••••••• 7rJO P'.M. Seventh-Day Adventist Churches C..._M ... 271 A'fffffo $mtt John Sh1wm1k1, P11'or Pho111: 541·6596 S41t ... k ... I ••• 9:JO AM M•rlll .. W•l'lhl, ••• 11:01 AM PNyM M ...... • W ... 7:H PM L ... N Nft"' worships l1t S1utll Sllorft 1o,tht Ch11rch 12112 c,_. , .. .., ,.,. • ..., A. E. R•wten, P11tor P'ho111: 492·39J6 W. .... kNel ••.• •:10.&.M Md .. W_,..1,, •• ,ll1l lAM FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH f040 T.S~t A'•· CT•IMrt I M .. Mll•I, fOUNTAIN YALUT UNIFIED SERVICE:· Sundty School 9:]0 -WOii.SHiP • IO:JO Won hlp I Youth &1e11pt -61)0 P""• Nll'f"JftY provldft 11 •II '""lets A Coml!\lll'lflY Cllunfl -Yl•l"trt .f.11 A-YI W.keml. 1/1.~~EV~A~N~G~E~U~C~A~L ~FR~E~E~C~H~U~R~C~H~~1 .t'HllMl ..... IHdl J 1t12 ft..w. Ave. IJ6°Jn1 •••· A•rtl L. Ml!Mt, Pltlll' t -lfllft•Scl!Ml -AllA ... 11 -M-lnt ¥11111111"' j PM. -Y°'tll Orlll" I -l •llllfl'lf" ltmt"' , PM, WM., l ftoll $1\!tp. * n,. CHMmlrln lytl04J .... f•r ftl9 ..ti,. H1rbor Al'M 617 W"' Ho111lltoo, Cn to M ... All J1wi1h f1mili11 1r1 ifl .. i11d to join u1 i" truly 11111ni119fwl 5AllATH EVININ6 1111:.YICIS Fll:IDAT 9' 1:11 P.M. s,lrlttrol '°""' -l•lllll GlllrlOI Good-11 I N11r11ry thru 2nd gr1d1 • 11 Chwrc.h School -9:)0 A.M. ,1~--~---~ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coostal Areas Christ Church Presbyterian 646.5552 T•111pl1 Slt•1e11 Choir -On19 Sh1b1t ,1 s~•·l4l? I 20112 Mctt1t1ll• IN"r Ado11111 H1111tf,..tH leocll -•••. hti•td I. • ...,... l"•t•t S11fld.y Wont.Ip: 9:JO A.M. CHNll Scho~: 10:41 .&..M. Attend o/ gour ckoice Offlc•: 20112 M .. ••lloSt. ,.._: 9U.4941 Church of the Covenant 2150 fol"Mw ..... c .... 111 ... l ruc.1 A. K .. rrlo, Ptttor Su497W1rtt.I,: 9:30 I: 11 -Ch•rcll klll•ol: f :JO Pll•": 54Ml l4 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church ' •oo I r . ...,,....,. IOOll. N..,_,. IHclll CHAIUS Hl llUT DIHINPllLD, PASTOI w~, & Cltorcll k11Mf1 I , 9:31 l 11 A.M. •••·7147 St.' Mark Presbyterian Church ColMI' .1-""M' l•til11ff Ori"' C•,.•• 4.t Mtlf J ..... , ... ,. •ltt. ... , w.,,w, I: CMB.UCllHI -10 A.M. '44·1141 - Conlm1111lty Presbyterl• Ch.-c:h .. ,,,.,.,A ... " l•h4 St.J, lopM .... DALLAS TUINlll:., PASTOR W1nlll,. f :JO & l l :ff A.M.-C"9rdl WINI • t :ll A.M. \ 4t4o7111 c • ' • p A E fi p L a s E 1 I< ~ F I > ' y I ' l ~ I ' I J ' ( ( , ' t t I I I I I ( j • .· , ........ ""'!,~1~.,,~_,!"11~S~Srlit!ll?'\J'""'~'!l~'••'µ"''~-~,~-'"'J"ll,1~0"(~.)~~~·n~.~.~t€~C~l .. t¥~•~%fiW..,,,Z~J~Z•l~Z•S ... a ...... a .... , ... , ........... ~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~·~~~~ Saturdlf, H_ ... 8. 1969 DAil Y l'llOT G tC..-from,Pa1e 4) care 11 provided during buth servtcee. The Senior High Youth Fellowship meets at 7 p.m. each Sunday. --At -S-l . A1dr-ew'1 ~ew- . ~ el ~ St., Oolla MeA. Wortblp =' at 7 o'clock. He wW .....,lcel thla SUoday will be al b • ---Uoo-·~10:IO'l;m.-..Jlll thi11•. e ellam. P¥1"C. Bl,e1eme,7h 'lliO Rav. Wlllja J., L9<r will -clili1g .. ''111o l\larill of a brll1( h11 m....,e; "The \.iitt Iii-Inc Chtl1Uan." -Olut<li of tbe World," at 9:30 a.m. at schoOl la slated at t a.m. for Peeb Q11pei, '1801 Belaa Ave., all li'S from nunery thtwll> Weltm!Dster and'at 11 a.in. at hi&lz adJeol, and at'ZQ:IO-a.m;- lhe JIDn&rton Btech Qiapel, for nunery through , listli tll: w Ori'np. Oiurch Sclloot ar..it. • • •nwMIWOIU I. ~. -Ml.MUM • • ' B~a'is Mark Baha'u~llah Day The llaha'I Communl!J..ef ·~· Leo ROOfo-:oila-.r-the""falth-11 Use-lliha't Colta Meta will observe the lhe theme or t.hll year'a Houae of won.hip In WUmette, lsind Annlvenary of the Birth observance 11 "Baha'u'llah-lil.s north ot ChJcq:o. DI -BIJll'u'IJJls. p r or b e t, ~Youth.~" -::-;~;--fj~iRiiiiOOi;;;;iiiij;;iiOiOiii;;;;;j­ foundtr of the .Baba' Faith Blbl1u'lllh was e 1 I I• 4 , Nev., 11 by Je!nlos other banlsbed and ;mp-tor BUSINESS AND oranl" Ceuillltnl'at the home snort Shan 40 Y<'" and bil PROFESSIONAL of Muua KOllflhi In Or11111e. blrtlzclay will be celebri ted In · The hoota hift planned the mere than 22,llZIO localltlel GUIDE program and ,...U will ~rlnl throu&hout the world -2,llf,..,. ___ ,... __ ol favorite -otw!Uch are In the contlnenti11 - Monday eveninf al the United Stalel. -Jie.._ ..... MA-.-T,.T'"l liiilS=U..__.,,e Prub)'lu1ae Clzurck, 6QO. St. Andrtw'i Road, N e w p o r t Beach, Or. Charles H. Dh~ren· field will be in the · pulpit preaching "Don't Call It Life!" at the I, 9:30 and 11 a.m. worship atrVlcee. Ja at 9:30 a,m, at ~e SW¥1ay at 8:30 _p.m. the downtown cmttcli. Juruot and---run-Ki Hlih U'nl*rMeifiiliat - Senior High B.Y.F. areups Youth Febewlhli> -is and mt1t eacl! Sunday as I p.m. on M~ at the ,... time Collta Mesa Baha'i Cdlr Dr. Baha'u'llah, ,,_ 211D , MATTllW U .IObn_StJ:oaaltr wW _t06k ,on IDMltl 11h Gklrr-oL-God." wn . .._.n••m ·1----H "Baha'u'liah and Thia Woo-wu b.tn In 'l'll!Nz:. Iran (then - - drous Age." ' "l'~la) Nov. IJ,,llt7. Fer hll o.to 11-_.,., Next SUnday st. Andrew's sanc:tuary choir will present •1aydn's ''The CreaUon" at 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend thls musical presen- tation, directed by Jonah C. Kliewer. ~ J'a¥ Brown Circle will the . Senior JIJlh Y.o •th sponaor 1 1Chriltmu bazaar l'tllowsblp meets. A dinner party in honor o1 teaaitnca, be wia .u11ec1 rrom tut • ..,..... .... Baha'u'ltah'1 Btrtlzday will "6 his homeland 11211 ltnall)' tm. u~ 1-1303 held Nov. n at the Brown l"iJOned In the JlolrLand ID -•T At SL Joiul Elio Dtriae Epblcop.il Cbveli, 2IK3 Orange Ave.;~ta Meu, communion will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m, The 9:30 a.m. family service will feature the falt in- gathering ol tlle United Thank Offering. A spe<tal Litany composed by Mrs. MWer, U.T.O. chairman, wil be presented. Sunday school ls held at 9:30 a. m. and nursery .care is pro- vided. The EYC will meet at 7 p.m. Dr. Philip G. Murray will preach "For Times out of Joint" at 10 a.m, worship services for Corona del Mar Com mu nity c•u rc b, Concregatloaal, 811 Heliotrope Ave. Child care and ch\lrch school are also available at this hour. Showing slides of his trip to the Holy Land, Pastor J. D. Wallace of First Southern BapUsl Churcb, 650 W . .Hamilton, Costa Mesa, is con- ducting a Pastor's Bible Class. The group 'meets Sundays. 9:45 a.m. During Y:orshlp service, he will preach "When Church Membership is ~1ean­ ingful." At 9 and 18:30 a.m. morning ·worsrup services, the' Rev. tfenry S. Jones will bring a -mes.sage entitled "Prayer for National Unity," at Central Bible Cbure•, 23rd Street and Orange Avenue, Costa Mesa. Pastor Jones' sermon topic for the 7 p.m, service is "God's .Soldier." on Nov. 111 at the home of Eula Mae Comyns, 6 I 2 l canterbury. prtve. At lwo Sunday worship servicea, the Rev. Henry Gerhard, minister el Elio Oarn el Rdloooi Sdeisee .r Llpn1 ltac( will speak on "CleaUve L}s\ening." Held at 20082 Lagun~ F&_nfon Road at the El Toro RQad junction, the services convdnc at 9 and 11 a.m. Junior chur school youth ini the 9 o'c aervice. Baby care Is also vided during Utls early ·ee. · Thursday ectui''es 1 r e sPoNJore<t by the church at Leisure World Clubhouse Two. The pubT .talb begin at IO a.m. stanley Dom\ ,;,. of Dr. and Mrs. Alfred ~· D o r n, will ceJebrate Bartlt.zvah during the regular S ath servicea or H a r b or dorm Temple Friday. The 8~5 p.m. sabbath services. condwcted by Rabbi Bernard KlngJ will be held at St. James EJiscopal Church, 3209 Via Udo,1Newport Beach. The parenis j of the Bar Mitzvah will welcome the con- greganls during the Oneg Sbabbat. ' "Adam and Fallen Man" is the title of the Cbrittla• Scien- ce leaon-~on to be read in the denomln11tion'1 churches in the Orange Coast Sunday. Included in r the responsive reading i.s the v e r s e : "Wherefore the r a t h e r , brethern, gh·e diligence to make your caJUng and election rnrt: for if yf'i!O these lhlngs , ye shall nevef rail." The conser\•ative temple of the Harbor area, Te m p I e Pastor James G. Blain has SbaroD, 6171 w. Hamilton, chosen as his sermon UUe for Costa Mej will conduct both the 9 and 11 a.m. special serv es on Friday. worship service "How Can We I p.rn ., in on o r: cl all ·Know?" He will address the families in e congregation. ·Newport Harbor Luflleran Children will~onduct and lake Church coagregaUon at 2501 part in the 1 ices wider the Cliff Drive, Newport Beach. guidance of Rabbi Gal'IOll _Goodman. H will speak on On Sunday at Community "Need Men rship?" ,United l\feUtadlst Cllnrch, 6662 A special c emony will be Heil Ave., Huntington· Beach, conducted~· Mr. and Mrs. the Rev. Charles Rose will be Zvi Doronn, 110 will name preaching at both the 9 and their ne '-daugliter.~ ,J0:30 a.m. servlce!. The title regular Oneg Shabbath will be of his sermon is "The Need t.o held after the •wvices. Stand Up." Church "'boo I ~ Classes and nursery care for ~he very young are also held lit both hours. · A Bible study group for adults is held at 9 a.m. and .,The Architects," a class1 for adults, is held at 10:30 a.m. A church potluck dinner is .'slated at 8 p.m. In Moore Hall to welcome Pastor Rose and .,i! family. The Senior Hlgh 'Methodist Youlh Fellowship ~P will not meet this Sun- lfay. But the junior hlgh group \viii meet at lheir usual hour ~n lhe chapel_. __ I Dr. Milton Van Slyke. co- ~astor of the First Baptist J:;hureh of Downey, will be guest speaker at the Sunday pvenlng service of the Flrat The Rev. !Roger Walk!, minlstt!:r or ~h e Unitarian Unlver1ali1t °'1reh, 1259 Vic- toria St., Co$a Mesa will speak at the 10: a.m. service Sunday "One Man's Com· mitment: nie Church I Want to Serve.'' ~ aermon bas been billed 11 a challenge to the liberal conp;egaUon and a definition of the condltlons under which Mr. Walke will be willing to continue to aerve as its minister. Church school alld child care are provided. Talt!:nl Bazaar wilt be held by the Women's Society Of Christian St!:rvice 11ext Salur· day at J\.fesa Vfrcle United Metltodlst Cbarcll.1 1701 Baker: Huntl119ton Beach ORmODOX* PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IMn ~ .... IWI .. 9J•I 1-1.. St,. H••fl..... lfftlri N1o1nt ty for 1m1H thildrtn MOlNIN• WORSHIP -11 :H A.M. l n • ._.,. W. M...t.1 96:1·7J6J ... 124-lt14 •conf•rm1 t• th••• ~tli•f.i •ml 1tr•tti1111 h11~ hl1t.nc1lly lly Pt•1byt1ti1R1. I See by Today's Want Ads •THAT ••T'S e DIMI eA e LINE e DAYI I I The Vicar Rly Schiefelbein will preach "Adj11stfng to the \Vorld" to the members of Quilt LuUatran CIMlrc•, 780 Victoria, Costa Mesa, at 1:15 and 11 a.m. aerYleet &mdly. Friday' a banquet at Orange COast College student Centt!:r will t>egin the annual Every Member Visitation campajgn, "Launch Into the 70'1." Relationships and the Chris- Uan" for the YOWll }.dult Cl&u al 1:30 a.m. V. Taylor ts the 10 a.m. sermon Sunday at Fairview Baptist ~ 2S25 Fairview Road, C..ta Mesa. residence, 213 Via Jucar, tha 'l\zrldlb penal colony ofl~.~....,u"''"'"°=l.STl==a"'y,...-,!e Newport Bead!, for t b e AlWI (""'* the 1>11 lrO!n Newport Bead! Baha'i Corn· Haifa). mun1ty. He ucended Jn 11121 and bt8 Chairman of the Baha'i tomb; a Bah't lhrlne, ls locat.4 •t BahJ1 .(near Halla). ' NoarbJ, on Mt. CJrmel, ii the R C h• World.C<nt« al ~ Baha'i ev. us ing ra11ls. 'lbe u.s. beadquarten To' Lecture . . M~ U,..lslery Ubtrty M781 u11 _..-.,.. ~t t • wn flemoricd p.lt · -Th• ~' Most &.itliflll M~orl4ls MMllOC. .. • C:CIU'Hl'9UM. • CMTm 'Ibe Rt!:v. Loren Dale Flick· lnger'a sermon iesaon will be Utled "Set a Goel" for Sun- day 10 a.m. aervlces for Newport Unity Clnardl: The group meets at Senior Cilium Building, 15th and Irvine, t;ewport Beach. "A Call to Valor" is the sermon topic selected by the Rev. Nonnan L. Brown. for Veterans' Day $ u n day Veterans" Day SUnday at Church ol Newport Harbor, • 3262 Broad St., New p ort Beach. Worship. S u n d a y school and babysitting service are held at 10 a.m. Momlng' worship hour begins at 10:45 a.m. with nursery care and j u n i o r churdt strvloe provided. 'The Rev. Clive WJlliams. former pastor « the church, will be gut!:st speaker for the early service and also for the 1 p.m. worship hour. The Suli4ay scbooJ program begins 1t t a.m. and offers 1 two hour educaUonal program for children, nursery age through roUrth grade, A special congregational business meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday. The Rev. Bruce Cuabln&, minister of Flrat Chriat1an Church, Laguna ~1. ~ lecture and direct dlscusaioa on the s u b j e c t, "Church Growth Through Witnessinl- Contact. Communic8tion," at the Pacific Christian COO· *:!..~I TREES of the WORLD vention regional session slated --r in Anaheim. 1im ••• ..;-;;::.:.__ Oo ......_ "-This convention, now In ltsl1 ..._ s...-.._-' °'- 15th year, Is sponsored an-[;;:;===================. Split seniona of Sunday New cburch • c•o u n c 11 nually by Pacific Chrtstlan "Deliverance Power With God" will be the sermon topic at the 10:50 a.m. Sunday service. Pastor Tho m a s Benvenuti will addreas Glad Ttdinp Aasembly of God Clllll'Cll, 15th and Monrovia Streets, Newport Beach, con- gregatioll. Missionary June Cruse, who just returned from Point Hope, Alaska will show sltdta at the' Sunday 7 p.m. hour. "Homecoming Day" at tht!: Cost.a 1'1esa Church el the Nuamte, 11185 Anaheim St .• is slated for Sunday. Major A. Martinez, from Orange Coast Collt!:ge. will lead a discussion on "Family church school It ResurrecUo• members, d e a co n s and ,.College, Long Beach. Lutheran C 11 • r c 11 , 9812 deaconesses recenUy were • , The public Is invited. Theme Hamilton, lluntlngton Beach, elected by the Col&a Mesa ls 11Church Growth , . , Now begin thil week. Grades S Foaraqure Cbarcli, t 7 3 f and How." through the Adult Discussion Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. Group meet at 9 a.m. and Serving two year tenns on younger children meet at 10:30 the church council will be PRAYER a.m. Hank Rowell and Douglas • • • Morning worship is schedul· Olson of Cost& Mesa. They will ed. for 10:30 a.m. with Pastor join Incumbents, Mrs. Olson Arthur R. Tingley speaking on and Mrs. Florence Preston of "A Kind of SOund Wladom." Lido Isle. A combined meeting · of --- Luthmn Church Women of . "Why We Baptize lnlanb as Relllrrectioa U.tlaeru IQ(f « Well as Believers" will be Rd«matfoo L1211seraa cts.n:h, dbcussed at Eh< 7:30 p.m. Westml1111ter, is planned for aervice of F'IVll.taflll Valley Wednesday, 8 p.m., in the Prtsbytertan Cbardl, 9 4 2 0 Educ•tiOn Building of Resur· Talbert. The meeting o f rectlon lA.itheran Church. Mrs. "Young People for Christ" John Piirto will present the st· will precede at 8 p.m. cond In the series or programs At the morning worship on: ••Japan Today." hour, t i o'clock, the Rev. Stanley Allen will continut his "The EssenUals of Being series on the Westminster Chriltian" by tht!: Rt!:v. Melvin 4 Shorter Catechism. (CoaUnued fro m Paae 4) • !ailing confidence in You. "But most of all, 0 God. we ask that the day will llOOR come when we can all ~lebrate their release and safe return to their homes and klndre<f. 'jGive to all of us who wait and hope in the face of every disappointmt!:nl the will to persevere in lhe cause of peace and the wisdom to con- quer hal.e with love and every doubt w;ith a renewed faith in You. Amen.'' Your Horoscope Capricorn: Live Now, Look to Future Sunday, Novombor 9 By SYDNEY OMARR R.«reaUoa centen on fllD COOll<ded wttli coarllbfp. New moon m Scorpio iadicaln tut many oa tllla day wtn decide: wltether relaUoadlpt are to be perma1eat or otllerwise. ARIES (March lt·April 19)' Accent on investment. discunions, reallzaUon that time haa come to mak.e com· mitment. Your c rt!: a t l v e resources are tapped. There are no halfway measures. Decide -then do someUling about it TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Emphasis on marriage, close relaticmhlp , consummation of cont.nlcl Be receptive. Ht!:ed inner voice. You are on right track, regarding individual who appears stubborn on surfaee. GEMINI (May 21..June 20): Don't play games with emo- tions. One who has much ln comnon with you deserves truth . Be IOC!able ; have fun. But alJo know Ulere la a price, a day of. reckoning. Key Is maturity. CANCER (June 2t.July 22): New moon position today coin· cldes with creative approach to possible dllmuna. You may feel c:oofined. But this is only temporary. Vital chana:t!: oc· cura. Be ready. LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): Ob- tain hint from Ca ace r mesaage. Lunar position stresses home, aecurlty, care of older individual. Sense of communication la heightened. You are able to see beyond Immediate indicatlom. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Exchange ideas with one who shares Interests: -could be co-worker, rt!:latlve or neighbor. imPortanl point is to open line of communicaUon. Then life becomes m o r t!: pleasant. UBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22)' Start 10mething -project, relationship, fulfillmt!:nt of goal. Take inltiat;lve. Begin. Live up to potential. Scorpio individual will set p a c t!: . Follow, but adhere to your own style-. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): FIND OF THE WJEK Tho daullng lzr1llllnt cut l!Olllilre. Ono hllf Cini. '310. SI.A.VICKS. J1w1l•r• Sine• ltl7 II FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644· i l l O YOlll' Clltrtt Accturit WtlcotN -IMllrAIMrlor'll, ,.,,_.,., CMrtt. ,.._ Open Monrlar, frhl•Y until f:H '°"" New moon in your sign en- couragt!:s expression of pel'SOll&llty. Strive to put across mt!:anings. Team up with Lfbra· individual. Emde con fidence. Circumstances favor your apecia! efforts. SAGmARIUS (Nov. :U. Dec. 21 ): Artas previoualy confused become bright. Most important, you galn great.er self·recognltlon~ Come out of shell. Shake off emotional lethargy. You 're going places. CAPRICORN (Dec. II.Jan. 19): A new, vital person could entt!:r your sphere. Welcome challenge, experience. Realize that past Is not order of day. Live now and look to future. Then entlre life style begins to sparkle. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20.Feb. 18): You gt!:t news today or event which COllld help toward bas.le goal. Be alert. Absorb lnfonnation. Apply pasL ex· perience to what you learn. Solid prog .... Is indicated. PISCES (Ft!:b. 1g..March 20): Accent on travel, a d d e d knowledge. This ia a day to e n I a r g e horizons. Spiritusl mt!:Ssage proves meaningful. Status quo b not the answer, Look beyond the llnmediate. IF TODAY lS Y OUR BIRTBDAY-you are attracted to humanitarian projects. You el[llde kind of magnetism which drawa people to you. You eould succeed In public life, with t!:mphasls on med!· cine, law and poliUcs. You an: embarking upon phase of ac- tilvlty which brings you in con- tact with young, vital people. Tot find out !TIO!'! •bolll V«lrMlf tnd •1trelovY, °""'' yll.,... Om•rr''. JI). o-oe bool<ll!, Tl'le Trvth AtM:1ut .... 11"1111111'1'. Strocl b1r1"411t _tlld Jlt c.nta lo Omarr lldlll, lllt DAlLV P ILOT, foll :12.0, Grand Ctr\lrll Slt !IG'I. Nn Ycrt. M. V. 10017. Chw·ch to Show Pre&idents' Pew WASHINGTON (UPI) - The oldest pew to be used regularly by U.S. pret:ldenb will be on display at the Na- tio11a l Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C. when com· pl eted in earJy 1 I 7 o , Presidents Jackson. Pierce, Polk, Cleveland and Buchanan used this particular pew. A total of 17 prealdents were assigned pews in the historic Capitol church. I D·Y·~·T·T·S·T·~ ·Y·f? Foreign Language? Gibberish? NO! A 1t mt1ns: Dll VllU r.iEE D Tll TA ~E STEPS -Tll lr:IPRllUE ~llUR f UTURE? • tf 90. at no COit to JOO, yOu can bl tettlld to '" 1ilftlthtr you q&Nlltfy for • ea,., In the Computer fleld-the thlrd~llrlllt but !:J"::"' Industry In th• WOf1d tQday, Don't b9: with SICOncl blltJ T..a )'Ololr ,.-..... fft1E ot Tho -o1 Compum Todl-. . ,,_ orWrih: 547-9471 . U11lo11 .. 11k Sq111r• -Suil• 40 So11th l•••r, Ortllf• lt26611, 'Oii ,_ nwNMATION llJlfD TH1t COVllGN ,. ...•.......••....•.•...........•.••..••• N•mt-------~~ Phona --- Addr111 City---- County ____ state ---Zip -- -.i: Hloh Sehool 0 ColloQS 0 ········································' THESE PENNEY STORES . WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS • 12 TO 5 P.M. -•AZUSA •BUENA PARK • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY •EL MONTE •FULLERTON •GLENDALE • HUNTINGTON BEACH •INGLEWOOD • •LAKEWOOD •LONG BEACH •LOS ALTOS •MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH •NORWALK • NORTH HOUYWOOD • SANTA MONICA •TORRANCE •VENTURA • WESTCHESTER • WEST COVINA ' W a tcli for the fU.ll week's T.V. listing s in "' Saturday's edition of the DAILY PILOT. J t ,. • , ·.• ... ,, ~· ., " . .-.. " .. " .. , ' ; • . .. - ':I ... • • ' • .. . ~ ' - . ---. t • l • .. ... • • ----- ~-- • -~ ., . .. • •• ...... ,,>'.. ' ... ~ ' t •• '"' .:(j'ft*~t-! ·~1~~.~--.;;.._-...,.--- , I ' I/ " " .. .. • ~ ~ , • i • , ~ I' 1 . • 1•l • '? • • JI' . -._.:_... ,,. ' • • ....... . ::, .:·s141,e ~~!wol ~·tli'{IJ'f!i . · ·'1.~ •• Qfters ~Niul~·-1c.~s ;; ·:v · s·--1:... ds ~· . ·~··rh~;-t ~, i,:t ... c ·z··i i,. T.-1 :c· 'h"ld ... "·r or w1iuar in J ~ : ... fiii:t$:· a i~ ff'ff:"· -i ·. r_~n .. .r • ·::t ., ' ' "" .. .i,, £ ,.... -~ • ; • ,, . , .,t.:; ~ .. , ~ A 1r. ~ • , ' .. , .. A Commentary on 6ectioo 1.3551.5, , . . , , .. and functl111 ol lhe m •cr-1- formerly Section ~I, of lhe California :. '.l.1 .f.'lS 11. I ~-f ." , f ltilillional conctplo ol due·~ of law E<lucaUon Codt: .; ·' :r· ~-Oi • ;. 'l , f • ·• '~ _. i add equai protec:llon of Cli<~:P!o ·ia,.. i. I u .. r:.a ·. '' ,1 +1 ~·-·t · .., , eilential,"Dueproce•,otllW"aasum ~;;;;~:::tip•! Pupil.I-I~ Mor/Jlity 01od. e 1••ft: , , ~.e ', . -_ ........y.penG1>11W.be lhall,'DOIJ~ ci!pri" Eac• teacher •'·II ··•ea•·-to 1·---•· ~_._~ ' ' •-o; -., ed ol. life, llb;erty, «: ~, !flthout ,. '"' ... _,.,. ....,, .. .,. ,. ·-...; • "-· . . • ' ' -.. • • being gtven an opportunity fer' a fiir and pre1s upon th• mind.I of tM pupU. • -. , ~ _ ·. .. t. l -·Hat tri I ' • E I _..._... " the principles of morcl.itt1. truth, 1us-Last May t; an It.page report called "GlMellnes for M«al lMtrUCCIOr'I m~.. 1 · q u • ., .............. on tice , patrtot1m , ond a true. com.pr.e-• tn CaJitocnfa Schools" was preaented to ·and "accepted" by the Slate Board a~ each~ that tbe law will be. henslon of the rights~ diities, ·and dig· "Of EducaUon · · applied allR to him .and to all peraons n it•• of American citizemhip, includin11 • The " . 'd "···" = "" l'-· __ __. .... • -be Ad · Co"# similarly situated. The Bill « Rights;)n 11 v . gu1 e~, Pl! . . .. , '"'""' ""'""u..a ..,uem r V19Jrf • \\idcb these principles are st:aWd and kindness toward dome"stfc pet1 and tee oo Gu~ .tor Mor ~dim. cauaed ~te: controver1y. 'Jl1 elaborated UPof\. shouJd be taught as a the humane treatment of living cre11-wei;e att.acttd u ~ted with a lltrOQg conservati~e toot of tradlUQnal living docwnen.L It is important to note turts, to teacfi.. thvn to svoid idlenta1, .A.merlcan Protestanilau),. ~,not rtflecting the plur~ Of American.» that ihe primary purpo&! o[ UUs docu· profanit'J, atid falsehood, and to fn. "'c1ety. •. . . I mmt"was and is to protect the rights of • atrMct them in manner a and moral& Th board hi! it ised ttte guldtr nd' the k ol the amdt-arid' the principle1. of 4 free.gown"' e 'w e· .pra . . ines-a wor c the individual in hil relationlhips with ment. ( A7mnded by Stat.i. 196~. Ch. tee, turned the report,over· to one of its members, the Rev. Donn Moomaw, the .forces of government. P~Utia;. a lfi"'l..atigJl.lta-· Televiripn ma11 1Mme itl Fickle Finger of Fate Award, but tht Republic.om came up with t.Mir own this week. It's tht Congrt11ional Tootdragger Award, prettilp dispJaued Du Waahington secret.a~ ]Jette &irnett. It gots to Democrat. -naturally -iii. tht Democratic-controlled 9lst Congress who drog footaie1 n '"bodlll ftffded ltgi.llotion" -which i8 GOP origi· noted, naturoUu. The award may be reminiscent of the late Adtm Sttvtn- 251, and by Slats. 1965, Ch. 1970. Add· and ~~ .. hlin to a~ a commiUee, study the report, hear testim.ony and Tfie substance and function, the crea· ed by Slats. 1968, Ch. 182.)" subm1t Jts findings to the bo.ard. 1 tion and enforcement of penal laws INTRODUCTION: Our naUon is a land of many races, cultures, languages, religions. And California is repnsentative of America in all tbe'ricb diveniity of tta ~printed here ,are the . "n~w Jlrldeline&" as pr~pared In "~oo~~ d~" should be Laughl as part of learning aboul by the new comml~ Five ~blic diacuaslons on the new guidelines will be American justice. However, to teach held through the lbte oh ·No\>, 15.. crimioal law out of the context of the Los Angelet, 9:3if 1.m., ·Ramada Inn, 9620 Airport Blvd. ..._ totality d law of which it is an im- Sa to t 30 · · ~-1u 711 c 'to! 'Mall Portltit. but relatively small part. is tO aon'• 100rn ah«, but U wam't in~d ... ~t WG'J: _ •• • ........i.. ,,-· .... ,. ~!""·· ~ . cramen • : a.m .• .--n w , •pi · distort both crimlnal law and American Fresno, 2 p.m., ~.a. Jrui, :!ZI Shaw Ave., ·Room 200. justice. Amei'lcan law ls primarily pro--· ... .-----Oar Man 1tt-M Fr.;.Mlnlio----·-·--. · ~a., was founded .on the ideala thlit .. i.11 mm ue created equal" and •(end~ tjy· their.~ with certain unall.,..JilO rights" •'lllese rights are al· San Diego, 2 p.m.,'U. S. Grint Hotel, Georgian Room. tective and r.giilatory, not prohibitory San Franclico, J p_.m., ~ewe Hotel, 506 Geary St. and puniUve. Sanctions are imposed only f~. in the Constitution and protected . '" b)' 1J::! bUtutions we havt....developed foe. · u.ewamptementa~ i . · ;.,-"! · respect for the dignity of eveey person, to the use of fair st.andardJ for evama_ting · ,;;Wh&"we bold in ~as~=j.·foster in eac~ a ~gh regard for. Ol;lf' all students, the administration of calm fl not nee or religltia but '3n.jft'i.J . • Argerfcan ~eritage .. and to~ ~age 1n and even-handed discipline. honest)'. and o( me ·right JO "life, liberty and the each devOUOl'l to~the d~ij_C ~aJ Of Objectivity in presenting subject. "'tter I pllrJ\llt of happiness." .Bas!C to this af· .a;, free, yet ordered ~1e(y. . the rejeCtioa of cheating.are all mone.eio: • (finnation ;,. ~the . .;once1~.-·-:thl!t ~~l'Y. • "MORAUTY: In . thia country no quent les&m.\ in morality thaJl are ofaJ or I Deduct,s ' ' ' .. ; . humu belna has w~ ~.dJ~,·~!· ""•emmental body, Jncludini lhe·pibllc written exerci!es upon that the$€No !i _. every ~erlc;an 1!1!"11d be -~ t,; 'khool can 0< lhoUid pre..,,.lbe 8\andoros one -lludenl, teacher, admlnI tor, -parjlclr.-fully. In · "the ,bleUmp' of• "of ...;ug1ous and moral . orillodo<y. clUren -can expect ialrilOSI, ' . ·. . .. t ' ' -\.' '• ..... One Nuae · llbert.y . and lhe bjghesi aBpiratio111 of Neverlhe)..,, il we are to live together, in ~";t =Id~~=,°~ 1!...J:: our .1exiety. ., an effective, functianlna:, and just com-· tlOnshi · · t \l / 1 • ~ • ·• · munity we need a common core of _,. -pa. • •'. ::4 1( : , ,.., •i:rceple::where noted all quolations personal and social standards, In af. TRlriB. The weUare ~of each tfzen l\ . • ~ ~ d~I 'f ·':fee frdm either t:ie firming the worth Ind dignity of each and ol the naliQ.n as a whole defe: s By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -There's an ~.. ec ration o n pen ence or 1 te man "''' accept. the integrity oC the in-upon a faliiic ol inlegflty ·and-df 1)- amusliJ& apinoff to the American Constitution of the United States. dividual, the reality of the personal and dabillty. lnatbousand:Wayalheei is College of Surgeons cooven~"'! i: ; '. ,., 4 ~~ 1 group differences, and the desirability Of dependent upon the elemental hon y of here. l mean, it'• fun to mat:e•b · •.... .. ...., F~ spues in ~·~~ of' the world a community life which gives full play to .his fellow1 -in observing traffic .r Ja. rounds of our best retlauraG '? : have M'fd out that pro~ participa· individual pursuit SQ long as it does not t ilona, rendering him aervjce due,' see all those rlch.doctors W wi'th ••• ~"fos -ar Alcatra!. lion, and none-has striv.en .harder 10 ful-violate the rights O{ others. ting his vote, ~tectlnt bis !if" a ·tbout ___ _._ to we aU& ,... fill it tban America. Yet from the found-........+ and · ~ .. 11; .. ,. the th -WJ even 1 ..... -..-There, he planted a foot on the Ing of the nation to the present some Our society's prime purpose ~ to pro-.,... •• y, 10 ......... .tru In the read. To a surgeon who complained pirates' prow and prese:nted the Americans have been deprived of full tee\ the freedom "-the Individual Hence !f.e ~-in ·~ ~. about tbe long_ delay It ~·, < ....... ~~,money plus a buck tip participation in the rights of cltlJenship our !OCiety requires compllance'wtth W• . govepunent, m !1.w~. al':: =~: '_ .. ·~· '-.na 'on the ati.mpy aide: by rea11>n of their race, religion or sex. tain civil vaJuu and procedures. lt also partier, llld In o&het pubJJc ~ ,,_ \Mm.ktfirl-Th.,-nation has always ~oented • -~ affirms that each man is a decision mak· agencies. p-..u wait with your c~ .• mfti ~ ,...-f ... ?::\..,..----~·a ' ··.,~ bma' tlon of pro-•·· -·i",-~-and pro--nu·",.r tng person who should be encouraged to The re!pOnSl~U ~· ~ "' iff:' Later in lhe =-~: ·• .. ' . ''tTOR TERllY McDERMOTT, "-·--and ll b hi -~"· •·-··•wt . ' ·-,, ~ denied or ......,+ ........ ....i _ But it has also develop ve Y 5 own conv1'"'uuns. ~ not "IC"ll\I. , r:rom: the same MD'-· ~,kl· · · ~ jobio-"";"Js drl"'"" a cab on -.,......,, .. .,...,. At the u 1· · ., t"""ether .,. our d J'be .. I · It · .. 1~' -1·-!s;teut -~---r ---'"ff. ·""wn a remarkable CapacilV•.fOr ag>)'/tb same me, IVlne -D e I ra1.e ytng. reqW!Q 8ft IJ.1! at the topless · .'. · sjs . ; : ~ iWing-ilUft, and .~ ttw:~r in"'moui'"' toward. the ... aIJU. _tloo .. ':"".of.'it.s divetse community does req~ an pumilt and acknOWJeelgemtnt ~·acts. ly mystlfying. Tlln don1 aee , nilht took 1 . .fa(t to ille ¥rport, ·~ " h t ff rt to see others as they see llecl.•on ad 'tho t d facts enoo""naked_bodiesf "J'mdeduc-, .. com_ pt .. : .. i .... a"""·t ~s to,ugh .~ .it\ea\s.· '' ,.·: ..... · oneseleo dto 1 -•'---~.i~m e1wi u regar , a-• ._...... ...,,._ -~~ .... ~ nann_.Oliib1 .. ciUzen.ln this cou.w .... 9(. thems ves an see ourse ves as vun::rs or """""' mere y to vindicate~al ting t.hlJ," said one surgeon .-tM· •. · break!, •about hil w e, ~. ·. ... r-\"" "ot.1 bi8' and -... , f • -:. I ~ J.I... --..1 I.I .·, ·• _:h1.IO own rights and. th09e pf o\her3, !iee US. preJuwce • ·are " t Condor asking or a ~ .. ~ "'"c;i 1-• .. ~Y,tn&: ~ --.i tnso ~:· ~tp> ex· ~Ws to build a genuine community Out of this elemental honesty can grow unreuoned, and unjusl ~ ·~ comes under the ••"Ji"' .. ." ;·~ IY!P.1>8 y, tuC cuaton;ler • tn -'-ich. each nPrson c;an_ ic"hieve full that integrity in lnte, r-personal . rela· &cientlous concern for facts 'Cln JnVent reoearoh into the mcr.dlble fie&· . -· lhln extendecl·i ·gun and extracted ' WU r-. • decl I baaed hi n h' ibility of the pectoral muscle •. " · ll20, .......... of' which wa1 _ T.....,.s (Wiic:tpatlCI\ in the A.JnWican promise of tiOMhips which is a key ingredient in our sons · c e Y on guess.f ~ 1m. t-• ti '"1'1 'Jibtrtf .Md justice for all. understanding· of moral life.' In all our or vindictiveness. And only a cmisclen- c.AENFE'JTI: The Very Re:v. c;.:; ~°:ind~~~;~~;~ To the traditional three R's of educa· deaijngs, whether politj_cal, economic, tious concern for fact& can prevl!lll: edu- Juhan Bartlett., Dean of Grace sighs Terry "that l can't·findlt ·in tioii our deinocratic societf iadds a\ letist sOcial, or sexua~ people are to be treated caUon from becoming indoctrination. Cathedral, has yet to aee "Oh,! helrt. kt be d t .him " two more -right$ and responsibilities. as persons to be respected, ndt as objects No agency in American life bears mofe Calcutta!" altbOujh~he can ~"ln :_ m~ ""('":....•' ~ :, ma . a · . -ht' Carryihg. out th&t:.chaU~· tbe,pablic ·to bll'~ited. tools to be used or toys to rea:ponsibility-f« shi!iplng aJ n- ,"""."free any Ume be wishes. His son.. [)pWN LIFE'S JDGHWAY, hand· achools mu~t : be played with. , couraging the pursuit of truth U. does I·~ Aubrey Bartlett II, is the company iri-paw: • JUI Butterfield,, th e , · ._. J~ teach the fundamental con· Concern for ~90ns also entails keen our State's educational IJISttm. Students S"· manager ••. Head 'em of( at the beautiful hippie girl 1wM worb aL atituUtmal affirmaUons or human and interest in the (1$11ify of thelr sociaJ and must learn in the clalll'OOin. thost 'habits 1· •pass! dept.: Six San Franciscans Maiden Lane KeMela In Fairfax, clvtl rights and the processes by which phyliical enviro~rit. Thls is especially of critical inquiry and sound juq:ment j , sailed over to 39 Main in Tiburon, married Steve Jones the other they are enforced; critical in a ...Uy of urban blight, which will enable them to separate truth ate and drank, then piled back· into eVeninJ: atop Ml Tamalpai.1 • "-· · -2) study the diverse composilion -ol metropolitan sjk-iw~ and massive en-from propaganda, fact from · iegen<f, lheir boat and took off' .without precisely at ·sunset Maid of bmof" _ti,e AJnerlca,n people, .the significant co~ . vir6umenta1 pollution. The quaHty or substance from trivia. In no area ii this r• paying. They failed to reckon with was Sam,,. a purebred Afghan, who:. . tributlons which different cu 1 tu res, COmmuIUty life ,s further· enhanced as all mnre Important than in the:·atucb· of oUr lhe derring-do of Bart.ender1Gino Ware . a : tiat of flowers from · religions, and peoples have made to our Ji\r()l~e~t.uresii:{e bwnanely treated, u national history, wheri:oonest~aUon Heilig, who commandeered 1a Sheridan & Bell. Well , ALMOST' society, and the varied yet imp~ive t~e tode affim&.. of the strengths and weakne of our .1 · Erlend 's faat "b9et and caugbl up iiw:_ebred.Sandy;spregnant. reSults of the American democraUc ·u:· .. ~mmµnity i:ft:. no sense requirts . poliUcaJ afld economic polkiesf · fair perience; . .aJxtence ~. controversy. Latitude for assem:ne"'nt of the contributions of 1 Out oi· a .. Hole · frof Tells How We S,lipped At~uria 1Tbe·western-parl -Of loday't California f$Y have been a deep oceanic trench over 100 million years ago, according to a UCLA geologist who is us:lng rocks rec:Onstruct the• hjstcry of the Pacific • main clues .come from . ~trange "'1cJgtones found in Californi~ niiuntainl, and his findings IM 'added wfight to a new scientific theory on the geo1ogjcal evolution of the earth. ' ci!JCan trench may liave e:tt.endtd as much.as 7p mUes inland from the present coat -' ! . Dr. Ernst's hypothesis rests mi his analysis of some odd rocks, now found at 'the core of California's cOastal moun- tains. 'nlese so-called Franciscan rocks · Jook1.H~ ~tone, but., unlike ordinary ..-, they contain amall crystals of :ade. THE FRANCISCAN rock!, Dr. Emit · THE THEORY. says Prof. W. Gary be~ves, were originally depostted in a Ernst. goes under the name of the new deep trench fonped by the convergence global tectonicl (or earth sb'4~). It . of the North American and Pacific Oceari proposes that the entire earth surface is plates. Under the tremendous pressure broken up into gigantic p I a t e s , ~auaed by the weight of the overlying r~resented by the different continents sediment& .and the overridlng,coatinental arid ocean floors. P'll!.1~ ~ks recrystaillr.td and u :part .. In the Pacific Basin, the plate that is o{ ~ F.ocess arew the. mineral ji\ie ... The North and South America is pushing buo,.at. Franciscan rbck1othen rose to westward a few inches a year, overrkUng the surface and became part of the the plate that jg the Pacific Oceap, floor. Cellfomia Coast Range.\. Tbe same ocean floor is being-overridden • .n his present study, Dr. Ernst con. on Its other end by the Asian con\inental !Mer> hi=oU a kind of geological d<t«> plate slowly moving eastward. live, working with·often v4tJe a~ con· Where two plates converge, they form tr.adidory clues. • 1.. -trenc:IJeJJn lllie ............ to depths of • ~ four-1.o seven mUei down. 'Such trenches .,.,MANY OF the rocks we work witltilre oow lie off the coats of Peru; Chife, lllenS<iy d~ormed," he says, "A!)d'trac- k • ... uch J ... f Jng · the growth of the California Coa st -3) become an effective trainin_g honest diff&e.nce, even on moral issues, religlotl:s an~ ethnic minorities htve often. ground for the deveiopmeht Of tliOI& fTIJlll. be ~ to community yil;ality · been lackin,. In .addition, the scMol aa a civilized attitudes and ~ures which and _progress. ''l'h4t educational task SoCial 'c.ymmunity offers an unparalleled are essential to the health of our sotjety . should include ~ honestly aOO opportunltf"for student& and teacber1 to The public schools bf. our slate cannot evflu&f.int'falr~ various approaches cOme lb Wxterstand the vleW]lf>inti; of replace and must not try to unsurp the to the inOral rue held by different oUiets and tii test these aga.insfitheir own roles of the home and of relitious tn-segments of our society. · beliefs. · stit.utions in fostering the mo r a l-. . The ethical bllla of community life Is The pursuit ·ot truth, one of the high $pirit.ual, and intellectual development more effectivel%&aught by example than privileges.of fur society, neceMl.rily calls ~ to seU-fulflllinent ai1d respoqsi· ·by precept. The conttuct of every school for open naraination of conflicting paints ble participation in our s&eiety. At the • 2c6vity-iJ a. diilY lesson in mora!Jty, of view, espedally in matters er politics, saml! lime, the public acbools do have u g~ or ill. The· teacher's klhdness. the ethla, and religion . There is no merit awesome duty to ill'flilt in ~c;h ~child example'~ sets as a responsible adul~, anywhere, Jea!t of all in the Al)'Jerican ". classroom.· in ·1 glossing over ·the dlf· ferences that. eXjst among us or trying ~o reduce them ~ the lowest common ~nominator. Poltical apathy becomes a poor brand of politics; ethi:al in· difference becomes a c:ommitrneOt-to #an irre.sponsible system of ethk:S; and religioua neutralitJ becomes . 1anotbu form of religion. I ~ JUSTICE: Our democratic society re- quJres justice as a prerequ!Ji~ for survival and stability, alld as I !context for the individual pursuit of ·hfPPlneas. Justice is fairness, but it: ,ts nm than that. It is a regard. for ope's self and a reapect for others, enforced . and . en· forciLle by the rule of law to which all are subject and before which ill are tqual. The schools should teach the fun· when they are necessary to protect. the rights of each pe:rion from unwarranted intrusions by others. PATRIOTISM: The rtsponsible citizen esteems hls country and ls concerned to make his country even more worthy ol esteem; he accepts his duty &o serve his country, and he seek.5 to move it cioler to il4 Ideals. The public achoo! should !osier Jn. (ormed and dedicated coocem for our country and its ideals. lt can do ao in vlrious ways, including the development of: -,J) andelllandillg of the 'principles of our system of government, together with a comparison of ·other approaches to gOYerning, boJh ancient a~ modern; -Z) appreclltton of the economic pro- cesses which have contributed to America's greatness, awareness or the: economic problems which-ll'Ouble us, and recogniUon Of•tbe right and duty of every American to contribute to and participate in \lie< productive life ol ·lhe pation; • .:. J) m)lld for u.i l&ri·of lhe land, ~~-th a --te conoon ar~ ve .._~prttment and 1 c!oni!Dilina 1t111on'!'\Jo · their im- )ll"O'i'ement in our complex. rapidly crow· ing society. In _fostering patriotiim the school should give due attention to the worth and dlgcity ol the lndlvldu~ student Our nation..perhJpg .more than any other, ii buil(upon love anct·loyalty freely given. ~o sallent feat\D'es ol our historic American a~ to patriotism are wtrih recalli:rl& in a day when narrow rancor o~ mar.kl u:pressions on this aub~·:. -.t) Love of country does not mean hOswttrto oUiers. Our fcnfathers were concerped tO illow "a cSecent raspect to the oj>inion1 of mankind." A particular Jo1alty to America that excludes a uQiversa1 concern for all mankind iJ not in' keeping wllh the best"of our traditions. -3) Love of counll')', for many, la:keJ plact within a conttxt of higher eUtical and, indeed, rellgioua commitment.S. The nation has recognized UU. tranJcendent element in varioua ways. -for example, in the.motto "In God We Trust" ..!-!..and in" our acknowledgement Of the rights of C003Cience in"_rela1'on to the stale. ••This motto h<U appeqred on Ameri- can. coin& /or over a centuru CONCLUSION: The principles of morality, truth, justice, and patriotism are not sµaceptible to any single or any inclusive definltlon. The meaning of these principles ml:ISt be ~amed daily in the home. thfr rellgioua instltuUon, lhe school. and . ttie community .. These guidelines outline Ul0.5e principle$ primarily in the coittexi of the public .Choo!. They are tl'lerefore Jimltecl to those areas that touch on the rights and duties of au clllzens in a society whose soundness and welfltre depend upon the intelligent and wholesome participation or every able member. They renect an awareness-both of what is deemed indi1pe:nsable and what calls for change in our \vorld. And they are motivated by a desire to be sensitive to the achievements and needs, opportunities and frustrations, a.spira-- tiqns and disillusionments of our people, young and old. Perha,iw in" a 11pecial blend of mature renection and youthful idealism lies our ereateet hope: both foi- preaervlng our democraUc ideab and for turning them into Uvtng realities. , ...... Ala• •· ·~ ..., m VII '"'~ rest 0 · Ranges IJ· comr,lleated .... la1-volcanic • the lalllf -., the Pa<lllc. •r _, • . eruptions, the ormaUon of.new 1iyen o( damental concepts of American jusu~. the processes by \\"blCh we bi\re developed our laws, and the means by whJch those laWs are enfCl'ced. Emphasis should be placed upon leamlng how law changes to meet change in our 'society. and on how people can participate and w(\y they should participate In bringing about t~ -~hanges within . t b e . framewor1c or Out democraUc society. ~-~turday, N~vem~ 8, 1969 The Comment Poge of the Daily Pilot 'neks to lnfonn and stimulate readers by presenting a variety of com· mentary on topica of Inter· est and aignilicance from ' tnformed observers a n d spokesmen. NO 9\JCll. TllEl'Cll now exists oil· the •ociimontary rockl, and by dlsplacefuents Ca1Uornl1 COOll;.i.ut Dr. Ernst bellem Of "rraiM _... the SID'"'~ and that the picture WAI qultt dilferent JOO to other active faults." ~ llO mWlon yean ~IO· . . The UCLA ieoloiY prof•""" b ••. Tbitn a trench. ,w serlta of ~ tend.in& hlt invdligations to the coast& may hilve 1trttthed from ~yond tpe oceanic trenches of Japan and the ~on border at )east to Catatiaa l1labd AleuUans, where the 11me .geological 8.19 perhapa u far as Cedros •Jgland, procesees apparently are conUnuJng to- llalfway dmm_ the coa•L.~r . BaJ~ ... 4•l'Jb•t_occ1!fred 9rr CalJ!.'!fl!!• over_!_ --· c.ularnla. !Ji "1clill, the a<><allod Fran-hundred million years ago . • . • . -Robort N. WHd, PubHahtr As one of the insiifutk>ns of our demottatk society, tk · te:hool "itlelf should respond to de atic prpctues by encouraglng parti · Uon In Jtudent cou.-icils and by provt · g forums ¥tlthln the school in whkh 1 ni.,• views can be heard and consi --11 .... -u.,::;.;~-----~-1=========;_) -- . ' ' . . ... " ·. ... .-- --...... FAMI~ Y .FUN CENTE.R IN C~ISTRAN,P'.S TllOY HPMES~B.Y SEA -. .1 . '· I f ., Hu11ti11g1;oi1 · ·Lo11J .Dou;11 .~aym~lii · Land&u ht · ' ' ' . . . · ~' .. . g Selling Troy Homes l;J Y S~:g.113} Early bird ·· buyers teki rig ·cehters and complete ~rOpUUt'. Ac.quisition or Shattuck arid advantage of a limited-time chens. McHone Enterprise$ by Signal doll'n pa~ment of $4~5 ir,e Schulz polnied .oui , lhat Properties, Inc: points to U1e sriapping . tip homes at Troy, speCial ·attiactions of the Bar- ilevelopnicn t irf tne ·near Homes By the Sea , San Ju~~ .. ry ,Burku.!1-d~gped hom es ~e :future or 5§0 qcfes' of Sip.al Capistrano, accordiilg · t'o · lfi.e .l.ocation .oc -.ihe ·site one .QiJ .. Co. !and . in Huntington Wllllam Schulz, director" .Of ... in.de from the. beach, and . its Be ch -· marketing for the McCcirthy pro~ty. = tb the neW 2,ciciib a · Company, developer.!! of the -6001 : · -• · Corilpiin~ o~iciaLs sa id .sub-proj~. . _._.. _mar~. division . plans ha\.e nbl been · Jicimes ~ture. twa lo five Troy, Home.!I ·By The Sea completed as .Yet ror ~e bedroomS .and two tO three-~ay be ~ached by the Santa acreage on the east side of bath~. and price.!! r!lng_e fron:i ~na-San Diego Freeway to ~e .Beach Boulevard be l ween. $27,950 ~ $35,500. tnCJtided _in · Sifi:i ·Juan Ca pistrano ·turnoff Atlanta -and Ada1ns a.•;enu~s all n1odels are· forina l living \Vest to tht inte:rsectlon or Del and Newland ·and Magnolia rooms, -fireplaceS. c8thedral • ObiSpo Strfft ind ·0e1 Avlon street.s. ceilings, Jtan\ify· entertafninfnl. BoUlevard. · · · . ' . ,.. -' •· ' ' Look. what »yov, get when .yo~ Qpen · a ·Savi,ngS account of ~5.00 or,--more , • at:·tJn·ien :Ballk: / -_.,... ~ . . ' . ; .· . ' . . . . ...... . . ·· ComP.ar.• ou·r .. sa·n J ·o:se. witlt anytnew · ·hom::e · •.• · · anywhere~ •.It ... ' •.. . .. ........,- .--·-··~ -:r;···-· The San Jose..;.3 bedrooms; 2'baths, dinin1 ·;001n . -------·-. 1 · Just compare these .features. ' . · · 1 · · CARPETING ___ _...D__. CULTURED . MAR8t£ PULLMAN TOPS_D .. • ': . .. ., Sint t Li be i.irun of ,,,. f mPir•. the Brill sh MY' bough! 11nd sold 1n farth{ngs, pence •rd , shillings. But •It.er 11/ these . c1tntifllls. theY. •r• l RREeUCE · o P.REPARED .FDRAIR coMDmoNING Fl I -, DISHWASHER-. -0 GOlD-ANODIZED-KITCHEffWINDOW_:_ -- :-=:::::~ :. c~~rtln~ ~o 1 decim.I . I' HARiJWoo·n cA81NETS -· o FUJ.L WIDTH BATHiiooM MIRRORS · 01· . ,''BUltttN : RANGE AND· OVEN .· D SffAKE' ROOf'.fRONT AND REAR . D ., . STAUfLESS :STEEL SINK . h . U~JJfR~RO.qNI) UTJUTIES . D , .. ·F,or a limlted time, Uoion Bank offers you this:;pecial gift-CATHEDRAL· CEILING . . 0 DEED TO THE LAND · · ,. 0 ' a c:o11~ct0i's se1 of these new ·s ;i11sh decima l coins-encased · __ PATIO :SERVING BAR · D ·AtfD. MUCH·'MORE ·"'. . . '. 0 ' , -currency such as ours. Tfli$ $Oit»ge ch<tnge ~ bejng (fladS Qfaduany, • arid r,ill t19!:ome olf1ciel on Feb1uery IS, 1971. I ·. _in a_.preli~ntali on folaer .w1th a ~escri pt ion ?\each coin . . • .. · OVER 8 ~~RES Of RECREATION ·:PQ. K (With :QO ·mai°'••· fBtl. 01 To get yo urs, al l yo u have to d9 is open .a regular savings . account.of $500 or more, or p9rchase a$% s~v1ngs bond in a • --''·.:--. --· -. . . . . .· F , ~ . . ,:.. ~~=n:m;;t~ E~:~:c~:,:~ ~~e:g;:~~~ ::~t·~:s:r~na:~,:k savings . ~ ' . , .' , r0'9J<. .. '.~.: ·. . ;' The e's no better fime than no~ tc» sta~ yoor savi ngs program-; .• t , ~~-: .... • 0-~-~~ i!l.;>.r:lel's. :qp to · '$41~SOO ' FHA;V.A & Conventional ·ttrms. ':. 'tai1orect1omee;y0ur individualneed•:_a1un ionB;ink. ;;;i .. -r:,· .,~::.t~.1 •• •• ·~-J~·:.~·,·1~.":\·:~·:~,.,, .. · ~. 1 "·; 1 ~;RB·~.'14·~ · \ · ·n·G··a' ·.·: ,· .. · :·· High e:st banil':rate_s, d,aily interest cOl)ipo~!1ded.daily, and a _ ,:/·;: "'i''· "\'. . , •. 1 '1 . ·' • • • · _ ,,. ,_,.; '.. .L • ,. • • "• I ' 1 if wkjerangeofplanstocho0$e'fr0m;ooit t9C:la'{: · .; ~~·,: :::. ...• ~:" .. ~ .-: ~ ·• .'···''.;i '.:' ! };.·1 • • •• ~ • ,_.. . .... ,.. ·l. , ,~. '!~ ' ' . It .. ~....:. __ -..--·.'_._'"~Ji'_r--~~....:..:.:··.,._......,,.l.,....;.:.,,·,..·~--.-l';.."!.-1,.:lt~~.,..:.Whtn'~ ~ . .t .~:.RM!~h Y<>u -· owr'tthe11i!d.-YoU!ll~"ounded- 1 ~ by acrec arid aqiS. Of.beautiful . ! .. ' . . tomorr ow's oank to9ay ; ·.-· . . ' • • ,.. .. ; . '~ --,"· ·- Or•nge County ReWonaJ Head Off1~: Main at Li Veta • OranQe ' N01lh oringe COl.Jnty Office: Harbor ~fOf_aije~ofPI • Fu/Jeripn . • sou_th orahge, county _Office: Coast Highway &l.Goldenrcd • CMona ,961 Mar ~ ... . , , I .....,Ftl.,,l o.u..i "'-"'.1Wpo110111 • ftd111l,ntntSJ1lt. I " .. ' • citrus .,_ with. till Univet~ of California 1t livine nearby. Tbt ocean and )he fi~t sh91>Pin1~· tm,ln Oiinp County are just min · utes away; Compare The Ranch with other home developments and you'U -why we're one of the fastest sellln& developments In ·Southem.Callfornla. Phone (714) _8a8·5136 - .. . .. ' .. ' ' ; I • \ AYRES, -SINCE 1905 . ' r , • . . I ' . : ' • . ' • .• • •·' 1 • ~ I ••• ... ~ ..... <.-.---~~·~·· ... ,..._, ..... _,;._.-~:;::::~·--~;:--::-..,.·~:,:,:-.,;_:--;-_~.::;:::;::::::;:::;::;::;:::::;::::::::::::::::::::;;:::::;::::.:.~.-~.:.:.:.:.~.:::::::::::::::;.::::::::::::::i: ""' "'*'' ·-- 1: DAll.V ,,LOT Beat-· ...L.. sta~ Questions end Common! By Re1ltor Randell McC.rd\1 We ere thinking of buying some new units, btc•use of lower malntenence end other advantages. However, we would Ilk• to know just what is m••nt by • first owner tax advantage (200•/.). Is th•r• such a thing? W• would apprec:let• hearing from you. . Mrs. ·H. L., Newport Beach Basically, the 200 per cent declining balance me- thod is twice the amount allowed under simple straight line depreciation. In the declining balance approach to depreciation scheduling, the investor does not consider any salvage value and must subtract each year's de- preciation before computing next year's allowance. · VE~ CRUZ ONE OF MOST POPULAR PACESETTER RANCH MODELS To qualify for 200 per cent declining balance, the in- vestor must be the first user. If you cannof qualily for 200 per cent rate, the maximum you may--4._epreciate under the declining balance method is ISO per cent,· or l lf.! times the straight line method. 1 The declining balance methods are incentives in- stituted by our government to encourage us to invest in building a better country. However. these incentives are in danger of be ing taken from us. New bu.ilding is the priceless ingredient for expending communities. for redeveloping our cities, for a growing . .\merica. Without it, we stand still -or fall back,vards. The House of Representatives has approved a "tax reform" bill which ·.yould limit all purchasers of exist- ing.buildings to the straight line method of depreciation. \Vhile ne\v apartments could continue to use the 200 per cent dou~le declining balance method of depreciation, commercial and industrial buildings would be limited to the 150 per cent method. In addition. investors in new building s which may use accelerated met.bods of depreciation \Yould be taxed al the time or sale. at ordinary income rates on the gain of straight line. Thus incentives for develOpers to sell and un~er~ke .additional investment in rehabilitation, modern1zat1on, and improvement, would be destroyed. For a strong America, lets bobe that our Senate is wise enough to reject {H.R. 13270) ibe utax reform" bill. I have heard about those ''Restrictions'' th•t affect property. Exactly what are restrictions? How do they effect me a1 a purcha1er of property. C. F., Co1ta Mesa Th~ tern1 as used relating to real property has come about 10 the real estate practice through usage or by ~l.1e ope:auon of la\v .. 'v.hereby the o:-vner of real property 1s :estr1cted or proh1b1ted from doing certain things r~ lat1ng to the property, or using the property for certain purposes. For instance. th.e requ.irement in a deed Uiat a lot may be used for the construction of not more than a one party dwelling, c~sting not less than twenty thousand d.ollars ~$20,000), 1s t~rmed a restriction; also a legisla· t1ve ~~mance affecting all properties in a given area, reqwnng that improvements on property shall not be constr~ct~ any closer than 25 feet of the street curb, is a reS'trict1on by operation of law. EDl-TOR'.S NQTE: Randall R. McCardlei1 at1 investment o~aly.!t, pres1de1it o.f the Real Estaters, a college lecturer, a .direct-Or of the California As.tociotion of Real Estate Teach· t.~s. author of "Real Estate i"1l Cali/on1ia." Send iiour ques· tions and comme11ts to Ra11dalt R. l.fcCardle, c/o the DAILY PILOT, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Calif, 92626. MCI Ope1is Center l1i Irvine Complex MCI, Commercial-Industrial Division of Macco Corpora· tion. the real estate develop.- ment subsidiary of Great South West Corporation, has opened its new Santa Ana.~ dustrial park, according to an announcement by r-.1c1 vice president Russ R. r.·tacQuiddy. transportation system. A t present, over II~ miles of freeway have been completed in the County, which is also served by three railroads, two transcontinental buslines, four airports, two heliports and numerous local and national trucking lines. Santa Ana Induslrlct will comprise ten attractive buildings or varying size and design, all conforming to a pleasing overall archltectur.al theme . In all, the buildings will contain in excess of 250,000 square feet of industrial and office space . Thunberbird Starting Fourtl1 Unit Construction has begun on the fourth unit of Thunderbird Homes at Dana Point, report George R. b.feeker and Willard A. Boehle, builders-partners of the 4fi6..acre development . Building has reached the framing stage and compleUon or the entire wUt is expected by January. Thls fourth unit ol 44 hornet will bring the total of Thunderbird homes built at Dana Point to 324. Thunderbird homes in this new unit will have four floor plans in single and split·level designs. Prices will start at $29,750. Three and rour bedrooms and two or three bath&. are available In a variety of eleva- t.iom. All models have family room, fireplaces and balanced- power kitchens with built-ins and large pantries; T h e kitchens are cheerful, at· tractive and functional. 'Mtey are designed to save steps and provide all the storage space that the modern family re· quires. Outstanding features in these new homes include cathedral ceilings, customized oversize. fireplaces. master bedroom suite with separate bath and dressing area and pass-through serving b a rs from the kitchen to the out- door covered patio. Thunderbird Homes are just five minutes from . the ne1v Dana Point Marina, which will provide re si d ents with facilities fpr yachLs, power bc\ats, sm all craft, shops, restaurants, fishing and arnas !or picnicking and swimming. Fund Buys Apartments lluntington Granada Fund. Ltd .• an investme nt partnership, has paid $3,450,000 for a 310..unit garden apartment complu in Orange County, announced Property Research CorporaUon , a na· tional investment manage· ment finn specializing in real property. The complex, known as Hun· tington Gr.anada Apartment.!, is located at Warner Avenue and Golden \Vest Street In Hun- tington Beach, on a 14.7 acre site fonnerly owned by Chico Co., l?c. The modern industrial com- plex, the Santa Ana lndust.rict. is one of l5 projects presently being developed by MCI in four areas in California. These 35 projects include com· 1nercial centers and shopping <.-enters, industria l and office parka, and they are being built in selected locat ions In Los Angeles and Orange Counties, and S&n Diego. The ?\1ain Street and Oye r Road SanLa Ana lnduslrlct, located in the ci ty of Santa Ana in the heart of Orange County's burgeoning industrial area. is a triangular-shaped rievelopment bounded by Dyer Road and ?\fain Street and the Southern Pacific R a i I r o a d tracks. Je1tkins New Manager For Leadership Homes "The choice of I h i s particular site \vas the result or months of intensive market research on the part of a special ~lCI concept develop- ment team." MacQuiddy said. The Santa Ana lndustrict is jus~ minutes away rro1n the booming Orange C o u n t y Airport. the sixth bu siest airport in the nation, served by seven air carriers and ~·ith modern facilltle~ ac- commodating eorporate jet atrcratt. ,. Equally \mportanl -and one d. the decisive faaLors in the choice of JotaHon -Is that close to a hlll·million Oran1e County mldenta:.IJve within IS mJnutts driving time or tht ceoter. AilO ene out of every four manuf1ctur1n,g workers employed in Orange County art employed wflhin thil dllllrict. In addition to ils proxhnlty t4 the Oranat County Airport. the lndultttal complex is also served by Oranac County's ex· cellent and constantly f'X· p1 ... -zell lllld-hilbway I Gary Jenkins, a former ~-. "·r,.--=cr~-­ sales execut.ive in the a u Io motive-aerospace in· dustry. has been namtd sales • administrator for Leade rship Homes of Newport Beach, ac. cording to Philip Yasskin. director of sales. Jenkins will 1 s 1 u m e responsibility for the coordl.n•· lion of policies -and procedures between the. Leadership main offices and the finn's 14 sales offices I o c a t e d throughout Sou.them Callfornia, Ii a Id Yasskin. A native of t>.!ichlgan , Jenkins rece!Ved his B.S. in marketlni (rom Ferris Slale College. H~ t0ntlnucd his academic career in t h e masters program at \li'ayne • State University. He cbmpleted a lw~year !raining program with the Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, A11chlgan and \\•as trensfurtd iQ the purchasing and admtnlstration section' or the Ford Aeronutronlcs pla nt In Newport 8e.ach. During this period, he completed the re- . .qulrematl Joe "' Purchumc -- NEW SALIS CHIEF G1ry Jtnki"' ~t::inage1nent O.rtlflcatc et Orange Coast College. Jenkins lives in Tustin "'ilh his \VUc, Diane. and thrtc children. lie l!I a past prcsi· dent and charter member or .Alpha Delia Slim•· Ranch T,.act Ccilled 'Early WesttfJood' The similarity between early \V estwood and The Ranch has had a strong influence on many recent buyers o f Pacesetter homes al the Ranch in Orange County. "~1any say they .,e con· vinoed The Ranch property will app re c1 at i a6 d rama tica lJ.y as early Westwood home sites,·• said Landon M. E1Jey, vice presi· tlent and general manager. The Ranch is lea than five miles from UC Irvine. Ttie location of the homes ll •t Jef. · frey Roa.d and Valencia Avenue ---hallway-between the Santa 'Ana and San 'Diego freeways. Je fJrey Road becomes Unl""8ity Drive, leading right tO the campus. Actua l models are o n displaY. ~uarters or a mile rlQrtb of the construction site at the Jeffrey Road turnoU of the Santa Ana Freeway, three miles south of Tustin. The model complex represents an u n u s u a I marketing concept -that of bringing the models right to the freeway for the con- venience of home viewers. Bordered by the famous Irvine Ranch, the project is surrounded by an agricultural preserve or orange trees and miles o( fannlands. It will have an eight~acre park and three miles of t r ee·lincd paseos. "When Westwood was bc~g developed more than 40 yea rs ago, UCLA was thought ·to be located in rural Lo& Angeles CGUnty. But, look at it ·now. The growth of the University is of course the major in· nuence on property values the.re," Exley said. New Homes Finish Up At Fairway A luxurious 62-unit Gold h'lcdallion res idential complex -Grnnville Fairway Homes· -is now completing con- struction adjacent to the ninth fair\vay·. of the Irvine Coast Country Club and within walk· ing distance of Fashion Isllnd, Newport Beach. R. J. Campbell, Southern California Edison Company district manager, noted that the Fairway apartment s feature the mo.!lt modern elec- tric living conveniences and are now ready for occupancy. Reservations are currently being made and a furnished model is open for inspectkln al 1025 Granville Drive, Newport Beach. · EOO'y lo the plush develop- ment will be by private road off Newport Center Drive. A gatehouse will insure privacy and security for all residents, and tenants will enjoy club facilities as part of their lease, at the Irvine Coast Country Club. Campbell ·noted that each unit will feature an all~ectrlc kitchen with built.in range, selr-cleaning oven, w a s t e disposal and automatic dishwasher. Features, include study. wet bar, fireplace. car,>etln&, three -to foor -private pitios,-end ~foot livipg room ~ view terrace w\th a panoramic View of the golf course-and-ocean. All rooms will featvrt the popular radiant cel)lnc heating system with electric be.aUng cable embedded in P>e: ceWna. Unit!, wtuch include up lo thrte bedroom ind study, ra~c In she from 2JOO to 2.61111 square feet. Apartments will 1ea5e ror ms to $700 per month. Leslng Information .may be obltlncd by contacting the hArbor office of C1usey and Rhode!, 644· 0!0.1. "Today, many older Y.'estwood and the Ranch has floor space than in our least spacious models are selling for upwards of $45.000. "Because of the compa rison, many families buying at the Ranch are selecting t h e largest model, even though they may not need that much space. They believe they will eventually receive a pro- portionately greater in· vestment return on the largest or the homes." The three and lour. bedroo1n homes by Pacesetter at the Ranch are pr iced from $28,450 to $33,950. Also on display at the Ranch are four modclS by Frank H. Ayres and Son . When completed, Lhe "twin'' community will have 484 homes. ' Whli the sales office open just a few months, almost all of the first unit of 56 Paceset- ter homes and more than 40 percent of th e second unit have been sold. 'The fi rst unit was ready for occupancy on Nov. l and the second unit is schedul- ed for late December. Exley said . VA, FHA and C1>n· venlional finan cin g 1s available. Pacesetter I-Tomes. founded by John Klug in 1961 , has deve.loped seven projects in Orange County ; Ventura Keys. a $35 million man-made marina community in Ventura County, and Pacesetter Homes at Rancho, Califonia i n Riverside County. Trallers, Pref .. " n-.--• . . . Standilr~. Codes Proposed -~ . . PULLMAN. Wu!I. (AP) -be demolllhed. provement funds, they m0&t BuUdin& inspecton ere facing "Moal clUes art awire that have workable rebabilJt,aUoo special profilems , clUltd by to be ,eligible ror feder•\f!m· progr!._In$," Lund. said. the increased popularlly 01·1--::-...,-~,----'---'l-t""'--'-=="'-=;;;;.c='-- moblle bomeJ and director l..41ces ·woods· elCCitin& homes of edUC11tion for the Interni· u..,.1 c.or.,.... .. rr Blllldlng r OUlclal& declared.' · John Lund of Pqadena WIS ·~ Ille lllli "*"'' bu~ olllcioll •horl c01ir1e IJ)Olllired by Wuhinll<>D 8ta•e Uplv_er!l~ty . Repreoenatatlves of • I x ..,. 'A· • ' -stftes are ~Uendipg ... sco.pe to qtumn tbe riiur day course. .. at 1 -ke ..... rest!' ·•wi have ~o standard set of f;il ' . L.c:L LU f lnspf,ction rulb to ~ by ri&bl ~ , •• D!i11/S11l1 An• r~ II [f 1.,.. .... u.... ftll• "'' .,_ f) now, so far ar ttie traller•J;::==;;::;================== paril are OOQC'ef'Ded, or fO( • '• ~ tbe 'prefab' -w1t11 .tlieir LIDQ ~ULE y aometime special re-· quirements for plumbing and ' eledrical wiring;'' Lund said. Ill _ . • He noted lhat California has -• -_...--- taken over inspection of most-1 t~ailer parks in order to pro-I v1de some type ol uniform in· spection. Lund felt there \vould be further m o v e s "toward standardization or b.uilding codes as trailer living becom·es more popular.''. The Jack Of universal control <lver the manufacture o( com- STRICTLY JUNIORS NOW OPEN .•. In The Alley Of ponents of prefabricated Open Fri. Eve1• 1424 VIA LIDO homes-maf1force the Interna-'til 9 NEWPORT IEA.CH CAlDS WELCOMI ALL CIEDIT tional Conference of Building 1'===:;==================:::! Officials to initiale an unan-1 · rE~r~~;~r~~;~ r,· ... o··u·······,··,··o··,··L··E·M···:···············i building codes are obeyed. i • :f Lund said another problem :; facing building officials has to You want to nl1 some Item • do with a n c i e n t and thlt yeu no longer need but • d ilapidated buildings clut-1 IOmffM else u.n use fOf' : lering many cities. N O T O y E R $ 5 O • ·'Most cities are attempting i ~~d c~~~:O~s;.1i~!f t~d~~;~ ' 1 ? ? ? ? ? l said lllb type of aciivily re· YOUR ANSWER.· : quires "rare and unique" • ~ublic relations to convince 1• Owners that the buildings 'must !t You c1ll THE DAILY PILOT, 11k for ;i: Cl•nUiod Advertising, and pl•ca a l.ichler Opens PILOT j Realty Office PENNY :: Lconacd E. L"htec, who has i PINCHER i been serving Huntingtqn '.! Beach • Fountain Valley CLASSIFIED AD } residents in property transac-• ilons ror the past rou,..rcars, • AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RA TE : has opened a realty firm, the i . :: Real Estate Mart, al. 17420 i 3 UNIS 2 TIMES 2 DOLLAIS • Beach Boulevard, Huntington . ! Beach. · • During his membership in :: 'AND YOUR. ClEDIT 15 Goon t _: ~:n ~~~~!~~ar~~~hR;Ii::: •L DI AL N 0 W DIRECT! : ~u~tio~~~i~t~; !n~ a~: 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 1 member of the board's multi-<T•,,.....,.. c....,. Ml-lutl l pie listing ser~ice. **** ..... *********************'**"**"*"*~ • • l l I ·I I ' r • ' ( ' I t I [ I I I t I ( \ I t• d ' d a ( • • ' I 0 ' t ,, l ' I: • ' f ' l I ii I n a ' I I I d ) q r ' ' 0 lo ' r t t ( I I ' r I ( I • I ( I • • I • i I ( I ' ( ( l i I r ( I f ' ! I I ' ' I ( ' • ' 1 1 1 --- Market Gaining In West · In lhe face of a continued and mucl><!lscuued t I 1 b t money crunch, the western real estlte market obvloualy - shouldn't he doing business as USUIJ. And It Isn't. Real estate sales and new conatructlon throughout the nine-state western m a r k e t paced by California have ac. tually increased substanlia1ly during the last seven to eight months over the same period last year, according to Robert E. Morgan, senior v l c e president-loan production af the Colwell Company, mort- 1age bankers. Single-family housing starts in ~ nine-state rec ion (California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Haw•li and Alaska) totaled nearly 200,000 units during the first ~ven months of 1969, Morgan points out. ad- ding that this is 28 percent above the nationwide ,verage. In C~omia alone, housing conatructlon' of all t y p e s authorized during the last eight months outdistanced the same period of 1968 by over 20 pereent. The current economic facts of life which have slowed the national real estate market - the high cost and shortage ol land, labor, materials and money -have also been felt in the west ; but not as sharp- ly. For one thing, mortgage investment -&pital has been more readily available for financing western real estate, says Morgan~ His own firm, ranked as tbe largest independent and publicly held mortgage bank- ing organization in the west, placed a total of Sll0,926,000 in new residential, commercial and !nduatrial properly loans during the f,int Dine months of 1969. This represents a 22.8 percent increase over the P0,361..000 in new loans placed during the same period last year, he riports. T h e Los Angeles . head- quartered firm, which places real estate loans for some 160 nationwide institutional in- vestor!, currently servic~ over 72,000 first mortgage loans throughout the west, totaling IU billion. Despite national projections for some further slowing _of the real estate market over the balance of the year, Colwell foresees an increase in I t i Own loan totals. "At our present rate of product.ion we expect to pass another milestone in our growth early In NO\rimber. By that time, our'total loan servicing ~ ahould pass the one an<f a ~ hi Ilion dollar mart;•• ,says Mocgan. FGinded in 1M7, the Colwell Com~ has expanded to nine branches throughout the state~ including ils recenUy e s tab Ushed Charterhouse Investment Co. division which spedaJlzel in commercial and lndultrial noalty financing. J.' Parker New County BIA Chief John ' Parker was installed Friday at the President of the Ori.Die. County Ch arp t er , Buihilng Jndustry Association of Callfornii, Inc. The ctreipooy was held at the Elks Club; $ma Ana. ' David Young, Immediate past1 president of the Building Induftry AS!IOCiation WIS the Installing Officer. Parker is resident of Newport Beach and president of the P B S Corporation. He is an engineering graduate from Stanford University and served as an engineer in the Seabefs in World War 11. He joined the Macco Corporation in J!if!O as President of the . subsidiary, Macco Re alt y Comptn)\ Jle resigned In June 1968· to organize the P B S Corpor:aUon. lf\ a~p.tina: the presidency, Par~eJ:' pointed out the great viabWty• ol the county and ex· preSled · confidence that the lorthcomiJul year w o u Id present a challenge to the con- structljlli lnduatry in Oranl' COOlit} linneetlng.lhe houJing demlftdl or its g 'r o " J n 1 population. Other lncomini officers arc Russel 1 Better, vice pres- ldent; · Rlchlrd B. Smith, vice prelktent; R o b e r t Solomon, secretary; and George Sant, treasurer. • 1ve • ID Somethins exclt· Ing Is about to happen In the Oranae County . ' . . area. Todfy. . . ' .. Tiburon.Full-on famlly townhonie living. A momenr.from tho sea. Our Grand Opening Is this wee~­ end. To Introduce you to the begin- ning of the good life In the cool, carefree new world Ot green lawns, coJorlul flowers and tree-shaded parks. 1 Each Tiburon home is a master· LARWIN 'S ere • IS. piece of desisn . Big new one and two story homes feature exciting new features and floorplan ideas. ·The whole c~mmu'nilY, Is one glaht ·park with endless recr•tiorial facliiiles. Jusflor the fun of It. ... Wo have the Tiburon <;lub. For ' year-round fa.mily fun. You . belon11 t~e day you move in. This is the per- fect place to get away from it all. By slaying home. Tiburon is in the perfect location. Right in the heart ·of the• famous coastal communities of Newport, Lido Isle and Balboa. --~ Beaches are six minutes away. Swimmlna. Skiing. Surfing. Boating. Salling. You name it. Features. How about tolalhome refrigerated air conditioning. At no extra cost. · And no exter ior rTiaintenance. It's all done by professionals. Come out today. Excellent financ- ing. Special parking facilities. Intro· ductory prices limited time only. Tiburon . It's not a country club. But when you live here you'll think"it is. . - GARDEN GROVE FWY • .A'· ,,... tu,1ao. lowFHAnfVAterms. Oireclions: Tiburon is located In Fountain Valley on Brookhurst. Take San Dl•o FW'/. to Brookhurst, south one block te models. . . ' • • . , I . ·• • . • I . ' • . . • ·. .. ,; ~·: " •J. L.', ·. ... . . .. " ,, ' --- '• ~· ... .~Y'l'ILOT •· - r I:- ., I t ! 1 • • • ' I ' I r 1 ' , ' ' I f ' l ! , • i ' ' l ' • ' ' ' ' , l , r ! ' ·' , • ' • , ' ' ' l ~ ; • ' " , , • , ·' l j • l i ~ . ' ; . ' ' l l • t ' ; ' ' ' j ' ' ' • • i ' " • •• • < .. ~ --'"' . . . . .-•" ...... -.... -~-> -, ~ -r ?<---,, ,..,. _ ______,,..,.,. -.... --~·~-.·------------------------------------------~--~·-~,-,,-, .. r -• '•- ---~---... I '"'" .. ,,11 \.fW • JJ DAllY PILOT llEATB NOTICES MARCH "llrN A!vl~ Marci\. Mll-1 Vil Nwri-"°''· L11111ne Hiiis. Dile of llottll, NG-v.,...~r '-EXKU!lvt cfflcff" wllll Grice LlMs for «I ,.e11r1. Surv!V9d by wife, Doris Mlirc;ll, of ttle home. S.Oka, 1.-.:llY, $i1!11r4IY, I PM. Ptc!fk ·View Ch•Pl!I. Olrtc~ bY Ptcmc View Ml>f- tu1ry, HARWOOD 8'111 Evtlyn Htrwecd. UO Shore~llff P•nd. Coron• dtl Mtr. Oat~ of cle111t1, November 1. Svrvlved by hus~nd. Oonald O. Hllrwocd. of the l'IOmtl 111m. Dennis W H-oed; 1ls!er, Mrs. E1lel- lt Mlirsh, ller~etev; !Ir.ff o••ndt.1111-~:tci;ic ~v~!'· c':!::1. s~~~~!"'~:, Pp~'. citlc \tlfl* M""""'rlal Park. Olrecred bY PKik Vow MOrlvarv. SOHL Ethel V. Sohl: 810 Geneva SI., HU11!1nt- 1on 8'.Kll. survived by husblflO, IM•· sh1ll: '°"" N.«1111111, Jr.; <tau9hler, ~f:,' ~= F~':~1~~111~.!!~.~ -· . BRO!!SMER G111l1ve AdDlpll BroHme• lttlldefll of Lti Ano-eles; dlll ol llMlt!, NOVem.be• s .. s..rvrveo b'<I nlecn, ~rel e ... 91!1111, ot Glef)d1lt=; LVCille Frftalone, Lii$ M ge!ei.; M.K\f: Knoll, RtOOl'IOo ltKh: Cedli1 0 1\derlllH, Al!'ll"'blll n~. Dr. John H1lah, Coron1 cwl Ml!_r; ROWf~IM/911, La H1br11 -~,e K1\lffnq...,. L1 Mesi . 5ervk:es -• lleld vesi.r~r, Friday, 11 AM. P1· clllt View (hlHI, Entombmtnl Pl· d lic Vitw Mernor111 P.-rk. Dlro<teo oY P.cltic View M0r1u1rv. CALVERT Vernie _5. C1lvert. 711 Virginia P11ce, COiii Maia. D1!1 .of llell1h, Nove~r 1. SurvlV'f<t -by w!k, Evelyn; •NI fcur CllHd~, DoNia. arel'lda, Di!bblt al'ld Sltvitn: sister. Mrs. Joyce Girvin, Ge· tet1; 1111\er, Vemle W, Calvet1. Adolp. hvs, Kentucky. Ser1rlces, Mor>01r. 11 "-M, 81llJ Chltf>'I, IUl Svperkor, Cos· 11 Met.I, With Rev P. G. Newman ot- lic~lntl. lnterrnto•t, Pec!lic v i-Mem- ori11 P1rk. Dlre::ted bv 811!1 MorluP."'f'. DILLER Oliver Lee Diiier. Rtildl!lll a( Cos11 Mt1a; Gll~f · or clea1", November $. Survived bV wile, R~•l $Oil, Glen D!llto; Olu!Jhter, Lorr1lne Dlller. all ct tne t.:.rne: !ikPWf', Hlll'<V Morg111. San Bruno; l;rollltr, At1hur Diiier. Ott<- gon; lcur llileri, l<l!herlnt Yount, CIWlllar Ruth TYlet. Wlsllln!lf0111 ~· die Lle"111rc1t, of S.nt1 Role; Lillian HOnloQn, Sin Jose; lhrH vrandchlldr<!ll •"'Ill six grt1l-tr1ndch!ldren, Ser111<:e1, .Yond1v, NO'lember 10, 1 PM, P1dllc View Ch1HI. ln!errnenl, Harbor Rest M""°'ltl P1r11l. Olr.-cted bY P&cifk: v;e.w Monu.rrv. NICHOi.SON Wl!ll1m H. Nkhallon. 11''5 Fran~kltl. H..n11ngl!Jll Beach. Survived bv 41UOh· ter. Ooro!hv Oll\l1r: IOn. wonem H. Nic:/ICll$Oll, Jr , bol~ of Hulllintlon Inc~; bro11'1er, Jtc~. of Pico Riv••a; o;,t~r. L111•1 0...,.,., C1li•tot11 ; tOVO" 11r•ndchUdret1. Slo•vkn. M0<1d1J, 10 AM, Sm lll\1 Ch•~I. tn!•rme>1t. Gooa Shet>l'lard Cemel!rJ. Sml!h• Morl11•1tv, Dorettors. ARBUCKLE I< SON West.cliff Mortuary 4%1 E. 11~ St., Costa Alesa -• BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del Mar OR 3-HSO Costa Mesa PtU &-ZU4 • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadwll!y, Collta l\te111 LI s.>4.13 • DllJJAY BROTllERS llualinglOD Volley M-ory l'itll Beadii Blvd . llullqlGo Beach IU-'1'111 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORJAL PARK C.meieey e M-.ry -P..:."~ ... Dr1 .. Newpon -· Calllenl' -PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME -i'lll ... Awe. Westwlrer .WW • SHErl"ER MORTUARY ._. -Ol-1111 Suae-te UWlll • SlllJ1118'MORTUARY 117 AbfoSL lluatia,... Be.Cl m ·li• ~ ~---------'' ,~· . . .. • :t.: .·~ (ii "· '. '6 .. .. .. Baby 'Catch-A:-Ball' TOPPER ~l8''dol!1Wil~' rJi" soft ~l.flyl ~n. dres~l!d · in ,bltt wess. lhTaw ll1e hi!! tGOO--:.he catc~· 1 0 . 99 ~ !tall! tosses it hack. l;&Yll~ • . , • '. 8.49 20'' Thirstee Baby IHllSMAH -ShP. 011!i~~1 S~~· VI~\ ! She ~a~ ~11ft ~iovl arm~. le9l and ~~ad .and ii dr~"sed in lldr.Ael sh•rl. cot10Q ~nil~> .and · ~·i.rapped 111 1 1ectiv1QJl hla!"-~I· &~98 Deluxe "Scooter",. 1.88 Jeweled "Collars" 0eCora11ve ·,a~~i°" iewe1ru1 collars m 1 98 -sorted c~tors IOI yo« Pel. Fits s!rts • 10·16. ,,, • ..... ·········••:t ~Dog Leash .. Jewelcd-leads-~1 59 fl'ltlt'JI tht *Vt c:o!lais.-~catcll. • Dog Clldy 5 "· "' of ''Goo<I 8oy" Cllocolate flavored dfops, Jr. Raw Bone tonc·l,~tiftC tlleirJ~•t• 1ru1 wit~ r~iil ern fll\'OI. . 5gc . . • I 4e· Oiiil;hjj~~·Ceas~::. TOPPfl •You can bake cakes, cookie,, pies and many otlter . dellcioQS treats' for' you aod yollf lriends.1Re.,~iles two 100 wall hulb• 14 98 (lll'.ll irtduded). #!001. ' • W? ,. . "Zestabs" Pretectell '' 110· l:dll ... full pD!tnG/ c!iew~blt ~1tamins fot Ch1IOr,en m live 4lel1. 2 69 t 1ous fruit l!avo1s. · \JI l1•s. • Bath 'n Glow lhe e•Sittt w!y lo younter loc~i~t -i;kln ••• ~enetrms Cleep lt!010tt! and restores the satiny ~ft smootl!neu you sodP.selve. 1-l IL Mttlu fer Coffee Maker 21 cup-fully 111•t1c •.• 8rcWs lo flawr pNk, then keeps ft hot ••. perfect r°' parti!S or l•mily. Ha~t Gold 8 88 .,. I blac~ bas~ 3nd hAMI~. ONlT • ,. • MIHO Tea K~le "Wliistliq1,• _ _.,_1 • ·--. ~~~~~--r~ . : . ·•'·~:~~rJ..H..S I ·~;~ . .. -. ~~ . : · i--jsuMuss Nylons : ': .. f,. '100% stretch ny!on ror alt da1 com· st '.',-\]/MJ/, ffllt ~d beauty. 'Assorted '•'°'le stiades in sz. SM.-Avg.-Med. l IAl!t. . ~ Charmeen P3nty Hose ' Fa< modern. day , li'ling and on·lhe·go womert ••• fine flt of JOD% stretcll ~~io". ~:s't s~1des & Wilit~. Si1e~ SrT"alt-T~U. f'I • , l.19 .... w1v1 Panty Hose ·. · Strekb stockinRS lh!I won't gee· l:.!g .at tfi!; knees er sag at ankle~.' , Siles Petite lo [x. fall. PR. · Anklet Hose . OPEN. 9AM1110 PM•7 DAn A WRI NIWPOlf llACH-1020 I"! .. I• W•tcAff rt. HUNTIN•TON llACH-Ad.,. ... ltHl'-irtt ·HUNTINGTON llACH-S,'tt..,-dlle & ldlltf9' ·---·------- • • ' •• ----· -----------------------..... ---------------~ -... ----~ ..... ----------------------------------.... -....... . • Saturday, N-bef 8, 1%9 MLY I'll.Of 13 JtA ' • ~-' '.40 ' * * * * * '1i * • Orange C~ast, SD Mes·a -··in Showdown ·Tiff: Circuit Title, PlaY;~f~~ JJ~rt~. Up::fe.r.~~. J!J Jilm sqnr~ '· {·""~'··-~ The wal OrQie .Coat ud saD Di<to M.,. Coueplibe0beeo~,i.oa>iill Utls ..._ don't be ~ll tonfghl's key South cout Conference game between the two achoolii lim~-sellled unUI the final sun O< nia)'be e...r ilter all the limo hot esplnd. ~ Tl:e te~ ~.Ire ilibi ji1 ·tlie Ulick of th~ f~ battle' for the coi:JfereACO 1:u • ...i. •• '1fui at .the 11o1e. playoff~ t.inile at 1: o'~ •I Orange Coast Coltege. · } · San Dlei• M-cumnlly -·Ibo· conference WIU..i. J.O record;.witli'Orange Coast h a If a lame back at 3-1. Also in . contention are C·e r r It o·s (3-1) ind Fullerton (2-1),_ who collide loolght on the fotmer's field. Orange Coast CJld Mesa have escaped more tight corners 1bls yelr tban can be Imagined; Since Wijinlng 11$ lint two game!,~~ ~ ,... ·tour" mbre by nllirgins of ), t, .2 and 3 points. All of them ha,. gone down to the wire. ' " Mesa, me;aowhile has won its'" con- f erence starts by -3, 7 and1 3-points and again each of those ytctories ~1as in doubt until the ·~·wu fifed. A! has been the case most of the season, Orarige Cout will be relying on ils tireless defen5ive unit tO hold San Diego Mesa in check. , ' ' The Bucs have-lost-their-one genuine breakaway offeosiv;e threat, talllJack Ray Ricardo, fcir tbei aeuOo 8lon& with the team'a .'ericond Je8dlng receiver Bruce Hicks. . ,. t·' In addllionj Bob ,EzzeJ!J!i.e '!1111..Pirale dPfensive baCt with any speed, Is another casualty. AQ, ~ have leg ipjurle1. Coach Dictt Tiicter' bu inserted pint· sized~ Mik"e Hayne:,'(5-411180) in Ricardo's rpOt ...,kveter~ BrUot Rogge, \\ill tale 'over ti -~. Jlaynes.ran._for,:.tJ':..yardl,-lasl week, the bulk of the olf"'!ll•• load lliures lo bo caJTled by QW'l!rback II I k e Tamlyuu, the 01•!J»8T'allc!lt wbo hun'I lieOn loJur,.i,oiO(j · • 11111 bob- bling fulllio<t ~· M#,er., 1.fever Ii IPI! •aloftd l>1 a knee injur)r but hC'll have lo di> a lof ol" work tiiii:a ... · his b~kd~ .man. Richard Did'inte, is •ldellned\!!Jb a bad Charlie -· . M e s a,~'f.lbile, eotera the g,& J?J I nearly iOjdif'·'frW. Only ba,e,~·up quarterbacklGJeen Callen (l!Qure!i,~ ing band) ls on the bandaged llat. · · However, with "fretlunan q~back Anthony ,Oltombrlno {77t'·yordj 'aJxl 7 TDs) tiBbt end Robert West {av.nging 20 yards a catch) aQd,nrift ~Robert Jolmaon ud Gerild,SawyeT,-tlie loos ol Callen lsn'I pal'.llclilirly aeri<Als. . ~ . . ' ' . . . Nicklaus Up Four Strokes In Hawaii BUCKLAND BOUNCES ALONG -Following the blocking of Andy Vorono (72) on Los Angeles' Harbor's Pete Favazza (62) is Golden- West tailback 'Charlie Buckland. Cutting across the line to ch~se the , Sander--Paces _: = Victo~y With Nifty Passing . By HOWARD L. HANDY Of .._ Nlr, l'Ulf Staff The pao,lng wizardry ol ~ Jlnuny l\ande!' coo pied with ~ _!1,rit. Deriod miscues on lhe part of UOK1en West, gave the Harbor Seahawks • 40:._29 Soulh<rn Calllomia coor.....,.,. lootbil! victory Friday night at Orange Coast Col· lege stadium. Sander pecked away at the: R111Uer de: fense with a short, accurate passing at- tack, ran on seven occasions: punted ~ did the conversion klcking in a one-~ o{feos.Jve display. . But II was his passing game Iha! spell- ed defeat for the Rustlers. 'Ibe Seahaw,k signal caller completed 26...of 36 auempts for 263 yards and four tcuchdowns to bring the Hawks back from a 21·13 half., time deficit. , He burled !OW' second hall toochdowm. The Harbor quarterback kept passing fer short yardage throughout the even· Ing, his longest compleilon good !or 19 ya,d!. Half of his completions were for less then 10 ymb. His favorite target was end Georre Crosby who gathered in 10 o! the aeriala for 104 yards, including seven for first down. and two for touchdowns: While Sander's passing game was the difference in the final sccre, it tock a bad pass from center on a ·fourth dc>Wrt punt situation and a pas,, interception re. turned for 49 yards to 1et Harbor ;t?_R tlle'scoreboanl . • The two Rustler miscues resulted lri ·a P&i! ol toochdowns within a span ol 1:26 late in the first quarter. . ..~ Charlie Buckland scored first for the Rustlers on· a three-yard plunge and add· e<l ,1,nother from two yardJ out In the sec- otid quarter to put the Rustlers in front. ballcarrier is Clark Davis (77). Buckland gobbled up 158 yards and scored two touchdownSl 'in the .RusUers' 40-29 de!eat at .. the hands of ,the Seaha·wks1 Tony Bonwell added the first of two t<>U&:hdoy.rns he was t.o score with ~(lb Deb kicking all three conversioos to IUf'.l his string to 26 for the year. · ..... ' DAILY PILOT l'fleltl h' Alchlnl Keltlllr ven Weather 1V {) tJl ,1,\t •*I Goes Against ..,...t.;..: • --" 'Poqr 1Huskies This brought the haliilme coont io· 21· 13'in-favor-o1-the"Rustiers. llul -moved lheed In !be tllitd period en · tWo pasaes from Sander to Crlllby. . Golden Weol WU down :IS-21 ml llW lla 1-fide oe a big loarll> down play early in the l<iurth period when k filled to make-a first down on a fourth and one situation at the Harber SS.· The Seahawks moved doMJlield for ani>tber touchcdnw to put the game out ()( reach, 33-21, despite a late ICOle by SEAm..E (AP) -WuhbfttGn's Bonwell with Buckland gOolng over for Huskies spent Friday night at tbetr re-~· the tw~t cooveraioo. i · 1 .., The victory moved Harbor lnto Un· I' ,?:ea'' on the shores cf Lake Wll;lhi,ugton disjJuted first place in. the ccnfennce to •edrJtemptate an 0-7 record-that is standings with a ~ league record. 1be likely to be 0-I after tpday's pme·with Seahawks must face East Los Anfeles St!!:nfoni-.and ~ various ·on and off and Les Angeles City College in their the· field problems-; final two gal!les while the Ru.stlers (2-1.) Even the weather has turi:ted ' llOUr on travel to Los Angeles next week and face Cypi'!ss in their finale Nov. 22. · , th.e Huskies. Rain ·and high· winds cut • 1 'p&salng practice to a minimum during -. the week and hurt the backfield's chances ol lmploving ' lls liming. ~d then there's Stanford, a· team that has ~,only two a:ames -by a total of lh('ec pOints, won four and tied one. Add to Uiat junior quarterback. Jim ' On TV Today 1 p.m., Channel 7 Plpnkett, who .holds every career record at: the school for throwing, mix in the capable , running of fullback Howie · \Villlams and haUback Bubba Brown and you---it&Ve the reclpe for what appearS .anottier Husky hUNble pie. The Rustlers, defemive secondary wi.s hampered with the l<los ol John Carroli. Tlte-ewe halfback -suffered a badly sprained ankle in practice· during the ·week an~. didn't suit up for the game, In addition to Bess' string of cm.vet~ . .sions now at 26, Buckland se<red in Ni fifth straight game and in 'El carrteis. bad an average gain ol 5. 7 per try. kere W ONl't9rt ~ Ooldt" West 1 u e 1-2' .-H1rbclr lJ O 1> 1....._. OAM• STATllTICS QWC N ' . ' " ' I 1, ;.J rti m ,~ ~-~/3:1.0 1133.7 j /?O SIU 110 111 . " ... .. .. • ~1 , ,, "'·' " ••• HONOLULU CAP) -Jack Nicklaus, playing in lhe most severe winds golfers have encountered this season, clipped one more stroke off par Friday and retained a fouNtroke lead at the halfway point of the ,125,000 Hawaiian Open g o If tournament. BONWELL IS BAGGED -Defensive end James Washington of Los Angeles Harbor College dumps Golden West quarterback Tony Bonwel.l for. a los~ during Friday night's key Southern Califorrua Con- ference game at Orange Coast. Harbor's 40-29· win gave Ille Seahawks the inside track to the confer- ence tiUe» •• Thi game will be regionally televilld, which doean'& brighten the pic&ure for Huslo/ lens since Washington baa .. 1dom put its best foot forward in front of~ the • '· cameras. Stluot.. TVPU&ll t ... ~ um111ll11 Tpt1!1 • .I ' .. . , .. 1J Nicldaus 'had a ·second round 71 on the 7 .020-yard, par 72 Wailae Country Club coursi to go with an opening 63 for a :JG.. hole total ol 134. Meet Rams Sunday But the Huskies, troubled as they are over the «Jspension last wee·k of four bl•ck players, are not dlsconsolale" • Nicklaus, who has now led er shared the lead in his last seven rounds of cwn· petitive golf ;was four strokes ajJead of Tom Weiskopf and Ken SUll,~t.ied at 138. Weiskopf.had ·8 second rowMI 58 and Still a 71. '"Th1a...bu to be the most frustrating round J ever. played," said A mold Palmer, .who missed at least live puts of three feet or less. Unpredictable 49ers • Ill LA "The way it stands, we are going out to play ,a game," said Hennan HoustoR', reserve halfback. "I think I speak for evecybcdy. We have to put it together one 'oi these Umes. 'nlls should be the game." f If lo, the· Huskies will have to dev'be a WI)' . lo slop Plunket~ considered by many. eoaChes ooe or the best puoen In !be country. Masten champion George Archer. had a 71 for 142 and the tour's Jeading money winner Fi-ant Beard had a 73 for 143. LOii ANGELES (AP) -Tbe Los An&eles Rams1 with seven victories in a row the onJY Unt>eaten learn Jn pr~ fessional football, launch the second half of their National Football Lea&lJ_e §el!@n " " ., " " " n .. " " ,. .. .. .. " 11 " " ., " .. " u " n " " " " " " " '7 " n " .. l~ 8gainst the qriPfedict.able San P'rancisco •• ,.., 49ers Sunday, ,. Ho Foor ol the'. Rams' triumphs were ove r "' u1 expansion t!,!11111. A fifth Ram victory l:l wa1 over Chle1go's Bear, who are 0..7, but HI fiom now oi':lhe opposl tk>n grows far ::: tougher. Liki Dallas, Minnesota aod 1d Baltimore. _ . •• 111 San Franci&t:J! is a dis11P.poin.ting 1·5-1. l~ The lone aonquesl was ever the 1.0 Baltimore Colts. But the 49ers tradi· ,. in tionally are rough for the Rams. l~ "They alwaja cause us a Jot of trou- The most recent trouble was a month ago at San Francisco. The Rama trailed by eight b.ig pointe with only minutes re- maining. They_won,-27·21...But the 49el'll reached the Rams'· 13 before time ran out. -Both Coastal Division teams are physically handicapped. San Francisco's middle -ker E4 1l"8'd and "!'"!"'" back Kermit Ale:i.ander art ~ t!nd · out, and so are· Los Angeles' veteran of. fensjve guard Joe Scipelll and linebacker Myron Pottlos. 1 In aeven games this year, he has com· belped• lhe 49ers down Baltimore two· ~let.a 121•ol 222 puses !or l ,7jt yard!. week·~ ago, 24-21, will start Sunday. Last Fifteen toises went for touchdowns. And w~ in lcsing to Detroit, Spupier.~m--· he can run, too. ~ pleted 19 of 31 JNl!Ses for 2111yards but To spell Plunkett, coach John Raliton had rour jnterceplions. __ • .. ~n~all on OonJLunce. Both thrOwers_ Tbe Rams' Roman 'Gabriel Is heallhr • l#ed • Ver/ sharp" In pracUoe. Utls • ; week, Ralston S81d. , 1 and in lhe)Jll~llt of Ws finest season •. , · i :Coach Jbn Owens, who .suffered his In pass receiving both teams have Wt>rst defeat last week when UCLA beat outatandln.g talent. 8an Francisco has ' the Hu.skies 57·14, will start Gent. Wlllif four ~e1v'!'s who have caught 18 or · at quarterback. WllU.s ~ eom'jifeted 22 more, including rookie-Gene Washington of 65 J>U'eJ..-fOI' 349 yards and three with 30. • . . iou'chdowns but has had 12 il'lterceptions>. The Rama have five With JI or more, ' . Slated to start with Willis In the led_I>y rog_kle_hal!back ~ Smlllj_jt'llli , -backlield -are-iullback Bo> Cornell and 24. • · hallblcks Joe Bell and Buddy Keruwne r, In pau defense, Gabrlel has betrt 1 About 50,000 are expeckd'&o be on hand thrown· for losses only seven limes iM foll the fSth' same in a series datlns back " ... "' ... ... "'! Lakers Lose Wilt ; With Injury; &w to Phoe~': LOS ANGELES {AP) -Lo<! Ancel~ Lakers center Wilt Chamberlaln wu lakm to a hospital during Ille lblrd quar- ter ol Friday's Natiooal BaakelbaD >.a, aocl,Uon game against Phoenix ' lfte::r tearing a lendon."1.lho-right.knee. And --' Ule Lakers lost the game, 122-120. . : ' 'l'1Je 7 -foot % center was dribblinl toward lhe basket when Ute knee c~ lapsed 11nd be fell lo the floor. .• SJX)kesmen said the knee would be operated on and that it wu not knowa '110w long he would be out of acUOn. _ ... " " " " " " " " " " " " n " " •• ble," Ram light end Billy truu noted l: earlier UU! week. "Regular quafter6iC!k Jcffii BCoaie, who lod the threat against Los Angeles Jn tho Oct 12 game, Js nursing a "de~" throw· Ing arm and one of his best receivers, Clifton McNeil, has a sore shoulder. Jt appears lhat Steve Spurrier, who has had butf one pasa Intercepted. Ram to 1893. Stlnford'a Indiana.have a J2..l9 . rushers have aacked opposing quarter· tcige in victortes, Including U'6 lat two. backs 3S times, tops in, the NFL. · There were four Ues. Chamberlain was rushed to Centtnelt Vall~y Hospital. A team spokesman aid he would be operated on Saturday morn- ing by orthepedlc speciollm Dr., Frari~ Jdbe and Dr. Robert .Kerlan, the man who' trea'ted Sandy Kouf11'1· arthtiUc ti' bow a few years ago. • · ... Ch8mberlaln i! expected' to be la ii • -~---- --·--·---- ---·-- wt for about seveu. weeu. ~ : . .. ·' DAILY 'JLb'r S1t11rd1y, Novtmbtr 8, 196? ps ar Marina nu s u 1 er opes, '!f GLENN WHITS lll1' o.llr Pltlt JI ... Uplit.N't Marina atiuck ··1 l~ blow to ~Beach High's chances tor its --Loque football champion-'ihiP In 2S years u !he Vlklnp dmnped ~ beavily favored Oiiers, 6-3, Friday 1!1ght. at Westmina~ l!lih. 1.' iturtington Seemingly had victory in Its hip pockot llhiG Fronk Hana• blaoted ·a 10-)'lhl 11e1d r..i with 1:io.w 10. "'""The Oiler defenae had dooe a magni· )lcmt job of cbecklng the V i k I n 11 ll1rou(bout the ev.nlng Jlld It -Unlikely Marina would bO able lo move '.' ;McKay Hopes ~rojans Move · Ahead Early LOS ANGELES (AP) -Wehington State won it.I first game d. the season and Jost tts nerl alx.-southem caurornla's Trojans .are unbeaten in teven with one tie. So there i1 no mystery which squad wlTI can)' the role of favorite into Memorial CoUJeum todliy when they meet In a Pacific-I COnferenc:e football game. Perblps the intriguing part of the pro- spect ts that 60,000 fans are expected to "Sit in on the kickoff at 1 :30 p.m. Possible ~ wouJd cut the figure about in half. :'~ubington State coacb,.Jim Sweeney .li.P a young team and can look fcrw &rd jo~better luck in 1970. Tblnp might eveh ,brighten befcn the wars are over this •year. Oregon State and Washington re- m@l <WI tilt schedule, both road games llx: !he Cougars. • .. tl'SC coach John PtfcKay, however. wl$bes bis big l\J)'.S would break • wor-• rUome habit. On six occasions they have :l,riiled. and five limes they've had to ball . "out in lhe fourth quarter . • . Recent specifics : last week aaainst :palifornia. the epic n<><lock winning ti~ .goal against Stanford, and the come- Jrom·behind marcbet in botb halves . .iJiinst Georgia Tech. • 1•1 wish we could get ahead early ind iltay' there," McKay sald . • ._.!'We. spend 10 to 15 minutes 11 day on ~ two-minute drill, what to do when lime outs have been used up, what to do -1f·you are behind. We 10 ·over it as if It ·were 1 classroom subject." • ·. ·-iNBA to Add ,. 2 Franchises .. . NEW YORK !AP) -The National . .&(met.ball Aaeclation will exi>and to Ji .team.I nest year with the addition of tWo franchises, Commiasloner W1lter Kennedy said Friday, • :Kennedy called a meeting of his ex· ,,ans.ion committee for Dec. a at which :linal plans will be made before the 01¥n- fr'S decide on the two cities. The site of it he· meeting is expected to be <llicago. 'lbe new franchises are expected to be ·Nmed before Jan. 20. Wlse on Huntington Beach's first play Utt 70 yard.! ·it needed In those final mo-hind like on a Statue ol Liberty. ....... J·lowever, instead of running, Monahan from scrinunage following the touch- _l:lowevei', quarterback Rick Saeman doWn:. , ,.. .. u1iloaded a pass and found Steve Her- and coacl\ Jim Coon's bag of trlckl pull-nander: at the Oiler 19 ·for a first dO\vn. The Ollei-Deld ge.neral was belted by ed It out !cir the hoolt&-who had woo only Steve O'Hare picked up four yards then 4 H~ (who turned in a sparkling one Sunset ~e start slnce 1967. Marina again t~ to ~e air~ defensive game), jarring the bait loose. · A pass 'interference penalty <ind a 19· Th is time the classy Monahan had got-Jim Link pounced on the ball al the yard toss from Saeman tO' Steve Mona-ten behind Garth Wise in the end zone. Huntington 24 and Marina was able to hail ha·d put the ball on the Oil Ctty 36. Saenian fired , a trlffle long. But Mooa-chew up most of the rem aining tin1e. The However, Craig Zaltoll<y amuhed:thru han leaped and strttched, catdling the Oilen got one more whack at it with 'l1 and burtm 8aeman for a II-yard 1oP on bau· on hls fin&:er Ups for the pN«:ious ltCOOdl left, taking ovtr at the 10. the <muJn( play aod it loohcl like Hun~ tOuchdown. • J:Mlt time ei'pittd-W:ith them at their ington Beach wai in busineu. · There was still 3:45 left after Mona-own 27'. 1bat't when Coon ~ Up with "his han's try for extra Point falJed. ~ Marina had controlled the first half and b~. He had Saeman lade to But it could just as well have erxled one g)ittering seoi'ing shot in the nrst pa.a, ~ 'Monahan came arooRd be-there. The fired-up Vikings slammed into quarter when two coruecutive fumbles at the OUer one brol.:e up a scoring threat. Penalties damaged both sides. Hunt- lngton's field goal was set up b~ a I~ yarder against Marina . And ear er an Oiler Cumbie recovery at the Viking 24 was nullified by a qui ck whlstle. k •r1 llY OIHlrt.n "'ul!lloqton BHC~ 0 0 Mir IN 0 0 I 1::1 ..... STATISTICS "' • Flr1t doWM nit~ •• ' Flr1t downs "'"/I'll ' • Finl doWl\1, Pin.ti !In .. I Tot1t llnl ttwm • V1nb n11Nn; 'U • ~:~ 1::••1111 ~ " )~, Ntt y1rtl1 IMl"'J .,1!1 l'll!lll/Av1r1iie i.11~1 P-lt~V1ra: ii;:111d 1 • Fumlll Fum 11 t "' .. f JlllSMl .. t Mir\~ " ,, ... " " • u L•t~l"l9 • I • Vt!'I m11tlt '1 ' .. 11 e" n I .. ... • V•" Akftl ' J • ' • • Mtrrltl '·' Tot1l1 " " Nol\ """11"'1tt1 1:wc11 u ' ••• Cera. • " • '·I Wl11 • • 'l ... Croc~t!l 1 ' ··1 Llovd ' • • l:o ' .~ • S!Ubbl!'O > • l' H1n4~Ttl1 » " •• l'ASSl .. G Mlti!M .. " •• .. "' Sttmln :t ' ' " 1:f, w'" 1 • .. TDlel• • • .. . ' H .. 11 ...... ,.., ' ,. .m W'H "We have firm commtttmenls for Inn· "<!hists from at least one group in 1ix different cities." Kennedy aaid. MARINA'S RICK SAEMAN (16) PREPARES TO ARE WHILE DAVE RILLING (57) BLO.CKS. SAEMAN'S SCORING PASS TRIPPED HUNTING TON BEACH. l ~The lntereited groups include Port- -l~. Ore.; Cleveland ; Buffalo; N.Y.: ~mphls, Tenn.; Kansas City, and Minneapolis. -Kennedy estimated Lhet new enlri~ Would have to pay approximately $3 mil· lion apiece and the leerue would be broken up into four divisions. The NBA-- currently has two divisions, East and \\'est. Kramer Won't Come to Rams; :Isn't Interested '. .. ( GREEN BAY, Wis., (AP) -· PhU ~. coach ar.d general mana1er or ;'the Green Bay Packers, said Friday that n tired all-pro lineman Jerry Kramer ~'pparenUy has decided he is not inte.resl- ·ed in joining the Los Angeles Rama. • . ln Los An1e1e.s Thursday night, Rani l!oach George Allen said he was search-'..'inl for a replacement for offe!Wve guard :.Joe Scibelli and bad talked with Kr amer. -Benjtlon confirmed that he had given •lfle Rams pennlulon to talk with Kramer. who is st!O .the property of the Green ,8ay club of the National Football League. ~· "ApPare.oUy Kramer wasn't lnterest-'ed " BengU:on said. "He looked into the ;-~lion and apparently decided he .wouldn't try a comeback. He's 1 pretty ·tiusy boy." --uenctaon said the Rams had told him tA Kramer's decision and that the former _Ait_.bad..nturoed~ his home ·tn ~ Bay, aut.hough he was not immed1a~ly available for comment. Kramrr 33, one of the league's hi~t paid ~en for the Packers before hill ..rel_.irement after last season, has written " bat sellina book and is pursuinJ a ~ u a talevilidn announcer. ~' ,kibeili ii out for the season with a :ijiet operation. " Miami Tops Navy .. . • .MIAMI (AP) -flashy Kelly Coch· rane, decked In Joe Namalh-ltyle white feotblll lhoel, fired lhrff touchdown S:~ :rid~~;lg~~c~ROP-PIN =FO-Tl;IR· unttnglll!1-Beech-H i~hls-erai-g-Zalto!fl:: Novy. g (IO) is LackJcd by Marina's Tyler Van Aken (42) while Sieve Hernarr- 1 -, dcrt80 )-----closcs-in:-Z-a ttos'ky-llnd-l-f1?rnande7. \VCrc oulstalrdrng 11-crc·n. sively In a game Marina won, 6-3. I Saddleback Heavy F a~orite Over Barstow The sho\\•down for the Desert Con- ference championship is still two weeks a;uay. but Saddleback will be out to eI· ·tend its \Yinning streak to six gamell tonight and in the process could take over undi~puted first place in the standings. 'l'he Gauchos take on winless Barstow 11t 8 on the Mission Viejo High School field. But the big conference game will be. 11t ~It. San Jacinto College where the league leaders face once-beaten Mira Cos:r.. If Mira Costa f2-I) beats San Jacinto (~-0) and Saddleback (3--0) makes good on the odds which favor it by 19 points, the Ga'Jchos could be in first plat'e by hall a gilme . Against Barstow tonight the Gaucholl should continue to pile up some lm· pressive statistics. ln three league contests, the Viklng5' defense has been shredded ror 109 pointa. And Saddleback has the kind ol potent of~ fense that figures lo make thoat defensive statistics look like the natJonal debl. Headed by quarterback Rod Graves. ~ilback Toby Whipple and tight end Marc Hardy. the Gauchos are averaitng 425 yards a game. 'I'hat trio paces the conference in pass- ing. running and catching -the ball. \\lhen the Gauchos ·aren't moving up and do"'" the lield, coach George Hartman can rely on a defensive. l\Dit which is the best in the circuit. The Gauchos have given up just one touchdown in each of their Jut tl\'e games, and have yielded but 20 polnll \n three conference games, lhe best mark rttorded by any team. tAIUTOW 115 N•t1 WllOtm 110 Sam So•o 20$ Jim "''nc!tfMHI )16 Mlkt t.IV!lltl~IOn lllO Chtrl•s Evin• uo OtMls Ot"ltl;on 190 oe...,,;1 c.,. USJ.&LWllclillll 11$ S!•v• "'t•Nrld l 111 Glo'y Evtn• lU flt....,.,. Fleml'11 SAOO\.tlACk e M••t H•rllr T en-111 Colbtf'I G 8ob t.lt1!1 C Don Mtf'11" G J~ff Ylfel tll T Ot Vii LlmtOroat F !tick DIY • ftO'vGtlYM II Roe_, Fi..1c~·· II G.1rv llOHmlft I T~ WftS,~lt I 1 I 3 . ---·-- --...... --------------------~---~-----·-------------·------------------.. • DAILY l'ILOT JS . -=c.· __ Wester Blo-cks~t7 I ' 3 Dumps Newport, 8~0 ED ISON INJURY -The mother of Edison High School football player Sam Fuga .mirrors coocern for her son who was injured !n'Frfday night's game with Estancia. Fuga WBS taken to' Hoag Memorial Tritons Post 27~0 .Win Over Artists By:ROGER CAllLSON. Of .... D911Y Plllt ltl ff San Clemente High, behind 'the pass· Ing of quarterback Bob McNamara and the all-round play of split end Rick Ged- des, e:a:ploded for a 27-0 Crestview League football victory Friday night over Laguna Beach. -. San Clemente was billed as an all.-Oe- f..,. outfit, but McNamara -the Artlita.Wlth pia-poim.-to lhO side- lines and Geddes toot-over from there to dominate the losue from lllarl to finish . Coach Hal Akins' lnjmy-riddled Artists never really threatened to score. The closest they were to get to San Clemente's goal line waa the 30-yard line in the four· th quarter. Tailback Mike Abbey went out ()f the game with a leg injury early in the third period with him went what little of. fense the 'Artlsts bad to offer. Thee Tritons, meanwhile, were running aroutld the field like they owned the place. McNamara hlt Geddes with a short sideline pass and Geddes, a 9.8 sprinter, sped the remaining distance to complete a 37-yard touchdown play in the first per· lod to get the Trltons off and running. Ricardo Pereira hit the first of three PATs with 1:01 lelt In the.flnt quarterc McNamara, ·1n fact, hit his fll'st five attempts, all to Geddes. Rick Brown went over far the Triton's second touchdown with 10:13 left in the third period and Denny Reese added the third TD wiµt 1:40 to go in the quarter capping a 38-yard drive. . DA ILY PILOT ........ ay LM ,.,._. Hospital and was placed· in the Intensive care unit. Unofficial sources said the youth may have· suf· fered a broken neck. By-JOEL ICllWAllZ 6ft119~·••1t1tt , Pw ol N.-.porl Harbor Hlgh School have been walling 27 years for their foot- ball toam to win a leque football dwn· ploosbip and -they'll have to wall at least one more seaaon. The Tars saw lbelr chances ol earn- ing a share of the SUnaet League crown clis&ppear Friday night at Western Hlgh Sdlool as the PW.-. tlUMed the beach dty crew, a.o. 'The loss, combined with Marina's 6-3 upset win .over Hwttlnaton Beach, gave . the leajue title to Anaheim, which ..u. ed 0-Santa Ana, M-0. More than anything else, it was New- poct's inability to mount any kind of a running game or to cash in oo several -hall scoring opportuniti .. lbat)ed to the Tan' defeat. A stiff Western defense clogged up the mlddle and refused to allow Newport to tum the comen on the ground. As a reoul~ the Tars wound up with a minus four yards rushing, In the· !Int half alone, Newport backs ,..... dumped for 1.,.... seven times by the P1..- cktS1SO which WU led by Mike Mueller and Dana Nafziger. What yardage Newport made ceme through the air on the paaing·arm ol Bill Shedd, who compWec[ f 7 ol 19 -·for 19t yard&. H.,..vv, be had .two pasaes lntempt- ed. And once when be had md Dare! Blood open deep undershot him. fordna Blood to come bode for the ball aoil allowing w..iern•a ...,.,.wy to - and hold the polootill f1taC -· to a 3'.,.,.S lain, :' Newport alJo jllayed ruUed -· rectr1ct1ng w..,. to .11111oa.11n1 c1o1rn ln each ball and 191 yarda 'ln tolal Of· f!llH. • Weslun, howewr, toot advlDlap ot the ... big break•ln the g11111e, a'blpcit· ed punt · 1o score the looe l®cbdown of the nlghl * * * eAMI nATIITIQ •• w Pll"ll **""' ""111t'lf I • rrn11 dDWll5 PMll119 ' 0 Fl,..! dDwrll _,.Illa I 0 • To!1I flrtt doWlll 11 ·t,, Y1nb rwlllnt " Y1nb -llW ... 0 'r•nl• loft ' " " NII Yll'"dl ••lnld "' IOI Punb/Avtrlfl dis~ 7111.1 I/Siii ' P-lllet/YINll ·-<Ill ... P~Fumtlllt '°'' WI '" _,,_ NllJWlllOtf' , •••• •• • • • 0 0 0 . -. W11ttrn ........... ' 0 0 . -. •VlltlMG -.. " " ... ..... • ' .. ... .... ' ' ·I 1.0 W1l1Kt ' • I ... 0-H " " . -0.1 Tot1 l1 H " .. ~.I T •. Wlllo!I ..... ,, .. 0 I .I Mllllt • " ' I.I ... ,. .. " " • ... """' ' .. 0 ... w, ... ' • 0 u ... -. • " • l.f TOt11t • ·111 " ... PWllM -.. ..... .r. ... -.. " . .... . ,_ .. I • 1 0 ... r .. • .. " • ltl .... w- Mllllr ' • • • ... . ...-. I • 0 • ... Tot11t ' • • • ... The fmal San Clemente tally came when Tim-Divall broke through to block a Laguna Beach punt. Wayne Sager scooped up the ball and sped 40 yards for the toochdown early In the fourth stanza. Coach Tom Eads' Tritons limJted La- guna to • yards and six first downs. CLOSING THE TRAP -Estancia High School defenders Rod Felts !66) and Cal Shorer (87) zero In on Edison quarterback Jerry Hin<>- jpsa. Edison rallied for a 27·20 vlc!Dry to even its season record at 3-3-2. • •AMI IT-.TllTICI LI Flnt downs ru11t1110 l l'lnr downi p.t11l119 .,, "'"' ~ J*ll ltllt • Toti! fl,..t dDWN .., Y1n1t rlllhlnt ,.. Y1rd• '9Mlnt ' .. ' "''°' '°'' "'" ylnb ""''*' *' l'urlh/Avtrll9 dlsflltetl 7/JA.J P-lt1-/Y1rd1 PllMllLltcl ·~~I fumbllt/Fll!Ylbl• lcl:Jt "' " • • • " "' I G • "' '1'lt,7 61'2 "' lclrw ., ... ,..,, S111 Cl'"*'"' 1 0 II 7 -f7 1..t1un1 8Mdt ·····-· RUIMING ... ._ ~ .. " ... ·-· II ' " • ... ·-II ~ • ... • .. ' u McN1rMrl • .. • u Urlbt I ' • '·' l(r1mll' • .. ' u Shirk• I • • ••• Plowd"' .. ... • .., Tlt•ls ,_._. kllrl'llti ' • • ... " .. ' u ·-• ' • I .• ·-• .. ' ... -' • " ... ..... • ' • .., CMI•~ " " .. ••• To.Tiit ..... , ... "" '";""'" ""' " '" McNlll'llTI ll 1 • IG ·'" ....... L..-'':°2 • v ... • ' 0 .. -'" ...... .. • • .. ·"' Tot111 Flu· Hits Texas AUSTIN,'T,.. (AP)-'l'!may-Dve Uni- vmltv o1 Tesas football playen, ~lud· iiig·lt •lartm, are Ill with what team d«ton deocribed u • If-hour· viral gas- troent.ntl!. the "We're.upoel aod concerned. to llJI leas~" sald Darrell Royal, coach of the :iecoM·ranked Loogborns who play Bay. Tor today. Team doctors said ...,.t o1 thooe who are sick should be aver It by game lime but probably will be weak« and will bave ....t...be watched-cll!J'f.1!llY· Edison Evens Ma rk • Chargers Trip Eagle.s,27-20 By JOHN CASS Of "" Dlltr """ 11-'t Estancia ...,.ided mlllil d the thrill! but it was EdJ900 that went borne with a 2'7-311 victory, in a clash contested at New- port Harbor llJgh School' Friday night. Jim Moxley, carryinJ[ on sh successive plays, good for a tOtaf of 54 yards, pro- vided the margin of victory with 2: ~ re- maining in tbe baWe, scoring with a four· 7ard'1lllrst tbrougb the Eagle line . He opened the drive with runs of 15 and 26 , yar<!J on the eveolnga final acoring march. Dave Johnson, Jim Schultz and CUrt Thomas provided most of the ·eicitement as the tagles attempted a come-back from a-14-0·deftelt Johnson scored on l'Wll ol 1$ and II yar<!J during a beetle second period that saw the and ..,,.. puncl!J!ed lout times. MOlley ICored twice for the Chargers on runs d fi ve and three yma as Edison carried • :J0.12 lead lnto the lntennls&loo. Scbu~ ooened the thlni llama Jn .... satlon fuhlon u he rfturned the ·tee0nd h!!lf Jdclloff 7f Yard• tO the lildl!Oll three. But. the visitors took over, oo their ()WO five, four plays liter. Unable to move the ball, M~ey punted out 1o the Edl50!l :18. On the first play, J~hnaon gained two yards. Then, (ID a brokel!J>ass f!lay, Thomas scam~ed 1,12 the middle of the field for the TO that made the score 20-18. Johnson ran a twaa Point conversion and the Eagles were back In the game with 6: 39 remaining in the period, 2G-20. De£ense took over at that point for both young &ridder· waa ta.ken to Hoag Mein. orlal lloepltal • Reports from Hoag are that Fuga ls under intensive care with a severe neck injury. * * * teams unUI Moxley made his move mid· OAMI 1T.t.11n1« through the f• f .. n..fn ID. llT • way ma q ....... i.c:r, First down& nilhl1111 t A Estancia opened the game with a pot-~\~~ =.: =~~~ ~ ~ oos defense that allowed the Chargers to Tot11_flr.t downt 11 a f' ' Ylnfl n.ollllnt lU 1 .. advance almost at will, offering litle ue "'"'' H •ll'll 121 Al ~•of I'-• Y1rcl• loll n Joi t"'"'"" La own. ' Nit Ylnfl ••Intel '" IH Bui, in the second period, the Eag)es Punll/Avtr ... Clllffll(I l lU 41i7.I P-tt1t1fYlf'd• ~lllffd 41• t 1• seemed to catch fire on offense after a Fumblll1Fum111" 1ott 110 111 personal foul moved them across midfield ._. ., °"'""' for tbe·first time. The Eagluwere stung t:dllOl'I ............ 1 ii e by the Jong bomb-On the nut-1e1J~•butt--"11nci.· ···-········ • tt • came right back fighting. The same held true thtougbout the 'third period and most of the fourth but the aplrit seemed to cHe when a fake punl failed on the Edison 44-yard line · late bi that disastrous fOW1h quarter. Six plays later, Moxley had scored. Trageey sjruck early In the clash. Edi· son had a player removed to the hospital as the result of an injury. -Sam Fuga, defensive left tackle and offensive .fullback, was injured in the thlrd play of the game. After remaining motionless on the field for several min~ utes, under the care of s JLh):sician1 th,!L """"' HlllOloM .,_ ·McNw Toti fl --.... ,. r-. ,.,,_ Tot1l1 Hlnolot1 H•""°" TOllll _Tit0mf1 - •utMINO .. ,., .. " .. • I .. ·-· .. ' .. I .. , ... ,". ..,.. .. " I 11 lfitllell ' " I" " I ' IQ " .. .. 0 IM Another Busy Football Slate For Television H you were. abut out in buying a ticket for the Ram-49er game at the Coliseum Sunday, take solace in watching three professional clashes on televisl~ 8;1ong with taped re.runs of two college games. Sunday footbal l fare begins at t a.m. wllh Olannel 5 bringing the Notre Dam .. Pittsburgh game to your living room. AFL football gets the pro scene under way st 10 with the Buffalo Bills at New Yoi'k followed bY an afternoon encounter belween San Diego and Kansas City at l. 1-NFL coolest beglna st IZ noon with the N.,. Yori< Giant. facing the St • Loula Canlinals. With l :M fell In the flnl portad ifat. llger blocked • Dave !!:Cc)el pml ~ ol bounds at the T,.. five. •, " Two playa later, Q!l&rilrbact Bob lllJ,. !er ~ over from Iha two. Illa kltt, ho ...... • . ·' wever, wu no ..,...... .. Newport dldn'l lbreaten UDti1 lhlnl ~· lor when Western gambled on a fliUrih and two play at Its own f5 amd cldo'I make the flnt down. -. .. : N~ lllOV<d lo the efgbl beforw !bat drive llalled but IOI the ball bad< al Iha Pi..-42 followlng I JUL Thia llme .. interceptl'"1 In tba ~ t'"10 tumed back ... Tars. • ' . Each team turned the ball -two limea In the final por10d ad w.,. added Its final two points -~d was trapped ln the end ...., for a aaltty ln'illl to paaa ln the laal 10 -. . ., Mi~ion Viejo ' · Ripped, 34-7, By Villa Park · .. By BOB l\Ol'H OfrillO.Hrl'llltltlft Scorlllg the first four times they Iii their bands on the ball, the Villa Park SpoNns rolled lo • lf.7 win .... lofj., alpn Viejo Hlgh School In I ~ League football game played Fridlf. nlghl ... the -.· field. Pat Mcinally and G«dcm Duncan com- bined to pace the route, Mcinally COi!!• pletlng alx paaoea for 215 yma and ll\D> can covering a yards on the ground ID elghl carries. . , , The Diab! .. ,..... never In the COO- iest .. they found -...i ... c1own n~ wltl! three minutes •till left In the fil11 quarter. After Iha~ Spartan coach Ike J.sucaon 111bslltuted freely and bla reserves plat- ed Mission Viejo to a alu>jstill. ·; From lbe apenlng gun the S- found success where the Diabkle fount fallur<. Coadi Ray Dodge's team elected lo try an onside! kick on the starting klcl<oll and tt backfired when Villa Park ,... talned the ball on Its own f5. . The SpartaJia showed lbat they too -d be daring .. "' their flrsl pla,y from llCrimmage John 'l\llly toot Ibo l!D8P• &urned artlUlld Ind Dipped Ibo bail back to regular quarterback Mclnall:r. who then found end Brad Lawaon - f5 yards down the Deld and bll him lo pit the ball.on the Dlablo llOVell. Four ptaya tater Mcinally sneaked·ln from-Ibo·.,,. and kicked the point ~ to make H 7-0 with just 1:51 gone. '· Villa Parir rapidly stnlck again u the defeoae forced a punt and Mcinally cm. nected wtih Paul Hart for a 78-yard 1cor. Ing bcmb 00 first down, with 7:35 •hoW· Ing. .. Mcinally booted the enauJng kick Jilt<i the end zooe and again the Diablo :ot. r.n.e stalled, this lime Ron Metcalf fell cm a Million VJejo fumble as quarterbldc Jim Davis WBI hit behind the llne. · Seven plays later it was 26-0 when Dave Lachau went over from four yardl_out and Mcinally booted the extra poin~ la lee tl)e game. . Mission Viejo'• only score came In the second period when nmnlng back Aundre Holmes bit Doug Citro wth a 17-ylfd pass on a halfback <>ptlon. Citro made a phenomenal catch, takfnr the ball away from four Spartan defend· ..... \111111_ P1)'1( MINIOn Vl1!0 •11e~lloltl L~M Wrlgl!f '"' Mel,... Uy Mo"' ""'" T--L•d'Mlu AMtrl t u Ill' Tot1I' .. ,_ """ Citro ...... ...... M TOI•!• Mc:l11tlll' w""'' TUii¥ "'""' T°"" O.vl1 ,,.,_ .. _ Toll II v~·· II . ' • .. IA •• ... ... . .,, .. ''"· Ill ,_. ~ ... ,,,.,. 2111t-U 0 1 •• -1 •UtMIMG VUll P1J11 •• " " ... ' ' 0 •• ' .. 0 .., ' 0 .. ••• I 0 I ... ' " • I .• I I • • 1:9 • .. 0 ~~ I 0 • ' " • ... ' .. • '·' ' • • ••• .. ·1• ... ... Mfflllll VMte .. .. • .. • I .. .. . ' .. ' .. • .. • •u1ol • ' 0 I·' " . .. " ' , PAhllilG Vllll P1ra .. ..... " ... .. • I "' .... • • 1 • ... ' • • " . ... ' • • ' .... II ' • VI ... Ml ..... Vltll . 21 II • .. ... . I • 0 ' ... ' I • " .... .. .. • .. ~ RUS-T.LERS SW AMP.. CHA RGERS, 94 ~ Golden Welt CoU.go upped ltz laoJlll. em Cellfom!A COO{ereoce water DOfo.ft6. ord lo 5-0 Friday all<rmon'wlih I .M victory over Cyp<ell In the Oiarger pool • Golden West, wblcb-l>u .woo ltz IUt 11' matdles, trailed 1-l after tbe llnl period but a t.o bulge In the --za carried the Raatlen In frGnl to lla3' • Al Rojas poced GO!de11 Wflll wllb -IOIW while Rid: Dry .. and Lance llorrta had two each. . , I T • -Duel-t>:r ~itle Fountain Valley High School's football program ha.s come a long way since the embryonic stages ol. 1966 when the school first QPened its doors. Those were the days when the Barons were rriassacred by Royal Oak High in their opener, 52-14, and Corona de) Mar and Huntington Beach' capped the 1-1 season with 47-0 and 41·7 lambutlngs. Bul things are a UWe different now as --Pickford's chips enter toiqht•a .battle al .Ansheim's La Palma Stadium. 'fhe Barons have COOlC of age. They are unbeaten after five Irvine League starts and have won eight of their last nine outings. No one has scored on Fountain Valley in the last fodr games. Now, they meet undefeated Loara High, a team that hasn't railed to win in its last 20 outings and has never loat an Irvine League match. Kickoff is set for 8. The winner would appear to have clear sailing to the Irvine title and a berth in tl":e prestigious CIF AAAA, playofflli. Loara moves into the game with an im- pressive array of hard-running backs led by tailback Ray Spagnuolo and fullback Greg Helms. And, the Sa1ons have a good passing game with qu arterback Don Standley at the helm. Loara'.s first.line defeiiii hu Umlted teVen roes to one touchdown. Corona dtl Mar stung the SuOOI with 111 11-yml pass play ,after lrliling, 21-0. -FOuntaln Valley, hOwever, hu • fair defer11e of its own. The Baroot Umlted Corona de! Mar to one flnl dmrr/ (via a penalty) and &teC!a coold -· ooly four first dowm. Fountain Valley succeu aeema to hlnl t on bOw well the offensive line can move oot the touch Loar• defense. . The Barons will be counting on the run· ning of Rick Martin, Dan Shaw and Rick Power wilb backup work from ltkk Hartsfield. Shaw leads the Barons' rushers with 308 yards on eo carries for a 1.1 averaae while Hartsfield, in five 1ime11 hu pin· ed 293 yards for a 4.4 averaae. He scored both TDs In the Magnolia and Conllll de! Mar wins. LOAR.A 110 Jeff ScllrKtfltltf 190 AAdY T•Yklr 20! Ml-• Hen111 205 8ob Wendt US I HI OMltl!*; tlS Otvc.k leott - 1• 1'•111 CIMdbend 1'5 Dor. S!lncllw 110 •• ., SPll!nl.Mlle 11(1 Gr911 HtftN 11t P•I Butler ,.OU .. TAI" '¥Al.I.IT IE GlfY Vel"'-110 T Kl' ,,...rl'lt 115 G Stew Jl:I U# 1t0 C 1111 Cti.rnJlo!I ltt · G 1111 Krldliwt 175 T le* Wl lllM' lfl E R ... HI-1'5 • John s....-. 110 • lllclt ,_, 111 I lk"ldv Moaore 1., I Oln ~.,.. 1~ F oothall Standings SEA KING DEFENSE -Corona del Mar High will be banking on its fine defen se to thwart Santa Ana Valley this afternoon at Santa Ana Stadium. Game time is 1:3Q .. Here Sea Kings Bill Martin (83), Dave , - Krohn (23), Jeff Richert (80) and J im Troller (behind Krohn) close in on Fountain Valley's Dan Sh aw (40). Fountain Valley meets Loara tonight at La Palma Stadium in an Irvine League title showdown. SOUTHEllN CALll'OllNIA CONl"EllENCI W L ,.,. H1rbor Goldtfl We.II ' ' ' ' E&lf Los """tlll LOI AnteW Cypren ....... • • ,.rlNr't k- H1rbor ..o, c;oldt n Wn l 7t T111ltlll't Gell'IH • ' ' ' ' ' LOI A119ele1 YI. Rio HOllOO II El llarH;l!o Hlol! Sdloot (ypru1 11 E11! Lo.9 AnetltJ .. " " • • " ,. " n " ., " " SIROONl AN GVNS FO R DRAG CROWN Sea Kings, Falcons Collide SUNSl!T Ll!AOUI w • ' .. ,. , .. Defending champion Richard Siroonian will drive John Matrnanlan's candy-red Farracuda in an attempt to win his se- copd $30,000 ManufactW'ers' Funny Car championship tonight at Orange County Inlernational Raceway. 9ates open at 6 with the team and drjvers' championships on the line from 7"° to 11. An outstanding field, including nationa1 cliampion DaMy Ongais of Ca rlsbad, will cOqtest Siroonian for the individual title. Ford, Chrysler, General Motors and Vi'iltky Racer fun nies will battle for the team Utles. The Wacky Racer definition has been accorded those cars who have <liS!imilar engines and bodies. Heisman Race ~ide Open . At Moment NEW YORK (UPI) -An all -new cast of Jfeisman Trophy candidates is lining up across the nation. Not a one cracked Lhc lop 14 vote-get· ters a year ago as an all-senior group led by 0. J . Simpson dominated lhe ·~ poll tc. determine the oulstand l ng in- tercollegiate football player in the United States. Tha t probably mea1lS a wide open race coming up and leading candidates ar e emerging in nearly all sectors. Rex Kem or Ohio State, Steve Ov.·cns of Oklahoma, ftfike Phipps or Purdue, Ar:diie Manning of ,.1ississippi, Jim Plµnk,e_ll of Stanford and Bob Anderson of Co1orado are only a few or the stars like- ly to score well with the 1nore than 1,000 selectors representing diHertnt tastes and different sections. On e thing is fairly certain. Interior linemen are poison at the polls. "I have the best player in 1he country at his position in Mike Reid," says coach Joe Paterno of Penn Stale. "He's a df;fensi\te tackle and he v.·on.'t get six voles for the Hcisman Trophy. The Heisman is for the outstanding back and I ~uess that's the way they want it." ~The Downtown Athletic Club of New ~ork, which sponsors the award, doesn't ''Want it" that v.•ay at all but !l's fact on· ly two linemen ever have won the Trophy o11.hd bolh \\'ere ends -Larry Kelly of Yale in 1936 and Leon llarl of Notre Dame, 1949. .Best recent finish by a lineman or dal~der was third place by linebacker Dick Butkus of Illinois in 1964, U1e year --John Hua.rte ol Notre Dame '!\'On. this year, Ohio State's Kem moves in· lCI contention as the field .general of the nalion's No. J team. His llilaUsllcs are Jeu awesome tban those of passing or nl1ping specialists, but his play is im· ipeicable and he 'll be backed by vot.cr.s wbo prefer to go with the ace of .a top teJ.m -if the Buck.s slay thal way. Owerui came on too late last fall to JN.kc a Heisman showing, but he'a rolling much the same fashion this year. The llJ1>C>WKI Sooner fullback h" acored 17 topchdown1 In six games, ranka second lo U, nation In ~orlngJ_oorth in ru!hinJ~ •iid hN been named three times fli11 1won In the UPI back(i~I~ ol the wee~. ! • • , .. " .. e In :a_are Day Football Game Arc light conteats haven't been kind to the Santa Ana Valley FalCOllS so coach Bill Mills will send his football team into action this afternoon in a dayli~t game with Corona del Mar in Santa Ana Bowl. Kickoff is at J !30. The Falcons '1ave an 0-8:-1 record under the lights and Mills is hopeful his team can make a complete switch in the daylight hou rs for ~ts first victory. Tho Sea Kings boast a 4-3 season record and face a letdown today after losing to Loara in league action last week. At least the SA Valley mentor is hopeful that this is the situation. fi1ills has moved his early 3eason starting quarterback Phil Bland back to Ute fullback position and brought in Rudy Munoz at the signal calling berth. Bland responded with JOO yards rushing last week-against -Fountain Valley and could be the difference m today's game. Davt Holland of the Sea King s isn't concerned about the daylight hoor of the game. "I just hope we can get together , for 1 good g~e and not suffer a letdown t?d£ week. SA Valley seems to be able lo score on anybody and I hope we don't have an off day." Iiolland wlll be without the services of blocking back Jeff Cummings. Cummings suffered a knee injury and was oPfrat.ed on during the .week. He is Out for the rest of the year. CIF Scores S1n!1 Monka 'H, lt111Jtwood 11 W1rr1n :u. oo_.,-• Noire O.m. 7, $1. Frenc:ll o Loroll n. Atema>tY o Bl1lr lO, Burblnlt U El ll1nc:tio 1-1, LOlllll a .. tti Poly 0 Lono B .. u. wn ... ll!, Jon1111 1t l•kewood 14, LOl19 BHdl M!lllk1n I Arrovo 0. S.11 G1b;kl o Soul!! P1ud1n1 21, Sin M1rlno ' Glendotl 22, West COvll'lll 14 Nell 57, Arlall 6 TITLE HOPEFULS -Fountain Vall ey's Don Sha1v (cenlcr) will be ca rrying a lot of the Barons' hopes for An Irvine League champion- ship tonighl agaillsl Loara High al Anaheim 's La Palma Stadium. , The Sea Kings make few chqes when they go to a defensive alignment. Cum- mings went both ways and will be replac- ed at a linebacker posiliofl by Greg Stevens. On orrense, It will be 155-pounder Jeff Thomas opening at a halfback position. Steve Judith is the leading runner for the Sea Kings wlth 304 yards and a fine '4.2 average gain. His running partner. ruck Petros, is expected back this week and has gained 112 yards this se ason. Quarterback Keith Samuels has gained 101 yar<U rushing and has completed 34 of 76 pass attempts for 534: yards. He has al'IO scored two touchdowns this season. COllONA Ol!L MAii SANTA ANA VALLl!Y ·~ DI~ Knlhn • Bruce Johnson "' ,. Jim Norlh T Tom lmbodefl "' '" J lff T I Mel" G P""'o Rlver1 '" ·~ ltlcl< Ndl ' Biii G1rtl-"' ,. Oeut Hlllltrd G 1t1ndy P1llenort "' "' Ktnl kuddlt T aoll Cl!tneV "' '" BUI ~rll" ' Dollt NUlll\CI •• 150 Ktlltl SllT!Ulb ' llk>d'f MuNt ·~ ltS 5._ Jl.Odl!n ' Pill 6-rci1 ·~ 1ll Jtff Tl'lomll ' Pllll Blind "' ,_, .Al S.l1 ' Kelltl 0..-,. UIY IMIE LU.GUI! W L T Pl' l'ount1!n V1llev s I o U LQ.afl S t 0 HI Coron• del Mt~ J 2 Cl Jt Ed!ICfl J ) I lat Mlilnolll 1 l I .. Cotti Mtll 4 0 4 E1t1ncl1 J o '' 51nle Ant V1llt11 0 S t :M ~ ,., ... ,.,., ktrt ·Edison 77, E1t1ncl1 70 THIY'I Ol lM Cor11111 dtl Mir ti Slnl1 Ani Yt ll11 !1 :JO) T1111t~l'1 01rntl l'oun!1ln Vt lltl' v1 Lotrt 11 Lt '•Im• Ma1non1 YI Cotfl Mest II N-rt Htrbor CllliT'lll W Ll!AOUIE w ' T " Or11191 • • • '" Foottirn ' • • , . Tu•lln • ' • ·~ Sin Cleo'MnM ' ' ' • Viii. P1r-' ' ' " L11un1 BMdl ' • ., Mission Ylelo ' • " El MoMn1 ' ' • • ,., ... ,., SC- 5111 Clernerrtt 17, L11u,.,. ltldl I Vlll1 P1r1r. l(, Minion Yltlo 7 Otlntl t, El ModeM 0 T111llfll'1 G- FooltllU II Tutlln 14cre he carries through Corona del ~lar's line for a sizeable gain be- hind !he blocking of mote Leo Flernanilez (50). C-orona del Mer pla y· ors 111 pursuit are Dave IKrohn (23), Rick Petros (34), Jim North (72). i. Jg " ,. " '" " ,. • " " M " .. m "' " ,. ,. .. " u "' '" "' l'ltEl!!WAY Ll!AeUI w ' .. Fullertlm ' ' m ·~-• ' " Tro1 • ' ·~ S1v1nM • ' "' Sunnv HUil 20. " H1br1 D " H1br1 ' ' " Lowfll ' ' " luenl P1r1i; • • " ,.,if••'• le.,. Fulltrtoll 22, St Ylnnt 16 SvnnY Hlllt lO, LI ll•br1 I Lowell )6, Bu.1\11 l'lrk t' Tlflltihl'1 0•11'11 Troy YI Ktnntdy 11 Wftllrn * * * •AllDI" ••o•• \l""'l' •• Jlt~M Att mlto. • I r. t In Gr.-..e ' n111ag ! l l! soi.1 r1na r•cilc• ' " 1 ulnt1 o "' " Prl4r, S-ll1~n. Al1mlle1 , Gl'"11 (ffllve t• S1n1 100 H, l.fe~ ~ Ptcllla t i ~ r1ncl1 * * * Bruised Mesa Underdog To Magnolia •• " " ~ " "' "' '" 'ti " " Magnolia High 's Senlinel.s take the fttld toaigbt at Newport Harbor Hi.ih School heavy favorites to deal injury-riddled Costa Mesa its seventh los.s in eicht - games. Game time is 8. Magnolia hasn't e1actly set the world on fire either this year but key mish1ps to C o s t a Mesa personnel I i v • the fi1esans little chance of upsetting the Sen- tinel!', who are paced by quarterback Ken Panique. Panique h.as led· bis mates to a J.3..1 overall mark and is the kty to th~ hfagnolia attack. He ru ns and passes with equal ef- fectiveness out of bis rollout style of play. Panique has NII for eight touchdown.! and passed for another. Jn all, he's com· pleted S3 of 107 tosses for MO yard,,. 1 ~ilesa, meanwhile, goes into the 1ame. with another revamped lineup. 1 The backfield will consist e t quarterback Bill Adelson (he's played a• quarterback three games), halfb1ck Mlb Purcell (he hasn't carried once this year) and Frank Kelly at flanker. l'~elly allliO has no\ seen offensive action from the Mesa backfield. Coach Max Miller is hopeful full~ Jell')' Reilly will be able to perform for ,.fesa tonight. Reilly was out of the Edison loss with ~n ankle injury. ~1agnolia's offensive threat ctn~ around Panique and his rollouU. operates out of 1 multiple offensive · But if Adelson can pt his tellli to1ether Under the rtllllar l)'ltem, ii would 1ppear M&1DDlia'1 defenle wlll lte under stress al the t1ck1e spot& from tht fullback and halfba1k amuhu. C"TA MISA M.llMellA '" G'" Jofdllfl • O.vt tol'llfllll ,,._ . '" "'' IWftlltiW f _ .... >n .. ClltV!'aY ··-• DIY!t Htrlltl' t!i JJO Old! FerN'"l1'1 ' Cl!rl1 lrwl~ 1IO DIW ldwt rGI 0 H111k l &llff' 1• Mtrk Tur""' T Notr111111 Jt mb "' lfS D1lt Kvti.lkt • Tlfn i(t1v11 '" HO l lU At!tlloi'I • lCtll ,1111<1111 "" '" Miile Pll!"(e~ ' Jiii'! lmllll ... )(0 JtNY lltil"' ' A ... ~ "' 111 F~ Ktll't • """ ~ '" -- -.-!:: SAU V.-IANANAS------ Hello ogaln, boys ond girls, and welcome!: once again to Uncle Lents c.orner. · Uncle Lea was very disap- pointed thls week to receive only four letters to the comer. On1y o~ girl entered the poetry contest and Cll'.ol's Corner, so Mary Gustafson wins two KeMedy half dollars by default. 1BAT MAKE.1 Uncle Len wonder whether thia column i3 really worthwhile. How about the rest of you boys and girls? Alter a11, it's your page. Next week our art contest ,------------------------------.1 will be on a subject very familiar to you lhis week-the rain. The young artist who comes up with the most original rain picture wilt win the half dollar for the week. * PRIZE WINNER Lisa Marks, 1, 30792 Marilyn Drive, South Laguna * HONORABLE mention in this week'• art contest goes to lAJ.cy de Mocskonyi, 1 1 , Newport Beach; Du an e Joseptlson, 10, Costa ?1-lesa, and Beverly Waterhouse, 7, Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you do: (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper s• inches wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and address on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner ,.,.ill receive Kennedy half dollar. Costa Mesa. MY SHADOW Did you know there were two of me? When the sun comes out There ii something that follow~ µie Everywhere and abOut; He stays inside on cloudy days, And when the day turns dart. But only on the sunny :lays He comes out to play . .., kennec!Y ti.If do!l1r _, 19 M1rv Gvlt8f10n, 112112 l u•llnlktr'I LIM. HuntlnthHI •Hell. tor "'' Wlllll! ... ltlltr'I' In ''" ttorv ..... -CD111'tll. Mtll YllUf -m t r lllH'Y " Unc;lt L.,,, "ox 15'1. CNll M .. 1, Ctllh!rnl1. • C I: C aro 6 orner RIDDLES and JOKES * Jane: \Vhen Mississippi lent Missouri her New Jersey, what did Delaware? PAIZI Mary: I don't know. Alaska. WINNIA -~ry Gu•l•llOll. 211l2 •u•ll11tlotl L1M. Hllf'lfl119hltl 911dl Dttar Carol: What is the richest snake in th e world? '•>tlUlellflJ >t::itqpu9WllP l'l.l :JeMtvy ' -Mary Gu1t.t'-. Hlll'ltlntloll .. Id! . Dennis the Menace 1tflll;· /fl I For Top Sports Coverage ·.Read the DAILY PILOT lett4 .,. ................ A.My. •I• Or-.. c... hly Pllet, ... 1160, c:.... ...... Celff. Andl' lff'lllli 1 cwn,1111 '°""olulTMI "' ol 1111 WH'ld IMll •IKJdfMlllll f9 JIM H•10.0. •11 11. of N•llonll City, C1lltornl1, for h1r <11u•llon: Whtu do the 1wallow1 10 from C.plstrano? We havt" a legend about the comings and goings o( these famous swallows -but the legend is not quite true. These migrating birds are not as punctual as we would like to believe. More often than not, their arrivals are a few days ahead or behind. our schedule and usually they depart flock by flock through several days. The splendid Mission of San Juan Capistrano wu founded in 1776 by Junipero Serra, a Franclac.an friar of New Spain. Its walls and handsome arches still stand there among the ancient trees, just a few mlles inland from Southern Calitornia's oceanside city of San Clemente. The legendary swallows are expected to ar~ rive every March It to nest in the mission ruins, near the stltue of the gentle Fran· ciacan. On October 23, the parent& with their young adult offspring are e1peded to depart and fly south to their winter homes. ·spend the winter in various paN of Mexico and Central America. Ornithologiat.s band certain migrating birds in an effort to track them down to their precise destinations . But the job is not easy because their winter quarters often spread out across a wide area . M a rule, however, birds tend to select surTOUndings similar to their summer homes. The cliff swallows of Capistrano find suitable winter ho~ in various rocky regions of South America and their w I n t er destination is at least 3,000 miles aouth of the Mission of San Juan Capistrano. Tht cliff swallow i! a 1i1- lnch. brownish-grey bird with a white forehead. He has pointed swallow-type wings, but not the u s u a 1 forked swallow-tail. The side feathers are shorter, givint the tail a rather squared-off ap- pearance. His tail feathers are brownish. There are che&tnut tones around h.is head and throat and a reddish brown p1tch on his rump. The rut of his plumage is a blend of medium to steely grey. --mai·or part of the Anci.,. ,.,..,, • W•rN lltlll "'"' .,. ''n:: D...ist W~I, IM 11. !tf htT le1end is true. The famous s1. Loul1, Nwi., tor 11w """'tlon: swallows do spend the sum-How did tbe Miulsslppf set Ill mer in Capistrano, oesting and name? N!lring Ulelr young. They also have a winter home far to the The name ~1ississippi has a south. Like all members ol the long, soft liquid &OUnd that 1wift swallow family, they are tunes your ear to the soft excellent filers -both in flowing music of the michty maneuvering and long river il.lelf. Jn all lan,ua1e1 distance flight. Some of their there are words that sound relatives think nothlnf of like the things to which they mlgraUng 10,000 m I e s belong. We have oamples in between their summer and words such as h1ss and winter homes. When they squawk, buu and thump. 11te leave Caplltrano, on or about American lndian1 alto had Oct. 23, the ramous swallows words of ... Ut1s sort. The fly thousanda of milet to dis-Ojlbway word for river was t.ant places tn South America. •ipi -a IOWld tomewhat like They Dy cfurlll( tho da)'!lmo the whilperill( o I "ate r and at du1t the looee fonna-thrOuifl reeds. Their word for t.R>ns 1ather to rOOlt. The bit wu Dlisi. Put the two nletit may be spent amona tosether and you h a v e -cliftl alon1 1hrocean MU1tsipr,UIOOJ!btf1y10'111-. or Inland omong lhe '"""' of for the B1' River. We bor· rocky hills and canyODI. Thlis, row-eil it and stretched It a hit no doubt, ts ""1 lhe lesondory Lo nome the mipt7 Mialilltp- blnl of C.plltrono la called the pl. cliff swallow. Their l"oac route Tht Ojibways or Ojlbwu """"' lnlond along the ott a llWP ol the greot eostem otcle ol the GuU ol Alronquins who spolio 1 California and then curves • dialect_ ol tile A I 10 n q u 1 n JOUthwtat thtouch Me1ico and ·1Aft1U11e. Before the arrival of Central America. Alene the c o l u m bu 1 • Alionqutn11 In- way, the Capistrano travtlt1'1 habited the reglon1 of the ,are Joined by o t h e r cliff Great Lake!I and tbe bit sw1l!Ow1 from all · across rivers. Thty were huntm and North Amtf'ica. Many other weavers and buildera of birch mJgraUna blrdl take this bark ca no t 1 . Longrellow'• aame flyway. Several species lllaw•tha was an Alaonquln drop out alont the ny to her1>. T DAILY 'llOT 'JZ. WE\.l. ... WllEN YA Cl:ME Rl6Hf p:)\\IN 10 IT~ GUESS A ~ , ~ IS SORT A l'EOl'LE ~ ,r--, I PEANUTS ly Charles M. Schulz STEVE ROPER ly Saunclen and. Overgard t FEEL SETTER S<lMETIMES I, ., HCY/ YOU t>tDN'T'HAVE TO WORKING., COME BACK TOD4V, ROD/ Mll<f! WISH HEl-l•~T OONf rT!-1 MfAlll --All. "!Ml! MASSLES Al£AD ASOUT HOW ···C MfAN .. ·FOLKS U5UAL.l.Y 7Al<E THE WHO!.E DAY OFF F01t A FLINERAL/ ... PERKINS JUDGE PARKER MOON MUWNS I ~Pl!NO IT/ flll A.FIWP PllVff J»ST POESMT rM A'· INoasllJW THAT !IOPVIS: Uf1EME4 RANGING LV SE~TIVE •• nl.\T ONE MUST IE .TO GEr UE:NnE A.WP ICINP TO !ll:OPV., .\NOTMB: WOT GUFF I.NO OFAOOIS! A.TTOCMet! ly J.hn Mlle '~ '' '·,.-r "' ... l ly Harold Le Dau ly Ferd Johnsan c::::::::::----/. .. Wo!Jt.t> Yo~..--r I® BE A <;oor> CHAP,ANI> <50 PICIC UP A COUPl.E" OF r~~;;;::;i[ IS IT Fl'At>Y? 'TOMATOfS FOF!' ~u~cH? MUTI AND JEFf GORDO HIJ,r 10./tl). HllJ ,., MISS-PIA CH I OIW£R O'i'&TERS NOT PEARLS! "rn1!6E REAL. PEARL.5 AREWOR'TI< T+l005ANOS OF DOl.LAR&! 'T+lEY ARE? -- +IAVE~ . PAID \<OOR CHECK YET, SIR? l' ii ll !I •• •t '· ly Al Smltli "TMEN ~EY'RE ~ . NOT YOURS! ly Gus Anlola ly Mel l ~-===~UO~~Al~·~liO~ftl~~CB~=:i1:::::::=~Ll!G~AL~NCmlZ~~::=:1=::::::~LEG~~AL~NOTl~~Cl!~::1==~U!Xl~~M~•~•"~'~~==11-1~QUliiiiij~~::;::;;:::;::;-~~:-:::~~·:y=Ph=R:-:-fnfe~~-~-Clll~di~ • UIMfll' ..am· ....,,. 1Uf111:101 couaT °" Tiii ...... ,.w-• c.llT .. ,... Cl•Ttll'IC'AH. °' sut1••u . ITATI °' CALINlllillA l"Ol 'I fl'&ft W ~l& ,.. CHTIPIUTI' .. COlll'OUTIOJI ll'OI "ICTIT,OUI Jt.&#1 -ntt:·QOYlt.T'!" Oii' ott.\ .. I 1'm Clillrl'Y ... ~ T1lMlll('TIOM °" ~UIOllU \IMOI" 'TM _._.Miii et tff'I""° fllW 11('1 MOTICI Of'i .. :.ll~::".t.ecouMT ANO < .. ...... ': ll'tcTtTIOUt ....,.. c:MduC:llne • ""°"'*' •I $1Ni tttll It., lllPOIT Ofl AOMtflllSTaATK* 1 '1' -.. _-.. -.. •.:!!11 TMt VHO!lllto#l.D COfll"OltATION.......,. lffdl. C.lllornl•, undtr tht tic-, ..... , ......... .,.. VIVOI nun, ... _., · ttti-""" ,._ o1 l"OltllCN IN. AMO •<••--••n• ""OM I ' ... 1119YU 9tu IJllD ........... ,..,...., Ctr1lilY flwll_lt 1• CMCllldin9 • TltlGUI: 911' thtl ... If ILNll b ~ ,..,.... _.. _... a ft'lllll.. L.l'TftU OP A• ..._.... i.e.-. M Jal llrdl Slfwt, Of TIMI l9l•l11t1 PtnGlll wMle nemta Ill ANO DllCMUOI 1 MllftlTMT... Hk llWAIKI Ofl N--1 ....,,_ C•lffOt'/llt 111\dtf ftlt I~ '....., .. _.... l!!tltt. of SUSAN MAUE KIONEY • LaTTal l TltT&Mm.-ruY '"llllK fl"1'I """ .. MANN co ... {'111 •NII 'IHltl .., , __ -., FUND Tll.UST ... Ot<:uMCI. ·-·,..... • LA l"~IE M. ,m.'°"' ::::.'°':t c:. .,.. llltt .. ~:~ .. 'T.'~1111ttn HKtr;llr, .... ~ Dt'., M~~~E: ·~ l 1s·::~. GIV:~,.r~~ -· ll "EltlEIV OIVIN Tlltt ..... -.,WNI ... ::!-:"1ut1net1 It .. ,.....,... hKll. C•lltom.i ltffY_(._ l.l!P.ltOWITL •tlOMt!MA-11'.AIUHAl,L ""'"" " lltkllH. ~ A Ore,,.. Avt .. CO.I• AND l.1iii0NA.lt0 MAZZI! ill.,. fll9d,....... °""' ....,._._ ,_ ,, ... ~II t ........... ; 1 Mn-. C.Mfol'flltl H•le!I F. MllJW, IGJ 111 • ... llltn of ACCOUNT ANO llEPOltT till'I"' ...... 91 l...t OI' Otet~ Wiii l(AMPANT, INC,. :ml ti~ Jtr...i, Dei*lrv \.JI., Ct11!1 Mtu, CtNlornl.. OF' AOMINIJTltATION IV TltUITl!!!!I ~::,,.'l:r: .... ':,,.~.!:::-~~ :~;r1"u~Nc:i tti£t 1fifrl !UY ti Det ... OdOWJ7,U6f. OF INTllt VIVO$ Tltt.is-T ANO Pttl· T"'~'"' .. ........,_, ~ • AWwf, lt't, J. WUUttn Htdller ?JON fl'Olt " Sl!TTLl!MENT AHO 01$-~ldt II ~ fw.,,....... NrtlQI ...... .,.. (Cttwil't $t9ll ~: f: :~~~r.. CHAltGe, r~ to Whlc:1i 11 ""1m" 't fl . t ... """'"' 1l1tm., ....... .... J•"'" H, MtM. """*tit St.It of Ctlltornla.. 0••1\111 c-t\H tor flll'ltltr Hrt..._ ... , ..... .-Id !'Mil ""1 • 111mt hit....,._, tw .._...,. f1, 1Nf, ITATI 01' CAl.1,0llNIA, On Ocfollor 77, lfff, btfon me. t tlld Plltt of llt1rl11t.~ tlf!ll lltl bffn llt t •» 1.11'1,. \11 "" .,,...._ 91 0.. .... COUNTY OF OAANGE, W. Noltrr Public 111 Incl tor .. lcl St•tt, ... 1 for Novlmbtf U.. 1Hf, •I t ia A.Mw lfltnt No. ) or .. Id ceurt, .t JOI CMc Oft tfllt 2'tfl --~ fl Allllllf, A.O. 1Hf, -tOMltr 9PfloNltd J. Wlllllll'I Htekltt, In !tit toutll'OMI of ~mtnl No. I of c.nw Of'fve w•. In "" CltY ., """ btfllre INI "'" s. E«lft . Not•,., "llllHe Hlltn F, Mllltf' •ncl lllty c. ll1k11ee, Mid t'Clll~I. ,, 1111 ,::lvk Cini«" Ori-.. AN, ~ In .. -MM CWlllY lflll, Sttte. fMlflN i..-fll IM to 111 Ille Hr-wt1a$1 WMI, ll'I Ole Cltv ef '911N Ant.--C.!ltor-- ·O .... ac...... 27, 1t1t tlltrlln. dlllY °'"""'~ ind -,,.,,,.. •r• wti.c:rlbld to tllf wllllln In-nl1. . W, !. IT .IOHN ...--rlY tiJMttM JI"'" H, M.11111 Wll!Mnl tnd ldl-llld9MI '"'" Uf(llfed Oiied NoVfll!ber ,, Ifft. ~ C_.. ·-to Me .. Ill #Ill P,...,.., If tM Ille ...... W. E. ST JOHN, C.0Un"1 Cltrll. Ann~• -- Family Fighting Soldier's: Orders · DEAR ANN LANDERS: My brother is coming home from Vietnam in a few weeks. The reason I am writing is because his wife brought over Lem's last letter for me to read. It said1 "I hope you will come to the airport and brio~ tho children and nobody else. I want to be alone Wlthlou and the kids for 24 houri. My nerves are shot an 1 .- 1 f ( i ~ C. ~·nNI "'"'911ott tlllt nlQll• ffll wllilt!I In-iOl'FK:IAl SUL) DONALD KL'llM 1114• ..... ..,._ °"" 1~ 111 IMMM ef ttw '*""'9tloll Htlen V •ublll M N. Mllll Sh'ttf \,a A...-.. C....,.,. fllln4n ""'*'• lllWf tdC.,...11 .. •d • INI Nolt,., M11c<1lllOl"nl1 ltlllt Ana. C1lltonll1 nttl , Tel: cnu .,....." !Ml Modi COl!'*'il1IOll ....... IM-· Pl"lnclPll OHIQI In Ttl: 0141 ...,,.. am not up to •eeing the 0 • ,, fest of th,~ family for a u. T b a n Jc 1 I• ye.r day or so. penerve.rence I wlU I eoa1d ~ .... ..........,. Ill w"""' Whf,_f, I ...... htrMJll,Mt Df•-County PublhMd 0..-noe (011t Dlll"f Plkit. ... llbllthld °'"'" C.rt DlllY l'llol, ll'IY 11H111 .... efftnoli ""' .,Melt! ... I Ille M"f Commlllklll Eull"... N~ l, 10. 15. 1Nt l01'4f H_. 1, I. L !Ht '°4Hf 4ff llnd...., In tflll arllfk,ll9 fff'st tllo¥I M.1"11 1, 1'71 ..-!"""' Publltl'Md Dr111111 CNst O•ll'r PllO!, (OFFICIAi.. l(All ~r 1, I. U, n, lNt :IOlut LEGAL N011CI! -----~~------1 F1Y't S. E«le!. 1Aa t1n T.... Nottrv l"ublk..Cenfol'l'li. LEGAL NOTICE sul'E•10• couttT 01" THI! JIOTIC• TO Ct•OtTOlll Or-c-tl' STATE OF (ALll'OltMIA l"CHI: IUl"l(tl09: cou•T OJI TM• M" ,_,,.._ ..... ~ ""'"" THE cou.•.'! ~ .. O•ANOI ITATI 0, CALl .... JfU. PO• • "''~" _, ,.,.. Cllt Tll'ICAT'I 01" IUSl .. US ......... Tiii COUMn" Ofl OAA•I J111. 4, Im ,ICTITIOUS .. ,.,.. NOTICE 01' Hl!AlttMG OM l'l!TITION ... A-foll• WITTMA" a ICMMIDT """""'" TN IHIClll1i.twc1 CID ctr!llV tht"f .,t FOllt PltOIATE OF WILL AND l'Ollt !tllfW • 81Ul!lllT I', COLL IMS. 1._ ' c-UCllnt 1 bwlMu 1t ?llS South Grind ISSUANC'I 0, Ll!TTIEltS THTAMlM· 0.CN..... lttl ----Df'M."Slllll • Avl'lllW. S.nl• AM. C1tuornl1. ""'"'"""' ,.AIY • NOTICI' II Hllttl V' •M" tt "-,.__. ..... CM. ,.,... ttdlllow llrrn nllM o1 COYOTE EN· E'!•lt ol Willi.AM Z. HUTC~ESON Cftilllon 91 1111 ifloott --ftCHlrll Pllblldlld Ott"'ff C011t DtllY PlJot, TERPlllSES Ind tf11t Mkl llrm It com-11$0 known •• W. Z. HUTCHESON, l!to 1'119' 111 ,...._ llrilnl ci.im. . ..-11111 IN No¥M1Dtr I, L 15. :H. "" ,..._., ~ d fhl follllwlnt --WllOlll known n WILLIAM ZED HUTCHESON, M114 llKMllll tA """"""' tt fllt "*"' ~ ntrMt In t\111 encl 1119'11 of .... klena 1r1 11to knowfl 11 WILLIAM ZEODCIC wllll ... MCftlli'Y YOllCll-. Ill !hi office LEGAL NOTICE •• followt• HUTCHESON Oecff1ed. ''I said there wu a cute little doll out here to see you .,. N Cll fM CIWll: ti tl'll .... m""'4 c.eurt, or J-ii° GUrlll '2341 lttndlt SlrMt NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN ltl1I tt .,,._. fMm. wl* .. __, ' ' CLAUDE P. HUTCHESON n.rnfd In !M l-------------------------_....," tllt"1,M'llttlili .... tM lf'l1c• .. one• 0, IA\.• 0 ' ••AL ... o... CUPtrtlno. C•lltoml• fkUi Wtltlr I.. Wiii 11 CLAUDE PERCIVAL HUT· fl( IUCHA•D It. G"ltAC&. A"'""' m Sd!Ucht, tJ26I Plrldi .?'~1fft Miu~ CHE SON 1\11 tiled herein • petition IOI'" 2"1 l nllfWiY lliftt D 0i.n'.d11t ••TY AT ,.rY .. T• SALi Vltlo. C•Htornl11 •lllkl r •Ni!u.i. Probllte of WIH tnd IOI'" 111u1nce ol Let- C.llfornlt rnos.' Wllldl "'lh. 1111e1 .f IM. A.ata . ~~1~;·-Dr-I...., -Llollln• i.rs Tnt1111t11l1rv to th1 "1111on1r, "'1t1Mtl ftf lM 11nc1tr1l11ntd ln 111 m1nm In 1111 s.,..ulor eovrt d IN"$1tt9 If Dtltd odob.r 1, ,..._ rtftrMcl to wllkll h mtd1 fOI'" furtMr "'"'""'* tt 11111 rst•M of wk! dfoldlfll, C.ll!Ornl9, for Ille CO\lntr of 0.-1ntt. JOlel>h OurU Hrllcul1n, and tllll thl time IOd 1>!9ct Wllllln four inonll\J sfl'ff" tt.. flrll ll'lllllu-lft 111t MIHtt of fM ,Etllil1lt 91 EIYlr. Wtllw L Sdllldll of 11t11l1111 ttle Mm• 1111 ti.en t.tt lor t(tll .t 11111 Nlfltl'. Cirrt1nU1 -SlllM, o-.tc1.. " Ill.Idol! GrMf Navembll'" 21. 196t, tt 9:30 A.M. lft Ille 'Med Center' Boring; ' O.ltd October 31, 1Hf. f<loflu " hereb'( •"1fl th-!, tlle -St ... of Ctllltmll, Orl!ltl (6uMy: eo11rtroorn of Ottc>1rtmenl No. J of t•ld Oon 0 , tollt111 ""'llfttd will sell 11 ,l'IVlft 111t, 19 tlll On OC!oblf 2. ltft, 11ffort mt, 1 Nol1rv court, 11 100 Cl'ffc Ctn!« Dr, west, I" tM ~.-ecu1or,,. wr• • ., 111,1tst n bl!lt ""*"'· f.llbltd tt ~ ,ut111e Ill and tot &alcl 5111., _._111 c1tv of s1n11 An1 c.1111tm11, .,. .,. fl""'tlon of Mid si-lor COUf'f, on er Hl>Hrtd J-'! G""1c1. W11!11r L, Olted Novembll'" 5, lfff ' ...•• -..... -,,....,.,,, .n... "" 11111 dlr of N..........,., ,,.,, tt ld!lldll. en4 •IJllolf Gtwl' •-n lo INI w. E. ST JOHN, ti '"" 9'lkl of H1rno Allow. AttorttlY It "' 111 ""' --_.... ,...... 1rt ...,. CounlY Cll!rt Daly Wants to Quit nt ... ~-..... -LIW ...... .,,.. Mlln strwt, ·-ICtlbld IO tlll wllllln l111lrvntenl end McOW'IN a O•l!l!N ........ (lilf, ,,.. Nwnbet One. .. "'. Ant. CtMol'l'lll. ~-'""' •~«:I/Nd "" Mmt s• •. CMJMll Ayt,. T1h ltlU ,.,_1Cll C-ty fl ()(1-Stitt If Cl~ Ill (Ol'l"ICIAL. SEAL) ' ~ ~ta ~ fW ........ lllt r'llllt, tltlt tlllf .,,...., *f lllold Mlllltlll J tlrell ' Tll (114) tJ:l.Jl• . ........., or-~ Dt1W ,,..,, die ..... 91 ,_. flRw ti ON11t tlllf .. t111 ..w" k-C.lllor I A""""n fir Plftltllltf' ···c°"'~"c' .. ;.;;.c"c•;;.;••:...;"';;.;_;_ ___ ... ;_• ... _1111M· 11111 '"' lntlrtll ............ " =r:..1 ~ '" "I PllbtlM!td Otll>!ll Cc.tr! D1llY Piiot, -LEGAL N,_,..,. .. M ...... tw ..._. w _....... 0r-c.untY NoYmlber 1. 10. 1s. 1"' 101Uf V ~Jr.di IJf/ llW flt ~ •..... 11111'1 W Ill .. My Cllmlnlulon 1ExPl1et ----~~=----·ldlllcwl '9 tt.t of Mid ......,., el t111 Mlrdl 11. 1m LEGAL NcrrICE U•4tl6 tlnM et Mrti, In W • 111 !+.. nrfllli U R•21'2 nPUllOll COUltT cw TM• ~ .11111 ...... "" C.-tY "' Df•-••o•O• J.,,.,.s ITAT• OP 'CALll"OIN1A l"Olt lltft d C.1Norlllli, Nrtlalltr!Y dllerllillll A"'"" nia couwrv OJI ou•1 " folloWt. lo-wit: ,.. ,.., c-t .....,, hlN t1' MIVlle -LEGAL NOTICE 01'" "US\.IC Hl!A•INO Noll~ b Mrt!IY 1lvtn 11111 !hi Pllnnlnt Commission of IN Cltv ol' N-1 BMCll will llold I po,bllC Martll!I on the -•lklllon of HOl9 Memorlll Hospl!1! Pn'$b-t!erlan fol" 1n Ammdmrnt lo Use P..-mll No. 17'5 on proo«l"f k>CBled 11 ln HO'Dlltl Road, °" tto• nortllwnt eor,,.r ol HoJplt1I JI.Nd Ind NewPOrl lklUlt"flrd, lo Pf'l"mll the OPtr•tlor> of 1 nortll unit tor HOit .Memorl•I HolPllll 11 • gene•tl flolpll•I tor 9J l(llle onedlc•t bed•, Hn· M. Moat Liit 120. Tr.ct 21'1,"n "'-Ofl M# c-fot1 Mir, c.lfenllll ft'IS MGTIC• Of' H9'A•I• Of' PntTtolll ._.. In hell n, P-"" n •lld T•h tn4J 61!-lln r.11: ,ltoeATa Of' Wl1.\. AMO l'OI 41 ol Mltceli.r-Ml9. OH~ll Publ!INd Or11111t (OHi D1!1Y Piiot, TT'St l TI STlMIJn'AltT R-8 of OttMI c-.tJ, Stiff tf Novlln'lbor I, I, 15, '2, "" 20JMt Erltle of MARY WRIGHT WADDELL C1llfll'nta. JORDAN, Otettllll. · T1""' ef 1111 ulll '" llwflll "'°""" .. LEGAL NcrrICE NOTICE IS HE•l!l'I" GIVEN ""' lllt Unltl'd ll•ln "" conflrrnl'llon "' ... 11. ' ----~~~~cc,----- ,,.,., WIOCllll Jonlln his flll'd Wein 1 or Nrt cllll Incl bllanu nldtnclll "° 1-"''''' •• IA<• llf'llfkwl for lfraltlft ef wllt Ind for nott HCUrtd bit Morlll19t or Trusl OMd l111.9nc9"' Lt!Hn T""""""'.,., " Plfl. Oft ""' """"" "° 1111111. Tltfl "' cent " NOTIC'I 0 , PUILIC SALa 'II_,, l'tftteflCI .. Wllldl It mMM flt lfftOVnt 11111 ft Ill *-lltd Will! bkl, furthlr "111eulll"I. 1n11 tll9t llM tl!M 11111 llldl or ~ tt bl In wrttl,,. t nd .iln •l9tt « l!Mrtnt 1111 $111111 l'lft IMlen Ht bl rtc:tlvtd lft ttw ......_kl eflk• •t •ll'f fir "-""' tt. IHt, 11 t;• '·"'"' In "" "'"-.tftt tM ""' Ollbllcltloll htrlof """ S'I" Lll N HOLO'llt ding construction of orDPOHd tdCllllOtl•I c~ If O..rtmn No. I cl Mid ti.fw'i dtlt of ..... ('Olll't, • 1W Civic C....... OrlW W•t. .. Dlltd tlllt Sitt dtY 91 Otteblt, 1Hf, .,. CltY ., Sefttl AM. Call .. 'fli.. £1rl Stanton Sfllllft p ..... DdDW" 2'. ,.... Mlfllllllt ... tot "' "" lltlll ~ ~ JOHN MA•rt :t,~,:r-m· MA•wooo. too:l ... ..., AOltl"IOM ............. ...... .. "......,. c;...., .,,..,. ·-........... . __, ..... Qi....... ..... ..,_., Ctllfwllill ""' r 11: m o ... 1111 ,.,, 1n•1 taaM ... .,.,,,..,. .... ,....,._, A"'""' "' ................. •. htll!lfllll or..... CIQI Otlly Piiot, Publl.i.d Or~ C-t ID1Hr l"llol, • ,...._.., 1, 1, a, 1Ht '°°"' Nevllmtlw I, :J. L 1• :MMD4f ';' LEGAL NO'l1CE LEGAL N011CE NOTICE IS HEJi.EBY Gllll!N 11111, ficllttln •I fM loelllon 01 th1 mtln Pll~nt lo 1111 ltw midi Ind l'tOVIOed, hotl>llll IM ..,,..,..19nld •Ill Mii -' _.rbllc •II<· NotJcf Is llertbv furtllff' olven tfl•I uld lkln. 11 45 :IOtll 'ft"fft, NMf9iprl llftdl, Pllblk llNrlnt wm be Mid on tilt 11:1 da.,-c1111wn11. •I 10 o'clock A.M., on Tlletdly, of November Ifft, 11 It'll tiour cl 1:00 ttw Uth d•Y of Novtmblr. tfff, Ille p M. In ttie Coundl Clllll'lbl1'5 o1 the tollowlfll d1Krlbed p.--rtv, 1-11: ~ lltcll CllY Htlt. •I w!llc!I time IMlllV Sl'lolJ "111"'"'"'-incl pl1ce tnY 11'111 •II --Interested llkl .... It tor '"" pu~ of ... 1111V11111 m•r iPPll!r """ 111 lleilrd lhff"--11.., of 1t1111ncllr1'9nlll tor tl>t P•~rntnl ol OOfl It. Adkl-. Storl9t. '°Ptlltt" wllll COJ!e ef •d-Secrt!ll"Y Nll'll'tlOrt ae•cl! .,-1rtl$lflll 1nd npentn of tele. cnv Pll,.,,,lnt Commlulon 011..r Novtmber 7, ,,.,, Pllblltlllll N-rt H1rbOI' N""1 Press W"'. A. ll1rtlloto.n1e. Jr., combined wllll 0111, Piiot, NewPCN'I Pvbtllhl'd Or-• Cont Dtll"1 Pllol. 8..u., c1111oml1, Novf'IAll« I. 11'6t NO'il'll"llltf' I. ltllt 21111_., 20t1_., LEGAL NO'l1CE LEGAL NO'l1CE By VERNON SC01T HOLLYWOOD (UPI) James Daly, who plays the hospital chief in l h e new "Medical Center" s e r 1 e :s , wants to leave the show. Divorced and living alone in a pleasant San Fernando Valley home, Daly is frustrated when he drive: the freeways to MGM studios for a day's work only to find that there is Jiu.le or nothing for him to do in the CBS-TV series. "All 1 do is answer the telephone," Daly !lays. The actor is amused when friends visit and remark that he has bought an "()Id" house. The th ree-bedroom home - with swimmliig pool -;-was built 15 years ago. His longtime residence in Suffern, N.Y., is a 200-year-old relic. ~1uch as he would prefer to ••SOLUTtOll ....... ,4 lur111dldlllll wllll Aki l9lltn' to oond!Kt ll!M l n"t' Pf'l"IOl'I ownlns •e•I pr_.ty SUPl!ltlOR COURT OF' THI! live in the east like many • • •UOLUTIOfll Of' TM'I CITY COUK-11111nn1111tlon ~I" PIO\i'ldecl for. with!" Ille llrtlt«Y ml"t' IDPNr btb"t STATE OF CALll'DltNIA FO• All•Ar Broadway and televo·so'on ... IM lellll1t1Ve bod• con«rnlnp ...,. writ-THIE COUNTY DI' OllANCiE ...... n; • Cl\. Oii' TM•·CITT °" COSTA MhA. MOW. THEltl!FOllE. IE IT ltESOLV· "" Pn:oltltt filed Pllr"tUl nt to Stellon llUO HI ........ m N>rformers, Daly has been •• CALIPOl:lflA. ltlLATING TO Alt-ED THAT IM Clry of Colli MIN of 1111 Govtr....,.nt Code. • H""OOMG o• Pl!TtTION .r-.-Jf'IU.TtOll °" UltTJ.I" Tlltt,.,.Y .... ,... ttl lnltnlloll ,. all • wiecltl PASSED ANO AOOPTEO INS 3rd u.,-NOTICE 0 C->O forced to move to Hollywood -:•lllOWlf At 9Aa( IAT "UMl•t 11 llldlln Ind fuftiltt" dlellrn If.-lnftnllort of Nonmb!f", !Hf FO• P•OIATE OF WILL ANO l'O• • tl'ltOYtotW POii A ••SOL.UTM* " ..,.,," Ille ql,lftllon of llVllUllott '° LeTTeltS TESTAMEJfTAll:Y where the work is. , • tAUIM POtt "'ICtA\. •LllCTIOll/ IN..,.. ntldlnt wllllln rt.. l'ff"rftory. A. L PINKLEY 1!st1ll of IOA C. BAILEY, OIOIMd. .·on.u!M ... ni• IVP,.Kll JtCT I E IT l"U•THElt ltESOLVl!O THAT Ml"l'or""' "" Cltr NOTICE ts HEREBY GIVEN Tiii! 5'>t . To say that Daly lives alone • .,-nri1 PntTI°" ••.U.n•• 11111 '"""'*'to tu11rn1t""-"""., -"'eo.11 M... 811'"' Golhlnt """tiled ,,.,,111 'llffltlon ls something of a misnomer. : a At O • L •CT IO 11 1 AN D llfU!lon fl "" tltdon. -betlld ~ AnEST· tor Pl'obtll ol' wllt 1nd kw bi111no1 fff '-HTUMl'llllllO THI ~Ult'90ICTIOll "" """'"' tllll "" IM"fttlon or """"" . Lelt«s Tnt-18.., to Ptlttlontr, At the moment the hcluse ill ::w'"" CfTT te ~•1,"o.u ~: dmlllltd •ncl 111ttmlntd ::.. tllt~lf'I> -' ~i1rK.c~':t:s:~Tt11t ~~= .... 10 .::i1~11'111e~me ":"n..i"';'~ also occupied by 19 dogs. His .. =~':t M = ::S:11t ~=:~Nlf•lldllrt rn1c1': Ctty"' c0m,t•,~,•M, ••••• 1 "' 11e1r1ng t11e semt "-• been set for two springer spaniels had lit-•-;t HE CITY COUNCIL OF THI! 'CITY 1fllltllln Ills ,.rtltolY. STATE '..,... I'" Nll'lft1'I"'"' tt, lfff.~at t ::JO 1.rn .. 111 11\e t A of 'thin f d ·o.r COST.A MESA. 'CALIFOltNl.1. DOS:S I I! IT FU•THElt R.UOlVED THAT COUNTY Ofl OlllANGE , courtrcom of D-rtl!llfll No. , "' ••11J M:.:rS pups WI a ew ays ..HERE•'f •OOLVE AS FOLLOWS: ttw City of CoJll Metl /Ill lc.trhlllldlon 11 CITY 01'" COITA MESA tu. cavrl, tl 700 Civlc Ctnltr W11!, In ll'lt Cl· of OflC another. .,.THAT WMf.ltllAS, Cll'"lllll "'1111111 w 1 C!lnduCtl,,. ""'"'to proc ... •1111 Mid I, C. It. l'ltll!IT, CllY Cltrt of !hi (lty IY of 51nll An1, C1llfornla. Daly forgot anything he ]earn- ed about cooking. In an emergency he'll fix himse1! a bite to eat, but he prefer~ to dine at nearby restaurants. His daughter Tyne lives in Southern California with her actor husband George Brawn. '111ey and their daughter, Elizabeth, 2, are frequent visitors on weekends, and Tyne pampers her father with home-cooked meals, although Daly says, "Tyne is a better actress than cook." He has two other married daughters, Pegeen and Glynn, both of whom live in the east. Hi,s son, Timothy, 13, lives with his mother and visits his father during the summer. Daly looks forward to the time spent with Tim, taking him to the beach and on outings in the mountains. Because he isn't as busy a s he'd like to be on the medical series, Daly bas become one of the most dedicaled readers in Hollywood. He can be found with a book in his bands at heme, in his dressing room ()f ()n the set. · "I want out ol this series as soon as possible," he says. "No matter how m uch they pay an actor, be isn't .happy unless he's busy Working on the set. I bave never been so hurt in do somethlng ·to belp, bit U'• { my llte. I love my brother bopelen. YDDI' belt. bet ii te very much and I know Mom abew yoor 11.dy love tldl co&.. ( and Dad will be crushed If umn. teU ber y oo wrote the they d()n't get to go to the Jetter and agk ber wbat SHE la 1 airport to meet him. I'm sure going to do aboat It? ' Lem was in a depressed mood f and not Urlnking straight when DEAR ANN LANDERS: For he wrote that letter. the first time in my life I u;. I have every intention of perienced the death of a mem· ( going to the airport and ber of my immediate family. bringing Mom and Dad be-The relative w"'as my mother cause l think it is the right and I am her sole heir. thing to do. It's as simple as My mother managed htr \ that. Please tell me you think own affairs. I had oo Idea :I 1 am Tight. -BLOOD I S where she did her banking, ) THICKER THAN WATER what she owed. who owed her.} DEAR TWCKER: Sony, I what she did with her good can't tell you I th.I.Dk yoa are jewelry, if she~had any cash ~ right., because. I thin k you are tucked away, who carried her (' "·r ong. It'• u simple as that. insurance, where the policies were, her social securily / number, h er status w 1 l h '\ Medicare. I had none ()f the in-~ formation I needed. Wane ~ yet, her lawyer bad died three months ago and his records were in terrible shape. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am Mr. Average American - three children, a rllce home, small mortgage. Since plenty of wives sound oil in your space, I hope yoo'IJ give a hus- band equal Ume. I'm fed up on my wife bluf- fing her way through life by calling herself a housekeeper. Our house Jook.s OK at a glance, but don't open a closet ()r a drawer, or look under the bed or in the refrigerator, or go to the basement. My wife doesn't cook, she de-frosts. She's the world's best can-opener and is a very good customer or the carry-out place down the street. She doesn't press much either - almost everything ls drip dry ()r Perma-press. H ow does a man g~t his.wife to pay more attention W the house? Nothing is ever in the same place twice. I have just about blown my mind lookinf for a stamp to mail this let. ter . -DISENCHAN'J'.ED ED DEAR ED: I see you. found r bad always (ell un-) comfortable about discussing ) financial matters with my mother for. fear I might ap-) pear eager fc.-inheritance. 1 was foolish and unrealistic. l Your cohqnn has helped ine from time to time and l hope this letter will help you to help others. -IGNORANCE INC~ l DEAR INC.: Yottr letter serve1 . a dual parpoee. It re m.lads lhoae who bave Ill e state to Inform tbe next of ) km of the vital detalll. It allO \ points up the. need for die ae.xt } o l kin to Inquire U the b> formation iJ DOt vohmleutd. \ H-wrn rou k-Wlll!n 1t11 rttl / 1t11;: cornn aloll!!? Ask Ann Ltrdl~ ~~ f:' T":1~ ~gfff~"::. 91" ~1 » ) c~nt1 In coin 11'1d 1 lont. gf{.MSdrfMld, sllmi>eG tnVtlOft wl!h vwr req1,111I. I Ann L1nder4 wrn be 11111 to MIP you / Wl!h 't'<Mlf Ptotllemt. $a>ncf """" to btr Jn care of 1M DAILY FILO,., l'llCklillll 1 seJt...-rnsect1 ttllT!ii.o mvtklPI. •1 r ~'{;; Jouth Coast Repertory l j "Funniest Show ()jjered b11 0. C. Theatre this year ••• " Tom Titus, D. P. E' 111ont -'1 .. ..._ 1nneullClll "' .,,. a1ee11on, 111 15 pnrvldld IOI'" 1n StcHen ol' C01t1 Mill u tt-offlckt Clll"k "' Ille 011e11 NovHnblr •· ltM "One was planned and the 10 ""' city ., Corti """ h•.,.. Ull• "' 1111 Govtl'"nlllllll Coclt"' tfMI s1111 CllY Councll ri1 ttie City at cost• "'"'' w. E ST JC1t:!!"1• cou11t1 cirnr other wasn't," Daly says "A FUNNY THING HAl'PINED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM" "Making m 0 vie ll ()r 1127 Nt!:WPOll:T I LVO .. ftHr HI,..., f ,/ television is dull enough if •'15EPVATIOHS·IHFOIMATIOM-Mt-UU You've gol a lot lo do. But "Wln~I• .,,. PooflH -OELIGHTl'UL St• CHtL D•'IN'S TH ll!ATlt • lllndlp 11l:OI 111111 2:11 ""'' Clll ftf" •..-vtllln1 when yoo sit around your l':;~=;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dressing room a s much as 111 do, it drives you up the walls." cOll"IPlllll •n4 tlltd 1111r1111n1 i. Ste· r1t c..111ornl1 ~rlbr nrtlfr tfllt "" 1boff 1nc1 to.._ Me~. Sodttl a --. .., "11'"' ,,_. ~-nt Codtr I nd ee IT Fi.IRTMElt i REIOlVED THAT ina ltnolu!IClll No ..... 1, Wll d111'r Ind P, o. BOX 1"7• ruefully "I 'll sell the '•WHE.ltl!AS. ttw City CIM.lnCll of tllt City 11t1dllll htrtto. mtrked Ellhlblt "AH tlld reo11brlr lf••Mlll tl'ld tdoPltd bv 1119 City Nl'WJO"f S11dl, C1lltoml1 '"" " ·., COSIT Mn.I llndl i nd c11clirt1 tlllt Mid bit t1111 11P1Clflc ,~ t!lld• " "" council "' t11t City of co111 MIM •' • Tt'I• 1n41 4-M-lSlJ purebreds and give the seven ltriltlOOI or"'""'"' 1,.. '"""'bit NII 1tu llll'IOI, 11 • ,,,.. 111ow11111 1119 tiounc11r1et ret1111r mMlln11 111ereor held on lh• 3rd "''°"""'' tw Patlllollll'c , 0 10 Piiot mutts away." 'IJl9n ~ or 1111 Qllllltled 11~0,.. of 1111 ,,_.,.,.to bl •nn••ed, Wlllc:ll ukl dlr ol' Nov!'A"lti.r, 1•6'. Pub!lshod D<an,, Oii • Y • •...i1111N wltlll" 1111 teri'ltory ft bl 1~ 1nn1•1tlorl ..,,. .. be dnltrlllltd 11 h dt: tM WITNEll WHEREOF, I Ila"" Nowmber I, lD, l5. l96' )0'9~ After 20 years Of marriage ••rldJ 9nd Sly No. 1 lltrtunto 111 mY Miid Incl tlll•l'd !ht ~ .. .:a·wHEll:EAS. Mld Htlll-'"'*' .,,. ·1E 1r i'u1tTHE1t 11:ESOLVEO THAT, "'1111 Cltv o1 C01t1 MIHI, 11111 ""lltY ot LEGAL NOTICE 1-------------------------~·""" to Ille City of Cost• MBI/ Incl llffrl,,. 111111 "' Ill Ill no! 1111 thin '"· Nnemlltr, 1H•. 1-------------1 . WME•EAs. 111111 Htltlon IH" Jlt'tttl-tee!I CUI dl"fl nor ,,..... ltllft fOrt'I' («I) ' c. I(. Pll:tEST lU"t!:•IOlt CDU•T 01' Tiii! iirt tutlkltnl 1n •II 1.-ctt llU.....,tfll to 4..,1 tltlH" 1tl1 H• .. M f/I tlllt rKOlullon City Clerk ll'ld 11t.oflkkl Cieri! STATE O" CALIFORNIA 1'01 Stctlon JS!l• « 1111 GovfltlllMlll Cllde1 11'111 flllt seld httrlnl k .et for ll\tl lit of 1111 City COUOICll ot ll>t CHY THE COUNTY O FO•ANGE 'tnld dl"f llf Dlcl'!Plbtf', lHf, 111111 IQir of 7;)0 of COlll M ... , C11!hltnl•. No. A4-IJH WHERl!At. "" Nllllof\ ., 9.tltlClllt fl~ ,..rn. .• , "" COllnell Cfllmbl!!rt, 77 Ftlr Pub11shtd Or•-COid D1ltr "tlol, NOTICE OF MEARING OF' "IETITIOH ... ""'"' tll• CltY"' COlll """'ttl1blllll on..., COii• MIM. C.Ufotnlt, '' Wf!ldl Novtmblr L '"' ~' FO• PROIATI! OF WILL AHD FOR t.ETTE•S THTAMENTA•Y Crossword P11zzle 19 .. 456 -~~ .. ... - '"' Et l•te of PHIL IP s. OMOtlUNDllO. Also k-ts Phlllp Sl!lbutn OmollU""'O. Also k--n IS Ptlilip Sllll'ITlln Clrnohll~ ACROSS d'No~~s HEREBY GIVEN ,.,,,, 1 lrrtsp011slbl t Rodd Kelsr/' .,.., Hi.cl 11ertln 1 Hlllloli pefson tot probttl! of wlll and tor lswanc• IJf/ • Root11 to Letl't,.. Tes11ft'lentarv-1o Pettti-1. s wino • ·-: rllf~ lo wtlldl 11 """"' lot turtllef" Nttk\li...., 1nd '"'' the timt i nd ,.i.ce Z words of hfar(nt "'* Ult'lf ..... *" "" tor 10 Nickname rot Nowmblr 21. lfff, 11 t:30 1.m .• In i.... Antoinette courtroom of Dfl'l•rtmMI No. 3 of .,.1111 I< C •• d I court. 11 100 Civic i:en~ Orlve West, In auo e ra 1111 citv of Sant• A,... c11110!'"nl1. feature D.i"f<I No.,....,ber 1, lfft 15 Broadway w. E. ST JOHN, tole (111,1"'.,-Clerk 1(1r1 '"· 011w, lb Norse god ~,. SOut1111v1r1Y Ori...., 17 lsoliled •-tr HU11, Ctlll. "211 hlll Ttlt UlU 211·5111 J! New --··• AlllH"MY tor P1tllltlllf' Publl1lltd Ori"'" Coest Dl'll"f "llot, ZO A Id's NOYember •. 10, 15. ltllt 20ID-6' partner ---'--------1 21 Kind or LEGAL NOTICE I music fan ---.-,-,-,.-,-Tc0~,c,c,-0-,,c0c,-,---I.. 2Z Pronoun SUPERIOlt COUll:T 01" TH• Z3 Negative STAT'I 01" CALll"OltNIA .. o. I answer THl!I COUNTY 01' OllAM•• 25 Gnarled ....... ~ E1t1te " EMMA l.DUJSI! WHITE 27 Socl1I SIMONIAN. •lie k-" EMMA affairs LOUISE WHITE. tlio llnoWn II EMMA 30 In atfdititMJ LOUIS" SIMONIAN, 1llo ~ II I!. L 'J. _<••IO,' SIMONIAN, It.I ·-M LOUISE SIMONIAN, Dtcffsfd. 2 words NOTICE 1$ HEll:ESY CNEM "' 11\t )2 Mont)' cm11or1 ot fht! 11t111Y1 n•rnH Olndenl !Nt 111_._111v11111 c111m1 19111111 tllt J substitute .. 14 clectdlnl ••• re<111lred to till "-"'• 34 Kind ol w1tll 1'111 neeen1rv voud'M!"*-In tM ottlce I horst of tM clerlt: o1!tie11:1o¥1 entlttect ceurt. or 38 Peel 1o llft.ent 1'IN!m. ""'"' tfll necns1,..., ~. io 1111 11tw1eu11M11 11 cfa 1 40 Numbtr Ellln. 11r1noer. M.,.... • Srnllll, Post 42 Soll Offk• Bo• ""' Ne'#POl"t BiKfl. 43 Certain C1t!fonl\I ""3, Wllkl'I h the lltct oJ tovtlneu ol' ttie uncllnlllntd '" 11t m1111r• officers -1•1nln9 to tM u1111 of ukl Ol<edlnt, 45 Overly wllt'lln lollr months''"' tfle 11rs1 11ut11iu. Inquisitive tlan of lllil notltt. Oeted Odotier 21. lNt. person f<l1nr;y Whit• T1mb1Yn 47 Three: ~8 Part of the head :i O Refused lo accept change: Z words SZ Hollywood hopeful Sb More ancient 57 Alder tree: Scot. 58 Puts out 60 C1talrst amount 63 Have fun: Z words 65 .Above: Comb. form bO Suave b7 HaNest b8 Sports pa lac• b9 On the sh,ttered side 70 Advantage 71 Fllrty - DOWN l Ancient Ar1bl 1n klngdr.111 Z Soclal organlr atlon ) Parklng lot emp loyee 4 Entangled 5 Before 6 P erfu11 1t' s E•ttClll•b:. of t111 '""" Prefix ol tflf llloW ,..llWO decelle nl n-T<.,T'"'Tl'"'""-•tLI .. I AlllANOl!llt, MV-.ltS a SMITM \Ml wattc•fl' or1-... S1lll Murnbt1 JIL l'.O. IOI Utt. r LU(Wp ,.,~······­····-··-··..------·i- ' SACX BAY Ng I ANNEXAT/()N. l-"(1t6Vl8aO 6~11·•'1) 'TYi TMI ''"' #' C#711 H'"'\ otU~A . 69.# At:lftt ~ ••tell, C•llftmll n"I Tlh (n4) ..U-1»1 A!MrM\'"I for 6•~11friC P11bll,IM!d Ot111111 COlll tltllr Pllof, N-bll'" 1, I. 1.S. 2t, l'Nt ~ LEGAL NO'l1CE ·-StJl'l!ltlOll cou•T 011 ,.HI STATFO,."Cltil.tl"O•,.IA l"O• TKI! COUNTY 01" OUNOI NI, .A~)W • NOTICI 01" HIAIUMO O" PITITIOJf ,Olt PRClATI 01" WILL ANO COOICI\. A"D ,.Oil LITTlltl TIS,.,,_ MIMTAJl't' E1l1tt of INfl WILLIAMS. 0«.Htf'd. NOTICE IS HE•EBY GIVEN T~tf THEltESA FOUltlOH lwtl fllld l!lttln I petjflon for H*'9 of Wiit Ind (allttl Ind lot iMlltnCI (!If Ltthlf'I Tttll-tl'l"Y to "" l>tllllon.r, rtffr9'!C'I te Wflkll It ""'" f'Of f!,lrtlltf Pfrtlea\11"1. tn4 tllll lt'lf llfPot Incl 11KI OI hurlnt It'll ttmt lltt bllft Ml IOI" NOV'tfftbft 21, ,,.,, •• •:• '·"'·· In !llt ceort,_, tlf 0.!Mlf'lrMnT Ht. I OI 111d courl, ti 700 Civic Ctnltf Drfvt Wnl. UOffl"erlV Wttl EIOlllll S""11 Ill !llt CllY of Slftt• Ant, ~!INWlllA, Ottlll Dclollt<" )\, ltft. W. 11. ST JOHN, CCMlty Cle1ll. Nllt. I. lllAt•l ns fnt Ml1ilon Orf.,., Sult• A Sift Ollllorltl, Ct111-'1r1' 't•h IUJJ 21~21'1 A~for4'1tlllDMt ~_,.._, ____ _, ___ ":° __ ,_ _______________________ ! P11blt!ollld Ot1nt1 Ctfrt 0.!ly Pilot, • NllWl'nMf I, S ... IM '642"' ~-----------~ • .. I ''° Vesletday's Puzzle Solved: • • 11/8/69 8 Run ---; 3b "Cone With Lose con tro l: the Wind" Ivar home ' Patty to a )7 Skip lease • 39 Bambf, for one agreement 41 Implements 10 Flax fibers 44 E1stt1n 11 Versifltt or weslfm lZ Place for US city a bust 4b Legum• 1 3 Signed a feature conb"act 49 American 1 •Condescend patriot 21 Thus 51 Resttved 24 Force SZ S. Pacific Z6 Work Island group 27 Weathtr· !j) Way through rnan's WOl'd the bush J:B Lamb's 54 Joint nlckname 5S Ready to ·29 Advtrtisin; retire media 5, Stetp D Kind of rugged rock; p-intin; 61 Forwarded platec b2 Platter '5 lndreorous: 64 Observe 2 words 65 Weaken 11/1161 l ill M11"'y El,, l1nc1ll1r i11 Wclft D""1'• "RASCAL " (G} .... P1t1r Ustinov S1111nn1 P111"•fl1 "BLACKBEARD'S GHOST" (G) J•panese Movies Ev•ry Tuesday Night T" of Walt Diuey'1 ... t "DARBY O'GILL AND THE LITT LE PEOPLE" (G) ... "PETER PAN (G) I' . ... ...... "'-C-. "'""'• 0 • l 11•11:aw1 l it• MinMUi W1"d1ll lurton "THE STERILE CUCKOO" (Ml .... 1:41 '·"'· -,.. ,, J1tl l1mmoft W1lt"•r M1th1u "THE ODD COUPLE" IK0111....--hr A411hs ....................................... h ch11ift o,..... c..., ...,.,.. . ........ • Mltll11l C1in1 l tur1nc1 Ollvi1r J "THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN" (G) · ' . s.o .. et l 1JO p.-. -rt• ~ :.I'll :Jo"ft W•yn1 D1vid J1nl1111 -"THE GREEN BERETS" (G) ' Sk-n et 6:JO n4 11 iOO p.a. .... -.-.....•.• ~ ............. .. "THE COMIC" (Ml • Diel "'" Dy•• Michelle Lat D••id N iv111 "'•n• Keri~• "'BEFORE WINTER COMES" ~ ' ••••••••••••• a. s11s ... " J CAILOAD • ..... M•~ •rMllMf'llllllll "THE DIRTY DOZEN" ••• J•-o..rn..-"GRAND PRIX" } ~ ( I I i l I .J ·' 1 1 I " • -t I 1 _, ' I 'l • ' i 'I I ' ' I l •• ,, " ~ I i I I ! ' j \< 't I ~ • ., ., ~~ ·' '· I I ~ I ' I ·--~~··· .. ~.-. .-;.~ . ::.;;~-... -... -,. --.. --,...,,. ----·-..----,.--. . -.-,;--.--~ -. " Pilot Logbook ~Forsyte Saga' .... -'• .... British Bundle. -By roM BARLEY 01 "" Dll'1 ,, .... lft ft • MY .wile and I knew all about "The Forsyte Saa•" Ione Wore Channel 21 d<cided lo acmn the Brltlah Broad-. -caaUng Corporation's classic series .. _ Letters from home, the BriUsh papers to which we "11Ubscribe and the comments of more recent 1nivall to >-these shores aU gave us an urge to see this mucb hailed .ilitreening of the Galsworthy classic, "The Forayte JChronicles." ~) . . ~ You've _probably _ read or he a rd something of t b e ·,nullabaJoo that followed ils showing in Britain. Churcbe1 "'bad to resch~ule their services to accommodate their Forsyte-hungry congregations, the s a g a went through a ~ series of reruns and the film was aold to no fewer than 42 nations. Members or the cast got r a n mail in volumes that would make a Hollywood star's letter box look like the recipient of a Sunday delivery. Their "Forsyte" ldentiUes dillodged their own and they were saddled with Images that a grateful public simply will not relinquish. Phenomenon, yes, but a happy, a very, very happy phenomenon for '"' · everyone. Equally phenomena! to us is the reaction of friends ·~d neighbors who watched the series' first episodes on '"television. We're became used to that delightful American ·&abit whereby we are linked> with any British production lhat comes along and immediately asked our opinion of ~fl presentation. .:.~. Time after time we are asked : "Are you watching the Fonyte Saga? Isn't it marvelous? You're British, ao tell lne, what makes it so popular?" • ( · NOW SOME PEOPLE seem to have a hard time 11nswering that questlon•including members of the cast and 11ts producers. At least they haven't hit on what l feel to be .the key to this splendid production's popularity. , I think it lies in the stressing, through a faithful reproduction of the Galsworthy clll88iC, of the qualities 'that are so missing from our lives today: honesty, prihciple, 4Uvalry, courtesy and pride. Now this Is not to say that Victorian society was the :model on which we should immediately base the conduct of :our af!airs. We quickly outgrew and remedied, thank God, .Mlli!h conditions that led to the grinding poverty of the day and a class structure that was almost as rigid in the heyday Of Virtoriana as it was in the days of Dickens. But the qualitiu of which I speak have not, to my mind, survived the passage of time and I think that the observa- tion is as true of America as it is of my native Britain. We have, tragically, laken such giant steps forward in the field of social progress and yet forgotten to carry with us those ;qualities which are not allied to those same social issues. -YOU CAN'T FUT a political label on honesty, principle, fchiva lry, courtesy o.nd pride. 'Fhey should be there whatever '1'e environment and t think it ls our great loss that we loot aiound. us lo<!lay and find th"11 very much absent. . . ' --. -. Whatever you feel abOat Soames Forsyte and :IOMe of ibis grasping clan. ho~·ever you may react to a rigid class 11Structure that bars a man for the sin Of loving another '.woman and however much you Condemn a system that 'virtually made a woman man's chattel, you have to concede ;one thing: the "Forsyte Saga" brings home very clearly a message th at ought not to be lost on UWl inad, hurrying and iutterly selfish society of ours. ;·:-They were not, or course, the good old d~ys. But they "'ere days when a gentleman knew how to speak to 1 lady, when personal feelings were not alowed to interfere 1'ith the conduct or a public conversation and when a f ~er was. invariably allowed .to conclude what he had to ~ w:lthout interruption. ' . They were days when the glery or the English language ras not tarnished with the mud and slime or the slang·rid- J!led garbage that ev_en creeps into our newspapers and ~hich is hailed as part or the new "industry ot com- )nunications" -whatever that means. r "We'll build you a time machine and take you back Jhere and then see how you like it," a pre.!s room colleague Commented. " -Not a bad idea. Not a bad idea at all ... ~ J ACADEMY AWA IDS ~~#i J . ~--1 l'Ef€ROTOOL€ loolwuN€H€PBUKN i ~ :meUONJNWIN1n ---- ! ••••••••••••••••• Disneyland 1111 be OPEN Veterans· nay 111. IOV. TI 10 1.m .... 8 I.ID . ... __ ........... , ..... Ballet Co. Slate Set . 'Only Game' Opening John Ferzacca and Joan Wulfson play a romantic sceqe from "The Only Game in Town," opening a fi ve-night-Only run Tuesday at the Laguna-MoUlton Play· house. Ferzacca also directs the .Frank Gilroy comedy. Lyric Opera Rep Troupe Sets Debut The Lyric opera associa- tion's new repertory company will make its debut at a gala opera program with two perfonnances at 3 p.m. and 4:45 p.rn., Sunday, Nov. 16, in the L aguna-Moult o n Playhouse. T h er e is no admission charge for the concert, ac· oording to H. Jean Bedell, Lyric Opera president. However, those wishing to at.- tend must make reservations by mail to Lyric Opera, P. 0. Box 514, Laguna Beach, in- dicating which perfonnance they prefer and enclosing a self-addressed, s ta m p e d envelope for return of tickets. Reservations are limited to 35 0 seats for _eac_h perfonnance, according to Velma Sun, Lyric Opera ex- ecutive director. "Ticket re- quests will be filled in order of teceipt until capacity Is reached," Mrs. Sun said. The afternoon program will consist of excerpts from "Cosi Fan Tutte" and "Carmen " ,plus a short version or "La Boheme." All will be sung in English, with costumes, stag- ing and orchestra. The Nov. 16 date, Mrs. Sun noted, "will be the first time singers and an orchestra will be heard in the new Laguna- Moulton Playhouse." The orchestra will be pr~ vided through the cooperation of lhe Musician's Trust Fund of the Recording Industries. Establishment or the new Lyric . Opera repertory com- pany was made possible by grants from the Laguna Beach Festival or Artll and the Irvine Foundation. Artistic staff for t h e repertory company_ includes Euaene Ober, conductor; James Law, mu&ic coach; Jack Coleman, vocal coach; Henry Reese, stage director; Walter Matthews, d r a m a coach; Lynne Morris, dance coach; and Bert Pe ttey, cos- tume deslgner. Betsy Ja_go is company manager. Bo~king Opera 'Tomm y' Tops in Britain . NEW YORK (AP) -"See me, feel me, touch me, heal me," Tommy asks the world again and again. This deaf and blind English lad is the hero o( the first rock opera, "Tommy," performed by the Who this w«k at the Fillmore East. Tommy becomes a pinball champion, then a messiah, in two d_ozen rock songs, most of them written by P et e r ToWnshend. He's the Who's guitarist, who dubbed the work "rock <lpera." It's not really opera. The English quartet takes turns with the role of Tommy and divides the minor roles. But Huntington Casts Pla y Of Murder "Tnvilation to a Murder," a thriller by Rufwi · King in which a woman invites a man to kill her-and he ac· cepls-will be the next pr~ duct.ion at the Huntington Beach Playhoose. Directed by Phil DeBarros. wh<Jse last directorial assign· ment at HunUngton Beach wa! the equally chilling "Dracula," the play opens Nov. 21 for a five-weekend run. Cheri Sumrow, Annabelle Quigley and Ron Lambert take the principal roles in this story of a doctor who buries bis Wealthy patient alive. Completing the cast are Ted Berlin, Richard Wood, Bill Moreland, John PhJlllps, Pat McLemore, Miriam Kaiser and Bill Dunham. P a u I Sullivan is handling productWn and set design, with Les Hart in charge or sound and lighting. "Invitation to a Murder"J;=;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::=:;::: will play Fridays and F--... ---··-----Saturdays through Dec. 20 at ~ ·o· SOUTH COAST the playhouse, 2110 Main St., -PLAZA THIEATRll: Huntington Beach. Advance 271 reservations are be.Ing taken San Dileo Prww111t lrtatol • 546-I at 53H861. A IOaeh O'lllarneJ ud I heap O'Matle IT'S NEW I XCLUllYI A•U. SHOWIN• fOI ADULTS ONLY Wol,a I man part •. ~-a •=• ._.,_ ®"T *"I -lLSO PLAltHoG-- "HOW TO SIDUCI A ,U.YIOY" ' HI Kids! • .., ....... '" -hll't fMf'lt ......... Sito• -Scn•tclctf H••· 11 -1 l!JG it·"'· Saturday, HMmbtr 8, 1%9 s ' •Now· Enda Tuoldoy• Tho Now Slulor from Swec:ltn - • P1111110r1 IQlllCGUI:::..-./ Alw .. "ONE OF THIS YEAR'S BUTEi MOVIES! FIUllY, Romantic, Toucllille!".w....,.,_ 'D~ll'DYs Go"Nc ~-HUl\l'Til\Ki --- ..... to:VAN DVKf '""""LEE l4cxfy ROONEY ~Color~ "Daclc!J'• ·Gone A Hu~tlng" l"ATRIUIPH! I 1HE 11811 Oii OF . ,,...~ . .,.._CfTNE , . .,,,,,_. __ . ~ ' . . ,,..,.,..... !..._,,llliUZA ~ Ml ACAllBjY AWAl"'W .,._,..._ r . ..._ :=-.r,•auv•iJu · ___ ...... ., , .. ilil)IMf ... ... ... .. '. TllATlllfMI Pill ... ,.. lfAlll• -..... __ _ J t _ ......... ' '(- ~ ~ • l ' • ' ' • • ' • ' • • . . •, : . :· . • •, =· :· . . .. • . . .: .. • :: • . . . . . . . . • ·~' ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ·! ·, ~ • ' . . . . . • . . . • . ' i ! • ~ t ~ , • . . • . • ' • . . . ' • • • . •, • • ' :· " • • oRANGE 'co::cHARGEt HEADQUARTERS ~ 11111 19io CHARGER NEW IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Full Factory Equipped XH29COG12349 lllW . . .... 19,70 DODGE . CORONET DELUXE 2-DOOR FUUY FACTORY EQUIPPED • •• WlflCOl!IOlm • . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY " LARGEST SELE~TION OF CHAtLENGERS IN SOUTH~RN CALIFORNIA . 1::1 1970 CHALLENGER . . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • . ' $278 8 $96 $96 s39:~ PAYMENT $89 TOTAL I MONTHLY PAYMENT CHOIQ OF COLORS -IMMEDIATE DELIVERY i~ilc'8l,'=.· i~ J • ~ ' • ' TOTAL PRICE · + TU • Lit. $·2588 $26 88 s93 s93 ·; ' ' ' ~ I ' ONE PRICE SALE TOTAL PRICE + Tu • lie. TOTAL PRICE +"'IL.. ''"' -••YM'' , .... -""' .._.. ANNUAL PlllCINTAff RATS 11.m'. $2 388 .~~~I~ s12 Tot II Down P1ylionl .. "' I .J" Toti Monthly P1ym1nt ~--------------------. . ·::~0 1970 DODGE MODEL A-100 VAN Full Fodory Equipped. A-12MOUI06l55 IMMEDlATE: DEllYERY . 'PRICE $ 2 3 8. ·-a· TOTAL ,:+rAx . . . . .. & LIC • '86 Plymoulh ::.:..• V4 1U'IWM!lc. r I If l .. ..... , ••• , 11wt1119, Wlllle ••ff "'"' budl.t we11o ITHIC ta:l. TOTAL ma s7 99 + Tn &. Lie. '66 Mastang :.":;. .. .., ... l'IM!w, bl.ldllt _, .. fullr ,_ctoty -IP"4. ITEZ lfO). TOTAL 1'1:1CI s7ss +Tu I. Lk. ' '88 R1•lw .... ;,:;'". v~ IVtorMlk tr•"'·· , .. ,,. .. l'llt!W. f..:tvn t it ~ (W,UY '7•k TOTAL NICI $78 '86 Pl,.alb = . V.f MllO!Mlk. 'tw I r i1a ttrt .. nodit.. l'IHI•. II.Ill ... .. TOTAL PllCI YOUR CHOICI OF 0ANY OF THI AaOYI USTID CAU AT THESE · LOW, ,. Down ,. Monthly •21 Total ·2· ·a Totol LOW JERMS P1,_i ·P.,-t .. " TIM "'"" ....,. N'l'm.,.., m " ""' 1"81 '"':'~ ,...,,,_, lllei.dlM IP. lj~M ..,,,. -11 dtl"l'ltll_ cN"" "' ~ u.dlt tor onlr ~ ll'IO!lltlt r, If }IOV " ""' ~ tM lull Ollll lll"lct•lt on,,. OM ll'ICIUdlll ...... ~. °"'"-' '"""n.:GrL1\.&11Pm~rin~r:.--m"""° . '68 Dodge °'"GR . '88 Dodge Dart ~-:- ~Ji\'.::t •19sa =~ =.: ... 1aa ,50U> sr.u rviw '1.i . GOL~ll rw,.F IKI I &rand Now 1970 Dodge 1 .. nd Now 1970 Dodge Madel A· I DO Yin UTILITY PICKUP Full Factory Equipped A-12AAOu106355 .' . Full Factory Equipped. D13A80S1CM7tS. IMMEDIA n DEllvtRY IMMEDIATE DRIVERY •23· ~a· a ~~itt •2211· · . . tlr~ .. TOTAL PRICE tl~~ ...-, -BEFORE YOU BUY -- . A· USED CAR ANYWHERE lliow.the dealer niy ...,.iit .. and ask II he Ian lilatch ltl If net, ceme lnte HAHOR DODGE -II••• of the GOLD iTAR GUARANTll • /J0 t Swicl, .oWNER-GENIRAL MGR • I IJOO/o UlfCOIDITIOIAL A . GUARANTEE W LOOK fOl TH£ GOLD STAR IN THI WINDSHllLD For yoUr prolection 1'00% UncOnditlonal Guarantee -This Star st'at· es in' writing tha t Harbor Dodge gua~antees the' car 100% against mechenical ·defects for 100 days or 4,000 miles whichever comes first 1ffer purchase. This includes all mechanical parts, electrical tquipment, battery, speedometer, radio, heater on all cars. This guarantee covers all parts and labor from bumper to bumper absolutely-free to you. t 1.1.1 ;1 l ,f l l TOfAl n1c1 + Till .. uc." TOTAL n1a + T1i • lit. -----• FLEXIBLE FINANCING-EASY TERMS '&8 PIJlllOUIL ..... ..!'.. .... '87 Pl-..... _...., 11,1 • Ill ___ ,. , •••• 11ta F11t & accur1te cnilit 1ppronl, covrttow Fh11nc1 M1n1gen on tluty 1t in tlm11 ::.:.:::-.:::."~1588 .::-::~:;.:.~1 388 .J LOW PAYMEN. TS 90LD tiAll CVFD M ti,_ {YMK IS'I. ' TOTALPmCI .; •• UL TOTALPllCI .,...... ./ EXTENDED TERMS 81 Ford W1pa C.:.,'-; .... ,.. v.e,.~....., "'-·· ...,. . ""''l' •OW IP lll'licel r1cll" tiHllP, _,.,Ill WIU I~, .. "'9-r'llciw Pldle. "'-tlJI. ' TOTAL PllCI sass . . +Tn a ue. '87 lerc. toa• 0 " '88 Polllilo ._. 2°0.-. M.T. , l'ffa $·~*.::'.:::: 1·488 :.!.,"!o.~:.:":; s1 oae """I Wiii tlfft. GOLD 1tM11111, ,... """'· ) STA • 1uvvn h. -ITSN ml . • ... TOTAL PllCI + Taii, Uc. ' TOJA&.~Plla • +· ,..; , U&. BRAND NEW 1970 DODGE UTILITY PICKUP Full, Factory·:&tiCPI.•~· 011{1~!~725 • . · ~: • . . . IMMEDIATE DElltVlll¥ ' . • · · $"2 2' s·'. -s~ i!r~;- & LJC. .. ,_ · '88 ford Y-1, •~tcm1tlc, •I• condl- tlolllnp, -tltet'lnt, ,.. l!lo • llH~.1. "'1l1tw1H lorn. {SIA lu1. ' TOTAL PRICE '&&· Chevrolet '-· '""'· cs"9'-s'" 8' ... ......... ...... ,~ '988....... . . tw.ttr, -•'-1nl. . '"11119 Miii fir-. . - lVWUUI.'· "'t . '87 VOLKSWAGEN ' -· .... . ....... s9aa· bucket Nib, Whit. Wiii tlrn. ITYl1t2). TOTM n rc1 + Tu • Lie. TOTAL l'RICI + T1~ i.'Lic. '65 Ford LTD ~.z ::!!~,"·/~·pa~~':!~ s9· as· . ts. llteler, wtilt1 ~II tlPn, rldlo. COWV :MU . . TOTAL PRICE + T•ll' "'Lie. YOUR CHOICI OF ANY OF THE AaOYl .. UJTIQ. CARS . r Down Monthly AT 'THESE LOW s35 Tot1I s35 Toto! LOW TERMS Plyment . .. P1ymont \' . ~ .,. ""'~'9'" ~ •AY•'""·v '"IJ.<r.•~.119.~'"f' "'~rJ "!i\YDI" ,~~'~ j:iJH ""kvCAcASM,~~~EC~t~~ECArH' til'!~il IS ~Hl Q'"tiRo1.«>0~H~\NUDING ¥f~Tr.fb <t'lll'AlflFEoll. ~E 1t1te.o PAY,.,EHT P11.1ce 1s 11uo LUDl°NG Al IHTEll.E)' , TAX AHD ~si:e11. •N~AL l'I _ NTAOI llA I 1'.14" ;, •&1 Pont. GTO ~::. '68 Dod~:,"' . .......... , .. ""'" 11988 ... "-""' ..... 688 llP•·• PHI&, M i ler. • -la. conlOI&. IYVH OIJ GOLD STAii. ()(HX''4'1 TOTAL PllCI +Tax.~ TOTAL n1c1 + T,x' Lie. '87 Chemlet:::::"'· =~:::r.,~..,~ ~13'88 GOlO STAil IYGZ l!fl TOTAL PllCI +Tn &Lk. '88 Fori G1IL '" '"''· ... "" ·-... ,. i1 iJ8s· • ,_!tr, -1t..!119o _,.,11.wtll Urei. fllTC Xl21 TOTAL NICI . ' • • ' I ' . ~·· ' ,.,. .. . ------------~-----------....--------. - •• '1 • . ~ -.. . - ~;;:;."'~~i J ~~ .. - ..... 2 . : \ .... ' . I • . :~.,.. "."".: . H.ere~s»tbe ·.kind .~f n~ws auto buyers have been . ·. Execut~e car .and'°'e"'on~~~r ~~~~I~. T.reriie~do.iis Sav:.., waiti.ng " :for! .Wif.h th~ liin~teen . seven-~e-s : ~ere, ~ . : in'~._,~n. ;'T" Birds, Mustangs,.IL TD'S; I G'.Ciroxits •... and Cortinas: :. Dunt0'9 •t=o~d ·is ·endi~~ th.e d~cade w~th1~h~~~iCJ~, · ·; H_~rfy! · · ·.· ; : ,. .,. ·m.·st·ne'w. :ahd . use:d 'car sal-e in ' our h-i ·s t ·o"r y .• · · · :, :·" · · 40 i · ':II-.L OVE't, ; 'JO : i~HOOSE ·' ~n~~so.~;~Jcar.~~a~e . · ')"". :' .. , , .. !., .. , .. -..... ~~~·n · 'dr.~l.icanv· rF· . · . , ,, ·" due ed .. The . selection .... :h~s nev~r :~een better~ At.d on,.the·lot firianc· ing. mdlt~s it easy fQ.r ·· . yo~· toitrade up ·n~w to ;. Jhat ·bet1er car .. y,~u·ve b~en . wanthiC) •. '\'-' . ' . ' . . . l ; . . f., • . • . '· " . . -. . v ·. ,INAL CLEARANCE ON Alt . ~ .. . . ~ -. ' ;~N .iW 69'5 · - '19-ey . MUST Be Sold! We're Ready .To Decil! So .Come in . Today! 196~ MOpEL YEAR CLOSE . OUT. ·SALE .. FORD~· CORTINAS ALL' BODY SIYLIS AND . COLORS . .. :.PRIC~J».AS .. •1·7 .. 9·9· . ,, .Lo,w AS . ·+ T • • ~ ~ . . --- .. • ,, ' . WE TREAT YOU RIGHT! For 5 I years , Dl.JNTON FORD hos sold ·and '>alisfied m 0 re Ford owners .+hon ony othe• Ford dealer in Or.ange County. • • ' i. • • • .... i t? • \ • • • : ~Ii p;Qit'Ulji; • H!)USIU;M~LE . HOUll~~OR SALE •i' 0-.-.1 • 1oot~,1 · · 1aoo HOUSIS FOil SA~~·' POR. SALE Hci\:ls•f ~~:~';·.'-~is ,~ -~L~ ' ~·!;"POR IA~! ~·tt. FOR¥5~~111 j Oootr:I , · ... '.1"9~.-.1 ; •· • ..... 1000 G.n<i,rt• '· ·' 'iciao ~•I.''' ; 0 ·~1~ O-rol 1000Gonoral 1* ' Go!)lt-al ' ·. " llGO ~ • 11 Carl bJi l. 1~ "· ~-~-· ' . Better. ', . ~n ~pfrfy ,~· le J, ':II .. I~ Acre + t.uxuriou.s-11Cimi (!eatured in Qul~lr .. ,. t.A. Times) Z'<!iied·for units ·,or molel N~ar r Freeway + Clear Ocean view~ All 1fi\i.iit1es in ne'v street. Could d~MSD .. !Dur)'\.' units Retired couple on their 'f8Y ~ l)ll!'lsure. \V9f'ld and mQst PAr' with a. 1l.lpl'r sharp 2 bedroom and fom1al dinin;: ~ home:. Prime cl<>¥-ln ~taide-~Uo~ alley ac- now or hold for capital g~ii: \Z. · ' .• -Owner 757-SO»·~v.!s. f t.-es.s fQr boat or lnt\lrr, glee.ming han::llV(J(XI: nobrs. $23,45() and FHA and t;.1. i::;::;:";:':::===='=GOO=Go=•=•='°=' ====:=;.-! terms a vailable . .Exl·luilw . '--F'a ,. ... r: o . ...,. ·-..·-' ' ' 3 Bedrilomt and Pool $24,950 .. . . . . ' . This_ home is in exce~ent condition ~Ide and out wlt11'deluxe olive green cargtUng throu1hGut, beli.ut i· fully paneltOO living room with brick flrt>plaoe. A&· .sume 'jR'Kenl low int.ere,l, VA loan with. pa)'mcnts oC undl'r $l!iQ.OO including taxes and ill!iurance. ·' Eastside 3 ·Bedroom. $23,SPB: . Coldwell; Banker: : ~love in today. It'~ vacant. has beautiful back yard \\"ith fish ·pond,· brick ·bal'-b.<fuP. It has alley access, Two. 1 r ' .. , r larg:e covered patio. ind fhn-e large bedrooms In t:ll• 1(1!11cs or thl' pn(:e '1 ci:UrpL £<LSt.s.idc atC'a. OFFERS : CAMEQ ·s .... QRES A·A·A VIEW A truly magnificent 6.000 ft. home \Vilh 5 BR's, 8 baUt!, h~e pool, l\vo fa mi ) y . rooms. 3 wet bars and much, much more. 1190,000. \Valter Haase . . ' OM. ~&lside localion, Sep.... · - afa.te priva1!' yards. J bed· rc>9111.plus :! bc.>d1'00n1 unitn: · Eiccellrn! inro1nc. J..011· do1~·u itnd 011·nc1· 11•1Jl help linanee ;at $:.'9,:;oo. Exclusive • -$SAVE$ Mesa ' Verde · Thi~ Is A 4 bt!droom horn'!' located in lfesa Verde un· believably p1·iced at $24,950. 2 baths, au built-in ·kilch· 1•n "'ilh 'forced air heating, terrazzo entry, The owner ls anxious. Hun·y~ ' . . • ' The Eatles Nest · ' . ' . f)cean hrffzes, Ca.Wina \1ew, 4 bt'drooma. J>tact: and quiet. Price I-eduction. lnterf:sted? Why nol T • ' . ' . ' . . Mliinlflcent View in Newport Beach ' ' -\ . . . ' ' . On Ult' p(ilnt of Newport Blu.fb:. Thit: bome.~rloob Balboa:~. hh beautiful aeh paneling ind hardwoOd perred ·nOOJ's, "high beam ~illnp and brl'C:k frf:place, h~""Y ~ roof •and much, muc4 mare. Notice! .; . . lf you havt' a :;. OI/ 4 Qedrooms home for salt' or rent, call ua today. We-repre&ent tht' t'mploytt's of e larce . Jirrn.m~ving .le? the Harbo~ Area and t~e)',tptt-1 ))eve hall&rnt. AU c&sfi if desired c.au FarroW 545--8640. . " . . MAn LA BOiDE/Realtor · ... . t,J~AVY SHAKE RQOF UPPER IAY EXCLUSIVE. Cul. de. sac $lr4ltt •. i-Xpensive c.erpets, drapes and ~x· qul~te.decorat~ greets you as you walk ur to !fie · elegant livmg room. Three large bed· rooms Two pullman baths. ·Bright cheery kitcheh has built~i.qs. · iq~ludi~g. ne\v~ dish-. washer. Family room with sliding g 1 a s s 4~.rs to huge a,luminum c;ove!ed pa.lip ~pr­ rounded by beautiful lawn:· Th11 home offers · f~~! _i>'!'nersltj:•and .can ~-yours foi 9p1y~ MESA DIEL MAR · . FOUR. l!ED0ROOMS, large living room1 fam- ily room and built·in kitchen. "Master bed-\ room .with private bath .off to.itseU. Rtc~nt• ly .pi:nlesaionally repainted · inalde .~rltt• ou_L Fully carpeted and draped. Covered patio and .. 'fenced yard.". Ass~me large low inter- est loan. PRICED TO SELL AT ONLY · $l9,5QO . EAS.TSIDE .COSTA MESA PANORAMIC VIEW OF . , . iQATS & JETTY WE NEED LISTINGS 2629 Harbclr Blvd., Costa Mesa WI N110 .. LflTINGI Two btdrooms · + larg' den on hardwood floors. Beautifully carpeted thru-out, draped, covered patip. Detachec! doub~ garage w\lh Custom built & arch. designed for present owner. Lumrious couples home. Extra Ia.rge IJl&Ster suite, guest rm. & bath . P3:"· den w/frpl & wet bar. Lushly planted patio. a car garage. $147,500. ~alhryn Raulslon. ALAMITOS IA Y -. NAPLES Qn .. Rivo Al~ .Canal. A\~·ard winning arch. Killingsworth, Brady, Smith home. 3 BR. 3. Ba .. 2-sty. w/dock for 40' yacht. "Out· standing." $135,00. Al Finl< . CORONA DEL MAR· OPEN HOUSE 2216 WATERFRONT DR.·-· Av ri c.a do Soutl1 to ·waterfront -spacious, custom split-level home wlvie\v of Bay & ocean + spacious bea1ned ceil. apt. as a bonus -a real pride of ownership. Open Sat. & Sun. $107.500. . • . • . . . . Cathryn Tennill e · ' · IEST OCEAN VIEW Flofn this arch. designed all '"ood & glass 3 BR. & den home, Lagun~Beach~ Arena tm.Iiv. rm .• din. rm ., kilche1\ With B/I. .. Bt&nd new". $84.900 · Al Fink ' .. · ' . UDO ISLE $79 500 lltrfff to streei on this 60 ft lot. 5 BR. 3 Ba: il.ge. · South ·patio. \Vide Street. Just sleps to beacl\. , '· Mary'Lou Marion : ... ' . CAMEO SHORES · · JUST" LISTED Long 1•n!U1 !'{'lrf to spacious f ~ m i 1 y hoi'he ovel:look1ng ocean. Enclosed play- yll'I! for chlldifii 'f patio 4'.protected;p<iol. · Mulum privacy. $74,500 . Mrs. Harvey · · ... ·OCEAN "YIEW IN LAGUNA Luxurious townhome; 2 bedroom & den. 3 1Nlth1~beautif\1Jly furnished. Wet bar. deck, small.patio & just steps to beach, pools & tennis courts. $59,500 · ··carol Tatuin COit.ONA DEL MAR . · 'View home less· than 112 block lrom Ocean· Blvd. -·4 Bedrooms & familY ·room, new kitchen: beautiful patio: tile rciof. double 546-"40 . ' ; I ~ A . ' .' 1aun'dry faciliti.S.:> Latge lot, completely fen--: 'ced. . .\ BARGAIN.AT $24,500. . . . THREE UNITS-$2J,950 "A"t'nl"' ' ' Calesworthy & Co. General 1000 General · 1000 1000 NEAR' nlii BEACH -L ----,_..._ __ GtnecaJ · Executives Attention! Yi9w Ylew View CORSICAN G_eneral .JOOI IF'*t·•• TWO STORY HOME, TWo bedrooms + Art .studio and Fireplace. Bachelor Apt. and sep-: arate \leeping room. Located in EASTSIDE · "t'or A 1\'iM' Buy" i 6"2·7777 A)sun1c f'llA 5~'10. annually Open Sat. & Sun. 1·5 <i nd saV" SlJ.oco in interest! 231 SANTA ANA AVE. Gt11.c1ous 2 s1ory. 4 bl!droom NEWPORT llE!GfITS" _ Ter- home with 3 Jux\irious bath.ii. rific unohstnu .. 1td vlc1v of " OPEN St!;'!? down Uvin" rOOh1 \Vilh ti ·-o l·larbor, ff!f' land, 3 bd'l"ms. • · TillS \VEEK~:-:D ank c de<>p carpel.ii ! Massive + bdrm. off patio, lgc, llv. IRVlNE TERRA'CE: 2 13!'. ~ ' BEAMED c;.£,!LJNG J.'Af.f. rm. din. area: re&ig. drap- de n: · bubbling loun1aiu. II,.Y · R?OM ·With wall to es, <'pl. & wajhcrlncl. ONLY ·SO.wl 0wAKaU •• iiR~ GteaminSA S4.2,5CXI. '1311 BONNIE ·DOONE ~ ~"."':'DFLOOR ! T'"• Bluffs • • !::&R_t'f:O ~ 9q1tt·1n 1nt~n1 ! n .... "' COROSA DEL r-.ti\R duplrx. This no maJn,tena.rir.-c bar:k CONDOMINIUM ~ l'lni haJi: -·1a tion VOL; BEST B"Y • c·o·. l-o" o'o••. Su. of h"')'. Obi. Joi. S5T,,.,_, LE" BA"·-OO-URT I v ' "'"" 441 fllRNLEAF ' 1 . ._ . . P u s xlnt grer n brlt are11 across : · fl' t .• kin& l'lle BBQ firep1I. sur-rrcnn JXIOI, ·Jovely :i bdm1. SU NDAY ON' Y. rounded by tt>cluding block 21• baths, Jge. liv. r111. din. ~ 1 , '". 1\·a ll and h; ~' MILE TO ar('a, cpt & dnij:>e.1, bll·in's JlLQCK TO OCEAN, 1n11nac. ·r!IE BEA~• O _ 1 ... ') B Lo d Sl9 ....... 1v,..,r 1 an~--.'\&KI NG S.~.500. ~ i:. ir n. PYI.. .500 frrr('d and offl'r' at a LOii' WestCliff Villa 4701 RIVER LOI\' S36.~ ""ilh sun. .. canlia l • •.. 1lu\1n at ONLY $2'!5 p i•r OIOTCT"AREA ·~~00NOO. CAl\fEO SHORE:; 4 Br., JIOOI. inonlh inl·luding la>. and l\.llN!Ul\.I -:.! bdnns. :.! Baths, Exec·~ dt'light. S78,SOO ·insUl'a.neE. ·.• cs lge. !iv. r m .. din. an'A, bit- . 4545 TR:MONT .. ~ •. WE. ·SEi.ll,A HOM°E in's, v;/W & drapt's · $43,500. WESTCUIT. 3 BR. ·• d;n'. : !JvlRY.3l_"Ml ".l-UTE,. S Westtliff. ·, W"'Jk· -g ta ·PR~t:E ~EDUo;t> • Immac. Mo"·l~liS"Y~~:'.:' . ' ' a· ·e{ . fl;ie aduh .~ 1lome. neu • Z1'90 Jlarbor Blvd. at Adams schools anct Shopping, 3 bd· H-.AL Pl-NCH-IN 545-"91 "6iicn ·ui ' PM '"'· ' ""·"'' ""'""'· ""' " drapes 1 J>iol.v ONL y $4t 750. & ASSOCIATES "C·" THOMAS "Pool-GI RHale 047.s..4392 Anytime . · Close · To ·aeach • Realtor Attracti'Ve co1•ritr 4 lxlrm "·ith :tl·r \\7. Coal!! Hivy ~l48-5.l27 Open Sat/Sain .. 10·5 Anthony pool, JSx38', fully Newport Beach, Eve 545-5643 \:;'QUiP.ped. incl. pool _ s\\"C'ep. E xcel 5% •,;. Joan al $191 incl. 1a..X & ins, 'Ch11n<'r m0111 an.x. icius fol' offer • already trans· !erred. otli' or ,:;tall". ..... 11'10 Dolphiit, frlvillf' 'l'rrr Cust~n1 buill -1., bdrn1 .: 2 bath8 • 121c~· rorrnal dining ,,iom -:.! firephtCf'!I -'-fflJT\-. ily room overlooking beauti- ful patio for.,.i;.nter1a ining. Al this It nlOre in 2400 .sq If. !near cin!ma ttieati!) $34,500 Family G.ithf rlngs ldettl here -blggest·yard In af'C'a. 2 baths. 25 fl .• living room. 2 fireplaces.4i40-1720 TA)!BELL 2115· H•rbor Lucherimyer Realtor . ~ 546-5880. OLLEGE REALTY 1500 Ad.ms at H1tbor,Clil "General. ""''!'M!'ll~SS~l~O!'lN~V~l~E"Jo~"" '.\ v . . ' .1860 Newport ·Bv1d .. Ci\! ' Call ~392S .Ew &tl-16.15 OPEN SUN. 1·5 ''.!-182'J Spa(h-a Oran Gard("n Honie plus • Vie1v. 2100 SQ. FT: f!H l.2 Cortina !La P'azl $29,150 ' ~l:.:arly Calilo~n111 Ranch style. 4 Bedroo_1~1, f'.J!'!.~l.•,,J-";inii.ly CaU. fo~ Ot.>Uuls. ~~TaJ·~llJ roo1n. Built·Ln ~11c'hfn . rill·. 83 1.;~ns. u.r 8.,1-084,, SMART PEOPLE HOMES WITH INCOME New deluxe 4-p!axes., All blt. in!, lihag crpt, drpg &-land- . S(.'tl.Pinl. 7%.'/tl (aMUal r&tt') Joa.1111· avail. ; · ii a., BR-2 BA·frplc .; plus • 2 BR-2 -BA-patios,.· • I BR-1 BA-deluxe single SUNF'l.OWER AVE. POO~SIDE . . . I .' Otlifhttul 3 bdmt" h9rne with lo~ly ' l>ool . area. Central M"9-v~ Joe•· "lion, qul~{I: ~411fe·lf.C , £: ' law lnte~.•t. .la:Jn~· ' ')J': I I: J ,' I ' 546-5190 --·---~- , COSJ A MESA near shopping. ·.Scheduled ' :·.gross, .income Of $3,00I) per year. Only '2500 : . Iriiti~l: J.pvestment -Assume exisling 6% . private financin& and owner will carry 2nd T.D. . 446·0555 . ) ' Z2P I. SfYHlt•lh SI. ' . .: "• • IE. 171• St. Shoppl .. •C:tr;l ..._ ' C:OST.f, MISA. .. "Ot! • ) ··~ Bh•.'n S. Main It Bristol l.ocated ~;, milt' E . of Soul"( Coa.s~ Plaza Shopping ~(')"r v&oa.1' sa. hA'nlwOo<l 'P,,,, yourlr like our friendly se.rvice trplc, patio. Ca.sh to Toan:-· -· · . • Call 540.1973 ><5-""9 Art/ow""'· " EVENINGS CALL l>U-2259 OR 646-457' . 1000General 1000 Gt ..... I GOO Go.oral Open H,~se~: . ,, THIS WEEKEND . (4 Bedroom) '\ 16Ml 'Woodatock (Prestige Tract) HB · 847-4071!· · · {Sat:& SnnJl'-6) 4615 Gortland (Cameo Higblanijs) CdM 642-9190 (Sun 1:3lJ.5:30) < ·' • · · 1 (4 .Botlroom & Fom~y or Den) · ;)12liLincoln We~, Costa Mesa "' .., (ff4) 521-601~ • . ·.: .,.,-(Son) *1607-Sentiago (Baycresl) NB 642>'5200 ... . (Sun 1·5). -14SO Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB ' ,; 646-1550 ·.' • · · · JDatlyl .-.-*20Q5 'Balearic Drive -(Mesa Ver e) CM 54o.7573 . (Sat & Sun) · * IM6 Pescador Drive (Do""r Shores) NB MN200 · (Sun 1-5) *1907 Holiday (Baycrest) NB .. , 642-5200 '(Sun 1·51 *1930 Santiago Driv~ (pov~r Shores) NB 646-1550 . ' • (Sun 1·5) **15 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-SZlO (Snn 11·5) **571:.inda Isle Lr. (Linda Isle) NB · 675-3210 (Sun 11·5) **I Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Islel NB &75-3210 (S un .IJ,5) II 11 N'Oltingham, Newport Beach • ..., t~ij' .... ., dlrKttry .... , .. tllh ......... . . i•• t4t ....... •tlllt· All t•. lecatlen1 lbtM .... . .~ ~ 111. peataf fftafJ by ......... .... wltete J. tH,Y11c.D.&ILl PILOT WANT AD'-P-.... . ,...,....., e,.. ---,., ......... '"' .. .,..... ,;.; lilt ... , .... -"".-......... ct&ll""9 e:-u ~ .• · (2 Bedroom) , . 2003 Vista Caudal (Bluffs) NB. . ' ' , 644-2259 .. (Sat & Stin 1·5) 934 Miramar, Lagul}a Beach • · 494-3006 (Sat & Sun 11-5) · 2210 Privale .Road,.Newport Beach 675-4130 :675'100 (Sat.& Sun 1·5) ' (2 Bedroom &..~ .. mily _ or, Den). , 431 Rivenide Ave. (Nlwport:.ffeigiltsl "Ill 642-8099 , • '· (Sat ,l<':Suill 231 Larkspur, Corona del l\far · 675-3000 · (Sat & Sun 1·5 ) · gar. price red. $5,000 -now $59,500 • Carol Tatum PlaC't', decking & pall05. $33,900 "'ESA VE ROE Tarlx-11. 1137-3 \JR . ' NEAR GOLF COURSE Stvi time," moneY. tnd worri~'~ T:. 1They let The Rtal l1tafer5 solve their Reel Estate prob. !ems -We're ready, wllhlHJ •nd able. ·(3 Bedroom) " 535 Fullerton Ave ., Ne,vport Beach ... "~2313 ""·. i<.:.i .r . .;..(Sqa 1-5) ··" 13'e Sintiago .NeW~ •. ueach • \. ~ I ·WA TEIFRONT FIXER-UPPER · ;._ E~en,t location, \vilh private slip for large bOat. Closed community has many $125,000 homes, but this is only $54,500 \vitlr Ill> loan. Walter Haase · EASTIWFF-MUST SELL Lovely viww home, owner forced to seU at on~. 4 Bdnns., form. din .. rm. br~f:;t. .rm.: llige'pliUo w/sparkling pooJ.'ju'st· reduced : to·M7.500. · · i •• , : , ltfrs. Harvey . . . VIEWING SUN. 1.5 .. IAYCREST 1141 TRADEWINDS 146,500 11Uy this lJttle gem for Christmas. Spotless · S~. 2·Ba., !amily rm .. beaut. lndscpd . (Or • mm1mum care. Mary Lou Marion 'CAMEO. Hl~HLANDS . . ,. ti) ~free view of Pacific oCe~ !rqm HY, rm. ai din. rm. and master BR. z Ba. Pvt., f qule\.Pltlo. *'-1,000 Al Fiik : .. , NfW 'IA YSHORES 0LISnN~ ' Cape Cod 2 BR. w/beam ceil . & large sun- ny plltioo~rfect-for couple's ~home. biv In the moat desirable area of Ne\vport for Oftly $35,500. Joe Clarbon ... COLDWEU, IAMICIR & 'eo, 5Jt Nl~RT CEN'l'ER DR.,' ' NRwPORT llACH UM1ll 144-2430 • --·. -=~ ..... ";. ... DJ!(!n Sun. 232'12 l..aVac11, h:I Joni $!0,750 TROPICAL SETTING'! \\711.tc.rfall .~ [QU.JJ(a.in • i·]~&L' blue pool. Lush. plan!ln,t$-. Oversized hr.drooms. large den. '! bath~. f11.n1ily room. Luxury ft::a~~5, ;.40.lT~'O , TARBELL ~9$5 Hubor Co untry O\lb just a r1•w st-t.:· onds a\\·ay, 2 bath~. Electric built • in kilchen •• Family roon1. 2 fireplaces. Covered ll8l;o, j.l().J7'20 TARBELL 29SS Horbor 3 HR, 2 Bi\, fann ly room. prol dC'cor. 11 i yr old-xllit 1·ond. $32,500. 21382 f'll!t'I Lal'K', HB. <J\l·nl'r &16--4328 1000 General ' ! • MESA DEL MAR Lo11'est priced ,ho1ne in 'f.ft'sa del Mar. An ap. pealiftg J bedroom '.! ba 1 h shiij-led rpot be a u 1 y . 1 loml"· nc,...iy pe.lnf('d on ouUiidt', , Carprts and drapes fn excellenl con- dition. Call now Jor a Sbo't"it~. SPREAD OUT In this · oullllandina; 3 bedroon1. 3 ba\h two-story hon1e rcaturlilg I a r g c St'parale family room, fo1·n111I dining a r f: a , O\,rsize double iarage. Gigantic yard, located on a qulel side s lrert. $3l,99j. • BIG· 4-FHA-VA . ln1ag ltlt' a 4 bt'droom 2 'balh homr for only ;$25,500. Lllrge cnjoyablt' back yanl "'ith family size patio. ,w urnc e~­ -istlng financing at low 51, t;;. intl'f"l!'~I ra.tf'. Q\\·ner ~'vill also &ell f'HA or \r,\, Z710Herlter""- 546.2313 ' ' . : . 675-5200 · (Sat & Sun 1·5) . .. 7171 ·I< ·; • ,, ; (Sat & Sun l·S) · 4 r1 • • .ceton·,·,.Costa.:!'f{esa ' 2141 Vista Eq\rada (The Bluffs) NB · · 675-5930 (Sat & Sun 1-4 :30) **2216 Waler(font.Drive, -CdM , · • .~ • . '2,113 · · : . (Sun 1·5) . ~erset• ~~~; 1"1,wpprt .llel!'ch 1133-0700 : 644-2430 (Sat. & Sun) tl~3 · · ' " (Sun 1·6) **.106 Unda. lsle Drive, Newport Bea,cbi • .642-8235 • (Sat & Sun) . ' 401 Aliso (NeWPOrt Heights) NB ·** 14 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach 646-5227 (Sat & Siip 1-5) . 'Mz.h235 (Sat & Sun) 487 E.' 19th' St .. Costa Mesa ' •. .) . (5 Bedr~m & fimllf or Donj 646-7171 (Sal & Sun 1•5). liJs Galaxy Drjve (Dov~r sh.ores ) NB *1207 'Berkshire. Newport Beach . 1!42-8235 _ · (Sat & Son) 646-717f · (Sun 1-5) -ttl6 Linda Isle D.r., (\,in~a.Isla) NB (3 Bedcoom & Family or Den} 675-3210 · '(l;llD 11-5) **30i Evening Star (Dover Shore•) NB. •. HOUSE · FOR-RENT 642·8235 (Sat & Sun}.. ( 'f ' L . 1849 Tradewinds fBaycrest) NB ' 3 Bedroom & .,.,1,, ot ilen) 833--0700: 644-2430 (Sun 1·51 1649 Minorca Dr1~e. Costa Meaa , 1010 Oak Street. ·Costa Mesa , 1lfll).0382 ' I I ; (Saj & Sun) 673-7420 (Sat & Sun) 1 7r!I w. wnson, Costa Mesa • · t..· CONDOMINIUM 642-82.12 rsat & ·sun) S ,. (2 ·soi:lr0omj 3273 Iowa, Co•ta Mesa • , .163 -Morristown (Monticello) CM 548-1168 . <S)lt 10.Z) • 1900 Seadrill (Irvine Terrace) CdM 541).1151 · (~t;&. Sun 12·5) 675-3000 !Sat & sun l •5l ·' ., TOWNHOUSE 324 Santa Ana (Newport Heights) .!ill ... ·· •' (3 'Bodro0m g. Fim~) 646-2414 · (Sun l·Sl ·-. "Y '1519 Bon nie Doone (Irvi ne Terrace) CdM 17646 Rockrose Way, (lln\ve rs ily Park) 67~:675-6060 (Sa t &-Sun 1-51 • 673-8550 · • (Su n 1-5) 2901 Paper Lane, Newport Beach , .. · ' &1&-n?J · (Sun 1·51 DUPCEX FOR SAl.E 1645 Bimini, COsta Mesa . , (l Bed room) · ~&.2.113 • (Sun ):5) • . d 915 Sonora, Costa Mesa 602 Avocado, Corona el Mar 548-2313 1 fSat & Sun 1·5) 675-.'!000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 413 >icafia, CoiUja de! Mar ' (2 & 3 Bodtoem) , 117~ (Sull 1-61 ' 43ll B n1 • C d 1 M 179'12 Monn.· Un(verslty Park · • " • · , ego a, orcna • ar · 1 ·. ll75.4U0:875-16f2 _ (Sin\ 2-1) • " in-:!m • (Sot & Sun 1-5) 228 Goldtniod;' Corona del Mar ,,. _. ~·. ll04 Orch id, Cotoni cfo! Mar • • 67~ (Sun 11-al 673-2222 ~ (Sat·& S\IJl 1·5) '. 29$6.'P.tmba Drive (Mesa Verde) CM· · • " '"' · · , ,54&.7051 (Sun 1·6), •• w • ......., +•• '"' elif W•l•flut .. -·----- ' ' ' '·• ,! HOUUI POil SALi HOUSl l POil SAL•, • • I 1 • I , HOUIU POlt SALi ' HCKMll POii 'SAL• < ' ' , S.ll#Ut, N0t1mW I, lM HOUIU POil llLI HCIUIU POil llLI HOUlll POil WI HOUlll POil WI- • • • I.~~ iiWWRili ' '=·™l •... ,.. ' ,., .•. ,.. ' . · ·FINER HOME~. • Pe~ . /Jarrell /Zaft;'·, ptWhnl.s . I ·: . ::lindk ,!}6~ .PRESTi6E WATERl!ftONT HO~ES OPIN ' SUNDAY ! 11·5 I IMMEDIATE OC'CUP-ANCY , .. DOvli -sHORB BTA11 . _"Ul\llnata In . .-1'>al.lomllY llv!il& " eDler- talnlD( 1n uiTa 5· bodnlom ~· w.llb i.rr• . llvhl( "'°"'• r"'1l!Y pane1ecl fainlly ....,. with brtclt flreplice. Vliw· from an rnu. $144,llOO. ~l ·L-lolil~ 4 Bedroom, s -1">lne bi llnal •!Ji•• of complotlon.' P.i.1 Verde 1tlme entry & llr• ~";'· Famlly-,..bllllord room. Beauu. ,. ' L'IASE OPTION -This febulous> 4 bdrm IAYCREST ·home now available to Ibo di .. crtmin8(Jng ox~tive QD l,a,se oRliQn ,ba~j,t. Ootstanding pool & 'Yard orea. ·Jlt in.&. ·eet- Ued . for the holidays. P6one for ·detfills or see1t ·, · .,.,_ 1907 Holidoy . . Suftdoy 1·5 . . ~ , VIA LIDO SOUD -WATllt,RONT..tq:iely 3 bdrm 2 bath home near'llido Club House. Magnificent view. Pier & slip. Private: sunny paUo. 0 w n e r wants immediate action tao priced to sell at '165,000. · . • · . ,. IARQAIN I LW E-OPTIONl ·Donof.overlook this ucellent IAYCRESt home. Circular · driveway brings you to thia· large ( 1ldnn •· home with family room + office ·or dt!n'. Large fenced Anthony poi>!. R e d u c e d 1o $69,000. 1607 Santiago Suftdoy. 1-5 . . WESTCLIFF -now vacant!3.bdrms, family room, dining room + pool. Heavy shake rOof used brick, aiamond pane windows, imm·acu-. late home, low n;iainte11ance yard. _$51;500 .. LIDO SANOS -· QUIE·T STREET, 3 blocks to .baach swimmmg. 3 llc!i'm• open,.~ed ceilings in this Cs.llfornia style beach home. Vacant -well priced at '26,000. COZY COTTAGE FOR TWO -Immaculate home on large R-3 lol Room for tw.o. mort; units. Most convenient location. Walking di.S· tan~e to 17th Street Shopping Center. Fenced. yard, rear alley access for boat ar·trailer. '15,500. *****·* PLAN AHEAD I C u st o m built executive home, 3500 sq. ft., now 'being constru.Cted on choice lot near MESA VERDE Country Club. Add your own pertonal toUch•• now. P osses- sion J anuary 1970. $79,950 Olla Opon Saturdays I Sunilays PETE. BARREl'T REiL TY . 1605 W01tcllff Dr~-~·~ 642-5200 -------- Open Sat. I< SUD. '·. lllM Galaxy Dr. ; 'f • ' .. , . UMDA· tSLI • « · ..t' .BedroOli\li,·1.1~: lllilllil,. ~waterfront · ·Iii>~>' iislfllfd ·""'1!1Wltbltof r!,f~lv· -liigJ_l{Qft. famDY,'ilMn .~tu: iard 1abhl, mo1ter 'suite-with ;ntip1ace. al dintn1 room & set)arat~ in,t$f's qµ~fs. Asking $135,000. Open <10,ilY.. 14 Linda Isle. IAYRONT '. Lare•. formal 3 bedroooi ·home· with paneled den, dlhlna: room_, & your own wine cellar. Decorated in eaqulsite taste. Owner-must sell ·NOW! Reduced $15,000. :o t f~ r ed at Sl39,llOO. Owner will consider $30,000. down. Open Sat. I< Sun. 301 Eyenin& ,Star Lane. ' ' . ' LINDA ISLE ' IAYFRONT A· fantasUc baylront buy. 3 Large· bedrooms, 3 baths, sewate d!niog room. 55 Ft. of bay· front with pier & sllp .. New. Asking $105;000. Open Sal & Sun: 106 Linda Isle Drive. (Will trade for l arg~r bayfront). · iohn macna!i lll ALTY 'C:OMPANY · 901 ~ ... ~r .. ,lutt. 120 . 642 .. 23$' ----------~ ~.,_,PrW at ... , ... i. .. ma,a · " ,. 0 IS t lftdo l11t D;ln . -~ & beiutlflll 4· Bedioom; s' ,,ath' -, w.'lillCJ#lo sWilWi llvlnl room Ir lam. Tm., wet ·bai'. • Radlilnt' electrlc heat" Carpet"'.," landscaped: Pri.-ed ......... , . , , ... $155,000. . .16 Lind• Isle Drive Exquisitely decorated. 5 Bedroom, 5 Bath· new home with up1tair1 view of Corona dtl .Mar bills. 3 f!Aplacu Ir BBQ. CanWevered patio deck. Priced'wilb dock at ...... $145,000. ' . 57 LINI• l1le Drive · . l\llut eee 4,BedroolD 4 Bath.hQme.with patio 4_eclc, lilting J'OOID and fireplace in master ~m suite. FamUy room bu sunken con- versation pit and fireplace ..... : ... $182,000. Llride lslt)>evelopmont Co. IOIO layaldo Dr,, N.I. 1111GrUftdy675:Jlll ------- 0.-11' 1000 =="'----..:.:;;:.;:; Genorill. 1000 HOµSE llAUTl~UL 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;,ll We painted it whit.e, you col-I• or it yellow or whajeviir: set.in a miJll, prden ~ South view crf oce&n A: clty. Nev town lc: hfah school, l.quna Beach. 2 BR. plus COLLEGE PARK WITH POOL -el . t• General 1000 den. :I· baths, ~P-din, nn., Grand piano lizt livina room, hup tamib' room &: 3 ~' rma, 2 baths, ready !or your 1amlly. New aha& carpetina' lo d_~ratDr ~terior. Low maintena~ · yard \vith a Blue·Havtn Pool.·-a cover- ed patio to relax under. Call' now to ltt, ________ , 1,. liv. nn.; att'd dbl car. .....,..... OFOulsTS. E.O N Onlyc:: A FISH OPEN HOUSE A mini·fisbinc lake le: runnin.a; ExqQi.slte Waterfront · stream waits .for ownt"r or 4 Bdrm, l bl.th. Cu..!tom in-developer, jut J ml. F.ut t.erior dectntion Immedi-Inc. Realtm'I of Bir RAncho Calif. on ate ~-. A.sk i n a H'Ao)', n-79. Keep your $tt.98D: EAST SIDE horws m their o"'" in-laated ~tPAKTCR 645-1070 PRIME AREA permanent pastu1-c. Dbl. l -Hwy, ft'orltap. To Interest HUNTINQToN $17,500 BARGAIN the ;""""''· "> a moM HARIOUR A real Christmu bara:ain! home or-camper park. Just Elegant .contemporary You couldn't buy the lot for il5ii0 per acre. 264 acres. l Bdr.· 2 bath, family room; thl9 prl~! A real doll houst. Loo k"1 like decorator's fmmaculate throuihout. Wall :homei'Priced tor quick s&]e. to wall ~ting. Freshly Will trade tor comparable pa.in1ed. ~autilul panelin&. ~ home. Hua:e 20 tt. livin.a; room. B~ PAR~ M.>1070 Shake root found only in fl . more expensive homes. Sub. l'nn,tlMftt Preporty nUt dol\•n ~tnt. Call Two · Ji:lulec on double lot. now! 64.).-0303 2 I: 3 !Sdf. Vicinity of Vk- . LIVE IN THE MTS. Betwee n San Juan CQ.. &: EWnore in Cleveland Nat'l. FOl'el!lt, 45 min. or leas to ocun, btache.1 6: Jake, 2 All yeu homes, hu&t Iota: from· $11,$00: $29,950 I&~ ?D Joan @ $161/mo av&J) EXCLUSIVE WITH Newport at Victori• 646-1111 (anytime I -=----=-=---- IRYINE COYE ft·-ral 1000 Ganoral 1000 toria snd Harbor. 128,000. 1;-;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;. 'Biu. CUSICK 645-1070 HAVE $1 .000? HOME + R-2 Price Slalhod FIXER UPf'IER Just Listod-Motols . Near new beautitul Fountain 'Great EASI'SIDE nrighbor-Disneyland· area ' Valley home. Ow~r sacri-hood on strttt of tower--$25,CQ) to a cool million avail. fidn& for pel'llOl\ll reaaons. ing trees. H AR D w 0 0 D able is fabulous lnvesrment 3 bdnns 2 baths, new up-FLOORS, 2 baths am 14 X oppcrtunities. Exdusiw liat.- ' arad«I carpets &: dN.ptt\ell 21 AD.OED FAMil.Y ROOM. inrs -trade for rnobilt Ttn'ii'ic investment. Lovely homr carries it.sell, while you're thinking of numerow; L •8TAT8 Beautiful 3 bedroom home decorated in a. lovely Oriental themf' In private Jrvioe Cove Expensive 1ardens Swimmina pool Larae format dlnina room $83,100 morr units. Huie 245 fOOI 353 N. C.OU! l;liway. lot. Only $13,500 full price. i..cuna Bffch • .__...-,t. Comer )ot. ~.t Beautiful V .A, loan ,can be heme· park or etc J UUV\16"".. T ~-..umed by aJl)'ODt> W?'J'i{~ D D . T-.L'll......,.., '-.----,.-· -·~ or tr&Uer ~· .....;.. ... ,. OUT interest incttue. Brinr ~;-"uan..n '"""1 07tt Fantastic terms! Seller paid 1 "•"!!ii;-!!iii7tii51iil __ _ oa· e~ and he will1 · .. Ill .. , ,., ,..,._ ....,., -MESA VERDE 1 ill $31,500, but due to cir-~ cumstance9, now wide open :::1"~~.A~~w SALESPIOrtLE bl!IT)'! ! ow 645-0303. > 1or otter. WE SELL A HOME · WANTID: LEASE-OPTION I S<s-saao EVERY JI MINUTIS i;:,ro,:;;, =.:.. '~; 3 BEDROOM DLl'.'EG'Eii£°lTT?, Walker &: Lee :,-,;•many out .. f.t""""""· Cullom estate ..... rip•"' •Jsll _ .. _.... the blutt.. 3 1•-L.-""-ms. ·-BEllE PARTCH "•·1-0 -•' ~~ 2043 WestcliU Dr. _,. vr 2 baths. Dl!luxe pool, Spac- o · I~::::::::::~~:==~~:.!...,,==;;6'6-~171l~== JAY. W. YEATS co. -family ltitc,,.,, -'" I.; latest built-ins. Huse 2> tt. , .• ·:_ 1·°";;";";i;1 ·,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;IOOOG;;;;;;;";";;r;a;I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;111;;;;11;, l lliiiiiiiiillliNe rt Blvd., NB u.n.,. ....,,, w.n " w.n II cupefuw _..,,..._ ,.,.,._ . Jy painted. All the charm ·IETIER HURRY ON THIS ONE! · TRIPLEX an<1 privacy :iou eou1• w ONLY $62,500 ~ 131'~· c.u ,,.,.,, Call now on this $24,500 home in North Costa Mesa. FHA-VA Thi! neat home on quiet cul -de -sac street with huge trees, &: big patio will make truly pleasant living ...•. Owner will pay Joan fees for fast saJe. 546-9521 or 54M631 645~0303 3-2 &:Inn. unitl; azmmer/ winttt rentals xlnt! S~ps to be&ch . le bay, on penin- sula. Don't "DALLY" on ttrl3 one, it's a "OOIJ..Y"? 1111. ~ "Whistle Clean" ....-a: WestcUff , I I A L-T -y -~ Pride of ownership ill evident CAMBRIDGE ' .extra Ja.rre bdrms, CU&hlon Slu1act family rOOm w i t h fireplace, new carpets in llvlnr: room, hall I: mu~r bednxm. Owtttd pa. tio I: tropfcal landscap. q., Vacant It ready for GCCUpanCy. !dee.I loca- tion. i.33.500 buys 11. • ~'OATS WAti.ACI REALTORS 54,4141- (0pen lhOnl ... l ----~-'--= --~ P'G 5IYE ltEALTOltS 673-4400 ' = __ =co_-=-- Sale, R-nt or LEASE OPTION Laiye rpllt" leveJ 1 BR Mon- tlcelli> condo. A re$J beaut. CALL GLEN QUEEN 540-U51 Heritaa:e Rea.I E&- t&te (open tw!) -.. 1 1000 . Celebrate .THE HOUDA YS It's the s .. Etv .. ,,. __ ~I ·: ' ' . rhdt counts WE Slt.L 3 HOME$ PER DAY l ~ ' ' . '. LET YOURS BE NEXT . ~LTIMATI IN OUTDOOR uvma. Ja this 299;0 .,. foot. 5 tiedropm home In.. Btycrest. Beautiful cue· tom'hel.ted pool, Joadl ot cement deckinJ": TroP". !cal Ian-pod - complete with 1prink· len, front I: rear. 3 i baths, marble 1inks. all carpeted. Extra Iarae ouUtandinr kitchen. i-.. ' Rt lirhtinc, bit-in ~li· I w a 1 her', refrta:erator, double oven. 1.1oaa.le ' tiled double entry. Ex· pensive w/w cpta. and drpts. Price $11,950. va~ • caht. Make oftet'. • 546.:5440 Ml. HOMl·SllKll \Vant a coo d "'alue! Then li'!e this fine 1.'le11a De I ?.far home com- prised ol 4 rood tiize btodroom'-Hu a quaJU,y or graclou1ness that l.!1 the e&M!nee of pleua.nt Hvinr. 1 ~ baths, sWl shower bit-in kitchen plus -dillhwuher. SP.cl· ous livin1 room with used b ri ck fireplace. Fenced yard w:lth patio. Only $29,500 .... Eo.Z-terms, 346-5440 llPOH THANKS6IYIN6 You !houJd aet settl@d in lhi! richly detailed 6 o.r 1 b-ed r oom home. Deep down clnn thruout, Ex- pensive wall lo wall L't.l'- ~ thruout. 3 baths. Ter- t1ftic kltdlen \\ith bit-In ovcn-ranat. Dishwasher. Separate livinr room, ftrp.lc, pool alze yard, wall!d plus l ov.el y lndscplna:. Owner movinf, $3 1 .000 . Call WOWI l 'r'•'lo LOAN Assume $21,300 Jou at .-, interest chanp $233.0lt . ll'l<lnth inch•• pin., int;. taxes, insuranct. Vacant ( ' BR. Echliu tiomt.· ·J · bath!. ~1n 1c. Jot. Lots ur trees Y.'Cll ~ Larp kit' bit-ins. Funily; room. 'lo'int area. N.r schools. Only $ 3 2 , t o a • Oran&•. -••llPI• :: "'" REDUCED ANOTHER:' S.16-0440 . $2,000. Thia superior 2 NIAi HARIOR HI ilOry home ;, localed In Westclil! location _ lovely desirable lilesa Verde Si 3 BR 2 bath CWJtom home l)e(froorrui, 2~ b al h • •; ~· ISO ... LDI ""'" '"'"'•'''." ;,,~R WT~ d. "' . All blt-1m, 1 ~ )'l!&n ftt'W.:. 1111 ~eo-. ' tric • n Over 1800 111 •. ft. ManJ;.: " ~moaeto--·: Loac' d •• $46,000 to . i41,ooa .. , dlahwuher. 81\ake roof, Domeftic problems. force·: ·'· \Valle to 11hoppin1. Only Ml@' at only SC.cti), ~'.' $<4,SOO. ALL ouR SALES PEOPLE lRE TRAINED TO SERVE YOU IN OUR SPECIAL THREE WEEK R. E. TRAINING SCHOOL CONDOMINIUM Nice 'l'ownhouM OYerlookl the quid. Walle to HJ School I eonere. 2'Heated PQW, plt15 wadtnc pool only $Zl,900 - STlr UP Ml. -6 .1. All,I TOU TlllD Of OYHINl'LATID PRICU? Call us on this 4 bedroom, 1~ bath. L&e family room ~ rood sitt yd. 1.fost TAKI OYll PHA LOAN This you iott& see! ·creat· .. home! Great location! : Great financinr. Spotleas': desired area of Mesa Del in and out .3 bedrooms, J~ !\far. Aakinr $33,500. Jt '1 a i ' 3325 w.-Bdloa, NB 675-6000 :tram th@ _a:leuninr noon r.~.VERDE 2 ~ df'I 2f49, E Coast CdM 6'15-6<l;O and !!pll.tk:linc mM11 paint. -JUntbo ._master IUltt: + 4 • • . eel interior. One ot the most IQOd sized bdnn:s. Owner · -'h-Acre ~G.I. L-.arr-functionat -oor pans 'Aith ,,,usrsen.-Price jum--ttd~- Pool Est•t• spacious rooms desi&ned for ed $200l. Full pr\ce Heavy shake roof. Kina siZf: family enjoyment. Qu i e t $41, 995 bedrooms. Firepla~-Room irtreet with large Jot a n d ' A •prig Of Holly •nd the smell of pine is . gr••t when th• yule log cr1c.kl•1 i nd tl•w• in• hom• of you r own. ~EWPOliT lfElG'HTs This one wiU ~at tint I :---Priced-at $28,000-with ro I down ~ent YoU can own this dtliah.tfUI 3 beauty too! 546-5440 · bathl. With small down~ WOODSY sm1N~ Roomy 4 Bedroom home ' lake __2.y!r existina· 5'4 1• ,. lo&n ol $20.500. fl74. ~ ' ui: ~..1•n 1I ~1: Oener•I I . ' ' 1· • r for horees or l&r1e family nicely J.and&caped 'IJ'(>Wlds. livinr. $44,500. 50-1120 Callnow tar excellent price TARIELL 2'SJ H•rllor and termii. Newport at --WE SELL A HOME . IOOI Genoril 1000 EVERY JI MINUTES Victor le S~\\.:AllA-1' itrs• .;01.e 4 Simpl< SCTCmbl<d w...i P=l< for ~Cliackle •leotr~ the 6 a:rornbW worch below to JnOlie 6 /"-..Y'.--,,.- Mmple wonk. Print .""-rs af toch lift IN lin9-Df ~ llll'DI D I . 1 r r 1 ·r . ' r·1~TiNr I I I ~IYSTUl I I I ' I I I -1 IMUIHIL I i.-,-. 1 --. 1 -_ ... 1 ....... 1 -,...-i "I had on operalion. The ._ .... _. . ......,_ ... -'·-1--'· doctor -ft..•J pong,o-in • me.'' l~F-l_L_F_U_T----., "Got any po in?" '-· _.l_._l'_.l_.__.I....., •. ...:....~· but, bey, do I - I . , 11-• TAYllG ·~·!'--- I I' I I 1· I ,..!:...~~~t= .• -.................... •ea~ .. r r, r r r r I' r r r 1 •ra.~ I· I I I I I I I I I I SCIAM·LETS ANSWER IN DIM t.A0 UNE . . •-..,.-.. • Walker & Lee ~W-lttDr. 616-Tnl TRl·LIVEL -$35,750 llG IONUS ROOM (anytime) l!onul room wtth wet bu• 512% LOAN private be.th, &ho family Ba)'Cftlf• tinelt 4 BR, fo~ nan, dinilw room. lrMMc maJ,dinlnl' room +pool. -· ....... ba1L Patio DAVIDSON ltHlty with , declrirw· ffeao finut 546-6t60 Ewa. M.i-aJ. -. . ..0.1720 . TARllLL HS5 Harliar 5· hdnn· Pool FANTASTIC , $2'6,950 OCEAN VIEW That's not all · a-laftly Prim $23,ooo poo1 .,., ........ rue• ..... Adon.bit: heme. Be 1 t o1. pandtnc; Wuldut bar, fire- eVtt)'thitlc, % mile to new plaice, $40-l'l'lO Marina. Tarbell. 837.zt.31 TAUELL 2'JS Harbor General 10000-al I .. . . DOYER SHORES:.~ VIEW 2 story dream home only 7. months old. ea• . Bay view-from evuy room.rCu1tom guilt by Ivan Wells, this luxuriously•d,.oraleil 4 bdnn 3 bath &. family room home bas red tile roo~ pool & a unique. wine cellar. Beautiful & will priced at '$1CIZ,o1Jo. Open Sunday I.$. IHI S-.... Drive. CHINA COYE -IEACH Unlque .Cllllom bollt 4 bdrm-bOmo j1llt 1tepe fl'om Ibo -Ocean •Beaeb. ~ '79,000. Roy J. Ward Co. llaycroll Olllct l ' IQI Galuy Drive ~ OCEAN Yl!W Ol&nnlng l ~room-din­ Ins It tarae buement rumpus room-dou bl e fittplace-dtluxe built in kitchen • excellent furntture available-IOQd value $39,900.~at 1 ~~- WESTCUFF POOL HOME 3 bedroom 2 bath ·home in bturtifUJ Wntcli!f on a NON-B'USY ltieet. ~ e·kt.r a nce, ....... patio,J._.. .. pJ.enud lor kiddifL Jm• .mdtal. -.... lible. $f1,5ro-10% . down. EASTSIDE $21,950 1'1°/o 'DOWN F.uWde cul de MC 2 , --lot with cowred patio ,.nd fruit tree• plore, $21.950 -See ,, ............ IUY-OF-Tl;I . i • • • ., .WEEK ' . o.1i.,,t1u1 __ .. !up_ R--2 lot wtth • room for ...... ""1"----&Def ..,...., wQl CUT)I at 'lli5' -... llu ..... 0 · 1fl. I 'I ·-. ' t '~ :\'!'! ./.':- • ''Fair Share'' · bedroom and famil y ne1Ued beneath lovely ' room, 2 bath soOO location, schools • home' in •ha9e tree~. Nice famjly close to •iu kitchen. formal din-......., , llAUTIPUL IATCIUT ~autilul loan at 5\~'fo init room. Near Harbor HI. Priced at i46,000. 546-54-40 .CONRNTMINT 11,INS HHI! and you &tf all the,_. Room for everyone in this other soodie• -Pool 'n-loYely l~bedroom .home eveJ')'thin&. Exqilisite 3 cloee to Harbor Hi. But· bedroom family room. 2 tercup ydlow on the . fu.11 ~ths in moat IOl.llht outakle. neat u . a pin in. after location. P r I c • sldf'. $26.500 t&Us ii. -54&-0ffOoJI, -· IUSINUS.,IAD? monlh pays all. 600D IN.U.W HT·UP · .. " .. .. .. .. . -.. " " '• •• .. Popular P·•c••·•t-ter:• .. w/atep down LR, 1:• •. Bedrooms upstairs, One :• " down with privat• b&dl ~: away Mm rut ol. the Dv-:: inr area. Good tenn.r': Priced at ;.ti..960·$&6..SW;, ;, ' :· .· ' ~'RE EJ!PMfDING I Have 2 Oponl"" for Saito ·PWM11nol, Mon ar ·w_,. --~ Oponblp·IQ.w -.c_,i. .. Trolnl,. . '"""'" ICl_t_ •.On Tho .Jaltl Preflt lhor- ;~ .. .. 1,.. lenua -Mldlal' lnsurannl CALL. f01t , CONl'IDINTIAL 1N1'1RV11W • . ; 546 S440 - PAUL· WHITE·· WNAllAN ~c .. ' 109J IA~D STR!ET, COSTA MESA .. .. t· • •• I· :· • j: --.: • • ' • • I . , ·-' S.tun1'1, N-I, 191>9 I UllS POil SALE HOUll S FOil SALE HOUSll FOil SALi HOUlll ,Oil IALI. ~ENTALS 1100 Colli Moll 1100 -= lW Huntl!j ....,,---f4111tiiiillliliftlMdll•~ 'L!fUM '!!iCll 705 -11ou1aa ,urnloh~ --===;;;. ... ..,.., IMch -FAST MOVE IN . , THJ OLD Lide !tie Ult l!leWPert '-h S200 Mlulon Vlojo • 31'1 -OFF to PHOENIX &WITS• Lov<lY ' BR • . • ~'ust scll n.OOem ~h t tyle Dltcount for Cash t "SH:~~.~~ SHE UDo1 iSLE ~:~=.a~· :t1.'~ 8:::~~ ~;:· ~~ : '?~'ITAL!' Hew11 Un.fumlahM new lvan W.its' plan. • bdnn on ,,.. UnOd "1""' New hom11, ready lo move In. 2.to 5 bed-USED TO BE" and nelt>t' IA YFRONT ISJS mo. '75-<G1 or Cl'pts, <kpo. 113'1.&7. ury IMrc ~~ ib best. lot. Larr• l&,.X .. famib App. ~ Aett Wt$lclta • Dov· room1, 2 to s bathl. ,,. .JJJlli from bucb. FirsJ is tills IPC'Plinc CODbr:MPClf"' 8ebdfullT fm.1lbcd 2 Bdnn, &f+.04.C9. 3 BEDROOM, 2 tlttplace, Ira: - errlflc view,~ upper Bay. :~~in;:.._~..:"r;:r. •r Short• Lot v.1th C"""1 payment QP to 60 clqt lfter move. In. IJ"Y de1tan homt:. Located J b&tb phis ~n home. Pler WANTED! ''P'ARK LIDO" fncd.ln Yf'd, Air/Cond. $300 ~ ~~ti. + powder Owner lcaylng stat._~ = NOW--11.f.---545-1946 VA/P.HA T .......... -'Nn1 ~t9Q ....on..eo:rntr Jot. bl betttt...l.a-A lliP. Room fOt ~ tt. boaL 2 or 3 BR. QientJ waitina: . .:mo=:. ,;113'1;.-"'1;:,;;"====•J , lfl*i1~-dln~. ~ 1or f1i1 M ••5co· l!!!!~!'!!!!l!!""'"'"~""'~J Th I h CWll. tectSoo. Low '"'etPlnl SG)O mO.: ~ «" buy. Liailoo Co. -l :U~~room with Wl't bilt A €AIL 50.1151 ~ Re&I NEED Partner wiffi small e eac rootllnes w/extende~ Ka~ Raulston 646-0132 D1na Point 3)40 =~~~~ ~~l'llEl!•!!"!ll";:·~!'!l~~~'!!~j lnve1tmtnt. to complete (en INokhunt 1 mlle Seuth ef .. m s) U~ S BDRM. • F:J\.1. ......_.~ BAYCREST. Cape Cod FOR Lease ' Br 2 Bth, --11·<.ir ohelt•red..patio,'1'*.4001-"' 2 ~ :....~-~ --962·1353 ~i:ir'.CEDrmoB·Y 2R BAP~ SER.B""t ·-~o~ ... ·~1'."· ~~ Cpta .. -v.W. Vie;.. Chld. 1Sik'Judrs luxurious carpetina:, Bkr 1Q.01o ...... r-.1.a...-11 ... I ,_ 646--SSll. o.k.:, no pets. $250, mo. ihandsomcwaUpapersl. fl'Ollt 81&; ! bdm6 + 2 BR :rentfl ~KEPT d 1 XI t -.. -~ on IP]Jt Jevell1 Ip, entey .,....._,, ~· . w. Polnt Realty, a-.5323 !lan<hcaping. lmm .. iate oc. on 'll><m' tot In exCtUont tooatloO 1 blkupi: . ..::. ~----'-I u., IUe H~!"f't" ... ch 140I loyt' """' to SUNKEN SIO,Nowportc.m... Dr, RENTAL SERVICE ·cupe.ncy. Can today. . . ., • m · _..,. -nw LIV. RM., WITH SUD. Nlw'9rt lucfa, C•Mf GOLDEN WEST RENTALS Condominium 3950 a..... w n & Sans modlllori. "'iWW $3l,9110. Both 3 Br. 2 Ba, U.I •bl~ LETS TRADE GLASS W.<IL W/W CAJ!,. UU1Gll , .. 14io 11930 Ganlen Grove 5.lO-QlOO z:==="--..;.,;..:.;;1 Hflll 8 $ CA1J. CfiEll QUEEN :;_.,!.""'~'"!'..lo ... tnt) 4 BR,-443,00I YOUI' old -... _this two P>:nNG, MASstvE DUAL Arni. < &, appl'"'-pool ... · Roy J. Ward Co. 540-llil lierlta,p ~ E> •oo.a• "'~ Corene D•I M.r stocy, h~, Preatia;e home. BJtICK nREPLACE FROM * Fllrn 4 BR, 3 BA. Con. Newport Heltlth 3210 &: teMis court $195 mo. H.B . . ~'XCLUS'IVE AG" ... ,...,.. late (<>ptn evtl) OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX Spic &: Mpan home w/ocean Clole to llChool. •Bedrooms, FLOOR TO CEIImG. ~ temp. newly dee. Bltns, . .962-.5040. r... """.,,,. 4 mt.'+ 2 Br.~ Walk to vie\\', N.w cpts. liv. rm.. 3 ·Balhll. All electric kitch-vated tam. den opens to Af all nov.•. Yearly. rnot) LRG. 3 bdr .• 2 ba., fireplace.. .=:=:=:.====== .J$30 Galaxy Driv'" ,.640-1550 ~M HOME-yd v.'&ll 1bops. $39.500. Acut hall &: den. Ji"resbly painted en. Separate Family Room. completely modem ldtcben 624-T109 heatf!d pool, clo&e to IChooJ Oupltx" Unfurn. 3975 (!'i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... !!!!!!!!!!•13 BR, pa~. All like: new fl.U.3850 or ~1077 inside " out !Low ~aa&o Beautilul ~and Drap-WIBILT·lN RANGE Ii: OV. Askins $300, Call Bi& mid center JOO' DECORATOR'S bREAAt 3 Midi. Tow. call ~ ~. U~ )'OW" V.A. Joan or EN, DISHWSHR., GARB. L .. una INch 2705 ** (213) 421-1634 ** BF<, 3 • m oonde w/frplc, Mary Graham .60-9190 loW down FJI.A. U.te our DlSP, ETC. . 5.J:»ACIOUS upper 3 BR, 2 BA. irplc, cpts, dr)le. Nr ,. ,. ,. sat,600 includes VA pl3 W/m0tt <In.Jess pr. Owner Htd pool. $27.500. Broker Fard Walker Realtor Guarantee Trade Plan. Thia better quality home, IS LOVELY 3 Br. 4 den home. 646--0732 WE SELL A HOME VACANT K HAS BEEN Nicel.Y turn. BeautlfUl octan Niw"°rt ShorOI 3220 0«an. Rtb . 1225. mo. .c:-.... 4:19-1128 ; rtOWEST PRICE ~'Bluffs " 3 + BR's Beams & adobe pl ui; t::'l:panse •of glass overlooking green , belt. 2\! bath &: l'!Xtra room :for maid. Con\ienient loca: •!Jon. Right p1'K'r $31,9.lO. . Al.SO ·"'BluHs'' 3 BR for leue S:tiO rnonthly -furnished. Riddle & Ross R•1ltors 13535 E. Coast Highw1y CdM I 67S.722S 5%% Cashing oot. Why ~nt! "BLUFFS" 2 Bdrm, rlt' deck BEAtrrrFUL 3 bdr., Home, Lytle Riiy 583 W. 00 w/ prime Bay V1tw·. pllll new 1 bdr. luxuryapt.' 54~1J..=M~93~-="~IJ..=254~2==~-I $39,500. Call 6 4 4 - 2 2 S 9 Or u.e as .f bdr, family nn. Wl ll. TRADE OR SELL e~/wknds.. Crpta:., drapes, 2 tropical ., OPEN HOUSE SUN patlol!I, no yd. work. $49,900. 3121 Lincoln \V*¥, CM Owner -675-0312. 4 BR + <am nn. 131,900 Newport H1l9hts 12IO "' BY OWNER Trust Realty cn4) 521..Q)l2 • • . EXECUTIVE type homt _ NEW 2 BR. 2 BA. du> Qnj,y 1 yr ntw w/ beautiful ina/pla.y area. S 3 0 • ~ 0 0 · tarldsl'pg &: privacy ga1ore! Owner .in Riverside. 3 BR 2 BA xtra 1-lam EXTREMELY i;pacious in- lf'rim'. Ideal yard for bbat or children. 3 BR. 1% BA. Assume 5% % FHA. Total .$23,500. Owner. 642-8232 &ll-8099 ' • -· tm, w/w crptl,~ drp.s, etc. Do Sho 1227 '49,900. 995 s.ndcutle Dr . --'-"---"-'----Harbor View Hills. 875-14.70, 3 Bdrm 2 Bath crptd, drp, -&t4--295r8 lfl!IC, bl!·ins, dishwasher, BY OWfl(!';' 5 Br, 4 Ba, pool.1--------- 0vcrsizcd iar. y,•/clec open-optn 9atios, 2 frpl, )ge view rr. Uke new, W/side O f lot, crpts, drps. Ove r BEAUTIFUL 4 bdr., 2 ba .. :HS-0137 aft 3 i100,ooo ~7213. tam. nn., pro res•\ on a I GQrgt'Ous 3 BR 2 bath born!! UNUSUAL 3 BR. 2 BA home. =========I landscaping. Custom carpts :On quiet treelincd cul-de·sac. Clean. BY OWNER $23,500. Unlv•r•lty Pirie 12l7 Ii: drps. Many ei:tru. Vie\V : New w/w carpets, all built-5-18--8414 or 548-3.100 .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~~;;;~I Bay A: Ocean. Owner -Call : ibs, brick ~ircplacl', family STYLE CONSCIOUS ••• 1~-===~-...,..---,--=--c :itx>m ~ huge ove:rsh.ed Jot. PMsa del Mar 1105 PR1CE OJNSCIOUS or DUPLEX So. o! Hwy. 2 'Outdoor BBQ & room for both ? Well, we hav~ the houses. $55,IXXI, $8,000 down. ·boat & trailer Assume 5%% SALE or lse:. 4 Br, fam ~· anawer .•. 3 br, fam rm, 2 Income $'50 mo, 642-3645 or Joan • $20,..00, $174 P.l.T.I. Xlnt ~ncl. Hru1 =ng. ba. in good location. Down 615-6044. Priced l0r immediate saJe at Nr shpg/schls. . payment Is no problem. o=P=EN=~suc-,~l~l-6~.~C..~~N~•-w""°'3 SZT,500. Call 545-8«24 Sooth M V :d llll Owner transferred, mus l BR home rr Bch. Asking IVERY 31 MINUTES BADL Y MISTREATED, vltw. Acrou st. """1 B<h. 3 BR. J ba. t.p. dbl.' pr. cK:::~:.cN::T::A_L_) ____ _ kitchen blt-1ns, tmmaeula.te Apti. PurnlahM W lk & l Nffds paint, carpets clean-Fncd. yard, patio, trplc. 8 er ee ... & a tittle blt al "THlS Rollabl• Fam. w/rtf. only. i: THAT''. Di.tre..d own-$215 mo. Yearly. 499-3867 cond. $250 mo. incl. club. 316 Lugonia, N.B. Phone 0.'*'al • 4000 '7682 Edingtr 34.2-4450 Open 'til 9 P~f $2,999 DN. 4 Bedroom • !amlly living, covered !K'l'ef!ned in ~tio on trs Jot. Auume GI loan. Only i1t9 tot al ptt mo. 11007 !\fqnolla. FV 545.0459 -----==--THE DUMP Fo1-e-c.I01ure just completed, 2 bdrms l bath, 6 )'M'1 old. Electric built-in r;inae. ov- en, double 1a.rqe, partially ff!noed .I: l&ndlCaped, $14,500 Ii: we pay all closini costs. Vacant • move riaht In. 4213) 282-6800 e\'H. only. er la¥• ~ "AS IS". tor COTrAGE w/~11 view, only nr. bch. 1 bdnn, 1% bth. k 3237 $21,950 FULL PRICE U.k. patio • rarage. $l00. Unl,,.,.lty Par The GORCEX>US Ntw VAL D'ISERE TERMS OPEN uU. incl. 499-1919 aft .f Plot TO OFFIR ~£NTALS F'OR An~~A~~ous Houee1 Unfurni1hed MISSION RIAL TY Gonor1I 3000 985 So. Coast Hwy., Laauna . Phone 1714) 494-0731 3 BedfO<!ll'•· 2 Ba"". Sharp_ --,..,,..==-;.---I aean home. Owner trans-BE'AUTl FUL I°""' J>u1 ....... badL BEACH HOME Ltue at ;io9.., month. u:n~7::1:o'n°ti~,~=~ Walker & Lee ictnt heated pool. 100 steps 1682 F.din&e from priv. bch. l.f!Mia ets. .. ... AA= ......_ ·w'• -~tc. Comp. atractive tum. O'U..,...,., vvc11 r ••I 2 Bdnns 2 ba.thl, lg livina room wttb frplc., bit-ins. Ava.IJ. Nov. 1~ on 1 yr leue: @ 1'45/mo. Singl·l bt·2 br. furn-unf. Sauna. Act'y Rm, BUliards There.py &: 45' pool, BBQs ""' !'anon< ... 61U670 3 bclrms + HUGE "bonus" ;200. 2 BR deluxe lowei:. Util nn. IM?tlAC. COND. 1rplc, pd. ?-.1any extras. Singles 2 batha &: blt..W. Immf!d. O.K. Bkr. 53M980 poss, $340/mo on yr leue. $135. 1 BR duplex. Slntlt adult only. Ava.U now. Blue 4 bdnns 2~1 baths. over 2000 sq ft, 2 [rplcs. Avail Nov. 15 @ $.150/mo. lob P•ttit & Alaoc. 833-0101 Beacon 645--0lll • $.llO. BACH apt. All util pd. Avail 110\V Broker~ C:0.11 M-4100 include w/1v carpt'f , dtps., USE OUR HORSE& Custom kpz mu~r bed ; lOcation 3 BR (will add 4th> tam rm. decor. 2 BRs, 2 BA!, sep, Back Bay view, new paint 2 & 3 BR. homes for least. $30.00 Wk, Up I d Prices from $285 to $325. v., n. nns; laun. with 1v/d, ln ol out. Vacant. $310 he. Red Hill ~a1ty m-0820 e Studio &: 1 Br Apt:;. stor., 2<ar gar. lower lf!V· \Vatu Pd. 673--0507. e Kit~ & TV incl. el. Ste to appreciate Shown,1;;;,,.-;;;;-=;u.::=-.= by owner, call ro; app'L 12251 ilYEARLY1,1;<.,.Ba·h3 BLrgR, lick Bly 3240 • Phone Service .C: Pool am y rm t •Maid Rrvlct ava.U. c.oast Real Estate ••• er. 1 11tU, FP $29,950. $79,500. 223 Goldenro d. :DIVORCE SALE 432 MAGNOLIA Attorl'K'y says, sell 3 bdnn 'Easll.idc. C.M. Vaca n t. 4 BR. 2 BA, fm rm, exec home. Bltns. good cond. Pvt 11·alll!d frnt patio, lge hid swim pool w/11ide & div brd . Prof landscpng, Jo malnt. Xlnt neighborhd. $43,950. 540-7S73 • red hill ~:~: Ponl nsu~ UOO hllevt It Or Not 63 Loan on btaut. custom bit. ccrne:r in exclusive Lake Park area, with family rm., desired built • ins, ra.ised hearth frplc, It. hua:e cov. patio. $33,000 :run price - check attn.ctive tenns. $2152, a.m or wktndl!l ' " • M'l',-LEASE. ~·-•--3 Br, • D k · · fncd ard O /brkr ?-.I ..,, ._...,..,... ay, wee It Month FOR . ~LE by . 0 \V n er. Gum!°rso~. 6~. · r. 2~; ba, famUy, dining, new 2376 Newport Blvd. S48-97'il5. Sacrit1cc, lea\llng f 0 r • crpta:. intercomm, all elec * VIL LA POMONA * Europe Immedia t e 1 y . $1W. 4 BR, 2 Ba. dbJ gar. kit. Lr& lot. 1\1any xtras. New 1 &. 2 BR furn apts .. CUstom built \\'ood Ii: glau ~ &: pets O.K. Blue 2215 Anniversary L n . $23,500 "' - PEl=IRON •'~'If ...-.,...-.~.,,· .,. r Investment Income 5V1-/. Loan Assum1b'9 3 Br, 2 Ba, fam & din rm. Newly painted, Va.can t. Ownr/a,gt, 2956 Ptmba Dr. ~7(61 Mall Verde 1110 REALTY Dtv•loptr's Duplex Univ. Park Center, Irvint Three bedroom \IPPtr ton Call Anytime 833«20 bedroom. lower,~ ftl'Y jOOd ""!'!!!'!!ll!!'ll"!~P.~!"!MI rental area. Now fUlb' Jeaa. HOUSES FOR SALi "'· Good ......,, ~. $49,!lllO. IURR WHm Pacific Shotts Really house. Ocean It. canyon view, Beacon 645-0lll &t2-222I Adults on I y, no ptls. wall to wall carpeUnr, $235. 3 BR, fm nn, bltns, ========:= Enclosed ganagts, laundry buUt-lns & fireplact', 2 c:rpts, drpc. Vacant. Nice Corona del Mir i250 nn, IWimmini pool. 1760 Btdroom. 2 Baths. Unique area. Blue Beacon 645-0111 ~-;.,,,=c::.,~==-­ C0"5tnlction. OPEN HOUSE:111,;;c.,;:;-02,-;;BR,;;-=:-,t;:: ... =-:::d' I IRVINE Tel'T. 2 Br. 2 ba.. $lSS -A'ITRACTIVE, 1 bdr., Sat 4 Sun ll-5 weekday• • pr, e Y ' I...Ce. din-tarn. nn. $too mo., 'pool, util, paid, garden llv- after 6, 934 Afbmar, i.e. R/O, w:;_ =n O.K. lease. Agt . ~2.503 ing, adults. no pets. Alto 536-i894 Of' 847-8586 Beach 4M-3066 · 2 BR, 2 BA. unfurn or partly. Bachelor apt., eldttly Y.'Ork- REALTOR c0ASTAL VIEW' $170. 3 BR, l~ Ba, patio. $250. So of Hwy. ing person prefer. 1800 Open houst Sat I: Sun sr:::ewport:~N~s. Owner Transferred Terrific Joan ~ ti ' Stove, \\'/W. ChUdren l 642-36.fa or 6i;>6044 \VaUace Ave., 0.1. Bock Boy 1240 BACK BAY HOME 1'00 sq ft, J Br, 2 Ba, Interest rate doesn'~ o:;;_ pets O.K. Bkr. ~980 $15 PER WK. & UP LOOK I 2 frpl. S.l4.500, 10% dn. lido l1le 1351 Assume FllA Joan. Pymnts crease; 00 points. 3 Bdrms .. C t Meu 3100 Coren• clel Mllr 3250 Bacbelor It 1 BR. htd pool. 3 BR,::! BA, 5% '(;, a~sumabll' 2307 t"a.irh ill Drivf' under '175 month. 4 BR :! family rm., 2 baths. S years ~-'-------maid atrvice. Kitchens &. 7 UNITS, lnl'8e lo! l l2x3(ki': · 1Wm to build 5 morr. $90,000 :Owner will carry llit TD. 1'1-IA. May 91'.!ll Jow down. Plan now for 1970 bath Prt!t'iie Home No ol•I. Reduced to S41.500 EXTRA Sharp E x ecut. 4 BR. 2~~ Ba. duplex. 2200 TV avail. 450 Victoria (Nr. }~g: $1500 down, total payts 1 _E_1_11_b_luf_f_, ___ 1_2_42 Beaut. loc. • vacant 35' lot qualifying. · PLACE REALTY 4~97CM Home, 5 bdr., 3 ba., w/w Sq, ft. Bltns. dlsll\\·ashf!r, Harbor). . . $'l15.PITI.Bkrevf'i 838-634.1 LktoNordPLUS 2·•1.Y.horµt' *LEASE/OPTION* crpts, drps., b ullt·l n1,· frpl.$300Mo.lease.~7573 QiATEAU LA POINTE _ "J'~l=r:11!t. ~~~~ Newport a.edt 1200 .. ~7729 6#-0684 .... r1•F~:=;;:=;;;;;«ii 6¥.•/. adJ, on 40' Via Koran. Th• Rt1l E1 t1t• Mart Xl.nt terms fDr this s-. old 3 dillhwuhtr, $275 mo. 1st It: Lo I 2 B furn t J · AS SUMABLE ,. a.1•--3300 vt y r ap' JlOOI ·-$95,000. c.all • Br. 2 ba. home w/ocea.n tut plus $100 depoait. -carport, adults no pets.~ IAYRlONT APT. ~~ Vista Dcl Lido. Pier le: tlip .J available. Sell or lease/op. ~ tion. Price $28.500. O.Org• Williamson ' REALTOR 67l-435(1 Ey~~ •. 613-~ ~EWPOJIT BEACH tharminf '3 BR. · w I largt fncd. yr. cov. patio. Hdwd. fln .• frpl., bltn. kitch. Nr. :>ehools. church k shops. ().~·ncr w/rinancc. $27,000 Wolk!! ,.!!!ly. ~7S.~200 3366 Via Lido. NB Opt'n Sun. DO \' ou want a home close to a great Elem school in an area just right for kids! That's \\'hC're you y,•ill find '1hil'i 3 bdrm home pymnts lw than l'Pnt. 1'U11 price $72.500-VA/F'HA OK. Bier. ~14 S BR 2 bath home , comer lot JJ:>xl80 -add 5 mott' units. Dri\'c by 1:t-15 Santa An11 Ave. 1he11 call ila11ia itealty $3S,9SO S BIG BEDROOMS Family room. 3 baths. Buil!- ·j11 kitchen. Det'p pile cal'pt'l- ing. Huge patio. Electric ·1::arage opener. Sprinklen:. SlO-!TlO TARBEL L 29SS Horbor S BR. 3-BATHS- PriCt'd undt'.'r 1narket 11t $43.500. Eas!b!uU -choice lo. cation! _CORBIN·MARTIN REALTORS 67>1662 3036 E. Coast Hw)'~ O:lM 2)"".,,,...'-' rY~ ./ (#°-fall! ,8,.,,,,i -EXQUISITE 111 the description tor this spacious , perfectly ~rat­ ed home; professionally Ind· scpd., Jarge entertainmeot patio plus deluxely appoint- ed inter., featuring J bclnns., 1 balhll p!Us family rm . All this & assurr\f' 6%% inter- c~t loan. $34,950. -PROPERTIES WEST ti75··11:m 67:>-1642 10~8 B1y1idt Dri'fe Nt1l'p0rt Bta~b. Calif.~- .. 41 FAMILY LIVING Lari:.e 4 bclnn, 2'Ar bath home. 7 pools, tennis & elub. GI't'at al'f'a for children. W\11 lease optkM'I. $34.900 A FRIENDLY HOME in Nf'wpor! ltcighls. 3 Br, 2 Ba, f'ainily Rm, plus 2 fire- places. \VU! ltade tor va· ca.nl land. $35,;.o'J, A Best Blutl'•. Stunfline vit~ R. C. OltllR AHJty 147~1 ---view. Call for tenna. ~1549 3 n~. Y-~· ·~mo-. ±__y_til, 19.fl Pomona. · + l BR. + 2% ha. Ready Di5 Via Udo m.asoo BQAJ$/JD1H(R? PLACE REALTY 494-!nOC '°""'°''°""""....,.---~I -~"' _,, -for you Ii: best of all, the · M1L • 3 BR, 2 BA, lg tam rm, pool FR A N K l.f AR SH A L BACHELOR apt suitable lot u.mmableloan?()pe1tl.f:30 LOWISTPRICE 180DEGREEVIEWLOT'of Ii: maintenance, New REALTY.~ lor2person&.Oldttpeople Sa!. le: Sun. 2141 Vista En-Home on lJdo 2 Br l ba. Room (or 1bem. on this Jove. wblle -water &: coutlihe, crplt/drps, bltns. frplc. -prtf. $110. nio 'ills Elden trada • · Jy bree.eway ho~ \l.ilh 3 small but level. i1,950 with Avail uno. S275 mo. Lido Isle 3351 Avt., c.~f. l.1u .. apt 6. BOYD REAL TY street·~1.,,;:t. bdrms 2 baths. Many extras. -$1.000 down, ba1 at ~mo. 642-mJ EXTRA SHARP I I All due~ yn. Broker 1co'=N~oo=M=INru=M-3"""Br-,2~Ba.-CHARMING 3 Br, 2 Ba year-. 3629 E. Coast Hwy., Cdl\.f . LIDO REALTY INC. 4%-1137 . 497-1021 2 ••• 1 ••• ,w1m'm·,-'poo1 ;_ ly rental. l l!st remodttt!'d.A 67S..5fl0 · 33Tf Via IJdo 6'JS.,1300 HAFFDAL Rlty. 842-4405 "'"" ... ..,. • d ted '-I &: ti TRAILER. Older man or student pref. tTo plus utiJ . 2500 Newport Blvd, rear ot 831J..7«0 ~=::'::;:;=';;':'.:=";'l;';;;l:;;~,;;;;~~~!!'!~;;;1HUNTINmr~~G:1TO~Ni)HiiA~RBOUi(iluiiloR? recreation facllitles. $210 • e~ra • .. ., pa 0 · 'c ,_1 u. 12-50 L1gun11 Nigu•I 11a1 557 •• 29 116 Ava.ii Dec. 1 '335 mo. Eves oron• -rnt1r LIVE MODERNI -On the water w/yoo.r o'vn 1-~;;-,:;;;;;~;;;;;;;;-;:;;:;;-1,~m~o;.. ;;~~:;;•::_;:.!p~m~·-::,,, 673-7044; day• 544-Sln. BACHELOR a pt, trplc, cpl.a. BEST BUYS G Yr. ol.d 2-sty. contemporary boat dock. Leu money BUILDERS O\VN HOME WESI'SlDE Ioc. J BR, cpt. Pri patio. 1 adult, no pet! . Brin . b • home. 4 BR.. conv. den, dn/lo\\'f!r pyrnnl! Uwi you l year old, 3500 sq. ft., 2 n10 mo. 1st 1. 1ut + $100 Huntlntton .. a.ch 3400 $95 mo. 673-7629 I Yoot ~mt l'Ush din. rm. Dramatic tiled en-thou&ht. Land contract or story Spanish. Tile roof, 3 dep. Adultii:, no pet1. , RENTAL SERVICE save on these. try, l;Ti~ rl&bl for Iara:e prepaid int OK -thls owner car pragt, 4 BR's, 4 BA'1, 54G.3ll33 ,TWO S!ORY Absolutely GOLDEN WESr RENTALS NEAR BEACJ-f family $76 500 demands aclion. Rf'x. L. 2 frplcs, family room, huge 3 BR Eutaide fire 1 aorgtOUS &:. tmmaculat«;. l.19.l) Garden Gr<M: ~ 3 BR., dt n, 2 baths. R·2 Lot, Walker· R~Jt S7S-2&76 Hod.Its, Rltn. 847~2525. activity room, \\'el bar. • P ace, Largt 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fami. rm. to bkL Ul,500-Y POTENTIAL l1NLIMITED Localed on a large C11J>fts, d~pez. ty &: dining. You '1\-on't SUS CA)ITAS IDEAL FOR COUPLE H • 400 cul -de • sac Jot Ex~llent 50-4005 after 5 pm. believe it. Lease $320/monlh Furn l BR apt. 2UO Newport 2 BR., nr. Petit Ofc. &: stores, unti"lfon ~•ch 1 Elti ant 4 br. 2~ ba. coiido. view. 18 x 38 cU1iom heattd RENTAL SERVICE tncludin,.. <>ardener. Avail-Blvd. Medallion by Hotpoint. R 1 kit bld . •"" =-2 awim. pools, ttnnis crt, GOLD N WE-RENTALS • • • • • l!IC. _,...., ATRIUM MODEL wlk to shops l schools, 5 pool. Ll&hted badminton E .,,, able Dec. 1st. Adults only. •NASSAU PAI..i.'1S * Ch•t Salisbury HUNTINGTON CREST min. to bch. Lo assumable court. DOI run. Should sell 11930 Garden Grove 5.1tM600 CALL 545-8424 South Cout I A 2 BR. Pool REALTOR Hert'11 a aorae<>us 3 Bed· FHA Joan makes It perfect fo" $80,000-Sacrirlce for LGE clean 3 Br, tam rm Real Eltate 177 E. 22nd St. 642-3645 67~ 673-1362 Eves. room llome. Move in quJck. for flmil,y )Qoklng to future. $69,500. ~T14) 495-CUf w/frpl, xlnt E-Slde loc. No GLEN MAR 4 BR, 2 BA ctrrE 1 BR hse, pri patifJ, OPEN SAT./ SUN. 1-5 Assume F.H.A, 6%o/'~ An-Investors Dream! 96S-6164 RENT -SELL, 4-5 BR. 2~ pet.. $235. 5&-3532 hom e . At t r a c t i ve I y gar, den. Share pool. Adults, 438 BEGONIA nual loan with payments or p • td T "-'I BA $27S mo. water Ii: lawn decoratf!d. Frplc. carpets, no pets. $165.' 646-376.f So. of Hwy, home:: l Br., $242 includes all. Ynu should MC 0 ~ care furn. 544-7008. Mli11 V•rd• 3110 dra .... 1. Exclnl Schls. $250 lh. ~ 3 bd 2 bath Ro·-• H r -LOVELY garden apt. 2 BR, 2 beam l'eU. plus 2 Br. apt, I Re is huge master ....,.,.. rms s , ..... ome, PDPULAR T-PLAN 3 Br 2 mo. ~ 10132 For· cl bho • 60f. ORCHID . =.n with loads of close~ 15C(l sq ft, cpts/drps, blt.-im, Condomini_um ___ ,,_s_o, 1 Ba fam nn xlnt CfllUI ti.,,, restal Drive. :i'iii:~r~Y~~~ U!lt, New l Br. 3 Ba. '1. 2 Br. 21 1unktn tub, Jots boat door in garage, 60U20' UNIVERSITY PARK soO-patios, 'tge yard, ·.,.,'alk 4""'s"'R,...,-,,...,ba-. °"N"•w-lyc-red-.,-,., Ba . duplex. Ready 10 move mirrors. Beautiful. O\\·ncr lot. Below market at $26,500. 10 schools , library, shop'g. I a .n d s c p e d , Seek a p-in. says submit YoUr terms. Paul Jonn Realty 2 br., 2 ba. Excell cond. C.Sh ,___,_,, ail reclative occu"'""'t S225 DON V. FRANKLIN WE SELi. A HOME 847·1266 Eve. 536-63.58 to 0Y.1ntr . 833-2379 Quiet neighborr.wu. Av P """' · · REALTOR EVERY 31 MINUTES I BY OWNER I RENTALS 0.0.12'0. 540--0382 96H215 H F l.L d 3 BR 2 BA 1210 m 4 BR. -'l'ownhouse. Near • 673-2222 • Walker & le·e Very nict 2 Bdrm. 1% ba. .... ••• urn...... '0oy1e'eo. o. beach 2 pools; clubhot&sf!. home. Xlnt neir,:hborbood. GtMrll 2000 838-6341 or 548-llfiS LEASE. 531)..1797 1 BR, quiet, wry Noe. Gan.If'. Adull!!. no pets. 646-2768. 2452 Elden. 1 ol 2 BR furn & unrurn. Con- venient to shopng cer,tr. n Fullerton St. Set Miir. l :BR i uo, 2 BR $140, Bach . ' Coron• del Mir 1250 7682 Edinger Assume existing 6% VA '---------·!========= •~ •m o-• 'til 9 PM Joan; bal. of $17,800 plus 4 BR home'. fenced yd, 2 hllui ~ r-· N•wJMrt hach 3200 trom St. Francis Sehl. Lee VACANT l3.550. ""1329 1--'-------J S225. 536-Zl!> $67.SO. 132 \V. Wilson. . : OPEN HOUSE 463S FAIRFIELD CAMEO SHORES 642-1265 or 548.-9577 3 bdrm• 2 balh• lonnal Fo 1 1 vo1i... 1410 llllPlflM ... ......,. GALAXY DRIVE °"FA'°'SHI=o"'N,...,,Shott="'•."'1"'""""'=,...,, St:PllJ'Ate dining room, large un a n :'' ., at:mmnM-11.-sS -I Bdrm. 3 baths. Ivan \Veils BR, 2 ha, w/all desittd mod'm kitchen \Vith built· 6*~• $145 mo. Spacious !j AP'r.-IOOMMAn SllYKt atriu1n model horn('. Best features. 96S-f062 Newport Beach ins, famUy room comblna-Br, 3 Ba.. lif: lot. Top vie\v. Pool. Xlnt cond. Out N"=Ei"'•'"•'""B"R'" .. -::ne:-:ar-.hO=ao::hc-7&1 GRAND OPENING •,:~.·la~.;J,v7•.·~~lpn~~h. n "lg:hborbood vie, ,,e:w.~c.........,..,.111 ofarea o\\'l\Crdesires l .2 schools.$2f5Mo.,leue. IMMEDIATE ·~ .. ,.. .,.. _, nu .. ._ Brookhunt I: Ellis. b t'Ps. ';;~~·~·~·~·~··~~·~~! year lease, sr;:i0. mo. 536-3963 OCCUPANCY S3CXXl It. It's YoUrt. No other xtra crpUna, 2 tr p 1 c , ;:: Kathryn Raul!!ton =========I Lu.~ury garden apartment1 Ntwport Beach 4200 front It hick, fruit trees, t w ANTED l.11ddle Age Work-beautiful landscaping & un-' • * EASTSIDE C.M. * Stt thia: 3 hdnn, :! bath, lf\V floors. frpk, Ooubl• c-ar gar. on alley. Try $23,000. 9'~'--• , A l TY SUNDAY I to S BcautifuJ VlE\V H0l.1E 3 Bdnnr, t.'Onv. den. Plll5 a gorgeoo!I large pool in a protected court yard . ~uced SS.IQ) 10 S72,500. :!~·:::re:v!''~. than covered patio, IPrinklers R..,tali t• Sh.re 200J ~ Fountain Valley 3410 offering complete privacy, • Ynl old. $3.2. 750. E-Z terms. ing lady to ahart apt. f BR S P A N I SH TO\VN. parallelf!d rccrtationa1 facil- Fti9tf'!P Leavtnr ata.t.. 962-3475 !.,',".me. cait 54()..1808 aft. 4 _.well, •--•--& r~ HOUSE, POOL&. REC. $269. itiea In a country club at· T!!) ...-rn • ._... w. LONG TERM DISCOUNT. morphcre. Now leasing in 1 DON 'T CALL ME A 11-...,==....,===;-_s._1l_Be_1_th ____ 1_4_s_o \\'ll.L lihare: 2 Br duplex, 550 Newport Ctnter r;>r. 962-nJ' NeWJ>Ort Beach. ' G ... hom Riiy. 646·2414 Ni:.ar Ne\1•porl Post Office DUPLEX 2 BR. cuch • garagf'~. :-.int area C.?-1. Good cond. Out of state owner mus1 sell lm- iniediatcly. TOTAL PAYMENT OCEAN V Uk N trpl, on water in N.B. "'ith Newport Beach, Cihf. Furnished or unfunilshcd DUPLEX $134 ptr MONTH w. e ew, ,.a. m .. 1 in 20's. dependable & 133.0700 644-2430 Genftin Grav• 3475 Models open 10 am to 8 pni UNIQUE! J'm an extra nlct' 2 Real Sharp 3 &droom. 2 cant 3 bdr .. 2 ba., sun d«k, .. ~ Renti from $1~ 10 S310. Cllffh1ven Spec:l1I bedroom JfOME \\ith a 2 Bath home, Freehly paint· 80' x lOS' lot, $42.SOO. Owner Cam@iw. 847·2125. NEW trt.le\-el 5 BR. cust OAKWOOD 216 KINGS PLACE bed room ltlONEY P.d. Gl Loan of $15,800 at 6·6% Int. Call 1n4i 531-4239 WIU. shart my 2 Br apt. I/ 8 crpl ol drps. bl tins 4 BR. 3 ba. on 2 Ieveb. A!· MAKER out back. Both 5~ % aMual Int. You. can't pool w/&irl li to 3.S w/aood \\'/dlshwuher, blck \Vall. GARDEN fordln .. unusual Iamlly Pt'I· units are owner occupi"' btat It. service -h. Dou-North Tustin 1645 morals Refs. 645-2969 alt 4 TO\~~HOUSE '323. 897~2344 APARTMENTS • ,........ ' · New carptting, new pain!. 2 ========= J vacy. ALOO a big hobby and flawleu. Situated on ble p.rqe, Forced air btat. OWNER Trans.fen'td.s1ncle C I u__ llOO Bdrnu .. 2 baths, &Plit-levd. Sant~. Ana · 3610 1700 16th Strtet room & ~rate st.Wine: a quiet ~ lined Corona Completely fenced. IPrlnk· story home ln beaudf\1111 ~ 1 ,._ Pool Adults onl)r Sl2S """.---------n4: 642-8l70 :'\'t>at Npt _ Post Ofc . 646-241 4 . ... 'I,-' .. ' P)':ramld Exd1angors 6·'6-2629 2 HOUSES on 1 lot, 'East Cost11 J\·lcY. ntA loan. Prin. onJy $30.00U. 646--0672 llC 12131 3i>2842 room. ~e protccled s-· del Mu 1tn!et. Once m. c..i,,eta and Drapetl mlintalntd neiahborhood. 2 BR iar paUo Quiet tmp. Month, · 4 Br, 2 Ba. fam rm, ranee. tlo. Over MOO IQ. It. of \iv· you 'v• seen !ht throughout. Fam"7 Room. Well layed 04Jt t Bclnn, 3 ical '1tttinc 1or'ac1uiu only Bay & •--ch O\'tn. dlsh\vhr, crpa, !'OOfe:d $30 WEEK & UP ;·· Ina area, 0 n I Y $43,500. re1t-Coroe ace the be111. A Let UJ ahow it to )IOU. bath. den, ! car pr. Rear 1 Blk 10 shops $lT:i 54f..0.152 • I 119'8 patio. fncd. $235. ~4. I Br. 2 Br, Ilfich. l.laid sei-. ... · SJIQ\ln by app'l. unb. Call; ReJI ~tmi Exclusiv~. WE SELL A HOME pool •rca, 80~ cement, for R.EiVT SERVICE Re • ty, Inc. V'ict, TV,, pool. • .: i\lr. Rob111)10n EVER..Y ll M.INU.T.ES euy Jivin.(_ tUll price.. Ah~ -901 Dover Dr., NB Suita.J.:l6 Santa Ana Helihh J63Q THE BA Y.CLIFF • • DAVIS 1u :A1,TY &t.C1000 -~ w lk & l 159.500. Cu•tom l\irni.Wn .. GOLDEN WESI',RENTALS ~2000 """ !W.!-6966 • -·· Co1ta Mesa 1100 H 1:-UT ~· s\v .!-"~Kr; ND STORY IOOK a er ee &1lo ava.ilablt : S p an i 1 h , 11930 Carden Grave ~ -LEASE Or 11ell ""option to 4Q5 N, N~1·por1 Bl\id, ~=-----~---SPECIAL. Opr.11 house 2U5 HOME Orlen1al, l Contemporary. e DOVER SllORES e buy. 2600 sq ft, !i BR 3 b;i.., 646-32&:1 1010 OAK ST. Vi1ta EnlrnUa Sat &. &6i Onl1 • couple or block! 7683: Edin&tr -Piinl'ipals only.-13832 Cll!n-Newport leach 2200 BEAUTIFUL, lqe Medlter-liv nn., din rm., l&m-tin., \VATERF'RONT, Ne ,y !>I . OPEN SAT., SUN. Hhl 3 Br1 2\' Ba. spilt from Corol'lll Stach lhla 832-44M Open 'til 9 ~f mere Dr. 838-1066 FIREPLACE Pool 2 ranean homt". $\vimmlng dbl a:ar., elec kJI. $3J) mfl. lsl&nd, Beaut, lac. duplex. Trr:mendous 1opportunlty for lf'vt>I with bay vitw It c.hit.rmer wlth p eered BY O\\'ntr. 4 bdr., 2 ba., ba lo ~ul · 2 bdr ... pool, etc. Ava.ii. Dec. lit, 546-inl \\'tt bar, JDdry, a:arg. boat arowirtC famil)'! Spotleq 3 1rcenbtlt. T-plan CUltom hanfy,'O!Jd noon, ftlodern crpta., drpl., beamed etll· L~un1 Hiii• 1700 .. pat • ,'1 Ba)·skl~ tor"I or 2 year leue. '600 dock. Winter or lon£Cr. BJt. 2 bf., ~+ llmi11 rm.! decOr. tmmoJ occup. Owner kitchen and 3 btttroomt, l 11111. LandlCaped, ltnetd. _._ _____ .;..;,; Villaai'. UntU Job' lal $200. Ptt month. 64s-o28l L19VM IHch VOS ltdultt. nt pett. 6Ta-786l ., t I 0 • ·-~1 --1 ~t •••1 Boat rate. Nt•"'· ........ an. 2 MONnlS old ?ilonttny Call MM2IO w • <-l 117 -· P e1: ,....... "'-at""' "'"" bath., ~ famib' n:iom -Prll'fd bfJ.O\f' rnA. JO~. Manor 2 bdrma J bath. LOVELY 2 BR home In Bay-ATERFRO~ Lox. Apt. on OCEANVIEW 2 BR, 2 Ba, =-==-.,,,,~----1 ' • ~~ Luln ml)' be PRICED &)ow M~t. At!· $47,500. kl !lill Landfall Ori Owner an.~b.IL IJ0..613.&. ihorn. Pri btach, nr Bay the Penln. New 2 bdt., 2 pvt, patio $185 mo. \Valk to OCEANP'RONT l1e 2 Sr, ~. dltiOnally 1&\'e oYet $3000 In °1 · i.ie., Cl b S323 6C2--3863 ba., pool. 1.M. adulll. Boat beach 1 downtown. ALMtS frplc, nr. IChool It ch11rchts. BAL BOA BAY PROP. Rtll Ell.Ate Comm. FOR • .B. t L•n• .. ,ch . 1705 u · · mo. ':I~ avail. Carlbe Balbot., • ~· Winier. ~: UIO \V. ~ 173-7420 k't'YTIM& SAL.E BY OWNER. b· PRI STIGI FHA 1¥4% lllboa 2300 310 Fe .. r nan do Rd., (n.fl lii uni Nlpl 3107 Oceanfront i BR, l 'i ha, 1it•• cpt . 6-f , ('Q.llh'f" N~~'JlOrt Bf' I c h LO"ly 4 BR, maror extJV. 8£ST 2 Br. 0.Y.O. SIT,2.jl). • 673-3003. oc=EA=N~nt"'°'O~NT~-,--s-, .. --2I btn ~t $148 f\TI. Quick Jlomr, 28.00 IQ. lt.J"»layrooru rll!lr Marin.a HJ School t: 'l'nnf. 4:, Uv-d ln. Ml\, Xlnt SPAc.10U!; 2 1'tory 3 UR, 2 BLUFFS. 1lC111 l BR. 2. BA $ BR, 2 8A, crpts. •drplt. Bathl!. $300 Plus utll., , s. JUrr. Rl2-97::0 "V" · A pool rm. ~I~. E1u·ly PQll.f'll!flQn. <:Onri. VMo\v. \V 111 r r e rt BA. 8-y Vl ri11·. Complttely Condo. Pool. $3.)0, )Tl)'. vii!\\'! Prlv, bt!11.ch £: pool )ltal'ly 51&0T1<1 Call fitZ..:it:Jn 1._ ________ ,, ~ll'..;l.;.,900-"'.-°"_'".c"_:.":..'"°.c.:..".:...-49f.JJ6..! turn. No atudenli. ~74., 6r.>7'223 l'lr 61~ vHv. $~. 493-0l24. • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' I t t • ' • I L I ' • • L ' I • • ' ' L ' ' • I -• • • -. • ' • • • • ' • ' • • ' • " " I I " • • • L • N " • • ' • ' .. ~ " " '• " c. "' o. " .. ' 'II I ., ,- ' II -. ________________ ,.._..,,_.., ___ • .., ... ~ .. ~~ ... ~""""""""~""'~,.,,.,.,,~ ... ,..,.,.,,~,,, .... ..,.,.,.7.~~,....,...,,~.,..,, • ...,.-.~· ~.-;.-· -.-~-::-.-::. .· --·~·-~-.-.-·. ,'"":'"..-.. _!'7•,-~-.-.-.--:-.-::-• ...-:-:.-,--;:-~-... ~;-; ' •• i , ... ~ .. ;'..,;.·J,.. ,...... . • 1 •• --J J • I•• ,,,_.,.._'!"~..--, ..... ...-y•v •-"' ~.,. r w r •' ._. O •'' • •"'-'_•_ ,..., ;i:..... ~ • • "''"'''' ._ • • ·• -•• -•·•• .- " \ •* .. ........ , .. ,. ,.., ,&tn their .;.1ery t•l•11ltett9 Phones Are Open . 8:00 a.m.. 5:30 p.m. 9 to Noon S.turdoy -Closed Sundoy DIAL DIRECT .•. 642-5678 WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUN.TY DIAL FREE 540-1220 ' . Huntlnglon BHch: 540.12.20 L19uno BMch~ 494-M66 .·. Hours-Regulations-Deadlines ,• UNTAU Apia. l'ulnlthed $35 WEEK & UP 1 BR. 2 BR, Baell. Maid au.. viet1. TV I .Pool. THE MESA 415 N, Newpo,rt Blvd, -1 l~ALS · , • ltlflTALS <-~INTAl.S _ Af!tt. l'umlahod ,Ar:'= Unfunl~,' ""1t-Unfurnllhod Lo9uno ... ch 4705 c..la -. S.IOO Newport l11ch 5200 P_AN_O_RAMIC--~low----MAJ.nNl9UE o~ iixi-T• 3 Bit 'm·~ "" A11 .. B<acb. • bdr • ' 'GARDEN APTS. APrs. mo"u.-1.ii ';;;;. bdr. fum. ~ •· apta:. Excellt.nt, p&tk·Uke surround. Adu J t •. ft1edlterraDean Mature. aduUa No ~ er inc• ror adults only, Near VWap (bebtM Partc Udo child. '195 a: $230. cui att. 6 aboppln&. Pool. Bldc Holptta.1> mo Patrice P!\I, ·~ 1, 2 A l BR APTS Rd., NII. 642-4387 NEW ocean fr • ..,.,. o.lwce! 1-m-Sl.n1a Ann, Apt 1U a BR., 2 ~., fre!,_, blj.))11, SJNGL.E Adult• Lux u r '¥ Pvt. liCh. Adillt oniJ, W MS-5M2 Ol' 642-1485 patk>, Xlnt. klcatton. 1 block garden apta with counlr)' bdrm $225. + 8tach home from ~ach. (tt4J 63-7861. DAILY PILOT * * * * IRIORS: M•tr11Mn lhout4 cMck their Hf .. fly .~ tW11t ••• ,,...,,_.....,.. ., Mllclaulftcetline. THI DAILY PILOT uaum• ll•~llty fir ..,.rs •IY 11 the attnt el ,..lllhlJ\f the •d..,.IMment cornctly one tlfttt. DIADLINI FOil COPY AND KILLS : 5::11 P.M. the day ...,.,. 'pullUcatlon, •xc• for W .. ktnd ldltfen and MGNlay MCtlln1 wlMn clMh•1· time Is J1M P.M. PrW.y. -·-·... .... com-.:;:] ~ $400. ·~-f aiw1J Villa' Apts 6'IS-4l>8 ple1e privaey. S01JTH BAY ....-u•;r TRANSFER.RED! Beai.it 2 CLIJB AP'J'S, lrvl.ne al 16tb. RENTALS. Near On.nee Co Alrport A BR, 1 BA, bltr11, crpta, dr'J)!. Newpo~n~·~ Altta. Unfurnlthed UC!. Adt:!t.a only. 20122 Avail UJl. t73-821S 5-.u.. Santa Ana Ave, 540-27116 DELUXE 2 BR, 2 BA 8'tt11, 2 BR Duplex. tum, utll Pa.Id. G,n.rlf wu CJD. 3 patios. Encl pl'. Whad<lyo Went? WhU<lye Gel? $'1C!AL C~SIFICATION FDR NATURAL BORN SWA,Plll5 Specl1I Roi. . • YOU MUIT HA.VI KILL NUMllRI When ldlllnt an all llK•UM f!ltl 11ulck reeults. \. blk from OCC&J'l. Avail l iiiiiiiliililMliiiiiiiiiiiiill;=~~ .... ~~· ~ ...... ~~708~=-c...:.,,. Nov 15. li:t/la.st mo's ~nt (IQ )'el'ly buls. 673-9142 an' VEN DOME 3 BR l~ bl.th $1.;o/mo. l~R s:G.· puOy film. Nr SLl--Stf..,..-5 ... ckt llULU -AO MUn INCLUO! Ill..,,. t. mak1 • ,..,.. If th. lilll numMr fllY•n rev lly yew M t•k• aa •lrlflutlen of yeur c.11. 1-W'MI ~ l'Ml'ft .. m.et. ............. ,... WMt M '"*' 1-'l'OIJll ._. •IMl.I• ...,..... ........ « ....... Irle. pm. 675-7816 or 4!H-!HT1 ~OTHINO ~ SALi! -t•Aoas ONLYI lyery effert It ma4e t1 klll er correct 1 ftlW •4. that has Men ord•red, llut we urt- not 1uarant .. te do so untll tht all h .. •ppeare4 In th1 paper. DUPLEX BaJboa. Nov. thru IMMAt'ULATE API'SI Well1-McCerdle, Rltr1. PHONI 642.$671 May, 1 bdr, $160, 2 bdt $220. .WULT &: FAM.ll.Y 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. 3 8 8 1vdR. 2 BaBal. llboa'3 ,..E. ::-iboaPt To Pl1ce Your Tr1d.,.'1 P1rldJ1e M : .. Nr. Ocean &. Harb 0 r , SECOONS AVAILABLE MS-7729 644-0684 evet. · on n · · Recreation deck vw. (213) CloH to ihopplne, P•rk 1 "!!!"'ltl~~~!'!!!!!!!!Pl,=$300~~mo~yrly~,;"'~·;~;;;;;.;; Slut.ts Bay View, cua J Br. 681-6138 * Spaclou. s Br'I. a Ba 1 · NIW APT$. : ba. split level on 1vtde DfMl-A·LIN I Ms ,,. 1trlcfly calh In advan.ce by mall ., at any ene ef our efflc-. NO phfine ord1rs. ' Th• DAILY PILOT ,......... the rltht .. cla..,fy, ell lt, c•nMr or refuH anr, •ll•tr· tlUment, •nll te ch•111• ltt rat11 •IMI rt1ul1tlena wltheut IM'l•t Mt c• WATERl~O"IT 2 Bdrm. * 2 -· $155 " $175 EHt llluff 5242 ""'ro nO.ll 1!3,000 ... ~~ -,~ '' * Swim l2ool. PUVllftn , income, acreqe or · · apt. Beautifull,y f\Jrnished. * ~1. lndivt1ndry fac 'l.s 1 • 2 bdr., l swlm. pools. All e NEW DELUXE e 644-fi>5 All utilltiell n11oid, $190 &•v utll.pd.A<ilts.only,no pcts, <>-2" ba ·t 1 1 .... •~--~~~~-~ Mall Alldr•tt lox 117S, N•w,.,.. luc:h, C1llfornl1 ..-1145 Arwlhelm Aw. Furn il d•o'--" .,.,. .. ~.... · oc. 711 AP· or Corona dtl f.<1ar :I units, ?o.t onlh . I mmediate • ..... ~ ~ 1-• tr uitt din possesalon. · COSI'A MESA 642-2!24 301 Avocado 'st C?if uc.i. apac. mas · s • R·2 lot So, ol Hwyi Elt- CLAlllPllD COUNTERS •re IHatM u follew1: !!!!!!!'l'!!!IJ!'!'!~!!'!'~'!'!'!~~ I===,..,~~-="-"-'---nn. le dbl. garage, auto. change approx. $20,00 equl Short Propel1ic!5 673·9060 HARBOR GREENS DELUXE 1 bdr. Ranae & door opener avail. Pool 6 ty for Ha,vaUa n propert)'. l BEDROOM, 2 Bath. Oll'l!l'I. diahwasher, crpt & rec. area. Nr. CalboUc Call: 67~ Carpets, drapes, built·ins, drps. Elec. pd. Swim. pool Cllurch, Adults, no pets. 1,,,-,,.,, --,c--.,--,.,-.--,-fuepla~. den. Steps to BACHELOR unfurn from & pr. Adi!. living. $140 a e ONLY $245 • 12 uruts cloee to Harbor &: beach. $235 mo. 642-{)177 $l10. Alao avail l • 2 &: 3 mo. 241 W. \Vllaon. 543-0745 865 Amip Way, N.B. Ney:port, CM. Value $95,000, R Bdrm. Heattd pools, child or 67a-5555 LARGE 1 Br apt, all d~. \Va.n~ home. ~mer will_ car- FURN $150. J B , crpts, care center, adj to ahoppirJ&:. LA PALu•s APT$ " ,_ pool d It . ry fin. ch&1. Leon Vibert drpa &. bltin. 11,.; BA. Pool. N '"""' • crp , ... ...,, , a u s on Rltr 5'8-0088 anytime Daily Pilot Cleuiliecl CLASSIFIED INDEX HOUSiS FOR SALE COSTA Ml!I A Ufl :t:~o~~ll::ACM OH 411' ... m o 4111 mo 1525 Plal't'ntia 0 ~Peterson Way New 2 Br., 11.-baths; cpta ,, ly, near shop'g $ l SS. , · . · ~:~:~cJ~:lNtN• ::: t --l~BR=~1.,.--,.-N-,.-, ... --... -Costa Mesa 546-0370 drapes, dishwasher. EncJos. 644-0298 ~ Cruiser Twin D, auto ••111•11.t.1. COSTA MISA M•s.t. oaL MAI it!ISA TEllD! COLLaOa l'ARIC tlaW l'OllT·IEAC N NIWl'OllT Hl!IGM"fi IAllOA COVl!I MIW,OllT SHO•I, •.t.YClllST IAYSMORIS ODVIR SMO•as WllTCLl'I' llAlllOrt ltlGMU.fllDI uN1~ras"" '"111C llVINE IAClt ... y IASTILVll, llVINa TallltACf COlONA 0.\. MA• IALM>A 'INIHIUU. t1a .. l:'DN l ... Y LINDA lllJ 1&¥ ISi.ANOS i'.:'L~~~L'luND MUATIN:TOM laACM MUNTIH TON H .. JllOUR 'DUNl"AtJI YAIJ.,aY 11.U. llACM IUNll"T lllACH OAROaN OllOV• LOllO el.t.CM U.ICIWOOD OllAMGl'"COUfll'tT OUT O' COUMTT DUT 0, ITATI ITANTOlll WISTMINsfl• MIDWAY CITY SANTA AMA SAMT.t. AMA Heft. ORANOI fUSTI N 11M NIWl'Ol:T .. lllKTS 11M Nl'lil'l'OllT IHOll:as 1111 WISTtLl,11' 1111 UN IVIRllTT l'AltlC ltM IAClt IAY Ult I.I.Sf 11.U'I'" un CORONA 011. ~ UM IAl.IOA IUl IAY llLANOS nu LIDO ISLI IHI IA.LIO&. ISL.I.NO llat NUMTINO'rDN ea.ACM 1115 f'OU MTAIM VALLaY ltlJ SI.I.I. II.I.CM Int LO•• eUCH 11... O•.t.ltOI COUNTY nu OAaOliN OllOVI 11tS WllTMINSTll 11H MIOW .. Y ClrY llM 5.1.Ml' .. ANA "" SANTA ANA MllONTS 1* TUSTIN UJI COAIT .. 4 USI LAGUNA 1a.t.CN UH LAOUNA NIGUl!L HM MISSION Vl l!JO Utt SAN CLa ME .. Tl 1411 0.1.NA l'OINT l .. TRll'Lf:X, t'IC. 1 ,.. COMOOMINIUM ,'t: R.ENTALS "" "" •141 ••• -... ... ••• .... "" -... -••Tt ... "" ... ''" .... .... ... ... ... 0111 ... -.... 1• ADfs. Unfurni1hH 1* OINllit.t.L ... l"f COITA MalA 11• ;:ri Ma1.t. v111101 1nt NaWl"OlT 11&.l:N nM ltlf MIWl'Ollf HllOMT$ Jilt 1'1' MlW,O•T SMORaS 11't ::: W_&STCLI,, ttat ,,,, u•tVIRSITY l'.t.111( ttn I.I.CIC IA Y 1141 lUt aAST ILUFI' nn IMI COllONA Oil MAii JUO l&M IALI OA UM 1115 a.t.v ISL.I.NOi llJf IUS LIOO ISLI JUI ~I= MUNTUIOTON •IACM S4tl l~fl '0UlifTAIN VALL•T JUt c.1.1rl'aT u.Y1NG ., 1111'.t.Ut .. ,, Upolain. $150 Yl'ly. 1--,.--===--.---I ed. gani.gc. $1504156. See al NEW 2700 aq n J BR I: ram pilot, ranae 1200 ml; recent ott.t.l'•1t1t1 ~ e RENT • 760 W. \Vllson 548-&m rm 3 BA. Owner's hL~ apt survey, $40M. \VW conakier Dl!MOllTlON tllS Sundeck. 673-8088 • . ""' U>'>~ tnlst deed or smaller boat, 011.1.irT1No s111v1c1 .,, 3 Rooms F.urnltur• ATTRACTIVE studio l BR 752 A171igos \Vay. 6................ Owner. 1n 41 TlS-".,'" ILICT11.1c.t.1. .,... CLOSE 'lb bch, 2 Br, frp.lc, ,.._ •-n .. 1 ~ I OUll'MSNT •ll•ITALI '"' il bl'--•'· $19 95 & UI' •PfJ. \.A:n .. ......,. o cal e d 11aNc1NG '6M beam et: • .. ..., ,-a\UU gar • Chlldre11 v.-elcome. $1 so: Coron• del Mar 5250 Lovely borne + 5 acres + l'l.OOU flMI dr. $220 yrly. &t2-3490 r.ro11th-Tf>Month ~ntals ~In. Cole, li11f". 874 W. family style lftlaur&nl 111 ;~:::~~.=~E~~:it,t':° .. 11 RENTAL SERVICE WIDE SELEc'rION Center, Apt. 1. Pauma Valley. Your home ft lla,INISNlNG wt GOLDEN WEST RENTALS NO DEPOSIT 0.A.C. $265 , -or comm'I bl!i&. 1 "t i.!i ::::::LN~a1tvKill !: 11930 Garden Grove 5J0.6600 HFRC Furniture Rentals ' NEW Deluxe 3 BR. ~'-'"v.1 down paynient · 644-lfll Mesa Verde. Frp l c, '11,. • · =~:~N .. DIKIN• :::: 3 BR. 2 BJ\. 1 blk from SIT w. 19th. CM 548-3481 di.!ihwasher, walk-In closets, ...... $11,COO eq, In 4 Br. near NII• "TNUM• ,,.. ocean. Yrly. 1'~ am i I Y 2 BR .. carpets, drapes, range patio, locked gar. Adulta. ocean & .IChooll 1-1.B. ~'.4 % ::L~~Lult :: v;dcome. 673-2455. Co.1ed rarage It laundry fa. Nr shopping s.w;...w_5 ON TEN ACftES F.H.A. to anyane, $271 P.I.· MAULING ''" 1 BR & Bach avail 11/10. cil. OiUd/pet okay. $135 mo. HUGE 2 . 1 l-2 BR. Furn '-Utlfurn ':'.I., formal dlnlna: rm for NOUSl!C:Ll!ANING 4121 Ht<> Bch o ........ , BR, 2. bath. New Fireplaces I pr\\'. patios I mobile home or? ~ INT1a10• DliCOllAT •N• ,,n Starts at $105. lricl util & ... · .,.._,,,1 •eves. earpets & paint. Jieated Pools. Tennls.Contnt'IBktst. . •NCOMI ,..,,. ,,.. gar. Clca11. 67HJ0.1 $125, 2 BR 4-plex. C""ts. pool, no ~ts. Responsible 900 Sea Lane, CdM 644-2611 HAVE: Duplex 1n ,Coro=. lllOit, Omt111t11t11, l lL ''" ... d I M W NT g.. illONIMI 051 SPAC. 2 Br. 2 Ba. lower drps, RIO, PaUo. Child adulls $150. 1887 Monrovia. (MacArthur nr. Coast Hwyl e ar. A : • units INl\ILA"TIM• •'" duplex. Adult:s. refs req'd. O.K. Blue Beacon. 64>-0lll 646-5314 in Orange County . ::~~~~~c,.\,M., DttK11,,. :~: Sl95 mo. 64z..30S'l $155. 2 BR. Bltns, crpta, QUILT, lge. deluxe 2 Br. 1in OP!N SAT/SUN 1-J Nanc/ ~~~re,,ekr . ::~~~~A~l,Aia. Elc. !.': -"'" drps, patio. Pet 0 .K. Blue baths •Pt. G.E. Kitch., 2 711 ; 713 POtNSETTIA u.MOIC.t.,I•• '"' Coron1 d1I Mir 4250 Beacon 645--0lll Car pr. $160 Adults. no 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts. TOWNHOUSE 3 Br, 2% ba. LOCKSM"" ..,. 1175. 2 BR, 2 Ba, dlx 4-plox. pets. 240 E. 16th Pl. J\llt waJtifw for you! Beaut. appt'd. Priv. patio, MASONRY, 1aM:C ,.. 2 Br . h I ba Val $32 S00 MOVING • nDlt.t.G• .... cozy ground floor Wit Gar, frplc, dishwasher. ma. 548-M32. DON v. FRANKLIN poo: nr Y, . ' . ::::~:=~~:"an''"' = fireplace, close to ahop'r. 534.-8980 NE\V 2 BR. 1 BA, shag crpt REAL TOR Eq~,to~!:..'=.• !:!~;:,_mper l'.t.T1os llNt Adults only, no P et 5 • n--, ~'-hw•-, -tto, .. ___ e 67S.tt22 e •'c,'~"--~-·~.c...'-~~-=~ d t k S170 $UO. 2 BR. Closed gar. Ce~ .......... ..,. ,..,.--ue&111 1: =~::::f:.~Yl'Mtl't. 11,,_., !: HS~u ;~~n Real~~·6T"";r4J92 tral vacuum. R/O, w/w. ceilln;, fii>Jc. gar. Adults, COR.DWOO APTS. 2 Br. 34' Monterey Double Ender l'LUMllNO .,.. Broker 5.14-6980 mo pets $165. 2650 Elden, l...o\lo-er levels atudlol pellt· power boat, si s radio, xlnt ::JL •s11e:C:v~~~· :m 1 BR, utll lurn. $125. No pets. s.n~ alter T pm & Sun. house, Frp!Cs., PDOi, dbl. character botlt. Excha.nge- HWI • swal!l'tNI "11 So. ol highway. C"ta Mull 5100 BRAND new 1-2 BR, oH carports, patios, $180. S?Jo. for nc"K'er CadWac or R.E :=:1Ms:Rv1c5 ::: 673-Zl&l ----------Freeway. S. Coast Plaza, 673-331~ ll) 521-8766 or a.i4-4Cl5. ::~':O.~~:::'a ~~·•Allf ::: 4300 NEVER' All blllls. Children OK. 2 BEDRM. a pt., cpt.s, dl'P!>, HAVE ~bird sailboat aaMODILlflle. klTCMtM• ,,.1 Bilbo• 546-6916. a 11 elect kltch + ~frig. wl~ traller. WANT .travel :::.-~.llllfMll :::! CLEAN Bachelor Apts. BEFOR·E LARGE J BR. Sh R r p ! Wahr, Oryr, Lg gar. Yrly trailer, ~~ck, Jeep. •IW•N• MACMIMlf l:ll'Ar•s .,,, All ""'I •'•cl 185 "" Drapes, carpets, near So. lease. $165. 6~ ,.,,.. ~o~,· ··~TIC TUOl;S. k--. llL '~ ,.. ___ , Pl occ 11.10 ~ P urchut , qt"tl!!:ments. *~ cured. 10% lnt~st. ~ p)'Ulnt due" April 1971. D .. eow>I II"* $31,IP, ~ boat, or ! ~ Allen MS-%'IT4 Trade $1900 equll)' in ~I • • Sabt't lloop, 32'. "" 4. X1111 cond. for smalltr boat, c ar, or ! ! 67$-3m, 6134028 eves. r1 .. de 65 Kalatt Jeep Camp. rr 3 eyl diesel w/f..whl drive for eqty in homt, Income unltt or '!' Cost $6000 new, (._ur. val $2(0), 646-4643 ' Have Sll,000 equity in ·~ 3 Br Glendora ho me. ($20,500) a:ood 'area. For beach atta home or 11nits. Owner/a,tnt &46-2290 13 Unlta, Burbank; JM.500 equity, Want hon1e or du· ,, . pltx on the water. Mr. Con. rad. Riviera Realty 499-2800 Eves. 4M-13.10 . .; Stereo-Marantz componen · · • outfit in eoneok. Flm Cl.au · l'Ondition. Colt $1800. AlliO,. automatic dlshwuher. Yt'anl . travel trailer, 494-4746. Cot'Ona del Mar· giant pool, • 3 Br, 2 Ba, fi'Plc, indr bbq. : : Live in or pel't for leaain1t1 '• \Vant: 1t1mme in Riv. M ' S.B. Cnty-, m.7119 ~ 8 units near Diantyland .. •• • W&11t home, Colta Meaa to • Laguna area. P)'ramld Exchanaors 646-2629 lIA VE oonlettnce table and/or 2 dnJtlnr: tables WANT photo copltt, c drier, al.1dc projector. ......,, What do you ba"Y• to tradl 1i Lilt It hen-In~ Counb''• laraest read trad- lna .... -.,,., ...... de&L ' " NOlTM 1'\ISTlll ANAMllM SILValt.t.DO C-'.NYON HAVASU I.Ak i U.OUNA HILU LAGUNA II.I.CH LAOUM .. lilOUlL MISSION VIEJO SAN CLIMINTf S'H JUAN CAl'tlf'RANO CA•llTRANO IUCM DANA "01MT 1JOI 1.-LeOA lllANO Stu 1ni 1a.t.l llACM J~M 11il LONO llACM 1M1 -. ,,. O•ANGI COUMTY ..... "TA!lOlllMI "" 315 E. B&lboa Blvd. ~ au., • mo. SO. of Hwy, Quiet l br. TlllMl'ta t:DtfTl:Ol "" BALBOA 673-9945 lived in. Brand n e 1v apt Agt. 835-4422 Eves aft 5 or stove, n!trig. carpet drpa . ..& * * * * *" ,· T•LI. c.r-1c "'4 homes. Private patio livinr. wkends 56--0118 "' Tll•. u""-"" MlrtA '"' laundry, pr. Charm l 11a:l!J!J!!!!!!!!!!!li!llJ!!!!!•iil!!l~!!l!'!'!!!!!"!ll!IJ!••ll!· !llVtcS Near beech & shopping, All NEWLY I~ ~=~=v~:1~':..c.•-"• rte. ::: Lido Isle 4351 w/1v crui>eting, drapes, pri-Decorated 2 Bl' patlo. Adlta. $130. 543-47l9 REAL ISTATI REAL !STAT Ul'MOLSTlllT '"' y te Uvine w/rar $115. Dispoul, water BRAND New Jae lux 2 BR. u11LJer,o O(a.t.NSIDE 11M 0.1.llDIN 0110\11 Nit 1r41 WEITMlflllTI• .._. .. U tnt MIOWAY CITY Y N1• IA,. DllOO •1Va1tllDI CO\INT't KOUSll TD II! MOVl!D CONOOMINIUfo' OU,LliXIS 11011 S.t.l l! Al'AllTMINTS l'OR SALi 1m SANTA ANA 1W• UH , .. SANTA ANA MllONTS •1 su• I"'' TUSTlll MM w•LOIN• ''" BEACH'. ApU. 1 BR er. 8 • pd. 548 Bernard St (C). So. ot. Hwy. View, &undedc. .O.ner11 Gener1I ' . wofoow Cll"ANING ,_ •m 11 1 . All ,.,_ • 3 BR-2 BA-hplc., plus • 636-4120 _ . Ad"'IJ. 6~ ~~ ----·------, ----------·!: e enc1es. TieW ~m u, e 2 BR-i BA-patios .., ,........,,~ 1 Garage. 320 Nord. ?tlrs_. e 1 BR·l BA-del.Wte sinrle NEW 2 BR apt, E-'1kle. 3 BR duplex·, Garden aetdng, R1nttl1 W1nted 5990 Mite. R1nt1l1 5999 · · Aleok (7141 675-7225, Crp•· •-1 bl•-· d'·"whr '---------~g: :::~:g: ~-:: Conican Apt. Homes '""'• ... ., • u"'• ""' . ' frplc, rar. water ii: a:u pd.•· '1ftt CO.I.ITAL UN 1f7' LAGUNA la.t.CN l1M Int LAGUNA NIGU•L O•r JOBS a EMPLOYMENT MISl lOM Vl•JO JIN "ENTALS IA.H claMINTI 1111 I\ SAN JUAN CA,..llTllANO sm Hou1H Furnished o.t.M.1. HINT 1141 OINEll .. L ltlMTAl.S TO SMA•a CDITA Mii.A Ml!SA Dl!L MAit lo\llA VIRDE COLL!OI l'41lK NaWf!DllT IEAC .. NIWl'OllT HOTS. NIWl'OllT SMDRal IAT1MORll DO'Jlll St'Olll!S WISTClll'IJ UNIVSlSITY •.t.llk lllVIMa l .. CIC I.AT I.UT eLUI', 1•'YINa Tl!lltACI COllON.t, 011. MA• IALIOA llAY ISL.AMOS LIDO llLI IAllOA llUMO MUMTIMOTOM llACM l'OUJITldM \IAL\l'I'' llAL 1a.t.(;H LINI la.t.CH Oil.I.NOi COUNTY IMTA ANA WllTMINITIR MICIWAY CITY IAf>ITA ANA MllOHTS 'OAITAL 1..t.ovc.1. •EACK ~~~l:N N~f.~~L IAN CL•MlkTI Uotl JUAN CAl'IST•AND ;A,tlTltANO ll!ACK DAMA l'OINT 11va1:uoa COUNTY tiCATIOM lt!HTALI ~ONOOMINIUM )U,UXll ,UIM. R!NTALS ;:: REAL ESTATE, 11to Gener1I 1161 1111 tl15 . ... T•ll'll!X, tic. C:ONOOMINIUM lllNTALS WANTEO llDOMS FOR •INT . ... t'5t '"' '"' '"' "" "" nu RDOM & eOARD MOnu. T•A 11.a11 auasT tt0M1S MISC. 1ta"TALS C:OUllTI lttf .... ft~• "" "" ... t2t2 1141 tHI .... ,, .. ,., .... ... "" .... .... .... ,,,, m• Mil ... "" "" INCOMI l'llDl'E•T'I' I UStNESS l'ROl'ElfTY Tll .. JLl!lt l'Allll:I 8USINlll llINTAL Ol'l'IC• lllNTAL INOUSTRIAL l'llOl'lltTY C~IRCIAL INOUST•IAL •tNTAL LOTS •ANC:N!S c"Rus 011ov11 ACllS.t.Oa LA«E alllNDlll llESOlfT l'•Dl'l!•1"T Olt.l.NGa CO. l'llDt'ERTT DUT OIJ STATI 1'11101'. MOUNT .. IN & oal .ltT IUIDIVl stDM I.ANO 111.1.L ISTATI! s•avlCI! 11.f. fXCH ANDI R. E. WA NTao 1711 BUSINESS ind "" "" FINANCIAL '"' 1nt ,,.. ,. .. ·!fto ~" •n I UllNl!SI WANTl D INVESTMENT O!llltrtU~lllll IUS)N!SS Ol'l'O•TUNllllS INYfSTMINl WANTao MONIY TO LO-'lol l'altSGfllAL I.DANI JIWELllY LO.I.NI COLL.t.TaRAL LOANS -'"' -"" "" .... .... .... -••• ... "" •111 "" ... "" '"' . ... t111 . ," '"' "" .,. 838-0228 encl gar, prv patio. $l6Smo"A•~ RENTA.LS\YANTED ~0.·N ~ .. =~~~N ,.,. IYEARL==""'v~. -,,..,.~R.,,..-~2;-;ba-,.,th>"'. SUNFLOWER A VE. 642-62.57. . vn-_,,.,. * HOMES SCHOOLS a INSTRUCTION )llCf Baylro11l $4~ month. Btwn s. 1.fain & Bristol 2 BR Lg dio ts, LARGE Bnnd new 3 BR, 2 * DUPLEXES ~~~fTRll~~~ATION ;,': Walker ReaJty 675-5200 Located % mile E . of South drp!l, 'R" ~. :~BA, a~tl, :~·hw Vie;;~uth 0 1 * GUEST HOU SES MERCHANDISE fOR Coast P la.za Shopping Center no pets 2885 Mendoza ay. * APARTMENTS SALE AND Tn•oE BolbM l1l1nd 4355 Coll 540-1973 545-5421 NEW 2 BR, 2 BA, Ip, dlx f1lEE SERVICE ~ -~ ................ ,..;I ;~c;;;;;;-;;;;;-;;;;;;:1;;;;;;;;; bltm, dw, rer, sundeck; GOLDEN WEST RENTALS :~:~i;u;ueRM"u•• :,: BAL ISL., ahare w/1 male. MERRIMAC WOODS DELUXE la:e. redc. 2 &Inn, adults. SDI mo. 613-2819. 11930 Garden Grove Blvd. D''*c• aOUll'MaNT •n Nu 2 BR, gar $9). ea. Just completed, l or 2 BR, 2 ~~.A~IJ.!· °"'~~. dr., $1?5. SMAU.. 1 BR. View s . of 5JO 6600 ITOll• l!OUll'MlltT •11 67' ~••, if oo aN ~5-3915 BA 'th · v.r....,... ,no-._, c.1.11a, 11.1sT.1.u11AHT •1• ~ w1 &U' cond, com· 2 BR "-•·-0, '"-~.. Hwy. New carpets It e LANDLORDS e 1.1.11 l!OUll'Ml.NT •11 pletely soundproof&d, Rlf •u..... .. .. -......,.a drapes. $160 61s..6J5.t FR.EE RENTAL SERVICE HOUSEHOLD oocios WH Huntinaton Beach_. 4400 eleft .. 1..... ovens, wood cell· drps. S160 unturn. Child OK. · ' co.,RAGI. s.1.LE ••n s "'"'16 Pool. 64• ""'S. SOUTH 11lde of hwy, 3 Br, 2 Broker 53U982 fl\111.NITUlll AUCTION .. ,. lnp, dishwashers, Ju sh ~ -1-1 Al',LIANCas 11• 2 BORS., 2 ba. Adults. No landscapillg with streams&: LG 3 BR l%. ba Cpts drpi Ba, all elec, bltns, ... ..., • Free Rental Service e ~T1ou1.1 111t pets. FUm. or unf. ~ earpo~', 1• Kid' OK. crpls, drps, gar. 6'fl.3324. Broken / Mgrs. /Owners SIWING MACHINll llH "R'I m ~,. waterta.lls, elevators, BB~. '' "' poo' !I • n......~ .. West -, ... MUSIC.I.I. INSTllUMINT f1ll l=F=lo7'='·~ .. -~=--.-;;·.·"· C-.7 clubhollS(', saunas, , .• cuzzi le ....... '"-"-e ND 2 646-1086 rlVt""•'-' Uf,~ ~ l'lt.Nos a ORGAN• tut .wi "-Ull-• · · Huntington BeM:h 5400 . ~ 11:.1.oio _,.. BEACH apll: 2 BR, 2 BA. swim pool.R. priv. gar. w/ LOVELY lge l BR, crpts. ~ DelJ.tts 1JnAU T1Lav1S10tt ms crpts, drpa, pool. Adults. 219 storage. Everything new. drps, bltins, pr. Adults, no 2 BDRMS, • 2 BATH Apt. in Beacon Pay area. ';!·;~ ~.sl:11:\':.s :;~ 15th St. No. 7. Sta.rt.Ing at $140, Adulta pets. $135 mo. 646-l'lG2. Call.13)..00.6 or 5'3-m1 c.1.11o11111.1.s a EGV•l'MfN T 11• 2 BR. pool, util pd. $200 mo. please. Just East of 2600 RINTAL SERVICE ttOlllY SUl'l'Lll!S MN 17676 Harbor Blvd, next to Naben 2 BR, $155. Crpta, drps, $150/MD. HEATED POOL Sl'DATINO ODDOS UM Adults only. No pelS. Cad•.llac at '25 Mcrrlm· ., bltns. Pvt patio, encl gar. -... cpt/drps, Kids OK FREE TO LANDLORDS llNDCULA'IS, SCOl'aS Ult' Camcro11. 8412125. , ... * Blue Beacon MS-OW * MISC•Lt..NCIDUS .... \Vay. 545--6300 Adults. Aft 6:30. 549-0433 Delaware Studio Apts, MIK. WAHT•O 1411 === ~ ~,_ ff B MACMtNIAT, lk. ., .. Oraftge Countv 4600 _ BACHELOR apt, Ideal lor ~ ... .uciaware, · • R le • 5995 LUM••• 11st I :::.=:c:!::....:::.:;;o;:.t.1---;.;.o student I artist $110 646-9666 anytime 5J6.1.Sl6 ooms r "ent 1To11.1.0E '"' d"' 1 2 BR apt cpl1/drps, blt-ia · · -----· 1u1Lo11>1G MATllli•1.i ''" SINGLE a wts, u x u r Y ran,e Ii: oven. re!rig, free:. 646-23:l5, 64&-3706 2 BDRM: Carpets, drapes, $25. PER WK. & UP 1w.1.1'1 11•• 1 garden aptJ, \V/full recrea· er, disposal, air cond., patio, z BR unf. Newly dee. New range , cl~ ga~re & Iaun-Bachelor le 1 BR, htd pool, PETS .nd LIVESTOCK tio11 lacilitle!i &-tomplete •-•-d Ad""• d J lllt ~'Id/ t k 0 b AlL utlllties; paid. $200/m~ crp_i.a cw: rps. ........, no ry ac ies. "''" pe 0 •Y maid service. Kitchens & l'liTI, GEN&iu.1-''" privacy. South Bay u Adults only • rio pets, pets. 642-2550. 546-6716 $135 mo. 842-3716, evc1. TV avail. 450 Victoria CNr CATI m t Apts. 277 So. BrookhW'St, Qoos MU Anaheim <n4l 772-4500 Well1-McCerdle, Rltrs. 2 BR, crpts, drps, garage, SPACIOUS l BR. New. Harbor). ~~v•.S,•T~K =: 1810 Newpon ffivd., C.M. ellcl01'1! patio. $150 mo. SWvleck. Few ateps to LR'""°G~.-Roo=--m-,-.,...,.,-.-"~t~l~f-"711,.-y Garden Grove 4610 548-7729 Eve. 548-1939 6'J3...3690 beach, $145 I mo. SJ&.1459 rum. Nwly mite. priv. entr. CALIFORNIA Lf'JING E-SIDE 2 Br duplex. & anytime &: ba. for l quiet adult Call ::r~:~~~· l'OOLS :: SINGLE Adults Lu Xu r 'I THE VICTORIAN garqe. Adult1, no pets $125. 2 '-3 BDRMS, 2 BA, pvt. 5'M983. tlNllUL SOM l'ATlOI .,,. rarden apt1 with counby Ju.t Completed Ll g..9632 after 3 pm patio, heatl"d pool, wuherl'w~E~l~J~.~,om=~1,~.,~.o-,...,.,-m~.-d7•~•"k, ~~s1T.t."o~t·~A1t :~: ANNOUNCEMENTS ::-;i~~sNs = club atmoeybcre alld com· Brand new 2 BR. l~ BA. UNF1JRN·2 BDRM hook up, 96U9M kitchen ~I•., 11e parate HouM• Unfurni1hed lll!Al EST.I.Tl LOANS MOllTG .. .OES, Trwl Oet't MONlY WANTaD ~••.t. v1•0E int plcte privacy, SOtrrH: BAY $1 5 0 . Adult s only. Bltns, crpls/drp11. Adults retrig. Garage. t.ten . GARAGE Jor rent $2J per , mo. 2135 Elden, CM. Ste ~lgr, Apt. 6. INDUSTRIAL unita f o r , storqe. $00. Weit 16th St. Newport Beach. ~17:U GARAGES • 40x30. N e a t . O.C. A irport. $411. mo.:, PaJ.iaa.dH Rd. 548-5044 Income P...,..rty · 6000 , JUST COMPLETED Brand new 4 unit.II in prime ' IocaHoo. smrt walk lo beach ' & lhOppq. 3 bdnns 2 • bathl • owners unit + 3 : : additional 'units to make ' payments for )'OU. Deluxe appointment.II, $67,COO • 746 Main St., H.B. TERRY REAL TY * NEW za UNITS * on 1.4 acre Ui Huntina:toQ Beach by buUder. 22-2 BR. &.-3 BR. PODl, view, patiol. ,. : lat yr ta:< b~ak. $410,000, • · $60M down. 847-3957 LOW DOWN PAYMENT ' •. , NEWPORT DUPLEX. Bkr ••. 642-71"'.>2 cOLLl!GI l'AJll( J111 and NOTICES TRANSPORTATION -CLUB AP1'S 13100 Chapn}an CrptMlrps-bltns. So u nd ll6S. 6,._.m, 494-S270 Santa Ana 5620 648-043!. NIWl'ORT al!.t.CN nto FOUND ,,.,., .1.•11 ''°' IOATS ' YACHTS Ave., Garden Gl'OVe (n4J proofed, pri gar w/•t~. ·--~----~~-COSTA t.1esa home & 9 unit• • :::~~:~ :,r;:is ~;: ~~~~oNALI :: ~~~::"~~UlllltS ::: 636-3030 1'~eoced yd w/patio. Water M V d Sl tO J OR 2 BR. Stove-, crpts, $15 WK &: up w/ kitchen. plus room to bid. $125,000. • I AYIMORSS lllS ANNDUNCEMEN li 4411 Sl'alG-SICt •DATS tall BUSIEST marketplace in pd. Gardener maintained. ... Ir • drps, frplc, disposal. Adulta. $30. wk studio apt 23711='°='7o==·="·=Owne=='=,.......==='I :::;:lr::lllt !~~ :~·:;: .. Ls ~~~ ~~~~ ::.,~::,~~5.1.NCI ;."?a town. The DAILY PILOT £161 Victoria. St. 636-4120 2 BDRMS. cpta .. dntptl, elec. no pelll. 5'>2181. NewporNllvd. 5U-{rj;J:). UNIVSltSl1Y •.1.Rll = l'AtO OllTUAllY MIJ 110.t.T LAUNCKING ::: Clusified leCtlon. save 2 BR, garage, CT\)ll &. drps. bltn1. Prlv. ga.rqe. Adults DELUXE 1n C.M. Priv home. :...~:'....,. n• =~=:~~i oiRICTDlt' :;:; ~;:~N:Ll~~~••N• ,.. money. time &. etfort. l.mk No pets. 174 Monte V11t. only. No Jll!!:l.I. Available Laguna INch 570S profeuional or student only. r::~:L:::.Act !:: f:'::1:!~.~~tnt1 :; :::: \~~i:~: •' = l"now"";! '='=======o.!.=A=v='=··="°""===M:'esa""===:l.~12=/=I=. =646-<::::='60=.==:::::::::;-IUPR DUPLEX, 2 lg bdnna, Male, $15 ,.,.t. 540--2'754. COllOMA C•L MAil ,,,. CEMliTEllY LOTS , ... •OAT CMAltllll ... lg 1pe.clou1 liv. rm' SLEEPiNO room for man. ::~•:u.Nos :~: ~:::!~~:1 .c1•Yl'TS ::~ :~ ... H~N:C,~~:;• :::: flttpltaet:. tr porch, 11 Pri home It ent. By mo on- LIOO 111.1 1:11 MaMOR1.t.L ,A1111:1 ...,, 10AT sT01t.1.c1 ,.,., ST R ""-.A:'7E"D"je~ 1undeck, cloaed rarare, ly. $40. 1543 Orange, C.M. IALIOA ISL.MO JUI AUCTIONS ... •O .. TS WANtao ..... " ~ ~ .at .&'--view of mr&-p•lu ocean, lit.ALE, private elltranel!!:, sso. NnN•T we-st WI AVIATION ll!RVIC:I '411 .1.r•c•.1.11T ''.::~!,!..fl,l,.;..:.....:..~ -Oi.r..~ ..... --r~;;;:~-i ~ '1•11>1T!NOTON •IACM 1•N rR.1.v•L ''1' l'LYINO Las1ows tih t-BrCLATL.., newly painted, new w/w 9 AM-S PM '199-2221, Aft 6. Bu1ines1 P~rty 6050 " "··' k.l;tlt ... ,. 330 E, 17th St .. CM". (Land ~ Bide.I By Owntr 714: • FUU 5'111> comm to all bkra. ; --. -----. HUNTINGTON MAlllOllR ,..., Allt T•ANS•DllT .. TION .... MOllLI! NO•~rs • ... -. lj.. Y-,.__,.._ J_~ °""' lj.. . cpts, drapes, nr. 5hDpl' hi· 494--0512. "l'RANK" <OtJN"fAIN VAL LI¥ JtU AUTD T•ANl~l:T&TIO"' "411 MOTOll HOMIS .,_,~,,,·"I' IAL llACK l•P LI0.1.l NOTICfl "4Sf l!CY(Ll5 t 'IU Actff•••.. • .,.,.... llChOOl, 1~ blk to bch. NO -llutlnMI ~..,.., OAllOI" 01tov1 Mn Oll:MAH a TUT01t1Mo .-~~=f~~~~sc;.1.111 HM 'To d•v•lop mnsoge for SUndcy# doa;s. To nliable people, Mot.IL Trlr. Crh. 5997 oMo ••Ac" ,,. ,"11 rtodwordacou-idt-to~ LE ·~ ·~. Al'"• 6 PM ""':;;;~.:.;..;::....;.;;.;o..;.;"-' •COSTS MESA* llMGI COUNTT U* SERVICE DIRECTORY MOlOllCYCLll tet of Zodlotblrth i::..'tl "°~ ~ .., -AM"TA AHA 2411 MOTDlt~COOTl!lt .,,, 'f(N( ...... 494-377l. TRAVEL trailer spaces on 1725 lq n. new, $210/mo. 1n1111Nn1• M11 ACCOUMTINO ,,.. AUTO SlllVICIS I l'Alltl .... , ,... ll"T• '' Uoi6r .MIOWAY CITY 1416 .1.1>1sw1R1No 1111v1c•• uu .t.uTo TOOLS• &1u11'. ••n :20..'t ltl" 610..·-100 CLIFF DltfVE Coast Hwy. bnl S50 mo. 3100 14 fl/4 olfc'a $310 ~~~~M ... "''ON,, r.,: :::;~.~r:.R•"~'·" ,.Ttl ~ i:::t::s. ,~1~~L :~: ~~..,.. ft=-... !!l~ siso 1 BR, 1"' BA. Crpta. -~ea="~-="'~~'~·-~-..,....., 15. 18. \25,ooo llCI ,, • LA•llNA IEAClt JJll ASl'M&IT· Diii '"' TllUCKI .,.. 5o;.,. J1-n.lr 4'Hwlcft drps. blUna, Vitw or QCelJl. \VEEKLY rates Sea La.rit sprinkltfl, U•VNA MIOUat Jiii !~f:1i:~i~:.-L ll!RVICa ::: Jlll'S ::: • F-:u UM "°' Wt.lklrc dillance '° town. Mottl. 2301 Newport Blvd .. I M.c lq U, 0rlll([f' County, ~MISllOH V11JO UM ' ..... ' ., ..... CAMl'lllS '''' 7Telo,t J1G-'llW ''""''*'"''td u.tlTTA&M Al•· '""' Bac'"'·r. ··-~-~-M... lmmed occupancy. •AN t l.IM•lffl Jiit AUTO, Se• I ""' c. ... CAMl'l!lt llENTAll ~ WAf JI I A Jae.,.., 61~ ...... '' ~ .., """" •J·~~..,,.-=~===,...,== c Ro""" N ttrcu Reallor c.t.l'llTRANO :;: :~:;•::1':T0fNtHct ~= ~i!',.No111~~go~~~os t'!i: Pi!~1uHtlf 1~a_";""-' ~~ ~~~ ", .. ~.··,, lar;c, 11 70. 491-2449 °11SANDY'S TRAILER COURT c .. · .. Mes11. a &12-l1!5 . ~~~T::::.~ l lAf N )'41 •••CK. MASONllY, .,,, ·~-~OllT C.t.•s '"' 0.1 .. 31· -llY.w'll .. ,.~ 11=. "}.lj.23 • 4MJOJ. Spi~~ av'i il now. C"iTI toNoo"'uuuM ,, .. ;~:L:~~.1511v1c~• :1;: :~~a~!~,_c'f:-:C• ::i: Sl-6&-70 lf~ :~~ Ilt 'F"~:...=.,....,,.1 NORTH ~ncl. Ocea.n view! 1 64&-9681. lk SQUARE FT. DUl'L•.1CIS UMl'U•N. ,,,. CATlllllNo un AUTO '-"'-MTS "'' 140.. ~·~ 7,,~ bdrm $140. mo incl. uU. 21..,=========;IRetaU or oUlCe apace. 6(IG. 'RENTALS CAllMaTMAltlNe Ull AUTOS WANTIO •nt 15~ ,SIM 7'~ bdrm.-,, ind. U G-u-5m Jm.2400 1<1 rt. 211 to 21) CAll~INTlll lM• '"' Maw CAlll ,... 16Ftw 4'T• 76,.,... ...... mo u . ........,..... G2nd St., Newport Bffc_h. .. I Apta. Furnished c1~11tT, c-... Hll a.uto La.t.11111• ''" 17 .,.,.,.. 47 ,,,,.,.. 77 ......., ~-4K.az25 . •IMfllAL .... CMll.O CA.Ill. uc-M .. 1. UStD c:AllJ ,,.. II,,..,. ........ 71T• GRAD. Nune wlll take c;aN Key tor entry, N.B. Tra"'1 _.;...________________________ lf......,. ...,._. "~ J BDRM. Nr. town I: bch. of fmWe patient ln 1n7own J..odre. OWntr (213) m.3101, .: : ""'0<:.:"-~ ~~ r.=:-•••• fl~ $l!i0 mo. Inq, 11)!1) So. Cat home, it hr nuratns care, eve11 (213) HHm!O. ~; HAVE IJ OU LOOKED. FO.· R n=:-"'. ~:;:. ==.-""-Hwy, .. ·-top,.,.,, 411MJ17 onytlme, DECORATOR'S ATl'r:N'TION -l 24,_ 54~ M Dina Point 5740 PRIVATE room !n liclmed Attractive buUdinl:, 1lOO mq. • • .2St'lh<•WAJ.tf S51uth IS --"--------1 board 6 can home for ft. 1.JX:atcd tn picturf'~ • - THE HIDDEN DOLLTARS. r,~.•o •• r,~ ~f:, 2 BR, family rm. 1\i BA. elderly 111ntleman. old NhlJOli Bnch near • 'tO-~'!'tiff :t,.... AppUMQet, drpl, cpJa, pool Ambulatory only. s.ts.5225 Udo lllf'. ~ J:1:, !:~~' 90=• Ocean Yle'!· NJ., Whitt elephants! Dlrnt••llnc ~·ner-AJtnt 61!>-4147 .;:· .. IN YOUR HOME LATELY ? '°' () IJ/f .. ~·or42MIA \Vhlle clf!phants! Dhne•a· ROOMSui~bl~lor1;l!ttihOp1 " ~ , • ---~~~~~~Gool~~\8/~A~d~-~~· N~cillnl~~~~~---'Pledae Ell°"ah -Glvo lloe OAJLY PILOT WANT mtn't oh<>P °' lad~t •hop, • Yow: "Fair Sha.re'' ~DS! CaU Jim Btrksblre. m,.940.1 • . ' -- • • S""rdft; N-8, l'lfll • • 1 RIAL ISTATt ' A NNOUNCIMINTS'i' · JOIS & IMPLOYMENT J OI S &-EMPLOYMINT JtibO Men, w..n. 71 00 .. JOIS &.IMJLOYMI~ Jolli Men. worn. ·1100 -"' '.._.,It.~ W!!'f!' 6249 ·'."' NOTICES . ·-J~=!.""· 7020 ;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I ·~ 814JnC,M.op. 'RlVATE party wantl to h ' 1--------A ... mbly """' -.. n. ••illblo l!>r .... ~or 3 Bedroom ............... (frM Mil_ 6400 w en You • MlNlCARE NURSING . abilities jiycle --Wtlto ~ Neu .-town Huntinaton ______ ...,.._ ' w I . d N ..... & Aid .. avallabl• for aolimife, () MECHANICAL ASSE:.:JLER TRAINEE. ptlot B111C M..-Buch. 841-lD; LONO haired black & white-an If one home care on hourly baata. tirleut1.lDO*i.ft. CAIJ... 1Sr! .. cat found Halloween . • ht lhourmlnl.mwn,Abosbittr · age rlC(Y 10-. --~-. St.~ ""or 1H--'-• FemaJe, vlc.,Mesa Verde. f ig • .• • & Jive-in. St&-4570 ~ .• 11 "--• · ~ __......,.. •1.1• ,._... " :-_ .. ~~'."t • Aµ.k!d NUl'Bel , Aides • · ..,......,ty rua.iliOns lot ,.._ Call da1 ~ Dita ,. ,• &l}-2ll&G 1t f>G..,1318 ' -· C // £ Of o.c. Nurses Rccist:ry QualUied Applicants ,..,_ iUSIN1ss-..... ii!OACK<----_ _ a one o ms w. LDan t.an>, .. s:A. •µs E. ""'St., Suli. 22• Sl'ORE Irr...... .,, l'INAHCIAL'· .Uv" collar, on Balboa 1'1" ··fhe experts NURSES l Ak1os a·~"·••· Cost& M•u 612-1470 pc..-atNewportf!er, 673-1607 ,_ '"'-7516 ... au· Opp "'· .... 111 ·-..:,,..:G:,,R~O..:WN~·-----ld-tt---.. -.. I eel be/ for home C&ft. 5t6-4;;'10 r·~ M-n --·--j5f OW!! •AJJiodN...,..&Aldeo O Accou~llnl-'4QOAccts. iETAIL or office. speCt";lm a.,: 1 K-Mart Shop'r.,Center. Call ., Of O.C. Nilrw liegistry Payable. Local Co. Llte·typ-iq ft + 50x85' front lo~ 4'l0 642--3929 • '2"/"J!l W. Llng1ui Lane, S.A. q · Call Loraine, 1'-1er- Newport Blvd . .....asi. ·' ')l'iliate • FOUND. Blad< & white kit· SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICI DIRECTORY SERVICE DllllCTORY MANlCURisr Wan!•'part or <han"' Poraonnel, '°"Weit- -CAND!\~\,(P.PL y te:i vie: 20th St. & Fullerton, tull time work tn busy shop cUU Dr., N.B. 645-Z170 OlflC11 Rental '4170 RouTE Coota Mna. 5'8-8782 . AsphJ lt, 0111 65~0 Furniture RMtorln•. Paporhe-ln• In NB A~·-~'-•-•-., •• ., • • :, CMM or Balboa-.._..~ ...... 15 ~ency L•o·•~· ea•cH (No,sellirw IrJvolved> FOUND younc C&lico cat s!:ALING & PA'J'CRING . & Refinishing · 6675 Palntlne area only. 646-o99s Sharp Secr•tary fo r '"' u~ "' Excen!:nt ·tnoOm&-for few f _., N Air Conclftioned hours "'ttkly \vork, (Days with clear pastic collar 11/5 Residentlal -Indus • Come1 * Exp ER T' m a'p 1 e ---------MO'rnER'S aid, Japa,nke ast .. pac-1wport ON FOREST AVENUE and Evt.nina;I). Relilling and • &I Catalina Dr. 642--1847 Compl reu serv. CUrrently retlniahicg, 21 yean ex-•INTERIOR EXTERIOR• iPri wants job after schoot, S.ach Agency. T y pe Desk spa~ avai,lable 111 collectini: money from coin 2 KITTENS. 1 black .i l grey engaged by City of C.M. for pe:rM!nce, 2 da.y service. Call 'Painting -Paperilangin& five In. 962-ml 65.70. Shorthand 100, ;ne.,,-eet oUi~ building at operated dispen1trs tn Or-\\"ilh w~ite spots on cbetts. strttt restoration. 642-0770 Lie. lnl. Guaranteed ora-niu & f o 11 o w rprime location In downtown anae Co. and surroundinr Little Balboa Isl. 67l-4045 NATO CORP. HarrlB Painting ~ Job W1nted, t ~ r u. U n d ' r 35. ,La&una Beach, Air condi· -area. 1we establish routl?. c.\i.rCo · KmEN, HARaoR GeD'l Contractors ~5818 Gardenjng 66IO lN~RIOR, t: x t er i or: Men & Women 7030 Phon~: 642·3910. 425 l'Uoned, carpeted, beautitul (Handles name brand candy VIEW HILLS 644-2586 Babytltti. _ 6550. AL-.~.-G-"-__ _..__ Inte~r-average 3 b d r . ' N. Newport Blvd. enlranee1: Frontage <1n and anacka)~ $1575.00 caah ••• ,., a.roenl.tlg I: Lawn home, $98.50 tabor only. cau CHINESE live-in Domestics. ,FQn!!lt A~ .• rear leads to req""-': .J'ciper1011al ln'ter. DEPENDABLE. T M8:1nte~. Commercial, i..:543-.;;...1=546.:.:;. ===;---Permanent. Experienced. ~~'Sd, ANunpl ingl · !:!!n!' ~ • .MunclJMJ ptll'ldn1 lots. $50 vle~f~ OraQGe Co. am, Lost 6401 c · l Need! eenulla ge industrial & residential PAINTING Far East Agency ri-ci · P Y n ·~-via per month for qaaee. Deak send· name. address and U' any lype f or * 64&-3629 * 1213) 387-5196 PH: 714 -494-8075 and chain available for $5. p"'-·-O"m~r to MULTI· ...... p/t job in your home. . CO. "PLETE EXTERIOR-INTERIOR IT Bwiiness houn answeriJlg '"""' ..... ""' PLEASE to t~ ~n ~na Avail. from 2 PM. Babystng m e 646-3185 ·e ' DOlfT JUSf WISH ' for 'S WONDERFUL t h e urvice available for S10. SfATE DlST., INC., 1681 W, picked up the big· beautiful refer. St art immed, Call Yard Ma.int. Cleanup CU5roM PAJNTING !Omelhing lo furrli!h your 1TUiey buys in appliances ' All utilities .... i.i ""Ct'p1 Broadway, Anaheim, Cali-German Shepherd, FY area. 5J6.:6821. -· Reas. 968-!9'18/"" ~,7 REASONABLE RATES home .•. find great buys in you find in the Classified _... .,_ fcmia. 5'28Cr?. (n4> 778-5000. 847-4664. REWARD! 1,0::,.:::· .:· '-------,., mu today's Classilied Ads. Ads. Check them now! telephone. · · . OULO care in """home by Jll\1 "S Gardenl •· la ~ DANA Laboratories Inc. · LOCATED NEAR ORANGE OOUNTY AIRPORT flu an inunediate opening for a Mechanical Ass!'m· bier. No experience is re- quired but the advancement opportunity ii ,eood. Applicant mUit be mature, \\'ell g1001ned and interested in pennAnent employment. This ts a n excellent oppor. tunity ,for an energetic pe'i'· 110n to join a dynamic organ- Uation. Visit . 2401 Campus Dr. Irvine, Calif. DAILY PIWT FRIGIDAIRE LWI' '1emale J:llue}>o1nt the week. 0th; children. · 1 :.C • C::I>==""';::.;==,....,,,,--TRE QUICKER YOU CALL. Your UNITED J\JND 222 FORESI' AVENUE JET ACTION S~~ VlC. 40lh SL, f~nced yard. play room. ::~~54~.& . :;.A~~~!~;~~~::I T=H'-E=Q=U;lCKER==''-Y=O'-U"S"E"U,=-=N='od_;•;Y.iour==Doll=ar;'=;:;=.:ZEq'°'=ual=o~p=port="="'=·"';""=Pl"ay<;_r l LAGUNA BEACH Fr!&idaire 18 mil}. wuh. N. · -642-5339 "or 642-5318. Japanese ·Gardener med. service. 646-3657 MHilS · f'astest In the lnduJtry,~'30, G_REY _kilten ~ .~· BABYSl'ITING -My Cdt.1 Complete Yard Service io OOO .5. 18 min wubes will do ·Ult knit, collar in untington borne, u companion . for .F'iee EsUmate 646-<l830 ;1 • quare ~ work of 45, 36 min washes. Shop g .Center 1117. ~1 mine. Ages 2 _ s, daily or Offic Cl.EAN·UP SPECIALIST! '. e Space AYaiL FRIGIDAIRE OUTSfAND, FEMALE COLLIE wl!ly. 675-7993 . Mo~lng, odglni odd job•. ' ING LOCATIONS: La.Mira· 646-1191 BABYSITrrNG, nr Newport Reasonable.' 548-6955 PAINTING, inter i: ext, 20 yrs ir; CM and NB. Free est. 548-4375 RENTAL READIER :m 11th Stred, H.B. da. malir sbopping;~ter, Heights Heller Park. -Lg 536-111)1 Garden Grow &: Buena . 6405 yard. Balanced 1 u n c b. Park. Pert0nal1 64.~2T:>4 · 540-3924 TREE SERVICE. gen'I yard 1-========= cleanup." SP R-J N KL ER Plastering, Repair 6880 l~~-"""'!!!!!!!!='I Coin·O·Matic DELUXE 250 1q. ft. office Babysitting, in my home. 1t1ite in Corona del Mar Equipment, Inc. PALMISTRY & $15. a week. 61S Poppy prestige Joe. New carpebl & 2334~ W. Valencia. CARD READINGS Ave., Corona del Mar. REPAIRS.~ * Expert Japanese FINEST WORK 646-0084 •PATCH PLASTERING All types. Free estimate Call ~ drapes -'priv. parldrig F'u.llerton 714: 52.>7833 Bring 'Vour Probtems t o CHll.D Care & Ironing My ~-noral Sorvr"cM Realonomlcs Corp. 675-6700 PARTNER Me -:-I WU~ Help You Home. Expe:r. Fairview & _________ 66_1_2 ~m_b_i_n~g ____ 61_90_ OFFICES Diversified manufacturing Solve Them. · Baker area, C.M. 546-3124 WHY SQUINT?-TINT! PLUMBING REPAm Reception-Ansvrerin& co. expandii'lg nationally, 'I ~V!' advice on all malltrs . No ,.. b too small Secretarial Need . nt . nted of life such as love court-LICENSED sitter, v er 'f Stop Glare, Fade&. Heat • "'"'!28 • """ N . manqeme one Sh· ' · d.. ' t bus-i e 11 ab I e, xlnt care. SUN·RESlSI'OR .,......, , _.... ewport Blvd .. N.B. man, Plu~c fabriea¥g pro· .. IP, mamage,. rvorce, Paularino area'. • 546--094i9 Applied to'Existing Glass 61>1601 ductl!. 1tfulti plant operation. kindtness . ~n~cooi;i~-ol all1,B~A~a=y=st=·=r1=m=~G-m--y~ho-f'or FREE Estimates, 'caJl bosrA Mesa offices. AJC, $17,500 required. Salary $300 s. · o.o::unite u~ separ-. • me, crpll, drps. Parking. Very per week plus share of prof-ated, ca~ speed),' ~ ha~ lunch f~hed & yard. 539-6923 nice o.Uic-es. ~ Baker, its. Should re tum Jn. excess PY l)larrlag~s. oven.-of?e -~ l\fon thru Fri. 646--0776 1''~:e7~1;-reas Ml>-4800 of $25,0XI per year_ Refer-val!, lovers quarrels, evil BABYSl'JTING, My home. · ences required. For appt flablts. stumbling bl~ of Fenced yard, lunch furn. S-il9 Cliapman Ave. ~ SQ fl oov.:ntown C:-M. (n4) 539-5600, ·ext 325 all ki,ncb, Tbe,re is no heart Mon-Fri. Call~ Ganien Grove frontaae. Plentiful parking. • so bad or home so dreary•!-----~~--RAIN Gutters I n s ta 11 e d • ,'1834 Newport Blvd. PART .TtME' DELIVERY th8.t I cannot bring sunshine Wil.L babysit any age. ~ Rainy Season Almost Here! SATUROA"f.ORSUN~AY into it. Io fact, 'no matter home. 7 am·S:30, Mon-Fri. Free est. Rea s o n ab l e ,Commercial 6015 Supervise pick up&. delivery what ~ay ~ yOur hope, 64&-387S, or M2-3237 968-2208 r---------·I to our eustomera Jn your fear or ambition -·~-130 FRONT FEET area. $3150 inventory inveit-SEE rn'E Brick, Mlsonry, etc. on Newport Blvd-488 feel ment _plus 10 hrs per "'eeH ·PA~flSf'RY READER 6560 deep to 0ranp Ave. Iron!. should retw:n $600 per n:io J_will tell y0u just 'what )'OU BUIW, Remodel, repair. ·age. C2. Prime Location. plwi. Full time also avail· trant to know. Br" k block le $lf0,(l(Q excellent terrm. able. For appJ, (n4J 539-5600 Avail for parties ict ' job'. co~re ·all .MATOIAM ... 55 Rochester C.M.. 646-4837 ext 391 · carpen ery, no sm . · With This Card and $3.00 Llc. Contr. 962-6945 ASSOCIATE Desired for uni· Reeeive $5.00 Reading qUe real estate inJlestment Open Daily 10 AM to 10 PM Carpentering operation. Beaut. new ol-Fully Licensed fl~s on Newport Bay. ou. (213) .697iS'l72 CARPENTRY 6590 Active or Inactive -sma:U 211 W_ Whittier Blvd., MINOR REPAIRS. No :Job investment requlred! Will La Habra. Too Small. Cabinet 1n ear- ' _,. _ ' vw• CAFE-fully eqyiP,'d & house. _ ......,..., .. ,... 1¥1 answer leave Hau ling 6730 MOVING-TRANSFER Local mediuni distance, Eco- nomical -Salvagable items SometimH pay for the job. John, 536-6126. YARD/Gat .c l eanup $10 /l o ad, Salvageables free! Remove trees, ivy, grade 962-8145 I Haul, clean up or what ever. Have Pickup. _.Call S36-007f aft 6_ pm. l au c.. Ft Stwo Bl.L. train rigbt party! 66-1571 *' . ··Al·one.:_ ! ~. '? ~::.: uo t be r cabinets. tocateci-on w. 19ttrSt;-<l:iata Santa Ana biluSirial-area. mse at MS-2312. Jt o. 1Mesa. ldeal for ~wner-~r. Good· income. $21.COI full Anderson Ci..EAN UP &: Hauling Sewing 6960 • Dressmaking • Alterations Special on coat hems . ......... Altontlons-646-5845 Neat,. accurale, 20. yrs. exp. TILE, Ceramic 6974 * Verne, ~ Tile l\1an• Cust "'ork. Install & repairs. No job . too small. Pla.rter patch. Leaking sh o we r repair. 847-1957/846-0alG Tree S.rvlc• 6980 TREES pruned, top pc d, removed. 2ti Yl'!'i exper. Ae r ia l lower equip. 494-4505, 638-1234 . Upho!1t1ry 6990 CzyKQSKl'S Cust. Upbol. European Craftsmanship 100% 1'~in! 642-1454 1831 Newport 81., C.M . t~dow°"n. prequses. 15•890 pr-a. 54o.:&589. -YES IT'S YOUR CARP==EN'l'!l=="'y'", "'c'"a~b'"i'"n-,-,-,-\Trees &: shrubbery trimm@d ..__., or removed. ~1359 Rnk>nomics Corp. 675-67«1 FOREIGN \V~: money FAUL'T Remod. No job too small, 6995 SiDO maker. Partner with etlll&I Fol' recorded messag~ that quality work. Call ~2576. HoUHclMning 6735 V/eld i~g'------ for lease, ll,IXX! SQ. ft capital \vanted. A p pro x will change your lile call QUALITY !Upairs -Altera· ----..,;;=--...::.;..:.: WELDING .11hop & portable. !Property 90' x 300'. 64S-ll33 $10,<nJ. 114: ~7670 aft 6 ORANGE a>. 541-6667 Uons -New const. by ·hour BAY & Beach Janitorial Sent. Ornamental iron. ,days. Eva. 642-1479. HJ W. 8 · _ 24 hour recording or eon-cl••• '"" r--1•, ,,,_,0, .. ,, ·--.,, " j1'1th., C.M. EAUTY Shop, fully equip-· "" ~ "°"'"" """' ·~ JJuu 646-lSla '=""=======I peel. Est. over 10 yrs. Relit SWEET working raJ around Carpentry AND , , , , etc. Res & Co m m c ' I lndU&trlel Rental 6090 S150 per ino:Agent 642-4422.' 50, brown hair. Only clean By the job ~r hour. 646-1401 Window Cl1anlng 6997 ~---'------interests, looking fer kind call Dick, 642-1797 BUSINESS women, teachers! 2500 Sq. ft. ;250 per mo. Incl. lnvestmen_t Oppor: 6310 honest reli~ble .ge~t. Not a REPAIRS,. ALTERATIONS J'IJ clean your home whHe 4 otnce&. Immediate oe-. bar-type, tine worker. No CABINET Any 6ize job you Work. Ref. 548-1627 cupancy. 16th , St., N.B. PARTNER needed fo~ wU-pranks please. Write lgc, 25 yn: ex~r 548-6713 lfou.&e-Apt aeani,... <642-QUJ que real estate venture. ;; habits, all particulan Box'\=.£=-~·~~·,-,=--='""" ·• ' Million dollar profit return. M-875 Daily Pilot. REPAIR, Partitions Small Reasonable Prices i oh 6100 Unbelievable opportunity fot NEED 1 ma.I t 1 Remodel, etc. Nile or day, • 5-ID-9'101 • r . quick protit. US,000 to lJelp ~inta~n n;imB~ ~~ Reas! Call KEN 540-4679 e WINDOWS DIRTY? •· BUILD 43 UNITS -$50,000 required. 64S-15n · Pref 2l-25 up wll pre-sehl -Free esL 15 years exp. City o( Ontario; C8rner lot, _ child. Clean 1c· de(>endable. Cement, Concrete 6600 Johnny Durm 642-2:'.G4 :no'xlBO', all impro\>emeota. Money te"Loaft 6320 Pleue call Dotty 540-7299 CEMf:NT w~ no Job too CARPETS, Windows, nrs, ·0ntarto1nte r natiooal wkend kd ••5 · ete. ·Re! or Co!nc'I. ·Xl nt ~rt 5 minutes away 2nd TD loan· s, w ay11 ~· small, reasonable. Free ~ew li1otor Speed..,,.v 10 . MEN WANTED . estim. H. stunlek 548-8615 v.'Ork Reas! Refs. 548-4ill. --A · Enco t G HOUSECLEANING 1 er 2 minutes. $36,000 cuh -or Protnpt, .confidential ~..... n ongoing un er roup * CONCRETE FLOORS, .... ed t balance the bl Call days "'eek. Pl't'ferred in 'fUbntil. Owner P. 0. Box 9, 642·2171 .§45..0611 ne s men o patk>s, ·etc. Reasona e, Costa 1\1esa. 642-9528. Cuea~, Calif. Pb (714) Serving Harber area-20 yrs. menl"'Omen ratio. Grow in Don 642-8514 ===-======= 1982-23!9 S•ttl•r Mortgag• Co. sell-a~arenesi Reali~ your CON CR~ TE Work-Block Janitorial 6790 IN CDJ\I. Level R-2 Jot \\ith 336 E. 11th Street potenti<J. Call S'13-15S5, Fences-Planters. Remodel-:.:;==='---·--'='.;_: 1oversized double garage _ \V..\NTED; Ride from 2>th & ing & Addition!'!. 642-9852 SPARKLE Janitorial &·Win- stres!'led for apt. By Owner Real E1t1te Loans 6340 Santa Ana 11.ve.; C.~f. tol="======="= dow cleaning Serv. Win- •$26.CQl •• fi73-3084 Ana.helm, 3 blks. oll S.A. Contr1ctott 6620 dows, resid., l."Omcl, const. 1:;.~=;-~,.-~-~,1INVESTMENT group has Frwy. on Broadway. Dayl---------Cleanup. Free est. 968-2691 ~-4-LOT, Costa .Mesa., 40 $$'s for trust deeds. We ghif't; 5 days. 646-8579 afL l'RED H. GERWJCK ,uruts. OWner. Phil .Sullivan make lst & 2nd 1c· buy ex-6:30 P .M. . BuildlnK Contractor '.548-6761 istlng TD!. Bkr. 54W381 ..::;:::...:c;L~IC"-=E"'N"S"E"D::--Fam. mu, bdrms, patios dll)' or eves. LlcelUICd-1'"'ree estimates Acr...e 6200 Spiritual Readings.~advice G'13-600. & ~2170 l~:::::::::?:::::~;l ~~C,!!~~!.:~!....~~ on all mattc:rs 312 N, El I' Mortgatn, T.D."s 634S Camino Real, &n Clemente Carpet CINnln9 6625 INTEREST ONLY lST d 2·NDS' <92·9136. """'"" ~peculate on ttus 16() acre. , an 10 AM. lO·PP.1'. CARPE"l' Special!! Th i s in the hills Eul of Irvine week Only! ! 'Ve \•acuum, ,Lake -SllnJ per acre. Can So. Calif. T.D's. Inc. Attractive E x pert shampOo & lift pile. Incl. ~be split "\IP or ,90ld in 1 piece. ZENfTH ~.6Qm • Toll Frtt YOUNG WOMAN aoil retardant. 6~ sq ft. Aasuine. 6.6% 1st T .. D. with 2nd Trust Deeds Jor sale, dancer will teach you all S45-029S. ' no prlnclpal until 1977, For Low int. oa 1st. latest steps, Call Ardell • Diamond!! are tneasUl't.'d more infonnation, please • 545-2209 * '213: 591-4538 1·10 P?tf ~Y quallly, m are we!. call K. \V. Small --STUDENT needs 'rl(ie· fium DIM10ND CARPET Eckhoff & Assoc •• Inc . Money W1nted 6350 st. Augustine Dr. H.B. to CLEANERS 645-1317 anytime 1818 W. Chapman Ave, :fl.later Del High Sehl., S.A. CARPET 11 Furn. cleaning: Landscapint 6810 LtC'D Japanese lands{:3.pe contractor, Lawns, sprklrs, patios, etc. 830-3037 LANDSCAPING, sprinklers, sprinkler l't'pair. ·tree trim· mlng & removal. 642-{)570. Masonry, Brick 6830 RICHARD ALLEN Custom & Spenlsh Masonry A Specialty! Bl~k. Brick, Concrete FrH E st. 633-i343 \VJNOOW CLEANING \\le Promise io please! 546-2210 GIVE the "United,.Way" Orange, Calif. 8.4 lo lO'Ai on your invest· f7141 536--1383 eVl'!s. ror 1 day service & qua.lily ~1-2621, Eves-wknds 5.38-5971 ment. '\'e can pla~ your 1 I' '•~1111!!!~""'!!!1!!!!!'!!!!,.. .. I tundi direct to the.borrower ALCOHOLICS Angnymous "·ork, Cal Ster mi for 1' "ANTELOPE VALLEY on title ins. real eslalt loaris Phone 542-7217 or write to brightness! &12-8520 P<1perhanglng Painting 6850 I .. 9"!m' will aiell m actt&, @ no extra cost tcf the lend· P .0. Box 1223 Co!'lta P.fesa. CARPE"l' ii upholstery steam 'btXt to f.'inon Hills Estates, er. SIDp in or call, 1323 N. * HARBOR CKU1SE * cleaned, alao carpet in· ;SGOO-·g.:z tmng, 5'8-3196 Broadw831', SA .(park:lnc on Daily 2 PP.1, Fun Zone Boat stallation. Results guar, Fer our property) M3-8381 d&1 Co., Balboa * 613-0240 tree est. call 646-5971 1.0 ACRES or evn. RENTAL RE ADIER RANOI aitn -near 1akn.l~=======- '$2SP"mo· tn4l 89M7'3. ANNOUNCEMENTS NOW'S THE 541)3924 1,,;:::;=:;.:;:,;::;;:::;,l•nd NOTICES Ora perl•• 6630 . Mount. & 0-rt 6210 Fo<rml (froo Adsl 6400 . LADIES wal<h '"""" io.U.y TIME FOR P~f Dt8erl -lndian \~ells bet"ftn Calalina &: ATTENTION New llome Owners! Oraperito:r1 by E'llie. REASONABLE (l} 526-6667 .Felrway lot -IO-x .. 121Lpcic<d llolm..00 o..., No-BT QUICK CASH $4000 under rnarkel. Long 548--0772 &Uh. CA ~ ===-----El1ctrlc1I 6640 1 SIIAMESE ca.I, re1nale, Ilea --------- collar -SUnday 11-U!I. Vtc, THR.OUGH A SIAMESE 1.:al, female, Or.a. .. I. W1n!M 6240 W.all•co & 19th C, M. bondod. Sm.U ;oo., main- ' f 6f6-4662 ' tenance &: repairs. 54S-52ll3 Bl.ACK ~•nd -W1'1fe-.rma}e kitten, 1''/flea collar .. Vie of OMmtry 'CU'b " Puay. )'tllJ have a 3 ~ • bedroom 54>#11 DAILY PILOT ltENTA~ADIE l!- Floors 6665 * PAINTING, int & ext. Back from Vietnam. Back in business again. Free ~stimates, \Viii subcontract, ~5-1089 N E ED PAINTING? Call U1!. Reliable Service ,v/ Quality at tts best, at the most reasonable prices. J.'ree. ntlmalt':'I. 548-~ JNT JEXTERlOR. C I ea n , nel\l w o r k , Guaranteed. Rerus rates, f'rcc etit. Call J a<'k 8!M-J.S9~1 collect ir nee. SUBURBAN Painting/Dec Expl'rt Guaranteed Work Free est. No job too large or too small. 494-3190 PAINTER. Interior & Ex· tenor. 20 yn:. quality 151! ~stlrr.ales. CAU. GENE 4!»-7101 .. • , ,._ ·-~ Rtad Cl 1111fic.at ion1 6500-6900 ln .W. DAILY PILOT ·~ for We or for rent,J,8~.::."'----~-­~ u1 loda)'. We re~sent LACK female pood~e In So. the tmplO)'ffs ol a IArae Cout Plaza parking Jot. WANT AD 642-567.8 CARPET \llNYt. TUE f'l'eC! est. Lie. contr. $40--1262, 546-4<13 FOR Dttter Palnli~. Inter-For lxpert lot' le ex1el'ior, 1001.1s!lc cell-A I ._ /.inn n10v11W to the Harl>or .o84.::7_:-77.:.:6tl::__ _____ J ~tta and the)' must have INJURED crtY & gold '1ou•ini! A1J e.•h (! deli.red. female cat lountf on Arlhur en Fan'OW 5*8440 Lane, C.M. 540-sm inp. &16-41l77 & 54l-35itl SS s .... nce - I • . ' Go through your place today. l:ook for everything that isn't needed or enjoyed by your family anymore. The came ras. furnitu re, sports equipment. a pp Ii an c es, out· grow n cloth ing, toys and other things you find are worth good, hard cash lo lo lks w h o need them , .• but really, they're no I worth a thing lo you if they 're not being used. Wlien you nave you r list just dial direcl 642·5678 and give ii to the experienced Ad Writer who answers. She 'll he(» yo u word your ad lo get fastest results. The cosll Surprisingly low! DAILY PILOT WANT ADS • • Cal1Now642-5678 I • • . Jod'.a-llM'iotcrcMINT JOi~ l EMPLOYME'NT 1 Jobe .M.rt, Wom.-1100 Jobt.=-Men, Wom. 7100 ' ' e.ABYSITI'ER. ITU' home, U : D'IO old sit\. Moo lhnt Fri. : 84f..1T15, -M>013i,aft. 6. BABYSITTER -Every Fri & Sat rdte t pm r ~ a.an Vk. HB Call 9f32.7681 BABYSl'M'ER far :l very ac- Uve he!>''· Fle~ble hrs. A vaU. eves. & wknd1.. Qc. cutonally. Own tnwp & References. Call • 54&-3681 after 7 PM. ' BABYSITTER. 4 lile hskpg for J: cltildt't.n, NB area. Own trans. Aft 6 pm, 6~· . BAR ?ifAID (nra:hU) WANTED. 'Ibe Flame' Room. 18111 Monnivia, CM. Call In penal) al 2 poi. BEAUTY Oper. full time. Take over. gd. cllentelc. M/be exp'd. App, in person. Ph. 1or appt. 545-0209 BOOKKEEPERS 151 FULL CHARGE TO $800 Irvine Complex 'Area E.~CELLENT GROW'I1-l POTENTfAL Rivlera Employment Agency, Inc. 4007 a1acArU1ur Blvd, Ste 2fll N.B. 5-l(}.6370 BOYS 10. 14 Carrier Routea Ope n for . . COO~ .. HOUSEKEEPER u .... tn or ool, Balboa G~ Allen BylaJld Agency _lQG B E. l6(h St. Santa·Ana. 54T.m95 COSMEJleS WIGS Sou!hern Calitomia'~ most ~xciting new concept in beauty 5tudios, located tn Newpo11 Fashion Island, 1teeds 2 cosmetic experts lo teach pro(essional makeup le<:hniques & 2 wig expert! to style, sell It den1onslrate a full range o1 quality hair goods. Excellent s a I a r y structure, stimulating work environment & an unlimited future for mature, qualified personnel who can teach and demonstrate our con- ceptS and sell with taste &: creativity. Interviews Tues. Nov, ll at the HOLIDAY INN, Santa Ana Frwy at Chapman 0!11'8.ll\p, Orange. Ask for Miss Parker. Wonderful _WORLD 12 13) 474-6874 • s .... .,., N-blf 8,'1969 ~AILV'"LOT Its JOllS i IM!it.OYM.INT;JOIS l'.,.,LOY~NT -r~ ...... OYMIH1'_-!°""l IMl\.O~ .IOIS ~IMl'LOYMfHT 1Qlu;!!tli!£ft@~T @'-.~Y-, !-~obi Min. WWII. 7100J1ti1 .~ """° 7'00 .t••• MplQ. w.. 7100. ,... Mi•, w-. 1100 ~Jallll"SM.n;-W...-i. 7100 Jobi Min, 1100 ••• flt\e"' w~ 1ioo ' G eiilJ~: al~!!u-MARINI MICHANIC• • :• RESJ'AllllAllT: . ~ ' • • l'OLICE OFF I CIR Elp'ol. .,.d,tlme WAITRESS you' "'· * * wlw<Jdbw -r, Too pay. • 5toi,... i.. "'-. ,.., • ., wt111n1 $711 i. $In Per Month ExJi'd. Pitt um. 1unc11 H•usewlve_s and Mothers eoai w-. ulil su... CAlllllER. + 2 '""· s.> pm CAN JOIN A._ v'IT·~L.· mANDINCi r, Cool& Mesa. CITY OF Apply Jo -· COLONIAL -"' 1, Eam Ult• -y"" -s••Bett< llliite'at ' NIWPORT BE:A H -KJTe!IEN,---a Har'*, INDUS11ll, wnH THE FOUMOST I ia , , cJ11" MANUFACTIIRIR OF AUTOMATIC • * c HR Is Tm As * mw l:x11c , ,::i•.:::.. ':~~.bl~!,\~ ;:.:.~1: ~ _J.ALV_ES-AHD ~ONTROLS. i Aa:ency for ~r -Ciria vroczesslw police: de--Tf1151 PERMANENT POSITIONS ARE ? J. C. Penney Company 410 w ~t •Hwy., N.B. ::lm_:t~U:cti~~-Rettaurani ' 'AVAtLAILE IMMIDIATILY a, ~po1n1. M&.393lJ ~.. 0 _,,,_,,1, 10• Ancient Mariner . .,, Fashion Island -Newport ieiicti Has positions open In * Sales * Santa's Helper * Credit interviews * Gift wrapping Schedules including afternoons, evenings and combination ol both. Finest conditions -Top supervision -Ex- cellent benefits including discount privilege. * Apply Now * 10 A.M. lo' P.M .. Monday, lhru Friday J. C. Penney Company #24 Fashion Island Newport Beach, California "'" · * OVE:RstAS * More jobs lhan people CaU Smitty. '71t:TI4-2610 ?ifR DONl:JT needs a \\'Oman 21 yrs or over, e\16. App. in person u; E. 17th, C.~t. Motor Homes EXPLORER i1 ex· paneling, • n d we h • v e immediate openings for ...:.. * 5 Finish ca11>Cnter1 • 3 Shellers * 2 CablnE>t shop iwemblers * 1 Glue:man (cabinet shop) • 2 Framers, female * (cabinet shop) ~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ • 1 Table saw-man =:=:: I :: :111:: 1·11 . . . · :: == * l CUt-oU saw man * 1 Wekler, R & O dept. Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 • 2 Welder helpers Foreign Car Mechanics Good co. bencli!s, incl paid vacation, group bu, uni. * 1 • 12 Volt auto electrician LADY For Dry Cleaning * 1 Upholll.terer . Plant. Exper. pref. Some * 1 Plumbing & hcatin1 hand &: ma.chine sey,•ing. helper: . ~ ·~-·"' 0 e SWING SHll'T e elude 5'9", 150 pounds .now taklna: appllcadon1 tor mJ"lmum; 21 to 31 ;.an Full k part time, day & e TIIRRET LA THJ OPERATOR$ ot aie: 20/SO uncorrect-!!'\·es sbUts. edplom'"',ion. : hlib oci>ool d" • KITCHEN .HELP • DRIU PRESS OPERATORS e DISHWASHER Those qualified lhould report fol' the next writ- ten 1est 6:3() p.m., Nov, 19, 1969, at City Hall C.OUnc:ll. Oiambers, 3300 Newpmt Blvd., Newport Beach, Calli. No appJi. catK>n n.eeeuary prior to test. For further infor- mation, rontact the Per- sonnel Of ri ce, <n4) 61"'633. Programmer & Systems AOVANCE TO MANAGEMENT $1~.·000·$i4,000 • BUSBOYS We have prcivided over ZO years of Apply In ptDOn 2601 w. aout Hwy. steady emploY1ftent for our employHI. ~~~N~e~w~"°"::..:.~B='=''="'--~I Restaurant MAINTENANCE -MAN- 'Van!ed li'or F;er. west Services APPLY REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Coast Hwy. Newport e.ach ***** 17th & PLACENTIA COSTA_ MES\', C!-L>F. 7 I '4-548-220 I l R.P.G. programming, 360-20 disc. Rivle1'a Emplcrym ent Agtncy, Inc. Jobs Men. Wom. 7100 Jolie Mon. \V~ 11oo; I Sal .. EXCEPTIONAL 4667 MacArthur IDvd, S!e 2<YI N.B. 540-6370 Real Estate Sales OPPORTUNITY Sal .. GRANT'S SURPLUS SHAMPOO GIRL: mu&t be licenft'C!. Call Tony &l n,e Hair FactotY64!M>311. Lazuna Beach, So. Laguna DAILY PILOT 642-4321 COUPLE watited a.s assis- ~!'!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!I forms furnished free. Good comm. schedule. Ask for Joe ti.loore Ph, M(}.1764. G>JIDENER y,•ants help. Some experic~ ne<:cssary. Ph: 496-3383 eves. Apply in pel"50n. s Points Expenenced applicants Cleaners 18641 Main RB gain prelcttnce. ' ' . PLEA.SE APPLY We have the only Real Estate office in the Univ. Park atta, on the booming Irvine Ranch. \Ve now need l more iiuccessful real estate saleaperson w/ int~st in Harbor View, Corona de! Mar, Turtle Rock & Univ. Park area. Ample Door time. Extensive adv. & promOtional porgram ofle~. See: Le Raisor at We att expanding: our New port Beach operation ancl wiah to interview young m'tn who are p-u!Y inte~sted Jn detennlnlng the po11sibllltle1 Now lnte,..;.iev.:ing TELEPHONE ahp-erina Eerv operator. ~ll a- v.:eekend5. 494-14:11 BUSBOY or Gh1, OiflOer tant managers for Motel Waitress, & extra Banquet apls. 2376 NeY.')'IOrt, C.rti. y,•aitress. Ben Brown's La· 54S-9755 guna Beach CounLry Oub. DENTAL chair.side assistant 499-2271 experienced only. CASHIER Restaurant cxpcr. ~ prcren'ed. Nights. 673-S.l05. "D=E~N~T~A~L-A~ss"'1~s~;r~A~N=T Ask for ~J.ra. Franke. Oral SW-gel")' ' ~-Ray exp CEtit.ETERY only need apply." 548·TI19 COUNSELING Dept, Store ~ Two n1ature men 1lf'eded. ·HOUSEW'JVES • Prefer JO to 60 year.; or age. Experienced in selli~ in COLLEGE STl.JPENTS the home . Interesting work CAREER GIRLS and top cOmni.lsston. A $ Earn Xh-a ll.loney for i,.autilul Momorw P•rk CHRISTMAS overlooking the f ·a ci f ic Enjoy an excitrilg' season In Ocean. Pleuc; call for~ a.ti' a beautiful store.• hnme<f\. lnter viev,r, DIPTCll \Vard. aie tibetal discount. Full Clerical ~·4-0212 and pal't tlme schedules, days and eves. SECRETARY CLERK TYPISTS Varian Data ?lfachines, located in the Irvine In- ,.dustrial Complex, has im· m!!diato openings lot" the following • APPLY PERSONNEL 10 TO 4 P.t.I. J. W. ROBINSON Fashion Island Ne11.'Jl(Jrt •Beach- DISHWASHER Experienced Apply in.4.rJQn * SECRETARY SURF & S!ALOIN 1 Reporting to-~ of · 593.0 Pa~ Cif~ .. Hwy. , programming. Excellent t;yp-__ N_e_w~po_r_fll_•_a_c_n __ • ing and snorth.llnd skilb are • required. A 1ninimum of : three years reeent, rcsp.7( slble, related experk'nce is : necessary. Engineering ex· f perience preferred. DRILL PRESS OPERA TOR SR •. General: Experie nced furniture man & driver, full time. r.1\litary obligalions filled. 642-:ll50 GAL FRIDAY $600 Ex~ll~nt opportunity, Nc1o,•. port Beach. Enjoyable change of pace Job. Top ben· efit:s. Call Kay 546-5410 JASON, BEST Employment Agency Zl20 So. Maln, Santa Ana GIRL FRIDAY Lite ottlec ,,·ork. Pern1anent position. Good pay, 5 Day week. Over 21. !\lust be neat in appearance. Interview 1a.2. Mr. Kennedy. 1489 E. Warner, Santa Ana. HELP \VANTED SLAVICK JEWELERS We have l."&reer oprnings for y,·omen In ou.r Fashion Island store for -Sl,1._Ve.R LADY - Our empJoyee berle!it pro- gram includes: Profit-iihar· ing, paid vacalion, .stock op- tion, health ~nefils. For in- terview call Mr. Bruce: l'Ylun. son, (714) 644-1380. Landscape -OR CALL - P•rmenent full time ger· Explo,.r Motor ·Homes den•rs neeci•d for mein· 3021 .Newport Blvd. tenen·ce & upkeep of C.OSta ?ilea.a, Odlf. grounds for lerg• ept. tn4) 54&3300 complexes. Y~er·round Now in Ne111Xlrt 8'ach! employment wrth good Hollywood's ycung Hain;tyl· sterling sel•ry. isl Jon Peters ls openifl& an- other elegant omi.ot HAIR CUTTING in Newport Beach and Bill Petton 645-0550 STYLING SALON in Garden Grove fcaturlng Mildred J1cobsen Richard Ouellet, Owner 625.3919 Interviewing personnel for LEG,--,:,,-AL,,.-..,Sttre,---,.-tary--,Ttal=-""· -'-I hair stylisl.a, manicurists, Mature. Must be ac~~ col~rlst, shampoo 1\rls & typist. Call _ 644-4452 m~. Recepllonlsl It make· -"----~~--' up girl. Hair .stylists wi ll be MACHINISTS tral""' by Joo Polen. l ot" e Red Hill Realty Univ. Park Center, Irvine Ca.JI Anytime. 833--0820 Restaurant NOW INTERVIEWING FOR: e COOKS e WAITRESSES e BUS BOYS *Day Shilt* views will be 1t1onday, Nov. 10 between 9 AM·2 PM. e DISHWASHERS Tuesday, New. 11 between e CAR HOSTESSES Excellent growth oppor- tunities, O\"e.rtimc, hinge benefits. -AUTOMATIC - SCREW MACHINE Multl·spiiidle, Bto\\•n It Sharpe, Taub. PUNCH PRESS Si.lnple and progreasive dles. . DRILL PRESS · APPLY IN PERSON SHUR·LOK CORP. 11 A~l·3 Pllf. 1610 W. Coast A real career opportunity Hiway, N.B. ay,·al.ts you in the restaurant -.~NU~RS=E~s-AI=o~ES~•--1 industry, now the third larg. eat industry in the world. E.XPERlENCED If you are bright & alert, * 549--3061 * neat appearine Ir at least 18 NURS:E'S Registe~ • years of age or older, we evening & night shifta. Ex:. need you. "'"""''· Apply Personnel EXP NOT NEC. D~tor, So. Coe:st Com-We oiler complete training murut,y Hosp., 31872 Couf at our t-X~n!e:, promotioo Hwy., So. Lapna. 4!$-13ll, frQm within &: company exl 356. benefits • auch as: * OVERSEAS * Life Ins-Meall- We need you! Hospitalization-. ·Call Smitty, 714:774-2610 Paid Vacations-Unilonns -PAINTER- 5-6 da)'ll week-Days or Evea Interviews bt!tween 9-5 pm. November tth-9tb. of a life time career in the financial sales f ield, \Ve have a Ion&' ranie training program covering both the SALESMEN Full Time areas of e•tate c~alk>n and ZXperienced preferred but estate conservation. \Ve will not necessary. Many com· makf a substantial cuh in. pany benefits. Apply in per. vestment in the men chosen. 10n only between 2 and 6 Jn addition to being a na· P.!tf. tional life Insurance com· Please apply pany, v.·e have a broker/ dealer outlet for Wes of mutual funds. lf yoll have college training, are be· tv,.eeo the age1 of 25 • 45 and are wWlnir to spend ~me time in order to learn tr..,o Newport Blvd .. Ci\t SALES MANAGEMENT for recorded Information mo're ·about our opportunity and your °qualification•, call CALL 636-1424 ?ifr. Brown at 675-0044, for -~=c....=-'--.C:...-~ an appointment. PacUlc Mu· SALE~ -Earn money \vlth tuaI Lile Jnsura~ Co no investment. S a r a b .:::::...:=-===::..::o·c....-1 Co\•entry needs full & SALES: Need lalea rep. to part-Ume help. No de.I· we .sell computerize• bu&lneu train. For int. ph. Ms.filoo systema to local bu1ineues. Sal C.omp. Int.In. &U-Qj(lJ e• DRAPERY SALESWOMEN Sal .. UNUSUAL Experienced 11reterred Excellent benefits Full time. Oppoljtunity. ~~r.r::; The lndepondont ;,;J: of J .. w. ROBINSON Foresters have opened a Fuhlon Island, N.B, -------1 TOOL & DIE MAKERS *Day Shift* ' ' ' Minimum 5 Yrl. experlenot, progressive and fonn dtea. l • • Excellent growth opportun- ities, overtime, frin&e be~ i eli!L APPLY IN PERSON SHUR-LOK CORP. · 1300 E. Normandy PI., Santa Ana fl blk. N. ol McFadden, Y1 blk. W. of Grand.) I I "T"RAIN="E"E"•-,•"'ttta:-,"'u-•• -.~1r1~,. ! 18-25. intenated In le:arnlni • to train dop tor sch!. \"; Or&. County. Dop tralnett~ for pvl. pty's. .Ir. for TV. ~ ~762.-6l.16 • T'ralnff ~, • OraJling; • Architectural • ! Beach Location • cau Ann ~ ; Merchants Per90nnel, 3>43 ! Westclitf Dr., N.B. ~1770 : T,YPJST , 2:i yean or ol~ prde:rred, : w/stron1 background In 1 IBA-l t")ectrlc. will train on : ; * CLERK TYPIST Experienced HOUSEKEEPER, live in. Private apt. 2 schoolagers. 675-0310 548-7197. 1300 E. Nonnandy Pl., Santa Ana CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH See Mr. Skirry or ti.liss Smith new '!fflce in South Orange Equal opportunity effiPTO)'t'r County, Reqllfre intelligent SALESLADY, Exp'd, full man or woman ove-r 25. Col. time, to work in lJngerie lege not nece~. Should atore. Gd. salary, medical, hav~ experience m meetln&: Fuhk>rut for La.Femme. 23 pubt1.c. Dignified IUe time Faahlon J&land, N • e . posit.km. Ea.ming commenc-&i+-Ot70 el immediately. Should bed.:.::.::::::__ ____ _ Fle;cowriler. Pfrmanent ; position w I n1ailin1 firm. ~ -' : Excellent typing s kill5 re· quired. Individual will \l.'Ol'k in an engineering oi:ien ted dept. Stable work ~ord necessary. and desire to pitch in and wm:k. APPL'\' HOUSEKEEPER & child (1 blk. N. of McFadden, care, 5~! day \vk., $50 y,•k. ~2 blk. w. of Grand.) A & W Restaurant 16141 Beach Blvd., HB. 142·2155 in excess or ;250 weekly. Savlnsa & Loan BRANCH WAITRESS ' Cadillac Controls + nn & boa.rd. Pd. vac. l oM~•.cd~W>."';-,,-,-'--._..'--1 540-9212 $562. to $614. per mo. Requires completion ot apprenticeship, two years as journeyman painter. Applicants, please apply to Personnel Offi~. 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Telephone: 492·8700 bo!tween MA' N'AG' E' R 9 AM • J PM Moo, thru Fri. , 9 Ml • 12 Noon Satunrdays Exp'd • Sav,ihgs It Loan ~XPERl!NCED l:.'xcellent starting ~ · and fringe benefit pro- gram including f\\"elve day! paid vacation dur- ing first year ol eniptoy. men! plWl an annual Holiday vacation fron1 Christmas to the ~1ooday following New Years. PLEASJ:; APPLY varian data machines l A VARIAN SUBSlDl!'RY 2722 Michelson Drive (San Diego Fwy. to Jamboree off ramp 1 blk S. to ti1ichelson Dr.1 Irvine, Calif. 92fitil An F.qual Opportunity I ~~-E_m~p-Jo~y•_•_>_J_&_F~~ CLERK TYPIST 1 00-55 'wpm typing, iite !lhorthand, ;eneral ofr· ice rlutles. Some offi~ , cxperienc-e. . APPLY IN PEftSON, OR CALL 3333 Harbor Blvd, CoAt.11. M!$8, CalU. (n4) 546-SCGO Division or Ex-Cello Corp. 1866 Whittier Ave. Costa Mes. 646-2491 Equa.I opportunity employer Onver J. W~ ROBINSON llAS OPENING FOR PANEL TRUCK -DRIVER- Hotel FOOD CHECKER/ CASHIER Only experienced need apply. Relief .shift. Apply in person only Contact Bobbie Purdy The Newporter Hotel In" . 1107 .Janiboree Rd. APPLY IN PERSON Newport Beach, Ca)if. FASHION ISLAND Janilor -,.-N~EW~PO=RT=BE~A-CJ~J-1 J. w. ROBINSON *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! l\Just have clean California driving I't'COrd. A9ply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. Costa Mesa DRIVER 'VANTEO. Over 18 for Laguna area. Mwit have dependable transportation. Jl.fon thnl Fri afternoon, Sat morning. Call Ben Williams or Joe Nobles 642-4321 ELECI"RONIC Assemblers, printed circuit b oards , llAS OPENING FOR *JANITORS* APPLY IN PERSON FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEAOI e JANITOR full time e SALESGIRLS lull & part lime E:icp'd, Phone for appt. 540-5000 Ext. 30 l:qllal opportunity employer JOSEPH MAGNIN e:..p'd. J\lay consid. trainee. LADY, Lite housekeeping & 1555 Placentia, N. B . cook dinner. Hni. 3-G Plt1, 5 645-0770 days a wk. CdM area, E'WER· sewing Machine . _1138-""3-"'""':,,.,,.=~---0perators needed. Design-LANDSCAPE tlelper. ing Woman at 21402 Laa:. Full time. Some exp pref. El Cyn. Rd., 494-1995. Tom-Laguna area. SJ(}.J0.17 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7'100 * EXEC. SECRET AR-Y * 11.llSSILE SYS'fE~lS DIVISION ATLANTIC RESEARCH Musl !>e able lo lake shorthand al llJ0.110 wpm. Experience .it the executive level in ... a safes or marketing' activity preferred. ~=~~e Will also l'ia:ndle phones &:: travel arrange.. ment.s. E xcellent opportunity. Salary com· ~°:'1 mensurate with background. .,,,,.,,... Please apply In person or call Mr. Kuechler COASTAL Al'ENCY for appomlment, 835-4804. ;~-::;;:=,\ GENERAL AUTOMATION Anlslince 1402 E. CHESTNUT ST .. SANTA ANA A mqmber of s.eui,,. & Sn•Ul"i ""· An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F mo 11...,. Bl, CM MJl.6tl5S Will be moving to Irvine complex 1970 zJlll?'bor O~vd. II Adami 11. .................. ,.,. ................. ... ' FORM GRINDERS *Day Shift* ll.finimum 5 yrs. e.xper. in Beach, Calif. 92S60. Ph.: precision surface grinding cn4) ~. of flat and dovetail 1orm -';:.c-":,:.==~~~ toola & die grinding. Part Tim• Medical for an RN. 20 hrs/week. Excellent growth opportun. Salar)' $300, Tues, Wed and ities, overtime, fringe bene. Sat. until noon, Every 4th !its. Sat. oH. APPLY JN PERSON Newport Personnel Agency 833 Dover Dr., NB Equal Opporturtity Emplyr Re&taurant Night DISHWASHER Apply in person REUBEN l LEE 151 E. Pacific Cst Hwy Newport Beach SHUR-LOK CORP. 642.-3870 549-2743 1 ~-------- p L A S T I C S Restaurant 1300 E. Normandy Pl., Santa Ana {1 blk. N. of McFadden, ~I blk, w. of Grand.) Injection Molding * BUSBOYS. Openings ror experienced or * DISHWASHERS tralnffs {female). t. grew-Full time, over 18. Neat in yard 1hilt, l • 1wing ihift. appearance. No exp. nee. ppl 8 to 4 M APPLY JN PERSON A y "'" pm, on. e BOB'S BIG BOY e ?ilAID Expe1"ience for Motel thru Fri. only. Apls. Gd. satar,y. sunny Orange. Coast Piastics 154 E. 17th st., C.M. Acres Motel, 2376 Newport,1_....;.&ltl:.:;...W_.c_I:.;87'th'-S-t" .. _c:.;.M_. _ Rootaunutt C. I\f. 543-975.5. POLICE CLERK $474. lo $576. per mo. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH *HOSTESS* 71 Years or Over Njifit Shift APPLY JN PEROON for appointment. Enjoy a rewardlnr carter and join a highly successful SALESMAN Part time • Men's clothln(. Expttl~ preferred. 1j-fa.ny employee benefit.. APPLY IN PERSON 9:30 am. 9:30 pm, ROBERT HALL CLOTHES Savtnrs & Loan A.saoc::iatlon in the Nev,.port Beach area. Thb: po&ition entails chal· lenjing duties and ii adapt· ed Jor an. individual 'with ln:iqlnative and creative &hlltties •. ' Excenent fringe benefits. Submit your re• ume , to Box ltf·914 Daily Pilot SERVI($ station,,exp'd man 1001 Newport Blvd. part time, 5 pm to 10 pm. Costa Ate-. Union Oil, 393 E. 17th, CM SALES: Attract. girls for SECRETARY, ~xper •. in. fashion u.let in Orqe Co. surance agency, full time. FUlJ or p/t. 842-4449 Salary open. can 842-4449 Sales SECRETARY/RECEPTION· MEN & WOMEN JST Iote..,1tlng job to Doc- tor's omce for secretarial LEADS LEADS 1killl in dlctaphone & IBM We have more leads t111n we TYPEWRITER. ?\lust have can ha.ndlr, Our refernJ pleulna appe~ and plan is fantastic. Instant penonaljty, with ability to help needed. No experience ti,an<Ue contidei;illal matt"r· required. Complete traJnln&". ial1. Hrs. 8:t5 to 5:30. Earn minimum $50 per day PH : 833-8878 r • Payday evft')'doy ll d .. Jr: s~RETARY ed. We advertise on TV ~ ~ time• daily. Have fun dem· TO $600 °"'"'tin• "" suM GYM. 1 1 e ..i •• People .,.. -"" to ., rv ne om,....x Apply In Person SURF & SIRLOIN , 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. Newpo rt Beach WAITRESSES & CAR HOSTE~ • Full or part time. Attractive : \\1th happy faces. 11IE • ZOO, E. Coast Hwy, at ; McArthur N.B. ; **WAITRESSES : No experience necessary, we will train. FUll time, neet agpearance nee. : APPLY lN PERSON : e !!OB'S BIG BOY • : 154 E. 17th St., C.M. : WOMAN, No1Hmoker. Rn : 16 am to 5 pm. Apply Coun· I try Club Donuts Pallaadet &: 1 Santa .Ana Ave., S.A. Hts. 1 ' Young Fry Cook \ or Kitchen Tralftff 1, Permanent, full time job. Over 18, Nett appearance. Clance tor advancement. APPLY IN PERSON tifA N, ~ ASSEP.tBLY FOREMAN Exp'd. or will train. $80 wk. to start. Must be able to do lifting I.:. physical work. Apply 9-ll AM. Golden's Magic Wend 946 W. 17th St., C.?if. Requires one year recent R'E u BE N'S the Galloping ,loUl'lle Chair. Exdtq: job with dynamic This is the Grevy Train • )'OW1I compe.ny. clerical experience, 50 All aboard NOW!! c a 11 Riviera Empkiyment Bob's B19 Boy lS4 E, 17th Street Costa Mesa MANAGER in NEWPORT BEACH * NEW OFFICE "'1>tn typing, 1-1.la;h School COCO'S 546-9511 for appolntmenl; Aaency, Inc. diploma. App'"' be.fore 5 pm Nov. 12 Thun, Fri, Sat or Sun. 4867 I\facArthur Blvd , Ste 201 ~ 1555 w "'ams c M WE HAVE LEADS! N.B. 5401370 Per10nnel Office, 3300 New. • -' • • S hoo. I I I 7600 .,, ......................... SALES REPRESENTATIVE c .• nstruct on ; port Blvd., Newport Beach, THE SUN NEVER SETS on SALESLADY $600 SALARY + full com· ' Calif. tn4) 6n.G&33. QAILY PILOT WANT ADS! to ha.ndle famou, cosmetk1. mlM\on wtitle in tnJnini' 1f ~-~~I i Jobo-Men, Wcim. 7100Job1 Men, Wom. 7100 e PERSONNEL e GENERAL AUTOMATION * 536-4900 * you qualify. OrganlzatlQn ~)education no hi.!Tier! I SALES: Product S.lt1 ELECl'RJCIAN: Ll<;ensed, Let lll h@Jp you qqaUfy. · Raynl! Water Condillonlrw, 1hould be-OVff 25. XJnt INNKEEPERS lNsrrrun; 7522 ·Park Ave.-, , Gardfn manaa:ement opporturtitiel. INTERNATIONAL 1 Grove. Jmmed ope ning for 2 lll1h income potential. Call MoteVHotel/ Apt Mgmt Scbl 1 _peQple lql area. No exp. Pvlonnel Manqt'r be.tween A Ql.YlSION 01~ _ nee. will trfln. Apply 9 AM 10-5. 675.!513 ..--· -ANTHONY SCHOOLS NEW SERVICE * ha s an opening in its Personnel Depart-_ --ment, reporting dlreouy-to'llle Employment Supenrisor. Initial duties will involve screeninJ appli- cants, typing correspondence, handling tele- phone inquiries and making travel 8Jl'ange- menl!. Secmarlel skills, Including •ho""" band would be helpful. ~Sale11 S.Cret•ry -$500 1717 S, BROOKl-IURST ·a ... JOll earn1' M Anre .. Jve l'l w;th 8""" ANAHEIM, CAIJl'ORNIA I "f I(;' , "• skilla -Swin,ing oUice • Caue• fonn every 1'.-etk 1 ?i1ust be shart>. a~a- 9\ve, well groomed and sales orienk!d ·witb an eye to the Ntttre. U>ts ol. rcsponlibillf.Y, ex· cttement an:I OJIP)rlunlty to P'r'W_!_ ~ )'OW'ltU as a """"' .... C1ll Collect 1213) 3I0.12.60 for 1ppolntment This ls an exceOent opportunity with a growing company • Apply In person or call 0. L. Kuechler, 835-4804 GENERAL. AUTOMATION 1402 E. CHESTNUT, SANTA ANA An J::qual 0pportunl\)l.Empl_oyu . '' Beach area • CaJ1 Lontne. PHONE FOR APPT. l $250 per week? .... ..._ p......,,,.I, 200 ... for Belly -w .. tcllU Dr., NJ!. !4>.J111) The Ne,.port You wiH ,.,.r.,. dlplfled SECRET•R•v.=-Sch.I o1::au.1 .... -• bchle~ between ace• . " ' ~ · • · · -· and .;,.m..,, Th~ " EXl'l!RIEl.ICliD Featurts _,kly ,._ a aaJn oppottunlty for wh1ch Perma~Df, 25 Hout, :I Clt1 cou.r&e1' In the Mlll1 )'OU )IOU have .earched. no cen-we e k poslnon. aV1llable need to · iet the Joi) )'OU va.ulnr, advancement, pn. Newport &ach, ty's. 9 am. want! eroue ~ren,ent plan. 'Not 12, l 1..l pm. Top l&lary. a Job but e cl\J'ftr. Eamlna• \Vrlte Box P-56ii, Dilly Ptlot. 133 Dover Dr .. N.B 1tart lmmedlatel)'. SEWING: 2 y,·on~n to eew on 6U-3870 Call ~1701 tor appoint. Wlc 'patterns. Able to do GUITAR 11 110111 for ment, bef\\-een 10 am & 110me cuttlna. Box J\.f~ ehildrt:n. My home. 4 pm, Dll\ly Pilot. * 536--2315 * .• • FOUlt CPNYENll,.T OflllCU TO SlltYE YOU -• NIW!OIT liA!:tl ·-2211 ..... 111..i. • c:ostA MISA -• no Wott Illy e HUN11HTON llACH -· IOt l'lltto S- e u.euNA llACH · m -•-.. ELECJ'RJC 1>y pen $2.lo. Wallie iron $2. J\outint pan J;Oc:. l\1aple bend\ $2. Jdasllt hla:h chair $1. f.todel kits The. li'Old~ camera 75c, Sri diAhe:1 S2. R~wood basket rac. J\l•rtirU pitcbe1-s 75c. Electric ruor 75c. 2099 Cen. ta.llA Pl., N.8 . S48-e382 '£USED TV's * G<.nf condition, Sl~ • $40 CALL 54J.&115 QllLDREN'S Door gate $1. Crib, no maltre5fi S7.50 Good custom drapes, all &izes, aome celllnc to Door, all $2S. 3 good ceillna: mount traverse rods S21). r· pipe cutler $4. r.1ummy sleeping bag SJ, Suburbia fertlllze.r spreader $4 . \Vhlte 6 ft. vinyl Christmas tree $<!. 35mm Aml'rican Optical slide proje('tor, "'orks perfect u,5. Room divider. black and \\'h l le $2. Bathroom sheU caddy S2. Small v.·heelbarT'O\V $::. Books Sc4J. Records 23c. Cla15 and ceramic v.·ares Sc--OOc. Bucket seat, black $S. Pla5tiC \\'&l"f! 5c-25c. Child's trike SOc. Premiere upright ''1u·uum . works fOOd $5. ~-2982 Java Rd., r.1csa Verde PINK Edison 6 year Crib, excellent condition $25, in- l'iuding mattre1s and cover. 644-1028. EastbluU. BEA.tm.FUt... Llkt new 23 x KITCllEN table. 2 ehalf'I DISHMASTER $15. Infant '2 Snow Scene white and S-10. Complete bed $JS, Ex· swing $8. Toa.s1er $3. Car aojd frame $6. J\laytag cast cellent condition 545-2197 Rat $2. 545-6302 aluminum wringer \vashcr, ASSORfEO Yamaha 80 ~ 39 INCll gas stove, good con- t.tied very llUle S2§~ .. S46-IJ.11!) 60 part1. Frame $15. Forks dltion $2S. 54g..1387 DA N IS II So t a $ 1 5. $15. W~ls $5. Tires $1 -$3. DAVENPORT $25. QWr JO. Wtstlnahouse stereo $25. any enctne and lranamisslon End tables $5 each. Lamps While naugahyde SllkC01·a J>Ql1s V'd small parts $1 • $5 each. 543-4615 kltll !izc headbo&.rd, I $5. 540-6147 n@W $3). Fiw draw r ~;;;;--;-=------£MART. ntw 1t1a,anln dre.s&, dttsaer $10. Two dra" ~Z drnsea. \\'OOls, cot-\\'aS S49, llclling $20. size 12- dresser $5. \VaJ nu t l611l, C?Cktall, size J, 5, 7. Sl 14. New Pucci blou~. raw bench $7. 3 flbc1-gtass hairs ·ST. Dishes, while. 50 pic(-es s Uk, r;lze 12, $12. Blouse $5, $5. Olild's scooter $2.5(1, $12. \Vlglel, styled, i'ed-size 12. ~ brov.•n $4. l ee skates, ca&r I~=~~-----= \Yater skiia $8. Gov. size 6, $6, Slat bench 54· SINGLE hot plate. new $3.50. \\llnthrop desk, 3 shelves, 3 Shoes high heel size 5 Sl · Round maple table $25. 6 drawers Sl.$. Hi·l-"'i with SJ, ~2l3.1 ' ' • chairs $10 each. Vanity S3. stand $12. M&-2842 Erl'1:1ish tv.·ttd sports coats, METAL Stall tihower <.-oi1-56 4INCOLN for parls, no nlf'dium SI8 each. Like new, crete base $12.50. Platform pink S25. 5.iS-4448 15~; size dress shirts $1 -$2. rocker $10. Old Corona 60 VALIANT, runs · $2:>. Ladies bike, Austrian make typewriter S7.50. 3 548-4448 $23. Stunni~ blue drr.sa, recapable 700xt:; h-uck tires 100% WOOL 6 x 9 ova! braid sire U. n&. 56-2240 $6. Fnn tail g up p i es rug SlS. 2 iold and black BICYCLES, including J .25c·S1.5 0 . Driftwood Cabin l;raft shag rugs $5 speed boy's Stingray $25. 25c-$1 .~. Bell massqen, and SID. S!ars best electric 24" regular $8. 26" for Sl!'i. newr used $25. 31261 carving knife and case SS. 20'' for SIO. Also single Monterey, S. La;:. 499-1990 Hoover floor flOlisher-scrub-v•httl !,railer frame "'i!h CLEAN Bel.re nylon carpet 2 her $15. -4 rattan bar stools 'vh~I and new Lire Sl5. Old pieces S25 each. \Vrouaht with backg $23. New Elt>e-Encyclqpedias $8 Ca t iron dlnelle set 5 pleces S6 lrolu.'I: rug washer at-scratching post SI. 54G-2847. each. Walnut coffee table lachment $12. Older but NAUGAllYDE t-ouch, ei1:· $20. 837-3046 gOOCI Hamilton blender $6. ctllcnt condition $ 2 5 12' Dln,g/•v, u p ho I s le red Evel')'thiO&" In perfect COl'I-Leather chair $10 614-1787 ' .., dltlon. 545--7404. 2656 Green-· • seats, oar locks, r~gistered, briar, Coata Mesa LARGE hamster cage S3. needs paint $25. 67:>.1683 548-7697. 2230 Canyon Dr. 10-speed bike, ---..i for-,,,.,.ts GOµ" ba.&: and cnrt, delu:.:e C M •"""" r-Spaulding, n@ar ne\v $20 -· ~-,-,,--,-~--~ SlO. 67!>-1683 Ftnhihed lapped redwood S HUl<1AN hair n1achinc·tled SHAKESPEARE Fly rod and toot, double gate, used ~ne br:own ·wig S9 aim brown reel, brand new never been month $15. KI 5--0505 wi_glet $3.50. 540-0109. used, $12, call 536--2119 FRIGIDAIRE relrigerator. QRESSER $25 f.1irror S5 STOVE. Clean S25, 893-3808 excellent condiUon $25. Full Headboartl a~ lra1ne $5 '49 SJ'EP van $25, Buick V-8 len&th wall mirror $1. Tile Double. box spr111g and mat- erigine S25, traJu:nUssion $15, lop collec table StO. 1"'rlni tress Sl5 TV s.:.. 1'~ml table 962-1590 twist exerciser $3. Little S4 Rattan chair $5 Ratt11n Pl·Jnces.s doll furnlture lOc • conee lable S3. Record VOGUE Water ski 125. VW 50c each. Walnut occasional player SIO. 1118 Victoria, ELECI'RJC Juicer $15. Elec· car top carrier StS. Ski table SJ. 1.Jetal ladder $5. C.M. 548-5943. Irie can opener SS. Electric boots SlO. 673--059S :? Deep sea rod and. rt'els, one S20, one $25. 642~ SKf Parka, White Stsg "·onien's size lal'ge $lj, \\'omen's size 3-5 camel col- ored \\'OOI coat $20. Both like new. 548--521~ toaster $5. Elttlric blender ==,-'-,~o--'-'-'"---~ Set of 4 wooden shelves, JO TRUNDLE bed, complete S20 SPEOAL .Electric stove $15. x 30 x 36, $3, ~2544 .II.Ian's 3 speed bike $22. $8. Styrofoam l~i" x 4' x 8' Surtboards $1$-$25. Bal;>y SCRAM 64&-J680 $3. 1640 NewPOrt Blvd., bed $7 Po LETS · Space 55, C.11f. bus t~lle.:1i::1~1~· ~~ • DRESSER SIO G. E . SICKROOM Supplies -Com- mode $7. Adjustable bed tray and stand $4. Crutches SI. Bedpan S3. Urinal Sl. Invalid cushion $2. Latex back r.st $4. F'oot rest S2. Fracture pan $2. 492-6993 BLACK Iron book stand $l. 2516 Bowdoin Place, C.l\t. refrigel'ator $17.50 TV $15 Che\'Y parts $l-$25. Skill ANSWERS Antique table $10 Table and 18.\V $10. 962-«146 9~7l . 4 chairs S7.50 Coffee table r.-rok1hana Or., HB Deride -Nettle _ Sultry _ and 2 end tables $7.50 ~et. S25 Goll cart tor Sl5, 30. Gol.t Jlumble _ Fitful _ Gyrate Odd tab'les Sl-$4 Vacuum bag for $20. Air cooler $10. _ GE:?' TlllRSfY cleaner S7.50 Electric broom Electric heater good con-"I had an opc!'ation. The S6 Radlo $5 Couch SS. Cap- dlllon S5. Tu-o brand new doc 1 1 lains chair SS T•bl• '"' 3 tor e t a sponge in me." ~ poles lor-outdoor pole lights "Got any pain ?" chairs $6 2 anUque chail's $5 S2P1·1~·b •&Cb0 -ll Six quarts "No, but, boy, do I GET each. Portable TV for parts PORTABLE Vacuum, Com- plete $5. 2516 Bowdoin Plact. c .r.f. "" urg me Ire en THIRSTY." S3 Pots, pans, dishes and maaom'Y paint $3. Eagle silverware 5c-S4. B o o k s, electric puttina; cup $5. Two PRINTING preas for fun and magazines 5c·Sl Puzzles and hana:inl lamps $15., each. profit S'lS. 545-3657 games I0c-50c. 20213 Birch FLOOR Lamp S6. 2516 Bow· doln Plact, C.1\1. Tv."O brand ~w tolfer's pal ffilAFrINC table s l o . St. Santa Ana Heights. wrlst type score.keeper $2 642-8213. 186-A Tulip Lane, Sat-Sun. 9-5. CAME:EB. Cgpversion for VW each. Mark Fort goll baJI_ C.AI. bS~LGT-""-='--'--'--.,-~,~10--1 Bwi: double Md $25, table, marker $5. 981--5237 call car se P poo storage and baby bed com• after 5 pm ·weeiroa,-. ~CE 5e1;Uqnal $25. A1ar-table $20 la'vn mower $2.50 binatlon $25. HaslOCk John anytime on ~c:ekend ' ble collee table S7. 534-0016 Unicycle Sl. Pictures 50c. SIO . Curtains $5, SETOtbunkbeda w1Ui t· l9''PORTABLETVS25.23"i~"~H=07S=----~-­ HMdmov.'tr $5. 531~. treu $25. phone 9s:z-431~8 con.sole TV $25. Melmac BRAIDED 1iigs S5 each 10638 Morning Glory, Foun-dishes, servke· for '8, St Maple wall shelf S12 r.1irror lain Vall•y P ~RT ABL E TV $25. Walnut bar $25. r..1en'~ suits, $5 Bedroom chair S 7 TIRE, Uniroyal Lat'MG 8.85 Di,hmut~ a:ood $2:J. Car sport jackets, 6.ize 44, $8 • upholstered chair and ot· x 15 l"le\V $25. !146-4917 vacuum. $5. 2 Fire. screens, $15. 549-0n9 toman S25 bed sp1·ing and 1==~~-.---,--,.,~ _ _.,,-, bras! $5-$8. 3 Hair dryen AUTOMATIC wa.~hcr, A-I 1nattre15 SJ.a comer shelf SI TIRES C2l used Unlf'O)'al S4-S8. 2 Bathroom scales ndl . "" n1ix1naster and atlachnlent5 8.85x1S $10 each. 546-4917 Sl-$2. UHF converter $10. co tJOn $.w. 769% W. 20th SlS Mower S25 Garden tools BUFFET $25. King and dou· Toilet &eat Sl. 6 Elcct~·Jc St. C.r.I S1·$3 TV table $1 Gl!!.ssware. ble bedspread S15. FillC c!ocka $1..$3. 4 clock ndlOI 2 MATCHING maple lamps amber 50c iron S5 Tray Sl china _ g setlilJi!I $15. s:>-$10. 3 TV &lands $3-$5. Sl5 each. Ladies dresse.'11, Egg nog set S3. 258 Cecil PL 6il-59'!( GE Tank vacuum $6.50. suit, blouse!, !!ilze 12 $1 • $6, C.M. Throw l'Ugs $1-$3. 391011~ Black velvet coat $20.1----,-~=~=-,--00UBLE Bed bo:c springs Channel Pl., NB 67:J.1603 646--2174 !':t USED TV'a * and mattress $2>. Chon:l 1 ---,~="°'=,-,--. Good condition, S15 • $40 organ $10. 1t1an's 1uit with 2 * USED TV's -t! CA.r.1ERA equipment.: Flei1:0 CALL MJ-6.115 pair pants 39 regular $20. Good t'Olldlt.ion, S15. $40 bar lights $6. Giisv.'Old film1~==~-.--~,-,-- 0ld Playboy magatines 50c CAIL 543-6415 splicer $6. Titling set. \VlllTE drainer 5_l't 50c Love· each. 2922 Rita Wa)', Sant.a ELECTRIC Blanket S5. Twin plastic letters $4. r.tansfield ly modern hanging lamp $6 • ~, Vitv.'mllllter film viewer $7. 2 chrome dioctte set& $10-S15 Ana 54-· headboard $10. 545-5800 ll Kodak &nm movie camera Gas 11\nge exct cnt co11- ORESSlNG Table $9 .50. !flfEN'S 10 speed bicycle $15. Foldin&: screen S19.50 lwllh Baby stroller ;s. Electric mirron S12l Cheat $7 .50, wall clock u. Copper and S12, $15. Travertine marble turquolse step trash can $3. coffee table $24. 1.1arble end pres s--to-Jine typewriter table Sl7.5D. Round ottoman holder ss. Several unpainted S 9 . 5 0 . Ki n g head· mahogany shutten $1 each. board 1S1 l • 5 0. K i n i NC\v E'lttlrie hair curler 91!l bedspread $10. Bookcase 20 rollers S15. All Items in ~enza $24.50. Y..lirron $5. excellent condition. 968-6013 S7.50, $.Th. antique w hlte FENCING. Crape stake, ap- credenia $22.50. Fireplace proximately 50' $25. ~ screen andirons $9.50. Large artlflclal plant $19 .50. ROCKER, Platform, Ludwig drum case S9.50. uphol1teT&d, iuod condition Luggqe $1.50, $3, $4. 2 $15. 54()..8i;33 Bamboo bar stools $5 each. F6Rr..1AL, Lena blue. size 12, • ~ bed maUress, frame perfect for \\'eddina or si1.50. Kitchen s1001 .S3.so. daflCt' s10. ~ Set or dishes $5, S7 .50. Cook-J ,CI=lA"I"'R,., .,..,,..,---.-,,-.-,"0o"1",,-:-•ffil"°'. in& utensils 25c4L &mboo "~" ...,.,. console $17, SO. !mm good condition $15. ~ Brownle projector $ 1 S . DRAPES, Rodi and rings, Cameru $5 • $9. Pictures ~ige rnateriaJ 110" "·ide x oils, paintings, decoupage. 32" Iona: $10. 54G-8638 frames 11~. Quilted chair SOFA, Large . early S17 .50. 30 pairs of ladlC!s American style $25. 982-9143 f>hoe!, '\lB. 7~1. $1.5D. ELECTRIC Rance $25. 244 Ladle& clolhin1, &ize S-.lG-12 Santo Tomas, 642-8113 75c.-$5. Ladies shots. 61.tB and 'fB 1ac.i1. Dl·ive to Sa11-r.10VIE Cam er a $12. ta Ana St.. tum in on Proleulonal hair dr,,itr on ptp.sw;, drM t>A'O blockl stllnd Sl5. Gelpr oounttr left on Kline. 201.U .Kline $25. M&-4:569 after 4 PM Or. or ~1713 FORD Hi·performan« 312 PORTABLE f\i, like new pu1a $2Slall or buy per $25. Stand $25. Double m•t· item. Jahns hkompreulon tttl& and headboard $2S. pl1ton1 .060 over S10. tnta\tt; , ..Box Qdnl! !~ trame $25. and 4 DBL rebuilt $10. Drapes J4 and P,Shell TV Gener.tor $3. Slarttr $3. li;iht $1.!IO. GE portable h8lr Truck be.II hou&lnr $10, ~le. dl')'tt, llkt new $3. Polt: $1 . Lar;e llan1\ng flood lamp $3. Eagy chair and ot-l•mp11 , new SJ, Wood steer- tornan $25. Clothe•. s110es, in; Yl'htel flf.W SS. Drafl\ni ~· 2Sc--SJ. New wuher lamp $.j. Smt.II navy 11.nchor holea $1. Record• i0c-nc. SS. Cioc>ctytar 15" lody1 $10. A*1 lnfl. lOc. Kitchen ware J ..;T;_•w,;,,:ba;.;;;..r .,,.,,,,,_ . .;..540-5'89..;.... __ _ J~. STS Vkt6l'la, Apt. M~ -DjL E. 14!>-!Jll.._-,..,..,=;;, CARPET. aoltl nylon. Jn • CAAIPER C.Onvet'-ton for V\V 11, •:<etlltnt condition S25. Bus. OoVble bed $25. Tabla includl'* i>td· l.&mp llble, and--ltlftp unit S 2 5: tlOlld ,ve.Jnut $XI. MW1Tl Has!IOCk John $10. Camp 8RO\\'N dlntn1 niom table ,tool Sl. IA\\'mllOv.·er S5. and she d\Afn S20. 54S-T243 •·baln' lur T3~st' tires SlQ. 001\VAIR. 4 bbl manifold $31~ 106$8 ~for n l n I «l'ti t•ln $23. Car,urttol' Clory, r .v. n:;. E:.ttllen1. ~~ 193& Sulek Hdau parta: -""" d k 1~ E ..:.1.-EELCA.,.~ t!I ..,, x. Erwlnt $~. Tr&Jllmtalk>n ctlltnt eondlUon. ITJ..lm llO-Porto l!Oc>410. ~ S 7. 50. Larae si lv t.r dltio~ $25 Extra larg~ mir;. Christmas IJ'C'c, ornaments ror 50c 2 "'OOd chairs Sa and stand $6. Projel·1n· each old playpen 5c. 2 lo\•cly mallc $4.50. Black and old floor lamps S8-S10 Rat· \\'hite Zenilh in s\11ivel base tan sel: mirror frame, dou· cabinet $25. good. Foam hie headboard ~nd _hanging cuahion armle.u couch. very lan1p S I 5 \\ cstinghouse good condition S20. Barrel \\'asher for parts S 5. back brocade occasional Hou11elt0\d items 5c-50c . chair, clean $6. 545--7031 20222 Spruce Ave .. Santa A-QUARJUMS S I I Ana !-!eights of! Palisades • g a 0 n. Rd 54G-2110 $12.SO, lO gallon, $25. 151,_c;:,·""'~~·=-~=~ aallon with stand $25. All MO\\'ER SlO Edger $5 2 light complete with reflector, fixtures S.4 . each heater, pump, f i It er , Bcd~pread5: Klng111ze $8 thermometer colored 1rav-Double, canopy, drape! to el. 892.7407 ' match $lj. 'Teen age clolhes ==-ccc-,,-;c::-:-=c.-c=-:1 ~-StO. !\IA.n's suits 4·\L, TIRES, new white wall. 695 x panl!I 40:<3.1, $5. 3 \ 18 14. 845 x 15, 735 x 15, $7 Barbacos Pl. l\lesa VcrdC'. -•-"~"~--KT~'-"""--·----,c l Sat-Sunday Nov. 8 and 9. 1().. APEX Vacuwn cleaner, all 6 pn1 only. 54G-9346. attachments, like new $20 546-4826 . BATIIROO~I medicine cl'lef>I, .;;c;:...,:::.;_~--~--,~I like new $7.50 Casement BLACK Shoe skale!! lor \Vindow, complete w; I h roller rink, r;ize 8 $4. !lcree.n, 25i38\!i, S15. P ink 646-3341 silk lamp ahade S5 h\'O NEW cycle helmets. factory lravCl'BC curtain rods S5 Big seconds S16. hall reta.il Boy harbccue and hood. ne\v p1icc. 675--5745 motor S15. Cocktail htblc $15 TIRE ··" •00 l·I Deck pad·SS. 67:J.72'JG. , never u........ 1 x $20. lotattftSA. box sp1·ings CREDENZA \\ilh . &Hdin! $10. Captain's Chair s:;. glaSll doors $2:; V'IV h1tC'h Sl ;i \\iooden toy chest $12.50. Pfih' of tog lights for V\V SlO Bookca&e $10. Books~. $2. car mounting brackel for Stetta s p e a k e r Sl3. Pana80nlc radio, recorder Vacuum $8. Pat 1 o table $12. s.i~m. · $'20. Sal·Sun. 548--7938 STEREO radio, solid 1tate, ,._,=~~----,-----21-1nnsi11tors, ins.tanL .an. LARGE horncmade poo I ~·alnut, ;ood looking S25 !Able $2:;. Balls and cut's ZCnllh automatic record SlO. P1astf'r stl\h11'11C's 111ntl playrr. good condilion $15. fiirurtnes $1. $2, SJ. Douhlc a-;,~7!¥.1 1. sink $."; Old wUx.lo\\•s !JOcJ,.~l~O~Vi,IE~."-c"~m=u=•~' --;;6'11::;;--:,,,..~ each. 613-ll·l I llo"•ell. autom11.tlc load with ""==-:-,--,-=,.,---,-,,-J l).lectrlc. eye, like new $2:1. DISHES and kitchen utenti11a 67~ 5c -$4. Tub enclosure SS. ;;c:;c_:::::_' --.-=,.,,.,--Tiie piece& le • $1. QualT)' RCA tape recorder $20 Paln- Ule i20. Door chlmci S2. !lflJ:'.I Sl .50 ·SS. Garr a rd Tran11lo1·mer Sl Rain coat ~trrro 1urn111ble S23 Atlee U . Lions jacket ~ &r Jrwllan r n '"l\'t'I pitlntlng &lool1 9 e1ch. &r S4ll. Jialr $lj bookcsst" $3 S fl Ice dl')~r $5. Puu let. 25t. Lug· C'nbltir~ t? Par1ablc RoYAI nti:C S3 And S1. Rh\k skit!t'~ l;"o'J)l?l\'l'l\t•r S:!O SOny A:O.I· Si. l-1m p $5. s p" n \ 1 h F'l·•'lar\ne portnblc ro.dlo lan,::uag~ rtcoti:!s $.l. 2193 l Z:, Cou('h St'i S<'I flf ~lcl1111u• Fnll'\'lcw at Al"Oeado, CO.la dl1hf>1 $' Bitr stool' 16 IO·f'i fileu: 3pe.11kt'r $10. ~l&-7330 3087 Glbnltar, C.M. .. LIKE new, -beautiful dark * USED TV's * brown wiJ" $25. paid $175. Good condition, $15 • $40 Cue S4 . Btown corduroy CA,LL ~5 39'.' 'bed cover with mat. NE\V Port-a--crib $ l 5 . chln:l l>alstcr covers $8.50 \Vlllnut coHce table S10. Facial sauna S7 Slat bench Table lamp St. Crib $3. 2 53.S064t8~e 5torap trunk patio chajrs $5. Dog hou9e $.1. 9568. $5. L. C. SmiU1 T)ipewrlter ~: 85 x 15 TlRES, need $5. Polly chair $1. MS-9404 recapping Sl each Largt? OLP !flfodcl Singer sewing bo." H.O. t r a I n stuff $5. machine, needs cleaning Pocketbook11 lOc eacb Golf and adjusting S12. 1-luman cl~U cart S1.50 OU l@l!le hair wig, black, 51\ort, very beige paint $1.25 per gallon. good $15 6'12-2565 · StrQmbera: toad race set $5. I=.~""'~-"""-'-'"--~~ Sm!U pieces ot 1/8" plywood 23"~ CURTIS Mathes T.V. and ma.'IOnllc l O c. 5 o c S2.1, 3 dl'Cl\\'er desk $15, Bul6"esa camp light $5 G. 1. bookcau:s S&-SlS. COl"llE'r camp sear 25c-50c. 3 small desk S15, 1w1KI fonnlCA round cafe style table11, pedestal table, l'tstaurant \vhite $20 each. Swivel type $15, -4 h I -b a c k chai?'!I lo match $7.50 ~ach. naugahydc chain S4 each. lT.ll King! Road Ne\\'))Ort old but good vanity dresser Beach. 64>1400. ' S15. Sears 2 sJ)E'Cd blender =="""=-~--,--~1 Sj, llighly varni11fled BOY'S $7 shoes, site 13~~. l't'd\\'ood patio {urn ltur e ~2S5n;~· v.·orn once $5. Sl()..$20. 15432 Duke, J.IB near f.f c Fadden and BABYLINE crib S15. 2761 F.dwards. San Carlos Lane, C.r..1 . so=r~A,-And~~m-a-lc~h~I,-.-,-.,-;, GENERAL Electric personal SlD. S piece dinette l2Q. 12" TV, good condition $25. Dressmakers dress form SS. 894-4135. C. B. mobile antenna $7, 12 PIF.CE seuing l\yoto ='"'=11~536-0~=206==~----I china S2S. ~222:). 61.Q TEMPEST ·parts , 8' NEW al;,uninuni ladder Transa:de S20. Coupe doon; $1l. 2 • good hand 1 a w n $4 each. Hood $4. Grille $4. mowers $5 each. 2-16 qt Deck. lid $3, Radio $5. pressul'e cookeni $3.50 each. 968-1.:i98 2-sculptured feather stone M=1XE=RS=-,~,-.-.-,~.-. -c-.-, planters:, $15 each. lloe, opene1· S2. Pictu1-e frames SI shovel& and rakes 75c each each, luggage bags SJ. Car top t'8ck $5 4 saw horse 1''lo\\'cr pols 50 cents each. clamps Sl.j() Lamps »SIO !M'JS-lj!)S 1'eleplione ~utsidc ..... il'e s2.1 ,,~,-~. -.-.-,-,.-.,-,,.-l-7'-· -u-m-· ,-,_ LI_ 8-7656. 304 Santa Ana clc $5. Encyclopediia SIO. 2 A\·C, NB. Sets coICec and end tables S6 GAS range, apt. ~izc SZi. and no. Desk $6. f.fodern Clean. 548--3382. Danish living roon1 chairs V 0 L KS WAGE N parta: SS. Old dresser $10. Belly Tran.sporter clutch, 200mm board $25. Washer auto $5. S12. V\V manifold & Sole:c 17" television $15. 6 24" bar carb l:JOO S25 Rear fenders 11t00Is $2.50 each. 220 10th SS each or $15 for both, rear St, ll.B. hood. $15. Surfboard 9'6"1'o"N"-E~o~.,,-.-ru-y"u-,~,-. -,-.,-n-to Maui $25. Sheridan pellet 8 pm, 2 typc11Tllen; $10 gun S15 Men'! indoor roller eal'h, U.S. coins lOc-$25. ska(fs $5 Kenmore but· SLR ('amcra. fla..<ih, e~!ra tonholer S5 T\viil budoir lens. S2:i each. 6.i' antenn<i lamps $3. J.speed bicycle 101\·<'r S2, a fool, delivered SIS Fireplace screen and locally l11rgc tube tesler $20. an<lironi; $5 Unicycle $10 Set C .. ·l. 6--volt charger SU. of weighta $5 J\f e II ' 11 , CB (.'Ollnectors, S\\'ilchei;: \\'Omen's and girl'11 clothing 4/$1 Call 536-3021 ' lOc-$5 Patterns lOc each l:c=;,,-=-.-----,= Curtains and drape! 25c·S4 MAGIC Chef gas range $10_ Paperback! and Sports Z!l~Modcl ''A radiator shell Illustrated IOc each. Corvair SI;,. 2 ~ckel se11t5 SlO. 2 Glas par mufflers $6. ~gal n~w 77>_14 . \V !W retrea~s _MUarium ,vlth heater and . S 5. Frigidaire \\•asher Sl::i. stand SIO CrutClies $3:-New 536-2449 301 -Sth SL. H.B. bowling shoes $3. 1118 f.1EN'S Shirts 10c. Blou~s Ch a r I est on St. C . .11.1. lOc. Dresses 25c • Sl.50. 54&-0167. ShOC'S l!'"ic 11air. Book 10c -(:(USED TV'11 * Good rondilion, Sl5 • S-10 CALL 543"6415 REAR view mirrors, IJ"Uck and camper, 6''x16 '', chrome $25 pr. 5'1~Hi7. each. Crih $5. La"11n101\·e1-s S3 each. Iron& 2:x:-$2. Tools 10c-Sl. Pu?'St's 10c-25c. Suits s2.;:,o. .1\limC'Ogl'aph $ 2 j. f.lany othe r itent s , e\'erything must go. 17391 Avalon Ln. 842--269:1 l\llNl bllre frame wilh B.S. ~• X-long bed St:i Crib $20. 2% 11? engine S25 in the Ches1s S.':i each. \Valker besl of condition 897~11. $1.50. Pl'OClor ironing board NEW fingertip v.·edding veil $3. Set book by Zane Cray $15. 897-5.111. SlO. 9551 Bass Dr. 1 block south of Gal'field off SKIS, wood w I I h bindings, Bus hard. good condition for beginners ==co---=--~~~~~~ S20 pr, Rattan headboard, JUNIOR Bed $:i. Oinelle $20. queen slie $15 End table Student desk · $8. 962-6379. and, co Hee table $ 2 5. Brookhurst and Ad a m 11 , Wrought iron bookcase $25. 11.B. Small sofa with bol5ters ~as. .. . Infant seat $2. 837-9505. 27 TO'TO P?wcr mo\\'t'l'. in ===--,-,-,--,,,--,,I good cbnclltJon $20. Tra1\e1· SE\VINC £abinct 'vith 3 a>..el, hub5 A.r.d wheel! $10. :; drawers $15 Tools 50o-$10 gallon butane tank $7. Dresscr mirror SJ Kenn1orc Se rvrl t' I ec 1 rol u '< \\'II.Sher SIS Drop lead table rc[rigerator \Vilh freezer, 16 '''ith drawers and 4 chain cubic feet, good condition S25 White vanity S5 White S25 \\'Orth more. BWTOUghs desk S10 Kitchen utensils adding machine on slllnd 50c-$2 r.1ovlc projector and hand operated, just recon- screen $25 each. Filled ox· dilioned S20. Bitrus china ygen tank.!I for heart "P&· ,vash basin like new $8. 1,f tienUI 525 each. 2 dra.••er fl!-ton No. 4 concrete re-en· ing cabinet SlO. 766 Hud&on, forcing .!feel. 6 And 8 foot C.1\1. 54()...7217. lengths $20. -.~olding bed cor.tPLETE set V\V seats \\ilh pad $7. 962-4219 H.B. 63-67. excellent rondilion.1===-~----­Front S2.l. Back $ 2 5. GENERAL Radio tc!lephon' 5-10-2918. bl'idge. \ii price $20. 62--62 INVALID \Valkrr w; 1 h 'vheelll, alm05t new $2:>. 6'16·1768 BEAUTIFUL 13 vorumn set CB call book SI. 1':.I" em bossing tape 6/$1. TGSU coax 4c: foot colored pilot li&hts 4/$1. All ca.pita! le1· ten Underwood typewriter $10, Sat. onJy 536-3021 of Art Linkletter 's Picture .=~=--~-==-=-­Encyclopedla5 for kids, age '50 Cadillac engine $25. Front &-12. $25. 847-6319. encl $1'i. Tires $ 2 5. Transmi!Skln S'25. Rcsl ol It LA\\'N !\\\·ing, blue/green $25. 2'2 Rifle $24. Sights for floral print on \Vhlte plastic the Rine S7. Blonde \vig !10 S25. 847~319. (111ade in f"'ranccl. f"ishinj:I'. ----------1 pole aM reel St \V\,11 \'DUNG boy's 1lngle bed lrame, bookcase headboard, black, while accents tJ.5. Dainty lampt1.ble, Colonial &l)'le, maple finish $5. 8411310. bayonet $6. Stamps lc--S25. Dook!! 50c-S25. Bulb tyl)C Hght flxtul'C'11 for \\'Ork.shop etc. ~. f.ietal bt'd stal'M1ii end springi; $2. CASH ONLY 494-1891 4 p.m. on 7 -Piece Redv."OOif M-1 sx;. 6 4 i00xl3 Ttres. while wall Sl'I' Danish dini~ ~haii-s $J !let or S5 e11ch. 201 30th St., each. Tea cart Shi. Nev.· Ne\'.rpnrt call i\lonclay Frt:n('h ProvlnclR.1 plnnn GtVE toclny _ 'The "UttltC'd bench s1;i. foam rubber \'.:ay" malll'CU m !flfatchina box -~-~=~~--­cpri~ $2.5. 8"ri' aookcftse UNITED nn.,1)..Con1mun1ty or 1tflr11se unit ~ Baby Che_st They get the job "'alker $4. Group of baby 1."-====""="====== clothes SlO. 3 Bar stools $20.l· Cinder block booketlSf! SS. 12 "\' 15 ~'001 n1if And pad SIO. ~larlin rt1U S23. ~~ gallon f:"llS conlainl"t'll SlO. I~ Gt'Ant St. NB (corn .. r SNlshornl 646-fi&l!J nno\VN Dyne! \\ 1;:. ,,,.,v J.', \Vlltrefll 111kh•ts l I· 1' S3 ~ach. Electric knlft'! $l. 53&-1481 TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT W0ANT AD -H.,.'r H--You-Can-U Ow Famous Dim• • A • Unn ·e ..,., -"' Moll thM wllfi ........ -lo .. "'~ 4 _ ...... olftcn. .... l•••wdll ......... P' • -It• Niii be 11!4"' wllll H •-.,;;.. $25. - ... c...21 .......... ~ .......... NOW! NEW! PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFIED :4DS WITH A NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES 2 Tl -MES ANY ITEM $ \ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e No lttm Over $50 e No Commercial Firms • e No Copy Ch•nt" e No Abbreviation• • START MAKING ·MONEY NOW! CALL: 642-5678 ASK FOR ~YOUR DAILY PILOT AD-VISOR AND .YOU MAY CHARGE IT! • ' "' ; ,.,--.,..--------------------------........ ------~-----~--·~~-----~--------------... --~---------·-· ---·-' --· -.....-..... _. __ ,_ • Saturday, N°""""' S. 196t , DAllV 1'11.llT MlltffAHDISI POI! MEltCHANQ1$J •OR M!ltCHANDISI l'Olt MERCtlANDISI FOR M!RCHANDISI FOR M!RCHANDISI FOR Ml!lCHANDISI f0~1t1:'.J~~rQYJ;>ij:[~~~~~~;~ l~.!SA~~~·"'·A~ND!!e..!1!M!,!D~l[;=~·~M!!!·L~A1tt!!D~Lt:!!:RA~o~:::+~s~A~L1~AN~D~T~RA~D!!!l!:-~'~"!:!li!;:-~"~N1>--T~~M~D~=l~·s~"!:!1;E~-~A~Nl>-'~'l'~RAD~~:f:~"~l1!;-~"~N~o-::'!r.!·RA~D!!!•~ SAll AND TRAD& _FREE TO Y..O ·Sifn... 1 : IOOOFyrnltur• IOOO IOOOFurn,ture tooO Mu1lc1I Inst. • 8125 Mls~ll•neout 8600. FOUND 5 abaoc;loned ldlttne, -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I '~•! --- 1;1J.:1.11i•Ji@-I ACCOnDION' (2) Xlt1l 131 Bua Lem61', 12 Bus Noble. !>J0-2412 Mi1 .. 111~• l600 ' maltt. 1 Jmiate, llOw all • ..;. INTltODUCING '"'i', ;;;;;;==;.:.-_.;:= heelth.Y & muat find homes. Columbl& Z w/allp •• $5793 1 :; J ewden toola le iuPS>lies. 1;JFTEP CUrv~ aofa,_onc of Plea~ ~Ip .. we've had a Coronado~ ~ed •••• $C986 c~ FJv M Gem & La i..i .. -. ... kind, :dnt cond $17>'. Rnd ruff 1tart1 t 9 t -5 2 3 5 , O:>lwnbla l.l'l&UOllStt , $1950 .. , . ~ . p ....... ,, lib-..., tJble $35. Fr Proy ~.... ......... W8 Columb'· 21 1'-\,.· Pl a 0 .130 'i\!ppty. Ro\ial1 &cm _.. ... .,,;;;; table m -C11tnn"1· -·-~ .......... -.. . 1no• r91n·1-cut 1tone1 lOK & 141\'. tin-back velvet cbr $Xl ~cl FREE to home, Coronado let • o-taw: ... f'!OO , •' FACTORY dlnp A n\ountinaa. IC!Ner •••· •11 __ • ,__ beautlfuJ Sealpolnt Slamttt, SabOts, compltte ...... $'6$ •: SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN 'DKORATOR Gm CANCEWTIOH OF 18 LUXURY APARTMENTS Spanish & MedlttrrlftHn Fumitvr1 All BRAND NEW Jl!'WCtcrs t!>Olt 11; 1YPPJlet. -. ~ -11pa. mile cat. Altertd, dtelaw. YACHTS ROYA.La !· CLEA.RANCE I Cutlna . equip. llJK &: ltK ~ t. cht.irt 4 etc. «I, all rihll, howie pet tor 2912 W. Cout U}&hwq f'fletory cm:lers-detnuiee-of--iota & 1lh"tr-1or calstlng. adWt& orily. ~ 1118 N•wPort .S11oth-.....,1-.,,--• Show Room a Floor Semple1 • Factory Closeouts 111 overqe, demonstrators, HlgtllaM Pt.rk Loratone &: 1-f P.G.A. '4'00da ex. cond .• LOVABLE blk/ ht l ROOMS Oli FURNITURE $389. 9-pc. Medit1rr1ne1n B•droom Suitt tn P•c111n Ooor model•, studio le re-Star Diamond Dea l e r s. 10.A ladlea KQlf lhoes never lona:Jv,ired kitten 12 :.kl. 44' Jala.nder aloop F, G, inb. ou·ued Pianos &: Organs, t.upidary n1achlnery & worn, tuxedo, '2 long, black, &bola. will alve pd Cftt from aux. Pulpet, head, plley, Real ~vlng1 up to 30%. tunibling equip. Make your tw1n beds comp. aJ.ao nite Vtl tor apa.ylng within 6 bilge pump. P'ulJ wvera and Everything l?aranteed ll~e own jewelty. We ha\.-e a &land, OOx.50 dayllte proj. moa. 835-41'7 01 5f2..7098 11• cuabfon1, Sletp1 4, $39ti. new. Sale limited lo specific OJmplelc line of materials. screen. ph. 846-2631. 10 TI4 • 83.l-13ll Ext, 2U. wi stock • 10 hUl'l')'! No ~y Open Nov. 71.h. College SKIERS..Rent mY mobile ;;;;;:;;;;..-;:::::;:;:--;:,..,,=~ days. • S pc. authentic Spanish Bdrm. set, • 96 In. qullted• 10f1 with 56 In. m1fchfng love &Ht, or Ch'1i'r • ·s pc. Sp1nlah Dinette, Olk teble top • 3 huvy Mffiterr1neen matching teble1, top dur1ble enough for Fl1menco Denclng. Will sell piecea Individually. !Ro;. $349.00I ........................ 11,ow $161.00 Gorgeous Sp1nl1h Custom Built Sof1 with m1t chlng lo¥t Se1t-ChOic1 of beautiful l•bdcs. !Rog. ~19.951 •.....• :._NOW $225.00 Sp•nish Dining Sets ·······-·-·····-·--·········-······$75.00 Solid Oalr End Tablas and Coffa• Tables .. Slf.50 Tell Decorator T ablt L•mps down OAC, 5 yearz to pay. Center, zrr,o Harbor Blvd., home in Mammoth. ~ ot PRETfY lovable tri-colottd, cu"oo"'""'1""'1°'N"br,_. "'1~18~1~2-,.-.. I \~~J~~tA~~~~~DIO No, llA, C:O.,ta Mtsa. week, C. Neill, 531-3374. ~i:e.ma~CC:k~milr,::: saUi, slau centerboard A .1819 Newport, c.~f. 642-8484 Quality kin&' bed-quilted Je:ncd yal"d, loves children, rudder, M l race, cover, Shop Firsfl Th•n S•e Our Unp.ellev1ble Suysl 1001 other items with terrific savings! J1ank Terms Store, Charge Master Charge IRog. ~9.951 ............................ NOW $11.00 Sp•nish Hanging Swag .. •mps Open Every Nite 5 BAR &toola, black leather complrte-unused $105, v.·orth good watcbdot, bouM pet. ci:lf· iu~** .,,..., ~ &. SUOOay Afl('moon $30 each. Redwood picnic $250. An 5 A wknda MU536 SJS.-2929 U·lO ...,_,.,,,,, iiiiiiiiiiiiii ... iiiiiiii'-iiiiol table, (ou r benc:hts with \VOMEN'S BETTER BAY & Border Collie pupg. NEW 13' Chcylier Sloop $795 IRog . $49.951 ......... , ................. NOW $22.50 ' BankAmericard All Accepted A decorator dream house on di splay -3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture (was Ace Detroit Pitcher unibrella $3l 1..J'x5' walnut DRE~ES. alle f>.-9. Good watch dog•. NEW 16' Glas• Cat $1395 & Hammond Organis t with formlca top office desk 548-5929 alt 6 pm. fi4::i--o4l5 U/ll USED TOMCAT $'190 DENNY McLAIN $50. 1-2' x: 3~~· mahogany ~~~--=--'---675-2400 or f13..2S17 School•lnstruction 7600 MEN I C01'1PUTER PROGRAf\f. 1'1ING IS TlfE KEY TO YOUR PROF1T ABLE fUTUP.E: , Classes s!Art soon. Pilot program offering the fi nest equipment and facil- ftlt's a\'ailable! Real·time computer programming. Acedemy Of Computer T•chnology Call 5'17-9471 9 Al\! to 8 Pl\I 1N1'ERNATIONALLY known Europelll singer 1vllling to teach unique & simple S>'$- tem11 for iuilar & voice. Cont.act EURO STUDIO 646-6441 OUice holtrs ·l()-12, 2·3 SAUCERMAN SCHOOL O>. FairgriiUhd~. gc._1-8 \\There the Prog:ram Fits the O!.ilil \\'Ward H. Sauce1man, . Ed. D. ka-4060 En1'Jll now f Ev<'s. :H8;-1Ta8 ~UCTIONEERING REGULAR 2 WEEK TERM Be in business for yourself! 'Learn lo be an auctioneer. CYEST-.BEST Schoo.I of Auc- t10Jll'!('t"1ng, P. O. Box 3021, ;Anahehn, Calif. 638-500'.I CtRLS JS.43 l'rain to be a r.>ental Assilltant. Lo c a I lnstructkin. Sponsol'!!d by Adult "Training Sc h o o J. •\Yrlte PO Box 8 1 8 , •Palmdale, Calif. 93550 {..E A RN To fly- :J"el"90nalized instruction & : •also Charter. Reasonable ~tes. Z1 yrs. e.xper. Call- 147-8211. Cl.A VIS 1\lontessoli pre.achl. 2~~ yrs, Ind iv, attn. Reas :tuition. 646-2325, &16-3iCii MERCHANDISE FOR · SALE AND TRADE t~ru~m"'"'llu;.:;..r•:.._~--8000 1· Siesta SALE! Furniture 8000 17 .l'c. King Size Bedroom Large 9 dra1vrr dresser, mlr. ror, 2 bedside stands, king size headboard, frame, quilt- ed niatll't'ss, sheets, blank· els, rte. Choice ol Spanish or l\1odern S!yle All For $249 No do11'n Pm\11, only $9 n10. WELK'S WAREHOUSE reg. ;1295. SACRIFICE •••..• S398 • CREDIT AVAIL . NO MONEY DOWN Isl PAYMENT NOT DUE 'TIL 1970 mm FURNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd. Harbo1:'e1vd.1 Costa Mesa Only Every Night 'Til 9 -Wed., Set. & Sun. 'Til 6 d hi dedr $2\J , l\lilccllaoeous 6 Cylinder Chevy motor, AKC Btaale, fem . tri<eloml VENTURE 21, Xlnt cond .. 3 LI an I group houaehold ltem.1. All Top Running. Uaes oil, nee ds f ence d ;yard . ,..,. he•d. 2 ou!M•~ ve perfo1mance in our 968-7935 540-8638 11/11 -. ..._......, di Sa N 8 .. PAf Quality. Can be seen at 2027 . alpg 4, extru. 0 tr er !ilU o, t., ov, • l -.i Paloma Dr. beh>:een 20th It Cl:.OTHING 50c up. BaMlnel· AKC Ba.net hound, fem. 1 548-3955 . Au tographs • Door pdies. Irvine. 54&-U te $9. CUrly wig $4 & more. yr. lovta cblldrtn. Needs llAMMONO 241 E. ltith Pl. C.\t I __ , ~ uo --U CAL 28 for Ale by owner, in CORONA DEL f\fAR e, .... ~ yaiu . .......,...,.., JU clean, fully eqp'd, fWI aall, 285-1 E. C.oast lhvy. 673-8930 NEW gtrt ltema from $3. KITIENS: 2 ma.le, 1 lemale aux '-11&'. incl. Sl0,000. a..s, -PIANOS & UHGANS NE\V & USED • Yamaha Pianos &; Qrgani • Thomas Organs • Kimball Pianos Books, recordll, st~reo tapes in ne«I or lovtng home. 10 ~1234 ext 371 lOc up. 241 E. l6lh P l, Cfl;t. \Vkl old. 962-t.165 WT ~ sr UDO 14. llwy tn.Uer, ul.11, LOV M IS GONE: r-.tu FLUf'FY Terrier & cocker e;(ll"!ll. Good cond. Must ae:U SELL Beautiful 14K gold black male puppy. I Yrttka thlli wknd $650. 846--00M 55pt diamond ring Lt8-84&1. old. 54&-3870 un Dunning Jewelry Go111i; oul of Business SAVE $100 Ne\vport Beach SALE! COMF. EARLYI Tennis C}ub nie1nbership. $680 Incl trans fee. 613-6788. CUTE Kittens, weaned and housebroken 548-4615 WU TRADE Lido 14 no. 1680 .,,/ trlr &: aJ.abrds for •ml 1/0, or SEU. $900. 8'64261, e Kohler & C!ln1p~ll COAST MUSIC NE\VPORT & HARBOR Costa 1t1esa * 6~2-2851 2008 Nc1vpor! Bh·d, O f Ml W ~, PETS and LIVESTOCK t=urnlture Open J().6 Fri 10-9 St.in 12-5 sc. en._ 1610 C•t• 8022 SAVE .$300 CLOSE OUTI $WE BUY $ ll20 DlNING room ut. 6 chairs, htlSC llo~hold iten1.§, ~'6" 1969 box Gre1!ting Cards, SlMIESE a Hlmal&}'an kit. tens 11 \l'ttka $15, Blue Point Sl.5. Seal Point $25. ~74. CAL :21'.l ,. LOADED $2950, w/Newport Slip Call M&-.1701 or 5J2..:ll61 LIDO 14, no. 61. Good cond. 2 iiet• of aaila. 0 w n ft r tn.nlfel'l"td. $560. 673-2T;i0 mag, Duncan Phyfe $125. outboam dinghy SJO. l.l"' <II" Cable Nelson ConBOle Ouiarm~s. BlrtlxJays, Get $ FURNITURE $ China cabincl, ()('l'iod, n1ag. band sa.1,.. ~. 1000 \V. \Vllter in beautiful walnut lnclud. \Ve l l, AU Oceuion, etc. APPLIANCES $75. Buttel red niag. $100. cooled Ot\!l.n generator ;200. ing: bench, S6W. Limited "lu,y l at 1·eguJo.r price , gel Color TV-Pl•llo-Sf•r•o• l\lisc. Sa.I 1().5. 411 Vista 50' aluminu1n mast ex-llUJl]bcr available! another at Ir! 1 "-•.,He ... hll Flora, NIJ. trusion $300. 2!}'6" 11·ood GOULD MUSIC Ml NNI E'S Greeting CA.SH IN Jt MINUTU USED Spanish group com· OOoni S·tO. S aia 11 S.10. .-. Cards & Gift Shop e 541-4531 e plete-sofa & 2 matching Shopsn1ilh $190 &..t & Sun. 20.ia N. l\hun, SA 5-17-0681 8511 llell Ave ., Westmlnste-r chrs, 3 clU"Ved Ibis & 2 dlx lG-:i. 160'..l Placentla C?.1 HAMMOND . Steinway. Ya· (I blk E. of B<'nch Blvd.) WE PAY CASH SIAMESE kittens, SllJ. 3 Sealpolnt and l Bluepoint. 897-5311 2 hfALE white alb i no Siamese kittens. 14 wetkl. $11) t'llCh. ~8 Power Cruiser• 9020 RETIRED Couple St: e k . ResPoNlble halt intert1t partner, in 30' Chrll Connie. '63. Fully equlpL Now at · Bayaida Marina. 838o«J3.C. lamps. all c..'Ut 1.o $168. The 54S-6:>16. maha • ne1Y &: used pianos 847-3131 6CO \\' ~lh St., Santa Ana Faclory, }88j II a r b t> 1·. A?':TJQUE Chest. t runk, of all n1akes. Best Ouy1 in --PPOOOOLLJT':iA:RB;-1.ES>'·<--f•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim 0 11:'.!n Dally 9-9 :>10-6842. !:S-.cns, jc .... ·lry., se t cryl<ital. So. Calif. rilht hen.'. Secard Pool * CASH * Dot• 1125 '61 -30' CHRIS twin ere Ex· pre:as crulaer. Xlnt corwl. Scll/trd tor ••l lboat . 673--7469. Sa!, 9-6 Sun. ll-6 liSEO ~1 pc. inodcrn \l·a!nut artifacls, ;1.ir cooler. Lots or SCl:mllDT f\IUSIC CO., HRUNS\VICK-A~IF in 30 minutea for good turn. DON'T Gi\'e up! You nlay dinette Sl9. Olh"l" quilted goodies. 290~ Peppe1'trec l 901Sa N1 · A1tlaln, Custom Slate Table iture &: appliances. Fast, COLLIE l'Ul'l'Y ••fa & .... ,., •·<S U"-"' Lane, Apl. No. B, C.f\'I. Nov. 11 a na r-I""" courteous send"•. I pl-., find it at America's largeiil, ..... .. .. · · ~ .... m ....., " """' most unusual unlinished stereo c:nnsole $68. The Fae-10 thnl I:>. FREE ORGAN CLASSES 100% Financing bousefuJ. Call Jania day or A.K.C. female OJUW, Tri J9Gg CHRYSLER IJO l60HP culored, shot• and ·~:onned, 8 weekl old. $40. p ho n e Mere. Cruhtr. 3 mos. old, furniture stol'"t'. Cor. Redhill tory,·1885 Harbor. 540--6842. PATIO SALE, Sat. only t"'urn l\Jonday nltes 7:3() -8:30 pm * SECARD POOLS * I nlte, 892-3596 or 842-39'11. &: Sanla A.na Fwy, Tustin. l Quality k111g bed-quilted. &. misc hsld items. 31051 GOULD MUSIC CO. 532-1992 962-1001. :13SOO==·=C&ll=-=..,_.;;11 .. 111;·==1 ; --ml So. of Newport Fwy. Com plete-unused $105, \\'Orth Al iso Cir, S. Lag. 2045 N, Main, S..\. 547-0681 323 S. f\1aln St. Orange e WANTEO e Open 362 days per yr, $250. Aft 5 & ..,.,,knds 8'12-6536 GARAGE Sale -Saturday & 88 KEY board console, like * AUCTION * Good used furn!~. appll- Sil.KY TERRIER-MALE Spood-$.kl_ lolls ~ . : Pups. :l moa -1hots • - adorable & healthy. SAN· TA'S SPECIAL PRICE $100. 14 IT. CUilom inboard Ski • · boat with trailer. $1400 * : 673-4355 544-5470 \VROUGHT IRON 5 pc set. Sunday, 9-5. 1'Urn. &: misc. nciv. S175. P.lovini;, muat ances, antiques, color TV's, '! 411 n. · c>•t II ' 61'"911 lt you will stll or buy t.10VlNG. 8' sor .. love scat, 'IS" glus top tab I e, 1 em11. · ix:gonia. ...,, · se · :..-. · refrig'1, 11tove's. 1vashers & 64!-<800 give Windy a try 2 hi-back chairs, collee & White/gold. S150. 642-4917. SAT. only. Size l2 Ladies GEORGE Steck Studio Auctions f'riday 7:30 p.m. dryers, elc. 1 piece CJr ~ CHJHUAHUAS • Sacritice. rnd tables. fo1mal dining li!OVING -10' black vinyl & clol,hing. !\1ise. b r akes, Console. Like new, $~50. w· d • A ,. B fuJ. :l l hr service. 812-3971 Puppies from s:iO, worth 16' EVJNRUDE Sport&ttr, IIO, 155HP, tkl & ple~. fl.lake Offer. Call 644-1054. rrn scl. china cabinet, marble llOfa by Dania ss;;. record~ etc. 618 Tustin, NB, Call 892-9183 In Y I UC ion arn nso. 54&-J63.I. ll69 Dorset lamps, pictures, basset!, k&: 5118-0012. PRlVATE PARTY \VANTS Be~nt;I Tony's Bldg, !\tal'I. \VANTED: fue plants Jo1· Lane, C.f\I. S'l bedrm ~l. 646-9500 DINETI'E !IC!, birch S35. Applienc:es 8100 TO BUY PIANO F'OR 2aQ ,~ Ne11wrt, 0.1. &i~6 new holTl<', "~II dig. ~W~E~lM~ARAN==E~R~P~u-p_p_l_es ~RENCH Provincial sofa ....!.:....._..;.; _____ CASfl. <<" -·siSOLD Hon,!!!, eve...,thmg •Call a36-489:>• AKC. ohola. Grand -•·-. Morino Equip. ,. r.lirror. 3'x5', $8. Ru" 6'x9' R•lrig•rato-1-m $38 .... ~ "J 1,;1iai.u INTERCEPTOR 250 hp Sl20, Chair SOO. ·Danish ., ~ ~ ·~ ··•· '" · . . I goes u.·nshcr & dryer, LONG Travel Top For nt pioru1. n1odcn1 sectional S20 each. I ;$;15;. ;"""=';';"";· ==== G.E Portable Color TV, BALD\VIN S~1nct Piano 4 refrii;., din. set., sectional, Scout. Mult be feasonable, . * !TI4l 892-2423• ena;tne & tranamlssion. hlaplc double bed, lamp "-lt~e_nu_ ................• SJ~ yrs old $150. Pvt ply.I piano, desk11. typewriter, Call --496-3046 Completely tebUllt, n o StiO Office Esuipment 8011 Fr1g1da1rc elec dryer $59.95 642·7534or642-00TI drafting equip & niore TOY Poodles, 1Uver beige, hours, many e x tr•a. !~~1!:;.,., very good, . RCA Console, color TV . $178 SHONJNGER Blonde Spinet 546-911~ . . Nt:ED brick& one to llJOO, brown, AKC. Will hold, reuonably prlct!d. (2121 ...... .........., ACCT. t.lach. Burrough's S-Whirlpool aut~ \\'a.sher SSO. Good cond. $300. a. reasonably priced. 644-4687 64&-3365 830-6!ffi6 USED .l pc antique white 1400 w/all bMic acctng. GE 2 dr, refng .•.. , ... $98 * S4S-l349* KIRBY VACUUt.I Cleaner _ WHITE Poodle PutiPfn, 1.0 HEATHKI'l' RDFt hOm/loa idlnette--,vlfloral--ehairs-$58. ~ ~~onft,~j~ DUNLAP'S with attachme nt s &.M.chlnery,etc. 1700 wb, lovely, purebred, hom/haller. Air slide 4" Ul!ed turquoise hide-a-tied 1SlS Newport Blvd., C.1tl. T I I I l205 pnliaher. Take over small --mini. $40. H• .. shot.. 494-4746 com..,.. All new Ii: •00 9 , .....,... Spesa.n, 5(>.942i ir~• 781 • e'f 1 on pa. ""'en ts or """off balance FORKIJIT: 2,00) P n 411 u , .... ..... .. ...,... IK'· t.'Orne ... ~up, -.7 J"" r..... De reconcl $875 4 IXXI H ter IRISH SETIER PUPS reasonably prictd. (.u.l) •Ice~ 2. $81. T'"A factoru, TYPE\VR!TER •dd mat·h USED Adm ·,,., Colo' TV of $36.40. Credit pl. ., a. ' ys • ......, encl! 188S''i'1a.-bor, ~2 •J calcula tor, Ve;y rea:ronabl~'. Clothes Dryer, Bendix •. $59 large screen ~l'ilh console'. 5.35-7289. good'. $1':50-714: 642-8393 AKC -6 WEEKS ~ Xlnt cond. 892-2423 Kenmo1'C Washer •..•.• $79 """· Terrns. Sec. "'"" BEAUTIFUL hand painted days, 714 . 89Ta24l1 eves. * 548--Th57 * •--f Slip Moorlnt 90u MAPLE dinette, hutch, I wi n -=========' [GE 2 Doot• refl'i" , .••• , ~60 if;/;/ -'"' bcd11, 9 drwer clresscr, -Teim~ derson's for this & other oil portrait of you or your FREE TO YOU LABRADOR Pups, AKC, Grundig Comb. p 1 ayer , Hou1ehold Goods 8020 HENDERSON 'S bargains! 1877 Harbor children frorn a photograph. black, great pell &: bunters, WANTED: Slip or -moorinl: chesl. Blvd ., Cl\1', 5'18-0155. A woncl('l'"ful Idea for that $90. Call -962--5737 spe.ce Jo r 25' ColumbU Ca.II • .54S-861 I E A R L Y American co uch, rocking chair, side chair, all good concl. Jx8 braided rug. Reasonable. a48-74M BEAUTIFUL gree'n con- temporary living room chair &: ottoman, like n e w S45. 613-7226. PlANO, Zimmering, blonde spinet $300. Duncan Phyfe Dining rn1 set. table, 4 chairs &: bullet. 64&-5926 f.10V I NG -Se lli ng everything? f'urniture & h ousehold. fixtu re 546:-ln::, <'VC:S. AFTER 33 yrs. State says "'c 1877 Harbor. Of 518-0155 Lease Color TV or Black special Christmas g I f t . BEAUT. contented kittens, GOLDEN Retriever-fmle, 2 Challenger sloop. Pleue must go. Can't take all \11i{h f\lAGJC Chef Gas range, 5 646-J629. nursed 3 nios. Adore pUp. AKC bd 1 ·~ 1 call (n4J 522-8346 or Eva: us 'Viii sell all or part incl. & While. Option to buy. pies & child11!n, \Viii live in )'1"!5, ' 0 n u._., grea (TI4t 826-3501 some vt'l"' old pieces. \Viii mos old, black ~lass front, Free service. No deposit EVERST & Jennings \\<heel aar. 1.-leet lo appr-. E. w/ chldrn. $250. 642-9618 1,;::;::,;.;:..::::,..,.,.....,,-,= J :'.O". $200 or · best oUer. · TV n. I Co •·• Co • •• !O" SUP available for boatl accept blue chip stamps. A-Active ,...,nta · chr. Trapele for .,..,,_,_ ~-B 1 u Ir area 6l4-09'JO or POMERANIAN puppies 11)72 P11.lisudei::. S.A. HI~. 968-7583· (ll m-1153 mode handle .. Bat~ rail. GT:>-4497 11/11 AKC reg, 2 mos. + aholl, for sale. <21 40'• or (ti 60' CONTEST PRIZE; Ne 1v ......------,...._ 6'16-1746. 2693 R1vcr.;1de Dr. 87lJ..82'i8 to 80', Call Chuck A!WfY, Tappan-Gallery ga11 ran~. *i}~ C!\f AOORABI..E black and ~ or eves c•ll a ll dcl,; features. $250. Good condition $15 • $40 I~VOOD f gal t to brown puppies, 11) wka old, POODLE Pupa, tiny toy &: 494-3916. 968-63lT Call fi.1.1-64l5 F or e-cu lrtt lo good home toy, all colon, AKC, top SUP for t. D I• • your speclficatlons: well 5fO.llJ9 1113 quality. Stud ser. S93-97l9 BOAT ren emo ltlon PORT. Hoover Wa11her, ~ seasoned. Deliv & stck'd ;;;;;';i"7="'°""""=-=c.;;1;;;,..,;;;--o::;;,:;---;;-;-;-:-28' Huntington Harbour t.laytag dryer, a pt. size, no 8210 free. $27.50 1.~ C, $47.50 C. COMBINATION Sink and BLACK Poodles, male • / 846-2652 I SALE!! spec hookup, almost nu cH.;.1-..;F.;.1..;&.;..cS_te.;.r_oo ____ Call collect (714) 688--0846. .stationary tub. Single sta.-AKC, 4"Wlos. l-mlnl, 2-toys, BOAT Slip for ttnt. Balboa SI"" bo 67 • .,,,7 . tionary tuh. 20322 Riverside $50 each. 842-~ .N. th .......;,., ELECTRA -voice F~f stereo HAND fed mu I t I graph Dr. S.A. Heights ll/ll Coves. KENr.tORE auto washer, tuner. xlnt. $8J or offer. rlupllcator, model 80 & sup. Llve•tock IMO * S36-374.l * A LIDO ISLE late model, xlnt cond. 8 642-8507 or IH2-I376 plies $8.), 5.x8 hand fed letter MIDDLE • AGED pedigreed ---------:======== LUXURY HOME cycles SW. 546-8672. 847-811.l prtu It: Slo11plies 46 1ray1 of Siamese cat. Son developed RABBITS, 1\1'0 with tv.'O Bolt·Y•cht ia being d•moll1hed •tAYTAG auto ""'''""'· xlnt C1m•r•1 & Equip. 8300 fontal $50. &i2-5027. allergy, must tlnd good e11ges S6 lakl!I all. &K-1742. Cherterl ton Ger•ge Sele 8022 EVERYTHING GOES! ''corx1. <I yri;_ .. old. $1:>. \VILL BUY 1 mm proj. silent STERLING silver. 6 plaec?1 ~""..,m=•~·..,64=0.0='9~l---'-"-10. 29U Carob St. Eutblutt. NB SAIL Cal 24 •n P'' day. llONEYTONE .scilid ruck 5~6-86i2, 8'17-SilS ., '""nd. 'l"•t •-,., ........! sett!~ Candlelight, Towle 1 BEAUTIFUL cats need TRANSPORTATION "' maplr boOkca!<C headboard """ '' " ""' ~""" . I home l or a.II LJ 8-3927 123 CAL 36-$60 per day. SIP' I. SPACES! & fool ~-Nile stand $20. PA.'l'ELING-CARPET~ NICE refrigeralor. cross top cond, rea11. pri<.'ed. sr>. Triple actton exercyc e Apt A 8..:.., A"'e CALL (114) 846-2957 8.IDlNG GLASS DOORS freezer. Gas rani;e. xlnl. \VILL SELL !-' d r I $.11.50. 961-7109 · · ~ ....... way • · Butt & Yecht1 ~ ~;;~;,;=======:! tiT3-6390. APPLIANCES-\\'INDO\\'S 2U4 Continental. C.NT. Enlari;<'I' fot• 3jc ~ ~ • PATIO Sale Sat & Sun 1().5 Costa Mey, ll/8 '69 Rlnell 22 ft . Deep V OMC .. M::;o::b:;;ll::t~H.:;O;:M:.;I00::.--92~00 \\rflJTE Provin. Bedroom OIL PA INTINGS 21*."x21A", etc., in folda\vay alley 619 Poln~ettia, CdM. f'OUND: Fe1nale Siamese ... Set. 3 mo. old, \Vhitc rcclin. LANDSCAPING ADMIRAL Refrigerator ca~ w/ ma~king e;isel. Gu ~tove, Weber BBQ, cat approx 3 or 4 mo. Vi c. 155 hp V~ -Fully found - vibrating chr. 67~5-187, aft. f'reezer. Almost new. Ii', $100 Will trade on projector. Call di-tie"'· etc. Cannery & Adams Ave. like new -.4. wheel (gally -6 * Cull-673-1607• '"' bunks -head -radio -all 220 Via Lido Nord on "'~nds, Fri eve. thru GE vacuum $39. Regina 962-7060 11/ll equipment) Tilt trailer $8000 TRANSFERRED. Se lli ng KENfl;10RE au10 wuhcr, Sun., Laguna B e a t h , WflSher/waxer $30. Box DARLI NG calico and mixed value-muatl'iell-malceofter complete houseful ol qu11.lity SALE-All Day late model, ll.nlt cond. 8 499-2152 knitting yam $25-After 6:30 kittens, housebroken, 8 wkl _will take car In trade caJl Mediterranean furnitw-e. TUES N l rycl<>S. $75. 546-867'2, 847-8115 8500 pm. 675--032& old, plea.o;e call 64~. Slama~er Longpre ~ NEW 5* PARK MOVE IN''l'OOAYlll Choice of Moolol1 or Custom Built New 9 pc. comer am'ng. m.3506:.,,.,;,·,,--=~,...,.,,.,-= •• OV. 1th --111-0 Sporting Goods OLYMPU..: Sten'O COrl!IOle. 29'll Carob St. NB 11/11 uac 89:a-a;s1 or ~2500 choice of cit'!. rtg. $230, now TABLF.: saw $3.i. Dinette $35. ~~~~"\"""""~~ Antiques al $159.50 . tlew beds; King Bedroom &ef $45. Excellent. ~10VING Sale . Double ::::::.:.:.::.:::_ ___ ...:.;.;.; PHIL Ed..,.,'8.rtls Hawaiian AM -Fl\t rarHo. $-10. Old LARGE nl e G C! t man Yscht Remode ling & Repair IN' SMOG FREE $!J.50. Qu~ens $89.~, Full 962-6379 Brookhurst/Adams, d~llM.'r with mi1TOr.;, cher-COLLECTOR'S pin-tall 11urfboard, 8"4". SGO. Sl\ve1·tone 1'"M radio SW. Poh1t<'r, 4 yn:. H11nts, J1111tall -whttl1!cerl111"4i~ Costa Mesa $54.93, Tw1n1 S4t9.J, fully 11 B ry finish SW. G . .I!: • ..,.,·ashirl(:: DELIGHT Kneii::i;cl ..... ·hitc Star R.S., 6'12-9607 '~n!chrlog. Needa large atta. strumenl!. clectrlcal, plum- auarn. King sz spreads $13.95 · · machine $511. Zenith 1V $30. J)oJls and doll items 1-lenke hoolll·11z 91,l, liead BRAIDED Rug tt6xl9l, just 54&-0012 11/10 bing. Painting & varnishing. fl. sz, $9.9'.. Jfeadbn:ls: BUFFET: Jo~ive dra..,.,·en .. 2 'Arca rugs, many other of every de&<:riptiOn~ poles -1100. 644-4704. clea.nl!d $50 thi11 lnclude11 $20 FOUND Grey & while kitten Realistic price•! 540-2918; Newport Harbor t<tnaa $15 Queens $12.00, cupboard! be lo11', sli ding houJtehotd !1en111, garden LAY AWAY * Open 1 days paid for cleaning. 646-5641 • vie. of Krnl St. & Ocean. after 6 PM 673-1539 or Full '110.so', ~ .. ,.,, ••.0'. glas11 abovr. sa.l. 54~7031 t I "~0 ,..A_., P l HELEN f\1ANN ING Antiques Mlsc•ll•neous 8600 3 fronl 675-4381 eves ll/11) 54G-2918. •" .,... ,,., oo .~. mower. 6.JO ....... "'1 . alt . · · =-;:=,.-,=,,.-=== Adult MobUe Home Part lrrundlc 1et11 {duo riser) 1v/ TWIN size box spring & n1at· C.111. 2428 N1>."Pl Blvd, C:\-1 6~2-9251 TAPE recorder $20. ,Ca.a ,69 Ponable TV 18 ... excel!. MALE collie 4 yn CJld. Llkea 20' Jnbrd. Dory w/trailer, GREENLEAJ' lnner apring malt. reg. $l06, tress. complete \\'ith frame T\VO !l\'\n beds, complete, P•t M ichael Antiques range $4S. End tahle11 Sl-SJ. cond. $65. GE 21" $50. N11. chlldttn, well trai ned . ""'<'ll equipped. Mlllt '°' l!fob\Je Home s.tes now $'19.50. K,s, sprds $l3.99• S25. 64;).23l1. like new$:>.:) each: Chest of GRAND OPENING! I.Amps $2 up. 241E.16th Pl, Zenith kitchen rad .. 125. 673--0721 ll/10 netdi ""'rk. Arry Reuonable 1750 wtutlier Ave., 5-pe_ Span gp. su9, K.s. vel-NR. NE\V \.\'asher & drye:r dr1t'4'l'rll $27.50. Slal bench Fi~ !t'.lcclion or 1';uropean CJ\f. Tuxedo, /tt 42, $40. 6'73-$'.l61 CUTE puppies, part. Collie, offer aecepled. Call 5f6-5l4S O.ta Mel& Vet 1pl'!!ads $49.50. Canopy .. .,... Pl u 1~• 33• RI ~-1 beda rtg, $ll&.50, OO\\' $8!1.aG. ~. Cor. bed group ,,wv. "'· Crtb, no mallN"ss $j. & Anll!rican Victorian fum-FOR Sale • Diplomat Trum· CARPET used several colors pa~ Labrador. 1 week!!. BEA T .r .,.. ver......... Take Newport Fwy. or Full u . ilttp • sofa reg. ~9 End la.blr 'vilh <lra\\"et iturt. ~at 468 E. J71h St. pct $50. Sea King custom 50c per yd. New polyester 2 414 ,i Emer90n, ttar. N.B. 112.750. 1 yr old Courtesy to Harbor Bl. to 19th St. 1119.liO, OO\V $169.50. Chriat· pORTADLE DISll\VASHER. S\7.50. S.fil.C674 in C.;\J. 64.>-2Ti6, IO 10 S. t>cllyhrd, $2U. Mk for Joe -tone green shag $4 per yrl. CUTEr Kittens, 1 blk/wht, Brokel'!I. B. W. Tarnutz.er Drive Wett to Whlttltt Ave. Jnu lay-a\vays now. SlESTA FRIGIDAIRE. RUNS F'lNE 'N"'E"'IG"HB=O'°R'°H""OO=o'""'G,-o-,-,-g e PALE Green Singer + an-962-63M 540-0336. ahort halr.-1 wht, lo'* hair. 5484119 CALL (714) '42·1350 El.EEP SJIOP, 1921 Ha1·bor $80. 67HOOG Sale. Double bed, \Von<fer Uqued cabinet ~'fdrop leaf * CARPET* Have 2 rolls NATURAL Rench MINK, dk 400..3860 ll/10 DRY boat 11tora.gH'ac. to 'So\ Spartan lx4:l, alurn awn-r~,~~i:i~l760 daily 10-u:a~:L :;:.· d~in~~=~~~ ~o~f~rou~':1tc~~~orSa~a~ ~~75. Call after 8 pm, j:,~~:::.lo~,~r::~r:~ ~~ithc u ~~ m x~~de~~ ~'. ~~~: si;::'• : ;;;:"';B:,,-k'°";:o=";.fl::,~,.:*:,.l:64:;=,~°""°;::t.:1 .,.H"wy",: I ~t loc= .. ad~ ~: · MUST aaertflce complete buffet & mirror. &12-4834. Sun. all day. 18312 Lisa CORNER Cupboards. 1 plne, $2.90 per yd. 540--1245. 613-295"4. license. 536-2670 11/10 CREW Wanted for 3 n'IOrllNJ 64&-8450 cal l artrr 4 or all hou Lane, H.B. 842-2071) ·-:~ .. _. " (0 W t Jhdl Share .;i.,., t-aAa setul of f\1editerranean JlofAPLE rn1nbeds, complete Ir=="""=-,,,..--== 1 lg. walrrut. Refl•=i-=-Carpet layer ha:i J-11 Lo CROSS top R e I r 1 g • • 2 KITTENS. male, black, cnuae " e11. :::-::c.;;_;:::_:;;~::=·:,,,..-~~~1 furn : aora, love seat, 2 com-+ bedspreads $40. each. 408 GARAGE Sale, stove, r-efrig, Call : 644--2359 nylons $1.99 yrl. ShAgs automatic detroBI. Exe. $65. pt.rt SJamese. 616-1338 11/8 e:<pense11 « Cat 546-4148 PAR.MtOUNT Elite Ux50' 2 mode lamp-tablt-3. c:nffet E. emaaway.-CM. EW!'I. H4",'m' -.,,",'• ,",~.".k 9"'il3 2•2 SETI'EE b!'auWul!x_ ~sip-taim SJ.50 up + my labor, The Jtouse tn Back 445 E. DARWNG-oranp kitten '5' CHRIS TRI-CABIN Br, 2 Ba. new. in beadul lable. 111.mps. color TV. din .. ed • carved solkl walnut !lCk' ;....r vard. ~ 17th. 642-5741. "'"........ 11110· TS, 1"/B, duals. $23,«0 mountainoul E1co nd l ··o &t't rehig irtcrt.'O king sl1.C 9' EGG Shell Silk Brocade Tide..,.,·ater Clrcl~, 11.B. .~ J ~Q Br "94--3916 ' --terraced bd~ ~t. · Quttn 'bdrm set. I.Iv. rm. M>fB, $100 968-2ist. h"¥me. $90. ~13.-l23fi. ORIGINAL oils for it1ft11 · WANTED -t;arly Amer. 5 SIX weekl old kittens need ~ ;;:•m.~ 67$-nlT n alze bedrm liCI, swag Call 892-9183 OLD Books * OLD Prlnt1 gilt framca • old ships • Love-seat or sm. ao!a. ln 81 3 d ANNUAL P.ANSACK SALE BAC1' DOOR Il\IPORTS nli~~lon -c1stles, etc, from Good Concl 646-265 2 good homes. 2 ack S.llbolt1 9011 '61 GR.EAT Lallel trlr. Ox6D. lamp, pictures, i1•asher t 1' aJSTOl\t f.I ad~ Soll PTA Benefit. Ba I ear i c 1896 llarbor at 19th, Cl\f 11\ lo $-100. 549-5098 646-6.lTS. . ' tortolae. 54$.142:i 11110 LIKE SAILING? 2 Br., tumltutt, 60' 1v.11inc. dryer. 1tlisC. 894-~i.i Hardwd bar, natural walnut School, Costa l\feM. Clothes, 1 ,e::;:;..~~,,:,,,:.,c'-'-....,,-.-FREE To qualified home. 2 i unroom &: atonge FamU., U S E D B I u e v c I v e t finis!· Sm.. Call -61l-9228. furniture .t mlsc household h 1120 COLLECTOR'S I tents, lovely * * * * . . kitten11.-Adult. 0 n l y . DISLIKE TIIBSE? Pk •.1 OOO 8 3 ~ . 2 41 S 8 Sewing M•c li'IH ola rc11torcd cedar (best on F.UtlLY fl.femben1titp f n Slil-l!IG II/II e P•vmenta, high lntcrttt, · ...,, · a Rol .. Rock 168 1 lu-t1tt'·· B"'NO N-""""oh. 1240. items. 11)...4 SAT. Nov. th. SO r .... 1 Club ~ evt/-knd ' '" ..., ,,,,. -., VJU 11hephord caatet'I S • frvtne: Coast umr• fl' d!'preclatkm. 111 p rentalo .::.;.;::.;;",;;;;;;·~~-==-· • J (p'l!Cn occasional chair. NC\•tr u!led. l>!.llvered 11/4/ GARAGE SALE • Co thing, 1969 SINGER w/bcaut w&l 847-6319 tor Wt. Pvt. pty. 673--9131 CUTE Dalay pup p I ea , clean!-. Insurance, ttc. '67 rASki'ON Ma110t l2x&O 2 t ach.$$.95.6drawierwa1nat 69.BeautifuJ.6'15-{627. hou sehold ar t lcle1, coneole I: lla:-zaa. Makel 646--0642: 19.\1 Federal, ·~ n• "BA•·-""~ A i!reawr $31. 3 pc. Rt walnut 2 DAVENPORTS. beds. kg tumJture. S.t I: sun 8th A button holet, ovm:uta. 5 ?w10VING -everything muat f'or Sale, F'lftwood. Coata Mea11 ll·lO PREFER mESET _,., • ' •11n ... fft:IU· -·11---• tbls 114. The "' """ Sa I y,.r ,..,,..,_ Full -ice $38.24 ...... n--ia, 0>!0, TV. elc, 101 Oran;e A Eucalyptus HO"= I rtlll 2 O 3 Bl e Low rofl, no WORK A inc I: f!Xtnl, Muat ~U. call F.7':1sss Har bor. n headbrds. mi~. furn .... h. _, n Joaqu n. orss.iJ~.Mi6 ~l:-'utt1etm.nd. l38-fi6TO ~ ... ! __ ze::.a H CAREFREE SAlLINGl (nl) 91lat'6G, ~2 pe!lo turn. 61~7203. Laau~~~-4~-FLO\VE R Arrangemenll, POOL t•ble, ree;ulallon alze, ~M, .;iaula .u.... ~f/8 cal 23 Uttle u Sl4, 'ii dat Ix d 1155 COlwnbla T\\"O 1wln bed11. c(nnpll!t{', LMNO room. dinette ire!, Mu1iul Inst. 112J chenlllc, 13 to $12. Exeo"llent 4~1'x!r. l pc alate. All ac-Tty OUr Club Plan Xlnt cond., pm, lll<e .~ $33 each. Cheat nl ~::;lc.sc~ll ~:--m~" ~~lt'\~yst.5:i~().t~:u~ 2 5 L·~U:.:D:::l:.:Vl::G:..:.:ri:~l"tt:::m:..•-.-z-,..:1 '-'1::01 n Chrlatmu Gina. ?JSJ-ffll6. ctMOrlt11. neu. !lGS-WlO TAPPAN Jl'll r11n~I! ~n~ NE:W~R~~~~ CLUB * !'rt8-908S * dn&"8i1 $21.:"IO, Sia! benrh I SAT I _ Sun. Purni1urc, TV. cymbals. Xlnt. Cond. Paid iz; SQ .. \'0.". llQ:ht bet~ CHERRY red nylon rua. 322 Ogl~ St., C~1 l -c:-crrci:...7-,,;..=-I ~ Cranbrook lOdO. Alum. $i. ib, no 1nattrtN $.J. MA+ Pbcdt.£1,'1'.',.i"..~:· .. com,h~ ~: Slri«i. i;mall applial'IC'e9, StiiOO, ell for $600 Mn. cArPCI (( fMUldlru:r . Excellent lbl~ Hice 11ew $40. Sf\IALL Hou!le dog, female,~ e SABOTS $22f • awnlnr. 2}~!"•~ult Pk, CM. IE nd !ablt With drawer £, Bl"Olldw•~ CM. Ew.s. baby flJrnitutt. "66-4407 Pete.f9m, 5.1G--59l0. condlllori. 545-6120 •&Tl-6390* yrs old, !J68.ltn4. 11/11 New, ~ f!otalion. &U.On2 MS-.:;.-8395.;.;.;;i•..;-;..;..'"'";...---!i.llO. MMIG'l4 'r'>l I --· • i\• DAILY Pli.ar • .Satutdq, ~-8,.1'169 • • i9LcaJ iltlfiON .fiOORllOltfA'l'ION -tltANsllORTAt l«*= TAl lQff TIWISl!OUAll l:IWdP~!l'A.TION.....-.RAH$l!OlTA . • Mr li' Homi1 92o'o Troti.i'.-Tnvtl 9425 1mport.ci A-. MOO Imported AvMo 96oo _1m_po_rtoc1 __ A_-___ 9600_ 1 i'1'port ... -HOOll"'m:';po':::;rt-;:•;::Auto1:;::':;:=t600;-l!A~:..vto_\._•_11_1ne_:. _ _._"_10 1 u_ooc1 __ c_o_r1 ___ .__. ; UY HARIOR 1968, "!". AljO, folly tell AUSTIN HIAl.IY MERCEDES IENZ PEUGEOT YOLISWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN LEASE ANY MAKE CADILLAC . I Md'Ho -~ ~ canopy. -' 0 tt _____ _,.,_~~~;-:;;;-:;-;;;,;;;;;;;;~:; OR.MODEL' , l c.' 't.aia, Roll .,,....,, t ,,._, 4 -Sac -·957 MElrCEDES ~ '66 . VW Lei oar .... ......,. "'°" ~ SEDAN·Dt---I I"' -: ' 6fiiiiliii ....... ITOtriette, • • -AUSTIN AME'R'I t960 PEUCOT • cir Sed. YI -s """ ... b<at")lan tor -w I dal1t --..., JQI • 'i'rat1ft • Saitan 1965 'IRAVELEEZE ''"Twin Sales, Se.-vl"', Paris -SL 19crc:PE.-Tramp. "'"· llSO. UU9 1---11 d,, .,.,n-;-4 ijiil, ilk. Se< ·penonai needl without oblJ. x!nt cond, flllt-pwr;-opd. · ALL SiZES . ·bed tandem, stH:COntained. . Immediate ~l~uy ' Th1s car la ill mint condition 536-6936 FROM 1hls car -to appreclale! cation. control, dlt WbJ, AM/J'M', , "'*---.,.y Ex<el!'"' $2200. 5<1>1'111 ' All Mo<l•I• • .. "" cqulpped·wlt!t AM/FM PORSCHE -4:'11111 Sm'1J down, will nnc. pnol. UNIVl!RSITY tape ded< $2951. ·-... . 1C5 .._..... .. , Oiita Mesa radio. leather Jnteriot-and ""'"" prty. VWJns. Call Ken, OL DSMOBILE~ -492-'7821 eve• -~.blldl:TAat ot. lllibm' Blvd. Trvck1 f500 hu only 60,0C'O miles, TrWy f.94.9713 or MS-0634. 2850 Hutlor Blvd.-1i1 CAD de Via!-, ·landau top, · o.ta !lea tnfl 5«).M1(I . * VAN~ * a rtre find, Uc QBC29S, 1967 PORSCHE • 912 GOOD SI LECTION •58 vw, rough body but xlnt Costa Meaa leather, stereo, all pwr. ~ . J"im "u!!!. $1800 • apeed * slate &reY '* tor dune buUY or depen· 5fG.96fO $3300 •. \Viii a~ auto ln _ _ Black Interior * Radio * da61e tramp. Wkends.&fltr .~ LEASE .~ trade. 962-488T. Coo' p" er ' . '61 Econollne,' •·ve· L"*t"" ·3100 W ~-·t --' B Cocoa Mats* NEW TJRES 0 6 ar•-~JO ....-,.... .,.. •q ~ '1..ucaa .... ~ •• N . ' • 3 chrome Rim" Good • pm, eves u:r ~. 1969 M ........... 2 dr, Irr,· V~. CAD. '67 llN.t ........... , nw. '6.1 V\V B111 FMLJ68 •• Jlte!> ~ 540-1764 968-.2957 _ _..., -~T"" -TRAl.LER S~LE.$ 'tli vw But sUL310 •• Sl499 Authoriled MG DeaJer I Condltlon -Forced to iell . -air, ps, a.uto. trans., WrJW. tire•, b,rake11,1:t?roepHonally . ''Buy from • men '67J:<:• ~--an Van ' VOLVO $19.00 mo. cle&n. f!tc. wMle • $3595. l: who"lvn ln·onolff ~·-.. ~ t•kos " '"""· Week • .,.. i =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.ISOUTH COAST 1 ·~-=-·"'""=-....,== ': WE SERVICE ' '68 Chev Sportsman Van after i P.M. ·all day Sil.tur-CAR LEASING 1969 CAD. COUPE , . l D .ui0-o1. ••••• \ ...... $1999 DATSUN ' - !' \)'HAT \YE SELL! 1!00.I ................ $2399 ORANGE COUNTY'S " .., • ....., ,,.....,. VOLVO 300 w. ""Hwy, NB S<;.2182 DEVILLE ........ "" cond. l: 324,_,~· Harl>Of !:..~ta531Alnall66 '69KC1lev Van V-8 auto, 711810 NO. 1 •=<n ,,,.~I E t 66 7 P0912~E 1965N 356 tsc. E!New 541 3031 Ext. 66 or 61 SOR RY! Usod C1rs·. 9900 lo m*i. Call ~ =~ * :: 1 B1C11.-So. 0 °'"""'" . ustom Motors DATSUN DEALER ,,.;r,JW x. or i engine. ew pant. ec 1970 HARBOR BLVD. =~~=·~·.,"~.,..,...,...- -, ,-MUST sell double \\'Kie x 55• D 1970 HARBOR BLVD. sunroo(. Many new extras. ·. COSTA MESA 1---------1 'GS SEO. ov. Matador red :-. 3 BR l',', BA. Set up in 845 8''" St., C..ta """ DOT A TSUN OOSTA MESA ' $3800. 675-1810 ALL '69's SOLD.I TRANSPORTATION CARS w/ wht vinyl top, x!nt cond, Auth I. H. ,Dealer ~15 1.. --...:::.:=c:...:=:.:....--l;;OiF:,:C:-7=.:..-....,..--, VW '68, Sunroof, Ski Rack ·:-Costa ?11esa adult park. 18835 Beach tslvd. 1968 Porsche 5 spd., 1;d. cha.ins, chrome p 0 r 5 eh~ C R EAL N£WPORJER MOTORS ~7e573v el')' I hi n c. $2495. J:~ Move right in, call aft 12:30 GMC TRUCKS Huntinaton Beach co~. Stereo tape deck. rims. ?tiichelin tires, ex-C~ 1~f~lsf ......... S; p.m. 548-3637 Orange' Coooty Salea and 842-7781 or 54().(\K2 $4650. Ph: 536-944l tractor exhaust, \\"Ood int''· '64 <DUPE De Ville '$1000- Low mileage, 1act air, 'new tires. 817-3851 -l Service •ireadquarters. --6---C~K=u=p-9225 NEW • "lJSED ' 9 Pl '68 Porsche, &late grey, exec. trim. $1850/ or T, o. P . .: Blcycl.. UNIVERSITY cooo. 5 ~· _,~"""2185;,=,~---- 2al6 HARBOR BLVD. tf!l 1l1r,1is -~!.~11 ry Ulobn FINANCING AVAILABLE' • OLDSMOBILE Near ne\v, JjOO mile'! 4 spd, =~--""""c...,-~ '61 YOLKS Squareback, ex-!: BOYS Schwin blue 10 sp(I., 4 2850 Ha.i·bor Blvd. dlr, will sacrifice! Small '61 Porsche Super 90. Clean. tra clean. Exhaust systen1, CAMARO, ~ : ; mos. old, xlnt cond. $60 or Costa ?.lesa down. Will finance prlva~ $2500 Private party. Call R/H, stereo· spkr.s Muntz C ~ ofr. ~75--1940 540-9610 party. ZQsro!JLB. Call Ken 1;;,;..;,_,;;,,,=,;,,..;:.== before 8 p.m .. 839-5f40 or lOtJ on request.' S500 ' CZU 19'8 q!EVY'S A 900 So. Cit. Highw•y FORD'S. available tor qulck "61 Camaro ~hie Rallye Sport, RJH, 327, wire hubs. Clean. 496-0ml 9275 19.30 OfEV. Pickup. Runs $9773 or MS-0634.. 1961 MERCEDES Benz 230S 544-S278 T.O.P. ~206 aJ}Ytime. Mini Bikes wry "-ell, 4 new tires, new ---(RPR220} auto. p, Steer .ti Porsche '66 912. Green. 'a:l VW Camp. New eng. glass, 4-speed trans, Ugly ENGLISH FORD brakes -air conditioning. Lo ml. Xlnt rond. A?t!-Fl\I. Brakes, Liles, FM Stereo LeguM Be•ch sale. 5J4-S2!IO 494-7503 * -31001/======= BUICK USED TACO Jn Good Cond. Excell Xmu gilt Call 644--0154 but practical. $225. can Sold nu by us and serviced Private party. 83S-0630 XLNT. ~. 496-9806 or 838-9349 dnvg be.lore 2 p.m. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; hert, Je ss than 2S,OOO mlles PORSCHE 67 912 5 33952 ,.._ L •-D -v • only $359j. Jim Slemons • ' sp. .._...ppcr nun ana CLEARANCE NO\YI VOLVO CHEVROLET 1967 RIVIERA. Lt green \V/ ---------1 FOR SALE -1967 FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S AM-FM, White/blk int. PT. · lniporls, Inc., 120 W . PRIVATE PTY 642-6839 142-144 .. 145 • 164 grn vinyl top. P/b, P/11, air, center con!!Ole, 30,000 mi. $3,050. 548-3l10 • Motorcycles 9300 ECONOUNE, heavy dty. VOLUME .ENGLISH 'V;i111er, Santa AM. 54.l).;4114 '69 VW Camper, pop ·1op, THE LOWEST PRICES super van. (1975. 6.ll W. FORD DEALER J!f.>li l\lERCEOES Beni 2.llSL '63 PORSCHE, excell run-\Vest Thalia, wltent. radio, YOUR BESI' DEAUi 1962 BUICK Conv. PIS. New '6.5 CHEVY Impala. hardtop . p/s, p/b, elec windows, wrote with black vinyl top. 4 new t.itts, new dual illetlme glasspac mufflers, 52,tn:l mi, SU45 firm. Low book. See at ll04 E 17th St., S. A.I Call Dave Hansen wkdays 8, am thru 6 pm at 547-7044. 11 "Ji2" 327 CHEVY Bel Air.1 Radio, heater, automatic, $400. Ca 11 968-4226 latct nighlll:. 548-4987 dayl ' '68 Honda 12Scc, lo mlg, 17lh, C.?tl. SALES . SERVICE (TUR3J8) Both lops auto., ning 00nd. Need cash, f!lOO. 14,(Ql ml. Best offer . .o\.P.E srIIJ.. AT tires, brks, &. battery, $450. Sports ScramWe1· $300. ~---,,19'J=~F~onl~Eco~no-line-. -·~ I1IOOEL.S P. steer, AM/FM etc. Only Call 968-1394 after 5 PM 1,;,:;18-=.,:c584='·------DEAN LEWIS ~d:;.,s... &ft 6 Ii: Sat. midget l'ace car $150. 1-techanically-good. Immediate delivery 14,720 miles. Sold nu by no; PORSCHE '66, 912. 5 :1pd, '62 V\V Van. Corvair eng. iJUO"~"• S45-181T $650. Ph: 536-9441 LARGE SELECMON and serviced hel'I.!. ·Jim mu.st $ell, xtras. $35.'ill. Pvt. New clutch, i:en., brks. '66 ELECTRA 225 2 dr an • KAWASAKI •r ch Ill 700 Th --, t ~ ~"I T d k ~ •1000 1966 Harbor, C.M. 6'16-9303 • • . • ••a , '62 DODGE 1-Ton Van. Eng. -ore Slcmons Mercedes Benz, 12.0 Py, v•.........,... ape cc • sp"""· ,. · ===="'=====1 xtra.s, new tires, brakes, mile.s, absolutely like riew. & trans. xlnt; front end ROBINS FORD \V. Warner, Santa Ana. LEAVJNG state 1nust sell 54~1J89 Antiques, Classics 9615 orig owner $2100 .. 644-0974. _Sacrili_..,.,,ce.;-;545-;,',-,13...,18=---I damag'M. 839-231'4. 2060 Harbor Blvd. (Ser. No. 4l12l 541HD4 no1v '62 Porsche. Best cash '67 V\V BUG. 20.000 mi.. •55 BU1CK, Good · •'85 BSA Xii. 'fil Cbevj P.U. '4, ton. Coll.a Mesa 642-0»0 1965 MERCEDES Benz oiler. 543-6162 AMIF?tt LIKE NEW! Must 1956 f\1ARK 111 ContinentaJ. condi~ $95. rwuung 5fM mllei. $450. V-8 4 speed -$750 Diesel 4 door. Nu blue paint '64 Ca.brio.let with hardtop, s e 11 at once! Best o1fer! Bronze. Brown &. "'·hitc int. • 842-2084• ltM 'J>rbid!<> f>r .. CM Can 96Z-4694 • .. • ·-----vinyl interior. Reduced Koni, leather, radials, rack, 646-7875 or 642-Sli03 Xlnt cond. 549-2851 .. '68 HONDA ,350'Scrambler, •57 FORD % Ton Pick Up fERR/tRI , from $22$ to only $1795. AlttfFl\f. 53&-3063 '6.5 VW.empi eng, ram carb, For Sale -Jaguar Clusic. .Private owner. $495.. w/camper , $650. · • (PDA336), Jim SJ em on s h~ders, 75 hp +, glas~ 1955 XK-140. $950. ** 548-4001 ** * 847--5941 * FERRARI Mercedes Benz, 120 \V. C.PRITE fndrs, map:, etc. $1200. Call -673-6047. '66~~ HONDA 305 Scrambler. '64 CHEV 1,) TON PICK UP. Newport lmporl1 Lid. ()r. Warner, Santa Ana (Ser. .,,16 673-2516 1929 l\1ode l A t~ord Xlnt rood. Ju.st rebuilt EX-PRICED RIGHT! •ni:e County'• only author-No. 4618 ) S46-4ll 4 l~ AUsnN Jtealy Sprite '69 V\V, just from Europe. $i50 TRAS! 54G:.oo93 * 646-5l7i * lzed dealer. 1967 250SE 1'-1er~e11 Benz Xlnt cond. On1y 49,WJ mi. lite bluclblk int. A?.11FM, 516-565: '55 BUICK Century, motor recently overhauJed $125. 9332 Velardo Dr., H.B. 1965 SKYLARK SPORT COUPE. $14:.0. 833-2757 '67 CHEVY I mpala, F/P, 327, fact. air, s!ettO, S200 & take payments. D a v e 893-9320 66 HONDA 160 Scrambler. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS ooupe VJG083 air, po\\'er, P.lust sell. \1) '193-4929, sunroof, rcclng sea 1 s, '67 SCOUT 4xi, 4 spd, perfect 3100 W. Coast Hwy. t C st . t "'J ,._ 67' ~1 Tuned pipe!!, new tires $300. nd 1 845 e c . u o m p a 1 n .,., _.,.,.,., .,....,,.\) 547-3182 . co ., Save! Dr, -Baker, Newport Beach w/l~ather inter_ior o n_l Y '6i V\V ~back Red Im· Auros Wantod 9700 __ C_A_D_IL_LA_C __ 1.:.::VE;.:;PA;...;V.;c:.. "".-'----I '65 CAD DE VIUE '67 EL CA.'1.INO, V-8, auto, air cond., loaded! Flawless cond! Dir, St> Baker. Costa Mesa V94337 '64 CHEV, Nova \\'qon. V-1, automatic, power slttrirW. Good condition. 839-2314. Cost.a Mesa. SXXll4 642-9405 540-1764 $6750 Jull pnce. J 1 m TRIUMPH 1 ·"'1 • 11 · '66 SUZUKI x~. 250CC, $300. ,66 Cl1EV. 8. Pickup. $999. Authorized Ferrari Dealer Slemons Mercedes Benz 120 maeu alcp il·lust1 sc ~ 1Ra5 9d,5o, '67 Suzuki SOCC, $200. Ex· o•~ * 1965 FERRARI 330 GT ' stereo. r1 P Y ,. . 5964'18, Dir, Cl'W Baker St., \V. Warner, Santa Ana. FOR Sale -1965 Triumph 536-45l7 cell cond 837-3046. Costa Mesa 2 + 2. Near new tn o t o r, 546--014 =..:c.::.:_--~--. • =~-~==~~-I clutch, brakes. P irelli rub-Spl~ire. Lite blue. conv. • 6 7 SEDAN . Radio, Honda 350c<:. 3500 rili. '69 Da.tsun, $l600 T ' H, top ber, interior. Pvt. prty. 1959 MERCEDES Benz 190C s97;i. Call -968-l994 . PORSCHE exhau:sl & dislr. S:1~~~ts..::zy cond. 7tlOOmUt'll. $6450 or orrer. Call Skip CXBE105) ·runs ex· '60 TR-3 $350 Orig own<"r. Top c.'Ond. · * 84Z-&475 * C21JI 432-1841 or f2.13) ct'ptiona\ly good. Th is U400 . 642--30C"i6 aft 6 pin. •-,,·eekcnd only $6!15. J im 6~Z>-24-19 after 6 pm .,.,.,..5511 ext 595. Slemon11 Mercedes Benz, 120 '63 Volk.swai:en 1500 sroan. Aulo Servi-Joopt 9S10 CASH - (or used can ,\ trucks Just call us for free intimate. GROTH CHEVROlfT '64 BELAIR Sta. Wgn. New All origina1, full pwr, fact brakes, reblt 283 mil', p/1, air, dlr, take foreign car in radio $'785. 540-1319 !rede or small down. QPA· 322LB, Call Phil 494-9m or '60 IMPALA 4 dl'. Worth 56-0634. more, for quick sale • SDI. Ph: 54S-4'lll 1968 CADILLAC OeVille 4 & Pim 9400 -'------JAGUAR 1 ;;;;.~~---~~ '69 JEEPSTER Commando, II 4 whl. drive; \Varn · 11ub.s, I ,.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ \V. 'Varner, Santa Ana. TOYOTA Ne\v paint, Jo,v mileage. 5'6-4U4 -;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;I $7".il. • Call -67:>-2916. '59 ?ifERCEDES 180 Diesel, ORANGE 1 --66--=V:::W::.._To_:p:.:Co~nd:.:i_tio~n- Ask for Sales M8f\llrtt 182ll Bearh Blvd. Huntington Beach Kl 9-3331 door • fuJly equipped inc. '60 4 dr ThlPALA 8, r&h, loll air. Low Blue Book $4,000. of mlg but in A-1 shape $.JOO Your price this weeke~ or best ~1 675-4gs:; $3895. Jim Slemons Imp6rts, '18 CHEVY. GOOD looks good, runs good $3!li. COAST'S Rill Orie Pvt Ownel' .... 3896 "OLDEST' n!fill. .,,_,.., Pos-i-traction; 600) l\I I . 548-985.1 BEACH JAGUAR Auto Supply WE PAY WH 9520 , __ Wholes1lt C•mpers '66 eHEV Spt:--Van r/h, auto, tape, carpets. etc. Xlnt S1600. 673~ eves. Authori1ed De•ler Unbelieveable Savings! Large Stock Available! MG Toyota Dealer '68 VW, red, mag wheels. Save! Dk, &15 Bnker, Coota FOR YOIJR CAR Prict1 to All Complete Machine Shop SPEEll'EQIJIPMtNT REBUILT ENGlNE.S 1123 Victoria, CM ~ Beacti Blvd, HB st7..oo91 * OPEN 1 DAYS * Dune Buggin 952S '69 Ktllison gold flake, all '67 comp, Llke new. $995, Finish yourself. 642--0350 Dunc Buggy Trailer AUl'O body & 1· e n d e r Hinged ramps and extras repairs at reaa. prices. -~"-,....~~'"'~P~'~' ~0"--VW's a 11peciali~. 548-4503 '66 BRONCO V-8 uk for LarTy. E.<ttra.s, $1795. FORD 1'21'.l ercine rebuilt and --="61"'5--006~"7 =--3 speed tranll., 2 chrome. MANXICORVAIR rlm1 and tires 7.10/15, fits l\take Oller! Desperate! e The ALL NEW XJ SEDAN available for demonstration, tf!l m•t-uis Utnoters 900 So. Cst. Hig~way Laguna Beach 494-7503 * 54().3100 '57 JAGUAk XK-140. E.x- ctllenl condition, P h o n e 640-2986 Ford. c.an 847·1427 before 3. • &1G-1896 • SALE· Wide o,.i, $14.9.'i ea. l-=1m=po=,1=1d=A=u=tos='==9=600= I KARMANN GHIA National Speed Center, 2110 -~------ S. Harbor, CM. ~700. ALFA ROMEO 1965 Karm•nn Gh ie Daily 9-9. Sat 9-6. Immaculate i1111ide and out! Porsche .. Mere, .. V.\V, o..I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;' One owner. Seeat480Broa.d Bugies. New & used parts., AtrrHORJZED way, C.ht. MG Sales. Service, Parts Immediate Delivery, All Model!! Immediate D9 1i'Vii"y on..HARD.TO GET MODELS-c1ll for lnform•tion MeSa~ZUM460- lOK SQUARE BACK CONNELL 1.., s. Good-ronditioo. cR-o•-· Call · <TI°il 842·1222 11:.11\ 1U.I VW CAMPER 2828 Harbor Blvd. 1961 Costa 1'-fesa S.tS-1200 m · • Pop top \Vestphalia w/ tent. _,:;~::;;.~.:;;;~=--llf-U\$ Xlnt. $3150. CM. 54~2'13 WE PAY TOP m t '64 V\V CUSTOl\1 CAMPER. OOL LAR n ••• H N • ors Factory rebuilt engine in for good, clean used cars. 3100 W • ........,,1 WY· .B. C"I 64"'048 all mak«. See George Ray &12·M05 540-1764 900 So. Cs t. Highway warranty. .. _, Theodore Robins Ford J1rtuµo rt 31111µorts Will Buy Authorized J\fG Dealer Laguna Beach '69 VW Squareback, auto, 2060 Harbor Blvd. '64 MG 1100 sedan. g<l. cond. 494-7503 * 5~3100 beige, sunroo(, Al\t·FM. Xlnt C.?i-1. 642-00IO white w/black racing """"'"'"~~~,..,..~· cond. * 646-2238 stripes. Pvt ply. Quick i;a.Je. TOYOTA 1963 VW Sedan. Xlnt cond. 1 642-9186 car owner. S850 or best o[. '58 MG ROADSTER, ,vit'e SPECTACULAR ;':::".:.· :;:";:3-8003.;;.;;:·===,--Your Volkswagen or Porsche 'vhce ls, ne\v top, YEAR END SALE '64 VW SUNROOF &: pay top dollars. Paid !or mechanically xnlt. $4 5 0. ALL MOOE LS Original Owner, 42,000 ml. or not. Call~ 1213) 592--5016 YOUR El~~ Df..\LS ?I-take Offer. call 646-1996 -~==~==~-''lPOR"""' Vot'ANTEO 19ffi rtfG f\1 idget. Top Shape! i\RE STILL AT SACRIFICE, Must sell '68 .., .. ..., = c:~~~i~:;cim tires. DEAN '~EWIS :~~a:~g64r;~~\\~ BtLL~~l~arA 0003 '68 V\V BUS 18881 Bea.ch Blvd. 1966 J.farbor, c.~f. 6'16-p . t 0 -r $2195 r1va e w .... , · H. Beach. Ph. 8f7-3!al BILL J\t AXEY Cnlt * • * ,,...,001 Whole'81e to all 642--0JSO. ALFA ROMEO '1~964~°"K7AR~M"A"N"N,.-.G"h~i,-, -,, •. MAGS. Mrr Ra"'"" 15" '"' DEALER 11 ... s.' "''""' smo. Wkdays MGA • Ford, 2 for $3'.), 645-2246 after 6 & Saturday, Call ------- ' . . -• ' • . .. ' , . • ' 1963 VW. 43,000 n1ilc beauty. Aulo Leising 9810 [~T-_~\:O-_ ~{j~'.IQttJ~_"'T,..._ .-@-. k,;'w;:;';.-,,,~•ulll<>• cooo . I ;;:;;;;l;:E;;;AS:;E;;;· R:;;E;:N;:T;;;;;;; l V!j:J l BEACH BLVD. '6."> VW Squareback, UiOO cng. ORDER YOUR Hunt. C,~ach 847-8555 5000 nii. xlnt cond. Askini; 1970 TODAY after 6 p.m. ~ 968-2TI7. '58 i\1GA New paint & cur· llaf•ttt"s ta.ins GREAT rond . Tr1iler, Trevel 9425 "'" TIME FOR everything works, leaving mOtlfS QUICK CASH ''"" m'"t ""· 61"""'t '69-13 x 25 Tl'aller $495 dn $39 mo. Storage '""'· poreh, 900 So. Cs!. Highwi y THROUGH A skirting. One block ll'Om Lagun1 Beach WANT AD ~i=.·~~. ~~c:•wport 494-7503 * 5411-3100 DAILY PILOT lmPOrted Autae 9600 Imported Autos " COltOMA. SHAN UICVTIYI CAI F11ll ftcto" 11111lp; pl111 r•· ~~Set. # 5-41). 11776" UICUTIVI CAI COROLLA SID. Full fief. equi,, Sir. #-4271 5179()00 9600 Imported Autos USED CAR SPECIALS 9600 196t TOT01'A C~ HT c,_. 1M1 R/H, 4 t,.ed. ,..t c ..... ...... s1a9500 TWT 171 1 tll YOLkS. 1510S S11•- ~. 11:/H, 4"'"4-rMf C~ll. ::,~· s1295oo 1t67 YOLYO 122 led ... 11:/H, '-· •110"'" s1495oo littll. YOl ltZ • YOLVO. ~ ' 1t6t fOIDTOllNO •.T .. l /H, 4 ..... 351 ..... ~·~ .... Nttte ... 1,000 ... , .... ...... , . .... # ""' s249500 • DICUTIYI CAI s.r. #7160 fUU. PACTOllf 19U", 1if2 2 1DOOI .SEDAN $269860 DEAN . 1961 YOLXI. HMter, 4 .,..H,, ..... -...... s99500 ..... 1966 DAl$UN 1600 11 .... I / H, 4 ....... _.. to,, enr. :=,--.., s1395oo LEWIS C ;:;:~c C:o:,.1y's L<:c•<ll Qfl<i 1.:t:: M•oro Toy°'"• VolYo,Dffltt • 1"6 ~ IOULIYAU 646-fJOJ COSTA MHA 1960 OPEL OPEL ST ATIO :"J \\!AGON Runs Good -$130 Call -&tG-5386. BUSIEST marketplace in town. The DAIL'{ PILOT Classilied section. S a v c money, Ume & effort. Look :: 11 1 :'.: ••I ! «1ast l·hvy, on Bch $1150. 675-5763 FOR EARL I EST 1:. .. ;-1-.:;·, Toyoti1, R&Jl. In '65 VW Sed. Ne'v tires & bat. DELIVERY -.111. ~·.-.mJ. $1100. Pvl. pty. tery. Xlnt. cone!. Best offer. All popular makes. Ford r · '· ·1 r,..; :==:::..:=:..· -~~-~-I authorized leasing system. ---'68 vw Squaretmck, beige, Get Our Competitive Rates VOLICSWAGEN "d ta I'. radio. Xlnl Thooclo'I --"°""· * 64~= ROBINS FORD FOr.. S.\l..E-V\V Camper, 1968 BLUE Volkswagen. Ex· '.!006 Harbor Rlvd. ror1"ti1· 1·11~i nc . Good con· tra clean! EXTRAS? $1650. Costa ?lfcsa 642.ooJO ,"°:;,.w;! !=! ======~'=li ll1l~l. ':_~II &12-4,169 ~A~l~t5~'~30~, 6~1~3-480Ci~~·===b~~~~~~~~ Campers 9520 Campers WINTER VACATIONS? SKI WEEKENDS? Go when ind wher1 yOu want to without re1er- v•fions , , . on • family bud91t thet m•kes sins•. BRAND NEW ELDORADO 101/z FT. CAMPER Stritl No. 1552 FACTOlT SUGoGES1'10 PRICI 12014.11 SALE PRICE $1395.00 DlSCOUNT $619.BS 11,IADT TO INITALL ON YOUR NhlNT TlUCl 01 A NIW POID PICKUP hududn P,.. ... Wwtet 111•-· Mnk, StoYe "With OwH, Ice h Ko M••• .,,....., llectrlc. 91M1 ... Llthtl. fltl;t ,. .. ,,, ttc.. OYll 40 CAMPOS IN STOCKI llDUCID TO CLIAll IU'f YOUI TIUCI • CAMPll P"°M THIODOl l IOllNS FORD AUTHOl.IZID TIUCl a. CAMl"ll DlALIR WHt•I FINANCING IS AYAIL.AILI ON T~ INTlll PAC«A•I THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HARBOR Bl VO. I COSTA MESA 642.0010 FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON ALL CARS IN STOCK M0<1 Thaft 200 Can To Choose From "66 CHEV. lel Air $999 Sport Sedan. V-8, auto. tran5 .. factory air cond .• pov.·er stetring, radio, heater. You'll have to hurry on this one-A good value. IQY '54. LAIM SELECTION OF NEW 1 Hf's AND LOW MILEAGE DEMONSTIATOIS GOING AT FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ALL MODELS AVAILABLE • c ... PRICE5 • IM P ... L ... 5 • W ... GONS e C_ ... MAR05 • M ... LIBU5 0,.. 7 .,.,. "' 11 P.M. 18211 Beach Blvd., Huntington lleaclt Hwy. lt S.. et S... Di.iti Pwy • Phono 545-1163 or 147-4139 Opon 7 D•ys 'Tll 10 P.M. .' lnc., 120 W. Warner. Santa COND. $150. Ana. 546-4114 I -~-A,c,lc.t...;5,~54:.;c;.-0;9.'l,;c,;' ,.,,..~ '62 Cad. Sedan OeVille, full '64 CHEV. STA. \VAG. Air. power, airl clean. lo. mi., e.x, Cond. moo. $9&5. 54S-.5501 or 545-1066. 646-9568 '68 CHEV. Impala S.S. CQHIE. ,..,... ----... -· ........ vvw "'· '68 CORIE 11 E "'900 !&4 CORVEM Cpe. ~rrrt,,,,.,.., -· '1895 CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546.1203 • . !!1-'NIPO.J ~~-·· .nANSPOR'tAIION Und C•r1 9900 Used C1r1 9900 ~MNSPO!\TATJON J RJ:!!f!'Ollf ATION TIW'ISPORTATION -! 7t'P'c -~• Sie!l ¥±>:::CSE-s s -. u .. d Can 9900 Used Ciro · 9900 lltod C1rt 9900 CHEVROLET _ _:_COUGAR · MUSTANG PONTIAC ., 061tci:1EVROLET Caprice COUGAR, A-l cona. YcllO\V FORD ----------0~ l»\'oer car v.·iU1 on1Y Sl ?fJO. 26,500 local miles by 19'5 MUSTANG CONY. l!llSG PONTIAC. LeMana 2- ; 24,000 milti, has all po'll:er + daU&hter v.•ho ii awar at $2495 Yellow w/black top, and black door hdtp Sprint. BN.utifUl ; air coii!llli:lriilii. Abeoliitelj college where CUI not. uped. 1989 Ford l'o~ Gr.ncl To~ . interiOr R/H....Jl(I JN/. man- ; . , th• _cleantet one ln to\vn. See to App~iate ~~703. ing G.T. R/H, Power steer-UJ1 ~a~. Four ;wd,Ftre. ' Jim Slemona ?it e r c ed e-a 2612 S. E. Mesa Dr. (Uppcj' ini::1 4 snted, 3M eng. Little rtone Wlde.OvalJ. f:_~llent Benz..J.20 W. \Vacner, Santa Bay) over 6000 miles. Full factor)' Condition. S1te5. Call 6'13-4493 Ana;-546-oC.114 --1968 GOUGAR-XL-7. Go.Id warranty, Like new Ser, # 11,fte-r 6 P .M. 1961 Che vy Conv. RecenUy w/ blk landau. Jmmac 90037. I . overhauled. Excell. tires &: cond. Jo"ully equip. Nu DEAN LEWIS '66 1-iUSI'ANG_ V.&, 3 1pd., '68 LE MANS. 2 dr. hardtop. top, Call C>fner _ 548-3196 Poligla.5 tires. Leav'g entry. RIH .. W/Vf. ,Xlnt. cond. blue w/black vlnyl roor, ~ Sacrl t-.fust see to apprec.:. 47,000lnl, $1,l!iO: 87f..3345 ra:ct air, rfh, p/s, p/b, new 6'16-1250 be.fl· 10 am 1966 Harbor, C.~f. 6!16-9303 -=~,..-'--""-~='--:,_.,. Radial W/W, aulD trlM, lo 1966 Mil&larwi $1300. Stick CHRYSLER -. 1968 COUGAR. ·XR-7. Lin1c '66 F a lcon F ut ura 'ilhUt, new tires. ·yery cd· ml, pvt pty. 96Mm ; . '68. OIRYSLER New Yorki:T, frost 1,1•/ blk vinyl top. AJC. 1'"'ully factory equipped._ Dlr, L'Ond 40 500 mi 494-6115 ~.113"""""PO~N~TI""'""AC~O>-o--.-'1-.-Rod- ' air, loaded! Save! Dir, 845 Pis. 14,IXX) miles. S25jQ or $695. . ' • w/matching Int. Lo miles. : Baker, Costa i\1e&a. \l.'XE995 best offer. 646-1464. ~-:,P"'=:;"":..•:c1U023:..' ::=--OLDSMOBILE Ne1v tires. Sacr iflee! $L9'15. ======== '62 FORD CU.tom Van, ex· Call alt 6, ~- CONTINENTAL DODGE eeU. mechanically, i o o d IANK '68 nREBIRD 4~ Turbo ~>~i &st orf{'l' over S750 R E POSSESSION hydro, power, stereo 1''111. 1964 LINCO LN Continental • '68 Dodge Coronet RT, r &: h, )969 Old!n1oblle, 442, 2 door $2250 ot best otter. 673-6870 ; · fully-equipped air + only b~ckct seats, console, lu.ch, 60 FO~D 406 Thomas hardtop, power .steering, '63 Pontiac, xlnt cond., pv.'r J _ 47,IXX) ntilcs. Thit1 ,,·cekend wide ova~. very clean. Low suspension, mags, tuck· uph.. pov.'cr brakes, air cond., &. air, rib, $800. Call 1 special only $1~95. U-11F633) price. t-.l ust sell. 842-8397 Roll bar, exlra.5 S200 . auro trans. Excellent oondl. 968-4564 l t. Jim_ Slen10ns l\l ercedes 1968 Dodge Dart. loaded 545--072'1 tion, Lew mlleage, 642-lW. -64-G~T0~~389.~ ... -l-oH-,-,-.,-., Benz. 110 W. \Varner, Santa best offer over $1500 '621'~ord CUstom Van, excell. Ext 237 or 241. $599. Need J\{oney. $1000 Ana (Ser. No . 46l8l a46-4U4 534-5290 mechanically, good lookillg, '65 F-SS SfA Wag. Sacrifice. Value. Xln't oor1Ci. 645-0021. 1966 CO NTINENTA L Best otfe1'. f>15-20!ll Orig o .... ·ner. Exceptional . .,;:;,-======: _ SEDAN · FALCON "61 ''"' Co,uoo GT, rad., fllOO. 673-.1232 RAMBLER Loaded! Xln't Col1fl. 25,100 miles. XLNT cond. '62 OLDS 88 Seel. V-8, aulo, -------- $1950. Call -546-'/84.l '65 FALC..'ON Futura 4i dr. IM'lnn, 499-3187 I • ........, p/s1 p/b, radio. Runs v.'E'I . ' ,. '65 CONTINENTAL, l u ll wapi: V.3, pwr, .stetr., '67 MUSTANG. Must Sell. 8 $250-firm. ~2699. 673-5186 • )l\\T. landau tp. Excell cond. auto .. Fact. a ir, R&H. $950. C)'I. auto. exeell cond. Like '56 Olds . M. 4 door, R/H, Pri~ S~ below lo blu 540-4774 new, Le J\1L $1575. S48-9823 grey & white. Xlnl cond. '69 REBEL, SOOl actual miles, a ir, ps, landau, loaded! 157245. Save l\tucho at: Kustom J\1otors, 845 Baker, Costa l\fesa 540-5915 bQ!>k1o sen fast. 642-0990 '6T FAIRLANE \Va eon, $215. Aft 6, 6'1;7896 '62 CONTINENTAL 4 DR FORD :22,COO m i. Air cond. 390 eng. l954 Oldamobllt. lmmac con-~:~. ~-:. :"~113. & '67 FORD CORTINA Loaded. Sl950. eau 540-1998. dll.lon. S500. 642-9246 betr ___ T_._B_IR_D __ _ •63 Conuriental 4 ofi: Sedan.· Spol'I Cpe. 4 speed, Radio, BEAUT. '68 Country Sqwi:e, 11:30 ant & aft 10 pm. $1009 heater. Mlllt see to apprcci. 9 pass, al.I pwr, 811', Full i>oY.T &: air/oond. ale, Lie UTY528. A Special FM/AM stereo. 6~ PLYMOUTH S9CO. * 5-18-0113 At '69 Jo~ord Falrh1..ne 500, _...;...:;:..: l~ T-B ird It T. RIB', auto- ma tic, full power, factory. air cond., diak b r a k @ s. \Vholsale Blue Book $1375. '66 CONTINENTAL. Loaded, vet:Y xlnt i:ond. low mileage $24:00. P:l'ivale 540-7828. CORVAIR CORVAIR. 4 .dr, 1000 sedan, \\"hite. >..1nt rnnnin; corKl . lo mlg_ $223. '19-'-8769 CORVETTE '65 CORVmE $1299 loaded! $3(XXI. Alk for JtU. 196T PLYMOU'IH GTX 2 dr 642-1350 hdtp (TQlAll) has air, p. Late '68 Torino.130() ml. air, windo\vs, au1o, R!H. Buy PCL597. DEAN LEWIS ~ belO\V W\V VALUE BLUE ft~ _ P/B, PIS. bucket seats, 390 BOOK of Sll;iO, Only Sl.595 \i ::r o en,g. $2500. 64>2343 this \\'eekend. J int Slcn1ons 1966 1-Iarbor. C.l\f , 646-9303 •11 . -0;$ MUSTANG Imporu, 120 \V, \Varner, '57 PORTHOLE T-Bird, ex-·~ p Santa Ana. Call 546-4114 cell cond. Nu. Inter. & .. ~' '69 MACH I. 1-1.000 mi. Full 1965 BARRACUDA. S30 under paint. Reblt engine. Call "\1 P\\T, all e.\'.U-as. l\ii\KE OF-1,1•hlsc Tot al price $89.5. 838-'/675 ~9.:iCJI Ext. 66 or 6'/ Jo'ER. Days 645-1239, eves Good .cond. Call ~2683 or . "59=-=T-:,.B:,.;ro-.-._ood~-,~-ml~iti-oo, 1970 HARBOR BLVD. ~8-'/167 ask for Al., 646-816-1. good tires, r&h. $~5 0 . COSTA MESA ·= SPORT Fu"" 383. buckel r:..A 0 2796 V-8, 4 spd, Ulr, convert. X!nt 1969 Ford Country Sedan, cond. \Viii take foreign car station "''a&Oll, loaded. '66 l\1ustang cJ)(', 6 «yl, :;tick-. UJ •;r ~·"-~==-,-...--c­economy, \'Cry clean. >..1nt seats, P\\T slrg, $900 or best '67 T·BIRD 4 dr. air ooncl., care. Lo1v price. $1395. oiler. 832-0047 IWI pwr. Nu. radials, exccll in trade, or small do11n. \\!ill ·""-='1::2800;::.:.·_;53§4-5200;£:::_.,~ fine pnit prty, DSOT;J.-ca:n· 1963 Fairlane \Vagcn; 8 cyl, PIJil 49~-9773 or 51a.0634. iitick. $400 or COl'l5idtr oiler. l ;;oc--c===~~-~ &16-4•181 .. '64 CORVETTB. original 01vner. Hardly rl rive n , SHO\V you car..:.:Clve a falr SllO\\TOOm _a p peara n ce. UNITED FUND-llavc $2450. C213J ·592-5015 You Cnntributed~ 842-8397 ----~ -cond. $2400. Call 541-9079 "68 M .. tang. ""· '°""'·· _ _;:P...:O:_N=Tl::.A;:_C;:___ $WO. Call :1r~~4~30 ... '69 F lreblrd .JJD VI A/C '66 r.rustANG Fa~tback, Fully equipped, 833'3532 price ls right. 107 Crystal, '67 Gra n P rix-Sharp! Little Island. Loaded! $1900. 846--11~ ·vAUANT VALIANT '65, 4 dr. auto, r&h, ne1v tire11, xlnt, pvt. ply. $825. Mu&IS ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY AUTHORIZED KEY DEA UR FOR DODGE MOTOR HOMES by DAYCO · 1970 DODGE MOTOR HOMES by TRAVCO ON DISPLAY 21 Ft. & 27 Ft. MODELS Now. Special savings on our co m-WINTER PRICES NOW IN EFFECT 1st TIME OFFERED plete line of, recreat ional vehicl es-from campers and Family Wagons through the ultimate in cross-country living, Dodge Motor Homes. There'll never be a better time to put yourself into one of the greatest vacation homes going. See us today. And save enough to get yourself way out of town tomorrow. GYPSY SUNDIAL OYU 60 IN STOCIU RED .E KAMP UTILE CHAMP S11DE ON 1JtAVCO COREY '69 Corey Cruiser COMPL-ETELY SELF-CONTAINED v.1 1119i11a, air co114lilioni119, t ulo. fr1 n1mi1· 1io11, power 1le1ri119, 1le1p1 5, mo11om1ti• toilet, r1f1i91rator, ll'lfny ollltr extra1. No, 201216670. u •• d low l'l'lil••9•· -1 4977 75 Camper Conversions R,ady for Immediate Delivery. GENE O'HAR-NS·-A1k About Our Lease Phln BRAND NEW 1970 OLDSMOBILE SPORT COUPE Fvlly faetarv aquipp•cl i11r:.ludl11t ll•ad ''"h, •tat b.lt1, b111ek up lltlil1, wi11cl1~iald w11lleu, ouhid• minor, ca'r·' BRAND NEW 1970 DEL TA 88 2-DOOR Fullv factory t quippecl i11dudint lle14 rt 1h, 1•a• b•lh , btck up lithh, wind1hleld w11heri, tuhlde mirror, ctr• ..... "''·s299e· FULL . PRICE . ORDEll. TODAY ,,h, 1tc. JRDER TODAY -BRAf'ID NEW FUll PRICE 1970 98 4'DOOR SEIJAN . 455 YI , 11111to11'11tjc, pow111r 1ltt rin9, powei dlec bra kt t and o+h•f luxury tafrt1. · · · WE'RE WHl!l L'IN & DEAL'IN ON ALL 1970 MODELS!-~ CE1S!lllO 'L NOW IS THE TIME TO IUY A II QUALITY YALUE·RATED USED CAR lllEDr.4191 1966 OLDSMOBILE 1969 DATSUN 1966 CHEVROLET CUTLASS PICKUP CORVETTE S11~remt 4 Dr. Auto .. Factory 1rr, "l"yl IOi:J, 4 •l'ttd tr1n1m!111Dn, rtdlo, """''• lr:lnneeu 4· •lllt<I +r•n•mlu~, ''"'°· lll•tdr, Clfllll1· R .. H, VI, po,...r 1t1er1n11. CSLW fJlJ Very eo111r. <YCR ''" SlaUfl). Nie• C•r. $1695 $1595 $2395 1966 OLDSMOBILE 1969 DODGE 1965 MUSTANG DELTA 88 CHARGER I ·~ lrtn1ml11lon, 6 cylinder. A rNI rvrt- 4 Of', AulO., power lltt•ln(I, Vt, rldlo, !IHI· SPKl•I ..inion. VI. factory air, '""" l",S .. lltr, (f>ICC 011J. "" ISIM 207) Mui! See. ll&H, .,fnyl roor. tXTL .aJl V•ry 1!•11. $1495 $3095 $895 1965 OLDSMOBILE 1966 CHEVROLET 1986 JEEP CUTLASS CAPRICE WAOONE!R 2 Dr. H.T. AlllO., pOwer 1tttrfng, VL rM:llO, 4 Dr. H.T. A1110 .. i.ctorv•a1r, 1".1 .. vlriYI AutfrMflc, pOWttr 1tftr~, 1lr colldlllOllfnO, 11 .. 11r, (ZOC '10) Cleln. i.p, pOWtr wlr>dCIWI, Al.H, VI, (UOS .6M) YL 11.&!1, • wlltet drl.,., llZC Jle) Tllll - $1295 M~l~51S95 ··~·52295 1966 BUICK 1967 CHEVROLET 1966 OLDSMOBILE 98 . WAGDN BEL AIR CO!Wtrtl'blt. Full power •!'Id ftclOry tll' -· l110rl w•gon. ' .. u . A~~lk. pow.r llffl'• • Dr, Jecl. Aull., llOW•r 1leer'"•• rfd~ cUtklnlnt, (YCT Dltl ,,,., ltclory •Ir, llloH, VI. (TIS J«I) Orr .... ht\11t1r, VI. IUPT •Ill Tni. ont. $17.95 $1395 $1495 2850 HARBOR BLVD. . . • " .· . ' . . -. • .. • ' , CADILL4C NINETEEN SEVENTY •• EXCELLENT SELECTION OF MODELS & COLORS AVAILABLE FOR LEASE OR· PURCHASE A I;lagniiiee11t Expe1·ienee • ' . u~~~ii~:' 1969 ·CADILLAC CO UP E DE .VILLE .. ·• . .. - Full power equipment plus feetery air conditioning, AM-FM radio, power door locks, auto 1Nt releases, etc. lovely Cameo beige exterior with e fl•x pad. ded roof end Delph ine Flair cloth end leather iiiterior.-~14~129) --1966 CADILLAC-- Col.we J?e Ville. Full pawer, factory air con· dltlonlng, A?t1-F?t1 radio. tilt-tel~pic steer- ing "'·heel. Grecian gold with black leather Interior. IRl\K8i8) 1966 CADILLAC Conve1·1iblc. An tique told with matching toJ.1 and full lea ther Interior. Full power, factory air, Al\t-FM radio, tilt-telescopic steering v.·heel. (TSR7281 1968 T·BIRD Landau Autumn gold v.·lth black landau roof and black vinyl Interior. Full power llJld factory air condltloning, stereo tape deck. (UI\V= 393) 1968 CADILLAC Sedan De Ville. Full power, factory air con- ditioning signal seeking radio, power door loc ks. Arctic bl ue wi th dark blue top and exquisite matching cloth & leather Interior. Low mileage. One o\.\'ner. (820AGA) 1967 CADILLAC St'dan De VIile. Full power, factory air con~ dilioning, Al'\l·f'l'\I radio, pov.·er door locks. IJO\\'l'r \'l•nl \Vlndo\v~. Bronze firemis t \\'ilh black padded top a nd black leather interior. (822AGA~ 1970 'BUICK El ectra 2'J5 4·Door hanjtop. ·Byzantine gold wllh gold top &. matching vinyl Interior. Full power, factory air. tilt steering wlieel, pow- er door locks. Ai\1-Fl\I radio, 300 ·miles. Lo- cal 1 olvner. ( 127337) G 1IDIH AOVl Ii.VD. . "'" FWY. \. Pl lCE PllCE 'PRICE ". PRIC E PRICE SALi $5100 Pl lCI Q\'ER 80 QUALITY CADILLACS l 'O SE L;ECl~"lt(f\1 LARGES T SEL;ECTION IN ORA.\G E COU-'1TY! 1967 FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM This lovely Grecian white CadilTac Is absolutely gor:;:eollf! Inside and out. Has Cadillac full po\ver features Incl uding factui·y air conditioning, AM- F!\>t radio, premium ti~ plus much, much nlQT'<'. This one ownt'r Cadil- lac has only 22,000 miles and should be driven to be fully app1·eclated. (TGU978 ) SA LE PRICED 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 549--9100- SALES DEP ART1\1ENT OJ>EN SALE $5.100 ' . PRICE 1968 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville. Normand.Y ~ blui wi th black L.an®u_llnd blue lea._ther trim. Fi.ill power. factory air conditioning, tilt-tele Wheel, .U.1-F.ltf ra dio, etc. Local one owner. (VGZ117l · 1967 . THUNDERBIRD Alpine v.·hltc with black vinyl Jnterlor. Full poY.:er, factory a ir, AM-FM, tilt steering wheel. ( UTC387 J 1966 CONTINENTAL ' Full po\rc1·, factory air, tilt lteerlng wheel, Antique copper \vlth white vinyl top and copper leather Interior. (RHY396J 1967 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville. Spanish silver with bl8ck padded roof and black cloth &: leather inter- ior. Full power, factory air, AM-Ff.I radio, pcl\\•er door locks, 1 owner. <TYX416) 1965 CADILLAC Hardtor coupe. Cascade gi•ccn v.•lth nlateh· ing cloth and leather interior. Full pov.·er. factory air. Al\1-f'l\t radio, tilt-telescopic 5leerini: wheel. {RGU 643) 1968 . CONTINENTAL Sedan. Glacier green with green leather In· terior. Full pov.·er, factory air, AM-FJ.I radio. (V\VK492J PRICE SALE $2100 Plier SALi $2000 PRICE SALi l3400 PRI CE . SALE $2000 P~ICE PRICE NABERS CADILLAC LEASE DIRECT Immediate delivery • Excellent Selection Over four acres of factory a iitlior· ized tatal Cadillac facilities design· ed to better sell a_ncl service new and used Cadillac automobiles. 8:30 ~f to 9:00 P~I Mou. thru Fri. • 9:00 ~I Lo 6:00 P1vl Sat. and Sun . All CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. All SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THR OUG H TUESDAY, 1-lOVEMBER 11, ' I .. .• T~· .. • • , I 11 I :t FainilJ{1 WE!ekly NOVEMBER 9 , 1969 • ® WhvWeMust Colonk the Moon By ISAAC ASIMOV THE COMMON ICE CUBE A Medical Marvel- Right in Your Kitchen! DAILY PILOT ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 8 , 1969 The Most Fascinating People I've Photographed By PHILIPPE HALSMAN ................................. ~ .. .,. ........ --... .._ __________ _... _______________ ..._ __ ~----~ POR /. AR'l'BVa HEISE, udwot•TIN,,,_. Fecl«ia: A ,,_ AppnrU.l o/ Fat PflilU. .411,..,,olU 8' aAe Air F OfU A"""-1." .......... ,,, .... , ..... u,. die , .... ...., ........ . .. ,.,. ..... ,...,, w ·flhry .. ... •'-,,,.,.,,., ........... "'w." ..... .. .... .. ,,,.,. --,.,.._,,. "~ ,,.,,,.., .,. .... •Maybe it'• the moet warlib pme, bal it cloesa'a lltimalat.e ill --Warrion" to my in the Army. Wat PoiDt'a owa atudiea -urdulJ,. kept upahliciwwl ., W-- .how more Academy gndge ....... Jet. tered in football ehoee to q1lit the I.nay lhaa thoee who did.'L As for ""big ..... " competition, ~ ac:adem.iee are tadin1 to de-emplauDe the sport ia liea of ...e academic •nnti- FOa YICB PIUlSIDB!f'I' SPllW AGlfBF .. ,,., ....... .... ..... *7"•-"-T' ......... .-... ........ ..., .... ,.,_ 0.-••• r -, If.,.. ...., lf.J. • 1.egjs1atiom to th.ii deca recently ha hem mtndaced ia eo..r-. l'Oa , .4J'llflB FUCG, c.•-'iatN I MN ltecN .._, ,_ _.. ............... .............. ,...,,,. 1r .. 1-D. a., Greea 8-y, ..... e Ahboach I c=-peted m tiawa.1 9eftll' .i,:.,i • ....__ L-ol.:--• • • ~ WIL aae ua....._...wt COlllpebtion WU my downfall; I could aeter ,_her DOl to sit on thoee wicker chain. I alwa,. did end up with the MiM Congeniality 'lropby, alaoaP. rd tdl eteh' pd I wu goiq to .ot.e fm .... ud aatmally, they'd all wte for me. a BIL GBOaGS caBSSJl.41#, Dindor, U.S. FfltllllwrB~ What In t.hB World! For Train lufh Water tanks ud coal towers h&Te disappeared from the Amer- ican train eceae. outmoded by dietel and electric engines. For ita recent tour of the U.S., therefore, Britain'• legendary steam locomotive, the 47.year-old "Fly· ing Scotsman." needed o}d.fubioned neigh.borlinese. At 175-mile track inter· vala, local fire departmente eupplied waler, while anthracite coal wu dumped every 300 miles along the track. In 1934 the 100.ton Flri.ng Scotsman wu the Tl•• "Flying Scoflmon" 6nt Brilieh train to achieve 100 mph. In Ncmmber, 1969, it firet chuAed through Texu-lut etopg, Fort Worth and Houstoq. Experl1Wental Son Bachelor-about. town Bill BW..,, 35, talked with Ftlilnily f' ee.ldy about his otf-the-.et relatiomhip with Brandon Cnn, 6, who pla19 his 90D "Fot#tet'' 1111 lixby and "ion'' lrandon Crvr on ABCtv'e '"T'he Courtship of Eddie's Father." "I get many letter• saying, how can you play a parent when you're not? Well. I love that boy, and he Joyee me. I take him to the put on SundaJS. He uaed to imitate me etudying the ecript; then be learned to read in a f~w months. rm eqer to have my own child\"'el\." so when u Bill going to get"DlAITied? "When I ca.n no longer be liot married." New-Style PaMlly Today'e family. which chances home towru frequently, bu new etrenpba 'and wealcneeee., ac· cord.inc to the M~NOUa,er QIAMkrly. epeeda nqe from HO to 170 miles per hoar ud occ:.t•ion•Jly esceed 230. The direction· can •UJ conaiderably bat is pnerally ma weet to eat around the heUphere. FOa Aa..4 PMISBGlllA!f, ..-.... ..... Nw. Dtutu FooU>.ll CNCA ,,.,..~ ...... .,. •PJt IJw .,,..W i. .......... ,,. .... ,..._ Ja eollefe ~ MIU~./. Pe~ • ldalietially I do. Being realietic. it woulcl be cfilicu1t to initiate becauae of uaJ.iPted 6elde aach u oan.. Trnel acbedalee would aJeo be a problem. .. , .............. ,, Jer1-CJfllltla ...... . .,.,.,, ...... e T1aey scud for the French phrase: •Re,,..Ms. •'il .... ,.,_, • Pleueuswer. FOa JOBlf lfll1'Z£Blt, ~t. ArlUtpH& N._.C.....,., .,._...,.,,._T-6 of ... 1J11loH•11 Sel.. ....... ~(Y.J ,,.,.._, c •• .,..,.,_ £. ~ .4"-de City, lf.J. e Smee 1926, the Tcab U. been parded day and aight by .elect •ld.ien from tbe let BattalioD reinforced, 3nl Infantry (the Old Guard), stationed at Fort Myer, Va., whidl is nearby. l'Olt D..CYID C.4.Jf .itaY •I ... .,,._.. ...... ,.. .. ~ ...... ,,,,. ......... _ ... ,.,.........., ... ... "8es T r" ......... .. _.._,--lt.-4 G.,,..r, , ••• ., u... e I appeued ia three Bro..tway ......_ I le& a play iD 1-Aaceles for • ~ rOle in "PflJloD Place" aad joi9ed PaaJ Newmu iD '"Rcmabre." I aJ.o appeared ill *St. Valentine'• Dey M•auc:re." plaa ..... .. teleTiaioa ..... befelft. joia- ia&' "Ac.•"U " ,,_. .. _..,_.--• c a' TT __ ._.. ... .._,_._._ .. _,_ .. F , ••...-,...''a a ..... ,d ........ ..., -• ... _.. .... n.-Y--. r...,. ,,...,, Ul ·-· a ......... y ..... N,Y. INll. ,,. ---..... I .. I al I ... IS .. ~ .... ,_ ... -.... Weabe... include wuia1 con'rictione- to the child, pueale without inner COD· Tictiou are harder to identify with; iao- lation--tbey hardly bow their neigbbon and hne DO relatiw:a to depend OD ; cbangiag ro~ather emergee leu etrong and Jeee anilable, and Mother leee a homemaker than an orpnizer. New etrengths include more freedom to ex· preea feelinp between spouses; eelf·tt- liant children, each child baTirig bis own • 'worth jmtead of the 6ret-bom or a son getting priority over a sieter. Conclusion: the family, even on the move. will enduno. IMlant u.... Sixty hoepitala acroee the coaatry u.e them, inclading Johna Hop- kins and Mayo Clinic. Now hanten a'1Cf campen ha~ dilCOftnd them. They are :i ditpoeable DOllWOftll ~ and pillow· caeee (paper aad rayon fiber), wMc:h ltGft in one-quarter of the apace of regular cloth ODM. They're nonallerpnk:, mildew- resietant, and reusable for up to anea nigbte' wear. Some impoeed-apoo ho•t· eeaee aleo ha.e cfdcoyered they're put for putting a tactful time limit oo Yi~tiog relames. When the eheet.e ha"' worn 0ut, eo baa the welcome. N0t1.-Hr 1, 1111 You are iiwited to mlil ,our questions or comments about 1ny article or ICMrtisement that IOPlll'S fft F•lly Wttkly. Your letter will receive 1 prompt nwer. Write to Stllice Editor, F•llJ Wlellty, &Cl le11iftcton Awetlut, New Yort, ft Y. 10022. ............ l!ll ................. ~l!Jml191111 ..................... --..... ---------..-:-,._... __ ~~---- What Your Shopping Habits Tell About Yon Always looking for a bargain, even if you don't need the product? Always first to own a new item? This reveals the real you, say psychologists By JOHN E. GIBSON How MUCH can you tell about a person's char- acter just by watching the way he shops 1 Plenty, say scientist.a who have studied the connection between ahop- ping habit.a and personality. To match your knowledre with that of the ex- perts, test yourself with this true- false quiz. 1. If you are among the first to buy new product.a on the market or wear new styles, you have a good imagination, a generous disposition, and are creative-minded. 2. People who buy things they don't need simply because they are barrains are likely to be neurotic. 3. If, when sboppinr for clothea, a . person a hows a preference for "cool" (green-blue) colors, he's likely to be an extrovert. 4. People who are always buying pain relievers usually have guilty consciences. 5. People with outgoing personal- ities have the leaat sales reaistance and are the most likely to be sold things they don't reany want. 6. If you see a man buying bar- bells or other muscle-building para- phernalia, this is a certain indica- tion of a strong-minded, eelf-<:c>n- ftdent personality. 7. The kind of movie you're most willing to pay to see provides a hid- den key to your personality. I. A person's character is almost always re1tected in the type of car he bllys. 9. If, when shopping for food, a woman avoids many commonly liked f ooda, she unconaciously gives a clue to her character and personality. 1 O. Men and women who are big spenders but slow to pay their bills have a similar type of penonality. ANSwas 1. True. Studies conducted by a leading market-research organization ahow that people who are the moat receptive to innovation have good imaginations, are creative-minded and open-handed in their relation- ship with others. The study showed that people who are the la.at to buy anything new are traditionalist.a, who tend to be re- sistant to change and ultraconserva- tive in their viewpoint. 2. True. A noted psychiatrist, the late Dr. Edmund Bergler, made a clinical study of the type of person who can't resist a bargain-even if it's something he reaUy baa no use for-and concluded he was deftnitely neurotic. Their bargain-happy be- havior was found to be motivated by a constant need to outsmart or get the beat of others. (Note: this find- ing does not apply to bargains the person act.ually has use for.) 3 . Falae. Studies show that intro- ve1·ta tend to prefer "cool" colors in wearing apparel, while extroverted men and women are more partial to the "warmer" colors (shades of red, orange, yellow). 4. Fcme. Psychological studies con- ducted at Rutgers University have shown that t he biggest buyers of pain relievers fall into one of two personality categories: 1) anxiety- ridden hypochondriacs who mapify aches and pains which moet pf us would ignore; 2) people who really don't feel up to par but don't want to admit it because they bate the idea of having to go see a doctor. S. Tnu~. It's important for people with outgoing personalities to be liked by others and to be considered a "good fellow." This personality type consequently often ftnda it difftcult to say "°· It's significant to note in thla connection that studies by University of Pitt8burgh psychologist.a aJao have demonstrated that people with out- going personalities are more suacep- tible to hypnotism. 6. Falle. Psychologists at two uni- versities-Harvard and California- made a study of more than 100 of these "biceps-happy" individuals and learned that they have the following trait.a in common: they felt shy and socially insecure and sought to com- pensate for the5e f eelinga by cultivat- ing a muscular body. 7. True. Psychological studies at the University of Portland show that preference or dislike for various typea of movies goes band in hand with specific personality traits. For example, teats showed that people whose favorite film fare was musical movies tended to be impulsive, un- worried, and fun-loving .. People who preferred historical or scientific movies tended to be more thoughtful, imaginative, discriminat- ing, and deeply concerned with cul- tural pursuits. Those who liked religious movies beat tended to be strong-willed, tena- cious, articulate, and liked to argue. PeQJ>le who preferred crime movies were generally the moet diftlcult to ruftle or upset. I . Tn,e. Studies at the University of Chicago show that the person who thinks of himself as individualistic and "with it" {and likes to impress I ' .. ... / .. "'!...' _:-~... -'le .~ ... others with the fact) i& apt to choose a '(la.shy sports car, with all the extras he can buy. If he's an impulsive individual, often prone to acting without fully considering the consequences, then an extremely brigbkolored convert- ible (red, yellow) is likely to be bis first choice. The serious-minded, solid citizen type is moat apt to choose a conven- tional four-door sedan in dark colors. And he'll skip most of the gadgets and accessories. The fellow whose personality ranks him midway between an ultracon- servative and a "swinger" is likely to choose a two-door coupe bard~p (unless his family is too large). He11 buy few accessories. 9. Trne. It's an indication that either she or members of her family tend to be nervous or lacking in emo- tional stability. 10. Falae. Studies at Washington University of the personalities .of people who are slow to pay their bills showed that the men in this category differed markedly in personality from the women. The women tended to be: adven- turous, indecisive, rebellious, and un- realist ic in their outlook. Tests showed that the men, on the other hand, were sensitive, insecure, and inclined to such aesthetic inter- ests as music and painting .. + A beautiful thing happens with the quiet color of Loving eare• A beautiful thing happens to your hair. Color only the gray without changing your natural hair color. And suddenly, your life will take a turn for the beautiful. You'll be the same girl you were yesterday but you'll feel freer ... look younger, prettier. That's what can happen to you with the quiet color of loving Care. It not only washes away the gray (so gently and without peroxide) but it adds rich sheen, new depth to all your hair without changing its natural color. So make your first gray hair your last one! After all, who needs to be plain old brown these days? With a little loving Care you can be a gorgeous brunette. Try it. You'll love it tool Loving Care hair color lotion fromOairol ,,, ........ """-. : ... , •. '5 '-=· . Mocm colon.uta toiU live al.moat ~tirelr vndwqro1'~et perJw.pa face fewer dc&nqera than New World pi()Mera. WHEN THE astronauts set foot on the moon July 20, a wave of optimism swept mankind. Vice President Spiro Agnew an- nounced that by year 2000, men would stand on Mars. President Nixon even more joy- ously said, "In the year 2000 we on this earth wiU have visited new worlds, where there will be a form of life." PerhaJ>8 he meant Man, too, for of all the worlds in the solar system, Man is the most likely to poueea some simple form of life (though even this much is not very likely). Mara is not as eaaily reached u all that, however. It represents a gi- ant jump beyond the moon. The moon ia never farther than 250,000 miles away, while Mars is never closer than 85 million miles. It takes three days for a spaceship to reach the moon, with a total round 6 Fa:mil11 W•ekl11, November 9, 1969 trip of about a week. It would take many months, cramped into a space- ship, for astronauts to re.a.ch Mara, and a round trip might take some- thing like two years. Are we ready for a Man voy..,e? Will we ever be ready? Can we build a ship that will keep astronauts healthy. comfortable, and amused for a couple of years? Even if intrepid volunteers manage the trip once as a tOtCr de force, how often would we care to repeat it? lut theft 11 Mars rMll.11 our next goal T Moat people seem to think there's no alternative. The nearest world after the moon ia Venus and that is far too bot for manned ex- ploration. The next nearest is· Mara. What else can we do, then, but head for it? Surely, though, that is not an there ia to space exploration. We can't go through apace touching all the plan- ets of the solar system, as though they were bases in a cosmic game of baseball. What would the purpose of that be? Do you think that once Columbus returned from having discovered the New World, old King Ferdinand said, ''Well, that takes care af the Ameri- caa. Now let's ro down and dia- cover Australia.'' Nol The next 1tep in apace, after reaching the moon, is the same as the next step in oveneaa exploration after reaching the American conti- nent. The new land, having been reached, must be colonized. In some ways, the moon can be colonized in the 20th century more easily than the Americaa could be colonized in the 16th. In those days it took many weeks of isolation to cross the Atlantic. Now it takes just three days to reach the moon, days in which the astronauts are in con- stant communication with home. The Europeans, penetrating the new continent in the 16th century, had to face disease, wild animals, i\ noted science writer, Why We hostile natives. The moon, on the other hand, off en no competing life at all : not even dangerous germs. To be sure, the moon lacks air and water; it baa a Jong bu ming day and a long freezing night: it lies under a shower of murderous radia- tion from the sun and a drizzle of small meteorites. The.. a re problems which can be beaten, given the present state of technology and its steady rate of development. For one thing, moon colonists need not remain on the moon's surface. A cavern carv~ be- neath the surface could make a com- fortable borne, free of either radiatio'! or the danger of meteorite.. Underground, there will be no slow alternation of day and night, and the colonists can set their own light-dark rhythm. Nor will there be tempera- ture extremes; that applies only to the moon's oute~oat akin. lut what about air and water? When we say there ia no water on the moon, we mean no free-running water; no oceans, lakes, or rivers. But there may be water just the same: perhaps as underground de- posits of ice or at least as molecules in loose chemical combination with the roclca themselves. Water can be mined or baked out of the rock in quantity sufficient to supply the cavern colony with what it needs. Some of the water molecul~ could be split electrically to yield hy- drogen and oxrgen. The oxygen can be used for the cavern's air supply; the hydrogen can help feed the yeast cells or other quick-growing life forms which can serve aa home-grown food. Naturally, water and air will be cycled and recycled. The carbon di- oxide formed in J>reathing can feed green plants, which will reetore oxy- gen. The various types of human wastes, properly sterilized and dis- tilled, will restore water, and the residue can be used as fertilizer. Thia is not exactly a glorious pros, pect, to be sure. Few earthmen would look forward with pleasure to living underground in a precariously engi- neered environment. But as in the case of the American colonies, we can be certain that, with the years, the moon colony will ex- pand, develop, and grow more ad- vanced and more comfortable. And the added knowledge will be Family~ I NOtJ8mbet• 9, 1969 ./ foreseeing great technological benefits as well as far-reaching space explorations, tells Must Colonize the Moon monumental. The moon's airless world would be an astronomer's dream. Here on earth, the ekiee are obscured by clouds and city lights. On the i»oon, however, everything would be sharp and clear. What's more, the moon rotates at a rate only 1/30 that of the earth, so that the objects in ita sky move that much more eliowly and can be watched and studied without interruption for that much lonrer. L&qer radio telescopes cou1d be built. too, and located on the aide of the moon that forevel' faces away from earth. Without interference from earth's increasing output of radio interference, it could receive the dim crackling of radio waves from distant galaxies. n. --'• awst, attentively stud- ied, can be a vast library of tnowl- edse for ua, for it is pouible that eome 4% billion years ago, earth and moon formed out of the ume cloud of duat and pa. The earth's surface baa, however, vastly changed since thoee early days. The wind and the eea have worn it down and overlaid it with new ledi- ment. The action of livinl' thinp baa changed it chemically. lla.t of what we can reach of the eartb•a crust is not old at all, and what ia old ia eo changed we can ftncl little in it. It is all we can do to trace earth's put back about half a billion years, only a ninth of its total qe. The surface rocks brought back by the Apollo 11 astronauts seem, bowenr, to be 4 % billion yean old. The moon•a crust, in the abeence of air and water, is comparative)y un- cban&'ed from the day of creation on. That crust will tell us an the bia- t.ory of our satellite, and an the early history of the earth aa well, perhaps. for .....__, the simple chemicals in earth's air and water were built up and made more complicated by the energy of aunli&'ht. billions of years ago. Eventually, they became complicated enough to pews the spark of life. Life spread over all of earth and obscured ita very early chemical history. On \be moon, however, the sil'D]>le chemicals are present in smaller quan- tith~a, and the proceea wu slower. The growth in compluity bu ap- parently stopped far abort of life. The moon's crust may have preserved By ISAAC ASIMOV A..e-.,, ..,......,.. c...e.y Dll ••• ,,. .... .,. ... "*""' that early chemical evolution, ther-e- tore, and will then tell us tbinp we cannot diacover on earth. It may even help ua understand some of the fun- damental propertiea of life beyond the point where our earthbound re- ~rch can lead us. Asl•-•MY Giid geolory may seem ivory-toweriah to the averqe earth- man. but one can arsue that all k.oowteqe ia uMful To lift tbe e111'- tain of darlmeu in any corner of the realm of the mind is to b~hten the li•ht everywhere.. However, for tho8e who bick faith in this view, there remains the strong possibility that tbe colonisation of tbe moon will brin• immediate ma- ~rial beneftta. Conaider that the moon ia covered with a vacuum. There are many pro- cesses that require a vacuum. There are electronic devicea that moat be ev11e:uated if they are to work. There are techniques of platin&'. weldin•, purification, distillation, that require vacuum or are benefited by il 0n earth, the neceaury QCUUID can be formed but only with an d - f ort, at great expense, and over lim- ited volumes for Umited perioda. On the moon. the vacuum is there, an infinite quantity of it fol' an etemitJ. It may be that the moon cavern will become a highly specialised fac- tory, mak:inl' and ahippinl' to earth unusual devices and rare chemlcall that could be produced only "1th dif- Aculty, if at an, OD the earth. Nor is the vacuum the only unuaual upect of the moon'• environmmt. Durinl' tbe lon• SM-bour ni&'ht. the surface temperature on the moon drope aa low u -246F. That ia much cloeer to abeolut. sero (-469F.) than the tempera- turee amiable OD •rth. N•r ab- eolute sero, certain tn-of mill.ia- turised computen can be made to · work with peat efl'tcieney; "'1 pow- erf uJ mapeta can be constructed, which couume almost no power; and 80 on. Such dmcee can help our mocm colo:niata aupptY them to earth. 0.. ....... we cannot expect of the moon coliony: i\ can't J)Oaibly help relieve earth'• overpopulation problem. At the preeent moment, earth's population is increuin• at something like 200,000 per day, and no one npecta we can ever trana- fer that many people there. Even if we could, the moon'• cav- ern could not he expanded quick11 enou•h to aupport it. and if that could aomehow be done, then the -.. I . . ··e · . ---_.-~ .f:!,; - -~---· -. . . ~~ ~""" . Rwe a. " eot1eep& of ~ lit1ix11: booater tca11b are ""'°"''" ite CJ "-Ur', cot1tefditeo litri•o qtearl"'8, WMdical cntw, lftnre caf'.a., awd t00rk cntw. •• I~' ~I ,, ~ moon would be aa crowded aa we in a few decades, and we'd be back where we etarted. No, earth's over- population is a problem that muet be solved rirht here on earth. Nevertheless, the moon coloQJ can off er us the beneftt of an example. It would be a small world that would have l•rned how to conaerve ita Um- ited reeourcee eftlciently and bow to keep down pollution. (It would havtt to have learned bow or it wouldn't survive a week.) We, -IM otber ban.cl. hue lived for eo many thooaanda of yean on a planet that eeemed enormous with- out limit, that we never bothered to Jeam how to preeene it. lloet important of aD, bowewer, ia the fact that the mopn colonieta will be used to a lite unllb an,ythins on earth, and thia may be crucial in space exploration. It is hard, after all, for earthmen to pt into a spaceship and look for- ward to a journey of montha Ol' years. 1'lle --coloniata, on the other band, will be born, live, and die on the moon. They will be accustomed all their life to low lftvity, and to surroundinp that are artiftcial, and en&'in~red. They will accept u nor- mal the abeence of fne aonlil'ht, open air, rain. and blue sky. To a moon colon.lat. a llJ**hip would not eeem 80 d.ilfennt. Be would already have been living in a spaceship with tbe moon'• cruet aa ita walla. He would be givinl' up very little to move into a metal spac•h.ip beadiq for Kara. It Is the ..... coloniata, then, not we eartblinp, that could face the long voyage to Mara and beyond. Yea, human beinp can reach Mara easily (and not just as a one-ehot demonstration) and can even re11eb life-beariq worlda u warm and pleuant aa earth, if we go about it the risht .,,.,-it we eoJoniu the moon lint. + Giant Space Mop-Only $1 Fanailr W••klw ~ '°~ '°""' to fol.. '""' wuw• eloulr today• •::rcitn11 ~e• adH•hlrN, .,.. •r11•d to •n4 fM' IH11 4rdr U1ti"1'Ml Mop of O.t.,. S~ ---"' f•ll oolonl Slw>w• plat•C., tlftr nu•, dUicaw.on /rtntt 1t1•, cfNWMl"-c c°"" c.pt o/ tl••tr nr/o.eM, awcl "'"°"' "'""' Moil'' to "SPACE MAP" 64111, Dqt. 1001, .uoo N.W. 1'5&A St., MU.Mi, Fl.a. Look whats parked where that low-priced carwas. Thats the way its going to be. People are wising up to the fact that for a little more money they can own a lot more car. Pontiac's new Catalina. A big car. On a 122" wheelbase. With a solid Wide-Track ride. Standard 255-hp V-8. And standard features like a hidden radio antenna. protective side moldings of Endura aod steel beams in the doors. A luxurious car. With thickly padded seats. Richly appointed interiors of fabric and Morrokide. Walnut-grained vinyl inserts. And plenty of room for heads and toes. How about you? It's your money. Aren't you ready to step up to Pontiac's new Catalina? It's the way value's going to be . Pont..c Motor Divtt>On. I I n d p n 8 I' 8< p. j1 ai OJ f l D Cl h: ., ic OJ tr ir: f 1 a1 s. m ly VI 8l m t1: ee re in it Si HEALTH IA Medical Marvel in Your Kitchen- the Ice Cube! It deadens pain, retards bleeding and infection; it's safe and inexpensive-something you should learn to use in common household emergencies By JACK B. KEMMERER. SUPPOSE someone tOld you of an exciting new drug which kills pain al1*ost in- stantly, helps control bleed- ing, is completely safe, pre- vents infection-and costs practically nothing. You would demand to know the name of this exciting new wonder drug. Yet, without a· doubt, you have plenty of it in your home at this moment. The new wonder drug? An ice cube! Medical authorities say that ice is such a powerful anesthetic that sur- geons have used it in performing some types of major surgery with patients fully conscious. In the ma- jority of these cases, the patients sit up in bed immediately after the operation, request food, and then call friends on the telephone. There are no aftereffects or drowsiness be- cause they bad no anesthetic by in- halation or by injection. These are extreme cases, but thel'e are many everyday conditions where ice can be used u a pain reliever. Many olcMlme remedies used ice or cold water aa a baaic part of their treatment, but the renewed interest in ice-cube therapy probably stems from a recent report made by docton at Brooke Army Medical Center in San ADtonio, Tex.as. Over a two-year period, the Anny medica preecribed ice to approximate- ly 6,000 eoldien who complained of various achea and paim when an- swering sick call. After instructions, most of the men were sent back to their barracks to apply the ice them- eelves. Accordins to the reporl, the results were "striking." With the latest medical advice be- ins "cool it." you misht u~ "Doel it really work?" Mn. Vernon Irby, a Silver Sprinl', Md., houaewi.f e, thin.b so. "It wu fantastic," ahe says. "Two ice applicationa on an achina back bad me up and around.'' Two years ago a similar attack took 10 beat treatments at a hospital to get the same results, abe says. Doctors at Walter Reed Army Med- ical Center in Washington, D.C., pr&- scribed the home treatment for Mn. Irby. •'They told me to freese water in orange juice cans and rub the cans on my back," Mrs. Irby said. Have you ever attempted to re- move a srnall sliver from the tip of your finger? It's easy. All you have to do is sterilize the point of a needle in a match flame, then place the tip of the finger on an ice cube until it be- comes numb. Now, the sliver can be lifted out without pain. At a doctor's office in Lo8 Angeles, the children will only allow one of bis several nurses to give them their immunization shots. Why this favor- ite nurse ? Simple. Before each shot, she places an ice cube over the area for about 15 seconds, quickly dries it with tissue, swabs the akin with alcohol, and puts the needle in while the spot ia still numb from the ice. The children don't feel a thing. Sports fans wiU remember that Sandy Koulax, the Loe Anselea Dodg- ers' great left-banded pitcher, al- way1 eoaked bia aching arm in an ice-bath for at leut an hour after each game he pitched. According to Koufu., it worked perfectly. Y .. would think that the e«ecta of heat would be directly oppoeite to thole of fee. Ironically, however, Ice is being used in innumerable cuea where heat wu once preecrlbed. Doc- tors agree that both cold and heat penetrate muecl• and eoothe ach•, but the ice advocates claim that cold penetrates deeper than beat and thu1 brinp relief from pain much quicker. They say that ice application ln theee cues must be coupled with uerclMI. and they agree that the application of ice is usually more uncomfortable than the application of beat. Maaaive pain quite often accom- panies a heart attack, and aometimea the doctor bu to inject morphine to prevent severe shock to the patient. But until the doctor cornea, almost instant relief can be sained by rub- bing an ice cube sently on the cheat over the painful area. After ice treat- ment in this situation, morphine may not even be necessary when the doctor arrives. It 1hould be streaeed, however, that the ice treatment mere- ly ea.ea the pain-it doea nothing whatsoever for what caused the pain in the first place. If you burn your ftnger, you prob- ably have been told to rub butter or some other oily substance on the burn. Instinctively, however, you probably will pop your ftnger into your mouth to cool it. And your instincts are right, for, ideally, the 'finger should be soaked immediately in a container of cold water in which ice has been placed. Or, if you prefer, the ice cube can be rubbed gently over the burn until tbe pain is no longer felt. While · the relief frorn pain ia prompt, more important ia the fact that there will be very little awell- inr. and blisters won't form. Con- sequently, the burn will heal much more rapidly. lce-<ube treatment aleo helpe pre- vent lnf ectlon, u any part of the body that la relriserated ia not likely to become lnlected. even if eontam- inated with dirt. While belq applied, the ice-cold ten:perature keepe p.nna dormant and unable to multiply. Ice haa another medical virtue. It alda greatly in &topping bleedln•, not only surf ace bleedins but that which occun under the 1kin---ea when an eye ii bruJaed or a shin scuffed. The ugly black-and-blue diecoloration la caused by the leakage of blood from torn blood vessels. An ice cube placed over the bruised area conatricts the blood veeaels, thereby greatly reduc- ing leakage unUl clotting takes place. ltchlfta la fult one of the many skin conditiona that can be relieved by ice. When the skin itches, it ia natural for a penon to rub or acratch. but the relief is very brief. The itching not only returns but ia far more intenae. The application of ice often retards the itchins. If the area to be treated fa lat'l'e. crack the ice cubes into small plecea, put them into a large bath towel, and fold over to form a pack which can then be adjusted to the shape of the affected part. Leave the pack in place until the ice melta; the ice can be replaced u often u is neceeaary. The ice-towel pack is particularly l'ood tor such places as the 1houlder, in the ca.ae of bursitis, or for 1prain1. Doea this application to the bare akin ever cauae frostbite--whlch can be dangerous! No-not if applied carefully. lee, as lon• u It fa mixed with water, ia not dan&'eroua because it does not freeze the tiauea, it refrigeratee them. The ditrerence is alight, but la large enoush to be a good margin of safety. Never add salt to an ice bath or bag. Salted ice doee buten cbillinr, but it can alao cauae froetbite. How W. • .._ of lee can a pa- tient take? Dr. John Mennen, aa- sociate profeNOr of physical medicine at the Univeraity of hnnaylva.nla, r-ecommend1 a ftve-to-ten-mlnute rub lrith one ice cube. One word of caution: docton I&)' that while ic. maaeap ~lines many typee of pain-includiq the after. pain of a heart attack-It doeen't necee11rily cJear up the problem. ice aboulcl never be used without proper dlapoela or knowinc wbat'a caWllnl' the trouble. • i ~ l l I I I I ~ Jules reasons lWiyit should be}Ullr next\Wtdi. A lot of watches tell the ~e (for awhile). But they don't tell the truth. And the truth is that unless a timepiece is made like a Jules Jurgensen, it's not really made to last. We've been makers of fine watches and chronometers since 17 40. Our Swiss artisans would rather turn in their eyepieces than turn out a movement without jeweled bearings. Every part is triple-checked before it goes into the case. And double-checked after it's in. We spend a lot of time with our watches. So r.ou can spend a lot of time with the That's all we've been thinking about for 240 years. Which, as we time it, comes to seven billion, twQ hundred and fifty eight million, two hundred and four thousand and eight hundred seconds. Jules JVrgensen doy-dote outomollc, the Ri-.oli. 17 j-ls, 18 l'orot gold, olligotOf strop. About $325. See the Julw JVrgensen collection of men's ond lodies' watches from S80 10 $10.000 0 1 fine stores -rywhere. Wrii. for on lllustroled brochure and nome ot your nearest outllorl~ed deoler I01 Jules Jiifgensen Corp., 352 Parle A-South, N-YMk. c c Pt M Le N G 0 c Kl M lie Sc Bokersfleld: Bye's ol 8okersfield Glendole: B·S fine Mdse. Co Dohnten Inc. of S. Col. Hayword, Devon, Inc. C/O J. C. Penney Co. Hollywood: E. H. Gold J-lers Merced, S.Sco Enterprises Newport 8eoch: CostOfl'I ESA ABC Premiums Sacramento: Glaser Bros. Son femonclo : Henderson's Son luis Obispo, Besco Enterpriaes M. Krulot & Co. Modonno Inn Son Moteo: Steiners Jewelery Sonta Monico, king Jewelers Sonto Roso: Jewel BoK Torra nce: Swoncler Cosr. Jewelry Colorodo Colorodo Sprln9s1 S.M.&R.-Jewelry Dept. Pueblo : Gibson Co. Idaho Boise, Weisfield's, Inc. ldoho Folts: Jensen Jewelers lewiston: Greot Western Dist. Co. Pocofeflo: Gem Stole Dist. Note Morgon Jewelers Twin Folls, Jensen Jewelers N.brcnko Beatrice, Gibson Co. ........ loa Vegas: Bosco Jewelers, Inc. Dohnten of los Vegas North Da•oto Grond Forks1 Munn's Jewelry Coos Boy, Weislields, Inc. Klo"1Qlh falls. Weisfields, Inc. Medford 1 John Nuich Jewelers Roseburg, Weisfield's Inc. Solemr Dohnken of Solem Sovth Do•• Rapid City, S.M.&R.-Jewelry Dept. T••• Auslln1 Kruger Jewelry Co. Ft. Worth, Gordon Jewelers Edison Jewelers freeporl: Gordons Jewelry luflln, Gibson Co. Midland: Kruger J_.lry Co. PloinYI_, Gibson Co. Port Arthur, Gordon Jewelry San Anlonior Jodyn Jewelert Te)C(Jr,ono, Gordon Jewelry Tyler: Gordon Jewelry Utoh Ogdenr Note Morgon Jew.fen Provo. Note Morgon Jewelers w CHll illfl"°" Aberdeen, Weisfield's Jewelers 8elllnghomr Weisfield's Jewelers Poscor Weisfield's Jewelers Wallo Wollo: Weisfield's Jewelers 4 Wenotcheer Welafleld's Jewelers JUNI~R1R~SURE CHEST Let's Draw Allllnlll Cracllera Bw Aftn DavidotD ~ Animal crackers ~ lrV (E~t) ~ Are almost .. easy~ To draw a.a to eat. ...... 0... From a four-letter word for a minor quarrel, take away the flrat Jetter and ret a touch on the back that is a rood way of endiq a quarrel (SH Atu10er Bo%) PluaO• To a four-letter word for the most important person in a very important room in the house, add a ltUt letter and get what you Uke to have that person give you. (See Answer B<n) ......... v ..... Fill in the blank spaces with vowels to make four words . each of which go both ACROSS and DOWN • p T H c R T R H 1~ L (Set Auwer Boz) ........ Thia What summer linrer r eta slaps instead of claps? (See A"'10n-Boz) ....... Jl ·011nbvoJ( !9fllJ. "K atpPfll '(N'{ 'aOMl 'a.nw 'ql'ld : 1a•o A SUJllSJK '.ll(OO>l(OO:) : M() 8DJd '11"1-1wds :aao 8nUJW N 011nnb.,. 9, 1969 11 The Fun Begins When The Lights Go Off! Christmas Onwmenls Glow ;,. lbe Dari, Cost Fi11e Cmls! W on'I Sbatler, W Mr OIU, or &m Dull Guara.,,,a/ (HOLLYWOOD) Now, for the fiat time JOU an decorate your Otmtmas t:rtt with the amazing 11ew and impro11ttl Magi-Glo ornaments that "come to life" when the lights 80 off! Glow and '1oa& in Sp.eel These unique gold, sihu, red, green and :wrute ornaments add a fum:e spirit to die most ele88"t tree, under orc:Wwy lighting conditions. B111 lis/111 to IN ,,. lithlttl l'"Ps of s11rptis1 flJM JOI' ,,,,,, 1h1 lithls old! Then. ;,, tolilJ 1Urhu11, your MtBi- Glo ornaments 'olrli11•• to glitter, gleam. and t)ow and give the illusioo of gmtly floating in spue! Woa't W e11r Oat 0.. Bmn Oat! Magi-Glo omarMnts will brighten your ~ year after year after year! That's because your Magi-Glo ornaments an't wear out or bum out! Magi-Glo's microscopic energy units an be charged and tteharged illtlefiNi1tl7! And they tt· quire no batteries or electrical oonncctiona ! Wonderfal, Magieal Fipreel Designed by American artists, produced by American craf tsmcn, Magi·Glo desi~ embrace all the traditional, won«rful, magical figtuts of Ouistmas: Cuddly Santa Oauses! Darling Ouistmas an~ls! Spuklings stan! Delectable candy canes! Shimmering Ouistmas tnies! Gin.ming candles! Caroling bells! And many mo~! Diaeovery '9 "Aeeidental" A TV and motion picture produc.er ac- cidentally discoYCied the scc:ttt proc~ that malc'!S this spcctaculu cf feet possi· ble, while investigating special effects for a scicnc~fiction m<>Yic. so eftO the youngest member of tbe &ml- ly rould share the thrill of trimming the Ouistmas tree. The final choices included specially treated sbattaproof mata1a1I (durable enough for outdoor display!) u well as metallic laminata on bea.y stcdt. Excited by the eotbwWtic • ammenb of his noanaUy bWc' mcmetown friends, he arranged for adusiTc distribution by a reputable mail order firm. Set of 72 Only 13.SOJ The successful result is the availability of Magi-Glo ornaments that glow in the dark with radiant, luminescent color! And they are priced so low that you can decor- ate your tree lavishly, use them as stock- ing stulfers, table d«ocatioo.s, and party favois-or even trim Ouistmas packages you want to "outshine" the rest! A deluxe assortment of more than 72 iHJiflit/11111 Magi-Glo ornaments, ( averag· ing over 3 inches in height!), is bargain.- priced at only $3.50. That's fess than five cents apiece! And quantity discounts muc Magi-Glo ornaments itle4' foe Quistnw gifts. You save $1 on each·additional set! Magi-Glo • onwnmts arc the pwf e<t gift for the people who deserve "some- thing more" than just a card! Rcscan:hing phospborcsant materiaJs, he found the only known methods of ap- pliation (hand painting and silJc sattn- ing) were often unsatisfactory and ~""'1' costly. Howt'Ycr (because he didn't know that it "couldn't be ~") he developed JfaPGlo'• Gunn~ a 111111 mdhod using high s~ lithog-You mult be completely and ancondi· raphy and injection moulding. tionally sa~isf icd with your Magi-Glo or· Then. inspiration ! He realized that his naments--or you may return them ~thin secttt process would make it possible to 10 days for a prompt and unquestioned re- produce stunning Ouistmas ornaments. fund of the purchase price! They'd glow in the dark, yet a>st less OOer i. Umlted! than orclinary ornaments ! THJS OFFER. MAY BE MADE ONLY Shataerpt-oof Orn.menu t ONCE! Magi-Glo ornaments are avail- Ncxt, be ruled out brcabblc materials, able ONLY by ma.ii ! -------OIDll ~TO INSUM DIUVHYI ------- P.M. PIODUC1'S Dept. FW-11 466 North W......,. Awnue, Los ......., Colffomla 90004 ................... ._. fllt~ ............ I I I ...... 911..,,..,. •~•......., 1 11V111 llltf!ltlf ..... = ....... .,-...alt•Mt ...... ..., ...................... ,. ...... ... o ...__., tt1nl*•..e ..,ssa 0 ,... ..... _,, M .... $11 llnyf II U.1.'&! 0 ..................... -:.=: ,.. _ ....... NAii *.................... .. ........... ,.. nwt • How to Produce an Exciting I F YOU were an Emmy-win- ning television producer, would you let some four-year- old kid tell you how to put to- gether your new show? Mra. Joan Ganz Cooney, head of the Children's Television Workshop, would. Well, partly. She is eager to have the guidance and counsel of the preschool set for her group's new series, "Sesame Street!' In fact, Workshop educators and child researchers have been visiting hundreds of three-, four-, and ftve- year-old kids for months at day-are centers and in private homes to find out what they think of teat segments of the show, whether the shows hold their interest, and what the youq- sters are able to learn from them. "Sesame Street," you see. is an experimental series aimed at prepar- ing preschool children for formal education by teaching them such use- ful things as numbers and letters, geometric shapes, and concepts of none-some and under-around. Soys-Mn. Cooney, who won her Emmy in 1966 for a three-hour doc- umentary on the Federal poverty pro- gram, "To a 1arge degree, the very ~udience at which 'Sesame Street' is aimed will have shaped and fash- ioned the program before it ever gets on the air. I really know of no other program that has undergone the de- gree of testing and evaluation that thie show bu. You could never find c:ritica more candid.'' In their efforts to lnetruct the chll· dren in a light, entertalninc way, the Workshop producera are using vari- ous elements of commercial children's television that they know are appeal- TV Show Ask the Kids On Monday, educational stations will air "Sesame Street" a children's show by an Emmy winner who traded Madison Ave. expertise for Lollipop Lane's Dr. Edward L . Palmer give• diatra.ctor tut b11 acretmiftg •lid.ea ned to tv 11unui1&11 "Seaame Street" 1cene. ing to the small fry-puppets, ani- mated cartoons, congenial hoata, live- action ftlma, other children on stage. ''Education is a bidden ingredient," says Mrs. Cooney. To make sure the leeaons are get- ting through is the task of Dr. Ed- ward L. Palmer, the Workabop's di- rector of research. He is one of the couutry•s few specialists on the im- pact of television on young children. How does a three-year~ld child, wreatling with his first phruee, give a critique of a tv show? "The answers we're looking for don't come only from the way the children respond to systematic teach- ing but from what they i'ndicate by their behavior while watching a seg- ment," Doctor Palmer explains. "We watch the children as they watch. ''For example, we can learn what they find moat amusing, the ability of the children to understand certain transitions or plot Jines, to anticipate upcoming events, and to detect the hidden motivations underlying tbe actions of the perf ormera." In determining intensity of inter- est, Doctor Palmer relies on a device be calls the distract.or. It is, in fact, a small screen set up next t.o a tele- vision .set on which color slidea are projected from time to time. If the child watching ''Sesame Street" is eaaily distncted, it is a tip-off that the material being shown isn't sum- ciently absorbing. After the "Sesame Street" mate- rial is shown, they question the chil· dren to determine whether or not the educational mesaage r ot through. ''Sometimea we find the children having a deUg)itful time watching a segment, but when it ia over, they By GEORGE JAYE still don't recognize the letter or number we were trying to teach the~,'' says Doctor Palmer. "Fortunately, through this sort of pretesting, we are able to make the neceuary changes before the mate- rial ia exposed to an audience." From such frequent contacts with the preechooler, Doctor Palmer ·baa developed a rood idea of what turns him on or off. "Primarily they want action ~ they want things to move. Nothing bores them 80 quickly as the sight of an adult facing them on the screen and ju~t talking. 11They Uke animala, and they adore seeing other children on the screen. They love the commerciala and, in fact, are already programmed to com- mercial interruption. ·Unlike adulta, the more frequently they see a par- ticular commercial and the more fa- miJiar the jingle or slogan becomes, the more they enjoy it." (Taking advantage of this inter- eat in commercial messages, "Sesame Street" producers have built several one-minute breaks into each hour ... show and. although similar to other commerciala in format, the products advertised are letten of the alphabet rather than toothpaste or beer.) The young child's reaction to the appearance of well-known..,pedorm- en on the '8how ia an unfailing source of amusement for the Work- shop testers observing them. Broadway actor James Earl Jones' "Suanw Street" tcetUa are rniewtd witlc. CAU.d tsftw lat Mt Hft t•ni. unadorned pate sets the kids gig- gling and exclaiming, "Look bow bald he is." But by the time J ones gets halfway through bis dead-pan recita- tion of the ABCs, the sub-ftrst anders can't contain their laughter. "Sesame Street," an hot.tr-long, f ull~olor show, will be shown each weekday on some 170 educational (public) tv stationa beginning Nov. 10. Many stations will be showing it. twice a day. (Check your local news- paper tv section for detaila.) To bring it to as niany of the nation•s 12 million preachoolen as possible, the Worbhop baa been en- couraging parenta and teachers to form small viewing groups of chil- dren that can watch the program to- gether on a MgUlar basis. The Work- shop is alao publishing a Parent's Guide that previews the main educa- tional elementa of each show and provides suggestiona for follow-up activity. (For a free sample, write Parent's Guide, Box 9140, Minneap- olis, Minn. 56177.) The project, which is sponsored by the U.S. Office of Education, the Ford Foundation, and Carnegie Corpora- tion, is the outgrowth of a four-month study the 39-year-old Mrs. Cooner made for Carnegie Corporation on etrective ways of communicating with preschool children to enable them to get off to a more even et.art in ele- mentary 8Chool. ''Two statistics have convinced me that there ie no more practical and economical way of preparing thu~ children than through television," says Mrs. Cooney. "Even in homes where the average income is less than $6,000, more than 90 percent of the families own television sets. And in homes where there are preschool children, the tele- viaion set is turned on constantly. "The audience is there, watching. What we've bad to do ia develop the kind of prOl'J'&Dl that would hold the children's interest and make them enjoy learniq. And they've a1ven ua a good idea of their demandt." • ls J gig- ,, bald a gets ~ita­ raders ·-long, 1 each .tional : Nov. ing it. news- 1f the irs as !n en- !rs to I Chil- Lm to- Work- .rent's !duca- , and ow-up write meap- -ed by Ford -pora- nonth oonew >n on r with em to D ele- edme .1 and these. don," er age more 1 own irhere ! tele- t)y. :hing. rp the Id.the them en us • . One gl-.. *°"".thousand words. .. .--~----~----. - .. ..... \ . I . ' I MEN-TRAIN NOW FOR A BIG PAY JOB Al A CLAIMI ADJUITER[I t'~ U.S. Army mectwale Uld Mnlff lladoa at&elldall& "ll:DWA&D D. PAIGE la aow _.,, .. M IUff ..,._" ,._ .... ~ 1a VlalDla.-.. v-u.a. Bomes..ty Cow. laa:Z..:'' 'oa. • Dae '*' tU& eu M _...... Allo. .... 'ha111181 I neel¥ed. .._.. -• ~ WOik· .. bO~ Uld ·md•rt·w'tnl of ~ cJ.illi ..,...... l 1 ·= .. You a111 eern .._......., In this'-........, ••lu JI 1 tiM field. Insurance lrw9Stialltors ere urgently needed to settle clelms WOf'th billions of dollers .,,,.,..Iv, The tremendous inc..-of auto .a:ldents alone heve doubted ttw r..t of ~lfied lldJustws. INSURANCE AD.aUITERI ICHOOU lets you train et home In your ipere time, foliow.d by Resident Treining et 9Chool owned fecllitlel at MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA or LAI YEGAI. NEY~ Netlonwide employ"*lt -"tance. Don't delevl Writ• for FREE lnfornwtlon. 4lcdc .... ....._Neda All Hw lbllty c--1 . • :. • • • • .. • .. ..... t ... •• •• • ... • .. ... ••• •• • .. • •• /, ,-~-~--------~----------------' • INSURANCE ADJUSTERS SCHOOLS. Dept. PW I 1t01 N.W. 1 .......... F .... Dt• I ·~~ I 1.._. I l.w.INm I :Cla7 ....._ u. I ~~---------~---~----------! Such Pile Relief She Can1 Descnle Says Mrs. H. Williams Treatment Shrinks Piles, Jumo1n1 on • ch1ir n,,.u Pain In. t ""'""69 won't help. But cl-CON._.~. At1 8Ves 08 vaDOD Mouse. PRUf"E will I .W M H l Mousc.PRUf"E Is the Loaia•ule, Ky. rs. ugh Wi • 1mnln1 mouse killer Iiams of LouisviJle writes: "A th.t'a .•• eood person recommended Prep-MOIT UFICT1H aration H to me and soch help 1 ... hes twice es much can't describe. I don't know what mouse·klllin1 lnaredi· in the world I'd d.o without it!' ~J:. :~~1~·~;'! (Note: Doctors liaT' proved in dient Is r~mended most caaeA-Preparation H~ ac-by the U.S. Government toally shrinks inflamed hemor-01....,.ANDtAmST~.,_.._.&. rhoids. In case after case, the ··.lust oull teb, beit feeds ff .a • 1. f eutometiQlly. au ettruratnoticespromptre 1e SAFl ... cont1lns "° vlo- from pain, burning and itching. lent poisons •.. when used Then swelling is ,ently ttduced. 11 directed, sefe around There's no other formula for children •nd pets. the treatment of hemorrhoids QOTSftlt? 111 like doct.or-tested Preparation H. AWA> AWi It aJso lubricateB to make bowel OTBDSCOIDDllD movements more t'om fortable, ..-'-==;;;...;;...;;,,;,..;..,,....;;;.;;._ ___ _...;;;......i sootheiirritatedtiesuesandhelps YOU llAY HAYE prevent further infection. In Plll.JllftRIS ointment or suppository form.) ..-nV END DENTURE MISERY aii.nde plucic DENn1JUTI! niu looee cleoNftS in i.e m.io-...._ nu. .. Cusbioa of Comfon '' ...., 10re_pm1.You eat uytbin1. u.p. ISlk, neo s-without embanaumeat. No more food pudde1 uoder plates. DINTURITI! lases for cnoodu. lods daily bocber of powder, ,._ 0t cusbio...:!iJusc .remo.e wlln n6t is . Tasteless. Oclorleu. Mooe, beck auanatee. Al. .u .,.. c:ouoten. Painful Joints You long to H• thOM pain1, even temporerlly, until the ceuee la clHNd up. Why not join mllllons of other uHrs and try DeWitt'• Pilla? Famous for over 80 ye•rs. DeWitt'• Pills contain an enatgealc to Nduoe pain, end • mHd diuretic 10 help eliminate retelned fluids, thua flu1h ing o ut bladder weste. which can ceuM such pelM. 0.Wl"'I Pills often IUC· oeed Where others fail. II ptln peral1ta. alw•YI consult your doctor. but first. try DaWiU's Pills AND NOT KNOW IT .n~ la.ol-..ud a torment.-ins 1teb are often telltale 1ip1 of Pin-Wonna ... Qlb' paruita that medical experts •Y ln~ 1 out ol every 8 penonaexamlned. Entire f am. iliel may be netima and Dot lmow it. To aet rid o( Pba-Wonn1, tbey mUlt be kiliecl ln tbe laJ'l'8 lnt8tiae wbele they lift and multiply. Tbat'euaetl.r what Jayne'• P-W tableta do •.. and MN'• bow tbey do It: Fl.rat-IJdeDdfic eoatlna carriee tbe tableta lnto the bo-11 befon they d1-olve. Tben-Jayne'a mod-vn, medieally•pproved f~t IOl9 rirht to work-Id.Ill Pln-Worma quicldy, euil,y. Mot,,_,,,..,_,.,_ Don't tab ebanca with danpl'-oaa. hlchly eoetaaiom Pln-W orma which infect entire lamlliea. Get,... uiDe Jayne'• p.w Vemdfuce ••• ama11. eaQ-C.0-take tablet& ••. epedal ._ for ehlldND and adult& ea..,."_ . Italian Balni fordry,roughhanda No better solution for soothine and softening skin. Rich, concentra· ted. economical. A drop or two is enough for both hands. At all toiletry counters. PHOTO CREDITS c-. Hol ot .... '"oe• 21 AIC, HIC. ..... 4: Wott.r R. Vecchio fOf Dl"I. 'av• '' 1nwetretloft by •01 Scorllo, 0.Mrol ~k $poc. OivfUen, fOf ttle New YCNti r.-. 1"099 7: North AMericofl Rodiwefl ~ Dt.ialoft. ..... ,, Efay fw ffG . ..... 12: ChiMretl's T ......... WOfti· shop. FASHIONS orne n By ROSALYN ABREVAYA Be a PQrtrait of 1hulied elegante in tit&. Jw1tu1 goHm 6Citlt.11dvet11 fl~ece bodice, ·~ qlfiltH ~etate .atif& 1kirt a'lld ault. ltl. STAYING at home i8 getting to be more of a pastime than hopping to the latest nigqt spot. So trust the fashion world to move into living-room center with the latest clothes for entertaining-be it for a Ute-G-Ute or small crowd. Though there's no one look this season, pant&-from stovepipe to culotte style -make the scene along with a return to the long-or midi-length hostess gown. Those pictured here, garnished carefulJy with jet or pearl jewelry, are casual, comfortable, and won't nettle your fashion budget. On our cover: a brilliant abstract paisley acetate jersey knit with butterfly sleeves and a fitted yoke. • Opt '"" i1editrid-- t14lit 'II '" tllia kick1 aailor-girl etaaemble of ace- tate axd ra110tt cnpe in M1''11 aftd wlt.ite. $B6. PttC>lOOIA'"S IT KAl OICUM AllhlWeas..t llttlM .. Tl .... s..n. 14 Novntl>.,. I, 1161 Look 1hmni~l11 ca.110.l in a matador vut of cotton felt a1«1 gold braid, 18.50;" point-collaf'ed 1atin altif't, 19; crepe pant a • THE ORIGINATORS OF CERTIFltD COINS INWE -YOU TO SHARE IN THE HISTORY OF 1970 ... AS IT IS MADE • n.. tnm'El>STA1El.._.._ of .. __. beAo..cl , , a. a--u Dw1olal D. fJlleali.c •• bf mlDllD9 dli. llnt V. S. cloUar coin ID~,...,.. ___ ....__ ' f I ' • • n.. tlay pdndpellty of UEQllEMSIEIN eoa-onhw bf M1D9 .. _•tr'tDlldecl ooimof ~ SWl1'ZEILAJU>. ~ ---------~GI 1,-...../j C..ull4d CoiNI lrom PM' collectlom 8W\ the cilobe .. e ,...._~C.-..ColoDrof JAMAJCA._...._pomtd ~aadedos*d.dm.alcobaaqe . • WESTGEINAKY.._... .. a.IDqWorldO...bfmlDllllqa~ .......... l ...._colD. AD'f.A.Na: __..... _......,., t;kd .ow b._ ud .. a&llf oa-Wleorlc:al .... p&umed ..... lt70c.tl8ed.Com CollectiaD-llqa.llc&DI 90•.-tcolll ....._obtam.d ID.U putlof Ille wodd and certUledoa tbllrllnt dar of a.... A ONE-MINUTE COURSE IN CERTIFIED COINS BY WORLD- RENOWNED NUMISMATIST MAURICE M. GOULD Through the yea.rs coins have provided an authentic and beautiful history of mMt. The people, places and events shaping our civilization have been documented in meta.ls minted by the governments of the world. How- ever. not until a recent development by the 99 Company has it been possible to preserve the historic moment a coin is born. Now, on the first day importdnt coins are issued any- where in the world, 99 Company is there. Representa- tives who have scouted the world for significant monetary changes travel to key points. certifying new issues first hand. The governments produce the ha.sic components- coins, stamps and postmarks. On the first day each new coin is issued. a patented envelope is stamped and postmark-dated in the country of issue. The coin Is permanently, but visibly. sealed within the envelope creating a Certilied Coin. Certified Coins are, by nature, very limited in number because there is only one day in history on which they can be issued and certified. After the application of the first day postmark -and for the rest of all time-not a single additional Certified Coin of that issue can ever be produced. As a result, Certified Coins have tended lo increase rapidly in value. The 1966 Certified Coln Collection is now selling for nearly triple its original price. The 1967 and 1968 Certified Coin Collections have almost doubled in value. A highlight of the 1968 Collec- tion was a set of Israeli Certified Coins released at $18. The set now sells for over $60. At the close of edCh yeor complete collections are pre- sen ted to both the Smithsonian Institution and the Museum of the National Geographic Society in Wash- ington, D. C. Each already houses complete Certified Coin Collections from past years. KENNEDY ~-ON-THE-MOON PRESENTATION GIVEN TO ADVANCE SUBSCRIBERS A qreat amount of world-wide planning goes into producing a Certified Coin Collection. Because of thls. it is worth a QTeat deal to the 99 Company to have an early count of subscribers to the 1970 Collection. So. if you subscribe now, we will send you without charge the KENNEDY MAN-ON-THE-MOON presentation pic- tured -one of the most outstanding presentations in coin history. There are two convenient ways to acquire Certified Coins. Subscribing to the complete 1970 Certified Coin Collection guarantees your receipt of the total collection of 36 presentations at the special monthly rate of $15. The Certified Coin-0f -the-Month Collection consists of 12 selected issues from the 1970 collection. ADVANCE RESERVATION APPLICATION UMIT: ONE COLLECTION PER PERSON Please send my Kennedy /Man-0n-the-Moon presenta- tion and enter my 1970 subscription as checked below: O C-.cihk Certl8ed ColD Collec:tloa. Three Certllled Colna each month durlnq 1970 for $15.00 per month. 0 C..-.cl Cola of .. Moetll C.O.ctloa. One Certified Coin each month durlnq 1970 for 55.95 per month. 0 Payment encloeed O Please ch.uqe my: 0 0 0 C.... ll&Dcli.e a.nu-tcud MuWCU..,. Acci. # Acct # Exp.date Exp. date Collle>mlo r•1iden11 add 5 '% MJIM laa. f'ull refund mod<! on too-loi. o~. Acct.# 4 dJqll# Exp. date 11 Etdwpdwa/34190 Sepulveda /Caplalrano Be~h. Calll. 92672 Telephone: 1714) 4~7 41 I Cable: NINETYIUNE CilY--------------.. St4t&-------------ZIP--- $~nature~---------------- Occupat~n------------ anA.11111111 IT'n roe YOOI UICOIDI RE: C.rtUi.d Coln Co11«11<>n 0-k or M..-y Or.Hr tfo ------------- Cl>arqecl to ---------------'Credit Cord IM------------------~ All\O\.lntl'o"'------------------- Do~Or------------------~ • ~ / 34190 S.pulveclo I Ccrpit1rono Bo«b. Cohl0tn1C1 82672 ltHtJ & ,riucr! fl1t-111•llf, "" ..... ,., '"" ... .,...,..,.. RED GLORY LIVING FENCE a-............. _ ....... · _...,..,,~ia'allwritl­~--~·,..,t..,11 ........ ·-..-clallJ ........ ...... ,.., .._ ... MMtlhll, ... . .................. ..., ........ .... .._,__ ........ .iU.eri.tel ,.,...,.., ....... -.ii GMrJ ,_ .•• le • ... ...... ... GMrJ Liwillc ,_ ...... _., ....... .i.::-' 111.., Mil. ll'1~1a·.... ....... .... -· I :.i::_:;--.-----I : ~NURSERIES : I ea w. ,..... a... Oillwt9, c.t". 1111t 1 ,..._ ..it -., ,_ ""' c.ei.r ~ I I ....,, .,. ,..., uw1-1 '-· I ,._:• I I I .~ I 'ci1r s .. ,. __ z,,--::.., ------------- VIOBIN ~~:~r OIL gives Vigor More Stamina Endurance Less Heart Stress 'Oon•t believe it? You WILL when you read FltH lulletin # 1 S 18 yean research World Expert Physical Fitness HFUSI suaSTITUTIS -Only Vlo&in Oil proved effective. '?§HU' ... ~' . . I r-) ~I .... ~ ---- GmlNGUP NIGH.TS MAKES MANY • FEEL OLD Common Kidney or Blndder lrrlta-llnn1 m ake many men and wonwn reel ll'nse ond nervous from frequent. burnlnl( or Itching urlnntlun nl"'ht nnd day. Se<-ondarlly. yuu mov wse 1>lt't'll nnd ha\'e Headoche. Bnl"ko<"he and Cet'I older. llred. depressNI. In such 1·nses. CYST EX usunlly brlnAs n:lax lni.: l'omCort by curbln11 Irritat-ing germs In acid urine oncl qull'kly t'llllni.t pain.Get C-YSTt::X 111 rlru~..:lsrs Moreeo..fortWeari•CJ FALSE TEETH To belp Nlleve cUlcomfort wben dentuna. llllp down and come l~. JUIR ~ PA81UIB on )'OW plaie.. PA8'1Ul'B bolda denture1 llrm• loopr. You een blt.e balder. •t fUMr, feel man oomfortab'•· PAb'lUIB ta alblln._woo•t IOUI'. Dent\ll'M &bat ftt are 9918DU&l to bea&Ul. a...~ daittat ftl'Ularlf. Oft •ASl'DTB at all dfUS COUDte'n. .... , ...... ly lail F,. FmilJ lllkfy ... . ..... ..... .. • ,., --"' *4""'7. TlltllB_,.._., ....... ~ Tiit ...... CllfJ .. ~ .., nll· *'"' .. , ... ., w.tr ••. If ,.,.,. 11111 ............. 1.,.,, ... wrtu: Sen'" °""""""' , ... ., -..,,, Ml Lal..-~ .... YOft. fU. 10022. FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK ....... eiromtheS Fra11.kf urter1 1immered brieft11ina1kiUet of kraut and apple juice before being tea.med with pa,ralied noodle ring are aervect with cheese and fntit for de1sert. MELANIE DE PR.OFf Food Editor • Foods likely to be available from your freezer, refrigerator, or pantry •helf may be quickly put together in a •kUlet. The.e redpes are guide. for .. thfying la.neh or tapper dl1he.. Noodle Ring with Kraut and Franks I or 4 ea.,. uaerkraut, drained .YJ to % cap apple jaiee Yi teupooa aalt % teupoon seaaonecl pepper 1 tea1poo11 caraway Hett t Yi U... fraakfu1en, 6 whole ud re•a.iader aliucl 4 to 6 qta. boiliar water 2 tableapoon1 aalt 1 lb. wicle en aoodles, broken Yi eap batter or aargarine, melted 2 teupoou IOJ u~e 2 tableapoou pated •ioa Ya n• .-,,.. panleJ l. Mix the apple juice with a blend of the 1fJ teaspoon salt and pepper in a large skillet; add caraway. Add kraut and sliced franb; mix thor- oughly. Diagonally cut off ends of the 6 whole franks and mix with the kraut. Put unsliced franks around and on top of kraut in skillet. Cover and simmer about 25 min., mixing occasionally . 2. Meanwhile, put the salt into the boiling water. Add noodles gradu- ally so that water continues to boil. Cook uncovered until tender (about 7 min.), stirring occasionalJy. Drain in a colander and rinse thoroughly with hot water. 3. Put noodles in a large heated bowl and toss with a blend of the melted butter or margarine, soy sauce, and onion; mix in parsley. 4. Pack firmly into a 61fJ cup ring mold; alJow to stand 5 min. 5. Car efuJly unmold onto a warm serving platter. Fill center with the kraut mixture. Diagonally cut one frank into ~dices for garnish (see photo). Diagonally cut remaining franks in.to large pieces and put on platter to surround the noodle ring. Serve immediately with an accom- panying bowl of the remaining kraut mixture. 8 to 10 Hrtri?Jg1 German Apple Pancakes % cap b•tter er aarpriae I aaall. Ira eeoldn1 apples, eol'ell, pared, ud tltbdJ atieff (abotit 2 Y.a cape) 2 tables,.... ...... 1 teu..-1,..... d ... a. ' esp % cap a.ilk % cap nplu all-pupome l•r l tableepooa aasar % teaspoon Alt 6 tableapoou batter or aarprbae J. Heat the Y.& cup butter or mar- garine in a 10-in. skillet; add the apple slices, cover, and cook over medium heat until apples are almost tender, turning slices several times during cooking. Sprinkle a mixture of · the sugar and cinnamon evenly over apples. Continue cooking, un- covered, until apples are just ten- der. Turn into a warm bowl. 2. Beat the eggs until thick and piled softly; blend in the milk. Beat in a blend of flour, sugar, and salt until mixture is smooth. 3. Heat one-half of the butter or margarine in the skillet until mod- erately hot. Pour in enough batter to cover bottom of skillet. Spoon about one-half of the apple mixture evenly over batter. Pour in just enough batter to cover apples. Cook pancake over medium heat until gold- en brown on bottom. Loosen edges with spatula; carefully turn and brown other side. 4. When pancake is cooked, remove skillet from heat and brU<Sh gener- ously with melted butter or marca- rine. Roll up and transfer to a warm serving platter. Sift confectioners' sugar over top. Repeat procedure with remaining batter and apples. ! apple pa.nca"s Roast Beef Hash with Vegetables 2 caas (15 oz. each) roast beef huh 2 eau read1-to-sern maabroom &T&TJ (beef lnor) J boil-in-a-bar pkg. (about 10 os.) ab:ecl ngriables ia batter aaaee. eookecl u clirected Oil pkg. Potato chiP9 1. Heat hash and gravy thoroughly in a akiJlet. 2. Carefully blend in the cooked vegetables. 3. Crush potato chips sl~htly; spoon a generous layer over hash and veg-• etable mixture. Garnish center with a small parsley ball. 4. Bring skillet to table when ready to serve. I to 8 1em?Jg1 Frlatatflllly F,_batllla tfo lova her, yet be'll Ubly lte The death of her, at tlaat. For whea llhe •tarl.9 -~ Re 9'mply grabe lab hat. -B.JC~ QUIPS AND QUOTES Two yo~ draftees Weft in the PX when their eer- geant came in and asked, "Did you guye see the colo- nel 7" They hadn't. About 20 minutee later the sergeant came back and uid anrrily, "Are you sure you didn't see that bluted col- onel?" The recruite shook their heads. Shortly after, an officer came up and reprimanded them for not saluting. "Who are you ?" asked one of the Gle. "I'm the coloneJ." "Oh, are rov ever going to get it, Colonel," responded the other. "The Sarge bu been looking all over for you." -Dorot'lula Kmt <hte aatronavt to the otluw, aa ther gaze from the mo01': "Mu. 1ohat a fuU earth to- mglt tl" -Ed BaJTett A woman wailed to her husband, "The woman next door has a hat just like mine.'' "Oh," sighed her hus- band, "I suppose that meana you want to buy another one." .. Well," replied the wife, "it would be cheaper than -Berm. AUwigltt Mede111 Mlrllcles The wulter, the eweeper, tile blender, the ear, Eaela one a laoasewife'• booa; Bat aot when alley all ...J- f andJon On tla.e •err .-.e af1eraoo11t -s.-u. , .. ..,.,. .... 17 Filiao cobiut: Wkt ,,.._ ,,.,.. o•t zo.t i" .z,,w.~r. -Gae Y cuna.1: A grialed old cowhand who looked u if be hadn't been t.o town in mallY years wandered into a men'e abop in a Weetem city. To the natty salesman who pre- eented bimaelf, the puncher announced briakly, "Son, I want you to abow me the beet two-pant.a, '30 suit you r ot in the houee." The ealeaman coughed die- ereetly. "I'm afraid we don't stock any '801Uita, air. Could I show you eometbins in a little dUferent price ranee?" "No liree," uid the cow- hand, backiq off. "I've been waitiq a Ions time now, and if you think you're roinc to talk me into one of them cheap $22.60 auita, you're plumb c~y." -Kn Km.ft Et1ery ti""' I qteit nM>kiao. I pvt °" IOflig1't. I jut go oKt of tu~ i..to t"4 lrtli•ll ,_.. . -A.tota F . Grou "Bor, ..,.,...,. u nr• ci llf'i'ltd. WcuA dUw, iro11, ..U b.U •4 Un t100 10eeka lat# roa kw to do it .u O.n' Gllfli"'" .. I I ' The Most Fascinating People I've One of the world's greatest photographers re-creates memorable occasions with. unforgettable celeb~tieS-from Albert Einstein to Joe Namath By PIDLIPPE ~MAN EDITORS' NOTE: Philippe Halsman stands high among the world's premier photogra. phers, artists of the visual who U8e their cameru as painters uae brush and canvaa. Ilia portrait.a of famoUB people constitute a collection of the foremost names in acience, mUBic, films, art, theater, politics-virtually every important fteld of human endeavor. Photographs by Halsman have appeared on more than 100 Li/e magazine covers, as well as Look, Paria Jlatc1l, and countless other publications. 1 For Famil11 Weeklr, be has selected 11 of the most memorable photo subjects ever to poee for him, and (in collaboration with Francene and Louis Sabin) recreated the occaaions, conversations, and impreeaions of thoee momenta be baa abared with the most celebrated men and women of our time. ·A few <N•n a.oo. '"' da1'gld1r breat1'la•lr es- tolled a tee11-a.ge girl 1he'd met at a. MOoie. Pl«ue plotogroplt. It.et', 1he ubd. Slae'd ,_.,,,,. aud tlaia before, 10 I did. Th• girl t0aa Mia. Fa.rrolD. Her "apiritv.al adviler" thn 1CGa o /rind of"""•• Sa.I- """°"Dali. How tlti•g1 u v1 eltagedl SIM Ml"'°'" t1W«l 10 t !tat "°.,, alt• cotatradictl ""' adm1r. ARd I '• ca..ud !tow rtadilr Dali accqtl her uvice/ -11 FaMilW W .. ktw, NoHtrtbn I, 1111 Tlil 111a1 t/M tlird tiae I plotograp/l«f Ricianl Ni:zt1L It 10U jut be/ore lil IJU1•11"nstioa ad tlu dar of hil Stith birtldaw. I ltad bro1&glt li• o Conlita tie a o gift CUld lfla.rud tl&at /&.'ti a.1- rea.dr ruei11«1 1neral StdA tiu. "Tlaat'1 all rigltt,'' le •id. "A Pruidntt ca11 flltoaW• autin off l&ia tiu /or eltaritr ofter "tOtari•g tlanJ a f ftll ti Mtt. Mr lat tie, for iutne•, brngl&t 1300." Several 11ea.r1 ago, I got ittto a HriOtU diatlll- ri<nt of acti11g toith Elizabet#& Tarlor. I /&ad a di"ur date a.fld fovfld m11ulf itt tl&e emba.rrali"g poaiti<nt of gettiag rid of Mt-. "Sorr.r I kept WOil ao Ing, .. I li•ted. Slt.e rqlied, "Oh, I /&awe flO date. Ev,,..,OJU .... .a gla.M""r girll are al-"'°'' 11n"W bwq-10 UMallJ I'M uf t fill aloM." Mr portrait of mathematical gniwa Alb1rt Eiutftfl 10u waed °" " U.S. f)Olttige ata.mp. I otace tuk«l him 10l11 1u •111er 10ore aocka, au 'IOith mathnnatical logic, Tac r.,,ZUd, "If yow 10eor 1ocb, 116vr big toe netatwallr Maka a 1&oU ita tU.. So I ltopp«l .,....., 1oeb." I plotogroplt.ed Pablo Pit:auo caw4 Marc Claagall (riglt.t) 10.\n thew met QWit. aceidfttallJ. At /int, titer merelr altool: ~la tltq 1010 "'' ca.Mero and eml>roctd toaf'Mlr like "4m tie- tor•.1 how a.rtiltl a.re jtalcnu of each otM-rafMI taowder 10Aot tl&~r reall11 felt at tkt WWMnt. t ). t, ., :I "' ell lt 1D c- ad 1t. -Photographed Elea.ftor Roo11evelt died 1iz months after 1 took thil picture. S he was verJI alert a.a we diacU11ed current topic1, t1et i1' mi4- 1entence 11te occaaionaU11 woul4 doze off, then a minute later awake and ca~ on a.a if nothing ha7J1'ened.1found1he had grown beautiful toith the paaaage of time, and I tried to ruord it. Sporta f ill"ru are """° bearoblv vain.-wet I f<>Mnd Joe NafM.tAof tla.e New York Jet. c'lta.nning. He had heard a ril""' joke bvt re- f tued to repu.t it tintil mr wife left. "I MVer teU 1toriu in tlu pru- eftCe of a l.ady," la.e said. Tlun later u c011Clvded, "W eU, let' 1 ta.Ju pic- ttiru. I Mar ro.'re tla.e Na'"4t1a. of pli.otography." JoA•F.Knuud.r wa. an eztr~lr pli.otognic NA, ret pite telf- comciou before a oa,. era. A•fW'lled, I maee lftappe(/,, "Mr. Prnident, co1ddA't "°" pleue look ci litt.U more 1Mb1ta• tialY" I tOG1 a.gha.t at mr indilcretion, bvtJ FK paid"° attntiOft. Mr ears atill riflll, though, with t ile gMftciw• of a nearb'JI r~er. (Contift.ued on page 21) " TIE cm Offtltl DOWN. TO-IMTH flltlCEI of only 79c to $2.® ... prices that appe11I to every man end ,..._.,. rul quelity and value. TIE. CITY'S hup purchasine power, direct im- Poftina of flbrics and exch.•· sive desi1nina IT\lke thete low prices pcuible. THE. 11 TIE cm ITORU in New Yortt opemina on this besis haw cola.eel t tie market. EYetY state i( 100'% SUC:CHlfUL and are now reedy to open stlns c:oest to coest. 1111 flltOflTI ME WAm for both the store owner the area Distributor. Y don't have to know the tail buliness -cu Mlhate )'OUf location train you in our Pit IUCCEU methods that }'OU llmost instant ence. . . . . . . . . . : tie cin·: ~ . . . . . . . . . • I Now- 1tt.22 lllCC811flll ~" , ... Ind 18. profltlllle st ... tiectty goes utlml1I ,., ... YOU JUST NEED THE. AMl'- TION ind foresi&ht to be your own boss Ind be wllll,nc to ,.t your share of this $500,000,000 tie business. When you qu.llty, you may tie in on 1n invest- ment of 11 little 11 $40,000 for 1n 1rea Distributor.hip or $16,750for1n lndividUll store. PROFITS returnin1 et once. Only IOOd chll'Kter, 1 will to succeed, and quelifled refer· ences are requinid. ' r---------~---------- • TIE CITY Conlonltlon I I H• [llt --iw .. rert la I~., ... fll. IDM ... I o.nt....,_, I :,:. r"-T11~1rn:1: .. 1a,: ::U, ~-:= I 0 DllTRllUTOR 0 INDIVIDUAL : .._ . I _.. ·-------I CITY ITATt I 'tlOlll ZIP _ A IUUIDIAIT Of Sl'(CTllUM, LTD •• A f'UltlCLY OWMD CO. I F I ...._ __________________________________ , ·'°I I I , I I I ,, I • Accept Big FREE Copy of World's Most Beautiful Cat . Magazine CY Treet younelf, your family and your friends to the moat sJorfob, moat populu, only full·color, full elze ma1ulne about call and kit· tenel CATPANCY t1 filled with 1tunntn1ly beautlfuJ Full-Color and Black and White Photognphe, Print.I and Dniwlnp on rich luxury texture lneert papen that are perfect for framln9l CATFAllCY i& w .. 1 brifill .._ ti ,_.., "· CATPANCY la ftlled with warm, Hcitin". lively Cat Stories, Tipa on Cat Care, Health and how lo give your cat a 10111 and happy life. It will tell you How to Buy Kitt'!nl, TraJn. Show and Breed Cate. Yoo wtll also read the latest about Top Show Cata u well u Back Alley Cate and houebold pets. CA TP ANCY wtll tell you all about the neat· meat and prevention of all cat aliment•. It pictures and teJJ1 all about the orlpn and development of the ele3ant and exotic cat• euch u the Long Hair stameee Art1tocrat1, Blue Tabby Klttem; White, Blue and CblnchJlla Pen1lan1; Ruddy and Deep Red Abyaainian1, Himalayans, Burmese, Top-Show Brown Tabbies. Blue Creama and the Rare md Unuaual Korat from Northem Thallmd. CATFANCY 11 down-to-earth! It tells you what to feed your cat: fhe dan1ers of meat-only or flab-only dieu; what to do about cats that have problellll when they drinJc milk and about feedin1 dog foods, or baby foods. to cats and what to do about cat malnutrition. You will leam what you ehould feed pregnant cats; what are the best I overall diet.I for c.1ts. CATFANCY Is eclentlllc. ft tells you all about medication. anes:hetica, tranquilizers and surgery as well u facts you ahould know about veterlnarfane. .. CATFANCY travels you 'roµnd the world and In bistory. It tell• of catw that orientals feel "waiver on the borderline between the natural and the aupematunl" of cats In Chinese Art and art through the ag.-s. ill. palnti.Qp md ceramics, ln Ancient Bgypt and ln Persian Art . • , ............ Clll. CATFANCY print• Cat Poetry, Fables, etories of Ca.t Penoaalitiea that ride hip on owner'• ahoulden. keep a pet mouse, and make frieacb with-almost any animal alive. J.n CATFANCY 7oa1l Ind al· moet nerythlng about call -the beautiful phenamenon of odd-eyed cab, how coat color mutations can chan1e • cat'• paycholon, and amutng bow-to-do-tt cat projecte like how to build your kitten bis own "Inside-Out Houee." CA TP ANCY ftghte for the cause of cat• ap.lnat a.nythlna that endangers cat.a -for 1ood lesf9lation to protect cat. from accidents, starvation and 1cienti8c torture. Bvery iuue con- tains helpfuJ articld on care, feeding and health. Approved, eupport· eel and highly recommended by all leading autbortttes. ~ Ill. lualilll law FIEI-Y• c-a lw-.._ E•¢k1 • w.r The world's laflest sellfns ma1azlne about cats and kittens. Six maiprlftcent ee page issues per year, filJed with delilhtful new feature arUclea about every breed of cat md kitten. And, It's all yours -one bta crammed Issue PRBE-then luue after Issue chock-fuJJ of stun· nln1 cat art. pbotoe, drawlnp, stories, facte, tips -a continuing cat-lover'• treasure house, all youral Mall Blg-Savtn11 PRBB-Gift·Coupon Nowt CATFAllCY i1 filled with ucitlns. helpfUI articlel, •well n INnni"l'Y bleut!fUI FulM::oaor ..t BIM:tt Md White Picturws on nett PllfJ9B, lowety for ff8m1nc. CATFAlllCT tells Ill lt>out Genetics -how to line Bre«S. Inbreed and ~idin cats. r---------------------------- .-- 1 I I SPECIAL Jl'RD CDT OPFEll EXTRA Bir Colorful 75t Issue FRU with Every Subscription PLUS Bit Cash Savin1s ----~ ......... Ant·• --w• llAUZI• .............. ,. .. t1157 EncloMd dMck or m.o. for $ er o ·aiH ... ~. To FOR YOUR OWN Olt Oln SU•SCltl'"10N 0 l YNr Ot)ly $3.50 <Rec. $4.50, You Sew $1) 0 2 Yrs. Only $6 (S.V. $3) 0 3 Yrs. Only $8 (S.V. $5.50) City _______ State _____ __..Ip --- Sfcn sift card from: -------------- FOii ewr SU•SClllPTtON 0 l YNr °"'Y $3.50 Cltec. $4.50, You S.W $1) 0 2 Yrs. Only $6 (Se¥e $3) 0 3 Yrs. Only $8 (S.W $5.50) I To I I I I City -------state ______ Zlp --- I I Slan afft card from: -------------- HALSMAN (COfttin~ from page 19) Frett.el director Fra~ 1Tuf/a.t1.t 1ntC4tMriM Dnft11t to me iA Pam. SM catM dwpiu bti"O ill. If tlt tM..t of all tod4tl• a.ttreuu, ala~ ia molt lilu Garbo. Her face, lilu Garbo'•, onl11 h.iftta a.t emotion, leaviftg tM viewer tlu ~re of creativel11 addiftg tlu rut. In pr-epariKg to p#a()to- 11ra.ph folk ainger J oon B"z, I pvt aome of Aer record.I on. M11 elf orta were 1uccu1/td:11lttwaa 10 n&0ved,tea.r1r0Ued. down her clutb. Ala.a, I leanucl •M had ct>me to me for a glamour •Mt! She wcu tired of being 1""11m a.a a hwman bti1'g. So, until MW, m11 I°""' Bau f)icttl.ru t0ere taet1er ptdJlillud. Vladimir Nabokov it tlu litera.r11 11niv.a '°"" wrote "Lolita." atad otlur 0t1.t- 1ta"'1ing 10orb. Be apeaka /ov.r la.ngU4gea atad writu in tl&ree of tlumt.. Re ii a. auperb che111"a.11er. And he ii auch a. lqidopteriat (bv.tter/lr ezptrtJ tluit ttoo btl.ttw/liu luive ben umed a.fter laim. Be liflftl hi.I letter. with a aimple drawing of a bvttn-/lr. Ftsmtlt1 WHklv, Novem.hr i, lill 21 Lose Usly Fat-Whlle You EnJoy Your Hollday Feasts! DrHding the Holld1ys? The clothH you'd like to wear-thlt won't fit? The festive meals th1t will ldd pounds of ugly flt7 Well, now you can lose weleflt t>.for• and during Th1nkqiving. Chrlstm11. and New Yeer'sl You can get slim Incl stay slim whlle you enjoy: Turkey and drftslngt M1~ed potatoes Ind g...vyl Cranberry sa'l>Cet Hot muffins! S1lad with a luscious dressing! Pumptdn pie with whipped creme topping and •II the trimmlngsl Calls Slilt-hk ..... ..,. "Never found • diet so easy to stick with, nor 1 pl1n th1t rully worked for me as Sllm·P•k does. What • blfflinc It is to be able to lose weight without starving. God bless you ind the medl· cal scientists." LISa Z1 ,_. II 80 Dip! "I have just completed my second bot· tie of Sllm·Pak capsules. When I started I weighed 180 pounds and me1sured 40 inches 1round the waist. I now'weigh 153 pounds and hlVe 1 34·1nch waist." Te.Apr usa -WltMlt Starwll&! "I 1m 16 yurs old 1nd have been on the diet for 2 weeks ind h•ve lost 14 pounds. I h•ve dieted many oth• times, but I have gotten the grutest statistic· tion from the Slim·Pek diet. I am very Seldom t ired and usually do not get hungry between meals." •1 Wa 8lttilc DISllfltl' "I was gettlna dnperlte. I found I could not leave food 1lone. Now I am back In my size 9 1g1in." loses 11 ,.._., 11 o .. WIH! "Slim·Pak Is marvelous. I have lost 10 pounds In one week and 1m recom· mending it to my club members." 'WitMlt N1m11 Tusiol' "Without fur of getting off my diet or nervous tenslon and that empty feeling, I have lost 31;2 inches from my hlps- 5 inches from my w1lst. I hive lost 18 pounds." 'lllirlClllNs.' SaJs a.a.,, 70 "I am 70 yurs of qe ind they hive helped me miraculously. Besides losing weight I have g1ined conslder1ble ~ngth •nd desire to live." IESUlTS IUAUNTW! Wtllll LESS-01 NY MOTH•C! Tlltlt llCllfb fl'9a ICtHI lttttrt .. ,. IHtllclt ... ltlr ......... llCCHI wltll tlle SUa.Plk Pl .. 1hlt11lr •••11•1 11 TOI. Mtrt•••hr: Use I ti 11 .... II tile llUt M ..,._ ........ "" ..... .....,,_.,...., Mlk. lltrt "81 f 1,00l.IOt. Yit.1911-flrtlfle• Slla.Plk U.tlts ''" Hll .,,,, .... , ........................... Tiil SU..,_ Pl.All MS SATISftd •.1 % Of ITS ISOS! W Sl.._,ll allt UClsfJ rt1 -er,_...., will M ,,..,ity 1'9t••••ll ---WEllHT LOSS CUIDE-- How much weight would you like to t1ke off-end keep off7 our records show: Peopiewhowantto lose: Usuallyordef: 1·11 pounds 30-dey P11n 12·19 pounds 60-dlY P11n Over 20 pounds 90-ct.y Plan Ask your doctor about the Sllm·P•k Plan first! Your Personalized Plan includes tabules that supplement food but play no role In weight lossl Regis· tered by name, U.S. P•tent Office 771541. llAI. llO-llSI COUPON NOW! ·-····--------------······ ... 1"1W11Tln I 411 ... _ ... Aw., IWt. Jt.,\ I L• ....... Clll......... .. YU, I'd llQ to ttY Sii....,_ at 10Ur rlakl I would I llh to ION 6 t11 16 pounds 111 tlle 11.,t 30 d1ys. I ulldentllld tllat tller• Is a _,~ avar111· tn t111t I -t IOM tllOM -llltlCI Polltlfl wlttMMrt 1tarvl111. 11Mdle11 c1~011lllhll. Of atvllll 111> "'"" of ""' favorite foods. Plene Mii "'1 hnofttllzlCI llha_,111 IUtl It contMl1 '*Ytllllll I NICI to tale ewmtllllf I lltlCI lo k!IO#, to loll wellllt wt11f1 I tlljoy bl&. utlsfyilll. YltllllilHldl llltl ...... UI llllCUI -ewry daJI PMIM lllckldt ttlt t»ltb llldlcltlCl1 ~ 30 day ...,.,_ff 60 d1y &UpplJ-5 (uvt 1 90 day I Y-7 (snt 2 Stftd c. rt. I tllCIOM ,I Lit. Plust ldd ext11 50e for Pll'tAll llld ll111dlln1! Plust complete: 0 Mtlt · 0 Fe11111e AIL-- I lfft_ffft, _lndln tell. I now wtilll pounds. I would like to wellll pounds. NllM------------~• I Addr11._ __________ ~I I City _____________ , I State Vp I ··----·-----------------· e 1tet-Not1llw11tlf11 f"llf111tCe11tlctl DlltrMMtton Get Out of Debt in 90 Minutes -Without Borrowing! • IOW 10 Plom:T DAT YOU llAVI. PAY RAT TOlJ CAM, STOP ... OOLUm11S P101 POS11M JOU AIOIJNDI Now you can 1tt out of debt -without borrowln1 I You can be f~ of debt wonia -before you'•e paid enother bill ! Stripped of leJal double-t1lk, la 90 mi11utea you'll learn the MoneJ Magk 1n intf'ml· tional ~red it oompaoy tried to euppr-... the let(tl l!JOpholea 1011 ru UtNl to e«1pe from hopel-drbt l Hnw to pay olJ drbt1-on YOUR term1 l Hnw to ute the littlt·known Law of Debt Rel!ef to prol«t whet you ha•e (your bo~. nr, eal1ry, pot- -ion•> from 1ra1pin1 credilo" ! How 111 -itl bukruptcy by prept1rl•1 for ii ! How you c•n iue "Bia Moaey Method•" to eol•e 70•1 debt prohlC'lna ! Why there are t'ert&in old bill. yoa'd better 1101 pay or enn acknowled1e l How the Co.en1mml etande ready to protft:t you aiaioet tricky crtditn" ! Why not o•in1 e•,,..A "'°""' n11 be woree t.h111 owi111 too mach l YOU8 LEGAL RIGHTS WITH CIU&DITOllS. Ho• to but a 1TeedY 1Mtthant oet of rue.in eller1ea aad nen rolleet d111111s ! How a11d wlun to get /tu lqtl ed•k-e ! Wlik h credlton to,., ~1.i. The 011et wbo att bct1Jyie1 '" prolNaliiJ line tlie leaat ~b1ace of collectia1 I Tiie eHe fer ••ti .. at.l beakrwptq-.-1 ........ II.ti ,_ y-'D -41 Wlltte you eae lesafly dfl11C)Ut yov M•iap llO tlt"7're probebly t.tffl-e'l'H If yott 10 bellkrupt l MONEY llAGICI Why roe .Aot.Jtl be in debt tn ilK:tHle your Income I How tad where to borro• at "wboleaale" r1te1! What 1101 to My 011 a ('ledit appli· c1tion I How to 1et ylHlr hudt oa money you may not know you hne! How' to 10 i11to batln-•lthout rieki111 a t'tnt I CASE HISTOBY A 39·yrar .. 1ld men with e laric family wa• out of I jnb. hnpf'leNly in debt, ud liwf'd in an old, renttd hou,e. TODAY-Utin1 tbr 11rlnd plts of The Power of M"ney Management. be bu paid olJ hie crtdltore, bouabt en npensive hnnu". 2 cara and a boat I Wh.at he did, you can do-if you ar t now I HUNDREDS of flftt not auilablr 1nywhere el.Ml I SOMEBODY'S 1oin1 to UM your money to 1et ric-h- why not ynu ? c 1 AMAZINC 10.DAY FREE TRIAL Thi. re111ark· able Plan thipped in a plein wrapper. 1ellt for '3.95. You mo .. find It the mntl waluablc plaa for 1euln1 and STA YING vat of deb1-a11d hnin1 more ruo•ey to apmd-that y<iu'•e C"Ver ettn .•. or row 11et 1 quldt and unqa~tioned ref and! ·-----------------, Ptaa.elal hMt.Mn au Y•«a, DeJM. za.a 1-Aqelea, CUJ.lorala Ma 0 I eodOIC $).95 with tM clar undcntandiftll tliat I hue a lo-day money b6ck pan.nrft, Plea1e nnh "The Powa ol Money Man..-ent''-tbe faueu. l"h~apC'tt •11uy to SOLVE my 111ooey pTnhle1111I 0 Send my onltt C.O.O. I t"nclCMr $1. depo.Jt. NlllM~------------~­Adclfta ------------- ClcJ-------------- 8~• P-----L-----------------~ ~-- A Paper '· > = 9<L!CZl - Sculpture Delight to Brighten Your Holiday .~iant jf ibe jf oot ~anta C!Claus .; ~ Paper sculpture is great fun, and the whole family will enjoy putting up this big, jolly fellow with his bright red outfit, ftowing beard and cheerful smile. He's sure to sparkle cheer in your home, in a clubhouse or hospital, or as a featu.rc at a holiday buaar or party ... every year for years to come. Enchanting 5-foot 3-dimensional Santa comes in kit containing die-cut pieces of sturdy paper, easily assembled by an ingenious system of interlocking slits and tabs. Makes a wonderful gift. Just $1. NATIVITY SCENE -Paper IC'Ulpture of the scene at 8ethlchem includes all the pieces shown here. n.. ftiure of Joseph is t6• t~ and the ovuall heiaht of the accne is 2~~·. Educauonal and fun, s-rticularly for children.. IC.it ii easily usembled. Just $1.SO. g .. PINse rush Paiper Sculptures Indicated below on full money-hick aua,.ntee If I Mn not comptetety delilhted. Enclosed is check or m.o. for S·------ _7306-Giant ~oot Santas ta> Sl -7308-Nativity Scenes @ $1.50 i · l _7J07-Cheetful 3Yl-Foot "Mrs. Santas" (not shown) @ $1 (Please add 25• PoStace each) • c ' CJ ~ i ... -----------P.amily 'Wee.lrly'• lllJ01111ing Caide EYl\1L•'\SSt:::, t~• ',',Ill I T C: f• \ Hf (l \ '', t ..,._ ........ ?'SP ........ . ,.. ........ ,..... ...... ...... .....,.,... ........... ... '\ S' ................. .. =..ae.:. I , i.:. :-.::·..: ,..... .............. .... iiil.J:B .. .. Lib• Mill'--F..eU.e •Mil._ ........................... _ ._.. ...................... .. .... , .•. n.. ...... ... ....................... ....., "-....... .. -._ ... Mff we eUT ••• -...... .. ,.._ ...................... . Jc-.-. .... --.~ :-.,:-;..~~ i::-n u..,c ....._T ...... .....: ..... . ......... .__. ......... ..... ........................... ........................... ........ .................... . 9'C.Y_ .. ...__. ... ......... ................................ ........................ , le D.ws ,,.. Tn.1-••c-.-~ 1-..,.. ••.-ar • w II 4.,,.. a• ............... _ 91 .. ..,. .......... .... •• ,,1 ............ ~ ....... •h.-............ _ ... _ ..... dwft -_,. -*'r ........... . Br ............... ,._ .... ..... ....... ,,_.._,,,......,. ·-·· ........ _.. ................. ,...,.. • na.•-Bl\;:t-u--1:i.-""'--~ ......... c. .. .. ~ f-4 .......... 2k ...... . ........ .. .. u """-· ~ .. .,.... llillP. • "' ..... , Inf II I --................................... .. ...,,. .. .,.... .............. . ...... -------------~-­ ~ -------------- -~---------!'!'!..:=:..~-~~- Wlllt lfleH HIM• taalllo ,_.,_ • "HALF FRAME" Re.cling Glasses nr.. ..... , ......... _, .. "'"" -• ~ ... 1• .... j .... "'"' •• .,.._ ..... --· ft(. W... •• ._ ....,,, NllC'\ ,.. '-' .,.... wki• .,, .... 90lt ,._,,.., lled ••I• \II-,......._.,_••I• .... , .......... _ ,., ..... Jtt .... ,. $ S..Cilf ...,. .. w -·1 Wll• uw •tr .... ,.., lflftCM. dept. m , 14 Rfttt Aw., ff'f ll, ff'f. EARN UP TO 5700 PER MONTH M••--TAX~•S• ...nTUft 4'10 ..._ "-a.,, Ila. Mill ..... .................... .. ....... ,.., ........ ...... -----. .. 1Ellf 111.-r Cl. ..... f1l.zt ~.o. -1111. ..... Cllll. ...... .... y..._ ... Y. 10017 .... _..._ ............. _ :W .J.··iiiiiiiir to~~:= ............ aou•• o su• .._ o llANMJI 0 ..... -0 CUlllMAN 0 ...... lift 0 1P011nt11AN a .,.,,. sa. o ~ ............................................ . ADOM:l8 . . ...... . ............................ . t CfTY ................ STATE ............ .Zt~ ....... 1t --------------~ UKE TO DRAW OR PAINT? .... ,_,~ ia .... ~world ol Art....,, ..... y •• .._, .._, '-='-ti.1111 ... OJl!B to.~ ertilta. MW ~ ..,.. or full time ia ActNIUlilll. JU111tratJon eDd Fuhion Art, Cut-•. Portrai .. i ..._._.~Art. AJA ~-you for.._ ua othen. ~ 100 ol the netioD'• top c:'..-"••lt Write tocley or oiler ot PRBB ....... traiainl. lnltnctiom indade 7' i-, _,Art cMrt&. plm c ww;lrt. 116-pilce Ardlt ldt. ... .... oolon. ..................... ...,,... ....... ... .urt -.._ FRBB lift bocik ... "PAINTING AB A PASTIME" by WU... O.rchill. ill....._. ia fall color. Write now l No .a-an will c:.IL ~RTlSTS INSTITUTB ot AMERICA. Dept. 4N IQI B. Md>owftl Rd., Pliomb, AZ lliOOI. • a .... - ... ... EH fAMllY WtEIClY OIOEICAlO ft ~ n • 'I I -.. • tra . .... .. , '"b .. '1 , 111111 o~~':::.:~!:'.!~R!~'::~::!u!.~~',::::!_M!,' _______ •· r DOUBLEDAY BARGAIN BOOK CLUB I DEPT. 9fHWA, GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK 11530 Circle numbers of tlle NO STAMP NE.£.OEO Pleue aocept my application for memberabip and eend me 8 books rou CbOOH I u my new member bonus the 6 books circled at right. Bill ••KE ANY I me only 99t plus shipping and handling. If not dellght«l1 14 15 17 19 23 • .,. I mey return the introducLOry package within 10 daya ena I my mcmbe111hip will be canceled. • • • 26 39 42 56 75 of 52 FULL-LENGTH HARD-COVER BOOKS ALL FOR 99~ when you Join Doubleday's Bar11ln Book Club •nd 11ree to ttke only • bOok 1 month for only a year • out of 1 wide Mlecllon -et tow Club prices • Send me free each month the Club Dullebn deecnb1n1 I the coming 11eloc:lioru and alternate book bargains. When· 2 124 130 ever 1 don't want a coming seloc:tion, I may notify you on 93 95 10 I the convenient form Alway• provided. I ne«I buy only one I book a month out of at least 20 offered each month. and 149 150 154 155 158 may rt'Sign any lime after one year. 1 pay only SI .69 for tlllCh I eelcchon or alternate lpl~ shipping aod handli.ngl, unl.eM 160 177 178 179 186 I I prefer to receive an extra-value book al a higher pnce. M 198 202 210 227 230 I .. ~ ........................................................ .. 1 :!~· ........................... : .................. '.~~~~~~ ~~~~'.'. 235 248 253 2s2 210 I ~~.~ ........................................ ~~~.... .. .. ... .. 214 308 336 337 350 I 351 364 365 375 378 I ~~: 0:::-::!·~· ii~~.,·~; d~~~~~;..·1· ;~~• ·Ct;;;i~ ~~.;.;ii ..... . I II wnder 11. omni mwt elm MU............................... 380 398 412 418 422 111111 Ce1tecUa11 11\QMl•fu oorl14 lo addru• abooe. ror 11011r COllOClllCftCI, lloob 101111>1 •hlPllCd ''""' owr CGllGdla11 olJIOI. 424 551 I Jll"'l>I" a«epled 111 C0111f1111\lel U.S.A.. a.-d Ca11a44 olll11.19022 ~ -I ' --....... ..1............................................. - -m •11 4Z1 I rn-· ...... ~" I ll=:'1I ........... ..-. , .... .._._, 424 511 I ~ ~ I ................. ....,_ ......... ....,.......................... I s:;~ ~.·:.=. '== ~ -::::.~ ...... -:::;:..:::...,-w:::..~::;~ •Dll .J ...... i···"' L------------------------------"'"· ,000....,.._ llll HOLDER A cllllnmtJed male drlvet, after belq ltnlCk from the rear by a meniber of the fairer es, Dated &be foUowinc In the hilbw•Y patrol'• a cc l de n t teport: Oandltkla Of Dttver. he lndlpantly wrote: "Women". WIMift ftlllnc out the applatiod for a driven liceMe, an •I>' pUcant helltated when lbe came to tbe quMtioal Ace and Wellbt. Then she tbouCbtfuI1y jotted down: "Mature" and "Ample". Sbe sat tbe liceme. hen ll JOU dan't have • drher'• lk:enle you can't belp but want to Id behind tbe wheel of the emttna and buutlfu1 lf'lt Pord. WUteYer ,._pin.re ... be It Jmury, comfort, ltJle, clalllc beauty or cecmom1. . . yau '11 find It ab ln Fant for "It. AJthaaah we are not tbe oldellt Fant deeler ln caJlfGnda we like to think we are MCCllld to none in lllea, lel'Vice and cuatomer utlafac- Clon. We have been dea"na wltb ~ fOr I Ian& time. So haft molt of our employees. hy • the product the, .en .. esvtce -tbe CUltGmerl they de9I with. We think yau wiJl like .. too. 9emce la I very bn- partmt flldor in the operation of a new car dealenb1p and here . ·--~ .... .... ..._ a... tram rard ... maDJ ol the euy.-e rv Jc ea b 111 t y .......... ftnt blti'ocU:ed Oil the 11'11 Maverick are tnduded on otlm' ml J'ordl. Mavmck let I new Randlrd ol 1e1 •"---=r. when It WM Introduced in . 11a11J of-our other models now follow in Its foot.ltepl. AD can, acept J'abm, haft aternally ~ .._,......,., wblch can be adjusted limply by in- '8ltlnl a tcrewdrtver tbrou&h the .... bole, wttbout remoY• 1111 the be9dlmnp door ar rim. Thi forlno iDltruaaem puel, for ....... II of two-plecle Wt.in dellp wl em be awwwed and npl8Cld IWll mon wily tba Ci .... ,.. ....i, Font bat .. lleld m .., ........ a- cellence. THE DAILY PILOT, TV W££K, NOVEMBER I, .1969 DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES 18255 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH -FOR~ ---- ······-···········-···· ········••i&1111111111111111111.1111111111 See-all the g ....... newest onesfo·r \ TORINO BROUGHAM 2-DR. HARDTOP TEST·DRIVE THE ONE OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD HUNTINGTON BEACH SALIS DIPf. ' ...... 1 .. , ... 7 hys SllYICI OPIN T11n.ttinM.,l•.• ... 5p.•. Mo:t., I•·•· .. 9 P·•· 592-5511 Moriesoltlle Week J SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 9:00 D (jJ) Cl) "The Spy Who Came In From the Cokl." Richard Bur- ton, Claire Bloom and Oskar Werner star in gripping espionage t hriller. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 9:00 0 ti) Ci) (C) ''The Pl~ Jun1le." James Garner stars as a pro- fesslonaf photographer stranded in a primitive South American jungle village with his beautiful model. Eva Renzi, George Ken· nedy and Michael Ansara co-star. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 8:30 D G1J Cil "The Spy Kiiier." A chilling puzzle threatens the life of a fonner secret agent. Starring Robert Horton, Sebastian Cabot and Jill St. John. 9:00 U ta) @ (C) "Boy, Did I Get a Wron1 Number'!" A fast-talking real-estat e operator tries to help a famous French actress~ and himself-by hiding her. Bob Hope, Elke Sommer and Phyllis Diller star. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 9:00 D G1J CV (C) "Rage." Glenn Ford stars as a guilt-ridden doc· tor contemplating self-destruction, who is bitten by a rabid dog at an isolated construction camp in the Meitican desert. Stella Stevens co-stars. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 9:00 1J ~ (j) "Mister Buddwlng." James Garner, Jean Simmons, Angela Lansbury, and Suzanne Pleshette star In drama of an amnesiac's desperate search for his identity. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 9:00 II ~ 00 (C) "Penelope." In order to capture her bank presi· dent husband's attention, wife resorts to robbing his bank In the disguise of a little old lady. Natalie Wood, Ian Bannen, Dick Shawn and Peter Faulk star. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:30 O @ (j) "The Fortune Cookie." A TV cameraman, injured while covering a football game, is persuaded by his lawyer brother- in·law to ham up his injuries so they can collect more insurance. Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau star. TV !PORT! HIOHllOH!t SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 9:30 AM D Notre Dame Football (C) Fighting Irish vs. Pittsburgh Panthers. Game taped yesterday at Pittsburgh. 10-.30 U @ Ci) AFL Football (C) Buffalo Bills v.s. New York Jets at New York. -9 Ci) NFL Today (C) Green Bay at Baltimore. 12:30 II NFL Today (C) New York Giants vs. St. Louis Cardinals at St. Louis. Q9) Cl) NFL Today (C) San Francisco 49ers vs. L.A. Rams at Los Angeles. 1:00 O fil@ AFL Football (C) San Diego Chargers vs. Kansas City ChiifS at Kansas City. 1:30 m USC Football (C) USC Trojans vs. Washington State Cou· gars. Taped yesterday at L.A. Coliseum. 4:00 D UCLA Football (C) Highlights of this season's games. Pro- gram covers UCLA's encounters with Oregon State, Pittsburgh, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Washington State, Cal, Stanford, and Washington. Tom Harmon also analyzes the Bruins' chances against Oregon and USC, their two remaining foes on the road to the Rose Bowl. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 8:30 O Boxing (C) Card to be announced. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 10:30 AM D (i7J CV NCAA Football (C) A "wild card" game 12:00 I ht BOcine Celebrity Golf Classic (C) 3:30 · High School Basketball (C) Teams to be announced. 5:00 This Week In Pro Football (C) G1J (])ABC 's Wide World of Sports (C) The Phoenix "200" Indianapolis-Car Race is presented live from Phoenix. Mario Andretti is leading driver on the 1969 USAC tour. Other top drivers include A. J. Foyt. Bobby & Al Unser and Roger Mc- Cluskey. Host Jim McKay and Chris Economaki report. 6:30 D ~ (3) NCAA Football (C) Notre Dame at Georgia Tech. m1c1A\ I The Turned-On Wortd of Sports (C) Bill Burrud in· terviews stars of the sports world, including Johnny Longden. Jerry West, Elgin Baylor, Perry O'Brien and Eddie Shack. 7:00 D lakers Basketball (C) L.A. Lakers vs. Phoenix. Suns. sa•vao WITH: Wl<!t, dlMte. u&M. INllM ,., ... , •ftd v.eetallle af ttla day $3.!5 fllet of sole chicken ldev top sirloin veal cordon bleu fllet mJ oa tall Dally .... ..,,.. wtf brochettes w1tt1 •1c• P'll•tt $3.U $4.U lobster taJl cw Wet mJgnoa buccaneer ai.a ..._....., Eulnlftt)' WINE & BEER v. lltre .._.. 1 111re 1ue ~ litre 11.Je .-,_..,. f .7S ._,,., ..... s......- Phone 67~2051 Open 5 :30 • 11 :00 440 HEUTROPE AVE. CORONA DEL MAR Beh 2 YR.m Unconditional Guarantee non or SYL\:~'\I.\ Grade A COLOR Picture Tubes If you l'MCI e colOr plct11re t11bt. '6995 -have tM io-1 Pf'lca Ill tM ''"· Your d10lca ot •CA CH' SYLVAN IA 21" o< 15", IH'tmlum 11reoa colcw plc!Vr• tvoe I TI\e E xc 11 lntlellatlon 11 perfOrmed Ill ~ FLU!> fA>. ...,,.._, ~"llllft a rt llm lttll. & l>jS1 CO\Wl.t:Tt·:I. \ ca . ARA 'ITEF.D ~•:n \llC.E ()~ COLOR & B/W ALI. IJfUNll~ FllOM AIJ\11RAI. TO ZEN IT ll lilf':Sl':flnVi?rv7fV7 CALL· ~tU..I }_/ 548-18.11 ~-~ "TODAYS SERVICE WITH TOMORROW'S KNOW-HOW" 18931/i Park Ave. Costa Mesa Pqe 3 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. NOVEMBER I, 1969 CAN ANY MOTHER FACE THE BLACK OR WHITE QUESTIONS ;;;• OF TODA Y'S TORMENTED GENERATION? LANA TURNER •• JOHN GA VIN SANDRA DEE DAN O'HERLIHY ROBERT ALDA II ~ ~ . I SUSAN KOHNER JUANITA MOORE AND MAHALIA JACKSON IMITATION OF LIFE· TONIGHT, IN COLOR. U=15 PM CBSS2 SATURDAY NOVEMBER a &.-00 JI 9 ~--~=fc:.U.,, D roV1c Rf oo oxx * DOES HIS THING ON "ONE-MAN SHOW" D 0.MH ... (C) (30) Redd Foxx stars. 0 Bou Cit, <C) (30) Sam Riddle hosts. ID Barbati Mdlalr (C) (60) Zsa Zsa Gabor, Joe Tex, Charlu NeflOll Reilly and The Bia Foot rock croup au est. I!) Animals, Action and Adventure (9 (30) "Survival In Africa I." fE TY Rt1dlfl' D11esl (30) 6:30 0 KNBC News Confwtnce (C) D Melody .bnch (C) (60) Steve Arlen auests. fJ Rosey &rltr Sllow (C) (30) Rudy • Vallee, Ernestine AnderlOll auest. Run tor Your Lift (C) (60) Dr. Hudson's Secnt Jownal : Thi trtsldtnt's Mta (C) (30) • On Ed&• of EtamltJ (C) (30) • &1'1 fro• Undt (C) (60) 7:00 CIS Ennin& News (C) (30) • It's Andtiwlc <C> Competinal hlah schools are Marymount (L.A.). Bishop Montaomery (Torrance) and Western (Anaheim). fJ Annivmefy &a .. (C) (30) Al Hamel hosts. O Dt.U. Valley Days (C) (30) "The Secret of the Black Prince." ID I s!lc1A I Diel Ctart's Male Bar (C) (60) Dick Clark is host for a look at today's contemporary music scene with specl1I auests Paul Re- vere and The Raiders, Steppen- wolfe, The Grassroots, Tommy Roe, Davy Jones, Merrilee Rush and Gladys Kniaht and The Pips. (R) fE sunset Traits (60) fll) NET Joatn1I (C) (60) "The Con· servative Mr. Buckley." (R) I Do-Rt-Ml (30) Rat Patrol (C) (30) 7:30 ~Cl) JKkit liltaletl (C) (60) @ fE AndJ WUllam (C) (60) e Smothers Brothers, Judy Collins, The Osmond Brothm and Gary Puckett and The Union Gap guest. 11 '67 1st RUN COLOR * FILM! A Goosepimpler! 11 Movie: (C) "Dtetll Is lll•ble, Death Is Q•lcl" (adventure) '67- Tony Kendall, Brad Harris, Ann Smyrner. fJ (i1) @ Q) Datina &1• (C) (30)Jim Lanie hosts. &:J MHllon $ Movie: (C) "Itel ... You're Mint" (musical) '52-Merlo Lanza, Doretta Morrow, James Whit· more. I Wonders of tht Wot1d (C) (30) Los C111dlllos (30) 1:00 @ (I) (E Ntwfywed &Hit (C) ID Movie: (C) "Blood and Sand" (drama) '41 -Tyrone Power, Rita Hayworth. OJ Hawaii Calls (C) (30) m Saatbrush Tlltatrt (60) fll) On Bein& Black (C) (60) "Lauahina To Keep From Crying." With comedians Stu Giiiiam, Moms Mabley, Dick Greaory and sln1er Leon Bibb. I m Ntw1 (C) (30) I Noelle dt E:ltreno (2 h1 ilfl Andenon (C) (30) 1:30 Ii Three Sona C) (30) bwhldt Roundup (60) AdH1·12 ( ) (30) ne Wortct of die A•rlcan ltwrtnc. Welk (C) rett.an (C) (30) ''The World end l'1 (C) (60) Naw Wort of Vlvlka Heino." A look at 1land Bravn va. Morthw11t Cerd· the art of pottery m1kln1. lnala. I lox de Mexico (90) 9:00 8 8 Cl) lrttn Aer• (C) (30) 10:30 Dr. Kiidare (60) rd tht hired man 1011 on the road Ntwa (C) (30) Bill Bonds. with alnalna cowboy Tadpole Talbot. Jot Pyne (C) (2 hr) D O@m World >r11111ere Kitty Well$ (C) (30) Movie (C) "Tffrtit liallery" (drama) : The ToJ That 8rew Up (60) '69-:-Rlch~rd Kiley, Joan Crawford,, "An Hour With Mack Sennett." Ossi.e Davis, Roddy McDowall, Ba~ Gl Passport to Travtl (30) Sullivan, Sam Jaffee, Tom Bosley, 11:0010 0 a;, aJ Ntwa (C) fl) Horse Opera (60) • Movie 1i1m1 (C) Ell) NET festival (60) "Cranko's Hawe Gun Will Trml Castle." A look at the famous Stutt· 11:15 Fabulous ' 52: (C) "lmlt.tion gart Opera Ballet and its director. of life" (dra ma) '59 -Lana John Cranko. Turner. Sandra Dee. John Gavin, 9:30 tJ 9 Ci) Petticoat Junction (C) Juanita Moore. Susan Kohner, Dan (30) Betty Jo and her two sisters O'Herlihy. create the musical disturbance that O Saturday Nifht Movie: "Dead drives Steve's casual acquaintance, Rln11r" (drama) '64-Bette Davis, authoress Jackie Moran, out of the Karl Malden, Peter Lawford, Phllip Shady Rest and Into the Elliott Carey, Jean Hagen, Estelle Win· honeymoon cottage to finish her wood, George Macready. book. I lnpar Berpan Festival (C) ! Zane Gr~ Theatre (30) 11:30 m Johnny Canon (C) @ (])laJ Hol~ Palace . MOvie: "Wake Island" (drama) ( } (60) Roy Roeers and Dale Evan '42-Brian Donlevy, Robert Preston. co-host. Guest.a include Minnie Pearl, B Movie: ''Tlle Naked Edp" (c!ra· Roy Clark, The Sons of the Pioneers, ma) '61 -Gary Cooper, Deborah and The Everly Brothers, comedian Kerr. Junior Samples and Sammy Shore, m Movie: "Saint Joan" (drama) plus the Beroslnl Jungle Fantasy, '57-Jean Seberg, Richard Todd. an unusual animal act. 12:30 m Men in Crisis B Pllilbin's People (C) (90) Bob 1:00 IJ Movie: "·»" (drama) '59- Cummings, rock·record producer Jack Webb, David Nelson. Phil Spector, Mama Cass Elliott and D News i C) author Irving Wallace guest. m All·Nl1ht Sflow (C) "Three ID Buell Owt111 (C) (30) Swords of Zorro,'' "Killers Are Chai· 10:00 IJ 9 Ci) Mannll (C) (60) leneed" alfd "Jassy." •••••••••••• . ~ . : <\f\f\\~> : • • : \)~ ~ : : . \\ ~,\\ie~ : • \)e~ • • • • 11:15 ·~ 1• • Satur I. ·~'• e KABC-TV e •••••••••••• Where can you get S 3,000 cash .•. with the lowest monthly payments? SMAlllO $J UNION HOME LOANS $45.00* Monthly payment on 8.1( 1ur Home- owner loan -and your ellalblt wllether your home la paid for or notl ''Borrow Sl,000 to SI0,000 or more-by phone!'' HOMEOWNERS-compare Union's new reduced payments with any bank ... any loan company. See why thousands of homeowners call Union Home Loan s when they need cash for any reason. PAY All YOUR BILLS with a homeowner loan from Union. You'll probably cut your present monthly payments in half, or better ... and have more money left out of every paycheck! 'UNION'S HDUCIO 'HMlllT lnchldu both prlllclpal & Interest -re· pays loan In lull In 98 months. NO IAllOON PAYMINHI AnllUll per· cent1ae rate Is $14.80 finance cllarae per yeer per $100 of unpaid balance and amount financed Is $2,550. Total of palments over period of 8)( ye1rs 11 $45.00 a monthJ. $4,410. Shorter lon11r ttrm I01ns available .•. because AT UNluN1. YOU'U THI IOU -YOU CAN PICll TH[ ,AYMlNTS THAT m YOUR luDHT! CALL NOW -GET YOUR LOAN APPROVED ON THE PHONE! OR UNION'S UNDERSTANDING LOAN MANAGER Will COME TO YOUR HOME, IF YOU PREFER, SO YOU GET MONEY FAST! PHONE DAY OR NIGHT LOS ANGELES O ... FICE . . . GARDEN GROVE OF ... ICE . . HUNTINGTON PARK OFFICE TORRANCE OFFICE . . Mr. Newton . . Mr. Jennins• . Mr. Stevens • Mr. Edwards .Mr. Gomez . . Mr. McDowell .. DU 8-4141 s~e-2122 1589-8711 542-3545 787-1424 898-11815 VAN NUYS OFFICE . . . . . WHITTIER OFFICE . . • . , ,..., J'Re Jtrfof ;cove • in COLOR starring JAMES GARNER DICK VAN DYKE ELKE SOMMER ANGIE DICKINSON SUNDAY NOVEMBER 9 MORNING THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 8, 1969 0 (Hj (I) ll> lwp of ........ lie (C) fJ Movie: "Y ..... Sq ...... '" (Id· venture) '55--Haue Elman, Ann· Marie Byllenspetz. CI) fll'lt hptltt C"-dl (C) Cl) Ttwn Hiii Meetin& (C) Cristin• Cuuun All stations reserve the right to change program- ming without advance no- tice. I Doli.n l ..,_ (C) R11tty Review (C) 10:15 Q) Pauport to Profit (C) 10:30 11 Movie: (C) ''Tiie Pied Piper of • Hamelin" (musical·Juv1nlle) '57- Van Johnson, Claude Rains, Lori 6:15 6:30 6:55 7:00 TM ClllistoplNn (C) Nelson. 11tt Bible A119trs 0 @ CiHl~' Aft Fo • t bl II (C) Civt Us Dis Day (C) Buffalo BTils vs. New York JetJ at To• and Jerry (C) New Yori!. 7:30 hbun (C) ftltli for Todar (C) SandlJ f•anlel (C) I cm CI) IQ) fantastic foll' (C) MorlllOn TabefnKlt Cbolr (C) (j) NFL foothill (C) Green Bay TV Worsltlp ot U.. West (C) at Baltimore. Stued Heart (C) 11:001 Hot11burn' Cuide (C) 7:45 The CllristtpMrs (C) @(})(!) 8ullwlnk1• (C) 1 (]) Diver and &ollatll (C) Movie: "Us MIMnbla.. (dra- 1:00 Q!) (j) lap Unto. Mr fltt (C) ma) '35-Fredric Mar~. Char1es ''Media and the Relirrous ReW>lu-Laughton, Cedric Hardwtcke. lion." Prorram explores chan~es In Q) Cllurdl In tM tt.M (C) religion and in . the ways religious 11:30 0 @ (j) m Dltavtry (C) "The events are bernr reported. The Oceanographers." broadcast will focus on t~ow f) Movie: (C) "IOO Lui-a Ow« changes t.hat have occurred since tit Amazon" (tdVenture) '00-Car· the premiere of La~p Unto My los Moctezum1. Elvir1 Quintana. Feet, which will berin Its 22nd year in November. Guests: James O'Gara, editor of Commonwealth Magazine. Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum A F TfRNOON and The Rev. Richard Gilbert. 12:00 IJ Inside Foothill (C) I m 11tt Clll'istopllln (C) 0 Movie: "lldt.ncls of Dakota" Catllldt1I of TontOn"OW (C) (western) '41-Robert Stack, Dar of Discowtry (C) I llltllll&lftt Parellt (C) at Wondtfau (C) 1 (1) Collect Footblll 1969 (C) m Ali.ti Revtval Hour (C) • Cf"ne en S. Cau @ (3) Pall HlfVIJ (C) · lnslPt (C) 9 00 Cod Is tilt AMwtr (C) 12:30 1J Nfl TodlJ (C) New York Giants 1:30 I) l..ooll Up •nd Uvt (C) vs. St Louis Cardinals at St. Louis. a Tiiis la "' Lift (C) I Ctne Autry fJ Cli111bln& Hip (C) Oral Robt111 (C) G Movie: .. Bor Mo Caupt a Cl) Nfl Todar (C) San Fran-Creok'' (drama) '61-Wenda Hendrix cisco at Los Angeles. Roger Mobley. m Plttam lot Llvln& m KATHRYN KUHLMAN 1:00 0 aJ @m Afl. football <~> * and GUESTS IN COLOR Sa~ OTego Chargers. vs. Kansas City Chiefs et Kansas City. I Kathryn llfhl1111n (C) 0 Movie: "Bl& Deadly Cl•" CV Rtmal Flra (~) (mystery) '54 -Lloyd BridfU. (j) Full Colpel ltt¥inl (C) Simone Silva. mn.., (C) O @(DQ)D lrectlue (C) 9:00 fJ ea..,1 Three (C) "Ghandi." O My fnorita S1nnon (C) Father I Slleriocll HofllltS John Urban, St. Basil's Roman lie Attadl Catholic Church, Los Anreles, guests. Revival fir• (C) I) Dar of Discoverr (C) 1:30 (i1) (})OJ la.. Incl AnlWtfl I Ca111pus Profile ( ) Cospel Music (C) tD USC footblll (C) USC Trojans (3) A. A. Allen vs. Washinaton State Coucars. Ci) lt1t11rrn ltullhn•n (C) Taped yesterday at LA. Coliseum. (j) To11 and Jerry (C) Voice of Calv1ry (C) I Nuev1 Cita 2.:00 Pr.a CollflreMe (C) Dis Is tllt lift (C) Bid Owea sa... (C) Acricuftura Rlt*'l Cl) SulCllJ Matl.w. "Gid1et." 9:301J t.m (j) Today's lttlicje" (C) C1ilde II ltete 0 m The Eternal Uctit (C) "Gen· future (C) uis: Prelude to the Bible.'' Mark 2:30 Movie: (C) "Meu.tr" (west· Van Doren, autho<. critic and poet em) '56-Rita Gam, Scott Brady. and Maurice Samuel, author and O Movie: (C) "Stirs and Slrtpa lecture<, discuss the first book of ~ (musictl) '52 -Clifton the Bible. Webb, Debra Paaet. · 0 Notre D111t1 football (C) Taped fJ Million $ lhwle: (C) "Tiit Proud game with Pittsburrh Panthers. Rlbll" (dram•) '58 -Alan Ladd, I ~ (]) (E Dtld. 117 Do-RfPt (C) Olivia de H1vill1nd. • Or11 1to11erts <C> 1 •m Anc1tne11 CC> labHn (C) • ~ ta Mt.•I (C) Mano a Mano Randtlfo 3:00 Slmo11 (C) 10:00 IJ 9 (j) Cenvtrutions hi lllCl · Upbeat (C) (C) 3:30 Q) PlttJ Dulle 0 Acrkvlblrt USA (C) fil) Mistnl'fl' ~ (C) g s r .. a I. 1· ) '1 " 'I s I. I. !· • n d I, 4!00 losldw /Outlidtt (C) 3:451 (]) lntlf111titftll TllMln (C) 011 Ca•I* (C) "Let's Hear It for Water Polo!'' 0 UCLA Football (C) HlahliahtJ of this se110n's 11mes. &) Cellep football 1969 (C) I Lowe Lucy McH1lt11 NIVJ 1 ~lMl•lt 6 Lod« .... (C) : Mt's Ntwl (R) (j) Al• Ftmrt {C) er ..... • TIM Rtftetaln 4:30 Sunflower ~tion Conlpany ( ) The meaning of the "Aquari1n Age" In their lives Is enmlned by 1 group of teenagers. I Close Up (C) "Cattle Industry." StlpPJ (C) TM Munsws Yolc:t of the Hour (j) I IPlcilt I "Tiiis Way to Sesame Sbfff' (C) Preview of the upcoming ETV program for pre· schoolers. Ell) Mvtnture: "Neptune's Needle." Underwater exploration of the mys· teries off the coast of England's West Country. ~ (I) fKI the N1tltn (C) @Ii) Musica y Palabru m EMl&n O'Toole 5:001J Fact the Nation (C) 0 Spell! Up (C) Bill LeyMn hosts. -O James Garner, Elke * Sommer, Dick Van Dyke, Angie Dickinson--"THE ART OF LOVE"-COLOR! O Movie: (C) "Tll• Art of I.ewe" [cOmedy) '65-James Garner, Dick Van Dyke, Elke Sommer. A writer and an artist who can't sell their products plan a phony suicide. 5:30 O Stllrley Ttntple Tlleatrt: "Olm· pies," with frank Morgan. ! Man Frot11 UNa.E (C) lat.nan (C) CD Seven Arts ni.atre: "Violent Saturday." tE How To Many 1 Mllllon1lre @ Ci) My World and Wtfco1111 to It (CT Ell) ;.;!l_H_c_!!ll......,I Tiit Brandywine Tri· dition (C) 1 focus on the philos- ophy and work of N. C. Wyeth. one of America's f0temost illus. trators. ~ ~ Ca•tn nw.. (C) !I :: eo... tbt Stan (C) lf} Run ftr Ytur Lift (C) IJ Sen. GEORGE McGOVERN * ON "NEWSMAKERS" tJ N..-.Url (C) Senator Georae McGovern discusses his opposition to the Vietnam war. I All-Aatrlcan Colltp Si.ow (C) llilllpn's ISiand (C) Sunltt Traits (iJ World TolHfl'OW (C) French Chef: Julia Child pre· pares bouill1b1isse. t.ij Cl) Film fatures (C) I V f NIN C~ 6:00 1J KNXT N ... (C) (30) 0 9 (6) m M"Mt tilt Prtta (C) (30) PrTilce Philip, the Duke of Edinburah. guests. Live telecast from Washington. D.C. 0 Pelkl ,., .... (C) (60) I Daktari (C) (60) AAiull. ActicNI and Advtebn i (30) "Safari: South Africa." I IJicWIPrt•ltrt CMnct (60) Cowr11e of tht benefit premiere of "Goodbye, Mr. Chips," MGM's new musicll version of James Hilton's classic. (!)Man ftOll UNCU (C) (60) Rkbard Bortoa stMI H Brttflll Aaent Al« l.omu, rent lftto East CtmUtDy oa a ~nte mJsdon. In "The Spy Who Came In From Tbe Cold," Jrlpplna esplonqe tbrflltr crated from the bat-HlllRI novel by John Lt Carre, on Tbt ABC Sunday Nlabt MoYle at 9 PM. (Black & Whitt) 6:30 IJ Ralph Story (C) (30) Proiram ahows how roller skates have made the transition to industry. 0 @ (j) m ll. E. Collep lowf Didi Van DyU (30) i (30) I lflcllLI flrt11itrt towrap (C) (60) Army Archerd Interviews stars Peter O'Toole and Petula Cl•rtl at the Hollywood premiere of "Good· i . Mr. Chlpa." ~-nun (60) Cl) $tippy (C) 7:00 1J Qj (j) Uaie (C) (30) Car• less shooting of rancher's son al· most results In tragedy. 0 9 00 m Wild lln1do• (C) Marlin Perkins and naturalist Stan Brock look for bull elephants and zebras and witness the stran11 bloodletting ritual of the Masai tribe at the base of Mount Kill· manjaro in Africa. (RMCheduled) ! Tiie 81ron (C) (60) cm Cl) im Lind of Ult lllantl (60) "Every Dog Needs a Boy.'' Ch pper, Barry's pet do1. Is •ri· ously Injured. Michael Anderson Jr. and Tom Nardini ruest. 0 Joe Nam1tll si.ow CC) (30) Sporty Broadway Joe and sports- writer Dick Schaap co-host. Gues11 are controversial actress Silly Kir11· land (starring in "Cominf Apart." (Continued) "I was a skater for Columbia Records!" Ralph · Story's Los Angeles reveals the whole moving story. Tonight at 6:30. CBSS2 ..... 7 SUNDAY (Continued) called by Ufe Matazlne the Best Movie) and author Jimmy Breslin. m Mowlt: (C) "lloocl and Slncf" ~1m.a) '41-Tyrone Power. f1l) Tiie Mwatn (C) (60) To- nlaht's Issue: "Should the state of New VOfk abolish the pre.sent 1uto llabillty lnSYrance systemr• The dtclsion·maker ls N.Y. Stlper1ntend- ent of Insurance, Richard Stewart. II) C.•lcol J CanclMes (30) 7:JO 119 Ci) Te It•• wttll lovt (C) (30) M ike Endicott decides to mow back to loWa. D TONIGHT from DISNEY * Part II of the adven· tures of CHARLIE, THE LONESOME COUGAR 0'9 Ci) @E Wilt Dlsntr (C) {ro) "Cl\ir11e, the lonesome Cou· 11r." Conc:luslon. A domesticated cou11r INms that he cannot hive the best of both worlds. lyric poets of modern music end a aeament in which the pair sine a medley 1ccompanied by musie1I In. struments of various natlonHhe J1panese koto, tht Indian rvoor. the African finaer piano end the Ameri· can banjo: 0 @ @ &)ABC S-.nclay Movie: "11lt s,, no ea .. 111 Frot11 a.. Cold" {mystery·drama) '66 -Rich· ard Burton, Claire Bloom, Oslcar Werner. A blunt and critical story of the (Tim and sometimes brutal tactic& of espionage in a world constantly plagued by a cold war between East end West. m 11H<w; 1 s. • ., o.vi. Jr. "' [Uf09t (C) (60) The talented musl· cal performer Is spotlifhted while dandna In France, playlnr drums In Holland and performln1 wacky Impersonations at the Roman forum. I Cnalcadt of looks (C) (30) Rawlllde Roundup (60) Homewood (C) (60) (R) 0...lnps Htrdtz (30) 9:301 lilews ·(C) (30) Dour Dudley. Tiie Sports Set (C) (30) · Co•nurios y Ceftbf'ldadts (30) a Miiiion $ Mme: (C) ... Khtlor In hBdlW' (comedy) '61 -Bob Hope, Line Turner. Hope explores llfe In • modern housln1 develop. 10:00 tJ ®}Ci) Mlaion: Im~ (C) ment. (60) Guest Anne Francis joins the ID 'lllPOft to Trlftl (C) (30) IMF when it sets out to prevent "Jamaica." Hal Sawyer hosts. destruction of a secret formula vit1I fB Hone Opert (60) to America's missile defense system. Cl) Les Calldlllol (30) James Patterson and Jason Evers alao auesl l:GO O @@ @ETIM ~Ona (C) II TONITE'S BEST BET (60) "Man Without • Heart" Dr. * ED SULLIVAN SHOW' ~tuart Is celled upon to save th.• • life of a man who has been his tJ 9 Ci) £.d Sullivan (C) (60) D ROLLER GAME>-Livel (C) * T-BIRDS vs. FLORIDA D "°''" Salllft (C) (2 hr) T·Birds vs. Florida Jeta. 1dverury in 1 malpractice SCit. Howard Duff 1uests. 1J m News. (C) (30) I let Mt Talk To ... (C) (60) labor Report (C) (30) Manion forum NET sci.c. Specl1I (C) (60) "The Heartmakers." (R) U FORD MOTOR COMPANY O> Cr1n Te.tro (60) * presents THE FBI lO:JOOWortd To•orrow (C) (30) 8 (jjJ (3) G) Tiie Fii (C) (60) m Jehn Barbour (C) (90) Don ''BloOd lie." Erskine investiaates Sherman. Father Emery Tana and th tt d h'J -~1 f Sylvia Mora ruest • I empte I a ..... n~ 0 an Inter· m ,,_... • bhna (C) (30) state car10. Guests include Juhe ""'"'"" u n Act.ms. Scott Marlowe, Donna Bac· 11:00 IO ID News (C) cala, Booker Br1dshaw, Michael Catlledfal of Tomorrow (C) Tolan. • Tiie M0¥1t ea.. (C) Ph)'llls II) C.Ur's Wortd (C) (30) Diller, Hurh O'Brian, Dy1n Cannon f,li) Tiie fonrte Sap (60) "Ded· and David Jans.sen 1uesl SIOftl." lr1ne'1 aff1lr with Boslnney @@t!i!l (j) News (C) becomes common knowled1e. U ·lS O ~ '3' G) News (C) fl) Cam• Mellcano (60) • 1UJ ~ l:lOO@@ m1u1c..,saio.(C)11:301JMovfe: (C) "Snbtc .... an" (JO) •'fhe Killer lnitincl" Klnt1ld (aclvtnture) ·~11n l•dd. furs a 1anrster syndicate has his El.oil.... , ~ (C) • number, when the parent of a , Movie: (C) K'...r (muS1cal) would·bt varsity football player oward Keel. takes a menacinc interest In seltc· G Wllf11• F. luUity (C) Guest Is tlon of the t11m. Nehemiah Ptr10ff New Yortl Senator. Jec;ot> Javltt:s. , 1ue1ts. m Mme: "Qemile' (drama) 57 l f'rlbe (C) (30) -M1ri1 Schell, Francoise Perier. Wottd TollOfTOW (30) "PrtJ· @ 00 lllis 11 tlle life (C) u e." 9@1nsipt (C) l:OO • di Ci) Leslie UUIMI (C) (60) 12:00 IJ I IFlcllt I Tiie Qanctn1 Anl'I Bob Denver, David Frye and Johnny (C) Story of the Port of Los An· Ma~ ~st. celes. !, VJ! 'l!J,:f '1.:' H:; l Z:JO 0 Spullln1 F,_,, (C) Playwri«ht ....,... (C) (60) Gower Cham· Marc Connelly cuests. pion directed and ct1oreorr1phed 1:00 tJ Movie: .... 11 Oft at '3,000" tllls entertainin1 muslcal prorram. (drama) '57 -John Payne Karen Hlthllchts Include Julie ind H1ryY Steele ' In 1 production-number rendition · of "Aberpytny," a salute to the l :JO O News (C) ,.... THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 8, 1969 SEXANDTBE SINGLEGIRL TONY CUBTIS NATAi.iE WOOD () ()'Cl()CI\ M()Vll CO LOB MONDAY· PABT I -TUESDAY· PABT II KABC·TV 1 1 MONDAY NOVEMBER 10 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "Tiit Matins of Miiiie'' (com· edy) '48-Glenn Ford, Evelyn Keyes. 9:30 O ''SUdcltnly Ifs Spt'lnt' (com· edy) '47-Paulette Goddard, Fred MacMurray. m ''TM D1r\ Cofnll"' (mystery) '46-lucille Ball, Clifton Webb. 10:00 fJ "MffktY On My lack'' (dra· ma) '57-Cameron Mitchell, Dianne Foste<. 12:00 O "lladl 1t111ty" (drama) '46- Mona FrHman, Richard Dennin&. ·2:30 fJ (C) .... •bits 1-52" (drama) '57-Hatalle Wood. Karl Malden. 4:30 8 (C) "Tarzan's Crlltest Adwtn· turt" (adventure) '59-Gofdon Scott, Sara Shane. EVENING 5:00 0 TONITE TOM REDDIN * TELLS WHY L.A. KIDS CAN 'T READ! WATCH! 6:00 tJ I i& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntlty-l rinllley (C) (30) 0 REGIS PHILBIN & * A WOODPECKER-HOLE COLLECTOR JOIN STEVE ALLEN!! 0 steve Allen Sbow (C) (90) C. C. Ruku, Marilyn Michaels, Reals Phil· bin, Nie Ullett 1uest. 0 Six O'Clock Movie: (C) "Su encl tM Sin&lt Cirl" Part I (com· edy) '64 -Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood. Henry Fonda. To boost circu· lallon, the editor of a scandal ma1· azine attacks the reputation of a research psycholo&ist. I Dick Van Dyb (30) P.,ton Ptace (30) Stir Trell (C) (60) (3) Miu Dou&las (C) (90) c:mI!!D Prt•ltrt Cowtrap (C} (60) Interviews of stars at the premiere showin1 of "Goodbye, Mr. Chips," MGM's new musical Ve<· sion of James Hilton's classic. (R) ~ (j) CBS Ntw1 (C) (30) l r ... po c11 Ptn1on (30) Ntw1 (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 lNIC Newtervica (C) (60) Tht C1111 C... (C) (30) Polly Bercen. Paul Lynde and Rona Jaffe guest. (Continued) VIVI! Yol,J Take $50,000, Diana Ross, Your Imagination, and ... AS AUNTIE MAME -Diano Ross in crwhtd vtlvtt tvtrdn1 coat with cocoon back and a hugt collar of notural phtasant /tathers. "I was given more than $50.- 000 to dress Diana Ross and The Supremes for their NBC special you11 see November 12" (Wednesday, 9 PM), reveals costume designer Bob Mackie, "and I think you11 wonder how so many unique outfits could be created so economically. Diana Ross as htrstlf In a black. vtlvtl 1own with tmbroidtrtd slttvts of gold bullion, dwmonds, ~arls and topaz . . . ptndant of /artt topaz. diamonds with drop baroq11t pearls. "Diana's body is like her sing- ing ... it all adds up great. She i.nd The Supremes slip in and out of twenty-five changes dur- ing 'Diana Ross and The Su· premes and The Teml>tations on Broadway.' and I tned to en- vision her in attire that would be appropriate in each number yet would retain the 'Diana Ross Look' that has made her so distinctive." Bob Mackie has had many challenging designing opportun- ties during Diana's career, but each timr. he came up with the concept for a Diana Ross gown he reminded himself that Diana and her two gal pals "are like AS MY FAIR LADY -Dlont1 Ross in black and whitt pa/lltllt z.tbra 1own with ffo11nct of sun· burst pltattd or1an'IJl. Larft haJ of black and whitt pailltllt with 4() y11rd-lo111 tbony pMa1ant /talh· trs. three sirens wailing away . . . very jazzy. Wild beaded gowns are their trademark and it works for them." Diana zips into eight different outfits in one number during her "On Broadway" special. Mackie retained her "identity" yet re- veaJs sides of the attractive en- tertainer that are seen for the first time. "Velvet gowns that are heavi- ly embroidered. and jeweled puffed sleeves, these allowed me to treat the audience to a glimpse of the elegance of Diana and The Supremes." Mackie says. ....., IMAGllE YOURSELF BEHIND THE MICROPHONE I WHICH OF THESE 4 FASCINATING CAREERS llTERESTS YOU'I 0 DISC JOCKEY 0 NlWSCASTU 0 SPOITSCASTH O COMMHCIAL ANNOUNCER fRH VOICE ANALYSIS TILLS YOU If YOU HAVE "HIDDEN TALEHT"I TRAIN AT ltOM[ OR IN 0011 BEAUTIFUL NCW STUDIO SCHOOL! You can study broadcast techniques 11 home, In your spate time, or 1n our new BrOldCHI· Ins School-LOCATED lllCHT HERC IN LOS ANCHE~under the supervision of oor Dlrectin1 faculty of lJ famous broadCHltlS. R1dlo-TV st1llons everywhere have 1n IMMEDIATE DEMAND for both men I nd w011W11 lo take over lmport1n1 1ood· 1>1yin1 lobs rl1ht now. NATION-WIDE PLACEMENT ASSISTA~[ II no Utrl cMt! Tuition an l1t1nu 1nll1blt. Send to CAREER ACADEMY'S division of famo11s Broadcuters for FREE booll· let, record, ind voice analysis details. NOTICE: ENROLL NOW FOi. CAMH ACAOIMY'S NEXT CUUI THIS COULD 9[ Youi. CHANC.[ TO f"UT YOUMELI' RHINO THE MICROf'HONEI •An KCredited member of the Na-tional Home Study Council and the •National Anoc:iatlon of Trade and Technical School• • Aoc>roved for Veteran Tralnln• • Member of California Anoc:Jatlon for Private Education • Art •ll•ible Institution under the federally Insured Student Loan Proc,..m. ,--------------------· CAREER ACADEMY Q : 70IO Hollywood loalen rd J~L 1 Los Aqtlts, Callfoml1 90021 9 ,.....: (213) 464..QUJ I WMt le -.. ii I lllt1 ~ille .Cit• ~ ............. "•• """ .. .,.. W-t1111. Name AddrHs Apt. City, State/Zip Phone I am lnte1· .. ted In O Clanroom 0 Home Study I 06AAA2C) , --------------------- ,... 10 love Alllrican Style Ou:W ... Harriet Nelloa 9lde 6eir Int leteririoo •ppearuce t~dler .. onr dll'ft yean, • • mlDIR« u d bll wife wbose "Good Sunm CU" •ct •t an airport ••oha diem wltla a folk......_ fem.le ltlpple (Dlu8 Ewt .. ) la "Lon ud T.b Me Aloas" -.me• of Moecbi.J'• (It PM, ABC) Lon Amatcu St,1e. n.. Loalle ud lter ltulbucl La Cra• IUb dtetr lint tde.WO. •P- pearuce tofetlter .. die "Lott ud die Ad'fkt,..GlYen" ~· cite same e.ee&.c. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WED< .• NOVEMBER 8, 1969 MONDAY (Continued) I To Ttll tM Trvtll (C) (30) Oftlct of tilt Pt..W..t (30) Cl) n.. Munstars (30) ll"'"otici«o 34 (C) (60) N ... (C) (30) 7:00 1J CIS Evtnlnr News (C) (30) D Whit's MJ Une? (C) (30) Emily Yancy, Soupy Sales. Patrick O'Neal aunt. 11 l ovt l uq (30) Beat tile Clock (C) (30) Co111111odity I Stack Rtport (30) Ci) Monday Sllow (90) "Lonely Are ihe Brave'' Kirk OooaJas. Ell) Ahof8! (30) 12!) (j) Tnitll or Conaequencn (C) (30) m Cesar's WOfld (C) (30) tm 1'111t Gir1 (C) (30) 7:30 IJ tij (j) Gun Ill. kt (C) (60) Newly's hillbilly &ir1friend Merry Florene (Lane Bradbury) is In an- other embarrassln1 predicament 0 @D MJ Wot1d and WtlcoM to It (C) (30) John Monroe secretly abandons the family cat in a new housing development aft.er bein& nipped on the neck and finae<. II COL. KLINK & * INMATES FROM HOGAN'S HEROES GET STUMPED!! 9:30 0 9@ 8'NIC Mot141J Mewie: (C) Ufhi Pili .. 11111" (adventure. comedy) '68 -James G1mtr, &a Renzi, Georae Kennedy. A commer· cial photorrapher and a model find themselves trapped in a primitive South American country. D Htfo CotH tllo St.rs (C) (60) The secret wof1d of Groucho Marx is revealed. fJ (fi) IJ) G) T1't s.vtvors (C) (60) Philip offers Tracy a dlvon:e, Santerre Is executed. Robert Viharo and Donna Bacca guest. Ell) NET Journal (C) (60) "Who Speaks for Manr• A critical ap- praisal of the United Nations. m las Estrellas J listed (30) IJ TONIGHT'S BEST BET! * T~E DORIS DAY SHOW! e a (j) Dons o., <C> <3o> Doris finds herself dodaln& punch· ing bags and eating kelp salad when she's &iven the assl1nment of obtaining the publishing rilhts to health addict's book. I News (C) (30) Barter Ward. He Said, She Said (C) (30) Rawhide RoUlldup (60) Revisb Musical (30) 10:00 1J QI (j) Carol Bumttt Sllow (C) (60) Bina Crosby, Ella Fltzaerald and Dan Rowan & Dick Martin 11 Stu•p the Stan (C) (30) auest. The special program salutes Wemer Klemperer, Larry Hovis, Rob-Paramount Pictures tonifht. ert Clary guest. fJ @ OOG> The Music Scene (C) 11 REDDIN REPORTS ON (!S)Movie: (C) 'VIV• las Ve•as" * "WHY KIDS TODAY 0 • CAN'T READ " (musical) '64-Elvis Presley, Ann· Margret. Cesare oanova. SportS<ar COMPLETE NEWS! enthusiast and his friend, the Ital· 11 m News (C) (60) ian champion. go to Las Vegas for D @(I)l(;D Lou, A•aricu the Grand Prix. style (C) (60) Ozzie and Harritt I Trutll Of Consequences (C) <30> Nelson, Tina Louise, Les Crane, Aldo Judd for tllo Defense (C) (60) Ray, Carolyn Jones and Red But· Tedlnical Cofner (30) East.em W'lldom (30) Alan tons 1uest. Watts discusses the paradoxes and D Delli! (C) (60) contradictions Inherent In our West· m PerTJ Muon (60) I ern civilization. Ell) Special Fe1ture (C) (30) "The f!) Chudto ti Rote (30) Moon Doctors." 1:00 0 @D laulft·ln (C) (60) Guest f!) Carc:tl de Mllima (30) Carol Channing cavorts as half of • . world's richest couple and as for· 10:30 Ell) F1ri1t& Line (C) (60) mer child star now at the UN. t'J) Cristina Guzman (30) 11 FLASHBACK TONITE! 11:00 IJ 0 fJ ID Ntws (C) * JACK DISCOVERS 8 Alfred Hitchcock DENNIS DAY WORKING Movie G11 .. (C) Ernest Bor· IN CHINESE KITCHEN &nine, Dana Wynter. John Byner and Jane Wyatt guest 0 Jack lettny (30) Dennis auests. I Queen for a DaJ (C) (30) Gltncannon (30) World Press (C) (60) Day I Outer LI•its (I)@ @ Qt(j)News (C) ma> News (C) 11:301 9 (j) Merv Griffin (C) · QJ @ @D Jollnn1 CallOn (C) f!) Hit Parade (C) (90) Movie: "All Quiet on the Wiit· 1:15 0 @(1)('.E Tho New People (C) ern Front .. (drama) '30-Ltw Ayres, (45) Geor1e. enjoying beach life Louis Wolheim. with Ginny, maintains th1t he has H (})&)Joey l lsllop (C) a riltit not to aet Involved in an • Movie: (C) "Apaclle" (western) Issue of rationlna. Peter Ratray and ' urt Lancaster. Jean Peters. Jill Jaress are featured. m Movie: "Red lllftt" (drama) 1:30 IJ 9 (j) Here's LUCJ (C) (30) '49-Georie Raft, Virginia Mayo. Lucy compulsively follows Kim on 12:00 m Movie: "I Was a Male War a date to a drive-in movie. Bride" (comedy) '49-Cary Grant 11 Bruins In Action (C) (30) Ann Sheridan. m Dlvicl Frost Sltow (C) (90) 1:00 R Movie: "SU of Grus" (drama) I!) Tho I i& Valley (C) (60) '17-Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hep. ti) Sa,._ Thtatrt (60) bum. t:OO 1J Qt Ci) Ma J berry R.F.D. (C) 0 !~~M~ T1111e (C) (,30) Howard robs a bank to PnMI I!) "1 Goober Is a failure as deputy sheriff. 1:3011 Community Bulletin IMrd (C) 69 « 11· VI tr· nd Vt 0) Int ho tp• '! JO) :h· ad int lts [C) Jld tin tes H i tt ldo ut· «· ind rm) ~ na) ,,., int. na) lep- (C) APOLLO XII MISSION • All resular pro1rammin1 is subject to· cbanse without notice on all three major networks for colorcast.s of the Apollo XII Pliaht, besinning with lift-off Friday at 8:22 AM and endina 'with splash-down scheduled for Monday, November 24th. Astronauts Alan L Bean, RX.bard P. Gordon, Jr., and Charles (Pete) Con· rad, Jr. will make the United States' second man.ned lunar landlns, and once on the lunar surface in the Ocean of Storms, Conrad a.nd Bean will perform two televised moon walks. One of the walks will include an inspection of an unmanned Surveyor spacecraft that soft-landed on the moon in 1967. Fonner aslronaut Walter Shirra will asain join news correspondent Waltu Cronkite for CBS covcraae; newsman Frank Reynolds and Science Editor Jules Hersman will handle the chores for ABC; and Frank McGee will report from Cape Kennedy, with special reports from Chet H411tJey and David Brinkley for NBC's tot.al covcrqc of the mission. The double lu.nar wallc is one of several sipificant ditferences between Apollo Xll and its predecessor, Apollo XI. Another is the inclusion of color television cameras and equipment which, ii functioning according to NASA e~pectatioos, should make possible full color television 1ransm.issioos from the moon. Other chanses from the historic Apollo Xl mission include Navy-type ham· mocks that will permit Commanden Conrad and Bean to sleep an the lunar module. No such provision was made for the earlier Apollo lunar landina crew, and astronauts Armstrons and Aldrin spent an uncomfortable sleep period atop piecee of equipment in the cramped lunar module cabin. The first live color pictures from the command module arc scheduled to be shown Friday mornins approximately 3 houn into the space flight. The activity will be the transposition and doctins of the command module (code name: Clipper Ship) aod the lunar module (code name: Intrepid). _. 1 The followins schedule lists the major activities that will be covered by the networks, with approximate times. Regular reports on the milaloo will air dur· ins each network's scheduled newscasts, plus special bulletin reports when neoeasary. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 7:30 -9:00 AM 11:30-12:00 N TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 10:00-11:30 PM WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 2:00-7:00 AM 8:30 PM -1:30 AM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 5:30 -7:00 AM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 1:15 -1:35 PM MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Launch of Apollo XII. Onboard TV pictures. Lunar landing. First moon walk. Second moon walk. Lunar liftoff. Onboard TV pictures. 12:30 -2:30 PM Splashdown and recovery. In addition, reports on the p~ress of th• Apollo XII mlsalon will air durtns recularly sc:heduled n-sc:Hta and all untcheduled or un-anticipated n-dwelopmenta will be covered throuch apec:lal bull• tin reports where nac:"Hry. HESHIMU PLAYS HIS FIRST LOVE SCENE Many actors spend their en- tire careers without the oppor- tunity of playing a love scene. Not so for Heshimu, the young black actor who co-stars as student Jason Allen in Room 222, 20th Century-Fox Tele- vision's new half-hour comedy- drama hit on ABC, Wednes- days at 8: 30 PM. Heshimu, 19, who was born Arlington Banks and changed his name when fellow mem- bers of the Performing Arts Society of Los Angeles dubbed him with the Swahili title, which means "brave young warrior," gets his fi rst chance to play a love scene in the "Triple Date" episode of 222. The object of his attraction is Brenda Sykes, playing a fel- low student at Walt Whitman High, in which Room 222 is centered. In the segment, Heshimu and Howard Rice, who plays student Richie Lane, conspire to outwit Brenda's father so Jason can win a date with her. Lloyd Hanes, Denise Nicholas, Michael Constantine and Karen Valentin~ star in the award-winning series, which is produced for 20th Fox TV by Gene Reynolds . • • • Roeey Griu, who wlll be featured M Gabe Cooper on NBC TV's "Daniel Boone" ttries, wu Mlled by an lntentewer bow macb he weiched. Tbc former pro footWI Ital', who dps the ICalcs cloee to 300 pounds, quipped. "•bout two." 1be Interviewer then queried, "Two wh•t'l" Grier shot back, "Too much." • • • Susan Saint James, star of NBC's "The Name of the Game.'' says she has always followed her father's advice. It was he who told her she should get her teeth straightened, and should learn to speak French. Her father was with her when she won her EmmY. award. His advice, as she stood to go and accept it, was "Don t forget-stand up straight!" • • • Bubu1a Eden, mr of NBCTV's "J Drum of Jeannie," sets la tbe aeiahborbood of 2,000 lettcn • month from Gia In Victum. Mott of the writen uk f« • "scale picture." • • • •SINGERS• WRmRS SONG & POEM COMPOSER OF "HIT" SONGS NOW REVIEWING RECORDS -CONTACTS-EXPOSURE .., ................ t ...... ' , ... , Mf.tlt4 ., ..... Jtll W. It. Ame Pl .. S... AM lt27t4t. ..... 11 'TONIGHT' AT EIGHT Johnny Carson, star of NBC's Tonight Show, stars in a comedy special, "Johnny Carson's Reper- tory Company in an Even ing of Comedy," Wednesday at 8 PM on NBC. Joining Carson, in an eveJling that promises to be something very dif- ferent in the way of tele- vision specials, is George C. Scott, Maureen Staple- , ton, Marion Mercer, John- ny Olson and Bud Robin- son. JULIE'S BACK • Julie Andrews will have Harry Belafonte as her special guest when she headlines her second special in color Sunday at 9 PM on NBC. The program was choreographed, produced and staged by multi-award w inning Gower Champion. PAINTINGS COME ALIVE Star-host Jonathan Winters and guests Dick Smothers and Michele Lee bring the paintings of famed illustrator Norman Rockwell to life in comedy and music during ''Norman Rock- we 11 's America," a musical variety spe- cial on NBC, Wednes- day at 10 PM. ANIMATED AalON Animated editions of Bill Cosby as a boy (left) and his little brother, Russell, are featured in the f irst cartoon special based on Cosby's monologue characters, "Hey, Hey; · Hey-It's Fat Albertl" on NBC, Wednesday at 7 :30 PM. Also fea- tured are animated versions of Fat Albert and Old Weird Harold. •est PM ~ed :md :ion •Ck- a pe- 1es- o ns boy ttle are first sed gue iey; · trtl" day Fea- 1ted bert old. If someone~ 8* me (but no one •> I wouk1 lave to •Y 4hlllt Cbe 10 shows listed bek1w are my tavorlUls on the telly. Before you go calling me D8.Dles, remember the Hst 1epreaents only one man's opinion. Here d>ey are: Numel"Q On&-Rowan and Martin; The FBI, (2); Dean Martin. (I); ~ (4); Lucy, (I); Mod Squad, (I); Room m, (7); HawaJi Flve-0, (8); Governor and J. J., (t), lmd BID ca.by, (It). 1be simjlte reasons for -these selections go iHice Chis: Rowan and Martin are in tlDle with die times. Maybe even ahead of the times. The brWlt people who comprise the alSt are invariably a joy to watx:b. The FBI and Efrem Zimbalist have olass. Deen Martin has marisma. I rmside possesses a <tower of strengodl in Raymood Burr. In addition, he is cast as a man who uniquely uses bnlins rather than brawn to solve his cases and bring the evildoers to inevitable justice. Lucy, in the person of Lucille Bail, is a comedienne ol overpowering skW RICH and Gale Gordon. the perfect foa. Lucy · is one of the few around that oan stliH make slapstick appear hilarious. Mod Squad frequently comes up with stories far aboY'e average. Even when it doesn't, l:he relationship between the four principals, Clarence Williams Ill, Peggy Lipton, Michael Cole and Tige Andrews, as the poHce captain, manages to make the pro- ceedings interesting. Room m ls written with such clarity, subtle touches and good caste that whUe you Invariably get the "mesaqe'' concemlnc tbe dQlnp at Walt Whitman, the integrated blgb school that ls lbe locale of the dramas, ~ are Immensely entertalDed wtUJe doing 90. Hawaii Five-0 is escapism pure and simpJe. And who beset with the numerous problems of today doesn't enjoy escaping ror an hour? The Governor and J .J. each week presents humor of dte bet- ter type, including some crackling one-liners whidl often follow each other in great profusion. Bill Cosby. Well, what can I say about this magnetic man that a:Jready hasn't been said better? Bracken's World. Here we have another escapism piece hugbt Witt1 enough sptce 1X> make it interesting viewing. Plus beautLfuf people and a Javbtl production. * * * Now let's try a people list on for size. People appearing ln au seascm's new series. R®ert Young, as Marcus Welby, M.D. -Best male series lead. Jdln Forsythe of To Rome With Love -Best performance, light C<>ffiedy. Leslle Uggams -Most magnetic star of a new series. Too bad she's up against Bonanza. Indifferent ra(dngs hardly tell the story here. Ralph Bellamy of The Survivors -Projects the strongest im- age. Daisi Dalley and Julie SOmmars -Best new sltuaUon comedy team for tbelr wort in Tbe Governor amd J.J. Monte Markham of Mr. Deeds Goes to Town -A very refreshing personality. Probably the least appreciated star around. Peter Haskell al Bracken's World-Most promJsing new maJe series regular. Pamela. Rodgers of L...P.ln -Most pro,nlstng new lemme variety sbow performer. Best new "integrated star" (now l:here's a category!) - Lloyd Haynes of Room 222. Worst actor and actress in a new series -You'll never team their names here. I got enough enemies already. M .. ter Ft1rrier Sl..ee 1933 SAVll BITt' DlltECl'I M.JACQUes DISl6NIH AND MANUllACTUIRS 011 WORLD'S fllNUT NIS H PAIMION ISLAND N•WPORT 1aACN (714) '4MMI FIRE SCREEN ·SPECIALISTS CUSTOM MADE SCREENS -5 DAY SERVICE Be.tutiful decorative colors in many finis hes. Wide selection of GAS LOGS. FREE Estimates given. (Since 1920) SANTA ANA TENT _ .. AWlllB co. 2202 S. MAIN -545-0491 SANTA ANA A GRAND ALLIANCE On Thursday night (7:30 PM) Fess Parker. Jimmy Dean and Rosey Grier debut as a trio in 20th Century-Fox Television's "Daniel Boone" series on NBC. The episode is titled. "The Grand Alliance," a tale of three men who help a shipless-pirate expose a planned invasion of American territory during the 18th century. The three things Parker. Dean and Orier have in common are: l. They arc 6'4 " tall, or over. 2. They all are actors. 3. AU three have made more than one hit record as a singer. Regarding number one. Dean is 6'4"; Grier is 6'5", and Parker is 6'6"-or, you might call them 19'3" of men! As for number two, all three fell into acting by accident. Parker was caught in a little scene in the now-old motion picture, "Them," by the late Walt Disney. Parker became Davy Crockett. and the rest is history. Both Dean and Grier whet their serious acting talents on the Daniel Boone series. Regarding the recording chores, Parker sold more than 3 million platters with Buddy Ebsen when they made "Bang Went OJ' Betsey!" Dean beat the million mark with "Big, Bad John." And Grier is a constant favorite with his "soul" records. THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. NOVEMBER 8, 1969 MORNING C:OO D 9 (I) a;) Today SMw (C) Fri· day. Special covera1e of pre-launch 1etiVities of the Apollo XII mission. Host Huah Downs reports live from Cape Kennedy. S:SS I Gift Us T1Ms Dq (C) 5:00 SunriM Se...ter (C) "Adven· tures in Mathematical Thinkinc" and "The Dynamic Earth: Principles of GeolOCY I." 6:30 8 Odyuey (C) Psychiatry and SO· cial action are studied. O Education Enhlnct (C) "The Stock Martet: Guidelines tor Gains Series." fJ Project Know-A..tricln Utera· tuft Before UM Ci'lll War: Host Is Dr. C. W. LaSalle II of Fordham University. m Educational Proar1ms APOLLO XII MISSION Tiii• MC011d M 1t11td ltmar landln1 1111Mn is sdltdulad fer lift-.ff at 1:22 AM, Friday. Tiit ApoOo 12 will carry astronauts Charla Con· rid Jr., Rldlard F. Gerdon Jr., and Alln L INn atop a llu11 Sltum Y rocllet on 1 lo-day mission, in· dlldln1 a 31 •,4.Uur my "' tht ... ., Ind two lllOOtl nib. All proCJ111111ln1 Friday Is SMbjtct to dlan&t for live co4of cowe111e of ttM Mnl OlpaM'a Clrtloft Caattt (C) ,.., (C) News/Stoel Mlf\tt @ Video Draut (C) Tiii• Flintstones (C) locilt Rotlin Hood (C) (}) Roay and Hi. Frlenda (C) Yow Mtntr's Wortll (C) Thurs. : Sdleol Ptop 1m1 VEliltMS DAY On Tuesd.ly, Nov .. btr 11, tilt Ytttrans Day Holiday, sdlool pro· er••• will not bt lllown on KCET, Qiannel 28, Ille tducatioftlJ tti. visiotl statien. 9:001J 0) 00 The Lucy SMw (C); Clptain Kancaroo (C) Friday. I @@ It Tall11 Two (C) LOVt That lob: Bob Cummings. Movie: See Daytime Movies. Jackie Joseph is hostess. I Debbie Drue D•rteefcizt (C) rm CV Jldl LI Linne (C) Unclerdo& (C) 9:25 0 ~@ m NBC News (C) TV t11nsmlsslon from space. I TMpo (C) Baxter Ward hosts. Slltriff Jolln (C) Travel Fllma (C); Persptdivt/ Str1tdl and Stw (C) Wed. only. fil) MEET US ON . • • * SESAME STREET For All Preschoolers tI) Snl• Street (C) (R) This en· lertainina educational proaram for presc.hool children uses animated cartoons and flve·actlon films. Short commerclal·like spot an- nouncements will "sell" letters of the alphabet and numbers instead of products. Rims will teach the concepts of objects' shape and body movement. Each show is tele· cast three times daily, Monday through Friday, and all five shows are repeated the following Sunday, beginnina at 10 AM. 11:55 0 9 Ci) m NBC Ntws (C) A r r r P "J o n ~~ 9:30 I ~ (j) 8ever1J Hillbillies (C) 12:00 11 lolllicl• (C): Apollo XII Report · QI@ m Coneentratlon (C) (Cj Frid!l:_ Live transmission. Movie: See Daytime Movies. 0 Q) ~ m You're Puttina Mt • Wtsttrn Star Thntrt On (C) Host Larry Blyden welcomes Movie: See Daytime Movies. Georae Maharls. John Forsythe, GU11bJ (C)/Guidepost; Public Emily Yancy, Brenda Vaccaro, Peggy Service films, Tues .. Thurs. Cass and Bill Cullen. @ CI) HIJden's H1ppeninc (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. 10:00 1J Andy Griffith (C); Lucy SIMlw 2s ~C~hns, (C) F rid2:_ Stock M 1rket Close 001 CBS N (C) Jo h B t' 0 Qt(!) m Salt of tht Ctfttury i An..., Griffith (C) 7: IWI aep en '· i Jack Kelly hosts. 12·30 v1 • ~@ m Tiie Today Sllow (C); Movie: See Daytime Movies. . . (j) As Bit World Turns (C) Apollo XII L111ncll (C) Friday. Frank Elltnce of Judaism, Tues.; R• @ m Dip of Our Livts McGee reports from Cape Kennedy. condllltion, Thurs. i) Macdonald Carey stars. Chet. Huntle~ and David Brinkley fB News/Stect MaBlt @ @ That Glr1 (C) ~=des:!c'~:i:rts from NBC tD @ SuollJ Today (C) :._~:cfu/~a~:h(~· I Eurcilt Wltlt Gloria (C) 10:15 II) World Talk, Mon.; ~.blic ~· Stoct Marklt An11ysis Mr. Wlallbont (C) lea. Wed.; Mr. Merdl1nd111na. Fn. 1:00 II ~ (j) low Is I Many Spltn· Fella tllt Cit (C) 10:30 IJ Qt (j) LCM of Lift (C); lltvlt'· dortd niln1 (C) Commodity/Stodl Report . ~Hlllblllitt (C) Friday. D @@ m The Doctors (C); PftEMIERE Slsalllt Strttt (C) • Q)@ m HOltpood Squartt Na111t D~ (C) frl. only. Created for preschoolers by th• ( ) Peter Marshall hosts. Guests are I rm (1) Dtn 111 HoUM (C) Children's TV Workshop, the pro· Jim Backus, Kent McCord, Cathy Puswont (C) aram uses animated cartoons. live· Garver. Carolyn Jones and Jack Office of the Pr9sidttlt. Mon., action film, The Muppets puppets Carter. featured reaulars are Wally Wed., Fri.; Pent*iiv•, Tues., Thurs. and gue.st stars to teach children. Cox, Abby Dallon, Paul Lynde and rED T1te Galloplnc Gounwtt (C) All five shows will be replayed Sun· Charley Weaver. 1:15 fI3 Educational Ft1tur11 days from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM. II) World of Women (C); Wild Ad· 1:301J Qjm The Guldln1 lllllt (C) 7:2511 Co111m11n1ty B11lletin Board (C) venture (C) Wed. only. 0 ti) 6 @m Anotlltr Wor1d (C) 7:301Jforeicn Ltrlonn1lre ll:OOllflt(j)wtltre tl11 H•rt Is (C) Ne" pe ormers joinin& the cast are fJ News/Ed Ntlton Show (C); 0 @@ m Jeop1rd1 (C) Art Edmund Hashim, Janis Young, Jinny Apolle XII llundl (C) Friday. Cover· Flemin& hosts.. O'Hara and Jeff David. are is anchored by commentator fJ T1te '•llopinc Clounnt t (C) 0 Flthtr Knows Best; Cooklna (C) Frank Reynolds and science editor ID Rot11ptr Room (C) , Wed. on.!l,. Jules Beraman. 11 :ZS 11 tm (j) CBS Nt ws (C) ,,, @ (1) a) Lers Mau a Dul O It Is Written (C); llblt story 11:30119 (j) Seard! for Tomorrow (C) i ~;~Y 0~~n~~~nctS (C) (C) Tues.., Thurs. 0 Qj @ m Name Dropptrt (t); -.. I Wonderama (C) Apollo XII Special (C) Friday. Cover· Technical Cornet' Bozo (C) aae of space maneuvers, inch.tdin& 1:50 II) faallions In Stwln& (C) Cl) CIS News (C) transposition and doc kin& of the 2:00 Qj ~ Secret SWrm (C) 1:00 IJ Qt (I) Captain llan11roo (C); command module (code name: Clip· @ 6 m Brl(trt PrH1ile (C) Apollo XJI Launch (C) Friday. Wol· per Ship) and the lunar module 0..r ulla M.S. (C) ter Cronkite Is anchorman for the (code name: Intrepid). @Ci)&) Newlywed Glmt (C) live covera1t, with former astronaut 8 Jollnny Gntnt (C) I lewt Lucy Walter Schirra as special analyst. Tiie Annlwerury Game (C); Apol· Hu111an Junllt 0 Uncle Walde Cartoons (C) lo XII Spe(l1I (C) Friday. On-board Co111modity/Stod Rtp0rt hp 14 2;30 IJ" ~"9 f.det of Nlpt (C) D 6 m lltetrs to L111&ti·I• i ary ens hosts. Girl Talk (C) @ CV@ Datin1 Gamt <C> Golden Shot Movit: See Day· time Movies. 1Ha.z9' (C) ft1blrt l:OO ta (I) GGIHI Py:e (C) Ira Yow Bet (C) Tom Kennedy hosts temporarily. Guests are Ed Bealey, Mickey Mannm and their wives. I ay Patrol @ &) Gtat(ll Hospital (C) 1lttr MOust (C) Bozo's Bi& Top .,. (C) Mr. Ind Mn. Nortll Ci) Matin•: Don Rodewald. • Matinee: Don Wilson. 3:30 LuclrJ Pair (C) Beth Brickell and Jonathan Harris (Mon.); Kathy Garver and Peter Haskell (Tues., Wed.); Beverly Garland and Dick Patterson (Thurs.. Fri.) O Mille Doup (C) Co·host is Shirley Jones. Ozzie and Harriet 61) (I)(!) Ont Lift To Un (C) HObo Kally (C) TV R11dm' Dlaest Ci) Popeye Cartoons (C) · Features & Ntws (C) Sea Hunt Tiit NaMd Trvtti (C) @ (1) aJ Dart sa..dows (C) My Fftoritt Martian Petar Gunn : The Fritndly Giant Movie: See Daytime Movies. Dfvofct Court (C) News (C) Bill Bonds. Robert W. Morpn ._ (C) Tiit Fllntst..nes (C) Tiit Munst.rs (3) hny M1ton l10fM Opera m MEET US ON. * SESAME STREET For All Preschoolers tI) Sesl111t Street (C) (R) See 7:00 AM listln1 for information. ~ (I) Tiie Flintstones (C) @!) EJ Dolor dt Anm ,m 1ew1tc11ect S:OO KNBC Ntwservlct (C) News (C) Tom Reddin. Flipp« (C) NtwS (C) George Putnam. Batman (C) ~ Jl•lllJ Tllomnon (C) Mdllle'a NIVJ Canto de Muico • Gilli11n'1 lallnd (C) Dr .. m Ho1111 (C) cm ma> oc ..... <C> flnclli Clnient Gllllpn's Island (C) S.nset Trails :~~~(C) Ci) News (C) Frank T11cy. • Vlrut1 y C1polln1 • Town Talk (C) 9 ) I y d Ir Ill ,, I., :k is )() :C> WHEN YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT • • • CALL ONE OF THE EXPE·RTS STEAM IT CLEAN I No shamPQO, brushing or soaking -1 -ssc1i01twrn:f ... 'Wlleft -• lun -t•lle tne dlr1 wltll w . THIS AD I Celt f~ a p,.. hti"""9 Teday! &.-_____ _. STEAM MASTER CARPET CLEANERS PH . 645-1313 -7 ••·-- _ CARPET a FURNITURE CLEANING For 1 C.ly Service and Quality Work . . . CALL STERLING FOi? BRIGHTNESS! 642...a520 W.e Buy, Sell for You or Trade-•-------------• 4U East 1 Jtll Coste M ... o ...... Dklr c ........ ASPHALT SEALING Ir PATCHIN• lt•INflfl•I • lndu. • Cemc'I Complete reasonable service Currently engaged by City of C.M. for street rest.pratlon. HATO CORP, Gell'1 Cet1trKten I Hl-1111 Service• Repaira General Repair Automatic transmissions. too! Peter ~Cflie99110nl Certlfl<'CI Mnler M 1c111nlc 2073 Harbor Costa MoH 642-6373 "What 's in a name?" Shakespeare once shrugged and the writers of the "Get Smart" series seem to agree with that attitude. The pea· pie surrounding Maxwell Smart are referred to as Chief and 99 but never by a "real'' name. , And now that the secret· agenting Sma rts are becom · \~ DIAMOND \y/ Cupei Cleaning "Champion" Method! • Soil retardent • Shampoes deep • Expert and guarantee~ Fr• est imate 645-1317 ~ lllGHTH SIDE ~CLEANING SllYICI t'AltP•TI & "UltNITUltll CL•ANINO, Deep pile Ir soil retardent method. Reas priced. Free est Coll 541-4134 ing parents in the episode airing on the CBS Television Network on Friday, Nov. 14, 7:30 PM, the problem of names once more--<>r, rath- er, twice more, since they'll be having twins--<;rops up. But so far, producer Chris Hayward has solved the prob· lem by avoiding it. "We prob· ably won 't give the twins first names until next season, just to maintain the suspense," he adds teasingly. LISTED BELOW! Patios • Walks • Priveways License · Reac:onablc Rates -Free Estimates - J . RAY COtllSTRUCTION 642-42' 0 or C 1> 4'2·2716 .,,..._ SPANISH CARVED DOORS Mirra-red Wardrobe Doors Stock Replacement Doors Spanish Hardware MILLWORK INSTALLATION 475 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach '7M12' SPEEDY PLUMalNG Furl'.'llce Repair &: Cleaning Quality work-Free estimates 24 hrs & Weekend work SM-2317 or 540-7217 Plant Nutrition Corrective Decor Industrlal-ResldentlaJ By Agriculturalist REASONABLE Call '42-1407 anyttm• for old Items in your garage, will store, a nd/or move. Let a small businessman pay atten- tion to your needs. Call John 536-6126 In reality the twins are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Everling of Long Beach, California. Mrs. Everling, who, like Agent 99 (played by Barbara Feldon) in the series, didn't expect twins, says her bat?ies got the parts In the show after she an· swered an ad in a Los Ange· les newspaper, wh ich, as it turned out, was a Smart move on her part. • • • Due to citations, 502, age, SR-22 ... Contact Ron Greenwood Insurance 545·5614 07 W. 1M 5t. c .... M ... LEARN TO TYPE Revolutionary 5-week Chilcoat Tvolne Course FREE DF.MONSTRATIONS every Wf'd. eve at 7 P.M . INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF RAPID LEAltNING 445 E. 17th St, Suite H Costa Mesa 548-0440 HELP WITH CHRISTMAS IDEAS '45-1400 Fqrmertv wilfl RCA Service Cnrp. JlllY CUIT15 ;."Th TY & A ...... M•'' 1.,.../ "'· 'I earn my money .. · and your confidence" TV Repairs IN YOUR HOME Piiotte 642·14Jl Goldie Hawn , of NBC·TV's Rowan and Martin's Laugh· In, figures she's really ar· rived. At a recent Hollywood party she got a kiss from El· vis Presley, only person to whom she·d ever years earli· er written a fan letter. • • • Cameron Mitchell, star of NBC-TV's The High Chapar- ral, has given up his search for the correct name of the bamboo in the garden of his Pacific Palisades home. He's named it CAMboo . Paa• 15 1SESAME STREET OPENS DOO RS Betweea Wrtb aad -ae fos. ball of all growth in human intelligence takes place; another 30% occurs between the ages of four aod eight So, two-thirds of a person's intellectual development occurs before he even begins his f onnal education. During the first four or five years of life a child's development is most rapid and most sub- ject to modification. During thiJ period, a child acquires the abilities oo which his later abilities will be bated. The Educational Policies Commission of the National Education Association recom- mended recently that "All children abould have the opportunity to go to school at public cxpenae beginning at the age of four." Just the thought of assuming the responsibility for putting some 12 million youngsters in preschool simply boggles the mind and would be prohibitive in cost. How then to reach these millions? On Monday, November 10 a significant experiment in the use of television as an educational and social medium debuts on National Educational Television. "Sesame Street," u the show is titled. premieres on KCET, Channel 28 and will air three times daily; Monday through Fri- day at 7 AM, 11 :30 AM and 4:30 PM. Then all five one-hour color shows will be repeated on the following Sunday of each week. beginning at 10 AM. If c'-oom spKe Is In abort supply across the country (and it is), there is cer- tainly NO shortage of television sets. More families own TV receivers today than have bathtubs, telephones, toasters, vacuum cleaners or subscribe to a daily newspaper. Even in households with less than $S,OOO annual income, 90% own a television set. And there is no shortage of viewers. The Nielsen Index indicates the average Ameri- can may watch u much as 42 hours a week of television during the peak viewing sea- son, and in homes with preschool children, television sets are turned on up to 54 hours each week. The ages from three to eight would be the time when television bas the least com- petition. The child's slate is relatively clean and almost any experience is new atRl absorbing to him. In the years before a child starU to read, when his horizon is still narrow and his curiosity boundless, that is the time when television could have a unique opportunity to contribute infor- mation and vocabulary skills. This bold experiment in educational pro- gramming is the result of the Children's Television Workshop division of National Educational Television. It has been funded through a partnership of Carnegie Corpo- ration, The Ford Foundation, the U.S. Of- fice of Education, and .everal other Fed- eral agencies which recognize that in an increasingly complex and sophisticated world, with its demands for highly stilled ..... 1. and talented persons. the continuing neglect of the ftnt tlve years of a person's life may be CJ>mpared to the waste of a precious natural resource. The Children's Tdeviaion Worbbop wu created with the •pPOintment of Mn. Joan Ganz Cooney, a pra.e--wioning producer of documentaries for New York's educational television station (and more recently the Carnegie Corporation's 1V consultant), u its Executive Director. Assistant Di.rector of the Workshop is Robert Davidson, also a former producer. Executive Producer ~ Wlalmllcol "1norvtrotk>n1 ol llttu• llNI ,._.. b.n will ~ conll»ct«l "1 /lwJ B•NOn'I M11~ p.11 . THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEE<, NOVEMBER 8. 1961 David D. Connell, fonner ~utive pro- ducer of one of the few high quality abows for children on television today, Captain Kangaroo. Raeardl Diredor Edward L Palmer is one of the few social acientists in the nation who has preyiously studied the tele- vision habits of young children and the medium's impact upon them. To thia group was added a 13-man board of professional educators, child development experts, psy- chologists, reaearcbers and communicators who advised the staff on the creation of the aeries. The show will have a magazine format composed of abort segments, designed to bold the child's attention. Such things u abort story readings, puppet dramas, and short films will be alternated with perhaps up to 3S minutes of cartoon-like animation in each hour. Because many children learn to read by the repetitive use of TV advertising. the aeries will use one-minute spots, speciaUy created for The Work.shop, as a device to teach letters and numbers, ideas and concepts. Name stars will make guest ap- pearances, and there will be several contin- uing principals, both men and women-- black and white. Pace, humor, and repeti- tion will be the guiding principals in the production of the program. The series will use live-action film ex- perimentally and creatively to take children on trips, help them see things new ways, and have experiences they might not other- wise have. The problem of how to 'et disadvantaged children to watch is considered the major problem of The Workshop. Special pro- motional campaigns have been mounted in major cities across the country. The children's Television Workshop is an experiment with vast possibilities. At the very least it will provide an entertaining. intelligent alternative to much of the TV fare available to children today. To the children watching at home, it can offer a stimulating way of expanding their horizons and learning certain basic skills. To children watching in classrooms, day care centers and special home viewing groups. it can provide creative teaching material for use by an adult present. Pert.p1 tbe molt v.Juable, exciting uao of the program will be as a supplement to Head Start and other nuraery school classes. The child watching Sesame Street may find in it a vital reinforcement of what be bas learned in the classroom. Also the intellec- tual achievement gap between the disad- vantaged and middle-<;lass child can be substantially narrowed. The potential benefits of a series like Sesame Street are incalculable. By using the most powerful, omnipresent medium in our culture in a new way, we may be fl.nal- ly utilizing television to its fullest capabili· tics, and perhaps creating a new American institution-a wall-Im nation-wide nurtery school. I 0- Yll in ia le e· le lp al y- in of at to aa ld ps )Q x- ~n rs, :r- !d or 0- in is Oe g, v lD :ir ls. 1y lg 18 !le to :s. ad u C• d- )C TUESDAY NOVEMBER' 11 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O '1..ady for a Nlpr' (drama) '42-Joan Blondell. John Wayne. 9:30 D "Hip, Wldt and Handsome" (drama-musical) '37-lrene Dunne, Randolph Scott. m "Tiie Iron lbjer'f (drama) '43 -flat O'Brien, Robert Ryan, Ruth Warrick. 10:00 B "CenUemen'• Aartemenr• (dra· ma) '47 -Greg()fY Peck. Dorothy McGuire, John Garfield. 12:00 0 "Too soon To Die" (mystery) '57-Richard Basehart. Anne Ban· croft. Sebastian Cabol 2:30 B "A Double llf•" (drama) '47 -Ronald Colman, Shelley Winters. 4:30 8 (C) "Journey to Ult Center of Tlme" (sci-fl) '67 -Scott Brady, Gigi Perreau. r V F N I N (; 5:00 0 TOM REDDIN SAYS: *"TODAY'S KIDS DON 'T KNOW HOW TO READ!" WHY? 6:00 fl l lf Ntw1 (C) (60) Jerry Dun· phy. CJ i?:' Huntl.,·l rlnllley (C) (30) 0 ROBIE PORTER & * ALLAN SHERMAN ARE STEVE ALLEN 'S GUESTS TONIGHT! 0 SMt Alltn Show (C) (90) Guests are Robie Porter, Helen Fu· nai, Allan Sherman and Harry Golden. 0 Six O'Clock Movie: (C) "S.1 ind tlle Sinai• Girl" Part II (com· edy) '64 -Natalie Wood, Tony Curtis, Henry Fonda, l.luren Bacall, Mel Ferrer, Fran Jeffries. Le'1ie Par· rish, Edward Everett Horton. To boost circulation, the editor of a scandal magazine attacks the r~· utation of a research psychologist. I Die• Vin l>Jkt (30) Peyton P11ce (30) stir Trell (C) (60) CI) Mlkt Dou1l11 (C) (90) Whit's New? (30) "Cer Mu· seum." I Cl) CIS News (C) (30) Tiempo cit rtrdon (30) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:301 llNIC NtwWVlce (C) (60) • Tiie Qamt Qamt (C) (30) To Tell the Trvtll (C) (30) I Office ol Ult Prllldeot (30) fD lnterf1ce (C) "Cross-Channel 00 H11ntle,·l rfnkle, (C) (30) Hovercraft" Crisis of Modem Man (30) "Is @I) Prttaltft! (2 hr) There a New Morality?" The late 9:00 IJ ~ 00 i?:' NIC Tuad1J Mov· Bishop James Pike aives his views. le: (C) "&o,, Did I Qet I Wrona Host is educator Or. Frederick Number!" (comedy) '66-8ob Hope, Mayer. Elke Sommer. Phyllis Diller, Mar· (j) Tiie Munltefa (30) Jorie Lord, CeS1re Oanova. The star Notidet0 34 (C) (60) is chased over hill, dale and bub· . Nftl (C) (30) ble bath by his wife, his maid, and 7:00 CBS &enln1 News (C) (30) the police in this tunny mlsadven· Whit's My Line? (C) (30) ture. ~!:' ~,,~O)(C) (30) 11 SPECIAL! IN COLOR! Com~itJ/stock Report (30) * SINGERS JOE WILLIAMS, 00 Branded CC> (30) JOANIE SOMMERS AND • Ahor1! (30) THE FOUR FRESHMEN Ci) Trutll or ConMquenca (C) STAR TONITE ON CH . 5 (30) 0 S1tewcaM 5 (C) (60) Joe Wil· m Islands In the Sun (C) (30) Iiams. Joannie Sommera, and The a> That &kl (C) <30) Four Freshmen star. * IN 2 HOURS! JOE m LlP~ctAtl Let Ult Word 60 * WILLIAMS SPECIAL! Forttl ( > (60) A reconstruction of 7:30 8 9 Cl) llncer (C) (60) Jelly America's fight for Independence Hoskins, in Stockton to help Scott from the British, utillzinf 1 series select a bull for Murdoch Lancer. of paintings, etchings, newspaper is talked into purchasine a strange. clippings. and other graphic ma· lookint creature at a circus auction. terials. Narrated by Ronald Reagan. 1J ~ 00 i?:' I Dream of Jeannie 9:30 (C) (30) "Jeannie and the Mad 111'111 GOVERNOR & J J Homewrecker." Jeannie's magic and lll;ll • • Tony's guile are needed to avoid * HIT OF THE SEASON a well· meant gift. Mlchael Lipton R Qj (j) Tht 6overnor and J. J. guests. (C) (30) George Cllllson becomes e HOGAN'S HEROES apprehensive about I forthcomln( * AND MEANY COLONEL fliaht when Purvis, the rovemor's pilot. appears upset by an arau· KLINK JOIN FORCES ment with his girlfriend. Robert Do ON STUMP THE STARS! Qui 1uests. e Stu•p the Stirs (C) (30) Wer· I """ (C) (30) Baxter Ward. Kl L H • d He Said, She Said (C) (30) ~~ert e~~r~u.;rry ov1s an 10:00 Qi Ci) 60 Ml~utn (C) (60) 0 (i1) (DQ) Mod Squid (C) (60) Harry Reasoner, Mike Wallace. "ConTrOntation." A black student O "KIDS DON 'T LEARN Is found slain on campus at State * TO READ " SAYS TOM College. Simon Oakland guests. REDDIN •WHAT'S 0 MUllon $ MO¥it: (C) "Hot Rods • to Hell" (drama) '67-Dana Andrews, THE ANSWER? WATCH! Jeanne Crain. A family operating I m News (C) (60) a desert motel Is threatened by a @ 00 iaJ Mucus Welby, M.D. group of juvenile delinquents. ( ) "The Vrahnas Demon." Frank I Truth or ConMqutnm (C) (30) Silvera guests as an acing but Judd for UM Deftnae (C) (60) lusty Greek·Americ1n fisherman who Ttdlnical Corner (30) refuses to change his life ~It Tht Ctty Watchtfs (C) (60) when Or. Welby informs him ht h11 Chudlo tf 'foto (30) emphysema. 1:00 Q) 00 i?:' DIM»lt lteynoWs (C) • Detlll (C) (60) (30) "To and From Rus$a With ''"' Maon (60) Love.'' Conclusion. Debbie Is tricked : HoMewood (C) (60) by secret agents Into leading them 10:30 • Crlstlnt 6uim1n (30) to foreign defectors she and Jim 11:00 D 0 m News (C) are hiding. Nita Talbot. Fabian AHrtd Hltdlcock Dean guest. • Movie C1• (C) SonJTY Fox. 11 Jlci l tnnJ (30) Mel Blanc Oltitr ll•its guests. 1 CI>@ (i) 9 (() Ntwl <C) I Queen for a Day (C) (30) : Rn p n flftu Conftrenct 1r. a er .. , Llf• (30) · nm News <C> Chucho Avell1net (C) (30) 11 :30 Merv Griffin (C) 1:30 Qi) (j) Red Skelton (C) (60) • 6 i?:' Johnny Clraon (C) M11urlce Tvans and Oliver guest. 0¥it: "Tiie Sword of Monte 0 @ 00 i?:' Julia (C) (30) '1ie lt9" (adventure) '51 -George Wolf." Julie unties a few knots to Montromery, Paul Corday. keep peace at homt and In the B Movie: "Tiit DiarJ of Anet office. Paul Winfield guests. fr1nk" (dram1-bloar1phy) '59 -0 Win WIUI Ult stan (C) (30) Joseph Schlldkraut. Millle Perkins, Ann Miiier and James Damn guest. Shelley Winters. D @ (])al AIC Movie of tfle Q) Movlt: "Hhfden Homlddt" WMll: "The SclY Killer" (suspense) (mystery) '59-Grltflth Jones. Maye '69-Robert Horton. Sebastian Clbot, Koumanl. Jill St. John. The life of an ex· 12:00 m Movie: "f ront-Patt Story" British Secret Service agent is (drama) '53 -Jack Hawkins, Eva threatened when he becomes In· Bartok. valved in a plot centering around 1:00 8 Movlt: "lerlln £Jltwtta" (adven· a mysterious notebook. ture·mystery) '48 -Robert Ryan. I Dnlcl Frost (C) (90) I D News (C) Tiie II& Valley (C) (60) eGuntry Music Timt (C) Sa(tbrlllll Thtltre (60) 1:15 CommunltJ lulletln Board (C) WANTED IOYS & GIRLS AGES 3 TO 19 to Audition on Cloud Ch-cult Television end Qualify for HOLLYWOOD TALENT POOL llANDON CIUZ Brandon Cruz joined the talent pool, and five months · later signed • five year contract with M-G-M. Now he can be seen each week et 8:00 Wednesday ev• nings on "Courtship of Eddie's Father:' CAN YOUR CHILD QUALIFY? ,0 • .,. •• ON-CAMllA AUDITION CALL (714) 547-625'1 Talent Search Being Conducted by TAKE 1 PRODUalONS HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. ,... 17 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 12 for mornlnc and afternoon llttlnp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for yow convenience, are the ct.1'1 movies. All sta- tion& ......-ve the right to chance proeramming with· out IClnnce notice. ptYTIME MOVIES .... "he luMflpw Ind tile ~ ;:m•) '50 -Robert Steck, Joy ~2r;.., Ht1rt1 Were Growlna Up" S'm1nce) '46 -Gall Russell, Di· 1111 Lynn, Jemes Brown. m "Vice Vena" (comedy) '48 - ROcer lNes8y, Anthony Newley. lO:tO D .. Dldlr In lAwt" (comedy) '62 -=Michael Cr1lg, Virgini1 Maskell. 12:00 n ... :.. llood" (western) '51-em Wllllems, J1ne Nigh. 2:JO 0 "Mlrldt In IM Rein" (drama) ·~J1nt· Wyman, Van Johnson. 4:3011 "Plrftttt" (comedy) '54 -J1ek Lemmon, Judy Holiday, Kim Novik. f V f NIN C 5:00 B 16THEY AREN'T LEARN-* ING TO READ IN THE SCHOOLS!" SAYS TOM REDDIN TONIGHT. 6:00 1111& NIWI (C) (30) Jerry Dunphy. D m Huntlty·lrlnklty (C) (30) D TONY MARTIN ANO * POLLY BERGEN STAND BY WHILE STEVE GETS BODY PAINTED TONITEI 1J S1lve Allen Sllow (C) (90) Guests are Tony Martin, PollY Ber· gen and Jackie Curtiss. 0 Sia O'Ctock Movie: "Tiie Fntut Cun AJlwe" (western) '56 -Glenn Ford, Jeanne .Crain, Broderick Crew. ford, Russ Tamblyn. A peaceable weatern stor&keeper tries to escape his reputation as a fast aun. • Dick VH DP• (30) Peytotl Pl1ee (30) Sbr Trel (C) (60) rn Miu Dolltt&s cc> <90> : Wi1r1 New? (30) Ci) CIS Ntw1 <C> (30) flt11po di hrdon (30) • News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 DIC Newllmct (C) (60) Tiie c ... ,,.. (C) (30) To T .. I die Truth (C) (30) Office of die President (30) CI> HuntltJ·lrlnklty (C) (30) : Guttn l•& (30) Cf) ne Munat.B (30) Noticltrt ~ (C) (60) • Ntw1 (C) (30) 7:00 CIS Ewenlna News (C) (30) • wt11rs My Linet (C) (30) I love Lucy (30) ltlt tlM Clock (C) (30) Co•lllOdltJ /Stl>dl Report (30) Ci) Alteric1! (C) (30) : AiiOn! (30) Cf) Truth or Constquencn (C) (30) . 01.f:NN FORD TllB IUTEIT GUN ALIVE mmnu KABC·TV THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 8, 1969 m W1nder:ust (C) (30) D TONITE! DIANA ROSS al Thlt 81r1 <C> (30) * Supremes-Temptations 7:30 IJ ta()) Glen C.mpbell (C) (60) Do MOTOWN Orig. Cast Tony R1nd1ll, The Lennon Sisters Album "ON BROADWAY" i nd singer Willie Nelson RUest. D @ 00 m i l!ICIA I Hey, a ~ 00 m I I Jlcili I Dlau Hey, Hq-H's flt Albert (C) (30) Ross 1nd TM Supremes Ind The An anlmate1 comedy based on char-Te111ptltion1 on l roadwlJ (C) (60) ters created by Bill Cosby in Miss Ross and other Motown re. which the "Tackle Championship of cording stars interpret popu:ar the Whole World" hangs in the Broadway melodies of past and ba'ance when flt Albert backs out present and appear in two musical· of a football aame betwetn Cosby's comedy sketches. neiahborhood team and the 10-fool· B Wre.Uin& (C) (60) tall Green Street Terrors. @OOa> AIC Wedntsd1y Movie: (C) "Rice" (drama) '6&-D HOGAN 'S HEROES Glenn Ford, Stella Stevens. A guilt· * DECLARE WAR ON ridden physician, staying at an iso· STUMP THE STARS lated construction camp in the Mitx· REGULARS TONITE! ican desert, is bitten by a rabid O stunip the stirs (C) (SO) Wer· dog and has only 48 hours to reach a medical center. ner Klemperer, Larry Hovis and fI1) lnternitioni l Migulne (60) Robert Clery _!!Jest. U @CVIW The flying Nun (C) ~~~~h.~ycle of life-from Birth to (30) "Hector and th~ Brass Bed." An antiques dealer decides Sister m Sylvia y lnrlque (60) Bertrllle and the nuns. have put a 9:301 News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. hex on him because of liis bad He Slid, Site Slid (C) (30) luck nfter he trades them a donkey Rawtlide Roundup (60) for a valuable antique bed. 10:00 ti 9 (j) H1w11i Five 0 (C) (60) 0 Million $ Movie: (C) ''Welcome McGarrett seeks a university stu- to H11d Tl11111" (adventure) ·~1-dent who needles the establishment Henry Fondc:, Janice Rule, Keenan by stealing the royal robe of King Wynn, Lon Chaney. Kamehameha. Brandon de Wilde Judd for tllt Defense (C) (60) a @ 00 m I s;t~IAL I Norman I TruUI Of Consequenca (C) (30) guests. Technical Corner 130) Rockwell's Amerlc1 ( ) (60) Fam· Joyu Chen Cooks (30) "Peking ous lllustraticns by Norman Rock· Duck I." well spring to life in comedy and @!) Chutho ti Rote (30) $Ong by Jonathan Winters, Dick 1:00 0 @ Ci) m I shtC!1' I Johnny Smothers and .Miche"e Lee. Rock· C1rson'1 Repertory . (C) (60) well and surprise guests are lea· George C. Scott, Maureen Stapleton lured, and Marian Mercer join host Johnny IJ WHAT'S THE SOLUTION? Carson in a collection of comedy * "TODAY'S KIDS CAN'T sketches and poignant scenes. 8 hell 1tnny (30) READ!" TOM REDDIN @ (VIQ') The Courtship of Ed· TELLS IT LIKE IT IS! dte's Flthlf (C) (30) "Gentleman Im News (C) (60) Friend." Eddie is sure the world Delli! (C) (60) will come to an end when Mrs. Peny Muon Livingston announces she will mar· RIWhide Roundup (60) ry and go to Tokya to live. Specul1tion (C) (60) A oonver-1 Queen for a DJJ (C) (30) sation with Leslie C<iron an'd her Willi1111 Ten (30) husband Michael Laughlin. The Fonyte ~I• (60) (R) @m C.rcef di Mujeres (30) m hwpactos Muste1ln (30) 10:30 EE Cristin• liuzm1n (30) 8:30 ti 9 (j) Tiit Beverly Hillbillies U ·OO 0 0 OJ News (C) (C) (30) Guest Sam.my Davis J!. · Alfred Hitchcock meets the Clampetts in New York s • Movie Sime (C) Sonny Fox. Central Parll, where they are set· Outer Umi1s t~ing after "buying" it lrom a con-(]) 131'6'INK1T1 News (C) frdence man. . 1..u..i 14!1 U!J D SEE HIGHLIGHTS OF '. ;g~u;."~ <~~> (60) (R) *WHAT HAPPENED IN 11:306Qj(j)Merv &:rlHln (C) Mrs. RAM/49er GAME Sunday! Rose Kennedy will make a rare D Rims Hlp ligtits (C) (30) Taped i ecial guMt appearance. highlights of Sunday's aame be· · QJ ~ m '!hnny _C1rson (C) tween the Rams and the San Fran-Movie: (C) Min 1n 1 Cocbd clsco 49ers. • Jt'' (comedy) '60 -Peter Sellers. fJ (]1)@1tl) Room 222 (C) (30) Terry-Thomas, Luciana Paluui. "Triple Detlt." Jason is hurt when 0 @00&> Joey l lstlep (C) he proves unacc&ptable to his date's 0 Movie: (C) "East of £.dtn'' (dra· middle class, conservative father. ma) 'SS-James Dean, Julie Harris. Howard Rice, Heshimu, and Brenda OJ Movie: "The M1n I M1nled" Sykes are featured. (drama) '40 -Joan Bennett. Lloyd I Dntd Frost (C) (90) Nolan. The I I& V1lley (C) (60) 12:00 m Movie: "Annlt Oakley" (west· S111bnntl Tht1tre (60) ern) '35--ijarbara Stanwyck, Pres· ti) Sonrisn (30) ton Foster. 9:00 IJ Qi (j) Medical Cent« (C) (60) 1 :00 ti Mtvie: (C) ''A Bullet Is Wilt· The pregnancy of the teenage In(' (drama) '54-Jean Simmons. daughter of a university professor Rory Calhoun, Stephen McNally. complicates a kidney lnJury from ID M... (C) an auto accident. Brooke Bundy COuntry Music Tl•t (C) guests. 1:15 Co1111wunlty lutlttin lolnl (C) t ' I I ) I• r d y !· I· :- d h I) 0 I) J. it Ii le '" ,. k· 1d ;k (· )· ., r- er ·s. re ) ed rs, ·a· is. d" yd st· ~ It· lS. C) A· T • T ·E•N· T ·l·O·N IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED1 TRIUMPH SPRITE • SPITFIRE AUSTIN HEALEY· GT6 SALES & SERVICE Alw•y• a-large selection of new and used cars. FRITZ WARREN·s SPORT CAR CENTER 710 E. First St., SA 547-0764 THINK 11~ S.. and Drive them During our Model Clearance Sale· on NOWl HERB FRIEDLA~D£R 13750 Beach Blvd., Wmstr. 537-6824 ORANGE COUNTY'S ITllOl[Y)[Q][J~ DEAN LEWIS IMPOITS 1966 Har:bor, C.M. 646-9303 HEADCi)UARTERS " ... ..e.ct• ., -& .... .. .c.tlll• & .._....._ ,,...... .nc• fw lm!Mfi.r. ....... .,.,. OPELS GALORE! H ... 1., .. ,_, ef New 6 U--4 Op.la .. pric-4 te Mii l••dlatetf TERRY BUICK YOUR BEST SPORTS CAR BU . :::-;: I r.·~ ~ALI FORNI~ SPORTS· CARS 901 E . ht s,., S.A. I and Z IMPORTS ...... ......... ........ ........ Dehfy PACTOIT AUTNOllZID HALD COMPLETE FOREIGN CA1l SERVICE 410 MAIN HUNTINGTON BEACH 536-4292 Your Authorized VW - Porsche O.•ler in the HarborArH ' ~amo of tho Lovo Bug ' Specl•lt 445 l . C..-Hwy. ..... Dme,N.I. 67J-ttt0 14f·HJ1 nt. U m . Mlill SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport I mport1 11 Your kind of pl•ce. Your Authorized • Austin America large stock of used Porsche• Jags, MG'1, Austin HHley1, etc. J1rtL1pon 3Hn µ o rt ~, 100 W. Coast Hwy., N.8 642.MOS, 540-1764 ~ In the llarbor Area the Econimy One for the Quality millled. IMMERMAN DATS 2145 Herbot', Cotta MeH 540+110 ....... USE CHRISTMAS SEALS FlllT TUBERCULOSIS EMPHYSEMA AIR POLLUTION AllWER YOUR CHRISTMAS IEAl LmER TODAY ------1 PUBLIC NOTICE I llNDIAN LANDI I LEASEHOLDS ON THE I CALIF. SIDE OF THE I COLORADO RIVER I I The Colorado River Indian I Nations have released 11 lh I miles along the Colorado I River, overlooking the river and the islands , for sale as I leaseholds, with privilege of I resale or sublease. extend· I ing to 2029 A.O. (No sal es I in fee simple) Average rental: $9 monthly I after purchase of leasehold. I Access from State Highway I to all parcels. Map and form I you need for filing sent with· out charge. SOLE AUTHOR· I IZED AGENT for award of I leaseholds: Penn Phillips I Lands, Inc. I -----1,.nn Phillips Landa, Inc. 1 742 N. Loren Ave., Dept. 1VW 1·11 Azuu, Callfoml• 91702 I I Please send me the map and form needed to obtain an I Indian Leasehold on the I Colorado River. I f'IAME ADDRESS __ I CITY -I -I I 9TATE ____ ZIP ___ , ~"...__---~----------..... 20 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13 For mornln1 and afternoon ll1tln11, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tion1 reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 (C) "f'll• of Araby" (adven· ture) '52 -Maureen O'Hara. Jeff Chandler. 9:30 0 "Miu TaUock's Milllona" (com- edy) '48-John Lund, Wanda Hend· rix. m "Diary of I Cbambtrm11d" (dra· ma) '36 -Paulette Goddard, Bur· 1ess Meredith. 10:00 B (C) "The Mont. Carlo Story" (comedt) '57 -Vittorio de Sica, Marlene Dietrich. 12:00 IJ "Ghosts on tht Loos.'' (mys· tery-comedy) '43-East Side Kids, Bela Lurosi, Ava Gardner. 2:30 B "Mr. Peabody and the Mtr· •aid" (comedy) '48-William Pow· ell, Ann Blyth. 4:30 ti (C) "Quinta" (western) '57- Fred MacMurray, Dorothy Malone. £VfNIN(, 5:00 IJ REDDIN HAS MORE *TO SAY ABOUT WHY KIDS TODAY DON'T LEARN TO READ!! 6:00 ti ~ News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntlty·Brinkley (C) (30) 0 STEVE CAN'T PUNCH * HIS WAY OUT Of A PAPER BAG; BUT HITS WITH A PUNCH LINE! p Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Andy Kim, Dom Deluise, Charles Nelson Reilly, and C. C. Ruku guest. 0 SO O'Clock Movie: (C) "Bad Day at Black Roell" (drama) '55- Spencer Tracy, Robert Ryan, Anne Francis, Dean Jagger, Ern&st Borg· nine, Lee Marvin. A man arrives in a town to reward the lather of a man who had saved his life in the war. His search for the father is met with silence and fear. Didi Van Dyke (30) Peybln Place (30) Star Trell (C) (60) 1 (1) Mille Dou11as (C) (90) : Wbafs New? (30) (j) CBS News (C) (30) · tltmpo dt "'don (30) • News (C) (60) Jack Hickey 6:30 KNIC Newservia (C) (60) • 11le Ga .. G111tt (C) (30) Tt T .. ttle T...a (C) (30) Office of ... Pruldttlt (30) @ H11ttley·lri1t•lty (C} (30) : Tiit Pmldetlt's Men, 1969 (C) ( 0) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 8, 1969 BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK SPENCER TRACY ERNEST BORGNINE LEE MARVIN ROBERT RYAN THURSDAY IN COLOR KABC·TV I Cl) 1\e Mi..,. (30) fD NET Pl.,._.. (C) (90) ''The- llt~ l4 (C) (60) 1tre America: New Theatre tor NIWS (C) (30) Now." 7:00 CIS Enttllll Nns (C) (30) 0 Mala J Estrella (C) (30) • .... • .., UM? (C) (30) 9:00 II ~ (i) cas Tllund•J Movie: I loft L*J (30) "MisLlf Tuddwlnt' (drama) '66- ltat Clle Cltcl (C) (30) James Garner, Jean Simmons, Anae· Co•llOditJ/stoek Rtpoft (30) la Lansbury, Katharine Ross, Su· Cl) TM A..tCJn Wat (C) (30) zanne Pleshette. A man sufferfn1 : MOral (30) from amnesia pursues a search for (J) Trlltll er Contaquencea (C) his ldent.l!Y. (30) 0 (i7J (])&)To• Jones (C) (60) m True Adventure (C) (30) 0) EiltO .. tr. (30) m nat 11r1 cc> (30> t:30 o ta oo m 0ra1ne• cc> (30> 7:30119 Cl) fa•ilJ Affair (C) (30) "D.H:O.-Missin1 Persons." Working Buffy andJody learn about F~nch's out of Detective Headquarters (D. birthday and plan a party for him H.Q.), set. Friday and G!nnon fol· -much to the discomfiture of the low llR unusual trail for a missing proper EA&lish gentletnan. Juvenile. 0 u 00 m D1nlel .... (C) I ..... (C) (30) Baxter Ward. (60) '1he Grand Alllance." Joah Ht S1id, Siie Slid (C) (30) 1nd Gabe 1re prused Into service Riwtllde Reunelup (60) by 1 Spanish pirate In a scheme to Muska! Ossart (30) foil a plot to take over the United 10:00 CJ ti) @ tE Dean M1r1ln (C) States. Cesar Romero and Armando (60) Guests are Paula Kelly, Dale Silvestre 1uest. Robertson, Peggy Lee, Paul Lynde U WERNER KLEMPERER and Morty Gunty. * IS COLONEL KLINK U ARE THE SCHOOLS ON TONIGHT'S GAME *TEACHING KIDS HOW OF STUMP THE STARS! TO READ? HEAR WHAT U Stal•P the Stirs (C) (30) Wer· REDDIN HAS TO SAY! ner mam. perer, Larry. Hovis and Im Nns (C) (60) Robert Clary auest. @@a> It Takes a Tllltf (C) 0 @ (I) ED ~ C~ and M~ ( ) "Payoff In the Piazza.'' Alex· Muir (C) (30) Sur~nse Party. ander Mundy's reputation with Carolyn plans a surprise party for con wom1n Charlene Brown causes the Capt1ln but how do you sur-her to stymie his rescue assi1n· prise a ahoat? .. ment of a Queen. David Opatoshu, 0 MHllon "$ Movie: (~) Honey· Rudy Solari. C1rfa Borelli 11nd John moon Hotel (comedy) 64-:-ffo~ert Russell, with special auest Susan M~rse, Robert Goulel Comphcat1ons Saint James as Charlene (Chuck) arise When ~ youn' bachelo~ ·~· Brown, are featured. rive at a Canbbe1n island which 1s fJ Defla! (C) (60) exclusively for newlyweds. fil) Tiie Advocates (C) (60) (R) I Trutll or Consequences (C) (30) g) Ctreet de Mujeret (30) Judd for Ult Defina (C) (60) TedlnlCll Center (30) 10:30 O> Crtstfn1 &iaaan (30) Tlltttre Beat (C) (30) "Slow 10:45 1J 9 Cl) I IJlc1lL I Apollo XII Dance on the Killin& Ground.'' Wil-Pfeview (C) Former astronaut Wal· !lam Hanley's play as performed ~ ter Schlrra and correspondent Wal· the lnalewood Playhouse. ter Cronkite report on the space @!) Cllldt el RetlD (30) mission, scheduled for llft·off to· 1:00 I) tjj. Ci) Jllll N•bors Hour (C) morrow at 8:22 AM. (60) Glen Campbell guests. 11:0010 0 al News (C) U Jack lennJ !30) AJffed Hltdtcock fJ @(I)Q) Tll•t Girt (C) (30) • NFl C11M of the Wnk (C) "Shake Hinds and Come Out Act· OutM Li11its · Ing." Hoodlums interfere when Ann (!) taJ 00 ta (I) Ntw1 (C) tries to help boxer Tony Harris : Ar111 $ptclll (C) "Chain Reac· study drama. Bi'ly De Wolfe and tion," a 12·mlnute ''Vlsu.al experf· Scoey MitchJll 1uut. ence," Is paired with "Rainy Day I Queen for 1 Dq (C) (30) Specl1I,'' an 18-minute satire on 8eo~ Jeatt Free Enterprise for Blacks. I If AL I Tiie 17111 Annu1I Old g) e;, (f) News (C) fiddlm Convention (C) (30} Pro· 11:3016 (J) Mm Grtnln (C) gram of lively country tunes by . ~ 00 m JollnllJ Caraon (C) fiddlers, banjo players and country MM: ''lost Horiton" (drama) bands, given at Berke'.ey's Civic '37-Rona'.d Colman, Jane Wyatt. Center. 8 CHl (}) Ql Joey llallop (C) Im fetidano! (C) (30) • Movie: (C) "Cood Momiftr. Miu 1:30 0 Q) (j) m lronalde (C) (60) Dove" (dr11ma) 'SS-Jennifer Jones, "The Machismo Bag." The rebelll-Robert Stack. ous son of a Mulean·American al Movie: "Blue, Wllltl and l'tr· . Con1tessional-Medal·of·Honor win· feet" (drama) '4Z -Mary Beth ner is suspected by police of Midi· Hughes, Lloyd Nolan. tious behavior. A. Rodrl(Uez and 12:00 m Morie: "Quert.t" (drama) '49 Vito Scotti 1uest. -Basll Radford, Irene Brown, Mer· B lo1~ (C) (90) ¥1!' Johns, Nora Swinburne. • @wm lewitdltd <C> (30) l:OO 11 Movie: .. S.btrdlJ'• Hm" Cdra· "Samantha's Secret Spell." Sam1n· ma) ·51:...John Derek, Donna Reed. th• has only a few hours to reverse I 0 ...., (C) a spell her mother put on Darrin, COntrJ Matk TIN (C) or by midnight he will be a mouse. 1:30 Couunlty lullttln ao.rd (C) I David frat (C) (90) 2:00 All-NlaM Show: "Wolves of tht n. 111 Valley (C) (60) Deep,'' "New Orleans After Dark,'' s.,..,,._ l'lleltrt (60) '1he Curse of the Ctylnr Woman." Rtlu...t.-cizOf carries tilt SEAL of tll1 flATIONWIDE CONSUMElt USTING INSTITUTE, Inc. e FREE! FvU color brochure te.Ua bow to redu« else of hlJM, walltllnt, \ummJ' and U1lsba. No eoet. No obllsatlon. Where's Your Waistline? What happened to your waistline? That tape measure juat can't be right. You don't need to loae wei~ht. Seema thoae aoft muaclea juat don t hold you in aa well aa they did when you were an active teenager. Yet -"hard work" exercises don't appeal to you either. Now-there•a a wa7! Now there's a way to reduce the size of that wander- ing waistline that doesn't require a whit of work. Relax-A-eizor exercises and tonea this area while you rest, read or watch TV •.. at home ! Reduce Size of Ripe. tool Worried about your hips! Relax-A-eizor re- duces aize of hips, tummy and thighs as well. Takes a11 little u 30 minute11 a day! Easy to U11el Economical, tool Over a quarter-million owners agree ..• Belax..A-cizor i11 the modem, sen- sible way_! Here's why Relax-A~izoT work.a: Many adult women lack rood mu11cle tone because they don't get enough exercise. Relax-A-eizor give.a etfortleu, concentrated exercise to such ftgure areu &11 hip11, waistline, abdomen and thigh11. Regular use cauae11 theae areas to reduce in 11ize measurably to the ex-tent these muscles lack tone because o! inaufticient exer- cise. And the leBS the muscle tone, the greater the degree of size reduction. FREEi Find out what Relax- A-cizor can do !or YOUR hips, waistline, tummy and thighs. Send coupon fol' your free fully illustrated informa- tion for adulta. No coat. No obligation. ·-1•1 Phone Now! Oleander 5-8000 OLy11pia 2·2558 Toll fl'ff: ZEnfth 5297 -------------. I Mail Today! : lltlu·A·clnr, o.,t. 14·01·08 I 9110 "'"" u CitMtl ltulnn I le, Al!etltt. C1lll1n1i1 90069 : D Pt.111 Hnd ml fttt i~for1111ti0ft 1bollt "How to ~·· GllCI Sill of Hipe, WlltUillt, AllCIOlll .. Ind Tlllpt.'' No coat. No lllllPtiOft. atfll 111 p11111 ttWtlope. 0 llU. 0 MISS 0 M1', CITY· _____ STAT1-------- I I I L I I • I I I I I m PHON I 0 I 111 oYtr 11. 0 I 1m lllldtr 11, I U •Ol·OI 91109 tM2C I ·-----------------···········-····----------..... 21 NEB MADDIE X :. I• ,, ' \ t3 ()'CL()CI\ M()Vlf FBID&Y IN COLOB K&BC·TV hp 22 THE DAILY PILOT. lV WEEX, NOVEMBER 8, 1969 FRIDAY NOY£MBER IA For morninc and afternoon listinp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the ri&ht to chance programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9*> 0 >'Of H..an Hearta" (dr1ma) '38--Jamu Stewart. Walter Huston, Beulah Bondi. 9:30 e "flellt Ind Fantasy" (fanlaq) '43-Ch1r1u Boyer, B1rb1r1 Sbn- wyck. m "flipt '°' frtedoll" (adven· ture) '43 -Rosalind Russell, Fred M1eMurray. 10:00 6 "lebo'a 5irt" (drama) '64 - Claudia Cardinale, George Ch.akiris. 12:00 D "Bandit Queen" (western) '51 -8arb1ra Britton, Willard Parker. 2:30 B "Sllflts incl Sinner~" (comedy) ·~Jeron Moore, Christine Nor· den. 4:30 II (C) "1'1111"" and the lacheltr'' (romance) '57 -Debbie Reynolds, Leslie Nielsen. fVENING B REVIEW THE WEEK'S * BIG NEWS STORIES WITH A MAN WHO KNOWS NEWS: REDDIN! 6:00 1J Ila News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 a;, Huntlty·lrinkley (C) (30) B MARY FUTERNICK * STRIKES AGAIN ON TONIGHT'S STEVE ALLEN SHOW! 1J Stn1 ·~1tn Sllow (C) (90) Mor· 11an1 Kini, Hugh O'Brlan, Albert Brooks, Mary Futernick and Dlahn Willi1ms euest. 0 Sb O'Clock Movie: (C) "M• da11tt X" (melodr1ma) '66-lana Turner, John Forsythe, Keir Dullea, Burress Meredith, Ricardo Montal- ban, Constance Bennett, John Van Dreelen. The story of a woman who falls from the hei11hts of wealth and aristocracy to become a social outcast and a murderess. She is defended in court by her lawyer son who never knew her. I Dick Vin Dyke (30) l'eyton 1'11ce QO) Star Trek (C) (60) CV Miiie Dou(las (C) (90) Whars New? (30) "Riverboats, Showboats and Entertainment." CJ) CBS News (C) (30) • fitmpe de l'erdon (30) ..... (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 MIC N~ (C) (30) TM 5aM 5a•e (C) (30) To Tiii till TruU\ (C) (30) on1ce of the President (30) Ci) Huntley·lrinkl•J (C) (30) l c.c.t (C) (30) (R) CJ) 1lle ........ (30) ....... 34 (C) (60) ..... (C) (30) 7:00 I CIS f.-IDI ..... (C) (30) • WUt'a llJ U..? (C) (30) I lMe lMJ (30) lul 1111 Ciiek (C) (30) C..mditJ/Stlct .... rt (30) Cil Cinema Sllo•cae (C) (90) "McH1le Joins the Air Focc:e." Tim Conw1y, Joe Aynn. I AMrll (30) Ci) Truttt tr Conequenet1 (C) ~n Wat (C) (30) T1'lt 51rl (C) (30) 7:30 IJ GET SMART * TV'S FUNNIEST SHOW II Qt (I) a.t S.•rt '(C> (30) The SmerU become the parents of twins but only after unravelin1 • mix-up In hospiteta. Conclusion. 0 m Hip Qaparral (C) (60) "lady Fair." Uncle Buck meets his match when a sweet but ruolute lady wa1onmaster gains not only his offer of help in business but also a marria1e proposal. Joanna Moore, Dub Taylor and Joseph Rus- kin 1uest. B LAST CHANCE TO SEE *COL KLINK & HOGAN'S HEROES TAKE ON STAR·STUMPIN ' STOKEY! IJ stu•p the Star1 (C) (30) Rob- ert Clary, Werner Klemperer end Larry Hovi-1uest O (]]) Cl) a> let'a Make 1 Deal <9 (30) Monty Hall hosts. 6 Million $ Movie: (C) oift4ar Horle9111 of tile Apoca!TI*" (dra- ma) '62-Glenn Ford, Charles Boy- er, ln1rid Thulin, Lee J. Cobb, Paul Henreid, Paul Lukas, Yvette Mimi- eux, Kar1 Boehm. Sons of a German f1th11 ll&ht for the Nazis and be- come a power In Paris. I Truth or Consequences (C) (30) Judd for tM Defense (C) (60) Ttchnlul Comer (30) The Frend! Cllef (30) Chldo ti RotD (30) 1:0011 Cit CIJ T1tt Sood '"" CC> <30) An old prospector gives a treasure map to Rufus and Bert B SPECIAL!. TONITE! * JULIE LQNDON IS JOINED BY MICKEY FINN AND FRIENDS! n 1 s!l<•A 1 J•lit Lolldon ._ (Cj (60) Julie is the star of this musical hour with special ruests Chad and Jeremy, The Dappers, and Fred and Mickle Finn and Friends. 0 @ (]) (E The Bl'MJ Buncb (Cj (30) "A·Campinr We Will Go." Mike and Carol plan the first camp· lnr trip for the whole Brady buoch. I Qllffn fw I Dey (C) (30) Play of the Wttll (30) ln1tff1ce (C) (30) Dr. Albert Hibbs. (R) &I) luc1eit1 (C) (30) 1:30 I)~ Ci) Hopn's H•oes (C) (30) A Gestapo officlf blackmails Col. Klink with an incriminallnr photo- araph. Sandy Kenyon 1uests. 0 9 (j) m """ of the Q1191 (C) {§o) 'The Prisoner Within." Jeff Dillon (Tony Franciosa) accepts the challenee of an Army officer 1 1 1 1 l 1nd submits to prleontl'·of·war tr1lnln1, un1w1r1 th1t the officer Is hldlna 1 dln11rou1 11c:ret 1bout hla put. Sllvt Forrut, Ron Hayes. Rldltrd Van AMt, CIOl'lt Murdock, Rot>trt Do Qui, Wllllam Burn• end Torn 811ham 1u11t. I ' SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19 M () f? N I N 1; 1J (H)(J)U>Mr. DMds .... te fM (C) (~ ''Wtddlna Bttls for 7:00 9 ~ a,, Heclle & Jedtt (C) Mr. Dttda." Duda la on tht rt· @ .a> c..,... (C) celvlnf tnd of 1 merrt11e proposal. Mr. ilJlboM (C) Stefanlanna Christopher, Muy Jtck· f'tlill ttlt Cit (C) aon. R. G. Annstronr and Jeff De 7:25 Clvt Us Thia DaJ (C) Bennlnr auest. 7:30 56anriM St•tstlr (C) I David f'rott cc> <90> @ m rn Sinokef t11e .. ., 11lt Ila Y1tltJ (C) (60) lteedlnr Witt! Your Child SI,._.. llleltrt (60) Bozo tilt Clown (C) Cauls Mnflf Cl11t (30) 9 Cl) Tiie Jttlons (C) llfodla T1p1tlu (30) @ 00 m titre ConMS tM 9:00 QI Cl) CIS f'ricllJ Movie: (C) '"'i (g .. ,entlopif' (comedy) '66-Hatalie I rnm Catt.noop Cati (C) Wood, Ian Bannfln, Dick Shawn, ll mbl (C} Peter Faulk. The younr wife of a Tales of Wells flrp bank president. while under analy· Cumby (C) sis with a psychiatrist, disguises 8:30 9 (j) Bup Bunny/Rold Run· herself as an old lady and robs her ntr Hour (C) husband's bank. I @ 00 m Pink P1nttltr (C) II PllJboJ Attar Derl (C) (60) Cl•PUJ "lf.flle Don Adams, David Hemmln1s. Gayle Movi.: "Uttlt Slnrt'' (1dven· Hunnicutt, The Deep Purple, L.Ynn lure) '59-Pedro Armendlrlz. Kellou. Jackie Gayle and Brenton I Cisco Kid Wood 1uest. Rocbt Robin Hood (C) a @mm Here eo.. u.. t:oo ~ oo m H. R. Putnstut cc> Brides (C) (60) "The le1end ot Bil Mowit: "Rose tf Cla11n1n" Fool" (western) '52 -Mala Powers. : Dnld Slllllllnd (C) (2 hr) fJ @ (il G) Hot W1letl$ (C) NffR Citl Mnial (30) m Movit: "Code 645" (mystery) 9'.30 • News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. '66-tlayton Moore, Ramsey Ames. He Slid, Sh Slid (C) (30) I Ruff 'n' Reddy (C) Rntlldt tt.undap (60) Canciones r Maia • Pandor11111 (30) 9:30 t,it 00 Dastardly &. MllttltJ {C) 10:00 • @ @ m Brachn's WOfld I t.i) 6 m Bananl Splltl (C) (C) (60) "All the Beautiful Youn1 @ GJ Tiit H1rdJ Beys (C) Gins.'' Laura Deane (Elizabeth Al· Auz1n1 Titrtt ten) suffers a heart attack when an @I) Ctlenln J Gult1rras old love (Mhur Hill) shows up but still casts an eye toward youn1er APOUO XJI MISSION &iris. Luke Halpht. Kevin Ha1en also Today's proerat11t11lnl ta subject tD iUesl thane• ,., color eovwa1• ol tM 11 WATCH THE NEWS n11bt or astronauts Ll Comdr. Alan * THROUGH THE EXPERT L Btan, Cot. Richard f'. COfdon EYE OF CHANNEL 5 Jr., ""' Comdr. Charin Ctnract AND TOM REDDIN!! Jr. II m ..... (C) (30) 10:'-.oo---Qj-([)-,-.,...-.-,lta1Dp--:(C....,J) 0 (fi) (DG) Jlnunr O\lrente ,,._ (fi) (D Q) S11J Hlwb (C) tents TIM Lennon ~rs (C) (60) • Morie: "Remlll of Blad! £a1Jt" Geor1e Bums. John Gary, and Son· (drama) '64-Rosanno Brazzi. ny James and His Southern Gentle· 0) Movit: "All Tllr.up Tht Nipt'' men 1uest. (drama) '42-Humphrey Bo1art. • De41a! (C) (60) I EJ Dtler de Alaar Perry Muon (60) lct:30 ~ (j) Scooby-Doo (C) Carat ci. Mujtrts (30) . @@ m Jaabo (C) 10:30 · Cristina Cuir•11n (30) Mowit: "Dan Past" (drama) 11:00 0 0 llJ Ntw1 (C) '49-William Holden, lee J. Cobb. Altr.d Hitchcock 0 Ci7J CV E!) NCAA f'ootball (C) • John Mclar (C) m iil'Owit: "Sea TI&er'' (drama) '52 Outtr llmltl -John Archer. (}) ~ Ci) 9 Ci) Ntft (C) 11 :000 ~ Ardtit Show (C) : forsytt S11a (R) . . 6 6E Tht Alntltlotlet (C) lm NtWI (C) 11:30 , ~ mApollo XII Yod 11:30 Mtrv Griffin (C) 1 (C) A special )fOUth·orlented · 6 8' JohnnJ Canon (C) • prouam and discussion ralaled to Movie: (C) "Unco'""*"'' (ad· the Apollo pro1ram. venture) ·u~ary Cooper. 0 MOYit: (C) "lutralo Bill" (Wfft· § (i7J ())Gl Jotf Bishop (C) ern) '44-Joel McCrea. Movie: •ifht Ernnd Bor'' (com· y) '61-Jerry Lewis. 0) Movie: (C) "Checkpoint'' (dra· ma) '57-Anthony Steele. ,i;,;a·(j) M .. _ (C) 19 Ci) Wttlltnd Show 12:008..:v Tiie on-12·00 m Movie· ''Tlle Hunchback of No-· Movie: (C) .. A C111Mrina ti · n o. .. ;, (drama) ·39 -Charles ,., (drama) '63-Rock Hudton. L1ufhton, Maureen O'Hare. He• and lttcnltlH .,. (C) 1 :00 II Movie: (C) "Coctlnhtll Htroa" Evans.Novall Report (C) (drama) '56-Jose Ferrer. 'at 8ooM c...rttJ Ceff C1-'t CJ 0 News (C) Ttltro Fa.Olar Q) Countrr Mualc TIM (C) Mtletwtr aad llat C....... f\r T f PNOO ', THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVtMBEft 8, 1969 U:JO J!;a Cl) Wacb "'* {C) 3:301 Vltwpolst <C> Jtrt witter holta. Mn: "Aiftlt No tliae ter Hip ldllel ...... (C) C • (1ctv1nturt) '57-8arry SUI· h-DI*' llVan, Gtnt Barry. hr W11111 (C) GI Mtwtt: "PrillCI of ,....,-(•d· 4.1IO ! Mtwtt: ~ C.. ....... wnture) '4&-Tyront Power, rama) '43 -Rod~ MacOowtl~ I SM t19t USA (C) mund Gwenn. £llztbtth T.,W. 1:00 ta Cl)---· (C) I CM• ............ (C) fir.wit: "The Wl'tftl Mu" (dra· Mn: ........... S.ldl" (drl· ma) '57-Henry Fonda, Vtra ,.Uta. I '5~rd Kt1I, Jane Grttr, m l1llrutloul Trtdtfl I H••t-I sn (C) dMd (C) M111 f'rM UNCU (C) Sj»orta Wtfld (C) • Wlp O'T .... l:lO Qt Cl) Jon111 Quest (C) • F11twe I Carcel cit M11ltfla McHalt'a llVJ Movie: "The W1lkln1 ffltll" <-'· venture) '49 -R1ndol ph Scott. 4:301 Olltdoora Wltil LlbtrtJ ,..,.... Wnsttl111 (C) De Muutm • ntra Ftlturt (C) • lrtlllCll 2:00 st"8 to LtamlnJ iC) T1le Wtfld tf ... .., (C) Ind Wiid (C) 5:00 0 lt'a AcadMlc (C} ComPttfn1 iTl m GE C..llrvtr (C) hlfh 1ehools art Moteno Valley • ~ tltt Woftd (C) (Sunnymeede), Miter Dtl (Santa 2:30 W11ttts. llllns and ClaJ (C) An1) and Chemlnadt Prep (C.no11 Youth Ind tM Pollce (C) Park). Fentntlc Yopp (C) B nla Wlff 111 ,,. f'eotblfl (C) • SKY DIVERS (C) A ~ (]) Q) AIC'e Wldt Wotld ti behind t nes look 1t Burt Lan. ~ <Cf Frankenhelmer shootin1 a new mov-Deltari caster, Deborah Kerr and John • Tiie Awtnr (C) le. ''The Gypsy Moths." an.11 I Cllffltf Ptttt Cunn Tiii ~ (C) . . Tm fll• (C) "Kyoto, Ancient 3:00 Ti.. Ntw SodlCJ (C) C1pltol of Ja p1n." Apolt. XII s,edal (C) Live tllns.-II) flflllol.Socaf m s*:~'~:",.inslde the apaCICl'lft. 5:30 II ltllpll SttfJ (C) (R) II~· Arurlcl11 l1'*ta..ci D MIC ........ (C) B Allwe & Wlkf! (C) A m Cillt1u'1 lslalMI (C) White Front rand <>Penln1 Review fl) Mr. ind Mn. Nortll with music. Re1l1 Philbin hosts. al) lnbnlttlonil MqulM: ''T'ht I Rofltr Dll'tlJ (C) c-•e of lift " (R) n.,. dt Ptnltn ,... . 111 ftlcti.n (C) fD AJ!lcufturt USA (C) ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF lhe pooch parlor superb grooming -all breeds for appointments call robin 177H RIVERSIDE AVE. NEWPORT BEACH ,.,. 23 . . New AM FM recelv•r Is m''ch«d with G~rrard Au:omollc Changf'r. Dl•mor.d stylus, ard 2 12" co-ulal Sound craftsmen L•ncer speaker svs· terns. K-t< 3-,. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. • ... Int.SO Oerr•rft ................ a.,. I u.u LMlcwll," ............... I Jf.M SAVE $74.27! 525968 SHERWOOD -125 waft FM .. ~-~~ ""-·-.. ~-...)6 ... ·~**' ..... " .......... Mio.clrc1'ltl. ~~ :..·. ~-I·w: ,! !.:~! ................. ....... Mltll.· ................. swttdl • 2-SOUNDCRA~TSMEN LANCER '711 OILED WALNUT 5'EAKl!R SYSTJMS. REG. lts.OG ............ 11<*. ~ R!G~$31,9.501 1'70 GARRARD SL·7S . AUTOMATIC TURNT~a&.E ,LUS ST•REO CARTRIDGE WITK ~HU•E DIAMOND STYLUS M7S• R Ii G. 11 SUSI MMa ........................ Ult..51 SL7S + aase .. . . . .. . . . • ... fllS.45 Slwfe M7SI . • • . . • . . • . . . Ref. S it .. LMCen .................... S H.M 15'9.45 '38997 SAVE $30.00 NOW ON NEW SONY 230! Solid-State Stereo Compact Tape System This is for tfie per1on who wants a tru· ly versatile, portable stereo tape sys· tem. Complete 4-traclt ,,tereo -built. in power amplifiers and match.cl stereo speakers. Built-iii St,reo Con· trol Center permits complete facilities for a stereo tuner, or ma9n~tic phono· 9rapll. Two 1ftircophonH 1ncluded. PRICES START AS LOW AS s4 so SAVE SJ0.00 NOW ON NEW SONY 230! ~~~E ....... '22950 519950 ~<>~" r::· .. ·1:·._·:J . .. --.'· -