HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-12-15 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa. . . . .. -------..... -~ -·--·-.... _...,_.._. ......... ~-~-....---. ----.... .------,...-....---~-...... ------·~--~..,--~~--------.,.--------..-..---·---~-~ ..... ··· .. ~ ~ ~ ~· \ ' ~ .. ' ' ., . . Nadie· Dancers File Suit .. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER· IS, 19J O • A .gainst Co.,er•llp--o~ders . . . \'OL. ,,, NO. m, s s•CTIOlfl, 21 ........ ' ·. • • " ... 1 , .· ~ -.:-~·~· .,.. -• -.. ' -_, . .. .. ' • I • .. ·8Il-I ·a1n - • • • ••• • •·. • • • • .· Soldier Claims Medi·na ~illed My Lai Woman . . . . ' -. . . . . ..... " -.. ·\,~·/~'.;"~"\!:~~ u~"·;~~::au.,.b ,;:.:' i.' ; ' ~ .... ,,.r"" · ·~ ·~··· · ~·..-.. ..,. .... ... .... -~~.;;-· a:·-11~ .. ol . ..1 · ~'l"' . l ,. • • l • j ' ' ' (... .h . lll.VlllUl · . .I ~ · , . · . . . . tJiilintian8 S'liift :uown · l·s~y~·:11e ::·saw · . · ... , .. . , · · · . · . · N~t~,s~~d w~~~'Huntjng for Car A cooNltd ·Anllwdm .couple . lnmting s~ stadium, two ~n drove up and . their car after' -MOndiy night's Los one ~ked ibout die time, ·then slarted LAS Y.EGAS,.ljeY •. (UPI) '"° A.pel'l!)n>I Angeles Ramo football ·iime ' me cut shooting. ~ aide of Howird Hughes, who claims be . down bY'gbntirt near the<loliseam in an !Police slid they sped off, leaving the 1 m. ""'1 .lbO my;tery b111Jonain almost unpro\-oked· aliack ·by lwo men who· stop. bside~alk. Vicllms sprawled on the daily .tor the pa.it fiVe years: says he· saw ped to~·~.~~· "' the industrialist sign a doCument· ·firing . Police ~ no robbery a~mpt wu ' ... the bead of his Neyada operatlona. , .made and .del!crlbe.d the .incident u . , ff?w~ver, a handwriting · expert and 5e~:!f5:iorgan, 20, of 2102 Harl! Ave., Nudie Dancers f~er • ~soctate, of fw~rt ' .Maheu, was looking at his watch when one Hugbel. · Nevada chief, Claimll the stranger p~ a ,45 caliber lutomatic F'} S • A • •ignalure on !he letter of dismissal Is a ptato1 and tiepn 11>oolhig at polnt·blank I .e Ult_ gamst . forgery. range. · Both men testllied Mondliy ln the Morgan, wounded in the stomach and C 'C ' Nevada District Court hearing i!lA!mn\Jng right leg, was listed In serious condition OUDty OVerup from the attempted ourUng of Maheu by at County.USC Medical Center today. UfllT.-h."' exea.itives of Hughes Tool Co., the Mrs. ·Audr.ey &ckett, 37, of 1934 Houston-based parent firm' of the Lullaby Lane, was hit in the len arm and bllllonalre'• glanlbu!biea empire. ·1elt'leg·by the heavy caliber slugs and ·ls Ralph Bradford; now rellred but report;d In fair condlllon loday. . preVioully.a bandwrHIDg apd fingerprint Iovestigaton said Morgan ·1 and Mrs. e%pert for 21· yeah on the Long Beach Hackett were unable to find their parked · P;!ic< lleparlmen~ 1e,jtlll0d al the hear· car In the aflermat.h of the Rains-Delroil ing today that Hughes' signature w'as ge-Lionil garhe 'ahd were Jfanderlng around nutne. the darkened area. , Bradford allo said he was satisfied that Several · blqcU away from the 'bjg . . " ' . . . ' Yvonne Posso, 19, departs for. Buckingliam Palace f9r one Qf he"f ot-: ficial chores as the most beautiful girl on·the Rock of Gibraltar. $he presented Queen Elizabeth1 II with flow~rs, f6>ni Gitir~ta:r ~oll;daY.. The flowers are a traditional gift from the people of Gibraltar. a three-page handwritten letter urging the execµtl'lf!I of tbe tool company to get ·ahead With the job of firing Maheu' WU • aleo written tty HUfhoa. _ Food · Swindle 'Levar B. Myler, whcridenllfied htm..,11 as a "apecial llllltant" to .Uu&hes, said C D 1 -d HugheJ sip>ed a• prmcy N .. ,-ll llrlng ase eta ye Maheu, who but6eeri tM blllloaaile'1 No. • 1 Born. h R. ip', s,R. ~h.u, iJ ... t, 'B_anl.f.. !~~.~=::~~~~~...::~. In County ,Court -,nt~. lloof pe""-ipalnl.jlned by Bolh •ides in the Orange Counly , • .Hugbes In the lleoert Inn llolel In Lu From Wire Services ISLA VISTA -:-A tossed bomb blew a hole in the roof of a Bank. of America brance here Monday niabt, showering i 'S1nile' To~ Late 1n Certain Towns Vegas. The wltneas al.lo testified Hughes· Superior •cOuit'trtal of' tour men accused the street w1lh" maaonry · Wes a(ld In-. sUbsequenUy Went to the Brituhia '.Qea~h of swindling •collf!ty, ~eowners in a naming emoliOns Of · street n..np1·e ind H •·t Jn N the •-•--and f , trm.:en food-sallff'tcheme· have--agreed·on r~¥ . ow: usau, .1;M.11S1n81, rom a ai1:~y dflay of the pioceedlngs. . 1awmen again. 1 tbre~·.1!". ued instruct. '°?' tbe pro1y be J•-'•e Raym' ond v•-~nl •·•·y --•·•uJ •. No. serrous :damqe .Was repor-\t_ .' d, lijit -~ ..... """'"' WWI ~,,;u cirller In the dat, Charles Appel Jr., a Od Mdn<iay is· u..-ileil appearance -for the blast caused by an unidentified device former FBl agent with Maheu, testified William J, Wooll, 131 of 2014 Wallace left a ~ie several feet arrol. bi.:the on behalf of' 'Maheu that Hugbes' Ave,. Costa Mesa, hls son Phllfp F., 31, of overhanging eave of. Qie str\lcbu:e. ~ pUrported iiplturt •CIC ~u. -iocument Norih H~, Johri' M:. Tfunert 40, or.· A cr"'d ·o! UC Santa Barbara ·students presented by• the Huglia 'l'ool Co. was a =!·11>f·H.wtll-. B:_ Masey, 46, of ' and other ~oung people rlifing ~tbe·unln-"simulation or imitaUon.'' corporat.ed commuriity g'rietec( aberitf'a "lf's a very,•good reprumtation," Ap-All four defendants were indicled by It may be too late to "smile" in your deputies w~·arrived on the ~e wit.b :e~~"= :=. ~00:1: :r:~:.zno:ind ~i.~~: home lj>Wl). , • ,. • • • w)loopa """ Jeeq., · ~' cept k, but H'a dellclenl. It'• extreme13 They are rr.. '"' ball. • · Already several ~;,/ the of a 11 y />...¥"'1iai! 'bolUet were , <-..,. ~killfod bul H'I d-...1." . • The in.lidmerit, lollOired Jnvesllgallon . sponsored contesls-Nading tp l'l'"!'\i.Uon ~Y wu·hlt Jn the hip blil l )nj~ Wll!O ukod H It wa a forgery, Appel of .an 0""'81lon. In. wl>Jch 8alesmen for In the "40 Miles cl .Christmas ;:miµes"~ ....,: whUe~ autboriUes ~ ~.'catm;r ...nptled, "lt ii a lorpry." Fami~ COnrmner Afflliates ·eorp. Chris tmas de<0ratirig"'°"lesl·.lhr0upout, young "'°"Je7Withnel1iliii p 6idel"ln ' , The.IOol-repr•led by Chief and en 5ervbo i!lgned mor. th e Ora:nge Coast area:.have c.,sed. the' .~:1 " 1 al ,L · . . · <q11e1 a.ester W: Dula, calltd M)1er •• Ulan 3lO families for Ume parment·pro= Polential entrants in tbe contest stiould · miu. t11 mu u -... on. ' • Jts' tlrat Witdtll to rdatt Appe1'1 '1lea•· grams contact local sponsors to .find out ahOUt •· 'lllf: ~nk -~IC~ o( ~ capltaltst: • tiobs. 1Author1Ues dlJtn subsc:rtben were pro.. deadlines and rules, it wa5 announced to-~wer structure to radiclls-was rebuilt· .Myler1 a btavyeet, 1ref haired man ln mlled , 880 pOwada ot , frozen' meats and day by Cap BlackbUrn, pr~ident of the on lhe sc:ene fl. one buined: last Feb. 2S his SOit waa 40e of few perlllni ever to other products for tm. Orange Counly ~ As;oc;iaUon. His during .-clall\ wi·teucbtd off a serie1. admll they bad" much as ...n Hughes lnv..UCalora·ay.CGOlfA<ll -blndlng,lhe group, along With thC DAii,, P.LLOT; is of Incidents. · -in recent year1. Myler ukl he was in , \lictlow '-·• llQllPUl'lt ~us illterwtftre renewing the nearly_.40-ybr-Oftt''40 Miles Bustn&s,Contlnued as . t today, but ••(ac;e to •f.ce-•\act with him almo1t then' sold to ~&..ertJ Lou Company of of Christmas Smiles" contest this year. (See BANK, Pap %) dally Jn~ past f'!_'o'e years. Anaheim whet"t Maaey 11 the DWNtt· ,A Los Angeles Federal Court judge will be asked early ii\ the new year to dismiss as uncons'titutional state, county an'd city laws currently being used to combat nude dancing in Orange County taverns. Gardena attorney Berrien Moore flied his complaiQt, Monday on behalf . of Sarong · Gals and the Chee Chee Roc>'m, both of Santa Ana, and the Tuscan Room in Tustlp. . , He named as defendants District At· torney Cecil Hicks, Sheriff James Musick and Santa Ana Police Chief Edward Allan together with five polite and sh'er• iff's Investigators. , • ~ Moore took his action fn the wake of a series of ~vel'sal8'. ofi h1s 1al'guments in Orange County courts and the· apparent stepping up of district attorney Hicks' campaign to clean up or close up all taverna featuring nude entertainment. .All three bars represented by Moore have been the scene of many arresta dur- ing recent months stemming frorp com- plaints of nudity and obscenity. .Moore argues in his federal court ac-- tton ,tllat the •Santa. Ana anti-obsce;nity or- dinance. together with county and state measures violates U.S. Supreme Courl rules. , . .F"'luent,, .•~""" ~I ,Iii.• three bari "'.ere not to control obsCerilty but to put the baiil out of busineSI by forclng them to pa)" legal fees, MoOre said. First 'Beer, Now Gls . . ~- Will Get Own Rugs WASHINGTON (UPf) -The Army privale lw been given the rltlht lo drink beer in the barracks, SOO:i he will have a rug of bis own and be will be able to choose beige, rose or green. Penlagoo -... said Mondax .three by , f\v•· fool ~ 1111\ i,, allow!"! IOI!!' ranly When "lro<iil< cOrnlorl'' regulatJOOo are revised 500n. The nip Jn barrackl pmioual)' were reservld. for sera;eants. t Soldiei-s· . 'l(eep· Qlliet' FT. BENNING, Ga. (UPI) -A ooldier who served at My Lal test,J.fied ·today the company commander had cooducted aa "lnflammaiofy" ineeUng the nigtit before the strike, hail ordered the village · destroyed, and had ·persona Uy killed a woman picking rice. The testimony concerning the com· mander, Capt. Ernest L. Medina, was g'iven at the court-~artial In which one of. his platoon leaders, Lt. William L. ca.IJey Jr., Js charged with · murdering 10% civilians during tbe mi~ion. Michael A. Befnha'rdt, 24, of Tarpon . Springs, Fla., surveyor, was one of eight Witnesses called by the defense 'in two days to say that Medina had left' him with ' the impression '[1at all inhabitanta -·in. eluding women and children -were' to be killed in the Vietnamese hamlet of "My Lai on March 16, '1968. Three days aftel' the sweep, he · testified, Medina "gave an addresl to tb8 company" ·in which· be said an m, ve,~ll~a;~~~ ~!::-~~-UI to be quiet' -(See CALLEY, Page I) • ' . , Oruge CezlC Wealller . ' , ''. . There's a 60 percent chance you'll nned 'your·umbn!lla on Wed·· ne§day.· Temperatures . will 'tumble too, ~pp~g into ~ J~~, s~es along the Orange Coai!I. I . INSIDE .TODAY. flow does 11our annual in. come fit into the 1uitional scale1 Sylvia Porter has all the an.tWers o" Fina?tct Page 10 today. Onfy9~ CHRiSTMAS (Ill"'"'.. ' Clltdtffll u. 1 Cl•WltM 19-lf Ceintt. I C'"'-WltN I o.Mfl ...,._ 12 01--11 l"t1!1Wlfl '"'" ' .~ ...... ' '"'-, ... 11 l4tf'...c#t • 14 ·-t...... l• IMl .. 11 • M'""" '-'"'*" U _., . ........... ,. ....... ,.._ ... Or ..... CWiitY 11 Srkolll ,,,.,,_. It '""" 1•1• SMll MarMh ,.11 T .. t¥1.... t ,:::_: : ' Wlll't \'fltlt ' ,. ~·· IMwl ,,.,. --.. . r • 1 ' ' r, ' s Tlltldlr, Dttt111Nr lS, 1970 Who Neem a Truck? Sikorsky S-ME Skycrane lifts a home to demon· strate its capabilities for delivery of assembly line.- produced dwellings from factory to homesite. Test was one of a series conducted recenUy by Sil<orsky near Stratford, Conn., to evaluate feaaibWty of aerial lifting system. V.S. Freighter Hijacker Surrenders in Cambodia PHNOM PENH (AP) -"I only rellf't I didn't sink the ship," one of the hi· jackers of a U.S. ammunition freighter said today as he walked into the American Embassy in Phnom Penh to surrender. "I still believe in the revolution in America and in the revolution in Cam· bodia," Alvin L. Glatowski, 20, Long bodla," Alvin L. Glatowsld, :IO, Long Beach, told aewsmea. But he said he felt he would get a fairer deal in the U.S. than in Cambodia. Glatowaki and Clyde W. ?t1cKay, 25, Escondido, took over the l~,tXlG-ton Girl From Chile Seeks Area Hom e For School T,erm A young girl In Chile is looking for a home ill Huntlngton Beach -j\ilt for nine month!. Tereaa Hidalgo, 16, is set to attend Edison High School otarting in F ehrwiry aa an Jntmi&Uooal FelloW!hip Exdwlge atudent. Her trip may never get oU the ground, however. Edison Principal Ernest Pascoe reports that Teresa has llOWhere to live. U there a family in aoutb Huntington Beach that would like an adopted daughter for the nlne monthsJ Spokesmen in Chile report that Teresa II already paoklng her OOUV.nlfl, family photos and mtmentos to show ber fOlter family here. COiumbia Eagle In the G1111 of Thalland Jut March and forced the crew Into the Cambodian port of Kompong Som. They have been indicted by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles on charge5 of mu.tiny on the high seas, assault, transporting kldnaped persons in foreicn commerce, and neglect of duty. They could get the death penalty on the mutiny charge. The ship and the rest of its crew were released and completed the voyage to Thailand. McKay got away frnm a ~an guard in a Phnom Penh restaurant 1D Oct.ober and disappeared with an American deserter from Th a 11 and. GlatowsJd said then he believed they were beaded for the town of Siem Reap to join Communist forces fi&htin& in Cambodia. Glatowski and McKay were kept on a prison boat on the Mekong River for a few wee.ks after the hijacking. They com~ plained about the conditions there and were put in the servanta' quart.en of a government guest house in Phnom Penh and then in a hotel. The Cambodian government paid their hotel hil~. and they technically hid poliUcal asylum. But they were actually under a form of arrest. free to move about ln the city but always escorted by Cambodian guards. Glatowski told newrme.n today he had received good treatment at first but that it had recenUy deteriorated. He Wd his guards had pulled iuns on him and had tried to force him to escape so they could kill him. Judge Sentences 3rd Garden Grove Shootout Figure A murder file that opened when three bandita pot and killed Fountain Valley market manager James W. Oates has closed jn Orange County SUperior Court with tbe sentencing of the third member ()f that trio. Herman W. "Tiki" Grant, 2.1, of Santa Ana, was sentenced to six months to life imprisonment in state prison for bis part in the killing of Oates last Aq. 12 at the Tic Toe market, 9457 Hell SL Judge Kenneth Williams sentenced Grant after accepting bis plea or pilty to second degrff murder. Grant's two com- panions in the Oat.el murder received stiffer tenna" from the same judge after ple1din1 gu!lly lo charges of finl dellf'O murder. Robert Woodrow Clemenla, 22, of 14811 Alceater St., Wes:tminl1er, drtw a life term when he chose to waive his penalty trial and offer Ille ple1. A jury had llttady found him gu!lty. Jerry Lee Johnaon, 13, of 1'471 Titus St., Westminster, identified throuahout the investigation and prosecution 11 the gunman in tbe Oates klllinJ, also drew a life term. Pruecuton today consider th a t twc> factors saved Jobnson from the gas chamber: medical evide~ that be was an epileptic and tbe fact that there was a bair trlQer on his aem.1 .. utom1Uc rifle .. All three men were arrested after a prolOlllf:d sun battle With police · in a Garden Grave orange crave. HWldredl ()f nearby homeowne.ra watched a duel that ended wllh Ille lhackliq of all lhrte wspecta. From Page 1 BAN K ••. 'High Court · Toughens On Crime • WAJllllNC7!'0N (~) -Belpod by ljll'- ry llldm••· lho -julllco, the Suprat COurt tool: • touaher atand to- day ai ·the ri&llta.al cfelaiduU In .W. -triall. • . , In a s to 4 ru11a1: lb; aiurt UFb1J4 lho murder mtviction of a GeorJi.a mu even though he did not have a chance to croas· exa.mlne an alleged co-conspirator whoge lfftfmony OOed him to the crime. The decision split the jll!llc:ea liO!I& COOJUVative-liberal lines and :\INficated lhat Blackmun'.1 elevalilln to the bench by Proaident Nisoe produced a con- servaUve majority. 'Jbe four diasenters, left over from the oldllberal majority of the Warren COW1 that produced s.4 rulings going the othe.r way complained that the decision is "completely incoosistent with recent opi- niona of UUs court."·They la.id the defen· dint'• rflhll . had. been clearly viollled and that he wu enUtled to 1 new trial without use of the dam11ing testimony. The case involvea the fir!l«gree murder coavlctkn of Ale1 s. Etans in tbe 1989 alayln& of Gwinnett County poUce of· fleer Jerry Evereu. 1be dispute wu over the use of a single aentence of testimony. Lynwood W. Shaw, a prMeCUtion witness, wu: permitted to tell the jury what be claimed ~ had heard from a fellow priloner who ..-, bad been in· dieted n the crime. According to Shaw, the tiNoner, Venson Wflliams, had told him: "Utt hadn't been for that dirty eon~ of-a-bitch, Alex Evans, we wouldn't be in this now." Evan:i:' defense lawyer objected to in. trod.uction of the sentence since Williams was not in court to be cro58-examined. The U.S. Circuit Court in Richmond, Va., agreed with the defenae in 1968 that Evans' rigbta bad been violated. And trial wu ordered but Georp appealed to the Supreme Court. Lut year, the ttrst time the Supreme Court heard the case, there were only eight justices. Obviously divided 4-4, the court announced it was unable to reach a judplent and that the Evans case would be reargued in the 1'70.71 terms. By then, Nixon had named. Blackmun to the court and he WU COlfirmed by ,the Smale. Customers Keep Clerk Too B.us y To Be Robbed .1, UPrT ...... GETS HIS OAY IK COURT My L•I Fleu--. Colloy From Page 1 CALLE Y ... and he would back up anyone .if they Jot in trouble." Bernhardt slid. Bernhardt added that Medina later took him aside and sa;ld "that be personally dimi't feel It would do any good if I made a report to my congre"man or to the IG (inspec;tor general) or anybody else. and oot to do it." Bernhardt's testimony followed that of another fonner soldier at My Lai who said he fired into a group of 10 women and children in the village because he had the impression that Medina, n his briefing. bad ordered the killing of tbe in- habitants. Medina ls accused by the Army of ovarall responsibility of the killing of "at leut 175" civilians that da y, but no formal charge has yet committed him tt court-martial. Al Koch R esig ns County Position On Road Panel annce County Roid COmmisalooer Al S. K<M;h today resi&ned hi11 po1t1 effective Aprll &. lip. Koch lias been with Orange County lor 25 years and.baa held the·politton of road comm.iaaioder since Aq. 1, 195.S, more A hooded. would-be bandit who lll· than 15' year:a. • ' terrupted a card aame .on a slow nigbt at • In acce~ Koch's raiini'Uon with a Costa Men liquor store Monday fin:aIIY regret: ~s of the Board of fled in frustration when a series of . ~ C~arge Set In Talent Theft Case Criminal chargea have been filed agalnat four principal.a of a child talent agency closed by an Orange Coll!1tr superior Court judge in earlier civil litigation. Scheduled to appear Jan. 12 in Santa Ana munJcipal court to face charges of grand theft. violation of the state's cor. pora tions code and conspiracy are at. torney Richa rd R. Murphy of Orange, and brothers Jerry, 41, and Don Hegg, 40, of Tµstin . • A fourth defendant is bei.ng sought on Identical charges. The Hegg& brothers are free on Sl,ISO bail. Murphy was released on his own recognizance in i:arlier court action. Authorities allege all four were in· volved in the Orange Coun~y llpef atlons 1 of a child talent syndicate first regist~red a1 Take One and later linked *itb Na· tional Video Corporation. Civil action was t1k1n against the operators after hun~ dred.!: of Orange County parents com· plained of bei"g bilked of fees ranging from $90 to $6S9. Many parents told investigators they were assured of "excellent chances" for their children to land contracts in TV and movie work. None of those inter~ viewed were ever again contacted by the operators after payment of fees, in- vestigators claim. Judge Harmon G. Scoville effectively ended the operations of the agency \Vith the signing of a preliminary injunction aga inst its principals. 'I'bat order ban the group's contracting and promoting of child ta1e.nt for movies, TV and com· mercial!. Undersea , Leases Opened for Bids After W arning NEW ORLEANS (AP) -The In terior Department opened bids today in a long. delayed sale of off!hore oil leases after warning oil men they mu.st improve their safety record for wells drilled in the bot· lorn of the sea. The multimi!Uon~ollar sale w a 1 delayed two years by mounting concern over p61Jution from offshore oil well ac· cidents. "The department is not completely satisfied with the safety record of offshore cperations." said Orme Lewis Jr., deputy assistant secretary for public land management. "The 111afety record oa the tiuter co1>o Uneatal shelf must be improved." About 500 oilmen and bankers crowded the downtown ballroom where the sealed bids were submitted, opened and read over a loud speaker system. customers came iD and kept. the clerk toe SuPerVfaora: 'praised. him for his con· busy to rol). tribuUOlll to the county· B lli T k Ov Robert P .. Roy, o• duty at The Likker Supa:v!Jor William Hfroten poinUid lo e a es er store, 2I02 Newport Boolevard. •lid Ille the "highly llU<Xl<Mful" arterial hi1hw•Y1 red-haired, lrectled. 201.h '"'pect 1e11 fillancin(' program. •. joint COW>ly<ity Srr' han's Appeal and sped away in a car with the lights project odpated by Koch. ofioy and a friend. John M. Rudenskl, The retlji_ttig Jroad commilsion~ wa1 SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -Melvin said they were playinc cards when the uktd by "~r David Baker to Belli, flamboyant San Francisco Bay man came in at 8:20, browaed around and prepare!.~ r~ "on ihe possible COP· trial lawyer, 1aid today he is taking over finally pressed a awltcbblade knife to solldatioD o( ·.u engineering departmenta the appeal ln the case of convicted Rudenakl's neck. • .. assassin Sirhan Blshara Sirhan. He demanded money, threatenln.I to in the cowrty n •money saving move. Sirhan currently is on death row iD San 1tab lht victim. Baker said be was thinking of mads, Quentin prison for the 1968 shooting death Customera began entering too, flood control, buildinc and safety and of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. however, they told Officer Hf.rlan harbor engineers as e:s:amples 0 f Belli told a news conference he was Pauley, wbo said the suspect toUCbed deplrtments which might be consolidated taking over the appeal at the request of nothing in the store that could be t:s:· Sirban's family. He was in Salt Lake City amined for finguprinta. undtr one rounty engineer. for a speech to University of Utah law. Tbe youth wa.& described 11 having a. Koch wu also prailed for bis years of students. U someone can give her a temporary home, phone Pascoe at DGl-1356. School officials also say m,.ny other u~ change students would like to visit the U.S. If any family wanta to provide a home for thrff, sb: or nine months, phone aru. code M2, 282-7353 in Sedona. Ariz:., for information on the International Fellowship program. GlatowaJd walked into the Embassy and told Robert Blackbum, a political of- ficer, that he wanted lo give himself up. .. Fine. Come in," Blackbum said. Blackbum said the youth would be flown to Saigon and then to the U.S. as soon u the Cambodian government canceled hi.s asylum. liaht. day<ild growth ol burd and we~· wort which led to the. approval of an He &aid he would take over the Sirhan that Is all Bank of America. officiah ing a full·lengtb olive drab civercoat with Orange County Transit District which case next week. He did not say would say about. the newett UN.ult an a parka hood attached. waa approved by the voters last Nov. 3. specifically who hlttd him. DAILY PILOT Ntwport I•.. Hwllb;;I• .... ....... IMQ h•llli• ,..., c.te "'"• s-a. ..... OltAHGE COA5T PUtLIS\.llNG COM.rANY Jto'Dtrl N. w,,,J Pre1ill•11t 1r,d PW!l.iwr J.ck II, CurltY Vice Jtr.1111111 U4 a..trtl ~ TI!orrit• Ktt vll t:dllw Tlio111H A. Murphi11a Mtlllllttl !dltor l.iclt1rd P. Htl --~ GDulltr E41'llr °"'-ca.. Matt * w .. 1 a.v ,,... ....,.,. a.a.di: m1 Wt1! ,,..,, '°"'"°""' UfUM .. di: m 1'1-t A¥ttlllf ~ tt.dlc 1'11J attcJi ...,.ltlltl'll &Iii ~ :m Nor11i El c:.tr11rit ll•I Gal Hitchhiker Takes Side Tri p To Mesa Jail A suspected lady of the niaht alleaedly advertising in broad dayli1ht lost her first customer Monday. The statuesque Glendale resident fla&- ged down a motorist on Harbor Boulevard in Costa Mesa, quotini a $15 price for certain services to tbe astonlab· ed man. "This officer assumed she had oble"· ed bis 11niform hanging in the side win. dow and needed assistance," wrote off· duty Patrolman Dick De Francisco. He said the 32-year<ild woman hopped into the car and they drove to a nearby school campus, where he allegedly of>. tained enOl.lgh evidence to support an ar- rest on vice charges. "I know 11 better place," he"i.td. felp· Int modesty at the idea of a tfYst in sight of a.n elementary school with claues in session. Tbey arrived at police headquarters jUJt in Ume for hll regular pall'OI ohllf. Guerrillas, J ordan Act to Restore Calm By Unllod Pren llloraalfooll Govemment ofUcials and Palestinian guerrlllu be&an diurmlna t b e I r p1ramilitary forct• lA>day 1n a major move to restore peace to Jord1n. thehwlding. ·~;i;;;;;;;;;i;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"i No incldeni. had been reported and the II community was quiet up unUI the blast, ponlbly organized by five ptrl!Ofll witneaaes reported teeina: on the 1oene momenta earlier. • The Isla Villa flareups of lut oprinf ended with more than 100 peno111 jalled and one st11dent -tryin& to preaerve order and calm others clamoring for violence -shot to death. Investigators said several small firta: were set ln trash bins around the area. where residentl said lht bank blut could be felt two block& away, but were quickly e1tinguished. A crowd estimaited at eoo gathered. «i the scene. . Terrorist. struck ln Orance County during October, caUJing $125,000 dam.a1e to a Bank of America facility near tbe UC Irvine campus with a put molotov cocktall thrown throuih the door. The incldmt followed by a few d1yt the bombing of a Sllnford Reeearch lnlUtule agricultural and environmental research centtt in a remotb comer of tht rural campus. Thouaandl of dOllll'l in dlm11e mulled. alq with io.. of prosreos on dozens of uperimenll lnvolvlq peacefw production. Famed French Si.te Named for De Gaulle PARIS (UPI) -ParlJ' limed Pl•ct de l'Etolle becam< Place Charles de Gaulle today. The renamlnc of the famed pl11ct. where lbe Ate de Triompbe and tbe tomb of tM unknown t0ldler are located. was greeted with aometh!n& Im thin t.n• thUJlum Jn some socton. The chanl' w11 un1nlmou1ty paled by the Par1a cf· ly council Nov. 13, hut bee•""' of the re1u!Un1 protest& ft decided to reconalder. THE PRICE IS RIGHT • (or is i t?) HAVE YOU EV!R GONE INTO A STORE, AND BEFORE A SALESMAN APPROACHED YOU, TRIED TO DETERMINE PRICES ON GOODS NOT MARKED? MANY CARPET STORES DO NOT HAVE PRICIS INDICATED ON THEIR SAMPW. THE T H E 0 RY IS THAT THIS WAY THEY CAN CHARGE "WHAT THE TRAFFIC WILL BEAR." I AT ALDEN'S PRICES ARE POSTED ON ALL OF OUR SAMPLES SO THAT CUSTOMERS CAN BROUSE THROUGH THE SELECTIONS AND KNOW WHAT THE ARE LOOKING AT. TOO, THERE IS ALWAYS THE POSSlllUTY OF A L 0 WE R PRICE IF CONDmONS WARRANT. U.NTA AMA. OlAN•I TUSTIN'C.11 , •• ALDIN'S llD HILL c.A.IPITI ~tu.m1a 1U74 . ......_ T ..... Cefff. IJIJJ44 ALDEN'S CARPETS e DRAPES 1663 Placentia Ave. COSTA MISA 646-4838 HOUltS: Mon. Thru Thurs., 9 to 5:30 -Fri., 9 lo 9 -Sat .. 9:30 to S ,, I 1. I ' \ I ' Bu:oiinlton Beaeh , , ~~ ' EDITION .. . . • Today's Fl•al N.Y. Steeb VOL. 6~. NO. 2?9'.3 SECTIONS, if PA&ES. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1970 TEN CENTS ~~~-'----~--~--...~·~·.~----..,..:_.;__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,....;.· ......... ~~~~~~~~~---. ChuFCh }'.teaders 'Fighting Beer Sale at Pier . . ' By ALAN DlltKIN Of .. Dlllr "" liitff Church kaden·ue flghtill&·a•plan to 1ell beer on the Huntlngtqn JIUcll pier, An olflcia1 prote&t to 'an on-premises beer license for a sandwich bar on the pier bu been. filed with the state'• Aloobolic S.verqe Control 'Deportment The . department'• 'legal. ill.vision, in Sacramento has !mind the protest of Rev. E;ctward Em~ of the.First Unilecl MtlhO- di>t Church · ol Hwrt!J!iton, Beach to be Policman ,. Resumes . ' " ' . ~. . Bid·To~ht , By TEl!llY" (:9vµ.LE Of tM o.1tr< P• ltllM ' . , . Fired HunliJ11toii' !Sf.ach. police .officer Gllb<!rt Coeiper will .continue' \m-battle to Win bacl<.his Joi> w)l>n tlieJIO~ com- mission meets at 7.o'cloct·tQnigbt.ia'the admlnistraUve .annex to .city ball. Coerper's hearing ··will aJso ftn;ew the verbal Clash betWeen Cit:( Attor;ney Don. J;kinla, sefvtng a;,. headng. offica-, ~ defense attorney Cecil RickS. Both at~ys fifed ang_ry aalvOs at each other in Saturday's• ..non of the Coerper · cue p.s they continued to disagree on the )gal proceedings. .. Saturday's seulon began at I a.m., with Bonfa, who set lhe Ume, the Jut to arrive. He and Ricks squared cf{ early. A! •James Walker -the officer wh> conducted the internal iovestigaUon into Coerper's ·alleged mlshandllnl ol goods received for charity -related his taIU with other -IUcb ob)eeled. "He can't relale -olher·-10 Aid to ~b other. 'Iba!'• .. ~·~ ~· ~ "It .....td he a 11ttle too clmmJ·tD Jlm!I• the officer and not peiln~'11lm. ... tell tlit court what he did,""' Bonfa replied. . Ricks was to objed: to.beenay evidence neatlY' a 'doz.en .umea. u Walker testtfi:ed for' four hours Saturday. · . . ; Ea.Ch time he wu overr;ultd; by Borifa. Mld-w•y through .the hearln&, Mtchael Miller prosecuto"r and assistant City at. tornef, lntrbdtftd I Jett.tr al1egedly llS evidence that Coerper had lled•lild refus. ed. to coopf:rate with inv~igators. Ricks explained the letter wu from him and was merely an ·outline of the defense case ·as required by the pro- ceed"ings. He did not object to its sub- miasion as evidence. . . llowever, 'When Bonfa titled the evidence as a "letter from Coerper,'' Ricks spoke up. "I object to lhat title. lt's. my 1etter." "The letter will stand on its own as fact. I've' never beard anyone object to the way a hearing officer described a let· ter." "As 1 understand It," Ricks began. "this is the first time you ever sat a:s a flearing officer so it's not surprising you never heard the objection before." "You're overruled, .. ' Bonfa &aid, ending the discussion. • Testimony continued, with Ricks·1ittillg ~Ack In his chair, silent Flnally the defense attorney asked to qtake a statement for the record. ·"rm trying to be polile as I can to Mr. (See llEAJllNG, Pqe II los Alamitos To Fight Nary · ' . Over _ J{qush.ig. , . . ' Lo• Alam)tos ts ready_ tq ~lllt. tl)e Navy over plans to convert tbe Los Afamitos Naval Air Station into a 10,000. person military housing tract. City officials charged at a ,c»uncll meeUng Monday night that ttie con- ,J,!rsion would "bankrupt" the' city with, the additional burden on city services'. f''We 'U fight this aU;tbe W'IY to ~·top,•• City Manager WUftam ·Kraus said today. 'The first aa1vo · In the fi.W -911M with t~e city council .. ung unanfmoualy lo go ori record as "unalt.erably.oppc.ed" 19 tjie plan and to Inform local -ts and ranking naYal personnel ol its position. The council was told ll woold Cost lu· P!!l'ers an mimatecl fl,tll!O to j><ovjde the pi'ojecl Wtth sud> oervl<11 ao pollce and fl!! f>rotecltoil and ,._. nne... Gounctllnan Dale K°'""11 lermed lite Navy's plan "a financial~" for tbe city, . ' • l,ut week the Navy annouti«d its plan to build a ISU mlllloo housln& ... jed.oa the facility encompassing all but 200 of the: l,300 available .:res. ' Councilmen claimed the ho u s l n g development would be U• exempt and thu! mull Jn lhe extra..bur~ ~ tax· payera. I• . le(o)~ -and the appeal wW oow be stveo JI ·Pobllc hearing, · "N""beaiing has been scheduled yet, · l>Ol.'Wflen It'll held It wW probably be In !lml~Ana." iald Mri. Evelyn Gray, who proceUel ABC. liceme epplicatlons. ~=,.1!9 ~ion on tbJs for · 'f!ii aiieal il·a-ck to.the plans of ~ ,smtth fO """"" • !rah fish .... ~<h;abop' iil",the pier lntO a sandwl~ bat.,'11>'-i-srantec1 penni..ton . -. by the city council to make the con· version and se.tt beer. The vote was 6-1 with c.ouncnmao Norma Gibbs casting the oniy "No" vote. "What we believe is happening here ls a trend that will set off a chain reaction of establishments · selling beer in the beach area," ReY. Erny said today. '"This Is not an isolated incident but a trend that will start. We relt we should take a s~d at this time." Rn, Erny ls supported ill bis proteot by hb c:hurcll boord, the Metbodlsl Women's . Society for Christian Service and1 aeveral · membera of tbe Huntlncton Beach-Foun- taln Valley Mlniltuls! Aasoclatton. 'l1le mlntsten signed a pell\an that was """ to the ABC dePIMD*t objectln( to the licenle requat and Rev, Erny signed the official protest that was later )odged. 'l1le mlntsten who ligned 1he petition serve .the following churches: Crace Lutheran Church, the First Ba~t Cburtli ol Huntlnglon Beach, the Frist Baptill 'Church of Fountain Valliy, the Evangelical Free Cliirclt of HUnttnP>n Beach~ the Flfst. · United Methodist Church ol Fountain , Valley, the cOm· munlty Urilted Methodiat~Cliurch of~_ffim.. tlngton Beach ai\d the C h r lo t Pre~rtan Church ol Huatlngton Bellch. -The president or the ministerial woclatlon, Rev, K e n n • t b McMillan, . . . . . emphaslud that the paston olgned their objecilons as individuals and n o t necessarily as representativa ol those churches. "The association has not taken a posi- tion on it as a body simply because we haven't had a meet,l.r:ll," the Rev. ~1cMillan said. ReY. Erny said that several beach con- cessionaires had also approached him (See PIER. Pap II Hole Blow~ in 'Isla Vista Roofwp ·' ' • '"'· ' -. . ... ' -. . Sejl•tor Edmund Muskie (D·Me,) met for_~ min?te~ today wi!h ,fol'J?l~r"Pres~ent Hatry'S. Truman at Trwrian's Independence, ~10., home. Muskie, generafly regarded as the leading contender for the .l~OtlmoCrJ1tic pres1dential nomina~i<>n,,said they talked about-poli·· · ties"-and ·M~skie's·upcoming ·trip to tbe .Midate Easl .. . •• t •• ' . (j~~ Freighter Hijacker Su·rrenders in Cambodia • , · PijNOr,t ·P,ENH (AP) -"I only regret I. didn't sink the ship," one .of the hi· jac~ers. ~{ a U.S. ammunitljm · fl'tighter said · foday 1as he ' walked · into the American Embassy in Phnom Penh to surrender. · , 4'1 still believe in the re.volulion in America and in the revolution in Cam· bOdia,"' Alvin L. · GlatoWskl, '2o,. Long boditl, ... ~lvln L. Glatoi;yskl, 20, Long ~. told aewsmen. But be said he felt he would get a fairer deal In the U.S. than in Cambodia. . Glatowskl ' and Clyde W. McKay. 25, Escondido, took ·over the 10,000-ton COlumbia Eagle in the· Gulf of Thailand last March and forced the crtw into the Cambodlan port of Kompong Som. They have been indicted by a federal grand jury in Loa Angeles on charges of rriutiny o"n the high seas, assliult, ~ting kidnaped persons in foretp ' ~. arid ' neglect of duty. Thef ' coilld .. the death peoalty on the mutiny cbarga: 'n»e !hip and the rest of its crew were rekmtdr IDdi COD'fPleted the voyage ·to, ~iJibil; .• M'cW~ ~~l!.~Y from 1 a Cambodian I (SH JUJACK, Pa1e J) ~ T f • -. . U'IT....._ HEADING FOR .HOME , -Ship Hlloc:kor GlotOwskl . ' From Wire Servtcea JSLA VISTA - A tossed bomb blew a hole in the roof of a Bank . of America branch here Monday· night, showering the street with masonry tiles and in- flaming emotions of street people and lawmen again. No serious damage was reported, but the blast caused by an unidentified device left a 1 hole several feet ~ iD the overhanging eave of the !tructure. A crowd 0£ UC Santa Barbara students and other young people living ln·the unin- corporated community greeted sheriff's deputies who arrived on the scene with whoops and jeers. Last of Trio Sentenced •· . ' • F: or . ·Slaying." '" ' ' i. 1l1llriler' inO . tiiot .....ci wtien tlftt baridits llhot' •and kiDed F/toptaln Villey market manager James W. Oates "bfa closed in Orange County superior C-olat with the senteDcln& Of the third member of that trio. 1-lennan W. ·''Tlkl" Grant, 13, of Santa . Ana, was sente11Ced to six months to li{e imprisonment In state prison for his part in the killing of Oates last Aug, 12 at the Tic Toe market, 9457 Heil St. Judge Kenneth Williams untencecl Grant, after accepUng bl! pleu of guDty to second degree murder. Grant's two com- panions in' the Oates murder rectJved stiffer terms from the same judge after pl~ding guilty to cha~geo of first degree murder. Robert Woodrow Cements, 22. or 14811 Al~ter St., Weslmins1er, dmv a life term when he chose to waive his penalty trial and offer the plea. A jury had already found him guilty. Jerry Lee John.son, 18, of 14471 Titus St., Westminster, identified throughout th e Investigation and prosecution as the gunman in the Oates killing, also drew a life term. Prosecutor! today comider th a t t1''0 factors saved Johnson from the gas chamber : medical evtdeoce that 'be was an epileptic and the fact that Qlere was a hair trigger on his semi-automatic rifle. AH three men were arrested after a prolonged gun battle with police in a Garden Grove orange grove. Hundreds of nearby homeowners watched a duel that ended with the shackling of all three iruapecta, Orders to Wipe Out Viet Hamlets Denied WASHINGTON (UPl)-Brlg, Gen. w~ nant Sidle, chlef of Army information. Monday denied rtports Gen. William C. Westmoreland had ordered Viet Cong-in. fested villages outside Saigon "leveled" after the Tet offemJve of 1968. ·_··P .npils St11dy Maehiite _(;ill.er Students Lear1ii1ig on Teletype 'Educator' ... ' By TERllY COVILLE Of M D9flr '"' "-ft The kid< at Gioler Intermediate School In lfunting1on Beach bave a con!etU mak· Joa mocblDt. 1It dCI dniw1 a gOOd outline of SllOOPY'• f~. .Aitd ltc.can40l ... a malh.qull In a oplit ......is. ;, . ' 'll>etr modllne' Is a teletype hooked Into a Malina lflgh School busineso eta" and lnto·the large eompaten• el UC Irvine. It's on loan for two wee.ks from General TeleJiw>fie cOmp111y as an experiment. The compaey wants to know if it's a g'e! .,ctucauoiiat tool. 'The llda'reaUy like 1t," reports Glsler principal Tohn Wyatl Confetti and Snoopy are two of the reasons why. They pick up the pieees of the punched out tape for 90ft, yellow conletU. "We're saving Jt for basketball games," said one yOW!pter. Snoopy w .. llrawn by a shth grade teacher who typed leU.rs In the correct form , put Jt on an automatic tape, and ran It through the teletype produclilg a completed picture, On a more serk>us tone, the teletype of· fers a fast, accurate means for the older stude nts to study math. They can type out programs for the UCI comput.ers, •end them over the teletn>< and await lhe results. "It tells -... when a program ii wron1 too," Dan Trubovib, ll, ukL He dilplayed rolls ol "Wk" with Ille UGI compala' in which moth Pflljecla wao wriUm out and anowmd cmr the telolype. '!be longtll ll<oblem took C mt...tes to transmit -that OOlll the school' 11.M, Flw minutes of computer Ume nonnallJ costs ti cent.a. slxtli gr1der1 don't work math pro- blems, but they are Introduced to the teletype as a heavily used form of oom- munlcatlon. Rocks. IDd. botUes were thrown -ooe depaty wu hit In the hip but not injured -wbrie auth«itiea ttediteCI' calmer YOWll! Jie<!l?le with helping ~p Jtrder •In the midst of mutual tenlkn. 'l1le bank -symbolic of the capllali&t power structure to radicals -was rebuilt on the scene of one burned last Feb. 25 durtn& a clash that touched· off a. series of Incident!. Busa-cooUnued u lllUal today, bul that , ts all Bani< of America offlclail would say &boot the newest wault OD the building, No Incidents bad been reported and the Dismissal Letter • community was quiet UP,•UDtil the blast. possibly organized by five penom: witnesses reported seeing on the scene moments earlier. 'l1le r..la Vista flareups ol wt sprtnc ended with more than 100 persons jailed and one student -trying to preserw order and calm others clamorinc for violence -shot to death. Investigators said several small flra were aet in trash bins around the area, where residents said the bank blast could be felt two blocks away, but were quicklY, exUngulshed. . A crowd estimat.ed at 800 gathered «1 the scene. Aide . ._S~ys !le Observed _ -. ' . ' ' ltaghe$;Sign Document· LAS VEGAS, Nev, (UPI) -A penonal aide of Howard Hughes, who clatms he has aeen the .. myatecy billionaire almo<t daily for the put five years, aaya he saw the induetrialilt" •lgn • docume•t firing the bead of his Nevada operations. , HQWever, a handwriting 'expert and former auoclate of Robert Maheu, Hua1*1'· Nevada chief, claima the algnfture, Oii the letter of·dianlual Is a forgery, Bot1t men le!ltfled Monday In the Nevada District Court hearing atemming from the attempted ousting oL Maheu by Yule Decoration Contest Nearing End in Valley Only hours remain today for Fountain Valley residents who want to compete for prizes offered In the Fountain Valley Chamber of commerce C h r I a t ma 1 deeoratlng contest Entries In home, mobile home and buslneu divisions all must be postmark· ed by midnight tonight -if malled -or they can be delivered (by midnight) to the home of the conteat .chairman, Mrs. Barbara'Gillum, 17111 Santa Rita, Foun- tain Valley, CA mos. Jn addlUoa to the 12 awards offered by the chamber ta the local contest, the top two entries in the Fountain Valley contest will be eligible for awards in the aruwlde "to Miles of Qirlatmas Smiles" contest OHpomoied ' this year by the Oronie County Coaat Association and the DAILY PILOI', Valley reotdents and btist .... operators who haven't obtained an "official entry blank" llll1l can enter the local contest. All they need to do. Mr, Gillum ea- plained, ii to lum1lb her with their names, addreaea and , telephone num- bers. '" · (Judge! will decide ID which categories eich entry best Dta, m, caM of ovetlap- plng, m It llD'.&. even MCellll')' for con- lalt -to-1111 the catqorltl,) WU-. ol a-In ihe 1oC8I <'ClllleSt can eol1ec:I _. priRfl at the cl\y Chrtltmao cefolnllon and tr.llPllilr .,....,..., ~ ror 1:10 p,m..on' SUndaJ • c.amm.riy c.nw. . • ea.....-o1 --1c1ua., HOME DM8IOl!I -Bat Qlrlolm11 SOene, -ltellglollJ, -Speclat. -u--. _. Effactlve u .. ol 1.....-.,Moal U..-l,afl!IS~ . MOBILE HOME DMSION -- Crlltmu -· -Religloul and Santa Spodal, ___ 1 BUSINESS DIVISION -.,... Window DecontlOlll and, -Indoor and O\lldoor . Decorations. , For further 'delallo, palelltlal , COi> testants ahould contact Mrs. Gillum at Ml-1475. ' executives ol Hughes Tool Co., Iba Houston-baled parent finn of the billionaire's giant bu!iness empire. Ralph Bradlonj, now retired but previously a handwriting and fingerprint expert for 7.8 years on the Long Beach Police Department, testified at the hear: ing today that Huahea' signature wu 1• nuine. Bradford alao said he was satisfied that a , three-page band written Jetter urginC the executives of the tool company to get ahead with the job of firing Maheu wu aJ90 written by Hughes. Levar B. Myler, who Jdentified himaelf as a "special assistant" to Hughes, said Hughes ligned a proxy Nov, 14 firing Maheu, who has been the billlonalrt'i'No. 1 man In Nevada for the past four years. Myler said the signing took place In the ninth floor penthouse maintained bJ Hughes in the Desert IM Hotel in Lu Vegas. The witness also testified Hughe.I subsequently went to the BrltaMia Beacb Hotel in Nassau, the Bahamas, and from there issued instructions the proxy be released. Earlier tn the day, Charles Appel Jr,, a fonner FBI agent with Maheu, teatlfted on behalf of Maheu that Hughes' purported signature on ihe document presented by the Hughes Tool CO. was a "simulation or imitation." "It's a·very good representation," Apo pe1 said. "It would pa.u any bank teller and other business asaoclates would ac- ctpt it, but It's deficient. 11'1 eltremely skillful but It's different" · Wead&er There's a 60 percent chance you'll nned your umbrella on Wed- nesday. Temperatures will tumble too, dipping in.lo the low sixties along the Orange Coast . . INSIDE TOD/\~ 1 How dot!r your a11nual fn- come /it into the national scaUit Sylvia Porter ha.s all the anawer1 on Fina11ce Poge JO toda11. °""9~ . CHRIS'i'MAS ~· • • . l_,, Do<-II. 1'70 Service Stations Waging Gas War J\llt in llnl• f6r Clltlltma&, Mrvlce Iii· ttoos .illlllg Ibo Oran1• C.oat m •lll•ftd izi a prlOe eutuna au war. bropt from ncW•r priCff as mucb ii two t.o' !oor cODtl a 1alloo wero reporlod by •aJen trom eor ... 4tl Mar to FOWl- tain Valley. MilliOn Viejo and El Toro a:•• stations bowever, have ytt to 10 along with the prloe ..,,., probably becaute tbe ttbat.. oil compaoltl bave olftnd to other . doalen ba"" not been eztendod to Soulll County lla!loat. Fl'OM P .. e I HEARING ... Bonfa." Ricki Aid. 1'And he's becom1ng irritated ... "You're out of order," Bonfa snapped. Lat.tr, whtn Ricks be.Ian quizzing Walktf on his method.a of lnvati1ation, Miller ol>jecled to the Implication of alop- Pintll on Walker'• work. "l'tn enUtJed to IDqutre u to the con· duct of th1I man in hi• 1nve1U,1tion," Rieu wwered. "I bbjeCt, Mr. Ricks." Bonfa spoke out. "You're ovtrrul«I, Mr. Bonfa,'' JUcks snapped back. "Don't mate any mare off tbe record r:otntnentt," Bonfa warned. Tbit wu tbt last angry exchange between the two and the seuion ad· journed at _,_ Girl From Chil.e Seeks Area Home For School Term A younr IU'l in Chile II looldni for a homo Jn lluntlqtoo Beach -JuJI lor nine monthl. Teresa Hidalgo, 16, is set to attend EdiJon High School starting in f ebruary as an tntemaUonal Fellowz;hJp E:a:ehange student. Her trip may oever get off the iround. however. Edison Principal ltrneat Pucoe report, that Ttrt!aa b&i JtOWbtre ta live. . ·Ia thtre a family In south Huntington Beach lllat would JU.. an adl>p!M daughter for the nine months? ~ Spolloimen in Chile report that Te ..... ,. alNd;t JllCldni bet .... ven1n. fll!llly pboloa IJld ....,..too 16 obaw het footu bmlly hero. -U tomeont can aive hir a temporary home, phone PalCOe at 98).11111. 5cllool olllcltll allo AY mtny other n· dlange lludenfl would JIJce to ViJit the U.S. II any family w .. 11 to provide a lw>me for thrtej ifx or Dint monlhl, phone area cOde 802, 283-13&3 In Sedona. Ariz., tor JnlomiatlOn on tbe JntetnaUonal PellOW8hlp prbgtam. Zone Change Set For f.ommission A publio heatl!1g oo a iooe cbanae in- 1\llled by tbe plaMlng commlallon ls the t.op ti.m on Jnnl&llt'• apnda of Ille Foun· lain Valley City Council. Tbt city wants: to ruone t4 ams on the northwtlt . and IOUthWest aides of Bt6othurlt Street and !dlnaer Avenue from JI.I, Po.e!OO CpilMed development wtlll lllllll Iota) to llrtifl!t IH (7,lllO &qUlre foot Jot!). In other actions the eouneil will con- 1Ider an offtr <.1f financial aid to Teen Help, the anU-dtug, youth counsetlnc organitatlon and look at a contract with the architectural firm ol Bluroct & Auoclatea for expansion of the police. cl· ty haJI and community ctnttr faciliUea. DAILY PILOT OAAMO& COAST ,UILllMlNO CCIM,Alf't lo .. 1rt N. W ... l'rni.IMI ar,d l'VM ...... J 1(l: l . C11rl1y ~ f>rw,111 .. t 11'111 Ott.nl ~ Th111'111 k'11vil ..... ,,.,,..,, A. M11r,J.t11e MfllltflfllallM Al11t Dlr~l11 W•t Ottlltt Clwlry ... Al .. tt W, l1t1t Mocleft l.iMf """" ... --17171 .... h .._, ..... M1ili11t A.44re•11 P.O. hx 710, t2MI Otllor- ....... &Nell:.~ .... , ........ QiH M-! »I WW.I .. .., 11""' ........, 9IK:fl1 nn w.1 .. ._......,. tM ~II: al ,..,_ II Cln!IM bM . . ' . ' J. IJIClkel!lWI at Grant's Gulf In C.O.la Mes:a said "we Just 4r0pped another pen- ny yesterday" bring~ their price for low-lead resular to 30.8 and prernium &rade to 3'.9 cents. \Vb.tie matt . dealers r1ndomty In· t@rviewed seemed resigned to the renew· ed gas war, a Newport Beach Chtvron ,station owner expreoed disgust, refusins: to say wh;at be was now charging, wbUe ootiog be was participating. Ken's Mobile Service Station. Qirona del Mar u.Jd "We're very mucb into 1 .11s war. We dropped lwti cents a 11llon over the weekend," the owner reported, bringing hiJ prices to 34 .9 cents for 1taular and 38.9 for premium. He recalled that the last gaa war lasted air weeks and ended just thrtt weeks ago. "I think they are terrible," he said. ''but people are very selective now about gasoline prices, probably because of the ~nomy. We have to go alona." By contraat, Milslon Viejo Mobile rtpottl no price drop and contin11es to cbll'ge 38.9 for regular and 40.9 ·for pren\lum. Fivt Points Texaco ln Huntington Bead! has been lowering pricet for a WMk an4 atanda at 29.9 for r""'4r IJld 311.1 for PAmlum. Larry Mead, operator of a Shell station in Fountain Valley, said pri1..-es had drop- ped four cent.a a gallon in a week. "the gas companies give me 20,000 dif· fettnt rea50ns for a gas war." ht said, "But I sllll don't understand why." "I have to stly with them to be com· pet.itive," be said. noting that be believes "people are !hopping more now than they wed to." Howard Yarborough, operator of a UniOll station in El Toro 1aia the gas war had l'IOt rtaehed bis corner yet, but noted that a station across the street was cbareing 40.9 ceDts for pl'flmium com- pared with his 39.9.and 38.9 at a third sta· tion. "I'm not ready for another gas war," Yarborough said. "They hurt profits both ways, for the dealer and the oil coa'I· PIDY-" "We caa get a call in the morning to drop our price," he explained, "but then it i& the. dealer 's choice whether or not to go lions." If dealers don't go along. they may lose customers to another station. If they do. they ~Ut the ~ned revenue from sale.s on a prearranged rebttt baiafl with • Ibo oil company. From Pag~ I HIJACK ... guard in a Phnom Penh restaurant ln OC:tober and disappeared with an American deserter from T h a 11 a n d • Glatowski said then he believed they were beaded for the town of Siem Reap to join C.Ommunist forces fighting in Cmibodia. Olatowski and ri.tcKay were kept on a prison boat on the Mekone River for a few weeks after the hijacking. They com· plained about the conditions there and were put in the servants' quarters of a governmmt guest house in Phnom Penh and then in a hotel. The Cambodian government paid their hottl bills, and they technically had political asylum. But they were actually under a form of arrest, free to move about in the city but always escorted by Cambodlan guards. • r High Motn ...._. ....._ .... • ' DAILY ,ILOT lttH ~lllfO Devil Cult Trial Case Under Way 8y TOM BARLEY 01 !flt DellY '''-' Jttll What Steven Craig Hurd described to his psychiatrist as Mrs. Florence Brown'a 1'queenliness and goldlneu" and what he believed wu her "derogatory attitude" toward! him may well have cost the Miuion Viejo teacher her life, It was alleged in testimony today in Oran1e County Superior Court. Dr. John A. Guido opened the sanity trial of the accused 20-year~ld transient by telling deft!\.9e attorney William Gam- ble that Hurd told him that he slashed ri.tn. Brown in the neck "to warn her" that he would not tolerate her auperlorl· ty. Hurd could not recall lhe actual killln1 of Mrs. Brown, Guido testified but he could recall "1tabbing her once or twice_ Then he remember1 that he drove around Santa Ana with her body -sort of like they dld thing! in Vietnam, he told m~. '' Hurd is accused of being the ringleader of a group of drifters who police clalm pulled Mr1. Brown, 31 , of El Toro, from her car lut June 2 u she left the San Oiego Freeway at the Sand Canyon elt- ramp. MORALITY PLAYERS USE OLD MIDIUM FOR NEW TWIST ON A RECURRING MESSAGE Gl1ler Students (from left) Jonn• Hin••, Amell• Zaff•r•no, Brend• Cook, Sh•r·on L•n• (gult•r) Poliu allege that the woman wu mutilated and subjected to a series of devil worshiping rites b e fore she was finally killed in an Irvine orange grove. Gamble told the court tOl:lay that one of those rites involved the eating of her heart by Hurd. From Page 1 PIER ... and voiced mi!givings on the beer Ucense. ''They feel they will be undtr pressure to compete," he .said. The minister! also believe that a beer license would cause policing problem!. "There is even the possibility of mob ac- tion. U there is beer sold on the beach. people would be more susceptible to violence and spontaneous group action." Smith was supported in his application for a lease change frotp the council by Harbors and Beaches Director Vince Moorhouse who told the councilmen that the change would be compatible with the city's Top of the Pier plan. The r!quest also was discussed with Police Ohief Earle RobitaUle and he rais- ed no objection at the council meeting. Smith, who al&o operates a bait and tackle stand on the pier, remains COO· !idtnt that the license wUI be granted. "I have a tremendous amount of money invested in this." he said. "I have to press on with my plans. I would have had the license last week if the objectioa hadn't been ra.ised." The businessman said that he operated the stand as a fresh fish market for a year and lost money. "But our best line was smoked fish and people kept asking us for some form of beveraae. That's what made me decide to make sandwiches too and convert it into a small restaurant. "I don't think people understant that beer will only be drunk on the premises. None will be going out the door." Smith argued that the diange fits the Top of the Pier plan in that it will help the city determine what bwines&es will be auccessful in the beach area. First Beer, Now GJs Will Get Own Rugs WASHINGTON CUP!) -The Anny priva~e has been given the right to drink beer In the barracks. Soo:i he will have a rug of his own and be will be able to choose beige, rose or green. Drug Play Set Stlldents Stage Morality Production An old fashioned morality play will tackle a new faniled problem -drug abuse -thla Cliriatmas season at Gisi~ lntennedJate School, Huntington Beach. The play baa been written by a 7th grade 'h.lstory class for the belellt of other Glaler clauea. It dreuea modem day narcotic.a: .pr~ blems in the vocabulary and clothes of the middle ages. The atudenll took ao old play "Everymaa" and turned it into "Every· teen .'' The main fea ture is a rousing sword batUe with &ood triumrblng over evil. The first .few lines o the play read like this : Hooked Tee:o: "Why don't you try it?" Ano!htt booked Teen : "Don't be chlcken." Everytee.n : "Ah, I'm a little scared. I don 't want to." Hooked Teen : "Let's split. This guy'1 just a clilcken." Everyteen: "No, wilt a minute. Don't leave." (Everyteen walk.a to front of stage and speaks to audience ). "I don't know' what to do. Shall I take the stuff or not. II I don't my friends will chop me. U I do !Ike It they'll think I'm a cool CUY· But I might get booked. I mtgbt even die. If I just had someone to tell me what to do." That someone appear• later ln the play and with a litUe help from h1s real friends Everyteen makes the right choice and beats back the dreaded dope: devils. • Former Huntington Beach Aide Newbold Succumbs , A former parking s14perintendent In Huntington Beach. Roland A. Newbold, who re.!lided in the city for 13 years. has died at the age of 64 . Famed French Site Named for De Gaulle PARIS (UPJ) -Paris' famed Place de l'Etoile became Place Charles de Gaulle today_ The renaming of the famed place, where tbe Arc de Trlompbe and the tomb of the unknown soldier are located, wa& greeted with something less than eD· thustasm lo some sectors. Tbe chanae was unanlmously passed by the Paris cl· ty council Nov. 13, but because of the resultln& protests it decided to reconsider . Services will be -conducted .at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Smith's Mortuary, 82'1 ri.tain St.. Huntington Beach. with in· terment following at the Good Shepherd Cemetery. Thomas W. Ovtrton. putor of the First Christi.an Church, will conduct the service. lt1r. Newbold, who died Swlday. was the assistant manager of the Huntington Beach municipal parking lot for 10 yeara. He was a past master of Masonic Lodge Ml, was a membu of the Shriners and a pa11t patron of the Order of the Eastern Star. Mr. Newbod .. who lived at 1023 Lake St .. ls survived by his wtfe , Luelle, two daughters, a brother, a sister. four grandchildren and one graatgrandchlld. THE PRICE IS RIGHT (or is it1) Mrs. Brown was burled In a &hallow grave off the Ortega Hlihway_ Her di&membered body was fOund June 15. Guido is one of five psychiatrists who examined Hurd in Oran1e County Jail. rt is expected that . at least two more psychiatrists will follow him to he witness stand in Judge Robert L. Corfman's courtroom. Judge Corfman will rule after hearing counter arguments from Chief Deputy District Attomey James Enright If Hurd is sane and competent to stand trial. Guido's written opinion w1s that Hurd was iMane at the time of the Brown kill- ing. Four other psyciliatrl!lll have ruled the Jong-haired defendant to be sane but all doubt his: ability to aid oowuel in bil: defense. Police Discover Wandering Tot In Huntington A sha,uy-haired moppet wanderrn, Jn Huntington Beach had pollce baffled for three hours Monday, in more ways thu one. Oaniel Claire, 3. was found about I a.m., toddlinf down Frankfort Avenue in only a pair ol yellow flaMel pajamas. Knocking systematically at houses and apartments, officers Stephen Balloch at1.a Wllllam Vancleve spent U fruJUe11 mlnutu trylog to find someone mlnua one child. Ht v.·as taken to police headquarters, where several clerks got a break trom. the more mundane aspecta of keepln& crime files straiaht by entertainin1 lht youngster. He was finally taken to the Albert SJ~ ton Home in Orange, where his relieved mother finally clsimed him Mol'lday afternoon. "She works night.s. She came home, went to sleep and didn't wake up until noon." explained a spokeaman for the foundling home. Sy the way, little Daniel Claire baffled Police In more ways than one, It wu disclosed today. He was listed as a &lrl ln the found child report. HAVE YOU MR GONE INTO A STORE, AND IEFORE A SALESMAN Al'l'ROACHID YOU, TRIED TO DETERMINE l'RICES ON GOODS NOT MARKED? MANY CARl'ET STORES DO NOT HAVE !'RICES INDICATED ON THEIR SAMl'LES. THE THE 0 RY IS THAT THIS WAY THEY CAN CHARGE "WHAT THE TRAFFIC WILL IEAR." AT ALDEN'S PRICES ARE l'OSTID ON ALL OF OUR SAMl'LU SO THAT CUSTOMERS CAN BROUSE THROUGH THE SILECTIONS AND KNOW WHAT THE ARE LOOKING AT. TOO, THERE IS ALWAYS THE l'OSSlllUTY OF A L 0 WE R PRICE IF CONDmONS WARRANT. ALDEN'S ,......,-.. -,.-•• -.-. o-,.-•• -,-, CARPETS e DRAPES lUITIN C.tl ••• uo .t~~·u,""' 1663 l'lac•ntla Ave. & DlAPllld COST A MISA 11174 ,,... httl .. Celtf. ........ '46•4131 • • JUI , an 85-pound alrafle, nuzzles her mother, Liz, at the Denver Zoo. The baby was live feet tall at birth Dec. 12 . HOU~S: Mon. Thru Thurs., 9 to 5:30 -,,J,, f lo 9 -Sat., 9:30 lo 5 • ' ( ' ' ' I I I I ' ,, I DAILY l'!lOf :J Laird to · Vietnam; Troop Cut Eyed ~~~~~~~~~---,--,-o--~~~~-"--~-==--~___:_·~ •, Ul'I T.._119 .. GETS HIS DAY IN COURT My Lai F igure Calley Supervisors To Air Two I Hot Issues By JACK !ROBACK Of IM 0.llY Plitt S~ft Jt won't seem like the jolly Chri.sbnu season Wednesday when lhe board of supervisors holds public hearings on two highJy controversial sutijects. Starting off the day at 10 a.m. is a con· tinued hearini{ on proposed tide1md! fees in Newport Harbor. At 2 p.m. the Ralph hf. Pal"SOfls Company report on the coun· ty air transportation plan is schPduled. The possibility that the tideland.! arguments may be J>9Slponed IS sffn ln the recommendation· by the county harbor cummissionerl that further study be given before fees are assessed to docks and marinas on county tidelands. However, supervisors voted Oct. 7 to levy fees beginning Jan. I . Wednesday'• hearing is supposed to determine the amount or the .·ental fees . Last July Stanley Krause, county Real Property Services director, recommend· ed that fees of $6 per foot a year for docks and 12 cents per foot for com- mercial marinas be levied. The first two sessions on the subject brought forth large scale and vigorous opposi,tion fro:n boat cwners and marina operators in the harbor area. DAILY PILOT SMff PNll Paris-Stop Included On Journey WASHINGTON (AP ) -SecnLary of Defense Melvin R. Laird announced to- day he will go to Southeast Asia early next month to view the military situation first hand and discuss future troop withdrawals from Vietnam. Laird said he would be accompanied by Adm. Thomas H. Moorer, chairman of the Joint Chie[s of Staff. The trip will take them first to Paris &nd discussions with the American negotiators in the peace talks with the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong. Following the slop in Paris Jan. 5 the secretary will then · Oy to 11laUand and South Vietnam. In outlining his plaris during a news conference, the secretary de(:lined to say whether the rate of withdrawals would be alowed during the coming weeks. He said he would not discuss monthly figures or tie himself down to specific ~ilings but declared, however, that "we'll beat or meet the troop celling of May l" when U.S. forces In Vietnam are to be reduced to 284,000 men under Presl· dent Nixon's timetable. As of Thursday' American for~s in Vietnam numbered 343,700. Soldier Says Capt. Medina Shot Woman It is also indicated that the air transportation hearing will not be any happier than previous sessions on that controver::· ·J subject. GOOFY GIVES LAURIE HANSEN A SOUVENIR BOOK DURING HER DISNEYLAND TOUR It Wai Just One of Many Gifts for Winner of Uncle Len's Chrl1tm•1 Card Contest During bis stopover in Saigon, Laird said he would assess the progress in the Vietnamizalion program, the over-au military situation in Southeast Alia and the military assistance program. The visit. he said, will also give him a chance to confer with Gen. Creighton. Abrim.5, the U.S. commander in Vietnam, "on what lies ahead" in fu tll'e troop reduc· tiorui. FT. BENNING, Ga. (UPI ) -A soldier who served at My Lai testified today tbe company commander had conducted an "inflammatory" meeting the night before lhe strike, had ordered the village destroyed. and had personally killed a woman picking rice. The testimony concerning the com- mander, Capt. Ernest L. Medina, was given at the court-martial in which one of his platoon leaders, Lt. William L. Calley Jr.. is charged with murdering 102 civilians during the mi ssion. Michael A. Bernhardt, 24, of Tarpon Springs. Fla., surveyor, was one of eight witnesses called by the defense in two days to say that Medina had left him with !he impression flat all inhabitants -in- cluding women and children -were to be tilled in-the Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai on March 16, 1968~ Three days after the sweep, he testified, Medina "gave an address to the :ompany " in which he said an in· vcstigation was under way. ··tte said he would advise us to be quiet And he would back up anyone if they got ln lrbuble," Bernhardt said. Bernhardt added that Medina later took him aside and said "that he personally didn ·t feel it would do any good if I made a report to my congressman or to the JG (ins~~or general) or anybody else and not to do it." Bernhardt's testimony followed that cf ancther fcrrner soldier at My Lai who said he fired into a group of 10 women and children in the village because he had the impression that Medina . n his briefing. had ordered the killing of the in· habitants. Medina Is accused by the Army or overa!J responsibility of the killing of "at least 175" civilians that day, but no formal charge has yet committed him to rourt·martial. Bernhardt testified that "Capt. Medin3 was very passionate " in tone at the brief- ing t.he night before the assault: "He iaid there were no innocent civilians in the area -if they were not combatants they were involved in support" of a Viet Cong unit. · During the operabon, Bernhardt said he followed Medina most of the day·. ' Adding to the confusion and giving strength to objectors is a Federal Avia- tion Agency report opposing BeU Ganyon as a jet airport site. The Bell Canyon site in the southeast section of f,he county was recommended in $140,000 Parsons report. It has been greeted with outraged cries by residents and developers of the area. A series of sessions held by the County Airporl commissioners in Brea, Los Alamitos and Mission Viejo to IOWld out public reception of the Parsons report has resulted in almost 100 percent re- jection of the ;ecommendations. Talent Agency Principals Hit With Charges Criminal charges have been filed against four principaJs of a child talent agency closed by an Orange County Superior Court judge in earlier civil Ii ligation. Scheduled to appear Jan. 12 in Santa Ana municipal court to fa« charges of grand theft, violatlon of the slate's cor- i>orations code and conspiracy are at- torney Richard R. Murphy of Orange, and brothers Jerry, 41, and Don Hegg, 40, of Tustin. A fourth defendant is being sought on identical charges. The Heggs brothers are free on $1 ,850 bail . Murphy was released on his own recognizance in earlier court action. Authorities allege all four were in- volved in the Orange County '>peratk>ns of a child talent syndicate first registered as Take One and later linked wltb Na- tional Video C.Orporation. Civil action was taken against the operators after hun- dreds of Orange County parents com- plained of being bilked of fees ranging from $90 to $659. · Many parents told investigators t~y were assured of "excellent chances" for their children to land contracts in TV and movie work. None of those inter- viewed were ever again co ntacted by. the operators after payme nt c4 fees, in- vestigators claim. Supreme Court Upholds Murder Conviction, 5-4 WASHINGTON (AP) -Helped by Har· ry Blackmun, the newest justice, the Supreme Court took a tougher stand to- day on the rights of defendants in state criminal trials. In a 5 to 4 ruling , the court upheld the murder convi.:tion of a Georgia man even though he did not have a chance to cross- examine an alleged co-conspirator whose testimony linked him to the crime. The decision split the justices along conservative-liberal lines and indicated that Blackmun 's elevation to the bench by President Nixon produced a COO· servative majority. The four dissenters, left ove'r from the oldliberal majority of the Warren court that produced S.4 rulings going Lhe othe1 way c.omplained that the decision is "completely inconsistent with re«nt opi· nion s of this court." They said the def en· dant 's rights had been clearly violated and that he ·N:is entitled to a new trial without use of '··e damaging testimony. The case involves the first-degree murder conviction of Alex S. Evans in the 1969 ~laying of Gwinne tt County police of- ficer Jerry Everett. The dispute was over the use of a sinile sentence of testimony. Lynwood W. Shaw, a proseciltion wilness, was permitted to tell the jury what he claimed he had heard from a fellow prison~· wbo also had been in- dicted n the crime. According to Shaw. the prisoner, Venson Williams, had tol d hkn : "If it hadn't·been for that dirty son· of·A-bitch, Alex Evans, we wouldn't be in th~ now." Evans' defense lawyer objected lo in- troduction of the sentence since Williams was not in court to be cross-e1amined. The U.S. Circuit Court in Richmond, Va., agreed with the defense in 1968 that Evans' rights had been violated. And trial was ordered bnt Georgia appealed to the Supreme Courl ~udi e Dance rs f ile Suit Against County 'Coverup' Al Koch Resig.ns Post As County Road Chief • I A Los Angeles Federal Court judge will tJ! asked early in the new year to dismiss ~ unconstitutional state, county and city 1,ws currently being used to combat nude ~ncing in Orange County taverns. 1Gardena attorney Berrien Moore filed t;s complaint Monday on behalf o( ~rong Gals and the Chee Chee Room, IJ>th of Santa Ana, and the Tuscan Room iD Tustin. r He named as defendanls District At· ltrney Cecil Hieb, Sheriff Jamea Musick iwid Santa Ana Police Chief Edward ..\llan together with live police and sher· iJf's investigators. 1 Moore took his action In the wake of a ~rlcs of reversals of his arguments In Orange C:Ounty courts and the apparent iAepping up of district attorney Ricks' dlmpaign to clean up or close up 111 tivems featuring nude ent.ertainmenl 1 All three ban represented by Moore tfave been the SCf;ne of many arrests dur-~g recent months stemming from com- ~laints of nudity and obscenity. tMoore argues In his federal court ae- on that the Santa Ana anti-obscenity or- nance together with county and state ipeRsures violates U.S. Supreme Court ft!les. 1 Frequtnl 11.rrtsts al the three i»lri V\i(e not to control obscenity but to put the bars nut of business by for cing th'm !., pay legal feei;, f\.1oore said. ) Orange C:Ounty Road Commissioner Al S. Koch today resigned hi:I post, effective April 5, 1971. Koch hU been with Orange County for 25 yean and has held the position of road commissioner since Aug, 1, 1965, more than 15 years. Jn accepting Koch 's resignation with regret, members or the Board of Supervi.son: praised hlm fw his con- tributions to the county. SulM!n'isor William Hirsten pointed to the "highly successful'' arterial highways financing program, a jolnt county-city project originated by Koch. The retiring road commissioner wai~ asked by SUpervlaor David Baker to prepart a report "on the possible con- M>lidaUon of all eiagl.neertng departmtnll in the county as a money saving move." Baker said ¥ was thinking of roads. flood control. building and safety and harbor engineer• as examples o r departments which might be colfsolldated under OM county engineer, Koch was also prai3td for his years of work which led to lhe approval or An Orange COun tv Transit District which •-·11s approved by the voters lest Nov. 3. M ILY Pll.Of Steff ,,_.. YI ELDINO RIGHT.0,·WAY RNd Commls1loner Kodt Day at Disneyland Waits For Holiday Card Winner The Magic Kingdom created ln Anaheim by Walt Disney became "Laurie Land" for a day just before Christmas last year. That was the day Laurie Hansen, then !I years old, and her &-year-old brother, Mark, took mom and dad (Mr. and Mrs . Mark Hanse n of 2024 Aliso Ave., Costa Mesa} to Disneyla nd fo r the "payofr' on Uncle Len's Christmas Card Contest for 1969. Jt was a day filled with surprises and fun for Laurie and her family'. They rompe d through Disneyland with some of the world-famed Disney characters. Laurie met and talked with nearly all of them. She had her picture made with Goofy, Pluto, Wlnnif: the Pooh. Capt. Hook and Mr. Smee and with Snow White and some of the dwarfs. And that still wasn't ·all. During that one dey that the Anaheim amusement park was "Laurie Land,'' she and her brother had the opportunity to ride just about all the rides they wanted to in the entire magic world of Disney- land. They also watched the special holiday parade which is one of the season 's joys at Disneyland, And the whole day was reported in pictures· and words published in the DAILY PILOT on Christmas Day. On that same day, Laurie's Christmas card was published on the front page of the DAILY PILOT holiday editions as Uncle Len's greeting to his young readers. And the point or all this is that Disneyland and UJJ;:le Len are jusl waiting for another boy or girl, to come up with • prize·wiMing Christmas card tor this year's contest. The deadline is coming up fast. Uncle Len just announced in last Saturday '• column (his column appears every Satur- day in the DAJL Y PIWTl that he cannot accept entries In the 1970 Uncle Len's Christmas Card Contest any later than 5 p.m. on Dec. 16. {That means cards must be delivered by mail or in person to the DAILY PILOT office in C.Osta Mesa by $ p.m. that day.) Any boy or girl up to 12 years old J.s eligible to enter the contest. All Christmas cards should be designed so that pictures and words lany kind of message or verse the children want to use ) are all on one side of lhe same sheet of paper. Use white paper up to B'h by 11 inch~s in size. Do not use colored paper or col- ored ink or crayons, etc. The entire design should be in black and white. Frozen Food Swindling Case Delayed in Court Both sides In the Orange County Superior Court trial of four men accused of swindling county homeowners in • frozen food sales sCheme have agreed on a six-day delay of the proceedings. Judge Raymond Vincent today scheduJ. ed Monday as the next appearance for William J. Wooll, 63. of 2014 Wallace Ave., Costa Mesa, his son Philip F., 31 , of North flollywood, Joh n M. Turner, 40, of Glendale and Harold B. Massey, 46, of Anaheim . mised 860 pounds of frozen meats and other products for $682. Investigators say contracts binding the victims to that amount plus Interest were then sold to Liberty Loan Company of Anaheim where Massey is the manager. It is alleged that a frozen food supplier was then hired by the defendants to deliver the produce to customers. It Is alleged however, that each contract holder only received 300 pounds of food stuffs adding up to a tote! financial lpss of between $70,000 and '130,000. Anaheim Couple Shot Leaving Ram-Lion Game A confused Anaheisi couple hunt.in& their ,car after Monday ni&ht\I Loa· Angeles RamS footba'U game were cut . dgwn by gunfire near the Coliseum in aft · u,npr9voked atuic.k• by two men who stop- ped to ask the time. ' ~ Police said no robbery attempt wu made · and described the incident u senseless. Paul Morgan , 20, of 2102 Harle Ave., was looking at his watch when one stranger pulled a .4:) caliber automatic. pistol and began shooting at point-blank· range. . Morgan, wounded in the stomach an<l right leg, was listed in serious cond.itlO!t at County-USC Medical Center today. · Mrs. Audrey Hackett. 37, of 1934: Lullaby Lane, was hit in the left arm and left leg by the heavy caliber slugs and ia reported in fair condition today . Investigators said Morgan and Mrs. HackeU were un able to find their parked c.ar in the aftermath of the Rams-Detroi t Lions game and were wandering around the darkened area. ~ Several blocks away from the lq. sports otadium, two men drove up and' one asked about the time, then started' shooting. Belli Takes Over : Sirhan's Appeal SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -Melvin, Belli , flamboyant San Francisco Bay trial lawyer, said today he is taking over, the appeal in the case cf convicted. assassin Sirhan Bishara Sirhan. Sirhan currently Is on death row in San Quentin prison for the 1968 shooting death of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Belli told a news conference he was taking over the appeal at the request ct Sirhan's family. He was in Salt Lake City for a speech to University or Utah law students. All four defendants were Indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury on charges of grand theft and conspiracy. They are free on bail. The indictment followed investigation of an operation In which salesmen for Family Plan, Consumer Affiliates Corp. and Consumers Servbs signed more than 200 famWes for time payment pro- grams. Hughes Clamor Authorft~ claim subscribers were pro- Edison Workman ' Electrocuted A Southern California Edison Co. worker was electrocuted Monday when a construction crane touched a high voltage Une in Garden Grove. Charles H. Gray, 29, ol La Crescenta was dead on arrival at Pa1m Harbor Hospit.aJ sborUy after he had been Injured at Garden Grove Boulevard and West Street. Police said a heavy metal plate was belng lnsUilled in an undttground ehanntl for electrical wlrea. Gray was assiJUng two olher workers In holding the plate but he was standing In a puddle of water, the coroner's nfflce said. The other two ftre not Injured. r. I Recluse Creates Stir in Bahamas By DON ROTHBE RG A.-clltM ,,.... Wtlttf" PARADISE ISLAND, Bahamas -A pretty girl in the tiniest of bathing suits can stroll by the pool at lhe Britannia Beac!i Hotel and find all eyes fixed not on her b6t on three ninth-floor balconies. It happens whenever a curtain tetms to stir, or when a figure 11 spelled on the hotel roof. For whether Intentionally or not. Howard Hughes still is Jn the apoUlght arter more than two weeks ln'secluston ID the~·~ No one who might J'eCOlnize Hugh6s admits to ,..Inc him. Yet everyone i. certain he ia hert due to the four guarded suites on the top Ooor of the Britannia. . Few people have seen Hughes In lhe past 12 years. Bu\ at this rtSOrt, lt is ea•Y to find many who say they saw him during the past two weeks. Walttrs and busboys in seYeral hote1 restaurants swear they saw-a:nd served Hughes. Each one hu • different If description of the billionaire recluse. And there is the guest who says he saw a man at 6:30 one morning, bundled up in a sweat suit jogging slowly around the hotel tennis court. The guest is cenvlnced it was Hughes. I A photographer aimed a powerful telephoto lens at one of the ninth Ooor balconies and found himself• look.Ina: at a camera atmed at him by 1 man standing in front ol the ever-drawn curtain. A brief sttr was created by the •Po: pearance of three men on the hotel roof. Were they ma.kins prepar1tion1 fOr a helicopter landjng? Perhaps. But a nlaht~ long vig!Lpassed with no helicopter. The betting is thal It wm lite • helicopter landing on the roof to pt Hughes out of the· hotel undetected -H, in fact, he Is here. A, locaf pilot sold ~ b cen.m 1 helicopter capable of carryJna up to \t P3Slell8'.etS could land on the roof with m advance prtparaOon. Whal brought Hughes here, if be ta, n- mains a mystery. ' ,.,...;~ ....... 1 ··---""' > ..... fl DAILY rlLOT llfldu -.41<1<> 'l'ue cleciclecl to economize•• here 's your farewell present!' Timing Off Tlltld&y, Otctmbor 15, 1970 For Writers By DICK WEST White House Christmas WASJ:DNGTON -Yo11 may have notic- ed that President Nixon's televised newa conference last week moved along at a rather berky·jerky paco and bad a rag· (eel endln(. Mrs. Richard Nixon led new smen on a guided tour ot the state rooms at the White House that have been decorated for Christmas. The fir.st lady called attention to this gingerbread house and said the President tried to nibble a piece of the cake before she stopped him. I noticed thll too, IO I uked Hathaway Scrlbtndl, a veteran White Houae cor- respondent. what caused it. 0 Tbat wu Nixon's first full dress oewa conference alnce last summer and our timing wu badly off," Scrlbendl replied. U.S. Quarters Bombed Saigon Blast Laid to Anti-American. Bitterness "A lot of UI just didn't have that split.se- cond reacllon llat keepa Ille queatlom flowing smoothly.'' I uid, "I realile a White House cor· respondent must conUnually polish bis timing to function at peak efficiency, but don't you 1uy a get a chance to practice between news conferences?" "SURE," BE said. "We usually work an hour or two a day on what we call 'recopiUOn drllll.' This involves spring· tng to. your feet and trying to attract the President's attention so he will give you the nod for the not question." "Well, if you have daUy workouts, why WU )'O\lt Umin& ofJ?" "No matter bow often you practice leaping from your chair, i< 1lmply 111\'t the aame as doing it under game con- ditions," the corrupondent uplalned. "Your Umin& depends a great deal on developing a sense of anticipation -an lnsUncL for knowln& when the President Js about to flnllh a reply so you c~ be nady to bop up the exact moment be 11Dpa. 0 SINCE EACH President hu his own tempo, you can only get the feel of it through actual exposure. You have to seftse whtn be is going on a short count -that ls, give a terae 'yes' er 'no,' answer -and when he's gctng to be discursive. "Yoo may recall that when Preaidi!nt Kennedy was holding frequent new1 con- fe~. we had our timing dcwn to a T. 'Ibe entire press corps would spring up in unlson, like the Radio City Rockettes, and bellcw 'Mr. President' as with one voice, llke the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. "We became lesa synchronized under President Johnson'& fitful sessiorui and J'll be frank to say that on Thursday evening we were downright erratic. "Being unable lo anticipate Nixon's finishes, some corre3pondenl! were caught flat-footed by them . Others. afraid cf reacting prematurely, be came cauUOUB and hesitated too long." "I said. ''What happens ir a cor- respondent jumps up too quickly?" "He gets penaliz.ed for illegal motion." -UPI SAIGON (UPl)-Young stud<!nt.. bomb- ed a U.S. officer1' quarters in Saigon tonight and attacked two American jeeps in a new outburst of anti-American feel· lng. 1n the war, six Amer icans were kill· ed in a mlnerield and 10 were feared dead in a Navy plane crash. Fighting in Cambodia stepped up in an area 45 miles northeast of Phnom Penh and the Cambodians said they had killed 2,000 North Vietnameae in beating cff three days of Communist asaaults on Highway 7. A terrorist bomb also ex- ploded in Phnom Penh, wounding eight soldiers. UPI correspondent Kate Webb reported from Phnom Penh that 2,000 South Viet- namese troops were flown into Kompong Cham en Monday to relieve the critical route 7 situation. ~ompong Cham, Cam- bodia's third largest city, is 50 miles nortlteast o( Phnom Penh. Freelance reporter-photographer Fran- cis Bailly, reporting (or UPI from route Pressure on Reds Unilateral POW Release By Allied Forces Urged WASHINGTON (UPI) -Senate Republican whip Robert P. Griffin said today the United States and South Viet- nam unilatually should release 1,500 able-b<>died North Vietnamese w a r priaoners, as well as all sick and wounded prisoners, before the Vietnamese new year. , Griffin told a news conference the Nix- on' Administration had been in!onn~d of his suggestion. "I believe that there wilt be some sympathetic response within the Nations Agree On Hijack La,vs THE HAGUE (UPI) -An in· temational conference on air law today approved a proposal demanding pro- secution "without exception" for aircraft hijackers and severe penalties for those convicted. A 14-day conference of 76 nations adopted the "convention for the sup- pression of illegal seizure of aircraft" with only Chile and Algeria ab!lltalnlng. The Hague convention, as the agree· ment will be known, will be signed Wednesday by the nations who agreed on it and will be open lo other nations later. "Each contracting party (nation) undertakes to make the offense (of hi· jacking) punishable by severe penalties," the qreemeot said. admlnistrallon," he added . 'Die second-ranking member of the Senate GOP leadership said, however he had not talked with President Nixon about the maUer and 1'I'm not prepared to be more specific." The Michigan Republican held the news conference Monday but all information from it was embargoed until today. •·such a dramatic, humanitarian in· tiative would create, worldwide, an ex· pect.ation of response in kind by the Com- munist side," Griffin said. "I believe it is appropri'ate as the holiday season ap- proaches, for our side to demonstrate through this dramatic and moving ge!ture our deep conviction, expreMed by President Ni.J:on, that all prisoners have suffered too much." Griffin emphasized he was not ad· vocating forced repatriation. He said a body such as the Interna- tional Red Cross should be asked to in- terview the North Vietnamese and determine which men wish to return. He said there has been no response. from the North Vietnamese to a proposal he made to Mai Van Be. the North Viet- namese ·delegate general to the Paris talks. in Paris on Nov, 1.5. That proposal was to release all sick and \VOUnded American prisoners by Christmas. Griffin also said the North Vietnamese rebuffed an cffer by the United States and South Vietnam Thursday to exchange 8,200 North Vietnamese captives for a far fewer number of free world pertonneJ. Storm Pounds New Mexico· Hmf-i1ich Hail Breaks Un,iversity Windows Calltomla TM ~1uH fA t •lorm -• Sou!Mr" C•fllllf"l'll• WMnetdtr b,.....hl lncrell- ltlf ekludl11111 1vt r !tit '"""' !oder "'Ith IM1Hrtlll,..1 111 Ille ceol M11. lltlll ... ·~'"' to ... ..ci IO\lltl• wtl'f W.........., -• "" C:Mllfl tNI "*"""'" .,,..., wlll'I lltfll "'-"'• fart. .., .... 1tlt ...., ~-- Lot ,.,..... ..W vlc.t111tY w•• -Ill' , .... ....,. Wltfl flrM:rMllnl 1119'1 tloudll. Jttlft. MtW fl lllM:I, Wll DHCIN ..., t1W •1" "° i.11 WMltttd•r. ~ M9'I IMllr w•• 114 tM _.. ................. "" . .,. Tiie dltM9 "' -.ciltltelltll " -NC* to Mtlll "' • ,,_., w._. .... 111 ~ .. "" ,.,...,!ell .,.. .... , .., Int,....... """ doufl-.... """"" _.., ,....,... .,....ri.. ,,... ................. -...... Cnatol l'trtty CleUll'r 1edel'. l.ftN vtt ltbit •lftft nlllftl Md ""'"'"' l'IMlrt bltOfl'I· In• wnttrlr I to lS knots In ef'rt.- .... ., •"4 Wil'd,,...,.I'. Hit/I 1111•1' U CMllll ""'""""',... fl -1rtrn 4' V.S. Summary Tiie ffltf lllOUfltwetl "" .... """ 111 !Nrt 9' lf1Ci.lletilll M9M•1' nltlll lllCI N rll' tooll', Temperature• Al!MICl111._ All•~!• 81k1t1/!1ttf 91t"'•rtk 19al11 Bot!Oll "'°°"'""'Ill• CMtt411 Cl"d""'" ""'~ c.. Mal"'' ""~" ......... ,,_ Mt11111 IC.11"'' Clry lltV-1 L&a A .... lu Ml1ml Ml"Mil>Olil N.,.,.~IH"" H-Yert Ntrttt Jtl1n1 Otlll•""' Ok!lllOl'l\t t ill' """'' Petm 5111'1,..._ PIM llUl'9 ,,_,, " " •• " M :M 20 ... . " . " n " ., '' " " . " ~l It " n d • )J ,, " d R u u ~ " u ,, " R 0 ... " n d " " . M a n u M R " . " . 7, said the C.ommwtists had almost en· tlrely occupied the town of Prey Totung, 45 miles northeast of Phnom Penh and that 20 Cambodians were killed and 150 woUnded In attacks there. Bailly himsell was slighUy wounded when the command post at O.Dar received a direct bit. Tonight's explosion in Saigon ap- parenUy was the latest in a aerie& on an· ti-American incidents stemming from the shooting of a Buddhist high school stu- dent in Qui Nhon by an American soldier. There alao have been firebomb attacks <.tn U.S. military buses and jeeps. The explosion ripped doors from hinge&, blew out windows and hurled a parked jeep across a street onto a \1iet- namese boy, injuring him. The Saigon command crdered "100 percent security" ini!"igon area to guard against furth tbreaks. Uy alterwards youths h u r I e d -plastic bags filled with gasoline at a U.S. Navy jeep and one uaed by tbe U.S. Agency for IntemaUonal Development. Damage was slight and the two vehicles did not catch fire. Viet Cong terror was reported in the Mekong Delta where two grenades were hurled Into a temple jammed "'ith praying Buddhists, killing seven persons and wounding 87 ethers. The incident oc- curred in the town of Long Trung, 44 rnJlea southwest of Saigon, Monday night. ; Seattle 7 Given Contempt Terms In Court Melee TACOMA, Wash. (AP) -Defendants in the Seattle Seven conspiracy trial clashed. "·Ith U.S. marshals as a contempt cf court hearing erupted into chaos in the wake of a court order to silence one cf their number. When It was all over Monday, five of the aceused each faced two six-month jail sentences and the other two single sentences cf six months apiece. At the height of the disorde r, four of the defendants were forcibly evicted from the courtroom and taken to a cell area where they were handcuffed. Further incidents occurred outside the courtroom where police arrested 10 persons from a group of about 45 demonstrators and courtroom spectators who had b~en ousted from the building. Those arrested were charged with fail- ure to disperse and with reslstina: arrest. lf.S. District Court Judge George H. Boldt hand ed down second contempt of court citations against d e f e n d a n t s Michael Abeles. 19, Jeffrey Dowd, 20, Charles Ma..,hall lll, 21, Roger Lip-pman, 22. and Joseph Kelly, 24. Each drew two l'lix-month sentences. Tu•o other defendants, Susan Stern, 27, and Michael Lerner, 27, were sentenced to one six month jail term. The hearing was called to set sentences for contempt cf court citations issued last Thursday when Boldt declared a mistrial after the defendants refused to enter the courtroom. Mrs. Stem was 111 and absent Friday and the judge nld Lerner stepped back from Monday 'a disorder • Union Ratifies New Ford Auto Contract DETROIT (UPI) -The United Aulo Workers today ratified a three-year con- tract with Ford Motor CO., Jea.ving onJy Chrysler anlona: the Big Three auto makers left to agree on a new pact wi.lh the unJon In the united Stalta. rM MM'* ,... varllNe ..,,.. .... wll9I Cll'lfi..t•tlt -~,.... ltMI l'lllN ,..., '3, l,. -··'" ........ tloftt !lad t--.raM'll M "" • .,_,. IC!Mly 111 IN ll'ltUl\fel11 ,... "" 11¥91 " ~ .... .,,,. .. ...... ..... """" fl'llf'I ,..,. w ........ , "' UOMt. IYefnltM. HlllM Molwln alld foftult -lo fl'lllfl'll .... '°"'' IM.~: ~ ieKll ..... Miiie MMICt ~. """''* 6of. 114. Ml. WllMll 44J, ,ell!Wlell ,..... 1t1wrt11111 ...,, '•rm 111'1"-•10. ............ ""'· Sll'I °"" ....... "'"'• .. ,.., • ....., •nd Antllllll'I ... J111l•AM ~ i. t), Intend tt1o1w11u,... """ fl'tm • flo .... Wit" ,....,..,.N,. Jll • S••• Moon, Tl4e• , TUlll>•Y S..... llM S:ll '·"'· <Cl.I WIOHllOAY IM'-1 Wlllhv covtt'M Hew MU· lco '"' ~ '' ,., l'IOl'lh •• w ..... .......,,, tltlt, S-.... In Ille 110r1'1111_, I/Ml ltlr 11'111 clllll ..... ,,,.., wttttd '""""'*"' ll'la r11t et tM eounlry, Htw M .. lco Wet llel'l:lttl Ml b1' Wiii c .. 11 llOm!t. Helf·ll'!Cll 11111 "'led l.11 (NC•I end llMll/lld wl,,_.t 11 NfW MPllCO Slllt Uni'lll'tlt'I'. l f!OW ,..,.,, In•• wet• 111 tff«t 1.,-riolnts 1111 of tilt ltlo Gtafldt ltJvtr. Thrn lnc:Mt CIWrM tliftl. Jtut.io, N.M .. IM ,_ lnd\fl lttl •I Ovrrllet, Ne"" In !~I .. r1y """"'"'' ,rlt1bllr9h Ptr1!1 .... R11lt! Clll' llfd t~ll ·-s1crem111t1 ,., " . •1 4) '' o• " . • • u • The Ford agreement. similar to one ·• reached with General Moton after a ST· .ot day UAW strike, btcomes effective Mon-'°' day. The contract coven about 1&0,000 I ,,,., lllfl'I .... ., .. .,., lfi'l1 1,M, ),, ''"' .......... " •. , 4:12•·"'· '·' ttcOM fl'9111 • , , , ••• lO!U 1.m. J.S ....... 1ew . • • . i :OO "'·"'· .O.! '4111 Al'" •:51 '·"'· tttt •: .. 1.111. ,,,_ Al• J'JJJ J>.f!I, Stlt t:21 t ,m, t Sl!t l.tkl (lly S111 Ol"a 51" '••llCIJC• ktltlt '"'°k'"' Tl\tNl"ltl " • w " .. " " •• •1 .H l2 ,. ,u n n Ford hourly employea. NegoUallons, meantime, conUnued between the UAW and Chrysler wit h 11. target deadline - but not a atrlke deadllne -of Friday. .. .,.,..., •• -.•1.," • .,., l20-dli11 lourne11 Russ Say Luna 7 Drops for Venus MOSCOW (UPI) -Ruasla 'a unmonned ipaceshlp Venus 7 parachuted today toward the surface of the planet Venus aft.er a 120-day flliht from earth, the Soviet News Agency Tau reported. Tass said during the 3! minute descent the spaceship broadcast information back to earth and that the informaUon waa being procesaed and evaluated. 1be dispatch did not aay whethtr the space probe was expected to broadcast from the surface of the planet, or whether it had made a safe landiq. The progress report I e ft the globe- shaped entry capsule swinging beneath its red parachute -just the situation in which the world last heard from the previous Soviet Venus spacecraft. Venus 7, a. 2,SOO-poond instrument -pack.age, blasted out of earth orbit en Aug. 17 to begin Russia's fo~ attempt at a soft landing on Venus. The earlier efforts failed because radios stoppad funct ioning while lhe ca psules still were flcatlng downward on parachutes. Soviet scientists said uiat in one case, that of Venus 4, the enormous pressures of t h e Venusian atmoephe.re crushed the capsule. The distance from the earth to Venus varies from 24.I million miles to 70 .6 mll- Jion miles because of the eccentricity of the orbits of the two planets. Ta11 said ""'flen the space station had covered about 19.I million miles it transmitted an enormous amount of telemetric information. It wag when Venus 7 waa within about 700,000 miles from Venus prtparaticfl! Franco Suspends Civil Liberties; 12 Arrests Made MADRID (AP) -Spanlah police ar· rested 12 persons in raida in Madrid to- day as a goversiment enter 1u1pendin1 civil liberties throughout the country went Into effect. Sources aaid police all ever the nation were rounding up cpponenla of the regime cf Gen. Francisco Franco. Government critics were threatened with six months in jail without char1es under the near state of emergency. The regime ordered the clampdown Monday nl1ht In efforts to stop a tide of protest and violene@ ever the trial in Bifrgos cf 16 Basque nationalists. Civil liberties are to remain au1pended until next June 15. Verdicts for the 16 Basques were ex- pected by Wednesday, and there was speculation that some of them would be sentenced to death for the murder two ..years ago of a political police chief. The Vatican said it has appealed to the Spanish government not lo hand down any death sentences in the trial and re- ported that it has played a role in seek- ing the release of Weal Germany's honorary consul In San SebasUan, Eugene Beibl. whc was kidnapped by Basque ex- tremists. The situation represents the worst government crisi& in Franco'& 31·year-old dlcta!Drahip. POW Letters began for the closing staaea of the Olaht -the staUon'a entry into the Venusian atmosphere. Temperature in the descent craft was lowered to minus I derees centigrade. When the station entered the Venusian atmosphere at 8:02 a.m. (12 :02 a.m. EST) the orbital compartment was separated from the descent craft. it said. An aerodynamic brake slowed the des- cent craft and a parachute system wu activated. It was then that the craft be· gan traNmitUng for 35 minutes. The Soviet Union has concentrated Its space studies on Venus while the United State& hu concentrated on Mars and plans to launch two Mariner television spacecraft in Marcb to orbit the red planet for three months and photograph the Martian surface. In 1976, the United States -plans to ]and two automated laboratories en Mar~ to search for Ille there. Russia has not had a succeasful Mars misson. 250 Missing In S. Korean Boat Sinking SEOUL (AP) -More than 2SO South Koreans were feared drowned todny in the sinking of a ferrybcat in the Korea Strait. The Namyung Ho, with 256 passengers and 20 crewmen aboard. went down on il! 4-hour run between Cheju Island, south of the Korean peninsula , and the southern Korean port of Pusan . Japanese ships picked up eight 1urvivora, and a Korean police patrol boat picked up three others. A Korean fishing vessel reported picking up a 12th survivor who was Uken to a hospital In Pusan. A Korean pOllct plane reported sighting two persons clinging to debris, and a Korean pollce officer who flew over the area said he saw oil slicks and floating wood . Maritime authorities said they feared most cf the boat's occupants had perish- ed, however. because the rescue opera-- lion was delayed and the weather was very cold. Transportation Ministry officials said they be lieved the boat sank because she was overloaded. In addition to the 278 persons aboard. they said, the U3-ton vessel carried about 250 tons of cargo. Police said a preliminary Investigation Indicated that the ship had also left Cheju Island without the skipper aboard The ferry went down between 1:30 and 8 a.m. but Korean authorities were not aware of the sinking until aroilnd noon, when they heard news dispatches from Japan quOting Japan's Maritime Safety Agency. The agency 's office Jn Kitakyushu, southern Japan, said it learned of the sinking from radio mes- 1ages from other ships in the area. The Japanese agency assigned four cf Its patrol vessels to help Korean boab and planes in the search. Several Japanese fishing boab also joined tbe operation. Miss Dianna Green, 20, one or six members or a delegation from Colorado Spring•, looks at some of the 125,000 letters protestinR POW treatment which were not accepted by the North Vietnamese cm· bassy In Paris. MiJs Green'• father has been missing In action for three years. I I I 11 ,l ' . Valley I DI TIO ' ' VOL 63, NO. 299, 3 SEcTIONS, 2t PAGES' . ,._. . . -. ORANGE CvUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, PEC,EMB~R 15, 1970 ( ."" . Chur¢h '~eaders Fighting . Beer .. Sale ' I . ' ' t • • ' By ALAN DIRDN ' lepJJy ~ and the appeal 'irUI llOW be by the city council to make the• COil· Ref. Emy is supporjed Jn hll protelt by Cburcb ·of. Hqntlngton llelch.· the Fr\'! °' .. DMlr" ,..,..., ~ afvfn a 1pu'11c bearfng. version and Jell beer. hi8 clmcb bloatd, the Methodllt Women's BapµJt ~ch 0{.Fountain ,v&itey, lljie Chutch leaden m figlilma a plap tO ~!lo· tiiaring-~ been llChedulcd yet, The vote was &-I •with Councilman Sociely for Chriltlan Service and'Mveral '!<JI· lieer on tlieHunthlgtOO Beach· pijr, bl!!: when !tp lield it will probably be in Norma Gibbs casting the only "No" members of the Huntington Btacl>Foun-,EvqeUcal f'.ree · Qmrcb iic ~ An official protest to an' ..-premises 8'-la ~;"U.ld Mrs. Ev.11u Gray, who vote. lain Valle~ • Mli>laterlal AllocifUon. Beaoh,: the · Fjrl!! Uni~ · Method1't ~.license for a sandwic.h bar on µ>e ~~rise ~· applications. "What 'We believe is happening here is 1bt_miN'aters signed a peltii.G that was Church of f~.ta!n Valley,; ~ .eom- pier has ·&en ·filed wfth the state's "Tbefe:JniYl be DO declslon on 1'lis for a trcfld that will set' off a chain read.ion sent to the ABC department objecting to muni,ty United, Methodist Church of~Hun· AlcohblicBevif~eGohf!ol ~ment: ~~!' ~ of establishments sell!ng beer in ·the thelicemerequestandRev.Ernyslgned linP>n 'Be4ch au(!. the Qtirtst The i'lepartmtlnt's legal· ~Ctlvisioo in ."'lbe ~ls • letback to the plans ot beach area,'' Rev. Em;•said today. "This lhe offl<;ial protest'that,was later lodged. Pi'tsbyterii.n Church of HIDltlngton Sacramento has found ·the ~of Rev. ~ .. _J.!nitl\ ~ CCl!!ert a fresh fish Con· is not an isolated incident but a · trend 'f'ht ministers who signed the petition Beac;h. Edward ~Mly !>f'the: 'First '\(~ Metho-~ shop 4P rlbt .pief into a sandwjch that will start. We felt we should take a serve the following churches: Grace The J)re&l<tf!nt' of the ministerial dist ~butch of_ Huntln~on BeiCh to be iijr; lle~'i'flll granted permission stand at \his time... · Lutheran ChurCh, the First Baptist association, Rev .. K e n' n e t b McMillan, -' J Teay's' l'IJ¥d : N.Y.S~- TEN CENTS emphJSl2cd thal u.e. i-stors signed lbelr objeCUoJ\s :1s indiViduaJr and not necesllarily as representatives · of those churc hes. "The association ha•-~· taken a posi- tion on it as a body simply because we haven't had a m~tfug,'' the Rev. McMillan. said. Rev. Erny said that several beach con-- cessionalres ·had also approached him (See PIER, P~1e Z) . Policman " Resumes .,Bo·mh Bl·a.sts BofA ~... . .. Bid . Tonight· By TERRY COVILLE Of .... 0.11"., ...... l tsff. Fired Huntington Be~h pOiice officer Gilbert Coerper )"ill continue, his battle to win back his job when the ·penonnel com- mission meets at 7 o'clock tonight in the administrative annex to city 'ha1l. ·eoerper'~ hearing '.Will aim rt.new the verbal clash between City Attorney Don Bonfa. serviilg as hearing officer, and defenoe 11110rney Cecil Rjci<s. Both attorneys fired angry 'salvos 'at each' other in Saturday's session .of _pw eoerper cae as · they continued ~to disagree on the lgal proceeding~ · • Saturday' a aession bllan at ·I a.m., with Bonfa1 who 1et•tlil;,11rne, the· last·to arrive~ . ~ · . . Ho~ .1J,lown . in ·Isfu ;Vis ta Roof.tqp """'·win smic<. ISLA VISTA -A tossed bomb blew a hole :in the' root 'of' a Bank ot America branch here Monday . night, showering the street with mlso(lry tiles and in- 03ming emotions of street people and lawmen again. ·- No •iou:s damage was reported, bul the blast caused 'by an·unidentified dtl"ice left a bole several 1 feet arrou .iD the overhanging eave,of the ltiucture. A crowd of u p $anta liar~• students and,otber ~.people Il-.jJlg in the unlJl. corpqrlM cominunlty llfeete\I sheriff',. ~ who ll!TiVed <O . tJie icene with wbf>9j>t~ jeers. Last of Trio , -. ' . Rocki and botUa wtre~thrown.-one deputy was hit in the hip but not 111jUreil -while authorlUes• credited calmer . young people wl_th_ helPfllt!' kOep 'Oider in the midlt of m~ _ teoston. The bank -eYnlbolic of the ,capitalist pow~ atructure to radicala--was rebuilt ,on. the scene of. One. burned laat, Feb. 25 during a cJash that touched off. a series ·ot incident!. Bus(ness.COf\linued a& -1 today, but that la ~ llanlc 'ol America 'o!!lclals would aay abcNI the liewest uaaWt oa ~=ta bad been ret¢cd ~ U.. .. ' community was quiet up tmtit the blast, possibly organized by five persons wi~s . reported seeing on the scene moments· earlier. The Isla Vista flareups of last spring ended with more than 100 peraons jailed and one student -trying to preRnO order and calm others clamoring !or, violence -shot to death. Investigators · said several small fires were set in trash bins arowxl the -area. where residents said the bank blaal muJd be !t!IMwo blocb away, but...,. 'qulckl! eXllnl$bed. • J A crowd estimated at 600 gathered ex: the aceoe. ' ,, .. I He and Ricks ·squared off early. As James· Wolter '-".oJllcer wlio condljCled the _. . , , inti> Coel1!<r'• alleged Of ·~ rece!Ved !or ~ .;;:,.__, ...,.b!, ~ -with ddlet peiaons;.,....... ~ - ~.entepl'ed,,-,., .·,. '.~· .. ·• · '·~· · S, ff~·Qbsei _ <·," .• ,,,:11.,,. " • ' . "·'' ; . _,!<' t ' < :r, I t ,J 1J .1 I;; f:'J ~·l"l."f f' 1 t ,) ;)~~;~1.~~·.-.~~flfiEilleS.sig·;-itDocunw ;;t · · "He Ci.•1..-i!llol alliJl!;·-.W '° eacJi ohr.r"lb&'I'••· 9'j:r. .. -. ~ . "It .... Id 'bi! a llltie b>1'4:lmd IO fhllit tlie of!ker and oot tiermtt lllm-1• tall !be coyrt '!h~t .he did," ~nfa ~1 •• ." IUckS was to· object to hearsay e~ nearly a dot.en Umes as Wilker testified · for four holll'! ·Saturday. .' · • Eai:h time be wu overruled .by Bonfa. Mid-way tbrou_gh the hemnl· Michal Miller, prosecu!Air .. J\d ·-c;ty at-totney,•ln~1a. letter;.~ as evidence that Coerper had lied ani! refU:a. ed 'to coopOr&te Wi th invest!Pm., · Ricks .expliined 1he letter wai ·from hlln and was merely an oqtUnt· of 1be defense Case as ·required · tiy 'thi pro- ceedings. He did not object .to Ill sllb- miSsiOn as evidence. , ' · _ However when Bonra titled the evidence 8s a· "letter from Coerper'," Ricki spoke up. ·.1 object to·that'title. tJt's my letter." ''The letter will 'Stand on •ita own ·as fact. J'Ve never heard . any.one object to the way a hearing officer descritiied a let.. ter." · · ., · · · ".'M I· understand : lt,''· Ricki ·tie'gan. 4'this is the first time you ever' sat as a he8rittj officei So· h's mt Surprising you never heard the· objection before:"· · "You're· overruled," Bonfa.said, eqding ~ di3Cusslon·.~-.~-... -._._ Testimony continued, Willi Rick# sitting back in his chair, silent. Finally the defense attor:riey. asked to make a statement for the record . · .. I'm trying to be polite as l .c.an to Mr. (See HEARING, Page Zl Los Alamitos ... ~ 'J'o Fight Navy Over Housing Los Alamitos is:; re'ady · to' baWe the Navy over 'plaDs to convert the Lbs Al8mitos Naval Air Station into a 10,000. person military housing trad. City officials charged at a councp ~ting Monday . nlehl·· that.,the; .con- vhsion would ''bink'Npt'')tlie ·city witb the additional burden .ob city, aervi<:es. "We'll fight th~ ail the way to the top," City Manager WJIJ~ Krau,s sa;d \048y. . The first .YIYO.in~~6"'1-came with th'e city coUncil voti.ng ,unanipiqus!~ .to 10 o~ record as 0 i,malterahly o~" to tlie plan and to Inform local mtdent.s and ranking naval personnel of its posttJon. The council was told it would cost lat· payeri an eatlm'ted fl/!" to ptoVlde '!'! project With such ~rvices u pOtlce anu fire protection and se'wer Ube& • , ' Councilman D~ Koresen termed tbt Navy's plan "a fibanciaJ disater" for Uie city. , Last week the Navy announced its pi·•n to build a 159.2 million hoUllng project on t)1e facillty encompossinc all but • 200 of the t,300 available .:res. COuncllmen clainled the b o a 1 i n g d<velopment would be tu eumpt af10f thlu result in the extra burden on tu. payers. .. A murder Di• that opentjl when -~ • · ... ~. I., ' ,' ~ ! c .. :: I)~~·~ ~'F.t~ighter . Hijacker ., ' ' ~ . ~;Y:.t.~e ~ders in Cambpilfu ' ' .. . PHNOM P.E:i;H 'f,U.r -"I 'only ;e~et. 1 ;dfan't sink the ... smp," 'one of the hi· jackers of a u.s; ammunition freighter said today as he walked into the A~rican Erqbassy~ in. Phnom Penh to sarl-~nder. ·• • ~·I' sWI believe' ln the revol ution 'In Aftl'eflca Snd-in' ~ revolution · in Cam· bodia~· 'Alvm · L. ~oiatow•ki, 20, Long bodla 11• Alvin L.it Glatowskl ·20 Long Beach,'t6ld 11ewsn)eJL 'But he 'said' he felt ~e woul~~~a'f~~~eal in t_h~ u.~. th~n 1n.Camuuu1a , i • Glldowaki and ICl;yde W. M.cK>iy, ~. Escondido, took, 9ver the 10,000-ton Coluln~ia EagJ_e, Jp, the GuJf of ,Thailand lagt 1'f~rch and ro·~ the crew into the Cambodian port ~of Kompong Som. ·They.J~~~e ~-ihdicted by a,federal gr'and·J~Y in· LbS Angeles on charges of muUny. "po the high seas, assault, trailspdrtjng kh!napcd persons in foreign commetce.. ahcj nea;lect of duty. They could get the death penalty on Uie mutiny charge. ,'fhe.ship and•tbe rest of its crew were ref eased ,lftd. conlpleted tht voyage to ThjlUa~. . . , . McKM«t>t ·awity from a Cimbodian · · (lee-liuACK, ,Pep Z) . ' ., ' ' _,, . " ' UPI T ....... ~ ,' HE~DIN«; FOR HOME . ~Ip Hi jack•': Glatowskl bandits shot and kUlcd Fountain Valley market. tbailager James W. Oates has closed in Orange County SUperior Court with the"sentencing of the thitd member of lhal trio. Herman W. "Tiki" Grant, 23, of Santa An&;' Wal seritenced to six months to life impfilonment Jn state prison for his part' in the killing of Oates last Aug. U at the TiC' ToC market, M57· Heil St. 1 JuClge Kenneth M'llllams sentenced Crarirafter accepting bii plec of· guilty to second de11ree murder. Grant's two com· panions in the Oates murder received stiffer terms from the same judge after pleading gail_ty to charges Or first degree murder. Robei:t Woodrow Clements. 2;, of 14811 Alcester St.. Westminster, drew a life ~rm when he chose to waive his penalty trial and offer the plea. A jury had already found him guilty. Jerry Lee Johnson, 18, of 14471 Titus St., We'strnlnster, identified throughout the investigation and prosecution as the gtinman in the dates killing, also drew a life term. Prosecutors today consider th at two factors saved Johnson from the gas chamber: medical evidence that he was an epileptic and the fact that. Ulerie was a hair trigger on his seJlli·automaUc riOe. All three men were arrested after a prolonged gun battle with police In a Garden Grove orange grove. Hundreds Of nearby homeowners watched a duel that ended with the shackling of all three suspecis. Orders to Wipe Out Viet Hamlets Denied W ASIDNGTON (UPf) -Brig, Ge n. Wi· nant Sidle, chief of Army information, Monday denied reports Gen. William C. Westmoreland bad ordered Viet Cong·in· tested villages outside Saigon "leveled" alter the Tet offensive of lllSI. , ::::ra .pils St••dy Maehine . ' ' -, '_Cu.let . S.tudents Lear'!:i ng on Teletype 'Educator' ' ' ... By TERR:V COVILLE OI flM OM1Y '""" l•ff The kids at Gislir intermcdl4te School in Huntington Be8~ihave a confetti mak· me machine. ~also draws a good outline of Snoopy's face:. Aod;Jt can solve ll math quiz In a split •& ..... _.a • -~ RUJttQ,. • Their rMclitO. 1~1 teletype hooked Into a Marina High'SctmOl 1busJntss class and into the large corilputera at UC !fvlne. It's·oil loen 'for t..; . ..,ea·frorii. qenerai Telepbone Company Is an experhrient. The company ••Ptls to knolf ii II'• 1 goOd cd"°'tional iieOI. '. '· ' "The kids~ JJJie It," reports Gisler principal John Wyatt. Confetti and Snex>py are two of tbe rea:!19ns why. They pick up the pieces of the punched out ta~· for soft, yellow confetU. "We"re saving It for basketball games," said one youngster. Snoopy was drawn by a slxth grade teacher who typed lettera in the correct Corm, put it on an automatic tape, and ran it through -the teletype producing a . "!'meleted picture. ' On a more seriOus tone1 the teltl)lpe of· fer~ ~fast, aceurate rneans for the older • atai!entls· lo study math. They can type out programs ,lor tile UCI '!>mputeo , send them over the teletype and await the results. ''It tells: us when a program· is wrong too/' nan ' Trubovltz:, 13, Aid. He displayed roils of "talk" with the llCI computer in which math project.a were wrJtten out aild answered over the leletyPe. The longest problem toot 42 mh11ks to lransmll -that coot the achool $1.16. Five minutes of computer tlme normally cost& 11 cerit.1 . Sixth graders doli't work math pro- bietn1, but they are introduced to the teletype u a beavlly uacd form of com- munlcatlon. LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) -A personal aide of Ho~rd Hugbea. who cialml'be bas seen the m1y1tety blllionaire almQSt daily for theJ)Blt five yean, says-he saw the ibduitrlattsl !if11 a document ftrlng the bead of.bis Nevada operations. · However, a handwriting expert and Conner amclate of Robert Maheu, Hugbes' Nevadi chief, claims ll)O 11patUre on the letter of ~al ii a (org~ey. . . . · • , Bdth men testified Monday . tn the NeVadi. Dl!trlct COUrt hearing stealming froni ,the rttempted ourizlg of Maheu by ' '' Yule Decoration Contest Nearing End in Valley Only hours remain today for Fountain Valley residents who want to compete for prizes offered In the Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce C h r i 1-t m a s decorating contest. Entries in home, mobile home and bualness divisions an must be postmark· ed by midnight tonight -if mailed -or they can be delivered (by midnight) to the home of the contest chainnan, Mrs. Barbara Gillum, 17111 Santa Rita, Foun- tain Valley, CA 92708. Jn addition fo the 12 awards offered. by the chamber 'In the Jocal contest, .the top two entries in the Fountain Valley contest will 6e eligible for awards in the areawide "40 Miles of Chrlstlnaa Smiles" contest co-sponsored Ulla· year by the Orange County Coast Association and the DAILY PILOT. Valley resldenta and business operators who haven't obtained an ''official entry bla'nk" atil1 can enter the local. contest. All they need to do, Mr .. Gillum ex· plained, 11 to !urnisb her wtth their names, · addressea: and telephone num· bers. · (Judges will decide in which categories each entry best fits, tn cate of overlap- ping, so it isn't even neceaary for con- test --to lbt the categories.) Willnen of awards .u. the local coolest can collec\ their i>mes· It the city Chrlatmas celebration and tree,llgbting ceremony .achedoJed. for 1:30 p.m. on Sunday at Community Center: categories of compeUtlon lcludt: HOME DIVISfON -Best Chrillmaa Scen<, Moal Religious, Santa Special, Moal Ru-. Moit Effec!tve Ute ·of Lighting, Moal U°"'""J. and Sweepetokes. MOBILE· HOME DIVISION ~ Best Chrllt1!>11 S.:-, -·Re~ IDCI Santa Spocial. BUSINESS DIVl5ION -llelt Window Decorations and Beal Indoor and, Outdoor Decorations. ,' • For further detaU1, potenUal con- testlnts ahould cimtact !ti. Gillum al 147-1171. ' executives of Hughes Tool Co., the Hciu.'Jton-based parent firm of the billionaire's giant business empire. :Ra!ph Bfadford, now retired but previously a handwriting and. finPnn:int ~xpert for 28 years on the Lc?nl ~ Police Department, testified at tbe,l!far• Ing today th.at Hughes' signature wafle- nuine. Bradford also said he was satisfied that i three-page band~lten letter urging the executives of the tool company to get ahead with the job of firing Maheu wu al.SO ~ltten by Hughel. IAVar B. Myler, who identified himself as· a "~ial assistant" t.o Hughes, said HUghes $igned a proxy Nov. 14 firing Maheu, who has been the billionaire's No • 1 man in Nevada for the past four years. Myler said the signing took place in the ninth . floor penlhouae maintained by Hughes in the Desert IM Hotel in Las Vegas. The witness also tesUfied Hughes subsequently went to the Britannia Beach Hotel in Nassau. the Bahamas, and from there · issued instructions the proxy be released. , Earlier in the day, Charles Appel Jr., a former FBI agent with Maheu, testified on behalf of Maheu that Hughes' purported signature on the document presented by the Hughes Tool Co. was a "simWation or imitation." "It 's a very good representation,'' Ap.. pel said. ''It would pas,, any bank teller and other business associates would ac- cept . it, but it's deficient. It's extreme!J: skillful but It's different." · We•tller There's a 60 percent ·chance you'll nned your umbrella on Wed· nesday~ Tem~atures will tumble too, dipping in'to the 'low alxlies· along &he · Oranle Coeat. • INSIDE TODA'Y ' How does your annuai in- come fit into the natianal stole? Sylvia Porter has alt the annoers on Finance Page 10 todau. ' CHRISTMAS .· " TllllilJ, ~ lJ, 1'70 IF I • l'al.e Glft'I I Service Stations Waging Gas War .~ J1Ut In Um• f6t Cbrlltm ll. Mflllce ata- lfans llOlll tllt Ora.,. Coast ,,. •nc11ed In a price cutt1nt 11s wit. Drw>s from rtplar prlcts 1s mµcb as two In lour ceota a &alloa were rtpOtled by dealert from Coroaa de! 1111r In Foun- laln VaU.y. ' MJM\lln VM!l• •i>d El T<ln> &H tlati<>lll however, have yet to 10 aJOn1 with the price Cflta, jin>bably be<a"" tllt rtbalta oil companies hi.. offered to *" deolero have not been extended In &>utll COullty stallcm. Fret1t P .. e I HEARING ... &n11," l\i<:i1 Slid. "And he's bt<Omlng irritated." "You're out of order," 80nfa snapped . Later, when J\icks began quizzing: wanter on his methods of b\ve1t1&ation, Miller Objected lo the impllcat\oa 4f slop. pi.-4ft WaJIW'I w0rk. "rm oilUUod to lnquJr• 11 lo tile con- duct of Ulla mtn In bl! lllvestJsaUbn," ·Rieb ...... rod. "t object, Mr. Ricks." Bonfa rpote out. .. Yw'te overruled. Mr. Bonfa," l\ickJ ·snapped back. 1 · "Don'I make 1ny mor• oU tllt recor<I mrnmenll," Bonfa warnect. That wu the lut angry exchange between the two and the sta:slon ad- journed ....... 'Girl From Chi'le ·Seem Area Home For School Term A )'OW1I 11r1 In Chlle Is lookin( for a home ·lo HWIU.,lon Blach -just for -montlla. T<rtaa Hldalgo. 16, is set In •!\Md Edison Hi&h School starting Ill February as an International teUowahip l:xcbanje 1tudent. Her trip may never 1et off tbe sround, however. Edison Principal Emtst Pascoe rtperta that Terua baa aowbtrt to live. , la lbm I family ID IOllth Hllfttington :J!>acb 11111 -4 like .. ld4pttd ·daughter for the nine. monU\S'! Spokesmen in Chile report tl'l1t Teresa la aJieeay paUJq lier ....... 1n. 1.mtlY Jli>otGI ~ -••tot In .... her lolW" ·lamily here. · . If someone can give her a temporary home, phone Pascoe at ~135$. school offlcilla al10 11.y many other ex· change atudenta would Uil lo v\111 the U.S. 11 any family wanta In provide a homa for thrff, •Ix or nlnt months, phone area code 802, 212-7363 in Sedona. Arll., tor infonnaUon on tbe International Fe\IOWlhlp J>l'Oll'lm. ' Zone Change Set For Commission A public htarin& on a zone chana:e in· ltiated by the pllMini commluion i1 the top item on tonl&ht'1 1gend1 of the P'oun· lain Valley City Council. The city want& to rezone t4 acres on the northwest and southwest sides of Brookhurst Street and Edinger Avenue from R-1. PDQOO (planned development witll small Iota) to llrallht IH (7,200 1quare foot lota). In other actions the council will con· sider an offer or financial aid tb• Teen Help, the anll-drua. youth COUMe!lng organization and look at a contract with tbe architectural firm of Blurock & Alaociates for expansion of the police, cl· ty hall and community center facll1Ue1. DAILY PILOT OltAN~I COAST ,UILl'"ING COM'AICY Ret.•rt N, WeM 'rnlde11t eM P'wltltt"-t J•c~ R. Cvrl•y ~ '™le..,! •r.f Ge"~rtl MIMflf' Them•• K•••il •e111r The11111 A. M~rphh11 M""llnl 11111 .. Al•n Dirll11 W•t 0rtf'tl ~ llflltr Alhrt w. l•tM ~letea.1 .... " ................ 17175 le••• a.wt."'"' M•rtf'I AJJreMt P.O .... JtO, t2MI Otlm-i...... ae.dlt t2t ..... , ,,._.. C..M ,,._I JI& W..t lfY It ..... """" ltffdlt 2'tll W.t ..... teur.wnii IN CJlrNllM: * Ntrlft II CM!IM .. , ... • ' t' A •J>Ok•lm•n 1( Grant's Gull In C.1ta Mesa said "we juat dro'pptd another pen· ny yesterday" bringlr\¥ their price for low-lead rigular to $0.a·1nd premium. grade In 3U ceuta. While molt dealers randomly in· terviewed seemed realgned 'to the reoew .. ed gas war, a Newport Beach Chevron itation owner e.iprtl!td d.isg~. refuling fu aay wblt be was now charging, while nottna be was participating. Ken's Mobile ServiCf: StaUon, Corma dtJ Mar said ''We're very much into a 111 war. We dropped two Cf:nl3 a gallon over the weekend," the owner reported, brlnJing his pri~s to 34.9 cents for rigu}ir and 38.9 for prem ium. He recalled that the last gas war la1ted six wffks and ended just three weekl aao. "I think they are terrible," be said, "but ptople are very selective now abOut taS6Uftt prices, probably because or the ttc'.IGomy. We have to &o Ilona." By Contrast, Miuion Viejo Mobile reports no price drop and continues to charge M.9 for relUlar and 40.9, for pretn.lum. Five Points Texaco in Huntington Beach. has been lowering prices for a ~ and a~ at 29.9 for regular and au for prenuum. ~Larry Mead, operator of a Shell station ln Fountain Valley, said pricts had dto~ ped four cents 1 gallon in a wetk. "The gas Companies elve me 20,000 dif- ferent reasons for a gas war," he said, '1But I still don't understand why." "I have to stay with them to be com· peUtlve," he said, noting that he believes "people are !hopping more now than they Uaed to." Howard Yarborough, cper1tor of a Union station in El Toro saJo the gas war had not reached his comer yet, but noted that a station across the street was cbar1in1 40.9 cents for premium com• pared With hJ1 39.9 and 31.9 at a third .tta· tlon·. "I'm not ready for another ga.11 war," Yarborough said, "They hurt proflta both ways, for the dealer and the oil com· pany." "We can get a call In the mornln1 to drop aur price," he. explained, "but then it is the dealer's cboict whether or not to go alona." If dtaler1 don't go along, they m1y lose cu1utmer1 to another •tati<in . If tbey do, tbey split the Jesaen"ed revenue from sales on a prearranged rebate blsil with tbe oil company. From Page 1 HIJACK ... guard Jn a Phnom Penh re1taurant 1,_ October and disappeared with an American deserter from T h a 11 an d • Glatowski sald then he believed they were headed for the town of Siem Reap to join Communist forces fighting in Cambodia. Glatowsld and McKay were kept on a prilon boat on the Mekong River for a few week.a after the hijacking. They com- plained about the conditions there and were put in the servants' quarters of a government guest house in Phnom Penh and then in a hotel. The Cambodian government paid their hotel bills, and they technically had political asylum. But they were actua lly under . a form of arrest, free to move about 1n the city but alwa ys escorted by Cambodian guards. High Mom De~Cult I • Trial Uise ·Under Way By TOM BARLEY Of 1111 0.1" Piii! l!tilt What1St!ven Cral1 Hurd descrlbf<I to his psythlatrist as Mrs. Flore.net 8tt1wil'i "qi.atenllness and goldiness" and what he bellt.v~ wu her "derogatory lttltude" towards him may well .haw: .co~t the Million Viejo teacher her life, it was alleged in testimony tOday 1n Orange County Superior Court. Dr. John A. Guido opened lhe sanity trial of the ICCUled 20-year-old transient by telling defense attorney William Garn· ble that Hurd told him th1t he llulled Mrs. Brown in the neCk "tG warn her" that be would not tolerate her superiori- ty. Hurd could not recall the actual killlnl of Mn. Brown, Guido le•Vfled but he c6uld recall "stabblnt her once or twice. Then be remembers that he drove around Santa Ana with lier body -sort of like thty did thln11 in Vietnam, he told me." . . . Hurd is accused of being the ringleader of a group of drifters who police claim pulled Mrs. Brown, 31, of El Toro, from her car last June 2 as she left the San DiegG Freeway at the Sand Canyon elf. ramp. DAIL V !'ILCJT Iliff l'fllM MORALITY, PLAYERS USE OLD Ml!DIUM FOR NEW TWIST ON A RECURRING MESSAGE Gl1ltr Studtnt1 (from left) Jonnti Hin•, Amtl 11 Z1ff1r1no, Brend• Cook, Sh1ron Li ne (9ult1r) Police . allege that the woman wa.s mutilated and subjected .lo a series of devil worshiping rites b e r or e she WIS finally killed in an Irvine orange grove. Gamble told the court t.Oday that one of those rites invG!ved the eating or her heart by Hurd. From Pqe I PIER ..• . and voiced misgivings on the beer License. "They feel they will be under pressure to compete," he said. The ministers also believe that a betr license would cause policing problems. "There is even the possibility of mob ac- tion. If there is beer sold on the beach, people would be more susceptible to violence and spontaneous group action." Smith was supported in his application for a lease change from the council by Harbors and Beaches Director Vince Moorhouse who told the councilmen that the change would be compatible with the city's Top of the Pier plan. The request also wu discussed with Police Chief Earle Robitaille and he rais- ed no objection at the council meet.Ing. Smith, who also operates a bait and tackle stand on the pier, remains con· fident that the license will be granted. "I have a tremendous amount of money invested In this ," he said. "I llave to press on with my plans. I would have had the lictJlse. Iut week Jf the objectjop hadn·t been r11sed." ' The businessm.11.n said that he operated the stand as a fresh fish market for a year and lost money. "But our beat line was smoked fi.sll and people kept asking us for some form of beverage. That's what made me decide tG make sandwiches too and convert it into a small restaurant. "l don't think people understant that beer will only be drunk on the premises. None will be going out the door." Smith argued that the change fits the Top of the Pier plan in that it will help the city determine what businesses will be successful in the beach area. First Beer, Now GJs Will Get Own Rugs WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tbe Army private has been given the right to drink betr in the barracks. Soo:i be will have a rug of hls own and be will be able to cboose beige, rose or green. Drug Play Set Str.ide'nts Stage Moralit y Production An old fashioned moraUty play will tackle a .new fangled problem -drug abllle -tlt1a Christmas seaaon at Gisler Intermediate School, Huntington Beach. The play has been written by a 7th grade hJatory class for the benefit of other Gisler claases. It dreaaea . modem day narcotics p~ blew in the vocabulary and clothes of the middle 11ea. The students took an old play "Everyman" and turned Jt into "Every. teen... . The ll'll;in feature ls 1 roualni sword battle with 1ood triumphing over evil. The flrat ftW lines of the play read like tllis : Hooked Teen : "Why d"''l you try it?'' Another hooked Teen: "Don't be chicken." Everyteen : "Ah, I'm a little scared. I don't want to." , Hooked Teen : "Let'a split. Thia glly'a just a chicken." Everyteen : "No, wait 1 minute. Don't leave." (Everyteen walks to front of stage and speaks to ,audience). "I don't knGw what to do. Shall t take the stulf or not. If I don't my frlenda will chop me. If I do take it they'll think I'm a cool auy. But I might cet booked. I ml1ht even die. If I just had someone to tell me what to do." That someone appears later in the play and with a little help from bJ.11 real friends Everyteen makes the right choice and beata back the dreaded dope devlla. t F~rnie~H~ntington1B~ach f • I ' Aide Newbold Succumbs A former parking superintendent in Huntin&ton Beach. Roland A. Newbold, who rtllided In the city for 13 years, has died at the age of 64. Fa med French Site Named for De Gaulle PARIS (UPI) ...... Paris' famed Place de l'Etolle became Place Charles de Gaulle today. The renamiDg of the famed plact, where the Arc de Trlomphe and the tomb of the W'lknown soldier are located, was greeted with something less than en· lhuslasm Jn some sectors. The change was unanimously passed by the Paris Ci· ty council Nov. 13, but because of the resuJUng protests it decided to reconsider. Servlce1 will be Conducted at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Smith's Mortuary, 627 Main St., Huntinaton Beach, with in· terment following ,at the Good Shepherd Cemetery. Thomas W. Overton, pastor of the First Christian Church, will conduct the service. Mr. Newbold , y,•ho died Sunday, was the assistant manager of the Huntington Beach municipal parking lot for 10 years. He y,•as a past master of Ma.sonic Lodge 541, was a member of the Shriner• and a past patron of the Ordtr of the Eastern Star. Mr. Newbod., who lived at 1023 Lake St., is survived by his wile, Lucile, twG daughters, a brother, 1 sl&ttr. four grandchildren and one greAtgrandchUd. THE PRICE IS RIGHT (or is it?) Mrs. Brown was buried In a ahallow gr 1 v e off the Ortega Highway. Her d.i!mtmbered body was found June 15. Guido is one of five psychiatrist.a who e1amined Hurd in Orange County Jail . It is expected that at least two more psychiatrists will follow him to he witness stand in Judge Robert L. Corfman's court.room. Judge Cotflnan will rule aft.er hearin& counter arguments from Chief Dtputy District Attorney James Enright if Hurd is sane and competent to stand trial. Guldo·s written opinion was that Hurd was insane at the time of the Brown kill· Ing. Four other psychlatrlsts have rul@d the long-haired delendant to be sane but all doubt his abWty to aid oounael in bis defense. Police Discover Wandering Tot ' In fl untington A 1ha1gy-ha1red moppet wanderln& In Huntington Beach had pollee baffled for three bour.11 Monday, in more ways than one. Daniel Oaire, 3. was found about I a.m., toddling down Frankfort Avenue in only a pair of yellow flannel pajamas. Knocking systematically at ho\lses and apartments. officers Stephen Ballocb ana \Vllliam Vancleve spent 4S fruJtleu minutes trying to find aomeone minUI one child. He was taken to police headquarters, where several clerkJ got 1 break from the more mundane aspect& Of keepln& crime files straight by entertalnina: tbt youngster. He was finally taken to the Albert Sit. ton Homt in Orange, where his reli!Ved mothtr finally claimed him Monday afternoon. "She works nights. She came bomt, went to sleep and didn 't wake up until noon." erplained a spokesman for the foundling home. By the way, little Daniel Oaire baffled police in more ways than ooe, it wu disclosed today. He was listed as a girl ln the found child report. HAVE YOU EVER GONE INTO A STORE, AND IEFORE A SALESMAN Al'l'ROACHID YOU, TRIED TO DETERMINE l'llCES ON GOODS NOT MARKED? MANY CARl'ET STORES DO NOT HAVE l'llCES INDICATED ON THEIR SAMl'LES. THE T H E 0 RY IS THAT THIS WAY THEY CAN CHARGE "WHAT THE TRAFFIC WILL IEAR." AT ALDEN'S l'RICES ARE l'OSTID ON ALI: OP OUR SAMPLES SO THAT CUSTOMERS CAN BROUSE THROUGH THE SELECTIONS AND KNOW WHAT THE ARE LOOKING AT. TOO, THERE IS ALWAYS THE l'OSSIBIUTY OF A LOWER PRICE IF CONDmONS WARRANT. ALDEN'S ....-.. -NT-.-.-... -0-.. -•• -,-. CARPETS e DRAPES TUSTIN C•M ••• 11• :.t~~.,.,. 1663 l'lactntl• Ave. • DlAllllU COSTA MISA 11J74 ,,..._ , ... c.llf • ....... 4 646-4131 JUI, an 85-pound airaffe, nuzzles her mother, Liz, at the Denver Zoo. The baby was fi ve feet tall al birth Dec. 12. HOU RS: Mon, Thru Thurs., 9 to 5:30 -Prl. 9 to 9 -Sat., 9:30 to S • • • ' ' .1 " I ( • . . "'"!'"*···· I " ' ' ~ ' ' . . ' VOL. 63, NO. 299, l SECTIONS, 21 l'AGES·. • ' ' ' .. ORAN~E ..COUNTY, CALIFORNIA .. TUESDAY, Dl!iCEMIER 1.5, 1970 ' : ' •• • Move to ~aes;cind·· Tideland Use. Fee : ~ . ; . . .. . . ' ' A move to rescind the city's Udelands' use fees was tabled Mondaiy.nigbt by.tbe Newport Beach City 'Council pt!ldin1 a ruling from the state's 'attomey·gerietil on whether or nqt the fees are.:man·- datory. The council then adopted a resolution calling on the city to take similar action, pending the Je~l nillrig. . , The county Board or Supervisors WednescJay is scheduled to establish the county's first~er fees. for private ale' Of the shoreline. The' County Harbor· Gom- ' . ii '"' piblle bearlq alter .the attorney 1enerar1 oplilion wJJ received. · ~en arlljled the active. st.a~ of. the ordinance would serve ,as an tn!trument of pre0.UreJo ae! the rullog. He' c0ntended that citizens want ~ ,.., i:UClniled ,and, 1p table the mea'""' · woUld · lltn:t. "\O liang lb~ people Out to dry " . .• • . · ~ocllman ·ruibai-~ C/"Ol\1 ,maln~ that It would be a daJi&erow1 move for the cilt.1<>·reaclnd the le<t at this time. "'!be ata)e. ls look!ni ljlward complete . . . • • iaao-ol tha IJdel-." QouJ aa1d, -~t liff blUa dellgned lo ae-ci>mpl11lf tllll ,ve;y, thin& l1ad been In- troduced· lo the last aesslon of tha Legislature. l "They aro lnsi..tlog that local lfO'lem- ment is 1Deon1peteat to manage the Utlelands " be said "and if the clly mctnd's. ' itS . Grdift~ .,Kt 'the state passes a law, where will the. ·residents along the bay be?" . {togen caDe( tr.e dialoeue~'a replay" of lbe council'• or1&inaJ actions and said. 1'Tbe!e threats aJwaya elllted -we will IW'Vive them." Coo,oJcllman Mltan · DollaJ · Nld he would ' ~ introducilon of the ord.lnanCe "if it woUld IUVe to slow the county dawn.'' H~ aa1d, bow"~· the ac:tfon ~t be mlSi:onllrued by aome wbo mlgbt think the. fees Jiad actually been re~ and be felt ~ resoluUon would ·get the city.'s feelings aeross. The rt.aolulion calls upon the county not to take any action unW at least July 1, • TEN CENTS Shelved 1971, the data llrl!ed by the llarbO< Com- mission. AllhOU811 the discussion Monday nlgbl was not a pubUc hearing, several members of the public appeared to speak. Larry Miller, chairman of the Newport Harbor Oiamber of Commerce 'ndelands and Beaches Committee, reiterated the chamber's opposition to the fees while several residenta and businessmen,. said the incrtase In local taxes was forcing tbem out of the city. Bomb Blasts Bof A ot ~""'....,. . . . ' . ' •' I . . ' .. . .. , • , .rt' 1' : • i 'i •• : :.t :''! ( ·~~: , ... ~ ,•-·\' ~1·11 ,_ o;'rl''•1f'I ·'•' '' 1~lt ',"·•t,i I Hole Blown in lshi Vista Rooftop . . From Wire Service• ISLA VISTA - A tosaed bomb. blew a hole iD , the roof of 1 Bank of America branch here Monday nijht, .showering Uie: street with masonry Wes and ln- narbing emotions of 11.reet people and lawmen 1ga~. No seriOua damage was reported, but the blast cawed by an Wlidentilied device left a hole . several feet arross in the overhanging eave of the sb-ucture. A crowd of UC Santa Barbara students and other young people llvlog In the unm. corporated community greeted lherlff's deputtea who aITived on the acene wllh .. ~ and jeera. ltoclcl and bolUes ...,..thrown -cme deputy .... hit In the hip but not injured -while autboriUt.s crecllted calmer young people with helping keep order in the ~dst of ~utual 'tension. The bank -aymbollc-ol the capitallJt power Jtruclure to radicahr-wu rebuilt on the scene of one burned last Feb. 25 during a cla,m that touched off a &erlea of lncldentl. Buslneas .conUQued as usual today, but that ii all Bank of America ofDclals would aay about the newest assault on the !>uildlni· No lncld!nll bad boon reporiod and the community was quiet up until the blet, possibly organized by five penons witnesses reported seeing on the acene moments earlier. The ISia Vista flareups of 'last spring ended wllh more than 100 peJ'sOlla jalled and one student -trying 1jl preserve order and calm others clamoring for violence -shot to death. Investigators said several small ftre.s Were set In trash bins around the area, where re1ldents sal~ the bank blast couJd be felt two blocks away, but were qWcklt. eningulshed. A crowd estimated al IOO gathered .. the ...... 3-maa Paael Formed {louse Okays ., ~~p~rit :COJJT:lCil OltifyS, $21 0 Million . l ~Q •• ,§., ., '"~ ' -r l • t ...... : ' ' ' ' ' .. ' ~.-· I ' ... .... fl • -~ •• '. ,. "" . -.. -... - · ·:nilrbo~ Court C.~nt'ract · SST Funds . ;, i..!'. ~ jJ·~ f>fl l • I • .. ... ~~ ... ,:.· .. ·. • . • • •. ' ' • ' ' • f . ' I:• FaUow aae :BofJbtag ao.t• · . · · . -. . . . -" . ' Newport Harbor's armu\\1 Festival of Llgbtl Jl9lll .,, ~lioa 'Island Ferry lan4lng. i;:aat1ve parade Is Parade starts Friday. Map gives parade.ll>Ule.~ • -IOjf by Newport Beach Ci~ Employes Ar timetable colorfully decorated craft .will .fOIJoW. AOC!ation and. Ne~ Harbor ci.mber of Com· n\ghtly through Dec. ·23. ·Sl/lrt·and '11$.h a~•·.qff · .merce. · · '. School 'Hot Ideas'· Ullit ... ,·: ''. ' . Cools Off 'N.ewpQrt ·fl~' ' . Newport-Mesa Unified SChool District's "hot ideas" review panel has thrown cold water <!fl th,e "flewport Plan" for Harbor High School. Trustees tonight will review recom- mendations of the four-memb:er patiel. One calls for rejection of a 1$14,500 expen- diture for ·the Newport Plan. Trustees may or may not accept the panel's ad- vice. Under the proposal, tt,yo teachen 'S rnile' Too Lare 11 ri Ce rtairi T owris It ma y be too late to "smile" in your home town. Already several of the Io c a 11 Y sponsored contests leading to competition in the "40 Miles of Oristmas Smiles'' Olristmas decorating contest ~t the Orange Coast area have closed. . . ...,,td.. in. • year .-.i a ·i."11. 'ifye atu· dent! credJt. equivalent to five ,counes. N'oting t11ey -the basic -i<lea ac- ceptable, the pone! ·aaicf•plns for catry. Ing it out are not .,,tUed out , , .• 'ia suf. ficicnf: detail to warrant the cost re- quest..i. Members of the Hot Idea rtview pone! are Dr. Norman R. lA>ai!:, associate IU- perintendent for tnstrucUonal operi-uons; Dr. Leslie E. Shuck, aasistant superi11oo tendent for m;arcb aod ci<veJQ-.t: Mn. Scottla· Evana, mth l[nlde teacher at Newport Elementary, and Art Chrls- tenaen, principal of Qalearic Elementary Sctiool. The· panel · ~ two allemlllves 10< the'Newport·Plan·Wtiidllifl abarln& of lundiac f«·the Pl<>Jecl·wftMhe 1Jm. vers.ity Ot Southl!m CIIifornla ·ind/or carrying out "the plan during aurnmer school 1o reduce com. Chamber Clioice ' Ineligible For Str,ul,y Group The COropa del Mar Chamber of Com· · merte nom.tnee to the Citize•ir'!hnspor· tation · Study Committee bas been de- ctaied ~ble 1o· aerve by the Newport Beach City CouncU because be 'J'e!ide1 in l.aguni S..ch. Tbe chamber fast week designated H:aroJd Pincb1n, who l\u offlces in Corona del Mir,· 11 its ·representative ·on the panel cruted to W'CW'k with a conaulta1t informJng 1 new city traltlc plan. In ~ the appointment Monday nigb~ however, the council stlpul1t<d an panel members mu.st be Newport Belch ruidentl. PindUn this mornlJlg confirmed he does ll•e In Lag{:ana Beach and said he was sorry to bear the news, OOt said, "I guess the (chlmtier) presJdent 'frill have to 1p-potnt ·someooe else:" · · 'Die cowcil Monday directed the city'• Public Works Department" to bring two or three COOIUltanta .. before the cltir.eu' panel for consideration. The comm.ittee will review the co11oo llJ!taqt.s' ~ls •nd make a recom· mendltlari &o tbe council. The Newporl Beach City Coancll Mon- day ni&ht eommttied the clly lo ~ . more than !700,000 oa the ·planned Newport Center civic ceriter by ap- provll)c , a cootract for the Harbor JIJ!licial Dlslrlcfcourt.. At the amt time, the COWlcil formed a three man spedal committee to work •1th an:hilects in finalizing costs of the entire project, and to prepare a bond wue to liilance u. The -ract with Oraoge • C....ty ,... quires the city to bclild '"""' than 1111<1,0o» in.facilities, most of which will even wally be uaed by the city, too when, aild H, a . . new poflce builcfin& Is ereded ln the com- plex. The oontract, which -ti ealled a ''humdinger -for the county,. wu 1p- proyed by a 1-1 vote, Mlh Vice Mayor llowar!l Hogen oppooed. 'I1>e councll took no formal action to -the com of the entire project, · wblcb .Jt \'OWed it Will do after learning . the .pricelwlll be IJU mlllian-U the com- plez 111 built .. plaMed. 1qty Manager Harvey, L. Hurlburt oottiDea ·several cost-cutttni alternatives durlq a t1Jre<.houT deliberation ol the (See COURT, Pap I) Personal Aide Saw Hughe s Sign Dismissal. Document LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) - A per10!1al aide of Howard Hughes, who claims he has seen the mystery billionaire almo11t dally for the past flte· yeara, says he saw the industrialist sign I dOcumenl firing the head of his Nevada operations. However, a tiandwrttlng expert and former 11soclate of Robert Maheu, Hughes' Nevada chief, claims the signature on the letter of dlsmlssal ls a for(lery. Both men testified Monday In the NeVada District OJurt he1ring stemming from the alttmpted ousting of Maheu by executives of Hughes Tool Co., the Houston-based parent firm of the btruonaire'1 &!ant bu.slneu empire. Ralph Bradford, now~ reUred but prevlooal,y. a band writing and fingerprint eipert for 28 years on the lA:!ng Beach Police llepartmen~ !<stilled at the hear- ing today that Hughes' 1Ia6ature was ge- nuine. Bradford al&o saJd he was satisfied that a three-page handwritten letter urging the executivea of the tool company to git ahead wllh the job of firing Maheu wu also written by Hughes, Levar B. Myler, wlio ld!otlfied hllbaell as a "special uiiatant' tO HUgbes, sald Hughes 11p\d a P""'Y Nov. 11 firing Maheu, who has been the blllionaJre'a No. 1 man in Nevada' for the past foor yean. (See HUGHES, Pap I) WASlu!iGT.ON (AP) -'!lie' llou!o approve<1 ·1Z10 \nintO. for the lupeiaon!e transport program Tuesday over' Objeo- tloni ttiat 'the lower comgfom.Jst alDOlD'lt wiD dilay deVelopment ol ~ plane •Ind boost tls cost. The vote was 319 to 71. The compromise, which' would keep the SST alive but cut $80 million off PrtsJ .. ~ dent Nl1on'1 request for $290 million this year, now gets to the Sena.te. where opponents still hope to delete all money for the plane. , Rep. Sidney R. Yates (0.UI.), told the House the MO million cut would ultl· mately add $180 million to the SST'I development cost and stretch the pro- gram out over a longer period. The House action was dependent oo lls later approval of. a number of technical House-Senate disagreements in the rest of the $2.S.billion transportation ap~ priation containing the ~ money. A motion by Rep, Mark Andrews (Jl.. N.D.), tO send the whole bill ba'.ci: to the House-Senate conference for recons!der· ation or the SST issue was defeated by voice vote, P ar ks Commission Meeting Set Tonight The regular meeting of the Newp<l(I Beach Parks, Beaches and RecrutlOD Commission Is 2'Cheduled for 7 o'clock tonight in the city council chambers. Awards for studenta whO partlci,ated In the Recreation Department's fall pro- grams will be given out at the meeting. Weather Potential entrants in the contest should Contact local, sponsoN to flnd out:a~t Jeadlines and ruJes, it wa.s announced to- day by Cap Blackburn, pusidenl ;of. tbe Orange County Coast Association. His group, along with lhe DAILY PILOT. i.!I renewing the nearly 40-)'Ul"Old "• Mlltl!i of Christmas Smile!" cOOtest this yell .. Other bot ideu to be "COMidered are a 16.ooi> ..... I by ·i>luw'!oo JClementiry Scl\ool .I~ eJJJO)!lloa . of Iii llbrarx. a ~~'that lJte· puel IYQelb1 ft~"dupl.lc .. "°'!· ; a 1137, l[nlllt. to ~ Elementary 5<jli>ol >for ·a Jltlt. _,ade matbemaUcs "diacovery" proeram, recomme~ed by the panel, and a 11,no ,reqoett by Costa Mela!. lfllh Scbool r~:• "ltlfr ombudo- man, allO ctven panel · 1pProV'af. · · Zone Ordinance Created There's a eo percent chance you'll mied your wnbrella oo Wed- nesday, Temperatures will tumb)t too, pipping into the low sbUu along the Orange Coast. • Judging for "40 Miles" awardl1wW be • bandied Monda v nighl throughout the area from Seal Beach io Su Clemente. Mink Coat Taken }\t Banque~ Hall • ._Newport Beach police today al'i .etk· tog inlonnatioo In the disappearance of a $2,500 mink coat from the Pavilion ban- quet ball Monday night. The full length coat, which DOllcfe re-port belong, to Marllyn F. Smfth, of Ill E. Balboa Boulevard. was .apparenUy Jrung on a coat raci. DW" tbe ult to the ball. The woman !old police the lllt aaw the coet at 1:25 p.m. and when she .checked jt again at 1:30 p:m., It was gone. 'lbe • omhMlanu WOlikl ~ act ., com- mu.nk:adooi l1bk between· diltrtct per- aonn<I aod· HnilnlJlnlm, , -ally ,.rvll!J Ill a pl'obten\ ilol•lnlt capacity. . ~ -allo Wiii hur1 the. roqlllred • IJOCOlld, l'Udq ol, •· nvll<d ..rJmtct i>ol· Icy an .lllldent eonduCI ddrfng' tiietr 7:11 p.m. meellll( II Coota Meaa .HIP ~I. ~Q UNCIL WOR KS '.41lOUND CEOCl(." ' • • • The Newport Btach a,. Council niay not tie paoctual, buUt He1111 awtUtly well reglmeaie.t , " , I( ; 1be councD l-:Q:w11ened Its afternoon study -al'hll p.m. -,, i.,-. lar' cllmer ......i hourt lalw, -met' in rqular ..-·,..mt:• Lm. today. I • 'II• ' ' Neiv port Council: Pas ses Lockheed Property Law ' . of the property,.lbould be giveo far moro lludy. • Emuy officials, who have promiled a l2llO mllilon combination industrla1 and bualneu office pniject In • tamPll'"IYl>e comp5'x, cou~ thal the1 proJ>OSed ido::1:fll!enl ls logical -·and not delrl-m . ,to· the ~tty., . , . Emkay'a plans, which .also call1for 11 fOt<Dll[ boCel iinih number of.automobile dealenblpl; had...., the approval of tha Plam)lilg Commlllion lat mooth on a .. 1 vote. ' Jam.· Taylor,· ge~al' planning ad· mlil!strWtoe for the Irv In e• Company, Rkbltd A. Reese, tbe ttrm'1 vice prnt. · derit !or pl.n1ng and Cbort.s ca,.,.,.. Jl"!'lfdoitt of the chamber, •all llrl!ed the projtci, be Ki•eo man atudJ. • · · Erqkay apokemlen have aaked for .x . pediUous aclfon, aaylog the .deal with Lockheed Alrcra!I to purchue the prop. erty wlll la)! throulh If approvals aie not. received by .fan. l. Currey~• comments d l"'e" fire from Vice Mayor Howard Rogen,. who ·nid, · •rm 1very Jntet'elted to ,.e the ICtiont · of· the Olambef of Commerce -,you're · a non-r"'1den\ ot N'1'JIO<I Beach, am't you." •. I . . Jlo(<n cbargelf I h I diamber w I I clatmlng the Plailrlln& Commlaalon Is not dolni Ila job. CUmy potnled oot be la representing •the opinion of the ..Ure chainber board of dlt<clonl, "wl!lch Isn't cha?Jlof any· lhinf,' jol!I aaytng not enough time was (loo LOCllHEED; Pi&' I) INSWE TODAY ffoiD d0f1 11our annul irto come fit into the national acaleP Sylufa Porter ha$ all the anawer1 01l Financ.e Page 10 toda11. Owly 9 ~. CHRISTMAS ' , t DAILY PILOl " Tuttda, Dt<tmbtr 15, 1!70 Y•le Gift:, Service Stations · Waging G~s . W~r. J1ltl la Umt for Olriltm1s, 1ervice st.a- Uaol o!Olll tl>e Orani• coast are •niaaed in a price cutting gas war. Drop& from rtgUlar price• as mud> 11 two.to f«lr COllll I lllJon """' ttPOried bf dolleri !tom COiona «kl Mar to FOWi· laJn Valley. Mission Vie~ and tl Toro a:as stations however, have yet to go along w~tb the prlct tull, ptoblbly beclUJe tl>e reblt .. oil companies have offered to other · dealers have not been extended to Sautb COtmly allUooa. A tpOtelrnan at Grant's Gulf in ()»ta lllt11 aald "wt juat dropped another P.•· 111 yeoltrday" ~ tl>elr price for Council Maps Underground Utility Area The Newport Buch City COUDcl1 Mon· day nigbt direct tbat the city 's second un- derground utilities district be formed aloog the Mariner'1 Mile area of the Coast Hl&hWIY and approved a priority- list for five other districts. No timet.able 1J1$ set. however. The first district was created last month on Octan Boulevard, between Pop- py and Heliotrope Avenues, Jn Corona del Mar. Also reoolv111g top priorlly is a distrlct , In tl>e vlclnlty ol Hoaa Memorial Hospital • I.bat wUl be created in conjunction with 'tl>e wftlenlJll ol Hocpltal Road a11d Ill ex· tension to Superior Avenue. Pourtl! OD tl>e total liJt Is • district along El Paseo Drive, from Bayside Dt1ve to the Co.st Higbw1y aDd on Bayside Drtve, from. El P1eo Drive to Marine Avenue. Newport Boulevard. !tom 30th Slrtet lo McFadden Place, wu delllfllted llfth and a section of Balboa Boulevard, from '3rd Street to McFadden Place, Wu plac- ed sl>th. Once an under&round utilities dil~'s created, property ownm therein the coirt of underarouDding werk for In line utilities, although they must pay for &ervlce recormecti0111. Diltrictlnl. however, requires the work be performed within a specified period of tJme. Atta! eli&lble I<>< dislridinl ai.tus must mttt certain restrictions. 'Ibey must be areas of unusually heavy coticentraUon of overhead facilities. be on. a street extensively uaed by the general pubUc and ca.rryinf a heavy volume cf pedeatrlan or vehicular traffic er alcng a street 1djoinitlg a civic . area or public rtere1Uon area er an arta of "'unusual scenic interest." From Page 1 HUGHES •.. Myler &aid the •iln!ll& took place Ill the ninth floor penthouae maintained by Huabea in the Dmrt Inn Hotel in Las Veau. The witness also testified lfuahes su~uenUy went tc the Britaania Beach Hotel in Nassau, the Saham.11, and from there iMutd in1tructioos the proxy be released. tarller in the day, Charles Appel Jr., a former FBI agent with Maheu, testified on behalf of Mehtu that Hua:hes' purported aipaturt on Ult document presented by the Hughes Tool O:i. was a "'simulation or imitation." "lt's e very good representatiOn, '' Ap- pel said.. "It would pa'5 any bank teller and other business anociatea would ac· cept it, but it's deficient. It's utremely aklllful but It's different.'' · DAILY PILOT OlAHGI C0.6.ST ,UILISHING ~,ANY Rob•rf N. W•M Tho11u11 K.,,,a fOlltt Tllo"'•• A. Mutpki11• M~'I"' tOI.,_ L Pettt Kr1eg N""'1IO<" hKt! City l"l!Gf" Nca P"'lf ..... ~ 2211 w .. t lell••• l•ul•"•"' M•lll119 A44retti P.O. low 1171, 92661 --Qlft M-! »0 Wftl 81Y lltel! """"" lfMf11 02 llff'W't AYMU. Mu!lllNlltill 8tKft: ,,.,. •..c~ lollltv•l'"f S.11 ~: * Nwtll t i Ct'"lllO ~· • low·ltad t'llUlar ti> 3o.8 and proinlwn ir.adf. to 36.9 cent!. ~e most dealer' . randomly In· terviewed seemed f~&iped to the re.new- ed gas Wfr, 1 Newport Beach Chevron station owner expresi&d diJgust, rtfuslnc to say what be was now Charging.. while noting he was participating. Ken's Mobile Setvict Station, Corona del Mar said "We're very much intc a aas. war. We dropped two cents a aallon over the weekeM," the owner reported. ~ his prices to M.9 centa for reauler and 38.9 for premium. He recalled that the last gas war lasted ail wetk& aDCI ended just three weeks IJO. "l think they are terrible," be said. "'bul people are very select.l.ve now about gasoli.De prices, probably because of tbe eeonomy. We have tc go along.'' By contrast, Mission Vlejo )..tobUe reports no price drop and continues tc charge 36.9 for regular and 40.9 for pre~um. Five Points Texaco in Huntington Be•cb ·bas been lowering prices for a .... t and standa at 29.8 f~ regular and 3U !or premium. . Lariy Meal!. cperator ot a Sbeti station 1n Fountain Valley, said prices had drop- ped four cents a gallon in a week. "'The ps companies live me *1,000 dif. feret reasons ·for a gas war," bl!!: llid, "But I still don't understand why." "1 hive to stay with them to be com· petiUve, .,·be said, noting that be believes "people are !hopping more now than tbey used to." Howard Yarborough, operator of a Unlon station in El Toro saia the gas war had not reached his corner yet, but noted that a station across the: street was charging 40.9 cents for premium com- pared with biJ 39.9 and 38.9 at a tl'IJrd sta· ti on. "I'm not ready for another gas war." Yarborough said, "Tbey hurt profita both ways, for the dealer and the oU com· pany.'' "We can get a call in the morning to drop our price," he eXJllained, "but then it ii the dealer's choice whether or not to go along.'' Unive rsity Hi gh Students Become St.amp Colle ctors University High School student! are collecting saving stamp books in both popular colors, in order to purchase a $2,400 weig~t training machine for the new school's athl etic department. Dick Caneday, athletic director, said the stamp book.s will be redeemed for cash to buy the 15-station weightlifUng machine which most other schools use to train their athletes. Alter the Christmas holidays move Into the new school at Culver Road and Cam- pus Drive. near UC Irvine, the stamp drive will be ei~nded, Caneday said. PresenUy, students are bringing the books tc school, but after the move, the Boosters Club and athletic teams will beg.in a door-to-door tanvass seeking 1,200 books. If the campaign is successful , excess books will be cooverted to cash and the funds given to the associated student body fund. Caneday noted. The machine being sought provides 15 stations for weighl training exercises. wit bthe weights attached by cables to each pl1ct. "This is the safest form of weight lifting," Caneday noted. Besides use by team athletes. the ap- paratus would be useful in physical education classes and possibly for "slim- na1tiCs" classes for adult education even· ing students. Caneday estimated that "9S percent cf area schools" have such equipment. most purche.sed by special fund raising pro- jects. "Being a new school, we haven't had Um6 to accumulate the money t-0 buy cne. W6 need it in order to compete with the other schools," Caneday said. The books are being collected at the Mis&ion Viejo campus btrout:h the re-- m1inder of this week. University High opens in Its own building on Jan. 4, bar· rinc Uflforeseen delays. Active Jurist Takes Position With YES Group A busy Harbor Judjcial Diat?I~ Ccurt Jud&e with titles In other community se.i:· vice organiu.Uons bas accepted e Jl!>!l· UM as sparkplug of the Herbor Area Youth Employment Service. Judie Calvin" P. Schmidt has been nam- ed director of community iffalrs for YES. which is currently placln& entr· .retie young people tn full and part·tlme Oui.stmas season jobs. His new c1pldt.y lll'ill Include encour· aaln& young people and bwineasmeo to make use of YES for employment and job opportunities. Judge Schmidt, of 324 Cameo Shorts Road Corona del Mar. 15 active in a vatieiy of clher !trvice or1aniza1.lons. He Is c:<>dlalrman lor the 1970 Chrl!l· mu Seel dr ive, 1s we.JI '' serving on the board of dir~ctors of both the East.tr St1J Socltty for Crlpplod Clilldr<n and the Girl Scout Council ol Orani• County. UPIT ....... HI ADING FOR HOME ' Sh ip Hlf•ck•r Glatowakl ; Ship 'Hijooker From Long Beach Give s Self Up PHNOM PENH (AP) -"I Ollly rtfret I didn't s1nk the llhlp,• on< Of tl>e hJ. jac"'rs ol a "1.S. ammllllitioo frelihler saJd today as he walked Into the American Embassy in Phnom Penh to 6Ul"r'ender. "I still believe tn the revolution ln America and in the revollltioo in Cam· bod.la."' Alvin L. Glatows'tf, 20, L<ing Beach, !old 1tewsmen. But he said hr felt ht wouJd gel a !airer deal in the U.S. than in Cambodia. Glatcwsld end Clyde W. McKay. 25, Escondido, took ovu the 10,tXJG.t.cn Cclwnbia Eagle in the Gulf cf ThaUand Jut March and forced lhe crew into the Cambodian port Of Kompona: Som. They have beell indicted by e federal grand jury iD Los Angele.! on c:b&r&e.s of mutiny en the high seas, awult, transporting kidnaped per!IOns in foreip commerce, and neglect cf duty. They could gtt the death penalty on the muUny charge. The ship and the re1t of its: crew were released and completed the voyq:e to Thailand. McKay got away from a C-ambodian guard in a PhMm Penh reataur1Dt in October and disappeared with an Amerlcan deserter from T h a 11 a n d • Glatowski said then he believed they were beaded for I.ht town of Siem Reap to join Communist fortes fighting in Cambodia. Glat.CJwsld and McKay were kept on a prison boat on the Mekong River for a few week.! after the hijacking. They com- plained about the conditions there and were put in the servants' quarters of a government guest house in Phnom Penh and then in a hotel. The Cambodian government paid their hotel bills, and they technically had political asylum. But they were actually under a form of arrest, free to move about in the city but always escorted by Camtx>d.ian guards. From Pqe 1 COURT •.• • Te~cher .'Ups~t' Hurd 'Slit Her Throat m _ Warning,' Doctor Says By roll BW.EY .. ·• Of .. ._ Pll .. )left • . . ' Wbat S!Oven Crill Hurd desl'l'IWd. le bla poychittrill II lln. l"lolOnco.:ar.,.,,·1 "queenllneu. and pldinesa'' and what he believed wu her "derogatory atcilude'' towards him may wtll have coet the Misslon. Viejo teacher her life, Jt was alleged in lfftlmony !<><llY in .. Orf11e Counly Superior Court. Dr. Johll A. Guido openod tlle amlly trlal· of the accu&ed ,,_year-0ld'trutitnt by Jolllng ddtnse attorney WWlam Goin- ble that Hurd told him !hit he alulled Mn. Brown in the neck "to wam ber'' that he would not tolertte ber wperiorl· ty. Hurd could not recall the actual klllllll o1 Mrs. Brown. Guido teltllied but he could recall "atabblnl her cnce or tMca. Then he remembers tbat twi drove arot.lnd 811111 Alla wttll her body -aert of Ilk• Ibey did thina• 111 Vietnam, It< told me." Hurd Js accuaod.of boiJ!I the rin&leader of a iroup of di-lttera who police claim pulled Mrs. Bl'OWll, 31, of El Toro,. from her car lot June 2 u she left t1>e Siii Die10 Freeway at the Sand Canyon Off- . ram p. Police alle&e thal the woman wu mutilated and aublected to a 1trles cf devil worahipl.na rltfll b e f ore lbe wu lillallY 1111led In 111 Irvllle orlJ!P ~ve. Gamble told tlle court today !hit o.. of lhooo rllo involved tlle ealiJli of her bear! by Hurd. Mr1. Brown WU buried in • ahalJow r rav e ott the 0rtep Hlil1w•Y· ji..- dismembend body WU -Jwie !I. Guido is ooe of five paycbtatrilt.s who ei:UlllMd Hurd in Orange Ccunty J•il. It 11 expected that at lwt two more payclliatrllll wW follow blm to he wiinell staJ!d Ill Judie Robert L. Corlmall's courtroom. Judie Corlmall will rule a!Ur bearinr counter arawnentl from Chief Deputy Dlatrl<:t Attorney ~amea Enrl&ht U Hurd ls aane and competent to at.Ind trial. Guido's written oplnk'cl •11 that Hurd was lnlane at the time of t.ht Brown kill· 1"J:our other paychialrists have ruled the long.balrecl defendant to be sane but all doubt bla abllity to aid OOUJ!Sel ill bla defeNt. Hurd, man.cled hand and foot. ap- peared to have no real interut in this momlnl'• proceedinaa and antched what appeared to be 1.octiac signs while Gam· ble atl\led in his defense. His cnly con. tact with h.i..!l lawyer was to ask Gamble on several occasions for a cigarette. The psychiatrist's doubt s were ap.. paren!ly raised by a series of con· versatlons in which Hurd commented that he liked to drink six cups Of blood ,a day, acknowledged the de.vil as his father, believed in the invincibility of Satanic worship and the inevitable rein- carnation of the evil doer. Guido testified Hurd recalled during his interview that he was a member of a group which drove into a Santa Ana service station on the night of June 1 - the aame nl&bt of a $50 robbery and tht hatchet killing m attendant Jrrry Wayne Carlin, 21- "Acain ," Guido said, ''Hurd be.lieved that aomeone was behaving in a 'Can't Take It' At CdM School derolatory mlMll' lewlrd.s blm." The paychlatrlst IftUl!ed -that Hurd told him be gave orlkra !fir the lrllliJ!i ol Carlin itter heartni someone e&U bim "'a tramp." Guido'• J;otlmony indicated that Iha u used to mike Carlin unrecognizlble wu takeJ\ from Hurd's car and thf: defendant •pP1te11Uy indicated to Ollldo·that he had bffn carrytq; tbe . weapon ifOu.nd for aeme time. Guido leatlfltd that Hurd had I IOJ!I hl!tory of narcotics addiction and a particular fondneas for berbin. His search for drugs and tha money lo purchase them led Hurd lnto several encounters with the law before the killings of Mrs. Brown and Carllrl, the l>S)'chl.atrl5t'1 report indicates. Hurd 11 one cl three youths lndicted by the Orange County Grand Jury tor the killlhgs of Mrs. Brown and Carltn. separate Jury trill.ls have been ICheduJ- ed fer his co-defendanta. One other defM· dan~ Arthur Crai& "MOOll" HUise, II, of Garden Grove faces tr1al for the kUllnc of Carlin and being an accessory to the murdtr of Mrs. Brown. From PGfe l . ' LOCK.HEED PROPERTY • • • siv.n In atudylni tl>e project." Taylor said the inlect would have tremendous bnpict in the dty, t b a t "could retult Ill a lhift of Newp:>rt's com· merclol emphasis to the airport m a." The tract la located oppoalte the Callins :Radio Company property on MacArthur Boultvard and is also bounded by Jam. bone Rood, Pollsadel Rood and Bird> Street. Taylor pointed· to his firm's ~t re-- qutll for ruoo!n&: cf a major nearby tract !!om !J!dualrial to ~al-busi­ neu and iaid then have been indic1tions other major property holden in tl>e area includinf Colllrll an thlnJdng about fOI· Traffic Signal Priorities Set For More Study A recommtndtd Us! ol lrlflle signal priorltlts, prepared by the ·Public Works Department. wu tabled for furthtr con- slderatlcn by the Newport Be1ch City Ciouncil Monday night. The priority list puts the intersection of Newport Center Drive, wt and wes t. at the entrance tc Fashion l5land, at the top. .. Seeond Is the intersection of Dover Drive and lrvlne Avenue. followed by the intersktion of Jemboree Road and Bayside Drive. This ranking ma~ draw criticism. since Traffic Engineer RGl:>ert Jaffe told Bal· boa Island residents recently the Bay. side-Jamboree corner would be number two. Fourth on the list 11 the tnttrsection of Irvine Avenue and Marinen Drive. The othtrs, in order are : Balboa Boulevard and 47th Street. Highland Drive and Irvine Avenue, Dove Oriv" and 18th Strttt, Placentia Avenue and Superior Avenu!, Irvine Avenue and 18th Stree.t and Avocado Avenue and E. Coast Hil!hway. Also, Cliff Drive and Dover Drive. Bi- son Av!nue end Jamboree Road. Har"OOr View Drive and MacArthur Boulevard. the Balboa. Boulevard·NeWtlOt't &ulevard crossing and the intersection of Newport Center Driv! and Sant.a Rosa Drive. lowin& ault. The entire uu he apoke ol Is o11o cur- rently master planhed for lndustrtal we. Reese, uking for more 1tudy, sa!d tho council Is obll&ated to change dlt muter plan before acting on e specific zonfn& request. Among the other opponent.s was Daniel Emory, hoad ol tho Airport Nol,. Abate- ment Committee, who urged the council consider the impact of the development on the airport. • Emory dJplayed a brochure published by the Irvine Induatrial Comple:r that pOinled out the prox!mlty of the airport aJ a mefor feature of the lnduatrlal part_ Robert Cromm.elin, an Emkay consul- lant," 1ald studies show there would be minimal use of the airport by tenants of the development. Robert Alleborn , E rn k a y president. nid ihe project i• not beinr ~ ClOlltingent upon the airport. Emory, in his testimony, also had cited a city consultant's report that sald there is already 1ufficient commercial devel~ ment near the airport. Afl!hom s11id. hoprever. "The market Is existing. Businessmen in Los Angeles are tired of working In that city.'' Cooncilman Lindsley Parsons. w h o cast the lone dissenting vote. urged a de- lay pending a study of th! economic im· pact of the project on the entire city. City Planner Laurence Wilson. who had endorsed the project. said that the eco- nomic impact and the overall effect of the project en the traffic circulation sys.. tern arr not known. Wilson did note, however , that an ed- joinlnR section ol the Irvine Industrial Complex. in an industrial ?.on! that does allow lighter uses, is shifting ln character from an lnduatrial park t.o a business elf ice center. Newport Woman Freed on Bail In Hit and Run A Newport Beach woman is free en $250 bail today fo\lowinr her arrest Mon- day night on charges ol felO!ly hit and ruzi: driving. Police said Kath.leen Sumner. 23, was arrested at her home at 1242 Rutland Road, number 3, at about 9 p.m. center during the aftenoon study se.uion. Coron.a del Mar Hiah School students The counc ilmanic committee, con-will present "You Can't Take It With Jn t1resentina the list. Jaffe explained that the Jambore.~ay•lde ranking w:1s based nn .ttie fact tnat 1lthouAA It rankll Jn need ~u!l to the Dover "Orive--lrv!ne A venue int,rsectloa. the latter h a s a he•vier tratflc volum~- Officers 1Dege Miss Rutland hit a car parked at 200 Amtthyst Ave ., Balboa Island. The car is owned by Ina K. Eastman, 23. cf 1204 Park Ave. sisting of Donald Mc!Mis, Richard CrouJ You" tonJaht. Wednesdey end Friday and Milan Dostal. was aSlligned to work nights at the school's LltUe Theater. with Welkin Beckett Allsoc:.iat.f:!. th! Directed by drama inatructor JoAMe .artb.ite(ls. to review proposed costs and Blick, the play stars Janice Hart. Rick make recommendations to the full coun-Yorba, St.an Wlasick, Kathy Eby, Kim cil. Bat!S, Jim Luce, Ken Nelsaer, Jeff He atreSMd that the first four inll.r- sectlons all ahould be oonsidei'ed to be of thl!! hlfhest priority . The ranking of Newport Center Drive at the too drtw criticism. al Vice Mayor Howard Rofers who indicated he felt the Irvine Ccmpnay. developers of Newport Center, should be requited to pty for in- stallation cf the light. Polite allege Miss Eastman suffered 1braisons to her feet and kllees when Miss Sumner dro"e away while-Mtss £.t.stman was still holding on to the door handle. Croul, himself a contractor. was l..clubet and Coreen Strelsky. especially critical of the B@ckett gquare Curtain time is 8 p.m. Tickets art prlc- Hit and run acciden ts, when there art no injuries, ar~ mlsdemeanor v!Olationa. When an ln:jury results lhen it i.s a felony chargr.. footage cost project.ions , which everaged ed at $1.50 for adult.I and Sl for students about $37 per foot, who have Associated Student Body cards. He vowed the project "never will get t-0 , -p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,~;;;;;;;;;~ a bond Issue if it's Joing to cost $12 I million to $13 million -or it'll be over my dead body." Rogers. the lone opponent to e:recution of the contract. c.harged that approving the expenditure would taint a aeneral obligation bond election. "We wouldn't be bringing e clean package to the people," he. said, "we need both the city hall and pclice building, hut Oley should stand alone." Rogers said he doesn't think the court.! are "necessarily good for our com- munity." The council directed that should a bond election fo rth6 remainder.of the project be defeated 1t a bond election the funds far th court fa cilities would he deriv!d from sale of the city dump property. Under the contract, the city Is required fo build certain prisoner detention and transfer areu and ottice space totalllnr: "up to 5,000 square feet'' Hurlburt assured the council that the needs of the county will be no more than approximately t ,700 square feet. During the afternoon study se5sion. the c:ounclt beard an hour.Jong review o( the history of the civic tenter, which is plan- ned on a ts.acre tract south of the NeWJ)Ol't Center and Fashion Jaland developments. from Ernie Mayer, fcrmer Newport Beach plaMina dlreetor, Mayer w111 patd $100 for his ·~ pearance and forwarded tran!ICTlpts of hi!! talk lo council members afterw1rda . He had been Newport Bt•ch planning director during the early planning stages of the projed. Hurlburt then ouUlned the various cogt reduction poulhilit.le.. which include cut- ting back M sr..ce nqulttmentl by erec- tln~ exp1nd1b e buildings. He 1aid the number of park.Ina spacr:s could be reduced from 111 to 671 for tl>e enUre project and 1ald Ule totll needs of the pollct department had betn lhaved from 7~,000 square feet to 67.000 aquare I eel • THE PRICE · IS RIGHT (or is it?) HAVE YOU EVER GONE INTO A STORE, AND BEFORE A SALESMAN APPIOACHID YOU, TRIED TO DnlRMINI PRICES ON GOODS NOT MARKED 7 MANY CAR'ET STORES DO NOT HAVE l'RICES INDICATED ON THEIR SAM,LES. THE T H E 0 RY IS THAT THIS WAY THIY CAN CHARGE "WHAT THE TRAlllllC WILL BEAR.'' AT ALDEN'S l'RJCES ARE l'OSTID ON ALL OP OUR SAtuLIS SO THAT CUSTOMERS CAN IROUSI THROUGH THE SILICTIONS AND KNOW WHAT THE ARE LOOKING AT. TOO, THIRE IS ALWAYS THE l'OSSIBIUTY OF A L 0 WE R l'RICI If. CONDITIONS WARRANT. ALDEN'S ~ ... -"'-•• -... -0-... -.,-,.... CARPETS e DRAPES TUSTIN Cell ••• u• :,tr=:.,.,. 1663 l'lactntla Av t. 11111 t..::: c.IN. COSTA MISA ........ 646·4831 HOUll: Mon. Thru Thurt., 9 to 5:311 -,,f, t to 9 -S.t., 9:30 to s -. • I ., I i f;os-U.. Mesa Today's Flllal \ ' VOL 63, NO. 299, 3 SECTIONS, 28• PAGES . . , ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORl'!)A TUESDAY; DECEMBER IS, 1970 TEN CENTS Mesa ,Rede-Velopmeht Funding to he Discussed A, preliminary rinanctar report on the cost of Costa Mesa Downtown RedevelOp- ment ·and · sOUrces ftom which the an- ticipated first $9.t million may Come will be discussed at a Wednesday meeting. . Merch~ts and city officials . will meet at 7:·30 p.m. in the first floor con- ference room behind city c o u n c i I chambers in the clvk: center. · The ,lal!u will center around a financial fact sheet prepared by consultants Wilsey &: Ham, hired. to engineer the downtown fl -tr -tr Mesa Pair Asks Return To Old Era A Costa Mesa couple bave advised the city council in no uncertain terms that they want a return to the iood old days along the Orange Coast. Henry J . Niemes, of 1800 Viola Place. also speaking as a former Laguna Beach homeowner, writes: "We are positively against urban re- newal in any form and are against city inanagers." He recalls Laguna Beach's first city manager (Jay Mercer) in a letter to be received by Costa Mesa City Qluncil members next Moftday. "AH he did was keep raising bis wages and the employes' wages ·in comparison with other city managers," Nlemes char1es. "The cost of funning the city 'Is 10 times greater and the city was run bet· ter before they . .had a manager." "The same t.blng: will hippen with this urban renewal thing aM ll'lere ~ pJenly or prOO( of it in other ci es," 'Ni~es continues. · ' • . "In Cincinnati, Ohib, they tore down thoosands of houJel In the~. ioC End, forcing the Negro population , ~e _in to other parts of the city a then· lilt the land vacant," be co_nclu~. Mesa Planne~ Approve. Bid For Apartmen~ A rezoning application for a 11.s;acre, high density apartment complex wa1 rec· ommended for approval Monday· bJ the Costa Mesa Planning Commission. A zone exception permit request for an eight.unit aparUnent building. in a single-family zone on the east side, of to\vn was held over. however, until the commission's .Dec. 28 meeting. Recommendati ons of approval were p:iven for all 10 other items on the agen. da. The large apartment complex at 630 Paularino Ave., is owned by Peoples I~ vestment Corporation of Beverly Hllls. It is currently 'zoned for ,single family and institutional and recreational use. The city's new general plan prepared tn connection with downtown redevelop. ment program requirements shows the property located in the so-called Golden Triang)e for dense building. Ralph Bonds. 312 St. A:ndrews Road, Newport Beach, will come back before the commission next meeting to discuss his eight-unit apartment pr:oject. · lie v;ants to build on 13,500 square feet of land al 2027 Orange Ave., in.eluding 10 feet of I.be reQuired z5.f0ot rear yard sctback. · Commissioners recommended approv. al of plans by Harold T. Sege.rstrom & Sons. 3315 Fairview Road, for a Rlchlleld Service Station at the northeast corner of Fairview-Road and Sunflower Avenue. 'Smi'le' Too Late ~ n Cerwi1t Towns Jt may be too late to ••aml]e" in your home town. !ready several of the I o c a 11 y ~ored contests leading to compeUtlon In the •140 Atiles of Christmas Smiles" Qlristmas decorating contest throughout the Or.ange Coast area have closed. Potential entrant.I in the contest r.hould c;ontact local sponiors to find out about d,adlines and rules, it was announced to- day by Cap Blackbum, president ol the Qrange County C'Mst AslociaUon. His ~P· along with tile DAILY PILO'I', is rtnewing the neatly 40-ytlQ'--(lld .. _, Miles ol Chrisunas Smiles" contest this year. Judging for "40 Miles" awards wUI be bandied Monday night throughout the arta lrom Seal Beach lo san Clemon!<. ·! • ~-ol 1he 1980s. • Pl;,~·-. .... broken dQwn ~lo •l• ~ of dncrete facililles" to be In· . ~""11ln the re-desjgnea·center of_the ci· ty{ \'{Ith para, ma~, plazas !fld im· proved.Jraffic flow. Stftets wil! require · $4;300,000, more than half the total packag<. : Par.king racllitles, at '$3,600,000, com· prise the next" largest capital outlay. :Park development and improvernenl is eijected to cost $800,000, "'ith an ad-• -' - djtio')'I $225,000 for Plazas .within '4he pedeitrlan ·shopping and strolling area. .Trefflc signals -:are; . ~sUma\e<f 1t $150,0; with an addltlonal $i5,tltl0 for related utiliUes. , • , 'nle WilSeY &·Ham fact sheet coversi10 various categories or anticipated income from various annual sources such .as county and state allotments. Estimated. city gasoline tax appor· tlonment earmarked for street l.rn- provcmenls, as an example, is $400,~ ' . -. _ J DAILY PILOT' It.fl• ...... Christmas ·0me1et . Mrs~ MarlfBaumes, a r~sident or Costa Mesa's Betpel Towers, mad~ ttiis~decor tion for her apartment door from 40 eg~ cartons and· a lot of'Jn'g:eni.i" y, proving that even apartment dwellers can share their Cbristmaf spirit with their neighbors. ' Sehbol 'Hot Ideas' ltrnit I I . ' Cools .Off ~Newport Plan', Newport·Mesa Unified School District"s ••hot ideas" review panel has thrown cold water on the "Newport Plan" for Harbor High School. Trustees tonight will review recom· mend'ations of the four.member panel. One cads' for rejection of a $14,500 expen· diture-. for the Newport Plan. Trustees may or may not accept the panel's ad· vice. U0nder the .proposal, two teachers would, in a year and a half, give stu- dents credit equivalent to five coursefi. Noting they found the basic idea ac· ceptable, lhe panel said plans Ior carry· ing ,it ·OU~ are not spelled-out ... in suf- ficient ccfetaiJ lo W'_a rrant the COSt TC• quested.. ~ 1 Members .of the -Hot Idea review panel are Dr. Norman R. Loats, associate su· perlntendent for instructional operaUon s: Dr. Leslie E. Shuck, as&stant superin- tendent for research and developme"I : Mrs. ·Sc:otti1 ·Evans; sixth grade· teacher at;-Newport Elementary, and Art Chris- tensen, principal of Balearic Elementary School. The panel suggested 1wo alternatives for the Newport· Plan including a sharing Of funding for the project with the Uni· versity of ' Southem' talifomia and/or carrying out the plan 'during summer 1chool to reduce-costs; Other hot ideas to be considered are a $6.000 request ~Y ·Paularino' Elementary School'for expansion of lta library, a plan that the ·panel suUest! it "duplic.a· lion"; a $%3'7 grant to W1lson Elementary School 'for a first J(Tade mathematics "discovery" program. recommended by the panel. and a $1,290,request by Cosla Mesa High~ School fof' "a staff ombuds- man, ·also given p3neJ approval. The ombudsman would act as com· munlcations link between district per- sonnel and admini;fators. generally serving in a problem 'iolving capacity. Trustees also will hear the required second reading_ or a revised dislrict pol· icy on student condUCt during their 7:30 p.m. meeting at Costa Mesa HJgb School. • for the year. Under the county'• Arterial Highway Finan<"'« Plan, •.ooo can be upected as 8ft. appartlomnent for street Im· ptO\lelnints. Another •.IOO· annullly f0r..c1~ IJld lloplJsbb comes from Traffic Safety P'and ftMIW"Ct!. · 'The !beet also includes u.essed valua· tions 'from Coda Mesa's total of $172 loo,000 for 19'76-71, broken down to · the-boulivard commertlal strip itself. Tbe lattel" ls $1.1 million, while the area encompuaed !Of ~1~.meot .ts-~! mii11Gn. lncludlng frillce area rtaldenllal districts., . . . . Bouhd~ries are roupiy between' 17th and' 19Ui ltreets, marked ~off on the eut and wQt by FiiUerloo A....,., Ind tbe ~.Newport· Free:_..y, route. · Prtliminaey ·renderings.. , by the con- sultant!,_ p~ for the $50.000 study. actua'lly show three' distinct areas set off for i-edeveJopmenr. · By Jmposing a tax freeze at the ex· isling cumulative downton tu rate shown as roughly 10.7 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, some revenue could be obtained the report aays. The state's redevelopment act o£ 1941 provide! any subsequent tax increase revenue over that 19.1 cents per $100 would go into the project. The financial fad sheet to be reviewed Wednesday also mentions four possibl• sources or outaide funds to assist in tha (See FUNDL~G, Page Z) Bomb Blast·s Bof A Hole Blown in lsl:a Vista Rooftop · From Wire Service• ISLA VISTA .!.. A tossed bomb bl<w a hole in the roof of a Bank of America branch here Monday night, showering the street with masonry tiles and in- flaming emotions oC street people and lawmen again. No serious damage was reported, but the blast caused by an unidentified device Jen a hole several feet arross in the overhanging eave of the structure. A crowd of UC Santa Barbara students and other ~ung people Jiving in the unin- corporated community greeted sheriff'• deputies who arrived on the scene wilh wboopl and j<ers. Rocks and bottlea were ~ -one de'puty was bit In the 'hip but not injured -' while auU.iUes credited calmer fOUlli people with helpiJI« keep onler· in the midst ci mutual temiOn. . · The bank -symbolic of the Capitalist power structure to radicals -was rebuilt on the scene of one burned last Feb. 2S during a clash that touched off • aeries of Incidents. Business continued u usual today, but . that ii all Bank of America offlclals would aay about the newest assault op the building. , · No Incidents bad been reported and tho Testifies In Court Ai~e W!~nes,~ed H~ghes ~ ....... ~ ~ -~· "~~. ~ o).' l'tr . ·.,;~· • l ·~ .. ~· ... ~ Sign·DiStnissal.I)acument LAs VF«JAS, Nev. (UPI) .!.. A perional aide of Howard Hughes, who claims he bu seen the mystery, billionaire almost dafly for the' past five years, says be saw the lfidilstrlalbt sign a document.firing the.head of bis Nevada operaU9ns. HoWever, .a bandwritlttg expert ind former associate of Robert Maheu, Hughes' Nevada chief, cl~ the signature on the letter of dismjwJ is a forgery. Both men testified Monday in the Nevada Diltriot Court hearing lll<mminl Gal Hitchhiker Takes Side Trip To Mesa Jail A suspected lady or the night allegedly advertising In broad daylight Jost her first customer Monday. The .statuesque Glendale resident flag- ged down· a motoi:lsl on Harbor Boulevard in COsta 'Meila, qlioting a $15 price for certain services to the astonish· ed man. "This officer assumed she lJ,8d observ· ed bis uniform hanging in the side Win- dow and needed assistance," wrote off. duty Patrolman Dick De Francisco. He said the 32-year-<>ld woman bopped into the car and they drove to a nearby school campus. where he allegedly ob- tained enough evidence to support an ar· reSt on vice charges. "I know a better place," he said, feign· Ing modesty at the idea or a tryst in sight of an elementary school with classes in Sf!sion. They arrived at police headquarters just In time for bis regular patrol shill. from the •itempted IJl!S!lng of Maheu by ezecuUvea of Hucbel: Tool C.O., the Houston.baled parent firm of the billlon&ire's giant business empire. Ralpff Bradford, Dow retired but previously a handwrltlnf and fingerprint ezpert foir 28 yeart ~ the Long Beach Police Departmen~ teetifled al the hear· big IAlday lbat l!Ugbe>' signature was ge- nlline. , Biadlord allO said lie was salisfled that a u.r.0-page handwritten letter urging the. executives of the tool company lo get aliead with the job of firing Maheu wu alto written. by .HuJttes: Lnar B. Myler, who identified binuelf as a. "ipecJal a.s.sistaat" to HIJ&hes~ .said HughU signed a pro:.:y Nov. 14 firing Maheu, who has been the billlonalre's No. 1 man In Nevada for the past four yea rs. Myler aakl lhe signing took place in the ninth floor penthouse maintained by Hughes in the Desert Inn Hotel in Las Vega1. The witness also testified Hughe• subsequently went to the Britannia Beach Hot.el in Nassau, the Bahamu, and from there isaued instructions the proxy be released. Earlier in the day, Charles Appel Jr., a former FBl agent with Maheu, le!tlfied on behalf of. Maheu that Hughes' purported signature on the doc,ument preseilled by I.he· Hughes Tool Co. was a "simulation or tirutiUon." "It's a very good representaUon,'' Ap- pel said ... It would pus any bank teller and other business associates would ac- cept It, but Jt's deflclent. It's extremely skillful but it'1· dilferenL" Customers Keep Clerk Too Busy .To Be Robbed commwtity was quiet up until the blast. possibly organized by five persons witnesses reported seeing on the scene moments earlier. ·The lsla Vista flareups of last spring ended with more than 100 persons jailed and one !ludent -trying to preserve· order and calm others clamoring for violence -shot to death. Investigators said several small fires were set in trash bin.s around the area. where residents said the bank blast could be felt two blocks away, but were quickly extinguished. A crowd estimated at 600 gathered oo the scene. House Okays $210 Million SST' Funds WAslliNGTON (AP) -Tbe HOuse 1pprovec1· 1110 million for tile supel'90olc tr*rt program Tuesday over ob~ tions that the lower compromise amount will delay development or the plane· and boost its cost. The vote was 319 to 71. The compromise, which would keep the SST alive but cut SllO million off Prem. dent Nixon's request for $290 •oa this year, now goes to the Senate Where opponents st11l bope to delete all money for lhe plane. Rep. Sidney R. Yales (0.ill.l, told the House the $fKI million cut would ulti- mately ' add $180 million to the SST'I development cost and stretch the 'pro. gram out over a longer period. Tile House acUon was dependent on it.9 later approval of a nwnber of technical House-Senate disagreements in the rest of the $2.6-billion transportation approo prialion containing the SST money. A motion by Rep. Mark Andrews (Jt.. N.D.), to send the whole bill back to the House.Senate C<1nference for reconsider. ation of the SST issue was defeated by voice vote. I Orders to Wipe Out Viet Hamlets Denied WASHINGTON (U PI) -Brig. Gen. w~ nant Sidle, chief or Army inforination. Monday denied reports Gen. William C. Westmoreland had ordered Viet Ccng·ln· fested villages outside Saigon '1eveled'' after the Tet offensive of 1968. Orange Coast Weat•er ·csanity.· Trial ":,.Under Way N . hooded, would-be bandit wbo l11> terrupted a qird ga'DM! on a al°" nlgbt at a Colt.a Mesa liquor store' Monday' finally fled in froatraUon when a aeries of ...tomen came ln and kept tile clerk toO busy to rob. ' Robert P. Roy, on duty at 'Ibe Likker Store, 2102 Newport Bouienrd. 811d the red-halftd. frttkled, lOish suspect "ft and sped ·away in a cat with the IJ.ihts off, There's a 60 percent chance you'll nned your umbrella·on Wed- nesday. Temperatures will tumble too·, dipping into the low sixties along the Orange Coast. INSml!l TODAY How doer 11our annual in· come f it into the nation.at !Cale? St1lvia Porter has all the aniwsri on Finance P~e JO today. By TOM BARLEY OI' "" O..IJ PIM Stitt What Steven Craig Hurd described to hi.s psychiatrist as Mrs. Florence Brown's "queenlincss af\d goldiness" and what he believed was her "derogatory attitude" towards him may well have cost the Mission Viejo teacher her ,Jlfe, lt was alleged In leslfmony lQday in Orariee Counl)' Superior Co.urt. Or. John A. Guido opened the sanity trial of the 9CCUled 20-.,year.old transient by t.Ulng defenoe attomey William Gam· hie l~t Hurd told him thal he •lashed Mn. ·Brown in the neck "to ' warn her" that lie ,...Id not tolerate her superlori· ty. '' I ' • > Hurd could not recall the.actual kJU!ng of Mn, Brown, Guido t'estified but he could recall hstabbing her once or twloe. Then he remembers that he drove around Santa Ana with her body -sort or like they did things ln Vletnam, he told me.'' Hurd Is accuaed,ot being the ringleader of a group of drilten who police clslm pulled Mrs. Brown. 31, of El Toro. from her car lost Jupe I u ·llhe lelt the Sin Diego Freeway (II the sand Canyon off. ramp. Police allep that the woman was mutilated and ~bjecleil to a series of devil worshlplRg rites b e for e >she was flnallY kill~ !!} ,an Ir.vine orange gl"OV'e. Gamble" told Ilic court today that one of those rites Involved the ealio.g of her heart by Hu[d. Mrs. Brown WIS buzie<I In a shallow grave off the Ortega Highway, Her dismem6erea body Willi found .J~ JS. ' Guido ls one of five psyclhiatrists who exam!~ Burd In Orange (:o11nty Jail. Jt 18 expecled that at Jeut two mo~ psychiatrists will foUow him to he wl~ stand In Jlidge • llobtrt L. Corrfman'1 courtroom. Judge Corfman will rule artef heartn1 counter ~ts from Chit! Deputy Dlalrlc! AU«ney James Eorlgbt li Hurd Is sane and oompetent to ltlnd trial. Giildo'a written optnjoii wu ·lhBt Hurd (Ille Ill.A YING, Pqe J) Ror and a friend, Jolin M. Rudemkl. said they were1 playinf eards when the maQ ~ame In at 8:20, browsed around and finally )>ri&Rd a awlldlblllde lrnUe to RudeMl<l'i neck: He demanded money, threatening to stab the Vlctim. CU.lo111'!" bqan ~terlng to o , however. they told Offktr Harlan PauleY. who. aid the suaped touched notbhil Jn the store that colild "' ... amlned for !Jncerpri!ita. · Tbe 7uuth will clucrlbtd a l>nlnl a llshl. doy.old .,.,.ui. of beml anol'wear· lng ~ fub,lehath <>lfv• drab. overCOll with • para 6oo4" lllil:bed. • °"" 9 ~,. CHRISTMAS <•"""''' , _ .. • ClltckllOt Uit , """"''' '""" .. CltHlffM , ... ··--.. <M ... • Otllltl '-" " , __ • ~l'l'la """"' " DHtll ""'le" " ·-1 .. ,. -" I ttct """"""' "' 11 . ....... ,.,. • ·-• ....., ....... • ., ...... " . • ·-1•t1 ·-• H .... mc••• " --" A• L_.,.. .. WlflWlll':I Ntwt lt-14 ....... • --.. MMlftt UC-11 e o ,I " Y•le Glf t1 Service Stations Waging G~~ W.ar· Just in time for Cbriiilmai;, aervlce ata· tions along the Oranse Coast art ena~&ed ln a price cutting ias w1r. Drops from regular price& as rnuCh as two to four cents a aallon were reported by dealm from Corona deJ Mar to FOWl- talo valley. Board Wants Some Windows :In Library By G!:ORGE LEIDAL Of .. OellY ,llM Steff Situated in the rolling tlills of the Mission Viejo campus with potential for a 270-degree view, the Saddleback Collete library will be windowlets. Truste!s Monday ni&ht instrucwt the . architects, Ramber1 and Lowery ot San· ta Ana, to revi&t the etteriOr ~Jans, removing the second and third floor wtn· dowa. The library, the first permanent sttue- ture planotd for the Mission Viejo cam· pus, la eswnat<d at $3.7 million and ii . uJiect..i to 10 to bid nen March. President Fred H. Bremer, taid, ''From an atstheUc viewpoint I fee1 a certain amount of windows are desirable, even in a Ubrary. Otherwile the building would h;ave a priaon like appearance." BOard President Hans W. Vopl of San- ta Ana argued against windows in the library on two grounds, maintenance and Insurance costs [or possible breakage. • "A library Ls a leaminc ctnttt with,• function to perform," Vogel said, ''.and that fuoction is best performed if there are no distractions. A student should be able to escape completely from reality. "A fortress without windows ii the ideal environment for library study since whell you go to the library you are tryina: to reach the depths of your own mind." Vogel further argued that the savin&s of maintenance and insurance that might be projected for a windowless library could be applied In fittini the building wit.b more ~ulpment. Robert Lowery of tbe archittetural firm noted trustee, had alrtady ap. . proved the interior floor plans for the · Ubrary whi~b will initially h o u s e 1 cla~ 'that later Will be converttd to · library space. Noting the aestheUc val .. of - ''becaUSt human beings like to know what's coin& on outside even if they only • ... a pat.ch of sky or clouds," L<>w.,y suggested library stacks would not re- quire use of outside walls. The plan sub- mitted to truslffs lnclud<d slant<d bigb . windows on the second and third Doors. Alyn M. Brannon, trustee from santa Ana., concurred with the breakage argu- ment against the windows and added, _ .. I'm opposed to high windows, they are haNly ever washed, anyway." The slant of the windows, Lowery said, was to discourage breakage by rock throwing . Brannon countered, that v.·lth the slant "they'll just collect more dirt." Responding to a question by John B. Lund, Laguna Beach trust~. Lowery noted the re would be little difference in construction coat of the library with or without windows. Vogel said it was not the con1truction cost that concerned him, but said "from a seCW'ity standpoint I would question high windows and would favor solid walls." Security precautions callfld for by trustets al an earliu meeting. Lowery sald, had already been included in the libraty plan. "We cut out the second floor outdoor ·re.a.ding balconies," be said, "in order to eliminate the chance student& will throw boob down from them to other student&, ·as you suggested." DAILY PILOT OU.NOi!: CO.UT f'lllLISHIJrtO t.CMll'AN'f' lob.rt N, Wt.4 J•ck 1':. CYrl1y \'kt ll'rtt:d.,I t !ld Gtntr11 M•M,_. Til•fllltl Kotvll m:tlllr '11!.M&I ~ Mi.trpl'liy MlMlilWUH .. c.... .. _.,..... J)O W"t loy StNtt M•11rwt AM,.111P.O.In:116', t Z6t6 --,,....... 1tldl: •n ""'-..... ~" ~a.ctii m,....,,,_._ HfMllW1IJill ._,,l ,,.., ... l..i-c llfl CJeiMnlli as Nlrtll m c.tfllM ... , ' ' Mlilloa Viejo eod. C11'oro 1a1 statiOftJ howeve.r. have yet to go &Jona with tlle price ctJls, probably heeeu&e tbe re!iatel oU etmpanies have offllrtd to Clber dealt.rs have nOt been extended to SOl,itb COW!ty atauon.. A· 1pokeim•n fl Grant'• Gulf In Coata Mesa said "we Just dropped another ptn- ny yesterday" bringink t.Mlr price for low-Jud rqular to 30.8 and premiwn grade lo IU ceJlll. Wbll< mM dealers randoml1 fn· .1erv1ewed oeemed reSl&Ded lo the renew· ed gas war, a Newport Beach Chevron &talion owiw expressed disgust. rtfUaln& to say wbai be was now cbargin&, wblle noting be was participaUng. Ken's Mobile Service Station, COrona del Mar said "We're vtry much itlto a 1as war. We dropped two cents a gallon over the w~kend." the owner rtported, bringing his prices to .34.9 cents for regular and 38.9 for premiutn. He recalled that the last gas war lasted &ix. w~ks and ended just three weeks aco. "I lhiak ·they are terrible." be said, "but people are very selective now 1bout 1as0line prices, probably because of the eeonoiny. We b•ve to go along." • 'y contrast, Mission Viejo Mobile N!ports no pr~ drop and continues to chl(ae 3U. for regular and 40.9 for pnriuwri. tjve Points Teraco tn Huntln,ton ~ch bas been lowering prlcta for a week and stlnds at 29.9 for regular and 3S.9 for premlwn. Larry Mead, operator of a Shell station .fn Fountain Valley, said prices had drop- ped four cents a gallon iD a week. "The gas compa:n.tea: gtve me 20,000 dif- ferent rusons for a gas war," he &ald, ''But I still don't Ul'lderstand why." ••1 have to stay with them to be com· petitlve," he said, noting that be believer "people are shopping more now than they used to." Howard Yarborough, operator cl a UniOft &talion In El Toro aaia the gas war bad not reached biS corner yet, but noted that • station across the street was charging 40.9 cents for premium: com- pared with bis 39.9 and 38.9 at a third st.a· lion. "I'm not ready for another gas war.'1 Yarborough ujd, ''Tbey hurt profits both ways, for the dealer ed the oil com- pany." "We ~an get a ·call in the mortting ta drop our price," he expliioed. "but tben Jt is tM dealer's choice whether or not to 'o 1long." From Pllffe l FUNDING ••• project envislontd for 1985 compleUon. Tbty inelude: -Federal Aid through Secondary Htghway Alsistance Fwtdl. -Federal Aid through Funds for Joint Development of Hi&hway Ccirridors and Multiple Use of Roadway Properties. -Opep Land Space Proaarm. also fed· era!. -Urban Beautification and Improvement Program federal. Mayor Robert M. Wilson enthu- slaalically greeted the initial renderings of what dcwntown Costa Mesa may even· tu1Uy look tlke, comparing it to com· merclal 1howpl1cea elsewhere in Amer- ica. He pred~ts It will eventually be 1 $24 to $30 million transformation. No matter what course of action is chosen, city officials stress. tt will be subject to lenatby public hearin1s and none of these are even in the scheduling i;tages yet. • Newport Woman Freed on Bail A Newport. Beach woman ts free on $250 bail today following her arrest Mon- day night on charges of felony hit and run driving. Police said Kathleen Sumner. 23, was arrested at her home at 1242 Rutland Road . number 3, at about 9 p.m. Officers allege Miss RutJand hit 11 car parked at 200 Amethyst Ave .. Balboa Island. The car is owned by Ina K. Eastman, 23. of 1204 Park Ave. Police allege M1&a Eastman., suffered abraisons to h.er feet and lu1ees when Miss Sumner drove away while Miss Eastman was still holding on to the door htndle. Hit and run accident5. wbtn tbett are no injurles, are mi&demeanor violations. Wben an injury results then It la a felcny charge. Man Found Dead By Neighbor A Coata Men man whose netahbor htard a single shot early on the mornJna btfore Thanksgiving and thought nothing about It was discovered dead i11 hia home Mond1y. Wali>r O. Timm. 44. of 131 Albert Place. ap~ntly took bis own lift, IC· cordinc to police, who found a pistol lying on bis ebest. Gene Gaudreau, Of 136 Albert Place. ~d lnvnU&ators be became worr~ about Timm and cilteked the bouS< afi.r petking lnlo the locked 1or•a• to be""~ the victim's van was there. t \ -. -16- lj.S. Ship Hijacker Surrenders PHNOM PENH !AP) -"I oiity resrit I didn't alnk the ship," !)ne ·or lha hi· jacke.ri Of a U.S. ammunition frei&httt said today as he walked into the Amtrlcan Embassy in Phnom ·Penh to aurraoder. "l slill believe ln the revoluUon in Amer ica and In the revolution in Cam· bodia." Alvin L. GlatowSki, 20. Loni Beach, told 1ewsmen. But he said he felt he would get a fairer deal in the U.S. than In C!mbodla. Glatowski and Clyde W. McKay, 25, Escondido, took over the 10,000..ton Columbia EaeJe In the Gull of '!balland last March and forced the crew into the Cambod.11.n port of Kompong Som. They bave been Indicted by a federal grand jury in Lo.s An1eles on charaes of mutiny on the high seu, usault, transporting kJdnaped persona in foreign commerce. and ne.a;leet of duty. They could get the death penalty on the mutiny_ charge. o•hlng Boat• The ship and the rest oi its crew were released and completed the voy11e to Thailand. McKay got away from a Cambodi an guard in a Phnom Penh restaurant in October and dlsappeared with an American deser~r fr(')m T h a I I a n d • Glatowski said then he believed they were headed for the town of Siem Reap to join Communlst forces fi&hting in Cambodia. 1 Newport Harbor'• a I Festival of L!Jhts Boat Parade &tarts Friday. "'Map 1ives parade route and timetable colorfully decorated craft will follow ni&hlly through Dec. 23. Start and fiJllsb are oU Balboa II Fem landin1. ·Festive parade Is 1ponooreil y Newport Beach City Employ•• A•· aociation and Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· merce. r. ( Telemetering System Set For Mesa Malfunetlons anywhere in the miles and miles of Costa Mesa County Water Ols-- trict (CMCWD) lines will be monitored Within seconds, when a new telemN:rlng system ls ccmplet.ed. Bids are bein& solicited by the CMCWD and will be opened in March. E111ineers fiaure the job will cost about $87.000. The telemetering network will be cost· ty, ($2,000 per month to operate), but well worth it in the long run, CMCWD offi· cials predict. One break in a 12·incb line during N~ vem.be:r went uodetected for about fi ve hours. resulting h1 a S2,500 ttpair bill and the Jou ol four acre-f~t Of water. Spewin; from the ruptured line in ftortWelt CostaJ'esa wi th sledaehammer forct, the Jet water emptied conveni- ently into an Orange county FlOOd Con- trol District ehannel. The impact, however, shattered the concrete wall aid undermined the earth benuth II. Complaints of low w1ter pressure at nea rby South COest Plaza. plus .an un- e..-plained, constant flow of water down the channel into Newport Harbor led to pinpointing of_ the problem. U such a break occurs with the new telemeter system ordtred by the CMC- WD. a rM Ught will !la1h 911 at two lo-- cations. One would be manned around the clock. Telephone lines tied Into -point! within the wate r SP.tern will earry the alarm to CMCWD headquarters on Plae!ntia Avenue near West 19th Street and also to the pollce and city communicatioftJ cen- ter. From Page 1 SLAYING ... was iMane at the time or the Bro'll"D lcill· Ing. Four other p!yehlatrlsts have ruled the long-haired defendant to be sane but 1.U doubt his ability to aid counsel in hi1 defense. Hurd, manacled band and foot, ap- peared to have no real interest 1n this morning 's proceedings and sketched what anpeared to be Zodiac signs while Gam- ble argued In hi..~ defense . His only con- tact with his lawyer was to a1k Gamble on several occasions for a cigarette. The psychiatrist's d o u b t s were ap. parently ra!Rd by a series of con- versations In which Hurd commented that he liked to drink six cups of blood a day, acknowledged the devil as his f1tther. believed in the invincibility of Satanlc worship and the inevitable rein· carnation of !he evil doer. Guido tesUfied Hurd recalled during his Interview that he was a member of a group which drove into a Santa Ana service station on the night of June 1 - the same night of a $50 rObbery and the hatchet killing ol attendant Jerry Wayne Carlin, 21. "Again,'' Guido said, "Hurd Oelleved that SOrMOnt was behavin& in 1 derogatory manner towards him." The J'ISychiattist testified that Hurd told him he gave orders for the killing of Carlin after hearing someone call him "a tramp." Guido's testimony indic1ttld th1t the ax used to make Carhn 'unrecognizable was taken from Hurd'1 car and the defendant apparently indicated to Guido that he had bffn carrying the weapon aroond for some tltne . Ciuldo testified that Hurd had. a Iona history flf narcot1e1 addiction and a particular fondness for heroin. His search for drua1 and the money to purchasa them led Hurd lnto aever1l encounters with tile Jaw before the klllin1s of Mrs. Brown and Carlin. the paychiatrist'• report lndlcalel. Kurd Is one of three youtha lndlcted b~ the Orange County Grand Jury for tht!' kllllnp of Mrs. Brown and Carlin. • ' ' 3·man Panel, Formed Glatowski anlf McKay we.re kept on a prison boat on the Mekeng River for a few weeks after the hijacking. They com· plained about the conditions there and were put in the servants' quarters of a government guest house in Phnom Penh and then in a hotel. Newport Council Okays Harbor Court Contract The Cambodian government paid the.tr hotel bills, and they ~nically bad political asylum. But they were actually under a form of arrest. free to move about in the city but always escorted by Cambodian guards. The J:iewporl Beach City Collncll Mon. day ru1ht committed the city to spending more thin '700,000 on the planned Newport Center civic center by •P- provin& a eontraet for the Harbor Judicial Diatrict courts. At the same time, the couqcll formed • three man special comm.tttee to work with arcbltecta In flnaUzlng costs of the entire project, '1td to prepare a bond isaue to finance iL Tbe contract with OrlJl.le County re-- qulm the city to build ...... tban 1700,000 1n faclllUea, meat of which will eventua..Uy be oiucJ by the city, too I.hen, and H. a new police bulldin& is erected in the cbrn· ple1. , 'Ibe contract, whlch oppoaents called a ''humdi.npr -for the county" was ap- proved by a 6-1 vote, With Vice Mayor Howard 1tocers opposed. The C<>uncil took no formal actlon to reduce the C()Sts of the entire project. whlch it vowed it will do after learning the price will be $13.2 mlllion-if the com- ple.x ii built ~s planned. City Mma&er Harvey L. Hurlburt. cutlilled several eost..cuttin.r alternatives: during a three-hour deliberation Of the center during the afternoon study session. The councilmanie committee. con· sisting of Donald McTnnis, Richard Crout and Milan Dostal. was assigned to work with Welton Beckett Associates. the architects. to review proposed costs and make recommendations to the full coun· cil. Croul, himself a contract(')r, was especiaUy critical cf the Beckett square foot11e cost projections, which averaged about $37 per foot. He vowed the project "never will get to a bond issue if it's going to cost $12 mUlion to $13 million -or It'll be over my dead body." Rogers, the IOl'le opponent to erecutlcn of the. eo11tract. charced that approving the expenditure would talnt a 1eneral obllga,tion bond election.. "We wouldn't be bringing a clean package to the people," he said, "we need both the city ball and police buildini. bu t they should st.and alcne." Rogers said he doesn't think the courts a.re "necessarily 'good fQI' our com- mWtity." The council directed that should a bond election fo rtM. remainder of the project be defeated at a bond election the tunds for tb court faciUtiea would be duived from s¥e q_f ~tbe dty , du,np property. Under Qte cpntract. Pie.. c)ty it.required to build certain prlsonef detention and trana!er areas and or( Ice, space totalUng "up to 5,000 square lee\.", ' Hurlburt assured the council that the needs of the county will be no more than approximately 1,700 square. feet. Baby Jane Doe In County Home A brOWJ'-ha.lred baby &irl abandoned shortly after birth five days ago In Costa Mesa is now in Orange County's Albert Sitton Home for foundlings and foster children. The infant was picked up at Orange County Medical Center Monday by !)e... tective Linda Glsler. of the 1uvenlle bu- reau. and taken to the more homelike .facility. "They tt.11 me . she's 1 fine. healthy baby.'' said Detective Gisler. who added there are no leads to identity of the eight-pound infant's parents. A male · tipster called a Garden Grove telephone operator-last Friday afternoon to n!port. the newborn baby was in a sand bum in the 700 block of Center Street. Glatowsk.i told newsmen today he had received good treatment at first but that It had recently deteriorated. He said his guards had pulled guns on him and had tried to force him to escape so they could kill him. Glatowski walked into the Embassy and told Robert Blackburn, a political of. fleer, that he wanted to give himself up. . . "Fine. Come 111," Black.bum siud . Blackburn sald the youth would be Down to Saigon and then to the U.S. 11 soon as the Cambodian government canceled his' asylum. Active Jurist Takes Position With YES Group, A busy Harbor Judicial District Court jud&e with titles in other community Stt• vice organizations bas accepted a posl· tion as sparkplug of the Harbor Area Youth tmp\oyment Service. Judge Calvin P. Schmidt has been nam· ed director of community affairs for YES, which is currently placing ener- getic young people in full and part-time Christmas season jobs. His new capacity will include encour0 aging young people and businessmen to make use (')f Y£S for employment and job optxirtunlties. Judge Schmidt. of 324 Camec Shores RGad, Ccrona del Mar, is active in 1 variety of other service organizations. He is co-chairman for the 1970 Christ- mas Seal drive. as v.·ell as serving on the board of directors of both the East.er SeaJ Society for Crippled Children and the Girl Scout Council of Orange County. THE PRICE IS RIGHT (Ori• it?) HAVE YOU EVER GONE INTO A STORE, AND IEFORE A SALESMAN APPROACHED YOU, TRIED TO DETERMINE PRICES ON GOODS NOT MARKED? MANY CARPET STORES DO NOT HAVE PRICES INDICATED ON THEIR SAMPW. THE T H I! 0 R Y IS THAT THIS WAY THEY CHARGE "WHAT THE TRAFPIC WILL IEAI." CAN . AT ALDEN'S PRICES ARE POSTED ON AU OF OUR SAMPW SO THA,T CUSTOMERS CAN BROUSE THROUGH THE SELECTIONS AND KNOW WHAT THE ARE LOOKING AT. TOO, THERE IS ALWAYS THE POSSlllUTY OF A L 0 WE R PRICE IF CONDITIONS WARRANT. " ALDEN'S ..--.... -.-"-•• -a.-o-.. -•• -, .., CARPETS e DRAPES TUITIM CeN ••• ALOIN'S 11• ••LL c.ums 1663 l'locentla Ave. 1U74 ~ ... "!!':.:: c.111. COSTA MIS A ., ... ,.. 646-4131 ~UU: Mot.. Thru Thura., 9 19 5:30 -Fri., f to 9 -Sat., 9:30 It 5 ,. I I I • Saddlehaek . . • Today's F liial N.Y. Steeb • VOL. 63, NO. 299, 3 ~ECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE CQl,/NTY,, CALIFORNIA • TUESDAY,. DECEMBER 15, 1970 , TEN CENTS •' -.. -.. . San Clemente Probes New Fire Fig hti11g Setup Proposals to build a new fire depart- ment headquarters capable of housing an eventual full-time department w i 11 resume before city courw:ilmen in San Cle11Jente Wednesday. City.Manager Ken Carr will discuss the first official steps for a new departmept headquarters near civic Center with coun. cilmen who two weeks ago received detailed s9ggesttons trOm Fire Chief ~lerton W. Hackett.. The intitial proposals Call for the ex- penditure of about,~$110,000 to build an 8,000-square-foot, tw0-story headquarters building next to the existing offices •. The $1~2 Jtfillt on Bid money exl!ts ln tbe city budaet. Carr will di1cusS1he feasibility of turn- ing the project ·over to planniiig com- missioners for examination, plus the San Clemente Civic Building Company, form- ed in the lease-purchase arrangements for the existing civic center. The proposed headquarters, call for a new garage, plus dormitorifil .'meeting rooms and olher'lacllilies !or,a fulJ.time staff. €onstruction of that buUd\Jlg would mean expansion or the Police head- quarters as well. ~vacated fire depart- ment·q·uarters ~d be coi:fverttd to bad- Council Studies Bond Vote Plans Proposals to set a bond election to seek perhaps '1.2 million to cove! a breadth of San Clemente city r,ecreation projects are expected to re.sch the formal stage before city councilmen Wednesday. Armed with data gathered in two re- cent study sessions, Councibnen will ex· amine the amount or the bond pr'Qpo6!J. a possible election date and the list of proj· ects to covered by the funds if voters give two-thirds approval. The proposed new c o·m mun l t y clubhouse would be at the top of the priority list with an estima~ cost rang· jog up to $400,000. A ·new municipal pool, parks, a recrea- tion program and parking facilities also might be included in the bond proposal. If the election were to suceeed, the city's entire parks and recreation picture would be complete for several years. The council, however, also has pon· dered the effects of clumping ·several projects into one vote - a plan which sometimes hurts passage of bond issues because a voter could cast a negative vote because he does not favor a specific item. Councilmen also have mapped preliminary contingency plans in case an election should fail. If the measure were to win more than a simple majority, but less than a. legal two-thirds passage, several councilmen have hinted they would favor raising the recreation tax· rate to pay for at least the clubhouse project. Working drawings on the replacement to the fire-ravaged community landmark will be finished by mid~anuary by San Clemente Building Designer E r i c Boucher. That plan involves use of one restorable portion of the existing Spanish building and blending with a new auditorium, art gallery, meeting rooms and a c e n t r a l kitchen. Two aspects which have yet to be com• Oroge Coast Weatlter There's a 60 percent chance you'll nned your umbrella l'.ln Wed· nesday. Temperatures will tumble too, dipping into the low sixties along the Orange Coast. INSIDE TODAY How doe! Your ann1'al in· cnme fiNnto tl~e)i.ational scale? Sylvia Port.tr has au the answers on Finance Page JO today. Only 9 ~ CHRISTMAS Cltlfamlt ' M1vlt1 • (~Kkl .... U!O ' M~tllll l'llll'h .. CIHtlflttl ,,.,. N111'flll "'" .. Ctflllcl • Or81111 Clu"" " ,,.. ....... n1 • Srl'lll Ptrlll' .. Dettll HlllcH " ...... , .. 1. DIWr<H " Slldt Mlrltth 1•11 ldlMrltl f'ln • TlltYlt*I • Ellltt'lllft!Nftl • -·~ • f'lftMCI ... 11 w..-• ··-.. M IN Wldl " Allll Liii*" .. w-'I '""' 1>14 MlllMlf • --.. MltTIHe Lktllld 11 t -' \· pletety ~solved in the buildinl plans,are the location of tbe··kitcllen and the basic fnrmat for 'the parking areas. The latter issue hinges on the city's choice, of either a parking structure. whidl coukl.have more than one level, or a stariaardJ!av<d kit, which iB lesl coolly, 'l'lfe:.,.. Will'tilio the pia" +f· exliillii tennis courts 00 the 'clubhouse site. ' 'i'hooe'-U ,wi!l'be iilov«t ..,..<Jtlll1' to San LulS 11.,i Park or ano°* part of lhe city. Parks conunisSioners in recent weeks have surveyed fallow land at the city's water reclamation plant as a possible location for the new Courts. State Eyes Was te Water Regulation A policy to regulate discharges of thermal waste -industrial cooling water -will· be considered at a public hearing Wednesday in Sacramento before the Stale Water Resources Control Board. Kerry W. Mulligan, chairman, said, 11thermal wSSWS are potentially damag· ing to our waters and the State Board must act now to ensure that no future problems will arise." The major portion nf thermal waste is contributed by electrical po w e r generating plants, Mu11igan s a i d • "Estimates indicate California's demand for electrical power will quad"ruple in the next 20 years." "This will require the expansion 'lf ex· isting power plants and the iri'stallation of new nnes. The board Intends to make sure the increased waste load will not cause a threat to the environment,'' he added. The propooed policy would regulate discharges into coastal and interstate waters of cooling and industrial process water which is used to transport waste heat. Hearing notices havt been sent to Pacific Gas and Electric Co., Southern California Edison Co., Los Angeles Department of Water and Po~'er, San Diego Gas and Electric Co., and to scien- tists · and· ·marine biologia1S w i t h knowledge of thermal pollution, Mullignn said. The hearing is set ror t :~O p.m. Wednesday in the auditoriwn or the Resources Building, 1116 Niqlh Sl., Saaamento. , · School Concert ~lated Tonight S:.n Clemente High School's music department will present its annual Christmas concert tonlgbt al a o'clock in Tilton Center ... The coiicert hand will open lhe P'°' gram with ·two selecUons, followed by the mixed chonls and madrigal •ln8ers . The school's orchestra and choir will per!onn together la< !he lira! Ume in tonllht'l coocerj, • '!be public "Ji welcome me of charge. ,, 1y needed detention. areas J!ld office could be stationed at a fire scene. to~ space for the cramped piOllce department. sure blazes 00 not rekindle themselves. In another fire ·department-related "We Who live in 'the area are quite cOn- matter Wednesday councilmen will of-cerned," she said, "that the fire was ap- ficially receive a critical letter from a pareptly k;:ft .unattended before it )V4S neighbor of the RaJph Annstrong family totallf.:.ptiJ-QUt." · · which lost its $45,000 home recently in In.other items on ·Wesridesay•s packed. one of the city's worst residential fires . agenda councilmen will consider: Mrs. Joseph E. Hall. of 'ISO& S .. Ola -A leller !rom Christopher Brougbion VUta }ias askel:l for / an explanation· of or 320 Calle,Slbta Margarlti '8*~ that three blazes which f!Upted ~h the the~clty,piOVide two large tt&!!h ~ins-for Dight ·at the "Armstrong ·home. · the depoilt · ot Mwspapei's,' glass Rnd Praising the city's volunteers higbly, tither items Capable of undergoing recycl- Mn. Hall nonethe~ss ~ks if the existing .ing. One .biq he ~ested, "'ould,be:~ departmionl h..,• .. 1·paid personnel who fur bundles: of paper; the olher !or -- .an ,. -·----~ .. . ---... -~ ":-:t l .... u.salile gl .... Fundl· collectecHn1111·.oale of the bulk items could coVtr· tne citts cosl ln lhe project he said,. · I · ,_ -A ~port: from Can:.on propos,als-:to set up· a .street imPf9Y_ement distrttt-oa several thoroughfares in the • cit)':'.1 ... in· dustrlal district. Imprpvement -~.con­ templated for can vane~ ·~triii, ·Navarro,.Laa Vegas 'and Loa·MqUnofl • ..-· -Information on the JK*ible -•le of lhe old"city hall . ancl city ro81n~ yard Nu(llber One .along El Camino ~al: . '"'Pl..., a!)<! and, !he· dal<!'for .t!I~ dedication of the city's new, $2.S-milliQn ·water r<clamatlon plant. ·The datelllas ,·' • I , · ' J' ' . 1 1 ( , 1 . l. 0:.ll "I" PILOT Slllll ""'9r PHOTOG.RAPH 0 1" RCHITECl 'S REND ERING SHOWS PROPOSED 'COLLEGE LIBRARY , . !""~"' .~•reCI Rev~~ions; TG ,£1i_mlnete! ~, 'f;h!rd '.Stofy:W1nd0"'1 . _.. . ,· y i • Lihrarj Windows Asked Saddleback Tells Archite cts to Revise Ex~rior By GEORGE LEIDAL Of JM DlllY f'Jltl Stiff Situate~ in the· rOlling hills. of the Mission Viejo camp~ with P!>,tenfial for a 27Megree view, the Saddlebick College library will be windowless. Trustees Monday night Instructed the architects, Ramberg and Lowery of San- ta Ana, to revise the exterior plans, removing.ttie second ~third Door win- dows. The.library, the'firl!I\ perinanent struc· lure planned for the Mission_Vlejo cam· pus, is estimated at $3.7 million and ta expected to, go to bid next March. see a patch of sky or clouds,'' Lowery suggested , fibrary stacks would not re- quire use of outside waJls. The plan sub- mitted to trustees included' slanted high windows on the second and third floors. Alyn M. Btannon, ·trustee fn:im Santa Ana, concurred with the breakage argu· me'nt· against the· windows and added, "I'm ·oppo&i to high windows, they are· Survey Loomi1ig On Sign Code In San Cle mente President Fred H. Bremer, said, "From' an aesthetic viewpoint I feel a certain amount of windows are desirable, eveh in a library. oth,erwise the building would have a prison like appearance." Board President Hans W: Vogel nf San· A six·Qtember committee W i tb ta Ana argued against windows in the members Crom the San Clemente Plan· library on two grounds, milntenance and ning Commission, City Council and insurance costs for possible breakage. Chamber of Commerce will hold an in- "A litirary is a lean\lng center with a l''al meeting soon to launch a survey of , function to perforni,' .. Vogel said, ·"and u •-· I d H ,. lhe ewting city code covering 111Jns and that. function ls ugt pe11inne w1ere other adVertlsl••"•. in the cit~ are no diltracUon1. A 9tudent should be u-& .,. able·to·ucape 'tomJ!leteJy from reality ... • The commlttee'a railks beCame ®11>-1 "A .fortress without ,Jrindows is Ule plete , .receDUy 'with 1he .• INUJ1ing 1'of· Ideal environment for lftirary study l!lince ebamber·members Bob Kutcbm'1 M!f Ray · when you go to the llbr~ you &r! trying <;am~U tq !he llludY, pan<!. , • to reach lhe d<ptlla of your own mind." f>lanning eom-.im Ari. Holmes .• Vogel ftirther argued that the savings and Ed Lesneski ·.and' Counctfmen ClW of maintenance and msoranct that mtgbtt M:yerS ind Tom O'Ketfe aisO will serve . be projected for, a Windowless library o_n the pp.nel. '. .-.. could he applied" In ,ll!Ull( th• building Goals" of !he study have oot Y•! ~ with more ~quipment. detailed, but the 8l'OllP I! .e~pe:eted to Robert Lowery ct the archltecturat · scan 1the cod'5 fbr inconsistencies and , firm nOted tniatetjl · hiKI already ap-reevaluation of ruleS governing sign , proved Ille lnleriol:. Ooor plans for lhe heigh!, slfle and size. • ·. , library wli1Ch wfJ! ,Initially house The city, in recent monlha ·'¥d Tlrtped 1 dasotooms that Iller Will be <OOmted to Uo ltl pOllcfa on sign helght al\d s'4e. library space. • • The' ; put aever~ applications lor Nollng the aeslheUc value of windows varlA11«!1 to algn r.;uiatlool'lor,freeway "~ bumadj beings like to know · orlenled coverage had beea t0und!y.1um- what'1 going oo outside even il tlley onl7 eel d6Wn by councilmen and~ -' hardly ever 'wasbed, anfway." The slant of the windows, Lowery said, Was to discourage 'bteakage 'by rock throwing. Brannon countered, tbat with the slant "they'll just collect more dirt.'• ,Responding to a question by John B. Lund, Laguna Beach trustee, LOwery- noted ; there would ,be little difference in construcUon cost of the Ubr8ry with .or wllhout. windows. ' . , VogeI .aakl Jt.>wu 1 not the~oonstrucUOn cosf that· concel'ned· him, but•Aid "tr0m a security standpoint I Would ~ qllesiion high windows and would favor solid walls.'' \ SetUrity precautions ~lle<J fo~ by trustees at. an earlier meeting, Lowery said, had already been included in the library plan. "We cut out the second floor outdoor readin8 6a1Conies," ht said, "in order to eliminate the· chance students Will throw books down from them to other students, as you suggested." The present' plan requires students to check out books before go{!tg outside, to ®tdoor, l!leCODd. level terraces, Lowery Id ' ' . ' aa . • , . r Features or .!he pfao 'accep!lble to frustees were. tfle be~, aandbWted coo- itete ellrelor that ~1 no J>ainlfnC. •:1 sliouJd ndte tbll I ,1\3ve no .recom· mendaUon abouf what y011..could ·ao il a. strident dee~ tO llj>ray Mint an in- llM'ipUob on this swUce,~• LoWery said. •!But. there will be• coostdefable 'mllft.' tens.nee savings if it la ·~~ P.tntecl. 1' · v°'ei · sal<\ be bop<fd dial inH:li del1ciiig tactlCI ...Wd 'ndl OCC\11', >Lcrim portions of !he facade will be dbne' lnu dobe brick ·and an lmftallon quarry We made of. cobU'eta will aUrlace paliol. • .' : • • ' . Vilflel noted be' bad ujfd lie\91 libraries at Cl1 Sta~, hlllrton. ! UC' .fntne and ' UCLA fncl fi>uod all ..;re, boDt wllhodt windows. "'1'llea aren't old • librlries. not yet been set because city of(iclals were awaiting an answer froqi President Nixon, who has been )nvJted to dedicate the nonpolluting facility. -Proposals to !et an extra city~ sponsored clean-up week bringing to two each year the number of programs in- volving extra rubbish pickups and ap- pointments to collect bulky, castoff items. -The ·declaratioo as surplus of m parking meters removed earlier this year In the city's commercial district. The meter heads currently are being stored'in lhe city lofts. Explosion Blows Hole In Roof From Wire Servleta ISLA VISTA -A tossed bomb blew a hole in the roof of a Bank of America brance here Monday n.igbt, showering the · street with masonry · tiles and in- flaming emotions of ,street people and· lawmen again. No .serious damage was reported,. bu' the blast caused by an unldenti(ied device left a . tr<>le several feet arross in tbe overhanging ·eave of the structure. A criMd of UC Santa Barbara ifud~ and other young people living in the unio. corporated community greeted sheriff'• deputiea who arrived on the scene with whoopa and jeers. • Rocks and botUrs were thrown -one deputy was hit in ~ hip but not Injured -while authorities credited calmer young people w.ith helping keep order in the midst of mutual tension. The hank -symbolic of !he capltallsl power 8trUCture to radicals -was rebuilt on the scene of one burqed last Feb. 2S during a clash that touched oU a aeriet of . incidents. Business continued as usual today_, .but that js all Bank of America official11 Would say about the newest assault oa the building. No incidents had been reported and tht community was quiet up until the blast. possibly organized by five persons witnesses reported seeing on the scene moments earlier. The Isla Vista nareups or last spring ended with more than 100 persons jailed and one student -tr)'!lig to preaerve order and calm others clamoring for violence -shot to death. Investigators said several small fires were set in trash bins around the area. where residents said the bank blast could be felt two blocks away, but were quickly extinguished. A crowd estimated at 600 gathered on the scene. Spencer Kids Want Mother For Christmas The Davis Spencel" children of Capistrano Beach palisades may have a tnerry Christmas after all. Their mother -under in!f:n_slve care for a week after an auto accident in tbe storm Nov. 2.8 -is recovering rapidly. Fears or brain damage were not substantiated by electroencephilographs taken Slinday, family members said, and Mis. Spencer, who also suffered a broken toe and serious leg bruises, ta expected to return from the hospital next week. Mrs. Spencer was injured when ahe lost control of her car in the rain, craahed in. to a center divider. She then was struck by another autO U she attempted to nee the.roadway. Her children : Davey·, 13; Sluar\ 11: Philip, 10 and Shelly, 8; just want their mother for Christmas. Their falher. Davis Spencer, managed the household unassisted for a week, then capitulated to firat his mother·ln-law Mrs. Margaret Pet.er&,. last weekenc:, !hen his [11Clher, Mn. Davis Spencer St. this week. T)1e il\lured mother, Libby Spencer. ha1 had 1 string t'lf misfortunes ln recent weeks -'a fire in her home and a ~ hery of her~p, The Thread Shed ta Dalio .f'alnt pfl11 her auto 1ccldell&. Libby llpen Ult Wlnts I change or lllck f(r Chri • I . . . • • • -· I 11.1.lLY PILOT SC '"""'· -u. 1'70 ' J DA ILY PILOT fl•ff hlflt YIELDING RIGHT.OF.WAY Rotd Comml11ioner Koch -Road Official Al S. Koch Resigns Post ' Orange County Road Commissioner A! S. Koch today resigned hJs post, effective April 5, 1971. . KbCh has bttn with Orange County for 2S years and has held the posiUon of road commissioner since Aug. 1, 1955, more -than lS years:. Jn accepting Koch's resignation with -regret, members of the Board of ..fiupervisors praiJed him for his con- ~tributions to the· county. Supervllor William Kirsten pOinted to the "highly successful" arterial highways financing program, a joint county-city project originated by Koch. The retiring road commissioner was asked by Supervisor David Baker to prepare a report '.'on the posalble con. solldation or all engineering departments in lhe county as a money saving move." Baker said he was thinking of roads, flood control, building and safety and harbor engineers as examples o f departments which might be consolidated under one county engineer. · Koch was also praised for bis years of .wort which Jed to the approval of an ()range County Transit District which • ,wa1 approved by the voters last Nov. 3. 'Meters for Sale ;.. , ~· , 1, I I ·:In San Clemente San Clemente's bu!iiness district park· ... Ing meteni which went on.Jhe beheading block earlier this year now are destined • for the auction bloc.Its. City Councilmen will hear a recom- .mendaUon Wednesday from City Manager Ken Carr that I.he 422 meters eliminated from business area streets un· der a sucx:essful experiment should now be sold as surplus. Since their removal last April the meter5 have been stored in city loft.9. Metered parking was replaced by tw<> hour·limlt :zones which hive worked well In controlling parking, officials said and also have helped the area's small busleness owners. The city's recreation area meters, however, are not affected by the parking changes. .First Beer, Now Gls ·Will Get Own Rugs . WASHINGTON (UPll -The Army private has been given the right to drink beer in the barracks. Soon he will have a rug of his own and he will be able to choose beige. rose or green. • ' ' ' - .• DAILY PILOT Robert N. We" Pr1~1•hnt •r.cl Jt11bllolhtf' J1clr: R. Curl1y Viet 1"ra:o1n1 •~.d ~l M•MIW Thom1s Ktt Yil ••itor Jhom11 A. MvrplllRe M~gl1'12 1E•11or l icl11rd '· H'1M hvHI OtMI09 C-ly t:dttitr OfflHI Cott• Mas•= m wut ••Y ltrwt Nf'l'llOl't •H t111 2711 W•" ''"°' •ou!ttt"' • !......,,.. ... ell: m •IM'•I A\ltl'IW Mvnlll'lllal'l ll••Cllr 11115 IHtll IOvlt¥11'd Ifft '111n1nt1; m Ntrlll ll Ctml!IO ll:MI 0~11.Y •1toT. wllli W!ll()r ft ........... "'9 ,......,..,..,. 1t lllAll~ •111r .. ~ s-.. ., Ill ...,,.,.,. ~!flON ,.... ~ ... cf!. tMwOOl't llttdl, C:.1' MIM, tlwifl,...._ tM>clr .,... ft\11111111 \llllty, .... wtltl .... rw10MI Ml!~ Drane• c..1 'WI._..., ~ ,rllllillof Pltl'I" -If DTI Welrt ...... l:wl,. NIWJ*I llld'r, ll'lll a W9t .. , l lrttl, C:O.I• .v.eu. ,...,.. .. (7141 '41-4Jl1 c:a.l1Je4 A ........ lrlt '4.1-St11 ... C1-t• All D1.p 1m1ta: Tel.,. ... 4tZo44lt C#rPllM• 1m. Or~ C.I PWfltll ... ~. f.IO ,..... 11W .. , Wi.J"9ieM. .... i.. fl'lllltr .,. lr.-trl~·· .... lrl ,.., lie '"""""'(f .. """"' ....... ,.. """*"*' ti CJ011Yr'9fll ..,...,, ....,,. CIMI fMl ..... 14 II N....,. .... Ml C.h ~. (IUfOrl'lll, "1~1'1tltll W ctrtW UJJ -rlllfr 11¥ rllfll tl)J IMlllflfYI """""" iffttl111lltnl. l.UJ !Nlllfll'(. • 'Devil Cult' Sanity Trial Be·g.ins -Suspect Says Mrs. Brown's 'Godliness' ·Disturbed Him Bt TON BAllLSY ........ '*" '"" Wbat Stovtil Q-alg Hurd described lo bis pi:ychletrlat as Mrs. Florence Browols "queenllneu ahdi goldlneu" and whaa he beljtved-wu her "derogatory attitude" towardl him may well have cost the Mlaslon Viejo te~~r her 11fe, it w,s alleied 1 in· ,iesUmOJUr today tn Orange Olw\ly Superior Cowi. · Dr. John A.· Puldo opened lhe· HnilY 4'llJ Qf the 1~ ,20-year~ld tra11&1ent tiy telling defeR&e attorney Wiiiiam.Gam- ble that Hurd told him that he slashed t,.1rs. ltrown in the neck "to warn her" that •be Would not tolerate her iuperiorl· ly. Hard could not recall the actual killing af Mrs. Brown, Guido testified but ·he could recall "stlbbing her once or twice. Then he remembers that be drove around 6anta AM with her body -!Ort of likt lhey did things In Vietnam, he told me." Hurd Is a<cW>ed of being the ringleader of a group of drlf'ten who police claim l>Ulled Mrs. Brown, 31, of El Toro, from her car last June 2 as ahe 1e!t tbe San Diego Freeway at the Sand Caoyon off. ramp. . Police allege that the woman wu mUtilited and subjected to a series of devil worshiping rites b e for e she was finally killed in an Irvine orange grove. Gamble told the court today that one of ~ rites involved the eating of her heart ~y Hurd. • Mrs. Brown was buried In a shallow · 1 rave off the Ortega Highway. Her di&membered body was found June JS. GuidO is· one of five psychiatrists who examined Hurd in Orange County Jail. It is expected that at least two more psychiatrists will follow him to he witness stand in Judge Robert L. COrfman's courtroom. Judge Corfman will rule after hearing counter arguments from Chief Deputy Diatrict Attorney James Enright if Hurd is: sane and competent to stand trial. Guido's written opinion w1s ;that Hurd was insane at tbe time of the Brown kill· ing. . Four other psychiatrists hive rule$f the long-haired defendant to be sane but all doubt his ability to aid counael in hi! defense. . Hurd, manacled hand and foot, ap- Capo Council Votes to Oppose Canyon }etpor~ ~ Juan Capistrano's City CmmciJ, responding to pressure ftof!1 Jf.s ctttzens ' to take a itlnd oo'1he propi!sod Bell Can· yon jetport. voted Monday to op~ the plan. Councilmen Jim Thorpe, Josh Gam· mell, and Mayor Tony Fol'!ter voted to paas a resoJuUon oppoSlng the Bell Can· yon site on te grounds that It would de.. stroy public and private land : add to already heavy air pollution caused by military aircraft, and hive a major ef· feet on the city which was not even con· suJted concerning the use of its utilities. Tbe three council members also streS&- ed that a regional air study, being done by the SOuthern California Association of Governments, halJ not yet been com· pleted. "I jLLSt don't think it would serve the best interests of San Juan Capistrano." said Gammell . "I think a jetport wou1d make the city bigger but not necessarily better." Initially voting against the resolution were Councilmen Ed Chermak and Bill Bathgate who stated they didn 't have enough information. They later changed their stands to make the resolution unanimous. The city's planning comm 1 s s j o n recently indicated their opposition to the jetport site and had urged the council to do the same. The council had postponed a decision then to give them time to attend the Dee. 7 public hearing in Mission Vie· jo. Act to Restore Calm By United Preti lnteraaUonal Government officials and Palestinian guerrillas began disarming th e I r paramilitary forces today in a major move to restore peace to Jordan. poartd... ..... ,,. Ital ... In U!!s lnomlllf'• prooeedlnlotand Uetdled. wbat appeared t& be Zodiac signs. while Gam- ble ~\led in his defense. ~ only con- tact With his lawyer was to ask Gamble on aeveral OCCAsions for a tjgarette. The psychiatrist's do u b t s were ap. parently ralaed by a 1Jerie1 of con· versations in which HW'd commented that be liked to drink sir· cups of blood a day, acknowledged the devil as his father, brtieved in the invincibility of Satanic worship and the inevitable rein· carnation of the evil doer. Guido testified Hurd recalled during his interview that he was a mtmber of a group which drove into a Santa. Ana aervtce siaUOn oo tbe n.ighl of JUne 1 - the 11m6 nl&ht ot~i IGO ro6bery and the hatchet killing of attendant Jerry Wayne C&rlin, 21. • · , "Aaalnt ' Guido said. "Hurd beUived that somtone .-was behaving tn· a derogatory manner towards him." The psydllalrlot t.slilted that Hurd told him he gave orders for the killing. o_f C!_rlin after he'arlng eomeone call him "a tramp." • · ~ Guido's f.e.ltimony Indicated that tt2: ax used to make Carlin unrecognizable was taken from Hurd"s car and the defendant app&renUy ind.i~ated to Guido that lie bad betn carrying the weapon around for some time. Guldo testified that Hurd had a long history of narcoUa addiction and a particular fondness for heroin. His search for dru gs and the money to pur,dl:ase them led Hurd into seve ral tncountera with the law before" the killings ol Mrs. Brown and Carlin, t.he psych.18trlst's report indlcates. Hurd is one of three YOl.lths indic ltd by the Or,ange County Grand JW'y for tbe killings of M(s; Brtnim and carlhl. ~ Separate jury trlal!I have been schedul· ed for his ro-defendanta. One other def en· dant, Arthur Craig ''Moose" Hulse, 16, of Garden Grove faces trial for the killing of Carlin and being an acCes!Or)' to the murder of Mrs. Brown. Hughes Aide Saw Signing Uf'I T•i.M• GETS HI S DAY IN COURT My La i Figure Calley LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) -A penonal aide of Howard 'Hughes, who claims he has seen the mystery billionaire almost daily for the past five years, aays he saw the industrialist sign a document fir ing the bead of his Nevada operations. H6Wever, a handwriting expert and foimer associate of Robert Maheu, Hughes' Nevada chJef, clai.ma the ·Signature on the letter of dismissal Is a forgery. Both men testified Monday in the Nevada ·District c.ourt. hearing stemming from the. attempted ousting of Maheu by exeeuUves of Hughes Tool Co., the Houatoft.based parent finn of the bilUonalre's giant business empire. Ralpb Bradford, now retired but previously a handwriUng and fingerprint expert for 28 years on the Long Beach Police Department, testified at the hear- ing today that Hughes' signature was ge- nuine. Bradford also said he was satisfied that a three.page handwriUen letter urging the executives of the tool company to get ahead with the job or firing Maheu was aJso written by Hughes. Soldier Says Capt. Medina Shot Woman Consulting Eirm Hired By Saddleback College Levar B. Myler, who identified himself as a "special assistant" lo Hughes, said Hughes signed a proxy Nov. 14 firing Maheu, who has been the billionaire's No. l man in Nevada for the past four years. Myler said the signing took place in the ninth floor pen thouse maintained by Hughes in the Desert 1M Hotel in Las Vegas. The witness also testified Hughes subsequently went to the BritarnUa Beach Hotel in Nassau, the Bahamas, and from there issued instructions the proxy be released. FT. BENNING. Ga . (UPI) -A soldier who served at A1y Lai te stified today the company commander bad conducted aa "inflammatory" meeting the night before the strike, had ordered the village destroyed, and had personally killed a woman picking rice. The testimony concerning the com· mander, Capt. Ernest L. l\ledina, was given at the court-martial in which one of his platoon leaders, Lt. William L. Calley Jr., is charged with mu rdering 102 civili ans during the mission. Meeting tn executive se!!ion trust.eta of the Saddleback Community College District Monday night approved a '5,200 to $6,200 lee and hiring of a consuJtant finn to help the di.strict with purchase& of computer equipment. President Fred H. Bremer said the closed door session wu in keeping with provlsiona of the education code allowing the board to meet privately when discussing personnel. The member of the firm of Non-ls and Gottfried Inc. of Los Angeles "who will spearhead the on~pus survey ii a Falling Brid.ges · Highli'ght Tests In San Clemente The bridges wilt crumble and fall at San Clemente Higb School tonight • Scores of balsa wood spans, built in an annual contest by students, will be tested to·their breaking point in the campus Lit· Ue Theater in what promises to be hours of suspense starting at 7 p.m. The compeUtlon will be tough, because of the third annual entry Jim Kelly, whose twO-OUnce creation last year bore more than 400 pounds of weight before shattering. Kelly has won the contest the past two years. The winners this year will share cash awards parceled out from fees donated by each bridge builder. Professional design engineers using special equipm~t will squash the entries and measure the weight borne by each span. . The measurement stops and is record· ed at tbe first sign of collapse. The project is the brain child of math teacher Alan Pierce and Physics in· structor Don Scbwenn. Both in!itructors supervise the program whicb has strict rules on materials, but none at all on construction techniques and design. Balsa wood strips measuring three· thirty-seconds of an inch in the cross sec- tion are the only material used -save for common airplane cement. The competition Is so keen, that the secrets of the previous year's winners are hoarded . Schwenn and Pierce lock up the win· ning entries so students won 't "borrow" the winning ideas. resident or the district," Dr. Bremer · sald. "Since the board was discussing an lhdivldual, e.1ecutive session w as nece~!lfy." Bremer noted that a James Anderson of Mission Viejo is the member of the firm who will lead the evaluatiOn of district needa for computers. The consulting firm's fee of $5,200 t.o 16.:KIO wouJd be paid to the firm whJch employs Anderson, Bremer said. The contract presently provides no date for completion of the study, but the firm's offer to do the work is valid "only through Dec 31," Brtmer said . Anderson contacte:Me superintendent following a board meeting at which truatees .said they needed information on the types o( computers desirable f o r .dtstrld we. . Bremer said the eomput.en chosen will r.erve both administrative and in· slrUdlonlll purpo<ea, Saddleback OKs Use Policy Saddleback Commwtity College Di.strict trustees Monday night approved a policy on public use Of district buildings and grnund.! requiring application 30 days prior to u.se. and requiring board approval of a group's request. "The public use of groW1ds is limited to those recreational activities which will not caust damage to the property of the district,., the policy states. Among prohibited "activities" are "use of goU ba\IJ and clubs. fi ring of weapons, driving vehicles off the roadway onto the grounds . and bringing dog.s or other pets onto the grounds." The policy gra nts the superintendent the power to approve individual use re· quests of buildings or grounds. Earlier in the day, Charles Appel Jr., a form er F'Bl agent with Maheu. testified on behalf of Maheu that Hughes' purported signature on the document presented by the Hµghes Tool Co. was a ';simulation or imitation." "It's a very good representation," Ap- pel said. "It wouJd pass any bank teller and other business associates would ac· cept it, but it's deficient. It's eltremely skillful but it's different." Viejo High Seeks Adtil~ Volunteers To Aid Teachers Missio n Viejo High School is seeking adult volunteers to begin an instructional aide program that has been adopted by the Tusti n Union High School District. Mrs. Ruth Mader, coordinator of stu- dent work experience at Mission, said, "aides will work under the direct super· vision of teacher, counselo rs. clerical staff and administrators in classrooms or other locations ." "Our adult comm unity has a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to contribute to the educational program ,." she said. Volunteers will work on a regular schedule in specific areas of instruction. Assignmenll may include preparation of teaching aids, setting up demonstrations , operating language laboratories and listening center equipment. typing or rep rod u c in g classroom material, assisting in libraries or helping students with assignments when a one to one teach ing basis would be beneficial . Anyone interested in volunteering time to the project may call Mrs. Mader at the s::h90J, 837-7722. THE PRICE IS RIGHT (or is it?) Michael A. Bernhardt, 24. of Tarpon Springs, Fl a .. surveyor. was one of eight witnesses called by the defense in lv.'o days to say that Medina had left him with. the impression \'1at all inhabitants -in· eluding women and children -were to be killed in the Vietnamese hamlet of l\.1y Lai on Ma rch 16, 1968. Three days after the sweep, be testified, l\1edina "gave an address to th e company" in u·hich he .said an in· vestigation was under way. "He said he would advise us to be quiet anO he would back up anyone iI they got in trouble." Bernhard t said. Bernhardt added that r..1edina later took him asi de and said "that he personally didn't feel it would do any good if I made a report to my congressman or to the IG (inspector general) or anybody else and not to do it." Bernhardt's testimony followed that of another former soldie r at My Lai who -said he fired into a group of 10 wome n and children in the village because he had the impression that Medina. n his briefing. had ordered the killing of the in· habitants. l\.1edina is accused by the Army of overall responsibility of the killing of "at least 175" civilians that day. but no formal charge has yet committed him to court-martial. Bernhardt testified that "Capt. f..1edina was very passionate" in tone at the brief· ing the night before the assault :. "He said there were no innocent civilians in the area -if th ey \\.'ere not combatants they were involved in support" of a Viet Cong unit. During the operation. Bernhardt said, he followed Medina most of the day. "At one time the re was a woman in a rice field picking rice, or making the mo.- lions of picking rice," Bernhardt said. "Capt. f\.1edina fired at her and she fell. He 'A·ent over and fi red a few more rounds and killed her ... HAVE YOU EVER GONE INTO A STORE, AND BEFORE A SALESMAN APPROACHED YOU, TRIED TO DETERMINE PRICES ON GOODS NOT MARKED? {Dana H·ills High Funds May Come From Bonds MANY CARPET STORES DO NOT HAVE PRICES INDICATED ON THEIR SAMPLES. THE THE 0 RY IS THAT THIS WAY THEY CAN CHARGE "WHAT THE TRAFFIC WILL BEAR." The proposed Dana Hills High Sehool ml&ht be financed by local bOJ'lds, Instead ol a state loan. Trustees of the Capistr&no UniUed School Di.strict voted Monday to authorize the sale of lhe dLStrlct's remaining $4,230,000 In ldlool bonda, becau.o of a slight loosening of the money market. superintendent Truman BendiCt gald If the boods are sold they <00ld be llled to build Dana Hills Hlgh School, which w11 lo be funded from the state school bulldlng fund. Benedi<I said lht bonds probably did not repreatnt enough money to build the entire school , bul lht proJ<ct could be wrtttfn so that a mtjority of the school ..Wd be contlrUcted. "It apptars we're in a favorable posl· Uon to ,.11 the bonds." ••Id Benedict "'The climate Is temporarily favorable within the le1al llmltaUono authorized by lbe voter1.'1 The district had not sold them prevlou1ly because they carried an in· terest rate maximum of 5 pucent. However. Joe Wimer. Director of Administrative Services. has canvassed bond b1zyers and has found them willing to pick up school bonds at this lime. He tol d the board that Sin Diego sold some recently at 4.3 percent Btnedict emphaslztd that tven If the bonds are sold , he did not feel the district's ability to acquire st.ate buildln& loans would be jeapordJzed. The state W1u1Uy loam: only to distrlcta '"ho on bonded to capacity and ire unable to .sell their bonds. The superintendent aho said If the c<>n· struetlon Of Dana Hills High School proved unfeasible for the amount of mon- ey available. he mlaht rtcommend the bulldlng of an Intermediate scllo.11 IOI ninth graders. relieving the overcrowded condllfons at San Cleme:nte High SChool. AT ALDEN'S PRICES ARE POSTED ON ALL OF OUR SAMPLES SO THAT CUSTOMERS CAN BROUSE THROUGH THE SELECTIONS AND KNOW WHAT THE ARE LOOKING AT. ·yoo, THERE IS ALWAYS THE l'OSSIBIUTY OF A L 0 WE R PRICE IF CONDmONS WARRANT. ALDEN'S ~ .. -.-,.-.. -.-.o-u-•• -.~ CARPElS. DRAPES TUSTIN c.afl ••• ALDIN'S 111 ""' c.1ms 1663 Placentia Ave. 1U74 ~~:.,u:: c.m. COSTA MESA ........ 646-4838 HOURS: Mon. Thru Thurs., 9 to 5:30 -Fri., 9 to 9 -Sat,. 9:30 to 5 • ' Lagurra.~.beaeh Today's Fl•al N.Y. Stoelu EDITION VOL. 63, NO. 299, 3 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TEN CENTS ' .... Board 'Ey~ng Lobbyist for Laguna Schools ' '• I Laguna Beach school trustees· tonight "'ill consider a propo!!al to· contribute $1 ,000 a year toward the salary of a sta~e legislative consultant to .,help protect Laguna Beach tupayers' pocketbooks in Sacramento. The consWtant would be hlred on behalf of the 15 school districts in the stale that ~~~s ... sla'te , funds aS "ba!iC aid ' -~ 1$ are so"li of the weallhler &ebool distrlcts ·in the sta;e-and the move to hire the tonsultant \tas organized by the B<veilY ijilb Uniijed School district. "Somehow all tlie bills that come up in Sacramento -suppo&e;dly designed to equali~ state·aidjo ~1 districts ~m to have. the effect of ,peoo,lizlng dislrJcls like ~ ~~,'.say• board ptt>i· SOPHISTICATED LAGUNA TRAFFIC CONTROL CONFUSES SOME Molly Cronin Pl1n1 a Crossing at P11rk Avenue ' ' Bnttons B,affling ' Lagu1ians Wonder A&out'W alk' Sig1i By PATRICK BOYLE 01 flle Dill' ,Utt Steff Laguna Beach residentll are finding out there is more lo crossing a street than just pushing a button and waiting for the "\Valk" signal. An Art Colony pedestrian must know what to do when -half-way acrost Coast Highway-"Don't \Valk" or "Wait'! signal flashes. · Ac'cording to William Hahn, tlfe elec- trical contractor finishing the traffic signal rejuveilation along the .highway, many pedeslrians are turnini . back before reaching the first white line. Hahn says these residents, particularly elderly women, apparenUy do not un· derstand the new system of traffic con- trol in Laguna Beach. Under the old system, pedestrians simply crossed the street when the light turned green. "Before. there weren't any buttons to push." Hahn says. "Now, you will never get a "Walk" unless you push the but- ton." What is causing the confusion, ac- cording to Hahn, is that 1 about_ seven seconds after the "Walk" signal is given, the "Wait". sign be&lns to fl ish. "Some people are misinterpreting the flashing 'Wait' signal." Hahn says. "The 'Wait' romes on and they imediately turn back to the curb." Hahn says the Oash protector, as it ·is called, Is onJy·to warn a pedestrian not to begin to cross the street. Persons cross. in& when the "Wait" signal begins to flash should continue across the atreet. Hahn says. Installation of the new traffic system was begun in July to replace the an- tiquated street lights controlling the Art Colony. However, due to summer traffic, the Art Festival and the weather, the project ha~ been ~eld up, Hahn says. He expects to have the work completed by abQut the. mjddle or January, weather permitUng. The new traffic control system hinges on a computer located on the Coast Highway at Broadway, Hahn says. The computer measures the amount and direction of traffic flo)¥ on the Coast Highway and adjusts the trafiic lights ac- conilngly. Traffic lights on cross streets entering the Coast Highway will never tum green unless an automobile activates the signal by passing over a sensor buried in the street. The pedestrian signals are activated only by pushing the button , Hahn says. Contrary to popular belle£, the maximum waiting, period for ar\ auto or pedestrian after 'triggering the signal is a minute and a half, ))e adds. "Wberi y.&.l are tn_a hurry, it may seem like five minutu," he admits, "but it is not." Uildersea. Leases .. ' ' Ope~ed for Bids 'Smile' ·Too Late .. After Warning \J1i Certajn Towns It may be too late to "Sf!llle" in your home town. Already several of the 1 o c a 11 Y sponsored contests leading to competition In the "40 Miles of Chris tmas Smiles" Christmas dtt0rating contest tbroughout the Orange t.oast area have closed. Potential entrants In the conle3t 1hould contact loca l sponsors to find out about deadlines and rules, it was announced to- day by Cap Blackburn, president of the Orange County Coast Association. His group, along 'With the DAILY PJLOT, is renewing the nearly tO-year-old "to Miles of Christmas Smiles" contut this year. Judging [or "IO Miles'' awards will be handled Mondav night lllroughout !he area from Seat Beach to San Clemente. _ NEW .ORLEANS (AP) -Tbe Interior •Department opened bids •tbday in a long· delayed sale ol offshore oU leases after waining oil men they must improve their safety record for wells drpled iD the bot- tom of the sea. The mu!Umlllion.dollar s.ale w a s delayed two years by mounting concern over pollution from ofl1bore oil well ac- ciden\s. "The department is not completely satisfied wJth, the safety record of offshore operations," uid Orme Lewis Jr., deputy aWllant secretary for public land manag~ent. · "The aafety record on the outer con- tinenlal shell must he Improved." About 5IJO oilri>eo and banken crowded the doWntown ballroom wbere the 1ealed bids ...... submltttd, opened and read over a fou'd speaker syatem. dent Larry Taylor. A recently defeated tax ref9f111· bill, he said, would hav£ deprived the 15 basic aid districts of a major IOW'ce of their in- come. "The funds lost," aald Taylor, "would have had to be replaced by local tax· payers. We are not oppoaed to helping districts with financial problems, but We're not interested in paying 'DlOt'e tu: and getllng less money hert." The. ""''ultant woold he :chll'(ed with drawing up a tu: refoim propogal for the legislature that would protect basic aid diltrlcta.. • I ' • La-~cit ¢1qol district busliless superin!eiMieftt lli. Charles Hess said the district cwmrt1y receives $5171000 a year from the state, $381,000 of. which is classlfled 11 blsic aid, bued on average ·dally attendlnee, The ·balanee rs !lpedal gi;ant;s for driver educaUoo and .~ciitl educltton ti{tigram. -· Had Gov. lleagan•1 1recent tu reform measure paUed, · Dr. H.S. said, the dbtrlcl would have lost II& bUic aid funds. ' . . The musur'!, tn. an effort to equllize slate supi*t cir all ~l dlstricl&, w.oul~ have dlminaled basic al<! on the pmplse . ' that wealthier tcbool districts do DOI need as much state financlal ~t. Hess said the JegislaUve consultant would provide services for all 15 school districts hiring. him. "These districts need someone who understands thelr proble~ and can present it correctly in Sacramento for the protection of our ta1payers," said Taylor. Laguna Council Unveils Revamp£d _Canille Curbs Hano Blasts Roof ·Blasted Panel Views Newest Plan As 'Fraud' Another.B.ombExplodes p al · . . . ropos At Isla V~ta B of A F p king· . or ar By BARBARA Kl\EIBICB or .. n.1tr '"" '"" Frem Wire Servleet dlirln& a clallh that touched oft a teriet • Laguna Beach's -·,..nowned clol ISL"-•VISTA -A tosseil bomb blew a ol lncldenlJ. &rdinance-will make a mum engagement hole in tbe roof of a Bank of America Bullness continued u usual today, but . on the city council agenda Wednesday branch here Monday night, ·showertn1 that 11 all a ....... of America hfficials night. · the atreet with muonry tiles and ln-.&HU....._ The ordinance banning W,; !rom flaming d)Olloaa o( streel people .OO would AY about !he n<wesl 1111ult on ~ Ad flOl8 ·Plfte -a. "'' .,,.,. . ,..., -. -~,,.,,,.,. ;._;' .:;.. ·,. . addjJtOll"" ibt ~· . .1. ,·li"aml r~ ...... -.... ·~ . 11a1qc11·, .. bad-rwjlortedal!lllllo r-ltii' 6cl ,fl 'fOlloWin< a llbrln7 the blastJia-by an un-llled -"!l"mun!IY -qlllel lap IJnlll ~blf,O~ refer..-. ballle, will he present..i to left,,. bolt -feel .,,_ In lllt -1blf .....,.....,_... ,._. lb6---ilitlionlj.--........... ·111111""-.. " • ' 'lliiartecl a. jor ctwige;.lhe new ordinance lfmltii· the A c:Md al uc Sant& 8arba1a lliidents ~'ur)lir. · .l'P ~ beach ban to !he sun\mer monlhs. aad Other )'OWi( peirp!e llYing.ln the unJn. . Tlre bia'. V)rrta n.._ or last ljlrklg "'Ibis Js a fraud on the rererendum pro-cOrporated community greeted aherlff'I ,ended with.more thaa~ioO per90DI jailed cess and I don't think the pewle ~II di!pullea. who .arrived 00 tbe sctPe with and1 one ~nt -tr)'iDI to preserve •land fe< I~"· said writer Arnold Hano wlioopo anil jeen. · · ~ and· calm .U.S clamoring for today. ~ and botUes were thrown -ooe .~ ,... ahol to death. ' Hano, a leader or !he rererendum deputy was bit in the hip bot nbt Injured . jnyelllpton said several $mall finl crusade that forced repeal or the original _ while aulbor!Ues credited Cllmer .wwe 1tl 111 lrllh bins around lbe area, ordinance added "This i.. not a "subltan-YOWll people with !>elping keep on1er tn wirer. mldenl& said lllt bank blast could tially dlffer:e~t·' ordinance and I doubt the midlt of mutual tension. · be felt two blocb away,.but wue quickly very much if 1l rs legll. · _ Tbe bank·-'tymbolic or the caplWisl a\lngullhed. "The only change 11 lbe ... lbat llmill power itrudure to radicals -WU rtbuill A ~ ullmated al IOO fathered Oil the beach ban to lhe summer; the part on the 1cene· of one burned Jut Feb 2s the acme. ban Is still in an~ unchanged." ' At the Ume of tbe referendum ft was pointed out that lta~ law problbitc the adoption within one year of an ordinance "similar" to one that has been rescinded as the result of a referendum. The ordinance to be presented to the council would ban dogs from beaches and parks, whether or not confined by a leash, as follows: "At any and all times within Bluebird Park, Top of the World Park and Boat Canyon Park, which parks are primarily used as childr':!n's parks and children's playground parkll." "At sucb timea and within tho5e areas of Heisler Park as the city council may from time to time fix and designate by resolution." "Upon all bt!ach areu within the city between the boun of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. of every day of the period beginning June 15 and ending Sept 15 of each calendar year." The ordinance also provides that the restrlctions shall not be applicable to dogs enrolled and participating In obe- dience classes sponsored by the city Recreation Department. These classes have been held on the basketball courts of the 'titaln Beach. Following the referendum, members of the Laguna Beach Dog Owners Associa- tion (LBOOA) met with cwncllman Edward Lorr, author of the original ord\nance j.n an efrort to work.out a com- promise animal control ordinance. At that time Ute LBDOA members said they would 'support 1 strictly enforced leash Jaw, higher dog license fees and higher penalt.lt:S for violaUons to help pay for enforcement costs, but could not agree wllb !he park"anit beach ban. They added bowt9er, that, U 1be coun- cil were adamant, a beach b!n from the hours of 10 a.m: to I p.m from July 1 lbfboP Labor Day, 'liould be tolerable. The orhtlnal ordinance called for a year·round beach ban. Fained French Site PARIS (UPI) -Paris' [amod Place de l'Etoile became Place Cllrlel de Gaulle today. • Tbe ..,,amine or the fained place, when lhe Art de Tliompbe and lhe tomb c( 1be uakrKrwn IOldier are •located, was ll"Oled wttll -111111( leu lban en- thaslum .tn -teeton. The chanre Wll unaniD*JllJ pwed by the Parts ci- ty COW1cil Nov. U, but because of the ~!Ing pntem " decided lo reconsider. Festival Board ~Approve~ Raise in Ticket Prices Pageant of the Masten viewers will be paying a little more for tickets during tbe 1971 sbOw. 'lbe Laguna Beach FesUval or Arla board ol directon Mooday , night ap- prQved.a measure to raise Ucket prices to the popular production. Under the new price scbedu1e the festival will receive a net increase of '47,000. Ticket prices will remain tbe same both during the week and on weekends. In past years, the weekend prices had been higher: Directors David Young and Hal Akins voted against the Increase. "1 don't think that we are justified in raisng the revenue by any more than we Sale Still On Despite Tlieft Of Merchandise Tbe ~rlalmas ll8le at Laguna's Coln Chest, 214 Glenneyre SL II sUll on, despite· a slight ,.tback by uninvited weekend "cuatomers'' owner Billy J . Willlanu said today. A !urther cl1eck o[ c:oios lib• by burgla111 who [orcod !heir way inlo lbe shop bas atablisbed the loSI at ap- proximately 14,114 WIDlams said today. "But,'' be added, "I still have plenty of the good et;ilns. Jocked .up In the aafe ao I can.r..stoc~the dlsplay coonten and the sale I• stln on, lncludln1 the 30 i>er<enl orr that we've been advertliing. . Williams .. Id he piano to lfooe O!ll the buslnt!I Dec. 24, boperutly to cash c:ustomen. ' Finl rtporls Indicated the loos, which cleaned Olll coins. from d~y counters, could han amounted, lo f!0,000. WID!aml said the burl!an, who ap- parenUJ scooped roins ·at tandom into a w..,.b11ke~ spilled qulle a row on the noor u well u overlookblc lbe 11re, • 1 need to" Young declared. "Al the last meeting we decided to raise the ticket prices to bring In an additional $35,000 to Dieet productlon'cost!. Now we've added another fl2,000 to lbat [lgure." Under the new schedule, loge seau will sell for f&. Formerly those seats were $5 during lbe week and II on weekends. Center llCals will sell for $5, while left center and right center will be '3. Upper center seats will be priced at $.'!, wblle upper left and right seal& will sell for $2. Director's row seats at the top of the bowl will sell for $3. Under the new proposal the city, which receives 17'12 percent of festival receipts, will receive an additional flO,ooq /rom lbe 1971 •fxrf· . No 'Happening' Permits Issued -' ·By Laguna Police Laguna Beach Police Oller Kenneth Huck Aid today that ''no permits have been requested or Janed" for the widely publiclz<d <;:luillmu Day "baP!""inl" In ta.,.,:. Beach. ' "'I UDdantand that wwd hu been ipl'Ud around that permlll !or the galhertng are all '~ order,' " aakl Huck. · "This ,q bOl the cue. We· haven't been asked for any pennlts and none has been -· I mentloo this enly,because I'd bate to ... ...,. kid who thliits this thing has .clty •Jlll'O'll pt mlxed up in aomethlng we know nothing about." • Poole'1 'and rull·Pll• i4s In !he Loa Anceloa Free -ba .. heralded lbo Jn. VitatJoo lo a """'""' t41tlber" In ~ ,Beach Doc: » to "celebrate lbe birth or J.,.. the Cbrlat 111 w1111ea to lb• New Ace." . Police ban ldenUfled'a-Lqunan 11 ~tor ol lbt adt't11~loin& bot have been uoable to mal<e cootact wllh the orpnlzalloo, u ..,, behind 1111....n. • <:oncrete can be beauttflll..as well u practical, Laguna Beach p~corn­ m\asjone,s were tol~ Monday nigbL They were viewing still another pro- posal from a firm interested in parllclpatlng In lbe Glenneyre parkinC itructure. The cornmlssionen viewed aUdes pro. jected ,by Gordon McWllllams, npre"°" tint the Rockwln Corporallon ol Santa Fe Sprlhgs, ipeclallst.s in'decorative pre- caat concrete work. The firm, currenUy contracting the Soulb Coast C.mmunlly Hoopllal parking structure has done 90 peri:ent ol the "package" concrete work for UCLA, along With buildings for Cal State Fullerton, Ambassador College I a Pasadena, and such Los A n g e 1 e 1 landmarks as the Equitable Insurance Building and the 42-story Crocker CIUzens Bank. McWUU'ama said the pre-cast concrete seeUons, which can save both time and moriey serve both a structural and ornamental architectural purpose. 1 Cost of the flnn's parking structures, he sald, can run from $1,350 to as mucb as p,500 a 1pace depending on the building style and amount of ornamen- tation. He said a four-level structure such as the one proposed for the Glenneyre site would take fi.ve to six months to com- plete. The planners asked the city staff to provide the firm with criteria for the Laguna project so that more detailed in- formation as to cost can be prepared. Orders to Wipe Out Viet Hamlets Denied WASHINGTON (UPI) -Brig. Gen. W~ nant Sidle, chief of Army information, Monday denied reports Gen. William C. Westmoreland had ordered Viet Cong-in- fested villages outside SaJgon "leveled" after the Tet offensive of IMS. Oruge ' There'I I 90 -chance you'll nned your umbrella on Wed- nesday. Temperatures will tumble too, dipping into the low lixtles along the Orange Coast. INSmE TODAY How dots your cnnwil fn. come fit into tM notional 1ccl.c? S11lvia Potter ha.a all th.e anawerl on Finance Pa.ge JO today. CH~llTMAS \ --. M-'"': ..... tt --.. Or-. c-r.t)' lt ,.,,,,.. .... 1• '""" ... ,. ·-Mef'lltlfl .. ,, -. -. -. Wlln. .... ,, --.... ...... ,.Ml --.. . . r • Qll~Y PILOT SC TlllMo!, -1'1 19!0 w 'Devil Cult' Sanity-Trial Begi.ns Suspect Says Mrs. Brown's 'Godliness' Disturbed Him '7 'n»i 1Aa£1l "' ' ' ~ to bavl 1ft6 ~ -kt tldl Htvtee ttlUen on the nij:ht of June 1 -Guido te1Ulied that Hurd had a long • • •....,,........ Jlll!lnljg't ~ iid'Qttt.Mtwhat the qme n.tpt of a '60 robbery and the history of narcotics addiction and a 1 -What istevtn Craia HUrd de!&tbed tO 1pi)etrtd fo be Zodile Signs wJlllt Cam· hatchet killing of attendant Jerry Wayne particular fondness for heroin. His search bispeycMlt:riJtuMn.Florenct8rown'1 ble argued In his defense. Hi.B only ~n· Carlbt, ·21. • • for drugs and the money to •purchue .. quetnlinei& Ind iolitlneas" and wh4t he t1ct'with his 11wye·r was to ask Gamble "Alain."' Guido said, "Hur~ believed them Jed Hurd into ~vera_\ ~11counters beUWed wu""htr .. derogatory attttudt" on"ieverat occasioris fOr a clt&rette. that someone was behaving in a with the Jaw before tt, killing! of Mn. towl~ hlin may well have ooit the The psychiatrist's doubts were ap.. derogaoory inanner oowards hlm." The Brown and Carlin, the psychiatrist's .Mls&lOn Viejo teacher her life, ·" was parenUy raised by a series of con· psychiatrist testified· that Hurd told him report indicates. •Ptced in tesumo~ today tn Orange versaµons in which Hurd ~mment~d he gave Prdeta for the, killing of Carlin Hurd is one of three youths indicted by County ·Suptrlor qourt. that fie liked to drink eix cupa ol blood a after hearing aomeone call blm "a the Orange County Grand Jury for the ·Dr. John A. GU:ido opened the Pn!ty day, acknowledged ~the devU as bll tr1mp." ' killings of Mrs. Brown and Cai'lin. trial o( the accuaed. ~~Id tnnment father. believed· in 'the invincibility or GuJdo's teJUmonr indicated that the ax Separate jury trials have been schedul· by telling defense attorney William Garn. Satanic worship and the: inevitable rein-used to makl Carhn unrecognizable was ed for his co-defendants. One other deien· ble thlt Hurd told him that he sll!hed carnation of the evil doer. taken from ~·s car and the defendant dant Arthur Craig "Moose'' Hulse. 16, of Mrs. Brown in the netk "to warn her'' Guido testified Huni recalled durin,; his apparenUy indicated to Quid(> that Pe had Garden Grove fares trial for the killing of 1bat-be would not tolerate her &Uperiot'I· interview that he was a riwnber of a been carrying the weapon around for Carlin and being an accessory to the »'· group which drove Jnt.o a. Slnta Ana aome time.. murder of Mrs. Brown. Oilft.Y I'll.OT...., ..... YIELDING RIGHT.OF-WAY ROid Comml11loner Kod'I :Road Official Al S. Koch .·Resigns Post • : Oranae county Road Commisskmer Al "'Ii. Koch toda7 resigned his pcot, effective April S, 1971. Koci> hu been with ~anp County I« 25 years and bu held the poatllon of road ~commls!ioner ainee Aug. l, 19$5, more ~·than 15 years. In accepting Koch's resignation with ·fegre't, members or the Board of ~'Supervisors praised him for bJs con-: ~\ributiom to the county. · Supervisor WIDle.m Hlrsten pointed to the "l)lghly llUCC<SSlul" arlerial highways ·financing program, a joint c:oonty·<lly project orlginated by Koch. The retiring road commissioner was asked by supervisor David Baker to prepare a report "on tbe posafble con· solidatlon or 111 engineerlng departments 1n the county as a money saving move." Baker said ht was thinking of road!:, flood control, builditlg and saf!ty and harbor engineers u examples of jlepartmenta which might he COlllOUdated 'Under Ont O)Unty engineer. Koch was also praised for his years of · -k whlc:I! led to the approval of an • Orange County TrlNit District which " waa a_..t by the vottta last Nov. 3. ·Meters f ot Sale : In San Clemente Hurd could not recall the aclual kl111ng of l\ln. Brown, Guido ltstifled but he coµld recall "stabbing her once or·twice. Tben he remembers that he drove uound saiita Ana with her body -sort ~f like '1ley did things In Vietnam, he told me." Hurd is aCOUltd ol being the ringleader of a group of drifters who police c:Jalm ~led Mrs. Brown, 31, of El ToN>, from her car last June 2 as she left the San Diego Freeway at the Sand Canyon off. ""1P· Police allege that the woman wis mutillted and subjected to a series of devU worshiping rites b e fore she was finally killed in an Irvine orange grove. Gm'tble told the· c:Ourt tOday -thit one of tbose rites Involved the ealing of her wrt. by Hun! . Mrs. Brown wu buried In a shallow grave off the . Ortega Highway. Her dismt!pbertd lx!<IY. WIS found J~ JS. ' Guido 1111 one of five paychJal.ri&tl who exal:nlned Hurd in Orange County Jail. It ts Upected that at least two more psychiatrists will follow him to he witness stand in Judge Robert L. Corfman's courtroom. Judge Corfman will rule after hearing counter arguments from Chief Deputy District Attorney James Enright if Hurd i!: sane and competent to stand trial. Guido's written opinion was that Hurd was insane at the time of the Brown kill· ing. Foor other JIO)'dliairist& !Jave rulad the Jong-haiied defendant to be l!lane but •ll doubt his ability to aid counsel in h1s defense. Hurd, manacled hand and foot, ap. Capo Council Votes to Oppose Can yon Jetport San Juan Capl•trano's City Council, respoodjng to pressure from its cltizeu to take~ stand .. the propoaed Bell Can· )'On jetport, voled Monday. to op-the plan. Councilmen Jim Thorpe, JOl!lh Garn· San C1emente'a bwineea diatrict p.vk· meU. and Mayor Tony Forst.tr voted to · Ing meters which went on the beheading pass ' ;uoluUon opposing the Bell Can· block earlier this year now are deatlned yen site 9n te grounds that it would de- for the audion blocks. stroy public and private land; add to : City Councllmtn will hear a recom--already heavy air pollution caused by · lnendation Wednesday from C 1 t Y military aircraft, and have a major ef· ·Manager Ken Carr that the UZ meters feet on the city which was not even con· 1Uminated from busl.ness area streetJ un-l!tulted concerning the use of its utilities. der a sucx:es.sful eiperiment should now The three council members also stress- be !"lid as s~rplUl!I. . ed that a regional air study, being done Smee therr removal last April the by the southern California Association of meters have been stored In city lotu. Governments, has not yet been com. Metered parking was replaced by two-pleted hour-limit zones w~ch ba~e. workt:d wtll~ j~t don 't think it would serve the 1n controllina: parking, officials , said and s interests of San Juan Capistr.ioo," ~ have helped the area s sma said Gammell. "I Ulink a jetport would blWeness owners. k th ·t b' b t t ·1 The cit • --auo 1 a mete ma e e c1 y 1gger u no neeessar1 y . ya ......... n re rs, bet~r " bowewr, are not affected by the parking Initi.ally voting against the resolUtion changes. were C:Ouncilmen Ed Chennak and Bill First Beer, Now Gis · Will Get Own Rugs WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Army ~f)rlvate has been given the right to drink "'?!beer In the barracluJ. Sooo he will have a 'lug of hls own and be: will be able to _choose beige, rose or green. DAILY PILOT Bathgate who stated they didn 't have enough information. They later changed their stands to make the resolution unanimous. The city's plaMing commission recently indicated their opposition to the jetport site and had urged the council.to do the same. The council had postponed a decision then to give them Ume to attend the Dec. 7 public hearing in Mission Vie. jo. Act to Restore Calm Hughes Aide Saw Signing LAS VEGAS, ~v.1(UPI) -A pttsona1 aide .ol Howard Hughes. Who Claims he hu seen the mystery ;billlOnaire atm.01t dally for the put five ye'a.rs, says_ ht Uw the •industriallst sign a document firing the head of his Nevada operations. However, a handwriting expert and former associate or Robert Maheu, Hua;bes' Nevada chie1, claima the signature on the letter of dismiss.al la: a f6rCery. · ' Both men tutifled Monday in the Nf!vada Dl1trlct Ccw1 hearing ttemming from· the attempted ousting of Maheu by executives of Hughes Tool CO., the Houston-based parent firm of the billionaire's giant business empire. Ralph Bradford, now retired but Consulting Eirm Hired By Saddleback College MeeUhr In executive session trmtees of the Saddleback Community College Dllltrlct Monday night approved a 15.200 to $8,200 fee and hiring ~f 'a consuJtant firm t.o help the district with purchases of computer equipment. President Fred H. Bremer said the closed door setisioo was in keeping with provlsiOns of the education code allowing the board to meet priva(ely when di~ing personnel. The member of the firm or Norris and Gottfried Inc. or Los Angeles "~·ho will 1peatbead the on-campus 1urvey is a Falling Bridges Highlight Tests In San Clemente The bridges will crumble and ran at san Clemente High School tonight. Scores of balsa wood spans, built ln an aMuaJ contest by students, will be tested to their breaking point in the campus Lit· tie Theater in what promises to be hours of suspense starting at 7 p.m. The competition will be tough, because of the third annual entry Jim Kelly, whose twCK>Unce creation last year bore more than 400 pounds of weight before &battering. Kelly has won the contest the pest two years .. The winners this year will share cash awards parceled out from fees donated by each bridge builder. Professional design engineers usina: specl1l equipment will squash tbe entries and measure the weight borne by each span. The measurement stops and is record· ed at the first sign of collapse. The project Is the brain child of math teacher Alan Pierce and Physics in· structor Don Scbwenn. resident of the district," Dr. Bremer said. "Since tM board was diseWising an individual, execuUve session w 4 1 neoesaary. ·• Bremer noted that a James Anderson of MlS!lon Viejo is the member of the firm who will lead the evaluation of district needs for computers. The consulting firm·s fee of $5,200 to $6,200 would be paid to the firm which employs Anderson, Bremer said. The contract presen tly provides no date for completion of the study, but the firm's offer to do the work is valid "only through Dee 31," Bremer said. Anderson contacted the superintendent following a board meeting at which trustees said they needed lnfonnation on the types of computtrp, desirable f o r dlsttlct use.. . .. Bremer said the computers chosen will ~rve both administrative and in· ,atructlonal purposes. Saddleback OKs Use Policy Saddleback COmmunity College Di!,trict trustees Monday night approved a policy on public use of district buildings and grounds requiring application SO days prior t.o use and requiring board approval of a group's request. "The public use of grounds is limited to those recreational activities which will not cause damage to the property of the district," the policy states. Among prohibited "activities" are "use of golf balls and clubs, firing of weapons, driving vehicles off the roadway onto the grounds, and bringing do~ or other pets onto the grounds." The policy grants the superintendent the power to approve indivJduaJ use re· quests of buildings or grounds. previOU!ly a handwrlUna and fingerprint expert for 21 years on the L«I& Beach Police Department, ttaUfied at the hear- ing today that Hughes' algnature was ge- nuine. Bradford also said he WIS satisfied that a three-page handwritten Jetter urging the ei:ecutlves of the tool company to get ahead with the job of ftrinl Maheu wu alao written by Hughes. Levar B. Myler, who Identified him.sell 1s a "special asslstant" t.o Hughes, aaid Hughes· signed a proxy Nov. 14 firing Maheu, who has been the billionaire's No. 1 man in Nevada for the past four years. Myler said the signing took place in the ninth floor penthouse maintained by Hughes in the Desert IM Hotel In Lu Vegas. The witness also testified Hughes subsequently went to the Britannia Beach Hotel in Nassau, the Bahamas, and from there issued instrudloils the proxy be released. Earlier in the day, Cttarlei Appel Jr., a fonner FBI agent with Maheu, testUled on behalf of Maheu that Hughes' purported signature on the document presented by the Hughes Tool Co. was a "simulation or Imitation." · "It's a very good representation," Ap.. pel said. "It would pass any ba.nk teller and other business associates would ac- cept It, but it's deficient. It's extremely skillful but it's different.." Viejo High Seeks Adult. Volunteers T'o Aid Teachers Mission Vieja High School is 1eekil)t adult volunteers to begin an instructional aide program that has been adopted by the Tustin Union High School District. Mrs . Ruth Mader, coordinator of stu- dent work experience at Mission, said, ''aides will work under the direct super· vision of teacher, caunse1ors. clerical staff and administrators in classrooms or other locations." "Our adult community has a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to cQ11tribute to the educatlonal program," she said. Volunteers will work on • regular schedule in speclfic areas of instruction. Assignment.5 may include preparation of teaching aids. setting up demonstrations. operating language laboratories and listening center equipment, typing or rep rod u c i n g classroom material. ass isting in libraries or helping students with assignments when a one to one teaching basis would be beneficial. Anyone interested in volunteering time to the project may call Mrs. Mader at the a::hool, 837-7722. Both instructors supervise the program which bas strict rules on materials, but none at all on construction techniques and design. Balsa wood strips measuring three· thirty-seconds of an inch in the cross sec· tJon are the only material used -save for common airplane cement. THE PRICE IS RIGHT (or is it?) V"IT ........ GETS HIS DAY IN COURT My Lal Figure Calley Soldier Says Capt. Medina Shot Woman · FT. BENNING, Ga. (UPI) -A soldier wbo served at My Lai ~stified today the company commander had conducted an "inflammatory" meeting the night before the strike, had ordered the village destroyed, and had personally killed a woman picking rice. The testimony concerning the com- mander, Capt. Ernest L. Medina, was given at the court-martial in wbicb one of his platoon lead.ers, Lt. William L. Calley Jr.: Js charged with murdering 102 civilians during the mlsslon. Michael A. Bernhardt, 24, of Tarpon Springs, Fla., surveyor, was one of el•bt witnesses called by the defense in two days to sa)' that Medlna had left him with the impression tiat all inhabitants -in· eluding women and children -were to be killed in the Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai on hfarch 16, 1968. Three days after the sweep, be testified, :Pttedina "gave an address to the company" in which he said an in· vestigation was under way. "He said he would advise us to be quiet and he would back up anyone if they got ln trouble," Bernhardt said. ·· Bernhardt added that Medina later took , him ~de ~ said "that he .per!OOally didn't feel it would do any good if l qiade a report to my congressman or to the JG (inspector general) or anybody else and not to do it." Bernhardt's testimony followed that of another former soldier at My Lai whC) said he fired into a group of 10 women and children in the· village because be had the impression that Medina, n his briefing, had ordered the killing of the in· babitants. Medina. is accused by the Anny ef <Werall responsibility of the killing of "at least 175" civilians that day, but no formal charge has yet committed him to court-martial. Bernhardt testified that "capt. Medina w~ very passionate '' in tone at the brief. in the night before the assault : "He sai there were no iMocent civilians in the area -if they were not combat.ant.I they were involved in support" of a Viet Cong unit. During the operation, Bernhardt said, he followed ~1edina most of the day . "At one time there wa s a woman in a rice field picking rice, or making the mo- tions of picking rice," Bernhardt said. "Capt. Medina fired at her and she fell. He went over and fired a few mort rounds and killed her." _ .. .. ~ ..... ~. C-M.,. O•AHGm=: CO.UT PUat.ISMlHG UJM"Alt't Ro\11rt N. 'W114 ""'11•11111 ., .. P\llllWllW By United Prt11 1Dtern1Uonal Government officials and Palestinian guerrillas begin disarming t h e i r paramilitary forces today in a major move to restore peace to Jordan. The competition is so keen. that the 11ecrets of the previous year's VriMers are hoarded. Schwenn and Pierce lock up the win· ning entries so students won"( "borrow'' the winning ideas. HAVE YOU EVER GONE INTO A STORE, AND BEFORE A SALESMAN APPROACHED YOU, TRIED TO DETERMINE PRICES ON GOODS NOT MARKED? • J1clr: R. Cu1l1y Viet ~llllrlt •r.C ~fl M•lllf'I' Tlt•lftll tt'11Ti1 .. , .. 7"011111 A. Morithi11• M1111tt"' I.itw tticft•r4 P. H1M """ OrMtl COUl'lly UllOr -Celli M ... : :t» Wal lly SI .... N..,.,.1 a.wi: nil W.t lllN1 90lllMI .. • LAellfll IHCll! tn P .... I AVtl'll.11 ~111\llnl'Oll .,,c~: 1m1 llKll 8ou11¥11'f 11~ o.rn.nM; al HOl'ttl &I C.IN A .. I ; Dana Hills High Funds May Come From Bonds The pro)!Olled Dana Hills High S<hool might be financed by local bondJ, Jn.stead of a state loan. Trustees of the Capistrano Unified SChool District voted Monday to authorize the 58.le of the district's remaining $4,230,000 In school bond!, hecauso of a slight loosenJng of the money market. SUperintendent Truman BendlcL uld if the bonds are sold they ~Id be used to build Dana Hilla High Scllool, which WIS to be funded from the allte school building fund. Benedict said the bonds prob1bly did not repment •llOIJllh money to build the enlire school. but the project could he \Ol'ltten '° llllt a majority of the ocbool ..Wd he CONtructed. "It 1ppe1rs we're In a f1vor1ble po1I· Uon to aell the bonds,• .. Id Btnedlct. "The climate ii temporarily favor.able within !he lepl limitations 1uthorlied by the volers1 •• . / The district had not sold them prevlO\lSl:Y because they carried an . in· terest rate maximum of s percent. However, Joe Wimer, Director of Administrative Services, has canvassed bond buyers and has found them willing to pick up school bonds at this time. He told the board that San Diego sold some re«ntly at 4.3 percent. Benedld emphasized that tvtn tr lht bonda are sold, he did not feel the diAtrlct'1 ability to acquire state bulldtng loins would be jeapordited. The st.1te usually loan.s only to districts ''ho are bonded to capacity and are un1ble to sell their bond>. The superintendent also tald U tht con· ortructlon of Dana Hllil High School proved unfe1sible for the amount of mon- ey av•llable. be might recommend the building of ttn intermediate school for ninth graders, relieving the overcrowded conditions at San Clemente High School. MANY CARPET STORES DO NOT HAVE PRICES INDICATED ON THEIR SAMPW. THE T H E 0 RY IS THAT THIS WAY THEY CAN CHARGE "WHAT THE TRAFFIC WILL BW." AT ALDEN'.S PRICES ARE POSTED ON ALl OF OUR SAMPLES SO THAT CUSTOMiRS CAN BROUSE THROUGH THE SELECTIONS AND .. ' KNOW WHAT THE ARE LOOKING AT. TOO, THERE IS ALWAYS THE POSSIBILITY OF A L 0 WE R PRICE IF CONDmONS WARRANT. ALDEN'S .--.....,-•• -•• -. o-....,-.-• ..., CARPETS e DRAPES TUITIM CeH,., ALDIN'S Pia la A u• HILL c.ums 1663 cent ve. 11114 ~,.::: c.nt. COSTA MESA ........ 646-4838 HOURS: Mon. Thru Thurs., 9 tO 5:30 -Fri .. f lo 9 -Sat., 9:30 lo S 4 • t I . . .... -.... 4 •• s .-a; St ,, 4 a San f;leplenie. -t • • .. . . ' • tq p 4 -. Touy'• Flllal ... -Capisti-~llo ED I T•IC>N · N.Y~ Steek• , * .. * ,4 : ; ' ... ,_ • . 1 ... • • ' • i: • • VOL 63, NO. 299, 3 SECTIONS, 2f PAiKS · . ' '... '' ,I. • . ; . ' I ' . ' ,TUESDAY;,, D~ER. I 5, 1970 , TEN CENTS _. • .,,., , r .. ,. . " ... j • ~ •• • • ' ' . , ' , • •• "::r.._f-l.. ~ -.. ... San Clenlerit.e· Pt.oh:e·s· N~w . ' Fii-e Figlililtg Setup ' ' Pl'<lpOll)s ID build a new fire· deport· ment headquarters ca~ of•houahlc an eventual full.Unie depanment' w 1'11' resume before city COWEilmen in· San. Clemente Wednesday. City Manager Ken Carr will discusa·tbe rini official 1t.ps· for a ..... de~ Headquarters near civic ctnter with coun- cilmen wbo' · two weeks ago reCeived detailed suggestions from Fire · Qllef Mer:ton W. HackeU. 111e intltlth proposals call ror the ex- penditure of aboat f170,000 to build an 8,000-square-foot, two-story headquarters building next to the existing otflces •. Thi $1 .fl Millioa .id '. """'"l ·~ In !be c1ty·budl<t. Carl' wW .... the i...lbWty of tam- ing !be project ..... ID. plam\t"8 COM· mi.ssktnera for examination, plus the San Clomonte Civic Bulldtrig Company, form· ed. Iii the , leue'-pwdwe arrangement.I fpr the ezisting civic. center. The propoaed headquarten call for a new garage, pl~ donnitories, meeting rooo>1 and olhei JaclliU. for a. lull-time staff. I' . ~ of that building would mUn..· ·expamion of the police head· quarters, as well. Vacated Ore depart- m<J)t.~\llfl<~could bo·coovutod ID bad-' . .. • ' , Council Studies Bond Vote ·Plans Proposals to set a bond election to eeek perhaps $1'.2 niillion'to ~ver a~bre.dtlrof San Clemente city recreatiOQ pro;ects are expeCted to re~ch the fonn~l.tiaie before city ·couilcllmen Wednesday. Armed with data gathered in two re- cent study aessiom,. ~lrhen wlD ex· amine the amount oi the bond propolll, a possible election date and thO lill ol ri _ecta: to roverei 'by ~-,U;rVf,fw, ·lift two-thlidl """'°' ·The propoafd new comJD1u.a'Jt7 clu-woukl ·be ·ot .. !be· top ol tho pciol'lty liBt with an esthnaild..CCJ1t ._l'lft"1 Ing up ID !400,000. • A new munlelpal.~I/pilfks, a 'recrea .. llon program and. J>&!ting ficlllilili alao mlgM be Included In the bcxid propoei>l. . J[ the .election ,were to . suceeed., 'the citY'i enUre parks .apct recre_alion pictu(e w~d be com~lete (or several year1. 'The council, however, also has ·pen. dered the effects of · clwnping several projects Into one vote -a plan which S(>meUmes hurts pasaage of .bbnd Rues because a voter could cast ' a nelative vote because he does not· fi:YOI>' a specific item. Councilmep also ha.ve-. rtl a·p,p e d preliminary contingency plans in CaJei an election sboUJd fail. · If tbe·mea.sure were .to win· more than · a 1iiJlipte majority, but lels,than -a le&il: two-thirds passage, .aeveral. ~ilmen have hiilted they wOuld fa'vor raising "the recreation 'tax tale to pay .for· at least the clubhoUse project. · · . ' · ·Working drawlngS-on! the. replaceinent· tltthe fire-ravaged community landmark_ will be finished by mid-January by San Cltn:iente Building Designer E r l c Boud>er. That plan Involves use or one restorable portion of the existing Spanish building and blending with a new auditorium, art gallery, meeUng rooms and a c e n t r a 1 kitchen. Two aspects which have yet to be'COm- c ... , Weat1ter There's a · 80 peicent chance .' ~ you'll nned your umbrella on Wed- ; ne!iday. Temperatures will tumble 1 too, dipping into the low sixties ' 1 along the Orange Coast. : INSWE TODAY llow dot1 your .annual f~ -1 come fit inW tl1e nattonQl 1ca~r Sylvia Porter ho.s aU the aniwerr on Fina11ce Page 10 toda~. • O.ly 9 .,.,. TI• CHRISTMAS C•M'9ntffl ' -• (lie(~"" v. ' .... ,.,.... ,. c"'tlfltf 1•M ·--•• Cllftlcl • .. _._ .. -• ,.,,...,..,.. .. °""' ... lk" .. -,~, . -.. IMO,_...... l .. lt •fl!Wlel ''" • ·-• ................. • --• ...... 1•11 ·-• ~ .. ,. .. _ .... .. ,. .._. ..... , .. ,. ""'""• ' --.. Mlf'rlnl Lkt11M• 11 • . . ' .. $·tµ;te Eyes . ' Waste Water . . . Jtegulation .. ' . ' : . . . . A , policy ID rqulate -dildlarf!., of tl)ermal waste -IOdUllrlal eoottng wat.r -wJll be .,.,.lderecf at a public bearing Wedneeday. in Sacramemo before the Stote Water Reoourca C<lotrol Board. ·Kerry W. M"ulltian. cbalrman, lllid, ''thehnal -WUteil .are potmtl:atly damag· Ing to our fttei's and the State Board niu~' 8ct DOW' to ensure that no future pr9blefns will· arlee,"' n,e; .mQ."jor portion of thehnat waste is eontDIDuted . by electrical po·w er gei\eraUng plants, Mulligan s a I d • •'Estimates Indicate California'• demand for electrical pOWer will quadrUple in the next 20 years." "This will require the ea:pansk>n of ex· lsting power plants and the lru:taUatlon of new ones. 'I1le board intends to make sure the increased waste load will not callie a threat to the environment," he added. 'Ibo piopooed policy, would regulate discbara:es into coastal and Interstate waters of cooling and industrial proce91 water which ii used to transport waste boal lloaring noticH hav> --to· Pacific Gas and ElectHc CO., Southern Caltfornia· Edllon O:t," Loi Angeles o.partment of Water arid "Power, San Dteao Ga'and Electric Co., and to·sctcn- tisto • and marlbe blologl>ll w I t h. lmpwledge ol thermal pollution, Mulllgon sai4·····~ . 'Ibo ·hearing Is , set for 1:30 p.m. Wedpelday In !be auditorium oi the Reaources BUiiding, 1411 Nlnth St.1 Sacramento. SChool Concert Slated Tonight · g.,; Clemente High Schoo1's music department ,. will pre1a1t Us amual ChriatmM ...-t lonilht II I o'clock in · Trtloo eptter • 'Ibo -band wtll -the pro-gram wtih two ..iecticlns, followed by the mind c!lorua and midrtpl •tncen. 'Ibo sd>ool's .n:i...\rl arid choir will perform 'topther for the first time In toQtgbt's·a>ncptt. 'the "pabbC ii wtICome tree of cbarae. ty 'needed detentton areas. ind office space for the cramped police department. In another fire department-related . matter Wednesday counclhnen will of- ficially receive a critical letter from a neighbor o{ the Ralph Armstroog family which lost its $45,000 home recently in one of the city's worst residential fires. Mrs. Joseph .E. Hall of 1S011 ~s. Ola Vista. bas asked for ,an explanation. of three blazes which 'f"Pted tbroilgh the night at the Armstrong home. Praising the city's volunteers highly, Mrs. Hall nonetheless ub if the existing department bas •any paid. personnel who could,be stationed at a fire scene to make sure blazes do not rekindle tbemsielves. "We who live In the area are qWie con- cerned," she said, "lhat the fire was ap. parently left .unattended bef.ore, it wu totalij' put.(KJt." In other items on Wemdesay's packed agenda coµncllmen will consider: . -A letter from Christopher Broughton of 3:1> Calle, Santa Margarita ·asking that the city provkle·two large trlsh bins for ' the deposit of newspa,pers, glass and other items capable of Undergoing recycl- ing, One bin he suggested, would be used 'for bundles 'of paper; the other for . ' --gtW, Fundt col!«ted irom .sa1e of the bulk items could cover the cit)"• coat In !be pro~ he aakl. · , -A report from Carr on pre;~. ·to set up a s~ im~t diltrid on several thci.roughfllrel. io· the' citJ'l':ilt- dustrlal dl!tricl lmpl'Oft!bent U. ...., ~mplated for Call Valle, lndmtrtu, Navano, t.s Vegas and.Los M~.- -lnformAtlon on the po11lblt Ille of the old city hall and city maintenance yard Number One alo'ng El clmino.Real. -Plans and and . ~ 4'-te ·for-. the dedication of the city'• new, $2.8-rptllion water reclamaUon plant. The date. bu . -. . not yet boon Ml IM<•• dlJ -were awattinc an IDIWll'fnm Pr11ll 1t Ntxoo. who bu been illft1ocl ID dedlcoto the nonpolluttq lociltty. . c-Proposala ID oet on Uln .cilY· lpomored cleao-ap -k brtmClllc to two .. ch .year the -•-ot ....,_ tn. voiving eztra rubblab plckupo and op- pointmenil ID c:olJect ballcy, c:utoll items. -The decloratton u -of GI parking meten tenlO'Nd _.lier WI JUI' in the city's commerdaJ dWrict.. The meter heads currently 11'1' beiDC stored in. !be city lofta. •• an a1n Explosion Blows Hole In Roof From Win Smrice1 ISLA VISTA - A tossed bomb bin 1 hole In the roof of • Bank " -brance. here j\londay nllbt, showerlq the 1treet with masonry tilu and .tn- fiaming emotlona ol street people and • li.wmen again. N1> .aedous .damqe wap ~.1 bat the blast caused by an unidenUfled device left a hole several feet arrou in the Over~ ., ... "!be~ r · Acr....iofu<;~-­ and other young people living in lhe·l!llll>- ;; corporated . ....,munlty ~ aborllf'• deputtto wbo orrfyed Cl! !be ..... - whoopl and jeen. 1locb and bottlm ~re thrown -cae deputy was bit tn !be hip but not IDjured ~ whllo authorlll., credited calmer young people with holping keoi'"ordor In the midst of 'mutual tenalon. The bank -l}'Jnbolic of !be capita~ power structure to radicals -· wu rebuilt on the ieene o( one burned last Feb. 2S during a clash thaf touched off a teries of incidents. Business C011Unued u usual today~bul that Is all Bank of Amorlca olliclala woul~ say about" the newest ailaull en !be building. Library .Windows Asked··,. No-Incidents had been reported and the community W81 qu!.;,, 1!P WIW the blall, possibly orgaoiled by . five penons witneases ·~ported seeing on the scene moments earlier. The Isla Vista flareups of ilst apring ended with more than 100 penons jailed and one student ~ teying to pre1e1 ve order and calm others clamoring for violence -ahot to. death. Sadilleback T ell,s Architects to Revise Exterior By GEORGE LlliDAL 04 "" OlllJ' ~1111 lllH Situated bl the rqillng hills of the Mission Viejo campus wHh potential for a 27lklegree view,the Saddleback College library will be windowless. TrwJtees Monday night instructed the architE!cts~ Ramberg and Lowery of San- ta Ana, to revise the exterior plans, remo*1g the second and tblrd floor win- dows. 11le Ubiary, the first permanent struc- ture planned for the Mis.lion Viejo cam- pus, ii estimated at $3.7 .million and is ~ t,o go ID bid next March. President Fred H. Bremer, £aid, 11Frofu.~ah ~ viewpoint I feel a certatn amount of windows are desirable, evp ' il,'a UJnrj. oth~ile Ule building woWd have Va prilon I~ appearance." ~rd Presi(leni Hani w: Vogel of San- ta Ana argued against windows in the library on two grounds, maifttenance and inwrance coats for po!!Jible breakage. "A nbrary is a learning cente r with a function to perform," •Vogel 11aid, "and tliat function Is best performed If there are· no diJtractions. A• student should be able to escape completely from reality. "A fortc'ess without wlodows is the ldeal· environmellt for library study since when you go to the library you are trying ID reach the deplhl of your own mind." Vot1d fia:1her argued that the uvtnp of maintenance and insUranc< that mlght be Jirojected for a wlndowieu library COllld be appll<d: tn Otd11t the building with more equipment. Robert Lowory of the archiloctural firm notod 1nm.., had alreedy ap. pmtd the lnlorlor fioor pi8IJI for the library wti1cft will inl~IJy h 0 U S e daarooma that later will be coo1'd1ed ID library opace . Noting the w!hetlc value of wtndow1 ·~ause h\tman beings like to know what's 1oln1 oo "'illde even U they only see a patch or sky or clouds," Lowery suggested library stacks wbuld not re- quire uae of outside walls. The plan sul>- mitted tO trustees included slanted high windows on the ~cond and Uiird floors. Alyn M. BraMon, truStee from· Santa Ana, concurrtd with the break.age argu- ment against the windows and added, "I'm opposed to high windows, they are Survey Looming On Sign Code In, San Clemente A • sJx-member committee w i t b members from the San Clemente' Plan- nlng Commission, City Council and Chamber , oC Commet;ce . will hold an in- Jtlal meeting soon' to launch a survey of th e existing city code covering' signs awl olher advertising In the city. ' The committee's ranks became com- p\ele recently with the naming of chamber members Bob Kutcher aod Ray Campbell ID the study panel. PlaMlng Commissioners Art Holmes and . Ed Lesneski. and Councilmen 1,..Clif.f: Myerr and Tom O'Keefe aleo ·will serve . on lhe panel. ' hardly ever washed, 8nyway." The slant of the windows, Lowery said, was to discourage br'eakage 'by rock throwing. Brannon· rountered, that with the slant "they'll just collect more dirt." Resportding to a question by ·John If. Lund, Laguna Beach trustee, LOwery noted .there would be JIU!e difference in construcUon cost of the library with Of without windows. • Vogel said Jt, w.as not the constnictiO!l · cost that. con~ him, but said "from a mecurlty standpoint I would question high windows and would favor solid wa its." Security incauUons clllicl for by tr..i... at on earlier mmtng, LoW.ry .. kl, had alreedy been Included In the library plan. . "We cut out lhe 1econd floor outdoor ·re'ading balcontes," he tald, "in order to eliminate the chance students will throw books down from them to other students, as you sugges~." · The pre.sent plan requlns students to check out books before going outside to , outdoor,. ~nd level terraces, Lowery said. Features ol the plan acceptable to trustees were the beige, sandb~ ~ crete .. ~ that requtm no palnttnc. "I shookt note that I hive no recom- mendation about what you could do if a student deckled ID spray paint ao : In,. scripUon on this surface,'' Lowery s&kt. "But Ihm wllf be COOliderabte main- tenance savings If It l;s never painted.", Vogef ,.Id he hoped that such ddoctng tactics would not occur. 1 Lower portions of the faaode wtll be ' done In .adobe brick and an lmi;t"9n quarry tile made of concrete wil111Utface • W> Iii policies on sign height and alu. • patios. • ' The p"'t several. app~catlons for .., :Vogel noted he hod tiled new llbroii,. varlrnees to algn regWations tor.freeway at· Cal State, Fullerton, UC lrvl~ and -. Goals of the sWdy have .not yet been detailed, b1,1t the group la expeded to scan the codes for i.Dconalstencies and reevaluation of rulea ·governing sign hell!ht style .and size. Tile ctty In recent monlhl had firmed oriented coverage had been SOWktly tW'n-UCLA and .found all were .built wtthout ed down by COUllCilnjen and planners. wliidOWI.. ''ThcOe aren't old llbrlriel. ·~· • Investigators aaJd several small flra were !let in trash bins around the area. where residents said the bank ~aat could be felt two blocks'away, but were quk:ily extinguiihed. . A crowd estimated at 600 gathered on the scene. Spencer Kids Want Mother For Christtnas . The Davia Spencer cblldren e I CaplstranO Beach ~ may have •1 merry Christmas liftor all. The.ir mother -under inteullve care for a week after an 8utO acddent in tbe storm Nov. •-ii recovering rapidly. 1 Fears of brain damage were not· substantiated by electroen1;ephllompba takon Sunday, family momben salil,1"1!11 Mrs. Spencer, who alio nU'ered •' brokeaf toe and llel'lous leg bnlila, ii apecltd lo return from the hospital next weet. Mrs. Spencer wa1 injured when she lolt control of her car In the raln, cruhed in- to a center div~. Sbe then was struck by another ·auto-a llhe lltompted ID n .. the. roadway. Her chlldron: Olvey, 12; Stuart,, II: Philip, 10 and Shelly, I: jllat wont tbeft, mother for Cbriltmu. I Their father, Dam Spenc:or; manaaec1 !be household ...... -for ....... then capitulated ID lint h"il mother-in-la..- Mr3. Margan! Poton, tut -tend. then his mother, Mn. Dlvil Sponcer Sr, this week. Tbe inJured -·Libby si>a-. llu had .a llrln~ of mlsfortunM .ln reconl :::: el i!. ~ ~ ~s:::;t Dona Point -plUI bor auto occtdenL Libby Speocor full wonta a cbanp of luck for Cllrtllmu • ' ' I 5t '-· -15, 1970 , • DAILY ,ILOT ...., ,.._ YllLDING IUOHT.0~-WAY Rood comm1111..,., Kodl Road Official Al S. Koch Resigns Post 0t1n1• County Rold commJaloner Al S. Koch today r.,ilned hll pool, ellecttv• April 5, 1171. Koch lul• been with Orance County for 25 years and has held the position of road commissioner since Aug. 1, 19!15, mort: than 15 years. In accepiln& Koch'• rt1.lpUon with regret, member• of the Board ol Supervisors praised him for his oon· tributions to the county. Supervllor Wllllam l!irlttn pointed Jn the "hl(hly llllCCOllM" arterial hJlbway1 fmanclnl procram, a Joint COW1ty-city projtet origiJlated by Koch. 11Je retiring road comminioner was asked by Supervlaor Dav1d Baker to prepare a report "on the poaible con- JO!idation of all en&ll*rlnl ttepartmenta in the county as a money saving move." Biker said he was lhlnkinl of roads, nooc1 control. bulldln1 and 1at•ty and harbor en11neer1 11 a1mplet o f deparlmtnta which mllht be COlllOltdated iinder one COW1ty ...in.er. Koch wu alao praiiea· for hll ywa of '""k which led Jn the approval of an Orang• County Transit IMllric:I which WU approved by the vcter1 lut Nov. 3, Meters for Sale In San Cleme11te ' San Cloalute'• -dltlrlc:I park· lnl ...wn wbich wtOt on the bllludJn( bloclc u rller 11111 yu r -are dutlned for the auction blow. City Councilmen wlll bear a ncom- rnendaUon Wtdnelday from CI t y Manqer K•n Cm that the 411 matars eliminated from bullneu ana 1ti0tta un- der a 1U..,..1ful uperllnent ohould - be sold a1 1urp!U1. . SJnct their nmoval WI April the mttars havt -sJnrad In dty toltl. Metartd parkJnl WU rtpla<td by two. hour·Umlt zones which have worked well in contn>llln& parkln&. offiClala lllld and alao have h<tped the ar<a'1 small bualene11 owners. The clty'1 rtere1t!on aru meten, llowevtr, are not ellec:led by the porklns chanl••· First Beer, Now Gls Will Get Own Rugs W ASlilNGTON (UPI) -'l1le Army !Jrivate hu been atvtn the npt Jn drink beer in the barrackl. SOon ht will b1vt a rus of h11 own and he wlll be able Jn chcme beige, rose or gree11 DAILY PILOT N..,.., ..... N-- i..t'M ..... ........ ,..., c:.tti M"• S. Cls:e1 ... OlAH~I co.t.$T PoU•L.lSMINO C0M'Nl't Wollert N. W•N ,,.~, .,.. ""'..,.. J•c.k l. .C111rl•Y Viet P._lMlll •A 0-11 MllllllW 11itffl•• Ktrtll ..... J1I01'1111A! M~H _,._ IJ1h1t4 P. H1I ..,.,. o.r...... (Nlly llltlr -Cltfl M•1 Sii W.I MY.,,_ ,...,.,, ....,., un ""'*':.,.. ........ ,. • = lltfffl: -,......,. ..... leltR: T"1J I M(lrl ... ....,. ... ... C*Wlll: aM N9rtll II CllNM ... , 'Devil Cult' Sanity Trial Begin .~ Suspect Says Mrs. Brown's 'Godliness' Disturbed Him I r TON aAllLIY ..... , ....... What Sttvtn Crsli Hurd described Jn his peychialril& aJ Mrs. Florenoe. 8rown'1 "qUt<rillneu and 1old!Ma" and wlult he belie.eel wu her "dero11tory a&tltude" towards him may well have cost the Misalon ViejO teacher her U!e, it was alltced tn ttstlmooy to4ay Jn Orlnl• c..nty superior Court. Dr. John A. Guldo openad the sanity trial of Iha llCClllld :IQ.year.old transient by tetltng: deteme auomey Willlam Gam- ble that Hurd Jnld him that be stashed Mn. Brown in the neck: "to warn her" thl.t be would not tolerate her superiorl· ty. Hurd could not recall th• actual killing of Mra. Brown, Guido testified but he could rteall "1tabbtna her once or twice. 1ben be remembers that be drove a.round Santa Ana wtth "her body -sort of Uke .they did thinp In Vietnam, he told me." Hurd 11 accuaed of being the ringleader of a group of drifters who police claim ptilled Mrr. Brown, 31, of El Toro, from her car lut June 2 11 ehe left the Sin Diego Freeway at the Sand Canyon off. ramp. Police allege that the woman wu mutilated and subjected to a series of devil wonhiping rites b e for e she was finally killed in an Irvine orMl&e grove. Gamble told the court today that one of thole rites involved the eating of her beart by Hurd. Mrs. Brown was buried In a aha11ow I r av e off the Ortega Highway. Her di,fmerpbered body was found June 15. Guido ii one af five psychiatrists who e'lamined Hurd in Orange County Jail. It ls expected that at least two more psychiatrists will follow him to he witneu stand in Judie Reibert L. Corfman's courtroom. Judie Corflllan wlll rule alter bearlnf countar ArlW'\tnla from Chit! Deputy Dtatrlct Attorney James Enrlihl U Hurd is ,... and corn1'9tanl Jn stand trial. Guido'• written optnlcm waa that Hurd "u lnaane al the time of !ht Brown klll· i"J."our otber Pl)'chtatrllts have ruled the lon1·ha~od dlfandanl Jn be llne but au c!Oubl hta ablllty lo aid counatl In hll dafanM. Hurd, manacled band and foot, ap- Capo Council Votes to Oppose Canyon Jetport San Juan cap11trano'1 City Council, rtlJIOlldlnl Jn ptellure ttOm Ill dt!Jena Jn tab a stand on the propoatd Boll can- yon jetport, votad Monday lo •-the pltn. C<lundlman Jim Thorpe, Joah G11n· mtll, and M1yor Tony torslA!r voted Jn -a rt1oluUon oppoaln& the S.U Can· yon 1lta on te around> that It would de- stroy public and prlvatt ltnd: add lo already beavy air polluUon cauaed by lllllliarY alr!'ralt, and lulve a major •f· feet on the city which waa not evtft con- sulted concernJnl !ht Ult ol 111 UltllU11. The U... !>OWICll mambers aloo 11re11- •d that a rertonaJ air 1tudy. beln& done by !ht Soulhtm CalUornla AooclaUon of Govtrnmanta, bas not Y•t bean com· pleted. "I juat don't lhlnl< 11 would MM> !ht belt 1ntereltl af San Juan Capiltrano," said Oammtll. "I thtnk a jttport would make the city bigger but not necewrlly better." Initially vating against the resolution were Councilmen Ed Chermak and Bill Bathgate who 1tated they didn't have eno111h lnfarmaUon. 'nley later changed their stands to make the resolution wianimous. The city's plaMing c a m m I s s i o n recently indielted their oppo1!Uon to the jetport site and had ur1ed the council to da the same. The council had postponed a decision then to give them tlme to attend the Dec. 7 public hurtn& Jn Mlulon Vie- jo. Act to Restore Calm By Ualted Pre11 lilt.enaUoul Government officials ed P1lutlnlan guertill•s began dlsarmlni t h e I r paramilitary foret1 today in, a major move to reatore pe1ce ta Jordan. ,;."4 Jn bavo no rUI llitomt In lhll _,., proclodlnp and 1ketdliod •bat appe.ared to be 1.odil.c rl&rus wblle Garn· ble ar1ued in his defenae. His only con- tact with his lawyer was to ask: Gamble on several oceasloos for a cigarette. Tbe psychiatrist's daub ts were ap. pare.nlly railed by . a series of can· versaUofll in which Hurd commented that he llkod Jn drink six cupe of blood a day, acknowltdjed the dtvtl 11 hb father, believed in the lnvincibllity at Satanic worship and the inevitable rein. c1rn1tion af the evil daer. Guido testified Hurd recalled durin& his interview that he was a member af a &f'OUP which drove into a Santa Ana ""1ct sta\lon • 1"' night of Junt t - ·the aama n!lht of a tlO robbery and th• hatchet kllllnl of attendant Jerry Wayne Cartin, %L "Al•ln." Guido 11Jd. ''Hurd believed that someone was behaving ln a derogatory manner towarda him." The peyohlatrlst tesUfled that ·Hurd Jnld him he gave orders for the killing of Carlin after htarlnl -call bJm "a tramp." Guido's test.ltnony indicated that the ax used to make Cartin unrecognlr.able was taken from Hurd's car and the defendant appareoUy indicated. to Guido that he had been c&rrylD& the weapon araund for aome Ume. Guido testified that Hurd had a Iona history of narcotica add.lclitn and 1 particuJar fondness far heroin. His &Urch for drugs and the money to purdi.,. them led Hurd into several eocounter• with the law before the kUllngs of Mr1. Brawn and Carlin, the psycblatrlst's report indicates. Hurd is oae af three youtha lnd!cted by th• Oranse County, Grand Jury lor the kruJngg Of Mrs. Brnw11 Ind Car!Jn. Separate jW")' tria!s have been achedul· ed for his co-defendants. One other defen· dant, Arthur Craig·"Moose" Hube, 16, of Garden Grt)Ye fleet trial for th!. klllina: of Carlin and being an acceasory to the murder of Mh. Brown. ·Hughes Aide Saw Sig~ing LAS VEGAS, Ntv. (UPI) - A perJOnal aide al Howard Hughes, who claims he has seen the mystery billionaire almost daily for the past five yean. 11ys he saw the industrialist sign a document firing tbe bead of bis Nevada operltk>ns. However, a handwriting e1pe:rt and former associate af Rabert Mlheu, Huabes' Nevada chitf, c1aima the 1llJ'l1lure on the letter af dlamlual IJ 1 fargery. Both men testified Manday in the Nevada District Court hearing stemmin g from tht attempted OUIUng of Maheu by executives af Hughes Tool Co., the Houaton-based parent firm of the billionaire's slant bUllness empire. Ralph Bradford, now retired but privioualy a handwriting and Ungerprint expert far 28 years on the Lang Beach Police Department, testiUed 1t the hear· in~ today that Hughes' aign1ture wu 11- nwne. Bradford alao aaid he was satisfied that a three-page handwritten letttr urging the executive• of the tool company to get ahead with the job of firing Maheu "'as also written by Hughes. · Soldier Says Capt. Medina S hot Woman Consulting Firm Hired By Saddleback College Levar B. Myler, who identified himselt as a "special assistant" to Hughes. said Hughes signed a proxy Nov. 14 firing Maheu, who has been the billionaire's No. J man in Nevada for the past faur years. Myler .said the signing took place in the ninth floor penthouse maintained by Hughes in the Desert Inn Hotel in Las Vegas. The witness also testified Hughes subsequently went to the Britannia Beach Hot.el in Nusau, the Bahamu, and from there i!sued lnstructioos lhe prozy be released. F'T. BENNING, Ga . (UPI ) -A soldier who served at My Lai testified today the company commander ,had canducted I D ''inflammatory" meeting the night before the strike, had ordered the villa1e destroyed. and had personalty killed a woman piclting rice. The testimony concerning the com· minder. Capt. Ernest L. Medina, wa!I elven al the coort·martial In which mie <l( his platoon leaders, Lt. William L. Calley Jr.. Is charged with murdering 102 civilians during the mission. Mtellnl In executlv• Miiion !rultata of the Saddleback Community Coll•I• Dlstrld Monday nl&ht approved a 11,200 Jn 11,200 f., and htrln& or a COlllU!tant firm Jn help !ht dt1ttlct with purchaau of computer equipment. President Fred ' H. Bremer Aid the cioeed door ltllion WU Jn kffpln& with provlttona of !ht education code allowlnl the board to meet privately when dllcuaalnl perlOMet. Tb• member of the firm of !lorr!J and Gotllrled Inc. of Loa Anaeles "wbo wlll 1pearllead the on<ampua IW'Vey 1a a Failing Bridges Highlight Tes.ts In San Clemente Tb• brldse1 wlll crumble and fall 11 San Cl•m•nte Htab Scbool Jnntat>t. Scores of bal11 woad spen1, built ln an annual conte1t by 1tudents, will be tetted to their bttaklna point Jn !ht campua Lit· tle Theater 1n what promllt1 to be bour1 .of auapenae atarttna et 7 p.m. The campetltlon will be touah. becauae al the third IMUll entry Jim Kelly, whaae tW<M!Unce creatlan 11at year bare more than 400 pound& af welabt befare abatttriq:. Kelly baa wan the contest tbe p1st two years. The wlnnen this yell' will share cash awarda parceled out from fees don1ted by each bridge builder. Professional design engineers using special equipment will squa1b tbe entries and mtaslU'e the wei&bt borne by e1cb span. The me11urement stops and is record· ed at tbe first sign of collapse. The project is the brain child of math teacher Alan Pierce and Physics in· structor Don Scbwenn. Both instructars supervise the progr1m whicb his strict rules an materials, but none at all on construction techniques and deslan. Balsa wood strips lnea!W'ina three- thlrty·seconda of an Inch in the croas sec· tion are the anly material used -save for comman airplane cement. The competition is so ketn. that the iecrets Of the previous year's wlnnera are hoarded. Sch\venn and Pierct lock up the win· ning entries so students wao't "harraw'' lhe wlnninj: ideas. reatdtnt of the dltlrlc:I," Dr. B"'mer II.Id. "Since the board w11 d1acusain& an lndlvidual, e1ecutlve aeaslon w a 1 nect111ry." Bremer noted that 1 Jame1 Anderson of Mlulon Viejo It the m<mber of the firm who wUl le.ad the evaluation of dlatrlct need> for computtn. Tbe consulting firm'• f .. of l!,200 to $8,200 would be paid Jn !ht flnn which employ• AnderlOll, Bremer said. The contract presenUy provldea no date for ccimpleUon af the study, but the flrm'a_olfer to do the work 11 valid "only through Dec 31," Bremer aald. Anderson contacted the superintendent followin& a board meetln& at which tnutees aaJd they needed lnfarmaUon on the types of c:omputera deairable f o r d!ltrlCf we. Bremer aald the. c.omputer1 chalen Wtll aerve boLh admlniltraUve and in· lllrUCllonal purposts. Saddleback OKs Use Policy Saddleback Community Coll•&• Dlttrlct lrultata Monday ntlht approved a policy on publlc use of diatrtct buildings and around& requltlna appllcaUon 30 d1y1 prior Jn Ult and requlrJnl board approval al a aroup's request. "The public uae of around& ls limited lo thoae recreaUonal activities which will not cause damage to the property of the district." the policy states. Amang prohibited "activities" are "use of aoll bllla and clubs, flrina of weapons, driving vehicles off the roadway cmto the grounds. and bringing dogs or other pets onta the grounds." The policy &rants the superinlendent the power to approve i.Ddiv idual use re- quests of bllild1na1 or grounda. Earlier In the day. Charles AppeJ Jr .. a former FBI agent with Msheu, testified an behalf of Maheu that Hughe.s' purported signature on the dccument presented by tbe Hughes Tool ca. was a ''simulation ar imitation." "It's a very good representation,'' Ap- pel said. "It would pass any bank teller and other buainess associates wauld IC· cept It, but It's deficient. It'a utremely sk.lllful but It's dlfferent." Viejo High Seeks Adult. Volunteers To Aid Teachers Mission Vieja High Schaol Is aeeklna adult volunteers to begin an Instructional aide program that has · been adopted by the Tustin Union High School District. Mrs. Ruth Mader, coordinator at 1tu. dent wark experience at Mission, 1ald, "aides will work under the direct super. vision of teacher, counselors.,. clerical staff and admini1tratars ln cfl1aroom1 or other locations." "Our adult community has a wealth of experience and enthusium to contribute to the educaUonal program," she uld. Volunteers will work on a regular schedule in specific areas af instruction. Asslanments may Include preparation of teaching alda. setting up demanatr1Uons. oper1tin& language 11baratories and listening ctnter equipment, typing ar r e pr o d u c I n g cl111room material. assisting in libraries or helpin& studenta with assignment.I when a one to one ta1chlng bast& would be beneficial. Anyone interested in volUtlteerin& time to the project may call Mrs. Mader at the s:hool, 837·7722. THE PRICE IS RIGHT (or is it?) rwlichae\ A. Bernhardt. 24. of Tarpon Springs, Fla., surveyor. wa s one of eight wltneases called by lhe defense in tw& days to say that Medina had left him with the ~·m resslon ~at all inhebitants -in· cludin "'omen and children -were to be kille in the Vietnamese hamlet al My Lsi March 16. 1968. Three days after the aweep, be tti:tified, Medina "gave an address ti) the company'' in whlcb he u.ld an in· vtstlgatlon was under way. "He said he would advise us to be quiet and he wauld back up anyo ne ii they got in trouble ," Bernhardt said. Bernhardt added that Medina 1ster toak him a1Jde and said "that he personally d.ldn 't feel It would do any good ll I made a report lo my congressman or to the IG (Inspector general) or anybody .else and not to do It ." Bernhardt's testimony fofibwed that cf anatber farmer soldier at My Lai whet said he fired into a group af 10 women. and children in the village because be had the Impression that Medina, n bis brleflna, had ordered tbe killing of the in· habitants. Medina ls accused by the Army o1 ovttall responalblllty af the kllllna Of ".it least 17S" civilians that da y. but na formal char1e baa yet committed him ta court·marUal. Btrnh11dt testUJed that "Ca}'t. Med.in• was very passionate" in lane at the brief4 ln& the ru1ht befare the assault : "He said there were no lMocent clvi.Han1 in the are& -if they were not combatants they were involved in su}'port" of a Viet cang unit. During the operation, Bernhardt said, he followed ,_.1edina moat of the day. "At ane time there was a waman In & rice field picking rice . ar making the mo- tions of plckln& rice:' Bernhardt said. "Capt . ~led.Ina fired at her and sbe fell, He went over and fired a few more rounds and killed her." HAVE YOU EVER GONE INTO A STORE, AND BEFORE .A SALESMAN APPROACHED YOU, TRIED TO DETERMINE PRICES ON GOODS NOT MARKED? Dann Hills High Funds May Come From Bonds MANY CARPIT STORES DO NOT HAVE PRICES INDICAilD ON THllR SAMl'W. THE T H E 0 R Y IS THAT THIS WAY THEY CAN CHARGE "WHAT THE TRAFlllC WILL IEAR." Th• proposed Dana Hlllo Hiah Schoel mlaht bt financed by local bond&, lnat11d of a 1t1te lOIJl. Tru!teet of the Capistrano Unified school District voted Monday to authorl:e the 11lt of the di1trlct'1 remalnln1 SU!0,000 In school bonds. bto1U1t of a slltht loountna: or the maney market Superlntandtnl Truman llendtct "Id II tha bond> ar1 IO!d thty could be used to build Dana HUia Hlab Scbool, which w11 Jn be f\ulcled from the 1tatt 1ehool bulldln& llllld. llonodlct lllld the bond& prob•bly did nnt represent •nouah money to build the enUrt tehool, but the project could be wrlttan II> that a majority of !ht 1ehoel could be c:on1trucled. "It appears w.3're In a favorable p<111I· lion Jn 1tll the botlda," llld Benedict. '·Tb• cllmal6 ta tamporarlly f1vorabl• within the 1•111 llmltaUOna authorlted by the voteta.•• ( The dlttrld hid not sold them prevlauely becaUH they carrltd an ltJ. terest rite mulmum af 5 perctnt. Hawever. Jae Wimer, DlreCWr of AdmlnlttraUve Sen1et1, has canvaued bond buyera and h11 found them wlllln1 to pick up achool bonds at thla time. He told the board Lhat San Dle&o eold aome recently at 4.3 perctnt. Be.nedlct emphasized that !Ven If the bonds are sold, he did n.,t ftel the district's 1blli\y to acquire state buildtna: loans would be Je1pordlzed. The ttate uau1lly Joana anly to diatrlctt wbo are bonded to CIPfCity and are unable to 1ell their bonds. The suptrlnttndent allO old If the con· structloa of Dana HUia lllah School proved unfe11lb)e for the amount of mon- ey 1v11!1ble, ht mlaht recommend the building of 1n Intermediate 1chool ror ninth crader1, rellevln& Ult overcrowded condiUona ti San Cl,_tt llllh School. AT ALDIN'S PRICES ARE POSnD ON ALL 01' OUR SAMPLES SO THAT CUSTOMERS CAN BROUSI THROUGH THE SELECTIONS AND KNOW WHAT THE ARE LOOKING AT. TOO, THIRE IS ALWAYS THE l'OUlllUTY OF A L 0 WE R PRICE IF CONDmONS WARRANT. ALDEN'S .--.. -NT-•• -.... -0-.. -•• -.-. CARPETS e DRAPES T\1$TIN C.tt ••• 11D ~~r~."" 1663 l'lac•ntla Ave. 11174 ~,!!!~~ c.111. COSTA MISA .,..,... 646-4131 HOU O : Mon. Thru Thurs., 9 to 5:30 -,,1., 9 to 9 -Sat., 9:30 to ! I • _, I TUESDAY DECtMl£R 15 ' I ,' f 'I I r, (, •:oo 11 l lt N91 !Cl (&0 Jtrry Ounphf. 0 4)(1) !!l•I< ,_ - le: (C) .,. .. liMes" (c:omtelY) ·u -Albtrt f'lnne1. Sust11n111 Yott. HuJh Grilllltt. StQfJ' follows tllt kw•·lilltd tr1il of • Cfrtfree 18th· eentuiy JOl!hl min llom Ill• tit· 11nt country tlonl1 tllrouati hi• 111· counters 111 londo11. D !CMtc ....,..rvk1 (C) (60) 8 TM All• Sltow (t) (90) Schtd· ul1d au•sb, 111 Eddi• Allllrt, Stub· by K1y1, 0.111 RetSI, Doft White· ll1td. 0 COLOR-GARY COOPER * "GARDEN OF EVIL"I D Sil O'Cllct Nwl1: (C) "The t•rdtft ti [VII" {1dwtnlurl) '5'- Cl"I Coo111 r. Siwn H1ywu~. Rich· trd Wldmert. 1J Did: Y111 DJM (lO) m n. flllltttMIM <C> (30) Q) lllJ (I) Stl1 Tret: (C) (60) It'! Ki4tlPld1• lldet CC> (30) Qt (I) CIS .,.. 1q (301 m FllMr r111111r tlO) Cl lktklert l4 (C) (SO) m lllandl Ill t111 Sn (C) (30) -Ell) Lt Mora f1111llllr COii P11Jkll Cf) Ktn la tM lt11111d IC) (30) ' l:JO IJ C.11dld C.1Mr1 (30) ID n. '111111 Nun (C) (SD) O lllHJJ OJUC .... ~ .. w ... : (C) "Tiii .... Wiie ...... T1 Ute ,.,.,.,.. (dr1m1) '70 - Stu1rt Wllitm1n, Sindy 0.11nii, lurl Ives. A ll111t sur1eon 411COWn that 1 prlil1l1 mtdlCll rt 1111cll to;in41. lion Iii • d1S011t1 nioun11ln 1r11 Is bein1 ustd 101 sinistK purJlllltS. m Dftld fmt Sbew (C) (90) Guests: L0tltt1 Lynn, Fri nk Min· kit•icz, Slnd1 Biron. .le•ntttt Kihn 1114 .lim RoblMOft, tlndtct lowt ind Matt Alonio. Ill°""" IC) (30) fm I l6C14LI DlllCIS 11 SMCI (30) (kl Tht Grnk H1tlon1I Fofk D1nu Company petfOfms i11 lrt111t Of Sin f"'l!Cbco'1 P1ltct ot Flnt .... E httln !er l.Mll1 C30> Im la CrlNI lite CllHI (~ (30) t :OO 8 TIM f111ftin (C) (60) Ill flliNry $4uM (C} (30) G!l l\I Advoulu'(C) (50) "Sllou!d th• UnUtd Shiu llftl to • COiii· lion 111t1rnm111t 111 Salson7' I!) Clllfl111p (t) (!O) m c...dn ........ 130l m Nltldui (60) 0 ({) NIC Nws (C) (30) ft'lif!C!A(ilurpnd)' 111d Ill••· tta (CJ (30) A ~llit to thl HllOn Ill Bu11ullll1, and an 1ni1 In that 1111ott t1lled Morv1n, I mount1ln· 11111 tri•na!• bttwltn Av1kl11 and Nwtri. !:JO 11 9 CIJ Ta lttlal. Wlta LM (C) 9 CJ) MJ fntrllt M1rtitR (lO) (30) Grtndl)I Pruitt's vtWlnary Olli IB Soci.i Stal""" (C) and o\Jl50n'1 artistic t1l1nl art put "'1 to ttlt test. m Ttl• hMrt leport Ct) (30) D ""' (C) (JO) .Saxttr Wirt. mu. OWldta 1301 •.....,, .. _ (&O) O'J AIC Ewt11ln1 Nm (C) (JO) Ci) M"*'ll 1:45 II!) Mrnklll tll lllalu J £Jtnlla (C) (JO) 1:00 II CIS EV111l111 Nl'n (Cl (30) t:4S I!!) Puttr'i DI* (C) a m JlllC N1Jt1U7 NIWI (C) (30) 10:00 IJ MIT hpetb (t) (30) "'Aliell D Wllft'a Illy UM? (CJ {30) 1114 111•111.~ An u1mlnation ol the m @ (})I lftl lUl;J (30) ICOnomle 111d socill COits fJI illqtl m lul t11t Cltd (C) (30) Mlllie111 lmmi1r1tion iftto Calilorllia. 9 (I) Tunday MOYil: (C) '1nfWI 8 lit 5 Nnl (C) (60) Q11t111.'' Art Llnkl1tler. 0 @ !]) Q) Mire"* Wilby, M.D. GI Kllkll, fr111 1rid OHll (C) (30) (C) (60) "All 1111 Gold•n Dlndtllon1 QJ (I) Trllttl 11 ConMqlllllcal (C) Art.Gone.n A lalhll' with monon1,1c. lli)Chrilf u.. LM•i ••• (C) (30) la it J1norts Dr. Welby'a ldvlet le 1111 lft bid tor 1 mol'llll. B> 1•111'11 (30) C1J i lfl<I, BHIJ lr1M11 ldtl a!) Sl•pl1M111t1 Marta (S5) lou .. Cr-(C) (60} OJ Jut "' (C) l!Dl m HAL FISHMAN JOINS 7:3011 9 (j)1ntrtJ Hlll~Ullel (C) (lD) The Hlllbilllt1 h11d for Cllrtll· fl'llS In Hoohtvll11 ind I PQSl!blt weddln1 for G11nr11 ind atorfflepi1 \ Sim Drucker. Cl FUNNIEST TONIGHT!! ' * DON KNOTIS-GUESTS RAYMOND BURR & JIMMY DURANTE! 01?:'!1.n Klltb (C) (l!O)·Guuh 111 Jimmy Dtl111rrt1, Rtyinond !lwr i nd Conni• Stmn1. IJ lfYl'D (C) (30) "I.Jilt Port ol Call." Louis Zorich 1114 Allai Spivak. * GEORGE PUTNAM N .... m .... hlM• " ... 1C> <60> • TM Siii frt~-Mil (C) (50) 9 (I) CIS .... IC) l!O) IEI LI f1llilll (30) le flltlt1I MlllaM (iO) l~lO 8 CIS -....... (C) (!I!) "1770." Thi fint ill I Mrill ef hro11kattl locusinc: Oii Ille IY'Nltl 1Udin1 to the A!Mriclft RMlutio!li. !'tier lhtino¥ alld [tic 5"'1r11d 111 th• eomm1mlten. tll 1111 Jill• ..... (C) (30) Qt(}) ....... (C) (!0) Ill.., {30) 0 ~ (I) OJ •" ""' ~) '"" "ftvtr." Jullt t iYll 1 ride to 1 111111 ind hls 10un1 ~n i nd finds it?ao D 9 (I) E Mm (C) hlfHlf I ~ldn1p Jlel1m. O QJ (I) m ""' (C) CJ Mlllll11 $ Movie: (C) "'Wlllft Ill• Spin Are" (suspense) '66 -8 Clll Toi 1., 1*? (C) D1vld NIYln, CJTil Ctlwk. Dodor 8 OJ R ... (C) pttriotlutly Jtts lrom London ttl fD TMlb'I t: (C) .,,.,,.. (eollltd)') Beirvt 101 th• Fort lcn Ottic• 1ttu '57-H1rry Seaombl, Ron R1n41U. ttll dlMpptlrlllCI OJ I ft1 lpnl m .... : "'11111111 Cilllll(' (drt· QI TnUI tr C...t111111RctS {C) (JO) ml) '42-UoJd Nolin. ID It Tlbl 1 Tlllll IC) (50) 18 M .... : "Tiii R*' _..... IE f111fNe (C) (60) (R) "S111 (m)'llll)') '55-MlhonJ Quinn. Frandsco Roell: 'At lllt F1mll1 @(])""' llHofl Doi'.'' Th• Jtf111so11 Alrpl1nt, m 1..W. (C) (R) Jtluslc Center Youth Symphony Well Presented By TOM BARLEY 01 !Mo Otl" •UM lltll Concerts designed t() convert many of our more music-con. sclous youngsters into music lovlng concertgoers became the vogue under such gifted communicators as the New York Phtlharmonlc Orchestra's Leonard Bernstein but the happy trend never caught on in any discernible form in our part ot the world -more ia the pity. Jt may now, howev er. if the premiere offering of the ··symphonies For 'i out h •' series now being staJi!ed by the 1.m: A n g e I e s Philharmonic Orchestra faithfully depicts the standard aimed at by the dedicated people responsible for Its inauguration . That concert Saturday morning drew a near capacity audience to the Los Angeles Music Center and it was hcartwannln$1 indeed to sec the exceptionall y good behavior and deep Interest of so msny young {and some of them were very young!) con- certgoers. Our forebodings that an all-Beethoven program might prove a little too much for some of the tots within eyeshot proved groundless and a.delightfully informal concert got what should be a worthwhile aeries off to a flying start. "Beethoven Is Almost 200 Years Younir'' was ()ur theme and much ()f the music offered by the orchestra under the direction ()f associate eon· ductcr Gerhard S a m u e I faithfully stressed the youth and freshness inherent in so Fo1-ida Wins Sour Apple HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Jane Fonda has "won" I he Hollywood Woiiien's Press Club Sour Apple award for 1970. The club presents the award annually to the person "M'ho in ill opinion presents the worst image (){ Hollywood l() the world. The club's more posi tive awards went to J a m e s Stewart, Robert Young and Carol Burnett as stars of the year. and Carrie Snodgress and Flip Wilson as newcomers of the year. BALIOA 673-4048 OPIN 6:41 7" I . •elMa .. IMa hftlntule ENDS TONIGHT "Z" -~ & "THE GRASSHOPPER" STAITS WIDNISDAY "STRAWBERRY much of the great master's work. And It's nice to be able to let our y()ulb know In such a pleasant manner how music written by a man born in 1770 Is ~ pertinent l() the soul and conacitnce of 1910. Youtih iUelf was weU served with the performance of Gita Karasilt, a brilliant young pianist who rtcently w()n the San Francisco Symphon y Foundation Aw a rd and deservedly ao if her rend ition of the Piano Concerto No. 4 represented he.r form on that occasion. We got only the finale of thill glittering work but It was enough ti> show us that this young lady has a bright future before her in music. Delightfully !Wkward and self· conscious tn her approach to the audience. she is guilty of no such misdemeanor in her approach to the piano. We get from that piano what Miss Karasik determines we shall get and her force and authority were very, very good to see in one so young. Beethoven 's stirring "Egmont" overture, his ex· quisitely gay and enchanting "Three German Dances" end that vital, insJ)iring first movement of hi!: F I f t h Symphony comprised I h e balance of this extremely entertaining and absorbing program. If it had a flaw it could be found in the person of con- ductor Samuel but not, we huten to add, in that In· dividual 's prowess with the baton. He was flawleas throughout this program and left us with the determination to see much more of his in- teresting work on the podium. Our comment woold be that Mr. Samuel does not have an easy rapport with the younger members of his audience and this, ~'e would think, is vital to the conduct of such pr ograms. Whatever some might have to say, it is not easy to get down to the level of children and discuss matters ·musical as they should be discussed in a child 's world. By all tneans. retain this fine conductor for his splendid direction of the orchestra. But let someone with a gift for communication with children take over that department and give, 0 through his narrallon, the last Wuch ()f polisti.IP an otherwise excellent iMovation. lido EXCLUSIVE HaD OVER NO ROOM TO RUN NO PLACE TO HIDE , , Gr1tdu1 D11d and Sal'll.1111 per1011n durln1 1n 111.nlthl 1ock party, I!!) 10ftfll•tn1 Fll• (C) (30) 11,lO 8 Qt Cll ""' '"'"" <CJ "'*'· STATEMENT" ut14 (lllsts; Dr. Benjllfllft SpoQ, Fiimed in ~and MttoccQ Cl) No a-. 111 i. Kombm (30) Pat BooM, John C.rr•din•, Tammy & 1111 AUO Grimes and Brl•n B1dfo1d. "PASSIONS OF ANNA'' & "MEDIUM COOL'' o u CJJ m """'' c.n... CC> \~~~~~~~~;,;~~!!!!ll!!i!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!'.\ GuNts scheduled .,, Ol'l'id frost, 1nd Roblrt K11ln. 1:001J a (JJ '""' Aerts (C) (30) LIM Dou1l11 dlscov1rs tht Wom111's libtr•lion Mov1m1nt. IJ Vl11t11ll Cr1h1111 (C) (60) Gv••I• 0 Mom llM (C) 0 Ill ... """ (C) art Colone! S1ndu1, Glenn Var· 12:00 0 Nn ll: "UllHretnr M11" (mys. borou1h. Dom DeLulst, K111 B•I· t11y) '4t--G\trin ford, Nin• Fodl. ltrd anll Asher Snider. Q!l ()) Dlcll emtt (Cl m To Ttlt lh• Tnrth (C) (lO) El Full ,. l 111lnU111t11t &I LI Co!ldftalot (30) (C) ll:JO m All·Mlctit tllor. "'Sim lllil'. • '1MJ lldiwl lidu .,.,... 1/111 "LU M111 ff fl.itt." 1:05 IJ!l Ulla Lill (55) 1:00 fJ NM'lt: "MJ Sh Ceft'l'leb" (dfl· 1:30 8 8 (I) Kt1 Kd (t) (60) m•) '52-M1rih11 TllomP901t. Guts!J h1dud1 W1ylot1 .ltnnlnp, D D Nnn (C) WEDN~SDAY I DAYTIME MOVIES t:Oa 8 "nll wo .. 11 I• Niii"' (•4v•n· tur1) '41-C.n:d I~•· fr1nchol Tone. '"Wiid Hlt'ftll" (advlllf:ure) ·•7-A!in ltdd. lloJd No!tn. D .,.. r1t Ml•" <m>11•1Yl ·st -Rod HudSOll, Cmmttt llelley. t:JO L'J (C) "nit Liit CMrl"' (td'l'tll· tvrt) 'M-TOl'IJ Ruastl. CD (C) "Hunt• .r tfl• U11Uorn" (dfllM) '6~toflt AndUIOll. 1:00 QI "Ollr MIR II Hm11a" (COl!ltdy) '6o-Altt Qull1nw. ?:DO O (C) '1h Litt v.,.,. .. (drama) '60-Rohtrt Stttll:, Dototl!J M1lo11t.. •:001J "Tiit Dellait. ~··r (Cdo •dJ) 'S7-.ltN'J Lnl1. e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Qu•ilty Printin9 •nd O•p•nd•bl• S,r.,ic• for mora th•n • qu•rt•r of • cantury PIL C1 T PRINlltJ(, H11 WIST ULIOA IL'fD .. HIWPOIT IU.CM -1'42-4J21 MET1'0-00lDWVN-MAYER Pr1t1nt. '.. A s>.Ol'J of lcNe. Rimed i:rf David Lean Ryans ~ R:lERTlrMTDLM ·~l«MMD -,..---, ~..QES ~KL.S· Sllrt"' h<l••l•1 l11""" s.t OrMtt er="I ~ ..... --Owillml0.,.0.-W U!E.I HltMil9fl«IPlll. SXCWSIV..El 1-~• M'A'S'H' (R) !~ • • • 7111sday, DKtmbtr 1.S. 1~70 DAILY PILDT L Uninvited Guests Talk Shows Draw Trouble Censor Out, Had Enough Sex Movies By JERRY BUCK NEW YORK (APl Network concern ovu dlsrup. lions 1nd uninvlttd guesLll on late-night liilk shows h111 resulted In the p08tlng of extra guards when controversial guests are bookl!!d or when trouble is suspected. "You alway' have that fear -that someone ls aolna to jump onto the stage from the audience," said one talk show spokesman. Another said, "We have to have guards. It takes a lot of brtad tD stop t1ping or cancel a show." Every network talk show LONDON (AP) -Britain's has had intcrTuptions or unin - official film ctnsor is quitting viled guests. Two such events because he's had enough oI has had interruption! or unin- sex movies. vlted guests. Two such events "I'm tired of the stuff weft in the past few weeks ii· getting now ." Sir J 0 h n lustrate their concern. Trevelyan told the Dally Opposing l a c t i o n s of Sketch. "I've had enough of homosexuals threatened to American, Germ 8 n , Scan· break up the Dick Cavett dinavlan and Italian sex films. show the Friday after "Sex is a marvelous human Thanksgiving. A leader of one activity _ but merely 10 faction had been booked &s a watch othe r people doing It is guest ()n the ABC sh()w and a not my kind of entertainm'!nt. leader ()f another facti()n had "I think people are sex mad. not been. Perhaps they have bee 0 Members of the second PORT THEATRE 673·'260 -CORONA DEL MAI -fOI ADULTS ALSO PL.A TIN6 his best contacts .ire in bed' She's woman enough, ~ · are you man enough 7 ARLENE TIGER· VASSILI LAMBRINOS · ANORE LANDZAAT IC."""'"" , "'"""' • .. PINl~SmN" IV\I MADRID / ROME· CINEMATION IMOUSTRIES Col~ bi DoLUxE ~. ·~. . . deprived of lt." group threatened ii\ advance Trevelyan, who al 67 has lo break up the show unless1-;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;, twin sons aged 11, took over they too were heard . li Britain's Board of F 11 m A compromise was reached Censors IZ years ago. A at the last minute and both former educator, ~ quickly sides were represented on the won friends in the movie in· show. dustry with his liberal at· "We had no problems," said titudes to such then-c<Jn.o a Cavett spokesman, "but we trovcrslal pictures as "Room did have plenty of studio at the Too" and "Saturday security and policemen were Night and Sunday Morning.'' ()l'I call in the vicinity.'' On a talk show a few weeks Trevelyan and his team 5ee ago a comedian walked onto each picture proposed f()r the stqe and complained on release in Britain and give it a camera that he couldn't get a rating, ranging from U for booking on the show, general exhibition to X, only Instead of having guard!! for 18 year olds and above. llustle the m&n offstag e, and Sometimes the censors order erasing It from the tape before cuts. air time, the talk show host let "Nowadays in parts of the the man give part of his com- world a\m()St anything goes," edy r()utine. ft was the n pass· said Trevelyan. ed ()ff as a planned !!lunt. "Aldous Hus.Icy once defined All three network talk shows an intellectual as somebody were interrupted by black jar.z 1ometimcs occasionally in-musicians who contended they terested 4rl something other were being excluded from than sex. There don't seem to television. be many intellectuals in The Merv Griffin show was Europe by the films I've seen disrupted in August when it recentl y. Some of the stuff was sUll in New York . About around London Is terrible. 40 black musicians and sup- "But Jt's still not as bad as porters blew horns I n d New Vorlt. t hope it never gets noisemakera . The taping was like that -it's a jungle." hailed for the day and the Trevelyan said he feared sex studio was cleared. Police plcturis could destroy the were called In to stand by, but movie indu.stry. we~ not geeded . "If the mone y Is going Into In September the musicians them there will not be better briefly interrupted the Cavett film.!1 " he asserted. "There 11ho)¥. Leaders of the musi· will be fewer better films clans met with ABC officials made." and a booking on the show was The censo r had been under arranged. NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES LAST DAY 1111Uf--· iiiaii 11.ICY mn mITT "IT'S A MAD, i.roii;r DEl Slt.IWI MAD. MAD, • CAWll Ml IUEllS MAP w-LD" _, lllC«£TT TEllY·TllOIAS 1111 ETHEL .-M .IOllATllAll WllITTIS Theatre Closed Tuesday WALT OISNE~'S ''WILD CO ·UNTRY '' altack lately. Directer Roman The muiilcians also showed Polanski castigates Trevelyan up at the "Tonight" show, but for snipping 15 seconds from ne ver got into the studio. They ()ne of hill pictures, and he was did hold up the taping for 10 also criti cized for cu tting the minutes, then they met with scene in "The Killing of Sister NBC officials. That meeting George" in which one woman resulted in an appearance on made love to anoth~r woman's the "Tonight" 11how &nd two bare bosom. appearances on the "Today'' Trevelyan said he had ()ffers ahow, I~;=;;:;=;;:::::::;=;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ to become a movie consultant.I-====== '= and ''I want to write a...book about my kind ()f work." ond Lucille Ball "YOURS, MINE AND OURS" Starts Wednesday llARBRA OMAR Sffi£\SAND · SH.ARIF \). '"'~mr:w 1'M0'!!f s,,_J •-'i>w 1UICIUI",..... Aleo ~~ ' ' •Y llH SIJRlTOl. Si\Nli\ VITTORIA '~ .. IARGAIN MATINEE Every Wednetday, 1 p.m. A411ftt 11.M CWltitl 71f "****~ITS ALL SO-FUNNY!"-• l~MTWtOI '-Nt•r11•0t!,.,,__ .. WIW MDonmtlllMGmliJ .......... 'LUS -l•11y Mut111t-S111v K111dtll l11"THE lllD WITH THI CIYSTAL PLUMAGE" IG'J CALL 546°3102 EXCLUSlVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT ' ' w u s A ' 1!P1 PAUL NEWMAN end JOANNE WOOWARD ANTHONY ,!RKINS ''' '0' ""_.. .. ,.. '"""'' "ZIG ZAG" Ill W•llKll I J.-J .. k.-1 hi 101'1 11th RECORD WIEK -EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT Elllatt Gould Dent Id SUthtrland ••• ••• ~11\S ·ll . "Rabbit, ran" James r.aan ·Arl~nene Ccrner·Jock Albertson ,f.arrie~hur Hill -·-·,_,.~ J 111•11Hrl •t• ••••rt .... ,"•'" r•11 •!ft r. it.y .. h wff• cl9•,......, Ht heMl't C•IM h11M y1t. 18th Record WHk Elliott Gould, Don Sutherland RATED "G" -IT'S FOR EVERYONE -Excluaive Walk·ln Run llf TMI WllTMllUTI• CINTI• A llOIS tMtftll ,._ ·1 AIRPORT ~ '" ... "::;:':~ BURT LANCASTER· DEAN MARTIN •.~ I 2114 F111w,•: "THI OUT•OP..TOWNlll" cet HELEN HAYES 'reel MacMurray 'lnd HIT I ~1 Nancy OIMn In he~ w1w '• I b'J&• war~ HELD OVER! 3RD 118 HIT •• ,, .. _.. "llN& OF THE GRli71 IES" <G> • • • JO OAJLV PILOT SC Your Money's Worth · · Complete-New 'YorlC Stock List OVER THE COUNTER How Doe s Your h1come l..,...1111 ................... M -.n1d• ... tv f ..... ,._ MAIO. ,,.. ... IM ..... ,... ........... _,..._ w Cllll I ba Mii 1.-Net '&:.J .... L.-CS,. ca. 1ilililJ ._ UW Cllllil (Ill· ~ .. , 1• H ~ ....... + 14 ,., ..... i;r .• ,, ~ '"" ,, .... $flfl' U• l!M 11\11 + -,,_, M IW Slot U ~ •• Rank on National Scale? ' 'V,""' 61 llV. ~-L~ =t1111 ~=II\·~ ,:("" .. r.4 m; + \• NASO Listings for Monday, December 1C, 1970 -A-~it171 3,. , tt.,.. i:t.ot ~ -; - 9ll1>, ... ..,,.. .................... ,=r. l 41 I• J.lh J~ :r = tz •,\I I; ,J 1i'6 1 "" ."+\a i~~ t'.-,11' •r ~ ll"' 11: = ~= - .... ~-.. YO•IC (A!"I~!!, "' 15 fl' fl'lMrtll 1\li '"" ~\.·.l~ ¥. 41~ ~.~ tt .. :t. u ~I w if»r 11: r-: ~ l ... ! t A! ti' 1-l! i1 IWi.t J: Ullo 1, '-"" ~ f~ ~ ... ,1 ,..," HI( ,': ,~=· 1 ; ~ !!t ... -.i~ _,;: J n"" ii: ~=I! i=:r1:,, .. r ~ Jt~ lia ~t~ :.:.1" ~~:, 1.i! ~i ~~ t~ H:: ~ tH:~~;:r~~1i-I ~ itl ~~:.~ ut ~ •~~1'4! 1;i.,111:~~~1 1!. ~ \~~ v: ~m i·~ -~1(.u·'t. n: :iv.!~~~~ t ~g=·lf" IS •Ji nil: re ~11; !y SYLVIA l'ORTER llow does your inconie r t1nk! ''ou are actually typic1l If the income o( your household members totals betw ee n •to.ooo and $~,000. Nearly 2.1 milllOn -an astoundinl? 36.5 percent -have attained Utls rank. You are actually In the mit· jorily or U.S. households if the income of all members of your household ex.ceeds $8,000. Out or the 63 million households in the U.S. today. more tMn 33 rnilllon -or 52.6 ~rctnt of lhe total -are above WI in· come level. You are in •!l lncruslilgly important minOrity If your houaehold Income ls $15,000 or more . Out of every six U.S. bousehold3, tne ls In this Penn Central Fiasco Top Financial Stor y lEdilor't note: The .aulhor borrow and al the same time of the following is a partner Jn extremely d i l f I c u l t for the Investment bond firm of I Salomon Brothers and is the tnargina venture enlerprises author of several books on to borrow. bonds and interest rates. This The effect of all this on our al'ticle was written at the in· financial markets. was pro- vitation of United Press found. During the first five International) and one half months of the By SIDNEY H,OMER year, bond prices had declined NEW YORK (lJPI)'-What to new lows, at times precipi- was the most important finan-tately. Most reached their low clat news event in 1970 00 prices and peak yields alrriost date? on the.(fay of lhe bankruptcy. My answer is the Penn Cen-Ever since the bankruptcy, tral receivership announced on prime bond prices have been Sunday. June 21, but threaten--rising much of the time and ed for a week or two earlier. lately they have been soaring TUI importance stems not so so that yields are down sharp- much from the huge losses in· Jy. volved to holders ol the com-The effect or the bankruptcy panys securities or from the on high-grade stocks was threat to transportation, simiJar they had be e'n although both were severe. declining precipitately In the This one news event did more second quarter ol the year: to di!J)el the boom psychology they stabilized in late May and that had built up over the within a week of the years than did two years of receivership they began their fiscal and monlary restraint. impressive recovery. It was Jt did more to make the not ju.st that the bad news was government's po Ii c y o( out. but that a soberer, restraint "'·ofk than any of. sounder business psychology, ficial action. It was a warning free of the spec u I a I i v e or abuses in our credii romance of 1963-6!1, .seemed to markets. offer 'ihe possibility or a The policy of lfndlng of. healthy economic recovery ficers and invtstors suddenly free of speculative excesses. became conservative. The rale Th e pen n cent r a I of' Ulflalion began to decline. bankruptcy was a I a r g e Exuberant business plans for disastrous financial calamity. record expansion began 00 Jt was much more than that it slow down_ New investment was a symbol and a signal - funds were redirected con-a warning (l believe in time) servatlvely and began to eon--and alsO a threat I am not at· centratc on the very highest tempting to balance up the grade of .commercial paper. of good with the bad re.suits - bonds. and of stOcks. Ven· there were plenty of both and turesome loans a n d in-both will be with us for a long veslments, which had been the time. However, whether we style for three years, suddenly emphasize the good or the became Ou1 of style. It soon bad. it was the big financial became much' easier for the news of 1970. large prime corporations lo ,i'iiii:a:<iii~iiiiiiii;miiliimiiiiijJ 1 ,00D~ OF OIL PAINYIN&S WHOLESALE WAll HOUSl OPIN TO THI PUILIC If 1•• 1tr• aot 11111 .. A•w ... i11I Senke, Ye11 -"' ptti•f •II •f , •• , r..i:h. $5 and up Yf LIPHONI ANSWl l lNG IUlUU lilt I. IOINOllt, SAN1A ANA '"ONIE au ..... 835-7777 , DIALl!ltS WANTl!D ~ "Your Real Estate Problems Can Be Solved" By A Specialist in Exchan9es fl(l!v!'l!I t•• proble....,, ....,.., • c~oH•I 01111 lfll, •ed<.Ke l"Y•$1· '"*"' Of ilWICIHINllHIU. ll•P••d•lion orc>bl•""· lnc•t•M Inc-. 1volC1 a deublt l'l'IOYt, makt: 1 P•Olll, 1s.se"'ble 11ro11trty. tll.Cht!lft ancl lt1~a1Nock, Of orr•m;,, "" 1~1a1t. •A Certified Reel Estote Broker For Appo intment Ca ll (714) 67 3-31 01 3471 Vie NANCY J . MOORE •••I l stot. '"""'"'"" Lido . Suite 200 -Nancy J . Moore Realty TOMORROW IS THE FIRST DAY.OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE M .. I MKI VOii know whtrl ,.. 1r11 go1no. IDS dots -11\11'1 why WI ttll offtf you lht 11p1>Drtunity to 11n1 11 lllUCh IS you W~lll to. look 111heM: 111tlstlct °" 400 ttpr• sen11ti~1s who 1tc1"tly t!ttnlltd M IDS t11e1r tonflf1nt1. h1tOM« Av1ra0t l111t ytlr tomm1!- 11ons S 12,293 101 !ht 400, Avt1191 toi the 1op 24 111111 wa$ $22.400, •n i11C1tt11 ol $9.618 ovtr prevlwt i~ tOmt. Forlllf 1ca111d111c S1tt1 1nd s1l1t mtnta1111ent 136~01. Sffl1!1 buslntst own111I1&'t.), lt•tkei~. 111llit1ry, •1141oU.111 149%1. .......... If 1111• 1tt11lllllillf ......... 311 fMatitc cone;e 01 tQulY11tnt wDrk ••o.ri111c111 A,clt*: Ow 1trHning 11s1S 1n4 1pbtud1 1n1lp i1 tin t!d YOll 11 't'lllll clttlsiOA. • 0. Jiii --'fff Wt trt Mtk1it0 lllfl'I Ind WOl!llfl ltlCCIUhil llOW. wholf 1ftlllnts "' 1bovt l'llfllJI· II .-1it1td, tlltntt tot MICtlll. MridlCtiOl'I, llllhll H(llllllgl lft llCtlltnl. INTUIHTlDI INVESTORS DIVERSIFIED SERVICES, INC. 111)0 N. I•••'"''' S1"f1 A111. C•lif1rt1l1 147·16Df r;.i:lt,. 1~.w~~ ~~ Mf: i"ra•~ .. :i..,=~;~!12 fi5 tit ':!;w ~ ,.~ ~.:~ .. lA 711 ~ «~ 4& +Iii ' ~-~· 11a 1l4~ 11~ 114~ 1+ ~ ~~~ ~ .. --1 fS1 r: 11 -~. category. '°'°' ·~lw1 1r1M1 tPMt 1111 ......... ~ !"' v com 1o,• ,.1\4 ~i='•l: 'g' ~·· !. •• ;~ ~ ~ ~ •14 111! ff~ ~ ff~ ,~ ~!.:"'/.,~ ,l 10"' It: :11 = !: T•• h tloru. INI 1r1 ,... r. 'Wl'lll I~ Im ur~ '"' .. ''"""' 1' ,, .. •, ~ PJOO ·ill: 11~ 41\i -It. l~111''1l6• 1li ~ 4 at. -I" C11> II , ... 1•~ 1..,. -~ IK.:re are l,760.000 oter=··::~,::1':i~"'i<r, m ~~M' 21 21v. ......... , ~ """""' ' Jl'4lj•i 1t.1Tr1IS.Jlll ll01V.\07"'-101V. ... !T"'"1~ tJ 1'4 11 ll Vi+I. ouse o ~ t vour1 your •-.... t ,... .. o~ J~ •II\ " A~•-lf ""' """ I r s :Ii " '"" ,_,, l' J4\0 .l411i. J.IV. "" ~ ' 1-"'~ ~I WM(ll '\:13 °''"I? 1 4 ~lolr ll!IO\oiiT nf In -,,,._ 1\~ All G1J .II ff H S 11 1:•1::.i.• ~ ff:! ff:: 1f -ATr1n I... t 41\lt 4J"° 4~ +lo h b I •• Ilk ,..Ir ,_. ,, • ·-·· 0' I• I .~~.!" <•' IWI 1,•• !lll·'m, ,•. 10'" I' AJ 1"""91r.. , i . ~ IT ofS.J.O( 4 101 101 101 .... _,,v,, l~ ' ,. llMO 211'io -'" cat.egory Is 825,000 to $49,000. ~::: "iim.,,1c=:.: E;:r. ~: 'I ... : Ml1B r,1si~ l~ ,i~ l!:::,cG~ 1!~ la ~IS~~~!' IN ~ ~ n~ ~ 1~:2;,fz ,j, ~~ r ~~ ! ~ ~;(r.~:i: . ~{ ~1:~ tfiv. \1~ ~ ~ That's2.8percentofthetotal.Mld (blcl), nl••-Frn••11 IE ... ffl;w •Tt. '1~'·"' lllUll ~ Nii m.a.rgrc"" •·1 ll ™' \Ii --\lo tt\:~11140 µ ""' -)S -\loGfflClt .,. '"""'""' 1'11 -'• n ere art -, o t:r ~. "111, 111v. ,.,i.;.1 FQi iiOW >M •~di • " w. ....... ,. ..... ,f~ s~ "lr;;c' ·• .. It• c 1 1.eo '°' ,,. ......... SI Gtti Oyn .-:it 11y, 11o 111,;, Adib "1000 th "::":. ==~·,:::Wnw l" '!~ i 24\lolf Tli ..... oJ irn1l~"'!!~l'lf• iii•• ~ ~m".:..:·•~ iar11 H.4o )0 !~ Ht.'l +v.GnOev.1 .m "u~ ~-u l.4+t .. h •·Jd J'k If oe not 111c:lude Ill Cm. j•jW •'l'l'l'I 'l! ~4~~.1,• i ~ ... :11telfJ "l• »ttj~'~'t ~NvEfh!J.16 M 1•0'4Jll'jOlf~l ·· .. ·~Fdo1 ... IUUI', 1'<1.1'4 .:..:.l'i. QUleMU S I e YOUrS YOU -.1111 r11•rk1.IP, ar'fniil 1 Iii I "' It tc,'t;,:: •lllo 42\l TY\611 F• 1'-~ "'lllllL.lld ltl 1 3 ~ 1¥ .-11 1,75' t.0 llU 11'4 .:.,:.· l~ ~ Elec 1... 11' ti ~ -1~ b8'0 achieved the •~.OtltJ Or m"'ro~--. n or COin• ,""f!S" It.to 2\lo ltP.r_r l"<I 16~ 16" UllllK 2 tl'o A I I I"'!! I.» I . it\\ 1' t···~ 101111 1, 41,1 ri"' w~ ~;-. = ~ 1111 p_!!Dl~.lO ~ ~ J"° ~ :.._·,, . _, "i"'~ 11:: I~ It~ 11· " 2' Uft ill-tt\4' ,, ... .111utc1 c~ ,,,. l:Q ill! -It' \'I t: ~n~·1 ,.. J\.t 14i. l•lo'I + \o'I 1111 R~!lller " 6 sa "' more level. ~ c~~ .~ l"'" ~.,'E': '"" ta ::t .. ,,% Jr-1Jt>1 ~i ~~ :t ~ :,~1e1 -:11 "1~ ,, 111Jo. Ult. 2 '" -t "" ;a,' Fl~.~ m l~I: u 11~ \"'i'tl '~s .., .mo 411 . nv. :+ :; .fljl".flPrS lf'lli101't'""' \lol~ltMtlOll ~U.1¥oUjEnwl11 It H P•.K 111• .... l,\Oi14V. ..,.lolA.-tAl.10 Jl421 .... ~2H1 +'Al 1111 Q 4 ''°j~l6J 'jfi'-'• I• do YOU k' Witho t .1110 IM I.ii,; Moll ltlM IYo )>,la 11;.., C•i• ,., 1 u s ... :r.r ~ ""'AH Sir lM 1..-,7 " ""' -Vt .... $1 C11 n• '6'4 ...... •• 7 ,l'i '~~Ttl ro• : '"' $4Mo'o UG'°J 1 -,,. 10W ran ' u ,,., ,_ •• , •• ,.,,,.. .. .... 26 • ' -' • • ... •• ''~~ ,. 11• •• • • .._ " C•tlC•J'1 II I ... 51 ...-1 " " -~. · .... ~ .. .,.. ., .. ,. ,... '" , ..... ..... -..... • ..-.. c · ... _ .... "" ,, .. I'"' 11 ,.lll , '"" .. ~ , '" lantallzing you further, here is •'"' '•'"• '•~ ,•• ,..~,.! ""•• "",u_ • .,.., H• "'" """ U• ~"" 11 11'4 "' • '"'"' 11 1s1t. u..., u to -Ki c 1... llli'' .., !1.:'l -.-i"! "'T" oiJ 4 4 .,..., !b .. _ ,_ SG "' "" .. 5"11""'" 21• ,_ u1.., SI.• l'4 S\li Allr l1!Aul .lie 'l :IU\.J 2014o w.o. + v. EIKll 1111 .W ""' ,.. .. -" llltT& t. pfK• !1 .. --• a new Ctnsus Bureau tally .a.vM c1 ri,, • oo11 ~1 JR:01.~ lt!~fl~•'•~ ~ ~:tv~\1 t'.: ~ o1~ "l:::Pf..o"°' 90 l.~ ~ ~ +·..,.liifi ~1111~i 1,: ... ,.52.~ ~..., ~ + ~ l~l~ifNLf:: ;f: if~ \'I ! t which will show you where. you =.11 ~~ ~ f:.Z ,. \:c r c 1"" '"' vanea "' 1• 1 .., ....... is..,. 1... 1 n 2n. inli _ ~ e• 1"1 A• 1 " -3Slli ~,~ .. -n 111 u111 1...0 .. J4'-lll4 -J41,(, _ , • I A" $hr ,...., tl'o •1 11 Incl '"° J l&lrcw• tto ?It SAC .51 :a. 1~ 1°" 1..... Cf11U11 I J'tr> ll !!!'.." U" .... -"" 1111 Ull A 11 ll.... Jn. '{/' •· pace. Al~ 1"""1. l~l" ,,•.. ',, .... ,. 1511. lfllo ~ UV. 25 ~ "" uo;, u · ...,.,,,.. E1 I.,. .. lfl,I; 11~ ,,~ + ..r.: Colfll1111t 1... " -31!0. ,, ..... ..., '"' l'DIC• I JI -.. Alrbt F _,, .. "'M 40\.'I "2 krll tt Ullo If\~ ac!IW P IN 11 .... Alli E1 llfJ.60 1 .1' J16 JI + '-" Colt 111111 11 U\, 14to 11'4 + '4 l"llltjncl .tO ~ p I + '' Hshld. No. % of .a.1~11 tt J,~ !.~ ~!t" 1,1 ii1111 H•L k•.:I': .11 ,!!t ~ w11,•,.,.•• 1,pr; 11\lio ""'1+e» .:. ui 44\lt .... .,. u u. _ ~co" '" ••.u J 4lto ',"', ... 4•• -~ "..,. .,. l.l• ?l l/: 1/ \E1/i! t (: AINl11 ••• ·~• Wo _.;Se1•le el ... .,..,. • ,,._ Jh AIMM ltl..JD 11 t7\i; ffh tHa _ k C&lt lft ..,L... 1 11\o\ ·• 11V. . I"'"' $Ir• ,611 IV Ill!. '115 • h Income bsblds. bshlds . .111ce1ac 1•1.• ,•,~ = ~~ ~ '"' 5•1• c'" S'-1 •'"""" w. 1;-. .11.a.1rFft1r ·'° •• s1" .w\ii .w~ _ \'J 11 1.-121 ,, .. ,, .. 1n . ,,,,. + \.ti -1 811f ,• n,,,,._ :-: , U d St 000 'Oil 000 3 2,.,. A!~ L,., ... ~··cl c ' ~IE''" 5"' •..:. N&Jkt HG ''"' 1~"""' Alrllll .IO II! 70'.a. ~ Jo:w. + .... IS t. I 11 .--.-11\lo llV. .... klw• El 1.:11 I • ' .. • I n,,!:., i.·999 ,·.~·.ooo ,·,,~ :,:,~1.r". l..,,,v. l,~ ~U':.1, ~ ~ ~111<>'&1 JJ~ ~ w:r,~E :" i:v. ~~ {t; ,l: !.~ !Iu. r.11 -.. coiu •• ~'/! 1~ i'~ t.tt ~~ = ~ 1:::~~ 1': i• ;~1 ~'i~ ~; ~ ~ ....,., ''O -· '• "--" It 20 llCIClll '" •V.WIOb Ill• lNlTI.IAni5«1t 1.}t )1 )oA4 ,,_ ....,:.:.· \·~· 241 JI-\\ 21 21V.-V.:-•P5v :W. 'Kl'-ft ~+•7 2 OtltJ. 2 999 3 -5 000 • 2% .a.m.c1c: , 'lo'I ".~.:· '" • 1• !'illl' M "" 1111 w•m"• .Ill.·,· ,,•• ,•m,-"'~',·.•,, " _. Jttlo ,,.l _ . 1411 ,,.,. so ~· t • i=J •,-~ /,' '!"" 1 "" 1tl.li _ ,, • ' ,oo • '' •m I••• It'• '' H .... ,. '"' '' g I" > W ' ., IS ., > ·••-~ •••• " TE -· "' " I•• ~" >•" , w~• Hf lllo I 4~ \lo " I flt "' ~ 2'11,(, 2'' -·,.•w _,, -_,. W ••-·->o .,, n -"' 3000 3999 3886000 62~.flElL•t. l~~ • ... ~,.,. !~~,fWll )(\f1I Will''' If 11\liMC.mAS. ''IV. Ml ,.._\lo 111• 11~11"'-'"T$v11l•Jo lllO IG lie ~I 4·000: 4999 3·603•000 5·7~:::::l~~ ':t:';~~~r,c. J 2"'rwfT11r:JI\.\11e11 .. ~'""ci..1111." 1,,, .. ,.~24\lt .... tr~ .~~--~ .... ~"'-1i.~~c~.~.:if .1, 1i/3fMl"~lJ'MI -~~ . ' '. ' AGIMI "·raH1:r:•n• .V•J"'!:frsC..~ 1i~:m:!;:.:!~ Jt: ... !~~'t:1':t! ,:JlJ:lJ ... &.~v.~-1."": •• )ILS\li lU\lo1 15\.:o .···j=•JJ·"° '6111 /\lo ~w +•. 5,000-S,999 3,795,000 f .0% "•m~ok• ',1 •• 1,, ~:.;..,El" 1v. ~ 'tc«V i.. .>w. W.111 f"Ub 1~ U\lo Joni 0111111 1 •4 n Nfl 16~ _ l'I ""' •fl."2 ' ,.,,\ 2• 1'1'1 + Vo J•nlre11 • ,f 1•,1111 1"' Vi • 6006-6999 4011000 IS4%An....;.·'a 1~16 ~OOVt• .. "'-41 ''~" 21 21i;w11111 Wll ~Vo ~ADIUTll ·*" 3J Jt , ""' Jt _.,,c~:,:.,,0~1" 115 """ ISV. l•""-'-JtDlnFll ·.~ UI .~ lt"': v~.::i: 7.000. 7.999 4'29s'ooo 8·.6"' ',"",,,",,." ',l't iv, H~:, "ti ·~ ,,,A s::""-~~ ~~ l: =~~ ... P~ 2,~ 212'Wi :siv~~~l.~ 11 1h ""' "" -"" f1f1'111• so ::? J~ "'~ 4::: t ~ JaoFd fn.C. llG iv. ''~ 1"-.•. • ' ' ' .,,, ···-, •• ,,· .... , •. Howm lft ,:Ioli 1ffi Slttl9 Sir 11 llftl, W•llht w 32\lo " AmEIPw l.1t 4~ ~\lo 1,.,.,.. \JV. -"' -Mitb 1 n toV. i""' 201'r +1'4 JelfCnPPro1 .IG ~ Jf'IO 2llh 21\\ -\o 8,000-9,999 8,106, 12. % .~.-. ··'·' ",,• '1•t"' H~k p~1 ,II,(, 1''to ... Ge I ~ 12 I -Oftf.C lie IS 100 141'r 14h + \'o Jr.;elv1fr 1-: !! + ~ 000 9 """' ...... 4V.4'1!$1r-CI iii' ll Yrd~YE J'llo •'4AmEXP lncl lGllO~ :i~i:::-~OllllC"1.,.. '62.j 2l'lli21"9 'l'ojU Cllllt llG,.li::" ~···i · 10000-14999145240002.'JIM. ...., •\lo HG l'Y.,lS'h ~Gnl'n~l.Jll • ;ti'~ll\lt +l,(,S.on~dl1'11ct '°724V.20illol U. .. JlmWolilO 14 !f" -\o ' ' ' ' ' .'n A.r-H 1l\.'I na. 1-1:.r J" 6\4 7 Am HDlll .40 I~ 2 l :wi i; 211.% t 1\t ~on ldll pj ' I 111/t ""' 1tv. + V. Jlm Wilt pi 1 1211~ ~~\! ~JI,(, ~ !. l: 1~.000-24 ,999 8,425,000 13.4~& ~~1c"•ot ~\.'I~ .... t+Ytn Cl 'U\'I,. ... Hom• 1.ioO UI 1otlo 10\olo 1t\/o "' .... 1111 pl J • ""4 631'r M'l;i .... JOhnMfll 120 Ult ,,,~ ''"" ~ ' ., Ot1tJ. 49 999 l 760 OOO 2 S% Aulo Sd 4 .,,., 11Ylll tnl l'h l \olo A tto-e Pl 2 l 1°"" 1~ lt4illl = v. S"" Fd1 1.20 113 43'4 d "'° 42li + 't Jolln John '" 110 ilV. S4\lt ~ iit w , • , , . laird Al 2:U. 314 HYlll All! 2"4 3\!o A1'1 H<>S• .16 1•6 ~ Jl.'9. 3'1ft +\lo(°" I'll l'f4.Je lG 102V. 101 1021/o ····· J~~~c :to lt 1'¥1 1f f '> 50 OOO-and-0ver 251 000 0 4% aa•e• isv. 1''* I""" 'T Jill Ii MUTUAL .a.m '""'•t .JO J1 lllli ""'-11v. .. c!:: (;..'fi~.' ,u 11\o\ :ll'fl ''"" -\.,, i~~ .to " »..., ftV. "" h · I ' . · . 1:~:·~11 ,: ,:t 1~r1:!ill( 2~ 2t'"' ~ ~ic~',:~ 2~ JI';; F' ~~ :!. U C1111Nt!G t.N· 6~ ~ :,"'J, :t,. ':. 'b, G~!~ttv~i.,,~ 1sJ !~ ~ 4~= 1 ~ Why are you n your income ll••ln p •V. • .,., •n1 c .. 1 :tu 1~ " Mt JC tr .,• 1~ 11 . 11 l l\lt t 1ro C0111 P1tV1er 2 tin n"' :Ill> ;o..., -10 Cr•nl II 3.1J r'r. 5J s2v. » bracket -whatever it ls? ::= ~ 11~ :;l'';w~~ ~ m :;r /t;;'~i'10 I~ S\11 ""' s: .... t::: :::·: J~ ::\:, :;~ :;:: -t ~ g~:'~'J \:1: y J~~ nl: Jn:+~ Among 'he Crl·1·,cal factors •,-,,,,••,,. 'i'• 'i"',.'l",I "",,,utt 20 21 FUNDS .._m1P11c1~ :1, ,. 4l\t 'r.;: ·~ = t: Cor1Pw 11•'.11 rlO """ !1Y:i J7V. + v. GINorlron 1e ,. n.. '"' '"' 1' JOV. Alllt:t0¥ .)3e 1fl ® •Tllo 41!.li -2 COii! Air .2,,. 11' 11 11~ 11"' + "' GtNONe• l.H 10£ 4! OV. ., t '> d t • ' k · 8tlni Incl J S\lr 1111 Sf Pl IS 1'V. AM $11111111 I I 1114 16 16 _ v,, ~fl<\I C1n l.iMI 13' 3'!'1 Jf" ~ -\lo GtrtN DIS 1.'41 l 71V. 11\'o Jl \11 '• e erm1n1ng your ran are. lltnl M'" '"" 11y, 111•••1 1 IYt .a.m Ship .t1111 , ,.. ZJl4I nu._ ..., 1 Ctn "'·'' 1'.!00 '° ,....., .., +1 GtNN DfA . .iG 1 ,, , 11 ,,_ Y k. I Th ll•rk Ha Cl •• l""lo !!16 ll,... A Smtll I.to 154 ~ »\Ir. 161' \.\ Otll COJ> .:llt SJ l•o n;, 1V. -•,; 8' W•1I ~1111 17 !l\O T.I" m -OUr S In CO Or. e Bett Lall ~•!'!lo 1,0-Sl>UI~ )\0 ~ OPJf eeu9ft!lli1• M !1!11i AmWi. ,7t U 4114 4.1\o'I a"'+ y, Kol pll.fl 1100 lJ!.O 1Sto 15'. + ~ fWnUnll .IO li lJ.'MI 2CIA 2CV. -l'ii ' ag .a I ·ncome or a ,,,, .. _ w J" •• ·-'''I 1• -· -• -IL 111111 Carp , u lo'•• ·-· •• . &w.,u" Df 1,11 1 l'O\' -L •'· -.. ··er e y r y I ,,,,···.... .. -,•-c • • -·· -"CC ..,.,. -••L' -• .. ....... ' ,,. ~ '" S A Shi l!f4,1J 7 16V. !11'!! U V. -l't I P llA?.10 11 ,,..., JI~ lt\lo + "' ..,, n ,,... tl1 ~ tllo , white American heading a :::r-HI 3f" Jf'* 1::..wJ' J ~ trtEW vo1111e tAP )lt"'• i:ao 1 • .i t-.u :n~1e,u1 • 1 ~ fa"' m.. "'!' C• ..,112·51 11/ ;r:,,, r.I,(, r._. ~:: g~ ~' i.M JO 74 U~ u .+ a, h hold ' $91198 ' II El lh , .... .-MllY ~ ',1' -,."f!°!. fol.~ ... , .. -•• ·,~· ,o,',' ....... ',·_!! ~ fil t._~ l~ ~ .: ... 1l_l!o -t 1• ~::: m:•,:;: 1'1 !Hit .»>4 n\oio + \; C•,•r~ 1 1~ ~ U ~--= :-! ouse IS , agarnst an S:::. c 1 ~ 13.,, lffY "'"" iv; ~ ....... -.... 1-·--....,,, ...... ..... 24 U'-13~ iih on• 011 Pl 2 J u 'lVt io + ..., G °'"'' -'"' s1 1•14 nn 11;1o average ol '".539 for a black a..... c""H 1»-,,. 1 ... , .. '•""'• .~ •,•, • r. TM ""1-1 ""-1"""""" l.ll '·12 .a.w .. ,.,, 1 a 1100 '°"" 10\lo -.-. :.:. • M !" .IO l 1~ 1tl'l ,,,,. -v. G•UfTll'r>rlCo 1 4J .,,,. 11'1'1 1t\ll ··· ·· .., Bos IP .. ... :11i.., ;n '''°" OI hct;tltl• lnclsl•~ ,.311 •• n f',m z'"' . J "" Ail ·;~ -,,. II ,ICI 111 1.SV. ,, ""' + YI f;lfll'lkl ·"°"' II Hli ""' 2111' • •• household head. Th_ at's 3 11,:>,"',-·,' '" .·,.· .·.~ ',"', •• ', pl IW. , ""°"""''· llK.. .,. INTCN 1·•1 ... , AfnetOll to I 174\ 1111\ 11'9 ··-.on!rol tllt~ /511 JD1'w ... .,.. .-•••• GllMDri 1.ICe I tlh 411'r """ -..... "" .. 1• 211 "" .,1c111 aJ wl\!Cfl '"" ~IA n.u n."I .a.mer"' ·.., 11 13~ 1~ 13h + ,,_ Cno.t 11•.Jll t so J1v, SI'-" .s11.:1 + •\ <>ufl 011 1.so m 30v. 1'V. :Ml + \oo $3,359 yearJj gap Which yawns llrlu k • 11\lo ln!o ,",• 6111 ,,,. m llMtt HOltllla Inv ukl I.If #it AMF 1,,C to 16'1 in. Tl\li 171111 _ V. (f::M-U ,,l.IO J l4'IO :»i,;, :?J~t _•lo ~II llt1fce J4 1'-I'll> ~ _ 1, , 1. , a .... n ,,.,. 1\~ t 'W; • ..., ~ \.lo uulll Mv• lift,. lflv lnclle 6.50 •JO Jifl'lf•c eo· 37 ~ .., 40\lo + "' " .50 •1 29-" 11\'I ,.4 + n llllts 111.10 1 17'11. IJ u _ " into a 4~yeai 1fetime g•p of 1 ·~ 11 1~ is"' I"' T '"" '" r.:d 1bl•J..:.llol>t"' lllY" 1<11 11.K 12"3 AMP 1"!· .so -" •• , l'" _" -i•~ 1.• • n l2 n _"' &:!'s1u111 1 ~ 1• 1•\• :z:u. -i. _ '• St,1155 •~~.-.·, ....... ,.. ... ' .... , •• ·-···-· ··-· ' --"!-. '' I• '' 1-· ,. -su ••'• •• t '· " -,,. .. U • "' -' m!)e~ •• , .. 1~ llV. t'4 -'llo -'p 'lo 11~ 1N,_. U ., .. s.iv. $.C\o'l+\O . . l1o111n Cp l )Vt Klllwdff f 2.00 ~ I M .... 105 ncil J." 4,ll AJfttfllr I 1t 4' ~ Ullo l5fi -I _, pll.lS I "'°' 1"• I~+ V• Guff,,,'!f~ .so,•• 114 lh 11\t 11• Bu• .... P ' ]1"' 11~ ... N ... """""" 1 Jtf 1.t1 Miii ,.2S lo.GS Amil•• rif 411 I ... -"" -l•NI 1.l'e n llV. S4\<I .S•"' -lj, Gu'"... ..... ] n ~ , .. -Your sex. The average In· ~.", w'"••' ,t., ,m ~. c',", 1s 1.w. A<'"'lr•llf F"'1d1: P•" 3.13 •.11 "'""'" 2.Ci " ''"' 2nr. 21u, .:..:·v, ooollot .Job 1,. lN. :1111. v~ _,.,., G0ul!'r. 111 J.11 , 03"" 4:l"" ~ _ '-,,.. ...., •• 11"'-I~ Crwll'I 5.12 6.31 $111(-11.5l lt.05 Mttl Ji ll ,,_ '"' ·~_\II C-klSll .llG 116 lM-o lfl'to 1,... -•o o"' , .. 115.15 I Sol~ .SI"' 1"'" _It come for a household headed ..,Wt! N '"" ~,•,~,',~ iv.' 1ncorn J.11 .. °' s.11c1 1.n t.44 .11n~'1to 220 " '°"" 21 + v.for1n1~• .»-: ,. 2111r 21v. 21"-"' ul!on 1nc1 •1 1 7-. ,.,.,_.., _.. Ctnen M 4t n h 7\.'I 2~ lnour 7.ll I.Doi V11 P!t U1 1.DI Andi Hoc~ 1 IJ JI J0'4 :JO'-'It. ~orCtW 1.!Gli 1l 1~ U:Z\.'r lil.4 -J -H·t-by a man is Sl0,795 as against C1MM 8 .. 1fl ""', • c'.' !!,<., >W Anl1r1 ~.n J.:U lnv ltlh •.33 •.1] A""<:oro Svc I l 1•• 1•• -...._u~ u 4 :.sv. 2JVO 2S'4 C 8d l'h J~ irk '4 ~ Attnt I"• I.ti tJ~ 11111 11.17 lf.-00 AllCI Cll y 120 . ln'f ..... ewi-1 com •1 P4 JV, ,...., ,. " H•dlWI! tlO I li 3,~ J+\jj _ 1, $4,878 for one headed by a c:~'M11, 16-.11v.,'"'',"°' u J6 .11nrna111 '·" 1,M•vv •.11 '·*'.a. .u..c, · 1 J1'1i. 31 Jn.+~~ ••c1c11 • ,, u v. 11"'" 11"".:.:.·\; li•11111ur1 1as ins .uv. cs.. Sii Tb t• I th b U CIP Sow 1..., I r•ll• I'~ l\1..11111!•• 7,lt 1.ttJ MMll(k J.lJ J.f7.Jcoo 1111f5 ?t l1" 13' l.N -1t~PC 1n111:10 121 :wy. 3411 :i.i:w..;.l\Ma,..HW .rlt J) •:i.t. •"' ~ -'4 woman . a s eS! an a . c~p 1niA ,,~ w. LMC 0..1 ,.. .a.u .a.m • .st .•• Jell'••"'" it.:it ''·" A Pl co•• '" n~ ~ JJ -.... ••n• 1 60fl 11:1 l3\lo n:v,, n1<o + .., 11tm"' P11> 1 11 2i>"i Nt.11 ~ ~ · ,10 C1PT•h ra 1'14 LIM• In ""'{< )0 ' Allllllt•\ •.•110.n Ktr'1o ... f\lncls: A~L. II er°' "' " :ZIV, :tl Y., -Vo ledlltt Ffn 1 l6 24'11 ll"" 11"' -•/, "'"'"'llCI .'(I JJ& !D '"' 1~ .... + \. -Your age. The average c ... 0ev 1v. •1,1, Lind "w'•' 2"1 ,.! Alllfl• "' 10,1t11.1• Ail'flllD 1.n •.3s ,,.111,,. sv, 1.,.. 3 ,..,., """ 11\.\ -"" rodlNrl 1 to u nv. JJ 331,o1 _ ,,, H~llCltmn .61 l6 l•'-' 3,3"" 1.,. _. ,1• C••I• II IV. , ... LIM JV. v AmCIP 543413111111 lt!Olt31 ·-'J1117>h11!\li116'4 -1 rompK aO 6 15 l.f.b 140,---H•n<!Htr ,n l ..... "'"l"' for 8 household headed by an Carlt GP lf 11:w, Lar..,.. M 10••. ,,II_ Am lt;1 l'.10 01:u , ~ lo' ",:~20,:~ :~:::N·'!1t 2(1 U !&Vt U + ~\ 'IKISJH1,;., I 2 1t~0 lt"' 19t' H•nes Co .50 \CW llV. 1,:11 Ullio -','9 ' "G , ••• 1.~L•""" •mt.'" 10001 'l -...... -·. 0 ,'JO JO :ie •..• r!IWCDU 401 llll '''I' ,,.!. ····~ Htllfl•M 130 1, so " ; • 'nd· 'd I d 45 t u · l!I< ,. "' ''" C l•'JO l"-' •-... i•U ,·., us Kl 7.J.t 1:01 •<" •n I ' Jl l1h l1~ -Vo -ca~~ I" , ••• ''" "" -"" H1rcour1 1 31 ,. T $ 1 12"18'2 uaTh~ge . th 0 '". ids c:!:~.C•• 1~11 3}~ t!ri"'Coor 2:w. 1 A" 't'' · .... us 10 •SJ s oo "'11 P5v 1.o1 .o J3 \lt nto nv. -•i. ~rowne-Pl t i ;;-41.... ~"--Vo 111rr11 1"1 1 ,, ssl! ~in llv. -~· . ' IS IS e peno Cen VPS 11" lt lellur G .-. 1av. ~~II ... ,t,~~ 1,u us SI 11:0,,.11:sa !~·11 j1.0!' 1)(1 nlo '"' nr. -. rw"Ztll '·" Ill ~ ,,,~ JO~ .:.:.·v;, H•rn:o Co ' 11! 11\t f6:: 1'Ni :t '.'f: h A . k ' Ce<!I Lab '~ 1 Ltwll Ill' 10 .... 11'-'I lnant I JO '.5' UI S2 .17 10.n IV 0 ',., J1t lt:U. IHll lt4io i · "' TS Coro .• It ,. 11~ 11~ -'Ao H•rlSMr, .IO n 14.., 24\/o ,...,, -v. w en an mer1can wor er s Ch<l•llT• 2v. 1w 1.1"' Ml• 1i. •u. 111 ... 11 , .• , t.lt 111 SJ 1.n 1.,1 ,,.,~. • 1 -,1 " '4~ Mtt> ""' -'4 Ull•hv .'81 1ot ""' ,, .. 11 _ v. HarvA1 1.20 71 " 1~ tt\lt _ ,6 · II b k f" , 0 •• , LDIH•.,. ,..., J _, ,·-"'' Sol J.t7 4.u ........ ·-15 4114 4110 41 -" 1111toa:11 .21 s 14 1,c ,, _ ,, Ht ... u El 1.44 1, 31 r,,:: ... _ Income Usu. Y re.c es a Pea '"m'. •• , •• 10•• • "• c" ' >• .... .. '''' '>• ''' .,_, ''' '' ' "" -"" E " •• ,,. ,,_ ' -· -• n '-~• .,. ,......-14 StDCk 132 lot ' • A'" I c•" >< ~.,. -.Sl:tli -.... ""'"' ".U •J t.r0~ llV. 1m + .... " '"' ?J 1114 )1\iO + V. d th ch. l d ( Clln tllfll Nii 4\Ai L09 Et•" 11"' 121'> A C Ml 5''2 io Ki,k~I> l.Jt 1.22 rmi .IO ..,..,, n\lt ll -~ 11<1110.-o ,JM i "' IV. 11.\ ~ 1.(; Htltll lne -1\'J 11, 1'it an t! a 1evemen war s c"" uiJI 1314 i.v. Lv..ct> c 11 11\.'I m 1 s'ot 5•09 11kk Gt 7.tl 1.u "'"' ll:u J.llG 1 »~ 32\lo ~ _\lo C11rtl1<Wr .llG .w lOI'> 1014 IO'llo _ ,,_ Hecl•Mn .11r lJ u n v. --~. th "686 f Chl II.I 1C1 f.2 M""' GEi l•lt.14\.'I :: ~I 1'50 ftt t~ GNll T.tJ l.•1A"' Coro .te 4 lnl. 11 1~+~C11rtwrA J 1 ''"' 1• t• _..,.HelnrHJ I 41] JIV. l~ }I .t ~ e .... average or a 1hri11 '5 11111 111 Mil 111rtv Siii ,v, A!lltrt Giii in Jo.i •• l'ltdl H.0111·• :3;1" _,!,no, 1 , 14\1, ,.,.. ,._. + ,,. r.ur~rH 1.a ~ 21 n2~ 11 + \.'I H'lene Cun :n ,.,, 1...., 11 .. _ ~ household headed by •n in-"''",., " 101 M•Mk•'• 1'V.10l't .11""'°' Gr-· · lberh '·" ·" 111 "' 1·1'11 111 1•14 ""° 231'io -c~ 1.to • 14 .. 211\-H~ Htlltt 1111 • .o 2n u .. "" n.,, +1 . . 11.11et ' 6\~ 714 Mi"ln )\.ti m Caoll '~ • ,, lie 511r 4.:11 S.11 AJllJ() p'2,40 , 41'111 • 4\0 + ~ (YP•llSM IM 11 n:u. """ .Sll,I; -~ H•lltr Df4.07 • 1111 100 IOJ +2 d1v1dual between the ages of c111r Ml• 11&1o 11" M•""' c 1sr; ;F c,.,,,, 10:14 u:n I::. ''7:t ~:~ 1:;~ r.!~ 8G'"l.10 R JV. '* 1:w. -~ -0-~:i::,:;.11• ~ :io 1011 ,','~ 1,!.~ --:+ 14and2t ~1::; tl~ g:z~=~"'M~~ c ' lllQM '·'1 l .4! 1,,. ).jlJtlAICIS.., IXlb • 311 ~'a 4Hi~V.o.111111~r .Uo J7 , .. nt.-v.HHnlfOllCto lT 1J,., ....... C''''' Ml Ub 1•1o M lrowr ,:= 71~ F• 1""'· I.II 1•'i1 L.oolnil S.rr.s: . AllGTran ·.115D lS II• IV. 1nf \oil Dllna Ca 1.ti SS Jl!i 16\~ lf\!j. + ·~ H..m fM A?~ s '"" 1'°" )'>It -'t Y U. n. Vt~ ""IYI ClnH 12.41.ft •JAll'llonf 11111 111 UW \~ m:· ·····o..r11nr1 ,JOI! 191 llV. l)'" ll\.'>-"i Hercu!t 1.lOe tJ •l'i> ~ .~:_:._·;,· -our surroundings. Even ~l:~~"" Mf n~ 2f~ ~:~ L~ 27\'• 1n. ::~· l~ ~ ~ CtPn 10.DI' 1o:DI' ~:r:"ti'k 1.:w. -111 ni. m.. i. +·°' o..r1 1nc1 .,, 1 it :it"4 JI.vi ,..,., _,"" H1r111F 1.M ,, ,..,, uv. :i.v.:: ,,. !hough the average r 0 r c11n1 Mer 12:i.1 lJY> °"" 1~ '°"'Ax Het;tl>tot. • Mu1 u.se 13.ji ,,. 11tc11 l'lf111 J "' 63'19 •Jllo j!! -""Dlt• P••u• 111 111'\oo 10\'o ,0..., ..... Htublel" .1J 11 ,,.,,,, 41 ov. _.., . l".ll"!on 0 J'W; 4 MINlk H J,,. sv. :-... s .. S.» Lulh Ire 11.1• U.1) "~ l'llcrlU.IS 1100 S4 U lfr j -11,j, DflvcoCa l.U 21 171-\o u 11"' -\1 ~l:ih P,;ck ,10 111 "'• ~ """ -"' farmers is swelled by the c-c. 1su. 1~'"' MM Mii n 111 21"'.' ,..,..., 1 7:0, 1"5 ~n 1n :·.l,' •,·~ Alll'ld'I :,Ii.~ 11 101 101 io -"'O•Yca ll4.l5 r:ioo,, .,._, '"'••L ~~~ --1~ HHi ... Hoi•'r, t! !V. 1 i v. + "' . . Coeii• o '"' 5\lo tOt•n 31 lll.l, ~IKl s.u s.n ""'r 0 _ , n ,-;:: Attis C'1lnl 1 •I 51 50 SO'-' -Iii O•,lnHUll .50 .. ,,.,_ .,. ., ., •ltio •I~_\• earnings or our argr1-coo1r C• 11 s.i Merkl •" 11:i:. 1• ~ Sci c. •.Ot ,_.o "'•·· ;·,·· 1,.,· .. ,, ·:: ,,.11,1 Corp 1~ J•U ,.\I 24VI • . . g~""Pt ,_,. 51 14..., 14'1'1 '~ Hoti.r1 1.10 11 OMO ll'4 ._ _214 'IJ " , h ( Calem i v IV. 1 Mlclld C• 1!1 !""It-1-'7 1,•7Mojj lftC i.,J;lff:iAllllCOel lk 21111 !'JO t\r.-\,1, PL plAJ.15 l2'0 SO 49'n ...... t 'y,Ha.rnW•I .to Ji J:i... 1110 ~+ .... m1 1ona1res. t e average arm comn1 F 101'1 1111. 11111• 1"' ll•Yrdl 1.11 1.n ,, ,,_ ••n 11·n ,,. ro ""' .111 zng '•'•• ','!'(: 1,•,•, -"' tll~!.' c.i, 1, ,, ,•,•, ~,.~ ".,~. ~ t!!ff •. ,•,1ec1ri. ~, 11, 6llo R ,, _ ,,. h h Id • od . Colon Sir 1ru. lt1'ii MlclW GT !! l!. IHClll 12.n UAJ " T~ 14.Cll ,,._ ... ,,, •• Pfoll ,--, -"'Ot .... lr •• .. lnli ,.., "" ''° II 37~ ..,.. :16\'o + ... ousc o income. t ey 11 on-comc:e• •It. s Mi>I• G•s ... ~· 1.,., K"' ,,01 1•01 1_ , ~ ,·.· AllllWn 0~1• ~ !1a • o ·•t~ + "' 0.1 M"I• 1.10 ,•,•, ,•,•,•_, ,1,, .• , isw + " Hor 11. LIOti • " Soll\ 5~\!t _1 ~ I 17 2.. · i oo "9 f Com Cir Jll »j Min VIG 16>~ ,,,~ 81.t. Giit j·2' 5.1' ,,,,-,, 1C.U 1,·.s """°"'"' 1'10 12' ,~ 41~ -~· :C ·~~',!.Al,•.-• '' s•~ " 31,v. -,.'-< _!uo,,-'·.~ ,", ,1!!2: 17\lo I~ -~ Y • as aga1ns ..,,O"t or corn G•• 11v,-i v,Mo Rxll \• .. ,, , ,, 1, ,~, ... A'IC•~ .,. ,,, -.-~ -s -,. -·...-. ~ ....,. 24\l. ''""" + ·-ro:1 Jl:\ro , • ..., ~ .,.. • r . .... Id.fl Niu I.~ l..t,I • 11 .... I -'"n Mt• .• 12' 11\lo ?O'lt,,,,. 10V. -,,.., Hfll'V ... Jl 1.JC :Ht ~ ICI ..... _,~ non-farm households• corn n "'Mod sci 4 1onc1s1k s.JJ '·" v c. 11 lt.'11 """<e wt s.i J\'o 1 l -v. 11M1, p11 , ,....., ... ""' _. '·~ ~',!' 1.10 15 H;-. ,. .. ... • Corn HI!"' ~ -~ It 1• 20 llol!Qrl SI 1.SJ 1.11 s ii ll.l~ Ava Oll.10 lf UV. l! )~\lo .. tMYA1I .0, 1111 1-\.o 1'4 7:W. nOID ,,..p Am 11 mi. 2~ rm"~ tt _ But m 0 , 1 ;-portant. c,~, ',•v 1~ 1,'. ""'•.....!.. c,•, J'llo 1'"' 1011 Flln 11.1111.ll IF "'" 1 Oi 1 n A,v.,.., '" .10 1~ u,~ Jt._ JSJ?_ _• ~ "'"• IPl'l'l"I 1 11 2sv. >s11o 1..<v. ,. ~ Ha.t 1n11 • .:w. ,.1, ,,.. , "'" _.. ., -·" lll'lli 11\lt .. llOll I .OJ I.» ,, •• -,_ s'>O VMI '" .l'llD •• -'"" '"' ~ G ''' ff··-,,,, •• >> ' ., I -V. d t' II h CmP CM ·~ Alo"'-' p •n ' S1,, m ...... AYPltf nJD J 40\lo ~·JO «I" , . J !~ IA 1~-""" • ...... lO:W. IOV. 10\11 your e uca ion . I e c ... P 1Mr , '"' .. ~, 1 iev. 11 1,_. $t 13,·..,1 •,·.. ...u~~.!' 10.s1 10"1 .,...,,., Id 1 ,~ '" u•-" ... ,er:e ,.. a l ,, 41l'llo .1!)'14 _ 14 ~~ ~,"',·"° JJ 1•io ""' ,~.:.: ·~ T ,,. 4"4 ......... a ... " jl"d .•• ........ J 03 1A7 ... I " ., .... -\lo li!io lnc "° 36 J5't lS'.lo J~ + \~ ,, ..... e,, .JO •• (] •N 47'\i \~ household head has finished ~=•u « ~ '"" ,..,M',~,,,';: r,: 1~ 1uucck c11v1n 11 Omtft '" 10 :1:1 AZIK on .m 51 ,..,.. 1,14 1u., -"' g"' 01, 1 io " 19 1,1,1 l4't. _ ,,, t!owF 111•.e 7 17,,~ 12,""' 1""' = ~ c A k ,. Jt · '"'" • aullc.k U,fl 14.4, Sl'lr• lJ:n U.IJ -a-ti 11 "9 » am no 1ot1,1,; 1cm .--.ou•I' Df2.i0 41 '"'.\lo "9-'!. •t.V. COiiege. the average in<."Ome is,~.,,,« ,,., o•"•'•'"'C,,M0 ,·,~ 11,',\ C•""" ll,~20.21M Tt1t l,t4 1 .• 4 l ob<•W -,,, tt" n~ et Ed 1115'.JD 6 .. ,,. -•• _,~ ... ,, HOUJF Pllll SI •••~ •• ., ,.., ···,; "" ,•• •• ~ OlvlCI Ii.SI l .I• NeA Miit t.71 t.•I 1,.-.,• ·~. .,. D\'o -\Ii, ~rrer ,J, " '"" "'' -'HD1.11LP 1 )o ..,.,. ..,.,. ..,.,. -• more than $15 000 but if he or c.n1•1ft i:i. ''°' -111!• N•IW s ,.n 10.11 ,, 11111 '·" t.M ,,.., • .... n 7'fl M:U. ... felFln•• ,, 11 1''"' 1111o ii -'I! Ho •HG · '° " '4"" ••:it •4'0 + ., • ' ' E"""er L B'lt u Mvt I Et 2ltt ,:~~ trtY v"t 1 .13 1 .. sJ~ At t~~'' 1.00 1.u a:~ ~Erl~ ,11~ ll"" 31 ~!~ -\i 10..,1n11 1.IO .~ ll~ ~:~ .jil? =;; HO::h oil.Xi 'S i~lt 1~ it~ t ~ she hai1 failed to complete an c~~~ 5-y, J.,., r Mu• ILE l'il l\ 11\i!M Fcl J.t4 _'J "•' &tcur $$<': 1•119Pn 15• II s~~ ~\.\ ..... +I I'''" Shom I "' l-9',\ lt T-9•4 ~aw JOl!n .14 116 ·lJV. n ll \-\ elementary school educat<'on crw1rd i.•n 1s'lt ~,,.,1111c 13 1~! ~G "' f." ' ' 11.1.., 10.1111.2:1 ""'W,'' , llli 1 1 -"' It Sh .rc 1 u n v. 21 2114 +·v. owh,1 .10 31 Ul\ 1,v. lf<\li = t'o ' C•ou Cfl 32 Sl N~IC•r II: n~ " IPlmr t" I.I» llMcl •.16 s.:nl 111111 I fS 10 • I"' ,..., -\Ii 11$ •• 01.10 lO 16 1~ H .•• Hubbr l.71t 41 22!.li ?l:v. ,,,. + ,_ VP•tl -N.1 •ml • Ct1>!Shr s.'4•.z 0.-wth ··~•.17a llfNV J%; ""-' 1ebolll •lb .. 61\lo uv.+·v.HllilhHl!.«I "'ll . IJ u =1 the average;, less than $5.500. cC•111th 11c "• • •, •• "Cm~'' "' 1•1 •11• Inv .iw. l.3'1 Olbld ).t.l '·• ••~•• 01.u 5 ,,1:v.. •"•• 1' ·· ·· c•cit.o.i ,MP 1111,,' .,•~ •"' t H\ld Say 1.lO 1 1tt1o ltvo u v._ 'l Ad I " I 11ro•n.lbt 5'1\S'IO o'f'~''i•c1nSllrll.41ll. fOfSlk •.537.IAI: Tr2ti Il 014 ~ ... CIOfl ,to >11~11"'-UV.114-+l'ot:i"",,.''".·,·!! !1!!1'o ll"'lt ... ._, -n as a og1ca resu o . o.."" M i, ru ~:I lfb ',l~·,'1t~ '"::1':::' ~~11.n ~=' ~:IT tlf I~ ,J·l~'s. ;a = !:v. !lf: t1~ ll~l::i'h~""J: ,1 fl:"" tr~ ~.~ -~ll ·.~·1, ~•1 ,:60 illi ~ fl~ ft~+~ our education, y o u r OC· 8:1: ~ ,:~ 1~ Nill ,MM ,.,. • com st 1.G 1 ... ttot GNli •,211 t.1111 • ,, '' 45 "" +'"' 1111,.. Pl • , 1 ,1v, 11,,,. ,.,,,. _ 111 """' ... •. s • 13 n\'J 1l ,..1 t' II th h hold b d 0 , p 1 t'4 trt11 et•, l'h n1 Crwlh '· 1 s.1s N-Cet 4.•t 5.115 0••, c lrK .ID J 11\'io 11 ll'>lt + Vo ltloll co N ll ltt. ,.,~ '::I_ ,. ','I'' c•'"' !;1,'.. D ~' 'l'' ,,,. _ '.! cupa 1ort . e ousc ea o'",,",, ,,. ,,.trttl $•ell • t 'll> IMllfTI '·l 1.11N""" "'" •o.i !..,. ••• M" · 11 nv. 11 11 _,.. I::?: :JOli -1 1.. •• •• "" .. , ... 6 "· .. •v '" .,.. ~ ' s"°"' 1,• ' ,_, >.1 1.n •-w~ 1>·.·,, 1 .• •"'•" •, 1 01 1 11 IS"' , .. ._ ,,,, _. ,, •-' ,,~ •• .... v. n•\ii 1Mi -l , I , · • ... •51' -ts ' Ser .. ,.,, worker th• o,. """ 1111o 16 ,•, ,,,., ~ "~" "' · •• " ... "' •• ·~ 1 SO'llo JO .._.._ + • , """' .20 111 ""' e \'J " + ,, • ~ ''-" Ch•H Gr &e1: trt.wi1111 11.n JS.OS • "" '1 10 lt\lt lt\o'I -"gwer111111 :w. 6J IJv. n1t J"" _ ~ • Pow ltl2.10 1110 27!1> 21Vo 11\it average income com.,' 10 ~1: l: ,;~ .,:v. ~,E11.;,G! 16'1:. n CtDlt ,,VI 1.:11 Hlch Sir• ,,,...,ft.q l """"'n·""• .so s "' """ "' • .. tvM.., 1J.. !' 12~ U\.'I """ 1 \to1morrco .\m 1111 ,2,,, n 1,1, ""' · · · I . . Deihl Int • "":::,,. ", '"• lnl. ltl\.:o Funa t.D' I.I' NOf1111 11.•' H.44 tu " .to 7t o 41 4111 -\i 51-r 1' 1 ! 1n• 7l\lo 2,,, :w. I!!:"" Co 1.«1, 111 :.."" n,. l•i. + " 7 ,063. But If the head IS a pro-Olhlll Cit 63 ... "1.·,·.· ' 71~ ?tl-'I F'"' ••.J1 11,J.f "'°" 6,41 ,,., t:~ lab ·11 n 2S~ tJ JJ.... . . . eMl\J '.to t1 "" " Sf\lo +I 1o<-c, " ... ·I ll IOJA. '* 1011. _._ .,. . Der c1.,T 1«11 1s"'" ''" :llV. l"'l'od 10.1111.n • 1.1, "°' 81 Cl• ·• ,. ,,._ fllo t4l I 41 Fna .tre n jlll t\.lo ,.., _ v, 111111,,~.· 1 t.\~ '"" flll ress1ona1. the average will be °'' 11r 10 . io:w; ~,"'•,,•,, :>11,(, Jt P1CI 1,16 •· IOI 'd 11.61 U.1' '''1?• 1 • ew 40.,.. ... ,. o...-11w •• '' 1 -,,_, ''""-l'I 11111 H,-,,,-ll 101 1w. n~ 11'-' . Dewey E Pi • .. 1•1 1l~ CllMICI 16,1S 11.l 101 "'" '-'~ t.55 '"' 111 I lM lift Ullo llllo Iii Oarlc Cit .JJ Sl ldl(; ,~ 16V. .. I .. ·-·· ''n"' !!. It II --4to Sl4,702 -morethandoubleo1amC• 1s 1s~!'!ce""o',, 10..11~c111on111• wmSll.MU.SilfflFl!!l'l.19 1 11 llG\.0 1\ 1 r:;:oHw< 1 n•' 1 -\.'I r' ... (,,i.:n""'11i1o +•" 01 l"C l 1"I,. ut J l U. E11u1v' 3.'3 J,t7 trttit 11.JI 11.211 ~m..n JO Ji 2W. 15'11 ts>I -•.r. llm J.'9 1tt 10\o 1!1V. 70V>-:II, '*'•IL I~ 17 141., """ lll.t -"s and A difference mounting up 01~ CM ,,,. J~ ~!.!',G!! 1~ ,,,\ ,.-111111 11.1111.os 1.J1 1.os -..r Olck .JO 11 11'\t. n Jiiii + "'" r1...Cp 1.• 1 32"' J7lt 11,,,. _ v. :ncr-111 N,•~~·'°, u 111,1, u~ 1~; _" I ID'I> 11 ,... I•,. ti,, "• G,.,.,111 S.4 5." Al¥ f,'5 lo.51 leec" Al' .15 lS 11\'o I!"" IR1 -V. 'Uslncl:t 00 111 ~ 311,(, :JJ"' _ \0 1 . .., 11 44 4ll41 O'll + 1;. lo a huge lotal of $345,755 over ~i:;: L ,..... 10 NW P11h 11v. 21 11 tMorn t.1110.n OTC Sec •.u 10.M ke.;1 ... h cni 11 121 IJ\t. lJ"" ,,.._ or111 p1 10 n ""' l5.\i. :1r111o + 1,1, r:::r,1t11 ..n.11 •• l ,,,.. 3,04 l"' f • k. 1·11· Dow Jfll\ ll,.,.,,.Nvcl RK J JVt >,(Ml •.11 4AOP1Ctl'ncl '·'' 7.611 1::,0 Pet..SO Jt n lN IN +·;,..0r11o,,.p , • Jlt~ ll'h 31'1.i:i -\,1n_ ... ,s1w .. ll\lo 11 1 -t• 0 NL l ll.:i Ollle Wit 23 ,,v. om5 •• c:SO ..., PeM SI! 1.$4 1.54 eklnaH .IClll I 1u,;, 1#\11 U\'9 -It. Dv-1""' 1.40 '' 1•'11; 2(1/i ""' = ~ 11\Sllco .70 Ul'o U V. ,~ = \' a wor 1ng· 1e1me. 0ov1e 01 1,,,. 10u. 1e ,,.,, 1V1 111o !°' Gn11 11 ,.11,Jt 1v• 11. ... 1.ot 1.1s !:"'"' 1... • n ll'A ll'I<. _"' o,,.,,.,. c, , ,, ""' 131,1, 7'V. ,,. ..... s.i,, •i.. •v. '"' ~ Each .successive census tally ~'" o 11 11.,., OoT Sc,•" 13v, 'l wt"' .111 '" 1,3' 1 Miii l." 3M a." "-.llG » 11.._ JOv. 3'tit I"' Olli• i>l'l.J'O. rtea 101v. lOI 10,"' 1n~k 01.a.1.11 1 11 """' 11:w _ ·~ dramatizes anew lhe extent to ~~'1'P':'in• 1:~ 1~14 8:'::t"TP. ,f,~ 11~ ::.i:: i.. lfi ::t: :r:,'" 1i~ 1~i1 e.1 ::.i1•.,~1C~~. fl 1:,.r. ,~ ,L.. ~ g:;,:6i~lo. J ;J~ ~'1 R~ ::·:.; l~:~ .. c~10111 l~ ~~ ~:: = = ~ IC wt • ·""~""tit.a. ]\lo •l'leom .. r ,·n •12Pln1 SI ID,7'10.1' ""'"I.to Ill 2~ '"" 2f" It. DI.Jolin ·'°' uo """ lM'o ,, + a:n,••lklnc I.to ll Ullo "~ 11v. .... which we, the world's leading ~::, ~ 1No lO'!li •Y<•t 111~ n Comp Bd 1·59 ,;~ Pror1 F.nt ~.,.,.; ·~ er1111. p1 1 1 .e" 4th .,..., -" 11vP11111 Se 1" 171i. 1ni. 171 M i.111 "' 111v. :rotw l 1 + ,4 middle-income economy, are ~ ·.se. , m 2" P11111 1r " .,..,, ,... ·,. iJ1 '"'~" hw •.n 10.41 8t!>fl• ou..JD 1111 s. 51 ~ .. duP11111 PU.JO • s.t\.\ ss v. s.s..., +1 1n,, .. ,, .Ml!) •1 61"' 65 4111 + ,.._ Lb 2SYt~• EC Ii.rt 11\lt UV.!omp jl"d l ... tHPIDn Fncl I0.7:111 ,'31entflC1> 1.611 t2 Jl Sl J2 +l,(,lluPOl'llpf(~ Ill 11 '/o 10-\o 11 :,.·,~lll!CllM Net~ « .. :w. 41. 41.,,_,Ar. . ~ Ptt.EI li ... lJ Ptc .a.ui. •I~ J\lo ~cl i 't:11o'aP1lc~ Fund1: a. ... ," 111•.JO l 11"11 11 .... 11\lt-I Dll'ILI '·" 11• 11"' nh »1"+'11]ntHH•,, .. ,'·!! Al<i 11\~ '"" l7•J;+t~ surpassing even our own Elba 5,st ~ ~Pie '•E 11 ,, 11nSC11 1" 101111 ·31 c,...,,. n .1121.:tJ Blnt 5al2.JO liO 11 11 31 .... f:;L.'•'' 1.111 '8'Mlo 1ta1. 184'-·-. n o .4.... • 1:n~ 13'Ho 1ii. asp'·rat,·ons , n d m 0 •• 1. n g ',"', .r,~&• ", !. ',',~, ce m 1v. c111111 M• •'.ts 4'.I! trt E•• '·'• '·'' 1•no,,..1 17' no S'o u\ -•1. 3.1So11.11 ""° 11 11~ is +1,,., J~,' .'.nJ1111,,... Jia •v. tl,I; "" + ·14 • ,., ,.. ~ ·~v !Vi I'll> Cc.nl Giii I u 1 )1 N .liflt J.1.15 2J,7S t1ktv PhD Ttl 1\1 1"" ~ ••• 'l'l'l'IO 11111 ti J"-I V. .._ '"' P ,,w :U 11"' II ll:W. 1 ·• tov.:ard the world·s first upper-El Hwc 1wo 1•'4 ,'•~,· OJ 1'1\ '" Cor• 1.c1 1i221s'63 ••° Fur><1 1·"-~ '·"Ir.th ~u 1.1a Jta " w.-. 10l'I -v. v,,.,,..., ,20p "' s~ PO sv. :.:.·;-' l"1 MM!.,.••1 1u uv. 1;m u ~ EklCll'I' f!' IV. ., .,. " t"ll 10"" !"'Y CtP 11'1112'111 Pre Po.II '·~ 7,tt Q Tlllee . .O It "' 4~ '4"-t1'4 -£-F-I~ NI~ i·... ,,", \!h •"<s '•''•' '' m.,ddle · c A d •r •iii s,,_ p...,1., .. "''" 1• '" w0 ,. ,·,1 '"' P•ov1111• 4-IM '-"' 11ttk 0tt ·" 21 51 ~ ~ 111 c ... tnomeeconomy. n e'r"svt nli 2 iw•llt 10141 ~ , .. woai ,,.,·n••u11sn 1,,110.Si&l•,lrJflhll .• .I' 14>.I 1~~ ••~-'l'l!••l•Plc .to • n~ "'" ""'-Ge<1i'"f'·JC• '° u:w; 16 1111t :...·,4 even though infiall r cent! °"' '° 61 Peor1 Mt lllliol1W111ev•" M 611·,,'°·"p"'"•"' 1<ur><1~, 1111 L.111111 11 ~ 10\lo :iov. 1 111:oco ·" 10 '"" 11 1~+·•1.i'"111 ' oi l 'fi'~ :itv. M~+~. on e y E ~r ~ •1.4 P11t1n T 15 ,,.,,., Otlt ... llt G•O..o· . Fot;ll 6,t5 f,611 llotkHA .u il 41 \lt Jt\ti 11\'o +ii~ ••I Air Lin ,,. IJ>.. 13\.'I 131/, ''''' '~1~1!} .II IS6 l\lt ni: lJ'lto -\I has been cutting deeply into ~~S OH I'™' 15 Pp• Entin II,', '"" o 1 10 14 11 fJ t.enr1 l~.u 14.:lo! ll::r.l•ll 1.10 '' Jl\11 JG'h SD"' -\'o li!GJ 1,CWt St l.!V. 3l 35 -~ '--.. l,1S I 111 n UV. -\' ""' c 2$ 16 • Ga.w JM:.11'.i. o:f"'r 11·tsn·s1 GrTh •.11'·''~ le trk1 "1.s"" '"°Uh -"" 111,u1111.t0 I! tlli i•v. u v. •. ::~;'°! ',",, •t"" "11+1 -~ "real" incomes. we still come e,~:.. '" 1~ Ptl'H'l 'Pic 1h J\1 ... ,j, .-3• 1·,3 1ncorn 1.~ 1.26 1.,. n1 co .-111 111 ldo u u11o -v. .11 oc1111 1. 4 13..., 1"" 13v. -"'° M , 1 , 1 1 71\4 + ~. II h d he t f'~t.:.,f,1 a l PU.I W1 1V, n; r::'"' Col n 'n 13Al l•ov,st i ,11 1.~) aolsC1s ,lSll 241 c.1'4 •t'l'I 4"1 -I;, •tol'IYI l,ICI « lSlr> l<l'I< .1$1/. + '4 GenoPCD ·'lo J .S7•1o .Sl'.'1 51\11 .... out wt a ea over l ong ,._ CCM'• 114 "" Pt1felfl ,31'1 ,, , ,1· ts 17 ts v111~ 1.~1 1.:io Iona 1" .l l p I 1y. '"' 1 + v. c111111 Mf .u 15 .10 Jt4I 1111-\ -"'G p b m · ..,. :ion Jt\.\ JG + ~ -·, .,,.,, l"hl•Df 51 ,, '111' • • Vfl\'11 •'••ll4•-Mtn1 '1 It 1t 1' _.,,e-c•trllJ .11 $43' ,Js ""•-1 .ttiuMUf l.olG' l1't1Yt11•1o 11t1 -'-" Pull. So: "How ;;ire you keep-•,:',' To:J jVi ~ P~I! Sub . •ff Fcl 11.0112.111 """~'' ~· .. ''' Barden 1 70 10 26l!i 'I"' »oAi 7cllJCH1B•o~ 1 1 :1111;. ··~ 1p;, _.,. g • ••t :to 11• 111 ,., t " •l ... fJ ~ 20t. Or1vl L~ 12.11 U.JI lllnlrll 1•)• li1o.1 l11ttW•• ·1,1J SI 2"lio 2 y, 11''° .:.,:.·~ l!C, &Gl':..10 61 Utt. it•.il l'A' -""'~~~fon,1,1110, O 0i!;1," SS'lo s~·, .,_ Ing up with the. Joneses?" Fl CKo " '"' 111111111 * • E11on&H-1•d· ""'""' i ,,1 6.1~ 1er"'1ns . .-o • .,. ~ 10"' 1~ f! Mill"' .?t• :M 4~ • .,,., + ,., i • 1 ... •iv. ''"' -• .. 11111" t,f)IO,Jt!.r: ..... 11• 1J.I015,t1 8osEOk 77• ·1 »\'I tt :ie.1t.+·~1IMu ln.11• • J~~ J',• J'a .. :. ~qs1,1~? .SOo, •• JG u;n: 11" II _ .. ' ,.,!:!::::Z::::::>:: ....... z:-:C.:"'E!"""' ........... "'...... G,..llo ll,1S UM Sc:llflcltl' '"ncl!' lour111 IM l '" f'lo it· IKI ""'cc '*' 4\> 4 i " ..., J7' lCi'oi 194;, 7'h -lo IMorn 6111.67.5 lrll Ill• IS.•l l~,11.11 lr1111 All' .St " 1 '* 6~ .:..:·'"' 'Mt/ti Mii Ut f\~ P.o 1(~ .:.:.·{, g: fr.~ \\,lb j JU 2111 ?l'4 2t:i. .. ·-lff<I 7.tl 1.31 ~l>CI 29.4{,..41 5,lol$1 1.• J Sl .JO"ll ~""-' "-lt.\Mat If JI' 10!11 N 1019 + "! ' l -W ,.. 6) -I ! I«-,1>,.•,, 11•1·!! Ill H.71 U,,7 Sr!if MY 1.10 Ill t4VI _... -.,. 1,lft trt1t U ••,1 .... l'l:o tnnco · 160 21'l> '6'4 11\'t .f. " M'11 · ·"" Cot'I $ft.IM t.Ml•lllMY Ill !6 <IA ~r'i t"'-t~ 1 t111NG I 131 11'" II 11 ··:··ge.;::,\•p,·':'1 ~4 llt II,.;, I""-'o lttl 11.SI I ... Serurl!y l'IH'lcls: Srll Pet ."3t 111 lh' );\' ti..-•• tr.C-11 1.lO 16 u:i,, 16 :l•l1 1 '" G p " · I J.i ll'°' lJ .... -1:0 Emr• le J,U $,,I E....i¥ '·'' J.JI er Pel fn.~ J 1~ .... ,...,. Et I.II '° U\.'I &J'i ~ \, I ai;ll .IOI! •!I 5l'li S)\lt Jlllio t ' ' tl'9V 11,$411.14 l~lff:lt 7.l'O 1.4' lldwv Hiit l 4 34 l.IHli l,CAli ··· · mEI II I f!I l t5tlo t.(Jlo t5i o G•~CI Pl 1.w I 14tl )41,,, 1~ ;\o nlP•lf: S.Sl 6.IM un.. ..111 t..tJ Ill•'"•' P'l1 1 Cl.\'io 41 •1\lt +·"" ........... ,.1 j~ J.1\1o Sl'\\i ··:. g:,~01,~MJ I si1. jJ" .S2WI t '• 111111y I.JO t.n ~IK Am l.t,\ '·" lrt!"" Gt .ICI 71 31•4 1'!" jlf.li + y, ml'11rt 1110 H llllo ll._ 11~ -llo !,ienyl) 1 ·..., n~ 11~ fot.t = Jot. Finance Briefs YOUNGSTOWN.Oh;oC UPl) -General Fireproofing Co., 3 maker of office furniturt and equipment, s~id It has filed suit in federal court in Ne.w York charginR A mt: r i ca n Seating Co., of Grand Rapids. Mich .• with \'iO\ating the anli- trust law&. The company dld nol reveal details of the C'Om· plaint. MlA~fl BEACH (U PI 1 - First Really Investment Corp. ha!J bougllt 6,$00 additional acre~ of ranch land in Park county, Colorado. The com· pany bought 42.000 acrts Jn the same gtneral rr:glon last month. Plans ;u•t now being m11de to develop and market the property. HAMMONDSPORT. N. Y . (UPI) -Taylor Wine Co. ha! negotlttted a $15 rn i 111 on revolving c.redit with e:ight b1nks. led by Lincoln Roch~ttr Tru~t Co. o f Roclluter. Interest lhrnugh 1973 wlll bt ~ of 111 poinl over the prime rates. N&W YORK CUP!) -Com· bustlon Engineering Inc., said Ill miner1ls diVbk>n will 1ptnd SS million lo expand lls ' ::: ~~ i;; ~;:f t!,11S~: 1}...'f It~ l~"Ut 1.1t 5f 2~ •1~ ~b '.; ~ ;:~I~ ·.i !: n,~ n'4 ~ + ·;~ g-l~~o·'.~ s/ ~/}; lfi:: U~ +-:: •lrlll 1.7' tAI "" jl"t!f UNwlll 1-Sll•• .» I tV. t m + ¥1 llfl I IUI .)! 10 10h lo>. ltlllio -V. G IJ<'.it Fl" I 13\lo -... clay and bauxite processing 1•.., s.. t.1• 1•,-•,• "91f A• 2s..w 21.t1 Bwn$1\0e I.JG n "" u"' »Ill_ 11o Wh ~1 1.10 ' »'• 1.N1 D1o1 -v. & llCILew 10o 111 .~\"' f1 f•'4t -,.. , ... Crllo 11.IJ .•. " ON" ,f4"2 l• • .n. BUCY Er'·" '° "~· HI\ )lh i "9 -r d .IO.-1~· 7JV. J) n>~ .;. ~ lll•Uc l 0.IO 1.164 4''11 ' !t -"' Plant at Ande-'nvllle Go Fkl 0t1t ,.11 ·· 1&1 t.14 •·5' IUH c .. -~ •1 n,,. 10\i 1111 ss 11c: 1-10 JG 2t1 11"' ,, .. -"' 1 ... ""1 a. 1 u 11·~ ;,.." ··--""' '"" ' ' fkltlltv Gra...p: Ito"" F\111111: SUClll Co lfJ 11jl JI 50' 51 llUltt .:Ill ' lU1 11',-, 11"'1 -~ Glnos Inc f'l 1I' _... -~ 11011 la.ti 11.n C1~n 1.6' l.P ludtF pf... 1 ,.,. ,,. 6\'o ~ n••l"t 1.7t 5' n'll )11• n•·, +1 Glen Alelell 11 ~ 'l:! 'l..., , 1sn 11"3 13.111 llWfll 1&.to 11..S. 5111191 '" .41D 4 ' S'h Slit "' HIX rtn.M I 41 d 47 Glln"-1 ol1 JS I 1IV, ,. .... ,..., -'° LOS ANGELES (UPI) ..._ •ol 11.ll ll.tl ,. .... 11 ··" , . ., lul'I'•• 1.1• j ll l2 V. 31\'J -~ EiterN" .:JOt ,, .... ... '""' -•• , eob.t M.i1n "' lll.ii ll nv. .. "" kl•I 14.M la.OJ ~"' II 1,75 ,7J 1u ... 1w ,.o .. nv. H »'• +..,. '""''Co M •1 111'1 20\l 20'11 -1~ 1111e un .40 14 j5'-" 14._. j•"' = ~ McCulloch on Corp and lds • p,,..,.. '·" 10.JO ~~ t11w , .• f.06 e ...... , 11.,.., n• "'" t\i ·~ Ellrrt 1112.40 "' ,.,~ ;I.I )41,(, -"" rkll , uo lh 111, "" + 'II · S•Mlfl'I t,to i,lt ~1nv Gt ''I l:l! BUllllll: .,1.5'1 1 llU. Jl '4 11:ii, t' ·14 flll'Dfncl ·'°" I u•~ Ut~ 11'!. -\1 , 5.1 m JC\o'o /l"° Jll\$ _ ~ Oil P 1 b T•encl 21 ,11 u.u 5llYer 1,,,.. ll.O l l &url lflf' Cl ,,.. « ., « I !:¥tn1P ... ,, •1 "°" ., +1 g;:JWIYA J.4 d 1J.lo. '" ,~ + ... rograms, nc., ave tom-,1!l,i"'1.1 Pro.! :k>«lr1 '·" t, 1 11.,,.,1 trtp 1 ·"' 61 ,._. ,., , ENC111D 1.1s 1,. 20v. 11 JO>.to + \' 1<11"' 1.t0 J1 JI" " " Pr.ted.ndtested.g"welll•n -,.II (.JIMI'"" Ill I.JI '-!?.Slll'Nor Pl.~ 1' .._ .: ~+~fllltrft .411 111:1 11,,_ Jj\, ltl.o -V. rtc11 .i.(I $91 ... :11~ 2f :.:.\,; • nctu1t .Jt 3.U ltlM SI ., ... a .•• Bu•flfv .1'11 s ""' 161'1 ,. I fKllt'A .60b " Jtl.I )tt\ lt'h 1 ~··~¥ 1.llG 11 11i. 11\oi Hilo the Hemphill County Texas lncPM s.11 s." 111•"'•" FuMsl· ,,,.,.1hs ·'° "'1 I01\o'I lim.i tte~~ -U F11rc" C•"' m 23" 1l\'l tlo,, :1o r11111u" .to 4 1610 :i.n ~tk +·t... • ' V•nt s." •. v Am Ind 1J1 ·'' .... ,,, U"fv ' 11111; " II -Fiii' HIH . .1111 •l ~ .... • ... + v. r111llCIY St! SI JI~· IQ'> "" -... portion of the Anadarko baaln. ;:1r .. ;:g1, 1::~ 1;:1! si1~11e.111a. ~;, 6-" -c--···· ~:11~r.r,1,,~ J 1~ 1\~ 1U~ _ 1, -J·K-' TheweHwas.drllled101deplh =:1 11\S,': l:n t:tt c!~ °' 1 ;:,.'~:'2~:::'11(~•1;: J: ~1"" eo>~ •1 -1-~:;:-:i:,~11~ ~ ~~ ~lt '~=~j:'~~. ":JI:~ ,t..-"'· of 16 990 feet and nowed at a,,, Mu111 1.11 1.11 1 Stec•.,. 1n-» u.,. c11 Fln1"1 11 l.. ~ '~ t ~rFtr w111 F1" 10 17\'t 11~ lH• -.,. 1"''""• .Jt !! u~ ,,.,.. ,.,,.. .:..:·.,. , • ''' N•l f,15 1.n -v· ft•: Ct:ll1h11 Mry .i llltii 10 1 P'1r111Mlt .11 1'11 tl" ,J.., 6Jlll -"' °' "' 1.40 " •t 41111 Bl.II + .,.. d;uly rate of 20., million cubic 1111 si.r. s1.• 40.ff i""u t·1' #·C ctm•RL 'i:l~ 11 ,, 71~ ,; -1: FAS 1~1 .1't ,,. ••i. J'lo '""' -1., K•! .. st"'u'" 1 6J lJ\• JJ "" + _.. feet ~\:' cc= lU ... T:'.. ill 1°'1 c.i "'~ Sti . 0 1tt Jr-• -~ .. :i~ t -.. f: ;:'fo 1:1 ~\'.-?ri: \~~ ! ;: ~:: u':. ::~l I u,,. Hv. ·~ =·~ . ,,• • ,.,. ,,.s,ncr GI iN , ••• e111., ,•N,~~ • .. ..... F--'MfJ!'" .. -,., "'+ .. K11Alllf •,12 1· S9 )f\O M• .. .:. 0111 ,:03 .:.o TMR ,,. 11'..tt 1 '.44 11p~ •fn;: 4l ~ to tttt ..... ,;:NM :,, 11i't i;1, ,;,;.. 4N + 1;::;' ~·~.i;if~;n,:: 1t 1tv. ,,,. ~-I • PHILADELPHJ.A 1uP1) -F~::"n\'' ~r!~is.1• t!::Zt0 ,•1:lt ;':H :r~~i 1, r, · • fN .., ·1~ ~~Ptc 111,,J '1 1:.1-o 1~ 11:; .= ~ " IYPL• tot n n:~ ht: i 14 =: SI•• Kil ,_ F b 1ntt111 1 ttllJJ"""" ' ·• ·• 1•u11eM f1 16111 rt~ fm+111 Ft<tr,P.., f 1j \,\ii \1., \~,-.,.~PL ~c,10 ""°• ~-fi "' ~ ,.., m ...... ne • re n c M11i.1 1.'11 •:ls -cM• 4.Jt .1)2' ~MOCa.Oll s rJ.ia n r , ··· F..isttnS ... ,, u ui~ '\ _...,. ~ !Id 2 n~ '"' 1 l'I _ ,. '•bo t ... 1 .... _ -"' ,_, ... II',." ... l·I' JI .,. PllJM 161 f , .. l~:+:U Ftc1tr1ll lrK u '"' ""' i ; .. ~ ..... ,.,,,, ... l~ u. lj -• l..lll r1 MK:a, nc.. IMQ '-"" ,_~ .:n t:n •IW £11 ' I '· ··-fl( ·" " ~ + FND191Slr I ,,, • Jt 2'1.r. -~ I ,. 1W , + .... ••lned 1ppr-~ Food •-l'r• 111 COr!l"I"· l~ Fd 11,M lt •"'le<'tfl It 119 J1h _ = Ptderal O•• 1.f ''"' '"' 1'l• , ~:;"i."'1 ,·", '! !!~• j,1~! ls'\li a "-..., Y• • s: TC 1.Si •,k ~ GI 1i_t!, l,ti ~arr Ill~ 11, ~ ftrrl Cl .II • JO 7t JO -\lo '-.1 ,,,. "' V. 'T' '• D r u ' Admin 1Uon . to Ull~ tJ:tl 1':1'15 u~I M::f fi! iii ~·~~2 .«M u im 14\a '~ ::·r: :l:'~i! I~ JI lr~ ~~ jJ;z = .~ s::;, ~r ;: 11. ~: J~ u't: : :: market Ill ntw Uqukl antacid,,,_~... 1., .. , ,·:!l 11 111ftt 1:.,. ,: .... ~!!!.. , 1·!!' "" · •V. Jtn -~ Ft11r111 l ,411 11 n·~ 1111> ""' -'• 1<:;:::,11;0• .. •J j't" ll"' U'I • "" n.-( ----'pt• ' · t.trllllf fllM\,i, •--... ,.,,._ 11 -.. Fin fedtrtl" 7) H ' • 1~;• U + •~ 5!.TOI~ I ft I ,,_, ... 21 -\It .,. ....... .,.., or l.:._J,---1""'-' Kln~~'f"~ Gr: t. ~cm 1f:fi1J·IJ 1(r:.1." JI 111'! 11~·····~~i',1:, ti :f: ;:.~ :n.·.~-"'iii/"hlll .M 41 ""' n\.'I i'°"'.:..:.1~ USt:. ~In amaary. c~ •.• •.'1 s:' .,., 1'.l.i Kt~... J lf: !!; tr .:...." Ftt~..-l.Jl i " n·· 1)., n-. -\I, i=:= 1,,. E t· n n~ _I .... ~ l,tl 1,51 'll"11 ,,. t.U Ill • IM J,,... __ l'slttcltv 1'4 141 IN •1 411-•-'> ti 611 11 ' -lil I r• 11.tt 11.J.t Uf'• c Jt. 1A$ tllfl DI I \'I Jtll -" F•ltrtS!r 1.tl. •J l7Vt " l'7'' +l:W. -II '.toll 4 ~\'I ; .. NEW YORK fUPI ) -Cities '" '·5' •11 "'1"" t?..., ' .,. ,. 'llflll ""' J·1• ·" va1 l'lil sn :ti -Strvicf Co, Uld I wtll it ha!18i!'Y.c ~.~~ ~ t-P. f! :111;-1 Ji: 1J1 11n t ;:f'_IMt(Jll t.i,1 ,~ ;;11 \i~ ~">::.~ r.=G~l\.M l'fl,~l't r.,::1~~-1~ btfn drllJ Jng for a lfO'lp of ii:~"'1to1:: '-<O '·"~=~ ... m';~ f~ ~f!\'f'f· 1 ,. 'I! + ,,_ ~:;:i~:_ f .~ zn :" :' _ l(.,.t~ ',10 f uui i1~ ~'t: = •1 COMpanlta ln the JIVI Sea off APU'' •'• 1~ 1·:: llll'f p J ~?! ~i&:l 1.ll jJ 1· -. ~I~ Dil• ''9 16fl 7•~1 t 4 7•lli -... ~=-*'aj~ Jll 11~ ~ ft:-1 .. ' t, '-' ll'ICI ....--. ~SW1tl ~ ! ···" lll'fl'f&J,U 1 D\.'I .!l.\\ 33'\+~IU I.JO b ~ -:• tbe CO&St Of lndontSll hU "';11 SJ, I '!I~~ •1"irl I 6.11 :;a $ot<1'1--i.t: C-t 11 ?llio ip;:l t<'"\ +"" J(:lfigs l M ~1-l 1, -• been c1ppe.d temporarily ~ ... lialt.: :m' ~:·lfJ H:l: ::, ... ~ .... -I .. .., ~ ~ :.i: ~ r61 ':: R n l\ ~ = ~: ~="~.:ll 1'l , I 1D11 ltr; t l2 ding furth$!r g II O IO g IC! a I tl~fi•orn '-" .~ l~'ft ~~1·1.-111:t:flr~.. 11. 1 · t!; ~=~ f·" •: n:t ~ ~~ -"'~~ :l~l' ~ ~ i:"'-i.; =l . studies. Although the Mil had 0111 J.-n i;tt ~~ 1\:U1l:U •,::...,.1 • \, ..... :~;.1•1-1 1~ ~~ ~~ 2~ :!: :~ t~A.' J '-:i~ • '-t \1 fl ed lndl l• of M•rber -.,,:If 1.1t fl:tw 1 o I "£. ltf. ~ n• l?-+'i' f~~flir .• 1 59 ,. 'J\I 2' + \t IC . fnJ~ 1 q Ui.T d ill ow al catcu rates ••lw~ "J.11. ~' 1•.'.»1l:i; •'I°'• ' ~1: -~' co"' ,., """ 11u " + '>1i k11 1N 1 • '• •1.., ,,,, .. ·' 22 .. •·rrlsor ·1•dayr !.f."' • · WDI" !..,I 'll -·, ot · ". --." -'"·" • ,~ .uo.t ~·-Kot11r1n1.,. ,. '"" 11•1 JJ::' , w un e 01 rom 1· !· WtJ"ft .OI . eMT Jt 1 ··. l'ftlld r1•r .IO n '' 1~•\ 16'11 -"'II IC'""" l.ie l 'l'• 111• .._ , • ' WO'"-· rurtberstudlcsa-•• . I . Wf""" t.ltlll. ~ ... ell I J•.t ' -"~<:•Ml u • m I + IClt'tcOl'l" ll!CI l "' '" -·· -·-· · 1 -'ttl•ll,. . I!· 'Ind f·· i·" n.... • * l}li,1'\\ I\ + "'""" Mln-l~ 111\ "!', .. , + u.k'.rti!CO 1.10 lt! t it, ~· 111· ol '• needed to determine If the~v:~" 1;:11'1:~ llt:llr.'~d 1-1;:?'::J =:"1;r,.:. t"'. w -tt~""'" Ii.~ ',,. ... ~ JS"-le"'""' ,u no ll ur. , .. _ ... •' ICM I'! I II Id 31' 4 p lwl'! 11' \I 14< ... :: ••• ~=It:-:. ~ ff~ ~ 70'1 -'t ~':rler1 .:-' 1U 1,,'1l ,'• "'•'• -'' reservoir i.s large enou ... to be ll G111" '·uUna-:~?11w11e •,..« tiJ. 1: ~ '1.t0 • m. ,1 1n. , ~fl( •"·• J " s'l'I ,. -lo\ · y L ~ ,,. · economJc inc •. 1.uwar111 1 , 0ti1e' 1• """ tit>• n l.'O -"I '""I .111 ,.... 11 u11 - -' I Tf'y•I J, .•. tllllff Jt ·'' Mill I.~ '' 4fl G>,t ~ -"''• W11 -' I Ti'<\ !J lJ -\o L1c1 Ga• 1..iJ J 2'1:o t''ii Jflt _ ... " • .. '· '• .. i: " .. ,, •• " •• •• " •• .. .. ~ .. " '• " '• '• ~~ .. " ,, .. '• •• '• • . , '· '• .. • '• '• .. .. ' " .. " •• .. '· " •• •• .. " '" '• ,, "· "' " .. '• •• ,, '" • '· •• " .. .. .. .. • ~ '• •• '• .. "' ,, .. '• ~ ~ '" ' 't ~ '• ~ ,, .. •• ,,, .. .. . ~ .. . ~ .. .. " ,, " • '· t • .. . .. . '• .. • {? .. '• ' ... .. "' •• ~ -~ .. -· . .. : ?: •• ·• ' .. -· •'(1o -... . " -" ... :.~ ! I ,. Tutsd&J1 Dtctm&tf U, 1910 Tuesday's Closing Prices-Complete New 'York Stock Exchange List -.. ...... lfllfll U. CltH Qe IC Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List • • • DAll Y fllLOT ! J ..... .... (Mt I Mltll '--CIMI ttf, II DAILY PILOT For the DlssolNtions Of Marriage Death Notlf!e• EaE•TH ICtllltri.,. E~rlll. 132 W. WUSOfO. Co1ll MIJMI. Cele of cie.111. Dec. u . Suryl11ed bP hlllbal\d, John: Nfe!'t!I. Mr. Incl Mn. Vlnc:enl Reed Muroti.I, ldtho; lhret bfol,.,.,.11 two 111ren. ~ces, Thl.lrNI•'· Dec:. 17, 1:JIO PM, Wnlcl!ff ClltPll. In• f.mltflf, El Toro Cemel«Y. W11tcllff c111 ... 1 Morfull'''" ~. Dll'Klon. MUllPHY J""""' o. Mu,,,,...,, Att n, IJf 2101 ....._,Ir.er, 0<1111, N1..,._.1 Beach. O.te or del'lh, December u . sur1lved. bY "°"' Wllllaf'! MurPllY, of Newport lk1dl; fhrff 1 .. nc1Chlldr1n, Services 1nd In· ftmie11I prl111t1. 111111. Coron1 del Mir, DlrKIOl'I. Nl!W&OLO ltoland A, N-ld. "''' 6" .ol 1071 U~t St .. Munllfl!llOn flt l eh. 0 1!1 ol dHth, Decltf'l'Ober ll, $ur11l111d bv wife. Lucille; two dluollten. Lindt lnoley 1nd J,..nne 9001; brother, P1'1r. Nl'WbOld; litter, lleslw O.wlson: tour 1 ranochlldrtn and -orut..,rtnckhlld. Setv!tt• w!U be held WednndtY. 1 PM, Smllhs ci.e ... r. l~tfo""91'1, Goad Stle<llwrtl Cemt'l....,, gm11t11 Morluarv, Dirtdors. SCOTT "-••. U~ry Sc.ol!. Ate 13. of 1"° Ntw• _., 91...t •• Colt• Mnl. 0111 of ~·"'· O-C-• I~. Suno,.,111 b'f husbend, Mer· •i!I; ion. Wllll•m W. Anclen.on; o.wn. t"', Mrs. MltH•" Freed; Ind lh•t ••...&l'lllOren. Gr1veslde oenolctt. IOCllY, Tue.day, J PM, Wutmlniltr Mtmo!'lll ,,,.. Morlu1,., 1Pld (-!en'. WEL.U cri1rlK E. welts. A91 "· ol !JI Av-S1n D!wo, Sin C~e. 5'.orvlwtd IPr w!tt. 1Mrber1; son. Ali.ii; mo!~. Mrs. &«nice weu .. 111 of San C'-'-' 11 ... l~r. Mfl. C"9r11t<:t AinatOI, al 511111 A111. Stn"1.cft, lo01Y. T\leid1Y,• t PM, flt!! 8f'OHWIY (lllH!. l"t.,-menl, El Toro Clt"Mltno. 81!1 8~w•Y Mortv1,.,. l)l.. tectors. ARBUCKLE & SON Westcllfr :rttortuary C!7 E. 17tb St., Costa Mtsa -• BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del Pttar .... OR s.st!il Cotti Mtsa ........ ml Will • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY llt BIWdway, Costa 1ttt11 u HQ3 • M<CORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 17'S Lllpa1 Cu.yon Rod. 4K-1411 • PACIFIC VIEW ~IEMORIAL PARK C.mekry Mortury Clllpd UIO Pacific View Drive Ne..,.n Beoclo, c.ulomil -• PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL llOME 7111 Btlal Ave. We1lm1D1ter ... m-3W • SMlTllS' MORTUARY lt7 Mola SI. Huntingloa Beodo - Tuesday, Dtcember 15, 1970 .. - Record ti!:tif M1re1rtt M.trlt 11!d Ciltnn Sl l'll., <.tl~·~..{e~ k. CltTlel11, Nancy JNn and Miron ·-Nerd, G.ll'Y N, end Ykkl Jt1n c_,-. Jeni~ A. 11111 Larry l!'d~AI Lvwtl*', Rober! C. 1nd Ann LN Stll, Tlf'rll AM aNI Franke. PFIHliPl. G""llOl'Y W. Ind AIYI L F", EOll/I Ind llotlert H. c1r11111n, Mlrltrn L .11111 ltobltt Neel. Ciro! S, llnd AnJ!_lol?.1' 0. 8utl'll<I, I. GtM 1ncl 'P1al.I 8 , Wtbb, Ileen ClfMr\1111 Ind Ammon Wo~ 8roob. Mlchelt ll'M'Mll ttecltt War· -Gr11'11m, k.Mnttfl llll'/d end Glor•l• '" ' Oawnoort, Allcl M. 1fld JesH M. sriekll:on.. DlrltM L. •Ml E.1,111ene M. Wll.on, 01vld H. Ind Mirth• Carol Reon, Marv Elleft Ind J1me1 D11n Grem, S.rbe~ Siii ind Gm 11..llldolpll WlbCWl. (harlM. S. anlll 8dtl' A. Dltr, D11111 Cerel .lrlll·G•,., Let DIMI" llobttll R. Ind WINltm D. Wlllll'lm. P1tnel1 K11ri,.,n 1fld P1ltld. Pltlllp Browl'I. 1YI Lite I"° Flo'lll Rll' H1rrl ... M•llnda Kii' Ind Thol'r\ls Kelltl Bt.ana, Clara Ind Oonllcl WlrrM Hevw.rcl, Guclrun K.1...n and A:ld'l1td •• N1lr11, ...,,,. Mlrle lnO D1rret1 E...- Nnbltt, Vlr11lnl1 ARn and Jimmie Wll'llfl Cox, Oon111 M. 1Pld HwbeN E'. S t o e ri. Mlcf1111 J oh n 1 nd Sh1ron ICllF1111n Gkt>11k, JMtY JOHPl't Jr. ind Pllrld• .... M1Un, Anita L111.1Ji,_. Ind CMsftr W11nt Van.lier, WllU1ms Conntr1 Ind Lindi ,_ OoNIFluti, $anclr1 S. Incl Joi.tl>h MlchHI 8.11eu......,1, EllWlrO Cl1rll: 11ld Ml,., '~ Fl ... ~Mr l RlcMrd11111, S1ll'f Mii' Lkl Ind OU1ne c. Dlekmln, Jolln R. Ind Marthl Thertst Pre.tan, Mttlon A:oullt 1nd Arcllle LOPel. AnlllOfll' FrllOe!'ld< and M1rlh1 "M Allllrum. J1«1ut1llM Miidred and .. -.. Natt'"'' J1net Evl end S~llln YlllOI' H1mlltot1, P~l'tnl M. Incl 0.1r1e1 D. Wood, Larllllfl M. 11!d Cll1rlts H. s~ ..... Ru!FI """ lllCI II.OU OewlO 61rre1t, RaWl'l'!ln' E. 111C1 Jem11 ,_, De Groff, 8onnll and Mld>1el Frink ,,, QwlM, N1rw:Y AMI Ind Oonnle L11 aec~/lam, Ftavo Ind N1Jlle FINAL DECllEIS Ellt1rtf DK1mMr 2 McPh1rson, K111!1ten $. IPlll Thllmli A. MurPhl', M1rlorle L. ll'ld Rlth1rO T. Lwn1, Adtl•~ •ncl A1tx11MHr A. L11111lord, J1me1 I. Ind EUii #AH 6oul1fllltr, Ewtlvn M. 111C1 8erNOr0.LfCI H1nlon, C1!herlnt J . Ind Wendell F. Mltl'llnl'. crie,.,1 11'1d OoNold A. Crult, Krbflll.I J, 111d Notl J, Flovd, L111r1 Lorr1l111 1nd EUitnl LOUii Lll'IOll, K11her1111 J1111 Ind ltld>lrO ,~ Ll'l'lt. Jt!Slka AM 1nd GI,.. Allttllrl FotO, S1Mtnn1n A. 11\d Saroclr1 C. Hirst. Lind• c. •Piii D1vld J. Use Cautio1i In Cutti1ig Yule Trees ORANGE -Santa's helpers in the Christmas tree cutting division have been reminded by state forestry officials that nati<f!!l forests, other public and private lands are off. limits. The warning from the California Division of Forestry ant Cleveland National Forest officials notes t h a t in· discriminate tree cutting ts il- legal. However, by dialing "0" and asking for Western Union Operator 25, anyone wishing tn cut his own tree can find out where there is a nearby "choose and cut" tree farm , that, for a fee, encourages such Yuletide activity. "The only legal way to choose and cut a Christmas tree is from a Christmas tree grower," they note. SA City Hall Ceremonies .Scheduled SANTA ANA -tnfonnnl ground breaking for Santa Ana's new $6.2 milHon, eight· story city hall will be held Wednesday. ~1ayor Lorin Griset will wield the shovel to start con- struction of the civic structure by J. B. Allen and Co. of Anaheim. The site is 500 W. 6th Street, adjoining lhe present city hall anncL Cit y counci lmen and members of lhe joint city· ccunty Civic Center Com· m i s s I o n are expected to participate in the ceremonies. T h e 1 O B , 000-square-foot building is scheduled for com- pletion in July 1972 . Avoid the ·Christmas Crush Jta.1llnht ; W1stcliff Pl•u OPIN •nL' P.111. fHltOU°'H CH•ISTMAI . . Countians To Face Jury Trial SANTA ANA -Four Westminster r e s i d e n ts in· dieted by the Orange County Grand Jury on various drug charges have been ordered to face jury trial March %9. All have been freed on their own recognizance. Superior Court Judge James F. Judge set the date for Ken neth D. Donahue, 25, and bis wife, Debra Kay, 21, James Alexander Sebastiano, 22, and Jack Amold Todd, 23, all of 5582 Walter Circle. They will " -- face pretrial action March 16. IUIL.WllLiillll• Judge Judge se t tbe same date for co-defendant Edward George Metro, 24, of 411~ 6th Fat Cat • St., Huntington Beach, but Though they'.i:e among' the best fed animals in the ordered ~tetro detained in world, tlfe cats at Lion Country Safari-especially Orange County Jail. The Hun-this cheetah 0 mugging the camera" ....,. can give tington Beach man also is ac-you a pretty good idea of what a steak feels like cused of violating parole. sitting lielplessly on your plate. Also, in case you The five defendants were ar-hadn't noticed, lb·e pic~ure was shot through tlie rested Aug. 3 by Westminster windshield 'of a car ·with IOcked doors. The cheetah and Huntington Beach police is running free in 350 acres or realistic African set- in a joint raid on the Donahue ting at the• Laguna Hills animal preserve. Storm Benefits Rains Replenish Soil Countywide SANTA ANA -Orange cbes of rain over the entlrt County's first storm o( the county, most ef which entered Kids! Free! Christmas Show season Nov. 28-30 was a -the soil where it will nurture Mitchell M1rlo11ett11 bonanza f o r underground plant growth or will filter into pre•111t th1ir f1f!'lous water replenishmeni and the underground table. puppeh 111 • •p•ciel molsture-sta---' soU that had About 8,000 acre feet was Chri,tm•• pre11nt1tlo11 1 "~ Th11r1,.f ti.·S1t. been without significant rain· diverted into the' underground Die. 11.11.1t .i1ily fall (or nine month!, according water supply th r o u g b noon· I pm-2 prn·4 pm-7 P"' to George Osborne, chiel percolating beds In the Santa 1nd Sit. noonl-2·4 pm. engineer of the Orange County Ana River maintained by the fr•• to ckildr111 itt Flood Control District. Orange County Water District, our toisly warll'I ""'"· filtr U •--· ol the H1111tingh1n C.nftr 1t Osborne estimated that of 8 on &H1a!ns flood •••ch 111d Eding1r 130,000 acre feet of water that control dislrict and other on Sin Dieto f/w1y .. HI fell on the county, only 13,000l;=pu~b~ll~c~w~a~t~e~r~co~nse~rv~a~tl:••~~~~~~~~~~~ was Jost to the ocean while reservoirs, Osborne said. 117,000 was retained in the ground or evaporated. An acre foot of water Is equlvalent ot 326,000 gallons , enough for an average family of five Cor one year. Tbe engineer said the storm spread an average of three In· FOR $10,000 IN PRIZES ANO I See by Today's Want Ads The DAILY PILOT-SPORTS FUN TOO SEE PAGE 17 residence. --"------"-"'-'-'---';=:=:=::========:;-II • \Vhat do you get, when you put, "TONY CURTIS & JO~lNNY MATHIS" To. gethf'r?'? You iet "CUR- TIS. fl.1ATIUS" good-look· ing combo &: great !Ollnd! ! See classified .• .lor fUrth. er Wo. ~~H~!OA~e~~!:~~~im~~'~=T~he~O~n~e~T~hel!llC•e•res~~==T:O;O:A:Y:'S::P:A~P=E:R:~ 270 acres in the Santa An a developing the surrounding DANISH fUINITUll SWIDISH CIYSTAL I e SORRY! NO "BLtJE. SKY" PROf.11SES! Just actual "FACT" ... NEED XTRA $$$$?. , .OUT OF WORK ? Here's a chance . lor "UNLUrilTED $$$" Ck noo ... Canyon to Anaheim has been area. . · lllDAL llGllTIY CHINA • STUL approved by the l«al Agency Tbe develQper will also Formation Commission. finance a clubhouse and build The city owns the property a swimming pool, tennis upon which it plans to build a courts and other facilities at second municipal golf course. . an estimated cost of $200,000. Location is in the Walnut Can. City Manager Ke i 1 h yon area of the· 4,200-acre Murdoch 'said the golf course Noh! Ranch property. land purchase and develop. The land was purchased' ment would be paid for from Crom the Robert H. Grant an annual revenue of $16'!1000. e "TO ALL ASTROLOGY LOVERs! ! " Relierve your very own. "SCORPIO" (8 or n 11116/'lD) lor CHRISTMAS , •• Scorpio what???' The answer is in class 8825. GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION ' ' ~.; GET A FR·EE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX ·• WITFI · A $500 ACCOUNT AT DOWNEY SAVINGS' NEW COSTA MESA OFFICE at the 'corner of Raymond Ave. and E. 17th St. ... No Rental Fees IMPORTANT • Only 603 safe deposit boxes are available inside Downey Savings' new, specially de- signed, fireproof vault. Many of these are now taken and boxes are being issued daily! You are invited to get one now, FREE, while there are still some left. -A safe deposit box protects your impor- tant pap~rs, receipts, and other valuable possessions. Your police and fire depart- ment strongly recommend a Safe Deposit Box. They have the reports that prove you need one. Complete Protection Vault BEST DEAL IN TOWN! Eam The Highest Savings & Loan Interest Rate In Town With Your Money At Downey Savings 5°/o-.$1 or more 53/4 °/o -$1000 or more -1 year 51/4 °/o -$500 or more -90 clays 6d/o -$5000 or more -2 years AND GET THESE SERVICES FREE, ONLY AS A DOWNEY SAVINGS CUS10MER FREE Check Gashing Service !FRtt Use of Photocopy Machine FREE Notary Public Service • FREE Up to $250 of Travelers Checks without Service Charge FREE ·Trust Deed Collection with each $1000 Account I DO NEY SAVINGS and Loan Association Of course a few other places occasionally offer Safe Deposit Boxes. Most of them re- quire a rentol fee or want you to keep a big account. But we do things differently at Downey Savings. We make sure our cus- tomers get the best service in town! Get your FREE Safe Deposit Box TODA YI But please hurry . The supply of boxes is limited and will be issued on a first come first serve basis. t N Th• Cotti Meta offi(.e It loc1ft4 1t l 6D E. 17th Stte1!, 1t tht corner of 1!:1y'""". Awenue. We ••• op1n to 1e••• you froll'I t :OO to 4 :00 Mond1'1' through Thur1d1y, 1 MI frall'I 9 :00 to •:OO 011 f ri41y. ~ I • T,.!dlr, Dtcembtt 15, 1970 S OAltY PILOT 3 - Laird to Vietnam; T.roop Cut Eyed Theft Charge Former Deputy Gets Court Date Paris St4?P Included On JourneY, WASHINGTON (AP) -Secretary or Defense Melvin R. Laird announced to- day he will go to Southeast Asia early next month to view the military sltuatlon first band and discuss future troop withdrawals lrom Vietnam. A former Orange County sheriff's depu- ty accused of the burglary of the Mission Viejo County Club has been ordered to race Superior Court trial April S. Judge Byron K. McMillan set that date for former deputy Frederick B. Irvine, Supervisors To Air Two Hot Issues B~ JACK BRODA.CK 01 Tiie O.lly ,.1191 111tt It won't seem like the jolly Christmas 1eason Wednesday when the board of supervisors holds public hearings on two highly controversial subjects. Starting off the day at 10 a.m. is a con- tinued hearini: on proposed tidelands fees In Newport Harbor. At 2 p.m. the Ralph P.1. Parsons Company report on the coun· ty air transportation plan is schf'duled. The possibility that the tidelands arguments may be postponed is seen in the recommendation by the county harbor commissioners thal further study be given before fees are assessed to docks and marinas on county tidelands. However, supervisors vo ted t!:tct. 7 to levy fees begin~ing Jan. I. Wednesday's hearing is supposed to dete rm ine the amount of the ,·ental fees. Last July Stanley Krause, cou nty Real Property Services director, recommend· ed that rees or $6 per foot a year for docks and 12 cents per foot for com· mercial marinas be levied. The rirst two sessions on the su bject brought forth large scale and vigorous opposition fro:n boat owners and marina operators in the harbor area. It is also indicated that the air transportation hearing will not be any happier than previous sessions on that controver!::::l subject. Adding to the confusion and giving strength to objecto~ is a Federal Avia· lion Agency report opposing Bell Canyon as a jet airport site. The Bell Canyon site in the -southeast gection of the county was recommended in $140,000 Parsons report. It has been greeted with outraged cries by residents and developers of the area. A series of sessions held by the County Airport commissioners in Brea , Los Alamitos and Mission Viejo to sound out public reception of the Parsons report has resulted in almost 100 percent re· jeclion of the ;:ecommendations. The FAA report stated that hilly ground near the north end of the Bell Canyon site would preclude jets from landing or departing there. It was added that a prohibited air zone nver the Western Wh ite House and two other areas restricted to military planes only would be violated by the flight pat· tern from the proposed jelporl Univer sity Hi g h Students Becorne Stanip Collector s University High School students are collecling saving stamp books in both popular colors, in order to purchase a $2,400 '>''eight training machine for the new school 's athletic department. Dick Caneday, athletic director, said the stamp lx>oks will be redeemed for cash to buy the 15--station weightlifting machine which most other schools use to train thei r athletes. After the Christmas holidays move inlo the new school at Culver Road and Cam· pus Drive , near UC lrvi~. the stamp drive will be extended, Caneday said, Presently. students are bringing the books to school, but after the move, the Boosters Club and athletic teams will begin a door·to-door canvas.1 seeking 1,200 books. 1r the campaign is successfu l, excw books will be converted to cash and the funds given to the associated student body fund, Caneday fXlted. The ma chine being sought provides 15 stations for weighi training exercises, Mt hthe weight! attached by cables to each place. "This is the .safest form of weight lifting," Caneday noted. Besides use by team athletes, the ap- paratus would be use.rut in physical education classes and possibly for "slim· nasties'' classes for adult education even· ing students. Caneday e!'ltimated that "~ pertenl of area schools:" have such equ!pment, most purchased by special fund raising pro- jects. "Being a new school , we haven't had time to accumulate the money to buy one. We need it in ordtr to compete with the other schools," .Caneday said. The books are being collected at the Mission Viejo campus htrough the re- mainder of this week. Univt.rsity High pens in It! own building on Jan. 4, bar· inc unforeseen delays. 42. of La Habra. Irvine pleaded not guilly to charges of burgla ry , grand lhtft. auto theft. receiving stolen property'and con. spiracy, all conlained In an Orange Coon· ty Grand Jury indictment. Irvine was one of two deputies assertedly seen in the country club's golf shop Sept. 20 by a witness who called sheriff's officers to the scene . Officers said former deputy Arthur B. Duncan, 34, of Huntington Beach im· mediately surrendered but Irvine com· mandeered a patrol car and led his former colleagues on a wild chase that end ed in Riverside County after shots were excha11ged between the vehicles. Arresting officers said Irvine repeat· edly threatened to commit suicide while they tried to persuade him lo surrender. Duncan. apparently distressed at the grand theft and burglary charges filed against him and Irvine. took his own life three weeks later, officials said. He was found hanged from the rafters of the garage at his home. Laird said he would be accompanied by Adm. Thomas H. Moorer, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The trip will take them first to Paris and discussions with the American negotiators In the peace talks with the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong. Following the stop in Paris Jan. S the secretary will then Oy to Thailand and South Vietnam. In outlining his plans during a news conference, the secretary decl ined to say whether the rate of withdrawals would be slowed during the coming weeks . He said he would not discuss monthly figures or tip, himself down to specific ceilings but declared. however. that "we'll beat or meet the troop celling._of May 1" when U.S. forces in Vietnam are to be reduced to 2&4,000 men under Pre!i· dent Nixon's timetable. As or Thursday American forces in Vietnam numbertd 343,700. Both men were employed by lhe Mission Viejo Company as security guards in their off-duty hours. Charges against Irvine include the theft of heaters belonging to the Mission Viejo Company and the Anah :im Plumbing Company. GOOF Y GIVES LAUR IE HANS EN A SOUVENIR BOOK DURING HER DISNEYLAND TOUR It Was J ust On• of Mt9ny Gifts fo r Winner of Uncle Len's Ch ristmas Card Contest During his 1topoVt!r In Saigon, Laird said he would assess the progress in the Vietnamization program, the over.all military situation In Southeast Asia and the military as.sislance program. Th• visit, he said, will also give him a chance to confer with Gen. Creighton Abramt, the U.S. commander in Vietnam, ''on what lies ahead" in future troop J'Ruc- tions. Surfing Movies Set for Benefit Of Greenbelt Day at Dis11eyland Wait s For Holiday Card .Winner Surfing fans will have an opportunity to support the proposed Laguna Greenbelt this week when the Conservation Club of Laguna Beach High School presents a benelit performance of two top surfing movies. Producers Fred MacGillivray and Jim Freeman have donated their full length feature, "Evolution'' 8nd the 45--minute "The Performers" for the benefit show· ings at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday nights in the high school auditorium. Proceeds from a tax-deductible dona· lion of $2 per person will be given to !ht Laguna Greenbelt fund to help purchase open space lands around the Ari Colony. Tickets are available at Sound Spec· trum. 1264 S. Coast Highway, Lllguna Reach; Dilley's Book Shop, 46() S. Coast Highway. Laguna Beach and LiCQrice Pizza, 1916 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Powder Puffers Clash in La g una Undeterred by rain or holiday hassle, the tenacious athletes of Laguna Beach High School's Powder Puff football team will have at it again Wednesday night at 8 o'clock on the high school gridiron. The annual classic pitting junior girls against seniors was rained out a fe.w weeks ago, but the girls claim to have US· ed the extra practice time to further their extensive tactical and physical ron· ditioning programs. Tickets for the game are priced at ~ cents for students and $1 for adults. 'Dan'J Boone' Visit& Troops in Vietn an1 SAIGON (AP) - Actor Fess Parker arrived today aboard a chartered plane laden with Christmas trees and turkeys for U.S. troops ln South Vlelnam. "I just wish we 'd never gotten in over here," Parker told ney,·smen. "I'd just as soon we loaded everyth ing on trucks and moved home." Parker will tour U.S. bases distributing the plane's care:o. The Magic Kingdom created In Anaheim by Walt Disney became "Laurie Land'' for a day just before Christmas last year. That was the day Laurie Hansen. then 9 years old. and her 6-year.old brother, l\1ark. took mom and dad (Mr. and l\1rs. Mark Hansen of 2024 Aliso Ave., Costa Mesa) to Disneyland for the "pa yoff'' on $4,200 Allocated For Verner Beck Memorial F und The Festival of Arts board of directors Monday night unanimously appropriatci:I $4.200 to be set up as the Verner Beck Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Laguna Beach School of Art and Design. Under an agreement with the school a maximum scholarship of $260 ca n be a"'arded to a qualify ing student each quarter lo cover costs lo lhe school. The schola rsh ip would CQver the cost of lour da ys of instruction per week al the school for one quarter. The scholarship the agreemenl states. would be "the highest award attainable al the School of Art and Design." The 11greement stipulates that if there Is no student qualifying for the award . then the funds shall not be drawn from the ac· rount that quarter. Director Hal Akins praised I he scholarship in rememberance n{ lhe late Beck, a festiva l director, as "an award whi ch will be give strength to studerls and give them the desire to achieve ." Tear Gas Devices Stuf fed in Cu rrency ATLANTA. Ga . fAP) -A robber ha!! lo be careful with the money he gets in a stickup these days -it may suddenly haul off and squirt tear gas at him. A tear gas device about the length and width of a dollar bill is bein g shuffled into stacks of currency kep~ in places favored by holdup men, such as banks and lunch stands. ""' -.... #•#~ D•ILY ll!l.OT Slllf ,.M!I J UDGES SHOW PRIZES FO R YULE DECOR WI NN ERS Mr1. Charl11 Orr, Mr1. J ohn Bell Jr., M rs. Denni• Cleaver Uncle Len's Christmas Card Contest for 1969. It \WIS a day filled with surprises and fun for Laurie and her family . They romped through Disneyland with some of the world-lamed Disney characters. Laurie met and talked with nearly an or them . She had her picture made with Goofy, Pluto, Winnie the Pooh, Capt. Hook and f.1r . Smee and with Snow White and some of the dwarfs. And that still \\'asn 't all. During that one day that the Anaheim ani u.sement park Wa!! "Laurie Land," she alld her brother had the opportunity to ride just abOut all the rides they wanted to In the entire magic world of Disney- land. . They also watched the special holiday parade which is one of the season's joys at Disneyland . And the whole day was reported in pictures and words published in the DAILY PILOT on Christmas Day. On that same day , La urie's Christmas card was puQlished on the front page of the DAILY PILOT holiday editions as Un cle Len's greeting to his young readers. And the point of all this is that Disneyland and Urrle Len are jusl y,•aiUng for another boy or girl to come up with a prize-winning Christmas card for this year's contest. The deadline is coming up fast. Uncle Len just announced in last Saturday's column this column appears every Salur. day 1n the DAI LY PILOT) that he cannot accept entries in the 1970 Uncle Len's C...:hr1stmas Card Cnntcst any later than ~ p.m. on Dec . 16. {That means cards must be delive red by mail Or in perso n to the DAILY PILOT office in Costa Mesa by 5 pn1 thalday.) Any boy or girl up lo 12 years old is eligible to enter the contest. All Christmas cards should be designed tiO that pictures and words 1 any kind ol n1essage or ve rse the children want to use) are all on one side of the same sheet of paper. Use while paper up to 81/i by 11 inches in size. Do not use colored paper or col· ored ink or cra yons, etc. The enlire de sign should be in black and white. Ink , pencil or crayons can be used, but the pictures and words shOuld be drawn and writ.en heavily and riarkly on lhe paper for best reproduction. Uncle Len will be sole judge of the en. tries. No entries can be returned. All cards except the prize-winning en· try will be given to patients at F'airview State •losplt.al . For many of the Fairview patients, the Uncle Len cards will be the only cards they get for Christmas, so Uncle Len today urged h.is reader!! to enter the contest. Yule Decoration Judging Tonight ... Judging teams from the San Clemente Junior Woman's Club will tour the city's business and residential districts tonight In an annual holiday decorating contest llandmade copper serving trays will be ~ivcn to thr~ win~rs each in the residential and business divisions. Only residentia l entries subm itted by phone In advance "'ill be judged by the team. Businesses will be en t c r ed automallcally, however. The project is 11pon.sored by the Chamber of Commcrct. Tho winners will be determined on Iha basis of most oriitinal theme, over·nll art istic effect and !he lime and effort In prcparalion of the decorations. Bad Check Passer · Gets Co1nmitted For Diagnosis An investment counselor convicted of writing S37 ,000 worth of worthless checks on a San Clemente bank has been com· milted lo a Department of Corrections fa cility for a 90-day, pre-sentencing study. Superior Court Judge Clarles Bauer shelved Monday the scheduled sentencing or Darrell Graf Hafen, 43, of Salt Lake City. Uta h. and accepted the Probation Deimrtment's recommendation t h a t Hafen, convicted by a jury last month on grand theft charges, undere;o the diagnostic study. Judge Bauer, who commen'ted that he had "noted the behavior o.-.ne defendant from time to time during trial," will con· sider his sentence in the light of the com· p/eted repOrt. Hafen faces a pdssible state prison term of up to 14 yea rs. Hafen intetrupled the. se nt enc I n g session Tuesday to ask Judge Bauer ''to dG something" about the "conversations" of the jury foreman and a womao juror outside the courtroom during trial recess. It was not clear what Ha'fen intended to convey by his comments and Judge Bauer did not seek further clarification· before accepting the Probation Depart· ment·s recommendation. The jovial. balding Hafen was arrested last July l3 by FBI a.gen~ and San Clemente police after a probe into ac- tivities described by the defendant as ''\\•orldwide inves tment counseling and expert advice on a million business op. portunities." Officials of the Bank of America in San Clemenle sparked the Orange County charges lthen they advised the district attorney's oflice that Hafen'! name was on $37.000 worth of worthles.1 checks. A .probe into many other enterprises and banking arrangements in which Hafen was involved is still in progress. Orders lo Wipe Out Viet Ha1nlets Denied WASHINGTON (UPI) -Brig. Gen. Wi· nant Sidle. chief of Army information, Monday denied reports Gen. William C. Westmoreland had ordered Viet Cong-in· lested villages out.side Saigon "leveled'' after the Tel olfensive of 1968. · Extended Hours For Boys' Club Listed in Laguna The Boys' Oub of Laguna Beach has announced mended opening hours ef· fective this week, along with a special schedule for the Christmas vacation period. Instead of closing between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., the club now will remain open con- tinuously from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m, Monday tllrougb Friday and from 10 a.m. to l p.m. on Saturday, manager Bill Cook an· oounced. . . Dlfring Christmas vacation, L>ec. 2J through Dec. 31 , the club will be open from IO a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, Cook said. December specials at the Canyon facllf.. ty include Friday night movies, weekly table tennis tourQ.aments with trophies and prizes and the formation of a basket. ball program , along with the usual ac-. tivities in the crafts shop, gym, library .and games room . . Boys interested In film making are in- vited to join the Raw Stock Film Com- pany wh.ich views creative films every Tuesday night and makes its owa pro- ductions, Man Faces Trial On Murder Rap. A man accused of klc!Ung and killing a baby left in his care has been ordered to lace trial Feb. 8 on murder charges. Superior Court Judge James F. Judge set the trial date for James Davtd Broady, 29, of Santa Ana. Broady pleaded innocent at his court arraignment. Broady was arrested last Oct. 27, shortly after he carried the body of 17· monlh~ld Bobby Dean Ral eigh to the of· !ice of a Garden Grove physician. He is accused of causing the little boy's death by repeated kicks to the stomach. Officers said Broady was a lodger at the Raleigh home and the child bad been left in bis care while the parents went ti work. Hughes Cla1nor Recluse Creates Stir in Bahamas By DON ROTHBERG A'*lt l .. ,., ... Wrlltr• PARADISE ISLAND, Bahamas - A pretty girl Jn the tiniest of bathing sui L, can stroll by the pool at lhe Britannia Beach Hotel and find all eyes fixed not on her but on three ninth-floor balconies. It happens whenever a curtain seems to stir. or when a figure iJ spotted oo tbe hotel roor. For whether inlenlionally oi-not, Howard Hughes still Is in the spotlight after more than two weeks in scclll!ion in the Bahamas. No one who might recognize Hughes admits lo seeing him. Yet everyone is ctrtaln he is here due to the four guarded suites on the top floor of the Britannia. Few people have seen Hughes in the past 12 years. But at this resort, It Is easy to find many who say they saw blm dur ing the past two weeU. Walters and busboys In several hole.I restaurants 1wear they saw and served Hughes. Eacb one has a different descriptio n of the billionaire recluse. And there is the guest who says he saw a man at 6:30 one morning, bundled up in a sweat sult jogging slowly around the botel tennis court. The guest is convinced it was Hughes. A photographer aimed a powerful telephoto lens at one of the ninth noor balconies and found himself looking at a camera aimed al him by a man standing in front of the ever-drawn curtaln. A brief stir wu created by the a~ pearance of three men on the hotel roof. Were they making prepir1tlons for a htl\copter landing? Perhaps. But a niaht• long \'lgtl passed with no helicopter. ibe betting is that It will take a helicopter landing on the roor to pl Hughes out of the hotel undetected -if, in fact, he Is here. A local pilot uld be Is certain 1 helicopter capable of carrylag up to 11 passen1ers could land on the roof with no advance preparation. What brought Hughes here, If be ls, re- mains a mystery. l • • . t 41 OAILY PILOT ,.JI<» -- 'I've decided to economize·-here ·s ;your Farewell pruentl' Timing Off : For Writers I By DICK WEST Wlaite House Claristmas WASHINGTON -You may have noUc. : ed that President Nixon'• televised news : conference 18.!lt week moved a1ong at a • rather herky-jerky pace and had a rag· ged ending. Mrs. Richard Nixon led newsmen on a guided tour of the state rooms at the White House that have been decorated for Christmas. Tbe first lady called attention to this gingerbread house and said the President tried to nibble a piece of. the cake before she stopped him. J notJced Olis too, so J uked Hathaway 1 Scribendi, a veteran White House cor· i respondtnt. what caused il .. That was Nixon's first full dress news conference alnce last summer and our tlmlng wu badly off," Scribendl replied. U.S. Quarters Boll_lhed Saigon Blast Laid to Anti-American Bitterness ••A lot of ua just didn't have that split.se- cond reaction that keeps the questions flowing smoothly.'' I said 111 realize a White House cor- , respond~t muat continually polish his • timing to function at peak efficiency, but ' don't you guy s get a chance to practice · between news conferences?" "SUJLE,'' HE said ... We usually work an• hour or two a day on what we call , 'recognition drills.' This involves spring· ing to your feet and trying to attract 1 the President's attention so be will give you the nod for the next question." "Well, if you have daily wt>rkouts, why was your timing oH?" "No matter how often you practice leaping from your chair, tt almpty isn't the ame as doing it under game con- dltiona,'' the correspondent explained. "Your Uming depend! a great deal on : developing a sense of anticipatioll -an :instinct for knowing when the President lts about to finish a reply so you CM be .: ready to bop up the exact moment be stops. 1 usINCE EACH President has his own tempo, you can only get the feel of it through actual exposure. You have to sellle when he is going on a short count -that is, give a terse 'yes' or 'no.' answtr -and when he's going to be discursive. "You may recall that when PreBJdent Kennedy was holding frequent news con. ferences, we had our timing down to a T. The entire press corps would spring up in uniJon, like the Radio City Rockettes, and bel!Ow 'Mr. President' as wlth one voice, like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. : "We be<:ame less synchronlied under ~·President Johnson's fitful sessions and ; I'll be frank to say that on Thursday : evening we were downright erratic. ' ; "Belng unable to anticipate Niton'a , finlabes, some correspondents were • caught fl•t·footed by them. Others. afraid "'of reacUng prematurely, became cautioua and hesitated too long." ~ "l said, "What happens if a cor- • respondent jumps up too quickly?" "He gets penalized for illegal motion." -UPI SAIGON (UPl)-Young students bomb- ed a U.S. officm' quarters in Saigon tonight and attacked two American jeeps in a new outburst of anti-American feel· ing. In the war, six Americans were kill- ed in a minefield and 10 were feared dead in a Navy plane crash. Fighting in Cambodia stepped up in an area 45 miles northeast of Phnom Penh and the cambodians said they had killed 2,000 North Vietnamese : in beating off three days of COmmwust aasaulta. on Highway 7. A terrorist bomb also ex· ploded in Phnom Penh, wounding eight soldiers. UPI correspondent Kate Webb reported from Phnom Penh that 2,000 South Viet· namese troops were flown into Kompong Cham on Monday to relieve the critical route 7 situation. Kompong Cham, Cam- bodia's third largest city, is 50 miles northeast of Phnom Penh. Freelance reporter;photographer Fran· cis Bailly, reporting for UPI from route Pressure on Reds Unilateral POW Release By Allied Forces Urged WASHINGTON fUPt) - S e n ate Republlcan whip &beri P. Griffin &aid today the United States and South Viet- flJJD Wlilaterally should release 1,500 able-bodied North Vietnamese w a r prisoners, aa well as all sick and wounded prisoners, belore the Vietnamese new year. Griffin told a news conference the Nix- on Administration had been informed of his suggestion. "I believe that there will be some sympathetic re&ponse within the Nations Agree On Hijack Laws THE HAGUE (UPI) -An Jn. temational conference on air law today approved a proposal demanding pro- secution "without exception" for aircraft hijackers and severe penalties for those convicted. A 14-day conference of 76 nations adopted the "convention for th e sup- pression of illegal seizure of aircraft" with only Chile and Algeria abstaining. The Hague convention, as the agree- ment will be known, will be signed Wednesday by the nations \\'ho agreed on Jt and will be open to other nations later. "Each contracting party (nation) undertakes to make the offense (of hi- jacking) punishable by severe penalties," the agreement said. administration," he added. 'Ille second·ranklng member of the Senate GOP leadership said, however he had not talked with Presldeilt Nixon about the matter and "I'm not prepared ta be more specific." The Michigan Republican held the news conference Monday but all infonllatiM from it was embargoed Wltil today. "Such a dramatic, humanitarian in- tiative would create, worldwide, an ex- pectation of response in kind by the Com· munist side," Griffin said. "I believe it Is appropriate as the holiday season ap- praaches, for our side to demon:strate · through this dramatic: and · moving gesture our deep conviction, expressed by President Nixon, that all prisoners have suffered too much." Griffin emphasized he was not ad· vocating forced repatriation. He said a body such as the Interna- tional Red Cross should be asked to In· terview the North Vietnamese and determine which men wish to return. He said there has been no response from the North Vietnamese to a proposal he made to Mai Van Be, the North Viet· namese delegate general to the Paris talks, in Paris on Nov. 15. That proposal was to release all sick and wounded American prisoners by Christmas. Griffin also said the North Vietnamese rebuffed an offer by the United States and South Vietnam Thursday to exchange 8,200 North Vietnamese captives for a far fewer number of free world persoMel. Storm Pounds New Mexico· Half-inch Hail Breaks University Windows Temperatures c .... t•• fltrtlv cloud\I IOIM'" Llthl vtflt blt wtncn n1111t 1fld ""°"'I"' "'°"'" blcom· Into Wffl«IV I " ts kllOfl ln lfltn»OM tOdtY lfld WM'*4ey. Hltl'I todf't fJ. Co.1111 '""""'"'"" "'"'" ,...,. "'4 i. U. lftlt lld ftfl'l-•flr"" r111tt fl"Ol'll a to .._ Wtltt ttn'l"'91v,. N. S11n, Moon, ftdes TUISOAY llC*'ld '°"' . . t:ll '""· .... WIO .. IS04Y l'lnf lllf!I ........... U:lt 1.M. ~.f fllnf ,_. .............. 4tlt 1.m. '·' t«ond fllttl .......... tt:f'1.m. s.s a.... .... . . ... ~00'·"'· .f.J kn ..... l ;JI '·"'· ,.. 4:4' '·"'· MOM .... 7:U 11.m. ltb ';21 t .l!'I. IJ.S. Summary TIMI 1rld '°"11t1Wtll l!ld IMrt tl\11! r" 1111r1 01 t f.C0,1t1ll0ft M....0.1 n!tht t fld .. rly IOClt'f. lflCl9"1..,I -tfltr c-.d Nfw Mt•· ko ,,_. ""°"'9d I f ftf f'bl'th '' Wlal'I· lflt!Otl 1t1i.. snow -.11 '" 1i. "°'"'"'' 11111 fllr tnd cool Wtflhtr 11ttltd t~t IM "II of ~ co1mtry. NIW Mnlco Wll hlf"Otll Ill! tw wtll CMll llOflllt. Htlf.lflCl'I 114111 l!flt.d \.t\ (I'll(" tlld Nl'ltthfd W'f!llOW1 II Ntw M .. 1,, St••• u111v.,,11.,. St>ow "'''~ 11'1411 -· Ill tff«t tor H lf!h HU of Tiit l!lt Orl fldt lltwf. TllrH lncl'>t• toWrtd Z\1111, J'IJtti;!9, N.M,, tncl two lllCllM ftU tt Owrl\lt, Nn., In 1M •rlr rnornl11t, Albl/Q11tni111 All•11!1 ea•l!"'sllt!d fl l1m1rt)( &ol1t 80i!0tt l,_.,IVllt• Cl'lk•to C!11d"111tt Oe11vtr Oel Moln.~ , ...... l'OH Worffl F,._~1111 M1!e111 K111u1 City Lii Vtul Loa A1111!1~ Mltml Ml1111e1POJl1 NtwOrlHflt New YOf'~ Htt'fll 'lltlt 0.~l•fld Olo.i.11..,.,. CllY Olr>tl'I• Pt!m Sorl.,.s PIJO Roblb Pllotlll• ftltllllllrtll ,ort1t"ll R11ld Clly Rtd 111111 ·-11t r11r1e11to St!I L•l:I City S111 Ol"o $111 fl'r1nc;l.co $1111!1 ..... M Tlltrm1I ' Hl911 Low ,l'M: ,.. ,, " " " • " " " " " " " " " ., " " " ,. " tt " " " .. • • " " " " .. " .. .. .. " .. " " " " .M " ., .. " n • .. .. " " • " " " » " " " " .. •• • N .. .. •• .. " " .. .. • " .. " .. " .. " •• " " .., " a 1, said the CommWlists bad a1most en- tirely occupied the town of Prey Totung, 45 miles northeast of Phnom Penh and that 20 Cambodians were killed and 150 wounded in attacks there. Bailly himself was slightly wounded when the command post at 0-Dar received a direct hit. Tonight's explosion in Saigon ap- parently was the latest in a series on an- ti.American incidents stemming from the shooting of a Buddhist high school stu. dent in Qui Nhon by an American soldier. There also have been firebomb attacks on U.S. military buses and jeeps. The explosion ripped doors from hinges, blew out windows and hurled a parked jeep across a street onto a \1iet· narnese boy, injuring him. The Saigon command ordered "100 percent security" in the Saigon area to guard against further outbreaks. ShorUy afterwards ·youths h u r 1 e d plastic bags filled with gasoline at a U.S. Navy jeep and one used by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Damage was slight and the two vehicles did not catch fire. Viet Cong terror was reported in the Mekong Delta where two grenade! were hurled into a temple jammed \\'ith praying Buddhists, killing seven persons and wounding 87 others. The incident oc· curred in the town of Long Trung. 44 miles ·southwest of Saigon, Monday night. Seattle 7 Given Contempt Terms In Court Melee TACOMA. Wash. (AP) -Defendants in the Seattle Seven conspiracy trial clashed with U.S. marshals as a contempt of court hearing erupted into chaos in the wake of a court order to silence one of their number. When it was all over Monday, five of the accused each faced two six-month jail sentences and the other two single sentences of six months apiece. At the height of the disorder, four of the defendants were forcibly evicted from the courtroom and taken to a cell area where the7 were handcuffed. Further incidents occurred outside the courtroom where police arrested 10 persons from a group of about 45 demonstrators and courtroom spectators who had been ousted from the building. Those arrested were charged with fail· ure to disperse and with resisting arrest. U.S. District Court Judge George H. Boldt handed down :second contempt of court citations against d e f e n d a n t s Michael Abeles, 19, Jeffrey Dowd, 20, Charles Marshall III, 21, Roger Lippman, 22, and Joseph Kelly, 24. Each drew two six·month sentences:. Two other defendants, Susan St.em, 27, and Michael Lerner, 27, were sentenced to one six month jail term. The hearing was ca11ed to set sentences for contempt of court citations issued last Thursday when Boldt declared a mistrial after the defendants refused to enter the courtroom. Mrs. Stem was ID and absent Friday and the judge said Lerner stepped back from Monday's disorder. Union Ratifies New Ford Auto Contract DETROIT (UPI) -The United Auto Workers today ratified a three-year con- tract with Ford Motor Co., leaving only Chrysllir among the Big Three auto maker11 left to agree on a new pact wltb the uniOn in the United States. The ford agreement, similar to One reached with General Motors after a f7· day UAW strike, becomes effective Mon· day. The contract covers about 160,000 Ford hourly employes. Negotiations. mcanUme. continued between the UAW and Chrysler with a target deadline - but not a strlke deadline -of Friday. i20.a11 .Jot.nae11 .. Russ Say Luna 7· Drops for Ven us MOSCOW (UPI) -Ruui~·· unmanned spaceship Venus 7 parachuted today toward the surface ol. the planet Venus aft.er a 120-day flight lrom earth, the Soviet News Agency Taas reported. Tass said during the SS minute descent the spaceship broadcast informaUon back to earth and that the information was being processed and evaluated. The dispatch did not say whether the space probe was expected to broadcast from the surface of the planet, or whether it had made a safe landing. The progress report 1 e f t the globe- !haped entry capsule sWinging beneath Its red parachute -just the situation in which the world last heard from the previous Soviet Venw: spacecraft. Venus 7, a 2,500-pound instrument package, blasted out of earth orbit on Aug. 17 to begin Russia's fourth attempt at a soft landing on Venus. The earlier efforts failed because radios stopped functioning while the capsules still were floating· downward on parachutes. Soviet scientists said that in one case, that of Venus 4, the enormous pressW"eS of the Venusian atmosphere crushed the capsule. The distance from the earth to Venus .varies from 2C.6 million miles to 70.6 mil- lion miles because of the eccentricity of the orbits of the two planets. Tass said when the space station had covered about 19.8 million miles it transmitted an enormous amount of telemetric information. It was when Venus 7 was within about 700,000 miles from ' Venus preparaUort! Franco Suspends Civil Liberties; 12 Arrests Made MADRID (AP) -Spanish police ar- rested 12 persons in raids in Madrid to- day as a government order :suspending civil liberties throughout the country went inta effect. Sources said police all over the nation were rounding up opponents of the regime of Gen. Francisco Franco. Government critics were threatened with six months in jail without charges under the near state of emergency. The regime ordered the clampdown Monday night in efforts ta stop a tide of protest and violence over the trial in _Burgos of 16 Basque nationalists. Civu- liberties are to remain suspended until next June 15. Verdicts for the 16 Basques were ex- pected by Wednesday, and there was speculation that some of them would be sentenced to death for the murder two years ago of a political police chief. The Vatican said it has appealed to the Spani:sh government not to hand down any death sentences in the trial and re- ported that it has played a role in seek· ing the release of West Germany's honorary consul in San Sebastian, Eugene Beihl, wllo was kidnapped by Basque ex- tremists. The situaticm represents the worst government crisis in Franco's 31-year~ld dictatorship. POW Letters began for the closing' Stages of the fli~ht -the station's entry into the Venusian atmosphere. Temperature in the descent c.rart was lowered to minus 8 derees centigrade. \\'hen the station entered the Venusian atmosphere at 8:02 a.m. (12:02 a.m. EST) the orbital compartment was separated from the descent craft. it said. An aerodynamic brake slowed the des- cent craft and a parachute system was activated. It was then that the craft be- gan transmitting for 35 minutes. . The Soviet Union has concentrated its space studies on Venus while the United States has concentrated on Mars and plans to launch two Mariner television spacecraft in March to orbit the red planet for three months and photograph the Martian surfac.e. In 1976, the United States plans to land two automated laboratories on Mars to search for life there. Russia has not had a successful Mars misson. 250-Missing In S. Korean Boat Sinking SEOUL (AP) -More than 250 South Koreans were feared drowned today in the sinking of a ferryboat in the Korea Strait. The Namyung Ho, with 256 passengers and 20 crewmen aboard, went down on its 4-hour run between Cheju Island, south of the Korean peninsula, and the southern Korean port of Pusan. Japanese ships pic;ked up eight survivors, and a Korean police patrol boat picked up three others. A Korean fishing vessel reported picking up a 12th survivor who was taken to a hospital in Pusan. A Korean police plane reported sighting two persona clinging to debris, and a Korean police officer who flew over the area said he saw oil slicks and floating wood. Maritime authorities said they feared most of the boat's occupants had perish- ed, however. because the rescue opera· tion was delayed and the weaUler waJ very cold. Transportation Ministry officials said they believed the boat sank because she was overloaded. In addition to the 278 persons aboard. they said, the 263-too vessel carried about 250 tons of cargo. 'Police said a preliminary investigation Indicated that the ship had also left Cheju Island without the skipper aboard The ferry went down between 1:30 and 8 a.m. but Korean authorities were not aware of the sinking until around noon, when they heard news dispatches from Japan quoting Japan's Maritime Safety Agency. The agency's office in Kitakywhu. southern Japan, said it learned of the sinking from rad io mes. sages from other ships in the area. The Japanese agency assigned four of Its patrol vessels to help Korean boats and planes in the search. Several Japanese fishing boats also joined the operation. Miss Dianna Green, 20, one of six members of a egation from Colorado Springs, looks at some o! lhe 125.000 letters protesllng POW treatment which were not accepted by the North Vietnamese em· bassy in Paris. Miss Green's Cather bas been missing in act.ion for three years. - Octuplets Odds: I in 20 Trillion JUST ABOUT every ~'Om11t knows her bust measurement. But hardly 1 man knows his. chest measurement is a rari· ty. Most· any woman knows her hip measuremM.t, also. But harlly a man knows hls. Tell a woman her hips outtape her busUirie by two inches and &he will not regard It as news. Such is average in the feminine figure. But tell a man his hlpe art two inchell bigger lhan his chest and he'll probably contradict y o u , although such too js average in the male body build. IF THE GENTLEMAN Is from Korea, chance1 run 19 to one his family name is Chong, Ahn, Choi, Lee, Pak or Kim • , • WANT TO MAKE a little room look bigger? Nothing tn It. Paint the ba!ieboards the ,;ame C1llor as the carpet •.• THE DETROIT BOYS ~ay the gestation period of tlie new car is two years, just about as long as that of an elephant. WAS UP ON the river this morning. Digging a hole. Fellow comes along, sits down on stump, rolls a cigarette, and says, "Outhouse?" [ say, "Yeah," and kept at it. The soil was sandy enough to make the digging easy. but the roots kept getting in the way. Another old boy comes along, hunches down, and says. "You're going to havt lo 10 deeper than that." I ~aid ''Looks that way." Couple tnGJ'e men showed up pretty soon. One says, "You'd be bet- ter off putting in 9i septic tank." t agreed. The other says, "Know a guy !with a backhoe who'd come l n cheap." 1 was abouS waist. deep by then, First felfw with the roll-your~wn i; a y s, ''Believe the phone mpany might do that for y free with their posthole a er." I hoisted myself oul of die hole and uid, "Gue• I'll take a. bteak." 1 headed up tbe r!Yer, thinking, "These guys. don't get it. A man. can dig a hole juat becauae he wants to dig •~ hole, but they don't ·aavvy!' When I got bee~ a couple of hours later, the bole was three feet deeper than I'd Jeft It, the walls smooth· and true, the foundaUon rocks perfeclly in place.. And JKtbody W a I around. CUSTOMEl\ SERVICE -Q. "What are lhe odd• aeainst a woman havin1 eiaht babies 'at once?" A. One In *> trillion. Don't know exactly how many a trillion is, but it's quite a bucketful. So far in this cen4 Lury only three sets of oc- tupleta have seen the daylight. Twice in Mexico, three yeara ago and 49 years ago; and once in China, 36 years ago. None Jived long. · AMONG RACEBORS&'!, the record book list.a: "Whoa," a fUlyootof ''Stopsign ''; "Complacency," a filly out of ••smirk"; "Forevtr After," a colt out of "Happy Ending," and "ln Our Time," a filly out of "Appeuement." It was tha.t movie man Louis B. Mayer who owned these animals, and IO named them . . . THE HARBOR WATER cf Venezuela's Puerto Cabello is '° calm, It's said, a sh\p can. be anchored by a single hair. And that's how the port came to identified, too. Puerto Cabello means Port of the Hair. The Spanish speak in nifty flavors, don't they? Your que1ti07L'J and com- mt"nt1 ar• welcomed and wiU b• wed in CHECKING UP whtrtUtT pouible. Ad- dress letter• to L. M. Bottd. P.O. Bo• 1875, Nn>porl Btach, Calif., PUMI. Medi-C l Cut T~ay; Hearin s Under Way SACRAMENTO (U~! I The Reagan administr11tion's 10 percent Medi-Cal aitback goes into effeet today ts it holds a public hearing on further cuts in the health care program. The Department of Realtl1 Care Services called the hear- ing on proposed regulations cutting back payment rates from $14 to $13.54 a day for nursing home patients. The proposal is expected in be. hotly contested by nursing home operators. Drug Supplier Gets Sentence LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A man alleged lo be the "Nt1. 1 1upplier of illegal bennie5 in the western United· State! in J967 was sentenced to four to 23 years 1n state pris<ln Mon· day. John Darby Blair. 52. was given four consecutive prison terms on two counts of manufacturing danger o u s drugs, one of possessi n g dangerous drugs for 11ale arid one of violating parole on a previous grand theft co114 vlction. Going into effect today was a 10 percent cutback in payments to health care pro. viders such as doctors, drug4 gifts and nursing homes. Of4 ficials have promised it will be only "temporary." The redUC'tion, which in- cludes delay of "nonessential'' patient servicts, was ordered Dec. 2 as a step to avoid a threatened $140 million deficit irt the current Medi-Cal budget. In4 patient hospitals are excluded from the cut. The Califcrnla Association of Nursing Homes Monday failed In a last-minute attempt to block tbe 10 percent cut4 back as it applies to nursing homes. Superi(}f' Co1,1J'l J u d g e William Gallagher rejected a request from nursing home operators for a terl'!porary reatrainlng order and ins~ad set a hearing for Dec. 29 when Medi-Cal oUicials will be ask4 ed to show why the cuts are necessary, The suit by the aSM>CitUon was b1sed on a court action fjled in 1967 when operators charged that the state wasn't paying them reasonable COIUI. Last February in that cue, the 3rd Dislrict Court of Ap- peal directed the: state to hold public bearinp on the fee issue. SEASONS GREE'l'IZWGS fl NE WINES ORDER FRESH TURKEYS ANO TllMMIN•S •Alt~Y _.,_ ..._,., ..... Delivery botJlna 1 p.m. 673-3510 -.J ~No Surplus For Reagan Vote Fund sACRAMENTO (UPl)-Gov. Ronald Rta1an•1 1% mllllon· plus 1enerd re-election effort flnllbed '911.000 1n· lhe ·red in- stead cl proclucinC I surplus, campalp f 1 a a a c • 'o(ficlals ,.port. '.'We're a litUe ahame-f1ctd about it," reported onci cam· palp·alde .. wbo utacf.nol lo bo named. . "Sa,,to Claus. DOfSN 'T live at tho North Pole I He I 1v•s at th• shoppingcmlter 'cauaa I SAW. him.• DAILY PIL!Jt.11 . ... . . . . ' . . ,., ' Another Murder Rap Souglat .Secrecy Veils Manson Study LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Fourteen witnesses testified Monday at a secret grand jury h,earing as the state sought another murder indictment against Charles Manson, ac4 C'USed mastermind of the Tate• LaBianca· slayings. Two ol tbt flnt witnesses were the mother and wife or movie 'tunt> man Donald "'Shorty" Shea. 36. who di>ap- peared In Augui;t. 19St, ahorUy after the Tate killings. Neither would speak to newsmen. Deputy District Attorney Bur ton Katz, who ls presen4 ting the case, reportedly told the jury that Shea waa: 1ltln at the Spahn Ranch at the time it was the stronghold of the 1'Manson Family.'' week~ aictms 1n a desolate mountain area north ot here. Sheriff's · deputies were to re'wne a search for the bearded lawyer after aeuonal raiM sub6ided. · Maxwell Keith. the attorney appointed by the court lo substitute for Hughes. was to inform Superior Court Judge Charles H. Older whether he wu sufficiently backgrounded to proceed wllh the case Wednesday. For1y4Jve witnesses have been called to testify, in- cluding five former members of the 11Manson Family" who appeared at the 36-year-old Manson's trial for the killings of actress Sharon Tate and sil others. Sheriff's perso~nel dug up1piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimjj the grounds of the old movie lot ranch after repor13 that Shea has been killed, decapitated and buried there, but the search revealed no trace of him. Avoid Dul Ed Milla, a lop-level ol· llclal o1 Ille J\ •·P u· b II c a n 1overnor'1 campaian ftnarn:e cqantution, Aid M o n d a y tbal the lull lil<I ol lhe deficit, won't be known ftr some time. He predicted . lt will bo ••retaUvely. amall." "We will· work on getting -----------------~---- Cab Firm Chief Takes First, Fifth Katz was reported seeking lndictmenLs agaim:l Manson and two or his followers , Bruce Davis, '11, and Clem Tull!, 19. the Christmas if Crush contributions to pay it oU, •• ukl Milli, Reaaan'1 Southern California finance chairman and a co-cbairman et the 1cvemor'1 lnlUl'Ul'atlon ·com·" mittee. ''We can use 1eme cf the lunda from die lnauaural, if neceisary_" Fiprea filed with Secretary ef State H. P. SuWvan la11t ....i: dllcJoaed that Rtaaao'• heavily bankrolled fall eJtclicn campaign received an estimated $2.2 million and spent '1135 million ·-produc- ing: 1 IW'plus of more than IM,000. But the cums were reported before all the umpalgn bills had been received lnd all tbe late contributions tallied, Mills said a special bank Joan of $90,000 was obtained during the final hectic day1 of shutting down the campaign crg1riizltlon "'to have the money en hand to pay 111 the. bill s on hand." The sum showed up en the financial report as income but because it hadn't been repaid failed to show as an expense. When the campaign's finances become clear, an amended atatement will be tiled, Mills said. By law, candidates must file their financial reporll within 35 d1ys of the general election. Office WiMers who fail to de 10 will be barred frem taking office until a report is filed 1e. companied by a special C<IW"t •rder. Long Beach: Councilmen Face Recall LONG BEACH (UPI) - Four city councilmen who backed expansion of the Long Beach airport and the costly Queen Mary project find eut today whether their stands have cmt them their jobs. Loyalty O~th Reversal Pleases · San Jose Prof During the Tate tr i a 1 . former Manson follower Paul Watkins testified the hippie SAN DIEGO (AP) -The leader once told him about former president Of Yellow "killing this guy, Shorty." Cab Co. whose testimOJlly Jed Watkins' testimony en that to bribery conspiracy indict· subject was hailed befure he SAN JOSE (UPI) -A San fend them against 1 ' a 11 men~ against public officials could elaborate, but tie was Jose State Colle&e professor, enemies, both fortip and has invoked the First, Fifth scheduled to appear before the whose belief• resulted in the dome1tic." 11nd 14th Amendments at the · Jury. Supreme Court declaring the Und..-the DWworth Oath trial of Mayor Frank Curran. The Ta•· trial , .••• 11 was ,,. C.!1"fornia •eachers' oath un· ' B t 1 t M d Ch I ~ ~ ~ whkh has not been court4 u a er on ay, ares pected to resume Wednesday constitutional, uys: "I feel tested, they" must also swear A. Pratt answered Questions after a nearly tw~week break very happy." or affirm that they have never about a fare increase sought caused by the disappearance ", • 4 The bill of righlt i1 knowingly been 8 member of by the firm after he was told of defense lawyer Ronald upheld at least ill certain the Co . t Part immunity from proseeution Hughes. cases,'' continued Kenneth mmwus Y· does not extend to perjury Hughes ls feared to have Weatcllff Plaza OPIN "TIL f P.M. THROU•H CHRISTMAS Mackay, who teaches meteor4 Thrown out by the Supreme charges. been killed In Thanksgiving oJogy. Court was an oath ~manded Pratt, whose testimony ledJ~~"....''.".'.:'.'...~~'.".'.'~~':!"~~~~~~~~~~! MacKay, 31, added that he before teachers could obtain lo the Oct . 8 indictments of 1Anert1Jerntno had no objections to taki"' the credentials in this state. Curran and eight ethers. Revoluti·oni·zes levering oath, which with the MacKay's suit contended It startled the courtroom by Dillworth Oath, still ls re-was "unduly vague, uncertain refusing to give more than his quired. and broad" in·, a part whi ch and his attorney·s names D t w • .. I think loyalty oaths are demanded thal teachen swear under questioning by Depuly en Ure ea r1 ng kind of dumb anyhow, but an lo "promote, respect foc the Dist. Atty. John A. Hewicker. oath simply pledging to uphold flag, and respect for law and He said further answers might The nureiit thint to havini your tect sum• from bruilint. You_,. the U.S. Co•stitution and itate order, and allegiance to the incriminate him. own teeth .. pcmible no• with a bitt'hardtf'. clietr bttttr, •t man pla1tit cream diKOYery that actu· naturally. constitution is not olr government of the U11ited1:;iii0iii0iii0iii0iii0iii0iii0iii0iii0;;;J elly ho!d1 both "upper•" and F1x00t:NT m.ay help 1'111 ..,.t. jectionable.,. State!." II .. lowen" •• nevtt btf~ po11ihle. ftlD!l: elarl7. bt mott at eue... l · Ungth 'ph h FOR $10,000 ll'1arevolutionaryditc0ver1 ThttpecialP!lldl·point~ Wilton Riles, incoming State n ?eJtt a~ rase, t e ca11td F1xoo•~. f(N" <lloily home let• you IPOt F1xooam •itll ~ Superilltendent of Public Supreme Court found it was IN PRIZES AND u1e. (U.S. Pat. 13.003,988) With cilion ... whereo~I lnstruclion sa.ld he be.lieved "euentially illdiatingulshable" SPORTS FUN TOO ~xy00!':': .::f' 1!;~~;J"T{~ h~~,~~:t~~t8A~'.:e'~· one oath WU enough. from a Wuhington State oath SEE PAGE 17 •OITY of dmturee comint loc.. tial to health. See your ckntiat "I aee no need for three which previwsly tiad been Fixoos"" form• an elutlc man· MU111ly.Gt1_,.·to-u.l'lxoosNT TODAY'S PAPER tnne that hdoo ah.m'b .... ,.._. o,,, .. ,, '''''''' r • ..., ,, ... oaths," he 1aid. ''l dOll't found unconstitutional. of bitin1 and tlmrini-~ ;;;. mu, ~ten. ..... - believe you can solve all your,j·~~~~~~:;;;;~--~iii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i;;;;;iiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOijj problems by having 10meone take an oath." "Honest people will etve you an honest answer; dishonest people will give you a dishonest answer. But in general, I aet nothin1 wron1 with reqW,ing a teacher or 11d. miniltrator who works with young people to it.ate their in· tent to· suppmt the 11"1 and conslitulloo of the stale eel nation.', The levering oath, which has been tested in court, is re- quited cf all 1t1te, county' and dty emp]O)'es and requires that they iwear or affirm they will "bear true faillJ and allegiance" to the state and laden.I constituticna and d~ STARS $y411" 0111•Pr ,, •it• ., th. ••tl4'1 tr••t ••tr•lo1er1, Hi1 c•l1111111 it •11• •I ffi• DAILY 11LOTS tt11t fe•ture1, weeksOnlY PAlft'\Utl 1\I'-.~:·· •preft'llUlll ndlfd ~ The four, Paul Deats, Bert Bond, E, F. Cruchley and Ruuell Rubley, are t be targelt el today's recall elec- tion. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:ill A group ca 111 n I ltlelf•i i'\dU'l>l'Y •tll GLASS-BELTED "Citizens for Recall" collected about 18,200 1i1natares on its recaJI petition charging that the four were "arroeant and unresponsive" in iregard to the Queen Mary pro/<J-1. airport expansion and a n "im- neceuary" five percent utility tax. DIAMONDS AND ESTATE ~EWELRY ~URCHASED "These people (the coutl4 cilmen) just don't, give a damn a~ut 'boW (be pei>ple feel," group campal;ti chairman Saul Stolzberg chara:e<t "Ycullr---------.1 wouldn't belleve~hat Joa on s.u+h C•ast ''••• down here. Jl'• the •covern-lrlltel •• S•11 Diet• fwy. ment of the few, for 1the few c .. 1. M••• 140·t066 and by the few.'~ ....... llTAfL ITDiD 1222 $, IROOKHURST mo I. COAST HWY. ANAHllM COAONA DIL MAR t• • • v-.. c.tw) .... , fl ..... ,,.... C-) ~ • DISTIWCTIVE THAEE·AlNG WHITEWALLS • FA"40US OUAL·TAEAD DESIGN 30% ' OFF , Rl!QULAR PRtCI! ANYSIZI! - 3 ~IECE Wl,ND 'N RAIN SUIT "''' J .......... .. • ww ...... ,., .. . • """ hty ..... 1c • """ WlalWllty ON~Y SIZE E78·1-i (7,35-1-i) F78-1-i (7.75-14) G7S.14 (8.25·1-i) H78·1-i (8.55·1-i) J78·1-i {8.85·1-i) F78-15 (7.75-15) REG. SALE PR ICE PRICE $-i7.75 $33.-i2 $49.90 $34.93 $54.95 $38.48 $60.70 $4 ~.49 $68.80 $<18.16 $49.90 S:W.93 FEO. ex. 'AX 12.25 S2.-i4 $2.60 $2.80 $3.01 $2.-iO SIZE REG. PR ICE G78·15 (8.25-15) $54.95 H78·1S (8.55·15) $60.70 J78-1 S (8.85·15) ...... 9005 (9.00· 15) $69.85 L78·15 (9.15-15) $70.90 GTW. • 2 Abergf$$S Betts • 4 Ply Nygen• Nylon Cord BOdy SALE FED. EX. PRJCE TAX $38.-i6 S2.60 $.42.49 S2.80 $-i8.1 6 $2.93 $48.89 $2.87 S-i9.53 $3.2\) NO TRADE NEEDED -SALE ENOS DEC. ti General.Jet ~I ·- •Dual T,.ad 0..igll • 4.p1y NylOn Cota • Our.~RubbtirTl'hd 'l',1'$t4 7.1$.lf $21.2.5 1,2$-14 •.is.11 $24.00 $1 ,.99 Tubel•ss Ythil&w1n prices plus $1,78 to Sz.s.3 Fed Ex.. Tax per tire, depending on aizt, plus •xchenge casing. nu Doo Swodhiol COAST GENERAL TIRE • 515 W. ltllo., C-M- 540·1710 646,JOU ~ AVERY GINERAL TIRE SERVICE 16941 a-h ... -. H•••"'lott~,.. .. -M7-st50 O!frf!.i.AL TiftlS ••• WOATH OfUVING ACROSS TOWN TO an---------- I l • • j I I . • • • , ~ ;. •• ~ .. • • ~ • DAJL;y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Horse Racing QueStio:µ ·,:: Will thoroughbred horse racing be added lo Orango County's stellar list of entertainments? Already the home of some .big attractions -Disney· land. Knott's Berry Farm, Lion Country Safari, not to mention 40 mil~s of beautiful ·beaches -the county could indeed be offering horse racinl? as well. The Orange County fair board will take up the iss ue this Thursday night. • The idea is anything but new. For almost 20 years, various members of the !air board (officially the 32nd District Agricultufal Association) have been tossin~ up trial balloons as they eye hungrily the potential income a race track would produce. Jn each case, up to now, the ball oon has either been shot down or has simply disappeared. The local fair board began a detailed study o! adding horse racing to its yearly calendar last monlb and presumably will tackle the topic in earnest this week. If they vote to proceed. approval wiU be required from the .State DivisiOn of Fairs and Expositions and the Caliiornia Horse Racing Board. Public hearings also would be required. - The board might find diffiCult y in· stirring up any Rreat enthusiasm for horse racing in Orange County. ln the first place, approval presumably v.·ould be re· quired from the city of Costa Mesa , in \vhose bound· aries the 160-acre facility is located. Even if -and this has been discussed previously -the Costa Me sa tiite is swapped fof acreage· elsewhere in Orange Coun· ty, the city of Costa Mesa would govern the new own- ers' use of the fairgrounds a&reage and thus could nix the deal . Certainly a massive investment would be required U thoroughbred events were expected to rival tho se itaged at Santa Anita and Hollywood Park. But beyond that. it probably would be difficult to convince an ordinary Orange County citizen that horse racin~ is really desirable. Racing has a reputation of attracting certain elements that are not always \Vel· come in a community. Moreover. many citizens are .going .,to ask . thls gimple question: \Vho really needs1'horse racing? 'Whom does Jt benefit?. .. •. . ' The fair board is Hkely . to reply that it is under strong pressure to find new sources of financing and that horse r_;icing js ah easy mean~,., of brin&.in& ,in revenue without going to the taxpayers. But> we'd. l\less the average Orange Countian is ·&oing to quest.lets. 1er~ iously if the annual fair and the other uses of the prop- erty are that important to him. ' The fair bOard wllr hav.e to ·com~ith some'ex~ ceptionally stron'g arguments if it is to obtain any teJ.l- . ing show of support for gambling and horse racing ih Orange .County. The ql)estion, again, is a diiect one: Who needs it? · · · '-· Early Decision Urgent · Voter revolt over school taxes Continued tn 1969-70, but eased up slightly on school boridS~ according lo a ne\v statewide survey by the California Teachers Asso- tion. · There were 3.9 percent fewer ta): elections carried in 1969·70 than in the previous.year. Bu\ s.uccessful bond elections increased by 4:5 percent.· · The bond election~ were tJ1'1ier the tw~thirds m~ jority vote rule. which the California ·Supreme Court 'struck do\vn last June 30 and ·is n<:>w being .tested ln.~e U.S. Supreme Court. . . . Had the bond elections been decided by a simple majority, 85.8 percent of the bond elections w9uld have succeeded. Among these is the Tustin Union High &;hoot Di strict. which looks to the U.S. Supreme Co1.1rt.for final approval of a $25.8 million bond issue approved by a simple majority. · . The issue can't be settled too s.oon-for the sake of bond sales for school facilities now held up pending de· cision on pending appeals. ' t . ... I l'igoi"ous Attack on Chic · Radicalisin • Reappraisal on Something s t r a n ge -and . perhaps 5ignificant -is happening in the rarefied almosphere inhabited by trendy in· tellectuals. For the fltst time in years, some members of the in·group have adopted a nat-all·is-rotten·in·America line. A vigorous attack is being launched on the chic radicalism that per\'ades some inlellectual salons. Editorial the Left -radicalism of the 1950s had much in com· mon with conservatism, he notes, in· eluding the bias against government in-~ lervention and the belief that the theoretical and politic.al structure built by the liberals did not work. But the 1960s saw radicalism taken over by those .. square -in the succession to the sim· pie-minded, grotesque, freedom-denyirtg radicali sm of the Leninists and Stalinist! of th e J930s." Power of the President to Wage War Still They Call It 'Delivery Service~ j Research· •·sub-literary genre of pornography.'' This new development can be seen in 10me of the small but' influential IN RECE1''T ISSUES, Commentary has magazines that are the Bibles of the co m· described radical talk about political munity. In Commentary, Prof. Nathan repression as nonsense , labeled the Black Glazer, a Harvard sociologist , states that Panthers a menace, called the women·s 1tudent radicalism has caused him to liberation movement silly and branded switch from ''mild radical" to mild con· The New York Review of Books, a major &ervative. At the same time, Norman in tellectual publication of the New Left, Podhoreti. the publication's chief and as anti-American. The December issue author of "Making It," writes that he has mount! a massive attack on the youthful fallowed a similar path. counter-culture, including Charles A. And Phili p Rahv, founder in 1934 of the Reich ·s "The Greening of America.'' In one-time Trotskyi~liiie Partisan Review, his column, Podhoretz calls some of the Cismisses the ••vacuous couflsels of the aUiludes surrounding the counter-culture Old Left" and attacks the NeW Left as "t~ new hypocrisies" al)d d1!scribes uan inchoate m881 ... ol~paliUcal group-them a9 "insensitive, t n curia us , bigs." Writing ii\ the "'first iS!Ue 1 o( unimaginative and smug." Modem ~ions, his,. new paUtical-Writing of his own ideological shift. literary .. quarterly, Rihv says that Glazer said one explana Uon for it was "'revolution is a process, not a hap-,.\ that ''the character of radicalism chang· ,pening, '' and goes on to• denawice the · .. ed over the course of lbe decade." The GLAZER 'S ARTICLE led to COD< siderable soul-searching by some of h.js fellow intellectuals. Dwight Macdonald, the critic, says : "I'm not a radical no" in the sense <>f believing in a revolu· tionary solution, but I . don't fee l particularly. ~aUve." I r v I n g Kristo\, et>.f.dilor ef The Public lnj.erest., observed : "I started moving right a long time ago." . Michael Harrington, author vr "The Other America'' and chalmi.an of the Sociallst Party, replied lt,lat what Glazer saw as conservatism i1 mt.rely "a reac- tion to pseudo--radicalilin." And Irving Hawe, the editor of DWent, declared: ·~I can't tell the difference between the revolutionaries and the counter·revolu· tionaries." Last .April the M~~sachusetts legislature i~pted. a law denying the ·power · o( the President lo wage war "".ithaut !! declar11Uan by the CongreSs, as provided by, three bare wards in the ·Cons~ttition, Art. I, Sec. a..11 . The ··Mass8Chilsetts , :Attorney Gener~ was empaWered to-rbflnt aUil In the , t happened lo be borne a little later than usual Ye!t.erday morning,. when a big-truck rolled up in front bf the house with the six new dining room chairs we have been waiting for since mid-Sep- tember. \ ' '· The driver rang lhe bell, and when I answered the doo(, he laid, "I'll unloa9 these six cartons on, the curb for you. The , rest.is up to you.'' "You mean J1ve , got tO carry ·ti)ase ·, six heavy boxes a.II the way up into the boll!e by myself?" l .asked. He shrugged . . "That's up io yoo : .1 Jtm drive the truck -1 'm not a in over.'' .U nlted.Stii~ Su- preme Court ~k· inj:to.eri~ {he Presidem trom pur· suing the · Vieqiam· war. In his pleading, the Attorney G.ener· '.al. said: "Notll:ng In "WHAT IF I HADN 'T happened to be the inherent power home, as I'm usu.ally not ~this lime?' I of the Exkutive, in-asked. "'You don·t expeci my wife, or any ls wha t th cartage companies call "delivery se ·ice.'' BOW DOE! ONE justly apportion the blame for this absurd situation? It was, in all fairne~, hard to blame the truck driver, even though his attitude left mucll to be desi red )·I~ was all alone on tht truck, 'and had. a schedule to meet. Besides, a trµ:iJt driver is not a moving man. But what iii Jhe customer lo do, wbo orders samet~1ng in good faith and t.htn finds it dumw~ on the curb when nobody but a frail wife i!1 al home? The cartage trucks won't1dellver at night, when the husband returns. You can't keep the truck coming bick day after day. ducting the poWer to woman, to be able to ha'nd1e those, do repel sudden ·attacks, justUies the extent you?" •;WHY 00£.SN'T the company hire a of our milit8.ry CQmmitment in Vlet-.. I don't e~t anything,' be shrugged second man lo help with the moving ?" I ·llam." .· again. "I'm a union driver. and all the asked the driver. "Then your cartage The Supreine Court ref~s~· lo hear ;his, 'union rules corilpel me to do is deliver · charges would -go up a lot:• he said. P e f J l • R h the load to your address -how you get it ''Look, I just drive this stuff around and suit, as. it has.several similar suits in lhe into your house is none of my business ." collect my J)Cly." raise Or Op In ·an"-past. ~s~ d,is:se~~g1 fromHthe . ~usal And the c:irta.ge company collects its . . .U were us '" ·~gas, arlan amd "WELL, WHAT would a hou-.wife do, fee. And the •ibUc, as usual, get ilo5 royal Stewart. S.ix. 1'uslices upheld the ban. h 1 •- To the Editor: ln the Nov. 28 edition of the Di\JLY PILOT, you had an article on the front page entitled, ''Grand Jury Raps the Quality of Joplin Ranch Program ." hfy son spent six months at Rancho Potrero, the Junior High sectii>n of Joplin Ranch . Ray Stripe is a marvelous person who has every qualification to be where he is. The Grand Ju ry .mentioned in its report that he lacked imaginativeness. This is- not true. While my son was there, many improvements were made. 'Ve saw a library, school rooms. and more supplies far the recreation room brought in. also preparations for parking; ball courts, etc. HE PROVIDED the incentive for the boys, because it's their ranch. He gives them the opportunity far creativeness, and good solid thinking. Many of these bays have never had the opportunity for either . The teachers and principal are of the highest caliber. 'M1e counselors are ex· ccllent. Not only do they teach well in their fields of education, but they work 11;ide by side with .the boys individually. 'This is-very important to bo ys who have felt rejected. They need to koow that someone ca.res in every area of their life. These teachers have given lhe boys in· ceotive In every area. Mr. StrJpe works personally with these t>oys. He is ~ 1n constant contact with ----- Tuesday, December 15, 1970 The ed itorial -page of t he Dady Pilot 1ee'Q t4 inform and 11irn .• ulate read.£r1 b11 presenting this newspaper'• opinions aiut com· mcntary on topics of interes t and significance, b11 providing a . forum for the e:tpre11f1tn of our r eader•' opinioru, o.nd bl/ presenting the dii>er&e uiew- pointl of inf~d ob&ervtrs and 1poke&men on t·ojnc1 of the dog. . Robert N. Weed, Publisher t en?" pursued the matter. "She"d prob-shafting. Jn this age of magnificen t "'~ Many _Opponerils of the Vietnam war ably tell us to come back the next day," technology ~nd bland assurances of •· .... ') the boys to read. the Bible or Christian will agree, "'Vith tbe Attorney General'! he said. "By~ what if the husband is away "se.rvice," the housewife is forced to drag literature if they dioose to? pleading i;:tause, nrMd abote.:~ t.he at work all. .day ~nd can't be there?" around hea ·y cartons in a way that Mailbox AS 'FAR AS the construction is Ct>n· passa&e ,!s"amJ>.iguom,' founded in the' "Then she ought to hire a mover," he would have been unth inkable irt her "extent ' of the commi. tment, and seem· , 'd · cerned, the boys know the ranch is their · &a1 · grandmother", time, when "delivery '' .. ranch. They've built it along with the Ing to question the power of a President 1 The cartage bill was· $34. Hiring a meant into the house, not to the curb. ff ~"' evtn lo -.-·' .... ' jnvulon of. American · t to l · h 00· men. They built the most beautiful chapel ·~ ·mover JUS ug six eavy xes from this is progr('SS, only the surgeons who ~~ ~°':1y~~1',' :::!..~·~0:;!~ :;'1i!:. !\re ever seen, along with .the other soil, though that, too, is an .. ambiguous the curb into the house would probably specialize .in hernia operations would TM r1th1 ta conotflH 1e11e., tG 111 '""« er e11 ... i. buildings. They are rehabilitated and sentence coMlructlon. ·cost the.same amount, or ma~. And this think so. . . n•lt llbel It ~serYed. 411 l~l'N!rt m11sl !1>eH11le t lg- n•ll.I._ ,ncr m1111119 1ddrwn. b\11 n•mi!• m1v be given ntuch incentive, knowing their wcrrk IT IS NOT• ~~LY •-th th ' wl!~lwld Dn reci111s1 n sllf'lldent r"'°" I• 1pparen1. will help some olher boys in the fut ure. ..,,iu:: , uuwever, at. e Pottrv .... 111 no1 "'pub11s~ec1. This gives them respect and admiration . Attorney General intended to qu t~_n"l i.. \t: • • Baloney with the state bullding standa<ds .. P•~sident's power t<l re~l "SU~ n"~t·. \~illy Haircut Regulatw· ns the educators and olher men. and the parents, walehing tbe progress of each boy. IF THESE qualities are what the Grand .J ury means when it says Mr. Stripe is •·Jacking full commitment to the educational program " then they have lost !rack cf what the ranch program is all about and its purpose. The ~hoo1 rooms are quite adequate, conside ring the bciys do betler al the ranch than in regular school. The rooms aren'l beautifully carpeted and.fancy. if this is what the people of the Grand Jury expect. Jf !his is what is ex pected , then the board of eduCation and superv isors tihould provide funds. In case the Grand Jury has forgotten, our great nation \\1as founded "under God ". What is wron g wilh havi ng lhe greatest work of literature available for the boys to read , il they so chaose. This book has exceeded all others in sales, and provided the greatest means for the right way to llvt, the book tha t provides more education, ~st present and future, ithan all the educator:s in the world, UJe Bible. ntE BOYS JIA \'E a rounded out life at !he ranch, and everyone that s11ys th at part of a fully rounded cut hfe. does not include rtading the Bible, or at leest ha v. ing· It available to read, must live mosi unsuccessful lives themse.lves. It is the most educational book In the world. It prov ldts wisdom and understanding. In m_y opinion, e\'idcnlly the Grand Jury Is left \\'Bnllng in this area. TeU me In the quiet or the night. tha t none of yoo has ever thought about God. and what He has Jn mind for your lift? Y.'haL Is wrong and what is lacld ng in imaginatl_on, whtn the. ~·a.vward boys can roaUze •re Is mere to Ufe tha n man·i; ways? It Is not 1na11· datory. but is there l!lnyone ~'ho c11n bon,.tly say It's not aood and belplill for in this case. I challenge anyone to co111· tacks.'' All Presidents Have _ the . pare !he quality 9f building these boys right in an emergency to preserVe the ~h-·• and men do to any bd'tlding in 6range vlolability of American soil. and have . Coun~y. They do a t.errilic job, and the been upheld by tradition. This Ji>:"'~ ~.a.s . f More time ls wasted and more silly .P ~,. __., ·-· .. ., ~ .... ..-. buildings are attractive. • beten extended lo include Amer1ca:n·'1• · b" k . . d th t f f • · 1 , , • teresls ·as well u -soil very earfy in th8-ic erlllg 1s one over e 111a ler o en-: . OUR SON WAS given .a new outlook.on c~ of ~iratrJHl t!je 'hi&h ~· ' ~~ing dress regulations than almost f t est Editorial ·J hfe, thanks to the _ranch pr_ogram and All Pr 'd t L.ncol ·u d ...... I anything ooe can think of. 1' "\ the workers theretn. This 16 the purpose e.s1 en . 1 n commi e -..... o . . '-. cf the ranch. is it not? His grades lfl· war 1mm~ly u~n the: f~ll of Fort , A few months ago 15 Marine Corps --· .. --~ ..... -. schools are and ha ve been elevated ever . Sumter, by rei.nforcutg. cert.a~ arsenals . reservists in San Diego rebelled when an featuri ng ri:ore hair and made some pru. since he left !he ranch. '• under ~a\ cf. ~ by the. ~n· order was given that they get haircuts dent adjuslmj!nJs. Ne one can tell more than the voice er federate ~rredlon. In the past .cen· cooform ing exactly to the type spelled experience so the people of the Grand' tu~, Pre~idents haw: repeatedly com-ou~ i'n the military rulebook. l.d h h d r · milted mmor· acts cf war --to protect ' . · . Jury sh~u go up tot e ranc an 1ve \"American inttrests abroad, notably in , Sance they were r~~.:v1sts only twD for awhi le and walch the!ie boys, lh~ · Lath•' America · 'Ibe.se interventions did tl1ys a month, and c1v1 hans the rest of make another .report . It . would ~ qu1t& no.t lnv'blve aihrtatened invasibn 'of the ~time, the men argued that it was I\. di.ffere~t , that ts for .sure. tM:r. StJ:ipc and ~United 'states, and .. a.ome were .doublm logical and unconslitutiooal that they be ht i~ atssd1st~nt tths .•nkre doing aldsu.pf:rb job,1:"!1 . unwise. but none resulted in curtailmenl '. uired to have military.type ha ircuts. JUS an 1 you cou improve e1 r f t•-Pre ·d tlal y were willing to compromise to a work ! c 1~ . s1 en power. . . P h th l h Id · With Korea a hew prjncl..n• ·emerged int, I.e., kef!p their longer·than-allowed Ct aps, We e peopc, SOU Jn• ~ · Y.' ' ... I ti tr' ed b t th f ll 'l \'estlgate the Grind Jury, for the kind of · It was an action instigated by the Securi. ,.. r ne~ Y 1mm , u_ ~Y .. e 1 was rt th · b ltt' and th ·r ty Councll of lhe United Nations and A> infringement oo their c1v1han status repo s ey re -sum mg e1 • d · ouldbe d tr' t oil ·es' ~sident Truman believed he was bound .. f. in some cases w a e 1men m \ \ . NAME WITHHELD to Auppo It in what he called 1 •1pOUct to aming a livelihood, fashions being action." wlr•' they are, if required to 0 b e y the /!ear Gloomy Gu.s: ,. t I A PoX on the big land develcper "'ho preaches environmental con· trnl w11h ooe hand lln~ bufi bill· board :space wllh the other. " • I -P. Jl D. • • WITH VIETNAM arose another prirto clp1e, and th1t'1 where the trouble f:ELL, THE MARINE Corps got lt.s &tarted .~ Unlted:Slltes was not bound wt6,1'he reservists were.court-marUaled by treaty. to "!.gu•r~tff ille aecurity of an Punished for insubordination. S!>uth. Vietnam bY military forct, and ybe this ls Ute way lt had to be, President Eisenhower did not do so. Ma Corps tradltlons being what they lt remained for 'Prffidtnt Johnson and are, ·1ways triumphant. But maybe it . Secrelary ol State Rull tO deVise a quasi· was · a paper victory, too. We wcNld • 11!:gal basis tor . direct military in· wag that mosl of the IS reservi11b are tcrvention in lltdochina. Thi!' basis, nol ~~·ho Marines any longer, if they elaborated with .dub1ous argument of ever: ere. . "eornmitment'' and "hoilot" was never A ter w1 y to keep in t~ch ~llh the penuasiVe with a large aegment of the times. ~ a:t\11 maJntaln the neces.s•ry .AintrJcan peoplf, t?Cf1wbeti.il.eyolved as miUta ,discipline, w;is demonstrated by ' full«fle WV which waa fai.lin&. the rls-Admir . .E. R. ZuTJlwalt Jr., chief cf Jng tide otopposillon ntVtt ceased. naval atiOns. who· wu confronted .. """ 'tt•l•!'t .. '*'' ,....,,.. ""-..., The people are no" CJPpostd to· dr ifUng with a ilar problem:· "~'"'"' .. "'"' •' ,,., ,...._.,.,, s."' lnln large, in!CflS!I~ wars like this one, lnst of going by the book, a military l'IV' '" '"v• " olH!ll, ''" o.u., l'J1tt. ind· thl~ I~ wW1ttan:uY be ,lost 011 custom t;· (requenUy ustd • .Ad1pi.ral '------------;;..,"' ····PreaWoafl'~~-C---Zumw bitk'.-n>t-Jll·~·.iylu \ "t WILL NOT countenance the rights er privi!eies or any officers or enlisted men being abrogated in any ·way because they choofe 1to grow sideburns. er neatly trimmed ~eards or mustaches or because preferen<J>s in neat clothing lityles are at vai-ia.nce with the taste of their seniors,•• Admiral :Wmwalt said. This coocession can hardly be describ- ed as having tlnderm ined or weakened the U.S. :'>l'avy. Quite the -<:entrary . By being rll!asonable instead or itic- tato rial, Admlr11l Zumwalt has fostered e.ven grtatcr loyalty and convnltment to Ille Navy among those who cherish a bit cf personal freedom in an organization which, ' ,or nccesg ity, must b t aothm-IJarian ia 1ts operation . ' The Dally C1l\fornl111 El CajOl ..---•111 George ---. De.r \leorg• So thlit ls 'mJ. prnblem. Pica~ • give me you~answer 1s soon as possible, or me ''here I can go for l>elp wlih y problem . HOPEFUL Dear Hopeful: Never mind your problem ~ My problem Is I c;"ilnl find tbl!: first pcge 1or ~our le\ter. ,.,. u • ., k It . - • n y • • • • I • • . I ' I t ! ! t ' I • I ; I .. TutMt1y, Oecembrr lS, 1q70 DAIL'( P'ILOT 1 Children Del.egates Rebelling .11 "'" 1rt1e1i-n Gross National PrOdRt . ,..-; ....... ~--------.;......~~--... . . WASHINGTON (AP) ' ~ dlle11tea lo the 'Whita HOUtl Conference .n Olildren are tM11temna a rev°" un1e1& chan&ts are ~la the carefully struc- tured bm1t they say is ........ to muffle criticilln •f the Nlull AdminlJ!ntlon.' Leoilln, G( the dlllidentJ, wbe· ....... to npteltnt • alpifl<MI mlaorlty of the 4,tol dofePla, nkl they wGUld meet Way with con.. ference cbal."lUD S t e p b e n Hta3 t. preteDt t h e I r demuda. CIUCUlel el day-care ~ •ocatea. blacb. s p a ft I 1 h • · tpe•kiDI delq1W and other :l::.r~~":.r.~..J': ... ~----... ~~ .... ~ .... .,...;;~------~~ .... lo -atratqy. . "Well,it'oni<:etoknowW'C'noeoivent.• A maJa< grinard' la the lact of proviaion for a 1enera.J. -------------------- leUion ef the wbe1e eon- -lerenc:e to "apress Judlfnenl!I en issuea el' naUonal social policy." Nation Economy .. Hits $'l Trillion WASHINGTON (AP)-Sad· dJed by Jnflatlon and spurred by a fut-paced irowth Gver the lut decade:, the n.aUon's economy reached a $1·trillion rate today. The official estimate for the exact moment was noon EST, with President Nixon marking the eccuion by unveiling a new Gross NaUonal Prodoct clock that Ucks eff the estimated GNP rate minute by minute. The President, ~f:r, was enly commem05atlttg an an· nual rate o£ trowth tn the GNP, wbi~h me:1sures the na-tion'~ Output or goods and ~lees ln terms of current tlollars. Tb!'! money GNP has doubl· ed in the last 10 years, whert11 in pre.world War d1y1 Jt took' an average Gf <JS yean for 'tbe mone y eutput te double. But the money GNP Is de- ceiving, While real output has step- ped up markedly since ~ early 19505, so has inOaUOp.. Prices have increased bf. about 50 percent in that Ume. It will be some tlme: befote the nation's real o u t p u J • me1Jured in terms e f noninflationary 195& dollars,. will reacb. the $1·trillion maq. FOR $10,000 ' IN PRIZES AND SPORTS FUN TOO SEE PAGE 17 TODAY'S PAPER . ' THE REVERENDS DANIEL (L) AND·PHILIP lllllll•• Th1r Are S..klnt P1iml11Jon te ''Pr•Cttc. lefli Ul'IT ...... (Cl LEAVE COURl' .... ,,,_ ~-of the er1ani1.1.tion1 ha'Ve mdicated they want the (GafereQCe as a whole to act e111 resohd.iom calling on Ni.Jon to rearrance natien11 prioritiea. and put • 0 c j I I Welfare ne.eda ahead of spen· ding for defeme and such pro- jects u the SST •. National Coronary Program Proposed RND OF THE VvEEK B.errigans Ask t~ ~ntinue Sermons From Inside ~ail OoJy once durlag the five- day meeUna was pmvision made for br1nfinC ill the dele1atea llplher. 'lb1t was the form1l open.inc Sunday nipl at '!bich Nl>on apeke. NEW YORK IAP) - A com-constitute, the greate!L health mittee of 100 medical experts threat to the developed coun- calleCI Tuesday for a massive. tl;id or the modern world," fec;itrally flnllt>ttd program to Said commiJslon chairman Dr. prevent corooary , b e a r t/ Irving S. Wright, professor aileaae-the nation s No. 1 emeritus of Cornell University health problem. Medical College. Predicttng that the disease 'im--------;;;;;;,I c1n be Jicktd, the Inter-Soci~ll ty CcJmrhission for Heart Disease Resources of 'the HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) - Even a priaooer has a message which he m a y rightfully cast to the out.side world. attorneys for the Revs. Daniel and Philip Berrigan argue. The brothers, held in federal prison in Danbury, came before U.S. Dillrict toori Judge T. Emmet Cfarle! ..... day to plead r... the rtpt to aend termons to tt.e oullWe. They aald their lflorll lo do so have been fruatrated by correctlona ollicia!1. Th• bmther1 are 19:1ulllinc an tn- juoctiGn wbJcb -forbid Boy Flees Spanking, Dies from Exposure tlte pernment from preven-American Heart Auociation llnr prilonera from oendiq Ax. M d proposed a far-ranging pJ'Oo writllliJI and tape reairdlnp or er gram that wooJd revamp the to the other side of tbe:'walb. U.S. food industry, make ma- The two .Roman Catbol~ Sttspecl, 17 iDr changes in the average priest.I •ere eo11victed cl. . ' American'J diet, eliminate destroyJnc Selective Service cigarette~ smoking, and aeek records In Baltimore, Md. Surrenders ... and treat victims or high "Became men are priamer1 blood pressw-e. doesn't mean their words, The commission said its thoqbt< and ideall are loot FORT IMmf, Art. (UPI) rtcommendatioM grew out of forevtr," Aid one ol the Ber· -O:mnedlcut autboritiet ~e a government fil;ianctd 1tudy rt1ans' •ttorneys. meeting todl1· With Jahn Rice ol heart diseaae rtsearcb that Both Berrla•ns took the Jr., 17, wanted ln New Ca-p In pointed atherosclerotic wltneq stand Monday to tell Man, Conn., charled •ith diseases, or diseases of the how they were r e f u 1 e d murlferlng his moth e r • arteries, as lhe principal pennlulon to aend out a brother, lister and JTlnd-cauae of coronary heart M'DXft they bad written Oft ~. · disease . P r•ven tln " the IUbject of pesce. Botti. uid Police laid Rice walked Jnto atheroaclerolic diseases, U: ,...,._ -deoled by the Fort Smith ·Police Statlan tbelr "cwMllbn" within around DDOD. ·MoQday· and tum-commbaion said, c o u l d die prtoon, but Philip Berrlpn, ed"himael! in. He aald be -alcnificaotiy reduce the U.S. admtUed be Jmde no attempt up that ~ about 20 coronary. heart ·dJseaae rate., to follow ap the lnlt1al retuut, -milu outside of town, and had particularly among t h o s e. altlloaP bla cw-m bad .... recolledlon "' how he 1ot Wld" eo . Avoid the Christmas Crush We1tcliff Pl11111 OPIN "Tll t P.M, THIOU.H CHllSTMAS Sympallco in silverpl1te. A del'ightful trivet on wtiich"to aerve yqur delicjous. ' holiday tidbits warm. $3, Cll•"" AtCMl!lt lll'rilM. A-1ca11 h,,_, ••llllA~ 111111 IMdw CM""' ... SLA.VICK'S Jewelers Since 1917 11 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644-1380 DpH Moo. nru Sat. 10 ..... to 9:30 ,_... 1nvtted him to dilcua IL from Connectic\lt: to Arkanua. ''Cardiovascular diseases, -He 'Wal drlYinc a l t t 5> ,-.::moa=t:...::mta:::b:Cly~a::lherooc::'.:'.::'.le'.'.'.""':::'.is'.'.,~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tbe "'""""· in queltion, Do ,,__.. .• c written ftl(' the F-al SL -._... to beloq Fralldt Oct. 4 and Yam Kip-lo hlll lata ~ . ~Depresrion of Yo•llfl' . Oct. 10 included the Rice's father, a cook in the pur • prolperOUlsuburbanc:om- followin& puuie: munJty of New Can a an, • returned home Thunday lo find h1a wife J1ne~ 44, and h1a daughter, Nancy, 14, lying Unemploymentllits Youtlls deall on the living room Door, covered with blood . Mr1. Rice had multiple knife wounds in the chest and neck and an ax 'WOUnd In tbe head . Nancy had been alrangled . In U.S. ~ob Force Hardest Jn a aeconcl-llo<r bedroom WU Stephen Rice, 18, dead of ax wounds about the head. The. grandmoCller, Edith Fitzpa~ rick, w1s found half CMaCtom and moaning 111 a WASlilNGTON -Whe:R male teen-agers WIS 25 per-for the 1ncreue. WU the dDwnltllrl room. She had unemployment hits the work cent; for black fem1le:s 40 per-discharc• ol. half a mUllon. been belWI with a h1mmer force, it hi ts youn" workua cent. men from the armed forcM u and dltd a short time liter. 11o One out of every siz teen-the. military cut met its mm-Officials from ConMCticut hardest, and some uperts are age:r1 seeking empklyment power strqth, a side effect arrived in Fort Smith late 1aying the country may be In can't find a job, say officials. or windlng cknm the war in Monday and planned to talk for a depression among the: "People who have never Vietnam. with the 11.1sptet today, young unless the economy worked before or who are re- 1 p;;;;;;;; _________________ _, takes an upward turn. entering the labor force are "Not only could we have • ha•inl a tough time," said BIBLE THOUGHTS young people's depre~ion," Harold Stam.bier, chief of said Ely E. Cohen, executive Labor Department's Division ..W.,. ftnt,.. ...,._ tf ....._ .. _ D• secretary of the National of E mp I o y m e n t and tliii1 •" ~-' t••r•11t.•• Y••t •tllli11•f"f. r ·' "And RM41 •ft.fa (M•tt .. l :JJ, R-. 1:21), It Committee on Employment o Unemployment An .. yaia. PAYS•• •• ,... Sat!! Youth in New York City, "in I.here isn't much hope on tbe s.,.. ••• ,.. • ._. hiiti•lly ••c.1111• a DOES fact, we do already have 1 horizon for improvement." , • ., lh•r• 1...ii h•r••f11rl. l11t l•t1r, tt. • ., depression among minority Stamble:r said yoon1 people .,,.,.. t• 1•1'• lrti1111 •11111 ••r1'• h•••••• •f youth." seeking fUD-time career jobs thi• hi•"'' 111•ti1'•, 111'•. 011e •"•111111 •'•w Cohen said unemployment are having more trouble thin '" CStrl•ti• tree .. c&.l.1122.21, 2 '••· 1:2-IOJ , lta1•"'i11• 1111r1 among ghetto youths. blatk! thole looking for pert-Ume &.fl·lr•• -"&M i• 1 ..... II J •• 4:16J. and Put.rto Ricans, already is positions.. Part·time job1 have l•t HOW llloe• 111• "S1•l: fir1t th1 ki....,.,... •f &-4"1 •••'· '" running 25 to 3S percent. Jncreased by 150,000 and full· tfrte l ir..le, the r•c•r4 •f Clriri1f'1 lif•. H• w•1 &OD '"•11ife1fM ''In the 1930s, when 25 per· time jobs have de:creued by 111 th, fl.it. IJ11, J:I, ''• J11, 14 :7·11 , H•r... 1:1.tl. n. f111r t of ~-I ti0!1 Wll the a-•·t he oald &OSPELS, M.tt .• :M•., l\., J1., t.tl 1f Oti1t. •••' fti•"' f1 ••• ctn un:: popua ume .,...,..., • • FAITff IR•m. 10:171. Tlte11 r1•4 "ACTS .. t. 1111t flli1 f.:ith hit. unemployed , we defined this Part of the diffJculty, •c· ACTION, 1, 11.,ti-' 111t• Chrli~. ltn•"'l...i 1 Chri1tien. n,,., as a depression," be aid in In cording to ~Labor. Depart-r•M "'• r•••iMlet •f n.. N•w T••t•1111...t •• 1.,,,. h1w t• 1;.,. interview. ''At the rate which ment, ii an UOUIUal growth in tit, Orl1ti•1t !if•, VISIT Clii11rch <If Chri1t •• 211 w. Wil••11 St .. we're going. J fear. we could the size of the work force al a C••te M11•, c •. , • ...ii ... , will 111i1t .,.. i11 .,_ •••rch fir ...i. very well have • 25 percent time: when the economy is In • ""'i• lif1 .n.,.. r..vt TWO CHOICES ••• ,..~ &M ., SATAN, unemp)oyme.nt rate for all slump. The work force irt-CM.tt, 6:24, J•a. 4:4, 1 J11, 21111. A ,;""'•!tat.re 111 II••-" b I mllli a Chii•ti••· i1 i11 S•t•11'1 •11tf4101111, 111.+ i• tr11nl•te4 l11t• Christ'• leen..ager1." creased Y .t on, con-•1-..."' ., "• ""-" , Clirhti111 (Cal, hlJI. YOU ••• When the. n•'t Ion al 11iderably more than uual, in ""•-SOD ,, SATAN! Chur•h •f Chri1t, 211 W. Wiit•• It-. unemployment ra ... ~ to 5.8 -~11?11~·~The~~n111al~~~gro~wt~h~r1~i.~~C~·~·~··~M~·~·~··~C~·~··~"~'~'~'·~-!!!!!~•~·~··~11~1~1,~1~•~•·~2M~l,~•~·~··~"~'~"~i percent last montb', the figure Is, 1.4 nµilion . A major reuon ' for teen-1gen bit tf.l •percent, up 6 percent O¥er 1 ,ear 1go. Nov e m b e r uempkJyment figures for ~ite a.le and female teen-qrfd ftl 11 per- cent. The lfaur9 r... black CaliforniaColletJ.,e of Commerce CONTINUOUS ENROUMINt TILE,_11 436-9767 or 4U-SM7 "DAY 01 EVENlll CLASSES" ...._.A:LJ1 1M ......... •1 ···~ ... -"",,....., -- SHOlf.IWI COUHIS • YUi COUISIS This is one -.wy out of 1~11Y. • } ... . •. But, like evaty shortcul, it's o long· shot A mon's real hope is to leorn. He needs the basics that will get him o decent job . A group of Gas Company employ· ees have volunleered to help. They've joined volunteers from other bu si- nesses working al tho Soulh Cenlrol los Angeles Service Confer. Olher Gas Company people a re~elping 01 service centers in East Los Angeles and Venice. They work evenings, teaching, Business English. Arilhmetic. Anything lhal will help solnobody gel a lo b. And 1hey'll 1each·on ybody who wonts to learn. ·: Gos Com pan y poople don't g~ any poy for this work.. Except sotis • lion. But they believe that avetybody ought to hove a fighting chance. s.dlsrl Csliliflio lill ~ "~ .,,.... ,""'"" ,.,._ -~ .; 9S!I W•'N lmntlftl Ni,.,,...,...,, .. __ .. . , . . . ... . . ~ ... .. .. ' . . . f DAILY PILOT T-. Declmbot 15, 1970 • DICK 'IUCY ••• 10 ·---n ---.:::.-'O <:;~ TUMBlEWEEDS •NI! WHAi A &OllfiOUS MORllJ: PEWl'R:ll'5 DAI.Ill !HE PESSRI l'RA99ERV{!!NY Wl~P'!WNGS fl.ITrm A·1wn'TER AS 0C SOi'S UNSULliED SNICKER SOCX5 SllFFRON TO 'M'SC~E! Mun :A.ND JEFF GOSH! Pl\V5 LIKE 'TlilS MAKE ME : WN!M. RUN R\6tfT001; Hrf A 1W.ON TRAlt:Ji. CJ?P A aNF( (1t-COIFFURES, NI S1'Cl'J. AWM L.E'AVIN' A 1KAJL.OF MAVHEM I# HA\()( ,,.:-· --.--.rf IN MY WAKE! ly Cliester Goul4. "fl.llS KIO NEEDS A FATllER. ~.J'RE TNI! OHi! "TllATS eLJNO. By Tom K. Ryan GU~S ~M ..UST AN INCURAlll.E f!.DMANllC ! By Al Smith GOSH··I JUST+!AD1tl GET A SHOT AT . SOME1ll1NG100AY! . . . SALLY BANANAS . GORDO JUDGE PARKER By_ H~ld Le Dou_ MOON MULLINS llOPENTAU.Y, SAM... I'M AFRAICJ MfBE~ Et..MO t WMEN I COULPN'J" I COILPW'T IEP\CH YOtl. KEEP I.IP I TllEP TO 6ET' HUt! WITH EUW! I JUT A5611MEP HE -.._.,, 'ltll ™E TOWN! PLAIN JANE AS A IAATI"Ee Of: Fief, I WA.S ¥0U'IE &USMEO AFnR 'fl.IE TR1P A.WP A .14.\M TWE Vl!tll" WITH ~. lOCKET ! A.Fl"R I IE66EP OFF ANP mt.P ELMO MV OWN I :rasr WANT'EP TO COME HE~ MEART! TO TME MOTEL A>IP RELAX ! 12.-<S L=~:...L~3.__J~ PERKINS IAll y CROSSWORD ••• by ..... POW~ ACROSS 45 -lk Ynte.drr's PuuJe Sotv1$1: 8-f'fft•C l t..rt 47 Pot Into tod •otlcwt r' ...... h " ..... of W it s growing 110 food flowtrs I .. ,,ottening ~l Nt91tlYot 9"' contraction ~4~~... 5Z--"" j --..-u 5' tar11t t.sKt WMA.T rQOM'S r l4 SORRY! t OM'r 6f\lf S"M u1t1veg "°"THAT INR:>RAAATIOW! IF IN ? VOU'U. PICK IP TME. MOUSE PHONE. TWE OPERATOR MU. RING MIS KOOM! By Frank BacJinsld ~W'9enct 60 Color ,.....d Zola 41 Slot SOUf(.t tkle M fttt11 of TWflf bak.,y MISS PEACH ... ,,...._.... t-ctai~ ~...,. • 65 Train 1VJ.5n o •ltllbot; ••king 1.U i 11 E;.cut1li011 40 Destroyable 2. Wi:inlS stops "( o( Sll'ptfSt by tiling blilfl 6' OtitiboM• 12 Pltr away '~C099•lt1 city lJ l ta<Mr· 44 Of tqual °""' 67 Gn•t or 1111an's powtr ~trt houHOy word 46 Not In •on:i 61 C011it0s iticM 11 Goddess of •tttndmct ) Ln110 ''Turn dow11 discord 41 Footba ll Fn•'I Z2 Critic lzt player ......... DOWN hwshty 4'1 Single D6s:as 24 Wltl!Out thing -Of 1 ctftaln l tlonns 111 unnecessary S2 Kind of wne •Irr "Born Fret"' 't'erbl•g• plane : Col10Q. Of Ult •• 2 Ef19rosud 25 Awt1S Sl Ralllb1e hfl•tls ) "SlPn 27 Of 1c1tn1d S4 PUis into 1.a. MicanKt - -_Jr•: 21 Nelghber of SNYlct All!~ •tr 2 words SwK1trl1nd S5 Mass r.-...g, 4 ~on\c 29 Rl't'tr ol 57 Vtry oood: •·I· 5 To t""-t Africa 2 wGras I i I ! YOU'ffli Nl!XT, llfA ! • By Joh11 Miles By Mel fe ... iltt 6 Cuttlltg 31 He-td 51 B1lbn river I •• tool t o\Oe!'lnf S'I OM of E d• 7 c"' 32 Clloltf lc h!Hd rtdlo STEVE ROPER By Saunders and Ov•rCJCll'd r-=-:~,.,...,.~or-~~__,; 8ACKFJllE, MV l STllL TH/>jl( AUNT ROSIE, "JOO'RE lw.61 France a p~ of ll Syste• or tta.i SUfp the foo t bttltf 62 Needle: ...at• 'Ill~ stab It )6 Bloodsu:tlng Prefix rldft 10 Wreath for •ot• '' Unpinc.lpled W4 Alfot .. tM btH 3' E•opqns fellow ' ... . .,, .. • •• ' .. IQUf LAST/HA / .... 1 Tiilt.11( I MISSEP •A GREAT P!TY.'-N0\11 LUTCHER, MANMtE/ WE MUST Pl.AV THE .. GOIN' SO FAST lW IW«l PIFFERENTL Y! THE ~RK / 'TIGEll/-THAT THINGS, Mll<E.' WJ.S A So+OT I 8tfT ... ' r. u I MR.MUM ,. • ly :Al CGpp . I &AlO-??-!!-eA8'f. DON'T LEAVE.ME!! By Charles 8-ttl @1 - -111 m:l£. I.I"" IS A \OOl!Ll) lllAlt lt ~ FMCK!.. A.~ ~H U ~o. ~ofl I~ IN DENNIS THE MENACE ----------~----~---~-..,---·---.,......._.-------- TUESDAY DECEMBER 15 rvF."llNL 6:00 U 111 Ntw1 (C) (60 Jerry Dunphy. 0 KNIC NtwMl'Ylct (C) (60) 0 T111 Al1111 Show (C) (90) Sehed• uled ruuts ire £dd11 Albert, Stub· by Kaye, Della Reese, Den Whitt• head. 0 COLOR-GARY COOPER * "GARDEN OF EVIL"I 0 Sit O'Clotk Mofle: (C) '1'he G11d1n ol Efil .. {adventure) '54- Gary Coc'per, 5us1n H1ywud, Rich· 1rd Wldm1ni. 0 Did! Vin Dyke (30) m Thi fllpbtonts tC) (3ll) fl)@@ Stir Trek (C) (60) fl:) HOdi:tPOdll lod11 (C) (30) f8 ([)CBS New1 (C) (Jtl) cm nihtr f1mJ!7 (3D) el Hotiti1ro 34 (C) (30) a;) JaJ1nds in !flt Sun (C) (30) ail LI Hort famltitr ton l'ltrlclt fI) Ntws In the Roufld (C) (30) l :JO O Candid C.11er1 (30) m T~t Flyln1 Nun (C) C30) @ ({l NBC News (C) (30) ED l S•ICtA' I Buraundy tlld Mor. nt (C) {30) A visit io the ra1ion ol Bur1undy, tnd 1n 1r11 In lh1t re1iof) cAilled Mcl"'lan, 1 mounttin· ous triangle belwetn Avalon ind Nevers. 9 @ My fmrltt M1rti11 (30) €i) Scci1I Stcu1fty {C) (D Thi Desert R1port (C) (3D) ail lo1 Olvld1dot (30) aJ ABC EVlflin1 Ntwa (C) (30) t :45 ml Musical• 1:00 II CBS E~tnin1 Nin (C) (JO) O @ l]J l!llNIC ,_, .... It: (C) '1'111 Jonu .. (comidy) '63 -Albtrt Finney, Sutann1ll Yllfk, H111h Griffith. Story follow. the loYe·IHled 11111 of 1 cu1fr11 18th· '4!ntury Jl)una mtn from his tie· Jtnt countiy home throu1h bl• en· count111 in London. O @@ moc Mowit et 1111 We-.; (C) "TM M1t1 Wllt Wtnlld T1 I.ht fttMf" (dr1m1) 70 - Stuut Whitm1n, Sandy Deni.Ii. Burl lwes. A het rt su11eon dfscovt11 !hit • priv1tt madie1I rese11ch laundt· lion In • duol1t1 mount1ln 1111 II beln1 used 101 s!nlste1 purposes. m D•rid rrost Sbow (C) (90) Guests: locllla Lynn, fr1nk Man· ~lewiu. Sindy Baftlf'I. J11nelt1 Kihn 1nd Jim Robinson, C.nd1e1 low1 ind Marc Alonso. m 0r111111: (C) (3D) @!) LJm!!U Dlnus ol rtr11111 (JO) (R) The Grffk N1tlonat Folk D1nc1 Comp1n1 performs In front of Stn frtnciK0'1 P1 l1c1 111 fin1 ""· fl!) l'lttm lor LMn1 (30) ED La Crildt Bien Crl1d1 (C) (30) 9:00 B The fwallWt (C) (60) ID ftlony Squid (C) (JO) tD Tbt Advoutu (C) (60) ~should !ht Unlhd Sl1tas 111~ 1 coil!· tion aovernmtnt in Sai1oni" £!) Chtlltnl' (C) (30) m CoKllrtl cit Alm•s (JO) till) N1tach1 (60) 9:30 IJ ~ 00 To Rtlfllt, With Lon (t) (30) Gr1ndp1 Pruitt's vtte rlnary skill and Alison's artillic h lent 111 put to the test. 0 Kin (Cl (JO) Badtr W'rd. QJ Perry Muon (60) El Muslcalt £m Musk.I J Estrtllts (C) {3ll) 9:45 @[!) Ptstor't DtK (C) CJ m NBC Hia;hUy Newa {C) (30) ID:OO 1J MXT RtpOl'b (C) (JO) "Alien 0 What's My Lint? (C) (JO) and 1111141." An u amln1Uon of tht m @CIJ I lovt Lucy (JO) economic ind social costs Ill Hleg1l 1!J But Utt Clock (C) (30) Mexiun im1t1i111lion into C1Hlo1nil. @ @ Tuesday Movit: (C) "SnfW B 811 5 Ntws (C) (60) Queen." Art link!eller. fJ @@ m M1rtW1 Welby, M.D. fD Kukla, fr1n and Ollit (C) (30) (C) (60) ·:~1 the Gnlde_n D1nd1!10ns 9@ Tri/th or ConstqUlllus (C) Ari .Go:nt. A father with mononuc- lens11 11nores Dr. Welbr'• ac!Vlce to (ID Christ tht l lvlnl Word (C) (JD) stly in bad for 1 month. ED Rourlo (JD) 0 I SplC1Ai i 1111y 1ira1Ni11 lit.1 ail Simpltmente M1ri1 (~) RMI&• Cruudt (C) (60) ID !hot '" (C) (30) m HAL FISHMAN JOINS 7:30 fJ ~CJ) Beverly Hlftblllies (CJ (30) The Hllll>llliu head lar Christ· mas In Hooterv!lle ind • pcmlb!e wtddin1 for Gunny tnd stonketptr Sim Drucker. 0 FUNNIEST TONIGHT!! * GEORGE PUTNAM News GJ ltlll'I' htn1• N ... (C) (60) EE) The San fnincita1 Mil (C) (60) a (I) CBS Nnn (C) (JO) tel La f•111llll (30) fl!) flllhll Mllictn• (60) * OON KNOTTS-GUESTS 10,. t> CIS "'"' """' IC) !30l RAYMOND BURR & Ml770." Th• first in 1 serlts of JIMMY DURANTE! brotdcasts foc11$ln1 on. tha mnts CJ a;) Don Knotts (C) (60) Guestt ltadlJJI to tt11 American RIVOlutlon. i re: Jimmy Durant e, Rrymond s11n Peter Ultlnov 1nd £riC Sev11eld 11'1 I "i:;';--ympho~y Well Presented By T0~1 BARLEY Of l~I 0111'1' PllOI $tiff Concerts designed to convert many of our more music-con· scious youngsters Into music loving concertgoers became the vogue under such gifted communicators as the New York Ph l l harmonic Orchestra ·s Leonard Bernstein but the happy trend never caught on in any disce rnible form in flUr part of the world -more is the pity. It may now, however. if the premiere offering of the "Symphonies For Yo u th'' series now being s!aited by the Los A n g e I e s Philharmonic Orchestra faithfully depicts the standard aimed at by the dedicated people responsible for its inauguration. That concert Sa l u rd ay morning dre w a near capacity audience to the Los Angeles Music Center and it was heartwarmin~ indeed to see the exceptional l y good behavior and deep interest of so many young {and some of them were very youn~ ! ) con- certgoers. Our forP.bodings that an all·Beethoven program might prove a little too much for Jome of the tots within ey~ot proved i;troundless and a dt'llghtfully informal concert got what should be a worthwhile series off to a fly ing slarl. "Beethoven is Almost 200 Years Younll:'' \\'as our theme · and much of the music offered by the orchestra under the direction of associate con- ductor Gerhard S a m u e I faithfully stressed the youth and freshness inherent in so Fonda Wins Sour Apple HOLLY\VOOD (AP) -J ane Fonda has "won" l he Hollywood \Vomcn·s Press Club Sour Apple award for 1970. The club presents the award annually to the person who in its opinion presents the worst image of Hollywood to the world. The club's more positive awards went to J a m es Sle\vart, Robe rt '\'oung and Carol Burnett as sta rs of the yea r, and Car rie Snodgress and Flip Wilson as newcomer! (Jf the year. much of the great master's work . And It's nice lo be able to let our youth know in such a pleasant manner ho.,. music written by a man born In 1770 is so pertinent to tbe. soul and conscience of 1970. Censor Out, Had Enough Sex Movies Youth itself wa s well served with the perform ance of Gita Karasik, a brilliant young pianist who recently won the San Francist-o S y m p h o n y Foundation Aw a rd aiid deservedly so if her rendition of the Piano C:Oncerto No. 4 represented her form on that occasion. LONDON (AP) -Britain's We got on ly the finale of this officlal film censor Is quitting glittering work but it was because he's had enough or enough to shoW us that this sex movies. young lady has a bright future "I 'm tired of the stuff we're before her in mu sic. Deligh tfully awkward and self· getting now ," Sir John conscious In her approach to Trevelyan told the Daily the audience, she Is guilty of Sketc~. "l·vc had enough of no such misdem eanor in her American, G e r m a n , Scan· approach to the piano. , di~avia~ and Italian sex films. We get from tha t piano what .Sex 1s a marvelous human Miss Karasi k determines we activity -but merely to shall get and her force and watch other people doing It is aut hority were very. very not my kind or entertainment. good to see in one so young. "I think people are sex mad. Bee t hov en 's stirring Perhaps they have been ''Egmont" overture, hi! ex-· deprived of it." quisitely gay and enchanting Trevelyan, who at 87 has "Three German Dances"' and twin sons aged 11. took over that vital, inspiring flr!t Britain's Board of F I I m movement or his F i f t h Censors tz years ago. A Symphony ro~prised the for mer educator. he quickly balance or this e1etremel y won friends in the movie In- entertain ing and absorbing dus try with his liberal at. program. tHudes to such then-con4 If it ~ad a (law it could be tro versial pictures as "Room found 1n the person of con-at the Top" and •·saturday ductor Samuel b~t not. !'c Night and Sunday Morning." h~s.ten .to add, 1n ~at 1n-Trevelyan and his team sec d1v1dual s prowess with the h 1 t propo ed for baton . He was f I aw I es s eac ~ c urc s . throug hou t this program and rel~ase 1n Br~taln and glve 1t a left us with the determination· rating. ran~t~~ from U for to see much more of his in-general exh1b1tlon to X, only teresting work on the podium. for 18 year olds and above. our comment would be that Sometimes the censors order Mr. Samuel does not have an cuts. easy rapport with the younger "Nowadays In parts of the members of his audience and world almost anything goes," this, we would think, is vital lo said Trevelyan. the conduct of such programs. "Aldous Huxley once defined Whatever some might have lo an intellectual as somebody say. it is not easy to get down sometimes occasionally In- to the level of children and terested in something other discuss matters musical as than sex. There don 't seem to they should be discussed in a be many intellectuals I n child's world. Europe by the films I've seen . By all means. retain th_is recently. Some of the stuff fine conductor for his splendid around London Is terrible. direction of the orchestra. But "But It's still not as bad as let som~ne with. a gi~t for New York . I hope u never gets commun1 caUon with children like that_ it's a jungle." t~ke over that department ~d Trevelyan said he feared sex give, through his ~arrat1on, picturts could destroy l h 6 the las~ touch or ~ tsh to. a.n movie industry. ind Connie Steven:r.. the commen\llOl'L 0 HYPO (C) (30) "list Port of CD Biii Jell111 NfWI (C) (30} Call." Louis Zorich 11 nd Alite Splv1k. 9 (I) f1atllr1 (C) (30) otherwise excellent innovation . "Ir the money Is going Into l.:===~~iiii~~ii!lf~~~~~~~~=~I them there wiJl not be better II. IALIOA films," he asserted. "There 0 IIlJ (I) a> MDd Squad {t) (30) @E Hq (30) "Fever." Julie ,ivu ~ ride to • , man and his yount son and finds 11:001J a ([J @El Mm (C) hersell 1 kidn ap victim. O fa (I) m Ntws O Mill ion $ Movie: CC) "'WMrt tht Spies °'rt" (suspenu ) '66 _ 8 Cut Yov Top • CC) David Niven, Cyril Cus.tk. Docto1 0 (f) lflWI (C) patriotka!ly jeb from lnndon N 0 Thtltn 9: (C) "'D,_.,-(comedy) Beirut !or the fOfllign otlice after '57-Hany Sea>mbe, Ron R1nde!I. lht di$1ppur1nce of I key t rtnl. m Movlt: "Mtnill Clllln(' (dr1-m Truth or Consaquencu (C) (30) ma) '42-Uo)'d Nolin. ffi It likes 1 Thief (C) (60) OJ Movie: '11lt Ntktd StrNt" ED f1n!11t (C) (60) (R) "San (mystery) 055-Al'ltllony Quinn. f ,,ncisco Rock: 'At th e F1mi!y @(]) h ny M110n Dog'." The Jeflerson Airplane, fD R11litl• (C) (R) Gra teful Dead and Santin• perform during 1n all .night rock puty. 11:30 IJ 9 (l) Mt!'V liriltln (C) Sched· fii) Government fil m (C) (30) ultd auests: Dr. Benjamin SPOCk. el No Creo en lol Hombres ~0) Pit Bocne, .IOhn Ct111dine, Timmy Grimes tnd Bri1n Bedford. 6734048 ~m ;~~-?:' rew•r better mm• OPl'N l 0 The censor had been under 6:4$ • 70t r. ••tbM attack lately. Director Roman l•llHN ll•nlnMila Polan ski castigates Trevtlyan for snipping 15 seconds from one of his pictures, and he was also criticized for cutting the scene in ''The Killing of Sister George" Jn which one woman made love to another woman's bare bosom. "Z" & "THE GRASSHOPPER" STAltTS WEDNESDAY "STRAW BERRY STATEMENT" & "PASSIONS OF ANNA" •rw.oft IUiClll -• ... -.. 1.Mt ......... Ide -~ .,...,. EXCLUSIVE ·HELD OYER NO ROOM TO RUN NO PLACE TO HIDE I Trevelyan said he had offers to become a movie consultant, and "I want to write a book about my kind of work." 1:5S all Cl.lestlon dt Sei!Jndot B @ (])mJohnny C.r10n (C) I~~~~~~~~~= GutJts seti1duled •rt D1vid Frost. ind Robert Klein, l :DO 0 9 CJ) Green Acres (C) (30) L!sa Doua:las dlucv~rs the Woman's liberation Movement. O \llr1lnf1 Gr1h11n (C) (50) Gu.Sb 1J Movie rt1m1 (C) 0 CD Oick Cnttt (C) are Colonel S1nders, Glenn Ytt· 12:00 O Movie: .. Undll'CO'ltf Min'' (mys. borough, Dom Deluise, Kly• 81!· tery) '4~1enn Ford, Nini foci1. lard end Asher Snider, @())Did C.....tt (C) m To Tell tt,1 TruUI (C) (30) (ID Full Go1J11I Bu1lnessm1n al LI Constltucion (30) (CJ 12:30 m All·Nli:frt Sflow: "S1m Ship,• "LldJ' ltOd lVI Rlclu Aa:•in" tnd .. l•st Mtn on tutll." l :OS a.\) Uli1 llto (5~) 1:00 0 Mo'lir. "MJ Sir Corrvld1" (dr•· 1:30 0 9 ([) H11 H•• (C) (60) m•J '52....,M111hal Thompson. Guests fncluda Waylon Jennin1s, D 0 Htws (C) WE DNES D AY DAYTIME MOVIES t :OO 0 ''This Wo111111 11 Mln ... (1pe11· turt) '41-C11ol Bll.ICt; fmiehot lone. "Wiid H1NUt" (tdvtnturc) '47-Altn L1dd. l!oyd Nolin. 0 "The fll MIN" (1111$ttl}) '51 -Rock H~d$0n, Emmett Kelley. t:JO 0 (C) "Tit• Last Clllra1" UdVtfl· turt) '64-Tony Russel. m (C) "Hun11r ti It'll UnknOW11" (drama) '66-<itor1t Andtr.9(111. 1:00 m ''Our M~n 1111 Mlvln1" (comedy) '60-AI«; GuinflUS. 2:00 0 (C) '1111 l1Jt Vort1t" (dr1m1) '60-Rolltrt St1ek. Oorotl!y M1ta11t. 4:00 8 "nit OtUull Ddlnqwnr. (a>m· tdy) '57-Jerry ltwiJ. e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Ou t ilty Printi ng end Otpendeble Service for more th•n • quarter of • century PILOT PRINl ING 2111 WISl IALIOA. ILYD., NlWPOIT IUCH -M2-4J21 ~ • MrnO-GOLOWYN-MAYER Pr1c1nta -..... \ A story of iov9. Fil med by David Lean Ryans 9rioJ Fal:R'Tf.fftH..M TRE\OR ~ Ofl5ltftER .x.lES .Dr-l MUS . and Lucille lall "YQURS, MINE AND OURS" ---~-.,---,--- Start• Wednesd•y 8AR8AA OMAR SIRBSAND • SHARIF \). ,I,1Mi~ tf'&~ ~-­Also \ I ' ' ~I' Ult SEfRET or Si\~ Ii\ \'lllOllli\ IARGAIN MATIN IE Ivery Wednetd1y, 1 p.m. A411tb S.l .IO a..... 114 Tuesday, Dttembtr 15, 1970 D.AILY PILOT I Uninvited Guests Talk Shows Draw Trouble !: By JERRY BUCK NEW YORK (AP) Network concern over disrup- tions and uninvited guest.! on late-night talk 1ihow11 has resulted in the posting of extra 1PJards when controversial guests are booked or when trouble is 11uspected. "You always have that fear -that someone is going to jump onto the stage from the audience," said one talk show spOkesman. Another said, •·we have to have guards. It takes a lot ot bread to stop taping or cancel a show.'' Every netW-Ork talk show has had interruptions or unin- viled guests. iwo such events has had interruptions or unin- vited guestll. Two such events in the past few weeks iJ. lustr att their conce rn. PORT THEATRE 673·'260 -CORONA DEL MAR -FOR ADULTS ·- Ins best contacts are m bed' lll"""J She's woman enough, - 1: are you man enough? •• 'l! r I! 1: Oppo!ing f 11c tions of homosexuals threa tened to b r c a k up the Dick Cave tt show lhe Friday a f t e r Thanksgiving. A leader of one facUon had been booked as a guest, on the ABC show and a leader of another fa ction had not been . Members of the second group threatened In advance to break up the show unless .~ill!§ TIGE~S:IU lAMBRINOS :fl:N~~f~~~OZAATI MADRID I RPME • CINEMATION INDUSTIUES Col0t f>t llelUXE @. ;~ they too were heard. I.=====================;;, A compromise was reached at the last minute and both 11ides were represented 'on the show. "We had no problems,'' sa id a Cavett spokesman, "but we did ha ve plenty of stud io security and policemen Were on call in the vicinity." On a talk show a few weeks ago a comedian walked ()Oto the stage and complai ned on camera that he couldn 't get a booking on the show. Instead of having guards hustle the man offstage, and erasing it from the tape before air time, the talk show host let the man give part of his com- edy routine. It was then pass- ed off as a planned stunt. All three network talk shows were interrupted by black jazz musician11 who contended they were being excluded from tclevi!ion. The Merv Grif fin show was disrupted Jn August wh en it was still in New York . About 40 black musicians and sup- porters blew horns a n d noisemakers. The taping was halted for the day and the studio was cleared. Police were. called In to stand by, bu t were not needed. In September the mus ici.a.M briefly interrupted the Cavett show. Leaders or the musi- cians met with ABC offi cials and a booking on the show was arranged. The musicians: also showed up at the :·Tonight" show. but never got into the studio. They did hold up the taping for tU minutes. then they met with NBC officials. That meeting resulted in an appearance on the "Tonight" show and two appearances on the "Today" NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES LAST DAY STAlllEY IRAm ·-i'i11cerrwr MICIEY 1110m "IT'S' A MAD, i."ii."iiiii.t lllCl SHAWM MAD. MAD, 3111 CAES.111 ,..., !llJ!RS MAD WORLD" 1U111JY fl!Cl(ffi mllf.THllW ETllEl. -JlllATlWI WJllTEllS ,.;~~S~T~A:;....R~~:S:"~~~~:~DAY "\'\ George Sega l -Ruth Gordon GEORGE SEGAL· RUTH GORDO~ "Where's Poppa?'' RO\i LEI~ ·TRISH YAN DEVERE -...;;;;;._._iiiiiiiiiiiiiiRated (RI '' Theatre Closed Tuesday WALT DISNEY 'S WILD COUNTRY Invitational Premiere ~- '' 1how, ===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~== "ONI OP THI YIAR'S •UNNllST COMDIU. • ltichertl H1 ,m1i-L.A. free '''" -~ "*-*-**T 1rs'Au.'so FUNNY!"~ • I NtlHltT MTWG I \-HIW Ywi 0.1~ ~ ..... ...:..~ ... ,·· WUW • cma SIAMGalJ -. ..., ..... PLUS -T•ny Mut•nt-Suiy K•nde!t ln"THE llRD WITH THI CIYSTAL PLUMACil'" IGPI CALL 546-3102 EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT ' ' W U S A ' 1!;) PAUL NEWMAN and JOANNE WOOWARD ANTHONY PERKINS ''' '0' Hn-o .. .,. '"""' "ZIG ZAG" Ill W•llM• & A-JMkHll I• IGl'J 18th RECORD WEEK -EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT Elllott Gould Don1lcf Sutharland ... . ,. ~I·1lS ·ll . ~. • •11AC>t .AT•U.111 ~ •1 -''Rabbit ..... eo•tt !fW'I. • .,.,. -- .. ., ..... • HVNTIN•TON -~· Also ' run'' James f.aan ·Anjanene DJmer·JackAlbertson Durie SrOO:Jress:Arthur Hill -·,,,....•""""""'~ , "'"""" ... l•lllllt A1191tr•"' Ult! •llf •• b•Y 9111 wff• cJteratt ... He li•11't c•-h•-v•t. 18th Record WMlc Elllat.t Gould, Don Sutherl•nd RATED '1G" -IT'S FOR EVERYONE -Exclu•lve Wtlk·in Run " ......... ,... ~ ·~ ..,_ .,.... ~ 1M DIM '"'; AIRPORT ' -BURT LANCASTER • DEAN MARTIN '.~ 211d F11tur11 "THI OUT..OP.TOWNlllS" ,., HELEN HAYES HELD OYER! 3RD 818 HIT Fred MacMurray Nancy Olton in 2nd HIT J..U. Wiid 11 "KING OF THE GRIZ71 IES" C 8) ' • ' ' • ' ., .- • J \• , ' • • • • ' Yoacr ltfortey's lt'ortla Complete-New York Stock List How Does You1~ Income OVER THE COUNTER u ••-ll•c I ... •nt1r II lbW • -M ..... • a.a."'-llMD. l'l'km .. Mt .... ,.... W ---... _. .... W I I 11te NASD Ll1ti.,.1 lw -.t•y, Dec""''-14, 1'70 Rru1k 011 National Scale? HEW ;:.s:..K W'l1P'•" 'rlk -'TM 1111 111'111 • .,,1,. 1J10 •illH ...... 1"11111141., • lktnl -lkd av l'IMf:l'tl '"" N111o11ot ...._,. ','' ... , :;q;r. !i ~ I:.':~ I~· l~=I T;_ ~ '~ N;9 'i J~ =-;~ ... ,.. ~ !" ;::_."• ,J ;: ~1$1,1·;t ~~ • :~tt ti: ,:,~.,I,~ 'M=t::•, w W' k~ Mn;r:. 1 By SYl.\'lA POHTE R Jlow does your income r ankf You are Aclually \n lhe 1na· jorily of U.S. houstholds if the income or all n1embcrs of your household exceeds $8 000. Out of lt\e fi3 mll\lon households in the U.S. today , n1ore than 33 million - or S2 6 percent nf the tolal -are above this in· come level. You are. actually t¥J>lcal it lhe lncoltle of your hOu.schold members totals b e t w e c n SI0,000 and SlS.000. Nearly 23 mllUon -an astounding :\G.S percent -have attained this rank. You are In an Increasingly h'nportant minority If your household income l!i $15,000 or morr. Out or every six l(S. households, one ll in 1his Pe11n Central Fiasco Top Fi11ancial Story <Editor's note: The aulhor borrow and at the same Ume of lhe following is a partner In cxlremely d i fr i cu It for the investment bond finn of marginal venture enterprises SRlomon Brothers and is the aur.hor of sevcral books on to borrow. bonds and interest rates. This The effect of all lhis on our article was written at the in· financial markets was pro- vitation of United P r es s found. During the nrst five lnlernational) and one half months or the By SIDNEY HOM~R year, bond prices had declined NE \V YORK l UPI I -What to new lows , at times prec ipi- was lhe mosl important fin an-lately. Most reached their low cial news event in 1970 to prices and peak yiekls almost date'.' j)n the day or the bankruptcy. My an.sv.·er is the Penn Ccn-.Ever since the bankruptcy, tral receivership announced on prime bond prices have been Sunday, June 21. but threaten. rising much of the time and eel for a u•eek or two earlier. lately they have bee n soaring lLs importance stems not so so that yields are down sha rp. much from the huge losses in· Jy. volved lo holders of the coin· 1·he effect (lf the bankruptcy panys securities or from the nn high-grade stocks wa s threat to transportation, ~imilar they had be en although both were se\'crc.. dee.lining preci pitately in the This one news event did more second quar1er o( the year: to dispel the boom psychology they stabilized in late May and that had bu ilt up over the within a week nf t he years than did lwo years or receivership they began . !heir fiscal and mon!ary restraint. impressive recovery. ll was It did more to ma ke the not just that the bad news was gove rnment's po I ic y of out, but that <I soberer, restrain t work than 11ny of. sounder business psychology, ficial action. Jt 1va.s a warning free of the s p ec u I a t i v e or abuses in our credit romance of 1968·69, seemed to markets. of(er the possibility of a The policy cf lending or-healthy economic recovery ficer! and lnvtslors suddenly free of speculative excesses. became conse rvative. The rate Th e p en n Cent r .a 1 of inflation began to decline. bankruptcy was a I a r g e Exuberant business plans for disastrous financial calamity. record expansion began lo It "'as much more than that it slow do\\·n. New investment was a symbol and a signa l - funds ·were redirecled con· a v.·arning ~I believe in time ) servelively and began to con· and also a l.hreat. I am not al· centrate on the very highest tempting to balance up the grade of commercial paper. or good "'ith the bad rcsul\s - bonds. and of stocks. Ven· there we re plenty of both and turesome loans a nd in· both will be with us for a long vestments, whic h had been the time. However, whelbcr we .style for three years, suddenly emphasize lhe good or the became out or style. It soon bad. it 1vas the big financial became much easier for the news of 1970. large prime corporations 10 --~ilazOiiiOiiii<'iOi'l l "'-,,, .. If yo11o .,. ,.., nl"g A111we1i11g 5-Ylc:.t, Yo11 or• ,.., 9ett1n1 oll of yo11r collL "lw. 1,000':i OF Oil PAINTINGS WHOLESALE WAll:lHOUSI OPEN TO THI PUILIC lELEPHONI '"' ANSWIRING IUREAU 835·7777 $5 and up \llf £.EDINGER, SAHl.ili AMA ,.H014E IJ!-'60f DEALERS WAHlE D "Your Real Estate Problems Can Be Solved" Sy A Specialist in Exchan9es Solv11111 1-~ p•oDl~m,, 1vaod A <•o•'~' (IA•n •1~. red11Cir lnv11I- "'""' or lnd<!btedn~••· <tta•l'C•llkHI PfflDl!m,, l~<rf•s.t Ille""", •wld A oo~n•• ....,., •. f"'I~• 1 11'llf1t, ,,,emDlt jlrOPl!rly, u cll11191 t r<I ltt1tbfct. O• pyr1moe1 •~ ti!tlt. 'A Certified Reol Esta te Broker For Appointment Call (714 ) 673.3101 NANCY J. MOORE Real E1tal• lnHstm•lltl 3471 Via Lido -Suite 200 • Na ncy J. Moore Realty TOMORROW IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE M1\1 'ute you know wh1r11 y111 ,,. 111'1ng. IDS doe• -lhaf1 why wt tllt olt11 you Ille: oppon.unily to 11tn 11 m11th 11 you want to. look 11thtse1t1tis1itt on .too repr1- s1Mati~es who ftttntlY atlenftll 1n IDS t81eef ccftlerence. l11eomr. Averag1 liti! yenr commi1· i1ont Sl2,293 tor the 400. Ave1111• lor lhl top 21 min was $22.400, &~ lncretn ol $9,6'18 ovtr 1n1v1oos in· cc me. rofllttr owi,1tio11t: Siles tnd w!•• 1111n1Qtment t36\I, ilt\111 b11Mnts1 awners ( 15%1. teethtrs. m1h11ry, tnd ot~tis !19%/, .'*' ... "' et 1M 1ot 1t1111din1 to11!1111110tt 39 Eluutit1: Col11g1 01 t1111iY1ltnt wtirk ei~nancem A,ri!vd1: 011r 1CJ11n;ttg 1esu 1n4 •Pt1T11d1 •n•trsis rtn 1id rou "' Yo\111' d1e1Ucn. Ut tOtJ .. ,Ht,? \Ye •r• u1kin; 1T1n and women sutc1sd1A now, whOH Hrirlngs 1111110v• 1Y1r1g1. 11 ou1ht1H. th1ne1 lo.< .sucuss. se111!Klic11, tuglllr 1arn1ng1 ltt 1u1ll1n1. tNTEAUTEDl INVESTORS DIVERSIFIED SERVICES, INC. 1100 N. l1111d·•~ Stt\I• J,.,.,, C1Hfor~i1 1•1-s•o1 (~ • ca tegory. ~I or $1Cv!'tll" 110 -ltn Itri. htc:., Of' F1tfl Ml• itelull lr1-· F!PMI llfl tloll& but 1r1 ...,.. FsllWl'lfl There are l ,7li0,000 other =:,•'!,"fc..u :":i F~ne,~ hou~holdJ llkt yours j f your :':"~:n:.'~lti 1_.: ~~,.Oil C!llegory JS m,()00 tO $49,000, :i<illlel ~ p~tflf • e~Md ~ldl or frllkl Cp That s 2.8 per~nt of the totaJ. ootid !btdi'." ,.,.,, ,Fnifi1n E dMltr IOIO•klli ul- And lhere ere 2$1,000 other ~"t"r:. d•1~~~ ~f.: I:: households like yours ir you ~.11 11111 ~~= ,',Jr-- ha ve achieved the $50,000 or ::::r:,=.w11 °' ,..,,.. :='1c AAA E111 111 1\lo GLtll"" morr level. AAI C•P 4\1. s •1 E11 AFAPr S 1,.. 20J1 ti How do YOU rank! Without :rfs '':' t~ 5~ ~~" ~an~~~ii~e~~sfu=3uhef!ui; :et i ;~ : =lll~~ which will show you where you ~~11 ~~ 1,, l:Z n;:-1:' Pl 'c. All SI, 6V. 6111 ,,.. ' · Air Indus JV. ' ,,-Mio H hid Alrbrll F 1'111 U V. •Hfl Ml ' . No. % or Altlft ~ '"" )Y, r11tl RE Income hshlds. b~blda. :l:f!;: ~" m ,..,, ,.r 'lkt L1Wll 11'\lo 11\li rwtll I" L!nder Sl.000 2,016,000 3.2% A !fl 11... 1v. l \t u1n111 c Altiel El ~ 114 vii llll $ J.000•$ J,999 4,289,000 6,8/ib Alllll Geo t'Mo 2~ yrodfl 2,000-2,!)99 3,895,000 6.2% ::::•~u... 111/o 1~"' ~r ,: 3 ~ J ~ 3886000 02% A El lob J""' ~Mol1l1t1 •111 '........... .;,~;, • 1 • Am E•Pf' '11" 1'V. HIN'ld f< • ~ 4 ~ 3 603 000 • 1"' Am Fur11 6"' 11.<o Htrll \' ........... ,;,;,;, ' ' "' ·io A GrMI 11 61'14 ~ldoc: nl s.ooo. 5,999 3,795,000 S.0% ~ ... ""1.'1: liv. lJ~ ~=EP 6,()00. 6,999 4.011,000 6.4% ArllleUJ I 7lV. '~Hori• llt 7 ~ 7 999 '298 000 6 !"' Ar1•e11 In l \.'o l \111 Howrd GI ,.......,.. 1, ,, , , ·10 Arts Ind 71.lo 1"" Howm In 8 000 9 999 8 106 {l()(l 12 9% Ardell M 7"'° J:it. UC:k Ml ' . ' ' ' ' ,,. :~:"'~ ~1a 1~\t Hiid "'° 10,()00. 14,99914 ,524,000 23.1 .~ ArrtM H 2tl'I nv.~U9 1GJ• 15.000-24,999 8,425,000 13.4% :~~'1o1 ;:..., ~~ H~~~ C11 25,000. 49,999 l ,760,000 2.8% :~:~d ~t, 1'"" ;~~~ l'I~ 50 000 d ••t 000 0 '% laker l \II lJ~ 1"*0t sr . ·an -over "" , ,, 1111 ,.11111 6 ,..., 1nc1 Nuc: Wh · • Bt&'" Jiit l1t ~ lnlr1rd y are you 1n your income 8111" '" '"' 4"' lftt cont b h · · ' 111umr1 •1%i 43111 1111rm In racket -w atever It 1s . 111~1.,,, 1''11. 1514 111 1w111 A th It. I I ct lleec:hm n ?l• •1111 Mullll mong e er 1ca a ors 1•11, 1111 1t 1,~ 1n1 5,, di .. k . &11'"111<1 J s.,,111 s~o1 e ermin1ng your ran are. !lent Mtt 1n11 11'h 1111!j!' Y ,., I The '"'-.... '° " ion • -our :!!IUD co or. llelf t.•" ~ •1lllt 11 Ut~ average yearly inC{lme of a 11111--w "-1'-J= c llllrd SClrl l' » j•,. W I white American heading a ::z\"' Ht 3r" ,::v. 11J1H J household is $9 ,898 against an :=:. ~ 1~ 1n? rt1;11>~d1 average o( $6.539 for a -black ::' c~~ lf~ '::t ~':1:-"~~ household head. that's a l'tr" 1 ..;~ .,~ ~=~~~ "' $3,359 yearly gap which yawns .~. 1k ; 11Y. 1~ ~:~G'" inlo a 4~year li(etime gap of I~ ~ l~ 1~ ~:r~11T $151,155. l="c· r 1~ •llwd lur""' S l1'.lo Jl:W. lull I! -Your sex. The average in· i~ ~':! ,~ 1'"' ~ [:! come for a household headed ......_ H J"" :12: t:' 1:.c by a man is $10,79S as against = "': .. ~ ~r,r c~t $4,878 for one headed by a ::"'~1 .. 1m ,JU: ~~1,v111 woman. That·s Jess than half. ~:: ~ ;:z f-. ..Mc o.,' llTClh ~ '"° Ltntt n - Your age. The average ,,, ow ·~ ,v; ~:;:: ~": for a household headed by an l:r;:~ ~~ 1: 11: t:"°" "' individual aged 45 to 54 is l:~1 ~;. 1ftl'. 1~ ~~:," $12 ,82 Th. . lh .00 Ctn!t• 31 l™ ~1111 ooi ( . IS JS e per! Cen YPS II\\ ' Ltl~r G u•hen an American worker·s ~~~,.,'tb ttz ~ .... tt.:_ 1 Ji: income usuaUy reaches a peak ~::ir1 L~ ~ 1~" t:i1·~d., and the achievement dwarfs ~:::: i'i'fi ,f,Z 14~ ~:'nc:11E1C11 the 1!1: 686 average for a Chi 1ra.1 '° 62 Mto GE• .... Cllr!lt S IOI 111 Mii lllty household headed by an in-Christ 01 ,. io1 M•ll,•rt ClllOl!I •'.to 11.11 M.11111 M dividual between the ages -0f c1111 Mt• 11* 11111 M.tllOI" c C1tl1 U A ?SV. l6 Mir Mlt 14 and 24. (1111 U I 25'4 ~ M1rm Gr Cllvln Mt 1~ 11""' lrewr -Your s urrou ndings Even Cl••" Ml "* uv. Mtul L" ' Cl1Vl(l!'I "" 1~ M1y1r 0 lhough t_he average f o r lli~I.,.. ~ 1~ 1~"" =-" H /armers JS swelled by the c iow C• i s11o 1~ M"' ""''' . • . Cotvr 0 •'" J\li '" earnings of ou r argr1· c ... ~ c. st s.. Mtrlll In ·11· · Colem Sv 11/i 2 Mklld C1 m1 1ona1 res, lhe ave rage farm camm F 101'1 nv; Midi•• h h Id · od · Calon Sir JN 71"1111 Mlclw GT ouse o nicome t ay 1s on· comce• ''"' s M•ll G1• ly $7.244 as aga inst $9,&49 for ~= ¥~1 n .... f;y, w.!".~ non-farm hoUseho\ds. ~::::; w~in ~ 1~ Md>wt:sc1 111· B . Com P1w lOV, 11 M011f Col -ul m o s t important, com-A • '"" MMtn ,.~ d I. If h Cn'IP Cm ll' ~ -• ,. your e uca inn. t e c""' 1mt • '""'Moore s household head has finished ~m-Tee m ~ Ml19 TrA ,omr&• k " JI Mt11Tr wt co llege, the average in~ome is ,::.,!doc: 1,.r. '"' ::ik"c1~ more than $IS 000 but 1f he or con1••11 ' 1"' 1.,. Mueller • • Caooe• L 15\o'J 16 MutRt E• she has (ailed to complete an ~~~~ 5y, Jv. r" :t~· 1~ elementary school education crw11d 1•Vli 1s'h .... ,,., c , ' Cron Co » » NllCll JI the averag e is less lban $S,500. c,•utt~ ~ J"' 1¥> NCm• c,. yo•e• H•~ EQUI -And as a logical result of g:~ .. L-J: r' ~ "''' G•o ·" I' 0111 Oft ..... ,.._ Htl l ib ou r ~uc.a ion. y-o u r OC· 0111 Gen ''"' ,,,., M111 ,,.,... cupation. If lhe household head 00"•,111 F~ ~\lo ~~ ::\ :~R I • k I'll "''' 5t>Ow s a se~v1ce wor er, the ~or"'I~ 1!~ l~\IJ N11 suvr average income come~ to lkklb Ao >'"" ,. ~~n,,. G,,~ · . Deihl Int t 9\'t $7 ,063. But 1f the head is a pro· 0t11t• ch fJ " :1~r•11,' I · . Ot• c~nT U¥o 15"' ... 1 ession.al. the average will be °"' 11r io 20'ilo =~··R:.C $14.702 -more than double ~ c~ 1j" ,;\Ii NC,•r NG d d·11 . DiK Int J m H ur 011 an e t crence mounting up oiver CM 11.11 j"' "".., G11 to a huge total of $.145.755 over 8:1<1~' L-1i~ lo t: ~~ k. 1·1 1· 0ow JOll 141""' ltV.. NIKI Jl.K a wor 1ng 1 e 1me. Po-r1t oa 1,,. l'lt"" oi.11 Ar1 E h · Ortw NL ! ?>;l.S!:':!la W1t ac successive census tally Ou11kln o 1 i1111 ~' Sc:111 dramatizes anew the extent to ~1i;::"1n1 1:: l~"' 0:1'::"~,. which we, the world·s leading ~::lc s:' 1~ 1~ 2!.':c.,rA m.ddle 1 Ect111 ub 11\lo u , ~EC 11'1 1 · ncome economy, are Eouc $w• m 2w. Pu11 I• surpassing even our own ~lt:'l~ 1:%: 11.i. ~: ~~~ ••plrations a n d m o v I n g El6fr I• 4y, s .. ,•kco C-11 'I NUt ? ?'I\ 11\COI towa rd the wo rld's first upper-E N..c: l:NI> 1•'4 ,"~,• o,• . EltlCIY 11i 1\li It W middle inco me eco nomy. And E11rom ~YI stA ,"11rlff P . El C Sn 1'1111 2 1.,.llt even though Inflation recently El 0111 '° " ,. .. rl M> h be · EI MOC111I Wt •Y. PNr II T as en cutting deeply into E'"•S on u-is ... !l!flll~ •• 1·• · t•tt Enertv C 1J U Pl Gl.W rea incomes, we s 1 come El'llf'• Rt 1v. •~Penn Pie I II h d he I £r1lwt1I • J P-1 WI (Ill , we a ea over t ong F.1111 cor11 111o 1~ ,.11ra1t1 pull. So : "How are you keep-~~~11 ,.~ '~ '~ :~:0U" Ing up with the Joneses?" FS Ceco f~ 1 .... l'lla•on I~ e~.· S NC. 1 .-. " 4b ~ Ae!NLli I .• t V. r 1MW ~ • Y tfll .,_ '" A lrre Ct 1Rt 1i!';~ur-l\l'lll ,1-,? :='"As 191it.'f .. :~.:.~- 1nt 11:Z ~II~ :I.I lJ'°' 1Jt,\ m'• A •• ·~)ti ,.,dKl"':fD,.71 >• • ~ C• ~ .,_ T t'I\• C. " lndu I In "" i ~ttM ;~ 1= t": d: t~ m 'A t: :Mio 'lo ff'' S~ !.~ !~Trac; CJ. '\olo 7'11 A G•I \,IO 1'li 14' lll111110 1· '''h U 1111.11 0 I l2~ 1;;';; Ai=t1111 .M ,i ' 1:::.1r~·,11 1iil I.a T~:::; 'Rl 1~ ~".'oe'11'.~" I'"' ~I''"' • n fk T:~,.r ,f ... J= ~~ ':J: I ; 111:? f:M:snm ,:3 !t\lo ~~ =Ir H J,_ ~ :t:it: :Jt l,,K '1~• I l': l~1t lf'" ~:11Tii~ J.. Jr: :JI:~ ~~ _,. I :1111111 t:,: Ir" J'! ~~ ~~ t :~ Alt'-0 ~ti 1:1 '° 114' 111-loll S\lo :Jlit., "ul e:""'!,! lf It A.1111 Ml II AO J\'11 3"' lllot i'" l" Slit~· ' 4 .... eneldMIH .1st 2'"' !!., • .,. ,.... ~ ...... s l111:t. "" "''.(, Al' ,. ... ""-· " •• •• ',._,. 2I 21'111 AllNSlr 1.411 1"6 l it ''" • .... ,.., A111edttr "" • 1l Y! 1'YI ~-'"', < :th :Mio \lftih M.I "' i flo Allllkop .Ho 111/o 1l'lo Ni 2'Mi Ulll lrocl ttl<I J::ll'I Allis Cllolrn In w. "' .,, •• L-0 ,.= 1~ Al"~'""' ... 1i~ 1l\i $(: f.:'' ;:: 1'"' ~r.~ .. SI ~ ri~ ::="f .. «lt *"' ,1 kof kw11 1•V. l ~ 11111 IN ljYI AmttS... lAI 16¥1 1' ~Ill :r: r 1Ut 1Ui w:fi\w,: 1Jt.1< \ I'> AMIAi JO 11 11Vr '"' •• 1~ :IO'A "'"' ~ 2,~ ~. 1.J:l: !!; ::i. tll Cm• j'll • W•r-... " ...... H~ 30r -~11r11 5"' IV. ill-.11 HG l•YI '"' AmtH p1i.10 ; ~ vc: Grp SW. .Fl' '#1111 lllE ',"-IO,~ MltFlltr .ID l'4 1111 ...,itll U1 J1V. 51\'I 11 Tr •-" ,!~ Am Alrlln .• lllall '""' 6.... .ob llt •-...,. A 1111 .bl It M lltl M 7'o '"'° W.iott11 .$\li f lli ml > <o 1'o ltt Id~ S l\lt 1 Wt~ ... M If "' It A rlllh 1 0 .... • ~&I fl )(""° I(~ WtllF •I 11 I"" ='r-'' 2 1-;o• 1 Vt E 11 1t ,..,., 11(Sf P ~ flolo A C ·~·11 "' J\'J w G1C1 U \'11 Uh .Vllll HA :i.., ' Ml ~n :.S JO "' EISVC: 1'40 ""' w1111 Ml, "" 61\o A c11a-r' 1" '"" 1~ INttfV ~ !"" I II P11ll 11'/0 12V. ACrt"S..0: · .• .01'1 'I l1ndV11 11 2 'ol !M Wll ,nt 'IJ~ ACrY~<-"' I~ 1fv; f!~,. "~J.'~ ~~ ~Vt w~:i."'£ 2v. m ~c"'111 1111iu1 ''"' ,,_. tltrlt sir 11 ll'lt wr1"'1 w ~'! :P,,,, Amil ,1 .• '"" •1oli Strow Cl :M 21 Yrdny e: ...-,. NI'! Ou.llVeit 'Hlli 2t'4 AO...Yt Df.toll l'YI U\11 JomEl,.w 1.70 .!'• ,', LJl'C AffWS:f PW Am E•11 lrocl ~ :"'~rt~ i~ !~ MUTUAL :"'G~!\1.r~ 2~~ J~Y, : ':.=. .:ttt JU ll'o Am HDl'll .26 nt ~ :m~:!i~1 " "'" FUNDS • M'"" .... 1' 30,, A MllCht Df • IJ 1•1'1 AIJI MO!On I IYI AHllGll J.10 14 l J Am PlloM .16 "1:! »"•'" :~i~11~Je1 Ml $.11111 .. J J~ NEW YOllK {A .. 1 Imo C•• I.~ •.25 !m-\::1~ 1:;1 IV. t~ -lM i.l'-lnt -lll'lt Gltl l . .cl ,,!:! Am$Alr !11.JI J1I ~ ::!~'i1.:T11t:~r. '1~~· t1: .:ii :::"sJ':tl.1s n :b · 1111111 o1 Securlltn roc11lrv •.lO •,71 Am s11rU A 11 .... 11 .... 0.1ltr1, IM., 1rt IHTGH 1S1 I.fl AT&T wl H 20 -wkt1 al wrilUI !11v Colt U.1J 1?.J' Atn T&T J.MI 1111 ~ ft'lese 1to1rl11111rw Guld 1.lt ,.,, Am ww• .5' 2-Wi JI\ uiuld htVt "°"" 11¥ lnd l< 6.SO 1.511 AW •.lpf 1.Q ,..,, ""so111 1111d1 .,. """911• 111"'" '°' 11.5' 12."l ....,...,...., .60 ~ J (•111•111 Moftd••· nuntor1 Gr-: Atmltlt ·'°" 2J¥11 ~ •M AM. IOS ndl l ." •.ll AMF IM to ~ 1\1• Abtrdfl 1 lf J,01 . Miii f.25 10.11:!1 Amfic It' U '!"' Admlr1tty F.hl1· P•Oll J.U ..1,17 AMI> 1M .31 11~ 1 \Ill Grwlll s.n 6..JI Slack 11.n 19.0S Atnota '"'!> 1\11 9 IMonl J 13 '119 S1locl l .n f.64 Anuru I 1t '"" ,.,. ,....,, ::u 1:CM V•r P)' '.s? 7.Cll All'litr l'li.tJ l \lo J'IO A1ul1n ''1: J.3' ,.., lh1ll (.;Q 4..13 Armllr Pl Ml IV. J'lt AtlM F• 1:t1 t.1' tltl 11.U lf,.olll All'llltd 1..C, 2 2' Affllllll ' '9 2 3' IVY l .tl '-11 Amit! J2 1"4 1\lo AIUI•• 1'19 1:1tJ H11c:ack 1.1/ '·'' A-·1.te ~ ' •11 Aft'I I' j, .'-I Johnllll l t . lf.:N AMII Hodo; I """' :JO A 111111 •• ., 10.n Kl~ll-Fl.lfldl: AllCOl'I Svc 1 "',,, ·.~~Aid!• Fd 111.Jt 11.u, ... ,,_1'\1 11"' .:.Js Alld C~· 1.l'Ct -.. . Atnc:t~ S.U I .I •• ,$11 .32 AH< 11 ,25 I~ 1 I Am u1 l IG 1 U lu' 82 11.M 2Cl.5t AIM:IO ,)11 ll!-11 11• • Am 111 11:!)0 1o:fl Ill fl( 1.M 1.U APL-Carp 1•1' !Ai Am qlv '·" S.IM us Kl 1.J.I I.GI APL-Pf Cl.I» '"' l Amtr 1!)0.0rtH• Ill K1 (.$1 S.OI AllA SVt 1.M t :V. 101.'J C•l'll 1.4 1.11 "' t~ 1:·11•,t •. M Arc1t& .1 ... l0,,.,11 .... lncm-110t.SI "' ·' 11Ard'l011'11 IV. t\lo 1.,~t 1:•1 t,1t "" SJ 6.tl 1.11 Arl1 PSv l.OI IV. 1 Spe<I I DO UI U .f.t1 (..),j Arlll'lll' .... '"" 211\ S!tcll. 1•32 f'ot Gii < J,JI J.y Afl"IKO '1.11 11""' uv; Am Grlll s'.n 1:n ~~"Gt ~:fr t'·" ArnK 111 2.11 1~""° l:~ Am 1""' :·°' :·f: u Gr111 1:n ·., ~:::"'~r,11r' s .... i"' ~ .. ~"' iP. s:M •• tt.c:ri 1•.01 ts.ll A•""' c i< .• .,,..., '°"' ,_ Gr-· lbtrtf J.~ J.97 Arm llu 1.60 J~ :Jil4I • I 21 Ill Siii .I.II S.11 Art Coro to J'4 W ~~ 1l·ft n·IJ lft 111¥ l.H '·" AfVlft tlld i HV, IS ' i 11 ··~ 1111: H1I '·" 10,21 A$1\ld Oil \.10 ,._ tl'io Mmt · · Int J.$1 J.t1 Aud lrew ,.•• ,1,., F<I Inv 1.11 I.ff, l.OOIJllt S.Ylll: As_,, OG I.JO .... .. Vent ...... ~.I C•nad J2..C1 l'l n AMI Sp I -Jf: -~ Anod• !·20,, !'"• c1,11. 10.ot 10:°' AMITr111 '.olo • ...,... "-'"Oii. .., • Mvl IJ.JI IJ.JI Allllltw IM 1;: ~t::A~,• •w,""l",.' J lulll lr1 11.TOlLll AllC~EI 1.:16 """' 1 f ~ Ill 1.1, t.ot A"CtvEI pf ' J:YI ~tt ",'~. O •. ~ ,.g •Miii •.IJ S.O:!I An IU<Mld? 11~ 1,..,. "" • • •• M11;1 Grtti s.n s.n Att1te11 Pfl.7.s Sci C' '·°' • ..,.,_.SI F<I lo.J611.lS All llld'l llf l r~ ,~ ·= ji: tti I lfW; l'-J1 IJ.t! ... llltdl Ji'tt.IO 11 11 ll•Y• 1fod n:.a •• i.,,, I'·" n.n A11u '"""' I :n l2~ l .. <Oll ••• , O 11 H Tr Ull U.11' Alias COi'' lffl Kn! · • Its l . .W J.4' ATO IM • 11\11 1~ Im Giii 1·2• S.7' 11111'1 11.IJll.IJ Auror• p'o1 '"" 7~ llllr Fd .n 6.5' ldA M11 '-" !·" A"'-" O~ll 1~ J" &olldtlll ' ',·•,, '1·~ CP 11.20 I ·'' Automt11 ll!CI lolloll S • · 11'1 IJ.1! I.US Avco Cp .o. •.. , ... ,.IOI! Fdn lG.11> U1.•,>, IF Fd l ,OI i J i Ami (p W! °"' llo1I011 1.0 . MIF Gll'I •.n J.11 Avco l'll10 IV. ' lrOICI SI 13.U 1(.J1 uUS Gv 10.JI 11.61 AWr'I' p. ,JI 1G'f'lo H llrwn Fd 3,JO J.IJ u OmG S.03 S...1 AYMI Ill 10p JO ~ lulloc.t Cl lVlfl: U Omln tM 10.2:1 AYl'ltt n.' $0 '"' •~ tiilkt 13,21 14.A7 Miit Slwt 13.12: l!.12 AVMI 't j 411> JV. Cfndll lt.'6 20.71: I T'r9t 1.tt 1 ff A ,f,, 1 10 11\IJ 111/i Olv1d J.,Jl J.I• EA Mui f,}f ,;,, ..JiC:-ou .,)! 1 Alo N1!W S t.ll 10,11 11 11111 t .'6 .... • IV. 1~ NY Vnl 11. lJ,1' 11 l11v11t 1.00 1.'5 '6\lo 161,1; '""°' l"<I '·'' 4.Jl 11 Sec:Uf Ser: l•bctW $0 3¥11 l\\ CG l"d I.SJ f,24 lll1n 111,1111.7' litrOllT' 6$ IJ 13'\lo C1otm• 1.3' '·°' llond •.U J.JI i'" GE 1'1t fl'I ••11 c.11.11 1nv 1.°' 1.14 Olbld 1.n .... 1 111 "'eiio M". t'J. Capll Sllr !·" '·" Grwlh t .lf t.n 1111Pnl iSo ,,..., 2• C•lll $hr / .'111." Pl Stk I.SJ ,.U 11119 I'll i.J 'U V. IS Chlllflllll u11cll: ll'ICOfTI '·" s.n lk cK11 ·1.Jo1 "~ j1Vo 1111n 10.'1 11.t! $lock 7.11 1.32 l11'11t Of HY 2 ''"" IV. com SI 1 ~ 1.N Htl Grlll l.U t.OO I'"" Tr '" l'" l~• Grw111 .~1 s,u Neuw c.i •.11 s.05 ''"° 2.J\I • ""° ln<om J.1, 1.11 M-P'<I f,IM f.IM 1••1 Cll 251 JU 2 SNCI J..J l.12N-Wld 1L111J.)1 Ilk fr1t '.t0 JI~ '""' Ch•H Gr 11tt· Newlllll 1J.n IJ,Clf 111111 ,.,,,. 11\:o 11 Clf'll 1.Q+ 6.5& Hl<ll Slrt 10.'6 10." lt!H Ml Pl 1 1N lltV. FufMll I.Of 1.14 N«H•I U.'-( 1• . .U lllh IM 11'1111 ""' Fr111 tt.n 12.:W •.•1 6.n 11thln oil.JO lJ .... :llY, 9'flld 10,1' l l.lt I S.t • f,;06 &lllKllLb .«1 JWo )t Specl 1.1• •·" 100 Fd l ?,lj 1J.n h •I l.•~ .n '" fl\ C11irn1tl li.1111.Jl IOI f'd 1,7 t.SS l•Y~ ci. ..lO 10'-1 ""' Col11111•· WmS ll.Jf IJ.51 Sur1M1 l J l'Jo £iutw' l.IJ J,t1 Nell 1.1111.11 illl,C' F'41 1 1s.v. u:io FloHld 11.1111.os "" J.l7 1.05 e11 F 012.10 '"" flli Grwlll J '9 J.ff AIM f.il 10.SS " .JO 11';, '1'Wo IMam t'.:b 10.71 OTC Ste t.t, 10 ... Sect oio .JO S • 51'> Vlfll •.11 •M PICt Fnd '·" 7.11 ltt<;h Air ,1S ,.,,. 7°" Col Grltl 11.3' 11.l't •1111 It.., 7.0f 7.N Belco Pt! .so n l •I.'> cams 1.c1 •.JO ot '""" s.. 1..M 1.u leldtll 1 . .0 ll"" U Cwltl'I A• 1:B 1.lil ,',•""' ,,1~ .~·!! N111""4 .Iii* J 51\ w11t1 c 1.JJ 1.15 ·"" ...., a.tr How .Ml lt'll 1YV. orn1> Ai I.fl t.jll Jtll.,lm 1.U t.U atn 111trCOfl Jill "" omotl '·" 6,1! IM SI ll.l't 11.l't IHfllli (1 ... 11\lo U omo 8d I.ff t.:M PIOll Fiii '·°' 6,1, hlldl• lM HV. n.,.. ..... Fd '·" •.1• ,.io.i I"' 10.1:111.13 llndbi .t > °" ''"" emtlll l 14 , Jl P11: "" t..Sf 10.a lenttl(p I 60 ~'" l"' CllllCDf'd 10'.u 10'.n Pl(;~IH'id;,= 1171 21 a-t1 1>U:SO 2:1 . 2 ConlOI In JO.ti 11.17 N E ,.,, t'7• ltllell •l•.IO In ,_ ~Ollll Ml I.IS •.15 H H:; 21'15 1~'75 IMMll l'l•.30 .... l:V. 11111 G"' 1,14 1,:12 · ·· knll Spf J.jl) l'lt '"" 111'1> ld 1, 7J IJ.41 Pro Fund t.lS t,l~ Stntu" '" 10 .... "'' C10 11 :.i 12.•0 =~~:r1"!"" ~-11 !·L Bentuet '" •"" 1'111 rrl WOIY J.51 I.Of ' ' lltrlo;ey ,.,. ltnlo 11.,.. rn wo11 a.II l.'l ~;:,,~~"'Fu~il':. lO . .U Beth 511 1.1111 1~ 10'Mi Vlh M 60.11 60.tl F.~ull 6 t i J 60 ll lt TllrH .60 15 lt\I> Ckl1wu1 Group: Gtart 11"1• 1i'111 Sltdt Ok .U l\'11 l:io OICll 111.14 11.IJ Gr!ll f 12 ff7 8l1lrJOM .d ~ JHlo Dilwr 11..U 1J·jl 111eam 1:.q 1'.26 &llH L•ut r "' 1""° Oi!11 4.l• • lrlWtSI I 11 1 ll lloOHR ,)6 1\r.i 1\l OOdtl co~ 1s.•2 11. 1 v1it• , . .ff 1·:io 111111 1111 1.111 •!Vt "5 0••~•1 12."5 n.•j VoYtt ,·,. .-.. Bobbit Irk• 51 61 0rt v! [d 11.01 lt.o lttv•r• ,· .. t'n Botlnt Co . ., ~"Jo~ Or1Y1 v 12.11 ll.11 Rlnfrtl 1,:161l:63 SollC11 .Hb 1.. . E1ton&How•rd· llllllflth 5.63 I.I.\ floncJ Ind .. , 1111111 '·!,",',·"· lluslr 1J.t0 IJ.n IOl)ll;Mlh 1.H il"'OC:JllZ<=!r."la:;..oo:;D::;o:,,.O:"' ..... .., .... ::D ••• Grwltl 11.:. · Scllddtf' "lllld"' llarotn 1,1' tncom Mll .. J.S Int tnv ll.•113." 1orm1,.1 .oltl ,_, ,',·il ,1.)6 S.C-1 2t."5 ttA-' lol EdJJ 2.1• Stoc~ .... •,OJ 811 l•.J11•.,1 8our111 IM EMn l 11.f71l,lil Com SI •M t.IM lr111t Air .50 E1rtl 11,Sll 17.ff Jec.,.llv Flollllk: 8rlftl$1 ) . .0. Em•• Sc ,'·'•' ,•,·•.1 E~tr '·'' ,.21 llrlll Mv 1.111 E lftY l, • l"Vtll 7.10 1.(1 BrlllM~ "t E.,,..,.,,. J:ll •.•. IJnrt l.IJ I~ lrit l>tl A !wltr I t . I« Am I.ff t Br ,.,, 111.4..ll Finance Briefs ''OUNGSTOWN, Ohio (UP I) -General Jo"ireproofin g Co .. a m11ker of office furn iture and 1111 Gltl 1,11 l,IJ I Sl«S U.ff lS. 1ewy H11t 1 E1111r "'' J.J, ,,tl I Glh 1,11 .... 8d~1t ""7 . f'1lrld I." ,,11 m f'G UNYlll If•'"' GI 60 clay and bauxite processing Fir,.. Bu •·j' ,,, Mir A• 7S..M 1,.,, llclYllUG 1'.11 Fld Gr"' II.) u." DNll ,U.Q 14..'2 Br-Co Plant at Andersonville Ga "lcl 0t1• '"' ·· 1.,. t .st 11WT1Slw'1 .20 • • Flcklllv Grw p: ltf!'ll f'unds: 1-s11ot 1.511 ilf'll 10.fl 11.'7 C11ll 1,'6 ,.3, lf'Ul'llwt 10 nt« 1'.63 '!·'° l""tll ID.60 I .Sii O E ,. -LOS ANGELES (UPI) -w•11 11,u 1 .•1 Tr1111 1.11 t '' ~ c: ~ equipment. said It has filed P1c111 i..11 16.02 !'"1"' 11 , ,, 1.7s SUOlf•F .,,·,66 suit in federal C{IUrl in New MeCulloch 011 Corp. and Ids = :~ '1..sar, :t111u'"G1 t.:T I:" •llftl '"' .4P Y h Ip Trend 1111ns~~·111vlJ011•.M9\lltFor1 1 ,11 ork c arging A mer I c a n 01 rograms, Joe., have com-"'""'""111 Proe: · nTr"' 1.'ot '"' t,i;:•u;..;:, Seating Co .• or Grand Rapids, pleted and tested e gas well In ~:d:'i ~:t tUl11::'s?1 .J~A:n ~~...rr: Mich .. with violating the anh· the Hemphill County. Texas, ~~'I"' i·U !·;; 11~-,i: "s~\,, eun No 1.n. trust la ws. The company did portion of the Anadarko basin. ~'If!! v~, 1:~ 111 l~ s1i1~oe ~:: '·•1 ::::::;r .::·ss nnt revea l details of the com· The well was drilled lo a depth~:: '\~1': 11;1; :tt l:~ °" '~::: '~.:: t;'~'W,,1-:0 platnl. of 16,990 feet and flowed at a F11 Jtultl .11 , ~ su '~~IMI 11J:.~ u.:11 dally rate or 20.5 inillkln cubic ~E si:,. 11:~ •:" ~!:11 t.~ ::: i:m:1: MIAMI BEACH (UPI) -feel. • ~ •• : f: j:r: :::: S\'1K~ GI i·:. :·u :: •• ,,,, ..::,, F irst Realty Invtstment Corp. =~ 'b~ ,:~ l:.= TMJI. ,... 1o:n 1l1· 11"•"} i~ has bought 8.500 additional PHILADELPlllA IUPI) -"=• jjiil~1• :=-'G J:l! '· c::~~: lf~ acrts of ranch land In Ptlrk Smith, Kline & Fre n c h ~~rt' 1:u 1 :Il 'f:: ~i f.lt ~ ~ ll~nfJ: Counly, Colorado. The com-Laboratories, lnc.. has ob-,.~ tl'f :ff ~:: ~· f:~ J:# :,.:~ 1.i• pany bought 42,000 acres In " tained approval of the Food & "'if;r,I~" Orfj'i. •" ~ ~ 't.1i 1 ft ;!~ Mf'.I 1.M same general rtglon last Dr u g Adminb:tratlon to e:;r-' ' i•r ~i:l:ct,J: ~::t t:'' :!il:Jfr ... s month. Plans .trt now being market It! new liquid antacid, ,.1ncorn t~ j:bu~ C..llJ' til ;~ -~,. T 'lJ made to develop and market Oucon, fur non-presc:rtptlon .. ~. t'.si :S uir!!"_ 111111~, , u '"""' '.4 the property. use , Starting ln January. Fi::~111: a~-. •,11 e 1!1, 1J'.n ;~, 1:1' I~,. , 1'1'.t u:'J'l.,. ~: i:tt ~I c-:.,. HAMMONDSPORT, N . V . NEW YORX fUPI } -Cities ..:J.i""' . , 1:U tl:T L'i,."" ~d: s. r,t~·if (UPI) -Taylor Wtne Co. has Strvlet Co. said a well It has g:!'Y.c '-:!..!.'11 ~'711 Hi tff =~:';: negotl~ted a SIS m 1111 o n bttn drilling for 1 group of 8~'="s : 1·" '·" v~11tw1 I,/: 1.t1 1111 J:: i.• rcvolvt11g credit with eight companies In lbt Java Sea ofr ::r•,f ~C i:T: :""1,...,. 1:1 tll :i'1~~u.,!; banks, led by L t nc aln the coast of Indonesia has t;,~"l l 'l:~'ti; "IT' ,,·t.1'-l? •:[P\,1·r Roc hester Trust Co. o f been capped ltmpor1rUy pen-"'' 1,... lftt'~" :,~'J; 11J1l:i: ~~ 1.1t ,,..., 4A •• tJ.• w1111M111 Gr-· ""'If.'·" Rot.hester. Interest through ding furlhtr I t 0I011c a 1 H~l/111111 ·ll • 5' . ••Ir "-!I it·! ell!T 'ti. 1g73 will ht! ~ of a pohu oVer studies. AlthoOflh the wtll had S1t1 i:a f~ lm~ 'l:i ltn r,,." .• the prlme rates. Oowed al Indicated rates ot . f :i:!'1 l{j*i: ;:mr 1lJ1r.n m='~S 2.2M bin-els or oil "d!'y from~~ ic · f =1111 lj';; ll:tf ~/,~~~ NJo:W YORK IUPll -Com· 1wo zone~. further studies are "':'r... . 11. ,wwrir :'''~ ~J /~ bui;Uon £ng1neerlng Int., laid needed to· determine If the SW~,:,~ 1:: ·~:~w~~1h. 1.:!1!:fi ~=~,,.H,~ u, ml"'r•I• d!.vlslon wilt rtaeryoir is large enouab to be I r ~~"1 '·g·:.'";wf=:1'\?'0 1 ~:: t~ ~ ... ~ •!end '1 mJUlon to expand Its economJc. I •. ' 4.•s W01"1• M ' hlht• .u rv11 a. • ... 1t1111r .• 1o.c """''1'1111 1 •• • • , ' --• • 1970 OllLY '1~0T ' Ex~h~ge ' ·---:·---------Monday's Closing Price~Complete ,. New Yor~ Stoek List • • ..... Nit I••·························· .... ... Ultt ... CMa.J lllffl i,-. a.t• C11t. l•J JO .. U. C"-C... IW1) ...... U. C-. 0-. t: ' 4 DCW JON•S AY••AO•• e "I' OI~ 1:11 'i ~ 1 "'I 1ii11 ITOCl(I V1 If •f1 J 11..:1 00 7J liM +I liJI »" ;M Jl4 -D [h Lead.in "'VI " 1 It n JI!: jj"' Ult -\\ ~tw Yor~l•"Jl'1'1• Dow J-• ..,. .. " V•!r,w , ,,, m ,,., ,n\• Ji1'--- '" 5;;;: ••• > -.. ec I es ·. g .~.t·Jf l! 11, ~ .!~~~a l"l ril11i!' r!!'nftM rf1,1r = r~ :~.!.r. iS ~ lilli~ ~~:: » .. lit. M *'"' wl"C• 10 l,. ;i\• ;I ., , IS litl 111 " 11117 1n fi w -09t y'1 t or• A /I 1 \6 +"' II U''t IJ ; " ytire11 .60 11 11~ M -y, ll Ilk HJ ''1 ~ d 1.0 H1 41 -l .1,1 Vwl(a11 Mii I I 1 • JT" I! ~ ~\lo ~~~ • ~ s k M ' k ~:,:':, ~ r "' S\l~ 1\~ + '1 [,:.:111c1lon1 11 "oo:i:1 uHa In '1 ;:,•• vwllt y~n ,, s ! 11"' ~ -~ 111• 'flt, 1Ho .. On toe Ol]J... et "r .,., .. -hr11n uo -W x y I-ll ::~ 1:. 1 .. -" a.Al' --~'!.. ,If.' ........ ,. " !l 'l i' 'f l t > »'-1 _ T1lt • ot 1oO ll0 1~ 11 11 ~-W1(1>0w1 1 7' ! » o I S ' a '" t> f.: • ' j •ICO!f I .. 11-. , o 1/l'I '-._ """'-" "1 2G t1 li" i!1: I -• 1U.v I'd H \°" t~ U 1 lo. • .... •• Wiit •!'II 1 1 ""° \'J .. 1 n ~n) 1 " -NEIV YORK ("Pl) Ptof ! ta••-• lorned lhe t• ••~ ot• ' .:is 11\Q 11 1i" o.. 111•*'" 110• ' ,... ~ \'\-to 11 1p-1/1.o 1~ "° 0,0 6.1 -I l\.UI,; latt\N (I M 1 1n ltt. u 1Jlo 1 0 (Ml I Mltll ~t• CINI C .. Wt Mw , .. IJ !ti') U~l I~\? m ~. ~\t ~ = (: stock market lower on moderate turnover tod.•di t:=:..t:r·.. , ~ .... r. t: = ... u••co. I It ' ,. 'I ' H -Vo :z:.:-iJ:J: I! 11t: I~ ~ -.. ~ 'l ~ ''" -" Shortly before lhe close declines were lea Jnn '• "'" 11 • 3• I"' s ~ un11 Lid .., I fl" j -... "' wi ,..... '° f, •~ ,. • 1• • -,_. !.I g",' ~"·~· -_" \ ,. I'll ltc:l'>ll (Oft Ct SS "' • • ~ -11-1 UnllNV 'JM • I ... I I 1-• W1 Lam I 2G 1•1 .... .. n -.. advances 892 to 494 with 1 67l issues on the tape ,.._,,.,. • '1 ' ' I' '' un1<1~ 1n1-. u iii! " ll w. ~ sw I'° 11 211.1o H"" !4 -• f tltctv "'' 11 7'11o '4 U -""Un omp I J:f •, "", .... I i, W11~ Gt 116 60 2'•1 \lo -" .~ u _,, The Dow Jones Industrial Avera«e the blue chip t•" ,.,. •"""'II•• 11011t -l'tun ••10., •• >t "• .,....,~5'1 10. '1?~ j• !l"-" !. l -,~ 1 -\0i Iii !""""~ ... t """' ""',,,II u~ Ct• I s ,,,. '"'-,w.,~wP .:Iii ,. f~· l -V. I.,.. .... 411 barometer was ofJ 2 74 at 823' 18 .. !!!', ."r ,, n• ff" 1"' '!.,, -~. un 1( 1 11 m 10 • ,.. :g + • ::~kn 116 .f..,.IJt ; ,,-. l:: 1;: -~ f 1 • 1''"' n•• ='" Turnover of a ound 13 000 000 h' s p ed ·~.. 1 ._ non l " 0 11 1 ,. .. ,so 1 1111 • .o>o .. -w •n u11 • 1 ~ I I • ,,,. I" 1,,., s dre com •r I-• 1 n U2 t"' t1.., 1 ~ -• u c.1 tt »i u • u u ... -w,.11 01..,1,. 1 1 .. :i.. ,1 + \• ·~ 1• • • + " with 15 790 000 snares Friday ,·,--~1 ,•. w ·~ AO -'"u " "11 M )I ~· ._.._ 'l • w•• M >10 1e '°'""' j" ~· -• "I'" I' I -• .. 1' ~ ••. ~. ti4oo U11l'~C• 1 '°' .,.., ~ ... ~ ~-o. e , "' "' ., 11 Ito I I -"' Clos1n• pr1c~ tnclud..t . A'! T 'T •• 1/8 up 1 j••Ko .. ... .. -lf" -Unlo<l l'Klf 2 ' 40'• '° ... ' 1' • w.1,_IMI ., 2 1"~ i.., .. "' lfll 1•• 2-f ?•--vt "' '!)"~ ~~ JO CIC ,;'tO tol!fll 112 212 41 fOl(o ..O"i U11 1'•(~ .. 4 Uo llt '"° Wt lll l II tt ff, ~ -14' '1 •"• ~ ..., -'-Belh St 21 oU 1/8 Chrysler 27 1/2 off l/2 DuPont , • .c •• T 1.. 64 lf:' •~ 31"" -'"union."' 1"-'° 11 .," "'• " -.. w, .~. 1.0 ' 11o1 11 1 • 'I Sl~) 'i O -" j ••G pl\511 ,.J •" ~. l\ »l• -l\ Uni ••• "' In JI.., 7"-JI -l\wff< ~ 'fi: I T'loi 1..., '" _., '"' ~ • 1 1 "' 128 off 1 Ford 54 up l/8 Ge n El !Kl 718 of fl /8 Ge n •) o s..1 " •• ;ti ""' -• u1111..,•1 l'f • w~' • 20 i "' 'II +"' 191 61"' fi\ f.! -1' Motors 78 3/'1 off 1/4 and IBM 310 3/4 off 6 1/4 l:::; :.."1 J 1J =~ 19~ lf1t! ~ ~ \Jll lo'\Oel •• '"~ ;:..~ ;; ' ;: \ -( :,1,,": IL n \ ij w.: '1G"' = = i': ,,. " 'l " 1••01 G1 G' 24 f' t\'9 t 1 -'Unit,. I ., IN ui... )I~ 3' Wll &tnl I >O J9 ~ l6' W • + •• ,, 1 ~ t U -1 'uc1en !looper analyst for IV E Hulton • Co ,. P!,_d AS. ' \!\i 1'~ ,. ... -~I u .. a ..... '° ., 1·~ \flt • • • W• n M '° l ?t,,, .,..., 20'"' 4, 12~. "" l'" _','1 " " ~ 1·· UI I.to ., ii '~ M u 1·1'11:!0 no ,..., .S.\lo ,,.,,, -_,w, ... Pt( 1, 1, S\lo " -... u "" ~ ' sa1 dsome profit tak1n " expecled after the markets ... ()ti to 1,n ,',"" ?l?' !!"' -o.. _u • .,., 20 ' •h 1•"-11 • wnun1on 1 t0 101 1• • 111\1 •v. -''!. 't.,,, "•'~ 1',"' -:. , . ir. T••' "'1 M i.; .,.., "" -, \In/• C• 1 11, ., t i.. •~ ,ai, W'1'11 E to ,_.. ".. ,,.. .. ;;~ ~·y••-•~ ree sharp 3dva nce The1narketwentuptoo rn1rot1 .o »1.,,.u1412 .. ~-"'un 1,n c• • ,,.. '"'ti.. w.1 eofJ tolloou ~'i.11.1o -'ll '" • • •. -r .. 1o1101 "° S1 I ,,,. '~ ' • Ullll G11 • 171' II•• 11 . Wtl Vtl I ti II ttloi n ""' -' .... st a used un a lot of its steam Hoo per added n1otn••• .., • ~ ll ... >l"o -+ • u1111 1114 ,. 10 •~ • • t wt11-. 111•10 Jo ti " u 1)2 .i , •I ., .. _ • "" ~,,. iO 1t Jl '°" lo>-o -.. UnJ•dh~ 1 •• 11 •1 o~ 1 Wt~t..o?, 10 13 11 Ji ""1\11 '",• ' r. • 10'1. ... Elec n1cs were among the sorest issues while Jw * • » n"' n • -+ .. u1111 MM 1 lO o ''1• "" ,.,. w,.,,,., '"1 11 . s1 ~ /I'll -.1; 20 I\;, 10 Or .0 N 101' It._ 10 Un N..clt' )0 10 t ll t•o -lo Wtvh 1>16 ' 11 I I~> I , .. I N. ._ ':>'., 1:1 ... 1:,., _ ·~ oils also owed marked weakness 1n spots l' c ... 110 :JO ,, 1.,,. '' u .. u P• """ 11 1 • ' 1 -• wr...o l"Jn su i ' 10\' •ll 10,,., -,,. 6 :I "'1o 1111.,.llM .0 t ~ lO'Jo 10'~ -U! FktG 1 10 1 t2 >II~ 11 .. J1 o WhlP DI t11 IJO fl l •Y<t ff\\ ,. 'i':Z '• .. 11,t!-" Trad1 £ narrow ranges we re steels motors Time"' "' 1u H"I n •l -• u{F11ts lhe •' 11 •• :n \ /I '-+ w11P1111 '" r1o0 »"" ,, ll"" n ~ U\ 1 .. -~ chemicals con•lometales rails airlines and atr· I mo M r ~ ,. "" 3t ~ 11 ~ -'u F'" 1 oio 1:1t 2'" u\li. -+ .,, w11 c., '.. 01 ·~~ '6'-"" -" ••,•1·,~-~·-> 1m11..,,110 .O ~'o ~ U '<+b UGvPltn l 1611'•H-,,,,le o -Wll/"~,.o 11S J\l !Jl)U 4-~ • , rt t11RI•¥ fOll l "'* I !' -1 u Gvo 1111 IO 1 u )1 :u wr C 11 J 1 l't~ 'lf\'1 ,.'4 + • 1 11 , 0 ,,. n•. era s l"'l" l 'lO • n 1.., .,,_ ul 1""11' so m ,,.., I'"' lt)-1 • w11 .,,,. u 11 10\t M 20 -,. IJ 43, ,,.., ,µ,, _ 0ol0d <t 1 n ~ 3<11, ;i..v. I•• -, u l 1154 21 » '"" •'-11 1 w~ '""' 50o 1u H 14 • l' "• .!~! •' • •' _ ;Jr.io;:zoe,.•oi::c,.,r a"'"'"'"'"'•"'""",;,•.,•m•'ll"'"''"'I ~ • .. J u" u.., '" u P vCh •• • .., 211<1 j•I;: u -w11111 •• , 1.., 1 •h 110 _ • ~ , J•tM (I 11(1 SJ"' ~ Sil~ U P~plj SO "1!! -1J 21 .• IJ ~ \0 Wtc:-llCOtD I 1'0 :110,.. Jlllj JI -'I "•O t4 ... fl\.o n -"•••D '--•"••·~·· • ·--•o • r111t U :It UJS ... 3'\.t j!\li.-(UP11Dfl2GJ 'l~lt"'-11~.j W;elttS Ult 11 '•I\. .... _ .. l t l'9 t~llJ 6 ~ l ·• -" -··· U 4'1 •• ••i..-••Trt"'W •fr· t!ii ''"' J "' U " I • II• , .. _,,.WI llou # n »"' H '4 ,,..,_ .. OI J U -Stt-J !<II) 40 »'-» l2\1 l-,,_,.,...,lot p1 J 0 " f'," 0 11 Tr11W.tJr l>f1 11 ,.,,.., lto 13\• U Smol lb :JI 11"' 11"' l '4 -W ltmt 11 o Sl lJ > JJ ll'-110 !.~ u !,1 _"°S~t l lO H1'o ,. 11 .... -;~!0HrvA ·-MIO w lf _..,TrnWl'11 00! ll '"'I!-t ,.+ U Sffl!# JU IO'-' 2tl1 1t1 + oWft tfl DIO J l't o ,.._ l'tto ._I 11 ,. .. 11~ _ 19 jtot• V•t>l 1 " M,,,. 20 10 \1 Pl'toavt 1'flo lll r. n, t '-' T 1nom • 11 4.111 •, 11 • 1 ~ -• u T-t 1 tG 11 ,...., H • ,,.... ~ • WiM o. 61 /' l6fo »l'o lt '-+ \ •• :1 J"' ,.. .... )Ill.lo -"' olt vc o• I 1110 11 I J -+ • f""l""W l 1 21 J • u • ' "" f l f\1.(11<\ 0 I J J . !)' -U!!h Ut . 11 ,.. t. II I 1• -• w """" •no • 11. ,, .... ,, , -• ,,.~~•J\l tl -1~!~,.w to., 0Jllh:lt.,,.:Nl!!o -hou•rtOIC. t!D 1:1 ,11 ""''"'c 11• o •• s . Jl\ UntUt wt ll ,., 6 1 ->o w,fll•w oa ?'I JJ ~ttl't tti•-'" :U 1~ t ... 11 -'<!/~"'"°" -' 1"4 1\,.-loo lllbb8 1 ~ ..., ll )0 101;~ + , 111~1 on 1' H• .... I -oUnU I 'll 21 7t JSl,I, l~I + 0.. W tc PS 1 i. 'II '" f6l\ 11,., .+ '• lO'llYI '"l •• -1 ortllrcl lO lll t.1,!lialtll +\to!(!UbbBDIJ •I 1,0 1 T•vtriiO l•t ?t ?I 1t\'>-~ULt1llO t n•~n"J2 ~" W lto (~l'I t1U 1:J.!')lf 11 \11 '"' U\lt l l9!!uaw(ll' 110 11(1 s . S \t !•1e~Mr 40 'll\\ I :II -•'·~···r 1 • :u ~ JI u:w. .. UnjvG Pd IO lQS 11:1. ,,,, '! -•Wa.ww 511 :).'! •• ll'o Ito -+ I• lA 7\.t 17 ,._, w!uWo ollU 19 ~ "" lf.'o-'1V.j!B•ll!dt 160 11 .. lo~. •ll•-"'' ton I t JI Jll Jl'lt 71/o -Unv• Comp ''' l ~ 1 •-'•womt co u 1/ ._..., Ul~ 1 1 ~-o 4,. 1 , 4..., 5 W ot1' l # 10 >Io lTh l~o -~ 111a <t I'll SC lfO J,6 S6 Tr/Coll !) .It JS /15'1 JS\11 J5~ f. Uolonn 1 llO t2 ''"° At• If -•1 WOIJl:I~ Co 11 I•~ 1•... .._ -\~ 10$1•o1J•i 1J -11t i:bv•Co61 1:1111"1 ·~ ''-~!'''P•l11 » 1lj1 ••1W •j <:o-\.tTt .... 1 II> 1 .S...lS., ,.,_,U•B"ll CI lil?~) 1 -.. waetwhl70 ?'ll Jl'4 Jl.ll j' +• • ) 11-.111. ub P OO>l lO 'J.l"'U~J.I --d ... lr'lt ff! ) .. IJ I -'4T ..... ,~ Pit J !l•$,'-!J ... -.. u1LFl!MI ))J l,..1 1"1'11 WOllW PIJ l'O "" 51\~ '"' 11 lJ " Jl .+n n cn .... .00 •' ............. ,l!~Ko ........ 1' •Iii t\I, 1·->.tTll W <. 31 :u .. ljo;, J2 J.-t '-UMCPl 60 1 JI 'u .... ,! ~"WorlCIAwy ... 'i,; '"' Sllo-\1 11 15 1 U l 5 ,_ .. su..oi b ... ., ... ~·-\• !Ct , .. :t70 $3,,, µ, ,,,.,_ lllW pl•5'0 , 111" 11,,, J'llj-l11 UjMPIJIG ~ lJ\I "':i:.-.f w ttv,. •I0',,,101,,..,lllt\11 \~, l" ,.\I "'t -"'11111 011 tnli ii .>I • S7._ JI -\'oS l""l'° !14 l' '11 ... -AW l>filO l? U It I ~-J .. U M 111150 11 '6 2G +"" Wvr ''' 4G 10 .... I ' -· Dt~ lJ lJ -1" W.ObtfrTI M 1tJ U\.i H~o -14 S !NJ 'l. l'tl ~ 1... "'a -.. TllW off 2J J 1'0S toJ 20! '°I(; U!tl'ICor< __161 '2"' n"' ~· \ K""t • Cl' IO lH 17-., ~ I \lo -+ '4 4 ni. '"'° U 0 _, '-lu"°11 "° IO M 11'4 ?'I ff .. jldOllOll J 1t IJ nl'o ~ 1':>;. + \'I 111C5~ GE' IJ jl 1" 11'-' JI.> -\lo U Ml PL -f'1 7t .r.I"' 1• """ t • Kt I llC U J!li. h j•lll -1 • l' ,.. ... " ,. -I Ul!Ch pl) !Cl , ""' • \J ..... +"' IO°" .. ,., IJ t ilt ,. .... M\4 u.... TWt ... c ... 1 l 1 1\9 ,.. 1 -~ v,11111 -..-t!l a-"' 1n . ' ........ SD I 70 10 • 161.o .... • , lt ~ r:~ r. .... I~ t"'"' :t 110 Jl1 l • J.... l~ -+ lo l'J"".. no 11 J.'! n: ,.... t yll't '"'" JO 14 131' lll'o -' V~" Ct • .00 " itvt , JJ • .. i·i. c.... ... tJ Jf ft" f . ~ J~ 39 ,:, ,~ -··1=:rG~:"',: : 1·,,.~ ri .. !!11 -"1111:"...X':: I• 51)).~ so~ ~-\o -U-V-~~·-:Oki .J 'i D~ rr~.:1~,:~·.•1" ... ~ ,.~ J:iZ ,.:: =·1' Sl<I ,., , •• lfl .j.l,i, ..... "'J11 ~ 2 • '4'-lo ..... .a sf., • ,,. U•L llC Ill :i.tt,, ,,. !'' l ~'-' Vtll<lo to '° lJ '"" ,,..._ ....... ltor orJ , ;t u -lV, 1n ,. .... 3•. ' -... 1-1 PS II ,, l ',,, l -14 ! I f fll IG t f 11~ • ~ ~ ... U1'L Of .0 20"1 '\ "~ -\lo VF Cot• 1 0 l ! " \! lt'~ -l-~ IV' i o . "1 1' ,...., H~'i -~ '~, 51 ... .Y Sl'--\.'I OI .,,, 4)o 19 o .. 1 o -.+ \t •ll!Cn 11e l l »• l, jl'o -'-UG CP ll 10 H~•, "'"' 21"'-V1cl!l"I )"'« lf ~ •-I ~ tn ~ 1.0 ll' JI )th f'"' -• J.4 , ,. 1 ,, _ • !"' '"" "5o>" 'f 1,.n, I\> ,.., j 1ut1 or lll ~ ll,, 'I:' J; .. t., UMC 11111 ,11 lt It 1j~ 1'" -r Vlc!COll"t » '' 'I ?v, 1>,;, -• 111 n Ir.cl 2t ti U!>t 111 "'-1~ 4S $1\, JT'11 I~.+ \o Ill !Oft iiO U f\i 0~ +IV. 11 <~ '' 4 I ,. "' tl..o -,. 1Jft1rco oo .Ji t~ •• ·~ vifl .... r 60 f\.'I '"-l • -\\ Oii~ t~ltd IV Tht AU« t td "rtu l 10 Contplete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List ..,.. lftl (l'ldt I Nit-l-Cltw C-9o JI DAILY PILOT For the Dissolutions 01 Marriage ............ is -~=~,:.. ~1:rnia:r.:.:· l A1W1 lllCI FreM: All'moncl IMn 11n1 M. 1nd G-F. 1011. Mtfl' lrld H-d Lont, J1nt S:wnd Oontld M. l(uriceL C~lortt M. Grwum.n Ind Er""t Emil" K1nt1!tr J .. '11111 Ptlvlll1 Ind Oonlld -~~. Racca A. Ind EdWlrd p, ~ Ev1 M. Ind WllU•rn 11.. '""'r Jfin DI•• Inf ICll'tn Lt y,,,,.,,. Mor no. =· Mt~~·~ """' HH!dtnon. C~ln1 M . •rid '°""-" w fit..ir, Ols11t M1tlt •nd Aldl•rd Elvin Ovdi"-Mll. Ken J, Ind Soo)l1 Alt JOllft, ll:itl AM 111d Hf!'rY ll:ICl'llrd M.odllr. Jr .• Sllld•• KIY and JtmH ~~1:,~lkl Mlt Ind 11_.t LH •IMny, C~I 111d Doneld II. ullY. Jr .. ll:urn Joanne 1nd 1tusst1r AllMflder WIM Oontlll F. I nd Junt C1'111 J-. Tl!lodor1 ""' J-M. Welllnll\, PIMlll Pll lfllll HIU¥ Onllllc f«1wtri. Ll.n« L. l nO lllWll'lls SUI "'1'«'· Oolorn LN •1111 J1mn $c1~.fif,11 Ttr111 51-Ind N11Nft if.f.~. Joflrl J ltld 0..-tt C1rol1 Je,,; Ind ll!llitll EdWln 1'111. LlflM 5'11.tn I nd J1Y Dwlonl Hicks, CNrlo114: C. Ind Nell A. ~-· llllllt J1J111ll1 •nd 1•~ "'1111.1• tton. l¥ndl c •rid S.mull c •-Lindi t llnd WUl .. m M. HAM'/, n;;.;.;::•h IC1¥ Md Ftlnll G ••1.,,, lflfdVj 1 L. tnf G1rll!od C •. ll:ut tOol! l"lft E. Ind Mll"Qlrft M. Alltft, 5,lv 1 Jn~ Ind Aobttl 11<1b Clll11mtn, M.trct111 N. trld ll:1~mond A. A-s. Vlrolnll Ruth Ind Alfrld LH fn1'1rN fil'l¥1111lllr • Tut$day, Otctmbfr 15, 19~ Record -~· '[j;Y'Q' Ml'"'" Mlrle 1114 0111111 S.vllt. ":;l:J·-=-~=" It Cl"l"n. Nt!ICY JNll 11111 Mm:lll """' Nord, fl.Irv N. lftld Ylclll Jt.,I C-., J1nlC9 A. Inf Ltr,., l!:lhN/'f Low!,_, ltotim C. 11111"""' Lff Bell. Ttrri. Ann 1M Frint; •· Phlnlcls. Gr...., W. 1fllll Al'V• L. Ford, Edl!h 11111 ll:ol:lfrl H, C•ll•hl"' M•rllYn I.. •nf ltDbert Niii. C1rol .s. ""' An"*" 0. 8vrrn•"· I, ~ 111<1 Pl~ll II, Webb. llMn C11h1rlne 11111 Ammorl' W•~ troo1t1, Mk ti.lt l~nn 1od Jlld" W1r· -Grf/lun, Kft!IMth l!OJ"d 1nd GI0,..11 '" . Dtvenport, ..,11.., Ni. 11111 J1u1 M. Sl>ehlon, 0.rltllt L. Ind Evt-M, WHIG!I. 01vld H, 1tld ""-""" UnW ltton. M1nr Ellfft 1...J J-Dtln Green. 81rt>or1 Sile 111<1 0.,.., alllfol!Dll Wll.on. Ch1rlef S. 11111 •atty A. 01rr, Oline C1r1I and ~l'"I' L.ft Dtnnl1, 11.oberll It. 11111 WIHl1m D. Wlll>tlm, P1<ntl1 ~tllnrll Md P9trld Plllllcl BrOWft. 1¥1 1..ee Incl FID¥d JllY H1rrlL Mellfllil ICirY 1NI llloniM k'llh 8t-1nt. Cllr• and Donlld W1rm1 H1vw11'11. Gudn.otl KINl'I llnd Jtldllrd .. . N1lrft, AnM Marlt: ~ Dt"tll 1!- Nftbltt, \ll"lllni. MR llld Jlmmls W1vne • COii, Donnf M. Incl liubert E. Sk111h, Mlclll't JOhR Ind SMron Kllhlffn Glov1k. Jenry JOH9'h Jr. •NI 1'1trk11 Ellen Milin. Anita lovlw 1od Clllster WIVPll Yoswllu, Wlllllml COllllln Md Lindi ,,~ Donlllve, Sandra S, and JOW'Ph MLchMI 8ttumont, Ectwtrd au'k. inf ,,....,., Countians To Face Jw·y Trial SANTA ANA -Four Westmlru:ter r es I d e n t s in· dieted by the Orange County Crand Jury on various drug charges have been ordered to face jury trial March 29. All have been freed on their own recognizance. Superior Court Judge James F. Judge set the date for Ken neth D. Donahue. 25, and his wife, Debra Kay, 21, James Alexander Sebastiano. 22. and Jack Amold Todd, 23, all of S58Z Watter 'Circle. They will face pretrial action March 16. Judge Judge set the satne date for co-defendant Edward George Metro, 24, of 411lfl Sth . . . . . . . . . Fat Cat St., Huntington Beach, but Though they're amon~ the best fed animals in the ordered Melf'o detained in \vorld, the cats al Lion, Country Safari-e specially Orange County Jail. The Hun· this cheetah "mug,ging the camera-" -can give tington Beach man also is ac· you a pretty good idea of what a steak feels like cused of violating parole. sitting helplessly on your plate. Also, in case you Storm. Bene fit$ ·Rains Rep~nl$h Soil Countywide SANT.\ ANA -Orange ches of rain over lhc entire County's first storm of the county, most of which entered Kids! Free! Ch rist mas Show season Nov. 28:30 was a .. the soil where it will nurture Mitch•" M11lon111,, bonanza for underground plant growth or will filter into pr111nf th1lr '•'"ovt water replenishment and the underground table. pupp1h In • 1p1ci1I moisture-starved soil that had About 6,000 acre feet wa~ Chri•*"'•1 p•t•intition Thurl .. F1i.·S1I, been without signlflcant rain· diverted into the underground o.c. 17-11-19 doi!., fall for nine months, according water supply through noon· 1 pm-l P"''" pm-7 pm to George "Osborne, chief percolating beds in the Sant.1 •nd S11. noonl ·l -<4 pm. engineer of the Orange County Ana River maintained by lhe fr •• to children In Flood Control District. Orange County Water District, ou• tofity ""1'111 111111. fill II bas. f th flood Hvnling!on C1"t1r 11 Osborne estimated that of ra on ins O e B11ch ind Edinger 130,000 acre fft:t o( water that control district and other on s." Oi190 f/w•v .• HB fell on the. OOi,nty, only 13,000,[i~pu~b~li;c~w~a~l~•~r~co~nse~~rv~a~ti:••~~~~~~~~~~~ was lost to tbe ocean while reservoirs, Osborne said. 117,000 was retained 1n the ground or evaporated. An acre foot of water Is equivalent ot 326,000 gallons, enough for an average family of five for one year. The engineer said the storm spread an average of three in- I See by Today's Want Ads c1rr. M1rv 1(1t1>er1"' •nd w11111m Ji;trm1n Cl>.~oN.t MlrY Vlralnll •nd Allred l1rr, ll:1vrncind Clllrltt 1nd C1rol '"" '~ The rive defendants were ar· hadn't noticed, the picture was shot through the rested Aug. 3 b_y Westminster windshield of a car witfi locked doors. The cheetah and Huntingtml Beach police is running free in 350 acres of realistic African set· •rt-r~~~ .... C:.":"t:.'.lld Du1n1 ~s~d!::. raid on the Donahue __ u_·_ng::.._a_t_t_h_e_L_a~g~u_n_a_H_il_l-;sr=a=n="=im=:a::I ~p~r=•::•:;•::rv=•=·====:; II IN F::,:~~°:No Dlcitm1n. John It. •nd Mar11>1 ThlrtM PrHton. M••lan ll:oullt 11111 Arch!• Th DAILY PILOT SPORTS FUN TOO • \\'ha1 do you get, wht"n you put, "TONY CURTIS & J OHNNY l\IATHIS" To- gether'!? \'ou get "CUit. TIS -MATH IS" good.took· ing combo & great sound!! See classified. , .{01· furth- er info. Mll111kl, Heru-v Aklr• llld 111111 M•rle Hu1Jtv, Cll.HltPle It. Ind WI iltm O W!tt, Miry JUdllto Incl J1dl: D1nlt( 81111y, Miidred L. •nd ~lnl•Y M. Sutton_, Ntl'ICV L ...... r ... ,11 LYnn I:·i"oto:' E•rl ·~ M1ro11111 lltne v?nc ... t ,.. Htrm M 1nd Antr.onv L'f:;; Anll>onY Frtdtt"lck. •rid Martlle c A . OK . e -SEE PAGE 17 '"'~· '~~'"" "'"'" '"' nnexatlOfl The One Jhat Ca res TODAY'S PAPER ~~~r.:rJir:11~v~·rr111'b-e-.:.y~~ anyon .!=~~~~-~--~=~~===~=~ I e SORR Y! NO "'BLUE- Phcher, Suun A.Jnd KtMl!llt W. Wood, Ulrllnt M. '°"" Cllltlll N. ~~:1':. P°rler: f.'i:J"11:'::;,)•i~ S. "1ol!ln1. ~-rill Mir' Ind J1mtt "''""'· ltvtti """ 11111 11:., °'""' ANAHEIM -Annexalion ol Company of Anaheim which Js 111rr.e1t, Rostm•Q' E. 1/ld J1mt1 DANISH FUl NnUIE SWEDISH CIYSYAL JDM"Ph • 270 acres tn the Santa A n a developing the surrounding Sl\Y'' PRO~lJSES! Just ar!ual "FACT'", .. NEED XTRA $$$$? ... OUT Of-' \\'ORI{? Herr's a chance !or "UNLIAfI1'ED $$$" Ck noo ... ~· Flrrvd. LCIWll, Jr~, Ind Ol1n1 LH CtrPlno. Suwn . "'" Thomli M. Trwlll. Gract , I"" Merton A Slondr.INI, DDrMn . -Flo\ld f.· MOIW'111. F111111 ... P. 11111 llelftl . e ..... T1'otnu Mlcl'llll Ind M•r I 'lrttn, Pllrlcl• l. Ind M1d11el E o. Groff, 80M1e an11 Nlldlnl Frm I RIDAL REGISTIY CHINA I. STllL Jr. Canyon to Anaheim has been area. I( !Pie, Dorlt J0otnne 1nd Pauf HkiifMn JIClllOll. 11.ablrt llrvc:1 1nd Gl.,,.,1 -Knowllofl. f,=111~:.!f:F~llklln Glln 0tr. J""" .. T.;J"'t.A"" • Schnelder, JOAnn E. Ind Alie E. Loaldon. Olborn !(,.. tnd M.trOlrtl G. A¥er<, l lncil ... 1v 1nd Nwm1n Diii WUIOn, Thoml1 T. Ind WtndY F, ltOACh, ~I L. Ind P1trldl J, Lvnn, E ll'NI 11111 Ltrov E. Grtlbrlnll, IWTll'ICI John Ind Jinll!lt •oo Allfn. Chi•'" 11:. 1MI So!l't M. Beth:, IMll't' Lor9ft1 Ind Chtrlts Eow1'11 Quhw1, N11'1CV MM •nd Dennie LH ;P,.....,ved by the Local Agency The developer will also 8Kkhlnl. Floyd iltld N1llilf ,.. " FtNAL. DK•••s ormation Commission. finance a clubhouse and build 1!111tn111 Dtctfll• t ""'"-'t · th rt I McPt>e,_, IUltlMI s. Ind TMmll A. J uc Cl Y owns e prope Y a swimming poo . tennis Mvrs>11.,., MMtorit: L"" ttkhl"' T. upon which it plans to build a courts and other facilities at LllM, Adeltlde and A1tx1ndlr A. l.M9bWd, J•mes 1. 11111 Eull M1e second municipal goU course. an estimated cost of $200,000. ~1~ti:.r"'t:: J~.!:w~f'dF~ LoeaUon is in the Walnut Can--City Manager Ke i t b N.tlllen'I', c1WY1 and Dlnlllf •· yon area of 'the 4,200:acre Murdoch said the golf course Crvlr.. ICrtstl!'I J. Incl HOil J . Nohl "·nch property. land •---d d I F'°"'d, UY•• L0tr•I"' •nd E1191n1 n4 purc11ill>C" an eve op- Louii The land was purchased . ment would be· paid for from L~':" IC•thtrlne J•ne •nd Jtldl•rd ' from the Robert H. Grant an annual revenue of $160,000. l.nt, Jeulc1 -.,.,,. 1rlll Gin' Rolllrl Ftrd. Shl~n. A. Ind Sooftdr1 C. Hll"ll, LI~ C. 1NI 0.¥1d J, e "TO ALL .t\STROLOGY LOVERS~!" Reserve your ve1y o"·n, "SCORPIO'' lB o r n 1 V l6/70l for CHRISTl\11\S . , , Scorpio \\"hat??? Tiie ansv.·er is in cla&s 8825. Wt!ISlll" J-Flo\I Ind l.._rd Chlflll ll:1!"w1ler, Cti.rl A. tl'ld J11ik '· 0.Yll, M•rl•n I(, Ind Clt1r .. J . M.KMann, Ctwllllln F,_1nd ldllrd F. Lov1, M1rel1 11. 1nd P.red 11. McM•llln. JOYCI Ann Ind llUcklY lH V•n Denltr. Vemt M. Ind N'Jik'Y Use Caution In Cutting Yule Trees GRAND OPENl·NG ~ELEBRATION ~::~~· A~!:-,1 Lb.1~Glf~'7o C'. X~fs/:.~J 11:oti.-l Pt~1=lo ~ T~1u:~ler~ K:.J~ Ar!hu; IC. llurli;in. F'J'it::f1tf.,:.:;...:'1~11'\'\ A. Lab!lzkt. Hll'mt!WI G. •nf 81rbtr1 ,_ Sl!,ld!tY, P11'1'I Loul1e I nd Henn< Wiimer Gotu1ln LIOMrdo Ind Pall'lclt Prlchll'd.. ll:Ollolld D1vld 11'1d Ch1tv '"~ Lt P,r~, W11111m E. •nd Ju111 Mllouff, Goiorot Edwtrd. Jr, tnd C1rltnt G1wnn S1l1gl'llr, l!ll11bllti J. 1rld 11,llrtd G. l"lltd Dl'C""lllr 1 ORANGE -Santa's helpers in the Christmas tree cutting division have been reminded De-G1~1Rv Jr~ Jec-11"' c. •net by state forestry officiala that s. ........ , M•nr ~r111Cl1 •net~ '-" · al the bll T-o. N•M"I' A. •net H• d 11. nahon forests, o r pu c Cr1wtord, I'"" L8U 1nd •vne C. nd I I nds U H1111111on. °'"'"' ..,. J1mts P. a pr vale a are o • ~·=-~:u" C':'::J'"' •""F/~ Allen limits. J1~n. ~1rt>or1 'r. I nd ~In l . Th · f h Ml"l'kk Rldllrd Dtv~ 11'1d Jun M•rlt e wammg rom t e t:~~-=i:e1:'. .~l~rdo California Division of Forestry ~:idJ.~t1~~\.ov~!:i•;:,r~~~" anl Cleveland Nattonal Forest Gl'VPI, Alltn Lts r 1nd H;!°1~ ofl' 'al •· I h I •-Tocld. ,,,._ Lorr• " 1nd 1<r1<111 !Cl S ll01oJ1::S a 1.1r Citric, ICtnMlll s. •nd l!!lolM L. ·d 'iscrlllllll' • ··-~ cut' ling ·-il =-~¥ I!. ""' Murri' A. • u:: u ...i:: UI • m, Jin 1 Dt•I~ •nd All>! Dltmb 1-gal Ill', II I II. Md ~Ul1bllh Y n: · Gumr11, N•ncv Dtrllnt 1rid John However, by dialing "0" and Death Notices asking for Western Union Operato r 25, anyone wishing tn cut his own tree can find out where there is a nearby "choose and cut" tree faMJI, that, for a fee, encourages such Yuletide activity. •l ll!RTH K•ll1tr!M Eblrttl. ltt W, WllSGll, Co1t1 Mt$&. 0.1• of $th, De<:. n. Survlvtd by hu1bllf>d, .klhn1 P•'tnl1, Mr. •nd M,,,. Vlnc"1tt11 RffCI Mur1h1t. ld111c>; lbt<ll br'ottleru two 1l11~n. Services, Thu•ld1Y. Dl>e. 11, l :JO PM, WH!cllll Ch101I. ln- lennltfl!, El TorD c .... a1,..,. Wt1lclltf Ch1Ptl M<wtutrv, U£.4..,., Dlreclon. MUllPHY )HMllf 0. M urplly, AIM 72, of 7\0J M1r1Mr1 Drive. New-I 811d'I. 0.te ot <tnlh, D«emblr 14. S<lrvlved ltY '°"' WllU1m Murptov, ol NIWPOff 8ffdl: ''"" 1r1Nldllldrtn, Servlcu Ind I,.. teftnt.nt orlv11t. ltltz Coron1 del Mer. DlrKtorl. Ne'N'IOLD ltol1nd A. N~d. Aee ... ,of 1023 L1~1t s1., Hufltl11<1ton 811e11. Dair of ci..th, December n . Survived 1tY ,.11,, L1Kltlt 1 1wo d1u•ll1•t1. LI"°" 1111111y 1nd JNnnt Boor; brother, Ptrll; N...,.bolcl; 1l1lrr. 11.slse Otv!son; lour 11r1nctchlklte<1 tnd mne O•Hl·t r1!'16c:ll!ld. S.Nlctl will bl l'leld WedneldtY. 1 PM, Smlllls CIMPll. lnterm.,,!. GllOd Shtplltrd Cemtlfrl', &m!lht MOr1u1rv. Direc!ofl. SCOTT ,,. •• M•ry Scan. Ape ll. ol 11MO New· "°" lltvd .. Cent• Mt••· Oatt al de1th. D"ttmbolr 10. Survlv"" by hui.b1nd, Mtr· r ill; Mtl'l, Wllll1m W. Andtraan; d1u9P,.. ter, Mri. M1rg1rel Freed1 Ind l!vt vr1ndch1ldr~. Gr1v11ldt Mrvlc19. todt Y. Tutld1v. ) PM, W11!mln1ttr Memorl1l P1rto; Morlu•rv and Ctmtterv. W•LLS Ch1rle1 £. Walll. A" ~•. DI 131 Av1nu1 San oi.vo. S1n Cl .... enll. Surv!..ed bv w!l1. ll1rba!'11 '°"• Alleru rnD!l>er, Mrs. 11 .. nlcti Wtlls. 111 of Sin Cltm..,11; tls- 1!'1', Mra. 0\9rl!ec1 ll:lnlldL of S1nt1 Anl. $erllc11, fodt,, T"ldaJ, 1 PM, Belt 8f'OldWI' C ..... tl. l!t! ...... nl, El Tora c .... 11tr1. 11111 llrMdwav Mortu1rv. DI· -~. ARBUCKLE & SON We1tclllf ftfor&uary U7 E. 17th St, Costa ftfesa -• BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del Mar .... OR J..MSI Costa Mesa ........ mJ 5-Uh • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Brdd~•~ta fttesa • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 11t5 Laguna Canyon RcMI. tH-NlS • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK C<aitlery Mortuary Cbaptl J5e1 Pacific Vkw Drive Ne..,.n Seidl, Caltlorola -• PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 1111 BolM .. .. •·e1tmluter .... *'3$!5 • SMmlS' MORTUARY l!7 Mala St. llu•llngton Beac• - "The only legal way to choose and cut . a Christmas tree is from a Christmas tree grower," they nc;ite. SA City Hall Ceremonies Scheduled SANTA ANA -lnlonnal ground breaking rOr Santa Ana's new $6.2 million, eight· story city hall will be lteld Wednesday. ~tayor Lorin Griset will wield the shovel l"o start con- struction or the civic structure by J. 8. Allen apd Co. of Anaheim. The site is 500 w. 6th Strtet, adjoining the present city ball annex. City councilmen and members of the joint dty- county Civic Canter Com· m i s s 1 o n are e1pected to participate in the ceremonies. T h e 1 o a , ooo-square-foot building ls sched.uled fer com- pletion in July 1~ . Avoid the Ch ristmas Crush JtDJnlnhl i W11tcliff Plaza onN ·t11' r.M. THI OU•H CHlfSTMAS GET A · FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX WITH A $500 ACCOUNT • AT DOWNEY . S-AVINGS' NEW COSTA MESA OFFICE ·at ' -'' Y.·r?""'-..,...,.~::-.-,i; •••. Complete Protection Vault .. No Rental Fees BEST DEAL IN TOWN! • Eam The Highest Saving s & Loan Interest Rate In Town With Your Money At Downey Savings 5°/o -$1 or more 51/4 •/o -$500 or more -90 days 51/4°/o-$1000 or -1 year more 6°/o -$5000 or -2 years more AND GET THESE SERVICES FREE, ONLY AS A DOWNEY SAVINGS CUSTOMER FREE Check Cashing Service FREE Use of Photocopy Machine FREE Notary Public Service FREE Up to $250 of Travelers and Loan Association Checks without Service Charge FREE Trust Deed Collection with each $1000 Account • \,ll'll''s ~~~,. ~r"IOW.U~lltl\'( rm "Sic•~ • • INSURED SAFETY OF YOUR MONE Y TO $20,000 Ave. and E. 17th St. IMPORTANT Only 603 safe deposit boxes ore available inside Downey Savings' new, specially de- signed, fireproof vault. Many of th ese ore now token and boxes o re being issu ed doify! You ore invited to get o ne now, FREE, while there o re still some left . A safe deposit box protects you r impor- tant papers, receipts, and othe r val ua bl e possessions. Your pol ice and fire deport- ment strongly recommend a Sa fe De posit Box. They hove the reports th at prove you ne~d one. Of course a few other p la ce s occasiona lly offer Safe Deposit Bo xes. Most of them re- quire a rental fe e or wont you to keep a big account. But we do th in gs differently at Downey Sovings. We ma ke su re o ur cus- tomers get the best service in town! G7t your FREE Safe De posit Bo x TODA YI Bu t . please hurry. The supply of boxes is limited and will be issued o n a first come firs t' serve basis. t N Thi Co•I• M111 olfict h l11c1l1d •' 160 E. I 7th Str11t, t i th1 c orntr of R•y"'o"d A"1"u1, W1 1r1 op1n to '''"'' vou froll'I 9:00 to <4 :00 Mond~y th1ov9h T~11r1d1w, ind ftoll'I 9 :00 to b:OO o" F1id1y. Ultimate in drama' is , this lustrous., 1 simulated pearl .dog collar buckled up !·in rhinestones. Theme is varied in earrings and ring featuring ; e pearl dust.er. • ~ • ' ~men BEA ANDERSON, Editor TllftA)I, O.C1111• 11. Int '"' 11 9 :G·GO NE G·OOD IDEA • !~we.ls .. Coll·ared. for C.hristmas Giving . . ' ' " ' Women are·belng•lectlo a.do(• lµt llild lovlnt It. ''And frazzled .holiday. •boppen will gain a gem ot an Idea for Christmas gift-giving If.Ibey. perusa lhe variety of choices on the jewelry COUjlier -especlally•lhe dog eollar. . ' . . . 'nle aeasott.!1 elegant canine bQpenina ·wm fu1t1Q a woman's need fi>r a glilterihg ·trtnht and, 'liliatever ber<lalles, she'll be able to put on<lhe·dog mo're·artful!y with· j""91s·of fUhion's finest· pedigree. . • ' . . - . .Not only will they>w'rap her-up,. b~ her every ~ood·but !he fantastic .sensat!Ons are·in an affotdable specles1of s!Dlulaled pearls and· jew8Is. ' Tbe ·ch6ktr.uke·nicklaCes come in aivariety of sizes-some In leather or· velvet aDd othen in the.coctume lewe\J'Y line design· · ed1with simulated stone's: • • A versaWe·neck-pio<e,, lhe jeweled cellar may be worn alone or mixed.with ropes 11111.spartlil!g pins. Ma~. nngs for ears, fingers and wrists are olfered<With ~L · She may·feel sleek ·and sensuous. In. a open-weave· collar of gleaming·pearls or. demure but devUtating in a band of tiny seed pearls•galhenicl ·by the hundreds and·lhen braided and intarwined for a bewitching effect. But wbat .woman '..;,ants 'tempting tokens when she bas 110 place to keep them.when·net"wom? 'J'be .. uJtimate in high fashion· bu come lo· the jewelry case with the introduction of two 'heirloom masterpieces featuring an- cient Grellk carvings. With band-crafted covers of Sanlonyx Incolay stone, the cases feature classic scenes. The· hand-rubbed antique gold leaf boxes are lined with finest Tuscan velvet, providing a rich setUng .for priceless jewels and precious kee'paakes. Now. have'!"' shortened••n,d brightened 'your Christmas list? An artful interpretation is this combination of simulated pearls1 jade and rhinestones, which is repeated in bracelet. Pearls in grape cluster form HrTin~s. A perfect accomP.animent are heirloom jewelry cases, found at Bulloch, Fashion Square. WayOut ·Way ·In for Carol Cha'nning ' ! . • • Carol Channing 11 a de1igner'1 dream. Her wardrobe prinMrlly Is longuette end very soft and 1en1uou1. Thi• outfit i1 by Jean Muir of London, one of the first deti9ntrJ to 9'1t into the _,oft awing of- lhlntL By MARIAN ClllU8TY That dolly, catol Channing, ls a bigh-jinkl girl wbo can aet & few style shrieks ol her own. When Carol was invited to the White Houae wedding of Lynda Bird Johnaon to Charles Robb, she lelephooed Rodi Gemreich in ·Los , Angeles and asked him to please whip up 90mething special -for the evenl "Fine," said u agreeablt Rudi, 111'11 do a mtri&o1d chiffon dress." The dress anived'tbe morning of the wedding and leemed barmleS1 enou&h•when carol allpped Into It - hlglHlecked, lq.,leeved wi1h a balloon 1kirt. I Wheft Carol started down the aisle, hGwever, there wu instant pandemonium because the lk1rt with an elasticl%ed bottom crept up beyond the thighs and there Wll limply no keeping It .-. without holding it -.. Setlng 1 rier plight,. a sensitive, understanding priest from Catholic Univenity'offered to wait down the aisle in front of her. Alice Rooaevelt Longwtrth, that marvelous 80-pluo lady with •"""' Mildred Custin, former, president ot the Bonwit Teller stores, bu been trying to rectify Carol's faahion im· age for two year1, People respond·to Carol, a prac- ticing Chriltian Scientist who goes to the doctor when necessary, because she talks endlessly about the.theater being her cathedral. Carol ·bad always ad m·i red designer Victor .Jori.I of CUddleeoat and , a mutual friend arranged a luncheon 1et-to&ether at New York'• snooty Pavilion restaurant. The waiter, schooled to discipline reactiorui' to outrageous situatiGns, didn't' lose hi.I cool when an un- predldable Carol, a health foods nut, refilaed the menu and.whipped out her tbmnol of homemade Iamb stew and her old-fashioned jar of baked applts. 1be lady doesn't drink or smoke became 1he'1 IC8f'ed it might be: the bepmlng of the road downhill. Jn fact, 1be drinks gallons of bot-- tled water from a large antique sterling ailver chalice. She says : "Part of success 11· the survival of the. fittest. Talent can be dissipated if. the phylical isn't humming i.rfectly'., ZEflT FOR LIFE ' ol humor, strutted opirttedly behind her. An usher on each aide provided Carol, pphing 50, has a great Carol with mamnwn coverage. zest for Ufe and will always stay .X.ter a reporter asked Mr:•· young. She met Rudi ·Gernreicb ac- . Longworth to deecrlbe "the" *""" cldentally at the dllcotbeque, The 11What dresl?" tbe ~ritily.' :f.act¥1, where both were dancing Gemreidi'•· ereepy fasl!lon hu the ·buploo madly. since .,.. to the -· ~ Enn1ually carol faced ~!""· • lmitltUuon per ~ "' Lll lllr-. in hla tpace suit. Great • ~ • . 'CIUtflt," lhl C01DDMmted between Carpen!er, as.a IJplc:al eumpll ti '·"'-"\I too" be said clo'thes' wora daring~ the ....., w...,.... ou, 1 , minllllralioa ot Pnoldat"'"-"10Ulre WU11nC m1ne1• JohDlon. Vidal 81b11U11bu aated many • 1 cl her wtp; ""!! 'Ille outrageous Nor I01DUMB 1 ~ Olltl' tliat ban become In her ,._ cracked nlee. her oiin-.. He <aml to her suite Carol says: "Al>ba. thal il(ldl at the Watdorf.Astoiia in.New York ·wasn't IO damb, after 4" and tor three daya ltralgbt ht cut The epllode, plua a h ·W· ba'•flnt wtc CNI a -k. in utttt other starllen, prompted Lo• allenc<.,Wbel the wiC wss lin~bed Angele&-bued dnlper, ai r'. be 1ina11J bad llll uy: "Lovely Blackwell, to put Carol on his an-fortnlcht we tpeht to & et b er , DUii Worat-dreslecMllt. ffowrtwt, demit." Trap .your OWT'I butterfly In this ''wraJMlp''-a dog collar plut rope .and teasel combinations that add s an extra falhJo. flare: Earrings' •r• matchint .,.orly orbs. I I I ' ·Refresb~r ~ .. ~urse in 1 •• Demand lJEAR ANN LAND~: Pleate give _ , ,..IP • • me a profe6.'!ional answer. Sometimes i ; ' old-fashio•ed ~orse sense ii not enough. 'Her.e's lhe problem: When my husband and J visit the homes of fr)ends, the hoatess lm!_ally ~ays (•~tfr:.abbut ~•If an boor) "Do you v.•1nt 1 tup of coftee or a sort drink?" We lnv1rl1bly reply, ''No "lhan_k you. Don't bother." Moat hosleWI tben say, "0.K,1' and they never mention 1t pgain. They feel as U they've perform· ed their duty. · When my husband and I have· guests I always ask, "What would you prefer cof· fee, tea, or a aoft drink?" Uau1Uy the 1ue1ts specify a preference. , . . I have alwily.s fe!t Jt is rude·not. to en· courage a guest to have aome refresh· ment. My husband says l am wrong and that I shouldn 't push It. Do you agree with him or with me? -FENCE-SITI'Eff: DEAR F.S.: I'm wllll you. Mosl · flsiton enjoy refre1bmenll. The 1r1clou1 hostess. make~ the 11111~11.Joa .J~ a wry t~at encourages 111 affirmative an1wer. Stay with your old-f11hlontd horse te111t, hoaey. lt'1 better daaa 1ny profe1ll()DaJ oplnfoft. iatt ,~ montlli four teoanll In llill ~~ hlxe had \heir 1partmf;Pt1 broken info. Ple11e tell me (and mllllot11 bf others) w\at 1 woman ahould do lf Ille IUdden(y find! herself face to flee ·w11h ~n 1rliruder. · ~ My next door neighbor opened the door at l'tQOn for a man Who aaid he waa a builCtfng lp1pector. She' was bound, 1a&· 1ed and robbed. Another woman'• apait· ment was entered; at f 1.m. by 1 man ~who had a paukey. She w1s robbed and r1ped1 What is the annytr-l' Should I buy • gu9! -JUST ltl CA$£ ' tbvt doeble ""9 dd cUl1t11otted pro. ~ •' frolt. ,_.. back 4oorl. U Y" "' llv• .. Ute 1rtGAd Oj«, lrt1 wtHlw ban wttt N:tvt lo dlfCMl'lg'e pr0wltr1. Never epe11 Ille door for •• ctnexpecte4 caller. De NOT, rtpeat'dt NOT leave moaty or jewelry lylq ar~ld. It llln _tempt a dellyery er m1inten1lce perlOft lt rehlra lalf'P ... mike a ttlnn1 "T" botb ll~r•lly Pel flpraUveJy. ~ Make ••rt yoor Valvable1 ire tn1ured, \'• Wiil tltt11 ·not feel lncllnt41 to rbi 1W Hfe &e'llve them. And don't foraet eN el die betl dettrrenll ol·aU -die w1trWoc. CONF)DEITTAL To GROWING GRAY WAITlNG : I know of no~ cure for the foreve r, tardy. It has been said that punctu.ality is the loneliest of all virtues -and I believe it. I would. however. pttfer to be kept w.ailing 10 minutes than to ha ve others wait five minutes for me. Christmas Luncheon Honors State Regent Dl-.:AR ANN LANDERS : What kind of ·world are we livina: in 11nyway7 AJmost everybody 1 know has been mugged, slug· ged, burglarized, had a purse snatched or a wallet lifted. Twenty years .ago we n~ver eyen locked our doors 111 night. To- day I wouldn't dare w.alk after dark from the bus ·stop to my apaftment, even though It's less than two blocks. 1 "'DEAR JUsif:' Doo't buy t IV'· Toe muy ~)lave pn1 already -~ll la part ol tke p(oblem. Fu.rtbermort:, If IM lntnlder ates. y·oa -bavt a pa be. ml1ht Dae hll cun, e+"en tbou1h he dldt'I pllt to. A w11r111 llOllt, II lite Is It btd, 1bould 11-,J tM~ aad lelp_ 1letp utll lite Intruder Je1vea. nn die U9'lld call the police. If 1be ll 1p 1ad aroUd sbe Mould band ovt:r tile monty a.ad jewelry wltbowC a word. It 11 lmpo11lble to k111w If tlM ii· . truder 11 Gii dtu(I, 1 l•1lttve from a mental bolpllal, or n IDU!Jtrlencecl kid pullln1 h\1 first job. No poue11iot ii worth 1 bu.Jlel In the hUd or 1 Ulfe la tie be1rt .. Give iJI w lose him .•• when 1 ray fives Y" lllk IJ11e, took out ! For Ups oa -.Ow lo ll•ltdte tlte niper 1eI nlesmen, cllrttt ·An Linders. Reid her booklet, "Nedd., ud Pettine -What Are Ult Llmlll7': Send your requtat to Ann Landen; eeclotillg 5' cent1 ill coin ud a loq, •tamped, 1tlf·1ddre11ed eavelopf:, lD care of &ht DAILY PlLOT. . li-1rs. Lowry Gallinger. regent of the Patience WriJi!:ht Chapter of the Daughters of the Americcin Revolu~ tion pins .a coisage on J\1rs. LeRoy C. Kaump, state regent, as Mrs. A1bin Wethe looks on. Mrs. Kaurnp "'as, gu.est of honor al a recent luncheon arranged by the Laguna Beach Chapter. Representatives of five Orange County Chapters attended. I am a wldow who ll•es alone. lo tbt Here ue aom.e precenttve mea1wu1 MRS. RASMUSSEN Costa M••• Home Yacht Club Setting For Rites Voyagers Yachl CI u b, Newport Beach was the set- ting for the single ring nuptial rites that linked Kathleen · Elir.abeth Brame and Kent Alan RasmusSt?n. Officiant was the Rev. Edward C. Smith. Parents or the bridal couple are f\.,rs. Dorothy Brame of Newport Beach and Gerald Franklin Brame, Balboa and Mrs. Marguer:te Rasmussen, Santa Ana. Maid of honor '4'35 Miss Ter· ry Lashier and be~t man was the bridegroom's brother. Guy Arnold Rasmussen. The bride is a graduate or Newport Harbor High School and Orange Coasl C.Ollege, while her husban d is a graduate of Santa Ana High School and attended OCC. They will reside in C.Osta M~s1. Christmas Recalled Reminiscences of an Old Southern Christmas will be the program when the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Emma Sansome Ch a p I er meelll at 1 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 17. Mrs. L . .\. Arneson will open her Santa Ana home for the •nn~tl)loliday affair. Mrs. C. ,A. Nfsson1 dramatics teacher end program chainnan "'·ill give her rendition of Joel t!handler Harris' • ' U n c I e Remus, H.is Songs a n d S.ytns:s." , A former sioger with the ~1etropoUtan' Opera and a club member. Mrs. Henry Stein will sing Christmas carols. Following the, 1 event, the grou' will go 19 the 8o'A'ers A,lJleum and witness lhe plan· Ung of • t~tdonated by the ch1pter in ~ honor of Santa An• '1 Ctntenni.11. Yule Potluck A Chrlstma1 get-together Is beina planned by the Newport Bt•ch Chapter. 'A mer I ca n Association of R e t l r e d Pertona, Gathering tt 1 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Ott. 17. members will feaat on a potluck lun- cht<ln. A Chriltmas musaae will ht «1vtn by James f', Ptm tod Aar on D. Christensen will lead com· munity alnging. I ' . Tp avoid ~ cUsappointment, prrispective bndes are reminded to have their wedding stories with black and white j?lossy photo- graph s to the DAILY PILOT Women's De- partment one week· before the wedding. Pic tures· received after that time will not be used. For engagement announcements it ,fs .impercltive that the s1.ory, also accompanied by. a bla.ck and white glossy pictur,e, be su~ m.itted six weeks or more before the \vedding date. If deadline is not met, cinly a story will be used. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are available in aU of the DAILY PILOT offices. Furthe'r questions will be ansl'•ered by \Vomen's Section staff members at 64.2-432 1 or 494-9466. Tax Act Reviewed Members of the Orange County Chapter of the American Society of Women Accountants will hear a talk by Frank L. Swan, CPA, tilled Problem Areas of the Tax Reform Acl on Thursday, Dec. 17. The 6:30 p.rn. meeting will take place in the Jo lly Roger rc s1auran\, Anaheim. Sv.·an, ~v.•ho holds a BS ricgrce in al·counling fron1 UC LA and a JD in law from the University of Southern California, is a member of the California Slate Tax Ac· counting Conference and the Orange County Estate Plan- ning Council. . Women1s Advances Discussed Woman's ad v an cc s in employment . and a n in· divldual 's ·toward becon1ing a functoning person "''ill be discussed when Miss Theo Wells addresses the Orange County Chapter of National Organization for ,\Vomen at 8 p.m. Thudsday, Dec. 17, in the Republic Federal Sn \•ing~ and Loan Association, Santa Ana. Miss \Velis. \\-' r i t e r , p syc hologi s t and cnn1· munic11tions · con~tiltant. will de liver a spccrh ent illcd Christ n1as : ThiS Year Give Yourself a Person -You . A lecturer in the recent UCLA Symposium, the J::xtent or the ~lovement. she also is a counselor for the NO\V Los Angeles Studies Center. Workshop Horoscope Growing Up ')>ainful Scorpio: Go All Out That the problems of malur· lng confront people all their JJve1 will be expl1lned when Dr. Elnora Schmade1 · 1pe~ks . to Parents Without Partners, Ilia! the Jlloi\thly meetings wtl! take pl.ace the third Friday of each nlonth in the new Dana Point location and a 11 "WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 16 By SYDNEY OMARR The Libr~ woman 1eldom compromlst,1 oa princlple1, She see"• to be f•lr In as many ways as possible-but she refuses lo go against her own beliefs. This makes it dif- ficult for her to plea1r too m11ny persons. Some cl.aim she ts .overly sensitive. Bui. she also is 1ensillve to the needs of other,, She can be gracklus atid clamorou s. She seldom i• coarse. Gemini men Iliad' her .phy1lcally attractivr. S 11 t often marrks men borh under Arie!. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Not so. good for speculation. Conserve funds. Co'nsolidate gains. Fresh point of view pro- ves helpful. Romance !Svery much in picture. St rest &riglnality. Shake off one who Jeans on you. ·ThrRUS (A pril 20 -May 20): Avoid tendency lo pennlt impulsive actions to create dilemma. Think before yo~ Pledges Revealed ' By Chapter act. Caution sheu ld be AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 Feb. keynoted. One who offers to 18): One in position of author· share knowledge is sincere. tty takes .iction to aid your Respond aceordingty. cause. Circumstances turn widowed, divorced or~ single South Coast Chapter, Friday, parents in the area are.~vited Dec. 18, in tilt C.Ommunity'l"•to;;;a;;;t;;;te;;;nd;;;.OiiiOiiiOiii;;;;;OiiiOiii .. House. Dana Point. 11 GEMINI (May 21.June 20): your way: door of opportunity Hold Off on u n n e c e S ll l f»Y iJ opened. Act in manner A practicing psycholigst and journeys. Avoid trying to be at which depicts ronfidence. executive director of The FOR $10,000 IN PRIZES AND SPORTS FUN TOO SEE PAGE 17 TODAY'S PAPER too many places. Rel'aUves PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Learning Center. Santa Ana may be argumentative. M.ai'n· You rec e iv e encouraging and al Sa n Diego Dr . , lain sense of humor. Thi1 message from afar . Travel Schmadel's topic ~ill be could be your g.realest asset aspects are sti mulated. Write Growing Up: It Hurts At Any l';=========~ now-act accordingly. and ·advertise. Make known Age. I" CA.NCER (June 11-July 22): your views. Help one who has A member of the National DOWN TOWM Follow tbreug& on pti.ns. been good to you in past. Science FrundaUon , American "'!mDl'ii::ii:llimliiliillllll Otherwise, you could suffer · IF' TODAY IS YO UR Psychologica l Association and el COSTA MllA financial reversal. Be aware BIRTHDAY you tend to make a consultant on Mexican · of detaJls. Check policie1, ap-life complicated for yourself. American studies, she also J>O,tnlrpenlJ, s~cial accounts. Now you have chance to teaches at UCLA and UC! Ex- Care now prevanlll future pro-clarify matters. You will be tension. Working daily with blerhs. ~ · released from heavy pressure, children, youth and adults, she LECf (July 23-Aug. 22): Cy-obligation. Yoo gel a rare, se-is widely informed on creative cle remains high, but Irritant rood chance. Yuu can 11tart anl productive thinking . from past reappears. Be nex· with clear slate. Do so. Don"! Ca r o I s Ing in g and ible. State needs Jn forthright aUempt to hang on to past. refreshment! will follow th manner. You don't have te Look to a brighter futu re. program which opens with cof- give. untjJ it, hurt11. Kno~ this T• tiftd our mor• •t>out Your .. 11 1nd fee and orientation at 7:30 and conduct yoorself ac· =:~11't ~~:n-·r.~'"'l~ p.m. d• dt A•lr•looir. Stowl lllrtll<M>1f UMI 50 t .. lt c,or ,1116,y. to o...rr eooi.1e1. 111e o.-.1Lv PILOT Mrs . Marge Mi ller, PWP VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): _l'f!::.;._.,:i»,~~!_'VG:'.:· \~;.,~;;:uo:.'::~::••_::"~':::":::'"':_~•w:__Jl'~e~si~de~n~t,c_~h~a_!s_'a~n~nou~•o:c..t~~!lll""'!~i!!!!!!!~~!lll!lil~ Feverish activHy will notl · replact careful p I .11 n n I n g . ...... AJIY...J - '.f'hrowlng caution aside r~~ults ,. *'1¥cr~ Fullerton Open Saaday IZ·5 pm ;;1'•••,111;' · E:;::i:~::.:~:~~;· ::~~:, . Glli[iS~GEO. pt' ~· It will benefit you. 'I LI.BRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22): \ "f--1 . !% I . Don I get caught In middle of l · II dispute among friends. What 1----------------------==-..::::::; ;;:.;~·~.~'in ~~:~~f!. ~:'~~ t IN LARGE & HALF s·IZES I "ise should be '"HM:ient. Take ~ , . no unnecessary chances. ~ SCORPIO !Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): ..- Four v.·o men will receive Plenty of action hr fea tured . pledge pins from the Epsilon You get things done. You Sig ma Alpha, In ternational receive dividends for past ef· d11 ring candlelight ceremonies forts, investments. Member of Thursday. Dec. 17. opposite sex pays meaningful l\1rs. Robfrt ~1cGlamery c o in p I i men t. Go all DRESSES v.·ill open her Fountain Valley out-nothing hallway. home for the metl ing, 'A'hic h SAGfM'ARIUS tNov . 22-i \\'ill include a Christmas par-Dec. 21 1: What you thought "f· r ty. was hidden may be exposed to ·i Heceiving pins frorn Mrs. harsh light. Be prepared. lf \Yill iam Hewsto n. president, Undercover acti vity is not -$10.00 He is director and treasu rer or the Orange County Hearl Association and a member of the budget and finance Ci>m· mlttee of the California Heart Association, as _well as being active In otl'ier service and social organizalioos. v.·ill be the Mnies. Glen fa vored. What you · do, do ,. Broderick, Larry Sm a 11, openl y. F'inish specific area of ' , Hobert t:hadwick and Kenneth u!limi:ite goal. , Williams. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. . A Hanukkah v.• or k s ho p Secret sisters will he reveal· 19 !: You ma y be templed to PANT TOPS featuring crafts. cen terpieces, cd du ring lhe p<irtv and overspend. Key is to t.ike decon;1lions and je'A·elry 'A'lll Christmas ~1fls \viii -be ex· stock. Know what It is you highlight the next n1ee ting of rcfreshn1cnls will be the rc111ly seek. Otherwise, your the Orange County \\'est Mn1cs. Larry E VAM. Al scArch could prove rostly. Chapter of Won1en's An1trieA n U;1ckmeistcr, Hobert Flipper (.'heck viith mate, businel!ill ORT ( 0 r g an i z at i on for and {:eorge Keller. partner. R e h ab i I i I al ion through r-r====================i Tra ining). Surprises In Store Helrcshments will be scr"ed fnllo\.l'ing the progrflm at R ! p.m. Thursday. Del'. 17. in the ~is Xear! Put some atmosphere in your gifts! Select our intern.allonally 'famous oliYes In the very place where they have been processed and canned since 1894. You'll find them packed with olher gourmet del ights In our Casa del Olivo and La Casila gilt shops. Open Mon. thru Sat 8:30 to 5:30; Sun. 10 to 5:30. From the San Bemardino Freeway take the Euclid Avenu, offramp to f ou rth Street, then east one block. Lasl·minute instructions tn Mercury Saving:; and Loan Santa y.·ili be accepted when building, Hunting lon Beach . he visits children of mem~rslpiOiiiOiii;;;;.-;;;;;;i0••----1 of Beta Alpha Xi ctu1pter. ·Dela Sigma Phi. Ile is scheduled to arrh'e 11t 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 18, in ·1 he Hunting ton Beach home of ~lr. and ~1rs. ~lhrlan Lawson \\'here candy and gifts will be dJstcibuted. . Candy an d gifu; also '~ill be distributed lo childftn at tl:e Ana~im Speech and Devrlop· ment Center when Santa maites his visi t there during a par\y el 2 pm. Thursday., Dec. 17, als.o 1ponso red by the chapter. Style Parade Accents Yule In f11shion. it's a season for ml:dng. I Avoid the Christmas Crush Westcliff Plaza OPIN ·nL t P.M. So sludy lht styles, make your &eltclions and scramble the m up fot the long and &borl l or !'· 11..-------"' L'.================~ TH•OUC'iH CHllSTMAI I I , OTHB 5fl'T SUffmlONS •PANT sum • lOllS • SLIPS • CArlllS , • PANTY HOSI ~ swuflls • mffCH ·er \. PANTS . E 1a ·· ,; Nor's·HALF·SIZE ' . . . ' 1805 NEWPORT BLYO: COSTA MIU (Vt ... fi.11hfr11t.t 84 HUNTINGTON CENTER t I si.. ll-46 ,,_ $9.00 GOWNS S'-40-IO -$7.00 SHOP II BE •' LAYAWAY • GIJIT IOXU • GIJIT CDTll'ICATIS ..... -------. -----------------------------~-~·--···-·-·-··-·-·-·-···-·-··--···-·-···-·····--------.. --·-·-···-···l",. ..... ~,~·-···-·-·-··------··-T"" UGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICB LEGAL NOl'ICll: ~NOl'ICS ' . ' ., DAILY PllOf Jt ~len in Service llfttrl 'llloma1 Eberurt, • aon of Mr. Warren R, Eberhart, ltt?e Fa 1 ton, enlJlted for three yeara and ho been guaranteed Air Def<nse AcqublUon Radar M.&lDtenance' tralnlns. After he completes eight • week.a or basic training at Fqrt Ord, he wUI rective forty.four weeks specl1Jty 1dvanced In· d1vidual b'ain•lll at I.he U S. Army Air Dtfense S(:hool, Fort BU.., Tex. NJvy Petty Officer Second Class Frank P. LI.Franeo, son of Mr. and Mrs Joe LaFranco of 5602 FernhHI Circle, Hun· Ungton Beach, has returned lO San Diego aboard tht at1ack 11rerafl carrier USS Bon Homme Richard. Navy Jo .. H. ll'ttbet, blJlbf;nd of the forme Miss S\lsan NeJson of 200 Altura Drive, Ccrona del Mai was a:raduated (rom the 01 f1ce:r C:.nd1date School a NewPort, R I. Staff Sergeant fill.Uam T Loost, son of Mr. and MN WUllam G Loose or 209 Gran1 Canal. Balboa 1st.and, ha araduated with honors e ChanUte AFB , Ill , from th technical training cou rse ro US Air Force weathe specialists. Sergeant Loose, now pro f1c1ent 1n weather analysis an 1 forecasting, is being ass1gne' to a uni t or the Air Weathe Service at Holloman AFB NM. Airman Dana T. P.hschel son or Mrs Phyllis G Mischel of 247Sl Penfi eld. E. Toro, has completed bas1 tra1n1ng at Lackland AFB Tex He has been assigned t Chanute AFB, Ill , for tralnin1 Jn vehicle ma 1n t e 11 a Ree Airman Mischel 1s a J!lfi graduate o( Mission V1eJ lhgh School. His wife ls th(· former Ed1lh Campbell of E Toro. His father , D a n 1 e Mischel, resides at 515 E SI Andrews, Santa Ana. U.S. Air Force Ma,;\e Sergeant Homer A Schu1tt. son of Mrs, Verda 1 Schu1tt 29S Delmar Ave , eo~ta Mesa has arrived for duly at oa, ts Monthan AFB, A1rz. Sergeant Schultt, a n1uni lions maintenance Lechn1c1an 1s assigned to a unit oC th1 Tactica l Air Command J-!e previously served at Bien •loP AB, Vietnam-and has servec. in Uie Repubhc or Korea The sergeant 11 t t e n d e c. Harbor High School, Newporr Beach. Lieutenant Colonel Hugh E. Dunlap, son of Mrs 1"\orencr M Dunlap, 411 Goldenrod Ave, Corona del Mar, has received lhe US Air Force Commendation Medal at McChord AFB, Wash Colonel Dunlap, chief o( the na v1gator section al McChord, was cited for hts f)u lstand1ng pr9fess1onal skill, leade rstnp and ded1cat1on to rluty. He is assigned to a unit or the Mtlilary Atrlirt Command. New Drug P eril Seen By Scientist STOCKHOLM Prof Juhu s (UPI) Axe l red American C<lw1nner of the 1970 Nobel Prize 1n medici ne. says he can foresee dangers in the future while new drugs ara discovered "But as long as new sc1en· t1l1c d1scover1es are et relevance lo the advancement of mankind, scientists must go on doing theu· research,'' ·he told a news conference Axelrod, S8, of the UN Na· t1onaJ Jnstltu te or Mental Health 1n Bethesda, Md • shared the med1c1ne award with Br1t1sh Prof. Sir Bernard Katz, and Swedish Prof. UU Von Eueler. He said his work on the nerve cells has led to the development of drugs now in use in the treatment of many diseases hke heart decays, mental diseases and drug abuse AS-an authority on the use nt drugs he was enlru1iled by the government to study the use of marijuana in the Ui:uted States but pressed b y newsmen on his findings he said ' Gentlemen you have In wait until nexl week when lhe reporl will be pu blished." 'H~ Mom' Dates Set LOS ANGELES -The deadline for Orange County re111de.nts who wlsh t o participate 1n the "H1 Mom' free phone call program 11 midnight Dec. 14. Th e Com muni cations Workers of America and the USO Jointly sponsor the proj eel in whlch they help loca residents receive free phone calls lrom military m e n ovcrMas during Lhe hohda,ys. Any ramlly wishing to partlclpale should send a post<ltd to CWA·USO H Mom, 3960 Wilshire Blvd •• T.o.~ Angeles. 90005. The postcard should include name, addtt:ss zip code and where lht military man la "tatloned. Recipient& of the calls Will be notified prior to the holiday& ·----------------·----· --· - ~J~l,_D_Al_LV_Pl_Lo_r _______ r_uosday, Dt«mbtt 15, 1970 ' Man From assachu·setts Does • Ill Rams ; u•r Te11,1tti. DETROIT'S LEM BARNEY HURDLES INTO THE WAITING ARMS OF RAMS' WILLIE ELLISON (33 ). THE LIONS WON, 28-23. Burns Tries to Forget Past Clll Stu.te (LB) Back Spent Four Y ellrs in Prison LONG BEACH (AP ) -Leon Burns 1tands in the shoes of a two-year Little All -American today, trying lo forget lhe years of shoveling manur('. fighting forest fires and cutting dov.·n trees as a prison inmate. The huge tailback for Cal Stale (Long Beach> stands on the threshold of a dual career In pro footba ll And law. Those V>'ho know the soft-spoken giant hardly believe he was once convicted of armed robbe rv . The incredible lale begins eight years ago in Oakland when Leon . now Tl. con- sented to give two guys a ride in his ca r. The twa were connected to a pa"'" shop robbery and v<'hcn th ey v.·ere arrested, .so was Leon. "He took no part in the actual rob· bery,'' says his college coach, Jim Nervous, Tight Stangeland. "All I was doing y.·as giv ing lY.'O guys a ride," says Leon. But Burns was a marked man. "He had had a misunderst.anding with Jaw enforct· ment officials in the past and at his trial, despite two hung juries, he was convicted for aiding and abetting a• armed rob- bery. Thus began the four years behind \'arious prison walls. \Vhen 1970 is over, so will Leon's pro- bation and an illustrious, almost un-- believable college career. Jn two years al Leng Beach, Leon. a S. root-2, 228·pound runner, has gained 2,772 yards in 625 carries, crossed the goal line 47 times and blocked with the fer ocity of a man trying to break out of a burn ra p past. Having Friends There No Bonus for Ex-Oiler As television and recording star .Jim Nabors recentl y told this column, "hav· ing someone you know in the audlence makes you try harder to do \\'ell so you won't disappoint them ." And so it is for Arizona Stale Univcrsl· ty basketball ace Mike Contreras, the former v.·onder boy at Huntington Beach High School. Mike came In Southern California as a college basketball· player for the firsl -------=-WHITE WAS H ---- time Saturday night to shO\I" his wares aga inst talent from the l'niversily of Southern California . Seven members of the Conlrcras f!1mi· lv and an uncountable number of Mike"11 friends had journeyed lo ltw Sports Arena to watch him perform. Clearly. he wanted to be especially prcr ficicnl Too, he had been snubbed bv USC roach Bob Boyd in recruilln~. despite possessing many abili ties ''hi ch h11d t"arnt:d him recognllion on the All..CJF tram. Pertiaps the SC coach's logic wall that Contreras y.·ouldn 't fit in on Boyd's in· l:tmOU.!I stall 1act1C1 (used age1ns1 t.:CLA 1n I.he past ). As Mikt poi nted out laier. he \li'll5 unusually nervous-VC!O' tight. An1! H 11o·a!I reflected durin~ the 1ame as h.~ macle four points rhe'd been 1ver111si1nA 12•,1, had a ftlw turnovers and fouled out y.·Jln 9:4!1 to play. play he also departed from hostilities via the foul route. Contreras is called a first class pro-- spect by Arizona St.ate coach !lied \\'ulk. "Several pro scouts hllve lllready in· quired about him," Wulk says or the promising sophomore guard. "Mike has made the convcrs!on from forward ID guard very well . He has the intangible or being abl e lo make the big play most of the time. ''And. he shoots better than m<>!t ~ ple think he does. "Hill one problem Is lhat he's always: been a gambler on defel\l'ie and con· sequenlly fouls a hit more than he should.·· Contrera!! says the one facet of the i;wi\ch from a front court po!itlon to ji!'.Uard has been bringing the ball dow n court under pressure. Otherwise it's been a llmooth transition. The ex-Oil City v:hiz is looking forward lo the rest of this year -plus a pair of road games next season with Houston and Hawaii. And V.'ulk ts already looking ahead to next campaign's home llJM'ner -ag111lnst USC, a team hf" was openly h I t t 11 r about losing to Sa turday. * * * Brad ft1rfliamara . standout prep 11 Sun- ny Hiiis High In Fullerton. has qull the Arizona State ba11kethal\ team ind wlll ret urn to California at the semester. He Is due to enroll al Cyprt111 Cnllegt In tbe Fullf:rton JC District and he 'll be i "elcome additJon to that scbool·s bollp for«a. * * * Of 18 player! carri~ on the University of Oregon's basketball team, 13 are from California. one fro m Washington, another is from Austra!la and three are Orego- nians. And, on the freshman team of 12 Are eight Californiarni and rour from Oregon. Saturday he will be pla ying in the an- nual Pasadena Bowl aga1nsl 1..0uisv1lle. He has maintained a B average in his politica l science major and heads next for pro football and a law dee:ree. lie touches all he meels with humility. "I can see v.•here a black might gel convicted in a case like that but where a Y.'hite boy fron1 Beverly Hills might get acquitted," says Spurgeon Avakian, a good friend of Leon and a Superior Court judge in Alameda County near Leon 's teenage home. "J'\•e al\li•ays fel t that if I had money, I never would haveJ'one," says Burnll. T~ prison years were tough. Burns believed he was innocent and Leon took out his utter frustration at first with baseball -the spOrt he loved best. But lack of equipment forced him to lake up sports req uiring only dedication. "The two major sports they have are boxing and weightlifting. I won he heavyweight championship as a boxe r but after you whip three or four people, there- lsn't anybody else who wants to fight you," he says simply. "So I started lirting weights.'' He aidn't lose any of his speed -he was recently clocked at 4.6 seconds for lhe 40-yard dash. Meanwhile, despite the manure shovel· ing and the tree cutting, he filed writs for fello11• inmates and built the beginnings of 11 Jaw career. "It 's kind of hard to get legal books bu t 1 spent a lot of time in the library. I must have read a about a mill ion cases. I filed writ.~. appeal~. everything else." He's called Superman in Long Beach and the nanie has gotten around. He·s been called "the Oest ru nning bac k anywhere" by coaches including San DiegD State's Don Coryell. Ex-Heisman .Winner Shines In Relief Role LOS ANGELES -"1t was a tragedy to lose Mel Farr, but Steve Ov.·ens gives us a very good threat inside." Detroit quarLe.rback Greg Landry said It and Owens, the rookie running · back from Oklahoma who won the Heisman Trophy in 1969, provided proof on Monday night in the 28-23 victory over Los Aiigeles. Not much had been heard from Owens who underwent surgery for a shoulder separation sufrered in the final exhibition ji!'.ame of the National Foot~! League campaign. He still wears a steel pin in his left shoulder and he had carried the ball only seve n times in league play until Monday night. On the Lions' first touchdown drive, Farr soffered a dislocated shoulder and Oy.·ens ca me on in relief. He carried the ball 17 times for 66 ya rd s and two touchdowns on runs of six and four yards. fie also caught three of Landry's passes for .19 additional yards. "It was the first time he had a chance to run thi s year and he proved he deserv· ed that Heisman Trophy and that we did right in making him our No. I draft pick," said Detroit coach Joe Schmidt. There had been some criticism that Owens wasn 't fast enough to make good as a pro. \V ith Farr probably out at least three weeks, Owen!! wil l carry a big load in the waning days of the NFL campaign, one in \Vhich the Lions remain a posllibility for a playofr b<'rth. For his play aga inst the Rams, the 225- pound Owens was voled the game ball by his teammates. · Landry .GearsLinnAttack To 28-23 Win Over LA By GLENN WHITE Of flte Dally Jlllet ltatf LOS ANGEL~ -When you think of ttle National Football League's elite quarterbacks names like John Brodie, JohMy Unlta.s, Len Dawson, Roman Gabriel and Bart Slarr immediately come to mind. And well they should. But there ls a young man coming over the horizon .and he's apparently destined to someday have his name mentioned in the same breath with Brodie, Unit.u, Dawson, Gabriel and Starr. He is Greg Landry, the fellow who pro. pelled the Detn>it Lions to a 23-23 COO· ·quest of the Rams Monday night before 79,441 disheartened Coliseum faithful. Landry, 6-4, 205 pounds, put on a claslly demonstration of field leadershlp as he guided his mates to a touchdown the first time they got the ball and Detroit ntver looked back after that. The Rams, however, fought back gallantly and trailed only 21-lli midway through the fourth quarter. And they seemed to have momentum as they rtlpeatedly stopped Detroit's of· fense in that period. However, a IS.yard tripping penalty charged against the Rams on a Detroit punt seemed to turn everything around. The infraction gave the Lions a first down al their own 40. Jt also gave them further charre to grind down the clock and so when the Rams finally got the ball only 2:48 was left. They moved seven yards to the LA 24 en Gabriel's pass to W Joseph.son. But on the next play -one in which Gabriel seemed to have all night to throw -Mike Lucci intercepted. Each team sco red a touchdown after that, first the Lions then the Rams. Now it means the Rams mullt whip the Giants Sunday at icy Yankee Stadium and at the same time hope the San Fran- cjsco 49ers wlll fall to Oakland. If San Francisco only tiell, it will win the division and the Rams will be run· nersup. An LA victory coupled with a 49ers losll wil l give the crown to Los Angel es. But getting biEk to Landry, the classy University of Massachusetts: grad did a superb job. He com pleted Iii of 23 passes for 164 yards. And he ran for 49 yards on three carries -gSi-ining two more yards than the entire LA running game clicked off for lhe entire game. Landry connected on eight or his fint 11 throws and for the year has a remarkable completion record cf 14.9 percent this season, hiting on ff of U.7 for 943 yards. He .told th~ DAlLY PlLOT aft.e°rward that the gre~t pn>tection afforded him by Uie offensi ve line wall mostly responsible for his success. "It 's our good running game that helps keep them ho,.est on defense and givea the passing game a better shot," he said. No Explanation "Tonight'• game was particularJy pleulng to me. We've played divlaicn ' leaders five 1tr1ight weekl (Mlnne.,ta, San Francisco, Otkland, St. Louis and LA) and we've beaten the la.st four." The genill Detroit qu1rterback was asked If he really felt he had a •hot 1t. making lhe pros when he was performing • at Masuchuaetts. ''I thought there was some chance," he · aa.ld. "When I WU a aophomore I WIS having 1 pretty 1ood year. And the pro scouts were down wa1chfn& our end. Milt Morin. "The Browns later took him en the first round cf the draft. By the time I was a ,.ni<>r Bobby Layne (Detroit QB at the tJme) came over and spent a few days scouting me. '1'lben I really thought I'd have a good chance at being picked.'' Landry did a Jot of running as well as throwing as 1 collegian and when he has to call on his halfback, talents he aeems unusually able to come throu1h. Jn fact, he'a rushed 32 times for 328 yards this seuon -that's an average of 10.2 yards per tote, ind buddy that's not bad. "I never worry about 1etting hurt, although the coach doesn't care to haveL . me ruruUng 1 lot. l reel I can get hurt'. just u easily on the drop back pass aa t;:. can on 1 run," he states. ,. Asked if he was inspiration to his • mates by one interrupting reporter, Lan. dry simply responded: "You'U have to ask the olher guys about that -1 ju.st 10 cut there and try to do my job." And be does game kind of job doing _ that. l"lrst down1 ll111lllna y1•U,1 "•Hlfll y1nl•" , ... n '" ·~ " ll•ll.ll'fl Y•rda•• ,. ..... ·~· l .. 2).1 ,., Fumol" ia.1 Yare11 pt'MllHd Cott. -T•ylor 2""' fMt nn t ld:I O.t. -ow-•'"" (Minn kit.kl LA -FG Ray IJ ' ~ LA -l"Glt.ty 11 Dlt. '-McCullOudl H IHlll from L•'lllry (M11111 lilekl LA -Smn~ l1 11-111 from G1brt.1 (11.IY llldd LA -FG lltY 2t 0.1, -Owen1 C '""' {MtM kitk) L.A -Trvtll J .,... irom G1brlel (!tty kldtl JUDGE DISMISSES BLACKOUT SUIT M1AMI -A suit charging that the blackout or the Super Bowl football game to Soulh Florida violatu the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and the constitutional ri1ht.s of 2.5 million people was thrown out of Federal ColD"l Monday. In upholding 1 motion by the National Football League and the City of Mi1ml for dismissal of the case, Jud~e Ted cabot said the privilege to watch a live broadcast of a football game did not fill within the area of con.sUtutl.onal rij;hta. t Eagles' Ramse~ Shot, Cops Hunt Lone Gunman PHILADELPHIA (AP ) -A man nam· ed ''Trees" who dr ives a gold--colored Cadillac is being sought by pollce today as tht gunman who tried to kill Philadr.lphia Eagle.!! football player Nate Ramsey on a Weiit Phil adelphia sidewalk Monday afternMn. The 29-year"'°ld defensive back was out of danger but still in serious condition at Misericordia Hospital where he is under treatment for a bullet wound in the chest. Two other shots fired by the assailant hit the pavement, and ont caromed off the cement-and broke the :skin under the arm of an lt·year-old girl walking home from 1diool. The gunman was an 1cqualnlance of Ramsey's, but no close lriend. So far there is no explanation of the shooting. Detective Capt. William McDonou1h' said Ramsey told investigators he waa .11tanding in front of Mr. Silk's Third Base, a restaurant-nightclub, when the man ap- proached. "I'm going to kill you ," Ramsey quoted 1'Trees." "What do you mean?" Ramsey said he asked in puuled reply. ··1·11 kill you." the man responded. And then three times pulled the trigger. Ramsey, whoae entire pro career hat been wllh the NaU011al Football League'• Eagles 3ince graduation fn>m Indiana University eight years ago, cr1wled into the nightclub. A friend, Harry Wilson, 26, on lhe Eagles reserve list. called police who took Ramsey to the hospital. Desiree Ramsey, the player's wife, said "l just couldn 't believe it. It was go unreal. You read about this type of thing every day in the newspapers but you never think it can happen to you.'' She said "Trees," used to be in the e1· terminating business. "He wasn't a close friend, but we knew him," she said. "You know, to say hello on the street." Ramsey had gone to the busy shopping ~ area, in the heart of a b I a ck neighborhood, with Wilson. They had planned to buy Olristmu 1lfts. Wllson left Ramsey standin1 alone while he went Into a delicates.sen. Ca ge Ratings T-"" Jib, I. UCLA !JI) .. 111 2. 5. Clto11N C•l u uo J. Ktnl'lll:lty 4"f t.l• .f, Ml,..,.ltt' UI •O ,,, J. Jl(~1'!1¥Ultfl) M Qt '· ,_, 11. .., * '· Holr1 0..... J.I ,.J •. use ..o "' •. Orallt ..0 1J1 TM• II, W. K"'tuckJ 12. KtllMI I). /flllfM "· , __ IJ. UI_,, lltta "· 0"'91\ u. /tit) ... '"· .... .. ·~ J.I ID 'I .... ).I i1 . ... N.Mtd~t.t .... , I •torlcl1 IL J.I It wu the first lime in fi ve gamc!li lh1:. year he fouled out. And last year 11 hen his family drove to J>hoenl.i lo y.•atch him Hardly what you 'd tall home grown talent. RAMS' ROMAN GAB RIEL GETS BLOCK BY LA RRY .SMITH, PASSES TO J ACK SNOW (LEFT). 10. Vllllnh• ... lt2 lt , s1.11on .... •n1ur1 H D • 213. N. C..rollrlc U ~ .,. t b ' I ' ! • ' • l j. ~ f • I J r l • • y • t l t t t • t I ' ( • l • I l I • ' . • • . ' ' • " lJneontrollah•e lJrfe' UCI' s C"lark Can'iSt.and To ViewFootballon TV By llOWAllD L. RANl>Y Of ... DlllY "At! Stiff lllchud Clark doellll't watch football an teJevlslon. It i1n't that he can't stJnd the 11.ght of blood or Ulol he b -...! •boot the welfare of the athletea on t.he field. Far from it, "Whenever I witch a 1ame on televl!k>n. J get an almost uncontrollable urge to play the game ag1ln. "f made a decll.ion after 1 graduated from high achoo! (Rlv<nlde Norlll) to otick to ... oporl fn ~· ud -C<>l\llderable deb&le, I aiund I w..ld &el mar. out ot be,•k1tball." Coach Tim Tift will all'ft u Iha' lllvtraide City CoU.ae l!'llllfar hu den~ ad the UC lrvlM 111r1inJ ll""')> th!> .... aon and --,..,.. I• Jiii leadlnf rebounder on the 1quad. "I am very ~ -hll pl•J to Ulll point," Tift adds. "He bu clelll>ed hla role ;,, the leam 1(1 ttc:t;llent manner. He bu Shen m added. board llr..,U. and the thing that .... iJn. preuad me -II his bard play. "He ooma oa the court lo play no hi. t la • fierce competitor. Certainly he ii tur . belt rebounder.· RICHARD CLARK Jazz Helps Calm Down j\fiteater Star Richard Clark, startinc center on lhe UC Irvine basketball team 11 a 1pecialty jazz fan and feels that llatenlnc to this type of mUBic calms him down before participation ln the sport. "I also go to sleep liitening to this type of music," the M center for the Anteaters says. • His favorite recording 1tar11 are Quincy Jone s and a new alna:er now making records, Roberta Fleck. Clark Js one of two members or the UCJ squad 1port1ng mustachel this season. "I fee1 natural with a mustache," he says. "When 1 cut it o1f I look much younger and I have noticed the players on other teams we p1ay. They look much meaner with a mustache and now I feel like I'm up there with them.''· Clark and guard Phil Mathews have become inseparable on and off the basketball court. They have played together since the ninth grade and know each other's moves well. The UCI cage star has • youn11er · brother attending UCLA on a football scholarship. "His name ill Eu11tne but we call him 'genius'/' Clark reveala. "While he twni shot a Joi, ha will IC'Oie far ul 'en tboae drivinl lbatl to the bubt and when be beginl taldng the open jump abot. Ht can score wen on the inside." Clark's· athletic career began in Japu when he w11 11 yean of age. His step-father. wa1 in tht Air P'ort9 , and the flJl)lly II~ in Japan when bt. Wll 11.ationed there. "I began playing bueball Ind when the baskelball .U-rolled arotlnd, •few of the guys talked me int.a cominc ·out for the team,'' Clark recalls. · •·r had long arms but I wun't too tall at the time. "fn high school my belt oport waa foot· ball and I Ulink f Lille II btl1er riaM now, "But basketball prettnted a challenge fer me when people said I touldri'l make it to the pcofesslonaJ level and,l ltt out to pro\re them wrong. I love a cballqe." Obviously he ha!!: good bands, both ht football and in basketball. As a tophomore in blah IChooI he w11 an end on offense and defcn.e but moved lo halfback at midaeaaon. As I jl.miot he WU a ufety and halfback unW a lin<e Injury atclellnad him. In his senior season he was 1 apllt.end and rover bact on defense and wu hli team's leading pau receiver. After gr1d1111il"1 from hJih achoo! he attended Rivenlde COUeae 'tfhtr• ht av¢raa;ed 15 rebouDda a 11me and hid a It PotD\ ICOl'ln& average. How dld be hlippen lo cJ)OOH UCJ! "I only ccmklend two tchool1, UC Rivertide and Irvine," he ny1. "l knew everybody at Rlven:tde but I felt I had a bettor chance of &•tling to lbe pro rub at IrvlDI and here I am." How doa he fed ,_ Ula! the - ba1 atorledt "It is friendly hert. I like a team you can 1it down and joke with. "Right now I'M not 1hooting •• much but I'm still trying to get the 1yatem down. My contribution ill to ainctoll'lte on defense and gettin1 tbe rebounda rtaht now. "We've got good aOOotert In Phil (Rhyne) and Bill (Moore). I Ullnl< we'll IW'prile a Jot of tearna before tbe IUalft end1. And we hive a Jood pl1n for nut year." AU members of tht ,quad. wiD be tU1J. ble for another ae~IOD with the uceptlon of injured Steve Parter. Golden Wet1t 8-1 Sailors Fall To· Monrovia Five, 68-56 . .,. JOllN CAii ................. Newport ll&rllor llJc!I'• -n team ran Into a d fOudi ,lloaday af. tel'DOOl'I and tbl ren!t w11 a ... )ou to Monrovia in lhe opqlng loand ol the ~ annUll HunlingfM Beach tounla· ment . The aetbaclc dropped c:ooch DO Hq:ey11 Newport team into lhe con- fOllUon round a&aJnst Tultin. 'l1lt IWO luma clash Wadnetday at 3. The toft touch was displayed by Monrovia guanl Willie JICbon who llrod In r1 pojntJ, adtln&.eiihl.fleld aotll and Jl free throws. Most of the lii:·f0oter'1 two-pol.Dten came on outlide jumpers. At lhe frM throw Um he milled jult _.. JtckJC\11, IA aJl.Paclfic Lague ftnt team d.oict as a junior last year and a ttarter on Monrovia's OIJ' AMA runner - up club of 1970, keyed the WUdc&ta attack that saw the winners i;at the ram• away early. Tnilfn& 1-7 ea,rly. "' lhe lint period. Jackaon and bu mata ripped oll •lebt points in a row -and frcm then on never looked baclc fn poatlng victory No. I fn Mven outinp of tbe J.m.71 campajfn. Momt1vla jumped to a 21-14 fint quarter lead, bekl a »-11 advantage at the ball and then ...,,1 :m polp1a up late in the third quarter. Hqey's club, coming off 1 two-11me weekend trip to Lu Vqu, appeared tired at 1tages. In thi final analy1il, the Tari could just not hit. Newport eould only connect on JI ol U aholl in the openinc bait and a cold third quarter (thne field plo in 15 attempla) rtally put lbe aame out of reach. Newport made a ruah at the Wildclta In the ctoelnc mlnutel, cutting a '°"point cleftcit to j\111 nlm -~IO to .. 1115-61). But Jacklon then bit on a abort jumper and followed &.bat wttb a cUrity toa and Monrovia w11 home ~- Guard Larry G<ntoel led I h e Newporters in the aeorlna deptrtment wlth 11 while teammatu Bill McKinney and Tar1s Yoan& Md 12 and 11. Newport wu hurt conaider1bly with. f ;47 left In the thin! qulrter when Youn& fooled out. At that atqe, Moarovla held only a 41-32 advantap. .......,, ~ ,... *-"' ,.., -· v ... """ Mdll"""' IC&lllllt "'" ..... T1t11• llftlff.. ..,. ..... 4o • S16 Jecll.-Ill 117 Jl$11SltYMt JIJll ,,,,.....,,..,, .... SI i 12 MlnrM $I •11 l!S41l~M tl!t ••tllMlll19 .,,, lS ltD•n~l1 lt :tll tt IJ 1'11 J6 T .. •!1 l 21 11 61 ' ... .,....,...,.. lrl.....,. H•r• !l '1 t :tl-M MMl'l'll• SI l l 11 I ...... Eugene sports a B average and was Governor at Boys St.ate aevual year• ago. He was an ofrenslve guard on the Bruin freshman football team this pasl season and in high school won all-county honors in wrestling as w e 11 as pa.rUclpating In the California state track meet finals as a 1h*putter. "I'm trying to a:et him to coocentral* on one sporl In college you have to con- centrate on one sport and put your whole interest in one thing ." Defensive Improvement Key to GWC Success Clark 13 also proud of his younger &ister, LaVeme. At 17 she is still a high school 1tudent but is looking ahead to a career as a singer. "She has a real good voice !Ike my mother," Clark reveals. "But mom didn't want the life of a professional •Inger." Clark rtvtals that his ste~father and sister watched hlm play 1requenlly at Riverside but that h1s mother stayed home most of the Ume. "She has promised me she will com~ to gomt: or our games thir year," he 11y1. "But she gt:ts emoUonally upset. If I 1tt hurt or go down on the noor. I promlsed her I wouldn't get hurt when 1he 11 there," he adds with a wink. The likeable Anteater center can take care of himself in the thick o( battle on the court and his addition lo the team for the ne:t t two years will be warmly ap. plauded by J;:l player• and fans alike. Coast Rangers Rout Two Foes The Coast Rangers dumped a pair of Pacific Soccer League ttvals Sunday at Newport Beach's Mariners Park and the major division team's conquest elevated ii lo first place in the cireuit. The Rangers smothered Be\IOower . &-2, while Ranger reserves were besting their counterparts, 5-1. A pair of Leif Wemeid goab -the first a 30-yarder -put lhe Rangers on top at haltUme, 2-0. Chris McCarthy then bag· gtd two perfec:tors while mates Erie Smith and Johnny Ha ynes added single fiCOres. Brian Mc:Caupey ind John Atkinson each acored twice for the ruervn while mat• John Barnet abmmad ID -lllly. This Sundly the R1nam ant al Lo Puente for 4 2:3G 11me With to\ch lndeJl"ndenda while 111bo journey to Jaycox of Anaheim (or I 12:30 enaace- mcnL Consider the aituaUon •WTOUnd.in& Golden West CoUe1t'1 butet.b.n team: (1) 'lbe Rustlen are the hl&helt ICOf'oo Ing junior coUege basketball te1m In the :1tate with a 99.7 avera,e:. (2) Five times thJa 1ea110n Golden Wut has hit the magic 100.p:>int fiiure in com· piling an 3-1 record. (3) Four players •re averarina in dou. ble fiauru, including two over the 20- polnt mark. Thus the obviout eV1lU1tion Is that tht GoJden Weat offenae hu far Ind abov9 ovtnbadowed ~ dtfeme. Nat so, PYI J\uatltr coach Dick Stricklin. "We've played a lot better defensively thin I lbou&bt we would. Tllal'1 the dll· fennce right now." And Strldtlin ii qulclc lo point out tn e1ampSe. "We 1ot our biga:est challenc• of the year Satwdly nltht aialnst Fresno. In the early part or the 1ame •• couldn't hit, but our deftn• kept us clole. Frtsno la an opkleift~ fut brelk team, but wt held them down. Ir the defen1e hadn't been so good, we would have bf:en beaten." But, of cour111 the RustJlr.efrtnll tln't about to Lake a beet ·ll&to IG' the deflnll, Thul far Golden Waat 11 hltUOf lboul 57 pen:enl of !la field ,..t alt8npta, and Stricklin is mon than pltued with that "We've been runm,. Mid em:uUna well. So far we bavte't..hlld that much trouble ""'111(. We'va -~ well and really haven't hit a )ow ebb yet." Stricklin filJURI tha\ tutu.re oppo1)tnts will probably try to slow lbe tempo ol the game dawn. "li'a never been OW' pl to score 100 points. It jull happens that we've been over UIO on a few occuk>ns." Stricklin polnll ool 1 .. turpriaes Ula! have belped the -tll •It a fut start -nlltttly. loi•-•r111 "'1ltlNlcbllldJlmAadlo-Amlnlldl, ..... .,... llr dlo llmtlon lwo_...,Jo....,.1Nm, :a.7poitltl,. __ lle'•-tlJ~ -· ~--lllfl~ ., • aplllll'...... --"HI'• much better he w11 two yean ap. Ht'• mort mature and j1 a much better offtllllive bill player. And he'• much •troncer on the boardl," uy1 Stricklin. The Golden West eo1dJ1 add1 that Anderton'• pll.y on dtftr11e has been a bil wrprb<. ... didn't think he would be l! tough deftntlvely and alto do llO well on the boards. He has really improved during thre Jut two lamtl and ii startln& to look • lot batter." Offensively Andenon, a former AIJ.CI' It.Ir from Rancho Aiamr.oe, ir no slouch. He's currtntly aver11in1 11.1 poildl per ·-· Two other Rutl1en m 1llo blttlnc In double llguru. QlriJ ThomplOll. Golden West'• Ill· tlmt .-er and moll con1l1lent perfnrmer, II hlttfnf It 1 23.4 clip while t-10 center Mart Dekker bu a 10.t averqt. S~th Captures Net, Tournament TOKYO -Stu ~mlth Of Pua- clinched first place Mondiy in the JnltirnlUOnat Lawn Tennis Federat.ion'a ... -· -toumlment b.)'. ~ --... Ken·lhoewtll of Auolralla, M, 6'1. Smith won the matcb under the speclal tie-breaker s::ori.nc ayatem by takinc a aeverrpoint sudden-death pme afteri the ltCOOd aet reached M . Smitb will rtetlva fl5,0llO. If Smilll looet today. be will technically tie with the wlnntr of a game between -·•ll Ind C«MI dd Mir'• Rod i.-. -S.l Bal tflt --~ -.. ,,., 4dp .... be bad -W'""llll'"Ra11Rll IDil Llftr. Jo -i-. ArtlMtr Aft of JUcb. mt.lftll, VL, ••led J• kodli, W, U, 'W. -i.-llell y..... 7.eijlio Frimlfovic !,.1, M. . ~ . . .. ~,. • T.....,, ~ 15, 1•70 DAILY l'ILDT. )7 HB Runs Rampant,: 107-41; It's 65-15 at Halftime ' llJPlllL-............. p&a,.r Ill .. ljl:lt.of hi ,.._, A quartet of Oil City cepro manipd TM" a.. flier RCIOlld untt playert 1 double fillure scoring efforts with BrooU ~ laol -tilt lluntlDflm -' ou.i" po••••td.· the tint pllC\I team tnpllJ lo tllefr ..... O.yur-old - boll-..-1'U bodf Ip -· <Hmh-.. _.. up'only " playenl, Ill ~ly .,.!!"ad "!r ... ~Yuhha2$1r'the"'conn ~' bl _...._._~ -··~ ~~-~·· -~ umn, · Ria reptacemenl -6-3 Lff Ordwey - Tbey .... lllra!fhl-tlwoulh dut7 fn c&nned st muken and p!Uckad off II , .. tbt Id n .... ta ci' Iha -.d btU boundo: -... _, illPI lilt Oilen " alter tk *llw• bad ...... Iha !nlU&I Raerve Darrell Wolk<r and allrter loor .i that btll. '111omu chipped IJI wllb 17 and It --Combo-IOllcttflt7"11 Ila hi lhe -·· tiU. rtct thU tlmt &nlUld 1'ial II lfl-41 .......... GI the. Sierra Splrtuo lo _.., ---hiiid. lJpeaded Tllo Ill polat 1'flal, whJch ftD jual I point -"' ""' ""'""1 -"' 1• ael by Comptoa lo 1117, Is btllned fl be an •IJ.llme ott aty bleh aln<e there an DO recordl available to nfU1e tbe dabn. ~ f(ell -crack II the _,. -and the --tee standard at l :Jt p.m. Wedneldly wben Grigsby Paces. Corona To 48-4 7J Tourney lf; in lhe OUen hoat Pldlk: (San llenlardino) In I quarter final match. Pacific toot tbe mdlW'e ol Ranchi Alamltm bj 1 13-11 count lb t game im- mediately preceding Ibo Oilers' rout. Ac\Ullfy, llunllnfton sported I mmtve 65-15 1pread at the half and ended the af· fflr, for all intent and purpose, before the coocl-ti lhe llnt period. Combe' ~.crew ahot at~ <• ol •> ,,.,. the field In Iha !Int liall and W <•GI 12) far the --rif>llfnl oft IS llrtlcJll polllla at tbt - belare Sim'Ta coald bat an eJt)ah. Jn llunllnatoo'1 IS.poinl dalll(e fo the flnl S;OI ti t!le (ame, W junior - ste.. -aot ..... "' -poiola -a lff•tia toa and -field pit. Broob' Une bm:bll wen tallied on a jumper ,,.,. ""' lop of the Ry (-UftC'on'• ftnt. two points), a Up., an fl· rot shot b1 a teumnatt ad a rfte.foot -jual lo the lefl "' the -Tilt nther Oller buWla In tile •IJ atrtnc were plc:Ud up .., .-y II~ afla< atoll by guarda Garib Wiie Ind Tam Cnlnlt and • --"""' the left"'""' by e,.1 forwanf w .. '11>llnas. Combo cleared hla belch wltlt 4;11 atlll r•m.tlnlnc in the lint half and reserves 11J CllAIG llllBP'P' ......... ""' ... " Ab ..... jump shot by Mark Gripby witi JI secendl .remalnlnt propelltd ear-._ Mar's bl.stelball ttam to a 41- 47 viclo'tl' over Tustin Monday afternoon in the o~lng game of the 42nd annual Hufltinab)n Beach tournarf1'nl. ftl' win lhot: coach Tandy GUli1' Sea Dlljfl IDto Uae second round a11lnst J' ...... a u..51 victor over Newport Hllllls. 1'ht two turns clash Wednelday ........ 7 . 1'111 SU Kinp appelttd headed for the c 5 i1oa bnetet with jusl f'our lo '°' trailing 3Wt. .. Onrooa, piayinc without 11' star n. din. bounced back to narrow the .... 41.fl -1;11 fl ... M ... polnl,...., Scott ea ..... n. just. • INm the Sea Kine junior varsity a... wufouled. la • oee-and-one tiluation, Cameron ~ his firll ahol. But a TUstin player -called for stepping into the free ...... lane toe soon. CA!neron then calm-IJ' sank two tree throws to cut the margin .. .ftl-41. ' . ~ Gripby went lo work. He hit a ~r from the key willl 1;33 left lo I . 1ive his team a 44-43 lead. It was 1horl· lived however, when 'I\lsUn'1 P 1 u I Zyskowski hit from in clote. ~ That set up Grigsby'1 buck.el that &Ive , the Sea Kings the lead for good. Tustin had a chance to take tht lead back, but the Tillers threw the ball away with 15 seconds left. Grigsby then added lo the lead with a pair of free throwa and Zyskowski hit a bucket for Tustin at the buner. , The game w1s marred by turnovers. Tustin, now Z..I for the ae.aaon after, wins over Rancho Alamlto!: and Santa Anl , give the ball up 29 times. Corona wa.s guilty of 23 turnovers. Corona jumped to a 7·1. advantqe a1ainst die much taller Tillers, b u i Tustin then ripped off 11 in a 'row I« a IZ..7 lead. The advantage then swayed back and forth until Tu.st.in jumped out to the 3J.3l 1dv1ntage. Both teams shot poorly. Corona hit 19 of 49 field goal attempts for 38.8 percent while Tustin cann«l 11 of 47 for 38.3. Grigsby, hitting nine of 18 field goal at- tempts, led 111 scorers with 2.1. Te.am .. mate John Sumner hit 10. Fot' Tustin Zyskowski, a 5-6 forward, canned 20 and Don Swaim hit 17. Arne Crumley, the Tillers' 6-7 ctnter, wu held to just foul'. poln!J. Tntlll UJI " rt " ,. 1 • '" 7 l l lY ' . ' . 1 1 • , ' • l l t t I I • ' • 1 11 1111 • Prfces •• CJCll .. .,. 1lill r-beat the high cost of fun and recreation, and 1JO to MW .cl •xcltlllt plllUI ••ery week for on• full year, for less than YOll now 1p1H I• -...... RICH MUNZ, lace lhluar, :rY Producer and Track Ownlt' extends this offer.·· PLUS OVER $1·0,000 IN PRIZES GIVEN ·AWAY 100 TIRES 4 DUNE BUGGY TAPE RECORDERS Yeur Sire 1971 NORGE CLOTHES & REFRIGERATORS OUTBOARD GOLF CLUBS MOTOR VACATIONS ind 10 SCHWINN 1971 ACCESSORIES BICYCLES 3· 1971 COLOR CAR TOP BOAT 3·1971 NORGE WASHERS TELEVISION NORGE DRYERS HOME RADIOS 1971 FISHING APPLIANCES 5 RACE CARS MUSTANG TACKLE TOYS & GAMES Reedy To G-nd Drlvera Furnlahecl • 1971 3-1971 HONDA GUNS & FrH VOLKSWAGEN lllJTORCYCLES SCOPES WATCHES Y.tu nMcl nor M preHftt te wlrl, .ncl enlf Recr•atien Pas1 Book Members may win. A limited number ef Mek1 are nalleble, mwe than SI p11n1 rtpreMntfnt hUftdredt of dollars in value to 1port1 avont1, recrHt..,. and fun 1peh are Included for $7.ts. Or •• , We'll trust you. S.ncl tw• doll•rs and receive your ....... -tw. -.i1ar~ • mtnth ft< thr .. .....,1h1, NO EXTRAS. Thia 11 an acfwrtl'!l"I encl prometMn1I pr .. ram only. No contest to enter, no salesman will call, many •lftfle pllMt Vffue more than the full Melt costs. l1ch Mok 11 r11l1t1rtd, •ncl Y"' receive one extra Number ft< the d"'wtnrl• H you orlltr within 5 dlya. Tho wpply of peia books 11 llmlltd, and thla offtf can be wlthdra~ without netlco by return of all mMMys ,.td. Our promise to youl This Is a Sincere Ofhr, there are"' hW4en w,..,.,. costs, •ncl •money beck Gu1r•ntH. More pa1111 and prizes aclcMcl threugheut th. yMr. Some Passes you will recolve ll1tecl Mlow. AWAIOS "CNIC PA.MILT PA• ...... ,.,..~_.,..._ .... _,,..._~_,_ lly "" ltPl.mPAISIS MU•IPllDWAY !tic"""'"'",..... a......,. .... ft ANY aVI ...... ...., IM' -?Mr ''"" et ........ .r h i -· '""·· """' , ... . SPOm.TU.ILU· IOAT.CAl-CAMNI Allll ... P'tl1 ....... J 0..,. .... ....... ,,,. ...... ""'*'""' , .... JULY 4 .. CltDUTION IM..... ""°' l'lr. WM'111 Olto ,..,, A* ltll.., DfM•, MM!to .._ a ,......,. ' """' " ,_ LAI •1•.t.1 Cht"'''I••• l'•r ........ Dllto .... or.it."" .. ..... IPOITS PAISll ..... 9"" llMM. ClloMIY l •-M ft. MtMftf(M, 0..tntl'llM -· AH HOllY AMP CU.flt SHOW AflMl.lltll & ... ,. .. ,. ..... Ill SLIDll Piii DINNllS At MM, •ISYAUlthTI Wiii! I ..... -.OLf PAii DllYIN6 lANel ._IDDll a. ADULT llOIS PIZZA · NII Wiil 1 1'1111-M-tll1, l•l'lllY .... t MOll •Olf •AMU NII 2 IOWLllM •AMU PIO PU.Ut PllMT.111 YOU ., THI -..en . llCK. MAMI , , • , ......... , •.• , , • , •.•••••••••• , ••• , , , ,, ••• , •• ,, ,, , • , , , , •••• , , • , , , , , • , , , • UlllSS •.. ·~ •••••..••...•.....•.•••••...•••....••.•.•...••.•..•••.•.••••.. I •••• . cm .•.• , •••. , ........................................ '"°"' ................. . ITATI ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• , ••• , ZIP •••• ,,,,,,,, •• . ' 11U¥• OP IOOD UtumD •••• , , • ••., •. •• •••• , •••••••• , , •••• , .••. , • • • • • • • • • • • AMctmr l9CLOlll ••••• ,,.,,, ., ••••• , •• : •• , ••••• CAIN •••• CMICI.,,. M.ct .• , •• 'LIASl NOTIN US OF CHAHSE OF AOORlSS JOA I 'l'lAl, AS MOll PASSlS WILL l l MAIU~ TO YOO. IANCHO IA•·l·9UI SIM " IMI -O""' CNll llAC.tl OANCI, "000, Dll lNI( AOMIJltON ANO l'AlllCING .. .. . ~ o.tn 19 , ....... ,,.,,. 2 Fiii ,, ..... "'" ··-"•• NlfM Litll,_ CMrH MINA.TUii GOLf flll DISCOUNT CA.ID ~ T W.. t.nHlft, ...... tt .. ,._1n -SNclill .... "''-*- fAM IL't llLLI AIDS •AMO MAil TO BOX M 2044 DAILY PILOT JI DAILY l'ILOT KeyUne Lo sses Fo:c MD Head football coach Bob '.Woods or the itater Oei Monarchs ha: this thlng about a main deal. Woods says, "the main deal for next sea.son is to build our offensive line up again. "We lost the whole right side but regain lhe entire left side." Tbe key line losses are guard Pat Heffernan, center Mario Mele and tackle Steve J<emper. The latter was a two- year starter on offense. Returnees on the aforemen· ti oned left half of t h e , Monarchs' offensive forward wall will be end Dave Nanry, tackle Mike Barth and guard Larry Dnzba. Tuesday, Deetmbtr 15, 1970 :Good Nucleus.lJack • • \ . I For ·Buc.Grid Team Oran1e Cout CoUe1e foot. nmning back and a couple ot. t.11 CNCh Dk2 Tucker readily defensive back!. And we admltl tbat be 1 will haft 1 really have a need for of· aood nucleus back in 1171 -fenslve tackles," .says the OCC &ut 11e i.n·1 11>ou1 to 111 bock cooc11. and just wait for next Muon °There are some f i n e to roll around. senktn in 1 our afea. This has • "~ we'n iot a good been 1 bum.per ye1r for them. t ~ back. but I think we And we recruit at four schools iletiit. help at f!Vety poitUon. 'that , wtre in the C J F We're in desper1~ ~ for playoffs -Orange, Est.ancJa, ,. :lnterier-linemen and we could bilson and Newport. • IDOtber receiver, another "I'd uy our prospects are brichter for oei:t year than -· they were 1t this time last year. You'd have to sa-y that we have • &hot at the cbam- pion.Wp next year. Youn& and.Tom Malone, · On defense th< Bue• wil~ have litlemen Jlm North, Lee Walters, Paul Moro and Dan Moatl back along w i t h defensive 1 backs C r a J t ZallOsky· and Bob Blanchard. Both center GN!g McCants and guard Harvey Surp.re· nant h•ve another year f eligibility in junior colle1e football, but they are both ' soph9mores and may move en to four-year schools .. "This past sea.son was Me of our most ar1llfylng," •IY• T\tcker. Jt wu u enjoyable as we've had in 1 number of years. When you hive 1 strong finish like we did, parllc:µlarly with a slow start, you alw1yi feel better." Sunset Squabble Continues "But a lot of things could happen between now and then. We have some lop people cam- ing back, but we still hive to get some key fr e s h m e n • --------'-'---- 'There's no question about tha " No matter where else f.\aler Dei surfers g·r adua t io n casuallics, the biggest moans emanate from Woods when the name of Bob Haupert comes PAYING TR IBUTE -A packed house was al Edi- .son Hi.e:h School's football awards banquet Monday night as fans, friends and parents of the team paid homage to the 1970 CIF d.,s AAA champions. Edi- son comPleted· a 13--0 season 'by. whipping Lompoc, 27-14 in the title duel. Topping the list of offensive The cootinuing saga In returnes will be quarterback regards to the Sunaet Leaiue Gary Valbuena, ruqning backs equabble between Santa Ana Bret Mattias aqd Ken Ep- I Up. Haupert, a fixture in the quarterback 1dot the past 1 three seasons, led t h e Monarchs lo a shiny 18-6 mark while he was at the controls. Last season's backu p quarterback -prospeclive senior Billy Clough -figures prominently in the 1971 plans as Haupert's replacement. Says Woods, "We·u probably throw the ball a litUe more with Clough in there. ''But our fullback , Rick Sheldon. may be the inside runner we've been looking for, 60, you never can tell ." The 205--pound Sheldon, who doubled in 1970 as I h e Monarchs' kicking specialist, may get a chance lo con· centrate fully on his ball toling chores with some placekicking candidates up from t h e freshman and junior varsitJ squads. With Sheldon as an inside Chargers' Hinojo sa Gets MVP Jerry Hinojosa was named most valuable player -on Edison High School's CIF AAA championship football team 'hreat, speedy Rocky Simpson the game in its entirety begin· (440 yards on 96 carries in '70) ning at 8 o'clock. returns to the fold as Mater ~--------­Dei's scatback. Jayvee veteran Dave Burknart is given a good • chance of replacing departing Dennis Wojtkiewlcz at slot- back .. Mike Coury and Terry ~fartindale will batUe for the split or open end Yacancy left by J im Nanry, Dave's older bi'olher. Martindale will join Chris Mumford and John McE lwain in replacing the older Nanry. Jim Johnson and Pat Magner in the deep secondary. The younger Nanry will cou· pie with Mark Stanbra and Jeff Clark to fill in the Jinebacking positions. Chaffey replaces Loyolii (ln Mater Dei's m a n -ea I ; n g schedule with the rest of the ilata remaining intact. Monday night at the school 's sports awards banquet. Craig 111ortensen recch•ed the Mark Naylon Award (lll(lst inspi rational), along w I th being named captain or !he Chargers' undefeated jug- gernaut. Football Varsity -Captain: Craig Mortensen; MVP: Jerry }fin()- jos;i; Most Improved Of· fensive Lineman: Bob Graves: f\.1ost Improved Of· fehsive Back -Mike Balch; Most 1 mp ro v ed Oef-ensive Back : Mark Harmon: Most lniprovcd Defensive Lineman : Brian Bayless; Mark Naylon Award ~Mosl Inspiralional): Craig Mortensen. Rhyne Top Scorer For A nteater Cagers Phil Rhyne is 5COring at a 23.7 ave rage to lead coach Tim Tift's UC Irvine basket· ball team to an early 3·1 record including victory in the recent Kris Kringle tourna· ment. Rhyn e. a red shirt last season after transferring to UCJ from USC, has taken over the scoring lead I r o m graduated Jerf CUnningham. Bill Moore, runnerup last season. is retaining the same spot this year with a 14.2 average foUowcd by guard Gary 'Fox ~·ith an J 1.S average. Rick MMier, a graduate of Marina High, is the leading freshman scorer with an 18.0 average as C<1ach .J e r r y Hulbert's crew has posted a pair of victories. Both teams return to acti on Saturday night in Crav•(ord Hall. The Frosh v•ill tangle vdth an intramural all-star sq uad after Cal St.ate (l.-0n~ Beach) canceled its scheduled game with the UC! yearlings. The varsity will entertain Stanislaus Slate of Modestn Sa turda y an<t, Humboldt Stale on Monda y. U(. lrYln1 Vlfllt'I' !>II ltl>Ynr M-o '"' .... l!l•rr ci.r- l!lu•ll"'"'m Mtl~ 81k ... Geo<11• ··~ MOii~ H1ftlfn o ... '°" '"' L11m1>1o.!11J ftU"<~ Hlr-tn~ H"••klrll St•ltkltnd I It II II •YI , 4~?1 •113 1 47)Jl.5J l•7 • 1' I ..i 11.J •1 11••,e 1 1 o i ~o ~.,,,i, 41G 31J51 3 J l•3.a J J 2 I JO l J 4 6 JG 1 0000.0 ""'""""'"' n .. i '''"" ... '· ) I! 6 U 11.0 2 11 61114.1 l 10 6 U lJ.O 144U11.0 lJl211Q.i 16,\lt.O 1Jl1J 6.J 2 l\IS.J I 0 1 ),0 Top Swim · Aces Back '.At UCI Hlgh and former basketball pelheirlier, i nd receivers Dou& coach Neil Reed (now of1~===~:.:=.:=:..=:::::.7-'=--"--------:-­ Anabeim) will oootlnue Thurs. day attemoon 1l Newport Haft.or High In an e1ecutlve ·council meeting. 1be J p.m. meeling ·Is dOled to , the public but any ICUon perllining to further motlonl will be aired ln an open meeting al Newport. Anaheim High WU llked by Mike Martin will complete the league members t o his collegiate career this terminate Reed'.s duller as sea90n as the UC Irvine swim-basketball coach. for the fe. ming team embark.a on an im· mainder of the cunent buket- .t pres!lve ' dual meet 1 n d ba1l seu on. tournament scheduled. The Colmy Informed the It begins Jan. 2 with com-circuit by letter Monday that petiUon In the AIJ-OnJversity it would not honor the request. of California toomey at UCLA. Reed was judged guilty in 1 Martin, wiMer of 11 gold special Sunset meeting Nov. 30 medals in NCAA ( oollege of undue wiuence regarding divis ion) competition ·over a Anaheim student Ho w ar d three-year span, bas paced the Canon .whi le at t end Jn g Anteaters to the team crown Lathrop Junior ~ in Santa the past two campaigns. Ana. .\ ~ A freestyle d l 1 t a. n c e The undue influence clwge ,;peciallst, he will again be is in regards· to • auueation favored to win three Individual that Carson move out of the '< evena, along with two relay S.ddleback High area to the races, ln the national com· Santa Ana HJ&h area -but ln- petition. . stead hil residence chanaed to , Coach Ed Newland. h.., 1 Anahelm later. • 11trong nucleus of swimming talent returning from · last season in addition to Martin. Rich Eason sat out the · water polo seaMm but is ez. • peeled io participate in swirn- 1 m1ng fo r the spring aemester. He finished second in the 100 frees tyle last year in Spring- field, Mas.s. Mike C.11rn1han, a sophomore, C<1pped second in the 100 butterfly in the na. tionals. Mark Nelson set a schoo~ record while finishing third in the 400 individual medley. Tabor Earns Loop Honors Laguna Beach High'a Bart Tabor was the lone Artist to make the coac~ AU-Orange League football team. Tabor was named as 1 first team defensive back while junior Skip Winship 1arneted honorable mention laurels. RECALLING IT ALL -Edison Higli's head coach· -the mastermind of the CIF championship team- takes his turn at the microphone Monday. night as the team and coaching staff shared plaudits for a job ~·ell done. The CIF title trophy is at the upper riJ!hl. The list goes on with in- coming freshman athletes in .. eluding Bruce Black in the freestyle events. Following the A 11-U C tourney. the Anteaters travel to UCLA for 1 dual meet with the Bruins Jan. 8. Brea's Tom Teeple was named the most valuable player while the most valuable back award was sbattd by Brian Myracle of Saddleback and Sonora's Brad Hillman. Sonora's Doug ·Ford, Valeri! cia'a Ed Gonzales and Pit Pryne of Saddle.back tied for most valuable lineman. Shutdown Threatened At Caliente Race Tracli Tl.J UAN A, Mexico (AP) - A spokesman says Caliente Race Track is threatened with a shutdown over dec lining al· lcndance an d rising costs. The track opened in 1919. The 1.200 cmployes were oo- tified f\1onday of the poMi ble shutdown by Gonzalo Gonzales or Mexico City, president of Hippodromo De Tijuana and the owners representative. He said ::i de11dline or Jan 4. was set Cor " Cinal decision. A spokesman said Caliente ''never fully recovered from Operation lnlerei!pl," the U.S. government's crackdown on dope smuggling which dis. coUrRged many tourists at lhe border. Attendance dropped 20 per cent this year. There were 8,000 race fans Jast Sunda y compa red with 12,000 on a nor- mal Sunday. All of the 1,200 union mem- bers of Syndicato Alba Roja are Mexican nationalists being pa id salaries similar to those paid in the United States, the spokesman for the track said. Another 250 self-i!mployed trainers and 800 horse owners would lie a!fected by closing. Although there also is dog racing at the track five nighU a week, the spokesman sai.d only horse racing is involved in the financial crisis. Other foes on the dual meet slate include Cal State (l.ohj Beach), San Diego State, Cal State (Fullerton ), UC San Diego, UC Santa Barb.lira and San Fernando Valley State, The season w I I I be culminated March 18-20 in Springfield, Mass. in the NCAA college d I v i a I o n cham· pionships. J111. 1-All-C.tllleml• loum1menl 11 UCLI\ Jt " . .._,., UCLA n •.mJ J111. D-U(. kn Dlf911 II t ..... \ Jin. n-11 Sin F•,.,..,,.. Vt l'-Y s1111 '" 1.m.1 Jtn. 2'--UC S.11!1 ll1r'1Ntrt CJ:IJ _ P.m.I Ft'b. .M-Gold Co11I Tourn11Mnl lit UC S1nl1 lltr'INt•t F10. ll-CI! Slllw (lont .. .ell) 111 ...... ) ~Ml. 20-t.il Dl"9 Stilt 111 1.111.I ~tb. 2J-Cll•-t Col-ll:JD ...... ) Ftb. 21-Ctl Sti lt fl'ullfften) (l~:JD ...... ) Mtri:ll ""'"°"~ Mtrcll 11·20-NCM ClltlY!Jlltnl.ltl•• •I S11rl ... llt11d, MIU. The 1170 All-Orange League team: Pll'lf OfM-E -Clwlrltt l ulltr, Stddltbtck E -TCN!f ~llH, Sona.rt T -Pt l "'"'"'' S1ddltiOKk T -01 ... t fnl•U. El Oorlld9 G -Wtrr1t1 Wtbv, Stddl.ii.ttk G -St•.,. Quinn, 5-r• C -H-•fd L1r-., Soner1 t -llrl111 M¥•tclt, SICl(lltbtdc 1!1 -Tom Tee~lt, lll'et 11 -lrtd Hlll,..111, Sorlor1 a -Sob Blum. S-rt ,. ... ,, Dlft- Dl -Ed Gon11tta, Vtl.nclt DL -Ed IClnthorn, Sonor1 DL -0oue l'ofd, Sonort DL -WtY,_ Miiier, fl OorKe DL -Cf1is Hu._.., V1l9n<lt1 l -oon M1h1rw, s.MltbaU. Lii -Sim ltumtoi., 5_,., Lb -JM:J< l'ltildl"9, S-t DS -TOl'lf MICllV. El DerMI Dll -G•fl1t1 lltllllf, Sonor• DI -81tt T1bor1 L..-8etct1 Vike Banquet ••• "· ''· ••• "· ••• ... ••• ••• ••• "· ... ... ''· "· ''· ••• ... '" '" '" ... Marina High School will fete tht lootball, water polo and cross COU11tr)t teams Wed- nesday n.ilht in tbe 1 c h o o I cafeteria at the annual fall .sports awards deutrt. Festivities get under way at 6 o'cklck. ' GIANT SKI SALE Youth Ski Parka's Auorttd Colors and $i1e1 6-8, 10-12, 14-16 Were $15.99 .....•.......• NQW Youth Skis ·•::.:::r bindings, poles included From 12.99 • 24.95 $8.88 All reduced 33% Siva Now. Youth Ski Boots Sove 50% -R09. $7.99 •.•. NOW $3, 99 After Ski ,Boots FIHcR l ined -M.n & Women's R09. $5.99 ............... NOW $3,99 Ski Boots lp•xy kehlf•rntl I ll'Kkle ..._.. •IMI •• ,...., Si1es I through 12 Reg. $76.00 ............ NOW $50.00 COMPLm RENTAL PROGRAM Includes Adult and Junior Sins IET AL SllS, BOOTS, POLES •,;:::"' $9 10% DISCOUNT TO SKI CLUB MEMBERS! Full Renlol moy be eppli~ to Sid Purchase mNe within 15 d•ysl I I Sears I ~~.ueco. SOUTH ·coAST PLAZA 3333 BRISTOL STREET COSTA MESA ~331 Just Say Ch1r1• It At Sears stereo103F.M ~ . . • music music music music • music good • t ~· .- • - .. • ~ . • ! . • • .\ ! I I I l · ' • I ' I t • ~ • ~ i ' ' ' ' ( HOUSES FOR SALE 2629 HARBOR BOULEVARD 546-8640 Open Ev.nlng1 1111 l ::IO 3 Bedroom Plus · Romper room $24,600 See this home today it's a fantastic value and it won't lar;t. In a very nice area of Costa Mesa with 2 baths built-in 20x20 family room 110 down to vets low down to any body! 3 Bedroom 2 Baths $181 mo. Pays All HOUSES FOR.SALE -. ;.;H::.OU::.S:.:E:.:Sc.;Fc.:O°'R~SA..:;L:.:E;_l'H"'OU=S::.l.;..S .;..,O.;.R.;..;.SA_L_E __ l_H_ou_s_E_s_F_O-::R_SA'.""L-:E=I t• Huntington Be•ch 1.&00 HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSES ,OR SALi! HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSl;S FOR SALi 1000 Genertf 1000 Genera'! 1 llOI Oontrol 10;00 Gener1I 1oeo Newpeot....,. * * * * * TAYLOR CO. * CALIFORNIA .HE!lE WE .GO! $73,500 Transferred owner bas just listed luxurious Jvan Wells home in beautiful Baycrest. 5 Bdnns, formal DR, enclosed pool. Circular driveway. First class condition thruout. J RVINE TERRACE--$43,000 The loy of living! Pool w/beautiful lighted waterfall. 3 Bdrms, 2 baths & lge liv. rm. ''Our 25th Ye•r'' . . of;~Ja !J:J/e PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES ' 52 Linda Isle Dr. ,Cust 6 BR., study, 5 bath home w/4 frplcs., circular stairway, decorator selected carp. & drapes. Shown by appt ........... '$210,000 For Complete lnform1tlon on all homes I. lots, pl••M cell: BILL·GRUNOY, REALTOR 833 Do .. r Dr., S•tt• 3, N.I. 642~20 WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO .. Realtors Goner•I 1000 Gen1ro1 1000 675-3000 The.Number to Call \Vhether Buyina. &llltng or Leisin& HUNTINGTON . B.EACH" %1902 Ocean V\ew Lane, drlve by, call (or app't, Uke rrw 4 BR. 2~ ba, llOme. FamUy rm. w/trplc., profeSI, lnd- acpd. ~ ju.tt reduced ov. er Sl,000. Now S49,4DJ Lo- cated just 8 bl.ks. from beach, Owner trans., make off~! . " m 11 \\ ~ IU: lfll II[ lU \ l:\f. VIEW RIOM MOUNTAINS TO THE SEA Designed to make the most of the be:•utitul panoramic view this roomy Lusk 4 bed. room home ls the Ideal set. tin; for your family, Hand- &0me na':':lral ~'OOCI cabi- neta, red brick patio, tinted clus and 3 car garage arc a few of the many addition- al rea.ture1 that make this property so sr>tt-ial. $57,500. Call 673-85&t * LIDO SANOS * Sparklll\I 3 bdrnt., 2 baths. 1 Blk. to btach. $32.!JIJO. Newport Bt:11.ch Realty * 6'J5.l6U * DUPLEX • 4 br up, 2 br dn, 3-car, neat &: clean, nicely furn. 200' to bch. Sacrifice. Owner, TI4/ '542-19-16. Newpor t Heighti 1210 CHARMING ~s~e tiO~ like new. 4 BR, 2 Ba. Beaut decor. l..a.rge kit, all bl1ns. Italian marble frtllc. Chandeliers, large Jiv &: din rm facing large pool. Partial ocean ' 2111 San Joaquin H ills Road j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NEWPORT CENTER 644-4910 CAMEO ·SHORES 2 . IN 1 view troin large balcony, LIVE IN ONE OPEN 1~~~~~~~=1 ::-:.~· I;> ... ., ... f~' , o ~''JO'.'~, \0 THE REAL \....,__ESTATERS RENT THE OTHER The gate and step into an REPOSSESSIONS 91~~ * * * * * * Magnificent CU$1om home Huge master BR. suHe ' ', •I' Gener•1 1000 General II===;;;;; 3 BR CONDOMINIUM Jn choice secOon of MontlceJ. lo, to be complet'-ly redec. orated including. new c&r. pets. Priced below market. Act last o$2:~ne. 1000 Plus :Z guest Br's & ~·s Paneled den & bar Profitable to own ... A plea.. enchanting entr)'Way that Sparkling clean homes, some ""4l#c., 1ure to live In! T)le home U lee.da to this Jovely Newport newly painted & carpete;<I. 2, Jl£lt: r\' CUSTOM 2 BEOROOM I. GUEST COTTAGE Excellent Eastside location, com ple tely reclccorat. ed. Heavy shake roof & many bltn features. Retrig & washer included. Perfttt for the adult family 1nd in· la.WB. Immed occupancy. ... OERi=ION ,J~ ...... ,. ..... ~. Big lanai room with copper hooded fireplace a custom, luxurious charm. Beach home. 3 bedrooms, 3, 4 & 5 bdrms. Some with N1a r Newport Po11 Office er with 3 kt~ si:ze bed· garden baths, richly panel-pools. f1iA.-VA conv. terms, BY O\VNER: 4 Br, 2 ba, rooms; country kitchen and led family room and cozy from $17,000 to $40,00G. frplc, bJtns. Many xtras, Macnab-Irvine Re&lty Company ENTERTAIN ELEGANTLY Ctlmplete ho.st's kitchen For poolside entertaining huge family room. fonnal Jireplacc. Safe &nd quiet CU'-· Collins & Walts Inc. \Valk 'to 3 sch!s. \Vould con. dining, secluded Uvlna: room De-Sa.c street. Good buy at 884l Adams Ave, 962-5523 1 ='=''="=!='="='-=· "1=._=5306=.== , . ,PLUS a separate one $38,500. * FOUR HOUSES * I bedroom money-mAker that c I th re•lly """"' tho.. month-0 eswor y •. , Bdrm. .. ...... horn" In this magnrficent Dover on Jge. lot. Room for mon!, Shores home wlth a "FOR:. 1Y payments! ~s.950 for FORTIN CO. 642-5000 EVER VIEW."· ApproXi-both! $4600 down. See today mately 5,000 sq: fl. of Call now. Thanks. 546-2313 & Co. warmth & elegant: S Bed-Realtors or 646-n7t. REALTOR rooms, 3 1,_in-places ·ext~ 1 '0ur 15th Year Newport Beach Office $1000 PRICE ''·v, .. _ of bn·ck l torrazo • I Th ...... n • Harbor Area'' 1028 .Bayside Drive • R UC 0 1.,.,,. """"°""' • "'"" 6 73•4400 .,,.,,. ED Tl N carved dooni from a villa ---~~~~--· f ~ most outstanding value in Spain. S169,000 I"'~~!""~!"'~!"""' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BEHIND IN on today1 market In a Jux- FHA OR YA Great for l"-laws PAYMENTS ""' '"'"'' 1000 ••. ff.I 3 Owner says "SELL" hJ, 3 tr bedroom homr. Con9Wcr M u 1 t sacrifice. ASsum'-642..rilS 675--3210 bedroom, 2 bath home in SlS,600 VA Loan subject to th<>w features: large scpar- I "~!!!!!"'l'!!!!~~~!!!!'!O I Mesa Del !'.tar. Beautifully Sharp 4 bednn, 3 bath with ale family room witb we! J ' fonnal dinint rootn. 0 n e 6% annual percentage rate b f I di . 21~ Reduced to $175,000 Macnab-Irvine Costa Mesa 1100 University Par k 1237 NOT A SACRIFICE Not a bargain , • , it 's 11 STEAL! Forced sale to !Cl- ue estate. , ,heirs want im- med. action on this lovely l BR, 2 Ba. plus huge bonus family rm. All far $33,000 • Don't Wa.Jt! (ired hill REALTY Univ. Park Center, Irvine Call Anytime 833-0820 OCEAN VIEW-3 Brm $15,500 UNBELIEVABLE! That's Rtghl! Hard to be- lieve! But true!: A 3 J3ed. room home and two giant lots Jor the price of one. Pr1ee includes Mt size aJ. ley, R.J zoning, you can have many more units, All with ocean view, % mt from beach. You name the tenn11. Fantastic value! Don't Delay Dial 96Z-5585 FOREST E. OLSON Inc, Realtors 19131 Brookhunt Ave. Huntington Beach COUNTRY ENGLISH C"ALEl Unbelievable: Quir.f trr.e lin- ed st. to load!! ol NE\V ENG- LAND CHARM! Hug c rooms. Teardrop chandelier- ed Ionnal din!ng, Arched ceilings &. doors. Thick walls with strength like "SAM· SON." Step down master suite. l'ofassive log -burning fy-eplace, \Valk-in closet!. Load!! of brick. Covered pa. tio. Rich wood paneled de- tachOO garage. Only $27,700. Best to hurry and cal.J Cn•U 962-5585. FOREST E. OLSON Or no money down to 1 71 A I vets for this well kept 642· 7 nyt me 3M•U~ns. ~1t:sEFO. v:"! ~ ~~t~ ~~ii~=:~~ huge room convertible Into wP'ithr trnota10nthpa. yms•'.b"rn'',.,01 yoSl~ ha~~. n~:; new n~:~ car. in-law accommodations in-" .... t Pl h 40x62 ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!• OK, $24,~ • see page 1087 covered patio, corner lot I d. r . bed down' payment on thiB Clean pe . us a uge rear I' S 1o;,phoM yellow pages -~·ith room for boat or trail. cu ing iv1ng room, rm 3 bedroom with 2 luxurious yard with lots of concrete HIGHLAND I nr. Real tors 19131 Brookhurst Ave, 1-Iun!in~on Beach home located· in Costa 11;::,;;::,;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;::,;;~ Mesa. It has a,.. fully en· II closed cover~ patio. HELPfl 0 h h • private bath. Manicurro •nd wo!J kop1 Ja·"•c•-Costa Mesa's F'incst Real er. wner as pure ased a bat'-· c .......... and dra .... s. •N ,_, 2 Bedrms +Pool h ,_ ,_ h J yard, excellent landscapln~. '"' ~..,...,, ,.... ANO Estate Office. See your home ome at l·<e ""ac · ust re. Huge' rooms. Double gor-Assume VA loan. &nyone Large mstr bed.rm, 1·"%. ba, qualifies. )'ou1· terms, 3 REPOSSESSION Two cu g•rok•. corn-• , du<;ed to $29,750. Cali for an sprlnkleni front & rear, Only 10% down with a low· on TV· 1000 Free Christmas Inspection. 546-2Jl.1 Adult occupied. VA or rm ag'-wit h fenced yard. GOOD low priee of s:n.soo. pletely fenced front and rear yards, great for families, askllut $24,500. It'• vacant &o ""hurry!! gilts at office. Owner/Mgr. ~'l::. SHAPE OU! 01 'own O··-r 0--•, , tenns, .,....,900, · FOR DETAIL.~ -•re """ Ofarles Quintard ReaJtor,, w lk & L family room , separate for. . -Realtot'I ii'plc, db!e gar. S37,950, Bedrni, 1*. ha, !rplc, bltns, Ownr/Agt. 673--0139 crpts, drps. VACANT. * PANORAMIC VIEW 847-8507 $129 Mo. total pml ""lck ""'' on thi• h""' 4 • COi.A TS a er ee CALL 613-8550 bednn home with l* baths," ~ui"ntard mal·dining room. You'll be REALTY WALLACE 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams amazed at the size of the Sin<• 1946 REAL TORS ~5-0465 Open 'til 9 PM Luxury Ocean Blvd. Duplex. ~ ~· ... ~~~M~r~ Ov'-rlooking Jetty & Harbor. :• t:: j f l;JlJ --~~~==-== By O\\•ner; 67~ * _:_;A~··=-~· 10THEREAL \'.'.. ESTATERS ''" l •• ', ... rooms, 2650 sq. ft . of living J;>owntown C:01t• M••• Open Daily 1-5 Open E venings CAMPER Carone dol Mar 1250 BUILDERS Buy subjttt to this beautiful 51* % annual '..ti rate VA loan and you get 3 Bedrooms 2 baths. great neighborhood near school and 1hoppirli', owner uking $23,950. See itl •-• $150 Down 4 Bedrooms · Fixer upper Thi! one needs pa.int and clean up but at a price ot $24,000. It'a a stea.1 toW down only Sl50 plus closing coats in Costa Mesa. Call nowl Look! 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths $148.00 mo. inti. I taxes T&ke ovE"r aubjec.t to ex- isting FHA loan· annual % rate of 5"-% and you'll it'l 3 lar1;e ~­rooms. 2 baths, rock fireplace, built-in kitch· en. forced air heat, dou· ble garage, cul de sac street, block wall fence and an excellent Costa Mesa address. Call now -Open Eves. $100 Down 3 Bedroom 2 Bath $19,950 '"°'· Largo countTy •lyl• 1171 642-2991 2001 Aliso Avo I. 20th e:=96=::i2-44:=54~·== ·'TAX DODGE kitchen with el"ec bltns, pric. HAAIOlt F I o· . R ""i"" """""""'°to only I 0iiiiiii1iiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiilii.iiiiliiiiiilii. •I Orma mmg OOm · PJ,SOO, Be in by • • • • • custom hu111. 3.bcdrm. 2 ba, outstand~n~A:E!mn with COATS &ep living rm., fireplace, family k dinin& rooms. Re. & Christmas! fam ily rm., elec bltnis FA public Homes for lease-or ' WALLACE heat, patio w/gas fired ·BBQ lease with option to buy. • i. ~REALTORS 3 ·Bedroom + den home. pit, dble gar., space for boat Call Ior deta.W. l 546 4141-...:.,. Family/dining room, fire· &. trailer. (Open Evenings) place, bltns. di11hwash~r, Ladlenmyer Rlty crpls, drpl!. cover!d paUO, Call 646-3928. Eves: 548-6769 Also Back Bay 4 • family with pool, Now avs.llable, also with option. Dolla rs at Discount You will agree wbt.n )'OU see this c h e e r y redecorated 1'--0UR BDRM. Din, ,Rm.; Fam. Rm. tv.'O bath home, sparkling Bil gas kit. with ceramic tile counters and load11 of cabinets. Double garage, large 22'x26' cover- ed & encl~. well lit for evening entertainment, cus. tom patio, Located on quiet cul-Oe-.sac street near down- town Costa Mesa.. {0 U R YEAR END SPECIAL AT ONL '{ $34.950 . WITH FltA bND VA TERMSJ, M. M, LaBorde, Rttr. 64&0555 Eves: 548-3265 EASTBLUFf 4 BR. 2 Ba, home located on a large, tree lined, secluded fenced Jot. Ideal for young children.& large dop:, Own. er wanta: offer. $4:1,750. 133-0700 644-2430 dble garage, All in pcrfectl"'""""!"!'~~'!!"'!!!!!!!!!!! condition! Immediate pos-OWNER &enion! S28.T50. Wells-McCordle, ·Rllrs. DESPERATE l'ofodel home • $6000 under S<MHO ,,.....,.....,,. LLEG£1!EALTY 15mMlllll II~ 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M, 548-7729 market value. Gorgeous 4 !!'l~!!!!!'l"!!!!~!!!!I!!!!~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/ bedroom 2 story home • 3 Educational Center BALBOA ISLAND VACANT LOT $37,500 sparkling baths; fully car. ElemenlAry, Intermediate, ·peted, huge family room, High School &nd Orange fonnal dining & · \VOuld you Coast College are 11.ll wtlhln believ~ air conditioning? walking distance. Three bd· Immediate possession. Will nns. l ~ bath home wt th sell In the next 48 boars for B/N'1 and separate dini11g S39.950. All terms • FHA/ rm. A bargain al only $26,500 VA . NO DOWN. Ca 11 with FHA/VA ternui:. Lar;e 545-8424 South Coast Realtora ghoppin.c: center a n d San Step Right In! Diego Freeway nearby foJ your convenience. •. , To lhis Freedom home WILLIAM WINTON ,vith 11 n e.xisting high FHA Realtor loan & a low llS.'!IUmable in· M. M. LA BORDE, Rltr. 644>0555 Eves: 548-3265 BAYFRONT DUPLEX 2 BR., 1 bath & 2 BR. l~ ba.: on Big Bay, Very 1iv- 1ble. Room for 40 ft. boaL Owner wants quick gale, 229 Marine, Balboa Island terest rate. 3 bdrms, big ___ 6_7_5-_3_3_3_1 ---·I yards in 11. tine location. Pleasant St. . Almost new shag carpets, kitchen floors & window coverings , , • Busy! Busy! Busy! $23,950 6~~::1· 968-7015 Eves. Business Is g'rea1 , •. We are expandln1t. Need Mlesman. Ttle Real E11taters learn A'gent 675-4930 associated more, ee.rn more &: serve CONTRACTO~ better. ProfessU>nal, person-REPOSSESSION aliud training. Earn over 80%, Call 546--2316 for ln!er. 3 Bedroom n('11r Dana Pnint view, Marina. S1500 down. F'ull . price $26,500. tmmed. pos. session, SEE nns ONE: BROKERS -REAL TORS 102~ W Bolboo 1>7J-Jl>6: Cati ~95-5560 ·Brok1>r 11~=~===~~~==1 -~~!!!!!!!!!!~1 4 Bdrm,+ Family rm. FIX IT UP POOL HOME """"" oxi'1;ng apr. loon of O THE REAL '......,__ ESTATERS . . LIOO WATERFRONT APTS.-320 LIOO NORD Sl50,000 Price with 7% 1st T.D. 6 Beaut turn. units: 6 car garage&'&: util, room. 80 Ft on swimming Mach. \Viii consider trll.de for boat or maximwn ~,000 lie. 4 BR. house. Outside of ~Ing paint, a $26 SOO 6~%. Elegant entry tui.n •. 4 lltUe repair & some yard . ' . Bedrooin.'!I, h u i:: c family Biii Gr•ndy, Rltr. 32 Deluxe units in the city of Orange. Gold Medallion. all elec .•. S Fourplexes and 4 Triplexes with ·community poaJ, 'PIUs greer'I. belt area. Te!rific tax deferment on hl1h Income. Calf for detalls. N•wport •I Fairview 646-1811 (inytim•) $1,460 TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT for lhl11 gi:eat 3 bedroom, 2 bath home nestled on a huge country style lo!. Glistening HARDWOOD FLOORS, Also, carpeta: and drapes, Subject io VA Loan of $23,45(1 with tolal payments of S219 per month. Seller will carry balance Call • Walker & Lee Realtors 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 545-9491 Open 'lil 9 PM COTTAGE & INCOME CORONA DEL MAR A Charming llltle cottage plus renlal on a ~·ell located R-2 lot in desirable Corona del Mar. Only $3:1,950. With excellent ~rms. To see call 673&50. Quick! 'O THE REAL .....,__ ESTATERS work lhis "Mesa Verde 4 bedroom, 2 ~lh sparkler l'OOm, natural ·brick flre· Cam}1ridge'' Qome wit h 3 & with beamed cellini;:-family place, swim p~I, park like family &: formaJ dining rm room and FRANKLIN FIRE. yard 540-1720 1, In .,.at '"'"· Vacant. PLACE. 16 x · 32 hoatod 1955 ·Htrbor TARBELL BAYCREST AREA Make yo»r oUor. POOL. Wlntor bargain with . * BALBOA * -SALESMEN 4 BR+FR+POOL 8.l3 Dover Dr., N.B. 642-4620 VA or 1-"HA renns at new · . 141·Sllt WW RATE• 4 BR. home. View, plus 1tar. 21 Year old c.orona del 1.far ---w lk · & L age apt.. and . on :z R-21ol!! firm has openlnp for 2 ex-Newport Beach lovers took plus tloslng coats and OLl.EGE R~TV a er ee $69 ~ perienced real estate 1ale1-at this. 4 big-bdrms. lam· yoU can move Into th~ •bOOlicllnllll ,,ca Ne~port Beach Realty men Pleak call: Leonard ily room • sparkling pool • unbtllevable value be· 11ii=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=~ \ Smiih or w -•tor Haue tor plus Harbor High School • 2629 HARBOR -,. xmaJ1. I t's 0 .. 1 .. ~ ReaJtort * 67:l-16-i2 + .. '" ·~ -·3 w fclll! Ori 't ' Westcllff Shopping . All this yrs. old, has a flrepl&ct, LEMON HEIGHTS .~ es / ve SPECIA'L FEATUfl.ES app ' and only minutes to t b e built -In kitchen, forctd 64&-ml Opcn ti! 9:00 PM Pool, rwllo & ,ptc»<lid Dover 675•3000 air heat. all newly tt· HOJ1iculturiat'• delight, Jove-.. ~ ~~-~~~--=-beach. Priced under market decoraited. • HUIUl:'l on ly country estate, 2 acrea, Harbor View Silo"'" VI~. Iv•,r.. Wells.-e Steps To Oceen e for quiCk sale, Bet\er bilrey. this ontl 3 bedroom, den. 3 bath, In Coron• del Mar BuUt 4 bedrm, 3 bath, pwdr Emplf & like re WI Only DIAL 645-0303 room hOme, Lg din rm, fam ,.,., 500 BR f 2 FOREST E OLSON "°""' OK. 198.000. 4 Bodroomo, !amlly room -,m w/!rpfc. Avail now. Rey -· • 3 , •m. rm., , PETE BARRITT RLTY. ganlon kltc"'n o• ""' J W 033 M · "'" 2 "' gar., bl!M. REALTORS large lot. Luxury bath with ' ard, Rltr. l anners CAYWOOD REAL TY 2299 HARBOR.!. CM ~unk~n tub + many axtru. Dr., 646-l&iO Open Dally. 6306 W, COA!i't Hwy., NB 1'3.000. voo·own th< 1""1. $2B.,000 • 541-12'0 e LARGE. !mrnac. 3 BR&+ Pho 646-nn fam nn., near Back y '-4 BR + F1m lly rm. S.11, leen/opt or rent area, 2 brick ttplcs, hrd~"CI BEACH DUPLEX Beaut1ful home, Prime ~a. 4-BR., 2~ ba., trple, 2 Car Ooors. bltm, wafled 2 Furnished Units Enctoscd A covt<ttd petlo, gar. 3 Yn, old,~ Sq, Ft. park-like yard, covered Xlnt loc1tion 4 Bednn, huge !amily rm. A·l Ont. V•cant ·quick poa. patio, trees. Qullllty house $21 000 "";:;~7=m;;;:~~~I 540-1720. seu. Call today! on a beautiful 1tniet. 10'* 642·5200 SPECIAL DREAM HOME CLOSEOUT Great concrete storage for boat. trailer, and campers, Sharp 4 bedrooms, 2 bath home with FORMAL DIN- ' ING ROOl\f. Take subject tn 5% annual percentage rate FHA Loan payable $193/mo. Quiet EASTSlDE Costa Mesa neighborhood and you can be in for 01rl11tmas! Excellent vaJue a1 $29,950! Walker & Lee Realtors 2G43 WeatcliU Drive 64&-7711 Open 'Ill 9 PM REDUCED By owner for fa.~t sale be- fore Chri5tm.a8. \Vas $38,500, now only $.15, 750, 4 Bcdrm, family, and formal dining. Shag crpta, bltns, large fire. place, Vacant for fast pos. session! Beautifully Jocated near schools. for details call 540-1151. "The Only \Vay to Buy" GOOD 5 BR hse on Lon· rlonbcrry In No. C . l'o1 . Assume eKi5!i ng FHA loan ol approx $25,750 w/interest at only 6~ %. f2500 rlown paymnt. ChRs. C. Martin Rltr. 543-1J9j WVELY, quiet, seclud~. ocean view home. 2 br, den, 2 ba. Sl9,500. Consider l~&e/option. Owner 518-8007 ,,COU.EGt: PRK -$24,900 •• 3 BR-F1-IA 71,;~-LO ON + BY OWNER: 645--0971 * Mesa Verde 1110 J BDRM, 2 Bath. Over 2(0) sq, ft. Game rm, frplc, fenced yard. l'h blks from goll course. $5800 d n . Pymnts $19b/mo, (OWNER) 54.>3182. Newport Beach 1200 MOST UNUSUAL POOL HOME Interesting floor plant \Yllh rooms galorv In lhc heart of Newport Hrlghts with de- !U)(C pool 5 bcdloom11, fam- ily room with fireplate and barbecue. Deluxe kitchen with built-l n frettc:r, re_frtg:. erator and blender. Let us -how this mOtJt lnrereJ1Hng home, you'll ~ glad you did. Phone 646-n11 and only SJ9,500. Jn a dream ol a location! Credit re)e<:tions place 7 horn. l\1ost Rltrarlively decorated es on choice Iota on the mar· 3 bdnn., 2 bath. HWTy, this lret again!! 3-7 Bedrms, 3 & ~'On't last! $54.~ 4 baths, hltnll, c:rptg, I.bake Delancy Real Estat• root elc. from $33.940. 2828 E. en... Hwy .• CdM RANCHO LA CUESTA 644-7270 Brookhurst &: AUanta, .lLB. ~IM=M~E~D~.-p=o=ss~E=S~S~.-968-ll.1S Open JO am-3 pm Nice 3 Br. home, So. of Hwy. Move in for Christmas! Wood 'Jurning frpl., F.A. heat. Dbl. garage, Good tcnn11 Rv11.ll. MORGAN REAL TY 673-6642 675·6459 GREAT VIEWI FountJ in Valley 1410 REPOSSESSION I Large 4 Bedrooml G iant Famlly Rooml + Dining area, crpts, new paint! Only $31 ,500! HAFFOAL REALTY 842-4405 Of harbor&: ocean. AtlT. split levei home on R-3 5100 sq. I==========/ fl lot. Ideal for 4 apt_ unils . $200.000. 2501 Ocean B/\'d., Cd!'.1. By app't. only. Bill G rundy, Re a I tor Call: 612--4620 Lido Isle 1351 ON STRATA CENTRO • 4 Bedrooms, 3% Baths l5 Ft. + Lot Stre<>t to Strata $72,500 LIDO REALTY INC. 3377 Via Lido 673-7300 H~ntington Beach 1400 MOYE IN BY CHRISTMAS $123/MONTH Outstanding home \Vith hugr 1~ x 17 SEPARATE Family Room complete with POOL TABLE. Smog frre and close 10 Blue Pacific. Pur. chase subject to 514 annual percentage rate Joan, VA or 1'1iA Terms available, Call Collect, MOYE IN BY CHRISTMAS and aMume subject to 6'~ % VA loan with as llltle a.~ $l)OO down! Three queen. 1lUd bet11"10m!I, carpeted . and rlraped, FrREPLACE for Santa and MORE. $26,500 and only J years old . Walker & Lee R.('aUors 7682 Edinger (TI4) 842-4455 or 540-5140 60/. VA Sa nta Ana Hgts . 1630 2-STORY Southern Colonial. 5 br/3 ba, d in 'g/rm, lam/nn. Located in Beaut section of ~.A. lights. Ex· isting" GI A1prtgage, can be .assumed YI/Lo On . pymt. $37 .500. ~;>.2992. 170S La guna Bea ch ------~- WOODS COVE AREA Over 3300 sq. fl. in all wood, C"Ustom hon1e. 4 Bedrooms, 4 halhi; & &aUna bath; den AND family room, Modem eRsy care built-in kitchen "'ilh dishwasher. View din. ing room, 2 l!replace1: large double gar.!lge & workshop, $65,000. Call • ._,,/Otan REAL ESTATE 1100 Glenneyre SI . 4!H-9473 S4.q-0Jt6 EMERALO BAY Just listed! Allr. traditional 3 BR. 3 .Ba., sep. Uv,. nn., din. rm. I.: fam. nn. n6 Emerald Bay $75,000 Sho'wn by app't, Bill Grundy, Re altor 833 Dover Dr., NB 642-48:ll • $73,500 • 2-STORY, 3.000 &!.·Ft. 3 Br/2 Ba, living/rm k famll)/rm, 2/fp'1. * GOOO TERMSl1 ·* 404 Emerald Ba.Y, 4!W-2609 D•na Point 1730 $30,950 New 3 BR rtsldence. 34041 CaUlla Drive BUllJ>ER + 642-4005 4 Bedroom, usume S25,500 Gr loan, S209 •a month in- cluding taxc11, wry sharp clean hOme, excellent J'IC!igh. borhod, c11rpe1A, drapes, I -----·-----1 large bedrooms, 11pacioua Condominium 1950 • modern kitchen \\'ith bltns, cozy living room with Palos Verde alone fireplace, fet)C. td And l!uld!caped, call .•• BOUUYARD 546-8640 - Geor•• Wllll•mlOl'I CORONA HIOHLANOS TARBELL 2955 Htrbot-ean P•nick Wood 5'5-:z:Jllll Down, 133,000. Klngunl •RealtOr ~= •ti"'c:.!:~1°:r~'~e~w=E~STCL!FF==~co=N=oo~~.1 ,~.~B~i~ll~H~••~,.,~n~,;R~lt~r.~l ~R.~Ej.~MJ~2-~2222~·5'.j;~:I :~~~~~~~~~ I' '7~ 645-1 • .164 E .. 1. Bdnn1, 2 · baths. o o ·1 y 2 BR. 21! ho. CJ"b~ 2lll E. C...i, C<IM &7=1 MUST SELL BY OWN ON THE CHANNEL 169.500. Pool, s., ... Ownor/uny. $1B1 a month • Eastside 5-Plex. Bnnd oew, '" •lrnPlo. 1 blk HZA41I 1·::::)'4MlOJ \0 THI:: REAL '"-l:STATF;RS ·. TIBURON TO\VNHOUSE R.e- 511.le, 2 Bedrm, 2 bath, one story, carpets, d,rape1, Jow. ty private patio, dble pr., a ir •coro1t1oncd. Tak• ovtt Ct loan with only 12450 cub + low dosin& COits. Larw ln RN lty, Inc. ()poll E"""lot• 1111 l ::IO 5 s~!;, +~~an~· 53 8:e1: CORBIN-Eut C.M. 3 an.. 2 81• VA no Loan.A!!:.":'~~. hUJe $88,000 ::~·C:u~~· .;f;a~t. r::c~ 8~t~w:~~~l 8~": )'OUng. 149,950, MARTIN ~j~~l6SO ~5000 femlly nn, beamed ceUlnp, 356 E. 20th StrHt dbl gu. 642-M. come. 12:19 Delaware St, CAVWOOD REAL TY , tittpit + BBQ. elepnt alale Cott i Mesi DUPLEX et ocean • 4 br, 2 NO matter "11.at it J:s, YoU ~ W, Q>uil H\¥Y., .NB • , for an '&d ·~ liA!!ll around e:ntry h•ll. StQ.1720 642-4905 ba up,! br, 2 ba dn. View. can aell It wttb a DAll.Y l!...-!!!1 .. l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l ___ .!S:41::1:!2'0!!. ___ 1 ~R~E~A::L~T:.:O~R~S~_:64:4::7.::66~2 ""clock, dtal GU-561'. TARBELL 2'55 Htrbor Prep lnl. & film. 675-0922 P ILOT WANT AO! Ml-WS ' 962-6911 Anytlm• ' 'V.1 HITE ELEPHANTS" ovemuvilng your houM! "Cash" .. sell 1htm thru Daily P ilot Cl&.55Uicd ""..,,... .... .,..., ... 'T...,,,.,r""f,....,...,...,..,,.,....,....,...,...,......,,........,.,..,,.,....,,,..,.,,......,,-.,-.,,-r.--,,-,,.,,,,..,,,.,. . ..,,~,,,.. -,,-...,,,,,...~,,,r.'1•~•rr nnc-·-.·1 r:-; •• ~ t :; t' r. ft!!•~ .. 'It .1 , 1. • 1 ~;:: • ;:-;r rl r •• • i 1 ·; -,,. i< .. ij •••• ~L;SP"f,T • Tuesdu, Orcembtr 1.5, 1970 ilJAT,.. RENTALS REMTALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTAL' RENTALS RENTALS 'HouMJ l'umlohod Houw Unfumlshod Aptt. Furnished Aptt. Fumlohod Ap!t. Unfumlshed ~ Unlvmlllhod Ap!t. Unfumlohod ~· Unfurnlshod Apls. Unfurnlshod f~§·~1;;;~2G~40~1~U~n~lve~n~ltygjP~•~rlt~~m7~,l~H~un~l~IR1~~1on;is.~och~t-~H~un~tl~ntf~~on~Bo~odi~~-~-~·l~O...~~r~•kl ;;;~-~ N!'!E"'! ... ch , 5200....,flO!! Booch 5!00 Bolboo 5300 Huntington Booch 5400 "80 W/Utflltf-· OCEANFRONT 1 br • ll.50 + BEACHBLUFF Apt• ~llBR'-P~·i:.o1 c~.z.:m....r:R!.~~ 1 /l Q // VENDOME PRESTIGE LOCATION utUt!ltolt~i:;rlY. NEw2BR .. 2Ba,dbbw"h. ... olnatu or COllples, Move S BR, D.R., 2 !>< ....... $321 o/..a ainla ....l<f61'1n0~Q IMMACULATE APTSJ ""'· pool. patio. 8231 Ellh. la ....... l BR, Fam Rm, 2\l bl ••• $300 -ADULT and '""'NER SQUARE 642-3<11 or 647-3967, BLUE BEACON c BR, taznn,, rm., 211 bl. Casull estate living. Enter Lo Quinto Her-f'AMILY S.ctloo IV1""' APARTMENTS Lido Isle S35I 'LR:;cG,,:.:_Allr,...;.;ac-2~e='r-'fllOc'-m~l=l39. 645-0W 2500 Sq, Ft, ........... $375 111osa's lush green atmosphere & stroll tr... CloM to shopping, Pork • d ' 1 1 d' ,., I ff h 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;; All "''"'· Pool. Kl6• & WE HAVE OTHERS! lined walk ways to your apt * Spa\.!Joua 3 BR's, 2 b& Imme 10 e Yi o iecent ,vvestc i $ op· LUXURIOUS b'ont apart. pets nk. )'urn. avl. 847-333Si ALL UTILITllS INCLUDED * Swlm pool, puVarecn ping canfar-has a Jownhousa avail· mcnt, 3 bedroom, 2 ti.th, 968-7510· 2005 ~CH PAd, Ll;una. to Hatt w/blp person. Pvt bc:h,. ~ ""'· John 533M56, Ex 1 IR. Unf. $150 -Furn. $180 * Frpl, JndJv/lndry fac'la bltns, carpets, drapes, t!Wl· '1~B~R'". -unf~urn-.,-,'"."'Ad"'d"J'"ts-.,..- 2 BR. Unf. $175 -Furn. $210 1145 An•helm Ave. obis featuring private resiOential of· dtclc, fireplace and patio. ly. No pets. Encl gar. • S fir I d f • hln 11 COSTA MESA 00-2824 $395 Lease. To 6Ce call .• • $110/mo. 842-4549 • J>.•c. • Pans, ecor. urrus gs: ve · mosphere. 2 Bedroom. '." eter, gos & JEAN SMITH RL TR witlifn romantic setting w/fun or /crlvacy. --·" ' • 1 lilt. Adult., no ""· mu nk B Q• I , ....... l!J!Dlll bl TH • I d d . K' h &46-~ <100 E. 17th St., CM I"""· N"'R OCEAN. I·•a·t •1 19t$" Terraced pool, pri. su en ga.s 1 w 1_. • ca e 11 v. inc u e in rent, 1tc en ..... c.11. " .. 8.-\0iELOR will share home hi We1tem Bank Bldf:. seculded seating compl. w/Ramada & Faun· E S built-ins include i:Jishwesher & d'isposel, ol<. $LIO/mo. ~3200 ev!s, vJilh anothu Ceollere $tU· Univertlty Park taiD. RENTAL FIND R. 2 k 3 BR, downstri, bltns, dfnt. etc.l 646-6245 Days IU-0101 Nlghta 1i: Color 'co.ord, ldt wi1 indirtct ti 9hting. !:: Frff To landlords wall to wall carpets, full length linen S.lboa Island 5355 pat., nr Bch & F..dinger. Gi)iL to share ocean view, 'li::::::l:::::::l:I: =::=:::=:mi * Dtluxt r•ng• & ovens * Plush shag ~rP.tg. t=_ 64.S.Olll Orapes. Also available 11 ·2 & 3 Bed. LEASE 2 BR. 2 BA unfurn.1~64;.;2-c.;2;.:387='""~84::2-.:7062:;=-~~-· b amed ceiling hour;e, Vic-• DON'T DELAYI -/!(Bonus storeg• SP.IC•+ Cov •. c t rport • t-4JJW.IM.C_,. ,.... Stove, ttfr\a, cp~ldrps. DELUXE 2 Br. Newly dee., tdrl• Beach. 494-1764 CALL US TOOAYI * Sculpturtd mir~I• pullfn1n le tilt b1ths room, $185 to $255. Call Bob Buckley Adults only, No pe ts , pool, FM, adults. 219 15th 1-'--------12 BR 2 baths $275 * El•_9•nt rtcrt1t1on room. $175 NEW 2 BR apt. Best at '645-0252 or come by MARINER 675-tl486. St., HB. 536-:mo Cosio MoH 2100 4 BR· 2 ba. Eli.;;;·:::. $275 FURNISHED MODELS OPEN DAILY Co!oca•talloMo . .,.356_ E. 20641h._.iJ; SQUARE /\perlments. .Ii" lrv'ine * BALBOA ISLAND • 2 br. I BR ap1. N•ar b•ach. $135. : E1e'8nt 3 Br 2}1; ba ,, $C25 Blk from Huntington Center, San Diego .,..,. frplc. Ca 11 after 4, 213/ AduJtg. AVAIL Jan. ~. Halecrest. 3 4 BR. 2% baths •••••••• $350 Frwy .. Goldenwest College. Costa Mtsa 5100 Ave., N .B. 377-2140 8474461 or 536-1710 ~room home. Nr Baku & 3 BR. mo. ta ma ••..•• $l50 San Diego Frwy. to Beach Blvd., So. on ~~~~~~~=~;m~~~~~~~~~,j~g~~~~~~~ STOVE & retrig, 2 hr. pvt Fairview. Adult family, no 3 BR.02~ baths .: •• $300-$325 Beach S blks. to Holt; W. on Holt to • • • Huntington B•ach 5400 trrrace. Secluded, si ;,.; mo. ~ ~~t mo. Box P2200·2043, 3 i Ba.r lnboedu .. h ... ~.l340,, Cotllo•OMouin·t·· H ormoso 714: 147.5441: BRAND NEW 2 BR. Cotto Mo.. 5100 Newport Boech 5200 '"" & Acaci•. H.B. •1&-9111 REALLY DIFFERENT! * VALUE " Quiet 2 Br,, CHANNEL front 2 BR. ON BEACH! Fountain Vallty 54111! N•wport Beach 4100 N•wport Be•ch 4200 All deluxe features, Priv. pa.. crpta, drpa, dshwhr, pool. upstalr.i apt, New cpl, drps. tias beam ceilings, panel. Adult1. Na pets. $130. 2295 Boat dock, Cpl only, S200 • 2 BR unt. From $225 AU. NEW TOWNHOUSE • b<auti!ul, REALTY CASA de ORO STEPS t~ &b, lrg 2 Br. Ing; lq>Jcs avail. Big '" Pacifio Avo., C.M. 548-<018. mo. 673,.9556 au 6 • 2 BR Furn. From $285 VALLEY PARK trh:iern, 3 br, 214 ba, frplc, Un iv. Park Center, Irvine CASUAL beam ceilings, frple, radio bldg, putting green, sand or 642-4429 DUPLEX ~ 2 Br. garage, Ql.rpets-drapes-dishwasher Far FAMILIES with pre- p4tip, pool. 2-car garage, all Call Anytime 833-0820 CALIF. LIVING! ·gar dr. $220/yrly. 642-3490 volleyball. (You Name It!). LGE, clean, quiet 1 & 2 hr drps, stove, shag cpts, large beated pool-saune..;.tennis school children only, b!Jm,' crpts, drps, Lease ~~~~~~~~~ in a warm Medit. atmos· * OCEANFRONT 1 BR. Adulfs, M pe11. Close .to apts. l hr $110, water paid. patio. Back Bay $155 , rec room-ocean views 2 & 3 BR and 2 BR Studio SJlS/mo, 523-4710 or pbere, Spacious color co. Yearly $175/mo. Also $140. everything, $165. 2 hr $160, util paid. Na Adults, no pell. 642-2261 patios-ample parking, SlliO ta $21.S 84'-5991 eves or wknds. 1----------~· ted d . d & 673-2259 or 644-597'l children. 33l·A Avoca.ck>, 2 Security gum:ls. Co-• dol Mor -~· ...-..1ru1. apta • e&Jglle ,,_ CM BR, 2 BA, bltllll. erpt.s, HUNTINGTON 17256 Sauth Euclid, FV 3 BR 2 BA with view & •vu ~~ turni.sbed for style & com-JOI w. Bay St. (btwn Harbor drps $170 N H U (Just Sauth ot WarnerX 'htdlfiltrd pool, avail now at 2 Br. view Furnished 'Til tort. a Priv htd pool • Ntwport Hgts. 4210 & Newpon Blvd, ~ mi N. Inq.' 4150 ~atr~1 :J': PACIFIC (714) 540-4715 $473 mo. Call Mr. Hoegee June' lit. $3oo Mo. • Kitchen w/ indirect lighting CLEAN 1 or 2 Br. Adults, no ot l9th~ • NOW RENTING • 642-4387 642-lm. *8424, Ag!. UNF. 3 Br. 2 Ba. Weslcliff. e Deluxe RIO, UTlL, JN· pets. Lg kit. $~$150. 2421 64&-0073 Mesa Verde Atta. NEW Du. 1U OCEAN AVE., H.a Santa Ana 5620 4 iR & den, ~ blk to heh. Exceptional at $350, CLUDU>, Adl.llts only .. no E. 16th St, NB. ~l80L e !Jao ask abaut our e plexes, 2 Ir 3BR, bltns, encl BAYFRONT YEARLY (714) 536-1481 -:;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;";;;;~1 w tr ""ls. BRAND NEW SUPER apt. -pr, patios. wshr / dryer 2 br, 2 ba. untum (Will furn). Ofc, open 10 am-6 pW Daily • Y rd. Vu of ocean. n University Realty 673-6510 r-BACHELOR •1,5 all features above + 2 Br hookup, Alaa lrg 2 & 3 BR Pvt beach &: patio. No pels, Managed by CAN'T BE BEAT 71lll Seashore Dr. 642-7671 3 B• e ... A,, brick tpl. • • " Corona dtl Mar 4250 ·• ~'UV> ""r mo. Call 67J.0774. WILLIAM WALTERS co. .... ucu 1 BR. i175 , 2 Ba., 2 trplcs. Ir. 4-plexea, 5f6.1.034 ............ "" -r-L • 1' I •351 bltns e 2 car gar e Sa. of 365 W. WUson. 642-1971 NEWLY deooratetf 1 BR. -IMMAC., Newly decoratec1;I.!!!!!!!!..,!!!!!!!!!!!!..., 1,0 s • -Hwy • $250 Mo •• or wtll -NEW TOWNHOUSE 3 Bdrm bay S blea 0 B h SINGLE STORY sell. Realtor 675-5726 ./ Beautiful 1 & 2 BR turn Ideal lacation, i l60/mo. util DELUXE s. view, best ll SB n 8aC South Sea Atmosphere LIDO I Isle 3d BR, 2ABail or unlurn apts. O~RING: incl. Adulta only. 514 TOWNHOUSES 2.tB!, 11~1:18<1· ~BR, Crptg, Dbea.~hea. ~~tYearly673-9060 2 BR .• 2 BATH comp, tum' hse. va ---------·I sell clean. oven D y (in Fernleaf, 642-6766 or ... .,.s, tt: e ng gas ov. avi son Y J,rg 1 BR. Only $200 Carpets&. dlyl! Utll's pd. 6'f3..G281. Lido ltlt 3351 2 Br), dispb, sh""' crpts, 494-4117 ON NEWPORT ~ACK BAY en, encl gar. Patios. 548-3605 2 BR, .den, 2 ba, cpt, drp&. 2 Br, 2 Ba. Only S22S Air Condiliotll'd _ -. 377 W. Wilson. 1 -I • 1 drps, Jac:uzzi &. Sauna th. 2 -BR, fully crptd, pool. So. 3 &: 4 BIW Ba Frpl tam .u<g IV rm, •torai:e, pa.. 2 Br w/ocean view & Private Patios L.,una Beach 2705 3 Br, crpts, drp.s, bltns, Huge Pool, FOR ADULTS of Hwy. Clase to ahopa. • c, pooJ, jaccud, IHHI, am W sq• priv deck Only $300 HEATED POOL frplc. Adulta. $300. 673-1768, nl Adults $185. lse.1673-8213. room, doub~ garage, Beaut. VACANT, Redecorated pell ok. $25.S. 6f2..5765. FUrniture av~ilable Plenty of lawn I * RENTALS * 142 Vt. Uoclloe. OMYE.RRIMAC WOODS Joun.,. Pool. Billlanl•. througf>out 2 BR, Iba, cpl•. ff t• gt p .1. C LAGUNA BEACH 2 BR l·Blk to OcHn Adult" Childttns ..... drps, ,..,,,.;.. bltnJ, S9(] 3 Br, 2 Ba. unfllrn. Bl""· un ID on ac1 IC •rport & Slorago ·(A.) 2 bdrm, turn. unit. lge. Balboa Island 3355 425 Merrimac Way Call Aft 4: 544-4558 $250/mo. 642-0300, 540-5147 Joann St No D 2 yng Cfl)ll, drpa. $2'JS/mo. C&ll HIDDEN VILLAGE tI'l!e shaded patia, 150 yds.1---------Costa Mesa. l ·BR., patla; walk to atotta childttn Ok, nc)peu°, $140. 540-7573 or aft 5 968-8658. APARTMENTS GARDEN APTS. · 1 2500 South Salta 'to beach. Leaae@$165 Mo. SUBLEASE 2--story 3-br. ]liJ 4 :'te ~P• • ,n~so•w:'up & beach. l Adult over 40. • MARTINIC'f)UE e * * NEW 2 & 3 BR. Shag ---------1 711 Qcean Ave .. H.C. Santa Ana e 5§6.1525 {B.) 2 bdrm., 2 balh, view, ba, crpts & drps, Thru $125 Mo. qt. 673-2222 crpts, dwhhr, a:ar. Only 3 Newport H•l9hts 5210 536-1487 cldse to beach & evez:ything. Sept. lat. $325. Alt 6, STUDIO &: 1 BR Apts Pvt bach rm & ba. Park .. Llkt Surroundings neighbors in your Bldg. I .;.;.;:.c.!C0.;.;..;..;.;==-:;;;;~1 Managed by Fiftfplaoe, charm. Older 675-8721. • ColoLl r TV, P!10ne serv. J?G, I ' Nicely furn·d. No DELUXE 1-2 &-3 BR API'S. Child ok, Nr. S. Coast NICE 2 Br, pool, bltns, cptl!,, ~-w_1,,11.;.1,_m~w_a1_"~".:..cCo-'-. ~I ~VILLA MARSEILLES place w/ wood paneWna:. • nens, m1ud aerv Ava1, cooking. 673-6904 Alsa FURN. BACHELOR Plaza. 540-1973 or 54~'2.111 drps, patio. Adil~. no pets.1· (~t3 ~~~tier home, Huntington BNch 3400 Soc{~~ecl~~':em;:u~~~~S!etc l BEDROOM furn ap t :v,::;;s •* ~::u r:,: SPAC 2 hr, l~ ha studio. S145. 642-8001, 642-8006, Huntington Granada 'BRAND NEW cl in Iocatian, Fireplace. BEAUT 4 bedrm, 2 ba. hame. 2376 NeWJ>Ort Blvd, 548-9755 w/iarage $l'75. 1m Sa.ala Ana Ave CM (:rpt&. drpi, bltns. N r 1 BR. From $13.'i SPACIOUS Ki ben w/range & refrlg. Crpb, drps, all bltns, htd & • • • • • • • • • 1 * 675-5.55.1 * Mgr. Apt U3 • 646-5542 ~~~ & shaps. ;165 Irvine 5238 ::i BR. 2 bA. From $155 l & 2 Bdrm. Apts. Dithwabr. Lease@ $3()0 Mo. filtered pool wltb auto FOR You &: room-mate on 2 BR apt, tur_niahed. 5 blkl BRAND NEW Ea.str;ide 1 k 2 ~~~'i;;;;;;;;-;--;:~a;~ I :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1Sep FAMILY SECTION for Adult Living MISSION REALTY sweep, 3 ca.r gar. Avail now. guaranteed 'j>ayment plan, from beach I.JI Corona del NEW LUXURY 1 & 2 Br. children ur.der S. Furn. & Unfurn. 985 S. Coast Hwy. Call Mr. Hoef!e 545-8424 Unusual NEW unit Jives ea. Mar $175 mo. 548-7983 BR. 1 &:: 2 baths. $lS5 to Dshwhr, ahag cpt. garages. NOW LEASING! Just Sauth ot Warner Di~hwasher. color coordinat-~ Phane 49'-0731 South Coast Realtars. tully private are.u &:: entry, $l9S. Crpts, drps, dshwhr, Pool & Rec. Quiet adult liv· New, family and adults units ed appliances • plush shag I-~-------°'""=~~~~~~-· 1 CA w/t-place. bath, beamed 1 BR. FURN-Nr. Shp'g $150. so!ll clean Pl• oven, all wtr tn8-! 642-44 70 with total recreation club on Golden West, H.B. 2 BR, 2 BA mobile home. ceilings, patio, refrig. All 602 Heliotrope, 646-6.300, & a:as pd. Hid paol. 324 E. c1a and hoo 2 11 __ _._(7._1:_:4c:>.c84:.::.7·.c1~0::55:.__ carpet • choice ot 2 color RENTALS Driftwood Park at the rec. facilities. Available 644-8397. 2'.ltb St. 646--9148. IMMAC. 1 Br. Lrg sets. pre-ac I. 1, ' & 3 CASA del SOL schemes ~ 2 balhg • stall Houses Unfumlthed beach. Adults only. mid-Dec. 646-0073 BolL--WILSON GARDENS APTS ~1.'.'u·tl!Ppdool .. .,~oA,,~~bl. no bdnn1 from $150. Nr. ihop. showers . 1"1.irro:'ed ward· ·-rr~,d~•:"w!"'ocl~s~Rl~Jy~84~1~-<5~11',,... I -SiH!CRP.Ci:EA'N2iBR-"'"' 4300 2 BR. Unf N 1 d ..--.,...,....,.,,, ping, golf, schools, Jusl robe doors . indirect llaht· Gtfteral 3000 ::-SHARP~LEAN 2 BR. urn. ew Y. ec. 2 BR studio 1% BA, util nn, &auth of San Diea:a Fwy. on Channing casuaJ new apt.I Ing in ldtcben • breakfa.st 2 BR, crpt, la:rg-e yard, patio. Pool, $155, Adlts, na pets • $25 WK-OCEANFRONT New cptl k drps. Spac ckise to scltls, Avail 12-15 Culver Dr., Irvine. 8J3.3733. at th i:,i;ach • bar • huge private fenced .._: 3 BR "' BA * garage. Privacy. 2 kids OK. Teens ok 642-9520 Lovely Bachelors, 1-Bdnn. grounds. Adult&, n<> pets. •1ss ""'1153. PARK WEST 1' BR. F-m •145 patio • plush landsca:pin .... II{' • A • 1229 Delaware SL BONUS ARRANGEMENT Maki ser, Pool, utll. SltO mo. 2283 Fountain Wayr.:·=~~=-=='------1 '" • ·~ 190. Carpets, drapes, dbl E (Harbor turn w on LRG 2 BR apt, P'"°· d.._, APARTMENTS 2 BR. From $215 brick Bar-B-Q's -large heat.. -• F NI 1n-11 •• $235, Optlan ta buy, 4 Br &. This week ........ ·.Save US a 675-87~ • ·. • • ·.-Owned and Managod by 21~ B-kh"-t St HB erl pools &: lanai. gu . ncd yard, ce ....,"""" den, dishwasher. Nr Adams Wilson). cpta, util rm tor waRher & '''" ,....., """ home. Won't last! & Magnolia. 962-DOOl AcApuloo Apt& attractive, BAYFRONT-watch the baat GOLD MEDALLION dryer, aar. $l55 up. 546-41688 The IIVim Company (714) 962-6653 ' 3101 So. Bristol St. l&LUE BEACON Pool, Util paid, Garden parade! a Br. furn, apt.~ 2 Bd 2 B th (1,2 Mi. N. of Sa. Coas: Pla.ia) *'i 645·0111 * livinr. Adults. no pets. 18th to Dec 26th. 101, E . Modern 2 Br. 1~ Ba., pa.do, NEWLY decorated lge 1 BR. nns. .. a Santi Ana _L-'og~u_n_o_B_o_o_c_h __ 3_7_DS 2 BR. $115 • I BR. 1145 Balboa Blvd. 613-2760 orpu, -· GE kit. Encl. blln•, $137.50. Eost Bluff 5242 PHONE: 557.8200 *'WON'T LAST* 2 BR 2 ba, pllt I Ibo !800 Walla,,. Avo, C.M. gar, Many luxury ""'"' * 847·3458 * __ ;_ __ ...;;;:.;;:1 $150 MONTH • POOL i t200'mo. 5 eve use. $25 Per Wtek & Up Lido Isle 4351 ~ .• bus. $155. Adl.llt.s.120 E. * l•&: 2 BR. Newly carpeted, 1WNHOUSE 2 Br/2~ ba; 1ncl ept/d~. kids OK CLEAN garden apt 2 br. 1~ $165. O)zy 3 BR cottage 49'-8413 BACHELOR & 1 BR. wt · flrapes, elec.1 k i tc hen. bl tins & Frplc. encl dbl pr. DELAWARE STUDIO apts ba. din area. dshwshr, dl.sp, ~. ~~ ~~~t~~~.t.s, $26S. Beaut 3 BR 2 BA cust· TV & ,naid serv avail. L~~ ~~ni~nc18:cC:· i~ VILLA. MESA APT5. Children ok. Ph. 646-8153 752 Aniigos Wy; 675-5033. 2ti20 Delaware, H.B. stovt', crp!s, drp.s, patio :BLUE BEACON bit. Beams thru, frpl, view, 450 Victoria, C.M. Mo. Including utUitles. 2 BR, Priv 'Qatio.11td pool. 2 BR studio apl $145. Inquire 64~2271: after 3 p.m. 536-1.Slli 1 :•;'~r.='1~1;;70~. ~546-6=~'"===o:I 1 * 645-0lll * Immac. 8.12-7449 eves. DELUXE 2 BR. furn & un-Bay & Beach Rlty. 675-3000 2 car encl d gar. Children 1343 Baker St, Apt A or B, Corona dtl Mar 5250 * FRESH AIR --5705 ~'=~~-.,.-'-~'-c,""cl wtlcome no pets please! or nll 531-2399 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Laguna Beach i\tEiy CLEAN and spacious furn $145 ta $16.'i, Pool. 2 1 BR.. Lrg claseta. Poat $165 rnO 719 w WillSGn. •----------Wall< 3 blks to Beach! 3 tiedrm home with 11 fenc-Laguna Nlgutl 3707 children ok, 177 E, Zlnd St. Shut f 1 e board • Ne• r G46-l251 • • *2 BR, 1 ha, MES A Beaut. big 3 BR apt. w/w OCEAN VIEW • Lrg 2 BR. ~d yard, bltns and lots of ;G:;;Oo.:LF=coc:-uno""'•"v";,"w_ho_m..;•'°."4 642-3645 cpt/drps, Util pd. 1884 Q • Ad I L' VERDE. Nu ept, drps; gar, ,..._~ crpls, drps, bltns except apl<;. Unturn. Crpts, drps, room. Mo/mo OK at $250. * 1 BR. Furn, upper. ~·onrovta Ave,CM u21•t ut rvin9 nopets.$150.5.57·8400. .,.~·1 ..,..,,1 refrig,S22a.Nope!g,536-J?U blt-inll, patios, walking caµ Aaent 546-4l41. br, 2 ba or 3 plus den. Carport. Pool. $l3S I mo. 1 &: BR. Shag cpl&, bltns. CLEAN 2 BR. Adulta over ...,. et"C' distance ta town. ·100 Clift 3 BnRM •·-"" 1 u Frplc, drps, n!w s.ha&' ~~· 560 Hamilton or call Balboe Island 4355 beAut lndscpd. $150 & $170 35. $140/mo. Ga& & water • WANT Older couple . to Dr., Laguna Belich. 494--.'>493 4"' • + .....,,...., rm., u bltns, outdoor patios, 5 , ... , 545-0760 incl all util, AduJts only 00 paid. 548-2407 ON TEN ACRES manage 6 units. (2 bdrl. $50 S95D I dinin& rm .. built~lns., brk. breezeway, trees. $295/mo. I -~-------COLLEGE Or wrkg girl, Jive ,,..ts. ,!::::,:;~;..:.::;__~-~ allowance un i130 ttntal. C d • I $390 th No FEE •= ·~· ,-LRG 2 BR t d bit I • 2 •ft ~--• u·•·-w-,·te Da•·ly Pilot Box M-12 on omin um a man · • .,.,,.._,,, CLEAN & QUIET at the Balboa lslAnd Inn, 241 Avocada St. 646-0979 • crp s, rpa, ns, • ~ 1; ""'" • •uui" • Newpart, 540.-1720. Furn. Bachelor $115. 1 Br. 'IV & te!e ph In m= rm. l $162.50 2 BR unit witb patio, na pets. S135. Wk:dys Fireplao!t '/ priv. patioll I :!JO W. Bay St, Costa Mesa.' BEAUTIFlJL Country Club )3 BDRM .• Family rm., park Dana Point 3740 $125. Adults onlx. no pet.s. Br. $65/ma & up. 121 AgAte fireplace, crpts, drps, beam =·-'=t=S'°""'o'·-".;.'-'-'186-'1~-~-~;~:=r~:; WALK TO OCEAN Villa, C.r.L 2 hr. l '~ ba, pvt I like yan;I. Costa Mega. Kids 2 BR, 2 ba, trplc. / ·crpts / See Mgr. #6 2135 Elden, CM Ave. ceiling, patio entry. Adults 5 ROOM apt, 2 Br, bltns, (MacArthur nr. CoNt Hwy) Lovely New 1 & 2 BR. Crpts, 'ba1io, crpts, drps, hltns, etc. OK. brk., $200 a month, NO all $30 wk-l per, w/kit $35. only, _no pets, references. range & stovf', !iv, rm, din ~~~~~;~~~·l~d:"':'~·~d:w:h~r.i7~09~P~al~m~.--S260 mo, Call Jeanne 1-'EE. 540-1720. ~~s£:i,~5Ad~~. 4:_i:oozare Maid ser, linen11, TV & tele. Huntington Beech 4400 23;,.t Santa Ana Ave. rm & den. $190. 646-833.1 -CORONA DEL MAR 847-3957 =E=d'=w='•="'='=· ,;968-<32o==:3=== ' RENTAL" :.~~~7~~~ 230l Npt BEAUTIFUL FURN. API'S .. ,_6_73"-0_3!J5 _______ 1 BR. Duplex. Stove/refr. Deluxe 2 BR. 2 ba., upstairs MO~A KAI 2 BR. Patio, Pool . Rentals Wanted 5990 lcosta Mesa 3100 Apts. Furnished I ~:.;;,:;,..:.,;,,:.;;,c._ __ ~~ $140.$165. Quiet, priv, patio, 2 * $170 ·* ~r:::~i..~ard. 2 4 2 apt. w/priv, sundeck, all bit· Children OK. $155 up. Inquire I;.::=:;;:.:::_:.:.::;:.:;.::::.._:::.;:; =;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I ~:!:!!=;.!:.:~!!!::=!-;::: • BEAUT. Bach, &-1 Br. wardrobes, trplc, drtSfiing 3 BR. 1111 BA, patio, bit-Ins. l ,.:.;.;:=:..:.::....:=----1 in.s, cptd. draped, Jmmed. rent~! bonus plan, 8181 WANTED: By non-<irinker· !LARGE 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, Gtner.al 4000 apta~ $35.00 wkly & up, rm, lacked sep, gar. Pool. crpts, drps, Ask about our LRG 3 Br, crpl.8, dl'J)5, new occupancY. $225 Per Mo., Garfield, "1 blk E. ol smoker. prof. \\'01nan: 4 Br. \Vestside hame on a full 1-;;;;;;::;:-;,;:;;:;;;;;;;;-l~Furn':";!:;·::.· ~ln~cl~u~tll~. ;54~S-04~~51'-. ~ Sauna. Rec rm. discount plan. 880 Center St. paint. Kids ok. 1998 No. 1 :;..year lease. Beach. 962-8994. hse nr apt, nn Pcnin . \VIII a~. OUtilde BBQ and fire. RENTING FURNITURE 1 BR. furn. a.pt. Heated Pool. 17301 Keelson Ln. <1 blk w.1,.:".::~c.:834Q::..;:::_ _____ I ..;M.::•c:P.;:le:,.A;:_v::'::.· ::"::~_::::_::':..· ~-, WALK TO OCEAN I pay frrin1 S200 • $250/mo. place, newly palnted & new CQSJS LESS JN26o ""Mo''n·t,ChVi•l•dltta.nco•k1 .. See at ~ ~~~8~lvd, on Slattr). HARBOR GREENS 2 BR. Crpt'd & drp'd. Adults, '' '75-&050 0 1 & 2 BR NEW apts. Frplc's, 540-3404, ;,.i~n•8. carpets/drapes. $250 month. " m pets. S145/mo. 820 ._ llU'f"'I Cl... Patio, Adults. Lindborg Co. LEA.SE on lo1 & house PERRON 642·1771 IMMAC, 1.2 BR. Lrg closets. 1 BR. FROM $125 l\fO. GARDEN & sryo;.o AP'I'S Center SL, CM. 642-5848 ' 536-2579 suitable for huitding -45' ;~~:~e~s l~RPe:U~~: Reclec. Pool . Adults, na pets. Overlooking beaut gard'n Ba.ch. I. 2, 3 BR I . tl'om suo. I============= 1 --.N"E;;w"'"o"u"P"L'E""'x,---l-*~S~m-.;ll::C::oh:::i;ld:.-r-.-n~O~K~ I boat. Reasonable. 213: J\1ESA VERDE 3 BR, 2 Bath, I 00 "•' PURCHASE Util'a pd 548-0336 pa!io .~ htd pool, adlts. J035 2700 Peterson Way, C.M. Newport Beach 5200 Prlv. patla. Enclosed garage, NEW! 2 Br 2 ha. pstia 1,,",;;'::·~T"8:Cl;_,=,..-,c-c--c~=-I bl & 1' • • J2tb ST. across from Lake 546-0370 ISR I family room, tn range OPTION 1 BR. Adults. Pool. Ideal for Park. 53fr4900 .:.;;.:+::;:TH:_E_G_A_B_LE_S_* __ PARK NEWPORT -care Carpeted & drape1t. Comp. -or haJcnny 1ype Agl: AELI Engr. bachelor 77, oven. frplc. crpts, drpa, Ind .t 1 ti bachelors. Spacious. $125. ·~ 1_, llvg 0 ••lkg lh wal•'" built-ins. ImmAc, land!cap.. * 64>-1!'1:0 nr 637-0514 * wants to rent ,;m! h!le in 12651 1"" Lab-do~ · 1 em se ec on 1993 Ch .. -h • .,. ~,, LUX. J BR. •l.50, 2 Br, 2 Ba. 2 Br. w/gar ll". Adu!'" ... v ' e •· I 3 BR b Pri N" I "-h CM Pl I mo. """ '"'-'' "' hr d•I M nth to Mo ...... .roo-""'1-J ~ -"' 7 pool• 7 J'•n•·• c'" 11= 000 ng! • · 3 a. 'ce re-2 Br, dbl h•lh. pvt ~"o, n'P oc or · el\.se ( a W Baker) O~· Sat & "' • y, 0 • l-------~~-1 '185· . .,,· lovely Sp•••"•b bldg. 'P" I drp• I bltns, fncd yd ·' e.. "' ""' d •-" call (2131 "51 19~ ( 7 0 ' ' .--" • CUSTOM ONE t lb ih • -· Sp• From •175 lo 14~" uced ta $300 per month, dshwhr. -1. Adult•. Quo'•-· " -. £<} a 1 pm. S 1 room ap w a · · Quiet, serine 11.1mo1phcre. w/pa.Uo. 1AJS..B Orange · ->• ""· ,,.,.,, iei un. Fumlhlr• Rental Older tenants on!~. $55 mo. Walk to bcb, 219 lS!h St, Ave. 6.16-4120. Bach. 1 or 2 Br. Also 2 sty •, '75·&050 0 _&J161bo6au1Cirual.ml•l•r;oinnc.'• "H'Bil.. Rooms for R•nt 5995 2 Br, drpl, atove, refria', 517 \V. l9th, C?tf. S48-348l Utilities included.~ Townhouses. Elec, kt. pri. • • . ;.;c:::;:::,:..:;_:::::.::..__:.::.:::1 ~·a.rd. No pet&, 174 Monk Anaheim ••••j•·••••• 7?4-2800 NOW Renting · 2 Br furn, gd Bachelor $95/mo. UHi incl. Garden Apls. Bit· ins, priv. maid ~r cpl.s, drps Just N. /:.=:::..:=====~'.'../;;;:'i~';;'-21iii'--;;-;;";-;-* $l5 PER week· u P I crpts, pµge & fenced e DEL LAKE MANOR e * DELUXE l & 2 BR pat. or bal Subtrn prkg, opt IW PM'"'I Cl.,llC.. 842-6121 . Vi&la. IA.Habra ........... 694-3708 Joe. rec rm, htd pool. No Pool. Patio. 1 adult. patio, heated pool, /rplc. of f'asbion Isl at Jamboree * COROLIDO APTS * • NE\V 2 BR a P t s' w/kitchens. $27.50 per children. $140/mo. 64&-5824 .,~,, .,,717 Adults. $145 mo. 546-SlSJ •. San Joaqu•·· Hills Rd. 2 BR S d Unf from $135, Cpt1, drps, bltns, wcek·UP Apt!, l\10TEL. 548- !>rESA d•l Mar 3 Br. Blto•. PALM MESA APTS. ~ ~ .. . tu Jo, urn. All >'amily ...,lion. ,...7271, 9755 I New pa.Int & erpta, 1 BR. lUrniahed. Adults, no $125-LRG modern 1 BR. nr 2 BR, 2 Ba. Sunl<e-n Hv, rm., 644-1900 tor leasing info. elec. dshwh.r dbl carport &.1..:.c=:.::..:.CC"-"'-:.;.:...c.__ =-~=~---~-I S250/mo. Oyl !146-9222, eves pet. C&ll After 5 pm. beach, crpts, drps, cbildtt!'n frpl ., balcony. Adults $l60. SEACLIFF Manor A p ta. lrg pool. tls0 &. up. 673.3378 2 BR, crpts, drp~. bltns. SLEEPING room. Ocean-I 545-4354 l BR FURN. $149.50 548-2080 ok. 409 Call!, 536-4261, 540-0896: 540-2j70 1255 Baker Spec. holiday discount + CHEERFUL 8c Out . 1 Close to beach. Baby ok. fro n1. ('lderly A:e-ntleman, all IA TTRACT IVE 3 Br, BachelOrs Furnished. 1 BR. Adults only, No pets. 847-5169 AvAil. Jan. \gt manthly disc. $14~$19'.I. 1 &-br newly der,. Su:;~~gTod,;,$1'='·:::53&-:=;11:66:,======="='i=l·:1:70=';::"':,0·:6~7;>-,,;7566;:;,==- '[Townhouse, nr CM city ha.II, from $140. Near sbop'g, $!:25 inel. utU. LRG attrac .2 Br. Avail now, DELUX, clean 2 Br. I" bo, 2 BR, l% BA, crpts. drps, ma.ture empt perso n l' 2 BR -· •11• 532 Cenler SI 540-0623 • ' Founlat'n Vallty 5410Founta'1n Volloy u10 2 baths, forced a.Ir htg, paol, ay.., • ;; mo. · Poat Kida k pets ok, $159. studio, Cpts, drps. pool, patio, pool, children we!. •6~7;,_..~9~7----~-·l~.:.::.:;.;:.::.;:.;.:..::.:::.c._.:.::.;.;.:.;:;:.::.::::..;.::.:::!. _ _:~:::;::. 12 car-... $225/mo 545--7474. " mo.Imo. OK EASfSlDE 2 BR unf. bousef 847...8335, 968-'1510. cleancul ad!ts. 1 chld ok. come. 1!>25 P 1 a ce n Ila, ::2 • . •-e POOL , Br, clean, upper, Stv/ref, * 2 BR DtJPLEX, un· e SAUNA f55"r7n9 .. ~7pts ~~!5 A~23up. Pete * 1 Ir 2 BR. Crpls, drpa, 646--0496. 548-26S2. gar, CID. S, of hwy. $190. I furolshed. Crpt. "' drp.: •JACUZZI -~ or~~ bl'°'. 733 Lili. 536--lTOO, 2\1 BR. II> s., eocl palio, * BAYFRONT * oo P'~-Cpl pre!. 67S.7118, Nice & clean. ~ 1561 ~tesa Dr. Costa Mesa. 1 BR. tum. $1:SO incl util. SJ&.-0275. pool, \vsh/dry, 1 tv /ref, Furnished & Unfur· .'-'c.3:_43'-;--11--'-95_&1'--t _•.;.co_1_1. __ , 2 BR hou1e. Crpts " c.trp9. 1 Ph on• ,546..916Q Pool, garagf', d i s Posa 1. cpts/drps, Peta ok. J180. EXECUTIVE 4 Br • .2% J3a. 'h'.1d. $1<S -. No -ts. 20TI .,,..,,~!!!!'!!!!!~!!!'!!=' Adults, no peu. 642-2383 4705 830-8886. nlshed from $295. 2300 1 Frpl hi'· ,,_ .-~ l In Laguna Beach 642-2202 sq. t. , .us, gar. \Yallace. Apt. 6. Just for Single Adult& 2 BR p11rtly furn'd, b t-s, -DELUX 2 BR, cpt. drps, FA ~~~-""::..:==---$ 34 5 /mo. I •e. 714 NEW orpl>. d.,,.. lgo 1.,,.,. SOUTH BAY CLUB """°· lt60. $30 WK LUXURY h•at. 0 • R. encl gar, '• 2 BR'•. nm. up. N•A< Hoag r,,::Go=''=':::nrod=·.::-==·'---- ed yan;I. 251S f;lden Ave. • APARTMENTS * 548-1425 * back yard, 1 child ok, no hospital. Ctpts, drps, bltns, CHOICE 2 Br. 2 Ba. Sa. <If 1185. "'~" ~_... • MESA VlLLA-147 Flower & up. Bachelon;, stnglea, l pets. 1160. 646-7411, Ref. wAsher/dl')'er s!)8ce, gar, J.I El bll I d ~-""'· N•wport Beech edrm, steps to bcb, all utiJ,1"'--'-'-""'"-'--'-_..c patla. 4217 Dana Road. wy. cc. ns, cps, rpc. 2 BR. New c:rptt, drw-, Cou· 880 Irvine A~. C.l\I. 1 BR Apt · $140 . htd pool, linens, rec rm, N£'\VLY DECORATED 646-8325 1250 mo. R.ltr, 673'-2222. p~ onQr, no pe11. $155/mo. (Irvine and 1600 * Alt 3 fi46-0920 * restaurant, cocktalla, dane-2 BR. cpl1. drps, blt·lns ,;2c.:,.:;R,c.:.---.. --.~~, ™MED. Occupancy 2 Br., !!•13""1405•or 1)46.-6762 (714) 645-455' inJ:'. Pool, AdltA, na pets, $14() B carpet • rape · '1tar, !rplc. Util ex Ira . l =...:.:=c"-Cc.:..'-'---/--,,;;~<,..;;;:;;;;=:;;,--Villag l "t A 149 E. Bay 642-9;i20 Oee&n view. •unde:c k, $nO/mo. Lease. 673-0216. HOLIDAY PLAZA N•wrrt Bt•ch 4200 e nn •Ocl Plt garage, w11.shlng tactl . B ch 3200 DELUXE Spaclaus l BR ..;.;;;:;::~;;:~::;;";:::°''I -~=-~<94~·:!94.16~---I EASTStDE 1 br, w/trplc. $225/nio yrly. 642-3978 e~s 2 BR, trplc, Garden scttin&:. Ntwpelt ·-"-----itumapt$US.He-atedpool. ANewWayTolive LARGE STU OIO·$l l 2• :134mf,utilpd.l adulton· &wlmds. lchlld. 2 BR fireplaee $2riCI Ample puking, No ~hUd· In Ntwport B•ach Beautiful vil"w on O IU y, Cal &42-8520 · '·2-'B'-R.-u_p_per_, -,.-mod--,-1-<d_;_no_w 11,:1:;;15;:.l;:m::':..· ___ __:644c.;.;·256l=I 1f bloclf to beach 118 39th NB ren. na ptts. 11165 Pomona, OAKWOOD GARDEN Drivt. Call co!ltet 213: 2 BR. unrurn, crpts, drp!!, d R f BRAND new. Ige .. unique 3 675-3699 or 642--0310 CM APARTMENTS 437~204 bltns. $130/mo. 568 w. :!t ~: $~·;:;"• a:ar. BR, 2~ BA. Best area. ~ lil~B~O~RMS~i.~.~2-l!~'iblolhiiis:s::-O,,.o;w;J:::=:·======= ~~16th Stret.t btwa Wilson or call MS.-0760 l·BR. furn. Utll ~!If. Baal _mc;oc.;,_•_13--6904;..c..;... _____ 1 carpeU..or. Faces pool. $275 Costa Mn• 4100 .u-v•ne snd Dover Dr. D p $135, 2 BF( carp. drapes, dack. $150 Yrly. 67:J..7340 2 BR. f'rp1c. Stv/Rt:t. nu (714) "2 °170 •n• olnt 4740 bl-·. 1•r. 1 Child ov No r ...::::::..:::::...:~;,;:;::....:;:;;.._1 month. Rultor 548-6966. -""' "'-3 '"' 3 BR, 3 Ba. deluxe apt w/ sh& cpl, encl aar, $195/mo. * 2 BR. Fu:m. $15J. SAIL-Inn Motel. Deluxe rms SINGLE. TV, pool, pets ok. Ptls. Nr. stores. S48-6357 f:rplc, 1ge: balconlfJll, view of Nj' pets. li73--t109. BUSIEST markeU!lace ln POOL B!IJll, ~ dl"P3, na betwn Bay & Be8Ch. month $~ & up wkl y. DANA ~ta• NOW TAkll'll appllcaUons for btY A octan. Ava.U Dec 17. 2 BR.. Apl. w/ pngt'. town. 1be DAILY Pit.01' child~n, m pets. 32$.J E. inn Sll.S, Wkly Inn $37.~. r ina Inn, 34lll Coast Hwy, Jan 1 on IPftCioul 2 bt. 1~ Apt 1. 745 Domll'll'O Dt, N.B. Private enlttnet. SXICl/b:la. Ou1lfted aectkm. Save 17th Pl, CM. 548-2'D8 ST;,-1841. UKE Tu tJ'llde? Our h• studios. 755 W. l8th St. Call &4$-1260 700 Narcissus. 675-1!74 money, ti.me A efiort h1 FURN hchel« & I Br.1'1"'a"R.="'~"°u"m-ap-1-. ~U~tll~.~YEA==R· Trader'• PAradlst column Is t BR Apt, new c:rpta, raw 2nd FIN Bll 2 Ba. 2 pallol;, NE'\V 2 br. 1 ba. ttplc, shag •hopptnr from )'OUI' E·--'lonol·l,nl-·I LY G N hlld • ., -~ b<··"• ~" d · l ·'-· h&1r .. -... -a.race. o c ttn or r you!~ Lfnes. S Da,ya fl.)r drp!I, blt inl. $14S mo. u.,,c. lt&r, near ... :11. \.AJ,J. crpt, rp1, patiO, au ..... ,, umc · :2._ll~D.cN.:;•:.;w'-'po:.;;;.r.;.t ..:.;.lvd--',_C_M_ •.c""c.'.;.'·-Cal:...;.l.;.6_?s._""1 __ •_fl_:s._ is. Call today .•. 642.-.'m711. Ms..o.151. 548-3148. l~cu. $200/mo. 67$-.5724. :Joun lain~· 1 & Z B<drooiru -% Balbi Adult LIVlnR Fllrlllahed & un1umi.hec1 . , ... e Db'--•'-' e St.•1 C-.e1• • '"..,. r..w • Cl....t c-., .. • ._"""' c.iu..,. 91185 Slator Avenue ' ""'. . ; ~! 1 ~ ... .! I ~ ·-- -··---·-·-----·----------·· ------------------------------------- ----.--.. ~-... -·--~--..---~-··--·----~--~~- ...., Wheddyo Wont? Wh1ddy1 Gott SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FDR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special Reta ANNDUNCIMINTS end NOTICIS SlllVICI Dl•ICTORY ,SDV1CI g!Rl~llY i:.....~.;.;.... _____ 1 =::..:. carrmer t"' "" Houloclelftfnl 67J5 Jobo Mon, Wom. 1100 ~""!!!"'!!::~Nl~IOl~n.:,;W!!!!om.!!!' :...!.~ ~w ..... 1100 • Announc-h 6410An-monh 6411 ~·11-NTllY HOUSE o~ CLIAN AUTO SALI SMAN KITCHEN ...... °"" :n. Stu· SERVICE Sittloh Ati.odam, l-==================IMINoR-e,!;,•AIRS. No Job Ccmpktt Houtt Oun1nc Wanted pvt t.lme. Studet>t dent l'ftf. »JO'hr wk. Mu.st exp'd. tor c-aw Yatd ahUt. 1-........-rit be hard worker. Golden Emk'• Un50n Sftvlce, 2913 WANTED OVERWEIGHT LADIES Too SmoJJ. Cabl"'I In ..... 642-6124 perlt rnd, No a pe "°' BHr ,,._.102. Harbor, C.M. ~ 6: 0 th e" cablneta. a ,.,..,. Servlc• nete'IAI')'. • • • • • • •• ~SER=Vl=CE""si..;:::--.-.Pwn""""•-.111;:;-ot-:o. 561175 U no ahlwtr ltavt Meu ea .... ,. ....... .,. 41111........._A mac t 66.2312.. H. o Carpet.I, willdoWI. !loon etc. ,,.,...._... ~ ttndant. Lub4 room ap. •-•·-".n ' Rt• 6 Cornme'L 54M.U1 prtl'd. Ovtr 20. CdM, .,,......,, "" 2100 Harf:lor Blvd. fC$..<*6 * 67S-4ll2 * R~"'ODEUNG ,._ n~lo. EXP. a eantnc woman would L•DllS-~IVES =u • ·-.-.... llke bouaework by hr or job. Aul1tant M•n•1•r "' '" STUt>ENT~ >.p ts or ovu. Speclalbl Comm'!, reaidtn-Own trans. 540-18%;. Strof\f re ta 11 upttle.nce, WOMEN Wantfli part-tilnfl 1or new tial. P~llnr, c • b In• t 1 • I,;;:;;=:=:=::=::==== I 1adits wear. Faahlon Ia. !"Award• Harbrir Center m&tlHe, lonnlca. ~1598. L•ncfac•plftl MID land 646-4411 TIMES ARE TOUGH! HER!: Theatn. Apply at Cin1ma LET ••-Sw·•e c1o JL n--1• • IS ·YOUR OPPORTUNITY -.,a•-H .......... ~ ...... _ .. re~ A ;UM. AO>~, LAWN and p.J'Mn work, tree BABYSITrER 1or 5 yr, old TO HELP YOUR FAMILY ™ u1'ie1 .. '?°4W,nuW~'. 6'1'3-StlT. 49C-7853 e1tlmate•. Jteaaona b l e boy_ Live In, Lla:ht blMJK. HAVEWHATTHEYNEEDl ' ~M. -ratet. 536-4385 alter 4 PM work, 8Jl>.399l Aft g PM SET YOUR OWN nME 'fO =====--:o--:-=;I C•m•nt, Conc,..te '600 --BABYSJTl'ER: For 2 yr old WORK FULL OR PART SPECIALisrt S JN ANY VICE •••• ~. Ll I 11•-... _ -·E ..... "' *"'RN FROM nELO. I )OU are out or I 1 ' .S Lines -5 times· -5 bucks I I.II.I I -AD MlllT INCLUO• ,_Wiie! Y.., JM"' M QMll. ~ YM; •Ill Ill ll'Me. CEMENT WORK.~~ MAID SER ~ ;:'~:. ;..":" ... ~~ ..... ;_ ,,,., ' ........ , "'" work. channel your efforb pv VVUll _,, <Pl'l""<WI $lQ 10 $1000 PER MO. WE-into &a.lea. This product , •1 d • t small, niuonable. Free ANXIOUS-to--pleue, hard BOAT S&leJ, Ambitious yna: TRAIN·YOU. NO EXPER. lf:'lll ltsell. Be a whoile. For weight re uc1n9 program o e >-Eatlm. H. stuOlck. 548-8615 working loc&l sir~ Medi man wanted for perm full NEEDED. NO GUB_fICKS. teolltt or "NOJ'k on oom-i-YOUR """ 411111/H ... ,....,. '-' ti ... ti H ftr*lflt. l-lllOTHllllO "0• SALi -T•AOll ONLY! tablish 1tatistics: fo r rapid permanent CEMENT Work_ Reu. City holiday jobs. Good ret.. time pos\Uon w/an est Co. You mutt have• stnous de.. miuton bl.ala. Your ll'I00"1e To Place Your Tr•der'1 P •radlM Ad PHONE 642-5671 d I ~ d A: 1tate llc'd. Side walks, 645-31U. Salary + commlulon. A~ '1re to make money .. havt limited only to """"'" in-w.l.9hl loss, conducle b y qua h ie d" tJo 64" •n 4 pl ·~ nJ ~,, •-bJ ,. ··•• to o·•·r ,_ .. vea, pa s. .,._,_._ · y lGam-.... .,m o y, ~ car --a e '""" u ,.,-it.lath ... 67~7877 alter 5. Physical culturists. Must b e • mini-MORE Concrete patio for Malnt.nenc• "21 w. Cout Hwy, NB. women, This b )'OW' c~ 1 ---.-~==;o--.--' , 3 Units Nwpt g. or 3 units C. f\-le1& for ll-12 unlt1 rt'l'l1 o: C.Mesa, Garden Gr, or Anaheim. Ask for Al King Jones Rlty Inc, NB. 673-6210 Trade 1955 l''ord Pick Up, Short bed. 6 cylinder. Very good cond, for VW or slm. ilar car. B comme:rclal units C-2 Jot, 98x:300. Income SOOD mo. $45,IXX> eq. Trade for home here or Oregon. Li!!f>n Vibert RJrr. 5'18-(1)88. eve 6~. 22 Unlta, older: Lon.I!; Beach, Eq. SSS.cm. Want vacant R-2, R-' local land. PYRAMID EXCHANGORS 67'>-8800 Builder will trarlc new houJe equity ln Dana Poin t lor improved lot, ~ach citil!!S. Mr. Webb * &t2.4905 12 Units, prime loc. Santa Ana. 7X Gross, $50,000 E<t. Trade for $50,000 to $60,000 home, duplex or triplex. Owne r!Broktr 673-J430 ~y Organ _ Top con· ditlon, Chinese Oriental rug and several small diamond rings. Trade for auto or T ;;42-()821 Profitable 26 A ortU'lge .grove xlnt tax ~hel,, F&C, for yach!, inr. prop., bus. A sreal at S3500/acre. McCN!a, 1200 Riverside Dr., Burbank * * * -- I ,_., "' ttt to p-•e ~• can dO tt. e WANTED • HIGH DE.SERT fur Health. mum of 20 pound s o verweight, have Uesi,; ~~\ YM· ~ "1'~~ .. ~-nc. HOME Rtpa.ln:: Pain~. BOOKKEEPER--Part t l m e c•• ;v~fr "'<ius1n1 fQr ap. ~le Tile ~r WANT Calil-Nev. 2-3 M elev c .. ~ ax • .,_.,,,.,.,, carpentry, ctment work. Sm thru trial balance, ~ • A.nd HAVE Cl cnr. 90xll7 2 bldgs transportatio n and not c urrently un-FREE Ear. Sawina, break· jobs OK. M6-644e 54Qi..4511 pointment 511·:5192. Unoliwn La.Yer 168,000 eq-$42,000 '"'· $445 d or doct o r's care. All inquiries com -""" hewing k oldploodtna. CARRIER PURE·RIJ[ for malt Job '" FWJ.-, mo. Owner, CM 646-1558. Servict il quallty. 548-8668. Matonry, lrlck 6130 8'7S-S1SI Mott onlor b"''"'"· marine p let ely confid e nliol. 6620 COMPU:TE C.m•nt • BOYS • • • • • • • • THE DAILY PILOT I 1upplies & equipment_ Net Contr•ctor1 __ _ _ _ _ _ S150Qmo. er_,,.,,,_,inven-,.fY Way, quality home est. Anytime, 146-4 917, W · · .... an 1-Ul"UI ~~ .. Ov u......... · Muoruy. n :yn exper. "l""I' ANTED MACHINE OPERS Sinale "·--~ ~ IO'Y. Trade for car, boat or ASK FOR MISS POWELL ropair. Wallobcew,,., lloon M>-)183 ""'"'tor •por tlwear. ~ joumo!Ut In It. wo.j '! 96&-8873. etc. No jo too amall. ' for the Exp'd only. Gd. PIY. men'1°deputment. Applican DAILY PILOT * 642--3471 * must be able to J'tlPOlrf:. HIGH DESERT for H•alth. -537. 5414 -54.l-l<M, 24 hr a""'"'" Pelntlnt, WANT CalJf-Nev. 2-3·M elev LIC'D Contr. Remodelfne, Pa-rhantlnt 6&50 Dana Point, San Juan MA INT EN A N CE Man, write clear!¥. undentand J-(AIE Ct 90xl17 2 bldgt ...:~~<.::.:::::""';:;,'--'= p/time, j&nlk>rial &:. apt 1.uentlall ol pbotoiraphy A . cor. add-ons, roorlnr, patntlnc Ir clo tri CaPlstram and repain . 536-2579 betwn 4:30 , ........ ,. Top com ....... be,.. S68.000 eq-$42,000 inc. S4t5 ftpairs. 540-7858 or DO It younelf. You m. Caplltrano Beach. .....,.,.. r-v mn. Owner, CM 646-85.58. M0-'?66t. Ava. 3 Br. house. Exter Contact Mr. Seay 11.t A: 5:30. fitl, lood aalary, attractive . 'l BUSINESS and 6401 stucco $150. Incl mat'l It ILY PILOT MECHANIC Ne e d ed im· new QU&rten:. Apply in wrlt-'rrade S3800 eq. UI 2 BR. -FINANCIAL Lott Addi tions * Remodelinc labor. AU work 1 u ar. DA mediately. F/time. llOl ing only, cltln&" experience. B•. mob II home in loVf!ly , ---------Gerwick &: Son, Lie 547 1"1 San CJ •-o!ll •··· Id Dr N B b k-·-' "'-........... don to ,. LOsr In Broadway Parki ng 6'T3-604l * S19-2'170 i..::::..c·::ftc::;,·,...,==---emen,.. ct1 ·.......,a e • , . ac .,, ..... ,.. • ""'-Bayside Vill8.g1'. for late Bu1ine11 Lot, Ftishion IBI, t Jrg blue No Wutinc SOS N. El Camino Jteal M-.. lcal "--, Mq&ftt Greenman, Ptt- model camper/van or car. Opportunities 6300 pkg. Blue B eds p re ad . Remodellna: * Addi!Jons *WALLPAPER* 492-4.fa> .U ~ BOnoel Manager, Box 1560, O\VNER 615-1642 Please call collect eves. KARL E. KENDALL When you call "Mac" COASTAL AGENCY Front ottice . exp. required, Co1t1'. Mna, Calli, DM&. Ca.n build 4 units on R-4 APPLY NOW! 492-8569, d11ys 673--tsll Llcensed-Bondt'd 548-15.11' 5"-1'44 &f&.lTU A memhfr of Call AM, &G-2770, 2043 IW..::.:ANT~.;E;.D-, °"ot""d~,-, -'.,..-,-~=.-! lot, Costa Mesa. Exchange Candy Jobbers NMded ~ST: 9 mo old Dach!hu~. C•rP9t Cleanl"I 6625 PAPERHANGING-Fre e Snellln&: & Snellin&: tne. ,:W:;•:;:••:::•::llU~Dr;:.:.:.,.:.N::·8::·"""',...,,= I Church cUJtodial, I l te $7500 eq + TD's: For units, Enjoy operating your own liver-red color, m~. Vie. ea t, n tisfaction paran-The World's Largeit MEN or Women. Full par:-gardening. 35 hrs wkly. h.'l'.caror~Agt:fi45.1070, business. Li['hl, pleuant DelMar&SanlaAna Ave., Diamond Carpet Cleaninz teed. Dan Sc hwar t z , Profeislon•I lime. $2 hr + generoua r e a1o na bly l lex ible 637-llo14. work. Days or evenings. o.t Ans. ro Joe, Reward Pre-holkiay llP!da.I 547.5846• Employment Service bonu1e1. Call or come in, schedul e, Saturday• ttq'd, CAPISTRANO C WNED, Full or part time. 548-6801 Free Minor Repain W/Clnc. l ·CH,:.,ORl~ST=MA="'s-°"Spec-ltl"'°-11""' 2790 Harbor Bl, CM 5fn.60S5 1869 Newport Blvd, F, Costa ~ !1~n +~rou~t!r~ 4+ acres. Free & Clear. Men and women, agea 71 MALE grey 1 ho rt hai r ed 300' $15. We alM> install. Price! Fut' Ria:hl! ExL & ;Hor~~bor~B~l~Yd~.~a~1,;Ad~•~m~s;-;; I iMffi'"f-· lo"rn0d.10uii<& &:. Family Health, Make $130 000 TRADE tor income yea~ and over may ha_ndle tiger·slrlped cal lost vie Free ~L 6'5-lJl'?. Jnt. f'rtt Est. Bob ct CoSM:t-rIC SALES: NEW MEN to model suits &: appl 675--0210 9-~m, Moo-, · a given number ol locat10ns. Clilf 0 • 1 · N 8 sportswear. put time eves. "V or? hou~·-' r rvtne, · · Clean a eaner Cleanest! Caveman 646-8707. l a n t astlc p r odu ct. "'G Inc. -'"~L Fri. RE ":roR •••m1 Refilling nur ware ='--' wlll'd for return 548-4260 II I ~ ~ 1~~-~=~~_,,~...,, ---~---~--:--:-! Top Brand c 11. n d y and · Kurt Wa,iner C.,,,et " INTER A: Exter. Accoua. Guaranteed c ente e .1.:=.c;;;"'-::....-----WARD SECY.~ Receptlonilt 20 To 40 acres producing snacks. Collecting money BLK It whl coc:k-a-poo/ter-Upholstery Cleanen. $9 ceillna:• aprayed, low prices ",..._""':;;=~~----I Nursifl&: in nurstnc ar.a. ~. Citrus grove, Riverside. while attendini;c to locations. r !t'r, approx 3 mo old, lost average rm. 534 -5 30 5, gd work. 557-7455, 543-2Th9 COCKTAIL Waitreu )'OUftl, SUPERVISOR-~VN, 3--11:30 PM'1. Penonnel Dept. Hoq · l \\· .. Sat, Vic : Bake r & 63.l-5642. ti A \ NB $1500 Per acre equity, or Equipment shall be IUPP cu G M s.16-28.18 PAINTING • Ext-Int. lB yrs. attra'" ve. pp. n penon.. p.m. Hospital , . local units or commerclal. as pPr invl!11tmen1. $975.00 rant, C. · 51EAM Jet carpet cleaning. «Ptr. Ina. Lie. F'r\'e eat. 719 W.19th St. C.M. LVN SUPERVISOR REUEF l,,Ow"AITRE'=~ss~. 0vo~-r°'2""1.-:s"MJe<>=::,1 Will trade up. 548-3263 TO $8125.00 CASH REQUIR-BLACK w/\.\-'hilr male poo-By ClarKatt, nation-wide Accoust. Ceilings, gsg..9t.:s COUNTER GIRL, part time 3-11;30 pm. pref, 2()...30' hr wk. $1.85 hr ED. Wrile or phone Multi-rile, hlack collar, ltlst vie service. }>"fee e11. ~ PAINTING: Honest, guar-an-wk. ends, over 18. Chow LVN SUPERVISOR RELIEF + tipa Golden Bea r What do you have to trade! StatE' Distr ibuting, Inc .. 1681 Brookhurst & Adams, H.B. teed work. Llc'd. Local ftf'a, Bell Restaurant, 2576 -Medicines 3-ll:JO pm 536-9102. List it here -in Orange W. Broadway, Anaheim, Ca. Rev.•arrl , 96&-9471 C•rpat Laying & Call 615-5740 Aft S. Newport Blvd., C.M. LVN SUPERVISOR ll-'?:30 ---------·t County's largest read trad-92802. 714 -778-5060. LOST, toy French poodle, RaJNlr 6626 ~~~;;;.:.;:.~;.,==· l ;DiiEN~T~ALi"'RECEPriii'~i>i'itiio>NNiiiIST.,-:.1 am .. " ~1s l=,:,C:C~~.,.-,,-,..c,.,..,,,,-· -• • ti INTERlOR Ir EXTERIOR L V N REL IE F ing post. v .i11 SM.ALL exp'd electronic con-white w/ ... v .. ca co ar. CARPET Lay H Carpet Jerry's Painting Service Desk onl.Y. Exp'd, Proficient SUPERVISOR ll- 7 : 30 am. * tractor w/ lrg potential It l-;';'Ri''wc;&N!;o..::.7o;"2-::-7'COl0:7-,o,:c=:=IPoJYe•ten, ~l'•~ Hi·lo's: e <196-1864 e with insurance. Alternoon to Park Lido Convalescent Schoo:1-lnstructl0ft 7600 * * good name in Industry, MALE &alpoint Siamese shags. Sell ftlr labor . ==,,,=c..::~,:;;=-;;::::I eve hrl. (1-8or9pm),90me Center 642--8044 needs backer for short term ctil, 9 yrs old, lost \tic Cosla 5.39-3223. INT/Ex~r P&intifti. Free Sat's. Salaty open, binge RENTALS REAL ES rAl E b11nk financing It bonding. MeStl SI &. lnine. 646-8135 est. Ref's. lmmed. Service. benefits, Ph: any time fH .3 . NURSE AIDES-l-11, fl. time. G ... r.I 0 --d b good -"tra<ls 646--0210, 642-3014. 9 .. A .. •"--"" PersoMel Dept. Ho .. "°'P· Apts. Unfurnllhec:I =cu." Y '-U" • Lnst; arey & white cat. fluffy, ~~~~~::i~:~JI i""'~a)~8~am~·~pm~. ~-r;~·-1~:::~~~.: ... ~ IT'S YOUR MOYE INDUSTRY CAREERS 1-;;z:;;:....:;=;.;.;;=---'-""'--------1 GoOO 7n ot .e:rof;s profit to femaJe, Vic Huntington Har . .,;;;.;.Dr;;;•P",:,.c'_lo'-a'-----"-30-FIRST Oau Paintin& &. * DISHWASHERS * N.B. Rooms for Rent SH5 Office Rental 6070 backer on mntraei by con. 1 Paper-h&niini:". Free Est 1.:.::::;c:.::..:.:;....:=;,;_--tract basis. No gimmicks or bour_ Rew. 846-5054 DRAPERY Call 5'15-3459. Day shift only, Full time. Payroll Superviaor * UPSfA.IRS priv. living 1670 SANTA ANA AVE. Ot dishonest practice1. Good BLACK Afghan. Female. MANUFACTURER 1========= I Apply ln person • S5i50 +. Exper, necess an tr&: room, Bdrm & bath. up en. l Sc sq, Jt. nppty for person v.·/ in-Vic. Victoria and Placentia 22 Yrs in Area! 5of9--0236 Ancient Mariner volume Know computerlud f) OPERATIONS AGENT tr, no cooking. $85/tnD. 675-2464 or 541-5032 tegrity. Can be proll'ctl'd by on 1219. PLEASE 833-6009 JNTERJOR TEXTILES Plastering, P•tch, p&yr0ll , (multi • branch or • TICKET SALES 839-218.'i. * XLNT OFFICE Space key man inaurance. 17!4) .c;;;_.:;=..c..==-''-"""lwe·ve Done: All The Models Re,.lr 6llO Restaurant multi state). Supef'Vi!e -4 •RESERVATIONS Now Avail. LIDO BLDG, 65-256.'> 8am·5pm t""EM. longha.ired gray cat Let Us Design For You! 260'r W. Cobt HW)'. clerks. Process mamt pay. e Am FREIGHT-CARGO WORKING (Ir college girl1. 33i5 Via Lido, NB. 6?3--450l 1.:0:;;..:=.::;:_.c..-----4 while feet. gretn eyes, SpeciaJ Pre·Holida,y Sate. * PATCH PLASTERING Newport Beach ~. Exciting co_ e COMMUNICATIONS AIRLINE & TRAVll .• iinglr, room lor r r n t Laguna Niguel. 495-S227 Call 5'19-0236, :U Hrs. All types. F rtt estimate& Nowrirt •·/kitchen privi!. 546--5793 ~"" =-1~ ft M t L 6320 Call M().6815 EXPERIENCED, slncli!! nee-e TRAVEL AGENT ~ """' sq. · oney D 0 •n die ... rators. Apply 82S w. Personne Agenc~ b h 01-~F'ICES. S60-100-Sl80. Al II School P lflc STUDIO, pvt enr & al • C-0sta 1'feu. 646-21~ 1st TD Loan Person.ts 6405 Fumitur• Re1torl"t Plumblnt -.18~1::;•;;s::;1.,cc::..M'=. =-;;== '"Do64··,· •• ~1·0·· N. • r nt • •c ·~ kitchi!!n; Pool. Back Bay, _____ & R·'i I hi '675 ·..:::::::::·.'!.. ___ ..;.:,;..;; : c EXTRAS -,10 E. 17th, S•nt• Ana " S7tl "'A" ...,,.7 ""''LLY LICENSED • 'fin 1 "I .. FILM o, nl!!eds Student/gt.,, • ......... ....., Ind . I R t I 6090 r u PLUMBING REPAIR ror non-union work f.A.G. ~~"'"""'""'"'""!!!~~ -~="54='U~65.,~96=.,...--I ' LARGE FRONT ROOM ustr1• en a '?%'1o INTE~ Renowned Hindu Spiritualist t'URNITURE STRIPPING No job too small t11C 835-3501. Pex, exper. pref'd. will -COSTA MESA Kitchen privileges, etc. SMALL UNITS 2 d TD L Advice on all matters. GRAND OPENING SPEC • 642-31-28 • ..................... .,..,.ii j train rlaht }>@non. Ph: PRE-SCHOOL S75 mo. 548-0516 MESA n oan Lov~. M11rriagt",78 uslness IAL! Any average: chair or ~D-RAIN~~S,;:..,,P~l"U-od~?'"""Dr°'""'"·"t-ng Gan'I Ofc Escrow 1~"36-UB:::,,c;::c;I.~~~--~ ••t•. •-Mo"-v'·. II .:au ·+ COSTA Rr111dings given days a rocker sUipped SS &12-3445 ___ .. •n. __ .. ui" '"' ... ., .,. _,,, NICE Room. prlv, home, $95 & $l l5 mn. l mmed OCCU· Term~ ba!ied on equity. Wf'l'k, 10am _JO pm · -11low? Expertly cleiui= ..,. Familiar w I Escrow P• .... ~-PRIVATE Chrlltian achoo! Full day seuions. Plan. kilch. privi.l .+Near iihop'g pancy. 66Q.77S sq ft. 642·2171 545-0611 312 N. El Camino Ri!!al, G•rd•nlng 66IO 1.;;2.l:;:"':":;:rv:=.i5.1f>..3854:==:===::=-Uttll. Typing. WSIJI ~!~· needs bus drlv;_r:_ .. lihort ned program, tiot lunches. &: traruip. C.M. 54~1061 * NEW BUILDING *Serving Harbor are:a 21 yrs. San Cleml'nle I· Frnt. ofc apear. anta tu.... houn. Will train. VVUll drfy. Ages 2-6, lu'1! 6:30 am-6 pm, i.::.::.:='-'------I S I M rt c '9"91"" ·~ ~1s Roofing 6950 MISS EXEC AGENCY ing recard requ.lttd. J6835 .,., k "· t ••• ·~ ]~" ,q fl units: orfice, res!-att •r o gag• o. ...v. ""'• ""rv.> AL'S GARDENING ~ w ....... mpare: ~ ~ 7 s 410 W, Cout Hwy, NB Broo kh ur1t, Fountai.D .. ~ .. 5237 M isc . Rent•I• room, l I0-22il power, plenty 336 Z, l th . trrc:t Oriental, Swedi11h & French (or Gardening Ii< small land-WENEDA Roofing Co. 646.39J9 'V~ol~l':•Y~·~962-~~l!~12:; . ....,,... __ 1 PioArN~oL;;;· ;;;&><;;r-bim;;I 1:.::.:;.:::.;.;;,;.;.,..c _____ I of parking. 1B1h &: Whittier MASSAGE 11Capi11g M!rvice1 ca1J 5f0.51!18 Repairs, Recover or Nf'w 1 !!OI!~~!!"!~~~"'!'._ -:: PIANO Li!!&IO.rl& )OW' home SINGLE Car garage for rent, Ave Cosla MeAA. ANNOUMCEMENTS Serving Newport, CdM, Cos. Roofs. 1100 Superior Ave, I: * GENERAL HELP * Purchasing Agent Certified teachers. MUAlc Huntington Beach area• c. ~n NaUress, Real1or 1nd NOTICES la Mesa, Dover Shores, CM. 645-1691 24 HRS. H Good t y p I n 1 _ Purchaalna: systems. Mr. Ha t bc o e le . 5999 $20/mo. Call 646-26117. C.Oi1!a Mesa. 642-14113 10 A.M. to 12 P.M. 1-W...:"::t'°'c"litt;;;·"""'==:--ll B,CEFO;;,;:;i,Ri;iE~Y;;:o:::,:-.::buy:::C-, -:,::aJ!tt'T•. $3.75 R. ""---', Ca 11 Lorraine, 646-1368 nd (F Ad ) uoo 1813 Newpt:)M Blvd, O t t -•"-l~===~~.,-~--t NE\~ Bldg. 1'121! to 2300 6Q. Fou ree I -STORM REPAlR Guy Roollng Co. Recovtt Full nr part t me 645-27'10, 20(3 Wmclitt Dr., TAHITIAN ~ Hula o .... REAL ESTATE t1 , Nr. Baker and :i-~airv1ew, 642•0450 'J'rl!f: work, surgecy, bracing, 11 p e<".I a1 11 t. 6 4 S-2180, Oependable, live in area. N.8 . By Maihiokalana. P hone Gener ii 1 yr lease, s u 111 van , FOUN D: Yng, Sh 11 g g Y Licen.~ prune, Landscp ma In t, 548-9590. Mr. Powen 546-9862 =RM:;:;=/::Bo.nf-~-+,.--nl..,-ary,,--f,,.or 646-2112 alter 3 PM, I ll!!n~c~o!!m~•~P:!:ro!'J-~rty:!!.~6000~~ !~,,......=="'=· =====;;:;:;! ~u~1:t ;'fi:;' ~17~~: I --*,..,MA="s"S"A"G"E,-*.,...-I cleanup Gjoba. Time ... ~n. ILE,:;:;E;::;ROO:;;"F"IN"G"""'c"o~:""""°"""=;;:. = * GENERAL HELP * rellable SITI'ER-HSKPR. 5 -*~P~O"P"U~L~A=R~P=1A"N=°*,.,..-I I-...--SAUNA • \VHIRLPOOL Profen ardener. ~tie of all types. rl!! cover • $3 75 HR days wk, "Linda" 646-2066, Li!!uoos In home. $25 mo. PRICE REDUCED Lot. 6100 Vic: 15th & ?-1argut>rire . . J p ,_ il" . 646-589.1. ....p·•-, _1 -·"··•· Lie .._ • • 1 ~---------i Cd~f. 673-~, aJ6-8340, Ui\·e\y Gir s. lush ... c 1hes .. 1--"-::....~===,.---1 ... .._..,. • .,., ........ ~.. • :run or part time • • • • • • • • e 54&2759 e EaJ>tbluff Cus 6 unil s, Ownrs NEED Christmas money. 832-!ITIS Open 6 daya, noon-midnight. GARDENING bonded aince 1947. MZ-1222. Dependable, live In area. 4 Br, 3 Ba hm + 5 111udios. J\iust sacrifice my beautifu.i,1-H=U=Gc=F.~. "-m-,~1,--.,-,-. -,-,-,-YI 29.l() w. Coast """'Y, Newport By Experienced Japanese Mr. Powers 54 g. 9867 $196.500. Owner 6~:,oJ.l 1 d Beach 54&.3608 * 548-0228 * S.wlnt ff60 1--:=:==:======' j levPl. view. k>t~. oca.re_ . in 1ops1de, whi1e hottomside. j .,;;";~· ;· :;:::::..,,==-:-l:;-;""O>:;:;;;~;;;;;;;;"-"'T-;:;; I ~=='-------* HEY GALS * MERCHANDISE fOR SALE AND TRADI I;; presrigP Arizona subd1v1s1on Very frit'ndly, bur misi;e5 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. AL'S Landacaptna:. Tre e •~i•rnakin& -Alterations :B;;u;;•l;•;•;;";;;;R;•:n;l•:l;;:;;;;6060;;; I fnr S495 each. 1\1. Morg~n, hi~ owner. Pleasl' call Phone ~2-7217 or write to removal. Yant ftmodellng. DeJlgned to suit )'(IU, t..arp expanding Company • 121~ So, 7th St .• Ph0t"n1x, 646-524'1 P.O Box: 1223 Cosla Mesa. Trash hauling lot cleanup. Call Jo * 64&-6446 nffds 12 ral•. Full or part UNUSUAL IMMEDIATE Ar izn n_a &5034-Tclept¥Jne r·ouNO, mrd. i izc, shag;gy · Repair 9J1mklen . 673-llli6. All•r•tlons -642•5145 time. Live In areL OPPORTUNITY MOVING! Like New: ti' furniture IOOO OCCUPANCY 6Q2-.!146-7>l.14. hlack feniale d011:; \tic. Announc•m•nts 6410 Exper. Japani!!st Gardener. $.1.25 HR. PART TIME e FULL TIME VECTRA 10fa. $100. Gt.mt 1,060 Sn. II. in convrn1f'nl .11 Horbor k N"~'port Blvd '-" · "uu-· 1 Compl•t• yd ,,,.,,\-. Neat Neat, accurate, 20 years exp. Mr ,., __ k 546.9863 Earn $200 to SlOOO per mo. table 1150, desk $145, "'w " A 6200 · ' CHRISTMAS CARD • R JI F 1 °•2 '389 Introduce cte1&11, purified wa. ,.,t t ch ··••h sofa -m-locatefl shopping cen1er. S:t'iO cr••ae Nr. 19th, Costa Mes a . "" e a. re' es·,,...., I 6974 HE LP Wanted, Reif. pref. 18 • ou .... · ... ., Per mo. 5 yrar lease, r~or 10 ACRES south of Palm.,_ .. _'-~'~'~"-~~~.,..---RETURN ADDRESS Complete Y•rd Cerel Tiie, Cer•m C or over. nl le• &. graveyard. 1er Into every home lor le modes $35 ea., matchlnl \nformarion f·11ll _ • • 0 eod h " OUNO 1 Sh tr STICKERS JIM 540-4837 *Verne. The Tile Man .* Mu•t be courteous, neat, pe r gallon. Positivf' think-chr1. btaut cstm mta. dark 54,5440. Springs. v.'ner n 5 cas. · I-' : ma e e .If', Ap-$I FOR IOOO bo-ot & ttllabl•. Apply Jfll'·ro-retten only. can build pecan cocktail &:-commodes. ~ Vol•• 1750--SlOOO/acrr . Will prox 1 ". r olcl. Vf'ry well MONTHLY •Awn m a l n t , Cust. work. In111:all le re1>1.1n. "" hi h · -• M di Kl ~. ••- STORE -1126 W. 19th St., CM. Av11ll. 12/9. Sl L'ifmo. Office Rental * 548-1768 6070 SUPER-DELUXE QUALITY 1-2-3 room. up to 3,000 11q. ft. oUice sul~•-Immed. «- c•Jpancy. Oran&e C n I Y. Alrport lrvine Commerl'. complei.: adj. Alrporter Hotel &. 1Re1taun.nt, banks, San Dir!go A: N'pt Fwys. UNCROWDED PARKING LOWEST RATES Owntr/mgr, ::nn DuPont Dr., Rm 8 Nrwport Beach ~'\2'23 Cour1e1y to Broken ·' •-·d """' doll•' •·• ~ N '·" I I Pl I Jock-•'~th~Box. ,,. E. i earn1nzs a11u 11et.ure e l ft& or "Cueen uw·m sell fnr S3.iO/acrP. Ov.·nt'r ti-ail'll!!d, Vic Lucky Shopping .:><!" JU 'K' Lawn & 11pr inkler1 ln111alled. 0 JVU 00 sm · as er •r-C .,~ .>o.1 tulurl!!. Only serious, depend. Rf, lamps. 978-9051. will carry on ea5y lermit: Center at AUanla, 1-1.B. your copy to: Rotcrtilling. Trees, shrubs patchin(. Leaking shower 17ttt St, .M. Re manirer. able, hard working peopli!! l===~-7"==-=~I S.100 do,vn, S 3 5 /mo . 5?.6--4l27 Pilot Printing, Label Div, removed, &IS.34l3. repair, 847-1957/846-0206. HOUS EKEEPER • C 0 0 K, with mrmt. potential need srEREO &: cab S500 valu. 0~" 0 •12 l====C""O-=--c7''.:'7C Box 11175 CE"'""IC Tile work. Free EneraeUc, t1ependAble, tAke •-S!OO. $225 dlOl!!tte H:l, new ""'"""" · SHEPHERD I Spanlt>I m I)! Nev.'J)Ort Beach Ca._ '266.' EUROPEAN LANDSCAPER ~~ job too all cilargl!! of house. l teenq-e apply. CALL Mr. Cousu1s $100, &fabed ~JOO. Muat SAC! $16,000, l plus levrl 15".2()" high, Gold w/blark. Your labels wui'be senl by Clean up . T~ Surgery ;!,-2426° am · girl, 2 dop:, mn-amoking for appointment. S37-6'19'l. &ell, 458 Costa. Meaa St.. Acn. Lake Ma the w s Good w/chllrlren. Founct \'lr return mail. Reason11blr. Eve11. 496-3383 c·-========== 100 CM !Estate!!, J4 mi/Riverside. Hunlingron SeacliU lrAcl off ;;; family. 61~75 or 5'11)-.4 PURE RIJE =·=·==-~~-~I Ungmd/ull'1. Gorg view Goldtn Wes!. 536-9533 SERVICE DIRECTORY EXPER. Hawa.ilan Gardener Topsoil 69n HOUSEKEEPER, I l v e -1 n . • MOVING-Piano. S pa11 1 ah • lak S4S--M19 aft ---------! Com r I e I e G ar den Ing :..;_,;.;,.c...______ Rel'•, 10 c:are: for elderly eouch, Hl-F'1, leather chair, mount es. ~1AN or hoy's prescription Babysitting 6.550 Service. KamaJanl. 646-4676. Top Soil, Sandy Loam woman. MT-4441 • • • • • • • • Wuht r, Re:trlg le mlac. Ste 5. glUM"a. Brov.·n horn rim LYMAN LANDSCAPING SALESMXN -Otrr OF Sat •t 218 Jumlni!!. CdM.. 208 frame and brown leather MOTHER Will babysit. My Gener•I Services "82 6.13-7636 HSKPRS Emplyr pa,ys fee. WORK" S@ll a product that LIKE-NEW furniture, mlot Out of St1ta Prop. 6 c11se. Vic nf Ne11o>port Blvd home. Fenced yard. 9 mos George Allen B)!land Aa:f'n-sell& il.ett. Work on eom-TV ron10le. 50 to &1'70 on. $395 FULL PRICE !Ind 32nd . 6T...-1703 tn :t yn; preferre<I . West (If CARPENTRY, Cabs., Pal~ Upholstery 6990 cy547 "!,.~. B E. 16th, S.A. mlulon or wholesale: baais. C&JI 673-1409 btwn 3-7 pm, b. NOTICE Surf ' Seashore Harhor Crnter. S4 day,~ ting, Formica, Plbg ftpair, ;;.,;==~-----1~~~~~=~-==.:I No gi mm ic k•. no 31" •~-ht\ Pl CdM P INE Tree covered rain er. -hrly. Full rime nr nc· c<>ncrtle, a ppllances & Cz.ykoik l 'a (Csy-kos-key) HOUSEWIVES _ N EED .. ,1,,...., .. prom'-•· Your 11'"1"-~ a at'f', 'I.ht w/roatl CIO!ie tn 2. Dr are11. Your 2 dog11: Sm . I D Ex . ed •· I •-•-I -MOVING M'--I .. l.k •• ' ou..,..,,·~ed by Nat'I hlk/ "'-'hi & Sh11pherrl. Call easion11. · ays. penenc v.·ater '"'fl er rep ... ceme7n~. Custom Upholstery, 183 XTRA MONEY IN YOUR Income limited on!y to your ·b •~>. 1 a.m • ,-,, ... ~1 &;;;hern Oregnn Npt. Pound, lmmed! 5'18-lJ95. 646-1 l:ill Mon thru Sat. to Newport Bl\ld, CM 642-145C. SPARE TIME7 T!\11 pro-Initiative. You will deal c~ta, d~_dh 1• pa~!~~· 2JJ/~~U86 or-TI(/644-4185 FOUND: $300 +, B/31/70, UC'D day care. toddler: '? . JOBS&. EMftLOYMENT duct sells ltatlt Everyone wUPi a reputable firm. ~~',;2;.. .. ea, aruoac .... am-5:30 pm wkly. Hot RAIN G u t.e r • Iruitalled. ::.:::.:;..::.;;;;.;;;...;;.;; ___ .I ha11 need for H. Work <m 61>-1877 alter s. ,,.._,;,ou_ :';:":;"O:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::I Newl)(lrt Bay. Ownc!r ld,n· bo B k . "· b. bl ob W ,_, M 7000 hot I ~co==y,;-.,s.=-:=c:-'.'.".=.,I DESK SPACE iify! \V, Slt'CPI nn 770 San me a I'. liar r/ a er, Qualtly wo.... n.cuona e. J an .u, en commission ()I' w tt• e ,t Sll:RE1'ARY • Part !1me VEL fa. nevtr u~. _, 62_. .. Vl 1 A 90069 5'16-15.1~. Free C!I. 96A-2208. b11sis. No rlmmlck11 no Tues &. Friday'•, 9 to S. Call qulllfld (Jora, smlchgu&J'rled 222 Forest Avenu~ AR!_:..JE~·:,!W~•!!n~t!-~-~~-~I~"~"'!:':.,· ~-~· ~·~·~·~--l ~ii~ifr'ER:O"';;g.;:-ulmfiT~~Or!lcc.;:;m;1k!tiii•O: MATURE Man desire• work "bloe . ,icy" prom lllf:1. YtM1 SW. Matchlnr love11ea.t i1li. ;. BRACELET BABYSITTER, 1111 age!I, 24 ALL ype1 o eram c e, of any kind, Har experience will deaJ wtth • repUtable 545-!D. ~1. loguno Beach Private buyer wants apt units f'ound on Pacifi c: AvPJ. hour11. Warn1 meal~. blg pla11tering & masonry work. in janitorial and bui lding firm. 67>'1877 after S. SERV •. ettab. Fuller Bnllh I -'.;.;..u.°'1ieg"'-,-.-y~C~r--~,-.-.-.-I ,.94_9466 good locatlOn, any conditiofi. 642-0176 cb:;'i;'k~Y•~nl;;,·;,";;'-;...;:15i''i.:':'C'i.M:;;.;;;;·i='='~=d="';;w='="·='=<&-=l59='·==:=i maintenance. AlllO house ..c,:..c,,;,,:,,,:.;.;...,-=== rte. ~$175 wk. to 1t., allO fTI4I --·6~7~>3S~l~l----c-;-;=:lvNci7.T,-;;;n<;;;;j~;y"io;0: 8ABYSITTJNG, My home, 67_ and apt. window &: wall HOUSEWIVES &. T!:EN AG-pt dme. Sof6-5145 Too lute for trailer. S7S or OFFICE spare w /Pho n" 4 BR Mme wanted lrom Yh~~at, ,:~keyc!re~~~~~~ by wt't'k or month. 601 19th H•ulln9 -c I 1 • n In I', AlllO floor ERS fl nr pt time. SeU phot. I .!=:.;;SER:=;;Vl;;CE;;::.;ST:=,A"TI'°'O'°N:;---1 trade krt small dinette R I. ~nrl« &. Brnllll t1mount of owner In N.B,. area. Up to A·-. '-2--0li6 St ., H.B. 536-9771. y ARD I Gar. CI eanup. malntenanct. 6 4 2-8 581 phate free -nonpol:luu.nt S A LE S MAN-MECHANIC.· ~ secrrt11rial V.'Ork WANTED 5--0 46 ... '" -Remove Uff1 IV)', truh. anytime. J a u n d r Y comf)lund,. Ph : I ~,.-,cu=sro="'M,-,ru=RN=ITU='-'R"'E'I ;:11 ':;;'.'.\'.',;": ""'· "'"" ~;'N:SS end s!~'~::;,. Brick, Mesonry, .... Grade, bockhoO, ~"" SANTA Cl.AUS for hire. 64~1522 "1tr 5 pm, Fltlt or part time. iu:m;,~ s.. ad cl&A FINANCIAL ate --JUNK Want~. ~ me•·• E•p, for chlldren'a and/or Ex)>ertenct P"t'd. --~·~~~'~~~---~~! DESK SPACE fi75.IS17. Corona deJ ri1ar. """ .. '"" .., BUILD, Rtmodel, repair. pick ti p A caraa:e cleanups. adult partie1. 536-8296. • Advanctment opp!)'. LAJtGE otntna room table ]OS No. El C i mino Real Business ~ILKY TJ.;RRJER. Briek, b\Gck, c o n ere te Hauling_ F.d Stone:, 543-8913. e Training Prorr&m with 6 chairs, I 0 •1• _,{-Vlr. P11.rk l Center J b w nted • PaJd vacation ..,.. 543-34n Son Cl•m•n • pportun1 1•• "'""' • s.&8-0508 e earpt.ntry, no job !?O •mall TRASH &. Gan.1-e de1n·UP, 1 ° a ' 7020 • Prortt •"-rlnr 1 -;;;,·=-~~..,--,-~""°"1 <192-4420 "--'~ ... _,,1 • Lie. Cont!'. 96U94S d•us. SIO a loa.d. Free ett Women • WtU -•'d. •t•tlon SOLID maple dinlna: table, f MAii, vnicr, maaine ~ .. ¥ P FOUND -Id Dt ..... • bic"'"'• --v -.... • .... ~J •·t •· I. .~ CORONA DEL MAR wpplle1. Net Sl.500 Pf'r mo w/combCi~uo'h kd_ ,, ..... BRICK. Block, 1tono. Pat:iol'I, AQytime, 50-5031. MATUJtE Woman wi•he• e Xln t. Jocatton l w!YC' c-"· a a... -- 5 Rm suite. stor, &.-prkg, now p/tlme. Req's $2000 8.'D-5°'2 entrance ways. No Job too JUNK Wanted. Free met&l JfOUSEKEEPING by dt,y, e HI sa.llonaie unit lnr SlOO. M7-U76 2 Ba, 1100 "'f. ft. grnd Or. c11.1h 1e<:ured by over S&Oli========== I 1.m1.ll. 646-7825, Ref furn. pick up &: prap cleanup1, er Babyslttlnc. ~~. For tntervlew conl11.ct Bob Did~ fVtt' th!nJc Ol fW&P' l ~=,;*:,:,";;J.6i-7ii;c;;7,,;;•,,.,:;::;: I i n ve n I or Y. 96 l-8 S 7 3 Los t uol Hauling. Ed Stone:. 543-8913 AIDES _ For convalescence, ~ l'ER.50'ffl. SCUddeT", M PM, 211X1 W. 1 _ .... t Whitt -,~ •• 1 ,_ • NEWPO"T BEACH Clvlo l~~~·-~·:...,,===:-;:11;:;;-:;:::-:-;;;;:::-;-;-Coblnotmokl-65IO --·· H N 8 .... .... -........ ... n. C\'tt1/v.>imul "• HAULING • Cleanup. Tree• elderly care or l1mlly care. • ...-..t wy. · · IM 1ttle Jor IOl'fltthlftl" )'OU Center 300 ft 10 1000 rt. PART or full time wholeMle TWO dog& • Black • v.·hl CUS'l'0?.1 WOODWORK &: ahrubJ rtmaved. Fttt. Homemakers, 547""681. SERYJCES •~ SEll\fJCE STATION AT-can UM7 Try Ult Tnden Answ I: &tenllarlal 6T~1fi0l. B1111, Oppty, for th<llt' who malt Pttk·a·poo. saJ! k l-'urnlture & Cabinets t5tlm•te. 64$-3433. THE futest draw in the n:NDANT all abltis optn. Pandile mlumt1 In Uie D&i- 3700 NEWPORT Al.VD. f'l.B. Wtl.111 Financial Sec. f'or M pep~r fr.male Schnau1.t'r 548-4235 nr 645-004• TllE SUN NEVER SETS M West • . • Deily PUol 488 E.17th (ll trvtne) C.M. Apply ln J;lff"IOn. 4878 Clln-17 Pilot Want~ Ori Tl-IE 8.AY .,bl!s:allon In Iv : Call 106t t>lr~ v .. rd, area. TIRED of that old tumltureT Pilot Clutl.09d Oual/Jtd Ad. &U-5678 '42-147D 2'":::.'.:°'::.·::.·.::N::...,::!:lc:Bel>.=::.... __ m.2461. 51).s!.U "8-00'!4 Reward. 54~1554 I:.:.::.=:::..:::..::.::.::::..:;::;:::::.::;.•.:.=:...:::==---·• • .;..;..::.....-"-------., _______ _ '. i i • ' ,ICHANDISI ,Olt MIRCHANDISI FOR MIRCHAHDISll FOil MlllCHANDtSI FOii ,P...;IT"-'-S-•_nd_L_IY_l"-STOC.c.;..;;.,K,1_TR_A_N_S_P_O_R_TA_T_l_ON __ 1_T_RAN_S_~.RTATION D OMLY PILOT Tuesdl,1, Dtoonbtr 15, 1970 • Tll.ANSl'ORTATION I ·-. AND Tll.ADI SALE AND nADI "SA;:.:;::LE;._AN;.:;.;;D~Tll.A=D-"'1-ll""SA"'L""l-'A-"N.;;:D;...T.;.;R,->.:;;'°':::.'_ FREE TO YOU • ......_ 1111 ....,. ,-1-;;:;:;;;;-;:-:::-:;::-::::::1 ~-~L----~~J .Bo~•~ta~&'....Y~OCl;!h!!;h~_:-~!J~SP"'~~d:;!Sk~l'.;Bo!!!_!•!,!;1•~90~30 MOii• HomH I OfRce ,urnltvre •10 Plenn l Org°'"' llM l !M~lta~l~l•!!n~•!•-~.n~-_!l!!:ill!!!JM~laal~!!l!""!?'!!"!?""!--!!!1'!!!00 1 LOVABLE, rrtY tl&tt 1trtpe D•ne Pupplts '200 ll1:t?111l?f!l•1•11 Jf.i Southern Caifamia's , 1 ...... ;;.;.;.;.;; .. "'",_""'=-"":....-.. -... -. !!! NonCE I!! OtlNESE Hooked rue, a.II* MlNKSI'OL&UakinfUlly :·~~~':t AKC. Fawn, FunllJ.e. ApplL 1 Jll.50 e Rdill'd wood -.rm we have put every Plano Ir wool, 10 x 14 with rubber let ou t Emba Tourmaline. 1 pm. 12/lT canon. now be.Ina: accepted I chalrw., $29.50 • w 0rpn on Chriftmat: ,s.J,. fOl' padd~. Beige with Ooral Xlnt quallt)', Xlnt cond. for pannthood Sa.J ~ rotary ,_ ..... t...~ a clean l'W'teP tellot:IU New, pa!km $25, matchin& S x 5 $400, MS-m2. FREE call, to a rood home, aft 6 PM ' ha¥e the larre-l &e!WIOlJYl.I boo NI with pad ~· French I' h cl\armlf'll • Io v e I y • I,.===· ,-;:-,--= I Clll! \llod omo. tum in thil ~~ ~ ~ d at :;. Pn:Mnclal collet labte with ~ t ~ ~tuttt!:ie an: fttY/wht male, 2 yn old. CllRJSTMAS ~ • AKC ' .,.,Mc Mahan Ottk near de~r·s cost. 9"ne at lowtr shelf and drawer i20 bai. ' & bl l67s Please ca.ll 540-1943 12-15 rec, Champ 1NiiJd, Toy I ...,.,.p111• For a montY 1av. Ktnmore. vacuum with at: ~U:·Ave.,._C.M. e. LOVABLE B mo male looks aprlcoi, 7 wQ, Shots. Very UOO Newport Blvd. ...., ta hrn I SU 646-4032 llkt Sher dor btn ' blk A precious, W l l I !:told til Fri A G~ Schwinn Bike In gd memben:hlp. $315 PI us alt. 962.&&81 or 968.2.17912117 EXPERT ~ $7.50. us. Open Thlll' &: eve1 cond $35, nttt ioftener $SOI tran.fer. Call 548--5306. Poodle puppies. mOllt colon, Sun alt. blende.r $7, touter $5, db PUPPY-pa.rt poo<lie/Pfl,rt • VOLVO Al 71's Are Here Savinp Up To $466 on remaining 70'1 t •8'782> Over Se .. Del. Spec. 1970 California Nl'lwport, 121 ·hp OMC: big whf!CI Walllb'orll trallC'r ' x I n I famUy 1kt ~t lot $2250. Call 5<1-08T] -· * Micro SpMd Boot 1"'· .. m * 673-t53't " L , Bo.I Trall•ra 9032 eaa fADi& • 18' HULL-7' B •am fH PORTS w/tri.lJer. Acoe1sorie1. Best 1966 IJa.rbor, C.M. 646-9303 Otter. 646--7560, I Off' .. Eq 6'U4'0ulprn•nl IOll ~rci!tite.~~ uo~ I ~!Ji e ens , . N.B. Tennis Club tamiJy 'whr, k>v! children' hbrkn Chtiltrnu. 540-0354 WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO bed w/bxspmp .l matt, NEW Black leather couch II Scotch Ten'ler, 10 wkJ. Will S50 up. Monkeys $35. Special ! UN D £ R W 0 0 D EI e c. 1819 Newport, C.M. &U-8484 hdbrd &: Ubrd $30, IOfa $30, Spani:"* llJ..,! ~ * * hold till Chrlltmu. Aft 5. ~T~~l. bird.I. S47-3851 or Fisherman's D@lighl, l 3' M11rlnt Equip 9035 ' typewriter, heavy duty of· NO\\. IN ONE LOCATION cocktail&: 2 match end Ibis, v•.-a•o 2131598-6274 ~1211'1 -,,,,..---------Thunderbird run-about, 150 ' : f1¢t model, 7 Million aerle1, Conn * Yamahll $11, kitchen tbl oak w/no SUM-GYM: SlJ&btJ,y Ulfd. CHILD'S Alleru forcta to TWO yr otd male Golden hp OMC item drive eng. 60 e WANTED • ! with t11ble: S150. MS.2308. * Thomas Orga ns chrl, $15. l~2 l..ol\.ll Ln, MUST SP;lL. give up 2~ yr old Blk Relflever "Champ," gold gal gas cap., other extras. l L. C. Smith desk model. Also complete selection H.B. 968-9142. * 546-3093 alt 4:30 * Poodle--Tenier, Cat & 7 kit~ color, Choke chain & fl.ea Boat&. trlr. $ZD:l, 54.J...ll148. MARINE PRODUCT 16 tnc:h carriait type--of pianos & organs * AUCTION * tens, 8JG...4n3 12/17 coJ. Family lrieving -14' Pleasure Sid, elec 1t.&.rt 35 PUMP : writer $25. 548-7983 Opon Daily 10 til 9 Misc. W11ntecl 1610 FREE T al ho _.. ij.EWARO, 549--3957 H.P. Suntop. Trailer. S495 or 21'." intake, 2" output. • (----~----Fine Furnltlll'e o qu me, ·~ best ~U! .,~..... 646-5361 ' Sat lo.fl * Sun 12.5 & Appll.anr.ea • WANTED • Doxle mix, sweet&: lovable, • GERMAN-Short hair ~· 11---------COAST MUSIC lncd yd , S4IJ..-0813 U/lT Pointer, 6 mo, ready lot 2 HP SEAGULL outboard. Gari19e S11le I021 NEWPORT 11 HARBOR Auetio11.1 Friday, 7:30 p.m. MARINE PRODUCT training, AKC reg. Line ot -------~-< Xlnt llhape. $75. l BOUGHT Mobile Hom e . I Eveeythlna goes. Elec. appl, 1 clock.a, lamp1, silverware, I' dinelle dishes bdrm set. You ~ ill ~19. 2214 ; B. Rut1e..rs Dr. C.M. C()(lita Mesa * 642-28St Windy's Auction Barn PUMP NUTl'Y Coek-a-poo 1 yr old field champions, 644-.5194 S•llbOlts 9010 67>2400 ~ Nt-wport, CP4 646-8686 214" intake, 2" output Stm~trained, MZ-41>89, ~ AFGHAN AKC Fem. White J------------·J====~-S. =3·:::Eaa=: SpiMt Piano $?95 Behind Tony's Bl~. Mat'l. ...._53'1 Commodore, N.B. U/lT w/blk mask. Champ blood· RENEGADE Thom•• O r9•n $195 ;,39;;o .. -uH;;o'<'rro<>'iilN"'"T"•"'"•:-;,:;1-:,:;1-;:,f---:;.,-;W"AN7"TEiOiD.-"•,--l2 Yng fem . cats, 1 wht/blk line, Jhebrkn. Show or pe!. of 100 New & Used ra-"', Wm. •-•n • ~--i ..... _ .. ___ rhort hair, l calico Ion&" Will hold tor Chrilltmu. NEWPORT ...,. Pianos on Sa.le ·~--•>oU& .... ..,,..,.,. ...,..,,.u......... ha.it 5+6-7308 12/17 15'"""'' altps avail for power Be•ch Music Center silverware a.nd e h est . CAU, 96MB6T · 84&.7653. Famoll.9 25' Tops'J cutter, hoe.Ill. Bayside Village, :.xi J{untington Sch. 847-8536 Flair pattern. COit $125, UI·/========== 12 Parakeets w I ca ce . DALMA'MANS Ch'l.Il1p. bred. die!lel, A.P., 7 bags of sails, E. Coul Hwy. N.B. ed approx. 6 tim~s, $50. ~ Machinery Etc. 8700 5.57-8790 12/17 Take borne Christmall or wk ~ery possible equipment to SUP Re ta.I 1 to 40 ft ~·~•AS ... -,,uo· .... stenotype machine, oever ' 4 Uvely kittens % RIW!llan before. Top cond. Pvt Pty; go anywhe1e 1'1 the v."Orld. boat Ln•nd 0 1'1"P N 1· ~.:>•= ..,._ ·~ -sed llT5 MT-9977 64>-1937. Asking-.... 646-1914 Ev ' 1 s e, ewpor Bo.t Slip Mooring 9036 FINEST ADULT PARK SURROUNDED BY ORANGE GROVE."i ANO AGRJCUL'I\IRE $300,000 RECREATION CENTER Duc11 n .OO/Mo, Per Couplr NO ENTREE 1''EE-PET OJ<. 14 MODELS ON DISPLAY WANT 1'0 MOVE IN NOWT Doub!• Wldaa Set Up Complete With Awnings, Skirting, T•x & Lie. From $9999 I Ser, 7169) 1''1NANCING AVAILABLE DLR. TR 193 • HANO-Made items. Barbie ! dolls, clothes. Stop-Smoking : MD kit A" work, wall I plaque11. 2792 Mendoza, O f. Hammond, S 1 e in way, u , • LATHE H. duty 27" swing, 6' Blue. 642-3354 12/17 -"""· e. Beach. &l>-l260. Yamaha, New & uaed pianos COMPLETE Elec. train set, fj!~tldt~p!~O'tw, ~~r::y· 2 Parakeets & cage l blue, 1 AIREDALE Puppies: AKC BA~SHEE ".'brglg sailboat -BOAT Slips available 26 to 40 14851 JEFFREY RD. o! most makes. Best buys in grttn. Muat be kepi Bom 9/lll70, $125 ea. reg 13 of hJ perlormance. ft Newpon Be ch 'l1 Appliances So. Calif. at Schmidt ]t1usic 3 engines w/can, 2 levels, relit. SJ250. 673-5274. • togethc.>r. 548-5163 12117 litter/champ pedigree , Complete, ready to uil. ' 6n~ ' 1100 on stand, Orig. cost $750. 1 """' """" ,.._ .. cond ., •• 6n -t ·~ LARGE .election of reoondi. Co., 1907 N. Main. Santa Yr old, sell as is $250 a.I I in-1----------A Home for Chrlalmu'!' Kil· .....,....,......, '-"""" '...,..,. ... ,.......,.,.,.,a 11=:::======== S MI. SOUTII 01'' TIJSTIN, 1.4 MI. SOUTH OF SANTA ANA FRWY. (11,4 Ml NO. 01" tioned appliances, repos, ap. /~A;"~'~· cc;-;:c;-7.-;'7n.n"O eluded. Other toys avail at FREE TO YOU ty spayed fem, -needs kind CHRISTMAS pupples .(AKC). 6· Bo.it Ch rt plianl:'f:sh'ommodel homes. STEINWAY PARLOR lD% o( cost. 675-3003 or adult 536-4037 12/17 Small min poodles. Will 16%' ~. Extremely fast, a er 9039 W dell · & llJ.at GRANO 673-5023. 1---------CU E 292 t'old WI Christmas. Shots & good eond, Full raee. J ib & e ver, aervice -Re linis hed, Overhauled & -------c-WE Are ~ady to help you T Mixed puppies. puppy clipped. 962-2195. splnnakl!r & trlr. $1250. Call Christmas Week Charter antee. DUNLAP iuarant«d. See & heat' to MOVING I-Must 11eU b Y give someone a Merry ~~~7 N ° v a• C12~7 ''s=E~A7G=L~E~=p=UP=P=r=E=s.-A-K=c~. eves, 213196G-8033. 32' Twin-screw Chris 17141 132 ... 5 SAN DIEGO FWY.}' appreciate. WARD'S 12/17! Tent tr!~ $159, ct"Uch Christmas. Cock-a-poo and born 11116170. Reserve SABOT, Stmi racing equipt. avail.** 548-2434 -APPLIANCE BALDWIN s Tu o J O, 1819 $15, mod. refnc. SIS, elec ? puppies, Siamese kittens, P LAYFUL blond kittens, 1815 Newport Blvd., C.M. Bl d 64" oAoA Remm, typewriter $40, dbl & mix·' pupp•'••· Will hold housebroken. l>Ttt to good yours now. Will hold til Xlnt sailing cond. Eves Bo t Stor 9 -·· 8X3t PARAMOUNT • u•7711 e Newport v ·• ~. "" Christmu. 830-9118. a.lter 6, anytime wkends, • " e ~ In C.M. Adult Park ~ b@d compl. $IS, 133 E, 16th until Christmas. ca 11 'h'.':'.om~e.:,'63':'.l'.:.-7"'63~l~•~tt~5~p~m~l2'.'.!1~5'. I >iTi<Ti.TUiiES<'hru;;;;;;;-EBONY Ftsher Baby Gratld. S S CM. 646.m ~ . M JN J AT URE Schnauzer 644--4177. Space rent S52 mo, FRIGIDAIRE Auto washe:r, What a beaut Christmas 1• p. l, 4. 642-4319 12117 LARGE gentle affectionate AKC ~g. 6 wkl. Ready t0 CORONADO 25 No. 596. By BOAT Sl'ORAGE.8Sc pe r ft., TotaJ price $2495 (BZ 22251 1 ~'. K=re x~nutto ;:~~: present! Sll95 0 w ne r . 2 -COUCHE s. match/ BEA UT I F UL L a r &e a.ltered male cat cheeked by go home for Christmas. owner. Like new, many ex· per month. Electricity & American l'\fobilhome Sale1 ...., 673-2259, 644-5912 loveseat, dinette set, cmplt purebred Black!Tan G . vet. 675-4819. 12/15 642-~ tra.s. S6500. 71414~5261 water supplled. 54s.8148 • 56-8241 * ' ~~~T-ati5. de Ii v. ORGAN By Owner; O:mn 2 KJng.u bed, colfee tbl, & sht'pherd. F'l'ee !o qua! VERY Pretty .full grown POODLES -Standard AKC eves. -1~ 1.::;..:;..~:;..-=---=,..,._, manual, 25 note pedal, refr~. Lldo Isle. 673-0487 home Older Children Gd fema.le cat needs home Im-Own ired ho • all al' JR. Folkboat. sea-worthy·,/~ ' KENMORE Or Whirlpool percussion, like new. $120D., =·-'=' ='~~--~---! s,a~chdog 817-9936 12'11's' mediately. 494-f.682 12/15 bl1ck,p.; rd,o,i Oufs'tm~'. '2'_a,hogl · • .,k_..i <~o '1280. $1000day•,', DON'T p IN c H 1 elec dryer, Old but in good 642-2393. • JAKE'S Used Everything ' 6 PRECIOUS small mixed 4.92--8364 ...., ..,.,,...., • cond SaJ ea. Also Kenmore PERFECT ..... , Ti ddl •,,-=,,--,-7."--,--,,--1 h ~ LOWRY Sp•·-1 organ, xJnt Buy-5ell-Trade. Elec. golf ... t • ny cu Y b~ pups. Ready for 1 ., Mal ~t l il 54(}...1389 eves. wringer type was er .,..... ,.._ al , 1 al · Will e ......,... e pupp es, 8 ver 1 ====-=~---·< •, 54&-'672, 84.T-8115. cond. Orig cost $&50, will cart S2S. Front Throw me .. em epuppies. Christmu, 645--0487 U/lS miniature, 8 wk1 old, Used COLUMBIA 22, Im mac: sell !or S430. 846-63n. mov.-er S6S. Color 1V $125. be 7 wks old on Christmas WEDGEWOOD &a.I 1love, to children, no papers, $40 Motor, Man1 other xtras, _ : GllEO °""'11 "coo""o "'coN"""o Tooon BALDWIN Organ It. speaker. 117 E. 18th, CM. dChriftY .. ,Wtmill kttEvp f~~1""'m2untl,,1 FREE. 646-2206 12/15 ea. 545-4270 before 4.:30. Slip. Sacriflce s 2 7 50 . ' i lge ~:r .our mobile home. Uke -new, full pedal li!!a~B~~-~;;~ayi!.~t 6 pm, u e. ,,,,_ 12ffi '·l"'l'-.... -.95-,,-~-.-S-hc_pe_nt_m_lx_.-Cal~J AKC REG TOY POODLE, 4~12&'; YOURSELF • Bargain SM. 557-8905 keyboard.SIG00.644--4277. SlOO, a;ntact Mr. Laney or FREE To qual. homes. ~~-CALL AFT 4PM : Lido*t464~~~r !895 SUPER. 1970 dlx, 30'' 1'"rlga. LOWREY Spinet organ, dbl Mrs Greenman at the Beaut purebred, female, G. BRO\VN Baby Guinea Plgll. ....., daire ell'c. range; yellow: keyboard, blonde, xlnt cond.. DAILY Pnm 330 w Bay Shepherd 1"' yrs, + beaut ~9!1&C 12/15 • sr. BERNARD pups, LIDO-Clean & comple!ely used 2 mo. Sacrifice $125. Moving-sac S350. 548-3846. Costa Mesa. ' · ' ma.le G. Shepherd pups, -4. AKC, reg. Show quaJ. fitted. North sails, trlr. No. 496-2686 or 493-4196. • Farlin combo organ. Xlnt rnO!., nd homes w/fencell. PETS end LIVESTOCK * 962-7537 * 1865'. $975. 673--0676 all 6. • REFRIGERATORS e sound. Cost new $700, sac FOR sale: Used 4' fluores· 649-2637 12/17 ---------AKC Blk miniature Poodles, •270 2131~5876 cent fixtures, $5 each, u is. Pets, Gen.r11I UGO FROM MODEL HOMES ., · .,.,_ · Contact Mr. Laney or Mra, BEAUT Pure wht yng adlt. '"-'=c..:c:.:.;;;.:;.;. __ _:.:.;.: I 3 mo old, $75. * 531·8105 * l20S Greerunan. Daily Pilot, 330 spayed cat blue. eyes-shots -TROPICAL Fish .1: ~u.iP-l --==~*'°"'61=3--0=J.1l=9~*==- MAYTAG Wallher ln perfect I T_e_l•_v_i_ii_on______ West Bay Oollta Me!!& al.!IO 2 beaut tiger , altered ment sa.:le. Closing our 11~ ffilSH SETI'ER PUPS condition $4.5. 968.86ll after 21" Zenith Color TV ' maJell -shots. 548--0813, everything muat Co· 20% lo REGISTERE0-6 wlu UPR~GHT Piano, $225. 836-4493. 12117 50% off. ~B E, Coast e 546-2969 e 6 pm. lremotel, new tube. Guitar w/casf'. $20 .t~=~-. -------l ====_,~-=~-o I_,-'=========' IS175. 548-6529 Ste!"'4rpliono AM/FM con-PA.RT Siamese, beautiful, ln-Hwy, CdM. 6~55. SCHNAUZER Pups, Male at Antiques 8110 sole $25. Port. TV &: Stand tell, well trained litUe blk CHINCHILLAS: Em~ncy stud, Grooming, Hold 'til Hi~Fi &. Stereo 1210 SlS. 536-31139 after 5 pm. kbaldll" "Hane e d 1 ""~~ .!!! illness ~ sacrifice of Christmas.. 846--0839. ROUrTop desk. oak. Xlnt I '-'~.;..;'-'""--"'----y d shots ......,.."°""' -· rim ·-'--'· • -·• t BICYCLE& 20" 24" &: 26" • . _. P e a.iu.m.>a • '"" ... p ' GERMAN Shepherd AKC cond. S325. 842.-3235 or AKAi Model 150-D, reel to • alt 7. 12/17 Call 536-2241 2131425--4605 aft tOam. reel custom tape deck. 3 girls &: boys. 1 & 3 Spds. . ====~~~~--, large PUJ>!I. 2 liners. Tmn.s. 1=====7·===== / heads, microphones, wood Nicely painted. Good cond., KITIENS Some. long hair CHINCHILLAS: Be i i e & Call T14/637-Wi6. •·wing u.chlnos 1120 bl t reuonable. Mini Bike 4 HP, 90rtle short hair Mun'; pt. standard w/cages. e SPR{)/GER .... ,.,, -nw ca net, many eatures. xlnt S9S &4Z.l272 Siamese some domestic. 7 642-2814 ..,.,.,, l'-;;....-''--------1 Uaed 3 mo. Make otter. 212 · . wks 4 mo all colorll. I----------Dogs, pick of litter. Gon SACRIFICE No. Coast Hwy, Apt 5, L.B. LADlf:S 106 carat diamond 836-4493 12115 Call 538-1173 1970 Sihger auto zic-zq, 11.uto RCA STEREO ioUtai.re. VVS, blue white, BEAUTIFUL T bb f al C•ts 8820 buttonhol~, blind hems, ov. Walnut Contemporar'!f appra111ed $1250 Sell SllSO · a Y em el---------- ercut, :ug.zags, etc, w/out cabinet. Excellent condition Pri party 212· No Coui kitten, 3% mo's, blk &: gray, SEAL.PT Slameae male, not attadunentl. W/walm.Jt con-$!75 H · Apt 5 L.B ' deserted. Needs gd hm & regil. to breed w/lik:e fem 1r * LOVE FOR SALE. AKC fawn. Great Danes, 7 wks. 968-5348. ' • wy, • · people or her own. 540-5487 sole. $42.22 full pttce, or -~-•c;.,,892--8539c,:,=:,.,.:•---1$350 TUITION to L. A, aft 1 PM, 12/17 for pick of litter. 646--0169 Horses 030 ~~alrnts, MS-8238, AKAI-X360D, 16 tapes ~~~t~~:h~~edro~ s~nt:: 3 Part PMdle, female P~P-Siami:,s_:e k~:i~~~~ & F CARVED Western Saddle, SPECIAL 54~62 $275. Pvt Pty; Classes soon. pies, 6 wks, Ideal for ~1st. * 646-lSlO * lladdle bags, breast collar, Rt~ .. 1-any make, any model ~::~~=;;::::=~~~ 1~6~73-<~853~-~;;;;kvtt"":;;J;IJm~u~~-;l~~T:lll:•:•~C~~=cl:•· I----------tapidero1 &: bridle. Beaut. _... Hunt Beach Christmas gill! 54l)..-Ot28 in yodr own home. Clean, Sporting Goods 8500 SOFI Drink v e n d I n g · . . . D U2 eves. oU &: adju11t. on I y ~3.95, machine, chest type . Walnut 3 Lovable tt.ger striped kitt· _09~•--------5-t ~=,..--....,,---,,.-,~~~ MS-8238 SURFBOARD finigh, Pa.id $350, take $100. ens, 4 mo a. Need perm, JUST IN TIME FOR BACK Bay Saddle Club Like new 536-9Tn homes-shots, 548 -0813, Christmas boarding S45 mo, Steel cor· 6'1D"L x 19Y.i"W x 3~"T. Music al 1 __ 1_n_at_ru_m_•_n_1a ___ 1_1_25_1 ~~~·~ ~~ Present. 4 Pc. DRUM SET, red pearl, + hl-hat, 22" eyrnba.I, throne, all access. Xlnt cood. S400 invesl. -SaeriliC1! $200. 548-5148 after <I pm or weekend SKIS • 215 Head competition w/blndina:s $50. Boots, sz ~2~2. plastic $50, lthr $25. 67>1238 · ' 836-4493 12/17 rals for sale $50, English, CARPET layers, have shag . * l'\Iale MaJtese, white, 1% Western lessons. 54(}...1871. crpts deal direct, exp ;n. RUSSIAN Blue ~ Siamese yrll, Reg. * Silver teacup 1 11 fin. 5:!9"83Z7 cat looks. Russian Blue female Poodle * Black toy 8 MO old Chestnut coll, ~-8T..c can ' likes to hunt Am allerx:ic female Poodle. No paperi _ Parentage. ~ Qtr &: ~ Ap-,-,;;;;.,-.,;:;;-;;;--:;;o:i"";i;l~";;::5--0;;:137~=-~--''~"~l'S cheap! * 64&-0l42 • 333 E. paloosa. Well tempered. LAD 11 IES rukll Jett out do~ble BEAUTIFUL salmon .and lT!h St., C.M. •Art 5: 64~1794• CO ar min 1to e. Appraised white male cat. 8 mo old. IF Yau v.oold like to buy a value $1400, will sell for Very affect i onate. SHERRY'S POODLES nice. lively pony for VICTORY 21', 3 11alls, out- board motor $1950. 842-1847 or ~S23T. OIRISTMAS Fltppcr No. 794 Yard dolly & cover $350. Call 64&-216) The DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST'S leading Ront Coronet ST5, Roth ,M ._i1_c_e_l_l•~n~ao_u_• ___ l600 __ trombone $75, Nob I et 1 - clarinet Sl20. Artley Flute •.. FACTORY C'LEARANCE $125. 54.5-184t OUTSTANDING VALUES, S400. ~2649. 548-0179 12/15 9 yn e.'q)erience Christmu, call 54D-«I02 aft V3 CARAT • 35 pts, total BEAUT St. Bernard & All breed grooming, Free 1-'~' 30""'P=M"·=~~~--I M k I I v.'edding .et. Never been UL Shephe~ mix, fem, l yr, pmaa;cl< .·~ •• ·,·nd',"l"""t col·~ .. t· * BUCXSKIN gelding pony, ar e p ace ed. Co.!lt $375, Best oUer. hsbrkn all shols loves .. .,... 9 yn old. Good disposition. '"°"""""-===o:=~I ALL LIKE NEW, BIG DIS. BAN D Dissolved-Fender COUNTS. CH Rt ST t\f AS Mustang guitar, G lb llon LAY-AWAY, 3 channel l.ight Invader amp. & others. 1hows, Color organs, Auto '-'m-31""'-79~·;;;;;;;;;cr;o-;:::;--:;c I color bars, Do-it.yourself 1..vNN CO,RONET, very gd. (.on1rols, Stereos, FM stereo «>nd. Appral&ed $75. Bllt ob' radios, tape players & tWs MS-247S. !apes. XREXSAR CORP.1 I ===_,=,-.,==~ I 87:'> "B" W. lSth St, N.B. SNARE dntm. LUD\VIG, chrome. S60. Call 546--0573 * HO TRAIN LAYOUT. 6 after 5 Pl'\t clec switches , elec .,, t'ONN director case. Approx 2 m. 64tr2165. trombone yn old. Pianos a Organs t130 Spacl•I Holidoy S•I• FREE GIFTS WITH PURCHASE HAP.1.MOND ORGAN srtJDIOS tn CORONA DEL 1'1AR 2BSii E. C0ast Hwy. 673-8930 h1mtable, new dual loco controls, mountain, tunnel, bridge. Wired for 2 tra.in operatlom. Mounted on 4x8 board for fold up .l cabinet w/bul\etin boanl on reverse 11ide. SlOO. 64&-2165. STEREO Phonograph Al\ffFi\1 radio including 2 sepa ratt s peakers wl record!. New $150, Smith Coron11 adding machine like new $100, 646-6296. 544-0617 diildre~. 968-2379 I ~.i111 546-2848 5.57-6207 NEW 10 spd boy's bike $50. Custom built gun cablnel $150. Man's walnut bachelor chest &: mirror $75. 548-0012. CARPET layer has hi.Io's, sha11:s 11.t fant11stie uvings. Free est. will please. 371-9958 5 SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE LINE-NO AD LESS THAN 3 LINES 2 TIMES • TIMES 7 TIMD 12 TIMES $4.50 $6.80 $10.65 $15.90 $5.10 $8.21 $13.10 $20.10 POOL Tables, Brunswick $259,$ & up. Chuck's Bowl. ing & Billiards. 27SO Harbor Blvd .• C.1\1. ~7340. e SKI families reserve now! Cabin at Mammoth Mn!. Sips 7. Firepl, etc S18-$20 ---·l----1----1----1---11---1---1---l·--- $6.00 $9.76 $15.55 $24.30 per day. Sll-3374 days. j WE Loan.Buy-Sell 11.nythlng Coast Pawn Ir Auction. 2426 Newport Blvd. 642-8400 MICRO Wave oven, like new. Lear-Jet tape stereo Jor home, new. Sac 846-2157. PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 Publhil for ••••• •••• ,Jt'f', S..1!11111111 ., •• , •• , , , ••• ., •••• •••• , •••• ,, •• Cltuilicttioft ••••• •• •• •• •• •• • • •• • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • •• •• • • • • • •• -N11111 • •• •• ••. • • • • • • • •• • • ·• • • • • • • • • •• •' •• '•' • •' •• '' '' '' ••' • • • •• • Addl'tu • •• •• • ••• •• •• •• •• •• • • ·• • • •• •' • • •• '' • • • • •. •• •• •• • • •• •' ••• City , • , , •• , • , , , , • , , •• , •• , • , , , , • • 'h•11• •• , , , , , ,, , •• , ••••••••••• . TO Fl&UU COST P11t •ftly •111 woul I• ••ell tp1c1 ab•••· l11dvda yovl' add,au ., pho11a •urnb•r. Thi 101f •f yoMr 1d 11 ti th• •nd ef th• line en which lh• l•d word •f your 1d i1 wrlt- t.11. Add Sl.00 t rlr• If you d11 ir1 v11 1f DAILY PILOT lo• 11rvic1 with ... 1il1d t•• pli11. -----------CUT Hiii -PASTI ON TOUl INn\.ON ----------• IUSINESS REPLY MAIL Oran91 Coast DAILY Pl LOT I'. O. lox 1560 Con M-, Calif. 92626 ~· r.tqcSl .. f ..... ,., TtMllW 11 t•• l.la!ttl Stat.ta = = = (You're Not Dreaming) But You ,Can PINCH YOUR PENNIES • ' with a PILOT l PENNY PINCHER . Classified Ad 3 LINES 2 TIMES ' $2.00 ' Any Item Priced $50. or less (If mor• th•n on• item, c•nnot exceed $50.) the combined totel 642-5678 =-~-·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.~~ - . -- ----- -------· ------~--------------~-------· -----------;r----.-------.. Truck• . c. TRUCK. CENTER· OfEV. '10 MONTE eAR.LO JM F<ird Squire w~. Atr. $.S, f54 FuJI l?l?Wtr, MW .i'adiaJJ. ONLY 11.600 MU.ES -4(.000 mi. X I n t. $1.fM. ~ ~fydramatlc,)IOwi:-r 1tte;rtng-54~280(. ·ss TR r.x> Trium fh, di&ebtaktt-"1ndi>Mi;AM/ --;,,,.,c-=ro=•=n-=sr"'A"'T"1'=o"N-I 5 Speed trans., tire. 1pe<: 1 ---~------1 overdrive. Musi JJell. T.0 .P. )'M multiplex, 11fa10 bucket WAGON V-f, ehrome wtltt'I~. red eXter~ '66 POR$CHE MS-5358 aft 3 pin, Sf'l\lt, lull gaugf'a. llit whrtl,, S300 · •t S0.-21~ 1ar,, plush qio.ck inlerlor. b1ctory air cond .. chrome l==========I ~L:~, ~11. rifji. Coo1H1 912. S sp('Cd, brown>l--------._,,.u -,. 11port whel!la, wide track 't:M!ti ... ~... tf11 u l~•lack,f~n'flllWr\ • .'l ~ VOLKSWAGc,,• belted tirf'i, auto load levf"J. •'a.Ml: ~'::rtY. · 1 I , :f~, mOe,.tUMtl'""' er, etc., el{'. Bala nce ol fac.1----------1 CALL 546·6 750 24 hr. Phone S·A LES ". liNtfili~· 2150 H1rbor Blvd., Coste MMa . .. TR 3 '!19. Very cood eon- 27,200 n1i. l''i.na corid. dUlon. }lardtop • con- $1675 • • 533--0449 vf'rtlble. $5'!5 or bt1t oiler, -~. PORSCHE '69 2000 ROADSTER CHEVROLET '~ . POR.D LINCOLN Afl 10 A!i-1 call Maury $329' i '"l----.,-,VW ___ .;.._1 lory, ~·arranty, This Is an '65 Continental, 4-dr, hnHp CHICK IVERSON uv abllOJulely gorgtoua automo. Full pwr, air. CleM! S1256. !=========;========· c "'°'=':...100=-:0:...'-':..."c.·7.;,506.;,·=~-I Gmn wtth'Cqqtraatlna: lntu. Jted, 'With mag whffls, wide blle. You'll l'lavl! 11) •f"t to 64f>.-21A2, Wlmril: ~ Mobile Hom•• '200 Trucks 9500 DOT DATSUN YW lot, tuned 1:4illl$t1 runs like oval tires, new engine gu11.r. apgreclate. (944BE~J I~----------OPEN DAILY 549-:ml Ext.,fi& (II' 6': new.,snr1$~ anteed tor 90 days, IFTI7t $3999 \Vant To Live Jn AND 1970 lfARBOR BLVD. rrl $799 e NABERS e COSTA MESA '66 FORD Yi-TON SUNDAYS COSTA Mr-SA CHICK •IVERSON CHICK IVERSON CAOl~LAC MUSTANG Local 6pacei avaU11.ble now! 18835 Beach Blvd. 1963 PorsC'he super 90 new VW VW "1e carry rontra.'cts fact. Autnruized C&dill11.c Dir 11 you are se.rioua about buy. CUstom cah, bucket stats, HunttJWton Btach point & interior. Xlnt' ru~ -HARBOR LVD 6 I · I ti ..... he • Inv a mo'>ile hOme. • .Now's ranger packa&t-. dlr. Canip. lf2..7?8l or Y.0-040 . ..-549-3031 Ext, 66 or 67 54g'.3031 Ext. 66 or tiT on ears.$9$ l up, .ovw B ., cy" ~u nma c, rlUllO, a1oo · '65 MUSTANG the tlnte to 11ee ning cond. $2400 or be1t or. 1970 HARBOR BLVD. 1910 HARBOR BLVD. 214.'i Harbor Bl., 540-4392 COSTA Ml:.'iJA f'r, dlr. Exira cle11.11. (YEU, BAY HARBOR ~;ke~~U:'::tra~1:~~ijna~;~ '71 'DATSllll PICfllBI l.!fl()er.,,.".,wc:"~k~'33-~l-23<~-"-'_""_'1 __ _:COS=.T:.:A;.LM:.:E:::S:.:A __ ,_ 1 _ _:.~co~ST~<=ME~~AA~:__i:==~~;;;~=== ~9100 OJK'n Sund11.y 9.15) Will take tnde -tll' ft• ue un VI" home, ~l I ' B K * 1968 Chev Caprice 3!16. Anc. prlvat. party. 546-l13S MOBILE HOMES privale parly, 5'1&-8736 or "BEAUTIFUL" 6.7 912 .T•-. ,.65 VW S.u•!..h•"k. AM/SW '69 V\Y, Radial tire11, f"M. UIC H or 494-6811. 142~ Baker St, (at Harbor) 494-61111 , Used • Radio, be•t~. 11~ N '" .. , ... 111ereo. Musi Sell~ $1500. -·--------1 ydromatio, air, F'f\-1 , till 1 ~~~~--~~....,,-~, Costa Mesa M0-9470 "''"""=""'"""',.--~-~I bumper, dlr. Pin 1\ripplnr. ew mo1or, paint. ptl'f'll~,, radio, luggage rack' 645--1650 all 3:30 PM. BUICK 1968 RIVIERA wht-rl, deluxe In I er Io r. '65 Mu!tlU\J 289 HI 1h 195() f'ORIJ % r panel truck . \Viii take car in tl"Ad.t or; wiU Mita;& 5 11pd. K.o n 11 itlnroof. Lo ' ml. ; 99 8 ·I=;===='=='·==== 1'~3ctory air ronditklnlng, $1980. 846-:l1113. performanct enc. headers, f Trip_I• Wlde Cornell ~~8r). ~~i~~· b::;~u~;:k;i~: finanee pr Iv 11. t e pany, ~tJ!.ISW Blk leath int. 644-1370. • VOLVO , vln}·I 1op. Tilt & telycopic 1 ~1965,,o.::..W,,.:,.b;'-,."--Che,:.,...v-y_l,..m-po-la1 •P"t'd, nffda little body Continental • Pal'amount Make orter. 212 No, Coast M&-8736 or 49'4~1 . ~~~------J.,;i,f\v~wf'i"":e;;:,BBuU.,:Ontt -o.,;;,;;n;,.;:, I 111~ting, stereo, fuJJ. power. Coupe. Lz't eng, Rec:ent l-=cw-'.,''=-".,MMl.,_,,..1·--.,,-.,,-,:-1 &ITing!on e Universal !{ivy, Ai1t 5 L.B. .71 DATSUN l:lXI Coupe, 2400 ~69 9ll1 ii Euroran style. V"ry clean. Xtras, r ims, .. {XOL58t). · tltta. $500. Call 644-ll}S. • '116 Muatana: Futbaek. Flamingo e General .~69,--cc""'c=--.,,--,--~--I nii"s, atn nulio, vln, top.. ang, u com ort group, !ires, exhaust ·f'I<:. Make t1f· ~ S?.099 * '5.i Chevy 2 dr. Clean. S22S stick, mod. for tall, $950. &roadmoor • Star ' M ~ ton pi ck-up, 000 nutg!'I, AM l f>'M, 23,000 ml. feor. 642--0368.'. e NABERS e · If Pvt ply, 673-0.183. Hillcrest e Cambridge warranty. 11895, 673-t607 aft nintat'.', · '64 VW Van 1500 ccm ·tx.· y· Ol or , CADILLAC * 5118-3081 *, '6.\ Mua!an& cnnvt. Aute .. Vl, 4-spd, ruslon1 cab: 1-leoavy l'USlom ur\(lrrco11l , 10, m1 T 673-616.'i ~ TNIHI Ol' o er, duly equipn1l'nt for can1!)Cr. 1'01'~•· 9 M V 1--....;._;.;:..;:;;;;;_-"'--I CHAPMAN s249J, S2G-3000 or 67f>..tl169 6PM . ~·"' 14. etallie 1.ffi. chnnge r.ngine. New pain!, m I FaC1 . Authorlil'd Cadillat'.' Dir Good cond, Movinr. $700 tJI MOBILE HOMES app, grp, Chrm whls , $117~)/offrr, K. Block, 2600 JI ARBOR BLVD., CQNTINENTAL offr.r, 642-49!13, lal6 N. Harbor, S.A. 64 Ford % ton P.U. FERRARI ratk, 8,000 mi. Warr. $3600. 53&-171~. COSI'A Mi;.:SA' * 114/531-8105 * •6 ~~~k.. !E~-'""''~'~''~112-'~"";"~· =-=-1...::.:...=~.'6ii5niB!l:Uils:--''Fll1£bl.AMDEli'; 5-lij.9100 Op!:'n Sunday 1965 Continent•I Triple Wld• Cor.l'•ll -FER--RA-R-1---1 '64 PORSCHE.CD. COND R~ilt 1500 nU' ch1tch tlre11 lint ••~tt CMWY, •• '64 Riviera, Mirhelln t·adial 1="""'°'·""""=d_,"'.,·=$"1"300=. "6-==""'=' I ::-::O:-:L::D:~':M-::O-::l_l_LE:::--1 Jiillcrest • 1'1a.mingo 195~rd ~·~dTi~:n ~~~up. Newpo(t lrnports Ltd, Or· * ~ B'r':ST OFFER * * gtn., \'Vlt' rtl[. 1'.lusi Seq! 89,3·'1566 • 537..6824 H~e~, alr rond, full equ ip, • '62 OLDS St11,tion Wap Paramount e Universal e 642_g~93 • anj!e County'• only author· I :;;;-;;C;;'-1 7 1 _A-:"::':;' -';;;""'c;:""':::::--::::1..'.il'.'.1".'00':.. :'.54::;8-<::::0SO~•:::ll::~-'---NEW~USED-SERV. Xlnt rond. Bluelik whlsle CORVEnE Gri. Trans. Pvt. Pty, ~. BaITington e Bro&.dmoor ·~~Ch 1 1 . 1 !zed dealer. '6? 9ll, ;, • spd, Weber11• ·nu Large Select'ron ~ $9-10, Make ofr. J. Ber1ha, 1---------549-:38117 Alt 3;30 Conti11ental If Star ,.., ev, per cm' nu .pain, SALES.SER~CE-PARTS 111-es, 48.000 mi's, $3.q50, ________..._ oil: 615-4930, home 67~5734. '67 vmE ----~---=·I Gen.'.l • 11illore•t til'eS, eng, ~cal ~. hatt, Mu~t 3100 w r--H 543-8105 days, ask for Gl't'g. Of vw c· ampe..S, .,, . • B I k Al . I 0 "-k -., '62 r • as Convl!n, $150. sell th is "'k. ~..tR-9'.l02. . ....,..,t _wy. ---------1 ...... r u c · l'-<.'Orw., rast. .... e ·-"4••', 4-11pet.>d , Private ))9.rt)', c..11: CHAPMAN Newport Beach • '67 912,• Hpd, air c-ond. v ns Kombis Spot1 C1r1 '610 e4t>e windows. Xlnt cond, AM /FM radkl.,New poly-• 963-8975 * MOBILE HOMES J 642.9405 5'10-1764 F'MIAM . New lire~.·& n<.'W a ' I --:;;-.;riiS<U:N"-;;;l~""'~·~'~'~~~"~,7~1.==== glaM u~ •.• EXcellent eon. ----"'-''----·· 12331 Beach Blvd., G.G. -•~•P~•-_____ 95_1_0 _;;A~"':;;"";;;i1.e<t:;;,,;:F;•""'~;;°';;;.i;"~ l;b.-"-,';c"'m'·csxa'il'"Ei"'a""ii·<64;;:5--0i;'°;tt3.I Buses, NeVt & Used ·oo wrus ELAN coupe. dition Drlvf!n easy. ' ___ ._,_H_.'_530-_29_30_•__ '67 JEEP, CJ5, V-6, '58 PORSCHE 1600 cpt'. Xln! lmmffi1t• .Oellv•ry ss;;'°3000'!>1" tr67111~169for van. CADILLAC . $2150 PLYMOUTH •· COSTA MESA 32m 1nHes $1750. FIAT {'Ond, Stud~en! sacrllk'<!. CHICK IYERSON ,,,.... or ~ · A11k for Mr, Grannis SolG-3640 1--.,.-------1 'M bl) "· LI ' * * 642-2143 * * 1'001_ 54"138, Evo1. I· •--" CADll-LAC 1970 '69' ROADRUNNER Casual o e r...'ltate v g =========I ~ '10 911 !E , Hpd, tan-rine, . VY/ . " ,,u-rot' W•nfM 9700 COUGAR Nu 12, 20 &. 24 \\1lde Models go' 0. • 11 &' , FLE£1'WOOD Now on display in 5 Star Campers 9520 • Ar.1/~"M, m111 w hJ a. 549-30ll. Ex( 611 or 67 WE 1 .PA.V, ·CASH LUA'URIOUS BROUGHAM 38.1 VII, automatic, power GREENLEAF PARK radi;lls, lo ml. 325-~ R.1''. 197tl JIARBOR BLVD.. 1 Condor blue f'xtrrior with '68 Cougar A-1 ci>ndition, t!~ring, dlr. Excellent CM- 1750 \Vhittier Avenue 642-13.'lO FALL CAMPER 1..c.A.::d::':.:"'::.'·'---=--'-I COSTA MESA • ' • blue 1>1.dded landau top .and A/C, A1\1/fM !iitereo, P/S dltion. Low mlltl, (UED14J) Bicycles 9225 CLEARANCE ti ' • '21 PORSCHE • '"" vw Bur. JUd;o, tt'u FDR YOUR CAR maloh;ng d•nl•~ll. ;,,,,_ -"='"=·=1=1"'=· "='=-2999==== l\llll "'' '" ;n tnde or h e SPEEDSTER seat 1peaker1, $1375. pri. pty. ior. Full J:Mnver, factory air, -nnance private . party, 71 ..C. • * 644-~7 * * 644-4687 alter, 8 pm, CONNELL tilt-trlescopi c wheel, JlO"'er DODGE S4S.R136 or 494-6811, Girls bike & 2 trikes, slight l't'pair, Cheap! 644-4005 Mini Bike s '70 Zebra mini bike, cond, $100 or offer, 67~J7j3 9275 Xlnl Over a dozen br<lnd new 8 ft to 11 ft. campers now 1la.shed to 54-9 .~~~~, FACTORY' INVOICE POllilively no added dealer charges! Every unit ready for immedia,te Installation on Motorcycl•s 9300 YOlll' truck or 11. new 19TI! 1---'-~~~--T~EODORE n.l'UY'U'I ROBINS FORD THINI 2060 HARBOR Bl.VD. . COSTA MESA 642-0010 HO~DA '64 Ford Camper Yan ''FRIEDLANDER., 11'• II.lat fMWY, Ir) I 537-6824 • 89.'\.-7566 NEW-USED·SERV. Completely equipped with pop top, ice hox, l!tove, d!r. HadiaJ lit'r!l. 1 OWOE'r. (UED- J04) \Viii 1ake car in trarle or fina.nee. 546-8736 or 494-6811, J ---------VW, ,65 . Sqbck, Very good door Jock~. twilight .enHnel, ---------"·ss"""'B~A~RR=•"cu=n~A-c,"',-,.~m:"'"' CHEVROLET dual con1fo11 fl'ont 'seats '69 DODGE NOW ON DISPLAY car, Very lo price, $150. . h lral" .d 1 perrorm1vlee. Extras, eood 968-420C1. 2828 Harbl:r Blvd, w111 1v1 uaM/"'.'M1>1'!'r con. ¥. TON , cond. 001.nc in .erviot. I ..» Costa MN 546-UXI lro s, stert'O A f , power S4$-8234 OUto Sport ta Authorl2ed 'Dealer '*'68 VW' SEDAN• _ _:.:.:.;:.c,:c:;;.,._;,;;,::=o-l 1runk IQ('k, Thi.~ one ewnrr Camper Special. Automatic, ~---·-----,1 Authorizrd Sales e Service e Partl Good cond. SU75 or make of. WE PAY TOP automobile is ~o Immaculate power 1l~rin1, 17,000 •cluAl '70 Plymouth Baracuda 440-6 SALES • SERVICE Sonet Coupes in Stock feor, 897-7524. CASH that we l\avf' it on our main m\lf'll • 11t11J und"r f11clory First Take Over P ayme,,U • PARTS Orange County'11 Newttt Dlr, WANTED !lhowronm. Thi11 one's for the warranty! Immacula~ thru· 673-7487. 9625 Garden Grove Blvd, COAST IMPORTS rn pay top doUaw for :your, mor-1 discfiminating buyer, out! {388·38EI I~=========! '1Hm C•U Coiled VOLKSWAGEN lod•Y. Call 1., ,,... .,.,. ., truokl jU1t (7164) $2799 PONTIAC - - -..... or Orange County In" and ask '" Ron p;nohot. ,al) "' "" -.. tim•lo. • NABERS • c HICK IVERSON I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I .--- ---• 1100 w. p.,;n, Coast Hwy. M~3031 Ext. ~I. '7>0900. GROTH CHEVROLET CAO ILI.AC V '70 GTO "THINK'' 642.o406 • Si&-4."i:l9 '61 VW "BUG Fact. Aulhori:r.rd Cadill11.c Dir W 455 cu. in. Ram Air, 2600 lfARBQR BLV., 1970 l lARBOR BLVD, close ratio 4-11peed. U (#lfl SUNBEAM Xh11. <..'Ond: Good transporta. Aak tor S&1ea Mana1er COSTA MF-'\A l,.,,~,...:CO:::::ST.cA~M:::ES;::'::A:._ __ 1 honrt t ... ch, Rifle It Handl'i • I -~_.--,------I tion, l8lll Beach Blvd. !'"i40-9100 0pP.n Sunri:ty 'GO Dodge Stn ~'(n, runs pki;::, PIS, P/DIB, Radio *'63 SUNBEAM Alpine New $499 847~unt1haton Bt~h 9-333l CAD, J965 Sf~D. DE 'VJJ.LE RQO<I, needs tra1111 work, & heater, New Firestone NEW 124.CPE. DEMO top, \\'ire "'hl'f'ls. Xtra CHICK IVERSON Fil.Ct°')' air condi tioning, JCoori lire1, lugage rack, Wide oval11. "AU. BLACK" $2795 Clt•a n. SG:lO. M~,..7975_ vw IMPORTS WANTED vinyl IOfJ full if'ather intf'r. $150. !>.'\&-81~. Make offer or trade for s.. Orange Counties }or, EverY dlx. option, (NEX •• 66 DODGE Polara Conv. late modf'I Ford truck. ''fftlCN UJl\al'l. TOYOTA 54'3011 >::xl 66 "67 TOP I 'BUYER 063). "''· 1575 T,O.P. Will Ind" 646-4665 IJn.AIWU\ 1970 HARBOR BLVD. BILI~ MAXEY TOYOTA $1 799 557-9359. SAAB u1so1H1wy••_c,•,,1up. ,71 TOYOTA'S cosrA MESA 111881 "'"" Bl•d. e NABERS e Looking for • c•rt '66 VW S nroaf "·-"'""· Ph. 847-1555 FALCON '' EASY New '71 Datsun 893-7566 • 537~ ln stock. ln1mediate delivery. . U WE PAY TOP DOLLAR CA~l LLAC . . Call Auto Re:fe!T&l tree af NEW-USEO..SERV. Jmmacul11te condition. Yellow FOR TOP USED CARS Fact. Authori1.Pd Cadillac Dir I --~-------charge. We ha\111 .elleri, l~ ~~7~ Ppi~~ \v1~a~1~ .-------_.... ~ lll"°ltS with p~n stripping, new t~eli U your eu 11 extra dean, 2600COfS'flAARJlOM~"ABL., '64 Futura c1 onv~rt. hndlue, w11.iting. AU types k pricee. - - - - -I• ., & engine guaranteeil tor !!() 1. 1 Co.') new tnn11., n mint eo ., ... 0,,. alJ10 wrlc--.... (• 45~~14) \\1\!I lako ''' fn met ·iee us ll'li · ".>4"9100 O-n sundoy Auln PS 67"1"'9 It ~ --'68 FIAT 850 ·-d•Y•. Lk.$YI099PT905. BAUER BUICK ~ ~ .. . .~ ~ • 64•-4431 trnde. \Viii finance private 1• 234 E. J?th St. A R••I Cr••m Puff I i::'::PM::' ::'D;;•:;Y::•::"°":=:;l34;:5:;·=== '=-~A~ul~o2-R~•~l""1~~s.m~·~.,.:!,.,,,I ~·~ll,Call 546-8736 or SPYDER Laguna 'Beach CHICK IVERSON Coifa Me11a 548-7765 '61 Sedan rieVl(Je, Lo mi. Air. FORD .· '69 PONTIAC 9 pa;Mer\ltt -=========:I bl 1 9(>0 So. Cst. Highway VW S!ereo. Auto. f'"ull power. wa<on. Special order Int Camper Rentals 9522 RD~.L~:d with YQ~~4 n. 494-7503 * 540..3100 Auto L•11lflg· 9810 Leather uphol11try, $2995 or -------'---Goldfbrown vinyl !Qp. FUU tenor. 1 e nl'.'W. 549<!031 Ext, 66 nr 67 Relit orfrr! ~)40-00~ JOP DOLLAR po1>1'er. Tinted windows, Air~ FOR Rl'nt: 22· Pace An·ow CHICK$9rVERSON '71 COROLLA 1970 ~~~~:o~E:;vD. A LJ~S~971 SHARP '67 CAD, lo'mJ'•, ruu \. Nu tire•. $2995. Private pu. slps 6 lo 8. $150 "'k ·i· 5c PINTO JlOl'"er. $2900. tor ty. 642-5.586 or 646-fl682 mil~ a4~?.S!"i4. VW Radio, hC'Rlrr, disc brakrs. AuthorU:ecl Dir. 847-1865 all tt AM CLEAN USED CARS e '66 1.,.'TO-mCK S.\9_3031 F..'l:t. 6li or 67 Iac1ory· air, low, low mile~! Sales e Service e Paris $50.00 mo. '63 Cadillae ronvertlblt , Full See Andy Brown BEST OFFER. Porche n1ag~. New tires $140 TY.'O Bell hl'ln1rts $15 each. All $6::(1 call 548·6113 1970 Bridgestone 100 Only 218 111i. $325 833-0536 '69 Ya1nah11. 17;> Enduro, lo mi 's & Clean, $495 * n1•1.1.-.:~o * 1970 Honda Tra ii 70, like nrw, lo 111ileagl", $280. 548-0.').';J, * '70 HONDA 750 * Xlnt Cond. CaU: 646--7244 or ~).11}.liOOO, HONDA J970 CB 450, llke new. $69.~ 831-2117 or 499-2.'iGG HONDA 90 Mo1 0--Cros!1, $200. Vf'ry spec:ial. Dirt ready, 1968. Perfect. 494-7280, YAMAHA Trail 100, dirt bikr. '68. Takf' hon1e for $17:-.. Just Dun• Buggies 9515 * BODIES $75 * 2084 So, Anaheim Blvd. Anaheinl 6.~!l-1151 '69 l)une Bu g g y • pro- ressiona!ly built. Clr;in. $975. 6'16-:t.m3 *RAIL buggy* ineon1plt'tr, $150 *962-:£18 • Imported Autos 9600 AUSTIN AMERICA AUSTIN AMERIC A Sales, Service, Parts Immediate Delivtty All Models J1rtuport !l1nports 3100 W. Col.It Hwy., N.8 . 6-12·~ 54()..17'4 BMW h11.d major 1urwo.up, 494-170!! 1---"-------* * 1966 1-tONDA 160 '69 BMW 1600, J-JelW!er. f~ Scrambler, Xlnt cond. lm1ts, &lrrro, Sac. Pvt pty. 1970 HARBOR RLVD, Take older car or 1n1all All Models to Choose From (36 mo.) power, xlnt c.'Ond, $600. THEODORE ** 962-9572 **. COSTA MESA. do-w·n. Under fac t. warra.nty. Service Monday 'tlll 1:00 PM open end 646--1214 aH 4 pn1 . ROBINS FORD JAGUAR JAGUAR HEAD9UARTERS Thi:' only authorized JAGUAR dealer In the entire Harbor Area. Compleb; SALES SERVICE PARTS BAUER BUICK JN COSTA MESA 23t E. 11th Street 548-7765 Call Maury dlr. 11.ft lO an1 Sat 'till Noon RENT 540-3100 or 494-7506. 037327. COAST IMPOR:rS • '59 CAD Ll1nousint , New 2060 Harbor Blvd. T-llRD A NEW 1971 enr. ~w 1rans, new PUT A Of Orange County lne. PINTO upholstery. SROO. R:!!'"i-4497 Costa Mesa 1968 T·BIRD, Full power, Air Toy 1200 ~~:IM~c~c ~~~~ H? $4 !oAY CAMARO , i70 C6UN~~lOSquire-429. c;,';,:;;;;~:'':':~M=:"':troo:M"6=7',,."'•=;;=·=· =Lo:rl . OTA '69 YW BUG . . 4" MILE Load,., '"" .i1 Xlm. 15865 -,. SHOO, '67 Camaro J:iOSS, air, Ncw-$4?.00 Now, 5.12-25.48, VALIANT In Your Stocking for Xmas t PlIT 'A UTrLE wirt whl rin1~. 1 onr, vinyl c"',.,-;,"-,..":.:'.:.'·-==~-----------·! From Dean Le\\o·is Radio, heater, (TUR124) dlJI. KIC.K IN YOUR lop. Alt 6 pin: 675-2787. '66 Jo~airlane ~XL, Full pwr '65 Velianl 2 door. ~"PPY A !\lust l!ac! Will take old.er LIFE! /. + air. But·ki't 8f'ats, blk in· f'COnomical little car. GMl.t " n,.11 L ni..:.1 car or finance, 546--8736 or THEODORE CHEVELLE 1f'r. Make offer. 557-4405 aft rondilion th roughou t . Wll. UllMJ 4~-61111. ROBINS FORD 1---7 pm. 673-8103. IM PORTS ·&1 V\V, Rehl! eni;:: $411:,, Con· 2060 tlARBOR BLVD., J964 Cl!Jo:VF:Ll.E XI.NT 2od Car. '64 Wagun. 1960 Valianl-Slnlight gtiek, tacl Ralph Evan~ G<lfr.7753 COSTA MESA STATION w)..GON. Bf>ige New 11·1111.~. tirr!l, kuto & ~ o o d transporlalinn car, l!l66 Harbor, C.M. 6-16-9303 or 54Ji-9!!17 aft 5 PM. 642-0010 $6:il * 962-211:1 air. Only $650. M6-6.l06. $200 or bf'81 offer. 968-5230 '69 TOYOTA Corolla Sta tion Wagon 1U:~""~i;C~•;'~'iiiiiiiiiiii~'900U~:iiiii~odiiiiiC~1rii'iiiiiii·ii,iiiiiiii99QOiiiiii 9900 Used Cari 9900 U1ed C1rs 9tOO \Vhite w/bla<.'k interior, Likell ·~;;;;ii;i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iii;;;;;;i;;;i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;ii;i;iiii;;iiii;i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ new, Lie, X\VZ928 $1299 CHICK IVERSON vw !'")'!9-30.11 Ext, 66 or 67 1970 J-IARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA BIU. MAXEY !T!OfYIQIT!A! UNDER INVOICE ONE DOLLAR OVER! ! BRA'ND NEW 1910'5 We $250. 548-9697 67f,.3930 artr 3 pn1. ""HONDA 00 I========== MG SCRAMBLEll. Exo ro•'!I· 1260 --~D~A~TS~U~N'.._ __ I ·---7-;::~-;:--- llRI IEACH ILVD. Hunt. ..... 147.asfl I ml K. at a..t Jhrrp, te ~ new teg~s ~avt 1970 & s,veral Cougars, Marquis. near Mon· Mer· c:ury House Cars at c:on• • 673-1342 e -' MG ' "' '"' TRIUMPH '<IJ '6) DATSUN. WAGON Sol.,, So"';.,., Pan, '69 CORONA . MECH PERf>'. $!Kll> lmn1rdin1c Df'lh·ery. 543-7!t90 EVES Automatic. dlr, Radio, iiea:.. All 11odcb Jtard1op. Vin}-1 roof, J spe.etl, immaculate, ~lfy Bluf', Sac. rlrlre. \Viii take trRrle or Jlnaoce pvt. p1y, 0111 Sid, dlr. MQ.3100 or f94·7!"i00 all. 10 a.M. XTS 34.l. 1967 Triu mph ;,oo, S700 or er. sJl('ci~l wheels, (VOt;.. best ofle~. 10,000 mi. Xlnt 9.'ll) \Vlll trade or finance C'Qnrl. !)62.'.ffi34. prival e party, 5-16-8736 Ol' Auto Service & P1rt1 4!l4-68J1, '68 1600 ROADSTER J~rlup o 11 ~l111p o1 1 ,, '69 TOYOTA CO ROLLA New pnlnt, con1pli"te englrw! 3100 W. <:oast ltwy., N.B. ovt•rhaul, Clean. Wiii con~Jd. '66 VW Eng. Cornpl rrbh to Rt!ady lo go! rflr. (WF.Z 710) &:12-9405" ~0.1764 er mo1orcycle for equily, 1600ec. SI~ Erw n can1, Will tAke trade ur finance ----------_•:.:•.:.243:1.;;:c~' .:.".:."';;,·..:2SO=. __ _ Holley 2 h11rrel . p10o'r crank prlvflll! party, 5'46-8736 or ____________.. * '69 TO'/OTA Corona 2.dr, pulley. $•150. 536·8335, -':.:".:."'"=-ll~·==~==~I • THINK vinYt 1op, lo ni l. Xlnt rond. N':,";",..,od C<>mp~ p & G '68 DATSUN PICKUP "M,.G" 117"· 54 &-23."' !lhiffer wl reverse lockout TRIUMPH I ·~"-Radio. h('11f'1', ti1r., '4 s--.1, ."' 1" 7: .. •un« ~ans. -· ~.. ''FRIEDLANDER''1 ....,... ., (WPP 762) W!U h'1ke car in TYl'O Ponche Spte<lsfer tradr or financeo private par. 'fR 69 GT 6 + xlnt col'ld. nu Hantlop5. Jksf Offer lY. ~736 or 494-6811 , • 642.4689 • '70 2000 ROADSTER Triller. Tr•v•I M1S 1970 FULLY cttnt\1 20' tandem axl. Pvl pty. Ph: '114: !31-1800 Llk11 new, M'u1t R:ll (WPJ. JO.I) dlr. \\lilt tak11' ('AT in trllde: or finance priv1.tte pat· t;y, 546-8736 or 49f.68U. t»tt1r-.cH !HWY. n1 clutch A lil'fct. Mu.tt tell 893-7566 • 5.17..s824 <21!!) 69l-M81. NEW-USED-SE,R\(. TIUUMPH Sp;ir;,.. '67 Mi;, • --. ..mi_.-.. ll Convt, Xlnt com, or\1 ~ -•;.•:.:"':.:':.:·.;$::.I 1:.;50;;;.-'6"-73-3:..::284:::.::·-- IT'S Stach houM t1mt. Bta· fe&l .-eltctloll ever! SM the •lion nowt ' I siderable less than invoice. Come ' ' over . buys. In today & look these tremendous You'll want one! Johnson & son (1 Ml~• hvth ef ~·" 61 ... ,, .... ,) LINCOLN CONTININTAL e MARK Ill e MHCU•Y e COUGAR WE HAVE SEVERAL BRAND NEW 1970 COUGARS & MONTEGOS LEFT AT $1 OVER INVOICE! COME .IN AND LOOK OVER THESE OUTSTANDING BARGAINS TODAY AND l TA~E ON.E HOME ' Johnso ' I I son I LINCOLN' CONTINENTAL • MARK Ill e MERCURY e COUGAR .s.40_._s'.3·0·· .. ·~~ •• ~.:"' ..... :i,. .... ·.•.42·.o91-·1 .. l1 .. s.4.o_.s_6_3_o __ 26_~~-~ .. tr."'.1r-.A_ .. _,_4_2_ •• o.'-'.'- • ----~ ---~-· -------~ ~--.-----------~~ H DAILY PILOT Tuosdq, Dtce-15. If/II • • ·-A ;_-ff .:::~ ••.••.• ·-~ I WHILE THEY LAST ! ' Brend Now 1970 CHEVY TRUCKS 50,000 MILE ·GUARANTEI .. ~:TON FLEET SIDE ll CAMINO 8 foot box, heavy duty 'Au'tomatJc tranaminion, rear springs, puges, 7.50 · uDted' glaa. (196818) x16x8 ply tires. (12961) $2579 $2695 ... ALSO HUGE DISCOUNTs ON .ALL 1971 MODEU , CONNELL CHEVROLET • 2828 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MBA ~=: 546-1203 ~: 546-1200 -... NEW 1971 BUG·S ON DISPLAY & READY TO GO CHICK IVERSON B..-of tlte ,_ Bq ,, Harbor Area.Only Authorized VW .. Dealer . ·~· . ' . 1WO L!><ATIONS TO na~. YOU . 441 ... c.-""'·et..,...~·~·" .... & 1970 Harlter lfv4 ... C•t• M-. '17i-otol ....... FREE GAS With The Purchase Of A NEW 1971 PINTO , •• IMAGINE I WHEN YOU IUY A NEW 1971 PINTO WE WILL PAY ,01 ALL -THE GAS IT USES F.01 TWO FULL MONTHI THIS OFFER· GOOD ONL.Y AT SUNlllT, FOID HURRY! THIS OFFER EXPIRES SOONI ALL OAl0LINI MUST II Dl~IUltSED AT IUNI~ FORD SUNSET FORD 5440 G.rd• Gron llvd .. Wntndnttw (211) ltl 1111 Tak• V•ll•Y View Off R•mp (n4) .... ,. ' BILL JONES' . B.J. SPORTSCAR ·CENTER · IS AnJiori:n Sales & S~ee 28JJ Harbor Blvd., Costiia Mesa 540-4491 • ;'". "';°• • ' . . . r.;;c11;;;1:::::1n:::• ....... A-·s.-,, . . , llGIN··YOUR HOUl>AY IY SHOPPING 1.fllS ' lt' • ' ' . • GUI~ iOF NEW & ~ED AUTOS· & ACCESSO!ll~ · .,""··~-i - I I t. i . ' . -· -.. t ' . ~ : • • • l ! ' ' .. ' ..... ' . IAlll'A.'HAI ...... PRIAi 1HWN1· I. • ,·,· ••I ·~·4, --~--............................................... i't,... ......... ·-· ..... ·-..··'-· .......................... . ..... . ·utCK.~~·· ' .. ' .. ·.COSTA .MRSA.·· . . . "Specializing . in"-' Qwtlit.y~ DRASTIC IEDUCllONS . . . . ON AU. REMAINING -· .. 1970 BUICK . DEM~$. . . 234 E. 17th .•ST~ . . COSTA MUA .. .. 541;.1165 ' . . . . . ' ' . . HO. • . , ' . . " ' . . '' '. THE .RUGGED . . HONDA "CT·90" "TRAIL BIKE" At A Price, Y• W-'t -· t••*****************i J.le,./, :JrieJfanJer 11750' llACH ILYD. !HWY, HI 893-7566 * J 1&.11. SO. OF .......... ,., .. 537-6824 NOW IN COSTA MESI '71 H.ONDA s::" e.All COOLl.,PlOHT ........ e ll!lONT WMllL OllVS • =:~~~x:: .. ·~i:c s 13 9 5 e ~~tM tPllD n Ml'M eUl'TO•MILllLllll ,. • 8ALLotf e 11'0Ul.f'UllM81 .. I Dlt. -HDM , · ,._ 11• ..... c. """'''""'I.KM Tl'llllo Ta a Uc.- UNIVERSITY . OLDSMOBILE .. HAl:IOI aLVD. 70 MOOE l'.ARLO U.4$4 Oftly ''·'" Mia. tt\'llr.mstk, p o w • r '""""' -lft.c llrlk• -wlfllloW.,. ,-M.,.M ..,.,........ • .,. ... ---fl;. fl.Ill """'' tllf --'• fllct9ry • l r alllf,. dlrsmt tP011 ... Is, wide trlldl belfM flr-s, .W IMf lrff4.. .... .-c: • .re. ···-ef fldOry -rnnty. Tltlt .. .., -.Ollltlly_ ..,._. """*"'''-· Yw'FI llllYe ,_ -f9 .,.._i.tt. ""81MI -$3999 COSTA MllA 14MMI . '66 THllNDEIBIRD 2 DOOll LANDAU S..w CT91! whit. Wiit! Midc IM> dtll "'°' .,,,.. ~,.. cuttMI Mll9'fl)'W lnNrlol'. """ "°""' ftctory'a!r, tut, W!tee1. AM ...... phis fKltry tttrw ..,., ,._ v..t wlriclo'Q & an~, 1 own- ., ltm wflll, ....,.,, IM '"Ii.ate. °"' "".'' Cltll! .... ''"'*' '""""' tlble ft ' 1 n f . "'* lm"*llllte. !SIM*), ·$1799 ' ' . - ______ , l ' : : ' NABERS 2600 ~~~,,~J!VI)~ ;'1 540~9100 COSTA MESA .. ' ; CondOt" blue extei;or wltlt blue·pa.dded landau:< top· and· matchinl" dirdaneUe interior. Full power i.ctory air, tilt.tdelcoplc wbeel,power door locks, twilight sen:ttneI. . dual comfort front aeati.Wl.tb11ncllvidual power.,c:OritrOJa. ·•~reo AM-FM. J>OWer. trunk·~ Ths ·one ·~\~to­tnoblle Js llO immaculatertbat ~ haw it on our main lhowroom. 1bJs one'1·for'the mott cllacrlmlnatlng buyer. (71&0 ~ 1967 CAOILI.AC SEIWI DE VILLE : . . ' . ' . . . GrHn milt with black padded landau root and. match- ing full genuine leather lnt~rlor. Full power, tahtory. ali', •Wt-telescopic wheel, AM-FMrra\lioonew. white .. wall tltts, · local one owiwr car. TftJs one looks br&Qd; new with only 39,330 carefully· driven miles. (YPX270) $35~ 2600 HARBOR BLVD. 540-9100 . COSTA MESA :J-ree "Christmas Tree" Wfflll ~ 1t11rchue ef any ef , eur flM MW ... ~ •vt ... -.... ' llPIAT PlaFOllMANCI M% ti aMW ....,. ,.,... the pvrc.._ MayM yw ...... flnil Mt whJ .... -........ ,,.. ....,.., "'21 .... -Wll• IMW·lo -··Or ..tc fw ... by,... .... ....... , .... IDll GARDEN GROVE BLVD. . IALU' OPSN SUNDAY ' hrt&. s.r.tce T--. ~ tUI l::M 5*2214 (% Ilk. I. .t IMch) "2-1551 . . ···a1LL ·y(ITEs · -AUTHORIZED SAUS . & SERVICE BILL YATES VOLKSWAGEN 32152 VALLI ROAD SAN JUAN 'CAPISTRANO 137-4800/493-4511/499·2261 ' ' IS BAC'K / AT ... '--CONNELL---M~~rl ':·-1. ~·;;;;­Lnn r n0LI!.J 1 .-,.. 2828 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA ~: 546-1203 ~.:: 146-1200 . "·~~· ~.-~ . -.· -. ·-.. . -~ ~-.. -.,.. __ ,..,~-.... ¥-·~ ,..,---~. --· -· I . . ' f' ., • -'f.. --\(''''•"' ~ ~ .. ·-· I ~ ~ ,• • , .... ' I j < ). t ~ -'$' ,• o I \ , , ,.._ t' ~ £ . ' ~~ \"\) . ' Do·t Sing Says .. I' • *'. "W9 · ,mQke ' better d•al on new car. * "We poy.ve,Y high pr!ce for trade. *'"How we stay in 'bvs'ineSs? "Boy we lucky!" ' . 1883fi Beach Boulevard HUNTINGTON BEACH It 's Ea•y to Buy The >,:11 New B r""'1 N tuJ 1911 FORD -. ~2034 hst h th• totll CIOWll INIVIMll~ Ind UJ b Ill• lol1I 'IMllthly JllYIMllt lncllldlflt I••· '70 lk-•nd •II f1n1nc1 clllU'I• t11 •ppr9¥M c,.... .. , " l'llSllHIS. o.ftrrM INIVl'lltnf price b 11511.M '9clllllllllt •M lllllnce c~ • ....., t11n, '70 lie-et' If you preter lo p1y c•M. tfle hlll ""' l'fk• II "'Ir l21SJ.7t lncludlnt win t•x, '7t llcenM. "'"'-' l'wc•I- .,. l•lo 11.Jr'li. (IRIOWlDOl"l· $2. s·o TOTAL .. . DOWN · PYMT. $63 TOTAL ' . .litON1'1L 'I'. . P'l'MT. ' . DUNTON FORD 2240 50. MAIN-SANTA 'ANA Whwe·lroadWaJ Mnb M1ln St. •t w.m., NIW CAR DE,T. 5'6-7t7t • U!EO CAR Dll'T, JW.-717' ·s E ,I~- PINTO MUSTANG .'MJIVERICK PLUS THE ENTIRE BRAND NEW FORD LINE FOR '71 AT SOUTH COAST FORD -MERCURY · W lrudw•y, Laguna 1 .. ch 4ff-1515/5494151 Suzuki MT-SOR Trailhopper A•kid"s mini-bike thot even dad can ride. 3 horse- ..-~ power, .SOcG engine, 3 speed a utamatie clutch. Front and rear full suspen• sio n and brakes. Swing-in Ji andlebors and easily removeable front wheel makes it eosv to cony in o ny size car, 14 .. NEW MODELS FOR '71 50CC .TO 500CC . · · .EVERYTHING •. ')' ,j ';],,,. \; ,: • MOTOR SPORTS . Onl,r l ltdpptng f>lace fnr' tnotorcycles A tjdcrs; sports c&l'I A dliVcra. -----------------------------~-----------~~ -------------------· -----------------·----------------