HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-04 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa'7 • \ Unruh in Ba~e Assembly Chief Chiill.enges Reaga INGLEWOOD (AP) -Democratic Assembly Leader ·Jesse M. Unruh challenged Republican incumbent Ronald Reagan for the governorship of California today, charging the State Capitol is con- trolled by a "handful of Half-hidden THURSDAY f.FTERNOON, DECEMBER 4, '1969 Nixon i).pplands Baynswor~h's Vow to Stay 0 Y°'-U. NO, JM. 4 SICTIOfllL JI PA•tl millionaires." The 47-year~ld Unruh, the 196& California leader of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's presidential campaign, made his long-awaited entrance into the race in a statement to a news conference at his suburban home near l.A>S Angeles. Jn becoming the first announced can- didate in the 1970 governorship election, Unruh, former speaker of the Assembly, aimed his fire at the governor and Reagan's so-<:alled "kitchen cabinet.'' That's a group of wealthy businessmen who are friendly with Reagan and help finance his political campaigns. ''The handfu l of the half-hidden millionaires who call the shots in Sacramento today do not represent California," said Unruh. "They must be told that it is your state and your future. We will say to them, 'No, you cannot buy our government like you bought a mansion for Ronald Reagan.' " PAYS RENT He referred to "kitchen · ·cabinet'' members and others who contributed more than $150,000 for a fashionable Sacramento home for the Reagan family. Reagan pays $1 ,250 a month rent to the group, which includes Ben Swig, a pro- minent San Francisco Democrat. Unruh, a powerfuJ figure in state politics for more than a decade, is ex· pected lo face opposition in the primary from San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto, with Uie winner becoming the party nominee. Early public opinion polls say .Unruh is the favorite. Reagan, according to aides, will an- nounce his candidacy for a second tenn later next year. He expects no· major primary opposition. Unruh, son of an illiterate Tei:a.s sharecropper, recalled how "I-hitchhiked here frorp Texas nearly 30 yejrs ago with little more than the clothes <11 my back." CLIMB FROM POVERTY He r<coUlli.d hi! climb from poYft'\11 - aircraft plant • 'orker, Navy enlisted _ man, GI Bill gri<!ua!ii"bl the tfaiftnity of SouUlem California, elecUon to the Assembly in 1954 and finally in 19'1 as speaker -an offJ:ce held longer than any olher man. He lost the job this year when the Republicans took over the Assembly. "CalUornia has kept the promise it-held for me," he said. "I run for governor because I want to keep the promise of California alive and growing for everyone." As speaker, Unruh won many friends and made many enemies. But even his roes credit hlm with mak.ing major in·/ ternal reforms in the Assembly. He hired young consultanls to ad vise UPIT ...... ROOM AT TH~ TOP? Gubtrn.torl1I C1ndid11t1 Unruh 1egi'slators in an effort. he said, 1o reduce the lawmakers• dependence on s'pecla1 in· terest Jobbyisb. He Jed the fight for a full-time legislature, and for an incre.ue in legislative salaries. · But his foes also accused him of being a bully and hung the name of "Big Dad· dy" on him. That was when he weighed almost 290 pounds. Since then, he has dieted down to 190. In 1963, Unruh, trying to push then Democratic Gov. Edmund G. Brown's fiscal program through the legislature, he got into a fight with minority Republicans and refused to let them ·1eave -the Assembly Chamber -the llillOll! "lock· in" incident." JiEunEb 1llTB BROWN UnnilM1lao lelidod wllll'11fmin. Arid lie ~t.ci -· ~ In Jiii ... tllOy ·wd'.he .~t".~ lllP" port .IO Jluberl H •. ~ • .&lie party's presjaenUal nominee. Many Of . Huro- pJ:trey's suppOrters art now backing Alioto. As a legislator, Unruh wu the auth:>"r of civil rights laws, con~.protecUon. legislation and school finance plans.· Unruh was the manage?" of John Ken- nedy.'s Southern California preiklenUal campaign in 1!160 and a leader in Presi· cteDt Johnson's presidential campaign in 1964. He later broke wiUt Johnson over the Vietnam war, which Unruh oppo5e5. Tate Suspects to Fight Extradition for Trial W.cKJNNEY, TeJ. (AP) -Charles D. Watson's lawyer indicated today that he will ask psychiatric examination for the bearded former fQl)tball pfayer, who is charged in one of the California murders .at th~ home of actress Sharon Tate. "f personally have some serious doubts about his mental state," said the lawyer, Bill Boyd of McKhmey, BoyP, ·a former district and county at· tomey, also said h!J client will fight ez. tradition. Two IM Angeles detecUves who have come here to take him into custody then sta~ back home. \Vat.son, 24, surrendered Sunday on learning California auUtorlties held a warrant for his arrest. He ls charged with murder· in the · slaying oC Steven Parent, a caretaker who was killed along with Miss Tate and three other persom last Aug. 9. Another suspect id the case, Linda Louise Kasabian, 20, one of three persons facing murder charges in the 1laying of actress Sharon Tate and four others, wu . returned to Los Angel'5 Wednesday night * from Conctlrd, N.H. Mrs. Kasabian "·as whisked off a plane from. Boston into an u~arked Police ear which sped away immediately. Newsmen were not allowed to QUf:slion her . She wore a brown polo coat with ctlllar turned up and held the collar tightly against her face. She carried a brown paper bag. ' Jn Mobile, Ala. a Orcult Court hearing was set for today on a motion seelcing'tbe bond release of the third penon 'charged in the case. Lawyers for Patricia Krenwintel, 22, moved for a writ of ·habeu corpus Wednesday. ' · ' • Miss Krenwinkel did not appear ln court fw filing of the0 1Vrl1. which al!o challenged the .warrant Wlder which she is held. . Miss KrenwM1'1 1tto.mey, M. A. Marsal, bas said she ,. wwld !lght er· trpdition. He contended that the fugitive warrant wu -faulty on se\feral &rounds, lliee SUSPECTs, Pap IJ * * * ..... No 'Retirement' ' For Haynsworth Hid • ID (;uphoard WASHINGTON (AP) -President NI« on announced today that Judge Clement F. Haynsw«lh Jr. will continue to setVe 11 ctuet' judge of ·the Fourlh U.S. Circuit Coor! ol Appolis. With Ha)'!llWOrth standing at his side, Nixon wenf before newsmen at the White Houae to· dtlcrl.be his r-'jected noml,. fcrr the Sdpreme Court ·as a ylcllm of ' Cult Leader Found in Raid INDEPENDENCE, Calif. (UPI) - Charles Manson, the hypK>llc leader gl a nomaarc cult susPected tn--ihe slhyfiip ot Sharon Tate and It othlr persons, was found "hiding in a Uny cupboard" when au1horiHes r.a lded his commune in Death Valley in October. The California Highway Petrolman "'ho led a posse In the raJd testilied Wednesday at ~f1nBOn·1 court hearing on relatively minor auto theft cnarges that the long·halred cult leader was captured cowering In the cupboard. Jamea Puree!!, the only patrolman usually .on thC 3,000..squhe-mlle beat, ,;aid the bearded Manson w11s "hiding In a tiny cupboard beneath the sink. It was perhaps three feet hi&~. 11 to 20 Inches \ ''brutallY: vicious" attacks. In lhe face of · ;~and1ol2.!°w~~" deep. It tooll1'Jm 111 .... the Pmldenhaid, the iU<!I• might I MaOsoi:i, who held a mystei-Jous •••Y wtll have-considtrtdrttepping down-frOlft the clttult l>ench. over his follower1, wu the only one of "A weak man would." sald Nixon. "A the nioe pcrson.s Gl'l'Clkd.:lrrthenld wllo f u man WOlllil~eJOOil<li not a hid when the posse ductnded on the weak man." threM'OOm house wh1ch w11 the but Nixon said he was delighted by e1mp for the nOmadic commune. Haynrwortb's decision tJ'KI cited what he Before the end ol the sir-llour pre!Jm. · dettrlbed u his own philoooplly tblt an fnary hearing, the d~frlct ·attorney '• Mduol ,II lltl'er. without ddeat office here said Monoon would be r.. "'"1ewhere .i..c· Ille line ~t he ohould I leased to Loi Angeles authorttlet U a never be fe•l'f'O~; . I . ·1 murdtr wan-ant was Issued. The court '11l11 wu the ~ e that Nixon ~·ancs ; ruled there wu sufficient evidence of · ~aYniWorth haw ) Stepphlc to iie 1 receiving stolen IJl'Oper\y to bring Man-lo"ll!lllcll.!1 ~~ ...tel<no*l!d&eil , · (See MANSON, ·Pate I) 1S.. 11.-n;....ORTll, Poff I) .. . ·e ' Q 1""Aot Y'1 0021...._~ ~T1t-l& CHr<_\~~ M !'\? -rRo:.e A,_,D 13.'>FI T 1"i" RF\ PF t>EC.· I? -;1..3 Newport's Boat Parade . . . Sets Sail Dec. 19-23 \ Newport Be'ach.'s traditional Floating An average of 50 boats partlclpated In Christmas Tree and Bbat Parade will run the procession each evening last year. from Dec. tttl.tlroqgh z; "1&.tl scpres ,of Over the weekends more yachtsmen join· !Jecorat.e~ bolls ~pected lo tour itie bay tid the parade, 1v.·elling the ranks .up to eacb JUght. 100 on several evenings. The parade will .begth .each evening at · No entry reea or blanks are necessary, \he ·Balboi islahd ieri-y lanCling ·at 6:~ JAck Barnett, manager of the. Newport .Militants :Open Fire On Officers CH1CAGO (UPI) - A 15-minute gun· fight erupted today when state's at· torney's police entered a Black Panther stronghold to search for weapons. Two Black Panthers were killed and four wounded. The dead Included Fred Hampton, about 22, Illinois chairman of the Blact Panther party. Jwo policemen were wounded In the battle, which broke out when the authorities entered an apartment near Black Panlher headquarters on the outskirts of Chicago's \Vest Side skid row. Fourteen men made up the unit that look part in the early morning raid. They had a warrant signed by Judge Robert Collins, according to a spokesman for the State 's Attorney'3 Office. obtained after sawed~ff shotguns and other illegal \Vea pons were reported to be in the ap;irtment. When the authorities I d e n t 1 f I e d th emselves, the spokesmen said, voices on the ot her side of the door began asking ''\\'ho?" "Who?" Then, he said, the door was opened and "eight or more in· dividuals began firing with carbines, 1hotguns and handguns:" The apartment,. aCctJrding to the spokesm an, belonged 'to a Fred Johnson, an alias used by Hampton. ln it police said they found 12 shotguns, eight pistol.! and'5,000 rounds ci! amrnunJUon. He sajd Hampton was felled after he' bad. shot at (S.. SHOOTOUT, Page I) Orange Coast Weather \Ve'll have a little bit of every· thing Friday -sunny skies, early mom1ng clouds and gusty norlh- east winds -while the tempera• turt rests In the middle 70'1. INSIDE TODA. Y p.m .. After l.olJ(iul ,the trt~ of ~e.~r\ Harbor Chamber of Comrne~e. ex· Nt:t ~ear thci oovtrnmtnt Jiarbor. tbe.bi>ais will tvbclude tbe pn> plained._ -will come to lulp of P4''""· ma.ion each llv• .. 1 .... at 9:1$ p.m.. Pa-n.l~PlTits neea only show \.IP ii the but this ChrUtm41 it's e-U~'1/ ~-• ferry fa"ndin& to join in the p~ion. I hf 111" h k' t -------------...l:liii>hiu..a'lll.he a•·atded 10 w.lnil\OJt>-1"--l--i~n or mst 11 c tc 111g ou ~tewardesses to Strike severaJ,dlvl.olon~ . --'. 1~i;m--o/'11tW111Jlr.-l'ap Winners .are announred b t f o t e Chrlfunas, bul lhf' awards will be kf\'en NEW YORK (UPI) -The TranSport oul1 at lhc Chamt..er11 aMual installation Workers UnSon announced WedneMay dinner In January. · ftew"!llet ~ ~ ~.-iltikel Co-sponSdn of the annual even t are ttle Nortbweat /Jr' .,. ~ ... 11 ••. • • ,. Chamber. and the Newpo rt Beach City ."1.A· 1 • ..,_~· • Em$ye s Asncl•tlon. ' Tht•\lnkln adv-"' ~e. .., ~'"' t . A rds will be presented tn boat bient-1o' ft}•~~ ~tbtr.; . . ' . ~ rlas lcatlon1 of power or Jait-up to~23"' bperi\1111. ~~ , . ~ feet :'•from 21 to tO feet, 11nd 41 feet and l"lth the in£1itarf air -~:over. • C.H+-1' I Cl•\t !ltd 2'·~' ca111:u n Cno:i.twcnl t ()•Jiit '"11ttt ,. O!Mtfft 14 Ct.'.tw:.. P"" 4 .,.!ert•!l!lllffll ft ,.lt:i!ltf »-tt Hlr.!'to.. 11 Al!" L•Mlen 11 MJl!lln 4 Mi!TI~ UCl!ltH l t MHl!fttt 14 1 I I s Thursday,' Dtttmbff •, 196~ Allie·s Chase Reds to Ca·mhodia U.S., South Viets Announce Holida y Truce Periods SAJGO..'\' I l"PI) -Allifd •·arplane.s. .artillery and IJ'OOpS raided into C..mbodia ln ~'cl a bartered Ncnb \'ietname.se ·baU&Don m n1h1in1 rtported tod1y. Prtsldftlt Ngu~'tn Van Thieu announced -the allit$ 'll'OUld honor ft.hour trUces for O.ristmas and New \'e.:tr's. Thieu emugtd from a tG-mioute meet- b\g •ith U.S. AmWssador Ellsworth ,Bwiktr and announetd the truee.s for "humanitarian reasons." There have bren J3 l,ruces so far in the v.·ar' all or them marred by fight1ng. U.S. ~pokesmen said Americ1n fore~ l\'OOld honor lhe cease-fires bl.It there Board Urges Civil Servant ·' 5% Pay Hike SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Slate Personnel Board proposed a five perctnt 11cross-the-board pay hike for the &tale's 103,000 fulltime civil servants today. The increase v.·oold cost $86.3 million. This compared v.·ilh boosts ranging from siI percent to 20 percent aod total- ing $148 million sought by the California State Employ es A s s o c i a t ion \.\1hich represents most -of the workers. The board. in sending its final recom- mendations to Gov. Reagan. modified it.! earlier tentaUve proJKl58.1 th.at thtre be a 10 pen:ent ceiling on Ult amount ol raises for any one category . The hikes proposed by the board range from the general five pcrcenl up to 12\2 percent for employes in classes .. in whicil salar1 problems are acute.'' The board said those higher increases "are necessary to match sa1aries pa.id 1or similar work in private industry and other public jurisdictions." A CSEA spokesman said the group was disappointed with the recommendations. He said it was "insufficient to meet the needs of stale employes • , , It's a bad 6ituaUon." For Uie first time this year, the CSEA coovention voted to drop its no-strike pledge. However, that action still is pen- ding ratification and there ls no legal framework pennilling any $trike by state public employes. 'The boarCI also Rlterated previoos pro- posals f<r these empioye bebefits1 -That the state pay the full cost of basic employe' health iMuranre. -Night ijoiy · dllle«iillal "'I h,er'e justifi~ by )ftfailing practice." -U11f11'JpJoyment insurance for state employee: who are laid off "for no fault or thert owni" ' - -nme and ooe half for overtime for emplayM whose. counterparts in private industry receive il. f 'rom Pnge l HAYNSWORTH that "no one likes to lose." But he said he had been ltre.atly en- couraged, since the ~S Seoale vote against his nomination on Nov. 21 by thousands of lettirs. HaynSY."Orlil said he has learned that the judges or the Fourth Circuit want him to retain tile chief judgeship and Ulat the bar •·wants me back." Turning to Nixon, Haynsworth said: "l am \'ery grateful to you for your stead- ! ast support." Nixon began by reminding newmnen that he _had telephoned ~ynsworth, im· mediately after the·Senate vote, to urge that he remain on the circuit bench. At that lime Haynsworth said he wanted a couple of weeks in v.il.ich t-o contemplate whelher the Senate battle over his nomination would impair his ability to continue as chief judge of the fourth circuit. O/\ILY f'I LOI ....,... .... tlu;d.a•w ..... L...---: ............ ""' CAUPOINIA OANfGI COAS1 "lllLISWING C0M'"'H'I' '•"rt "'· w ••• ,.,.....,,, .,... l"Wli.MI J•t.lt l . C111l1y VJ<•~ -GMwl' .. Ml~lfll Th•m11 1C1"!1 .... Tli•11111 A. M•,.,.hl~• ' ~l!•ilOr -c.i. -..1 ,. ""'' .... ,,_.. ......,,.loMdl. m1 "'"'"' .. -... ,..,.._. L"ilUN hwll! ,,, ~-ti .. _ ............... .. Kfll Jiii llfl llrMI • was no word from the Viet Cong or North Vietnamese, who u:sually beat Saigon to the punch in proclaiming holiday truces. Field reports said the North Vletnam- ~se battalion that was chased into Cam· bodia had sed the neighboring nation as a springboard for Jts attack early \\'ed· nesday on a border town and two U.S. Green Beret camps, kllling 25 South Vietnamese. The guerrillas ll'tre thro"'n hack \\'IUl 166 men slain and heaclt'd bllck ·.ac.rou the border with U,S". Y.'arplanes and artillery ind a Soulh Vietnamese platoon in pursu.iL. Too Well Known ' Headquarttn said the 1JUe1 had an "lnhertnt rlabt" to fire back ir fired upon lrom Cambodia. U.S. spckesipen acknowledge the alr raid& into-Calnl>Odiil, the second 1u~ strikes in three week11, bot· said pothlng ol Jlle ,arUlley strikes or South.,!{Jeloam· ... platoon. ' Reoottl' of the acUon sa mllea ·wut- oorlbwesl' of. Salgoo coincided wltb the wee.kW: cuualty reporf lhowing 70 Amer· ic.anl killed 1ut week, the third Jowtst number of dealhs since 1966. Another 1,049 G.Js were v.·ounded. Only Lennon Won't Be Jesus In Cathedral Pageant LONDON (APl -Beatie John Lennon' won't be portraying Jesus in SL Paul's Cathedral artei: all because Lennon's personality might shove Christ into the background. a record company an- nounced today. The long-haired Beatie had been con- sidered for the lead in a pop musical call- ed "Jesus Christ" in Lhe cathedral next 1pring. But the v•riters of the show and the recording company said they were convinced that a relatJve unknown should be the Slar. "Someone like Lennon would imprint his own personality to such an e:1tent that people would rea d the star's character in- to the cilaracter of the part,·· said a spokesman~ for the Music Corp. of America-U.K. Record Co. Lennon, himself, V.'as barely involved in the issue but was quoted as saying he would be interested in the part as loog as his wife, Yoko Ono, could take Uie role of Mary Magdalene. Jt was Lennon who aroused outraged protest in the United Slates a few years ago by saying that the Beatles at the time were more popular than Christ. The musical about Christ's last six days on earth, by composer Tlm Rice. 25, and producer Andrew Lloyd-Webster, 21. is being written for the MCA-UK Record Co., and is to be issued as an album. · A spokesman for the company said the ' s_. . Coast Lawyer ;Nruited Judge By Gov. Reagan A San Clemente attorney received a personal phone call from Governor Ronald Reagan this week to C-Onfirm his appointment as judge of the Laguna Beach.San Clemente Municipal Court. Frailk Domenichlni, 46, was named by the governor to fill the vacancy created by the nUrement on Sept. 23 of J udge J. Parley Smith o{ Dana Point. Presiding Judge • Richard Hamil ton. who will sh.are the bench duties in the South County Judicial District with Domenichlni, hailed the appointmen t as "e:1oellent" "I've known him for years. He ls well liked and very v.'eli thought of by everyone. He will make a fine judge," said Hamilton. A resident of San Clemen lc, Domenic~.ini has had a general law prac- tice in that city for more than 17 years. He is married and the fat her of four children. three girls and a boy. In 1968 he served as president or the Orange County Bar Association. Hamilton, who has-been assisted by several different judges fron1 other judicial districts since Smilh·s retire- ment, said he hoped Domenichini would be able to assume his new duUes by the first or the year. He noted that , since Domenichini ha s maintained a single law practice, rather than a partnership, he ls raced with a subslantial task in finding .and briefing attorneys to take over cases now pending in his Office. statement about Lennon p o s !!I I b I y ()vershadowing Jesus was not meant to cause any offense. He explained that he 'vas referring of offense to Lennon. "It's not that the \Yrilers don't \Vant Lennon involved but lhey feel an unknown would be more suilable,'' he said. St. Paul's, one of Europe's most celebrated cathedrals, has had a pop policy for the past year, with a fashion show in the crypt and parachute jumping in front of the great doors. The pop opera is the latest project for the 300-year-0ld cathedral. Mesa Mother's Newest Infant No Little Tot A Costa l\1esa woman gave birth \Vcdnesday night to a bouncing baby boy who has jiggled the scales as the heaviest inrant in the history of Orange County ~1edical Center. The heavyweight champ a phenomenal 14 pounds. 9 ounces -hasn 't been given his official name yet, but grin- ning nurses have dubbed him Atlas, Rocky or other such titles in the mean· time. The fourtil son of "1r. and l\trs. Alex Stepanenko, of 882 Towne St., is 24 1'? f1che.s long and is doing fine today. along with his 33-year-0ld mother Louise. Brothers Gregory, 13. Danny, 12, Den· nis, lt, and sisters Linda, 9, and Krissy. 8, are waiting at home for the.arrival of their big baby brother, who was delivered by Dr. J<>hn Wambo. "A new baby that big is a medical rari- ty these days," observed Nursing Supervisor Geraldine ~1cGeehan. Motorist Tells Mesa Kidnaping Held at knifepoint by a teenager who hopped into his car at a Costa Mesa In· tersectlnn, a motorist was forced to drive the sullen kidnaper to Lclng Beach Wednesday night and then released. Alfred A. Duplessis, 28. of 2652 Santa Ana Ave., v.·as never harmed du ring the kidnap-assault case, but told police the abductor v.·as extremely unsociable. Officer Dick DeFrancisco said Duplessis told of trying to make con- versation with the youth arter he got in at 7 p.1n. on fairvie1v noad at \Vilson Street, flashing a four-inch blade. "Shut up.'' he was told. 'Phe victi1n said his young abductor ordered him to slop al Broadway and Cherry Avenue near downtown L()ng Beach, got out of the car and disappeared into the" night. Duplessis v.·ent to the nearby Long Beach Police Depart1ncnl and related \1•hat happened , then followed that up v.·ilh a report to Costa lt1esa authorities . Gifts Beje~ted VC I Med Students Say Bags 'Threa.t' Fourleen or 6~ studenl!'l In the rre!lhman ''The instn1ments and bags arc offered class or UC trvine's School or !\tedicine 11•i\h the expectation that they \vill be have rejected gift of a black medical bag useful. Quite naturally, It is our desire to containing stethoscope, tuning fork and acquaint students with the Lilly nan1e as rubber hammer from a pharmaccutlcal a manufacturer of qual!ty medicines. company. "At the same time 1ve do not believ e Tbe students feel aeeeptance or the that this assistance: will affect the im- glflj; might Impinge on their future In· partial judgments of physicians in their tegrity 11 phy1icians and could cost con· care of patients." sumer,\ of the drug company·s products On the second issue, the students by higher prices. according to freshman ~·rote : ll\f':dic1J student Jerry Boss. ". , .we quertlon the source or the The fourteen students sent a lellcr lo money used 10 pay for these gifl.$, It ap.. Eli Ully PharmaceuUcal Company re-£ pears to us the drug consumer -mainly Jecting the gills and received a lcllcr in .. the chronically ill and aged -1s the one Wrote the students : --,.,,.,..,,1ttm11ety-shoutderr1nc-cost" or these 'ift.s. We feel·v.·e can better afford the pncc of our black bags than can our medically Indigent patients.'' " .. .fully cognltant Ultrc is no obllga. lion attached 10 accepting lhese glfLs. u·c \'lcw them as a potential threat to our future integrity as physicians. \Ve \YOUld preter to be. completely free or any non- b u 1 in es s tran sac tions with ph11rmaceutlcal companies.·· Replied Htnry F. DcBotst, \'let prtsi- dent of corporate affairs for the Liiiy Company: · ( Responded DeBoesJ: •· ... during the past 10 year~. as shou11 by the Ully price index, the ave.rage price or our company·s pharmaceuticals has declined morft. than 10 ptrcentagc pqints. Because of Us limited site. the ~ludent program has _had virtually no er. feet on the prices of our products." • ' two othd-Umu al..nct 1118 bas the wetk- ly death toll bttn lowtr-the week of Oct. 4 when M Ola dJed and the first week ol 1967 when 17 were killed. Military spokesmw conflrmed......whal &O\lrces had (ijsi:l011ed earlier-that U.S. casualties fat the War Surpas.sed' the 300,000 mark last week, with 39,842 killed, 259,838 wounded and 1,359 missing or captured-a total of 300,&29. ; The U.S death figure was a sharp dro'p from the 130 Gia slain the previous wff.k. South Vietnamese losses fell tOo. to 373 killed and 9S3 wounded, with 2,177 COntmWllsts rcporled sl•in. -tr -!:r -tr Lodge Leaves Paris, Holds Hope for Peace PARIS (UPI) -Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodee bowed out of the Paris peace talks today with a farewell speech reviev.·ing the past and expressing hope for the future. The Communists ushered hirn out with a renewal of all the charges that made him quit in the first place. Adding to a romplaint by North Vici· nam negotiator Xuan Thuy thal there had been no progress in 10 montrurof negotia· tiona with Lodge was a series or new charges thal the United States had com- mitted '"thousands oI barbarous crimes'' in South Vietnam. Lodge, 67, has been a key figute in American Vietnam war policies since the early 1960s. Today was his last as chief negotiator. On Saturday he plans to leave Paris for his home in Boston. He summarized his p~g speech as a review of "the thingS--\.vhich we on our side have proposed, what the other side 's reactions haev bee n, what are some of the most persistent and erroneous beliefs which impede progress, an~ what is the hope for the future." Lodge cited a number or allied CJ)n· cessions including a U.S. offer to withdraw its troops within a year. a pro- posal for a cease-fire under international supervision. Saigon's offer to hold direct . secret talks with the Communists and an offer to settle the war through jointly controlled and Internationally supervised elections. Addressing himself to the Communists seated across the 26-foot negotiating table he ~aid, "the obstacle is your side's absolute refusal to join us in seeking a just peace." He said they had the oppor- tunity to negotiate but '·you have been un- willing to do so in any meeting place, public or private." "With re!erence to your statements concerning Scing My," he stated. "I will say: an Incident such as that alleged in this case is in direct violation not only of U.S. military policy, but it is also abhorrent to the conscience of all the American people. "Whatever happened \\'ill be know n. btcause v.•e do not ronceal the truth. In all this. l subpUt, our policy is in direct contrast to your own deliberate use or terrorism as .a matter of conscious policy ... UC I Slates Major In Classical Life A new major In classical cil'ilization was approved Wednesday by UC Irvine's academic senate. - Students majoring in the new field. called the most basic or all humanistic disciplines. will be required to cotnplete nine major courses including a year of a classical language to earn a bachelor's degree. • F He's the "Win1ie1·' Richard. Stolman, a l9-year--0ld Universi1y of \V1sconsi n sophomore \vhose birthday just happens to be Sept. 14. lhe number one slot in th e draft lottery, has a brother Douglas at the University of Kansas whose birthday is April 24 __:. the nun:i ber two spot. Fro1n Page 1 MANSON FOUND HIDING • • • son lo trial. Bail \vas srt at $25 .000. The stooped. slight Manson was \\'Car- ing blue denim jail clothes v.·hen he wtis led into the Inyo County courthouse in chains to face the charges involving stolen vehicles. One of the witnesses to testify was Paul \Vatkins, 18, a former member of the "family" cult. l\.Ianson doodled on a piece of ye!IO\Y . paper u·hile witnesses testified lo ~he charge of receiving stolen property dur- ing raids by "the h1anson family" from a base camp in the Dealt\ Valley area . Another member of tile cult, nO\Y in custody in Los Angeles, said through her attorney that Manson, 34, held an "in· sane, almost hypotie influence" over his .. family.'' She said his followers called him "Jesus.'' The girl, Susan Atkins. 19, held as a suspect in the stabbing death of a man which has been connected to the group. said Manson was an aspiring soul singer and guitar player. She said he was embillered at Terry ~1elcher, son of Doris Day, because ~1elcher refused to help him produce a record. Melciler's home, later rented by Miss Tate, became a "symbol of rejec· tion.'' she said, and 11anson ordered al! f'ro1n Pnge 1 SUSPECTS. • • including one that it failed to com ply with Alabama Jaw. lt~arsal sa id, ''The only basis ror the v.•arrant was a statement made by Capl. Don Riddle of the Mobile Police Depart- ment that he had been advised by a Sgt. \\'illiam Carey of the Los Angeles Police Depart1ncnt that Miss Krcnwinkcl is charged there with tnurder. "This is hearsay and insufficient cause to have a fugitive warTant issued.'' lts occupants slain. Miss Tate. three friends and an 18· year-old boy visiting the estate's care· taker, were stabbed and shot to death. Fro1n 1•11ge 1 SHOOTOUT. • • the authorities \Vith a .45 automata! and ::- ~hotgun. The other dead man \1·as identified a~ ~lark Clark , 22, of Peoria, Ill. There hac: been reports earlier !his y('ar tl1<1t the Pa!!lhers had attempted to organize young · peQple in that dou•nslate com- n1unity. Four persons were taken into custody after the baltle, including a woman iden· lilied as Deborah Johnson , 19, said lo be about eight months pregnant. Before the 15-minute gun b:ittle ended 1nore than 50 p.:>licemen had been called to the scene, near "''here rioting liad oc· curred two years ago. They brought rnarhine guns an d tear g:.is but clid nol USC them . Jo y Ride W1·ecks Valley ~rop Field Joy riding vandals tore through a field of celery in Fountain Valley \Vcdnesday on the (armer·s own tractor. causing about Si,700 damage to the crop. Police said several loops \Yere taken through the field at Bushard Street and Edinger Avenue early \\'cdnesday. cut· ting celery stalks and rarnniing a portable privvy. The tractor used was :t D-6 caterpillar v.·hich had been left on the field overnight. The vandalisn1 v.·.i~ reported by To1nio Matsumoto, 1652 1 Marie Lane. Huntington Beach. A GIFT TO TRWURE AHO ENJOY FOR YEARS ,-. • Custom quality U1rough-out • l~uxurioui cushioning • Your choice of colors fron1 an extcnsirc selection ol lln•t leather texlurcs . fro1n $199 • • ' 1 I I I \ -. .. •• u ,, • . . -. .--. " . ·B•ni111gton ·Beaeh··-. . . ~ ... ., "• ' ' • . ... ·-· ... > I -·N.-Y. Stocki - YO.L. 62; NO. 2tQ,_'4_S.ECTIONS • .so_eA_~ES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY., DECEMBER 4, l t 69 TEN C!NTS IMAGINATIVE DESIGN OF ROBERT GISLER SCHOOL BRINGS NATIONAL RECOGNITION Gisler School . Give n Honor By U.S. Group Fountain Valley's Robert Gi,sler School has been selected as a demonstration school by the American Association of School;A<im1Ulrai9fl, , • As a resUlf.. an atch.J1etl's ni.odel and photographs of the school will be o_n ~x. hibiUon Feb. 14-18 as the assoctation holds Its' annual conVention in Atlanilc Ci· ty. N.J. ln selecting Gisler School from among the 2 500 nomi nated for the honor. the jury ~sidered as it.s criteri~ exceplional eJucational programs. grouping areas. ~of'. instruction, expandabilily, community use. safety and enviropmental controls such a~ light: air and sound. Jn 1967, Fountain Valley's Harry C. Fulton SChOOI was selected for the same award. . For the last five year'I, six o.ut of the district's 12 schools have won stat.e and natiooal awards for architecture and educational d~sign. Ma sked Bandit Holds Up Station A masked bandit \\'ednesday night rob· hed a Westminster service station at· tendanl or $139 in receipts then cl_outed the attendant over ,he head with a revolver and lbcked him up in the restroom. The aUendant, Roger S. Ml\ler, 18, of 19362 Brookhurst St., HunUnglon Beach, ,va:a discovered on the floor of the sta· lion's bathroom by a customer shortly after 9:35 p.m. He was taken to Wesbninstfr Com· munity'Hospital where he was treat~ for . cuts and bruises. Police said the robber. u·ho ~ore a ,\·Qma11•9 stocking over his head, threat- ened Miller wU.h a chrome-plated revol- ver before the ~ating too~ place. Tate Suspects to· Fight Extradition for Trial ?.~cKINNEY, Tex. (AP) -Charles D. w.atson's. lawyer in~icated today that tie will ask psyChlatric examlnatton for the bellrded fonn<r football playif, w!Jo, la• * * * Sharon's Father Became Hippie Hunting Killers P AL0S VERDES (UPI) -The father of slain actress Sharon Tate, a fonner Anny intelligence officer. says he grew.a must.ache and beard , and ~gled with drug users for four ·months while trying to track down. his $~ter's ~illers. Paul J:Tate, 46,.sald he•iriasqueraded as a hippie, freq uented hlpple hangouts and lived in cpmmunes.tn his buht for the persons V.·llo. ca rried out the Aug. 9 murders. "Anything I know about the case· will be told at the proper time," Tate said 111 declining to say if his efforts were of value in the arrests of three suspects. He was concerned with the recent revelations about details of the crime. "You don't go around telling the world what infonnation or evidence you have," he said. "You neve r know for sure v.·hether you have an alrtisht case." He said the implication of a cult known as "The Manson Family" in the mu rders or his daughter and six other persons had "taken a great weight off my mind." However, he expressed bitterness about reports in the "sensational prUs" over the background of his daughter. · "My wile ls on the verge of a nervws breakdov.n . W.y other daughter hM: been extremely upset. We are a very close family ." He said much oC wtiat has been sa id and written about his-daughter "ls jmt nOt true." · Tate said he \\'Orked alone and with Southern caliromia authorities on his in- vestigation. Before Tate conflnned he conducted his own investigation, Los Angeles police detectives and narcotics officers said he had no connecUon with lheir investiga tion of the case. "Someday I would like to air fTIY feel· lngs,'' Tate said, "but this isn't the pro- per iime." charaed in one of the California rriUiders at the.home of actress Sharon Tale. • "I Pof>9M\\Y l!Jve ~ seriGUJ.daiibta fhout.h~ p1ental •late,' !'id lhc lawyer, Bill il!!Yd ol Mcllim>eI , ' Boyd, a former district and county at.- tomey, llsb sald his cilOnt wur light ... trad1Uon. TwD Los Angeles detectives v.·ho have come here to take bim into custody then started back home. Wa.tson, 24, surrendered Sunday on learning California authorities held a v.•arrant for his arrest. He is charged "'·ith murder in µie slaying ol Steven Parent, a caretaker who wa s killed along with Miss Tate and three other persons last Aug. 9. Anpther suspect in the case, Lind& Louise Kasabian, 20, one of three penons facing murder cha'rge.s in the slaying or actress Sharon T.ate and four others, was returned to Los Angeles Wednesday n!&ht from Concord, N.H. Mn. Kasabian was whisked off a plane from Boston into an urunarked police car which sped away immediately. Newsmen were not allowed to question her. She v.·ore a brown polo coat with colla r tumed up and held the collar ti ghtl y against her face. She carried a brown paper bag. In Mobile, Ala. a Circuit Court hearing was set for today on a motion seeking the bond release of lhe third person charged in the case. Lawyers for Patricia Krenwinkel, 22, moved for a writ of habi>!!!: corpus Wednesday, Miss Krenwinkel did not appear tn court ror filing of the writ, whi ch also . challenged the WJrrant under which she ts beld. . Miss Krenwinkel's attorney, l\t. A. Marsal , ha~ sa id she would · fight ex- tradiUon. He contended that the fugitive v.'8l'rant was faulty on :several grounds, including one that it failed to comply with Alabama law. . W.arsal said, "The only basis for the warrant was a statement made by Capl Don Riddle of the Mobile Police Depart· ment that he had been advised by a Sgt. William Carey of the Los Angeles Police OeparlZJlent that Miss Krenwinkel is charged there with murder. "This Is hearsay and insufficient cause to have a fU&itive warrant issued." 2 Panthers Slain -~ Gunfight .Erupts at.Party's Strong~~ CHICAGO <UPI) -A !$-minute gun- fight erupted today when state's at4 torney's police entered a Black Panther stronJhold to' Se.arch for weapons. Two Black Panthers were killed and four wouiided. The dead Included Fred •lampton, about 22, Illinois chairman of the Black Panther party. Two policen1en were wounded in the battle, Y•hich broke out when the authorities entered an apartment near Black Panther headquarters on the outskirts .Qf Chicago's West Side sYjd row. Board lJrges Civil Servant 5% Pay Hike SACRAMENTO CAP) -The Stale Personnel Board pr-oposed a five percent ;i;cross-the-board pa.v hike for the _state's 103.000 fulltime civil servants today. The increase woo!d cost $86.3 million. 11lis compared wilh boosts ranging from six-percent to 20 percent and total· ing $148 million sought by the California State EmPloyes A s s o c i a t ion which represents most of the workers. The board; in sending its final reeom· mend a lions to Gov. Reagan, modified its earlier tentative proposal that there be a 10 percent cttllng on the amount of raises for all)' one cUejory. · nie hikH ..:....-. by tf!e boan! range frt1ot"lil'e~;j"flv. ~ ·Uf!to "U>\ percent for enip'loyes in classes "in which salar/ probWQs m acute." The boon! said those "blgller· lncrea,.. "°" ~to matdl oi!Arl .. paid f"" Similar -k ~ prtv1te llldusb'1 IDd other pubUc jutildictlons.119 A CS EA spOl:l!sman said the group was disappointed with the ' recommendations. He said •It was "Insufficien t to m~t the needs of st.ate employes ..• It's a bid situation.'~ 1 • Fc>r the first .time this year, the CSEA convention voted to drop its no-strike pledie. However, that action .sUll Is pen- ding raUficaUon and there 1s no legal framework permitting any strike by state wblic employet Ttie board also reiterated 'previous pro- posals far the!e employe benefits: • -That the state pay lhe'full' -of basic ·employe health insurilnce. -Night pay· differential'· ' ' w .b er e justified by pre.wiling praetice.~' -Unemploym&>t insurance· for stat_e emple>yes who a?t laid off "for rio fault of Uleir own." -Time and one half for overtime for erriployes whose· counterparts in private industry receive iL 112,021 Persons l1i Huntington Huntington Beach's official population ls 112.021. " " The final figtire from the special federal census o( Sept. JS was announced today by Robert F. Drury, deputy dlrec4 tor of the U.S. Census Buteau. Planning Department officials estimate the preaent population of the city at tt'4 ooo and roreeaSt an increase of lZ,000 • next year. . SCo<'k Market . - NEW YORK (AP) -Stock market prices remained broadly lower in laLe afternoon tra~ing ~ay, but continued to recover some of their f:barp l~ses of earlier in the day. (See quotations, Pages 22·23 ). Fourteen men made up the unit that the apartmtfit, accordln&" ,tD 1 tbe t~ part ln the early morning raid. They spokesman, belonged to a Frtd Jo11111oa, had a warrant siined by ·Judge Robert 1 __ Collins, accordin g to a spokesman for the an alias uaei1 by ll&DJPton. In. •tt.-ptlict: State's Attorney '3 Offlti!, obtained after said they foUnd ll sbQ.tgtlru:, cla:ht *'>ls sawed-off shotguns and other illegal and s,000 rounds of ammanttlon. He aa1d 'veapons were reported to ·be in the Jiampten was felled after tie had lbot at. apartment. th$! authorities witji a -~ automatic and a When the authoriUes l d e ntl f le.d &hot&Un. ... ·..... y•.:.w themselves, the spokesmen said, voices ''fbe ·other dea'd.man was ldenUflid ·as'"' on the other side of the door began asking. ?ifirk Clark,,2%,iof:}'eorla, 111. There.' had "Who?" "Who?" Then, he said, the door '1 been ~poru earlier. th!~ Y.ear tl)~ the was opened and "eight or more in-Pil\tbien had attempted to orpnize dividuals began firing with carblnea, young people In tb• d1nmstate_...J com. shotguns and handguns.'' muntty. 19 Bags Full "" Students at Huntinfton Beach's Golden i'test College pr!'Jlare to ship 19 bags of win~r Clothing to needy children in Southealteril U.S. Clothing was collected in campus drive. Loading bags are (from left) Bonnie Foster of Garden Grove, Lilly Yamaoka of Westminster, Sheila J ohansen of 1Garden Grove and Linda \Vhite of Huntington Beach. . ' Garden Grove Won't O~ay Valley Students . Trans£ er · Two Fountain Valley High School Students who were taken from V'eir classes by their parents because of aUeg· ed drug abuse by other students, have· been turned away by the Garden Grove Unified School District. James Griffith, welfai-e a~ attendance officer at the Garden Grove district, said Kathleen, 17, arid cindaCe, 15, Alerldge, will not·, become part of that school system "because there are no ex· tenuaUng circumstances to justify it.'' t·The district transfer committee held a long meeting on that subject last Monday and decid!d that it Is not within current policy tG accept the students for that reason,'~ he explained. made with the family now will have to com~ througl1 that agency." He indicated it Is possible the girlS may· be made wards of the court throuah juvenile proceedings to lMure Ulelr atten- dance if they art not immedlate.ly return- . ed to school. "lf the probatlGJ1· authority files a'.pet.1- tiofi "and It Is upbe htby a coatt decision, the girls would. be ~expecte4 to go to school and woOld have. to nodfy-their ~ bation officer on any day·lbey might be unable to attend." The Aleridges, 'meanwhile, , 1re • con· sidering the sale of ~eir home and a move to another school distil.ct. Orange Cout Wea ... er ' 'GWC ·Cool to Moratorium "Even if parents asked the school district io move their children from one of our schools. to a.nother ovet alleged drug abuse, we could not de> it. So it would be very difficult to justify moving children from an entirely different school district Into ours." We'll. have • ·11tue bit ol tveQ- thihg Friday -soriny skin, earl, momlrii clouds ·and ply north- east winds -while the !1!1J1per'lt- ture resta ·ln1he middle 70's. "OAtt.Y ,,~OT Stiff,...._ WATCH ING MOVEMENT DI E 1 Mor•tOrlum Leader L•a•r But Student.Activist Makes Plans for Dec. 12 The girls have .been absent Crom classes aince early November whtn Mr. and Mrs. Paul Aleridge withdrew them from !Chool, vowing never to return~ INSmE TODAY ~ . -By llUDI NmDm:tBIU -on all campu><~ I just hope the move-°''"" ot11Y ... .., ,.... ment dGe:Sn't die out." Student enthusiasm for another Vie{. To stir the stud:?nts from Ultlt -.,,....,.,rmoratOn\.~lden-Wat e gy, sa e m1g ry toOrlng • (,ollege c.ampus._~dyini. some bands out for the next demon.stra. ' ' f'l•nked by an American nag, sym· uon. boUcally ~rrourw:led by several plaUc .. We might try to run a program of ft>wen. Bill Lagtr, studtnt·t1cllvist and . musk: ancr entertainment with it." he organizer.~ the past two Gold~ West _ sa.ld. "f.1uslc always attracts people." d'"'°"'trationl, Wednesday typed out He added that the third oC the"serles ol · SGme plans for the nut observance, mGl'atoriums is supposed to have a com- scbeduled for Dtc. 12. Hia face v,:11 k>na. munlt1 emphasis. "For the Clrst one we had artat ••The Idea is to oot Into the commwUty response, but lhe list one fluted." the lft.. with leaflets and talk to thet peqple 1bout )'ear<ild student 1eader aald. our beliefs but t don't know l1ow many "But that's what has been happenlnf we can 11ei to go out and pOrticl[!ete.'' • I ' t f ta! v l'-High beca f Nezt I/far the QovernmeKt Lager, who44ys he hasl>ad knees lnd c> • 'Olin n a, .. , · • use 0 will come to 1telp of parents, will "probabl)t be 4-F myself," Claims a11eaed drug abuses on campus. but thiJ Christmas, it'• eveJ:ll that the ntw draft lottery really doesn't . F•ffii with Uuancy Jtocttding,;;~.;thr:•;:Y.-~~"'-11>!.JlJIJ" ,.~ 'lti provide 1ny snswerrtornnb·J~e ns er Uiti!' aaulfl . the dongtra of Hew f:111~(lQc "In my 0plnl"'· conseriptlon -lfl a Bolsa Chica Hl&h S"ctuiol lh the Garden democratic IQciely is a contradiction," he Grove dlstrict. . JO. said. "l tl\lnk taklna: people by chance on H. w. Standard, Grlffilh's counterpart C•t11W11t• • their birthday Is a bad way of deciding In the llunUngton Beach Union · Hlah &-:~~.. »fi v..hether he I.I wUling to give up his life or School District, said truancy reports h11ve ~:",.':n"' ,: not." alfeady reaChed the Councy Schobl' Of-0 1•-u "W• should move toward an aD-lice for furtlttr' action. :::::.:= ,: .volunteer army because there au lo~ of . ~g~ly, bo(h girl~ must rem1ln In . ·==~ ~ people who[ff'O\!Jd be, Willing to M!fV,8 i!' clWCI un/JJ \hey lf'e 13 years •oJd Q]' ' AM Lt.lldtn It that c1pae11¥. It ·wookt be altnctive . arduale lrom high school. • • ~~ uc.-i ,: _.. " Mat••• ,... ."-, .. ., .. , ...... °' .... ~ 14 •"'* """' • MC:lal ..... • ... ·-""" llSCt,..,... ... ,. ,..'"'... . = 'l O!flltlWllfll' •II ::.:... ...... ,~1 ·llnandally: For IQl'Zle Jt wwld be· a good . "The .caie ll ou,t or our ~~1 no~1.. 1 ~ •• thins' to do:.. ~· , 'la.la Standard. "Wfiat:ivcr co~iacb · ar,e L-------..,.--'-"--._,_, I • DAILY ,ILOT SltN ,,_,. 'HUNTINGTON'S BONFA LECTURES IN EVENING CLASS At Golden Witt Coll191, 8rukint the le• for No Credit . Beach City Attorney Puts In ~Ha~dNight's Worl{Too • By TERRY COVILLE Of lfle Dally Plltl Slotff a small yen for teaching," cx:plained Bon· fa, "and I also felt there was a great Don Bonfa puts in a hard day's WQrK need for basic information an local city five days a week "as. clly attorney for i;ovemment -there's a lot of misin· lluntington Beach. ' form ation abou t it tha t gets around." But one night \a week he pons fl The course Don teaches is titled "11ow tcach"'•·~,1~.Wes( Coll!&< '!14 City i:..w #1'<1 CitiJ!ns" ,nd Is given becomes tlie bOJ ol' a class in ~1ly for no· ci'edit eaeh Wednesday night. It .~overnment. Why? , was devised by .Bonfa who hopes to some· "Nol .!'II Ill• .~1· he'·~·!~"'' ,tj;,r,;P,ak~ ·" a <rfdJI cour~ · Wed~~--ml'lfl!I"" lh.rlf ~,\ '\lfOjir, l'ilt,...t "OJwolimliit• fnv'ol~ cl.11.ss. ~ \( ~.~i · • ..,., · . . "l riilly dld ·Jt beCaust I've alw~s had mostly local residents, people involved in ~ • l1omeowner1 associations • and such. ;1 Valley Planners Okay OV Plans On New School Pmn;}_ion vs given to Ill! Ocean View Sd7001 Dis'.rict to build an elemen· tary school Jn the area of Magnolia Street and Heil Avenue by the Fountain Valley Planning Commission \Vednesday night. In a shart, routine mee ting. planners :i!so granted a use va riance to permit a 11·ood storage yard on property on the southeast comer of Warner Avenue and Newhope Street. Commercial zoning for property an lhe e11st side of Magnolia Street, between the San Di2go Freeway and the Ocean View flood control channel. was also granted hy the C-Ommission. Tentative plans call for construction of a miniature golf center on the site . The planning staff also informed the commission that a complete report on the city's preseflt and fuiure apartment situation will be presented Dec. 17. At that time planners are expected to set a public hearing to determine future plan· nlng for apartments in U1e city. DAILY PILOT OtANOl COA5T P\Jll •~l11NG COM~A'l'I' Sfudents don't attend. because lhey want C!edit for the lime they sptnd," he said. About 20 individuals attend the class regularly. Though the course title in· dlcates an emphasis on law, Bonfa has arranged each session ln a dialogue format with various city officials invited to explain the operation af th_eir segment of government. Last week the class took a physical l~ur of local ·police facilities. Wednesday night the press was Invited to talk to the class about the interaction between gove_rnmenl, the press and the public. •·These people are getting their fi rst cliance to really sit down and discuss on a per~on·to-1".'rson level ~hat really hap- pens, . exp\~ined Bon(a, "it also provides the city with a fresh viewpoint from (•itizens." Some of the guest speakers have in· eluded f\fayor Jack Green , Police Chief Earl Robit aille and Fire Chief Ray P1rard. "Once the ice is broken betv.•een the or- li cial and the class some of the sessions rea lly become interesting," l!aid Bonfa. Bonfa pointed to a statement by Golden 'Vest College President Dudley Boyce to explain the ideal aspect of the class. Dr. Boyce sald, "It's a pioneer group of citizens on the threshhold of developing a joint, cooperative effort be(ween the city government and commu nity college. 'Vhat would be more natural than a mar• rlage between the city and the college serving the city.'' "That's really why I 'm in i1," smiled Bonfa. -I INDFJ'ENDENCE, Ctlif, (UPI) -• CharlK Iii ...... the hn>notlc -of •• nomadlc·cult auspectid In the !l•Yinil of lhai'eil T1ti Mil 11 llhlt Jk!:raona. was found •1hldlq .in a tiny C\.l)tboard" when authorities raldtd hls commune Jn Death Valley in October. The California Highway Patrolman who led a posse in the r!lid teslifled Wednesday at Manson's court hearing on relatively minor auto theft .charges that the long.haired cult leader was captured cowering in the cupboard. James Purcell, the only patrolman usually on the 3,000..square·mile beat, said tbe bearded Manson was "hiding in a tiny cupboard beneath the sink. It was perhaps lhree let! high, II lo IO l~es wldo and U to ll lochel de<p. It took him 1 tlme to unwind." Maneoa, who held a mysterious sway .over hil followers. was the only one of tJie nlnt ptrlOnS arrested in the raid who IUd when the posse descencied on the thr~room house which was the base camp for the nomadic conunune. Before the end ol the sl11:-hour prelim· !nary hearing. the district attorney's afflce here Sfid Manson would be re- leased to Los Angeles authorities if a murder warrant wa.s issued. The court ruled there was sufficient evidence of -receiving stolen property to bring Man· son to trial. Bail was ~t at fZS,000. Too Well Known Lennon Won't Be Jesus In Cathedral Pageant J,ONDON (AP) -Beatie John Lennon won't be portraying Jesus in St. Paul's Cathedral after all because Lennon's personality might shove Christ into the background , a · record company an· nounced today. The long.haired Beatie had been con- sidered for the lead in a pop musical call- ed "Jesus Christ" in the cathedral next spring. But the writers of the show and the recording company said they were Mesa Mother's Newest Infant No Little Tot A Costa Mesa \VOman ga ve birtll 'Vedoesday night to a boun cing baby boy who has jiggled 'the scales as the heaviest infant in the history of Orange County Medical Center . The heavywe ight champ a phenamenal 14 pounds, 9 ounces-hasn't been given his official name yet, but grin· ning nurses have dubbed him Atlas, Rocky ar ather such titles in the mean· time. The fourth son af Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stepanenko. af 882 Towne SL, is 241.'i indies long and is doing fine today, along with his 33-year-old mather Louise. Brothers Gregory, 13, Danny, 12. Den· nis. Il. and sisters Linda, 9, and Krissy, 8. are waiting al home for the arri.val or their big baby brother, who was delivered by Dr. John Warnix>. ··A new baby that big is a medica l rari- ty these days." observed Nursing Supervisor Geraldine ~1cGeehan. Vandalism Oaim Agent Assigned Repeated incidents of vandalism at Westmont School has ¢'ompled the Ocean View School Di.strict 'Board of Trustees to appoint ilS principal, Don Devor. as· its agent in pursuing small claims actions in court. He will represent the di strict in an ~ damage suit against lt\t parents of fi ve former students who allegedly broke several classroom "'indows over the sum- mer . A district spokesman said the amount of damage was originally set . much higher but was brought do"·n \\'hen the parents reportedly agretd to pay the $84. convinced that a relative unknown should be the star. "Someone like Lennon would imprint his own personality to such an extent that people would read the star's character in· lo the character of the pa rt,'' said a .spokesman for the Music Corp. of Ameri ca-U.K. Record Co. Lennon, himself, \\'as barely involved in the issue but was quoted as saying he would be interested in the part as long as his wi fe, Yoko Ono, could take the role of l\1ary Magdalene. Il was Lennon who aroused outraced protest in the United States a teW years: 110 by saying that the Beatles ..,at the time were more popular than Christ. The musical about Christ 's last si:t days an earth, by camposer Tim Rice. 25, and producer Andrew Lloy d.Webster. 21 . is being written for the 1'i!CA·UK Rcl'Qrd Co., and is to be issued as an album. A spokesman for the company said the statement about Lennon p o s s i b I y overshadov.·ing Jesus \\'as not meant to cause any offense. He explained that he was referring of offense to Lennon. "It's not that the wTiter!i' don't want Lennon involved but they feel an unknown would be more su itable,·• he said. St. Paul's. one of Europe's most celebrated cathedrals, has had a pop policy for the past year, with a fashion .show.in the crypt and parachute jumping in front of the great doors. The pop apera is the latest project for the JOO.year-old cathedral. Beacl1 Men Get Theft Sentences Tu·o Huntington Beach men ha ve drawn IS.year tenns in federal prison for their holdup of a Long Beach bank. Gathel Ammon Beaton, 26, of 611 5th St. and Ruben Emest Grif(in, 31, of 17256 Beach Boule'(ard were senlenced in Los Angeles federal court by U.S. District Caurl Judge Warren J. Ferguson. Both men were arrested last July 16 shortly after the robbery of lhe east Long Beach branch af the Security Pacific Na- tional Bank. They were identified as the duo \!.'ho took $1,500 at gunpoint from the bank. FBI agents recovered the stolen money along with the revolver used in the holdup from a Long Beach apartment OC· cupied by the two men. Both were traced after witnesses gave the license number of their getaway car to police. Cupboard • Ill The 1tooped, alight M1naon Vf'U wear- Jni blue denim jail clothu when he w11 led Into the Inyo County courthouse In chains to fac~ the charge.s involving sto len vehicles . One af the witne sses to testify was Paul Wa tkins. 18, a former member or the "family" cult. Manson doodled on a piece of yellow paper while \\'ltnesses testified to the charge of receiving stolen property dur· ing raids by "the l\1anson family" from a base camp in .the Death Valley area . Another member of the cult. OO\V in custody in Los Angeles, said through her attorney that Manson, 34. herd an "in· .&ane, almost hypotlc inrluenc~" over his DAILY 'ILOT S!fll Phfte She'• Queen ~farina High School senior Chris Linton. 17, is reigning over Westminster-iVJarina Ro· tary Invitational Basketball 1'ournament under tvay this .. '''eek at both schools. See sports. Joy Ride Wrecks Valley Crop Field Joy riding vandals tore through a field of celery in Fountain Valley Wednesday on the farmer's oy,·n tractor. causing about $1 ,700 damage to the crop. Police said s've.ral loops were taken through the field at Bushard Street and Ed inger Avenue early Wednesday, cut- ting celery stalks and ramming a portable privvy. The tractar used was a 0-6 caterpillar which had been left on the fiel d overnight. The vandalism was reported by Tomio Matsumoto, 16521 Marie Lane , Huntington Beach. Alcatraz Island Taken Off Market SAN FRANCISCO (UPI ) -Alcatraz Island "'as taken off the market \Ved- nesday as a possible buy for the city or San Francisco. City offici al were notified by the U.S. General Ser\'ices Administration that the island is no longer for sale. GSA Regional Administrator Thomas Hannon said the decision was based on a request by Interior Secretary \\falter Hickel for an itWefinite extension of time to study passible uses for the abandoned island. ''family,'' She said his followtrs ca'f!e! hlm "J esua." The girl, Susan Atk1ns. lt, held as a suspec t in the suibbing death of i man \\•h.ich has been COMected to the group, said i\tanson was an aspiring soul singer and guitar player. She said he wa.s embittered al Terry Melcher, son of Doris Day, because Melche r -refused to help him produce a • record . l\1elcher's home. later rented by hllss Tate. became a "symbol of rejee· lion,'' she sa id, and l\1anson ordered all ils occupants slain. Miss Tate, three Jriends and an 18- year.cld boy visiting the estate's care· taker. were stabbed and shot to death. Lodge Leaves • Paris, Holds · Hope for Peace PARIS <UPI) -Ambassador Henry Cabol Lodge bowed out or the Pari~ peace tal~s today with a farewell speech reviev.·ing the past and expressing hope for the future. The Communists ushered him out with a renewal of all the charges that made him quit in the first place. Addi ng lo a complaint by North Viet· nam negotiator Xuan Thuy that there had been no progress in JO months of negotia· tions with Lodge was a series of new charges that the United States had com- mitted "thousands of barbarau.s crimes" in South Vietnam. Lodge, 67, has been a key figure In American Vietnam war policies since the early 1960s. Today was his last as chief negotiator. On Saturday he plans to leave Paris for his heme in Boston. He summarized his parting speech as 1 re\•iew of "the things which v.·e on our ~ide have proposed. what the ether side '~ reactio ns have been, v.•hat are some of the most persistent and erroneous beliefs \l'hich i1npede progress, and \vhat is the hope for the future." Lodge cited a nun1ber of allied co n· cessions including a U.S.· offer lo 11·ithdra\v its troops \\'ithin a year, a pro- posa l for a cease.fire under international supervision. Saigon's offer to hold direct, .secret talks '\'ith the Communists and an offer to settle the war thraugh jointly controlled and internat ionally supervised elections. Addressing himself to the Communist:'! seated acrass the 26-foot negotiating table he said. "the obstacle is your side'~ absolute refusal to join us in seeking a just peace." He said they had the appor· I unity to negoti ate but "you have been un· willing lo do so in any mttting place, public or private." "\Vith reference to your statement~ conceming Song ~1y," he stated, "t l'.'ill say : an incident such as that alleged in !his case is in direct violation not only or U.S. military policy, but it is al~ .ibharrent to the conscience of all the American people. "Whatever happened will be known, because \1;e do not conceal the truth. Jn all this , I submit. aur policy is Jn direct contrast to your O\vn deliberate use of terrorism as a matter af conscious policy.'' Freed POWs Flown To Fa111il y Reunions SEOUL fUPJ )-Three U.S. helicopter crewmen. freed \Vednesday after 108 days in a Nort h Korean prison. flew home today for family reunions and further medical treatment. The three originally had been sched· uled to ny to Andrev.·s Air Force Bas!': near \Vashington transfer to Walter Reed Army Hospital. But pla ns were changed to fly them to air bases near th.eir home~. Failure by the parents to pay the set· tied amount will result,tn a small claims suit by Devor. No fila~ o( hearing has been set yeL Seal Week Declared ---MtifiiillillirlMMJiDrliMiifiiifif_,.JllliMM_, .... ~~, I ~· .JJ. J. (Jarrett P reJenb ~ I The week of Dec. 7·13 has been pro- clai Christmas Seal Week In Foun- tain ey by M a y o r Edward Just. Christma Seals are sold ta raise funds to baUle t rcu losis, emphysema and respiratory · sease. I " a very special purchase from a ~ i fob1rt N W•1d rrt)lnrn• •nd Pyb"l~tr J .~~ It C~•lev Vl(t l'fll'Gl"t ·~o C.r~tt•I J.'1~1,11 Gilts Reje~tetl i famous c1uality m·aker of I I GENUINE LEATHER CHAffiS .I • Tl101011 Kot••I 1:.0 ttf l hc"l•I A. Mu•oh: .. , ,,...n1t•~t l~·•or .Alh•rl W, 1,.1o, ,.1>11t•1•e Edhol Mw11tl1111l•11 1ut 91 Offl<e 109 Sth Slrttl M1:Ji11i ·Add1en1 11'.0. ler 790, '2641 Otit.J Olflcft ~ ... _, .,._,. :111 v .. 31 Mllrt llo>Jlt'!'t·• Cr.IA M•l'-· U0 Wttl II•'!' SI•~' Lt•~N St.en. ~n 1'11'11 , .. , ...... !)AIL' •11Cf, ""' "'">\ft " <<-t ••If .'~' "''"' ,...,.., • f'\OfllllMd C• " o "'' ' .~ ... _. 10'" 1-<11~· ~·~· 8tlcl>. f:011nt••t1 Vt'lc,, ""• . • • r••I llt~C" .~~ Lie-flr•(h .• -.... '" •..0 '!'11'°"11 od11 "'' (rr•n~e CO"" f"~ft'""' ·~ C:~m?•~v P'""•""' 11 ~nr. '" •• :111 l'lol"' 1111~0. 11•0 "''"r.,, ,,_.,, ""' no Y.11• ~.v '"'''· Coll• M•U f1lt,fl•11• 11141 642-4121 fr1111 W111111!111hl11 C•ll 110·1110 c:te1dfl11f • ..,.,.,l1l11t 442·S6 l t C...,111111. !""'· O••"tt Cetll """'''" •• ,..,_. •• lot,,.,.,'''',.,. ~""''''·e·i. ,..,,,...11 .,..,.., et ""''"""'''''~'\ ""'''" _,ti'! ,,.,.eMM ,.,_, 1"'("'1 ,Ct"'li.I•.,. sl ct.O•t/1111 tll .... MU•G ~lti. £GS'Ol'i• I'd fl Nt .. ot"' ., ... ~ •r.d"(l\'~ MCU · (Al•''"• °'·!'" <ttll t• (IU"1 J: CG l"'C<'!tl'y , ""NII I, ''J .....On"'IJI fl'lll!'lt•t lllUl"'-1-a. Utt '""°"r• UC I MedStudent.s Say Bags 'Threat' fourteen of 64 students in the fre shman class of UC Irvln,'s School of Medicine have rejected gift of a black medical bag containing stethoscope, tuning fork and rubber hammer from a pharmaceutical company. The students feel acceptance of the gifts might Impinge on their future in· tegrity as physicians and oould cost eon· i;umers of the drug company's products by higher prices, according to freshman medical student Jerry Boss. Tiic fourt,cn students sent a letter to Ell Lill Pharmaceutical Compan)' rr· Jee mg e g1 -i le1t-er in rep/)', \\'rote the students: " .. .fully cognlz11nt there is no obliga· lion attached to accepting these &lfta, v. e ''iew them as a potential lhrc:it lo our future integrity as physicians. We would prefer 10 be complclely free of 3ny non· business transactions with pharmaccutlc~I companies." Replied Henry F. OtBoest, vict presi- dent of corporate affairs for the Ully Company: "The instruments and bags are offered with the ex pectation that they will be useful. Quite naturally, it is our desire to acquaint students with the Lilly name as a manufacturer of quality medicines. "At the same time we do not believe that tbis assistance will affect the lm· partlal judgmenl3 of physicians in thelr care of patients." On the seeond issue . lhtl studenU \\'rott! ". • :we question the souree of the money used to pay fOr these 1Uts. It a~ P'ilrs to us the drug consumer -mainly the-chronically-l~flnd·ogtd-ia iti.. Q "'ho ultlmate1y shoulders the cost of these gifts. We feel v.·e can better afford 1he prlte of our black bags than can our medically Indigent patients." Responded OeBoe.st : ", .. during tilt' pas1 10 years. as shown by lhe Liiiy pr,ce Index. the 1ver•1e price or our comJ)lny'& pharmacelltic1\s has de<:llned more than JO ptrctntaie points. Bec•tise of its limited 1!1c, the student program hu had vlrtually no cf· feet on the prlccs oI our products.'' t i A GlfT TO TIWURE All> WOY FOR YURS I I i • Ctlltom qulllly through-out • tw1hloning • Your choice of oolan from an ut.emive selection ol finest leather l-. from $199 . ' ' I ' I " Thur5d11, Dtumbtr 4, 1969 H DAIL y PILOT. I Governor's Job Sought By Unruh County Welfare Pro~ests Due? Director ~lans Meeting With Rights Movement ~ . . IJPI T•i..titllw R60M AT THE TOP? Gubernatorial Candidate Unruh Nixo11 Sa)'S Hav11sworth " To Keep Post WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· on announced today that Judge Clement F. Haynsworth Jr. will continue to serve as chief judge of the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. \Vith Haynsworth standing at hls side, Nixon went before newsmen al the White House to describe his rejected nominee tor the Supreme Court as a victim of "brutally vicious" attacks. In the face of these, the President said , the judge might \veil have conside red stepping down from the circuit bench. "A weak man would.'' said Nixon. "A fearful man would. The judge is nol a weak man." Nixon said he v.•as delighted by liaynsworth's decision and cited what he described as ttls oWn philosophy that an individual is never without defeat somewhere along the line but he sbould never be fearfuJ, This was the first time that Nixon and Haynsworth have met. Stepping to the microphone, Haynsworth acknowledged that "no one likes to lose." But he said he had been greatly en· couraged, s.ince the 55-45 Senate vote against llis nomination on Nov. 21 by thousands (Jf letters. Hayn~'Orlh said he has learned that the judges .of the Fourth Circuit want him to retain the chief judgeship and that the bar "wants me back ." Turning to Nixon, Haynsv>'orth said ; "T am very grateful to you for your stead- fast support." · Nixon began by reminding nev•smen that he had telephoned Haynsworth, im· mediately after I.he Senate vote, to urge that he remain on the circuit bench. At that time Haynsworth said he wanted a coople of weeks in which to contemplate whether the Senate battle over ·his nomination wtluld impair his ability to continue as chief judge of the fourth circuit. .. INGLE\VOOD (AP) -Den1ocratic Assembly Leader Jesse M. Unruh challenged Republican incumbent Ronald Reagan for the governorship or California today. charging the State Capitol ls con- trolled by a "handful or half.hidden millionaires." The '4'7·year-old Unruh, the 1968 California leader of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's presidential campaig,n, made his long-awaited entrance Jnto the race in a statement to a news conference al his suburban home near Los Angeles. In becoming the first announced can4 didate in the 1970 governorship election, Unruh, former speaker or the Assembly, aimed his fire at the governor .and Reagan's so-called "kitchen cabinet." Thal 's a group of wealthy businessmen v.•ho are friend ly with Reagan and help finance his political campaigns. "The handful of the half-hidden millionaires who call lhe shots in Sacramento today do not represent Calirornia," said Unruh. "They must be told that it is your state and your future. We \\'ill say to them, 'No, you cannot buy our government like you bought a mansion for Ronald Reagan.' " PAYS RENT He referred to "kit~en cabinet" members and others wbb .contributed more than $150,000 foc a fashionable Sacramento home for the Reagan family. Reagan pays $1,2,50 a month rent to the group, which includes Ben Swig, a pro- minent San Francisco Democrat. Unruh. a powerful figure in state politics for more than a decade, is ex- pected to face opposition in the primary from San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto. with lhe winner becoming the party nominee. Early public opinion polls say Unruh is the favorite. Reagan, according to aides. \Vill an· nounce his candidacy for a second term later next year. He expects no major primary opposition. Unruh, son of an illiterate Texas sharecropper. recalled how "I hitchhiked tlcre from Texas nearly 30 years ago with little more than the clothes on my back." CUJ\IB FROM POVERTY He recounted his climb from poverty - aircraft plant worker, Navy enli.sted man, GI Bill graduate of the University of Southern California, election to the A~mbl~ in 1954 and finally in 19ftl as speaketl""'"-an office held longer than any olher man. He lost the job this year when the Republicans took over the Assembly. "California has kept the promise it held for me," he said. "I run for governor because I want to keep the pron1ise of California alive and growing Co r everyone.'' As speaker, Unruh v.•on many friends .and made many enemies. But even his foes credit him with making major in· t{'rnal refonns in the Assembly. He hired young consultants to advise legislators in an effort, he said, to reduce the lawmakers' dependence on special in· terest lobbyists. lie led the fight for a full·time legislature, and for an increase in legislative salaries. But his foes also accused him of being a bully and hung the name of "Big Dad· dy" on him. That was when he weighed almost 290 pounds. Since lhen , he has dieted dov.'Jl to 190. By TOl\1 BARLEY Of "'' 0•11)' Plitl Sl•lt \Vorried \Velfare Director Granville Peoples today warned that Orange Coun· ty may be lhe next larget for demonstrators who have d i s r u p t e d welfare department meetings in neighboring counties. Peoples has set Dec. 12 as the date on v.•hich he will diKUss Orange County welfare operations -and in particular its AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children} program -wit.b what he said Allies Pursue Cong Forces 111 Ca111bodia SAIGON (UPI) -Allied warplanes, artillery and troops raided into Cambodia in pursuit of a battered North Vietnamese battalion in fighting reported today. President Nguyen Van Thie u announced the allies would honor 24-hour truces for Christmas and New Year's. Thieu emerged from a 9(1.minutc meet· Ing wilh U.S. Ambassadcr Ellsworth Bunker and announced lhe truces for "humanitarian reasons." Th~re have been 13 truci!S SO far in the \lo'ar, aJI of them marred by fighting. U.S. spokesmen said American forces would honor the cease.fires but there was no word from the Viet Cong or North Vietnamese, who usually beat Saigon to the punch in proclaiming holiday truces. Field reports said the No1·;n Vietnam· ese bi'lltalion that \vas chased into Cam· bodia had used the neighboring nation as a springboard for its attack earJy Wed· nesday on a border town and two U.S. Green Beret camps, killing 2S South Vietnamese. The guerrillas v.•ere thrown back with 166 men slain and headed back across the border with U.S. warplanes and artillery and a South Vietnamese platoon in pursuit. Headquarters said the allies bad an "inherent right" to fire back if fired upon from Cambodia. U.S. spokesmen acknowledge the air raids into Cambodia, the second such strikes in three weeks, but 1aid nothing of the artilley strikes or·Soutb Vietnam· ese platoon. Reports of the action 58 miles \\'C"l· northwest of Saigon coincided with the weekly ca'lualty report showin~ 70 Amer· ·icans killed last week, the third lowest number of deaths slnce 1966. Another 1,04!1 Gls were wounded. Only two other times since 1966 has the v.·cck· ly death toll been lower-the week of Oct . 4 when 64 Gfs died and the first week of 1967 when 67 were killed. Mililary spokcs1nen confirmed wh:it sources had ' dlstlosed earlier-that U.S. casualties for the war su rpassed the :mo 000 mark last week, ""·ith 39,642 killed, 259'.828 wounded and 1.359 missing or captured-a total of 300,829. The U.S. death figure was a sharp drop from the 130 Gls slain the previous week. South Vietnamese losses fell too. to 373 killed and 95.1 wounded, with 2,177 Communists reported sla in. Coynty Sets Smog Tests Year-long Study Gratis to Taxpayers By J ACK BROBAC K 011111 Dt!lr Pllol 5"ft Orange County will conduct.• year·l~ng experiment in the field of air pollut1on and it won't cost the. taxpayers a pe nny. County Supervisor:. Wednesday ac- cepted the offer of Pacific Lighting Service Co. (Parent Company of Southern Counties Gas) lo loan six natural gas conversion kits to be used on county vehicles. Included in the offer by Reine J. Corbeil; project manager £or Pacific Lighting Is free compressed natural gas. Supervisors saw two vehicles that had been converted from gasoline to natural DAil Y 'II.OT lttlt PMlt PAC IFI C LIG HTING'S CORBE IL 'FI LLS 'ER UP' f or Countv Cars.. A Dlfftrtnt Kind of Ga1 I gas. a 1967 Chrysler New Yorker and a 1968 Dodge service truck. Corbeil invited the county leaders to check the exhaust pipes of the conve~ted cars, but none did. The gas company represeatative said lhe cars greatly outperformed gasoline p(lv.·ered vehicles in lack of emissions of air pollutants and more than met all standards set by the state !or 1970 and 1974 . . Jn carbon monoxide emi ssions. natur111 gas powered cars produce only 2.11 grams per mile compared with 28.Z with gasoline. Figures for hydrocarbons lll>~re J.41 and 2.56, and for oxides of nitrogen, .SI and 3.82. Cost of conversion to natural gas wa~ estimated at $300 per vehicle. More lhan 30 cars have been so equipped and are being tested today. Other advantages claimed for gas In· elude cleaner engine oil. longer spark plug life, smoother operation and lower cost. 'Pacific •Lighting, ·corbeil said. plans to convert additional vehicles and to market the dual.fuel system to other companies which operate large vehicle fleets . .(JJ cars 'are equipped with a dashboard control to switch from natural gas to gasoline. With a limited number of aim· pressed ga.s outlets. the dual -fuel system permits'oPeration·of a vehicle on natural gas for stop-and-go driving In congested high pollution areas and a rwilch lo gasoline on longer trips. Special compressed gas tank! Installed In lhe trunk or passenger cars provide f'n('lllgh fuel for 100 miles travel In cars similar to the demonlltraUon model which gets only JO miles per gallon on gilsoline. Better mileage can be expected from can1 more eC<1nomlcal on gasoline, Corbeil snld. R. I. "Cuba'' Morris, county dlrtctor of transportation, said he had vehicles ready for conversion. At the sugge11tlon of Supervisor David L. Baker, Morrts 1ald he would use older (Ounty cars as well as newer models ln lhe test. 1vcre "self-proclaimed Orange County representatives of the National Welfare Rights movement." lie identified the movement spokesman as t-.1rs. Alice Silvas of Santa Ana, the author of a widely.cireulated pamphlet which is calling on AFDC mothers to mount "a.dynamic assault on Granville Peoples' ivory tower." But Peoples warned newsmen "Welfare is only one piece of this. This pressure is being imposed by militant groups from outside Orange County who are seizing on welfare and some admitted deficiencies to promote their cause." • He would not identify the militants or co1nmenl on whal he said were "the true alms" of the movement. "We are going to try to avoid the disruption that has occurred in such places as Los Angeles and San Diego," Peoples said. The weUare director said he was one of a number of welfare workers from several Southern Clllfornla counties who rt:cenUy had to call Off a San Diego con· venUon when "welfare rtghta agitators walked in and took over the meeting.,._ Peoples conceded that the central •rCU· ment of the demonstrators -the con· teoUon that aid to mothers with familits was far from sufficient -was ju1Ufled. And be pointed out thal ald levels set ht California 12 years qo have never been revised while ilvlng coets have mounted in that time by 26 pel'OOlt. OPl:N 6 NIGHTS A WEB: FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVEN1ENCS It's iust not Christmas without a real· tree! LIKE IT ... CHARGE IT! ' ' CHRISTMAS TREES! Sc:otc:h pine tree. A tree with its own beoutif4I shade of green ••• needles that a re luxu riously long. Branches reta in thei r needles longe r than other fi rs, so you can enjoy your tree much longer. 5 ft,., ft. 6.49 2Wf1 .• 3~ h. Scolch pt-.4At- 6 h. • 7 h. Scotch pine 7,ff 7 h. • 8 h. Scotch pine .. _ .• _: I.ff N1tural Dou9l11 fir thrillmos tr111I Strolght, sturdt, lu.tllt ;r11n, w• f\lthtd these down from mountoln for· 1st1 to fill your home with tht 'joy of Chrittmos. Salte:! from a voritty of tir••· Pl1nt1tion grown Douglas fir trMt. A mo11 ~ tr•• d1M to Its NII pyramldol rymMttry4 Th. colof ft d1nslty of Douglas fir branchts ha 'l't beeft tnhancied try y1arly 1hearlng and shaping. 2 h .-3 h ............... -.............................. 99c • 3 It .• 4 ft. ---f:ff 7 ft. -8 ft. ·-~~--~.69 5 ft.-6 ft. ·--··3-~9 9 ft.-10 ft. ---... 6.99 -~s ~h-~· 6~h.'.:. • .:::·--=·-:.::-·;.::· .. ::;:----;.::-·::; .. ··;;;; .. i.:::---· 8.49 ~ '"'" _, no1u OPIH ) MJMOAY fOOI 11 ... ,...-, DOWNEY I· 6 h. 4 7 ft, Douglas fit tree .. 9.99 7 ft.· 8 ft. Oov9la1 flr lrff ·----··-····--11 .99 MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH • • ' • .. Thursday, Otctmbtr 4, 196' CC...llt4 h' Wit 0-tl'I' l'lftt lt1ff) New York's Atty. Oen. Lout1 J. Lefkowitz sent this letter to e a c b of the state's 150 assemblymen: "It h as come to my attention that t.he consumer action bulletin from my office wa s sent to you in an e~ .. velope in which you \Vere not adot,, dressed with your full title, but in an abbreviated form. It was care- less of my office to have address- ed you in this fashion and I'm sor- ry 1'l happened." The bulletin's ad· d ress used the first three letters of the assemblymen's title. • Brad Lindskog, 11 , of. Proph.tU.. toiµn. Ill., poses with his steer, Cono- ro, the grand champion of this year'• livestock sliow in Chicago. The steer ~old for $15,180. Brad, who is the !loungest steer exliibitor to ever win top hOnors f1L the history of the 70. 11ear-old shoW, paid a little more than $300 for the steer t1uo years ago . • President Nixon, who freq uently lunches on cottage cheese and cat- sup, revealed the reaction to hi s \veight-watchin g scheme in an aside to a White House Confer- ence on Food, N u trition and Health. "You can't imagine how 1nany letters I got," he said. "The catsup industry wrote and to1d me 1 o try it on my cereal. And others 'vrote and told me that catsup with cottage cheese had to be unheal· thy." Nixon countered by saying I.hat his grandmother "lived to be 93 and ate it all her life.'' • A highway ice warning dtvice that refl.ects a red light w he n temperatures drop to fretting toas displayed by a: West Ger· man Ttsearch firm in Frankfurt. 1 The ~l_l~ Institute which de- ) veloped . ~ device, said it U ~ m.01l11ted ·Oil roadside. guard iJ rails and in headlight reflect- ions shows Ted when the tem- peratures drop to freeztn'g, yel· low wlie1t t.emperatures a re slightly 1narm er and green when there is 110 chance of ice. L==::::.--::.:~ = ===-• Duke Ellington and his 17-man band r eturned from a good-will tour of 12 E uropean nations, and the bandleader said "I have a lot of \\'onderful impressions." Elling- ton 'told nei'1s1nen in New York tllal Jn Prague, Czechoslovakia after the sho\v. some young kids iollo\ved me to my -hotel room \vhere they gave me enameled ani· mals a nd other gifts. lt was all done \Vithou t ,,·ords, so J asked them for their names and ad- dresses so I co uld send them Ch,ristmas greetings. a-nd it turned out that they "'ere all Russian rnu- 5icians -it \Vas wonderful. Jmpartifll lnqulr1 G.oldherg Urges Massacre Probe • By Uolled Pml latorudoul Former Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg and more than 30 other govern· ment officials, international lawyen: and professors called on President Nixon t(). day to a~int an impartial commlsslon to study erlcan conduct in Vietnam in the light o alleged massacre of clvlliam by U.S. troops. The massacre assertedly occurred in March of 1968. President May Summon Cong·ress Back W ASHJNGTON (AP) -President Nix- on told Republic'an congressiona1 leaders today he will call Congress back into session Dec. %6 if it does not C<Jmplete ac- tion before Christmas on all ap- propriation bills. And, H~ GOP Leader Gerald R. Ford told newsmen after the weekly GOP leader:Wp meeting with Nixon, the Presi· dent a1so is considering calling Congress back to Capitol Hill the day after Otristmas 1f there is no "movement" on bis antk:rime legislation. '"lbe President is very finn that action must be taken ." related Sen ate Republican Leader Hugh Scott. "I have · never 6ttn the Presldent any tougher than be was today." Shcrlly after Scott and Ford met with newsmen at the White House, the Senate completed action on a $4.8 billion public works money bill. Jt was the fifth of 13 appropriatlon measures sent to Nixon thJs year. 1be need f« anticrime legislation was a major tbeme of Nixon's presidential campaign but none of his recom- mendations has: gotten vuy far in eon_.. No date has been aet for the Christ.mas holiday adjournment but Fon! indicated the dates be.ing diSCWIS«l are "anywhere rrom De<:. 20 to the 24th. Under the cur· rent cireumstances we will have to be bere Christm&1 Eve." Senate Democratic Leader M i k e Mansfield, who raised Monday the possibility of Senate meetings between Christmas and New Year's to finish money bjlls, told a newsman, "We are making every effort to let the ap. propriations bills through. It Is going to be nJp m:t tuck'." "The allegations. of atrocities commit- ted in Vietnam are hurting the reputa· tion (and) the consclence or all law respecting Am ericans," Goldberg said in a crowded office at New York Univer- gjty. "We urge the President to reject lhe vlew that atrocities may ln any way be justified, by any side, as a necessity of war. This case (of the My Lai massacre) offers an opportunity for the reaffirma.· tion of an ational commibnent to lhe rule of law." After reading a three-page statement. dra\Vll up by an ad hoc group of lawyers in Ntw York , Gold berg suggested that lhe commission could be made up of "concerned and patriotic Americans'' such as former Supreme Court JU6tice Earl Warren and retire<! Army General l\fatthew D. Ridgeway. Gold berg said he did not want to spec· ulate on the possible conclusions wh ich mi ght be reached by the commission, but said recent news stories about U.S. conduct of the war indicate "th ere is enougli io this to warrant an investiga- . lion." He was asked what the policy of the commission should be since policy decisions concerning the conduct of the war were made at the hit:hest level of the government. "Let the chips faU where they may,'' 11aid Goldberg. Rails, Unions OK Agreement; Strike Averted WASHINGTON (UPI) -Agreement ""as reached today on a ne\v contract between the country's railroads and four shopcraft unions, averting a th reatened nationwide rail shutdown . The agreement, announced by Labor Secretary George P. Shult z arter an all· night session between negotiators, will have to be ratified by the union mem· bershi p. At 8:30 a.m. (PST). afte r first maklng a hurried trip to the Wllite House to give President Nixon the word, Shultz told reporters; ··1 am very pleased to be. able to an· nouoct: here that free c o JI e ct i'v e bargaining has triumphed." •·we do havei a settlemeni. volun,tarily agreed to by management and the shop- craft unions. There will not <be a railroad 1trike." Mechanical Failure Told Before Air France Crash CARACAS (UPI) -Investigators said today the last words of an Air France jelliner pilot indicated that mechanical failure and not sabotage or a hijack at. tempt caused the plane to fall Into the &ea Wednesday night with lo6s of· all 62 persons aboard. "I am losing altitude 8J'Jd I cannot con- trol the plane," Capt. Henry Valter rad.i· oed the control tower from 4,500 feet two minute.s out of Maiquetia Airport. on a fiight bound for Paris. The Boeing 707 . plane fell four milea from the airport and explodoo In an orange fireball. The disaster was witnessed by another pilot, Capt. Jose Cabezas of the Venezuelan domestic airline Aeropostal Venezolana, who was fiylng 2,000 feet above the Air France jet. "I saw the plane begin to rise from ~iaiquetia and then suddenly it started downwards," he said. "There was an ex- plosion and fire on impact." It fell into the sea where a Pan American plane crashed OD Dec. 12, 1968 with Uie loss of so lives. CLAY NO CHA!tlP AT BOX OFFICE NEW YORK (AP) -0 Big. Time Buck White,'' the musical featuring former ht:avywelght champion Cassius Clay, also known aa Muhammad ~. will close Saturday night after six performances, the show's management announced to· day. The presentation won only one favorable review hefe and will sustain a loss of about $125,000. Bitter Chill Grips East Buffalo, Rochester Record Heavy Snoivfalls Cnllfornla lO~ ,1.N GEL ES AND .VICINITY- MOlll'f lU"n" Frldt.,. l ow IOll!tt1t !1. Gu•t., wi"Cll ~low t invoru Frld1Y. Hit~ Frid-Iv 711 POINT CONCEPTION TO Ml!lttC,t.N e O!!OEll.-Llghl Yft1Ab!e w1"<11 '* tomi!'l'J "'•lltlr 10 111 !9 ~'ICh In tl!e,. noon Fr"'-Y t-.11 l'IOl'l~ll wl'ldt 15 to ~ ~'>Ott 11 llmfl outet too1111 w•Ttr~. M0$11., IUM., dtr Diii IO<ne .. fl'I' '°'°'"l~t lo# tloo.Hh n'IOSll., 1outM1n PO>llOI',, "' little "''""'' Frkl1Y, COASTAL ,t..NO IN'TE llM£01,lTI! VAlL.EY~llr Ill"">' FridtY. l ow l?"ltl'll oil) lo $1. A llllle -•mer Fri. rl•Y w1!ll 111111 Tl) lo IO. Gul!'f wl11G1 MloN t l"'l'V"t 111'~1.,, Arl1n11 &1k.,1lleld lll1m1rCk &olst l ottoll l ...,f'l'lvlll• ...... Dt:!l'Olt ' Hitt! lew Prtt. " Joi ,S7 " " " ,, " " " " " " ,. " " • " " " .. ,, " " T• • . National Church Council Elects Woman President -. . ' DETROIT (UPI) -Dr. Cynthia Wedel, 10 outspoken advocate of women's rights, tod ay was elected the first-woman presi- dent of the National Council of Churches. Episcopalian from Washington, D.C., defeated the Rev. Albert B. Cleage Jr., a Detrolt NJ:gro )>88tor, in ,.cm balloting at the·NCC's triennial general assembly. hll!hest office of the .nation's lar1eot Mrs. Wedel, a 61-year-old white She will suve a three-year term in the cooperative religious body. 'Ille NCC is com~ed of _33 Protes tant and orthodox denominations with •s million memben. Open fore Chrisl,1nas. -------------------------------------· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : I I ·------------------------------------- All it takes ia a little application to open a Filllt Bancharge Reserve account. Simply fill out the one above and bring it in or se nd it to any of the 90-plus offices of First Western Bank. It's that eas y. l'!esent your card for presents. First Ban· -charge Reserve can be used to purchase up to $2,400 worth of presents at just about any place in California. It's like a charge account, except you use a· check instead of a charge card. 'Vhen you do, the service charge is no more than at most department stores. If you're traveling during the holidays anirun a little short of cash, First Bancharge Reserve can be used as a check guarantee card. It's like instant money, up to $100 in cold, hard cash at any one of a thousand banks , coast-to-coast. Once you've opened your First Bancharge Reserve account it's open not only for Christmas, but for the 364 hill-paying days in between, too. First . Ban charge· Reserve Membe:r Fe<lual Deposit b111.1ran_.c-c CofJll'l"'t.ion iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii THE GREATEST SPORT I!" since the Wright Brothers got off the ground at Kitty Hawk ""· .. TESTOR'S R/C Plan• is completely 1ssemblt d ••• ready to fly ••• right out of the box! FOR MEN FROM .10 TO 100 Complete set Includes everything you need to fly -plus the battery recharg· er 50 you can use the Cadmi um Cell batteries that come with the plane. 1'NI SKY·H-WK It VUlTIJAllY IHOl!lTRUCTllLE- IAST TO l"LY T~!1 p1111• Is midi Of 111-lmpect 1tvren1 , • • 11mcJl 11nbr•ak1bJ1. BIO "" tn•rlv ••J wlr.o•pa" . • • '7" fu1ell0f, 11.IOltf .., riv " IOOll •• YG'U ltk• It out of t~e bo.ir, • H!-Toni~ .IMf t.I. lnfwrn1t combustlori tnglnt. • UO Ml!llw•t1 tr•na!Jtw fl' .... mltttr e t l ••n1l1tor Svperht lt,rOC'yn1 rtt1lv1r wi!I! pulu w\clll! dte0dt11111 e Tn.t1 11Vl11 piworl~I fldlo ton!~! • (Orm>lttlly 1111-1re1111tec1 U,..Ul"-ANO AW,1.YI Don't rnfH tl'le lnc:f'ldlblt fun 11'111 •«llem..,t of !ell"'t lM1 glen! pl1nt under '(11\lf (OrUro1 -l rHI !e~•n ll>t b,u lt' of llylllf. Otlltr now -"' h•v• l1rgt IUPf'IY -bvl ll11rry1 lh11 00 latll i • • • • II • a • • 11 • • • • • HOBBY PEOPLE, Dtpt. H 130 E. 33rd Slrttt • Los Angeles, California, 90011 Get ready t o t1ke off for a real thrill. All of the excitement of fly. Ing your own plane , , . because t his plane is under your control. No wires ••• it's all don e via re mote RADIO control. Moil fodoy for prompt shipmenf before Chrlsl11101 • 0 CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER • Pl<1•1• r1n~ m1 • ...... '. •••••• • •• ·.: ••• ,, •• tem ple+• ftady to fly • Teslofl fl:1C S~yh•w~ Atr pl111e li l ra; the .d<1e~11nl prk • of $69.99 • ••t h pl111 ii.so po1t19• elld h1ndl1n9. ~1lifor111e re1id•nh edd i 'r. • S1le1 T1•. • •Nim• ••••••••••••••••••••••••Aifdre1s ,,,,,,.,,,, •••• ,,.;',, ~. c·+ • r. • v • • • • • •••• , •• , •• • St1t1 , , • ,, ,, ••• , • , • • .. • Zip , •••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• Now! Creole your own instant Cape Kennedy in any open area l AMAZING LIQUID-PROPELLANT . VALKYRIE-2 R LIFTS OFF TO OVER 1,000 FEE1 _LN LESS THAN 10 SECONDS! Hew, tNm c_..._ " 11111111d1w11, •1er 111 "'' •n!ttmMI .,.. Mf"V If ..., '-"Intl "'lkl'f""t II I tnll\' t,..,etltftll, fnll.lt•t<lll ..Utt, 11-tfttlltt ...... II K~lrtn IT.-..Utl lltt4fl, •tlrll I Mft. l!Oll M•k ~IC "'"'""' fllll tln'l llllrn, t1n•1 e1pllide, ftlM'" "'JINll •JOIJNTAIN AREAS-Motll'f tunn., t r,ftt.,, Little l•motrlN•• ci..,,.-,., !'o!•Ollt tu1tv norfll to nOtlhftU wll!l!I IO'O"t •~1 F'rldl'l'o '• i.ell•~t'!I (t1ifor11t1 llllf IU"l~ln" """ , )11'1.!:'0lt"' elr to!My. wllll 91,11tf "'1>'111 ,, "-O•llltllt wnkh tKtttlto:I Fr"ltY. II Wt.l t \ffMl., «Qlft. Tl'lt· hll!> '' 1.-,1 -'~9,;;, ·r,111~ Ctn• !•• w11 n. d0•11 two cl9'•••• from w""'n.,dlv'• m1,1"1v'". Coastal S-Ullf'I., tciiltV, \.--.-.l rfl'llN Wlffdi Jl illll I nd ll'IOl"l'lnt hlvrt llfcfl""11\I not'lllwttll'f'IY 1) to 11 kMO WI fllfl"• ,,_ to4t~ t11111 ,rktfV. HltM ""' ~- V.S. S11mmnr11 A-'Ot ~ ot At'fllc -.TI' Wtl'd ecro\t 1119 fft,.,,. POl'llO'I ol t!te <OV,,.. trv tOOWv l(t om,1nl9CI O'f """' •noor ., _ _.~. On Moln• "•l•ti.1111.• ..... ..., "'"'" Ha'IO!ul" "'""' (!"' lit Vffll Los A11ee11t N\lU!l'I - Mlnnt•ll0111 Nt'W Orlt1n1 H-Yori! Ootl<ltnd Ol<l1~ (lly o.,,.,.. -. -' il J " " " ll-- '\flt Ml q lfM "•lkst t11 IU ,_ rMlhlk ""k•I 11-Jllnt ,.,_ ,_ flltl •ti -.-<~ 1lltll-llrt11tlll l'l'ltl•I l•nk "1111 ljlftill I.It.lot l"-!11111 ,...,.111111 fln(l I 11'11 lllttrt lfllfttll. 111....,n th _,, """*lkll u rr ,,.K eM ... ,,,,_,.,,,Ille•""'"'"" 111111, '"' sa"'"' fll(l(m T ...... lfuntll lht Vtlkyri.1 llY f'tt'l'IO!• COll!fOt • -· •nd wt1(h lt 1111 off to • m1111m11m 11t1M• ol 1,111 , .. , In • J •ttonchl Or It ! .. hi! I ~ • .,. -ie..tl 8' -•.tf.l,lo lb.."""°'fl'd• OI IHI 111!<1 ... th\111 lol l h.rl!!lftl!td NIY!•r E(llo ltttlhtt -"':'" a .. dt .,.., "•cl ••rlr morfllnt Jew ,.liwdfi, but' ofM•"'l~ l' ""'' tUllllY W1111 !lit~ ~·f 10 •'Id ,,.,. ,...,,. "· '' w11 f!'l'MllY wn,.., '" Ille "1ounte1n• Ind OtM•" wu~ llltl'lt nt•r 50 11 moun• 11" rtlO"I• ~ \.cul '"''"' llO!'ll111rl., Wlfld5. Ti.. dt,,..,, !ltd l'l!flll Mt• ·~ 1n tM ,,.,,,... .... 11.,.. end 1110ut rs In .,,. lower V&IJWt. J111t1 111blr1 l'led ttlt' """°"'' lllohftt ,_..ll'lf Wttli>ftd-1., 11 M. Olhtf 111,.,, Wtfl\tldlV 111d fol"«•'! 111,..1 to111., tnci\ldff 1.e<1t lt•t" 11-1s. 111111 Mol!kl 1WO. 11/rMM. 1•1-" Ml. Wlio ""'" Jt.Y, P11md9i. 6J .. J, 11iv.....1<M 10.l'O, Plll!'I $1irl111' 71.73, t!•k•fllltld .ui. s·.n Oi'" 11·10 1nd 111111 ltr· ~re IM-U. ' r Coelt•t ttml'ft•'""s ''"" frOfl'I U 111 1'1. l"l11•d.ttm11tr1tu,.t "'""from loll IO 1'1, W•!tt' ttrnW•l\lr• ~. S11n, Mi>on. '.l'ldt!• THUll50A'W' S.CO'ld 11r,11 •. , • • •• J·J.I '·"'· ,_, ~ low , .• ll:lt '-"'·IA •1UOAV ""'~ ..... ··••· ... J:• '·"'· 3 j low ............... 11i1>•-"'·'·' 11\tlt ''"'"'"""'ti••·"'· J.t lo. ......... ,..,11: .. '•"'-1.1 '""' t "" •.m. ,,,, 41., .A ltl .. 1 L.O I.I'll. Itta l:M 11,1!\. ""'" 'c111tt t ltG ,,,.,...; ,,,. "°""" f'" 1ltlt• ''""' 11\t 1111~t M l•,IHh>ot v111n. •~ro11 t!tt Grt1I L~•• ln1o Htw Enel1nd. °"" 10 "''" !1'1!119t of "'°~ ttn chl~t e t l•.Jlwr M•lod, 11 ... tltllY 111 1"9 l•Ht Kl~Cll'I ~ lfl<tt Erlt t l'IO!I' Onll•~-•vff1lo, N,'!',, !Nit tll•td ~ ln(nt' on '"" t l'(Ml!ld """'U• ll:otfll!l!tt. N,Y,, l!Mj t ltM. ... h cold ,,.,.,. """" tCivlll ..... , "'""*"'' wtrt ll\lll(tltcl IOI' <'IOl't!>t•n '""'"""· l• "" ""'''· ,.1 .. -· '""''1 """' _., TtXI\ fO JOUTMrll ,l.rllll<ll WJtll ...-\Ill'°"! ~ ~= lllJl!tr elf\'lllol\!. (If fl'lt ~ IJkkl ... TlltN •!K ~r Plll'l'I 5-rl"fl P1'0 llob!H l'll!tblirtll l'lltll•l'd ll~pld (Ir, ·-Sec:rtll'ltn•o Slit l•k• (fty Jin 01- Jt11 ""Mlsce• s .. 1111 s.-. .... lM,.,.,tl W111!!119!011 ·• ~ " " " .. ,. " M M » u '' II SI .. " ,.. " J7 ,, •t ,, "'' lJ " " .. ,. ... ·" l lr. At ...... ...,,,.,,, •1111\ICll, Wt!tll ·~ lh l)lf f • ..,.,.,I.I\ llJO!tNl!t•ltr feDIO.,. •l'ld flll'll., 11()1~ ll>t V•lll;r•lt-2 clO""' tt!• IV for l f'Olhtr illll'IC~ {C*t bt VIM ~"'' •ml t'ler.l V•lltl'fit·2 tOll'let ce<'Mltlt wll~ roc:kll ~I"'· lllfltr. ••••tor, l"l'I• c.l'Mlll ll.lbt encl 1><1r•tl'lutt, "°" ~'• rlM, ro.111no ~".,. •nd !Iott. tltc:!rl< l!rlnf •ntmbly lwo•tt oil lllndlnl 1111> tflr'J, Ml lnc.l\ldtd), .. 111'1(1'1 1!11111. t•l'I of propt!ll~I, l ttttWIK , """ lnllr\ICllOfl l:lcolt• 1t1. °""' t1t.11,1"'11.so '°' POt•10-e-111n1111"'. """""" 1111 ....... 111. ..................... • MOltY ~lO,.~a, Otf'I, " • 1• L J>l'I ''· • ~ .. """"" (tllf., .. 11 • • """'" l'\l'lfrl mt ..... " • <11on111ttt Vtlk,v!'I-.' ll.oc.-tt • l(lt{i) •I SM .. 7 •«l'I Diii\ SI.JO POl ...... llllllllllf, C1llftl'llle • • Rttldftlb ldd J'IO SllH T••· • •. .tll«k ...... Mone., r:;,. ·~;_ ................. • • NA-,,.,, . .,, ....... ,,. . .,., " , , , , ....... ,. •• .. .. "' " ., ,, " " HOln PIOf'LI DI"· H AOOrtl.1 ....................... , ...... , ·· ·· ..... . ~~1 :~~ ~N~~t:.'0CALI, .. ~ t0111 ~ ~111 ...................... 'i: ....... : ; • • ~ '~iiliiiiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii ............................................. ... • •• I I l I I • I l l ' . .. .-... . ~ . Fountain Valley VOL. 62, NO. 290, 4 SECTIONS, 50 PAGES ORANGE COUiolTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 4, 1969 --- . . . ·· - · ,· . :~ 2 Panthers Slain -. Gunfight Erupts atParty'sStrong~ld CIUCAGO (UPI) - A 15-minut. sun· light erupted loday when state's at· tomey's police entered a Black Panther stroqghold to search for weapona. Two Black Panthers were tilled and four wounded. The dead included Fred Hampton, about 22, Illinois chairman of the Black Panther party. Two policemen were wounded in the battle, which broke· out when the authorities entered an apartment near Black Panther headquarters on the vutskirtso! Chicago's West Side s)'jd row. Board Urges Civil Servant 5% Pay Hike Fourteen men made up tht unit that loot part in the early mornln( raid. They bad a warrant signed by Judce Robert Collins, accordlng to a spokesman for the State's Attorney's Offloe; obtained after .sawed4f shotguns and ether jDepl weapons were re parted. to be ID tbe apartment. ' When · Ule authorities I d e n t1 f, I e d themselves, the spokeimen said, vc}ceS dn~the other side of the door began asking "Wha?" "WOO?" Then, he Aki, the door was opened and 0 elght or more In: dlviduals began. firing with ·catbipts, ihotguns and handguns." The · aparimenl, According to the apokesman, belon,ied to a Fred J<mson, an· alias used by H_ampton. In tt police lald _Jheq found II altolguJls, elgil\ pistols and $ 900 rounds of ammun!Uon. He al.id Jturi~ was felled after be bad:.sbof at · the autbwiUu with a .t$ automaUC.00 1 shot~ . ,. . - • The Other ilead man was identified· as Mark Clark,'21, ol Peoria, DI. Tben!bad been reports earlier this year that the Panthers had alttmpted to orpnlro ~ peopl< ·1n Ulat dowmlale .,.... munity. li.\AGINAT IVE DESIGN OF ROBERT GISLER SCHOoL .BRINGS .NATIONAL RECOGNITION . SACRAMENTO (AP) -The St.ate Personnel Board· proposed a rive pl!rcent across-the-board pay hike Jor the sta.te's 103.000 fut1ume civil servants'toda y. Gisler Scl1ool Given H onor By_ U.S. Group Fo~tain Valley's Rebert Gisler School has ~en selected as a demonstration school by the American Associalian cf School Adminislrators. As a result. an archit.ect'..s mo:iel and phatogriplij-:Or~-moor.-wifl l:ie-oo ex· hibitioo Feb. 14-fB as the associatian haldll its annual eoiivanlion in Atlantic Ci- ty, N.J. . In selecting Gisler School f.rom amang the 2.500 .nominated for the honer~ the jury considered as its criteria exceptional eJucatkmal programs. grouping areas ~er instruction, expandability, commuruty use, safety and enviranment.al controls such as Hght, air and S()Und. In 1967, Fountain Valley 's Harry C. Fulton School was selected far t~ same award. Far the last five years, six out of the district's 12 schools have wan state and national awards for architeeture and educational design. Masked Bandit Holds Up Station A masked bandit Ylednesday night rob- bed a \\festm inster service station at- tendant cf $139 in receipts then cl.outed the attendant aver the head '."'1th a revofver and locket:! him up in the restroom. The attendant , Roger S. Miller, 18, of 19362 Brookhurst St.. Huntington Beach; was dtscovered on the noor al the sla· tion'll baUrroom by a customer shortly after 9:35 p.m. He was taken to \Vestminster Cam- munitY Hospital where he 'A'3S treated ~or cuts ape! bruises. Police said the robber. who wore a ~"Olllan's stocking over his head. threat· ened Miller with 8 chro1ne-plated revol· ver before the bea"ng took place. Tate Suspects to Figh t The increase would cost $86.3 milUon. Th.is com.pared with boosts ranging rrom six percent 'to 20 percent and total- ing $148 million sought by the CalUornla State Eriiployes A s s o c i a t ion which represen ts most of tht wcrkers. Extradition for Trial .. The board. in sending Its fina.1 recom- mendaticns to Gcv. Rtagan, modified its earlier tentative proposal that there be a W.cKlN NEY, Tex. (AP) -Charles D. Watson's lawyer indicated taday that he will ask psychiatric examination for the bearded fonner . football player. "'ho is .I Sharon's Father ' Became Hippie Hunting Killers PALOS VERDES (U PI) -The father of slain actress Sharan Tate, a former Army intelligence officer, says he grew a mustache and beard and mingled with drug users for faur mooths while trying ta track dawn. his daughter's killers. Paul J . Tate, 46, said he masqueraded as a hippie, frequented hippie hangouts and lived in cammunes in his hunt for the persons wha carried oot the Aug. 9 murders. "Anything I know a boot the case will be told at.the proper tim~." Tate said in declining ta say if his efforts were cf value in the arrests of three suspects. He "'as concerned with the rettnt revelations abclut details of the crime. "Yoo don't go around telling the world what infarmation er evidence yoo have," he said. ''You never know for sure whether yoo have an airtight case." · He said the implication or.; cult kna"'" as "The Manson Family" in the murders of his daughter and six other persons had "taken a great weight aff my mind." Howe ver, he expressed bitterness aboot reparts in the "sensational press" over the backgroond of his daughter. "My wife is an the verge of a nervoos breakdown. Ply ether daughter h~ been extremely upset. We are a yery close famil y." He said much of what has been said and written abaut his daughter "is just not true ." · Tate said he warked alone and with Sauthern Callfarnia aulharitie11 an his in· vestlgaUon. Befare Tate confirmed he conducted • his· own investlga.tian. Los Angeles police detectives rand narcotics officer! said he had oo connection with their investigatian of the case. "Sameday J wauld like to air .my feel- ings." Tate said, "but t.b.l.s: isn't the pro- per Ume." charged in ane cf the California murders 10 percent ceiling an the am~t cf .raises far any ane categary. at the home of actress Sharon Tate. Tht hikes propased by the beard range "( persanally have SCtT!e seriaus daubls from the general flve percent up to 121i1 ·~ 1\is mental~tal<"Jaid lbeoJLWI~.!.. ,pmlfl!~.io ~~·~wJ!lcl' BID BoYa orMcKIMey. ·. salaf/ )>t<bteiris ·II'. acute. Bayd, a former district and county at-The boatd ~. thatetdl hlgh<r1_ 1 ~JRl1 t al ·d h' 1· 1 ·11 1. ht ••are nece!lllr)' to ml aa ares....,... or o~y. sa sai 1s c ien w1 1g es:-. 11 • It In , private indllltrJ· and tradition. Twa Los Angeles detectives :r·~u=j\IJiJdk:tion!." . ""ha have come here ta lake him into A CSEA spOtesnian said 'the group was custady then started back heme. disappainted with the recommendations. Watson, 24, surrendered Sunday on He said ft wat "ln!ufficlent to meet the learning Califarnia authorities held a needs of state emplayes • • -.It's a bad situatlan. ,-, warrant for his arrest. He is charged Far the first time th.ls year, the CSEA with murder in the slaying of Steven convention voted ta drop its no-11trlke Parent. a c.aretaker wha was kiJ(ed alang pledge. However, that action still is pen- with Miss Tate and three other persans ding ratifblkin and there is no legal last Aug. 9. framework pennitUng any strike by state A.nether suspect in the case, Linda public .emplayes. . Louise Kasabian, 20, ane of three persons The board also reiterated prn:ICIO!I pro- faclng murder charges in the slaying cf JX1S81S for these emplaye bene(rta: actress Sharon Tate and four ethers, was -That the state pay the full cost of returned to Los Angeles Wednesday night basiC emPtaye health Insurance. from Can cord, N .H. -Night pay differential ' ' w h er e Mrs. Kasabian was whisked off a plane justilied by prevailing practice." from Basten inta an unmarked palice car -Unemplayment insurance far state which sped away immediately. Newsmen em pl ayes who are laid off "for n<> fault of were riot allowed ta question her. their own." She v.·ore a brown palo coa t wilh collar -Time and one half far avertime far turned up and held the cellar tightly employes whose counterparts tn private against her face. She carried a brown indtlSU)' receive il paper bag. In Mobile, Ala. a Circuit Coort hearing was set for taday on a motion seeking the band release of the third person charged in the case. Lawyers for Patricia Krenwinkel. 22, moved for a writ of habeas corpus Wednesday . Miss Krenwinkel did not appear ln court for filing of the writ , ~·hich also challenged the warrant under which she is held. Mi ss Krenwinkel's attorney, tit. A. 1'-farsal, has said she woold fight ex· tradition. He contended that the fugitive warrant was faulty on several grounds, including ane that.it failed to comply with Alabama law. W.arsal said, "The only basis for the· warrant was a statement made by Capt. Don Riddle of the Mobile Palice Depart- ment that he had been advised"'by a Sgt. William Carey cf the Los Angeles Police Department that Miss Krenwinkel is charged there with murder. "This Is hearsay and insufficient cause to have a fugiUve warrant issued.'' 112,021 Persons In Huntin gton Huntington Beach's afficial population is IIZ,021. The final figure tram the srecial federal census of Sept. 15 was annou~ed tnday by Robert ~· Dnlry, deputy direc- tor cf the U.S. Census Bureau. Planning Department afflclals estimate the present p<>pulaticn cf the tjty at 114,000 aild farec8st an Increase of 12,000 next year. St04'k Market NEW YORK (AP) -Stoct market prices remained broadly lower ill late afternoon trading today, but continued to recawr some of their sharp laues of earlier in the day. (See·quotatiOM, Pages ~-23). GWC Cool to Moratorium But Student Activi.st Makes Pl.ans fo·r Dec. 12 19 Bags Full.· . ' . Students · at Huntington Beach'• Golden. West College prepare to •hip 19 bags .of winter clothing to needy children in Southeastern U.S. Clothing was collected in campus drive. Loading bags are (from left) Bonnie Foster of Garden Grove, .Lilly Yamaoka of Westminster, Sheila Johansen .of Garden Grove and Linda While of Huntington Beach. Garden Grove Won't Okay Valley Students Trans£ er Two Fountain Valley High Schoo1 students wha ~:ere taken from thei.r clas.ses by their parents because a( alleg- ed drug abuse by other student!!, have been turned away by the Garden Grove Unified School District. James Griffith, wel!art ~ 1ttendance (!(fleer at the Garden Grove district, said Kathi'een, 17, 8.nd ea.Odace,, IS, Alerldge, wfll nOl betome ·part·· of that 11Chool system "because there are oa ex- tenuating circumstances ta justify IL" "The di.str~t (fansfeJ committee held a long meeting oo lhat oubject last Monday and dee fded that it is oot within current palicy ta accept the students far that reason," lfe explained. "Even if P.reots asked the 5Cboo1 district ta move th·eir children from one of our .schools \o anatl)ef over alleged drug abuse, we could not do ·it. Sa It would be very c:tlllicu1t to justify moving children from an e.nUrely dUfemit school district Into curs." The ,girls . have . been abstnt from classes Pnce early November when Mr: made with the family new Will have to 'cOm'e through thl!t agency." He lndfcated It is passlble the gtr\s may bt made wards of the court through juvenile proceedings to Insure their attert- dance ii they are not immedl~y return- ed to school. "U I.he probaUan autharity files a petJ. Uon and it Is upheld by a court decWoo, the girls would be e:rpeded to go to school and woUld have te""notlty their pro- batlan officer on any W they might be unable ta attend." The Alerldges, meanwhile, are con- sidering the, sal~ 9f µielr home and a move to anather sdiool district. Oraal(e W1111t11er W.e'11 haVe a little bit of every. thiiii Friday -IWVIY 111des, early mornlnl cloudt' and "gusty norlb-'east winds -wl\lle the temPefa· hire rub in the middle !V's. · • ml Mn. Peul Alerldie withdrew them INSmE TODA)' from ,qKlol, vowinc'Denr to re~ them ' ' F ta1o Ue High becaua' of Ntzt ttear tht govtrruntnt By J\UDI NIEDZIEJ.S!l on ,all campuses. J Just hope the movt· .Laaer, who a.ya he:Jw bad ~ees Md ' ta .oun a -1...__ ~-·~ ,_ -r Will ~come co Mlp of .parnt1} 0t ~ o.ttr l'Jw 11•H ~ nt!J'l d91!6n't die aUl.11 will, "probably .be ,4-F my~}f,;' · ~~s ill~ dnll a~~.es an' ~pus.-[j~~~-:·~~:~&:nl4s ~eta e»arttr-- Student enthuslam .fOr another Vle'"l·r-~o"·_.,ur e_.stud~ls Jrom lheir-lhat-tht new-drAl iout~~ ,aa;.r-,nth;" truap1ttc~'~ , mcn /dr htmttff bi check;i,ng citi( JJ--11arn-ww moratm1mr.titrtfl"E"~ttltrrwe lethargy, he says he might try ta bring provide ·any answen fw '*'Ir objet\on.; I~ to =ti :~ dal! tht dahofri ·of 11e10~tots.' Page College cambpus Is dAmylng.. 0 some bands oot for the next demoostra-''In my oPfnlon, conscriptior1 .ln ·• &Ju Chica High hoOl ln the '. ,-• : 10 •.• \ • • ' , . ' • , ,' j DAILT ltlLOT IMff '"'"' WATCHING MOVEMENT DIE Moratorium Leader Lager '} . ·-i' Flanked Y an er1can ag, aym-Uon. , de:mocraUc IOC~Y ls a 'CODtrfdlcUon,/' he Grovl district. . · , • ~.'7 • . 1 • bolically surrounded by several plastic ""re ·migbt__try to run a program nr sakt "I think takJng people by.chance on ff. w,. Standard, Orifflth11 mun~ · ~ ..J , =1.._..,,.; 1: nawm, Bill Lager. student-actfvtst-and music and entertainment With It," he their birthday Is a bad way of_ decktlng In the Huntincton Bfiach Union High C.lh.. • 11 ........ ""' • organize.r of the pasf twa GOlden Wast said. "Music always attracts people." v..hether be ls williri& to give up.his Ufe or School Dlatrict, said truancy reports have ==t:..c. ,: t::=:' ; demanstraUoos, Wednesday typed out He added that the third cf the aeries a( not.11 alrt&dy reached the Count)' Sd\OC, ls Of. ~ H ~'!!. ,... ,~,. I f l.))e xt bse 1.i,...IM ,_ ' ._. .. some P ans <>r nt 0 rvance, moratoriums is supposed ta have a com-· "We should move towud "' afI-fkt f~ further acUoo. · .•r.ttrttfwMelll '" ·~.,., '.tt 1cheduled for Der. 12. H.is fa ce was long. munlt)' emphasis. volunteer amt)' becaU!IC there are ~or Legally, both girls ,must remain in r_~ n·;: .;:...,.. ' : ··for the flr!l one we had great ''The Idea is t(> out lnta the community peaple wha would bt wUling to eene In classes uut.11~: are 18 7ears old or A• "-t.w.n " •:;tr, "' • ic~~;1~t'~~Je~te t~~~e~n!a~~~led," the lB-:!~'t!:1~~~s ~ t t~:n!~ ~o!h~ ~~ ~f.fi~~I~~ !m~~~1jd :!tr:~O:: "~!~!:m~ h!~ ~1 hands ~ ." $ ~ 1l :rtt!i.. l~ "But thal't what has been happening we can get toga oot and par~pater ~-to .clo.'' said Standard. ''Whauv.-~tactl are .._ _______ \, ___ ....__. r .( . I : ·.2 Oll\.Y PILOT --H DAILY ,ILOT l letl l"Mte HUNTll'Jl;TON'S BONFA LECTURES IN EVENING CLASS At Gofden West College, BrMklng the Ice for No Credit Beach City Attorney. Puts In Hard Night'~ Work To~ Dy TERRY CO~ILLE Of llM DIH1 ... 11•1 Sti ff Don Bonfa puts in a hard day's work five days a week il!!I city attorney for liunt,ington Beach. But one night a w~k he dons a teacher's cap at Golden We.st College and 'becomea l~ 00!1 ·of a cla_ss in city government. Why? "Nol for the money," he laughed \\'edneail:N, following. aoot.2er three~ class. ' "I reaUy did· It because I've always had Valley Planners Okay OV Plans i,,On New School Perm ission \vas given lo t~ Ocean View Sctlool Dis:tict to build an elemen. tary school in the area or P.1agnolla Street and Heil Avenue by the Fountain Valley Planning Comrrtission \Vednesday night. Jn a sh<lr1. routine mef:ting, planners also granted a use "ariance ta permit a 1o1·ood storage yard on property on the soulheast comer of \Varner Avcoue and Ne\o\'hope Strcc>l. Commercial zoning for property on the Past side of 1iiai;nolia Street, between the Sa n Di~go Freeway and ,µie Ocean VJew flood control channel, was also granted hy the commi s:;ion. Tentative plans call for t'-Onstruction of a n1!niature golf center on the .site . The planning staff also informed the commission lhal a complete report on U1e city's present and future apartment situation will be presented Dec. 17. At that time planners are expected to set a public hearing lo dctcnninc future plan· ning for apartn1cnts in the city. DAILY PILOT a small yen fer teaching,'' explained Bon- fa, "and I also felt tMre was a great . need for basic infonnation on local city governmtnt -there's a lot of misin· formatlon about it that gets arou.nd." The oourse Don teaches is titled "How City Law Aff~t Citizens" and i5 given for no credit each Wednesday night. It was devised by Bonfti'who hopes to some- day 1Dake; it a credit coorse. HQur\t~Mrfit enrollmentt lnvoJyes mostly loc~ risiden~ people Jnvolved in homeowners associations and such. Students don 't attend because they want credit for the time they spend;" he sa.id. About 20 individuals attend the clalls r~gularly. Though the course title in- dicates an emphasis on Jaw, Bonra has arranged. each . sess~ Jn a dialogue fonnat wit h various city officials invited lo explain the operation or their i;egmcnt of government. Last week the class took a physical t~ur of local police facilities. \Vednesday night. the press was invited to talk to t~ class about the interaction between government, the press and the public. . "These people are getting their first cnance to really sit down and discuss on a person-t.o-person level what really hap- pen!,''. expl~ined Bonfa, "It also provides the city w1lh a fresh viewpoint from citizens."~ Some or t guest speakers have in· eluded ?\layor a Green, Police Chier Earl Robitaille and Fire Chief Ray Picard. "'Once the ice is broken between the of· licial and t~ class some of lhe sessions really becOme interesting," said Bonfa . Bonfa pointed t.o a statement by Golden \Vest College President Dudley Boyce to explain the ideal aspect of the cla1s. Dr. Boyce.said, "It's a pioneer grrup of ciiiz_ens on the threshhold of developing a joLri!, cooperative effort between the city government and community college, \I/hat would be more natural than.a mar· riage between the city and the college serving the City." "'That's really why I'm in it," smiled U.nla. ·cult Le·ader Hid • Ill Cupboard INDEPENDENCE, C.lil. !UPI) - O.rlu MaMOn~the b ni:ltic 1-dtr ot a nomidlc culL • Ille alayhlfl of 8haftm 'htl U .oQier ,per19ft1, ·.-as found "hldlnJ Ill 1 tiny cupboUd" when authorlUes raided his commune in Death Valley in October. The California Highway Patrolman 1••ho led a posse in the raid test"lfied Wednesday at Manson's court hearin& on relatively minor auto theft charges that the long-haired cult leader was captured cowering in the cupboard. James Purcell, the only patrolman usually on the 3,Gro-square-mile beat, said the bearded Manson was "hiding in ~ tiny cupboard beneath the sink. It was Too Well Known perblps lhre• feel blah, 11 to Ill lnohes Widc llld 1J to ll lncheJ detp. II toot him a time.to wtwlnd." Manaoa, wbo beid a mysterious sway over hla followen:, was the only one of the nlne persons arrested in the raid who hid when the posse descended on the three-room house which was the base camp for the nomadic commune. Before the end of the six-hour prelim· !nary heating, the district attorney's ofrlce here said Manson would be re- leased t.o Los Angeles authorities if a murdtr warrant was issued. The court ruled there was sufficient evidence or receiving stolen properly to bring ~1an­ :wn to trial. Bail was set at $25,000. Lennon Won't Be Jesus 1111 Cathearal Pageant LONDON (AP) -Beatie John Lennon won't be portraying Jesus in St. Paul's Cathedral after all because Lennon's personallty might shove Christ into the background, a record company an- nounced. today. The long-haired Beatie had been con· sjde red for the lead in a pop musical call- ed "Jesus Christ" in the cathedral next spring. But the writers of the show and the recording company said they were Mesa Mother's Newest Infant No Little Tot A Costa Mesa woman gave birth "'ed.nesday night to a bouncing baby boy who has ;iggled the scales as the heaviest Infant in the history of Orange County Medical Center. The heavyweight champ ;i phenomenal 14 pounds, 9 ounces -hasn't been given his official name yet, but grin- ning nurses have dubbed him Atlas, Rocky or other such titles in the mean· time. The fourth son of hfr. and htrs. Alex ·Stepe.nenko, of 882. Towne St., is 141.<z inches long and is doing fine today, along with his 33-year-old mother Louise. BroUters Gregory. 13, Danny, 12, Den· nis, t 1, and sisters Linda. 9. and Krissy. 8 are waiting at home for the arrival of their big baby brother, who was delivered by Dr. John Wambo. "A new baby that big is .a medical rari· ty these days," observed N~ing Supervisor Geraldine. McGeehan. Vandalism Claim Agent Assigned Repeated lnciden\3 of \'andalism at Westmont School has prompted. the Ocean View School District Board of Trustees to appoint its principal, Don Devor. as its agent in pursuing small claims acttoru in court. He will represent the district in an ~4 damage suit against the parents of five former students ~·ho allegedly broke several cla.s.sroom Ydndows over the sum· mer. A district spokesman :!laid tht amount (if damage was originally set much higher but was brought down "'hen the parenlo; reportedly agreed to pay the $84. Failure by the parents to pay the :set· lied amount will result In a small claiml'I suit by Devor. No date of hearing has been set yel. Seal Week Declared The ~·eek of Dec. 7·13 has been pro- claimed Christmas Seal Week in Foun· tain Valley by f\t a y o r Edwa rd Just. Christmas Seals are sold to raise fu nds to batUe tuberculosis, emphysema and respirator)' disease. convinced that a relative unknown should be the star. "Someone like Lennon would imprint his own personality to such an ertent that people would read the star's characte,r in· to the character or the part," said a spokesman for the Music Corp. of America·U.K. Record Co. LeMon, himself, was barely involved in the issue but was quoted as saying he ~·ould be intere5ted in the part as long as his wife, Yoko Ono, could take the role or ~tary ~1agdalene. It was Lennon who aroused outraged protest in the United States a few years 1Jgo by saylng that the BeaUes at the time were more popular than Christ. The musical about Christ's last six days on earth, by composer Tim Rice, 25, and producer Andrew Lloyd-Webster, 21, J~ being written for the MCA-UK Record Co., and is to be issued as an album. A spokesman for the company said the statement about Lennon p o s s i b I y oyershadO\\'ing Jesus was not meant to cause any offense. He explained that he v.·as referring or offense lo Lennon . "It's not that the writers don't want Lennon involved but they feel an unknown would be more suitable."' he said. St. Paul"s, one o( Europe's most alebrated cathedrals, has had a pop policy for the past year. with a fashion show in the crypt and parachute jumping in front of the great doors. The pop opera is the latest project for the 300-year-old cathedral. Beach Men Get Theft Sente11ces Two Huntington Beach men havf" drawn IS.year tenns in federal prison for their holdup on: Long Beach bank. Gathel Ammon Beaton. 26, of 611 5th SI. and Ruben Ernest Griffin. 31, of 17256 Beach Boulevard were senlenced in Los Angeles federal court by U.S. District Court Judge \\'arren J. Ferguson. Both men ~·ere arrested last July 16 shortly alter the robbery of the east Long Beach branch of the Security Pacific Na- tional Bank. They were identified as the duo who took $1,SOO at .gunpoint from the bank . FBI agents recovered the stolen money along with the revolver used in the holdup from a Long Beach apartment OC· cupied by the tv.·o men. Both were traced after witnesses gave the l!cense number or their getaway car to police. 1-·--~· I i The stooped, sUaht ~ti.nson was wtar- ing blue den.Im jail clolhes when he wu led into the Inyo County courthouse in chains to face the charges in\'olvinc stolen vehicles. One of the witnesses to testify w;;is Paul \Vatkins. 13, a farmer member of the "family" cult . Manson doodled 011 a piece or yellO\V paper while witnesses testified to the charge of receiving stolen property dur· ing raids by "the Manson family" fron1 a base camp in the Death Valley area. Another member of the cult, now in custody in Los Angeles, 5aid through her attorney that Manson, 34, held an "in- une, almost hypotic W:luence" over his "familY." She said h1s f0Uowtr1 callca h1m ".luu.a." The glrl, Susan Atkins , 19, held .as ' suspect in th~ stabbing death of • man which has been C:OMected to the group . :!aid 1ifanson "'as an aspiring soul singer and guitar player. She said he was embittered at Terry 1i1elcher, son o! Doris Day, because Melcher refused to help him produce a rW)rd. fltelcher's home , later rented by ~tlss Tate, becaine a "'symbol of rejec- tion,'' she said. and Manson ordered all its occupants slain. f\.1iss Tate, three friends ~nd an 13- year-old boy visiting the estate's Clrt· taker, were stabbed and shot to death. , Lodge Leaves Paris, Hold s Hope for Peace PARIS (UPI) -Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge bowed out of the Paris peace talks today with a rarewell speech re\·iewing the past and expressing hope for the future. The Communists ushered him out with a renewal of all the charges that made him quit in the first place. Adding to a complaint by North Viel· nam negotiator Xuan Thuy that there had been oo progress in 10 months of negotia · tions \Vith Lodge "'as a series of ne1¥ charges that the United States hid com· milled "thousands of barbarous crimes" in South Vietnam. Lodge, 67, has been a key figure In American Vietnam war policies since the early 1960s. Today was his la5t as chief DAILY l'•LOT s••ll l'tio•• negotiator. On Saturday he plans to leave Q1ree11 '-Paris for his home in Boston. She's Marina l·ligh School senior Chris Linton, 17, is reigning over \Vestminster·Marina Ro· tary Invitationa l Basketball Tournament under \vay th is 'veek at boU1 schools. See sports. Joy Ride Wrecks Valley Crop Fi eld .Toy riding \'andals tore through a field nf celery in Fountain Valley \Vednesday on the fanner's own tractor, causing about $1,700 da1nage to the crop. Police said several loops were taken th.rough the field at Bushard Street and Edinger Avenue early \Ved nesday, cut- ting celery stalks and ran1ming a portable privvy. The tractor used ·was a D-6 caterpillar which had been Jett on U1e field overnight. The vandalism wa~ reported by Tomio Matsumoto, 1652t fl.farle Lane, Huntington Beach. Alcatraz Isla11d TakenOffMarket SAN FRANCISCO (UP I) -Alcatra7. lsland was taken off the market Wed- nesday as a possible buy for the city of San Francisco. City official "'ere notified by the U.S. General Ser\'iCes Adminis!ralion that the island is no longer for sale. GSA Regional Administrator TOOma.o; llannon said the decision \\'as based on a request by Interio r Secretary \'1alter llickel for an indefinite extension of time lo study possible uses for the abandoned island. • He summarized h1s parting speech as A review of "the things which we on our side ha~·e proposed. what the other side'.11: reactions have been. \.\'hat are some of !he most persistent and erroneous belief.-. \1•hich impede progress, and what is the hope for the future .·· Lodge cited a number of allied con· cessions including a U.S. offer In 11·ithdraw i:Eoops "'ithin a year. a pro,- posa l for a ce ·fire under international supervision, Saig n's offer to ho ld direct. secret talks with the Communists and an offer to settle the "''ar through jointly (_·ontrolled and internationally supervised elections. Addressing himself to the Communist.~ seated across the 26-foot negotiating tablP. he said, "the obstacle is your side'.~ absolute refu~al to join us in seeking a just peace." He said they had the oppor· !unity to negotiate but "'you have been un· wllling to do so in any meeting place, public or prl\'ate." ''\Vith reference to your statemenl"i concerning Song My." he stated. "I will say : an incident such as that alleged in this case is in direct violation not only or U.S. military policy, bul it is alsn abhorrent lo the conscienc>e of all the American people. "Whatever happened "'it! be known. because. 1ve do not conceal the truth. ln all this. r submit, our policy is in direct contrast lo your 011·n deliberate use of lerrorism a~ a matter or consciou~ policy."' Freed POWs l~Jown 'fo Fa1nil y Reunions SEOUL (UPi l-Three U.S. helicopter crewmen, freed \'1ednesday after 108 days in a North Korean prison, flew home today for family reunions and further medical treatment. The three originally had been ached· uled to fly to Andre\o\'s Air Force Bas+> near \\'ashington transfer to Walt.er Reed Army Hospita l. But plans were changed to fly them to air bases near their home~. Robt•! 1-1. Wttd M"t•...,' • .., Pub1<1~·r J•~\ JI , Curl1v "'" FrCl•Offtl ~fld C.c"'''' ,..,,.,~,f Gifts R~je~ted I a ver y,_ special purchase from a famous quality maker · of GENUINE LEATHER CHAffiS T ~o,..•• k•rv11 1;~1101 T~'""'' A. Mu•ph;,., Mllllt••o lo11llf "11<.eoi W. 1~;., .li.ot•t!r tO•'~' H~11tln1Jl•11 l••ch Olfiet JC'I !ill. Shttl 1..tt •l;"!1 Add•1u; P.O. l o• 790, ,2641 Otht' Ollie" V CI Med Students Say Bags 'Tlireat' ''The Instruments and bags arc offered \\'ilh the expectation that they will be useful. Quite naturally, it is our desire to acquaint students ~·Ith the Lilly name as a m1nufacturer ol quality medicines. I I I I I I I A GlfT TO lllWURE Alll ENJOY-FOR YEARS • CUit.om qua.lity through.out • Luxutious cushiooing • Your l'hoice of rolors from an exttnaive I . ,.. • Nt,U>oi•I flr•<ft .)II W• t (loltJ'' ll!\l!l~I!. l:e>'• A"••o Jj.:J W~'' 111¥ S!rt"'I I ,'hi~ Cf.Cfl. J;l l'Grt.I A •e~~• ----t)l ttT""1"1t , 1 I Ct •'I! t .. , .. , ,, .......... ,,,.,.,. <H•h •• , •• , !·.~ •t~ ., _,,._.,111 ...,..,,. ..., "4wt1ht1t !•'i 8Ct(ft, ......... .., Vot lfl, CM!f I.I( .. , lllt•· nirt •~•<" ••d 1.~ovM 11,tcto, •·-"'1"' ,,. ..... _., <d•'•O!'• o .. ~ve (11"11• rut•,.~­ ..,. '411'1N<11· °'"'1"" p..onlo •" •t :11• """'' ll•lt'M t lwl N•.,1'1:•• fl•~rft. -JJO y.r>t Ao• ... ,.1, (e1t• l>'fll Fourteen or 64 students In the freshm11n cl11ss or UC Irvine's School or f\tedlcine hRve rejecled gift of a block medical bag c011tainlng stethoscope, tuning fork and rubber hammer from a pharmaceutical company. The students reel acceptance of the gifts might Impinge on their future In· tegrlty as physicians and could cost con· sumers of the drug comi>'ay's produc\3 by higher prices, according LO freshman 'medical 1tu ourteen students senl a etter to EU Ully Pharmattutical Comp11ny re- jecting the gifts and rttelved a letter in reply. "Al the same time ~·e do not belic\'e that this aS!istance "'iii affect the lm- partiaJ judpents of physicians in their care of paUents." I I I On the second i"uc. the students 'vrote: I .. . ... _.....-,,,... .. -ti..-J-11-,---~~;; money used \o pay for these gifts. It a~ I pe:1rs to us the dru£ consumer -main ly ·'::,.·;;99_·-+---'-,I---- ' 1'1lt,h•r1• 111 41 642°4121 '''"' We1t11ilr1lff'r C1U 540.1110 Cl11tlfk• Ai•Hll1lr1t •41·1611 <•vt .. 111, lttt, Otft'GI (tllll "utJ·\~•"1 C111'1ot•1 Nt i.wl 1101 l t1. ~l\IV•••t >.. ""''e<••' 1111tll•1 '' ont•l<iJ'mt••o "''f"' """'DI ""'CIUtltl ••"'Ol•I •ut<1•I ~t.,.!Oile.11 e-i ''J\.•tlll' ef>•fl t•C.~I ci.1* C:()$'~• I• d 11 •11\Mf'I 81J•' 1fl(I tu.it /Mu, C•h''"'' ~.t1v ~1,,· •• <1,.1<• lltt mC~"'f>'. 0~ "'''I~··~"'°"" •I !-'ll1•r1' fklln•,.1-. llt'll •~•v. Wrote the students : " .. .fully_ cogniz.anL the.re is no obhi;a· Uon attached to accepting these gift.I, \o\'e vltw them as a potential tl\reat to our ru1ure Integrity as physicians. We would prefer to be completely fl'ff or any noo- bus Ines s tran s actions "·ith pllarn1aceutieal coml)lnlcs." • RcpUcd llenry F. Oe.Boest, ''Ice presl· dent of corporate afralrs for the Lilly Company: the chronically 111 and •aed -is the one \li'ho ultimately shou1dert the cosl of these gUll. We ffel we c•n better afford I the price of our black bags than can our JI medically indigent patients." R•sponded Delloest • - INTERIOR DESIGNERS 0,.. M• .. rim., Ptl. '"" 2215 HARBOR BLVD. 646-0275 ..... during the past 10 yea!'!, as shown by 1he Lilly price index, the average price of our company's phann1ctutleals h11s de~llned mo~ than 10 percenta1e point!. Bec1u1e of its llmlttd site, the fttudent program has had virtually. no ef. feet on the prices of our product.s.." ~ ................. ""' ..... '"""""" _______ __.. ___________________ .,... . . I I,' . ( ' -I _,_ • -· • • .. --· • Lariun"a . '8 \ ".t'otlay~s l'ln•I . . . ' N.Y. Stock& • VOL. 62, NO. 290: 4 SECTIQNS, 50 P~GES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA / -THURSDAY. DECEMBER 41 1969 . . TEN CENTS . . - . . . Playhou·s\e Parki.ng Site. Ol('d Despit·e Protests ' - By RICHARD P. NAU. Of """ De/11 .... , '"" The old Laguna Playhouse - a landmark foJ more than 40 years-comes down thi! month. C®neilmen appro.ved the $2,flOb demoli- tion' Wednesday night and despite organized opposition from businessn:i.en of Sooth Coast Highway also agreed by split vote to acquire Forest Avenue frontage beslae the playhouse site. The ptoeerty conglomerate will serve. -temporarily at least, as a parking area. A peHtiOn opposing the $70,000 property acquisition was signed by 79 tenants or landlords 8tong South Coast Highw!ly who argued that the city should.. use the-in-. creased meter !unds t.b acquire parking for them. l ~ They malqtained tliat: -Downtown parking areas .:. leased or purchased 09.er the years by the city - operate at a k>ss and hence.are subsidiz- ed b.Y public funds., ~ DAll.Y Pll.OT Stiff ~ -The cUy has never provided parking for the highway businesses despite heavy returns fram sales and bed tax in the area . -"An analysis or downtown businesses will show a very large proeortion of them to be banks, stockbrokers, insurance agents, realtors. doctors, attorneys, nurs- ing homes .and many other types or serVices which do not return any sales tax or bed tax · to the city." -Bed and sales tu from part ol the businesses In nve blocks of South· Coast Highway amount to mort. than $150,000 in a year. -some businesses lumish parking lots. pay laxes on it and have the property lied up, thus helpins pay for. public park· ing liut receiving tione. -The city should cancel its plans for mo!"!: downtown , par\lna: and promptly purchase more for lhe South Coast '·Highway area. · City ?.tanager James D. Wheatoo pointed out that the counctl doubled downtown parking meter charges this year and agretd at the time to eannark the additional review 'or downtown park- ip.g faciliUes. · Businessman Roy Childs said, "We've been paying for years to subsidize the GleMeyre lot; it's time we got some con- sideration on our first nickel (a nickel was formerly the C05t to park one hiiur)." Business Harry Lawrence said he felt 2 Blacl{ Panthers • that Coast Highway ' probably ..creates more sales tax revenue.J.or city coffers than .does the downtown basin. He suggested parking areas at M~ lain Drive and Cress Street. "The con-- gesUon ls. impossible for .us," said Lawrence. He said the heart of the In- come area is around Creu and Mountain Streets. Councilmen In favQr of acquiring the 63-feet of Forest Avenue frontage pointed (See PLAYHOUSE, Pl(< I) Slain In Chicago Gun · Bitttle Mental Tests Sought Tate Suspects 'fo _Fight Return Manal. hll!. ~:· she ; 1"Nl4 (1111(, '!'' tradlUOn. Iii QK~.~llpillUV. warran t wu fa·u ty On ie.vefal grOunds, in~udlng one that it Jailed to comply with Alabama law. ·Militants Open Fire On Officers e!UCAGO (UP!) -A !~minute gun. fight erupted today when ·state's at- 19rney's pollce onll!red a Btack panther ltrohilt>Old to IUrdl -for weapons, Two Black, ·Panthers weie tilled and {OQ;f woundt<I, . RICKIE WEIR, TOM TRULIS COMPE t.E WITH RAINBOW "t Ch•mber Bre•kf•1t, Plenty of Fashion Pl•t•s ,11;~. Tex. (Af) -.Chari~ t>. W'aiiOii'! .!iw)'er Indi"*fed todly ·l!ia1 11e ""ill ask psychiatric examination for tbe bearde"d f0rmer i{ootba1l player, who Is charP,d bi -al the CiJUornla ,miirde'n at the·home o( actress Sharon Tate. .. I prrlOllally have some serious doubts about his mental state,'' said the lawyer, Bill Boyd of McKinney. ' . Council Nixes Krishna Group Soliciting Plea . ~ -;IDcll\dld "161 · llanlpton, abCRrt '22, IJlliw;u diilrine ol tW 'Btack P""ther party. - ·Two pOlicemen' Were· wounded ' Jn the battle, wblcb broke out when · the authorities entered an a~ent near Black PanUier beidqua:rter1 on the oµtskl rts of Ch.ic21go's We!it Side iJdd row, Right in -Style Boyd, a fonner district and county at- torney, also said his Client will fight ex- tradition. Two Los Angeles detectives who have come here to take him · into custody then started back home. Fourteen men made up the unit Uiat took part Jn the early mornini raid. They had a warrant signed by Judge Rbbert Collins, aocordlng to a ·spokesman for the State's Attorney's Office, obtalned '1fter sawed~ff shotguns and other tnegal weapons were reportid ·to be 1ii the apartment. Cliamber Offers Fqshion Shoiv Tom Trulis looked ready for an Apache dance Wednesda,t, despite the early hour. His fashionable con1panion, Rickie Weir, in purple tunic top and pants, look· ed equal to the task. They were part of a \Vednesday "mix· ed" rashlon show or local businessmen and young ladies ~l ~he Chamber of Com· merce breakfast . gathering in 11otel. Laguna. Trulis' dark beret topped a many-splcn· dQCed "sandv.•ich island shirt." Then came insurance man Roy HarCum , dapper in .-cardigan and turUeneck swealers, colored ··mock turU1f'. Jle accompanied Doris Lindsey clad in a brov.·n leopard designed tunic top and pants. Zachary and Myrth Malaby weren't fa shionable for once. They dressed as hobos in comic relief. So it weot for the Chamber's teCOnd 'fMhion event sponsored. by Sh'an'l Clothes Horse and Lois Paul'Originals. The only disappointment 'came when last show's fashion plate, hotel mogul Loren Haneline,. announced he had retired from the ranks and was wearing last year's fashion. The master. of ceremorlies declared It still fash.ionable. Watson, 24, surrendered SUnday on learning California authorities held a Lagwll Beach cooncllmen Wednesda y warrant for his arrest. He is charged by a 3 to 2 spilt vote tutne<f. down a \\!Ith murder in the Slaying 0£ Steven reUgious group's application to· solicit Parent; a caretaker who was killed along funds on the street. • ROOM ·AT TH• TOP? GuH"rn•torlal C1~idate Unruh with Mi!! Tate and three other persons ·The vote went the same Way it did last l~~i'l!/· .. spe<:t In the case, Linda May fer the Internation&t SOclety cf tJ nrith Declares Louise Kasabtan, 20, one of three persons Krishna Consclouneas, headquartered facing murder charges in the slaying of locally on Woodland Drive. actress Sharon Tate and four others, was Kelly SmJth. spokesman for the group, He 's in Race returned to Los Angeles Wednesday night called it a non-sectarian phlk>5ophy that frpm Concord. N.H. attempts to ' make rtlilisll come to the Mn. Kasabian was whJsked olf a plane street and works parliciJlarly with drug· Ag· ·a:nst Reagan Crom Boston into an unmarked police car addicted yoolh. ., which sped away Immediately. Newsmen Said Smith, "Ont boy this week came ~o were not allowed to question her. out or the caves (of Laguna's hills) and INGLEWOOD {AP) -Democratic She wore a brown polo .coat with collar has given up drugs and nonsense ac-Assembly Leader Jes~e M. Unruh When the authoritlea I d e n t I f I e d them!elves, the spokefl11"en Mild, voices on the Other skle of the doOr began aiktng ''Who?" "Who?" Tben, he .said, the door was opened· and "eight or more m. dividuals began firing with clrbiou, shotguns and handguns." · The apartment, according to the spokem\an, belonged to a Fred Johnson, an alias used by Hampton. In I~ police said they found 12 sliolguns. eight piltols and s;ooo rounds ' of ammunition. Re said Hampton was felled after he had shot at the authorities with a .45 automatic anc;I • t.holgun. . Reaga11 Notifies Clemente Lawyer of New Judges~p turned up and ' held the collar tightly Uv1tles." challenged Republican incumbent Ronald against her face . She carried a brown City Attorney Jack J. Rimel advised Reagan for the governorship of California paper bag. councilmen if requirements of the In ~1oblle, Ala . a Circuit Court hearing solicitation ordinance ale met councilmen today, charging the State Capitol is con. was set for today on a motion seeking the max not dlscrimlnatorny deny a-group trolled by a ''handful of hall-hidden bond release of the third person charged solicitation rights. ; millionaires." in the case. Cit M J o Wheaton id The 47·year~ld Unruh, the 1968 Lawyers for Patricia Krenwinkel, 22, Y inager ames: · sa mov'ed ror a, writ · or liabeas corpus · the appUcants had met ·the-ordinance re-California leader of the late Sen, Robert Wednesday. quirements. F. Kennedy's presidential campai&n.· The other dead man was identified as ?\.lark Clark, 22, of Peorja, Ill. Thei'e h.ad been reports earlier this year that the Panthers had attempted to organlie young people in that downstate com- munity. . Four persons were taken into custody after the battle, including a woman iden-- tilled as Deborah· John>on, 19, said to be aOOut eight monlha pregnanl . A scin Clemente1 attorney received a personal phone call from Governor Ronald Reagan this week to confirm his appointment as judge' of the Laguna Beach.San Clemente Pifu nicipal Court. Frank Domenichlni , 46. wa s named by the governor to fill the vaci!ncy cr:eatcd El Toro to Get Chu1ik of Funds ... A· giant military construction bid or Sl.69 billion was approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee Wednesday, indudlnt a tentative $4·.~2.000 to El Toro 1'.tartne Corps Air Sta.liQrl. · • 'me final approval must come from Pr side t o JJ<li<leJLmucb mere than the Senate committee ap. proved, although it went farther than the JtoUse of Representatives' or I g In a I amount. ne House bad tentatively alloctited $1 ,088,000 for the Orange County ln- a.tallation. AntlloriUes at El Toro said today the ~tual use . of whatever Is finally ted will be determined at that time, on how much money-is available· •-~ !90,064.000 tot.al c<instrucuon bill Wednesd•y lo rthe fl.seal year ne 30. 1810. is $152,887,000 more td by the ltouse, but '313,8M,OOO budgcted by.tl>e president. .. __ ._., f\.flss Krenwinkel did not appear in Rimel said ~ did have the made bis ·long-awaited entrance into the by the retirement on Sept. 23 of Judge J. court for filing of lhe writ, whi:tji also right to name the kind, method and time race in a statement to a news conference Parley Smith of Dana Point: challenged the warrant wtder which she of solicitation. at his suburban home l)eir l.os Anaetes, Presiding Judge Richard Jtamil\on, i! held. Mayw 9lepn . Vedder who opposed the In becoming the first announced can. who will share the bench duties in the Af.iss Krenwinkel's attorney, ?i.1. A. application named other ·90llcitaUon didate In the 1970 governonhlp election, South County Judicial . District wlth permits granted . to organizations this Unruh, fonner speaker of the Assembly. Domenichinl, hailed the appointment as , year. • aimed ... his lire at the governor and •·excellent.'~ J • H l 0 They included veterans poppy sales on Reagan·s so-called "kitchen cabinet." "l'\"e knO\\'R him for years:. Re is well rVl,JJ,e e ps Ut th e streets, door-to-door solicltaUons That's a group of wealthy buslnessmen liked and very well thought of .by (~Ix), UNICEF hal1owft'!1 ~citations ,by who are friendly with Reagan and help everyone. He -will make a fine judge," B Cl b G ch.ildren, ~farch of Dimes,. five rummage , finance his pOllUcal campaigns. said .Hamilton. OYS U Y11l aales, g~l-&eo11l eookle sales door lo door, "The handful of the hall-hidden A resident Of San C I e m e n t e • mall aollcialion and Community Chest. millionaires who call the shots in Before the I>mll!ute gun baW• ended more than iO p01lcemen had bl!<n called· to the scene, ne&; w~ .rlotinl bad oew· curred two y~ars . .,go. They brought machine guns and tear gas but dkl not use them. Orange C:out Domenict,ini has had a 'gener~l law prac. The Boys' Club of Laguna Beach wlll Also, Red· CrOll, bake sales, flower Sacramerilo tOday do not represent lice in that cily:lor more than 17 years. have ils gymnasium ill time for the grand sales, flood vh:tims drive •. League of California," said Unruh. Weather Jle is married and the father of foUr opening oI the new canyon facility, Women Voters sollcltatlon, .Phone "Thty must be told that it la your.atate , chlldien, three girls and a boy.. thanks. to a $25,000 grant from the James solicltatlona, American cancer Society and your fOtute. We will say to them, We'll have l ·uttte bU of every~ In 1968 he served as president oI the Irvine Foundation, Boys' Club President and ,Unttarl~Unive:rsallst. FeUOwsh}p. 'No, you.canpot buy. our government like thtng Friday -SUMf skits, early Orange County Bar Association. A1bert v-1es has announctd. VI-· Mavrir J--'-O'Sullivan sakl he '-'--'· hi ,_ f Ro aid mornltta.._clouds ~ ausl1 north· Hamilton~ Who has been lllilted by -... ad-· Ch · ii t ...... 1 -· """"l"' th robe you uvug a mansKJD or n e&lt W1r& -while the temper• several dillerent judges from other •nu vuce nstmas 1 t came a a bad-.teen ~ XrilhD• 1rou1r~wl s ~agan.'" lure resu·tn·the: mtddJe·'1'1>'1.· judicial districts since Smith'• retire. mOmtnt when club officials were afraid and partially sh111v~ed~beo~da~) :::·"~lh~uf~Ol~ng~-ll~"'llEJN'l'-':"'"~-:::-:::---:-:--:::--t-=-';;;;';;:;;;';'-";~~~;--j--, ment. said he hop.;cj DommiolllnL-~'ook!L-fiithat. construeUon of the gymna~g lM llljhwor. ' · h bl " INSIDE .TODAY De able lo assumniis new duties by the wowa tiive lo be temporarily discon· "l ·can't aee where a JTOUP should be He .mt~ to ''k.itc en ~· net first of the year. Unued. because of lack or (unds. (SH KRISHNA( PlfB l) memberba and .others( wbo. ;n rlbu1j1 ' Ne::i:t _,tar' tht ~govrrnmrnt He noted that, sil'l(e Domenlchlnl bas :•KnowJnc we will ha ve the Irvine · :.an!en~-=or>or-U:.-~ •• :::iy~ uiUt cOJM "lo h:th> oJ -JJG"Htl'; main tained a sing'· Jaw praclle•, rat"'£-Foundation'! IUnds·to coo.nt on," said EC· ' -e bat· "t'"-s Chrbtmai· ft'1 ·~ .. ~ 1= ''w no p-·---• to complete UCJ 'SI Ma' Re1111:ran·nav. $1,25e a month rtnt '°the 1 ·-·• than a partnerShip. he Is faced with a :s·'"""~' w can nx.~ · ates _ JOr ~P. whk:b includes Ben Swig; a pro-manjorkfmsc/in"e.ltcelriMf'OWt aubstantlal task in finding and briering &J •" 11 r the ,. mlnent San Fre.ncllCO Democrat. &Jlc danocrt o/ new '°Ml· Paff attorneys to take over cases now pending First phase of .con~truc on ° new J Cl ., l Lif · · JO. · in hi s of£ice . , club al .1118.1 Laguna Canyon Ro~d, the 11 88SIC8 C U)!Mlh, I powerCul llgure in IUlo main building housing clubroom!i, llbrary, politics for more than. a decade, is ex· Sto<'k Market NEW YORK (AP) -Stock marktt prices remained broadly 1ot.·er in late afternoon ttadlng today, but continued to recover some Of their !'harp Jos."JeS of earlier in the day. (See quotations, Pages :t-23), . kitchen , craft! rooms aAd offices. is fund· A ntw major In classical clvlllzaUol\ pC<:ltd to fact opposition in the primary ed •IJ<I nearing completion. Ecclu ,.Id. was awaved Wednesday by UC Irvlnt'• from Son FranclJCO Ml}'Or Jooep& Altoto, nie &Ymnaslwn for which the lrvme gill aOdemic oenato. • • With the winner bt<omlng the party is earmarked, repreaents the second Students ma.forinl ·in the new field, nominee. Early public opinion polls 11y phase. called the moot basic of •II humanllllk: Unruh Is the favorite. . The club Is expected to move to the dl11tl plines, wl!I Ile required to complelo lleqin, according· to 'aides, wlll II> Cany()D facility alter lhe first of the year, nine major count1 lncllkilng a year of a " nounC'! hta candidacy ror a:aeoonct term ' with a grand opening tentalively tel for clUlical language to earn a bacbllor11 later nut year. He erpecta: no •major mid-February. c1tsree. lllel IJNJUJB, P111 I) ··~~~~~~~~----~--,.._;~------------------- '2 IWLY PILOT L Count¥·Welfare Prote.sts Due? ., .. Dir~ctor .Pln:ns Meeting With Rights Mo vement . . ; . . ... By TO~I BARLEY Gut.st.de Orange Coiinty who art 11:itln1 on Sl'8 a month for the indl1ent mother wllh °' .... Der1y "1111 $••ff welfare and eomt admitted delictencJes one child, S17Z a month for the woman .' \Vorried Welfare Director Granville to promote their cause." . ll.·llh two children, $220 a monlh for the l>eoples today warned that Orange COUn· [te would no~jdenUfy the militants or mother wllh three cttlldren to support ly may be the next target for comment on whet he said were ''lhe true and $245 a month for the molht'r with, demonstrators who have d i s r u p t-e d aims" of the movement. four children. · welfare dl!partmenl meeUnga in .''We . are · going tn try to a~oid the Legislation aimed al raisiOg those neighb9ring counties. disruption that has occurred 1n . sue~ levels to at least correspond with cost of ~ Peoples has scl Dec. lZ as the dale on places as ~ Angeles and San Diego, living incn:ases and providing automatic ~·hid\ he will discuss Orange CoWJty Peoples SaJd. . . future increases to relate to cost of living v.·,lfare operations -and in particular Its The 'llftlfare director said he was one or hikes was. rejected by the legislature in AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent a number of welf~re . worker~ from !he last session Peoples said. Children) program -with what he said several Southern Caldorn1a counties who . ' . . '"ere "self-proclaimed Orange County ~ecently had to call off 8 San Diego con-l'e.oples_ said h1~ department ~s. pro- representatives of the National \Velfare vention when "welfare righls agitators less uig. aid for 7,500 A_FOC fam1hes tn Rights movement." · walked in and took over the meeting." Or_ange ~~nty "and dorng all v.·e can to He identified the movement spokesman Peoples conceded that the central argu· bring add1t1onal help lo people who are, as Mrs. Alice Siivas or Santa Ana, the ment of the demonstrators -the con-let's face it, considerably underpaid." author of a widely~irculated pamphlet tention that aid to mothers with families California's welfare directors and its which is calling on AFDC mothers to was far from sufficient -was justified. orgiinized county supervisors at~ all on mount "a dynamic assault on Granville And he pointed out that aid levels set in record, Peoples said, as favoring in· Peoples' ivory tower." California 12 years ago have never been c.""tases in weUare payments for at least But Peoples warned newsmen "Welfare revised while Uving costs have mounted lhe AFOC category. is only one piece of this. This pressure is in that time by 26 percent. A central issue in the npresentations bein& imposed by mllilant groups from Orange County aid levels are aet al made lo Peoples by county delegates has Trustees Ask Bids on Bonds After Election San Joaquin School District trustees Wednesday night called far bMls on purchase or $1.9 million in school bonds the district may now sell thanks to suc-- cessful bond rate election I~ week. Sale of the $1.9 million on Feb, 1 would bring the school district up to its legal bonding capacity. five percent of total assessed valuation, said Assistant Supt. for Business Sefvices Rex S. Nerison. The five percent will include bonded in.- debtedness carried forward Ir om previous years. The vote last week was to hike the permissible interest rate from five to seven percent on $3.4 million of unsold bonds from a successful $5 million bond election last year. Nerison said a Nov. 1 municipal finan· t.ing newsletter showed public agency bonds were being bought al about six per• cent interest, some a litUe under, some a litle over, at that" time. "We're a little fearful becat13e we now can go to seven percent that is what the bids will be, "ti .et Jw•I we11 gel lo otll. them," Nerison said. In another ad.Ion Wednesday nigh(. the school board agreed the district will pay $45 tumaa "'!'r. of Ii "achen, ·""' • from each ~ al'KF.-Clfte frnm the district otnce .. to attend-a Yfinter quarter UC lrvine Ext~lon course on drug abuse. · The participants then will share what t.h<y I~ in the course with other teachers at lhtir IChooJ, . N eri50ll said the claa is a step toward developing a drug edue1tion program for the elementary school district. IL prtsenUy does not have one. lw~y Adulter y Law 'Updated' RO~fE (UPI) -Italy's higM.st court ruled today it is no crime for a wife to commit adultery or for a husband to keep a mistress. The ruling of the constitutional court ()verturned a Fascist-era penal code which held that wives could be convicted of adultery but husbands couk1 not unless !hey lived in open concubinage l'.'ilh a 1voman. The court said the law was written at ,ri time when women did nol want equality with men. "It ls not up to the court to modify law based on social changes," it said. "But it is indisputable that lhe court has the right to assure equality among all citizens, regardless of sex or other considerations." Strike Threat Blanaed No Pay Increase For Lifeguards San Clemente lifeguards, who threaten- ed a strike last August in an effort to secure a pay increase, were lert out when the City Council \'ot.ed raises for oU\er ciU\ personnel Wednesday night City Manager Kenneth Carr indicated to the counciJ that his failure to recom· mend an increase for the lifeguards could be attributed to "current event!." Had the "events" been different, he said, he mignt have made a different recommendation. The lifeguard strike threat, which was halted by a court order, WaJ followed by the firing ol Lt. Steve Chorak who had acted as spokesman for the guard! and by the.resignatioltol two oUler~guards. Cllorak bas been granted a hearing before the city personnel board ~fonday night. He served as a full time guard for six years and as a part time guard for four years prior to that. Councilman Thomas o ·Kecfe sought a S percent pay increase for the lifeguards, but his motion was defeated. Increases voted by the council included 212 percent raises for firemen and police officers and five percent salary boosls for the city manager, lifeguard chief, fire chief, police chief, assistant police chief and sergeant. The pay raises ,viJI cost the city $l4,566 for the six-month period prior to July 1970, when a new budget will go into ef- fect , and will be covered by a $21,000 reserve in the existing budget San ~Joaquin :Teachers ~ ' : .. -. -r , -6et Drug ~·buse Course . . ~ Ttaehert In the San. Joaquin Elemen• li.rf School District will be going beck lo school to learn about drug abuse. Members of the Board of Trutt~ authori!ed A s s i s t an 1 Superintendent WUllam Stocks to arrange for the enroll- ment of 10 teachers at district expense in a UCI course called "The Drug Scene." The instruction of district teachers is the first of a series of proposals the ad- ministration hapes to make in an effort to fight drug abuse in the district. Dr. Stocks lamented. the slowness or progress but told the board each .sltp Fro1n Page l PtAYHOUSE • • • out that parking use is only temporary. It ...,·as said that the property between Forest and Ocean Avenues might later be assigned use as a street lo improve do\4·ntown circulation. This th~ reasoned lhat fun ds from gas tax or oilier ·~urces could then be routed to provision of park:ing along South Coast Highway. Vice Ma yor Joseph O'Sullivan said, ''The lots (from the Hugo Lindberg estate) are available now. 'There is some implication for traffic now also." taken would place them closer to their goal. He said there would be a mieting Fri- day of teachers and administrators who are willing to become involved in a drug abuse pro1fam. The all-day meeting will be an information sharing session with police representatives. nurses and others ll.'ho have knowledge of drug abuse. Or. Stocks also reported that funds are being sought for community action pro- gram! through the Health, Education and \Velfare Department. He said that the district would be work- ing with other school district& and area high schools arid would be seek:ing parent involvement throu~h the di st r i c l 's coordinating council. This group is made up of t1!presentatives of each of lhe parent teacher organizations, the board and the administration. The action to send at least one teache r from each of the district's schools to the drug Information class was initiated by Stocks • The district will pay ~O per teacher 111ith the teacher contribuling $5. The $5 will be reimbursed if the teacher attends at least 80 percent of the 11 classes. The board also stated that before the fees are paid a firm commitment will be obtained from each teacher to follow through in the drug abuse program developed by the district From Page l betn the ,Oranie County office's failure tG implement a clause In the 1967 Social Services Act -the setting up of a com· mittee in which AFDC mothers could discuss problen1s with the welrare department and offer advice and possible solutioru on claimed inequities. "We have delayed formation of th is comm.itttt because of staff shortages and r'Jated problems," P.eoples said. "But t don 't thlnk that if we had formed the i,:roup at the time the federal act was pa!.sed Iha( v.•e would have a11erted the unrest that laces us no"'. "What I plan to do," Peoples said. "is to discuss the issu'5 being raised by these people and to assure them that they hav e our full ~peration in seeking IPgislatl ve remedies. But I don't think.·• the welfare director added. "that agita• lion along the lines of what we have seen in Los Angeles County is going to do very much i;ood for the cause of AFDC mothers in Orange County." Frotn Page l UN RUH·. • • primary opposition. Unruh, son of an illiterate Texa.~ sharecropper, recalled how "l hitchhiked here from Texas nearly 30 years ago tA·ith little more than the ck1thes on my back.·• CUi\tB FROM POVERTY 1 He recounted his climb from poverty - ' aircraft plant worker, Navy enlisted man, GI Bill graduate of the University of Southern California, election to the As.sembly in 1954 and finally in 1961 as speaker -an office held longer than any other man. He lost the job this year when the Republicans took over the Assembly. "Call!ornia has kept the promise it held for me," he said. "I run for governor because I want to keep the promise of California alive and growing for everyone.·• /Is speaker, Unruh won ntany friend!' and made many enemies. But~evcn his foes credit him with making ·major in- ternal refonns in the Assembly . He hired young consultants to advise legislators in an effort. he said, to reduce the lawmakers' dependence on special in· terest lobby1sts. }le led the fight.!Pr._;:i. full-lime legislature. and for an increase in legislati ve salaries. But his foes also accused him of being ~ bully and hung the name of "Big Dad- dy " on him. That was when he weighed almost 290 pounds. Since then, he has dieted down to 190. In 1963, Unruh, trying to puslt lAen Democratic Gov. Edmund G. Brown 's fiscal program through the legislature, he got into a fight with minority Republicans and re!used to let them leave the Assembly Chamber -the famous "lock- in" incident." FEUDED WITH BROWN Unruh also feuded with Brown. And he alienated some Democrats in 1968 when they said he refused wholehearted sup- port to Hubert H. Humphrey, Uie party's preside ntial nominee. Many of Hum- phrey's supporters are now backing Alioto. As a legislator. Unruh was the author of civil rights laws. consumer protection legislation and school finance plans. Unruh was the manager of John Ken- nedy's Southern California presidential campaign in 1960 and a leader in Presi- 1lent Johnson 's presidential campaign in 1964. He later broke with Johnson over the Vietnam war, which Unruh opposes. Arn1s trong Pick ed \\'ASHINGTON (UPl) -President Nixon has appointed Neil A. Armstrong. the first man to walk on the moon, as chairman of the Peace Corps National advisory Council. He's the 'Winner' Richard Stolman, a 19-year-old University of \Visconsin sophomore whose birthday just happens to be Sept. 14, the number one slot in the draft lottery, has a brother Douglas at the University of Kansai whose birthday is April 24 -the number two spot. '.Allies Chase N ortll Viets Jo Cambodia; Truce Eyed SAIGON (UPI) -Allied warplanes, artillery and troops raided into Cambodia in pursuit of a battered North Vietnamese battalion in fighting reported today. President Nguyen Van Thieu announced the allies would honor 24-hour truces for Christmas and New Year's. Thieu emerged from a 90-minute meet- ing with U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker and announced the truces for "humanitarian reasons." There have been 13 truces so far in the w:i.r, all of Toro Divider Plans Dela yed A proposal lo build a landscaped divider strip.on El Toro Road just norlh. or the San Diego Freeway resulted in a controversy Wednesday and county supervisors postponed a decision for two 1veeks. The tree-lined divider is proposed by Deane Brothers of Newp0rt Beach who \\ant il lo beautify the ent rance to their Lake Forest development. The median stri p would be 600 feet long extending from Bridger Road to Rock- lield Boulevard. Objecting lo the plan was Donald Frisc~r, traffic engineer ·representing lhe Toro Shopping Center. The center. !orated midway on the stretch proposed For beautification would be cut off front left-turning \'Chicles by the im provement. frischer said the plan was unsafe and 'vould c0ntribute to greate r traffic con- &estion in the area. Supervisors ask representatives or Denne Bros. and the shopping cente r to gel together \vith the county Road Departrnenl oind work out a solution \•:ithin two 'vceks . them marred by lighting. U.S. spoke smen said American forces would honor the cease-fires but there was no word from the Viet Cong or North Vietnamese, v.'ho usually beat Saigon to the punch in proclaiming holiday truces. Field reports said the North Vietnam- ese battaliOn that was chased into Cam- bodia had used the ne ighboring nation as a springboard for its attack early Wed- nesday on a border town and two U.S. Green Beret camps, killing 25 South Vietnamese. 1'he guerrillas v.·ere thrown back with 166 men slain and headed back acro s., the border v.·i th U.S. warplane~ and artillery and a South Vietnamese platoon in pursuit. Headquarters said the allies had an "inherent right'' to lire back if fired upon from Cambodia. U.S. spokesmen acknow ledge. the air raids into Cambodia, the second such strikes in three weeks, but said nothing or the artilley strikes or South Vietnam· cse platoon. Reports of lhe action 58 miles wesf- northwest of Saigon coincided with the '~eekly casualty report showing 70 Amer- icans killed last week, the third lowest number of deaths since 1966. • Anolher 1,049 Gls were wounded. Only two other times since 1966 has the wetk- Jy de.1th toll been lower-the v.·eek of Oct. 1 when H. Gis died and the first week of 1967 v.·hen 67 were killed. ~filit.ary spokesmen confirmed what sources h3d disclosed earlier-that U.S. casualties for the war surpassed the 300,000 mark last week, with 39.642 killed, 259.828 wounded and 1.359 missing or captured-a total of 300.829. The U.S. death figure was a sharp drop from the 130 Gls slain the previous \Veek. South Vietnamese losses fell too. to 373 killed and 953 n·ounded , with 2,177 Communists reported slain. OIAMG& COo\ft PU It «'HI~ ~IN' l•Mrt H. W11I f'r.....,._. ........... J •ek I , Cit!.., Councilman RGy Hohn said the pro- perty location is "very strategic" since it is adjacent the city-owned playhouse land . KRI SHNA ... W.ayor Glenn Vedder said he had never considered the area as a fixed parking allov.'ed to ralse money on the street." location. He said discussion had been held said the vice mayor. He said he did not a very special purch~se from a famous quality maker of vi. ""'lflfl' .. °"'" MINtlt 111111"1 K11,il l!~illl' GENUINE LEATHER CHAffiS for years over extending Second Street think it good for the community to have through the area and eliminating the the group playing cymbals . short Beach Street. Vedder said, "The method of solicita~ Counc ilmen Richard Goldberg and lion is whal bothers me. I don't think ii is lh•''"' A.. M•r,hiftt Mt.,.,i,,. l•it.r a1cl!1r4 P. Nill L"-.. ~It (11, lfllfr Charlton Bo)'d opposed lhe acquisillon. what"'' in Laguna Beach prefer to sec." Goldberg said he wasn·t sure the city The group said it would distribute lt~ could tum around and sell the property 1nagazine "Back to Godhead" and solicit for more than it paid. that he wasn't funds from those persons ...,·ho see1ned L•"'"" Oftke sure the city was getting ils money 's agreeable. 2J2 ,.,.,, it.¥•· worth. Boyd moved to defer the Councilman Richard Goldberg asked MtHl11t "'''''"P.O. 1•• ''" '2111 purchase. questions about use of runds solicited and °"" om.. The property acquisition passed 3 to 2 said he did not think the application was ~~~-1~_-.··.~=~.·~ .... ·""::;. ... ~1--~·~'~'tbb.GG4W~dbbe~r~s~·~nd<l..llBo~X~IL~11:!":'"'.'::".":-..:0'.:---'•-pl'O!l<>-.... def~nd--<!lljeeted-t<.-1fte,-j.-i-~~~....J~ .. Councilmen also seemed Agrttd that A mtt od of solicitation. ---:::::;oo plan should be 'A'Orked out fo help solve CooncUman Charlton Boyd said, "In I the olf<fllrttt park:ing shorta&e for South the interests or d<>ing the f1ir thing; it •• Coast. H.lihway busineues. \\'ould seem to me that they're automatically permitted a perm.it unless it is shown to be illegal." Councilman Roy liolm asked ir sale or L the Los Angeles Free Press. lndianhead and local papers on the streets was legal :i;ince it ii done . A Gin TO llfASIJRE AllD ENJOY FOR YEARS • Cwtom quality tJu·ough-out • Lu1urious cushioning • ).'our c-hoke of coin from an exte.n&lve selection ol !inmt leathtr texlurf!I. from $199 Car Burglar Does Yule Shopping Early Rimel said, "I can't say that it ii; ii· H J GARREIT f URNfll} RE le.gal to sell newspapers or other publics· • lions on the strett.'1 ~rolrn and Boyd were on the abort end • • of the vote on o·su111"n'1 motion lo deny PROF£SSIONAL COSTA MESA', CALIF. I Somebody stepped into that new ste~in rear door fl a Laguna ~ch woman's station wagon Wtdntlday and atepped out again with UM worth or newly purdiased metthandl.5t. Mrs. Ell:tabeth LI' Rankin, or 128~ Starlit Drive, tald Costa Mesa police the bur&llll' occurred "'till• 1he wu &hop. pin& in Sooth Coa1t Plaia Cf!nter. the application. Part of theaudience heartily applauded I INTERIOR· DESIGNERS 2215 HARBOR BLVD. I the denial. Vtdd<ir rapped his g•vcl (or 1· 0,.. w .... nr.,.., l'rt. 1'!'11. 04b-0276 order and the Krishna represen~ativt.1 tc.fl.-..w•••••www•~••••w~...-••------••••~r.www.,,,; l I I I l I I I • LSGAL NOTICE SC:NOOL •ONO t!l.ICT ON NOT CS 'h• nc uae 1 0 lntt C11un ¥ vc na p •c nc • N•wPll I !l•acn 016 and 091 POLL NG 'LAC:f' lie • n •ht NtwPorl Eltm•n 11 y S<~oo •II $ H 1N181bctllou •vt d Blbc>t C• c<n t ELECTION P'IE( NCT NO ! 11>1 I llt Udt t ll'lt t et t mD et~ In Otntl (DU"V YOtlll PK hC I NtWPOrf BtlC~ Or.I t nO 05 POLL NG PLACE lie • n sht Wt "'" ll•ddtnt t Ge IPI S111hc t 0 VI NeWllO I (1 D ~ r "' . ,., fl ti Ch £1.f.(TION P'llEC: NCf NO 4 '"' ! nc ude 1 Ille ert1 emD •c•d In 0 en911 (oun v vo M Pree nc 1 Ntwp1111 1!111en OIJ 1 d 00 tnd ll ve v ew ~' POLL NG P LACE hf en sh1 I be a HO nuno Ille• dente GI IO t 1&01 Neo u e A e ue New110 llttth Ct c n 11 ELECllON PlllE( NCT NO S tht "' ude e the a e• ~mb teed n 011111t Co1mv vo na 1>tcnt• N WPO I Belch on Ind Oii POLL NG Pl.A(E ht en th• br 1 Newpor1 Sh11 1s (ommun ¥ A••OC a en llu Id 111 5 (1n1I 5 « Ntwoo !l•Atll Ce c "" IELEC:T ON P'ttECIMCT NO I 1k1 nc uoo t he e a •mb aced " 0 •no• Counlv •O tlll .. rt II( N~O I lle•<b 015 POLL NG PLit.(£ ht , 11 1k11 bt I ~onne Iles don G• 119• 1 2 V t 0 Ion N""""o B'll(h '~ 0 "II ELECT ON PllEC NCT NO 7 •hf I n<IUOt I ,,.. ,,...~ omb 8( d lfl O 1not (oun v vol"' P 1e nc NtWllC I 9,. n Cfl POLL NG PLACE Jl<o t n lie I bt ~ o 1en llrs o,nct 1 v • i. en on~ LEGAL NOTICE SUPElllOll COUl.7 OF THE STAlE Of Cit.Lll"Dl.N A FOi THIE COUNT't' OF OR ANGI LEGAL NOTICE JCMDOL OISTl.ICT TAX llATE INClllASI' IL•C'T ON NOTICI! NOT C:I! 15 Hl!ftf.llY OIVVil to ll'lt Tne "' "" P'K nc1s i nd p0 "9 pltctt d'I v ~•Ian~ ell t 1 11 lo _, IJLEC:TIDN l'RliC: NCT NO 1 11e t tt '"'brtcrd 0 f"lll Coun y Vol ng WK nc: I NewPO I B11cn 119' tnd OJ POLL ING PL,\(E nt t " Shi 1 C-lttl lltll«lr,,,. ':W Stv If' Avtn~ Btbc>t Cl tlltnlb, 11.IEC TION P'l.lC: NCT' NO 1 1111 nc: udt t I he t 11 1mb 1ted o t n;r coun v vo 119 pr1e nc l N1wpo I llt1ell 011 e"4 0'7 POI.I.ING Pl.ACE ne. n sn• be I Ntwpart E em.en t v S<hOlll 11 n S ee tlld Ila bPt Oou t¥t d llt bPt Ct /g.rn t Elf.CT ON P'Rf.C NCT NO I 1n1 nc udc 1 11\f t ti 1mbrtclCI o •no• Coun v vet no o e.;: nc i. NtWOll f l>lt(ll 07l Ind 0.1 POLI. NG P t.it.CE ht 1 n ~ht WI son lltl donct GI •gt Setlflore O ve NewPQ 1 Ct one l'l.EC7 0"' PllECINCT NO 1~1 nr uao t ht t ti emb t eed n 0 •no• Coun 1 •<> ng p ec "c 1 Newpo Bttch OU 1na 00 1no R ve v ew "' POLLING P L .. CE ho r" 1h1 lilt•°""'' Ge •o• Aven11t N•wpo LEGAL NOTICE lLIJCftON P'RICINCT NO 11 SAll.'11• NOT Cl!: TO Cll:EO 70 11$ P£11 Oii COUftT Of' THE ~T E OP C.i.LIFOllNlit. POI. THE; COUNTY 01' ORANOIJ NO Tl CF. I' HUf CEIT , Cit.TIE OF SVS NESI , C:tlTIOl,IJ NAMI!. • • • Ttn1rsd~ Orctmbtr 4 l %9 DAILY PILOT ZI LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL ~OTICE ' LEGAL NOTICE) LF.GAL NOTICE l'..W.X NOTICl ·l:• ~~OITOll talT JICA11 O• COll'ClllATIOM POil Ctllfll•ICATI 01' •UllNlll SUPl'IUOll QllUIT 01' THI' TIAllUACTtON Of' IUtllolll' UNOll S\11' ... IOft COUll7 O' TM• STAfl 0~ U~IPORNIA, 10111 Jiii• COUMTT OP ORAllla• l'ICTITIOUI HAMf ITATI OJI (All,-OINIA 11'0 11 •1C11TIOUS NAMI Tl>f undt •ltMll doel ct Hy lhl"f' 1 t THlf COUHTY 01'" OIANOI THIE UNOflSl(l.NIEO COll.POJU1"T ON Jill A...US• (OftOllC ln9 • bulkltK ,, 211 10!11 SI ......... 1' Ml l'li' '"' u ~ lhll I i. cono~(l "' • H~I IMCh Ct '°""le uf111e ht 1 c,. Et tit Ill OIEOI G( HUDNALL 000 111i11,.0 loU td ti ell ).11111 S H NOT Cl Of' HIAltlHO 01' l'I TIT!Ofrol I liw1 I "' ,.,.IM °' 811. STOl .... H ON FllllY .... ~-" ,, GEOllGE H 000 N ... PO 1 ltt(h C• 0 ~. Uncle ,,., ~ •o• l'llOIA ,. 01' WILL II.NO l'Oa flOAT a. YACHT CLll!AN NG 'EJtY CE f'llfY C.C:111td low llfm MllW Ill COll:V S COltNEt: LITTlll TllTAM•MT,YY Incl ht )tlcl I m s tomtol9d o1 "t NOT CE $ HEltE!IY G VEtl to M t.W lflll 11lcl "" t ~UG ol 11r E ,, 111'#... " '°"' WhOlt "'"'.. In !vii f ... Cltl "' IM tboVt lll mftl O•<td~n lo loWlrlf "' P'1 '"°" wf\oO!t • Iller.. 11 iJ:,,."-'~"~"'":: ~IC::.!!"'0N ... IM llla(t.I of ttlClt.IKI • 'II 0 loW1o ll'lt I iHflOln l\ov Ill c~lttt, ... Ill ""' 1lac1 "' °"'' ,,._., I II I kiwi NOT•<• ,, "' GtCH'll WttVt I )t 11 $ NlW<llH'I 11 d Gt<edtn I I etlll ed lo I~ !hem ALMA UA: PA:OP'EltTIES. INC 19 Eltle: ftob "'°" ,:,•j!I~ 0,:::~ !":.., "i: !ltttf\ C:t It'll • w 11'1 "'' MC.UN voud!tf .. In '"' olf (• l111d s M lil'*llO I llt tCll C:t to II I /or-lie p ot>o I ol Jtle w of 11\f .~ .. II td fr't't HOl i'»I O D! 1w1 t S ol Ill Cle ~ of !IHI tod'tt tfll lied cour1 o "1644 d Hull nacn lluch ,, O"'I 0 ltlfnl rt.tm Wiii "'llKIUIY WTNES5 '111 14 Ill lrd Ol't' of ... _ 11«tatfll I nd vr !Ir ...... ~. of Dt ed Novtmbl ! Ht VQU(llf I la Ult ulld¥t gl'lfd ti II• of tll O.ctmbl ... tt ~1 I• tmtll 11Y O 11 t N ICI 'll'f Oto ti We1vc a M LLER ANO MACDONALO A o ~YI CORPOllATE SEAi.i rit 9MI to wll cll It mtdt ler fu lift' B td f' vt 11 1.t w !$S.S E11I Clltln\111 Avt 11U• Sii t ALMAVll. PltOPERT ES NC '"' tu ..... t llll ht ti\( mt 11111 t ttet Sit e c Ct lorn 1 o tntt ccvn y 10!), Fu terkWI Ct lllOt"ll t ti•l wll ell 1 A < M I' n<llt 0 11•1 In• 111 •-1111 ot•n M tir On Ncvtrnbl U IMt btfa 1 mt 1 hi 11 tee ol Ou1 "'' 01 "" wllll• • t ntcl n P , '<ltM O•ctmbtr ' m ti ' :IQ • m n i... No IN Pub le " tn<I •o ,. 0 s. t • I mtlltr• """ n"' Ill hi 1111. pl II d STATE OF CALIFOltN. COu l<wm OI 0.1 lmti!I NO. , "' ,.. 111'1"" y •1>11t1 .0 O.o lit Wttvtr tl'ld dtee&ln w Ill~ JllU rrtOfl!llt I ~ lllt COUNl't' OF Olil:AHOE _, <OU I ti lOD C v c Ctn>t 0 I~• Wtt In 11 tll f"rvt kMOWll o ..,. lo bf ht of toMI I 1 Jlllb ta kin OI Ill t MOiiet On th 1 ) II dtY cl OKll!lbo A O lt6' lh~ C: V ot Sant~ Allt Ct 10 II t Wl>alt ntmr1 1 1 111b1c DtO to 111 w 111 n 01t&ll Nov..mtioe 1 Ht be 0 1 rna Jo""" E Dtv • 1 1111 1 Y Dtlied Dtctmbotr ' Ht "' 11ment •1111 ttknOwlfdtH 111ev •~ ~a':~!~ 00~~:v l'llD c n '"° 0 ttlcl COiin v '"" s 1 e .,..., 11 : 111,~,!1 JOHN C0un Y '1 ~ KOOFNF ,":, .. ,•,:,, II fN f'llt I ol tlOlllt 1111!"111 Olll'f (Cml'llll'°""' t l\CI I' Nt NtW-1 1 1\111 MtN lltlll Merion 111 ~bcwt n•mtcl dectdtn •-n OI MIMI Y ••Hire!! A U M N--1 ltac~ Ct fflt Alt rtMof No 1 y Pull e<• to n 1 M LI.II. ANO MAC:DONAl.0 f Ml IY known O mt C bl ht P ti dent 1tl ClltJ ""'ll p nc •• ()41 e• In AthnM11 ,, l.tW a lit C'll PO • (Ill "'" t•~V ~ lht "" ......... ,.,. P'tlltte,.... o 111111 coun v '"' 1'111 CM-•• Av•-"' h n ru t "'""" 011 tieM I ol 11~ <or Pullol 1~M1 Ortntt '°"' o1 " ,. le! My comm u loll f~p ti F111tt:N11 Ctllftl'11l1 t1UI lllH't II" h~.-. n ntm<ld t l!d t ell.now edt De«mbt I s. o 16' )1.llff it,p t •11 T•I 0 141 JHQIJ tel to mt 11111 IUCll CC PG t loll e•t<V "41-----c:__:.::.C::_::::. ____ ~::.= P'ub >lie<! 0 11191 CU• 01 "" I' lot Alltl'H~I •w t.Mll11fltr1 ti' l\f> 1tm• n W ntu WM~ hive LEGAL NOTICE Novembf lJ ~ 21 I nd DKtmbf , Pub! ~ 0 I M•t C~I 0 • Iv fl' IOI II• VII C It "'' l\llnll t lld I I •~II n'IY ol 1-----------:.C:'---Ht 70t1'4t NOit"' bf ) 1(1 11 •l!d DKetnlM: tic t HI Ill• d I Y 1nO Ytl II II $ ct £1 t I I 1llO\lt w ell Cl'llTIP C:.\T• 01" IUJlllEJI LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE OFF c J~PiE:1.10.... ' ,. CT T DUI NAMI o. ,. n II• Uf>Gt llnfO Clo (t ~ ~y ·-•ARI .. NOflCE TO CRl!O TOft $ SUPEllllO• COUl.T 01' T"I! Sl'AT£ Of" CALIFOR" A l"O• YHI! COUNT't' 01 OIANOIE N• A+t~1 f's Ir o SHf'llMAN ALWYN SHAW Oecte1fd HOT CE IS HEREllY G VE N to II• ,u.. No t" Puu <-...I or • Con4·-'~ , ,_, • P nc:Pll <>ntt " v~,,.~ ....,.,.._,, • 211 :It~ 11 Clfftf, CATE OJ I UJ NEIS 0 """'Coull"' Nl'Wf>O< 8etcll C1 lfl n1 llfl<ltr l>t '" "CTITIOUJ Nit.Mil MY c ........ ts-E p u I ioul "',..,...., ol HEWPOtlT Mil.II NE Tiit \;fide 1191\ed <IOI! ctfl ¥ llt ll <1111 Ju,.. 7 tit Sf'll V CE: 11111 Ill ~I <I I m 1 com-..t au' ... • ,,,., Mii • p 0 80• ,.. P'llbl ·-Of•... CO•• DI v .. II OI ... If> low Ill ~ '<Int WIKKt .,.,,.e. 111 '"'-Ot Mt ,. lo n • 11.,.,t hf c Ot<t"'bl'r j l I u .. , 125' '' ,•, • ..:.M p Ket 0 ··~net I I • io\11 I r1PI f>ll"t Qj NDEICAP 1"4 llt -• 1t kl I m ' CllllltKIMd of 111 o ow"' LEGAL NOTICE 1Cen11oe h P'I k• lJOI Oet111 M o pf 'lln Wl\osf. l'lmt " lu •nd pleet. ofl-==~~;;::;,;,;;,o;"'"'"",.. Dint Pol" Ct c ". .. t sklenct 1 t i o ~ (.lltf FICATE OP COll,01.ATION FOft ,~IY l"t lrt 3).121 0Cfl~ M It!' llobf l" ngt o• 16ll 1 tmvn TRANSACT ON Of' IUtlNlSJ UNOl"lt 0 1"1 Po nt Ct fo,.,. t l t ne Co Olll oe Mt l"ICTITIOUJ Nit.ME ... no ld Po•htnOU ~ 11:1! £ Vf)r ..... t Ot"" Novembe 10 Ht THE UNOERSGNEO COfl:POlllAT ON Ananem C• fo11 t Robe I Liv n11tori <kH!• M •bv ctrl h 1111 I I ccnduc no I $/\ft • Po 1mou111 10j E Vt monl st to Ct orn t b<tl neu 10c;1ttc1 t nn H • b o A111M m C1 lo,.,. 1 0 llllf COiin 't' llou t VI II Cos t Mew Ct C n I U""t Oo ed Dtctmbf! 7 16t On No tmbt t "" De O • m llt I c ous I 111 "f/T\t of SU LLY S 1(1n111 n Pt It No 1 v Pub e In lr!d lo COFFEE $HOP 1r>d n1 11 d I Ill " P-.1v Pt ~e Pt IOnl 1\1 111~1 lit Robe I. v 1111 on comPClfd ol lie o cw n1 tlltl>O a II" Slit I Por 1mo II kflOY n o mt n bf lllt Pl son wl\OU wllMe p nc 111 11 l f t cl bus neu I • Arrt0kl Piii' IMDll 11 111mt 1 •b•e bed o II• w lh11 n cll'o'IS S1e c C1fcn t s umtn tllG t tk now tdtff lie •~tcu ICI Su ~•n t nd Gt ne E:n e I> sill 0 Ange C011n1Y ht s1mt Inc: 1? l H1 bo 110\I •v1 d COi I On Decembo 7 tH bllo I mt O OFFIC Al SEAL! M •• Ct! o nt Noarv P'ub c n llld or std $ '' Mt y K litn.... w TNESS • 111nd ". h lllY 0 P• Cl\I v &PPt Nolt Pub C Ct II n I OK,m~ t69 P'90Y Pa ke A 1 d ICtnne II P't ••r P nc Pll 0 t t n COlllPOlll.i.T E SEA ! p no d PCH' 1rnou 11 Slit t 0 ange (oun V Su vin a 0 Gt ne 0 •mo~ " •llOWn o me le bt lf\e M v (omm u on E•P F.n, 0 M ..., ",:', 5:1 11 Wllose 11ft"''' t e lJll c b d lo Nov ' tn Ho a d Su nev " .,'" um~n tll(f t knowletl•f"<I Pb II~ O tni t Cotil Dt v P 0 " ••. ," •tcu "'' sam• ' ~ ~~ OFF(AlSf'AL) "IOVt" p. J i~ 11111 O~et ... g• M ,n... Gt nt D h• 'Dl 61 S J \I Wll't .\ F k , -----Mv Comm "°" E~• t:t LEGAL NOTICE Slit.TE OF (jl,\. f'ORN A Sep'"''~ 20. 1'1 ·:-------~,-UlH ci~N~~ °.." a~~·ONCO~ce;,~ AD t6' D;:~~i:·0• 0, '":' ,sc".!~ 0• ' • lr l CIE•TIF Cit.ff OF tUS Nl!SS "'°"' m• It ch• d it. B own J •'----;-:;:;:-,.c:_:::_:..:c_ __ ~"=·~~: " CT TIOUJ NAME No!A v P I> c " i nd o 11 d (wn " 1nd 1 LEGAL ----'LCECGCA~L:,.:N:,.:OcTclcCcE:.._ ___ I T~f """' I gnNI dOtl '" v •h~ lJ <"ti s If ~· 0 M ht en du ¥ """"'., on•d1 -""'.::::::-,..--N_o_11_ccE::_ __ _ due n.g. Dus n•H • llll w COis H"" and lWWn ........ ¥ AP~ll'td Hew• d Su t XlC N•Wll<I Btl<h Ct c n I Su v1n and M dl~f Gt ne kroow11 11 CERT l'ICATlf 01' IUSINIJIS LE GAL NOTICE SI.Ill: 1 If NOT CE TO ClltEO TOlll S SUPIEll 0 111 COU IY OF TH E STit.fl Of' Cit.I. l'OllN I 1'01. fHIJ COUNfY Of ORit.NOE Nt it.4~Hi Es . t ol WAL TEii ft Slit.B Y O•c•• .. Ot y P io! D•et ,.,be ' , ..... 11NI• /It le lo111 r. m n1m• ol WH T "'" o ~ he P ld<!f' tnd Sec tl1rv 0 p CTIT MAN Mit.NAGEMENl COM,.•NY •na lit cc PO I an Hiii """" t<I ll'lt ¥1 II n IOI.IS NAMI ht •• <l m • com11111ed ol Ille o IClw nl ri mr11 011 btll• cf lie co PO I on Tne llfl<it ., •ned dot1 ce I Y he h a111- ne oe '°" v.110,e 11tmt " 111 I 1nd o 1ct he e" ntmtd '"d 1cknowle6ftd "' me t'C Int • 11111 ntn t Ht21 A 1m '"° ol ~1 dence 1 ti lo 1ow1 111 ch cc PO 1 on exe<vlfd Hit ume '"' Hunt "'""' lletc~ Ct torni. untl.,. Kt ht ne M Wh lnltn 500$ n W ~IS Wiit '°' ll1v• ht eu11 0 ~ ht I cl I °"'' I m lllmt ol STONl!Cll•FT it.ve N~Pllr Bt~Cll (1 lo n t my ni!>d •nd 1 xed "' ofl e ~ 1e1 ht OR ROI( ltAIC t l!d lit! 11 d f r1r1 It co... D• td NoYtmbl ! lHt dtV AMII vt• n lh s ce 11 Cl e I I tboYI POSed ol ht le low Ill Pl Min wlle~ ICa ~• 111 M Wll min w tn ~:'i:!t n lu t na I tct of retlcle11te 1 •• Sl1 t 01 C1 lo 11 1 (OFFIC AL 5EAL1 0 tllllf Ccun y II ch~ d A ""'"'" J Gen E" Sm 11 1'2 A 1m '"° L•n.• On Nev , tff be~ e mt 1 Nol11"1 Ne 1 v Pub c Ct o n • Mun no 1111 llttch C:• o n 1 t'JW P~bc n 1nd c std Sa e Pt1an1Y p ncPt Of ft n Ot tdOtctmbf J fft IPPtl ed Kt ht ne M Wh tm1n kroown o n .,..,. (cu~h G tn £ Sm th "'' 0 be n.e pt ton wllClt 111m1 MY (om"' n o~ E¥t U S 1 e 01 Ct orn I 0 tnt1 Coun \I 1ub1c bed o the w II n n• um1n Ind 2 Ill On Ott l 96' bf a t mr 1 NoU.., t<knDW ed11"1 111• e•ecu ed lllt 11m1 '!'llll'ITSON tlOWS£R it.NO OAlltLANO Pub ( n t"ll Io 11 d S 1~ .......... y OFF (IA\. SEAi.i II CllT\B I or VI ....... ed Gltn € Sm Ill k110w11 c IT\I 0 MJ y I( He11 y N w11r1 Ill(~ Cl 11 "• te ~e ""!Ill" WhoJ1 nlme 11 IUbtc - No 1,.,, P!,111 C1 c n I A 1g,..,.-.v, to lhe w "" "' umtn 11\d 1cknow tdt p nc 11 OI GP' n p 11 \l\td o "'"' ro1~ 0 1 1¥ P In ..i lie exe.;:u eel he ''"'' O 1nnt Coun y oec:1mbt 4 11 • !5 t6t n J ~· OFF CAL SEAi.i Mv Comm ~ Oii E~o ., Jetn I. Joi>! N<> ?• •n L EG 'L NOTICE No • v Pub c Ct o n t p b ll~d o ""'"' ca,. D• "1o •• I------~-------P nt at o ce 11 N~ tm~ 3 70 )7 ,.,., Oectmb •· 0 f llG• Cou111Y tot ' Ol 6t C£RTl,ICA11' Cl' IUS NESS Mv Comm ss on E~p U LECA! f' CT TIOV5 Nit.ME Ml ell 1 '7l Tll~uncle ll•nO d~S v ii lston P blll o 11 c n• 1 bll1 n•I ~ 14! No II 01dw1v u Ml lnlle Cu1! 01 ly ,. le! ~ ... 1 Aruo C4 c n 1 unmo, tte 1 c OllS Oec~t• ' I l! fft n~6f m ntmt o S R SPEEDY NSTANT Pl. NT NG CENf E:ll 1nd h~I u <I m LEGAL NOTICE ! (QmPMe<f C II 0 lowinl Pl' '°n:j·--------::..:.c:::.::::.:: __ _ wNIH nlm~ " u i ncl o i ce o t • <ltnt• NOTICE O' P'Ul l. C Hl!AR NG I s No ti •h••~V•Y•ll ~· l>tP•"n I Comm I °" at he ( ¥ ol Ntwoo lltt i. hO d ~ PUb c 1111 nt Oii he 11~ ecalc.no Geo ~tL 11:10, c t U t Pt "' ""' on Pro.>e ~ lot• ... II , " Wr1 Oce111 F on 0 PO rn I • bl .... 1Nt ~111• "" " ve «> f I nmenl n c1111lunct on w 11 1 No1v Pubt n •nd o 11d 5 •1• t1 1u 1nt lu lllt """'"'"''""°tf Pt '°"' Iv IPPtl ~ Sii. '"' lloslkt ,1111. H Pl -nt re<iul emtnl1 -111wn 11 rn• In bl ht ff son wllo!e N~tke • he tby 111 ht o •~ 1~1 I• II "'"'' , ~ubtc bt<I lo lit w II n n Pub e hN n, w be held en Int 11 11 d~y 11 u"'en 1nd t cknbWltdttO ~t t~ecu ed 01 Otc~mb, t6f •I til t ~cur 11 1 co hf ••l"t P M n lh• C011nc I Clltmbe ' or Ill fOFFIC it.L SEit.1.1 Nfwoo Betc~ C: y Ht 1t w~cll mt lo~ y K litnrv •nd • •ce ""Y t nd • ""' "'"' nitre. H Ne IN Pub c Cl C n I m1y lllPfl t nd IW ~el O lht llln p nt <>• Oii t t 11 OON II ADK NSON 0 111<1e Coun"" Sec t t y Mv (Otllm H O<'I Eu~ '~ Newpo 8 tl(ll C IY ~ ovemii. 11. 1t72 P •nn 111 Ccmm 11 c" "ub !/\Ml O 111~e C~st 01 Iv P c l'ubl shed o •~9• Co•U Ot Iv " ot Oeee,.,be 4 II 15 t61 1151 6t o~ embl! 1 ''' 1255 " "·l;~~~L~EGAL NOTICE~-1-~-.,L~E~G~A~L-N~O~T~I~<E,,__.:::::.: LEGAL NOTICE NOTICI! TO Clll'!OITOlll S l'ElllOI. C:OUllT Of' THI! Slit.TIE Of CALIPOllN A 1'0111 TN£ COUNTY 01' ORANOI' Nt A ""91 Es e f of l AUllA MAll !I! SHAW o..-·~ d NOT CE l EGAL NOTlCE CIJR71t"ICA11!" 01' IUJ Na$S t"IC71TIOVI NAMIJ The undrrs '"I'd dott ce y ht ' eo~ <luc n9 1 lnls 11t11 1 no1 Sin r lwbtl s Foun • n Vt ltY Cl klrn~ Ulldf "' c ou• I m n1m1 al' PftEC S Ollt MAC:lilN NG ASSOC A YE$ tlld !ht 11 4 I m 1 <omDCsed cf !ht tttow 111 " SOI\ WllOse l\lll'lt. n II tl!d • I CI al e11dt11CI ' '' le IOws Rldl1rd P Soe ,., nc S.n 1 wbel St FOUft t"Vtltv C1 l9n 1 o. td Dee. l '"' ft P !ttrN $11 t of Ct fwn 1 O '"'' Cou"lv 0.. OK I Ht l:lrf-. me I tlo I T Pub le '" 11111 !Cf lt d Sitt oe 1an1 • IONtftcl IUtllu'll P' s. ... " Mow" o ""' 11 DI lllt Pt '°" WllOll llllTll • IUl>I< ~ tel to llt w th 11 Int umont 1ncr 1c-nowltclttd Pie necul~ 1111 ''"'' COFF C:ll\L. SEAll J•tn I. Job1t Not~l''t' PutiOc C:t o 11 1 P M110 ct n 0 ,.,... Co11nl¥ My (...,ml ~n C ~P t Mll'(ll 1 tJI Pulll 1111111 Ortn9t (Gi l Ot Iv OeCM'lbef" ~ H 11 1J fft LEGAL NOTICE • • ,, .. ,, r •. • , • 22 DAILY PILOT L Your Money's \Vortl1 Y orli Stoel\. List ' Non-foods Fatten OVER THE COUNTER NEW YOllC tAPl Y~urtd<IY • c-ltltl llln Nil fl•w Yor~ S!«k Extllt-prlct1 wllh (1141 ) Hltll Ltw Cl ... Chi triwmulftl VQlllmt" C CA.Oii .j t!11 !i\4 611, tl\:o -\\ ftdP~~8d 1 -A-c!:!PLr \ '*2 ~1 300.. JO~ , F P41l pll ~ Slltl Ntl C.rplcll .IO ~} 11\0 3"'° 2HI -..1 F*ISIQ~5 , • .,,,.,,,.:::;:,,,,.,oz:r.r:a""--.,. ..................... "'""~"""""""""'"""""" ... "'.'"'"'i '""' , Hlctll Low er .... (119 CMrlrrC• A(,I m ~-~»I,, 3' -3 FIOOl!PIS!r lw Abl(llJ Al );( jn• ~ j)l, -:W. C•tt Pf~.U i10 \~ ~ 3"I • Ftd Ml.II lj! NASO Llst'ngs for W-'n•sday D•c•mb•r 3 19'9 A~Jt..1b 110 n s11 1s Js>o + \• c1rrGn :! :itt 2 v. .. lfll -•• F•rra ca S k B ·zz .., . ' g ACF ll'IO 2'° l'9 41l<t-.. 4~-l·C.•ltrW .~ )) :JO ..,. r.~-11 Fi.rtDni 10 t .-.t~CI 1A<I• 11 72l't n ll + ~• C•U JI 11 1.-~ i. 1 -'ti F/'"'j '-"' Upermar e l lt•Pl'tff"llllYI lnltNltlltr 'l\IOl•I-• II ••P ... lll!Mltly t AM .... '"NASO ... (IM Mk! 7b 1 ~h :JIJ\'o" t.tJtll'Ckt 40 111 "',' 3011 ~ + l•FtlrQ! • " .. ' ' ' ... O OO -• O • .-.dtmE I ilo •1 14~1 l•'h 1•\it -~(I trTr I~ 1 '°'' ..0\> •11 -'II F/n F ttlln , .. "' ~ .,.., rt 1 •r -·~up, m1 OGWfl •r c•mm 11 n. ~t.f':!~u,1 l ~f ill: Ut;, n~ :f:it? ~~/ ,cor:., is s: 111 21 • ,: • _ .. ~.~~~~ /:f 8) SYLVIA PORTER 1r you re gr1p1ng about your soar ing food 011\s today of course )OU have reason The • food we buv lo est Ill hornc cOSL'i c lose to 6 percent 1nore tha i a year ago -and for 111eat.s J)Oullry a nd hs h the sales shp ts u1i nearly 12 per cent But the story 1s not mer~ one or higher price tags on all foods across-the- board I ts far ntore complex a nd far more fascinating than that Part of our higher grocer\ supennarket bills a lso can be traced to our ever rising prefe rence for gourmet foods and 1elat1\ely expensive con d1ments 10ur s pendi1g Jor barbecue ingredients such as barbecue sauce n1 u s I a r d relishes p ickles paper cups and plates 1s soaring ) PARf OF the bigger bills can also be traced as we all know lo our e\ er r1s1ng preference for convenience foods r anging from prepared baby formulas to JUSt add water meals Part can be traced to our ever r1s 1ng fond1ess for snacks which are on the way to becoming a kind of ' fourth 1neal 1n the American home Our spending for snack s 1s a to .... ering 68 percent higher than a decade ago But the most dramatic of the e xplanations for o u r record high grocery. supermarket bills 1sn t 1n the food categroy at all for the big surge r 1 spending has been in NON FOODS -and these n O\V r ep1 e sent 23 percenl of our total s tore bills vs only 14 percent a s recently as one decade ago ITEl'lf A full h\e our of 10 of t he fastest s ale gainers in the nations s upern1arkets and grocery stores tn 1968 were non fo0ds a ccording to a 1e\v stud y of c;o n s umer ex pend1tures for Superniarkettng magazine T he leader s v.ere paper t owels g r eeting cards d1sh\vasher c o m p o u n d s fu1 n 1lu1c pol is h and deodorant :;oaps ITE1'11 Also ;11nong the fastest gainer~ \1~re dry cat tood and can1tcd cat food can ied sofl <[,inks and dietcuc sofl drinks T he sole basic food item for hun1an con sumpt1on ainong the 1op gainers w as frozen prepared foods One factor b ehind lhe n o n I GIVE YOUR SECRETARY A HELPING HAND' TAB ANSWERING- IUllEAU "'---.._ . ljEWYOitl(f>,,)Allle<I fQ tt. J1ti 8illu111W 1•1 •l•Kt!aGrn 411 ~ Unll•c 7 '>J llW1nhw l 'I t .-.<1mlrtl •l lS\1 U 1 tt"-\•~Kolor1> YO ,, J~, r,~ 2j\•-ll'F•tNClty 2,~ .. ---......... -"1~1 lol"fowlno Dld A.lpn Wo l l!lt! 11 ro Son lS :lei l<IVlll\ 4, 5 U" OOtlr 2•1.o WtW! NG li~ U\i AttM~111.o 3C1 ~7 ~ .ill •H• CtlfMH>CO , 1l )t 1111 ) ~I V. FitNflSlt Q •nd 1~~.., a11011.-.maoc 1~. 11,_ .. r1cPw ~· ••l<f<1rT l A1,u•u" l+luM 11 ~lfV.Wt1~11E 1'~11"AelnaL plJ t "1V. 39h ,,.,,+V.ctloon1>1A•)O ; S6\i ).I.. u 1,+1 F1cht>c:/\ $\I roud Up'w'ng In rood St.re• o~ IClf>I 1110011~ by Am &u$11 10 11 "''~ tH ~' :U._l(eHel! "''I Vn McGll I !1-W•• Tr '" !5 .-.ou!rrt co 1J "'• li/J 16Vt-•Cen<olni ;)(I \(; •,",,'',,•,1 •1••.; .,Fl•~•F-d 03d .~ ~ "1~ Nt!IOl'l•l AuOC) A El ~lb 1 • Ill. llOG\lt t:.I J lfl K,.llwd 3) ~l\l U11 R.i11 I,\, l " tDll R1 l•\• 1114 .i.!r Prl)(I lOb <ti 3111.t U 360\ +l•t Ce"!FCY 40d II" -\• Fl~ht Sd Ii the domesllc dO-Jl)Ou(.Se\l "1011 01 Sec;11rlll•1Am E~P• 11.1J.•><11 8~• ''•ts l<PtJtf £ u 1 15, us D~no1 11.u wt1<11rn 16 11 Al•lled l lS<i 211 i1, 11 l'•-••1enl-lud 1;111 16 1\'• n•• 1'"' Ficmlno » Dtl~'I !~ ... AM Furn ' f l, owll'W C ~· ~I l(eye Flb l 0\1 15 US '""" J\1 ' W~Unt M tt 1( AJ lndustr n 94 )\. ('., I~• + ~, en 11 LI 1 l? ;'O ) , 111 1 ~~"--• Fl ntKOtf 0 trt?nd 1n our land We are l'Kll tdv•• t1•n11c A•n tn•a 181"1 29 l oc • .C1 Ii "' n l<e•s Cu• n '' 'i us Env•t 1<l )2 w1111A G ia u 1i. "• G1• 1 10 i1 11•, 16. u ~ -1.. 11111 ot• )0 ,oo oi • 11 61 -h Fl /"' o A1 so I I ' ed I °"' by! &re ....... Mii• 8 at. ··~ l>•t<I ~~, .... , 2W I(~''' PC I ~ ' us ~u1Ar .. .,, .. VYtint ,. ll, 9\, AIDerlOC 71 n ,5 )0• :I.I'll --.. ~II PS-I 11 .. 1r1 7 ~ "'~ ,1 m ol~) l ) s pending s 1arp y r 1<:teas fltll!Jt!Yt ln!e .. A ,,.,..., CP 13 ' )' ~ .. ~WY ll II 1~ l<lng Int ., •• 11."< us tr L 3' :Ill Nslf\ NA 117'11 11~ Ah::1n.-.1u 1 '}(I 2<11 '' 11.. u -\I ent Li El 1 )II ii ' 70"!· '° . -I F\• E (o.lJI k r d•1ler 11tlett1 •• olAn Pl~ :xi :HI~ urKi S~• :a 2Jl,ol(n~• El •~• 1\'i U• PenP n -.n.w"" Mii 6~, .-.1c<1$l&fld ~?~ ll 21•1 71 21\•-\\ •nMPw 110 ~ll 161 u•. li-'1-'~F• C.'1i >O amounls 1n supermarcts or 8PP•o11lna1ev J ASIGoo s i~urwn "' l~.IJ•KltkCP n ll u1~11SL<1 ~ .. 111w11111u11 1• 11u.i.ie.xfld••'""" 11 ;1, is. 2So+~•Cenl5W 1$0 ll '.181 3e· lS••-l·rl6.,ow1oO '"Ch thongs " 110011" s·~t p'" ~t WM(~ 111•-'' AS! G "' • • 6•v1ll bf 2•~ jj. ICn•p Vol ;i11 iltli Utft Ind :JO '1 Wlnt Wll I ... ,,~ Allto Cg 20a ~· ll > iv. 13\. -~. C~nt Savo llO i9 ,, •• 2/W. 7,',!• -• ·.1.·p~.·.',,' ,' u uS ~ I'" Stt~•lt• CouloAm ltlY 11\)11\<obYc~ev IU ~l l\•l(rel•lr t 7\~Vll LO •• t•t<Nl~ , 111.IAtlfll 6<>1 60 1 5(1 ... Sil SO -4.i..C~n TtllJ 18b l 15• 13t .. ~ Cleaning fl"ldS elf poliSI ng ~•vf l>te" 11;,1r Annoui B '1 1 \~ bu•nvo S 19~ 70 LMC Do t 1 • :ll'o Vlll(Ce $1 It 'Xlt-1 W/•~ T 111_., ) AlleaLou l •O 31 40 • 41)10 •O'I• -'' CtfrO 1 40b ?ll 1S l• • 11 • -'• Fl<>Ofl .. o 'Qlf " S l! <h~)l'd •~l~ed1 MAn~enC l'o I l>~•"~>i"-ll~&lti•luu:• In :r.>.il7\.\Y!1lfClf> :lt\lt ,7\~ IV.ll\'1Alt.<IL11d1>ll 14.11 ••1> ••1+ •Certlted 80 J;19 tl o 11• )!\,-,, •fll>Ot111B3 floor waxes shoe pohshes ~n1d (bid I ntcr Arc•• " l••• Jt\ CIC wltt• ••• 9 • L•l'ld• '" l • 1 • v v WOd H. ,.,, '"... ., ' Al~ Pw 1.J? 1~ 20~, 10 ;olo !ett 1.., 111 90 ~1 n n n + 1\1 F v ll~~r 10 • 'D••ln• morl<t!SA•t• Ina 11v,11 ,L•• ~v 2.,,.,,.L•~ Wd l• l4'1ii W9"•W-P 211,no., ...... w 1•\01t~A!!l111C~ 1?0 2)5 ,1. 16•• 16>o -\ •Hl!OA llOb 311'/"t 11~ n •.+1 FMC CP 65 housewares c~•n?f '~'°"!ill> .-..~n M 11\o 12_.,,, l,a ... cQ 10 211\ L•••on s 'l ~ w llefi'.le iu •v. Y•dnv E 1 11; .-.111dM111 41lb 79 .u l31t 3'•1 +1 Fl su ao~ 1 ?0, U\t 10, • • FMC 1111 n out l~f ~IV Prlt<>S A•Oen pl ;.t )I> '""' M /5 1i L•rwn M 11 o II' All!edM II II ?I J.I\• l • l41t -l'o ~ha.,br~ !oc 10' U>• Ill• U 1 ..-fl)(;OFalr '1(1 Another "factor ls the s trady ~:" I n()I ..:~~':!· ~~~9~ ~~; :i~ l:~~ II ,~ t 1; •• t:~°Co~~ ~ .. 1l ~ . ~ ~ ~U1~srrd1 !8 ~~ ~ ! ro 1 38 ; !.1,,. ~~:ii:.sN~ ~ ;; lli.. ~h-!'' r ., ~::; 'i1 n ltll Upgrading 1n OUr hea[lh and mtr•dawn or'""' .-.vde IJV,I• c,•o Svw J6...,.IS"'L•h11r G 3• 35 .-.11eaSt p! j t!?O SS\• SS"• 51lo Cl>oseMn Ito 581 S01 '' 'i0 1>+H•Foa!e pt220 muon AtCC Bo! 101>11\'> 10 I""' ?'• l•Lt~n ln •l~ '" MUTUAL .-.11eosu1> Ml ••1 13 17\, 11•,_..,11ct.~cke •Mo1 1 9 n 19 'F, 1 0 sanitary standa rds This ex AA.-. En• 12 111,>, Auto sci l! 16 $~olc",, s 1 ~ L• .. 11 eF 11 11~. •111• Cht•m atr1 ?•, 1• ?•"11 -h '"""'!!•n lb •• 16'• 76 16'1 =•• 0• Moi 1 I h I A.-.1 Corp Sit 1 '> Avemco I 8+'! ...... rie Slo 6 • L ti• Ell t6, 91 Al1>1!1PC .OU 8 19 ~ .,191~' I~~ C~!mNY ) Ml IS l.8 5.\ ~ Slit +1>, ~~~.c'K:n ~ p il.JnS I e IU£e Increases Jn AFAPr $ 11 23 SobDltl 6 • I-C1rtr ~8 n .... ~f(~ t:i11~dV ~\~ : ~~~·h~l;bOl 60 1~ ~~: ?I\ ~;~: + ~. ~~:,m~~ 1~~ 3~ ;.: 1 l'f' j~ _ , F6'1 Whl M)4 supermarkets or sales of ~~'J I:~< 1g • :~.,; ::.'e~ At 1: • J :.1~e-•2 •J Lw e1 ~ '' n , AMBAC 50 ,.13 iau 11 1 111, + '' Cl'lt• Ofllo 4 1s s»1 'iO'• s.Po Fo~i Wh Pf 1 A El 9 10 B~I P• ' 1 1 ~ Can vp's 11 ' II LVl'>Ch c 3• 36 Am••E• • ;o • n 1 11 n -'• c~,~b·a~ I 66 t9 . 4f • •9, ~ • Fo~bOrO 60 aerosol h ou sehold d e odorizers A~~: v11 J1' 38' B6n 1u (; 9 ~ •~• .llbtl All 1, 6 , Mad GE! n '11•i FUNDS .-.mrlh ,,n60 s '° 19 Ji _ \'o en cE.u1 11 10 1111 i~ 11 -~. F•an~ Str •O d d r I t I t f I .-.u Mou> l9 10 31 wck 10 , 11 Cnarl 0 H • l 'I> Ma~ c Cf\ 17't 11 Am Me~! 119 11' 30 t JO 30, -, Cn1MS1PP (t 35 lt U; 19 flPf.'PSvl I 60 an 1sr1 ec an S Pas IC J m Air ll'ldu• 1, 6 Ba•I" p 1•, 11. c11n Lt• 11 ~ ll, Ma Rllv s , 9 A.melf ,.13'10 311 66"0 t 5 ~ 6»o -H'>CMSP ot e11 13 o, '2 .,,,_ ~F umc .. 110 "raps for food storages •,,f.~'," .f i110>0' ',', •. ',•,e•,,,',' o!t •7 C~em!d 1 • 1 •Ml ill•t '° & ~ AA •Flitt 10 6l .0 'I Ji , •0 'I +~-Ch/ M\l)lt 1 61 16 11 1& ~ '•Fuqua h ft/f .,., ., , • 11~0 n ~ C~t• Ind 6 • 6\4 M11m1 A~ J 3,, Am Alrt" 90 :Ml :».;., ?9>+ )0~1 + io en P11evr 1 20 lS'i l••• 1S uarbage can liners drain Alber1• 11 1 "' aeecllM 1i 11 c~.~ u1 • lS 16 Man n M J , "' " ao~er 1so 95 u u '> 11 .i. , ChR1P c1 UP' 1 21 • zi ,, n 1 .. • AllCO Lnd 16V> II ~ Belle hie 15/) 16 Ch a.,., 6• 66 Menor c lQ 1n > - ---•• , Am 8r'11'1d ) 1 .;os ll'io .M't JI + '• CnRIP ttNW 1) 101. 19'o ?Qo. GA( CP '5(1 c leaner s deodorant soaps .-.1111 ftev ,;i. 4. aetm tnd 10 11 Cflrl>1 s 91 1w Merm Gr n 1~, .-,,,,&de~• 1 ~ 1ro 51 1 ss ll" +1 cnoc~F11l1 60 1110 0 ",',• ",,·, "',•,+, ,, oG'•'• <,•,•,•-• Id __ ,,, JI Alig Pep 5 5 Berk H" •1 ~l C~r sl or 91 I M 8 owr ~I 32 1 Am Can 7?0 185 "4• ••I <44 •-1'1C~r 1C1t D d II 1 , -<v persona ICVUOrfilllli._a. types Alld Ae•a 3.,, l • &ttz Lab 1S It J6 ~ C taae1 ~ •~~ Mayer o .>II\• .i Dti: s !nv•1 &cu 11 94 u 01 "'"" pl 1 JS ' u 2•'• l! + , ccn t vpl 10d • 1l • 21 71 ' .,. '' Gam Sko 30 Or r'rsl a'd eq"1pmenl Of Cl!l1 u JI 71, 11> McQuY 18~ 19 ~ NEW YORI( (AP) lnve1!Qf! G•0<.>1> Am Ccm 60 ll I • 11 llh .... \ ,ccn P•~l ' 1 13 > 1311 If'> -•• Gans pt ]j " C!1UO 1S .76 .. fAedlt l-I 19 10 ~-Tllt lcllawno""°" IDS ndi 51316)A(h•ln1~ 1•30 JO JO-• nromell 1• .007<> '1 1t ~'·G~mSpt/JO 'our s. th'' also reflect' 'he CIMk Ml 24 15 Me~1r11 JS •l'•1111on1 sunPlle<I bv Mui 914IOIOAmCN1dl ... 20 11• 73~ 731,_J_, I v•cl' 7 $) .)6\, l!• :i.s • .-1 (iBnnel! •• (ldYIO<I , l • MN Po I • i • 1ne Naflonet AHO<I Proo SO• ! 4 A.Crv5ug I 'II 6 21'• i1 t n•o -"'t S:lnnGE I 40 30 l• 7l • ?l • d '(;or Wool! g radua l transformaUon ot the c nt Mer 10 • \l •Men Gen s . ~. •t °" of secur lie) Sl<><:t 19" 11 oo .-.mcvan 1 71 211 21 • 76\o w, • -1, "c'•"'G', '", 1$ 1~0 &1 66' i7 1-1 '> GarcDtn i 30 B km U Clln!cn 0 r~ I 'Mldld (o 11 1 11 Dt•ler• ..111( •re Stle(! 179 9 •5 Am 01!1 II l 11 70\• 10 IO'• -t n I> f ill! ~I r S6 ' ~ • + I• Gar ock 80 SUper1narket back to the ec an p fo~o~ 'l,o l,1 ', ~; ' ~!.:,",",o,T, l~lo ~~I :~~pr~ $'e',11";fl ~ ln~a~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !8u'~lJ11 :~: :: rl~ l& ~ ?~ ! + 4' ~C\~sFZrc:, ,i.~g ,,,:.,' l,h:, ~h~. i,',, :,• -;I, ' s=~~:n c:~P g eneral store'of longago .,, ~ JO' Jl ;(O\lld hav,., ~n111~1 1111n1tADu~1111 l•a 1 ll 1;. 1l n ,,., ... Ge,,,1n1n sea Coll"' " ?• 11 '"'11$ VIG 18. 1!\o ~Old !b1dl 0( bou~l\1 '""'' 1S 16 16 51 A.mEIPW IM 416 1S. 211, ;es. + • i··.~es Svc,,•,, 191 41•, '°'" •1 • + ,., \Vanl lo know hO\V you Colon Sir 14\• 11 • M~ ll><h 5'• 6 (askeal w~dn•dY iv• 1 47 11 11 Am Ef111.a 1 11 79, 2~ ?9 ~ cvp "3 12'• n~ 71'o -1 • GnA!nv 7369 I b I I Q t Corn.tfl 3a •O MOil Sc I~, t i\ Bid Jilk J 1-intoc;k ll• 901 Am EtP Ind 104 12\o 10'• 11~':1 + ~ C •"< '°' •""•'! J6l 2111 21 11 f + \ GAmQU ~OD (IVLdeupa$20 1l1nthe 11 ua1·e1· ICom CI• •J •• ~Ollwkll:'10 11 Aberdn 2ll1!'6JOl1n•Tn 21J521lSAEtlndl>fA6l,006• 63 6' ynvo 1374 ., .. +i,GAT•anl60 k t d ? Ca" lnll l • l 1 Mon n Pk 14 H ' Ad• .,, l ,, 1 95 KtY>IOl!<I Fvndt .-.Genlns 50 167 75 10~ 1l , ~ ·~ C ty SI i •~ 1l 10 o 10'1!. IO•r G~n Sane M> super mar e grocery to ay com Go1 1 •, 11'1> Mr>0 ~ P a•, a•, An 1 aid 111 7 17 CYs 81 11 :u lt IS AGnln pll 80 ,1 JS 1, 341 ~. , _ , C/•r~En 1 •O 16 JS J• J4<, + ~Gen Cab I! 111 llere you are com TPI 111 r.i ~ Mr>0•~ s 14 11~'l A!utre 10 n 10 ,1 Cu• B7 n 6-111 •l ""'"'"l•t 10 10 111, 11~! ll'• + 'h c,,!':~,,,o,, , ,•, ~ ,',' ,•,·.• ,',', ~·,• ',',"••~•"• ',,m, F Com Mm ll.t,;11 Mote~ M 1f• I .-.11Am F 16 9• Cu\ 8 4 89S 971A Home llO 11 6(1• 6( 6•~~ ~• ~ • MPt! 1>11 POUl!t1 $.1•3 lrS\-{)U8rler earnings In Com P•v 11 lS ~'-101 Club 11 16 All>h• Fd 11191299 Cv• l(t 174 l4!Al-lome l>f1 1 96 95 'Id +Y>~:e,',"e"',,',°'o SI 17/J ll\a J2 +Vi GenOvn<t"' 1 Produte 1 01 d 29 t 4 Cam~ A J), •~• Mve l~r 10 0 l1 ' AmtaP 6 07 6 51 Cus 1(2 5 30 119 Am l-IO•P 11 'lOS 44 • •l'• 131, C l!O 7~ I ~6\1 16 ' G!n El« 1 60 Ot"erd .. 91'oc6rlci 1 5~ crease perccnona per cmpCm J8 'Cl MCRIE! 4 •• Ame,,. 3°'3 14 c 11ss117 8119 ,9 Am1nv.,110 11]611 1~·~161-•, orox1a ~i:~J,,]J 54,:t i!~g;.;r::i:3 Otlry oroduth 1 O Cent gatn Ln sales Beckn1an ~~~ 11n~I ~~\~ /~J• ~afra~cc 11• I ' Am D•ln 10 :Ill 11 Joi Cv& S1 9 96 0 II AmMFdY 90 11! 1~ • 19 > l8l. -• ~:::::1l~""p1 ~O •• 71'• 10 1 ?J\1 + >,Gen Mo~I c """d !oods 1 0 I I d Cmp Mt~ i ;-.,,,, NI I! 11. 1• •£• •Pl 999 Cu5 Sl 1S1 a19 ... Me!CI~ lo(! H9 j I Jll1 J3'• +1. CNAF nl )0 51~ 1l n > '12 , -'''" '"'' ... , "st'u'nents 'le reporte to • ! • rnc l• 4•Am Gr ll 59J 6" Cus S4 119 S61AMe!CI• pf' J 17 !Iii• 87 CN• <>O<O l < •o< -"' + -Alea'"'' t beverag~> 91 ' mp tc 19v, iO Ni!Cor R. 11 I' • Am In• 1 M 1 64 Pol1r • 11 • ~ Am Moo 5 110 10 , 9 10 ~ + \, Coast ft Gb' ~ • " • ' Genln• • Pf l F<o<en food• 9• day ~:''ik ~ l~ h ~~lm~~~r .J • §3-li Am Mui 8 96 9 1'1 l<n c~b 6 t? 1 5t AmN~!G~s 1 6S ll • 31 l JI , -• (oc8Col I J1 18~1 4:0 4~8l , 'io --;:-1 > a:~iXclt ls4 ~ ~~~~co"°:':ciuc11 ~: For the Lhrce n1onlhs ended ~~n~~;31Q l': ~~ ~.tt:g fl 3] ' !~NP:c'h 1: J ~~ ~;!<tG•~~ 1~ t li!j ~R°,~8e101 D~1 ~~~ I~ : n • J~'; +,._: ~~1ci6i.10f 1 Jl 7ig ~~': ~:, ;! '~ : g nt'r 5g/i /s Co!!•e •'ldca !i <'-""Bk Contran J l '•N!Llb .~.;!j~A1c::11G•~PO'J9~1t:~~"."c~1~;:J2ll~;;:~~aftl60 ,t~5!~~,:~{+\,CO!IP o!J5(1 l~S1 11 u 1 GMolplJ/j So&os •~d Crtrtotn'1 SQ .;x;pl Ull eC man earntOJ;S Coct>er I.. 19 ; 10 l N:ll MO'd Je 39 Grw h 11611318 Libor!v 6 16 6 1J A 5,,,. l 90 289 30'• 2a , JO~• -~~ ~~ o'o"o'• •0 k .! ~I 1•'o 1l'' 14'0 GonPCem 80 Salldrn•~ Al \\ere $875411 on sales o(Co•P S lS 11 Nol Pet 1•·• incm~ !119JJLleS1k 511s91 AmS.OA1r10 J•J1•1l6 031 -••,_., •"" ~J l9 •3at,391,+:;.GPubu11w OIMYr 79 ?9l,tfMSttR ll <l• F"lnv 971106,Ll!e lnv l••ai9 AmS1dl JCjJ,,Jt.l•o )1\, .. l y,COIOlntJt 60 19J1\,J6.37>,+! GenRelr6cl C""d ment~ d•ess n9) •el nt, 1 S3 1 640 546 Cotnpared with rwt•d h i i6 • Nat S~ow .µ, t A• oc ~ 111 1 38 Ling 5 21 s 16 AmS1d Pl• H 6 IOl 101;, 101 Colt Ind !9 x~• ii 21 • 11 -G..., So 110 COOIC~S ttac~er~ 31 1creatMh !?>11\>.!No! Sjlvr 1) a Aitron 61 1 661 Loom1<1Saye, An Stell'' 11 ll• 19 .30 _p,Cgllln Pl4 2S •S SJ SI 53 +~1 GenS!llnd no P•o""' ~ood• 11 earnings of $676 648 on s ales o C•o<• co "" • .i~ NMal 1 a , A•e 1-1ou9h!Clf> can~d "04 41 0, A Sve1ar 1 w 21 21 • n •t 2l , css 1 ..co '°" ~\, ·~ ., ., G T~I El 1 s2 8•tiida•• tereal• ,, h' f Cru!th I? 10\'i II NE11 GE 11 ll'a F~nd A 62! 6!J Capt l1 Sl ll 52 AmSuort 61 10 9. ' 9\1 CBS pf I 10 19 11. 19 .._ • GlelEI Pl1 $(1 Call<ly indc~•wnqw"' 11 $304253091ntc1rslquarter cvpresc 11 U NJN&1G 18 19 Fund & 191860 Ml U61U61AmT& 2~ llill.'iO )'iO so>o -\~tcivGa• 160 S2711lS11s -,CTeF01~s r f I 1968 E 0'1nV M 12.,,ll•Nl(h5n F J 37 51ock 6 27 6 !0Mant>ln 1•6 11sAmWWit~ }6 16 9~, 9 9 o ColuPo<t 6~Q 33 i.11 B i6;+1• GTel OIBIJO Flour otnt• o~-nv ,,..t~s 11 0 I SC a arn1ngs per o.ia D>11 l 1<. " , " e, A l' 11 s.c CP 4 93 s 36 Mas5 Fd 10 94 11 96 Awwi;il' 1 75 1100 16 1 11. , 16 , cotSoOh l 10 Ill .1 19 Iii Jo -2 Gen Tim~ 1111 509~' 11 share increased to 25 cents B:~~i" F: 111~ 1~" ~11511~1, 36 • JI > B•b1on 114 1 s. M•n G1h i; Jt n ~· AW orcr l 1s , 110 16 15 • •5 , -• comc£n 1 •O 1 1.,, n 14•, • 11. G~n T •t lb Pot1!0 t~lo• Orf II•" PCl>t0'" 15 d Ith 20 cent <<O tllC D~V Mir 71 l ll , NC•• NG ; 3 !!er11 l(nt 9 69 9 69 Mass Tr JS 28 16 70 AW I l~t I d i 1S<I 20 • ~a ?0 o -1 Co,,,ISolv •n 101 ?1'11 2.'i'~ 11 ! 1~ g~~t~n 01~ ~ 1-itahn and i,e~111y a d1 67 compare w s Decor In iov, 11 , Nf. .. , 011 ~ • 10 • B a , Fd I 1 66 n 14 Mattl!i s i1 5 i1 Am Z nc 6 21~, ll • 7l c,,.,.,1501 ~1 oO 6 1! 111, 16 Gfnst&r Lta llo~sew~•es :IG O AP I \ ~ l>, 4 , Bon(l!lk 6S8 719M81ntfS 1!171217Amr!ek Mo 11111 n , 1l •Ce>m;;Ed '?~ 2•6 31 , Joi\• 3611 -1 Genon•Pl$ J o1ner f\Qn tood1 I s1 same quarter o[ 1968 o~~i~ en ss 'J\• fwAN~t~ 1;,, il,. ~~~lO<\Fd~ i~~ i~t~ ~c;it'Mu !lt ;~ ~l!\:!'t':i' :JO 111~' 1~\· 2~.· 2~!·--• ~~!-ofrn 1~ 16: ~1 ' ~~' ~g :i ': g~P~t'pr~~1>4 The comp a ny executive s 8:1 ~&~1 J~1~ ~~,:-'i~•• P~5,,• •,; ,", ~ aos'°" a 1J 11 " M~v CP 1• 31 U64 ~~~~1~0.~• l~~ ~ , ~· • s,•, "• •co"'""' sci s11 lO'> 21 , 30 +? 1 r.~P•c ~1 ,0 Long Beac'h1 Space Asked l " • 8tQ3d St 1•"51561 ......,ys 1Jl.81'8' .,-. '' >+ 'CPmkll 781 11 151, 11 + Gerber In said fir st-quarter r esults were 8~".i ~~p n~. I~>!. S::1g ~~~ ~~, 11 Bull<><:~ H •5 lS Bl Morton Fund• ~m~lfd ri iO ~t r;,~ f1 I T' • Cone Mllh j 14 l•> 11 f 1 • -• Ge!lvO I )8q I OE I I '>:i'fCGFd 911991G<w!ll 969105!.-.me I l lo J•o Ccnr•tCPOO J6Jloll<l1"-t C.el!v o!l1(1 niaiked by gains 1n lle in 0 r:,:;vc, 191!70 5~:,,l_~an ss Ml t"dn•an 11112031 lncom 39l •J1 An•~0"" 9(1 31 n>t 2 21 ,+••conEa11 1ao J$S 11 .. 21 1 2s•-••r.•~t PC iiO I I d 0 1 ~· II•' C•aamr B~? t oo ln!Y• 170 1199 nc Moc~ *° 9• •n~ •1"' •1 + conEcs 1'16 1' 1', 11. 1'I, r,br•lt Fin cJUSlTla 11\ternafJOna an DIYMCnv 21l~Zl'o'.l!ler lP 1j1 l: C•Pl1 Inv •21 •61MIF Fd 111190~::zioffaN ~2J 314 J\ 41l10~•J1 + 'Confd s pt S ?• 6•• 61• 6l >-1 "~dLew ~O I I t oo':t'1 i"' 21'" ~(• 5ver f\IA O < ' O\ Cao t Shr I ti 111 MIF Gin 5 6i 6 14 Jloatl>e~P 20 B'l 1(, 'i lO 20i, ; Can Food l 10 116 , •0' .\.0\ G lle"e 1 iO C ec r ontC C 0 ITI p 0 n e n S "" 0u • •vCol 0 ,. '' • cent snr )1 5t n 51 Mu OmG ~ 16 s 61 ''I"' <••-'' ,, '' 00 -+, • ConFd 014 so j ''' ,',• ,• ''' ', -1, ' r; mbe ar 0 r ""•Md 9 . 9>.l P€( I rl ·• 'C~ann!nQ Fon(li Mu Omln 9751060 -'" I 1 ' C f o -> segm ents o the company S Cow Jon 61 , 6J P~b•t Br •5 •S , eaiao 11 S• 11 61 Mut snrs 11 97 l1 n l" .o. Svc 9& 79 n1 1 11 , 110 , -J on ~ gn1 1 ~l 7B ?e • ?8 • " .. ~n Iden bus 'ness Res trlc l'ons 0 n °'o,.'.e R!J 11, '",. ·.~~ A,•,•,o l'I, s Cam SI I II I !I Mo! '"I '49 1 '9 ArchOan 1 60 10 }6'• 5)~. ) ... -•• Con LeaslnQ ,79 10 !O lO. + f r. ~nA d pf 1 "~ ··-35 Jf.l..O Grwl~ 6l16!5NEAMul1061101J'"'PSvc108 69l'Ol•101o?O-...-">conNMG116 1115,71 75 , r-e~r.1~1 ~s t r d r Oun~n D 21 ,77 Pa~toCo 5V. 6 l'l<:Pm 761 !l7N•tWStt 1 ~11012[11•1&n;OS ;o 51 11• 11 2 + ,Co111Pwr 190 111 j)l, 3l JJ o +i•r.o.,~ Man goverM1en un Ing orouriron IJ 'J l•t>P•ncol • '"" SPf'CI 21110,N•t Ind 109010911 A•mcosr 160 111 26'• 16 '6' + ,conPw PJ•S2 1JO il 61 61 r.101>1>u11 s~ A'r Cal'rorn'a ll"S notofoe<I 1 ese"<Ch programs throughout ',',,,' 5•!11 2~01• 210,•, ~.••,,•.Du~ u • 1> Cha~ Groug Na! 1nvs1 1 ll 9 01 A•mou• 1 <IO l 4J • •J • •J>o -• conPw "" 'iO J180 61+. t? 61» + i, l'OO?<lr c~ 1 r> ., " " .-n 16 'l lll> Fufld n•l1i•9Na! Set~t St• Armr DI 415 1 S6'• }6 S6•-I Co~Pw pi.1& tlO ~1 1 Slo 51"\o-,r.roi<v~~r ·~ \hl' Cahfoi nia Pubhc UUhLJes t he nation continued lo lu111t ~~~~ ~~? · ~~11 ~\• ~.·~,1y1•, P 9 • 9 • Frnt 91/11 01 °' Bal•~ 10 :19 11 .16 A m~c• Bo 611 ;i.t 6 JJ • :i.i>o + •Con A •L so 16' 13 • n • n • -~""'"J1vA '' k S • 1~1.11, Shrl>d llllll.16 eona j•IS9ll~·mRkb0!1llJJl~~~1~S ~~ +1 (Gn!C"'1110 17 7&,JS-..16l•+·r:~~t~c";i:~ Com1111ss\on that it will pro sales 1n the sclenllflc mar et ~c vs • 1'' P..,.r1e. T ?• 7S,) SO!l(I o J? 10 19 o "'" ?3 • 62 Ar~ c~,11 90 11 1: ~~, 1; _ ci can pt• is 1rn 61 • 6> ' 65 • "'~"~" 11n~ l:If E~lll l l..,PenO•L •(•S•Ch•mcl \9052<111 Grwlh 91Jt98A•nlfldl !~?:! lJ 13,1 ~Con1CoP:lOll x:!Oll 10,11,+.,r:r~nnv~·~ v1de service betw een San \:\ N~~ 11,. jg ~ ~= 'b'tv7 ,:,~ )1 • co1cn1•1 Pr s•k 6 63 1 2s Ast.Id 0 1 1 ~~ 199 1, ! 2• 24, -~1 co11c 0111s i Oil IA ' " ~ 11 l '"r~n ec .,, D'ego and San Jose Oakland .. ,,,,,... , <\, ''"" ,,, , ' EoulY • 6l S 0'6 lncom 5 21 S 16 As"Oll ~12 <O 1 1~ 1 52 , '' '-_,, onl P 7 15 AJ • 4 1 41 • +I ~ ,_ an ~v I •O " • .-•. •o4• Fur>d 1011111S S!<><:k tl1181 ' •CtCPot.-.2 SO 1'1AS' 15 AS>, "•anWl ... "nd that It woll negotiate .. oth p B i; 11•~m~vs !~: f , ~',",",, '•'• 10 • 100•~ Crwltl • •S 1 os No1 we,1 6 9J 1 51 ~~~ o't"~ 20 i~ !~ , !!'• J! • -(' con• M ~ 1 l1 n :!'I 18') l9 1 + " ~v!'lr~ ,~ " " O)'S 11, ' ven1 667 ll'9N~1 Gn~ 96JIOUA dS 110 5 32,1 •-ContMo 100 16 11 !8'• 18 r:1 A!-P "l the C ity of Long Beach for ep ~ 1 e ~t~~1 1 :; ~ 1~~ ~:k~11 ,•f : .~\ ~~~~111 1~ ~! ]~ ~ ~:::_ .. 1~1<1 ~l ~~ \~ ~~ ~t~,~~r 1 J~ ;! g•• !~ ! ~!~ :j: '• ~~ 0~11 .. \ S~ .,.7 ~ ~ • ~'• ~~~; -I'• ~ ~~P1~,, \'~ terminal s pace and operating Em~S G'b !76 • 17 • C~11d~11:' 1~'1io Jf Corn$ 8d s 15 s 60 NY Vent II 89 2CI 63 All I{ c~r!lf 2 s 11 11'1' 86 ~ 88 : .:::. ,,• Con! SH I ~ 30 • l'l4 30 • -t, r; No p "' ·~ Enorov C SO SJ Pnota" ' (""'monwll~ Fd• N!W °" 16 ll 1115 ... !I Ren Dfl 15 110 Sl SJ 5l + Con! lei 1? 91 17 1 21 11' " t "' l>v 1 r1ghtsatLong B ea chA1rport s o EnerQ Re .,5 Pie Pd 2~,~..; C•PFd •691059 tfore"51 l•9'11~'7At1Rchnl 6 .,8 ,1,3 11.a..__5\con1010.~ Jll? 1,i10 1 6 ! "w-,•F1~1 tol•e pe11...:. Fnn 0 9 '° P • tncOl'n 19s 9 e1 Ocngpn 1 so e s2 AH Reh 012 8!l 160 58 51 ~ + • c~o~ P1• >a 1200 I? ' 59 , -~ ~un 1 °" Last month the P U <.: o En,,,' ,1 ;o 10, Po~~~1':.Jic ;~ ~~~ lnvell t 1710 ~1 Omraa a 11 e ;11 Al as c~e"' 1 lll n : 2tl ' 11 • • CO<'lwOd 1 !IOa 11 l1 ' Jl • Jl. -"" n oll ~· d C I r h Eon Corp 1 1 , Pro Co 1 • • Slack 8 &7 9 6• 100 Fd 13 96 U )6 Al a• Cora l~S • 4 -'Cool< Uni! SO J9 39•. JB JI 1 • "tW• ~•n •n grante Air a I orni:i au\ OTI Eou 1 011 12 13 "''"" An~ 11 ' 13 c .... 1~ Afl 1 11 1 S• 10 Fd 9 57 10 40 ATO inc ot1 1111 11 • 1, , 1~ • ~ "Ceop~"" i '° a 16 1;, 1i • i-"••••'"'ni ~. I I t t fl I t E< ~ Tee 10 11 PuDS NH 4 • 5 Cwllh CD 168 11! On~ WmS 1616 1616 Au or~ p a.~ 14 16 tS • lS' Coo<>~• TR I 01 lll1 11 • 11\o "'"""~~ 1 ;~ Y O opera e non:; Op 1g l !I The P ep Boys Manny Moe E•lf•ln ,5 •6 , Pubs NM ~~ • J6 ' C.yno A• 11 9716 •' D Nell 14 n 15611 Autom ,.. r!l 166 11,, 10 , 11,; :;1 'clfi P•l 15 4 1s • 1~, 111• "•~v~o~-~ 1 fion1San01cgoloSa Jos Fsc,co s1 6 1 p~~SNC 1 '1~ COtT1i>e• in 11 99 01>0enh 1 i.1.i..o.vcoc11 1io 112;4 ,;J,llo+~·c r>11IO lJ9 •l1 •l' .-,.,.,9" n c andJacknat1ona\aut on1ot1veFftrl!lT 6,, 1 ,Puci'~ 1~ 1,•comoed 9 >G91•P•teFfld1113116A•<Qg1J10 o4 ~l so s1 ~1 coo <1•SClb l •6n2 6 •" ""''"'rD 1 Oaldani.I At the sanle time I 1 Ii h Id Fa n<i 15 1.11~ Pu•~ • • Cpmp Fa 9 '• 10 O• Pen~ SQ 111a , 1a Averv oa 1!l •6 n , J? , J<•' .._ co is' 1 ?O JI 19 is 1s1• ""' ..,~1~ ·~ ond lire spec1a1ss \\I 0 i:,dN Mt IQ lll p aeon.i 26 ~ Como!k 11• J6?P~ Mui 811 s 11 1J\v~1!nc •O 1so 11•. 11 1~· ,•en ~1~& ~11 ~· 79 ?Oo 111 -'"'~I'~ i•, the P UC temporarily dc111ei.1 <in u{ftcial "rand opening of F•t 80, ~1 ,6 Pu•• 51 1~ ls concod ll•S!J •SPh!~ 1•9l 636Avo~Pd 1~0 w.1 1"" 166 ,1~9 "+1 :corGw 1~0~ 2l759• 25.1 h91 ~l" "I l\n anA1rCahforniaapp\lcauon " Fi iGRE 1' 11 POuac<> J26'Eg~~1 11~1~~1~~~i'~1"' ;H~~Aieoouc;, 32 U•ll >12•• ~~ron~11"10 12 2tf •n •H•~ ·~· .. ~es~,".. th ell new \Vestm1nster slo1 e aR~ W.1' ~ ,{. ~a?1 ~~01 10,\ lf Cont G1h 9 ll 9 OI Pint St 10 .IS 10 SS -8-ICo•B!l{OS 50 Jl 46' 161' •b • -• ~110~. 1 , for se1v1cc be1v.ee11 L ong d toe cccenter atr.11 1 3 a A ''Co•PL.,,47l1S6\PlonEM1i.1.i. CPC1M110 ?l6 Jl<~1;•,)3 •t ~1<u an au s rv1 ~oe ~1 ••llAn•bEl:tJ Jl cn1yc""ll~914111Po,,Fndl'l:lllllS•llaPc~w1361t716 7l'•?l 231,-1-1,ca,.,.!6!lb ,.7~47 .i • .i•+ ~11 •• "~,~~ Beach and San Jose until the 15221 Beach Blvd 0 n g1~0·~ !3, .~1 ~••<n ti> 1;~ 2~; crn wo,v 6 11 1 u Pl111 Inv 11 •112 •9 sa~ro11r ~• .l6 n 1 11 • ?2 , _ '• cr~d 111 F n 1 1 16 , 19 • is'• -• ~ , , pu 0 a <rllnC QUJd SeCUr 0pc13i<ng r.1~t1elt 31 Jl •R•YmEp l CrnW0~1117•1711Prl(uFur>ds Ba•GE 1/Q lS :lO ;9 , '9••-l•l•om~l(n 80 6 ISo H'• l!•.,. ,,.. •/n ~h; <.: e J hursday GI w 71 a eco~ Q f>ll > ~9 1 jeY~" M on"V•ll Grwl~ 151•1S 7• SnlG PIB• ~ 110 6) 61 6J C•oo•Pl-llnd 1 11 71 , i1~\ ;; o n1 r >< r1rrhts fron1 the City of Lon" l!obeaiG b ·.: 11 1 ~tr (Ml~ '~. 1~ D•<~t Int 11 031708 N E·~ 9 IO 9 70 B•noP~nr 6G lJO 11 ~ 16 . 11 ? + •t Crowca I Qlf Jn• 7Sl• 71 ,, .. -1 ~ • ' " b A g rand onr-n1ngsalC\'llllGoldCcvH 11'~ ·~'' tJel~w" 17•11'~1 NHor79~71•61l•nQPnf? !ilB•on,71 ,-1 ,crownCcrk no16,lS0 16•0+1i .-~~. Beach llCh opposed ex ,~ (;ood L5 w ' 11 ~ : 1~J ~IP ~~ ~i o~ua Tr I 11 116 Pro Fufld 10 ... 1~ 4• I Ban-of NY 7 16 •O'• •A • "61, C•w~Z•ll I 60 •1~) 3!1 • l• • JS • T l\J r I lj Slarl "l 'am Thursdayand o-•••< 1 ..,, a.1 • 1 DvdStir J.~13 9JProvdnt ~51so1Ban~Tr71• 15All•6P 6~ i.,Crnlgl42o iJ00 39 58 58 pa ofa1rser\ICe<llLUl1g " "" 9 1 10 ~~ob~ M '3 ~ Oown1 F 6016.SOPurllan 91810&91larb011J6r JI 11, S! 11'•+\.ClSCorD •O 1111 > 17 11 ,..1 Ind '" " . '" ' , ' "Ch •orpoot continue through Salurda) g••g;; ~n J9 40 °~an • O•exnl 161•!61•Putn•m F~nas B•rd Cl? 1s ~':.a s1 , s11--.Coda~v co a n . 111 l~,.,_·i 1 ~ " " r.~:~n M~ 11 , 11,,~ov ~1a•I :itl l1' D ~" Fd ?97 Ull Eou! 9'111091 Bait Inc 80 I 15, 15 15 _ , Cudnv pfl 75 6 11' 11 17 , + , lh I B he C The store service cenlerGrnu RE n 70 l?Yi :'/ 28 1s;o .,1L•17)1)114! G~o•g U0611 l1 B•1es Mro • s 9 , o, 9 ,4 ,cu11~an 8 11 21 11 -l1 HackWat'ilt ; ~. 1&, 36,.+·~ 1 ~ong eac 1ty oun i:.rinn• 111 ,11 ,s:;i"e 0 1 a'E>to~~How~•d Gr1~ 101111 05fl•e•Mfpf l l ll ll 13 + ,cummn~o ll38•J8•3j ~-1 Ha11 ~~r1 1os lO•ss s1,51 t' II S''bseq"Cnlly onstructed <, aiid I'"' kong area encompasses o 0 ,, , a&l•n 10 51 1 ·~ •n<OfTI 1 ~a s 6t Batll Ind Jo ro1, 19 10 , curt >& wt1 ' n 19 18 ~ 1 '• -li•mN•1 .56t 10 n tJi " 1 11 ~ " " •Ovflr } 4 Sc4nln f '• ~. Grwlh 13131131 lnvei;I 160!Jl8~!h lnoll SO •I •9 •9 49 -•.CurtWrA2 ''8118> ?&• lia,,,mPaol 1J 16 26 ?6• • ivadininistratorslonegotialc ovct l!OOOOsquareleet Jt1sg~~dc~ 1 ~ 1~ sc"0~11 'j,·1~ •nco,, 6M6&i v sM 1D261121 fl•u1<:"Lo ao J3 n 69 10 .-117 Cot1er11110 11l 36'> 3~, :11>1-+1 1i•m"'"d 10 1059 10, 11 'l' 11 =1': G II T 1 9) 10. c 0 • • • SP~r 10-11 !4 Yoy~g 815 9 07 1!~~1 Lab 10 195 JO ~ 79 . JO -1, (YCOP~ 110 )l 7 3). 331, -lj l-lern:ll ....... .60 101" 39. l11o 3B ' +" \\Ith Air Cahfornt) rnr thl'th1rd Pcp Boyssto1 c1n theG~rOC1nn ,;10 ~11 s<:in1 ,/1•,f SO<~ 1''\4HB91l:ec TPCh •91 $4)80¥\l~CQ 50 10 10. to 10 -,cr11•usMl•O 11 11. Sil•· ll•+'<•HandHM n 111•1 11,, 11 >-•· b th H S 71 ?• • o Eht"I 13 :M 1' 60 !?ever,, t2 91u11 Be• "9& 1 9 •6'• •6, 46 • -•, D 1 1-11ne1Co 90 16 16 1 1' 16 , _ , 83 5-7777 te rminal :;pace and operating lOUnty and num e r 134 1n e ... ~l~~vr J i./ 11 ' s <r1Pf' ~ ii '~ F~·~i 111i" •1 ll:ost"t" 1 :111 1 01 e~at Fa• 1 12 '.19'• 3111, l'I -'• - -Honn•M 1 l~ ~ J6 , J6 , :1.1" + , H 1 7 •0 •cr"o '•F-,,1qSe 764!J5S~l•mFd 60,66.iBellFd1 or • 299 99 '1 9'1 1 Horcoyrll ?QSIO,S6 56 -'~ """""""""""""""""~-~,~·~~h~1~s .. ___________ ~n~a~t~·~o~n~----------1:Mri~enMQ~ 1). 11 • , .. , ", "' ',', ,11 r ... ,., ~v \) 93 ll 9J Sc"us ' 15 IS 11" Btckm~i> •o 169 49 •• , • ~9 +1 ·~ R•n ~, .. ',19 10 11•1 II u~. + "k<1rr11 l~t I 10 I• 1 7J. 13 • -" 3M CO'S DYNACHROME FILM SALE! • Includes SUPER 8ASA64 20 20 Exp. Exp. 35mm ASA64 126 ASA64 Processin9 • REG '" 313 313 NEW 3M COLOR PRINT FILM For All tn•t1im1t1c C1mer11 126 Size Includes P roce111ng & Prints SALE 2.99 2.19 2.19 3.69 VIVITAR MOVIE CAMERA SUPER 8 -J 4 to 1 ZOOM LENS COMPLETE WITH Case Movie Film Lite ... 16.95 17.95 3.20 _ • 1 mp I " l i=n1n.,t Ill ! 9• Scuaaer Fur.II• Bee 0 Ck JO 0>0J 60 , S8 7 Ml unne ~ > 21 'J 21 • 111< -~. H~r1ca CP l J' 1910 ! , 19, _ '• IHe~edF l> ~ qu•a !J.ll l'aul• 9'41031 1nt 1nv unova1l!e<-c~At llb 11 11•,19 _1,Dor!"dlVO <!<1>0o.J11,SO -1 H~rtSM•Rll 1~•30 .,JCl,:JO ~+• ~a<><: lnl l~•' 11 S~vrn UP •P •7 "'Q"I G h ll9'1196j SDCI ll61llU 8elcoP'I 0 s,1, 11, 75 , 16 > _ ~. Ll~rllnd ~11 ! )J • " 5l 1 -~,Merv A! 12CI 167 75 0 l•>o 25 0_ , IM hvnEP 6 • : • 'hf~ NI :i~ •J Fne~ 16 96 Ila! 15 11lS14 Seldnglf Mih 19' 19 19 -• o~~coCP 1 " 30 7•. lJI, i4 • + • lf~I Cop ~, I~ 9 . I. • • -'• H~~e J~ ~cn~~,ri''w'~ 16 1: l"•t•5tlnlll9U1ft coms111711111B,en1-1ow6Q ~,••,,,ss S6•+11 100o0~1nH~J1,,~, 15le Jl•!lll""+~•l-lnw 1E!1J2 •XI n,19 ,_1~ H t Fl 2 2 •, ' 'E•Dnt 139625,9Sf'C Dv 10S811U •II ln!~ton .., 9 9 ~ o., l•O •9 •9 -. lfl> tl3V!' Ab I 11 11 16 7 16'•-~• IHOV~ IJ.' 1 ' 1 7 ~0NE T~I J8' JO Falrld 10911199 See Eav l llJ 408 8em\ Co 1 6 77 , 12• 'J'J >-~I DPL orBJ!S t~ 50 , SJ , !i(l,..-1\• Ho1eltnt u lS'o 15 15'1 H"'pp1 ,• •>oUnC:> 75 15~F~•mll~ ll)lll~Srclnv 161!1l'IB•nd•l60 HS-3~ 11•,.J6 1 DPLpf(J9U lJUJ.J >l SJ -1 lffd~Mnq 70 St 29 '1•18•-i• IH vg G •S ~. fh'' ~,• ,o;,cP ~· 11, FO'd G< ~ u 01 11 JI Sel•c Am 10 n 10 96 Send • or J 6 6 , 61 • 6\ _ •~ Deer~ Co ? 16 " 'I 41 400< , _-", ",",,",', ",' .... ,•,• ',', 0,1 , J• 1 :i4 '1 _, 'w vc Fd C~i> 11J•U39~~/Sc>ecSl61t11)0B~r>e!Fn1.6G ~._. ,,.,. 49 "•-\•°"""nrl'I 06 ?I I~, 19• H w u 11 11 1> t ~ur : [ ~~ 1~,1 S5•00ncgrv ,oo, 1!~--.. 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W~•I Ind 1 6l l•OC~mp'<L 4l.1 :n ll>• 111, 1/1 -1 00Q ll.'iof!l1 •0 l•'o 7•'• lAI, lnEIMt• 51(1 I 1-1 < I'•+~ IM I fld 13 21• l• W~ 1'"1111 ''"' 1& O? C•fT\PSP I 10 41 .)• 1 3-1 l4 1 ..1-Q 7 lOp!) !0 1110 1! ?I 18 c .._ • +n.,Boncp 80 16 ?1 1 20\, 11 ; + l 1na1!•• 6!66B•W!ntPFd93d102l C08rew•O,. 110 I~ 1 ,+0 0v no!"d l7f Ul& 15•1'•-lng••Rard1 l1~~9a 381Jio +n1flk ST-111 llJWIMl'Of 9161001 Cdn P~c l?Q IS 661' 65ll /J, ,_, Oyn1 Am ·~ 11)9 !I 10 I ll 1 + ,tnpRO Dli JS l 3•, 34 , Jt• I"• CoA \l 111i39W~tlfld $65 6UC~g C 8dcs• 19 )l'\.o lli ))•o +• -E~-, tnl~~d SU" l•t ?I, 11 11•t .-. 1 by TERRY GRANT R'Ph '"v Go d 9 n 9 il Wlst Fd 1 ;1 1 91 C~rb•vn 1 'Cl 1 d .,..,. .s ..1-, lnmon•Cp I~ 50 16 ~ 1S•1 It 1 II Inv l""c 116l116JWorlll 191 311c~••IP ff 3' 1• 13•• 1.l•i-"-fe"~"0,", 19 11 , 1!• 11•-"•/"•llc Qb 15 11. n .., 73,,_) YQ "'dV no! be f~m I •• w th • llr========================================.i I ll • ?I ' 21•, -n•P r COP ~ 11 5• SJ 5JV. _ 11 f ' • 1 d ' Ea1 r 311 6 •11 16 + • !n•~rco 1 to I! 78 ll•1 H + Q "' Cff"I •n pnt•I•• ""' e Eesl 8'f 11 16 OJ';:, 1 11 1 -1 • ln••rl~St 180 11 7~, 74, 26\ _ '• h~v• I ,1~d "e•! but 1nv of th111 • Eosl U ti I •O 10 10\t 10 ?a -1, 18/il ~ '!O lSI , 312, lH +I 1 .A E•"ICod~~ 1 ~ 71 1J 13 l -11 ln!F aFr •Ob lt ~I 10 0 611& +1 l~cto" could cll~n9e lh• 6Cl un eaionYa 1 •O 4! ll •n ~ 11 -1-1 Int 'l• v 1 10 101 H•o is,. 2S ) _ , of a~~ ' •IA d•v•-'••P••blv 0, • [<~I "Ml 12 ;5 '5 ~ 15 • 15 'I -\In !"lod J 10o H IS 11 1 u •, _ , " lt/lOU/lC'fl'J Ee-~ <I J 70 '" ll« 3 • ll _,_l "t lnOu•t '11 41 ~ IQ 1 41 _ 1 ~~ m/ully '" ECl•O<'IBro~ I '4 u 'l 1 ;s, -, n1 Ind p!l 7a 79 ss • Sf , s.-t + S ' •• ' • _,,,, ' ',,, '" ,, "' EG8-G 10 115 2J. n 7l • -• IO!M nPr '0 l•T 1J I l?~i ll\'i -• E•MU\( l!9(I 195 :• &•• 6..,-1\n!M"e' r.1.1 I J.O ~ SO i ! ofA9~"' Pur tv Co•l"9' Melt THE OPENING OF ~11~~,;~~ll 1z!, 11,~ 1~• 1~· 0 nl M"ll •Ori 52 "l u 14) ng pc nl 019ret of Hvdrtl on ORANGE COUNTY'S OWN £!MemM wt 4 :)II, '3!I • ~, •1 1 ''" •• ' '' 0 ' ..... ,,,,,,, T,n El Mfm Mii" ISi " ,. • !! ~s .... w ElMM•• Ol I 1000 11 71 • 71 +1'• rated or AC e 3-Film1n9 Speeds e Use R•ch•re•blt B•tl•r111 •nd Ch•rs• Bullt·ln , 0 ,. All tr9en c \11b1!a11ct1 Slo 'l'-·-----------------------------•_,1f1'#0":,~1G t'\" ltl ,:i• 11,, 1f • -• 191 ["161 b Coit n9 Fl•vOf ft'J II EIU1 Co 1,lD ..;;, l!~--1•'• 11""' + 0... ·"--'--ll'l--ht+~k.,.,...C.lo,,.,:r:--V••~ ~ ~f!E~~ -f-\ 'it~~-!_111 co• ty 0 011 Ph An! o•+d1nl EmetvAlt 90 .\ IO !9•1 6Q C , Em""' 110!! ll ll'i .la lt -1 V,.h cl1 Pr111rvel •• Olli• ntr im~Ohl 1 t~ s 76, 76 1•il\ -1 So!11b1!llv Co"'""' 111nh 0 II" i:.~To°~~ ~o l r1,, ?I': J;': = ~: The fot':OW111t II 1 -llY 10 Mnf:IDll uw,1 !e91~I on F.""JQ~n DI• 110 ' ~• '9 -1 In llll Jtod! INft;tt ,._II;, °"°'f1t VANIMAN CAMERA Q uilty conl1ol n m•n11f•clYr1 Eflfll\Mln ..o ~1 i;7 ~11"- '"' .i ..... , ... ''" •1 "' '" C 0 M M E RC I '"""'"' " " ~ .~l! ll,, z ~ ,,., .,, ...... ''"'"'''' ***** Syni e Power Zoom e Super Sharp V1vll•r Len5 e Reflex V 11w1ng 8931 Adams Blvd. Adami next to M1119nolt• Huntin9ton Beach 962-5959 • SPECIALIZING JN INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION OPEN 'TIL CHRISTMAS, 9 'til 9 • N11t to Albertton 1 M•rket • duch n !fi t ,,h1rm1Jcy 111111•• A l IE;$IGI~ ~ }% \~ f,'i }~ • lt• ~ 1~ 0 ~, •Ito tlrtr1 a• e:o'rtes b-"!ll'!U4f HJ\! ' 11 fl d :)Q~,.. JO l • 1l '7 1 n 1• + " MB olln '\'J !llvldefld1 e,...Oeci.red you c l u V e och"f "'' t "'' F J N A N ( J N G i.>t•l~I 110 ;. ~ 3.1, 3"\• _ 1, or oollf to ''' I• •••• 1-P•vablt lft You OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN ~"'' pf?ll l •1 .i 1$ ""2 llOC-k lfllr,,. I tttlm41t11 ••It'"'° t~vl Ct> J4 10'! ''"' 2l 21·, .. ,,.110,k "1vl!l.fld ~Oe<lertd o• f11ih v•lv PHONE US whtt1 vol/ l'lttd 1 d• $ E R v J ( E $ ' J N ( 1~v1 ~:} 11 lAl 1 JI ;,. , -t, or p'j <tlvhitnd O" t•~rs~lbu Ion Ol!t~ I •• '' w, .II dol•••• -•o-ptlu liw 01roc1 1 lfl<i U) 11 o -... o,-,. I a 011 Y"frt 11--0tterH or 011d ,.. 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"'t 11.r tx ro ~l\Mfl/ 40 ltU 1 • 11 11 ~~IOlftnt d!vlc:i- PARK LIDO PHARMACY 3$1 Ho1pltol Rud Newport l•o1ch 642·1511 Fr•• Dtllver1 '" • FIN.Ncl.L S'.'lc's l'tm F n 11.'!0 Jf l' 17"-It -o "'"'!t>f'I Inc 61 I \J', I• r-S•~ t" 'vlt Crlfllvt 11\SWtl't It llft•ftc:l/>t Wt l"'llt '(OU' Jo\tl lltMr '•tlklllll JOI Ntwpllr! (tfllf< Dfl•t •ull1 •io.A NtWMl1 8tffll Clllftfll\.f -(Jhj UI ~· ll1rWt11 F n lL I•• l•~ 1e_1 .1. \I 0 1'11r1hMI ~ S: .ff ~ .!.:!'• -1 dl'1rlb11t 1111, •r-E'll' rlllhlJ.. 11.W-Wlttotolt f:if~~~~ '.ii 1,0 >Ot Ja'" l~;-:;•. "'"rr1nts --w111 w err •1111 fr0¥ot 1 1111 " 1• • l• r.:1 ..O-k<11tllht\ llMUIT>tl:I bit 111t!\. n4-Httt • 'l'f'lr•< fntt '' ,,.., 1"'1 11• -'. """~" <1!'1•1bull"ll wl-Whll'I IMUH ~ ,,1 "•---'---------------------------'r •IC 11.llJl l 11>.. II t 11 r-+ CIO-CIUtQ t,1-l:ll ll 'ltOfM, .l/-fi...1!11 • I I I I lac G~~ I •0 Lamsn ~n l lal\l!8 v I 20 lanv R t 60 Lal oboSI 60 Lea s t11 YI lr& So P'l25 Leas'o 0• " traso 1112 20 lr&SfWY ~ l~dsN11 50 Leu.''"" •O L•hPCem bO Leh VI Ind L•hmn I 6 o L~n• dR ~o Leve Fd C~P LevFlnc 15• LFC F n3r>CI LFE (11 I> lbOFd'lllO lbOF <>•75 Lbb McN l l b!rlvCP 10 l bl Ln !Sg lbLnll 'lS l!19 MV ?50 Lg11MY ~I loMY 1>S2S Lfl(nN 80 LncN& 11 3 tnoTV 3J l ngAA i 1 LnuTV I> S Lone Coo t on 89 l Ion I> c of llOnP87 LoCkhdA 70 Lotw1The l Londn wn Ja Lanes cem Lll"•SGa lOnQ SL 30 to ~Coo la Lan4 ~ Loo; sGE •S Lou Na•h '" Lowen• n 90 t ub lO 40 Lutkv s ao Ludlow oa Lu~tnJ S lums In LVO Co 11 ty~ YnQ lOQ v~Yll p/2 50 .--·-~------ Thu1·sday's Closing 1•.. "'"'~~~~~~~~--~~~-' tit-.) .... L ... C'-Cltt • ' " "'' " • i " " j • " • ~ " 'l " •n " ;,:~ ' " ' " " •• " ii. " ~:~ " . " ... • ;i~. .. " " ' '" ~. ... ~· •• •• .. " " . ·-J~O S1 J8 ') • !l J9 • ' ') 5~ • ' " 7S lJ~o -L- 'lO o iO u•o 1• ll J8 3'1> J9 .. " ' ... '" • " ' . ~ " ' '" • • • " • " " . .. • .. " ., • " " "" • '" ' • .. ' " ". " • ; 1f ~· • ' " 'I IP ' " lj Jf I " . 1 11 • •I HO J) H " '" 1 "" '" " . " r . UH ,; -S-,., " ' ~ '\ .~ . ' 27 ,u. lf. ~ .. ~· . • • • ~' ,, . '! " ' " ': ' 'l \I JI • ' -----------------------------~ -~ -~ -~ --- Prices-Complet~ York Saltt Net•illlllllll .. llllE'"I0"'""""""':....;:,1!!:::1!'--!::::;!lllli"°"'"''""'~ tllcit I Ml•lt i..w CIM• C.111 ~ • • • • 'il ,n 'ij 1l '" " ,1 '{, " '\ 1U "' ~ " l " ' ~1 " ' 'J ' ~ " ~ " ,! ' " " ' ' • ' "' " • .. ' ' " :l • ... ' " . '" "' ~il y ... :1~ " r. " ii:. l• .. '! .. " 'I 111, "' '" '" " '" " •• " . " '" , .. " • • " ,, " ., .. •• • " ' i , .. ' ~ "' .. " J l.: " i~ .. ,., ;~·· •• " ~~ "' " " " lllo .. ,,. ' ~ " ,,_ " ' ,;! • " ~ '" " " n ... .. ' " ,j, "' l' ,., .. ''" '" "' )J» "' ... " • ' . .. 11·: " .,. ... .. " " ... " . "" ,. . .. • " . 21 • ,. " ' " " ' • " ,. "' ,, " ~· M¥e ;8!l m: ~~ 76h •• " • • • .. •• • • • '" Wall Streetllas S~1·ong Comeback NEW 'ORK (UPI) -Stock market average• finished 1n1xed Thursday as a result of a strong COl'neback late 111 the sess100 Trading was bnsk file Oo\v Jones mdustrlaJ average was up 2 97 ;it 796 33 afler plung~ng through 'I.he 800 lu1e \Ved nesday The UP I n1arke lw1de 1nd1cator, measunng all ::;tock:!! traded \vas off 0 10 percent or the 1 624 issues crossing the tape 744 tic cl1nc d and 617 advanced A tu1 nover of around 13 mlihon shares was run n1ng ahead of \Vednesday s pace A.nalysts said much of the 1n1t1al selling \\as a fu1the1 reachon lo the fall through 800 long regard cd as a key suppo 1 t area Ne\Vton Zinder anal}sts fo 1 the E f J(ulton b1okc1age sai d \Vedn esday s sli de in th e DJ '~a~ a ps) cholog1cal blow to n1any investors but he felt the n1a1 ket \\;;is deeply ovc1 sold and due fo1 a snap- back soon A111ong the days n1ost actJ \C 1ssnes \\Cre Ryder Sys te1n \\ lu ch expected a lO pe1 ce nt ri se 111 pe1 sha1 c ea1 n111gs in 1970 Englehard i\'hncral s Ame11 can Telephone I1ammond Corp, Texaco and Pola 10 d \T&1 c1 osed at 50-3 8 oJ f 1/8 arid Texaco \Vas unchJngcd at 28-3/4 l'i ices \Vere softer on lhc American Stock Ex change 111 1noderate turnove1 ThurSday Dtctmbtr 4 1%9 L St9cl,: E~change List Com11lete Closi11g Prices -A1nerican Stocli Exchange List " ' " ,. 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" Jt 11 1 10 I ' ' 6) 1• ' " 79S !~I . ,. ' " " ' Q 31~ ' 1a:i.i. ,, 1~. '3 xn JJ 6 • l I 73 ' . M ., " . • • 1• u u' i ~ ' . " . " • • .. ' -NQ- "" • • ' " 1. ' .. ... .. .... ' JI • ·i " • • ~1 ~ " ' " ' • .. " '" " " ' • .. .. . l ' " '" "" "' " ~- ·~ DAILY '!LOT 2;! " ••-Ii u::-1.s.1, =-}: 2th-I-. u -• 1'\lo f ~ '°"" -\ 16') t ' ~-'· " .. ,, _, !: ... .!' • ·-. ' . 1-), -• 1414 -~· • J4 DAILY PILOT ' , --------. ---. ·~·-..;,.;;c;?+~:-:-:::==-~~==· =====~---,......---·-•-a--.-._..-, -• -&~<,..,..,,..,s=s~• ..,...,=, -·~· _.,, __ , - . - T~y, OKtmbtr 4, 1 %9 .. JOIN THE EXCITEMENT ; . • 'one-stop' shopping at its finest! OPEN THURSDAY & MONDAY EVENINGS • • WHEN HE . ARRIVES AT THE GIANT SNOWMAN -\ ' . 10 A M SA TURD A y · DEC.\·;\ 6 (J ' ,, " ' LISTEN FOR THE SIREN AND BELLS ON THE BIG NEWPORT BEACH FIRE TRUCK FREE CA·NDY FOR THE YOUNGSTERS .. I ' -' I 11 I I -----·' ' l' • 7 I I ' ' • s~addJebaek . ' . ED Ill ON N.Y. Steeb VOL 62, NO. 290, 4 SECTIONS, 50 PAGES I • ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THU RSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1969 TEN CENTS Playhou·se Parking Site 01\'d Despite Protests By RICHARD P. NALL • 01 tt19 Diii~ , .. ,, 51111 The old Laglll'la Playhouse - a landmark !or more than 40 years-<:omes down this month. Councilmen approved lhe $2,500 demoli- tion Wednesday night and despite orgarlized opposition rrom businessmen of Sou~ Coast Highway also agreed by split vote: to acquire Forest Avenue frontage beside the playhouse sife. The property conglomerate will serve, temPQrarily at least, u a parktag area. A petition oppoolng the $70,000 property acquisilioo wa.s signed by 71 tenanLI or landlords along South Coast Hi8hway~wbo argued that the city .~Id use the in- creased meter funds to ~uire. parking for them. · They maintained that: -Downtown.parking areas -le&Mlil or purchased over the years by the city - operate 11t a loss and hencf. are subiidiz.. ed ·by public funds. . ' -The city has never provided parking for the' highway buslnesst:s despite bqvy returns from sales aod bed lU in the area. . , -~·An analysis of downtown businesses will show a ~ry largt proporlioo of them to be banks, stockbrOkers, insur'ance agents, realtors; doctors, attorneys, nurs-. ing homes-and many .other t,ypes or servicts Which do not return any sates tax or bed tax'to the 'city." ,-Bed and sales tax from part. of the businesses in five blocks of South Coast Highway amount to more· than $150,000 in a year. -Some businesses Curnish parking Jots, pay taxes on it and hive the Property tied up. thus helping pay for public park· ing but recelving nooe. . . . -1be city should cancel Its plans for more downtown. pai'king and prorilptly purchase more for the South Coast Highway area. City Manager James O. \Vheaton polllled out that rlhe council doubled downtown parking meter charges this year and agreed at the time to earmark lhe addiUonal review for downtown park· ing facil ities. . · Businessman Roy Childs said. "We'v~ been paying for years to Rbsidize the Glenneyre lot; ll's time we got IOJDe con· sideration on our first nickel (a nickel was formerly the cost to park one hour)." Business Harry Lawrence said he fell 2 ~ Black. Panthers that Coast Highway probably croat" more &ales· tu: revenue for city cofler1 lhal) does. lbe liowtdown basin.· · He suggested parking i•eu-at• ?rfO!Jn. t.aln Drive and Cress Street ... "The ci>n- gestion · is impossible for as;" said Lawrence. He 6atd the hurt of the in· come uea· b arOund Crtas IDd Mounllia Streets. Councilmen In favor of acquirina the 60-feet of FOrest Avenue frontaee pointed IS.. PLAYHOUSE, P11e I) 111; Chicago Gun Battle Mental Tests Sought. Tate Suspects . To Fight Return. V.cKJNNEY, Tex. (AP) -Charles D. Watson'•Jawy" indioilcd t<>40Y 'that lie· .j ~ DAn.Y Pll,.e1' II•" l"lltt• \ wiJ\ pt Pfl'\'hi•tiic exii\ninatloii lor .Ille' l\eardod !«mer football player, who ts cbaried m eoe or th~ ciutornla murders al tbe ~-Qf.-Bharon Tate. RICK IE WEIR , TOM TRUL IS COMPETE·WITH RAINBOW At Chamber Br1•kfa1t, Plenty of· Fashion Plates ·" . e Right ID Style C1tmiebe r Offers Fas hion Sho w Tom Trulis looked ready for an Apache dance \Vednesday, despite the early hour. His fash ionable companion, Rickie Weir, in purple tunic top and pants, look· ed e·qual to the task. They were part of a \Vednesday "mix- ed" fashion show of local businessmen and· young ladies at the Chamber of Com- merce breakfast gathering in Hotel Laguna. 'I'rulis' dark be ret topped a many-splen· dared "sand.,•:ich island shirt.'' Then came insurance man Roy Jlarcum, dapper in cardigan and turtleneck S\Vcatcrs, colored "mock turtle". He accompanied Doris Lindsey clad in a brown leopard designed tUnic top and pants. · Zachary and Myrth Malaby weren't fashionable for once. They dre~ed as · hobos in Comic 'relief. So it Went rOr the Chamber's seeond ·fashion event sponsored by Shan's Clothes Horse and Lois Paul Originals. The only disappointment carpe when, last show's fashion plate, hotel mogu1 Lo~n Haneline, announced he had retired from the ranks and was wearing last year's fashion. The master of ceremonies declared it still fash.ionablc. Rea gan Notifies Clemente Lawye r of New J:ndgeship A San Clemente attorney recei\"ed a perBOnal phone· call from Governor Ronald Reagan th is week to confirm his appointment as judge of the Laguna Beach-San Clemente r-.iunicipal Court. Frank Domenichini, 46, was named by the governor t.o fill the vacancy created • by the retirement b.i Sept. ~of Judge J. Parley Smith M ·D!Jlla Point. Presiding Judge Richard Hamilton, who will share the bench duties in the South County· Judi cial District wilh Domenichinl, hailed the appointment as "excellent." · . "I've known him for years. He Is weQ liked and . very well thought of bt everyone. He will make a fine judge,,. satd·Hamilton. A __ i;.esiden~ oi San Clemente, "I p<raooally have aome seriOlll doubts about hls mental state," said the lawyer, Bill Boyd of McKinney. Boyd, a former district and county at- torney, also said his client will fight ex- tradition. Two Los · Aogeles detectives who have come here to take him into custody then' started bade home. Wat.son, 24, surrendered Suaday on learning California aJJlhorities held a warrant !or hJs arrest He is charged with murder in the ·slaying of Steven ~arent: a caretaker who was ldlled along "1th Mis.5 Tat! Mil three other persoos last Aug. 9. Another suspect ln the case, Linda Louise Kasabian, 20, one of three persons facing murder charges in the slaying of actress Sharon Tate and four others, was returned to Los Angeles Wednesday night from Concord, N.H. Mrs. Kasabian was whisked off a pLane from Boston into an unmarked police car which sped away immediately. Newsmen were not allowed to question her. She wore a brown polo coat with collar turned up and held the collar tightly against her face. She carried a brown paper bag. Jn Mobile, Ala. a Circuit Court hearing was set for today on a mcition ·seeking the bond rel~se of lhe lhlrd person charged in lhe case. Lc\wyers for Patricia Krenwlnkel, 22. moved for a ~rit of habeas corpus \Vednesday. · Miss Krenv.inkel did not appear in ct1urt. for filing of the writ, which also challenged the warrant under which she is held. l\1iss Krenw inkel's attorney, M. A. Irvi ne Helps Out Boys Club Gy m I El Toro to Get Ch unk of Funds Domenict.ini has had a general law prac-The Boys• Club of Laguna Beach will tice in that city for more than 17 yeani. have Jli gymnasium in lime for the erand H~ is nlarried and the father o( four Openlna of tbe new canyon facility, ' bill r childi'en, lhrff girls and a'rboy. t•-n•· lo a -.ooo ~ant from the James A gi an t military const.ruct1pn · o · th 1968 h d Ide ·t or lb , .. aa -•· $1.69 billion was approved by the senate e .serve as P~ n 1 Irvine Foundation, Boys' Club President I U C .11 W •-sd , Oraooe. CQ\lnly ·Bar ASSOCIBlion. ..~ ~... blS' .~ Appropr a ons omuu • e\lu'C ay, He°fuilt'on who has beea iutlted''by 1UUU• 1:4-utll annou • ..,.~. lncluding a tentative $4,642.,.000 to El To~: _se.v.etal different jud«-'. from. othtr 'nit ldvance Ouistmas gill came at a Mana~ bof aaid !he ~ fjJ~l •I· tradiUoa. lf• COlllel>ded that !)!9'.Jliglllvo warnnt-Wll fautty on MVerll tmmdf, including ODt that it failed to-comply with Alabama law. Council Nixes Krishna Group Soliciting Plea . Laguna Beach councilmen Wednesday ~Y a 3 lo Z •plit vole .~urned down a religious fl'Oli"P,'a applicaUon to 80licit funds on the street .• ·Ttie 'vote went the same ,.ay it did last May for the lnltmatlonal Society of Krishna Contclouness, headquartered locally on Woodland Drive.. Kelly Sinlth, spokesman for the group. called it a non-sectarian phi1080phy that attempts to make..rellgkm come to the street and works partJcularly with drug. addicted youth. Said Smith, "One boy this week came out of the caves (of Laguna 's hills) and has given ,.up drugs and. nonsense ac· tlvilles." City Attorney Jack J_ Rimel advised coundlrnen 1£ requirements or . the solicitation ordinance are met councilmen may not discriminatorily deny a group :sollcltallon rights. City Manager James O. Wheaton said the applicants hitd met lhe ordinance re· quirements. Rimel said councilmen did . have the right to name the kind, method and time of solicitation. Mayor Glenn· Vedder who opposed the application named other solicitation permlts granted to orgaililatlons this year. They lnc!Uded veterans poppy sales on the streets, door·to-door solicitations (six), UNICEF halloween solicitations by children, March of Djmes, five rummage sales, girl 8COUt cooltle sales door to door, mall soliclatlon and Community Chesl. Also, Red Crol. bake sales, flower sales, fiood vlcthns drive, League or Women Voters solicitation, phone so1Jc.lt.8tlons, An\erlcan Cooker Society and Unltarian-Unlversalist Fellowship. Vice Mayor Joseph O'~ulliva~ said he had' .... 'tbe Krl>bna__groop (with~ ' ROOM AT THE TOP.? Gube rnatorial Ci1nclld1t• Unruh U nruli Declar es He's in R(l.Ce Against Reagan INGLEWOOD (AP) -Democrallc Assembly Leader · Jes8e M. Unruh challenged Republican Incumbent Ronald Reagan for ttie goverl'lorshlp of California today, charging the State Capitol ls con- trolled by a "handful or hall-hidden millionaires." ' • The 47-year-old Unruh, the 1968 CalifoJnla leader of the )ale Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's presidential campaign, made his long-awaited entrance Into the ra~ in a statement to a new, conference a\ his subu rban home itear Los Angeles. . In becomil'!g the first announced can- didate In the 1970 govemor&hlp election, Unruh( former epeaker of the Assembly, aimed his fire at the • governor and Reagan's so-<:alled "kitchen cabinet/' That's a group of wealthy bus.lneumm ~ho are friendly with Reagan and help flnance his political campal.gos. "The handful or tl\e half-hidden millionaires who call the ahots in Sacramento today do not represent California;" said Unruh. ' HThey•mµst,be told that It Is your state and your future. We will 'a«iy to them, 'No, you cannot buy·our government like you boughL a mansion for Rooatd. Reag~.' " ' Militants Open Fire On O.fficers ClllCAG0-(~1)-"'A-liknli\Ule £U!>" fight' erupted today when atalt'a· a~ lorney's pollce 'antfft4 a Blact 'Pani!itf '1t~o1tt 10 'np!ll' I · · . T,.. llla1k' Paq!ben · WOR \u-:r:'l four Wouncje<f, - ~ deli lnclllled Fr<d llamplaa, about II, lllioots cbalrma1t ol lht Black i'lilllier ·paitj, " . Two policemfn .•OR· 'llllUl1dld In 1111 hatlle, which broke oul wban the authoritie§ .entered an 4partment neat Black Pan\her l\eadquarten on tho outskirts of Chic.io'a West Skle.sr.id row. · Fourteen men made up Jbe unit that took part in the early morning r11d. They had .a warrant signed by J udge Robert Collins, accordlng to a spokesman for the State's Attoriley's Offlce, obtained after sawed-off shotguns and other illegal weapons were reported ·to be· in tbe apartment. When the authorities I d e n't I f J e d themselves, the spokesmen said, voice.! on the other side of the door began asking "'Wbo'" "Who?" Then. he said, the. door was Opened -and "eight or more in- dividuals began firiili _with carbines, ihotguns and handguns." The apartment, according to the spokesman', belonged to a Fred Jobolon, an alias used by Hampton. In It pollce said they fowid IZ sholgwls, eight pil!Ola and 5,000 rounds of ammunition .. He said Hampton was felled after ·he had lhQt at the authorilies·with a .4S automatic and a shotgun. The other dead man was Identified u Mark Clatk, 22, of Peoria, Ill . There h~d been reports earlier this year that the Panthers had atl!mpted to organize young people in that dowiislate com· muntty. Four persons were taken Into cUstody after Lhe battle,jncludln& a woman id,n· ttfied as Deborah John90fl, 11, said to be about eight monShl pregnatil' Before tbe !s.'.aiiauta 1'111 ball!• ended more than 50 p.'.)llcernen tiid'betn called to the scene, near where rioting ·had oc- curred two years qo. They brought machine guns and tear gas but did ntt use them. Oraage c .... Weadler · Marine Corps Air Statton. -.-moment when club officials were afraid -_._ ___ ,_,,..._,, .... ....., 1 t 1 jndicla1 djstricls srnce Smllb'1 Allr• -ADiitWon d ..,_ avmnag u 11l!lna ... ;:p1uva 111us tv11re10111 id he h · ~ ................. UI we e.r .... . President Nixon, who budgetttl much ment, 53 oped Q(>menichinl 1"JIU1d woWd hive to be tem~rarily dlscon· arll n ahav l!Uda "tbu!Olng a on; way. He referred to 11tltche.n cabinet'' members and · others who contributed more than $150;000 for a fashionable Sacramento home for the Reagan famlly;- Reagan pay, ti .2'11 a month rut'ld1he· group, which Includes Ben Swig, a pro- · We11t·have :; 11t~ 'blt of. eY11'7· thing Friday -IUMY ·lkit.s, early 1 mominr ·clouds• and gully north- elst wil!di .-10hllt ,tho tempera· tiiffl'tiO In tbe lnlddle 70'1. INSmE TODAY more than the Senate coquniltee ap-~ able tto assume his new duUes by tbe tlnµed btcluse of lack of funds . proved. although it went farther than the first of he year· . . . "Kncnylng we will have the Irvine I-louse of Rcpresentatives1 o r I g i n a 1 11~ "?led that, since. Oomen~hini..has FOtindittoii'i1Wia:Sto count on," slid EC" amount. maintained a sin~ la)V _pr~ll~~the~er.-"wT"i'iiOW can ptiSCted Co complete The House had lf'ntativcly alloca ted tha n a partnersh_tp, he _is faced With a the am ... Sl ,088;000 !or the Orange County In-substantial task in finding and brle~ng Finl phase.of conatruction or the new stallatlon. ~tt~neys _lo take over cases now pending club at 1~ Laguna Canyon Road, the Autho"illes at El Toro said today the Ul bis ofCice. main building housing clubrooms, library, eventual use of whatever is finally kitchen, erafta rooms and offief.S, is fWJd.. allocated will be determined at that lime, Sto<-k ,•l•rket tel ·and neartna completion, Eccles aald. based on how much money is a\la.Uable The gymnasium for which the trvine a:lft for use. NEW YORK CAP} -Stock market Is earmarked, represent.I the second The $1,690,064,000 total construction bill prices remained broadly lower In laNpbase. •pproved \Vednesday fo rthe fiscal year afternoon trading today, but continued 1be club ls e~ to move to the C?ndlng June 30, 1970, Is $15Z887,000 more recover aome Of their sharp IOllSU of . !\yon fac1Uty·after1the'tint of the year.• than vo{ed by the House, but $313,854,000 earlier in the day. (See quotations, Paa es with a rrand openln& temaUv.elY aet, tor' more than budieted by the President. 23·23). · mid-February. , J ' "J can't see where a group··should be (Sn Jp\ISllNA, Pace,&) .(JC:Ulale8 l\lajol' In Classical Life ( A new major in clllMical civilization V<U appn>ved \Vedne!day by UC ltvlne'1 •cademlc Rnaae. Studtnia ma)orlnr In tbe new field, ' c1lled tho moot basic of all buman!JUc ' dl"'1lllne1, wUI be requlnd' lo complete , nine /noJor Couraa inc!udtni I ')'ear ,ol a· 1 cltatc1f'1anauage to eW • bacbelor'a ' ·~ .. ~· • minent San Fnnc!llCO Democ:r ' • Unruh. a powcrh1l figure '1n"'-1t1te pol.iUca for more thin a decade, fl ex· pecltd lo foe. oppo!lllon In tbe primary lr9m San Francloco May<M" looeph Alioto, with the winner becoming the party nominee. Early pubUc oplolon polb say Unruh Is the favorite. ' Reagan,· accordJni to alde1, will ~· nounce hla ~.for a iltcood tarm tater nest fearl'lle c'xpecla no major : . CS.. IJNRllll, P"lo. I) ' • ~- . ' Nt:t ,cc, tht fO'Mmlmcn& ..UI --lo htlp of port•I" bwl thlt ehrill!llOs 11'1 ""'11 man for hfmulf1n c~cldng otcf .. U..e dt:lnoer1 of ntw tori. PQQc 10. _.. " --n ...,....,~ ...... , ..... ~ ·'' --.. .... ....... 1Nt -= ==--II -· . .. ..... Ii -., ............. ,,.. • 2 OAllY PILOT ThursdiJ, Dtctmbtr •, 1'69 CountyWelfare Pro.tests ·Due? Di,_-~ctor Plans Meeiing With Rights Movemen t By TOM BARLEY O! 11M o.11~ 'l•I ll•lf Worried WelfJre Director Granville P.eoplts today warned I.hat Orange Coun· ty may be Jhe next target for demoostralors who have d i s r u p t e d \\'elf are department meetings i n neighboring counUes. Peoples has set Dec. 12 as the date on which he will discuss Orance County Welfare· operations -and in partlcul~ its AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) program -with what he said were "self·proclaimed Orange County representatives of the National Welfare Rights movement." He identified the movement spokesman as Mrs. Alice Silvas of Santa Ana, the author of a widely-circulated pamphlet which ls calling on AFDC mothers to mount •·a· dynamic assault on Granvijle Peoples" ivory tower." But PJ!Oples warned newsmen "Welfare ls only one pieee of this. This pressure is beinc imposed by militant groups from Trustees Ask Bids on Bond s After Electio11 San Joaquin School District trustees Wednesday night called for bids on purchase of $1.9 millioo in school bonds the district may now sell thanks to &UC· cessful bond rate election 1ast week. Sale of the $1.9 million on Feb, l would bring the school district up to its legal bJOding capacity. fi ve percent or total assessed valuation , said Assistant Supt. Jor Business Services Rex S. Nerison. The five percent Will include bonded in· debtedness carried fonvard r r o m previous years. The \'Ote last week was to hike the permissible interest rate from five to seven percent on $3.4 million of 1,1nsold bonds from a "successful $5 million"'"bond election last year. Nerison said a Nov. 1 municipal finan· cing newsletter showed public agency bonds were being bought at about s,jx per· cerit interest, some a lit:Ue under, some a litle over, at that time. ·•we're a little fearful because we now can go lo ~veO. Peff:ent that is what the bids will'be, but at IWt we:U get lo &ell them "·N~'i£k4 ··~ ~ ln :.noilier'!ictlon Wedneoda~ n,1d;t. the ~hool board agreed the district Will pay S45 tuitiOn . !er "Cb of ui!· cher1, one from. tod\ «boo!'"~ fm91 ·~ districl'llllicl'."'fl"at1il1d ~. cj\lar!er U<:: .tr.ADI Extension r<.'OUJ'lt oo ·drug abuse. · The ~rtk'Jpal'rt.r. then will share w~t they learned 'In· the coUrse with other teachers at their school. Nerison said. the class is • step towar4 developing a dnlg education program for the elementary school district. It presently does not have one. ltnly Adultery Laiv 'Updated' R0~1E fUPI) -llaly's highest court ruled today it is no crime for a wife to commit adultery or for a husband lo keep a mistress. The ruling of the constitutional court nverturned a Fascist-era penal code 111hich held thal wives could be convicted of adultery but husbands could not unless they lived in open concubinage with a woman. The court said the law was "'ritten at ; time 'A'hen \\'Omen did oot want equality with men. "It is not up to the courl to modify law based on social changes," it u.id. •·But it is indisputable that the court has the right lo assure equality among au citizens, regardless of sex or other considerations." llhl!Y PttO l OllAJrlCil CO.UI f'Vtll$+41NQ COM ..... 1111' l:•"tt N. W114 P'nllltnl '"' PUllll1ohtt J•t~ It C••lty \Ii« Prt1-I t M Ciol'ltf.i Mtl\llfff 11.t"'•• K•t•il ••* Tht"''' A. M11rpl.i1'1 -···"' l!tllOI a11h1,., "· Mt11 ---'"" €.i!Of outllde Or•nae County who are ,ellln& on welfare and t0me admitted deficlencies to promOle thelr cause." He woold not identify the militants or comment on what he' said were "the true alms" of the movement. ~ "We are going to try to avoid the disruption that has occurred in such places as Lo.s Angeles aqd San Diego," Peoples aajd. The welfare director said he Yr'as one of a number of welfart y,·or kers from several Southern California counties who :ecently had to call off a San Diego con- ventiO!l when "welfare rights agitators walked in and took over the meeting." Peoples conceded that the central argu. ment of the demonstrators -the con· tent.ion that aid to mothers with families was far from sufficient -was justified. -And he pointed' out that aid levels set in California 12 years ago have never been revised while ilving costs have mounted in that time by 26 percent. Orange County aid levels arc set at ilia a month for !he tndiaent mother with one child, •in a month for the woman wl lh two children, $220 a month for tilt!; mother with three children to .support and $245 a monLh for the 1nother with lour children. Legislation aimed at raising those levels to at least correspond with cost or living increases and providing automatic future increases to relate to cost of living hikes was rejected by the legislature in lhe last session, Peoples said. Peoples said his department is pro- ceSl!yig aid for 7 ,500 AFOC families in Orange County "and doing all we can to bring additional help to people who are; Jet 's face it, considerably underpaid." California's welfare directors and lt.s organized county supervisors are all on record, Peoples said, as favoring in· creases in welfare payments for al least the AFOC cat~gory. A central issue in the representations made to Peoples by county delegates has Strike Threat Blat1aed No PaYi Increase For Lifeguards San Clemente lifeguards, who threaten· ed a strike last August in an effort to secure a pay increase. were left out when the City Council voted raises for other cith persoMel Wednesday night. City Manager Kenneth Carr indicated to the t"ouncil that hls failure lo recom. mend ari increase for the lifeguards could be attributed to ''current events." Had the "events" been different. he said, he mignt have made a different recommendation. The lifeguard strike threat, which was haJ ted by a court order, was followed by the firing of Lt. Steve Chorak who had acted as spokesman for the guards and by the resignation of two other guards. Chonk bu hem lfl'Ulted • bearing before the city personnel board Monday night. He served as a full time guard for six years and as a part time guard for four yea rs prior to that. Councilman Thomas O'Keefe sought a 5 percent pay Increase for the lifeguards, but his motion was defeated. Increases voted by the council included 21 ~ percent raises for firemen and p::ilice officers and five percent salary boosts for the city manager, lifeguard chief, fire chief, police chief, assist.ant police chief and sergeant. The pay raises will cost the city $14.566 for the six-month period prior to July 1970, when a new budget will go into ef· feet. and will be covtred by a $21,000 rmerve in the-elist.ing budget. San }Qflquin ,Teachers Get ·D ~ug Alluse Course Teachers In the San Joaquin Elemen· tJy Schoof District wllf be JIOing back lo school to learn about drug abuse. Members of the Board of Trustees authorized A s s i s l an l Superintendent William Stocks to arrange for the enroll· ment of 10 teachers at district expense in a UCI course called "The Drug Scene." The Instruction of di strict teachers is the first of a series of. proposals the ad- ministration hopes to make. in an effort lo fight drug abuse in lhe district. Dr. Stocks lamented the slowness of progress but told the board each ilep ' · From Page .J. PLAYHO US E • • • out that parking use is only temporary. It \vas said that the property belY."etn Forest and Ocean Avenues might later be assigned use as a street to improve downtown circulation. nus thesis reasoned that funds (rom gas ta:ii: or other sources could then be routed to provision of parking along South Coast Highway. Vice Mayor Joseph O'Sullivan said, "The lots (from the Hugo Lindberg est.ate) are available now. There Is some implication for traffic flow also." Cowtcllman Roy Holm said the pro- perty location is "very strategic'' since it is adjacent the city-owned playhouse. land. • taken ..,,·ould place them closer to their goal. He siUd there would be a meeting Fri· day or teachers and adminislrators \vho are v.·iiling to become involved in a drug abuse program. The all-day meeting will be an infonnation sharing session with police representatives, nurses and others who have knowledge or brug· abuse. Dr. Stocks also reported that funds are beiiig sought for community action pro- grams through the Health, Education and Welfare Department.. lie said that the district would be work- ing with other scOOol districts and area high schools and would be seeking pan!nt involvement through the d i fi t r i c t ' s coordinating council. This group is made up of representatives of each of the parent teacher organizations, the board and the administration. Tile action lo send at least one teacher from each of the districl's schools to the drug information class was initiated by Stocks. The district l\ill pay $40 per teacher \vith the teacher contributing $5. The $5 v.•ill be reimbursed if the teacher atlends at least 80 percent of th e 11 classes. The board also stated that before the fees are paid a firm commltment wlll be obtained from each teacher to follow through in the drug abuse program developed by the districL From Page 1 KRISHNA ... W.ayor Glenn Vedder said he had ne,•er considered the area as a fixed parking ;il\owed to raise mone y on the street." location. He said discugsion had been held sai d lhe vice mavor. He said he dld not for years over extending Second Street think it good for ·the community to havt through the area and eliminating the the group playing cymbals. short Beach Str~et. Vedder said, "The method of soliclla· Councilmen Richard Golclberg and tion is what both~rs me. I don't think it is Charlton Boyd opposed the acqui sition, what we in J,.aguna Beach prefer to see ." Goldberg said he wa sn·t sure the city The group said it wotJld distribute its could turn around and sell the property magazine·" Back to Godhead" and solicit for more t.han it paid, that he v.·asn't funds from those persons who seemed a..,.. ...... Offk-~urt lhe city was getting its money's agreeable. 212 h••1t A••· worth. Boyd moved to deter the Councilman Richard Go\dber~asked M•m., M •-1 r.o. 1 .. .u. nu? purchase. questions about use of funds 501ic1 d and °""' °""" The property acquisition passed 3 lo 2 said he did not think the application wu ,been the Orange County office's failure to lmplemtot a clause in the 1967 Social services Act -the setting up ot a coin·' mlttee in which AFOC mothers could disc..-uss problems with the welfare tlepartment and offer advice. and poss ible solutions on claimed inequities. ''\Ye have delayed formation of this committee because of staff shortages and related problems," Peoples said. ··eut r don 't think that i! we had formed tho group at !he time the federal act was passed that "'e would have averted the unrest that faCf:s us now. "What I plan to do," Peoples said, "js to discuss the issues being raised by these people and to assure them that they have our full cooperation in seeking legislative reme:dies. But I don't think." the welfare director added, "that agita4 lion along the lines of what we have seen in Los Angeles County is going to do very much i;ood for the cause of AFDC mothers in Orange County." Front Page J UN RUH • • • primary opposition. Unruh, son of an illiterate 'l'exa!'l sharecropper. recalled how "I hitchhiked here from Texas nearly 30 years ago with little more than the clothes on my back.'' CUMB FROM POVERTY He recounted his climb from poverty - aircraft plant worker, Navy enlisted man, G[ Bill gradu ate of the University of Southern California, election to the Assembly in 1954 and finally in 1961 as speaker -an office held longer than any olher man. He lost the job this yi:.ar when the Republicans took.over the Assembly. "California has kept the promise it held for me," he said. ·•1 run for governor because I want to keep the promise of California alive and growing for everyone." As speaker, Unruh won many friend.s and made many enemies. But even his foe s credit him V>'ith making major in- ternal reforms in the Assembly. He hired young consultants to advise legislators in an effort. he sa id, to reduce !he lawmakers' dependence on special in· terest lobbyists. He led the fight for a full·time legislature, and for an increase in legislative salaries. But his foe:;: also accused him of being 11 bully and hung the name. of "Big Dad · dy" on him. That was when he weighed almost 290 pounds. Since then, he has dieted down to 190. In 1963. Unruh, trying to push then Democratic Gov. Edmund G. Brown's fiscal program through the legislature, he got into a fight wi1h minority Republicans and refused to lcl them leave the Assembly Chamber -the famous "lock· in '' incident." FEUDED WITH BROWN JJnruh also feuded with Brown. And he alienated some Democrats in 1968 when the}' said he refused wholehearted sup. port to Hubert H. Humphrey, the party's presidential nominee. ltfany of Hum· phtey's supporters are now backing AJioto. As a legislator, Unruh was the author o! civil rights laws, consumer protection legislation and school finance plans. ,, Unruh was the manager of John Ken- nedy 's Southern California presidential campaign in 1960 and a leader in Presi· dent Johnson's presidential campaign in 11164. He later broke with Johnson over the Vietnam war, which Unruh opposes.· Anustron" Picked t:> Be's the ~wi1a1ier' • Richard Stollnan, a 19-year-o()ld University of \Visconsin sopho_more whose birthday just happens to be Sept. 14. the number one slot 1D the drait lottery, has a brother Douglas at the University of Kansas who~e birthday is April 24 -.the n).111lber two spot. J\.llies . Chase North Viets To Cambodia; Truce Eyett SAIGON (UPI) -Allied warplanes, artillery and troops raided into Cambodia in pursuit of a battered North Vietna1nese battaJJon in fighting reported today. President Nguyen Van Thieu announced the allies would honor 24·hour truces for Christmas and New Year's. Thieu emerged from a 90-minute meet- ing with U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker and announced the truces for '·humanitarian reasons." There have been 13 truces so far in the war, all o! Toro Divide r Plans Delayed them marred by fighting . U.S. spokesmen said American forces 'vould honor the cease·fires but there was no V.'Orrl from the Viet Cong or North Vietnamese. who usually beat Saigon to !he punch in Proclaiming holiday truces. Field reports ~id the Nort h Vietnam· ese battalion that was chased into Cam· bodia had used the neighboring nation as a springboard for its attack early Wed· nesday on a border town and two U.S, Green Beret camps, killing 25 South Vietnamese. The guerrillas 1vcre lhro1\'n back with 166 znen slain and headed back acroS! the border v.•it h U,S. warplanes and artillery and a South Vietnamese platoon in pursuit. Headquarters said thr all ies had an A proposa l to build a landscaped "inherent righ~" to fire back if fired upon divider strip on El Toro Road just norlh Crom Cambodia. ·of the San Diego Freeway resulted in a U.S. spokesmen ackno1vlc<lge the air controversy Wednesday and county raids into Cambodia, the second s11th supervisors postponed a deci'slon for two strikes in three v.·eeks, but said nothing "eeks. of the arti\ley strikes or South Vietnam· The tree·lined divider is proposed by csc platoon . . Deane Brothers of Newport Beach who Reports of the action 53 miles "'est- \\.ant it to beautify the entrance to their northwest of Saigon coincided with the Lake Forest development. \veekly casualty report showing 70 Amer. The median strip would be 600 feet long icans killed last week. the third lowest extending from Bridger Road to Rock-number of dealhs since 1966. field lioulevard. Another 1,049 Gls were wounded. Only Objecting to the plan was Donald tv.·o other times since 1966 has the .,.,.eek-Frisc~r. traffic engineer representing ly death toll been lo\\·er-the week of Oct. -4 when 64 Gls died and the first week the Toro Shopping Center. The center, of 1967 when 67 were killed. located midv•ay on the stretch proposed Military spokesmen confirmed v.·hal for beautilication would be cut off (ron1 sources had disclosed earlier-that U.S. left.turning vehicles by the improvement. casualties fo r the "'ar surpassed the f"rischer said the plan was unsafe and 300,000 mark last week, with 39.6'12 killed, v.•ou\d contribute to greater traffic con· 259.828 \vounded and 1.359 missing or gest ion in the area. captured-a total of 300.829. \VASHINGTON (UPI) -Piesident Supervisors ask representatives or The U.S. death figure "'as a sharp Nixon has appointed Neil A. Armslrong, De:tne Bros. and the shopping center to drop from the 130 Gls slain the previous the first man to "'alk on the moon, ·a~ get together v.·ith the county Road 1veek. South Vietnamese losses fell too. chairman of the Peace Corps Nationa l Department and work out a solution lo 373 killed and 95.1 wounded, with 2,177 advisory Council. \vithin two weeks. Communists reported slain. i---------------~-------------,...,.~~----, j ~.JI. J. (Jarrell PrejenlJ ~~I i al'· a ver y special purchase from a . .. :· 1 ~ ~~ a i famous quality maker of I I GENUINE LEATHER CHAIRS i A GIFT TO TRWURE AllD ENJOY FOR YEARS • Cus1om quality through-out • Luxwioo. cwhloning • Your c:hoke of ml.ors from u extensive .....,C:-~t11~w':.~.!:.":'....,.. wtth Goldberg and Boyd voting no. in roper ord. ~r ~nd obJtcled to the 1----1--'=~-•·•--"· •""'•"''""-.:.=~1--Gou!'lelll'MO al10 5eotnC"1d~a~g~"""~~th~a~l;~-<~~~~'.1";~~::-;;:::::;-::;::;--;;;:~-i----~.;~ plan should be Y,.orked out to help solve Councilman Charlton Boyd said, "Jn &election ol fioi&t leather textures. ' the off.strffl parking shortage for South the interests of doing the fair thing. It Coast Hlahway buslne.sses. v:ould seem to me that they're automatically T>@nnltted a permit unless Car Rnrglar Docs Yul e Shopping Early Somebody stepped into that ew st ·ln re~r door or a Laguna ch an·s station "'11.gon \Vednesday and step~ out again with nM worth or nev.·ly Purcllased me:rchandi.st. Mn. Eliz.abeth L. Rankin, o{ 1264 Starlit OrlV!, I.old OOsta Mesa poltce the burllary oc('llf'f'tld while she was sho1>- plng In Saui!I Coast Plua ceni.r. I \ I It !s sho"'" 10 be illegal.·• Cou ncilman Roy Holni asked if sale or the 1..os Angeles Free "Pre». Jndlanhead and local papers on the streets was legal since it rs done Rimel sl\id, "I can·1 ~ay that il i:o; il· legal to sell nt:"·spapers or other publlca· 1tons on the street ."' Holm and Boyd "·ere on the shorl end al Ult! vote on o ·suHivan·s moUoo to deny the application. Part of the aud ltnct heartily applauded lhe denial. Vtddtr rapped his gavel for order and the Krishna representatives kfl. , I fro111 $199 a l! i PROFESS~~~L I GA R~ ETT f u RN 1~10~ ~MESA, CALIF. ; INTERIOR DESIGNERS 2215 HARBOR BLVD. I ---M-, ~m~ ~-... ·-----------------------------------...,.~ ' • 7 7 · NeWport . Barbor · .T~y,'s Fl••I . N.Y.· Stoeks ' . VOL.. 62, NO. 290, 4 SECTIONS, 50 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, D'ECEMBER ~. '191>9 ' TEN, CENTS ' -. - 2 P'a:nthers Slain Gunfigh.t Erupts. at Pafty'i·si;,onghold CHICAGO. (UPll - A. t~minuie . iun· fight erupted today when state·s a~· torney·s PotlCe erltefed a Black Panther slronghold to' search for .weapons. Two Black Panthers ~·ere killed and 'four \VOunded. The .de~d · lnctudCd Fred Hampton·, about 22. ·nlinois chairma:n of the Black Panther pa,rty. T\•:o poliCe1tlen were wounded in t~ batlle, which broke out _ when the aulhorities entered an apartment near Black Panther headquarters on the outskirts of Chicago's West Side s\rJd row. Fourteen men made up the unit that took part ,ln \he .. e~'rty morning raid. They had a warrant s1Sfied by Judge Robert Collins, according to a spokesman for the ~~t-l 6 State's Attor:ne:y '.3 Office. obtained after C\-t"-\ ~'"'(" M ~ "T'R.CE' ' sawed-off shotguns and other illegal ' AtJI> "9l>~-t' ~AR~ 'DE" \\'eapons were reported to be in the lt"""'o,,,Rrlment. l~~~~~~:~~~~i~l=========~:i>:EC.:~-~f~'f~-:'-~'3~=====JJ \ hen the authorities Iden ti f 1 e d (t!tC, · themselves, the spokesmen said, voices ~1 • · ~··. 1 ! ··' • ·' ·-• :..._. · • on the other side of the door began asking •. ,\'ho?" "Who?" Then, he said, the door Nen'port Yuletide Harbor Parade Sails on Dec. 19 Newport Beach"s traditional Floating Chri~lnwls Tree and Boat Parade will run from Dec. 19 ~ugh .23 with scores of decorited boals ~xpected to tour the bay each nighL • The parade will begin each evening al the Balboa Island ferry l•ndin&· at 6:30 p.m. After touring the fringes of N.ewport Harbor, the boats will conclude the pr~ ce1ssl0n '~ach evenlng at 9:15 p.m: · An average of 50 boats partlctpat~ in ~ procession tach evf:nlng last year. Over the. weekends more yachtsmen join· ed the parade, &\\·elling the ranks up ti> 100 on several evenings. No entry fees or blanks are nece.S!ary, Jack Barnett, manager of the New]Xlrt Harbpr Cjt';"mber or Commerce, ex- plained .. Partlcipants need only show up at U)e ferry landing to join in the procession. Trophies will be ·awarded to winners in 1evrcral divisions. Winners are announced be f o r e Christmas, but the awards Will be given out at the Chamber's aMual installation dinner in January. Co-sponsors of the annual event are the Chamber and the New]Xlrt Beach City £.mploye's Assxiation. Awards wiU be presented in boat clas.!ilfications of po~·er or sail up to 20 reet· from 21 to 4Q feet, and 41' feet and ove;.' Physician Assistants To Fill 'Health Gap'? SACRA~fENTO (UPI) -The chairman of the Assembly Health and Welfare Committee today proposed the use of physician's assistants to help relieve ~e worsening shortage of doctors 1 n California•. In 11emarks prepared for a hearing of his committee on the p r o b I e m • Asseniblyman Gordon Duffy said a phys i· cian's assistant doing some of the tasks now exclusivelY performed by the medical doctor "·ould be one method of filling the "health manpo\\·er gap." Orange Sandy Peril Beacli Banks Could Become Tornb .. ' . .. -""'-~ . . ~ ~-- DAILY ,ILO'T Sl1ll l'ltet9 SURVEYS OANGEROUS BANK Lif99uard ·Dave Harshbarger By JOHN VALTERZA Of tllt Dtily ,1111 Sllll •·tO put it bluntly, t .don't want to drive down the beach one day and fi nd a child's: legs sticking out of that ledge." ·The cryptic statement \\'as ,art of a stern warning to Newport Be.aeh parents today by Marine Safety..:Dtrector' Robert ·E. Reed, ur1i.ng parents to );-eep children from playing or digging into the steep, u~ble banks created by the .sand haul project, R~. citing the .death or a teenage youth three 'years ago in a ledge created by cinother ' sand haul, in Balboa said he has seen traces of digging along toe ledges which reach a height· of almost 10 feet in some places along west Newport's shoreline. "There was nothing: we could ·do for that boy three years ago but call the cor. oner. and we never want lo do. that same thing again." The steep ledge of ·wet. unstable sand stretches from the 36th Street groin up- coast nearly to the Santa Ana River. The material, constanlly chewed away by the wave action. can collapse without \\o·arning e\'en if children are not diggi ng into it, Reed said. "Burrowing into the bank just makes it ~-orse.'' he added. Another danger In the area -one .,,•hich will linger Jong after the sand haulers are through - is created by the stone groins themselves. Fishennen, already realizing the slony projections' advantages to angling, arc using the groins as fishi ng spots. But the constructions are not high enoogh to protect persons from a large v•ave. Often, during periods or hlgh tides and moderate tn heavy surf, waves crash tompletely over the groins. "They could sweep a fi shennan right off, or throw him against the rocks,'' Reed said. The jagged granite is extremely hazardous to a person thrown off balance (SM DANGER, Page %) Tate Suspects to Fight Extradition for Trial Weather rlcKrNNEY, Tex. <AP \ -Charles D. from Concord. N.H. Wat5on's la14'}'Cr indicated today that he \\'e·u have a little bit of every· w~ll ask -psychiatric examination for the thing Friday -Sunny skie!, early bearded former football player, who is mornln; clouds and gusty north· charged in one: of the California murders Mrs. Kasablan was whisked off a plane from Boston Into an unmarked police car which sped away immediately. Newsmen \\'ere not allowed to question her. Perpetual Flame Helps Newport Bear Gas Odor By 'JOHN VALTERZA Of ffle ~ll't' P!ltt lt1te West Ntw(>O!'.l: Btact) now bu ' 'Pfl'• petual nami all ill own, but It Wll light,.. ed thii weet w\fh no' fanfare what!~ evtr. . . Thire ~'t trjbutea to falltD sol· dten. o!' -~· or ipokllts. -Just quiet ~1hl .of rellel.. . . The ooly SllJl!fic&n<e O[ th< !!,hour nickering · ngttt Is that · finally, after years of breath-holding. nearby resi· dents. service· station· patrons · and pa&- sers by along West Pacific COast High- way can breathe comfortably again. The flame is consuming much of the steady leakage of swamp gas which gives off the distinct odor of fetid eggs. The flame might connote war of some sort. however. and some battles were nearly'"' lost, city engineering aides con- ceded fod!IV. 1 The majOr ballle. after findinl the s~.500 from several sources for a burn- ing apparatus. was steadily leaking water which had clogged collector P.ipes and caused a Jong delay in in.mllation of a blower. Without the b!O'l'-'er. the ~as would not have lighted. engineers said. After ~·eeks of looking for the source of the underground swamp, city ere.ws discovered 3. faulty water coMecUon nearby and fixed It. The blower was put into place, then the flame, which burns almost uMoticed, wa~ sparked. ,,t passed the rain test this p~st .,,·eekend " said Phil Betencourt. adm1n· istrative ' assistant to City ?\-tanager Har· ,:ev Hurlburt. ;, And. none ·or ·us are scientists. bot this !:xoeriment seems to be working." . He said money came' on a matching ha.sis from the Union.Oil Co .• which owns the land on which the gas seeps; the citv, and nearby property owners. Jf the project continues as it ~hould. Betencoort said, similar experunents might be tried with olher noiious gas seeps in the· city. . So resident& and passen by alike may not have a real monument. but the per· petu1l flame merits a salute just the same-perhaRS . just slight gesture of thumb a~ forefinger raised toward the nose, thm stopping midway. was · opened. 8nd · .. e:ig'tlt' or mare 1n'. dividuals ·began firing wUh c~rbines·, .shotguns a!'ld h~dg_un.s. ". 'the apartment, accoriling to t~ ·spo~~sinan; beloncecf to a·~ Johnsgn, ,an ··allas· Wed by HRmJiton. In it police said:tbey.foUnd 12 shotguils,'cilbt.Plstols and. 5,000 rounds of 'lmmunlUon; He said J1amptqn wits felled. a_fter he.. h;ad sbot at 'the aiithorities vo'ith i .45 autorDaUc and I ~hot gun. , ·The. otht>T dead mar. Was Identified as fi.1ark Clark. 22. of Peoria, 111. There had been reports earlier thlJ )'Ur that the Pa11lhers bad atl.!mpted • to Qr~ young )>e(lple in that downstate com. mu nity. • f our persons were taken into custody after the battle,.including a woman iden· lilied as Deborah John!IOD., It, l4fd to be about eight monihs prepant. ·r Before the IS-minute gun b3ttle ended more than 50 put.icemen bad been called to the scene, near where rioting had OC· - curred two years ago. They brought machine guns and te.ar gu but did not use them • u''·''..,... SLAIN BY POLICE P'anther Leeder Hampton More Than 50% of Piers To Escape N ewpo·rt Fees s, JEROME f'. COLLIMI Among ams excluded from the tide. · OI .. ~Mr "11'1 "'" lands use fee • .awaiting final council ac--J.~~ler~·Jrn"!,r~~ lloo"" J,lec. Ii, lrt Ltc!i> Ille, the Balboa ·cilyt1 prapost.d tidtlandl ·uee fee i>latl. Bay Cll\b, the Balboa Yacht Basin, New- lllUllidPll aldoo-~ied toda)o. . ~ hi&iV~·1¥ve, Unda lslo · Of ·.r.· cl17'1 ol 3,131 ~ -i!!!l, ll'>ver Sbom. · lrid />~lat flin.<lior l!"IJi·W ."-'-·'_iilli ud.!laliils· A--Oeorge ·t,111-WI! be 'Upped .foo ltiolt o«U' bo..J ~ned U,11 Mn. oi thfle wa-pancy o/ city-tered publlC Wlte!' • . · · , , , · ·wa}'1. · t~rent sites ha:ve . P,Jera . that extend All piers, however, will be oubject to Into ,11!11eased city .~-QnlY those a··f !O ·annual -Inspect.ion fee.· whkh .will p~s that do will lie su~Jett to the $15 go into effect tf the contrdver11Lal tide-r~tlal -~ fee. Conunerclal lnstalla· lands uae lerJ.ia fonnftlly adopted b.Y the tfons wUl be Charged a itSe'fee of 50 cents City coonc1C · • w. lineal foot· of. sliP!'-and . side-ties. DaWes noted that of 890 reSidentlal piers in th8 JoWer baf, only 314 are af· fected by the city proposal. He ~aid the rJ,Sl of the hpmeowners' slips are loCated over leased city tidelands (187), county tidelands (81), _dedicated right · of· way (J82) or private Waterways (146). ' Ttustees De'lay ' Deci.swn on 5%. ' . . . Bond Sale Try I \ Newpoi-t.~teSa iehool trustees have postponed untU Jl:ec· ti a decision on whether to go~thi'ough the· moUons of trying to sell school bonds at a five per. cent interest rate. Board members this week quesUoned Supt. William Cunnlngham·s recom- mendation they prove the point they can't sell the bonds at {Ive percent, befor'e going to the ~Qters Feb. HJ with a request to Increase the penn.issible interest rate to· seven pecent .. The futility of a try al five percent 1'eems So .cert&.n that bo'ard member Thomas C. Casey wondered whether it was worth it to spend about $100 for legal advertisement for bids. 1 Dr. CUnnln&harp had recommended bil:ls be asked on $4.S million sale of bonds Jan. 21 so no one can say "You don 't really know you can't aell them at five percent" when voters art. uked to approve an Interest rate ihcreue to seve'\ percent Olf' Feb. 10. The schools superiptendenl tried a private bond · plaoement but told the board he had no luck ln lllkfng to I.Cal banbn and de.velopm •. HOlderS of ·com"inefci81 pier permit! will. bear the brunt.of the 'use fee legis- lation.· Dawes s'aid it ¥.·ilJ ·be applttable to 1J&8 c0mmerda1 · slips and slde'.-tle!. .There ar.e a tot.Pl of %,540 sueb inslalla· tion.S iri the cily. He said Lido J11e Is exempt rrom the legfsla~n becaµse its piers are located on. wattn already leased to the. island association tiy the city. 'The lease fee is $750. aMUaUy. The agreement expires lb six years. Leasing a~eemenls also are In · ef£ect 11t the B81boa Bay Club and Balboa Yacht ·Basin, Dawes noted. The channels 11urrounding Newt>Ort Island are excluded from the use fee plan because they are dedicated Tights- of.way, and nOt lgally considered city tidelanW, he said. · Bayshore Drive •. Linda Isle and Oaver Shores are exempted .because their piers ar located over. combinations of county '(See Tll>ELA~'DS, Page t) NEW YO!Ur (AP) -St'!i:k market prices remafnedr broadly Joffer ln late al~ trldlng.toilly, but.Q)l)Unutd to recover some ol. their eharp losses or earlier in t)\e day. (Set quollUons, P1ges 22·23). . " ' east llllnds -while the tempera· at the home. of actress:Sharon Tate. -----lf-ltll'H'e6'5-iA~w.·._ __ -t---"l'!lt.,.Mlly-ha"e: so111e serious dOtlbts She wore a brown polo coat wjth collar lo11itd up and held the collar t agaJnst her face. She carried 3 brown paper bag. ""'SIDE TODA'\' about his mental slate," 53id the lawyer, AJ, "Bill Boyd of McKinney. Ne.rt 11ear tht go11t'rnmt11t Bcyd, a former district and countf at. will conle ,0 htlp of parinli. t~~· also sar~ his client will fight ex· but this Chriltmos it'& every tradition. 1Vto Los Angeles delectives man for hlmself ;11 checking out \\·ho have come here to take him inlo p custody then !tarted back home. t he dangtr& ·01 tiew toVS. oge Wa~ 24. surrtndered' Sunday on 10. learning California authorities held a Mtviott tt Mtltfll ,!Pllft t1 l'ltlltftfl ftllWt ... , 0.•llfl CMlllllY ,. s11vi. , .. ., n IKltl Nt'#t 1t·M SMt" H-H ltKtr Mktttt V·tl ''"vi•'-'! Jl l'jHtlotn 2t w-. OleM WMlt 'H w ... 111 ft... •·1 Wtm"''' lolrwt 1'·P • warrant for his arrest. ffe is charged \\ith murder In the slaying • of Steven Parent, a caret11ker \\ho was killed along with Miss Tate and three otl)er persons last Aug. ~. Another suspect In Uie ca&e, Linda Louise: l\asablan. 20, one of three persons facfng murder charges in the ilaylng of actress Sharon Tate and four others, wa1 returned to Los Ange.lei Wedne11day nl&ht In Jtlobile. Ali . a Clrcoit Court hearing was set for today on 1 motion seeking the bond' release Ol the third person charged in the. case. Lawyers for Patricia Krenwinkel. 22. moved for a writ of habeas corpus Wednesday. Miss Krenwinkel did net appear ln court for filing of the writ, which also dl1llenaed the warrant under which she Is held . _ Miss Krenwinkel's attorney, M. A. itarsal, has 'Said she would fight ex· tradition. He contended that the fugi tive warrant was faulty on several grounds. lncludln~ one !bat it failed to compcy with Alab~a Jaw.1 • L. I· • • --· ~·! .i '°";. l .,; i,!."o, .• ! II ' ' '. •• OA.ft..'f ftll.01'° .... ...., THis• HANDS Jt?o To A_H~!lllER, ~ A~SO WAS A D~IVER -SE~ !'AGE 12 . . ' " • ~:t OAllY PILO\ Kindergarten to · Change to Single Sessions 1 • By THOMAS ~OR~E 6f ""' Delly '"'"' lltff Tile Newport-Mesa Un~ltd School District will switch from two-a-day '-indergancn sessions to longer single ,fessions at the start of the second , semester Feb. 2. · Stltdents then will spend three hours cichrday In the rlassroom Instead CJf the present two and one-half hours, · Since teachen will teach only one class ']>er day instead o{ two, ball the kin· derprten, aiude1its wiU have a different.• teacher. Al>out 119 ~lorlen atudenta amonc tl14oe·· a{ttndJnc Ibo ~ dlllrict'• ll el~ 1dio0ii wlll Ill •wltcbtd lo alicitnu IChool. • "The achool prlnelpat. wW be Hktd to \\'Ork _.;.arefully selectin1 the 1tudents that are most ll)ature and adaptable as the one!I to have a different teacher," Supl. \V\lham L. Cunningham said. He told school board members th is \\·eek new state legislation Will penalire school dlstrlcU 90! on single ltlndor1at1tn 1esalon 111 amount,about..equlvatent to the •44illoJ1f1 l'l!'I 1 " "'In • h~w.•h. t!i•f~ will· be"no 1l1nm- c:ant dllterenci 'between llnile and double ses!lon in cost," he~said. He said niost kindergarten teacher! [avor the 5ingle session for its educa- tional value buL many principals do not agree with his reconlmendalion for a mid·year switch over. Without disse:it, board members ap. ·A.rrested in Assault Jail Visitor Now Guest A Newport Beach waterfront dweller goofed Wednesday night when he wen t 10 polict headquarters to visit a friend arrested on cha rge's of assault with a Cilcote enter the police department. J1e identified the man as one of his alleged assailants .. • As he joined them out.side: to settle the matter. he said, one of the pair pull- ed a knife, but did not use it during the fight that followed. ' deadly weapon after a tavern fight. Police arrested the \•isitor. too, and booked him on the same charges. The fight, a knife-flashing, kicking and slugging incklent. started at The Place Tavern at 2000 W. Balboa Bou levard. Police said Eldridge had several scalp cuts and bruises from being kicked . He 5ought treatment from his doctor. ' Officers said Lester Maurice Cilcotc. 27. of 2006 W. Ocean Front, was arrested <\fler he tried to visit with the friend , Stanley Sunderland, 39, same ~--The victim of the fracas, oftlCel'I ):ild, "-'IS talking to investigators when be saw • Bethel L. Eldridge, 34, Huntington Beach, told police two men started argu· ing with him at lhe tavern before mid· rUghl. Eldridae left !or the Stag Bar across ).fcFadden Square. The two men followed him, he said. Suntler!and was arrested outside' the bar. A short time later, Cileote arrived for a viSit and was also arrested. The pair face charges of assault v.'ilh a deadly weapon. They were still in custody this morning. Resident o'f Back Bay From l'age l DANGER • • • Opposes Annex. to Mes _a by a wave. Reed advised parents to keep children from the banks and warned per.5()nS ~·ishing LG walk on top ()f the groins to study the surf h>r a time to judge if any waves might crash over them. Despite a petition carrying signatures of a majority of homeowners involv~. not everyone in Costa fl.tesa 's proposed Back Bay Annexation Number One are a is in favor, according to one of them. B. Douglas Sawtelle, of 2668 Santa Ana Ave,, told the City Council Monday thal he is opposed to joinin& the city and no ·valid arguments have been offered by the city yet. "Some of us would like ·to point out there will be a tu increase," aplaioed E.rohate Top_ic For Bar · Meet · 5.twttlle, who said the whole issue has caused hard feeling among some long- time nelghborhOOd friends. · •·J came away \'cry unsalisfied," he added, conce rning his City Council ap- pearance and subsequent discussion of the annexation matter. Sawtelle told cowicilmen that the voter~ affected were ·led to believe if they did not annex to Cos la ~fesa, Newport Beach would encircle their unin corporated area. "Petition carriers said we had to go to one or the other." he explained, noting that the trurd alternative is to do neither, He said some large surf might arrive along the coast this weekend -tailings from the pounding ~·aves which hit 11awaii earlier this week. "There is a chance we might have four· to-seven-foot v.•aves this weekend • sometime, and a wave of that size can easily wash ()ver some of the groins when eondiLions are right," he said. ''J-'m ctrtain-_there-was nothing irregu· lar about the annexalion, jusl a Jack ol Wa shini?tonian }leads information," he said. ....., Several public mttlings were held on Hi.,.,h\vay Safety. Uni"t the ~., c J t y ;o(licials pointed oul • ~' tiUt 'Sawtelle'wu unable to at-tend due lo his working how-s and ap-SEA1iLE. \Vash. <AP) -Douglas A program called "'The Truth About parenUy so were othere:. Toms, \\'ashington state highways direc- Probate" will be presented b)' the 9naP ~ City cau~ilmen lift Ftb. 6 u t1'e elet· tor, has accepted the job of direclor of County BeMlociaUOn •J tordlbe;AIC , W.4.1~ .lbe -.auce, which was the National Highway Safety Bureau, t\ewport Harbor fli&b'ScMttf'1udl\oflDm. ..p,ro.e.t_ latt June by the' Local Alt&-Rep . Tom Pelly (R·Wash.), said Thurs, Four apeiker• rro,m the Bar Assoita. ciea Formation Commission. day. tion will talk on "Why Have a Will,'' ----------------'------------ ~·common 'Criticisms of Prottfte." "When Probate Is Not Necesal?)'" a n d "Procedure& and Problems Relatl~ tG Probate.'• A half hour question 1nd ari!wer per1od will follow. Admission ie: free . U.S. Education Aide · Speaks at Cd!\i High Dr. Paul F. Lawrence. regional a!llst· ant cornrnW;ioner of the U.S. Office of Education, wUI speak at Corona del M~r High School tonight, Dec. 4, on public school finance. The public is: invited lo join teachers in hearing Dr. Lawrence at his 7 o'clock talk in the Little Theater. He is one speaker in a series on school flna~ ~rranged by Ne"'·porl • Ptfesa Unified School District. Tuition Fee Loss Seen With Lower Vote Ag~ ' CHICO (UPI) -A state collep official says the 19-<:ampus system would 'lo!t $2.16 million a year In tu!Uon feee for out- of·state: students If lhc voting age L! l~·ered to 18. DAllY PllOI o••Mot (1).Ut ll'Vl t llftlMO cOMPA>rt ..... , .... w ••• "'"'*"' 9NI l'WI.,_ J11li I . Cw.l1y \'>e:t .. ,.,.,.. .... Glfor• .. ~ Th•••• "''"'ii ·-n ... n A Mtr,hl..t -·-• J1r•111• '· c.JllH --(llY l.llllw ---2111 Wftt l.tlMI ...... ,.., ll .... -P.O.l.117~tl'6>, Dl?EO.~E AIUA MAP P INPOINTS LOCATIONS IN DREDGING PROJECT Rush Job on Dredging Bay Ski Zone Planned ---l----e-W ..._ Orang bt1nt.yilarbor..Dlstrlct affidala •-':"'.::iii';;;'";;;;::~'"'•"'•"'•""• --1--,tho-'ll~·-~k~a~p"!plltd for hurried permlulon .... -: • •-by the Army Corps of Engineers for Th•_estl~~ tailings will be scattered ov thf mouth of Big Canyon-on Irvine ny land -eut of Back Bay Drive. ' • • the restoration Jnd dred&ini or Upper Newport Bay's water ski zone, a Job which muK-be done by lall J1nuary in order to qualify for a federal refund . No problems were u:pec:ted from the corps. and the projttt Is for@cllt to beo. gin within the next few weeks. Shellmaker . Inc .. of Ne:wport Beach, which origin1Jly dredged the 1tonn-dam· aced skJ zone when it was created In 1964, has entered a low bid of $1$4,900. A rontract bu not yet been awarded. however. The ski zone was destroyed early this year by record flood ing \\'hich brou&Jlt 5ilt and dtsbris into the Back Bay. The dredae$ wlll restore the ski tone to ill previous condition. but make n6 ~11ew devtlopmenls of the estuary. ' To insure that the dumped sllt would not clog rain runoU tbrou&h The C!nyon, dlstrJct aides said. a chlnntl would be cut lhrouch It, leading lo the bay. The project must be completed bv Jin. 26 In order ror the district to bt reimbur.sed hy the federal covernment under the disaster reliel program. The skJ zone was entirely clogged hv material deposited by last wlnter'!I: s:torms and has remained eloaed ever &ince. B1Qk' Bay Orh·e, the main access rnarl to tne ski zone by land. v.·as hea\•ily damaged, too, but alttr a closure or Sf'\'• cr11l month!i, cily r.re'i\'S opened lhe rolld· way and rtslored Jt 10 passable, but :;till substandard, condition. proved lhe chan1e to single session, •·we believe it has significant ad· · vantaae to the chlld." Dr. Cunningham !aid. He indicated that \l•ilh the ad- dil ional half hour kindergarten teachers could do more In reading readiness. ClaS5 sizes \\'Iii have lo be a. little l.lrger. Cunningham said, closet to the JI )<:lutlent11 per teacher sla te maximu1n than the present 25 per cli1ss loading. Board President J\1rs. Marian Bergeson said she agreed with Dr. Cunningha1n tha t "the public relatlons aspect of the changeovel' will be moat slgnl!lcant." The school district had lhree·hour. single-ses.sio(l kindergarten last year, but had to switch back lo double session9 this #}'t::ir t>ecause of the c05t. Fincc one teacher teaches bolh 2\i-hour ~cssions in Jhe classroom each day, twice di' many teachers must be employed for the 5ing!e sessio:i program , cosling the school district lwice as much in wages. Assistant Supt. for Personnel Kevin 0.lll Y l'tLOT i lllf l'Mt1 CITY AIDE SUSAN RYAN DOES SOME HOMEWORK N•wport Tomorrow Report Now Availabl• to Public Cupboard Hid • Ill Cult Leader Found in Raid ' INDEPENDENCE. Calir. (UPI) ._ Charles J\fanson. the hypnotic leader of a non1adic cua suspected in the slayings of Sharon Tate and 11 other persons, "'as round .. hiding in a tiny cupboard" when ;iurhorities raided his commune in Death Valley in October. · The California High\\•ay Patrolman '~·ho led a po~se in the raid teslified \Vednesday at r.1anson's court hearing on relativel y minor auto theft charges that the long.haired cult leader was ca ptured co11.•ering in the cupboard. James Purcell, the only patrolman usually on the J,000-square-mile beat. said the bearded r.lanson "·as "hiding in a 11ny cupboard beneath the sink. It \\'as perhaps three feel high, 18 to 20 inches wide ;ind 12 to 18 inches deep. It took him a time 10 unwind." ~1 anson. who held a myster ious s1\·ay o\'e r hi!i followers. was the only one of the nine persons arrested in !he raid "-'ho hid when the posse descended on the lhree-room house which \\'as the ba~e camp for the nomarlic commune. Before the end or the six·hour prelim· inary hearing, the district attorney·~ office here said Manson would be r<'· leased to Los Angeles authorities if a 1nurder warrant was issued. The court ruled there "'as sufficient evidence of receiving stolen property to bring Man- :.on to trial. Bail was set al $25,000. The stooped, slight Manson was wear· Ing blue denim jail clothes when he was led into the Inyet County courthouse in chai ns to face the charges involving stole n veh icles. One of the witnesses lo testify ~·as Paul \Vatkins. 18, a former member of the "family'' cult. i\1anson doodled on a piece or yellow paper ~·hile witnesses testified to the charge of receiving stolen property dur· ing raids by ;'the i'.tanson family" from a base camp In the Death Valley area. Another member of the cult, now in custody in Los Angeles, said through her <ittorney that J\1anson, 34, held an "in- !'iane, almost hypotic influence" over his "family." She said his followers called hin1 "Jesus." Wheeler ~aid he will begin rlaht awa:f recruiting kJnde:1111en teacher• tor Iha 1 second semester. Teachers who taught kindergarten last yea r and then were moved Into the primary grades this fall when the nwnber or kindergarten openings were halved will remain with their present classes the rest .,f the year, Cunningham said. They will be gi ven first opportunity to take kindergarten openings subsequ~t years. .'TomoITow' Brochures Mailed Out '.4 Newport Beach city aides today trun· dled bundles of Newport Tomorrow digest 5ummaries to the post office fo~ mailing to 17,000 homes. The brochures, which cost the city about $800 to print and address. point up the recommendations of !he 80-member goals study committee. Phil Bettencourt, assistant to the city manager, said in adttition to the singlt· sheet brochures, 1,000 copies of the full 2().page Newport Tomorrow report will also be made available to the publie starting today at city hall and at the city's three libraries. They will be given out on a first-come, fint-served basis. There is no charge . Bettencourt noted that owners or New- port properties who live out of town will also receive copies of the brochure. The mailing should total about 4,000, he said. · There are several reasons why the city council ordered the mailing. Bettencourt i;aid among them is the city's hope to !ilimulate as much community interest in the Newport Tomorrow findings as pos· sible. The Newport Tomorrow committee, headed by John Macnab. formally su b- mitted its final report to the council two months ago. At that lime. l\1ayor Doreen l\1arshall vowed that thr report "will gather no dust on a sQelf." The city Planning Commission is now studying the various recommendation.~ on guidelines for the future. Implem'en- tation of the many proposals is expected lo take several months. ''\Ve're hoping for a lot of feedback' from the public on this," said Mrs. fl.tar.shall.· From Pnge l TIDELANDS. • • tidelands and private v.·aterways. Under the recently revised use r~ plan. favored by a 4 to 3 council majority. the annual revenue to the city is expected to be about $40,000. All that income. by la\\·. must be punlped back into harbor operations. 1-Iere is how the fee system will work: -All residential and con1mercial pier!, regardless of their location in the harh<lr. v.•ill be charged a $10 annual pier regis· tral ion or inspection fee. Commercial in· stallations will also be charged registra· lion fees of 25 cents to SI for each slip, depending on the number of slips. Burglar Takes 830 A burglar apparently starting out witJ; small stakes looted a Costa r.1esa youth'11 bedroom of $30 in newspaper roulfi receipts \Vednesday, the victim told police. Steve Dardin. of 265 \V akc Forest Road, told officers the money was taken from a clay pot on his dresse r, \Vhile nothing else was disturbed. Yer~' special purchase · from a famous quality maker of I I i GENUINE LEATHER CHAffiS . A GlfT TO TRWllRE AllD ENJOY FOR YEARS • Cuatom qu&!ily tl\rough-ou( • Lunrious CU9hibning • Your clioice o! a>lors from an e.xtenlive I I from $199 i I ~ . I INTERIOR DESIGNERS .2215 HARBOR BLVD. I o,.. w .... ,...... ... ..... 646-0275 . !www..·~--------------------------,.,.--...J r ' I i ' I I ) I I J t I ' I Anitraals Into the Act 1'Verrry Eeeenteresting,'' says Chester the Chimp as he acts the part of a forlorn Gennan Lancer du r- ing a perfonnance at Sea World in San Diego. Be- hind him, Aphrodite, world champion high jumping dolphin, comes up for air. BOih are part of the da ily show in the lagoon at the equatic park in Mission Bay. Reno, Las Vegas to Cooperate Buy The DAILY PILOT Just for 'Pea nuts' Thunday, Decrmbtr C, 1969 DAILY Pll'Of J3 Rallng Heads for High Court ' . . Judge Sirikes Dow11 Ahortio11 Ban WASHINGTON (AP) -A federal judge bas struck· down a District of Co!Ul'Dbia law harming ¥borti6ns performed by doctOrs and Urged that his decision be appealed quickly t.o the Suprtme Court. Should the high cou rt uphold the ruling, prohibitions on abortion -some enacted a century ago -could come tumbllng· down in scoru of states. U.S. District Court Judge Gerhard A. Gessell's decision held Monday that a physician may not be prosecuted for performing an abortion. persom, the doctor , ind 1 The District of Columbia beallh. or when caused h)' nurses aide, asked -him to law is similar to lawfi in 40 rape or· incest. dismiss their lndict.ment.s on :states. A few states, of which That position is embodied In Colorado was tbe first, have a model law prepared by thfi the basis of a California laws allowing doctors to American Medical Association Supreme Court decision that perform abortions w h c n and was brought before 11 California's law was not "suf-pregnancy e nd a nger s a number of state Jegislature5 ficiently artain to satisfy due woman's physical or menlal (his year. process requirements.'' lp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"i Gessel\ refused lo dismiss the indictment against the aide, saying lheir is "ample evidence" that "infecUon and death still often at lend clumsy, unskilled termination of pregnancy performed by nonphysicians." Since the law Is a feder al one, the ruling could be ap- pealed directly to the Supr.eme Court. Gessell also suggested that Congress mlfhl want to rt\\Tile it. providing more concrete tenrui. · ''GIFTABLE'' .. ys SANT A SONY Take it An~hereTV' Gessell ruled that the 1901 law banning abortions except ,~·hen necessary to save a pregnant woman's life Clr·l-----------11 health was so vague and in- definite as to b e un- const itutional. Although his rtlling dealt n1ost dire ctly with the rights of a Wa shington doctor ac- cused of perfonning an illegal abortion, the judge added : "There has been increasing indicntion in decisions of the Su preme Court of the United States thai as a secu lar mat- ter, a woman's liberty and right of privacy extends to famil y, marriage and sex matteM', and may \\'ell include the right to remove an unwanted child, at least in the early stages of pregnancy." 247 8ro1dway L ........ ~-4t4.f174 Hours: 11 1.m. to I 0 p.m. LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)- The district attorney thinks Las Vegas could give Reno smne excess convention busi- ness. A Las Vegas convention official has other ideas. Rawlings said that if the cily Ing Nev.:;da but •·1·m not sor=;:::::::::::::::::::::::"::is=ru=l=in=g=c=am=e=a=f=te=r;:t=w=o:;i ... '"";;:;:=====:::---ll knows in advance it won't sure the convention field \Vould Sony's new portable TV lias a place 'neath your tree "Actually. Reno and Las Ve- gas are like appleii and or· anges." liaid Barney Rawlingl'i, secretary ·of i.he Convention Authority. "They have a dif- ferent kind of appeal." Although the oranges in the slot machine are the main a~ peal of both ciUes, he says northern Nevada has more ski· ing a n d outdoorsmanship, while Las Vegas fias more en- ttrtairunent. Dist. Atty. George Franklin of Clark County told a Reno audience las t \\'eek that Las Vegas could have channeled some business to Reno whije It had 40.000 delegate.& at a. com puter convention. Suggesting a hot line be· tv.·een the two cities, he said, "if tlle tourist bureau Worked together conventioneers would be sold on the entire stat!." have room it will suggest to a be the best 1vay.'' convention a change in dates. He said Las Vegas would be "If the city wa~ full when "shooting itself oul of the sad- lhey arrived, we couldn't say: die'' by di·•erting sonie con- 'Sorry, we're overbooked. We venlions because many, for "'ill have to send you to instance v.•ill meet in the West Reno.'' only once every ~ou r yea rs. Las Vegas, #I miles south-Rawlings said some conven· east of Reno, boasts it had 256 lions could not be ~ent north trade shows and convention1 in 1968 with 206,709 delega tes because Reno might not be who spent $34,107,950. able to guarantee lhe same Reno officials iay J.91 con· facilities. Both ciiiC'S have ventions In f I s c a 1 1963-69 8.000 sent convtntion centers. brought.bt~.690 delega\~ who \Vashoe County says it has spent $6.2 million. 10,000 hotel and motel rooms. "Artistry in Moving" fo.-the BEST MOYE of YOUR LIFE Call: 494-1025 \Viii Jerglns, convention di· v.·hile Las Vegas claims 25,000. rector for the Greater Reno-----~-------------------------------------·!! Chamber of Commerce. said the hot line is a good idea. "We certainly think it would be wonderful to have coopera· lion that would channel con· ventions lo us instead of let- ting them go out of the state.•· Rawlings said he welcomed "the opportunity to work with the boys in Reno" on promol· ODI s GROD:CNB %rJr C}lJ1§tma§ 'W.ta_pping F'onnerfy Mullen & Bluett OPINIUNDAY 12tol P.M. MlrldtMllt, --· TopenpPlw,. Santa Montq. l 1k1wood, . Anlhtlm, ""' ..... Manttt1lr, Si n Dle&O Cloud .. olt Elllron• Fleece Robes by Raymond Halpern Lo~ngewear Marvelous pre-h oliday values in fireside robes-to give or treasure for yourself. Two dreamy versions In feather- light Estron acetats-nylon fleece. With shirred yoke and embroidered choir collar or with dramatic front panel embroidery. Both avatlobfa long or ahort In Jada Gr8"n or Cherry Pink. Short '7 Leng '9 T~t Sany TV-710U w•itJhl • liltl• OY•r ' lb1. vau c1n lak• ii 1n,,.wh111 -b11ch, bo•t, bou· doir or btck,,.1rd. Plu, • 7-inch di1gan1l 1cr1•n lh1t 11h \fall 1h11• t~• fun wilh th• whal• f1m ily. Sh1rp pictur17 You b11 .,TV.710U ow•• ii •II to Son,,.'t •d•anc•d 1alid 1!1!1 circuitry ~ •nd • farwa1d AGC '"'''"" for 11n1itj.,., ••e•p!ia11. O p1r1+•1 on AC. Plug1 into e111 And both wit~ oplian11 1cc111ori11. You·.,., !;Ill la 111 ii lo b1li 1•• it. FOR ONLY· 99.95 Take it to the beach, boat, ball game or bedroom! Sanyt TV920U, 11 11 •••Y lo w1teh autdaort 11 111ywh•r• in yaur ha"'' -with it1 I " bl 1c~ di•9on1llv l"•11ur•d pictur1. And it w•i9h1 anly 10 lb1.! 'GIFT •RICED .•• 129.95 High Flying Butt Sony's Team TY, for ,..._ __ -Jl---~::!'!'.o le who follow Raincoat by Harbor Mailer For th& man who demands more from a raincoat than mare protection. Uke quality -that you can lee/ In the •llky Imported Swiss fabric of·polyes!er and combed cotton. And great fashion-that you can see In the dashi ng double breasted styling wllh Its unique double row of buttons. Designed for all the high flyers-and thpse who would llko to be. $67.50 Other H1rbor Mtlttrt from $SS SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MISA IROAOWAY·ANAHl lM CI NTIR LAklWOOD CINTH .AMhelfft Lanw..4 • SOUTH COAST PLAZA, Costa Mesa; ANAHEIM, Broadway-Anaheim Center; LAKEWOOD, Lakewood Center I• • • • the cidlonl w ,+h ltt I I" di•')On•I 1crt111, 1n1p-i1 I •"•P· e11t flll1t -it ie el••'· 1.11••• fr•• .,;,..tn9. Op•Ti••• on So~y b•tle•v. 12 .... 11 ,,1,/bo•t b•lt•ty '' AC h•u1• t11rr t nl. UND U YOUR TRU •OR ••. 1'39.95 ~DAVIS BROWN 411 E. 11th St. ·Costa Mesa D•lly 9.9, 5•turd•y '·' ~hon• 646-1614 I •• '] 4 DAil V PllOT ' •· For the Record Mnsieal Benehes? 1J1UJ.1Mwi.ck ~ County's Judges Switch Assig1iments MEETINGS CJ1ritll•11 •ont.-"°"n"t C11m111llttt. ....,nllntloll lffch, M1nnv1, 1'02 Edlnt1'' Awt .. H.I . 1:00 '·"'· Mu"liftllOft 8NCll l ionl Cllllt, H,,,.. !l"'IOll ~.c:lltt Cou..,lrv Club, J000 ,.,.,,, Avf ., HIJ!'ll11'8lon Beat,,_ t .lO ·~· 11\1....,k Locl'i•· tOOF "! t I I , Wntmlrosltt ,tiv1nuc. W1!tm11Ultf, .!~~k11~0.it Ard1•11C1lotV l.ol;l.iv, 11-., M11-. S."11 A"'· 1:30 11,m, H1.W ArN TN •lm••••r c~. ~ Vff"lM (-lf\I Club. Ccnl1 ~ 1:311 N:.;:o,, Htrtior Ei..s Club, (!let Lodte, 3"56 V'9 OPOtto. N.-t llttcl'I. I •m· Alftlf1all U.\ol'I Pill! •JJ, Ame•ltt n L"lol! Hill, ~ W. 1tlh $!,. C0$1t Mfta, I 11.m. Amet"lc.811 L"loll hsl 1)3 f1f Hllfl· l"'-19'1 I HCh, ...,,,.rlctn Lttilon Ht ll. Civic Ctnt.r, Hunt"'9111M .. Kl\, f H~Mtort llMdl Junior Cti.mbtr .. c~ ~ton INcil kin, ... ..,... 1111t1tlln 8fKll, • 11.m. Ht'"tlnttoll lle&dl BtrT&Cil:I No. nlO. Vtt.11,_ f1f WOl'ld Wtr I, V.F.W. Hill, 'I' Vork'""" Avt .• Hun1lng!on BHCll. 2 ~10 11.m. l='Olllll t ln Vtlie'I 1Ciw111ll Clvli. Ft1n· a.!1', llUI llltftCh Blvd., H11nll1111!on llH<h. 12:1i-11.m. Newoert J.11 rb0r Junior 011..,ber er Comf'l'l¥Cf, 1'17 Wt~tcllll Or,. Nt w· oorl a.1ch. Felld1"°''• 161 n West· • cllfl Or., NewllOrt lll!llch, 7 p.m. Births DEATH NOTICES CECIL M•r••tel 0 , Cecil, 66' W. lt!h ~I .. Cost• Mn•. CMll'r of "-"'· ~-J. Sunrl....:t b'f 111ugllf1r, Mrs. \llrglnl1 O'Donnell, of OF'llllftl rwe sllte<-•, Mrt. Amt C•f'Vff, P•sa<1en1; Mr1. Flor....:1 lllakHlef!, 0..!1rla1 ,.,.. •r1nckl'llldrtn.. SoeNices will bl held Mond•r. I PM, l.eH a ... a.... .... Ch1pel. 1n1enri..,1, Forl 11owcr1n1 Met1 ..... 1 C.metwrv, s.an Ditto. 8•11 lll'09dwar Morlu1ry, Cos11 M111. Olrterors. DRIGGS J1rm-s Drltie1. 921 Molll'IO, Lon~ llffCh. "'" ''' a.re of dt&lh, ~. 1. S<it>rlved br wife, lmNI; d•uvMer 1nd JO'Hf>-ll W, H91en L, I nd Jolllt It. MC· Allb!ch; tour 1r1!ldcl'lllllr""• JOfl", MJ. dlMI, l"l'flll'f I nd Judllh. ~rvlcet, Frldl'f, 10 AM, Smllh• Chloe!. 1n1e .. mn. Good Sll~erd Cem111rY. Smlthl Morftll~, OlrKtorl. LORENZEN Minelli Llll'Wllen. L-flOT>t reoldffll t'.f Huntlrltlon 8e1C'\-Su•vlm 1w """9hl1r. M,.. Flddl'l'l'llt<t af R<nevl!le, C1llf. Slrvltl's. SllUn!IY, 10 AM, Sml"'• Ch111e'i. lntfrmen!, We1ll'PU"n• ~t~ Me.,,orl1I P1r~. Sml1111 Marru1•v, CHr«ton, RUTAN Mtriln £. 1tut1n, .t.91 14, of 1'S1 Avt• Ion SI,, co.11 Mft<I. O.!e of pee!h, OKemtll• 7. Surviwd by ll'>Cl!her. M", E""""'o J. R11t1n. CO'll1 Mt11; 111111•, ltobtri lt ut1n, 8urbllnl!; lour li11f'I· l.turel 1nd ltatoh1. Co1!1 Me11; Ma•· ci•. Pnwldtt1ce. II.I.; Mrs. J1101tn ~rriot!. Gold~. Color.o:lo: two brot~­ "'S. ltkh1rd . .t.d1m1vl1lt. JI I.; OontlO. llflld<lo'I, M111.; tr1nd1>1ren11. M" •nd Mro. WlllOn l.. JI U11", Phoe"'~' Mr. 1nd Mrs, J, W. Hilly.,., Sent• Ysabe!l1, C•lil, Jlt<iu!e<n Miss. S•lur- tl•'f, 10 iltM, SI. JOM !ht 811>1>!1 Ct1h· .. nc Churcn. lnttrm~!. Good She..ht•d c~eter¥, 11111z MCN"tuerv, co,i1 Mtli&. Dlreclort. SAMPSON I l!li•fl 51mD!.M. 13'5 S1n•1 Anll Avt .• CO•'• Mes•. 0111 ol Marn, OH. t. ~left ..... dl'!ll 11 lltll BrotCIW•Y Mortv41ry, Co<1l1 Mew. SCHl\UD'f F."rN rl Schmidt. A1e IS. ol 1JJ7 S. Cypreu. s.ant1 An•. 0111 ol OH!~. 0ec .... t11r J. Service• 1>1:todl"11 11 8tll Sl'Mll..,..,. Mort111..,, c1111 1 Me:11. ARBUCKLE & SON Westclirr J\Jortu5ry 4%7 E. 17th St., Cost• l\1esa 646-4811 • BALTZ MORTIJARIES Coron• del ltlar OR 3.9450 Costa l\-te1a ftO &-%U4 • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY llt Broadway, Costa l\fesl LI 1-3433 • DILDAY BROTHERS Huntington Valley Mortuary litll Beach Blvd. llunilngton Beach m.m1 • PACIFIC \1EW MEMORIAL PARK e Mortu•rr ope asot Pacific Vltw Drf'·e Newport ll<8dl, Cal~oralo M4.%711 • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL IJOM& ':Ill Bolu A''e. Westminster m.:su • SHEFFER MORTIJARY l.Apllo Bu<b <IM-11131 Su Onl'"lt 4UIOI • S.llJTIJS' MORTUARY 617 l\lal1 St. llunlln gion Btar- 511W21 OC Nurs e, Pair Held In Fraud LOS ANGELES (AP) Three persons, including a nurse from Orange, have been ordered to trial on charges in- volving a "catalytic·cellular the rapy'' treatment which state and federal h e a I t h autho rities say has no medica l Yalue. The th ree are Wendell G. Jlendricks, 55, Sa n Diego osteopath ; the ReY. Kenneth \V. Knox, presiden t of the Universal Life Re search Foun· dation ol San Bernardino. and Mrs. Patricia Arbatch. 69, of Orange, a retired nurse. Municipal Cou rt J u d g e Patrick T. PlcCorm ick of Glendale ordered them ar· raigned in Superior Court Dec. 16. He made the ruling Tues- day after a f ive -da y pre liminary hearing. Each defendant is charged with attempted grand then. practicing medicine without a liceose and conspiring to do both. Hendricks' m e d ic a I license reportedly has been revoked, SOS to Conve ne ORANGE -Orange Coun- ty's Stamp Out Smog (SOS) organization meets Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the basement of the Union Bank Building here. The meeting is open to anyone interested in air pollution, an SOS spokesman said. ·Villa Park Ma yor Eyes Board Seat By TOM BARLEY 01 1M Olllr l"llOI 51111 Department Iii, 1 general trial William L. f\1urray. bench. Department 11, gen er a II SANTA ANA _ Most of Or-Judge Harmon G. Scoville of trial-crimblal panel, Robert Weslmlnster moves from Gardner. I ange County's 21 Superior al domestic rtlations to gener Department 12, g e n e r a I Court judges will find them· trial from January lO June trial-mental health, H. selves Jn untamiliar court· and takes over from JUc!ge Walter Steiner. rooms Jan. 5 whel\ Judge Wil· Corfman in la w and motion for Dep.m'rnent 13, gen e r a J llam Speirs or Newport Beach the second hatr of the coo rt trial, flerbert s. H.erlands. takes over as presiding judge. r J dg S · ed th yea· Department 14, general u e pe1rs announc e Judge Speirs' postings are: 1r· 1 w·u· s Lee massive reshuffle 1· ust one Depa One · 1a , J 1am • • rtment , presiding month before he moves into judge, William Speirs. Department 15, I e n e Ta l the executive chambers to ~ trial-criminal panel, Kenneth Yacated by J udge Samuel ~partment Two, lawrf and Williams. Dreizen. The Neowport Beach mot.ion, Robert L. Co man Department 16. ~n e r a 1 . . th , (January through June) and lrt'al, Judge H n G . 1urist was e co u rt !I H G •-•11 (J I unanimous choice last month armon · ~vyi e u Y SCoville (January th r o u g b th d . . 1· . b through December). June) and n-~ L. "-~-lor e a m1n1stra ive JO • i WLICl • VJt 1111-· Department Three, general (July thr ... ,..., December ). Among those warming. new · I bat Ra d """" In tr1 a ·pro e, ymon Department 17, "e neral benches lhe coming year Th e ompson. triak ri minal panel, Byron will be Judge Robert Gardner VILLA PARK -Villa Park of Newport Beach, swilched Department Four, domestic K. McMillan: WORLD LEADER IN RECREATION CO ... IUMt " OMllON/•lllu,.twte .. COllO'OlllAflO" POOL TABLES AT FRO M $275 AND UP OPIN .. UljOAYS Cfiuc£6 0 COMI IN AND Sii ITORI DISPLAY LAY·A-WAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS AT COSTA MESA 'S EXCLUSIVE BRUNSWICK DEALER . . . . . Mayor James T. Workman is from presiding ~udge or the relation!, Claude M. Owens Department 13, g ene ra 1 loday campaigning for the criminal calendar and Grand (January through Ma r ch), tr i a I -se t t I ement con· Fourth District scat on the Jury liaison to Department 11• Bruce W. Sumne r (J u I y fer e nc es-settlement con- Orange County Board of a genera I tdal-criminal through fle<ember). The r ere n c e s• Lesier Vanli1 /?'.UC I •, BOWLING & BILLIARDS Supervisors <ind it appears panel court and Judge Bruce depa rtmen t is. open for the Tatenhove. LIL k ~ unlikely that he will be op!. Sumner of Laguna Beach. period April.June. Department 19, g en e r a I 2750 HARBOR BLVD. AT ADAMS posed by incumbent \Viltiam from presid ing judge of the Department Five, criminal lrial~riminal panel, Howard In Colles. • Center ..._ COSTA MESA _ 540-7303 1-Jirstein. juvenile court to a two-fold calendar-grand jury, James F .. -~C~. ~C~a~m~e:ro~n:· ______ _!!,,===='=================:::: Hlrslein, current chairman 1970 assignment_ in domestic Judge. I· of the board, ronfirmed that relations from January to Department Six, open. (Pcn- "it is verj likely" that he will April and July to December ding appoinlmenl of a ne w not ru n for office In 1970. The and in the Fullerton branch of judge). veteran supervisor is com-th rt al tri'al k hi h . fr e cou on gener wor Department Seven, general pleting s 16t year in ° ice. from January to July. trial-settlement conferences, Workman, 61, made his an-nouncement Tuesday shortly Judge Robert L. Corfman of Raymond F. Vincent, be fore he discussed the matter Newport Beach is one of the Department Eight, general with Hirstein. few judges to retain his cur· trial-settlement conferences, The public relations ex-rent spot -the law and mo-Charles A. Bauer. ecutive is currently chainnan lion department. But he only Department Nine, open. ~oufh Coast '1ua 86 STORES ... ~ALL IN SHELTERED COMFORT of Orange County's Local slays in Department Twc> until Department 10, g e n e r a 1 Agency F 0 rm at i 0 n Com·,_J_u_l~y_1_w_h_e_n_h_e_mo_v_es __ 1o __ tr_ia1_-cr __ ,·m_ln_a_l-<nrnm __ · _·_•_I ~pan_e_I~, --------~-------.,-----------------­mission (LAFC) and is a member of the boa rd of U1e l r-;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;~~~~~~~"'."~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::;;;;--:::-1 Ofange'Cou n ty Sanitalionl j _,.._ District. ---workman's am,ounc.ment COMMUNITY EVENTS CAUFORNIA ,,.,.as re l eased by his FOUR FEDERAL employers, Clea ry, Hitt and Do your "TH ING " fo, U1tit1d Fund. It'• MEET ANN I USTAMANTI SAVINGS . Company of Santa Anahbut the on1 Timi of the v••r wh1n you c;11t MAXIMUM ;·s;++;;; organization director C. i p Cleary stressed that the firm h1lp !h<111 1111 fortun1l1. 22 loc1I ,9,". will not handle Workman's (i1J r1I-,. on United f unds for iupport, yo!Jr INTEREST election campaign. •u~port. Expansion Move OK'd SANT A ANA -Orange County superv isors ha" e agreed to ex pand the head- quarters of the H ar b.o r Distri ct at J901 Bayside Drive in Nev.•port Beach. It \\'as agreetl that ex· pansioo would be necessary to house additional staff and facilities needed as a result of the board's recent decision to convert the district into an Orange County Parks. Recrea- tion and Harbor District. A date ha!'i not yet been se t by the board for acceptance of bids on the expansion. It was noted that construction costs will be drawn from the di strict's funds of $85,000 devoted to that purpose. :'.;,'.'"' •• , •• '"' hw~•·v b.ii. PLANS AT "Gal of tho Month" CALIFORNIA lt tltetl '" Na•lher" Cali!o..,11, A~" Bu~t1m1111e •nd Husb.tnd, F••nk own W.t lr hom. Willl • ~ l'I Gtr!Mlt (;•o"''· Join"" bv their lhr~~ Children, lhty ""'10'1' ou!door •ctivllles ,...,. •oo- (lt lly llshln!I. ' FEDERAL """ lo.al bttn wllh Callfoml• Fldtrel !Or n1n1 yNr$ I nd II tires....ir., ..... •i•lanl Slvl'IO~ ~1rtmenl Heed. SIV "I-Hiio" ind '" '"°"'~' prl11 wln• n1"D 1ml!1. Party Cliiefs Okay Furid T cictics Sivitcli ANAHELV! -Orange Coun· ly central committee:s o( three Political parties have joined hands in a campaign to S\\'itch fund raising emphasis fro m $100-a-plate dinners and coslly cocktail parties to the dime- <1nd-Oollar contributions nf the a\'erage \'Oler. Christened the ''4-C Plan" (Ci tizens' Contributions 1 o Central Committees), the pro- posal has the backing of c~n­ ty headquarters of l h e Re publican. Democratic and American J ndep e nd ~nt parties. Chaired by Joseph E. Irvine, the fund-raising group plans to accept contributions at 191 branc~ ol 1~ county ban ks. The plan "broadens the base ror fund raising so the par.t ie"' will not have to tot~lly rel y on the large dooon as in the past," lrvine said. And ll will, he added, "provide an op- portunity ftlr well qualified candidates to enter various races with the backing of funds not previously available because of the lack of an organized approach gathering them." PoUtical contributions raised by the group ·wilt be used by the central committees to help niain tain offices, su pport can· - didates for election and CQn· \·ey party activities and goals to supporte rs, Irvine said. lrvioe sai d inte rested county rcsidenls should call the cen· tral committee of their choice llnd ask for the "4C'' brochure 11·hich contains the necessary sign-up card. The completed card i>hould indicate the amount or the monthly pa}•ment 1\•hich the party supporter \1•ishes to donate . H i ;o; auttlOrizatlon 1>ermits the p11rty lo issue a draft that \\!ill be h:inored by his bank and debilcd to his ac- count in exactl.v the same manner as any other busincs.-; transaction. A Cflnlributor l'an cancel the agreement al any lime. lrvine stressed. by notifying the cen- tral committee of his in-~ tentions. j BIBLE THOUG llTS s •••• 1 li11111•r•llty ft t.ond •l'l'lfted b., the l ·bl1, Rom. 1;14.)2, H•b. ll :-t. God 1. The Guaranteed Growth Plan. Deposit Sl ,000 or more for 3. 4 or 5 yea rs. For each year all your principal and interest remain, we'll guar- antee a 5.25~'0 annual rate, compounded daily. It adds up to 5.39~:. a yea r. ""'\ 2. The Guaranteed Income Plan. Open an account of $1,000 or more for 36 to 60 months. We'll guarantee you a 5.25% annu al rate, compounded daily, with in terest paid out to you each qua rter. 111 case ol hardship or emergency, you can withdraw at any lime \v1:h fu!l 1nteres1 paid to the end of the previous quarter. 3o The Bonus Plan. Earn a bon us of 1/4 c:.:. a year VJhen yol1r account is held lo 3-year maturity. This is in addition to the regular S~o current annual rate. Regular interest is compoun ded dally and mny be credited quarterly for extra earnings. Withdrawals before maturity earn al the regular r assbook rale. Any amount of $1 ,000 or more opens and ma intains your bonus account. All funds held lo maturity earn an effective annual rate of 5.25°k . 4. The Basic Plan . The most flexible plan. You can invest any amount of money and wilhdraw it whenever you wish. If you leave all you r money an d interest in your account for a year at our current 5~·:. annual rate witlllnlerest compounded daily, you 'll receive an annual yield of 5.13°/o. You earn <., inlerest from the day you deposil your money 'tit the day you wilhdraw II. Plus ... the money you deposit by the 10th of any monlh ei'lrns interest from the 1st. when It remains until quarler's end. lt---!"'''-'OJiE IMtLl"'-'ll< l!\t..OW'-1H------be 11T~•I comp1nio111, for lif1, i" m1r• ri191, lnl1rcour11, euhid1 of w1dlo(~, i1t SIN: No fo•nic1le• or 1duh111r thtll e"• 111 He'"'"' /I Car. 6:•1 Ho1t1011•111IH" ;, 1n 1ilo,..in1bl1,1in, ll1vi1:c1" 11-117, ~om. l ;27·2t, I l ill'I, 1:10, G t n. 19 :•-t I, Jud911 19:72 -211. N1w1p1p1n fod1y teitotf i"1mOr1lily of lh1 bod'r' en 1v1ry hind ind i• l'l'lf n iv1 1u1mbli1u ("lov1" i11,, 11wd:1 9•!h1ri1191, rotk n1utic ctowds, 1lc.); 10 n1uch 10 th1t w1 ••• remind 1d ol Er. 32:6, 21-21, i nd Gtft, 6:S. How lon9 c•n God !ol1r1 t1 111,ll wid11pr11d imfnor1lity •• he '''' tll10119houl lht world] Poi• 1ibly th• 111d of tin1e io n11r; CfllTA INLY Jucl9"''"' of ll't•nv immor1I 01111 ii n11r. for 1t11ny of them di1 ~.a., 111d 90 lo tll•l• et11n1I d11tiny UNPREPARED. IG1!. 6:7.1 1. Our n1tion, Ot ANY n.-tio n, i1 8od1111d to dtt•Y 1111110 ;1 C•'I ln1tl U i11 ifl pwbli' '" intolr••"'' for fl19r•lll ,.,o!•t:on of '"1n• c>pl•1 of d1cencr. Let 111 m•kt 1 fi~t lor COMMO N DECENCY in '"''Y ••111111 of lilt , in ou1 1"""111 1<l•,.;li11, !t 0111 publi, b1h1wior, 111 our pol1llc,I i nd VOTJNG Hf1, '" ow• SHOPPING 1011•1, :11 •ht pl1c11 of AMUSEMENT w1 p1tron;11 ; lit "' pwl 1"111111• for d1c111cy wh1re it will COUNT .-t t •••v <1ppo1 l1111ity. D!11rth of Ch•i1t, 211 W. W1l1011 SI., C~11•1 lo',11•, C ,, ti6~1. NATION'S LARGEST FED£RAL •' COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 Harbor Blvd. near Adams • 546·2300 CllFFOAD M. WESOOAF, VICE PRESIDENT & MANAGER J j ·t;osia Mesa · Toda~'s Fina) -- N. t'. Stocks VO[. 62, NO. 290, 4 SECTIONS, 50 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, DECEMBER -4, 1969 TEN CENTS ' . Council Splits; M~sa Blufftop· ~ei~ne . Fails .\ maneuver by Costa f\.lesa ~ome 0'1Vl'ltrs to change zoning on adjacent in- dustrial land has gene aground, leading to an entirely new study of blufHop pr~ perty which may one day overlook a marina. The Costa....M"esa City Council failed to rezone the in'ifustrial land to single fainlly home use Tuesdi:ty night on a 2 to 2 vote, based on a theory of original property rights versus long-range land values. The Marina Highlands Homeowners Association enthusiastically supported the rezoning on bol"i sides of Valley Road, ranging 400 feel south from the center lini! ol Victoria Srteet. All four owners of the land invol~ed, however, asked that the property remain ;,s designated, since it is used by a garbage disposal service, a construction company, and fishing rod plant. Councilman Willard T. Jordan moved for denial of the rezoning after hearing iirgwnents for and against it, chiding the homeowners somewhat for their &elf-in· tereste<i role!. He pointed out that it seems strange, but is perfectly legal in California, for people other than property owners lo re· qi1Ml a zone cba,ige on certain land. "But three-fourths of the ov.1ners don't want a change." ~observed. Councilman William L. St. Clair hap. ~-r11-J(',. cw~' !:>-r "' er.. -ri<:c.e ~I> "Bo!>f')-r" 'l'f'R..I'\ \)""' l>E<:... , , -;t?. Tate Susp_ects to fight Extradition for Trial Newport Yuletide Harbor Parade Sails on Dec. 19 h~C!Kll\~EY. Tex. ·(AP) -Charles D. W1lts9n's lawyer indicat~d today .tbi:it he will .ask psychiatric examination for the bearded former football player, v.•ho · is charaed in one of the California murders at the home of actress Sharon Tate. "I personally have some serious doubts about his mental state," said the l<iwyer, Bill Boyd of ~fcKinney. Boyd, a former' district and county al· torney, also said his client \viii fight ex· tradition. Two Los Angeles detectives who have come here to take him into custody then started back home . Watson, 24. surrendered Sunday on learning California authorities held a warrant for his arrest. He is charged with murder in the slaying or Steven Parent, a caretaker who was killed along with f\.1iss Tate and three olher persons last Aug. 9. Another suspect in the case, Linda I,,ouise Kasablan, 20. one of three persons facir\g mut'der charges in the slaying oC actress Sharon Tate and four others. was returned to Los Angeles \Vednesday night from Concord, N.H. fl.trs. Kasabian was whisked off a plane from Boston into an unmarked police car \l.'hich sped away immediately. Newsmen "'·ere not allowed to question her. She v.·ori a brown polo coat with collar turned up and held the collar tightly ' Orange Coast Weather 'Ve'JI have a little bit of every- thing Friday -sunny S:Jties, early morning clouds and gusty north- east wind' -while the tempera· ure res s 1n INSIDE TODAY Nez:t year tJ1e govern.ntcnt will come to help !11 J?CrtllU, but this Christmas it'1 t111t1ru ma11 jor himself in cllecklna out the dangers of new toys. Page 10. . C1Hf9ml1 I ClffflnH It-IF (tfftl(• " C""'RN I 09..rtl "'111:" 14 D!wrwt U ........... , ... I ................ " ''°"""'' »·n "''""" " """' Ufllftn n Nl•ll"'• I MlrtllH Lltl!ltlf 1f Mfttlltll ,. against her face . She carried a brown .paper bag. . , In Mobile, Ala. a Circuit Court hearing \v.a! set for today on a motion ·seeking tfie bond release of the third person charged in the case. ,La\\'}'ers for Patricia Krenwinkel, 22. moved for a writ of habeas corpus Wednesday. ~fiss Krenwinkel did not appear in court for filing of the writ, which a]sQ challenged the warrant under which she is held. fl.fi ss Kren\\·inkers attorney. M. A. Marsal, has said she would fight ex· tradition. He contended that the fugitive ·warrant was (aulty on several grounds, including one that it failed lo comply with Alabama law. More Huge Waves Racing T owa,rd, Hawaiian Isles HONOLULU (UPl)-Sea swells· up to 40 feet driven by gale force winds todiy raced toward the Hawaiian Islands. The weather bureau warned of another on· slaught of dang¢.rous surf. The bureau In a 'sl?!Cial bulletin Issued Wedne!day night said the hiah waves were backed by a wind from the nortb. west at I~ to 25 miles per hour, tending to drive the surl. It urged that tvery precaution be be taken in preparation ror "this dan· gerous £ituation.' . Newport Beach's. traditional Floati~g Ch:fistmas Tree and Boat Parade w>II run from Dec. 19 through 23 with scores or dec~!ated boati expected to tour lhe bay each-rJght. . The parade will begin each e\'ening at the Balboa Island ferry l&.'lding at 6:30 p.m. After tonring the fring~s of Newport Harbor, the boats will conclude the pro- cession each evening at 9: IS p.m. An average of SO boats participated in the procession each even ing last year . Over the weekends more yachtsmen join- ed the parade, sv;elling the ranks up to JOO on several evenings. No entry fees or blanks are necessary, Jaek Barnett. manager of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce,. ex- plained . Participants need only show up at the !erry landir& to join in the procession. Trophies will .be awarded to winners in several divisions. Winners are announced b e f o r e Christmas. 'but thtt .awards will be given out at the Chamber's annual installation dinner Jn Janµary. Co-sponsors of the annual event are the Chamber and the Newport Beach City Employe's Assx:iation. Awards will be presented in boat classUlcalions of po"''er or sail up to 20 feet; from 21 to 40 feet, and 41 feet and over. Motorist Tells Mesa Kidnaping The giant waves, some as high as 50 feet, began Monday nigh!, forcing more Held at knifepoint by a teenager who than 1,000 residents along northern hopped Into his car at a Costa fl.1esa tn- sharu or the islanda: to flee their homes. terseetion, a motorist was forced to dri\'e ""Two j)mOns were--mi!51nJ,I. Udl"Ul'f\,an the. sullen ~dnaper to tA:mg Beach died Of a neart attact"1lftote.-r~hr!'elmpi!.111,..,•..!l1lllr1 -,w""'ed"n'"i!d""a'f""n"1gh"""t MRl'then rel . nigh~long rescue operations, and public Alfred A. Duplessi11, 28, of 2li52 Santa officials estimated . property dama ge at Ana Ave .• was never harmed during the more than Sl million throu1hout the kidnap-assaull case. but told police the 6tat1. abdlfCtor was txtremely umociable. The new 5'torm. 1.100 miles away, ~ orncer 'Dlclf ~FranC!iSCO s I Id er11.td winds up to 69 mileJ an hour and J)Jpltssls told of lrylng to mat;e con· prod\K"lf massive sea swells. But the versatlon wt'th the. youth after he got in at weatfltr bureau said it was not as JlO'>''• 7 p.m. on Fairview Road at Wllllon ttful as the Monday storm which h. r 1 h bl d lau..,.htd the Initial rampaa• of Surf. Street, fla• 1ng a our· nc a e. '"" .,.. "Shul up," he was told . The victim said hi11 young abductor , ordered him to stop at Broadway and Cherry Avenue near downtown Long Beach, aot out of the car and disappeared Into the· ntaht. Stwlc llfarlcet NEW YORK (AP) -Stock markt1 • prices remained broadly lower In late afl.emoon trading today, but conUnued to recover 11ome of th~lr sharp looses of earlier iD lhe day. (See quotalions, Pages :z;.23). f Duples>I• wtnt to the near)>y Long Btach Police Department and related what haPJiened, then followed th111t up "''Ith a report to Costa Mesa authorities. plly joined on that side, oUertng a second lo the motion for denial, but Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley atnd Counc~man Geor1e A. Tucker chose the e~act opposite sWl<f. "We should Joek farther than the end or our nose," said Tucker. launching into an .analysis. 'of fQtur11 development tn the area. compared to a who-was·lhere-first? outlook. He sua~ted holdln&· the matter for more study. "Surprislllgiy, I agree w1th about 73 percent or wt)at YO;U just. ~d, George;" comment~ Miyor · flnkley, Y.'ho. rarely ,,ides with Tucker on .anything. · Vice Mayol-Robert M. Wil5'.lfl 'was at- tending a California League ot.Cit'ies con· _fe~ence ii'\ San Dieg9., Thus thi ~ote reT mafned deadlocked. Jan:lan· then suggest¢. a thorough re- .study of the entire westside area; since zoning is geperally spotty, *-1uding , ' . ~.-' I 2 Panthers res!dentlal, lndustrlal and commercial . designations. Piapning Direc .or William L. Dunn 1aid h( w'ould p"1'er four months for a study when questioned by the council, since his !taff is currently wind ing up two other sucll. p~jects. Councilmen told him to try 90 day~ and a~k,'for more if needed , then unan~ously approved the review of the are11 in terms Of future use ·and development lrends. Slain ·Gunfight · Erupts at Party's Stronghold CHICAGO CUPll -A lS.mlnutt sun· fight eruPted · today when state's at- tornCy•s police. entered a Black Panther stronghold to search for weapons. Two Black Panthers ¥.'ere killed and -four \Vounded. The dead included Fred Hampton. about 22, Illinois chairman of the Black Panther party. Two policemen were wounded in the battle, which broke out •when the authorities entered.;1n apartment near Bta&'Panther headquarters on Lhe outskirts of Chicago's West Side sf.id row. Fourteen men made up the unit that took part in the early morninl rilid . 'they -had a:warraqt signed by Judge Robert Collins, according lo a spokesmary [or the S~te's Attorriey'J. Office, obtained after sawed~({ shotguns ~ other illegal \lo'e•Plfll. were . ~po~ to lit i~ UJe apartment. . 1 When the authorities l d e n t I f l e d them.elves, the spokesmen 11aid, voices on the .9Ute.r tjde ol the door ~la,t,askirJ& •'Who?'' "'Who?" Then, he said, the door y,·avopened and "eight ·or more ln- di«duals began flrtng wit?"·carbines, shotguns and handguns." The apartment, according to the spokesman, belonged to a ·Fred Johnson, an alias used by Hampton. In it police said they found IZ shotguns, eight pistols and 5,000 rounds of ammunition. He said Hampton was felled after he had £hot at lhe authorities wlth a .45 automatic and a £hotgun . The other dead mar. was Identified as 1\Iark Clark, 22, of 'Peoria, Ill. There had· been reports earlier this year that the Panthers had auemrttd to organize yolll\g .people in tha dowNl.Jte com- munity. Four pe'rsons wen taken-inter custody after the battle, including a wom~ Iden~ tlfled as Deborah Jolinson. 11, Hid to be abc;lut eight·mont~ Pft:pa11L Before !lit lS.'1ti!IUio·t111' 1"tlle :..,..... mol-e thai\ So p.:>lktmen iiad been ca1lf:d to the scene, near where ri0Un1 had oc- curred twO yean· ago. They brou.a:ht .mael)lne -and tear au ·but dld not i*tbim. ·i·· ' Resident of Back Bay Opposes Annex to Mesa Despite a petition .carrying slsnature1 of a majority of homeowners. ll)VOlved. not -everyo~ in ,Coata. M~'• proposed Back Bay Annei:ation Number One area is in favor, according to.one of.tMJn. · B • .' DQuglas slwtelle, o! 26611 Sania Ana Ave .• told the City Council Monday that he is opposed to joining the city and no valid arguments have been offered by the city yet. · "Some o( us would like to point out the re will be a tax increase," explained Sav.1elle, who said the whole issue has caused hard feeling among some long- time neighborhood friends. U.S. Education Aide Speaks at Cd'f High Dr. Paul F." Lawrence, regional· assist· ant commissioner of the U.S. Office of Education, will speak at CorOna del Mar I-Ugh Sch()!)l .tonight, Dec. 4, ,on public school finance. · The public is invited to join teachers in hearing Or. Lawrence •t his 7 o'clock talk irt the Little Theater. He is one speaker in ·a series on school finance arranged by Newport • Mesa Unified School pisbict. · •·r· cam·e away very unsatlsfJed." he added, .conc~rnlng his City Council ap.. pearance and subsequent dillcus1lon of the aMexatlon matttr. - Sawtelle told eounc:llmie.n that the voter• 1ffected were led · to believe If they did not annex to Costa M~. 'Newport Beaci ·•·ould endicle their unincorporated area . "Petition CfllTlet1'0Hid we had to go to one or the other," he explained, noting that the third alternative is ·to do neither. "I'm certain there was nothing irregu· Jar about the annexaUon, just a lack· of infonnation," he. uid. Several public meetin~s were held on the matter, c It y officials pointed out Tuesday, but Sawtelle was unable to at- tend due to hi! working hours and ap- parently so were other's. City co\Jncllmen set Feb. 5 as the elec· tion date for the annexaUon, Which was approved !art June by the Local Agen· cies Formation Commission. Stewardesse~ to Stri~e NEW YORK fUPI) -The Transport Workers Union aMOUnced Wednesday 5tewsrdesses and pursers wouta strike Northwest Airlines Saturday. The union advised the Defense Depart~ ment to make other arrangements for operating NOrthwest planes. COMected with the. milillrY air command. 5 Percent Raise For O.lifo)·nia Employes Aske.d SACRAMENTO (AP) -The State Personnel Beard proposed a five percent across,the-board pay hike for the state's 103,000 fuiltime civil servants today. Tb! increase would cost $8S.3 million. This compar~ with boosts ranging from · six percent tO %0 percent and total· ing $148.million.sought by the California ·state · EmploYes A s s·o c I a t ion which represerils most of the workers. Th~ ·hliard; in sending its final recom· mendations lo Gov. Reagan. modified its earlier tentative proposal that there be a JO perooiL.ceillng on the amount of raises for any one ci.tegory: · · · · The hikes proposed by the board range from dle general five percent up to IZ1h percent !or employes in .classes ~'in which salar; problem s are acute ." The board said those higher increa ses ••are necessary to match salilries paid for similar work in private Industry and other public jurisdictions ." A CSEA spokesman said the group wa! disappointed with the recommendations. He said it was "insufficient to meet the needs of state employes ••• It's a bad 6ituatlon." For the firlll lime this year, the ·csEA convention voted to drop its no-strike pledge. However, that actiori still is'pen· ding ratification ·and there is no legal framework pennltting any strike by state public employes. .. -' • ·~·.. • • DAILYPl&.OTll .. PiiMI . -. . . ., . . . TRESl·HANDS BELONG TO .. AN'IMBllER WHO-ALSO WAS A DRIVER -SEE PAGE 12 • ~Z OAllY PllOT c l{indergarteii fo . C:hange to Single By THOMAS FORT\JNE Of ...... .,,,, ...... 'lllt Newport.M... Vnllled School District will s1vltch from two-a-day kindergarten sessions 10 long er single ~ssions at the start or the second ·:semester Feb. 2. · • Students then v.•ill spend three hours each day in the <'lassroom instead of the present two and one-hair hours . ·Since teachers will teach only one class per day instead of two, half the Ide· dtrprten ,atudenu will have a .c::11rterent teacbtr. About lXI kindergarten students amon1 thole atlenciin& ttlJ ~hoot district'& u eltm'1tary school& will He awitched to another Khoo!. 0 Tbe school prlnctp1ls will be asked to \\'O!'k carefully selecting the atudents that are most mature and adaptable as the ones to have a different teacher," Supt. \Yilliam L. Cunningham said. He told school board members this \1 eek new slate legislation will penalize school districts not on single klnde.rgarten-proved the change to single seuion. that "the public relatk>ns aspect of the &ession an amourit about equlva1~ot to the • "We believe it has significant ad· changeqve1· will be moet slgnific•nt." adqjtlon.111 ~s~. , • _.. \Rntage to the child," Or. Cunningham The school district had three-hour, ·iln a nUts~ell, there ~ill be no signifi-' said. He indicated that with the ad· single·session kindergarlen last year , but cant difference between stn&le and double dll ional half hoot kindergarten teachers had to""'s~·i1ch back to double sessions this se~slon in cost," he said. C'OUld do more in reading readiness. ) t::lr because of the cost. He said nlost kindergarten t~achers Class 5izes \viii have to be a little ~1nce one teacher leaches both 2\J-hour favor the single session for Its educa-larger. Cunningham said. closer to the 3l i.cssions in the classroom each day. twice lional value but many principals do not ~tudents per teacher state maximu1n as m.any teacher~ must be employed for agree with his recommendation !or a th::in the present 25 per class loading. the single sessio.'l program. costing the mid-year s....,•itch over. Hoard President ~1rs. f\1arian Bergeson , :;chool district twice as much in wages., \Vithout dissc~ll. board members ap-said .5hc agreed wilh Dr. Cunningham Assistant Supt. for Personnel Kevin \\'heeler said he will be&in rlaht awa y recruitlnc klodera:arten teacher• for the seccnd 1emester. Teachers who taught kindergarten last year and thea were moved into the primary grades this fall lYhen the number of kindergarten openings were halved wi ll remain 'A'il.h their present classes the rest al the year, Cunningham said. They will be given first opportunity to take kindergarten openings subsequent years. Schaol Trustees Delay Servi~ Slated For Electrocuted Mesa Youth, 14 Decision . on Bond S.ale -Newport-1'-fesa school trustees have postponed until Dec. 16 a decision on whether to go through the motions of lrying to sell school bonds at a five per· cent interest rate. Board members this "'eek questioned Supt. \Villiam Cunningham's recom· mendation they prove the point they can't ticll Lhe bonds at five percent, before going to the vote rs Feb. JO with a reque st to increase the pennis.sible interest rate to seven pecent. The futility of a l.ry at five perctnt seems .50 certain that board membet: Thomas C. Casey wond.ered whether lt was worth it to spend about $100 for legal advertisement for bids. Dr. Cunningham had recommended bids be asked on $4 .5 million sale of bonds Jan. 21 so no one can say "You don 't really know you can't sell them ;;t five percent" when v"6ters are asked to approve an interest rate increase lo seven percent on Feb. 10. The schools sUperintendent tried a private bond placement but told the board he had no luck in talking to local bankers and developers. Requiem mass has · been scheduled Saturday ror a Costa Mesa boy elec- trocuted Tuesday by 66,000 volts as he climbed .a structure in an electrical plant. The rites for Martin E. Rutan. 14. of 2257 Avalon St .. will be at 10 a.m. in SL John the Baptist Catholic Church, with Interment in Good Shepherd Cemetery , .. f Huntington Beach. ' The boy died instanlly in the accident Garden Gro~e ~on't Okay Valley· Students ~ransf er :/. Tuesday at the Southern California Edison Company SU.bstation on Fariview Road and \Vilson Street, dropping 25 feet to .the ground. Survivors include his mother. ~1rs. Evonne J. Rutan, of the home address, his rather, Robert Rutan, of Burbank, sisters Laurel and Robin, of the home, Marcia Rutan, of Providence, R. I.. and ?.frs. Judith Marriott, Golden, Colo.: brothers ruchard, Adamsville, R.I., and Donald, Brockton, Mass., plus his maternal and paternal grandparents. Two Foqntain Valley High School students who were taken from their classes by their parents because of alleg- ed drug abuse by other students, have. been turned away by the Garden Grove Local Candidates Will Be Filing Finance Reports Just. like their t>ig league counterparts in Sacramento pd Wa.!ihinP>n. clty and county candidates 'for electoral dtices will soon issue. financial statement.\ with their filing papers. ."". Cos la Meaa .City Oounoilman George A, Tucker 'proj>oleij il 1lwi!'1/ -rtmning into a wall of oppositlon -before City Attorney Roy June explained .5uch legislation U now on Ule way. June said the: City Attorneys' Assreia~ tjon is currently 1tudying the proposed . law on certain types of income lo determine ju11t how flt down into the ranks of public servants it !hould apply. They hope to decide in the nell three \\'ttks. l\tenlioning in stances of conf1ict-Of-in· t6est and tarnished political images in the nalional news, Tucker proposed doing the same at city and county levels. ··11 a citizen has a right to know for them. he has a right to know for all ," Tucker ob5Crved. Councilman William L. SI. Clair was against Tucker's idea. "\\'hen you talk aboul planning corn· missioners. sanitation district directors who are appointed, :you're talking about "'·age earners." he snapped. Tucker explained he meant only elected oificlals. •·1 think you're a dreamer," St. Cl.air continued. "On the surface, it looks good. but you're limiting the men who would run.·· St. Clair said a person's financial mat- ters are o( na concern to any other citizen undEI" such circumstances as long as his office poses no conflict of interest. Jun'e said the proposed state law on reporting income begins at $10,000 in cor· porate interests. DAllY PllO I QUM05 COA•r PU•l 1Nt1H• COMll'AH'f tl•\•rl N. W•14 Prulftfll 9"' hbtllfln J1tlr •. C11rlw V1ot Pr•lltill • .,. OIM!'tc M ...... r 1~.,,.., ~ •• .,a .... n•"'•• A.. M,,,,._;" ~"""'9«•1w Unified School District. James Grirfith, welfare and attendance officer ,;i.t the Garden Grove district, said Kathleen. 17, and Candace, 15, Aleridge, will not become part or that school system "because there are no ex- tenuating circumstances to justify it.·• ''The district transfer committee held a tong meeting on that subject last Monday and decided that it iJ not within current ·Policy to accept the students for that ... _reason," he explaine~. . "Even if parents asked the school district to move their children from one of oor achools to another over alleged drug abuse. we could not do it. So it would be· \'t?J difficult lo justify moving children from an entirely diRerent school district into ours." The glrls have been absent from da:aes since early Novem~r when. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alerfdge wlthd"" them from school, vowing never to return them to Fountain Valley High, because o! alleged drug abuses OD campll!. Faced with truancy proceeding&. they altempted to transfer their daughte rs ID Blllsa Chica High School in the Garden Grove district. H. W. Standard , Griffith's counterpart In the Huntlngt.on Beach Union H\gb School District, said truancy reparts have already reached the County Schools Of- fice for further action. Legally, both girls must remain in classes until they ;ire 18 years old or graduate from high school. "The case is out of our hands now.'' 1;ald Standard. "Whatever contacts are made with the family now will have to come through that agency ." He indicated it is poss1ble the girls may be made wards or the court through juvenile proceedings to insu re their atten- dance if they are not immediately return· ed to school. ··u the pr'obation authority files a peti- tion and it is upheld by a court decision.' the girls would be expected to go to school and would have to notify their pro- bation officer on any day they might be unable to attend." The Aleridges, meanwhile. are con- sidering the sale of their home and a move to another school district. Tuition Fee Loss Seen CHICO {UPI) -A state college ofricial llays the 19-eampus system would lose Sl.IS million a year in tuition recs for oul- of.state students if the voting age is lowered to 18. Baig Exter•ninated, D1·iuer Lives l\1otorist Susan I-I. Gronemeyer. 21, of 15943 l\1yrtle Ave., Tustin, is in fair condition today \vith multiple lacerations and abrasion s after being pried from her car Wednesday on San Diego Free\vay in Costa crcte blocks from rear. John Norwood. 42, El .Segundo. \Vho \Vas at the \Yheel of the truck and his passenger. I-Jarry Mitchell, 29, Torrance., suf~ fcrcd less serious injuries. • Mesa. Driving south , she rammed truckload of con- Mesa Mother's Ne -west l11fant No Little Tot A Costa J\1esa \voman g::ive birlh \Vednesday night to a bouncing baby boy who has jiggled the scales as the heavie~t infant in the history of Orange County Medical Center. 'I'he hea\'y1vcight champ ;i pheyiomenal 14 pounds. 9 ounces -hasn't been given his official name yet. but grin· ning nurses have dubbed him Atlas. Rocky or other such title s in the n1ean- tlme. The fourth son of Mr. and l\1rs. Alex Stepan~ko, of 882 Towne St., IS 24 ' ~ inches long and is doing fine today. along with his 3.1-year-old mother Louise . Brothers Cregory. 13. Da nny. 12. Den· n1s, 11, and sisters Linda, 9. and Krissy. 8. are 1vailing at home for the arrival of their big baby brother, who was delivered by Dr. John \Vambo. "A new baby that big is a medical rari- ty these da~'s," obscrverf Nurs111g Supervisor Geraldine ~1cGeehan . Burgla1· Takes S3 0 A burglar apparently .5larting out "'ilh small stake~ looted a Costa Mesa youth's bedroom of $30 in newspaper rou1c re'ceipts \Vednesday, the victi1n told pollce. Steve Dardin. of 265 \Vakc Forest Road, told officers tl1e money 11·as taken rron1 a t•la y pot on his dresse r. 11·hile nothing else 11'as disturbed. Rush Job on Dredging Bay Ski Zone Planned Orange County Harbor Distr ict officials this week applied for hurried permission by the Anny Corps of F:ngineers for the restoration and dredging of Upper Ne,vport Bay's wa ter ski zone, a job \l'hich must be done by late January in order to qualify for a federal .refund. No problems 1verc expected from the corps, and th e project is forecast to be· gin within the next f.tw weeks. ·shellmaker. Inc .. of Ne"•port Beach, "·hich originally dredged !he storm-{jam· ;igerf ski zone "'hen It 11·as created in l[lij4. has entered a low bid of $154.800. 1\ contract has not yet been awarded ho11·cvcr. The ::.ki zone \\'as destroyed early th1" yea r by record flooding "'hich brought l'llll and desbris int o the BaC'k Bay. The dredges will restore the ski zone to its previous condition, but make no ne1v developments of 1he estuary. The estimated 250,000 cubic yards or tailings will be scattered over the mouth of Big Canyoll--<in Irvine Company land -cast of Back Bay Drive. To in~ure tha t the dumped sBt would not clog rain runoff through the canyon, district aides said. a channel would be cut through it, leading to the bay. The project must be com pleted by .Jan. 26 in order for the district to be reimbursed by the federal government under the disaster relief program. The ski zone was entirely clogged by material deposited by last winter's storn1s and has remained closed ever since. Back Bay Drive. !he main access road to the ski zone by land, was heavily damaged, too, but after a closure of sev- eral months, city crews opened the road· way and restored 1t to passable, but still substandard. condition. OCC Pep Group Performs 011 TV Gi\·e iem an 0, give 'em a C .••• give 'cm another C ..•• yay, OCC! That's what Orange Coast fans can dtJ Saturday while sitting before the tube as the OCC yell and songleaders are featured in halftime ceremonies shown across the nation. The 13 spirited CQ!legians will perform during the San Francisco 49er.Chicaga Bear game at Kezar Stadium, competing with 15 other schools. The OCC Pirate cheerleaders took firsl place in Western States competition thi! fall at Santa Barbara. winning the trip tc San Francisco and a shot at another title. Songleaders. include Marti IJ.ainey, .Janet Coontz, Nancy Larson. Ka thj Yurenka. ~1aureen Teeter, Cheryl Bruce, and Carolyn Kato. Yell leaders are Dave Ambrose, Bit Landers, Debbie Trotter, Marti Kipper. Geri Garrison and Sylvia McQuarrie. Motorist Dies Before /Accident A Yorba Linda man who died ·at tht wheel of this car shortly before he wai Wwolved in a trafrtc accident was the vie f tim of a heart attack. the Orange Count! Coroner's Office ruled today. The autopsy was held on the body o Floyd Lafayette Nay, 49. who die1 \Vedncsday afternoon as he· was drivi OJ near his home. Witnesses told officers Nay slumpe1 O\'e r the wheel of his car and the autt swerved into a telephone company truck l'ee red across Yorba Llnda Boulevarc and came to a halt in a service statio1 parking lot. No other person was injurrt in the incident, police said. Gifts Reje~ted a very special purchase from a famous quality maker of GENUINE LEATHER CHAffiS UCI Med Students Say Bags 'Threat' A GIFT TO 1RWUR£ AllO ENJOY FOR YEARS C.... .._ ._ Fourteen of ststudent.'l 1n the freshman ''The lnstruments and bags are offered JJO W1at 1-t Ser..• class of UC Irvine's School of Medicine with the expectation that they \\'ill be M1llf~9Mh-1 P.o.a..1No.tZ•l• have rejected gift or a black medical bag useful. Qulte naturally, it Is our desire to °""" °"'991 containing stethoacopt, tuning fork. and acquaint students with I.he Lilly name as • CUJtom quality tbrough-out • Luxurious rulhioninf • '\'our choice of Ml.ors from an extensive '---.mictiurnt-finel!He·1111tr·-1aturar.-t~~-o~-tt ......,.. ...,.i it11 ww .... ..._. rubber hamme;;fr;.o~m~a~p;b;•;nn;•«~u;tic~a;l~~a~m~•n;u~fa~cilu~r~e~r ~o~f ~qu~a~li~ly~m~ed~l;c~ln~es~.:,ri~--:._-~~~~~ '='9~~ ~Ji= com~y. -·~At the same time· we do not belirve 1-----t----~--------·t--~'l'bl'lw1e.....t1tudent, ftel 1ooeptanct cif lb• &bat thl• assistance will af(e gifts might Impinge OD thdr ruture 1n• parti1l judgments of physicians in their ii ' ' i • • ) ltgrlty es physicians and could cost con· care or patients." ~ aumers of the drug comp1ny'1 products 011 the second issue, the students ~ by hl&htr prices. acCording to freshman l''f'Ot.e : a medical student Jerry Boss. ''. •. we questicm the .source or !he I The fourteen &tudents sent a letter to money used to pay for these gifts. It .1p-~ Ell UUy Pharrnle.utlul Company re-pears 1o us the drug consumer -mainly ta! Jcctlng the gifts d received a letter in the chronically Ill en<t aged -ls 1he onl' ~ reply. 'A'ho ultJmately shoulder$ th<' cost of n Wrote the 1tudents lhese glf(j. \Ve feel we Cin better allord ~ " •• .fully cognb:ant there is no obliga. the price or our black bags lhan can our ~ lion attached to accepting these. 1flfts. we medically Indigent patients." • ~W view them 11 a potential thre1t to our Responded De8oest : future integrity as physicians. We would " ... during Lht past 10 years. as sho\\ n 11 prtfer to be completely frte of 1ny non-by the Ully price index. the aver3RC f{ bu s Ines 1 transactio ns wllh prict of our company's phann11ceulicals W phArm1ceutic11 companies." has declined more than 10 percentage ~ Replied Htnry F. DeBoest, \•Ice prc~l· J)Olnrs. Because flf its limited slzt, the I from $199 PROFESS~~~L 1 GARREJT f.URNll1}0~~ MESA, CALIF. INTERIOR DESIGNERS 22 15 HARBOR BLVD. 646.02 75 dent of corporate alfairs for the LtUy ~tudent program hl'ls had virlually no c(. Company: feet on the, prices or our products." ,_.._. ______________________________________ .-: I I' Down the Mission Trail MisSio11 Viejo A,vards Pla nned f.11SSJON VIEJO -1'1ission Viejo residents are invited to say thank you to the meo and women they {eel have done 1nost ror the community in 196i by casting their ballois for the first •· Emvee" awards, to be presented at the Snow• Ball, Dec. 19. The ~1ission Viejo Activity Committee has sent all residenLo; a Christmas card, part of which is an Emvee Award ballot, which families may return with their votes for the two men and two women they nominate for the service award. Ballots must be returi\'ed by Dec. IS. e U'ig Style r• ~Jeet ~1ISSION \'IEJO-Distaff" residents are invited to a wig styling session Monday at the recre3.Uon center. Miss Yolanda Smithson, master stylist for Wigs and Hair Pieces, a magazine on the care and styling of wigs, will demonstrate the latest techniques and ar· ranging ideas. The event will begin al JO a.m. and v•itl Include a breakfast buffet. Fees are SO cents for members and $l for guests. e J11l e rse rlion V nsafe'! CAPJSTRANO HIGHLANDS - Members of the Capistrano Highlands Homeowners Association have expressed concern about the -{afety of the in· tcrsection of La Paz and Paseo de Valen- cia. f\·lrs. Frances Jehle, representing the organization, asked the San Joaquin Elementary School Board of Trustees Wednesday night to support them in their efforts to get a traffic signal at the in- tersection. Mrs. Jehle said that though a traffic guard will be stationed there during school hours, children crossing the street .i.(ler school to use the playground would 19t be safe. The board is studying the matter. e S1111lr1 A sk s Letter• LAKE FOREST -Children of the Lake Forest comn1unity can start thinking about what Lo ask Santa for this year. \Vhen they've decided they can drop thei r letters in Santa's mailbox in front of !he Beach and Tennis Club from Dec. 8 1hrough Dec. 22. Each letter will be answered. • T ica Amrtrded Grr111I• LAGUNA HILLS -Scholarships con- tributed by the Laguna Hills Rotary Club will benefit two married students at Sad· dleback College. The board of trustees has approved awards of $125 each to David C. Smith and Ronald B. Skillings, both of Tustin, and both maintaining grade averages above B. e D1111ce i11 Saddle bark SADDLEBACK VALLEY -Students in 1he ninth through 12lh grades arc invited to a dance Saturday. Sponsored by the neWly organized Teen Club at St. Nicholas Catholic Church , Laguna !fills the event \~ill lake place at 8 p.m. in La Paz Intermediate School in 1-iission Viejo. ~1usic will be provided by the Great \Vesle rn Reclamation . Admission is Sl per person or $1.75 per couple. r DAILY mot 3 Captives'· Wives Seek Aid Support Soug ht From Saddleback Valle y Saddleback Valley organizaUons in.. terested in helping Americans taken prisoner or listed as missing in action in Vietnam are invited to send a} represen- tative to an information meeting Tues- day, Dec. 9. l\trs. Lee KellQgg will sponsor the pro- gram at her home, !4116 Birdrock Drive, El Toro and Mrs. Stephen Hanson of El Toro, Orange County Coordinator for the National League of Families of American Prisoners In Southeast Asia will be present to explain the program Mrs. Hanson's husband, heliC()pter pllol Capt, Stephen Hanson, w8.!i &hot down in .. Vietnam two years ago and Is listed as missing, although his wife hrul recognized him in a picture of American prisoners published in a North Vietnam newspaper. Mrs. Hanson plans to visit' Paris at Christmas Jn· tht: hope o( conferring with 1nembers of the North Vietnam peace delegation regarding handling of An1erican prisoners and Is spearheading a letter writing drive to draw allentlon to the plight of the prisoners. The League seeks help In wrltlnc let. ters both to the prllonenl and to newspapers and governmtnt oft1clall throughout lbe wor~ and In a drive to send Christmu cards to the Norlh Viet- nam camps. Detalb will be explaln<d b)I Mrs. Kellogg and Mn. flanson at the 1\Jllday meeting. eo1r .. wtll be 11UVed rr..n t ::lll a.m. and lnlen!<ted ....i-.. -tnv11<d lo drop in at any time durint: the mom· ing. Mn. Kellogg said •. OPEN 6 NIGHTS A wm; FOR YOUR SHOl'PING CONVENl!NCEI Tearing Thi1ags Up • It's iust not · Christmas without a real tree! From the looks of the old fishing pier at Dana Point, you can't gel there from here. \Vork on pier, which lies inside ne'v Dana Harbor. is being carried out in connection with harbor improvements. Old pier eventually will be eliminated. Marines to the Rescue; Boys Club Gets Flagpole \Vith everyone from the city or Laguna Beach to E l Toro 's recently retired Major Gen. Charles J. Quilter in the act, it seems that the Boys' Club of Laguna Beach will have a flag pole for its new canyon clubhouse by lhe lime con· :st.c.uc®n is com~Jeted . Seeking a nag poie about 30 feet high. building coordinator Bernard Syfan ap- Lagu11a Thief's Tastes Excellent. A thief with a taste for the finer things browsed through Laguna's exclusive Warren Imports, 1462 S. Coast Highway this week and selected a valuable jade tree, police v.•ere advised Wednesday. The decorative tree of rose quartz and jade valued at $395, apparently wa"s removed during business hours though employes did not nolice any suspiCiou!J bcha,·ior among the early Christmas shoppers. • Taken from an interior wall on the se- cond noor of the art goods shop, it was a creation o£ pink rose quartz flowers and green jade leaves and stems in a blue .noral cloisonne pot and weighed about five or six pounds, police were told. proached the city and was told he coyld have, rot the moving, the pole rrom the hill above the Festival grounds. To his dismay, Syfan discovered this was a kini;-size 58-foot model in a thoroughly inaccessible location. "lt would take a helicopter t.o get it out of there ," he mused. Thal thought led him lo a conference wit.h his neighbor, Emerald Bay Association manager ?.ierlin Dake, a ?-.1arine Corps veteran wHh many years of experience as a helicopter pilot. Dake thought a 'copter might do the job and contacted General Quilter, also an En1erald Bay resident, who in turn flagged El Toro for help. On·site inspection by a pair of captains rrom the l\.tarine Air Corps base resulted in the conclusion that the pole probably could be moved by helicopter but low , level mancu\'ering over the Festival and Boys' Club areas might not be too ad· vi sablc. "\Vhy don't we n1<1kc up a rJag pole?" the Marines offered. Syfan is now on the trail of three or four sections of galvanized pipe in vary- ing diameters to fit together, telescope-1 style. \\'hen they arc found, the Marines will weld'them into a flag pole, haul it to the Boys' Club and set it up -hope'fully in time for the grand opening. LIKE IT ... CHARGE IT! ·" • County Sets Smog Tests Y earlong Study Gratis to Ta xpayers / By JACK BROBACK 01 Int D1Uy Plllll Still Crnngc County will conduct a year-long exl><.'ii1nent in the field or air pollution and it '~·on't cost the taxpayers a penny. County . Supervisors \Vednesday ac- repted 1he offer of Pacific Lighting Servi ce Co. (Parent Company o( Southern CounUes Gas) to loan six natural gns conversion kits lo be ust:d on coun1y ve hicles. Included in the offer by Re ine ,J Corbeil. project manager for Pacific Lighting is free compressed nalura l gas Supervisors sa\Y two vehicles that had been coaverted from gasoline lo natural gas, a 1967 Chrysler New Yorker and a 1968 Dodge service truck. Corbeil invited the county leaders to check the exhaust pipes of the converted cars, but none did. The gas company representative said the cars greatly outperfonned gasoline powered vehicles in lack of emissions of air pollutants and more than met all standards set by the state for 1979 and 1974. In carbon 1nonoxide emissions, natural gas~ered cars produce only 2.11 grams per mile compared with 28.2 with gasoline. Figu res for hydrocarbons were 1.41 and 2.56, and for oxides of nitrogen, .51 and 3.82. Cost of conversion to natural gas was estimated at $300 per vehicle. f\1ore than 30 cars have been so equipped and are being tested today. Other advantages claimed ror gas In· elude cleaner engine oil, longer spark plug life, smoother operation and lower cost. Pacific Lighting, Corbeil said, plans lo convert additional vehicle11 and lo market the dual-fuel system to olher companJes which operate large vehicle fleets. All cars are equipped with a dashboard -control to switch fivnr ·mtcmil gas-to gasoline. \Vilh a limited number of com· pressed gas outlets. the dUaJ.fuel system permits operation or 111 vehicle on natural gas for stop-and.go driving in congested high pollution areas and a switch to gasoline on longer trips. Special CQmpressed gas tank!ll Installed In the trunk or passenger can provide enough fu el ror 100 miles travel in can similar to the demonstration modtl which gct.oi on 10 miles per gallon on ga!IO!ine. 0.1,(1,y ,II.OT lllff lt~t!t Better mileage can be expected ·rrom cars more economlctll on gasollnt, Cnrbell ~aid. R. I. "Cuba" Morris, coonly director or transportation. Mid he had vehicles ready for conversion. At the suggestlon of Supervl~or David J •• Baker, l\1orrls 8ald PACIFIC LIGHTING'S CORBEIL 'FILLS .'ER UP' for County Cer1, A Different Kind of Gas he '"ould use older C'Ounly cars as well is newer models In the test. .. I CHRISTMAS TREES! Scotch pine tree, A treo witn its own beoutifu l ·shade of grffn , •• needles that are luxuriously long. Branches retain their needles longer than othe r fi rs, 10 you con enjoy your tree much longer. 5 ft.•6ft. 6.49 -· -.. -. Natural Dougl11 f irChri.tmos trees! Streight, th1rdy, luthly green, W• Nlhed these down from moun1oin for-•tt• to fltl your hom• wilh lh• joy of Chri11rnos. Seleor;t from o vorl•ty of MzeJ. 2 ft.-3 ft. -~----··-······ .................... -.. 99c 3 h.•4 h. __ l .99 7 ft.•8 h ..•. -...... 4.69 l h.·6 h. __ 3.49 9 h.-10 h. _6.99 '""' 2~ ft •• 3~ ft. Scolch pi..__ 4At 6 ft •• 7 ft. Scotch pine 7,,, 7 ft.· 8 ft. Scotch pine--I." Pl1nl1tlon grown Dou;lot fir -A -..\'!! I tree due to its fvn P'f'Omldot 'YfNl"'•J• the ..-_. density of Douglas fir ~ how.._. el It 11• "r yearly aheorlng ond .hoping. ~ ft.·6 ft .... --·------8.49 6 h •• 7 h. Dovoloo fit ------'·" 7 h.-8 ft. Dovola• fir -_ 11,., ' - STDllS ortH IUNOAY tOC:il 1l te . '""' DOWNEY MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH I , • I r I . ' OAILY PILOT Thursday, Drcember 4, 1961) · Inapartial lnqulr11 - (l;•m•llld Irr 1l'lt Dolll~ 'II" lt•ttl Ne'v York's Atty. Gin. Louis J, Lefkowitz sent Utls letter to e a c h of the state's 150 assern blyn1en: •·it has conic to my at·lention that 1 he consumer action bulletin fron1 n1y office \\(as sent to you in an en- ''eiope in '''hich you were not ad· dressed \vith you r full title, but in an abbreviated form. It '''as care- less of my office to have address- ed you in this fashion and l.'n;t sor- rv it happened ." The bulletin s ad· d'ress used the first three letters of the assemblymen's title. • Brad Li~kog, 11. of Prophfts- tow1t, I/l ., Pos es with his steer, Cono- co, the grand, cltanipion. of-tliis year's livestock show i11 Ch icago. The steer f.o/d for $15,180. Brad, who is th.e 11otJUgest stePr exhibitor to ever win iop honors in the liistory of the 7(). 11eor-old shoio. pa id a li ttle more than $300 for tlie steer two years ago. • President Ni xon, who frequently lunches on cottage cheese and cat· sup revealed lhe reaction to hi ·s· \veight-Watching scheme in an aside to a \~hite House Confer· ence on Food, Nu tr i ti on and Health. "You cart't imagine how many letters I goto" he said. "The calsup industry wrote and told me 10 try it on my cereal. And others '"rote and told me that catsup with cottage cheese had to be unheal· thy.'' Nixon countered by saying thiit his grandmother ''lived to be 93 and ate it all her life." • < ·; A highwa.y ice warning device that reflects a red light when ten1 pe1atures drop to freezing tea~ displayed by a \Vest Ger· •, 1nan research firm in Frankfurt. ~I The Bate/le Institute which de· vcloped. the de vice. said it is 1 1noun tc cl oit roads ide guard It rn ils onr! iit l1eod/igl1t reflect. I io ns s/1ouJs red 1cl1en the tem· i pcratures drop to freez i'ng, ye l· /otv 10/ien temperatures a re i 1 slightly wa rmer and rireen whe1t } tliere 1s no chance of i.ce. 1 i-:.:=-=-..=_-~7.:--. :.Z-2 ' :t:.t!,J • Duke Ellington and his 17-man band returned fro1n a good-\vill I.our of 12 Europea n nations, and the bandleader sai d "I have a lot oi \t·onderful impressions." Elling .. ton told ne\\'S n1en in New York that in Prague. Czechoslovakia after the shO\\'. some young kids followe d me lo my hotel room "'here they gave 1ne enameled ani- tnals and other ,gifts. Jt 'vas all rlone \Vilho11t 'vofds, so I asked them for their names <1nd ad· rlresses So I could sen d them Christmas greetings. and it turned out that they 'vcrc all Russian n1u· a;ician s -it \Vas 'vonderiul. Goldberg Urges Massacre Probe By Ualted Prns lnt.erutloDlf Former Supreme Court JusUce Arthur Gol9berg and more than 30 other govern· rnenl officials, international lawyers and professors called . on President Nixon to- day to appoint an impartial commiulon to study Am erican conduct in Vletn'am In the light of alteged massacre of civilians by U.S. troops. The massacre assertedly occurred in 1farch or 1968. President May Summon Congress Back \\'ASHINGTON CAP) -President Nix· on told Republican congressional leaders tOOay he will call Congress back into session Dec. 26 if it does not complete ac· lion before Christmas en all ap- propriation bills. And. Hoose GOP Leader Gerald R. Fon! told OC\li5men aft.er the Y,'tekly GOP leadership meeting with Nixon, the Presi· · dent also is considering calling Congress back lo Capitol Hill the day after Ori.st.mas if there is no "movement" on hlS anticrime legislation. "The President is very firm tJ1at action must be taken,'' related Sen ate Republican Leader Hugh Scott. "1 have never seen the President any tougher than he was today." Shortly after Scott and Ford met .with n~en at the \Vhite }louse. the Senate completed action on a $4.8 billion public works money bill. It was the fifth of 13 appropriation measures sent t() Nixon this year. The need for anticrime legislati()f'l was a major theme of Nixon's presidential campaign but none of his recom· mendations has gotlen very far in Congress. NO date has been set for the Christmas holiday adjournment but Ford indicated the dates being discussed are "anywhere from Dec, 20 to the 24th. Under the cur· rent circumstances we will have to be here Christmas Eve." Senate Democratic Leader M 1 k e Y..1ansfield. who raised Monday the poosibility of Senate meetings between Christmas and New Year 's to finish money bills, told a newsman. "We are making every effort to get the-ap- propriations bills tlu'OOgh. It is going to be nip and tuck." "The alltgaUons of atrocitlea commJt· led In Vietnam are hurtin& the rtp.da- Uon (and) the con1clence of all law respeeUng Americana," Goldberg aald in a crowded offlc! at New York Univer· s.ity. "We urge the Pre&ldent to reject the view that atrocities may in any way be justified, by any side, as a necessity of war. This case (of the My Lai massacre) offers an opportunity for the reaffirma· tion of an ational commitment to the rule of law." ~er reading a three-page statement. drawrtup bY. an ad hoc group of lawyers in New York, Goldberg suggested that the commission could be made up of ••concerned and patriotic Americana" such as former Supreme Court JusUce Earl WatTtn and retired Army General Malthtw D. Ridgeway. Goldberg said he did not want to spec· ulate on the possible conclusions which might be re.ached by the commission, bu t said recent news stories about U.S. conduct of the war indicate "there is enough in this to warrant an investiga- Uon." He was asktd what the policy of the commission ahould be since policy decisions concerning the conduct or the war were made at the highest level of the government, "Let the chips fall where they may," said Goldberg. Rails, Unions OK Agreement; Shike Averted WASHINGTON (UPI) -Agreement was reached today on a new contract between the country's railroads and tour shopcraft unionS, averting a threatened nationwide rail shutdown. Tl]e agreement, announced by Labor SE\(!f"etary George P. Shultz after an all· night session betwetn negotiators. will have to be ratified by the union mem· bership. At 8:30 a.m. (PST), after first making a hurried trip to the White House to give President Nixon the word, Shultz told reporters: "I am very pleased to be able to an· nounce here that free co 11 e c t i v e bargainin& has triumphed." "We do have a settlement, voluntarily agreed to by management and the shop- craft unions. There will not be a railroad 1trike." Mechanical Failure Told Before Air France Crash CARACAS (UPI) -lnvestigaj.on said today the last words of an Air France jelliner pilot indicated that mechanical failure and not saOOtage or a hijack at· tempt caused the plane to fall into the sea Wednesday night with lo6s ol all 62 persons aboard. "I am loolng altitude and I cannot con·· trol the plane," Capt. Henry Valter radi· oed the control tower from 4.500 feet two minutes out of Maiquetia Airport on a flight bound for Paris. The Boeing 707 plane fell four miles from the ai;port apd exploded in an orange fireball. The disaster was witnessed by anothtr pilot, Capt. Jose Cabe·l.83 o( the Venezuelan domestic airline Ae~tal Venezolana. who was flying 2,000 feet above the Air France jeL "I saw the plane begin to rise from ?-laiquet.ia and then suddenly it started downward!," he said. "There was an ex· ptomon and fire on impact." It fell into the sea where a Pan American plane crashed oo Dec. 12, 1988 with the loss of 50 lives. CLAY NO Cf/AMP .4T BOX OFFICE NEW YORK (AP) -"'Bi& Time Buck White," the musical featuring fonner heavyweight champion Cassius Clay, also known as Muhammad All, will close Saturday night after 1ix performances, the show'• management announced to- day. The presenla.U()f'l won only o n e favorable revJew heTe and will sustain a Joss of about $125,000. Bitter Chill Grips East Buffalo, Rochester Record Heavy Snowfalls Callfo,.nln . .. -National Church Council Elects Woman Presiclent ' . ' DETROIT (UPI) -Dr. Cynlhla Wedel, an outapoten advocate of women'• rights, lod•Y WU elected the lint W0111M pr<a~ dent ol the Natlooal COOncU ol Church". Eplseopallan from Washington, D.C., dt!feated the Rev. Albert B. Cleage Jr., a .Detroil Negro pastor, in oeeret balloUna at the NCC's triennial general assembly. highest office of the nation's largest cooperative relif ous body. The NCC ls composed of 33 Protestant and orthodoI denominations with 45 million memben. Mn. Wedtl, a 81-year-old white She wlll serve a three-year term in the en fore Chrisl.1nas. -----------·-------------------------· • .,._. Baanc·'-a._ D----AppU-·•=-n Flrtt. Wet}'m 8•nk OHie• o.i. Sl\olll tti~ imount °-' cuti ~ $ I I ll:'UM D •&"'~.... ~ :iouwou1dl1ke1.,.,111>1e 7 I y--.AddfHli City Stl tft Zip Co0• JIC"' i.or.11 I I 0 111111• 0 leptr•t.d No.GICllptndttitt Nl!llt.I' $oclll Secutitl' Nutn!Si!r Ori'letl. ~~llllM Numb•< D Own MQnlnly R•n!,,,. $ I 0 ....,,ltd 0 ~ O llenl MQlll•le Payme"I I I l'rwtoweadr9M ll' SU.19 How lon&I . 1e'1 irll no me Mor1&a1e holder"• n.om• •nd a<ldre~ I I 8ullnul ~ How Ions ~ployeo! Ck:cupation MonJh!y ta~ $ I I Yr•. Mo$ home ~y llnpl0Jer'1ptw:inm tlUllltMt f-.-npq..,r fom>1t •mployu'11~<1re11 How ltml em~? I I --1 I ~lltl'IOIOJW IPOUll'lwnlllO)'er ~ Spoule',...,plO)'er phone oo. How l<>nl unplayo(!! Oc=p•t,on Monthly take $ Yr-. Mo~. flame pay I I HMM .,oJlbwlk lnr;l\«a6Clrs» O ~vin11 O ~n AUlom«l•••·m.~e Tear Mon!hlvAulo $ O Che<;kinr P•Yn!~nt I I Cradil r.i..ncel! l 1nl<s. v.:lh carrtl, eredl! on"itini. t.11111« <O''-Complote h1tor all de1>1s owin1 (open"' cl"""d) luJtomoDife !rn•ncea p~ (e•en 11 ti••') I Alta(h IOd!Hon1I ..,..,l ii neo••w I N1mt1 Add<IM kcount num~ 81ltne• oue Mo. paymtnt I I Nclmt Ad<ll9U Ar.<;.eunt numtiu 11111nce due ~·o JWyment Ne.It~ r~1l10•, nam• I I NllM AOdf-Ar.countnUmllU t1~1-ia 11ue M0."•1ment Nefle•!1e111•••'•1C1dros1 I I ~ '4::11114 """'aunt wm~r 8111/\CAI due Mo. pfY'Mn\ Si1111wr1 I I I ·----~------------------------------- . , All it takes 18 a little application to open a First Bancharge Reserve accoµnt. Simply fill out the one above and bring it in or send it to any of the 90-plus offices of Fi.nit Westem ·Bank. It's that easy. Prelent your cant for presents. First Ban· ·charge Reserve can be used to purchase up to $2,400 worth of presents.at just about any ' place jn California. It's like a charge account, except you USC a check instead of a charge card. 'Vhen you do, the service charge is no more than at most department stores. If you're traveling during the holidays and run a little short of cash, Frnt·Bancharge Reserve can be used as a check guarantee "'rd. It's like instant money, up to $100 in cold, hard cash at any one of a thousand hanks, coast-to-coast. Once you've opened your First Bancharge Reserve account it's open qot only for Christmas, but for the 364 bill.paying days in between, too. [lf!Ntlll' ·~ First r'r· '"'" . .,,, .... /.',, · • · · ' Bancharge ' .2'f1··'«:.:V·1"~·l-''(4,-~-... , ' ~· _ .,._¥., , _,,,_ ..._.;_ ---.... • R · : eserve THE GREATEST SPORT tJ since the Wright Brothers got off the ground at Kitty Hawk TESTOR'S ""R/C Plane i1 completel'y assembled ••• ready to fly ••• right out of the box! FOR MEN FROM 10 TO 100 lleg. $100. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY $6999 •. Complete set Includes everything you nud to fly -plus the battery recharg· er so you can use the Cadmium Cell batterie1 that come with the plane. TMI Jl(Y'ol't'AWI( IS YUtTVALLY INOl$fllUCTl•LE- IA$Y TO l'LY Tiils 11lan• It miff Df llHmpeCI •fY•..... . . . •llTIOSI unbrt•k11>i.. lllg .i.I" {n"rly 4'1 wlnQH>ll~ , . . ''" t\IMI .... A:Mdy lo fly IS atlOI\ ., VOii rt•• II DUI ol lht box. • Ml·Toniut ,c., t .I. lnltrn•I comM!IDn tf'llllnt e UO Mllllw11t rr1n.i1tor 1r1nsmlntr et Tr1n1IJ10r SuPtr11'1trDdynt receiver wllll puls1 Wldlh illt'cOdlnO • Trll'f Pulst Pl'fllX>•llonal r1d1D control e C:omplt!tly 9...-nn!- Ul"·UP..f.ND AWAYI DOI!'! mls1 fll• lncrtdlfl!t tun •nd t •Clltmenl of 5,!!ng 111!1 t lt nl pltn• IJ'!ll .. yGVr tontrol -•nd IMrn th~ W~kl of flvlno. Ord•r l'IOW -~ ht~• t1rgt I UPPlt -but llllHY! thtr 110 f11t! I ' i ••••••a••••••• HOBBY PEOPLE, Dept. H • 130 E. 33rd Street • Los Angeles, California, 90011 Get ready to take off for a real thrill. All of the excitement of fly• ing your own plane • .• because this plane is under your control. No wires ••• it's all done via remote RADIO control. Moil todo1 for prom!ll 1llipm1nt before Chrillmos • 0 CHECK 0 MON EY ORDE R • Ple•1• •11 11! m• .... , , .. , . , , .... , ... , ... , , com pl ale t11dy la fly T11ior1 R/C Sk.,kewlr Airpl•n•(1) @) tk• d i1c.ovnt prlt• of $b9.'19 • • 11th pl ~1 t 1.50 po1!•9• .ind h•ndl in9 . C1liforn i1 r11id•nh edd S % • S1l11 T•11. • • N11m• , • , ••••••••••••••••••••• Addr•1• • , ••• , , • , •• , • • • • • •• •• • • crt., ••• ; • • • • • • . •• •• • St••• • •• • • •• • • •• • • •• • • • Zip •••••• • ~-·····················~ Now! Create your own instant Cape Kennedy in any open area! AMAZING LIQUID-PROPELLANT LOS ANGELES AN O \'ICI NITY- Ml>'tly SY111''r' Frld9'r', LIM tonlvl!l 51. C.Ull'r' winds bf:'lo,. c•nYOlll frldly, !'llQPI Fr\dlY 71. Mltlt Low'~· VALKYRIE-2 R POINT tONCEP'!'ION 1'0 "'E)l.l(.lN l\OROEilfl:-Llghl v•rlt~I~ wl'ICll '*' ,.,..,,...., W9Jltrlv 10 lo 11 kroob In •11••· 1""'111 Fr~Y tM,ot """"""" wln<11 15 IO lO kno!t .Iii ·tllli• outer co.111! w111n . Mo1t1v Wlf"l'I' d•~ bwl 1om• eorl'I' mornlnl IOW d""'c!s moslly tout~"' l'lO<'llOf'I, A IJ!llf WAmlt• l'r lOOY. CO.lS'!'AL .A'lO l•ITERMtO!.lTE \'ALLEV~-Mt•tl'r' IC'~l'Y F'1 dov. l ow f1'>111tl'! «! 10 ». A 111!11 w1•111or l'ri· <'l•'r' wl!PI P\lpl! ~ to IO. Gll'1l' '*t'i11!11 btlow e.11-FJldev. 1.•QUNTAIN Al!:t;A.5-M<n!ly r111111v r "1dlY. l~ .__,,_ ti>• ... ~• ~"'0'!1 111111'1' nOl'fh IO northtAll '*t'1r>d• .,..,,, 1•e•1 Fr1<11v. ~ou•"91'11 C:t!lhlr11•.t lied 1u111'11"~ •"i ~""otl•~• e!r lod•Y• wlm flV~!v 1'0<'!~ •o ~IY!ht•tl wn!dt ,.i>e(teci l'r1d1v. I! 1111•t 111.ritlY coo!~r. TM nlsl'I ti LO'! Anfff"1 (IY1C ,.,.. t~r WI• 7'· ~~ l NO dt••OH lrom w~''"" .. -· &ftd> •~11 to.ff ..,.,,,. """•"IM 1- t !OV(I,._ tN! ot<>trw1'• II "''' '"""" ... +,,, ...... _, 11) •nd '"-' .... ,., ''· IT .., .•• rno1U1 tul'Wt'I' In !Pit 11'1111"!41M •""' """'~ •111'1 t'l•ltt flt•~ _'{I •• .,..ov.,. tll" t l'WT\ '"" i.ietl ')U\IV f!O•l"ttl'r' Wind'-,,,. out••• ht<:i ~·1n• "''' '' •~ Tng VJM' v•n.,. •M 1tl00! It I" ·~.......,. ..... "" .. U f!tl 9trtltoR h9d llW ,..,1~ ~"'""' rt.ell.,_ W~tc!f¥ " tJ C)ll'pfr ~lfloot Wcd~V f!ld lctl <•l! '°lltl!I IOCle'P IM,..... ...._ •••t11 e1.1s. kr!11 f.lonlu I0-10. f!lv~tlM>f. 11 1i M• W1I- '"" l! ,~, P•l~4 • 4!-•l. l1~rnlott ~iri. ,. .. 1,.. s ,..1"" ,..,,. e.~,.,1101d f l4 l,. I•'\ C7\fH /I rJ '""'~"If 91,. ......... ,,, Coattai ~11n11, todh', Llthl V'111~ll WIMI! n<~~· •~" rnoni+nt l'lou•1 btco"""' !l!ll"!h,.._tt.,.1¥ ti 10 11 l(flOlt Ill ,tJltt- ~-' IOCll'I' and Frld1y, Hlol'lt 1111r ~. Cnt11~1 ,...,,oe•1•ur..1 ''"'' from ,q 10 Tl. 1111'"° ltm"''"""' r1n•• from JO ID n. Wt!tr ltmPMtllll• 61, S11a, ~lnnH. Tides TH\,li.;SOAY Second 1'1t1~ J:SI '·""· J.S leco'ld +ow _ 11 :11 p.m, I.I ,ll:IOAY 1'!r1t lllth .. . •......• S:" ~ m, l J !!In• IOW .... ...... l t:ft •.m, 0,4 Se(omi 111•1! ......... , •·•I>"' ! 6 SKO!ld low ............ 11:41 ,,,..,. 1.t ,u'I 11.IK• I I) t ""' Ith •:U, "'' Moon 11:1 .. 1 1 ;~ I "'· Sttt 1.,1 I'"" v.s. s ......... ,.11 A w1ci. Olnd of Art"llt •fr "''". t tl'Oll ll'lt .. t!Kfl ""1IOl'I OI thl COO"° ,.., llldtY IC(-ttlllCI Irr llffV'I' 1.- 1 t i.omt M'dloni.. lll!!er c11t11 1110 grlllflff '"'-mrlb· t rn 1!1tt• "°"" ~t u1>111r M lnlu lt "I \'t!!t,. 1crou Ill• Orttl """' In .. Nt w E:ntltnd, 0"11 10 th•« lnchn of 1now tell tlll•in1 • 11~.novr Hrlod. 1ut<l1ltr Jn 1119 1,...1 1dlt<""' to ltlltS lrt• •I'd Onllrlo. l vtl1lo, N.Y .. mttw•ed t tvtn fnttlt'I (In lf\e f•Ollfld """"' l!:K htl'-'• NY,, ll•d 1lol'll. "'' tll• ~Old .... ,. _..., IOl)lh ,..,,, w1rnlllfl wt•• lfldl(1t.., l9f nortti.m Flo•lclt . To '"'-Wt1t, '''" "''' ''"'''' fr--' Tl•t t IO •ooi•M •f! Arllonl wl'll ...... \flJ!l>o• •• ~ l!!•~tf t!tYf!J°"t O! "'t $(1\1111-hcklA fl•trl 1111 Al~llllrti\lf ... f!(l\Ol'l~I Alltflh 81~•r.tlltld 8 1•mtrcll. lie/st fl"'Wf!tV!l11 C:hlc1go Clncl11ntll 0.1"'11 Oft Mel""" F1lrt.nk1 Frt - HtltN HOl'telvhr l(•nw• Ct!V L•t Vettl l o. l\nttlfl Mlt M I Mi11ntt110ll1 Ntw Orll1n1 N..., Yettk Ot~l•nd Olo:lthcmt (!TY ....... PllM SDt1"91 P11<1 ll:tb'" Pltt\bvtth Potlltnd Jttolcl (ltr ·-Stcrtmt"1t S.11 ltkt Clf'I'' S1n O!- St " llr•11tl1C. Suttle SllOl<t"t 1nt11r111 W••"1nt!t:'l " _)f ·'' ,. " " . " " " " •t 11 Tr . " " ~ J' 1! Tr " " . " " " ~ " ,. .s .. " )J ti ll 1S " " .. ,. . " ,, 54 " .. 71 1~ " " ,. . ~ " " " " . .. " M 11 .el '" 3J ·" . " " IJ " " " tt 6' 11 .en " ~ .. » .1s 11 =1 .Cl " . •• LIFTS OFF TO OVER 1,000 FEE1 IN LES~ THAN 10 SECONDS! Mow, ,,.,... ,_,_,.~ '9 .,..,!Idol.,,., tflltl' •II m.t •~clff-' 91111 ..,.,., 91 r •Wit 11-llllltl Vllltl'!'lf-1 ii I tnlllY •P1Ttlleflll, 1"'9-Jo.Mllt PMklt, U·IMllltt -.... " -c111 .... ,,... NCk91 1Ht4ff, •iilll I ..... -11-k n.,1111 1""'91llnl 11191 '"" 11¥1'!'1, Clll't ,.,...., ""'Ml Ill 111111 ,11111 Ml ., tllt V111tyt11ot M lh 1•11 ,...llltk. wl'flcll lt11nelll"' ,.._ Y" f.-1 Ill ,_,.C .. ,.,M klfll.•I"""' 1119fll l•ftll wll!I IHClll 1.. .... 1 .. _... ~nt llllc"""'I IMf ""9N II_,., 111""'911 !ft•-"llMMllCtl c•rC"" M11 •no "'""~11111 llk1 Ill• All••· rrt1n. 11t11 suuni "''""· Tl!tft llllf'ICll !ht \'llkY11•2 bY rtmotl <on!•OI •• , 1..0 wl1<1! n 1111 ott to • ml1lmu"' 1111!\lll• ot 1.J71 ffltl In f ,J IKOndlf Of ltf It Iii! I ptY. IOlllf OI' ~fff1'1' Vo lb. !l11'\drM1 of I~! ;nto ttlr <llllM ft f 11\lmln!nd My\lr f c"O S•~l!l!t •tr. Al ..... lmltf!I t lt!IUOI, Wll<!I •• 111 ptr•· l'Nl ... 1111 lllO! .... !l(1lly dtPlon lf!d ttn11Y llolfl !hi \f!l llo.'(rlf.1 ~·Mfoo. ly "'' 1no111tr I.to~ tc•n M us .. Owt lf!d O\lfl', I \'1~y11•·2 ctm•• complttt w\111 '8Cktf lftflnt, t!mtr. Helffl!Or, pt•t• <llv!t IUOI t f!d !H'IChlllt. l'IOSI (O'!U, H111, loedlllfll VllY'I tnll holl, t ltcllk llrlrlf •Htllllillly 1 ... r11, off tlll!<ltrd btl• tery, nol IMhldtd), ltlll'(ll lfll'd. <Ill ol (' ft"'Plll•nt, 1Ctt l10•1", t!ld ltlol rlJC'tiO!I betOlt• ,_,. • !11. O"l'i' SIMI plut. S1JO for pottftMl•nd!!n,. (' ,rol't'IPI 111lpM1nt, _; HOllT r1oru DI". " IJO I. JJnl Sf. LOS .ANGlLIS, CALI,. 9001f ~ ................. . • MOllY H:O~l.I., o.pt, '4 • .-~--. 1M A ...... Ctllf,. M11 • ~'"" """ mt ••• .. ..... com~ v-!kytlt-1 ll:odi:tt a kllC1l •t SIU7 11<1'1 plut 11J0 iqll\'l"l'lllllUlf.:11. C...lllOrnll • • ll;qktll'ltt 9dd J,_ $.t!tl T•ll.. • Tolll ,,., ,,,, ........... , • C:l\tck , ,. . M&11ty ardtr •r>e!Ot~ a N"mt ................ . a AOl!•itu ................. ... .. .,. •••••• • (tty , •• , •• ,. .... , ........... $181• l lD • ~ • • • •••••••a••••••·· CHECKING •UP• A Masterf11l Man Is Mo st · Appealu1g ~y L, ~1. BOYD LOVE AND WAR '·\Vomen wa:.1t a n1an who >A'ill say, 'Come here, you.' then k.iss them until they \ can't breathe," claimed G 'r e t a Lamb. Maybe she was right. But what she left unsaid is not many men can gel away with that kind of mu scu lar behavjor. Takes a certain knack. Like sporting a beard takes a certain knack. Or smoking with a silver cigarcl holder. Or wearing yellow knickers. In this game of Love cr.1d War. not every Tom , Dick and What's-His-Name can kiss the girls breathless without in· curring nipped lips. ~1ore on th.is !_;lter. THERE AREN'T m a n v Great Danes in Denmark. 10 fact. hardly any ... .IF THE \YORLD'S best dessert isn't spumoni, what is? , , . BALD- HEADED MEN outnumber bald-headed women by 20 to 1. but women v.·ho Y:e<i r wigs outnumber men \\•ho v.·ear hairpieces by 10 lo I. ... 00 YOU KNOW why Rodi·,,·s "The Thinker" is sitting down? His feet hurt. Take a close look. Big bunions on both feet. . . . HALF THE NA- TIONS widov.·ers r e m a r r y within five yea rs. l\1EAL TICKETS -Do eafes still sell meal tis~eJ.s? Certainly some must. I just · don't get around enough . Years ago as a fra ction of a lad, I was farmed out for a couple of weeks to the care of a widow woman who above all else hated drink and drinkers. One day she took me to a small cafe, which sported a "No Drinking" sig.1, where she expected to pay for our sandwiches with her meal ticket. A ragged old boy v.ith a distinctive fragrance about him sat down on the stool next to me, ordered a large lunch, then slipped a liquor bottle out of his pocket and took a pull . The widow promptly beClt.oncd the waitress ove r, and Minted significantly to the character. The waitress nodded sweetl}lo picked up the widow·s meal I~ Al Luo 116 Sllll 1912 ~ARIOR ILYD. COSTA MESA Dally 1 D-• e Sat. 9-& ••'*Am•rkl nl e M11l1r (hl1'9I I ticket, ant.I -pu1K'h, pu.1ch, punch -drilled out the price of the old boy's lunch. \Ve left. Swiftly . CUSTOMER SERV ICE' Q. "On a TV crime s h o w the other night, a character was portrayed as running from his ofrice to his car, carrying a suitcaS;e containing ' o n e million dollars in $20 . bills,• Could man lift that much?" A. Could lift it all right. Mi~t have a little trouble runn r.lg with it. It would Weigh about 102 pounds .... Q. ' 'N 0 W 0 U R NEIG HBORHOOD Q_~idge champion, chief joke tClter, and foremost collector of useless data contends the official 1nSJgn1a of t h e Republican party Is nol the elephant,. but the eagle. How about it?" A. He's got that right. Furthermore, the of· ficial insignia af the Democrat party is not the donkey, but a star. PUZZLE-A mathemalicaly 1ninded fellow in Toledo, 0., says the puzzles which appear herein from lime to time are too easy. Does.1·1 even bother lo us~ a pencil, he says. All right, here's one for him: "1 spent one sixth of my years as a boy in Canada," said the genlleman with the white bea rs, "and one twelfth with l~e police department in Chicago, and one seventh plus five years running a cafe in Cleveland. This took me up to the time my son Pete was born. Well, he took over the cafe just four years ago when he was exactly half my present age." How old is the gentleman with the white beard'! Yo11r questions n11cL com· me11ts are welcomed and 1vill be u.!ed whenev~ po.!· sible iii "Checkuia Up." Please addre.!.! yo1ir mail to L.A1. Boyd in care of Daily Pilot, Box 1815. Newport Beach, Cati/. 92663. · Bla ze Goes 'I'o F iren1 en THOMASVILLE, ~a. (AP) -This city 's fire department didn't have to go to one fire recently. The fire came to it. A city garbage truck, !lames pouring from the rear, pulled up to fire station. Firemen da shed from the station and qui ckly extt.lguished the blaze. The garbage truck continue<! on ils rounds. Thtr1day, Dtce mber 4, 1%9 DAIL V Pll Cl' § .. may co costa mesa Will be open sunday from noon 'til S p.m. Shop silndays from now 'til Christmas. ' Every merchandise depar.tmeJit 'and the -restaur.ant will be open to make your gift shopping. easier. what could be a prettier gift than soft and lacy panties Little under pretties. Maybe she ntt<ls them. !\taybc she simply loves nice things. \'('c ' have them sheer and opaqur, lacy and em· broidcred, in brief or bikini st}1e. All ¥>fr a.nd feminine. We 'how h\·o. There· s Jots more. White or pijtcls. '-6-7. 1.35 a. bikini, sheer nylon sprinkled .with po6ie5 b. Allitd Caprolan® satin nylon brie[ 1nay co daJM?e lingerie ~8 - bras that scoop low, for under dresses that do the sa me · Holiday drrssing . Daring. Baring. They netd bra.5 that ht . , , plunge .•. scoop lo"·· .a. Hollywood Vassarcttc nylon deep plunge bra, smooth and natural, ••hite, black, nude. In .sizes )2-)6 A. B, C 6.00 b. Maidcnform nylon tricot push up deco!. lete bras, underivirr. ·~rliite. beige colors, in sizes 3!-36 A, B, C. 6.50 may co foundations 44 • / ' f I - - merry slippers ... the softest Christmas gift Brightly wrapp<d. Und« the tree. So many dif(rrent sl ippers. Pumps, boots, scuffs. ballerianas, skimmers . In brocade$, Mylar fabric, fluffy Orlon ® acrylic. 'Il)ere·s no end to our K-lection of slippers .. By Bertlyn, [)(arfoam5, Feathermocs, or Mukluk's. Warm and cuddly •tippers ju!! rif!bt for Christma5 morning. 3.00 to 7.00 may (O hosiery 7 • Sony FM/AM portable. fl uffy-trimmed sleepwear, for misses who love soft things Brushed nylon sleepwear generously splash- ed with plush flufh of nylon pile. So wum, w feminine, she'll love wearing them. '.And kno"·ing that they're ~'ash-wear, euy-care. Choose her favorite bedtime style in Ligh t bright shades of blue, cOral or pink . .And add a pair of matching scuffs for a lovely Christmas package. By Henson Kickcmick. SOUNDS AS GOOD AS IT LOOKS UND ER THE TREE ·t¥. :(" ~. '$.'' . u~ A constant companlOO, . 'r , this Ughtweight Sony portable 6F·l9W. 1Just gra b the handle and olf it goes with you. To the beach. To the park. On a boat. Anywhere. Also plays on I JI:, (AC cord optional) so you can leave it plugged in at home, adding to the life of your batterieS. And it gives far ritcw powerful performance than the kind of radio that fits iA a pock9t. Sharp, stroni FM { AM sound that comes through a bi g 31h" speaker. Sony's solid state AFC cir· cuitry provides drift.free FM . Slide rule dial for easy 1 1 station selection; Easy-Grip bar handle; FM telescopfc antenna. Comes complete with battery and earphone. i sty1ed slim and sleek-like all the areat beauties today .. See il You 'll want it. SONY• JUST $29.95 Ou r 22nd Year in the Harbo r Ar11 ~DAVIS -BROWN 411 E. 17111 St. Do ily 9.9, Sat. 9·6 Costa Mesa 646-1684 • - may co-south coast plat e, sen die go fwy et bristol, coste mesa; 546-932 1 shop mondey thru 11 turd1y I 0 a.m. to 9:3 0 p.m., sundey noon 'til S p.m. .. • ·-:--•'" ·!~g go"'n, p·s-m-112.00 h. pajamas, J2·J8 14.00 c. matching scuffs. •·m-l 3.50 ma y co lin gerie 10 MAVCO '· r • . , • " . •• .. .. .. .. •, .. .; . :· ' I i :! :I ·l ' ' I . ' . " • . • • . • i '• .. • i . • t • • • • DA.ILY PILOT EDITORIAL PA.GE Defining the Tidelands Rising concern over public acc~s lo Orange COW1· ty's 42-miles of shoreline has produced heated and somewhat acrimonious debate. But through it all no one has kno\vn precisely what are the boundarie.s of public tidelands. owners to make up the difference. 'J'he unfairness in this has long been recognized but getting !!Ction from the Legislature has been something el se again. County Supervisor David Baker accordingly pro- posed, and his fellow superviso rs unanimi>usly con- curred. that the State LatJds Commission be asked to examine and redefine if necessary the high tide lines from one end of the county shoreline to the other. And to do so at an early date. Baker explained the survey is needed in light of re· cent actions by the board -including i1s concern for public access to public lands following the Salt Creek Road furor, the acquisition of shoreline frontage and the board's ~ecis ion to itself rule on all land matters affecting shoreline property. Webster's first defini'tion of "tidelands" applies: -"Land overflowed during flood tide." Debate over '"hat is or is not in the public domai n is meaningless without an official survey and ruling. The supervisors' move to get this from the state is clearly in order. For P1·op erty Tax Relief Proposals and actual moves to bring relief to Cali- fornia's overburdened property taxpayers have been many. They've been ""ell meant in some instances, dangerous deceptions in others. Now a move is under way \Vhich carries real prom· ise. , A state tax reform inlllative Is being sponsored by the California Teachers Associ'ation and the County Supervisors Association. Its purpose is to require the state to pay at least 50 percent of public sc hool costs and 90 percent of welfare ~osts. \Valter W. Heller, former presidential advisor on economics. looked at the initiative's provisions recently and gave his unqualified approval. He called the prop-- erty tax "regressive, repressive and sluggish." And he said that the other forms of taxation needed to supply the funds can be so set up that they \viU be !airer to ''the little guy_" \Vh.ile normal.ly it is better to get needed tax re· forms in the Legislature, rather than by initiative. the :;tate legislators' faiJure to act justifies use of the in· illative in this instance. Costl y Store Thievery . Shopli!Ling's peak season is here again, but with a difference. \Vhere merchants formerly hesitated to \varn their. customers for fear of offending, they now use both signs and recorded sales talks interspersed \vilh, .. Shoplifting is a c riminal offense." They're using .one:-way m!rrors, ceiling peek holes ;and even closed c1rcwt TV with tapes later admissible 1n court. And all the while the state, with its far broader tax base, bas allowed its share of school and 'velfare costs to slip, thereby increasing the burden on property own· ers (and renters indirectly). Formerly paying about half of public school costs, the state now pays only about 35 percent. And it pays only 65 percent of welfare costs, leaving local property Shoplifters used to be mainly middle·aged women. '{-.'o\v more than half are under 18 and the number is growing -producing a multi-million dollar loss which honest customers mus~ make up in higher prices. Merchants and police have every reason and right to crack down on the thieves. Agnew's Critieis11i of Bias TV Moguls Miss the Point \VASHINGTON -The avai l able evidence suggests that Vice President Agnew's criticism of bias in the mass media struck a responsive chord among lhe general public. There Is nothing to suggest, however, that the tonal grada· lions of the responsive chord have penetrated very deeply into the hushed chambers where radio-TV network policy is made. A tonal deafness seems to ha ve developed on what it was Vice President Agnew was talking about , with the netwwk moguls all professing to see a clangerous frontal challenge to freedom of speecll in their government licensed medium. The radio-TV eiteculives lherefore may well ask themselves why it is that as many as three out or four people think that Agnew had a valid point. THE ANSWER TO THAT question could prove to be quite disconcerting. It may merely involve the si1nple con· clusion (If a great many people that the commentators now practicing are not qualified by background, informalion and depth of thought to share equal time witti the President of the United Stales. This is the equivalent of heresy io the broad- casting business. It is unthinkable ttiat some handsome, well-spoken broadcaster with five or JO years experience should not be entitled to go on the air with his authoritative analysis and be listened to with the same attention and respect as the President or whomever it is he is analyllng and judging. "Ri chard Wilson DR. FRANK STANTON, president of Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc., ex- pounds the current thought in lhe in· dustry on the point !·le attributes to these instant analyzers the ability to call •·at. len tion to emphases, omissions, unex· peeled matters of substance, long an· ticipated attitudet. changes of vieY:s, methods of advocacy and any other as~t of the speectl." The analyzers function as critics, in other y..·ords. judg- ing this omission or that change of at· titude as it seems to strike them in the spirit o{ guiding and instructing the public on what they ought to think about the speech they have just heard. IN THE CASE OF the Presidenl's speech on Vietnam, Dr. Stanton points out that the text was handed oul to the press and to radio-TV analyzers two hours in advance of delivery. 11e adds, ''If a professional reporter could not ar- rive at some meaningful observations un· der those circum stances, 'vc would qucs· ti on his competence." T\\'O hours is enough, it is judged, to permit these highly skilled professionals to gather their thoughts for airing lo an audience which assembled before their lelevision sets to hear the President of the United States make a major announcement after y,·eeks of study. Otherwise they had bel· ler look ror work clse~·here than CBS. IT JS AT THIS POINT that a great n1any TV viewers tum off their sets and turn off Dr. Stanton. They are simply not convinced that the analyzers are pro- fessional enough, informed eqough or profound enough lo share time with the President of the United States on major U.S,. policy, ln..lhe case of Nixon 's speech two hours or deep thought \vas not enough to reveal to the analyze rs that lour out or five of the listeners they v:cre instructing would approve of Nixon's staled views on Vietnam. The TV moguls, in their profound con- cern for the right of analyzers to say anything that occurs to them after their gruelling two hours of thought, have simply missed the central point that a vast host of TV watchers do not share the respect with which the analyzers vie'v themselves. TIUS WOULD BE as hard for ;i TV co1nmentator to accept a~ for a newspaper columnist, the difference really being that many nc1vspaper s give their readers a wider choice of opinion which they can usually adequately sam- ple by reading the .Lirst and last paragra~ and thus turn off before they become too deeply involved. Analysis and interpretation is a great art whi ch only a few. such as Eric Sevareid." have wholly mastered. As Scvareid handles his art, it is to explore a subject rather than to arrive at con· clusions on it. and in lttiS: \Vay lo open his o\\'n mind and the minds of listeners to ''arious inherent possibilities. Marine General: 'Thanks!' To the Editor: Last year, I had the pleasu re of thank· Ing you wonderful people of Las Angeles and Orange Counlies and the various community service organization s for your generosity in opening your hearts and homes to Marines from Camp Pendleton and sharing with them your TJ1anksgiving holiday. Agaln this year, your hospitality ancl generosity were overwhelming and }'Ou made it possible for even more Marines lo become part of your family for the day and to share your blessings, THANKSGIVING is the tractiUonal holi-_ day for families to gathe r together : h~·ever, for the young ~1arlne who is perhaps away from home for the fir st time, it could pe a very long and lonely day. The cook in the mess hall devotes speci al care in preparing the turkey and all the trimmings, bul he cannot provide the feeling of belonging which a rainily lends to this season. THIS YOU GAVE lo the nearly 3.400 J\tarlnts th at you took inlo your homes. --.. -- Thursday, December 4, 1969 The editorial page of llle Daily Pilot 1eeka to inform and slim· t1loU rtadtrs by prese ntin g this ~r'I opjnion.t and com. men~ oh topia of inttrt.tt IJ1lcl 1tgn l/iamct, bu pro . •u a foru.m for tht erpr &lo our r1a.dna' opin io ns, n b prt1tntin17 tlui diverse vie pofnt.t of fn{ormt d observtrs Otld 1poktJmc11 O"PI topics of the <1av. Robert N. Wood, Publisher { ' i\fa ilhox Letters fro111 ,.eaders are wclco11rc. Normall!f write rs s/lou!d convey their 1nessages i11 300 ioo rds or le ss. The right to condense fellers lo fi t. space or eliminate /ibct is reserved , All let - ters TllUSt i11clucle signature a'!ld nioiL· in g address. but 110111es may be with· held 011 reque st if sufficient rcaso11 is apparent PotH 1·y will 11ot be p11b- l1shcri. and you provided lheir familie s across the United States '~ith the comfort of kno"'lng thai their sons were not alone for Thanksgiving, Your kindness Inst Thursday is proof that the citizens of Southern California do care and that as Ameri cans, we have much for which to he lhankful. DONN J. ROBERTSON Major General, 1.J.S. ~1 arine Corps Comrnnnding General .1\'ew Dr<1 rt L<11r To tN;! Editor : J fttl that Presidenl J\"1xon·s new dralt law ls a great breakthrough In Induction procedures that in the fmSI \\'Cre unjust to American men o11nd ceono1n1cally unsound . This plan, u cluct!:ng the volunteer army, 11 by far the most fo11vorable method. II eliminates any question of fairness. discrimination or loyalty and would tnable ntore students and gradu- <ites to further their cclucetion \'o'ilhout th e constant rear of being called. Those who choose lo :serve before entering collcgr could do so and then begin their studies \1·ithout llressurc or worr)'. ALSO TllE PLAN would 1nakc room for those individuals who really wanl to get an education rather than just at- tending lo avoid being drafted. The law would al1nost guarantee that nien over 19 or 20 years old \Vould not be called and it would greatly reduce lhe amounl of time they would ha\'e to serve. This would curb the number of objections lhal were being raised under the previous system. Economically speaking. this new Jaw does not reduce the amoun t or ex- penditure to any significant degree. TIM! cost is about the same as it \Vas under lhc old system. Howe ver. it ll'OUld deprive the country of its professiona l people by calling them to serve at this definite time period. HOPEFULLY, in the near future. if th e ,·o!untcer army is put into effect it ,1·ould benefil our country in every way possi- ble. But until this becomes a workable plan, Nixon's new law is by far one of the greatest improvements in the Se lective Service system . This la\\' is :i Ions awaited change that had to he clone. JOY DOWDEN Dea1· Gloomy Gus: !low foolish Yi'e are to spend money on Christmas card! to send to people ,1·e sre In person all the time. They should be sent only lo far away friends and relati ves. not orrice associntes who can be grttt· cd in pccson . -D \\'. A • ...., T~lf l•1!ur-••(,di rw.111"..-1' '11..Wt.. ft OI ~taU11llJ l~N ti 1111 MWtlt-tt. J,ft. reov~ "'' ~,,.,, tt c;1~""' Cl~•· Dl!IY ,,101 Laws Against r . A bortion A re Hard on Poor ·Edi.tonal - Research ' Except that all birth control method! seem lo be fallible, few '"omen \vou!d go to a doctor -reputable or a quack -for an abortion . Yet despite all kinds of le· niencies in sex laws, Prof. Andras Klin- ger, a Hungarian demographer, estimates that about 30 million abortions are performed in the world each year. A landmark ruling in the District of Columbia on Nov. 10 by District Judge Gerhard A. Gesell shields physicians from prosecution for abortion. Gesell, a son -interestingly enough -of the well known pediatrician, Dr, Arnold Gesell , ~Jed lhal any "competent licensed prac- titioner of medicine" could legally perform an abortion in his juristiction for rea50ns satisfactory to the doctor and his patient. Judge Gesell invited the District Attorney's office to appeal his ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court and urged the Congress to look again al abortion la1v "In the light ·of current conditions.·• SOME 40 STATES have. statutes that pennit therapeutic abortions to preserve lhe mother's life or physical health. Others -Arkansas, California. Colorado , Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Maryland , North Carolina, New li-1exico, and Oregon -have liberalized their laws along lines suggested by the American L a "' Institute. That philosophy is to permit abortion! lo preserve the mother's health, or when pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, or when the child \VOuld be born deformed. The District of Columbia by virtue of the recent court decision ha s become the only jurisdiction in the United States in whicti thert is no law in erfect that forbids doctors to perform abortions, BUT THE srrUATION in D.C. is not clear. One Maryland surgeon who by his own estimate has been arrested ··12 or 14 times'' for allegedly perfonning illega l abortions is undecided about moving his office to Washington. lie told a Wlltlhington Post reporter that he fears a new law will be enacted which. y,•hile spelling out the conditions for legal abor· lions more clearly. will require that a doctor seek concurrence of two other doc· lors before performing the operation. The surgeon. incidentally, on Nov. 18 \\'R!i sentenced to one year in prison and finOO SS.000 for an abortion he was con- victed or performing last November. The judge said lhe defendant had shown a "total lack of remorse·• over the abor· lion. AN ABORTION JS and probably Y..'ill remain -a lux ury. The poor have little access to the psychiatrists and obstelri· cinns who can rule on abortions even in those stales \\•here the operation is legal. Nc.vc.rtheless, Prof. Klinger says 1hat there is more than one abortion for every rour llve births. And the abortion is still lhc most widely ust>d method of birth control -despite. lhc rhythm method . the mechanical devices, and the pill. Prof. Ktlngcr's studies show that countries with liberal abortion Jaw1 bave on the average S4 to '81 aborUons for every JOO live births. In colt.tries with less Uberal laws, lhe flgu res art said to be exactly the same. The condemnation or abortion is com· Ing to be regarded a& an outdated hypocrisy, Almost rvery community - like Peyton Plaee -has Its abortlonlst ' Often he Is a prosperous and "'ell respected surgeon. _, 'Chief say he might go as high as '24.00 for island.'. Shots, Pills Are Wildly Over-used The clinic in my office building was of. fering employes fr'ee flu shots last month, and I declined a little ungracioosly, tell· ing the nurse that the only time I took a preventive flu shot, live "'inters ago, \\"aS the only winter I caught the flLI;-a few weeks later. She snorted at this primitive attitude or mine. suggesting that a man as knowledgeable as r pretend to be ought to have no truck with such old wives' tales. I shrugged, smiled wanly, and still declin· ed, feeling a trifle loolish and stubborn. VINDICATION FAST followt!d. A fe\v days later I picked up the paper and read that the U.S. Public Health Service's ad · visory committee on immunization "ex- cludes all healthy adults and children from its list of persons who should be im. munized before the coming flu season." As the co1pmittee lactlully put it, neatly reversing il5 field, "lhe simple facts are !hat the flu vaccine is not highly effective, and it docs have a high frequency of local and systemic reac- tions.'' This means, in even simpler words, that it won'L help you much. and is more likely to give you flu symptoms than prevent them. Just what I 1nunnured in our nur,se·s sea·shell car .. BEFO RE THE TURN of this century, Sir 'Villiam Osler, the great physician. made a remark to his students that every doctor should pass out along with a prescription: "The desire to take . . ( ~ ,,,., '{1 Sydney> J. l:l a rris ' medicine." Osler said. ''is perhaps the greatest teature which distinguishes man lrom the animals."' Thi s nation rushed Into a flu·vaccine program long before an yone had properly evaluated its efficacy, or ils dangers. \V<' are now in the midst of a birth-control·pill program of vast dimenstons. when all the possible side-effects and I o n g • t e r m genetic consequences of the pill are still unknown. PEOPLE RAVE become conditioned In demand shots and pills for every ailment, and are provided them even when the doctors privately know that their value is negligible or nil. This is simp ly "good merchandising" on their part. !or the pa· tient who is refused such dubious treat- ment will just move on to a less scrupulous doctor. · The antibiotics. life·saving as ihey arr In some cases, are fraught \Vith peril and wildly over.used; and even the vitamins. 1vhen taken excessively and in place ot balanced -nourishment, can produce "vitaminosis." a pathological condition seen only in super-civilized societies. ~skimos. of course, never got the flu , un· t1l y,•e raised those primitive people to our O\vn standard of sickness. A Show Business Classic _Berl Lahr .'v~s a performer equipped \\'Jth speed, timing, a joyous celebration of a present. He had a talent for un· complicated buffoonery lhal made him a show business legend in the 1920s and Thirties. lf few recall him now in the George \Yhite or Zlegfeld shows of 40 years or so ago, or in such comic classics as "DuBarry Was a Lady" or ''The Show ls On," "'ith Beatrice Lillie. they pro- bably remember Lahr's late r movie period, especially his classic perform- ance as the Cowardly Lion in MGM·s "The \\'izard of Oz" (1939). BERT LAHR is the subject of a full. dress biography, "Notes on a Cowardly Lion." It is by the late comic's son, John Lahr. a drama critic born in 1941 when l'tolt~ ., • C1w1rtl1Y" Litt!. Ir '°'"' L111r, KM,11 Jll ~.; 11 .... t,; 11.K. his father 1vas in his late 50s. It is a l:_OU!· ing, nostalglc excursion into 20th Century show business, from the time Lahr (born Irving Lahrhelm) ~jected his father's New York upholstery business to excel in that raucous. marvelous training ground for comedy, burlesque: then onward and up\\·ard to the giddy. frustrating and ortc.n emotionally exhausting pinnacle of his craft. stardom. Lahr had great personal style: he roared. pranced, "mugged like a demented elephant,'' as h~ biographer· son puts It. His talent Included gut r cs p onses.freneUc g~ures and n touching. elusive sense of thC ~·orld, "·hich prtlly much describe! his in· tcrprctatlon of the movie Co\vardly Lion . But superb a.s ii was in Lahr"s hands, buffoonery went Into decline. As 81"'9C>ks Atkill$01l once noted, "By abandoning buffoons, the musical stage Jo.rt one of Ill most leglUmate 11ssels." t.AllR'S CAREER entered a new phase, 'mphastzed by his d a r I n g performitncc In Beckett's "\ValllnR for Godot," a controver!l:i l role in \vhich Lahr tum(td his comic style completely around, and later as lloUom in "A Tli.e Bookn1 a n i t1idsummer Night's Dream." For, as 1he aging Lahr saw il: "My vic\v of !-.1r. Shakespeare is he wrote for the con1· edians, the low comedians."' Lahr remai~ed .a personal ity on s 0 tag e and off, creating 1nstanl affection. But 10 his son. the star is remembered chiefly as a "friendly absence"' which, in a sense, allows John Lahr R ce1tain ob· jectlvity as a biographer or a n1an \Vhll was a legend years before his son was born. This montage of a half·ccntury career in the theater and films does, at the same time. ha ve the advantr1ge of family archives in the background. and a frank discussion of Bert J. a h r ' s ~ea.rtbreaks_. marital hi story and Jlrc· 1ud1ces. which in so1nc cases were pro- foundly emotional, YET THJ_:: BOOK rings vnth laughter, Bert, for instance , \vondcrcd how 1ho C9wardly Lion would wag the tail of his !~pound lion suit. and how you teach 3~11.1 midgets to si ng "We \Velcon1c You to ?i!unchkin Land" y,•hen two-thirds of the llttl~ people spoke only German. A shov.· business classic. \\'illlam Hogilo ~--By 6 eorye --- Otar George : Do you thlnk the reason 1'1n nol so popular with 1he girls Is th at I don't danct enough ? FRED Dear Fred: Dancing i!i a greal asset in &0elal popularity and the re Is no doubl th"t the smooth R'.1d lilracefu! dancer Is very -... on1 c to think or It. ho1vert!r. Fred. old bov. I don 't even kno\v you. J\laybe );Ou dance TOO much. GOP Feud Brewing 111 Senate . WASHING TON (UPI) - After suffering its s~nd legislative setback in \ a fortnight, the N j x o n ad· mi nistratioo is facing an open feud with its own Senate leadership. l Senate Republican Lea~er Hugh D. Scott took the fl~r Wed.1esday to accuse the •d· ministration of undercutl~g his efforts to steer a GOP program through a Democratic Congress. He s.Ud it took ''a hard-aosed attitude'' toward sugges ted com· I By.Phil lnlerland i promises and refused to listen ll;i~t;!~;:::;~~~:!::=~=.!:;=~:!::!.:.:::J to his vote counts. Then Sen. Howard H. Baker Jr. (R·Tenn.}, the corr-------------------- servaUves' choice whom SCo1t defeated in the leadership election In September, arose to face Scott, Ile accused the Pennsylv;r.1.ia senator o £ "washing dirty linen i n public" and said -his remarks were not "in good grace." Selective Service Board Answers Draft Queries . ,. • Violenee Report Protect Assembly ·Right, Panel Asks ' . Ti.w.iay. --4, 1969 DAILY PILOT 7 Rogers Says Progress At SALT Plea~es U.S. BRUSSELS ( U P.1 ) ministers thal the Helsinki ex• Secretary of State \Villiam P. changes have apened a Rogers said today t h e positive a n d constructive r;trategic anns limitation talks ·American-Soviet dialogue on a (SALT) in Helsinki have got continuing s tr a l e gic rcla· \VASHING TON (UPI) -test group whose acliviUes got off to a good start with tJie tionsh.ip. The National Comn1ission on out of hand or at public of· Soviets adopting a businesslike He said the preUminary Causes and Pre\•ention of fi cials who refused to give attltude. stage of the talks in the Fio- Violence has concluded protest demonstrators a p a r a d e u s off' · Is 'd R · deinonstrations arc most apt · · tcia mu og-ers nish capital sl'iould end in lo become violent when socie· --=pe=r=m=i'=· ================;::::=''::ld::th=e::othe=r::l::l::N=A;:TO:::;f:::;ore=;ign;;;•;bo;u;;t;t•;;";;w;ee;k;'·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ty docs not protect an in· r c.!h·idual 's or a group's right to free spccch and assembly. That happens too often, the t3-mcn1ber commission said Wednesday in a report on ''Group Violence," and there is a definite need for ne\Y legislation guaranteeing every An1erican's privilege to ex- ercise these First Amendment freedoins. "Society's {allure lo affora full protection to the exercise' of these rights is probably a 1najor reason • \Yhy protest son1etimcs r c s u I t s in violence." the report said. "Although these ri ghts are safeguarded by the federal Constitution, th e existing"'! remedies to aggrieved persons are not adequate." this time LAST year? Bak'er said Senate Republicans no1v have suf. fered t'vo bitter defeats -re. jection of the Supreme Court nomination of Clemente F. Haynsworth Jr, and 11.1 income tax exemption -and • Scott was following "a bighly con· fu sing strategy." To correct this situation, the panel headed by Dr. Milton S. \VASHINGTON" (UPI) -!hat time. Eisenho1ver urged President Don't get caught short next year! You won't miss the $5 or $10 you put in each week, and next year at this time, you'll have a nice enough check to assure a very Merry Christmas indeed! 'fhree days after the draft lot· Q. A young man already has Nixon to propose a bill giving tery selections for next year, received an ordrr Lo report for federal courts the pov.·er to these are the questions the induction. Docs he con1e under grant injun ctions a g a i n s t the lottery? threatened or a c t u a I in· Selective Service says it is A: No. I nduction~ being cal!· terference \Yilh the right to receiving most £requenlly: ed now are for this month 's spe;;ik freely or assemble. Question: Who is affected by draft quotas. Th e January Under its plan. the court , the lottery: draft quota of 12,500 for 1vhich orders could be issued at the j F First National ~Bank oF oRANGE couNrv Fir.st i11 Ptr!ona' Banking Service Binet 1906 The sharp exchange - highlighting the differences betweeo the liberal Scott and the GOP conservatives - came after the Senate had voted on two plans to increase the personal income tax ex· Answer: Those young men young men will begin rcceiv· request of the attorney I born between Jan. l, 1944, and ing notification '."le>.:t mon th, general or a pri vate in - will be the first one filled div idual. They could be aimed, I Dec. 31, 1950. 1 _'U~n~der:'._lt~he~lo~ll:'er?'.Y..''~Y''.'.'':'m~·c_ __ I~o::_r :'"'.:'~m'!'p~Ic:., a:i· ':.''~c::a~m'!'p'.!':us~p~rc-o-:!.':==================================' Q: \Vhat erfect will the new I· emptia.1. The Senate voted down a proposal by Sen. Charles If. Percy (R·lll.), and pushed by Scott. to incl'ease the ex- emption to $750 by 1972. The administration opposed the proposa l . and Senate Republicans themselves were about evenly divided. -Then the Se11ate passed a more liberal proposal sponsored by the Demorats to increase lhe_txemption to $800. Scott said this let Lhe Democrats walk away with the credit for g i v i •.1 g Americans a cut in their tax bill. Scott, in an intervie1v, said he thought he "should be trusted to exercii;e judgment up here." From now on, he said, he WQuld try to gain the President's ear rather than deal with subordi11ates. The Percy plan differed from Sen. Albert Gore's $800 plan in i.hat it would not have taken full effect until 1972· - presumably after t.1flationary fires had been danwened. But the administration apparently decided Wednesday\morning it \Vas against eilher amendment -and told Republican con· servatives that when they checked with lhe' Treasury Department. system have on deferments? A: It doesn't ·have any i?f· feet. Only those holding IA or JAO (Conscientious objector) \\'ill be called. Q. Can a student whose number looks good to him (low in the draft call order) go to his local board and ask that his student deferme.1t be changed to IA so he can end his obligation next year by sit· ting safely through t.he sele.c· lion? A: The Selective Service headquarters, ' • p e n d i n g further clarification,'' is ad- vising those persons to "sit light." But it suggests such a move probably wouldn 't be ad- vantageous because the stu· dent will hold the same posi· tion in the draft when bis defenne.1t ends and there might be fewer men drafted at No, By God! NEW DELHI (AP) - A Socialist n1ember of India's Parliament who said he did not believe in God was over- ruled by an 111-5 vote when he proposed deleting the phrase from judicial oaths: "I swear in the name of God.•• Justices Get Filni- Curious or Yellow? WASlilNGTON CAP) , considered a crime. Distributors o! "1 Am Curious "There is no r a l i o n a I Yellow" have sent a copy of distinction ," attorneys for the Swedish sex fi lm to U1e Grove Press said, "between Supreme Court along with a the right of a person to satisfy plea that would make legal .-his intellectual and emotional history. needs in the priv acy of his Grove Press, Inc., asked the own home and his righ t to justices Wednesday t~ conduct satisfy those needs in the their own private showing of privacy of a movie theater." t.he erotic hit and C{IDClude it Besides, they added, "only is not obscene. adults who voluntarily elect to Beyond th at, thoJgh, the see the film will view lt, and American distribut~ asked they are free ~G l~a~e the the justices to rule t114t no of· theater at any tune if it does ficlal may prevent ~d~~ from not meet t.heir expecla~ions." seeing any moVle 1n an The Supreme Court, 1n 1961, American theater -•hether ruled the Constitution pennits ft is obscene or not. ()fficials to censor films before 'I'his plea seeks to c:cpand a they are shown publicly. Since major free speech n1ling by then , however, the coort has the court last April th at upset various, film bans and possess.ion ol obscene Jams or warned that distributors must printed matter in the jt'ivacy have a chance to test the of a man's home cannot be censors' rulings quickly. PEPPER DINE COLLEGE announces tha t THE PEPPER~INE SCHOOL OF LAW I fc111n.,~ Or1119e Univ111ity I IS NOW RECEIVING APPLICATIONS FOR THE SPRING TERM BEGINNING ' Janu•ry 26 For lnf•rm1llon contact THE OFFICE OF THE DEAN THE PEPPER ONE SCHOOL OF LAW 12345 Westminster Santa. An.o, California 92703 (714) 531-8581 Applicalions should be on me • before December 20 CULTURED PEARL l!INGS 10 Kaia! white or yellow gQld. Se¥Cro l styles. MOTHER'S PIN With bir thsi'orM' "jewel" fQf' MCh precious chtld Of orond· dii Id. Spote for 1 1 birthstones in sterling silYer or gold filled. F"m $J 250 I' Karo l, ottrac.tivefy ttylc:d' to ma1c.h any mood. Tremendov.. !>1!1ectiori, $250 ·-------* FREE 26 Pc. PUNCH BOWL SET With Single Purchase of $29.00 or More FIREBIRD BUTANE GAS LIGHTERS ., Col .... Attrocli\19 leatherette ·co • • choice of 4 colors.• J yr. guor- ontee • Positive oction. 50 PIECE SERVICE FOR 8 "CORDOVA" Solid t toinless steef. Erlra heavy quolity, perfectly bolanced ond groded. s299s DATEFINDER 14 KARAT CHRISTMAS CHARMS ·- SPEIDEL WATCH BAND You'wi reod obovt It in all the megozlnes, seen it °" TV, new Set: 1r In octlon, For any mon. For on)' man. Fot Cl"Y gift oco:isk:in, $895 ·-· CUFF LINKS C o mp I et e selettion of modem foshioned s.eta haOOsi;imely gift boxed. ·~M 539$ DIAMOND PENDANTS • 'White and yellow l .C KOl"'Q'I gofd •Choice of styles From $ J 99$ • Eortings ta motch 'loble ----- 'SPEIDEL I DENTS A m(l$t fo~OfWlble "Wr'OY to SOY "~II dofwt" to your lovotite re lo1lve or frierid. $495" ·-.... ,.,.. ... 75c LA.Y•Al'fAY TODAY FOR C:HBISTMAS *----- • _ _...¢,----.._ A1 k About Our llJ( Th• Storti Tbat Conldea.ee lu.Ut JEWELEllS POii '2 YEARS HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER HUNTINGT.ON CENTER 2300 Harbor Blvd., Costa MtH HUNTINGTON BEACH 54S.9485 192.5501 STORE HOURS: Mon. thru /.1. 10 'tll 9 p.m. Sunday 11 'tll S p.m. 'Ill Chrlstmu -· I . · ) \ 8 OAll Y PllOT • ---• Mlt.MUM I Ex-Pendleton Brig ·Chief Refut~ Riv¢rs . \ ·n ..... '. ~· 11· " • . ' i' • ' Mineral King 'Plish' Urged in U.S. Motion SAN FRANCISCO CAP) - '!be ICh U.S. Cireuit Court of Appeals will cor...sider Monday a motion l:ly the federal government asking the court to move faster Jn settling a dhpule that bas halted tile $35.S mjlll<>n Mlneral King win1'r sports re>ort develop. ment in 5equoia National Fora!. ' ' Here is bow: Snlnga •ccount dividend for 1 ye1r on $500.00 ='ZS2. Free safe dep0aft b~x for ~ loiig aa you maintain $500.00 aavlngs account -t = '6~ ( _,...,-.. -boc .. _ PLUS: Free selYlce charge on $750.00 ol Travelers Checka = •7~ OR Service charge tree on purch8M of up to 10 tlckela to the Forum, Dodger Stadium or other •porting and lllllllter _.. through TRS (TICK£1110fQ Total benefit• on Jour $500.00 anlnga-1 =='3t!! _J Stop bp mid -us to open your account. Wi ~to~ for. iocr.. SAN DIEGO (AP) - A former commander of the Camp Pendletoo brig says he could recaU QP)y one lncident wheo Negfo pr18oner! tried to or~anlie 800 asserts con- ditions were not as bad as reported by Rep. L. Mendel Riven (D-S.C.) 'Man Held In Threat • TWD.YE omCES TO SEllVE;\'OV ' •• IOWIU.uDWDCID -17 1•M wa1rr.-sta11 GILB 111--. IACllPCEITA --- . WT IOI Ml!llD ---lOPAllSAl'WA C-. l'ltt. ~. ARCADIA f1 l. u.. Oat, ll!Aftcmtll ......... Cllf. .-RllllPAR~ Zlll.-Aw. MOUllT VIRllOI 1001.~A". SOUTH COAST l'WA --Coll. WHITTilll DDWllS ft215 E. w , ..... SW. IEU IARDEllS 17411 E.-A"' Lt. Col. Neil Diamond, who retired last June after 27 years, serVice, told the San Diego Union Wednesday night that he denies "the gravity of the charges" reported to a Charleston, S.C., newspaper by lUvers, chairman or the House Armed Services Com- mittee. Rivers said Negro prisonen Diamond. who llvu ln termer brig olne<r. "Thert 'waa Orie incident where thls was trying to occur when I was there." ~d said or Negro prisoners at· tempting to organize. are better org~zed ... White prisonen: were Jess organized and rot led 11 well as the_ blacks, he laid. in the brig enslaved white nearby San Clemente, w1s prisoners a.id baffled guards. commander •of Headquarters His report was based on fin-Regime"Jt at Camp Pendleton dings or two investigators he from April 1968 until bis retir· sent to visit the brig last ment. His command included September after allegations of the brig and he was the im- pr1soner maltreatment ap-mediate commanding officer peared in nalional magazine,. -of Maj. Wilson A. Voight, •·nie black militants areiar· dent segrecatio:!lsts and wpnt to be together," he sild. "They hang OUI together and I ''We had the mllitants In .the brig spotted and we had them "'tll under control,'' he sald. •·1 ~eel quite sure that this sort of.+thing was not rampant in ""brig." Reform Plan Talks on Tax Shift Open i 'MeanwhUe, an official at Cjnnp Pe:idleton said he would Nit comment on the Rivers' rfport . and ~ no copies . of tile report have been-provided. I. Marine Corp investigation of ~egations is continuing. ONLY $3.99 TASCO 4VTE ASTEROID REFRACTOI 'Grind Prix 1/'4 .eale home raceway complete, read)I.-to run w ith l1peounter, car"I, fencing, track. '24.87 Re g. $50.00 va1w Fl,_. "'I" Road Race E ·LD 0 N· .-. "~ anti under'" set with· OvCi-· ·46 pleeu Including cars and rheo1Ut hilnd contN:1ls. "''"'" 1'.00 '12 94 Value • $9.99 TUMILE STONES A l ... ltf -cwca,.t ...,,. .. , .. "'""' ... d1ll•H .. .i 1chfh "' tN ...t ef i...p1......, loy tlt4' c .... .-nlo• .t ,...., NU ... , ,,_11n .-.. Otol' $14.97 Volt Volloyball, laskett.an 9••...i 1"111, foetHll -"kW ._ _, tltt -• '"' '"""' .. "" ,nu. ' J ........ Reg. $5.50 MAmLS TOOTS SWEET TI•r ....,.. . ,... _..... """ ..._ ... '"""..,· "'" ,.... ... twNtw --,_,, ....... •" .............. -... ~,._.. ....... . ....... $8-'0 _____ .. _ .. _ $5. 98 . COX MUSTANG P-SI ,~:"" $9.76 l'lAT • DOH ~ ...... ...., ....... _..... ... •·•· 47c $1.00 WHELLER SOLDERING SET D111l lrtecit 100/140 w.tt aeldeffllt tl'9ll co111pl ... fM tM llobbyht et "°' tM '~ KARL'S PRICE '8.88 4 • TIANSISTOI sn °' 2 -lKll·TAElllES QMf1tJ ~ W•\e.Tel!. .tt e ........... , '-"'"'Y.fe)l7G.........,, . •••• 020.00 $9. 99 50 FASHION ISLAND NEWPOCIT BEACH 644°0981 (Oppos ite the Bro•dw•y) Other Stores: Gor rh' mos1 ·on INSURED SAVINGS! KEYSTONE _ SAVINGS "ND L0,\!11 ASSDCl"T-ll?N ~ w eo.o-. ,,....,., 11 ·-·· 5 38"'"' lt(CWllaJPLUI , ANNUM /"'"1wt ,..ld.INM UUF"'NU ,...\HS. d&W _,-trtil.\dnr,_, mt ASnlLICICIL flllWT flit 't'OUR SISNI ...,. .,......,. o-r ·TOY ~:?HOBBY SALE! ' SKEDiDDL! KIDDLES 4-IM ..... ~ ....... -... H-..... --.... -.Sl..U -Only 99c •... ,., ........... --· ,..,......,.. .... ,...._.... . ............. . "' a 'lw • "'.#:""" ..... .._ ..,.,., _, .... .......... _,, .... • '..·"21.oo $13.97 1001 i~ IECOIDU a.,...~~••:..=•......._ J .. ,....... • .... $17.GO Only $12.97 "THI FlllSHT HtrSTLll" ·if TYCO . ---........... ._ 11 ..... w ...... . ~ ...... .4 ...... $16.87 ' °" '·'· .., ._ .... ,.., -...... --..... """' .... .__ ................ - ......... ...ny ......... ~---,..... ,...... _ _, ...... -.,,.-~-$8.91 CllSST~L 1 1114 .... ..,...., .. .. "" ..,,.,. • .-. "-.~ t'Up ... ,._ ....... c .. caM. AIM ~ wlH .. t. MMt1 "'" Reg. $14.00' $7.91 Mllto• lrad19y'1 DYNAMITE SHACK FUN GAME SEEN ON T.V. ....... 00 '"'' '2. 91 AURORA'S SHUFFLU n.. hlble-top sai.m. .... .... fw ,.. ...... ...lly. Plcrys ... KMft !Ai:e Niii S!Nffte ...._ ~~gL.:1~:~ •... _ ................. _ .. _ ...... ,. ..... -··--$4. 99 VOICE CONTROi. ASTRONAUT IASE ·-..., ... ~ i.-. .. ,.., .. ~ ··-· • i.•• ...., ....... ..,. ...... \ ..u.t .i..ii. ....... _...._. ..... .., .. i.-cll ~· .... • ,,,.. __ $11.44 APOUO/SATUlll . f MOON l?CKn """' ............ =: ..... ·' ..... ... ... ....................... _, ... _ = =-~ .. ~ ... = .. "C..: :.;::·, .... _ ......................... .. --, ........ $8.88 ,_._.........._u.t. .._ .............. _,.. ......... _ SCOOTA . IOARD ==~~·~ =-= .... ,.-He. .. .,., ...... ............. ' ....... -$7.76 Reg. $9.00 EAST IAlll OYIN SALE PRICE , $7.61 ALL·PIO HOCKIT UNITED 727 JET MAINLINll ... ltewtlfll .... _... ~ ..... ,__.,.. ,i... ..., -... ""'"""" ·~, ...1.•.;_ .. .. -%• •kin. ""''' 4 ,... .......... ....... 11" •'911 wffll • 31'' ........... , .... _. __ ~!1.QO $14.71 . H.O. ROAD IACIHG sn .., nco ~-...... 2-. ..... h-Mw, ....... ,_.... ....._WM..._ . -$12.87 ... ..,~ ......... ._ ... ... • ...,.,,...lsio..-d!W .. .... ... .ict.r.s -........... .... ... Ule. ................. ... t:;-.... ..._, ........ .. •• ;:;~... $14.84 SOMA GAME .~,. $7.67 CHRISTMAS ·HOURS: WESTCHESTER, LOS ANGELES, CANOGA PARK OPENSU~Y ' -·-:,4 .. ' '··- • • • ., I ~ • II • n !. "\ n 1t d ;' 1( t. 11 -· 1 'y I l Air~lanti Buff Miss Ida Holdgreve, 88, Of Daytona, vie\\'S the plane in which she took her first airplane ride last month (iop photo). But her interest in aviation started Jong ago -the bottom photo shows Miss Holdgreve sewing the cloth of an airplane at the \Vlight Broth- ers' Dayton plant in the early 1900's. The Dayton Chamber of Ca.mmerce arranged the flight, ful - filling .Miss Holdgreve's dream of flying at least once. Crossword P uzzle ACROSS 49 Winn in g Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: serve In • J One who tennis looks 50 Container Intently 52 Viol ent ' Tlghtly publ ic closed disorder hand 53 Stilte: Abb r. 10 Perfume 54 Choose base S1 Quick 14 Symbol of escape: stubbomess: Slang 2 words 59 0{ Norway 15 1ta11an city 01 K· nd of pet: 10 llll rs. Shake· Z words speare 64 ·small 12/4/119 17 Robin's 117 Knob sweetheart: •a linter 7 Os iris' wife JS Kind of 2 words Olympics 8 !table contest 19 Group or parti cipan t: com~artment 39 Word of ·relatives Z words 9 Muc approval 20 Make 70 Single smaller 41 Sk ill beloved 71 Ananias 10 Ratio to 43 Shows 21 Havin g a JZ Fem inin e sp eed of excessive sUpfiery name sound ~leasuie :i:· lty 73 -·-!lilt 11 Not rented ~Ii indof log 23 eath genus 74 Educational 12 An imal · 48 One engigrd ZS Chica~o in stilulion catching in work Cubs igure 75 Smells de vice suspension 211 Beverage stnmgly 13 African· 51 Saloon i 27 Go astray republic habitue Z~ Raise DOWN 18 Mov1n3· on 1 54 Confe ss: I 31 Comm it curve path 2 words I crime 1 Warden's 2Z Carousel 55 Sound: 33 Namely concern 24 Walk.inp Comb. ror111 34 Dtrls ive 2 To·-: 27 Sinful Sb k"lnd of wa vt sound Everyont: 28 Auto trip 58 "West Side 3• Numer ica l 2 words JO Mort loyal Slory" song prefix 3 Neth trlands 32 Wager \ LO Not frnh 411 Thought Inlet: 35 Trans· -LZ Narrate 42 Fruit 2 words portation bl Duck. 44 Dodgers 4 Shrub mtdlum LS llllactous or Expos 5 Posts again 37 Kitchen plant 45 Suspic ious Ii A long llrm: Lb Set eagles 47 Rips way on 2 words 6' Btfore J • .. • 70 Read tlie Stars Witli 0111arr .J V al"le y Eyes Budgeting I or S,f hoo ls 1/2 OIL. SILE By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of tM Diiiy ,lltt Slftf use of manpower, materials the eduCatlonal dollar," he and equipment to reach goats . said. Calllornta Commls&lon a n School Dllt~ct Budgeting and Accounting to pioneer it. Budgeting the educational dollar to produce the m~t services for clilldren has been one of the major headaches confronting sch o o I ad- ministrators. At the Fountain Valley School District this problem is now under study through a $7 ,500 grant from the persa.1al budget of the Govembr's Of- fie<. The new approach to the financial maze is c-a 11 e d • ' ' P 1 a p n i n g Programming Budgeting Systan (PPBS)." : Its purpose is to organize . m!X'e efficient and eUectiVe tbat are prepared each )'ear . Up to now school districts have been u!ing "horse a:id carria8;e" planning a n d budg(Jjng mqhods tG solve the mounllng financial pro- blems, according to ~like Brick, superintendent of the Fountain Valley S c hoo I District. "Allocation or funds has bee:i based on individual re· quests by the district ad· ministrators and principals. Up to now It has been im- po.5Sible to determine where in the school program we are geting the most mileage out of 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to 5:30 SUNDAY 10 to 5:00 DOUBLE BATH SWAG A little 1plt ndor for • prtlfy dull room, I dunno, oura 91fl pt•tly 11 .... 1., ..... ...., mornin9 •ilouf 7:10, lik• • sc1111 from • Ki119 fel'rl ily rtunion 911 3 "CUTAWAY PULLMAN 0 l•1u!Hutly fini1h1d with •l'rlple 1tot19• loelow 1ink •n'*i i11 dr•w•r•. 0 Complet• with m1rblo top, sink, •nd f•uc•I, 12995 WOOD FRAMED MEDICINE CABINET i 0 Dtlu•t 1tyli"9 lik• ri9~t i fro'" lnltrior. le•utiful. "·· 0 f . 'I . ••lur11 1nttqu• 11 ••r '"·) ) wood fr•m•. ~ D ln1'1ll1 quiekly ri9ht A.··~ wh•re tho old tully 0110 ~ e•m• out. ' GLIDDEN ANTIQUING KIT l tfore you tltrow if t w•y, •11liqu• it ( yo~r r1•i9hbor1 will think you r••lly 90! cl•n.) Wid• ehOic o of colors •nd woodto11t1 i11 •••v , 1ttp kit. For furnitur•, p•11t li119, plcfuto fr•m••· . 2•7 _. MULTl·COLORID COCOA MAT D A lltW '"'' '"•Y h•lp to ttf fht ki..!1 to wipo th•ir fief. D lvt you 'll fttl li•tt•r, 'J'Oll trfod, CJ A"4 fllt11 •ttl11, tt 111•'1' flot. 77' • • He Indicated that under the new system a school district will be better eble to explain "what" it is trying to ac- complish, ';bow much" educa- tion is costing, its level of ef- ficiency and "how effecdve" it is. The budget will be geared to the curriculum and will fa cililate decisiO'.lS on how the dollars should be spent. The plan for local school districts in California to move inta PPB& was approved by the State Legislature in 1967. To date, the Foontaln Valley SchOOl District is the only school district in Orange County selected by t h e Vatican: Holier Than Thou? VATICAN CITY (UPJ) The Vatican hu annoonctd ~ew rules for accreditation of newsmen and warned it may ban thGSe who show an "in- correct attitude" tciward the Roman Catholic church and the Holy See . va9can officials denied the new regulation was an at· tempt at censoring the press. s9aa- CHEERS 26 PIECE PUNCH BOWL SET • • • 2•• ' Horo'1•punchDowl11t th•t kttjH ih cool (1itl'!'• whot v•r ht •rd of w•111'.pu11ch1) 0 26 'P;,,. 11t con1i1h of 11/J qt. bowl , I? fiv• 01. cups, p111tic l1dl1, 1n.d 12 cup hook1 , cup1 .nJ bowl •r• sp1r~lin9 9l1u. , • Advtrli~•1Laoeel1!1 gODd ltlfu Occembtr 111.-1'6t (So?) Black & Decker No. 1360 'RADIAL SAW 19995 Black & Decker U-153 JIG SAW D S•v•11 , •• , 111 on•. D Cuts eurvt 1, 1croll1 or 1tr•i9ht i11 wooC, m•t•l1, pl•1tic1. 0 11.d., "•If WltllC", "old•r i11clud•d. 1488 T .. 011 I ..lo11'f "•v• 1• f•r to f•ll wht11 I f•l11t. Qu••n 1i1• for • bi9 ltro•k'f•1t in btd. 88' REPLACEMENT BULBS 0 Rtpl•C•lll•flf llulb1 •f • prico fli•t t11rn1 In• 011. D Choico of indoor or outdoor, m•11y colort • INDOOR C-71/2 OUTDOOll C-91/a 6CEA. IC EA. INTERMATIC TIME·ALL . • 0 Jyif ••I •Ml forget, m19lc 111lrtd will 1t1rt Ill• coif•• • ulomt tlc•lly. 0 Or UIO fe r19ul•ft .... Clirl1t11111 llthh if yow Ilk•. • 5'' Black & Decker No. U· 144 BELT SANptR . . O• H.,.', 1 '91t th1f1 ••rt .. 11 .... , .. 0 W•u,'t tilt or tevt• (it fithh f•ir.J ·-· hcfff , ... 4999 ! LUFKIN . MIZURLOK TAPE l it l,li inch lty 16 fttf. Now utf• li9hfwti9h+ e110, •••Y fe91l• lock. F•1furof cu1hien•d lilH• rtfu,1t; ,.,..uu1 hook loro•k•9•· 449 TINSEL GARLAND I I I In lirillitnt 1liirn11101int holid•y colors. · ~ 0 Fim'llY •11chorM, won't ~ f111l •p•ri ••fo1e s.1111 I t•f1 htre. ' 'i 0 U1t to trlll'I tra•, '' deeor•f• m1nll•1, I.order off • 1enter,it u . 39c 6 FOOT SCOTCH ' PINE · CHRl$TMAS . ' 'f REE 0 Why ltuy • t•w frff 1v•rv yl•r, tt.11 f/,.. ,...,... ... ""9 h ..l1tltM..I "kr· ye.,, 1f tM¥ico. 0 v.,, r11111ti1 .,.ith bo11•1htd 11oedln, 1tur..ly 1t1M, t1"4 111 lio••d f1t lltW tlttlf.. ' . I i • -~ . J 0 DAIL V PILOT Thurlday, Dtctmbtr 4, 1%t Check Out_ Those Toys for-Christmas UNSAFE TOYS -This doll is highly flammable and during a dcn1onstration burst into flames \Yhen a m atch \Vas tout'.hcd to it. .o\lso sho\vn are an oven that heats up tD 600 degrees; an eas ily broken r atlle with spikes inside · a doll \l'il h pins in its hair: and pointed darts. WASf!INGTON (UPI) 'rhis Christmas season, mon\ and dad, you still are on your own in buying safe toys for Lhc kids. Next Christmas the government can help. A bill enacted by Congress this fall and recently signed Into law by Pre:iident Nixo.\ gives the government authorj. ty to ban the sale or dangerous toys -and there are plenty of them. But it does not take ef- fect until Jan. 10. A 1966 law, with '"limited ap- plication, ruled out .some. dangerous ·toys but most "·ere nol covered. The Nalional Cemmission on Jlroduct Safety has assen1bled a ghastly chamber.of-toy-bor- rors to show how hazardous some toys are, yet how in- •.ioceol they look. "nte room resembles any budget toy department at your favorite store. TEST DOW Take the pretty dolls on the shelves. One cutie with golden tresses has a hair ribbon. The ribbon is fastened with n sharp pin. A child can twi st I AMPEX I MICRO 88 PORTABLE STEREO Cassette Player/Recorder System Here's a complete com pact stereo system and re cord· ing center in a hand some Samsonite case. Speakers separate up to 20 feet and there's power aplenty for big, ric l1 room .f1fli ng sound. OR~LEAVE IT! -. ' ~­--:c--r .ft_ "" ' .. MICRO 86 HOME STEREO IN WALNU_T Stere o for butterfi.1gers. Playing and re cording conve- nient cassette tapes, your finge rs never !ouch the con· •:en1ent cassette tape s. l uxur ious oiled wain ut cabinets. $1 89 95 <Om"""""m "'" rrnc•oDhOJ~": r COME IN AND HEAR A COMPACT-CONCERTI , Automatic Cassette Changer in CompleJ· Stereo Sys m Pl•vt 11p to 6 tnet•· tepe1 eu!orn•li<:.tll -,, re'o":I 2 llourt "1lereo wit!, C-120 caue!te l•pe1. Weln11! c ~bi"'' & •pet k- ••1. !nd. •lareo rn ike1 & ,, • .,d. JUST j AMPEX ] Micro 14 Cassette Player/Recorder with Automatic Ba ttery Recharger R1d•ar9e1 ih own Ni-Cad b•tt,,;,, when p1ey>n&J on AC. Plev1 '" t ulo with I 2 "'or t •d•Pl1r. l " .. , .. 1o~tk1r. lnc.lu d11 plug -in ""~t . e trpliont, C••t end C -60 '•utt!e. JUST AMPEXTAPE BONUS-SAVE OVER 503! ' . • ( : Your choice of prerecorded slereo tapes or blank 1ape with purchase of any Ampex Tape Recorder. lt1 Ou1· 221111 )"cur Se1•1·i11~/ 1'he ll1.11•l111r Area • 1 411 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa • Daily 9.9, Sat. 9 ·6 Phone 646 • 1684 the head off another doll to It docs suggest that they be -1'est doll heads. T¥.'ilit and might. Look ror sharp edges. -If a toy comes only in a reveat a naked spike. more careful in choosing tW'll the head, as well as the -Make sure the eyes and package, ask the retailer for a '·A street gang could use toys. arms aDd legs, as a child ears of toy anlmals are firm. sample you can examine. this as a sec ret weapon ," the li"";;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;iiiiiioiii~;;;;;;;;;;o.,.iii..ioii;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i~ commission's c hi e f in· REMODELING vesligalor, Larry A. Achott. :;aid. , Son1e of the dolls are highly flammable. So is a collapsible cloth turocl full of intriguirlf I wists and turns. A llk.:ent dart gun which ''\\'en t over like hotcakes in the Philadelphia area" injured I t children, Schott sald. The victims had one-inch plastic darts removed from their lungs becau se they inhaled before blowing out. SA'V DANGER The automobile industry recognized the danger of sharply protruding f l n s several years ago and got rid of em, but one toy spact r et offers the same sharp ints lo boys and girl s. Also on display is a bike for one·lo-three-year .olds, \Vi th handlebar grips which come off easily, exposing sharp~ surfaces. One child fell again.It! the unprotecled 1netal arid loaf an eye. Easily broken rattles with spikes inside; teddy bears and stuffed rabbits with eyes and ears fastc.ied by sharp metal points which can cause serioua puncture wounds; toy ap- pliances for little girls "'hich heat to more than 600 degrees or become electrically live If mishandled: toy telephone&: with cords that strangle. These are not the products of monstrous men who want to maim or kill little children. The men who make these toy1 have children of their own . They are ·.1ot intentionally malicious, but t h c com- mission says they are some· times dangerou sly ca reless. toys. SAFE PRODUCT "Our observation ha s been that manufacturers, domestic manufacturers, \Vant to make a safe product,'' commission chairman . Arnold B. Elkind said. "They don't want to in- , jure people. ( o ..... tic rtduciti(ln1 ... all m1rclla~dl11 In th1 1tort -l1kt Id· v1ht1111 of lhe1a IPI• clal prl''' 11 mtkt wt)' jar 011r r1m ocl1l- SPORT COAT SAU 39.SO •••.•.•• , ........... 27.88 0.50 .................... 29.88 45.00 •••••.•••...••• '. ' •. 32.88 51.50 .................... 37.88 65.00 ••••...••......••.•• 44.88 7f,OO I .' - . -. --- ---. -.. -.. 49.88 SPCF.T COATS-(wilh Slt tk1l 1911. Pritt 95 00 105"' .... - - -. -. - - - -. SLACK SALE 1911. ,,. .. SALE I ,,_oo .......................... . ....... , , ..... J I .SO .,.-............................................. 71.11 .l0.00 .................................................. 1 1.11 ?8.50 ···-·········· .. ···-···········-·•""""•"•·····-19.11 :·s.oo .. -----·································-········ 11.11 ~2.00 .. --·~························-········ .. ···• 11.11 ! ·---~ I \''-. \ \ :'0.00 ...... _ ......... ·-·····-··•••"'••••·· .. -1 ~.11 lb 9 S ,. ...... ·--···--·---11.11 1 1 .9~ ··------· 7.11 LONG SLEEVE .... FOR Fill BELL BOTTOMS SWIATERS Reg. Prica SALE leg. Pri'• SALE 18 .. '' 12" 30';0 ...... --. -. 21 ~1 -. 'SHOIT SlfEVE ..... -. - -.. 27"' 19" DRESS SHIRTS 16 .. , 11 " . -. ' ... ' -.. .......... -25n~ 17" 8" 5" 14Ql 10" ........... .................. - --..... - -. 22"' 15" ]"'' 4• 12'"' B" . .......... -.... ' ............ '.' ... '. --. 20'1!1 13" 6•' 3• 11 " 7" , , . •'.•,,,I .... -' -........... . -. --. . - - -. 18"' 12" 4" 2" . ......... -.... --- -. --....... TIES SOX S. S. SWEATUS f'le~. price SAL E ~•II· prl'c SA L i!: MOD JACKJT f .stfTl:TS 72.00 15,fl MOD SHllT -..... ___ • <.oo 2" 1.50 1.05 . ---. -20.00 1.1.11 1395 9" J.50 ................ 22 50 -1511 4" -250 ------·-1.75 ...••• 1.24 18.95 12.11 3" --·--~--2.00 . --. - . 1.40 5.00 ....... 15.95 -·--~ 10.11 "The problem is: one of moti vat ion , of really geltinr them going a.id making them do something about this pro- blcn1." Some design changes have been made after compl aints, in items displayed in the chan1ber-of-horror-loys a n d some toys ha ve been recalled , commission officials said. But most are still being sold. . P.J.'• ' WORK SHIRT I 1 r•~ ...... 1,a '"' . s.aa r. .. c ....... ~.~1.~ 4 -~ ASCOT ~ 88 g"o ...... 5n DRESS SHllTS I 8.50 ... --5.11 9.50 -- - -. 6.81 10.00 ..... 7.11 vt\OUR SHIRT I V"EROE SllOES I 14.9' gaa 19" .... 13" 17" 11" &ODY SHIRT 11 '~ ....• 891 12 ~5 ••••• a" The commission stressed that it does not offer its cham- ber of horrors to scare the "·Its out of mom and dad. But _A J!'efeganl m.n ~ S~or,,. JJ.i.i Jlia Lido, Net£port Beach, Calif. 675-3871 NEXT TO eLUE DOL~HIN l'IESTAUl'IANT Anolher ~ir:Jl al Springdale fiardware PREFINISHED. FULL 4X8 PANELING. Prefinished Finished in Plain ~~-~--V·Grooved, Prefinished Y·9roo'f'l'd, pfefillllhed •lld lo•elr to look at. At thil pdte yo• tell h11•• the ricl<t look ef pa11eti119 without lhe hlth cost. P'relh1b hocl c~o• And ready fo r l111tallation llt's •asler than yo11 tl<tlnk. Ask any of o .. r solHtn•ll for f.,)/ hrformo• ti on. ... ullf~I champa9H witfl 1111 the rich color I• 91 with •ny Illa-. lnrrod.,tt•ry $2. 99 FULL Offer 4 l I lntr•d11etory $1. 99 PULL Offer 4 1 I lntrod11etory $2. 99 FULL Offtt 411 Full Set COLOR WHEEL . For an ever chang· ing kaleidescope of color on your tree, or other Christme5 decorations, this is just the thing. Will last for many seasons. SALE 3'' PRICE . • IUY NOW INDOOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS \ .. , Indoor replacement bulbs for Christmas tree lights ••• and 11 real savings. .... ,,1 .. 188 $2.98 SALE PRICE IUT NOW • 15960 SPRllllALE Christmas Trees F1al'!lcproof mosterplete q•olity tr"' -No11c fl11· er 111.,where. A bM11tlf11I l ft. Scetc.111 P'llle t• th• mnterplec• •f tlllm all. ' ft, LOW •• $5.45 SN tfte111 11 c•l•r tit41y l•t S,ri119d•le H•tdw•re I• tk S,rltttH~ SH,. pl119 C111ter. 25 LIGHT OUTDOOR LITE SET , •• Outdoor light sets, with connectors to hook up as long • string a• you nHd. Save Now! Reg. Price $3.91 2!?NOW • Fun Ll~ht Set ....... . INDOOR REPLACEMENT LIGHTS , •• Indoor lights to dress up your trH • , • •"d • reel saving. littJ. Prlcc 6 2for15c C SALE PRICE IUT NOW ' -:-----------------------------------------------• News Crash Logistics Part Of Calley Trial MD Raps Vietnam Taboos • Fiesta for RFK Unit A Mexican riesla, complete with flamenco gultarb1t and Spanish dancers \Viii 'be held Saturday at the home of Carl Damron. 8362 Alvarsdo Dr., Huntington B e a c h , by members of the Robert S. Kennedy Memorial Society. MeKican buffet will b e prepared by women . from , Ju11rtz Colony in Fountain Valley. For further information and tickets phone Mrs. John Ber· ry, 897·7398: or Mrs. Fred Voss. 962-8955. -South Coast 1tua- oRANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST FASHION CENTER ~·.,--,_.,.~ ... By JACK Sm.I.MAN Calley's defense v.•ould prob- ably object. PHILADELPHLA {AP) -A FcsOvltles begin at 8 p,m. A woman doctor who served--------'---------------------------------------- One high-ranking o r I I c e r said "tile-court's ffrst ·question wou1d be, 'Why do you want ta mo\'e the lrlal!' FT. BENNING, Ga . (AP) - Military authorities are__JitcN_ with a dUficult decision in determining where to hold the general (..'OUf'l-martial of Lt. William L. Calley Jr. "Naturally, the answer is N~ly the trial would be going to be lo accommOO.ate conducted in !he new J y the press. And the defense will renovated general courtroom have a right to argue that the in Building 5 on tbe Benning Army is making hls trial a reservation. But there are ob-sideshow." \'ious problems. The decision rests with Maj. with the U~. anned forces In Vietnam said today trying to heal the ~sant.ry is an 1,1,phill fight against superstiUon in· grained ror centuries. Lt. Cot. Atma M. Brady, the only orthopedic su rgeon of her sex in the Army, cited some odd beliefs she encountered du ring 101h months at a hospital in Chu Lai ; -ff.ultiple births are b3d Juck.. A ~ielnamese mother who bore twins or triplet! might walk orr and leave them at the hospital. keeps the ''Jingle'' in Au._lhorities are cxpeeUng Gel'!. Orwin C. Talbott, the hundreds of A m e r i c a n commanding officer of Ft. newsmen to request creden· Benning and trial judge LL tials to cover the trial. And Col. Reid W. Kennedy who will worldwide i n t e r e s t has hear argmnents on charges brought requests from the that Calley, 26-year-old pla- roreign pres!. · toon leader, murdered 1 109 Window screens and baby crib nets intended to bar Ch • t • malarial mosquitos also p~ rts mas. vent the passage of spirits. ''They would take them off to SAVE 1 70 · ORTOOS newest, ultra luxurious KING The courtroom,.i where a Vietnamese civilians at My dozen military trials are held. Lai , Vielnam in March 1968. each month, contairi11 only 32 Sourees close to Talbott in· theater-type seats for spec-1 dicate that the general does tators and · the news media. not. want the trial moved. let the good sp~its in and only .~ put them back to keep the bad . , • Q spirits out." " \ rtho keeps the Col. Bra~y, SS, said Viel-'·"''"!".T;ngle'' ;n ~'OUr namese cultural taboos which ; ,.-ii!J..~ J '1 • ,y hinder doctors often stem bank account too, ~o~munication racilities are Both defense a n d pro- hm1ted. secution have said it would be from Ignorance of v.·hat 1s • going"" in the modern world. Tremendous holiday The Army already has an· at least March before they're nounced that some system of ready for trial. Many Vietnamese c a n • l[ neither read nor write and savings are a yours. ... on pooling coverage will have to Calley·s military defense be used. Closed circuit counsel Maj. Kenneth Raby , lclevision Is a possibility. has been denied a reque.st for !here i~ no radio or tel"i.sion all of our f;ne mattresses in prov1nc1al areas. she said. • No da le has been sel for lhe qn injunction by the U.S. trial. The question of moving ~1ilitary Coort ol Appeals that th~ proceeding elsewhere is a the press be barred from legal one. It can be done, but r eporting further accounts of some authorities stress that • the alleged massacre. Some Vieln~ese who r:ach , , , at all tJf OUr Stores, U.S. Anny field hospitals • recei" medical care ror the Merry Christmas and fir st time, she said, because TI '"' 1\. T D r lher• are only eoo physicians na.J!PY .L"ew reams. mlhcrountry. ~~~ Jtr; • • • ..,...._ •• ..,.., • • • • p p m rmunc . SIUY SAND . '""'1~ott1 131 • COllr!d sllld ••1-2.17 S.11.ESTAllS TINRS.. DEC.• ' oms SUN, DEC. 1 OPEN SUNDAYS 'Til 5:00 MMl:l'Mll FAIRY TAlE DOLLS AS~llltftdolldrr:!!led i• 121 JOIJ flVllo'ite 1airy 1'1.-: Wfumt. • ••• Z.11 unu•ss 1DWEI ~ FUSSY ~.J' ' miJ 5se £0UTH COA~T l'LAl.A COSTA Miii. -"""'L"'tJ l"lllOIM1 ........ ----um a-cm __ ..,."""' QS11 •1l ilm AUi IUD •llllfll cmtt t101 ..... fUU _...,_ 1~1n•mm ..__ --·:-.:c .. .. -·--""lo-~--.,._ ==~-...... _., ... --r....-imn•• _a&l.IK ... ..,. • :.[:. . n:e Value King ~:, i SAVE s30 ~t .... tr.. King size quilted mattress and 2 box springs, )!/:-Deep-sleep comfort with rich, decorator tick · ~ Ing. Christma s elega nce at 1 great saving! i Reg.~~4! $118 ' ~'}.prfi51~q~f . ~· . ·-"*'·. ' ' . THE NATION'S LARGEST CHAIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY 16131 Harbor Blvd. INut to Zody'1 l Phone: 839-4570 Cloud-soft splendoff -42 aq. ft of quatity· crafted mattrtU with bMIJtiful quilted cover and matchin1· box 1prin1s. Your best Chrlshnls bJy!. . MERRY CHRISTMAS AND TO ALL A GOODNIGHT ReJ,Dember: You can only our d1e1mltndodtluxe twin or full tlze m1ttrass with match in& bOic sp1lna. An extr1·we1r Christmas s1vlnsf buy ,ORTHO . R•f.$69.95 $58 Mattresses j' Now at ORT'.'Ho ;(" ... , _ _._ ·' Pl•.UC fl ...... rlf .. fit (not .. llfU9trntlH) .."'°! , "i~ arid IMl•I framt ·' • C Stores... ~ .11,.c..i·~ 'R~ t ~ ' .· , LAKEWOOD 4!133 Cancllt-wood Dr. (Acro11 from L1kewood Center} . . ' Pho e: .Utl 4134 OF MATTRESS SPECIALISTS • ANAHEIM 1811 W. Llncoln .Blvd.' IJust E11t .! FedM1rtl Phone: n6-2590 ' •' . . .. . · .. . • • • • . . . • • • ' . OPEN DAILY 10-~•SAT. 10-0•SUN. 12·6•1MMEDIATE DELIVERY•EASY CREDIT TERMS•BANKAMERICARD•MASTER CHARGE i ' -t-• .-. - ---.. l \ J ' ' 2 DAILY PILOT Tnur~ar. Dettmbfr' 1%9 USC lnstrumen1~ Package -May Go to .Jupiter • An ~ment package to be oor lnslrumentalton will givt Carlson t.iplained l h at basic research, ther'e also 1nay bon. a spacicraft wiU have to Information ts expected to 8fnt on the Hrs! spacecraft sci ence the first close-up J upiter and -Saturn, un1ike the be m0te immediate practical pass through. tht asteroids, a l>e-Ua:n:.vnttted before, during flight t.o Jupitt>r 1n 1972 -tu analysis of 11,'' Dr. Judgr !:a id f'arlh and olber planets oioser significance : It is not in-va.m bell of irregular. rock-like and possibly after the Jupiter arford ICieoce its fir.it close-up in an interview. to the su.n. have retained their conceivable that man some debris orbiting between the fly-by. Judg(: $3..ld the study of -the plancl·s at--Tht USC scientist explained . ., day wiU go to Jupiter :lr.d outer-and innu planets. The spacecraft carrying his •Jevice mosptle:tt -is under develo~ that a koo1vledge of the rauo primary atmosphere~. 'o\·hil'h other ooter planets. asteroids vary from mountain-and other experimental gear· ment by scientist! al the ol the two elements and th e appear to be e s s e n I i a 11 Y But there are fonnidable sized masses lo dust-grain will not return t.o earth, but Universit y of Su u 1 he r " e~act percentage of the al-11nchanged since the planets' obstacles to be surmoonted particles. will keep going in outer space Californ111. it 1\'as disclosed tu· mospher!' which !hey con-lurn1ati on. be(ore that becomes pos3ible, •·we don't expect there will with its signal becoming da v. lltilule: 1s important because "Kno"1!edge or Jupiter·;; at-Judge said. Jupiter is t>n-be a collision or any hindrance_ weaker. until it is never heard \\'eigbin~ let:os th:tn lwo ·''then, we will have a signifr· 1110:-iphcre • 11·ill give us in-circled by a radiation belt, and of the spacecraft or its ex· from gain. I pounds, the devk·t· "'ill be rant insight into the ;i t~ tu rmation ·about conditions lhe teplpetature there is about periment packages," Judge The devk:t will be sensitive J ~lmilar ir. runcllon h• light inospherc or 1he plane!." :\n before and during !he forma-300 degrees F. below zero. .said, "all.hough the spacecraft to ultra-violet light rays. It :1neters USel"I by photogr.i phcrs, understanding of 1 hr al· lion c;f the so lar system. ~ a C.arlson added there is some may enc o u n t er dust \\•Ul detect amoonta o { {occording to its 1~1gners. Dr. mospherc. in tum. may be a more informed study ol ho\v doubt as to whether the planet particles." hydrogen and hellom by "look· Carlson, who is due to recil•e 1 llarrell L .. Judge and Robert key in time to understanding planets were formed ~ill be has any defined sol.id surface. The ~vice Y(iil transmit at-ing at" mOlecules and atoms the PhD degree at USC in the ; Carlson ol ~sc·~ 11hysics rie· the evo\ulion of the solar possible." .be said. For the first time, because ~ data back to earth that have absorbed light from near future lives at 9'l4 E. Pop- fL! WlfM LIV0.16 IN nus POl.1.Uft:P WATefl.-f'."< 61~~S AR"e POO~D!" : part.men!. system. Altboogh cl~ified as pore, of the,distance ,to its destina· via radiO signal. the sun. pyfields Dr., A1tadena. ; Judge and Carlson. who•1--=------------~....::. _____ :.._ ___ ...:._ __ _:_ _________ _:_ ______ --___________ .:,.:_ ___ :.._ _______________ _ : i1a1·e nu1de ::imilar del'ices tor •c:irlh :ninC.!pin:n· cxpl.1r;.ilion, '.;i re Jx.ulding 11le soph1sl1caled •'·black box" under a conrract ~of more than $750,()(1(1 from : i\ASA. The grant <.'Ol'<'f:i in· !'lr11111enta!1on fur 11•.'o : ::.rJ)'3ratt' space fl ights. ; The fi rst 'A'itl be launched. : along with other experimental : izear. on a three-stage AU as- ; Lentaur-TE 364 rockel from 1 Cape Kennedy in ~arch, 1972. !The journey lo Jupiter. at !he closest point 1nore than 400 million miles lrom earth, will take about two years l Specifically, the CSC-buill rtevice 's principal mission is to ANOTHER NEW LUCKY STO\E OPENS IN WHITIIER-11750 EAST WHITIIER BLVD. AT SORENSEN TMUISDAT, DICIMlll 4tfl l determine the amounts or primary cons t i l u en l s in .Jupiter's atmosphere. That is, il will be designed to pinpoint relative amounts of molecular f hydrogen and ~tomic heliu1n. "We only know a b o u t J Jupiter's atmosphere from i remote observation. The plan-t ned fly-by oi the planet "'ilh • , • 1 : Behavior • j 1 Studied , J By G~'IC • ' .! Golden \\lest College l'iill particij>ate in a !ll'o-year : research project l\"ith tWo • other junior colleges to find ~· out how they are changing stu· dent behavior. r I The study. lo be conducted In cooperation with Compton \ and ~1l. San Jacinto junior :. colleges, will seek 1 o } detennine if students learn ~ and how they form attitudes ~ and values. { Dr. Arl-hur Cohen. 'vho Is : directing the projecl for : UCLA 's graduate school said, ~ ··most institutions have in-~ formation about how many ~ students transfer to four -year $ colleges or universities, their t grade-point average, and hO\I' : many go to work after com· ~ p 1 et in g occupational pro- • gram 5. Except for thi s data. , the colleges know little about :. their actual effect on their ~ ~tudents.'' ~ Through the study Cohen1 : wants lo develop an assess· ( ment model or a better tool to i tell colleges ho\v "·ell they arc ~ helping students realize goals, 1 l."hange attitudes and values in ~ positive directions, and help ~ them learn. • Golden \\'esL Compton. and 1 \It. San Jacinto "'erc selected ; because th ey represcnl new and old institutions cnrollin~ students from widel y differen t : backgrounds. ! The study involves lesllng : this year's incoming freshmen ! al regul ar intervals over I l\'O 1 year.i. This fall the freshm:!n , look several tests, including j personality in v en I or y . a ::.urvey on goals and percep. lions ol the college . essa)I writing sample, and critical ~ thinking ability . In addition. the faculty Is : hcing measured to find out how they regard teaching, ' !heir students and their col- lege. Thi~ information, ac· rording lo Cohen. may be useful in changing the co\. • lr.ge·s approach as well. as showing "·helher nbji-cti\'cs are being met. Jail Wedding i Bid De1ued LOS ANGELES 1\;PI \ -A woman v.·bo atlemptl?d lo ; 8muggle a gun into the cttl of ! c'Oltvicted m~derer GrtgOry .. ULll Po\\·eU. y.•as denied ~ permisslon ri.tonday lo v.'rd ! him in county jail. Pn\vell . 36, faces death in : the gas chamber . ror hi.!i cnn. : vktion or sla ying ~ l.n.. .. Angeles polict officer in an : onion patch near B:tkersfie kl ' : In 1913. l Mn. Sylvia Ruby Dorsey, 56, who is on proba.Uon for the I IUO 1mtJ811lng after J»eadifl& I guilty. WIS denied htr at> plication for a marriage license: becaust or lt•gal com· plie1tions. A trieod of lilt couple sald. ! ''They art \'tr)' anxious 10 act married. They're in \o\t · - Pric:H or• Oi$COl.lnted E1tcepl on fair-Troded and Government Controlled hem,, 11·4.6? •LOOK FDR THE LUCKY BONO ON THE PACKAGE ••• 1rs YUUR UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE OF CDMPLm SATl,SFACTIDN DR YOUR MONEY CHEERfULLT REFUNDED. • CHUCK GROUND ROUND RIB STANDING T-BONE • USOA GRADE A URGE IND FRESH ROAST BLADI CUT 39l~ RUMP ROAST ....................... 79' CHUCK ROAST c11111•tu1 .......... 11.47c SIRLOIN SJEAK ........................ 93' IOUND S"ftAK 10111lU, ............ t1.89c PORTERHOUSE ~~::,•1tMOv11 ......... '1'5 LINK SAUSAGE :~:,~ ........ 1.L1.,...891 ( i J11JIED,_JOOOl -:;'''1'.'f"' JUNIOR FOOD ~~·:~~.•,•:.~ ................. 12' BABY FOOD !f~·:~:::~.1.~~ ................. 9' BABY CEREAL 51Dll ... /lllAIUJ0AfMIAl35' OIMllfO)IOl.101 .•.•..•...• MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE ~!:~: ................. 73·. ~!:~: .......... '1'' :::~: ...... '2~.' INSTANT ~·:~~~,.~~.~~.~~~.~-'.1 :; UBAN ~·~:~:.'.~~~.'.1.1.: ....... '1. TEA BAGS ~~~·,~•01 ......... 46 PEARS ~~~~:,': ............... 45 : PEACHES OllMOMfl(lll" 29' 2• 01. CAI .......... . ~· ... 4&y1---i l FRUIT COCKTAIL ~ . 33 •' Dfl MONTI ( ~ JO OUHC( (AN t-.................... .. ...... -· vv ~...-"" DOLE PINEAPPLE \:~« ................ 37' APPLESAUCE :~00•,1.~:, •..••••••••••••••••••• 22c MO TI'S FRUIT TREATS :::~ ......... 35' BORDO GRAPEFRUIT ~~c~:~~!li ....... 30< ORANGE DRINK ::::~·u ................. 49 ' DEL MONTE CORN ~:>':Z1~ •••.•.•..•••.• 23' GREEN BEAN ,11115111•11!1(1111 25' IU(ID. 1• or. CAI ............. . ... 4&yt·-- DEL MONTE RELISH 12 ,::..1:; JAR 2 9 ( DEL MONTE SPINACH '"'·"• ...... 21 ' TOMATOES ~!10~.1~ ••••••••••••••.•••••••••• 29 ' POTATOES ~::;~:~:~.~--~~-'-~.·.~ ........... 14' REFRIED BEANS ~°!i'1~~','• ................ 29' SLICED BEETS :!~.' ................. 21 ' FRENCHIES l':.~c':'.~~-~-~'.~.'.~.1.\ .............. 23' TOMATO JUICE :::;~<•• ................. 34' STAR KIST TUNA !~u:; c•• ............. 32' PINK SALMON \',~::~~~A .................. asc ~· .... 4~1....---. TASTY SNACKS GINl:Rll MlllS 3 7 ( •' r OUHCI IOl BEEF STEAK ROAST STEAK FRYERS FllSll & LIAN CENm C11T TINDER & JUICY TAILS HMOVID WNOlE IOllY CHICllllS .i9l~ 79l~. 79~. IAR·l-CUE $1~.~ 29~. OR BROil CROSS RIB ROAST 10111\fU ................ , ••••.. RIB STEAK " 79c ... 89< ~!:!'!.!~!,!~~ ........... 33< ~~~G,~n1u1111 .........•. ,,.,.,. 33c ~· .... 4&;-1--.. DEL MONTE PEAS fARlY GARD(N 17 OUN(f CAN 19c LIBBY CORNED BEEF ,,. ............. 59' HORMEL CHILI ~I~'r~~! .................... 57' . \UNT JEMIMA SYRUP""·""'" 68 ' 1 RESERVES ~::~~~~~-'-~.·-~~-~~~.~: .... ~. 59' .,EANUT BUTTER ~~:.~:: ............... 17' HOUSEHOLD If.Hit _ . · WATER sonENER ::~~~:i.~~ ........... 57' \\'HITE KING "D" ''''"1•, 68 ' 4tOr.IOJ .•....••.••..• WHITE KING SOAP ::~;~~~~~ ......... 69 c DUPONT SPONGES."""' ............ 35' GOODWIN AMMONIA MH.m ...... 45 ' IVORY SNOW ~~~~~~···········-···· 82' ~' .... ~·&yr~,,_, ~ DU MONTE CA TS UP ! ' TOMATO 25 C l l .. 20~~~~~~0-T:~(·--. l ... ._..._. --·····-CASCADE ;;~1:.~':i.1.1.~.~:.'.;.~~'.'. ........... 59' GAIN DETERGENT M ................... 1" .YIDE ::~i~:'i ...................................... 12< DOWNY SOJ.uNiR ~~~~-'•"-···········79' MR. CLEAN ~~~~1~~~-~'.; ................... 6•< ZEST SOAP .., .............................. 20' JOHNSON KLEAR ~~0:11.~a'.' .............. 93' .. ~13.y!-.. .., NESTLES' QUIK < 79c (NOCOlllf 32 OUN(l CAN LEG OF LAMB 89< li!IOI CIOt(l ••.•••.............. , .•.•••..• ,.\I. RIB LAMB CHOPS $129 V,.I <llOIU .......................... ,., •.. \I. SMALL LOIN CHOPS $159 ~'11 CIJllUUMI , •• r,,, .............. ,,,,,, ll. THIN SLICED BACON 79< OKll JMYH ........................ 11-lt. ••I. CREAM PIES ~:~;'.~'1r ........................ 27' !IAllAllA-CllOCOlAQ -COCOlllT -U•Oll-STl•Wllllf) BREAD r::"~~~~~ ~~.~~~.~~-·-.. ······ ......... 48' TOTINES PIIIA ,,,._.., ................. .79' tC•llll, U.llSAil. M llA .. 111511! POTATOES::~~~~::.~~~'.~~~ ................. 28( FRIED HALIBUT :~~.':.~~;.~ ............. 16' CHICKEN PIE i:·~~~~:::~ .................. 39' ORANGE JUICE!~".'~! ..................... 26' ~ •.... ~&y!""""i ! DEL MONTE DRINK l rlHIAPPll· 25 ( · GIAPlflUlT t--~~~~~~E-~__" ~----------} mu:uwwm UUV~4*4 COOK IN BAG:~~::~ ...................... 27c OIKIO lllf, llKK TIHIT,(111(111 All U~l APPLE JUICE!:.~~~ ....................... 20' PIZZA ROLLS ~;r.i~~?.~.1~.1 ............ 6 l ' SIRLOIN TIPS :~'t:~~~ ...................... 43 ' BEEF STEAKS :~·i~!~~~-·.~~~.~~~ ............. 69" BEEF STEW !~lt:~~ ............................ 35' BANQUET MEAT PIES ............... 19' !CllKlll, lllf, Ol IUllU! FISHSTICKS ~~-:::':::~ ................. 65' BREADED SHflMP ~:'.':'.':::~ ........... 2*' OH BOY SANDWICHES," ...... 63' l•AITIAMI Ol IM 11111 MEXICAN DINNERS :~.~~.' ........... 44' (Clllftl llK .. lfff Ill<•~ .. IC.II.(-. PlAT() BREAD •••'IDT,,, 10filll 10t (II•••••• 25' I fl,Alle4ill l601.llAI ................. . OATMEAL MAlllt•Hllllt••"l.IA1$111 • 41 ' ... ,"", t 11 ..................... . ~BREAKFAST ~,'m~:':~~.~~ ....... 49' MJB RICE ~~:::~ ......................... -41' .,,+ SPAGHml ::~: .................. 39' LUCKY FIATUHS CALIFORNIA AVOCADOS AT lOW EVERYDAY Pll(U! lU(llY IRAHD SLICED BACON ··-69c .. ,. •ATH. HOIMEt.. WllSON ., SWlfT 'SLICED BACON 77c ~· ... ~&y/. . HAWAIIAN PUNCH DRINK 29( •• OUN(l CAii RAVlOLI ~"':t:!it•.~.' .......................... 78c S •lllT ,IMIT 2 < WHITE AUCE ""'"'" .................. S CAMPBELL SOUP ~:~.1~~~~:~~ ......... 19c ~SAUCE MIX ;t~:r~::~~~.~~ ....... 21' POMPEIAN OLIVE Oil noo.u• ..... 83' ALPD BEEF CHUNKS~:!~':'i ......... 30' PAMPERS DIAPERS :!~~::: ........... 1" ~~~;.~~f~.~~.LA .. 72< !~!~~.~~.~~?.~~-~~"'" 3'' ~ LUCKY VODKA 299 Jtt. IOfTI.I, If PIOOf , •• ., •• , .••••.•• ,., •••• ... t•r It• 1h11s hshf 1a t•1s ,arr c111titlt1 j1st 1 1111111 s1111,H11 11 n1 1•11u1f1 1t It•. •1sc111t "'ice' 11 st111 ltr 1•• II t1c•1. OUR LOW EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICI • 92c BROMO SELTZER FARMER JOHN BACON 71c UKll .•. ,,, .•.• , • , •• , ...... 1.•111• •&CIMI Rl~~!~~!~~.~.~5~! .. cut. 79c LUCKY LUNCH MEATS C ·==~~.~.~~-.. 35 LONGHORN CNl!ll C ..,__ . 69 M19111111.~CllH.U .•• ,,.tt.OL'1'- AMERICAN CHEESE t•<•t 11Knnocns """''"""" 68C wtM••• MU ..•.....•.•.•. ii.er.•••· :~~.~; .. o~! ~:~~~J.,... ac PlllSBURT COOKIES -44c CllOCOIAH CllW All Milli.,,. l Mt nt1 ~!~~.!>.~~·.~ .. ~~~·~·~···~~ •h~f.fll( 19c ALL MEAT FRANKS 66C fAIMll IOllll-WIUOll-110.--IATI 11111 Mll ••.•. , ............ 1.tt. PRI • AVOCADO DIP 55c IOl'S -I KUl>IOI llOT ....... , S.Ol. C•r ~!,~~~~.~.~~~~ ........ -wr.PU. 39c !~~~'~'~~~~~.~.~-~~.~tMr.11• 37e AlllD EXTRA DRY ANTI. PEISPllAllT !!~!~~1!. $122 Prict itd1fu 15c tll l*tL fAMILY Siii MACLEAllS TOOTHPASTE UltCllTl tt••tJ t;sli1W ,.. J ti1t•. •ns• ltslt . h icr Mtl1fn lk 11111•e1. OUllOW 73c PRICE Prm•t .iisot•fort lro• tnro1li11 ANACIN TABLETS and tr~1111r1 sltMltlil 5 8 , 1pstls. r 1st aclilll 11• C • At1l11sie ta\ttts ter Int ~ 1111!11. La r1c silt ~ti. 1 • fr1• •tH•• ad $) 09 } -CtW SJ ...... Ill· OUTDOOR r ···-tit ot 111 blltl< 25-&.AMP DRllTAN - LIGHT SIT , -· -.!~~.:.':!:.. 'I"' !KO 1 '"' .... '''''"'""'· ;:< .. DlllST0 N 5p••y' MIST Ul ··~..... ... $2'' ,.. . -111lt r11r .... -lAltr SIJI ' ., .. " s""'•trr· .._.... ,..... ,_ ......... "--11!1 nt.11 M It II,. ., ....... ,. ... ,,. ., ... ' : . . · •. ··----· -·------------------------------------------------------------··----·-----. A11i111als Into the Act "Verrry Eeecnteresting," says Chester the Chimp as he ac'ls the part of a forlorn German Lancer dur· ing a performance at Sea World ir. San Diego. Be· hind him, Aphrodite. \vorld champion high jumping Reno , L~ Vegas to J -_, ~II! l t •. ~ .. - dolphin, comes up for air. Both a'.e parl o_f the _da_ily ~how in the lagoon at the equallc park 1n f\11s~•on Bay. Cooperate Buy The DAILY PILOT Just for 'Peanuts' • DAILY PILOf J:J Rtiling Beads for B!gla Court Judge Str~es ~ow11 Abo1~ion Bru1 ·-\VASHINGTON (AP) -A persons, the doctor and a ' The District or Columbia health .. or when caused by federal judge has struck down nurses aide, .. Jsked him to law is similar to laws in 40 rapt or incest. a Distric t or Columbia law dismiss their Indictments on states. A few states. of which That position is embodied In Colorado was the first, have a model law prepared by t.~ banning abortions performed the basis or a CalUomia laws allowing doctors to American Medical Asscicialion by doctors and urged lhnt his Supreme Court decision that pcrfornl abortions w h c n and was brought before • decisio n be appealed quickly California's law was not "sur-pregnancy en dang e r s a number of state legislatures ficiently certain to satisfy due woman's physical or mental this year. to the Supreme Court. process requirements." ';o--;;io;i;;;;ii;;;i;;;;;;;ioiOiiiOii.:0.;o;;iiiii;,;;i;iiii; ______ ;; Should the high courl uphold Gessel! refused to dismissll the ruling, prohibitions on the indictmenl against the abortion -some enacted a aide, saying the.ir is "ample cent ury ago -could come evidence" that "infection and tumbling dov.·n in scores of death still often at ten d elumsy, unskilled termination 1 states. of pregnancy perfonned by U.S. District Court Judge nonphysicians ." Gerhard A. Gessell's deeision Since the Jaw is a federal held ·Monday that a physician one, the ruling could be ap- may not be prosecuted for pealed directly to the Supreme performing an abortion. Court. Gessell also suggested Gessel! ruled that the 1901 that Corigress might want to law banning abortions except rev•rile it. providing more \vhen necessary to save a concrete terms. pregnant woman 's life C'ri-----------11 health was so vague and.. In- definite as to b e un-1 constitutional. Although his ruling dealt most directly with the rights of a Was~ington doctor ac· cused of performing an illegal abortion, the judge added : ··There has been increasing indication in deci sions of the Supreme Court of the United States lh<1t as a secular mllt· IE'r. a woman's liberty and .1 ight of privacy extends to family. marriage and sex matters, and may well incl ude th~ right to remove an unwanted child. at least in the early stages of pregnancy:' 247 Brotdw1y lotllM leocll-4f4-fl74 Hours: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. ''GIFTABLE'' .. Y· SANTA SONY Take it ' Anywhere TV LAS VEGAS. Nev. (AP)- The 4istrict attorney thinks Las Vegas could give Reno some excess convention busi- ness. A Las Vegas convention official has other ideas. Rawlings said that if the city ing Nevada but "rm not so1'==;=:::=:::=:::S::==:H:is=ru=li=·ng==":m:•:::•:fl::•:':'::"':':;::;:.;;:=;;::====;;::::--[I knows in advance it v.·onl sure the convention field v.·ould 1 Sony's new portable TY has a place 'neath your tree "Actually, Reno and Las Ve- gas are like apples and or- anges," said Barney Rawlihgs, secretary of the Convention Authority. "They have a dif· ferent kind of appeal." Although the <lranges in the slot machine are the mai{I ap. peal of both cities, he says northern Nevada has more ski- ing a n d outdoorsmanship, "'hile Las Vegas has mote en- tertainment. have room it will suggesl lo a be the best v.·ay.•· con vention a change in dates. lie saitl Las Vegas would be .. If the cily was lull when "shooting itsell out of the sad- they arrived, v.·e couldn 't say: "di e" by dh·erting some con- 'Sorry, we're overbooked. \Ve ventions because many. for will have to send you to instance will meet in the West Reno." only once every :our years. Las Vegas, 444 miles south· Rawlings said some conven- east of Reno, boasts it had 266 tions could nol be sent north trade shows and conventions in 1968 with 206,709 delegates because Reno might not be \.\'ho spent $34,107,951). able to ' guarantee the same Reno officials say 198 con-facilities. Both cities ha''' ventlons in f is ca 1 1968-69 8,000 seat convention centers. brooghtin .ui,690 delegates \\'ho Washoe County says it has spent $6.2 million. 10.000 hotel and motel rooms. "Artistry h1 1'1oving" for the BEST MOVE of YOUR LIFE Call: 494-.1025 Dist. Atty. George franklin <lf Cla rk Coun ly told a Reno audience last week that Las Vegas could have channeled some business to Reno while IL had 40,000 del~ates at a computer convention. \Viii Jergins, convenlion di-\\'hile Las Vegas claims 25.000. rector for the Greater Reno------'---------------------------------------·!! Chamber of Commerce, said Suggesting a hot line be· tween the two cilies, he said, "if the tourist bureau worked together conventioneers would be sold on the entire state." the hot line is a good idea. •·\Ve certainly think it would be wonderful to have coopera- tion lhat would .channel con- ventions to us lnstead of let- ting them go out of the state." Rawlings said he welcomed "the opportunity to work with the boys in Reno" on ptomot- GRODI:NS · Form11rly Mullen 6. Bluitt OPlHSUNDAY 12tolP.M. Mlr•d• Milt, Datrntawn, Tope:ap Pim. $anti Monlu_ l akewOOd, Ml--· .... Montdeir, SanDlein • High Flying_ Buttoneer Raincoat by Harbor Masler for the man who demands more from a raincoat than mere protection. Like quellly-thafyou can feel In the silky Imported SWiss fabric of polyesler end combed cotton. And great fashion-that you can see In the dashing double breasled styling with Its unique double row of buttons.Designed for all the high llyera-and those who would Ilka to be. $67.50 Olhor Halbor M1111rs from $SS SOUTH COAST PLAZA G f ' .. . . " • ' ~ 4 ''f.1i.; " ' . ' . ... ~ .., '. ·. "i I ,. • t" ' I ~: , "' .\. ' I ODI s C£arl.y" Clz.tiStma§ 'Wmpping Cloud-101! Eslron• Fleece Robes by Raymond Halpern Lo~ngewear Marvelous pre-holiday values in fireside robes-to give or 1reasure for yourself. Two dreamy versions in feather· light Estron acetate-nylon fleece. With Shirred yoke and embroidered choir collar or with dramatic front panel embroidery. Both availabl11 long or short In Jad9 Green or Cherry Pink. Short 17 Long 19 Th• Sonv TV. 71 OU wei9h1 • lit!1t ow tr t Ib a, vou c111 tikt ii 1nvwht te -bt1ch. bo1t, bou-r doir or b1ckv11d. Plus 1 7-inch cli111on1l 1cr11n lh•I l1h you 1h1re !h1 fun wilh the .... holt l•milv. Sh••P piclure1 You bet. TV-710U ow11 it. 1U lo Sony's acl.,anced soncl 1tele circuitrv -'"cl • forw1rcl AGO 1y1l em "for 11n1itive 11c1plion. Operet1~ on AC . Plu 91 into cen e"d boela with option•! 1cctUO•i•1 . You'"• 901 to. se• it to be!ie¥e ii. FOR ON L.Y 99.95 • Take it to the beach; boat, ball game or bedroom! Sonv1 TV920U , 11 11 etsy lo w•lch outdoora 11 1nywher• in your home -wilh ils I " bl1ck cl it9on•llv m1•1ur1d piclur1. And it w1i9h1 only 10 Iba.! GIFT PRICED .• , 129.95 Sony's Team TY, for people who follow the adionl With ih 11" clie9onef 1,reen, '"•p-i n l 1n10· out filt1r -if ia (l1•r, 9!,111 free Yit wlng. Qp1r1+11 on Sonv b1Ht"rv, 11 "'oil 1ute/bo1t b1itt •V or .AC ~Owle <un t nl. UNDIO YOUO Tllll •OO .•• 139.95 ~DAVIS BROWN SOUTH COAST PLAZA, Costa Mesa; ANAHijM, Broadway-Anaheim Center; LAKEWOOD, Lakewood Center1 ~ COSTA MUA • 411 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa lllOAOWAY·ANAHllM CINTiR LAKEWOOD CIHTIR Anth.tm L•ktweOd Dally 9-91 S•turd1y t-6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-!·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ii...~~~~~~ ... ~~~~~~_. I ' • • I 14 DAILY PILOI .For • • ~ the MEETINGS (n•hllfn Bu5lMUmt n'• Comn,,ur~. Huntl"!llon fl••th, MannY•· 1.01 Eal ..... , AvP., H.8. 1!00 1,m HU!llint lon aNrl'I l ions Clull. l<un· flftll!On $HCl!ft (9Unlnr (IUD. :IOC'~ Palm A~ .. • Hun!lng!°" 8t•cn, • lO ,lril:;:;k lo09f', IOOF ;; • I!. Wnll'Tlhlsh'r A•onut, Wt1tm1n,ror, J;lO p.m. P1clflc (OMI Ard1il"OIOll¥ $oc,.•v. ~ Mv~. $.lnl• """· 1.JD H:.:-r Ar~• lolt51m••1•• CluD, "'""' v...ie ,_,,.., Clu&.. Ca.111 "'""· 1 lO N::;o.., Ha•t>ot Ellu C l~tl. ll•~ LoO~. l.s6 YI.I ()f>Orlo, f,je.rl>Gl"t Bt•cn, ~ ,..,;;:ic1 n LPQIGll PO'S! •1S, llmtrlc•n Letlon He!!, so.s w. 111n ~,,, Co•1• Mrw, I P.m. ..,.....,;c.an L~lon Po•! lll c;t 1-'un• 1!"910ft Bt•(h. Amr"c'°" LtoiOll H111. Civic ,.,,,,,, Hun11119ton Btttn, t ... ;~i:;;..tatt Btacll Junior Cn1m11t• <>l Commerce, siwrllon Btltll Inn, H\lf'· li"9kll> &eiltll, I p.m, Muntln9lon Buell 81rr1c-s No 1)60. V•l•f"" o1 world War I, "'. F W, 1-1111, 31t Y«~lown 1'v~ .• Hunnng""' Be.ch. t :)I •.m. FOU0111ln V"lll''I" K\wa~I• Club, Fran- col•"· 11n1 ~Kii Blvd, Hunl•ntlon 8HCll, 12:1S p.m. Nt,.PO•I H1rt»r Junu>r (ll•ml>i'r c• Commerce, !ol7 Weuc!llf D• , Nfw, "°'"' Be.oc~. Felico1ne·1. 1611! Welt- cl!!f Dr' NeWPOC1 B••<~. / p.m. Births • 110.t."' ,..~.,,,.,., .. L .,.,,,..ITAL ............... Mr. •nD Mrl, "'""~'" c, .-1r~1, Jr., ..161 !II•• l>I., L<ltli ,.,.,, •• Pl'V Mr. ane ~. -''"""" J<>lln 8.c~Mt+, "/>&I .><111 ~nl'"""· FO..rnoln •~•>t"I• M~.'11,no Mrs. Davia l l•1>ltv. l?lln Llrt.Wnli '-"-t1Un"'><11'"1 <><•(II. "'"'' Mr. •Jlol M,.. k""•'" '-'°""'· 1111.,; ;i,nil•i i • .. .-1111n'"'" v11,.v, .,.., Mr. •nu """· n..w•ro MU;N~. 1~101 ,.,...,o~,.. ... e_ ""''· .;d, •11•""· "'" M r. "''° Mrl.. volt>i'tl lou!(A<"•~ oiOJ t_. llaol>(li l>IV<I., 1>4>00M, "'" Mr. •/IO MU. JOlln ... lln<l>lll<<I, 1;t12 WllG<l!IUO kV(., lll•On,.OCV M•. •nu Mr•. Joe h<"l•••· 1J.1)2 El ,:Or100 l?-0, U.<G<"A Grow~. bcv Mr. 1no """' t'll 1.0<.flflt>t. l•i Pe1rl 51., 111'-Illa/Id, POV HOvtmDer H Mr. 1no Mrs. "'-"""(' Wnlla>er. 10121 Mer~olll Dr., M11n"rllll011 8e1C11. ODv Mr. •OO Mrs. Je"' L•lt. I-Urao ... e /l,yf .• (O;ltl Mei.I. be'/" Mr .al\ll Mrs. Jirnfl Serr11111. 1411 Miu.on, A~I. I, l Uilln. bell Mr. 11\11 Mr•. 5tm Kom1tM111<1 lli, UJ' PliKen1l1, C<Ull Mew, qorl Mr~~.'!,.'frtff'::~:,_, l(Oll. Xll:t 1 )1~ s1 .. Mt. '"" M ..... Cna·~· G1llo, )111) Brtlon LIM. Hun1.n1~"" 1>fd(ft, t.ov NO•emoe.-lS Mr. i nd MT>. l<ooe" f Jtnnln<U. ~16!­A Amencan Ave., C0»11 Me..,, <1l•l M r. and Mr>. Oitnnl• M(l{own, 101'1 CIWuCftt• Ln .. Hunr.11111on beacn. DO• Mr. •lld Ml•. Rtl< Brunn•• 2J2J S1nta Anl ,t,•e .• (0»!1 ""81. bo1 Mr. 1/ld Nlfl. Geot"<!t ll'IOm1i. 6h Ce<1ler 5! .. ,t,1>1. 6. Co•l• Me~-DO• Mr. 100 Mrl. cn1r1es Potier, 1191 Or11111e Ave .• Costa ff.t~. <1lrl Mt. Incl Mr$ J1cl R. Neutle<-1, .110.1 lti•er. NewOor-1 Bea<:n. Do• Mr. ancl Mr,. Jell 'I'. lalr.1!1, '119 Dranoe A•eN~:i~'f.1, 11lrl Mr. 1no Mrs. Jolin Hiii, lrll u ..... an l1..r, $tnla Ant. ~1•1 Mr. Incl Mn.. JlmPI Cc•lf'lg lon 13312 E.,.,lna W1v, Tu•i.ia. a lrt Mr. 1n dMc-1. CIWr~i Rlmokll, ll?t 810011. $tn11 Ana, Dov Mr. Incl NI"-. Dof'lald Jon•», 16691 81rlltll Liil"· No. 4, l1un1it1<11on Beach. 11irl Mr Incl Mt1. G!Mn Etwln. Mil 5t , /l,11g11stln1 Or ., H11n!l1111lon 8tecn. bov Mr. Ir.cl Mr1. IC.enne!n !.llnneu. 2?36 N. Sllltler. Or11"011e. ODv DEATH NOTICES CECIL MtrQartt 0, Cecil. 666. W. 19111 ~!, Cinlt Mt:ia. 0..le ot dtllll, Dec. l_ 5urvl•ed b"f' <li1<19111tt. Ml>. VitOiftll O'DooMll, ol Or1nve; rwo •ister~. Mr•. ,t,me C1rver, P11111tna; Mt>. Florence Blakeslee, On11rio; rwo- 11r1n«:lllldren. Service!. wiU i.. l>tl<I M-.v. 1 PM, B..il a.-., CIM..e!. lntermenl, F11rt lloseu•nt. N•lklrwl Cll'Mlerv, Si n 01-. 11•11 flrctdwf V Mort111r~, Cost. Mew. Olrte!ors. DRIGGS J1mH DrhHll. '21 Molino, l - flt1tPt. AM ''; d1I• 9' Oflrti, Dec. !. SUrvl-...:1 bv wife, lrm.oi 1111111111..-1"" JOtt-il'l-ltw. Helen L and .lohft R. Mc· ,t,nlMhl four 9r•ndC"hlldA11, John. Mi+ dlaO'I, P111nv •"" Judl1h. 5trvke1, FrlO AV, 10 AM, Smithl Ch-I. lnler- mtf"ll, Good Slle""""d Ctmelf•v. Smit/ls Mor!uarv, Dlredon.. LORENZEN M•r>eltll l~. lGn!t 011>1 re!~otnl ol Huntfn91on Sff.Ch. ~11r•lv~ 11'1" 0.11<11\!t r, Mrs, Fl<ldvment at RD'f'\1111•, Ctlll. ServlcH, St lutdAv. 10 AM, SmllhS (hl!>el. lnl•rmPnl. We>tn-.in- slf!' Memorl1I P1rk. Smith• Mo,luarv. D!r1Klon. RUTAN Mtt!;~ £. ll ul1n. A11t 1-, ol HS1 j11,v1• Ion St .• C<nta MHa. 011e o1 d•a•h, O.C....btr 1. Survived b~ motl>tr. M<\. Evonne J. Rutan, Cos11 Me•ll !illler, llobe•I Rutar" 8urti~nk ; '""' sl•""' lt~rel t/ld Rabl!I, COITI Mesa: M•f· cla. P,..,..l<lence, R.I.; M•S Jud1!~ M~rrlot1. r.o!M.f'I, Co!ora<lo: lwo b•ot~­ .,., llleftard. A<1a.m1ville, RI.• Oon•l<I, ll•oc~ton. M1111.: or1ri<11>1~nt,. M•. A..cr Mo. Wilton l . Ru Tin Pno•n": Mr. 1"4 M" J W. li;!lver, S9n•a Y11bt1!1, (eh!. ll~U•l'm Min. SMU•· da'I", ID l.M, 51. J<>f>n tho ll•oli•I C•t"· olit Churth. ln!erm""'· GDO<t Sheoherd <.l'mt ltrv. 81111 Mcrlu1r'>". (1>1!1 Me;a, Pirtclon.. SAMPSON Lllll•n S1mo>Ot1. ml ~·~•1 "'"' "'••. COSll Mftl, Diie ol de"!~. Ott -Swvkws penct!nv 111 Bell B•oa<tW•• Mo•tua,.,., Costa Mt"'. SCl~11DT E""''' 5ctiml<11. Agl ll al 1'31 S. Cvores•, San!a Ana. Dale of de~th, Otcembtr J. 5trvltt• l>l'ndlnw ~I Bell llrotdwl'I" MOrtu11rv, Co••• M~••· ARBUCKLE & SON WestcWI l\·lnrt11ary 427 E. 17th St., Costa r.1esa -• BALTZ MORTIJARIES Corona dr:I Mar OR 3-9458 Costa P.tr:sa ~O 5-!414 • BEU. BROAD\YA. V 1'110RTUARY 110 Broadway, Cost.a l\tr:sa LI s..34ll • DILDAY BROTHEHS Huntington V allr:y l\lortaary r:9U Beach Blvd. lluntington Stieb IU-1711 • PACIFIC VIEW l\tEl\10RIAL PARK Cemetery e l\lortu.11ry Chap<I 3000 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach. CaWonda 54.C..t700 • PEEK FAM!Ll' COLONIAL l'UNERAL ITO ME ':'ltl Bolu Avr:. Wettmlnsltr ~ • SHEFFER MORTUARY Lapa Bexh · 4!N-153S s.. a.m.ni. 4!11-11111 • S.lllTIIS' MORTl;,IRV C7 llain s~. ll111t11c1on Jkac• SSM$.":9 lhurMtay, Dttrmbtr 4, l9b9 Record Villa Park Mayor Eyes Board Seal County's Judges SuJitch Assignments By TO'.\I BAR1..£Y Department 16, a genera l trial bench. ' \Villiam L. ~1utray. Department 11. gent r a I SANTA ANA -Most of Or-Judge H3.rmon C, Scoville of tr1al-crlminal panel, Robert ange County's 21 Superior \Vest1nlnster moves ( r o 01 Gardttt.'1'. ) Court i"udncs v.·ill find thcn1· domestic relations to general Department 12. gt! n c r a JI " trial fron1 January lo June t · I I I ho llh II selves 1n uniamiliar court-r1a -men a a • · .ind takes over from Judge \Va lter Steiner, rooms J an. 5 .... ·hen Judge \\"11· Corfman 1n l:nv and 1notion tor liam Speirs of Newport Beach the second hair of the 1.:ourt Depiirlment 13, gener a 1 takes over a.~ presiding i·udgl:'. trlu l, Herbert S. ller!and5. year. Judge Speirs anno\fl1cca the S , Department 14, g e n e r a 11 . h ffl . Judge peirs postings are: trial. \Villiam S. 1£e. '1 massive res u c JUst one J>:partmenl One. presiding 1nonth before he moves into judge, \Villiam Speirs. Department 15, gene r 1'11 the execuli"ve chambers to be Department Two, Jaw and lrial-criminaf panel, Kenneth j vacated by .Judge San1ucl Y/illiams. · , Dreizen. The NewPQrt Brach motion, Robert L. Corfman Oeparl.ment J6, gen c r a JI jurist \vas th(· co u rt ' s 1 January through June) rind trial. Judge Harmon G . unanimous choice last n;onth Harmon G. Scoville (July Scoville (January I hr o ugh for the administrati \'C JOb. ihrough December). June ) and Robert L. Corfman A th . Depart1nent Three. general (July lhrough Decem""'rJ. mong ose warming 11ew · I b ~ FlOM WORLO LEAOER IN RECREATION c o .. tu..,111 o•vot>0,. / •~.iN1W11;;,,.·c o"P0""'10 ., POOL TABLES AT ~ $275 AND UP CliuckJ 0 COME IN ANO SEE STORE DISPL.Al' benches Jn the coming year 1r 1 a ·Pr 0 ate, IU!ymond Department 17, gene r a 1 \l'ill be J udge Robert Gardner Thoinpson, trial-criminal panel, 'BYfon J LAY-A.WAY NO\A/ FOR CHRISTMAS VILLA PARK -Villa Park of Ne .... ·port Beach, switched Departincnt Four, domestic K. J\1cl\1il!an. r. 1 AT COSTA MESA'S EXCLUSIVE J\layor ;iames T. \Yorkma n is from presiding judge of the relations, Claude M.· Owens Department 18, genera I today campaigning for the criminal calendar <ind Grand tJanuary through 1.-1 a r c hJ, I r i a 1-se tt I ement cOn·1 BRUNSWICK DEALER . , . , , Fourth District seat on lhe ,Jury liaison to Deparuncnt l l, Bruce \\', Sumner (Ju I Y~ fer c nc es-settlement con- Orange Counly Board of a general 1rial-criminul lhrough December). The fere n ces , Lesler Van /)/LUC~', BOWLING & BILLIARDS Supervisors and it dppcars panel courl and J udge Bruce depa rtment is open fo r the Tatenhovc. ) L/1 Ii._, unlikely that he will be op· Sumner of Laguna Beach, period April·.lune. Department 19. g: e n e r al, 2750 HARBOR BLVD. AT ADAMS OC Nurse , Pair Held posed by incumbent \Viltiorn from presiding judge of the Departn1cnt Five, criminal trial-criminal panel, HO\\'ard/ In College Cente r _ COST A MESA _ 540-7303 Hi rstein. juvenile court to a two-fold Jcaudtc;,d_ar·grand jury, James F.1_~C:·~C~a~m~e~ro_'.'.'.'.n·:_ _____ -'======================== Hirstein , current tha1r1nan 1970 assignment -in don1estie ..,- of the board, confirmed th<J.t relations fron1 January lo D:;ipartrncnt Six, open . (Pen· "it is very likely"' thal he will April and .Ju ly to December ding appointment of a nC\\' not run for office in 1970. The and in the Fullerton branch of judge). s Ci ?t In Fraud veteran supervisor is com-the court on general trial work {'-s~ o~ith oast aza plcting his 16th year in oHice. ...-parl!ncnt • eve 1• i::r·nr·ral K \Vorkman, 61 , made his an · from January to J uly. lri<1l·sctllerncnt , nfercnccs, nouncement Tuesday shortly N .Judpogel l~b"erlt I~. Corfm ar"11nf HaDymon11! r. Vil~~elnll. I 86 STORES ... before he discussed the inal!cr ew r ucac I rs one o . ic epar incnt :.1g. 1 , gc11cr<r with llirstein. few judges to retain his tur-triuJ-s(•ttl e1n('nl eonfcrcnl'C)i. ALL IN SHELTERED COM FORT The public relations ex. rent spot -the la\V and 1110-Chu rles A. Bauer. cculive is currently <:hairman lio n department. But he onlv Ocµartment Nine. open. of Orange County's Local stays in Department Two untll Depa rtment 10. g e n er a 1 LOS ANGELES (APl - Three persons, including a nurse from Orange, have been ordered to trial on charges in- vo lving a "catalytic--cellular therapy" treatment w hich state and federal h e a 1 t h <1u lhorities say has no medical value.'\J' Agency F 0 rm a t i 0 n conl· July I when he moves In tri<:1l-criminal-criminal panel. mission t LAFC) and is a 1 ----------------------'----'----------------------------------~ member of the boa rd of thel.--------------,.--------------------------------------------i Orange Co u n t y Sanitation The three ;ire Wendell G. l~end ricks. 55, Sa n Diego osteop.ath; the Rev. Kenneth \V. Knox, presiden~ of the Universal Life Research Foun- dation of San Bernardino. and Mrs. Patricia Arbatch. 69, of Orange. a retired nurse. ' Municipal Coui"t ,f u d g c Patrick T, rll'Connick of (;Jenda le ordered them ar· raigncd in SUpcrior Court Dec. 16. He made the ru ling 'fues· day arler a r ive-d ay preliminary hearing. Each defendant is charged \\'ith attempted grand theft. practicing medici ne without a license and conspiring to do both. Hendricks' medic a I license reportedly has been revoked. SOS lo Convene ORAN GE -Orange Coun· l,y's Stamp Out Smog (SOS) organization meets Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the basement of the Union Bank Building here. The meeting is open to anyone interested in air pollution, an SOS spokesman said. District. \Vorkman's announccrnent was r e l eased by his employers. Cleary. llitt and Company of Santa Ana but organization director C h i p Cleary stressed that the firm will no t handle \Vorkman's election campaign. Expansio11 Move OK'd SANTA ANA -Orange County supervisors h a v c agreed to expand the head· quarlers of lhc H a r b or District at J90 1 Bayside Drive in Newport Beach. It was agreed that ex· pansion would be necessary to house additional staff and facilities needed" as a result of the board's recent decision to convert the district into an Orange County Parks. Rec.Tea. lion and Harbor District. A date has not ye t been set by th e boa rd fo r acccpt;111ce of bids on the expansion. ll \Vas noted that construction costs I will he drawn rrom thr district ·s fund s of $85,000 I devoted to that purpose. Party Chiefs Okay Fu1id Tactics Switcli ANA l-lf":ll\1 -Orange Coun- ty central t'f)mmitrees of threr political parties ha l'e joincrl hands in a campaign t-o switch fund raisfng emphasis from $100-a·plate dinners and costly cocktail parties lo the dime· and.dollar contributions of the avrrage voter, Christened the ''4..C Plan"' !Citizens' Contributions I O Cent ral Committees). lhe pro· posal has the backing or coun- ty headquarters ()f t h t> Republican, Dc1noc ratic and American I n d e pen d r. n I parties. Chaired by Joseph E. Irvine, the fund-raising group plans to accept contributions at 191 branches of 14 county bar\ks. The plan "broa dens the base for fund r aising so the parties will ilot have to totally rely on the large donors as in the past," Irvine said. And it "'ill, he added. "provide an op- po rl.unily for well qualified cundidates to enJcr v:irioos races with the backing of funds· not previously available because of the lack of an 11rganizc~! approach Aa thering then' ·· Political contributions raised by the group will be used by the central commiHecs to help maintain offices . su pport can· d1da\es for eleclion and con· vey pa rty activities and goals lo supporlcrs, Irvine said. Irv ine said inlercstcd counly residents should tall the ct·n- 1ral tomn1i\t l'e or their 1•hn1re :ind ask for the '"4C'' brochurt' which cont<tUlS th1• !l('{"eSSilry sign.up c<1n.L The complelc<l c;1rtl i>hoo1d in dicate 111(' an1oonl of !ht' monthly paymrnt \vhich lhe party supporter \\•ishes lo donate . Hi s authorization permits the p<irl y lo issue a 11raft that will be honored hy his bank and debited lo his ac· count in exactly thr same manner ~s any othrr business tran~nct ion , A contribu1ur can c~ncf'l !he ;igre<"ment nt uny time, Irvine ~1rrssed. by nolifying the ten- lral con1nutl~ of his Ill· ten lions. j BJBLE TllO UG HTS St•wol l111morolhy i1 tond~m111d bv !ht 8:bl•, rl:o"". I :2"·ll. H eb I): ... G od 1n1dt ONE ~"i/'i fpr ONE WOMAN !o b e •t•u-1 CDlllDlni(!l">i, le• l;/o, in m~r­ ••191. lnlertcuH!, ou1tid1 c l w1dlock, ;n 'SI N. N11 lo•nit 1lo' 01 •du!t1r1• •/.all I/\• lt r H11•1n! I I Co~ 6:9 ) Homa•t•u•l,1, '' 111 1bo,.,i•1b!t ''" tlt••licu• 11:4 1, R11111. 1.21 -21, I ''"'· 1:10, G rn. 19~4 -lt Jud911 19·?1-]jl N1 .. •paptri 1odt¥ •tpo•I ;m,,,01 •lil1 e f I~• lioclv o" ••••v ~t"d i nd '" ""IU;•• •U•mhlir• l ""Lo•t " i"1. nud,, 9•th1r1~9" <O~~ ,.,u1ic c•owd1, •It.I: •O 111ud1 11 th1t "' e•t rr m1nd•d off•. )2.6, 22·11, 111d Gia, 6:~. Ho .. lcnq e•n God tcl1r•l1 1~ch wid11p•11d ;,.,,.,.,,,1;1¥ 11 h1 11e• thro119ho11I th• ""llrld 1 Pn,. t ibly !ht '"" of 1;mt i1 /\I••: CE:ll:TAINLY J vd9111e n1 of'"•"~ i"'"""r1I 0111i •t n11r, lcr n'ltnv of th11111 d ie d1ily .,..d qo •o thfft 1ttrn1I d11tiny UNPREPAA:EO. fG,.I, 6:7.l l. Ou• n1tio11, er ANY ntlion . ., d oo1T11d lo dtt•v 1t/\!1u ii C•fl in1till in :to public 111 1nlolt.r1,..c1 for fl 19r1nl ,.;olttion of P""" r.1pl11 of d1c111cy, ltl 111 111111 1 1:9ht for CO MM ON DECENCY ill 1v1ry 1•1nu1 of lif1, in ""'' ptiv1l1 1tlovolif 1, ;,.. 011• publ"c bell .... ,.,,, in 011• p11t,1:tal 111d "VOllNG lift . ;,.. owr SHOPPING lou•1. !11 '111 plt c•• of AMUS[MENT "'' p•troni111; l,1 u1 p~t p•tUM•f for dttl/\t "f' wht•t ti will COUNT el flw11y 11ppo•t1t11 ity, C/.u•Gh cl Cht••'· 217 w. w ;l1011 SI., Coit• Mt11, c::'.1. 92621, COMMUNITY EVENTS 1------------------------1 Do vou1 "THING" lcr U~l ted J:1111d. !!'1 the Dne Timi of lh1 yrlr whc11 you t~n help tho•• It" forlun1t1. 22 local •gen· c•1•'1clv on U nit~d Fund• for >uppod, vn '' lU PP<irl.• Do vou• t~in9 6nd hear your h11lid6y b1!1, rin9. "Gal of the Month" R,+ied In Nntlh.,~ (al!!n1nla, Ann f!u~t~m~n•~ 6n<I l-!111ll '"~· ~ ·~n~ 11"'" '"~" ~~m~ l!f'd~ " r:ooo! \n G~•den G•Q•~ !n•ncct nv '~''.:,, 1n;"• C"•ldrrn, rney fn]ll'(" Ollldocr t cfi•ltle, a"(f ,,,.. rl~llV lilh•ftV, .t<- ' "~---.~~;,.; .. M[t"l ANN IU~TAMAN Tt: • !-~~ ""' 11r•~ wllh c~hlo•~·• l"t'll•f~I '' • t ''" vra" .. ~o " 11·~~en11y ~, J>t,;•.t ~lfllll DtD~flmVll H....s. 5-oy "Hrlla" ana •re t•ltUhe• D"lC w!n· nmg smlle, • 1. The Guaranteed Groivth Plan. Deposit S1 .000 or mor11 for 3, t. or 5 years. F0r c11rh vc;ir all your principttl !lnrl 1ntr tf'!'it rc1ni]1 n, v:P. II ,..guar- antee a 5.25~o an nua.I rJ1c. cornpoundf'd <lady It ,idds 11p to 5.39"·0 ;i year. FOUR. MAXIMUM INTEREST PLANS AT CALIFORNIA FEDERAL ~ CALIFORNIA FEDERAL SAVINGS ...... " ............. VtEl'f'b**3 2. The Guaranteed Income Plan. Open .1n Jccount of S 1.000 or more for 36 lo 60 tnonths. Wc "ll guara ntee you a 5.25~0 ."lnnual 1;i1c. compounded d,;1ly. wilh 1n1e1c st pr11d out to you each qu211ter. 111 ( 1-~ li rnc ·.·, t1:,rr!"-h1 n or cn1rrgency. you cJn \v1thdrJw ttl any h '1· 11nlc>1f'st pri1d to the end of the previous quarter, 3. The Bonus Plan. Earn a bonus of 1,i ~o r1 yf',11 v,h ... n yr: 11 .1rCOlJn t rs htld lo 1-ye<1r mJtunty. This 1-; 1n <1dd1f1011 10 rhc 1egut;:ir 5°n cur1ent ann uri l ra!P. R1'0lil:'l r 1n1 c rcst is con1poundc d dilily and n1My be 110ddf!d _Qucnlerly for e xtra ea1nings. Withdr;iwals before 111.ttuiity enin ;:i t !he 1rgul;ir p;issbook rate. Any <imount or St .000 or 1norc opf'ns .1nd ma1nl ;:11ns your bonus ,1ccount. All tunds held lo 1n illur11y cci rn :in ('flcc11ve <lnnu.:i! ra!e ol 5.25~ ... 4. The Basic Pla n. The most flrx1blc plan. You can invest nny ;imount of money and vnthdraw it \Vhcncvcr you wish. 11 you le11ve JH your money nnd 1n1erest ttl your ;iccount 'or a ye.;tr ;it our current ~'"" c1nnu;:il 1t'l le with 1nlcres1 1;on1poundcd dnily, you 'll 1Pce1vc an r:ir1nu<1l yield o ! 5.13°.,. You earn 1nte1est horn the day you deposit your money 'Iii the d;iy you wrthdrr1W 11. Plus ... 1he money you rlrpos1t by the 101h of any mon1h e;irns 1ntercs~ lrom Ille 1st. when rt 1 cn1a1ns until quarter ·s encl. C~!.~f2r!!!.~ss;!~~~!!!!,w§~!!!!gS ,. NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 Harbor Blvd. near Adams • 546·2300 CLIFFORD M. WESDORF, VICE PRESI DENT & MANAGER I ' '• • ... ----~·----------------- . UPI llid<OPl'IOIO B llttle Sca1•s \\'carin ~ a gas n1ask, a r..Iontaknard soldier picks his \ray through lhi: debris left after cncn1y n1ortar rounds hit a buildin).{ at lhr U.S. :-ipecial forces camp near flu !)rang:, South Vietnan1. 'file jagged holes \Vcre,.n1ad e by !:ih rapnel. ~ ... ········~·······················•++-fo.••••t • • ! MERCURY SA VIN GS ! • • • · u11 d Ju(l/J us~ur ia 1 ;1111 ii • • • • : NOW OPEN . ! • • : EVERY. SA TU RDA Y i • • ! 10 a.m .• 4 p.m. ! • • • • ! BUENA PARK HUNTINGTON BEACH ! * ;\Jcrl·ury Savings Hldg. l\Jcrtur.v Savings Bldg. ! ! Yalle} \'icw <1t Linl:oln Edinger at Beach .., • • •******************************************t Thur\d~y. Dectmbe r 4, 1969 DAILY PILOT I f; Cancer Victim 's Dad Pleads Research Aid \VASHINCTON (UP I) -A children. some or whon1 arc coold h<' prolooged \\' i l h ntent." -lnclu<.hng 50,000 dead -in \Volk also prescnled the California doctor'" whose 9-already dead." \;ir1ous drugs. The doctOr told lhl' senators thl' V1el11am \V<ir. <'01nm11tce with petitions from year-Old son is suffering from The physician said hr l\'!l~ "ll is at this point that that cancer is k1\11ng 1norc ··During t he course or this thousand!'> of ''ordinar y acute leukemia pleaded with •·specially qualified" to (estiry parents of such <:hildren nui:-t school children each year than year, this country has lost ~ 1>eople" who had endorsed the Congress \Vednesday not to · suppo t of rnore funds fJr <iny other disease. 1nilhon of its citizens fro 111 Candlelighters' plea tor·<J.n 111• cut funds for ca ncer research. ~:ncer ~earch becau~c hi~ niakC? a very basic decision -lie noted the United St;i!l'11 t•ant·cr: <1nd 35 ,000 of thl:'se crease of <It least 20per1·ent 1n 10 treat or not to treat," he has suffered 300.000 casualties \l'Crc sc hool children." he said . funds for eancc r re:1ral'l'h. Or. Richard \Volk. a prac· o.,_·n son, Brian. was stricken said. "Some parents havf' ff'!t ------------------------------ !icing family physician in San in February. 1hat no treatment was more llafael, said thousands of "When we firs! lcarncrl that n1creifu l than prolonging U1e parents with ch ildren dooined Brian had what the doctor life or a duon1ed child. Most by cancer try to keep them tenned a 'fatal iliness.' my paren t_, elect treatment on the alive for a few years throu gh wife and I went through all the basis that some additional life of ten painful treatments. grief that people usually feel is better tha n none at all. The parenls, he said, do this when Lhey have lost a loved "\Vithout treatnient, \\' e in the }.ope that medical onr." he said. knciv that Brian would di(' research will come up with a \Volk said. however. lhl'i r \\•ithin f~'\'.l months. \Vith treat· South Coast 'llaza SANTA'S HOME ... AWAY FROM HOME way to control cancer. grief was tempered by the 111cnt he eoullt Ji\'C t\VO 01 1,,51'> .. 1 $•N P1tco fRlEW•t. <os1 .. ~ls" "If not for our children .. _k~·n~ow".:'_'.led~g:<''_..'.'~he~ir:.._so~n~'s_..'.li~rc:_1~h~"='~l~'~"'~'·:_'~V~e~c~lec~t~cd~lr~'"~':)· -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--perhaps intensive researchr can provide help for those 5,000 other American school children who might otherwise die in 1970." the doctor told a Scnale appropriations 1 SUb· committee. Budget ruts requested by J>residcnt Nixon and approved by the House. he said. had t•auscd sotne cancer resea rch projects to be abahdonetl and had "seri ously c r i pp I c d ' ' 1Jlhers. \Volk. \\'ho had been re- quested to testify by Sen. Alan1 Cranston. I D·C a I i f .) is chairman or lhe Ca11dlelight· crs. an organization of pa renls v:ith children stricken by can- cec "Since our ch1ldrf'n have no lobby to represent them . it is my responsibility l() inform you of U1eir needs." he told the subcommittee headed by Sen. Warren G. Magnusoo (D- \Vash .J. The doctor. saying h e \vanted to point out that he was talking about '·human beings. noL just abslr<icl figures." a!so passed around a photograph alb um •·o{ our BE SAFE! NEVER BEFORE 0 0 0 a More Beautiful Selection of Forest Fresh Christmas Trees. READY NOW! * SILVER TIP * SCOTC H PINE * DOUGlAS FIR * NOBLE ~IR * WHITE FIR FROM ALL ARO UND THE NATION -EXPER T FLOCK- ING TO ORDER -WE HAVE MANY EXTRA LARGE TREES -UP TO 18' FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS OR LARGER HOMES . Flame Proof You r Christmas Tree Livi ng Christmas Trees * Colorado Blue Spruce at $16.95 * Monterey Pine at $9.95 . $249 CALIF. No. 55-1 QT. * Deodar Cedar at $19.95 Plant in Tub or Containe r, Use Inside During C hristma s -en ough fo r a 6 fool tree l 'OR FIRE Dfl"ARTMENT APPROVED Pl ant in Garde n Later. Sl'ECl.111, ClllU.'i'l'•H;l .'i CllAR.U! .•• '{. HOLLISTER'S Original Wreaths with Matching Centerpieces and Arrangements. 11ncf]uallcd in quality & design. n1ade of cvertasling n1alcrials. We v1ill ,be ope~ Every Night . ~ ¢ till 9. Would you believe? .•. 87 Different Christmas Light Combinations! Th ril l 10 Br illia nt Color pic tures-the most natural c~r. You'll enjoy your favorite pro']rJms Jnd exerting sporls events with big 180 sq. in. pic(ures; Chroma· t one gives depth and dimension to color, pleasing warmth to black and white; and 3 l.F. Stacie Bonded Circuitry Chassis assures famous Magnavox lasting reliability. Model 6260 is. .i ts o idcnl on tables or shelves. Don·t you owe yourse lf the pleasure of O\.vning J magn1f1cent Magnavox? Put son1e color in10 your life today I Free To All Kids A REAL LIVE CHRISTMAS TREE •.• ALL YOUR OWN! We Have all Colors a nd Si zes ... From the Tiniest to t·he Full Size Indoor and Outdoor. FLASHERS TWINKLERS STEADIES lONY JQ't'A1f NEW COLOR PORTABLE TV Enjoy big -set 1e•1ures t nd perform•nce-,'nd 102 sq. in. brillianl·color pktu1e\ on this SUPt1b· I pfrlorriirg Magnavox: n1odel 6224 lh~t has Chrom~· to11e. Ouick·On, Bor1ded Ci1cu1try ChAss15, plus tel11· scopHl!I dipole ant~nna and carrying h1ndl~. Pedet1 in ar•( room or off1ce-•r1d a grea1 g1!1, 1001 s29990 Compl ete with Mobile Cart MA GNAVOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Direct Friclor11 Denier 401 Main St. Brookhurst & Warner Huntington Deai:h Fountain Valley 536-75 61 962-2456 I .. plant it in the ya rd after Christmas anrt \Vatch il gro,v! Bo nk of Am e ri ca A HOT CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY TIP • • • Order Christma s Flowe.rs Early --Avoid Disappointment -- We Send Flowers Worldwide · · E'a ch Order Receive s Special Attention by Ex:perts --Our Deliveries are Very Prompt. CHAR GE BY TELEPHONE ON YOUR CR EDIT CARD: Master Charge Ame rican Express Diner's Club Carte Bla nche American Torch 2640 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA CALL 546-5525 BE •i-""!'.--.... --~""!"".,..-'"",...,..~----------------------------------~--------------------.•-:--r ,-.. - J OAILV PILOT Thur5d•Y. Oec•mber 4, 1%9 ~«~~~.;.···~(~~~~~!JC~ I RION HARDWARE IS t ~ ... ~ ~ HOURS' M'"doy oh~ Fridoy 9 " 9 ' 9 " 6 "''""' 10 " 4 "''''Y ~·~------------------------------------- No unhappy returns when you ' GREAT GIFTS FOR DAD ~ LOWEST COST 'I<'' DRILL The ideal gi!t or line first toot for any man's workshop. Priced low enough for any potkDlboo.k. Wilh accessones, 11 po11shos, sharpens. buffs. cleans, -~ . , • ''r;;::r ...... -' .. ~ ' . ~- say it with 01t'J1.R LOWEST COST ¥." DRILL Gearing and chuck to handle bigger drilling jobs at very little more cost. Full torque action. Anolher tremendou& value !rorn Slack & Oeckar. (~7100) ~ """ (:$9:·99 $ g.99 ~==========;;:============ Black & Decker 2-Speed Jig Saw Q.. <2J S·Gal. Utility Vacuum Cleaner ~ S elect t he hlgh speed lor wood, low s peed for metal, hardboard, etc. In· c!udes wood cu1l1ng IJ l!lO 1D·GAL. VACUUM (U-191) ............. $39.95 18-GAL. VACUUM (U-292) . . . . . . ... $44.95 LARGE SELECTION OU: D&D POWER TOOLS SPECIAL pURCHASE! 29 Pc. SOCKET & WRENCH SET SET HD. 85306 -Contains these tools: 1/4" SQ. ORlV£-E1ght 6 Pt. ·socket sizes 3/16" to 7/16"; spinner dr1~e handle; 3/8" x 1/4'' adaptor. 3/8" SO:. DRIVE-One 3/8", 6 Pt. soc ket; nine lZ PL $OC ket sizes 7/16 " to I"; spark plug socket, 13} 16"; extension; re~ersibte ratchet. 5 Pc. COMBINATIOI\ WRENCH SET- Sires 3/8", 7/16", l /2", 9/16", 5/8". molded \'.·11h l /4' & 3/8"' Drive So ckets & Fittin gs Special Sale Price A $37.29 Value! • ALL AMERICAN FUN 'N GAMES FROM 3M r FACTS IN FIVE FACTS JN FtV E is the sl imu!ating new game of knowledge that pits up to 5 players against each other -and time. Brisk competition reveals play- ers' abilities for quick re· call of facts and final re- sults of mem ory searching can lead to mi11 ny a spirit. ed discussion and eve n a l<!!ugh or two. Aver<!lge pleying lime per game: I hour, PRO FOOTBALL PRO FOOTBALL is for gran dstand qu<!l rterbacks of all ages, fwo players. Ga m e includes colorful vinyl-covered fold-n-sn<!lp gam e bo<!lrd , calculator, shift cards, magnetic yard. age marker, ru ler tabu- la tor, dic e, special mark. ing pen cil , storage fra y and insrtuct ions. SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF 3M BOOl<SHELF GAMES ALL - GAMES $795 ea. "~-~ ... ~«&ef * f t l f Beautiful looking ... beautiful cooking ... FARBERWARE® AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC COOKWARE * Enjoy carefree cooking and elegant serving • "OPEN HEAllTH"a BROILER/ROTISSERIE. A new concep t in cooking. the new .. cool zone'' broiling method lair circuliltlon acound cooking meatl seals in all the flavorful, heal thful juices ••• only the fat drips away. NO SMOKE. NO SPATTER. No hood or enclosure that tends lo dry out meats. with beautiful Farbenvare ... truly America's finest automatic electric cookware! HEW SfflSH-ltlBAB ACCESSORY ... has five . stainless steel skewers In rack for shlsh· \eb1b fans! Just load 'em up with your favor· . te vari1tlons and drop them Into place on 1•our wonderful "Open Hearth" Broller/Ro- tisserie. How eas1 cfn the llvin' be? "OP EN HEARTH"• fiECTRIC BROILER ••• Uclusive "cool zone" bro1lin1 seals In the flavor and nutrients -gives that delk:ious outdoor flavor indoo1s. Compact, easy to-<:!eati ~ $4499 , .. ~ ) .. ,,;;?"'-,.__, AUl OMATIC CAN OPENER l KNIFE SHARPENER ... can is pierced automat ically, Stops au1o· matlcaUy, magnet dra"ls lid away from can. Cul edges are rotted bnk for safety. Shtr~ ener helps you keep your knives efficiently 5harpened. $1599 $998 STAINLESS STEEL COFFEEMAKERS .• , fas!er ttian instants ... exclusive SUPER·FAST brew- ing action assures a rich, perfect brew every time! Temperillure contJnl keeps It piping hot. Truly the fines!, most beautiful coffee· maker made. Crafted In gleaming STAINLESS STEEL $199, • '" ""' $2299 drip lr!y. NO SMOKE, NO SPATTER means cleaner kitchen walls and cabinets, too. &Ir• large to• x is-broillng suilace, 528" STAIHLESS STEEt FRY PAN ... for the ulli· mate in every kind of tas ty dishe5! Steak, ?t ew, or elaborate gourmet creations, just dial the right temperature for perfect re· suits without hot spots or sCCrching. tlilnks: lo FARBERWARE'S aluminum dad bottom on easy·to-clean STAINLISS STfEL $27,, &;:. Saturday, December 6-10:00 a.m. ·5:00 p.m. ·~ &;:; FREE FANCY (;/FT WRAP INTRODUCING I . Ember Glow ... a delicate flameli ke design on a rich flore ntine back· ground. Your table will be enhanced with its fresh sparkling beauty. ONEIDACRAFT' DELUXE STAINLESS ~ Large Selection of Stai11less S teel Flatwar e 011 Display I .NEW!: POWERLDCK TAPE RUtE • EXTIIA LIGHT -EXTRA STRONG • LONGER LASTING YELLOW MYLAR& CL.AO BLADE • POSITIVE LOCKON 8lAD[ - PREVENTS CREEPING Const.int·!OrQue, perm1nent-ma11net motor gi ~es tnis hand arinder over 1w<ce the power ot previous models. ~ ', Turns out 30,000 rpm -will nol stall under normal load! Runs cool and vibration·tree Weighs only 11 oz. lakes 1/8'", 3/32", l/16", l/Ji" col· lc.s. U L. Listed. No. 271 Moto-Tool tii:!I with 34 acces-~ '!.Qries ar1d caSfl as shoWtl .. S39 t S No. 270 Molo-1001 only .... S2t ts ' ~ Outdoor lighting you never thought you could afford! A quality system you install yourself ... in minutes. with complete safety. No perm its. conduit or dit1inr necesury .. , iust plul i11! • UL appr~1d, 12.,011 1ptem 1hso!utt!y shockproof. child·salel • Thest low-volta11 sets are complete wi!h 6 larze sealed beam lithts and colored lenses (2 ~mber. 1reen. pink, blue. ind •hilt). 100 Itel of we31herpr11ol cable, tr1nsformtr with bui!l-in 1utom1!1c timer, arou nd sti~es and wall brackets • Use 1h1s e•cil in1 flew li1ht1n1 lrom AMF i11 df)(tns ol W!JS throu1hou1 the ye1r tor set11tilj' 1nd outdoor beotDlf. ~ ,':i'I _ ~· ' • ' r I • ' r • ~~~~~~~ ... -.... ~~ ... ~~~~ ... -.-. ........ ~ .................... ~-.~~~ ... ~~ ... ~~ ...... .-~~~~~~·--·-·~•-·•~•nW';:rni~~~~--~--·-,..~~~~----..,, • • • ' • 6men th11n4tr, Decemllllf "' IHt '"' 11 Spiced • Season With Yule Tea For an old-fashioned Christmas, take son1e sugar and spice and stir them up \vith everything nice. This is precisely \\'hat th e La,vyers' \Vives of Orange County plan to do for their annual Christn1as Tea, to 'lake place Thursday, Dec. 11, fro1n 2 to 4 p.m. in the Santa Ana ho1ne of Mrs. Paul Ackerman. .... 1'he sugar will be in the forn1 of delicate tea dainties. to be furnished by new members under t.he direction of ~l rs. Arthur J. Donahue. Spices 'viii be found throughout the appointments of the tea table, as that will be the tea's theme. • Centering the table \Vill be an arrangement of lighted red candles scented with ,spice, candied re<!_~ppl~ and holly leaves, C<rehairmen ol the tea, a highlight of the year for Lawyers' \Vives, are f\'Irs. Keoneth \Villiari1s 'and Mrs. Jack Lincoln. Ne,v ·members who will furni sh sweets and assist with other prepara- tions are the Mmes. Eugen Andres , Arthur Aune, Robert Bean , George Bethel, Robert Be\vley. John Bovee, David Brickner and Robert Brodie. Others are !he 1Vfmes. Hubert Clark, James Cline , James Cook . An· dre\v Di Marco, \Villian1 Dolan, Harold Edwards, Elton Eilert, Jot\n Gaug- han, Carl J.lilliard, Allen McGurk, Gregory Munoz and John Patterson. J\'lore are the f\1me s. Peter Pelkofer. James Perry, Rolf Pitts, John Quigley. George Rogers, Roger Ressell, Dean Sandford, Frank Scanlon, Frank Schmeh r. Russell Serber, Garvin ~hallenberger, Marvin Warren, f\'lartin Cohen, Emmett Tompkins and Sealy Yates. • 1 HEIRLOOM RECIPE ~ Sweets and spicy punch, ingredi- ents for an old-fashioned Christmas will fill the tea table \vhen Lawyers' Wives of Orange County gather in the Santa Ana home of Mrs. Paul Ackerman for a Christmas Tea. The traditional holiday event \vill take place from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 11. Preparing spice-laden sweets are (left to right) 1.he Mmes. J\1artin fleneghan. Grover Fra- ter and George Bethel. Completing the li st are the Mmes. Ward Morris, Lawrence Kirk, Wil· Jiam Mock , Bryan Brown, John Downer, Stuart Knight, Landon Morris, Dani,el Kelly, Lawrence Harvey and Harry Fox. Mrs. Hayward P. LeCone, hostess chairman, will gieet guests at. the door along with the Mmes. Grover Frater, D. Reginald Gustaveson. Ken- neth Lae, Richard J\1adory, R. L. Riemer, Furman Robert'\, \Vill iam \Vood· yard and Morgan \Vright. UCI Music Professor Next Concert Previewer Dr. Maurice Allard, UCI assistant proressor or music and conductor of the lrvlne J\-1aster Chora le, will preview the next concert in the current aubscripUon series of Orange County Philharmonic Society. He will lecture at 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 10, in the Fashion Island Cin'ema, and his subject will be the pro- gram to be played by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Podium Spotlights Israeli Conductor Daniel Barenboim, talented young Israeli maes- tro , will conduct the Los Angeles Philharmonic Or- chestra in the next concert program scheduled by the Orange County Philharmonic Society. The concert. to begin promptly at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13, will be played in Orange Coast College auditorium. The program will include Bee- thoven's Overture Prometheus. Haydn's Symphony No. 95 and Symphony No. 1 in C Minor, Opus 68 by Brahms. Known throughout the international music \Vorld as a top ranking concert pianist, Barenboim is rapidly' gaining prominence as a conductor. In this capacity he appeared with the Los Angeles Philharmonic during the 1968 Hollywood Bowl sea- son and conducted the English Chamber Orchestra In Southern California during a tour last spring. Orchestra Saturday, Dec. 13. Dr .. Allard h:ilds a bachelor of music degree from the Uni· iversity of Indiana, a masters of arts degree from New York Univel"!ily and a doctor of musical arts degree from the University of Southern California. He has done graduate st udy In Paris fur t"'·o years with Pierre Bernac and Nadia Sou.Jang er, has taught in many colleges and universities and has a great deal of pro- fessional singing experience including lead roles in opera in the United Stales and Europe. While studying in France, he 1~·as presented in recitals in Paris, Grenoble. Lyon and Clermont-Ferrand by the U.S. Information Service. All previews are open lo the public and students arc ad· milled frtt. Tickets, at $1, .. may be purchased at Ule door. . ' • < i • • • ' • • ' • ' • Born in Argentina and raised in Israel, Baren- boim demonstrated musical talent at the age of 5. and his parents, both pianists, supervised his early studies. At 10. he was invited to appear at the Salz- burg .Afozarteum. In 1956 he made his London debut as a piano soloist and the following ye ar he was heard for the first time in I.his country. Concert tickets, at '4, are on sale at the Pbil- hannonic office, 201 \V. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Student tickets are $1.75 . Chairman of the preview series is Mrs. F..dward W. Schumacher and serving on her commi\tee are the Mmes. Gilbert Thompson, Frank A. Cooney, Kenneth 1\1. Smith, E. l\1organ Quinn, H e r m a n J,ohnson, Richard Brockmeyer and J. Donald Fergu.son. MUSIC , MUSIC, MUSIC -Dr. Maurice Allard, UC! assistant music professor will take ti1nc out from teaching Cameron Quinn, Susan Boatman and other music students \Vednesday, Dec. 10, to• previe\v the next concert. Students are admitted free. / Real Friends Spare Grief-Forget Speaking Piece of Mind ". DEAR ANN LANDERS : A dear friend of mine 11 being pla yed for a fool. Her husband, who Is crowding 60, is fooling around-with a woman 25 years his junior. He belongs to a club that meets twice a month. Alter he .says hello to everyone and is recorded as "present," he sneaks out. The babe meell him at the door and they go oH together. My hu.sband is in the club and so is my son-in-law. They are both on to the game -and so is everyone else. This bum has a wonderful ~ess and 1 fine family. I hate to see him get away wtth such cheap hi-Jinks. Tr my husband were cheating, J'd ctrtalnly appreciate it If someone wised ME up. Should I be a true friend and tell her? -LONDON, ANN LANDERS ~ ONT. DEAR OONDON: Be a true frlead ind keep yoor moalJI slnn. More oft.en than aot Ule 'Jife is 1w1f'e but sbe prefers &o bebave u II site knows nolhln1. n11 ex· COltS lier frQm making a move which might .not be In lier belt lateret&-or I• tlle be1t lnttml or btr f•mlly. lnformlag "' 11·omlln that htr busba.ad 11 cheadng 11 no act of frfend1hlp. Real Crlcnds spare . -- you grid. They don't come wtch stories Ol.at tlurt your hfarL DEAR ANN LANDERS : Sooner or later your ~lymn hits everybody bet.ween the eyes. We got nurs a few day5 ago. lt was that letter .from the woman whose son looked just Ukc "the other man." We too have A son Who bears n 'slartl· Ing fand embarrassing) resemblance to ''lh c other man ." But emotionally he's· mine and Ulis is what counts. There's more to being a Tather than being a party to the conception. J couldn 't be prouder of this lad if I were certain he was flesh of my flesh. He is everything a father could want in a son. The gnawing SL!Spiclon that he Is another man's chlld doesn't diminish my love for him one Iota. The "other man" lives In this city and we see him and his wife from lime to lime. They have several daughters -no sons. 1 'm sure every time he looks at this boy he di~11 a little. Fate can be cruel. l figure T was the lucky one. Print this If you think iL will help that poor son-of·&· gun who signed himself "Tortured by Doubts." -ALSO DOUBTING BUT NO LONGER TORTURED DEAR ALSO: Hett: lt 11 11·1th m1 1peclal Ull.aks for sharing somelhhlg painfully close &o you. DEAR ANN LANDERS: \\'heneve.r my husband and l are out In 1 50Cial group I am embarrassed to tears. All my hus- band wanu to talk about Is sex. He tells such raw jokes I wanL to crawl uoder the table and st.ay there. He docsn"t .seem to know any clean stories -only dirty onea. To li1ten to him tal)c you'd think sex was the most lmportanL thln{in his life. And this Is what bnfiles me. To put It bluntly, Ann, he is completely O\'t!r ffic hlll And I mean completely. ' Wouldn'l you think a man who CAN~ perform would stay off the subject~ Please explain. -RAU:IG•I . N.C. • DEAR IL: !\1en wlto CAN perform 00 stay off the sabjttt. The one11 who lrt over tbe blll have the one track minds - ed the track Is usually muddy. Tbe noaperformtrs talk about tel betause that's au tbey tan do -poor thtn1s. Now do you get It, hooey? Ann L.nders will be glad ID help yOii with your problems. Send them to her m care of the DAILY PlLOT:enck>sina ~ sett.addressed, stamped envelope. -· • ... ' ... Dawson Claims • Robert Bride In HB Nuptials ..... MRS. ROBERT E. DAWSON Ill Former Kathlyn Jo Kelly ,.. ....... ~, '. •• ft ..... , ..... Horoscope The first ChriS1ian Church In Huntington Beach was the. ietting for the afternoon wed- ding of Kathlyn Jo Kelly and Robert E. Dawson Ill. both of J{untington Beach. The Rev. Dan J. Moss performed the double ring nuptl_als. Parents of the bridal couple are f\1 r. and Mrs. Frederick H. Kelly Jr. of Huntington Beach and f\trs. Alethea Daw· soo of Vista and Robert E. Da\\'SOn or San P.iarcos. The bride wore an origini!I gown or French brida l satin with high empire b o d i c e enhanced with Uny ruffles of lace trimming and s e e d pearls. Her IQflg full skirt fell rom the waisl in unpressed plea t! and her tv.·o-tiered finger tipped veiling v.·as caught to a headpiece of mal.Ch.ing satin and l::ice, adorned with ~ar\s and se- quins, and on each side featured tiny rose buds or lace. The hand-knitted cap was made by the bride's grandmother. The new Mrs. DawSOn car. ried a circle of yellow and \11hite roses with a cascade of flowers aiid ribbon . \fiss Sally Servies wa s maid of honor and ~1isl!i Nancy Pisces: Help Received Is '!'VESTCLrF PLAZA 17th Af'O IRV'l\E ~-41?1 NEWPCRT BE.AO-l CAL..r. FRIDAY DECEMBER 5 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21-April 19): By lonight you come out of low cycle. Life takes on brighter hue. Good dinner with mate, partner. other in- divi dual close In you strongly C1dvocaled. Differences settled with fam ily member. TAURUS (April 20-i\tay 201 : This evening could find you the recipient of some kind of av.•ard, special recognition. Whatever. there is definite public reaction to your efforts. GE~UNI (May 21.June 20): You are able to finish what was recently initiated. M result, you gain g r e a t e r recogni tion. You also auracl people to you with their pro- blems. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Your home -the way it looks and where it is located -apt to be spollighted. Be original. Nol necessary to follow the crowd . But be sure you know Art Sale Servies was the bridesmaitl. The Donor attendant wore a floor length empire style gow11 in kelly green peau de soie and a Jullet cap and held a bouquet of autumn colored blo.ssoms. Dressed identically in a gown of antique gold wa s the bridesmaid'. Floyd Stafford was best n1an and u.shering gu ests to their seats were Rick Kelly. thl' bride's brother, Ken Hall and Ivan Neil. The receptlon foll:>\\'ed in the P.feadow Lark Country Club where Miss Sandra Han. cock circulated the guest book. The newlyweds wlll hon<'Y· moon In San F'r;inclsco and 111ake their horne 1n Hun- tington Beach. The for1nl!r t.Iiss Kt!lly is a ~raduate or ll unllngton Beach liigh Sch09I a11d is auendlng Orange Coast College. Her husband is an ;ilumnus or Californ ia Slate College at Long 8('<tch where he received hi!I BS in criminology . Special gul'Sls :it the \\'l->d· <ling and reccp! ion were Or. and ~1 r::.. Frederick H. Kelly nr Goldfield. lcm·a. the bride's i;i:ran<lparents and ~1rs. 0. B. Forbes of 3oone, Iowa. CHRISTY MIKELS- Will Wed Harborites Recite Vows Si rH; 4Z·52. ho'" $1J.OO 1-----0lh•r Gift Sug ge1tions ----, e DRESSES e GOWN S e ROBES e SLIPS e CAP,RfS O BLOUSES O PANTY HOSE lAYAWAY • GIFT ftO Xl:i • CIFT I Homecoming Queen Christy Mikels Engaged The eng.lgement or ChriSlf Atikels lo Steven Klosterman has been announced by the bride-elecl's parents, Mr. and Mn. Robert Mikels of Laguna Beach. AUss MJkels was graduated fr o m Laguna Beach High School where she ~as home· eomlng queen and 1tendl: Or- ange Coast Colltae. The brldeiroom-elect, son of tt1r. •Dd Mr1. Walter KIOJ· termiin of South Upna, was graduattd from l..ai\Ull Beach High-School and la a fre.!lh- man at UCLA. No date tw been :1et for the wedding. Champagne Buffet Bridal Pair Honored One hundred guests altended a candlelight buffet in tl\e Laguna Beach home of the Otho Budds honoring the mar- ' riage of Dana Jones CUn- 11 in g ham and Harold Fitzwater. The bride-elect, daughter of P.its. Dana King Jones of Laguna Beach, "'ore a long· sleeved go,vn of mo.ss green lace over deep pink satin and carried a single matching rose pink chiffon gown and carried a bouquet of-pi nk carnations. The bridegroom, son of ?I-its. Hazel S. Fitzwater or Orlando. Fla., was attended by besl man Frank Visco. The new Mrs. Pjtlwater at· tended Laguna Beach JChools. Her husband is a graduate or the Univ ersity of Cincinnati and received an MA at UCLA. The couple wlll reside In Hunt1na:ton Beach. for the · late a f t e r n o o n ,.===========, ceremony in St. Francis-by- the-Sea chapel. The Rev. Elsworth Richardson officiat- ed. Andy's n.,. Ask any kid. "Ask Andy'" Is fun. Str It Saturdays ln the DAILY PJLOT. y 11111 lfl•ll '""' ,....,..bl• ,,111!'1 , ... 511•wfl 1111 ,,.. •lllCl1I fnilhrt.-4. 'f'er..t fetorlc. •T ONl.T Co3ta /lle•a'• Uldut Uome•Oumed Furniture Store! l! i· I 3 .. .. ., r ... -~-~-------~--------------------------.... -~---,,.., ....... ,.,.-~_,. ........ ,..,. ................ ....,...,..t"'TT4f,..M ..... "'ff"il""""""'ll\¥Ci ........ 14f'"pY"'--"""l-•~·~~n·~·w--~-· ........... ._ .... .,...,...._ I I 3 ' , ••• Surprises in Store for Lido Isle Commodore • DAILV PILOT JIJ Greeting Card Trends ' --- Discussed by Expert Not M11eh ·Scr•tellf • , Trr.-x1.s ln greeting cards will gounnet Items whlch will be be dlscusied by Bill Brewer, sold. Proceeds will augmenl! director of. editorial and art in the club tfreasury . [ A Bool•·Gltt Is a Nfltell/ t the contemporary h u m o r Assisting lhe hosts will be • divi•ion of Buzza-Cardozo 1he Mmes. Ralph T. Goodhue., The Bookst all cards. Ruth Dygert, Harry H. Casey 1 He will speak before the and Willsey Coke. Reserva-1 333 E, 17th St., Costa Mes11 Orange County Club of Theta lions are to be made by Fri· 548-481 1 ·.t: ... . , ... ~<: .:: .. Sigma Phi at noon Tuesday, day. Dec. 5 with Mrs. Russell ' Dec. 9, ln the Costa Mesa. ~Quak~'.'.'.e~nb~u~s~h,~54'.'.~::'.6722'.::. ___ 1======='=""='='"='="'='~="='=""""==' ====== horue of Mrs. Robert F.i~ Sanders. Accompanying the spealter will be his wife, Polly, an B.rtist who follows a more traditional ve,Ut for California Artists greeting cards. Both will show examples of their work in Christmas ll'.1d other types of cards which will point up the contrast in Brewer's bold style and ~1rs. Brew,er's delicate florals. Brewer, a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, also attended the Art Center and Choulnard Art Institute, Los Angeles. His wife a t t e n d e d Plymputh School of Art, Plymouth. Eng- land and the Boston Museum School of Fine Arts. Furthering the Christmas theme, members will bring . • Double Role For a Drug A drug used to treat asthmatic children now is con· sidertd as a treatment In the ,· ..... . :· ·-. . · ·: ·: Aiming for the pinata \Vhich will spill out surprises for the incoming comJTiodore of Lido Isle Yacht Club is Don Ray, while retiring commodore Roy B. \Voolsey makes the game challenging. Cheering on the new 1eader are Mrs. Woolsey (Jeff) and Mrs. Ray. This will be part of the festivities during the club's annual dinner dance Saturday, Dec. 6, in Lido Isle Clubhouse. Serving · with Ray will be Roger MacGregor, Edward Hayes, Allen Campbell and Buster Bruce. inducement of weight gain and appelile, reports a physician at the University of California's Medical Center. Dr. Rudolf E. Noble, clinical instructor of medicine, tested the drug, cyphept.adine, in an • ,• .• .· W hy Get Involved? Volunteer work is as much an American tradition as poUtics and apple pie. \Vhy do busy women gel in· vol ved Jn volunteer v.·ork? The Fed.era! Bureau of Labor Statistics says a study showed that 38 perce'ilt or the 'vomen volunteers s i m p I y wanted lD help people, a specific organization of a com- munity; 29 percent expressed a "sense of duty" to their communities; 36 percent said they simply enjoy doing volunteer l\'Ork and gain seU- salisfaction from it. Xi Xi Pis H~ar' Music Members or Xi Xi Pi Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi. will host a reception in the Long Beach 1.1useum Or Art Sunday,~ Dec. 7. Gre eting guests will be thel Mmes. Eldon Dvorak, presi· dent; Ken Moore, Robert Shay, Henry Kelly, John 1t.it>- quin, Ron Sarouhan, Robert I Kremer and Norman Niebcrlcin. The program will b e 1 presented by Los Cantores del • Camino Real directed by Charles and Mary Margaret Trousdale. 1'.fusicial selections will be from medieval and renaissance periods. Make this a Leave-it-to-Singer . Christmas. ... • - ;'.~· I . t .,. t; i kb: Fashion Mate•r,,.ZagSewing Machine bJSliwer. Dams, mends, monograms.Sews buttonsandbuttonholes. Q J 588 lt~quietandvibrationfl:ee.Withcarfyingcase n y FlllSllE!lll FIJI Mlmll:ATSllll!· from a sewing machine to a sewing notion. From an LP album to a ~colorTV. FllE SD\llGl.malS!Singergivesfree lessoos oo how-to-use a sewing machine Witheverymachinepurchased. F1IE lllMllT anywhere in the U.S.A. lncludini; Alaska and Hawaii. Saves you miney, ume and trouble! RI' lddress cf store nearest )OU, see v.tttte _ .. ......_bookunderSINGER~ ITl!IGFTWRAP-all bright and b&nb- boned. So you won't get all tied up in thatlitUedetail. BUT NOW al TIE SllD I ·TG36 CR!lllT ACaUn', and if you choose, defer monthly pay- ments until February, 1970.. OR use the Singer Lay-Away Plan- a small deposit will hold any item until Dec.20. - SINGE·R lt\ot; ntw/orklmamJfll 11 at SINCE It tOfliaMt• •A Tr•den111rtt Of THE SINGER COMPANY COSTA MESA l rlttol I Su11flowt• !40-263) Soullot Co•1f Pl•1• COSTA MESA 2100 H~rbor llvcl. HU NTINGTON BEACH Edl11111r .•t l11~k - Kl 9. I 195 H1 rbor Ctnttr ,,, .. ,041 Hvntl111iJlo" Bttc.lot C111t1r • Film-o-rama experiment involving 2 0 underweight adults. , ·Patients taking it gained 8.4 . . . 'pounds on the average_ during A collection ·of l1lms 1s the· two months of testing. available-Ui registered patrons over 21 at the Audio.visual department in the Mariners Branch Library. Lists of new films are available at all three city lib.rary branches. J' I I ' Cactu• Society Orange County Cactus and Succulent Society meets the first Wednesday at noon in Odd Fellows Hall. Costa Mesa. I ""/ I j'~ I -\ ,, ·' I l ( :J.air THE JULIET BRA CHEMISE And you thought you'd never find o bro chemise t hat fit as well os _your favorite Juliet ·bra.' How wrong you were! Here it is! 'Hidden under lhe brief little slro ight- line, nylon tricot chemise. Unseen your Ju. lie! bro scoops lhe pretty neckl ine, lifts 'do inty cups with o wisp of lined fiberfill, o hint of under wiring. Buy for gifts, for your· self! Beige, black or white in sizes 32 to 36, Bond C cups. $11. fashions for . . . I '-F1shlon lsl•nd, Newpo rt Beech Stonewood Center, Downey Cfll•l'I every 11l9kl 'ti! t for yo11t thoppl119 c.011v•11l111G• l1nkA1111ric11cl, M11t1r Clote19e, le femm1 Ch•tt• I " -'\;· ·~£' '"'' ... ' -·--1 " CANVAS SUDDENLY IMPORTANT. SHAPED BY HOWARD WOLF' INTO CRISP LITTLE SllAPES ••• &'IAPPED WITH ATTENTION GETTING POCKETS •• , BOLD BUTTONS AND BUCKLED BELTS. DOUBLE BELTED DRESS IN • .NATURAL WITH COFFE~N, 52 .00 SAFARI DRESS, NATURAL WITH COFFEE STITCHING,. 44.00, BOTll lN .SIZES 6-14. DRESS SHOP ! "- • , Shop morning, noon·and night, ~londtt.)' thru Satwday .at till nioo Buffums' . . . . - . , . -. . . Newport Center et f"1shlon !Sl"1d • "44·2200 t Mond~y throuah Saturdn' tO:OO 1.m, tlll 9:30 pJa.' ' ,..,-.... ----------..... -----~----~--~----~--~·----------~------------·--------·-··· ··---···. I . . . . ' • • I ' Donna Walker Become.s Mrs. Raleigh B. Hawk Students Have Rival Compulua ,_ are vyl.11 Shoppers Benefit Hospital Auxiliary In Offing MRS. RALEIGH HAWK Home in Long Beach Read the Stars With Omarr Following a honeymoon in the mountains, R • I e I g h llra<lley Hawk and his bride , the former Donna Lte \\'alker of Newport Beach will realde in Long Beach. Performing the double ring ceremony in the First United Methodist Church, Seal Beach was the Rev, Clyde E. Ervin. The newlyweds are t h e daughter of Mr. and ri.irs. Carl L. Walker of Santa Ana and the son of the late ri.1r. and ?\irs. Rolland B. Hawk!. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gov.•n of bridal satin fashioned with alencon lace bodice a n-d sleeves and the lace alsG bordered her hem and her manlilla styled veil of English illusion. In green velvet gowns were Pt1iss Elizabeth Weidman • maid of booor and Mrs. F •. Ha rr y Roberts Jr .~ bridesmaid. Attending the .bridegroom were John C. Glo.-, ver, best man, and James W. Pelers and Carl L. Walker Jr., the bride's brother, lJshers. Assisting at the reception in the Old Ranch Coontry Club, Seal Beach was Miss Nicolette BEFORE YOU WALK DOWN THAT AISLE, WALK DOWN OURS. Engagement rings in every delicious size, shape and finish. · · Top row from left: $195., $300., $11 O. Bottom: $850., $695 .• $525 .. $825. ·we cater weddin'gs. SLAVICK'S 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -M~-1310 OINR Mo11Hr riiru S9turdcry 11111til 9:JO P·"'· celebrate! Flor1heim shoes •r• som•thin9 spe,iial at Holid1y time. lh•y not only m•ke much·1pptec.i1ted gifts for the imporf•nt men on your list, but if you'v e 1 yin for th• long-l1sfin9 1dvi1nf1911 of fine qu1lity f11h ion , they'll mi ke your holid1y just th1t mu'h more proud i nd hippy! And don 't forget Flor1heim gift certific1t11. No gu esswork. They 9iv1 your •peci1I people •cho ice of 300 stylei. e nd eneble them to enjoy the 1dv1ntia91 of prof111ion1I fittin9. ' H1rv11I e l •ow11 • 11.~tr e Cordov•11 Widths A to E Si111 b1/1 tol l Moil Ffo1t .. t <'ll 1lyltt $1'·'1to11'·'$ Mco1! lmptr:tl dylt1 Sl9,,S 1831 NEWPORT BL YD. DOWNTOWN COSTA MESA. PHONE 548-9744 Curran. 'Mle bride ls a graduate of De Pauw University where sbe pledg<d Pi Beta Phi. Htt hus· band received his bachelors ~gree from C.lifomla State College at IAng Beach and his masters from c h a pm a n College. El Camino Hosted· By Juniors Members of El Camino Real Junior Woman's Club served their senior club at a Chri1t- mas luncbeon to d a y in the Co mmunity House, Dana Point. San Clemente High School Choir presented a program for the U:30 affair hosted by the Mmes. Robert Warner, Harry Sowden, George Men- d\eson, Jean Obers, Harry Rogers and Rose Walker. History and Landmarks Sec- tion will host .a bicentenni~l Christmas party In the club- house at 7 p.m., Friday, Dec. 12. Members and husbands will attend the potluck M~ ican diMer. Floating Tree Bids Welcome To Associates Pinatas. lanterru and a noatr.ig Christmas tree will pro vide a gay ~fexican background for a Fiesta de Navldad Wnner party on Sun- day, Dec. 7, at IS p.m. in the Eastbluff residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Arens. Members or Easlbluff Associates, w o m e n ' s com- mittee of Orange County Philharmonic Society, and their husbands v.111 :!ilp cham· pag.ie around the pool before enjoying a sooth.of-the-border buffet supper prepared by members. DiMer chairman ls P.lrs. 'Varner Bordier assisted by the ?\-Imes. Theodore Tafe, Jack Lee, Janusz Zaleski, Robert Rosenberg and Angelo Palmieri. Group Dances Into Holidays Christmas will be celebrated with dual eve.its by members of the Mesa-Harbor Club. A Christmas Ball in Balboa Bay Club will launch the season on Saturday evening, Dec. 6. Mrs. W 111 i am PtfcNaughton has ananged an evening of cocktails, buffet supper and dancing, assisted by the ~Imes. L e w i s -.Bradshaw. Richard Danielson, Robe rt ~fcLaren. D o n a I d Price a:.1d Edward Zielinski. On Thursday, Dec .. 11. the club v•ill gather in the ~fesa Verde Country Club for a cof· fee hour and luncheon. Program chairman Pt1 r s • Marshall Co\\•ley promises surprises and a Christmas caroling SW!lion. I Eastern Star Group Active 'I'hree upcoming events have been scheduled by Laguna Beach Chapter, Order o! the Eastern Star. The first stated meeting In December will be tomorro1v at 8 p.m. in ~,asonic Temple. Luncheon vdll be ser\'ed et noon on Saturday, Dec. 6, also in the Temple. Slar Club v.·ill install dire<:· tors at a Christmas party on \Vednesday, Dec. IO, at 7:30 p.m. in Laguna Federal Sav- ings building. CONSULTANT Mrs. Cral1 Sing-out Amigos Lift Audience !or Ult attention ol Mn. Shoppers wilt btnellt when JITanc:a J. Crall, aJonc Willi Golden Kty thrift I h Op the futurt t.eadttn ahe ad-celebratea a fint anniversary viltfJ at UCl. In It.I new HunUnitoa Beach Mra. Cral1, UCJ'a locaUon. tupervbot ot SWdent tucbers, An a:utlvenary sale will hu acc:tpled a pooltlon u a tak• pla« In !ht ahop Wedne,. par t-Uml cun1culum CGlt-day, Dec. 10, and will include aultant for a firm wbkh many items at half-price in manufactures' amall, &abJ&.top addtUon to any merchandise~ educ&Uonal com~s. remalnlnc after the group's She win cc;nfer with the buaar Saturday, Dec. fi, ac· authors and ttaff of the firm cordJn1 to Mn. Paul Frizzell, Ind edit matulals dellptd thrift shop chairman. for the ltuden1& usins the Mrs. Frilzell aho will host Compuiers. the rel\llar meeUng of the Area rtsidents who met ror the purpose of forming an auxiliary lo the City of Hope Hospital are making plans to attend a public tour nezt Saturday. Guests will view the nonsec- tarian hOSJ>ilal and vi.w facilities utiliied in the battle 2.gainst catastrophic diseases. Present at the meetin1 in the home of the Earle Richmonds were the Messrs. and :Ptfmes. L. K. Reynolds, Floyd E. Lee, L. H. Hoyt. Joseph Simmons, W. H. Beat- ty and the Mmes.. Victor C. Andrews. Donald H. Arnold. Jeanne Rappaport, Nell Balke and Ray Wolshin. . The portablt compulen, 1upPort aroop to !ht Child usable even by kiodertartr.1 Guidance Center of Orange students, are manufactured In County cr.1 TUtsday1 Dec. 9. San Jt11e and Mrs. Cra11 an-Memben: will gather ln her Uclpates several trips a month Santa •i home at 10 a.m. to to the Bay Area. bear resulta of the bazaar and MrL Cralf, the mother or plan a IOcial evening for Mesa Rebekah" three children and a Colta. husbands and friends i n Meta resident. a1ao t.eacbes February. Mrs. Bill Susman is Every first and third Tun:· lancuase arta:, IOCia1 science in charae of arrangements for day of the month members or The '°n1lll~-are __ !'eat:11th•y and rtadlna at the elementary a theater party Feb. 14 to see Mesa R ebekah Lodae commu Cl-e -•uu I 0 " level in ut1•1 • d u c I t I 0 n "The Im-'ble Years" in the assemble in Odd Fellows Ha!J, youth to express their ideals. d _._ ...- Son1s wtll ·be rendered hYl-:::;;';;.-="'=~"·,,l=======H=un=Un=at«i~=Be~ac=h::::P:::;l,;:•Y::hou~s=e·:,,;Costa~~M=esa~·,:,•t,,s='p'=.m.===:; Sing-out ·A m I Io 1, an out..11 growth of Sina-out OraJ11t County formed by the natlonaJ cast of Up With People. AJN. goe, comprised of Youn& peo- ple from ninth grade throu&b college residing: in Oraq:e County, will · preaent muslc from Up With J>eople tomor- row night, Dec. 5, at 7 p.m. in San Clemente Prubyterian Church. Admlss.ion of $1 for adults and 50 cents for children will be asked at the door. Sleighbell Supper Set Santa Ana·s Junior Auziliary of the Assistance League will ho.st its 20th annual Slelghbell Supper dinner dance in the Santa Ana Elks Club tomor- row. The Linda Isle home of the James Knapps will be the set- ting for one of the nve prepartles given by members for guest!. - t.tembers from the beach area include the chairman of lhe eve-.1t ?\frs. Cliff Hostetler and the J\.lmes. C. K e i t h '\'elputt, Alezander Nalle, Guy Li vingston Jr., t.f e 1 burn Harvey, John W. Carlyle III and htertan D. Butler. SOFT and FEMININE 25 TO. 35 YEAR OLD PARENTS. WITH ROCK & ROLL KIDS A WURLITZER ORGAN 11 the answer! Children •nd Adults Leam and Love To f'lciy! lrighMn Your Home and Keop Your Fcimily Together- You'll le Am11od at What $744 S.und1 Llkt '"A Wurllher Or11n. Como lnl Soo 111 Hear It! s744 PERHAPS YOU PREFER ' PIANOS SEE OUR l'.INE SELECTION NOW PAYMENTS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET I GRANDS 40-/, OF NEW COST PRICES v ... u" ......... s595 "1~11:...L ... Mus:·eC~._, at the "Miity yew ~~ ~ '.i.9;)'' 1et ., ....... . ••I•• ... 1. at SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA -PHONE 540-3165 CLOSED SUNDAY,1"" WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU SIX DAYS A WEEK MONDAY • through SATURDAY 10 •.m. • 9:30 p.m. South Coast Pin• t rht .. StrHt l11tr1•"• .. ,_..., J, M•h• •M U.S. N .. 'I. hilt Co1ta Mo,. 546-2066 • LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE - LEGAL NOTICE ICW~ onT•ICT TAK •AT• NC•RAS• l'l•CTION NOT c;• NOT ICE 1$ Hll!llflY (i!Vf.N IO 119 Qulll loeo •la< Drl ..i '"" Nt wpgrl '-Wiii Un 1'90 S<.rw:iel Dl1 flct of Or11191 C911nh Clll forll I 11'111 11 l<(onlflllU W Ill ll W 1t1 1l1<llon w bt lw o vn t111 10lh dtJ .i Ftbrull Y lf10 11 11 d 0 1Trk;f bol-1\ 1111 '-'• o1 J oa o ckldl A M.. '"° 1 00 o'c oc~ P M. vf "''° dlll' duf\no wl'll<I\ Ill (1(1 ln0 btfw11tn Wl'IJch l'IO\lfl IM pol t ihl I tfl'll II -ti I I Wflkh tltclklfl l'fllrt w 1>1 wbMU1td 1119 qutl Ion o1 IN I 1111 nit• MUm 1• fl t lor i.tld Dll let bl> I,.. C tlll(I lfDm "2t H< tlCl'I I 00 llJMSHod l'I UI IOll lo U 9' Pt tl<h I 00 ·~-d YI VII Oii lat tht Kl'lool l'll U11).lt1\ 10 I" 00 Pt tllCl'I I 00 llM\.M'CI ¥1 UI ... IOI' ht KllOol l'.. f) 1'11 Ind 0 M 6 "1 etch I 00 llS6t1Md YI ul on or Int KhoO ve11r 1911 lt1l 11 d "''''~ 11~ t t o •"''" 11 e tKI lor 1111 ndefnle 11t (1(1 ol I mt ht ,,,_., ol wh t ft 11 1 ~ bt UW'll IOI' t I 99111 11 H1K11lklnt ll'.I PO•tl FO 11t pu llCI"' af llOd 1111 11 d elec °" 11!1 • IC IOI! "" bt 1111(1 I !'I• ebv ordl eel COflloCli di eel with 1111 3cr-8 1>1111 E .c Oii IDr M N1wporl Mt lll UnW Id 5alOol o, , c wf\ cl'I e 1ellon 1 bt no l\t'ld M Ill Mfnll di t Ind 1111 1111 ptK 11e 1 po1 no 11111«"1 1nd ottla 1 ·~ llO lllecl 0 COlldlKI ll'l 1 I K Ion I I "' MlllW IS 114! pr•c nc l, pol llQ pl1ct1 I/Id of tt I llPIJO II ed re cond\ICI Ml d bOl'l(I eKlon LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ,. J1111 (&Rfll'l(AT• 0, f'ICl T CIU!i NAMIE: llle Un0• lifMd -· (t llY l~fy e f CondllCtltil I 11111 lliUI I 211 20!1'1 $ Ne"""° 1 ll••C" C• ~,.,., • "'""' "' 1 e ' ''°"' ' ""' llllM ol ••unot. FA5H ON llOA,. & YACHT CL[AN NG 5EltV CE '"" 1111 1114 I m $ COltl!IOlld of Ill ollow nt •• Sllf\I w~ ,...,..,.... \ft lul • LEGAL NOTICE • l ltur\d.,. Dtctrnbtt 4 ] 96q LEGAL NOTICE DAILY PILOT 2[ LEGAL NOTICE \UI'•• Cl. COllltT 01' ""· ; 3TAT• Of' CALl,,0•1nA l'Olt Tiii COUNTY 01' OltAlffl• }, NI A"'4"4 J;. NCITICI 01' Nf:Alt NO 01' l'l'TITI ... PCllt PltO.Afl' 01" W 1.1. ANO ffk Ll!Tili•i Tl$TAMl!NTAltY E1t1111 tJI H 1.M.ll A l'ITl'ltlON .,. !11 1ll0 1C.ct1 of ft Hnc• • r 11 lo low• MllMA PE"'fERSON Dt<it•...:I HOT CE 1$ HElll!IY 0 VEN Tiit ~ E !WI ROOI-fttt I i.d Ill tlt1 1 _, 5TATE OF CALIPClllN A 1'01 THE COUNTY OF ORANGE E t~ f' ol V Cl( J STU ... llT •"l.11 VE RE J SCHUi.Tl ~-· V Cit E K HULTZ end t~I VERE J WACHSTETTEI Ott tll"ll NOTICE 5 H!RE9Y Cl VEN c P'f c I'd on o1 1111 tbovt t11me<1 d«c"lllln 11111 ' t)t' toni ntw,. c 1 "" 1~• n1 Ille ild dl>.CHI~ t t l!f!U td lo f l'lt.,.. w Ill II'!! 11ec ... 1~rv woutht ' 11 IV off ct Cl! llt er.'°'""" 1bowe t n ltd cov" o Gtll'M Wt1vt , )I h $ Nt-l t acn C1 lat11 • • Id FfYt ltol Ap 0 Ot IYil t $1 H11n 1111<><1 •t1cl'I (l o n I D1 HI NOYIMl>lf , '"' G.o or WttYt I Id Fye si. e or C• fo n • o 1n1t '°"" v On Novtmbf ! '"' W o r "'' 1 Nol• y Pulltc II •NI 0 ••d 5• t Pl ""'' y IPl>ll td Oto •• W••ve • ..., I Id F Y• ~nown G me lo lie ""' Pt O(ll\I WllOU lllllMI lr'I l!JllK.r ~ O hi W h n 111 u1111nl tnd 11cknowltdu1cr h«v ~~ ecu H 11e 11me OFF CIAL ,E ... L) /Nlry It h Mo on No 1ry Pub CCI a,.. Pnt.,..Olc111 0 11'111 (QUI> y Mv Comm ulon E..1 ... ... p • ,,. Pub 1n..i o t"9• COi• o~ Y P lo N&vtm!Ho ll l'O 11 t l'MI Orctmb• f ffl tOU_.t , ___ L_E_G-;A;;;L;~;;;O;T_I_CE ___ \ __ __':L~E::'.G~AL~NOTICE I IAll 1141 ,.JJUI NCllll;I! TO CllCllTOllS CllT F c;ATI Of' IUSINIE!i!i IUf'EllOI COi/iT OF THI! flCT Tl0U5 NAME 0 n•Y• • l lw Ro1d 0 1no• Cl P 1c• o b<ls 11eu o ml•ll>P ftn11g o f\f~ftO dPCe<ll "' h n ou mo11 1\1 1 •~bc~onol h noce D• td Nov•mt>' 1 fff Me t Shi'" Aamn1 10 o "Es1eo ~~ tllOV~ II~ ... d (I Cfl!tn COOl(SIY SCHUMo\C"l'I COLIMAN MINYAllO I NOWAID UJ T-ft & C1u~ v l&.1~ Or1n•t C• ti '9 Tel !7' !O!I -.. The .,-~ g"fd ooe. ce ll' Ill 1 con crox 1111 • bu$11ttl • P 0 l o• 1" 't:M0<\6 d• Ml C• to n t und• ht c I I Oul I m 111mt of NOEl(AP l r.d 111 ii d m • (OffU>OSe<l 0 "• lo .,.. "II 1>e son wllO>e nl-n u I na o lt t o ;t'S Ol'f'tt ' ~I 0 -· Robe L " 1191 ~II 4.113' l trt>Ool L•~ Co 11<11 de Me Ot e<1 Nov•mbr a 06' Robe L v ng• on Sa e o (1 Olll l 0 t"llP Coun v On Nov•mll<r • lOt• NO.JV P~b( 11 1>0 o Pf $0111 V IOOl't td Pobfo ~no• amt ob~ hfn n1m• • IVll•C ~ 0 " s umen 1nd 1ckno,.lf:clgf'd hr 1111• OFF (AL SEAL! Ml v I( He11rv "IO $fV P~b CCt 0 I P nt1>• Off ct n 011<>tCounv ~ v Comm 11 <1<1 E~P Nov 4 911 P b\l•f'd Oanoe Cw• O~v P ~ >liOVffl °' I 711 11 ~l'MI Oe<tmbf n• 1Dl~9 Ai. 111v1 IOI' Adm 111 r• Of LEGA.L Pun 1nta Ot•nv• Cea 01 v P lot ;-------No ernbf J XI 11 1<'d Dtctmn i t4f Ctt-4~ LEt AL NOTICE -----T .. '4tJ NOTICE TO Clll!OITOllS l'ElllCIR COUIT Cl' TM!': i TATE OF CA1. l'CllNIA FCll THE COUNTY 01' OIANGE Nt AMU4 WISHBUllN I F:r. Al NOTICI --SAi ' ,, NOT CE TO CllED TOii \ S l'Fll 011. CCIUllT 01' THE STtfE OF CAL FOINIA FOi THE c;OUNTY 0, Ollo\NGE No A ••n1 E• I ~ o W,,_LTER R ST .. Bl' D~tt•I "' NOT CE IS HEllEIY GIVEN o h• G e<I O!'•G I EGAL NOTICE 1---~•UIT CE fO CRPO TOlll ~ PEI OR COUllT OF TME Sl•TE OF CALIFORN A 1"011 fHE CO NTY OF ORANOE Nt • Motl o LAURA M,,_R l' SHAW 'c CllTll" CAflf_ OF coii'Oiii"i'ON""PO. TRANSA(f ON CIF •USINESS UNOR I F CT TICIUI NAME THE VNDEllS (;NED COllPORAT ON We• 111 env ..,..., h tr11 ~ cO<>duG nv • llul n~n IOCI "° A rl1l H • II 0 Bout •O Cos• Mt•• Ct 0 11 1 vnot "' c ou1 m l\Dll1~ o SULLY S COF'F'EE SHOP and "" ;. d "' comPOI~ o ,,,. lo low n~ (O Po 1 Oii W~O( p ~~Oi PICf 0 b~IM• •I ••• '" '"' M~ • C W TNE5S lot Ill D Obi « of llwl W ol IN ·-f\fl'l'ltd dectdt l\I lllld or ... UUlftCt ., t '' n 1men11,.., a 111 1 Hn-o"" ~ ~ tll(f (I """ (11 ' 111101 ~· Ut 119" OU'! W ttl,. tfld fll• "" I"" t f'llt O Ke ol !>et illt ... i-11111 bftll M W Oectmbe " lfft • ' 30 • m 11 lf!w cou •niom ol o.,..""''" No l 01 ,. ct COY I. 1llO (vie Ce"• 0 vr WIS " l!>e C v VI S.ni. Atil C1 fof11 1 Oallfd Ot<tml>r 1 ,., WE ST JOHN touny C tlc. Gt .... ft • KHlll t t NI HtWlllrt e!wt NtWHff •tl<h Ct fl rtlt U6't Tt 111•1 ... lttl AttOf'ntv to f'lll i.111r f'vbl thl'll O 1111111 c111111 Deeembe t 1 10 ,., LEGAL NOTICE • E Vt~ Co11 01v P ~ J P6' 7hS.o9 . " 1!1J ,. I EGAL NOTIC E IEl'f'lltl': TME-PUBL C-UT l T E\>'----------------l;OMM SS ON OF TNE STATE OF• CALIFOINIA P JU I N THE MA YER ~ t,• CEIT F CATI! 01' &U$1Nl:St """ c• <><! cl 501JT ERN F Cf T OUS NAME CAL FOllN ,,_ EO SO l':OM PANY 11> I ce 1 ""Or • qnra "°'' co ., !l!l•y " 1 conduel ng f bll1 nr11 t •101 l• L""'• Stn • ,,_,.. Ct om 1 \lndt hr c °"' m "'""' a B & R ENTERPR SES -"Ill Ill M <I m s comll'Ole<I ol Ill• lollow n~ ~ "°"I Wl\oll Ill-" hi 1f>dj o K•• e • ~entf • e Ii lo low• II " E S • "' •702 l• l orn1 Son 1 " Ct on• t710S R"'· C We911t 111 I ve vow 0 ~no" C1 O nl1 ""'1 o, M:I Novembe 71, '6t I! E s a r Rov C Wf911f Seto/Cf..,11 1 LOI """" ~ Coun y On 1 -69 bt Ott me t Mnltry .011b c <Intl Dr ~ d S llf 1>e 'IOlll Y IPP I (j B E s 1 • Ind ll•v c We111t k,..,.,... nt ~ • I lo mt o be ,.e ""°"'' WlloH 111mn o fte 11e1 ne n lie tub:lc bra o ht w h 11 M rvm~n i nd tbO ~ ~" od mo ~r o e Comm J.. I Ck"""' e<1qed hev e•ecu td thf 1am1 1ont MOI" 1nd E11m nt! Miii lat OFF(AL5EALI W~ntldll~ Oect mbt 1 ff• I 0 00 8 Iv A lie 1m n ~e Aud o ~"' Comm n v No •rv Pvb r Ct 11 1 C ~ HI ComP e~ C v o "v Comm nnn (•• e1 Foun •n Y1 ev Ca ona 1 wh h Mec11 • 91 me •nd "><'e • 11 ~es ea oa C PAUL DIJBO I nnoe• •n~ be htt a " 0 ne~ I Law 01 v f' o llY Oll OER OF THE IU 0o "° 0 ve Oec,mbe ' UT L TIES COMM SSIO NtWPorl •••cft Cal trn . :IOl>t 0o t<t " $811 F l fte ICO II i ~I ,. dtl' T 4~ ----01--C-E-~~~"lo Novtmbe t6t Pub ~d O an11• Cot LE(; AL N I WILLIAM w OUNLOI' Otctml>I! ' 11 15 l6t IAll 1 41 NOTICE TO CRl!:D TOii SUl"Ell 0111: COUllT 01' T"I STATE OF CALl,OINIA 1"011 THE COUNTY 01" OllANOIE Mt A-M11t E• It o R.ON ... LO SPENCF=R DeGtO ed NOT CE S H~REIY GIVEll to M C -0 Of'• Of llt 8boYf nlofflt'lf dt"teclfnl lh•t 1 l>t >0111 l'lt Ylr'lt cltlm1 •ti 11sl llt Stec a • P~bl C U f" (0111111 H Oto ~110 C1fM11 t Pub lhtll 0 11191 (!I'll Dec...,~ 4 t&f I EGAL NOTICE .. ,, ... , I cw -.. • .!2 Olll Y PILOT 5 Your Money's Worth Non-foods Fatten OVER THE COUNTER Supermarket Bill NASO Ll1tlng1 for Wednesd•y, December 3,. 1969 By SYLVIA PORTER lf you're griping about your soaring food bills today. of c::ourse you have reason '!'he food we buy to eat at home cOSt.s close to 6 percent n1ore: thr.i a yea r ago -and for meats, poultry and fJsh, the sales slip 15 up nearly 12 ptr· cent But the story is not merely one of higher price tags oo all foods ac ross-the. board. Jl's far 1nore com plex and far more fascinating than tbal. Part of our h1ghl'r grocery- supermarket bills also can be 1 raced to · our ever r1s1ng preference for gour1nel foods and relatively expensive con- diments. (Our spend1.1g for barbecue 1ngred1ents such as barbecue sauce, m u s I a r d • relishes, pick.Jes, paper cups and plates is soaring ~ PART OF the bigger bills "tan also be traced. as we all know, to our ever ~1s1ng preference for converuence roods, ranging rrom prepared baby formulas to "JUSt add water" meals. Part can be !raced to our ever rising lood'.1ess J o r :;nacks, "·b1ch are on the way to becoming a kind of .. fourth meal'' m the America n home. Our spending ror snacks 1s a towering 68 percent higher lhan a decade ago. But the most dramatic of the explanations for o u r record high g r oeery- supermarket bills isn l in the food categroy at all, for the big surge r,1 spending has been in NON-FOODS -and these now represent 23 percent of our total store bllls vs. only 14 percent as recently as one detade ago. JTDJ: A full Jive our of 10 or the fastest sale gai ners in the nation's supermarkets and grocery stores in 1968 were. non-foods, according to a ·.1ew st udy o( co nsume r ex- penditures for Supermarkellng magazine. The leaders \\'ere paper towels, greelLng cards, dishwasher co mpound s. furnllure polish and deodora nt soaps. Long Beach Space Asked ITEl'iJ: Also aniong the fastest gaine rs \\'ere dry cat food and canned cat food, can- ' led soft drinks and d1elet1c S<lft drinks. The sole baste rood uem for human con· sumpl1on among the top gainers was frozen prepared foods. One factor behind the non-.-====;;;o;i' GIYI YOUR SECRnAIY A HtLPING HAND! TAB 3M CO'S DYNACHROME FILM SALE! • Ip eludes Processing • REG. SALE SUPER a ASA" U? 2.99 20 Exp. 35m11.1 AsA" 3.13 2.19 20 Exp. 126 ASA64 3.1 3 2.19 NEW 3M COLOR PRINT FILM 3.69 f.or All ln1tamarlc Cam•ra1. 126 Slit. lnc.ludH Procn1lng & Prints. VIVITAR MOVIE CAMERA SUPER 8 -4 to 1 .ZOOM LENS ~ - ~· ~.\ ( : .;..._...--- ' . . , "' • ,... • ,, I · e Battery oper•ltd or AC • J.Fllmlng SpHd• e Uu R•t:h•rgabl1 8att1ria1 •nd Cherge Built-In • Power Zoom • Super Shi1rp Vivitar \.en• • Reflex View ing C~MPLETE WITH Case .. Movie Film Lite Save .... 16.95 17.95 3.20 38.10 ***** VANIMAN CAMERA 8931 Adams Blvd. Adems nt•t to Magnall• Huntington Beach 962-5959 SPECIALIZING IN INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION OPEN 11L CHRISTMAS, 9 'til 9 • N•1t te Afltet-taon'1 M1rktf Complete-Ne,v York Stock List ,.,.. "'' IMb.I ..... Ltw (.IHI Cftt, ltla,.ket Symbols Lie G•• 1 .a L1msn ~•ss I l1r>ell v I '10 LanvRzllO LI -51 61) Lee S IQ SO te1 So 11!1 lS Le11c11 D• 1 Le1~0 111] '10 t••••wv 501:> t.ee1hNM 50 Le11ot11 .e Le~PCem 60 L•h 8Vlnd Lthmn l.tlQ UOfll dR; 116 Leve Fd C111 LevFlnc: IS. LFC F nine LFE Ce>tll L bOFrd 110 llbOF 1110 15 LDll McN l L bf IVCfl 10 Clb Yln l )'.IQ L bYLn ol lS l oaMv)SO UciaMY 1111 t :~~i Ill~ L 11<1 Tl/ 1 ll L llOAA 21 L 1111 TV of S L one Corti L on 1 n L onocof l on cv11! l Leino Bl LO(~ndA 1 10 LDOwsTht! n Londnlwn JO Lor.es Cem loneSG1 1 ? L011<1 •L JO Lo a CIM'J) L8 L•na !ta Uu sG E 1 4 L""' N11ll ..-low•n1!n llO L ull rol llO Lucltv St 1C1 l udow 1GI Lutem Sr I l um1 Inc l \10 Co 11 LV-Yllll lOcl LvkYa 11nso Weooesda y's_ Closing " " ' " ' '" "' " ~ • ' " " • "' " • ·~ " " ' • .~ 'l: • " ~. " ' ' .. •• .. " . .. • " . " . " '"' '" '" " "' • 4 >. . , ., .. " • • " ... " , .. UI J)lo -L- ' ' " .. " l, Jl ~i ' " " " • " • " • " .~ "' , " " ,.l "' " " "' '" " '" " • " " ' " .. .. " d " " " " ... ?S 11 ~~ ~ .. ••• 192 JI ~ •1 •• . " , " ~] 17 1 ,, • J 35 • .. . 6 521 " ' " . S2 ii 1 ... .. ' 0 J7 I 17 , ••• llt 19 .. 10 ••• • 0. , " l l 16 • ' , 1• 6• ' '~: M.1: 2S 2) Jt 211.o II JI ~ ". ?10 61 I.JO 15 u ll i . . '• •• " • ' ' • '"' " " . - ' . • l l • 0 • l' 0 ll),, 11 I) ' . .. " " '9 " • . " >10 5; '1 n l~ ~ H? 1] ' . • • • . " h 11 l1 1• • )• s ' • • . " ••• ~ " '" " .. J! J? • , '" Ill is • " . ,, J• . " ' ' . ' ' • • ... 1jl 13\, ' 0 " 1 Oii 61 10 61 • 11~ so~ 270 12 .. w > •O 51 ,,, " J1 )l • ' • , ' .. ' " '" ,, ,. .. "' "' " " • '" " ' " • " ' U! • " ' 2~h ' ' " " ~ '" • " . .. ... " " '" '" '" " "' ' . • • "' il •• "" " ,. " " "~ '. • " " • " '" n " • "" .. " • ' "' .. " ' "' ~ ... '" " • " . • Prices • " • • 19«! •• 1 JI I ' " ' " ~I •I o 1) J • -' Complete York Indust1·ial Mru·lc Sags Below 800 Nl;:W YORK (UPI) -The Do• Jones Industrial ,1vcragc sagged belo\v the 800 line today as the 1narkel decline contrnucd unabated Selling light n1ost of lhe session accelerated near the close lea' 1ng declines \Vlth about a 5-to-1 111arg1n over gain ers Analysts sa.id morale was broken ''hen th£' Dow stayed belo\v 800 long con ::.1dered a key resistance level 1hc OJI!\ \\luch reflects movement in 30 se- lected blue cb1ps \vas off 7 99 at 793 36 well below its closing low for 1969 and only about 2 points ubove its th1ee year old of 79114 set on Jan 4 1967 The UPI market\V1de iudtcator sho\ved a loss o! 1 44 percent at that time of 1 592 issues traded 0£ these 1 147 declined 244 advanced \ \Olu1ne of arouud 11 n11l11on shat cs 1an ahead of ruesday at a co1nparable period A.naly sts said \veakness or the Do\v encouraged add1t1onal selhng although th ey no ted \Vall Street 111 ge ne1 al stLll 1va s concen1e d over lnOat1on tight ct edit an d )lrospects for lo1vc1 lhan expected corp orate profits next yca1 An1ong the day s mos~ active issues \Vere Del \\ebb Grun1man and Occ idental Del \Vebb t1 ad ell an early block of 199 900 shares and Grumman <1 block of 164 700 Both \vere ti ansacled al levels be lo\v Tuesday s clos1ngs Prices eased on the A e1rcan Stock Exchange 111 moderaate trading -= Oteembet 1%.t DAJt V ,JlOT ~-=--=-=:c.:.:..:c.:;...~~-~-- Stocli' Exchange List -·~ _, .. ... -\f _,, Final Stocks Jn All Home '' \-•9 •• " Editions I• - Com11lete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List ! " , " .. ' • " • .. .. "' • •• ' ' ' ,, ,, •• '" " '" ~t IOI~ ' "" .. "" ... ' . • • ' . " " , " 10 •• • • • . ' ,, ll ' . " " 2•~· ' . 1 I •~• I 11~ 0 lO>o u 2•~. ' 11'4 • n. 11 10 • 11 ~ rloo Sl ' .. . ' 13 11 31 11 ' " 27 0 -u 1n 16 , . " 15 ]1'4 ,, ?J • :i: 3l ~ • •• " ' ll 10\i .. '" I . ' . .14 •• ..., • u ~ ' . . ' n n ,, 1 ~ . " " , " . 1• '12 ... .. ,, .. "" 1 Ill~ Jj J -31 10~. 1~ ,: • •• " . so " • '~ m: ' " "' " . " ' .. .. ,. . :, 1i•: 5) 19 I • • 33 11• ts 7•~ !~ iii· J • . ~ . )S 31' t ,,i1 • • ,_ 4 I 9 IQ ' ' " " • 14 • . ~ • •• . " " . C/ 111'1 0 n ~ • ! ~ Jl JI 1 . , . . • 11 '~ • •:: ,:· • 11 1 ~ l ., ... 71 lJ IJ ' ' I • " 19 • l Jl })1) ; : i • J n: ~!· l , • ~ t lG 10 711 J1 31 ''"• .n . ll l '~ ~~ 1 Jl~ lJU ~i ~· i' !I 111 1 I ,, 1\1 " 1•, 0,1, ~\\ I a I 6 ) ,. . ,, 1\ \~. 'l" ' " l " I'• . / 0 I 10 I \1 U 1 '!" I 11 I ';! a.~~ :1~ l I o I 3 lS 'l" ' !l • • • ,, • 20 • , .. , .. . . 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OPEN TH URSDAY & MONDAY EVENINGS JOIN THE EXCITEMENT ·~'""'OS>'" r-"" --. -.. --1 ( J -, ·/ .. ; ~ '· I . l . I I I I •' _) ' . L.i '/Y> • I ' • ' •. I J J . l ~ l ,. ~-1 • ~ ::.i=, :. .• -:::rJ ·---' ~ ' . ... • ~_.;.-: . .z_.{! • ....._, :.:.:J) ~ ~ --- WHEN HE ARRIVES ' AT THE GIANT SNOWMAN ,,. I \ '" ' . ' ( • ' -, ' '· ~) ' ' < \ 1 < .,, ' • • LISTEN FOR THE SI REN AND BELLS ON THE BIG NEWPORT BEAC H FIRE TRUCK , • • FOR TH E YOU NG STERS ' . -' . -' UP'I TtlfMle .. Museu11a on Move Perry J . Rathbone, director of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, smiles as he holds copy of the Venus de Milo while a work horse stands by to pull waga on carrying art objects. The museum was staging a recreation of the move to its piesent museum from its original site in Copley Square. The origi· naJ move took place in 1909. OCC Forensics Team Wins at Riverside Orange Coast C ol I e ge' s undefeated Forensics team swept 34 awards including the first place sweepstikeS trophy to win the Riverside Junior College In vitational Speech Tourney recenlly. The OCC sweep was com- plete when Coach Barbara Burgess won the Coaches' after diMer melodrama award, ~gged on_ by fe l101v coaches J ack llolland, Freda Sathre and Peg Taylor. The OCC award winners: Expository -Lyal ~lerrog, Garden Grove, first place men; Bill Landers, Cosla ~1esa, second place men; Pierce Lucas, Garden Grove, third place tie men; Greg Bodenhamer, Garden Grove, fourth place men; Nova lrachez, Costa Mesa, first place women: Jean Q'fankenshlp, Costa ·?lesa, se- cond place women. Extemporaneous -Erjc Samuelson, Garden Grove, se- cond place men: D o n Sizemore, Costa Mesa, third place men. lmpromp'tu Don Sizemore,. Costa Mesa, third pl ace men; Dorothy MacMillan, Costa h1esa, third place women; Cathy Barrett, Corona del Mar, fourth place \vOmen. · Persuasion -Lya l Herzog, Garden Grove, third place men. Superior Certificates -Bill Landers, Costa h1esa, novice debate, second place; Jim Farrmum, Newport Beach, novice debate, second place; Gregory Bodenhamer, Garden Grove, Expository, fourth place; Pierce Lucas, Garden Grove. third place tie, Ex- pository; Tom Hubble, Costa Mesa , Oral Interpretation: Cathy Barrett, Corona del Y.ar, Impromptu, fourth place: Alike Miklaus, Hun· tington Beach, Impromptu, Dorothy MacMillan, C o s t a Mesa, Championship Debate; Don Sizemore, Costa Mesa, Championship debate: Jim Odriozola, Bartsoa I s I a n·,d , Persuasion. Excellent Certificates - Jose W.:endoza, Costa Mesa, Expository; Bob·Scott, Corona del Mar, ExpOsitory; Wendy Taylor, Costa Mesa, Oral Interpretation ; Kathy Farrell, co·sta Me s a, Or a l Int e rpretation ; Eric Samuelson, Garden Grove, Championship Debate; Mike Mik1aus, Hwitington Beach, Championship Debate; Rita Wakely, Costa Mesa, Persu·asion; Wet)dy Taylor, Costa P.lesa, Persuasion ; Nova Hachez, CoSta Mesa, Persuasion; Pierce Lucas, Garden Grove, Persuasion; Dorothy tlacMillan, Co s t a 1\1esa, E1temporaneous. A Gift with a Lift • • • soNv·s·" CLOCK RADIO A radio that pou« out full, rich AM from a cube sound-chamber cabinet And any· thinli big clock radio can do, Sony's 6RC-23 can do too-but in less than 5• x 5~ of space. Front clock switch makes time-setting simple, and the large clock face is designed • for · easy-reading. Charming cube-shaped set comes in a walnut-looking finish that's_ vert rich. But you don't have to be to buy it. 801'1'" .IUST $19.95 @DAVIS BROWN 411 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Dolly 9-9, Soturd•y 9-6 646-16'4 _/ Company -Acts OAJL V PILOT .15 as Big D~ddy to Workers TOKYO (UPI) -IJ> a nation .when flrms are proud of their paternalism, Mat.sushi~ Elec- tric 11 a typically unibuhed big daddy. It boast.s tj)at""for Mal9ushita employi:s ''every day begins and ends with the singing of the company song." An American firm trying Jhat might find JtselL dealing wlth a revolt, a strike or at least a un!Qn grievance. Not so in Japan, where worker s proudly wear lapel· pins bear- ing their company's emblem. · Matsushita takes pride in what it calls its "own versioo ot the famous saylngs or look after almost everything. '1 Cbalrmln Pf.ao -baMers ·Many Japanese· firms pro- strung across th~ production vide rue medicaJ care, free lines exhorting the 'Workers to educational courses, moothly eVer~greater efforts to lm· family allowance1, holidays in prove the quality of their prQ. company-owned villas and in· ducts." expensive luhches in company The electronics ii1m claims cafeterias. that .. even centuries-old Zen Some companies provide meditation techniques a r e employes 'With low:rent-hous· made .use_of=to develop con-· lng, and whep a wor·ker -is centration and improve the ready to buy a.. house his com.- quality of soldering i n pany o~ loans him the transistor radios." -money at less than the market "The company is like a :ate, builds the _house and sells parent " one of hfa~hita 's 1t to him at Jess than the ads q~otes personnel director market price. Hiroshi Yasukawa. "We must P.1atsushita contends that when all those fringe benefll.9 bonuse:i:, which virtually all scheduled before the rush hour are added up the sum gives finn1 pay, are rituallltlc and and tnd before It act.i.Jy the lie tp the theory that almost never vioknL Workers starts. . Japan's booming ecooomy b don head bands and stage To Westero ears that lyric built on cheap labor. demonstrations burit's all might seem Jeu than Jn- The , so-called "strikes" tn fairly friendly. spiratlmal, but you cm't Japan for semi-annual A train strike olttn will be argue with su.ccea1. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiii~ . Soatlt-(oast '1ua OPEN SUNDA VS •.• 1·2~5 THROUGH CHRISTMAS ..rnor At IAN OLIGO flUWA:r. COllA. MBA ·GENUINE HAND~KNOTTED Sears Price• Effective Be1lnning Today ORIENTAL RUGS . .. ~~ ,, ~iYi··1 . ',"• •. ' ' , . 4.:¥.i--; For A Limited Time See This Precious Collection at , •• •Sean Torr1nce • Sears P1s1den1 e Sears Co~ta rtles• e Sears Canoga P1rk The follo.,.,·in;i: parlial listinµ: indicateli ru)t: ~ize in feet and inchts. color ilnd price • , • ;i.athered fro111 India, Paki,;tan .. .\f)t:hani~tiln, Iran. \'i~it all four .. tores 'and see the fab· ulous collection-\•a\ued 111 Sl,000,000. The $30,()0(} Bjdjar Ru1 will be (In di1play •l the Tornnee ··tore throagh. Dec. S. Canoga Park 1tore through Dee. 12! Hal9o'ai-Bidjar is a rug made over 80 years ag_o. There are no man made dyes used in the color· jn& of this ru&. only plant and ve~erable dyes including barki of trees and dead bodies of fe. male insects. 1'-fade of rhe finest Kashmir Wool selected for years from the shoulders of sheep. Designs, motifs and colorings are not repeated thrqughour the rug. Jr rook a grandfather. father and son to complete this rug. All generations worked for :r period of 19 years. This rug was owned by a private family and was in constanc use in their home for over 73 years. Jn the last 7 years ir has changed hands 8 rim.c s, each time bringing a i)igher price and an increase in \•alue. This :is the only known specimen produced by ihe Halwai Family. Kind Price Kind Color Price Rup from INDl.~ lRAN.KERMANS 1.:?x9 Chand 1195 lf.2x8.8 'Kerman Blue 1 129:> 14xl0 Chand 1550 14.2:ii:l0.9 Sarouk R•d 31895 :? l.6x I:! C hand 1775 10:9x6.ll Sarouk Red 1795 '1.8x8 Norjah11n 1485 1 l.2xi.3 . f.1iraband Rod 1699 12.l:ii:S.8 Norjahan 1595 l l.5x6.8 Mehraban R~d 1675 I J.9x8.9 .4.nar 1550 l l.6x8.IO ,Shabribaf Blue $2\9:> 9.10x1.9 Anar 8395 13.2x9.4 Tabriz llod 8545 11.l Ix8.ll Rajkot S775 J0.2x1.3 Kahutarahang Cream 1590 ll.9x8.8 Rajkot 1695 ll.7x7.9 Saraband Red 848:> 9.10x7.10 Rajk0t 1550 JlxB.2 Sarouk Blue 11350 12xl8 Chan1l 1650 J3.lx9.7 Kerman Rod 1!950 10.4x7.9 Norji:han 1490 12.4x8.8 Sarouk Cream 81195 l.l.l.xl l.10 Allar 8895 Jl.5x9.2 Kerman (~ream 11095 Ru111 from PAl\IST.4;\i 17.B:ii:ll .8 Kerman Cream 12890 l5.6x9. 7 Kerman t.:ream 8199:> :t6x2.7 Pakis111n 555 16. 7x9. l l Kerman Cream Sl650 6.10x3.l Paki11an 1130 17.S:ii:ll.8 Kerman Cream 12890 6.ix4.l Pakistan 1199 17.2xl0.4 Kern1an Rod 82290 5.1lx8.10 Pakh1tan S555 21 .Sx l2.3 Sarouk lied 83375 J.9x2.7 Paki6lan 15;;. 4.I Ix3.G Sa roUk t.:rea1n $199 2.ixl.10 Gharadjel1 Cream 1485 :;,JOxi&. Pakiatan Sl85 6.3x3.:! (;haradjeh C.reen Sl 19 Ru11 from AFGHANISTAN 5. lx3.:l Borlchalu Rod 899 8.6x6.2 Af~han 1335 5.6:ii:3.8 l\u1abad Red · 114:> 1J.lx7.ll Afghan 8335 J.'i.lx9.l0 Sarouk lloJ 11995 5.8x4 Afp:hin 1240 22.lxl2.3 Kerman· Cre1m 83695 6.9x4.ll Afghan 8255 20.l lxl 1.6 Shahribaf Blue 56300 7.9x6 Afghan 1199 23.7:ii:l3.6 Bidjar Blue $30,000 12.S:ii:9.l0 Afghan 8525 ll.10x8.9 K1butaral1ang Blue 1790 12.l0x6.l0 Afghan 8495 l2.llx9.9 11eriss Brown 11695 9x7.5 Afghan 1275 l0.i:ii:6.6 '\'azd Rod 1575 l•J.2:ii:l0.9 sarouk Blue 12350 TURKISH PRAYER RUGS 7.l:ii:4.5 l\1ehrahan R,d Sl99 25x25-in. K1yseri 1125 6. 7x4.4 H11n1ada11 Red . ' 1140 39:ii:70.in. Kayileri 8189 6x4.3 tilian _ Red 5185 :J9x70.in. l;ayseri SJ89 6.8x4.3 .A.ron Rf!rl. 1185 40x9().in.. Kayaeri 1299 6.10x4. 7 Oardjazin Red 1225 20x40-in. Y 11d• 189 8.5x4.:l Oardjazin Cr~an1 1225 Color 7.3x5.I. Husse inbad Red 1225- IRAN SAROUJCS 7.5x5.:! l\.u1abad Red 1225 2.6xl.IO Gharadjeh 125 • 5.2x3.5 Dardjazin Blue lll9 2.Bxl.9 Char1djeh 825 5.2x3. 7 Dardjazin Cream lll9 2.9xl.9 Gharadjeh 825 5.2xl.8 Dardjatin Cream 159 4.lx2.2 Sarouk Red $99 4.2x2.6 Dardjazin Crean1 165 5. lx2.7 Sarouk Rod 1119 7.3x4.9 S1rouk Blue , 1525 R UNNER SIZES 5.lx3.2 Kerman Cream 1199 14.6x2.6 Kerman Creatn 1380 6.lx3.7 Kutabad Red 1145 l:?.7x2.8 S1rouk R•d S375 6.l0x4.3 1'1ehraban Rod 1199 14.2:ii:2.9 Darj1zin Red S250 :!.Sx2 S1rou le: Pu•hti 145 16.8x2.8 'tehraban Blue 8465 6.Bx4.3 ~arouk fl.Ur. Red 1350 '] l:ii:J ~lehrab1n Red 1195 i .3x4.10 O.hvand Blue S299 13.7x2.4 Shahribaf Blue 8295 6.6x4.7 0 1hvand Rod 129'1 13.8x2.8 S1 rook Cre1m 1565 . 7.5x4.5 Shahrib1r Blue S675 14x2.6 S1rouk Red 1395 , . -·· -~ .. .. •• ,: .;· ' .,--------------------------------------~----------, I Al>Ove C1T"pf:l11 S EARS Ton-a nee SEARS P•t•dena. SEARS Co11a Me1a SEA_RS C.no11 Park I Aval,lable •l the lf1w1hnrne at E. •,oolhilJ ti Brlitol 11 SunOower \'lctorr Blvd. I followins Sertulvr.Ja Rotf!mead. Phone ~ lnSo.Coa1tPlua. atFallbrook I L s .... s...... Phone542-1511 EL5-4211-MUl-32ll ears Pbone540-3333 . Phone340-066l ~-------------------------· ___________________ , 1 Shop NJahto Mond01 11ir.,,.i.so1unla1 t-.30 AM, to 9:30 r .M., sunc1a1 12 N-t• s r .M. .,.....,.._,. "Satltfoctlon Guciranlttd or Your.Monty lock" ' • • I I • .. Thursday, Otctmbtr C, 1%9 Cracli Front Line Troop·s Battle in LA GLENN WHITE • Sports Editor 3 Rustlers On Circuit FiI·st Tea1n Thr('C Golden \\'est football player!! 11 rrr named to firsl team berths on the \II-Southern California Conference teams ~l'lrcted by vote of nl(?mber coaches an- 11ounced today. Jl'ff Jorgensen. elected by teanuna\c!'I ;:i~ offensive captain. was listed al a 111cklc position on offense \1•hi!e l.1ike :;;\monl' at end and Bill Thornhill at l1neback{'r were picked for the defensive unit. Thrcl' Rusllers were na1ned to the se- rond team offensive unit including flanker Roger Parkman, guard Charles l\lcvcretl and halfback Charlie Buckland . S~>cond team defensive selections in- l")uded interior linemen !\like Jones and \like Rice: end Bob Serowi k; and halfback Noel Paulson. Gulden \\1e5t , players r e c c i v I n g honorable mention included Tony Bonwell ;ind Mike Corrigan on offerlsc and Greg Henrv and David Craven on defense. ThC coaches selected a total or \2 J\hJycrs for each of the four teams with the offensive backrield composed of a quarterback. a flanker and tlu'ee running backs On delense. four interior linemen were selcclt.>d.,. along with two ends, three lineb;icke1s and three llalfbacks. The con1plet>e selections: f'IRST TEA~1 OFFENSE r os. 1"ame and School \Vt. '\'r. l·:-~Jathews. llio Hondo 193 Fr. ~-C'rosbv Harbor l80 So, ·r-Jorgen;en. G\VC 225 So. "F-Rupert. Harbor 215 So. (',.,,...Wortman, Rio Hondo 227 So. ':-l\1cDaniel. ELA t95 So. C.:-Ellicciri, }!arbor 222 So. QB-Sander. Harbor 190 So. B-Jones. ELA 187 Fr. H-Saluone. Harbor 178 So. B-Vickers. Los Angele s 188 So. FL--Coleman. ELA 168 Sn. . SECOND TEAi\I OFFENSE Pu~. :'\ame and School \\'t. '\'r. 1·:-Parkman. G\\'C · 175 So. 1 :-~lederios. Cypress 180 Fr. T-Vcal. ELA 240 Fr. T-Rahn. Cypress 1113 fr. (;-l'lleyerett. G\l.'C 190 So. <;-nanso1n, Los Angeles 205 Fr. C-Shepard . ELA 175 · So. \ t.)8-Jaramillo. ELA 175 So. F~\\'alson . Los Angel es J70 Fr. II-Buckland. C\VC 175 Fr. H-L11mpkin. Harbor 170 So. P, ..... :\loch. Los Angeles 163 Fr. FIRST TEA:\1 DEFEXSE Po~. '."\ame and School "'I. Yr. IL-Rupert. Harbor 215 So. lL-\\'hite. ELA 21a So. 11,,--Cibson. ELA 230 So. 11..--l\!Orrison, Los Angeles 220 Fr. J)f.--Simone, GWC 192 So. DE-Carter. Los Angeles 190 So. L.U--Thomhill. ewe 115 Sn. I .8 -?.1alone. Los Angeles 205 So. I.a:-Howell. ELA 222 So. lf&-.Thornton, Harbor 175 So. 1 ~Duren. Los Angeles 180 F'r. l ~I..awsori. Rio Hondo 11a So. ; SECOND TEA~I DEFENSE P_f'. Name and School \VI. Yr. l~ones. G\\'C 195 Su. l{f:..R1ce. G\\"C 190 So. Jf~Davi!i, Harbor 252 So, 1 i;.:.. Wilson. Los Angeles 175 Fr. 1t.-sn1ilh. ELA 216 ·f'r. ltBrembry. Harbor 195 So. I, · Blake . Harbor 175 Fr. I. • Busciglio, ~A 200 1-'r. 1$.-Serowik . G\\'C I~ So, I Ii-Paulson, CWC 170 So. llJ;-Rogers, ELA li6 Fr. ti8--Ra1nirez, Harbor 160 fr. , LOS ANGELES (AP) -The nation'!' football fans will get to see two of profes- sional football's most renowned front line troops in action Sunday when the t.fin- nesota Vikings and the Los Angeles Rams collide in J\1emorlal Coliseum . Unfortunately, the lines in question \\'On't confront e~~h other since both play 011 defense and the way the game is played-well. you get the point. But there they'll be as winners of the Cenlral Division, the Vikes, and the un· beaten Coastal champions, the Raros, • meet in a preview of their Western Con- ference Lille clash in the National Fool· ball ~ague Dec. 27 in Minnesota. The game here will draw a sellout crowd or 78,000. Grid fans are familiar with the mon- sters to be seen-the Nor semen of i\1in· nesola, Jim Marshall. Carl Eller, Alan Pace and ex·Ram Gary Larsen and their able replae&memi, such as Paul Dickson. 1'be Rams' Fearsome Fourso1ne, ~n· eludes starters Deacon Jones, i\1erlin Olsen, Coy Bacon and Diron Talbert, plus ....... ;..,.. • Do Nt1t1abe1·s Ring a Bell7 reactivated Lamar Lundy, Roger Brown and little-publicized Rick Cash. Take-aways. -pass interceptions and fltmbles recovered -are highly regard· ed. R~ms Coach George Allen says, "lf you can Lake the ball a\vay four 1ime.5 in this league you should never lose." ln its 11 \\'inning gJlmes. Los Angeles h{ls made 23 Interceptions and recove red 12 fumbles, Minnesota 25 interceptionl'I and nine fumbles recovered. They are one-two in (he NFL. "It's going to De 1 long afternoon. I • , u,-1 T1lt~~•lt The l\VO not-too-happy gents are Detroit Tigers Ton1 'frc.sh (l£'ft ~ and .Jim Norlhrup recuperating at a Detroit Hospital fo!lowing surgery to repair torn cartilages on their right knees. Doctors said they would be ready for spring training. Big Shoo.tout Coming Up Texas , Arkansas lrnpressive Offensively FAVETIEVILLE. Ark. (AP) -Choose your \\'Capons for the .. big shootout.'' Texas' awesome ground attack. \1-i\h 11 dash or passing, or Arkansas' more balanced offen!>C, only slightly less irn- pressive. The top-ranked Loni;:horns and the second-ranked Hazorback s \1'\ll n1atch 9-0 records Saturday nt Fayetteville in the gan1e of the year and perhaps thr gan1r. of the century. President Nixon is n1aking a speical trip to see it. The Southwest Conference chan1- pionsh.ip, a spot in the Cotton Bo~·! op- posite Notre Danie and a possible na- tional charnpionship are al stake. The Looghorns have three of tht' lop 10 rushers in the S\\'C and only against in· spited Oklahon1a hns the first tea1n been forced to go all lhc 1v:1y. Sopho1norf' ,Ji n1 Bl'rtelscn i ~ !hird in !hr league v.·ith 711 yards nn !14 carric~ and fullback Steve \\lorstcr is seventh with 555 ya rds on 111 attempl~. Ted Koy, a 212-pounder \l'ilh good speed. is 10th gaining 413 yards on 71 car· ries. Both Bertelsen and \V orster "'ere named to the all..confcrrnce tcatn. Quarterback James Street has added 3~9 yard s on &:> attempts for Texas. "Whatever 1ve decide to do.'' saitl Arkansas coach l"rflnk Broyles. ''there is nn ans\1•er. They\·1• ).lOl nine ba cks \l'ho've averaged n1orc thllrl five yards a carry.'' Street has thrown nnly 71 lin1es. com· pleting :1.\ for 5ii yard~. Hts primary receiver is Charles "Co non·· Spey rer, a speedster 1rho has caught 26 for 427 ynrris-;. "They've got a basically sound passing at1ack. like any other team." said Arko1nsas secondary coach ll o o lie Ingram. •·They just haven't had to use j l. .. ·rhe Longhorns' average total offense nf 482 yards breaks do1vn lo 376 rushing and ='>lightly 1nore than 100 passing. The Razorback s have gained 41~ yardl'I a game, 224 on the ground and 191 in the . . air. Razorback tailback Bill Burnett leads the conference in rushing and scoring. He has gained 818 yards on 190 attempts and has scored 19 touchdowns. Barnett. a junior \Vho has scored 3S 1ouchdoYlns in two years, is particularly adept at the goal line. slithering through a crack in the defense or hurdling de- fenders. (JCI Coining Bacl{ Ho111e; • Fall s to· Buffaloes, 80-65 l boULOER, Colo. -\\'ilh :i p::iir or n•fcals ag1unst maior t:ollegh1te com- 11~1lll0i'I behind them. liC ll"Ytnc11 t>askCl - h;il1 team \\•ill co1nc hon1f' tn lace. Ca l tit;Jlf' 1 LA l Saturday niµht at 8. :r11e Ant<'ulcrs .succ•umbed al thf" I rli'\'f!rsity of Colotado1 80·6:>, \\'edncsctay n1Bhl to rnd thri r brief 1v.1>-gnn1c road I rip. l\tonday night. coach Tim Tift'~ club Hi>t a thriller 1-0 Nebraska. 76-73. 'lflrt pra1:1ed his club lor IL'I cflortl a1a1n5t the ,.,.,.o Big Elght pov.·er-s. "I was very happy ~'Ith lhr v.ay our t~rn perlormtd on Uv: tr1p_Playing..1 Nebraska Ind Colorado Vo'aS wood eX' rieri"nce for the learn . Ou r learn ac· l'l'f"tliled thcm scl\'es very \\'Cll .. t Cl h11rf ~ 12.-1 1 l'-•d over <"olnrndn W\!h 14 nunu1es left in lhc first hJll .ind • v.·as thret" poinls behind (:zg..26) \\'ith three minults to go. but Colorado "-enl on a l-0 spree lo t'llJOY A 36-26 advantage at the 1ntern11s~iQn. Colorndo. sixth-ra!lked 1n 1h1· IJPI poll ~nd !Olh rated by /\!'. JUlllperi riut to a big lead early in tht second half. Guard Steve Sabin~ \\'3S the lradui~ l!C'Orer fo r thr Anteatt'rs 1\lllh 22 poull-s u·hile fotl'·ard Jeff Cu nn1ngharn hod 19. UC llltVIN( 011 (OLOlllADO UOI ,..,.....ng11, ... """ ""~· ........ S1t11r!1 .,, • ..,,11 OM' ... ,,,.,.,, 1tn,i1r I I l li (•Ulollt!lll 1 • 1 ol I ) ) J W'°9•*0"1' 0 1 I ' I J l I 1''~01 , •~ I ) JI 1 ) ) l l -~ I G IJ • lO 11 ,,,,(~•II I O ' 10 I I ) (Olf ~ ! 0 1 J 1 c • l J•,,.. .. 6, • l ' ! I ~ ) J lt·••l•D-I 1 1 &~•l•f1111>8"' 1 I J ) ~,.,11 J ~ l 1 •••• ~. 0 0 1~ <II'"'' U I ) ! 0 0 , " :-;~ l1 ~ G11111•tli111aof tlae Net 1'oronto r.taple Leaf~ ~oalle l\larv Ed\vards deflects the puck high rnt n lht• Air af(er r-.·tinncsot11 No rth Stars· Hob Barlo\v tel fl y n shot h'oin tlO~l' In \Vednc~d oy night. The t1vo lea1ns baltled lo a ~5 tie.' Jn ot her .uclion, the I .. \ K ine!) fell to l1hiladelphin, 7-1. think we'll be piJ)'ine this one just as hard as any game we've been in thi1 1eason, '' said Viking Page on the eve of the team's departure for L<is Angele s. "It's a matter of wbo 'i up the most. They'rt a great team. So are we." Thus spoke Deacon Jones who, with Olaen, leads the Rams in sacking quarterback.s, tbe Deacon with 13, Merlin w!Lh 11. Ttie successes of the two huge de!ens. Ive lines depends, of course, on. the efJorts of the opposing offensive l.llent. Jooes ls lavish in praise oI the Ram s' offensive fellows. "They're the best line in the league. Greet coordination and mobility. \\°e have to fa~ them each week in prac- tice and I know how good they are." Undoubtedly defensive captain ~1ar· shall and the Vikes feel the same w:iy about their guy&, which leads to another statistic. Rams quarterback Roman Gabriel has thrown only three intercepted passes, 111lnnesola's Joe Kapp 10. Analyze that one any ~·ay you pleas e. Trades Spotlight Baseball Confabs i\llAi\11 Beach, Fla. CAP) -Felipe Alou 's return to the West Coast and the New York homecoming of Joe Foy -key moves in a pair of interleague trades at baseball'!' winter meetings -stepped Lii> trave l plans for Oakland's Charlie Finley and the world champion Mels. The Athletics obtained Alou, a gifted but aging outfielder who began his 12- year National League career in San Francisco, from the AUanta Braves \\'ecl- ne.sday in a straight swap for 24·ycar-old pitcher Jim Nash. Race Opening At Santa Anita Faces Delay " ARCADIA <AP) -Spokesmen for the California Race Track Association and officials of the AFUIO S e r v i c e Employes International Union s a i d Wednesday differences at the bargaining table may delay the start of the winter racing meet al Santa Anita Park, slated to begin Dec. 26. The unions. representing all employe!I .at all major tracks,-are-seeking a three· year contract u·ith a basic $5 a day in- crea!lt in each year plus other raises and fringe benefits. A management offer of a one·year pact boosting wages and fringe benefits by $2 a day has already been rejected by the unions. Dick: Nash, Santa Anita's publicity director, said more than 1,000 horges are already at the track, that public workouts would start Dec. 13 and that "we are geared to open as usual Dee. 26." And Leo Geffnu. attorney for the union, said: "The situation is rough but we sUll ha ve more negotiations schedul- ed and we hope the management will come up with some realistic offers.'' \Vith.in the wide pa}r .scales al the tracks, doormen get $32.60 a day. sellers earn $36.60 and cashiers make $39.150, aU also rectiving fringe benefits. Both sides admitled the possibility of a strike is greater than at any time in re· cent Santa Anita seasons. A boycott called by race horse owner:1 closed the track for three days two years ago and the union11 called a five-day strike in il,963. But the opening of the winter season has never been delayed. Most recently the start of the inaugural fall Oak Tree Racing Association season at the track was postponed a week by labor problems. But Oak Tree was not a part of the statewide association. lt1omenlS earlier the i\lets announced they had landed third baseman Foy, a n'ative New Yorker, in a 2-for-t deal th:il senl young outfielder An1os Otis, a former "untouchable," and pitching pro- spect Bob Johnson to the Kansas Cit y .koyals. Kansas City also purchased fi\'e i\·lct farmhands in a separale transaction and the Detroit Tigers swapped pitchers \vith ,.1ontreal, gelling Jerry Robertson Jor Joe Spann.a, as Lrading picked up after three unevenUul days al nearby Fol'l Lauderdale. The acquisition of Alou. 3-1, 1narked U1c first step in a three-stage trading pro- gra1n Finley hopes will launcll the A's to\vard the American League \Vest Division title in 1970. Alou was slo11;ed by injuries last year, but still batted .7.82 in 129 games. The hustling Dominican, \Vith a lifetime bat- ting mark of .290, has been named t.o ttlree NL All-St.ar squads. "It's always tough to trade a ballplayer like Alou," said Paul Richards, lhC' Braves' general manager. "Age was a factor_ but our need for another pitcher \vas the basic thing." Nash, the AL Rookie of the Year · in 1966 after a bMlliant 12·1 record \Vith the Kansas City A's, v.•on 12 and 13 games thr. fol101ving two seasons, then slipped to 8-8 la.st year. He joined left-hander Larry Jaster, BC• (jUired from i\1ontrea1 Tuesday !or right- hander J im Britton, in the Braves' wigv.·am. The t.1els replaced retired Ed Charles in' their third base p)aloon with Foy, 2ti, '"ho hit .262 and stole 37 bases for the Royals after being grabbed from Boston in the AL expansion drafl. Otis batted .325 in 78 games with the J\fets' Tidewater farm in the lnterna: lion.al League but just .151 in 48 Y.'ith the parent club. Johnson, a 26-ycar-old rig ht- hander, had a combined 13-5 record with Tidewater and t.1emphis. WHERE TO SEND FOR NFL TICKETS PLAYOFF TICKETS 'Yhen the Rams announced a plan for selling playoff game tickets for Jan. 4, they neglected to give the malling ad· drtss where ehttks should be sen t for purchase of ducats. Send them lo: 10271 \Vesl Pico Blvd., L.A., 90064. Season ticket holders wlll be allowed lo purchase their !lame seal$ for the playoffs with all others being sold on a mail order basi1. Ticket prices are: $12. SS and $6. No more than 10 tlcli;ets \Viii be sold i.o any indiYidual. Against Rival Circuits Trojai1s, Michigan Spo1·t Top lntersectio11al Marl{·s No member of the Pacific-8 has en- joyed more football success against Big tO members than the University of Southern California's Trojans. Since a fa!l afternoon 4"4 years ago "'hen USC slapped Iowa, 18--0, Trojan varsilies have chalked up an enviable mark of 28-17-% in duels with the Blg 10. That's a \\'inning percentage· of .617 USC will carry to Pasadena come Jan. I when it meets the University of Michi- gan's Wolverines. Michigan also bo&.slS enviable credcn· ·········*·-······ WHITE WASH ..................... tlnls In Its confrontations v.'ilh schools now enjoying Pac-8 membership. The Wolve rintt have captured 20 or 2~ gamtl and have outscored tbeir riyals (rom tbe west, 591-66-an a\·erage S.9 per tllt. f\Uchlgan's winning percentsge. is .133. Only Cal and Slanford have cncked Pi.flch11an 's armor. each winnln& • palr from Ute Maize and Blue.. i\lo!IL scores l't11ve been of lhc run&.,..'AY typ< SQ lmpush\g Is the \Volverinc rte0rd th111 \VC 1•111 present it belo\V, VERSUS USC: 49-0, 16-fl, 20-19. VERSUS UCLA ' 4'·13, ~. VEHSUS CAL: 41 -0. 14-6, l0·7, 17·7, 9-ln', 7-21. VERSUS STANFORD : 490. 49-13, 27·i. 13-23, 7·14. VERSUS OREGON , 14--0, 21-0. VERSUS OREGON STATE' 18·7, lH, 41.0. VERSUS WASHINGTON ' SIM), 14-0, 4;. 7. . H For those who may ha\'t missed It, litre's an Instant replay on the Dennis Dummit column t h a t crcattd such a hassle. Only kldd inc. • But bert is a reader who agreed with the column. "I would !Ike to gil't you 11 \'Ott or a~ pto\'a! on your colu~n about Denni~ Dummltl Tommy P"'tbro and the USC. UCLA game. "i\faybe t.lr. Ou1nmit dld nut do Jilnmv Jones In the p1:1s~ln1t department of tb~~ game. But comparr holV much time Jones had tfl pass O\S lb1tt or D1unmh'~ U1nr. I think you will find lb11l 1\lr. Jones •·ins hand1 do..,n. ''Alto ctmpare tlow many Umt1 Jonc1 wa1 1ac:ked II to Dumm.It's. One llllsl thin& anyone "111 lell you 11 that It 11 aot 1tatl &Ital ~DI; tt 11 Utt Wly the 1etrc rtld1 •I late end of M mlautes: ..; "USC 14, UCLA 11:· . ~llkt lletot<k Nt1''Jlort Beach . Thanks !\like. And I'll get you thai ··10 rbcck I proml5ed right •"'D)'. ' , Thursday, Ottembtr 4, 1%41 DAILY PILOT 1!7 ..tlarstow ------ Menaces Griffins • • -HB, Warren Clash Tonight; Lions Trip Wilson, 72-67 By CRAIG SHEFF 01 lh• D1llY P'll91 Still "They are ready for us. 1'hey know we have good • football in Orange County and they're out to prove that they have good football up there, too." The comments were those o[ Los Alamitos footb all coach Frank Doretti and his subject was Barstow, r~riday night's opponent. The two teams, both 11.Q, met!t for the CIF AA cham· pionstiip at Barstow High. Doretti feels that Barstow is the toughest club that Uie Griffins will face in playoff competition. "They are a well-balanced team. They have three fine running backs a rr d a quarterback who runs and passes well ." • ' ' \ • . "' ' ' ~ ~ ' • ~ • r By ROGER CARLSON Of tM ~llY Plltl lllft Huntington Beach meets huge \Varren tonight (8 :30) al _ the Westminster gym tn the batUe of survival .in the fifth annual Westmlnster-M a r in a Rotary lnvilallooal buketball toomamenL Fountain Valley and Bolsa Grande tangle in the 7 p.m. pre.lim in the consolation bracket. The winner of the Hun· tingtM-\Varren affalr will earn the right to meet Westminsttr in :he semifinals Friday night aftu the Lions came through with a 7U7 win over Long Beach Wll!oo Wednes d ay night at Westminster. The rest of the Orange Coast atta teams weren't quite so fortunate. Host Marina !>uilt up an ear- ly 11)..polnt -lead, but lost in the la!t minute of play, 61-60, to Long Beach Poly. The defeat drops the Vikings out of championship coo- tention. They'll meet the loser of tonight's Los Alamitos.San- tiago tussle Friday night in the opener at Marina. The Los Alamitos coach is also concerned with the Grif· fins' punting game -due primarily to the presence of Barstow's Dennis Owens, a 10.0 sprinter, \Vho is rated as an excellent punt returner. AWAI TING CIF 5':'10WDOWN -Cliff Hooper (left), coach of Corona del Mar's The Griffins will miss the undefeated Se_a Kings, and counterpart Bill Barnett of Newport Harbor, ~o And &!Ison fell out of com· pelition after absorbing its se· cond straight defeat, a M-49 decision to Valencia, a~ ?-.farina. serYices of defensive halfback over a fe~ points as they prepare for ~heir Friday night CIF championship John Hamilton, an all-Orange conf~onta.t1~n at Belmont Plaza pool In Long Beach. Newport is twc>tirrie de-- League selection who suffered fend.in~ t1thst and has fallen once to the Sea Kings this year, 7--4. Friday's a compound fracture of the game JS at 8:30. right wrist. ----------------------------------- Garden Grove r I p p e. d 1tfagnolia, 58-38, in other con- solation action. The absence of Hamilton means that Jeff Ticehurst will have to go both way s. Ticehurst intercepted a pair of passes last week while seeing ·limited duty as a defensive . halfback. Do retti praised the play of . Ticehurst and linemen Don Mickelson, N e I so n Cham· berlain and Jeff Dickey. ~Junior halfback rv:ike Hixson picked up 199 yards last week In the Griffins ' 4H victory over Riverside Poly. Hixson has be~n a starter for only three games but already has totaled 501 yards in 69 carries Ior a 7.2 average. Ticehurst has caught 47 passes for 649 yards and seven touchdowns. Quarterback Vic Pereboom has completed 81 of 135 passes for 1,403 yards and 13 touchdowns. l\later Dei Posts First Wni,96-52 ?\fater Dei outscored the visitin~ Saddleback Roadrun- ners, 25-8, in the second QUart.er and went on to post its rirst win of the campaign. 96- 52, in a non-league basketball lilt \Vednesday night. The Monarch s. who came out pressing, forced t h e Roadrunners into numerous turnovers and took a lead they never lost four minutes into the first stanza. Coach Jerry Tardie's crew built up a 77.34 third quarter margin , allowing him to substitute freely in the fl?· maining period. Warner Raes paced the Monarch attack with 19 points. Tom McMenamin added 15 for ]\fater Oei and Torn Walker 14. Steve Fritz tallied 11 points. "'ith most coming in the final quarter. Senior forward Ralph Chan. dos of Mater Dei left with the regulars in the third quarter but was able to gather in 18 rebounds before retiring. He also added eight points. Sc-llY OVerltn S.-d<lleb1c~ u t t7 11-51 Mti.r Of! l• 15 21 19-ff MATElt DE1 IHI '~­We~tr MCMtnaml~ "" .,"r,..1!1t1k Rober II ""' Gcrm.n ICfmHr Frln NH!I" lll"l~-"'D Tot1I• "O "T '" T, l 2 1 I I I I 11 s l ' 15 ' I • It j 1 11 t n II 1 a 0 1 1 ' 1 0 , 1 l ' ' , 1 1 11 ~ i ~ ~ " 12 21 '' Gone Too Far to Blow It Now, The game of lhe night Wa.5 the Poly-Marina struggle and it wasn't decided until the final three se<:0nds when ~1arina wu unable to convert Says Saddleback's Hartman- a one-and-one situation, trail· ing, 61-&l. The Vlkes had led nearly all of the way, trailing 2--0 at the outset, 57·56 with 2:32 re· maining, 59-58 with 52 seconds left and 61~ with 16 seconds to go. By GLENN WHITE Of 1111 Of.Uy Piiot Slltf As Saddleback f o o l b a 11 CQach George.._Hamilt.oo puts it, "we 've gone too far now lo blow this one." He's referring to Satu rday night's state junior college championship game against Yuba College at W.arysvillc 1-ligh School in Northern California. "All year we've been poin- ting to being the No. I ranked team in the stale. Now that we 'ye gotlen there Yuba is in the same position we were in before when We were second to Reedley (Saddleback bomb- ed Reedley lasl week to become No. 1). Hartman believes h l s smaller Gauchos will somehow pull oil another v i ctory, despite Yuba's wide edge Jn weight in the line. The 49ers are 29 pounds per man heflier but Hartman s3ys he's confident his forward wall can meet the challenge. ''Mt. San Jacinto aYeraged 226 per man (Yuba averages 215) and JC Poloists Ga in SoCal R ecog nition Golden West and Orange Coast College v;ater polo tea1ns pl3ced on man each on the All.Southern California water Polo team selected by vot e of the coaches with Fullerton placing three and Cerritos two on the JI-man squad . Don Lippoldt of Golden \\1est and Steve Wagner at OCC were honored on the first te;im. Second team selections in· eluded Harry Noah of Golden \Yest and hlike Allbright and Doug Schaumb urg of Orange Coast . Honorable mention went In David GriHiths. Roy Buell and Kris Swenson of Golden West. Joh n Blauer. Bob Moseley and Gary Thompson were honored from Otange Coast. we did okay against them - I'm confident our line can do whatever it wants to do. "But emotion is the big thing In this game, anyway." Hartman is hopeful injured blocking back Rocky Fletcher will be back on duty. But he says there is no chance hob- bled receiver r-.tarc Hardy will be able to play. Appraising Yuba, Hartman says the 49e rs present more of a problem than Reedley because if you shut off one phase of their game, they can turn to other things. Reedley was essentially a passin1 club. "We've got to stop Fred Ri_ley _(.the .state's Jeading scorer and a 9.9 sprinter). We've got to keep him from going outside and getting the long gainer," sayd Hartman. "But we also have to keep their fullback (Tom Porter) from grinding out the yards. And, we have to keep a good rush on their passer because he is a good thrower." Regarding the Gaucho of- fense, Hartman believes jt can move against anyone. * * * Scwt ,, GVlrlffl M•rlnt Is 11IJ 1 •~ LI PolY OU 111""-'1 ll1lrd Mo11er SlrlHOfd llt•I MtGu!r• E1rlt ,.,,~ Crrirl1e Tottli .... 11111•1• llulle• s1.,,,.,1~1 011111 Ml~IOl"I 'cro,~~d MARINA IH) ,G "' "" '' I I J t J j 1 u ' ' l :io 1 , l l I D 0 I 0 1 I 1 1 0 • ' 0 1 I l LI l'OLY 01P 16 13 '° 1'0 PT "" Tl' 1 0 l 1 l I 0 7 l 0 3 ' 0 l 2 ] • ' l ,~ 1 0 0 1 2 0 I i 141]1561 lt..-1 ~r ONr....-. W11tml~111!1" 11 II 20 1~71 No Sugar Plums for Van, He Dreams About Haden LI Wltsor1 1111111,._..7 WIESTMIJrUT• !HI Ntwr.o.J~t ,~ '1 p~ T~ Mtnn Jl2t lllM 020 1 MCLtndOll 1 1 l 11 ~f00ffl(k 1 11 4 JI ~!~wlU 1 0 S 2 Tol•I•· 21 30 lS n LI WI LSON un l'G "' Pl' T~ By HOWARD L. HANDY Of Ille Of.Hr l'Htt still . 'Tis the Yuletide season, to be sure. But vision! of sugar plums aren ·1 dancing in Anaheim coach Clare VanHoorebeke's head-far Crom it. The ones dancing in his head when he does get to sleep these nights. are passe s thrown by quarterback Pat lfaden of Bishop Amat High School. Bishop Amat and Anaheim meet in semi final ClF AAAA football action at Anaheim Stadium Friday night. ··1 cah see that Jillie Haden in my sleep and 1 wake up th inking about him," VanHoorebeke says. "If that was all we had to '\"Orry about {his passing) we could drop back and wait for lhe pass. '·You newspaper guys talk only about their passing and it's natural when you have (John) McKay's name to talk about. McKay is Haden's favorite receiver. Nobody talks about their running game. ''They do a good job running and passing and it gels a little ha iry. If you look at the statistics you see they run \\'ell. In f3cl, they have run almost as much as they pass." The Anaheim mentor con- tinued talking about t h e Lancer eleven and next turned to the defense. "They aren't as big as Redlands but they are rangy and quick. They load up and come right at you. Just look at the record and check how many points the opponents have scored against them;)_. Turning to his own teani, "'tDe Anaheim mentor says he h3s no injuries for this one. He al~ adds that he is disa~ pointed the way his team played last week against Redlands. "They did a pretty good job when they had to but if we don't perform any better than we did the other night, we will be run right QUl of the stadium." 1 2 ' ' J 2 S I ' 0 j 11 1 0 0 1 a o I t ] 1 J , s l J ll j s 4 1l 1 2 j ' kW• or 0111r1:, 11 ts '' i::cti'°" 10 10 12 n-o V11tnc:lt I CllSON c.Jil' 1112-Sol "" l'T P" Tl' ' l 1 1 7 J ' 1• I I e l l I I 7 2 0 I l 2 0 ! j I 0 2 2 l 1 a 3 lt 11 10 '' VALINCIA l~J l'T P" Tl' . . . , ' I I 1 2 I 0 l 12 ' ' , 14 I .1 2 lS ' 1 J J 1 1 2 3 I I 0 J n I IS M Top Athletes Get Awards At Estancia Dave Johnson, Doug Weiler Anaheim will be making its fourth straight appearance in a semifinal game Friday night. The Colonists woo the ClF title in 1967 but were !idetracked the other two years. and Terry Haun captured 14 most valuable aw a rd 5 6 Wednesday night at the annual 7 fall sports awards banquet for 16 Estancia High School. ANAHEIM (II-%) rT Chaffey 28 Redlands 14 Huntington Beach 23 Newport Harbor 15 Football 14 Foolhlll {Bakersfield) 6 Westminster 22 Marina 34 S8'.1l.a Ana 28 Western 24 Long Beach Wilson 14 Redlands 21 Varsity -Captain: Pa u I s Joyct: PlVP: Dave Johnson; o P.1ost Improved : Jim Schultz: 12 · Most Insplratlonal : Rod Felts; n Coaches Award: Joe Marrufo. 7 Soph -Captain: Lee Joyce; MVP: O'Neil Brewer; Most Improved: Pict Pyle. Foothill Gets Biggest Test Water Polo Varsity -Captain: Dan Hefferan; MV : Doug Weller ; "1ost improved: Dan Zanella : Best defensive : Mike Granzella; Coaches Htad Up Award: Ward Saunders. tn tt football 1:ames Lhis .season, Fool.hill High has allowed the opposition just 51 point.s. That's an average or 4.6 per game. The moot points scored against the unbeaten Knights wa!: 12 by Orange in a 38-12 f'oothlll victory. ln their first tw,. ClF AAA pla yoff g:imes IS year, the Knights have alb:ed a pair or high- lng clubs by allow ing just one TD each. ever'; Friday night at San Antonlo Colle1:e. lhlll will get 11' biggest yet against Bon\t11, a team which has averaged 33.9 - points per outing in racing to an 11--0 record. "We're in for a rough nighl U we don't play defen.o:,e" says Foothill coach Ed Ba.Jn. adding tha t Bonita ls jusl as physic;i l as Nerr (The Knlghi.s defeated Nef( 12·7 in the opening ClF playoff game). Bain points out that the KnighLoi: must stop t h e Bearcats' running a I t a c k • spearheadtd by halfback Alli n Carter and tailback Charil~ Schuhman. Carter has picked up 1.570 yards this season, scori ni::· 150 points. Schuhman has added a no the I' t ,390 yards and hns J21i point.3 lo his credit. Bain singled out Ute play-or end Craig Grimm, guard Doug Rothrock and defensive halfback Gary Jackson for lhelr "'ork in last week's 23-6 vict.ory over Rolling llillJ. Jpckson got tht Knlghls n>ll· Ing by ret.umlng a Rolling Hill, punt 86 .yards for a touchdD"'n to tic the score at 6- 6 midway through the second quarter. Grimm and Rothrock were singled out for their play on both offense and deCense by Daln. Rothrock gave the Knights 3 !I.fl e.dgt wlth a 2l·yard fie.Id goal with 38 aeconds left in the hatf. The 180-Pound senior has booted six field goals this season and has connected on 41 of 45 extra point attempts. All-<.'Ot!nty selt'dion B o b Speicher was the leading rusher for the Knighl3 Ian week with SI yards In 17 car- ries. He now has carried lhe baJI 202 times for 1,143 yards and 18 louchdowns. Secon<\·in rushing is lullbock Jim Votaw with 697 yards In 126 carries and seven touch· downs. Quarterback B o b Blacklldge ha! ·completed "72 of 14S passes (49 percent) for liCVen touchdowns. Btt -Captainc 8 o b Petrina; N:V: Tom John.ron :· M05l lmptoved: Kurt Lov- 1nger. Cet -Captain: ~tilton Kawabe: MV: J EFF Littell: Most ImproYed: Tom Smallwood. Cross Cou.ntry Varsity -Captain: Terry lt11un ; 1'1V: Terry Jlaun ; Most Improved: Jack Moort : Most Inspirational ; DeMIJ GrHn. Junior varsity -Captain : Bob Bell ; fi.1V : Tony Kasper; Most Improved : Rick Ne. a I; "fost InapiraUonal: Jim Feff· er. Marina, despite hitting wall from out.side, wu cold overall, tank·ing only 22 or 60 attempts for 36.7 percent. trouble and was forced to sit out most of the second period and three minutes of the third quarter. free throws. The talented front line of Westminster carried coach Don Leavy'! troop! over Long Beach \Yllson with the duo of Dan Broderick and SteYe f.1cLendon accounling • for 5l points. Coach Jim Stephens' con· tingent stayed close with good shooting from the free throw line. But in the end it was the inability to hit on their la.st four tries trom the gratis line that sealed the verdict. The lack of his rebounding and s c o r i n g abilily kepL Marlna from breaking it open. Poly's guard Steve D.allas (25) was impressive. Broderick was high with 31 Md the s.5 senior converted 17 free throws. Ray StraUord and Rick Mosier were high for Marina with 20 and 14 point.Ii apiece, alm05t exclusively f r o m outside. Valencia pulled away in the second and third quarters to slowly bury Edison in a rag- ged game. In all, the Lions out.scored Wil son 30-15 from the gratis stripe. Vlke center Kipp Baird (S..SI found himself in early foul John Fisher, a 6-5 junior. was the only effective of. fcnsive weapon for coach Dave ?o.1ohs' outfit, tanking. 19 on seven fi eld goals and fi ve The wiMers broke it open·in the third period with a 20-12 margin after a 36-all score at the half. Angels Missing Good Bet .. .. -Having Football Prelim . • • • The Angel! are missing a good bet In thei r effort! to bring fans into the Big A. They should schedule doubleheaders with a high school or junior college football game as a preliminary. This weekend will find a pair of games being played at Anaheim Stadium: Anaheim against Bishop Amat High Schools Friday and Fullerton Junior College against Bakersfield Saturday. Both games figure lo draw well in exces5 of 20,000 fans. The Angels could throw in a great HOWAltO ltANCIY HOWARD HAN DY · majority of their crowds and still have room to spare. Interest ln. football at this time of year is ~ peak on all level! -and well it should be. Anaheim is a perennial contender for the ClF's coveted crown and Bishop Amat bring! a razzle-daule, offensive minded team lo the Big A. Fullerton ls likewise almost an aMual con- tender for the state two-year college crown on the large school level and Bakersfield i! always a tough foe in the grid sport. * * * Busiest golf course in the area Is li1ission Viejo where workmen are working virtually around the clock to prepare the layout for the Champion Tops FV Awards Bill Champion was named most valuable player for the Fountain Valley High varsity football team Wednesday night at the Barons' fall l!I p or t s awards banquet. Dan Shaw and Robert Hoff· man were named co-captains. Tim Funke (cross country) and Bob Rice (water polo) also picked up most valuable awards. Varsity -Co-captains: Dan Shaw and Robert Hoffman; MVP: Bill Champion; Freshman (Irvine League) -Co-captains : Bill Childers and w.lke Mobley; MVP : Sam Sepulveda. Sophomore -C1>captalns: Pat Lockman and M a r k Mitchell; MVP: Tpny Sepuveda. Freshman (District) -C<>- captains: Ken Dudrey and Kevin Morris; MVP: Paul Peterson. Cros• C-trJ Varsity Captain : Cameron Haney; "1V: Tim Funke Junior Varsity -Captain : Alan Glover; MV: Clyde Stirewalt. Water Polo upcoming Southern California PGA ment late this month. touma· One man who is spending every waking hour al the course organizing committees. o\·er-seeing the entire picture and spending endless hours on the telephone is professional Jack Fleck. "We hope to change the image of the course from 'Mission Impossible' which was coined by sports"·riters to 'Mission Control', a phrase that ·has been popularized ~y America's space program,'' Jack says. Jack goes on to explain ·hi! reasoning. "A player who can control his tee and fairway shots and then two-putt. is the one who will win here. "In too many tournaments these days the cinphasis is placed on the long ball rather lhan on accuracy. The hot putter is the one \vho generally wins. · "On a shorter course (MW will play tn about 6600 or 6700 yards), the putting chances change considerably." . Fl~c.lt points iwt several olher re.aturcs or the SoCal event this year. "This is the only tournament sponsored by the PGA that takes all qualified amateurs and professionals with no qualifying round necessary. \Ve have three dates set aside !or first round play and will add another \I necessary. \Ve expect more than 300 players. "Another lhing that will attract a large number or pros is the prize money breakdown. From llth to OOth position. we have a better payoff scale than the $1511,000 tou rnaments.'' The pro or pros who finish SOth at Mission Viejo will receive $300 for their efforts. ~ • ! ! i ! 1 I l • Varsity -Captain : Russell Solt; MY: Bob Rlct. Prep Mat Summaries l'm·d· · , ' ing of a Green Christmas V•"ll'f" W"tlllllldwr C•I fJll ,KlfM ~' CPI 6'c:, I. Mtmbrll1• !W); ... lff-C•..0.Zt !I') ff(. I'. MffllbrUlt IWI; 2-0 llS-ltnftt"• CWI dtc. ClltVft 11'11 11·1 1n--o,lllfld1 !I'' 1111, N-IW,1 11·1 llt-W-ldl: (WI •lllnW #NnoZ ,,,, 1:• - l~I'. f'K!llt IWI tlrtw Tvtk" • C ~lt 4-<1 1'1-MCNlvl"IOll IWJ 111""'4 M. '"'"" (~)/ :)t 1 .. L.,..k IWI lll'IMf It. Tvtltt1 (1')1 :15 151,...Gotlulfl l"I 11"'"-' lllat!llt (W)J i:lJ l~eOftt" II') •lMM .V..rll/IU !W)111M 11t-T. C1vltY !I') ff(, a1ln IW)l ... 1f....am11h IP) •\1111H lt1!fl' iWl1 :'1 11V-•1•t• 111 ) ff(. N•1,,111tol'I IWl1 ' --·,.··-·-.. -.• - USH E R'S ·:.::.~·,:. .. .. ,.. @ - .~[E N ..,1,,•· ....... _ .. l.Olllf:D SOOK~ :::.__..,. -USHER'S .,,..~ ...... ~: .... !!';....:._. --l -· .. -__ ,,,., __ GREEN STRIPE -·-. Since 1853, lhc QIJ1inl!J light Scotch Bt•ullf1.1.lly 11fc.wr1pptd fo. th• l1oUda,.... 10·1 ----------------------- ; I .~· n ~ DAILY PILDT , .. . J COLISEVJU ''TILT SET ~·-Blair and Lakewood mett in the CIF AAAA semiflnals Fri· day night (I) at the Los Angeles C-OJiseuM. The winm!r meeU the survivor ot the '1.naheim-Blshop Amal clash a Vi'tek later for the AAAA litle. 'Blair a:.1n1hilal.ed its first two playoff oppOnents while Lakewood, an up and down tfam. has outpointed Compton (28-12) and Whittier (33-13). Blair is top seed in the 4-A. •. 'LB Honors Athletes :At Banquet • · Roland· ~tcElbany. J o h n Enfield a1d Dave Hu!twick garnered most· val u able ·awards Wednesday night at Uie Fall Sports Awards ba n- !~uet for Laguna Beach High :&hool. '. • l\fcElhany copped the award ·ror football and was also nam· cd outstanding lineman of the team while Enfield was named 19'r water polo and Hustwick for cross country. Football Varsity -MVP: Roland hlcElhany: Most Improved : 'Dale Andel'S0'.1; Most Inspira· lional : Chris Bow man : Out.standing Lineman : Roland r.1 c EI ha n y ; Co-Captains : Brian Ottmer and C h r i s Bowman. Thursd.1.y, Cceemb~r 4, 1969 ------··-·---- SKIERS 1~~~ SKI PACKAGES #1. II.AN SIC.IS l...,,od: 1111111 ~l•tk tip Ht• with Ml..-. ltep J• WMI .. 9114 '34" AlT ,...._ Sii.ti NIN •••• #2. MT GU.SS SUN YALLIY SKIS c:.tt.;r -.p, fl1fplke '""'"' GI-Plltlf .......... -.... 1' ....... -s79n Alf l'tS.. Slot.ts ...... ,,,. # J. ALU STllL SKIS eo.nw ....... '"" I• bhMlln,, All '"'"· At n ••bell...Wa tatol 110000 price -ell '9r •• , , , ••••••• IOOT HEAD9UARTERS . . ·ffNIST IN LIATHllt I PLASTICS , Nordice -Reker -Molitor - Ros•mont -Lange from 38.50 to 165.00 NEW KILLY HEAD SKIS AdMllCH 100 Serles •••••• , • S200.00 lecreatt...t 606 s.n" ...... Sl,1.00 Al.a Hart, ICnt .. ~1, Fltcner. Volkl, ll:OHlgna!, vo11. m.n~ more, TH! NIW LOOK "O"' Tiii loot" s•1 flo11tt TIM ntw l•1Mon loolt tllls teasM -•rid mort <Omlorl tool Ellmlnltes ll<iwn pull - e SANTAANA 219 E. 41h St. Kl 7.5723 -OUR 'CHRISTMAS . GIFT SELECTIONS ARE -UNUSUAL SANTA ANA & FULLERTON STORES -OUTSTANDING To Open Sundays Dec. 14th & 21st -UNIQUE 12 Noon to 5:00 p.m. THOUSANDS OP GIPT ITIMs-l!VlltYTHING fOlt THI SflOltTSMAH • FISHIN(j Browning Silafl•x. Gercie, She k•· sp••re rods & ree ls, Towns end Fish Skinners, Fisherman's~ Friend, 17- ifi.I Tool, littla Chief Smokers •...•........•.•...•..................... 35.DO • (jUN$ Browning , Winchaiter, Remington, ~o:vd•~-~: ... '.~ .. ~.~.' .. ~.~.~~ .. ~ .. ~.hi;s;;: e CAMPJN(j Zebco Spece Heat•r ... .from 19.95 Cemp tool s•fs, Woolrich Jeckets & Shirt s. INSTANT CREDIT f ,ULLERTON 40' S. Euclid 871-5988 Fastest in West e (jOLF VOIT CELEBRITY Complete sat, Woods, Irons, Putt•r, 2 B•gs , B•lls, Covers. Volue 267.35 SALE 179.95 • TENNIS METAL RAC9UETS (All of lheml .............. from 2l.9S KNIT TENNIS SHORTS Spen ji•n ............................... .11.95 e LEATHER SHIRTS, PANTS, JACKETS .................... from 16.00 LAYAWAY INVITED NEWPORT BEACH .i-27 Fashion l1lend 644-2121 Buy it. Stll it. Try the fastest response fn tht West against your own clock, Test Dime· a-lint Ads, where the act ion Is, In Saturday's DAILY PILOT. Bee -MVP: Pat Flahivt.: Most Jmpcove<l c Marco Men· Gurney n: ~clai·ms Any <101.a; CD-Captains : Pat lti7 Flahive and Gary Irvin. Cee -MVP : Dale Nitta; ~fost Improved : Bill Bi rd and Johl1.ly Adakai ; C.Cap-H t Ad ta ~~';!~;~ale Nitta and Tim -ome own van ge Waler POio ---_.....;; ~,· Varsity -MV: .Joh n Enfield: Most Improved: Jim Orlowski ; ~aptians: John Enfield iD<fBill Brown. Bee -MY: Amory Ware : ?llost Improved : Steve ti1or- r ea I e: Co-Captains: Vince McC a lla and .Brad McC\anahan. Cee -?lfV: Larry Fisette: Most Im pro.v e d : Neal Amsden; Co-Captains: Tom Redwitz a'.1d Tom Brotherton. Cross Co11J1try Varsity -MY: Dave Hustwick: ?itost Improved : Dave Hustwick: Co-CSptains: Dave Hust\\'ick and Chris Lamberl. Out.standing Junior; Danny ?iloore: Outstanding Freshman: Josh Bright ; Coach'a; Award : Ned Blurock. Basketball Results J'I IE!ULTS ..,,..,.,, .... _ flt) IH ) c-· tlt1 Mi r 1<:11mer OJ F !Sl 3ummer ~wick C7l F C1Cl Ou~en Hplvl1 ('I <'. (!~) ('.Oflrov Clint n1 G !Sl K!lltlu Gt~fosl i') G 1si c.1111cr1 I~,.. •vOMrt1" "l~v'i:><'lrt H1rbor I t 1t ._36 Co~n• iftl Mir 11 1• 22 ,__,, Scorl1'19 1W.: H-rl Ht•bor - ~chnfldtr t, l luontrt. J, Holl 1. Mt.· l(lhl'lfY I• COl"Ol\t illlll Mir -Llllt'r- lGlf 1:1. Clmll"Oll J, Hatll 3. MtF1r· !1.-.cl 1. """'flltttMI 00 ()I) .. IH Gt1Plf9 \.O;nlttldd Ul " f2) Slmuel1 F W1lk11 1~) F !1Gl l ldlllcolf Wl!ltt (111 c !OI lollert ()fclw1Y 11 5! G (J) "lnll!1 C!11f'l11 !UI G !21 Brown SC0•1,.. 1ubs: !'lt!Nm 111, Wortt\Y !tl. lroolts t•l. E1olt 0). H1ltllme: Hunl\n1ton J.f.. l•l~t Gr1na. 23. •Et: lt:SULTI HUllll!lltlll ••ull IHl (44) Tutlift AXl'IMlll Of) F ITl l 1Monlt1 l'.rllllk (101 F (ti ll:lthlrill C.1rf1!!d (ltl c C?11 Good r.11rt. (2) G (ti TTotal" or-le< Ill G 111 Fortner Sctn ,,_Qu1""1 i.tUlll!fl9fe.n 8Ntll I 1 16 It-SO Tu1tln 12 t 10 1)-44 Scerlnl •ullt: T111tl11 -Hh:holl I, B1'1er J. Jotiet 2. crl lllULTI t1U11'11!111911 aNO IHI 1111 Tu1t111 Niltll...,tl<I U) F f4\ Hlbltht J.lt!N (t) " 141 Lfftlt"nl Lunt C!Ol C 1111 Orllfst l.1ntor11 0 01 G 471 Oo!n kl PIOJmrntr 111 G 11! Edw1rcr1 SCIH ~ Q111n.t1 HUftll~ a11<h 4 If l? 111-,. Tuttln ) I 1 I l -1t kof"lnt 1ua.: twtin -JOllr !, "•r· ,,14 .. l. FLYING FUN! by WAYNE CHASE Ho<w font Jo11 It •••• t• ,,,,,. t• fly? Tht 1n1w11 t• tht f cl1p1nd1 1n t+i1 il'lllividu•I 1tud1nt. l• ••' y1ur lic1ni1,' you n11d 11 l111f Ji houit. Thi1 i1 t cfutl flyil!f tlrr11. Twt l'lty ho11r1 of thi• 111111! lit 1011. A114' tin h0Uirlii111f be ttlO Cltll-CIUft• fry flyl!l.f, Ye"' c•11 1 rr1n91 ve111 tchodult with yt•r flJ9ht in1tr11cfo1. & G1n1r.n,, 1b•11t fw1 flytt.f 11u!o111 t w11k 111 bttt, You t •I 111lly If yow welt f•• le11' b1twe111 lt tt•tll, Of CilVrtl, y111r il'l1frvcfor c111 •1w1y1 ti • frtth y1111 '"'"'''"· A11 hovr or '"' ol d111I ftltht c111 J1 'ii, M1ny 1i114111h ''' co11i1nt to It~• 1 littf1 1•tt ._ 11,,,,_ Tk1v -J,~11111t!y pul in •• '""'ch 11 1(rtv houn. By DEKE HOULGATE Ot IM t11rtr 1"1101 Sltll Other drivers accuse him or having a secret knowledge of the track at Riverside Interna· tional Raceway, but Dan Gurney doesn't believe in the hometown advantage. ihe Costa Mesan who grew to manhood near the in· temationally koow n r o a d course and launched his spec. tacular career there is favored to win the Rex Mays 300 USAC championship race Sunday at Riverside. It's a race nobody else has been able to 'vin but Gurn ey. He ha:o> probably driven more laps around the course there, and he has certainly won more important races there than anybody. Starting with the first sporL" car race weekend ever held at Riverside, 121h years ago, when Gurney won the Corvette race, Dan has \von five 500- mile stock car races and both prtvious Rex 111ays events. Of the home track advan- tage, Gurney said. "rm not a great believer in that. There might be some advantage for certain drivers from track to track, but the more you race lhe more it diminishes. "I'll say one thing, ii 1 dn have an advantage a 1 Riverside. I'll be taking t1d- vantage of it." Gurney explained that ad· vantages can be gained not in Newport Fctes Grid Stars Newport •!arbor High School held it.s annual awards night for the lower level football teams Tuesday night at the school cafeteria. The special award winners: Bees Captain: ?>.like Easterling : 'flfVP: Bruce Human : r.1ost Improved: Tony Horvath. c ... Captar.1: Bob Elswor1h : tifVP : Ron Walker ; fl1ost Improved : Karl Tahti. Frosb Captain: Brian Co k a~ : MVP: Kevin Rt.eser: fllost Improved: Russell \VesL Al'ld why not1 You ttft 109 your houri 0" bu1i ~1i1 •fld ~•· ct tion fli9hh. Ctln9 lft IN llt II\ ti HI.JI.IOI AVIATION Intl wl'll ~ •• , 1'111 fl ''' ...,ir VI. lllnlflh fl Id l'ttlr 1111.,.1, Wt _kl,.,. 'ffll It llJ ti fllt a.,1 (tv' 1UH In Or11111 Ct- ''· A "1Yflt 111111 (ff,,.. ll flllf lttt; ... MAll:.IOlt AVIATIOH, tUl w1,,,... ...... '"'""· o,.. '"'" _ ....... -" ,,11p. ,.,,;,,. lft "" c•i.-"" tt1 '"' 111 !lltl'lt ..,. ... ,,. ........ WATCH NEXT WEEK FOR "Mechanical Krtow .. How" . driver skill but in car handl· ing. "It's mostly how your car is set up," he said. ''Every track is different. 11 my car is right Sunday, look out ." T h e man who finished sec- ond l w i c e at Indianapolis plans to go for the pole posi- tion in qua lifying and then try lo stay out in front during the race. In an altempt lo get his Olsonite Eagle 'vorking prop. erly, Gurney has spent a lol of testing time on the ne\.1-·ly rebuilt 2.5-milc course at Rive rside. He has consistently lapped under the old course record -his, of course - '1' hi c h stands at I: 18.95. Gurney's fastest lap time dur- ing test runs to date has been 1:16.21 , or better than J20 n1iles an hour. The pioneer of stock block po1ver for Indy ca~s may be going to lht. post for the £inal time with his epic stock block Ford "'ith Gurney cylioder · heads. For various reasons, the mosl compelling one a con- tract to race for Plymouth ,next year, Gurney may be at the lvheel of a Ford grodu ct for the last time Sunday. The 1967 Le Mans 1vinner in a Ford GT is already hard at 1vork in his Santa Ana shops developing a new Offenhauser- powered Indy racer designed by Len Terry, the British genius who shaped Gurney·s original Eagles. The Gurney motr.1t a I Rive rside .,,;ill be his sleek, low 1969 Indianapolis car. It is likely lo become a backup car for the new season and may see limited service in 1970 1 road races on the USAC champ tra il. Gurney hinted that if a stock block engine is used at all next ' yea r for any of the road races he drives, it may be a 305 cu, in. Plymouth. His strategy for Sunday's race? "I'd like to get out in front, away from the rest or the guys. If anybody ca1 stay with me, I'll probably have to run hard all day," he said. "That's i'I long race, and the winner will be the one l11hose car holds up." Costa Mesa Lauds Aces Dick ·Ferryman and Pat S1~·eetland were individually honored \Vednesday night al the awards banquet for the Costa to.tesa High football team in the school cafeteria. Ferryman "''as named cap· lain of the va rsity and Swcetla.id garnered -11 Y P hon ors. Sweetland is a junior. Football Varsity -Captain : Dick Ferryrnan ; !\fVP : Pat S>1'eetland. Soph -Captain: Ken W<1.r- ren : fl1VP : Gary Schoeller; !o.1ost Improved : Flip Darnell. Frosh -Captain: Frank Fr egos I; MVP: Steve Spielberger : tlost Improved : !\like Lykins. CONVERTIBLE SPECIALS FOR CHRISTMAS Slazenger Xtra Duty Tennis Balls - Binoculars ~~~ :;;r, SPECIAL $21.88 . . . . Can of 3/1.75 Doz. 6.95 Stadium Seat ::;'.'ss.so '"ciAL $4.89 Pennsylvania Xtra Duty Tennis Balls· w•A'"'" cH•c• -...... u -""'"""" $1•99 3/1.89 Doz. 7.50 WIND S,fED & DIRECTION PuttinCJ Partner,~~;.t; s .. c,.1 $5.99 Dunlop Fort Tennis Racket Frame Onfy 14.95 LF90 Football ::::; ... c1AL $5 95 Strung Nylon 18.95 Swim Mask :::. ",, s4'99 Kramer Autograph Frames 16.95 Door Bar Gym ........ ~·ciAL $4'88 Davis & Bancroft Rackets 14.95 to 40.00 sPEc•AL • Men's Tennis Shorts 4.95 to 12.95 Kul · Pak Ice Free Ice Chest Boy's Tennis Shorts 4.95 Sporter 3.25 Men's Tennis Shirts 5.00 · 6.00 · 7.00 Chill Master 141.8999 Sleeveless Tennis Sweaters 9.95 Turner Propane Camp Lantern M • T · Sh Poker Chip Rack with Chips . 3. 99 en s enms oes l S R 9 95 S 7. 69 Converse 7.75 Hectdra • ox& '1 Fl .deg. . pee. 4.69 Jack Purcells 8.95 an warmer one ui · Leather Tennis Shoes 12.95 Daiwa Spi~ning Reel 5.99 Ladies Tennis Shoes 7.25 & 7.95 Rapala K~1fe 3.99 Speedo Swim Suits & Trunks Sale Tenms D~esses: 80 Dresses at Cost or less Table Tennis sets & Paddles Thermos Outing Kit • 9.99 Horse Shoe Sets & Croquet Sets Basketball Backboards 1 /2 & 5/8 Inch -Handball Gloves & Balls Waterproof Masonite 12.95 & 14.95 OPEN Basketball Goal & Net , 3.95 & 5.95 Basketballs 5.95 to 12.95 2160 HAklOlt IOULIYAltD -Phono 540·0170 !l1lw11 ~ l1k1r t~d Adtm1) EAST CREDIT TERMS Opn Mo11d1y to Sot•rdoy ......... ' p.fll. Mon, thru Fri. till 9 p.m. Sat. till 6 p.m . till Christmas ~, this RATCO $5 coupon worth lo•••d th• '"'rho" •f • CONVERTIBLE VINYL TOPS Wlttl Thi• Coupeft Y•11 lier ''·'' Cou~n No! Vohd Aile• D~<. 1.4 4 AND 8 TRACK 69~~~· STEREO 'C;.,..,111111, <"'"'noct euto or boor 11t1~ 100Jl'ld .,111111. "lrtmenoout C•..,,,!ment ot ~ o"d A !rock lOl)e) "'oilclbk. S ektro VINYL TOPS 4 WHEEL 'Cutll!lft lntlal!ed ~ll~Vt<'t 'C>f'(.ol<th Gt net~l1e COii ·~i~tt lltO'IY GOUO• •obrlc1, •comes. (Cll'\lllt l• ..,.;th "'"'fl window Md J~ft, 74~r MOST C.ot.llS1 BRAKE RELINE •rrr, l·•~ of CG'I" B•ol<t Ad/VII-!, "Q!Jolli.,. ,,,.,,,,.,, .~. ••~ll<d. •O•te bfoll.e N•vlct ovoi!oblc. •1.,.,011te1 .. 1111, ~Pl/ "0!Ch 15:~ "" DETROJTER MUFFLERS •eu !I lo tt!IVI you oo• •1,.Jh1Tlrct by -ayi;o •ot<•oli.11 .. l'lilt you wold'» "ln91...,•t1d to Roye<>'• Jl)e(Jf~Ol<OM. LOW AS gso - .· .. • WHAT'S INN- OU'IDOORS? ' • New flights of ducks and .. geese have moved into the , southland, and the outlook for this weekend's reopening or the Southern California dw::k season is excellent in all areas. Game wardens and private . •: club managers are all en- couraged by the number of t waterfowl which have bee'=l building up during the past 10 days OD tile lakes and ponds locally. Thousands of big duck! and geese have been forced south by the freezing weather in .. Oregon and Northern CaWornia. Game officials at " the Tulelake Wildllfe Refuge ~ report that about half the ·: birds on the lake during f. October and November have ,. moved out, and are heading ~ south towards more com- ,. fortable wi'.1tering grounds. ~ A good bet for unaUached -. hunters this weekend will ·be Baldwin and Big Bear Lakes. The waterfowl population ·has had a chance to build itself up • and the second opener should ~ be better than the first. Bill Wormsbecker of the : • Lucky Boat Landing o n ·. · Baldwin Lake· said geese are coming in and there are a lot of mallards~ canvasbacks a'.ld redheads on the lake. * * * Temperatures !lave been on the cold side with snow on the ground Ind lakes rreeiing around the edges at night, but Worabecker believes that ii •. hunten get out and hunt a lit· lie, that limits will be com· -. mon. ·: More last m in u t e in· • • formation and boat reserva. •. ~· tions can be obtained by call- -; ing the Lucky Boal Landing al ': (714) 866-7438. ., The Salton Sea is holding a ~ lot or birds, but the: )lwitJng will depend on how bani the wind blows. The birds are still rafting out in the middle or the sea and It will iake a good blow to get them to ny within the range of the duck bunters' guns. All of the reservation1. at tbe Wister Area, are lllen for ·: .· " ·: Turkey Hunt Rated A Success • NIGHTS "SltNDAYS &' HO~IDAYS Can be ,!"Ot• Profltabl1 for you. Saturday, but lbere art a few left for Sunday, * * * The oullook in lhe Wasco area i4ood,-despile-Ule possi- ble threat of fog. New fllghts of birds have been coming in dally reports the Gilbreath Bros. Duclt Club, and on the heels of the ducks are the big bonkers, which a~ continually building up in numbers. Pheasant hunter! will really have to work hard for their birds this weekend, as these upland game birds have scat· tered, and it wiU be hard to get them off the grO!,,!nd and t1to target range. A good dog is almost mandatory i n nushing out these wily birds. There are still plenty o[ birds in the Imperial Valley , but the other areas stocked by the Department of Fish and Game two weeks ago have been cleaned out. Quail hunters are rinding .some fa ir action along th e western slopes of the San Bernardino MountaL1s, but those scatter-gunners out in quest of these fast flying birds are having to hunt the birds in heavy e-0ver. This makes for difficult shooting and retrieving or downed birds .. , here again a dog would be of great help. The 14th annuarpresentation of the Weatherby Big Game Trophy will take place at the Ce.itury Plaza Hotel Friday nigllt. Seven international big game hunters have been nominated for the troPfiy. Ken Niles of Ne1vport Beach will be Master of Ceremonies and the presentatio n of the trophy will be made by Gov. John Love of Colorado. * * ... '\\'bat appears to be a good run of spotfin croaker and sea trout is developing in th e Balboa Pa\'iiion area o ( Newport Harbor. Croa ker to ,. .,:, pounds have-been weighed in at the Pavilion and Art's Landing. Tbe croaker have been bltting best on ruor clams during the early morn· ing and late evening hours. Out in the briny deep, anglers from Davey's Locker, Art 's Landing and San Clemente Sportlishing have heen finding fair action on barracuda, bass and bonito, but most fishermen are filling lbeir sacks and freezen with rock cod. Down south a little farther, Oceanside Sportfis.hi11r personnel reporl a mucb more consistent bite 011 ·medium sit· ed bass, barracuda and bonito wit h an occuional ye llo"·tail and white sea bass being gal· fed. The barge olf Seal Beach Ii; producing fair action on most surface fish and the boats run- ning out of Seal Beach SporUisbing are gettin1 into some mixed fish just a few miles off the beach. ----~---·-----·----.. ··-~ ..... .,......_,....,._,_.....,.._--.......--.------------~ Fishi11g Curtailed . By Winds Eve n though the weather man was against most fresh water rishennen last weekend , anglers managing to brave the stiff winds at Vail Lake caught nice strihgers -of bass an-d crappie, according to the lake's ma nag er , Dave Brownell. Scouting Vail Lake In ad- vance of the free public bass fishing clinic to be staged at the lake Dec. 13 and 14 by the Southern California Bg;ssmast. ers. Members Nonn Dye and Larry ?o.tcCain found bass ac· live as the two anglers bagged limits on . plastic worms. The bass ran to 3\~ pouoils . Brownell feels that after the lake has had time to settle down, after the winds and rain, that the bass, crappie and bluegil 'A'Hl return to their old 1~ves and produce ex· ce llent fishing. ' More on the publi c bass CAUGHT OUT OF THE BLIND -Tom Wells of fishing clinic r,exl week . Balboa Island looks up ju:;t in time to see a flight All of the open Jakes 'in San of sprig go overhead as he picks up a widgeon he Diego County also felt the cf· just dropped \vith hi s 12-gauge shotgun. The event fects or the strong wind and took place last 1veek at the ROPER Ranger's Hunt most anglers were forced off Club located in San Jacinto. The Southern Califor· ., Pheasant Kill Rated DAIL V PILOT 11 Averag~ The openbt weekend of California's 1969 p he a s a n t season on public hunter areas was ·rated average, about on a par with last year, the Depart· ment of Fish and Game. reports. Hot.. spots were the Sutter Nationil Wildlife. Refuge and . the DFG 's Gray Lodge and Honey Lake wildlife areas, whlc&averaged.close to a bird per bunter. The overall average for 10 reporting areas was .37 bird per hunler based on a bag of 1,910 male pheasants by S.t~ hunters. Last year, S,127 .... ·.·.·" . ·. ... hti.1ters bagged l,'33 roosters California contlnu'5 Uuwp L for a .28 average. Sunday. This year's opening weekend ;==========:;; produced a bag of 276 birds for I 304 hunters at Sutter, an ave rage of .98 bird per hunter . tloney Lake averaged .86 wilhl "3$ hunters taking 376 birds, and Gray Lodge averaged .84 on a bag of 783 pheasants by 93.1 hunters. The DFG's Grlzzly lsland Wild!Ue Area .bad lbe poorest shooting, with 986 hunters tak· Ing 50 pheasants for an average of .05 per htr1ter. The pbeaaant season in nofthern and Ce ntral ·a THOUGHT FOR TODAY ,. '• He that i~ good j\t maklnc: eoxcuses. is seldoml good for anything else. -Be11jamit1 Frauaitt- '"AESENTEo AS A _! PUILIC SEltVICE EVEll:Y DAY l '(I lff Roofing Co. 24 YNn "" CMll M .. 1'Sl s.,...iff AH. '411·1ttt :' ........ . . . .... r ........ ····. .·· .·:· ... :.;_.:-.:: ....... . ... ..... ' Tis the :>::."-.. . .. . . . . : .. ': · .... : ... . "··· "·" .... .. : ...... . ·. " .. . . .. .. ~': .. .. ··:. ·. . ' . · ... .: ..•. .. ... : ::: .= ·., .. .... " "· ..... ... . .... , .... season to be sippin . .. . . " ...... : ~·· .: _\ . . ...... . . . . • .. • ...... · .... · ... EZRA BROOKS the lakes Salurday, but when nia duck season reopens this weekend a nd lhe out-llE-'L 51..,1N. wt<tsKr' , NENiucK' 1111"11"' 1ou111°" wt<1s"r ' • the winds !el up Sunday -~loo~k_i':'.s~e:x~c=•:IJll~e~n:l ~in'.'._'.a~ll~a.'.'re:-a:s::_. _________ ================================-fishiiig returned to normal. I· Orville Ball ol lhe San Diego Recreation Dept. sent out word that bas~ to 61h pouads were hitting and that the crappie were staging a good showing. Ball also is looki ng for a good duck opener Saturday, on the lakes which allow duck hunling in San Diego. There are st.ill reservations left for Saturday on some Jakes. for more infonnation phone l714) 236-5532. Jack Ford at the Lake Henshaw resort is looking towards a good weekend, both for fi shennen and d u c k bunters. The population of big ducks has buill up and even though Ford expects a large_ nurnbe.r_ of scatter.gunners, he feels tha t there are plenty of birds and good shooting should prevail for everyone. The bass have been very reluctant to hi t with any C-On· ,sistency. primarily due to the. ·poor weather, but the crappie have been giving anglers good action on yellow and while jigs. I Trout Plant Follo\ving, by county, are the Southern California waters to be stocked this week with trout: Los Angeles-Big 1'ujunga Greek upper section. Legg L'"¥ke , Puddingstone Reservoir : Sa nta Barbara - Lake Cachuma; Ven· tura--Casitas Lake, P i r u Lake. SEASON·OPENER SKI PACKAGE ldaat combo for th• rf1Cf'Ntion1I skier -a pact:1ga designtd to offer &afety, .perlomiartee ~nd 1durabil ity It• remarkable price, • o FIBERGLASS SKIS o NOADICA FIVE ~ BUCKLE BOOT c SALOMON TOE o SALOMON COMBI STEP-IN HEEL O ALUMINUM POLES o SAFETY LEASH ALL THE BEST IN GEAR&WEAB In ski ge ar and wear. it's a Fiberglas! year! NORTHLAND Stein·Erik.sen PRO·GLAS SKI- sophisticated blend of fiberglass, metals and wood tailored for the torture of com · petition. RAICHLE RED BOOT. most wi dely accl aimed boot on the international ski scene. Has a watertight glass outer shell. hinged to open in middle. with Rai chle's great· Mlcro - Buckle System. Superboot for super - form3nce. LOOK NEVADA TOE •nd •. GRAND PR1x·· HEEL. the binding preferred by Jean-Claude Killy. SCOTT ALUMINUM POLES-New. stron ger a1um!num alloy, formfit grip, hard steel point. SPORT-OBERMEYER SKI PARKAS -for guys and gals. w ith the fashion flare for tho winter scene. EDELWEISS OVER ·BOOT PANTS -ladies' Grenoble models, style like wild. ' AND beaucoup other treats. like -Moriarty hats. Conroy gloves, Baruffaldi goggles, bindings by Marker, Salomon and Cubco, Barrecrafter ski carriers. Allsop boot-ins. Geiger and Obermeyer sweaters. Fusalp sk i w ear. other parkas by Gerry, Sport - caster. and Profil e. NEW KIND OF STORE-a total range of se lections in sports gear and wear. for men and women. So you'll look your best. while doing your best-downhill or apre•· ski . AND-the most in sports help:profes·I sionals serve you. qual ified to cou nsel on any .sports need. • ·' " . ' . !•• ''•' . .,, " ' ' . ~ '• ... .. •• ,, " . ••• • .. .. • 11: _J ... QIIARrERIWJK -" SPORl'S t;PiSiffiE THl l'AOFESSIONAL S,OATS SfO"l •OI\ EVEl\YONC' ':: CAUFOftNIA: Sooth COltt Pl111, Cotta M ... AftlZONA: S1m·Ahodot Mall, Pholnix. lol- Sho91>lng Center, Seo-lo. ' ·~ -, ___________ _ -·- • She's a Heal Ba11dful Al an llart finds himself \vi1.h his hands full as Barbara Garli ch passes out a t sight of Edilh Goodmao in this scene fron1 the comedy ''An y \Vednesday," contlnuing Friday and Saturday at the Santa Ana Comm unity Playe rs Theater. CSF Playing • Repertory in -Present and future ;ictil'ities nl the Cal Sta te Fullerton !heater department l' o n1 c together this \\'CCkcnd 1o1.·hen three fall productions begin !heir addition:il run i n repe rlorY and auditions start for the spring season. Each having completed a fou r·night opening ru n , ''Rasbo mo n ,'' "Major Barbara" and "The Threepen· ny Opera" now will com bine for a total of 14 additiona l performances in rotation on a seven-night-a-week basis~ ''Rashomon" will be staged Dec. 5. 7, JI and 15, while Office. which is open daily cx- ··w.ajor Barbara" is scheduled cept Sunday from noon until 4 for tonight. Dec. 6. 10 and 14. p.m. The telephone numbe r is Dates for· 'Th r e£· penny Opera" <irr 'Dcc. 8, 12. 13, 16 87G-3371. and 17. Meanwhile, audit ions are Curtain ti1ne fo r Thursday. beginri1ng for three spring pro- Friday . Saturday and Sunday ductions, \V itliam H anley·~ perfonnances is the tradi-"Slow Dance on the Killing tional 8:30 p.m .. but il will be Ground," Peter We i s s ' an hou r earlier on other nights / "MaraVSade'' and George to allow fo r a di scussion in-Bizet's "Carmen." Tryouts volving the audience, players are open to all students and and directors. members of the cornmunity. Reserved se als for some Director R. Kirk Mee. assis- J)elformance.s _sJj 11 are tanl professor or theater, will available at the Theater Box be selecting actors for his pro- duction or "litarat/Sade." 1\lee Com1nunity Sy1nphony Slates Classic Progra111 last season direct ed the department's highly su~cess(ul \>ersion of "Twelfth' Nig ht." Two di rectors \\'ill be in- terviewing talent for the big- ges t production in CSCF's 11- )'ear .h is to r y as the departments of theater and music combine to present .. Carmen." Dr, Donald R. Henry. associate professor or theater, will stage the opera while Clifford W. Re ims, associate professor of music, will handle the musical direc- Three o( the most popu lar pieces of classicia/ literature 'vill be perfonned in the open- ing concert of the ye ar of the No Survival For Video's 'S . , urvivors NEW YORI\ (AP) -ABC \\'ill cancel ''The Survivors·· in .January and replace it \\'ith an ~ntirely new dramatic sho"' starring George Hamilto n. Originally. ABC had planned to retain Hamilton in ··111e Survivors" after Lana T11rnr1 left the series at midscason. The network said today the new series \\'ill be called ''Paris 7.ooJ." Hamilton will play a trouble shooter at- tac hed to the American em- bassy in Paris. "The Survivors." based on a pre mise by novetisl Harold Robbins, was in trouble before it eve n hit the air. Two segme nts filmed in Europe y,•ee scrapped at a loss nf SI million, the Cflncepl Y•a" changed and the show changed producers three limes. Jn the latest ratings period ii ranks 78th among 79 shows_ Cutting llp Orange Coast. College Com- tnunily Symphony Orchestra ~unday afternoon. The pcfrormance will begin 111 4 p.m. in the tX:C Auditorium. Admi ssio n will be SI. lion. The orchestra. uov.• iu ils,:==========::I 10th season, v.•ill open the pro-I gra m \Vith the overture, "Russian Easter:• Op us 36 by Rimsky-KorsakofL Di rec1.pr .loseph Pearlman will then condu ct Dvorak·s ··New World, .. Symphony No. 5. F o 1 Io wing interm ission. Downey pianist 0 a v i d S1.renson \1'\1\ join th e orches tra 111 Concerto for LET'S BE FRIENDLY U you have new neighbors ar kn01v of anyone movlnc to our area. please tell UJ so that u·e may extend a friendly u·eloome and help them ta become acquainted in their new surrounclinp. Piaoo ond Orchestrn b y So. Coast Visitor . R achman inorf. Th e performance hy Swenson ll'il1 494-0579 bl> his 1hird 11·ith th e orchestra. A near-flawless 494·9368 periormer at 18. S11·enson ha s b V' 'f ''"died for nine Y""' with ar or ISi or Earle Voorhie~ of Californial ~~~~~~~~~ State College at Fullerton. Ir The orchestra, co-sponsored l by OCC and the Costa f\fesa Recreation Department. plays! 10 capacity houses in the 1.200-, seat OCC Auditorium. Other peNormances scheduled 1h1:,; year include guitarist Ernesto Bitetti on ~tarch 8 performing1 the Rodrigo Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra; and a "first Chai r" eoncert June 7 featuring organist J ay Colyar.I COSTA MESA CIVIC PLAYHOUSE P''''"'' Th•r Nl•IMll hi tN lrlcutM-N•wlrf M11tlc•I "STOP THE WORL0- 1 WANT TO GET OFF" Frlct.., & Sttt•rHy Dec:. 5·' 1:30 P.M. Community Recr••tion Center w .. t Gcm- Ore .... C••"'Y h lrtrou11d1 Ad"'l.M-Sl.DD Rner1otl-: I J4-5JDJ Df!an !vlartin and Charles Nel son Rei lly ha\1e so1nt• fun v.·ith no·my Schneide r's 1nn.iiu:;igc dlffi cully 'vith some Ame.rlcun wo rd on "The Dea n f\lal'tln Saow" t.onighl at 9 on Chapnel L • • Faithful to Co•nposer Grove Offers Praiseworthy 'Messiah' say today that they did and Soprano Amanda De Ryckc, with great feeling, obvious that they laid the great ma-con1ra1to Florine Hemmings, faith and a deep respect for We have always envied jorlty of our doubts to rest in tenor Paul Ma yo and bass the nature or the score. those fellow music critics who a performance that w a s Paul Hinshaw wtre faultless That is all we have ever By TOl\t BARLEY Of "" 0.llJ l'llet 11111 can evaluate the worth of gratefully re~ived by a in their performances and two asked. d e I i i h t ll d -a n d members of the distinguished ;:==========:I Handel's "Messiah" P""'IY on ca~ci·[·y-•"dt.ence In lh•l ,.-_.. quartet gave a magnlfict'.1i lts merits as an oratoric-and beaotlful, acoustically per-feet accoun t of themselves;n key who can divorce any religious church. arias -Miss De Rycke for a attachment they might have We seem to be clearly deeply moving • • Re j o i c for the work from their fi nal ttmembered by inany music Greatly;, and Mayo fo r an lovers -the point was raised equally splendid "Thou Shalt a ss essme n t of l t s Sunday night _ for a scathlng Break Them ." perfonnance. indictment we v.rrote a year And a very nne chorale did It ts a blessed slate of ago oI a ''Messiah" that, we ev.erything. we are sure. that detached objectivity that has wrote at the lime, sent us the 1neticulous Hall expected always -and d o u b t I e s s from the concert hall f.i a it to do in a performance o alw_ays will -eluded us. For state o(_bitterness and anger. the "J\1essiah" that did to us, the "Messiah" ranks That had nothing to do with nothing to diminis h ou r with the Lord's ·Prayer. the the baroque setting utilized by dependence on this act of faith. Ten Commandments a1d the Hall at this more recent so ideally suited to our Holy Communion as a performance -we were Christmas seasa.1 and so \·ery ~ligious rite that has bticome primarily con.:erned at that much a part of our Nativity as hallowed as its forebears to earlier airing_ of the work with observances for so. many of many of those who yield to the frantic pa"et: at which the Christian disciplines. conductor (not Hall ) took ll. usjf we found .an occasiona l For all that, we have nothing ~MBEWSHMENTS unnecessary gilding ·of •a -Alao--- but praise to offer for a \V d ed perfect lily, then it was quick-...,._. ___ _ 2001 performance of the "Messiah" e con emn urr.iecessary ly forgiven in the overall llght ..., _,. ~ Sund ay ni"ht that was in embellishments at the 1968 f I . . rf ~ 0•"111 nd ... performance and we were not o a sou -st1mng pc ormance. ""!.-v;lll 9 Q _ _ direct contrast to the multi· particularly happy wi th a few !i=O:":':':'M:':':':ia:h:":w="=':'":d:e:re:d~ tMLitde . voiced, heavil y orchestrated oratorio that is better knO\Vn that came our way Sunday .. lie .'~ to us by time and tradition. night. But the overall effect of Ollll . a IP aiceoclyt11J CINIMA SCRllN METROCOLOR Directed by \Villiam Hall a'.ld }Jail's baroque arrange ment BALBOA r rr~ staged al the Garden Grove was one of simplicity and fa ith 67'1 A04I Meth odist ch u r c h, the and it did leave four fine .._, performance was, indeed, ut-soloists with the opportunity of Open terly faithful to what actually richly capitalizing on a ,., r . a.u.!:45 were the composer's wishes glorious score -H.1 op-a.1111N P'Ptll"-'a \\'hen he penned his act of portunity tha t does not exist f · h · 7 under cond uctors of the more ail 1n l 41. NOW SHOWING modern approach . This argu ment is, of course, '-===========:;II in defense of the Hall version. Ir Th• Best Double Feature For there are many sup- po rlers of the augment ed y,·ork so popular today who will quickly and correctl y point out lhat Handel constant ly revised the v.·ork right up to his death i".1 1759. Bul this is' not the point. What matters is \.\1hcther Hall and his splendid 32-mcmber chorale captured the spiri t and pathos of this magnificent oratorio a:x:I we are able to ALSO Jackie Gle•son In "DON'T DRINK THE WATER" Eve Show Starts 7 p.m. Cont. Sun From 2 p.m. I SEE BY TODAY'S WANT ADS I ;'\Jo~ thnn t1i::h1s \viii hrlghl<'n !<Omeorn!'s Chrisl· n1e~: \1·n1c-h lho!e littl"' r)-e:c t1\·1nkle \\'hen hr See5 lhi~ L'On1 ple"l<' set O( HO 1ra1ns \\ith ~:<ll'a can1, ~xS' lahlr Jay-(lul "'i!h rrack5, 6'\I a1·llt'~ & transformers. e STRIKES 1·i.11 hf•f'fntl(' 11 h.11ob11 11 )011 prartic(' 00111- tni; 11 Ith this Bnins11 1ck ~11·1lng b<dl for only $1 $, • T1m<'1"lis i;ifl or kt'<'psakr for t'O!!Ctto~. all !hr llmr you'll l"\'('1 .. 11re<l; 70 IHI• 11111,1(' t•IOC'ks, .:randfelhrr, l'Ul'koo, s(·huol, J.:urof'C':.\"; t lfllkt'. . . ··-..... ..,,,., .. ..._, ..... UISl•MMIR (!Jo ---ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST JohnW!vne Rock Hudson ·the Undefealed -{(llQl .. Dll...:. [!) Plus Dick Van Dyke in l!;!E MIRISCH ' 'SOME ~~~~KllDOFA r-ur· • • ., .. C .. •lV . AT Ill.IS • • •••.Ca••• ........... 1 ...,N a"i:ao ..-. •47•ll•OS • HUNJ'l1'10TON 8Ul;H Exclusive Orang• County Engagement "'Ont" Ult,..., llOSt ··--...... •lrllrmlCft. Uza llillttli l lllll'JIS JS I .ajtr actiq: tal11t !"' -CWttsci-.u•. u TIMI ""TtiE C()MIC" • ·.-~.~.-.....i IOIAIOOOA. USl'C>F JA1IJl l£JEID TECHNICOLOR !ii and from the stars of ''Born Free' comes "RING OF BRIGHT WATER" STARTS CHRISTMAS DAY Barbara Streisand Omar Sharif "FUNNY GIRL" 1 Nati~! General PICIUres Pre!.Cn1$ I L&&w.llCl.CU . ' •Dlo'I ~· .UO&R" --;; Sec:eM' ,.,., ... Attt.ctlM 1 Mdr.Cel .. pa ..,. """"' 1n. ... ,, ....... Uwarll ...... ~-l#Tlftc Burt Lancaster Deborah Karr The Gypsy Moths1 COJ1UNO DICIMll R 11 Dfttl11 H•ff•,.._.MI~ fono•• .'<11~ •'~n!.,,, f <>• >''~''"~" ,OHN AND MAR ----:---- CONTINUOUS SHOW FROM 2 p.m. SAT. And SUN. 'WI J'outh Coast Repertory HELO OVER "A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM" 1111 Nl:Wl'O•T ILVO., -• KlrMr Thwn .. Fri., S•I. -I:» ,,,.,_ lt...,.,1Tlon1 -lnllrr'l!lllO" -'46-llU "Winnie tht l'ooll" -Ol:LIOHTl'UL SCR CHILOllEfll'S TH1!.1.Tltl Sun~•YI 11 l:M IN 11:111 '-"'· C1H I•• illlltl'Vlli9M wi,.,~* 2nd BIG WEEK -~: Coll 673-6260 2t05 Easf Ceast Hl9h-.y For lnform•tion Corcu10 det M.,_,ti. 673·6260 now you can SEE anylhln& y1u want i=\ij'" CE'S BESTAlJBANT" ' • ., .. ARL01lUTHRIE COi.OR by Deluxe lhut1dArr11ls (!p ....... 1' "' ~ Also Playing -"THE FIRST TIME" Shows Start at 6:30 •Children Undar12 Freo! LATE SHOW TONIGHT -ALL THEATRES see I OTH l'EATUltES .lS l .l.Tf_ ... , 11:)1 P.M. Ario Guthrie ".lltCE•s ltEST.lUll.l.NT" flt) Tht I N llH "YELLOW IUIMAlt lNEn LH V•11 (le" "D.l.Y 01" ANGIER" fM) P•tty Dulct "ME NAT.I.Lii!" !M\ Mt•lll!lllJt" Sch11t 011111 l•~er "Klt.1.1(.1.TO.l" 10) Pl~• "111NG 0,. SRIOHT WATl!lt" 101 AMuk .l.!m1t Micll111 Y1rl! "JUSTINE" lltl llicllt NI 8vrten lt u H1rr1M11 "STAllt(.1.51:" llt l (llnl l•tt-f "HANG 'EM N1Gt4" Ii.II l!I! W1!11dl THE UOLY" IMI THE UGLY" .. _ FiixsouTH coasT G!•m PLAZA THRATR• CllRPOIUllllN San Diep frltWQ' at llistol • 546-2711 NOW PLAYING THRU TUESDAY ot longlo1t- the long awaited Lawrence • DurTell't ........ comes to th•'''"" .. 2o 00 ._::.·1:~ .. 111 ... 11' t~"t1ni.y Ooroe• ,,00\il!>Oft SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE Saturday, 12:30 JERRY LEWIS "Hook, Line & Sinker" PLUS EXCITING ADVENTURE FILM "RHINO" ALL SEATS lOc .. .. TUMILEWllDS WHO VA 'THINK I IS -w!LLYLIM Tat."?! • " 1:11. lrl ._ fC) (to) *'Y Den,hy. ................ (C) (30) ·-·-(C)(10) .. " SIM, ....... """ Johll lilry .... ""' Sllal'll ptS. ill LA. lV PREMIERE! * "TAMAHINE" IN COLOR STARS NANCY. KWAN! Blil l'DMt Mtrir. (CJ .,...,. liilM" (drtflll) 'M -.. _, K•n. ..... ,,.., 0..-'1iot, '""" FIL llllrl "' .-itJ If "'1RUI· ........ I l'lfJMliel Mllll.J ii ... It ~ .n. .. ,...,.. MDalllJD-!CJ IOIJ ~...... Al lflCi.t Torell, ...,,-,.... ........... i. tflt oOJed: Cif I Mlrdl ., tflt Cflltf lft4 • """ tf IMllllT'L Dewid o,. . ....... '°"''~ ' ., • -(C) (90) -.... ""' \'I. (d6il CWCit lfl I 10-rwMI •I· tttWlldrt '1otrt. (Tenlltin ldltdult) lllDJCI)91 .. _ (C) ,,., ·~lt'llMM't Do1611 Moeller Tr.u· bit." Sa111111tt11'1 llOtllw-ln-l1w tr· " riytt ti IJll'IOUMI Ille b; ltl\lllll lltf lrl\9blM J1.1.C n bMnld1 ctnjvrlt I.Ill Motfllr GelM. GI 11WWi fMI (C) (to) .,.. Ill -(C) (IOJ •• 11 ...... (60) e on -(C) (10) "Tho Tl11 Milt1e." ltidllrd s. lu~ldl't prir•9illniftt: •lef •bout 111 1'°1& ctnt 11DJ wllt uen tldlnt witch- crtft to ~ 1 wt$i1 tft two cf bis ,_,, DM-J-(C) (30) -. • ""' -" ._ -t:t1•11t(J)m - -If I ..., ....,., .,... <if• illlt ....... (lllfUJ) ''5 ldleol. -fftllfi O'lriln, ~lnlf (aloft, LIO D 11111 la.,.. {30} G1n11, $IMiltr Holkl'nr, F1W111 1nd .. - ,._ All\ Wiifrid HJ8Wltla. 11-1· Ill Ate· ,_, t/\1 am.it's Mlt·9'1lillt M)'lllry ... Tnl: (C) (50) tilt 1Mlrt t ll'tlftritut lilltr 111 tDI ()) ftt ....... (C) (90) Ill 1im.tidtd lrilh '*1111 ft lrt- • ..,, """ (3tl) "'Sellnte F•N ... Ill 11> m -IC> l!OJ ·-•-130J .... fQ (9') JM Wllilt. .... -..... ft) (30) ··--(C) (30) • ,, , .... Jr. (CJ (50) ·-.... -"~ ID Cll lb:::•; •1a•:1 fQ (30) ··-·•1•1tl U.S.. lltlorMy CtMnl .lotl11 Mitchell -lltlll,.. -(30)- • -S4 (C) (IOJ ·-(C) 1111 ,_ ___ -IC) 130) , e-. IJ LW Ill (30) Dl ...... CIOI ....... _ (C),(30> ..... , ..... ,... Giil•-... tc> l!Ol ·-"°' •CET• • C: 11111• ft) a,,_ -tc> llOJ • ""' ..... (!OJ ••8(J)le -(C) (IOJ Mllii ""*' ............ tlll ..... .._ ... ...... ...... SM._.wlttl • .,.hr ...... tllltlt ...... " ..... 11111 lltll•IJf'. ·--(0!) ·-......... (IO) ·---(30) ••• ,,, ........... (C) ·-(30) .... .., wt au ,it• """ " atnnpr1 .. lt\1 rMlltl -* ....... ...., wittl th~., eM. 11 llll <Il••--(C) (IO) Olt11 C..W. Jli\11 .Joplin 1N The C1•11lnll ,.._ e• n ''<JO> t.!O e 111 (I) Ill!-IC) llOl ":iWIMll &lilTu&.'" 5tt. fridlJ Ind oni. 0--... I --fl buti-1111r11.n. •• ....,., • F1&fl!.0JiM Pfll ii. o,.,.a1:1011, ' II._ CQ (30) "* w.~. ... ........... (C) (30) ·--IOIJ ·--1:11) 1:4.18 ....... --(C) !:JID-tc> , ...... -... ._. 1-) 'S4-~klr11J lllttl. tekrt lyt11. tlMD_..,.. t-l 'I&- '""' DIClrtt. 0. ~ ... c.-. ,_, '11-... """ '* 1:11111(11 -- --· l_'l7 __ .. _ -·-" ... ""'" ,_ ,._.,. c:..y, lthtl ... ,..., ·-i..--. --4:I09(C) .. -1-1 e..,..... ...,.. (comtdJ) ·•1 -Hu• H-. M1ril Wlft4Mr. - 'SS-JM M1diltmT. Dlre"'7 111 .. lent, WtlMr lrtnMll, .. ,,., PLAIN JANE MOON -MULLINS STEVE ROPER .......... ..,,.,... .. . ..,_..,_ ......... GORDO ly T 0111 K. lyan SAU Y IANANAS 04. .... p.t .. ~~ . I .....t ~ lJ<lt.l ..,, ,;.;.. v..~ ... :1\. By Frank Bacjntki THIN · By Ferd Johnson By Sounders ond Overgarcl AN/)AJ/ HOil~ LAr-,ll-WHl!'U Hf '"SO I F16UA'E . SHOWS uP "TELL THE KIO W!NT HIM NOT TO GO i:::.1~:::,~ lJ~1!~.;~ i OU6HTA DO, STE'IE! HE TALKS iO 1'1t1£. euT HE ONCE 5AID:"IF'TMEICE IS NO P~ ELSE 1'0 ~li!OW A eAll ... NA Pe.el.. USE~ WAS'(~ MSICET-• ME! By Al Smith ,,,. -.,,. '%-z \. I I z 1, 1'HAT'S MY lf.O!.E IN \.IFE • A f'l.llLOSOP H~ ON GAICBAGE Th11tJdl.y, Dtc1mbtr 4, 1%9' ... ~.;.· ~--· 114~. ~;t.? • • •• • • • • ••• • • "·" DAILY PILOT I CAN!! : (!~'.~· · · -~· . ·. ·. r I • • • • • • 0 t f • :.-.. .. • • i.1 • • ':Y J-)-•7 • • • I . . . :../../. .. . . . . . . . -...... ' .. --.-.. . . . .. TELEVISION VIEWS Jack Benny Looks New By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -"Jack Benny's New Look" on NBC \Vednesday night consisted of Jack Benny wearing a Nehru jacket and turtleneck shirt and talking about "bread'' and "being with it." THAT HARDLY seems enough on which to bang an hour special, but there really doesn't need to be .. .; an excuse for a Benny shMV. To a large segment of . the t~levision audience, a Benny a,Ppearance is a visit from an old and dependable fnend. He did not let them down, and 'vorked over the familiar ground -the tightwad jokes, the long passes as the laugh built, the violin and then a sketch \Vith Gregory Peck in 'vhich Jack got all 'lhe . laughs. Nancy Sinatra appeared in three numbers : and there 'vas a singing group, Gary Puckett and the Union Gap. Peck, in his initial television appearance as an ;· entertainer, \Vas amusing in a song-and-Oance · routine with Benny and George Burns. ABC, AFTER studying the expensive \Vreckage , of "The Survivors" has decided not to attempt any . · salvage operations. Instead, George Hamilton will , ·. star in a new series called "Paris 700," playing an adventurer attached to our embassy in France and assigned 0 to aid Americians caught in crisis situa .. • tions." Originally, ABC planned to keep the title.' change the story line and get rid of all the expen-·· . sive cast members except Hamilton. The new series will start Jan. 22. "The Survivors" is the most costly disaster of recent television seasons. It is estimated that some $8 milllion has gone into the making and remaking of the trouble-ridden series. Lana Turner, the shQ\v's top star, was reputedly making ,25,000 a week. THE SHOW will wind up the loose ends before it leaves. In the final episode on Jan, 12, the no-good : · husband of the heroine -Miss Turner -will be ··· arrested for murder after trying to kill his wife. Tracy, 1.he wife, and her former Jover will be re- united., plan to marry and take their son away. Duncan Carlyle, her brother who is played by Hamilton, will decide to leave the family bank and make a new life somewhere -presumably Paris where he will be called Joe Shannon at the em- bassy. THE SUCCESS story of the season is CBS'. "Doris ·oay Show ." It has gradually been gaining in populanty until, in the most recent Nielsen rat-.. ings, it has landed among the top 10 most popular '· progr&1Tis. ~ Whether its Increased popularity Is the resull oi a radically revised format that took Doris out of blue jeans and put her in city clothes, its new posj. tion in the schedule after the popular "Mayberry R.F.D .. " or a combination of both can be debated. l ! I Dennis the Menace r I ,. I I ~ • .. .. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE i HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS -o..o.~.;...;...;;.;.;..:.;..'-"--'-.;..;;-'--'--'-----1 Hou111 Furnished General 1000 Gen1 r1Y 1000 G1ntr~I 1000 General lOOO Co1t1 Mesa 1100 Dover Shores 1227 l i]Hi"i"'i1"i9i'i""iiBieioichiil~400~~H~uinijtiijngil~oniii;illH~~c~h~l4~00jl;;,;;;;~~;;~2c)Oi L -Ii R1nt1l1 to Sh1r1 2005 7 Look Dad FOREST E. HALECRESf MUST"" I yr old 5 BR, 3 *l rr eplaceable Vlew,:i. NEW-HOME. COLLEGE PARK Entl'r ,upon beaulttul shag bath, cUtitom home 'v.i th Ba y &. Mountains! IMMEDIATE MOVE IN WOMAN \vants sgl, ctr1 or A -·• ··">Aats .~ .• L.,1 1 "Dg Ea 1 !_._ o·" o L s o N carpeting lnto a large living pool. J\.iesa Verde. Ask•rg Regal "Old World" Contem-. \.\-'tlman with l child to share nu w• ..... we; ,,,,. room with PALOS VERDE s72.500 -make offer, Owner porary picturesque home w/ 4 BDRMS ) 1/2 BATHS a beau. 3 bdrm. home $80 $26 950 STONE FIREPLACE. o,·.. agL 540--838! or 546-4l4l ""obs•-·ct·' •v;-..• most -· ~ 1415 H B • or ""' ~'" ;, • •Parklin• •• "" ~ ~-1/4 MILE FROM BEACH .. -. -. . . (a Ken Koll home) bl1.1e pool, diving board and Inc. r:calton ing room \vith sliding glass O\VNER-A good buy. 3 BR rooms. S,OOQ sq, fl. 4 Br's, \VOMAN w/secur'fti Income Q>~ lot with special park. dttking to sunbath !he whole doors to a huge patio. Kitch-hOuse, \Vest sWe. Cpts, -i ii Ba + maids qtrs. Easy $20 990 · will share fovely, new 2 Br lng area for bQ!Lt & camper! family, Modri'n styling is CUSTOM e:n bas built-ins, disposal, drps, stove, enc gar. n1alnt. Immed occup. Furn-I apt w/ume, over JO, 01. -Nltilt-occupied home with the: keynote for this lovely 3 dlsh>A'asher. and dishmaster, f>.ls.:3026 ished. $178,00J. Consider ~~es Rell,, • near new carpeting, Vacant bedrooia and family.room NEW ENGLAND 'nutt bedrooms, 1wo pulJ. OLDER 2 BR hoiae, 2 car trade/vac.lo!.Assume6~5~ HUNTINGTON BEACH S HARE I\1y elerant & ready for your Christmas ,vilh parqlll?t floor. -Built· man baths, one with stall gar. Lrg lot -suitable for loan. s.18-7249 Call Now 962• 1°353 >A-aterfront home w/dock. occupancy. can oow lo St'e. in kitchen v.•ith terrific count. FARM shower. ~e el'fclosed yard building. 545-GOOl P.tan 35 to 60 Yf'l'. $150 ·mo. ~ 1y d At rab"'-"' Newpmi 8,,,ch. with rock waterfall fruit I ~=="===========I 2 BEDROOM Hardwood Floors $20,700 Clean, &harp home on R·2 lot. Near new cpts in this adult occupied home. Call now • tomorrow could be too late, Newport et • Victoria M6.88U ~ytim1 Live At The Beach $26,500 er space .... uur ar entroince ...., tl:ees and aJ.uminuiU tool Unlver1ity Park 1237 I. 67S-4331 on a non·lt'&Yclled \Vestcliff 4 n1a.stcr sltt bedrct0rv<. l house. This eJ-ant "·-o Meia Verd• 1110'1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: l2SO I Huntington S.ach 140Dll•R~~=~1~.MA-TE=-w~an-,..-, -G~lrl~ St. -547,000 -10% do\\•n or full baths. Farm kitMen -~e. ........ , 'I' Corona del Mar. ._,,,.. I I. B · P'"lrY -delu.-..:e built-ins. can be yours for O·N LY 4 BR, 2 "\, !m m>, •x•c POQL T,ABLE ----------BY Owner· 2 story 3 BR 2'h to share 2 bdr. apt., CdM,· may case op ion. -ring ..,4.950. Pool, clubho"~~ a·• ~ F Cb~-E I • el 0 , Call 673-U82 after 5 PM your <:heckbook and let's llugc 3S Ft. N~ England ~ecreatlon facil>·"·s-avail'.~ hori1e. Bltns, good cond. Pvt or , ... tmas. \Ve have the XC USIV y Urs BA Sboreettat home. Crpts, talk terms. family room with tons ot old bl '"' walled trnt patio, lge. htd c"act spot ~r it: See the 2 Bedroom and den, 2 haths <lrps, clec bltris. Fan1 nn, ROO~mtATES Wanted lo 646-7171 bf i ck fireplace. Winding a c. s\lim pool w/slide & div bonus room in this 3 Br. 2 quality cuslom built home frpJc, util rm. $36,500. share apts."Ma1c ot tcmale. 1-Q THE REAL \"-ESTATERS , I I ', '• 1 L ' r', ''*•• Finest Home on l\lcsa Verde's Golf Course. Vie w iron1 every l'OOm. 4 bdrn1, beautiful pool, hillside loc.'-owner \\'ould lik<! to tt-ade do\1-·n 10 smaller home or whal· have.you. Asking price $155,000. Do yourself a fa~·or & ,see this lovely ho1ne iI you can.qualify. staircase to unique heavy brd. Prof landscpng, Jo !'&·. tow~. You can be on Marigold plus a 1 Bed-As.'l\lnu? GI 6',4 Io an, BJue Beacon 645--0Ul beamed studio O.L' -Jluge main!. $43,950. 540-7573 tn it by Chnstmas! $35,450 room garage apartmcnL 968-2363 2 BR 2 story apt. S.A., pool. 5th bedroom. 5~% annual • red hi·11 Close 10 Beach.and shops, • 4 BDR. 2¥.r Ba, kitchen . $65 mo + 1 util, w/ % ra!c loan available?. Un-Owi6 will cany 1st TD, ram. · Lrg den \Y/bar, 2250 t>mployed yng man. 67~ e qua I e d at $38,950. Dial College Park 1l l5 673-8550 sq rt. Assun1<' 6% GI. By Now! 6'15-0303. Open Daily 1-5 PM . REALTY Owner. $2.-8923' or 546-71i0. Newport Beach 2200 LG. 4 bdrm 2 ba .. \&sumablc 4 BDRM + FAM + RUMPUS WHAT'S THIS! ! $18,500 Evenings caH 646--4579 FINEST VIEW F1'0m the top of llarbor View Hills. Lovely family home \\'ilh 3 bedrooms, 3~~ baths magnificent paneled den with full bar and s1one fireplace. Big YiC\Y·Side kitchen $119,000 01\•ner \\'ill Finance low int loan. 2339 Colgiltc Fountain Valley 1410 J BR., CdM Oceanfront. Dr. For Information call. I~!!!!~ ELEGANT MANSION Guest rn1 .• pool &: p1·ivale? PERRON RLTY 642-1771 r OPEN DAILY 1.s b 2800 beach. $1,000 Month 1519 Bonnie Doone 4Rbdrnis 3d ~tbs, . sq _rt. 2 BR. Bayfronl apt. \V/dock EHi biuff 1242 Newport Beach 1200 OWNER sngle story condo. 3 WONDERFUL BR 2 ba '"" ~nr1. M'"Y :x-tras.. S42 ma1nt fee. Price WESTCUFF ""'"""' to 121.000. s.. a1 The gleaming noors and 62<1 HilYanat Sat &. Sun only. fl'eshly painted interior de. note true pr~e of ownc.r:s:hip El Toro 1244 here. ExcepDOnally function-~.;co:.;:_ ____ :.::: al floor plan 1o1>i th spacious LAKE Forest Camelia model rooms designed for real fam. Rc·sale. 4 BR. 2 BA. Cen. ily enjoy1ncnL Ta.I I shade tra1 air, curtains & lavish oman cs1gu s\111mm1ng .1 ~~ •1 r· Elegant 2 BR. + den. AU 1 'lh 1 t & flt a\'al . .,.,.,., "o. on case. wool cpts. Gold fi"1ures, poo "'1 .. K'a "r 1 er. Also avail. for short term. shutlel'S & beaut. garden. formal di.ning. room, paneJ. 3 BR. Bluffs, nr. pool I: led d<'n \\"Jth fireplace, super ~'--· ""'):;Mo •·-Owner·Brokcr k"! 1 • h b nd f ;,uupp1ng. ~ • un ........ fi73.01A~ or 6i7>.403l J c lCn "'II a u ~rn:e o Riddle & Ross 67;}-7225 -.... cupboanfs. Josi repainted & --~=~~~~~-1 EASTBLUFF-VIEW decorated. $~7.950 takes all TOWNHOUSE; 3 BR, 2~ 3 BR. l~ ba. Nice fpl. Din. .,, • ...,,..,..,..,.· BA, 1rplc, patio, pool, 2 car area. Shows unusually well. If llltiI!Jj::::tQjlmlf1 1 .0Jfl f.:• .!~ b:=-. u~! ~: Call for price & terms. '\!!MnT: !'fs:a=i .,_.,.. ..,.,.,, CORBIN-MARTIN Avail 1211. 871--8811 or REALTORS 675-lliG'l ----w~o~w~,~,----l _64_2-_24_97_~~----" 3036 E. Coast iilyY .. Cd~t 1j'x30' Family Rl\f. FffiEPLACE, Pool, 2 bdr., 2 •)1 ~\·s .1\ ~r~\ :)i, ,1lti' 546-5990 . This is beach livini: at its -~~-~o;;··~-o;;;;iiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I bes t -2 big '*<Inns. plus a And only 6 year.s young. Fan. rastie tenns too! Get togeth· er $1,300 and that's all you nccdJ 4 good size bedrooms -:! baths -kitchen v>'ith built-ins. Family + rumpus room. Beautiful, well kept. lree lined commWlity. Where in the \\·orld can you find a bargain like this. t.love fast! Dial &15-0303. 645-0303 COMP'ANY REALTORS 673-4400 trees and beautilully land. gnrden. A ppr a i s e d at 2 GOOD houS<'s on 2 R-2 lots, scaped grounds, Excellent $·11,000. 24136 Elrond Ln, 0 7 value at $42,950. 8.'ll-8620 S. of H"'Y· \VOCr. $5 ,500. Better lhan new 3 b a.th, ba., patio, adults. Bayside fonnal din. rm. 3 c. gar. Village. Until July ht. flll, 2jOO sq. rt. Block \\'all. C II 1213) 2224309 or 673-5419. Largest lot ever -':'-n1ust OCEAN front house, Tops! den -2 baths and 2 atrium patios -all only 6 years old. O\\'tler \Vil! carry the ff·1. ancing with only $2000 down -\VO\V? ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2619 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES TILL a,30 3 BDRM HOME 13• baths. carpe l s throughout, lircplace, boat door. nicely land· scaped. % block to ele· mentary school, near ne11• Edis on lligll. fll.%0. Jf!ia.. ~~TS ~ WALLACI REALTORS -->'54 .. 6 ... 4141- l()pM Evenings! HOUSE+ 10 UNITS BAYFRONT Ready for immediate occu- pancy. Large 2-stoty bay. front home \\'i1h 4 spacious bedrooms, large liYing room. formal dining room; panel. eel den with wet bar. Alaster suite with sitting room. lire. place & exll~d large dressing room. Pier & float for la11;c power or sailboat. See this exciting buy ! Sl7j,(.OO : john macnab 1714 ) 642-8135 !lOl Dover Drive, Suite 120 Newport Beach WANT TO TRADE? 2 blocks front hack bay!! 4 bedroom ::: bath excculi\'C', ramily hon1c, 01\'ll('r \\'iii ll'ade lot a smaller home in Cogta l\Tesa area. Fe \V at l larbor Cent~r 2299 I/arbor Blvd., C.M. Mesa Del Mar Big 4 •terc is a gleaming tri~ndly family heme in a choice area. Newly painted and carpeted. Texas size bed- rooms, 1 ~4 baths, dream kitchen 1vlth refinish<!d satin cabinets. Best of all only $29,4<;0. Colesworthy & Co. .. Agent .. "For A \VMie Buy" G~2· 7Tl7 ch'""' to Irv, '" We.rdrrr 1--=w~H~Y~R=E=N=T=1.-­so easily. F or $53,200 . I-low can you go...,,,·rong? 546-2313 $123.00 Month , Beautifully dccorall!d 4 BR. 2 baths, 4 year old house plus;! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"'" Includes Everything ten 2 BR. 11,J bath, 2 i;tOl'Y apartmenlS '"ith $1700 a month iocomr. 4 units are nicely lurnishcd. Large heat- ed pool. S3S.OCIO d0\\11 will buy at $169,jOO. Riddle & Ro11 675-721~ LIDO SANDS BIG HOUSE- SMALL PRICE Gorgt"Clus 4 bd1m charmer. Entertainer's livi ng room ttiling high fireplace. Large master bdrm, all bit-in "'ife. saYcr kitchen. Desirable Mesa Del P.Iar Joe walk to all i;C'hools. Hlll'l'Y its too sharp 10 last at SJJ.500. !l's a. 3 bcd1'00m home In Cos1a i\1esa. there's no quaJ. i!ying to assume the ~xisting VA Loan v.•ith an annual per- centage rate of 6%. l'Ull. price is $21.950 -Best Buy Around! GREAT VIEW LUSK Jiarbor View Hills, 4 BR. 2 Ba .• 3 car gar, Combo kit. lam. rm. J.,andscaping_p_~!­ done. "'Sparkling" clean. s;s,rxx,. Al Fink ...,... Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, Calif. 833-0700 644-1430 $1100 DOWN \Viii buy this Eastside 3 bd· 1m fixer upper ror a qual. Hied FHA/VA buyer. Va- cant & l\'aitini; for a new O\'iner. WE-SELL A HOME I=-======= 1,:;67;;;'"'=16 "' 9 ===== EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2!>13 \VeStcliU Dr. 646-7711 HARBOR ltlGH LANOS . Believe us. these homes are hard to find. Bright, clean. 3 bdnn 2 bath home '"ith cozy fh-epla1.:e, patio & niC<"ly 1·and sca pcd . \\lallcir\I.: distance to !'.lariners School. Price $28.500. Call 54:>-842-1 •open eves) Soul h Coasi Real Estate. Modern Duplexes On Th1 Peninsula 2 BR, fjreplacc. enclosed gar. age. each un it. Near beach. Only $54,9j(}. On Balboa Island 3 BR Jowcl' + 4 BR upper, elec bltns, lireplacr. SS5.000 Riddle & Ress 675-7225 Corona del Mar 1250 Our Exclusive Enjoy fn'.im every room an ocean view and sun sets over ShorecliUs · \vooded area J rom this ~pacious :I hdrm., den homr. Thl' only lloor plan ol its kind on Roxbury in exclusive Can1co Shores $76 . .JOO sec-! Lg 2 BR. 2 BA. Frplc, crpt5, Linda lsle 1306 1-lAFFDAL REALTY di·ps. yard, patio. $250. win. ;::;::.:.::..;::.;:. ___ ...:.::: ___ 842-4cc__405 1er. 673-8088 57 Linda Isle Drive -t---------1\1ust scC • 4 BR, it BA hon1c G.J. RESALE 4 ~'Ill., 2 ha., 2 BR, l BA, 1,2 blck rrom bay w/ patio dCC'k, sltling nn & room for . trailer andfor & beach. $160 + util. \Vinter boat, beautiful yards, close l'ental to July 1. 675-25.39 frplc in nlastcr BR suite, to schools, $7,000 down.I°"====='====== Fam rn1 has sunken conver. 61, o;o loan. 831Hi081, 11882 sation pit & fil!lc. $162,000. \V isteria }~.v. Corona del Mar 2250 Linda Isle Development Bill Grundy 675-3210 Santa Ana Hgts. 1630 CUTE l Bclr separate house. Yrly. Adlts. No Pel& $150 L'.do Isle 3 I '1,., ACRE. 2 Br., frplace,1 =m='=· Ca=="=·="='-='""=·===cl ;;.;.:;:__:oo;.. _____ l_c..5 heated pool, nn for Jiorses.1- 107 VIA EBOLI SJJ.500. ~vlll'r. 545-69-IS. Huntington Be1ch 2400 4000 SO. FT. 4 BR. 31~ BA, 3 car garage. Crpts, drps, unusual featur. es. Bu.ill 1967. Owner C. R. Gangi. 213 I 24~·3101; eves 213 I 246-0700. Open, Huntington Beach 1400 L1gun1 Beach 1705 VERY AttradiYe 2 BR. con- BEAUTIFUL <lin1 .• comp!. furn'd. in Hun. HOME Hngton Bay Townhouses. 1 BEACH child OK. $175. PreL )'I'. in loYely Laguna condo. com-lease. Rltr. 546-5880 munlty: fronting on magnif·l...,==,.,-.------1 iccnt healed 1K>OI, 100 steps RENTALS fl'on1 priv. bch .. tennis cts. Houses Unfurnlihlcl 2828 E. COAST HWY. Owner Desperate etc. Comp. attracliv(' furn. Corona del Mar !\Tust sell . ll'a nsfcl'rftl out or 3 LRG. Bdr, 2\~ Ba. Fam. 673-3770 stale. Take ovrr 5~ '1h G.I. rm. 2 frplace11, !'"Orick & l t--~~~~----Joan. Neat 4 & ram. rn1. \Y/ include \\'/\v crpt'g, drps .. General 3000 kgsz masl<'r bed; locationh.---·-----'-·I (lccor. 2 BRs. 2 BAs. scp. Frie Rental Servi~• Palos Verdes rock. Slate BEAUTIFUL fully ('(!pd. Anthony pool. hall entry. J-lea\'y shakc rf. EXECUTIVE HOME $191. incl's. 1axr11 & ins. Co1npl Inced yd. Profess. With a truly spacious ocean \Vide open for olfcr on list· Landscaped. Sprinklers. Ex· vic\v, Absolutely immacu. j.ng of $34,9,j(l. Iv .• din. rms; laun. wi!h w/d, for example: stor., 2-car gar. lower lev· Beautiful 3 bcdrm., 2 bath el. See to appreciate. Sho\\·n home with heated and fil· by o~er, call ror app't. tered pool in !\1esa Verde, 499.2152 or 837-0i9l. it has built·ins, fjl"('piace, ec. I-Im on Cul-dc·sac St. 1 late! One of the finest 3 * 642·1771 Anytime* Blk lo Back Bay. $45.000. fklrms .. ram. rm. homes. ~(nt;~~~~~~eatrt\ 646-6317. Fonnal dln. rm., 2~ baths. LLEGE REALTY Special! 4 Income units 120 SANTA ANA HEIGi-ITS Luxury Bayfron-1-Beaut. carpeting & drapes. l500AdamsatHartlor,CM. yds. to beach, Patios, decks $23.000 excel terms. J BR, For $65,COO. Full BAY viC\I' Lanai overlooking Corona "'"""""""""""""""""" "'/ocean view, Nds. paint. HANDYMAN'S forced air heating. We ha.Ye more. bdwd fin, eptd. frplc, patio, front each rooin or 3 Bd. dcl !\lar. Dbl. dct. gar. \\'/ Owner Transferred e lc, Should gross $9,000 yr, bit-in R&O, Lg cor. lot, ·•-F I t r electric tloor opener. Xlnl Pr. $69.900. Consider ti-a.des. ,. conuum. rp . CTrace, J>OO • Sharp 2 story 3 bdrn1 21~ i\llSSJON REALTY 494-0ill ORAN...:11E COUNTY'S e e • • Boat privileges. GoOO trms, landscaping & fencing. Jr. L 4 BR 2 ba. nr WcstcliU R C GREER R It replaceable at S59,500! Only bath. On comer lot. Carp-J DlSJ'RESS SALE e ARGEST 5hopping $27,900. Cptd, ' • ea Y l k yrs. old. Slop by our off. ets/drapes, all built.ins. For. Oceanvie\V home. Low dO\\'n 2629 HARBOR BLVD, screened patio, sep. block 335 ·-=S=V=ra=L~id=o~=="'=·9JOO~I il-e at the Jamaica Inn for mal dining rooin, service to assume xlnt Joan. 5 yr. ~ ' house "·orkshop. a\vard STEPS TO OCEAN your inspection of many po=-t"h, family roonl. Assunie old J BR. 1.;.1, ba. home. OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 winning child'• tr<e hou~a Like n!?\V 4 Br. 21~ baths; other homes or call. an"';me 6% GI loan • pi-ice s33.900. R·" ~ t .., 500 R -'" p I J R It ,...u,,.,... 0 ...._., ent or Lease Option e a e e bltns. Street · to -street lot. • 6n-3Zll or 541-6613 au one5 ea Y PLACE REALTY 49.1-9704 Large homf.', ltleaa Verde. F. Kl-ard Real Esta'le Room for boat,. Only Sl1.SOO. e BILL HAVEN 8-17-12~ Eve. 8•17-8919 ··•-CAYWOOO REALT VJ E\V, 3 BR, 2 BA. all elec., New shag carpet &: paint: MI 2.2222 y REALTOR Buy of the Week bca.111 ceilings. crpts. drps, SZ50 mo. PAUL•WHITE ORANL~~~~~:TY'S 3 BR 2 bath home, corner 6300 :·~~~\~,NB 2lll E. Coast, Cdl\l 673-3211 3 bdnn 2 ba. hc;\\'d firs .• J•l lg cor lot. $36.C.OO. 01~·ncr 546-9521 or 540-6631 CARNAHAN lot 130x180 • add 5 more · lOlS 8· l't1aln, S.A, ~l-6613 month old 22x36' hrared & -';'='"'=7="======~' ~ •&ALTY co. 2629 HARBOR 81'..VD. units. Dri .. ·e by 15<15 Santa BEST BUY· VACANT 180• Ocean-Bay View -filtered pool, $171 per month ;. 546-8640 Ana Ave. then call $33.000 • POOL Never Before Listed pays all. JOO:: Baker. C.M. 5-16-5-1·10 OPEN EVES TILL 8:30 llittnia 1".-a(ftt Bluffs, $42. mo. assn Ice 3 Lrg 4 Bdr, :.!~l Ba, fam rm The Real Estate Mart I :iiii:·ii-::::-~~~···~~~-i !"':~"""""""'!':"':"':"""I '&\"' :::. :;.>-604~23 East BluU Dr. landscapecl-Lang AILA incl. --·-~~84~7-·~85~3~1____ 4 lxlnn, tam. ~..__ One . of. a -kind Newport Heights ----'"=2-6560~·:.:.C---swiln pool, Ilalio, auto gar. $ If you can afford $200 a rm, dining nn, den & pool. "{-Pretentious 4000 sq. It. hon1c ROOM FOR BOAT $28,500 CHEAPEST IN ILUFFS opener, sprinklrrs. Draprs 24,950 month rent, then you can Avail now! $450/mo. Agt Quiet street. 3 block.• lo beach, 3 bdrms, open beam- er) ceilings. Vacant -"·eU priced at $2£,000. • Barrett Realty 16C6 \Vestclrtf Dr., NB I_~] J K. Nl(H0l5 Mission Viejo 1708 ELDORADO HOME! BAYCREST 641-5100 Divorce Forces Sale Lovely view homt" • Back Bay area. 4 lg. bl'drooms, lam & din. rms. Vacant. Im. med. poss. See it • ~fake )'OUr otrcr • Buy a bargain. SCl·SllO c ... cilltrnl u.trt1 OUEGE REALTY -l51:11Adlms 1tli*,al or goll course faiJway. Lu.'<. "·t , Bd & 1 $31 .$0 • 4 BR caq>cts. Nc\v Kllchenald P.1usr SELL 3 large BR l~.i afford this Alandra 3 Br, 642-5200 Lue -nn gues room. S B·,rm + Family rm · '-,,..,.--,-,=~=---urioUs air-cond. game rm.. WQ • Chvner c1es""ra1e. n1ust sell-Custo1n desk-sew Cl'nter-ba, dining room. Adult oc· fam rm on view lor. J\;love 1·119'. ·1 BR. Bit"'· w/>v Jorge family roon1 &. modern 2 bat"· d r -•-· · "" " :u fl . \\'Cl bar and all •ha! "'" en or •o:w..'<•ng. eas.v 1crn1s. 6#-&188. bcd-bkcascs. June occup. cupicd only. Low down to in by Christn1as. $27.900. As. •-s. 2 •-lcs. Ch.old-a •' '--'' kitchen. Obi. garage on aJ. El lri ,., "· d.p.. ......., ... P ... !!Ort of thing • plus a vie\\• ec c 1 c.,.,,n. new i,,. •• BY •~~r. , BR. 3 Ba. f•m Open Mouse 1·5 Sun. or by present financing. Quick pos. sume 6%. ':,~ FHA loan. pets O.K. Avail 12115 ••-. Icy. Ai1iple room for boat & washer. Elf.'gant firl'p!aCt'. ., appt 2815 Harbor vit'1'' Dr BRASHEAR REALTY -Uiat \\'<In'! quit. Corne see it! camper. Roo r ~-t S'"l""" rm, din rm, cus bit. End of · · * * ~ * 534-6980 m or .......... . -nr ·~"· 1 • .,., :-ioo Owner 644·2740 "'·•1 •~1 "l ,~. ~·r17S LA PAZ HOME' ':-==-=-...,--~--~ !46·5180 TARBELL 2955 Harbor ~2~~:~,•.c. 363 Vista Ba.ya .,.,..CA .. MEO SH.ORES .,... ..,,,.,. ...., -,.,... "'""" • 'LARGE 2 story 3 or 4 BR.s (nArcinemathetflt) .,.. -vJ"t BY Ch\'TK'r - Assume 51A (\Vhat a Packag('I l3x21' nimpll$ room. bit-ins, LLEGE REALTY \VANT To buy duplex or FORECLOSURE · J BR 21h $64,500 Loan. 3 Br. drn, lrg. faJT,, Give your family this beaut. nev.•ly decorated. ;270/mo. l5IXI AdM'ls1IHartlof,CM. ~mall house in E-Cl\I area. BA. To\i•nhou~: frplc. Pooi. BEST B~Y !n this ex._crusive rm .. lrplact'. 2 hn. Islond spacious 3 Br, fam rm with 557-7648 54().1151 Principals only. 67;:,....cJ617 or N·-•s ,,,.,1. $21,500. af('a. \\ctlplanned. ., BR., ki tchen, bit.ins, 2 pan1rys. b ilr · ba "· 1~ -• 6'12-U163 ''''" u ·In r, ""a"" ....,...., $165. 3 Br, 2 Ba. Bltns, gar. 1860 Newport Blvd .. Cl\l . Liaison C.o. 646-0732 d('n, 3 baths; high. corner Boat gall'. Covered pulios. Yours for $38.900. Assume Children welcome. BI u c CALL 646-3928 E\.'Cs. 6-l4-03t5 BY O"'ncr -lrg assun1able ----------. -vle\v lot: very p1·1va te & EZ care landscaping. Close 6-k FHA loan. Call Nel Beacon 64.>-0lll !~'!'!~~~""~~~,.I GI loan 3 Br. 2'~ ba, din LOVELY 4 Br. custom built, quiet. lo all schools. shoppng. bch. Sh k . . v· . ru Lachenmyer Realtor Mesa Del Mar l,laycn'!st area tgc backyd u es at J\;11ssion ICJO ty. "'"" 2 Br r ~ d $25,. FHA rm, lan1 r m, \Valk to schls, · • i\lr.s. !lopper. Ai:;t. fiil--6.ilO $33,450. 962~. 837"500 01""""" ~~· · e • .._.,.. Y for QUIET STREET s bdrm&. 3 baths. dini ng 2001Leev.·ard.548--0773 1;;,:;;,:======!..=:==:;:,o;:=:====,,_:_::~·::;·~_::0!:,'!-~-:::!·:._ __ children. Gar ll I " ba ~ r l" room.\Valkingdis1ancelrom bch, piinc. only. $33,500,1==========-1 • ava no,v, 3 BR, .,. . ,., t. iv. nn, 96S-ll09 Blue Beacon 6'15--0111 ~ o-s bltn~ Lg• to• Kl11d('1-gart~n - -College. • bt 1 1 t 1 I Newport H1l•ht1 1•10 ;;..':'·oo~:' ~orage~ 521.200." S38,500. ·~~:~ eo:V be~,~~ ~~ HORSES OR UNITS -• "' ~ sdi7s. 3 BRir ,',enced yd. wlw. CORBIN-MARTIN Wells·McCardle, Rltrs. llnl'd atreel. This hOme Is: a ~ ae~ J Br, 2 ea, pool, as· SANTA fi~f Ir\ STAR. G AZEK:IC ~~ Br:,·~ &: pet O.K. REALTORS 1810 Ne\l'port Blvd .• C.~t. real value. Lo1v do"'n pay. sume 6%~;. 0....'ner 531·7636. Al lfS Br CLAY JL POI.LAN 1 l.~;;c--;c=,-,~o-,..-,,.,--....1 6'5-1662 557.959j f~\'C', S.ffl·77'l9 6·1•1·0684 eves. men! -roon1 for boat or ~ HA~. :1 ~ Y0411' Ooflr .Acfrtily Guide Ji.. SltT.L 1~•.rl°"' $325. Lease S BR, 3 BA, liv .• 3036 E . Coe.st Hwy., Cdl\I l """"""'!!'!!'~~~""""~l trailer. No credit qualillca-Costa Mesi 1100 His Arrived Early -~A,A.u T d .Acco,drngta rheStor1., oci-.1t~lW ~1S4~r~,elecklt.2GOOM1 'BAYCRESJ SPECIAL $26 950 >kma . I;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I , . ..,_.., o <Volop '""rogo '" Fndoy, S-><'1·<0 • ,.,95•1 •-,.3 I' Nr\\•pon llrights 2 ~'Clroom -C> S.16-71 reodwordsconespond1ng torl\rnbcrs 1.72.a.t.S.S • 5 Bedrm +Pool .,_ • or ~ 1 FANTASTIC VALUE hotnc .Prlct'd atgrowidval· of)«ll"Zodiocbirrhsign, - 3 batiul, full dining room. l.at'l'e 3 lxhm 2 ba th fully uc alone. Zoning v.•ill permit ~ ~ ~~ ~· !~ ~:-' Cost1 Meu ..3100 (;bdnn + JOm\al dining + pool "'°"""' <On<lllloo. Coll .. .,,,.,. DAVIDSON RHlty ~ EYH. 544-1811 , ROOM TO SPARE ·Callt. oontemponl)' w/S blg bdmu, • l!aJ ... n. °"""" de! Mar 5dlool dilt. You own the land. Sfl.500 Hal P inchin & Assoc. 3!!00 E. 0..1 JI-cf', 6TM392 $20,0{IO. G.I. Tenns Spaelotts home wllh cu•lom Rich \\'QOd pane-Jing • h:tnd· c&.Tpeled, draped, CQ\lf'rt'd 4 unira • To sclUe rstale, 3 A 33 A "-1 1n1u .. r somt" bl'l'akrnst bat. R('al patio & deluxe intel'('Om "·ith Quick sale w lur. • Tajl l• Pet~1tff'« ,,. G:-.oad r1unity living In an area or uw da\l•n.paymcnt 3511um;: $18.000 ~ ~;;6'1 ~ ~: ~ ~:.:" nl05t conV('fllcntt. ;,.1a..li~'O. LIDO SANOS 6,._~ !Mn paynble nn/mo, 646-7171 1 ~ l, Good "' w ... ~ TARBELL 2955 Har bor 5 BEDROOMS r • c:o-oni-31 v..... ts !.f~1..ti "'°"· ,, ~ pays A I incl llUCA & W. ' F.-.....y , 39 u i... 69 ......i , • A P • 1 GI" :? lllilhs. Ll\rge ya.n\. Full prk.'<' $13,:IOO, Joan })al. 10 c-<10 '"'"""";.,... 10 v etc. n ~l r1va e 1mp11 $-950 11 o.,...·, <1 1 '"'"-',... 11 ~,,,_, •>•·-•I Into !his exciting world 01 ... .,., a ncc SI~,iCO. To stt lhis 11 Plll-.ct ... , c;...,,,,_ 72 P..i•"'1 1)7..,- Georg• Wllll1m son ~l\utltul ''l\lue tall SJO.tl5l • ll L"°"' •l """" 13 r..o.r, · th;:i nlO!ll cxclusiv,. residt-ttf. 14 ~...ff .... ~or 74 ... u la )ol'Ction on IM Back Bay H.EALTOR /l('ri lllitC Real Estal(' topen 15 Off A!>$<~ 7) Dny I n... .........._ .._._, 673-4350 673-1564 Eves. ~vcsl A LITTLE 16 Mot"" ~ Mtr1 ,,, rOI' n ....,,Tr "'"''"5• 3 ..,,-,,,.... PRIVATE KINGOOM 17 T.. •7 Cwld 7' l""""' new niodf:ls. 4 bdnns, 3~1 $24 950 11 L1¥ft1 •8 ~ 18 ,.._......., bath~. Sporkll"" .........i. Roy • ..,.. LARGEST \\'ft.lied Pftllo, 3 Br.+ dln. + 19 o.. ..a Shell ,. Ct-lf'bforlf'D r..>""""~4 ··• ~ 4 8 d + F ii R PROPERTY IN f m"·· + ~-ft -" pur '° Co·•oAm ~ liwt.• 80 tJ111e J . Wn~ 1430 Cal..\xy Dr. I rm am Y m . a -v WJ'<.U • '™ • 11 o.,,, '' C:O.thillv 11 M&• * CO'ITAGE 1 Bdr. Sto\i?, ttfrig. Utll pd. $140. No Pets. 545-629}, 557.-8400. HOUSE In court. Crp1s, df'P'I, carport 97'6-B \Vest 17th SL Costa i\fesa 3 BR A dtn, l~~ ba. apls, ~ frlil, blt·W. clean. No. C:M: $215 mo. ~7153. 616-1.SJO Plcasl'3' hon1e "''Ith modem MESA DEL MAR. po1e room. $4!1,000 22 ~ 52 "°"'°mnu wt l:«IM'f $23 000 built In kJtch<'n. Covertd By Ow11t.r '4 BR. 2 BA. dbl Walker Rlty. 675·5200 ~~ ~ ~ &-~ ¢::,""'. _ , p:1tlo. 01\"0l'r hrlps ~·ilh tin-scar. ftncloSoed main p.·ulo + 1'66 Vin Lido, NU ~n ~'\Jn. :n ~or ~~Or 115 It~~ 4 BEOR."\t', 2 ba, 111.rdn lnC". OCEAN VIEW ancing. ~10-17'.'.'Cl. 2 npcu pn.tlos. Uni11ue ten· PRIME AREA VIRGO ~~ ~ ~ f: r, ~ ~~!i>~:!l $2$ mo. l st & las! mo. - Mnodel Mor 3105 carpctlnJ: I dntPf'I. FlrP-.Attrar.ti\•c home ~·llh m~ny pla(<e. Th:llaht.lu..I paUa. -I hllndy Y.'ork Jcaturei. l.a.rioo )n. new. Sm!ne 1111rrwnd· valuable lot, lJnob$lt-ucted Ina· \•few nil the y.·a.y 10 Lal'T\lnB. TARBELL 2955 H a rbor tninet'. ~hrubs, h't'('S. ~1nny SEE this 3 BR. 2 Ba. Family. ~~ ~uG 11 <'8 IU ~s ""'4 '' ""•Q•dlrot $100 dep. Vac. 15 Dec. Ml "''000 ~"'"'767 "\ ,· 2'0f ~tfool ~Ma<. St Cl . 54"0"74 3 MR. 2 BA, rarn1ly l'OO!n, extras! .,.,.., · '"'""' a-ro-.:i roon1, trril, ho1nc In top nrt:11. ~ sHr. 11, JO "" 60 o...t.i1 ~ 11 • iur. """"' prof decor. l 't yr old-xlnt 3 on lvJuse on \Vil.son $23.!'m. Asking S:U,~). 10.21.'79.38 \£) ® () ]11' 4 BR. 2 Ba. Crpt &. OT;p;~. eond. i;i2,soo. 71~2 >1ttl Owner .• By appointn1rnt. Graham Rl ty. &46-2414 4f-6lU89 '' Good -Ad«nc Ntuiul sm: One ye11.r lease. Call Ltl l'IC. 11 0.. Owner 646--431! r,.is-.203!J/G·l!H7CO Nr11r Nf"l\.J)!Jrt Pos1 Oflh•r '-------------------------....,.---l-',.._0:·:...::8580:::.;.."""';;...:·;_ __ _ !ao.4GIG~!!!, _ _!:TA~R~B~E~L~L l»-6060 TARBELL I 1 ...... ___ ,,._,,.,._..,..,=,..--..,,-........ ----------------------------------------·--·---··----~·-·--·--· . ~ RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS Hou .. 1 Unfurnlsshed Apta. Unfurnished • ....;.A.::;pt::;•:.:·_F::;u::;m··.:.;;:l•::;h;;;ed;:..._. Orange CoUntr 4600 1 __ A_P_t1._u_n_1u_m_1_shod ____ A~p-11_._..,_·._1_u_m_l_shod __ 4:iot1I--------S.nta Ana • 5620$.tnta Ano 5620 SINGLE Adults.. 1 u x u r y 3705 Newport Beech Newport· INch 3200 --TOWNHOU$E 3 Bdrtnf., 2a bllh•. Adults only. Faces pool. $m Mq, 8AY & BEACH REAL TY, INC. 901 Do~r Dt., NB SUile 12fi 645-2000 Ev••· 548-6966 FINER RENTALS Ba.yfront 3 & den. Pier, float. Immac. $~ month, Magnif.icent 4 bdrm., 4 bath view bolnl!. $1,000 mo. John Macnab 6t2-823S For rent Of &ale C BR. 11ew, In J..a4:una, $300. n10 or $41.!iOO. 83G-4079 RENTALS Apts. ~umlshed Ge-·· 4000 Tlr GORGEOUS New .VAL D'ISERE SiJ\ile-1 br-2 br--:-Furn.·unl. Sauna, >.ct'y Rm, Billiards Therapy &: 45' pool, BBQs 200'.) Panons Rd. 642-8670 HOLIDAY PLAZA DELUXE, spacious 1 Bdrn1 Fu~ apt $135 plus util. 3 BR, 2 BA, walk to schls & HettM poot, ample parking shop'g Cl!nter. PooL Avail · No children -no _pets. Jan 1. "Thi! Blulis" $325. 1965 POmona, C.i\I. WINTER RENTAL. 'Til June; -The Bluffll. 3 Br, den, crpts; drpa, frpl, 2 pe.tios, pools. 615-4491 or 6'4--0449 No p!!ls. 614--0350 3 BR horn!!, Bal Pt. yrly $300. 3 BR apt, New. Sh. yr- ly ;235. Frank ltlarshall Rily 675-4600 S125. 1 Br spacious 4-plex w/gar. Adults. Blue Beacon 645-0lll $125. l BR. W/\V, drps. Baby OK. • Bkr 534-6980 COCO PAlMS & SANDAl WOOD APTS. ?o{tWJ>Ort Stach i;arden o.plll, wltull recrea. -GRANO OPENING Uon fecUltiea l complete IMMEDIATE privacy. South Bay Club OCCUPANCY Apta, 271 So. Brookhurst. Del111e 1 story Gard• A~fl Luxury gaiden apartmenls Anaheim 1114) m4500 For Oi1tinctive Tenants in futtin At11 offering complete. privacy, -Finest in Or1n9• County btau1iful landscaping &:~ Gi1rden Grove 4610 I, 2 & l BEDROOMS ADULTS ONLY paralleled recreational tacll e POOL e PATIO - ilia: in a country club at· • SOUNDPROOF e AIR CONDITIONED mospherc. Now leasing in SINGLE Adu.Its . L u x u r y . Newport Beach. garden apts with country • FIREPLACES • BUil T -INS Furnished or unfurnished club at.rnosphere and com· • CARPETS • DRAPES Modets open 10 all\ to 8 pm ~~p~I:,)(. ~U~ .BAY Ne.tr 17th & Tustin Closa to 1hopprng Rents &om SlS5 to $310. Ave., Garden Grove~~~ 2101 Pondaros• 547.1320 Mgr. Apt. 2-l OAKWOOD "'"'1!00 1.-. .~ ,., --. -.•. GARDEN L1gun1 8Hch 4705 Co1ta Me11 5100 I APARTMENTS -c., ••• del Mor 5250 17~ 16th Street CHARf\.UNG Partly furn NEWLY dC(:Or. 4 BR, 2 BA. --------- 714: 6"2-8170 sculde st~dio bungalow, buill-lns, dshwhr, e1·pts, LARGE 2 BR, crpts drps 1 BR Jmrnac.·pali~lose to _garden selling. ~~~ $170 drp.c;, patio, i.:::.1 gar, pool~ bltns. Ocean V1c1v. Adult c~i bch 1 ,.,;,..,.1 inc gar, all ut1l1t lcs, NOPETS:-Call8.'*1-4976-l""OnlY, 00 pets m;:· 303 • -<e e man or marT Tele-clear Re.f.s 4M-2775 ' ' cpl. No chUd./pel.JI. $140 mo · · • 1iVO 2 BR apts, l lov.·er floor Femleaf. 673-5675 yrly-util pd. 9. 12 a.m, only, RENTALS • , & l splil level. Crpts, drps, NE\V, So. or Hwy. 2 Bdrms., 642-3656 Apt1. Unfurrushtd bltns. No pets. 2S85 l\tcndoza beamed ecit., v.'ith deck & IVATERFRONT Dr. 545-5-121 fireplace $230 ~fo. w/boa l G I 5000 dock. Lovely 2 BR. patio •n•rl LARGE 1 BR. Carpets, drps, Don V. Franklin Rltr 673-2222 Yl'ly lse. 6n-9060 orl;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;I stovt". refrig. Sll5. Adulls, CUTE 2 BR. aiil. Newly * * r' . - * Wheddya Wint? Wh1ddya Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Sped1I Rite S Line s -5 times -5 bucks •ULES -.-o MUST INCLUDE 2 * '-W"-' -NI~• to ITtl!lt. a.-W!I_. 'j'OIJ w•nl 111 ,, ... '-YOUR pl!Ont '"°'"' tadrf:!,t. •...S n~. of '°"'''"'I"" ~01'HING fOlt &Ale -T'AOE$ ONL•I PHONE 642,5678 To-P-l.1ce Your T rader's P.1raclise Ad Stamp Collection: 1o~ In I! cond. l\'lounted. '61 catalog valu ol'r $800(). Trd 113 catalog for :nob·J hrn. or ru; down on Orange Co. hn1. 4!17-1416. Beautiful 41' Norwe1gan Sailing Yarllilt. Lovi ngly car. cd lor & C"quippcd. $16,00'.I equity !or ho1nc, income, TD'r., ca1·s or??. &l.J-.'1265 CHOICE Of 3 lovely 3 Bdrm homes nr. ocean. $25(4275 yrly. Csywood R 1 ty. 548-1290 Costa MMa 697-5918 VEN DOME no pl'ts. 642-8579 decor. Cpts .. drps, stove. >---------4lOO LLA~R~C,CE,,'-l~B~R~.-.-,-..,,-.,-1.1 l BR. upper a pl. Single $150 Ptlo. Broker 67~2101 l Rcre improved vie1v lot. DAILY •tLOT :J/l .·l REAL ESTATI ~ General """' Acre.1ge ·--6200-·1 ===ll ' PRE-PAID , INTEREST . ·$ A small principal p-.ymenl { will hand!~. alone with pre-: paid lntere&t....!J.111 30 acre : parrel. Prleed Ill $240,0XI. • A~<iume 6\i~V flnanc:lng A ' carry with crops. Well JC). ~ catcd In Riverside with good pot<!nllal. J-~or mon! tnforma. : 1!011, plC'11SC cull K. \V. small : Eckhoff & Assoc., Inf;. 1818 W. Olllpma.n Ave, Orange, Calif. 5-11·2621. Eves-\\·knda 538..M7J. CABIN on 5 acres. lo lo down ~ & cai;y monthly paymen:>1 all !01• ohly $3500. Breck-Noti Rralty &12-00-l-t 10 ACRES -PRll>lE. Near large lake. $25 a mo. Call ITI4) SS.'-4143. La:• 'ilsinore 6202 J ADJOINING hill'11 ld• I lakeview lot.I'!, near c~lno $3,000. 536-24t9 Upstairs. SUndeck, $140 yt· IMMACULATE .6Pl'S! adult. Stove & retrig. No B Ibo Tustin area. Equity $15,500. Newport Heights 3210 $35.00 Wk. Up ly. Students ok. 673-&188 ADULT & F~.._ ..... ...,. JM!ls. &t;,...{1876. a • 5300 Trade for T.O.'s or?? J ACRF.:S 40 mil~ north ol nw.a.J. * 548 !)3!17 * Reno near Honey Lake at • BR 2 BA DR d _ e Studio• I Be Ap'-. BACHELOR apt, 1 blck fl'Om SECTIONS AVAJLABLE 2 BEDROOi\1 duplex. prlva1e . f 1 Is· , -l l Laguna Beach, 3 BR. & den home, ocean l'ie1v. Ex· 1·1ta.nge for lot or duplex. i\lr. Conrad Riviera Realty 4!'6-2800 49-1·1330 El'es. .. en -, ""' "' c ba BACH Ba San Oen1ent 4 Commercial 00 0 1enas. '"""ve • c ear, ' ' • · ·• ' • e Kitchen ... TV 1·ncl. OL'ean, pool, garage. $130. Close to shoppl-, Park arage & ck yard. $1~ Yfl , sofabcd. patio 2 lovely townhouses Nell·'-·~ 000 "" ... 9 lrplc cpts drps 2000 sq ft "" 2 Ced B ·-. *&16-5386 d / ·1 Jo!s: Across !iii. troin bank. l=·=·'·=·=-=~====~I ~,-'mo. Q···l·l ,·,.""IA~" : • Phone Service & Pool JO Rl', N .. fl.1S-ll31 * SPf.Cfous 3 Br's, 2 Ba .. y ' w IV crpt, uh pcl S12:i. port Beach. 2 BR, 2 BA Albe . M -- -· " .. .,...,.. 'fW Prof "" 1 673 "765 · n.~ to rtson s arki!t. . • Maid service incl. $150 1 BR furn apt. Crpts. * 2 Bedroonlll NEAT 2 beclroon1s. Carpets, .,..rson on 'I +'(] • eaeh, $500 mo income. $9000 $t25,000. i;·01. Shop ping: Ctr f{. E. W1nted 6240 ' Corona del Mar 3250 • Doy, week & r.tonlh drps, bltns. Pool. ·~"~ * Swim Pool, Put/green drapes. bulll-1ns. Quiel. $130 equity. TRADE for hornl', -H I boa ., SA",..,.,,, or Apts Orange Co. 673-1883 2376 Newport BJvd. 54S-9T';>j Placentia. * F'rpl, Indivllndry fac'ls mo. 962-3SB6 unt ngton B••ch 5400 car, · t, • • Agent 'fU"V•..:0 SHbRECLl1'~F; large 3 Br. $25. Per Wk. & Up LID.."URIOUS single apts., co1:s Anaheim Ave. MODER.t'l 2 BR. Cpts, drps. 2 BDRMS .. 2 BATH 32 x ll x: 5 • Sailboat hull. 1967 32' Duis Crart, twin family. Avail Feb. 15. $450 from $35. \\'kly. Just off .\ ,_fESA 612·2824 reltig, stove. Lari;c sunny lcleal i;·erro C<'n1cnt Forni. E'llg, fully equipped, \'<'!")' If )'OU have a 3 or 4 bedroom SHOWPLACE: 3 Br. 2~i ba. Bachelor &. 1 BR, htd pool, beach -Laguna. 494-9436 e RENT • roon1s. Infant 01{. &t&-8226 T!'ade for machinery, tools, rlea11. \Vill trade equity for home for sale or for ~!. • NOTICE l ~ 15 -maid 8el'Vic.'C. Kitchens & h &14 1134 d Avai · V\<C. th. $32:> TV avail. 450 Victoria (Nr $100. NICELY turn is he d $115 PER n1o. 2 Bft. 1 small $150/?.fo. llEATED POOL ctr. omc 01· car. · · ' ays, ca!l us today. We rep1-ese111 •. Mrs. Hopper, Agt. 67J.-6510 Harbor). trailer. Near ocean. 3 Roams Furniture chlld OK. No pcls. BH·ins, fncd, CJll/Urps, Kids oi..: Call 6-\2.S96l Anytin1r 6·12-47~1 allcr 6. the cniployccs ol a 111.fl:t! E.XTRA Lge. 2 Br. house. 1% ====~~-~~ 642-1265 $19 0 95 & UP crpts. drps. 538-9462. Aft 5 DELA\VARI:: STUDIO Apts. Lovely home & swim pool /\KC Dolx>rman Pups, Avail. firn1 n1oving to the 1-larbor ' Ba., lgc. !iv. rm., formal FURNISHED b·lr, ad u 11 FURN 1 B D lx 11 · biles VERY nice 2 BR w/w cpl 2620 Dcla\1•are, H.B. & family st)-·le cafc {help able for lmdc of lools. !urn. Area and lhey mlL~t have din nn fpl Priv 30 x 30' park, pool, wtr & gas pd. • r. P . "" :r:onth-To-hfonth Rentals d . . . $ ""' 6~2-2221 anytime 536-1816 runJ. Nex t to goU rourst'. itU1'('. ere. Good home. housing! ~ll cash if desired . . , . ' $100. MI 6-6255, LI S.8724, Kl lo ocean. $135 mo. yrly. \VIDE SELECTION rps: patio, garage. 1"""· 1,,-~~-'===--.:::= Call Farrow 541).864() encl. patio. S27S mo. yrly 9-0l40 aft G. Call • MIJ-2152 NO DEPOSIT O.A.C. call &1~3198 2 BR newly decorated. Near Valley Center. Trade Primr consid~Uon. Call Scenic Properties 6(;>5726 =~====~-~ _ HFRC Fumitw'e Rentals 2 Br, ll,ii Ba. crpts, drps. Refrlg & bit-ins, cpts/drps, for acreage. Owner 64·1-17'Jl 6-t2.S961 BUSINESS and 3 BR. 2 ba. hon1e with $:1~ ~~~i~IVEgard~nix:f~'. Coron• del Mir 4250 517 w. 19th, CM S4S.J481 garage. Children ok. $150.' oc-ean vleiv, S 1 55 f Pc r ·53 t.'fiC'\ Jag. 4 dr. F.P. Lo llAVB clC!a r No1·th Laguna 1_F_"_lA_,,.._C_IA_L ___ _ outstanding view o( bay & 766 \V \Vilson Ms..ti731 month. Adults preferred. rni. AU!O·air·llC\V rad. tires, J BR. & den, l~l + ~; ba, 0ttan. ing, adults, no pets ]800 LRG atlrac 1 BR-nice Joe. $135. 2 BR, gar, po.tio, w/w, ' · · Tradewinds l{eal1y 8,17-S.ill brks. Al\-t-FM, stereo. Trade \VANT bcat~h income Bus. Opportunitiel 6300 F'boD Take oul in Balboa. fine loc. gross $6SM !!Slab .• 4 1~ yrs,. includes V.W. van. t.Iakl'ti lotsa loot and $7,500. \\•ill get you in. Don V. Franklin, lUtr Wallace Ave., C.2\-1. Nu J>:'lint & crptg. $Ul0. 2530 ~Avail. 12115• Bkr, Newport Be.1ch 5200 1 BR M(!{!allion Condo. Bit· 51200 cq. for late P.U., auto. &42-27fi2 673-2:?22 FURNISHED 1 Br. apt. $120. Seaview Ave. Wkdys aft -ins refrig "'"" d &12-157~ Call anytime. Bm'··, ==-7'-~C:,.--;;-:-:-I 5·30 67l-2823 • • •u, ryr.,_________ = CUTE 1 Bdr. Hse. Furn studio apt $110. 2135 · • $125" t BR, pool . Stove & EASTBLUFF Patio, pool. Quic-t $130. E-~idc 3 br hin & 2 rear t.huil trade my 2 cabin w/frplace. Nice Yard. Gar. Elden, C.P.1. See 1\-lgr apt 6. 1 BR incl util, priv patio. re!ng. w/w, drps. ChildlN e \V 2 bdrm. :! ba. Cpts., 6Ja-5034. ripts SZ9.950 val. or 2 'hms cruisers. Both in niint rond. Optional. $155, 835-5466 or AVAIL now, 2 BR furn apts.. locked gar. Close in. 501}~ O.K. Bkr. 534-.6980 drps .• · bltns. Chicrlooking ~N~c~w"'Q°'u~1=E1=.~,-B~R-.-,-,-0<e-an. Yi'/ 5 rear apts. n10 inc $788, 2.r &. 30'. Finc/Insu1-ance 637-3052. adult living. htd pool. 1-ec Larkspur. 838-7447 back bay. Xlnt loc. nr. shop. $12J pri deck or patio. $59.500 val. Trd Slli\f t'q for available. Trade for Car or LOVELY, small 3 BR, room, good Joe. 646-SIWI Costa Me1.1 5100 cntr., churclll's, schools. etc. Singles & cpls only. 202 l<lth. S.Ca.J hm . o .... ·nr/bkr 646-3TJO Real Estate. Call Vena beamed ceiling, brick patio, 1 &: 2 BR. 'furn & unfurn. 2020 Balboa . 4300 816 Ami gos \Vay. /\pl. D. 536-1319, 673-1784 8 acres comm. in Atasca· 64:r14.\2 No!ion and trimming ·shop ; bui;y Harbor Blvd. Fine to keep your wife outa trouble and making money. F'UU , price $9,950. with terma. pref adults or 1 child. $295. Fullerton St., C.M. r.tgr on CLEAN Bachelor Apts. MERRIMAC WOODS $250 pei· mo. yearly. NICE 2 & 3 bch"S. Crptcd & dero for Riverside prop, Ta. ********** 6':>-4442 premises. All util l.ocl $85 up ,lust completed, 1 or 2 BR, 2 ", 675-&050 o drpcd. No,1•\y decor. 3 blks hoc lot for Big Bear 101. 24 unit Motel •·tith manager, 2 BR. ·2 BA. Electric Kit-315 E. Balboa BJvd . ., BA wiUt air cond, coin-• ... . irom bch. J bdr iv/dbl at-Tuslin hse for Rlvcrsidc Long Beach, equily S76,IXXI. chen. Gar. Vw of Ocean &. Newport Beach 4200 BALBOA 673-9945 pletely soundproofed, sell UUM MllWWll CL,& tachcd gar & frplace. 536-1711 area home. 962-0027. 838-328 1 Trarle for home or ? ?! ! TV.'o fine beauty shops, 3 and Bay. Adlls, no pets. S300 SINGLE Adults Lu xury -cleaning ovens, wood ccil-1 BR, 4 blks lo J:x>nch. HAV}o;: 50 aC:1'f!s F/C Ore· ::oc:B""'7'"""'.;;-;*.,,.:'"J:;.C:;C.725='c---l 6 :;talions in dO\l'll town Lie yrly. Call -673-1953. garden apJs with country Huntington Be1ch 4400 lngs, dishwashers, 1 u s h Collcg<' :>tudents ok. SIOO. gou...._Jand. WANT: Units, 200 ac fine fishing & hunting Co!iila. r.1esa. Get t n I 0 2 BR, suntleck, niee patio, club almosphere anrl coni. BACl-IELOR & 1 BR~. landscaping wilh :streams & SPACIOUS new 2 bdrm 1110. 1st & last reqd. 002-Hllil hnu~r ! ? in 01·angt:i Couu. +-color mo~ !lln1 4· mail. business for .only $3.000. gardener. $210 m on t b ly, plete privacy. SOUTH BA y $140 up. Adults, no pets . .,.,;a~c~alls, elevator~, BBQ1 '•' 2 bath. Nr. i hopping. 2 Br. 1 Ba. C1·pts, Drps. ty a1X'a. Nanl·y J. Moor, ini; Jisl or na n1cs for Hunt· tcrn1s to suit. '=7;.<J~'~",,...,,.,...~-,~.,...,,.1 CLUB APTS. Irvine at 16!11, 17301 Kectson Ln. 812-7&18 cu_ USC, saun~. ]acuzz $240 per mo. Bit-ins Nr. Bch. Sl3:i 1no. Rllr, 642-7000 ing cluh. Trarlc: 4 1vhl dr. THE REAL .Es TATE R S --N .,_ s1v1111 pools. pl'1v. gar. iv/ Call ,,., An11:0 • l'C'hi"I"''' ? -." ''·8671 &rtfi..1171 A.SK ,~R VAN 2 BR, ] ~2 BA dpb:. Pri heh. ewport oc:ach. ('\'est of Bea.ch nr Slater). rtorago E .. , ... .+~;..... _.....,.,., T1•adc up . hOUSt' with back .. < ., """' 'v (714) "'"' n"'-" ., · • • .., .. ...,.,. n e IY. Mariner Squue Apts. "· · '353 View, (rplc. Adults, oo pets. ~ 2 BR & bachelor apts. Starting at $140. AdulL~ 2 & 3 BD1t.r.1s. 2 BA. pvt. .,.1.y vH:>1v at -Irvine \Vhat do you have to trade? High P rofit Potenti•I $225 mo. 646-22W 2 BORi\1 back dplx. Nr Heated pool. Ulil paid. please. Just Easf or 2600 1244 Irvine Ave., N .B, patio, hes1ed pool, washer Ave., for vacant or 4 lo 100 List It here -in Orange Fitlllchise Opportunity with $250 mo. 2 BR. frplc:, bltns. ocean. Sl50 yrly. nu cpts, Viet:!roy Apls, ]014 Geoll;ia Harbor m vd, next to Nabers,.,,,..,..,..,....,,..,..~ hook up . 962-8994 units. Agent 6Th-6252 or ~unty's la~es~ad b"Bd· Goodway, a 40 year old na. Newly decorated. Walle to patio. Avail Jan 1 s t , St. Apt A. H.B. ~2914. Cadillac at 425 Menimac13 BR 2 BA REAL ESTATE 673.()823 aft 6 pm. post -ea deal lional printing company. beach & 10 .... 'n. 6Th-7488 673-9027. 12811.i~th St l213J NE\V QUIET 1 BR, nr ocean. Way 54!KiSOO • • near ocean, Gen•r•I ..1. ·* * * * Proven coneept ·experience ===--=-_,,..-,.,,,,.I 248-1921 • frplc, dishwhr. cpts, drps. jii;;;;;i;IN.;.;;d"-59;;Q l ~"!!'!"!'"!'!i~~!!!!!!i!!!!!!'!!;j~!!J!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!*; not neressary. You· may DUPLEX. 2200 sq. ft. 4 BR, ==-------$14:i pri deck or patio. NEW APTS $235. mo. yrly, no pets. R I W d 5990 work in Center or be an ab-2~~ BA, bllns. frplc. Gar. FURN. oceanfront apt. 11•/1v Singles or epls only. 202 548--0897 wkdays. __ •n_t_•_• __ •_n_t_• ___ REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE senlce investor. Prime Jcr ~' mo/I'"' .... n 7, • ..,. ca1.,....ting, beaut. decora!t'd. 14th. 536-1319; 673-1784 ..,,...., ""· ,,...,... ,.. ··~ I J BR, den, 4 bR. \l.'af{'r(ront Gtner.11 Gener.11 cation no1v available in this 2 BR, So of hwy. Frplc. ad.ulll hlc:ple0• "" 67~ts2221· S250 STONEHENGE APTS. 2 BR. $375. 3 Br. 2 ba. $275 &: $250. •• Emmi· , , ·• area at $29,T';JO, financing d bl Be n1 n y, y,•ner ia-or 2 BA. ~~ F1on'da. nc crpts, rps, lns. am ~ $150 & $175 Balboa Bay Prop. 673-7420 available, Reply to: Robert clngs. $;z50. 673-6904 547-1641 Beach & Adams ~2730. SMALL 2 BR yearly. $l30. RE~J~~ ~~~~~S Income Property 6000 Office Rent.11 6070 Loew, Regional Director, 67Q ~ 3 BR, fam. rm. din. S450 mo Huntington Be.1ch 4400 Huntington 8e1ch 4400 UTILITIES PAID Close to !'>hops & beach. r:t:_ -~» w. u111, et••• ll'n• ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;::;;-1 ---------~u.~:.e~~~r~7:,","',· ~ f. 3 BR. 3 Ba luxu1y apt. $325 1 & 2 Bdl'lll, 2 swim pools. 642-61 88 aft 5. -1.-~ 4o45-0111 PRIME CORNER '"lU-1 University Realty 673-6.'ilO Adulls onl.y. no pets, Furn 4 BR 2,. BA 0 . h h ·1..--~1ri.11•1oi1 111ri1~•1•., IN SMOG FREE 213 · J83.1391. ' Huntington Be•ch 3400 LEASE $275 per mo. 2 story 3 BR, 2~3 BA, Shorccrest tl'aCI, H.B. Call 548-4905 aft 6 or wknds. 4 LARGE BR, 2 BA, frplc. new cpll$ & drps, dbl gar. fencd back yd. $?50. 962-8994 NEW 4 Br $250, trailer space &: ut'il. included. 53S-f,lil7 FOR· lease immac 4 BR, 2 BA. $195 mo. *968--7448* Fount•ln V.11ley 3410 3 BR. 1%, BA. Jge bonus rm. Child's playhouse in rear. Side yanl for boat or ? Well landscaped. Close to school. 968-TIOO alt 5. 3 BDR. 2 BA, crptsc & dtl>S. bit-ins. Lease • $320 mo. + deposit. Ca.II m-5948. 3705 il d ·~ "'2 3m , )'2 • is w r. -·~·~-~-~:::=·=·~-~'~":':~:"::1$ Office or store in Lido s:hop-THE NEW esi. .. , •• .,.. · Studio a.pt. 1 blk froru --p v ping area (surplus space of COlN laundries-Frigidaire. HUNTINGTON CAPRI APARTMENTS ~ ~."','0000 ps.:_:,.~~ beach. S300 yrly. 671.245.'l RENTALS WANTED auma alley Lido Realtyl. From S6,500 to S42 .so·o •.. .,,....,, '""' ..... " LIDO REALT Anaheim, Costa ,_fesa, HARBOR GREENS 3 BR, 2 BA apt. Vie1v of *HOMES Good inwstmcnt. Unusual Y INC. Buena Park, Ful lerton, FOR SINGLE ADULTS • • • ocean. 1 blk fron1 beach. * DUPLEXES fan1ily s ! YI e restaurant. 3377 Via Lido 67~7300 G11rdcn Grove, Huntington WHERE LIVING Is FUN I $.100 nio yrly. 6'1·1--0266. *GUEST 1;0USES bcaulifn l patio. Next 10 9 MODERN 3 room suite, Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin, , • • • • BACIIBLOR unturn 1 r om 2 BR 2 BA Duplex. Crpts, * AP/\RT?.lENTS hole golf course, al!IO lovely cpts., air cond, janitor ser. La l\lirada. CUSTOM 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM APTS. $ll0. Also avail 1 • 2 & 3 drps, bl1ns. Nr oc<!a n. $185 FREE SERVICE honie for owner. Ba.rns for vice. ample parking. Call Charlie Bdrm. Ilcatcd pools. chlld n10. 548-8100. GOLDEN WEST RENTALS horses. All on S beautiful So. Calif. ls! Nat. Bk BJdg. Furnished Models Ope._ Daily 11 em-6 pm. care ttntcr, adj to shopping.1 ~7.P~E:~---~~-5.10-6600 IandscaJ)C<I aC!X'S. 230 E. 17th Su-cct No pets. DU L X, upper, \Valerfronl. BE SANTA to Teacher'!! GROWTH AREA Cosla l>fcsa &12-1485 FROM $14(1 2700 Peterson \Vay gar. 2 BR. 1v/1v cpls, drps, FURNISHED & UNFU • RNISHED Costa l\Tesa 54&-03?0 bltns. Adults. Sl!IO. 67~927 family or 4; dcsparately BY OWNER 644-1721 200 -1000 SQ. l-l. Newport need house, under $200. Beach Civic Ctr. area. (.t\s low as $85. Furn. if Shared by 2 Friends) GRAND OPENING 2. BR. unfurn ap!.$150. Patio J\.1us! he clean. two aUergic '"""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'" Secretarial services. 3345 THE VICTORIAN ~pool. Crpl.s, drps & bltns. children. 838-8496. URGENTLY need 2-6 units; Newport Blvd., N. B. BOAT Ya.rd & ,_tarine Sales. Take over operating boat rl!• pair. hard\.\•are sal<!s &: boat AAles. BusineSll in Newport Beach. No invesunl!nt ~ quired. \Vrite Daily. Pilot .• Box 1\-1 434 SOUNDPROOFED PRIVACY FOR New, large2 BR, l~a BA. $150 l;i2S Placcnua. >--.~L~A~N~D-L-O~R~D-S-.-beach area. Have buycts! 675-1601. NE\V 1'~ree stand;ng drlv• ln RELAXING OR ENTERTAINING ANO Adult!lonJy.Crpts-drps-bltns. E t Bl ff 5242 FREE RENTAL SERVICE 1="='=·=27:52;An:=Y='='""'=·=B=k='·= 1736 ANAHEIM. C.l\-1. Ol· restaurant, hi traftlc loea.- SHOPPING WITHIN ''• BLOCK. PLUS Sound pmofcd, pri gar ..... 1,_1_1 __ •______ B-ke< "" -·2 ~. 1; 1 •u ~ fices -2 wOohby • ground lfon, good business. Owner FUN & GAMES TO MATCH ANY MOOD. storage. Fenced yd w/patio. e NEW DELUXE e \\'ANTED Garage to rcnl for Business Rental floor, $1 25. Sc:hworer, 673·2654 must sacrilice $3.500 dn. \V~ter pd. Gard;.ncr. main-3 Br, :? B~ opt. tor least storage. Coi\ta l\fcsa or ··-THE REAL ESTATERS Enjoy I fast iet of Tennis,• game of Volley-tained. 66 • Victona St. Incl. spac. mash·. ~u:!e din Ncwpt Bch. 6T. ... 1841 Rooni 5. -&16-TITI Ask for Van. ball or Bllli.1rds. S h • p e up in one of the 6364 I20 rn1, & dbl. i;:uragc, ~Ul!l. ATTRACTIVE shop. l200 Sq. Commercl1I 6085 EUROPEAN DelTca!essen, Gymn.1siums or relax In • Saun• ~ the door opener avail. Pool & • Fret! RC!nbl Srrvlcc • It. Ideal for decorators, 1--------- F • Villa A t rec. area. NI'. CaUK1lic Brokers I 1\-lgrs. I OwneN> a1·chitects, antique!! or arlll repossc55cd salr. Must .&ell J .1cuui or in the sun •round the Poal. airway I p s a.u~h. Properties \Vest 67~1642 & crarts. Adequate parking. COAST l-1.ighway, So uth all o·r part. Rea!!'. 11214 ' "' Localed 2 blks. from Lido Lagur111. 5000 sq rt comm. Beach Blvd. H.B. 847·2151 ' Your Soci•I Director will arr.1nge p.1rtie1 in , . • ONLY S24J • BURNED· OUT family des-bldg 5 units (Q'HV'i Near Orange Co A1rnn t & 1 _, ' 1 3 Isle. Owner/a.gen!. 5T:H741 . .....,..,.., gross. DISTRIBUTORSHIP n-.... 1! th• fabulous Cf pri Room & those fun t rips • ...,r 865 AmigO!l \\'ay N.B. JM?ratey n,_.._,_, ~ arge or SS2,500 price. Cont act "''""15 M h V 1 UCI. Adults only. 20122 . BR house, C~t $150 mo. SOUTI-1 LAGUNA -top loc. Flo-n-'lcCu-. PETE Co. background dt!llirabll!. to •mmot , eg1s or Santa Ana Ave. "'"2196 NE\V 2700 sq fl J B. R &: fam •··'" ,,.,A._ 1 2 '" '"" " "'" Aul ·1 clean•-,,,·1 o" •L """' ....,.,..,,,.,., Coast I wy. at nd Streel. BARRETT REALTY "2.~-vvi o 01 "b • .....,,., rm, 3 BA. Owner s lux apt -"" ""'"" •<:UVI ,_ .. " oly 6060 SEE THE HUNTINGTON CAPRI AT 752 Amionc w""· 575-5033. Office or slort!. 800 sq It. ·.,.......,., requin:u. qppui 0 • ' LARGE, newly redec. 1-Br. ADULTS .,-~ "'I Rooms for Rent 5995 $160/mo. Pete BaTTCtl RJty LEASED Stores For Sale. 837-7310 • duplex. Ocean view. Adults, 6200 Eding•r Ave., Huntington Beich 2 BR 1 BA Fire la bit 642-S200 Eve!!. 645--2123 lSth St. Nr. Bethel Towers. I -BA-.,R-BE-R~S-H-O~P~FO=B~S-A-l~E 1 · L1gun1 Baich . ' . ' . P C'C, • Corona del Mir 5250 ROOM wl!h bath, private en-54~1768 or 646-74 14, Age nt. no pets. $175 mo. yearly. 1 ~.Mil" Wftt •f leoell ll•d. & ,_ S-DI.,-ins, private patio. No pr.lsliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii J trance. Close to beach. $70 STORE. \V. 19th c .r..f., Nr. Bargain. 847·9163 PLACE REALTY 494-9704 $140 mo, 681.{! Plumer. Harbor. Hot spof. $135 utll. FrMwiry, Jnf I• •f Sprl•td• St. =..a """-1 mo. 675--0771 6320 lndustrl•I Rent1I 6090 Money to Loan LGE. 5 BR. 3 ha. To ~ ~=~=====~ incl. 642--0ai7 lb! famil R t -2 Bd J>' Ba B ~; ROOi\1 \VITII KITCHEN, :;""';c::.,:;;:;,,.,,.---.,,-,= respons e y. en or PHONE (714) 846·0619 nu n ll·ins, lJtiJ. ~ '" BATI{ -PRJVATE ENTR $TORE or Offi~ • Bayfront lease. ity rm, gar. patio. new crpts "~• CALL _ a-ig..272Q • Balb!la Jsland. Will dC<.'Clratc NEW BUILDING 2nd TD loan M«<;;·~F~ogm~•~Y·~B~u:;;,,. ='::;i4o-3!<2~~!,!l!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I N?\V drps, l mi. DCC No 1o suit. Lo Rent. 673-4300 ~ pets. $160. mo. + $.10 dep. • ON TEN ACRES PRIVATE 1wn1 -kitchen 1260 Logan Ave., Costa MeM 'Prompt, confidential !!.t!:rvl<:e Gener.11 4000 0.neral 4000Gener•I 4000 968-Tl72 1 & 2 BR. Furn & Untum privll. Nr 21st & Santa Ana. STORE or OUi~. Newport & Each unit 1725 sq ft, 2 off· 642-2171 54S-0611 1 ..;;;;.:.;;;.:.O'-______ .;;.;;::;:.;..:.;. ____ _;.;o.:.:;..:;.:_..;;;;.:. ____ _..;::;::;:,.1;=-.;;,:..,=;;-:c-.,--.,~I ~-1 I • / $11 k 54•1~1 Bay Center. 2(1j2 Ncwpo<I · 2 l 110/~ r VALUE Adult coupleonl 2 ru-...paces pnv. patios \I'. ,,....,.,., Bh'\J. &~1252 • ices, res rooms, .wu SorvlngHarborarea·2t1yra:I' S@ll~lA-""B~Ss , The Punle with th~ Bui/f.fn Chuckle fl PllNI N\JM8'Rf0 tEnfRS 11 ' I> r I' I' I' I IN THE SE SQUARES I I I I I I- SCRAM·lETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 7600 , - BR ~ pets Drps, Yis Pool.t. Tennls. Contnt'I Bldst. $l5 WK & up w/ kitchen. ele<:lrie. Ample parking-. Sattler Mortgage Co. dishwhr htd. pool q~et' 900 Sea Lane, CdM 64f.2611 $35. wk studio apl. 23i6 LEASE-30 x 60 C-2 bldg. C. Robert Nattresa Realtor 336 E. 17th Street $1J5. 2295 Pacific A~c. · lMacArthu.r nr. Col.It Hwy) Newport BJvd. 548-975.5. Paved lot. Good tor office or Costa Mesa &12-1485 l=====··====~I 548-6878 or 642-4429 3 NEA.R ta lg l -ertylhing. 548--2039/64&-4160 \VANTED: 500 to IOCKI sq ft Re.11 estate Lo•nl 6340 BRAND New 1 & 2 BR. Br. 2 ha. nc, 7-f.~ ci.;. b~iu. Motels. ~~~ ROOM Suirable for gilt shop. electronic m!g. Vic San CALL ilARO~--uv men·s i;hop ar ladles shop. Diego Frwy. 213: 477-8620, UTI W/W C:pls, all bltm Incl. Ins. deck. $195 to $"60 mo, SANDY 'S TRAILER. COURT Cail Jim Berkshire. 67}9-105 :2;1=3';"="-=97,,_t-•I ===== F'or Finanelrir self cleaning oven. Pal.los, NE\V l Br. 3 bn., cpl.!!, drpa, Spaces avall now. Max 26'. If 675-2866 * i;:ara.ges.,. Adults. 66.2108. elec. bullt·ins, dishwasher; Call 646--9681 c)ffic'; Rentel 6070 Lots 6100A '"'N"N"'O"'u=N"'C"E°"M"E"N°"T"S,...~.1 • 371 \\'. \\ilaon. fireplace, patio. 0w=E=E=KL=-'Y,.;-"rn-1o-,~Sc-a-· ~t.a<-·-k 1----------:;;;::;;..... ____ ....;:.:.:;;; ind NOTICES 2 BR. oew paint. cpts, drpll. Don v . Franklin, Re11lltl1' idolcl, 2301 Neo,1'PQt't Blvd., LAGUNA BEACH llAVE S43,cm ln ~·l fee -------,--: Stow, relrlg, Fenced yd. 3250 E. Coast Hwy. 673-2"122 Costa Mesa A ir COndltioned view lot, 112' x Th, Locat~ Found tF .... Aclt) 6400 · Gar. Xlnt Joe. No pets $135. COROWDO A.P':'S. 2 Br. ="'""'=======I ON FOREST AVENUE 2118 Leeward Ln., Dover 642--5531 Lo~"Cr lewis, studio..'I, pent-Guest Homft 5998 Desk space available In Shore!! ftrca. \Viii sell lo PVT. llvlng, new 1pac. 3 Br houSt', Frpla., pool, dbl. newest office bulldlnit al down , !rd tor gel trust dec<I. apt honic. Walk'ln cln$1!t.S. carpor~s. pa_tios. $180. $2211. PR1VATE room & balh for prltne location 1n do\vntown or n1ako ca•h otter. II. C. f1i>I. eharn1ing patio, nr f\.\·y 673·3378 ambulatory pel"'S(ln. LtM!ly Lagttn.\ Beach. Air condl· Erickson, 547-4019. i;Vcs. $250. ~016. NICE large 2 BR upper. home, nice 51ITT"OUndings, tJoned. carpe!cd. bca.utilUI 00~R='>-01!"="'~-~=~- 2 BR, 1 ~; BA. crpts. drps, etpts, drps, ·rnfrlg, range good flutrltimu; meals. Costa enln&nces: Frontaga on DOUBLE lot with Old S{lftn. blt·in~. patio & ganigc. gar. New 11c<:or. Adults. i\fe!!a. S.IS-475.1 Forc1t Aw .. rear leads to st)'I<! house, 3 Br, 1 Ba. /\dull~. nn petJ. $155 per Le&SE!, $110, 613-27j,'j Mlic. Rentelo 5_ Atunclpa._1 parking lots. $S0 l=Sl='=·ooo=·,.,eau==~==6;7==;; J540 El S4$-Z197 777 par month for i;J)3Ce. Desk -· mo. · m. · · 2 BR., So. of J-lwy. )"rly. and c:h!l.trs ftvallable for $5. Acreage 6200 2 BR. fn!ab p:i.int, new Ulil's lifrt,.d. $195 l\fo. STORAGE J..ot: Truc ks, Business hours an~C!rlng I ;.;o.;.;:;::"----....:= drnpca. crpts, blms, patio. 1 R•lcrencu required. trallen:, cempcn, bo31t or service a\<&1111.ble far $10. 40 Al!Tff. So. Calif. $25, child ok, oo pets. $125. Mr. f'Ol'ne)'. Bkr. 5-1G-3862 !. NB-C~t. Cell Lon All utilities pald CX((Jpl DOWN, $25. PER ~fONTI-1, 645--0562. 783 Shalimar Dr. LARGE New 2 BR, 2 BA 646-2486 tolcphone. $2.4~. FULL PRICE. L.. !..ARCE 2 BR, crpts, drps, plus den. Crp!s, dri-:, bltn&. SJ'ORACI:: gllnlgt', $-IS. per DA.rLY PILOT Shcwf(!\t, 3Ji W, Third St., cnrport & pool. KJds ok. View. m.o:l67, ~ or . month. 3bc25x:10' h igh , 2'l2 FOREST AVENUE L.A. Phonr: (213)623-5101 2'l14 Collci(!, Apt No. 2. 8314:171. Sch~t fm.-.26.'>I LACUNA BEACH 18 Acres m11.1ure xln1 pro- BUCK & white mil~ Spaniel or B.ird tlog. Vic. Von's Sboppin' Ce nter, ft.f.a.gnolla &: filbt:rt. F.V. 8~7~ cxx:: i\talc: black w/aman "'ht. iNirk on che5t 4 arN.0 nick in lclt car. WAClf eoJZ.X • w/5Uvcr atads, C.M. Itta, 1 MM308 l \VEIMARANER D< '°""' .. ptJPfl)' Ylc Goldenrod I: QI 1 Hwy., Cdril on unt Call ' ..,,_.,.,, StAME.tt·. cat fDund QIN Hu flea collar. 613-1862 • 646-1{)9!1 UNF. Durilex. 2 Bl'lr. TI!E SU!'l NEVER SETS an ---~19<::..:_·9466:.:;:....~~-J ducins:; •YO<."adO!I + (l!rus. $95, 2 BR, aar. t1u11Able for J.~rplace, ran1tc & l"C!lrig. DAILY Pllm WANT ADS! Nf:\VPORT OFFICES View 11ltt11, sewer & 1111 utU, ROX,CE UNlON boys blp: coop.le or cJdcriy pcnion. A;llts. $175 fROo 6Z> Acadla, r~or DA.111 PUot W&nt Ada 1.41 &: sml. lx!liit bldg., Cou,t \VIII divide. P. O. Box 413, vie. No. llunlln;ton Btadl. lli80Tustin ~T237 CdM. Ola.I &U-S6i8 llwy, $S0-$1'7! 138-l-425 ~F..:al:clbn>ok.:;.:.c;;_.;.C•_ll.;.l._9_2028-'--'-"""337--1------.. • ' -... ... , ..... . . . ' .... . M DAIL v PILOT ANOONCEMENTS 1nd NOTICES Thi.nda1, Dtetmbtr 4, 196tf ANNOUNC~MENTS •nd NOTICES Announcements 6" 1 O Announ cements 6410 Maitre De' Din ner House 719 \V. 19th St., Costa T\lesa tnear Stater Bros.) • 642·2 I 07 \Veekend Italian Dinner Special ! Dec. 5th, 61h 5 to S::m P.M. HIS HERS LASAGNE ............ -. . $2.45 RAVIOLI ., .. __ .... _ .... ,,_ .. _ .... $2 .25 SPAGHETTI ... . .. .. . $1.75 I< 11 II When You Want it done right ••• Call one of the experts listed below!! NOTll'!I OF ,UlliC A 111 IM. llFOlll THI CITY COUlitCIL. 01' THI CITY OF POUlfTAIH VAL.Ln NOTICE IS HEllEIY GIVEN 111.t 911 ni.td1y, OK«nber I .. 1 .... 11 l :IMI •M. In lllt COun.c:lt Cll•U\Qillr" Cltt H1ll. lnot Slfll•r AYen.i., F0<,1nt1h1 V • 11 t t, Ct lllomi., lllt City COllncll 'lrllfl hOlcl 1 rwbllc hf,trln1 IHI 1111 1011aw1111 : I , ,..,. ti 1-CMllH 1k. 11' -,.,. J>llullOll 111110.IM by '" ,IMnll'lt Corn· inlulaol rtJOllll'l9 11r-rf'r loc.t ltcl ~ ol Ttlbert Aw-. IDO -Of' 1Ht ftet 1111 of MtDl'IOllt Slrffl, ffOffl 1111·1 to ll»C1·10,000, }, :t-ClllllSt Ht. 111 -ANllCtllon submltltd by $1\ltlOI D•vtlt»IMftt C- 1>1nv for di•"" of 1-on 11rw.rtY IOc:tled on !tie 10Ulhww11 c~ of Edl1111tf' t nd 8roold'•ur1t tram l.1·1t0 Slntlt F1,.,11y A.uldaonct •f'ICI l"ltlll'll'd D1vek>c>m1nt Comblnln, O 11 tr I ( t ~etul1tlon1 lo Cl lklll · 8 u1lilef1 D!alrl(f, AL.SO FEATUfilNG The Finest Choice Steak.~ l°t: Lobster SERVICE DIRECTORY REMEMBER LI II Tues thru Thurs 5 -8:30 PM 8 b 111. SERVICE DIRECTORY 3. AIM"'-t It Tit .. ti, tf MlllllclNI Cofe -Amefldtn""I lo Tltlt 21 ot Four>-SE RVJCE DIRECTORY ltlfl V1llt1 M\mlclNI COOi', 11 1melldtd, _____ _;,_;,.;.,;""-,:_ l•mcr>dlnt 11r011l1lofl1 rrl !he 111:1 Slntls P h F1mlty llt11lcl&ncf Dl1trlct 1r>d PD Pllr>-aper angfng nH D1vtlof>me11t Comblnlnv Ol1trlcl P • ti 6850 Reeu!1!1(1111. ' $3.SO • Y• mg 6550 Gardening 661D Family of four people . . . . . LICENSED a&bysiuer, my GAllDENING & landscaping. 1~ yni exp.Cl ea n-up, ~prinklers inst'd & repaired. G73-llli6 o_•~•nc;.;,n~g,._ ____ ::::: Ti..11 m•tt~rs 1r1 btlnt Proot..-1 PUnUtfll ~ Ille P11flrll ... LIWI of 1119 S!tlt l:.}{-PAlNTER, now sch I "' C1Hf0tnl1 CGov'T. Cod• '5.000 ,, Mtl·I toaoh•r •ill · t & '""' the F(lljnllln V111eY z on l", v. pam eves Ordl1Mt1t.t. Tl'le l1111lnt Ordl1111na, zor.i,.. Soup and Salad, Spaghetti & Garlic Roll home ?>lon·1''r 1. Pre: * TUESDAY * All the Chicken you can eat =i~· OC CoUrgl' area. 4 -5 P!\I 49c. Adults over 21 only. \Veekr.nds. Xlnt \VOrkmllll-::•Pl. •nd El<hlbHI .... Oii 11111 '" ..,. 'h'. F"-• ( 6,0 ••fg ltnnlno 0fl)firlmenl Ind 1 " t 1vi lltbll _ _ _ ..-. .-. ..-. .-.-_ .-..-. __ -BABYSITI'ING, 1~ar Nrw AL'S Garoenlng & Lawn -~~ Heller Purk. Lg. lncU. yd., ?>laintenanl'i?. Commercial, p. ,.... es . ~......., Or for 11ubUc l111111C!l(lll •rid •••ml...-tlon. 5--IQ..(l(J62. Tllost d•slrlflt lo ltstlfr '"' t1vor or In Found (Free-Ads) 6400 Personals 6405 Bal. lunch. Xlnt. care.' industrial & residential. _.:,:::.,:.:::o_ ______ I 01>POlitol11 to ...,.,, 11r-.1s will bt 1lv1n INT /EX1' Av•r. EX t 1u1 -lunltv to do Ml. If tvrltltr ,,.. 645-ZT.'l'I * 6-16-3629 * · • • · • torm.111on 11 deslrfl!, vou mtv conttct t11t Sl27.j{) labor only. 8 yr. P11nnlnv Dts>trtmcnt 1t u2.2a4 1 n 0 guar. ""inling avaa Also refer to '"-1bove 111m1. fElilALE. Tt>n-ier. found ~·rlday Mesa Verde Ave. Eai>t in Costa 1\1 es a. :145-6171 DISABLED Vet legally lilin d \VI.LL bab)'sil by Lhc week or JAPAN ES!:: Garde nc r, urgently rcqucsls personal eves. ).'ou Jurnish trans. l!Xp'd; t."Omp. yard se1vi<..'C. 1-.,. · CITY COUNCIL OF THE Apts & Comm'!. 548·1546 ~ CITY OF FOUNT.I.IN VALLEY \•olunt.eC'r aid hlon/\\'cd/Fri Call &12-1•107. 1''ree estimate. 968-2303 & dri\'e 1ny new Ren11ultl;;-mi"'::'c:::;-,,_ __ ~ I -~===~=~=,-1-IOLIDAY SPFClAL, l.nL &. ,,_.rv E. Coll, City CIMI Ext. pain•in,,. Lie • j~· .. --' 0 PubUs"-d Ol'lnte C:0.1t Dtllt' l"llGt. ' ~'b· 00 11'W.IU. Ktmbtr (, IHt, 2141.ff NOV, 2a ~ grayi5h cat wi th orange i>l ttak on nose. 642-5736 ask for Gretchen 1\ed. ViSit n1e at 2U "A" CHJLD care, any1Lntc, )'"'dl'd-CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST 4lsl SL NB. ho! n1cals, HB area. l\lo,1<\ng, edging, odd jobs. ' •536-1069* Reasonable. Ms-6955 1' ree ests. 1.,occl refs. 30 yrs,l'-liii;ii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiji-" ('Xper. "Chuck" &:l:>-0809 ·1 Announcements 6410 l\IY JIOl\1E. v I c 1N1 TY K-l\tART. DA y s OR General ServiCft 6682 FLi'~R~Tk~eT ;;C;;'V;;;Ec;;N,.'IN"G"S"'.o:-=' ,7H='.:,'c-,c--i::. .... perienccd BARTENDERS \i\'CA Santa Ana BABYSITTING: \Vould hl<c srrving all Orange County. ' 'ELLOIV & wht·•-kltteo, h•• Jill N B d lo l;;k(• care 1 child niy ti39-2'll3 SCH\\'INN Bicycle, adults. C.Untmental, yellow, comb. lork ufldl'r seat Poor cone!. Identify 54S-54!H SUBURBAN l~ainting!pec F ,.y., E)(IJ('rt Guaranteed \York n ft I} F~ est. No .}Ob too large t A s H or too small. 494-3190 T * PAINTING • Int./Exl. -' 111! e IC' " ' • roa way home, Costa i\'Jesa. ~18-7·186 -========='""= "ollar \\i!h bell. Balboa Is!e. Dec;; & 6 Noon-9 pn1. -Local refl'rences. lmmcd. servil.'e. &lft-5242, 646-3657 Painting 67:l--;,:ro.1 Sna1:k bar. Antiques, dolls, B/\l3YSITIINt; =.,o=.~\l~E~RA~N=l~A~N-. ~v=;,-.~1~7=1,.-=&· I je1velry, gifls galore. bar. '.\!y home during the U;iy. Pomona. ga111s: 6-12-1225 ,\IALE COLLIE. tired & hungry vie. Tustin Ave. Park. 647-9541 ORANGE Tom Cat SENS!TfV ITY TRAINING BABY::il'l1'JNG .\ly hornl'. \\'ORI\: SHOP v;c Brookhu1·st & Adan\s. A progran1 of interpersonal Sl2 "-'k. !lGS-7156 e.'<en:1scs for sn1 all F.etl-c:H-- .reeled groups. J\tinimal Brick, Masonry, etc. charge call 6"2-8730. 10 Al\f-6560 Hauling 673.0 )'ARD/Ga1 .c l eanup I Interior & Exterior Fences· $ l 0 I o ad. Salvagcablcs block y,•aJls. 546-7887 lJ"ec! Remove trees, ivy, 1-===.;:..::.:,:__:.:::c_ __ g1"Bt!e !16"~4~1 EXTERIOR-INTERIOR llAUl.!NG. Jlave ~.&T P/U & l\IAINTENANCt.: Any!hing -trash to furn. $S • 646-3185 • loand + ml;;. 494-1003 PROFESSIONAL Pain I e r 5 Pl\f. MOVING HAULING "·ill trade work for Jumilure BUILD 0 -od 1 or '!? &12->1558 ==========I , '""'m e , repair l';: Ion van, 1'Cas. 536-6126 s:-.lALL Sianiesc vie of Cemetarv Lots 6418 Brick, block, c-onc r c tc , Cl U d H !-~or Beller Paintin~ Inter- • • 1 • carpentry, oo i'ob too sn1all. ean P an aul ior & exterior, acoustic cei- vie Irvine Terr, 673-1332 Tu.sun & J9lh, C.l\I. $10 I d s•s '528 6-16-173.3 FOH. Sale by 0,vncr. 6 Lie. Contr. 962-ro.15 ..=::::::::::":::::"::::·::::":::·-== lings. 646-4077, 541-35()2 Bl.ACK Female kitten found Pacific View cemetery lots. RENTAL READIER Call morning!! 642-1323 Carpentering 659Q Housecleaning 6735 5'!"3924 1n Ne1vpol'I Shores. 642-3541. \; -128 C.Olton St. f'RIC1'.:D lo sell [a.st! 2 1o1 s. . CARPENTRY BAY & Beach Janitorial PAINTING-ExC-lnt., 18 .}'T!'; .. fE~1ALE Terrier. gold rol- or. ,•ic. Costa !'>lcsa Golt course. 540-3701 Lost 6401 FEN'.ALE Shepherd 4 yrs old lost vie Wilson &. Placentia, C.~l. Otild·s pcl., Rew'd, 531)..(1669 LOST: 34 carat diamond stqne lrom setting prior lo Su n. Nov 30. 51~2527 LOST 2 cats. l orange ton1, '1.iU1 collar. llcartbroken. Pacific"' Vieiv ~I e mo r i a I ~JINOR REPAIRS. No Job &rv. Cpls, \\'indo"•s, floors, Exp. Ins., Lie., J.'ree csl. Park. 54~71 Too Small. Cabinet In gar-et{'. Res & Comm c' J, At"OUS!. ceiling. 675-4938 FOR SALE -2 lots ages & o I her cabinets. 646-:1401 PACIFIC VIE\V $350. 5'15-8175, U no answer leave C0:\1PLJ::TE J.lousecleanini: ./ 5-1S-1932 ./ msg at 646-237:?. IL 0. \V;i!Jl;, ,v\1alo,vs & floors JOBS & EMPLOYMEN 1 / -And=',,",,0 "==--::-cc--:-lll9-::o53 ~ CARPENTRY, Cabinc!s t' \VINDO\V.3 DIRTY? Job Wanted, Men 7000 Remod. No job loo small, J-Tee est. 15 yea.rs exp. quo.I "'IJl'k. Call 6-1ti-2576 Johnny Dunn 642-~ SECURITY OFF!Cl::R Beach area, days 6-lS.1537 bc l. 8 & 11 a.m . Job Wanted, Women 7020 REPAIR, Parlitlons. Sn1all Re1nodl!/, 1•lc. Nile or day. P.cas: Call KE N S.10-4679 JtE:PAJ l{S, ALTEltATIONS CAeINJ::T. Any si7.e job. 2~1 yr~. cxpcr, 5'18-6713 * APT CLEANING * F:ts.l .& tho\llugh 642-8164 \VILLIAt\15 Cleaning Serv. RENTAL READIER 54().3924 Plastering, Repair 6880 •PATOI PLASrERING All types. t"ree eslimalc Call~ Plumbing ~ 6890 PLUMBING REPAIR No job .too small • 642-3128 • Roofing 6950 J36...39-11 l\IOVTNG INTO AREA. l:~· ALL T\' Pl:S: rock, v.ood & _H_o_u_s_•_cl_•_•_n_in_g"---6-7_3_5, 1 asphalt !>lungles. LEAKS IRISH Setter. Female 6 mo. tensi\'e c.'<pcr. i11 \1T1\1ng. Cement, Concrete 6600 Named Bonnie. Re ward !\lotion picture s lory 5-11-4510 Co.~ta ~lt>sa analysis. 1..ookini:: fo1· job in CE,...11'.:NT \\.ORK, no joh 100 LOST • \Vire Ten·icr, vie. P/R or allied fi<'kl. 67;i-16i6 sn1all, reasonable. Fi-cc <'sLim. 11 . S!uflick r.IS.SGlj Brookhun;t & Adams, H.B. Home Care a"ail. 5-16-4:l70 ?>!ale. Reward. 962-4217 e Allied Nurses & Aides e PATIOS • DRIVE\VAYS j::========= I Of O.C. Nun:;es Rcgishy Planlcrs • Block Fences P6rson1ls 6405 2729 \\'. Lini:;an La.nr, S.A. lloon1 additions 642-9852 1----------l ~IATURE \l'On1an, cll'fX'll-* C01'CRl:."Tl'.: }'LOGRS, l!APPY BIRTHDAY rlablc. Ov.•n trans. \Vill patios, etc. Reasonable, Call CARPf'.:I'S, \Vindo1vs, llrs, etc. Res or <.:omc'I. Xlnt 1vork !teas! Rers. ~riS-4111 Ironing 6755 IRONING In my home Sl an hou r; also alteralions & babysitting. 545-7641 REPAIRED. \\'ork ;uar. 8-17-1136 Sewing' 6960 CUSTOi\I dressmaking & alteration~. Neat & careful \\'Ork. 962-4387 e Dressmaking -Alterations Special on coat hems GIARLES L. SHAFrER \ baby·sit altrrnoons, cvcs,,~::'=::Do.="·:=6'~1~=8.i=-~l"""=;::::j ~J~a~n~,·~~·~··~~---~~7~9~0 VE LOVE YOU \1·eek-cnds. 6'12-7951 PERSONALIZED Christmas T.S.O. Operator, Dictaphone Child Car• 6610 * 646-644(; * Alter at ion s-642-5845 Neat, accurate, 20 yn:, exp. Sllopping. Discriminat1>-Rea. sonable rates. Call ;)11>--6392. Secretary, Personal Ser. Al· CHil!Sfl\lAS VACATION tracti\'e & Exp. 546-748.) n1y home $3.50 clay. 3 yr & SPARKLE Janitorial & \Vin- dov.· cleaning Serv. \Vin- dO\\'S, resid., com!, const. Clrflnu p. Free est. 968-2691 TILE, Ceramic 6974 Personals 6405 PALMISTRY & CARD READINGS Bring Your Prob(ems to Me -I Will Help You Solve Them. I give advice on all mallers of lile. su~h cu;; love. court- ship, maniage, divorce, bus. iness transactions of all kinds, Reunitt> the separ- at~. cause speedy and hap. PY marriages, o\'ercome rL vals. loven:; quarrels, evil habits, stumbling blocks of all kinds. There is no heart so bad or home so dreary that I cannot bri~ isunshtnc into it. In fact, no 1nattrr 'vhat may be your hope, fear or ambitJon, SEE THE PALt.IJSTRY READER I \\ill tell you jusl what you 'vant to know. Aval!. for parties \Vith This Card and $3.00 Receive $5.00 Reading Open Daily 10 Ahl to 10 Pll1 Fully Licensed Off. (213> 697-92i:? 210 \V. \\'hittier Blvd., La Habra RETIRED .JUDGE 0 R TRIAL ATI'ORNEY \\'ho \\"OUld be intl'rcsled in joinlnc \Vith n1e to initiate action (without r anco r ) \\'hich would benefit th1· health, educition &. "'!'\fare of our fellow men. (And, in- cidentally, reduct ceneral taxation) Write Dr. I..f'. r·arber, 333 Gnuld Canal. BiJboa Island Calif., or call rnfl 684-3049. *Alone? . YES IT'S YOUR FAULT ror recorded meMaie lhal wm change )'(>Ur life can ORANGE CO. 5'47-6667 llOUSE\VORI\ wanted. Costa up. L; yrl, supervised ac- lllcsa area. S2 per how·. Uvitics. t.!ake rcsv, 11ow, (i.1~1 j 1"&1"2"-53=96====== TYPING, coallating, e I c. C done in my homl', pick-up & .:.:•~n~t~ro~c~t=o~rs:_ __ ~6=6=2:.;0 1lrlivcr. Ref. 536-1545 Additions * Rcn1odelini; Fl'C'd 11. Gc.n.\'ick, Lie. ~ving , Storage MOVING 6840 Local. lv!C'dium distanc-c, J?casonable. SJG..6126 * Verne, The Tile i\lan• Cust. \\'Ork. Install & repairs. No job_too sn1all. Pl11s1er 11alch. Leaking shower repair. g.17-1957/SIG--0206. Tree Service 6980 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 l=='="=-60="~*~"'~~::;":;:"~,, I Paperhanging TREES pruned, t opped , Painting 6850 removed. 26 yrs exper. A , CJ k Carpet Cleaning 662S Ac ri a lto,v e req:u i p . CCOUntlnCj er ----, ITOP Painting Company now 493-5405, 638-7234 CARPET & 11pholsll'ry steA.m i::11ara.nteC'S Lo"·est Painting ---'------- AC'C'Ounl~ N!l't!ivab!e • Billing. One or more years of cxpericnC(', ;ible lo operate calculator·& billing machine and posl cus1oml'rs lcdi;er c;;i1i:l.s. cl•••·-• •I-.,~I ,·0 TREES. llcdg°', fqpnnA, cut " "-''• ~ c · ''L -Priee s on Acoustic ceilings 1"'" slallation. Results guar. For & Exterior Painling due to removed, 30 yrs exp. Fully !-• ''' ••II "'" =11 insured. Bi" John &12-4000 •L • L "".,......, develo pm e nt ol NPw 8 Cadillac Controls Division of Ex-Cello Co1'p,_ 1866 Whittier Ave. Costa Mesa 646"2491 An t>qunl 011portunity employer A-OK shampoo Christn1ns special S7.JO mt-less for halls f'l c. Alw co nl p housecln'g 827-:1182 CAR Pl-.."1' & 1'·nrn. clc;u1in~; for 1 clay scrvic_'f! & qua.lily \\'Ork. Call Sti'rlina: for hrighllicss! &l2-S52l1 RENTAL READIER :i-10.392,1 Carpet L1ylng & Repair M26 Accounting Clerk FOR CARPETING Posilion a,·nilnhlC' lmn1cdiatc. OR CARPET LAYING ly. Ont> or n1orc :rears ex-C. A. Page G42·2070 pt>r\l'ncr. Allie lo opt>ralr 11cldi11g 1nacblnr. typing & Draperies 6630 heavy filin1::. 3 \\'eeks vacn. t1on alter 3 years. group in· CUSTOM DRAPERIES surence, credit union & ullicr Free Installations b<"neflts. Apply a! DAILY PILOT 330 \\'est Bay Sr .• Costa ~!CAA, or 1·nl1 ?ilrs. Greenman. 61243!1 NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH Any \\'indow treatment. llun· di'«ls of samples & dcsi,ns. lllak<' nn aproin11nent ,1·/our fif"COrntor. Call Stev~ ,lone11 ut Coinplrle Drapery Sen.•. 1cr 64j.22Q6 Electrical 6640 ELEClnlC.\L ll,Cf\ ice & ri"pa1r. 21 hrs. 7 days. No job 100 limall. Re-n1odrl & adcJ!11on~. ti It's clectrlca.J. ,,·c IL'< It! 646-4772 Gardening 6680 rn,•ssurc airless sprny gun. Gl'.:NE'S TREE SERV: CC'ilings Slil per room. Ex-Trees, shrubbery lrimn1cd, ll'riors $230. Harris Painting &/or removed. 549-1359 6'12-4j58 * PAINTING, int & ext. Cn.ck from Vietnam. Back in busines1<: again. Free estimates, \Vill ::ubcontract. 64~1089 Upholstery 6990 CZYKOSKI'S Cuslm. Uphol. European Craftsmanship l!Xl':, fin! 6-1~-l·l:ll l :>::ll Nel\'fJOtl Blv, C;\T. Need re111odeJing? See want ad --'2'-1L~.;.;;,~:..c.~=;=~""'"'-1 THROUGH A OSCAH & TONY'~ gl\fd1'n1f'lg ~·r. Tn>r 8: t11'1'h;:c 1rl111· rnif1S:'., hauling & l'l('a n 11ri Comr1lt'!e sto nlcn1111; ~"r t"rce <'!o;l. Also trrc pruning, ·l~3-4:m classifications: Spiritual Rc~lnrs, advice on all m•ttct', 312 N. EJ C&mlno Real, San Cemente .C!n-913' 492®6 10 Ml .JO PM SJNC~ dance every Wl"d. 8:,, to l2. fox trot. 1w1111. lalln, Meadowlark Cub. 11 .s • .3 ml. W. of Beach. ofJ \\~aM'W"r, Adm. $2 Al.a)HOUCS AnonymOUI Ptalt M2-72ll or "'1te to po. ~ tnl O>istn ~1f'Slt. _ CORffii·.0·s~~L-a-w-.,--,~,,-m-. DAILY PILOT ~:~!.u:.~;'·;.~r:.~~ WANT AD 642-5678 Uten ~:Hl734 a.fl j Pi\1 JL\f'S Gartlrn1ns; & lawn mainler.nncf'. P.e11 & com- merc1nl • MG-4837 TREE SERVICE, Rtn'I )'l'lrd cll!.'lnup. S PRIN!'OLER REPAJR.."-. 646--SM.~ 6500-6900 in the . DAILY PILOT FOR EXPERT HELP c L A 5 5 I F I E D llEST 1111\'S! c;j 13- 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 D A I y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 No Matter What It Is- YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 CHARGE IT! --------.......... ,_ __________________________________________________ -- Thursday, Dtctmbtr 4, 1%9 DAILV PILOf 35 DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED JOBS & EMPLOYMENT I JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Jobl--Men. Wom. 7100 I Jobt-Mon. Wom. 7100 J?BS & EMPLOYMINT J ~OBS & EMPLOYMENT I JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Joas· & EMPLOYMEN1 Joas & EM PLOYMENT •• Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 ~, Jobs-Me,,, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. ~100 I Joba-Man, Wom. 7100 School•ln1trudlon 7600 .· INDEX F9" Fut !tenlce ind Expert Aul1t1nc• DIAL DIRECT 642·5878 Advt11lalng At1,e11cy Sherp Secretary f o r f•1t • paced Newport Stach Agency. Type 65-70. Sho,th1nd 100, ~.~~~~s-.~~~ .. ~.~·~·~·1• ~Y,fe~TA.~~~:~s !::; orgeni1e & f o 11 ow .' .. IN OMI! PllOPEA.TY ·•••••••• 1eoo I h u d 3S COSTA MESA ................. -llU,INESS PROPERTY .OJ4 r u • n e r • Mlt:SA OIL MAii •.......•.•••. l lll llf .. IL!!!JI f>Altll:S olO:t Ph 642 3910 4•• M!" .... ¥EROE ··-·····"· ,.lllf •USINESS llENTAL ........... toll one: • • ~ coLL•oE PAllK .............. 1111 oFF1cE Rt:o1TA1. ....... " N. Newport Blvd. NfiWPOaT Bl!ACH .......... ,.ll'Of INOUSTlllAI. PltOf'EllTY , .... fOll NIW'°llT H•tOHTS .......... 111• COMMl!llCU1\. .......•. .OU 14Semhty BAL&OA COVl!S ............. 1111 INOUSTlllAL RENTAL ........ 6091 NfiWl"Oll:T SHOIES ........... Int LOTS ......... , .............. llM IAYC1tl!ST ········•••·•••·•••·1W ltANCHli:S "'·····-···-···-··UH IA YI HOil ES ................... 1n5 CITll:US Glt0¥fiS ............. flJI OOVlll: SMOllU •.....•••••.... ltt' lCA.2AOI! ..•••••••• ,.,.,fM WISTCl.U'F .... • ......... 11>1 LA•E ELSIHOllE , ............ ,Hi it•••o• HIOHLANOS ••.•••• ,12u ••SOl.T l'ltOPt:ltTY ......... ,es \,INIVlfltSITY PAlllC. •••••••••"lUJ OltANOI' CO. PROPl!llTY ., ... f111 11l¥1NE ...................... lUI our OF STATE PRO!", ....... 11111 IACK BAY ........ _ ........... 1UO ~UHTAIN & Dl"IRT •••·••• '110 ii!"AST&LUFI' ................... 1141 Hl&Dl¥1SION I.ANO . .... f211 El TH• nw tEAL ESTAT I! SEll¥1Cli •... •111 UIVINE TEllltACE ............ U4S t.E. EXCHANGE ............. flll COllONA IDEL MAil ........... 1Uil I. E. WANT~O ............. 11 .. IAL&OA PENINIUL.A ......... 11111 BUSINESS d l t:ACOH IAY ............ _ ••. UH an BAY ISLANDS ................. IHI FIN"''NCIAL LIDO ISLE . . ............... lHI l"I IALBOA ISLAND , ............ 1111 IUE!NE SS Ol"PORTUNITIES. flM HUNTI NGTON IEAC'H .. -.,.HM IUSINE$1 WANTED .....•.. fJOI HUNTINGTON HARBOUll .... ltH IN¥ESTMENT Op,.wf11~lllt1 , •. flll LIHOA ISLE llN IN¥ESTMl!NT WANTED ...... fllJ FOUNTA IN VAi.LET .......... 1411 MONE'I' TO LOAN .............. no SEAL IEACH ................. 14.lf PEA.ON$.AL LOANS ....... , .... t nJ iUHSl!T BEACH ............... 105 ~liWELllY LOA.NS _, ......... f:rJ~ GAJIOEN GROYIO .............. 1411 COi.LATERAL LOANS ...... ,. .• 1)5 LOHCI BEACH ·····•·•-·····•·•!SOI JIEAI. ESTATE 1.0ANS ·········~ AKIWOOO ... ., ............. list MORTGAGES, Trll~I De"5 ••• ~I )RA.NGI. COUNTY ······•••••••I ... MONl'Y WANT£0 . . .. · ,. llll OUT OF COUNTY ············· UH ANNOUNCEMENTS OUT 01" $TATE ............ -.. 11111 STANTON .................. u11 and NOTICES .Vl.$TMINSTEll. ................ l6l2 FOUNG !Fr .. AdO ••.....•... '4CI MIDWAY CITY ................. ~:~: LOST ..................... , •. oMOI SANTA ANA · ·····•··•··•·""" l'EA.SOHALS ............. , .. oMtJ IAHTA ANA. HGT$ ............. 1Uf ANNOUNCIMfNTS ............ '410 ORANGE ............• ,.,. .•••. llll llJITtO .. , ............ , ....... oMll JUSTIN .......... , ....•...•• ,.1'4I FUHl!llALS ................. MU NORTH TUSTIN .... -......... lMI PAIO OB ITUAltY ......•..••. "411 ANAHEIM .. ·· ·•··••······•·1UO FUNl!A.AI. Dltll!CTOllS ....... "414 SIL¥1!t1A00 CANYON ......... 11SS FLOJlllT5 .................... u LAGUNA HILLS ................ 1709 CARO OF THANKS , ........... '416 LAGUNA IEACH .............. 1101 JN Ml!MOllJAM .......... , ... '411 LACIUNA NIG UEL ······•·•··· 1107 CEMETEJIY LOTS ............. Mii MISSION YIEJO ............ 11DI CEMl!TERY CRYPTS ......... 141' SAN CLEMENTI! ......... 1lll CEMETERY CRYPTS _ ......... U s•N JUAN CAPISTRANO ,,.,.,1120 :;JIEMATOJllES ........... .,1410 CA l'1$TRAN0 ll!ACH ......... Hts "IEMOJl.IAL PAJllCS •..........• 411 OANA 1'01HT ·······•····•· ... ,lllO 1,UCTIONS .. . ............. :If CARLSBAD ····•·······-·•·····lHO AVIATION SEJIVICE .......... 1431 OCEANSIDE ................... 1151 TJIA¥EL . ,, ........ 1411 SAN DIEGO .... , ·········•·•1115 Ali;! Ti;tANSl'OJITATIOH ... , .. 6"1 11.IVEtlSllDE COUNTY ......... llOI AUTO TRANSPORTATION ..... '40 MOUSES TO IE MOVED •..••. ltOI LEGAL NOTI CES .......... 51 CO NOOMINIUM ... . ......... nse GEllMAN & TUTORING ·-.. " OUl'LEXli5 FOR SALE ....... 1'15 SERVICE DIRECTORY APAllTMENTS FOil SALE .... nu RENTALS ACCOUNTINO ........ IJ(tf ANSWEfllNG SERVICE . , .. , I.wt Houses furnished APPLIANCE RE PA111s, P...-11 1.111 GENEtlAL · .. i(E ·" · ~= :~~~A~~p~111~s··:::::::····::: :t~ RINTALS TO $~~·······--llOO AUTO, S••I ltllS. To••• Eh:, 4.HO ~':;'sTto~~s~JI. ···•··· ,1., IAIYSITTING .......... ,UI ROE 1111 BOAT MAll"TENANCI! ........ USJ MESA YE ...... ;......... IJll(:K, MAIONRY, ere. ....... 1160 ~~~::111.T PIAERA~H· ·::::::::::::~~ ~':,~~NoEJ:s SER"'.'~.~~ .• ::::::::.:::: NEWPOllT HGTS •. , ............ 1210 CATE RING ISll ASSEMBLERS EIC!C'tn;mechanical assembly includlng i;oldcring, Call Per1anntl Dept. 171 4) 494-9401 TEL ON IC ENGINEERING L19una Beach Equal opportunity t>mployer ASSEf\JBLY Trainees. day shift, femall! age 18-28. no rxp nee., but niust have i::ood eyeslgh! & finger clt>X· lerily. Apply in person SAE Advanced Packaging, 1357 E. Edinger, S,A. ASSISTANTS & RECEPTIONIST Prepared resume must have ,.,.,.o yrs. dental cxpc'rientt. Eve. hrs. AU union benl!lits, Salary $3.44 per hr. Call for appt. for interview. 633-7:i31. BABYSI1TER. 11te hskps for 2 childm; OC<'ass., some Sa '. iltay cons·ider live in lat('r. Cl\T. 6'16-2101 NEWl'OJIT SHOJIES ···•·•·•" 1110 CAllN ETMAKING , .• , .....•• ,.,510 BAYSHORES · ............... J?1I CARPENTER.ING .............. llff -BABVSJ~ER fo' 2 •ho'idmn OOVl!ll SHOlltES ............... 1211 CI MEJIT CN1cr1lt "'°° '' '" ''" ' WESTCl.IFF ............... 111f ' .. ·•··•···· 4 ' • UN1¥ElltSITY PAlllC ••··•····· 2111 CHILO CAllE, Llcel!Vd ........ 1110 & .1. Live-in or out. lllVIHI: ........................ 2111 ~~=~:;c~~=~NIHG····"····: ::2~ 646-574:> aft 10 Ai\f BACK &AY ................... l l•O CAA.PET LAYING & ltEPAIA. 6111 Banking EAST ltLUFF ...... : ........... 12•1 DA.APEA.IES ... ····-······· .. "11 1E~v?:~ TEJIA.ACE ........... ~~:: OEMOLITION ............ llU , M•R _.., OA.AFTING SERVICE .... -.... Ull * COMMERCIAL TELLER CORONA OE... • .............. El.ECTlllCAL . .. .. . ........ "'441 BALIOA .................... UH EQ UIPMENT RENTALS ....... U~O ,_-....,.. LIOO ISLE .................. 1n1 FENCIHc; ..................... N60 L AI' rt. Apply in f)("rson 1AY 1suHos ................. 1u• FL0011s .. .... . ....... -.... ..., Newport National BALIOA ISLANO .•...•..•. 2lS5 FUllNACE REPAIRS. Etc. ....... ,. Bank HUNTINGTON I EACH ...••••.. 1•ot FUltNITUA.E 11.l!STORIHCI FOUNTAIN VALLEY .......... fClO & REFINISHING fl7S !:; • & pt · SEAL IEACH ············-·· .14$6 OAJIDENIHG .•....... UIO ~urierior. arC'nhB, N .B. LONG IEACH · ............... lllM Gl!NEllAL SIJIVICES ......... 11n l ii""i0i""i0i""'"'""""~ ORANGE COUNfY ·······•···· llOf GJIAOIHG, DISCING ..... .,, ••. UU SANTA ANA .................. Ull GLASS 11'9 WESTMIN$TEA. •....... -.: ..•. 1,11 G•••N TH.UM······•······•····,,. MIDWAY CITY .............. 2fU .............. . SANTA ANA HEIGHTS ··•"'•• hJO GUN SHOP ................. 1111 COASTAL , , ................ 2100 ~:~tlTNHO CLUIS .............. :;: LAGUNA l!IEAClt .............. tit$ HOUSECLEAN1i.IG·':····::::::::1135 LAGUNA NIGUEL ........... ,.1107 tNTEJllOJI OECO JIATING '131 MISSION VIEJO ........ -.... VOi INCOME TAX ..... '140 iAN CLEMENTE .....•.... J11t l•OH O-o ,., ''' ......... ,,. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO , ..... UU ' ••• ,..." ' • •••• ., •• C I' STRANO &EACH 1110 IRONING ······· ........... ,.1155 ' ' •O ., ···-····,,,, INSULATING ........... , ...... '160 OANA I · • ........... INSURANCE ...... ,. ........ 1110 111¥ERSIOE COUNTY ........ 1IOI INVESTIGATt NO, D•l•cllw1 ••. 1110 VACATION RENTALS •..••.... .,... JANITOltlAL f1ff SUMMER ltENTAl.S ••••·•••• :rtlt JEWELRY JIEPAllt;•E!i::·::::::uot CONOOMINIUM ·····•··••••·•··''51 LANDSCAPING ·······•••••••··'111 OUPl.EXES l"Ul.H.. ······•••.,.l'1J '.OCl(SMITH .....•.•...... , •.. 1110 RENTALS M.ASONRY, ••ICI( ............ UlO H U I I hed MOVING a STORAGE , ........ iMO ouses n urn s PAINTING. P111t•h•n1rn, ...... ruo OENEllAL ,,.,, ............. ,.JOOO PAINTING, Sltnl ............... llU COSTA MESA .................. 31M PATIOS ................. flll MESA OE\. MAit •.. , .......... J10S PHOTOGltAl'HY .. -. "' .,,. MESA ¥EltDE .... -.......... 3111 11'1.ASTEltlNG, P•l(ll, ltlPllr , .... I COLLEG E PARK , •..•..•..•. Jlll PLUMllNG .. ,. ............ lllH NEWPOJIT &l!ACH •..•.•••.... 3100 PET OJIOOM ING at00 NEWPORT HGHTS. , ........... lllf ll'OOL SERVICE ···-•·••··• •. f'20 NEWPOllT SHORES •.......•. Jttl ll'OWEtl SWEEPING ........... 1'15 IA¥5HORES ...........••.... 37.1$ PUMP 1Etl¥1CE .....•. ,. .••• ,.Int OOVElt SHOltES ............... tt11 ROOF ING ... ···••··••····lt$1 WESTCLll"F ................ mo JIADIO, RtNirs, EiC. .....••••. l tlll UH1¥ERSITY l'ARI( ......... ,.1"1 REMODELtNC. & 11.EPAttt 69•0 tlVINE , .......... , ...••.. -.. :HJI REMODELING, KITC HENS .... f'4S IACI( &AY ................... 3210 SCISSOllS SHAJIPEH .......... ltU IAST 11.UFI' ... , ........... ,..31•1 SEWI NG .. ,,. -. ··-·····• .ltlO El ror1 3144 SEWING MACHI NE REPAIRS ltl1 tR¥1NI! Tl!RtlACE ............ nu SEPTIC TANKS. Stw.n., l lC. .. ,tfl CORONA OEI. MAR ........... :nso TAILORING ............ 1'11 IALBOA .......•••••.••• ,,.JlOI TERMITE CONTROL .......••. •tn IAT ISLANDS ............ -... 1J50 TILE, Cirr1ml' ,., .......... , .• flt LIOO ISLE . • ............... 1JJ1 TILi!. Lln•l1um . Mlr~I• ...... ,,IS IALIO,. ISLAND , ............. JJSJ TA.EE SEllVICE .. , NeWPOllT WEST .. , ..••....•.. n1s TELEVISION,.JltP1lrt, lie.···!'" HUNTINGTON 8EACH .••• ,,,l•OO UP HOLSTEJl'I' .,., .......•...•. fttt HUNTINGTON HARIOUJI. _ ... )401 WELOLNt; ........... lttJ FOUNTAIN ¥ALLEY ..•..•.•• ,Jilt WINOOW CLEAN ING 6"1 SEAL 10.clt" ............... :Ms• JOBS & EMPLOYMENT OAROEN Gt10¥1! .............. S411 LONG IEACH .............. lSOO OR.ANGE COUNYY , ............ :ui&t SANTA ANA .................... :Ult WESTMINSTER ........... , .... Jill MIOWAY CIYY .......••..•. .,.Jllf SANTA ANA HEIOHTI ......... 3Ut COAITAL .... , .........•. 11111 LAGUNA. IEACH .............. Jltl LAGUNA NIGUEL ,., .......... 1701 MISSION Vll!JO --······•"• )IOI JOB WANTED, Mtn · •..••••••••• JtGt JOB WANTED. wom~11 •••••••• 7020 JOB WANTED, MEN I WOMl!N •.• , ... 7031 SCHOOl.5 & INSTRUCTION •••. UOO J08 PREPARATION ••....•.••. JIOI THEATRICAL •.•..•. 71111 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE U.H 'CLEMENTE .............. 1n1 FURNITUllE ........... loot CAl'lSTllANO ............... sru OFFICE FUJINITUllE ........ ·~1• CAPISTllANO IEACM .... -... 17>1 OFFICE EQlllPMENT ......... 1011 OANA POINT ................. ,11'1 STOii. EQUIPMENT ••..••.•.. Mlt BEAUTICIANS 3 NEEDED AT ONCE. F El\IALE. \Ve arc !urni.J1~ v.'ay business 1•v1•ryday, Ne«I capable opr's. to take care of re· quest custon1ers. Recent grads \velcomc. Clicntl'le, not necessary. Call Viola Lovins. 548-991'!. l>r apply in person, 267 E. 17th St., C.f\f. BAR!\fAlD. s harp; al· tractive. Full ti1nc, nWhts. Nice bar. Good salary, 1vitl train. Apply in person only to San1, belWCf!n 11:30 Al\1 & G PM Scoltles's 436 J::. 17th St. Costa 1'.1esa ~B-91J.l9 BAR!\-1AlD • exp. P.l\t. shift. Apply in person. Vegas Roon1. 686 \\I. 19th, CM BELL MAN -:'. .. raton Beach Inn I!! no1v accepting appli· 1·at1on.s for the position o( bell man. P /tl1nc & fl. time, 11 pm-7 o.m shift. Apply in pel"50n. 21112 Ocean, Hun l. Bch. BOAT .CARPENTERS coNOOMIN IUM .............. mo CAFE, RESTAURANT ........ 111u E X p E R I E N C E O DUPLEXES UNFUltN, ......... 1'1J IAR t!:OUll'MENt ···-·······IOlJ JUMMl!lt Jll!frtTALS ........ ~."'5 HOUSEHOLO OOOOS .......... 1021 RENTAL) GARAGE SALE .. ·-••••••·.,.,1022 AnpJy hed "Ui;tNITURE AUCTION ........ ms ,. Apt~ Furnia 1.PPLIANCEs ................. 1101 O'OAY YACHTS QENl!llAL .................... •* l NTIOUE5 ............. 1111 3090 PULLMAN COSTA MESA .................. 4100 SEWING M•CHIHE . .. ..... 1121 COSTA MESA Ml!SA Vl!JIDI! .............. •111 "IUSICAL INSTRUMENT ...... ltU NEWPORT IEACH ............ 11911 PIANOS & ORGANS ............ llJO l=========--NIWPOA.T HEIG HTS ...•...•••• 110 llAOIO .................. ,.1100 H!WPORT SHOJI.ES , ..•.......• ,,. rELEVISIOH ··-···•············~OS WISTCLIFF ······•··• .•m Hl·FI. STEREO ............ 1111 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 lttllVERUYY PARK ........... 1111 TAPI! JIECOROEIS ..... ml BACI( IA y ... , ....•••..••... 1111 CAMERAS & EQUIPMENT •.. ,l»O, ----------EAST ILUFF •.......... ,.11•2 HOl!llY SUPPLIES .......••• ,.MOi i" COllONA DEL MAii. ........... 11!1 SPOltTING GOOOS .. , •... ,.ISOI 8 0 0 }\KEE P ER , J::x. BALllOA ................... •JIO llNOCULAlll, SCOPES •.• , ..... IJ!I BAY ISLANDS ................. 41'1 MISCELLANEOUS , ........... ,tiff LIDO ISLE . .. .... , ..•... , 13'1 MISC, WAJITEO ............... lilt IAl.IOA. ISUNO . . ........ ,lllJ MA.CHIHEltY, El<. •••..•....• ,llOI HUNT INGTON IEACH ••••..... UOI LUMBER .......... , ............ 1151 FOUNTAIN ¥ALLEY ......... 441t STORAGE ..............•..••.. 1715 Sl!AL BEACH .................. '450 I Ul\IDING MATElllA'.S ...... 11 .. ~ONCI l lACH ............ , .... 1100 IWA S ... lttt :i11AN01: couNTY ............. 1661 PETS< and LIVESTOCK OAJIOEN GROYI .. , ........... 1'11 PETS ,GENEll:AL .............. llOll WESTMINSTER , ............ .,.4'11 CATS •......... ,. ........... ,lftl ~IOWAY CITY .....••......... 411' DOGS ......................... Ull 'ANTA ANA • .......... 41,D HOllSES ................. ,. ,llM •ANTA ANA HEIGHTS ......... 41Jf Ll¥ESTOCK ,,., . ., ............. &Ml TUSTIN ....•.... , ............ 4 .. 1 CALIPORNIA LIVING NUll SElllEi , , •.••.•.•••• tt1t SWIMMtPtG POOL~ ........... H01 COAITAI. ,. . ............. •100 LAGUNA BEACH .............. lltl LAOUNA NIGUEi. ............ ''°' MISSION Yll!JO -··•····· .. •IOI P.llTIOS ............. ,.,._,,,, tfU loWNINCS ....... , •• .,,., •••••mt \IACATIONS .... • ••.•• , •• 1'2111 IAN CL!MENTI: , .......... ,. Ull OANA POINT ..• , .............. •140 TltlPl.IX, ttr. , .............. l'fO tO NOOMINIUM ••• , .•.••...•... •tH RENTALS TRANSPORTATION Apts. Unfurnished llt:NEllAL ····••· . .. !OOI COSTA MIS.I .............. )I• BOATS a TACHTS •........... HOO IAILIOATS ............ •011 POWEii CRUISERS ............ 9021 MESA ¥EllOI! ·········•·• )111 pcrll!nccd, wanted in ac- L'Ounring office. :;.10-3943 bet. 3.5 Pl\1. BOYS 10 • 14 Carrier Routes Ope n "' Laguna Beach, So. Laguna DAILY PILOT 6l2-t.121 BOYS NEEDED 1\lu111 bf' reliable, lo del iver flye~ Sat & Sun in tl.B. SID pcr thousand. 962·2666 •. BUSBOYS: 1 days, 1 nights. App!y ln lll'rson, 329 E. 171h St., Co.~ta :O.fcsa. *CLERICAL* Ol)ENlNGS FASHION Manufacturing RECEPT • Knowltdgf! of • Med. Jns. 9larp gal \vhu is TE A CHER 'S CHILDREN • Located In ())sta ~leso. Experience prtfC"rml. Salary open. Pica&' cllll Beverly David, ( 714) • :>46-3300 COFF'EE SHOP ~IANAGER Exp'd only. Start SlT.> \Vk. Apply 2-1 pn1 daily. TIIE CO'M'AGE COFFEE SHOP 562 \V, 19th $t. Cl\1. Cosmetologi.st llAIR STYLJSTS. Top work· ing conditions & percentage. Pd vaca.tions. 847-2673 , 847-9136 ask for Al. C OASTAL AGENCY Professionel Employment .Assiste~t A member o( Snelling & Snelling Inc. 2700 llarbor Bl, Cl\:J 54().6055 llarbor Blvd. at Adams COOK ••• Experienced Apply In person only THE RIGGER, # 16 Fashion Island Newport Beach COOK. Exp"d FRY COOK . Must be fast. Call afler 3 pm. for appo in lmenl. 673-4166. e COUNTER GIRLS Three shifts available Apply ONTRA CAFETERIA # 60 Fashion Island Ncwpo11 Shopping Center Pacific Cbast H1vy at 1'.tcArthur, N.B. DENTAL OFFICES -ASSISTANTS--e Insurance girls e Rl'CeptioniSI. \Va.nt your f ree Fuhion \Vardrobe by Cl1rlsrma.s '!' Be. C'OO\Q a Fashion Ctinsultantl No Investment • Jllc:hesl Earnina;s • Q:implete T~h1. lng. FUJ.l or p/time. Call ?itr. Hansen tor interview (TI4l -EXPLORER has im· mtdlale Opening! '"' - *~ -Finish men ~. 10 Al\t.S Pflt Daily. • 1 \Velder ""'::::':o"~~,"~'~';~,.~·~,·~· ~C7"~•-· __ 1 •I .. Plumber'a helper Ft'n111le COOK-PM Hosp exp •4 -Gen. AllS(!mbly pref'd. Contact Personnel * l -MUI man Director. So. Cout Comm. *l _ Electricians ltosp. 31B12 C11t. l{wy, So. Laguna, 4!'&-1311 Ext 356. tl • 110 \>OltJ * FIBERGLASS · PLEASE APPLY neat can co far. Xlnt , loe., need mature Y1omu.n to I r Pleuant worklng cond. To ~by&!t t!:l the.Ir home. Driv· $375, Raise 3 mot., Call Jca.n ing required. Refs. nttdcd. Brown, ~ Ml-4.ll7 118. 1 1~¥.~~~ COASTAL AGENCY 1·T'"E~A~C~H~E"R"S~-~T"l~,-y~T~ot Snelling & Snrlllnit Pre-School. Tues & Th11n1 2790 Harbor Blvd., CM AM. S2.50 hr. For In. H \1\11 l ! \ i l: formation cftll 837-¥.e4. : : : i ; \: i · Restaurant : ; i; I J ! · 1 TELEPHONE Answering * DAY BUSBOYS SeNlce Ex>'d pret.l l .~!;;!;~~:11i-- CaJ1 "0-"" I~ -* NIGHT Typl•t to $425 . DISHWASHERS ABILITIES UNLIMM'ED AGENC'l 488 E. 17th St, Sulte 224 C.OSta ltTesa 642-1470 Apply In person LAMINATORS Exporleoce<i. Top pay. l.a'i• • OR CALL -Reuben E. Lee WAITRESS cus1on1 Yachts. Willard Boat MEN I. WOMENI COMPUTER PROGRAM· MING IS THE KEY TO YOUR rnOFJTABLE FUTUP.£! Class~ start soon. W •-,_ 0 ••• C • E.xplorer l\tolor llomes 151 E . Clll!t.I llwy. Experienced or~. U'1J .........,r, ·•·!. 3021 Nc"'!J>Ort ~_yd. Newport Beach Foreign Cbr Mechanics Costa .r.tesa._.Calir. Restaw·ant. Apply In pe1'son Good oo. bencllts, Incl paid SURF & SIRLOIN Pllot progr11.m offering the flnet.t eqtilpmeflt and racn-· itie.!I available! Real-time computer programmlnr. vacation, group lns, uni. 1714• 5-1&-3300 5930 !om>• fum~h«i tre.. Good MFG. • e WAITRESSES Pac. Cst. Hwy. comm, schedule, Ask for A progressive manufacturing •• BUSBOYS Newport Beach The J\cadany Joe 11-toore Ph. 54Q.11&1. company, \Vith exccl!enl * *WAITRESSES '*-"F°'U"L;;L'E'°"R"°B"R~U"S"H.-*,..1 work in i; conditions and -.1. C - tttz..l4<Xl fringe benefits has immedi. -·Apply in person -1S to ::5, neat appearing, ... 'Ji~rn ate opengs for. Full time, APP. in person 1.oWU..uaJ Gal Friday A-Tool & Die Maker SNACK SHOP to $500, Excellent Co, benc. n. General l"actory 3446 E. Coa.st Jlwy, BOB'S BIG BOY lits. Pleasant working condi. Corona del !ifar 1a4. E. l7lh, c .M. ~nlon l11nk S•u•re tions. Top bencllls. Call Kay Apply at RESTAURANT Exp'd f~RY \VAITRESS • Cook ta ; 1,' South Tower 546-5410. Suri. 40 JASON BEST Sfa Fa.<1t, Int'. COOK & \VAITRESS. Full exp'd. Apply 1703 SUpcrior "lr•nge. c .. Ut., '2'61 Employmrnt Ag""Y 640 S. Santa Fe SI. or part time. Coffee Shop Ave., CM. 6.\&-3993 • Call 547-9471 J';lission Vit>jo. 83l)..()528. • '":!~~~~~~~~!l!!I ~ So. Main, Santa Ana ---~Sa~"~ta~A~"'~-~-11 •..,..,..,.., ... ..,..,..,..,l \VO~fEN. full or part timcl"i Genera l Office S400 e Medical &'a'Clal'Y e See Betty Bruce at needed iinmed, for: Child MERCHA'iDISE FOR Good typina skills, YIO ap. Personable girl w/ initiative care, Aides or Companions. SALE A'ND TR.ADI ·~ f b · J t I m 6 Ages 21 to 65, &12-3Z74 pearall<.'t', "'.lit Loraine, or usy surgeons ron o • • Merchants Personnel Agcn. ficl'. Must have ~xp. \vi tJ~ KeC We S it Better, Inc, Furniture cy, 2Gt3 \VcstclilJ Dr., N. B. dictaphone & all forms of Agency for Career Girls Soulh c:oast Agency 645-mo insurance &. bookkeeping:. 4.10 \V Coast Hwy., .N.B. Youn9 Fry Cook G="°"===~-~--1 Salary open. Call 9 • 5 • By appoint. 61&3939 SELLING C.omple~ houaeful of f.tedlterranean furn: sofa, love seat, 2 oorTimode tamp !ables, coffee table, JamJ>ll. color TV, din set, re frig, IRL FRIDAY. Good typing-, &ll>-4409 neat a ppearance, Call ~tr. Young, 642-7749. Collection ~fEN (2) for gr o u n <I Bureau of \Vestern Orange maintenance at Newporl e1· County Inn. Pcnnanent. See !·lead HOUSF.KEEPER I i v e . i n , _G_a_n1_,_.,.._c,~,P~li-'---­ n1olherl1!ss home, N.B. area. !\ten: 2 teenagers. Woman with l * OVERSEAS • sml child ok. 531-1450 \Ve need you! Call Smitty, 714 : 774-2S10 HAIRSTYLIST, niale or female with following, good * l\tOTEL MAID * N.B. location. 642-0844 Apply: 2205 ltarbor Blvd. HOUSEKEEPER Needed. Costa ?i1esa, Calif. Live-in. ?i1otherlfSS house. 3 * b10TEL l'otAID * tichl. children. $200 month. Part Ti.me Hunt. Sch area. 968-3629 49•1-!M36 HOUSE-KEEPER, Live-in, l'o10TIIER'S He Ip er or Free Doard & room + mother to help bus. cpl. ear- ulary. Call bcfr 4 pn1, ly dinner tneaJ only, S days. 5.\8-1214 ~1 Sall'!> ESCROW OFFICER , or Kitchen Trainee Permanent, full 1Jmc job. stereo, king size bdrm .set. Over IS, Neat appearance, Quttn bd rm &et. a alze Outstanding opportunity for Chal'lee for advanr.ement, bedrm se1, swag lamp. pt.!- exp"d. sales escrow olfieer APPLY IN PERSON lures, \vash('t & dryer. • lo ""'Ork in our new l>tisslon n1!sc. 1'1ust Sacrifice! Call Virjo, Savings & Loa.n office. Bob's Big Soy 8!».M?S 1.fust be capable of handling J~I E. 17tl1 Street 1--DO°"''°'N°''T;.,G=1v"E"°"U=P~ sales escrows for conve.ntion·, I al loans. Xlnt Y:orking cond. Costa. Mesa You may tlnd it at America's & ·ty f ·th ~ larxest, most unusual un-Con~~~rtuni or irov.: ' Schocls-ln1trudion 7600 finished furniture sfure. Cot. 00\VNEY SAVJNGS & ~ill & Santa Ana Fwy, LOAN ASSOCIATION Tustin. l ml So. ot Newport SALES: A'ITENTION ~tobilc hm. owners. Ladies that & ONLY USED 5 pc warnul bedroom want lo suppleml!nt your m. franchised set $00. Used 6 drawer J>rcpai-ed resume 1nusl have h\·o yrs. dental experience. Day hours. All union benP- fits. Salary $3.44 per hr. CaU for appointment 633-T:>.31. DENTAL REO.:PTIONJST, Exp'd, for niodcm dental oflice, Hunt. Sch. 962-3319. DENTAL :-,i: ,..,PO,. Re HOUSEKEEPER. live-in, 2 • ere ..... ,.:-~,. ceCaUP. school-agers. 67s.-0310 or e e NEEDED 837--49U ~' • The FIRsr ~54~pen 362 day.s per 'lT· . come. No phone soliciting. modem dresser w/mirmr Do not have to leave your Sl4. Used 5 pc white & gold hm. 1,/timc "Tk .. r or info.. S-T·R-E·T-C-H French Provincial bedroom tiohist. A~e o..rov. • {)18-TI9l ~~3000 17~""~,-,,,--~~~ Dl-::NTAL Assis, Chair Side. 23 + yrs, 2 yrs exper. Reply Box 517-1\t, Daily Pilot. DENTAL J::xecu t a r y, Newport. Xlnt position for mature won1an \V/dental exp. Send qua]ilications, etc to Daily Pilot Box l\f-14. DISHWASHER Experienced JANITORS, \Vaxe1'S. Part & full time. Experienced only. Good pay & v.·orking con· dition5, 5-13-9393 •LADI ES • Pk. up Christmas mol'l!.'y. Put out cat. & pk. up orders for ·F'uller Brush. J3.00 hr ii qual'd. 642-1403. Two Office G irls Mu9l be 25 and ahle to drive -APPLY - 1S6 E, l6Lh $1., C.l\I. newport . personnel agency &33 DOVER DRIVJ-: call 8.16-5441, l().6 & SEW (T.M.) scr m. The Factory, 1885 Store of Orange County lfarbor. 54Q..&42 SALES: A11cntion UcauH- cians and X·Bc11u1icians CHRIST~fAS SHOP SINGLF.: bed, quilted mat· that want to impplement tress, brass headboard com. THE EASY \VAY!! p!clc with spread, electric your income • to style. & ~U blanket d heels our fabulous Trci;s-Chic wtg. Learn to Sf!\\/ on "knit !ab-Gree~ :;:1ass 8 !able. ;~ For Intcrvw. cltll 836-5441 rics". ~lake stretch pants lamp, walnut end table SALESLA.Dll!:S wanted part in 1 hr, a bathing suit for after 7 p.m. 96~2U ' time. Attractive prorits, $5.00 -even a gird.le! Im· MOVING· T ·a b local business, Ph: 646-8670 agioe -T-shirts for W turnH • &.e":it c uys In bctwee.n 2 & 5 pr,1 who' family Un? ecorator ac· "7=~-==--~·,.....,....~.· I .e • cess. Some antiques. 1519 SAL~S: $~ week in w1~ LESSONS: Morn, afternoon, Bonnie Doonc (Irvine Terr.) Apply In person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pacific Coast H""'Y· Newport Beach * Maids * Full or part time. Ken Niles Marina ~1o!rl, 1021 Bayside Dr .. N.6. l\'laintrnance NEWPORT BEACll 642·3870 fashion field. Need ;J I& eve CcU.-f saJe5p<>rsons. p ot c n t I a I s. 673--0145 or 675-4031 ., • URGENTLY unlimited. Cnll l\lts. 7:1"1 E. Katella, Orange •• J. W. ROBINSON IIAS OPENING FOR Robinson 842-4449 USED 5 pc beige dinette sci NEEDED: 633-2142 S19. Uaed 5 pc antique white , P /R Secty. to $650 EPF • Sales li-1anagcr for newl~========•I dining room 9cr S39. Used 5 !Employer pays fee!} Skills rlress shop Laguna Beach. * AIRLINE & pc walnut dining room set & abili!y in human relalions l>fust have prevK>us sales & TRAVEL CAREERS * $58. The Factory, 1885 ••DISHWASHERS: 18 or ov. l\1ust be neat in ap. pearance. 3099 Bristol, C.M. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Experience Prel(lrred. must betops.Alsohelpful to manage r ial experience. Hal'l>or, 5-10-6842. * DRIVERS * be politlcaUy minded & un.' _Re_'-"='°'""'°''°'·'°'21'°'3~' .,.m.=Ol"°44_, I LGE GE Rer..1~1•-, 4 ~ 1 · Station Agent •'6 u ..... -.,.~ No Experience encumbercde (some interest· SALESLADY Ticket Sales old $165. Antiq round oak tbl • , APPLY PERSONNEL ing tra\l'('I involved!} New. Curtains. Draperies & Gilts. Reservations 60" $45. 9x12 shag Span.·: Necessary! FASHION ISLAND port Beach firm. UDOFF'S Air Fre.igbt. Cargo ~~"""carpet $25. Aft 5. l\fust have clean Califomla NEWPORT BEACH • Home Furnishings Communications -.<J driving record. Apply An Equal Opportunit,v Legel Secty. $625 EPF. South Coest Pleza Travel Agent YELLOW CAB CO. Employer Calif. & corporate exper. ,0 0 please. \Vork for a •ha-, Savin.gs & Loan IRLINE AhBEAUTCIAFRPUL gift for your _ omc. E11NG for • ,• ,l.C>'ll E. 16th SL ri.tAftAGE Apts. Ideal for • •· A un11na attorney in beauliful BRANCH Costa Mesa couple 40 or over who wan!s .,--... Christmas -or the New Year. Shags -lli·Lo Nylons I I Newpo" B<neh olfa·••. tWe SCHOOLS DRU!\tl\IER starting group; lo suppement neon1e . MANAGER need bass, gultar and/or Pc>rcenta,i:-e & turn apt + also have applleant • paid PACIFIC etc. Llc. contr. Free e.sL 5'1&-4478 organ. f.,'o hangups .' Ulil. Beach al't'a. 673-4458 Ice positions) Exp'd . Savings & Loan BUlLT\VEU.. daveno '50. NlGHT Desk clerk_ auditor, Enjoy a rewarding Ca.n!er Inquire Today G! to U 673-3910. flfALE To a ss ist in and join a highly .!IUCCt'&Sful 5-13-6596 ass P oo ee table $7. 2 housekeeping. heavy chores, 6 nitcs/wk, exp'd. Apply Sa . walnut slep end tables $5 Exec. Secretary Future unlimited, Top skills req'.d. To $650 to star!, Independent Personnel Agency 1TI6 Orang~ Ave, Suite C C.M. 642-0026, 545-0979 Ben Brown's Motor llotel, vings & Loan As110Ciat1on 610 E. 17th St., Santa Ana 24.. RCA TV •35 l\1alds. part-lime. Apply in the Newpo rt Beach area.'~=""''"-"=""""=-'o==I eu. · · ~ · Ben Bro·,••n's Mo1or Hotel, 31106 S. Coast. So. La,i:-una 1· Recliner chair $20. $100 "Cash NURSES Thl:s position entails cha1· MEN -WOMEN takes all. 548-3795 3ll06 S. Coast llwy, So. Registered • even-lenging: duti<'s and Is adapt-BECOME AN Laguna ing & night shifts. Ex. cd for an individual with USED 3 pc furqooise sec- MALE COOK -PM. Hosp.~ benefits. Apply Personnel im11glnative and creative tionaJ f79. Used blu~n Pxp. prcf'd. Contact Person-Director, So. Coast C.om-abilities. Excelll!nt fringe ANNOUNCER l!Ofa only. $35. Used patina nel Director. So Coast inunity Hosp., 31872 Coasl bencfls, Call Mr. 1-fansley gree.n sofa-bed & chair S49. Ov 0 Comm. Hosp. :!1872 Cs!. lhvy. 356 , So. Laguna. 499-1311, (2131 869--0512. "LEARN" The Factory 18S5 lfarbor, crscas pportu11itie:i1 t'XI. ~ 540-0842 Gall Sm11ty n4: 774-2610 Hwy. So. Laguna, 4~l3ll SEA~fSI'RESS: Exper. in On professional equipment in ===""°,,-...,-,.-.,-,-~ * ELECTRONIC TECHS * Ext 356. •NURSES AIDES * J::xp'd. \\'Omrn's alterations. Full or a local radio station from SAVE $300! Used frost free l 1''00D SERVICE * f.tAN with nu rs<' ry, All shifts. Huntington Valley p/timr. CdM. Call • \vo1·king hroadcaslers. door GE Relrig. W·lce: PF:RSONNEL gref'nhouse or garrlcning, to ~mvalcscent llosp. 8382 675--llSl For complete \/Olcc analysla inflker $119. Brand fK'W 30" Jr you desire a pleasanl job .,.,'Ork in new Jackson ·& ewman Avl!., 11unL Bch. **;SECRETARY*** CALL kitche.n range. Be l o w in ne\v facilitiC"S at Hyland Perkins Rase Re~arch & ,7SU-555==',--o------THE INSTITUTE OF whOlesalc, Sll9. Used 3 dr Laboralor ics Food Service Facililies, on ll'\llne Blvd. i PtrIME : Increase Your Local ~1.fgr. JM!ed!I comb BROADCAST ARTS Bnlique green credem:a $29. I-Co•ta '''" pl•a~" ....... .Bookk~pcr & Sc>crctary ""-e Fa•to~. ·~~ ll••boo· '' a " • ... "'"'._..,,,. nr. Sa.ncl Call""" Rd. \Vork present earnings fr om /10 · 1601 N e ·•lol SA '" '" • ., JJ>O.J .. !act Mr. Bill Rickman, rm. JV w or more yrs. exper. 1n · n , · • 5'10-6M2 involves growing & care of S200-S500 a mo., p/tlme. TV off employin .. " or _,.,..., 772-3800 -=~=-=~="°''°"'7.I 221. Vagabond l\:lotor Hotel, a.. .. b .• ,.. 1 1 I 1 d f Call f t " "' ........ '"' : OG !5 ·~ n ,.1ng & tea pants n ea s urn. or app . people. Mui;t be exp'd in Placement service SOLID MA H ANY 3 1 Harbor Blvd., C.M. Ap-........, .... -.. ~ .... garde•• "'" •o~ CH"~ ply in pcnon trom 9 ........... ,iuu .... "' •• • ' .,....."""'· payroll. Box l>f-514, Dai1y ·educa!lon loan ~· · AM-SPM, nee: '1th & Sth. Phone for appolntmcnl : --;p=B~X~O~P~E~RA~TO=R-.-Pilot JOIN TIIE FIELD EXCELLENT CONDffiON An Equal Opportunlt~ &12-00SO da)'ll', 544-1235 Shnrt hrs., N.B. area. Exp. SECRETARY WITI-1 A FUTURE! $7S -.· _"7'~"-;"~"~'·,--,--,,---I prel'd. but not nee. Call &16-01{)!) Employer. ~ Good Slf and typing skills. Age/education no bfo..!Tier! . Sa-~,,~,~-------· IJ\IAN 111 I ""'oodworking ~xp. 613-1235 New &: growing C:O. alflllat-LC't U! help yau qualify. CUsrOr-.1 1'" URN 1 TUR _:E FABRIC SALESWOMAN to work with youth. 1\-lature PLUMBING & Hea t 1 n g ed w! a leading Co. Ml.lSt IN?\"'KEEPERS INSTITUTE MADE TO ORDER: Repair or ~mi-retired. 642-8372 Ser v ice 1\lan. Fully •. , ..,11.,1,""'· INTERNATIONAL YIOl'k a ·F-pcclalty. Zl4 W. 40 hrs wk , Salary + rom· <>c "" o u niissiOn. Vacation &. iiick l\1ANICURIST for busy ~hop Qualified. $1.2,tm + hrly MISS EXEC AGENCY ~foteVliotel/Apt Mgmt Sehl ~faple, range. Ca • b e ne t i t 5, Mui;t have 11f'Br Boysidc Shoppi ng potential. Earl'! Plumhlng, 410 \V. Coast Hwy., N.Bi A DIVIS.ION OF ~6.19-309~~-'---~-..,,,~I know!Nl&<' ol labri~5. Center. 61:>-3385 1~·., 1526 Newport Blvd. By Appoint · 646-3939 ANTIIONY SCHOO~.S 8' Sofa, never U8ed, quilted Appll' in person hfEOICAL TECHNICIAN for C.1\1. S . 1n7 S. BR00Kl£Ulli.,. f1oral, scolchguardcd $US. I _,1 1 p"'r~c~··o =,5,~f~N~--.~.~1 -1 ECRETARIES to $550 A~lb-f CAUFORNIA Matching love aeat $15. (l) No p IO~ ci:u 5 1 girl Doctor's office. n l"""' • A v.iante"' or J( yoo have !he ~kills, we Cla!'St'S fo~ every iveek 770-0592 THE SINGER CO. .Ne1\•por1 Beach. \Vr\tc: Box r.1ichle vertical. have the jobs in the brach PllONE FOR APPT. • 2300 111\rbor Blvd, C1\I l\1-562, Dally Pilot Ask for Beryl 548-~71 area, call Loraine, Mer-Ask for Betty ?7&.5800 DI.sn:tESSED Maple 6 chrsl Nl~OltT ll!ACH ........... nM NIWPOllT HllONTI , ......... 1111 IPEED-SKI IOAT •.......... MH I OAT TRAILlltS '""'" ttn IOAT MAINTENANCE ••····· KU BOAT LAUNCHING ..... ,.,.tfl:M Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100Jobs--Men, Wom. 7100 chants Pe~nncl Agency & mUTOr $175. Maple head· 20l3 Wutclill o,., N.B: SCRAM-LETS boanl & ·""• '"00 $Ill. • NEWPORT SHOlll.li ........ ,,,511t *EITCLIFF ............. JJH UNl¥11tSITY PAltl( , ...•••.•.. sur IACIC&AY .................... SNt IAIT ILUl'I' ............ IJol! CORONA DEL MAil ........... StH BALIGA. . . ................. 5. IAY ISLANDS ................. JIM llDO ISl.l . . ............. sm BAL&OA 15LANO .......... ~n NUNTtNOTON llACM ......... .... 1'01,!JjTAIN YALl.IY ••...... ~11 11.(L DACM ................. J4M I.ONO 1aACM . , ..... ,. •• ,., I.Ht OltANOI. COUNTY ............. Wit GAll DaN OA.OVI , ............. M11 WESTMINITSlt ....... , -··· •• Jilt MIOWAY C:tTY .. .. .......... Mll l•NTA AJIA ,, ............ J"9 JANTA AMA NllGMft ··•··••• M)f ru1"T1 N ...... . ...••••.••.... JoMt COASTAL . • ..•..•••••.... 11" 1.aau,,i• BIA.CM ............. $H$ tAOUNA MIOUll. .......... ,.IN' JAN CLa'°'INTI ,. ........... In• IAN JUAN CAPllTliflD ••... 11U DANA PO INT , ........ 11 .. REAL EST ATE. Gentr•I MARIN& l:QUIP. . ....... •ou l!IOAT SLIP, MOORING ..•.•... ttH BOAT SE•¥1CE$ .............. ,.n IOAT ltENTALS ··••••••••~ ... tl)I BOAT CNAltTEllt ................. » l'ISMtNO IOATS ............... fllt IOAT MOVING ............... ,fOU BOAT STOlllAOI! "'·-·····• .,fll1 BOATS WANT'S.D ••.••...•••••. tts• •IRCtlAP"T •··········•• tlOI FLYING LElf.ONS ............ tl51 MOBILE HOMES .....•...•••. nt1 MOTOR HOMIS ............. , n1 s &ICTCLIS ............... nu t!LECTltlC C:Altl .............. n.so MINI 1t1cn ................. ,,,, MOTOltC YCLIS ............. tJ" MOTOlllCOOT••s .... •tso AUTO Sl!RVICll & l'AflTI .... t•OI AU.TD TOOU a l!QUll' .•.•.. ,.MU rll.AILtlt, Tit.AYR ........... H» TtlAILllt5. U!llllY ., •.••••.•••. tOI CAMPEltl •. ~ .................. tS11 TllUCkS ............ -......... tttll ll!'Il'S ............ t511 C.IMPiR lltlMTAU tm OUMI auoo11s "" IMl'OllTtO AVlOS ............ t&ol 1PORT CA•I . , ......... t6ll •MTIOUI .. CU.SSIU ........... U r•IPl...I.)(, etc, .... ,, .... -"" tlACE CARS. RODS ...•..•. ,,,. COJIOOM!N IUM .. .,.., ltH •UTO •¥lHTS ............... t,11 ltfiNTALS WANTIO ......... Jm 1.UfOS WAJltl:O ., ....•.••.••. tlOI ROOMS POii llllNT ........... ,,., N!.W CAii .............. , flN ltOCM a IOAllD . JtN •UTC' l.fAllNO •• , ••...•.•.. tilt *EXEC. SECRETARY* Must be able lo lake shorthand at 100-110 '''pm. Ex perience at tho executive level in a sales or marketing activity preferred. \Viii also handle phones & travel arrange· menls. Excellent opportunity. Salary coin· mcnsura tc--with background. Please apply in person or call f).1r. Kuechler lor appointmen t, 835-4804, GENERAL AUTOMATION 1402 E. CHESTNUT ST., SANTA ANA An Equ al Opporlunily Em ployer M/F Will be movtng-lo Irvine complex 1970 * PERSONNEL * GENERAL AUTOMATION has an opening ln its Personnel Depart- ment. reporting directly to the Employment Supervisor. Initial duties "·ill involve screeninB appll· cants, typing correspondence, handling tele- phone inquiries and making trave l arrange- ments. Secretarial skills, including short· hand would be heir.fut. This is an excel ent op~ortunity with a growing company. Appl y m person. ·GENERAL AUTOMATION ' .1402 E. CHESTNUT, SANTA ANA An Equal Opportunity Employer &fS.mo Chest &: m1mir $75. 642-5931 SERVI CE ·STATION ANSWERS BEDROO!\.T Set, rel:rf8 •• A'ITNDNT. Full Ume eves, ·~· wringer washer. 1 pc El<p'd. Neat ln aprvolU'anct H~'-·A n< .1. .... a dinette, twin or bunk beds, ..-• uuouou -r1P1;y -ne"e -odd chest YJ-0436 see J h-n.. 2500 Newport Co11Vt.t -CLOTHto s. "". Bl vd., C.f.f. Slgn above door or Adl\m BEAUTJFUL King betl. qu!ll- SERVICE STATION, dQ and Eve's hou": "We're ed ma.llt'f'Sll, Complete, un. rnan. Over 21. Expe.rlt'nct'd, NeVtt CLO'MIF.D." ull'd S100, w or t h $250. 4!K> E. 17th, CM. The Newport 842-6536 cvcs. SILK FINISllER al Expert S h I Of B I RA'ITAN 3 pc. 11CClional c O.:_O us ne11 .,,._ matc:hl.... cha.tr. 2 Clc11ncrs, COl!ta f\fcsa. Call .,. 646-5110 F'catum wcekl1 refresher tables &. Jampa. like new, TRAINEE TO $.550 eouNn In the akllis )'Ou very sturdy. $50, 968-am: St.able old line rtnanclal com· need to &ti t tho job )'OU BRAND new Fr. Prov. 5 tic pany. Some coll'-le. Military want! bedrm 1et for sale. Cott exl!mpl. Call Ann, fl.1erchants $900. Will •crlf!()I!. '4Ull2 - Pmionncl A.rtntY. 2043 Weit· 833 Dover Dr., NA OLD fa.'ltOOnrd blah bead· ,clltf Or., N.B. ro.mo '12·3870 board, bed, complrtl!: chnt mAINEE Fo' """"" & SINGING LESSONS •I.,. .... OOJl.IS7f all 5. • :, Jllll1·lime dinner cook, Bukl technJque for any lt)'ll!. !J2" OFF Wlllle. Fabric Sita. • oountry club LlguM Beach The perrttt gift! Like Ntw, $95. Kant·V.'d , . ,•_•_'~''~'-·-'_ .... _'-'-'-'-'-~-'-''-'~'-"~"-''-"-"'-"~'1 --~··-·-··_ .. _ .. _,.._1"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" !! ........................................ """"'""'""'""'""'!!.I Art&. lf9&..S441J $43-7(U2 or ~5-511J ca.rted, $3i. ~ • • I -\ , - • • l ---""'----------·-·-.. -i , ' 1( Th,od.>y, D«t-4, 1969 ----·---·•PETS ind LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION -·· 38 D.lll V PILOT MERCHANDISE F OR 1'\ERCHANDISE FOil FREE TO YOU MERCHANDISE FOR I MERCHANOtSI ,OR SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE SAlE AND TRAOE Dogs 1125 Boat Slip Mooring 9036 Troller, Tr1v1I 942.1 Fumltur• IOOOFurniture 8000 PJ1n01 & Or..-8130 Mi1cellaneou1 8600 MIJcellaneou. '600 FREE;;;:;:;:--;T;:o--q:woJ::;_'"'";h:".o:°'.m::"".el-CHRl.::__STl\ __ lAS--IS-N->:AR--l-Deluxe Boat Slips f"OR Sak; Brand Ne111 Tat· -- PRICES SLASHED -YEAR END CLEARANCE-Up To 80°/o Savln<Js! ;;~~.';'~.'.~'~'. ............. NOW $199.95 S Pieu AVOCADO or Sl'ANISH OAK * 5 '/o OFF WITH COPY OF THIS AD * Our Christm as G ift 'fo you!! 3 Rooms of Spanlslt Fumlt"'e R"l $6'5. Doo't Ml" This NOW $388.9S • 5 Pc. Authentic Spenish Geme Set, pedestal base, --+.o~•k·cheirs. Reg. $299.95 Now $169.95 • 5 Pc Au- thentic Mediterranean Bedroom Set. Reg. $249 .95 Now $159.95 • 8' DiYan plus matching Love Seat. Ro9, S279.95 Now $159.95. No Down on Apr;ovecl Credit and No Payments til March 1970 UH ellf Store Chrge plt:111 or bOllk fh1011cl119 * Buy the Wife's Christmas Present Now- h Complete!! Wh ile Our Stock • Furniture 8000 Appliancu 8100 FACTORY CLEARANCE I F&clory orden clearance of all o~rage. demonstrators, n oor model•. stud.lo & n- tumed Pia.nos & Organs. Real s;i.vings up to 30%. EVt?rything guaranteed like new. Sale limited to speeific stock • so hurry! No money down OAC, 5 years lo pay_ This rree,t sale only at:· WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO 1819 Newport, C.M. 642-8484 Open Every Nile & Swlday Afternoon PRE-HOLIDAY SALE P IANOS & ORGANS Some of 1he most popular mode!Slncluding: llammond X77, H-100, E·lOO, B-l, T-200 etc. F'REE 3 DAY LAS VEGAS JIOLIDAY ~·ilh pur· cl.asc! ~ r Trade-ins accepted & terms. llAl\.11\tOND in CORONA DEL h\AR 285, E. Coast llwy 6i3-8930 Open Evl!s & Sun. arternoon DON'T BE MISLED! * AUCTION * FRIDAY -DEC' 5th SJ'lJRDY maple twin bedi. v.·hile heirloom spreads: Large 1naple drop-le!\f table. Spo.n.IM din~ table, round pedesta1 t,)'pe & chairs. Dec.orator che!lts. Cyclo massage new, at UJ price. Picture frames, cod f.ish netUng, glass floats, corkll, art objects, many n1isc. Near Lido I ' I e, 615--4141 7:30 P .M. 88.nkroptcles & Repos:ses- slons, New & Used Furni· lure. Top name Bedroom :sets, Dining groups, Divans, Loveseats, Chail's, Chests, Desks, Dinettes. Callee ta. ble.!1, Maitresses. La.nips, 8' COUCH &: matching chair, Portable TV's, Stereos, Pie· Riviera couch, kit tbl & 4 lures, Cedar chests, China chrs, man11 chest & nlle- cabinets, Bicycles, Power stand. '61 Pont. Bonneville,, Mowers, Honda Trail Bike, port TV &: variou1 liml Check \Vriter, Stenoi'f!ttc, item1. Moving, must sell by • 12/11. Very reasonable ficfl'lgeralors, Stoves, \Vash-495--04!4 It 6 ers, Dl'Y('l'!I & P.f U CH a er · MORE!~!-----\VAREHOUSE SALE WINDY'S AUCTION ORIENT~L RUGS COME BRO\VSE AROUND 20Thh Newport Blvd. Behind Tony's Bldg P..tarls Costa Aft'sa * 646-8686 OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 1 2 days, Sat-sun, Dec. 6-7 10Ar.1·5PP.1 DON MARTIN l\.10VING & STORAGE 1340 Logan Ave, C.P.T. 00 YOU ,_~ a shopping companioo7 I have good * Specializing in taste in selection of clothes, CUSTOM JEWELRY int. decor., gifts & have We Can Make it or We refs. Will also chaulleur. by fictitiou11 ivas-is prirts. Can TEACH YOU! Betty's-Shopping service. LESSONS AVAILABLE 67' 00~ AM Shop where the selection is .>-OUUU 1 greatest & the pi·ic<'s are Some very good rings at dis. 2 COl\IPL }IQ train sel! rii:h1! Choose fl'om Conn, eowit prices, Lapidary i;up. w/xtra cars. 4X8' HO la,yout \Vurlitzt'r, Knabe, Everett, plies, casting supplies & tbl wltrack.s, K\Vilcl)('S & Cable-Nelson, equip. Je'.1.•elry tools & i;up. transfinr.r. I set barbcUs. 0 Piles. 'Rough cui gem stones, )X'n Eves & .Sun 'Ill X-n1as Bx of Clu·istnias lghls. GOULD MUSIC rock cutting machinery. 5-10-2030 Some rxccllent rocks ready 204.i N. A1ain, S.A. 5'17-0681 to tumble in 1 lbpackages. R.EF"RACTOR Telescope 0 FIVE M GEM & 300x, tripod 1vith horizontal PIAN s " ORGANS & vertical fine ad1'. BarlO\V NE\V & USED LAPIDARY SUPPLIES e Yamaha Pianos & OrgaM Costa Mesa. Located at lens, 5 additional lenses. Ex e Thomas Organs the bac:k. of C1..llcgc Celiter cond. $75 &tl-0368 e Kimball ?Janos r :»9-:.!039 ELECTRIC di s hwasher, e Kohler & C8mpbell Mon. thru Sat. 9-5:30 couch, chair, 2 end lables, COAST MUSIC l<'riday 9 to 9 air conditioner. tabla &: 4 SACRIFICE SALE! NE\V 2 dr. GE refrig., from NEWPORT & HARBOR 0i$neyland Special naughahyrl~ chairs. 900 w/fencd yrd, ''Tu s•a ' · * Re .. -., -··• ,,,.,._ limited nun1bt:r availablt" a·Long FiberKla.M Tr11.UC1r. "-"'-~---~ · 21 · •• • JV"' ...... JO' & ,.,... BJt for Sports cars. Set up ~•ou1""" rrux. •S Great Dane Puppy early! -yn. spayed, illll shots .. Cd Will lo\•c fot )' ou .111 lar1na de! Rty for V\V or Conoeite. tnit) watchdog, alder ch 1 Id , Cbristmas. Cropped & 5hol$, Nt"w nK>dern mw:1na 8~1·6.177 preferred. SJ6...18(M alter 7 top lines ~1arina City Corp. ''·1-.-11-o_L_l_D_A_Y_"8_,-.,-l-U'-I-,-, 1 pm 542-3476 day1. 12/li MARTINi:REST KENNELS John liiwnian, Dock ~lastc1· ll'l06 old, all xt~. M~t FREE to good home, **~* * 121.J)inJ-5.lJj sell.bt•stoff~r.fi.14--6197. W/fcnced yrd. Lo.vable IRISli Setter Sho\V Male, 11 SLIP \\'ANTED fOl' small bred b/w tem~r type nio. Champion M&.terial, SAILBOAT 9500 dog, 9 mos. _old weighs 10 Obecl. Trained. Avail. to ./ C.all 548-39.)5 I lbs loves children 846-3818 B BOA 51 . '"'boat \"'th CAMPER TRUCK · • show hoine only, Tc1ms. AL ip. '"' · '.1 1910 C.M.C. t i. ~LL>. equ.ip. ===---""'=~U°'/"'5I Also. 8 nio. Miow IeilUlle. shower & ~ad & ___Nrk11!;~ -V~ -&!i• # ~!'~l · GORGEOUS cuddly kittens, Westshore Kcnls. 642-5065. tU 6/15/10. $.SO. n10, OR l--'7950 • • 52995 . 8 wlu;, Peralan/Calico, also WANTE~Dog lover 11!/ fnd flying Lessons 9150 UNIVERSITY supe~ loving blk/wht yd, no child. for occu. OLDSMOBILE ~w.n. houscbrokC'n, k>ok· day/ovmite ca.re of 1in1id, LEARN TO FLY :!Sj(l Harbor Blvd. ·~; loving peopke 6 gen., smt terrier. 613-1441 50 1'~1ue hrs $495. 28 dual & 2'.l Costn AIPsu I early am/eves. solo. 1~ lour seat Cessn~ ~9640 F~ puppies· ~t Sp~r PUPPY, Only 1 male left. 8 Inc, grnd. schl & supplies .. =~=~~~-~--1 S~. Mother 11; Springer weeks old. Cross of Shellie Es1.ab. Allsn. Kl~ '63 fORD 12 Ton, Wigwam Spani@f;-Males -1: females. mix and poodle. Free to ·-4~-camper, buiane ii love , P.1ake good prts & EZ to good home now 10 r Mobile Homes , 9200 istorage, it'i'boX. 9:..;9 a!- lrain. 548--6681 1~/6 Christma,;. 614.174:! !aching room. Very clean IUY J. NEW $89;,. ~ after 6 or PUPPY· l male lefl. ~ wee~ PUT me under your SELL Im USED Wkcnds · old. Cross of Sheltle mix Christmas tree. Pekingese C l;o;-,=,,,....,.""'~-_.,-1 and Poodle, F'rre t? good male puppy AKC l'eg'd, 00per &I ~1-JEV ~, Ton. pickup. home now for Christmas. Champ lllood line 8 ,vlu; TRAILER SALES R;adJO. healer, air concl., 644-1142 12/6 old. 8'17-3449 ' 11 Side tanks, overhead! Buy fro~ a ~an ,, springs, camper eqpt. u 1 2 Yr. old female, bla~k, Scot-ClfRISThtAS Pups, A KC who lives In one! 4--4779 aft '1 Pl\1 I ty Peke. Neflls big yard. Dobetmans. Good l{<1rncs, \VE SERVfCE ,. ~ ,. Child 10-12 yrs. old. 841-2064 Pl'ime C 0 n 1 Id c ra t i 0 n. \VHAT W~LL! J1 CHEVY :: ton ~· new 10 AM ~ 3 PM only 12/4 642-S96l. 324 So. llarbor, Illa Ana engine. lire~, nidJO, good, FREE •--• 8 hi k =====~---11 Bick So. ol -· 531-1006 bod6 Y· $400. <.:all s.»--2902 aftl pe .. o~uy: . C c ~ns, PUREBRED German .,.. 1 rabbit, ., g. u1nea. pigs, <"\o-phe~ pup•, 10 ,,.,.,., BAY HARBOR , I fl k l ho ""K: •u " " • '67 VORD Rango.-. stick ' oc o ming piego,ns~ n1ales-only. $3.). 5-16--0116 M b I H S I 494-8960. 12/a after z. 0 ! • ome a es \1'/0D, ve1·y clean, Jo1v mi, C11.sa Con1a Roll • Away • see to apprec. $1750. 842-1694 BEAUTIFUi.. i\lale tabby CHRISTMAS poodle pups. S~e1·aton f.lanor -Ho1nettc -aft ;;. cat_, 8 moa. old, gray/1vhl AKC, Champion .s i Iver Kit • P!'estigc . Sahara ------=---·-----stripes, la~-ge ~reed, Good miniatures. Also toy & ALL SIZES 195!1 CHEVY 1: Ton P.O. house cal.~ aft S 12/4 teacup. 842-4742. NO\V ON DISPLAY Runs. l\eC'ds Eng. \\'ork, SHO\~ Quality [em a Jc COCl}ER Pups. AKC, champ 1~2:i Baker St., Cos!a Mt'sa $125. Call &36-194.1 tortoise shell cat, 6 mos. sirid, 6 \\'ks. Call Ron Gray, % block East ol Harbor Blvd. 19&1 Che\'y 1 ~ ton long bed, old, shots, '>''ormed, but has 213: 633-l261 after 5 P~f. Costa Mesa cn<Jl ~~IJ410 runs good, Jo· blue book $100. no papers. 642--4424 12/4 Rare opportunily. r.10B1LE 536-3-148 L=--~~---------~1 KITIIES, "t.1axwell" & Horses 8830 LIVING on tl)(' BEACH. '59 FORD ·'~ ton P/U $650. "Prudence" •• 6 \\"ks, black Limiled spaces, in ne1v ad-i\tinll(>y 5-18-4192 or 548-5039 male & female Calico. 370 HORSE stables for rent, lge dilion to Driftv.'OOd Beach N.B. La Perl~ Lane, c.r.t 12/6 arena Sl5 mo. 1616 Orchard, Club • Models on display .~56~--,~0~R~o--p~;-,,--U-p-.' BLONDE Afghan -ne~1ered S.A. Hgts. 5.49-0068. ~7.;31462 Pac Hwy, H,.B. Everything n<'\V. Xlnt cond . male. 6 yr;; old. Good family TRANSPORTATION a See to appreciatt>! 5'18-8377 1vithout children. 646-8J6.1 , 24 . x 60 'li6 DODGE PICK-UP. Jong 12;5 l\oats & Yi1chts 9000 A"'.ni~gs, 1'atscd porch, full bt-cl. gOOd cond. st.k shift B- 1nodl'I home .......... $178 Costa 1t1esa * 642-2851 Fri. Dec 12, 8 P M to 1 Al\1 Cedar Pl, C.~ SLEEPER SOFA, beautiful. :? dr. RcfJ'i.gera101·. I1'0sl-frec, Open 10.6 F'ri 10.9 Sun 12·5 Sponsored by Young Life GO KART. Racing frame, ~ U d bottom freezer ........ SI.JS Club• ol So. Calli. To'cket• h.p. 4 cycle E'""·• slicks all ly qu tcrl, custom ~·!'lie . R r · 1 38 ° ·~ You r choice of colorii. l' rigel'atori; · .. · J'Oni S CHRIST!\IAS gifts -llam· only $5.00 each incl all rides around, di§C brake, Perfect LO=v~AB=~L«~.-b-la--~"part-=Coc~k-,, I T skn:ting, _sha_g crp';S thl'UQU1 , C')'I. $1000. 547-0933 269 Console Color TV, coutcmp mood, Steinway, Yamaha. & prkg. Proceeds toward cond. S125-Call 833--1751 :i~g(; ~ •1~~~h~;o~e~~et cab .. new picture tube · $:.?48 New & used pianos of most Christian training for hi 1 ~a~lt~o~o·~5,.:P,.:',.:I_~~~~~ \Vhirlpool auto 1vasher .. $ 50 mako• Be•t buy• ,·" So ·ohocl •1,d-t•, •1ao·1 o•--k d 'I ensemble, hdbd, sprd, bench, GE \V h ID $IOO ;,, " " ~ · " .. "" " ~· "~'" BEAlITIFUL King be -qui t- ~ ~ MUS BE CRAZY b1t-1ns. Set in s :star Pal'k, Spaniel, malo, 1 )TS old, \von--.~6~5-f~-d-V~~E~~,-. -l one niile .l1um ocran in or •n cono 1ne derful <.i'.lmpanion, 612·1316 To Sal·rifice n1y ~ cabin Coota Mesa. $ll,900, ;).16-99-;I 12/j rruist'r-s. Both in 1nln! cond. • 642•1352 • i d Col . as er rycr .... C•lo'f al Schmo'dt .,,,,,.,Co •-100·0 n-o. 8, to You•g Lilo Co l cust qui 1c , or choice. DUNLAP'S " · " · · ""'" ..,._, " cc] n1attrcss. mp ete-un. Reg, $330 ...... r-;0,.,, $269.50 181_ N t 81 tl C ~f 1901 N, Main, Santa Ana. fnc. P.O. Box 1731, Newport used. $l0;'5, iv 0 r 1 h szw. R~E-M_N_AN __ T~S~of--ga-,..-,,-,.-1~,-.' 23' .t: 30': ~inancingJnsur . .,,,--~~=~7.-'--~+ Jeeps Bring truck. Take one, take ance avail. l!un:y! Jlu1Ty! 11 x 50. EXP. liv rm 9510 FULL size en~'n1b!c • .soft 1'011, J c~~1~788 v ·, '1 • Beach, Cal, 92663 842-6536 eves. custquiltcd, headbd. ~prcad, POOL TABLES BRUNSWICK Bowling Ball, all. 646-822ti 1216 Call VC'na. 6·1j·l442. cabana BR. Nc1v drps, lg EARLY i\Jodcl J~p body & FLUF'F'Y loveable \\'hile kit· SACRIFICE • 26', 1008 Chris JlOl'Ch, pa.tio. Encl. rear 1ran1e w/ne1v springs, seat bench. One onl;! Avocado, \VllJRLPOOL Gas d:;·cr, ""OPEN EVENINGS Sccard Pool $lS. J..laple C r ad le , Reg. $269.50 •.•• Now $119.50 late 1nodcl. xlnr cond. S65. AND SUNDAYS BRUNSWICK-AfltF Complete. ~t:i. Like New. C I. , 0 yard. Choice space. Adult frames, transmission l: tens. After 6 p. m. ava iel', :.1 hp, radio, Pk $7900 p p . 64;,...2204 1216 rarho, loaded 1\'/C!.xlras. For · · vt. ty. \Vill transfer ca.sc. plus 111any .e r.ra11rcss & Box Springs • 546--8672, 847-Sllj Until Christmas Custom Slate Table ti42-8:l2S. K;,g Sci 199.95 QUO<'o $89.95 IF ;;;RE=E°"ZE"R;-ct>O=.i~t'°O'-o$7'°5. GOULD MUSIC From $289 quick sale $6500. By O'-''llC1'. finance 548-9141 orher features $175. 54S.0072 REGUITERED young mal~ 642-7271 12'x55' Skyline in very_nice aft 5Pi\! · Full Se! S:i4.9j Twin $41.9;) Cross lop Refl•ig, $40. Both 20.1;; N. !\lain, SA 5-17..00Sl 100% Financing F'REE 12 lb Turkey or 5 lb Gd. Cond. 536-1654 I ~~~~~~~~~~· I * SECARD POOLS * 2 SETS Double bed nntl· Siamrse cat. 1 ~2 yrs old. 25,,-~O~l~VE~N~'~s--=c~b-.----park. 2 Br, sun porcli Sx2~',l ==========I tresses, springs' $2j a l5et. ;i49-1314 1'.?/5 a in cruiser, patio, spotless. !'.lust Sell. !June Buggies 9525 l\letal bed frame $ 5. good cond. New n1otor: trlr: ----~7510 evenings BEAGLE puppil's, 3 mal~. 2 canvas. $3100 lirm. See at -==Ca=ll=-=64=2-4=4=30=.=='IV\V Dune Buggy. runs good, female. first ton1e first 215.,; s. Grand. :).A. Call ood bbl' s 9· Z..-7788 CARPET Installer has one served. &12-180'2 12/6 S3?-8620 Mini Bikes 9275 g 111 r . ~ J , &I · ~a:do~~-v.·ith niin. pur. KEN:'llORE \Vasher & Gas I; 532-1.992 SIESTA SLEEP SHOP 0ry,,, "°'" ;, ""' cood. Television 8205 1333 s. Ma;o St. °''""' 1927 Harbor Blvd Cos1a l\lcsa • 645-2760 • Daily 10.9 Sat 10-6 .Sun l:?·:i 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 Room Group "F'RO!\I l\fODEL HO!\tES Includes: Quilled sol.a and rhoir -2 end tables & cof· Jee table -2 lan1ps -dress. er -mirmr -headboard - quilted bo.x spring & matt. re~s -5 pc, rlining room; table & II hi-bark chairs, COi\lPARE AT $74.9.9J $399 No rlD\1~l~n11!1 only 516 mo. WEUl'S WAREHOUSE 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Ope n Daily 9-9 Sat. 9-6 Sun 11-6 fUR:~ll'URE rc:1urned from display !'ltudios, m o d l' I $70. 5'16-SGTI. 847-8115. POOL WA."if!ER & DRYER SACRIFICE: Beauliful RCA - roil, avocado nylon carpet. '"'"'"=----~--=-------------2032-D Placentia. CM double jute-backed. '\Viii sell EAGER To please & lovi~g. 1966 Chris Craft 21~;·. All l\11NT-Bikr, :-.:Int c.-ond. only 1 "62 V\V Chassis, not 5 inin., all or pa1·t S31yard. 540-1245 8-10 \l'ks. old female terrier Class. Twin 18.:i HP cng·!'l. yr. old, sel~on1 used. :; hp on brand new engine. $300 1Fr1g1daire) in top con-color TV. Atediterra1l('an TABLES chtion. $75. ~>693'1 stylc..o Like New. Cost $650. mi.x pup. 5.J6...S7\j l2/4 .Fly Bridgl'. Head & Galley. Bnggs & :St1·at1on. BenclLx or OFFEP. ... 642-4222 • NE'IV EVEREST & Jennings FREE good homes: 2 mini $8600. call Ci46-7li1 shocbrake $12:J. 646-T.ll">. R El<'RIGER.ATOR, :.!-door, Sell for SJOO. Cash. \Vatch goo.I condition Only $50. the Rose Bowl in colot•. ti1&--1569 642-51A3. after 4PAI. CARRIER 22 <'llbic upright lrcl'ier $2:). 516-9941 "oot Lease Color TV or Bio.ck & \Vhite. Option to buy. Free setvice. No deposit A-Active TV Rental Co, Antiqu•s 11101 <l) 522-1153 ----------J USED ZENITH TV set $25. AL!llA 'S ANTIQ UES REOPEN af1er i llne ss Present stock j n t 1 u de S bc111i1. cu1 glass, pitcher &. 6 tumblers. eompolcs, goblets Good l'ondition. 646-3178 18" PORT. black &: \Vhf 1'1agnavox TV '~/i;tancl. Xlnt concl. $99. 842-8074 & "·ines: child"s neerllcpoinl I~========= rork<'r: unusual pine chest: Ke\1'pic doll; beaut. grrcn onyx clock; rare cameo glass. \Vcd thn1 Sat l0-4. Appl. anytime'. 823 \\'. 16th, N.B. ,~ bl \V. Of Placentia. 518-1280. Hi.Fi & Stereo 8210 ---\\' ALNUT stereo console, Ai\l-fl.1 & phonograph. $12.i Lovely OU'istmM g if t ! 6i3-26l4 . Christma!'l S~cial $27J ll \\'heclchair, Cost $300. Sac. d . t i ..... th ,,... p, $l 50. Call be1 8-12 Al\!. OXt!'~ -mus go .,,~e ~r, 16' 1\ENNEDY. ;,:-, hp 1\llN l-BIKE TACO CHUCK'S 54.8-2a'19. no children, 494-8960. 12/;, Homelitr .• Trailcr, ha11 tank, 3 UP -$90 2750 Harbor at Adams. CM ====~-~,,..--,,::-IBLACK l\.1inia. French Poo-clean, $6.iO. 548--673\. 847-7839 V"\V Dull(' Buggy Sj!j:J :?032-D Pla('('ntia, C.i\1. 6~2-7788 ==--==,...--c-.;,...-1r1RE\VOOD for Sale. Dry HUGE .swimming pool 5 mos die. Good w/children. \Vant ·~ GLASSPAR, ca'' cru•, Eucalyptus. Dl'livcred & u " old incl filter, pump, ladder, stacked. MD-98S7 good home. 833--0831 lS'. 1;x. hp, 1/0, igc \vhl trlr 2 TACO l\.lini Bikes. Cur1·cn1 Imparted Autos 9600 lic!'nSt'S. Lik<' nr1v. $175 skimmer & life jacket. Ne1v '===~""-~-;;,c:-c: IT\VO Frisky black male kit· & extras. l\.1ust sell 549-28:.!i $·9-.. A 'l' •2t10 89'3306 NE\VPORT Beach Tennis ooth. ;1s.2333 AUSTIN AMERICA " J .,..cr1 ice " , ,,... . Club chru·ttr fa mi I Y tens, part .Siamese. 7 \l'Ceks "€8 -4 SPEED, low mileage., BALBOA Bay dub men1ber· membership. 5'16--40JG old. &lli-1338 vinyl Ip, $2000. KI S-2002 or ship fol' sale. Ca 11 CZ13) COCKER. Shepherd pups • :? 49~7jt 372-&182 or (213) 313-5851 IM ::.::;i•~<~· ~W.:..,••~t~e~d:,._ _ _;8~6_1_0 I !"'!~Jc,. 2 fetnall'. Days only.t-4-3,--M-,-IO-he-,-,,--,.-1,-;-"<-E-,.-,.-,-, ROGERS Snare Dl'Um, Ex-$ WE · BUY $ .'ltla Esther, C.i\T. 12/4 sedan ]96j, }10,000 gas or e rc-)' c: Ir. W/speedometer. SIAi\lESE Cat, male, about 9 $50,000 Diesel. 8~·409~ * * 1\Jin1 Bike * . EXCELLENT CONDITION $100 •19i·l;).IS NEAR Nrw Roddy 3 .HP ye"llo\v 1\lini Bike, $100. ./ 673-0·13\ I Both Xln'I. S3S ea. 53G-3S20. mos., 49)..55:?6 12/4 DRESSER. chest, nitestand $ FU RNITURE $ ~E~>~I A~L~E~Go~o·8/Sh§op~p=u~pp~y~·i;S;;a;;;il;bo;;;•:t~s~;;;~~90;;;;;1;;0 Motorcycles 9300 $50. Eleclric roas!er ,11•ilh A PPLIANCES 7 v.•ks old. 6~6-2119 t!/4 / :._ __ . __ ,e.:..;..c AUSTIN AMERICA Sales, Servirl', Paris ln1n1cdiatc Delivery All r-.!odels J2rlujjort 3hnport s sLaod $5. 839-7356 after 6 • p~ "!A" '"D duck. '6612 llONDA 305 ne1v C'ng. Color TV1-Pi1not-Si••1ot s:..• " .......,..... CAL 25 che1•ry cond. XTH.AS ~75. \VANTED: Soda foun1ain 1 Piec• or HollM f•ll 6~~IOl}J 12/~ See al 9615 Kensin"ton HB Jl.00 ~V. Coast Hwy., N.B. adaptabll' for USC in honie CASH IN JO MINUTES II ·12 -541 .. &t!-9-lOJ 54Q.17&i e 5' I '531 • FREE Lumber -:you ha11l. LOADED ca ..> -t · Authorized AIG Dealtr bar. s.;o..3m ·"' """ Call bet. J0-2. 673-7710 12/•l .. \Vith Slip • '66 '\'1\i\i1\ll1\ 2.;o cc Goodl""='=""°"OC''='~~=I homes, decorators <':lnrt'll11-I •iiiiii0o;;;ii0iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• ~Z~',~;""~' • ""'Hmoo· ANTIQUE CLOCKS G.E. stereo, A. 1\l . · F. i\1. radio, record player, grcal ' for recreatlon room. S@, 8·11--0JlO For Sale, Fire\\'OOd, \\'ANTED: Che\'Y Engine PLY\VOOD scraps:. 646· in Ne11·pol1 l'Ondition $300 bcfor<' 3 Pl\I AUSTIN HEALEY Orange & Eucalyptus 283. 1962 -191)j, Call alter 6 2377 l2/6 645-0810 on \\·eekdays. all day \l'knds. ===7.,....=~1'-=-~ I ,.:P,.:•:..l·:..".,. .. :..9:..3_90 __ """"""= 897-6%"9 IR._E_B_U_l-LT--195-.7-cro--A-,-,-lin·I RD FURNITURE 1844 ~ewport Blvd,, CM C'\'el")' night 'Iii fl \Ved., Sat. & SI.Jn. '!1] 6 USED assorted occasional chairs $12. Us...'Ci ~·alnut :;tcp tables S5.9j. AssortC'cl bl~d headboards $7 <'a, 4;c col· ored TV. · Salt'm 111aple cabinet, \VOl'kS }:!'ood 59;,. The Factory, 1885 Harbor, 540--6S42 BIJ'iOCU LARS, 10 x 80 '>''ith NEED bricks one to ltXKl, F:!~el i:a;;u Jhaa~l~ ~~.:rril~ (AL 'al N 1 o. 286.h clas.~ 1'uCf' 1'"0R SALE; '61 HONDA '150. Healey. Removable hrd lop. :.!O ,\nhqur clocki1 incl., 4 REPOSSESSION s 1ere 0 , filters. \V\Vll Pan:ter tank, N!llsonably prict'd. 644-4~ .121~ gear. t f\SS c an1p. Out-am lea\·ing stale. i\lust sell! 4 st'ats. good t ires. Bal!er:y · 'l k lripod mounted. 64j...Ii•l7 =-=--._---,...--,,--,c; board. Desperate! Ofrcr! See al 18&1 i\lonrovia Apt 26. ""oleo· ,,·aoTO)'. •,··cw O"I & Gi·andfather clocks, Cuckoo ,,. a e offer. Id " " clocks, old ~chool clocks & 64G-4S4t TANDEA1 Bike $35. 21" TV, Machinery, etc. 8700 l\1IXED ten·ier. 6 n"IOS 0 • Bkr. Days 673-20:il; t::i•es. or call 646--8451afler4:30 p:11 nt job. Sl2SO. or best of. ood $,lj 8!Xl C .1 1 1 h11s all shots. ~H6-!J3!M 12/6 673--4030 f('·· 1\-12-8074 European 11·all r\()('ks. 01her G' • ap1 a• \\'CS t'ORKLIFTS: Pneu & solid '6!1 BSA 411 Victor, ~iOO mi.l'M~"Oti' ==-,----- nuse Antiqut>S, No Junk. Sale Camera!..~~Equlp. 8300 1~·~'~"=·;_1'°_"~"-hoc--I_·~-~~ tires. financing if needed. SINGING canary, bl'ing your 17' O'DAY Days111lrr ~uslon1 s_ca! & oil 1ank. 4" '62 SPRITE, new eng, ne\!i }'ri & Sat·, Doo 12 & 13 ... , •tUST "'ell h•alth c I u b 011·~ cage. SJ&..1862 1216· Demo Slj~.""i ll!<rd SllD:'i tire~. 1v1<lc handle bars. c:om""!ilion clutch, -uolo "" FOTRON I k · '' " ~ All machinr.11 gua.rnnteec!. ..-,.. 226 The Grand <''lnnl, Little 1 camera, a es PIC• 1ne1nbc'rshi p. 4 years $.1.00. 7S3 NCl\1.0n \Vay, C.l\f, otf BEAUTirUL Fluffy n111le 14' O'DAY. UsL'<l $•19j 1'~01·k brace, $81j. a.10-6335. mo1'C' ne1v 1'<111i11. ]I.lust Balboa Island. lures in da r~. lifctinle devt>l. 8'12-39:'>.l Pl•centia, bcl\\·n 11th & ca! to adnlls 5-16--6207 12/6 F'un Zone Boal Co. Balboa ·i;;, HONDA 2 5 0 CC sacrifice this weck . .,JSjO or op·g cont. Cost $396 sell $150 o I I .... l 1 ·92 ·3•0 ROLLTOP De!!k $200. Na· lional CttJSh Regisl<'r, solid brass Si;1, Grandfalhcr's clock, perfret condi tion &12-5283 FIREWOOD 18th. 642-S.193. PETS and LIVESTOCK 16' 'Dt1y libe1-gass~aiJJOa1. SCRA~IBLER $275. ..,..~or. .i. -.) ·:lfJ· 637 "''l h Good condiOon. Call &l-l-11H7 aft :i r1~1 * '60 SPRIT"' * .....,~ 9" SOUTH Bend lalhc, UlUC ----------1 " * 675--0137 * (;()OD CONDlTlOV. PLAYHOUSE-s1\·ing S('! looling. \Valkcr Turner * '01 BSA Lighfning 630 er, combo. Has ladder, slide, r<idinl drill press. 6" bench P •I•, Gen•ral 8800 SUPER Sattcli!c 14·. CO\'<'r. \'<'ry l·leun. S82j or bcsl ur-C,\LL EVES: 64&-:ill!J Sporting Goods 8500 Office Furniture 801 c 1 "'$'="=· ="='=""="=1 ==== 1'9" SURF'BOARD $6.). \Vet suit. n1<'dium $12. Ice skates size 3 $3. 5'16-9!)41 rte. Goocl cond. $611. 675-0137 gTindcr & stand. 642-!)SOj -----------I Trailer. storage avail. SJ1:J. fer. Call 64G-138:J. ''·0=1,.-,A~c~·s=T~1'~.-l~l,-.,~1,-v~S~p-ri~l,. C ' h \VOT',;: NU? Call 5-19-2156 '68 Ho~a CL 4~-" good condition Sl\ji, I Lange :ski boots, never Air on1prrssor. M p, ., "I-' ...., usrd. sizl': 11 n1en's. BEST :t phlltif:. Good shnpc. !:anta Claus Specials at 14' Sa1eltite 11·irh ;\m,.ncan EXCELLENT CONDITION S36-7619 : USED O l flcc Df'sks w/chairs. $»$30. !Ian~ Sailmakers. 8fil \V. 18th Sl. Ci\I 548-3464 Sewing MachinH 8120 ----SINGER Automatic zig ug, 6 n1os old. No attach needed to do dl'signs, monograms, 1-========== I blind hem~ <'tc.: auto bobbin Office Equipment 8011 TYPE\VRITER. Adding machine, calcuJator. very reasonable. Xlnt c: on d. 892-2113 Garage Sale 8022 CHRl STl\.IA .S Fair & NeighborhOod Garage Sale. Ne1v toys, ha!'ldmade gi11s, dl.Shwashcr, relrlg & funi.. clolhlng, mis. 19812 Lotus Lane. HB foll Adams & ~lagnolia) Fri & Sat Dec. 5 & 6 9-5. \\·1nder. S "\'ear i::uar. A~sume pymts of $5.17 or St\2.00 cash. 52&-6616 Musical Inst. 1125 ACCORDION &aulilul • 9 nlOs old Conte]. lo. Bes! Oller takes i1. !).18"8718 LIKF: new Conlc\lo n101 hel' of pca!'I Acrordl:in, paid S:iT.-,, !l.!!Crilit'e $175 <1r J>ei;t offer. 83~1481 ,. GUJTAR & Case. liood con- di ti on, REASONABLE. 6f6.-4592 GARAGE Sele: Thurs Thro I========= &t. ~ to Nut.Ji. Hl-ll + A,1'1/FM, liC!Y,.lng macl1. 'an- lkl:'.s. ~!$ Qf C<lodlci. llun- ting ton Conl lnental TownhouR, 9SS«i Contloental Or.. 11.B. Turn in lrom Broakhurst- Hoo.ebold Furnf1h1n ;11 , Garden. A Pl11mbina loob. Much marr! 2801 Setlll\g' Sun Dr., QfM 644-6376 Pianos & Organs 1130 VERY rare pla,.\'Cf piam. baby Jt'f'and, ".:.i,lh Amplco expression. Heif Rarhman- lnoff play his muSic his \\·ay, A.sk que11ion:s! 494-6161 PRlVATF. PARTY \VANTS TO BUY PIANO >"'OR CASH. S12-oo.15 M iscellaneous 1600 OFFER. Call 61N770 eves. _;oo. can: 642-4261 'TIS TROPICAL FISH trailer. good cond. $425, S8.)(I * * 837-44!181"'======== PRQ:\l!SE HER ANYTHING But give her CARPETING !or Chi;strnas .•. or lhe New Year. ShaJ:& -Hi-lo Nylons etc. Lie Contr. Free est. ~0-1262 ~rl6-41l8 BEAtrnFUL hand paintl':d oil portrait of ;,'Ou or your children from a photograph. A ~'Ondcrful idea for that :special Christmas ll i f I . . 646-Jlm. 9080 Edin~cr lat Alagnolia\ 5-IS.9T.'..6 DATSUN BEDS, Kg sizr, dual twin &. 12" ATLAS LATHE. '69 HOND A 3.)(1 S.S. Going to · $1'"" F'.V. * * 8-tl-'1530 !'•' CATA', !AR,\N ''''I h y· E II --- l\10VING • Sectional sofa, beautiful living room chain;, (.'Omer !able, new shir15i · mi!IC, 7215 Slarr, nr \\'Ur.on. CM \\'ALNUT Cl'ib, uSC(I 4 mos. tVSI $60 • .11('11 $30, 11190 mal- 1rcsg SlO. Infant's cnr !:>rd $.'), 2 inlant sco.ls SI & $4. 1012! Signet Cir, JIB !J68...1742 T'OR SALE Collec!Ot"!i ltrm OrlglnRI "'j\f!CKEY l\10USE" watch • prrfec:t running ronditlon -$1::.0 837-4239. NE\\' llbcf'llaY :skis ~·/bln­ d1ngi; .. S65. Surfboard. Xlnl. rond1Uon. (213' 592-tul 11.8. C11rpe1 111.yt'r hA.11 Hi Lo nylo~ $1.99 yt!. Shttgt from :l.M up + my ll!'bor. me {lC1' )11.rd. ~41.1519 11VfN bookca~ headboanhi $1:\., b:tra lomt rMll~s~s. •pr!na~ It frames S2!i. 54~1 l.A\\1NMO\VER, 2 hp, King· Q.l.A111'ft. Xtnl. t""Ond. ST~. ~'~'1 hvin. \Vasher. dryer, ·;>7 2 chucks & acccssoncs . ....,. " 1etnarn!! xce ent 1..'Cln--· Che"", dreMCr. 645-1063 642-5761 8820 Jib<'rglass hulls $ti00. riition, 6-16-4940 al1. j, '67 DATSUN . ., Ci1ts 61~2311 1969 HONDA 90 door. automauc ~transmis- M isc•llantous 1600 M iscelli1neous 1600 Sl(l ~\t '1'l~r and SPORTSWEAR WHITE STAG ASPEN HANG TEN PU RITAN from JACK'S SPORTING GOODS 222 Marine Ave. Balboa Island 673·8420 Brand·nome Product. MEN-WOMEN SPORT-08ERMEYER JANTZEl'l . TOP SIDER LEVI 6 l\IOS old reg i st ere rl --$2,j(). Call 5-1~-*0 sion, While v.'alls, l 7.9CO act· ll1malayan rn.'lle kittens, 2 Power Crulnri 9020 -~-----=-~-• ual n1il"s, drivr!I Jikr: n<'\VI '61 Y Al\IAHA 100 T\\1n Seal points. l B 1ul'P0 In I. 'fill DORSET 17' Col11l1na RUNS GOOD! Before 5: lV\VJIO'll Sired by Champion. cab. cn1iscr \l'/:l"tras. 54&-5572 Aft. 5: 54~ $1095 ·194-2316. Ovet"scas duty.. 1nust .sell. 1967 TRIUi\lPH T-100 c .. :i00 H b v w ABYSSINIAN KITIENS Days: 213: '131-2701/:tlt 6 ar our • , Only 2 l<'fl, 10 1vks old P1\t: 714: 54~1497, Cnpl. cc. ;i000 nii's. Xln1. SiOO. 646-8226 i\lackl<' . ======--Dogs 882S SpNd-Skl Bo1ts 9030 ---------1 ADORABLE Lhasa Apso 1969 BOSTON \\'hn lrr, '10 hp pup11 3\1 mo~. old. AKC ~g. Evinrudc & !rlr J::', 2 nios Champ. blood line 833-J~ used, estate sail'. 11ush-but· or 540-9701 ton s1:1.rtc.r, xlras SlSJO. P.tlNIATURE 0 a ch sh u ndl-=&1~1-1=l='4=.======o puppies. nialcg. $3:> each. Marine Equip 9035 841·l9.\'l • COCKAPOO Pu_ps_,_ ~ Poodle, DECCA 101 radar11. One )T black, from J2" high olri, ttmoved for larger ~nts $20. 548-8819 radar. 12. 14 & 32 voe GER:\IAN Shepherds, l>\ln'· $!9.iO. tnstnll<'d l\'Jth iUAr. bred, males only. 2 montM. ~eiipoi_:t l\larUK' Eng. 7l4: $45 each. Phone 642-&j1'2 ~:;is.~263.>--~-~-=--­ BASSETT AKC. 1 "'k!'. "'ill 6 CYL. dltsrl t'"°'· J lo I hold .1 ~-· 1.. ~n 11nl1. 1'Tesh "1'tl'r 002~ .... u i11tn1a11. IJ up. cooled Brand neu·. still In crate, ctocy eo.111. 613-2910 B9Sf'ON Bull Tl'ITicr. 1 "'kl!. after ii pm AKC. 4_ lei!. Champ. line, S\~"V_O_f_FE-"'R~D--I0-,,-_,--,,-.. ~.-2~ $100. M:>-1~15 I I ~ ' --' I th I n(. 11•·311$ l!:>CU eSll Rn WEl!\fARANER Pups born yr, ptrf conc:I. Co!lt 5210, 912'.l no papers, S2:i ea. Call nrtct S+5. 536-3381. 142-822.1 ---,======~-Tr:iil 6 n1os old, goo:I COii• AF'CHAN HOUNDS dHlon. l\lal!!s & lcn1a.le1, 11?a.s. AKC 833-1~27 reg. 962-9989 Pl.ATif Se:tlant, pet·fec:I con. AK( BASSETT PUPS dl1lon, PUrch11sed G<!r1nan1. Trlortilor. $45-$3, ~ f!VI!' $2:,0!r""'h. 642-4237 cventnw;. 675-1fi32 HONDA i\!1111-Trail ti old. good condition. 8."..i-2·127 1110! AUTHORIZED SALES & SERVJQ:; lSTJl BEACH BL., 81~·11Jj HL:NTINGTON BEACI I 9350 The World!; Best S'1000 C1Jr Motorscooters R~O:.;_D_D_Y;__M_;,-n-,-,,-,_~E-,-cc-1-lo-oo $ candition. 311P B&S -rng, I AW DATSUN w1·te1 Slj,j nc\v. Best 0 f I er _ 54~ ======:=:==,;: "Ltiulcr 1n Thr Beach C11tcs" Auto S1t'Yice1 ZIMMERMAN & Parts 9400 284S HARBOR BLVD. BEAO{ Auto Supply Wholesale Prk:t11 IQ AU Complcle ~IAchine Shop SPEED EQUTPl\1ENT REBUtLT &VClNES l4~ID ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. I DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN 1~ lkarh Blvd. lluntlneton Beach 812-1781 or $4().(l.14z '67 DATSUN PICKUP 11~ Vir torla. Ci\f 5'i!J-6j5() AU nri;";lnal ln~id~ k oul. 4 18361 Bench Blvd, HD 811--0!rn ~pr!. rllr, ivin fine pivt P~ * OPf:N 1 DAYS * run Pl1Ct> SlO'n. Call l\~~ i!l l-!mJ '{J9 OLDS body !)3Ms, <.tlroniu '6i STATION _ \\·gn. ~· hp. 4 rlm.1, c11;. ' •]'IN'fl. ~ t"Ond. 110~ .. 6i:>-1.tl''· • ~~;:n, · .. TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION • J'.@ANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION • Th11rsd1y, Oeeember 4, 19611 TRANSPORTATION ---~ DAILY Pilaf :J'T r KANSPORTA T!ON TRANSPORTATION !TRANSPORTATION UMd C1rs 9900 U1.d C•rt 9900 Used Ca rs '900 lltod Caro 9900 lmpottH Autos 9600 Imported Autos ,.... _____ _ 9600 Autos Wanted 9700 Used Cars 9900 9600 I mportod Autos DATSUN "NEW! '70 PICKUP \\'/camper, 96 ~ o:wrhead earn, 4 spd, dlr. 6 ply tlres, b<'1ck up lia:hts. You rnune il! Full 111'!L<e $2009. 1"11ke sn111ll dn or trade. CW! Phil, ·1\14-9773 01' 5-15-0031. ENGLISH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD OEALER SALES -SERVICE OVER 60 IN ::.TOC1' • 2 .t;, 4 Dr. ~todels • :. & 4 Dr. Dl-llL'l;t'' e :! & I Dr. CT l\lodels e Station \\'agons :>.!any \\'ilh fully au10111at1c !runs., air, 1·adiat urrs. t1'- d10, vinyl roof, \\SW l111's, BJ{AND NE\V STD. 1 DR. $1785 F"L:LL. PRIC.I:: VRDf;R NO\V Theodore ROBINS".FORD :..'COO I larl>or Blvd. Cos1a l'•IC!a 6i2·0010 FERRARI FERRARI Newport Imports Ltd. Or- ange Count)"s only author· ized dPaler. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 3100 W . Coast 1-iwy. Newport. Bea.ch 642-9405 5'10-1764 Authorizelt Ferr111·i Oraler FIAT '168 Fiat 124 Spt. Cpe. Tangerine exterio1·, blk. in- !rr. Radio & full chrome 11·hccls. Perfect in cvrry de- tail. J1rtuµort Jlrnµorts 31CO \V, Coast lhl',V., N.B. &12·91()5 540-1764 Authorized i\fG Dealer HILLMAN 'jg HILtl\IAN $200 ... 548-4150 * CLASS 9600 :\USTl:'ol Tlt-:AL\' "64 i\.H. SPRITE. ~ood cone!. /lCW pain!, $S.'i0. * 64-t--O~ ... JAGUAR· BEAU XK·l·IO Blak ·:11 Jug Rdslr. fuJ lcthr int. Gd !ires Ju111p s~. ;).l;,..TilJ, :>16-1 ~2 '66 JAGUAR Xi\!:: Rdstcr. i\lal'Qon. Xlnl, j ust overhaul- ed. $2995. 846-JO.ll or &1-l-4221 + 1968 JACUAR XJ{L, 'XL.NT COND. 536-487·1 or• ~6·9:'13'.? KARMANN GHIA · 1965 Karmann Ghia 2-door Coupe, -X1nl Cond. tmmacu1arc inside and out! One 011•nr r. Sec at 450· Broad- 1vay. C.i\1 . KARi\IANN Chia Convt. r.NI \\"{ \\"h1 lop. Nu paint, lop, ires. Cus. inf. S995. !lls-ro•l8 '68 Convertible, beige, ra1ho. aukJn1atic. Sl!l35. <19-t-!H•l6 or ·197-1666 CVC'S. '61 l.·IERCEDES 220 SE con- vertible. Ruos \\'Cl!." Riii. $1750 cash. 494-756.'i MG MG Sales, ~rv1c..:. Part.o; lnuned!a te Delivery, All '-lodels J1rtuµort Jhnµort s ::SIOO \V, Coast J-lwy . N.B. 6l2-941kl a.IO-li64 Authorized i\tG Dealer MGB MERCURY MGB ------1 _ _:_____ CADILLAC i-----CORVEnE TOYOTA \V t: f'AY ..• CHEVROLET '&a filGB, xlnt cond. New ---------1 Ure,, R&H. 1 ownr $ll9.l. · Aller 1 pm. 835-0000 CASH '62 Cl\OILLAC Sedan tle Ville SIS;;. Lo mli::, lo do\\'n to 11ual. buyer. S<IS-4265 '63 SJ'lNGRAY. 2 Top!, :':·10 '6.) NoYa s.s. bkt is.eats, ti.Ulo HP. 4 spd .. 411 Posi,. lthr. • ., MERc w"""· 9 ..... ___ P_o_NTI __ A_c __ 1 Xlnt cond. Set to ap-66 PONTJAC BonneY1Ue. 4 dr·l.Aaded. full pcl\Vtt fuel injection. A Creamputt by OwneJ'. Can be teen at 21~ College, Apt 31 aft 5 Pl\1 ]Jl66 Pontiac Le l\tanns, vinyl ~op,__EJS. /B, ait cond. Auto Iran.~. J\olust !ell, 1nake {)ffer. Call -S:ID-5588 OPEL '67 OPEL Deluxe Sport Coupe, radio, v.•/s/w tires, onJy 21.000 n\1. $ l 19 j, 5'16-l;'"ill. -PORSCHE TOYOTA 1970 HERE NOW '63 CAD. Couvl. Good Cond. Air Concl. Fully Equipped. $935. Call Craig. 675-1753. sea11, A.\l/Ftlt ~.<XXl P.11. trans, p/s, r/h, economy 6, Ou M'"" · d new tires, recent tune-up tsta ....... ,. ong. co n . xlnt oond. By owntt $9!15. •8:::4::.7-4872..:::::·:_ ____ _ 837-5202 days; 67l-4S66 '68 IMMAC. 4 spd. hi·pcrf. eves. 327, BP, 2 tops, ni ags, air, Low P rice• on CAMA0RO R I I '69' Aak ror Sales Manager 1969 CHEV Jn1pala 2 Dr, ema n ng 5 18'2.ll Bearb Blvd. \Vire Whls, air/cotld, auto tape. 675-0986 or 5-1fi...-O.l!l5 FAL_t:ON ''OUR BE$'!' DEALS Huntington Beach 6S -4 SPEED. low n1il!'agc. 1ran!. ·1000 nii. Like new. ARE STILL AT Kl 9-33ll vinyl top, $2000. Kl 9-2002 or Sac $29!15. 968-RJ. DEAN LE-WIS --,,W"E=---=pe:A:':17. ::CJ:-:4S-:::-:H:._-_-I.'.'""''.-"-i'.tii.ll-lE' ___ v_Y_t,-1e_•_1_ .• -.,-s_-,-.,c CLEAN ll\61 '"•"•"do« •la prceintt'~ $'150. 644-0350 MUSTANG '66 Mustang Convert VS, automati?, radio, bcAtl>f. \ \\'Q\V682 ~ • $895 ~ Harbour V.W. RAMB(ER Porsche '66 912 Coupe 19661-iarbor, C.t.-1. 636-9303 The best onr anywhel'l.' EU. 1968 TOY OT A Corona dlx 2 ony tJ!k. 1~/ffi<1lching in!cr. Or. Hrdtp. Ai\1 -Fl\1. -4 l'!pd. Ar.1 / F'.\1, Bun::h exhaust, 10.000 ·n1i. Orig O\vncr $157J. chronic 11hccls. See to be. ~5-1141 heve. =========I CHEVROLET air, py.1·, Md rubber, sole wgn. S300. Call anytime. o~·ncr, cleHn lS.'iO. After 6 or _54;1'-=25:;33====== AUTHORIZED SALES &. SERVICE 18711 BEACll BL., 8424435 '65 RAMBLER FOR YOUR CAR wkeoo• 982-<J5SJ c ·57 ChC'\'Y Ile! Air Convt.1 ~~------­ Auto Iran~. R&H, 4 nu '&t CHEVY ln1pala SS Cpe. FORD HUNTINGTON BEACH Amb&asador 990, f11JI pwr, CONNELt wh111·11lls. $425. 847-1182 P I S, R & 11, auto l~n&. Cleen. Pl'i pty. $895, CHEVROLEl '63 CHEVY ""'''"~ "'''•"· 84Z-:mo '68 MUST, 2 + 2. 8.1~. air fact air, dlr, loaded. One '65 COUNTRY Sedan \Vagon. cond., po11"t'r, fullly loaded. owner. \Viii take old!!r <'Br 1(1 passenger \l'ith popular Very clean $2200. Dan in trade. PD\Vl38W3. Call J1rtuµon 31111µorts 3100 \\'. Coast Jl\\J'., N.B. 6-t!·9.IW /j<l!).17&1 Aulhotized !\la' Dralcr PORSC'l!E'S -Every pos!ible type, all colors, all years; 1958-191!9. For the Horst in used Porsche's, ScC': J1rtuµort Jlruµorts 3100 \V, Coast Ji\\'y .. N.B. 6'1Z·~'IOCi 540..176-l VOLKSWAGEN VW BUGS FRO:O.t . $399 2828 ,,. __ ..__ Al·-'. • needs body \\Ork $J7j. ·::_ _____ _ no.1·-~vu 8'"'718 • 4 69 CHEV 108 Van 307 cu ln, Costa i1esa ~)""" .......... a.:l'.'r pm .u..o1• V-8, auto trans, h\'Y duty WE PAY TOP '65 Il\.tPALA. 2 dr, 283 eni:". springs, low nil. Best oUu DOLLAR New trans, lo ml,i:, air.:. xlnt owr $2500. ~5-{1612 cono. Lo book. &15--1852 I~======= for good, clean used cars,.1--,-------- all makes. See George Ra,y *. 61 CORVAJR. 4 dr, sta- , 'fheodore Robins Ford t1on \\'agon, good t'Ond., $250 CHRYSLER 2060 HarbQr Blvd. er best offer. 67>-0006 -------- GOOD SELECTION C.1.f. 642-0010 '65 CHEVY i taJ1bu, :? dr. l968 NE\VPORT 4 dr sedan, W'll B hrdlp, pl!, p/b, /Jucket sis, 24.000 mi, air, p/s, p/w, . I uy 32.ooo nii. $l300. !"i<is-7460. p1b s2350. 833-2400 aner 6 C li6 CHRYSLER Ne"'J>Ort. 2 ~ ~Your Volkswagen or Porsche '~ Ctl~V .~1 Aii· i;!a wag. rlr. 11 .T. Auto. New radial 0 & \ d II n-:d f Fa(·tuiy an. p/:;, pcrf ('.Ollcl. 1irl:'s · :'l'---k, 11500. 612-1948 pay op o ars . .-cu or SSOO * S·l'.?-58:.'9. "'"' ' S or not. Call .Ralph • ~ ,o, · 673.0900 ·~ Chcl'y l~ S1~1~1 Va_n. COMET ~L, .J,P L'IPORTS \\'A.l\'TED Perfect co!1d1t1on SZ'l50 Pnv. ,,, Orange Counties l=P"IY~·,:,°',.:2-<i~o!~<--~~-fi.I CALIENTE 2 dr H.T. 289 TOP S BUYER '00 CAPHICE 4 di'. PIG, air. VS. Buckets, C'Onsole, fa c- j.t9. 30:11 Ext. 66 or 67 Bll.L MAXEY TOYOTA big eng. Vinyl 1011. X!nt tory air, Ald/Ft.1. A.T., 1970 l-IARBOR BLVD. J.8881 Beach Blvd. cond. $15:t5. 496-2500. P/B, P/S. $375. 54a.-4~ COsrA l\IESA H. Beacb. Pb. 847-8555 '61 Chevy Jmpala Conv., SO VW's $29j. Good Transportation. CONTINENTAL side facinA: 3rd scat. Radio, Hilton, 548-Sl87 Ken, <l!H-9773 or S-1>063<1, heater, power steerinR. tilUf ANG ,67 289 v.s. air. '67 REBEL 770. All power . power brakes. big V-8 pl • disc., radio. Grey-blk original owner. Under 31,000 engine. Priced 10 move vin)l. Gd. cond. $16 75 mi. $1395. Eves or \\'knd! bffore this \\'eekend. $1000. 673-5Sl I 546-8173 644-1742 Private Part)'. ---------1 =~~~~~~~~1 '6j V·8. PIS, PIB. Racing '64 Rambler Oasslc 770. V-8, '64 FORD Fairlanc, •I dr Green. Lo\v dn. \Vi 11 pwr steering. Xln'l Cond . sedan. Stick shilt, IO\Y finance. $995. Call • 6i3-4300 -""='=' o="'='=· =",, .. =58='='===ol miles. l 011o·ner, lop cond. ... $350. &i&-5582 °' "'"-'!sso OBILE . T·BIRD '67 GALAX!E, Fae. Alo, _ _:O:..:L:;D:_S:_M;..:.;_;_ __ I --- P /S, P/B. lA !\ti. Nu !ires. '65 STARFIRE. ful\ po\ver '66 T·BIRD Xln'I cond, SacrlfiC<', Going incl. \\•!ndO\\'i'I & seats, air Jn Service. Call -645-0757, :? Dr. 1-l'T, full p1vr, air. dlr, cond. $.1395. 5'1G-5113 P\\T scats. brakes, wlndO\\'S. '67 GALAXII:: ~i&.i. 2 dr, r/h, STA WAG STEAL I Biue Book $2XIO • SACRI- alr, :190 cng. auto trans, xlnt ·u:1 F'-8:> \Vhl \Vag. Sacrifice FICE nB99. or foreign car cond. orig O\Yncr $1195. Call Orig, oivncr. Exceptional. Jn trade, NPV132. Cell Phil eves & wkends &14--6098 $l().)O "* S73-l'.!32. 49-1.9773 or &5-CJ63.1. '66 F alcon Fu'lur• 1966 Olds CUUass, ·:2-doo-,,-,n->· "T--;B"inI"'""'100=1-Land~-;.-"-.-,,,....,.d,, Fully factory f'<!Uipped, Dlr. Dlac. 1 owner. Bkt seats. full P \\T, wht 1v/dk navy S!i!lS. * 548--0769 '* lop, all :ictras. I owner, Phone 6-l2·60'!3 always garaged. Exe:, oond. Authorized J\IG Dc3ler PORSCHE '63 Supt>r. l\luch Nu Equip. S2500. Call Phil, 962-5521 or 847-IO!JO Porsche '6S S.C. Coupe Bolc1v red 1\/blk inler. 1''ully t..'QUip. Reflc.>1:lor. illeticul91:1S Cll.l'I!, 19GO Thru I~ Fron1 '64 GALAXIE 500XL P/B, PLYMOUTH Pr pry 644~307 CONTINENTAL PfS, air. New t l r e;u T-BIRD '64, air, all p~T. & '66 SS Impala Convertible. SEDAN S'IS-2392 alt 6 \\'l!t'k day, '69 Ply. Fury III. Auto., P .S., X'tras. AmfFm radio. Ask- Auto Le•sing 9810 Call li-12.ffil•I. 1966 LEASE -RENT BEST OFFER. J..oaried! Xln't Cond. day \Vcekcnds. p .6., fac:t. air cond., vinyl ing $950. 84&--0539 or (213J lmm&diate delivery Cat: alt 6· 9C8-6322 $1950. caII • S46-'r843 '68 LTD Sq. \Vag U P\\T, disc tool, r.tu.st sell. Make oiler. 439-6119 \\"kdays 5-8PM on all ·59 CHEVY Station \Va~n. 6 :;~======= & air. S1950 + '65 I '66 837-9682 ;-66 T-BrRD. Pert concl. 1 $495 I Harbour V.W. J1rtuµol'! Jhnports 1970 FORDS & c:yl slick shit~. .Be.st CORYAIR Corvair or? trarle. 962-5810 owner. 10 miles. Sacrllicc! AUTJ·IORIZED FORD TRUCKS reasonable ofr. S.1.>-2936 '62 FbRD Van, fine shur)(', PONTIAC . 646-8760, 646:26n SALES S.· SERVICE AU popular n1akcs. Ford 1969 l~INGS\VOOJl Estate 1962 CORVAIR 4 door, stick. 310 5th SL, lluntington '64 T-BIRD, very clean 18TI1 BEACH BL., 8"24435 authorized leasint" system. ivag, 9 pass. lots o( extru, N ew brakes' car b c""='::'h:::·..:'::"::":..'.:.c:•·:::":::'"_~ '67 Gr~n Prlx-Sherpl $875 HUNTINGTON BEACH Get Our Competitive Rates xlnt cond. F.V. 96S-8173 O\'erhaulcd. 24,000 mi. $350. 1961 FORD Country Squire, Loaded! SIS95. S4&ll6S &14-6279 BUG, Dark Green, new car Theodore (5) 1968 CHEVY Impalas, 646-3431 · Gd tires. $325 or best offer. '68 LE MANNS Sprt Coupe. "·;s~T~-B~!R~D~: ~1 .. -.,-&<x><I-. ~.-ru-M '.1100 \V. Coast Hwy., N.B. 642·910:1 540-17&1 Authol'i.1:Cd ~IG Dealer ~ar. tranferablc, unclC't' ROBINS FORD loadC'd. Pric:ed for quick •62 CORVAIR, needs minor Call -54g..2696, Air, pwr, bucketK, lo mi. well $295. 830-6324 after 6.or 90ClO ml. auto, sticJ.;, r11dio. sale~ s1•·•. "" '5""" vinyl \op. 842-2335. "-"' ...,.,..... """ \l'Ork • \VOuld make good FORD Ranchero '67. Auto wkends Porsche '64 "C" Coupe Irish grf'E'll 1r/bJJ.;. inlt"r. Ylawlcss thi·uout. Every po;;.. siblr acL-essory. Hun-y un this one. on/off lug. l"ack. Res. 206{tl-farbor Blvd: ·w 1 1 2 d 283 Dunc B"""'Y Chassis, ;100. trans. Good cond. '1600 prlv '63 CA'TALINA $300. '59 Old! --==-~~~=~~-I 67".>-1898 Bus. 6115-1992. C'.os14 i\ll'sa 6420010 inpaa, i·, eng. ...... '55 CLASSIC $l850. · Nc\11 tr,1ns, lo ,nlg, afc, xlnt c536-<:::..:"':::.______ .c•:.:'Y'-'·..:54:.:,_,.:_.:::59;,,,=~=~ 88. $150. Both run good. '65 v.w. LEASE ANY MAKE cornl. LQ book. &1:'1-1852 '63 CORVAJR L'Onvert .. 14.0 THE SUN NEVER SETS on 645-1294 t.1INT mncl S\995. 673-5822 OR MODEL ·54 1\lALIBU, xlnt t-ond. nc\V hp, super charge, ne1v trans Classilied's action power. '&\ TEr.IPEST 2 dr. 6 cyl. 19:17 T-BJRD, porl holes. Radlo, heate1·, white \\•all Let our )ease experts show 1\1-es. 1 owner $9."lt or olfcr. .~ ttar end. Best of.fer O\'er For an ad to sell a.round Ute au10 R/H r:<ccl. cond. J\·lust r.tul!t see lo appreciate? tires. Runs good. tPEP50.)) you the bf-st plan for youri.;;"::"-=366:::::_::30:•~•='~"""=";:':::==-'-='=125=·=1a;k='='·="=:9-=:l7;:06::==-c i;:•;:loc;;k;;·~d;;;a1~6';;v.'"7:;;~'=· ==:..!.=';'ll~$G::;25;·=';:':;"""',;;;;:'·===-=':;';::800::;·=83S-:=;7;67'°5'=. ====-\ J1rWport 3hnµorts $895 personal needs without obu.I · ..; Harbour V.W. ••1io~~~~~~11TI _1N-'-.•';,w'""•-'c:•;;'.''-.-;,-.~.-;,-.-."-;,'""oo;.N';.e""w;;!'c-';,.°;,";;;;;;;;;;;.-9~'-8.oo-;;;;~N~·.w::.•..:c~a~r•~;;;;;;9~e~o•o'"".-'-N~·~w;.c~.a:..:':•;~;;;;;9.e:coo~~N~·~w;c~a;'.·:...-.-.-.-.-.-.-9•8_00; AUTHORIZED 2850 !-!arbor Blvd. J JOO \\', Coast Hwy .. N.B. SALLS & SERVICE Costa '-1esa 632·94[.i 54(}.1761 lSnl BEACH: BL., 842-4435 5-1()..!)6.10 Authorized ?ilG Dealer HUNTINGTON BEACH 'j7 PORSCHE. l\'e1v lires, V\V '63 Semi-Camper. i\11nt IJlf' LEASE "1" l:hro1nc runs, fog lites. Cond. Only 12,47j mi.· r·ac 1970 FORD Torino CT. air stCJ"(.'(l. Best olfcr over re·blt eng. Ster/radio, pri. p<ll\:cr b.rakes & slei!ring, $1350. 673--85,q,1 11ty. $149:i. {714) 8~6-1017 or 1·adio, \\'I.de oval wsw, 351, ~~~-~=~---1 Office 1213) 4J9..-0951 4 V engine. $99.50, 24 mos.· '68 Porsche 91~ Targa SOUTH COAST FACTORY AIR CONDITION-V\V '67, one O\\'ncr. Xlnl JNG. 12.!XXI local miles. Bur-original cond, Beige, radio, CAR LEASING gundy finish \V/blk, inter. nu !ires. Sl.265. Joe 3CJ \V. Cst H\vy, NB 645-2182 .$('(.' ,r., drive to believe. Nickcrtz, 116 1 n du s l r i a I U d C \Vay, C.i\1. 673-5620. se ars 9900 _f2rtuµort 31rnµorts :noo \V. Coast 11wy., N.8. 6-\2-!l.10Ci 540-1764 IOO:l V\V. Sunroof. N.:iwly painted. Xlut cond. Lo\v mileage. 84.7-7185 "63 SPORT Fury, hdlp, =~=~-.C...~. ~-~ dlr, good runner, full price 1964 VW ~us, wide ovals, $499. i\1DR717 Call Phil headers, 1nsl. \voorl pa nel. 545-0634 Good cond. $1400. 548-3660. 1---------• i\uthorizrd i\1G ·Dealer 1970 V\V Bug 4,000 n1iles. private party. Best oner. '63 RAl\lBLER Amer, hdtp, '6i Porsche Super 90, 5.1G-7S4S dlr, runs good full price S299. sunroof, Jug rack. mirinight .66 V\V sedan ... oOO clean 001.920, call Ken, 494-9773 ~rlbfck int. 54&-8985 ,. Porsche '67 912 Coupe condition. $ll00 Call after 6 .. 1.,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,., Ruby 1~d exterior 1v/blk. in-6r;>-1300. '68 .-4 Spet!d. low mileage, trr. Every extra incl. Ai\f/ V\V '69. 1\ulo1natic Slick. \•inyl Ip, $2000. KI 9-2002 or f",\J. chrome \\•heels. bumper Pwidio. Call ;\ftcr 6 Pi\t, 1:-il-67~14. guard, etc. J:iowroon1 conch-_>_1_1'-_98_97_. ______ I========== lion. "&I BUG $8.)0. Perfect con· BUICK dition by oriJ:" owner. 1----------' J1rtuµort 31rnµorts ' 714; 644-2128 '65 Wildcat Convt. '62 VW. GOOD CONO. Radio, heater, power stcer- $600. * 646-3191 ing. \Vindow!I & brakes, VIV 17 000 . ,1 white walls, automatic trans '67 , . m 1. * "any ( UlB976, · 3100 \V. Coast Jlwy .. N.B. Xlrns. * Priced to sell. $895 642-9«Jj :.40-1764 &12-1049 or 642-737-1 -'-'"_th~izrd ~JG Dealer· -,,=:~"vw~,",300-s~,,._-.-xl<..,..,\,.-oo-,,""' •. -,.,.,...,.k-Harbour v .w I P0RSCllE S peedster. ·~ Bc-nutifully rc~cond . Bcsl 816·010'.'I Al.IT!IORlZED Offer. Ball -;~\S-03'12 · SALES & SERVICE ·57 BUG. ne\v !ires, new 18711 BEACH BL .. 842-4435 '69 Porsche 912 Coupe brakes, low mllcagc, excel. MUNTINGTON BEACH Bahama ycllo\V 11•/b\k. inter. c.'OllC.I $1375. 645-0446 Ai\l l F'.1-1, cir., etc. 10,000 Jo. 1966 BUG. good cond. 1969 RIVIERA. "Full factory ral milrs. Ne1v car \\'aPran· S9j(). power & air. N1any extras! ty .. lmmpccable in every de· 968-4966 Tape" deck. Xlnt c.'Qnd. $4200. rail. 67;>.1802 J1rtuµort Jlruµorts :nro W. Coast lh1·y., N.B. 6t.!-9-IO;i ~14(}.li&I Authorized l\IC Dealer 55 VW. Rc:buill ~ngine. Goori '63 BUICK l£Sab1'C. Goorl 11'8115 $27.1. 642-'".1761 ti! & B nd bit Ori Volk5"'0rk. co ·• ~ .. ~ng.540 "'£; =~~~----,--,..,cl 01vncr. <H--.JUU\l. ,,....,.,...,, 1956 Volk!IV.'l\l;Cll, r c bu I l I C\'e. cn;;inc, SJ:iO. l_-1'i_B_U_!C_l_<.-xl-,.-, -.,,-.,.-.-,-\.i-111 =~'~'~,....--'-'~"~6.;•_m_.,,...--;-1 sell or. trade for smaller 1967 V\V, c.-omplct!'.'ly olhaul· car-V\V. etc. 673-3910. cd rilotor. xlnl cond. Owner.l::=========I S1295. 642--7374, 6T.r-Ol•l•I CADILLAC RO_L __ L_S_R_O_Y_C_E_ VOLVO ·--------'67 Eldorado ROLLS 'J9, side mounts, nC'1v VOLVO paint. 11C\\' \V!'i\lo' l ircs, $19j(). Priv. pr1y 816-50 11. 614-0.)07 Owned by Jitrlc Old t~c-hcr rron1 Lagun~ Beach. Full JOHN CONNELL "NO GIMMICKS NO GIVEAWAYS" 1st Place Blue _Ribbon JUST 21 YEARS OF HONEST DEALING SELLING CHEVROLETS • Choose From Over 300 New Chevrolela, Used Cars l Trucks + The Largest Selection of New Corvettes In Orange County Biggeat Jlfo...;; Saving Evenl In Orange County S-.A~ IRAND NIW 1970 CHEVELLE CPt CONNELL CHIVROLIT BLUE RIBBON PRICES ~- '62 Merc&des 220 4 De, !GWNHll $699 710 Classic Coe. Air COl'd .. Al.° Ai.11, CX\/Xt:l01 $599 • 01:011!_ ]'ODAY ILUI ltlBION SALE $2193 ~ 1970~ {l\\'l', fuel ail', dlr, extra, cX· '68 MGB GT Coupe TOYOTA HERE NOW ,. .• cloa"'' r,,, '"''' ., Prin1rosc ycllo\v 1v/hlk. learli ---------· 6mall down, YCL 553. Call $)299 f"Utufl J dr. Avto .... tlt. rtcllo, hMlef, IUSOS4l) $999 ,., inter. nuitlo, "'.l!'l' 11·hrrls, '68 Toyota Corona Low Prices on Ken, <191.gm or 5.l:'>-0034. etc. On\Y i.ooo n1l!cs. Show-2 Door Hudtop. Radio, heat. Remaining '69's SEO. D<? Ville, li4. Xlnl cond. room tr-c!i'.h. rr, auton1atl1·, radial urcs. YOUR BEST DEALS mechan. &: appearance. !VThtZ.lSi ARE STILL AT li!any xlras. Blue \V{ blk J1rtuµort 31rnµorts . • JlCO \V. Co11sl II\\')'., N.R. 6U·9KlJi jl/J-li61 Au1hor11("fl \ll; t;x·alrr '65 MGB Conv. 8 R.G., blk. 1ntl'r. r 111\y rq111p. lneld. 11 1rr 1\h('('I~. radio & tunrd e.\h.iust Beau. 11rut ('Ondniun. s1395 DEAN LEWIS ~~~~·· Orig owoor Harbour v w 1066 u arn.,_ C.M. ....9.103 '69 SDV, ""'' -m;, • • Eldorado fire mi.SI gold, ~UTllORIZED Antiques, Cl111le:t 9615 gen. leather scats. blk lop, SALES t.i ~ER\llCI~ lull)' cqp'd. ~7j. Orig ll'ill BE,\CH BL , 1111-·U:ta '57 MORGAN + o4 riwll('r 644--0343 HUNTINGTON BEACH NC\Y T:>p, new_ b1akt>s. :.:<c. SACRIFICE BILL 1\.-•XEY c'<'llent c; on d, t Ion. Sl500. CAD. SEO. DEVILLE, '67, .Lil. 6•12-1724 ~~ 6 ~~-J.oflded. S1ciw, leather, (TlOlY!OITIAI Raco Cirs, Rodi 9620 ~7~1~~ 0a,. 11181 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Be•ch 847-ISSS 3 mt N. of Coa3t Jl\yY, on Bel\ RACING Cam I llfterw, AFB '67 EL OORAOO. Fu.II P\\T I& r<1rburetor 101• 327 Chev. air + Sl200 cxtraa, Pert 2-lf' wire w~I cove1·a. cond. Lo-IA ml. Make oUtr R<>st oUcr. 842--1962 eller 6 &tM2&5. J1rtuµort 31111µort s \\hire elephants! Din1<'·a·Hoo :noo \V. c;oc111t lhv-y., N.R. \Vhlrc rleph11nt~! 1)11nt>·11· 612·9~ ~lfl..1761 lll'H' DAll.Y PlLOl' \YA.1111' pm. l-.,,;,.,,.;.,,c"A"o-1 L-w-,-c-, o-" -.-,-,-, .. ~!)I CU. ln. Old111 cng. &· a!lck 1vhllt:. black l!hr. Inter.; full b'ft.ns. pwr., a.lr-cond. Perr._ cond. :'"ll•»i1"1 >JG ~ AD" • Gi5-lo&l3 + Sl.,150. Ov .. nrr 67H7fT ------- $)999 P'l""""T---------------------------------------:---------.·· , I 31..,,._;0A_l_LY_P_ILO_T ___ _ lhurJday, Dectmbrt 4, 1969 • l • . • • • . 0 8 0 0 CJ • . • • . ' . . . :1-~~~~---~~~- : I CADILLAC NINETEEN SEVENTY EXCELLENT SELEC110 N OF l\IODELS & COLOR S AVAILABLE FOR LEASE OR PURCHASE Even when measured by Cadillac standards of ex- cellence, the 1970 Cadillac is sure to exceed your greatest expectations. Let's get together soon for a demonstration dfive. NABERS 2600 HARBOR BLVD. 540·9 I 00 COSTA MESA DAii.UN 1970 PICKUPS THE. No. 1 SEU ING IMPO.RT TRUCK WITH @% MORE MUSCLE POWER . 96 H.P. ENGINE Are Here Now For DELIVERY TODAY! DOT DATSUN 188J5 B~CH BOULEVARD --... HUNTINGT-ON BEAGH- 842-7781 or 540-0442 I 1m·9 pm Mon-FrieS.t 8 am-5:30 pmeC:los1d Sun THE GMC's FOR 1970 ARE COMING IN BY T·HE TRUCK LOAD! From Pickups to Heavy Dutys ••• From Camper Units to Four Wheel Drives ••• Whether a Sin9le Unit or a Lar9e Fleet ~ •• WE CAN SERVE YOUR TltUCK NEEOS BESTI NEW 1970 G.M.C. 1/2 TON WI DESI DE G78XI 5 fiDerqle11 b11t1cl fir11, be,~11p liqhil, h11dtt, 1rT.1r· 9111cy bli11k1rt. du•I 111irrort, :Z 1peed elec.hic. wiptrt, t p1 r1 tire. ORDER TODAY. $2195 _UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE GMC TRUCKS 2850 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 540-9640 CONNELL CHEVROLET Choose 'From Over 300 New Chevrolets, Used Cars & Trucks Pkn Tiie Lartnt Selectlow of. Ntw Corvnr-. In OretMJ• COURty! llGGIST MIJNFf SAVING EVENT IN OAANGE COUNTY! SALE Brend New 1970 NOVA COUPE -• -ORDER TODAY - $2193 --CONNELL-- CHEVROLET 2121 HARBOR ILVD. COSTA. MESA ~: ••6· 1230 ~:r. 546· 1200 • CHRISTMAS GIFT IDIAs! . NEW 1970 ' BUGS On Display & Ritcldy 'To Go CHOICE OF COLORS AND MODELS AT ••• CHICK IVERSON H•rbar Are11 Only AMthari11d VW, Por1d11 011l1r TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVI YOU 445 EAST COAST HWY. at IAYSIDl ·DllY~, NIWPORT IEACH Ir 1970 HAllOl IL~D., COSTA MESA 671°0900 HOME OF ll:iE LOVE BUG SP'EC IALS 54t.JOJ1 • AUSTIN AMERICA HERE N.OWI The FantHtlc Naw I 9-9 4 ;:1·~" ~~;~;~ $ . Including AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NEWPORT IMPORTS LTD. 3100 W. COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH Oranoe Cou1lty's Only Authorized Ferrari Dealer 642•9405 • CLOSID SUNDAYS 540• 1764 FREE GAS! WITH THE PURCHASE OF A NEW CORTINA l Doors-4 Doors-Gt·s~ WagH1 12,000 MILE °' ONl YEAR· WAUANTY NO PAYMENT Till JANUAl\Y 16TH, 1970 IMAGINE I WHEN YOU IUY A. NEW Ifft COltTINA. FROM US WE WILL "AY fOlt A.LL THI GAS IT USES fOll TWO FULL MONTHS Al.I. OA.50LINE MUST IE DISBURSED AT SUH5ET fOltD , • • Hwrry Thi1 Ofltr E•ltncled to ~. U. Pfltt, Ttrm1 &-EQMip. an 2 Dr. Motor No. BA92JAIOU6 TEliMS: ••• 11tl.H o.-. C11h l1f' TrlClt. K E11r l'•Y· '""n11 ., ui.n. ANNUAL l'EllCENTA.OE lt.t.TE U.ll DEFEltltEO PAYMENT Plt!Ci U4TC.Sl. • $1944 PLUS TA.X•l.ICEHSt HOLIDAY DISCOUNTS . LOOK AT THE SAVINGSll '65 MERCUR.Y 2-Door Monf,lt ir H.T. PD050l '66 FORD GALAXIE 500 2-0r. Htrdtop. SYFOS2. '65 IU ICK RIVIERA SRBHO '68 PLYMOUTH S1t1llite Wtg. VEL991 $1275 $1575 $1375 $2075 $2275 JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN·MERCURY COSTA MESA BRANCH , 2626 HARBOR B~VD. COSTA MESA 54t.563! ( l BEGIN YOUR HOUbA Y . BY SHOPPING Tf'tlS GUIDI! OF NEW & USED' AUTOS & ACCESSORIES • . BRAND NEW 1970 3/4·T: FORD TRUCK & EL DORADO CAMPER Fl/LL PRICE '10 F-250 STYLESJDE . 819 1.:1 CIO engl ..... pl1 llrtt, tmp • all u•1111•. Ser. Ho. F2SARG7· !912. EL OORAOO. Fllll Ctb IYW OTTOWA. cmp. ..... ton:N DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES 18255 BEACH BOU~EVARD HUNTINGTON BEACH 540-7780 842-6611 VOLVO ~ 1970's HERE NOW A.LI. MOOEl.S REAOY fOlt IMMEDIATE DEl.1Vl;:f!T PRICES TOO LOW TO ADVERTISE ON ALL REMAINING '69's 1970's HERE NOW A.LI. MODELS ltEA.D'I" fOlt IMMEDIATE DILIYERY PRICES TOO LOW TO AOVERTISE ON ALL REMAINING '69's Dean Lewis_lmp.o.rts Orange County's Largest and Most Modern TOYOTA· VOLVO DEALER 1966 HARBOR 646-9303 COSTA MESA · Over 80 Quality Cadillacs To Select Froni! Largest Selectiou In Orange Cotmty! . 1969 CADILLAC Cor.dovan exterior with bro\vn top' and cor.:. dovan cloth and leather interior. Fun pow- er, factory air conditioning, AM-FM radio, power door locks, electric seat release, etc. (J9154770 ) SALE $ s 444 PRICE NABERS 2600 HARBOR BLVD~ 540-9100 COSTA MESA :1970 TOYOTAS IMMEOIATE OELIVERY NOW 1200 C.C. Corolla • Land Crulsen Corona • Crown • Fanta•tic New MKll • Toyota Pickup, The Work Horse of the '70's! BIG $$ SAVINGS ON '69 NEW-DEMONSTRJ\TORS BILL MAXEY [i~(]~[irJ IASY TO llACH AT GAIFllLD 6 IU.CH 11111 BEACH BLVD. PHone: 147.9555 HUNTINGTON BEACH J Ml. M•rtfri •f P.clfle Co•t Hwy.•• '-t.Jt lutnorl • Wholescile Values 9 '65 TEMPEST I yt, I UIOINlllc, rlllio. 1111r..r. po_. •lftrlnl> whltl Wiiii, !PBHOff) IA.I.I l'•ICI LOW ktLLY •OOI( $675 '67 SUNBEAM I A.lplr11 1p0fh convertl~ll. RMlla, iw.1«, 4 1peed (YTl.WI s977 s112s '67 PONTIAC s1a77 s1925 A Or. MIO., lt&-H. l'.S .• fachlry . 11r, pO-r wl,.. do'<G, c:orc1W1 -(TYH .., '66 GTO s1577 · s1575 2 dr. H.T. Vt, h"tdr1., I'.$., •lt"H, WSW, IK~r"f' 11r, Vin11 INll. IRTZ .,,, ROY CARVER PONTIAC 2925 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA KIM~ CONNElL .C·HEVRdLET "" BLUE RIBBON PRICES '65 RAMBLER 770 Cl•11lc Cpe. Air cand., AT, R&H !XYX 9001 '62 MERCEDES 220 4 Dr. IGWN 211) $699 '67. -CHEVROLET 1/i Ian jtickup. IUl91tOI '64 CORVETTE Coup1. 4 1p1ed,".r.idio, h1•l1r; IUPZ 076J $1899 ' --CONNELL--, CHEVROLET 2828 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ~::: 546·1230 ~!~546-1200 SHOPPING TO DO? LET CHICK IVERSON HELP YOU! Auto Acc.e11ori11 Make Greet Gifts For The VW Owner "Sh1rp•" Chro1111 SKI -RACK 14 p1irl for your V.W. S14,tl Eng fi1h 9lav1 l1•th1r STllN6 WHL. COVERS, l1c1 o" S6.50 COCOA MATS, v•riety calon, c.•~•• fMll floar 1r11, from $16.91 l1rg1 11lectio" of ha".l rubb14 101id w1lnut l l11th1r GEAR SHIFT KNOBS fro111 51,75 K1.1111I "Cu1to111 500" WAX KIT, t~• v1r\. D11t SS.II "LOVE BUG" toy b1tt1ry op1r1t1d INon-f1 U, l u111p·n Gal SJ.ts ''FORMULA VEE" lt1li1" d1lu•• waod 1!111ing' wh11I $4f.91 "1961-7 0" Chram1 Ofh1t Wh11l1 S" wid1 "Sp1ci1I Pric1" $24 .95 e1ch "MG MlnEN" C ir Cav1r far •ti VW'1 from S27.SO "Autam1tic" AM .fM·MMltipl11c 'i •n4 I hick 1t1r10 • 5149.95 lnc.lude1 4 •P••k•ri ln1t1l11tion naf lnc.lud1dl WI ACCEPT B111kAl'tle1ic.1rd-M11t1n Ch1r91-Atn1ric•n E•pren St1nd•rd Oil-Ch1wro~ 445 E. COAST HWY. (at B•yslde Drive) NEWPORT BEACH 673-0900 F.REE • 100 GALLONS • FREE OF GAS Yes, Free 1 00 Gals. of Gas wltll tht ' furchase of Any New 1969 Cortino or 1 9 6 9 New Ford, Executive Can or Demonstraton. F_REE '. '00o~A~l~NS • FREE • THIS WEEKEND ONLY . DUNTON FORD ,. 546-7076 2240 S. MAIN SANTA ANA I ' 13