HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-10 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI I • I • • • I 7 • . -· . • Pleased Parenis . . UPITeltltM,. MARY JO'S PARENTS RELIEVED AT NEWS Joiejah, Gwen Kopechne After Decfaion Ke1111edy 'Grateful' Judge lleject,s · Auttipsy For. ~'fry .lo Kopechne 11~aRE, Pa. (UPI) -A ~ Ja'dge thday refused a request ~ ]dassachusetts authorities for an au~ ~. the body ol Mary Jo K~,1fho ~-~~er w~en; -· ""ire., ~·~;jljid, . : ' . ~ofLaieme CGanty lafd -.... !IOllltli to Indicate Mia JIOpio .... • o0ctt1ary and Ken-nectt: famlly e1~ worker, died by "oifiK• ,.._ · by lnimenfon." KC!!DDICb' 11ld 1n WasblDgtcln, "l realize how 4 mud\· thll decision fueads to the ~ fa~ily. It increases their peace "1 mind• I am. grateful for that. "It ia DOW my hope that the authorities 1 In M~tts will moVe forward so tb4fi the .httre matter can be concluded u ·-<lf po&S!ble." 'I'h$ ju(f,ge, noting the request for the autopey h"'1 referred to blood on the vic· tipl'1. bl~ and in her' IJlOUth and nose, Aid "the only positive testimony as to theM was ht this evidence was who\ely cqnslJtent 'lrilh death by drowning." The aecldent ~rred July 18 on Cha~ paquidclick Island, Mass~"! In a 14-~e opinion, lrominskl said f.t!istlmcrly at a two-daY Maring here lasl October"noted discreP.8f1C!les in Sen. Ken· ntdy's televised aceount and a police re~ ol the accidenl He said these "do not alter the determination of the cause oi death." 'Jbt girl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koped1ne of. Berkeley Heights, N.J., had fou-"t lht autopsy request. They told a news conference after Brominsk.l's ruling they were "very pleased by the decision." Mn. Kopechne, speaking ·1n a low wtce, said "I'll come up ·here very often te aee· my daughter. I cOuld never have gone to that cemetery (at nearby Larksville) If I knew it had been disturb- ei. I'll be back." · Kopechne said the fact that an inquest w;lll be held in Massachu.setls into the. death of his daughter, an only ·child, "iloot. not dilturb us. We are JVaitini pa· l:ltJrt!y for the inquest." Jooeph Flanagan, Ille parents' attomoy, said be was negoUailng with an izlsul'IUU Cllllpany, which he declined lo identliy, cCnctmlng the possibility ol filing a "wrongful death action civil suit" for the family '• Joos. . In Massachusetts, Eilgartown Police Chiel Domtnic J. Arena,. Who investigated Ille ~~ said "I can't realb' aay that I'm surprised" by the-ruling. He said he felt the judge in Edgartown was "anx· ious" to complete. an inqveat .as soon.as possible. . .·ll.""'""81«• r,;Jiagl"•bidl"'1imned ,a. lJ.~lef.i·~.,., oo1iocl-'-. • . ,!M-.,, rAm°'31 . ' . . . ' . . J ' the!····~:' clusioo ol this cOurt tl1ll ·!be. ~ present..i herein are lnll>lflclent to .,.,. porl' a finding of lht CaLlle ol death ol Maf1 Jo lopechno .other tblll """11'>· iatim-by an imme'rslon.'" · " Deaclly Weapon . Charge Dr.opped Assault with a deadly weapon char1es against two Newport Bead! men arrested after a street fight have been dropped becalllO lhtir alleged vlcUm did not want to pniiecufe, police said today. Stanley Sunderland, 39, and Lester Cilcolle, 27. bolb ol 2ll06 W. Ocean Froot, will not be ~ oo charges ariginally made by a Huntingtm Beach man who said he wa11 beaten ouUkle 1 McFadden Squa.ie: bar. Bethel Eldridge, 34, originally told of. ficers the two mea had beaten him and flashed a knife outside the bar l.ut Wednesday night. . Police said investigation revealed that the circumstance1 of t.be cue were not as orijpnally npor1ed by Ille victim. } Marine to Fac.e Assault. ChatgfS ' . Preliminary examination bu ~been schedtiled Dec. 15 for a Camp Pendle- ton Marine arrested after a San cfe- mente atreet fight onr, a litl. It left three other Marines wounded, one seriously. · - Leon Brown, II, la btld II\ county jail in lieu of 111,000 ball, charpd wllh assault with intent to . commit murda. · Brown is alleged to havi shot brotheta Dennis and Gary Fisher and anoUler Marine. John J. Fiore, Friday with a .22' revolver after remark• were· made. .All ol Ille 1"'Wlded .are recovering. Huntington's Edison High .. .. . .• . • • . . . . . • Drug s,~ne: . . Three Views . -· .... ' ' On Pag.e 3 ... voe.. &.Ni..we.-.111Cf10M.·M.P.M11· 0 Police Tell .. L{)8 ·ANGaD «tlPO ~ lo- vestigaticn la .billlg·,.nducled •Into PQllll· bie links between 1he 'seven Tate-UBfin,. ca sl"Ylntis and tllO ·Nov. 5 ~I deaths ·of two young Church oC Scltir tology members, police sald today. The dtsclosure came u Charles Manson, the pied piper ol a hippie cult accused in the Sharon Tate-La Blanca tll).. ings was returned here Tuesday nJght for arraignment on seven murder cha(les. Manson, 35, who will a~ in cOurt • Thuraday, was lroui!ht from lnd<pen- dence, Calif., where be was htkl on auto tbeCt chafa:e. He. were fringed buckskin c)othing and moccutna. Three-other mesllben of "the ?i.tanaon family" were to be &rraigned today. "Then ill an invelllption going on into the possible liniS, ·~ 11id Police Sit. Henry Cullum. Detective Lt. Earl Deemer said the possible link was being closely in· vestigated. "Tbe overilH syndrome was present in the SclentolOgists' deaths - each kid was stabbed over-50 Ume! - and it waa: present in the Tate and LaBianca: murders," Deemer saJd. SimilariUes between the three brutal crimes ba.ve P,ysical as well as philosophical parallels. Detectives reportedly have been looking into cult!Jm, particular()' the pseudo-roligious tribe led ' by . lht long,jlaired. bearded Mamon and. apotlHr pp called "The -Proca.'.. "' '"Ibe ~,,,an anliestabUsiwnent groop· formed in London which haa been known to wonbip Satan, is .m offlh>ot of the .Qlurcb ol SdentolocY· InvesUgaton have been ttruek with parallela between its pbiJooopblM and lht occultism of M111100, who ,,., -lo ha .. dabbled in Sci"11okllll' and then . ...,. oo lo more eccentric culthm. The ~ 11\v..UCatJon, 1cc<lrdlng lo (Bee·TATE CAIE, Pap Ii e ·CCU " ea. s? 1 N. · M. · L . 'W· hi-17. ....... ,-·. ..., · ~ ~9 .. ' ,~~ .. ;. ~,. . ... ·. , :,, .. : ~~·W~~# '"' fl.~ .. ~. 1 7Ji...... . .. ; ... ~!-' I" ,. f r .... ~... c··•r ;· -. -· . . • ... I ~ . . r lt . -~'la at£a~t:·:N~·tfd;~;;~:;1'°t~~:·. . ' 'j g. .' ', . ' ' • " I •) !rj/.> > ,. " ' ' .• '1?. .. ~·v...: "itO! ~ii M~.""-1. "!·~ ~· . •· A ije;,/i!~;; :;oond Iii> Ille 1'Wn boord liod ""'81vtd ao for, Ht • .-" an,y loir·level ~ II\ the al• -.... grilul1cll flllt Ida - original Anny Investigation al lht alleged "mlg)it be r~vealf11g," lo aay -aziY m.....,,.. at My Lal, the ·board's lop wlln.., had ta.ken the !th Amendmsnt. ' civilian lawyer alid today. . Finl LI. WWJam L. Calley Jr., aocuaed Attu'ney· Robert Micerate Of · New ot the pnmedttated ~~er of IOI inen. Yott,. who 'waa appointed list wtek to womew and chUch'tm. in the massicre, sha"'wlth U. Gen. William R. Peen the !..Wied before the board ilia! week' alter a.-Jty II\ coiiducting Ille Inquiry, made being advised that he could refuae to the llltement at a newi omfert'Q'.Ct at anner qtNllltkn: in accordarX!e With the the lier ..... IleM1m"'t1n wuiiln&ton. tDiiiiuDlty at the Ith Am...._.apJnst In reply lo a q-1on, Mac<ral< alid aeH-lncriinlnatJon. . , . ' he aees "no evktence ot a whitewasl\ Besides the Ped.ISM · bl\lestiaation.ol· now" and had been told !hero would be t!le-invMtlptlon Ind tile Amrr CID'• Jn. none. He Slnoled that lie wu rofening vestl#ation ol the lnclilent, Ute llDuto only lo Ute opedal board's inVestlptJon Anned Serv1c.s Commlttee is conducting ol whether a !ielci.level lnvestigatJOn ol its awn Inquiry. Soolh· Vldilameee·civilian·dea1ho II My Cllalrman L. Mendel Riven (l>S.C.)~ _ · said Tueeday he wu not convinced, as Laa hamlet 4 on March 11, 11188, w:as ad· :President Nixon awarently is, that a equate. mauacre took place. Rivera repeate(rhls Macerate said, however, he and other position today after hearing more members of the panel, includinc: Peers, testJinony. 1 would go to Vietnam for further in. A subcommittee of Rivera• A'imed . Services C<llnmktee loday questioned vestlgaUon ol Just what happened at My CWO Hugh '111o1Jil*!ll Jr., an Army Lai. . _ heUcopter pilot who _.as aekl. to have The miasion of the Peers 1f1JUP is onJy made the tint ~. 1hat •lleged ir· ....... • -· ... •·• -r to ~ whether facla we<e aup-• regulartlles·lo<>k place M My Lal. ,bt,.Geft..w1ina....:11_.._ •• !ft'°"' -Ute Army' a crimlnal Jn. ,Yier 'l'(>Ompoon'• teetimoey at a clooed vestlgatJon dlvlaton II looking for any ""1<>11, Rlvers aid· the chopper pilot evidence of war crimes -but Maccnte · ••gave UI no lnfonnaUon. to lead us to oald hil -lll\llt lint det«mlne jolt believe thot . anyorie coounlUed a or .. 1•· . t:1u& wblt the fact& ..... .......... • My Lat." " Negroes Seize Coll.ege, Fle~ ~ Guard Called AKRON, Ohio (UPI) -A balld al blick ofllces Jnjfde Ille building "lor !afety'1 atudents Mlzed t ii e ldnilniatratton aalte." - bulldlq· at Akron Stale Unlvenlty tbday Al;thur llritnall, vice president 161' . . ••• ' -........ ":"....-. I 1JOo1r lao a few *°P'«"111n· to-J l ·nlgbt •• followed by_, ollirini akl<tt llmnda,y wlth, temperat..,.. llin •. 'mired in the . low, \l\I'!. along thl . (_.. coast. . • ~ , " • .. .. ; INSmE · TODJ\ Y 'Weird' Classes Charged but n.I when !hey -Gov. Jama academic allatn, llld about 15 studenta A: llhodu bad mobtlhed fbe National were II\ lht building and aoolher 40 on lht front steps. , 'Guard. "There """ aome obola •hen Iller The atudenla Id! Ille buidllnl with fir.at ~,ID the~ll""',;'·llgb)&,U'sald. : heada s11 ,._ "l heai'd ·-·. ....wormaubn •1 '. "Weird Incidents" are ocl'Urring in an Edim High School Sngllsh literature class, a Hllntingt.on Beach resident char&ed before the Huntington Beach Uni<NI Hlgh flchool DiRrict board ol tnist.an-.,. Joe .F..,.., a member ol the recenUy. orpnbed . Voi<e ol Ille Electorate R>g&lllln& lichOol. (V171'ERS) alleged tludenta 'hid ~ 'itven ''body ~w.......," U'llllinl· '1te said on Dee. ( bo)'s and girll were pa ired by sf:xes in the classroom, told to link h1nqs and asked to emote-about their ree1ma1 for an· entire-period while the lighl& ••• lurood .a. I \ "ls this why we 're buildiJll tehools without windows?" he asked. "'ntis ·is something weird." Information about this practice reached Ferm's organiz.ation through t w o telephone compllinta from panoita who had childm1 In the en, he said. Fmn lurther charged !hat Ute Am• teacher, whose name.he did not dtlclole. devoted two weeka of clau time to the death rumor llUrTOUlldlng Bealle Paul McCartney. "The teacher seems to be disinterested th using texlbooks," Ferm told reporters before th~ meeUng:"""lf this Is tran!plrlng in English literature cla S!les, what is "'arwpirinl in aocial~prycbok>o? .. District Supecinteodent Mar F<>m<y In· vited..Fmn to write down the chargea in a formal ~ so '\,hat the ibci4tn\ ma)' be investiWed m1.d transmitted to the board for pOaibie acilon. Truatee Jooeph Ribai , however, aaid he approved of eenaiUvity tratnln1 situations in the clawoom if they have aome relevance lo the subjec! beb\1 ·taQlhl. "Maybe English Ut..-ature -deal with human emotions, and maybe thla teacher thoutht the beat way to teach ~m is through UUs met.hod." he said .. "We need to provide student,.; with 11kilts In ffiterperaonarcommunlc11Uon1 and aoclal Intimacy. These klnd1 ol 1kill1 _.. vtr,~1n-lcMa,uoo-'"'--- coats pulled • .-.er their ou-,. had'.,..,·~bl .,..1 ,~,1·1oiowl<ir'' "no pt~"-, -plcturn." "4.a.. had oc-.,~, 11n:ns ~· .... cupi"!l;i;_";.O;l!J lor about·;;:._ houri. B~~ :io:Mti. ~~ :· ' i,;,,. « Rhodeiaald the tala!over riilil "not ht ~;:toiriiPI !if 10.~~ th\ii'e ' ' lolerai.ii by th~·adniwstraUoa."·LoCaf wu "gul!e.a bll ol tilrtnllOtlol\;' ID if!e poUce and • obOU1 to Ohio • HJcblf&J bulldlJie. • , · , , · Pi~,..... dfapotcbed lo lht llCOlle. "There·-to be a ~rtaln·a ' One administrator llld he l/(anl lhree ol destnl<!tlon oWlde,. lht::'olllce.'; 'laid' llloll fired "hen lht membtn . ol lht !lriinall, "i!UU have.m ~loo lo ~line ' Black' Sllldenla Union enltrtd the lhty mun ally l>Odlb'· hinn. I' am. .... __ ... . .. building. """~· ...... • •. The takeover followed expiration ol a Among !ht' demondi'aub!pllled by Ille deadline for an • anrwer from the ad-bla~k student.a w11 • call for complete mlnlstraUon to a set of demands sub-contro1 of the black studies program, In. milted by the Black Student Qnlot1.-eluding selee11\ll. of RJ'OfessorsL_. ind ----m,rma11 A"ubum, u/ilversttr j>rc.!!Tdent~ 11e'j)aratt llvjn* qu1rter1 for b1a..!~, and and •bout 20 olller tnembers or the ad· whites. ministration lock<d lhemaelv" II\ lhelr The un1 .. 1atty rojected lloth deml!ldt. · : ' i • ' • I ·---· ' ' " f I ... \ I DAILY Pl~OT s W<dftts<ioY, llmmbot 10, 196~. .'FDA · C_hief tLey :· Rep()~ted Fired j . . . -: . ~m Wife S.~1 ' " . '.• ·!WASHINGTON -Dr. Herbert L. Ley Jr. bu been fired as l><ad of the food •ad dQIC lldnlhils!ration.. lL W"l.Jearned to-• dtY· The Department of Health, Educa- t.ijn and Welfare would not comment ·on tJ,: report, but indicated there would be ad aMouncemenl later about the Food ~ Drug Administration, w h i c h rfpi}ates which foods and drugs may be sqld to U>e public. The FDA is an arm of 'eW Secr<taey. Robert H. Finch wu ..J;;i to 6e dWatisfied.Wlth some recent. a#JOns Of I.he FDA including itS handling ol the cyclamates Case. Cyclamates, used :E. ditt foods and drinks, were recenUy ered, .bl.nneid from use_ Oll grounds showed Jarae .amouota could cause ....., In tall: · · Goddard, who ~· . Ley will be rep\ACed by Di. C!wl1i C. Edwards, a surg"91'l turned rpanage~n\ ~pert in medical affairs. 'Ila chonge lo the firat step In· • - rangl111 lhokeup planned for the FDA by Finch. . At least five other top FDA officials will also be fired, sources said." The agency has been criticized by the industry for alleged foot-drafting on ap- proval of new dJ:ugs and medical pro.' ducts : by ~nsumer pro~on advocates for .alla:ed lax eJlfprcement of salety laws; . anc!' by Flndl for alleged In· declsiveneu on such issues as the health threat of the artificial sweetener, cyclamate, .. J(Ulney :'Fra·n:SpJ!int Awaited j • ~ ' ~ • Mn. Cara.Ramey,-wife ot Kunlllilton Beach postal employe-Monte Ramey1 is home and resting today while. Orange County Medical Center officials seek a kidney doDm", for her. , Mn. Ramey spent ·two months at tht medical center undergoini treatme,it for severe · kidney problems caused by diabetes. Doctors have·deterrttined that &he will need a kidney transplant. Ramey's fellow, J)08t81 workers, noting the heavy medical exfieiises, ·formed I.he "Ramey Fund" and gathered 1110re than $L200 to belp pay hla ·e%J)enses. ·· Doctors .ire cufrefitl~ 8c;flniri1stei1ng hemodialYSJs to Mrs. Ratney-three Umes per "'eek, five hours eaCh time". 'This 1s a mechanical system to purify Mrs. Ramey's blood and function in place of her damaged kidney. ~y bu been FDA commlS&ioner sinc9 ntjd-1168 when he succeeded Dr. Jam .. Edwa.rd.S, 48, "'" brought -into the ,Ovemn,ent ~t ~Qlllh as.an -~latant to · Dr. Roger 0. Egeberg, assistant HEW secretary for health and scientific af. falr.s.: CULT LEADER CHARLES MANSON SURROUNDED BV NEWSMEN ON ARRIVAL AT LOS ANGELES JAIL Peter .Barazsu·, chairman of' the "Ramey Fund" r~PQrts that I.he Rameys have applied for 'financial aid through a state mediCal11 se"rvice and further con- tributions wtin't be requested tmtll the ilatus of state aid is determined. ~ .. ::\. ... . . . Police ·s..kln9 to Tie Roving Hippl• Band With Oth•r Murd•r• in Ciil,~ri'll• - Girls Pulled From School From Page l i' Enrolled in Garden Grove TATE CASE. • • Man Fights Death-Barazsu also said Mrs. Ramey was bel[i« chau~feur~ _to Orange County MOOfcal . Center by:' members· Of :''The Jnlanders" group of the Fountain !alley Methodist Church. Deemer. encompasses lhe three crimes, but' authorities were reportedly looking into links to two other unsolved slaylngs, termed senseless, in the toe·. Angeles area Since the beginning of the Year. Lay in Orange Grov~ Six· Days--''Things have stabilized somewhat for the Rameys," said Barazsu, "and now it's a matter of 'Waitiilg for a kidney . "he ~ of two -lluntln&ton !leach gils ended a month tong struggle' with FlmWD Valley High. School outho<iUeo. • ciJerk St John Predicts 11.8% • t ot~r Increase over allea:ed drug abuse Tuesday by enrolling them in another school in a dif· terent tcbooi distrlct. : Mrs. Paul Aleridge, 16842 Ross Lane, 1aald.har daughters Kathleen, 17, and Can- dace, 15, are currently living with friends Jn Garden Grove M that they may attend Bolsa Grande High School. ."We havt put our house up for sale and will move there also as soon as we can," &he added. The Aleridge1 pulled their daughter• from FOl!n!.ain Valley High School Oct. SI, Ctiarglng that narcotics and drug use : ange County· Clerk William st .. John abounded on c-.mPQS and that they did ounced today .that he .expects an 11.a· n<>t want their children attending such an nt increase in . registered voters in institution. Otange County by the close of voter For a time they faced serious legal rt!gistration on April 9, J970. co~quences since the law provides that :St John reported an expected 15.4 per· children must attend school until they are cejit growth (or 32,283 voters), in 18 years old or graduate from high ~~istrations for the Democratic party. school. TJi-5, he said was due to tv»o causes: Charges filed agaiplt them Monday at +-The Democratic party " lost more We~ Orl\flg~ County Municipal Court for rettstrations due to voters who did not failure ·to keep their children In achoo! The bodltl o! 'James Sharp, 15 •nd Doreen Gaul, 19, both recent teiidents of the Los Angeles area, were fO\Jnd in an alley Nov. s: The young Scientologlsts had been repeatedly stabbed. Deemer noted the se similarities: -~fiss Gaul and Sharp lived about l"A'O miles afrom where wealthy grocer Leno LaBlanca and his wile were stabbed to' death Aug. 10. -The seven Tate-La Bianiza slayinp and the stabbing deaths uf the yamg ·man and woman were apparently without moUve. · -All but one of the seven victims: tn · August were stabbed as were Miss Gaul and Sharp. Deemer said investigatots: also were checkJng into _a possible ·nnk between the 1.fanson group and the death Jan.· 1 of Marin Habe, 17, daughter of screenwriter Hans Habe. Her body was found on a bnlsh-<ovend olope In the Hollywood !Ulls. She had been stabbed. •ote In the 1168 General Election, hence "111 be mopped. the District Attorney's #ir buildup, will be more intensive ~an J. OfJJce .indi~ted. ~other parties · . E..-PF m the .dispute the Alerldge' F G D I gates ~The l>emocr~Is undoubtedly will run petitioned the Garden Gro" Unified arm roup e e .. ' • ~arle\y of candidates for all partisan School District for <n\ron~e il)lo Bolsa Re. eel Cotton Appeal ){#fees in tht primary ahd so develop Grande ~h School ~t were denied th&, J . .. , Doctors at Orange County M_edlcal Center today still listed . as critical the condition of a Buena Park maµ who ap- parently · laid down Jn · a Yorba Linda orange grove and didn't move for six days. The man, Danie! Harrison Kent, of 7152 Stanton Ave.,· was found in the grove Saturday . by Orange County deputy sheriff1. His rescuers described him at the time as "not dead, but nearly so." Kent has been placed ,in the intensive care unit at the hospital where doctors say be ii suffering from a lung ailment and lack of pulse in hls 'loWer left leg. DoCtOrs said Kerit' had' lain in' the same ·pOsitiori "for at least three or four days, perhaps six." They said his body was covered with open wounds. but a~ded there 'were no indications of foul play, nor any apparent rh~ical reason for Kent's action. · Kent Was released for a weekend llass from the VA hospital in Long Beach NOv. 30. He left· hl s bame that day tO buy a r-ack of ~garettes but did not return: On Dec. Sl{ent's wife reported her hus· ~ fllisSJng to tfle ~u~na . P3:f~ po!iCe. The same day. deputy.' sheriffs found the pickup truck Kent had bee1l driving ' on . e Plftll.8Wltchin~:, ,., ,. • .... ... .-.JlerJlltlollrtllolzi<llllansfONior>driol .. tho Al)lerlcan.F""1! ~firlal\ Fe<(ei'.iton · DMV'' Chief':·Nanrell · ·. E. ater ln·portY lntemt and lead lo request •Ince school_ district Polley does ' WASHINGTON (UPIJ -.lleletiles lo; ~IY Clerk ~o.d ~~·¥ot~ ... n:~, .. , , . , ' '•'-~-. (AFQ~) ·~•11!~·.i!d"Y r<J~-a -' 1 g for •the JleiiubBcon pony. 't'U """'" Mn. Aler!da< said llhe· ,..,.. l6utllern appfal tor · domi\romlR and .. · ~-~cent or 2f 545 votes for tlle America~ that her action uw1n stir up liOITlethlng'' decided to reend ors:e their demand for ~ACRAMEt-ITO (~1) , ,..,. nubert C. lqllepeodent Partx.at '13.f perftDt or 770 ~~ring aboul_a reduction of drug use on a phase-out of l?vemment ~trtl~ and '·eozens, a San Diego County !UJ>eTVisor, vrJ:en, .fnd fOr tJit Peace aJid Freedom· clijlpuses.. ·' _ ~ r : subsidies on ma}Ol' crops. • · ~ ;r • was named director of tht state Depart~ e'1>' _ -~. S:Q.6 pirce~~ _or 4~ voters. !JQte said. ~ ~ent 1n~i·narc.~c~ . iSou&hernera, Jeq by lt¥o~ F. ~n-. : ment of Motor Vehicles Tue$day b)' Gov. ~.~ volerl would hr ~ps are~too~ted In c1:111n1 people dorf, pl'esldent .of th~ .Y~.!1sas f~m-, , cteue by 13.I ~rcen! or 13,10, voters: ht< abadf uo!nr,drup. "I don't wanl lo_ "Jlureau, ,asked the AFBf' QAUon~. con-Ronald Reagan. ' added. · core but trtnt·;to p:t at the cause,"'1he venUon to adopt a ·resohitlon' ,;.~king CozenS, 00. a ·Republican, succeeds said. "That way you get the. whole cotton off tht list of crops to be covered OMV Direct!!!' Verne ·· Orr, who was bundle." by the AFBF "phase-out" proposal. rectntly ai>Polntect director of gen.era! South Vietnam's . 1" orces Increase College Dropouts Seen . . ' . ~ tAJGON · (AP) -The Scuth Viei-ilafnese government announced today ~t its armed fm:es hav!! increased by aljo\lt 18,000 men.·duriog, the past six ~. a faeta presumably In the third wihdrrnl of American troops President Ntmn wi1( announce .later .this trionth. As Draft Lottery Result 87 JEROME F. COLLINS ol 1M 0•111 Plltt lflft :Il>e l\)l'ernment aald Ila forcea Iola! a\JOUt. t;OI0,000 mt.n under anns, Com• The di'aft lottery system will soon ease (>4h!d'to about t,002,000 six months ago. the cnish in college, a U.S. Department ;A spotetrnan gave this approximate of Labor spokesman predicted Monday in bieakc19wn.:, anny 37-4,000: navy 28,000; Newport Beach. f aif force 32,000; marines 11,000; regional Jerome Rosow, assistant &ceretary o · ooo __..,,,.,,. f 178 ooo labor for policy and research, told rorces 252• ; r.r.....,.. . or~es · ' ·: newsmen at a National Association of paramilitary forees including riatlonal h pOlice, civilian irregulars and revolu-?-.!anufacturers conference at t • " d ~-~ ( if! ti ) d • Ne,vporter Jnn: • . tlonary eveivyn!QA . pac ca on ca re, "Our educaUonal system has· made it 11f:000· unattractive !or people to work with their DAILY PILOT .............. lluta ....... &.,........ ,....,~ --CAUfOIMtA 1 OL\HOI COUt ~ltll!tNO COMN.NY ! l•\.fff N, W••' ' J•c• l. C.tl.., Ya ~I -~ .. MiNtft ti.-•• ••tvll . ..... hands. 1 think with the 'draft lottery system, you're going to find a lot or dropouts from · college ~ ·grad?ate schools." The dropouts. he indicated, would get jobs, including some that involve working with thelr hands. .-Rosow explained that many young men bave been attending college "as a refuge from military responsibility.'' With the draft lottery. he implied, such a ·•refuge" will no longer be needed. T~e men will know before th ey are too 111-- volved in college whether they are dra!l· bail of the labor force has slowed down In re- cent months. "There are these things that are taking hold," he !aid .. "But they have been partly counteracted by increases in the servke industries." Rosow admitted, however. that If the major industries are compelled to layoff~ thousands of workers , the service in- dustries In turn would be affected. 'The unemployment, he sai d, ts a necessary part of "disinflation." "There· is a link between unemployment and in· flatlon. To shy there is none would be specious ... But this admlniSti'at.lon dcie's not want to Sft a high level of unemploy· ment as a way to stabilize prlces. If there is a sharp rise in unemployment. we will be respon~lve to that and seek the funds. to deal with it." Doctors Fighting To Save Sigl1t Of Crash Victim : services. He will take over Ute $30,000-a· year DMV po6\ nee. 211. .. . ~·,' ··.;· .~ .. · ~ Imperial HigQway near Eureka Avenue In ~"Yorbfl;inda area Whin she. reCelved mailed riotiCe that her husband 's. vehlcle had been im· pouOOed, Mrs'. ·Kent also filed a missing pei:sons report with the Orange County Sheriff's office. Property Taxes ' . ' . . Deadline TOday · Orange County Tax Collector Don S. Mozley reminded homeowners that today is the deadline for~first haJf inst.aliments on 1969·70 property ta'xes. Mozley said mailed paymenls v.·ill be accepted \vithoul penalty if they are postmarked by midnight tonight. Over the counter payments must be made by 5 p.rn. when the eounty office closes, he said. Tax payments not made before the . deadline will be assessed a penally charge of .ai1·peroent of the installmtnL · ·1,dozley ·said collections through ·Tue~ day totalled $80,167~087.19. ·"Our overall collection should• ~n losSS • transP.lant." .., .. Fireman -Still Listed Serious N~por.t Bcacl! Fire Department ~t· ta.li{)n Chief Ph.it Hayden rfmained in seriota cosldition in H'oag Memorial Hospital's intensiv~ care unit' today, but was showing improvement from his auto crash injuries, aides said. · Meanwhile, Costa Mesa police are eOm• pleting . investigation leading to the seek· ing of a complaint again.st,the 24-year-old ('.osta Mesa housewife< ·who allegedly caused the crash which hurt the veteran firema n Monday alteriioon. Police said they would probably seek felony hit-run charges agalnst Mrs. Caroline Southwick Horowitz, 25, of 1337 Conway street. She. tumed ~1,f in about 1 ~s hours after the NeWwrt_ Boµlevanl crash aJ:Jd said she was the driver of the car which jumped a center divider <Uld Jtit Hayden's cqr. The . woman apegedly dr.ove alvciy three minutes jftet the crash. percent this year," he said. "W.,;co.'•beut· B' ~th' 'rt.a.-··'· --s· r -i on a parity with ,Ja9f. year:: It kip~ irtal,__ u }\..l.ll lll.Ut'.it· ~ good.~· -· ;· . ' ·-; ·; ' '-" Say in Capitol Work Degas . l'ainting Sold LONDON (AP) ~ A pafnling oJ ihree ballet dancers by the: F r·e n c h lmpres~ionist Degas was sold (or $283,000 at Sot.heby's aUction house today. Another Degas painting sho\\·ing a single dancer holding a fan sr,d f~ $168,bXl. . . • ;, t_ WASHINGTON (API -House-Senate conferees have worked out. a compromise that would accept the plans of both chambers for fiXing the Capitol's crwh&l· ing "'est "front. The compromise puts off until next year a fin al selection of separate plans for the front. 't I I ) Til•111•• A.. M1,,lrii1tt ~, ... --~ .... l »II ........ '""'t ..,_. -..or.: "" ..... , hlllM ........ i.--..U.: nt ............ _ """' ......... ~: -Jiii lll'Wt An anticipated aharp decline in the perct:!ntage of teenagers in the nation's population should f\U'thcr ease pressures '<ln the edueaUOna:J system, Rosow in-Doctors at Hoag Memorial Hospl\al art dicnted. , • fighting to save the sight of a &ev~rely in- "ln Ule decade of the sos, 1 he sajd, jured Santa Apa man who drove his car "teenagets made up 41 ~rcenl of our into.a huge concrete pipe before midnJght 0 , OMEGA 1-button, '"°''I SO•eOf1'111ier wrltl t11mo~1tr, M•11ur11 t!•~sPd , inttr~tls o! lto~r1. m\11ut11 1nd &ttO"dt, SttlMtll .itel Ct •• IOl!I\ mlltlli~~ llfl'9ltl, W•ltr f11l11•M .•• ,.,·., •• ,51~5. i .. ' populaUon. In the 70s, that percentage Tuesday in a Newport ijeach conslruction .will be ll perc<11l The problem in the eos project. - llM been how to absorb them aH. 1n the Buck Jamt3. 44, of 522 S. Bro"9way, 7oS, it will be different. , Sant.a Ana, 'uffered l'flassive eye and · • "ll inA¥ .bo.-J!OS!ib(• ·1o ."!'lrect .our heall .inJurl ... lrl tho ·11;46 l'f~e•I J-educa!ltitlll.<~ lo )'Ollll(<". l""f'le, boree anc! San Joaquin Hills roAoo. and gel awl) from tQo much e~ on Police said James drove through' ihe _in- graduate education. Maybe tt can get tersectlon after approacbing tt from fan • awlQI !ton\. t!Ja ~ltRl o!..)'oung .-1~ Joaquin Hills and · hit the JCllll'·foot· . tcmlllllinl ""1'!•nla .nui'lhqy,ore maluni di-•r, <lfiht·fool-Joni drain pipe ' ·adull.1, in thtilt 30s." N!!:tlng on a tonstruction site. - · Among other o~aUons made by 1'1le lnan's fi:i:ce was !Ma,ped in\o llle '" Ro.low at tlie hoUr·1ong Pt'-" conret•ncc . sleeiing whee and windshl•ld In the CON~RE~~ENT AU N.A,.S.A. astronauts, since the apace program began. have worn Omega 'natches on theirwri&I$. Ordinary, every day jewelry store Omega Speedm asler chronographs. The kind anyone can buy. Every Omega, whether for an astronaut or conven tional wear, is made to !he mo't exac;ting standards lo assure utmost depcndabiltty. We're proud to be an authorized Omega dealer because they make lhe bes! wal oties in t'11s world, or "")'·Other. -... wu hls concedtna'thtl the nation iates a · h~a?' impact. . _ : T . pariod of billbcr ull(mplo)'ITl'Jll,, ~·m~ WU taken t<rHOlllrTl!m'e-"doc--' -B;l;fll(A!fR'IC;l;R · lit · ,.Id the· lllllatlcol lnd!Cftol• .,. toJS lnn!)ediately lried to tepalr his bldly -. C. .J/um ~rie 3 n YEARS 'SAME 'LOCATION PRONE 548-1401 already fficre . · d.'.lm8!'.ed eyes. ~Overt.One .how'• ln-lndustey au:.droft He remained under intensive care and MASTER CHARGE I 8ll N'EWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA ping, tht total number of hour& worked In serious condiUon th t 1 mom- by employea ii clroppln& aod the~ lnr. , ''------------------------------------' ,, I I • I I I I • • • -~ ,--.-.-------.----;----F -;---:-•:-;-... ;-;,...,'""':;;:"' "''"""'"· -.-.-.-.---:--;--i't-eo;i:ii'j::;:-.,-·c. -=--=-:..,..,.. ........... ..,. ..... _... -."'----~,....,..---------~--,-----------:-~...-... . . . VO!i.-•2, NO •. 295, 4 SECTIONS, 68· PAGES . '. . ORANGE ·cout-ITT, CALIFORNIA TEN CENTS . . . . , l(opechne Autopsy · Nixed J(e nnedy 'Grawful' Over Ruling U"I T .......... MARY J O'S PARENTS RELIEVEO AT Nl!WS Joseph, Gwen Kopechne Aftei= Decision Girls Pulled From School Enrolled in Garden Grove .. : The parenll of two HWllington Beach l\rll fRied a month long struggle with P..ma.in Valley High School authorities ov.-. -alleged drug abuse Tuesday by BeticJ!. _!f:11ntill$. For More Yute Contest, En'tries ;\ . . Mott·entries are .needed in Hllntinglnn Beach's annual Christmas decorating fC11Wt, ~leads chaimlan Carole Wall. · OObbed "ChriJtm1u1·City" this year the contest offers 38 trophies in 10 categories. The deB<jllne for entering has been ex- te!Ddtd to Friday, Mrs. Wall said. Those wiShing to enlel' their home or business deConUons may can the Chamber of Commerce, 962-6661 or Mrs. WaJI, 962-WIS. , . '1'1'!. contest is sponsored by the city IJ1d··cqnctacted by the Women'1 Division al Jh<.clwnber. Categories open include best outdoor Chrilim.s theme (lwo grand trophies), ~outdoor childrens fantasy {two grand tnpnes), best ouldoor religlOUJ displa)'., best outdoor tree. / B¢ mobile home display, best in&or tree visible from slreel. ti .e a: t display visible from street, •be st nl!iahborhood group. best merchants Ydn- riow. best commercial. school or civic display. Ma yor Limited To 2-year Term The Mayor " Fountain Valley will be elected to a two-year term by his fellow dly councihnen and will not be allowed to succeed himself isl otfice. The ctty CQUllCil 'l'Ueld1l1 approved that format for future offJce holders and alffi!d ·that the offic~ or vice mayor, now to be called mayor pro tan, will follow the same restrictions. The council considered several formal! bl!fore selecting the two-year system. Mayor Pro Tern John Harper first sug· , gested a one year rotation_, but the codn· cil ultimately voted unanimowly for t"o years. enrolling them in another school in a dif· ferent school district Mrs. Paul Ale.ridge, 1684Z Ross Lane, said her daughten Kathleen. 17. ai:ia Can- dace, IS. are currently living With frierids in Garden Grove so that they maY attend !lo~ Grande Iii&!>. ~I. "We ha:ve put'-Ofu. house up for sale and will move there also as sOon as we caa ," ~-· • The Aleridges pull~ their: ~ughters from ·FOlµltain Vall~y·High ScOOol Oct. 31, charging that narcoti<;:s and drug use abounded on campus and that they did not wabt their children attenmn, auch an ·Wtitwtion. For a . time they faced serious 'legal conseqilences Since the law provides that chikfren must attend school until they are 11 years old or graduate from high achooL Charges filed ·against them Afonday at West Orange County Mdnicipal Court for failure to keep their c;hlldren in school will be dropped, the District Attorney 's .Office indicated. Earner in the dispute the· Aleridges petitioned the Garden Grove Unified SchOOI ·District ·for entrance into Bolsa Grande High School but were denied the req~st sm,s.e 91:;!:>ool district policy do.es not perm1t 1nterdiatrict trwfers for drug reuons .. Tnday, Mrs. Aleridge said she hopes that her action "will stir up .something" lo bring about a reduction of drug use on campuses. She said that current anll·narcolics groups .are too interested in curing people already using drugs. "f don't want to cure but want tci' get at the cause," she .said. ''That way you get the1 whole bunclJe,'' Flooding Gone in 5eal Beach Braced ror the possibility of recur· rent flooding, Seal Beach area ruidenta: thla morning found only puddles rather than a deluge along thtlr waterfront. Police said the high tlde peaked out at a:• a.m. but caused only "a wee bll or n<>Oding, mosUy on tht west end oC the Surfskle area." Qity Workmen meanwhile bad con· !jntcted a 12 to 15-foot high dirt dike atone the beacll to prevent the high water-from reachln& ocean front honies. .. WILKES·BARRE. Pa. <UPll -A county judge today refpsed a request from Massachusetts authorities for an autopsy on the body of Mary Jo Kopechne, who died last summer whe'n an auto drivf.n by Sen. Edward M. Keir nedy plunged into a tidal pond. Judge Bernard J . Brominski of Luzerne County said there Yt'as nothing to indlcite Miss Kopechne, 28, a secretary and Ken- nedy family campaign worker, dlJd by "other than asphyxiation by immersion ." Kennedy said in \\'ashington, "l reatlze ho\v much this decision means to lhe Kopechne family. It increase! their peace of mind aod I am grale£ul for that. ''ll is now my hope that U1e author ities in Massachu setts \viii move forward so thal 'Lhe entire matter can be concluded as soon as.possible." The judge, noting the request for the autopsy hiid referred to blood on the vie· tim's blouse and in her moUth and nose, said "lhe only positive testimony ali to Police Check Cult's Links To 2 Slayings LOS ANGELES (UPI) -An In· vesligation is beinR conducted into Possi· ble links between the seven Tate-LaBian· ca slayings and the Nov. i stabbi"n1 deaths ol two ,YO\mC C,hurcb of lk:itu· toldgy members, Police said fOdaY.' ,~ "' The disclosure came as Charita h1anson. the pied pjper of a . hippie CIJlt .accused in the Sharoa Tate-La. Bjanca k!ll· jngs waa relumed here Tuesday nJgflt for arrailnmer4 on seven murder charg19. MansOn,\.35, who wiH appear In court Thursday, was brought from lndepen· dence, Calif., where he was held on auto theft charge. He wore fringed buck.skin clothing and moceasins. 1ilf'ee other members of "the Manson family " were to be arraigned today. "There is an investigation going on irlto the possible links,'' said Police SJl Henry Odium. Detective Lt. Earl Deemer aald the possible link was being closely in-- vestlgaled. "The overkill syndrome was present in the Scientologist.s' deathg: .- each kid was stabbed over SO times - ahd it ~·as present in the Tate and La Bianca murders." Deemer said. Similarities between the three brutal crimes have physical as well as philosophical parallel!. D e t e c t i v e s reportedly have been looking into cultism, par1icularly the pseudo-religious tribe led by the long-haired. bearded Manson and another group called "The Process." "The Process,'! an antiestab\J shment group formed in .London wh ich has been known to worShip Satan, is an offshoot of the Church of Scientology. Investigators have been struck with parallels between fl! philosophies and the occuHism of Mall.90n, wl>o was known to have dabbled in Scif'fltology and then gone on to more eccentric cuhlsm. The present investigation, according to Deemer, erJ1:.Unpas1es the three crimes, but authorities were reportedly looking in\O linkl to two other unsolved slayings, termed aenaeleas, in the Los Angeles area since the beginning Of tM year. · The bodies ol James Sharp, 15 and Doreen Gaul, 19, both recent residents or the Los Angeles are.a , were found in an alley Nov. 5. The young Scientologists had been repeatedly stabbed. Deemer noted these similarities: -Miss Gaul and Sharp lived about two mlles afrom where wealthy grocer Leno (See TATE .CASE, Pace%) Huntington'• Ediso1a High these was that this evidence was wholely cons!Ste:nt with' death by drowning"" The accident occurred July 11 on Chap- paquiddick Island, Mass •. ·In a tt-Paa:e opinion; Bromimkl said lestlmooy at a fwc>day hearing here h,.t October noted discrepancies in Seu. Ken- nedy's televised account and a pallce report of the accident. He said these "do not alter the detenninaUon of the cause ol death." The girl's pannt.s, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kopechne of Berkeley Heights, N.J., had fought the autopsy request. They told .a ne\1's conrerence after Brominsld's ruling they y,·ere "very pleased by ' the decision." P.1rs. Kopechne, speakin& in a low voice, said "I'll come up hert very often to see my ~!ll,lghter. I couJ!1 never havt; gone 'to that cemetery (at ·nearby Larksville ) if I knew it had been disturb- ed. I'll be back." Kopechne: said the fact that an inqu~st will b< held In M"'64Chu..U. lnlo the de•th ol his daurlller, an only child, "does not. dist~ us. We a.re "1aitin& pa. flently for the Inquest." Joseph'Flanagari, the·parents' attorney, said he was negotiating with an insurance company, which he declined 'to identify. concerning the possibility · of filing a "wrongful death action civil suit" tor the family's loss. ln Massachusetts, Edgartown Police Chief Dominic J. Arena, who lnvtsU11ted the acddent, Slid 1•1 can't realty uy that I'm surprised" by the ruling. He said he felt the judge In Edgartown was "ant· lous" to complete an Inquest as IOOn as possible. . Brominsld's ruling, which climaxed a 17-week legal f1gflt over the autopsy pro- posed by MassaChusetts District Attorney Edmund S. Dinis, said' "It Is the con· chision of this court that the· fact.. presented herein are insufficient to sup. pert a findi?ll of the cause of death of l,lacy Jo I\~ _other than asph)"- iatioo by an immenloD.'' Two Groups .Formed Industry Development . Set by Valley Council Board Hesitant Oi,i City Joint Power Proposal A s~uestion by Huiitlllgton Beach mayor Jack Greta that the new city hall and HUli!lrigfun Beach Union High i;coool District offices could be coinbJ~. received uncertain comment from school tru.mes Tuesday. "In my own judgment: l ~ould wonder If this is the proper thing to do, to enter a joint powers agreement with the city. We seem to have enough pi:oblems of our . own." sald board President Matthew \\'eyuku. His statement was echoed by Trustee Ralph Bauer who said the district could get entangled V!ith the dty ~er a variety of technical problems, includ1ng the loca· lion oC the building. Green'• augges;Uon lifted that a con. side:rable financial .savip15 ooukl result to both the city and the district if the two admbUstraUve complexes could be com· bined tnto one. He ulled that the district join the clly , in a study 1t11ioft Jan, 15 ao as not to bin· der prop-us ol a preliminary design. '!be hll!ll school district !r\lltees, however, said the allowed time span waa too short to explore 811 the ramific~UOM of &Uch an undertaking. They wtll ask the mayor for an flt· tension unUI mid-February to give the district staff ample opportunity to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the proposal. plan ror -4ev~ tarp. eqU11trla11 .. ~1 .. .!,"'. '°"!~ hll!' ~'1' !J!lrn~• .. ~ .. ··-·· .,_ ----·· trlns near 'theDrillrJi'='" 'T:i7~~'.,f-'(~j~._( But ·lite other four 'eotmclhheri ~ 111at ·it ... time 1<r t1oo city .. 1ai.1. 111111 '44llld for indwtrlll elev~~· M'ted Harper's request thatjh. I cunmllleo study al1Vt-leilll fl· ~veldplnent ahil · ·, r~. decl~inf .. ti)< ~· In-tetlllall to push induatrill development. Tben,f in e'xecutive HAkln, tbe oxmcU lWnmerid out 111e· dtWb . of the In- dlJ!l'ial committee.· It _wu agreed that administrative usl1~ts Jim Hollywood and Bill Hintze would devote half their "°rting time to organizing a program for industrial pro. motion. The council also authoriied the hlrin1· of· an administrative intern to fill in for.Hollywood and HJntae in normal ci-- ty functlans. The staff committee wu establlihed to five the two YOW'J@:tt men guidance and to work In direct nqoUation with iJi.. d11sti1a!.devtlopm.,.t. · · · N'~ .to it were .Howard Stephens, firit~ dltector; &tan Mansfield, plan· ning director : Marv Haglund, public work.! director; and Thomas Woodruff, city attorney. City Manager Jim Neal ~·ill be in charge of the committee. To spur ciUzen ·participation a nine· member advisory c o-m m i t le e was also Rt up. Individuals were not n3.fl')ed to it. but the folloWing "types" were suggested : a property owner from the proposed industrial area, a busi.Mssman from the industrial area, an attorney, a banker. an industrial developer, and rtpretentaUvar ti. ·the three utilities. CO\lnCUmen hope the induslrial com- mittee action will bring results in the slow·movi!JI 415 acres area. 0 It's 'tinie we .!tOpw)ed passing the buck and started helping that area develop," aaid Mayor ·Juat, one of the strong su~ portm ol the committee Idea. ' Valley to Buy Water System The Southern California Water System, servin& Juarez Colony In Fountain Valley. will be bought by the cily !or al!oot IIS.000. The new ordina~ was aJso. worded to allow a. man filling an tmetpired tenn of :1 praVious mayor to be eleetei:I for a ffill two years. This instance applies to Mayor Edward Just who is tiUing the unexpired Lum ol .Robel1 Scti\\o·erdtfeger. Tr af fic, Power Snarled by Crash 'W e.ird' Clas.ses Charged 7be ~Ity councU TUetilay .night •P- prOvea the' Jigrchase followina an ex· planaUon by publtc works director Mary Haclund that the .land Involved would be vJlulble for a· new waler wtll site. 1be city a1IO plans to Oevelop a small tol play lol an the mr. portion of the pro- perty · 1n· the JUll'ft Coloo!J. Traffic was blocked bolh directions on • Valencia Avenue 1 and power "'·as $.hut d°"'TI Tuesday in Olinda after a portable l'\il derrick b«lme entangled in a.power tint. CaWornla Highway Patrol otficers Wei the dtrrielc was' On a truck which was tutniilr )elt.off Va~la ni!ar Carbon ca,... yon Road, when It struck the power pale and becante-'«ltancled in thl wires at 2. p.m. Tralllc al!d power were rdtor<d ·by 4 p.m. There wert no injwies reporltd. Of. ficm IOid. 1'Weinf fnciderrU'" are occurrin&;ln 1tn Edioon , Hip ~ English Ut<faturo clas11, ·a ·Huntington ~Beach re!U<leol charged bcRn. ·the Huntington Beach Union Hip. ~ Diltricl board ol llUStOes~· Joe .Ferm, a member of the recently. organized Voice ol the Electorate Regarding Schools (VO)'ERS ) all•gcd, at00ents had been glVtn •·• b 0 d y awareness" ttaintnJ. He said on..Dec. 4·boys and girls were 1>1ired by sexes in the classroom. told to link hands and asked to emote about lhetr fttllnp for an entire period while lhe ligbb were turned oil. ' !' 11J5 this why we're building ~s without windows?" he asked. 1'Thi1 is something weird." Information about this practice reached P'crm's . organ_i,Jatjon Uvough two l lcl;phon. -~Iklntl from partnll Who 1 had children· in the class, he Aid. ' Ferm further charged · that the aame teacher, y,•hose name h6:-dl4 hOt d .. I~ devoted two weeks of eta.SI time tit the de•Ul rumor surroundina; Beallt Paul McCartoey. ' "The "adlcr t!t<ms lo be \ti&!ntcr~ tn w:fllg textbooks," Ferm ao1d reporttrs 1 before the mettlng, "If lhls ls'tra"'J>lrb\I in English literature clL'lltS. ~al 11 lransplrln1 In llOCial psychcilogjl • ·~ . '~ I •••• ,_*j 1 ••! ~ -r ~c r-c --• '· U,IT ....... WON'T BE EXHUMED . Mary Jo Kopochne Postal~an's Wife Awaiting Kidney Dol)or .M;,. Cara Ramey, wit. cl II~ ~ ~ ... ~e'Ji1anw Romey, !I nome-and •ftStlng today ildte ()fan~· County Medical C.enter offit::ials' leek 1 kidney donor for her. Mn. Ramey s~t two months at the ~ •.....-·undfrrotn& tr..tmtnt for 1tvera tid(ley problems cau.qd by dlabete<. DOct.h -havO deierminad thal Ille will neOci a·bfney iransplant. ~ ,Ra~y's !ellow ~tal "rOrk~, notlnl tlie l>Uvy nled(cal expeilles. formed the "Ramey Fund'' ilnd g.ihered more tha4 II.2\)0 to help pay his expenses. DOdors are. currentlr adminiaterin1 hemodJalysls· to Mrs. Ramey throe Umes per '.ftek, five hours eaCh time. This ia a Hblnical system to purHy · Mrs: Ramey.'s blood and funCtlon in ptace ot her· damaged kidney. ' Peter Barazsu. chairman or tb1 ··~mey Fund" reports that the Ramey• have applied for: fiqanci,al S:ld through' a state medical tervice and further con, trlbll\iOM won:t . be requested until 11* status of sta~ aid Js determined. : 1 Barazsu also said Mrs. Ramey wa• being chauffeured to OrartJe County Medic.al Center by members of "The lnlanders" eroup of the Fountain Valley Methodist Church. "Thinp bave stabilized Somewhat 'for the Rameys," said Baraz.su, "and now it's a matter of waiting for a kidney traruiplant.'' Sto<'k 191arket NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market moved lower in moderate late tr.idin& today. (~ quotations. Pages 34-35). Declining stocks increased their mar- gin over advances to more than 3 to t. 1l'eatlaer Look for . a ftw drops of rain to-- night, followed by clearing skies Thursday wiih temperatures sUll mired in t,he , low &O's along tht coast. · INSWE TODAY A· dtsCtnelant · of No-pole on Bo~?,Jr~t .found a gdod lift tn . Adt~ca c1&d rose to become ct-· • torM11 Ql!flerol under Pre.sicknt Th'<OdM• R ...... ll P•o• la. . \ •r • ' • • .,._.. ...... ;--~ I °"" 15 ";' , l·ctia11ru1 .. .. I ,j ·~=-.. , \.I~, ' .......... , .... ,..., ... ~ ' , . .-... -~- • ._..,... . """' ..... 4 ... --,. ,,. .. ,,..... ..... lit -.... ., ...... .. ·--.... .,. ........... -, ... -.. ..... ..... --.. ......... """ .. -, ... ,,. ·~::c _ .. .... d I I IWlY J'ILOT " • I ' . • FDA Chief Ley Reported Fired· F-Wire S.r:vlcea WASHINGTON -Dr. Herber\ L. Ley J~ hu been fittd al bead of the food Ind drill adminbtratJon, it wu learn9'f t.>- day. The Department of Health, Edoca· ti<Jl and Welfare wookl DOt comment on "' °" ttport, but ~led ti>..-. would be u announcement later .aboul the Food and Drug Administration, w h I c h ngulates which foods and drugs may be sold to the public. The FDA is an arm of HEW. HEW Secretary Robert H. Flncl\ WIS known to be dissatisfied with some rtctnt acllons of the FDA including Ila handling ol the cyC!amates ..... Cyclamata, u!<d in diet foods and drinks. were recently onlend banned from ""' on grounds teats showed large amounts could cau&e cancer ln n ta. Citizen Panels Di8euss Beach Park Proposals '"Tlu.e ,.parate d tisw panels will ~eet Thursday with officials from Ilevelopment Reaean:b . .\Jlociates for a thorough dlscuSSion on the t)'Jle of fadliti<S des~ed for Bunllngton Beach's prOpoeed central dty park. The panels, consisting ol ab:>ut a dozttl c\tizenl each, have been set up by city of. fi?aJs at the request of the research film. Panels will cmsist of lndlvldual representatives of civi~ groups. They will be faced with two topics: Should the park be regional or community In design ahd what faci.Uties should it have? ·lnfonnatlon from the panel discusslons will become a part of the Development Research Associates "Study before fl na1 TtCOmmendatJons are made to the city regarding how to develop the park. ·The research finn .is working for F.Ckbo, Dean, Austin and Wllllarns, the Pa$idena architectural rtnn that will dai&n the park for Huntington Beach. ~ate-panels will~~ ln _the mom. bf, aftmlOOn llld ·-· ~ ... cbed tb the pubtfc, cound'l aild city staff members. Council B.&JCks , .: It !· '1 Bond Election " };upport for Fountain Valley SChOol • q.,trict's Dee. 16 bond interest rate eli!ction came Tuesday night from the Ftuntaio Valley City Council. ~ouncllmen unanirriowly passed a r~· tqlutlon baCklni ,&be schQol ,district's a~ tejnpt tO raise the interest rite on SI rrijllion in already-approved school bonds. "'8ck of a market for school bonds of· f;it with a five percent interest rtf.W'D hp forced several district& to ask voten to. approve interest rates of seven per· '*1l Widening of Bridge ~pproved by Valley Plans for widening the Warner Avenue bridge across the Santa Ana Rier were approved Tuesday night by lhe Fountain Valley City Council. Total cost or the project is $30,000 "-'ttleh wUJ be shared ~ua11y by Fountain Valley, Santa Ana and Orange County_ Feuntain Valley will be responsible for widening the easttm approach to the. bridle. DAILY PILOT •ob.rl N. Wttd Pruldt11t ffld l"Vltll11>tt J1,k •· c~,1,1 Vlc:I ,lftlOtftt lftO Gtntrl MIN•U l h1Mtl 1<.t tfil 11mor lhtMll A. Murphint A\flLlt•~· [dllOt ;.1bt il W, 11+11 Auoci.•t Edit., "'"''"'* ._. Offlcti lot Stfrri 511111 M1l1:111 Ad411111 '-0 . 101 7to, t1••1 o .... °""" N....,.,, •ttc~: '111 Wt1I 1•11i&t 111Vlt•t r4 Co1t1 ~u: J)O \'In!••~ St•ctt """"' le.t111 2'1 ~"'1 .... ,_ Ley hu been .J'DA cornmis81oner since ml{f-tlll when he succeeded Dr. James Goad.ard, who nslgned. Ley w:lll be replaced-by Or. Charles C. E<tward11, a surgeon turned manajement expert In IJledlcal.,al!aira. The change la, the first atep In a. w;de. ranging 11bak!up planned for the FDA by Fincti_ ' At least five other lop FDA official11 will also be flred, soUn::es said. The agency hu been criUclted by tm Industry for alleged foot-dragging on ap- proval of ·new drugs and medical · pro. ducts; by con11umer protection advocates for alleged lax enforcement of safety laws; and by Fincp for alleged in· declaiveness on aucb tssues as the health threat of. the artlflclal 1 w e e f e n e r cyclamate. ' Edwanta, *• wu broo~t tnro the go~t Jut month u an assistant to Dr. lloger !), Epbelg, asalstanj BEW· secretary for health and BCientific al· fairs. Beach ·Children May Dial Santa Children at 33 Hunt.i.ngion Beach schools will have an oppoctunity to direct- dla.J Santa ClauS this year. Thousands of flyers, bearing Santa's !ecrtt telephone number will b e distrjbuted by lhe Jaycees to elementary school pupils just before opening of the telephone Jina Dec. 15. Phone calls may be made between 6:30 and 9 p.m. t.hrOOgh Dec. 18, allowing every dilld in the Huntington Beach area to bend Santa's ear. The Jaycees, who have sponso·red this program for the past five years, expect that the 10,000 call! received in 1968 will be easily exceeded this year. Equipment ahd facilities will be donated by _the Orange Division of the General Telephone Co. Blood Donations Sought l)ec. 12 lfuntincb>n Bik~ resjdent. itving near Golden: Welt Coile~ ·art lnvited to danite their. blood to tbt American Red Cross Dec. 12, when a ntobile unit will be sta· ti~ Oll.e&mJ!Utt, APPolntmenta for the bloodmobile. may 1 be -'f{WllCI .~ l 'lll<a.m. ro 1 ·~.m 1111;11J!p dlie ·collea• • nurse, Mrs.• Loil · Dellota. . ' • ~-,, DonatJons may be creruted -to ·an ora:anlzation blood bank or to a donor'a -·I acccoojnl u he does nci be1ol!g ro a group bank. Personal credit is. full y controlled by the donor, who may elect in a future e~gency to .:release hfs credit to a lrjeod or ttlatin. ·· -.. 1 ~ . Gift Shop OK'd At Restaurant I The Fishennan Restaurant in Hun- tington Be;teh has been gr 11 ti t e d pennlsslon by the dty to sub-lease a part of its building fer an imported gilt shop. ,Councilmen were told Monday night lhat the gift shop would sell expensive, imported items. The shop will take the place of the Fishmnan's !idewalk snack shop at. the entrance of the municipal pier. Councilman Jerry fl,latney said he would like to see the gift shop as a "pilot prugram to determine how v.•rll specialtv shops will do on the pier as proposed under.the city's Top of the Pk!r plan. Beach Traffic Li gbt Contract Awarded A $39,629 contract for lnslallation of traffic signals on Brookhurst Strttt at In· dianapolis and Yorktown Avenues was a"'·arded to t . D. Johnron of Anaheim W.onday night by the Hwilington Beach City Council. Work on plans for the light! is expected to start immediately, said city officiab:. OAIL'I' 'IL01' lt.n , .... 'COMPUTER IS BEAUTIFUL' Fln•nc• Director Argu.llo Data Computers Only Thing, Says Financ e Director By TERRY COVILLE Of 9'11 0111'~ 'llort Sltll . "The _on~y reaJ limi.t in ~ata processing is the limit of your imagina tion." 'Ben Argu ello, finance director for Hun- tington Beach, tries to put his computer philosophy to practice every day. Two years ago he convinced the city to buy computers fo:r the finance depart· ment. At least six primary function! in· cludiDg the city's payroll and water bills are now handled by computer. Monda)' night Argue1lo convinced the city council to lease extra time at night on the computer to a Los Angeles firm looking for local customers. · CmsequenUy, Tabulating TechniciJlns, Inc., will pay the city $820 monthly whether it uses the city computer or not~ And, if the Los Angeles firm pulls in enough local business, Hwilington Beach might wind up with the city having a free lease on its maclilne. "If we make $4,500 per month from Uiis company it would pay our own lease " SS@id Arguello. "Of course that would be'a lot of business and we don 't erpect it.'' Jn any 'case, Arguello feels the night work, supervised by a city e.mploye at no cost to the city, will cut do"'n the con · ol 'i><:ratln& th! computer. Only ftve titles In Orang<! "County ate fully computerized . In addUion to Hun- tington Beach, they are Costa Mesa Aaabeim, Santa Ana aDd Garden Grhve: otber tjUe1 have small systeltll5. -, · ·illt major lla!ciiono Ar1Uello currently feec¥ ·th~. -~pitier include water -and trub,bi.llill&; payroll; LN!in•• licenses; finance, accounting ind c o n t r o I · budieUng and reporting. ' ExPfl'lslon area,s in the f'uturt include police and Fire functions and eventual work in other city departments. • The beauty of computtrs, as expla~ed by Argilello and other city fiiiance dtec- tors, is. not that costs are irfuneditiely cut, but they won't rise In Pie:fu lure.)' ~"With compute~,'' h~ explained; 'we can handle more functions faster than with nonnal, manual, procedure. The. cost righ t now is not less. But It will be when we don't have to hire more person.' nel to handle the work the computer can handle." "There's a'tremendous potential in sav· ings," he said. Two Valley Grid Teams Champions Tu·o of Fountain Valley's three tOp flag football teams came 8\\'ay champions from the recent Norco Invitational Flag Football Tournament. The Harper Rams, composfd of 3rd and 4th grade boys from Harper school defeated teams from Norco and Clare· monl to capture the title in their age di\•ision. A 7th and 8th grade entry from Foun- tain Valley Elementary School rolled over teams from Corona, Claremont .and rucaipa to take their dlvlsJon crown . The city's Sth and 6th grade team rrom Tamura School knocked off Nora> but lost to Riverside in the Championship match. · The Harper team was coachfd by Roger Belgep. while Chris Schneider handled lhe coaching chores for the Tamura team and Rudy Garcia for FC>Un· tain VaJley's entry. Man Fights Death Lay in Orange Grove Six Days Doctors at Orange County MecUcat Center today still listed as criUcal the c:ond1tlon of a Buena. Park man who ap- parently laid cto..11 In ·a Yorba Linda orange grove and didn't move for 1iz days. , .. The man. Danltl Harrison Kent , of 71Sl Stanton Ave .. was found in &be pove Satunlay bf Oronge County deputy sherlff1. Hll ....,,." de.crlbed bbn at Lbe Ume u "not dead, but near!J to." Kint has been placed ln the lntens!Ve Cart unit at the hotpltal where dOctars ~1 he !& Mllferlng from 1 lung allm<nt Ind lact of pulse In hll lower ltll ltg. 1locm sild Kent had lain In the sarn< pdilfUon ••tor al leut t2lrff' or faur' days, perhaps s.11. ~ They 1ald hls body was """"ed with open -· but added there "'ere no indications or foul play, nor My appartnt medical reason for Kent's action. Kent was released for a weekend pass from the VA ho6pllal In l.onl Beath Nov. 30. He lefl his home thot day In buy 1 pack of cigarettes but did not rtlurn. On De<:. 3 Kent's wlre reported her hus- band mining ro the Buena P1rr· police. The sam• day. deputy sher1Hs found the pickup truck kent had been drtvh1g on Imperial Hlghway nur Eurtka Avtnue in the Yorba uma area ' When sill! rec.lved milled JIO!IO< that her busband't vth.lcle hid bttn im- pounded, M~. K'nt also ffied a missing pttSOnS report With the Orana:e County Sller!lf's office. , .,e,~~tions of Bealiiy t W a,tc,(,f;qmmander Kept Sense of Humor '1 lllJDI NIEDaBUlll .... °'* ........ . ' -~ · ~ ~·emerieDcj ttleoOooe and ltaeeato voice burata • a kludlJ)taker near his right ear lceep fhe W~r Pollce Departmeri\ Tiltcb COIMW!der In IOUCb with ttality. And reality for Lt. Jack Eslei, Sf, who handles the morning shift fol' bl! 7J.man lot'Ce, is defined 1n terms o( fiou8e bui:gllf:{.~. traffc:, ,acc!Qen~. assaults, ra~. or a rn~cle gang roaring lhroug!i town. It could be a pretty depreS1iog job for ~lmost,anyoue. Bil\ Essex. who.wlll leave the department \bis -Thursday to assume a ca ptain's position in Livermore, Calif., alter 10 years o( servlct,· bas somehow avoided becoming a cynic. He is a portly person with a silk-smooth Arkansaa drawl that discloseii more kindne& and humor Ulan one would come to erpect from someone who has dealt with unsavory crimes for so many years. Puffing at a stogie, handed to him by one of the captains, who say! "We're los- ing a good man," Essex reprunted 11ome of the more memorable·e~riences that crackled across the speaker. "You know, one Sunday T received a call to head out for one of the churches. 1 won't mention which one. But the membership was in a big hassle about whether or not to thr.ow the preacher ou t." 'he laughed . "One facti on said 'yes,' and the other 'no'. And believe it or not. I ended up tak- ing over the pulpit. I cooled them do1vn enough so that the shooting stopped and they ~·ere able lo work it out." "I rtmember a couple or tbem trying tG save me before it was all over," he recalled. Another incident took Essex to New Mexico to pick up a prisoner, who had burglarized a Westminster business and Limits Outlined On Ball Games Softball will be limited to the softball field in any city park in Huntington Beach. Likewise to football, golf and various other sports. The city council Monday night made it Illegal to play games in unauthorized areas of city parks. It means sport! and other outdoor acti vities will be .limited to those areas designated for them. The new city ordinance was adopted at the urging of Norm Worthy, director of parks and recreation, to give him more effective control over the use 0£. city parks. Farm Group. Qelegates Reject Cotton Appea] WASHINGTON (UP!I -Delegates to the American Fann Bureau Federation ( AFBF) convention today · rejected a southern appeal for compromise and dec ided to retndorse their demand for a phase.out of government controls and !Ubsidies on major crops. Southerners, led by Harold F. Ohlen· dorf, president of the Arkansas Farm Bureau, asked the AFBF national con- vention to adopt a resolution taking cotton off the list of crops to be covered by the AFBF "phase-out" proposal. MOVING ON Weatm inater's Essex passed stolen checks a11 over the country. "The FBI sent tne back to get him. But the only airline we could get to California was one \\•hich didn't permit prisoners. And it was a champagne nigh I." Disguised as friends Essex and the criminal began their journey. "When he was on the plane, the guy told me, 'Well, slnce I'm theoreUc11ly just a passenger and since I won't have a chance to do this again, I'm going to have me a ball.'" "He did. By the Ume we IOI oll1t 1:.o. Angelts1 he wu feeJfn1 no pa.Jn. He told 1 the oTUctr pir.X,JIJB ;US i up_, ~·1 thlnlr' t'tn going lo beat thjJI rap on cruel and inhumane punishinenl. r had to listen to Essex' jokes all the way from El Paso,' " Another milestone ln his career hid Essex sto,PPlng a traffic violator and parking his patrol unit behind the man to be cited. "We used to have PonUaca and they used to lope. J ust as I was writing out the tlCket, the Pontiac dld its loping routfne· and crashed into the man's car," Essex said. "The damage was minor, ao T said, '?.'ell, sir, I just intended to wam yoo, 1nyway.'" When he had been on the police for« for about two years, Esse:x wu told to cruise by the mayor's house Jnd turn off the water pump on the mayor 's private vineyard. "Jwt as I got ready, T had to rush to an accident Then I got several more calls and completely fntgot about. the water pump until three days later when the police Chief called me," he reme~ hers. "The mayor's water pwnp'1 burned out and the vineyard is under. water," he said. "And l don't think you're going to get that raise you were looking for," the chief told him. Since then, Essex has ~ived nu- merous raises and several promotions . Suddenly, however, there is no poeaibi l· ity !or upward mobility for Essex. prompting him to search for an ad· vanced position elsewhere. "The immediate chance! of becoming a captitin on this force are not too &()()(J. There are several young captains here and l don 't think any of them would be willing to quit to create a slot for me. It looks like I'll have f9 go," he Wd. And the rest of the department is 10rry to see him leave. ' Student Anti-drug Plan Given District Approval Smart Teens , .a student movement to combat drug use, was approved Tuesday night by trustees of the Huntington Beach City School District for the dis· trict's two intermediate schools. "We're very. impressed with lhe pro- gram," said Charles Palmer. assistant district superintendent for business. Trustees listened to parents explain the program then gave approval for ~ principals of Dwyer and Gisler Inter- mediate Schools to work with lhe PTA to set it up. WJUl"i J>Oren!s ldll Jaunch ·ll •. •lade')IS will ca.iT1' tht road,-do the work and make most of the decl~ions. They will use posters, slogans and plain · talk to convince their fellow students to stay away from drugs. "We feel it's lhe first real positive thing being done against drugs," said Palmer, "it's not a program to help those on dn1gs, but to keep others off." First step in the local Smart Teens program, explained Palmer, ~·ill be the placement of mysterious footsteps on campus, labeled with an SOS. "Students don't know what SOS stands for,'• he sa!d. "but they'll find out later." The only limit placed on the program by trustees ~'as a desire to see litera· ture before it i!. passed around campus. The Smart Teens program began • few years ago in the Los Angeles area and is now coming into Orange County. --·-From Page 1 TATE CASE~ •• LaBianca and his wife "'ere stabbed to death Aug. JI, -The seven Tate-La Blanca slayiDgs and the stabbing deaths of the young man arxl woman were apparently without motive. -All but one of t.he seven vict.ims in August were stabbed as were Miss Gaul and Sharp. Deemer said investigators also were ·checking into a possible link between the Manson group and the death Jan. I of Marin Habe, 17, daughter of screenr.iter Hans Habe. Her body was found on a brush-eovercd s)ope in the Hollywood HUis. She had been stabbed . 0 OMEGA 2-3,tt;11 ....... '•••1!111•1!•· "'''I tO'flOVllt, Mt•1~>f• l ifOl fO •:l!"f111 Of ~o~rs. ,.,,n~111•~•11toN:1. $11.~1••3 11*tl (1)1 ••111 -1e'''' ~·1tt'1t, W1tt1 '"·l !IM . ., •• j ,.,0 ,S\~~. CONVENIENT TERMS AU N~.S.~. aslron~uts, since the space program began, have worn Omega watches on U'letr wrists. Ordinary, every day jewelry a tore Omega Spead master chronographs. The kind anyone can buy. Every Omega, whether for an astronaut or conventional wear, Is made to the mosl exacllng standards to assure ulmosl dependeb!tlly We're proud to be an authorized Omega dealer becavse lhey make the best watctiu' Jn this world, or any other. BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. fiuniphrie j Jewefe rJ 1823 NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 541-HOI • • • • ' ll -· ------------.. ~ ,.... ·--· ·----·__........._- i Lottery .to Ease College Cr ush .. i-· The drift Jou.ey system will """ e ... the Cl'1llh in colle1e, a U.S. Department of Labor spokesman predicted Monday in Newport Beach. . Jerome ·Rosow, as6istant .aecrtt.ary of labor for policy and reaean:I), told newsmen at a National AssociatlQn of Manufacturers conference at t.h e Newporter IM : "Our educa~nal system has made it unattractive for people to work with their hands. 1 think with the draft lottery sysltm, you're going to find a lot of . Negroes Seize College, Flee Before Guard AKRON, Ohio (UPI) - A band of black students seized th e administration building at Akron State University today but fled when they ff!amed Gov. James A. Rhodes had mobilized the National Guard. 'The students left the buidling with coaf.&. pulled over their heads shouting "nq pictures, no pictures ." They had oc- cupied the building for about four hours. Rhodes said the takeover would "not be tolerated by this administration." Local police and about 90 Ohio High~ay Patrolmen were dispatched.to the.scene. One administrator said"be heard three shots fired when the members of the Black Students Union entered the building. The takeover followed ·expiratiQ'Jl of a deadlfne 'for an answer 1friml the act. ministration to a set of demands sub- mitted by the Black Student Union. Norman · Auburn, university president, and about 20 other members of the ad- ministration Jocked themselves in their offices inside the building "for aafety's aa.ke." Arthur Britnall, vice president for academic affairs, said about 15 students were in the building and another ~ on the froot steps. , . "There were some ahots when they first came in 'lhe building," Britil.81.l said. "l heard ·three: FrOm the information l ?lad.they were blanks but~ don't know for wre.• · " Britn.a11, locked in his office, with;:hlt seci'etary, told UPI by ·telephone,' there wa! ·~quite a bit of ammoUon" in the building. " "There seems to be a certain amount of destruction outside the office," said Britnall, "but I have no reasoo to believe they mean any bodily hann. I am con- cerned, sure." , Among the demands -submitted by the black students was a call for complete control of ~ black studie~ program, in- clu<ting selection oC professors, and aparate living quarters for blacks and white!. The universlty rejected both demands. Pilot \. .... +. • Log'*1k .. dropouts froar. college and graduate schools." . ' . ' Tbe dropoul$,.he Indicated; 'j\>ould.get jobs, inCluding &OIDe that involve workin& with their bands. Rooow e1plained th&t m~y young~men have been attending college "as a refuJe from Jl!ilitl\<Y responsibility." . Wlth:~ijrafflotl<ry, he lmplied.'111<h a 14refuie'' \viQ. no loriger be needed'. Tl'le m~ )Vt1t . know ~rore they are tob in· volved in·ci>ll<,. ~helber they are dral~ ·-· . . . .. , . ~·· . Alt inU~plted ·sharp ·decline in the ~tage :or :ieehagers In 'the nation's po~~atlon :1~4 further. ease pr~es on. ~ 'educaUon&l ayste~ Ro&<!w m· dlcated1 • ' '1n lhe decade of ' the ..... he said, "lffn&gera.' ma& up U percent of: ~ur population. In ·;the ,70s, that percentage will.~ ·12 percent.~,. Ji'ob1emiin the 80I has been how t6 ab!Orb them ·all. 111 the 70s, it will be different. · "It may be possible to redirflct our educational' resources to younger people, and get away from too much emphasis on. graduate education. Maybe we can get away from the problem of young people remaining students uriUl they are mature adults, in their 30s." Among other observations made ·by Rosow at the hour-long press conference was his conceding that the nation faces a pefiod of higher ~~ploy!Ile~l He said the statistical 1nd1cators are already there. Overtime hours in industry are drop- ping, the total number of hours worked by employes is dropping and the growth of the lalxi!' force has slowed down in re- cent months. "There are these things that are taking hold," ht said. "But they have been Ftly·counte.raded by increases in the service lndl15tries." Rosow admitted, however, that 1f the major industries are compelled to layoff thousands o( wotkers, the service in- dustries in turn would be affected. The unemployment, he said, is a necessary part of "disinflation." "There is a link between unemployment and in· nation. To say there is none would be specious, .•• But thls administration does not want to see a high level of unempJoy. ment as a way to stabilize prices. If there is a 6harp rise in lll!employment, we will be responsive 'to that and HU the funds to deal with it." Marine to Face "·.. ~ . , ' A~ult ·Ch~rges p·reliminary examination has ~n scheduled Dec. IS for a Camp Pendle- ton Marine arrested after a San Cle- mente .street "fight OVf'S a girl. It left three ol:ber Marines wounded. one seriously. Leon Brown, 21, is held in county jail in lieU of $15,000 bail, charged with auau1' with intent to commit murder. Brown is alleged to have shot brothers Dennis and Gary Fisher and another Marine, John J. Flore, Friday with a .22 revolver after remarks were made. AH of the wounded are recovering. No Olle ~as Any Rights 'T ;. . .•11 To U riJ.Jrit#~ Assembly ' ~•BaoJllE~li. COLIJNS . ii •!:'"' ot 1M _., ~llM Stetj , • THE U.S. OONlfl'ril:i:io· pl'ote<!lilhe light d the people to c.r.-ate In public placces. ·'~· :f -: . · · It does not ~·Uiel! 1'bt to ~t,1.Sp,JMr?n'111d marijuana.In pub,; In public: pl..... • ' ' -,. . . . ' It does not • . tMlr rf&lit ·\o n!'b...a'Clf atoaed tn publ!c,J>laie<. , .~; Yfi,J.b•:•·~,~~.over the wetltend at $bJt atMllve rock m~fioilival ...r San Fr.,.,q -TJIME ,HllNllRJID TllOIJSAND fem>& ..... fl>. _ _..__ liuncfredS d · dnl --'dleri wliO lll!!Cle' a;;kfi!o. •. ' .UIUD5 . I ...... • ~ I• ..... + -·ap at.•hat llil'Md out to· be lhe·blfiest pot par!; . :~-people~: 'One wai otabbid to d;,.th, two -~"" .... ht t.h""'~J!ap and the, lourth (hougbt ~!!! W"""' 1(-llict-in a <reet.'About 100' • ~ ;~Z''!!fl'e'V#tiif fU' W:t tliPJ. What that means 11 they· ;• . ' . ~ /M ol tbek.·~ ·~bly aUll art. I . But none of'llllll~ U'f pall on .a;. ~s, Ev")'bodf WQ too bent on p!easu.....eliirl '. • · · n1E WHOLE Nl~BTMARISR affair was sanctioned' by us. Yes. we sancLioned Jt because we are the people and we run the sovernment. And the government -local, state and federal -did nothing about the festJval, It WU vir1ually Ignored, in fact. Sl1 CaUfomia Highway' Patro:I offletts were on hand to cope with the traffic. Six. They .soon gave up. There mt no deputy sheriffs anywhere. The drua: peddlers were able to tell lheJr wares without fear of arrest ' and get rlcb. · THE AIR AT "W-l<>ck Weet" wu fllled with the acrid fumes of pot. Nobody interfered with anybody. What Ir oomebodf had? Wbat 11.-had '-'·attempled! The reoult would probably have '-' bloody rioting. So the kids were left alone. The Peddlers peddled wub impunity. "Add, acid, acid," the puahm cried. Thousands smoked their pot, culped their LSD 111d ahot their heroin. The musiC, likely u: a conaequence. wu a groove. .~ AND JUST ABOUT everybody wenf borne happy -lnciudin' maoy .• many young people who got their ftrat tam of. complete anarchy, 1p1ctd no doubt. by their llnt lute of really heavy stuff. _ The British rock group. Rolling Stono&. spon!Ored the big fm party, They said Ibey did it oilt of graUtude for the success of their Amorlcan tom-, Jt WM a helluva way to say thank you to the American oeooJe. tr yoo aee nothing wrong with whit went on at &he Stonei' festJva1 , then an I can II)', my friend, II that we rully att a lick 10Clety. A mortally sick .... I -· ' \ - HEADS PENTAGON PROBE Lt. Gen. Wllll1m P~r1 Military Says No Whitewash lnMyLaiCa.se GasT~--· ' ' . ,£, .. "I'· Disputed ·.- - By County ,, '''"""··~ .. .. •J.lllt PUlt· hlff Divided "°'*''~ dladJG:cked ~ tim~lllf•'-·~'l'Uwday in a Pl~ tana1t:e.,l,wt11·be 'drlveu ba<k ~ U>ein today; , Spar}iln(j tl>e ·~· WU. the . Ill(• gestion' llill, the Orange-Couoty board support" a,t ,i:novernent .~Jcated to the pretervation ol" Article II of lhe State Conltitutton -;a,,...lutlon that ·.,k,s lhe legislature » pneerve Che mel!in and continue to ass\i:re, that gas taxes are devoted so!ely to blghway and !rtew)iy constNCtlon. ' County 'Road Conuniss1on<r Al Koch ba<ked lhe move be/ore lhe board and •uaested that the aui>ervllon take a atand "'1k:b would help def(lt • propooed coostituUonal cnendment wl\lc:h p- tbat the use of_ gas tax re~ues. be widen~ to such _!Ssues as smog control and, possibly, rapid tt8"slt: -- H Wh !' M th· · ·~·~ ·ere s o e r .:· Famfly,~I. 7 Stranded ' .. sa~.Ana • in By JO.INN& lll!:YNOLIJ8 Of ... Miff , ....... . . Cbriltmas promioa to• be bleok for . a New York man IQd .bis HVtD child~ wllo'·bave> IOimd a.e..Mf.ies llnnded lo 8anta1Ana. Artlmr W, Murny, fl, and his lamUy of -..... to Sou~ C.lliorn!J last 'lliunday ·tit -of hil ""'· At!Oile Ann· M)ll'Tl)I, 23, wtio dlllppeared Aug, 23 !rvm.their,lamlly bome'lii l4Up; ~.Y. 'Ibey 'arrived In Banta· Ana, whero the fam!IY lieanl d ' h•.d applied · for • Callfomla'a driver'• UCense and stven a loeal . ~ on1y lo find &he ~ad left town. -· M..,._y became W as the diaappointin& searcl\ drained ~ 1trongtb and money. The eldest son, Arthur Jr., ts, aaJd the family bad only $40 as of.Tuesday nlgbt, and Ibey figured they'd ·be 1'oke by to- day .. The ltl.lrl'ay&' rent· il_paid on two rooms thniugb ,tod1y al the ·~qua. Motel, 317, E 17th St, Santa /uia. Young MutraY dlacloffd that the family Itaa Hmlled themtelvea to, one hot meal per dty, subslllin( oo peanllt butter aandwlchesJn the mtllltlme. f!ls ~ "lOI! dllljlpt&l'ed" )le~. Siie f PPllOlllly fo.lle4 ,to pick lip• $400 pay' dieck at Sul!OllfP\ycbialrk: HOO!>ltai where 1he wu an attendant, and .di.aa~ peared with lhe famlly ~ar. Twe weeU :ago, with the news of .his wlfe'a Santa· ADI addreos, Murra)' il<t• rowed money from ffiepd& ·and .relativia~ to br\Jlg hi• brood to C.lifomia lo loo~ lot.;. his "fife. ' _ Santa Aea.poik:e wbo. bad '-' called : said 'they had not fOWld.b.or, and said her : disapi)earance' was voluntary, ao lhe is \ not.listed as a missing person. . ~ ,Aa the head of the. family during his· father 'g. illness, Arthur Jr. is caring {~ Donald, 11: Micheal , 13: Jerry, t2 : Tim-· my,.JO: Candy, 7; and Richard, a. Chri6tmaa wm ceriainiy not be joyous , 10< the.Murrays, particularly for Miobea1~ whole birthday fall$ on Chrislmaa Day.':· "All I want for Christmas Ls my : motber0""Candy said.. ' , •,: Computer Job B_anks .Due,:~ . . For Operation Next Y e«r :i It brought a counter resolution from Supervisor Robert Bfttin which called for revision along the lines Qf the senate plan By Ualled PreH International and the dmnlte inclusion oi both llmOJ The Nixon Adminlstratibn'will open 71 One·of the.job bonks will be locate<H,; eliminaUon and rapid transl5t develop-Los AngelM, ald, Hp.ow, , whG .wai -~ A special Pentagon panel has found no ment throum. the protected revenues. computerized job banks a<.'!"OSS the nation ,_ "" cipal spea11;er at a NaUooaJ Association ol evidence of any low-level cover-up in the That brought in Supervisor David next year, Assistant Secretary of Labor Manufacturers manpower conferen<» original Army investigation of the alleged Baker with the argument that the con-Jerome Roeow disclosed Monday. 1n held at the Newporter. · massacre at My Lai, the l>ooird 's top stitutionaJ section und,er attack was Newport Beach. "The barlk1 will operate with a central: civilian lawyer said today. ~~~~e ~=~~e~~t i:.rd Sir or \he job banks will be located in computer,'" he explained. •:• W he a · Attorney Robert Macerate of New of smog and ~aya were a pretty ~ Calllomia, he said in a patio news con· employen call in, the information will bt' York, who was appointed last week to thing for all <?f ui." ference at the.NeWport:er Irm. ff!d into tbe "computer and printed ~· share with Lt. Gen. William R. peefos the Baker branded the ge tax system u a Citluns seeki1gany ki~of job-,btue.. !u~ ~~:,,the hlnk'a ·~~: authority in conducting the inqwry· , made. "aacred ~. dedkated to a Jlincip1e co~. whltt-COUar; professional -will . ~ that bas long smce' ----· and lo no be served hv the com .. _,_ slallooi ....... -He said' ..,,p1oyes, private : the. statement at a news ~erence at t:"r-~ ':"~ .,....... ·~:1 · --....u ba · '""""" more realistic than the argument ,that ttie will cost ab6ut $200,000 eacll to set up and agencfes and "'the state ' wVwu ve UJ'to : the Defense i>epartment in WaSrungton. freeways have solved our ~lion will avpplemerK-tbe state Department of mediate access to the informatiol\ • In reply to a question, Maccrate said problems." EmploymenL · ~ a central telephooe aervice. + he 1ees "no · evidence of a· whitewash Baker also lashed what her~ was a "We tried this on an experirilentaJ'balc; now" and had been told there would be "cruel inequity" in the cUstzibution of eu ln · Baltimore and it· work~-extieme1f . taxes collected by.the state. Deadl w· well. Total job plaeements wete ~" none. He stressed that he Wll! referring T·he fil"lt of thret deadlockflcl votel Im· ' y eapon creased 12 percent in a ye.-, and among only to the special 'board's invesUgation mediately fo11ow'» Baker's comments. the disadvailtagf.d, the i.ncrt.aae was 250 , of whether a field-level investigation of "Freeways extend from jUst north of Ch D d percent." . · : South Vietnamese civilian detths at My Santa Barbara to the Oregon line with arge roppe 't'be jobs that will be available•throug!a . Lai hamlet 4 on March 16, 1968, '9/as ad-practically no cars on them," he aaid. the job ban~ system, said Rosow, "cover . "But down here we have clogced AsSlulf with a deadly weapm charges the whole spectrum." He noted that In · equate. highways and a sltuaUon th•t gets worse against two Newport Beach men arrested Baltimore they ranged in salaries frotJ! Macerate sald, however, he and other every day. In fact, it takes me as long to after a meet fight have been dropped the mlnimun\ wage to '20,000 yearly. . \ members of the panel, including Peers, get to Los Angeles today aa it dld in 1938, because. their alleged victim did not want Each bank wlll be fed informat)On q\l· would go to Vietnam for further in· if not longer." to prosecute, police said today: . ar~. ~obs at firat. E'ventually=s·· tbt .feder ~ Hi• motli>n to deny ,ll\ll!POfl , far the . ~ta•'-~lwl. i., wl ~ ofJ\Ci¥ •al4, a nation-: . · v..tigation of j~ what happened .•t Mr nool\Aioo -bl'!'ll<d.ti)'.liautn·.,.i i!P-~-ti~-o1211ci&,lt. a..."-!. -wll\.be eslablliheM'llUl.means ,• Lal. po<ed by Supervi'°" ·~ Allen and will not be ~· on ·charges. worker would be able to find out jQb --. The miMion of the Peers group is only William Hirstein - a 2 to 2 stamoff. originally made by a Huntington Beach speeta in his field thousands of miles · to def.en:nine !fetb~ facts were IUJ':" Battin then insimd on a roll call for hill. man who said he was beaten outside a away, without having to make the trip pr--• _ the' _ .. .1.·.-..y•s· :-r...·mal m· • motf6n to extend gu tu financing tO' McFaddert Square bar. •, i11. penoJ'lally.. , · • . . -1 ~ ~·" """ &lllOtJ . con1n>1 '°"" rapiil;•tmwlb 'Baker WM1 Eklridl',' N; ori~'MM 'ol' Oriainal!f. thl>iHinlnls~'!!ia pla"" vestigaUon <Ii•~. 1• 100kinf 1~ .lllll backed· It . bot -In end •Allet;~ ncerl the!two li1M bld'liitet hiJll'f dd" necUo optll le .Job .banb n..i mr~BJt evidence ot war crunes -but Macerate shy of the SWeffint me..,. -~I flashed a knife outside the b&f 1ti.'llif T the BaltJm(!t11_ ••riment··enoourpged ~ said his group must first determine jult to 2 tie. " Wedneoday night. . '·;-T big increase"IJUhid goal. Bosow lliid. Z'l what the fact& were. 'j~~~i!~~ji~i(1=~~~i1i~:tiil~~ai~~~~~~fiji~~~~;j~i~r1'i:i~ie:r1:$ijj ' Ma=ate refused to. discuss teotimimy I~~ ~~~~:;~Christ.mas Hi~Fi, Salel ; women and children in the massacre, testified befoce the board la.st week after being advised that he could refuse to answer questions in accordance with the immunity of the SUt Amendment against self-incrimination. Besides the ~entagon lnvestigafion.o(. ll101m~ljplt 'ood. tile Anny CID's in- veallpllon d ll<O indden~ the House Ahned ·Ser:Viees·CQft"inittee is conducting ita' own· inquiry •... Chalnnao In Mqel Riven1 (l>S.C.), said Tuesday ·W·,-"'U 'not convinced, as President ·NixOn' ·apparently is, that a massacre-took place. Rivers repeated his position today alter hearing more testiiTiony. . A subcommittee ·of Ri vers' Armed SerVices Committee today questioned CWO 'Hugh ThQmptOn Jr., an Anny heliCop\er pilot who was said to have made ·the first rep:ris that alleged ir- regu!ariUes took pla<'t at My Lal. Aft« .. 'lboolJllOll'• teStlmooy at a closed seaal<n, .lljv!{j Aid the chopper pllol "iave; ·ul 1 ~ .informalion to I~ us to beHeve --that· ~ Jnyone committed a m · · · · al M;f iJAI." ·~ ·~· • I . . ( . Cl~Jt ~~-John . ' ... . PredictJe,11.8% ' V.O.ter ihcrease Ora111e County Clei'k William St John annoUnced today that be expects an 11.8 percent Increase in registered voters in Orange County by the close of voter registration on April 9, 1970. St Jobn i:eported an eapected 11.4 per- cent gr~ (or 32,283 voters), In registrations for the Democratic party. This, he said was due to two causes: -The Democratic party Iott more registraUoJfs due to voters who dld not vote in lhe 1918 General Election, hetlc:e their bulldiip' will be more lntenalve than the other parties. -ne De:mocr.ata undoubtedly wlll nin 1 variety of candidates for all partisan offices In the primary and oo develop greater in·parly lbtemt and lead to ...ne parlY swi!cbing. The County Clerk listed probable .- growth for the Republican paflY al U percent·or 24.145 vota, for the ~ Independent party at II.I percent ar 'l'lO vottta, and for the Peace and Freedom party. 11 !M perctnt or 415 voi.ra. Registered nonporUsan voten W<JUld Jn. .,,..;. by 11.8 percent or U,IOO votm..be added. ' ' PRICES SLASHED JOO/o TO SOo/o ON ALL CLEARANCE-iTEMS. •' • E n MAN.Y BRAND NEW, SOME DEM0NSTR4TORS,SOMETRADE· INS. EVERY ONE WITH FULL MONEY~JACK GUARANTEE! e STEREO TUNERS & RECEIVERS e ' WAI IALI Fisher s. .... Mdl. nt .......... ""·" '175°0 Bogen DB 240 ':"= ....... , .. , '219 .. Bogen ..... ,, ............... ,,,,,., '2190° Bogen ,. nor ... -........ ,.,,,,. 1159" Harmon·Kardon ~::"";~.~ ... Fisher w .. '"'_,' -....... ""·" Sherwood:::'"'-............. .. '175" '148" .. '299" Sherwood ,we.:.,~ .... ""'" '249" . Fislier ,..,, '" -.......... 11n.1• ''247" Hal'l!'IOn•Kardon .'=!" ~!z~::', '1500 . e .CASSETTE PlAYERS e Sony Casette rct• ...... ...... '69" P i •29~. anason c c-...... ......... . · e RECORD CHANGERS e Garrard' •• M•. "· . . . IMM/urtl'ldte •••••• $47.00 115" Garrard :;:.:.;i•-• .,,.. 1101.00 ' Garrard ""'· '85"' NM/certfUte •••••• SI 11.H ' '6500 Garrard ,,. ...... : ............... . e STEREO CARTRIDGES e Shure M•n ........................... •14• Shure ... ..._,··············\" .. : .. ,,,:,.~· .:'7" ' ...:r. ' •. . ·san Empire , "' .................. '"·'; · Empire .,.,.. . 4!'... ....... . .••••• ' 174. '' '45" • SPEAKERS. Electro· Voice u. ~ •• 111.1t '59" Lancer llJO, u• ............. Sll.IO '35" .. CUSTOM' eun •. CAII!I~ . P-..h: AM/PM......_,..,,.... lilt ••:i11• lfYI-. J SolNl1sfl II l r ~ . • WAS .... NOVI, . '27:5~ . ALL $4.98 STEREO RECORDS •• ·• $2.98 NEW PRICE$ ON RECqRDS! ,· ~1-~.w!"'·~-,.~~! • • • ' " ·' . • , . . . "' ' ., . ·i ' .. I " • " l :;if .~LY I'll.OT A Vietnam. war protester w a 1 untenced in Philadelphia to a lesson in AmeriCan llrstory as an alternative to a term in jail for his part in diJorders at an antiwar rally last year. Judge Robert A. L•trone ordered the 19-year-old of- fender to visit a citizenship cere- mony, the PeMsylvania Historical Society, Independence Hall and the Bet&y Ross house. He also was told to attend three classes on consti- tutional law at" Temple University and spend a day with 'the city archivist. • DalaOn&efl Rebellloa Africa President I Seized. in Coup COTONOU, jlal»roey • (UPI) Rebellious Anny troops today kidnaped President Emile' Zi111ou and ~ they were sd%lng power In the fifth coup since this poftrty ridden West African nation won independence from · Frarice nine years ago. . Unconfirmed ~parts lald tht SI-)•..,._ old president was wounded in an ex- change of gunfire 1*wcen h I, 1 bodyguards and the lnlurttlJI soldjero, but the govemment-opetated ndio ita- Uon in Lome, ,capital of ·neighboring Togo, aaid he was W1burt IDd held ca~ live. The Insurgents, "ported led by LI. Col. Maurice Kouandete, 37, the army chief of staff, first tel.zed the radio station at a a.m. and then stormed lnl4 the pns!<fen. tial palace, a ,rambling, modern1IUc building on the Atlantic aea fronl }!tar fGl'lntt President"Charlea De GauJle ttlused to give further aid because ol suspicions the large govenunent payroll might be ptldded. ' *· *: *. Libya RegiTn£ Crushes Pwt For V pheaval BEIRUT (UPl)-The three-month-<>ld revQluUonarx regime J.q J.J,bya ~ cfuah· ed a coup attempt by & group of army officers and some ministers ol the pres- ent government, the official Libyan Arab radio announced tonight. Censors cut k.issing and nude lovt .scenes from moQits in In- dia, but thl ban Ma bttn Lift- ed for tht 4th lntnnotional Film Ftstiool which is 'noio ao-' ing un in New Delhi. The city's 1 l movit: houses are jammed, line1 are long o~Uicle <ind seal~ tr& report good business. WITH AID OF UKULELE, TINY TIM LURES Fl ANCEE TO NY MARRIAGE LICENSE BUREAU Tiny'1 Wedding to Vletorlo Budlngor, 17, Wilt Highlight Johnny Caraon'1 Doc, 17 TV Show Witnesses said Zinsou appeared to have been wounded and that there waa a wU(t exchange of gunfire in the palace before the president wa:s carried to a ·car and driven off in the· di~lon of the airfield. Unofficial reports gaid ht was taken to th e small North Dahomean garrison town ol Nattitiogou. The radio, in a broadcast monitored In Beirut quoted an Gft'icJaJ.·statement by the RevoluUonary Command Council (RCC) -the highest authority in the country. • . When RoHmary, Cattrell of Lo11.o don decided to put u_p for auction a painting lefl to her by her late un- cle, she was hopeful of getting en- ough money for a dt>iwn payment on a car. She -gue1sed wrong. She got enough ·to purCbaSe an entire fleet of cars. The painting, "Th • Temptation· of Eve" by Hans Bal- dung, a 16th ce.-ury German ar- tist. brought $537,000 at Soethhy'1 Auction House. As for the car, Mrs. Cattrell said she would still buy one -and perhaps a few modern paintings as ~ell .. • Tiny, 'Miss Vicki' Cut Red Tape for License NEW YORK (UPI) -Tiny Tim Uptoed through the red tape for a man111ge llcenseTu...iay, despil<! the !act that his 17-year-old fiancte "Miss Vkki" did not have the personal consent of both her parent.. Tiny; who llst..r him .. u as "Herbert Buckingham Khaury, 37," hJs brJde-to-be Victoria "Miss Vicki" Budinger. and mother· i n-law-.to-be Mn. Emma Budinger, arrived in the municipal building on anything but tiptoes. An entourage of reporters and photographers a c c o m p a n i e d the spaghetU-haJred falsetto singer who toted along his ever fall.hful ukulele. A medley of vintage tunes followed. The minor red tape hitch wu the Nel• York State law which rtquires both parent.' consent to maniqe In per!Oli II their daughter is under 11. Miss Vicki's dad, Alan Budinger,· an art supplies dealer from Haddonfitld, N.J~ was not preseni Tuesday. However City Clerk Herman Kall came to the rescue. Katz dated the license Tuesday, but will hold onto it until today when the glrl'a father plans to personally give hU consent to the mar; riage. ·The actual ceremonies are planned Wedntoday, Dec. 17 oo the NBC "Tonight" show. The couple met In June fn a Philadelptiia department store. Tiny Tim's falsetto rendition of "11ptoe Through the Tulips" on NBC-TV's "Laugh-In" two years ago sent his career skyrocketing. Week's Viet War Deaths In bis unit's rescue exercises, London Flrem•n Peter O'Connor often played the part of a victim being carried down a ladder. Fin- ally he vowed: "Never again." Firemen once dropped him, calch- ing him by the foot. A week later they nearly dropped hi m again. Most recently, a fireman misstep- ped on a ladder and almost pulled D Thr Lo downo·c ... "':_~~-h_im· ____ rop Jo _______ ee·y~~-1'-_ w · Princess Grace take1 aim in a daft oom.e: during a visit, to a country J.o.ir in Monacco. Standing netirby -with a fei.o hints -is her son Prtnce Al· bcrt. • Wheaton College in Norton, Ma.ss . has r&eeived gifts from un- numerabJe sources, but this is probably the first time the college ever had to play second fiddle to a dog. When the dog's owner died recently in Ormand Beach. Fla., he left his estate to his beloved pet but named the college as the second beneficiary. Wlien the dog dits, Wbea'lon will inherit. - SAJGON (UPI) -lnlcrmed military source& uJd today U.S. war death11 in Vietnam dropped last week to one of the lowest totals in three years. 'Ibe casualty reports will be released dficially on Thur9day, but the 80UrctS Aid they were around the {4 mark Prote.sts Greet Nixon in NY NEW' YORK . (AP)-Bands of young antiwar demoN1trators marred Presi· dent Nixon's vjsit to the city Tuesday night by surging through midtown streets breaking store windows and clashing with poliee. Polite arrested mCl'e than eo men and women af~ amall . bands broke away from a crowd of S,000 protesters to wreak havoc. One policeman was hit wiUt a !tad plpe and a· high-ranking officer was l!ltruck in the face by a stone. Five other policeman and f i v e clviliana were injured. President Nixon was in town to receive the Gold Medal of the National Football FoundaUm. at a dinntr at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. The President entered the hale! by limousine ~ apparently did nol oee tho protesten behind police bar· ric~ts Olle block away. regimred tn early December, ,Jiii. FataUUes for the previOUI week .wer:e ~. a sharp decrease which was attributed to a Jack of major offens ives ~ ~er· ican positions and to the growin( Viet· namlzaUon of the war and tbe increUlng number of South VietnalD89e trooP1 used againat the Viet Cong and North Viet. namese. The reports coincidtd with a report by military spokesmen that M South Viet- nameae p'.eaaanta waviq red and yellow South Viet.namue falp turned themselves in to U.S. trpops , north of Salgon to eacape the Viet Cong. At the same time the government said 111 civilians were ktlltd, 202 wounded and &a lddnapOd b1° tho CorMtunlou last week. nus brought to 6,063 the number of civiilans killed by the Viet Cong thil year. A previous government report: nid 280,000 died. This WM Jn re~n1e to a 1tatement by Sen. F.idward Kermedy (0.Mw.), lhat the civilian casualties had topped the one million mark with .about 300,00D dead. Although clashes were light and scat· t.ered. military SQurees said the U.S. Isl Cavalry Division oeprating along the un· marked Cambodian border northwest or Saigon kllled 1,808 Co!Mtun!N last month -the hilhest number of tuts since the Tet olfenaive of February, 1968. tt.S. losses in this aerl• of Opera- tions were called ll&bL South Has Tornado Watch Snow Falling Over Northern California Mou11tains leUlHlllN ULl,OllMIA .... V•r11lllt c:IM!-W.oMtt.ly wttl\ teut~ '""' ''I" _, ptl'llool, <Mrtftt WH- .,....., l>lttlt. TIM.lndt.,, Ilk' .... .. WttfY ...,,.,,.r, Ltul 11,11ty WkWt --111 •114 ,...,, .,.., w...,. .. ,. LOS ANGELES All:EA -V•rl•i.lt .... w..n..ot• wlfll teUtlefoel '""' ,.la '"'""' ~., """'· Hllllt w..--...-•• 12. Tflur .. .,, ftlr .... .."""" .,..,.,.... -. COAllAI,. ANO IN'TllltMI OIATI V~LIYS-V.,.. tflMt wtit. tcr .. MM1 119M '91R ................ W.,._ ""*' lfllllilf, ldllrtlll WM .. ,,. II ...... """"""'' H ........ , ......... lt!fllftr ...,,....,. 1'tluPMW. ' MOUNTAIN ,...._., ,f'ef"IW ...,.,. ~ .T'hurlMr ~ "'"""" ""' WJ f fn .... .... ..... , 11t9M, .,.....,,.. ,.., ......... ~ -. IA#fTA aAltlAIU. AlllA -.. .,,., dM'f' W•,....1 Witt! ecc11'1""' tllM ,..,,, c~ ..,..... .. , '"""· ,.Ir T,.,,....,, Niii! .,...,....., #. ~ .............. y """' .,,,, • ...,.. ..,,...,. lllwWn ..........,_. • Temperatur"• WIAfMI• TIMI'S • ........... ""'"°"''' Atl9nl1 ...k.,,llt1f •1-rtll" '"" ... , ... arawntv1111 Chlc•to Clr>tlnlvll -· =•i>llMolw ~1lr'bel'lk1 ttl9fl L .. l'f'K- 4 M .ti " .. ~1 n .-a • .. " " " ., n ., ~ ,. .1• ~ .. . " )6 ,, .... n " '""""'" .......... ~,,-_·,.· ~:::;~ '"'"""' ·---·· ' ·• .... .. " .. " .. '' .tt -K1111ts Cltf l" v .... I lM A,...... lJ.6. ·-··,.., =... • ~ ••tell .... .,.,..... .... "" Ortttlll _,._ " _.,.. l'klrl*i. M.UllW!I N ... Vft A .... INI .,.. MU..-.wttlt'ft o.t91e ' o.tl .... ""'" .. lfl lnttr\11#-,lnt '""" ,.,.. (lllf.....,. '1t¥ ,.._ WW tlle Ollff ti Mnk9 .,_. ~ ............... ..,, .... ...,. _,.. "•1111 .. ,,.,.. ,,.... " ,... *"""' .,,.... .._ ...... ... .,,,. ~ , ...... ftll .. ,...,.. l""""'1i: --°""* ~ i .11 lflCllll ltltttlM'lilll ...,,,_ tlle Nti tt """'"-fllt ,..,.. """""9 W. 911..,CfN iO ...... l!OffllWf~ lt•llltl C'ltf • ""' ,..,..... Att1nllc stn. Mint lttlll lhlff .,. ..... 11: ..... n " a " ., . n " 21 1• ... " . ... .. . "' .. " II n a " .n tl ., lr n n .. " ,lt " . ti il .et u " Senate Approves Bill to Control Imported Goods .WASHINGTON (UPI) -The 5'nate voted today to give the President broad authority to bar imports -power Presi· dent Nixon did not seek or want. Senaton from Southern and New England states ~·hlch have been hit by competition frotn foreign textiles, shoes and electronic equipment, joined rorces t.o tack onto the Senate's 'lax reform_ biU , the proposal or Sen. Norris Cotton (R- N.ff.). · The amendment would permit the White House: to impose quotas on all categories of imported goods where he finds a disruption of a domestic industry. oome radi(). said the insurgenta oc- cupied the palace which houses various government services and allowed officials to enter but not. to leave the premises. It said the foreign, justice and public works ministers were held prisoners inside the palaee. The broadcast aaid that when Zlnsou arrived with his bodyguards a military car blocked his limousine. A brief ex- change of gunfire tool< plac< and the president was driven away. Dahomey, with a J>OPl:llaijon of 2.S million, is so poor its &Mual budget is on- ly $32 million of wtUch two-thirds went to government salaries before Zin80U in- stituted a series of all!ter:lty measures which displeased government workers, student& and the army which put him ln power in the first place. The sum of ·$32 million is about the same amount the city or New York spends each year to keep Its parks in shape. France has subsidized some of the COMtantly growing national debt but thi1 The RCC is led by Col. Moammu AI- Kadha!i and came to ppwer in a coup that toppled the regime Gf Klng Idrisli: TI Sept. 1 and established the Llbyan Arab Republic. The Libyan statement referred to the plotters a1 "traitors" and &aid they were to carry out their attempted coop on Dec. 7. It described coup plotters as 0 persons who were trusted by the new revolutionary regime" but did not klen- tily them. . It did indlcate they were arrested. The statement wart1ed it will "attike with an iron fist" against the p~otters. Christmas Tree Lot Owner Shoots Student SACRAMENTO (UPO-Karl G. Oettle, 60, owner of a Sat:;ramento Chriatmas tree lot, was arraigned Tuesday on a manslaughter charge in the fatal shoot- ing of a college student trying tG steal • tree. The Cotton amendment was adopted by I vote of 6S to 30 after senators first re- jected, 73 to 22. a motion to kill it. The amendment would give the Presi· dent power to impose restrictions when he found that imports "disrupt the domestic industry" or cause •·injury to industries, firms or workers in the United ~tes" when the foreign country pro- ducing those goods reftri cted imports through licenses. laril!s or laxes. Pseudo Prin~ess Phony Palace Paper Put Dow11 . ' Goldwater: Nixon May Order Bombs DA NANC , Vietnam CAP) -Sen. Bar- ry Goldwater said today he feels Nixon may order the bo.mblng of North Vietnam reswned if t.he Paris peace talks continue to drag on without result!. The ArliOna Republican told 11. new! conference, he does not think the Vietnam war will be won "until we stop the flow of supplies at their source at the northern end of the <Ho Chi Minh) trail. "And I don't think the President has closed the door on Utls acUon," Goldwater said. "He hasn't been too speciHc about it, but 1 have a feeling that some action might come if the peace efforts that he has been making and we are making in Paris fail to come to frulUon ." LONDON (UPI) -American actOr Anthony Roberis felt rather honored _ when,_ on openifli night, he received a best wishes letter written on Buckingham Palace stationary and signed "Princess Margaret." · Bucld11&ham Palace Wj,S less than pleased, and that's what put Jchn Paul, 2!i-ye.ar-old owner or a chain of London shops, out of the "palace letlerhead" sta- tionery business. lt started when Paul conceivtd the idea as a touri st gimmick. He had never 1een any Buckingham Palace stationery, so he invented his own design and sold it at 71 cents for five sheets and five envelopes. "What bappeoed was that 1 got carried away when I waii designing it. and decid- ed it had to look the real thing," said Paul. ''It was on luxury paper and was crested and embossed." Enter Anthony Roberts, 30-year-old ac- tor , on Gpening night of the West End production "Promises, Promises" -and the letter which read: "Welcome to England. Good luck on your Gpening night and I hope I ahall have a chance to see the show myself. -seu Stall Sltip Salvage Until then, warmest regards." It, w~~ signed "H.R.H. PrineeSI Margaret." Roberts said he was "quite hmortd'' until a pal told him the princess never 1igned h~r na.me that way. AMther friend saw the Jetter OQ llV!: dressing room wall , ssld Robeffs', ·and took it to Princess Margaret. "I tmderstand she was quite lJl>fft about it, and shocked," said the actor. Buckingham Palace got into the act. A palace spokesman Said Tuesday 11one or two examples of this paper had come to our noUce and the pollce pointed out to the management or the shop that the paper could be misused.·• Roberts said he later had dinner with Princess Margaret and that she treated , the matter "laughingly." Paul never met the Princess, but he took the poUce hint -no more "Buck- ingham Palace" letterheads. Instead, he is putting out stationary bearing the letterhead ' ' D a r t m o cir Prison." "So far, no one there has complained.'' he said. .... - Cruel seas forced salvage crews to postpone lhelr plan to pull this .Greek freighter Terls lerarchai off the rocky coast of Vancouver Island, BrlU•h Colum· bla, Tuesday. Salvage men said the heavy swell would malt• it impossible for them to pull the 16.- 000.ton bullt cartier f.tee In one piece. All 28 crew- men worn lal<en from the ship. I I I I " I I I l I .---------·-. -----------------------~~-·------· --·----... ------· . -.---.-----·-,_,-_-;--,_--.~ ' House Cuts, Clears ·Foreign Aid Bill WASHINGTON (AP) -The 1mallest U.S. foreign aid pack· age since World War JI has pa11sed the House and is head· ed for a Senate confrontation over military aid to Nation- ali.!t China and South Korea. The $1.8 billion global as- 1istance bill, which falls $1 billion short of the amount asked by President Nixon, is the lowest &ince the program began with the Marshall · Plan for European reCavery.in .IMS and reached a $7.49 billion peak in 1951)-51 . Last year's foreJgn aid appropriation was 11.75 billion. The measurt, approved 200- 195 lD a night House vote Mine Worker Boss Claims Big . Victory WASHmGTON (AP) - United ...r.fine Workers Presi· dent·W. A. "Tony" Boyle, in- voking the spirit of the late John L. Lewi:,, claimed a snwhing re-election victory today over Josep]l A. Yablooski in the u n i:o n 's greatest lnteTnal · battle in nearly half a cyntury: "The greatest man that ever 'defended labor in this country, John L. Lewis, my mentor, select.ea me; ht dkln't select and train my opponent in the responsibility of running this union," Boyle s8.id in crediting bis vidoey" to the loyalty' of the nation's coal miners to the memory of Lewis. . But Yablonski, a 27-yea r membet Of the 200 ;000- member u n lo n ' s executive board. refused to concede despite Boyle's report that he pOJled. some 73,000 votes to 40.tm for his opponent. "They can go to hell. I'm t:onceding to nobody. I'm con· ceding nothing," the 59-year- old Yablonski said in a telephone . interview from his hame--ia ·ClartJville; Pa. IT'S EXJT;,. FOR 'THE!lf · LOS ANGELES· (AP) ,. Wlld critten Who wander Into tile big city won't face an llnC6tain future or untimely «mile here anymore. They'll . he am& home in style -by helicopter. The· wild <natures. such as lost raccoons and baby deer, will be tr~ported via copter to ~ arus of Angeles National Forest for . reset- tJemenl About 1.2!0 animals a year will be involved. Tuesday, contains a hotly dis- puted $54.S million to furnish fighter planes for Nationalist China, $50 million in special mi4tary aid for ~uth Korea and a provision added at the last minute that bars aid to count ries trading with Com- munist China. · St'n. J. W. Fulbright. chair- man ()f the Senate fpreign Relations Committee, is el'· peeled to force a floor fight on the appropriations ·biJL HJg committee Monday approved an authorization bill eicpress- ly banning the $104.5 million for the Asian allies. Beckett Absent From Nobel Rif.es STOCKHOLM (UPI) -)rlsh author Samuel Beckett .went into hiding when told he had won the \~ Nobel Prize for literature. ?octa;> he made good . nis pledge to stay away from the' presentation ceremony. . It was four days after the Oct. z:J announcement of his award that Be<;li:ett consented t~ comment on it at all.· "I flll1 oot grateful," siid the 6J..year· ()}d playwright~novellst whose best-known work Js the 1954 play "Waiting fur Godot.' .. King Gustav VT A d o 1 f Jl"'S"llted lh.e $71,500 Nobel prizes for m.edicine, literature, physics and tcOnomb in StOckholm's Concert Hall. In Oslo, the Peace ptjze Went to the · Intern&tional La b'o r Or1anization (ILO) fOr its work·in developing· nation.!. Betkett, w h o studiously avoids the limeHght, lives In Paris but keeps t.o himself to the extent 1hat only his J)Ublisher. Jerome Llndoc , and his closest friends knOw his addreSl5. Lindon accepted his prize today. Oldltoman . Rt1ins Found ROME (AP) -Workers digging a foundatlm near oil millionaire J. Paul Getty's castle unmvered a n un- derground. cemetery dating back to the Roman Empire. Archeologists satd today Jt may be the most tmpOrtant such find in the Rome area in years. The tombs are deconted with ornate columns, vessels, weapom, jewels and mosaics. They are in several rooms connected by deet><lug =· riders. n. .............. ,. ... ..... 'C..nlin•nla./ CocLlai/ 'JJ,.n,anl D11nc lng, Music by Eddie ,r .. men Group c • ..,.u_,;,,.,. ,.., onJ ..... ,. lon l'onwu I!...-, r-. rlra S... 5 IO 8 P•"!- m ,rllf:r.!?!!ar N-" leach 2241 WOii '*°!!~ • (714) lt1 IOS7. ' · DAILY PILO'f f crinkled patent bags ... enameled trimmings .. Sliouldet bag" Duffie !iag.. In sparkling crinkled patent. What great trim. It's glistening enamel..D~g color combinations: Honey, white, red. navy, yellow, black. By Latin>s. Shoulder bag 31.00; duffle 33.00 may co handbags 26 • I I -~ .'f ' • ' . . . ..... ~ . • j . fi~. lier st<icking Witb pretty purse accessories , • •• ,1 • ' . . ~ . • '. LeatlWf .Pll'1< amssOties mm effi. ,; • .;;'ll.:'.. . ~·.... . " all cl ch' ......... 1. ~1~ ..:..1\,1\1>1:: a :carry-ut · Wjtb''a ®tC 'pid. fen\~ mon: insjdc. ·O( ~handy Cre4Jt ~d-bolde<, wallet or ~ey ""'· Black, red~ b""'1T, grttn. gold, bone. By B&ronet. 5.00 ' -. ' . ' ". J •. ~ .{ e I 'fl!Ziy sweaters .ate nice and· come in pretty colors , ' • · V r '. . Soft, ... uggly 1weaten. .Willi jutt enough fun to make than feel atr• nlte;: Blended ·Of limb<""°~ anp., and rabbit'! hair. In a~ua, lil.:C, pink. -: yellow, Ml•,· black,' l!ld white. 36-4-0. From a group. 11.00 may co boulevud •portsweu 16 . . ' "· " " ' every; kind of shin : : · '' for every kind .of girl "· ' ' . : . ,. Every girl we know wanu ·sliirts.' ~ ;. shirt.!. To.wear just aboot anywbefe.·'iltrt ill'!'!' ' . ~I R you just one from our -whole collection.·Plam shirt.!. Not-so-plain shirts. Crepes ·and . <MY:' care fabria. Come ~ them aU. Style sho:w'a. comes in whit<, gold, light blue, pink, beige colon in sizes 30 through 36. 13.00 may m ampm sMp 43 may co costa niesa .Will be open sunday &om noon 'til S p.m.,Shop Every merchandise department and the · restaurant wi)l be open to ._ sundays from now 'til Christmas. make your gift shoppinI' eaiier. - ' · M.A.YCO may co south coast pl111 , sen diego fwy at bristol, cost1 mesa; "5 _6,.9.321 . shop mondey thru saturday I 0 1.m. to 9:30 p.m., sundey noon 'til 5 p.m . • • • • • .. - • - ·• DAD.Y PILOT EDITORIAL P-AGE Bond Sales Problem To an out.Ider, Fountain Valley In mo.I ways re- sembles hundreds of other f.ast-grown& communities In fast-&rowlni Southern California. Jn one way -Its elementary echool system -It baa ialne<I wide recognition, both for the quality of ed- ucation and for Innovative building and teaching tech· niques. Now !hat ICbool system needs some help. And this time it Is undeinandin&, inexpensive help -not a tax increase or a new bond issue at stake. Building schools Is an Important part of planning for the future and voters approved $8 million in bonds last year. Unfortunately, bond merchants refuse to bid on these bonds unless they can exceed the legal limit Of five percent interest. As a result of this financial crisis, the district will ask voters Dec. 16 to sell the bonds at seven percent interesl This new limit has been authorized by the State Legislature if local voters approve. Passage of this bond interest proposal will not in- crease current tax rates bec.ause repayment of the bonds wlll be sproed over a longer period of time. De- feat of the proposal will not lower taxes because.repay. ment of bonds sold for tho existing 12 schools must be made. In Fountain Valley, state funds fina.nce approxi· mately 80 percent of the costs of a, new school while the local cltiz.ens pay the rest through bonds. Within con- trols established by the state, the Fountain Valley School District bas won state and international acclaim for its last six schools. years. It a eslima~ there wlll be almost 18,000 chil· dren by 1978. More than l ,500 bowling uni!> are under construc- tion and more are on the way. The d!>trtt't QUBllfled to build two schools th!> past summer, but coUld not 1ell the bonds becau1e of low interest rates. However, the children will continue to come to the distrtct. The DAILY PILOT support.. the bond proposal and urgu a ''Yet" vote TUesday, Dec. 16. Air Age for Police It cost Huntington Beach a chunk of money -$44 ,- 379.44 to be exact -to equip its police department with a police helicopter. The first one worked so well the city bought a second. Th.is month both helicopters: are swinging into full· time, full service patrol. The training period is over. Both choppers and several pilots are ready. With less than a year's service from the helicopter, H.B. Eye, police report a sharp drop in vandalism around schools, car ~laries and other major crimes. Both choppers were m service during the 4th of July parade here and both are expected to be in the air watching OVe<'tbe city New Year's Eve. The helicopters have also been used on several res· ~' operations and setreh for lost boys, not to mention tlje speed involved in making contact at the scene of an accident. ' The district's JllVW1l• rate has been phenomenal. It had 23' cblldren in 1962 and is now fast approaching 10,000 -more than 4,000 percent growth rate in seven Helicopters cost a precious sum and their operating expenses are not small. Huntington Beach police be· lieve the record soon will show they pay off in crime preventton and the saving of 1i·1~s. 'Goodneu. We don't want to tmi1Ji our sacred cow dq.' They Never Speak Well of Each Other DUBLIN -Thi! is surely one htll o{ a town to be a success: in. This ls especially true if you ~e a literary bloke which la the only kind of auccess that is I'f!Blly respected he:re. The irillb, Dr. Jolmooo well remarked, are a Vf!rf fainnlnded people: They nevu speak well of each other. To be a success in this country 15 to be a target, a target for the most gifted and malicious tongues in Chrlstendcm. One remembers Shaw on Olclr Wildt' ''He bad no enemies, but was distinctive- ly disllked by his friends." AND WILDE, WHEN asked U he knew tiil fellow Irishman, George Moore: "Do I know him, is It? Yes, I know hlm BO well J bave not spoken to him for 10 years." And George Moore, on his fellow· Irishman Oscar Wilde: "Wilde paraphrased and inverted ~e ' witticisms and eplirams of othtn. His method ol lMrary piracy was on the lines al the robber Cacus, who dragged stolen cows backward by tbe taill into his cavern so that their hoofprinta might not lead to detection ." A Dublin lady, Sarah Puner, about George Moore's confealon books, ''lbe Confessions of a Young Man" and "'Memoirs of My Dead Lile:" uSOME MEN ~ and tell; Moore tell s but doesn't kiss." When James Joyce died In 1941 a leading Dublin Daily, The I r i s h Independent, had these kind _words: "He died in Zurich early t.h11 year. hav· Ing in the time between reviled the religion in whlch he had been brought up and fouled the nest which was his native city!' James Joyce said to the Celtic Shakegpeare, William Butler Yeats, on the occulon of the latter's 40th birthday : .. We have met too late., Mr. Yeat.a, )'Ol.l are too old to be Influenced by me.•• AND GEORGE RU&'!!!LL. who wrote lovely poetzy under the uame AE, cer- tainly had Dublin In mind -n he ddln- ed a literary movement as "five or six people who Uve in the same town and hate each other." Dear Gloomy Gm: Narcotics, selling to minors, noise -and the Huntington Beach City Council still renews a bar's li- cenae! What gives? -M. B. B. Tiii• fMhlN Nfllcll ,....n• vlnr.. "" H(fta..tllr lttetl •I t"9 _,,_ .. ,, '""' ~tur "' _ .... ~ Olo9m' Gin. OtilJ r 11e1. To get the informal opinion of one gifted Dubliner on this matter J 11ought out my friend Ulick O'Connor. Ulick Is what you might call a sue<:ess -with the result that half of Dublin hates h1s guts, and the other hall thinks the sun rises and sets on him. Ulick ls 39. He has a head like an Ivy· League devil. Vogue once said he was "the Irishman with a tongue like a silver razor." HE JS A BARRISTER, raconteur, bon viveur, poet and reader of poetry to ladies clubs in the U.S.; biographer of Oliver St. John Gogarty, and a playwright. He baa been Irish pole-vault record hokier, BriUlh Univers1Ue1 welterweight boxing Champion and a &enior Club Rug· by footballer. When in New York, he hangs out at the posh Racquet Club. He is also one (I( the best-known men in Dublin, due to a seriee: o{ controversial appear- ances cm Irish Television which have made him known Jn some quarters as the "Johnny Canon ol Ireland.'' HE SAT WITH ~1E In the recerlon rooms of the Royal Hibernian Hote the other morning, and over coffee be&an to ruminate on the fate of the Oubllner who rises above the crowd. Ht spoke with the deliberateness of a man who has gone the route. "In the first place. you may never discuss the problem of success in Dublin without reminding yourself of what that gifted old Kraut Goethe said a century and a half ago. He said that 'the Irish always pull down a noble stag.' "1'11s has been their history. Tt will cootlnue lo he their h!itory. The Irish have a great feeling· for the fellow who Is goin& to write the greatest book ever writ-ten by an Irishman. What they can't stand !s the guy who geta olf h..is arse long enough to actually write U:ie damned book, and get publislled." Abused Word: 'Relevant' Tllouptl At Larg" The most abused word among lt!Jdenta ts "relevant" -for they mbitakenly bn~ ogine that only ..,blect.>i o1 curmi1 ca> cem and controveny sre "relennt" to modem educaUon; pttas, true ..to91mce slgn!fi,. an undenlandln( o1 man's l)llbre, capacltles and llmitaUona, "hlch only a ""1lld grasp o1 the bum1n1t1a an pe \11., • • • R<ldlnl about llrlplle Bardat'i Wrd (or la 11 !Ourth?) -at the qe ol u romlnded me ot Katharine Htpburn's percept.Ive c:cmma many yeen ago : "It la the plain -who -1bout love ; Ille buuUIUI .-are too llllly being UlnatinC-" • • • • Perhaps ont 1IMOlt UW 1 u c h r:etebrlti,. tend lo do ., poar1y In their persooa1 lives II lhot -1 opotlllbl Is •hlillng on )'OU lllnllOl"ft hard for you 10 oee whit II actually golni on Immel yoo. • • • • Oneal the boot rulet for oepm.Umg c>ur on;Judlcu fnlm our evoluotloo o1 olher people's characteT was given by Llditenbq' "Don~ fudge a man by hi> opinions, but by what his opinions have made him." • • • Whit we coll "mol>bery" Is ltll 1 mtnUest.aUon ol those at the social top than ot those who desperately uplrt lO It: the very word ccrnes from the Lalin tag, sin< nobllltate, mean1111 "locltlni In nobility ." • • • N"mety percent al the hunum Mice Is vlct!mJud by the other 10 percent; this 11 equally lnle und!I' aey ayNln )'et dev!s· td by man, no matter what name It assumes, or what cttfld It professts. • • • W• may berate our pollticlona for being hypocritu, but over the Ion( pull It hla been the linme ones wha' have done the d!?t!pert fJ1d mOS-t pe:rminfnt damaac. H Not Deaf, Du,. or Blind Proud to Be in 'Silent Majority~ To the Editor: So Elaine Barnard (Mailbox, Nov. 20) thinks the "Silent Majority'' is deaf, dwnb and blind. \Ve hear the voices of hate. violence, disrespect ror God, our country and its leaders. Is it "dumb" to believe in God, to honor our flag, to uphold our Presi· dent, to be loyal American citizens? WE ARE NOT AS "blind" as might be thought, to students being indoctrinated by Communist teachers and sym. pathizers. The reason more hasn't been heard from the "Silent Majority" is because we just happen to be very busy working for a living, paying taxes that htlp provide the no'nworkert-(klndelt word l can think al) with mBJ\Y privilqos they haven't earned for themselves, such as police and fire protection, education and especially welfare. MAYBE SOMEONE can tell U1 how or who financed the 40,000 people in the pro- test march on Waslµngton. I am proud to be part of a "Silent Mt• jority" that has had its fill of anarchy and which has produ~ two organiza.. lions -VIVA and TIRED. VIRGINIA METZGER Chlropraetors TO the Editor ' Dr. Norman Niloa.'s eoiumn attacking chiropractors hu a ring of convictkin to It, and yet U they really are frauds why is it that the public II not protected from them -at least in the fonn of governmental warning as in the case of cyclamates, smoking and narcotics? Maybe there's some money changing hands in the lobbies somewhere in the standard manner of ~litics these days. If honest and courageous people can be found to conduct one, how about an in· vestlgatlon? CHARLES BLAKE In Accord With J\'fzon To the Editor : Mrs. Vanderbilt and J wish to expreu our appreciation for the recent article ht the DAILY Piwr by Norman Nl:lon, M. D. dealing with "chiropractic." We are entirely in accord with Dr. Nix· on ·s viewpoint, and feel that the public should be warned of the dangers in- volved. Thank you for printing this article. DONALD B. VANDERBILT Foretearned To the Editor : My congratulations to your paper for running that fine article by Dr. Norman Nixon on chiropracUes. People are certainly entitled to koow the facta and thus be forewarned. Thank you! EDtnl WATSON Oregon'• Beaches To the Editor ' On lle«mber I one of your staff r---B11 George -- Dear G«lrge: In the poper you aald you hid a M>lution to all of Wc's big problenu If retden woold just fill out the coupon at the bottom of the col- umn. There wasn't 1tny coupon at the bottom of the column. . ANNOYED o..r Annoyed' I'm a bl& problem min. Don't bother me with details Uke thal Letter! from reader! are welcome. Normally writers should convey their n1essages iii 300 toords or less. The right to condense letters to fit space or t'liminate libel is reserved. Alt let- ters must include signature and mail- ing address, but 11ames may be with· h1ld on request if sufficient reason i.t!'cpparent. Poetry will not be pub-lil-hed, wrilorw wrote about the access to the beaches in Cllifornia and mentioned the fact that they were waiting for a ruling from the Supreme Courts of Oregon and California. I don't know anything about the California laws but I Jived most of my ltre in Oregon and for 15 years my home was right on the beach at Seaside. I had no more. right to that beach than anybody else as many years ago the then Gov. Oswald West of Oregon got a bil l passed that transfe.rred all beaches to the state Bureau of Public Roads. THAT JS THE law up there and anybody can 1et to those beaches at any tiine and an,y place according to this law. I augaest your writer check on the Oregon laws. Surely what they do here in Calilornia Is a crime to the public lnteruts but it you have supervison who will give away the rt1hts o( the public to the beaches I reel it is time for a change someplace. This Salt Creek deal is certainty a tragedy and somebody must have gained something besides this large corporation and I can't imagine any law on the books that permits this. Surely this is a miscar· rlage of justice for the public. Jt means nothing to me as I live on the hill overlooking the oceari and never use the beach. R. B. STIGER Not lnfallll>le To the Editor : It is regrettable that the press has fQ\lnd it necessary to take issue with P.fr. Agnew's rteent criticism. There is no doubt in my mind that some newspapers Jn this country intentionally distort. slant, or misquote the facts. There are some (mooitly in the east) that I absolutely refuse to read let alone purchase. A classic example would be the Johnson -Goldwater presidential cam· paign. There was no way Goldwate r could have won after the press hung the "shoot from the hip" image on him . I firmly believe the news media \\1as the demise Qf Mr. Goldwater. The attitude of one o( the reporters for a major te.lcvlsJon network "'hile covering interviews on the convenUon floor was e :r t r em e I y notice able. I CAN UNDERSTAND the prua tall!ng issue with "1r. Agnew. 1 believe It lln't ethlc1l to crtUcb.e one'• collu.gues « professio n. Jn other words, Ult)' can do no wrona. \\'ho sajd the press Isn't in- (alllble? I bellevt Govttn0r Reagan's 1nswer to a reporter querying as to the m'rlt of 11-fr. A8Jlew's a1Uclsm 11 closest to the truth (If It were known). His reply w1s lh1t, for the most part, the repcrter at the worklni level reported accurately. It was Dflt!r his story \\'IS submltttd that It "'as rewrltten, or embellished, or modified, or mJsquoted or whatever is declr!ed by the powers that be that the credibility gap alstl. It would seem th&t the truth hurts. LOUIS H. LOVELEITE '" Agnew'• Tirade To the Editor: ln a UPI dispatch the Vatican warned that it may ban newsmen who shaw an ''incorrect attitude" toward the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy See. Now doesn't that sound like Agnew 's tirade against the news media here? It appears to be a timely parallel. Aecording to Science, two parallel lines will eventually merge into one line. In this case of similarity, the one "line'' asks for the death of the free press (And l don't mean the L.A. Free Press which is tetnan- tically bent on de~I ~ i_ h,e "Establishment"). But the above members ol the parallel are e:rpressions of power, for 1ood or bad, and they want to hang onto their gains. BOm AGNEW AND the Pope resist denouement if it would mean a change. These two characters could very wen go down to the beach and order the breakers to cease and desist for all the good it would do them to stifle free speech and freedom of the prl!IS. I recall that the an· cient Popes had a very bad trip on this subject alone, and Mr. Agnew Is not Jike- ly to revive a trend that has always been a failure. People, even the ones who support Agnew and the Pope, will st.UL buy newspapers with headlines the people want to see, and they will .WI watch the lurid TV programs which, again, give them what they want. S. G. UNDINE Communism To the Editor : Are people today too busy to learn about a subject before criticizing others? If ~lrs. Keith Davis Jr. (Mailbox, Dec. 2) were to look up communl.!lm, she mJght be shocked. Webrttr defines communism as "A theory or sy1tem of the ownership of the means or producUon by the com-- munity. with all membera sharing in the work and the products equally." This means there is no slate, and no central power at all. I understand this to mean everyone shares everything, and we have no superlon. So who bikes away the tiny childttn If thert IS no state? I believe that Jt!UI Christ wanted ju.st this, equaUl.y not tyranny. STEViN C. LAUBLY \Vtbster 4Uo dtfint! communism O! "(o ) a. doctrin1 baled on revolu· tionary 111arxitin aoeiolf.sm a.nd Mar::t· ism-Leninisni that is tht official idto- log y of the USS R.; (b) a totalitarian system of govtrnm.tnt 1n which a sf1tgle authoritarian party conlrol! state·own ed mctms: of production With the professed aim of ~st.ab/Uhing a 3tatelts1 societv, and (c) a final stage of society in Mar:dst theor11 in which the !late ha,, withered a100t1 and eco- nomic good.s arc distributed tquaU11 .-" -Editor Blt111M!S t1te Arm11 To the Editor' Appamrtly It's jun like In the old days when the Army Uled lo go out and lt1ll oft the squ1"'s and chlldrtn Jn the Indian villages AS a w1y ot takln& care ol the Jn. dlan problem. LL Calley and IOI -In company "C" drop In on Ole Viet Coria 41 Local Force BattaUon'1 homt village and kill olr •bout 100 women and chlldttn. I have always bttri uhtmed •bout whit we did to the Indians; I am more ashamed today for wh.at we Jusi did to the Viet Cong. NOW TO ~IAKE m1tttr1 wor1t1 t htar we art going to have separate justice for the klllm. One kind for the men who did the job and another tvr the brw who planned It. t understand that Lt. Caney and his men get the full scale inquiry, court-martial -the works . 'Ibeir superiors get a separate and small team investigation to report to a very high level. I remember when Hitler planned his genocide we held him much more responsible than the men \vho acted under his orders. I BLMIE THE Army. First for the deed, then for the cover up of the men really responsible. What do we say when the private Is jailed, while his superior who gave the orders walks free? ROBERT HAYWARD BaulUilng ot the HoMI To the Editor : It may be of interest to you to learn that the 'aging' man, referred to by John Valterza ln his article -0f November 29 re.garding the little barque moored fn Newport Harbor, is none other than the same person who had the honor of rteeiv· ing a coinpllme.ntary notice in the DAILY Piwr ol Feb, 26, 1964. It was with a great deal of anticipatlon that l looked forward to a visit to the Monte Cristo for it is many yean !ince I set foot upon the deck of a sailing lhip, and I looked forward to a seafarer's con- versation, though in the 64 year1 ar absence from deep-sea sailing, I mu!t confegs I have lost much of the lingo of the aea. I NOTE IN THE Valterza article that the crew that is being signed on will con· sist of ine:a:pe.rienced youths. J trust that the Monte Cristo will not be faced With even a mild hurricMe that can become a bazard to even A.B. 's of long e:a:perience under the command Of a master with years of e:a:perienre In handling a square- rlgger, and papen to entitle him to be in command of a vesael and the Uves of the members of his crew. Fortunately the present voyage, though somewhat vague, doe.s not include the rounding al the H.rn, for though then are days when the sun sh.Ines and lhe 1t1. is ltS& hosUle, these d•Y1 a.re few am far between, as I can attest to in my four voyages around um 10Uthemmost cape. IT WAS ON ONE or the wm lo east rounding.< ot the Horn that a fuiH1(1er, alao trying to make the rounding close on the wind, came in collision with us, ltlik· ing us with htr aolid steel cutwater four titnea before we had p~ her, as sht l'09e-and fell on the high running sea, never to reach her home port nearer than the Fal.klands. This epi50de J bave in· eluded In detall In a story l have written but have never publhbtd. HERJ!ERT G. OOLLIER ----- Wednesday, Dec. 10, 1969 TM fdllorlol JIGO• of th• Doau Pilot 1srb Co infonn and 1tim- vlo:t1 nadnt bv prtltnting th.is N10ipaptr'1 opinton.s aM com- N-nta~ cm topiu of tnttreit """ slg!Ufjam«, by provfdfng • forum f01' U.1 1;qmuim\ of our rtodlft' opfnlon1, cmd by J)Tt.tmtfng tll• divcne vftw. poffttl of lnform.ed obstMJfr1 and tp0kfmen on toplcl of thlll' t1av. Robert N. Weed, Publi sher • I 'J ! I • I I I • ' I 1 -------.. --------------------------~--·---------------~~-· ------- ' • Job-seekers . Take It Easy By ROBERT STRAND ST~FORD (UPI) -More and rnore, collegians have no intention of workklg at careers Ule way their fathers do. 1£ tbe boss gets nasty, if he wants you to transfer, if he does1)'t come ur, wllh a raise -q~. You a ways can get •no~r-job. A last growing altitude is that work is necessary for awh.il~ but Hfe's real satisfac- tlonS:;e tti be found with your hi·fi ; t; home light shows, famU a1d lrle.nds. ThiS is on the authority of an irlterview with as good a apokesman for his generation as any, Peter Sandman, a t raduate student at Stanford. fJniversity. Sandman, who while at Princeton wrote a book on dif- ferences between girls at vaNOus colleges, now has a • ' Complete 12 Week Holiday Program NOCONYUQi OFF.ER LIMITED CALL NOW YOU WILL GO fROM SIZE ,, '910 ;,, 30 Doy1 16 !o 12 ill 31 Ooy• II te 14 i11 31 Oop SHAPE SHOPPES INT . FIGURE SALONS WEST L.l. SMITA ltMICA 477-1122 393.0064 3112S1,t111•1 111 Will~ir1 •ATNlll;E MISSllll MIUS 349-4781 361°1714 nn h11u 11'4. 11312 s.,., ... ....... 142-0l7t 115 •• . .... at CERTIFIED NOW the "Better C"r•" Stor• boolt out called, • 1 T b 1 Unabashed Career Gulde." The book "' ctwelts on the dreary daily details ol what life is really like in the work· ing world , making observa· iio:ns such as:, "Thert are· two persoUality types who are ideally sui&ed to a law firm career: bookworms and -stuffed shir\s." Or, ''The routine of teaching can kill a mind and deaden a spirit as fast as any activity known to man." ' The chapter on careers i'.1 the military is one sentence : "You must be kidding." Sandman pOinta to surveys showing students put mon ey far down the list Of what they want from their jobs. One survey indicates 81 percent would sacrifice their oc- cupation if it conflicted with their pri vate life. Sandma:.1's advice Is to dab. ble with jobs, keep them for short term challenges and then get out. These attitudes of youth, who never knew a d~presslon. are born of a 'faith in what they believe the world will be like in the 1980s. They are con- vinced more and ,m o r e material goods will be available for everybody, and automation will mak"e ·work unnecessary for most people. They also foresee a world in which careers 'A'ili become obsolete so fast people will change t h e i r occupatia.1s every few years. "I know a guy taking a PhD in a kind of systems planning which will be outmoded In five years," says Sandman. Sandman says he is studying for a PhD in cOmmunicatlons only because he and his wife like the graduate school way of life. "I have no use for a doctor·~ degree. 1 have no intention of using it." He think! he will be a "Titer. No Lack Of Fact Sea Sirens TOPS Sea Sirens meet in Killybrooke School, C o st a ?riesa. Programs begin at 7 p.m. every Wednesday. RATED #1! BUILT-IN DISHWASHER by &,.~:<ID ' ~= _ Whirlpool ~eiil ~~ ·•179 95 , .... 1 ...... .. _,. .... el A-·Colon Model SVU.70 See this dishwasher and many other fine appllanc.S in 01r new Kitchen and Laundry Center Let us expleln our "BETTER CARE WARRAljTY" Certified Appliance 642-0240 540·4720 WE SERVICE ALL MAllS 333 E. 17th St Costa Mesa --' ' Lorraine Kemp B~comes -Mrs. Warner B .. Cl.arke DEBORAH HOLTHOUSE Sprint Wedding Betrothal News Told The engagement or Deborah Holthouse and Curtis J. Cope has been 1nt1ounced by Mr. And Mrs. R. W. Holthouse or Huntington Beach, parents oI the bride-elect. News. ol the spring wedding was disclosed during a party aboard the Reuben E. Lee, Newport Beach. Miss Holthouse , ,a graduate of Huntington Beach •Hgh School, now is <t tten di n g Orangt: Coast Collt:ge where she is pursuing a medical career. Her fianCe, son of ?ifr. and Ptlrs. R. W. Cope: of Riverside , is a graduate of Ramona High School, Riverside City College and the Orange County Police Academy. He currently is employed by· the Huntington Beach Police Department. Luncheon Catered v. , ' , ' ' ' ' , • ----------------·----• WtdntldlJ, bttrm~ 10, 196• --DAILY 'llOT jl . Former Resident-We cP1 In Afternoon Rit~s Jo'ormer Munijng\011 '. Bel¢h rtsider:i t Billie Jo ·S m i I h became the bride of Thomu V. Brawley du.ting e11ly_ af· temoon rites read ·in the Hun- tington VaUe1 "*mbly or God Churdl by the Re•. ' hflfl( Patricia: Andn.· Ill • yellow\. JOWTI · wu m1W ol hooor, all<! Floyd Todda' ;.as ·beat man . .Ushers were "MLQ and ltonald V'ltlbam. r. Madonna P.i.&_ryear., . . Parents of tbe couple are Joseph Smith of Sylmar and the late Mrs. Smith and Thomas Brawley of Monterey Park. The newlywedf..r e c e I Y e d guests int~ h~e· of Mc.~nd Mrs.-Fred· Venham• of )tun- tingi.on Beach, where-. ¥rs. Robert Smith •. sister of'\ tht bride, assisted. After honeymooninc\i I n For the ceremony the bride selected a lace. gown arid car- ried red and white roses. , northem Califcr~. thq ~will make their home tn Moottrey Park. Distinctive 14 karat yellow gold watches from.our delicious world. ·Fl.orentine dial and bra celet; $550. Tapered bracelet~ $41 O. Classic square. $325. SLA VICK'S 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -6••· l llD v ..... C.~•·te 11.CCOlll'lt WitltOtnl -ll1nli.il.mHlc•rf . M••l•r Ctlt ....... ' . ·o,.. lro!•'4kr ttlr• S~•r4.., 1~tl1 t :ll. Serve Pepperidge Fann Soup 'tor Christmas. . Have lite neighbors in for• cup of· cl)eery .hol soup. It's • merry new holiday. cu~tom frqm . Pepperi~ge Farm-Season's Gteetihgs in llteso winning flavors : · · NEW ENGl.AND Cl.AM CHOWDER .'Soceulent salt-water clams simmered in a cream·rith chowder. Pearled willt polaloesaild:otiions: LOBSTER l.ANGOSTINO BISQUE.:Chilly-water Maine lobster with imported Chilean langostlno1 in a cream bisQue laced with sauterne ., CHICKEN CURRY SOUP. A nicely spiced chicken bisque. Brisked with exotic curry, smoothed with cream and a puree of aarden veaetables. At 10• off a can, Pepperid1e Farm makes it eosy to be a warm friend to all. • • , I r • • ff DAILY PILOT H -;:;-,.--~-~~-~.+-. -· ••• Wtdntsday, Dtttmbtr 10, 1%9 --. . . . --.. --.---~­. . _......~---7~-·.• .,,--,_-,,.-~. v·--~· ~--~--.--~ ~ ---.. . •. -• ~ l .. :r.-.. .-_""!'"':"""". -. . -·- P-T Programs Billed tl:CIW't Wtl ,. ,_.. ..,_.,. lit ,._.,... l/t l!tY, HU!ltliwtoll ... (Fl, o..ri ..... '"' lleldl .,. w.""' .... •lff ~ Olttrkf ,_,.._.MKNf' .,._ •nHI .. wllL •-Ill "'9 DAU. Y "II.OT ·.a. 'ontlk. l!lfcl,,_I...., mv•t bt ~ br Nn. Glll!Wf T1,1tn11ult, Jf.'1 Mt11rvm Orlff. +;-lnellln I••<~ ff J •·"'· F~fd9y tor 1>111!1ic4olion We<I· .... M Y.I Clegg PTA !Hrs. Alvia Lipeli President COMING UP: Holiday Bouli· que will be presented by PTA tomorrow night frorn 7:30 to 9 in them~ room. On sale will be .handmade gifts such as Christmas tree ornaments, candles and felt w a 11 hangings and homemade baked goods including fancy bruds. fruit cakes. cookies and candies.. Refreshments will be served. ln Charge of RttanCemenls are t h e Mmes. Wesley Thmtburgh, Bernard Bricker and Claren· ce ·Knox • • • Progressive dinner f~ executive board members will take place Saturday evening, Dec. 13. College View PTO Mn. JUcUrd Hegle Pl-~ C OMING UP: Annual Christmas procram will be presented tonight at 7:30 in the Huntington B e a c h Hilh Schoo I auditorium. Program theme is Santa'.!! W<rbhop and fin:t, second 1111d fourth graders will pertlcipete under the direc- ti(lll of Eugene Hartnell and their teachers. Featured will be a vilit by Sant.a, who will dilCribate surprises. REPORTS: canned food drive is in procress Wltil Friday, Dec. 19. Contributions may be: deposited in the container lOClted in front of the school ofrice. Food collected will be distributed to needy families in Huntington Beach. DeMille PTA Mrs. Robert Whiteside President COMING UP: Pioneers of Califomla is title o t Christmas program to be present.ed by fourth gr ad e classes et unit meeting Mon~ day, Dec. 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room. Also featured will be a bazaar and sale of school pennanl~. Second grade moUiers will hOil. FV Ele. PTO Mn. Walter Tate President COWJNG UP: Combination unit meeting and Cllristma s program Wednesday, Dec. 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room •.. Can· ned food will be collected for needy families Dec. 15. 16 and 17, Contributions may be placed under the living Onistmas tree dooated by PTO and localed in the multipurpose room. PTO will pur ch a se the perishables necessary to complete a holiday meal for t h e r e cipienls ..• Santi! Claus will visit classroom!\ Friday, Dec. 19, during class parties. FV High PTSA Mrs. WllU•m Brockmann President COMING UP: Board members will enjoy a Christmas luncbeoo Monday, Dec. 22, at II :30 a.m. in Guy Fawkes restaurant, Fountain Valley. r·eatured will be a gift ex- change. REPORTS: Ate xec u t i v e board meeting. members voted to allot $25 for holiday welfare baskets and $25 for a life membership award to be presented next year. Mrs. Robert Carpenter \\' a s ratified as auditor. Fulton PTO Mn. Robert Welch President COMING UP: Special unit meeting hosted by t h e faculty will take place tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Fe'atured will be a panel discussion or school and district topics. P an e I members will be NJchael Brick., d i s t r I c t superin· tendenl; Mis."I Myna Hasting!'!, sch ool psychologist; Miss P a t Whtckeman, learning coordinator; Mrs. J. M. Escobedo, librarian : Richard Eastburn, music department, and Miss Susan McKinsey, Mrs. R. T. Harney and tr.rs. Robert Lemle y, teacher s. .Refreshments will be served by the hospitaJity com- mittee ••• PTO spoosored Cub Scout Pack 415 will meet in Tamura School at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 15. Auction of baked goOOs will be conducted and a skit performed by the Scouts. Mrs. Richard Burton, Cub Scout secretary, reports the ' annual paper driv e is in pro- gress until the end of Decembe r ... PTO sponsored bow lin g league will participate in a Christmas gift exchange Tuesday, Dec. 16. REPORTS: Room mothers met today with !\1'rs. Henry Lange, chairman •• , Mrs. Donald Williams. recording secretary. donated a new coffee pot for use in the 1P T 0 room .•. Christmas program ()( Cub Scoot Pack 41~ was discussed at a special committee meeting last Mmday ••• P'l'O is col- lecting tcading stamps and food coupons in order to ob- tain silverware. Further in· formation may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Robert Welch at 8-47-(1890 ••• Toy. food and clothing drive will continue throughout t h e school year. according to 7'.1rs. James JacOOsen .. , 7\.1rs. Greg Burk e, cir· riculum materials cen· ter ch airma n. requests that ON.mas card boxes with lids be brought to the school office. Containers will be used to store perctpt.ual i::ames made by P T O volunteers and used by st udents. Gisler PTO Mrs. Peter Barbolak President COMING UP : Santa will visit homes Tuesday, \Vednesday, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 16, 17, 19 and W, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Parents may ar· range for a visit fTom Santa by contacting Mn. Edward McCallum at 952-8630. Cost is $1 per family and pro- ceeds will be used to pur· chase 'school equipmen t. Gisler Junior High PTA Mn. Karl Wojaha President REPORTS: Christmas pro- gram has been postponed until January due to the in· jury ol Mr$. Edwin Mead, music director, in an auto accident ••• New PTA unit has been fanned, and Mrs. Steve Wint«, membership chaUman, urges parents to join. Coct d. membership is 50 cents. Goldenwest PTA Mrs. Paul Renfro President COMING UP: Our Olristmas Card · t.o You is theme of Cllristmas pr<>11ram to be presented by students fr,qm kindergarten through--sffflh grades following u n i t meeting Wednesday, Dec. 17, a~ 7:30 p.m. Hayden PTA Cbry1 Deliuer Presidtnt REPORTS: Bike Safety City was cosponsored today by PT A and We s t minster Police Department. Children participated in a test or bicycle riding skills and those performing satisfac- torily received licenses. Hope View PFO Mt1. Richard Simmons President REPORTS: Mrs. G er a Id Cormack, m em b ership chainnan, reports almost 200 parents joined PFO dur- ing the recent membership drive. School banner and ice cniam were awarded to Mrs. Robert Wi130rl'S class for the greatest participa- tion. fd'embershi p remains opm 8nd parents may enroll at gmerai meetings. LeBard PTO ~frs. Kenneth Gath President COWJNG UP: First unit 1neeting present ed by charter oHicers will take place '11iursday, Dec. 18, in school. REPORTS : Under the direc- tion or PTO, 'children are donating coins to. be used for purchase of Christmas gifts for patients at Fairview State Hospital. Each class \.\-'ill purchase a gift. Direct From the East Players Sport Fashion By AN!\' HENCKEN NE\V YORK (AP) -It was billed as "the sexiest fashion ~how of the year: 1he New York Jets and Pierre Cardin." Sexy, no. Funny, yes. Three burly Jets did their best to r.quewt Into Cardin resort clothes for a Monday taping ol tht Joe Namath television show. It !leelt)ed doubtlul that Cardin had fool· ball players in mind when ht designed hi!! collection. 'Tight end Pert LIJYlmons tame out In while flannel ,;lacks. red ':!wtatt>r and blue blizer. Brighi bouncy organ music p I a ye d in the b11.ckgroi.md. "Here she comes. ~lh:s Ameri ca," someoM sang 001. Wolf whistles began. "Open the Jacbt, man.'' •id Namath, kunging back io his chair. Namath wore a brown wit and beige· shirt -• wide knit lie. Lommom opened his coat to lhow" tbat tbe sweater bare1y rHChed his waist. Halfback Einerson Boo&er $ltpped up to face the· music In a cotton poplin raln.!Ult. He liked the outfit. Jt •a.s almost made for him." except ror the panta, '' ht said. 'The pant! were a litUe looee-around the 4 mlddle. As lor. blJ own clothea. "l lite wlll thlnp, • Boour, said. oclaiollliiloll ow• ilip ct J5 llUitl. Lammon• 11ld it war m<l't like 55. OUT OF NEW YORK -Hemline• abou~ three in- ch .. above the kneu and sli~hUy high waislline5 11re featured 1n George ~falley s fashion line. Perry PTO J\lrs. George King President COMING UP: Annual Christmas program will be presented by students at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the Perry Bowl. Re£reshments will be served by executive board members. . .Immunization clinic a n d tuberculosis testing will be conducted for first grade classes tomor· row-... Students will donate pennies for one week to the Operation Merry Christmas fund. REPORTS: Christmas tree was presented to Mrs. Joseph Fitts, principal. Tree will be placed in the library and derorated by students. Total of 26 tons or paper was collected during the recent drive, and magnifying glasses will be purchased with the proceeds. Assisting with the drive were George, King, Dan Eddow, Les Brown, Pat Aiken, Marshall Gideon. Freeman T.iylor and Ed Ross. Robinwood PFO Mn. Ltt P.1ock President COMING UP: Execu ti ve board will meet at 7:30 tonight in the conference room . , . Annual children's Christmas program for parents will be presented Tuesday. Dec. 16. Students from first through third grades will entertain at 6:30 p.m. Fourth through sixth graders will perform at 7:45. Public is invited. REPORTS: Ocean V i e w District Superintendent Dr. Clarence H'all, four Hun-. tington Beach f i r e m e n • parents and children were on hand to greet Santa after his arrival by helicopter at the Christmas bazaar last Saturday. Schroeder PTA Mrs. Charles Spade President COMlNG UP: Unit meeting and Olristmas program will take place in the cafetoriwn Monday, Dec. 15, at 7:3D p.m. Program en tit I e d Christmas in the U.S.A. will Include students f r o rn fourth, fifth and s Ix th grades. REPORTS: llono.rary ser\iice and Founders Day com· mittee has been organized under the chairmanship of Mrs. Bruce Flood. Com- mittee members i n c 1 u d e !\Crs. John Gallagher, Mrs. Robert Norton and Glen Stice. Wardlow PTO !\lrs. George Meehan President COMING UP: Christmas pro- gram will be presented 1onight following a brief busineS!I meeting at 7:30 in the multipurpose room . Participating in the program will be kindergarten students, bands. orchestras. choruses and fe a t u r e d performers Debbie Fulcher and Daryl Robbins . Ar- rangements for programs an d art display "·ere handl· ed by Miss Frances Bowen aod Mrs. Paul Landers. Brownie Troop 903 will con- duct the flag ceremonies and a brief movie on the history of Fountain Valley School District will be shown . REPORTS: New s a f e t y chairman is W.rs. John Even the Circus Has Christmas in Sight l"i rst and second graders at Lark View School will present Christmas in the Circus for the PTO mee't~ ing at 7 ~$0 tonight in Meadow Vie\v School auditor- ium. l'."tacticing their parts are Gregory Da vis as Santa: Leslie Bogen as a trapeze artist, and Michael Schilleci, the clown. Fifth -and sixth grade choral group also will entertain. Christmas Brightened for the Less Fortunate f~ifts for \·Vard 227 at Fairvie\V State Hospital \Vilt be on the receiving end of Circle View PTA's Christ- 1nas giving. for members are collecting gifts and \Vill deliver them to the hospital. Contributions may Werner. Mrs. Richard Eckert is chairman of telephone commitlee for up.. coming bond election. Room mothers met with Mrs. Reed Gloshen. chairman, to formul ale plans for class Christmas parties. be taken to the school unW Dec. 17. Assuring a haP"" pie r Yuletide for those qess fortunate are (left to right) Kristi Schantz, Mark Forrest and Eddie Aleson. Women Are Well Paid On Government Hill WASHINGTON (AP) There may be more women on Capitol Hill being paid $25,000 a year and more than in any other small area ln the coun- try. Senal~ and House records reveal there are <ihout 80 such \\·ell-paid \\'omen. These in- clude o,1e sen11tor and nine represe ntatives, 'vho g e t $42.500 apiece. Among top paid v.·omen e1nployes each with a salary or $33.495, are two Negroes. They are Christine Ray Davis. &&ff direct.or of the House Go~t Operations Committee. and Lou i s e Dargans, research director of the House Education and HB Au xiliary Tu'ice a month the Ladir~· Auxiliary to Huntington Be;ii.:h Veteran' of Foreign \\1;_1r~. Post 7368 meelS at 8 p.n1. Tht• - Jirst r~riday of each 111a.ith they gather in Odd Fello\\'S Hall for .11 business meeting and the third Friday they 11oclalize In various location~. Further lnrormAtitffi may be 1ecurcd by calling ~1rs. LeRoy 1-lcrmann flt 536-3$80. Labor CommiLlec and former ad ministrative assistant to Rep. Adam Clayton Powell. Another at that top level I~ Bess Dick, longtime chief clerk or the House Judiciary <..:ornmittee. or the 435 I-louse men1bers, J 12 ha\ie women as their top aides. Of thesr. 53 are paid $25,795, the top pcrtnissible salary for a Congressicr.lal aide . Of lhe 10 women member~ or Congress, only three have \\'Omen as their top aides here. They are Reps. Martha Grif· fiths. l).~1ich., Leo nor Sullivan. l).M o. and Shirley Chisholm, 0-N,Y. One of those making 1nore than $25,000 is Evelyn Lincoln, the late President John t'. Kennedy 's personal sec retary. She is legislative assista.1t to Rep . James W. Kee, l).W, Va . Six senators ha\'e women as thei r lop and highest paid <ticle~. They arc Sens. 1ifike i'.lansfield . D·i'.lont., nlajority leader: Robert Byrd . D·\\'. Va . Clilford Case. R·N,J ., Carl Curti.~. R·Neb.. F'rank Church , [).Ida .. and J enni ngs Randolph. 0-\V. Va. There are more than 1,35(1 "'01nen on i:Ongressional payrolls who :ire paid in ex· Cf:'!'.'!! or $10.000 a year. - Aquarium Travi:!ls . :\ •·rra.vcling·· aqu ariu'!l____1!,as been acquired liy Hope View PfO and will be a\~'atded to the clas.o; \v1nrung \he Oest itlerid8nce record ·at unitmeellngs. Act,. 1nir1 ng the a,\·ard arc David Simmons and Mrs. Gerald Cormack, member. ship chairma'1. • • I • • ~ ' .. • • ~ • 'i 'I I I I 'I I ' ,, • li1ountain . *· .. * VQl. ~2,,NO. 295, ~ SECTIONS, 48 PAGES ' • Valley . ' .. .,.. .. . • . • EDITION * ORANGE COUNTY,. CALl~NIA . . . WEDNESDAY, llE<;:EMBER 10, 1949 . . Tetlay'• Fl•e·t • N.Y. Steeb .TEN CENTS' • l(opechne Autopsy Nixed . UPI TelwoMl9 MARY JO 'S PARENTS RELIEVED AT NEWS Joseph, Gwen. Kopechne· After Decition Girls Pulled From·School Enrolled in Garden Grove The parents-of two Huntington Beach girl! ended a month Ione struggle with Foontain Valley High School authorities over. aUq:ed drug abuse Tuesday by B~h .Hunting J !r-'t • ' • For ·More · Yule Cont,est Entries • Mott :entries are needed in Hunllngton Beach's annual Christmas decorating contest, pleads chairman Carolt wan. Dul)bed "Christmas City" this year the contest offers 38 trophies in 10 categories. The deadline for entering has been ex- tended to Friday, Mrs. Wall said. Those wishing to enter their home or business decinUons may call the Chamber of Commerce, ·962-8661 oc Mrs. Wall, 962- 4078. The contest Is sponsored by the city and conducted by the: Women's Division or the chamber. Categories open Include best outdoor Christmas theme (two grand trophies ), best outdoor childrens fantasy (two &rand trophies \. best outdoor religious display, best outdoor tree. Be&t mobile home display, best indoor tree visible from stnet. b e s t display \•isible from street, best '1eighborhood group, best merehants wi_n.. rlow. best commercial, school or civic display. • Mayor Limited To 2-year Term The Mayor of Fountain Valley will be elected to a two-year term by hia fellow cl~ councilmen and will not be aUowed - to succeed himself in office. The city counc:I Tuesday appro\led that formal for future ollice holders and agreed that the. office oC vice mayor, now to be called mayor pro tern, will follow tM same restrictions . · The council considered several formals before selecting the two-yur system. Mayor !'To Tern John IDlrper first aug. gested a ~ year rota'lioo, bul the coun· cil ultimately voted unanimously for two years. enrolling them in another school in a dif- ferent school district. Mrs. Paul Aleridge, 16842 Ross Lane, said bar daughters Kathleen, 17, and Can· dace, 15, are curnnUy living with friends in Garden Grove • that they may attend Bolsa Grande lll&h SdtooL :~' "'-ve·P.Jl«llll' bOiiH up·for sale and Will mote 1bere al80 11 IOOft as we can,'' :she added. ?he ·Alerid1es ~tied' their daughters lnim.J'Clllnlaln Valley Hl&h Scllool Oct. 31 .' ctilrtiria !hat ~ticl and dnij use .ulOundeil <iii cam a!JCI lha\ ~ did ~ want their chi en lt1eod.i111 such an in1titution. For a• time Ibey faced serious legal conseque~ since the law provides that children must attend school until they are 18 years old or araduate from high school. . Charges filed against lhem Monday at West Orange County Municipal Court for failure to keep their children in school will be dropped, the District Attorney's Office indicated. Ear~u in the dispute the Aleridges peUUoned the Garden Grove Unlfied Schaol District for-entrance into Bol!a Grande High School but were denied the request since school district policy does not permit 1ntenllllrk:! trwlets for drug reasons. Today, Mn. Aleridp said she hopes that her action "will sUr up something" to bring about a reduction of drug use on campuses. She said that current anti-narcotics groups are too interested in curing people · already usinc dru1s. "I don't want to cure .but want to get at the cl.use," she said. "That wry you a:et the whole bundle." Flooding Gone In Seal Beach Braced for the po&Sibility of recur· rent flooding, Sea1 Beach area residenu this morning found only puddles rather than 1 deluge along their waterfront. Pollet satd the high Ude peaked out at a:41 a.m. but e1u5ed only "a wee bit. of Ooodin(, mootly Oii the west end ol the Surfskle area.•• City warionen rrieanwhUe had con- structed a. 12 to JS-fdot high dirt dike al"" the beach to prevent the high Water,from reachlng ocean front homes. Kennedy 'Grawful' Over Ruling .. WILKES.BARRE. Pa. !UPI) -A county judge today refused a request from Massachusetts authorities for an autopsy on the body of Mary Jo Kopechne, who died last summer when an ~uto driven by Sen. Edward M. Ken· nedy pluriged into a tidal pOnd . .' Judge Bernard J. Broinlnski of Luzerne ' County said there was nothing to indicate Miss Kopechne, 28, a secretary and Ken· nedy family campaign worker, died by "other than asphyxiation by immersion." Kennedy said in Washington, "I realize how much this decision meam to the Kopechne ramily. It increases their peace of mind and l am grateful for that. "It is now my hope that the authorities in Massachuse tts will move forward so that the entire matter can be concluded as soon as possible." The judge, noting the requesl. for the autopsy had referred to blood on the vic· lim's blouse and in her mouth and nose, said "the only positive test.imony as to Police Check Cult's Links ~o 2 Slayings LOS ANGELES (UPI) -An ln- \'estigation is being conducted into possi· ble links between the seven Tate.LaBlan- ca slayings .and the NoV. 5 stabbing deaths of two young Church. of·-sclen· tology members, patice said today. The disclosure came as Charles ~1anson, the pied piper of a hippie cult accused in the Sharon Tat.La Blanca~&Ul­ ings was ret.umed here Tuesday night for arraignment on seven murder charges. Manaon. II. who . wlH appear ln c<Jort Ttwrsday, was brought from Indepen- dence, Calif.,-wfiere-be--wes-he.ld on auto theft charge. He wore fringed buckskin cJothing and moccasins, Three other· members of "the Manson ramily" were to be arraigned today. "There is an inv~tigation going on into the possible Jinks," said Police Sgt. Henry Cullwn. DetecUve Lt. Earl Deemer said lhe possible link \\'a& being closely in- vestigated. "The overklH syndrome was present in the Scientologlsts' deaths - each kid was stabbed over 50 Umes - and it was present ,in the Tate and LaBianca murders," Deemer said. Similarities between the three brutal crimes have physjcal as well as philosophical parallels. 0 e t e ct I v e s reportedl y have been b:>king into cul!ism, particularly the. pseudo-religious tribe led by the Jong.haired, bearded Manson and another group called "The PrOcess." "The Process,'' an antiestablishment group formed in London which has been known to worship Satan. is an offshoot of the Church or Scientology. Investigators have been struck witb parallels between its philoaophies and the occultism of ~1anson. who was known to have dabbled in Scientology and then gone on to more eccentric cultism. The present inv~ation, according lo Deemer, enconipaae;es the three crimes, but authorities were reportedly looking into links to two other unsolved slayings. termed senseless, Jn the U. Angeles area &ince the beginning of the year. nie bodies cf James Sharp, 15 and Doreen Gaul, 19, both.recent residents of lhe Los Angeles aree, were found in an alley Nov. 5. Tbe young Scientologists had been ~y stabbed. Deemer noted these similarities: -Min Gaul and Sh.-p lived about two rnilcs afrom where wealthy grocer Leno (See TATE CABE, Page ll these was that this evidence was .wholely consistent with death by drowning." The accident occurred July 18 on Chap- paquiddick Island, Mass. In a lf.paae opinion, Brominski said testimony at a·two-day hearing here last October noted discrepancies in Sen. Ken· necly'.s televised acCouitt and a police report of"the accident. He said these "do not alter the detenninaUon of the cause or de;1th." The girl's parenu. Mr. and Mrs. Jostph Kopechne or Berkeley Heighls, N.J., had fought the autopsy request. They told a news conference after Brominski's ruling they y.rere "very pleased by the decision." Mrs. Kopechne, speaking in a low voice, said "I'll come up here very often to see my daughter. J could never have gont to that cemetery (at nearby Larksville) 1r I knew it had been disturb- ed. I'll be back." Kopecllne. said the fact that an inquest will be held in Massachusetts in.to the death of his daughter, an only child, "does not disturb us. We are waiting pa· tiently for the inquest." . . • Joseph Flanagan, the parents' attorney. said he was negotiating with an insurance company, which he decllned to identify, concerning the possibility ol filing a "wtongful death action civil suit" for lht family's loss. Jn Mauachuaett!I, Edgartown Police Chief Dominic J. Arena, who tnvesUgated the accident, said "I can't really say that I'm surprised" by the ruling. He said he felt the judge In Edgartown was "anx• ious" to complete an inquest aa soon as possible. Brominski'1 ruling, which climaxed a 17·week legal fight over the autopsy p~ posed by Massachusetts District Attorney Edmund S. Dlnls, said "it is the ct>n· -clu.sion of this court that the facts presented herein are insufficient to sup- port a finding of the. cause of death of Mary Jo Kopechne other than asphyl· iation by an immersion." Two Groups Formed Industry Development Set by Valley Council Two industrial develoPmMt com· mittfµ -one co citiWd, the oUler oi cit ta!f "'-ere establllihed Tj\< . . f!l'!!'taJ11,V'11~ Ci· tt Oanacn. ~.., 1 . tJ 1-i' ~ '.· • In so doinJ, the council affirmed if.<I des:lt': to brina:· industry to Fountain Vallot' 1n tp -bounded by W""'r and Talbert;AVlllftl and Euclid •Street and lh\! Sanla AllalRlv..-., :Counclhnen a1oi1 ilel-+1 • 1>1'111>osal bf. Councilman Jolin ·earper IO cOilaider residential development for that arta. Harpe:r showed· the eoundl an elaborate Boar<l Hesitant On City Joint Power Proposal A suggestion by Huntington Beach mayor Jack Grttn that the new city hall anQ Htmllngton Btach Unlon High School District offices could be combined, received uncertain comment from scbool trustees Tue8day. "Jn my own judgment, I would wonder lf this is the pro~r thing to do, to enter a joint powers agreement with the city. We seem to have enough problems of our own," said board President Matthew Weyuker. His statement was echoed by Trustee Ralph Bauer who said the dlstrict could get entangled with the city over a variety of technical problems, including the loca· tion or the building. Green 's suggestion slated th at a con· sidf:rable financial savings could result to both the city and the district if th! two administraUve complexes could be com· bined Into one. He asked that the district join the city Jn a study sesaion Jan. 15·so as not to bin. dtr procress of. a prelimlnary design. The high !Choo! district trustees, however, said the allowed Ume span was •too short to explort all the ramifications o( .such an unclertakin&. They wlll ask ~ mayor for an ex· te05ion unUJ mid-February to give the district at.aff ample opportunity to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the proposal. plan for developing lar1e equestrian estates and some hi&h deMity homes Ytlth a tot ef green area. Pd-equestrian t{alls ~ ~ river.· .:.~ Bui the ·other lour oOunctl'"'" ·aimd tba\ it waa time for the city to tike a firm stand for lndustrill. development. Th•y·~eatod Hsrper'a rtciuest lhtt.jhe indqsll1al committee study alttnlatl fl~ 1'qll. ~ deyc!cipment Ind ~: a re90ludon deelarlng the councU"I ln- tei1llon to push lndudrial developDtent. Then, Jn executiVe sessk>n, the council hammered out the details or the in· dustr:lal' committee. It was agreed that administrative asslstants Jim Hollywood and Biii Hintze would devote half their working tJme to organizing a program for industrial pro. motion. The council also authorized the hlring: of an adrnlnistraUve intern to fill in for HoJlywood and Hintu In nonnal ci· ty funcUons. Th! atarr committee was established to give the two younger men guidance and to work In direct negotiatlon with in-- dustrial development. Named to it were Howard Stephens, finance director: Stan Mansfield, plal"f. ning director; Marv Haglund. public works director, and Thomas Woodruff, city attorney. City Pi-1anage·r Jim Neal will be in charge or the rommiltee. To spur citizen partic ipation a nine· member advisory c o-m m i t t e e was also set up. Ind ividuals were nol named lo· it, but the Following "types" were suggested: a property owner from the proposed industrial area, a businessman from the industrial area, an attorney, a banker, an industrial developer, and representatives of the three utilities.· Councilmen hope the industrial com· mittee action will bring results in the slow.moving 485 acres area. "Jt's lime we stopped passing the buck and started helping that area develop," said Ptfayor Just. one of lhe strong sup- porters of the commJttee idea. Valley to Bu y Water System The new ordinance was also worded lo allow a man filling an unexpired tenn of _ • previous mayor to 'be elected ror a fun n 'u" -tin1J1ton's Ediso1a High two yearl. This instance applies to Mayor •• ·. ' The Southern CalifornJa Water System. serving Juarez Colony in Fountain Valley. will btl bought by the city for about $121000 . The city council Tuesday nlsht ap- 1n·oye<f the purchase following In eX"· planatlon by public works director Marv }laglund that th~ land Involved would bt valuable for a new watet' well site. Edwatd Jllst who Is filling the unexptrid ;~;~~:hw;::er ··weird' Classes Charged :Snarled by Crash . "Wein!".fncillenta" "' occurr1n11:1n. •n EdiaOn lllih. School Englilh n ... 1(ure 'l'ralllc w11 blocked both dlr~ on class, 1' Hun!lngtoo Beach ~ent V,llenda Avenue and po.tr was tfiut cllarpd before the-ll\lntlngton llnch ctown Tuesday In Olinda after a portable Union High Scl1ool Diotr1ct boanl ol · roU cltrrlct became entangled in a power trustees 1\M!lday. lh'lf:. Joe J'crm1 1 membtr of lhc recently· Callfomla High¥t•ay PBlrol off1cer1 said organlud Voice of the Electorate the df:f'l"ick wu on • truck which waJ Rtgtrdlng· '5cftools (VOTERS) alleged tu ming lf1t off V1lenci1 near Carbon Can-students had ~been ,Jlven ' ' body yon Roact. when It •truck the power poltt awattntas'' trainlrig. . .-,nd became ent.analed in the w!r'M at 2 He ·said on Dtc. 4 boy1 and girls were p.m. pairtd by 1exe1 Jn the classroom, told to Trafn~ and ~~~~~ re~ by ·4-_llnk.hand• and asked to emote about their p.m. 'Jbert wen'TIO uuur1ea·rtportloil, of.. feehnp for an entJrt period whl.le the Ileen •kl· lilbta _., turnfd o!f. "Ts thl5 why we're building school• without windows?" be asked. "Thi• iJ aomething weird ." Information aboul this practice reached Femi"s ci'pruiiUOn thrOilgll t w o telephone complalnls from parents who had children fn the class, he said. Ferm further charged that \he same toacher, whose name he did ™" dlsclose. de'l'Oted two-weeks of class time to the. death rumor surrounding Beatie Paul McCartney. "The teacher Attms to be dlsintereattd In using textboo1"s," Ferm told reporters bf:fett ~meeting: "Jf this la transpiring ln English literature classes, what ii transpltlo1 1n oodal psychology?" 1} Dittrlct SUperilUDd<nt IW Forney ht vited Fenn tA> wrlle down Ille charges hi • font>ll roport .. that the lncldeot - be Jnvostlpt<d and tr"""'"1ted ~ the· 'board ., ... poutble actloP.-·:r-- Trus1ee Jooeph Rlbal, .......... llafd he approved ol ltn&itivify training altuationl In the classroom if they have' aome relevance to. the subject being taught. ''Maybe Engli1h literature dots dtal wllh human emotions, and maybe this teacher thought the best way to teach thell) ll lhfoulh this method ,'' l\e said. "We netd to provk:te students with skUla In lnterpenonal communications •lld 10C!al Intimacy. The>< lllnd• ol 1til11 are very !mportonl In educatloo." • I The city also ptans to d~velop 1 small tot play iot on the rear portlon or the p~ perty In the Jua,.1 Co!Ol\Y. Mexico Tells Ouster Of 2,114 Undesirables MEXICO CITY !UPI ) -Mc&lco diocioled Tuesday h bu deported l ,tll "undesirable forelgntta," m<m Of them U.S. cttlz.en1,.90 far thla yur. Onty llf Were deported by 1ir. The rest left by road . The t<>tal includ<d hippies arrested In raids in the COBJtal resorts of Acapulco, Zlhautanejo and P U er to Vallartl and the halluclnqienic ·mutbroom pr1radlse of Hu1utll, in the aoutheutem 11err11. U~ITt ........ WON'T BE EXHUMED Mary Jo K-lino Postal Man's Wife Awaiting Kidney Donor . Mrs: ca:~ l\amey~ Wire.or ·Hununcton ~b postal ~mplo}'e MOl)te Rag>ey, if ~ arid , ruUnc to.jay wJille Oran1e County Medical Center offlciala seek ft kidney donor for her. Mrs. Ramey spent two month& at Ute medical cem.r undergoing lrutmenl for "''" kidntr problem1 ca..td by dlabeles. llo<tors have determined !hat she will deed a kidney lrllllJPlant. Ramey's feUow poatal workers noting the heavy medical expenses, fo~ed t}Je "Rai:ney Fund" and gathered ,more· than $1 .200 to help pay his expenses. Doctors are currently admihi!lterin" hemodialysis to Mrs. Ran'ley three tim~~ per week, five hours each time. Thia is u mechanical system to ~y Mrs. Ramey 's blood and function. AD place of her damaged kidney. Peter Bar~uu. chainnan of the "Ramey Fund" reporta: that lhe Rameys have applied fdr financial aid through a state medical servie& and further eor>- tributions won't be requested unur the statua or state aid ls determined. Barazsu also sakf Mrs. Ramey 1'81 being chauffeured to Orange County Medical Center by members of -••n.e Inlanders"' group of the Fountain Valley Methodist Church. ·:niings have l!itabllized somewhat for the Rameys," said Barar.su. "and now it's a matter of waiting for a tklney transplant." Stork 1'1arket NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market moved lower in moderate late trading today. (See quotations, Pagea 34-35). Declining stocks increased their mat· gin over advances to more than 3 to 1. Orange w-u.- Look ror a few dropll of rain to- night, followed by cleartng 1k1es Thunday with temperatures still' mired in the low «l's along tbt coast. INSmE TODAY A descendant of Na1>0leon Bonaparte found a good life In America Olld rOJt to become ot: torneu general under President Theodore· Rooatutlt. Page 13. 1 ll"' .... _,..,,_ ..... °"" 1.5. ";' CHRISTMAS · - --. ............... ·a t,';:"9 c..w ...... _ ~ .. . Pf ........ . __ ... T-II -.. ........ •. ·--. --.. ..... ~ti•' • _I:"" ______ _.._ ......... ------i.,--- - " FDA Chief Ley ' Reported · Fire·d .. From Win Suvl<ea WASIIINGTON -Dr. Herbert L. Ley Jr. tw been fired u head of the food one! drug administration, it was learned to. day. The Department or Heolth, Educ1· titn m:t 'Welfare would not comment on the report, but lndicat.d ~ W®ld be an announcement titer abOut the Food end Drug Administration. w hi c h regulates which foods aDd drugs may be sold to the public. The FDA is an ann of HEW. HEW Secretary Robert H. Finch was ~= ':i ~~l"!:'U: fL.'"'~: of the cyctamates case. Cyclamat.ea, \lied in diet foods and ·drinks, were recenUy ordered banned frcm use on grounds testa abowed large amounts could cause cancer in rats. Citizen Panels Discuss Beach Park Proposals Three separat. ·citizens penels will meet Thursday with officials from ~eJopment Reaean:h As&ociates for a thorough dl"""lon on lhl type of fadllties dellnd for Huntlnctoo Beach's propooed central dty park. 'Ibe panels, consisting of about .a dozen ciUuns each, hive been set up by dly of· fidals al the request of Ille rettarch fin!>. . - Panels will consist of individual representatives or civic groups. They will be faeed with two topics:. ShOOld the park be regionJI or community in Oesign and wtiat facilities should it have? .Information from the panel discussions will becorrte a part of the .Dev'eJopment ' Research Associates . study before finaJ recommendations are made to the city regarding how to develop the park. 'The research finn .is working for Ed<bo, DeaJ\, Austin and Williams, the Pasadena architectural firm that will dejign the park for Huntingtop Beach. . $eparJte l>8f1els will meet 'n the mom· lnJ, afternoon and evening. Sessions -are c-to tbO p!lbllc, ......U and dty ... ff. IM)nbet!. Ley !wl been FDA COllUllW!oner slllce mld-1968 when he succeeded Or. James Goddard, who resigned. Ley will be replaced by Dr. Charles C. Edwards, a abr1eon. turned management expert In medical affairs. 'Ibe change' la the fii'st step in a wide. ranging shakeup planned le< the roA by Finch. At te18t five other top FDA officials will also be fired , $0Ul'Cf.S said. The agency has been criticized by U1e industry for alleged foot~ragging on ap- proval of new drugs and medical pro- ducts: by ~er protection advocates for alleged lax enforcement of safety laws ; and by Finch. for alleged in- decisivene~s on such issues as the health threat (Jf the artiflcW sweetener cyclamate.. ' Edwards, 46, was brought into the government last month as an assistant to Dr. Roger O. Egeherg, Rl8lstant ~ · secretary Tor health and Kieiltihc al· fairs. Beach Children May Dial Santa Children at 33 Huntington Beach ~ools will have. an oppcirrtunity kl direct. dial Santa· Claus this year. ThOUWlds of flyers, bearing Santa's secret telephone number will be distri:buted by the Jaycees to·elemtnt.ary school pupils just be.fore opening of the telephone. line Dec. 15. . Phone.· calls may be made between 6:30- and 9 p.m. through Dec. 18, allowing every child in the Huntington Beach area to bend Santa's ear. The Jaycees, who have sporisored this program for the past five years, expect that the 10,000 calls received in 1968 will be easily exceeded thJ~ year. Equipment and taciliUes w:ill be donated by the Orange. Division of the General Telephone. Co. Blood Donations Sought Dec. 12 Hµritingfon Beach residents )i'ling near Golden-WestOollep areinvltell to dl>ni\e theJr · blood tb the-· A!Ml'iean "1ted Cross · Dec. 12. when a mobile .onJt will be stii- tiQned on cam~. C.011Deil Batks " · ~, .; ' ' ~ : Appointments for the bloodmobile may ' be • .,,....,ed. ll"Ol1l 9:!0. a.m, to 1-.p.ni ... ~,,lbt ~ .. nwse, Mrw. •Loil r ~lions maf be credlted },fb.4!~ - organization blood bank or to a donor's P!l?onal acccoutit ~·ho does not belong to Bond Election Support for Fountain Valley School District's Dec. 16 bond interest rate tl/C?Uon· came Tuesday night from tht Foun~a Valley CJty Council. Counc:ilmpl unani~sly paned a re- aOluUon biiJtini the "!'hool'.dlotrict's at• tempi to false the intemt rill< on $S million in already-approved school bonds. Lack of a market for achoo! bonds of. ferd with a five percent interest return h'5 forced several districts to ask voten to approve interest rit.er of ·~ per~ cWit. Widening of Bridge Approved by Valley Plans for widening the Warner Avenue bridge across the Santa Ana Rier were approved Tuesday night by the Fountain Valley City Council. Total coot of the project is $30,000 which will be shared equally by Fountain Valley, Santa Ana and Orange County. Fountain Valley wjll be responajble for widening the eastern approach to the bridge. DAllY PILOT CiltANC.:'c~t PUlllSHING (OM,AM'r ~tt N. W••• PrQlttnl ~d Jlllblllhtf J,,1c -· Cvrt:r Vkt Pral«til •114 Gt11tr ,,.,.!Witt! Tholl'I•• Ke•vit f.<l•tor Tkoll'l•t A. Murphi1'1t ~~Hlno l Oltor a group bank. ~ersonal credit is fully controlled by ~~.donor_ who may elect in a future !'!)!Tgency to release his credit to a ~nd or relafi~~· ' Gift-Shop OK'd At Restauran,t The Fisherman ReSt:aurarlt 1n Hun· tington Bea~ has been g 1'. anted pennissiOn by the. city to sub-lease a part of its building for an imported gilt shop. Cooncilme.n were told Monday night that the gift shop would sell expensive., imported items. The shop wlll take. the place of the Fiihe.mian's sidewalk snack shop at the entrance of the munici'paJ pier. Councilman Jerry Matney said he would like to see the. gift shop as a "pilot program to determine how well specialty shops will do on the pier as proposed under the city's Top of the Pier plan . Beach Traffic Light Contract Awarded ' 'A $39,629 contract for Installation of traffic signals on Brookhurst Street a1 In- dianapolis IOd Yorktown Aveniaes was awarded to E. D. Jolwon of Anaheim Monday night by the Huntington ·Beach City Council. Work on plans for the lights is expected to s~rt Immediately, said clty officials. DAILY l'ILOt lftff 'lttl9 'COMPUTER IS BEAUTIFUL' Financ:e Director Arguello Data Computers Only Thing, Says Finance Director By TERR)' COVILLE 01 ltlt EWllY ,.Utt 11111 . "The only real limit in data processing is the limit of your imagination." Ben Arguello, finance director for Hun· tington Beach, tries to put his computer phllOiSopl)y to.practice every day. Two years ago he convinced tht city to buy computers. for the fiDance depart· ment. At least six primary functioils in· eluding the city's payroll and water bills are now handled'by computer. Monday. night Arguello convinced the city counCll to le"ase extra time at night on the computer to a Los Angeles firm looking for local customers. ~uenUy, 'fabulating Technicians, Jnc,, wilt pay · the city $820 monthly, whether it uses the c'ity computer or not. And, if the Los Ange.l!!S firm pulls in enough local business, H'untingt.on Beach might wind up wjth the city having a free Je~se on its machine. . "~f we rriake $4,500 per month from this company it would pay our own lease," said Arguello~ "Of coor!!e that wotild be a lot of business and we don't expect it." In any case, ~rgue.llo fee.ls the nig~t work, supervised by a city e.mploye at no cost to the city, will cut down th'e cost of operating the computer. Oli.lt nve .~ltle.s in orqe· County are fuJJy, campiltertzell. Jn \tddltiOn to Htbt-'r Ungton Beach, 'thef are Costa Mesi, Anaheim , Santa Ana and Garden Grove. Otber;cltiea:,have smal~syatems. , 'I}le. inajor. f uncfJ,om~Arcue!Jo currenUy le~, th~_:<!\lllMJ-· iotlwle · waltr-8nii · tr•sh bllli";.. payroll; b;wliness Uoentes; finance, accounting Md co n t r o I ; budgeting and reporting. 'Explllsion afeas in the future inClude police and fire. functions and eventual v;ork in "ther city departments. The beauty of computers, as .e.xpfained by Arguello and other city fi~ance direc- tors, Is not that costs are immediately ..cut. but they won'.t rise Jn Ul~ tutu~. ~ "With computers." he explained; "we can handle more. furrctiohs raste? than with normal. manual, procedure.. The cost right now is not less. But it will be when we don't have to hire more. person- nel to handle. the work the computer can handle." "There's a tremendous potential in sav. ings," he said. Two Valley Grid Teams Champions Two of Fountain Valley's lhree top flag football t.eams came. away champions from the recent Norco In vitational Flag Football Tournament. The Harper Rams, composed of 3rd and 4th grad e boys from Harper school defeated teams from Norco and Clare- mont to capture the title in their age di vision. A 7th and 61.h grade. entry from Foun· lain Valley Elemenlary School rolled over teams fror.i Corona, Claremont and i .. ucaipa to take their dh'ision Cl'ov.'ll. The city's Sth'and 6th gr~de team f1om · Tamura School knocked off Norco but lost to Riverside in the. Championship match. · The Harper team was coached by Roger Belgen, while Chris Schneider handled the coaching chores for the Tamura team and Rudy Garcia for Foun- tain Valley's entry. Alllerl W, l•l•1 Ai>0(.1111 f.d!tor H111tl11tf•11 ..... OfflM lot It~ Strttt Man Fights Death u.111111 Aidr•111 r.o. ''' no, 'l••• °""' Otfl<ft t.le'""'t lktt"l 111 t Wu t a.111r11 '°"'""',. Cott• Mew: )JO Weit l1v $1'ccl Lm11t lel!UI: m F01n1 Av- ~y in Orange Grove Six Days Docton al Orange County Medical Center today still listed as critical the condition of a Buena Park man who ap- parmtly laJd · down In a Yorba Onda orange ,rove and -didn't move fot 11i1 daya.·'. ,',···.-- "The man, Danltl Harrison Kent, of 11!2 Stant.on Ave~. was found in the . erove S1lul'day by Orange County depuly , ~!>trlffS: His rtt.cU!~ descrl~ ~!Jn at ·11it Umo a! "not deid: hilt.neatly ,._" Ktnt baJ been plaCfd Jn the lntcnsf\•t: care unJt at the hospital where doctors aay he Is >ulrering from a IW!g allm<ot Md !Act or pul" In his lower left leg. .-Dod«s aald Kent .had lain in .the same poslhon "tor at Jwt three· or rout days. pcrh11ps six.'' 111ey said hls body was covered with open o;ounels, but ~dded ' lhere were no Indications of f01.1l play, nor any apparent medical reasori for Kent's action. Kent was released for ,a ,,.eekend pass from thf: VA hospital In Long Beach Nov. ~6. He left his home· that day tO buy a r:ac.k of cigarettes but did not return . On Dec. 3 Kent's wlfc reported htr hus- band n1 lsslng to tho Buena Park police. Tbe san1e. d'ay, dtpUty shcrtrts foUnd the pick1•p tnt<:k Kent _had been d)'ivl~ on fmperia l Hig}l"'r.y neRr Eureka Aveoue in 1he Yorba Linda area WOOn she received malled nQdct that her..,,h:.isband'a ,,.e.hicle had bef..n. im· pounded. Mrs. Kent also filed a lnlsslllg Jlf'r:;ons 'ttpart with the Orange County Six-riffs oCTJce . -;_ ~ .. -"' • .,.__,,,,.----# fl . -e~J~~iions ~f Bea-lity· . . ' . -·-• • " I Watch Commander Kept Sense of Humor • _. 1 , I By IU1Dl NmDZIELSta • - ' Of ... Mfr,...,.,,.,, ' ! A crin.uon-colored e m .e r g e n c Y i.i.pho .. Ind stlcclto voice bunlll rrril a I,qd_speaker near ~ right ear ~p Uie W~ Pollce Department walch commander in touch wilh reality. And reality fot Lt. Jaclt Euti, 34, who handles the mofning shifl for hla 'IPrnwi force., is defined in t~rms of houee burgl~iet,-trajfc ICCidtoll, 8f11Ulll, raPft; . or: ~ a motorcycle ging roaring throu&!l IOI'•· . . • It co<ild be a pret\y depressing job !<ir almost anyOne. But Essex, who will leave the department ·tfils Thursday to assume a captain'~ position in Livermore, Callf., after JQ years of service,. 1\4' some.how avoided becoming a cynic, He is a portly person with a silk-smooth Arkansas _drawl that discloses more kindness and humor than one would come to expect from someone who has de.alt with unsaVory crimes for so many years. Puffing at a stogie, handed to him by one ot the captains, who says 0 We're. los- ing a good man," Essex recounted some. of the more memorable experiences that crackled across the speaker. "You know, ooe Sunday J received a call to head "ut for one of the churches. J \.\'On 't mention whicb one. But the membership was in a big hassle about whether or not to throw the · preacher out," he laughed. "One faction said 'yes,' and the other 'no'. And believe. It or not. I ended up tak- ing over the pulpit. J cooled them down enough so that the shouting stopped and they were able. to work it out." "I remember a couple. of them trying to save me before it was all over," he recalled, Another incident took Essex to New Mf:zico to pick up a prisoner, who had burglarized a Westminster -business and Limits Outlined On Ball Games Softball will be limited to the softball field in any city park in Huntington Beach. Likewise to football , golf and various other sports. The city council Monday night niade. it illegal to play games in unauthorized areas of city parks. It me.ans sports and other outdoor activ:ities will be limited to those areas designated for them. The new city ordinance wu adopted at the urging of Norm Worthy, director of parks and recreation, to give him more effective control ' over the use of ·city parks. Fann Group D~egates Reject Cotton Appeal WASHINGTON '(UPO -Delegates to the American Farm Bure.au Federation (AFBF) convention today rejected a southern appeal . for compromise· and decided to re.endorse their demand for a phase-out of government controls and subsidies on major crops. Southerners, led by Harold F. Ohlen- dorf, president of the Arkansas Farm Bureau, asked the AFBF national con- vention to adopt a resolution taking cotton off the list of crops to be covered by the AFBF "phase-out" proposal. MOVING ON . Westm1n1ter'1 Essex .. passed stolen cheeks all over the country. ''The. FBI sent me back to get him. But the only airline we could get to California was one which didn't permit' prisoners. And it was a champagne flight." . Disguised as friends Essex and the criminal began their journey. "When he v.•as on the plane, the. guy told me, 'Well, since I'i;n theoreUcally just a passenger and since l y,•on't have a __ chance to do this agolin, I'm going to have. me a ball.' " "H• did. By the tim.e we gol of! II Loo Ana:eies. be was feeling no paln. He told the offletr plck1ng us up, •1 trunt· t•m going to beat this· rap on cruel and . inhumane punishment. I hai! to listen to Essex' jokes ill the way from El Paso.' " Another milestone In his career had Easfl" stopping a traffic violator and parking hi!I patrol unit behind the man to be cited. • "We uffd to have Pontiacs and they uaed to lope. Just as 1 wu ,writing out the · ticket, the PonUac did its loj>in§ rOutlne and crashed into the 1nan'1 car,' Essex said. "The damage was minor, IO 1 said, 'Well, sir, I just intended to warn you. anyway.'" When he had been on the police force for about two years, Essu: was told tl'I cruise by the mayor's house and tur:?· oil the water pump on the mayor's private vineyard. "Just as I got ready, I had to rush to an accident. Then I got several more calls and completely forgot about the water pump until three days later when the polic.e chief called me," he remem· bers. "The. mayor's water pwnp's burned out and \he vineyard ·is under water," he. said. "And J don't think you're going to get that raise you were Jooking for," the chief told him. . Since then, Easn: has receivM nu- merous raises and several promotions. &lddenly, however, there ia no possij)il· fty for upward . mobility -for E.ssei, _ prompting him to search for an Id· vanced position elsewhere. "The. Immediate chances of becoming a capt..-in on this force are not too aooo. The.re are severa l young captains htre . and J don ·t think .any of them would b-:? willing to quit to create a slot for me, It looks like I'll have to go," he aaid. And the. rest of the department is IOf1'Y to see him leave. Student Anti-drug Plan Given DiStrict Approval Si:nart Teens, a student movement to combat drug use, was approved Tuesday night by trustees of the Huntington Be.aciJ City School District for the dis- trict's two intermediate. schools, "We're very · impressed with the pro- gram," said (:harle.s Palmer, assistant district superintendent for business, Trustees listened to parents explain the program then g~ve ai>proval for the · principals Clf Dwyer ·and Gisler Inter· mediate Schools to work with the PTA to set it up. While parent< will l•unch It, sl'lli<!Jlil will "ciirrr tl\'o' 1o>d,-i!o !he-work ·ami ma)l:e ll'l~t of ~ de.~isions. They ~Ul use posters, slogans and plain •talk' to convince their fellow students to stay · away from drugs. "W~ feel it's the first 1 real positive thing beirig done against drugs/' said Palmer, "it's not a program to help those on drugs. but to keep others off." First step in the. local Smart Teens program, explained Palmer, will be the placement (Jf mysterious footltepg on campus. labeled with an SOS. "Students don't know what SOS stands for," he said, "but they'll find out lal.t'r." The. only limit placed on the pro(rarr: by trustees ~·as a desire to see Jitera· - ture before it i! passed around campus, The. Smart Teens program. began a few years ago in the. Los Angeles area and is now coming into Orange County. From Page 1 TATE CASE. •• LaBianca and his wife were stabbed lo · death Aug .. ·JO. · . ~The seven ·Tate-La Bianca 1layiag1 . and ~ sta_bbing deaths of the younc man and vroman were apparently without motiW!. -All but one of the seven victims in , August we.re stabbed as werie Miss Gaul and Sharp. :- Deemer said investigators also were checking into a possible. link betw~n the Manson group and the death Jan. 1 of Marin Habe, 17, daughter of screenw:-iter Hans Habe. Her body was found on a - brush-eovered slope in ~ Hollywood Hills. She had been stabbed. \ 0 OMEGA ··~•11011 ··~1•! :;~··~"'··~·~· .. ,,J, t 1t,,.,Du1••. Menu1t1 •IU•••~ .~:tfl'tf1 er ~n•t, ,.,1~u1t• •--:d ••e1t1111J, , $tlln•··· l llt! (I" •t n!ll lfll!tl\i.q t•1uo1t1, Wtt•r 1fll'11~1 ••••• 1.,,,. 1195 AU N.~.S.A. aslronauts, since the apace program began, have worn Om ega watches on the.ir wrists. Ordinary, every day jewelry store Omega Speedmaster chronog raph s. The kind anyone can buy, Every Omega, whether for an astronaut or conventional wear, ts m1de to the most exacting stindards to· assure utmosl dependa bility. We're proud lo be an authorized Omega dealer because they mak e the bes! watches in H'lts world, or any other. CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHArC ~ ()//I/ !,, 0 /!_ r;·· L. J~tt11·z:1/L1't a d U ~wc: .. e;'J. 1823 NE,/PO l\T AVE;:;: COSTA MESA 22 YEARS • St .M< LOCATI ON PHONE S~l-HOI .. > I I f I I 7 11\ r I l I I I 7 1·'1 I •• . r- Laguna Beaek • -' .... • • ·-• EDITlO". * VOL 62, NO. 295, 4 SECTIONS, 68 PAGES ... . t - 'Treason, Revoluiion' · By PAMELA HALLAN Of ttt. 0.llY ltlliet iflff "I'm talking about treason and 11ub- vera.iqn: I know th~se are strong words but in many instances, we are facing revolution.'' The speaker addressing in audience of 75 in Misskln Viejo Hig~ School, Collier M~Dermon, assistant superintendent of public· instruction for the State of California. was giving hls viiw1 or· stu- dent:. mijjlancy. militancy wblch. i5 now • .. turnin& to the hiJb schools and junior highs. His topic was "Taraet-Youth." He was speakin1 before a ~ grou,p from the Constructive Action ~etwor,k Council of the Saddlebact Valley and Laguna Hills. Qescriblng the P.<Oblem in sclj<>oll to- day as the frult i:l a carefully nurtured program started years ago be broUJ;ht people up· to 1965 wheft a parqphlet was written called "Hiah SChool J\e(orm." "II wu pp! under•wn1po. by Studenll for a DemocraUc Soc,iety (SOS) unUl t• when the: high schools were belltv .. ripe,'' McDermon asserted. ';The pamphlet ~Us ~tudents to be in the forefront Of every grievance, such u dress code controversies, lo u s e legitimate concerni for thelr own purposes, ta look to the Berkeley' move- ment, and to gtin IChool offices so qi..t unreasonable demands can be made fore· ing the princlpal to aay no. "Repeal Ille procedure until Ille prin- ec ne ·CHOWING ·DOWN AT LAGUNA'S -HEISLER .PARK. Cute Little Fellows, But -• T1rribl1 Nuisance . ..~ .. . - ·Squ&rel8 S~ared ·1 Some Getting Poisoned _ Grain Wheri have all the S!luirrels e,ne~ Gardena resident Mrs. E. Bruee Howell sought the answer from the DAllt Y ' PILOT. . Mrs. Howell and her, husbl\l'f; she "'portl, are regular visuors 1<&.allUM lbll their favorite spot.is Heisler" Park. · ''The m..t fl!JcinaUnc of Ill! the wonderful areas are' the cllffa whire the. numerwa irounci squlrreb Hve' she I wrtte!I . -, Bttt on a recent·visit, oaly'l•haqdful~of ·1 llq~rrels were around, and these ef!emed frlititened . A gardener said the clo/ ..., trying to reduce the .squirrel popa!aUon ~ by putting out poisoned grain. I "ls this true?" asks the vlsUor. "I I realize their tunneliog does affect the cWfs, but so does the natural erosion that occurs w.hen it rains ••• J· hope the city fathers will do all In their power &o allow tbtae. small creatures .... their b r 1 e f sahctuacy." Property Taxes DeadJine Today 0rance County Tu ColleM Don S. MOzJey reminded homeowners that toda1 is the deadline for first half inltallments on i•10 property taxes . Moa!ey said malled paymenfs wll) he 1cC:epted without penalty tr they are P.Ofttnarked by midnight tonigh~ river the count.er payments must be. made by 5 p.m. when the county office closes, he , uld. Tar paymentJ ·not made bcfon: the ' deadline wtll be auwtd a penalty charge cl six percent or the imtlllmtnt. ¥ozley said collectlons lhmlgb Tuts- day to!Alled 1811.1117,1187.tt. "Our overall collection should run to 53 pefctnt thfi year/' he said. 0\Ve're about M 1 parity· with last yur. It looks real &ood.'' • ' ~ is some ~ ror Mn. Howell's eolicem, 11ay11 Park Superintendent ·Clyde sireetaer -both for ·uie cliff• ;me! Im' the ground •equirrels,.but 1ntmat lovers may take tmrt -tbe city is· launching no -annihilatlon•of lleUler Park·sQuir· ref!. . II-· -~. plan·to·cut·back on< cliff' face wbere the oquirrela live, near tlio llhullleboord Picnic a.... The earth will be --on the c:liff face '.to ' nduco ~ of sllWase in"~ · seam·and iii!, opei~,!"~Y ~~~ ~ ~ aqulrrela, ~··'SWietlei. · :i,' . .u, tor the Pols.. srain.. a c.i\li!h amount was placed in tome of the aqllir~ rel tunnels early in the: summer, but thJs, Sweetser explains, did IJtUe to reduce the >quirTel population. "We had to ""' ,.a very mUd materials to as not to harm other animals," he 11.)'1, "and I don't think the'aqutrrell ate mud\ or it becauH: they got 111 the·lood they want from the picnickers." .. The. squirrel population went' down ror a while, he says, 9t1t it 1ttrii.s to be back up to strength "°". · Ground squirrels, u,ys Sweetser, are ''cute IUtle fellon" -but they're aJso 11a tenible md.sance." Their habit of nlJll!inc''the topo off plants. ~a)ly loo planll><JI in to hold Ille "cliff r-tog.U.Or: ii 'lrrllatii)r'. but "not that lllrloos.'' Tiie r01! pi\>bH.in, he eiplains, is the tl&ngtr of. iatur1t1on· o( the clijl .. and conoe<\U<!nt slides, "\left their burrows accumulate water dUrlng the raim. , "About 12 yean aao," Sweetser recalls, ''we Jost about • to 30 r"t ort the point beyond the·oh111Qeboard courts from just this very thing. It changed the whole ler- rain and we Md \o rebuild the wait in a dltftrent ioclt.ion." Gn>Wld lMlulrTell once ..,, considered IQCh a nulMnce •·bounty was f>lecel:I on them, he point! OllL "The Irvine Com· pany lilll wages a re~lar Wat.M._ lllem. iising -polson graJo aodl.faps, but thtlf're realbr not that much of a prbblt:m~tor fliel SQUIRRELS, P ... ll StQre Loss Balanced By Tourism By BARBARA KREIBICH ot .. tt.ltr ,.lltt ll•ff There probably is no way to Mein "leakage" ol Laguna spend.Inc to shop- ping centers and discount storel in other areas, but the ' lo.ss, estimated. at A minimum ol $5 million in 1961, ia balanc.. ed by hip tourllll IJ!Olldblg in lllf cl!l'. <'lllis ;1,.. 8"""' die' '1Commlc fd·of Laguna .Hie reporied Tu..iay 1!iJhl by Jllles DMfay, aenior economist of the firm of Daniel, Mann, Johneon I< M"1denball; .. l)O pmented his bulky ~ -r ..... ut ... jOlnt niiiilltN al flO <l!Y .....,.H,.tJ.6 pliming <\llllmlitlooi 111<1. tht 'Citi""11 Advh!ory Cuiunlu ... tn fact. DeMay told listeners. the leakage probably la cklo« to ii nltlllon 1 year and may be ai high as $10 million. . His published figure, ht explained, was based on the best avaJlable figures on per capita spending inccme and t b e hypothesis that all residenb would do all their shopping ii> u,una. Accon!l!ic 1x> this estimate, ults of 1eneral ~ in Laguna ln 1161 slmukl ilave ari>ow>ted to $5,563,0oo. In fact they llllOWlted to only 1371,l!IO. 'l11e drain, said DeMay, wu '1irectly altlibu!Able to the opening of Faohion Island in N~ Bea.ch. with It. wldt aelectlon ct.-,.a1ang with !ht clOling cl the Lagun:a Pennq'a at.ore and the ad- dlt>onal impact; ~ less pronounced, of the South Coelt Plua shopping center in Costa Mesa and the new access ibility cl discount stores in other areas. The economist indicated that this leakage in generel merchandise sales ap- parently is something Laguna business will have to learn to live with, since population projecdonl indicate little possibility that the community could sup- port mor~ than one major department (Seo LEAKAGE, P11e ll Laguna ,Student Struck, by Discus, Ruptit~e~ Spleen A Llguna Belch Kiah School freshman suffered a ruptured spleen and other in· ternal Injuries when be-wa.s. struck by a dl9CUI Tuesday· durina a physiC1l educa· Uon •clau. • , . Bill B'"*' ,14 . of 512 Myslic Way, unde.,,.m •bdorninll surgery at South Coast °"'""1111!tY HGlpital. Mrs. J,ack Barnes, the boy's mother, said today his spleeri was removed and he suffered a brubed liver and kidney from the S.2- pound ha~d rubber mi.ssle. "MotAer, can I do wllhout a spletn?" she quoted her ,.. -bad boped to play baseball at school. Authoritlts . uld It ii 1n expendable orpn ... H"J'llAI spokesman Hid the youngster was 'doing fine.. this mominc, should have 1 normal recoVery and be home lo a few days •. · Len Millet, head track coach and in-- 1tructor bf the physical education class In which the accident .occurttd, said the c1 ... wu oupposed to be 10 yards behind the discus throwers who run, from • s1Andlnt1 poslllon, no tilma u In college _dbo!t throwing. Unbeknown>! to Miller, he said. youn1 Barnes hid l'•lked up behind him , u ht !Mllierl f1ced Ille thrower.· The dlscUI sllpped ofLUle stde...of the )'OUth's hind, narrowly missing Miller who sidellep- ped 1nd striklq .Barnes below the rib cact . . . T•ay'•~ .~ J N•Y· Stoelu 1: . •nt';"'!'~-~~-·-~~'":""'...,,.'!:l!':'."!~ ' .. .Brewing • Ill . " clpaJ1 appears ludicrous even to his boss do\fntown. In this ·way -they say a. prin· cijla1'ctin be 11eutralized or:'destroyed. "It tells them lo organize underground newsjlapers (be held up several copies.), to. infiltrate churches, liberal organiza. Uona··Jixi to •lnrluence their paru1Ls and· then pt therq Into PTA and ~other ' '•"'tim te .. . ""'&' a groups. . . , ' Mc°"1non said that the .State PePart· ment ·of Ec:fueation asked sos if they cOuld. cluplieate •Uleir cop~ rig h h d -s pamphlet and were told no unless· a list ot· unreuonable demands were met. "We didn 't print their pamphlet but we did print their letter. It would be fµ00;y if it weren't serious. Don't underesUmate these pfopie. These are not idealistic yOW)I studenLs. Tbe.se ai:-e hard ·core revolutionaries," '8-\d. McDermon. ~ "ln ~ir lj~r"tur~ !t.hn ~y ,tbey. m\llt attack tssues~and laws that peoi>le Care about. They must "·ark wtth1n student government and radically ·tranlfonn PAGEANT PRODUCER ·WILLfAMSON PONDERS MASTIRS' WORKS Uth ·Annivtr11ry Show: 'Scintiliatlng, Ch•llonglng, ,...l•itlc' ' . . Next ·P~earit ·to Highlight , , • t , I , · , . , F~v6rites ~t Pa~t~ Yeats · "Scintillating and cballei\ging. filled with nostalgia but · including tile ex· ci,tement of more recent things," were the words o( Don Wllliamson. The ' pr:oducer of Laguna's Pageant of the: Mast'ers in a· few well chosen words Tuesdey·lleralded for' the Festival of Arts board the 3Sth anniversary sbow for next 11eason. . ~board approved'lt'ln entirety. 'Ibete will be subjects representing the beet · 'Mlrks of every Past show except lt89. ·Many of the SO subjects -will be in m~es such as one that ·ynu include ihO: ~ '.'Pilllle" by Sir. niomu t.-.,.,.1gl<; MUR" by· Sir .Jqahua ~·ai)d ''Blue Boy" b . """'-as Gi'.i~sh. "} . ' y. t '':"" ~~ wUI have a More ~nant role than in the past,• said Wjiliamson, accounting for sllgtlt.ly more Ufan Qne·third or the subjects. Women will play a more prominent role tn the cast ratio. Usually there are more women voJunteus and more role! ror m~. This time, said Williamson, there will be a women and 57 men in each of ~1wo casts. Wllliarmon· said the larger !how" wilt not take )onger. Usually there are 26 or 27 <IUbjectl. He aald the new addition to !hi 11ap wlll lllow the procram 1x> niov•. fut«. The subjects for the 19'10 Pageant are ".The AM11ftciation" by Simone ~iartlne, "ActaeOn and Diina" by Pa'ul Manship, "Breezing Up" by Winslow Homer, "La Plela ·• by . MIChelartgelo and "Winter Duet'~ by Norman Rockwell. : Also, "Yi!)tnen of Fashion at Leisure," ·~Dancers AdjU!Ung Their Slippers/' F.dgar Degas; "The Salt Cellar," Benvenuto Cellful ; ''Home From the Sea," Fletcber M&rtln, and "The Ven. den," a series of, four worts by Ale- jandro Rangel HidaJao. . · Also, ''IAmp 'of Life," W~ and "Slitlre Midolilla)' Raphael. • '1'11e• """''I .IOC<ind ·hall Will Include '1Checkmate,'"both Oriental and Mexican chess set.a Ill Wle "'IUbject:· 00··~ at Bouglval, .. both a .painting and an etching by Auguste Renoir; "Classic Sculpture Gallery," "The Gleanors," Jean Francois P.tillet; "~Spring Shl1wer,."fGlovanni DomenK:o Tiepok>; anCI .'1War Memorial ol Nonnandy," .Don i5e1Ue. Allo:"'l'l1e fusing Leap!' John Curry; ''The Eight Immortals," "The Cardinal's Portrall,.. Toby E. R,o I e ii th 'a I ; "Ori>tlewi," Sleuben ' glass ; '1Cofflie,11 Matine;' "The ~ncers,"· ·H•rtlet Frtshmuth; ''Emprtts Eugenie and COurt Ladiei," F. X. Wint.ernaller; · "The 08ryat.Jd$," and · .. The Lut ~·" Leonlrdo d1 Vinci. ··***. ***'. . ~:Phantom~ ·Found ··:stagestruck :Skuni~ Ge~ Ev.icted 'l1le Phantool of the PagWll bu -uapped< . 'Ille.. bocllltlp Interloper in thll CISO •·u • yoong .skunk, not )'<! developed of bit lUU•~ c;d per!UUiofl1 • ' The liUlt bout wtndered •mons ll1t wardrobel. w!p, and pnipo in the • 'lr\lrln'ool!1& of Irvine Bo,wl. ho!Jlinl hlmJtlito'an occ.,lon1! drink •I the link: P..,lbly ~ burgeoning ctirlooity for tilt lh .. trlcol led him from the Woodll' h\llsldt ·of the 1111pbltheater ,tO •·life behind the. foolJWita. He. used to rnouy out ·to w atclr, Doi) WllllamJOll,. P,..•nl proci11cor, ·~work. , BUI hla '1ip presenct just wam1 10- cepll~le. • Enter the SPCA with trap. - CUmal:'"We trapped the skunk on the st,lp rthi4 .D\91'n~ .. Stuart Durkte 'told ltllow, F"Uvll Girectonl Tu.,ilay: "It was. a 1>11nl~ trap,"· addtd Wllll•mooa ·liter. ' . -. ·-./ .. TEN ·CENTS " Schoof <omnwnlUes. They JJIClll' wort fat free student unkm aod' muat have 1 high)y mobile trained . oraanlzation le mol'e from school to school. . :1Two ot ·u\eir. p-ogranw a.re ·to rtme'v. ROTC: an4 to reinove industrial rellle4 rese~ from , oor ~·. 'nley .,. being successful. If I were thrm, I . woulll mallo fny, ll0Sl,1Ar¢ the'lboiitloa ol tho &rade system. It is a felt blue and at~ tacka our very fm ~ .~ (Seo·MdlEllMON, Popi) : - Kennedy Says He's 'Grateful' ., WILKES.BARRE. Pa. IUPll -fi county judge today. refused a requetl from Ma.ssachusetts authoriUes for aa autopsy oo the body or . Mpy J"• Kope<hne, -.died I...i IW!UDtt whoa an auto driven by Sen. Edward M. Ken,. nedy plunged Into •• Udal pond. • Judce liomard J. Brominlti.OI Luzer!)I County said \htre wu -Inc to ID<li.:.~ --K-1m.,·1'.:• ~ ~~ IJ'dJ. lam ... . "otl\fr uJ'uPi .... ~entOQ. KOmiedy aaid In WuhlqlGo. "I r"1llo how much this decbloo "means to .-~Q• family. It incrdliii'iheir<pMcs• ol .add I am sratelal for thaL '..... i!DPt~tlle­ld: . . ;nil:-!orilanl Iii tW ~ ll>otter ... "" OODciu~ .. .... ~i..~' . . . . 'ni6 Jud8t;./iot1Jii tlit requtst·fcr ~ autopsy hl\I referred to b.!On<I .., lhe vi.. ij."111; ~IOl!• and in h• .mouth and noet. wd "th• only-poo1uv* testimony u • tbele was ht &hla evideoee-wu whofeW cooststent with death by drowning." 11>* accident ·Occumd July ti Oil Qiap- paquJddlck .bland, Nau. · , Jn .. a lf.pq'e opinlon, Brominski 1111 testiinony •t. • tw<><l•y haring here !qi October iiolOd dilcrepandea ln Son. K• lledy'a tellviled ICCO!llll· llld • poll .. r~ of Ibo aecldantl. He said tblH "4o Jll!l,•11er.!"" determlnatlon .of·!h*· CIUIO ol .dtlth. . " • The 1lrVs pareall, Mr. and Mra. J~ Kopeclmt of Berteley Hefgbll, N.J .. hod fought thi llllopsy requesL 'l1iey told ·f. news,C9Qference after Bromlnati's rullnc they .were "very pleutd by the deciaiOo .. " Mrs. Kopeclme. speaking in •· low voice, Nid "I'll come 1&1p here very often lo le:' mY dlughter. I coold never haw (Sot KOPECllNE, PIP ll · . st-le M•rlcet NEW YORK (AP)-The stock marut m.Ved l.Wer in moderate la!e lrldlq today. (See. quolltions, Pqes -). • ·Dtclinlnc stoclca -tbeJr -gin over advaneea to more thin 3 to 1 .... • . -, .. -.-w-tlter ·. . .. Loolc ·lor • few .dropo of,rain to- ni&l>t. iollowed . by clearing 1klu 'nlunday with tempenturu still mired in-Ille ~ IO'I olonl Ille cout. INSDtB' UD.\.Y A. ~...-.dont r of N•pofton BO!IOpcrte fOlmd o good Iii• in AMfrfOI JCPllf rose1to bftomc Ot- tomtr g.....i. •oder Pr•sfd""' \~.II~!~ '°ll'•l3., ... °"" 15 ~ ·:(HRllT~ · 1 . -. :,.___ .. • -....... ~ •.. --··· --. ~,._ .. •I :::r~..: .... ...... . ----., ---. --. --.. --- I. 11 1' I I .. I ~All.Y I'll.OT L No_ My Lai 'Whitewash' •• Pentagon Panel: No Evidence of Coverup . :.. By UotW PHH llltema-1 _ A special Pentagoo panel bu fo<md no eVidence of any low·level eover·up in the ~·Anny inVestigation of the alleged massacre at My Lal, tile lioard'a . top cMIJan lawyer said today. ·Attorney Robert Macerate o! New Y<1:k, ,who was a~ last ,....k to ~art with tt. Gen. WllllO!n R. Peers the .. thority In conducting the Inquiry, made Ifie &1.atement at a news conference aL t!ie Delense Department In Washingtoo. \In reply to a. question, Macerate said ¥ sees "no evidence ol a whttewash itlv" and had been told there would he .P,e. He stre.Yed that he was refening '"'IY ta the special board's investigat19n cf whetbel' a ftekl·level ~inveltigation of $uth Vietname&e civiUan deaths at-My 1fa1 hamlet 4 oo March IS, 1968, wu ad· '!lluate. ~Macerate saJd, however, be and othtr l members o! thO pone!, 1ncludlni Peen, would go to Vielnam for lur1b..-In· vtstigatJon of jutt w!lat happen<d at My 4 i. ' . . The .mlaklo of.Ille Peers ll'UP is only lo determine whttber-facts Wt're IU~ prtMed -the Army's criminal in- vestiption division is looking for any evidence of war crimes -but Macerate sa1ll liis gro<ip inust'flnt det<rmine j1ilt what the facts ...... . Macerate rtfused to diSCUSI testhhony the Peers board had received so far.·He also refused, on grounds that bis answtt "might be reveallni,'' to. aay whether any witness had taken the 5th Amendment. First Lt. William L. Calley Jr., accused of tlie pnlffe'ditated murde< ol 109. men, women: 8Jld. children ·in the massacre, testilted before the board last week after being advised . that he cookl refuse to answer questions in accordapc:e wtlh the lmmuriity of the 5th Amendment a1alnst .. 1f.incii~. Besides the I'-... JnvesU1atlon.or0 the-il\V~tlon and the Apny CID's !11- vestlgatlon ot 1he incident.. the Kouse Armed S«v!ces Co!nnliltae Is coacluttltlr its own inquiry. Chairman L. Mendel· Rh'.en (0.S.C.), said Tut:SdaY he Wfl not convlhc~, ·as President Nixon apparinUy JJ, that a massacre tool< place. Riven ...,..te11 his P.lfltiofl tqday atttr ~rinc m9l'e testimony. . A suboommittee ot Rivers' Anned Sel"Vkes Committee today queltioned CWO Hug!I Thompoon Jr., an Army helicopter pilot w'bo was said · to hav~ made the lint repor!s that allered ir- regularities -place at My Lai. Alta< Thompoon·s tesUmony at.a clooed session, Rivers said the chopper pilot "pvt WI no infonnaUo,1 to lead ua . to bell.eve that anyone com.miUed a massacre at My Lai." ~aguna Future Plans Shopping Plazas' Impact Reported · :· ~ove Rapidly-Ved'1er ' . . , In Laguna Study , . , I 1 • Economic reaction to major. shopping , What Laguna must consider, said. pro-"You may decide, 'We don't want to centers in surrounding communities is jtct director Abraam Krushkhov, is a take in all those people,' " said ~tential population in 1990 of perhaps Krushkhov. "In that case you can simply poinle:<f up in a section of the new Laguna ~.300, which would require an additional keep your zoning ordinances and stick to Beach economic forecast prepared by 4:.600 dwelling units. , requiring only stngle-famity-dwe!Ungs in-Daniel, Mann, JOhnson and Mendenhall. f Esiimated J980 populaUon in the entire stead of re-structuring to permit greater South Coast Plaza, the repor.t slates_. '!Planning area.~· which includes portions density." <I the Irvine end Moulton ranches, is The projected increases, he explained, had a major impact on 1he sales: plctUre •.ooo. an increase of 28,000. would be .Laguna's normal "share" of Jn~~ Mesa~-~~ ~di. ! .. Although M 1Jercent of the land In the population growlh In the entire area, but '!'henll ~ 1!119", ""' ~ btA)y ; y is vacant." said Krushkhov, "a great local growth could be curtailed l>Y strict a ripple ID Laguna Beach. al·of it ts more or Jess unbuiJdable.. It's. zoning ordinances if tl\e community ao On ."" other hand, the · opening_ of ~l great place to plan for 28,000 billy desired Faahl Isl onl atf N 9>als, but not for people." "LaiUna can conUnue to grow in stie. on and ML Y ected ewport fThe planners, he said, will present slowly, by banging custom~!~ single. Beach, but severely jolted the l;aguhl 8fveral alternative concept. for coplog family' dwellings on· the bi 11 s . business scene. • "ith projecl<il·growlh. AllernaUvely, you can ~•trudun the ·Wilen Souih Cout PI.,. opeiied. Iii. th4 ? density In some areas to permit multiple fourth quarter of 1~ .Coat.: -~,.. . dwellings, though there are not too many locatiODS in the city that provide good ac· general merchandise. sales . took • · f7 Festival Price lncrease Plan .\ Vnder Attack .. -~inor adjustment ot ieat prices left at ~ two F:..Uval·of Arla~ .con-. 'lf'lled Tuesday that they !lad fixed nut aasoo's income with insufflcient margin arr price increase. Directon Paul Griem and lllcllaril k1I vuted aplnlt price adjUllment center sea!Jng whtol>.wlll botq, ill 17.oOO--.~ ~(·r wonder if there ·are enough !IO ctntses to cover a five, six or seven per· olnt Increase," said Griem of the $300,000 ojeratiOnal costi. 'He suggest:ei:I $2 seat.I ri\ight be raised tq 12.so. > -·Jlirector David Yo011g argued that llfe ~ hold p1lceS as best it ·can' .. If we nit $3,000 less, Wllat's tt going to do to ui?" he asked. "I'm firmly of the opinion f:Mt we should hold the line as far as ~ible, J don't think It will affect any of OU.r regular grants.'' •6aid Griem, "I don't think we're talk· * about $3,000 or $4,000 lw, I think ,,_'re talking ahout 115,000 ta $20,000." $ said a $300,000 {actor times six per·· <iut (hike) equals lt!,000 irid doubtid 1ti1 cost increases would stop at six per· oiiit. :_,rooks said operating increases could lie '.expected for the next two years. "It's ~ goi!lg to come out of the net unless we ~ \he income." ~bt.her board members agreed to hold ~ line. The new seating schedule ~mended by Director Harold Burton il)a"eases lower center seats by 50 cenl-ll and reduces upper center sealing by 50 C!nis. The price span on tickets remains ~lo $6. ,Director'. Stuart Durkee said the ad· jiistment was not done as a revenue pro- dqeer but to bring equity to ticket pricing iit relation to choiceness of the locatlons. • • OA llY PilOT OAANG1! COt4t 11\111.llHIHG UllMtJtl leMrt N, Wee• ..,.""" ... l'lllCllhn' J••" a. c.,1.., Yb,,....,_..,.. o.Mral MerlllW The111•• JC .. ,u .... Thell'lff A. M11,,lli111 ......,...,.... lfl'9!' licl11r4 P. H.tl .__ (II)' '""" ---: 212 '~"''' ... , •• · ...... Mil'"" P.O. lea "6. 92&11: --°""' ..... : • Well ..., """' .......,. .-cPI: 1211 ,,, .. , .. -. .... !Wtftl • tMlftl•tM INO: • ilft $1rN1 million leap.· But the advent lmpoct on cess. Another posaibillty that will b • Newport Beach we reflected in declines presented; the planner said, is judicloua in a8.tea for both the fourth quarter -or annexation of buildable land where 1968 and the firlt quarter·ot 1"7. services such as fire protection, water No measurable effect was rioted in supply and ,.wage disposal, could be given without undue upeme. Laguna Beach. Shaping the ftnal general' p 1 a n • When Fuhion Island opened in Krushk&V ·md, will be the". economiC Newport Beach, in November 19f7,_ ~ forecaot for UM -1ty, the phyllca\ oioltl•J!lcllnhidllll -.nldt; J1Nti16 re~ <11 1he'1ernln )nd ·the gollll ed to the· twie of a II mlllloo quarterly statament prepar<d by the CiUUDS Illes ipcrea,._ ·· .. : !.l .• Advisory COmn\itlee. But the combined Impact fll thelqlell· J, n,.nclal ,_...,uoo will explcn new Ing ot·Fa'1!Jon .laland ll1d thelloa•oflPen- •-of:polenjjill.revenue to~pJllJ;for ll<l''• ~ ·-........ lil.·tlie IJI" deainlbla deve1t":I progr':dJbt,fllld ...,,, _,,. . ...,., ;-,,1• • ,.!iFI ,!,OPO!t~··---tor· quarterly reneraJ-..---· la •• iiiiieri; a.. .......... .... .. . . "·--· ""•ch ..... DM.1¥ -revtalL flc:slud)l,~D1dl1CU•iooof .... ~-.~-; '·""' · •· ,. .... , •r ·ton and par"'•• problems n<>W' ~ ,.,_ u . ...r. of fSI0,000 a qlla!Qr I ~.. alfi '. between J.111 and 11117,. Laguna f-al pr<pared by a top Ir c engmeer. merehandise sales blmb~· to wider ltllO,QCM! a quart-. In 1161, . .ays • • lh• repi>rt, the sawing pow•• ol new ;lln'Jlll!ll sh~ center. j ": ' ' From . Pqe .1.. _ -. KOPECHNE ••• gone to that cemetery (at nearby Lark .. 111-) u. I llnew ii had been diJturb-. ed. I'll be baCk." Kopechne sald the fact that an Inquest will be held in Massachusetts into the death of his daughter, an only child, "does not disturb us. We are waiting pa- tiently for the inquest." . Joseph Flanagan, the parents' at~y. said he was negotiating with an insurance company, which he declined to Identify, concerning the possibility of filing a "wrongful death action rivil suit" for the family's loss. In Massachu~etls, Edgartown Police Chief Dominic J. Arena, who investigated the acc;i.dent, sai.d "I can't really say that I'm surprised" by the ruling. He said he {elt the judge in Edgartown was "ant· ious" to complete an inquest u soon as possible. Brominski's ruling, which climaxed a 17·week legal nght over the autopsy pro- posed by Massachusetts District Attorney Edmund S. Olnfs, said "it i$ .the .con- clusion of this court that, the facts presented herein are insufficient to ·SU~ port a finding of. the cause of death of Mary Jo Kopecbne other tllan asphy~­ lation by IJi lmm.er1ion." Ft'Otll P .. e 1 SQUIRRELS. • • Laguna.'' Sweetaer says. "l know they're quirt an attraction up at the park, 80 we just have to figure 1 way to keep them more or less under control. . "l sure do wish they were I.rte aqu1r· rels though. n.e oquirrtls don't bother anybody." . . . From Page J LEAKAGE: ••. stOl'f: m the nnt ¥> year&. On 1M . brigller side of · the ecooom1c iicture, tourist-oriented sales in Laguna far "'eod the stalisti<;al poteltjal. • While potential sales volume in eatlng and drinking establishments would have amounted to $3,358,000 in 1968, 1ctu,1 sales, reflecting spending. by non- residents, were 1 whopping $6,903,000. , Similarly, sales in the areas of apparel, heme furnishings and ~ and automotive goods exceeded t h e: e<:OOOmist's estimate of potenUals for the community. In the final picture. actual sales for the , year exceeded estimates of potential sales by some M million, despite the $5 million leakq:e to either areas, with non·· resident spending more than com· pensating for.the Jo.., ~~y concluded• Discusling Laguna'• unique -~· picture, the Belgian-bol)l ecooomlst 18ld the Art Colony's ' blWntSS community, wOllld be well advised to step up lti : emphasis on visitor«ient<d lpoelalty shops, making them even more ipeclallz- ed and even more extjuslv", to conj· pensate for the apparent fact that. residents will c:ontlnue to do a er.eat deal of their· basic '!>'"ding In lacllllies outside the city . 'Bitter Medicine' Due for Laguna? Final dipgnosis ol Laguna Beach's ailments by 1ht general plaq study team may lead to a. prtscriplJon for ••aome. bit- ter medicine,'' MayOr Gleiln Vedder conr mented Tuesd•Y nllht. "'JJ a ~Uent goes to a'doctor -"'Sllld the mayof, ''he . can tell him· wbefe tt hurU, but he's not very well advbed to go oa to tell him whal sort of a rtmedy to pmcnbe. It'• belier to l<avt.thet to the doctor. He maf prescribe .som• bitter medicine. Of eoune, the patil:nt may abo relUOI to tallt I~ "In this case. tbe pten~n art. tbt dtX'- lorL 'llliy ai. s1"dl'lllc our probll!llS and tt'• up lo 'UI to Ulltn cartfully to their dlall!OOIS. ~'i'lltY will give ua •mt attemativu and wt will hive to choose. Perhaps 11>m& pet i>n>Je<ta wlll ~,,. to be 1bondoned bocluse tllq ....,·t work." Si~ing One Vp Boy Scout fathets Bud Hilderbrand (left) 3ndf.tib T)lorne ~re helpin~ with -Christmas tree sales aimed at financing scouting projects and equipment for Mission Viejo's Troop 608. Their Christmas forest is localed at Muirlands Boulevard and Argus-Avenue. From Page 1 ·- McDERMON •.. which c3nnot exist without Competition. "Tt:iey say they have no power in white color America so must malre inroads through organized l.abQr," . continued r.fcDennon. "During the summer they sponsored a work-in and Uild thtir members how W get a job. "They were instructed to get haircuts and take a bath and shave and when they got a job to join bowling teams and share the concern of the working man so that they ca~ later plant question~ In his mind. ''How can a businessman distinguish between 'an earnest young nian seeking work and a subversive! You can't shut the door but you must protect the en. terpri~. SOS cla~ms tO have P.laced 350 of. tl;lelr people in jobs and will coritiit1l;e this cha1lel'!8e." . "He · 1amented the faCt that eduCatOrs hi-fe often· said that if one Cloesn't gO to college be is doorile:d to menial labor. He said by and large -~s is. true because society bas allfnved1•ll to De true. He urg· ed .pe.....,.. io· digni~)t·'tm-~ fo_r W'O'rlt'S ge~e and tJ,F "-" W.ies. fl>·tMe·1~ .. ~ ........... \'~ .... ', .. man. · • · , "But the re&l trag'edy'ls_that the·s~le:nt· majority has allowed people to believe tha,t tnO!ll ,students <;ind teachers are militants. Actually it's Ol'lly a small vocal organized minority and most teachers at least 80 percent are sic k at heart over \\·baL's going on." He said SOS doesn't stop with students ' but has post grad'18le ruoups ma~e or teachers, people in the w Uare movem~nt and people in an urban underground in· filtralblg city government. He said they often form a coalition .with the Black " . ' . Pantller Party. '"01e ohiy hope I can hold out is one of involvement," said McDennon. "Max Raffe[ty fo1:1~~ i9. giVC)_ Y9U .J~aJ con~ro] bpt Y9U 8reJ1 t usuming it.~' He told then\ to aUend scilool board meeUngs ~ vote -in "schoOl e1f(tions. He said to acquaint themselves with school pi'oblems and issues and·to visit the superinteOdenl. He said it isn!t local control wh.en one waits for a controversy to make his 'Voice heard. One must be on hand to offer con· structive suggestions to school board members, McDennon said. He urged ~ple to see that their district board didr.'t initiate any programs that invaded their.privacy. He ;endeQ his presentation by showing the a~ience an Americart,fl~g Wm in~ shreds by a .group oC elementery school chiklren . "You and I are .fighting-a war at home~One we~canocit affOrd ¥lJ9:l8.~' said ld~rmof!. · 'I · ···~ t .. i • "It;,, !l.Giffet~ .i'intl pf, W~4'\ ~re:· DC> a:anf~ in .the streets) 1~1• cp]ted .,PfiY~ political warfare and ii a ~ 19r, ~ mind, and aouJ of our younasters ·in school. lt is Target·Yout:h." Degas Paintipg Sold LONDON (AP) -A painting oi three ballet dancers . ·by the F t e n c h Impressionist Degas was rold.for $288,,000 at Sotheby's auction house today. · Another Degas painting showing a single dancer holding a fan ~kl J!or $168,000. ~ .• • Down tlae --. M •• , ISSIOD· Trail Home Judging Slated in Viejo MISSION VIEJO -• Ju<lging for ~1ission Viejo's third annual home decorating contest will take place Dee. IS through 17. · The contest, sponsored by the Mission Viejo Co. and the Mission Viejo Homeciwners Association will be coordinated by Stuart McFarland and William Gardner. Preliminary judging will be on a neighborhood to ileighborhood basis by the sponsors who will reduce the field from 2,800 homes to 28. •. nie finAitst will be judged by an architect, Al'ian C. Albright of San· fran-- cisco; a landscape architect, P . Woodward Dike of Orange, and an in· terior·exterior designer, Glynn Growo of Orange. Winners will be selected in ail categories : best religious, best tradi· tional, best Santbest Early California themes, mast c tive and grand prize winner. e lfa.te1· Group Forms SAN JOAN CAPrsTRANO-City coun· ci11nen passed a resolution Monday fonn· ing a citizen's advisory committee for waterworks district No. 4. The action was requested by James Okasaki who i$ representing the dty ·m their attempt .w place the water district under city, rather than .county control. Although 80 per.cent of the district. ls within San J'uan Capistrano, the part in county territory might unfavonbly m. fluence the Local Angency Forroati.on Commission's recommeadation, the coun- cil was told. To eliminate any taxation without representation the committee of ftve will be made u·p of.three residents 6f the city. one resident of the Dana Knolls area and one from northern territory oubide the city -limits. e Rumnaage Sale Set CAPISTRANO VALLEY -A rummage sale to raise funds for a clas.s field 'trip wnl be staged by_ senior h~ties students at San Clemente High School. The event will· .take place Dec. 13 and 14 from 9 , a.m. to 5 p.m.. in_ the cafetorium. A Christmas boutique, bake sale and white elephant sale will be part of the a'cti.Pr'ity., ~ Setvibg .,pa the committee are Linda Plumb. Barbara Taylor and Li&a WatkiTl!. • ' e ·rree Part11 Pltulne4 LAKE : FOREST -Lake F ..... t iesiden1'1 are invited to join in an. old fashioned tree trimming party Sunday, Dec. 11. Reservations ,for the adult party at the Beach and 'Tennis Club will be accepted until Thci,sday < Caroling, cOokie.s and eggnog punch will be highlights of the gathering from I to 11 p.m. Those attending are as"lced to bring one or two ornaments, prderably hand made. ' 0 OMEGP , ~·b•lltwl, W -,.l ~aUt! ..-n,1 ~llUltr, .,...,,,, ... t la()u C •n!tr,.1' el_~I, •1....ilel ;&ftf ft(;OftOI.. 3tlinl-;a•ttl '''' Wil'\ .. !Cftl~f to•~!. WMet ,._,.1t111 •• -.1..-0 ,,Jll6 .• CONYENIENT TERMS All N.A.S.A. astronauts, aince '1he apace program begen, have worn Omega wttchea- on their wrists. Ordinary, every day jewel,Y store Omega $peedmaster chronographs. lhe kind anyone can buy. Every Omega, whelher for an aslronaut or con"entiqnal wear, Is made to the most exacting standards to assure utmosl dependab Uity. We're proud lo be an authoriz6d Omega dealer bocause ll'ley make the bes! watches ln th is \'tor!d, or any Oth er. IANICAMERICARD' MASTER CHARGE 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 5~8-3401 '., j . I 1 'l I = I 7 "LOT ·•DVUTISER IT w ...... .,,. -10, I a. ...... "canb ece II" UllllS' Oi'lon Scuffs S01t. ..... ~.0r- """ -· witll tit , .. ,, luxarious fur. -llol)'-2 69 In! SO~-Paml "'°" 11 S·M·L 1 -~ -... LADllS' Slippers & Sandals Qooso .... faliillll Sllldll• ... llllt ift ii .,_., -witll """" ... -jnNI st)lls ·3 49 ~ .. ::rr ..... s.a • ,, TOll-• ... fc ••••t" Foam-In Hair Color First onwt:ep way to cover '"' "brl&lhl •n. lldi111 2 59 hair. Choose""" 111'1 tnre- lo-lite sllades. l! n. tin .• "fUW NUTI" lllgllt Light u.;m. flilll ..... ii lllJllll ctlWI ,, 1: .......... tit 11 lillldGEJWtlrA. otr swilch1111d11t. IL o "Ben Gay" ... ,.'"' •iltl •Hint lllia! ••• er..!111 -SQioloss ••• paios -JW llirl C Josi refill ""' ""' llld 73 111 I i.-tr. lite Grenada Bay IMPOITD RUM 2 83 li&ll or DP-llO Pt: fil • Canadian 11111n wu '-'' ILllDID CAllADIAll sm 4'I ~llKY .3.79 WU I.II ... • 3.69 Foster Creek •u :u1 S1UllllT IOlllOll Siii .. ,, WHllKIY 3 29 l!Proof • • Count Vasya VODKA SAi£ 141 ~ .. ,_ 1/rCal. 6.75 Daveaport Ill 7.41 DISTIUID LOnM HT Siil • f,!I 1/rlll. 6.50 5111 1.i L ........ WU"' ' lilllDID AMlllCAI Siil 411 WHllKIY 2 89 Miid, Yet FIMlll-IO Pl. • 1 "Sas'-"· Ribbon 11 Ill .. -l'*""' Mp ll)fler llhn 11e1111111 m •o.cortttt•. : hf. Ill 211 ft. Pijil' or Foil ::=. .. ~~/;1 UCl7 I "* ....... * tllil ill"'"* ol Jn?.11. 3" • Foil .. emu IOX ci-.. J.:1111111 It nae " rolls " ft. 3". .,.,- Gift Canis ., """ _ I'll o1 2• "Sllf-33c Sttll" ... ii 2 !lllips. "Velvet" Ribbon !:!i':.~llc::~119 --&I!!--. "Mllras". Paper & Foil . TISSUE . Jn 2S" 1511. -in.,.,.. l!Nnlti<:Olors. gee 11o1 .. -'lllltl3G"l a It. foil Ill 211"'20 IL ClllilloH 1 79 roll oholor· I~ ""'· ' • 4" Jewel Bows PahllZ--lllilmlors ~ it lllCi --1ri111 "stiet41" IM. U\11 · "Tinsel" Cord ~------gee .................. .,.. "' ;;I jC. • ft.lfllll, a .,. ..... s Paper or Foil ::m~ .• 1 ..... 19 Jumbo ,;,. 30" I . '''RI"!: widtrolls ••• ftc. Cwllll - orated PIJlll ii A!loftlf colcn ;, rol~ J'Jc ~ ~a~~i::,a: .r 511r 115 ft. 1N" • lilrlrlr 1.69.. ~-r·r:ac 4-l'll<l llW 1111 TV Tray Set 111111 211'11Sli" .... -.. illlllolilllf4llMll .... ... "Cmlsll''• IUDI llaOJKTOl lldllll111•t ......... -tlfl 11 IO llioi ... 14111 lill •.... 48 1<t-!ltlltt • Jest•ltic 44 :=-=1aa ......... . ·-· e ff8*1111u ............... ol 3er Cntl ._,I &itl !ft It ftl!llsllol<. 11(.1.21 .. Cit• filll ""-....,_H ......... IW llf. I•• "StlflW I" Clllrilp . 1.89 2.19 "ftl nllr I" ,f:'• II Ole Ill CllWtll tr I " II C-0 uu·. 'Wlml' .... •••, -S111lsW' ••• r:.. ,_, ·-. I ~ Cl...tlt 29 95 1ysl1m. #111145 • "== .... ..... !'l'J ~.::.;: .... 5.49 z·..,.."'*· Mlle • "TV'' Tray . Set "TV'' Tray Set WllllC In.Her /Rotisserie .......... :r~s.1':44 . """" •. ti .. 99 ... ,.. . I "U" 1:111 UMl'lllilll .. -... '""' ,.,- . . ------------------ Just W..U.C"'I HA•R SPRAY loNs .. ~ ..... ltiM la111 ""~'"''"" 59 C IU. l11 1111. "Poli-Grip'' .,_, ~VI <HAii W/4 mt Pt-1-IMfots. llAllC . Snow Flakes , .. ....., illllnlllCo s,r- llMll -&1111 th "" of rnl ''"i11. 4tc 3 3 c 111!. Sill --Ira ............. . II 111'1 ...... illl 111111. Wtdntldq, Dtctmbtr 10, 1"9 • ''Cresf' 100'"' .... Wltli flwrlltH llflfir m llill fl1t1rs "lA VORIS" 1Alll£ ANO HllllWASH Wtlll II '"' ,... . .,11ti fr••• ftr •rs! 77c · "Jergen' s" ·so~""' Will (1111 S1tt11i11 Acllul . s-....-. irrilollf ''"'wilt! ........ ,, ... s. ''Anaci-'' . D TAIUU Fsr rarr,. llllill ti 11111-. . Colt!, .... Ano IU lfnrll&IL All'I Sill 1 2 9. hlls • ... . "111 llYll" Nit 1:n£kel"s .and .SITS 1111•• ........ ~. """*'· lictll = ''"'· Calll• Heidi's • -°""aw, ., ... ~i:1~lol;. age .. Ill ·will ., b6lt sett•1. sst 11 z • "r SIUltl .............. .... .,...,...,_ ... JM:!. .. .. lit .._.. ........ -foor """'" """"' 1r1c1;t' SU9'1t'C llfftl 1 13.88 llltll "'1MS .wt C.1111 lftr: ,,, ,, z Oil; HUHT1NOTON HACH ........ :-. , .. NIWPOlT llACH ,,.,_ .. __ HUNTiNOTON llACH .................. -~···-..... __ .. _,.,.,_ ' DAI~ Y 1'!1.0T ;Ji ' • I ,. r ... ~ .. . " 34 DAILY "11.0T F.ree Gifts lla:ve . Cos~ly Strings Complete-Nelv Yorli Stock: List I JW'°~:t·~~~ ·~w.·~a.. ~,KltAi.._c .. ~ ' ' l\l, ~"" ... ""'c'l: !jf.J. 4-•11 i mt. mt ~ -r.1, ~ 11 u~ li: 1~ t t 'Something for Nothing' Promotions Thriving as Nev~r Before ~:'!'.~'. ~'7;.· ~~~~I~~~~":::~, , I~~~ .~.z;..1 ~ ~ ~~ ~~::: 1 J o ~~1' 1At' a; ~ ~ ;ft ;:;·tt lhW m W' 2,lfl -\t taillt }" • 11'" lfl&_ ~ Ow flo agrttJnc to~a114·pieceset movle•~Lf)r,lhroul&'h the 'ree ta eware. ~ couple of nights in an m·~.J1-1_.i° ~ ·i~ U_~!"' !!. 1-!. » »"-iJ\\ =-t -~~2 . .0 't' n 1"' t-!1"' ' ' f u bl A . • Ad-.d: ll\: -,,_ lty 11r1 A 1 1ov. !,f; i + v. mi-t 11t 1:$ If . '1': Bv SYL\IU PORTER stttl tabltware ._ simply by than coven tht ~t or the you pay -as In the "Case ~ ..i.fina lhit lJt you. have·won b a ~-~' r,"" ]' ; ff .... ll.~ ~ 1r,\::" , , 1 1'41 11,,,, !b :.:11' c~ .\4 1:1 IJ f:i1"""1 .Z =...f lf you accepted some or the· or dlnoerwart; a variety ot gimmicks, you Woodrow Wlsrlg, pre$ldent of .. -... .. .I t. ....... , off.~ ............ Aclrnlr•I ;~ .. !Art . s; r uli1~1 Al , w-~ .... \."' ... \Ii " ,': ;~ j to\.\ ""' it Jr-·•· ~·~ ·•--~ ti n~•--B I Bu of -~·Ye '""""'• "''"""""'-• A'111tiLlf '·• ~ •·· • ~ 1111 10 31'-31 11\0. -"' MMt t2to 11~ l'*-"' ur ... .._.... "~ .w~• sur 1 A de luxe vacation trip -would have ended up paylng the ocum-us ness reau --' i--Iu"'•..i '· rta "''"'Lii ., 1 :I ~ .--,. ~,. i no M\!i u•\ 2,-11 . 1 ~ inu .ltf ~ ""' ""' 1 r-b.v • ......_.. ... ._, 1---~ slmply by fUllng out a travel an Wla•~,,.;,.,. for the--'• '.New Yori. puts ii, "Barrln& '1-'"'"" ~ are MWpo -~u1f!1 c.o 1 i!") • •···· t1 ,,. llf\ 22 22h +"' M1u1 ... • llv. ~'fl J.s~ •• ~ W J-,... ,._.,_YA -r•-UJVVI "'t It-••I• drinks tlpa, t p,,telcl_.,JOb · re; } ,,~, "f• ,. .. ft :13 'ti ~ ~ -" MUii llfl 7J • 2 ~ "' ... ~ mcmths m the ma l I 1. quettionnaire. equipment ., 'fJtll as for the gequlne in1rodudory aUers.. ..._.,, m~. '·' : . "rlt. 1.ti: 201 'fN 'rm,,. fh't ="' NA 1<1111,.rl\ 'n ei n~ li\1 ::.~ /\Mot -~ Ill~ W' i' ~ tt"' ~,~ Qr Wel'e tbtst thlnn• rtally film and -•elng, Tbe n..i'-ln .. lJ really free. 'J'he ID• entertainment, elc. YOU :llWl ~ l~llflf'1 l~ 1~ 1 1t"-::+:".... ,1 a~ ll aili 42116 431:. +" = ;ltJj I J.11.!o u ~ • newW ...... or magai.lne .11ds or ._. .... ..._._ ""'""6 h 1 d ,,.. · , "' SG1 .i W 'j .s. -'-' ~J>Ctrn " tJ lr11 1 + " ~--&<ToREE!" to you? abllgatlon could bave come to lellige.nt consumer s o u may find that only married A ·~ J 33\4 " . .131.1o-'' ·~~ " ! !J"' + • ~1.t. '" ii~ ... 11:. .• variety of 'other proruoUom. ,.. ' . f AJ£!~r.1u '· " 23\:o 1 ~ +" i 1 . \-\> ~ -"" "' ... ll r "" 0\6 ''¥,.. Al't,LUENT and educated a stagfering $1.~,000. realize that it ls unrealistic or people qualify or that you :ltf.,!t,':". 'g ~ ;i"" mz 7."' a ; Jf1 ~ ~ ~' =!v,1 itirnc11 .::, • il 1, 1 ~ ::.,. you wauld have. e o l le n as we .-e, YCll would think 'Ibe 'lrte" lot offer is u old a merchant to hand out free .. 11::-i• -~ U6 11" ll"' !11' -l"I o 111 lk 1 ., 2 · m. " -~ 1, ~Et 1:5 .sot 301t. J" ·· ·· "FREE!": that ire would be exceedingly as the land lt.selr and thls ls uifts indiscr-lminately." have. to sit through a hard sell :I::~ ?if~ ff ~v. .t~ -4s" ! ~ l!n1' ·• '' il\'ol l1Vi ::!:,1 T•' ·, ~si J .-+ 1l •-• 1 1 ..... 'tch. A 1111~": ~ 63 ,,,v. 1~ 1l'" v. '"J!.' . .!#'° ~ 3r-zVa 11-1.1 pf1 Jj '020 17\>lo 1 1 .... ., A 1n,a.ue movie camera, pro-suspicious of any something. likely to be an uninhabitable The biggest "something or ru es ....... pt AtlfedCI! I. '" 'tslil sm 1 =" I ;;; 'fi ' ~n t.,.. 2.-. ~ilo:. + •• ti 1181:30 ·~ It\.', 1~ ~ ··r. jector, screen aod all the . for-not.bing deal But we are patch.. maybe 20 feet wide. nothing" deal, however. was • Then there are ''free" wigs ~1!=111 . l J H~":w•• 5r' -:-.~ •1 In, i'~n ,J ~~ !r..: ~~ + ~ r~,~~ ·~ ,: tr~ tm Im :': trimmings -simply by agree.-far from 1t-and actually, the You would have had to pay a for the "free" vacation ''Won'' but the price you pay tor :11ti=,.:d l>i'f. 'f ,. u~ n~ t ~ I uG(i'IAO 1! ~ ~ 21\'> + .. &~~",Jo . ~ tre ~;~ ! = • ·ing to sign up for 1 certain promotlons are thriving as whole array or survey costs. to Mexico, Hawaii, Ji'lortda, ••st.yllng" (about $15) actually ~1ll:fl~. 1:: ff ~ fl~ i~ = !! !l~_t..1c11 .,'f ~ Wi ffi~ ~ -1 ~ ~~,,f:-'1 '~ ~~ il~ ~ :::~· amount ol f\lturt-film nroc. never before.Specifically: closing costs, etc .. 11RX1Unt· Las Vega! or the Babam1u1. coverstbecostOfthewig A1111 c~•1m u 1• 'I,. t3"'-~ ~~le J1 13 ;JiZ nv, ~G• Pk .IOb 1'5 "'""' ~,. +• essiog: ,.. On the home movie camera jn• to $lSO -and trus fo,r There are many variations. Jn THERE ARE "'free" ~w-=ePfli40t> ,: !f~ l2U l' \~1= ~~~ 2··# if th~ = ~m :? ~!'~11:~ • i!J :,Z Jlv. lf:!=1 ~ A PARCEL of land all of •-o one, you have to pay a $1542S Ing machines but you pay by ~.fr'.~" 1~ ~j ~ftt f:U =1\6 =Torit1.: 1i ~ f~ f~l me = :Z ~ ~i·1:°. ;! 1f~ 1:; ,J~"!': your own -aimpl1 by agree-~l~ ~~.dt~1~~v1:.~ :::~~~e>'&'st~~~.need or •'registration ree" to meet purchasing a 1~year servicing ~~~·o~!:o ' ~ .... ~~ U"" = ~ i=.~t !>cl ~ Lm~ mt :1~ :1~ ldo1~1'i, ~ i~~ 1: .. 1~=t ing to pay the land wrvey and h igh price for processing as NEARLY ALWAYS lhe cost "regulations," only to di~ver contract -in advance. ~~:i.1: 1;1 ~~ J'J~ ll~= t = .. c't~1s J if: ~ U,. WZ':..'ih t~~T8~·'1 !;~ :m ~. -::~:t: closing costs; many as 500-600 rolls ol movie of the free llem is included in that you are not a winner '111ere art .t•tree" stereo ~'A1~/1~ ·':., ln ~~ ~" ~~ t fl: g::/)I~' Ji'f 2*i = Jl ~'(;.:::~ 1"'..,~~"1 • 1~ 56 " ~ .. '$.~ ;'.:: A 32-pieoe ~ ol stalnlea camera rum -which more the.prioe of the Item for which after all. ln ·other cases, you phonographs. with. the cost ::-11~-:lld:s.; 'l: ~i~ ~Vi lla ;:: .. ~:::Eii:.Cnt.J Jl= r il :?\.'> :1 .• 815:1 ~;;~ 11; fi'll i1~ ~r .... + ~ hidden in dozens of hlgh·priced ~~~ ~·~ 2?! -S6v. .u,," M,1~ -,·r-eot.Fooo 1.10 St !JYI 40\~ ~..., + "' lobtUn .M • u 16 . 1~ lt..... -'' c C:•i )'"" "" °"' ~ •• -:4 lonFd l1f 'f I liJ 10. l -1' let! 1.11 U1 lOl• 30\'ll _,.,it records you must buy over a t.,•n,::, .-: ll l~ t0~t t;l:;::.v. ::'~iJ: 11: fRt '~ .t=>N~ ~1·~ ~ ~.,... ~ =-' period of weeks and you can't ~,;~~11'·'9 l{ ~ 2~~ J.:? -1ti. onN•IG 1. ' 6G.'i 2-'' ''u. -,,~, 1:.so , .. 11 mil ""'° +i get the stereo until you buy !~'t~~~ 1i:n ,:i: n\>2 lr" il"'.i:'" ~~w ,,,~:5t 1,: fr" R~ m?,!v. ~::i..i~n'·~ 11f ~":~:!fr:.± th --rds Arri 01111 ·1 -ltv. + .. onAlrL . .so tt 13~ i2:w i2 -\t ''"''-C su 111 11:w. 11\t 11•- CI910 Forecast as Year Pan Am Tells In Income Of 'Pallid Prosperity' Big Decline e ,....., • AD!slfe ...,_ st 24\1; 2S~ ~ •• , "" Cln 1.76 1f2 7~ ?J:W. 72U.+fl'.i r1n!!f' IA 2• 16_\l lti.. l'jl - This is only a sampling -ADu•tvt :i211 21 •u. '"' '""=i: s;~r~o:1~~ 1~ ~ f f'3v.:!:'l ~~o;.11'9 :; ff ~v. ~"·=~ but surely it underscores for ~r11p:''f.':. 2~i ~~ ll ~~ ~ ~ c~1°",f"2· ~~i· ill1 ,:a 1~ =1 :,.~f 11~ 2n 1~ it" ff" =1-. you why thie '.Natimia.t Bet-:~ ~~-:·.~ 1J nv. n~ r,~ -~ St.S0Mrrf:lt 3t ~~ ~ ~ :!:1~ l"""or'011:!·6! ~ S>y! 53 .. ~ :..:·~ ter Business B u r _e. u, cans !~~~ "!:!' 11~ §, .. ~J .. , ;~:.:: ~ :: ~~I ·rt ,1: 1m J:~ ~:: :; :t ' ~ .. , Finl 207? ~ fiv. :fi~ =I ... Something-for-Nothing '•th e !~~:i,r'~;~ f. ffil m? ~~~ .!_ ~ nio~r ~'( 2 f L Js1. 21~ + ~ ="~'n :tt !, fl:w. !1~ 21tl ···-· grand illusion" and marvels at ~ HH~_e 11.~, "'• •,.• •,!...,,, "'14 -\Ii :,:, t:1 .n. 111 211.4 • ~:Z ~ .:.:·01i ~S!~ :fl 21 lt:Z :•• lf-= ::4' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Bank of America economists predicted today that lflO will be a year of "pallid pros- perity" for California. "Economic activity 1 In California will continue to ex- pand in 1970, altboogh the rate of increase will be less than in th~ Si%ties." the bank reported in an economic "Focus on 1970: California." 'The special. report said .several factors ''will dampen econom.ic expectations. pro- ducing a pallid prosperity for much of the coming year." The ecooomists said civilian employment growth -a key measure of economic performance -would pe i percent in 1970, down rrom 3.4 percent in 1969. 'Ille 2 percent rate \\'OUld mean 175,000 new jobs in tne state. The 1969 rate of 3.4 percent equalled the--average annual rate for the last 10 years. '·However, the manufae~ turing sect<r had only a l per- cent growth rate in 1969 com- pared to an average of about 3 l)ercenl over the past 10 years," the bank's special •• report said. ) The focus on 1970 predicted I that personal incame I n I' California would rise 'lbt>ut 7.5 ~ percent during the year, com- pared with 9 percent in 1969. It said consumer spending would increase by about 5.6 pereent, with strongesl gains in the services S'edor. "New automobilt-sales Jn California are expected to decline & porcmt ht 1970 from the record 970.000 unit sales ,. estimated for 1969," the bank report said. 'IJ'euurer The economists said new liousing starts were expected to decline to 130,000 unita in 1970 from about 160,000 in 1969. Stephen M, Hilbert of Costa Mesa has been appointed treasurer and assistant secretary Any sharp cutbacks Jn at Silicon General, Inc., defense or spar!: expenditures a linear integrated. cir- would cause a manufacturing cuit firm in Wes tmin- employment decline, the ster. He was previous- report said. Jy controller for l h e "A major adustment ln Datapulse Division of m onetary policy, or an f'f-_S.cy_s_tro_n-_Do_nn_er_. ___ _ fective federal program lo channel funds Into the con- sLruction industry would result in a !ignilicantly rngher level ol new housing starts," the report said. Accountants Nan1e Director I b . . _,.., P ·~ ~-ff'~ .... lrol Cl•'• 3?J lll'h lU\lo 117'"' .+2\lo G H~Sll..J·10 ' I'"" If,... i~ + ;z Pan American w 0 r 1 d how many 0 er" I s e In· ~ln~rip 1 ·?: ;i 13" 1l:t :3~ ' ' nDlt Dlt.$0 l!n n~· 591'• 59~ + 'Ii G~ev!DJ · 1 110 614 16'.~ ~ -" lelJigent people "Snap at the AmMl"dy :'° 731 l:~ 171' 1~1 = ~ 0""11n1l'~S: !. :M;: ~~? ll~ ~.·.~ rPlltr n'.c~ l :~ rn; ~it 2$i: .t':. Airways, Jnc., and its con· bai·t" A~M ""• 1.ao * :ni·, 3'l :n -1 -1n 1 . .a 21 '''~ uv. U'-< _"' G old ., 2• :w1i. ~ ,. • . A t:IC pl t 1 to\"> lol'A-MV. c_.,. Tlf 1 31 i6•• 1'1.lo 16'~ ··•·· io., 1 67V. •1\lo t7Va ;.:·~; solidated sub! i d i a r i es SURELY during this or all :'",/•~Q.fPrl' Sl'I "-' t\.o -'I c-r .n.15 I 11•• ln4 17>~ ... i.so 1711 2n:1 21:i.. 2~ -... ' ~ P1 c;;11 '9 31~. l1 J1~ -~. c-i.nd 1.10 l 31'.0 '~ v• .. -" es u11 10 '"" t'I\ + \~ preliminary and unaudited seasons, it is not. wasting A1tn8~10 11i~1 lr~ ~~ n.:, ~. +1i~ ~=~~' !~ '1: ~(. ttt? H~ =1~ ·?JI 11 \J~ ~~ lJl>t = ~ Statement fo• the qua•ler .,,. space to plead wilh you to be A"' s~ar 1 1 22~• n~; n-. Corlnth11 .))<> tt Jo " 'fu + \t GYllSt• , '96 1110 11.v. 20•0 21~t t 1·. , • " , Am Sllfp .60 1t 20 19\~ 1•~~ -... Co•GW 2.$011 JS 2.!ll'~ 2S•V. 155 -1 . 50 SIV, 51\r, 57!/t 1"" particularly wary when you: ~~~I''.!!> 111• 11\'i n 2114 + "lcorontTln .12 Ho ?1v. 16\'> '"'" -'..:. g~J;a.~"pr~ J~2 " 11"' 1, .., ding Sept. 30 indicates net in-ed . rn....., r .,w IJ' 33h :12\\ 33Yt + ·~ cow1e1 20 21 10•0 io"• lO•~ -t.t c ifW ii 15 2 621,. 6t •1 -11., are offer Something-for-~st~td i •l• l:I :n'llo nv, -» co•8dc~5 ~ 2 %'" ·~1. ~ + " G~llW ~13..so 1 "'-' 11 11,... +1 COme after laxes Of "~ 000 N·•"I A . l .... _ ot•.7J 15 10'1V. 100 loll'> -IV, CPC tnu 1"' 1" J•~. Jl\lo 37 + '·" G .,. ",, , .... ··• •••• , _ •c ..,,_...., ' ...,,,, ng. gain o quote 1.11e ~Stern A is JO .,.,... .,.,.., -"' Cr•nt 1.60b '' «1•~ .iov. ~• -,,. G~llW ;if7s s ;Q~ ~ ff~ -114 Or 2. cents a share. compared NBBB · "Wh y-• buy be 1'..~· 1.60 ,, 2• 2l" 2• + v. C":rl!d1111 Fin t 1 11\:. 11 I' -" ~lion ind ,,, '""' i7 IT'A + ... , en "" ...,,"°""{' .61 17 t ' CromolCn .116 11 l.So ln\i ""i -'.li LI I-l"' WI.th net 1·ncome of •00,-,000, sure you know just what you •,mT& 1·60 '"° 50v. ~'"' J1°1• +·,, Crou•~H1rw:r 1 u '''• n 2~ + io --n· • °""' .fi<l;J l'rlWWks .56 10 '" 9"t tfo + \', Crl!WCo! 1.!7f i11.1; 21 ?.f>~ 25"!< -\" Hfcil.Wlt 2.'lO ~ l64'o 36\'f 36~, -YI Or 75 Cents a share. for th. a re to rece1·ve how much you AWW501 1.75 '1311 16 16'~ 1'"' -.., CrO'Nn Cork 101 1~·~ H•:. i6t< + ,_.. H111 ,. .. 1.60 , lll'h ll'll llVi -•• ' AW pr•f 1.25 rlOll 15\/t 15''1 lJ .... -'·" C'-jCk of 2 I .,,. •Jlo ·~·• -· HI llllur1 I.OS ,2 5<114 53"1 Sl'llo "' are to pay and when " Aw •.1pl 1.,l llOO 19\1 lt'h 19 -"-Crwn ~It I."' :m J.1,.. l·n• l"• + '" Homwe• ~· 6 11"' nv. ,1,111o1-;.r, same period last year. · Arn l ine n l'0'9 70\lt 70'h-Vt '"' z .i~.111 1'° s.<•~ Mv, MV.. -,.., H•l'!'lm Pio 1 31 21\/o ~ _ • ~tlell; .601 2.1 n v.. 22\'o 11v. -v. CTS Con> .. " ,~,,. 1<~. i1 -1.to HllM>l'ld 70 i. i7t.t 1 lAI -.. Total operating revenues for1""'"""'"'"""""'"111:•<>,.,,,.l""''•ctl\C ·• .ci 50l4 '9\4 '°'~ f1v. cuoft~, co u 13,.. i,, '""-11111 H nc1t ·'° ,, ~ 31 , Ii ~~ f!: ·:':. :J M ~~ J}V. l~ f:fill':an.n_;:s :J l~ l-... ~;-. :.::.., ~nd ~,:,.. ~72 s 2,2?..~ '™',,,. •,~ =·~ the quarter were $293,880,000, Amio.• ca.. ,, •ll.i "'• .qv,, 11 cummr ... ll:lb 1• Jsvr 3~ 3w, _, .,.,,.~ ..... 'l ,A: m. ,]~ ~ down SIX-tenths pe-nt, from MUTUAL Arn11ec1 7.411 1s ll'~ jl'~ "~ + "• ry,,~Dr"" .10 .~ ,. 7IWi 7r'°(i -i,, ~:~c°"'' l'° 76 go~ 5'\<o s111o + •·· '"" Amtel .32 ?I l~:. 2:i. n 'lt -•11 <:urttp Wrl I 611 11"-it i11~ i7"" -'' Hirrls '"' j 1• n<1.1. n~ TM-"" Anlt(-'·'° 223 21:;,, 21 21\'o CY•I Wr A ' ~ ?7'• ,w,, '1Vo -~ H c 5 1t ·-11'14 1t +I $295,677,000 for the same AllC~Hack .IO 16 l1V, l1 l~ ~",\ Culler H 1 10 ~o :V.'~ -~Ui.t ~14 -'4 H:~'!~rllp 90 n 30y1 ~ 31)~ -Anco..PNSv 1 l ,1 211-1-i ?DJi -~ Cvc!ao• i.90 17 3-IV. ~]l;. 3, H I 1 211 111 25 2(\lo 2"111 + quarter last year. Revenue A~ 1.20 .o "°'i 39._ :19111 _"" cv .... u1M 1.• it 11•1 11v. 5214 +·* ~f'c:r, ·., 5 '"' .._ ~ _ FUNDS ~~ipl ~? 1~ ~~ ~\\ ~t: ···j -0-H1Wll El 1'.n I ttVa '19\lt m& + losses r esulting from a four-A""' cl>fln 11 4~ u• ,..u --• 01~ 1t1ver 1. ., n\~ 11~ 1111 _ •• H1r" Alb 1 ~~ 1'"' l6'4 16vi - th AoltA s~c ·" 11 119 111.i? llt +1·· D1n1 Co 1.7S ll "'" n'.4 211.-. -,, Hutl!lnt -l~V. 1(14 1Al -II day strike in August by e ArdlD1n 1 60 3 """ " l!v. ,,.. 0011 1nc1 .:lctb u ~"• .,,,. 50\~ ,,, HKl•MM .111 '2 11 26\11. 2~-" A•lzP.r;vc 1'.or 17 21114 19~ v. -D•rt Ind "'1 " !12\~ jl'~ 51'1; = '4 Htlnz HJ .M J1 ).I~ J.1\.t ,.,.,~ -.. Tnter;ialional Brotherhood of t?M z; •• s& M Arlam DS .20 5t lA. 11!7 1,1'1 .:.:·o,i, Davcoco 1.u lf ''~ 7~'·• j•'t. + '-" H1l1M Cu•• 1' 11 1111\ i1 .•. 1. ArmC'PSI 1.60 I U '26\'o 7J.\i 2•1'1 ' O•y!nHud .50 -31'. 31•o N -\0 Htlltr l"I ,60 1°' ltl'J It lt'A ... ;. Teamsters were partly aUaet NEW YORK !AP\ nv C)A 13.00 l•.21 Armour 1.60 s '3 ,3 «1 ~-Vo D8ytnPL 1.60 11 2s:11 2si.. n •r. + "" H1tme Pda 1 11 11~ 11 n -.. -TM followl1111 QOU-nv Glud •.u , ... Amir DI 4.15" 3 51 11 $1 -\.lo DPL PICJ.90 150 St SJ S1 -1 HelmrhP .20 lJ 15'M UVa l~-.... by an es..:mated credit of 1111-, worl11d bv nv lnd!c 11.tl 11,•1 ArmstCk jlO 2.ll 3• 33\\ l' -,_., DPL plO 1 'I UO t1i ,!!,, 911 ••.. '°llrnisp11 Ci• 74 5... 514 J\lio -\"I • W fl!t N1llon1 "5MK:l· nvtJ Bot 11.1112.fl ArrnRYll .60 I ll1'1! 3.JV, 33\lt-v, Ottr• Co 2 ""2 to''o _ .. 39 -1 Hemltnc .f)I 6 1'1< 114 JV. -'t I 00 000 ed t P Am ,,Ion ., Sttllrl!lft IDS nd! 5~ S.SJ Arp Corp ·'° I 11~ llVi 11\0 O~rn1rP 1.11& 1' it:11 ,, '' -•'. H..-cln 1.109 '° l2YJ 31~ :ny, + ti-1,7 , a~ 0 an Dfflt~ lnc.1 Ire MUI t.10 10,Sol Arvin Ind I 11 22 OU• 21•0 .:.::,~ 0.1 Mnl1 1.10 2' 2' 11•.:. 1t!fi -•1 HtrclnA 1.6S 1 106 106 1°' -t • . • . • ' !ht Pr<:I 11.enlWlhc Procr ~-·~ 5.31 AShkl OU I.ta '" ,. i2"i "" -•• Deh•Alr .• 3!! 31 JO'" JGl4 -.... HtnhFd 1.10 :n 21l'o 11 ll\.{r. -!4 a..s a participant Jn the airlines ""... securltln Stock 19.01 :io.6' Auel llrew lt 1114 'o IOl'i _ ,,. Diiie.: 1n1 .... 10'\ i1111, ,°"' + t.t Hevbleln .IO ' .fMi, «'.IWi ~ •••• I 'd . could h•YI """ $tle(;I 1.11 '·"' ASSCIDG I.ta 21 4'1\'r 4'114 4(1/, Denn Ml• ·"° 10 11~· ~ 21\11. +" H~PKk 20 35 101 100111 1~ -1lA mutua a1 agreement. 601d !bl•H °' bou9h• , '°'• Pv J.11 1.4 Aua J119 1.20 2 31,. 31111 ljV. ~·i.; Den11YR1t .... t1 20 1••i I"~_,,,, HI;~ vc111ge jJ n 20"'1 21"' + h T t I t. f•Jll;~I Tue1<11v. "v .. ~ ~.•• S.40 As.1dTr•n .«I 26 i2'4 j'ZY. 1 "' Dnlslttl I 10a 2 $0'4 50 so•~ .i. '> HlllanHo•el 1 II 4n"o 621,~ 61ft -t>:. oa opera1ng expenses'. lld A111 111e1 11.»j2 . .t.1AtlCtYE 11.:w :JO n 1"' 21~1 .:.::v;oenRGr 1.1 0 , int l1'l~ 110.+'•Hlr"'.15 •• ''"• u ,, -~ ' $281 729 000 ~red Aberdn l.30 2.s1 •vest 14.'9 6.31 AICl!'fEI DI' 120 51!/J 51\'r SIV. Dereco pf II 5 57 5l'h S\Y, -,,., HC>blrl 1 20 2 "' ll'l/o •1:!,(j -i\ \\ere , , , COIDy-Advhrs J.jl ?.18 tvy 1.14 t.1~ All Rldlfld 1 t31 1o1 ll:tJ. 12'• .:.:2(,, DeSoTolnc .90 l t 211\lo 211 211·'3 + \o HoernWai ll 1 25~\ 2•'~ 11\t. + fo with $25& 712 080 for the At1m11d J. 6 1.14 { ... ~ 1.i1 '·" A11.ita. "'3.1., i1Jo 57:1/t Slil 52;.. _"' DetEdls 1.• 116 21"" ~" " ..•. Hott Ettctrn 5' fli '""' 9,,,. ... ' ' • Atutf'I '·ij t.tl ~.,.~ .. tn 21 ,)121.:W All R!Ch Pf 3 I l u \11 )Jr !.ict --J 0"' Ed pfJl.SO 7 11 11 · 11 . .. Hol!dvlnn .20 IOI •1v1 ~ 411.t; + i~ September quarter last year. Alt Am F . .n "..,."-, F ~nds; Ariaa. on.u 11' S7\lt ""' M"61 -i oe1s1ee1 .lOI' ,,10 11\l 100• 10>0 -1 HolklA 1,10b 1 63v. 62"" 1w. -i: . """" Fd. II. 12.17 CUI I 19.711•.07 Alf•• Cllem 1 jO "' 1'1• 191\ -•• Dex"'r .2~ u~ J)I.• ll'O -'Al Ho!IYikl I 20 xii 111.'i 21\ 21:i. + ... Total operating revenues for Amu~ s.•1 1.1111 c"' 12 1t."611.u Alits co..o 2'2 l'• J'l>i Ji~·-· Dl.iF111•" .50 5 ta•., 10'~ 1ov; ... Hamni:• ·., 2n 1n, 1n! lAll + . h Arn BYS l.Ol 3.7' C"' II 41.M f.<ISATO lnc .Ola 130 17~ 11'111 11~-~ Olam1>1!1 l.IO 113 o!O>:. 3'11 J!l•i -'"oH V'WI 1·2'1 lt\"6\'>1Ullio\4 t' n t n e m O n t s W e r e Al!I D¥1n 10.1111.11 '"' ici 7.'6 1.31 AurPr• P111 1 15 l•lO 11 ~aJll!am i . .io 119 it10 11'" it•, .i.. ~. H:: 81 1 io1 1o ll'lll JHO 31\lt t' Sal Restl·vo controller w1·t11 •-955 000 d -th AEw 1•1 '·" CYl 1C2 5.23 s.1' Aurom1n 1nc1 1n 11 ... 11.,.. 1''' +:;~ 11sh afCJ 10 21~ ,,,,. ''" + ,.. ·.. " -· 1,c ,,.c ·1 1 . .....,.., , , compare W1 Am Gr111 5.93 6.37 cu1 s1 11.11 u . .o Avco co 1.211 M 2J1a 231,. ,1,11 + ~ es "'Dlr"M ~-~ 1~"" iJ\11 15•.., -<\ ~0;'1 ~nu;.;"' 19 i'Oi" :~ 10~..,,. Disneyland, has been elected 1-874 000 an me· rease of 18 •m 1Mnv 1.~ 1.~,, 'c'"••' i'·'' 10,.1' Avcc ofJ.10 • !J 51~, 51.;r.·_ ,,,, 01c11ol'!on ·'' ll 23~• 'n"--; 2J,~ _ 1~ H~ 1';,.. ~, 21 i'~ 1, 1, .:.::.., 1w., ' • • Am YI •. 15 '· Iii .ollt .Os A.very Pd .10 l J7''o Jl•'I J2t. D!fllalld .4b 60 5.,. loll + l~ . t1irector in charge of meeting• perc nt Opera"·g e nP:J~"s ,t.rnN Gin l.95 l .ti cu11 u .13 s.611 Avnet 1"' •o 116 11 "'• in. ··•·· 01G1«•to 60 10 11 70 ~ """ HM .i 2.ll 1 21 1a n .•• ,_ e ' U-.. Xy-·"" Am PK 7,27 1,JS Pol.or •.~ J·" AVGll Pll '.to If 110¥, 11>1\> llOlfl +?'lo Dllll1!111hm -~D 19 27"o 21\a 21~. = ~ HOOi; Miii "II 62 21 21 . 11 -"' of the Orange County Chapter for the nine monlhs were Andlor Grouo: ICnfc:to '· . .a Anec 01 G• " 12 iH• 11 _ "' D111119 01A1 1 Sl'i 5n~ 5,,,. + ·~ H0<.11tftF i.io 11 "3Vo ~~ 41/io +-l"• (IPlf L'1 t.11 ICnotlt Gt 1l. i16' 8-Olllna pf 112 l :51~-. .$6 .... 5'"o 1' H0<.111" •U.olO 1 129.\(o l:lt'Mo 129.\(o + t. S. California Drivers :c~n~~~i;."a1H~~~~!0n ~: ::·~~:::· 1~~rr:i:d pe~~ ~"rw,v 1!:H :!:!i ~;-~o/i; ,i:?: l!:Ji ::~~1~ ~J' i J~ ~~ if~ + ~ &~~~ rl 1lFJ ,)!:: 1il~ ~~ ~E~b~.~:ll ~. i~: EZ -E~ '.f'& B • Ch c I ' ' Auocl• 1.21 1.M L""''"' 5" .65.' ea11GE 110 u 311 ,..,_ 7ffa ~ rn11s .. , 1 :1e 1 "'~ ,,,., .,,,, , HouG1 p4l'.SO ' ev. •m ..ev. + "° Uy·ing eaper ars Fullerton. asl year. .l.sll'OI! 5.'1 6.f1 tif" ;1k ~ ~3 S".~ 61JG 1111:..511 1210 01•.~ 60W. •1 +1 ruv••lnd .:M ,,, 17 18\.'o """ + ''t· How Jol'ln ,14'. ll'f ll\'1 17% 11\'J -~ A~e HooQt>lon; e nv 1'!19 I.a. 81llG P!C4 "11 ~ 55 '6 +I 1.,...ifd Mr• l75 :ir,; 1~ 'lt'~ Howmet .1'11 JU ni4 'ru 13V.+ ~ 1 ..... 11!1 ••• .,, ... ,. ...... m ..... IE.......... Fund A 6.17 6,71 ~Ina I 5.D1 .S.S. 8or111Punt .61 . / ,.16.._ l~ Jffi \I, 1,11'P~ 90 1 411;.~ ~I .fll.I, .:.:·;, HuOSn8 3.«l• 9 1'9 11'" 1W. -I Southern Califor.iians have been buying more or nearly everything this year -parti· cularly mo r • lower-priced new cars. ln comparing statistics ror the l1rst half o( this year with !hose for the first half ol 1968, the Economic R esearch Department at S e c u r i t y Pacific National Bank noted ·that a large gain in automotive sales volume up nearly $172 million will fall .substantially short of the year- to-year increase r,1 automobile registrations. While sales have .advanced 9.8 percent, registrations have risen 15.2 percent. With new car dealers ac- counting for more tha 78 per- cent of the $1.9 billion in first- half sales this year, Jower- priced new cars appear large- ly responsible for the dollar jncrease. Foreign cars, often .at the lower e.1d of the price spec· 1rum, apparenUy are benefit· ting from the Southern • Robert L. Hi!l·hu been .named manager o! Bank or America's Mis· sion Viejo branch. He replaces James Teece who bas been named assistant manager or the beak's N"ewport Center branclt. STARS $.,..,._, °"'•" it •R• •f tt.. •'""4'1 ,,..., •• .,...,.... Hit ul111111 11 ... , .f .._. DAILY tlLO~S ,,.,, h•twrH. Stoc• 6.11 1,69 ~·"~d ...... ,14!1.•9 811111P pfl.U s ;o•,., 19\\ ""' =.. D<>mFd 1 19'1' 21 n~. 1lVo 120:,, -\~ ldlhoPw 1.60 1~ lO'!i JOV, 301" - l Fund 8 7.l't l.'7 oom s S•vlo-1· 81r111P ptl _ 25 :K" -l:i; DlllrllMln ··~ 51 •Ni "6 .46'"• ~ Hyq'-Hll .• t 17 I~ 16"'-~ C lil • lo· I' ·-' J Sci (p ~.91 5.YI loot 11.3'11.3' Bl"*PINV' i1 41 '7\'t • Vo Oonnt!iev' 611 lO'l 3~ ll\IJ 31,,, -..., l~fl••k 1 11 II 1111'1 lO~-a onua mo r1s s m.......... n OVER THE COUNTER S!r~o:: ... ::n ::I: MIAA,,'1.'1" ij_~ 1'1:1: l:~Tt' l~: ,, 62 61v. 61 '4 ...:-lii Doric g: '.3? i• 25"'~ l .. ~ = ~ lri°'c:.,,~~i~s 2~ ;P.? tr: ID:=~ auto ....,;.;.t•ation!I, imports a re lll11r. Fd 11 -~ U.61 M•11 ""ti 10 . ., 1 .~ Bard CR 15 2!; u~c W'.! Jl1'I> -'i Dorr v..-HI II~~ llte 11 ......... 111 Cf'fl .a.SO 1l 5011 ~ ~ -Jil ''"6-"' llolld51k 6!:l114M.!IU(:th1',7 1lli81slct11C .lll 7 Ji\:1..V:~•-l110owrP .10 24 ,d 4 ,-·· 111'-2 '6'3 :)2 32li -" up 29 percent and domestics &s!on s1 1:7' 1:51 ~"Tr l.(1'1~:s~ ll•res Mr11' 21 "" 9i,, 1:1!-t; ~.foe"'; i·!Z 1~ ~!? ~~ #:': tt~ lmD co Am 1e1 i11io lj"° 12'.:.-)4 J• t lloSt Fdn ln.6-111.t.1 11"'5 ~.6tl 1.411 1•lh Ind ~1 ltlto ,,.,.. lW., = v. DrHilnd ,.. 139 2'~ 23'11 1~~,, • ., INA (p 1.CO 111 3~ v. 3:1'" ••• are up "percen, joston 8.os 1.10 ~a~s 1 1 .t.,11.~ 11~1n 012.511 21 50 41 50 + v, Drenr ,.,1io JO 32..., 31,... 3H\ +v. lnCt1rne c101t 19 13l< 1 ;4 .IJl>'t -'14 b. = SI 1,.,Jl JI l8 Mf..'Z" l .!2 • .. 'I.I 0..uKMLb .IO lt '811< 6114 67',(, _ ~~ Drenr pf !t2 • 55 :I 71 21 • .., _'\lo In fiCum .JM J t \lio f\4 9'4' ···~ The automo lie is by rar the NASO Li1ting1 for Tue1d•y, December t, 1969 CG~ 1!1'T 1:~1 Moody~~ 11 r. iI·~ a:~~k\:~~ -~ 1': fr• ':";~ 2:~ -\It Dre1fu1Cp lb :n 2 ...... 21.W. r + .. i::Df.,.ttd 1:tg ~ w: ~" ·n~ = most important sales Item in c..-.c111 1~. 1 71)0>2 MMaao'lv'1 ii s11•.11 Beanncn. i r 2 '"" .Iii "6 '= :Z &:::~w ... l·~ ~ 1~ 1riy, 10, -v, I"'° PL pl6.zs i nv. n~ ,.111 + •···thern Calif-'•; ·"·-·•ty •-1 _,_., -,. 1 -o A.M. , ..... C•Mmr, 1.12 1.•t "r"kin Furids. Betl Fas i M Jt'~ JI~~ .,.,,_ ... •" · •·· . nEIMtx ,DQ ~ ni. ~ .,,.,. _ """" v••.... ~"V.lt •tr.. m • - n 1""9Jl l'IMI._, ,.,.. !"" nv , 1~ , 56 r."""" •.l't 1e,... Beil fib of, ~ ... -:-,.. Dunllrd 1.10. • 2n 57 55"'.r 51, +:i:. lndlllllCI ,IO , 211~ 21 ~ _ UUL ...,,. Slit 11,l't 12 .Iii l"Su r •Ill • ·~ 8e f Dtc~ · lO l 1 st\t 5, -'" duPonl $.2511 1.i.t 10.'i'll I~ 1$t +~ .. l"""'d "'2.lS J \lo 3:J i14 'A Paclfl'c poi"nted -·•_. More than Prka " ... lllclllitl• n11u • tiMrll.llfo 11'1,._ ., CIM!lllh• •DI! ,'Ir '10 1 1t I Mom 'M 1 " Becilrn.n "'° 3\ :tt ~' ~ ~ ·· ·i~ Dupl•n Co •• UV. nM 2P. • ....,~ 1noerR'1111' :. 41 I "" ,.. it f 1 1 bl ta·1 HEW YOoltl( IAPJ c t c St M Huck Mf 1Y, • Ptr~w H 16\lt 17\'J """"''"° ... ""',. Mt"' F" • "' .... BtechAr 7511 :a 11\'I 6'• Sl}' _,,.. duPont pft.$0 6 '5 .... ,., UIOc -"' nt11t1.~11 1 1i! 21 2T -14 ane in our oca taxa ere l _in. 1011cw111<> 111d c:i:m l 5,_. •V. HYd PP 21 :w l '4 1~ l•l•n 11 . .._1 i1.5i Mil" c;1~ .• ·-A."=' ee1ca~1 ·.loO 16 15,, 2,~ ~~ + ~ duPOl'f plJ,.so 5 s1 51 5i _,.,., l""'°"t'"o .1, i 14\IJ is +"" dollars ,,-spent exclusive •rid ••~•c Quota· Colli"• F 2i 2J 5ua c;;,, l•~ jS\4 P•uleY P rom St 1 •• 1.t.1 "u n.,.r; 11n • ~~ Beld1H 6011 •ll 1tv. 19, l9'!1 ••••· Ouq LI l.11o1 6-1 21'1io 13V. 2m. +v. ~111<0 ~10b ' 1 ""' nt'i .+ tt ~. 11ool1,_1vool1ta bYCOlanStr1l'4 2'1'~ urstP 11 I P•ve!lt ll\'>14\'l Grwth i11~.n ~uo..,1~•~t••';,•B•ll aw·60 JOSS 51~ ·•· .. Dc ~.IJpll.07 11021 11 71 --1n1olrC003I •• v.s1 st-114 of gasoine -at service st.a· 11111 "'''°"'' Ano<!· Com cir ~,,,, ~ Y•U co .ur,1 lS'lil P11r!e1 T lll,~ 25 •~co.,, f'-1 •.t< ~ut ~~•s 1•.1?11· • ., Beu ntircOn 17 ~. '" ~.+~De 't10p1:1,os 110 11 21 21 .-. rn erco 1.10 •l 21 21"l n ... ~ . . Ilion ot So<;u111111 !om lnll ,., ll'l In dG ts z:i112J Ptne\!!.',~ •V. 5 SPecl ,,. 2.'9 "'"Tr·• '·'' .. ,. Btmls Co I Jf 7111 21 21... ·~ OUQL !pf 2 I UO ,.~~ 26~ 26•1.o -,.. lnterlkSI 1.90 11 Ul\ 15"o 16 +"' t1ons, autor'not1ve s u p p I y 0e11er1. Inc.. •rt om G•1 11•1o u 1nd Hue.I :w:i:i .uu "' ·-" •\lo •Vll Cll•se G~co.>: '°!EA. "'Y' 1n ,. 1~·711 8'rldlx 1 '° 106 m 13,.. "~' -.. Do l.15'!f1.11 11so 1•" ?•'h 2•.i, .. IBM ' ll7 356 mv. 3:!15"'1 _ 5 d 1 · not •e1u•I 1r1"'1t· om Tel 22 22'° lntolec 3V. ~\lo P• G•W 26~ 21\/:o Fond 1'.1' 1,_.., "•' WS•c •)• •n·~· 8f'ndl• Pf s s 61.,; 60 61y, +I'-Dymolnd .'71 2~ 1511 l•l• U -V, intFltFT . .ob 'l1 .nv, ''l'i 41\~ + stores and auto ea ersh1ps. 1lon1 but ''' ••P· com Hiii! 11~. U \.lo tn•~•rd 5\lio t ,..llfl Pt<: ~"• "'" t:•nt •1 .w "t.1 ""* 1.,., 1~ 1~ 111 '~ 1•rilFln 1 '° u1 ~ "' 49 , ~ 0y,,. Arn A • n 11 11$ 1~~ -"'I rnr H11rv 1.IO 110 ff ~ tt& -Such Sales durl-ng the r~,, half • .. ·~ •• ',",'',',,-,'",",•-, '!.!!.. P?_V l• 14'1 Int Conl 1,1» I~·-. p-ltE 10 . 10\'I ~hrM 11.ll IJ.17 '°l•I lnvsl t"•? •. ., «t!IF pti.Jo l 75 14\\ 75 -E.. !~IH>olcl 3.10. J "' 1R 111'1 +f.' JI •• ~·-,. l'l ~~) Inell i~li 11'.·• I I Pto11 W• ,l, 9\, SP•C\ ? ,., In M N,o• .S•Cl·t ~., ' 1enF $pf] .50 20 12 :n J? •• · -· -• -In! lfldy1> ti •r 3'3/o O ..+ accounted for m ore than 1180 •,-.m .• ",'~, .•,•,•,•, ,,,,,J ~ Tl~ 21 2s 1n1rrn In 11 11>,.1 Per1"1 I'• f"" r~emt 1~.01 ~.n 11A'•~ 1~,.. 1• ~• WICIV't · :01 12,, 11 " 12 -VJ E9111ePch .IO 1 2n~ 2m ,,.., ..... In! Ind .i1.10 •S 53 5i .JJ ._. • ... v ·~ ~; Jt~• 1~1 ~'1it h 2:'" 2I ~t~11 01 :I.,.. :. " '~ ... "°ii~:~~ , ~ '·'~ ~?;i~ ~ \; ~ !~ !::.t'll"i!i 1~11 ~. ',','~ 11 ... 11~ ::::: g::;:~~p 11: '3 22 ~1~ f~~· ····· l~l~J;::~ .;~5: ~r .pv. ,11v, .~~ =2~ <lf nearly ~75 in per capita ::wu:111•~,n '~"Jr~ :;-i,::,1~nd l l>i '"" rnt Ncir 9'1-< 101~ Phn sub 19\.i 201/J l"vn11 1~.~~ 11 ~ "'"""''~ '!'M <,. l:!-m« Co= 221 6,, ii;~ ~i ..... 1111 GF '111 2:tt im if :u:;,, ·+ve 1n1 Mno1 ·'°" u 1'1.'Jl fl>il '~"" _ k taxable retail ••!"~ ClllM'!I f••kefl °' an ock 2t 311~ In' Sv1 21 2.-' Photon 19 11'" Grw!ll ~.31 4.•• '"' ~'~ ~ ·~ >.11 Belh su 1. 261 2n, ~, j''' -+ ~. otl u1u i.~ Ii '20\il 11v. 20 +"' I"' Nftk 1.?0 ~11 ~1\\ ' v. •2\lo ...... .... .._ :'~tr cb d).rrw1~'U::i :.,.,~,u10 ~~ ::;. 1~: 'i!-t.,:1 1i~ •:"' ~~:,~ 1i 1:"' r:ir''t1.111 ,j:tt 1t~~ ,.,i~ ~~ : ~ I~~~~ 1·60 !i: ~t\ ~ ~r:, i····· e::!~•1 ~ ~~t ~r" !: = + t': .~: ~:: !1~, ~ ~.,, ~m ~r~ ::1tA Skyways Builds Ne,v Showroom chtnae llV"OUQ!\-Dlllr•n l\1 m ""~! 11"' 12\li Por!r MIC 2, 21 C':oml'\C •401~.·· •I W~·t '."~! 1.16 BIKllOI< 1"10 ID 13 n 71 .,, Ectilll!Ml .'11 33 26:1'1 2.6\i ™• .+, J.' 1"11 Rffill 15 lto,r., u 1~ -... out lht d1v, Prk.11 -r L 11 n I0<1k:11 l•Vt 11\IJ Pra Golt 11'·• 11\\ Cll<'\'IS ecr 1:11 $.55 ;r1 <'•ti! •.5, io::M 11t1frJohti ·,. 11 z:i~ 222,. j'J'I\ I~ Etllerd J jo 21 "' l7\'ol m • .j.,o, nl sen I.Cl 11 34 331'. !131.r. •••• ao l'IOI lnc:ludt o..o s 2.5 11 It SoUlll 19Vt :JD ""-Ana '°" '"' 11• 1 •1u v . ... '""""' '•·•• ?• •? enss L11111· 1 1 15 11 J · ~ Edi llrM I i ui: 29 7~ lnr S•ll 1.«I 11 :u 1J% ~ l'fl•H ""rkw, DSrn Yr 19 191~ J1cobs I" ·~ jt.:, PubS NH 2S14 2S'liio Cto I'd t U 1~ .• , 11""' "'-'Jo1 1i.'1 u ·,, Blvck HR 2' : SR ~ -I: EG:G' lO l ll 22'4 21~t 2Jj! .:.:·'ft Int T& T I.OS "1 56 S5 .5' +'t• ~:s~~ Df corn. ~:dMh ~f'" 1\"" j:~uwAi 1~.iz 1i"" ~:lt~ ~~ HU~~ :~:;i; ::~ ,::= ~~ent l::~ n::; L:,rt1~,i.;so .. ~ ~~ ,,,... +1 EIM1111c' .09a ~ ~·.4 r-61.? +1il :~:tt+ ~ ~ •1"1 ltf ?ft ~u ... ~ AAA En! 1l 111'1 rwt Co 3t ~ J1mt1 F 16 21 Publ1hr 16~ .. 161'i , Stock"'" 1,61 f·"' ~ .. ,, 1• J~ ti14 Boeln: 11G1 lll 1,l'r II\-~:: +·";; ~!~~ Af~ l•l IOl'I lo 1&,,. .:.:_·.,.. ln!Tl.T PfH ' 1 110 llO 110 :.:·'" AAI Coro i 1 rukh R t'I< lO J•rn1b1 1 1~ UV. PYrfcl 6'4 7V, r'Wllh •lit l.:11 ."I~°'!'~ J <~ i'i 8olsC1s •'l5b ~1 11 mt 1,,. + ~ EIMemM wl lO ,1\11. 3t ~1'to +214 ITT ell 4.50 II IOJl.(o lOS 'lOS\~ .(' iAFAPr S. 2011> 22"' Yll,,_. C 11\IJ i2V. JUf'V dsi 6'fo 6~4 P llennet 2.1\>'J 21!h t:wllh CD 1 .,~ 1,11 ~ a f'o!! 9·.,n 8-Srti l i 20.V. -... ..,. " 10ol tl'.. 11\/r ll"' +4 In IT I. T PIJ' S 99 '1 OI •• { • AITS 11\C 10 10\11 Dlnlv M 10\~ 11 \li ICllHr SI 71 \'I no,. Purlrv SI l•V, 1i romo "' 1•.l't l~.•1 IM I'd ,,,·~ "·"" llCIOICMll! 12• .':on 2''it ~,"~ .. ~v. -14 ~]!.~~ :t1 )0 n" llo.:U +1"' !nlT•T PllC• " tl '2 '3 ::··· AVMC~ O\ls ll,,.,Dl!1 l:l1a 10 \j>,;.1<111Stpt U 20 POuoCo SV.• l':omo.I ~.n1 1,11 10IFt1 t.4i1~,.Blll'dwil2ii "' •• Jl: .+\lo...,.,..,. -_ 1., 1,c ,~ y,lnTTofLS.50:t:250n 70'\~-,..: .-.c.,,.11:1 •1111o~~i.tnP 71/o ~~IC1l~•r 31 lll'J lfl4DYn 1• 11 Com•P!d •Jtt"l,..1.¥mS1~n~1ln<aorw · 14 .. Jl~•-1 EIQlnH1tlnd •• .... •• .-1n1u1;11t0 1125'1i7""-2~ ·c• Acme \'R 31 ll VII Fd 11 ... It"' ICtlt Grn ••• 4~. lt1H Tr•I io 11 C':om.o Fd ,:,, fttt n-·1o1e11 Ii" l<.fWt 80..~.~ 1.:' "' ''" 11"".·,· 1~\': +"" ~1r•'l{.G1 lo 14 114 17•li ;~~·+iii 1111uu1u ,;. 10 2• ""' ~ +·--All H.,.., l •l't UV. v Mir 'M 21 ~·~"" .-. tU R•nsb El 31 32 l"omsttr; \.4" ,.'I" nt'I I " •:Ill 8oi Edll i ot Y • ~r' 30'.• -"'° '1 • I t'T ~ "tt , .. i . .+V. In Ill all 32 2 12'11 71•~ nv. -.. ~.I• .. !,'""'•' ,', .• ,',111 :Pp .. '," JV. 10\lo elr T ..... 15'. ll:IYCM Cp 2J7 2•l C'.pnc.,,d i•."11,, ... :11a ~!id 1~ .. n· ... 8ourn1 lni • ·~ -~ E,~,·, Ir-" ' -.. ""'... .ul!v. ::r' JV) tnltf'HCe i , 22 21~,· 21~1 ,, .. tD> •• Ill .. I IV. tlltll ··~ "' ll:•v,,, C• 11 " ronso1 ln 1'.111'1 "·"" """ Sii J •1 I "' klr llAI so 11 .22~ F"o" ttll-"' m . 31 ~·,. ~· -"" l"lorrl>Cf Pl s I t1 ,.,,,. """~-Th A!C<H H lO'lo 11\'e lux en s2v. 5)Vi IC~uw d. 31'!0 :12\\ llKto Ea ?OV. 11'h C':Pll•ll 1~ ''' '·'' :~ 11.lul 7 >tt 1:,. ari:;s, r ,....,0 125 1°'~ ''"' 1Mt. + "' Emery Jr,.,,oo ' M ll'• ,~,,, -1n1 llr•nd ·'° IJ IS<\ IS\T is•'I + Alllt•ls 1'* 11• I ''"T U1,6 1•111 k'.tu!I E H ""'£""Mic 15\lt 16 rPlll (HI! •'It! •"11 "118 ''·'''~·· e I . 5 51,.. 51 -\~ Emhorl I. ,1 " ... : !nlerDStr 60 66 25V. 14 l" + Atlco Lnd lS 1 111, 111') n"' ~tvt Fib HVt 1sv. ti Creo l1•1, •J.,. r.o•o t <I 1'.•1 '·'·J• PHer1r,, • ., ,,,-,, 8~1:!,!"l di ri 115 101,·, 10\'o 10'-'• + .,., Eml)()l1I 1.1, to, ?6"' lf 21..,i -+~ 1n1ersPw f2• 11 In-\ !1'!4 1,Y: 'Ila II•• •\lo ,~, Ot:v Am n 1J •v• cus ""' l• llev Sto J2 '1.1 Cnto r110 '' JA l•.4'1 P11al 7 ~' •''.II Eld · H ~ n .i.i l:i:l, •l'l -\~ ErnporC .90 111'o 2no 1 ,. Iowa lltoel · 6t JO~!> '"'' JO ••••• Co t I' of A lq ""' •V. J''1 &:" ADD lJ·~ U•j •Y•I PC .,,. ,,.. Ratd E• 27"• 2•v. ''" Wlllv ~:711 ,,,, .. ""' -·· 111'"' '"'i• Bw';ri. • ...... i 't ~.:". ~.·.· J9'~ + ,,, EndJol!fl .no J n 2,1 n +,:-:· It El l.l> 1 Jtt •l 11 17'\ri i7•• ... .. ns rue ion a n e W Alld Ae•• 3 3,,, Wfv E 1.v. 1,~ Inc Int 11\o i21• R~!n 111 '6 n rr11 WD•t 11.M i,,~, 0!on ""n' '~ .... Bk'Y uG" 1 .... ,. -,.~ -,,,~ •411 .+-~ EndJOl!n "' • llO "' 4f . + '"' 18 111 GE i".ll ~ ta•i » x •h ... ij. S80000 ·rcraft sho roo "'" '' , ... ,,, DI•• C• '!'''''' ·~· '' 6 1 ltllffkln 1>1 tl\rteV<>~ M ~-. .... .u.AA 0""' "'~d ''""'•'t'! ... n "' ... •• 2•'11 ... Ef!Oil'\Mln .411 111 n 11 21~l +.,., iowiPLi 1 • , ,,~ ,, , ~ • a! . W m, Alon GtD '~ 1!li' DIK nlc \lo i .. ICll'll Co i2 12>• ll:oV C11! 4''• S !le~ll 11\C in.•111 tJI ~~ l"v 11.'I 17 33 Br: CCPo pf I lOV. 10 110 -4'1 E~nl1luS .6f 11 ~ Jilli 3'~ ... · • law•PSv fl? ll It~ 19'1. 1;,. ""''~ flight operations and office "•mm"",,,, ',." 1 ~-· CM1,, • •l>'t Kn"" vol 21'' 21 11:u1 Stov :111\ 311, lli!rAwro 17 •1 i•.41 r:"" "unrr.. · 11....,., Sh1t 1 1', ,"~" ,1:~'.! '~' -'4 E11111G•1 2.70 6 31~ ,,~ 311, .... ioco Ho•o "30 • r. ,.. ~ .. ~ -. 1119 21!11 1<,.1,1r 6 t" Rva" Mo ll~ 19¥> l'lool•• .,,. 7.tJ •-~' •r\•'l'I '·'·" ;c <1 B rP 5" IYW lSV. .... ESB Inc 1.70 s 2~'4 24 ,.,,_ + V. tTE Imo .» t )0 ~ K.,.. complex has started at A El 1..1b 6 ,,,. u1t1 n • LMc 0.1 2•. 1 ti<1111r 1 1 n1v1d snr 1,1, 3.•• ""• £r11 •"" .-., 6;msr:: \·.,50 1 2••.1o " · 2' ..•. Elalllr• .>0 ,. 21>,0 11v. 21v. ..... "ek Caro · •u 6~4 ,~ +:rY S ... _ 1 Arn E•Dr 1 2 nvt IV Md ll~ ''4 Llr>e;t In 76 26\(o Mii~ E 5'~ • Downl F •.I• ~.. ~'Y ,._,r ,. "' II un~ . 211 11 17 II + ~ E111lnt 1.20 ~n, 3S:w. 11\il 151o'll + ... lfT Sv pl~ .50 I 131 ln l Newport a;,witVS, nc.,An-.Furn ' '"' wJon 61h 6)\~Le ... Wd It l''h l'lollln t•1o 1ov.Drt•el 16.C316.DJ ~TO 1!ndl~1t1n.,7B~5!,.·l.20 ui• ll•t.11••-.,,en1)!,al2.M 4'1l't4'1!0~~+!. '-JK - 0 r ••• ~ AC(~ t A Grte! 47'.I 4 \'I DIVlf DI 2T 'h 27\., L~flQI\ 41'i Siio I Colr l ~ D•tYI Fd ll.11!'11'.03 rovdnt .,~ ··"' e"""' s• .to 1' 15"1 lSilo -11) EthYI Co .M' U\11 l,Rt 24~ ..... • -range >.NWa.Y ~rr • Am ln1d 2•1.'> 21\"t Ort WNL SI 01.'i Ll rWn M 11\• II k tnd l'·• "" Drevf LY i).2111.U ",urll•n • 9 . .16111.J& e:d. )0 ... "'.~ 120 'l'" tl".4 61\lio -IV. ElhYI af2.ol0 11 36\'l ... l6'"' -v. J•<~tnAll ·'' 19 IJ'• U•I IJ''> ... JI G ·1 p S ·th N l A Mil~ a !At •Vll D!Jnkln D i'• 701~ t••dv Ld 19 7'''> Sco1 Son' 11 ~. 7l'> Ealcn&Howard: '' n1rn u/\lt•· · •" -2 7\~ 7U N + 1\ eurcm. d1.30tl 10 161.'J H~'I 1''.lit -v. J1te•At1 ,fl., , ~• ,~ '"' li aJ • ml , ewpor A Motdlco 3Jn ).l\'l ~ll':Oll J,:i.o 1~'6 1~ C..I ''' 5\11 StrlDOS H 2''4 2,\0 ll•lln 10,4'1 I~·~; ~auil •.1.(1~,!' l~°t!.'" 11~ # l~ ll~ lSV. -'lo Ev1111P .6Ql:I 16 42 41 42 + 1'o J•tffr . 11 10lh 111.<t ~Vi -S"""BfS president said theA,,, Plat 20"'21 "\1nl 2t ··21 lth.Ur G 22 'l Scdpto A 6\t 7 Grwtl'I 1).ll1 .J7 r."'"' 1 ,•.~1t4!1klY \g • .,. .. jt ... EVtr$herll 15 J,M U~ 21\4 -11io J111tnF . "'9 6 _.. ..e\lo Cl-tii+·,. building ls expected to be '~sf' G'"' ttt' m ~ 1b s~°" ~\lo ~:~~ '" F iJ~ 11\! ~r:~: ~ ~ ~= 1&11f:.i I~ lj ~ 1~::! II~ 1 R•m!° J~ ~ ~\lo I~ t ~ ;:~ jf' 113 J" J11t J1:: t it 1:mp~":o J ~ ~ ~ ..... . -ths Am T•lv J711o 11 OUC: Y\ '1~7 1Ao t 111v EH flrl• '''" S.vtn UP ., 41 ~ocl!; 11~ ~; l~·Il t'irr:' ,~~~ ··'-" t~~"'l ·J: li ~ ~t" ~,, +l~ FM:lo.. A .SI lli ~ 3.. ~ 1~ J:r.""' ..:so .10: '°""' = ~.., ~r·; completed w.ithin twlllo bemonb nt· ~r.t"~ ,1 ~ '~t 11 ~~:El 1i!.: I~ Lt:t;l•~d't !~ ,\., ff::.,Nt~ ~ ~" , •• ~' !:°' u:n ill:"'"""-1:,_ '~:It; 8Ul'fldy .7' l• 2.'.A 2,.:' "" ... ~:1~i!:fi1 ::'as 109 1"~ Ii ~\(o ... j--~~o "l'.S: 11 ~ . n " The structure w u Ate•!• N 3' 'II I Hll( 11~ 12\lo OQ lt.11 tavi 12~ !01 Wtl 131\ 1J!i rnr• Sc ,lJ 1.03 R .. T"Ch ,,,,. ···~ lluf'l'llhs ·'° '25 160\l I~ 1'°"" +J!o(i Fl rrnanl 1 ,, 1~;, I 17"" " Jr. W•H ..... ~ ;rn r l!~~ =)1' .dJ·olning an existing ai·prlane ~',.,"", M0, '•"•It. !~ ',,11:ov s:i.1 '"" Lvnc:I! c :Joi 3SVJ ~f"E Tel :111, 11.., ""• av l .J"ll'>.>~1 R=r., 1,'-~• 1, .• , 111h0nv 1.•W 11 .l~ 1t'h lf<t _\II "' r"'"' ,, 1 2 1,~ 1 ".,..~ _ ~. 1 w r,'1.'° ~1• 37 li _ " ~ c 5\>i ''li M•d OEI 11 .... ll ~Un G• ,,,., U'I~ n ors• · , ~..... 7,tl -(;.-Ftll1tllll AO ,, 10" 1 M -J rnWA 1 of 1 ltllll IJ.. 1''1 1'''t .! ; In ..... 1.. d Artl MIP 12\/t 11111 I iVI ..... s M•r.lt , ... 17\, II SW ~•Co 1)'~ H'\ ~·QYJIV t.1t io.c ~ " I'd ,6(1? ~ .91 F111ffln 1,)0 li 11"' 17 ,, •••.. Jal!nM1n I 1t 5t JI ~ :io-.. -a· ma tenance, f,..I"-I. b ArtCW H U 41 El 11t 11' 1" Ml .it11y 1'6 t ~w EISvc llV, lS•~ ~YI Gth 11.51 lt.25 ~~.!:l!.1!' l~.'W 11.11 Cello! CP .64 30 31l\ 30~ l1 -'To P•llllMt Inc 11,,., 11\'I 11~·-Va JOl!nJhn . .0. 131ln\'1 1"'-~ 1!3\0> + • sto hang S lthsa.d•"•Atvla. 1j l~F. 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I 1 0 I I I • • Wednesday's Closing -, - Wtdoesdq, °""'1btf 10, 1969 OAll y ~ILllT H Prices-Complete New Yor~ ~Stock Exchange List ~· DAILY ,ILOT Wtd~ay, Dtctmbtr 10, 196~ Sup er Teen Grows Up To Be World Champ , Has 2 Bouts With Law LOS ANGELES (AP) -They called him Super Teen. The teeny.boppers · , flocked by the hundredS to see him fight. He wanted to become the first in boxing history to win a world championship while still a teell'ager. California 's Mando Ramos almost did it. He had to wait unUJ the ad· vanced age of 20 before becoming the lightweight champion. The long·legged, bard·punching kid from Long Beach has just turned 21. On his v.·ay up the ring ladder Mando was a carefree, fun·loving youngster, given ·to fast cars and fast money. Today things are a lltUe different with the good·looking young man. He has settled down tremendously. He has done considerable maturing in the space of one year. For one thing, he got married and the Ramos family is now three-wife Stella and son Mando Jr .. a couple of months old. Possession of the world championship is now a serious matter with Mando. "I always v.·anted to win my fights," Mando told The Associated Press in an interview recently. "But now, well, boxing is my livelihood. I've got the responsibility of a family lo think about." "And he's got more lo lose -lilt: title," added his co.manager, Jackie MCCoy. • And as an ugly shadow still to be dispelled are two arrests by police-in less than a month , the first on allegations of possession of marijuana, the second a drunk driving charge. • f .• i "I pleaded not guilty on both charges and t know I am innocenl," said J Mando. Trial dates on the charges have yet tG be set. After the driving arrest, the California Athletic Cotnmission abruptly an-, nounced his suspension pending disposition of the cases. · RamO! and McCoy were deeply upset by the commission's action. Mando 7 lets· his manager. himself a former fighter. do mosl of the talking. l "I thought a person \\'BS believed to be innocent until proven guilty," exclaimd McCoy. "\\'e weren't even given the benefit of a hearing by the commission . "We don't claim r..1ando is an angel and he's been known to drink a beer now and then. But this marijuana thing ... "\\'hen Mancia was stop~ in his Volkswagen van, he got out and left the 1 door v"ide open," McCoy related. "The car light was on and the officer flash· 7 ed his light into the van. "There "'as this tiny packet hanging oo a knob of the glove compartment. "Mando hasn't any idea how it got there and since he is certainJy not stupid. ii he'd known it was there he 'd have gOtten rid oC it somehow." At the time. Ramos said he earlier ·had been accompanied by a couple o( friends and had picked up a hitchhiker. p Ramos was scheduled to defend his championship in Panama City Jan. \if 10 against ex-champion Ismael Laguna. He was guaranteed a record purse for 1 the division of $1 50,000. ,,_· As fa r as he knows. the fight Is still on . The promoter In Panama, Jorge P: Paney, assured the fighter and manager the arrests would have no bearing on ; the match, according to McCoy. 4 'J'he champiGn, meanwhile, is training diligently and li ving quietly in a t plush motel in Santa l>.fonica. . · ''I do at least three miles of roadwork each morning ancl work out in the gym at least two hours in 1the afternoon." said Ramos. An eye cul sustain· ed in drills in Panama, which caused postponement lroin the original date, has healed. . "\\'e know we have to defend the title with Laguna by Feb. I or the World Boxing Association will forfeit the title," h1cCoy~ said. "So if the fight in Panama is off, the Olympic Boxing Ch.lb in Los Angeles has guaranteed us $100.000 and h1adison Square Garden has offered us $70,000. i "Yes, l guess some people aie ready to kick fl.fando around in his pres· .. ent difficulties but I've never met a nicer little guy. a more cooperative cham· f ·' pion.,; says Don Char gin of the Olympic club. !or which MandO has done most :i of hi& fighting . i "And," Chargin noted, '·I've never heard ~1ando al.ibi or scream he was 4 robbed. alter a losing fight.., Actually, Mando has lost but three fights In his 29 bouts. One "''as to Teo Cruz in his first bid for the title here in 1968. · "I was scared to death be!bre that' ooe,''. Ramos recalled. ''I'd never boxed 15 rounds and~ knew Cruz was toUgh." .. Rauios gained confKlence and almost won in the final rounds. The ne.xt ~i time they fou!lht, last Feb. 18, Mando demolished Cruz in 11 rounds to win the championship. · Loaded for Bear . ' ; Pro Team at Long Beach: It's Cal State's Outfit . . . Lang Beach m a y have 1t.s best pro bilsketball team since the days when the .feta comptted in the old version of Lhe American Basketball Assn. Or maybe this one is even better. Although this team isn't professional in technical status, it· could be i ti performance ·Jevei. We're referring to the Cal State 41)ers of coach Jerry Tarkanian. l; :,MuaoH••••••••,_ ~:WHITE :...--~-WASH !'..·· ('lllCUI iii4Uioi CU I "<l •, ~ ;~:f»OS1ibly. they are I.he best university tjvision t.eam on the West Coast. On r. USC and UCLA are better .. But -0:" floor, Long Beech potentially 1s !heir L ;YTarkanian·s forces a-re led by Sam ~~-!.""'" and George Trapp. The former .. 7 weighs 190 a n d roams the floor .devastating effectiveness. Last year ~averaged 19. 7 polnts per gumc and J rebounds per tilt. 1pp ls 6-9 and was named most bte pla yer in state jaycee circles te00n. He tips the scales at 220, and the boards. Yet he can move like a zed guard. Long Beach is shooting for a spot in the ,pl•yoff1, lr)'ina to qualify for one 1•-o 1va11able •l·large berths, Cal State' (LA}, San Jose State, Texas Tech and Unive rsity of Nevada, Las Vegas I formerly Nevada Southern). T h e latter foe offers t h e opposition tonight -in the Silver State gamblin& met ropolis. The Nevadans are also potent. with two great guards and tough Bruce Chapman t6-8 :. 220 ). Chapman prepped al Costa ~losa High. \\'Cn! on to Orange Coast College and is a pro prospect Playing at Las Vegas Convention Center is indeed a handicap. Of the 6,500 fans there, 6.488 will be for the hometo,vn 1ean1. A·nd of that total. 6.485 will be the most rabid rooters imaginable. If Tarkanian's crew survi\'cS that one. It probably won't lose over one or two gan1es all season. And in that case, it will probably l!tt (hat coveted NCAA berth. More 011 Dummit Dear Glean; I llfeaded writing you Immediately after rucU11g your article, Re ; DemUa Oumm\L You were absolutely rlPt and J agree with you 109 percent. It appeared to me t h• t Dummlt spent • 1ooct deal of Ute lime on bis pratt, rendering him le11 ef. flcient than Bruin 1upporttr1 would ha\1e us be.Ueve. Oummit supporters stem to bt a buncll of cry babies. ne number of pa1se1 com· pleted is Irrelevant ; It's lhe digits on tlte score board lhat count, and our lrlend Jimmy Jones put those dlgltJ up there wlllt bis sple.nd:id pass when the cht pl were-down ud whtn It realty ~al.eel.' Henry T. Willett, o.o.s. . . .. ~ ....... .. Top Sports Yarn of '()O_s: Mets' -' HOLLYWOOD (UPl)-The eombint· tloo of television and Increased_ lellw'e .Ume has probably made Americans more sports-conscious than ever be.fore -as vlewus, if not participant.!. It should theretore be quite •~treat when ABC·TV"& ''Wide World or Sporls,4 ' Dec. 27, offers • SO.minute roundup or the year and decaae in athletics. MeanUme. · lht· blgbly sueces5ful h6ad or ABC-TV's_ •aporls department, Roone Arledge, ha& c.oine up with his own personal llst of the most memorable events in his field in the 1960s. Topping the list. almost inevitably, ls the ascension In J969 of the New York '-1eU to championsb.ip ol 1t1e baseball world. · It Pays · to · Be Quiet: Moody · Goller of Year MIAMI, Fla . (olJ') -They aren'l talk- ing for the record, but there were a lot of raised eyebroWs among the touring pros over Orville Moody's recent Selection as the Pro Golfer of the Year. In fact , it even came as a surprise to Moody. "l didn't even kno\v t was in the run· ning," the popular Moody said. "Doesn't it usually gr) to the leading rrioney win· ner?" Sometimes. It Usually goes either to the leading money winner or the PGA cham· pkm. "Who picked It?" Moody asked. "You writers?" No. The selection w.aa made by the PGA Executive Conuni~. The group normally ""-ighs its: consideration heavily toy;•ard the four major championships, with the PGA national title gaining particular attention. At leasl one play~r. who asked that his name not be used, charged that il was ma rte on the basis l}f personality. '"l~hey just didn't like Ray Floyd and Dave Hlll," he said. Others mentioned Frank Beard, the leading money winner of the year. But 'nO one took a direct slap at Moody, no t at all. He's a very likeable, popular guy, this mild . easy.going man who came out of the obscurity of 14 years of Army service to make the U.S. Open his first tour vie· tory. But on the basis of performance, Floyd, Hill and Beard all would appear to have excellent credentia1s. All won $100.000 plu~. Beard collec ted $175,223 with Hill second at $156,432. Mocxly had $78,000. His only official vie· tory was in The Open. He also won the World Series of GoU and teamed with Lee Trevino to win the World Cup for the U.S. But those are not-Official events. Floyd, a flamboyant, 2 6 ·ye a r · o 1 d bachelor who won the strife.torn PGA na· tional championship, is one of three to take three .titles this year and set a course record on the d e m a n d i n g Firestone course when he won the prestigious American Golf Classic. He earned $109,956. Hill also won three tournaments. That's on the course. Off the course, It's something else. Floyd raised a lot of PGA hackles when he sounded off about the slow play of Jim Ferrier in the PGA national chem· pionshlp, sounded off in highly un· complimentary terms. He later made an apology. Still later he raised a considerable flap v.·hen he pulled out of. the Avco Classic under rather mysterious circumstances. And he also declined to represent the United States in the World Cup, when the spot was his. Hill, v.·ho doesn't hesitate to voice his opinion, may have talked himself out or it. His quick, sharp tongue brought him a brief suspension early in the year, along with a fine . He 's had more lhan two month's suspensions in his career. ·Beard is a phleginatic man. who has had his differe oces wilh the press. characterizes himself as a businessman "just doing the job, just trying to k~p the family fed." and has made some mild jibes at what he calls "the names of the game." MOO!iY was entirely non-controversial. And ne got the nod. WEST BACK IN l,A TO REST SOR E LEG LOS ANGELES (AP)-1njury.plagued Jerry West of the l.o6 Angeles Lakers was flown home from Philadelphia Tues· day and the National Basketball Associ· atlon star y;il\ miss at least two road games. tJie clu b announced. \Vest \\'as cancelled out of the game in Philadelphia 1\Jtsday night and at Boston \Vetlnesday. It will be decided later \\'hether he'll rejoin the Lakers in At· lanla 1''riday night. "Increasing leg ·problems" was the rteson for West's sidelining. • Other aelllevemtnt. ,Jn Na "TOp 10" Include, In no partleulll order: -The 1964 victory of underdog Cassius Clay (now hfuhamm:id Ali) over SOnny Liston ror the,. world htayywelght cham· plonshlp. That Was whtn the heavily· favored Liston failed ·lo come out of his corner for I.he seventh round. -Roger MarJs' 1961 pursuit of Babe Ruth's record or eo home runs. Recalls .Arledge: "On the 15"4th day of a season extended tG 162 gjUllrs. he (Maris) hit hfi 59Ql home run and missed by 12 reer hitting number 60 in the fourth inning against Baltimore pitcher Dick Ha IL •1on the last day of lhe season he got into-the .record book with an asterisk by hlttlnfi his 61st against Boston's Tracy Stallard.' -The Green Bay Packers' 1967 victory in the National Football League cham~ pionshlp game over Dallas, 21·17; Jn 13- degree weather, when, in the final sec- onds, Bart Slarr scored on a quarterback sneak over the great block by guard Jerry Kramer. -Joe Namath's. and the New York Jets', triumph over the supposedly sure. thing Baltimore Colts in pro football's Super Bowl contest this year. · -The victory of the greatest pro' ba&- ketball team of them all. the Boston Celtics. also this year, in coming from a 3-1 deficit in games Jn the final play• offs lG defeat the Los Angeles Laken. -Long·jumper Bob Beamon'• lncre<f.. Ible 29-feet, 2'h-lnch record at the Me14 ico Clly Sll!llmer Ol)'lpplca ol llMlll· -Billy Casper's c.ome-lrom-bjhlnd tri- umph over Arnold Palmer in golf'• 1969 U.S. Open. -~ngland'1 first World CUp soccer vie· tory, also in I.Biii-and aeen abroad thanks to satellite television. The Britons beat WeSt ·Germany in overtinle, before more thliln 100,000 emotional fans. -The 196i tie between two .uo~ten college footbaU powers, Mich.ilan State and Notre Dame : ''The game ended tl).10 when Notre Dame chose to· run out the clock in the fourth quarter rather &ha11 gamble with a desperation ~·" New Star for Lake1•s \V illie f\tcCarter (15) paced Los Angeles with 21 points Tuesday night but it 'vasn't enough. The Lakers lost, 123.~. The Lakers will be on TV to- night Jive from Boston on Channel 5 beginning at 6. F1anking McCarter are Hal Greer (15) and Matt Guokas (14 ). It's Lamonica Over Namath 011 All-AFL NE\V YORK (AP) -Oakland's ex· plosive Raiders placed seven players. including sharp · shooting quarterback Daryle Lamonica. on the American 1''ootball League All·Star team selected today by the Associated Press . Lamonica, who goes into Saturday's Western Division shOW'down against Kan· sas City v.rith a chal'ICi! to shatter Ole pro season record for touchdown passes, led a five-man Oakland contingent named to the All·AFL offensive unit. T\\'O more Raiden \\'ere defensive choices on the 22·man squad. Lamonica captu red the quarterback spot "'ith a 2·to·I margin over New York's Joe Namath, la st season's AFL player of the year. -2-More Top Teams Fall; Clay-Frazier Fight Set Duquesne traveled hundreds of mil~ to get upset ... but Louisville never had to leave home. Se\·enlh·ranked Duquesne and 11th· ranked Louisville were among college basketball victims on Terrible Tuesday. Nebraska, hosting Duquesne at Lincoln, whacked the Dukes, 32.n, and Dayton decked Louisville, 72·56, in the Cardinals' nest. .. .. .. NEW YORK -The "dream fight'' between Cassius Clay and Joe Frazier was headed for Tampa Tuesday with the official bless.ing of Florida Gov. Claude Kirk. "I think Mr. Frazier .can easily beat ~tr. Clay," Kirk said. "You know, there was some talk that Mr. Clay lost his title be.:ausE> of politics; instead of due to fisticuff fl. And I'd be glad if ""c could pr<r n1ote a fight in Tampa to settle this." The bout is expe<:led lG be in February or March. .... .. .. l.ARAr.1JE. Wyo. -\Yyoming struggled throughout the first half but surged ahead on the shooting of Carl Ashley after intermission and defeated Cal State (Fullerton) Tu~ay night in college basket.ball, sa.&8. Fullerton held 1 slim lead until seven minutes were left in the first half bul "'ent scoreless for three minutes and the Co'A-•boys. co-champions of the Western Alhlelic Conference. ~1ent into the lead for good . .. .. .... NE\V ORLEANS -Comeback jockey Willie Shoemaker has been honored here as 1he "Big Sport of Turf~" by the Turf Publicists of Am erica. The TPA an organiiallon of J!Oblicity men from v11ious racetracks, is meeting in t"Onjunction with the 28th annual session ot the Thoroughbred Racing Asooclatlon. .. .... .. DENVER John McLendon, 'Pro- fessiooal basketball's only Negro head coach, is out of his job today. The Denver Rockets of the American Basketball Association a n n o u n c e d ~fcLendon's firing Tuesday and laid he "'OU\d be replaced by Joe Belmont. the club's marketing director, as tcting coach . "I have the greatest respect far John McLendon," said Rocket G e n e r a I Manager Don Ringsby. J'My .biggest regret is that I induced him to leave a successful and happy situation at Cleyeland State University this past spring." Under McLendon. Denver had a 1·19 :ecord in the ABA and was.Jn last place 1n the league·s Y.'estern Division. .... .. .. LUBBOCK , Tex. -J . T. King. who took over Texas Tech's football fortunes one year after the Raiders officially entered the Southwest Conference in that sport. moved upstairs Tuesday io become athletic director. · t> The 49er1 wUI probably ha ve lo outdo Je1tUe met New Mexico State in the bat· IJe foe a bid. l "rbert. ii a chance, however. that New )kXico St.ate will co to the mldwest fqSonlLI, In which case the 49crs may 'Well 88 lheJr JW8lt~ lhot at the big r__.usc oc UCLA, Santa Claro, Utah 'state. elC. Nixon Goes for _College Super Bowl i A fio1s7 record wUl be the Long Beach '.cbool's ' strongeat rflCOf'llmendaUon for ftl!J? lo Ill< playollL , And rtght now the 49er1 are U. 111· dudln( ui.t hlihly lmpoting 74·7l Overt.ime \lerdkt over Tuba IP.st week. Tulsa Jolt lo Big 10 power Pun!UO, 77-74, .i t.he l1Ucr'.1 17m -hardly a wlpeout. Majpr oPJ>Oll"1lS lcn on the cal Slat• -<!•le Include Hou'1Alll, Oklahoma Clty. NEW YORK (AP) -Pmldenl Richard ht Nlzon. In hot water over naming Texas the No. I football ~•m In the country, said Tuesday night he st1rted to suggetl that some sort of cot· lcge suptr bowl be played after the Jan. 1 bowl games to pick a true natlon•I cham· pion. "But J v.·as In deep enough already," the Chief ExtcU1ive said, •·so I dttldcd to •kip U." 1'htn, In an apparent c(lort to placate his critics among the supportera of unbeaten Penn State. added : ") \\'Oldd like to say that now 1 think Ptnn Slate ls among those who should be consldtrtd for the No. I spot.'' The Prtsldent came to New York to ac· cept the coveted gold medal award for his contr1bution to college football -an honor that previously had go~ to three other presidents, Dwight D. El1tnhoy,·er, Herbert H. Hoover and John F. Kennedy. Describing hJmstU as a former bt':nch \\'armer of WhltUer College who got into games only after they had been decided, Nixon expressed his unworthiness for the award and borrowed a phrase from astronaut Neil Armstrong. "This Is a small st'P for the football foulldation and a gisnt step for a man who novcr ms de the team." • Nixon retailed his playing days al \\'hillier and said he got Into a game only '"hl'n the ttam was so fnr behind It didn 't matter. He praised his former coach, an lndlan named Chief Newman from whom the President said he lea'mcd a lot about life and a lot about football. "The rt1ason I dldn ·t get Into a &•me was because T dkln't know U\e plays," he said. •'! knew all of the ene:my plays and knew them well. I used the enemy plays all Wttk." He recalled some of the early football games. One of them. lhe great battle between Notre Dame and Stanford In the Rose Bowl ln 192S, won by Lhc lrlsh 27·10. ' Oiutetl I The San Diego Rockets fu:od • rack McMahon Tuesday In an attempt 10 shake the Rockets oill of their losing (11-17) trend this year. Alex Hannum, Ed .fucker and Al Bianchi are thrt<! solid candidates for the job. ~ • • • l • I ) I I ! I I I I' • -.~-,,-_--..: "1;:; *:t;,: :;a: • • 1 Saddlehaek Teday"s l'•••I voi:. 62, NO. 295, 4 SECTIONS , 68' PAGES • * .. ORANGE couf'oltY:, C-AIJFORNI~ TEN CENTS • • '.T:re·ason, Revolution'· • Ill Schools? ·B.rewing · lly'PMfEl..A HALLAN 'Of ... 0.111 "Ii.I tl•tf "J~ talk.Ing about treason and sub- versiM. I tnow these are strong words but in many instances, we are facing revolutiCl'I.'" · · · ~speaker addreasin& an audience of 'II In M!Jakm 'VJejo High School, Collier McDermon, assistant superintendent of. pabli.c : iilltr\lCUon for, tbe state of G~ was giving .bis vle:ovs of stu· dent. ... JDl'Htancy,. militancy Which is now ' '· 0 ' . . ' ... turning to the high &ehools and junior highs. His topic WU: ''Target-Youth." He· WIS speaking before a grou~ from the Constructive Action Network Council of the Saddleback Valley and Laguna Hills .. DeS<rlblng the p..-m In ochools· to- day aa the frult of a cattfully nurtlft4 program started years ago he brought people up to 1965 when a pardphJet 111as written called "High School Refonn.'' "It was kept under wraps b)1 .StUdents -, . -·<HOWING· DOWN-·A:r ct.AGutilAis'HEISLER P.ARK. Cu't• Little F1llow1,. Bvt a' T.4rr~bl1 Nuis11nc1 • ' . ' . ' . Squirrels Sea~~d. Some Getting Poisoned G~~n I Where'have all the squitrtls·gone? There JS some basll~for. ltfrs .. HoWell's Gataenatresidenl Mrs. E. !!nice Howell concern, SaYs Puk ~perinifrlden;t'Clyde ••u'""• the ~nswer from ·tJle DAILY Sw.eetser;-both for.thel'clifb ·and fbt the ""' A'"' ground squirrels, but animal Joven ina)'.. Pit.Or. : tako heart -uie city, 11 lllunchlng ,no. Mrs. Howell and he.I"' husband, she maaa '1nrilhllaUon cl Reifler Park squif ... reports, are regular vishont to Lapna rels. and their favorite spot m.Keisleri.Patk. :-11 ~; ~er.1plan to cut ~k one "The most ra!eioating cl-aIL -the ~liff_ tace where the ·lquirrels1 Hve,, near Wmderful areas are the cliffs where the the shuff'leboerd pipllc aru. 'lbe earth :'."" ground squirreb live," ohe = ~u;::e 1~u::.:~...:; But on a recent visit, ooly a handful of " seuoa Ud 1111.QPttaUon•may evict; qµite . oqW(relS were around, and these -, a let oquimls,lsay1 Sweeb<r. ·' lrtplened. A gardener said tile dty was , .u• !or the pollon. lfaln, a certain ~ to ttcjue<. the; llCjlllrrel -1atio• )amount ,.., placed 1n """" al .the lquir· '*·peCling oOI poi>oOed p-aln. . . ril tlmlltlll eorlY In ............. bul th1', -f.,la, thil . true?" asu the visilor. "( ~explains, did little to redUce Uit ri-:their lunnellng -iffect-the •SQ9lmf popuiollon. "W' had lo uae a cllffl: l>ut so -the naQiral ,...lon lhat ~efy mild molerials Id· u not, lo ha an QCCW',S When ll rains·.'· . I lqle' the city 1otJ1er animals" Ile 11y1, "and f don it f~Lhers will do all Jn ·thelr power to aUow rtJtnt lhe squ~la ate mUch ol It because · the:ti small creallU'e.S lhtir bi r i e f ·• tJjey get tll the fOod they want from tJte aanctuary."' •pfcrliCten." · 1 'The squtrrtl poputatlon went ddwn for ~perty Taxes ' -. . . ~dline Today • _lOr•np~ Tax Colledor·DontS. ~-.....,-~ that today Ii tbe-.IOodllfto !or lint ball'lnsiallmenls SI 11 property tares. , . sakf rriailed pay-ls will lie 1 · without pe:nally if 1they are arkeill by midnight tonight. Over ttie coUnt.er payments must be made by S p1m. When the county olfice cloees, he uid, . Tu paymonta ·no! ·made belore th< dffdll.. wJD be IPessed a penally cbarsi"Of ilk pe~t of the lnstillment. Mozley s.aid ColfeCtions through Tuts-••1 lotalled $111.lrl,097.19. 1"00r ovu11ll coUecUon should run to S3 perCtnt this year," he said. "We're about :od.l"llJ with l11t'Y.ear. It lookl real t • ' a while, he sayl, but It 1eem1 to be back up to streqgth OOw. Ground aqllirrels, l1Y91 Sweetser, are 0 c:ute little fellow1" -.. j>ut they 're also ' ••a terrible nuliance."'• I Their habit of nipping the tops o(f plants, eapecially ice plant put in to hold the clill face ·logtllll!r, II lrrl!allng bUt ;"not.that aer1 .... , .... ,,. rtal 'Prubie.jt,.,,. e"fllllno,. is the· ~ o1 s1t1n1101i ~ 'the dill, ..,.( ............ slldto, whrii their bllrrows' acannulele w~ cfur1n1 , the uina. "About 12 years ago," Sweetser rtealls. 1 "we loll •llout II to Ill !eel oU the poinl I beyond the abulfleboard couril lram full : lhia V<\fY1hlng. ll c:hanpd the whole ler· rain and we ,had to 1'!buUd tbe Wilk 'In • idifferent ·Joca(f00.'1 ••• I Ground aqltirrtls once were considirid • IU.Ch a aui5anee a bou~ was placed on them, he polnts out. 1'be lrvfne Com· pany 1tlll wage!! a replar w•r on them, u!ln,g poJson gra1n and traps, but l.hcy're 'reallY. not that much. ol • problem . for (Seo IQVOIBD.I, P. ... I) for a Democratic Society (SOS) untll 1161 when the high schools were believed ripe." McDermon asserted. "'The pamphlet tell1 students to be In Lhe forefront of every grievance such as dress code controversies, to u s e legitimate concerns for their awn purposes, lo look lo the Berkeley mOve- ment, and to gain school offices 110 that unreasonablEl demands can be made forc- ing I.he principal to say no. "Repeat the procedure until· the prin- Store Loss Balance·d · By Tourism By BARBARA KRElBICH Of tlM DallJ P'llM Shlff There probably is oo way to Item "leakage" al Laguna spending to shop- ping centers and discount stores in other areas, but the loss, estimated at a· minimwn ol $4 million in 1981, is balanc- ed by high tourist spending in the city. · This was amorig the economic fictil or I.aguna lif~ reported TUeaday night by Juleli· DeMay, Rni<r ~-ft llli ftrn'i d Doniel, !.IW. JGlinibft!'"f Mendenhall, as he preoen1ed ~ ~. Lai\ina Economic F-ut to a jOfut cipal·appep.rs ludicrous even to·hls 'boss dowittowr,. In this way· they say a prin- cll>al can be neutralized ot-dectroyed. . '11 lelb them lo organiie underground newspapers {be hekl up several copies), to-infiltrate churcbeS, liberal -organha- Uons ai11Ho lnlbie"""· thoir' parenb and then pt them · into PT A and. IXber legitimate groups ." . · McDermOn said that the Slate Depart· ment of Education asked SOS i£ they clxjld dlljl!lcile' their .c. p y r.i & ht. d ' ·' • ) l •• .. ' s ' .. ~- pamphlet and were told no unless a list of unr.euo111bJe demands were met. "We dkln't print their pamPhlet ·but we did print thetr letter. It would be-fuMy if it weren't serious. Don't underesthnate thtR people. Theae are not ldeallstic young students. The9e are bard core revoltltionarirs," said .McDennCll.· "In ~Ir literature they. say ~ must attac k Js.sues and laws that people care about. They must work within student government and radically : transfonn ' meeting al the city cwncll, the planning , . . and the ~ """'"' " ~-··· '-·1 ~-~·--~ " •• ,. I; . f In !act;' beM.ty !<!Id :u;t;.;i:. th(-. ~ leakage Jll'<>hab\Y Is oloo<r to 11-li!llllon 'ft · , Yeai and .may be Bs;bieh-as $10 tftltllon7i , . m1 pllblished fi&llre. 11e explsjned, based on the tsest a\'81lable fJg'ures on ' ~~~~tYu . .= .:i~ ct!~ P~EiliiT.?ROlt&lctR•WH.:LIAMsoNiloaN01its 'Misn!i'is;;WORKS their shopping in Laguna. : 35111 • Annl,,....ry Shlow: 'Sclntlll•t"'9, 'Ch•tlo.,.i11111 ·HostollfC' According to this estimate, sal~~ . · . • • .-t • , .1 ~ ; . -: general merchandise in~ in 'IJllllll ~. ~·,• "! :· -.·; ~ . . , ~ should •ave amoonted lo 15.513.llOQICln N _ . a· . , . . . . fact they~ 1o only !378.ooo, K . · ·ex· t '. n~· · , . \,.'.;,.:.1 1: . .,0. . ig•: ~-• ht The drain, sakl ~DeMiy; was dUWfly. · • ' "f l , itlfl). L~ ' , 1 i attributable to the opening of FalbJon . . ' · · · , Island in._Newpprt Beach, with Its Wide ' ~· · ldection al -amg with lbe cililtng• al the Lacuna Pemey'1 store and tloe' ad· dJtional impact, lbo!Jlh less pronouaced, of the Soolb Cout l'lua shopping cenler in Costa Meu and tbe new accessibility of ~· stcfts in other areas. The economist ·indicated that thia leakage in general merchandise sale!! a~ par<ntly is IOllleilllng Laguna business will have to learn to live with, stnce population proi-indicate Utile possibility that the cunmunity could sup- port more than me major department (See LEAKAGE, Pqe II Laguna Student Struck by Discus, Ruptures Spleen Past Years . . "SdnUllailng_ and· challeniing, tilled · ™e."'Blect. ,.,. .. ~ !fro Pageant art wllh riollalifa bilt· .including·· the ·... "The AmllnciatiQll" bY SlmQlle Martine, citeRlent Of more recent thirip,'' · weie "ACtaeon' arid otana" by Paul · Marlsiup, the Wonls <A. Don Williamson: "Breedl)g Up" by: Winslow Homer, "La The-pri>iluce' al taguna's ·Pageant. al Plirta" by !'llchela)lie)o and "Wlii\er the ·'Master• in a few well chOsen worda Duet'.' by. Nont111i1 RockWell. Tue9d8y ·heralded fbr the FeStival ol Artl · Alto, "Women.ot""Falblon al Leiiure," ~d .tbe 35'th anniversary Bllow f<r next ~·o.ncera . AdjUIUng Their Sllppef1," aealion. f'.dpr ·. Oqas; "The Salt ,· CeUar," The board1approved it in entirety, · Benvenuto Celllnl · "Home Fnm the 'llWre wUI be subjects repmientlng lhe Se""· ll'leicller· M;..u.,, and ''liie Ven- l:nt-works of eVery past ...,.,,. ~xcept ~." a aeritll ol four works • by Aie- lM: 1diny of the 30 9Ubjectl will be in 'jandro Rangel Wdalgo. millU~ IUCh as one thilt will include . Alllo, ~'1*np ·o( Llfe/1 W~gwood and the pajhtjrip "Pinkie" by Sir 'Ibomas "Sistine 'Jlldonna,~' Raphael. 1 : • Lawrence, "Tragic Muse" by' Sir Joshua The ..AoW' **111 .half ill incl Reyriolas ·ond "Blue Boy," bj> 'l'homas ~a..c:'-.~ boll>Orlelllel :..r Mes~ Galril&rough. . . . c1-. -,In ·mle , subjOct;. "llonae al Scu~e' will have i . m ore Boti.sfval," l:Klth 'a. ~and,an. tccl,tnc predo<\i'Jna'nt rvle tl1sn Iii the past, sold by Auausle-8'nolr; "ClaMlc Sculpture A Laguna Beech lliib School freshman WllllOJhiao, acCo.nlb\1 for sHlhtlY·more' Gallery," "The Gleonon," Jean Francois IUffued a ruptured tpleen and other in-than 9fte-thlrd ol·the ·!J'b~. Millet; 1"nle'Sprtng. Sbowet.''. Olovahbl t.ernal injuries when he was struck by a Women wflf·plav a·nlore ....._..inent role I -lo 'W M morlal dlscua 't\lesday during a physical educa-,, .... -.. Domen co 11epo ; and ' ar e Uon class. In the cast ratio. Usuaily 'there ire more al Normandy;'' Don, Deloe. women volunteers and more" roles for Atao: "The Pusing·Lftp," John CUrry: Bill Barnes,, 14 of 512 l\fystlc Way, men. TN1 time, sakt Williamson, there •«Jbe. Eight Jn'lmCl1ala '' "The Cardinal's underwent •bdomine:l surgery at South wiU be 12 women and 5'7 men in each of Portrait," Toby E.' Ro 1 eh t'h a I ; Coast Community H~1ta1. Mrs. Jack ... _ 1,.. .. ~~ • • • ... •·r· , · " · s·-·--1a '"CJ! .. Barnes, the boy's mother, said today hie: "'•' -, , -.-11 8 11; \,II. ee, f WJ.DlliineOn "'ld--.,1>ari«fllh!:IJf.will Mat.11e ; •"'ftM Dancer's," H1·rriet spleen 'VII removed •nd he su fered a not take longer. u-ny there •rt 38 or -...a-hm'"•'-, ,1.,rh__,.Eli_10 and CllUi'I bruised liver and kidney from the 3.2-rna uur. .c. .,._. • ...... d h rd bber -1~11 27'-IUbjects. He Wd-,the~fle'¥1 1addition: to Ladles." F. X. WlnJernaU.er; · "The poun 8 ru "~ e. '""·".-.. W!U ollOw Ille. ......__,lii ........ ~·-atids,1' · and ·"The Lall' Supper," "Mother, can 1 do without a spleen?'1 ..,,..~..... -r"'S'.... -,-·~. --1 sht quoted.her son who had hoped to play fasl,r. Leon.,.oo di' VJncl. b"r.,i::~~~I., scli::J! It Is an expendable . ; • • ff · · * fr : .. . * * * 0'~tal spokesman slid the yoongslu ~Phantom' '.:.Foun· d · Wu 1 dolng nne thi! momirw. tliould have , . , 1 • normal rtCOff:l'J and be home. in a few · • .. -1 • a • • cf!'~ Mme.., ,;.d 1ra<k coach .anc1 in-1 • · ;5' · · -:elt.riu5'ii :'Shu ·Jc ~ts· 14' ·• :te.d:· structorof lbe~yslcalfducatiGnclass ln • 11 'f1M ·l r \1 ·~:i.t~!"•., .~ r'"', ~ ·· r A1P:~ : .. ' ~:'w~111:::S11o=.::i.:11 '. ,.,..P~~,ti,..~~~· ,bJi~ .. .i,U..: .... ~~i.i"~·w~ lhe dlacua tbrowm "\!&> ,fllnl f'l"'1I a lr1f'liiltf. · • · . . • • iihlncl lilt lootllPti. lfe. . lo. mooq. lllat.aill( pGlilloo, DO tuina a 'Jn 'collqe ' 'l'lt<' -· ~ ...... -Ouf' fO Wai<h Don 111111'""""• ~..-atl( d~ tbnJlwfnc. ," • •• WU I )'Nll lklint, ml 1f!t•Y& .. d1'f ·~._at Wark. ' • i l , ·vnbeltltoll'nlt to' Millet,, bil;lllQI, )'dtMg bil·ful>,powtn o1 -loll. <, •\' ' Biil 1111-m,. pmtJICO JIM w11111't a<> Bamtl hod "8lked UP. !>thlnd 'him. a1 lie 'l"8 1~11• btut wlndllecl ""'°"''~ ~le •• En\tr 'u.. SPCA Wllh tr'i>: (Mllltrl f1ccd the lhr<>wi" T11t• dliclJs . wanitol>t't, wl~ ,..... fl"Of!I. IJl·~1 ~ ~x:· "'1• ~ 11" lkun~ on ~ slipped ·oll lhe aide o! 11¥ yU11'1 hand; •.-or~ ,.,. !nine BoWI . .fiil ilOP tlhia inpm~." ~litatl Durkto 1ok\ narrowly ml"1ng Miller • .._ ·~\O•~. ~iot~-~· ~~a~illnclora~'. • pod .. llrlJdoa..llaala. ~ I i:fltl;lr . ..-~ L i/f;J'" ,, ~lf;a Jrop," addo( cage. ·-·--'I Ill-: _,... L• .'"8!1!11 WJ_-1,•·~, . · '. . J •.I • > ' ~l-- scliool oommunitiea. 'Ibey ,must wort f«' fret student unions and must have a hiehly mobi.le trained organization to move fram school to school. "Two of their programs are to remove R01£ snd to remove induatrial related '""urlt flOm. our cam-. They ,.. being successt'ul. If I were them, l would make my next target the abollfion of the grade system. It is a felt issue and at..- tacka our very free enterprise system Ii!« McDERMON, Pqe II Kennedy Says ll~'s 'Grateful' WILKES-BARRE, Pa. (VP!) -A county judge today refused a request from Massachusetts authortlles for an autopsy on the bo4jty of Mary Jo Kopechne. who died last summer whett an auto driven by Sen. Edward M. Ken- nedy plunged into a tidal pond. Judge Bem.afd J . BromtMld o£Lallme County said there was nothing to Indicate MJss ·ICopeChne, 28, a 'lecret.ary-and Km- nedy ;family campa!gn• worker, clled bJ "otl\tr than ;isphyxlatlon by 1mmtrsico." •.. 15eM,e<fy WI! ln.-Wul\11!pm, ''l·reallro how ·muctf 'thli dedsion muns to the Kopecbitdamily. It Jncreuej th01r peace II aibl.and I '111 iratelul !or thal "It ii jfow my hope that the authorltlao ta . .,_am.eu. ~ 'JhOW forward .. !l!At'll!O_...,. ..... _ ~·~ ........ , ' -.. 'lll0Ali!lp;1 ""1f1i the ·request for the ~ !lwl'n.IO""' lo blOJ>d, ... the vic-!lm'• ~~ ..... ,1n~.-·and·-. laid "the only Pooltlve> lelllmon)' .. ·i. ~WU: thatrthil-eridence"!'ll wbolelJ -'81ent wlth ;~tll-by"*-""i.; t1!0 aeddent """'nod · Ju!J . II' ., 'Chap, --~ Island, Maa.·• . • . • In a I~-·oplnitlll; Bromln!«l; Aid ~y •at e·tw.<Hlay ••ring here 11111 Octbber no1ed dlscrepancl,. In Sen. K& nedy'~ telev:iaect accoupt and a polle9 ,.port·al the accidenl,!le Aid theae "do nqt 1Mer the ·detcrminliUoo. ot the QQM of death." , 'Ille girl'• -·· r.ir. and Mn. Jooeplj Kope¢1ne al BerM!ey H'1gh1s, N.J., had fought the autopsy requ~t. They told • news.conference alter Brominsti's ruHnc they · . were "very pleued by the deciBion." M... Kopechne, speaking ln a low vQice,. said "I.'ll come up here very· ~ten lo aee my daughter. I cou1d never have (Seo KOPECllNE,.Pap ii Stfu,k Market NEW YORK (AP)-The llock ·mlrket niovecf 'IOwer Jn mOClerate late tr.dLq lo<lay. '(See quotallonl, Pll'I 34411). Decllnlng stockl lncruled · their :mar- gin over advances •to mere.than J to-1. or..,.. Weadaer . . . Look fer a few ·.dfol>I of. raJn to. nJght, followed by .clearing skies Thursday Wlth1 temj)eratures ,till mired tn. lbe low !G'• along the i coast. INSIDE TODAY A df1cendiant of lfapolton , Bonaparte found O'""'Oood lift ftl Amittda and rem to beCome a'(. tornty Qtncral under Preildtnt ~htOdort Roonvtlt. ~aoe· 18., • <' • \ • fl IWl.Y PILOT l No My Lai 'WhiteWash' Pentagon Pariel: No Evidence of Cooerup' 87 V-PftH laleroatioul · A lpecial Pentagoo panel lw found no ·evfdence of any )ow.level cover-up in the oMgfnil Al"l)iy inveotlgatiOn ol the alleged 11\ISSICl'e 'at My · Lat, the bcmd's top dvillan lawy.,. aald today. : Attorney RObert Macerate of New Yort, wtio wu appoint«! last '{etk to fhare -IL Geo. Wlfli&m R. p.,.. the ~lllority in ""1dudlng the tnquley, made statement at a news conterence al Defense Department in Wamington. • In reply to a question, Macerate said i,. sees "no evidence cl a whitewash oow" and had hem told there would be toi'le. He stressed that he wu referring .,ly to the speciaJ b:lanl's investigation fl. whether a .fleld·Jevel,. lnveltigation ·or South Vietnamete civilian deaths at:My ,J.ai hamlet' 4 on March 18, 1"8, was ad· 'tquat.e. .: Moccrate said, howev«, be and other ·, membm ol the JIUlll, Including Peen, · W<IUld go to Vietnam for fur1her Jn. vestlgatlon of just what happened at My Lat; : -. The mlsolon of the Peen ln>up la only to determlne whether facts 'were · su~ pressed -the Ar)ny's criminal in- vtsligatlon dlv151on la looking foe any evidence of war crlmes -but Macerate aald his group· must flnt del<rmlne just what the facts were. Macerate refused to discuss testimony the Peers board had received so far. He also refused, on grounds that his answer "might !>e revealing," to say whe<lw any witness had taken the 5th Amendment. First IL Wllllarit L. Calley Jr., accused of the premeditated murder of 109 men, women and chlldren in tbe masaacre, testified before the board last week aft.et being advised . that he coukl refuse to answer quest.Ions in accordance wi~ the immunity ol the 5th Amendmenl .,- :Laguna Future Plans .. ~ove R<!pidly-Vedder •. . : \Yhat Laguna niu!l con.sider, said p~ jeet ·director Abra am Krushkhov, is a P.>f.ential population in 1990 or perhaps J&,300, whlch would require an addi Uonal l ,600 dwelling un!ts. .~ Estimated 1990 p>pulation tn the enUre ••planning area," which lnchldes portions f;r the Irvine and Moulton ranches, is ~,000, an liicrease of 28,®CJ. • "Although 66 percent or the land in the ~ty ts vacant." said Krushkhov, "a great peal of it is more or le,_ pnbuildable. It's a great place to plan for 28,000 billy joats, but not for people." .. The planners, he said, wilt present k:veral alternative concepts . for coping filth projected growth. . • r estival Price increase Plan Under Attack • '. Minor adjmtment of &eat prices le.rt at ~a.st two Festival ol Arts directors con- ;<me<1 l'\1""'"1 thal they had fixed next ¥asort's income. with i.naifficlent mar.1in for ~ increase. : Direc1on Paul Griem and Rkhard !Jroolcs V1>tod agalnn price adjustm<nl for cea\ler aeaUng whicb 1tjll hrin• in, Obou!l7,illlt addlUonal'rovique. """° ' "I .. onc1.,. JI then are ~ IO btses to cover a five, siJ: or seven per· Cent increase," saJd Griem of. the $300,000 operailonal coola.' He suggeaiOd 13 aeata O\ighl be rairec! to n.so. , · • Director 0.vidlYoting argued that OW loarcfhold l"icoO ~l·bell H can. "If .. e .-i $1,00t Jeso, .)!hal'• H goillg to do lo ~?" he asked. "rm firmly or the oplnlon yiat we should hold the line as far as .(>OS&ible, l don't think It will affect any of aur rtgu]ar grants." : Saki Griem, "I don't think we're talk· Ing about '3,000 or $4.000 i.ss, l think *"'re talking about $15,000 to $20,000." He said a $300,000 factor times six per· ..,,t (hike) equal! $18,000 and doubted that cost increases would st.op at six per· qent. Brooks said operattng iDCrea.-tes could J?e·expected for the nnt two years. "It's all going to come out of the net unless we i>creaM 'the income." . Olfter board members agreed· lo hold the line. The new seating schedule tecommended by Director Harold Burton ibcrea!tel lower cent.er M:ats by 50 cents ~ ·reduces upper center aeaUng by 50 cents. The price span on tickets remains 12 to $6. . Di.rector Stuart Durkee said the ad- justment was not done as a revenue p~ ducer bu.t to bring equity to ticket pricing j,n relation to choiceness of lbe locations. liAllY PitOI ~ COMI f'Ull. ta.tUIG CQllll,NJll't ••t..rt H. w ... ........ "!' ......... , J•c• a. c.r1.,. .. ,.,..... ... o-r.. ...... n.111" ltwrl -1"1Mt A. MVT,tilM ~ftlilOI' l !eh•nl P. Nill .._._ "" ----121 '-•1t AY•• M•llltt M"r-• t.O. a.. "6. t26Jl --...... Mes9t -.... , .. y.,,.. ....... ltlclil: ftll "-' ............... ........... a..ui: .. Jiii"""' "You may decide, 'We don't want to take in all those people,' " said Krushkhov. ~·rn that case you can simply keep your zoning ordinances and stick to requiring only single-family dwellings in- stead of re-structuring to permit greater demity." nie projected increases, he explained, would be Laguna's nonnal "sh.an" of population growth ln the enUre area, but local growth could be curlalled by strict zoning ordinances U the community so desired. ''Laguna can contiiiue to grow ln ~ slowly, by hanging custom-built, aingle- family dwellings on the h J 111 • Alternatively, you can re-structure the density in Some areas to permit multiple dwellings, though there are not too many locatiooa in the cliy thal provide iood 10- "'"-Anolher possiblltty that will be pr,....ted, tile planner said, la Jljdlclous annexation of bulldable land where services such as fire protection, waler supply and sewage disposal, could be given without undue eipense. Shaping the final general p 11 n , Krushkhov sald, will be the economJc forecast for the community, the physical restrictlonl of the terrain and the goals slalemenl , prepared by the Cittuna Advllory Colnmlllee. A fmanclal sedloo will upl<re new areas of. pot.eW!al revenue to help pay for desirable clefelopmenl progrlUDI, he said. Neil report to be presenled by the pl-,Alle ludien<:e 1 .. 1 told, ii I tral• fie lbx!y, lndudinf dlacuJlfiG d c!r<ula· 11on· and parking problema, ....,. beinB prepared by a top traffic engin..,., f'ro111 Pflfle l KOPECHNE ••• gone to that cemetery (at nearby Larksville) if I knew it had been disturb- ed. I'll be back." Kopechne said the fact that an inquest 1,1.iJl be held in Massachusetts into the death or his daughter, an only child, "does not disturb us. We are walUng pa· liently for the lnquest.0 Joseph Flanagan, the parent&' attorney, said he was negotiating with an insurance company, which he declined to idenUfy, concerning the possibllity of ruing a "y:rongful death action civil suit" for the family's lou. In Massachusetts, Edgartown PoUce Chief Dominic J. Arena, who investigated the accident, said "I can't re.ally say that I'm surprised" by the ruling. He said he felt the judge In Edgartown was "anx· ious" to complete an inquu\ as soon u possible. Brominski's ruling, which cllmazed a 1'7-week legal fight over the autopsy pr~ posed by Massachusetl! District Attorney Edmund S. Dinis. said "it is the con· clusion of this court that the fact.s pr~ted hue.in are: tnsufnclent to sup- port a fmdlng of the cause of death or ~fary J o Kopechne other ihan asphyx· tation by ail Immersion." SQUIRRELS. •• Laguna." Sweetser uys. "[ know they're quire an attraction up at tht park. "° we just have to figure ·a way to keep them more or lesa under control. "l au.re do wish they were tree equlr-- r~a though. Tree squimla don't bother anybody." Farm Group Delegates Reject C~tlon Appeal WASHINGTON TUPI) -0.legalta to the American f'arm Bureau FederaUon (AFBF)' ci>nvenllcm today rej..:ted a ....lh<ni 1ppe.1I f<ll' <ompromtat and decided to reendone their dtmand for 1 phue-out of 1ovemment controls and 111blldlel on m.tjor cropo. Southerners, led by Harold F. Ohltn- lkrf, pmldent of the Ark•ns11 Fmn Burtau, 11ked the AJl"BF natJonaJ con· vendon to adopt a rtSOlutJon t.elclng ootfOo off !lie Jlsl ef ""f'$ to be <OVU<d by the APBF "pha.-il" proposal. ael!·~ -the Pmllap hl"'""I•-· tho-invtltlgatlon and Ille Army Cll>'i Jn. vestlpUon d the incidenl, the HouM Anned Servlc'" Committee la cooductli,. ila· awn lnquley. Chairman L. Mendel Rlv.,.. (~.C.). said Tuesday ·he w-.a not conrlnct4. as Pmlcf...i NIDln apponnll1 la, that I massacre took place. Riven repeated hia position today aft<r htaring -· testimony. . . . A subcommittee ol Rlvers' Armed Services Oxnmlttee taday questioned CWO Hugh 'lbcimpoon Jr., an Anny helicopter pUot who waa ukl to have made the lint repcrlr thal allepd r. r.gularlU.. took plac:e at My Lal. After·'I1mlpeon'a test!mony at 1 ckleed ..,.Ion, RJven !aid the chopper ~Ubl "pve us no lnfonnaUon to lead U1 to believe that anyont ccmmitted a massaCre at My Lal." • Shopping Plazas' Impact Reported In Laguna Study Economic rtactloo to major lhopplng centers in surrounding communities .is pointed up in a sectlon of the new Laguna Beach economic forecast pre~ by Daniel, Mann ,-Johnson and Mendenhall. South Coast Plaza, the 'nport, 1tate5, had a major bnpact on the 1alel.pldure in both Coata Maa and ·Newp>rt Beach, when it opened .in 1986, but created barely a ripple in Laguna Beach. -0n the other hind, the openJnc " Fllhlqn laland not aOly 1ffe<led llewport Beach, but se.vere\y )oiled the Lo..,.. business "'9lle. 1 When Sooth Coast Plua opened la the fourth quarter of ltllll, COili' Mnl general mercha'ndiM sales took a $7 mlllton Jup. But the ~ rioPtct .0 Newport Beacli wu relled0cUn cfOcUnes in 1111 .. for both the fourth quarter of 111811 and the first qu~ of 1!17- No measurable effect wu nOted in Laguna Beach. When Fllhlon laland opened Iii Newport Beach, in November 1917, the nles picture in that communityilJdlhteo- ed to the tune Of 1 $6 millloo quarttr\y aale1 increase. . . But the cOniJxned ~ d tbe·.!Po-lnc Of Fllhlon laland ind the loll ol0Pen- ney'1 store, which mov~. to thet new ctnter, c:>U!<d a HVtlf decllnl in qUll'lerly 1erieraJ . ~ ... in Lliw>• Beaoll, the l)llJ!f.r•Port ~Ii.. From Ill aWn,e·l!I ..... i qUio\er between 1965 and IM'I, Lll\llll, 1eoeraJ merchandise sales tumbled to under $t00,ll!IO a quart<i' in 1118il, rollectidi..saY.• the ~ the drawing power d t!it ntw Newpon sboppfna c:aiter. : -* From Pllffe l LEAKAGE ••. store in the next 20 years. On the brightr side " Ille t<:OnOmic oiolur<, tourtsl«lented salts in Laguna far exceed the statistical potential. Wlllle pot.enlial sales volume in eating and drinking establishments would have amounted to $3,858,000 in 19&8, actual sales, ...iloding spending by """' residents, were a whopptng M,903,000. Similarly, sales in the areas of apparel, home furnishings and appliancts and automoUve goods exceeded t h e economist's estimate of potentials for the community. Jn tM: final picture. actual sales .for the year exceeded estimate& 0( p:>tential ,..., hy some 14 million, delpile the 15 million leakage to ether areas, with non-- resident spending more than com· penaaUng for the looi, DeMay «>11Ciudecl. Discussing Laguna's unique econOmic picture, the Belgian-born economilt ukl the Art Colony's bu51nesa community would be well idvised to step up its emphuia on vi&itor«iented tpfltialty shops, making them even more 5'1Cializ.. ed and even more exclusive, to com- penaate for the apparent fact thal resktenta will contlnue to do a lftlt dHI " illeir -lpeDdlng in facillUtO out..ldetheclty. 'Bitter Medicine' Due. for Laguna? Final dlagno.sis of Laguna Beach's allmentl by the teneral plan study team may lud to • pNscrtptlon for "aome bit- ter medlc:lnt," Ml10C Glenn Vedder c:om- menled Tuesday nlght.. .. 1r·• patient goes to a dod«," •fd the mayor, 4'ht can tell him when tt·hurts, bot he's not very Yr"tll advised to co on to tell him what sort o( 1 remedy to prt9Crfbf:. Jt'1 helter t6 le1v1 that t:o the doctor. He' may prescrU:ie 1oml blttei medlcino. OI coune, thl palltol ma1 al'° ttlUM to take IL "In illl• cue, the plaMen are the cloo- tors. n.ty are-.tudyin( our FOblems Ind lt'1 up lo us to Ulttn cartfUUY td their dta,_is. n.ty wll1 Iii" u1 oome attem1Uves and we will b1v1 \o cllooH. Ptrtlaps aome pet proJtcta will Ila" to be abondonld blca•• t11e1 ,.,;,;~wen." . '"' tt::t:•__;_ f • -... -- CAll.V PILOT Stitt r11ttt Si%itag One llp Boy Scout fathers Bud Hilderbrand (left) and Bob Thorne are helpin~ with Christmas tree sales aimed at financing scouting projects and equipment for Mjssion Viejo's Troop 608. Their Christmas forest is located at Muirlands Boulevard and Argus Avenue. From Pllffe l McDERMON •.. which car.not exist without competition. "They say they have no power ln white color America so must make inroads through organized labor," continued McDmnon. "Doring the sWnmer they sponSored a work-in and told their members how lo get a job. "They were instructed to get haircuts and take a bath and shave and when they got 1 job to join bowling teams and share the concern of the working man so that they can later plant questioru in his mind.' "How can a businessman distinguish bet.ween an earnest young man seeking "·ork and a subversive? You can't shut the door but you must protect the en- te rprise. SOS clain1s to have placed 350 of their people in jobs and v.•ill continue this challenge." He lamented the fact that educators have often said that if one doesn 't go to college he is doomed to imnial labor. He nid t>y and large-this is true · because aoclety ha s allowed it to be true. He·urg- ed people to dignify work for work 's sake and to pay decent wages to the laboring man. . . "But the real tragedy js that the silent majority has allowed. people to believe that most students . and teachers are mllitanll. Actuall y it's only a small vocal organlied mine>rity and most teachers at least 80 percent are sick at heart over what's going on." . He said SOS doesn't stop with students but has post graduate groups made of teachers, P!!<>Pie in the welfare movement and people· in an urban underground in· filtrating city government. He said they often form a coalition with the Black Panther Par\y. .. ''The only Mpe I can hold out is one of Involvement," said McDermon. "Max Rafferty fought to give ytiu local control but you aren't assuming it." He told them to attend school board meetings and vote in school elections. He said tQ aCquaint themselves with school problems and isrues and to visit the superintendent. He said it isn't local control "When one-Waits for-a controve~y lo make his voice heard. One must be on hand to offer con- structive suggestions to school board members. McDermon said. He urged people to see that their district board didn 't initiate any programs that invaded their privacy. · He ended his presentation by :shov.•ing the audience an American flag torn into shreds by a group of elemetr.tary school children. "You apd I are (lghting a war at home. One we~ afford to lose," sald McOermOn. · · "It's a difft!'rent lcind .of war. 'l'.!1ere'1 no gunQrt,in the streets. It's ~lled; ""'cho- polidcal warfare and is a war 11~ the mind and .30Ul of our .young#tn in school. ~t lll Targef...Youtb." · Degas Painting Sold LONDON (AP) - A painting of lhree ballet dancers by the F .r e n c h Impressionist Degas was !Old for $288,000 at Sotheby's auctlon house today. Another Degas painting showing a single dancer holding a fan _,kl for $168,000. = • I Down tlae ' M .• ·ISSIOD Trail Home Judging Slated ,in Viejo MISSION VIEJO -Judging for Mission Viejo's lhird annual home decorating contest will take place Dec. 15 through 17. The contest, sponsored by the Mission Viejo Co. and the Mission V,iejo Homeowners AssoclaUon will · be coordinated by Stuart McFarland and Yt'illiam Gardner . Preliminary judging will be on 11 neighborhood to neighborhood· .basis by the sponsors who will reduce the field from 2,800 homes to 28. The finallst \\'Ill be judged .by an architect, Allan C. klbrlght of san fran- clsco: a land.scape archltttt, · P . \Yoodward Dike of Orange, and an in- terior-exterior designer, Glynn Grown or Orange. . Winners will be selected in 1ix categories: best religious, best tradi· tional, best Santa, best Early California themes, most creative and grand prize winner. e Woter Group Forms SAN JUAN.CAPISTRANO -City coun· cilrne.n passed a resolution Monday ronn· ing a citizen 's advisory committee for water"'·orks district No. 4. The action was requested· ·by James Okasaki who is representing the city bt their attempt to place the water .district under cltY. rather than county 'Control. Although 80 pereenl of tile district la "'ithln San Juan Capi!trano, ~ part in county territory might tinfavorably in· fluence the Local Angency FormaUon CommiS!IOn's recommendation, the COWi· cil was told. To eliminate any taxation withoot representation the committee Of five will be made up of three residents of the city. one resident of the Dana Knolls area' and one from northern territory outside the city J)mits. · :- • Rummllffe Sale Set CAPISTRANO VALLEY -A rwnmage sale to raise rundS for a class field trip will be staged by senior .hu-manl ties students at San Clemente High SdloOI. The .event will take place Dec. 13 and 14 £rom 9 a.m. to S p.m. in the cafetorlum. A Christmas boutique, bake sale and white elephant sale wlll be part of the activity. • Servinii on the conunittee ar_e ~a Plumb, Barbara . Taylor and Lisa Watkins. e 'Tree. 1'art11 l"lannetf LAKE FOREST -Lake FO<est resilienls are invited to join In an old fa.shioiie.d VCe trimming party Sunday, Dec. 14. Reiervaliof)! for the adult .~rtY a~ the Beach and Tennis Club will be i1Ccepted uljUJ Thursday. Car:oling, cqokies and eggnoi punch will be highlights of the gathering from I to 11 p.m. Those attending are asked to bring one or lwo ornaments, preferably hand made. 0 OMEGJI . :·O~l\Of', •·01.i Stol9C'"'ll:lf .. rt.t -ll'Ult r. Me .. """° •llP .. 4 11\!efYl ll of ~0911, ll'!o"W!tl l"lf .. tofldl. &ltlllht1 Ill-ti CIM •illl -elol~g b11ctl~ W&ttf lf'l~t.nt .••• ,J.-,,l tt!t. All NASA u1ronaut1, since the spaoa i>roorm began, have wom Omega watche s on their wrists. Ordinary, every day j1welry a lore Omega Speedmaster chronographs. Thi kJnd anyone can buy, Every Omega, whether for an 1stronaut or convent lona l wear, la made to the moat exacting standard1 to assure utmost dependabilily. We're proud lo be an authorized Omega dealer became they make the best watches in this •.vo r\d, or any other. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAM ERJCARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. .J/ump~rie ~ Jeweler~ ll YEARS SAME LOCATION t ill NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA PHONE 541-l40 I ' I I J I '7 , 1 I I 7 I \ -" • . - Newport Oarhor EDITI ON * * VOL. 62, NO. 295, 5 SECTIONS. 80 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ----·-. T oday'• F l•al TEN CENTS CdM Group 'Fears Freeway Will Take Homes ' · B! 'JOllliJ V.U:TERZi( the cl\y·--~t of .plans to . ., • ~w ttiw ti.tt expand Ith Avennue .intO ·a !our-lane A pelitigrt..C•JDP4i~ wU. starteCI today m;ee,rain idea ~ch ,oould take score• in ~-slel ¥ar n~ghborhoods by a of ·~ .from ..rq.ide!U. in, the northern gmip .<II . oi~cns worried that cf\y. _part •ol the .cOmmUDl\J· . endor-·P.JW :ror a· freeway · coflector ~of. d)e ca~pa1gn lfe B1U Agee, 1tr.ett -wOj.lld take their AQJDei• ·,715 Larb'pui' Aie., ~.Paul~nfeftet, . Tfie~,r&ip, Whlcb as yet(has. no form;11 . $171k Naret~, Ave .. • nafit, will ask the, Newport Beach "City ~ petilkio c•mpafgn "i!' a di.r«t CoUilcil . to ·examine alternate ideas for r~lt ~f . a m~tlng held at the Jl(eigh- a c1oQector· street to serve the pr9posed ~noOa You~. C~nter ~ece~tlf w~re:. Parjfio Cffst.Freeway. · . cidm» :met, witb Jtafe aOO cit;.olfrciils .. on the lafest plal'IS for the Pacific Coast Freeway. "We are concerned over the number of parcels to be assimilated by the ei:isting plans. We also are very concerned .about the volume of trafric which would be gen· erated over olir residentJal streets," Agee said. Plan! cali for completion of the Cam-· paign in time for the next hearing on the freeway and collector street ideas. A spetlfic date· has not been set for' that hearing, but a meetln& ls -expected wiih· in the next two to three months, 1tate officials have· promised. The twG main polnil which the peti- tioners ask the city to agree with are LO: -Urge the state to make the planned Pacific Co.ast Freeway on-off.ramp ooll- ductor street at Buck Gulley ('at the down- coast edge of the community) and con· struct an underpass at the point where the freeway crosses the gully. A collec- tor atreet Crom the freeway to PaCUlc Coast Highway could be built. -Discontinue Filth Avenue ·westerty from Marguerite Avenue and create dead-eucl streets out ol Larkspur, Jas- mine, Iris and Heliolrope avenues, mak- ing them end where they meet the free- way, In a comprehensive list. of ~reasons behind their propo.sals. the~ citiuns cite several human, env:ironrnentel and finall- cial factors. Amoni them , Agee said, are: -The proposed' Fifth A.venue overpua as p-oposed would rise 233 feet aboV1 sea level, plicing a massive Concrete structure higher Ulan nearby grade level. thus. it would destroy the view of many residents. -The access road , tO the freeway would be better in Buck Gully, becawt it coukl s~ve Shorecliffs. Cameo Shores. Cameo Hi&hlands and the proiiosed 11'-' vine Compafty developments downcocu;t. IS.. PETn'ION, Pap 2) . I l(opechne Autopsy Nixed ' K'!nnedy 'Gra te ful for Parents' Sake' .... <WILKES.BARRE. Pa . fUPI) -A county judge today refu sed .a request from Massachusetts authorities for an autopsy on· the body of Mary Jo Kopechne. who died la.st summer when an auto driven by Sen. Edward M. Ken- nedy plunged into a tidal pond. Judge Bernard J. Brominski of Lureme County said there was nothing to indicate Miss Kopechne, 28, a secretary and Ken- nedy family campaign wor~er, died by "other than asphyxi"ation by immersion." Kennedy said in Washington, "I realize how much this decision means to the Kopechne family. It increase~ iheir peace or mind and I am grateful for that. "It is now my hope that the authorities in Massachusetts will move forwai-d so that the entire matter can be concluded as soon as possible." The judge, noting the request for the autopsy had referred to blood on the vie· tim's blouse and in her mouth and nose, said "the only positive testimony a1 to these was that this evidence was who\ely consistent ·with death by drowning." The accident occurred July 18 on Chap- paquiddick Island, Mass . In a 14-page opinion, Brominski said testimony a_t a two-day hearing here last October noted discrepancies in Sen . Ken· nedy's televised account and a poli~ report or the accident. He said these ,;do not aJter the determination of the cause of deatb." The girl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kopechne of Berkeley Heights. N.J., had fought the autopsy req\lest. They told a news conference arter Brominski's ruling . they were "very pleased by the decision." · • • " t.ll"l ·T~ MARY JO'S PARj!NTS RELIEVED-AT .NEWS Joseph, Gwen Kopechne Att.r Decision County Takes New Look At Badl\amliay.8wap Plan Mrs. K.opechne, speaking ln a low voice, said "1'11 come up here very often to see my daughter. I could never have go!'~ to that cemetery (at nearby Larksvllle) U I knew It had been disturb· ed.;I:I\ be back." . . Kopecbne.. said the fact that an inquest will-bt held In )IUaathnMtt.1 into the deatll 'of hi• dauahter, ••. only ctiild, "does not disturb us. )Vt are waiting pa- lienUy for the inquest." I Slay lilgs Slmllfr Tate Deaths Connected To 2 Other Stabbings? Lp6 ANGELES (UPI) -· An in· veatigation is being conducted Into possi- ble links between the seven Tate-LaBian· ca ,tayings and the Nov. S .slabbing deaths ol two young Church of Scien- tology members. police said today . The discl05Ure came as Cbarle11 Mah!on, the pied piper of a hippie cult . acctlsed in lhe Sharon Tate-~ Biaoca kill- ings was returned here Tuesday n1ght for arraignment on seven murder chcg~. Manson. 35, v.·ho will appear in t'Ollrt Thursday, was brought from Indepen- dence, Calif., where he was~ on auto theft charge. He wore fringed buckskin cklth.ing and moccasins. · . Three MheT members of· u~ Manson family" were to be ai;r~ t.odaY1 "There is an investlpdaa,ioins on liito Stot-k M•rlcet "" NEW YORK (AP)-Thil,ltock mirkot moved low{!r in moderate ~atei tr.adinc today. <See quotations, Pages ~) .. Declining stocks increased' their mar· gin over advances to more thin 3· to 1-.. • the possible links,.. said Police Sgt. Henry CuUwn. DetectiVe Lt. Earl Deemer said the possible link was being closely in- ve!tigated. '"fhe overkill · syndrome was present in the Scit.ntologists' deaths - each kid was stabbed over 50 times - and it was present in the Tate and Lal)ianca lhµrdtn," Deemer said. SimilarlUes between the three brutal -~crimes .have physical as well 1JS philo.sophical p.arallels. D e t e ct I v e s reportedly -have been looking into cultism, particularly the paeuc».religious triht led by tile long-bairod; bearded Manson and anolher group called "The Process." ' "The Process;" an antiestablishment ,,..,P fonn,.i' fi> Loodon wtlicll has been known .to 1'Cinhlp Solan. i9 .. -ti' · flle«Chuich'ol ScientiJiogy. Investigators tiaVe been,lb'uci: db.. paral~ between ;i.· _phlliMq>lilto .and the occulU!m of Mmlon, wbl>was known to 'have dabbled in Scl...tolaO llld ·-gone on to more eecerUic cUltllin.. . The preolll\t luveaigation. •-din& to . (llel·TATE'CASE, Pop 2) Orange County Supervl~s today &greed to restudy a proposal that calls for the Irvine C'omPanJ to 1;bandoti Jt.s interest in the controv.tn.ial Upper Bly Jand swap. Supervisor Robert Batdn ls ~ author of an analysis urging the county ancf the Irvine Company to dllCard the agree- ment reached in J965 in favor of a devel- opment which would enable the county to "go it alone" on Upper Bay develop- ment. A deeply divided board finally agtet;d lo examine a 90-day study on ·the Battin proposal. Both Battin and Supervisor David Ba· ker ran Into strong opposition when they suggested that a formal approach ·~ made to the Irvine Company in the coorse of the study. Battin proposes that the COWlty pur· chase the Upper Bay islanda from the Irvine CompafO' ~at the IrVine valua- tion of $8 million. He suggests that the required funds be appropriated from revenue s created by the Dana Poin t Harbor development, the Sunset Aquati c Park development and the three-cent tax rate levied for ocean front protection. Two B52 Squads Due P ulled From Vietnam WASHINGTON (AP)-The Pentagon said today the equivaJent of two squad· rons or B5S bombers will be pulled out of the Vietnam war in coming months but no orders have: yet been issued for their redeployment. The 853 reduction is scheduled by mid· 1970 but the Pentaa:oo offered no more precl .. il!.""'b!•· TURNING SOIL -Newport City Councilman eaul Gruber, Costa Mesa Vice Malor Robert WU.on and Vin "Jorgensen, chainnan o the Hoag Memorial Hospitar Board of Directors, (from felt) partld, pate in lradlllonaJ groundbreaking txt«:ise for hos· DAl\.T tlLM' Iii,...... 1 pltal's new $2.2 mllllon power planl Wort on fl" clll(y will mark. first phase or mU!tl·mllllcin I dollar hospital expansion proaram which lncllldes 11· .-tory, 274-bed addition, " . ' Battin predicted th1t, with purcha se or the Upper Bay islanda and ei:tenaive dredging .of the l,!';ea, U. .county would h.ive 1t leut 123 atte1 of filled tkleland1 above the Pacific Coast Hlatzway wJth more than 22,000 feet « water fronta,e valued by the supervisor tJ bebtf worth at lea!lt $22 million. "This would be the re•ult Of moving the purchased land to county tidelands ror the benefit of the public rather than for the benefit of the IrVine Company," Battin safd. Doc tors Fighting To Save Sight Of Crash Victim Doctors at Hoag Memorial Hospital are fighting to Save the sight of a severely in- jured Santa Ana man who drove his car into a huge concrete pipe before midnight Tuesday in a Newport Beach construction projed. Buck James, 44, of 522 S. Broadway, Santa Ana, suffered massive eye and head injuries in the 11:45 crash at Jam- boree and San Joaquin Hills roads. Police said James drove through the in· tersection after approaching it from San Joaquin Hills tnd hit the four.foot- diameter. eight-foot-long drain pipe resting on a construction site. · The man's face was smashed lnto the stf!erlng wheel and windshield In the heavy impact. James was taken to Hoag where doc- tors im mediately tried to repair his badly damaged eyes. . He remained under intensive care and In serioUs condition t h l a morn- lng. Joseph Flanagan, the parentl' ittomey, said he was neptlatlng with an insurance contpan.y, whiab he declined to Identify, .,....rnmc ihe ~bm1y o1 n11nJ . , "wrtlqftU dtath action civil suit" for the family 's Joss. In Musachusetts, Edgartown Po!Jce Chief DomlnJc J. Arena, WhD investlga~d the accident, said "I can't really say that I'm surprised" by the ruling. He .aid he relt the judge in Edgartown was "anx- ious" to complete an inquest as soon as possible. Brominsk.i 's ruling, which climaxed a 17·week legal light over the auto~y pr°"1 posed by Massachusetts District ~ttorney Edmund S. Dinis, said "it is the con· clusion of this court that the facts presented herein are insufficient to sup. Port a find)ng of the cause of death of Mary Jo K.opechne other lban asphyx· lation by an immerslon." P ropert y Taxes Deadline Today Orange County Tax Collector Don S. Mozley reminded homeowners that today ls the deadline for first half installments on 1969·70 property taxes. Mozley sald malled payment! will be accepted without penalty if they are postmarked by midnight tonight. Over the counter paymentJ must be made by 5 p.m. when the county ornce closes, he said. Tax payment.II not made before the deadline will De assessed a penalty charge of six percent of the iruitallmcnt. llfozley said collections through Tues- day totaTied IS),867,087.19. ''Our overall collection should run to 53 percent this year," he said. "We're about on a parity with last year. It looks real good." 'l;l oag Takes First Step In Expansion Program .... Bright sunshine and a brisk bl"ef:Ul on a knoll above Newport Beach matched the dJspositlon of more than 100 support- ers or Hoag Memorial offospital's qpan- sion project 'Fuesday afternoon as ground was broken on a $2.S.m!lllon power plant. m, cer<monies. led by Horpltal Board Pn!sldtnt Vin Jorcensen, msr'ked the start of the hospital's most energeUc ex- pamlon project yet, destined. to add an: lt-slory tower to be st.atted 1n late 1970 or early 1971.. . The l":'ft'U plant will sene the entJre hc:.pita and will constitute the first phue of the $11 million redevelopment project. Soo!h Cols! Construction Comf)lny Ill Costa M"a won the contra<t to buOd the PoW•r ficfllly. 11 wm replact the <pn!sent »'ant •h!Ch lits on the 1ite ft'bert the Tift" ""'"Ill tolNr will be built. , ' • The ceremonies ,_,ere preceded by a luncheon for more than 100 v.otunters wbo will help raise $3 million under the hospi· tal"s Reach Years program, which ulll· m1ttly will provide the $13 mUllon for the hogpita.J tower project.· The 13 million wltl be '°"ght rlom the community. and the n:m;i.ining funds will be either bGrrow(d or gained lltrough pr~vtoui: donations. The tower built with the money will have etSbt floor1 or "sjngle-care-con· cepf' rooms for patients with the first three noors used for other hospital ' £unc4oos. Only 1inglt-bed rooms will occupy .the · to'i\'ff -3.1 to each noor. • '!hot ~Pl asau,res JtfO.perc<nt use ol the boop!t4l. 1 cond!Uoo whl~ ra .. ly oc' t.'llr!.Undel.the Wlfd, l:Oneepi of hoopftal: 111t1.n. .... pita, olfld•fl ioiocl. ' '' ' . ,, Fireman Gains, But Condl,tion Remains Serious Newport Beach Fire °'l>arfmen! Ba~ taikln Otief Phil Hayden remaJned in serious condition in Hoag Memorial Hospital's fuiensive care un!t today, but was showinl improvel_!lent from his auto crash injuries, aldea said. Meanwhile, Co5ta Mesa polia are com· pleting investig~Uon leading to !he ll!l!k• ing of a complaint against the 24-yeaMld Costa Mesa housewife wbo allegedly caused the crash which hurt the veteran fireman Monday afternoon. Police said they would probably seek felony hit-run: charges against Mrs. Caroline SouUlwick Horowitz, 25, of 1337 Conway Street. · She turned herself in about 1~· hours after the Newport Boulevard crash and said she was the driver of the car which jumped a center divider and hit Hayden'• car. The woman allegedly drove "'Bf three minutes after the crash. Oraaie Coast ·weather Look for a few drops of rain to- night, followed by clearing skies Thursday with temperatures still mired io the low fO'a aJong the coast. INSm E TOD~Y A .dticendant of ~apolion B9na parte fo11ond o good. Ufe in A~Tico and TOil!' to b.?c01nt at- torney QtUeml vndcr President Theodart Roottvelt. Page 13. r 1 :·15~;-1 !.~"!!~!J '• " • ........ , ... ,. .................. _.._" "' . ,, ... ,.... J4 -.... °'·.....,.... '' __ ..... ,_ .. -.... w-• .............. --.. .................. -- 1 \ ' . l DAllY PILOT • Wtd~.·OHt,,..,J.O, 19" .,., = . . • ------• FDA Chief Ley . Re·ported'. Fire~" From Win Strvlcti WASlllNGTON -Dr. Herbert L. Ley Jr. bas l>een fired as head of the food and dnll administration, Jl waa learned to-u_y. The Department Of Health, Educa· tiOlt·.nd Welfart would not'COhlment en lho-..port.'but iadlcaled the,.. would be in.: announcement later about the Food and Drug Administration, w h i c h regulates wblch foods and drugs may be oold to the plbllc .. The FDA Is an arm ol HEW. HEW Secretary Robert H. Finch wu u-i to be dlasaUsfled W1lh some .....,nt -ol the FDA illcluding ltil handling of tht eyclamates case. Cyclamates. Used ln.diet·loodl and drinD,...,. reanUy l'rot11 P"fle 1 • PETITION •.. -The use of Buck Gully would cause no dislocaUon of bOmes which wlll re.rult if the ~it>: upanded 5th AVenue. -The ·Buck Gully plan would not re- move valuable homes from tax tolls. -Right-Of.way purchase costs would be che.•per. _..;...Jsolation of unnecessary traffic would h~lp maintain the quality of the com· munity. Agee said that the d-coocepl .. woru v~ 1ffll'' In other parts ot the cdmmunlty-<>n both lidea . of Bayside ot'lve u it cull through CorOna de.I Mar. Ve said that with abandonment of plans to ezpand Fifth Avenue, other plans to use Goldenrod A venue a! a feeder to the new street would be scrap- ped, too, thus ,.ving still another street. He said the costa for buying the par· eds needed to expand the feeder strttt would amount to about $2.3 million a.Jong wjth an estimated annual loss or tax revenue in excess of $2S,OOO. He ~d that because of the negligible v~anc:y rate in Corona del Mar, dia· placed residents would have problems findin& new homes in other parta al the community. Shopping Plazas' ~pact R~ported in Laguna .. Study '!commie: !'!action to major shoPping centers ·in surrounding CORJmwilties Js E )lp In • ~. 0( the JIOW. La'1"J• ·-~nit:· tilr'cast ~piired Ii)'. el, Mann, Joh"'°" &l!dM'endenhaTI. ' South Coast Pl•se. lht! repprt staid, h~d a mlllor impact on Q>l' Ales piduro• Ir( both· Cost.a Mesa and Newport Beach, wfien it opened in 1966, but created barely a fipple in Laguna Beach. ,..; 'On the other hand, the opeolng fl Fi.shion Jsland not only affected Newport. ~. ·J>ut snerel,y jollal the Lagunef bQslness scene. ·. mteD South (:oast Ptua optnecJ in the f~ quarter Of 196e:. Costa Mesa g:tneral merchandl9e sales took A $7 million lup. But the adverse impact on Nf:wport Beach WU re!lected in declines ini Sales for both pie fourth quarter of J"8 and the first quarter ol 1967. tit measurable effect was noted in Liaunalleadl. When Fashion Island QPened in N8wport Beach, in November 1967, the sites picture in that community brighten- ed to the tune of a $6 million quarterly sales increase. But the cgmbined impact of the open- ing of Fumon Island and·the loss of Pen- ney's store. which moved to the new center, eauted a severe decline in quarterly general merchandise sales in Laguna Beach. the DMJ~1 report reveals. From an average of $250,000 a quarter between 196$ and 1167, Laguna _general merchMdise sales tumbled to under $100,000 a quarter tn 1981, ref1ecting, says the report. the drawini power of the new Newport shapping center. DAllY PllOT 01tAM01 C"l>o\11 """-IMt!rJIO COMP ANT lt"4-t N. WtH ..... '-"' ... ~l.., Jee~ JI. C.rlt"f VIII,,_... -._ ......... Tllt111•1 ll:"•il ·-n.--J., M•r,lil• ,,,.._.••lier ordered 'bannecj from u.Se on. grdunds tests showed large amounts could cause cancer in rats. Ley has betn FDA commia&io~ since mld-195& when he succeeded Dr. Jamea Goddml, Who resigned. Ley wlU !JO repll«d by Dr. Charles c. Edward11, a surgeon turned managelnent expert in medical affairs. 1lle change is the first step ln a wide· ranging shakeup planned for the FDA by Finch. At least flve other top FDA olflcials will a1lo be fired, aources said. . The agency has been criticlm:t by the industry for alle£'(1 foot-dragging on ap· proval or new drugs and medical pro· ducts ; by consumer protection advocates for allegta lax enforOement or safety laws; and by Finch for alleged in· decisi.veneis on such Issues ll!I the health threat of the •rtiflcial sweetener, ·cyclamate. · , Edwards, 46, was brought int~ the government last month as an assistant lo Dr. Roger O. Egeberg, assistant HE\V secretary for health and scientific af. fair5.. . Business Chiefs Told .of Ttl,lining Plan for Jobless More than 100 Southland business executives converged on the Newporter Inn in Newport. Buch Monday to 1Wa more about a f~eral program aimed at the hiring, .trainini .and retaini11g of the hard-core unemployed. The conference was jointlv sponsored by the National Allianee of .Businessmen and the National Anoclat.ion of Manu· fa cturers. Goal of the "iobs '70" program is the · hiring of 614,IXMI disadvantaged persons by June, 1971. Bus.iness leaders ot the program explained that it provides for the repayment by th~ federal .govern· ment to business for the expenses lnvolv· ed ln trmnlng Workers. · · · Jerbine Rotow; aAJstant 1ecretmi of labor and principal ·11peaker at tht. "man- power conference, &ald the proiram "fits neatly into the Pres1dent'a concept Ot the .Neff JP.ederan..n. lt is local and it is· ·Jll'IBJ)latic. It ·use& .exactly. the .right means -prtvat.e industry -for eza1:l· ly the right end -decent jobs for those who need them." Since the llart ol the program by· u,. Jo(~ ~.djpln)otr~~·h.,th~:Jl<ii>artma.t 'i"bor ·nu .~J,1113 .,,.1r1t11 wJlli 1 ... ,. and 1111a11 llrmi for a futal 1eacr&1 · commitment of '174 million.' ' · · Ro.ow &a.id 1ht Nixon adminiaita.Uon fs attempt.Ing to accelerate inferest in the program because it recognizes that "the chance to -get into productive em· p10)7ment 1i oae of the most important flr&t steps in breakfog the vicious cycle of personal aQ4 enVitorunental deteriora·. ti!>h-in the. ghf!ltos. •• ·. It is a cycle. he Said, that al!Ows 80!fi'e-- one living in the rat-infested, overCrowd- ed housing to escape only to garbage· strewn street• populated by pushers, pimps anJ addicts. ''This administration is convinced that the latent and unused potential or thou· s11nds of underemployed and unemployed ghetto residenU will, given more than half a chance, manifest itself best in pr1. vale industry," he declared. "We do not intend -as urged by many -to set up the government as the employer of last resorl We will rely on the private sec- tor." Santa at Home On Balboa Isle Those blonde tittle bonbons and big bronzed surfers-the Beautiful People- have been joined by a new arrival at the in-place to life . Santa Claus has moved to Balboa Ji;land, sayi; the Junior Ebell CJub of Newport Beach. Harbor Area children v;ho write to Saint Nick can address letters and wiSh· ful gift lists to him at Box 175, Balboa Island 92662, including a stamped, self· addressed envelope for a reply, That's becau se the overhead fs high at Bal. compared to the North Pole, "'hat "'ith all the swinging nightspots and those illegal parking ticket.a on the sleigh. CULT LEADER CHARLES MANSON SURROUNDED BY NEWSMEN ON ARRIVAL AT LOS ANGELES JAIL Polic. Sffking to Tie Roving Hippie B•nd With O~her Murders in Californi• Student Yule Programs Slated in Harbor Area TradiUonat Christmas programs star· ring the student.a are scheduled at each ol. the schools in Newport-Mesa Unified School District. Following ls the schedule of the Christ- mas programs by school with limes and locations. All are open to the public. Adams -7:30 p.m. Dec. 18, mu1t1pur· pose room. Balearic -7:30 p.m. Dec. 16, in the school. Bay Vjew -7 p.m. Dec. 16, multipur· pose room. Bear Street-7:30 p.m. Dec. 18, in the school. California -7:30 p.m Dec. 16 and 1:30 p.m. Dec. 17, nwltipurpo&e room . Canyon -held Tuesday night. College Park -9:30 a.m. Dec. 18, mul· tipuqx>se room. . Coron.a, dtl ~tr· Elemefttary -9:15 and 10;30 a.m. Dec. 18, auditorium. Corona del Mar Hlgb -9:45 a.m. Dec. '18. boys• ~asium. . . Ji>•ll .Meee.• lflgll -7:30 p.m. Dec. II atlQ" 18. fcifet;Hia. . . Ditvlt. lfttenDedla\e -7;30 o'clock to:; night, muJUput"J)ose rriom. En1ip Intermediate -7:30 p.m. Dec. N'e:wsletteif Hits. Haroor· Trustees On Salary Hikes ' Ntwpoft·l\fesa school board members are· sharply criticized: il'I this month's issue of a teichers' newsletter for not granting larger teacher pay increases. The newlett.tr, called The Forum, Is the publicaUon of Newport·Mesa Educa· tion Association, to which 1,0lf of the 1,220 district teachers belong. The editorial is based on a. survey N:ME:ft made of pay_ increase.! granted in other Orange County school districts last June. "The Newport.Mesa Unified School District. located in the wealthiest (and at the same time most expensive to live in) area of Orange County, gave the low· est average percentage raise of any of six reporUng Orange County u~lfied dis· tricts," reads the editorial. {Two unified districts did not respond.) "Santa Ana Unified got an average 11 .7 percent raise, Laguna Beach and Brea-Olinda got 7.S percent on the aver. age, Garden Grove Unified received a 6.4 percent booat, Orange Unirled had an average. raise of 8.3 percent, .and Newport-Mesa was lo\li-·est with 5.S per- cent on the average." The editorial says official governme nt figures supplied by the Bureau of .Labor Statistics sho\\·ed the cost of Jiving rose equal to the pay raise -5.S percent from September, 1968 to September, 1969, meaning tea chers made no gain in buyi ng power. School Board President Mrs. t\1arian Bergeson said she has not yet read The Forum so coukl not comment. 11. the gymnasium. Estancia High -8 p.m. Dec. 17 and 18. the forum . Harbor View -t and 1 t a.m. Dec. 19, catetorium. Harper -7:30 p.m. Dec. 16, multi· purpose room. Klllybroob: -7:30 p.m. Dec. 18, mul· tipurposc room. Llncc.ln lniermedfate -7:30 p.m. Dec. I&, caletorium. Lindbergh -7:30 p.m. Dec. 16, 10:15 and 10 :45 a.m. Dec. 19, multipurpose room . Mariners -9:30 a.m. «nd 1 p.m. Dec. 1e. cafetorium. ~lesa Verde - 7 p.m. Dec. 16 mu!U·_ purpose room . !\Jonte Vista -7 and 9 p.m. Dec. 16. In the school. Newport Elementary -9:30 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. Dec. 12, cafetorium. Newport Harbor ID1b -7:30 p.m. Dec. 17, auditorium. Ne"POrt Heights -9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Dec. 16, multipurpose room . Paalarino -7:30 p.m. Dec 16 and 17, multipurpose rodm. · · Pomoaa -1~ao p.m. Dec. 18. multi- purpo&e room . _ Presidf.e -7 p.l'fl . Dec. 17, Davis School multipur)>Ol!ie rootn. Rhea tntennedlate -7 p.m. Dec. IS, multipurpose room. Sonora -held Tuesday night. TeWlnkle Intermediate -7:30 p.m. Dec. 17 and 18, Boswell Hall. Victoria -7 p.m. Dec. 16, multipur· pose room. Whittler -7 p.m. Dec. 16, in the school. Wilson - 7 p.m. Dec. 11, multlpurpD6e room. Woodland -7:30 p.m. Dec. 16, multi· purpose room. l'rom Pflfle 1 TATE CASE. • • Deemer. enc.ompuses the three crimes, but auth<iities ·were reportedly l_ooking into links 1o lwo otber unsOJved slayings, termed ....._iess, In the Loo Ancelet area aince the beginning of the year. The b0die1· ol James Slw:p, 15 ond Doreen Gaul, 11. both .....,.t r'11denta ol the Los Angele5 area, were found in an alley Nov. S. The young Scientologi1l! had i-. repeatedly slabbed. Deemer noted these similarities : -Miss Gaul "and Sharp lived about two miles alrom where wealthy grocer Leno LaBianca and his wife were stabbed to death Aug. 10. -The seven Tate-La Bianca slayings and the stabbing deaths of the young man and woman were apparently without motive. · -All but one of the seven victims in August were stabbed u .,.,"fll"t ~fiss Gaul ond Sharp. Deemer said investigator; also were checking into a possible link betWun the Manson group and the death Jan. 1 of Marin Habe, 17, daughter of screenr.ith- Hans Habe. Her body was found on a brush-covered 'lope in the Hollywood Hills. She had been stabbed. Farm.Group Delegates Rej~ct Cotton A'ppeal ' . ·WASHINGTON (UPI) -Delega tes to the American Farm Bureau Federation ( AFBF) convention today .rejected a southern appeal for comprQlllise and decided to reendorse their demand for a phase-out of government controls and subsidies on majcr crops. , Southerners, led by Harold "F. Ohlen· dorf, president of the Arkansas Fann Bureau, asked the AFBF naUQnaJ con· \'tntion to adopt a resoluUon taking cotton off the list of crops to be covered by the AFBF "pha1e-out" prO~sal. • Upper Bay Slii Zone Under Fire Opposition to Orange County Harbor District plans to restore the Uppei' New· port. Bay ski zone arose tOOay in a letter- urgin_g the Army Corps of F.nglneers nol lo grant a dredgiMg permlt. P.frs. Cc:rinne Babb, ~ Via Mar ina, Newpert Beach, a staunch eonservatlon- ist and opponent ol the Back Bay land exchange, urged the corps to withhold a dred&ing permit for the $150,000 restor· a ti on. She cited poS!lble damage to the bay's ecology, if the storm-<lamaged sk.i wne were to be restored. "It seems foolish to spend money which, ultimately, might be destjned to se·rve as . a wildlife preserve," she said. Mrs. Babb, wife of UC Irvine Profes- sor Howard Babb, said the January and February floods which silted up the ski zone caused modera te da mage to l\'ildlife of the estuary. "It seems unwise to disturb the bay a secMd Lime so soon after the original damage by the floCKls." she said. She also cited an apparent deteriora· tion of water quality in the bay. She aafd the dredging would aggravate the C1>n· diUon. The permit la being sought for the dredging of about 250,IXMI cubic. yards of sill deposited by the torrential rains la.91 winter The dredge tailings would· be dumped at the mouth ol llic·Canyoo, which emp- ties into the bay. , In order for the district to receive federal dl,.ster reliel funds, the project must be completecf by Jan. 21, 1970. . A contract award is pending on the: job. Only the Corps approval is lef\ &:efore the restoration ·could begin. . County Turns Back on Cab Service Gripe Objections by .the City or Newport Beach to the Tustin Cab Company'• ex.- elusive Orange County Airport service were quickly driven from the hearing room TuP.Sday by a united Orange Col1nt.)' Board of · Supervisors. The board was asked by the city ~ look again at awarding of the airport franchise to_ ~ TUstin company io the light of what it said was an adver9e ef• feet on bie operalions of the Yellow Cab Company in N~wport Beach, Costa Mesa and .Fbuntain Valley. , Supervisors "·ere reminded that only Tustin cabs could respond to calls ff'Om the airj>or1 and that Yellow Cab dtiVers \\'ere limited to fare traffic to th~ air- port It has meant. the board was told. 111 general lowering ol the service level { ol Yellow Cab) in the three listed commu- nities," The board refused to consider any re. vision in the franchise uiltil tm one-yeai: agreement comes up for examinaf.ion next June 10. 1be ruling was unanimous. ~. , J1r•M.• f, Cortl111 --a~----'211 w ..... ,'-a..i.. ... Man Fights Death 0 OMEGA M•l .. ~P.0 .... 1171.tJW. --c:.. ... : -"""" ..., """' '-"'"" ~· m ,.,.... •- MWlllll!fllll tucfl1 .. *" '"'"' Lay in Orange Grove Six Days Docton at Orange COunty ?.1edlca1 Center today 11Ull llsled as crilical the condition of a Buena Park man who ap- JU!lrtntly lay ·do"'"' in ·a Yorba Linda oranae grove and didn't move for six d'~' . The man. 'l>anlel llllflson Ken~ ol 71U' Stanton Ave.., was found in Ult" lf'O\'C Saturday by Orange County deputy sherJlls. H~ nlll\°ll<f8 dmrlbed blm at t11o .ume ee "not dud, b>.it nearly so." Kent has been placed In tile lntemlve clrt unit at the hospltaJ where doctor1 Ill' he la suUorlng from a lun1 aliment and !act ol pulse In his lowtr Jett leg. r 1 :Q,o<tor• llld K111l 172~in In tile """ poa1tkm .. tor at lttit , or loot. dl:Ja, pe!!laps sll'." 'llln WI hll body WBI -!'?'!'Iii! ·w!JJI~~ 1NI 11\!ded the.re were no indications or foul play, nor any appartnt medical reason for Kent's aC1 kln . Ktnl was rtlt!&std for a weekend J>aMI from the VA hospital In Lone Beach Nov. ll. He Ir.ft his home that day ie buy a pack of rtgarettes but did not return. On Dec. 3 Kent's wife reported her hus· b~nd mi,slng to the Butfll Park polla:. "!be .. me day, depuly sherllfs fou!ld the pickup truck Kent had bttn drl,in1 on fmperlal Hl1hw~ near Eu1"ka Aven ue in the Yorba Linda area When ahe recel'"id malltci'"'nWce that her hmbind'1 vehicle bed been Im· Jllllll"le!I, 'lo!n. Kent also filed a miulng persona· reoori wlUi lhe Orlill• COun ly !Sbltte)• .. q{Qce~.·~ ··1."' ' CONVENIENT TERMS All N.A.s.A. 11tron1ut1, alnct tM IPICI P.roilrt"' b.fSltl'I, have worn Omega watehu on !heir wrists. Orcl ln•ry, every day Jewelry •tort Om1g1 Speedmaaler chronographs. The kind an yone can buy, Every Orne;t:, whether fOf 1n 11tronau1 or convenlionaJ \Yetr, ls ml da lo the mo1t exacllng 1t1r1dllrdt to 111ure utmoat depend&biOty. We're proud to be an aut horized Omeg11 detter becauM lhty m1llt tha best watcties in !his "·-:r1~. rr t""ly other. · 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION BANKAMERICARO MASIER CHARGE J. C. fiu1n1:Jhrie ~ JeweferJ llJl NEWPORT AV1NUE COSTA MESA ~ONE S41.l401 ' • • ' • . ' . • I ' [ i I I 1 I I -----.,......,,....-......,--~-~~~~-~·-> ~-~----------~---...-------~. ~~-·---------- . . QUEENIE. . •• • House Cuts, Clears ~ oreign Aid Bill WASHING TON· (AP) -The amallest U.S. foreign aid pack· age ;11ince World War JI has paasec1· the House a11:d ls head- ed for a Senate confrontation ovfr military aid kt' Nation- alist China and South Korea. The $1.6 billion global as· sistance bill, which falls $1 billion· short cf the amount asked by President Nixon, is the lowest since the program began with the Marshall Plan for European recovery in l!HI and reached a $7.49 billion peak in I951J.51. Last year's foreign aid appropriation was $1,75 'billion . 'I!ui:isday; contains a hotly dis· puled' $5-f.5 million to furnlsh fighter planes for Nationalist China, $50 million in special military aid for Sooth Korea and a provision added· at the last minute that bars aid to countries trading wilh Com- munist China. Sen. J. W. Fulbright. chair· man of the ·Senate Foreign Relations Conµnittee, is ex- pected to force a floor fight on the appropriations· bill. HiJ committee Monday approved an authorization bill express- ly bannlng the $104.5 million for the Asian allies. . 'rhe measure, approved 200- 195 in a night House vote .-'Beckett Mine Worker Absent F°J'.om ,, ,. ' .. Nobel Rires Boss Oaims Big . Victory srOGKHoLM cuP1> -Irish 8.uthor ?Samuel BeCbtt went WASHINGTON !AP) -into hiding when !Old be had United Mine \V!lfkers Presi.; .. w~ ·the ~. N~,frize for · dent"·W. A. J•TonY" Boyle, in:-literature •. T!)da~ t.Jl! mad~ voking the spirit of the late g9Q(i nis ,P~f&~~ a~ay John . L. Lewi$, claimed a !~om the pr. e 1eJr'tat1 on mwbing re-election victory ceremony. today over Joseph_ A •. It was four days after the Yablmaki in the u n i·o n 's Oct. 23 ~t cl his greatest tntefnal battle In award that Beckett oonsented nurly half a century. to comment on it at aJl. "I am "'111e. greatest man that ever not gratefµt1" sai~ tbe 63-year· ilel<iided labor In thi• country, old playwright·novellst "'-' John L. /Lewis. my mentor. best-known WOl'.'k. ~ ,the. 1954 ftlected me: he didn't' select play "Waiting far µodot." and train my opponent in the King Gustav , VJ A Cf o t f responsibility of running this presented the '72,5QO Nobel union." Boyle ~aid in cr~ditJ.ng prize; for me4id~ literature, hi.s victory to the loyalty of the physics and .economics in nation's coal miners to the Stockholm's Concert Hall. Jn · memory of Lewis. · Oslo, the Peace Prize went to But Yablonski, a. 27·year the · tntemati~. Labor .. member of the 1O0, 0 0 0 • Organization (!LO) for ita member u n i on ' s executive work in developi,ig· nations. b;oard. refused to . concede Beckett, w ho ' ttudiousty despite Boyle's report that he avoids the limelight, lives in polled· some 73,000 votes to Paris but keeps to himself to 40,(0) for his opponent. tbe extent that only his ··'They can go to hell. I'm piiblisher. Jerome Lindon. and tonceding to nobody. I'm con-.his closest friends ·know his eeding nothing," the 59-year-address. Lindon accepted hi! old Yablonski said in a prize today. telephone . interview from bis ho!Ds:aCl.-nJe;Pa. : . lf"S'EXtT- lOR THEM ., . 006 ANGF;LES CAP) - Wild critters who wander into tije·. big city won't face an ~ tulure or untlmely detnlllei here anymore. They'll . be tent home in sty le -by helicopter. The wild ·miture!. such as bt raccoons and baby .deer., win be tr~ via copter t.o remote areas. of ~gelea National Forest for · mtt- tJement. About 1,200 anlm1ls a year will be Involved.• oia: it~man ' ;, . . . . , \.·· 'I . ' RitimFqmtd : ROME. IAP) ~wortm digging a,fouo4ati•1-·dl . millionair~ • J .. · Paul \. Getty's caSUe uncovtnld ..; 1 n .-un-, derground ""'1ttay clalinl baclt 10 the Rmuan.,Emplre. Archeologists said today it may be the most .tmportant such find .In !he ~· area In years. The tombs"'''lre' deeel'lted With ornate co~Ds, Veaaell, weapons, jewels 11111 ~· 'Ibey ate In tOeVetal ·-· C<l!lllOded by dee!><lug cor-. ~·-. ' i lUUIS. , • -•• ' .. n. ••1scllM ·P11 ... " ..- Ce11fin1nla/ Cocliai/ 2'an611nl · D•ncin9, Music by Eddi• Fr•m•n Gr0up eo .. p11........, J.01 • .;, ~" 1oor: ,,._ E..y r-. Im Sa1. 5•1o B ,. .... j ' ., . . I · W•sd.11. ,Dtetmbof,10,.1.969 .. ~.. -a ' a -~ C =E ·~ id.Ji\T "":-1~· ·..., .. , ,·j -.~:1.L~~ -I "~~~. .. • . ' . . crinkled. pa~t bags ... en~!llcled t~immings . r •. I Slioul~ ~· Duffie ~· Iii spukling crinkled patent. Wb&t great trim. It's gli<tening ensmel..o.shing . color combinati90s: Honey. white, red, ••"1· yellow, black. By >i.ltlna.s. Shoulder bag 31.00, duffle 33.00 · may ro·l\aodbags 26 .. ' . . •· . .. ' • • . . • ' •' .. ' ' ,_..,, . , .. _/,. 'j !:11, ... .. t Jill her stodlliig::Ptith preµy; purse :i.)C'esspiies '· ;t1.ll~po;,..::~ mfke effi. • < !,1!../t '~L --·.· · ' ' "'l cl ..c • . ""'r1-US)'• ""°"""•I Cl.Uy·., •= . ·, •. wi!b-a~ ~a,,peii ... aod.qioie inside. . or i haiidy,aedit card· holder, wallet • · ·or kty ·cW. Black; r<d, brown, gt<On, gold, hone. By Baronet. 5.QO · · .i.;.co . .;.i.ir;i•p,&.i~ . ··: ' . '· '. ' . , . . . • ' • • ~ /! • '>' . · . ', .uzzy sweaters.;· arc ruce • ». a'.nd come in pr~tty colors •I ''tJ • soii;; inu'ggly ·-~ .With ju.t enousli fuzz to mm thm,. feel extra nice. I!leodtd of latnlinroo~ aiigbr;, and -ribbit' s 'liait. In aqua, lil..:, pink, . 4"'"' · ytllow, puzple, blldc, 111d wliite;• ;640, Prom ·a gioup: 11.00 ' ,. f • ' • • aiay en boulevud •poctsw.U 16 ' . ~, ,. . ' .. , . . . . . .~ . > I I ~ .. ' ' -··':.~' .1 •• .,.. ' . . every kind of shirt .. '. for every. kind .of girl' ·, ! ,. .,,.. . .. I . . . . Every girl we know wants: abilts" ancl 1more shirts. To wear just about an~e."IVc-sbooi'· you just ·ooe from our 'wbo~,collection. PwB 1birts. Not·!<>plain shirts. ·c:,epes and • ...,,. rue labria. Come see them, all. ·s1y1e · sliawD · comes in whit<, g;,1a, light blUe, pink, beige rolon in sizes ;o through ;6. 13.00 :may m ampm oliop 4l . ' may co ~ta,~esa .willhe open sunday·from llOfn 'til 5 p.m. Shop .. Every merchan~ department and the restali.rant~will he open to . sundays from now 'tµ ~tmas. make. your gift sijopPing easier. ,. J may co south c:oest pl1~1. sen diego fwy at bristol, c:o~te m'esa; 546-9321 shop mondey-thru 1eilllday I 0 a.m. to 9:30 ,p.m., ·1und~ noon· 'Iii 5 p.m. . " .. .,,. • ••.• -J I ' • .. ...... . .. ' I ···• , .. , .. . . .. ••• • • ' I ( ' '(:__! _ _. -DAD.Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE -· Time Some 8,500 homes in the Newport-Mesa Unllled School District we"""1ailed quesUonnaires on sex edu- cation this week. The Newport Harbor Cl)amber of Commerce, after consulting with school o!fidals, l'repared the questions and paid ror the prtntine and mailing of the material. The cbamber's effort, under the direction of Edu· cation Commit~ Chalnnan Dr. Nolan Frizzelle , is a notable pubUc service. It ls a project that might well be shared by the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. Cc>pies of the Newport chamber's questioMaire went to Newport Beach parents ooly. The Costa Mesa chamber should consider thoughtfully the possibili'ly of providing Costa Mesa parents with the same opportu .. nity to bidicate their views on the subject, the interest in which certainly doesn't stop at the Newport city line: Newport parents receiving the questionnaires this week are those whose children are in the 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th grades -a good sampling, in other words, ol those most concerned with th! issue. Dr. Frizzelle and his committee membe-rs have been studying the problem& and advantages of sex ed· ucation in public schools for the past eight months. 'Ibey have heard from many experts on both sides o( the subject. Now they want to hear from the public. The responses to the questioMaires will De care- fully considered by the chamber before -and if -it makes a recommendation to the school district. And school officials will moat certainly consider the re- 1ponus before they take anctioo on sucb instruction. They Never Speak Well of Each Other DUBLIN -This is IUI'ely one hell of a town to be a suceess in. This is especially true if you are. a literary bloke which ts the only kind of succes& that is really respected here. The lrlsh, Dr. Jobn!on well remarked. are a very Jairminded people: They never speak well of each olhe.r. . To be a success in this c00ntry 1s lo be 1 target, a target for the most gifred and malicious tonaua jn Christendom. One remembers Shaw on Oscar Wilde: "He had no enemies, but wa1 distinctive- ly disliked by his friends." AND WU..DE, WHEN asked if he knew bis fellow Irishman, George Moore: "Do I know him, is it? Yes, I know him so well 1 have not spoken to him for 10 years." And George Moore, on his fellow· Irishman Oscar Wilde: "Wilde paraphrased and inverted t1'!e witticisms and epigrams of others. His method of literary piracy was on \he lines of. the robber Cacus, who dragged stolen cows backward by the tails Into his cavern so that their boofprlnts might not lead to detection." A Dublin lady, Sarah Purser. aboot George Moore's confeuioo books. "The Confessions of a Young Man" and .. Memoirs of My Dead Life:" .. SOME !\JEN KISS and le.II; Moore tells but doesn 't kiss." When James Joyce died In 1941 a lea.dine Dublin Dally, The t r i s h Independent, had these kind words: "He died in Zurich early this year. bav· lng in ttie time between reviled the religion in which he had been brought up and fouled the nut which was his native city." James Jayce said to the Celtic Shakespeare, William Butler Y~ats, on the occasion of the latter's 40th birthday : "We have met too late, Mr. Yeals, you are too old to be influenced by me." AND GEORGE RUSSELL, who wrote lovely poetry under the name AE, cer. tainly had Dublin In mind when he defin· ed a Jtterary movement as "five or six people who live in the same town and hate each other." Dear Gloomy Gus: If you need to license a monkey In. Newport Beach, you ouglita 11· cerise your brother too. -Jon of the Jungle ,,.., ... ,,,. r.llllch rtMen' 'tl!i-"°' -tf'I' "'"'9 9f tlle 1"W_."'· SeM .,.., "' """" ,_ OIMm'I' 011 ... D•llY 1"1 .. 1. To get the informal op1n10t1 of one gifted Dubliner on this matter J sought out my friend Ulick O'Connor_ Ulick is what you might Call a success -with the result that half of Dublin hates his guta, and the other half thinks the sun rises and sets on him. Ulick is 39. He has a head like an lvy· League devil. Vogue once said he was "the Irishman with a tongue like a silver razor." RE IS A BARRISTER, raconteur, bon viveur, pol!!t and reader of poetry to ladies clubs in the U.S.; biographer of Oliver St. John Gogerty, and a playwright. He bas been Irish pole.vault record holder, British UntversiUes welterweight boxing Champion and a senior Club Rug. by footballer. When in New York. he hangs out at the posh Racquet Club. Hi is also one ot the best-known men in Dublin, due to a series of controversial appear· ance5 on Irish Televili.on which have made him known in some quarters as the "Johnny Carson of Ireland.'' HE SAT WITH l\lE In the recepUon rooms of the Royal Hibernian Hotel the other morning, and over coff'e began to ruminate on the fate of the Dubliner who rises above the crowd. He spoke with the deliberateness of a man who has 1one the route. "In the first place, you may never discuss the problem of success In Dublin without reminding yourself of what that gifled old Kraut Goethe said a century and a half ago. He said that 'the Irish always pull down a noble stag.• "This has been their history. It will continue. to be their history. The Irish have a great feeli ng for the fellow who is going to write the greatest book ever written by an Irishman. What they can't stand Is the guy v•ho get.a off hls arse long enough to actually write the damned book, and get published.'' Abused Word: 'Relevant' 1boogbls Al Lari" The m~ abu5ed word among students Is "ttlennt .. -for they mJstakMJy lm- 1g!ne that only subje<t.< ol cumnt coo- c:em and controversy are "relevant" to modem education ; v.iltreas, true ~ance rignlfies an understand.in& or man's nature, capacltirs and llmlt.aUons, wblcti only a sound grasp of the humaniUea can iitve w. • • • R...itng alwt Brtptle S.rdol'• third (or II It fourthl ) divoroe at the q:e of 3t rem1nded me cl. K8tharine Hepburn's perceptive comment nwiy years ago: "It is the pla1n "°"*'who know about love; the bel1ltllu1 -... too buly b<lni fasclnltlna ... • • • p~ _, ...... lhal •• •h eelebrillio laid lo do IO poar1y In th •lr .,.,_.t llvta II that when a .,Ol1ht II "1lnloc onJ'OU 11 makes tt hard le< yru to ,.. 1!bal Ii acWally 10lnt m around you. • • • One ol tho beat rlllH for oepar1Un1 01ir pnJodlm !1<111 ...-evalualJan ol Olher DeOPle'& character was g1ven by l.Jc6teubcrg: "Don't judge a min by his oplnioN, but by what hls opinions have made hlm." • • • Wllol ... call "l!IObbery"' IJ lftJ a manl!estalloo ol thooe at the 1JOC!al top than oC those who desperately upire to ft; the vuy word comes from the Laun lag, sine nobllitatA!, meanina "laciclng In nobility . ., • • • N"m<ty perceot ol th< human race 11 vi<:limiud by the othe< 10 pe=nt: 11111 ts equally true uad.-any 171t<m yOI cltvla- ed by man, no matter whit name ft usumes, or what creed it prof~es. • • • Wt may berlle our pollUd.w for being hypocrit<s. but ewer the long pull It has betl'I I.be alncere onn who have done the deepest and m""t permanent cllm11e. to Answer It ls !or that reason that every parent who receives the questionnaire should take the time to reply. Tho respoiues wUl be anonymous. Eacb questionnaire Is color-<!oded tor the purpooe of ldentitying the school the parent's cbUd atteads. That ia the only ldemiflcatlon cllamber and 1cbool district officials consider nee ... aary. "This survey(.' says Mrs. William Meson, a mem- ber of Dr. Flizzeue's committee, "will provide us with soli d information on how the community feels about the issue." That ia true -but ooly if a substantial number of parents respond to the questionnaires. Otherwise, the results will not be suificiently valid. Those who feel strongly negative about subjects of controversy always make themselves beard. Their respomes are ~sured. It iS the views of the "silenlmajorlty" the chamber ts now seeking. i The questions themselves are pretty (rank, and in aome cases, wide.ranging. Among them: ~ ' -Do you believe your children need iMtruction in seiual anatomy and behavior, venereal disease. drugs. smoking, drinking and similar family health problems beyO!ld inlJtruction presenUy available to them? ' -should the instruction be coeducational? -Do you belleve tllat If schools become involved in this type of education it will lead to promiscuity? Thousands of answers to those questions and othen should help light the way for school authorities as they •eek to find -and meet -the needs of the public they serve. 'Goodneu. We don.'t wan.t tolmilk our sacred cow W-,.' !Nl Not De(lf, Dumb or Blind Proud to Be • Ill To the Editor: So Elaine llan>Jnl !Mailbox, Nov. 20) thinks the "'Silent Majority" is deaf, dumb and blind. We hear the voices· of hate, violence. disrespect for God, our country and ita leaders, Is it "dumb" to believe in God, to honor our fiag:, to uphold our Pre&i· dent, to be loyal American citiiena? WE ARE NOT AS "blind" as might be thought. to s~ents· being indoctrinated by Communlil teachers and gym· pathizers. The reason more hasn't been heard from the "Silent Majority" ta because we just happen to be very busy working for a Jiving, paying taxes thlt help provide the nonworkera (klndtlt word 1 can think oil with m111Y llrlvlllca" they haven't Urned for themselves, IUCb as police and fire protection, educ1Uon and especially weUare. 111AYBE SOrtlEONE can tell us how or who financed the 40,000 people in the pro- test march on Washington. r am proud to be part of a "Silent Ma· jority"' that has had its fill ol IMlChy and which has produced two or1aniza. tions -VIVA and TIRED. VIRGINIA METZGER Chlropractor• TO Ille Ed ltoro Dr. Norman Nixon's column attactin& chiropractors hu a ring ol conviction to it, and yet if they. re.ally are frauds why is it that the public is not protected from them -at 1eut in the form of governmental warning as in the ca5e of eyclamates, smoking and narcotics? Maybe there's $0tne money changing bands in the lobbies. somewhere In the standard manner of poliUca these days. If honest and courageous people can be found to conduct one, bow about an In- vestigation? CHARLES BLAKE In Acrord Witli l\'f.¥0tl To the Editor : Mrs. Vanderbilt and I wish to npreu our appreciation for the recent article In the DAILY PILOT by Norman Nixon, M. D. dealing with "chiropractic." We are entirely in accord with Dr. Nil:• on's vie'A'J)Oint, and feel that the public should be warned or the dangers in-volved. Thank you for printing this article . DONALD B. VANDERBILT ForeUlflr~d To the Editor: f\1y congratulations to your paptr for ruMlng that tine article by Dr. Norman Nixon on chiropractics. People are certainly enUUed to know the fac~ and thm be forewarned. Thank you! EDITH WATSOr! Oregon'• Be-ltes To the Ed itor: . On December I oot of your Ila!! ~--811 Gffr9e ---1 Dear George : lo the papar )'Oil said you hod a solutJon to all or llle'• big problem• if readers would just fill out the coupon 1t the bottom ol the col· umn. There wasn't any coupon at the bottom of the column. ANNOYED Dear Annoyed: I'm a big problem man. Don't bother me with detalll likc that, Lettera from reader1 are welcome. Normally writers should convey their mts!age1 iti 300 word.s or le!s. The right to condenst letters to /ft space or eliminate libel it reserved. All let· ters must include signature and mail· fftg address, but 11a11W!1 may b1 'With.- held on re quest if sufficitnt rea.son U tiprrent. Poetry will not be pub· lish< . • • ~wrote about the aocNS to Ille bia\Chet ln .Callfomla and mentioned the fact thal they -. waltin& for a ruling from the llupreme Courts ol Oregon and CaUfornlL I don't know anything about the California Jaws but I lived most of my life ln Oregon and for IS years my home Wll right on the beach at Se~ide. I had no more right to that beach thin anybody elae aa many years ago the then Gov. Oswald West ol Oregon got a bill passed that transferred all beaches to the .state Bureau of Public Roads. THAT IS THE law up the.re and anybody coo 1•t to thooe beaches at any time and any piece according to this law. I IU&lesl your writer check on tht Oregon laws. Slll'lly what they do here ln California Is a crime to the public interesl.! but if you have supervisors who will give away the r!Chll of the publk: to the beaches I feel it ls lime for a change eomeplace. Thia Salt Creek deal is certainly a tragedy and somebody must have gained something besides this large corporation and 1 can't Imagine any law on the books that permita this. Surely this is a miscar. rtage of JI.Slice for the public. It means nothing to me aa I live on the hill overlooking the ocean and never Ute the beach. R. B. STIGER Not lnfalllflle To the Editor: It 11 rqrettable that the press has found it necessary to take issue with Mr. Arne_w'1 recent criUcism. There is no doubt In my mind that some newspapers In thi• country Intentionally distort, slant, or mlaquote the facta. There. are some (mostly in the east} that I absolutely refuse to read Jet alone purchase. A classic example would be the Johnson • Goldwater presidential C&m· paign. There Wa!i no way Goldwater could have won after the press hung lhe "shoot from the hip" image on him. I firmly belleve the news media was the demist of Mr. Goldwater. The attitude or one of the reporters for a major tcltvlalon network while covering Interviews on the conven tion floor wu e :a: t r e m e I y notleeable. I CAN UN DERSTAND the i>tt" taking IS1Ue with ltfr. Agnew. I believe It ilo't ethical to criticize orie'1 eolleapea or profession. Jn other words, they can do no wrong. Who said the prs isn 't m. falllbl11! l belle•e Oovunor..Reagan·s answu to a reporter qutrying " tG the merit af Mr. Asne1!'1 crltid!m 11 cl-to the trnth (If It ...... knownl. HI• reply .... Iha~ for tht most part, the repor1er at the WO<kint ievtl r.ported ""'11rately. It 'l"IS alter hl.s story was submitted that it wa11 rewritten, or embellished, or modified, or misquoted or whatever ls decided by the pow@rs that be tliat the credibility gap exists. It would seem that I.he truth hurts. LOUIS H. LOVELE'M'E 'Silent Majority' Agne..,•• Tirade To the Editor: In a UPI dlspat.ch the Vatican warned that it may ban newmien who show an "Incorrect attitude" toward the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy See. Now doesn't that sound Jlke Agnew's tirade against the news media here? It appear.s to be a tlmelyJaralleJ. Accord ing to Science, two par el lines will eventually me rge into one line. Jn I.his case of similarity, the one "line" asks for the death of the free pres.s (And I don't mean the L.A. Free Press whi~h is: aemarr tically bent on destrovinl th e "~tablishment"). ~\I ~ But the above members ol the parallel are 6Pl"e.M!ons of power, for good or bad, and they want to hang onto their gains. BOTH AGNEW AND the Pope re1irt denouement if It would mean a change. These two characten could very well go down to I.he beach-and order the breakers to cease and dttlst for all the good it v.·ould do them to stifle frte speech and freedom of the pre.ss. J re<jall that the an· cient Popes had a vur bid trip on thi s subject alone, and Mr. Agnew Is not llke-- ly to revive a trend that hu always beef'! a failure. People, even the ones who support Agnew and the Pope, will alill buy neW5paper& with headlines the people want lo see, and the y will still watch the lurid TV programs which, a&aln, give them what they want. S. G. UNDINE ContinNnbm To the Editor: Are people today too busy to learn about a subject. before criticizing others? Jf Mrs. Keith Davia Jr. (Mailbox, Dec. 2) were to look up communism. lhe might !(< shocked. Weblter defines c<Jmll1Ultllrn aa "A theory or system of tbe ownen;hlp of the mean! of producUon by the com· munity, with all memben ahar1ni In the work and the producta equally." This means then ii no state, and no · central power at all. I understand thil to mean everyone ahares everythinf, and v.--e have no supertors. So who taiel away the Uny children U l.hert la no st.lite? I ~!eve that Jesua Christ wanted j11St th.is. equality not tyranny. STEVEN C. LAUBLY WtbJttr al.so dtfinti communt.rm 01 "(a.) o docCrint bo!ed on rtvolu.. tion.ary Mor.tiort iociollsm a.nd Marz. ;sm·Leninitm that ia the: official ktto- log~ of the USSR.; (b) a totolltonan 1111stt m of govtmmtnt in which a singtt a.uthoritarian po:rtu control1 statt·owncd meana o/r.oduction with the 'f1t'Oft ssect aim o establiahing a &taltltss socittu •. and (c) a final &taQt of society tn Manitt theory in which t.ht state hCl.f wfthertd awov and t err nomic got>dl art dirtrfbuttd 1quaU11." Editor Blame• tlte An1111 To th< Editor: Apporenlly ~·, fuot likt In the old da7I when the Army UMd to go out and kill oR the oquaw1 and chlld"11 Jn the hld!an vi1J.ep1 as a way of taklnc care of the Jn. dlan problem. LI. Calley and 100 -In compaey "C"' drop In on tho Vlei Colir • Local Force B1ttallon'1 home v!llqe and kill oil about JOO -.en Ind childreJI. I have 1Jwa,y1 been ubamecl about "hat we did to the lndl1n1; I am more ashamed today for what we jusl did to Ille Viel Con&. NOW TO l\IAK'! 1mtter1 worse, t bear we are golng to have separa~ justice for the: klllers. One ldnd tor the men who did the Job and another 1..-the brw wbo planned it. I understand that Lt. Ciiley and his men get the full scale inquiry, court-martial -the work s. Their superiors get a separate and small team inverrtigation to report to a very high level. I remember when Hitler planned his genocide we held him much m<re responsible than the men who acted under his orders. I BLMtE THE Army. First for the deed, then for the cover up of the men really responsible. What do we say when the private ti jailed, while his superior who gave the orders walks free? ROBERT HAYWARD Rou1tdlng of tfie Bona To the Editor: It may be of interest to you to learn that the 'aging' man. referred to by John Valterza in his article of November 29 regarding the little barque moored Jn Nel'lp(lrt Harbor, is none other than the same person who had the honor of receiv· ing a complimentary notice in the DAILY PILOT of Feb. 26, 1964. It was with a great deal of anticipation that I looked forward to a visit to the Monte Cristo for it is many years since J set foot upon the deck of a sailing lhip. and I looked forward to a seafarer's con- versation, though in the 64 year.s of absence from deep-sea sailing, I must confess I have bt much of the llcgo of the .... I NOTE IN THE Valtena arUcle that the crew that is being signed on will con· sist of inexperienced youths. l lrurt that the Monte Crislo will not be faced with even a mild hurricane that can become a hazard to even A.B. ·s of long experience under the co mmand of a master with years or experience in handling a .square.- rigger, and papen to entitle him to be in command ol a vesael and I.he lives of the mem.ben of his crew. Fortunately the present voyage, though IOmft>hat vague, does not Include the rounding of the Hom, for though there are days whe n the sun shines and the aea is Jess hoetilt, these day• are few and far between, as I can altest to in my four voyages around thiJ southernmost cape. IT WAS ON ONE of the west to e.tst roundings of the Hom that a (Ul}.rfgger, allo trying to make the rounding close on the wind, came ln collision with w:. strtk· ma: us with her solid steel cut.water four Umea before we had passed her, u she "* and fell on the high numlng sea, never to reach her home port nearer than the: Falklands'. This episode I have In. eluded in detail in a story I have written but have never publl.shed . HERBERT G. COLLIER ---- Wednesday, Dec. 10, 1969 Th< edltoriol poge of lht Daflu Pilot ntk.s to inform and itim- v.!ate rra4.e11 bv prt1tnting this M1Dtpa:pcr't opfntoru and com.- mmtarw on to¢c1 of inttrtsl a1ld llgrolfl<an<:•. br f1r011fdtno a fonun for thl eipr11don of ow uadtrl' opinfont, and by presendtlg tM dioer1r vMW- points of informed observers and ipokesmen on topica of tht c1ou. Robert N. Weed, Publisher ' -- ' I I ! I I I ' " ' ' . . · • • ·Mesa , ' Today's~ .. ... . .. . ' ' ' ' . . N.Y.;.StoeQ . . - l EDIJ ION· *-' .... U"IT...,,._ .. MARY JO'S PARENTS RELIEVED AT NEW$ Jojaph, Gwen Kopectw. After Decision . - Student Yuk Programs .Sltited in Harbor Area ,. 'Fraditional Christmas programs star· ripl· the students are schlpduled at each tl lhe ~s in Newport-Mesa Unified Scllool ~frict. F.o~g is the schedule 'tJ the Christ- ·~ams by school with times and Joe · "ill are open lo the public. ..... '1' i:ID· o.m, o.c. ll>multipur· . "'T'r."" '\ \ ' • ·~~ ... • ...... ._l>t ~ : ) ~ill.,tc -7:30.p.m. Dec. 1&, 1n the achoof. ·· · - r f'.. lly View-7 p.m. Dlt. tl,' multipur- Po&e room. · hlr.sttftt--7:JO p.m. Dec. II, in the . .. • -1:S(l"p.m Dec. 11 I nd ,1 :30 p ·~i.~ .· 17. multipurpole room. ~· -~d TU~ay nJgitt. CoUqt 'Park -9:30.a.m. Dec. 18, mul· tijlurpou room . Coraaa def Mar Elt:metttary -9: 15 and,10 :30 a.m. ~-18, auditorilJ?l. Corou del Mar Htc•--9:45'a.m. Dec. 18.-boys' IYRlnaJium. · Cotta Me11 Hi&• -7:30 p.mr Dec. 11 <l14 II. ·c"'\'ri*•• · "· . · Da•lt 11• .... te'-'7:3'1-,.'Clock to- 11ight, mu1tipurpou r~. . 'l • . lDlsl 1Mtnne41ate -7:30'p.m. ~­ II. &br 1Ymnl!ium. ~ Biiii--I p.m. Dec. 17 and U; Uil"fOf"llln. ! Jlcniir·v..., -t and 11 a.m. Dec. 19, cafetodbin .. Harper -7:30 p.m. Dec. 16. multi- P!!'l!<>St,roonl. • • KIDJ•r:ooM -'r.OO·p:m. Dec. 18, mul-. M~a'High Group °C :-:::...i1.1e -1,30 p.m. Dec. 1 1 18, caletorium. · ' DlS.. · to p Uadbera~ -7,311 p.m. Dec. !!. io ,15 r ip;RS resent a.a ·10,45 a.m. Dec. 19, m•ltiJ>ll'PO'• ' ' . room. . ... , ''nh G H · , M~n -9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Dec. ~.~ -~_.. rass arp lf.'.rifelorlum. . MJ,# Verde: -7 p.m. Dec. ti multi-, ~--~esa High .School:s dr:l(Ila pu:J::~M:_.7 and·9 p.m: Dec. 16, in de)lnttierrt will present Truman Capote's "nte ·ora.u Harp" at 8::Kl p.m. Thurs-the school. 1 day, Friday and Saturday in the.achoo) Newpo' ~ ernt~t.ary -:-. 9:30 a.m~ and I Ulfl>.'l'· Ile<: 11, eofetitillm. y~play is the~ ol 111 oocapt lrooi Newpilrt u.-IDP -7:311 p.m.Dec. tht-superficial. hste-fillei:! world to the 17' auditori~. aimplicit.ies and enoh~ ol the Newport Hetpt, -1:30 a.m. and 1:30 I Wh • • p.m. Dec. 11. mulUpUtpQist room. · orest. at was onoe Joist ~ U Pularino -7:30 p.m .. Dec It aod 17, revitalited by the 5Jl)UDds ti tbe crass multip_urpoee room. . harp. •· ' -Pomoaa--7:30 p.m. Dec. 1~, mu lti· Drama 'teacher Misl DonnJ, Kristiansen purpose room. has cast Gail Debiddle, Pit Bohon, Tim Pmldio -7 p.m. Dec. 17, Davis &:hoot Flanaga n and Allen ·Bowman· in the .. mµltipurpose: room . · • leading roles. Other.studeiiU"h) ~"'cut ltltta ~ite -·7 p.m. Dec. 16, are Concetta Lombardi: Les ,~IQMl'li ... maltiJlU1PQlle room. C~thy Werner, B"'11 Evert(i, 'llecky .s-n -.held Tuetday niibt. Fomtdt, Julie Ackels<n, MJtiJl"l.nch, Vic Tewtakle latemtedtate -7:30 p.m. Goodley, Mark Smith'ancl lllnile Homer. Dec.17 ond II, Boowell Hall. A&niSlion will CClt $1 ~tor students, Vk:tiril -7 p.m. Dec. 16, mulUpur· $1.50 for adults. · pose roam. , ---------'·'---~ '. "!lllll<r-7 p.m. Dec. 16, In the school. ·~ . WU"" - 7.p.m. Dec. 11, mWtif'll""' """.'). . . 11'--7,30 p.m. Dec •. 11, multJ. :purpoae. room. . OAANGE COJiNTY, CA(~RNIA .. ' . ' . '"'""". . .. . -WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER I 0, 1969 . . .. • l(ennedy 'Grateful for Parents' Sake' ... WILKES-BARRE. Pa. IUPl) -A county judge today refused a ~utst from ~tassa<:husetts authorities for an autopsy on the body of Mary Jo Kopechne, who died last summer when an auto driven b.Y Sen. Edward M. Ken- nedy plunged into a tidal pond . Judge Bernard J. Brom in.ski of Luzerne County said there was nothing to indic3te Miss Kopechne, 28, a secretary and Ken- nedy family campaign .,..,orker. died by .. other than asphyxiation by immer!ion." Kennedy said in Washington, ''I realize how much this decision means to the Kopectine family. It increases their peace of mind and I am grateful for that . "It Is now my hope that the authoritic5 in Massachusetts \\'ill move forward so that the entire matter can be roncliided as soon as possible." The judge, noting the request for the autopsy had referred to blood on the vie· tim's blouse and in her mouth and nose, said "the onIY positive testimony as to these was tha.t."this evidence: was wholely consistent with death by drowning." The accident occurred July 18 on Chap- paqukidick Is land, Mass. In a 14-page opinlon, ~rominski .said t.estimony at a two-clay hearing here last. October noted discrepancies in Sen. Ken· nedy's televised account and a Police rtp<rl of the accident. He said these "do not alter tht-det.erminaUon.of_the cause of death." The girl's parents, Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Kopechne of Berkeley Heights, N.J ., had foughL the autopsy request. They told a aews ronference after Bromin1k1's ruling they were "very pleased by lht decision." Mrs. Kopechne, speaking in a IQw voice. said ''I'll COIT\e up here very often lt·SM my daughter.'{ 'Could "'ver ~ave &Ant to that ' cemetery (a\ nearby Larksvillt) if I knew U. bad been di1turb- ed. I'll be back." • ~ • Kopechne said the fact that an inquest wfll be held in Masuchusetts into the death of bis ciaqhter, on only ehtld, "~s not disturb ·di. We are •a1Uoc pa- tiently for the inqUtJt." • Buried in England WlNDSOR, England (AP) -Princt3a Andrew ol Greece, the nun who lived in Buckfngham Palace, was burled at Windsor, home ot Britain'.11 monarchs, not far from the spot where ahe wu born 84 years _ago. .I . • J:osepQ Flanagan, the paren~· attorney, sa,id,llf'! wa~.negotialing with an insurance CXllTlpany, which ht declined to identify. conCeming the possibility of filing a ·~wroagfu1 death action civtrsu.it.."! fot -·the· family's loss. In ~a'ssachusetts. Edgartowp Police. Chief·Dciminic J . Arena, who investigated the accident~ said "I can't really say ttiat I'm surprised" by the ruling. He said he fel t the judge in Edgartown w"as ·"ail.I-· $85,000 Contraet iOus'' to cOmple'te an inquest· a~ soon as,. possible. _Bromi~skj'~ .111\ing,. \\'~\Ch .cllma,ted a ~7-week legll fight over Qle autop6y pro-. posed by Maasachu.wtt.. ·Dtstrtd Attorney Edmund S. Dinis, said "jt is the' con- clusion 'of this' court that the facts . ~~nted herein art insufficient lo su~ Port ·a findi ng of the cause qi death of P..fary Jo Kopechne other than asphyx- iation by an immersion." . . •. Mesa Firm Geis Pact For Oil Leak P~oject A $95.000 federal contract for develop- ment and testing of scale models of a system to contain oil spills at sea -con· ceived in the Santa Barbara Channel dis· aste r last spring -has been awarded to a Costa Mesa firm . Announcement of the grant to Atlantic Research Corporation, Missile Systems Division came · from Coogrcssman James B. Utt (R-Tustin). . Specific details of the system·s design are not being revealed at the prtsent time. "The conlract represents lhe first part of an: i.ncren\tn_tally funded ctintract for rese..-ch .and ·development of 1 heavy· Wfi&tt\' oil c0ntaiftment s)'lltem;"' say• Dick Spooner, public relations · director for ~ aerotpa~e finn. · 1"nie purjpse of such a system would be _to cqntaJn accidental on spiUage at IN ~ or in any Water. -such a Ole intjdtnt in Santa larbata,"· he 1ddtd. During a recent 1talt convention ot harbohnasters held in Ntf;J10rt Beach, the Sinta. Bartiara Harbormaster said methOds used to try to contaln the drift- ing crude oil were vlrtuaJly Useless. Floating log ~s 1imply held the petroleum goo back until it plleQ up and poured over the top. ooting a.shore to contaminate beaches and berthed yachts. He said chemicals used on the mess pooril)g to the surface fnim a fissure at the b1st of a Union Oil .Company iiea- noor v.-ell only made matters worse. Besides developing variOUJ aerospace component$ -iiuch as extremely critical switches on the Apollo moon vehicles - AtlanUc Research Corporation has en· gaged in mariUme experiments for the Navy. Newsletter Hits Harbor Trustees On Salary Hil\e.s .rt,'"· ·•' ··~l :·~ •• .,. Newport..Mesa: school board lnllnber1 are 1h11.tply crit.ieizid in thiii month's i"ue of a teachers• MWiletter for not granting larger teacher ,.y incr~. Thi nawlelter. called Tiit ForiiBJ, 'js tll< Jl"bibUon .o/ >Newport·M.,. sduof. lion AJ~lation, to which 1,014 of tJfe l.220 'diltrict teachers belong. 'Dfc . edilorial , is based on 1 -survey N-MEA made of pay in'creases granted in olher Orange County school .dliitrlcts last JlUle .. ~an Fights Death "The Newport-Mesa Unified SChool District. JOcated in the wealthiest (and at the aame time most expe"51ve to live in) area of .Orang! County, gave the !OW• est average percentage riise of afty at six reporting Orange County unUled dis- tricts," reads the editorial. (Two unified dlstrict1 did not reiporid.) "Santa Ana Unified · got an -verage 11.7 percent ·raise, Laguna Beach aM Brea-Olinda got 7.8 percent on the aver- age. Garden GrOve Unified received a 6.4 percent boost, Orange Unified had an avera.1e raiSe of 1.3 perecnt, iind Newport-Mesa was lowest with S.5 per- cent on the average." .Lay in Orange Grove Six Days Doctors at Oranle County Medical Center today still llsttd as critica1 the rondltion of a Buena Park man who ap- parently Jay down in a Yorba Linda orange grove and didn 'l move for six days. The man , Daniel Harrison Kent , of 7tS2 Stanton Ave., was found in the grove Saturday by Orange County deputy sherUfs. His rescuen described ·him at the time as ''not dead, but nearly so." Kent has been placed in the intensive care Unit at the hospital where · doctor ii SI)' ht is 1ullering fl'1>m a Jung ailment and lack ol. pulae ln his lower Jen leg. Doctors Yid Kent had lain in the same pOl)Uon "for at lust three or four day1, · per'tllJll six.'.' 'Ibey said his body wa1 oovered wiUt Open• wounds. but added there were no lndtcaUOOs of foul play , nor any apparent medical reason for Kent's action. . Kent was relea.std for a weekend pass from the VA hospttal·tn Long Beach Nov. 30. He 1tft fus ~ that day to buy a pack of cigarettes but did not return. On Dec. 3 Kent's wife reported her hus- band missing to the Buena Park police, The same day, deputy sheriff Ii found the pickup truck Kent had been driving on ln1perial Highway near Eureka Avenue in tht Yorba Linda area When she received mailed notice that her husband's veh.icle had been im- pounded, Mrs. Kent also filed a missing persons report with the Orange County Sheriff's office. The editorial says official government figures supplied by the Bureau of Labor Stallstica showed the Coal of living rose equal to the pay ralR -S.5 percen t from September, 1968 to September, 1969, meaning teachers made no gain in' buying pow·er. School Board President Mrs. Afarian Bergeson said she ha s nol yet read The Forum so could not comment. TEN CENTS N. ·a .. 'IXe ~.: 1"1""T ...... WON'T BE IXHUMED M•ry J~ Kopochno Fireman Gains; But Conditwn. Remains Seri.om N<W]>Ort Beach F~e Department Bat. talion Chief Phil Hayden remained in serious cenditlon in Hoa1 Memorial Hospital'! intenslve··cani untt lQd~. but was showing lmprov!f11..enl (t.onl hla suto craol>, injuri1f,, pil\U' lfld. ~ ., , . Meanwhile, Costa Mes.a police-ari: cOm· pleting ipvestla:aUon Je~in1 \Q,.~ ~k· ing of ~ romplilint .ajaiilst '~e 24.Jear-old COiti Meso · hou!<Wife who allegldly ~the er.sh, wtUch hon-the v~an ~~·~~Wo!lably:_ fe!O!:'Y / hit-ftin1. :~ ap.lnst ~Mrs. Carolllie Southwil:k HOrowtli, 15, ·or 1337 Conwl't strfft. · · · : She turned htrseff in' about I\\ boon after the ~ewpon Boult vard cmb. M1d sa·ld. she was :the driver of the cm::' which jum~. a cehter divider ·and hi,t H.afden'• car. The· woman all.egedly dtove awa:y thr~ minutes after the crash. · Property · Taxes Deadline T:oday · Orange County Tax Colfector DOn · 8. Mozley re minded homeowners that today is the deadline (or first hall installments on 111159-70 property.taxes. · Mozley ,said mailed payments will .be accepted without Penalty if they are postmarked by. midnight 'tonight. Over the counter payment! must be m11dt by S p.m. when the county office closes,' ht said. . .'. Tax payments not made before, the deadline will be usessed a penalty charge of Six perceOt of the in1t.all menl. P..tozley said coUeclions through 'Tuea- day totalled . $80,867 ,037.Jt. "OUr overa ll collection iihould (Un to U percent this year," ht said. "We're about on a parity with la at year. It looks real good." . INSIDE TOD,\ 1(, . :A,, dt1cendont of Napoleott !b114Parte JoUnd o good life in AMtrico and rose to become ' at· Wrntll g~ntral undu President TMOd«e Roosevelt. PQJJ1 JJ. . ' . . ' . ___ , Police Investigate Link s In Stabbings, Tate Case ·:C:.., 15 . ";' ·C:HRISTf4As ._,., ............ ..., • MiltMI ........ .. ..... L flt..n 4, I. I 'Or ... ~ ,, a .. -. ... °"'· ....... Nflfl l t ---·-. --·-. ·--,. --.. ......... ,._~ .. : ' LOS ANGELES (UPI) .;.... ~n In· vetllplllln la 'belnc dJOdllCW! into ;...~ bit Hnki between ·the ff'Yen Ta'te-Lsittlan· ca slaytnp and the Nov. S stabbing de.at& of two young Church of Scien· lology members, police said today. ™ di9clo.sure came as Oharle11 MBnlOn, Ult pied piper of a htpp;e cult accuHd in the Sharon Tate-La Bi1nt.1 kill- ings wu ~ here Tuesday night for arraJ&nment on 1even murder charge1. Manaod, 35, who will appear in court Thursday, wu: brou1ht from lnd epen- denct1 Calif., where. ht was htkS on aut.o theft charge. He wore fringed buc)l:1kln <:lothl.n1 and moccasint. Three other mernbet1 or "the ManJOn ... family" were lll be arraigned today. "Theft 11 an inveJtia:ation ioing on into the Possible lin)l:s," said -poflce Sgt. Henry Cullum. Oct~cUvc Lt. Earl Deemer said thfl J>OSSible link was being cloeely in- vesti1ated . "The overkill syndrome was present in the Scientologist.s' deaths - each kid was stabbed over 50 Umes - And it was present in the Tate and LaBianca murders," Deemer .said. Similarities between the three brutal crimes have physk:al as well a1 philosophical peranei.. D e t e'c t l ' e 11 reportedly 'ha ve been kloklna into cultbm. particolarty the peeuck>-rt\igious (Ste TATS CASE, P•p It . ~ ..... • • • ~ 1. cu~ T Ll.CDllt CHAR\. IS MANSON SURltdUNOED IY NEWSMI N'DN'ARR IVAL AT t 0$ ANO I LI SJAll · Pollet S..klnt fo Tio ~lnt Hipple land With Other Murder.a In Callfomla t ~' I • i I --.. z DAJ\.f PIUT e ' Macia Dissatisfied . " <" f ' FDA Chief Ley Reported ·Fired From Wire Scnk:ta WAStnNOTON -Dr. Herbert L. Ley Jr. hu betn flred as head of the food and dru& admlnJstrallon, it was ·learned to- day. The Department of Health, Educa· lion and WeUare would not comment on the report, but indicated thm would be New Welfare Panel Finally Wins Okay . It toot tl'iero two ydn to comply with • -.. regulat!on but· c!range C<>unt1 1upervlson finalli got around to it Tues· 1 day when they approved the creation of a FamUy and Children's Services Advllory Committee. Welfare Director Granville Peopl~ got board becking for the program which will call for a moothly investigaUon of Orange Comity welfare principles and practices by a ifoup which must, by federal law, draw ~third of its strength from ~'~liare receplents. People$ set the s1 rq&h fl! the com- mittee '1at a maximum o! 15 persons." And he indicated that Jts member! Will draw $!5 a meeUng, an announcement later about the Food and Drug ' Ad.ministration, w h I c h regulates which foods and drugs may be sold to tbe public. The FDA is an arm or HEW. ·HEW ~ry Roberl H. ·Fincli WllS known to be di&$.a.Usfied wtlh some recent actions of the FDA including ita handling oC the cycl11mates case. Cyclamates, used in diet foods and qrinkti, were recently ordered banned from use on grounds test.s showed large amounts could cause cancer in rats. Ley has bien FDA commissioner since mid-1968 when he ~eel Dr. James Goddard, who resigned. Ley will be replaced by Dr . .Charles C. Edwards, .a surgeon turned management expert in medicaf affairs. '.fbe change is the first step ln a wide· . ranging shakeup planned for the FDA ·by Flncjl. • ,At least five other top FDA olficial1 will also be fired, sources said. The agency has been criticized by the industry for alleged foot.dragging on ap- proval of new dr.igs and medical pro. ducts; by consumer protection advocates for alleged lax enforcement of safety laws; and by Finch for alleged in· decisivene~l on such i5l!1ues as the health threat of the artificial swee tener, cyclama~e. Edwards, 46, was brOught into the gpvernment last monlh as an -assisal.nt to Dr. Roger 0. Egeberg, assislant HEW secretary for health and scientific aJ. fairs. Peoples brought the matt.er to the . . board just 24 boors aller he predicttd to Sh • Pl ' newsmen lhat Orange County may face oppmg . aias "'W!!lfare Rjghts '' demonstrations of the / . type that have recently plagued Los Im R d Ange!eS C-Ounly. . pact eporte The weUare director has been warned· · · of the possible eruption of demonstrations J L S d ilf this area and h" conferred with n aguna tu y per90l'JS who cliUm t.o be involved in the Welfare Rights clause. Peoples ·was compelled by a federal Jaw 'paised in 1957 to create. the com· mittee endorsed Tuesday by supervisors. He states that staff problems and shortage o! per50nnel hive caused the dflay. (,ouple Protest Church Buse8 'Teebnically, churdl ind slate are seyarate.. but a Costa Mesa aiuple are asking the city council to intervene ·In.one local concreratlon'a ll'buoe.WOlllld dlelr i11J>lei. • . ~ ·,,:j Mr. and Mr1. Lawrence Bryan, ·of J3I E. lllth St .. say tile parked vehicles block their view and the 'noise of frequent repairs and idling engines disturbs them. The buses are operated by the First Baptist Church, 301 Magnolia S~ which ts near the Bryan residential property, aocordin& to a letter received by City Clerk C. K. "Charlie" Prii!st. Mrs. Lawrence said the buses are sometimes spray painted, so when the \\'ind is right, the pigment drifU onto the~ property. $1300 Eqllipment Stolen in Mesa Economic reaction to major shopping centers in -5urrounding communilie.s ill pointed up in a section of the new Laguna Beach economic forecast pcepared .by Daniel, Mann , Johnson and ~iendenhall. ~uth Coast-Plaza, the report states. had a major impact on the sales picture in both Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, when it opened in 1968, but created barely a ripple in Laguna Beach. On the other hand, the opening of Fashion Island not Only .affected Newport Beach, but severel,y jolted the Laguna:. busine.as 5Ctl'le. Whf:n South Coast Plaza operied in the fourth quarter of 1966, Costa Mella general , mer.chandise salel!I took a fl nilllion.1''~· /!~I ~ ·•dve~ ~on N'e)li>clrt B!a,cl> '"' rellect..i in il~• · in salei for both the fourth qua~ 91 l!le6 and the fir~ quarter or 1967. No measurable effect was noted Jn taguna Beach. When Fashion Island opened in N~ B;each, in November 1967, the s~s picture in that community brighten· ~to the tune 'of a $6 million quarterly sates increase. • ''ut the combined impact of the open· ing of Fashion Island and the Joss of Pen· ney's store, which moved to the new cente r, caused a severe decline in qua?Urly_. general merchandise sales in Laguna Beach, the"DMJ~1 report reveals. From an average of $250,000 a quart.er between 196$ and 1967, Laguna general merchandise sales tumbled to under $100,poo a quarter .in 1968, renecting, 3ays the report, ·the drawing power of the new Newport shopping center. ' . ' ' TURNING SOIL -Newport City Councilm-an Paul Gruber Costa Mesa Vice ?t<Iayor Robert Wilson and Vin Jo~gensen, chainnan o! the Hoag Memorial Hospital Board of Directors, (from left) partici· pate in traditional groundbreaking exercise for hos-- DAILY l'ILOT ............. pital's new $2.2 milllcm power plant. Work on fa. cility will mark first pba1e of multi-~on dollar hospital expan.sion program which includes 11· story, 274-bed addition. 'Bu13in:ess Chiefs Told of Training Plan for Jobless More than \oo Southland business exeruti"es converged on the Newporter Il'ln in Newport Beach Mont:fay tO learn more aOOut a federal program aimed at the hiring. tr.ai.ning and retaining of the hard-core unemployed. The conference was jointly sponsored by the .National Alliance of Businessmen and the ,National Association of Manu- facturers. Goal of the "Jobs '70" program is the hiring or 614,000 d0isadvantaged persons . by June, 1971. Business leaders of the program explained that· it provides for the .repayment by the federal govern- ment to business for the expenses invol v- ed in training workers. Jerome Rosow, aSsistant secretary of labor and principal speaker at the man- power confer~nce. said the program "fit s neatly into the President's concept· of the New Federalism. It is local aQd it is pragmatic. It uses exactly the right means -private industry -for exact· ly the right "en'd -d~ent jobs for those who need thetn." · Suice. .the sttfr of the program by the Johnson administration. the Department of Labor has s.iglied 1,068 contracts with larfe and l!lmall firms ·for a ('otal fe<feral comm.Jtment of $274 milllonJ ~sow · sakt ih~ NiiOn aclinhUstra'tlon · is 8.ttirfipling to acOelerate iiiterest in ' the program because it. recognize3 that "the ~ance fe? get into productive en:i· ployrnent 1s one of the most important fi rst steps in breaking the vicious cycle of perl!IOnal and environment,i deterjora- tion in the ghettos." • It is a cycle, he said, that ~lows aome- one living in the r at-infested,. overcr,owd- td hou&ing to' escape only ·.to garbage· 11trewn · street4 populated by puihers, "pimps" and addicts. "This administration is convinced that the latent and unused poterit.ial of thou· sands of underemployed and '.unemployed ghetto re.sidents will, given more than half i chance; manifest. itself best in pri- vate Industry," he declared. "We do not intend -as urged by many -to set up the government as the employer of lal!lt resort. We will rely on the private sec- tor." Hoag Takes First Step In Expansion Program Bright sunshine anCI a brisk breeu on a knoll above Newport Beach matched the disposition of more than 100 support· ers of Hoag Memorial Hospital's expan- sion project Tuesday afternoon as ground was broken on a $2.3-mUlion pov.·er plant. The ceremonies, led by Hospital Board Pre!ident Vin Jorgena:en, marked the Doctors Fighting To Save Sig ht ·of Crash Victim Doctors at Hoag 1'-1emorial Hospital are lighting t.o save the sight of a severely in- jured Santa Ana man who drove his car into a huge concrete pipe before midnight Tuesday in a Newport Beach construction project. Buck James, 44. of 522 S. Broadway, ·Santa Ana , suffered massive eye and head injuries in lhe 11 :45 crash at Jam· boree and San Joaqu.in'Hills roads. Police said James drove-·through the in· tersection alter·approaching It from San Joaquin ,Hills and hit I.ht· four-foot- diameter. eight.foot-long drain pipe resting on a construction site. The man's face was ·smashed into the stP.:ey'ing ~·heel and windshield in the heavy impact. Jamel! was taken to Hoag ,,·here doc· lots Immediately tried to repair his badly damaged eyes. He remained under intensive care and in serious condition t h i s morn· ing. start of the hospital's most energetic u· pansion project yet, del!ltin~ to add· an ll·story tower to be started in late 1970 or· early 1971~ The power plant will serve the entire hospital and v.ill consiltute the first phase of the $13 million redevelopment project. South Coasl Construction Company of Costa ~tesa won the contract to build the power facility. Jfwili replace the present plant which lies on the site where the new hospital tower will be built; 'The ceremonies were preceded by a luncheon for more than 100 voJunters who "·ill help raise $3 million under the hospi· tal's Reach Years program . which ulti· mately will provide the $13 million for the hospital tower project. The $3 million v.ill be sought rrom tht commun ity, and the remaining funds will be either borrowed or gained through previous donatiorui. The tower built with the money will have eight noors o( "single-care-con- cept" rooms for patients with the flfl!lt three floon; us:ed tor other hospital functions. Only.single-bed rooms will occupy the to~·er -·33 to .each floo!"· l ~ ; That COflCOp( 8SS1lres !00.perc<nf"-of the hospital, a condition which rarely oc· CUTll under the ward concept of hospital- ization, h06pital officials ooted. Dega s Painting So1d I~ONOON (AP) -A painting m three ballet .dancers by the French Impressionist Degas was sold for $288,!)00 at Sotheby's auction hou~e today. Another Degas painting showing a single datlcer holding a fan sold for $168.000. Upper Bay Ski -Zone Under Fire o,position to Orange County Harlw DI.strict plans to re.store the Upper New· Jl'.Ol"t Bay .ski zone arose today in a Jetter Urglng the Ar.my Corps of Engineers not to sraot a dredgirig permlt. Mrs.. Corinne Babb, 2507 Vla Marina. Newport '4ach, a "Staunch canservatlon· ist and oppoa¢ Of the Back Bay land uchanae. urged the corps to wtt;Jlhold a dredglng"pemtit for ille $150,000 restor· at.Ion. ' Sk cited possible damage: '° the bay's ~IOIY if the storm-damaged ski zone were to be rtstortd. • · "lt seems foolish to spend money which. ultimately, might be destined to serve as a wildllie preserve," she &&Id. Mrs. Bibb, wife of UC lrvil:lf. Profes- sor ttoward Babb, said the. Januf!;ry arvi Februa,Y Ooodl!I which silted up the ski 1i00e ca.used moderate damage to wildlif~ of the estuary . "It seems unwiae to disturb the.;l:iay -3 1econd time l!IG soon afte.r the Origma'. damage by the floods," she said. She alao cited an apparent deteriora. tion of·Water quality in the ba)'. She lilt. the dredging would aggravate the con· di lion. The petmit is ' being sought for th" dredging of aboot 250,000 cubic YU:d; or llilt deposited by the torrential rAJn.: last winter The dredge tailings would be dumpei at the mouth of Big canyon, which emp- ties into the bay. Jn orcier for the district t.o rectiV6 federal disaster relief funds, the projeci must be completed by Jan. 26, 197tl. A contract award is pending oo the job. Only the Corps approval is left befor.! the restoration could begin. Mesa Burglar All Ptepared Jf any. misfortune -such as a frac-. tured leg -should befall the KillYbrOoke. School burglar. he'll be all set for con· \'alescence and correspondence, C~ta Mesa police said today. whoever broke in through a slidin~· glass door took only $17 in loot,' but it in· eluded a stack of stationery, envelopes. postage 11tamps and a box or wooden splints. Santa at Home On Balboa I sle Those blonde little bonbons and bli;: broni:ed surfers-the Beautlful Peq,I&-' have been joined by a new an1val at the in-place · to life. ? Santa Claus has moved to Balboa Jslancl, says the Junior Ebell Club ti.'. Newport. Beach. Harbor Area children who write to Saint Nick can address letters and "\\ish· ful gift lists to him at Box 175, Balboa Island 92662, including a stamped, sell- addres.!ed envelope for a reply. That's because the overhead is high at Bal, compared to the North Pole, what wllh all the swin,ing nightspots and those illega.J parking Utkets on the sleigh. Thieves raided two spots In CtN Mesa Thursday. hauling away assorted industrial equipment ll.'orth more than $1·,300, the victims told police. An air compressor, drill press and power saw valued at $735 were carted away from the Automatic Sprinkling of the Pacific Inc., 720 W. 17th St., accord· ing to Harlan F. Gustafson. A plaster mixer worth $600 wall lowtd away from a tract house Wider construe· tion at 2755 Bunting Circle. according to olficials of Frank G. Turley lnc., Si.nton. County Takes New Look At Battin Bay Swap Plan OAllV PllOT ou.oi mu1· "-Ill""""" CCIW"'" l....,.N.W ... _ .. _ h ell a. e.my wa. ,,..-... ..., ....,. ..__ T~M•t Ktl'l'il .... 1'ffl11 A. M•,.,111,.. IN-111f Hlllr Orange County Supervisors today agretd to restudy a proposal that cans for the Irvine Company to abandon its interest in the controversial Upper Bay land. swap. Su pervisor Robert Battin is the author of an analysis urging the county and the Irvine Company to di.scard lhe agree- ment reached lri 1965 in favor of a devel- opment which would enable the coun~Y. to "go It alone" on Upper Bay develop- ment. A deeply divided board finally agreed to examine a 91).day study on lhe Battin proposal. Both Battin and Supervisor David Ba· teer ran into strong opposition when they suggel!lted that a formal approach be made to the Irvine Company in the cour5e. of the study. Battin proposea that the county pur· chase the Upper Bay islands from the Irvine Company at the Irvine valua· tion of $8 mfllion. He suggests that the required funds be appropriated from revenues created by the Dana Point Harbor development, the Sunset Aquatic Park development and the three-cent tax rate levied for ocean front protection. BatUn predicted that, with purchase of the Upper Bay islands and extmsive dredging of the area, the county would have at least 123 acres of filled Udelands above the Pacific Coast High'Way -·Ith more than 22.000 feet of. water frontage valued by the supervisor as be.iTIJ" worth at least $22 millipn. "This would be the reS1.1lt of moving the purchased land to county tidelands for the benefit of the public rather than for tht benefit of the Irvine Company," Battin 1ald. Jlrom P .. e 1 TATE CASE •.• trill< led by lhe long·halr<d, beanled Mwoo and anotha' group called "Tbe ProctM." •"Ille Ptocaa." an antWit&bllllhmtnt gniup !..,... in-London wfii<h ha• been known 1o worship Sat.an, is an offlhoot. of the Church of Scientology. Investigators have tiOen str\J<klwtth i>Utlleb betw<on Ill ~ ond the occuttlsm or Minion, who waa: 1cnown t.o have dabbl@d in SclemG!ogy and then pe on lo niore ~cul.lbm .. 1"be pretent lnvestlgallon. according fG Detmtt, encompes.1H lhc thr~ cri1ne~. but 1uthorttiet •tre reportedly looking Uito Unb to two. othtr un.!Olv~ 1layl na:s. -·temied ttntelese:. tn the Loll AnJ:tles ' .... i1JIC< the begiMlnB of the IV'· The bodies ol James Sharp. ts and Doreen Gaul. ff.° both recent residents of the Los Antzeles area. w-6"e found ln an alley Nov .. s. The 'YOUn.g' Sclentologlsts had been "l""lc!dly sllbbed. Deemer noted these slmllarlUes : -Zlfiss Gaul and Sbatp Uvcd about two miles afrom ll.·btre wtalthy groctr t.c.no LaBlanca alld his ~ife wtre atabbtd to dealh Aug. It. -The sewn Tate-La Bianca slafJn1s and the !labbtng deaths of the )'QJlng man and woman were app.venl.ly without molive. -All but ooe ol th< .. ven vlcUms In August •'m stabbed as were t.fiis G11ul !nd Sho rp. 0 OMEGA •·~110~. 4-toti ~ ..... ,:., *'''! tG-IOOO~ltr. UttM/11' t llOt oo ~:.r~••• et ll011,., ,..,...,,.., 11111 ••~.,.,, st•l~ltoi oietl e•i• wll"! l'!t!e~'"l ~·ttt1'tl. WI!•• r.1\111111 ••••..•• ,, l ~t~ All N.A.S.A. astronall1s, sinct lhe &Ptee program began, heve worn Omega walel'!ts on their wrists. Ordinary, every day Jewelryelore Omega Speadmasler etnonographs. Tha kind anyone can buy. Every Omega, wf\elhtir for an 1stronaut or eonventionat wear, Is made to the most exacting standard& to assure uhnosl dependabitlly. we·r1 proud to be an authorized Omega dealer because they mike the best watehea ln•lh 11 world, or any otht!r. CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE J. C. .J.Jum,,hrie J Jeweferj 21 YEARS SAME LOCATION I Ill NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA PHONE 541-HOI .. • • I I I I . . ' QUIENI!. · · •Y.' Jilill lniiif andr. . '• "lthink-ofthele~-~out ·ofhlQld."· · · · . . House Cuts, Oears Foreign Aid Bill WASHINGTON CAP) -The amaIJest U.S. foreign aid pack· age since World War II has ., passed the House and is h~d­ ed for a Senate confrontation over military aid to Natioll- alist China and South Korea . The $1.6 billion global a~ .zistance bill, which falls $1 billion short of the amount asked by President Nixon, is the lowest since the program began with the Marsha11 Plan for European recovery in 1948 and reached a $7.49 billion peak in 1~51 . Last year's fore.ign aid appropriation was $1.75 billion. The measure, approved 200- 195 in a night House vote Mine Worker B~ Oaims Big Victory . WASHINGTON CAP) - United. Mine Workers .·P~1·. , ·dent W. A. "Tony" BoY.le. in- voking the spirit of the late John b. Lewis, claimed a smashing rMlectkm victory today over Joseph . A .• Y-ablooski in the union 's greatest internal battle in nearly half a century. '"Ibe greatest man that ever defended labor in this country, Johrl L. Lewis, my mentor, &eleded me; he didn 't select and train my opponent in the responsibility of running this union," Boyle said in crediting his victory to the loyalty.« the nation's coal miners to the memory of Lewis. But Yablonski, • _27.yeer mertiber or the 2 oo , e o o • member u n j on ' s exeC)Jtive board, mused to . concede despite 'Boyle's report that he polled. ·80me 73,000 v~ to 40,000 for his opponent. ••n.ey can go to . hell. I'm conceding to nobody. I'm con- ceding nothing," the 59-year· "Id Yablonski said in a . te~e inWview from his home fii Clmmtlle, Pa. l'f'.S 'EXIT- . ~' . i ,:FOR THEM . 'LOS' ANG~ES CAP) - , W~d erittm whoi wander into UM b1J city won't lace .an anceriain iutore or "'1!1mely ·. dem'ise here anymore. 'They'll 1>e sent home in style -by helicopter. . . . The wild creatures. such as kl8t raccoons and baby deer, · will be ~ported· vif copter tn remote areas of Angeles National Forest for 'reset· tlement. About l.200 snimlils a yeai will be involved: Tuesday1 contains a hotly dis- puted $:>t.5 million to furnish fighter planes. for Nationalist China. $50 million in special military aid fQr South Korea and a provision add~ at the last minute that bars aid lo countries trading , wlth ·Com- munist China . Sen. J . W. Fulbright. chair- man of the . Senate Foreign Relations Committee,. is ex- pected to force a noor figijt on the appropriations bill. His committee Monday approved an authorization bill express- ly banning the $104.5 million for the Asian allies. Beckett Absent From Nobel Rites STOCKHOLM (UPI) T Irish author ''6arrioel• Becl'ett \.ent into hiding when iold he 'had won the ~~ Na,bel Priu for literature. ~-1'~y he .. made good nis ·p1'dg& to, si.y 31"..IY from· the pre.1-entatlo,n ceremony. ll was four days after the Oct. 23 announcement of his award that Beckett consentf.id to .comment on it at 'a!J .. "I.am not grateful," said the Q.year-"'d playwright·novelist who8e best·known work is ~ 1954 play "\Vaiting for GOdot." King Gustav VI Ad o I f presented the $1'.!,500 Nobel prizes for medicine, li~rature, phySics and economics in Stockholm!s •€oncer:t Hall. In Oslo, the Peace Prize went to the . International' Labor Oi"ganization -(ILO) for its woi::k in developing nations.· . Beckett, w h o studiously avoids the-limelig~~-lives in P.aris but keeps to hJmseU to the extent that only his publisher. Jerome-Lindon, and his t::losest friends know his address. Llndon accepted hh prize fuday . Old Roman . ' . ROME (AP) ·-Workeni digging a feundatlon 1 near di · millionaire· J .. Paul ·Getty'• castJe utklOvt!n!d an ~ 1 derground cemelety dating back to the Roman Empire. ArcheologistJ said" ~oday It · may be the most bnportant such flnd in the Rome area in years •. The tonibs are decorated with ornate columm, vesads. weapons, Jewels and mosa.iai. They are in several t'OOl1ll connected by dee)><lug cor- rklon. fte ••11•ullh:I ""•pl•'' ltwlr. Conlin.;ntal C~cLtail :l>an4ant Oancln9, Music by Eddi• Freeman Group Co•plirMtt,.,, 1IOt Pd cold Jao,.. ~,,.,,,,,.., I!~ r-'""' S... 5 to B "'""' F.lgTUfT!lfllf Nowport leoch u IUTAUliNT 2241 Wiii ~ HlthWW) • (7141646 ICll7. . - -' ~ . Wfdntldly, Dtctmw 10. 1969 2 • DAILY PILO'r $ ' ' • crin~ed patent b.ags ..... cnamcl'ecl trimmings . 50ou1.iJ &s<. ' Duffie H.!l'-1n sparklins crinkled. pat<nt. What sreat . trim. lt'a.slist<niqg enamel..Dashing color combinations: Honey.. white. red, na.y, yellow, black. By Latinas. . Shoulder bas 31.00, duffle 33.00 , may co handhass 26 . . ' . • • ' . " • . ~ #. • • .I \ • • :fiif.-1ier stockirig· "'ith . . pretty purse accessories . . ' .1 ·~ ~ ~Ci m~ effi. cmi:;;tuy,.~ :a artY·al) dutcli . ,.itl>a:not<'p,oi!, ~.an<! "!"II' inside • Or·i .hlndyaedit cud•bolder, wallet or ICey case.'.!Jlack,.red, brown, green, gold, bone. By Baronet. 5.00 ' ' I ~ • ' may eo small'IC.t!ier,goods-2l ' . ' .. '. . . ·' ' & _{ ~ ~ . · fuzzy sweaters .. arc nice and come in pretty colors Sott; · snusgly .,.eaten. '\Vitti just eooush fun lo lnalre tlierD. he! ~ nice. Blendod.of lambSwoorangotai arid rabbit's hair. In aqua, lilac; pink. sreen. yellow, purple, black, lfld wlilte. 3640. From a group. '11.00 ' ' may co boulevard oport>wcat 16 i . r every kind of shirt for every . kind . of girl . . I .. 1 " Every girl we know wants ihirp 111a: - shirt>. To wen jriit abOut an,Wbeie."li7e;i!lo.I': ... you just one fr0m 01\f whole collc<tiDIL Plain shirt.I. Not-so,plain' shirts. Crepes lfld -r.- ca.re fabrics. Oline see them a11.· Style sbon comes in white, scld. light blue, pink. heise colm• in sizes lO throush ;6.'13,00 nuy "' eampus sliop·~l o00 OJ: .. . c ~~ .·~~ t ~ ~ ~ UJ :c U) ,). \-i ~ o>-~ O'-f,:)t .. o'> .· • '" ·.may cocosta mesa will.~ open sunday from noon 'til 5 p;m. Shop Every merchandise department and the restaurant will be open to · sundays fro~ now 'til Christmas. make your gift shopping easier. . ·MA¥CO mey co south coast plaza, sen di190 fwy at bristol, coste mese; 5'46-9321 shop mondey thru 1eturd11y I 0 11.m. to 9:30 p.m., sundey noon 'til 5 p.m. . .. ! l ! .. . -· • .. • ' . DMLY PILOT EDITORIAL PA.GB -·· Tal{e Time Some 8,500 home1 In th• Newport·Mesa Unifiod School District wert mailed questionnaires on sex edu· cation lhi• w•ek. The Newport Harbor Chambor of Commerce, alter coosu!Ung with school olllcials, prepared the questions and paid for the prtntini and malllnf of the material. The chamber's effort, under the di.rection of Edu· cation Committee Chainnan Or. Nolan Frizzelle, is a notable public service. It Is a project that might well be shared by the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. Copies of the Newport chamber's questioMaire went to Newport Beach parents only. The Costa Mesa chamber should consider thoughtfully the possibility of providing Costa Mesa parents with the same opportu· nity to indieate their views on the subject, the interest In which certainly doesn't stop at the Newport city line. Newport parents receiving the questioMai res this week are those whose children ar~ in the 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th grades - a good sampling, In other words, of those most concerned with the issue. Dr. Frizzelie and his committee members have been studying the problems ilnd advantages of sex ed· ucation in public schools for the past eight months. They have heard from many experts on both sides of the subject. Now they want to hear from the public. to Answer It Is for that -son that every parent who·receivu the questionnaire 1bould 14ko the time to reply. 'Ibo responses will be anonymous. Each quesUonnalr1 is color-codod f<>< the purpose of Identifying the school tho parent's child attends. That is the only identification chamber and school dlatrlct officials consider neces- sary. 11This survey,'' says Mn. William Mason, a mem· her of Dr. Frtziell1's committee, hwUI provide us with solid information on how the community feels about the issue ." That is true -but only if a substantial number of parents respond to the questionnaires. Otherwise, the results will not be sufficientJy valid. Those who feel strongly negative about subjects of controversy always make themselves heard. Their responst'S are assured. Ii is the views of the "silent majority" the chamber is now seeking. The questions themselves are pretty frank and in 1ome cases, wide-ranging. Among them: ' ' -Do you believe your children need instruction in sexual anatomy and behavior, venereal disease, drugs, smoking, drinking and similar family health problems beyond Instruction presenqy available to them? -Should the instruction be coeducational? -Do you believe that if achools become involved In this typo of education it wtll lead to promiscuity? . ' The responses to the questionnairtfi will ht care. fully considered by the chamber before -and if -it makes a recommendation to the school district.. And school otticials will most certainly consider the re- 1ponses before they take anction on such instrucUon. Thousands-of aruwers to those queitions and others should h~p light the way for school authorities as they seek to find -and meet -the needs of the public they 1erve. 'Goodnaa. We don't wont wlmi/k our sacred cow dry.' They Never Speak Well of Each Other DUBLIN -Thls ts surely one hell of a town to be a success in. This is especially true if you ~e a literary bloke which is the only kind of suecess that is really respected here. 'lbe Irish, Dr. John.9on well remarked, ll"t a very fairminded pecple : They never gpeak well of each other. To be a succesa in this country ta to be • torge~ a target lttr the nl06t gifted snd malidoo• tongues in Christendom . . One remembers Shaw oo Oscar Wilde: "He had no enemies, bul was distinctive- ly disliked by his friends." AND WILDE, WHEN asked if he knew his fellow Irishman, George Moore : "Do t know him, is it! Ye•, I know him so well I have not SJM>ken to him for 10 years." And ~rge ?.1oore, on his fellow· Irishman Oscar Wilde: "Wilde paraphrased and inve.rted the witticisms and epigrams cf others. His method or literary piracy was on the Ji~ of the robber Cacus. who dragged stolm cows backward by the t.ails into his cavern so that their hoofprints might not lead to detection." , A Dublin lady, Sarall Purser, about George P.1oore's confession books, "The c.onfessions of a Young Man" and •·Memoirs of My Dead Life:" "SOME ~tEN KISS znd t.ell; Moore tells but doesn't kiss." When James Joyce died in 1941 a leading Dublin Dally, The 1 r is h Independent, had these klnd_words: "He died in Zurich early this year, ha\1· tng in the time be.tween revUed the religion In which he had been brought up and fooled the nest which was his native cjty " J~e:s Joyct said to the Celtic Shakespeare, William Butler Y~ats, on the occas.Jon cf the latter's 40th birthday: "We have met too late, Mr. Yeats, you are too old to be influenced by me." AND GEORGE RIJSSELL, wbo wroto lovely poetry under the name AE, ~~ ta.inly bad Dublin in mind when he def1n~ ed a literary movement as "five or six people who live ln the aame town and bate each other.'' Dear Gloomy Gus: What makes the Mesa Verde area ao progressive and dynamic? It must be the fact thal iroapecUve white buyers cf homes are told, when they ask, that no Negroes will £Ver live in Mesa Verde. -A. D. lllll f'l•l11r1 nfi.ctt ff.lffn" Yl.wt, llOf 11-i.arllY """' ltf Ille newJ'l"r. Slf!d we1,1r .-t _,,. ,. COIMlll1 Giit. D1llf ,lllt, To get the lnfonnal opinion or one gifted Dubliner on this matter I sought cut my friend Ulick O'Connor. Ulick Is what you might call .a success -with the result that half of Dublin hates his gqts, and the oth6 half thinks the sun ris~ and sets on him. Ulick is 39. He has a bead like an lV)"· League devil. Vogue once said he wa! "the Irishman wiUi a tcngue like a sUver razer." RE IS A BARRISTER. raconteur, bon viveur, poet and reader of poetry to ladies clubs ln the U.S.; biographer of Oliver St. John Gogarly, and a playwright. He has been lrish pole-vault record holder, BrlUsh Universities welterweight boxing Champion and a senior Club Rug. by footballer. When in New York. he hangs out at the posh Racquet Club. He is also one of the best-known men in Dublin, due to a .series cf controversial appear· anees on Irish Television which have made him known in some quarters a:i the ''Johnny Carson of Ireland." HE SAT WITH ME In the reception rooms cf the Royal Hibernian Hotel the other morning, and over coffee began to rwnlnate on the fate of the Dubllner who rise:i abo\•e the crowd. He spoke with the delibuateness of a man who has gone the route. "In the first place, ycu may never discuss the problem of success in Dublin without remind ing you rself of what that gilted ald Kraut Goethe said a century and a half ago. He sa id that 'the Irish always pull down a noble stag.' "Th.ls has been their history. It will conUnue to be: their history. The Irish have a great feeling for the fellow who ls going ta write the greatest book ever written by an Irishman. What they can't stand Is the guy who gets cff his arse long enough to actually write the damned book, and 1et published." Abused Word: 'Relevant' T'b«lgllll At Larg" The m<>St abused word among students Is .. relevant" -for tMJ mist.a.Ju1nly lm- 1gfne. tha.t only subjects ot ctam\t oon-- cern and controversy are ''relevant" to modem educ1Ucn; whereas, true relevance signlfie1 an underst.andln1 cf man'a nab.art, captetties and llmltaUons, which only a sound grarp ol tht humanities can gtve us. • • • lleadlnl --Briptle -·· third (or 11 tt fourth!) dJ'ICree at the ace of 34 remindod m• al KaUiartne Htpbunl'• percept.Ive COl'!Unall many yean ago : "It la the· plain women who know about love; the beautiful wamen .,.. too bUJy beinl !ucl.Dating... • • • • Perhaps ane 1U1C1n Chat I u c 1' <:eltbr1tlos tend lo do " poor!)' lo tlldr pmooa1 lives 11 tbll wllen o JpOllJpt II lhlnlnc on yoo 1t md• it hMd for JOO to -what ls ICtually going on around yoo. • • • Ont of the best rules !0< oeparatlng our prtjudku from our cvaluaUon ol cKher " ~ , · ~~ J. ,Hal't'is ' .., . ) people's char1cter was glv~ by Uchtenber&: "DoD't judge a man by his oplnionl. but by v.'hat his opinions have made hlm." • • • What we call "mobbtry" is less a manilest.atkln " those at the IOC.lat top thin o( ~ who desptra.lely aspire to it: the very word comes from the Latin tag. slno oobWtate, munin1 "lscktna In nobility." • • • Ninety percent or the hwnan ract Is vtctlmiz.ed by the other 10 perctnt ; thi4 l1 equally true under any sylt.em yet devis- ed by lllJn, no matttr what name it UlllJnt.S, or wh.ll crt«l It profnses. • • • \\11 may berate our pollUelans !or btlna hypocrites. but over the Jona pull it hH been the since.re Oflfl who hav~ done the derpest and most permanent damage. !Cl Not Deal, Dumh or Blind Proud to Be • Ill 'Silent Majo~ity~ To the Editor: So Elalne Barnard (Mailbox, Nov. 20) thlnk.s the "Silent Majority" is deaf, dumb and blind. We hear the voices of hate, violence , disrespect for God, our ccunt.ry and lb leaders. Is it "dumb" to believe in God, to honor our nag, to uphold our PreSi· dent, to be loyal American citizens? WE ARE NOT AS ''blind" as might be thought, to students being. irKloctrinated by CDmmunist teachers and sym· pathizers. The rea!ion more hasnl been heard from the "Si lent ~1ajority" ls because we just happen to be very busy working for a living, paying t.axe1 that h61p provide the nonworkers <klndat won! f csn think of) with man,y privilogea lhe,v haven't earned far themselves. such as police and fire proteclion, educaUon and especially wellare. ~IA YBE SOMEONE can tell us how or \11ho financed the 40,000 people in the pr~ te st march on Washingtcn. I am proud tc be part of a "Silent M•· jority" that has had its fill of anarchy and which ha.s prcduced two cr1anl1a- tions -VIVA and TIRED. VIRGINIA METZGER Chiropractors TO Ille Editor ' Dr. Norman NiJon'1 column attackln1 chiropractors bu a ring of conviction to it, and yet if they really are frauds why is it that the public i1 not protected from them -at least in the farm cf gcvernmental warnJnc as in the cue of cyelamate1, smoking and narcotics? Maybe thert's some money changing hands ln the lobbies somewhere in the standard manner of politics these days. If honest and courageous people can be foond to conduct one, how about an In- vestigation? CHARLES BLAKE In Accord With N~on To the Editor: Mrs. Vanderbilt and I wtsh to exprtA our appreciation for the recent article In the DAILY Ptu:rr by Norman Nixon, M. D. dealing with "chiropractic." \\'e are entirely in accord with Dr. Nii· ®'s viewpoint, and feel that the public should be warned ol the dangers In- volved. Thank you for printing this article. DONALD B. VANDERBILT Forewarned Tc the Ed itor : f\1y congratulations to your paper for running that fine article by Dr. Norman Nixon on chiropractics. People are ctrtairlly entitled to know the facts and thus be forewarned. Thank youl EDITH WATSON Oregon'• Beaches To the Editor ' On lle«mb<r Z one al your Ila!! ~--Bw Ge.rge---1 Dear George : In the paper you said you hid a solution to all of11fe'a bl1 problems If readera would Just fill out the coupon at the bottom of the col· umn. There 'llMn't any coupon at the bottom of the column. ANNOYED D .. r Annoyod: 1·m 1 big problem man. !Jon•t bolhtr mt with dctalls like that. ' ~. . .............. ···-· ....... ,.,,, Letter1 froni readers are welcome. Normally writers should convey their 1nessages i1t 300 words or less. The right to condense letters to jit space o·r c/imb1ate libel is reserved. All let· te rs must include signature and moil- ing addres s. but' 11ames may be wirh· held on request if sufficient reaion. is apparent. Poetry will not be pub· liahtd. writa"I wrote .a.bout the acceaa to the beaches in Cllifcmia and mentioned the fact that they we.re waiting for a ruling from the Supreme Courts or Oregon and Callfcmia. l don't know anything about the California laws but l lived most of my life in Oregon and for 15 years my home waa right an the beach at Seaside. I had no mare right to Lhat beach than anybody else as many years ago the then Gov. Oswald West or Oregon got a bill pasaed that transferred all beaches to the: stale Bureau of Public Rcad 5. THAT U THE law up there and anybody can 1et to those betchea at any time~ any place according to this law. I suggest your writer check on the Oregon la.w1. Surely what they do here in Ca1ilomia is a crime to the public Interests but if you have supe.rvi!On who will give away the rights cf the public to the beaches I feel Jt ls time for a change someplace. Thia: Salt Creek deal is certainly a tragedy and somebody must have gained something besides thi5 large corporal.ion and I can't imagine any Jaw on the books that pemjts this. Surely this is a miscar- riage cf jW!ltice for the public. It means nothing ta me as I live an the hill overlookinl the ocean and never use the beach. R. B. STIGER Not Infallible To the Edl14ro Jt Ls regrettable that the prtss has found ft ~ary la take Issue with Mr. Agnew's re<:ent crlUcism. There is no doubt in my mind that &ame ne•spape.rs in thla country intentionally distort, slant, or misquote the r1ets. There are some (mostly in the east) thal 1 absolutely refuse to read let alone purchase. A cla ssic example would be the J ohnson • Goldwater presidential cam· pa ign. There was no way Goldwater could have won after the press hung the "shoot rrom the hip" image on him . I firmly belie,·e the news media 11.·as the demise cf Mr. Goldwate r. The all itude cf one of the reporters for a major television network while covering Interviews an the convention floor was e t t re m e I y noticeable. I CAN UNDERSTAND th: P"" ttldng issue with Mr. Agnew. I believe ll lan't •lhlcal 1o-c;rmcllt °"''' col~ or profeul<m. tn other words. they e1n do no wrong. Who said the press isn·t In· falllble? I believe Governor Rtagan'1 answer to 1 reporttr querylnf as to !he mertt or Mr. Agnew·1 criUclsm Is closest to the truth (If ll were. known). Hls reply wq lhat. far the most part, lht rtpontr at the working level rtporttd accurately. It w11 after his story was submitted that It w111 rtwrltten . or embellished, or modified, or misquoted or whatever is dttlded by tht ·po\•ers that be that tht cr~lbillty 1ap exlau. Tl would aeem that the truth hurts. LOlJIS H. LOVELE'IT& A9new's Tirade To the Editor: In a UPI dispatch the Vatican warned that it may ban newmen who show an "lnoorrect attitude" toward the Raman Catholic Church and the Holy See . Now doesr\'t that &tiund like Agnew's tirade against the news media here? It appears lo be a timely parallel . According to Science, twc parallel lines will eventually merge into one line. Jn this case of :iimilarity, the one ''line" asks for the death er lhe free press (And I dcn't mean the L.A. Free Press which is itmln· tically bent an destroyini L4,t "Establishment"). But the above memben of the parallel are n:pressions of power, for gOod or bad, and th<y "'"l 14 hsng ontcl their gains. BOTll AGNEW AND the Pope "'~st denouement if it would mean a change. These t111•0 characters could very well go down to the beach and order the breakers to ce ase and desist far all the 1ood it \l'OUld do them to slifle free speech and freedom at the press. I reeall that UM! an- cient Popes had a very bad trip on this subject alone , and Mr. Agnew ls not llke-- ly to revive a trend that has always been a failure. People, even the ones who support Agnew and the Pope, will still buy newspapers with headlines the people want to see, and they will still watch the lurid TV Procrams wlllch, again, five them what they want. S. G. UNDINE Communum To the Edit.er: Are people today too busy to learn about a subject belare criticiz:ing others? Ir Mrs. Keith Davia: Jr. (Mailbox. Dee. 2) were to look up communism, she might be shocked. Webster defines communism as "A theory or system of the ownership of the means cf production by the com- munity, v;ith all members sharln& ln the work and the product.a equally." This means there is no state. and no central power at all. I understand this to mean everyone Iha.res everything, and we have no superion. So who takea away the tiny children U there is no state! J believe lhal Jecua Christ wanted just this, equality not tyranny. STEVEN C. LAUBLY W tbsttr also dtffnts comm uni.rm cs "(a) a doctrine baJtd on. revolu- tionary Marxian 1oeiali1m and Marz- i.sm-Ltnini.tm th.ot ii tht off1dol idt~ logy of the USSR.: (b) a. totalitarl4n l!lystem of govtrnmcnt In which a 3inglt authoritarian par tv control• &tate-owtltd m1ani of production with tl1e profe$std aim of tatoblfthing a 5tottltss society, and rcJ o. fi11ol s!age of sotitty in i\far:iist thtory in which ~01.t SfClte has withered oway and tco· 11omic good$ are diltributed equa:llt1." Edit<W Blames the Armw To the Edl14r: Apparentl)' H's just like In tho old day1 when the Anny UM<! 14 go out and ldll off the squ1w1 and children in ~ lndian villages as a way ol takln1 care of lhe In· dJan problem. Lt. Calley and 105 men tn company "C" drop In on the Vitt Cont II Local Force Batt1llon'a home vill.,e and tlll off about JOO women Ind chl!dren. I have alway1 betn aaharDtd about what we did to the Indians; I am more ashamed today for what we just did to the Viet Conr. NO\\o' TO l\tAKli: m1tttrs worse, I htar \l·e arc going to have ~parate Jwtlee for the killers. One k.lhd for lhe men who did the job and anot.hf!r for i.he brass who planned It. I understand lhal Lt. Calley and his men get the full scale inquiry, court-martial -the w o r k s • 'Iheir. superiors &et a separate and small tem investigation to report to a very high level. I remember when Hitler planned his genocide we held him much more responsible than the men who acted under his orders. I BLAME THE Army. First for the deed, then for the cover up of the men really responsible. What do we say \l'hen tht private Is Jailed, while his superior who gave the orders walks fret? ROBERT HAYWARD Rounding of the Bona To the Editor : Jt may be cf interest to you to learn that thr. 'aging' man, referred to by John Valterza in his article of November 29 regarding the Uttle barque moored in Newport Harbor, is none other than the same pet'S(ln who had the honor of receiv- ing a complimentary notice in the DAILY PILOT of Feb. 26, 1964. It was with a great deal cf anticipation that I looked forward to a visit to the Monte Cristo for it is many years since t set foot upon the deck cf a sailing abip, and I looked forward to a seafarer's con- versation, though in the &4 years o[ absence from deep-sea sa:iijng, I must confess t have la.st much of the lingo of the sea. I NOTE IN THE Valtuza article that the crew that ls being signed on will con· silt or inexperienced youths. 1 trust that the Monte Cristo will not be faced with even a mild hurricane that can become a haian:I to even A.8. 's of long experience under the command of a master with yea.rs of experience in handling a square- r1gger. and papers to entitle him to be in command of a vessel .and the lives Of the members of his aew. Fortlmately the present voyage, though eomewhat vague, does not include the rounding of the Horn , for though there art days when the sun shlnf.s and the atl is leas hostUe, tbele days are few and far between, u I can attest to In my four voyaps around th.is southernmost cape. rr WAS ON ONE ol the wut. to east ruundinp of the Hom that a full-rigger, a.IJo tcyin1 to make the rounding eloae: on the wind, came ln collialon with us, sttik· Inc UI with her solid steel cutwattr four Umes before we had pasaed her. u she roee and fell on the. high runnirlg sea, never to reach her home port nearer than the Falkland&. nus episode 1 have In· eluded lri detail in a story I have written but hive never publl.shed. HERBERT G. COLLrER --iiliil- Wednesday, Dec. 10, 1969 1llc cdltoriol poor o/ thr Dao1y Pilot 1teb to inform and stim- ulate rcodn1 b~ prestnting thU fttW~I opfnlon1 and com- ft'lf"ntor11 o" topici cf interc1t and tlgniflcance, bt1 providtn.o a forvm for the cipreuion of our rcadn1' opfnioftf. mLd b11 prttcntf.ng the diverse vf.ew- pohiU of lnformfd obatrucrs and ipoktnnen °"' topic• of tllt da~. Robert N. ll'eed, Publisher I I 1 I I ' ' n. youthfuJ dfUI user in Lquna Beach ii likely to cune from a com· foNl>le, affiuent, mlddl&<:lus home, but it probably .. ls a broken home." He ls apt to be of tbove-avera,ie' in- ldl!l<nce, lhlnl:s school i.m't d<Jinl much for hlm and ridicules the views of his paren&I, with wbo(i\ be comn11micates po«ly, H •ot,all. His pt.rents, pmtic-llrlclten by hlJ UJe of ttrues. in unable to understand his bdlavio< ot all. In a lZ·pap report ]1ftpar<d for the American M<dical Alaoctsllon, fOllr P6Jdliatrlsts !run the Coll'1!• o I Medicine, UC lrW>e, dl&CUJO the flnt JI moaths of oper•Uon of t.he Lliuna Dru& Abuse Clinic as an n:ample of the uta.bllatunent, operation and effect of J 9 Sessions Repetitive Narcotics Mini-course Just Didn't Make Scene By FRED SCllOEMEllL ot "" D911l •11tr Stitt THE RECENT MINI.COURSE at Laguna Buch High School deallng with the drug scene for nine day1 ·almply didn't make it. The majority or the infOrmation was rehashed by eVtry speaker. Many who spoke would have profited from a course in public 1peak· ing, and would have done well k> forget the use or teenage slang and just told it like it was, and is. Others used the mini-coorse as a 1pringboard to expound m tµe conserva- tive mentality of Orange County, speak· ing little of drugs, their effects, or how wt can transcend the use of foreign materiaJs to alter cur heads. In nine daya, students listened to a lawyer, probation officers, an et-addlet, a toxleologi!'t, a aociologlst, and several medical docton. One thing they all showed was that our society treats a sickness of the mind as a crlminal offense ; unwilllng to accept the fact that the pressures of living can be too great for some people. THE COURSE FAILED in the fact that it catered to the eitreme dru&: user&, the ones who art htµtg·UP oa her- oin. methedrine. I.SD, ani:l the bct>lt- urates. ·unfortunately,. the majority of drug uitra are not habitual apeed·freab and the like. 'Ibey are J*OPle who oc- casionally smoke marijuaoai, not so much as an tscape but as a nleasµrable expetilnct. And ft ts 'theit ~~! ffN> want to know where thlnp art at in retatloo to marijuana. They want; to know whether it is addlcttng. ~f>er it is physicaJly damaging. Whether it can be used and not abused. Whether ·the Jaws in ·nprd to marijuana are just. The IDIWttl to these question don't toQlt ln the form of lickenin&: "case histories" or in the defense ol a system Laguna Teen Corner that condemns, rather than rehabilitates. The answtrs doi't come from doctoca, who, although well versed jn marijuana, have no thorough, preaent day research · to rely on. · The answers do come from aperfence, honeety. and Wlderstlndlns. And while many speakers tried to itve tblt; the student.! eager to accept it, others defended the old ideas that have contin- ued to plague progress in the field or drug use and abuse. rtlANY OF US SEEM to think that it is the drui that is bad. All ·the speakers seemed to agree that the drugs are fine by themselves. lt is the environment around man that ia bad. A world that constanuy· preuuftt, directs, demands, and expects. It develops a pace to Yery hard to keep up with. You have to run as.fast u you can· to keep up, twice that rate;to 1er ahead. And that's wht people .. "'""""· .. ' Drugs Ny hold the key to man's M'- vival U used properly. Or lead to his downfall if abused. Al Dr. Micheal Brown, a speaker from Cal ,Btate•Fullerton ,t.eclared in the .fint day of 'the m1nl-course on drugs, "You don't change a thin& with drugs. What we've got to do is change the reality that makes us turn to them." That, in 1 nutshell, is the solution. Where"s Mother? Wed.a,wfift Deetmbtt 10, 1969 •• . . X(.e Drug &ene;.Three . Vie-.;: . . • s DAl,LV ,PILOT ~ lo •.t H~9h@lY,,'.:FJf ~: .... ·· L.& "\ ..... ~ . . . ..-.:if.. ~--.I ,.,.. "'+' -· . - ·<Go@d Home " .• ~~.;. .•• ..,·· .... ~1 · ... -:-.. ,• I ' ~..1· ~ -~ . . .. R '~ f A!!if,•"ptljoid '!' .... """" ~ 'l!t 1 ~. ~-~ =·C"'~~~·'·=:" lrftW'":~.--·~· lut .,_, apln-• °" ~ ~~i'.a~5~ Leq\le quarten alld ·with a ~eaa!Onll '~ ' ~ I,; .ltitll ,-. "'" IW!Wld ~ Sbcll'Wloyle hmdl. ' ""''""' ~ ~ ~-• . lieJloill,-·-Ol!iy' . ,,. al' CUNIC J:alilllill"'6o' , · ,,.. • ....,.,., AJiO of the clp>lc, aay1 the docton1 'lbiiolioolli0o~1<ol ' ~: repirt.' WU tlfOllo}d: to try to provide ~~ • ..,.~ .. .., r\ -'°" ' -.. • . '°""" modlcol oplnloo about any of Ille • ~Olli' l=.iL ·• clrup.'.. lhll mJcht be used, their ~-ii,o...,;. .. ,~ ~lotlcal effecto and thelt .... "'~,;:; '~"i: <le!"r.ible or dioirable sldHffecta; and Ii> tefnol' ~ ~~d° ,mo. lz]',lo r..iuc.·the pneratlon 1ap. ·tlooal-opd ~ ~ P.•tltm ol the meeUnp was to hold ao o1 poychla1ric -<Mr.''11ia!i ·- oponlncll'OUP aesslon .-young people lomllie1 In the~·'' . • . and' adllltl, theo aeparate ...,.1..,. "Ith Included In the"'ilom--'""" were the two, lollowed by • clcoto& '""'p : brok.ii bolites wllll .....,.,, •• l " sioft • l'.I*\)' • I I ~~I Of' ,.. ~ the first year, the acbodule of ,.,.._~ *"" pomlla1,tlll!"~· atlendance woa left open, wilh yoong peo--~~ ~~-":/ pie and odult. att<ndlog togelher or ·-lloll* mtmltdo IOPl"ltll\lliclr-geparately, u frequently as·they felt in-r~. '·~ ~.:"' 1 ~. clinod. In the eecmd year, att...iance YO\mi pOople of hiCJi lnlillodUloi'iblHty .... llmlted to l"'!ll"' of ~· families, ...... doin( poorly In achool, lndulglog In. each attending fOI' eight consecutive trequeqt truancy, and .occvJmelly_ ru& weekly teUiotu. fting" away, :ind many, ln·lddition to dJf. CHARACl'tRIS11C:S TOLD licultl<lo "11h'""'1r parent., II/lid !hey re~ The doelon obeerved the following aijenated·from their peer group and had characteristics among the young people tttrnEd to drugs to help them oven:ome attending the cllnic: fetlin&:s of ltll-comcioulnes& and in- ~n 1ener11'.lhey are 'from upper mid· adequacy. dlM:lais 'homes, wilh 'e<>m!Oltable af. OPPOSITE FACTS nuence. They are of average to above-averaee intelllgenct. Totally oppo&ite approache3 'iO drug! -They are. often quite ~n and were revealed by parentli and youth. articulate In their complaints abOut their The parents. regarded drugs 1s pmull, homes, schools and society. dill'lltl'OUS, addictive and leading to ~They tend to relate to the present doomtctloo. Tho young people delCribod with UtUe regard for the future and they their drugs operiences as 1'btautiful" view the use of. drugs as potentiatj.ng ''.~~ipanding'' and leading to brilliant' their awareness of themselves and the self-underatandinl. here and now. . Only after many seesion1, the doctors -They iNist oo their right to do ~s ?epm. was it possible to establish any they please, whatever the consequencea, communication between parents ind as long a.s it does not directly alfect youth. otMrs. One reaction some families had in com- -They aggressively disparaa;e adults' mon wu 1 tendency to blame the schools crltlci:nn of thelr drilg U5e by stressing kit their tn>ubleo, the pattnl! critlciilng their s-rents use of alcohol, clprettei, lack of supervision and guklance, the stimuJooto such as coffee and medicinal youths complaining •bout boring and ir· drugs.. relevant classwork. NoTEu REACTIONS Some of the young cllenll lnsllt..i they The docton ~ the "almost panic· hod no problom at all and wore ottendlng only .at the Insistence of ochool, court or like rtactiom" ol parents to the parents. Many lat« ldmh1ed to having knowledge !bat lheir children are u&ing drop:, coupled witb the youths' discovery problems. that they have "found areas where their QUESTIONNAIRES SEfli'T parents can neither control nor eof;rce In an attempt to evaluate the clinic, them." This interaction, they 0 b 1 er v e , questionnaires were given to 29 family demonstrates the d '1 r up t e d com- munication between parents and young R · La d ff people wlUch ii manifested by veiled and eagan u s eroes open threats, with few areuf bf .com- m<!ll .-t tr understandlog. ' SAGRAMENTO iUPll -Gov. Romtld Tb< .Youiiil .people art. convjnCe,! ·111<11-" Rbpll' Mda7-)ir.,.all tli•' stil0'1 ~!Sh' parent& neither uOOerstand nor 1p. est award for heroism to ,three Patton predate their situation, the report says, State· H~l empJoyes who persuaded place a mystical trust in the supplier of 1 iun-wieldl?f. man to rel~ a hoa~ge • . r inanbel'I before and aftei: one i)lhl·• .. k -5on.,). ~ ,· ~ The jilr<nla rospiiiiileil faV<>rably, 12 port<Tll ll)'lng they bad been helped and woukt ncmanend the clinic to oU.en:. 'lllO . ....tha wen lell eothu>lutic, but 111 '""'71w lilt cliii!C had helped ihem~ JiieY wCllliil like to 'Co.;ttnuo. • Logbook ' No One Has Any Rights ' . " ., To Unbridled Assembly .. By JEROME F. COLLINS 01 ltM DellJ ... .., .... THE U.S. CONSTITUTION protecll tbe right o1 the people to COl1l'Olala ln public placces. It doet not protect lbeir right.lo hawk LSD, heroin and matiJuanl In.pal> in pubttc .piaoes. ~ ' • ' " • It does not protect their right to get gassed or atoned in public places. ry, Yet, that's what happened ov.er the weekend It that ~ massive rock music festival near San Francl!co. · THREE HUN!)RED, Tl!Ouil~ youi\g J!eo!!ie; ·tn. •', eluding hundreds of drug peddlers, who made a kiDing. · showed up at what turned out to be the bl&iest pot party in history. Four people died. One' WU atabbed to death. two • " · v.·ere run over In their sleeping bap and the fourth thouJht .;. he ,was Wonder Woman and drowned in· a creek. About 1081 ~ others were treated for bad trips. What that means ls they · 1 J went out ol their minds. Probably sWI are. Sul none of this cast any pall on the proceedingl. Ev~bt>dY wu lc»'' ~ bept on pleasure-seeking. ' • · THE WHOLE NIGHTMARI8H aflair was sanctioned by us. Ye., we sanctioned it because we are the people and we nm tbe government. And the government -local, state. and {ederal -did noWng •boul· the festival. It • was virtually Ignored, in fact. . · , Sl:r Cal.irornia Highway Patrol offictrs were on hand to cope with thll <J,nffic. Six. 'J1iey soon gave up. There wre no deputy sher1ffa anywhere. ' The dnig peddlers were able to sell their wares wttbouf fear ot mest and get rlch. · TRE Am AT "Woodstock West" was filled wtth the acrid fumes of pol Nobody Interfered with anybody. What if somebody bad? What if arrests had been attempted? The rault would probably have been bloody rloting. • So the kids were left alone. The peddlers peddled with impunity. ·~Acid, acid, acid," the pushers cried. Thoosanils smoked their pOt, gullped their LSD. and shot their heroin. The music, likely as a c~uence, v.·as a groove. AND JUST ABOUT everybody went home happy ...:: including many, many young people who got their nrst taste of complete anarchy, ·spiced no doubt ' by their first 1aste· of really heavy stuff, . : The Bf!Ush rock group, Rolling Stones, spon!IOred the blg free party •. 1 • The)' said they,did it \)Ut at; graU~ud~ for.the succes! ol their American &our. 1 • ' . It Was i hen\tva'way lo ally 'thank you to the American people. · • 1• If yoo see pothjng wrong wlth what went on at the Stones' fmµv;al, -then ell J can aay, my lriel!!I, LI !bat wt rtally are a lick aoclety. A mor)IDY.~ ," one. : r! • I • -. ~lrJlrv&t,~p 'i::::l.:l:',.. f .,.,....,.,,,, " b;~ .= l:;: ftj>e a.ey . 'llt:ta:e:"~~"1-,1;;11i;j~: The experiences about which they bOut ;. • ' 1 ' • often do·not matdt'lmown eftectl of the " · ' h H F s I ·1 : :~~~;~~; .. ~ · ·. · ristmas ·i· i · a e. i two youths, each of whom hid swallowed ~ one birth control pill taktn from a mother's supply. The doctort eipr~ surprise at the variety of drugs and comblnaUons of drugs used by the Legune ~ ln·thelr experimenting, Far from stlctlng to mu1juana and ·•'.pot. parties'~. the,Je ·youngsters seemed '!111~ to 1zy lll)1bln( and had uoed um. Cat Burgfar Still on Prowl PRICES SLASHED 30°/o TO SOo/o ON ALL CLEARANCE ITEMS. MANY BRA!l;!ID NEW; SOME DEM.Qt4STRATORS, so~-TR~D·· . . . ... . ,, . - INS. EVERY ONE WITH FULL MONEY-BACK GUARANTES! ·-.. •f • e -$\'£RED TilNERS' & RECEIYERS e . WAS SALi ·Fisher ,_ w ... ,,. ........... '"'·'° $175°0 Bogen DB 240 ; .... "'"" '219" Bogen .. "'·,, _ .......... ""·" '2190° Bogen t1nox ... w ........... ""·" '159" . Harmon-Kardon ~::""i:.~ .•• '17500 Fisher .... ,..,--...... ""·" '148" · s·herwood ..... 1 299· " , .. _ ........ ""·" Sh . . d ........... '249" erwoo . ,., _ ........ ,,,..,, . -~Fisher""·, .. -.......... ""~ '241" n Harmon-Kardon =-~:.~~~ · '35" i . CASSETTE PLAYERS • . .,,.. ., • . . • RECORD CHANGERS e Garrard <O Mk. II, ""9/certrf4te ..••• , S41M Garrard !~~~.;:-• ,,., ... G d SL-75, arrar -1·-...... 1111.00 Garrard ,,, .................... .. e STEREO' CARTRIDGES e Shure wt1• ................... _ ""'' Shure ... ,.; ..................... ,,,,,, Empire Empire IOI , •••• ,, •••••• , ••• ., Sl,.t.91 . ftt YI ~ .... 1 ............ $74.tl ... ' . · e SPEAKERS e Electro-Voice "· 1u ........ .. '35" . .,,.. '85" ; ··~·~: '1411 j ''I"' .... '(5" .. . '59" ': L . '35" ancer ""· , .. t11-.u ...... '"·" . CUSTOM 4'RAl'1' 6' CAllNIT r....ic AM/PM,.....,...,~....,.,, •a••••...,,... ...... ..,,...., .. ~ Two-year Reign a Swrmy One in Long Beach Sony Casette 1c1ee ...... '"·" . Panasonic c--.,,..., .. .,..,, '29n , :,;., "" NOW '275" · ALL . $4.98 STEREO RECORDS ' ••• $2.98 • • I U>NG BEACH (UPI) -Wt111nt a !tr tho city council coe.t ol Mgrey }Ximtr 1'undenrear," Once she 1rTtved here, the city the Queen Mary, oneUmo "Empma of decland her a building. Memben ol the the Seu," celebrated her -MuiUme U-held up wort oo her con- annlvenary In this port Tueeday. t'v..-for-three 111Mtbs whilt!·tbey 'lbe ooce proud OCNn lumy """ of bellied lo hovt tho courte declare she the CUnanl Une arrived blro Dec. "' waa llW alloet and ltlll a lhip ao they 11117, for C<lllYenion to a ---could keep their furlJdlcllon.' eenter-mUteUJn. . The diapute "" finaJ1y ldtled, at 1 In the -· her ......nlon <Oita -to the city of 11 mJllJon. Tho city i.,,. «olated from tho Cll1clnal eatlm•lo 1.,....i to lei land bued unlooo handle ol 19 mllllon to a pndlctod 1111 million the ~ "°'t rather than hove It and $IO mUllon bu aln!ICly beeo spent d-by city employes. The city cla1med with tho project • year behind schedule. the Iner.-waa due to billler ultrlea And not everyone has lhotm the prvptt for Jand.J>Ned unlMS than their ,..golna; rupee! !tr the n>yal lady ol tho teL brothen. . At one Lime, 'the queen was the oi>}<c:I The ~ haa beeo landblalted down ol bitter political battl" In the city. Ot> lo Ille ban mtlal and covered with a Ponent. or the project tried to torpedo It primer coat ol roddbl>gey paint, by running their own 111te o( candidatu rreparatory to beinJ reflnisbed in her I ' • I • ' • . NlW PRIC:ES ON RECORDS! ..... ,,,., NOW $189j;_ ..... Lr'1,NOW '\ $3.98! • • I • A Vietnai:n wa~.J>r.o~1~er..~'ft~·~ ... sentenced in Philad0lph1a to a · lesson in American history aa an alternative to a ter~ in jail f o r his part in disorders at an antiwar rally last year. Judge Robert A. Latrone ordered the lS..year-old of· fender to visit a citizenship cere. mony, the Pennsylvania Historical Society, Independence Hall and the Betsy Ross house. He also was told to attend three classes on consti· tutional law at Temple UniverEiity and spend a 'tlay wit)>· the city archivist. , • · 1 ~ ,. ~~L," . .. -· ...... . . ' . .. Dahomey . Relt.elllon--• Af riCA Pr.esi4ent -r ......_ - -, i. "'-• Seized in Cou.p · COTONOU, Dahomey (UPI) Rebelltou.. Army llooPi today kldnlped Pnoldent Emile ZI.-arid JlllllOWIOld lhey ..... _, p<>w<l' In the !Ulh - lioce 11111 pt<trty rldde Welt Alrlcon nllton ..on llldependenco from ·France nine years .,o. · Unconfirmed reporil aaJd the 61·YW• old pra:idenl . WU wOlDtded Jn an e1- change of ', £W11!re be!w,... h'l a bodyguards ~ the lnlurpnt. ooldlen, but the govemmenkperated radio ota· tlon In Lome, capital ·of neipbor1ng Toeo. aald he wu unhurt and held ca~ ttve. The lnJurg-. repaNd led by LI, C:.I. Maurice KOuande~. 37, U)e army clDtf of lltaff, first seized the ra~lo station at 8 a..m. and then stormed into the preaidtn· lia1 palace, a rambling, modern1stic building on the Atlantic sea front. .. · _ , . yoar former Pn!llc!etft'Clw!Oa De Qiulle ·-to gt,. IUrt!iet 'ild ·~·· of 1i.laplcioril the .large pv~ .pl3J'Oll mtclll be podded. ; • < -• ·* . * . *" ' I • •• ' '· .. P Libya R~gime CrusheS Plot F ot iJphe_a1Y_al BEIRUT (UP!)-The · thr,..m<11thoOld revoluUonary rtgime in Libya hU cnuh· ed a 'Coup at tern Pt by a groop ·lf atmy olficui and some ministers ol tbe pru- ent government. the olfldal Libyan Arab radio announced tonight. -~ Censors cut kissinq and n~ love scenes from mou"tes ill ,,... dia, but the bt1n ha1~been lift. ed for the 4th lnttNl4tionat: •r · Ul"IT ........ Witnesses said Zlnsou appeared to ha\'e been wounded and that there .was a Wlld exchange of JUnfirt in the J*ace before • the president wu can1td to a car llld driven off in the direction of the airfield • Unofficial reports said he was taken to the small North Dahomean garrilOn The radio, In a broadcast mon.ilQ.red in Beirut quoted an Official sLlt.tuient by the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) -the hl1hest authority in the WITH AID OF UKULELE , TllfX TIM LURIS "ANCll·TO NY MARRIAGE LICENSE BUREAU Tlny'o Wedding to Vlctorf1 Budl1110;, 17, Wiii Hlfhllthl Johnny C1roon'o Dic •. 17 TV $)low .. ,) ' -.. f Film. Feltival which ii· noto-,~0- ing an in New Delhi.~Tht-tjtJl.'.I 11 movie l}Pae;···q.(f.' :;ammea:, lines are .!Pfta 011tsidt and .s&Up- ers repo'f!. oOod _btirifttsl. . Tiny, 'MiSs ~-Vicki' Cut .. ~ .Red Tape0 fhr:,License "l : ..• , ' • • . . When Rosom1;., C11troll of Lon- don decided )o plit,pp for auction a .. painting Jell to. bet .by her late un-NllW YORK (UPI) -Tiny Tim Upl<>ed cle. she was hoPefW of getting en-·. tl!rqu&h the rod tape for a marri•g• ough moqeY. for .a ~own paymept l!Cenle Tueoday, despite the fact lhat hts on a car~ :She guessed wrong. She 17·ytlr-old fianc te "Min vtee." dld-'liot .got enough to i>Urcba1e an entire · ha~9-::e penonal contenL of botb' ~ fleet of cMS. "The pa"lnting, 11T b e Parer'ITlll · . . .. · · Temptation of ·Eveu by Hans· Bal·· y, who listed himself u ~ Hetbert dung a 16th c•n!lur.y rerman at· Buckingham Khaury, 37," hll brldeolQ.~ . • .,. , . · v , · .\'Jcloria "Miss Vicki" Budlntft', ·arid. list, .brought $5.l?,000 at Soethby • m 0 ·1her·1 n-law-to-be Mn. .. - Auction Ho~••· A". for the car, Mrs. B~er. arrived In lhO'-'.mlllll<tpti cattrell said she; would still buy buitdliig on anythlnc but up1o..; · I"'• -and ,pei1iaps a few -modern An , entouraae of reporiera a n d }>aintings as well. photofvaphers a cc om pan le d tbe • . •paghettl-baired laloetto singer who toted along hie ev-er faithful ukulele. A medley of vintage tunes followed. The minor red tape hitch wu the New York State law which requires both " ' parents' COnoent to marriage In -If their 'cfaqhltt II mder II, Mw Viet!'• dad,. Alan Bud1n"pr, an art suppliH dealtt· fftm. Haddonfield, N.J. WU not preoeilt Tuesday. -~ii'' ;Ct(Jo Clerk Herman Katz ·eante to the· rmcue. Katz dated Ute Jtctnti Tuelday, but will hold onto it until todq; When lhe girl's father plans to ·~PY• hll -to Ille mar· rl-C.. · The •·aeiuat· cmmoniu are planned Wednesday, Dee. 17 on Ille N!C "Tontlht" lhOw. The <OUPI• met In J""' In a Philo<lelphja department store. Tiny Tim's i1lsetto rendition of "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" on NBC-tv's "Laugh-In" two yt1n q:o Mnt his career 1kytockettng. In his unit's i-escue exercises, London Fireman Peter O'Connor often played the part of a victim being carried down a ladder. Fin· ally he vowed: "Never again." Firemen once dropped him, catch· ing him by the loot. A week later they nearly dropped h l m aaain. Most recently, a fireman misstep- ped on a ladder and almOll pulled down-O't?onnorwtl!J ·hlm :·-· ... - Week's Viet War Deaths e Drop to ·Three-year Lo'Wi'. SAIGON (UPI ) -Inf'"""' mlUtary sources said today U.S. war deaths in Vietnam dropped last wtek to one of the lowest totals in ijlree years. The cuualty report& will be releasod offlclally on 111.....iay, 1'111 tho .,"'°'' Aid they were around the '4 mark " relfatand In early Dootm"1"• 1111. Fatalities for the prev:ious ~k were. 70, a sharp decrease which was .aut;lbuted to a lack or major offtnslves .apbwt· Am~­ f<an pos!Uons and to tl\O; ;rowini Vlei· .... i.auon ol.tbe war oiot Ille hicnuln( number of South V-"-uoed against the Vilt Con1 ind North Vitt· namese. Protest.S Greet The ttpCt\a c:olnclded "''h areperl by . . military sp0kesmen 11111 M SO..lh Viet· N • • NY namue pe...,,11 wavtnr red ...r yellow ~0,11 Ill ·Boulh Vleltlam•,. fa!.. t u r n • d . . ~·· themaelvts In to U.I. troop& ntfth of " NEW YORK · !APl-Bands of )'OWll . Salion to 'escape lht Viet Corif. ent.iwar . det110nstratqrs · marred ,PfW,. At Uaf AIM ticne the COVemrnent 11ld . ,;; . dent Nixon's vi•it to the cl•• ·~1 ' ,,I d••U.~ ~ w•~ -·-~ed -~ Princess Grace Rl.IU'l"tdm in a ·dart · · · · · . ..i.L 11 • , ·¥ · y~ / ~ -w."'I"'"' llllU game during a virit to a .country ftnr .~IJht by sur,Jtng ~tlugh ffillftlO'Wn ~UI '811 '~peel ' the Coinnrunlstl list ira Mono:~co. Sta~i~g nearby _ with breaking. store . wiMows IQd cltlhina wee.k. 'Ib1I brought to 6,063 .the number of a Jeto htn ts -is 11.~ aon Prtnc! Al· · with ponce. -civilians killed by the Viet Cona: thLI bert. PoUce ..,...tad mor• lhan IO men and yeat.' A Jftvloua government rejlert oald • women alter imall bands brOke aw1y 280,000 di~. , . !;cm a crowd of l,\)Qll proletters lb Wrtak niil 1'11 Ji:i··~!"'"P"ll"'"'.," to a olllemoD\ by h1voe: 0nt· Jiolli:erilan was hit with a 'Sen. "!dw1nl Ktmedy (0-Mus.), lhlt Wheaton College in Norton , Mass. ha s received gifts fre>m un- numerable sources, but this is probably the first time the college ever had to play secbnd fiddle to a dog. \Vhen the dog's owner d_led recently in Ormand Beach, Fla., ~e left his estate to his beloved pet but named the cpllege as the second beneficiary. \Vhen the dog dies, Whea·ton wilMnheril. lead pipe and a high-ranking officer was the civlllaft cuualtJts l'lad topped tht one struck In the fact by 1 atone. Fl•e other million mart whh about 300,000 dtad. policeman and f i v t clviUans were Althoug'h clashes wWe llibt and ac1l- injured. t.red, mllltaey """""'' said l1lo U.S. ltl President Nixon was In t.own to rtceive Cavalry Dlv:islon oepr1tin« alonr the un- . the Gold ·Medal ef the N1tlonal Football marked C&mbod!M bordor northwest ol · FoUndation at 1 dinner it the WaldOrf Saigon kllltd 1,808 ComTnunlatl J11t Aitoria Hotel. The Preaidlnt entertd the month -the highest DWAbet et klll1 hotel by limousine an~• rently did since the Tet offtnlft'e Of tebruary, nof '" Ille protesters police bar· 19&!. U.S. 1..,.. In lhis Mrl• el opera· r~_es CIQt block aw1 . Uoos were called Jtlhl ' • S~uth lla~··!,J'ornado Watch .... ·-- Snow. =Falling Dver.:N.orthertr. California Mountains CalltOl'liia IOUTHl•N (.f.ll,OiltNIA-Verltbr. dwClll'IHI Wedlleill•Y wltll Occ•1Jenfi llt>hl '''" .,,.It iDOtl!oft. Cl9trl111 W• ,..,..y lllflll, Th11TM1r. l•lr .,,.. •lletltl'r wt"""r. Loe•! t tlt!Y •lf'ft IT'OUlltllll l f!d dtMrl l rltl WMl'lt,. ••: ;,,. ••r. Y : -;. 1t11• •·-1-\.. LOI ANOILES AlftEA -V1,i.bl• , .. ,.,,...,.. • 11··~ t.lltll$1tf • C~ ~ -· _«CltlOflll,., ~ -~ ~ ,_..,,!ft~~~ .. , 111..... ,. H. ~'I ..._ U. 111utMn", ftlf '"' .,...,.. .,,.,,..,. COASTAL ...... INTl.Ml,.,.TI VALL......_V.,... dtMI 11'1111 ..... .... -,.., """ .. , ....... ,.....,., llllllltr.,c ..,.,. W&O w•:w ....... .... ,,.,.,. It-..,....., a ti A....,_ _ __,~. MOUNT Af1' ...M.l.U-hrtlr dluf'I ---~TJ:.~.:-......... """ ... -.... c.....-. -· "· t.Mff.t. Mlltt ... M A•IA -'"-"" t:"""" ........ Wttl! fa.tiil>Mt llW!t rt~ C!•rll'll W~Y itltf'll. f'•lr TllWMn. H~ ~ •1 llllMlr nott, w~ "t"" "" • llt!t. --T¥*Y ,,..,_, ··c...c.i \lflAnll• COMTM. • • ............. Ullflt. w.,... .... . """" .,., """""' '*'" ~ .. . ...... to .... ,.... "" ,,..,.,.. -·""'-·· Unit! ...... tf\lrtt. rllltt '""' • ft •• 11111114 '-""'""f'ft ~ '""" • • .a. wttw ..... Mt ... Sa11, /If-. Tf P• WIOMllNY lKft tllllt ... " , ,. ... , ti ~ •• M, t.I 1tcW 1ew ........... ,., 4:14 11.m. T.S Tet11~•re• WIAT"ll Talil\H t _ ... _ CJ " .. , . .. " n _. n ., n -" " .. u n " " " .1• .. " ~ . ,, M '4 .t1 " ,, ' ·• • •• ..... ll ~ ,. ,, . .. .. " " ... .. ,, " " ... .. fl ... 40 ·-~ : .., I: Jl ~ J -,. '61 .. T, . ~ Ii U .If " . SI d .et ., .. Senate Approves Bill to Control Imported .Goods WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Se"'te voted today to give the Prtsident broad authority to bar imports -power Presi- dent Nixon di~ not seek or want. Senators rrom Southern and New ·England states which have been hit by compeUtion rrom foreign textiles, shots and electronic equipment, joined forces to taek onto th e Senate's tax rtfonn bill the proposal oC Sen. Norris Cotton (R-N.H.). The .wntndment would permit the White House to impose quotls on all categories of imported goods where he finds a disruption of a dom~Uc industry. town of Nattltingou. ' Lome rad.lo said the lnsurrents oc- cupied the palace which· houses VllJ'l6wi: government service3 and allowed officials to .enter but not to leave the premises. It aald the foreign, justice and public works mlnilter• were held prisonen lnhde the l'>aJaco. "The broadcalt said that when Zlmou arrived "1111 hll bodyguards a military car blocked lrlll limou sine. A brief ex- cbanie of gunfire took place and the prts:klent wu driven away. · Dahomey, with a population or :!.~ million, ls llO poor its annual budgelis on- ly $32 million of which two-third! went to govtrnment P:la.rles before Zinsou in· stituted a series of austertty measures which displeased government workers, student.. and tbe anny which put him in power In tho first place. The sum of $32 million iii about the same amount the city of New York apends each year to keep tb parka in ahape. France has aubeidlzed liOme of the constantly growing na.tlooal debt but thia country. - The RCC is led by Col. Moariimtr AJ- KHhafi and c.&ne· to power in ·a coup that toppled the' regime of King Idriss JI Sept. I and established the LtQyin Arab Republic . The Libyan statement referred to the plotters aa ''traitors" and 111id tnef were to carry out their attempted ·coop on Dec. 7. It described coup plottm as "perllOM who were trusted by the new .revolutionary regime" but did not: idtn- ttty them. .. It did indicate they were 'mated. The statement warned ft 'frill "strike with an iron fist" againlt the plotters. Christmas Tree Lot Owner Shoots Student SACRAMENTO (UPl )-Kar!'G. OeWe, 60, owner of a SacramenU> Chriitmu tree lot, was arraJgned Tuesdaf on a manalaughter charge In the flta aboot- ing of a coIJege studtnt. tryiJii to steal a trte. The Cotton amendment was adopted by a vote of M to 30 after senators first re- jected, 73 to 22, a motion to kill it. The amendment would gJve the Presi· dmt power to impose restrictions when he found that imports "dlmipt the i.lomutJc industry" or cause "Injury to industries, firms or workeni in the United . Sta\el" when the foreign country pro- dqefl1J tboee goods restricted Import& ·&hfOusli llcens11, tarlfr.s or taxes. Pseudo Prin~es:s Plwny Palace Paper Put Doivrr.. Goldwater: Nixon May Order Bombs DA NANG, Vietnam CAP) -Sen. Bar· ry Goldwater said today he feels Nixon may order the bombing of North Vietnam resumed if the Paris peace talks conilnue to drar on without results. The ArilOl'la Republican told a news conference he doe1 not think the Vletnain war will~ won "untJI we stop the now of supplies at their source at the northern end of the (Ho Chi Minh} trail. "And I don't think the President has closed ., _the door on this acUon," Goldwaier said. ''He hasn't been too specific about it, but I have a feeling that mme action might come if the peace effom that he has been making and we are makin1 in Paris fail to come to fruition ." LONDON (UPI) -American actor Anthony Roberta felt raU:aer ·honored: when, on opelJlng night, he received a best wishes letter written on Buckingham PaJace Stationary and signed "Princess Margaret." . Buckingham Palace wa1 leu than pleased, and Shat'1 what put John Paul, 29-year-old owner of a chain ol London shops, out .of the "palace letterhead" sta- tionery bustnesa. • It started when Paul conceived the idea as a tourist gimmick. He had nevtr seen any Buckingham Palace stationery,.ao he invented his own design and sold it at 78 cents for rive sheets and five envelopes. "What happened was that I 1ot carried away wbtn l wu ~ignina: It, and dttld- ed it had to look the real thing,'' said Paul. "It was on luxury paper and was crested and embossed." Ent.er Anthony Roberts, 30-)•eaMld IC• tor, on openinc night or the we.s:t End production "Promises, Promises'' -and the letter which read: "Welcome to· England. Good luck on your opening night and I hope .I lhall have a ch1nct to aee the show my•lf. Seas Stall SJafp Salvage UnW then, warmest retards."· . . . ' It was 1Jgned "H,R.H. · frJncesa ?tlargaret." -· ·· : ~, :c Roberta: sald he was "quite·. ticGOred11 until a pal told him thf! prin~·~vtr signed )Jer -':lame that way. . ·.· .. ~ Another friend saw the letter. cm hi! dressing room wall, said ~ and took it to Princess Margaret. • \ ".I Wlderstand she wa s quite : upatt about It, and shocked," aaid tile.actor. Buckiu.&ham Palace got into. the.¢ A pala.ce spokesman said Tuesday,'''ane or two e1arnples of thjs paper had .CfllDe to our notice and the police pointed Wt to the management of the shop. -that the paper could be misused." .. · · Roberti said he later had dinner with Princess Marg1ret and that lbe ·treated. the matter ''laughingly." . . . Paul never met the Pr.ltlcess, but he took the police hint -no more '.'buck~ Ingham Palace" letterheads. . · Instead, he is putting out stationary beating the letterhead • ' D art m o o r Prison." . "So fir, no One there hu·~d," he laid. · .. ' CnieJ aeas forced salvage crews to postpone their plan to pull this Greek freighter Tens lerarchal off the rocky coast of Vancouver Island, Br11lsh Colum· bia, Tuesday. Salvage men said the heavy, 1woll would malte II tmpooslble for them to pull' the 18,· 000-ton built carrier fr .. In one piece. All 28 cmr- men were taken from the ship. t I "I thillll: llCllllll·of ~ nmp& are~ out . .. ofband," . House Cuts, Oears Foreign Aid Bill WASHINGTON (AP) -The amallest IJ.S. foreign aid pack- qe since World War II has · puaed the House and is head- . ed for a Senate confrontation oVer ·'military aid to Nation- all.st China and South Korea. · The '1.6 billiOn global as- llstance bill, which falls $1 billion short of the amount .asked by President Nixon, is the lowest since the program began with the Marshall Plan for European recQ.very in .1948 and reached a fl.49 billion peak in' 1950-51. Last yea.r's foreign aid appropriation was fl.n billion. The measure, approved 200- 195 in A nlgbt House vote Mine Worker Boss Oaims . . . . . Big Victory WASHINGTON (AP) - United Mine Workers' Presj. dent W. A. "Tony" Boyle, in- voking the spirit of the late Jotn L. Lewis , t lalmed a smashing re~lectlon viCtory todiy over Joseph· A. Ydtmskl In the union 's greatest fntemal battle -1n nemiy half a century.· "The greatest man that evel' defended labor In this country, Johi1 L. Lewis, my mentor, selected me; he didn't select Md ·tram my opponent in the responsibility of ruMing this union," Boyle said in crediUng his victory tG the layalty of the nation's coat miners tG the memmy of Lewis. But Yablonski, • 27-year- lnembe!' of the 20 0' 0 0 0. member o n I on ' a .executive boird, refused to concede despite Boyle's report that he pGl'led some n.ooo votes to f0,000 for his opponent. "1bey can go to hell. I'm conceding to nobody. I'm con- ceding nothing," the 59-year· okl Yablonski said in a ttlephone interview from his bGrDe in Clarbvllle, Pa. IT'S EXIT- FOR XHE~I . LOS ANGELES (AP) Tuesday, contains a hotly dis-· puted $54.5 million to furnish fighter planes for Nationalist China, $50 million in specia1 military aid for South Korea and a provision added at the last minute that bars aid to countries trading with Com- munist China. Sen. J. W. Fulbright. chair· man of the Senate Foreign Relatioos Committee, is ex· pected to force. a floor fight on the appropriations ·bill. His committee Monday approved an authorization bill express- ly banning the $104.5 mill.ion for the Asian allies. Beckett Absent Fro1n Nobel Rites STOCKHOL~t (UPI) -Irish author Samuel Beckett went into hiding when told he had won the 1969, Nobel Prize for literature. Today he made good nis pltdge to stay away from the pre s entation · ceremony. •• Jt was fdbr i:tsys after the Oct. 2.1 ani"loliheement of his award that Beckett consented to comment on it at all. "I am not grateful." said the 63-year- old playwright-novelist whose best.known work is the 1954 play "Waiting for Godot." King Gustav VI Ado 1 f presented the $72,500 Nobel prizes for medicine. literature, physics and economics in Stockholm's Concert Hall. In Oslo, the Peace Prize went to the Internationa1 L a b Gr Organization (lLO) for it! work in developing nations. Beckett, w h o studiously avoids the limelight, lives in Paris but keeps to himself to the extent that only his publisher. Jerome Lindon , and his ~Josest friends know his address. Lindon acteptcd his prize today. Old Roman Ru.ins Fo.und ROME (AP) -Worken ' · ~ c:r1lter1 ·\!ho"llander into thi big · city won't face an .t • mnrtain futft at untimely -Here anymore. 'They'll . i..--In llyle -by llellcopter. digging a foundation near ofl millionaire J. Paul Getty's castle' uncovered a n un- derground cemetery dating baek to the Roman Empire. Arcbeologfsts said today it may be the most lmpcrlant such find in the Rome area bi years. I I r • n. wild cftatur-. auch as bl ncX>ooM and baby deer, will be bamported Via copter to . remote sreas a( Ange.lt1 Nltknal Fomt for restt- tlement. About 1;20tubna1J a. .,. .. will be lnYolvd.1.l . ... , . ;1 . I The' tombs are decorated with omite ct1lumns, vessels, weapons, jewels and mosaics. 'Ibey are in several room.9. connected by deep-dug tor· ridors. ... ......... ,,.,. ... ...... C.,.lin,111/a!~Ca ~L1a1! 2Jan6ant DMciftt, "'!'!!_'~'Eddi• FrHman Group C..pUnt9.f;7Xoi •cold 110r1 tl'HUt1rH l:srf r-, l/ono Sot. 5 IO 8 p.m. ·:~!"<'1"1 . m &TU£f.!!!Rr Newport leach 22~~~Hl~•(714)'46-S057 ' \ _, 'i· w~. 0tcom11v 10, IM CA!LY mer I • • '. . . ' crinkled patTnt bags ... enamcl,cd 1r)mmings . . ~·· ' •• .. 1 ' •i ~ . . -. Shouliler bags. , Duffie bags, "Jn· sparkling crinkled patent \Vhat·gteat trim. ·It's glistening enamel. Dashing color combinatioos: Hooey, white, red, navy, yellow. black. By Latinas. Shoulder bag 31.00, duffle 33.00 may co handbags 26 ,• " < -- -. . - ... ~ ...... ,,,,. ·r : \ . . . .- . .. ' ' .. ,, ... ! ---. .. . . ' . - ,. ' • ' ' ' ! • ' • '" -~ •• • --. ~-. , . " • • • . .... • fuzzy swb.ters are nice · '~~ come iii pretty CC?lofs' ' .... .. "\ . ' . ~. , ... . Soft, IOU881r .... atecs." With. jlllt -• ..: ~ fuu to m.W dm9 led -. .. ,' ' . ..0.... Bleoci.d of laml Id ::O!. ongon, . ~7 nbbit'.1-halr. la ~ lilac,.plU. ' ,_ ,.uaw, pwpte, blG. .... white. *40. P-• pap. U.00 ·mar co boaJewd "'°''"""' 16 ' " . ... . . ., . --~, I ..... . t t ., ~· ., ,. ,,. J -. ! ' " . " -.. . ' -'~. • " . " " . .. every kind of shirt for every · kind of girl ' ' Emr girl wt lcmw W11111 sbW ...a ,.;.. shirt&, To !'Ul just about ourwliete; Wa:ibc;>tr ·yoa rw·ooe fftlOI our whblr~ Plalo thiits. Not* lain shirts. r-and ...,. . p -~ . cue fabria. ((ICDe ,.. them all Stylt -U-. comes in white, gold; light blao, pink, beige <Oloia in .... 30 through 36. 13.00 ...;. "' -pas iliop 43 may eo costa mesa will~ open sumlay from DCJ!lD '.tilSp.m. Shop Every merchandise department and the restaurant will be open to sundays from now '.til Christmas. m~e your gift shoj>ping easier. ' may co south eoa.t plaia, san diego fwy et briatol, caste mesa: 546-9321 shop mondey thru saturday I 0 1.m. to. 9:30 p.m., ,1unday noon 'til 5 p.m. ' .i , ' .. . . . . . . ~ •, .. : • I • ,. I . DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL p,u;£-_ Tw·o Wrongs .Not Right· Actloa ol lht San Cleme11te City Ooundl in pointedly excluding all IUeguards except the chief guard from pay increas~s granted city employn raises an ethical que.Uon. The city manaaer told the councll his negative rec- ommendation reiarotng pay raises for the IUoguards was influenced by ''curnnt event& .. and mi&bl have been different but for those evenll. Preswnably the reference was to the llle&uanls' &trite threat last summer, whe11 they were seeking higher pay. As pubU.: safety employes, the iuards were ill.ad- vised in making such a threat. However, one aasumes that city employes an paid in accordance with the quality ol their seMlice and it would appear that the San Clemente guards have not fallen down on that score. It also has been established that their pay scale is lower than the average a1ong the coast, which should be taken into consideration in view iOf the competition among cities to obtain first class employes. j\11 things considered, it would seem that the exclu· sion of the lifeguards from the general city pay increase was punitive rather than judicious. Barefoot Bar's Reform Like an aging penitent, Laguna's once flarnbO)'ant Barefoot Bar has turned to a lile of public service. Not many seesons ago the city and district attor- ney's office fought the flamboyant bar business at 111 Ocean Ave. like the plague. It was an alleged homosexual hotspot where music walled like a siren song on summer nights. leelHllera. The -bu.slneos will abdicate during slow winter monlha (to May Ill) and a teen center will ap- ~r. T_,ers abOllld note lhat this Is a trial run by the city to 1oe bow the lltuallon works. Ultimate suc- ceos (If the P"'lect Is gotnc to be on the shoulders of the younc 1et. City offli:lal• have made a beginning for thtm. A ;Denial of Equity Denial by Laguna Beacb councilmen of a youthful religious group'• application to solicit funds on city streets poses a question of equity. The International Society for Krishna Conscious- ness said it wanted to bring religion to the streets, so- licit fUDds and work to rehabilitate drut users. It struck out. Councilmen held 11-2 that the Krishna philooo,PbY followers won't be allowed to distribute their religious magazine and seek donations. Th• group chants and uses cymbals and· other musical devices. However, spokesmen for the Krishna group seemed willing to accept any restrictions on the ways and means of eollcitation. And their application lo the city wu In order. lf LaJUll& was dead let generally aiainst public fund . rel11111g, denial would be more understandable. But about every good cause that comes down the pike i& given a ben"""leot llOd by councilmen from poppy sales to the 1treet <loor-to.<loor cooll'le sales. Cortalnly the Krllllna magazine wouldn't offend 11 niany Lagunana as would the permitted sale of ""''" undOl'(r'OWld newspapers. I The old Barefoot building has been on the 1trafS11t and narrow for """'" time. It's now a modest beer tav· em with -sake's alive -the city Its legal l'llldlonl. If satlefied that the staled Krishna motives and methods were true, councilmen should have all&wed the sollcltaUon at least on a trial basil. That s equity Ull- der the law. 'Goodnu8. We don't want Wlmilk OIU' sacred COW dr,y! The city last week closed a deal with the buslneSI ownership which should be good news for Laguna'• • They ~ever Speak Well of Each Other PUBLlN -This is .surely one hell of a town to be a success in. . This is especially true if you !ll'e a literary bloke which is the only kind o( success that is really respected here. The Irish, Dr. Johnson well remarked, are a very fairminded people: They aever speak well of each other. To be a success in this country is to be e target a target for the most gifted and inallctou'.s tongues in Christendom. One remembers Shaw on Oscar Wilde: .. He had no enemies, but was distinctive- ly disliked by bis friends." AND WILDE, WHEN asked if he knew his fellow Irishman, George Moore; "Do I know him, is It? Yes, l know him so well I have not spoken to hlm for lit years" And George Moore, on his fellow· Irishman Oscar Wilde: "Wilde paraphrased and inverted ~e witUcisms and epigrams of others •. His method of literary piracy was on the, lines of the robber Cacus, w1¥> dra~~ stolen cows backward by the tall• intO h>• cavern so that their hoofprintl might not lead to detection." A Dublin lady, Sarah Purser, about George Moore's confess1on books, '"'ftle Confessions of a Young Man" and ••Memoirs of My Dead Life :" ''SOME MEN KISS and tell ; Moon tells but doesn't kiss." When James Joyce died ln lN.~ a leading Dublin Daily, The 1r11 h Independent, had these kind _words: "He died in Zurich early this year, hav· 1ng In the lime between reviled the religion in whlch he had been brought .up and fouled the nest which was his native "ty .. Cl JMies Joyce said to the Celtic Shakespeare, William Butler Yeats, on the occasion of the latter's 40th birthday: .. We have met too late, Mr. Yea", you are too old to be influenced by me." • AND GEORGE RUSSELL, who wrote lovely poetry under the name AE, c~r· ta.inly had Dublin in mlod w~~~ he def1!1- ed a literary movement as five or six people wbo live in tbe aame town and bate each other." Dear Gloomy Gm: Wllal'I with thae new ~llO move Into Lquna and wall to gel their bap unpacked they're complainlnc about any and all _.Pl_!nl that might encourage new J)eople to move-tnto town? -Oldtimer Tiii• Mtv,. "''"" """'"" ¥ltWI. "" --rltr IM" et tl'le _,,.Hr, holt YtVr f'tt Htft tt ............. ~llr ,lift, To get the informal opinion of one gifted Dubliner on thia matter I &ought out my friend Ulick O'Connor. Ulick is what you might can a success -with Ute result that hall of Dublin hates his guts, and the other half thJnks the sun rises and sets on him. Ulick Is 39. He has a bead Uke in Ivy· Leigue devil. Vogue once said he was "lhe Irishman with a tongue like a allver razor." HE IS A BARRISTER, raconteur, bon viveur, poet and reader of poetry to ladies clubs In the U.S.; biographer of Oliver St. John Gogarty, and i playwright. He bu 'bee1t 1riah pole--vault record holder, Brltlah Universities welterweight bol:inl Champion and a senior Club Rug· by footballer. When ·In New York. he hangs out 1t !he pooh Racquel Club. He is also one of. the beat-known men in Dublin, due to 1 eerlee of controvvslal appear· ance1 on lrtah Television whicP )lave made htm known ln some quartets as the "Johnny Canon of Ireland." HE SAT WITR ME In !he roceotl1>1 rooms of the Royal Hibernian Hotel the other morning, and over coffee bepn to nun.lnate on the fate of the Dublhier who rises above the crowd. He spoke with the deliberateness of a man who has gone the route. "ln the flnt place, you may never discuss the problem of success in Dublin without reminding yourself of what that gifted old Kraut Goethe said a century and a haU ago. He said that 'the Irish alway• pull down a noble stag.' "This bu been their history . It will continue to be ihelr history. The Irish have 1 great feeling flClr the fellow who ls gotn1 to write the greiteat book ever written by an Irishman. What they can't at.and Is the guy who &eta off his arse long enough to actually write the damned book, and eet published. n ' Abused Word: 'Relevant' Thoocbta At Large : nie moot abused word omong lludenla t1 "relevant" -fer they mlftakenly lm- •flne that only subjects ol current - cent and controversy are ''relevant" to modern education: whe.rus, tr a• re1evmce signill• en understandln1 of man'• nature, capacllits and limitatlons, which only 1 ""1nd grasp of Utt bumanhles can give l!I· • • • Rudin( about l!rf,.u. Bardo!'• third {or I• H !ourthl) di...,.. II lhe II• ol 11 rem inded me al Katharine Hepburn'• perc<llU•e com-' many y.,. 1go: "II Is !he plain w-wlio Jmow 1bolit love; Ille beluliful -... too busy beln( fuclnltin&·" • • • Perhap1 one ruson that • u c h celebrtlles lend to do '° poorly 1" their -al live1 Is that when o-llpolllght ll lldning on you H maka It hard for you IO eee what ii actually going on around yoo. • • • One al the IMot rule1 for oepar1linfl 0'1r ~ flun our evlhlallon al - 1)llOl)le'1 character waa given by Llditenbort: "Don't judge a man by his opinions, but by what his oplnlons have made him." • • • Whal ... CIU "lnObbery" 11 i-• manifestaUon ol those at £he social lop than of those who desperately 1spirl 10 it; the vtty word com• frotf' t.he Wtln tag, sine nollllltate, m...ic, "lackln( In nobility." • • • Ninety pen:tnt ol the 1mmeo roco b vlctlmlud by tht ether 10 perctnt; lhll ls equally tru1und•111)' sylllem 111 devll- ed by man, no matter what name it assumes, CK what creed It profwts. • • • We may btrllt our pollllclan.s for beln1 hypocrites, but over the long puU It bu been the ainc~ onet who have dOflt lht deepest .m -_ .. 1 damaie. s Not Deaf, Dumb or Blind Proud .to Be in 'Silent Majority'· To tile l!lllt.er: So Elailte Bonmd (MllJbox, Nov. 20) t.hlnb the "SOent Majorlty" la deaf, dwnb and blind. We hear the voices of hate, violence, disrespect for _ God, OtD' coumry-and:its leaders. Is it "dumb" to believe in God, · to honor our flag, to uphold our Prest· dent. to be loyal American citizens? WE AllE NOT AS "blind" as might be thought, to students being indoctrinated by Communist teachers and sym· pathizers. 1l1e reason more hun't been heard from the "Silent Majority" la because we juat happen to be very busy working for a Uving, payinf taxes ~t help provide the nonworkers (ktftdeJt' word I CID think ol) with m111Y privllegea they haven't earned for tbemaelvet. such u police andJlre prol!<'ijon, ~OD and "peel.Uy ·welfare. • MAYBE SOll!l!ONI!: can teU UI bow or who financed !he f0,000 people In the pn>- test march on Washington. I am proud to be part of a "SUO!I\ M1- jorlty" that b.u had Its fill ol llllfCllY and which has produced two orpnlia- tions -VIV A end TIRED. Vll!GINIA llETZGEll TO tho Editor: Dr. No1'1111n Nloan'1 cohunn llla4!nl clllfoprocton boo a rfnl of convlctlon to I~ and yet ll~reaUy are fr1ude why 11 It thll the · b 1111. protected from them -11 · ' In tile form of 1overamenlal ~ 11 In 1111 .,.. o1 cycl11111tes, ~ Ind narcotlcf? Maybe there'• eom• money chanpng hands in the lobbies somewhere In the 1WM!ard mumer of politic• Utesa days. If henen and courageous people can be found to condllCI· ..,.,-how about 811 ln- veati11Uon? In Arrord Wltl'l J\'bon To the Editor : Mrs. Vanderbilt and I With \o IJ\PNll our appreciation for the l'tQtat artlele in lhe DAILY PILOT by Norman Nll1>1, 1\1. D. dealing with "chiropractic." We are entinly in accord wltb Dr. Nix· on's viewpoint, and feel that the public should be warned of the dangers In- volved. Tllanl< you for prinUnc lhi• ll'licle. DONALD 8. VANJ?l!:RBILT Fort!tlltlrned To !he Editor : My ~ngratulaUons to your paper for running that fi)'le article by Or. Norman Nixon on cblropracUcs. People are certainly tntitled to know the facta and thus be forewarned. Thllli you? EDITH WATSON Ore,on'• Beuhu • To !he Editor: On lllcember I 0111 of your stoff fniten wrote 1bout tht 1ec.n to the . --•• Geors•---• Dear Gtor10: In the papa' 11'1 uld you had I .aluU01'1 to all of Uft'a big problems 1f nlderl W0'1ld !ult fill out tht ®upon at I.JM botlom ol the col· umn. The.re wasn't any coupon at the bottom of the column. ANNOYED Otar Annoyed : I'm 1 big prob!tnl men. Don't bother mt.with dllails like thal ' Lttttrl from rtadtrs art welcome. NOTm<lUIJ writeri should convey thtir messages in 300 words or ltsi. The right to conderut letters to fit space or tUminote libel is reserved. All ltt· teri must incl"dt signature and mail- ing addrtis, but names may be with- held on request if sufficient reason ii .apparent. Poetry will not be pub· llall4d. beecl1la bi Calftornla and menUOll<d Ute ftct that ,they were waiting for a ruling from ll1f "1Pre111e Courie ol 0r.,.. and ~ 'J''.don'I l:noW lllYll!lnl about lhe l1al1lorall lows but I lived most of my file In Oregon and for 15 years my hoint waa rl.pt on the beach at Seaside. I had no more right to thal beach than •11YbodY else •• many years ago the then Gov. Oswald West of Qregon got a bill paaaed that t<anslerred all beaches to lhe . at.ate Bureau of Public Roads. THAT IS THE law up there and aQYbody can pt to those beaches at any Um• llDI( lltY place oocord)ng IO Ibis Jaw. I 111111eot yeur writer cileck on lhe °'-11 .... Surely wllat they do here In Calilomia Is 1 crime to lhe public lnteruts bul il yeu have ll.fPtlVilOn who wtll five away the rlpta of the public to the beach"' I feel I~ II tbne for a chan&e tomeplace. Thia Slit Creek dial Is certainly a trtl'tfy and somebody must have gained something besides this large corporation apd I can't imagine any law on the books that pemJts this. Surely this is a miscar- riage of jµstice for the public. It means nothlnr to me as 1 live on the hill overlookin1 the ocean and never use the beseli- R. B. STIGER 'Magnlllrent' To tht Editor: DoroU-1 Barley de at r v es com· 111eltd1Uon for her article in the DAILY PILOT of Dec. J. I refer to "flolme1'<:h Entemble E1cellent in Laguna." But the word "excellent" Ls an un- dent.atement. 111e program w a 1 Hma&nlficent." Many yean ago ln Paris, I WU fortunllt enoogh to witness Ravel con- ducting hJs "Bolero." His work for 'vioUn and ctllo as played by Alice and Eleanore Schonfeld was just such an aestheUc eem. The prosram was superb. EDGAR O'Gl\ADY PHELPS Save L119un11'• Trees To the Editor: A committee has been working hard to rttaln and provide green belts in Laguna Beach. Would Jt not be sad to destroy all those old and prlceleu eucalyptus trees In Tllurston Pirkl Imagine dlspl1c1nc them for 10 tenals coll!U which ~11tnU •bout three acres of eoncrtte slab, with ' high wire fence enclosure! Thal la not my idea of old t.guna charm. We hive enough usilne11 with ~I c:on- crell: blob ol a Playhouee wlthoqt com· poundlq our mll1lkee and ol>lltenlllll Ihm 1aes ol virgin Umber for mm c:onc:nte. The Boy'• Club "'"" land .., 10p of the -fd, IO whJ not ua u,.t which la free and clear for ltMls· courte1 Bear in mind that the boys also own Otat large trailer court (Thurston Park Trailer Court) which Is adjacent to' the club. They also own choice highway property. LET ~ IJSE their own ,,_,_ I that has betn donated, instead of having the city remove about 40 building lots from the tax roll to provide them with more recreation facilities . Who says that the 10 courts have to be in lhe one Joca· lion! You-and I as taxpayerS wilrhivil to foot the bill. I think the businessmen and our local organizations have outdone themselves to be generous to the Boys,' Club, and Utis neweSt demand for more recreational facilities strikes me as rather brash and unreasonable. If. however. thl.11 request comes from adult tennis enthusiasts, then I advise frte enterprise to take over. Each of them can apply for a permit and build a tennis court in their own back yards. This is no city problem. This expense cannot be put on the taxpayers' backs: ,We Can· not begi\ to subaldize all these special lnte~t !roups. Let us demand a sound fiscaJ policy in Laguna. THE CANYON is crying for redevelop. ment, but here again let us use thia: last choice level area for something that will make beautiful the entrance to Laguna - one which will make Laguna proud, and help fill our coffers wJth mucli·needed revenue. Let us put a stop to this needless spen- ding .. or Laguna will join New York and other large clUes whom ceonomists predict will be insolvent in U months. Conserve our natural resources! Speak up before it is too late. If we are to bear any re!emblance tO our sister city, Oberammergau, we had better save our trees and go easy on the concrete and the high wire fencing. SIGNE FISC)IER Communism To the Edilor: Are people today too busy to learn about a subject before criticiiing others? lf Mrs. Keith Davls Jr. (Ma1lbox, Dec. Z) were to look up communism, she might be shocked. Webster defines communism at "A theory or system of the ownership of the means of prod\IC't.lon by the com- munity, with all members· sharing in the work and the products equally." This means there ls no 11tate, and no central power at all. I understand thi.a: to mean e\'eryone ahares everything, and we have no superiors. So who takes away the tiny children U there is no state? I believe that Jesus Christ wanted just this, equality not tyranny. STEVEN C. LAUBLY Wtbsttr also '<kjints communism as "(a) c:t doctrine ba1ed on uvoht· tionary Marxion 1ocialf$m a11d Marz· ism-Leninism that i1 the officiGI ideo- logy of lh< USSR .; II>) a totall10rlan system of governmtnt in which a single authoritarian party controls s tate·owned m1an& of production with tl1e professed atm of estabti.shlng a stateles1 societu, and (c) a final stage of society In Mar%bt theory in which the state hoa withered awa11 and eco- nomic goods are dtstributed equaU11." l:ditor Blame• the Armv To !he Editor: Apparently lt's just like In the old day1 when the,Anny used 10 10 out and kill off the squawa and children in the Indian vUlaces as a way of takin1 we of the In- dl111 problem. Ll Calley and lOll men In company "C" drop In on 1111 Viel Cong II Locll Force B11!1Uon'• boMt <rlllage llld ldU off about 100 W0111011 llld childrtn. I have alwl)'I been uhamtd about what we did to the lndtan1 ; l am more ashamed today tor what we just did to Ute Vitt Cong. • . NOW TO MAKE mattera worte, I htar .,.,.e are going to have aeparaltl Jwtice for lh<I kllltrs. One kind for lhe men who did lht job and IDOther for lhe brus whO planned it. I understand that Lt. caDey and his men get the full ac:::ale inquiry, court·martlal -the w o r k s • 'Ibeir superiors get a separate and small team investigation to report to a very high lever. I remefl'lber when Hitler planned · his genocide we held him much more responsible than the men \vho acted under his orders. l BLAfl.1E THE Anny. First for the deed, then for the cover up of the ·men really responsible. · What do we say when the private !:1 jailed, while tus superior who gave the orders walks free ? !\OBERT HAYWARD Rounding of the llortt To the Editor: it may be of interest to you to learn that Ule 'aging' man, referred to by John Valterza in his article of November 29 regarding tbe little barque moored in Newport Harbor, is none other'·than the same person who had the honor of receiv- ing a complimentary not.ice in the DAILY PILOT or Feb. 26, 1964. It was with a great deaJ of antieipat&on that I looked forward to a visit to the Monte Cristo for it is many years atoce I set foot upon the deck of a sailing lhlp, and I looked forward to a seafarer'• con- versation, though in the 64 yean; of absence from deep-sea sailing, I must confess I have lost much of the lingo of the sea. t NOTE IN THE Valterza article that the crew that is being signed on will con· slst of inexperienced youths. I trust that the . Monte Cristo will not be fa ced With even a mild hurricane that can become "' hazard to even A.B.'s of long experience under the command of a master with years of experience In handling a square. rigger, and papen to entitle him to be in command of a vessel and the lives of the members of hla crew. Fortunately the present voyage, though aomewhat vague, does not include the rounding of the Hom, for though thert are days when the sun shines and the sea •· 1s less bortlle, these days are few and far between, as I can attest to in my four voyages ll'Ound this. southernrnDst cape. IT WAS .ON ONE of the west to t1sl roundlngs of Ute Hom that a fuik1uer, alao tryinc to make the rounding cloee 011. !he wind, came Jn oollislon with us, llrli- tng us with her solid steel cutwater four times before we hid passed her, u ahe 1'MI! and fell on the hlah nmning tea. never to reach her home port neartr than the Falklandl. This epiiOde 1 havt in- cluded in detail In a atory 1 have written but blve never published. HERBERT G. COWER --~-- Wednesday, Dec. 10, 1969 TM cditorlal pcq• o/ 111• Doav Pitot 1eeU to inform a"4 ltim. 111Gtt reedit• b\' prttlfttino thi.t """IPCIP<r'r °""'Ions Cl1ld "°"" ...,.1my 01' l!'i>kr o/ IAterorl """ rignf~. "' prooidl!lg • ,..,.,. for th• "''!"""'°" of our r t4dtr1' opinion.a, cmd bJI presenting thf dfotr1e vi.tt9- pofnti of fnformtd obitrt1er1 ond tpaketmtn on toptca oJ th1 d4y. Robert N. Weed, Publisher .. ' •, ~' '• > • ' • • • , .. " . . !· " . . •. " • ,· • . ;! • . I . ' ' • • • . , .1 • • I .. ,. t <:Jaecklng .Vp Most Valentines Sent to Mother By L. M. BOYD llves, right? Well, DOW the QUICKLY, QUICKLY men or science have proved That prore~ional woman such not to be the case. A man least apt to be divorced is the or woman la ac::ldent prooe. it 1chool teacher. at aJI, for awhJle, but only for ONLY GOING to use half of awhile. Maybe it tuts a yev, the lemon'? Aii right, save th e maybe a decade, but lt la aot • atem half. It will last longer. lileUme handicap. DR. CLEVE MORRIS of POOR DR. TIIATCllER - Rutgers Univenity contends Too late for the great Dr. r Harvey Thatcher of Potsdam, women crave ar more ex-N.Y. Too late, lOo late. For citement than men. CERTAINLY YOU CAN yw-s the naUon's dairymen SA y "toy boat., once, but try 1obbied for a commemoraUve . . r· fun postage stamp in his honor. u ymg it 1~ es. Swiftly· Because Dr. Thatcher jn- TIIE AVERAGE BONEY· vented the lint glass mlllc bO;. MOON trip com $316. 1 B ANOTHER CANDIDATE for le. ut jult about now, ~ th P J b C those dairy Jobbylata ~VI e roper o lub is that enough clout to push tDe1r . Traverse City, :rl'ich., barber purpose, it's loo late. Almoet named Mr. Trimmtr. all the milk you get anymore STATISTICALLY, it Is the comes in paper cartom, and college graduate who 15 most who caers about Dr, Tha~ apt to kill homself. ch 'T J late TO HUM ON THE STREET tr. oo ate,.too ' in France is mannerly enough, RAPID REPLY: Yes, ». bJt to whistle is not. L., the llatisticlana iay you ONLY ONE J\.tAN in 20 likes can expect to speod about '3J · h a year on medical prescrl~ "lllaS . KENTUCKY LAW says a lions after you hit 65, un1e8I wire there can't move the something serious comes up. household furniture without Your ,questions and com- ber husband 's permission. men!.! OTt' welcomtd and MORE THAN RALF the will be wed wh.enevtr pol· Valentines mailed 'out next ,,iblt i"n "Checking Up.'' year will be rn'scribed "To Please addTess your mail Mother." to L. M. Boyd, in caTe of THE MEN who smoke Dailu PUot, Newport Beach, cigars "°" outnumber the Cali/., 9266S. women wbo omoke clgan ooly ;=='=':;=====:;:;;I by 150 to L WAIT A MINUTE -lt's time to alow down. I want to tell you 10DJe good news. It is commooly believed ...,. peo- ple are accldeot prone a II ,their FAIR Fait, fair, f•ctual. Tlt"• tl.rM woN1 tUlft up f•ct.n ht •p•r•tio11 llft the DAILY PILOT eclitori•I P.at• ev•ry Jay. :THESE PENNEYJ STORES WILL I BE OPEN ' SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 12 TO 5 P.M. ~ •AZUSA • BUENA PARK • BURIANK • CANPGA PARK •DOWNEY •EL MONTE • FUWRTON • GARDEN GROVE •GLENDALE • HUNTINGT_ON BEACH •INGLEWOOD •LAKEWOOD •LONG BEACH •LOS ALTOS •MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH •NORWALK •NORTH HOLLYWOOD • SAN BERNARDINO • SAN FERNANDO .. • SANTA MONICA •TORRANCE •VENTURA • WESTCHESTER • WIST COVINA • WHtnWOOD • WHmtER DOWNS ------------- Wodntid,y, Dtctmbtr 10, 1969 .• DAILY '1Lltt ~ . ' " Men's moccasin vamp slippers feature side lealher uppers, foam backed tric;qt lining, cushion crepe sole and heel. Brown I~ rnen'• sizes. . 5.99 ·Men's aayllc pile lined opefti shppll' In ~ finished split leather Oii flexible syntMllc tale cnl rvbber heel. Brawn in men's sizes. 4.99 Big boy's 3.99 Uttle bar'• 3.50. • • "~ ,1 • , ·- Women's and g!rl's super fluffy slipper of electri· fi«I shearling lamb on soft sole and padded h.,J. Women's sizes in blue, pink, red or peocock. Girl's slzM In blue or pink. Cornfort for less. 3.99 l.acll• stitched vlhyl scuff on cornfortably soft cushioned insole, law hHI. Gold in wornen's sizes. The pemct house slipper for rnoml 2.99 • -Wwilfl111'1 ICVff of electrified shearling larnb upper, -'c lining. hem:-a s"'! sole. and pad<!(<! heel. . 0,0-fro!!\ blue or pink l"iwornen's sizes. 3.99 . . Toclcller's character slippers are fluffy rayon/«itton plush with «itlan knit sock-tap; assorted etilan in sins 5 to 10. 1.99 Women's at home slippers of rayon crepe uppers wtth matching ornament ioature a law .. heel. Available in bright black, blue or pink. . 3.99 Men's slipper of soft vinyl uppers, nylon trjcot foam liacbd hnlng, Comfortable padded soft sole and heel. AWlilable In brawn, men's sizes. 3.99 AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE •. .. ~. l _._ ' 1 •, .~ -.. .. ' ,, .. . . - "· . . . ' -" ... ~. .. - - -. ' ' ,. ,- ' .-•• .. ' ,. ·"; .11: . . 1'. .-,. ':.: ·' •,I> 1 ,_., " ~~ .·. , . • ·.r ' ··. ' -.. . ' " -~" -· . "' .. I ' I ' I W!dnnda:/, -10,.1969, Moon Landing Commemorated This commemorative medal for Apollo 12 landing on moon will be available in March. Designed by scu1ptor Ralph Menconi of New York, it features faces of the three astronauts and the Yankee Clipper on the front and on the back features the Saturn rocket, the path of the flight, and lunar module on the. moon and the astronauts deploying scientific ex· penrnents. Goldberg Won't Run NEW YORK · (UPI) -The race for next year 's Democratic nominations for governor and senator was thrown wide open today by fonner Supreme Court' Justice Arthur J. Goldberg's an- nouncement that he will not &eek either office. Goldberg had bee.1 Con- sidered as the man New York Democralic leaders w e r e grooming to· oppose either Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller or Sen. Charles Goodell in their· races for re·election in 1970. Ex-Gov. V.'. Averell Har- riman and slate Democratic chairman John Burns had urg- ed Goldberg to run for one of- fice or the other, but he ruled himself out of the race Tues- day night. "f have decided against being a candidate, eithe r for governor or senator. i'n the 1970 election,'' he said. "The decision is final and not sub- ject to change." Egypt, Ar.abs Reject U.S. Pea~e Proposal By The Associated Press spokesman Ahmed 1 A b d e I E g y p t , o th e r A r a b Maguib said Egypt rejected governments and the Palest!· the plan as ' ' p i e c em e a I , nian guerrilla leadership re-. ,;saying It dealt only with jecled the latest U . S • Isreal and Egypt and was an proposals for a Middle East attempt to split the Arab &etUement even before they world. He told a news COflo were officially ouUined Tues-ference that hopes for a day night by Secretary of peaceful solulion to the Middle State William P. Rogers. East crisis had vanished. Details of the American plan 'lbe S o v i e t government, and r eaction to it have been which received the U . S • appearing in the Arab press proposal on Oct. 28 and today for days. The proposal calls opened talks at the Kremlin for Israeli withdrawal from with high Egyptian officials, conquered Egyptian ~itory made no comment on Rogers' a:nd a binding commitment. by .slatement Israel and Egypt and was an An uncompromising rt-- hostilities. Agreement between jeclion came from Vas.sir Egypt and lsrael would open Arafat, chairman of th 1 the way to n e g o t I a t i o n s Palestine Liberation Organiza- betw-een Israel and Jordan and lion and leader of Al Fatah, Syria. the largest PaltsUnian euer- Last Saturday, Egyptian · rilla group. OVER 200 ROUS IN STOCK GUAR. INSTAU.ATIOH I srael J ets Hit Canal By Unllocl Pren lalmlalleoal Far the 10th 'day In the past 11, 1srae!i warplanes bombed and strafed E«YPUan military positioos m the west bank of the Sou Canal loday, Tel Aviv l.Jl)C)IJJ')Ced. ,. ' 'lbe i.raeli command oaid all planes returned safety ,,... the 11:!0.. •. m. raid agajnlt :._~-r. m t bt: -end of 't11e· cmmJ • where Ianieu· bomhen ha..; hit -dally-lljoce.Nov. 30: l!gypt sllil HI lm.rcepton blocked a lllmilar raid attempt Tuesday •n<J shot down an Israeli plant:, a U.S .• buiJt F4 Phantom, in a dogfight over th'e !CG-mile waterway. lllael reputed no aerial ba1tle. Even as the latest air raid was amounced, Israeli and 'Jonlaolan arWjerymen llug· led It out ......., theil' fmXJer '· . . . 3 ROOM SPECIAL · - II G \loot.\. s\'\~ <hM OM in. thick v.,., pluolo -fo< the modem ta.Jly. Sold .. leodl .. s-$695 f« l .9S .... Sq. Yd. OUR PRla SQ. YD. DUPONT 501 tt.cr.y cluty carpel wlrh double jute batk. leau. tthl high low patte1n, 1: .. ~ra~~=';:," s429 for $1.95 per Sq. Yd. OUR PRICE sa. YD. NYLON SHAG ~='wy c:i;.. .:.. "'"' s3 95 l .. ulof "·" Sq. Yd. ' SQ. OUR PRla rD. ACRILAN SHAG lONG and l'\USH s495 -la· $7.95 OUR PRICE SQ. YD. . . 100% DUPONT 501 NnON ~, lllStaW ONlY .. ____ ... -· -.. ' ..... ..... 1k11 \ ..... -• c..por . ,. .• ,,, • Dllloto T..._ ...... """ ...... I CALL 549-3349 SANTA ANA 778-6 J 90 ANAHEIM 1544 w. LINCOlN 11 ANAHllM ,,. ..... ., .... ,_,.__, 2406 SO •. MAIN ST. SANTA ANA .. .. """ ....... OPE N 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon. t+.t11 Fri. 9 A.M. t. 1:30 P.M., Sotutdcry f..S, Sunckry 12·5 • . , . l All STORES·Ol'fN 6 NIGHTS A WEi;g FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE! -·'. ' • r • . . ~ ' -. Yo·ur Choice! PENNCRES'r PORTABLE,. CONVERTIBLE, UNDER-COUNTER DISHWASHER BUYS! f.ront loading convettible dishwasher •.. 189.95 • Con.eriible to built-in installation • 17 table setting ccipacity • Dual det9rgent dispenser • Pressure re- lecne unicouple • Stainless steel rack glides • Four swivel casters • 6 compartment silverware basket • Dual level washing system • Painted metal top' with moon- • ,.,elow vinyl insert • V1'l1e • ..... ii"· Penneys Imperial top-loading d'ishwasher ••. 189.95 ' • Maple cutting board top • 3 cycle selection • Chrome trim front • Automatic cord reel • Dec- orative front • 14 table setting capaci ty • Lift~up top rack • Tri· level wash system • Rinse agent dispenser • Built~n soft load waste dispaser • Closed lid vent •While, coppertone or avocado USE PENNEYS TIME PAYMENT PIAN .. J! - • . . ' . " , . ,. ,,;. "'' .y..14,,~ ' ... , '---· -..--.,;;.--... ·:--.-·~<=;.<:. -~ ., . ·/ • ~'l<-L---lL..-'-L.l.-..IEll~ Penneys Imperial under-counter dishwasher ••• ~~~·:=:=:: ........ :;=j] =~~~'-'~--~f . 189.95 = I S?-1 ~ ~ BURBANK CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA COLLEGE GROVE DOWNEY I • FULLERTON GRANADA HILLS HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON PARK , LAKEWOOD LONG BEACH • Under-counter installation • Rinse a gent d_ispenser • Built-in soft food waste dis- poser • 17 table'selling capa- city • Rinse and· ~ltl cycle • Dual dote~ diff*!Mr • White, cop,l.ttone, ovo· cado or harvest gold · . ' ·' LOS ALTOS MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH NORTH HOLLYWOOD SAN FERNANDO SANTAANA TORRANCE VAN NUYS ,VENTUAA. • WESTCHEST!R I . ' ·----~---~~.---""""=,.. .. ,,,..,..,,..,.,,_, \.,.,,.,. . .,,.,.,,,,.,f,.,tH"''l<"""'"'"''""-"""'"'°"·"'·'C"'ik,.,1 ... 14~4•-•~w~o~o,...,~,·-li~W~H .. So ... :p-~;o-""·'"'-'~'----·------·---·-----·---~------- How Safe Are Studs On Tires? AXllON, Ohio (AP) -How aoodn-lb>!ded..-_, 1' depends .. -you ... -·and even the timnakera don't agree on all the anawen. '1!oot tests cooclude th1t tnCll'9 tuts are needed.'' NY• me 11' I I ~n fur the tire In-' duolry here I!! Che llllloo'1 tire capital, where the Fir.stone .~-" ~. C.. indicts 'thlt cl about 18 million snow tires !Old in 1969, about 6.S !fnlllion will have studs. . The tires, a Scandinavian' idev.lopment Introduced in !be 1un11ec1 Stai.. 1n 1964, .,. tslOllllally buV)'-lruded ;..,. ·tir<s equipped wilt! lunillen ·~Upped alee! studs flv .. :eigtQ of an inch long, 85 to :JOO studs per tire. ;COST MORE : Studded tire! cost $6 to $1 0 more than regular snow tires. ;'lbe snow tires, new, cost ab- ;out $30 to $35 . . , · None oC the four. major !A k r o n -based Urena.ken. Firestme, Goodyear, Goodrich :,00 General, actually pro- ;duces studded tires at its ;plants. They simply put tho ~holes in Uteir snow tires and 1a ilffJers mS!.in ·lhe st.a. u · <UStayien WIJlt•them! The ad· ~,'cost depeod> on tho num1*'l!I studs desired. Tir~.,_'f•nd . their· ~ ~~,tl)aljlie stud. malte :lij(Wdiol lractloo and Bafety: · . •Y mi'y com in d-·""'"· ' .... ...,, .. ,. road 1 1u.r(act. Cri~ · >I' and Dne ·IX!n- taxl ~ • '.; ...... eai~ .. ~: r0:eaiat le a I Laber · !' . Buffalo, N.Y., conch~ ll)ti federally ~ .. " that studded lir<s ~~ wlleet1 gi<ally incre~' "-\l:Akmg e.fficltncy on ;tt .. and ice, both surf a ,· ··~, ~ ... \mich regular snow .,, · 1ess effective than <l\~Y !alien snow. INC~Uq:· K . " • • of Lotrobe Pa., '!' .: ..,· I manufacturer'. says &!'test J:lD shown studded tires Orr all four wheell in- .crease . .&nering ability on glare icr let to 60 percent and ' " pennlt··• ·boolt . in speed cf about 25' pir.:jiot. The ~-·ltuciy Indicated lludded lltot (ave 32 lo :II perCent ~ brakln& fl, • flClency thin ~ ,_ • ·' tires at' 32 degreea. Bdt tt aid" .' efficiency w~ reduOlld in subzero ....-. ' Kennemew,, the' '.al u d ) nwiul~, .>lso·cootluded, however, tha( ''"rar · t.ir111 1. , • equipped willl riinl . in .' .. • ' l ... enne91. ALWAVS,_FIRST Gg_Al::ITV' . .. . . Washabl• 'Trevira' polyester. ties Bold, bright solids, stripes and patterns with the wider look of today ... you con machine wash them to keep them look ing like new; He'd like several. 2.50 chains .OOWfil tho ;;:~·.· ! . .I • improvement in beth' · • ' , ~ i... • ability and tlaotion." . ~ "' r . ·~ .\, Even 1l>e ~njt -• cede that the ltuda~ road surface, a fa which has brought bans y the nonsnowy llalea ;'!f: '°""'· Looisiana, Mi1 1'1 Hr4•· a 11 d Hawaii. Pa'~~"P..\! heavie6t where · mah · •4 repealed last...... ... .. but a Pittsborgh'. iudy repocled that s~ 4mage to ' ' road aurfaces was no,greater · lhan salt~. • PREBENT PM~--1 Other critics~ the lire pNMI\ 'ba';iiif,-pn> bleiM. ! ' . "We u..I them ~e. aD!I found we cooldn't stat> en wet pavement," says 1 pbliceman ~.!i:-.?/~~~e ~~: - ball boorlnp." Plmlll and Cleveland police uae imstudded radial tirel, but ~A C~el1nd He!""" •· ...: . I ' botb ' ·---.-Of_ cruhen and ambullllttl. The OhiO', !IJgbn . p- aays it tested" the· h -four yoan ago Ind r...,i the lluda came cut at speeds' of 70 milts an hour or more. Tirernakera aay the probl.n. t;•e new been oolved. • ,· · Plaid-sport shirts of w~l/itylon 'rhe r.11G9ed outdoor loo.k in ·y!iur chOiceol_ handsome. plaids ... 95% wool/ 5% ny,lon •. ·C!l a fantastically low prke. I~ [Tlen's.·siz,s ·: s.M.L.xt. 5.98 Our Orlon8 /spandex cas~uai -~0e~1 Great Orlon• acrylic, -:irilh ·~x lo!:·. : stretch and nylon reinfor* !Mel. and toe. · . 'Corespun Walkathon' .cushion ·:oalf~ ,>Ju. sorted darks and brights.OM size.fits a~. " • '. - • i..;<· "::'!;/ ""'""'' .. iYt~t:: ~ ."<: 8. • •• • < ' , .. -. ,, • ,. ,. •' • DAILY.1'11.DT I • • All STORES OP£N 6 NIGHTS >. Wll'IC. FOR YOUR SHOPl'ING CONVEN!ENCfl -• • ' . • ' • .., ' , c. . ' • E. D. Colorful Penn Prest® dress~ , I r, shirts and slacks for him A. End·O'! ... nd ..alid ·colored shirts of Penn Prest.• polyester/cotton in new bl-, qolds and fashion colon. Men's sizello4'12-17,32-35si.e... Penn Pre•"'~.eans no ironirig when fumble dried. . . . $5 • • . j • ' \ 11 P'enn Pitst• Dacron• polyester/wool. wonted slocks in olive, brown, toast 0r blue. ~n's 1ize1 2M2W, 28-32L They're 100% ~ oble and need no ironing ... that'1 the big news! '11· C. Kingjon collared l'enn Prest• 80% polyestor/20% cott~ shirts ... Fronch.l>lue,11r."", melon or gold. In i:nel).'• sin~ 1~1/,.17 a>llclr, 32-35 -~s~,Jum!>~•·*"Jor never-iron care. ·.,. 5.98 ,; .. .. .. ,) .. • D. ~~. 11~· 1n *int buttondoWtl collarocl 1hirt of f'llW!:-lron p0l~tr,/c0tton chair.Woy, short sleevecl;in blue, gold or~. MMf1 .sl~ 1AY.-i7. Colo.r's J!t! big .newsjn shirts~ ' ~ • $5 I. Kingdor collarocl '9nn Prest• white shirt of Dacron• ~/c:ot­ ton. Short sleeved, In men's sizlH U '/2-17. A real value in --iron_ of core when tumble dri1cl, ' • • AVAILABLE AT 'YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE 31i98 \ . / I ! ,..I~~-~~~~-~-.~-~--;;;;;.-;;-=.,:..--~~.mw...,..._...,....._,mrn~,....._..,,.....""'"""'.,......,...,_.._.._,_,..,'"""""!~~~.......--c-~~~~--~-...~~~~r .._ .. .J ~ DAILY PILOT WtdntsdQ', DKembtr 10, 1%9 V<J lr.,l11e ~-·s"ijilienis Urged: ,,.. t•"-'1 •• ft •-.4 •• t ... .-1.,. f "'& ,. ; ~.~pp!)'.: tor ~ .Grants :. :-'tRVtN& 'J>rospective on 1 competitive basis, and ~· tramftr students one appUcallon qualifies an and'.,K.eUrTentb' '-..olf 11 e d applicant tor all progrll!lli. 'f! "'""plan lcl'ilmsid UC -A~pllc~ . .,. reviewed by I · In tie;fall iJl,1~..,Jd · • ,'41C111ty kcurunftttt fl the a' ncnt'" for IChOllfihiP.s campus lettl. _, · t ·>~ f~ d ~al in add~,'.' J Variety of ~ ~ \!' ~· ~e grants .aiid Joans a r e · Abi~r . 'of tire UCI available: '• I Fi~~~·'~fice .. ·, · ' -T~ UniYersi~y Grant .~i..IODtY~f· f'inan-Program ·p~ovid es cial)i\i! Dil'!i ~-•copy iJ1 Ille 'l)Olll'epayable g ants.ill'ald lo Coli.P. 'Scholaroblp s.fvice student.< with ~ated "Patentt' ·~~'n r Ide-nil a I financial need, usuiilly fn con-~temerit .. Wiffl_ tbe ..... ~oll!&e junction witb other financial ,Sctdanhlp Servtce, P .0. 'Sox aid. . 11125, ll«keley 91704 by Dec. 15. Scholanhip and grant ap- plicatklns for fan lt'M must be filed by January 15, J970, with the Ftnancial Aids Ofllce at UC!. Loan e"!I. work-study ap- plicaUons lhua· -be Hied by April 15, ll'IO. . ~· '" ' t. y • Scholarshlps are granted on the basis al academic achieve- ment, promise, and financial need; other financial aids iil"e awarded on the basis of finan- cial need . Scholarships are available l\filk Prices Up In Shasta Area Minimum consum er prices for I milk in Tehama and Trinity Counties and most of Shasta I County will be raised Sunda.v I by one.half cent oer ouart and I one cent per half gallon. IDEATll NOTICES A RBUCIU.E I< SON We1t1::Uff Mertuary • 4%7 E. Jm St.. Cotta M.,a -• I BALTZ MORnIARIES Coroa• 4111 Mar OR 3-1451 I I I I I Colla Meaa Ml l-!C4 • BELL BROADW H !\IORTUARY 111 Bro.d"•Y· Co1ta l\Jesa Ul-3m -~·-.-: . D~l&f!t.R5, M...;.iry 17911 Beac~ Blvd. '· Hutlqtol Beacb 1111-7'171 Trailer Business Booming-City's Fuming CAPI~O -City ~'. .m~Provieleolf,i;llJlpar~ liolJil~ ~ .;;.,.' .J ~f..;-..;~~e'.l k;ai'J~w:.'i.o~~r ~~~~t cllmen here are lhreatening to for thelr workers. issued, Jbhni added. -1 laakt co.me~~~~~ .take legal action ap~t a Last Marth, City Attorpey . An , an&rJ: ,Mayor E4 I: Countered Councilman Don sunest8i 'ltblt;· ,,., pariim& trailer ma~actureJ-'wbo, JohnDawsonordaedthe.firm: ~.!.,11~JC\t~,~-~nl~ ·~~~-h •t ., -:__~ sifll,_.M ~~flnn·~bQ tlh• be · · h to cease incl delisl It still .,I'!"'""'. ·~ we c .Y• --."~ a •t"" n t -stree~· , ti to l. ~· ciaim, succtSS may ave · hasn't ~ Complied· with · the' , ~er !>tlntt .i~ed:, .. '?ther , penali:r.ed.11 ~ mamdacturer ita · par . lo& for • ' spoiled. , . . . order, o.:wson told City tciun-.. manufac,I~ are ~Ding 1, wasn't . , bi wouldn't parking. ·~ r ·' V!lQSOO s Trailer M.~~t~ · -ctlmen Monday n1ght. · , • · •· ,.i. lUJing firm ~ ~Ile ~~ec:f.~~ ·~ rnJIW of. ~ss J.in­ ln the city's industrial part dicatet"there hu·bee!t a eom- adjacent to the> CleJ>l'•nO. pamdlag iJI the• aijuation by Airport ha~ been busy buildlng 1erecUn1 ·a atff1 · hoilt· over · . most iJI the parking spaces," boat trailers. wrote city planner Bob Johrni So busy, In fact, that the in his report to the council on firm uses it•' parmc.: ~ jar .the subject.. temporary st0ra8', iJI Jts .J!!ol.. .. .. ,. c~k with the buildint ducts whi le i\s ecnptoy.~~park pe~m~t re"'.eals t b a tJ their cars on oea'Tby streets. , Cit¥ ptanqlog and teg1U pidea contend that's. ih ·jiirttct viQla-J lion .of. a municipal .. iidinan~ct which says manufacturers Neiv Judge ,• .. ,i I ~· , 1· I ' ,. ' " ~ • ... . -.. " • ..~ --·~ -. ' ·-' • ' ... .. • .. ,\ ' ·~· ... . ... ~ ~ I °'· -\ . : .. • ·I ® _ ... -~ • 1n \ ' -'·jJ· ·~ . ., ., ... , , .. , I ' •o., .• " -" ;'":• -. ' " : j .. , ea oys • I"·· ··.~ •' J • .' f· ~ • • • • .-··. • .. • .~ ·.· I ·" r t :.; ( } : . • • !•. l"'.. -. e n.icest g r • ;t s·~': ... '"-· . . -< • ~ I • , . . . : .1 ' 'i • ·'. . ' "' ... '· . I _.a ·nta s -.·a ·g .. ·-. ~ .... 1!' "'· ~ .... ->{, r ~ ~-•' _,j~ 1" •• t~ •..... 11 ' l. ". ' · 1. ·:-..... -• ··~,, \ '1:1-•. .. -' .. ... ." '9. ·\ \· -:'' '., ~1-- . 1: >: ,j , t .. ,_,:. • ... ""'.!" .. , THUMIEUNA -LEAR NS TO TODDLE. She turns and toddles in her Very own walker. Just pull the llriftg and she's .-ing ••• just tike o 1 ~ ok!· 9" ian with a loom filled body, vinyl foce .. Perky pinafore drO.. .•••.• 6.99 .• . , , ._rr' ., .,.._;· .. ";:O "' I "· • . . - • . t~ .. . .. ,' , r ·•. I : , ... • • ~I .· • ' ' I ' •. r I " .. I : • •. Hf-110 . THUM~EUNA -TOQDlERI P_un ....... stringand·watcb. 'lllumbelina tllrn her Mad a..d roclt _her hobby horse .too gallop. 9j higb,j!l ( plainsman's outli~ Foam filled body, -·, ,_:..foe ,. I. • 6 -· "'"'' •••••••••• 1 •• ,, .,. ... • • .. • • • .. 07.7. ' .. ' J • MAUTIFUL i CRISSY-TH[~~ "' J#''lf· ~ ING" DOLL Pull Cr i.,y's . f -~:it < • \..1'irow'1 Styt. it in .ringle~s, b. • 1.,~ ; . o~ rou; lik~. Re~;>d C!lluy' .. ~i(Gy i.;;..,. -; ing tho knob in 'r boclt. 18" high and ready t<>"""1 In a IOcy ilai/lo..:_'.l .. •··L 1,94 ' I • ' ' • NOW! THESE VALUES AT ANY ONE OF THESE PENNEY STORES! CANOG1' P,AftK DOWNEY FUU!RTOI< HUNTINGTON BEACH .SHOP SUNbA'f. TOO : 12to5i>~.! J LAKE'NOOO MONTCl.AIA NEWPORT BEACl-l VENTUJjA ,' f ~ ' , • ' ~ • . I • • --• ,. " • I ( I I I ' '· '=..i~r~-·~~~-;rT~··7'··~"'=-=·~':.-.::::~:-::::::::::::::-..,.__~~C---_,......~ ·-·--_...,._ ...... .,..-.. -. ............. --.. ··-· .. -····-··· ... ----·-----··-------·----~--~---~-----,...--· ··-· ......... .._ ........ .-• ......... ~~·' . . . -... ····· --·· .. . . . ~. ' . . I . . . I . , . . Man Sees A.11aUlt Victim Defamation Unit Calls Frito-Bandito 'Racist' -... • • • ' . MILT l'l&OI'; .. fw Mt•lln• ... ""'9• i ! PILOT PINNY I -_.__ PINCMll ..... _._.;. a-••••• AT Olll •ICIAl I.OW llA11 ·s.~ .. 2--2-·--- :,,. otali r • eoaD I . . . DIA MOW DlllCTI 14i.111a _...,_...., .. ,. • • • . ~ ·t•" . . ..... , ... ~ ............. VII 18 lllllL ~1'lilili -..2 ·•·•1•00• ... ... , ..... lllOW "·" MVI Ill '"IL 1:11Mr ....... Mid MW. M I .II. .... .. , ...... ..... ... :14# .. NClilit If." ' • " .• &"'*"...,. • ..... Ill ... ....... ,., .... . .............. ~bl-' . a a --·~Jf."· . . ~ : . . .. < • ",, . .. ,;~ ~ • • I • • . . " 1Y<· .. .. .. •• -- ' " . _,. ..... '· ' . . " ALL STOllS Ol'IN 6 ~A VIS' l'Ol 'IOIJI 9DPING CX»MNMCll . ..... "' .... '""'. • 4 .... W'.ll\'lll 11 lllllL• _ .... ... :uao-. .......... _,,,,, • • IAVI '41 f"llll!U\1 llUAI. Mtllll :C k , ... _.,,. ----·' .... _ ,. ............ ' " . . ' .· " . . -... ,_, .. " ' . ,; • • (j 1"'1'!1_. ...... ,..~--'-!" ................ -:'".,.--... .,.. ................ ~~ ........ ~ .......... ~~ .... ~ .... ~ .. :-:.--:.-:--:-~~.~ ..................... .,I ! A .,,_ ~NOGA P~K DOWNEY · 1 FULLERTON-HUNTINGTON BEAOI I 110.S CIPIN e ." '1 !, AWY 1001 LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH • VEtmJM. ,, ........ .--·-- I P"""'!'~--~-!!'!!'-~~~!"!'":"" ............. "'~ ........ ...,,... ........................ ,..,, ........... '""",.... .... ...,._ .... ~,...~~~~~----~~~~~~~..,...~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.,. J__ . ' ....... ~ -. • • I • .. . I .. ., . -,,. :: .. . ·~ . . ·~"· .• - ) .. ..--Frison in ·Turmoil ' • • • • , •• ' . S~lf-mutilatwns Mark Convicts' Reaction ., . LANSING, Kan. (AP) -Whatever the 11park for the aUempt to burrow under the Nearbt-4h ~ ago a call riot, lhe prisoners smashed wall. It failed wtie..,·· the wait -1'Ut rrom., $be Kansas windows, 11P~ railings. from J>risonert came · up ag_aihst • S&lte Penitentiary : walkways •• CJ.I .t.helr . cellbl,ocks -Teinforced barrier•beneath.tht °"'Senti state "1'roop!ri's and -and _strrrum8T'OOI 5.111a11 fires. stone wall. ·, · * masks:"'' Ctllbloct J~1 ~ were Mai·. Jim Banker Prison i!J· !i Jargffcale riot was in dam~ed r ' __ ;A..~---~ at lht century-old No hOSiag~;'were taken and formation officti, .~·uiu-o pdlpo. only one iBmatt wu wounded. have beejl. seve~ fires since. ~ Sypplemehted by Prt90ll offlch;lla 58; the self· June and guarcq ~ave hi..... . J>O!">, !men, put it mutllailon& are the work of in-discovered rnuncrout fire at- do6. · mates seeking to draw at· tempt.s .tr Ore bombings. He ~ efli~ MY ~P te.ntlon to ~·or '° specUlated~'tnmi:tes ·•re' reac- "" ·--~ ~ ~Ill ;Jmosl ftl<o 4J)~ir ~ ..... ¥ ~ %• Ung ID Adnllnlstratlori el fort. daily reP6tb-...-ltlood Jetting m&Ximti~ leCUrlty -solil;arY to improve security and pro- by ~ COJne out of the -~ullding to the pnson ttdural rtfyq:Ji. ''.,\'' ..... ' . I. I I , " ' • •.• I , penitentiary. hospital. Woodson also feels \Vood,wn · said th,e mu\il•· Robert N. Woodson. di,ector they are 1ryin~ :~ bring Uons started in Novein~r ut of Kansas penal instJtutlons, pressure to ~av\! hlfll r~plac-year. There Were 39)ca&es lit said there have been 332 cases ed. "" . the first six months of 1969, he of self-multilallon -instances The 'i\'QUDds have ""'en tn· 'd of i~males cutting themselves flict.ed, Ofrici.als said, v.·llh sa~he director said.he did not -since July 1. rator blade, piec.-es of metal or want to go mu ch into the He said the ca~ invo~v~, S;liY~ . '?!. g~a~s, ,trom light "why" of the self-mutilations only 95 oft.be prfsoo & 1,300 lri-i.. ~~?:;":''' "'r · ·. . . . . . or to suggest what should be mates. or the~ he said,;•· .· . a~Qcan. ~ done, in..ad.Ya~ of a report • Fclshion ha~e cut themselves Once 1', Id ed,to be replat'td by ~f /t.hi~·~on 0 while go have wounded. , " t> ~\G g~ernor superlnteJ\d.tf«.·<0f . ."tli.., St.;Jte them5elv~ "?ore than once,·4 • ~ tenn )v~ u~~t the DiagnosUc ~·a.nd'~9!'ttnitnt one up to JI tunes. ··! @cl of.~une,. ~:said ~~ the Center. ·'I't)et-epots·will be ltas- Y.any of the cuts ·an! rfol M :~d ~e· ~sled ed on studies 'made at "the superficial, Woodson sa id . (or i~·lwo "eeks, but penitentiary during the last Some of the men have slashed ,.dee • ~:.-*1le ~~~ow~ ;-tJ:tree ieJ ,tfalJ)l'1bal. in-their anns or cul tendons in ~ llii"did ~~~I. it ~ ~ded A,. ]li)_lthiatiiit,1'~ a their ankJes. his~-ce if aa1.emp~o '.piyf'llo 't arid a social ~4 Woodson. who was named or in ~· .. ~~hot v >iM*ket r . . 1r. ~· by Gov. Robert Docking to killed; ·a gliif~le,d . · .:w..;.n,;,.n; ~ha, maintained, • "'~· ' replace Charles 0 . McAtee as to the ~ ''~ w · =that the s e l.f"' ~i:'.'," penal director after the June Two ~.l,ys · a~er ot,: m · , w e;i e 6n,inally '1."'~ JI riot, claimed the prison has Docking •• BllD9JIP · · i h a t . ;.~ · by members of what . .# a small number of hard~re Woodson .,..~,1~·tu.J.~;::W-::::c¥fe<1 "a "1\ttle Mafia." inmates who are determined position as 'hl~ay patrol · 1 de~rit»ed: this as a to run the institution. The superlntentltM·*° penal dirft..: '"'v.• '·· ~ ticing ex- number was esUmated at 35 to tor. ~'· · · · 40. _ ., A~talal ~~b-. ~ · 'lf.~' · ""c '{ ~ve done \Vhat caused the not. Why wttk aftez:Aii... ..LJ.' ·"-. ~,.,,,'i.damn' w W"'A.i they wanted th If mulltations" · -~ •• .. "· 110' ~ ~ · ·r y · the r·ot . The Leavenwot.tb Coonty for many years and they're so ~t~" ~es ~ e 1.n ~frs· oUjce said it in· accustomed to threatening and re:~ om . e ':':k11ec1r 1 n vestigated'1 · 15~ ti~. o f making deals with the ad· w a r:.s:de in 1°; e prisoners by prisonel'I {jiia;,J ~inisttation they feel you ~~~blcJi .• Mt.! had · been ·J an. I, 1967, to the end.of IIMll.' ~'t·am 3~ i i;i st i .tut ion nporls •ht''~ had About a month after tM: w1tbopl ~. Certainly. they somehow.blen·~intbe disturbance,of f ici al1con--.fcan,. m~ thi!lg s un· prison. The mki-.JWI!_ search . y dllcted another shakedown of , oxn'~bit and difflcult for yielded a ara:e:::-amoun\ of one cel_lbl~k. They . found ~ 1,. . . "hard cQJlµ-a~ -driJgs.. . !'lore knives, hypodenru<i 8YJ;'• \f~ l&ld hl.S p)ea lo knives afid mi>hfy.· ·Officials · mg es · and a. tunq~J networK. {', 1ta~:~dget ~fficl~' ~IS year carted aw~ uwe. truck loads 'J'.heY Blso discovered 1 ·•Joaded ·~was for money ton~ pay for of unau~ cell JUrniture SIX-shot revolver. persoantl and . provide better and othei' fteins7 . The tupnel.had been a fuUle .. ·Jrainlng. · ' .... YO • • . ·' ... "· ... •• . '"'' · .. "' ~ . enne~J ALWAYS FIRSf IJUAU,TV , . ~·-. ' • :,, ,., , OPEN 6 NIGHTS A .WEEK .;· i,·: : fQR YouR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE! • . ,..., : .q •. . :s•· ~~ ~!t·1~r hoGaay · ~r~~"!~as cin~~gif!s, too! Yo'lJ'l<'¢hOice! ,. ' ~'il.99 ; " ' ' '· 1 .. . " .i; •• {>· •i' r .. "· :J ·' ' 'I • ·~ ; . ~ ... . ' , . • '• 33 pitce 'finlanclim' 9lan Mt, 8 ea., [uict/)ltine, beverage, on- the-rocks,,cooler, more. Avocado, honey gold, aquamarine. UOY ElEG.t.NT 27 pi-punch bowl HI ha> .. loelt ef fine cut glau, 6 qt. UJfil .-..~·.llcup>,~•I· • 'i. • I • !:., Yquf .... ·Choice! . ''9}J9 6 pc. •teak knife ilet ... gifl boxacl. Heavy gauge, high cor- boh, stoinles> sleel blades. .. UKf IT ... CHARGE !Tl 5 pc. fashion Manor cutltry set lncludes pare r, ut ility, bukher,sandwich,sleak/poullry knive1. ...... _ -. -... ~·~-·---·· - THESf STORES OPEN su~y TOO 12 195 .M. , CANG>GAPARI(. DOWNEY LAKE\\'000 MONWR - Wlt.ERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH NCWPORT BEACH VE N Tl.IRA THESE SToaES OPEN SUNDAY TOOi 12 to 5 P.M. .v" i1'< / -~~ -~ .J • i ,' . .:, ' . , .. ..., .,: .... ·;. CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD .. . ,, . , u.c.·.t.'., . CHAROl1fl L '. • • I . DOWNEY ' . \ ...... ·~ , MONTCLAl.R " 1- • ~-., - I . "' :·: . , .. . ' " ' ' • ;1 Tiiis line, transluc~~t . china' is I ~ win~et \n qualjty .•. delicate yet durable.,The pottems · range ' from pn elegant platinlipi circle or · traditional wheat and leaf design to color· lul'floral.s.: Select yourstaday!·" ... 59 pc. se; ... , ......... ~: .. ,.34.98 · · ·~attm!s 1ndudei , . . . ,, ' ' •Solitude ' . .•Pinedale '• NowR.- 98 pc. set ................. :.39.98 Patterns include: • lady Elega nt •Angelique '. Heirlootn , •Prelude . •Suzanna 98 pc.setMM ............. :.64.9 8 • Pdtterhs i'ftctUde: · •Solitude • I ; ! ' ~ P'inOdoie • . . • Vineyard • NOY( 1- 1 ;~ 98 pc set., ........ , ... ~.:-.69. 98 . . . -. -, .. . . · . Patt•"l' include, : . ' ~ lq<ly e1:.;a.1 ". · • Angelique .. !' ; .. -. ' " • : IY • .• I .!. . __ J 9:fie. snd\·cups and ·, cers; 8 bread~ butter·pl ; 8 salad plates;l~ift11 t.P ~ "'' 8 fruit/ dessert•cfisheS, 1· sU r with ic_cwer~~.l~cr~mer, l~h P.::. · plale, I ·salad bowl, , • ' • "I • t ., .... ,. .... 98 PC; SET: Is. CllR-"12,4'1. • cers, 12 , br•adt" · • ~ ~ ;.':t i pkrtts, 12.salad pi.,....'12 din · ner · plates, • 12 soup!~reG bowb, 12 lruit/,dosseit di.hos, 1 suGar wRh cover, 1 creatner .' "'!'~~ pla,tter. I large plattor I OP.en yegetable dish, 1 gravy boJ; optn baker. " ' • "~ I ,• •. ' • f -· ' ( ' .. , 'I / • " • ., ' .. I J ·• .. ' • " • 1 ' . ' I .. S11ow i11 1 Siei•ras . ' ' ' ' ' . . , ' . ' , ·•·I·. , \Vinter!J:JAng...,,w.alted first big. snowfall draped mountain trails at south Lake Tahoe''Morida,Y: -with 1ight sno'v predicted lor the rest of the \\'eek, paths like this on_e wiJI soon bear back-packers and sno\vmobil.es. - Bon.-. .. ai·te l • ID .Cabinet ' VSA ~rill. Q.f Opportunity for Frenchrnan • • • t PARIS?(AP) ~The story <lf 1828 and had two sons. The Navy as an all-important dc- a Bonapart~whcfmade good in older, Jerome Napoleon Jr.. terrent to ~·ar. Am'erk:a · ia--·'Peto\d this m<rith became a cavalry officer in One cf his atts, doubly sym- in a-:~miolflcifl.l rnilltary the United States and al!!O in bolic. was to ask France in publiC..tion called Revue de France under his' cetis1n, 1906 lo return the remains 011 Dtfe~·N'~ionale., Napoleon Ill. ,John Paul Jones to the lnited Ctia'_rlef.Joseph 'Bonaparte, Charles-Joseph, the rcture Sla les. grand!oft of 'N'a po I e.o n 's Cabinet member, was' bbr.n LAID GROUND\\'ORK r youhj;est brc~her Jerome, ac-almost 21 years later. He 'R,aii . Bonaparte also laid the ctpted OfJ l\1ay 21, 1905, an in· ~ducat~d at the French school groundivork for the 1 9 o 9 vitaUon 'W join the U.S. in Baltunore-, took a d~clorate circumnavigation or the globe Cabinet. Tbe·..invitation came oC law from Har1•ard in J87~.:by a major task force. Tiiis from a friend of HaT.ard became a member "d. 1 the show-the.nag Voyage '"a s days, Theodore RooseveJtt l\fary~and bar that y~ar anq designeji large ly to discourage Pres1dent Roosevelt had his marned Ellen ebaruung Day aggr!Sfive1Japanese n1oves in state Depattment mid e of New En,land. ,._; ~ · the Patilli:. discreet inqulri(s with Paris Hls story',-••~related in the His one major setback 11•as to see whether the Frfnch m~.~ine by ,1 'fW:gi~ld d~ to und~re~mate public and government saw any ob-\\rarren, French -c o n s u I • congressional cpposillon to his jection. Paris r e p 1 i c d general in Philadelphia, says .plan to hav~ the frigate favorably. &1-ut[>arte became Bonaparte wu· noted · for his Const.itulion, "Old Jroosi~," secretary of the ~a~')' *ly 11 fr~defeJ]seofthe,poor before SWlk at sea. He . said·'Ber and la.ter AUOrney Gthe ~· j.n the ~·. !'18 fi~ts agai~st. restoration wolild cost ...-th·e a Cabinet rf.$ulflc. 1 corrUphon 1n the ciWJ .sernce price .of a new vessel! Bui • ONLY 11 · , .'al)d P'/lltic!, and hls _liberal Con&r<ss went ahe'!ll. ,_.oo Th , b i" views on the color question. 1 voted the necenary fundl . , e emperors /O ,.er . . · 1 , :ii · Jerome was only ll-wh,n he Roosevelt .~bed hn\) into ~f_ter f'.lOO seve t s au· mel Eliiabe'tl1. Pat~ the ?vlaryland poltttcs and.>.made nurustralion Bon apart e daughter cf a famt!f;.,ln , him. a mem~er of the ex-ret~ed· to legal practice in Baltimore society._.j1i .. jMg ecut1v~. ~nc1l of. a fed~ral ~altimor~. ~e apposed U.S. li tenant ignored' "the Op-'-T comnussJOn on Ihd1an ·affairs., mterventK>n m World \Var J po~ition of Ult Firit Consul of _As .secretary of the :'Oavy, and later op~ f~ndatiOI) France leftJILs ~¥ li:cond ,B•o n a Parle supported of the League ol Nations. He in ~and ot ~ fl1gate RooseveM.'s policy. of ' strOng died childless June ~. 1921. Epervier, and m)lr r t e d Elli.abeth before -t¥'"'.' Roman Catholic archb.i;~bi:'of ll' •., "·I Im Dec •• 1...... l,..Stlidtttl ..... 1Mt.-"41t, .Pelt ore ·"',• -, DI---.. _.. ..,. l.:.I.. Napoleon r•intd·a ' ant , enna.··· · .7"i:"",.w s.m ... " n•-1rt,, after the marriage, which ran . ~"" ... coqnt.ef' to his plans for hL; ALWAY• FUtllT •UALl1Y brother. He obtained' a civil 1nnulment sutce Jerome nad married under age without his motJ1er's con&tpt; but 11'.led \J obtain the_ ~nt ol''l'ope Pius VII to a religious an· nulment. So he. ''persuaded'' the archbishqp'o( Parilito void Ille re~·g; ~·· . Jet '"lill pntlhaot ' wile. to ,' ln Ill&, Jn ah atl<mpt to *l!>·-Nap>leon. But he was f"7il1 • d" under under ~ fD and af. ter II days N~ i!i>pooe<i \~ his will. Jerome liter 61c1me king o1 w-.tphalia, u. Ger- many. , Elizabeth • ""as sent t o En.gland, 1''here . her; 1 on Jerome Napofnll 1Wili born . The couple saw tlach tt1ler on- ly onct 1gain, a challC'I en· counter Jn • museum in Florence. . Their son ~ &nanne May \\'llliam!-bt ~~in 14 DAYS 1HE PERFECT GIF1 FOR :MOTHERS . ' . ~ ' HER VERY OWN SPECIAL ,· RING IMMIDIATl DlllVIRY-NO WArrlNG • Colorful •yn th9tlc bfrth1tonet, on• for every member of the fomily, ore set in elegont 10K gold. Florenlin• .. ftJCfured . 15.95* ._ '5S4-·"""'\",1 PL~S A PENNEY'S EXCLUSIVE! ~-# ~' · A LOVING 1111UTE _, .... ~__. .o ~1 TO ~~ ~ MOTHEI . ":::::-~e;::.~,: t; A bttlltifuf dedlc.ttlolt to !Mis• 1110St ' . ~~,.. .. .ft Q) thtr+MM of •H I · t' \1, Expn:1std ill :i•try tlld: d1corittd ' , . , ~'.~.· 13" '..\ c J =~·1t'b. :=~J:; . • .L,J \;J . --h. "'11ct to( ~ '•· ~ Absolutely· no .cost tp you • '' • when you purchase any ·or Penneys· s~ecial Rings for Mothers! .,._ , ....... I .,.._ """· ...................... CHARGE rr AT YOUlt PIHHEY'S llHE JE'Hi.IJ.Y DtlM1.MDlt -..... - rfOl:f.S OflN SUMDA T TOO I .DOWf'rE'f" FULLCAlON 11,UNTl~C.TON &EACH l .ll(EWOOD .. ONTCLAIA fl ~ f' P.M., • •tEW~R,T llEACH VfHTUAA i ..._....._ _____ ....1 1 . . ... ~ . ' , . . ---·--· --------,..... . ... ~"' '10.r • ----. _,.. ··- -~-·-..... • . , j , ' t ~ ·'. '-i ' \._ . ' • . . ' \. ·' J • ... --- AL~B·~'!!!rif¥~: AU. STORES OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WEEK FOR YOUR> SHOf'i>lNG CONVENIENCE! • ' 'f • She'd ·love a ·brand new sewing our Penncrest" is it! , macbjne ... , . . .,, ' . • I /, ,, ' ,• • • :">" ... ' - .. -.:......... .... . " ' . Look at ,the features of this zig z~g .sewing 1 mach_ine! Built-in buttonholer, push button forward and re· ve rse sewing, straight ancf zig ' zag stifches on all types of fabrics , create·a-st·itc;h lever for deco'rativt sewing. Two-tone blue an'd' 'whit• enamel finish . What a value! '-· ; . ' ONLY 79.95 ' . l." • . ~· •.i.. " •. ,. • .. ... "·"f~.I~ ~ ,. LIKE IT·~: CHARGE'i'i'f ... ~ . . . . .. "" . ' J I , ' •. ' • '.. . - . ~ ' ' ..... 24 insertible cam xig , 119 m1thin1 zi9 n;· in1chlM ~ith.2 •••d* : " 94 95 ' ' -,:&. " ' 119.95-' '· ' . ~ ·N.w 2 speed 'motor .. anables a b9ginn4f1 it loffttr &n.ifol ~ ~~lrl~ a.,i/Hn ~ ~ ~iOML ' ' . New serpentine stile~ gJv6s ~lastic 'stitching for stretch fabr ics and je"•Y· S.ws straight,.:i.ig zag, .. forward and reverse, witff one or twO needlel. Push button for instant'reverse sewinSj:T'(o'O-ta.le · ~ ·· blue and white enamel finish. b!l~d strtchihemnu~g .1 Stra111ltt· a.net ·~1g zag · 1titches pert.city alfalt lypes ·ot fdbtfc'A~•ton• blue · and. ·wlilfe• .nomel finish. .,_..' t ••• ··:.! .... • • • -,J • :,.. .... ··~ .. • ., ' . . You'll find th~ ·ri9_~.t case· and cabinet here --.. -,. ~ ... _.. ··-· ·-· . ' . ' 'A CIH for •!l ::, ' our P•nncNst9 · 1\ ., ,, ' . Hwing machines ··10 J t ~ ~ • ~ '· 1 ,. • • .. .. ,;--. •. ,,,,~:i .. -ti~~· ' ' . . ~ This hardwood cak' J ;<. • 4o . "' covered wilh _wa~,. · ,..., er.bl• vihyl lits till. Panncrestlll 1ewi11g l lnachinas. Nick-1 .. plated catches . . - J .. " • I •• \ ·" ' .,.., . ·' !) '. . ... • , ,Mtdit.rr~~ \i'ewlnt~~hine :con~Qbnet j .... ·. •35 ·.-', ;J ' " ' I < ' • ht" , A'ttra~fY•lr.J! fl, •, ho~oad · ii'Cf' ' ;i.gs.w..-. c.1 .. ••l•"• ' --'f willl Jll!llile . iJ ' ' 5 ' ' ~-r •• -Mt41n1. c1'11ole with walnut finish . ·--.SU ----· -·--··-· THESE , ' . DOWNEY CANOGA PARK FUtLERTON . HUNtiNGTON BEACH ' .j"_ • ·• •• STORES OPEN • ' SUNDAY 1001 ' 12 to <f P·.M. " ' ' . . • • I • , t NJ5.WPORT BEAgl . , VENTURA ..: '' LAKEWOOD LONG BEACH MONTCLAIR -" ----· ____ ,______.~- . ., t ' • • .I • t ---.. -·--' r • •• • I .-. . • • Dear Santa Claus: Here's What I Want for Christ . ' . .... ¢olloli Cln4y, Tin Man ~ )Juttr, llotU.., Bat· ~.t>ma. Ltsl .. SUia' ~ lllb, ~ llalttr, 1uy .ffarntinlter, ·Ute :erlte, Poll Md Pand, Movie Pr~ JlclO<, S!ioe•. Bolt ... Cbtryl P, cimistMAS JJS't b6ar San$at: ~ I wani a -1: ·Bubble· pm lnachlnt 2. OOI r1dlnc hone black. like a bite s. one laby a-a 'l'OoUI. 4 . ..,. Numty I. 6be mUlical noveWe I. one honetop that spins. 7. .,.. aiftlinl blrd. I. one dtluse XileldOocope. SU!ie Dill S&nla I ~ave tried lo be 40Dd all )'let. Will you pl<Ue bttllC mt : Ji> h n n y Spaccrnolllla, H-11, Sword, BoW and .\t!Ow. eta11 Dau Santa ClaUJ I ..Wll Ute far QltiotJ1111 I ~ April Shbwot ---Love Natalie Dtar Saftll Claus J want: a blke, switch a track. and I Matltl Injector, I ltlvt lrted lo ht • good boy all yw. Mtn'Y Chr1stmas 1'rom Lawnnct Str11ey A THOUGHT FDR TODAY .,.. ..................... . ........ '"" .. ., .. , ~i...-... -Wlntani \.tM"'"""" t"ltlllNTl!C Al A ..u•1..1c 11•v1c1 1v1•v DAY 1v: Lll ROOfl!ll~ CO. ' ' ! Dear "Santa QaUI wants a atufled animal that'• I Im I yun Old. I want : • -· TGon'• betn a 1o0d Barbi•, a toy dwte b1JUY and ho,; ind llt01'04 hb rnOfft alot. a baby doll. I tia .. trliol lo ba He'd alJo lilt a bl& Indian a llOOd iJrl all yeat. Merry 11>11•1 u bl& u JebnaJ Wilt. QWtmu. , Lova Tom ,.,_ llll'!' Jlt1' 11U\llY ':· ,,. t '. ' -DearSiilta Deer ~ !Vt mJ ~ I wsld I wan( a G. !. Joe id.;.t•rt ll)le lo bin• -1>11 llleyclt. Ht !er Xn\U. \ Thanlr: you. David Jand Dear Sanla I would like a tllli. :~ •. · ' David Sanla ClaUJ Lcalee and Cbtfly P. -Dear SUia Claua. I want ...U. a Joi llul I will try .. mab 11 lbo<1. Pick Ii• from thaae llllno. Dr°"" doll,. Cl'l)'OllO, ikaloo, boy ID lclla a-, pll)'1hlrtl, hldt'n Malt C How .,. ys and Mn. eta .. ! boy -color bhlo, Ate all ysr ,.,.,_ lla!lllf ahOp ...... cotr.a rna)ler, and hMltlly ... "°"J lo fly! lluly Hemtmakor II .. , I'm Jt111 wrillns lo lot )'OU' -· and Twl11Y, lhal'• know llal I'm tint and have all. . lovt Klm -I na1l7 pd Juahk almeol all year lief. Hen II · , ., ~ Ill)' 1111< I'd .-. .,ti1nc Oii tt. Dur lanla . ' , . !llnMllke, elodolO -..... I want a "°!i WIMlll pl, I 2S llJll, 1apt r-der, -· -• pair ~: ncalvlnc -· T. V. ~ l~\a toJ iUlo._J>IUli • ...,,uflar, -1ull1r, ahebrln1 a lJllllar. ll'Jca .... • pep car clock . I love, You hlta, _radio, ,_',ia, radio, ~ tot ct _ """· JlmlrQ' H1<11 .....,_, • '°"*"" nan. a w-. i:uta•. "'· silly bar' Door Bania, Iocb, tllclrlc lhlnf, camea I am ,m )'llfl old •. Ill' • ... /'and (llTI"', drum let, illlllr II .faur 70an o1a. I -. ....,.... -•v• •auld llU .., • ...,,.,.§i!i!'. ndlo .... v ... 11\111 calt. -o-. PICI Poay, '!OJ ' . ' u.... -Ewtns Iv-· Michelle and llJr.. _,;... . l>tat a&llla ' ·, . ·. I 10¥1 _70" I want a ~ a l<lalll doll ,al!d a clon'I lirMlt tht · 1ce. priie, a !'Obf. .no II &ll • and a baty cafdt· a boll; ..., aern• tlljnp for my -and some tltlnp fer mern and ..,.. lhlnCi f« l"I· Pleue. Deat Sl!lla, Thie Is a lotter frOm TOin Kellar. Ito •• a rnovto ,_. like lilt Glddolll. He I ·-aJlacw tnok I love youandlelyws M!ll• Hyde .. Deer-.-a. ... I am a . pd llrl· For QnlaWu .llU )'Olr. I would Ilk• • 911111• dOIJ, tralftlnc .Whl!h flw my bllte, oorne Lkl· die Kta4le d<All, and • llllle peopio, loo. I ~ Ute a lluf. ltd anlmal. I liked lht kqoroi and Ill baby, and I P.8. , a. Illa mini blR at ... fCll' ... lf )'OJ lab Illa ~ wlU ct11 f,11 Illa! ·II. ... ' 1-llaoi7 Dear -Clatll. H°" *" Y•! I lava -Vt1Y pod. I do all mr. ""'.II ochoal. I """1 llh I - Waldl with I Jq -· ...... -lllllp I want .. fool. boll -. &1111 -... Jett wanla Karpllm 11111 a 1'!Mll of Fm. 1.. • .... Splrocriph and T • It lo. !dldliiel ·-Ill' -'tllil TalklaP __ _ HOLIDAY GIFTS .WORTH WATCHING a.r~.--11"'' L 17 jowll Cil9lllll. '11111111 111111 -111.11 ; IT AT YOUR PENNEY'S PINE JIWBRY DEPARTMENT ' .......... µ'; =.:..!111·•-1' • . . 'loaflt c~-'1ua 86 STOREs ·~;. ALL IN SHELTERED~COMFOtrr ' -Af MM ..... Jl'fllW@'1 eoftA ... •. ., ,. . .···l/ ' '\ \ / .J' '.f \---- Lighted iewel lamp .~or a. sparkling Christmas·! 4.98. - Pllt twfllltle in your Christm with our UL li1ted jewal lamp. lalllp 110lllls ~2" h1tlh .ith 11 r wide pla&tic glolie and gold colored plastic base. Each 1amp -~•• "I ~ bullM. C:-in lo Pen;ieys today and ,.. our ccm~I"' ,.,, dl1111 d. , cte•tn• dteoiatlonl for )'OU!' home. I UICI IT •• ~ CHAIGI ITI ' .CANOGA PARK DOWNEY .~LLERTON HUNTINGTON BEAOH-Jr----------;,-.....;.·;;;··-~··=·-;,;;,· .. ;_· __;;~;._-...;.......;.·,;,.:,· •:.._,,,; _ _;_ __ LAKEWOOD MONTCLAI R NEWPORT BEACH ·tUINA ,ARK IUOANK CANOGA ,ARK CHULA VISTA COLLECIE •ROVE DO~NlY VENTURA FULUOON $UNDALE HUNTIN&TON IEACH IN&LEWOOO LOS ALTOS LON• HACH MONtCLAIR NIW,ORT IEACH NORTH HOLlyWOOD TORltANCE VINTVltA • T' . ~-··· - • t •' - - t - - ...... I . I . l • ' I · neg1 ',flRST . C1i.JALITY • .,.! .. .. . -.: .. I· 1 ' •I . " . . . : ), ... • , • -..i.,, °"'-10, 1969 I J • . . ~ .. t. -"t_ ... OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WEEIC OAILY I'll.OT Jll ' fl I " 1. '• , • • fa YOUR SHOPPING ii:ONVENIENCfl · .. . .. { ...... ·. . .. . ' ' ~~ Stop all t .he a(t~Or.l · , ..Christmas Eve! : . ,. .. . ' • • • . .. •. J ' t ' . ' , .. ' l The model 360 Polaroid Color Pack camera with the eledronic flash! .. 159.95 With trad•in of your old camera_ •. ..:.. ___ 111. ti~· ne Polaroid Camera 9irl will ta~• your frn color picture and Clemon. stTate tho now line of Polaroid Color Pock Cameras .at tho following stores only. ea. noga Pork, Downey, Fullerton, Huntington Beach, Lakewood, Montclair, Newport Beach, and Ventura. See her on Thursday, .Oecomber 11 from 6'30 to 9,30 PM, Fri· day, December 12 from 6,30 to 9,30 PM, or Saturday. December 13 from 11.00 to ~PM. · • Makes big (314" x 414 '1 color pictures In a minui.,/ black and white shots in seconds • Na niare flashbulbs •Stops adion at 1 /lOOOth ofa *"'"d • Has·an amGz• ing eledronic timer. -! . See ou r complete line "of Polaroid Camera$ *TRADE-IN CHART ~-· Model PRICE WITH TRADE-IN .... to be n o .. -100 101 , ... ... • traded 250 240 230 220 210 1101 110A llla: 104 ... J33 . .. ... 20 . ... ,.. -. ' -131.95 . '143.95 153:95'., 360 11 1.95 126.95 131 .95 141.95 "33.95 i'39.95 145.9s 147.95 149.95 151 .95 166. •. St . ' _: ....... I •"?"'"'~···"' ..... ' " .. . ;· .. • ... • f . .•.. '" ' . '.,, . .. . .. .. . ' . ,. •91'ft' ~·· ....... . , ' -~.f5' .. 1Qt95 ·105.95 ~ _. ' ... , ~1 1(!~ Ill~ ·1~~ ' . . 350 86.95 i OI.~$ ?3.fS' ,95, j ~ i' "'" ·---·-·· M ~· ' • • . 1·.~l: . • ~ti'~,,~: ... .., ,,;; ~,•.ti• ~ .. ' ~ l'.I . ' . I } ;I .N*W .. ;_t " ~-~ l"' ' ; '·:i6;95 • ) .. j ~~?~: :-~~ ~.9) .· I 330 .. . : ~ ,., •· -.-2.~s' . 48.95, 549S r,M,!J! .. ";· . ' . . ' ·······--··-······· ---. 1' . .-~·~.-. ' Models .• ! ., • • •>.1 • > ·-:._ ,'j ,'\. .; . . •' . . ' ... , •: .,,;, , . ., ,, ; ~ .. • '1 • I .. '3~' :39;?# ' • 320 '·'II " ..:.~-... 3h95 11.23.95 ·29.9~ ' .95 35.95 '37'~95 41.95 "3.~ 46;'' '·r ·······-· ·····-··· ··--i;;:~ ,,~ . . '. , .. • ,, I I 11 ', . " •. 1.1·.' . . ' .'' .. .)CP 11 ·-:.,.,' • " . 21'8 • ., '. '· , · .. .. · 12.aa "14.~ 16.SS . .'\i.ei . .. ~ ... • ·-····· ·····-··· ······--·--· --·--------,,\ -. . •· . . . .. .·' ' Cllec.k. J.O•r' CiJi\era a9alnst the chart aliove. The chart will-show yoa how much you ca11 save hy tracll•• yoar . old nliiera oli-olie of the new Polaroid Color Pack cameras.. · ·. -. . ,. '\ -· . ' ' .· ' . ! .. ~ ' ' . _, --'·' . .,.. • .. • • . • A:·.f. ' ~.~~~;,~s.~e.: o:.ur;·.:eom.p; :•~te .... •'* ..... _ -~ -' .,, . ~ ,.. ' ,, .\.' >. ,.,.. . ' ' ·-. ..."'\' . ·.~·····. • -. !7 .... 1' . ,•. . . ' ,. • '\ ', -I . • . ~ : :"-~iii i .. . ·, . • line of Pol·ato'.id Came.ras:· :,.~!:· .. ••.. . -.J • ·., , • !. . •'"..-:" f ~. . .. • ~-• ·: 'f \ . . . : • . 'l ' ;\ . ' ' " ,. ,, , ' ~ ' ' •• ·. •"' .. ,, .. ·.~ ·i~ ... . • • . . ~ i· . ' : • . • ' ' • .. t ' " .. , ' ' ... ... . ! ,.,,,. " . . ... ' . : "' '.. ·~" ' .. , • ; r i:· ~·i ' . . ¥ "°.1· '. ' . ' :. " ' . ... ·The amazing Color Paek -II camera T ., • 1 Economy. mcidijl ·320 cqlor ,pa~ amera . ·a9.9 s.~· PC1ftt6id 330 fotding· Del~~.bocfy and·.tr:im cd'o -~i>'~ck ca'!.1eri::~ ·· · 350 eolor ·pack cmqera '. :;; '.;.M·.62.ti' ~;·i,·::'., . ; : ' 11,~tS "~ . ~-; .. 24.8~-. Th• three element lens of Colorpack Ji is beautifully sharp. Features a 5 foot rangefinder ;· : .. .... ! .. . . This new folding moilel featur'es auto,. ' .c~~·~ .hui~·if'd.-iW~f · · The ~el ~ ~-~.M;p tri~...t , matic expos~re control,.~l'ldlic ~h limeri ve"""'*'aharp triplet•lens·C!llil o . a~-11 .-i~~ .. d>ll~~ .....,.;, picture . Ji liv~,glitl: ~ -cNlv)!e' ,~-'and vieWfincltt. . ·~ ~· .r:·.;;...,.~ : el!C!f~rii;.' . J r . > . . • r .... . I ' '\ ,. ~ ,'• ~ • , J' ~ , "°' ... _.., i, " ~ ~ ..... :-'( •. ~~ (" • ' -" ,,. , \j ~ 1· ... ~. y: ,,...,. J_ '1''-7-=:,-· _,._.. _____ ..J, ..... ~~~.....:....~----·,,..· ~· ~.1'.:' ~1:!~~-r~~--+-) .,-· "'."·~·~ .......... -_. +..~~~':'--~ ~··""'-~f;.,.· ~;', .-.o; " .. • ' ... il ·" -+--·--,. . -., THISI S1011H OPEN SUNDAY 1001 12 le 5 P.M. CANO GA PARK' ". • . :~1'. OOWNEY i;. • :FUt LERTON' ::~ _,HU NTIN GTON S£ACH \ LAK EWOOD MO.NTCLAIR -~: --· '' \ . " • I ' ,•·. .. .. NEWPORT B EACH ' • ' VEN TURA - ; f I • I! ' ... _ ~ .. -..,,._.., • • .. • .. ' .. ' · .. ' .. :• r I I J I --' .,,... -----,,.,...... . -~-....... ----. • Shoplifting for Education Expcriincntal Craft Launched 14 DAYS DAVIS, CaUf. (AP) -Shop- lifting is easy, six students , report. All you have to do ls dress like a square and pick the rtght town. . Even if another customer sees you stealing, the chances are he will ignore it. So say lhe lis Univtnlty of. California studtntl who went on a tw<Kity pillertni el· -pedition 11 a paycboloty clau experimeo.1t. "We found people ~·ut not very observant. You could shoplift in front of them and they didn't attm to notice, or dldn 't want to notlct." He aaJd he Wtn 1 sult and tie and carried a briefcase "1r.1d took everythina !'wanted without being ch1ll••sed·" But other .membtr• of the ,.....p, wearlna hl)>ple·type clothlnJ, "came under a lot mptclOn." reported the~ tht!IJ In the two VANDENBERG AFB (UPI) cities. -An experimental reentry : ln Woocllud. 13 percent vehicle in the 1 d van c e d reported Ult lhtfts to the store ballisUc reentry system pro· mana1ers, 74 perctnt Ju.st gram wa.s launched e11.rly to- looked ~ other wa,y and 11 day down the Air Force's percenl denied seeing a thel't Wtlltm test ranee. or trled to rationalize ii. Thi ntntr)' ~ehlcle wu N,llt D I . dt!yn ronae 6Y 10 AUu F. In av s, the fJgures were 62 bOcilter-in 1 pf'Oll'&m aimed at perctnt reportlne. 35 percent deW1lopln1 even more · ef. refusing and ! perce.1t saying fectlve vehicles for the Ul)i.ted they didn't ate anything. S t a t e s ' I n tercontinenta.1 THINK The variation, Lo~z iaid, balllltie mi11He d e t e r r·• n i . ,.. -.TO Said D1vld Lopez, 22, leader of the project: "Onct we unplugaed • radio which was playing and walked away with k." L opez 1aid poli ce depa rtments and merchants in Davia and nearby Woodland were consulted ln a$ ance and agreed tQ. cooperate. He said the students round a atrlkbg difference between the number of wltnesses who probably arose because the force. ( • , campus community « Davis 1 • JW\.!._' ·., :·tb· l\l• , ' is re.laUvely affluent ad the Who ·Listens farm town of Woodland has 1 higher perctr<age of low·ift. To !Anders? , ""'& • ~ Loper summed up the ex· periment Tuesday by saying, come families. 1 ·, ' '°' . ;f¥ •. ,#'' t 1<t.f.1 • ~ i..· -·"1 ...... .. ;J-s ,. ~'1,c i -;...· ... · """:,/' ~ ~.,..i.;.O ... ·i'·: ,. .. , ~·~~ ..•. ,,. "r··"' • Aar4vark Fi1ids · F,.(~ft'' · · Four·year·al.d Tracey \Vinnick watches a~ hei' dad; a 'Tacoma, Wash., zoo em- ploye, shows off the zoo's ne\vest arrival--:-a b'3.b.~ aardva~k: Wll:i~c.k ts °4k· ing care of the baby because the mo~ er re1e<;ted 1t. Zoo offic~als s'Sy tbat ~e 3 pqund, 24 !Jlch long baby aardvark 1s the nmth~of her speaes ever born,1n captiyity. Of the nine, .only five .wet.a bom....,fl!ve. OQ.b," '?lie .--:; ~w an ad~lt at the ?.fia:mi :zoo -'Survived. Normally ·an ~ka~~jutjnal, 'qi1s one will be (ed a'm nnula .and be kept in u incUJia , • , 0 • : 14 wel!k;, · .•. ,.~ .. ··J. 'l'. ;' .• ..,._.-;· ··I ~· .. » "-.Tim~ Is l(ey to ,B~th Sidifs ,In Viet Battles, at Paris By \VILLt.Uf L. RYAN The dry season has begun In Vielnam a n d neighboring AP Special Correspondent Laos. but there has been no President Nixon·s ! a.te s t marked upsurge in Viet Cong _tgmmenis on Vietnam make it and North Vietnamese of. appe3r that the mo.st precious Six months v.·ould be far fe,isive action. Perhaps this commodity in the conflict now w•'ll not last b t sorne ·n from enough time to prepare , u 1 iS time. and that time is voork· S · ak J · th t th South Vietnamese forces to aigon spe ~ signs a e ing both far and against each take over CJil their own. A U.S. enemy is running out 91 side. withdrawal over a inuch resources and steam. The thrust. or North Viel· looger period. however, could Nixon is asking the nam's statements and the ac· race Hanoi .with a prospect of American public for lime . Uvities of the Natiooa1 Libera· losing an ·tt bas fou~t far 1n Hanoi and the front would like tion Front &Uggest alertness to the past decade, or a\-)eut to deny him that time, a!Jd the problem of time. So does havlilg ils,,iambitions JIJocked thus could be eipected . to the U.S. rejection of the latest for a long lime. Tfii.is, the mount aetiOM· tntetiised. to _in· Liberation Front maneuver in quicker Hanoi can get the crease American public un· Paris. Americ~ out !he better for r patience,! . . . Nixon expressed tielief Mon. lts chancet The• off* of sate-· · The com1r1 holi~ aeuons, •1 day that J>111'1UP, oo:.the .Joi ty guatM!tees fc# a •lx up to and. tnfO\l&h th.e .• ne1t to nesotiate ·a ~tlln:lent.".V.'ill months ' : withdrawal· •fJ'riod Orient~\ lupar new r.ear. may increase as t h e "Viel· almost al'ft(IUnted to a bid for be the c~lllcal test Of whethe~ namizatlon" plan develops. 8 cease-ftre. the Viet COng and their H!lJlOI The President, . with what Saigon wants much more allies can reverse. the N11on seemed a display of con-time than that. ·What Hanoi hopes for VleLnamu.aUon. fiden ce. 11ald the war "will seems to fear Is that the , come lo a conclusion" as the United States is ai.gagiog in a result of the program to "clear and hold stategy and .. replace U.S. foi:ces with Viet-the policy of acquiring a nam ese. strong military po s ition Hanoi has reacted <\'iolently through imp!eme.nta.tio,n of a lo "Vietnamization." Its .main policy of using Vietnalnese to objective. said a Hanoi fight Vietnamese," as the nev.·spaper is one of many llanoi press put it. 'Free Ride' Passenger Raps TWA broadsides on the subject, "is Nixon indicated he had little to make the puppet troops short-range hope for real pro-LOS ANGELES (AP) -A slrong enough to cope with aU gr~s in Paris. Perhaps, 29-year-old law student said Communist forces. regardless however. his expression of his round trip Olght t.o Lort- or the outcome of the Paris confidence was prompted by don without fare or passport conference." That could be the an expectali0'11 that the war is was a mistake-the airline's. key to Hanoi's worry. about to enter a de-e;calation Kenneth M. Lesser said t.he The ~·ay Nixon puts it, as stage. v.·eckend trip began after he Vietnamization develops, "I Care f u 11 y g u a rd e d arrived on a flight from San think the pressures for the statements from U.S. and Francisco. The same pltoe enemy then to negotiate a set· South Vietnamese sources in wa s to begin a transatlanUc tl ement \viii greatly increase, Saigon note signs of Viet Cong nin. because once we are out and and North VI et name s c '•f was tired and run-down.'' the South Vietnamese are wea kening, progress in clear-he told newsmen Monday "and there. they will have a much ing and holding "paclfiecf ' I v.·ent back to look for my harder individual to negotiate villages, stepped-up govern· watch which I was missing. I v.i th than they bad· when v.·e ment penetration of Vlet Cong fell asleep and when I awoie 1 -·eft!. there." strongholds, not.ably in 'the V.'a! on my way to London." The President dismissed as Mekong Delta area, and in· Trans World AJ r 11ne1 "frivolous" the Mon&y state· creasing numbers of Viet Cong crewmen dlscoverd "him over ment in Paris by a frtMI defectors. Self-defense forces the Atlantic. 1Les8er blamed spokesman lhal If t h e in the South. say these TWA saying officlal1 "should Americans would agree to reports, are getting stronger have determined I wu on tht troop v.ilhdrawal over a m: all the time and now have pre>-plane." ' month period, it woul4 discu.ss, ~ of better training and Lesser's father pald tbe '710 ''guarant.ees for the safety or better arms. 'The upsurge of roundtrip fare after his llOll'S , the withdrawal." There was anti-V .C. popular scntime.it in return . The airline said It something new in this. It v.'aS the area of Hue, battered in wouldn't press charges against ' not a demand for Immediate the 1968 Tt'. offensive, is con-the son, a Loyola University ~1thCrawa\, but for a phased sicJered another omen. law student. one. It sugaested that Hanoi1:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I and the front already feel the pressure of the tJmt element. But so do the Americans. I SEE BY TODAY'S WANT ADS e BLACK BEWILDERED BlJND! Pleaae locate thit ak&BY ~ poodle weanr.: red collar, in lifesa Venlt aret. • Enjoy a <:heery \'u1e log burn 1n1 on OU"tstma11 E\'e: here is a complete n~p1act "' willl au log•. e You can plant your roots tlrmly on ~ actt1 on S&c- nmtnto River, near Red Ulult, 1vith the pnine and "''alnut tttes. Lh1e ln 1 lo1'<:ly 1-atory hon'lf', ha1 OOat dock and n1any eX· tr as. foro11to1t9 A f /X 1hl1I ili1h wlioohl lad and bMutlfvl ••• and a ffilGn , lmockoutl . $22 AF/X 15"wood slttringwhul Plalllc -tpOt llght-.. _ _,4,s9 ,. A F /X wood grain front IUumi· noled gauge sol-···--···· 16.95 ~ with finger grips ... -......... 11.88 ~ sr.,...., w.y1 Mack111. 6.99 I ~ ry -~ ~·~·~ ~ . .·· ' Fore-'9 A F /X 8.000 RPM tachometw--·-··.29.95 PIMIY'• great A F /X 1hlfl9r ___ 19.95 A FIX cycle roff/ly "°"""· anMllll ..... _. .17.11 • • 1ness 1s ,i Hap T r .• ' . • I · QPtN6~S~= FOR YOUR SHOlflNG t:ONVfN AM/FM portable lilt-out lWfo- mobile radio .... -.. --.....44.95 Our compact 11imlln• AM under dash radio. ___ .24.95 . Four and eight track tape doclc with. four in.cfoor mount apeakerL..-19.95 ' l ' I Foromost9 rugged min~ In ~ 119.11 e somethi'ng ., THESE STOlES OPEN SUNDAY TOOi 12 hi 5 P.M. BUENA PARK ("'::ii:;'r.:•) (ClOSEO SUNOAVlll FULLERTON MONTCLAIR • ·for his car '1.ed Zoppdn Volume II" ~ .• 5.91 ''Tommy WYM!ft'• G,..1111 Hilo"-. -a. CANOGA PARK CHU.LA VISTA i DOWNEY HUNTINGTON BEACH • ' NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA • \ I •, I .. -----·---------·---------- , DAILY,..,. Jt Seven Jobs ror ire en s center.I are now open and . nadf lo h<ll. occotding to Mn. Carltoa Hinz, fOWlder of P a re n la AnU • Narcot.les ljlforMauon Center (PANIC) In Fountain Vail<y. "We've Joned hands with the ·Human Outreach Council in Santa Ana and the attempt to ftnd work for young teens is the first phase of our attack on. drug u~.'' she explained this rQoming. . , 1be Jobs 'for· Teens centers . cons~t,. of phone nwnbers In ~ Mrl. ~y· !!toll; • '~&tsi. seven cities manned by Cyprea, ue.,7904.. Mrs. ,JO: ~. partot" wbo have pled&ed it Romine;-Anll!elm, 137 ' •• ' Mr1. JWIO ilulU!I 11111'8U<np ' • 11'><1 -k for toel1s ll yea,. p .... ltldl"/4, Jin. DenilO •• 1 -"" ......... ~W t4 • I IJ ' oldandupw~callthtm.'Jbe \. sietraa:t. • ... ~~.,..~~ "J,'M•..:r.-. • pattnll also hope citizens will · 1HftnN. for ai11-a re "" .. ,.,. . .,. .. .-,..._. '*""'· • _.. • ""*'-. 1•'*:9 -r .... lrrllaalfllMll •W-ftrt.~~"" J.COUffltMOIO .... sti.illtJ caH the numbers WJlh olfel'I between nooa and 4 p.Ql., said -..., twtllw ,,....,. .,. -. U.t.li· .., .. ~ .-... "'...., ~ • for work parttime o r Mrs. Hlnz. ' 1 ,.... • f'!I"" wont! """"..., ,,.. •r '~ .... .,,,,....,,,... . ' "'""' ... w. "" • ...., ..,...,, .. ,.111 cWlt"" .....-..; .. _ .... otherwlH, for the teens. ''111JI is only: \be first phue •et-.ir ............ tw"'7 II COlp(tllfllOll )ttf ............... 'nte numbers teens may dial or oir wort... lhie aMM ·..iu11• fW. • • ' 11 ... ....-... ..._. . · • F j VaJlau &ft,,_ U ~lo --'-;';':'.:"-1' o.t'• .., llllW ttuln'( ... 0114 i. M (l)WrfflMOIO.dlnlclflf W are. ount n ... ,, ";r'~'• ~ we •OU)"r -l'lol• an ..,.rt.t. ll'I •,.,... tlltt _,.. u '' ..._. ..,.~ Mrs. Hinz: Huntington Beach, inlonnaUon center en drugs, . Ill' otMr ._... .. _,...., ~ · ~~;!~ 839-4574, Mrs. ,Lois Londean; theA a hot HM't. offer-help to 1.GOl.INflMOIO'•.-.. ....... .,.. , 111 "" ..... ,.. Santa Ana, 543-W4, Mrs. Joy youth for Uy ~ that -. -. __..... .._ • ••· -.a .. lngtis; Garden Grove, 53'-pop up." · · ·-' ' . • CNow!c;A dating dea17fr<inJ .,Yoiu • • ' . ::crd::0~~1=:!, <pJTA'hOilth delJJer/{~ • that's never betn done before. LJ .1..1..1. • . " Bo;,;11,.js· $1,HO ,. ·, .. . ' 0 Now, MOD'lt you can buy.that new"coa.t," son Don told Mrs.:Helen Oahibleck as he dumpe4 ne<t:rly $1,000 from his jacket. Donald, 13, son of an unemploy· ed. Boston painter found the mo~ey in a11 abandoned row of garages near his home. His father notified 1Police of the find. If no one makes a valid claim within a year, the money will go to the finder and Donald can get his mother a new coat. Draft -~ottery Won't ~ff e·ct Recruitment; .Says Military WASHINGTON (UPI) -average for the first 10 The same well apply to men 1be Defeme Department's months of this year. In college, who will carry their a;virig sale time deals on the first of the year cars. Because this yeax your Plymouth dealer has cars like he's nevei-bad befcn. Magnificent cars ... real flying machines. See those.d8rinc younc men tod ay. Get a sale time deal on a first of the year Plymouth! • " • r --:ipower experts are con-With or without a lottery, draft lottery numbers with vioced the d:aft lottery will the manpower experts say, a them throughout their four L Wh" Ch I Pl th AH Ch .,~-' pt uth I have lltUe net effect on armed letup. in the draft invariably years of study. lf their ee lte rys er• ymOU Q~, rys e1·• ymo 1 ftC. forces recruiting or l h e brings a reduction in volun-Bea L Calif 2929 H ..&-. B-·"• anl C M Calif .-...rveomcers_program. wnng.Soilrecrultingshows number is high, they will be 16661 Beach Blvd., Huntington en, • CJJDUr _,..v , osta esa_, • They corade it. maY take a big reductipn at the start of motivated tO r~main in thel---------__:---~-----"-------------------------­ some . ume to . prove their the year it. -may take some reserve officers. traiiling corps point, because Def & n s e time to sort out th"e reaaow (ROTC). , Secretary Melvin R. Laird has for it. Laif!l':S economy reductions already scheduled "'·& ZI0,000-The theory is .. that.' a man · I man reduction. In· th• ann" ed ' · were scheduled at 1 t me who drew a high 11UTnber in · ·for-s by July >. h I when the . nat.ion. bad a com-.... t e ottery is going to be f The result is that the draft, motivated to-enlist, and that bined troop, .stt:ti!gth o f aft.er being disconUnued his additional motivation will 3.415,000 men. lt is now altoge.~ in. N.overober, and just abou;, o~l the man who thought that ' wilh!n 1170 the l'!\ Deceri}ber, ·will take ""only can ' for~ ?nifitary service total may be brought down to r - _1z_,5Q0\_·111en __ i•-·J_•nu_•ry_, ,,,_. _•t_rs_•_ltogeth< __ '_· bec_•_use_h_is_1_ot_ter_y_3_"_20_.ooo_, •_r_ec1u_ct_ion_o1_a1_mos_t 1 f · -lesa than half or the monthly number wu low. 300,000. · . . ~ ' • • ·. ';: ....... ; ~ . ' t '., J I . . . . . ' ... ' . . . . ' • -· • .. . - ~ •. t . • • -:: -s.tna'I ...... _ ...... _ ...... ~.'fh.otJ..,.. .......... S....l.olQTllk.J.J • • I I -,~--~~~~=--------=-·-~~~~~~~~~--_..--~,__~~~~----~~-~ .. ii'~ ' .:--•< • I • JI Mt.Y li1Lof Wlf ..,., 0 1th'l1r10, 1"' .Wtdnttday, Dtctmbtr 10, 1969 JO PILOT-ADVt:RTISEll : 11 .. tta. ~... ,~-----------H-AV_l_Y_O_U_V_ll_IT-ID--0-UR--~l-W--STO--Rl_A_T_:-------------------===::::==========:::::========= J'OUllllTAIH VALLIY-t•UI ................ a,......, IAHTA AHA-1• W. f'5fll'r nl ., ..... M. Let Employ'' ers· 9861 Adams at lrookhurst in Huntington Beach ~~:E~~";.::F::"-:;::=:::-=.:.-: ..... -:; .. .., POWtTA~VMJ.IY-lnM ~ .. *' ,..,_, Know Your Assets 117 .IOYCS LAIN .._ • ll llllY -tlle boot jobo do IOI ..,_Ucolli' s:. boot~,.... lo Ille boot qU&une.t • Ho\-do you Mcarne a t•bef-look-me-over" 1pptic&nt! ST AllT ~y l'e<Oll'i.U.J that you m tn a sa1t.s campaip ! You .are lellinl youself. kaUR an employer's a whlu In hit ... lltld .....,., mean be:'• expert at matchlg your qualillcllllolll with !hi job he needs to rm. lt'• up to YOU to CU!vinct him Illa! you're above the crowd. Befort you can aell the emp!oy•or on Ille idea GI buyina:, however, you first ha\'e to stll hhn on the idea littenitlc. Here'• wbere your retUme c:cmu in. A 81:8UMB (""""""1COd .. ,_ .. , " >""" , ... tualtaloo--lheot.11 is a lite! deocrlptioo GI your quaURcltioaa u a JIC*lblt ~-alOrlGl­ mapallol. It lo ,... -Jm. port.,i lool for llDIDc up jGb IDIOl'Vlewl, And .-a major benefit - prepartnr >""" pr...mat1on 11 • arut way of r.ernin1 your•tt In on Ille """ lltld, riibl from Ille llart. "' a .....,_, ,.. .,in 11nc1 t11a1 ..onm, II up is 1ea1 ..... plicaled H yau laU 11-.up It a time. STEP I: cou.ct your ln- formatlCll. Wrtte d ow n eve!')'tine you can Udllk of about yourseU -your ei:- perience, your tducaUon. your penooallly, your lnlemtl. your .ccampU.slnnente:, your abilities. Your weak pol.Ml too. STEP 2. klalyi.e it. Take a 1ood hard look 1t the person thll lnfonnalion delCribes, Is there really any. 11n3e in 1tt-tin& your he.art on an ex- ecutive aecretary'1 job, U you're a pocr 1pelltr with 1 "C." in typina:? U you're ltymfed at thb poiJll pl Ille ldvke ol your JCMol mmeeklr, telcben, lrltlldl, tr .. In • cuablf ~-couwlar. Oftaa ll>tr <.. help ,.. ~ ... Illa:,.."'"'" ..... 1o of. fer lhu ,.. rullJed. mr a. W111o 11. Rftr11o 11. ~.:.·•111\tlooltk ~ unlll ll JOU j ... ~Oll papor. II lhcolld nad lib a diolfild alt presentation, NOT a hbt«y GI >""" Ute. Omit 8-bad points we coveJ-.4 In g10p I, GI couilo ; holJtolf It ......... policy, but ltt't bi ]lndkal. Include: Ntz'llktMn -narne, 14- drW, !tit~ ..,,,ber. Jib <*JedlY• I< Ille kind ol wwk: you wll'lt, and any reurn you feel Mp"cl•Dy quallly yau. Spell 0011 -I Ille empl.,..,. hu to tlin -not you. Your •ire to find "an _..,;1y to 1<•111 . one! irow" ls ol little interest to him. -... AIMii -tt you can type 80 words per minutes, ny IO. Or perhaps you can work well under pressure, or are IUCCeSSful in relaUoaships with others. le~ieW :-...='!: l<hool -,.. snt1uated or left , plus 11111 loclmlal ochooltnr related In Y""" job objtdlve; my -pe er bantl'I you've received; any m.acurri<UlaraclllevemonL Wort~ -any part-time or -jobs yau're had, U.U., Illa -lmport.,i llrll, and -. hrielly -:~~., from each job . Pll'llMI Data -11e , htilhl. wetpl, ~ healll>, marital and (ff!' ,._ mao) mlUtary stallla (Wlleoa yau'n l·A). omit ancem;, color, or reu,Jous c:raed. THAT'S IT -the framework for your a 11 -.....,... But befcn lllar!in1, yau !houlf ,.. what aood rffUIM! loot Jlke. The &tit I've Mm fer bepnnen - lncludlnr released milllary ptt 101n.el and houltwlva - are contained in a special repOrt prtpaM by the job journal, "Who's Hlrln1 Who." Send 25 centl to "Outatandin1 Resumel," WHW, Bos Jl51 , Wuhlnaloo, D.C. 20007. (DATE): Put I -Taa • .,.. .. ~. Mtter ,.... •• (c) 1• McNaulhl ll)'ndlcelo, Inc. All f'iPll ,..,.od. Acne Proves T e.e11£rs Most Bitter Enemy ly P-J. -· M.D. me and how I'm lryinr In We aet older. We lorfet. nte delul II. problems that betel 0 u r I uMd to think I WIS 1oin1 younplerl ....,. 00 unim· tl1rouab a llap In Ille one! It portanl whtn we COlllider our WUlld --·Mk d-'t °"" healtll. financial and looll lhal way. II -'1>!e, family upheavab. So too often. plaue put lhll In I he they Miiler in allence. Com· -per witll >""" odvlce "' munication between them and othen like JM can receive parents b a bust. t receive ame kind ol r • a 1 1 u r 1 n c t..mdrtids of letters each. help. -Mis& R. month Iran lnnlrated and OOMMENT: I have wrlllen uoblppy _,.., who com-here alloul acne quite on... plaln GI their poblerns -bil l!ut, ., Y""" leltor lndleeta, to them, UU!e to pown11p1. not -_..ii. PW H It true For u:ample, consider acne. that too many parents -Jlke Often they 1el this answer yours -undereltlmate the trcm parents too busy to em· impcrtance al 1cne. Jr they pollllu: "I had pimp!• wnen had ii '""'1 younpl>ra, then I wu your a~e. Y0u'll 1et they've r or I o t t en the heartaches. If they've never DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE r¥V« thml. 'I'he1 won't t1l1 you.. And Ille ~ ·-lnlo -and lriol to hide behind hlo pimply Kin u he walkl the c:orrldon cl. schtlol. IJfe ii burdentome i Wt ii no run. DEAi\ DR. llTDNCIUlRN : t am a a.year.old )11rl I'll be 1' nut month. I am pllf\ltd by ..,.,. pimples. blemllhel, bl>ckbead1. Sometima II It worae than othln. Jt'1 rulJy startlnr In all me down . l heT1 compllllly es c 1 ad td -peanut-· nut.I, lrlod -ud -1llJnp -my dlll. I &11 ·plaly GI .....,_Ao for.,.,.... and -air l "allt -'""" achool every dlJ, I drlnl< ,,_ and 11)' nol IO lei mt ,,.,,.. pl tllt boot GI me. 1111 -l!afplal! I otill __ ..... JAIM,JllllU ·--· B·• llftad to my llocl< ad -. I tr, lo lit • ..-.i ... .., ... ts .. Iii ... Al WlJ -baYI meta-..., c¢rlr*"-I feel a emblrflFJJ' all the tbnt. !'ft -trtf ,....... H thrJ wwldlaUmelo• ~ 'Ibey ••Y lheJ'd ""'1 be •uUnr money and drop It 11 ·that. Nobody IMTll to are. Ir only pooplo llDow !low mucli II ..-to had it, then tlley had better realize how lmporilnl II Is lo the (!OWinf hoy and alrl. J can't Jive yeu 1 U.tment routine that will 11ftt" )'WI' own probkm, Miii R. So I can't otter you the lptdfic ad· "rice JOU erave. But ahow this column to your pareaU. If it -nothlnr eltt, II m111 aim -In eu<lly how !lad you feel. P"11ape they a r e unaware GI it. Perllape - they wlll lblnt k Important enouP lo ., •• ,.. Iha -~ GI modlcsl attention. DIET II IMPORTANT. E>- ettlle, fmb air and 1loap (all ol which you are 1etUn1l .,.. bnporlanl, loo. M -!al •J> pllcaU.. In tllt tlclil ·m•Y be ·-·Only your docl« can ~ lhlm. Perhape ,..r t;rpe GI -wlll insprovo 11"111 -trutinent with anllblollco, ullravlolct Uafll, opedal .-a1MU11. Apln, IUCh -'Wiii depend -yout doct«'1 judpnent. llelldal, you wlll nood -· -to loan on Wrinf the .,_. dl1•· YINf ,arents -~ lbll.., a.,.,. ,...,... -' -help. It IU)' ... -. .. ,....~ ..,.. ~ ... t ,..,,. wan"t tJJJ ,..._" M ,.. -too well, 111a1 k can. ldll ,_ ..,irtt. I ..S 11111 -eparU. them Into a .. -11111 your "Uttlt" problem II a "bll one," and make •n ·~ potntmtnt with the family doc· .... 7ttea •. Curllf Cotton Balls """ .. %75 2 forS)OO ·:91'Curad M()vchl- hndages !:*2:noo tot I. I .., .... _,.. .. '5"Yaluel Spanllh WoOd Decorator Pieces $397. Girls' lmll1• Trlcot Palmm&lowu °"""""' ........ ~ ... _.,_ . "'--.inilly . .med wilh -IDd. ...., -'*""Iii•! HaDd or---....e.bk. .. , .. ln9elf ... IWtWh1 r Spray Col1911~ ·. ~~,, ........... ~ •11t \ l t ,. AlllfqM ........ ,·;;:- U.H Vnieol ~-·•_,. ,_., lad -""" ..... jaa. ..... e::om-.... ~--2-tone . :*1' I N11ry Ambal I . I I . $5.t9 Value Giant Size -:--- Brandy Snifter ."f/ 14 .. tan tn beautiful ·$3~· decorator colors! Ideal Y7' alft far the .hom~! ~~, a.w~ Mlrrtn \ ..... -~ . ., ot-1r...... • PawMW witb hm-.;:;. ;.w 'Walimt ... Gali " ' • fNfD&. . l.Y. •rnn•Y..ity 'lllo """' lift lot Mlw. . .............. ,,..,_ .. .. • -------------·--------~------------~------"t"--------.-- '!LOT ·AOVERTISER J J .Wedntsday~tctmber 10, 196' HAVE YOU VISITED OUR N!W STORE AT: 9861 Adams a.t Brookhursl in Huntington Beach ,OUNTAIM VALL.•'f-16U1 14-t!WC. a,....,. "UMTIN•TOlll 11.t.Ctt-lllU .... llM. .. An-ti IL TOlo-111 f-•I ltcut.611 ..... t,4MTA AHA-1 .. W, ........ lrilllf It, WllTMINITl.....,WM I IL ....... ... COSTAMIS ........ ~1-lf ..... lt. MUftTINOTON lllAC......,_. a ..... POUNTAltt VMUIY-11* ....... ft, .. Tt._,.. CIMTAMl ...... &lratt. I ' . '25" Value! Spanish Style Table lamps 984 Solld Color American Made Tree Omaments Solid State 12: Personal Radio With laltwy, .......... Cose M: 99c I 8 VlnyJ lttache Case 1~ I.oob likt. dollars mor~ ! $4f7 Stunlr, dunblc ..,·ith wood /rame, post handle. Otoicc of Black or Oli'i'c. '3" U9hter & Pen Set I ~:"t.:-in D;tt, Fiob $2" Hook and odlet tl!ll~_J~ <Oml>lool -..,.~-cer" pm. . 15 light Indoor C7 light Sets 50'x3" Tinsel Garland s1.t1 v.i.,.r Spark!in~ so Id, 1i lvcr fir Blue/ Green. for Chns1ma1 tm:, door, rr.n11k! Save o•cr half now. 1r 9 SpeedWllf19llHder t puih lxi.ttoo toWl ltll&t c.otl• ~ 1 " trollnew "Pluh ........... :I a.p glw clover letf )It. 150 'Witt. II.II Yalutl llddlll IZ '6·RPI TOTf. Sf.Tl $2" httnded plq ftCo ottls -at lllSt lO Fairy Tile SoJa11 in """"' Mattel's lnledor Sets $11.HV .... f ti Wodd r:I the OLl ,Vt:St. , 0 1UJ m:rattd I Pr.. aut firutt ptrts, -· bl~ •.. chltllf' ,_ ...... llrnited action po5&S. tla paint, bruk -. I funtastlc Touch & Tuck T.,.tty by number. liours of fun • SUI Vol"! '°344 X fot llttle girls! Ri,11 pvinp for }(om. ! .at ntifl:f'1 Tor H......... . . . . .. 1 ·" Chrlsfmas ~-Cand1e1 41' • /. ,4 LO. 'l In Thinsh•ll Old Time • 3 Lb. Tin All Filled ~=:.n.orit*IJ lilt $134 "• 'I!* ancfr di~ ••• Gazed Fru t Basket1 .... .,,1•-2 , . ..,,... lo1a:ti!~~~= $219 · ~ fruiu. aonw to!>lri with ous. We'll mill it for JOll. •1 .. .....,, $1.lf. •J .. .....,$4.4t•••·••At •I llo.Ww ... Troy ti ... • ... ,.._,,SI.If• J ii.: ,,.,,M.ff • .... .,,, ••. g ~~· · Speclll OccMl1• ·•If Gallon 59' l~l .. ~1!'!!~'!!111. • sr-....., AJ1 «Mc 12 fta•ort ieJ1aMt.r tlft•r If • -••• 11111 Golloa ... OAfl V '!LOT J• NOVEMBER MARINA BOY AND GIRL . OF ,!>10.NTH Sonloro Jlrn B,..mfield •ntl.Pfflll·Wlllfamion, . . ' M a~ina High;$~Uicts ' Top Mon_th~;'S·[~th nts Seniors Debbie Williamson and Jim Broomfield.have been chose n Marina High School's Girl and Boy of the Month for November. l\flss \\lllliantson, the cur- ren1 Girls' l.4a1ue prt5ident, is a n1cmber of the concert choir and editor of the school 's yearbook. Ourlni her slay at Marina, she hu also served on the class council. the drlll tea m and Y.'as named to the honor roll. Broomfield, ~farina Hlah School's student body presi- dent , is also vice-president of the Key Club. He was captain or the Bee s1\•lmming team during his sophomore year and has ser\'ed as Boys" League president and Boys' State representative. GWC Gets T,vo Ho11ors For Writing a11d Beauty Golden \Vest C o f I e & e ioUrnaiism students brought home their first honors -one for beauty and one for V.'rillng -laat \\'eekcnd from the Beta Phi Gamma convention in Newport Beach. Delcgales to the honorary na t iona l jo urnalism fraternity's meeting voled Cindy Clytle. 19, of Huntington Beach, the title of "Miu Beta Phi Gamml." 1 he attractive 5'6"' blonde is the iie\\'s editor er (;olden \\,.est's "DraJ1Uing Iron." The 1rrit:n'.! a1rard, a second p!ac:! on g~11errl campus ne1·, ~. "·;is c:•~t·.1rc:I by Peggy Ful!~r. 2J, cf Garden Grove. Sbc rcc!ilell the honor for her co1·cragc or a contro1·ers)' SW'· rounding student body cardJ. Tou Students Pickecl 'l . Sll•denls at Huntin gt on Beach High School b a• v e chosen seniors Llnda West and Lee \\'alters as Girt and Boy of the fi.fonth for November. ~li3s \\'est has been active in many extra-cunicular ac· llvltles and music and held membership Jn the orchestra, California Scholastic Federa- tion. HRtmonairts 1 l n g. in g: 1roup and the Girls Athletic Association. Currently she hokls offices: In the Girls League, Tower Club, Forest Home Leadership ConvenUon and ls treuurtr of U1C. senior class. \\'alters. who Is actll'e in bot~1 athle~ics and student govcrn1ncnt, has playetl varsi- ty football for thr~:: years and ·\vas selected for th~ fi rst tca n1 j;i l~le Sunset L~aguc. He h~s also played r~rsity bask::lball and helped the Oilers win lhc Sunst League Chainpionship in his junior year. In a student body capacity, he hh~ served as junior clasi; president and as a n1ember of the esccutil'e bJurd. This year he holds the position of com- missiorn!r of athleUC11. .. HUNTINGTON HIGH'S STUDENTS OF M9NTH Senion LIM• Wost, LM•Wtllort H_..i ' -------------------------------------------·-·-------=--~-~-..._ _ ........ _____________ .._. ............. ....--. .............. 9 ........... ~.~~- ' ., IT'S SMOOTH ... OFFSHORE -Peter Rothschild (center) and crew mem· bers Chuck Daigb (left) and Ken Deln'astro hold tight aboard ThuTiderbal1s en route to victory at 67.5 m.p.h. in Rum Run IV offshore power boat race as 3Z. ioot Cary slams through seas. C9•t <;11ard . Radio, Time , ' ' To Change • Newport's Rot~schild ' ' Wins Race ' For eJ:trovert Peter 11Peter as ahOollng tor an Run ... We---woald havs had al lloUloclUld ol Newport ·Beoch, hour ~~20 minules,'~al~-mlleo per hour tfii apeiiliig Wesf Co a 1 t Olf rac:or~navtpto<> l1lM ..,i.u JI hod -1 IJI.. offshore powtr boat race ol .Cl>uclt Dolgh ol Loog Beach llt .......,., • 11179 wu matt a predicted log all<r Uie ra<"t. A light fuel And ~l ~ a!IO ...,,petition lhan a battle to load ancl n<w uJtra.iight racing "'°"Id haVO' hit oil comP.00!' see which boat would first .pn:ipeUer wett1 adopted for necuUve Rothscbikt'1 l :~:ml complete a 116-mlle run from lhat rtlllOll, Rothschild earlier pttdlctlmMDon c1 ... i,. · Lonc Beach Harbor to Pl1alibu had revealed. Two people •who, I unUke Pier and back to Long Beach. . Par~ally,'~ th6 factor Rothlc:blkl, Wtre not dllaP: rn predicted Jog • racing, whicb ·may hav .. oUat>Uy opoll· J>•iDled llJ', the calm were which wu developed at Loog ed ROtNchlld'• plans ws1 lhal Mr • ...t 111' Ed.~ ·Jr. Bead! Y1cht Club more than the coastal waters turned UP. of ' Burbank. Ed's ti.foot 30 years ago, the objective is unusually calm on race mom~ Campbell medlwn-\f ti u I J to predict as accurately as Ing despite weather pr!dic-Spectni UI, powered by twtn possible a bQat's 1speed rrom tlons or a..to-J2.foot swells gen-427-cu.4a.. CbeyYJ, hu bten checkpoint to checkpoint and e rated by mid-Pacific storms. reccpizled as a fast bolt ever ·total elapsed time alone a p Tbe15~ls had been. \!lere tbt since the color n~ proce11lna set course. A predicted Tog ~ da.r before tfit race Md were. 'exec u t Ive -g: I am• u r racer is at &Wimes battling to' rdurn the day after, but the photOgrapher debuted her 1ut only hlm!ell ii!lt the ocean, Saturday monilng of Rom Run •J>rin&. But Spectra W ham't not other men· who may have JV It was glUSJ ~,'and ~~1to.handle ~ w1ter, entered a particular event. one consequence wu-:-the a ; and haln't.been ab~ tO uae .U That definition a I m o s t percent flnisht.g rate -14 ol , :>f her .engines' -· covers the way Rothschild and the 11 entrants.made it home .'.With the attractive ·blorxte his 32-foot Cary r a c e r , under full' power. Mrs ... DeLong •repi1etnf N4ie Thimderballil, spreadeagled a Thunder balls,' siii:ter . ship to ·Rede 11 F.d'1 navigator for the fleet of 18 rivals in a record· \YOrld and national chari1pi00 ~•Run, Spectra JU PYe setting triumph Dec. 6 in Rum Don Aronow's The Cigarette Roth.schild what cornpeUUon Run IV, first 1970 race for the hulls and the bQat in which fle ~. finishing a strong ae- Pacific Offshore Po"'er Boat Rothschild nailed down the cond with an &\le!'qe speed al Racing Assn. Rothschild was P.O.P .B.R.A high point chant· 62.2 m .p,b. after trailina ·by rirst out ol Lon g Beach pionship 'for J961, thrivq on from one· to four mimMs at Breakwater and led the entire rougher water. Shfr w'as each of the first .Ex checi:- distance. leading last fall's Miami-points. Thunderballs' twin 496-cu.-Nassau classic until a water The smooth water was a ' ' formtr Texan and fonner rode with him u meehlnlc Jl'lortdlan who preparec1-~ during-the ,_.. -· for . vlnc:en.o Ba1 .. t:1er1 Op<! champrQ!llhlp 1911 ....... " .. All new Decorator pleciir an4 room group1Dg1 relUrned fl'Ofl\ display stu· dios , model homes •. Jtlovie studios. ~ Decorators ·c'ancellaUOD: HOllJ8IUI of' SpaDish Furniture., ile~ ,as ~a: Gorseous a fl. Spanish .iifa •'lf~~g chair. c;:ustom quilled' with!~ ,. wood !run R., heavy D~1!ilt: ~ ~. tatiles & matchiDg Coc'ktall ~, I •· P.!Oce King size Medlterr~ ilU ' piiDeled bedroom suilA! with full ·Klnr ' size box sprinp _&: mattress. Laq'e ! • : Spanish 'decor dinmg riom.. ~ Jut, , Spalljsh table lamps. ijang!ng '"'"' ' lamps, etc., etc. Eacta 'pieca can be • purchased' ipdividuaUy, 1 WJiole houMful WU ..;.. ••• $1:z95.19 ' •; =:i:r;,~1~·~·~~-----·· -.... ; .. ~$591.~Qq $100,000 Spanish or MeditemiiMclft' Fumltu,. to Choose From • Terms Available -Newcomers to California· Credit-Approved Immediately -,. · ,. in. h-terCruiser sterndrives line malfuncUon finally froze factor as the first !ix finishe rs p e r r o r m I J1 g p e rfe<:tly, her engines, and she'd handled all surpassed Dunsmore's six· ~o~sc~ild roared ~cross the .more typically choppy · mont.h-old Rum Run record, f1~tsh hne exactly one hour, 21 Southern California coastal Bob Nordskog of Vm Nuys mmutes and 32 seconds ·after walers a monlh before that in finishing two minutes behind the fl ying start. The average finishing second to Aronow in Spectra Ill in Holocaust, the S?f!:'d ~as 67.5 m . p . h ., the 1969 Long Beach Hennessy boat's best performance in a The Commander of the obliterating the fonncr Rum Cup and two weeks later win· year following installation of Eleventh. Coast G u a rd Run record of 53.2 m.p.h. ning the Catalina Challenge mammoth t w j n 499-cu.-in. HD ,. ... r .. i•urr which had been set last June 7 Trophy race. Nordskog Chevy engines. 1844 Newport Blvd., at Harbor .Jlycf,. District, Rear Adm i r a I by Bill Dunsrpore of Lomita. "We were only running our Fourth was a not ab 1 e C Charles Tighe, announced to-Calif .. in his "Development engines about 4900 r.p.m.," newcomer to west Cout Oita Mesa (Only) day·that he has changed the'_:C:l:•~:..."~boa:::t~S:•d:de:n:l~y~Il~.~~_:.:report:?::~ed'."...!D~ai~g~h~ru'.'....:the~~R~u:m'.'.-.~o~fra~h:or.::;r~a~crn~g~,~Don~~Pruet~~~::!"~~~~·~""!!!i!~....,~~,,.~·~w~"="='"'~·=_.~..._~=·'=''~~~:::! 1.imes .. and increased th el ROUGH DEBUT -Burly Don Pruett of Newport Beach. and 28--foot Memco hull Spirit 11 bounce hard through coastal waters on way to first outboard fin· ish and fourth place overall in Rum Run JV out of Long Beach Harbor. State Holds Hearlng Licensing Boatmen Opposed by Owners number or daily marjne in- format i.o n bro~asls transmitted from the Coast Guard radio &tation in Long Beacjl. . · Tik ~.. revised broadcast sche'cfUle l!'iJI· £1.ve the latest coastal weather reports and f.:irecssts !urnislted' by the U.S. \Veathei-Bureau. , A d m i r a I right said, "the> broadcasts \.Viii be made: at . norffi8J COO- versatJonaJ speed with im· portan{ and more difficult por· tions· such as geograplµcal coordinates of s t o r m s , forec,nt . ...._ wind3 and other pe~t¢ Jnlonh~tion at a r"'1iic<d Tole IP enable hoatera to J wa~·~~ the · in· Ionnilbr,19 • •• :-• Tt>e. reYiJCd .fb.ro ad c 11 t '•. '~ ~~tli .!: 9pjll., SANTA BARBARA (UPI) - Ninety percent of the small boat owners and boating club members who testified at a hearing or the state Senate Natural R esou r ces Com· mission Monday opposed licensing boatmen as is done 6:30't,""~l1 ~ .. and 3 p:U.. on _,KHz With ·a prior an-~ljlll .on t182 KHZ.~ ~ca:sti 'lt~9 1j,,m. and 1:30 Lagomarsino said th a l a.m. ww~~lude weather and altOOugh the. number of small 1 ~lpe'~~on and the boa,_ I · · r a~eots'.at 11 a.m. and ~ s increasing at a an· • l" .. P4*·· :wtlr "give only the tast1c ral.e the number of ac-weathe'r qindlUOns. , with auto drivers. ' Committee Chairman Robert J. Lagomarsino CR· Santa Barbara). said the com· rTiittee would study proposals offered for and a g a i n s t licensel but that he did nol foresef licensing. "I imagine we will retain the status quo," he said. cidents has been decreasing since 1966. Robert H. Langner. ex· ecutive secretary for the San Francisco Marine Exchange, said the frequency of "con- frontation" between s ma 11 boats and large ships was in- creasjng. He said minimum standards tOr the small boat operators. s!)ould be establish· ed with at least a test fOf' rules of the road. The Coast Guard in coopua· lion with the Pa'cific Telephone Company w i 11 transmit weather and marine infonnation from the . G:out Guard radlo station over-San Pedro Marine Operator fr"e- queoci:es 2466 and 2566 KHZ·at 8 p.m. and a am. The Coast Guard Is en- couraging comments on lhe suitability or adequacy of these bfoadcasu. FRIDAY NIGHT 7:30 dt~~~~ PRE SEN T S A N OU TDOOR Clrri:J fmad smq~t!9n ...- a.eveReno- lOR€n l). ~L1Ckln(j€R Give 1 little r.ston roc:ordings . ovailablo •I H O USE OF H AR M O NY 41 F•1hion ltlancl Cory's Corner 421 llnd Streat, Newport l each ADVENTURE SPIRITUALLY FASHION • ISLAND STA GE COURT MALL SAVE $40! It Has Ever y thing ••• Big Picture 18-in. Color . TV with FM/ AM Radio Regular $399.95 •18-ill. diagonal meutrre picture 'l"V ll nd FM/ AM ndio '"°1 drifi·free FM • Automa.Uc keyed g1.ln control and automatic chroma control for Bt.8ady picture •VHF aitd UHll' antmnu . . . •ttracUve wood·grain. ptutlc cabinet. Model oil~ · 35988 Bay now on Sean Deferred Easy Payment PIMI Youi: payments begin in Febraary. •• *· Black and White Portable 'fV's Our Most Powerful, Com pact 12-in.Portable TV ..... .......... 7900 • 13,000 Tott d!U11l9 mak:f!ll: thla our most pawerful black/White portable TV • lJ•bl. meaaure dlapnal p&otuni 11tttte11 e Detachable tinted 8Cr~ tedUCd (11~ • With earphone. Madel ~ Ideal Personal Siu TV ... 9-inch Portable • s57 •Compact. ...,. to carry, -.e.l&'ha only 13 lbs. yet bu lt-.q. In. at 'f'iewtnr area •HIP lmpllelt pl..UC cabtnet. #t911 • :.· .. • .. 1 Sears Has Everydmag for Yonr Gilts . ' Give a Pel'lllinal Sizi 12~1ndl~' .. ·~ Portaltle COLOR TV r, ;' Sears Low Price . 5 J3B • 11-indl diqoMJ ~. me.-pklbae r • Automatic color p.uifif>r kMPI tdor .......W 9' matt.er bolV otten llet ba1 beea• mcrwd . e Stay...et "l'nel'nory'' tune!' slmpM&s tnnins ~ • Wtis'M cmly 38·Ibs. )(ode{ fOCll {' _ ... ,, ·, ' ·-=-. ;r1..-- ~ -------~-------------------------~---------------, I .....,.,.,, .. ......,,. $11~ • llCIHll.• ~' IQGll.tiOI~ 5-0121 _. .. >.11Alt Ml ,.,, ... w ..... PEOWI MH2 IOU'IM<Oil1'r\AZA ~ I CMCIOii,_MO>OMI --.Of J.1004, Cl +ftU «--.c:&to10NC ..s111 _. ...... _, 7.JJ1"1 -.wa.s.fJ.1Slt I CCIMl10MMl ""''· ~ ).l7•T "'°-'IWOOll HO ,..,,~, OWIOt 637-2100 ~ ........ ,.,-.OS ""8:111 •Allflo ftl ,...,, fN.J:ta I ~HUii·· kl!.twa09Cl•·W • • ·~61'1-321•.~n"'"' Sears .v«A.:MCA0.:•41'1, -"' .. '"'' '----·-------------------------------------·' ..,..,........,......,.,_ ';t;30A.M. .. NGP~.s.t.w u,...11:1rA ~ ~-91' ·'ad Cku '~•ll•.,..M121 rt J(' i e '· ~, .. - t ' I • I , ' . ! ~ .. UPIT .......... Pri:e Christmas Tree Th~ Presidential. Christmas tree arrived ln Wash·; ·: fto'rn the farn1 of Roy Pierce of Twin Lakes, Ohio . 11>~.n Mopday.,_ Tile prlzt-winlling lll'foo~ 2Q,year· .When decorated,.it will •land In the so-called Great oJd .tr~ftlas ship~ by ·truck to the Wblte<JI°"'" .Hall of the White House. . " Stu·dents Due Elks : Help 2 Youths Set Records -AtbagunaSwi11iMeet Makos 'Cents' Pinc~ pennln. Make dollars. It's ti!! ~t deal you've been offer- td today, Call 642-5678 for the dlrttt line to profits. I . 'IMM!dn, 9tc•mbtr !&, !'69 ... . : , • DAIL V Pilff' . JI '••.....W C'at-·~~· ; S~x Prohl~~ ~l~e I of~3 Patients· J DENVER, Colo. (AP) -A• :ma.iy as a third .t the pa- lltntl who 10 to see a doctor bttause they have physical compllints may be sufftrlng from sex problems, a California physician rePorta. These patients do n o t recognize Ulat ttleir "hanguga" about sex mi1ht be causing such problems as headacMa or fatigue or eye infections or leg pains, Or. Daniels ·· D. Hansen of Inglewood, Calif., said Tut!· day. Hansen, a doctor of i'.1ternal medicine, teaches at the Unlveri;ity ol California ?t1edical School at Lo s Angeles. fie partiClpated in a day-long program on sexuaq problems in medical practice at the American Medical Association 's c Ii n i ca I con- venUon. Jn the past few years, l~anse.n lold a ~iews con- ference , "there ha s been a 180·, deare..e tum on the part of• med!lcal ac h oo\ ad-1 mlnistrators" hi .allowing sex I educaUon In their curricula. As recently as six or sevcnj' years ago no sUch program as the one in whk:h h e 1 parUclpated wou1a ha\•e'been given at an AMA .meeU.1g, he said. I Psychiatrists traditi onallyl have been assigned the role of l 1151.ening to patients talk about sex and there has been little l Inclination on the part of other physicians to talk about this subject with patienll. he said. ·~. UM;r· bah not been ' .... -pay~" eq\lipp!ll , 'lo r~ I la .Ill that b neodod to phyilCal Piobitm .u 1 lel J>ft ellliiloato !t, he' aaid! At olb<r 1;.;iiiiii!iiiii~iiiiiiii·~ il!em In dlaa\ii,.. . ~I leocthy poychowly-STARTS DIC. I tVtrt olte.o it, llkea • long ' Ill mWtt be required •• fin• •IANtDT MUllCA&. Um> to evoke from !be paUem 17, 1 potleot may have to fO °" THI 'YIAI ~ life wti.h the problein SHlll.LlY Me.LA!Nf ) tliO (t$.I ~at he' hat a oex P,.. ·-.11 he caMOI deal wltb' It. ' "SWllT CHAllTY" • ·blem, even when the phyotdan ~ llld "the ll')nbolk uea, --~. suspects u. and sometime• tnillla&larl;;o1~11UU11~-~-~~~·~;;;!;~;=r this cannot be brou&hL .out It · · ~It becauae o( ~.tepaJtJvlty • 1 • ~ ,' • that SUITOllndo ·the ·Mlbj«t, µ· ~-/' I / ' , ~ I. · Hansen said. , . · 'ro ddlona ....HaJ, Ji1Jlint1. , The press or time and other "6" paUe:nls frequently prevent ' &• ' J / ~ .I. . C'> A ) phys1c1a.u rrom dealing wuh . , J<fat.'r Coloring J'P1ecialiJ, the problem, he said. .Aner· a physical problem is recogniud .. being rtlaled lo a. sexual problem, sometimes 14 DAYS TO THINK JED.In lnM • TRACY HILL h•s recently joined our sl•fl from San Froncisco , where she wos form· erly hair st"i list llnd make up artist for TV personolities, Vikki Carr, Koye Stevens, N•ncy Wilson, Celeste Holmes. .J.Jair 1 UJ1Ml Beaul'I Salon 3305 Newport Blvd., Newpon S.ach 67 3·4 186. ,. Huntington Beach Elks are sponsoring the annual Elks National Foundalion hf o s I Valuable Student a.l"J!ds con- t.est ·v.·fth· · Prizes.. _totalling T\\'O new records were .set by youthful participants in Laguna's 13th annual winter swim meet held at the high .school pool recently. l-lansen said that because of "-..n.r 1n11 w11te1Hf 'Nu c· h h Ibo ~::::::::::::::::::::'._~~~~~~~~~~==~,..:::U~M~==~·~··~>"'~==~ Junior 011g SC 00 ys: 5(). the past education or phys!· yard freestyle, Oz Simons: 25.' $397,600: . . AU stUden1$ in graduating classes cd high school! or col· Je,e prep sChools or in any un- deriraduate class, e :1 c e p t senior of a recognized college are etiifble to enter. ' .siudenta interested may ob- _teip applicant blanks and in· -formation from lbe senior ~lor at their schools. fflbl_.}_chools participating in the "' llUGtin1ton Beach Elks Lodge'jurisdiction are Edison, F<Mttain Valley, ftuntington Beach and fl.1arina. Oz Simmons of Thurston Intermediate School set a n~w school record of 13.9 In the ~ yard butterfly. The <lld record was 16.0. Laguna·Beach High School's Charlie Ware cloCked 24.0 in the SO.yard freestyle, wiping yai'd backstroke , Dan Penney : aa.:ya rd brcaststrok::, Bob, Ahlkc. Senior high sCflool girls: SO· yal'.d.' freestyle , Debbie Sim· mOM; 50-yard butterfly, Ellen Foole; 50-yard b8'Ckstroke, Ellen Foote ; 50-ya rd bnaslstroke, D e b bi e ' Sim· out the previous mark Of 25.3. mons . Other "'inners in the meet, Senior high school boys: ~ sponsored by the city Recrea-yard butterfly. Dirk .Yao lion ~pa~ent, were; . Deusen; SO-yard bacistroke, Junior high school girls : 50-. . . yard freestyle, Gail '··Penney: Chane Ware . 60-yard 25-yard butterfly .. • Nan c i breaststroke, John Slow.sky. Allison ; 25-yard backstroke. Lisa Robertson won the girls' Nanci Allison : 2S ,~yard junior division diving on bath breaststroke, C a n d y Cov-lhe high and low board and Give a Gift of J.ngton. Aaron Chilcott won the boy1' : ___________ ..:;_ ________ , junior di\•ision. ·High tchool Year-'Roand Masleat Piea8are ... Radio.i; PhDl108, ·SIB-Tape Recordero, Musical Instrwilenta ' ·::IJ'S . A 'F4'CT! _·, . . . . ; - . If. Y<>u spent ·30 seconds looki11cJ< at each of our ' s~ag sam·pfes , it' woolc{ take you over 9 ·11oar1 tl,.iee them all- so come early and bring your lu ~ch. 118lil·~dARPEJ .$.H'?P · ~. JMiN '.<2'llk1. No. of BUllec~~RAN.GE '11Dua..f.1~ DAILY Clbsn SUllllt.f • . . . . . '. • .. ' .. • ' •• diving winners were Amory Ware, low board and Hal Proppe, high bbanl.. . Relay team winner", wtrt: girla' junior high school, Gall P!rllley, Sara· ·Daly, Nanci Alli.son and Carol Wiez.ore>i:; boys' junior hid\ ,ICOOI, Hank Miller, Oz SimmoM, Din P.tt\- ney and Tom Brown;. "111' senior high school, Bho Jofms, Donita Lloyd, Kim Stew"rt and Lynda Peden; beys' senior high school, Charlie Ware. Billy Brown, Don Ware and Neal AmsdCri. Winners w e r e presented gold, aUver and bronze mtd· ala. • !-' , ... 'T'.. ;. . . ' .· ,. ' .' NCHANTING EVENING Erina Jettick· •Ava ilable in a var iety of colors & materials SEEi WE HA VE YOUR SIZE! .AA ' . A I c D ,. °"" hwf Nltlit Tn ctwhtn111 s11....., Doc. 15; Closoll.s-,. CHOOSE FROM , Gold Crushed Calf Silver Crmhed Calf •• u .. ,..., .. ~ -·Enna Jeitick Shoes""""''"'"' 2 STORES TQ SERVE YOU • oOWNTbWN ANAHEIM · • DOWN!OWN SAH!A ANA lOt wiii1iiicouf AVI. 'Ol U.ST .... ST. '"°"' .,....... '"°"' 14:14121 HOU.Ii t~ TO tiOO, MONDAT & RIOAT 'ftL t . . Two Exciting Gift Radios ••• at Sears Low Priee Your Choice L FM/ AM Radio with Ca!sette Tape Player. Now play pre-re- corded ~4e . tape!. So easy, just slip in cassette. "Sound,.. &JI-around" radio projects 360r-of sound from the giant 7x5- in. speaker. AFC keeps Fhl from drifting. Tone control. Sim- ulated walnut finish plM tie cabinet. }loclel 2045. b. AM/F~t. FM-Stereo Radio .•• Compac t, with two 1peakers that fit almost &nY11t'here,· &eparale up to 20 feet for true stereo. Automatic frequency control for no-drift FM. Stereo Alert Lite tells FM is atereo. Tone control. Cabinet and speak- , er' enclosure in rosewood grain finish plutic. Model 2048 . . -: ::::.·-===· ~)!(~.;. :lb> . . .... _, . ?f.f''. Standard Size ' Guitars Stan LA>-.. Price 1711 Ideal for beginners. Easy to play following simple in8tru.ctiOM. Ma- hopny finish on orange sunburst, hanlwood body. Model 1296. • • -.-... ' .4 A Musical Gift for Everyone Oil Toor Lia! Oar Beol FM/ Aloi P.-W.-._.. Low ,_ P11.1• tlft •u..n. .,ti AC hoiae CUrrmtt. ll:f.., la. wtde·rtnp .,...ur1 rt•• ea:celleat ton•.• MO«W 2270. ' Aatomatic aoa I FM/AM Radlo ..... ~ 38M _,., ....... ·-Otooiirr" fMt. A.•t..M· tk .......,,., to .. ~"'ur~· ' : ' • • Boi1 N-• Sww Dot ..... Eloy .._.1 PU, , •• Y-MO.tlol1 ....,._ts llolflt hi ~ ,------------------------------------------------~, IUINlt·,MK IL MONTI lONO HAQt ttlCO .. ....., POMONA sovnt CQAl1' P\AZA. I J CANOGA PAIK OllND;.lf OlYMl'IC l SOTO SANTA AHA 10IMNCI. I CQW'fON HOLLYWOOD 0~01 Is I MNTA pt~ VAU.IY I ~ CO'llN4 IHOlfWOOD PASADlNA -INfTAMOICA vttMOMr•--'--------------------------. ear$----.... ·------------' .. ...... ..., ...... IA •»taA.tL•NOP.M., ...... 11,.._,.,,.._ -....-..-• "s.t(tfedt.O..... ....... et,.._M.•t)l•rJf' . -... - ' Ul'IT__.... Child's Drea111 ·This youngster is dwarfed by a 9\.2.foot high, $500 rtuffed toy giraffe. which should stretch some child's Christn1as joy . This year's Chri~tmas toy offerings are bigger than ever, so you'd better check your ceiling height. Former Kennedy Aide Now Eyes Own FutJJ,re !\E\V \'ORK (UPI) -The man \l'ho l\'a~ John F. Ken· nedy '1 best-known speech .writer is expected to formallly announce his own campaign 'fol' the .U.S. Senate lhortly after the first of the year. 1beodore C. Sorensen, a special counsel to President Kennedy. later an aide to Robert F·. Kennedy and a long time advisor and confidant to the Kennedy family, is already rwining hard for the seat held by Robert F. Kennedy at the lirnt of his assassination. It is now fiUed by Sen. Charles E. Goodell, a wealthy Republican congreuman from y,·estern New York appointed by Gov. Nelson Rockefeller to ri'u Kennedy's tcnn that ex· pires in 1970. ·Sorensen is presenUy a partner in the affluent Park Avenue law firm of Paul, \Veiu, Goldberg, R i f k i n d , Wharton and Garri~on. Goldberg is former Supreme Court Justice Aithur Goldberg and the firm has worldwide business interests. WHY RU"''NING "I am asked." Sorensen said recently in an interview, "why do you want to run. 1 never thought 1 would: I saw myself as an aide, a v.Titer, an in- tellectual. "I decided to do it after Bobby was killed and in the vacuum of leadership that foUowed. With John Kennedy and Robert killed , with most of the Kennedy team &eat- U!red, I came to the conclusion 10 carry on \vhat they started. I 1m not a typical politician, but then typical politicians haven·t done very well in New York." ln his most recent book, ''The Kennedy Le g at y , ' ' Sorensen 1ee3 three national ....is, First, a reorientatton oI the Mt.ion's priorities to 9ecure a better We for the have-nots in America ; second, lhe idea or fTtt choice for all men and na· lions -for the individual this "·oold include the right to participate in the decision- making institutions and for the naUon the right to choose its own political system ; and lhird, in Soren&en's words, "a pervasive sense of responBibility for the future of our children, for ttKl6e already born and thooe yet lo be born, for those '\\'ho live in this coun- try and thane who live in other lands." OTBERS INTERESTED \You!d probably get some votes from the left of me but I'm prepared to live with that because J think I wou Id get some Republicans and some independents." GOOD CllEDE~'l'IAL'I Soren.sen at 41 has varied and imiressive credenUall. He has written three books on his experiences with the Ken· nedys, the latest published last month. He v.·as a Phi Beta .Kappa scholar at the Universi- t.y of Nebra ska and was first in his law·class there. He joined Sen. John F: Ken· nedfs staff in 1953 and re- mained wiUt him until the President's death. Sorensen's duties included those of put· ting Kenned y's speeches into final fonn, "but that was not as important as some of my policy and program works." Sbrensen has an mgaging Nebraska fann boy smile that sometimes lights an open, in· nocent-Iooking face and a general air that middle.aged Midwestern mothers would &ay is "well scrubbed ." But. behind the dark-rimmed c gla&8e:S and the' deep brown eyes there is about as fast a mind as one is apt to run into. It has been said that Sorensen is not one v.·ho suffers fools. He is not Without a trace of arrogance. Twenty·seven stories abovt Park Avemie and a world removed 'from those with '\\•horn the Kennedys and Sorensen showed concern - the poor in the ghettos -it is PLAYS FOOTBALL One learns that Sorensen, in Kennedy fashion, i.s a weekend touch football player and a softball pitcher on the office team. He described the 1t1m· mer 90ftball sae30n a s something of a disaster ("BpOtly fitld;ng") allhoogh there was one 3f>..7 pitching victory over a nameless adversary "that was the high point." During the fall he joins the touch football games ln Cen· tral Park across the sfreet rrom where he livtl. "When I or1anize the game I play quarterback," Sorensen aaid . "But I .can't throw the bomb ; I'm a short pass man." Sorensen, who likes to take his wife to the theater or a movie on a free night, does no~ amoke and drihks very little. He has a habit ol taking a scotch and water sened to him at a cocktail party, holding it . until the lee melts and then seUing It a.ski~ 8et'eral others are studying the: J)Oll!libility of entering the DemocraUc priniary besides Sortnsell. Amoni them is Saremen'1 own partner:- Arthur Goldberg, a. man who i.sb•eir pgpular in New York. DOESN'T SMOKE Sorensen'• father, who was once attorney genual of Nebraska, · proml.std, ht s children "five dollars apiece if we dido'\. smoke QI' drink until we .. were 21." sOtensen col- lected the five and has orfered his own a:ons, aged 15, IS, and 17. $JOO if they abstain unlil they reach 'their majority. "Inflation," ht txplain.,. Should Sorensen ll-in the pdmary then Goodell wou Id be a probable.opponenl Goodell. who had a generally con- Hrvative record as a con-_..., baa lei his hair l1#fr Jonfer, 1........i his ildiburnJ and .. a senator has -.... of Ille moot ~km Vietnam war cr!licl. In moving from rlJlbl lo lei! Goodtll •PP<"2 '1o be a1ttln1 ..m. ol Ille ,,.ouncl oal from MC!U ""1,gtlme 11 b e ra I Soreruen, who admit.. "he Olher l'lfW frontiersmen had dilflcul!J mahrt•inlnf pollllcal caret,., Plem S1 llp1er. President Kennedy'• pre11 -.tary, failed lo win .i,.. tlon to the Stnate from California In 1114 •. And Ktn· ntlh O'lloanell, JFK's 1p- pointm<nll -.tary, ., .. der .. teCI In th< I ti I J.1 a 1 1achu.setts Democratic rubematorial primary. Ceo.er .. ~G~in.g ,,.lnter~ational ( ... "" .. ' ' ' • ID s~ope . SA!lT~ B~, ~"11~' ~\10 iloan .. wf11<1: . u Wjlll ~-;,· H•unizl1·~1'!?'.,;notpl•~iilfl.·,.. llOm< -"' demonalr)lling pepondenl I h 0 u i h I and (AP) -ni. Ctoler for 1he ..,..led w 1he Funcl 'for lhe """' u~ ~-~ lhoutlllt)'Olthecenterfor·ln· cr!Uclsm at whal may well lum OUI lo ~ ... GI ih(<lurn• Ing pofnb In hlstOry." ' Study ot Democratic lnstitu· Republic, financed by the pqrpote in his ti e e, k e n d tions, :wb«' IChoJars ' are ,Ford J'ound.~Uon. , .. , . . • ~tem~t: employed . to · lhlnk and W~. • . A!IU.c..nmuntm fiave· call· '1~ : la eviden\ -lhai has announced a m a j o r ed tt leftist, liberals have call-democratic institutions cannot reorganization to mike it in-ed it riP,t..Wing; 90ml have be understood e~pt in a ternatlollll In ocope. called 11 pn>-Oathollc ."'•Pf'>-global 'rrame-k In .!!>< llghi 111 new _,.am ·Will be Pr91estapt. or , a th e 1 •I I c • ol .'°"lal,. ecooomlc, j>olllical "nothlna: men noc lt:U than a Hutchins calls it a truth.seek· ana techQOlogicitl c b a.n g·e a multlditclplinary a!Umpj to Ing, nonprofit educallonal in-go!ng oil. In the W\)rld • , ,. !I•· understand the mod er n ltituUon. ' " tional boundaries . np , loni:er world,'' uys. Dr •. Robert M. · The mott· recm cont.rovtny dtf~ « enclose f~Ues or· tn• Hutchins, 70, one ol the came last summer and was in-virtmmental tk>ItutiOo, nee, center's founders. tramuraJ. ne center fired education, n\l,CJear War 0 Hutchins hu led the center five ftfllor fellows . urbaniJ:aUon · · · throulh many controversies in · The dlstnissals were part or "The Center's. program has .. ~r the ·money you can't ·afford to risk, a Califomia Federal Savings Account. • , . I ' f ' \ .. .. i ~ i t •• .. ~ \. .. :· ' •• • Jl&'ring _,. in 11.oek.ts jg fine. Bat, to balanee :roar investments properly, fOll need 11avings too.. BecaUlle t.htte are two thipgs stocks can't do for yoa. Tliey can't guararnee growth. They can't insure oafety. California Federal's Guaranteed Growth Account can and does do both. ::lo when market prices go down, you'll breathe easier if you have a Growth Aooount goi~g for yo11. Your clQ!lars can't shrink or fluctuate. They never Stop earning. And a=unts.are ~-· The guanmt.eed interest rate on a Growth Aooount is 5.25% annually for 5 years. Plus guaranteed daily, compounding. Yield iS 5.39% a year. . . ' Yoa'll find that's considerably better than the dividend rate on most h~ue chips, • You can open a Guaranteed Growth Account With $1, 000 or more. And.it's just one type of insured savings plan available at your nearest California Federal oflioe. They're ;Lil great investments· ·for the money you can't afford to riK. Califomia Fecleral Savi~ Ind Loin Assoclation •~ets over $1.6 Billion • Nalion's largest Federal • . . • . ' > .': I I ' ·- ' j • , • .. ' --------~------------------- • . foas1 Area Men in SerTiee Airman l.t . Joi.. J. Ly- Jr., ot ·;m S&ota -""; Costa Mua. u alra'aft 1-drn.uter at Q1ftlston AFB, S.C., hN1 be<n Ullgntd lo 111" 3rd l\lilllll'l!· Alrlllt Sq•o4nin. li unit ,ol Ille ~llltary Alrllrt Comrnind which pr ov-1.de 1 1lobal. ~·I« U.S. mllllary forces. · · The· ,.innan, IOll ti Mrs. 7111 Talbert 12.C, Huntingtoo EdueationaJ Command, Quan- Beach, bas betn Uligned to ~ Va. Tan Son Nbu~ AB, Vietnam, 1be Yiltlnl lieute.nut, will be wheit he will serve wHb a unit offered a regular commlS&lon ot the Paclne Air Foi'ces, . with 1ht Marine Corpe: follow- headquarten for . aJr opera-Ing hb vaduatjon fl'om' ~ol· tlOl'll in Southust Alla, the lege. He will then retUni: to Far East and Paclfl< Area. Quant1c:o for . a 11.w .. k 'of. '!he airman • ls a lMI fk:tr's baste school ·· to a 1raduate of FOlllllaln Vall<y rogutar duty asslgnmtnt'. High 5¢>ool. • · ~ W¥HJNGTQN (Al'l -'l1>o White · Heuaa has onltrod • lludy " loopholf. tl!at' Coul4 -lilt .... draft~ 1)-!nt.t • slant chell . . lamt w I t It · Wllnf.ntle&ble pawns. Rulh 8"'111, 11 a grlduato ,J: Costa M11& !l1P' ~ j111. -· Capl. Sie;M9 R, LGhcaa, 9392 Haulbrook Drive. Hun- tington Beach, is serving in Vietnam with a·u.s. Air Force unit· that was awarded lt.1 se. cond PresidenUal Unit Cita· tion. Hospital Corpoman I . C . Davl4 A. Jtak:1, USN, son or :tt1r. and Y.rs. Henry Ru ley of 17141 Orkney Clrele, Hun- tington Beach, is serving at U.S. Naval • Hos p i tal, Yok05uka, Japan. He is a graduate of Clare- mont High Schoo!, Claremont, Calit. Sgt. Clyde H. C.rtlt,. U$MC. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Curtis of 305 Evening SUu', .Newport Beach, is serving near Danang, Vietnam, "'Ith the Force Logistic Command. Spec. Ii Rudon K. Ya~s, 23, "" of Leon E. Yates of \.llO Campus Drive, Newport D,each, ill: serving with the 140th Heavy Equipment Maintenance Company near Long Binh, Vlet.nam. Ens. J... ~ Bndford, USN, -'d Mr. and Mn. Stopbe!i' W. Bradlonl of 725 Via Lido SOud. N t lf Port Beach, bu bet n com- ml&!loned an ...,,. In Ille Naval Reeerv• after ccm· pletlng the Aviation Officer Course at the Naval AvlaUon Schools ~. Pensacola, Fla. . He bu entered the Hlaht preparaUoo schoel to conUnut the Naval Aviation Procram. Minorities A W'11to -1!0W<* !&id stall membeo of tho Natklnal Secllrlty .....U, D el an ae Depa-· a n d Selective · Servlet ha va been u~od lo censlder w b t the r tht a-l<!lr«! loo\>liola !n tht l)'ltom '"111 be • roal pro-bl«n and, Jf .,, vmat to dq about It." 'Jbe captain ls an aircraft tnalntenance ofUcer at Da Nang Air Bue in a unit of the 3rd Aerospace Rescue and Recovery GrOup. The group, employing five different types of. helicopters and 22 operating locations in Sootheast Asia wu cited for extraordinary heroism. 'nle aircrews saved the ives of more than ! ,370 persons during rescue ope r 1 tlon s throoghout Vietnam. The captain Is a 1961 graduate of Redlands High School and received his B.S. degree from Wheaton College. Airman Tltoma R. Gremel, son of J\frs. Mabel Grtme.l of ·-·-, Seaman Yeoman Roaald R. Rte1ert,. USCG, of 401 Logan Ave., Corona del r.1 a r, graduated from 1% v.·eeka of training at the Yeoman School at Coast Guard Trainbli Center, Governor's Island, N.Y. The yeoman W¥ traJned in the admhrlstratJve and clerical skills necessary to lhe func-- lionlng of the Coast Guard. Lt. Ralpb M. Thrash, USMC, soo oC Maj. Gtn. and Mrs. William G. Thruh of 331 Riviera Drive, Costa 11!esa, has completed OCS at f.farine Corps Development a n d • Spec. I Yates is a com- mqnlcaUms section chief.' His mOthet, Mrt. Lola Yates lives Jn Parker, Ariz:. Sgt. LouJs B. Dorfmu, 19, !IOD of-Mr.' and . Mrs. Lois . Dorfman ol 1614 Warwick Lane, Newport Beach, recelv- td the Anny Corrunendatlon t.feda1 while serving with 25th Infantry Division ne.ir CU Cb!, Vietnam. Sgt. Dorfman earned the award for meritorious service as section chief with Battery I ,,,. -obvious k1oPl>olt allon a dtferftllf m4n, In 9'llM ca-. '° chclOllt the v•ar SAN DI~ (AP) -. .\ · he Is trpoood lo Ille draft -~«ul\y plan for ·• l'ftSllllahly 1 year "1len his · lottery 11;wnber is unllkety· to College Okayed mlmlU,...rtenled <Ollep of «>CM up _ by deliberately the Unl,.rstty of Calllomla d"°""" his dtltnntnt I• !hat has be<n approved by the year. academl< aenate at UC 5ao C•I. ~ T. Fran<~. an DlltD. aJdt ... --Lowll n.1acu11y, by• 111-14 .w B. lie~ . .w··-· of Ille Monclay, ,_,,,_ thtl St1ec1fve !J.<Mcil . Syst~'a UC regents approve the pro.-ltJal eiptrts think a coUqe pesal to dedicate the third col-li:udeat, for eumplt could 1.,. al' UCSD lo "tl)e educa-not live up his -1 dtfer· ti'1 of large nun\l>ers of rntrrt tbnply ~hls own re-- minority youth who poe:sess -!list '"'"' '?emainlnc a siu-the will and the potential to dent ,. become ltadl"I dtiZtnl within • their oWl\ <OllllllllOIUe1." But """°' aid ~t dil not \ • 10things en . new small cars I -won't talk about. Nova talks about things those new little cars prefer not to mention. For instance, (1) a cargo-guard luggage compartment; (2) an extra set of fenders inside the fenders; (3) flush and dry rocker panels that help prevent rust and corrosion; (4) a quality built Body by Fisher; (5) Magic-Mirror acrylic l•cquer finish; (6) a firm , steady ride programmed by computer-selected springs; (7) six .different engines and five transmissions available; (8) an available lighting group that evQll includes a monitor for your windshield washer fluid; (9) radios you can order, with l\lltinnas built right into the windshield and (10) the availability of a new, more compact. · radio/stereo tape system: America's little cars.don't offer tlJem. Nova does. Nova also has a very appealing price. Aud a lot of loyal triends. Wonder ·why. Putting you first, keeps us first .. Nova: America~ not-too-small car -f1mr -I ""' '• • ....... Somt local boards may have 1 to reach h*Per than halfway ' up the list, a Pentaaon man-Pao!w 'expert pointed OU~ be<aUIO llCll1lo of lbeir defer· Nd men, clue bod< Into l·A in lfN, may lie still In th• pro. emns .. pipeUM .. at the end el. U. Y'fl'I'· Boards with men in the pl~ might have to mCh hllher to meet their dr4ft quolal. How much higher, he said, Cf.JI net be predicted. lt is alip poasi~. he said, that i. local h>ard mlf:ht have a lopllded dillr!butloo OJ lol- tsy l'llm\btl's within its own pool -juat by dlanct, say, Once Rare Minielk Now On Return. "' ... • If DAILY 'l,lO ·Alcatraz :Has Long 'History SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ••Maybe tht old island wasn't meant to be abandoned," said John Hart. caretaker o f Alcatraz. u he watched the tnost mllltant Indian pow pow of modeJ1I times take place OD the roC:ky upthrust in San Franci.9co Bay. Out ot. the get·tQgellier of the tribes have come demands th.at Alcatraz be turned over t.o them for transformation in· tO a national Indian center . .. The number of Indians on the island have grown to more than tWice the total prison PoPUlation of 2eO when Alca- traz was left to the tides and waves in 1963 after having housed some of the toughest convict$ in the country. LANDED NOV. 19 •. 'Mlc Indian ''invaders" land· ed last Nov. 19. Anns folded detenninedly and chins out· thrusl, they claim the jsland under an 1868 treaty which, they say, entitled Sioux In· dians to any unused federal property. "'nlis o ccupatio n is forever," they have told of- ficials o{ various U.S. Govern- ment !'.Jepartments who visit periodically and speak softly, allowing the Indians to stay on day after day. The Redman's invasion ls only the latest in two centuries of incidents that have marked Alcat.arz since jts discovery. The name was bestowed in 1775 by Lt. Juan Manuel de Ayala or the Spanish ship Juan Carlos. He called it "Isla de Jos Alcatraces." island of the pelicans, after he went ashore and found it occupied only by birds. It remained as a virtua11y untouched bird refuge until 1854, when the U.S. -govern· ment fortified it, mounted gulUI and stored ammunition. BARRACKS IN IU9 By 1869, Alcatraz was a disc iplinary barracks and the first Indians arrived, but not peacefully. A handful of rebellious Great Plains chiefs were taken there to live out years of lonely detention. The i518nd continued serving as a lighUy used military prison until 1934, when civilian authorities took it over to hold the mo5t rugged prisoners of the "gangster era." A I Capone, probably the most notorious. finally won "Promo- tion" to tl1e federal prison in Atlanta. The strong 'lides sweeping around the island were believ· ed to make it escape proof, even though it is only a little more than a mile from San Francisco's glea1ning lights. j A handful of men made it 1 off "The Rock," but all but one dis?ppeared. and authorities speeulated they had drowned. One who swam .to th e mainland ''"as picked up near exhaustion. In the early 1940's one escape plot collapsed ,.,.hen the 'rarden pointed to t h e turbulent waters and told the convicts: "Be my guests." MOST SERIOUS In 1946 came the most serious break attempt of all. Convict plotters seized guards' guns and took over one ce!lblocl<. They were quelled only after Marines landed and fired mort.ar she lls into the block, killing three ringleaders. The prison was abandoned in 1963. The government said It was too expensive to operate. and repair of the crumbling buildings w o u I d cost about $5 million. The then AUy. Gt·n. Robert F. Kennedy calJed it a place "inhuman for incarceration." The abandonment may have been hastened by the disap- pearance of three tough bank robbers. \\'ho dug through a decaying concrete U'all and got off with crudely fashioned ,~:aten\·ings. They \\'ere never seen again. but they had proved the wlnerability of Alcatraz. As the last convicts filed off to a waiting boat, ooe, ac· cordina: to loCal )enged, mUt· tered to • guard: "This rock's so lousy they ought to gi'le il back to the ln· dians." • Actually~ the Indians never had it, until they stole ashore lo the dark of night Nov. 19. Mail Cultrn·e B E LGRADE, Yugoslavi• (AP) -The Yugoslav post of. fice has embarked on a pr(>- gram to spread culture by mall •nd· Ule chances are r•" ty good lltamp .. i.. wfl be 1purred b)' tbe new action. 11ie program involves the use of a serf~ or stamps featuring ftproductions. ol paintings al nudes. m.ade by t a m o u s • Wttfne:sda1, Otctmber 10, 1%9 • • . ' • .... .. Gran~e Old Dame of · Briti_sh -P0litics Leayitig \ ; I ~· I \ ',"' J LIVERPOOL, England·(AP) . represented the Labor. party government but she turned operating tables so they don't il)g laws for airguos. she organiurs "atvt when 1 \VIS 12 In Un.2. Wflin! ~Liverpool -She weighs about· 200 for 24 , years. New-schools, him down. saying "I can do have to put horse halters on mattbtid .into Parliament with there wasn't a strike In I.he swa~ with1>oJlce huntlfll pounds ·and her measurements weUare clinics. boys• clubs, mort here." children get Ung their t.onsils a. pi!tcl . in each hand and area~ ~'here J didn't hfod out Irillr extrtrbtst:s:-. s t r l k • are 5f.40.54 and for. ,.. ·long old folks' homes iftd .apart· Illness has ended h e r eel . pllplked them down before the leaflets aod make tea" for Ult leaderi,t COml!\unlsts and gun. time she has btef'I. the . remgv . home secretary. ~· picktts." runn~·' smugglin_g arms to . menl b}oeks in Qte s~s of political crusading al 70. SJ nee . Her maiden speech .in the lreland1 ~· ft mih'ied , labor heavywe.1ght champion. o t the brawny port clty are May. she has been conlined to House of commons in 1945 in1· · "Yl'.M1 ,tJ.IYe • to. atartle his She startM work in a-seed orga:nit.er JOtin Braddock _ Br'itish politics. m'onuments to Mrs. Braddock. a hospital bed .with nervous •rnedi&teJy revealed ' her tWo-House before anybody does iactory when !he was tf..and during ·,ber tUIK!I( hour. Sh• Now ' Elizabeth Margaret She persuaded the government exhaustion. · fisted style, when s i1 e anytPing about anythlng,'1 sh~ her mother yelled· as she-Weut said marriage would rr.akt Braddock -or "Battling and·l.lveTpOOI City Council to . More than anyone else in e<.mplained: ''Our· people art explained. She · startled it out the ~oor : '1Don't com~ visiUrtg) easier ·JL ,One of them Bessie" as she is known in build them. Parliamenls, Mrs. Braddock living in flea.ridden, bug·rid--.regularly for 24 Y~ and got ~me torug:ht ~?le~s . you'.ve went to jail. Br&ddock died in P~llamenl -is retiring. al)d ·'She is as uncompromising has stood up for the little man den, rat.· Tidd en , lousy .a lot of things she ,wanted. jofned the union. 'f9113t Jeaving her alone. They tbe House of Cominons won't as a steam-roller ... For a {and woman); campaigO,ing hellholes." She refused to .slt "J°m working class and She also joined the Com· ·delitierately l'ra4_ ·no children be the same without her. quarter of a century she has for more money for mental / down during one debate and proud of it," sa ys ~ssie. "1 munist party, but quit a rew "because the cause ca1ne ..She will ne',!er "\e r~pl.lc· been a legl!nd;" says· ,PJ'lme health, more schOols, more beeame the first. w<Jtnan ever was born in the Scc:ialisl years later say i.n g co,n· rir~·t. nM r, didn't wani ed," say politicians in Minister Harold \Vilson. 'lie everything, Now Liverpool ~uspended from the HoUSc. n1ovement." ml}.nism meant "lhe slavery of ,--.•··· ·~~ · i•1 the ®nditions ot Liverpool, where pessie has once offered her a job in his h~pitals ha.ve. enough When she demanded licens· Her parents \Vere both labor the \Vorkers ." (::::::~ the old days._" ____ _ 299 4 DAYS · ONLY! Thunday thrv Sunday . .. ; •• ,. ~ $• ... 'J •. . . . . . . .~--J I, . ' ··-,!; A ;14" ~ 2l": '. ,... '. boord, ""''" --: -i~ bofh1ldt$Vll• "-: \' obi. at OllCe. '·• J88 A(luolly .o v•ryding friochint: of ct.li(IO!Js•' b\ibbl'e g·um..Ref'llls ·ovollobt~. 139 New 3'.diO,enitonal~tube Puzzle. '7 pieces1 C1ll dif- ferent shQpes. 119 Early or Late the . ' Y ' 8•" l'loce lo Sh OUR F •!'Always! Toy s~~l SERVICE Wh··· •••. ,, ,. RE lo . ind the G vorite lr"ndif H r•ote•t S•lectio * ere Ar•Juit A, . "'of Your Mada •w: * . me Alexander Do/It Fisher p · * Pia nee Pre-Schoo/ i oys ..;_ yskool Educational 1 c K Fomo V Y• * us ogue Do/fs Mu rray Whe I T * · . e oys Radio Steel W * Fa rn ogons & Scooters ous Marte/ T V T · oys fhou1onf!1 ond .. to Ch ' ::u1ar.d1 ~' · oo.::e Fro ... Al" . -••clnothft T v · ~•ur •·11 y · oya .. ,,.. •or'•)' St'ore Whool·o.0~ , ~ · ~• A•••mbfed _ Fr . Th• populor . lei with the s11per chorger. Also hos cor and occ.esso1i•i. , , . ee '· C:har9e . ~~ 20'' CONVERTIBLE BICYCU by MURRAY ~osily convert•· fr am boy-. ·10 gM'• ti;k,, 2 9,5 ;uncture proof tires, safety cooaftr brake. CompStle with training ~!;:! whee It. fl I SIMILY GIVE-A-SHOW PROJECTOR Projecls ·giont sit• pic- tvres in color on ony 111rfoce.' Each show complete on 7 color slides. 3!.~ •.ts WHAMO AIR BLASBR Sh oot• hormle·ss a ir 3 99 streom 36 ,fHt. Ho1 buJlt.\n. a ction torgft. •••• us ' KENNEg'S SPIROGRAPH . Reg. $·29.9 4.50 ROBBIE ROJOT 8il1y Blo&toff'1 friend. 688 Walks alone. Power,· 1 '"'eryth ing 11'1 8 piece 1 ••• • ie1. •'t.fS Deluxe "AGGRAVATION" Fast ••. f11n .•• and1oggro- votionl Combines slrol· egy and· 1kill for hours of enj0ymen1. •• 1 ~? 2.91 STUNT .TRACK C•r octwoJ1r fuMpa I fHt fl(citing lest of drivin g 5 88 1kill. Car fumps into chute 1ho1 con1inve1_t'h1 _ 1 car along the track. ,'Jj Tudor . All PRO HOCKEY re..,.,. 1112.50 .. Official ·gem• of .. N.:H.L·: 9a9 players as1oc1011on. ,, Stors 12 all pros.in oll- stor uniformg, · TYCO Fi1•re 8 Competition ROAD RA a SET An ••citing figure 8 rood '°"' "'· Co"';"' 12 88 of over i under track end elec!ric power pok. 11 ••· 6M' SHOP ·TONIGHTI Hours 9 to 9 Daily, Sundays 10 to S ••• "Charge It'' Your Mast!fchtqe & BankAmericard Honored NEWPORT IEACH 3443 Via Lido 673-8350 ' COSTA MESA 223 E. 17th St. 548-5454 Yuaoslav artists. l••••••••••••••l!ll••••••••••• • . I • -·-.. ' • See ·Whats N-e-w at Grantstown! ' GRANT'S IS A GENERAL STORE ••• . ,. I .~/' I :' '11 I " ••• lMlMlM . llWMMWM1'M~ WESTERN . . ' . ·SHIRTS '695 , WISTllN smlD .... "' Wtlttf"Mr1 ••• '"" ''""'"'"' ,,... '"""· .... lelll P'91ft 111111 11IW c.Jtn In 111 ........ · t.fttth1 inti HCk 1ft11. . .,, DUUQo BociTS LAT UT _ 1tyfej. W11t1m loots • wttt. :-.nt.i le1thtr 111pptr1 1M n1tb 111t Jow1n. Sina 6 ft 11. • • If 'Gr1nt'1I •• Wedntsd,Y, D<etmbir JO, 1969 D.j!LV PILOT 25 • OYER 11000'6UNS ON DISPLAY IN GRANT'S NEW GUN SHOP! • 'WINCHISRR • ARMAlln •REMINGTON • IROWNING •WEATHERBY • CHARLES DALY •WALTHER· •IERmA •LLAMA •SAKO •COLT •H&R •RUGER •ITHACA • SMITH & WESSON You name It, we've got ff. THE MOS1 COMPLE1E GUN SHOP IN CALllORNIA I, .• •• •• • • • . : ·" ~. . . ' . • .. , • .c.,~ ·, "t ~~-.. -. /" ' . .... . 1,0NGRlf\I . •S''. . . THE GRANT BOYS hive madt this new gun shop the most plush ••• the most complete. hunter/sportsm1n h11dqu1rters this sido of Abertrombio ind Fltchl Stop in ond. oueot J-y Forbes ond his stiff of gun experts. They're mightv proud of their now llllClhionl .. ' . , '.'" ' ~ !' , " . '9150 ~. , ON'fi-~r GRANF'lf CAS£0f~-WINCH£S1'£/k ' . · CENTENNIAL MODELS OPEN DAILY 9 · TILL 9 SATURDAY 9-6 SUNDAY 9r5 ··* ' . ' . ' . ) ;;. ... -. BANi<AMERICARD . MASJfR CHARGE GRA~T'S CHARGE * Buffalo Bill *New C.anadian SAVE MORE at GRANT'SI ~~ .. 8~1'ftlll'M~ ~·.NEW! FISHING DEP,T:: NOW OPEN! , . · YOU ASKED FOR IT! • , • lft<I hero It is-we've completoly outfitted 1 brond-new fishing dtpl(lmenl f~r onglers of •••ry si11, shope ond desire! No IXCUltS -you'N Ulch : -the big ones! •. , fqmou~; Br'a!'dsl REELS by Penn-Mitc~l-Qulck-Zobco-Mtda~ Isl ind Golden West .•. ROOS by G1r~l1-F .. wlck ' · .. ....119" Clow~lden Wost end llOrkleys. 1111.W Of 1Nf .CCUSOlm, 1f!OI Get Your Fishing License 1t Gr111t'sl SA V.E . NOW DURING GRANT'S ·GIANT PRE-CHRISTMAS OPE . ' . ~ NG . CELEBRATION! • ' I • If DAILY ~ILOT Wtd"""1, Dt<tmbff 10, 1969 Middle East After 2 'Years: Not Much · Has Changed UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) -A fiW't)' ol applause ripped through the chamber u the president ol the Security Council annowteed: "'1be resolution has been unanlmoully adopted." 'llll.t was two years ago. Nov. 2%1 1987. The U.N. Securi· ty CouncU. in a rare display Of unanimity, agreed on the first major document on the Middle East a1nce the cease-fire en- ding the war of the prevloua June. Many thooght Ulat day marked a turn in events that could still the guns and bitng peace through diplomacy. But the appeal bas yet to be carried out and the a!tuat.ion in the region, many U.N. observers believe, is deterloraUng daily. Dipl<>mals, however, still rest their hopes in "The Nov. 22 Resolutation." Na private convenation or public address on the Middle East coocludes without aome reference to tl "nte resoluti on will be car· rltd out," says Lord Caradon, British Ambassador wbOle spadework led to Its ac- ceptance by the UrJted States and the Soviet Union and by both Israel and the Arabs, eJ· eluding Syria. ONLY QUESTION ''The only question t s · whether It will be alter an a~ palling bloodshed or in peace." 'Ibe resolution contained these rttommendations: -Withdrawal of l!raell anned forces from territories occupied In the war: -An end, by Ille Arabs, to "claims and states of belligerency" against Israel, and acceptance or the nation's ezistence; -The right or every state In the area to live in peace •:within secure and recognized boundaries." · USED FRAGMENTS In the last two years both the Arabs and Israel have us- ed fragme!lts of the resolution to uphold tlleir viewpoints and 'Colleague In Crime' Helps Girls LOWEIL. Fla. (AP) -Vi- vian Wallh's career as a policewoman ended wtth a Crrgery o:mviction. Now she's a "colleague in cr ime '' housekeeper for 20 teen-agers at a state training school for girls. Working In a maximum security cottage, Mn. Walah, 50, is serving a five-year prison 1entence u a cmmselor, housemother and guardian to youthful offenders at the Forest Hill School for Girls at the state'• cor- rectional complex. She thinks the pilot program -linking an adult . with the young -is helping Ille t.en- agers. "The girls come to me for advice," she aald. "And l'm doing a job I like, and that makea me happy. The girla consider me one of them.'' The acting superlntenden~ Anabel Mitchell, agrees. "We believe that a mature woman, as a 'colleague In crime,' may very well be able to establish a rapport with young offenders," she said. ' I harden their akeplldam on otller part&. The Arabs. from vituperative declaration in their capitals to 90ft-spoken Egyptian Ambassador Kobamed Hassan el Zayyat here, emphasize the "withdrawl" of Israelis from Janda tlley conquered In lht war, The lsraells, on the other hand, stress the "just and lasting peace" and therefore negotiations part of it. declar· Ing that relinquishing the lands with«it a parley could only comptlcat.e the conflict. Caradon says the resolution meant incomplete Juatict." ls a whole and not for END WAR 1 traamentallon. He .ieo com-, El ~yyat POlnt.s out that the blnes the two opposing vlew· rtlOluUon calla crt his country polnl.I and sees the draft u to end ill long-et.andinc state calling for "withdrawal for of war against I 1 r a e I , peace " recognize that country and Its "Wiihot.tt. both of these friedcm to use intemaUonal " ' waten 1n the area. Egypt there Is nothing. retuaed all those points unW Egypt, its U.N. ambassador Nov. 22, 1987, says, bowed to the appeal In exchange h~ u.&erts the hesitantly since "it w a,1 only thing E&YJ>t got out ~r jt unanimous and represented was the call for withdrawal of the conscience of all men." the Israelis to prewar boun•. For Egypt, El Zayyat says, daries, with no numtion of the resolution em b o d l e 1 "the Jandl conquered before." "colossal concessions dictated "We made these concession! by the world at large even U It because we wanted tD live in -peace." .£11 Zayfat Slid ln-a:rr-sa~. "It-the ereatest enemy lnt.erview. •·we wanted to live of ffttlement. No one can in 1 community of nations. We calcalate tbe damaa:e done by decided to pay that price. We delay." thought we were buytna: the During the l11t two years, peactful years to come. Now El Zayyat contends, Israel has we flftti out we have lost. two been •iblpoJarlzlng" the Le- years." vant to consoll~te Ila position Two year5 ago, the am· by "double security." bassador contended, the pro-'"They want to pul the Arab pogiUon offered. as a doctor countries with Russia against would to a patient, an aspirin America," is the way he JM.IJS and an operation for certain it. "They say America's only ills. . lriend in Ille Mi~d~ ,East is "B.ut there has been nD Israel and. therefore, the operation an~ the effect of the United Stales will have to pay aspirin is wearing out." the price for that complete GREATEST ENEl\.1Y ~uppart. That'! double sEicuri· "Delay," Lord Caradon also ty.' 1£raet Ambassador Y (lier Tekoah conslders the resolu· tlon "l ·hirtoric aehlevement" but with this basic objectlv~ "the eslablbhment (If a just and lasUng peace In Ille Mid- dJe East." The appeal bas failed, he said, only because of "the absence of a decision In lhe Arab capitals to conclude a pea~ agreement with Israel." KEEPING FORMULA Tekoah, and Israel, still claim that tht. Arabs are sticking with their "no peace, no negotiations, no agreement" formula. • Otherwise, Tekoah says, the Arabs would have accepted t h e conference auaestlan through Dr. Gunnar V. Jar. ring, the Swede who act.a 11 Secretary General U Thant's personal repreeentaUve fOC' carrying out the resolution. In the view of Lord Caradon, what is bloc realizaUon or the resolution · "the depth of suspicioo an mis t ru st between the tw side!." Many diploma sugges t that suspicion d mistrust between the two antagonist! is increasing with the resoluUM still only ''a set of principles'• but far from being put into force. . FAMOUS .. BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! frorn NEW! ~---11• ,, , 's Combo.·· ''The Camper PROPAMl $UPll STO'll ... \,AllURtl S•• It .d at Grant'• demonstrat 1. 000 110'1 on eat" uper ito'la-11, · etl regulator, f All NlVf ProP"';o!n;i1t• wlth UL •PP3" cartridge; or of t'#O butn'''btnatlon lantern for '""'''''' '°"' ptopa••' """ NOW qc. Pr.p1ftl St~ ~: '. ',: '.$2'·'' 4.69 ~ pr.p•M IO \,lnttrn .$14.9S JI eornb\Mit~:.,.rter ••. i.J·!! • ~nttrn $76.10 T•tll • • · · · ·'. MANIAGS ' :~L ,c:;:D FOR Glfl'SI 3.LB· AC~!~!~.,.,.. tOUm-ad ualltv ,1..,. $1611 11t .toli-1\'oo~ peplln "'" Ing b•1;c,"'-Cotton She•t ''" .,uh 1 II Ing. ltur4Y lull '"'"'b1f 4ioub1• b19· SPECIALI Jlppar " $8 88 to $SS.88 (OlEltlAN SLEEPING BAGS FROM • Gront's Has Th• Great••' Soloctlon And Low••' Prices, tool 3-LI. ' IL aLAllR" '111 umbo s~b. oacro• OVll·II1l 11 ht ond otur4Y bit· Uthtwt Id 1nttr1or. Great I ll£G. $i9.95 1 •.2495 r\on ,..,..,. 111 j!, bo<k-fl'klogl 2 • i.1.1. MILIUfl\ IOA1 BAGS •2495 DIC,.. gg " £11 FULL,<111 bot~ .,,1111 nylon 11tnt , ... , w111r r•P' ""' 1\pptr• llftll'' non-corro , "' ·L•· WHITl N ooos1Dow MUMMY BAGS •4995 OTMll ooWM •~GS !ROM $39.•5·$89.95 Fully Lined CPO JACKETS FASHION TOGllHIRNISS it1nd1 out in thi11 new CPO jackets. Fully fletct llnecf with warm 1crylic, In bold, brawny pltld' and Dark lhtt. Our mo1t out1t1ndlni new fackttll S·M·L·XL In stock. The Luxurious Giff! UNllNID "CPO" $995 JACXIT1SHIRTS , .• '6·'7·'8 All of the newest wide and nar· r~w stripes -and solids -100% finest combed cotton that won't wrinkle or shrink. S·M·l·Xl. BOYS' HANG-TEN SHIRTS ••. $S HANG-TEN POLO SHIRTS ... $8 HANG-TEN VELOURS ..... $12 HANG-TEN NYLON TRJJNKS .. $8 -----... ~-----------------------~---------· See The Widest Selection of Jackets in Orange Countyl ~-------~------~--------------------DIOlll· QUILnD DOWN FILLED .... famous Maker SKI PARKAS Ru1,e4 '"d ••rm D1cro~fll11d •kl p1r\11. lrlghtlr colored, qulltttl squ1m In all • ~1111. from s39ts ""~--------, I UDIU' OOWN-PILUD W SKI JACKETS l!."~:~ .. !~!~J l'ACtl'IC ~ •111.• s~ a. "Ranger'' .. s200o b. "Cimarron!' . s25oo ' I \, SKI JACKET 100% WAIER-lllPIWNI w11h rf wear with 100% nylon 1htll. AcryOc/cotton plle lined. Ntw colors of G~d, Grein, 1U"1110i1t and Novy. 1-M·L·X~ 0';\il $16'' $25 Valuer 31 Styles of Jaclretsf c. ''Windsor'' • 527M d. "Char91r'' .. s2211 " I ., I ; I I ------__ ,. _________ -----=•> • , Pa pap P s s a ;:: a • :;£ o c , ~ . . I 'Ntdnesday, Dt<tmbtr 10. 1'169 DAILY PILOT 2z ;Bridge of Death Recalled as New Bridge Set to _ Open KANAUGA, Ohio (AP) - Just befof.e Christmas two '., ~~~~~o~r:J1es~~v4~ ;~ , to their deaths In the icy : depths of the Ohio River. The cause? No certain cause 'hal yet been advanced. Eyewitnesses said after the Collapse that the brldge was · overloaded with bumper.to. 1 bumper cars carrying holiday • shoppers and homeward bound workers and could not stand · the altain. A report from the National ; Transportation Safety Board. ' however, said the 40-year-old brlage linking Point Pleaeant, W.Va., and Kanaus:a, Ohio, wa1 not overloaded. Whatever the cause, It is amon1 the worst road bridge disasters in American history. Of the 46 who died, two have never been found. Nine othen were injured. A new bridge has been built In the place of the <>Id, but the event has not been forgotten. An estimated 25,000 persons are expected Dec. '5 at ceremonies opening the $12 mlllon repla~ment span to be called the Sliver Memorial Bridge. West Virgl.nla offidals have announced thal Ihm oUll is ml.nor work to be done on the new bridge aod that II won't be open to traUic until after the ceremonies. ll was 10 days be!°" Chrlstmu, Juat before I p.m. wh"' 11 began to happen. Girders ln the 1 tee l supentluctur< on the two-lane river crossing twisted tn coo- vulsive clrclea. Steel in lhe U!G-loot 11111penslon brldJJ•, clattered onto cara and trucU Inching acrooa the wldly rip- ping bridp noor. When the U.S. !$ hlginrey linkup !ell It appeared to amt on the Ohio sick aod !hen 1.... 11ffl" jjJ foot below the ed up m the West Virginia llllriaoo. • bank. "Everything llar1ed Io Molt of the vehicles -tx~ ablke," survivor F r 1 n k =17 can aod truck& an In-Wamoley, 1 truck drim-, told on dilc1oHd later -reporiel'l'later, 11and I saw tbe on the CllnCrelo bt1dp ""'""""' and llW<• roadway u they dropped 100 toward ,;;.:;~ feet to the water. Wamoloy, a Point Pleuant ln !ell tban IO eeconds the 11Pd aod gravel company bridge cllslppeored Into the employe, uld: "We bounced brown Ohio River. Only the Inside the truck lllul rubber two concrete piers remained balll. I don'I remember hlt- vlalble. 1Jni the water, bul we Mopped 'l'rucb, can md humans and I gueu we were at the were entwined In what one botl<lm. · _,,. worlun deic:rlbtd u a "Som-, I Roi oul ol the "giant. ,,-que bird cage ol door and the nm thing I !mew I was on top oC the water. I grabbed hokl ot a barrel 1 saw floating nearby -there was another man holding on too." ' The grlm buslneu of finding the bodles trapped under water wu hazardous and dif. ficult. Thirteen diVtn braved the swift. murky waters for days cutting the metal apart with underwater blow to r c he s . Cranes lifted the piece. Into barges. Pieces of the bridge were taktn to a field near Hen· derson. W. Va .. and the bridge wSJ reconstructed to seek clues to what had happened. At least 8 million in damage suits have been fjJed as a resull of the collppse. None has yet been rell<llved. What caused the accident remains a mystery. An interim report lut year by the National Transportation Safely Board said the total weight of 37 vehicles should not have been sufficient to overload the bridge. The board ruled out the possibility of aerodynamic in· stability, sa b otage, or displacement gf bridge an-- corages, piers or t!)Wer seats by barge collisions. The board did say the trae· ture of one or the eye-bar chains suspending tl\e1• bridge from its two main towers "'as a "key ractor" in the lrage<ly. A final repOrt to lhe federal studies of the disaster is tll:· pected to be released around New Year's Day. The Silver Bridge. unllke most bridges which a r e suspended by cables, was suspended from chains or flat steel bars 45-to SS-feet long linked into a suspension chain in pairs with steel pins through eyes at each end. See What's NEW at Grantstown LEVI'S ® for Gals! 1 / I ·"Tile Largest Stotk in Orf!nge County'' ........... . l big f1vorit1 for tho':"' 'l1vl'sS for Gals" Is • the unusual. For sryr. gals who hive • flare for Just in Ti ... ••d comfort, too l me for Christmas/ CORDUROY ''CUlOTTfS;; Now on the lEVrs• culotte, in 1 sort S<tno-tho UVl'S" corduroy. l£Vf'SS po.lrestor-cotton blend color selection. un1qu1 det1lr.ng, rfch OVER 20,000 PAIR LEVI'S® *All Sizes! *All Styles! '14 i( NYLON BLOUSES '14 IN STOCK! THI ClASSIC lrti•s• loo . new •hlrt of 1009' k fn • 1rur f1Yorft1 ,,..., t Wldt nylon; ""' ,_ ' ' ·' / , · fon colon. ••ltctfon of fasf,.. *All Colors! 1'PACEs1n1111 SLACKS 'II - I BlUf I um ,,,.,,..,. , ..... ,, LEVI'S' J11111 , , , the .. rt~1 MOit cupled pints. W.,, •• , tou9hfft lll1nlm, reinft,tttl w I t II ,,,,... ri¥tta inti 11itcbt4 t• 1f1)'. Shrlnk·t.flt , •• • rttW ,W fr" If tMy 1rip. MIN'S XX DENIMS $ 5 t8 SIZIS 27..SO ......... .. BOYS' XX DENIMS $4ta SIZES ~12 .......... , • BOYS' SLIMFITS t3tt SIZES 4-12 .••..•.••••• / lm'i• ptrlecf.fff t1fforfn 1 • • • contlnttttil ••l•tbi,:, c •nlc loot Jl,per, iloptd pockets wftft fronp CIUlt fhty'n leJf' .. s C.rtffr1t ... ,,.,, .. ,.. * All Sizes! * All Colors! * All Styles! ''We've Got YOUR Sizel" CORDS '650 -----~-------------------------lfWI UY11s• llUYOS LIVl'S" CASUAU -·'"'"'' ""d s1r1,..11 LOTS Of NIW COLOIS lulf ,_.,.., 110 .. with the kltl "''" ll'ltl t S.lltl Coltnl Dur•bl• hop1te.k faltrk ••• lt1·l'r1~. tf c.ur11-,., .. , _.. lrtnlnt. •a NU'f09 "" ........ .. :ww•ww l.IYl'S' GUYS lfkt tht S..,, lttn Jook tf tfl•M ""' u1111lt. (hooM ,,,,,. '"'"' M'ft fal llllfftrtttt f1br1u -111 St1.f'r1t~ -with tht utlM Hitt wtn'I 11uff. . •11 USI JOUI IAllAMllUCMO .or "AS.FIR CHMll 1/ • I ,. D~ILY PILOT Wednt>day, °""""" 10, 1969 Jffelodyltind Pert~.rmatu!e ' . ' ' • • \ ..I • ~ • h·vine MasterChorale Giv~s- . ' lnsph·ed Nativity Concert ' " ,, By TOM BARLEY Of "" 0111r l'llof '''" Conductor Maurice Allard ~ and the Irvine Master Chorale earned this writer's gratitude Jong before they took the stage .. Saturday night at hfelodyland Theater. ,,,_.(. This ambitious organization deserves the utmost credit for its decision to p r e s e n t "Rodie." Ralph Vaughan Williams' deeply moving set· ting of the Nativity. A fre· quent visitor to the British Christmas scene. this to\"ering work is only rarely offered in this part of the world and v.·e do not have to look beyond the deep and demanding score for the reason for its absence. We were delighted to watch Allard and an inspired chorale draw every ounce of ex- pression from a work that '• literally dwarfs the vast n1a· jority of the contemporaries which are paraded before us ~ today as suitable .musie;&.l of- ; •. ferings for the story' or Christ's birth. There can never be another "Messiah." as Allard's chorus so capably demonstrated later in their program, but "Hodie" , i..s replete 'A'ith many of the · qualities which so adhere : .. Handel's oratorio to u s : '. i sinceritt, t~th, adoration and :• ,. an utter simplicity that was so convincingly expressed by out soloists and chorale. Teiior Michael Sells, soprano Vina Williams. b a r i ton e Douglas Lawrence and,· to a lesser extent, soprano Dar- rellyn Melilli, were • e r y capable soloists and worthy of a fa r greater ovation th.an the typical ·o~e Coonty' au· dience was inclined to give them. Mort? about that later. HIGH MARKS High water marks, for this critic, w e r e that tender. beautifully delivered lullaby and the glorious, stirring March or the Three Kings which brought. perhaps," the belt perf-of the - ning lroni the -'!bat march was magn.lfictnt and would have been even more IO with better support from an otcllestra .th. t di .. ppolnted through , much of t be Melodyland program. we· can not. of ' count, blame Allard ·for thal And a 'word of paise here for our fine narrator, Peter Church, and the delivery of Biblical ~Kt which did much to enchanCe the majesty ol the Vaughan Williams classic. His crisp, ringing Britiah. tooes ' were an undoubttcl 'asset to the Allard chorale. We can not bring quito the same degr,e ol &PIJl"OY..•l ·to our analysis of the chohile'• performance of P oo 1 e:n c 'a "Mo!Us," another rlln>·blrd on .this side of the1 AU antic, at least - on the Christmas music scene. ' ~ f' 1 ' ~ HE,RE'S TO .WAR:,... Enjoying a• ~'Picn!c-Olii11\•"llatuefield" In one oft hr e e Spanish· plays at .5P\1tlt Coa~:l!""epertc>cy, t)iUi w~end are (from left) Ellen Ketchwn, Jim Waiing and Bill Braj!y. ;t'hi!''1¥cab8! one-acts open Friday for two weekenas. · · · · I Thea• ;Notes ~ 'I SCR'".tJpBf# S'panish Plays; . . . -·-· . . ~Cactus Flow 1er':-·Held Over ' To oor mlnd, the choral•'s approach was fl9I: keyed to the essential fragility of the four enchanting verses so beautifully. Sf.It tp music by Poulenc. You ' can not be full blood!d with Poulenc's "pell! fleur" and a qtange ln the balance of the chorale, for this work at least. might have pro- duced a bet.IA!r approach to By TOM· Titus ta.ins· with final performances the work. ot ,... .... ,.,_"'"''st.tr Friday and .Saturdiiy. These Ce'l"lter, 119 Buena V"ISta Drive, in Fullerton. Reservations are ~ing taken at 827·1339. South Coast Repertory · IMPROVISE 'draws the honOr of ...; .. ...i .... out are "Any Widnesday" at San· £.:.:._.. • "<&'"'6 '\a Ana, "L u v" i n S a n * Eaterlllg tbe fourth or its • Gary Owe~s_ ! S1P I , U.S. Disc Jockey r For the third time In the past !dy bits. The S(l>ry Lady, four y~ars KMPC's Gary rumor-of·lhe-<lay, ad lib corn· Owens has been proclaimed ments on news and sports lJisc Jockey of the Year in the evenµ;, and the dai]1 con- \Jnited States. tribulions of B l a n c·h 1 The top. national 1969 award Goobennan. ~1orgul th e came at the aMual Bill Gavin Friendly Drelb, and otl}er r esi d en t s of Owens' Music a n d Programming z 0 0 k meister Bro(\dcasting Conference in A t I a n t a , System add to the popularity Georgia, .. wt\f:re the selection of each program. was made by a panel of th e The aMounCement Jn Atlan- country's top radio and ta came on the heels of KMPC recording executives. winning two top Southern Runner-up tQ Ow.ens in the California· awards for th-news final balloting was KMPC 's and sports programfnihg. Johnny Magnus. KM.PC's Dick Golden Mike awards came . \Vhittinghill also was among to the st.a lion !or Fred •tbe ·5'9ven-f~alists nominated. Hessler's 'lSporb 3t Six," Owens-best kno\\'n as the judged the top regularly announcer on Rowan and scheduled sports program on Martin's Laugh.Jn-won the Southern California radio in award Jn 1966 and again last 1969. and to :KM'Pc'!! nightly year. 6:15 news, honored as the best His daily 3-ti p.m. show has regularly scheduled newa pnr been repeatedly cited for both1_gr:_a_m_o1_1_he-'-ye_a_r_. ---- its musical content and com-~ -11111111m ~ ltc!tli!IOGutClllll . theLittle . 'ftot>le_ ~ . "YOUNG BJLLY . YOUNG" , --No one is more ~ady than -:!!! ~~~-b;~ng ,th~ Clemente, 1 •Har v.e y • • in Allard to improvise m the in· ~ti·~~ ~year. Fullerton and "All the Lonely teres~ of purity, ~ ex· .oragf~ ~·~' ,lno of on~ People"· at Newport·Beach's press1on and a deft smtch and r!:;Js bj' spam s Fernarido ope'l)~d Theater. regrouping of faces here and • • •'IJ-.. 'rh.... . Garli h takes the there in the chorale would ' The three ·are 'jGuemica" (--8 . ~ c . takeb"'t'.a·fewmomentsofour and "Vicfiic 'OI\ the. Bat· ~ng_role ut the Santa Ana gifted director's time.' He tlefteld,'', · dlfecfed by Milt ~ayers',· "Any Wednesday," should study our sUggesUon at ROgart, and "'nle Tricycle," with Al~ Hart, Don Rhoades J gth staged by Veteran SCR actor and. Edith Goodman . con:i· For 'an that, it was a pleas.. Hal Landon Jr. The first two p~et.in~ the cast. To.m Titus _is scheduled five weekends at the Huntington Beach Playhouse is the inystery thriller "lnvita-j'••;r.~~~·fi9~PI~~~~~~~~~~~ tion to a Mw:der." Phil DeBarros is directing. · • • • • • i Speca.,.tion ' , Ing performance o( "Motets" are in an antiwar vein, while du-ecting the Muriel Resruk and we would 1>e ~itterly the third traces the life of four comedy· disappointed ·if our criUcism social outcasts. The show is being staged at -in every sense, constructive Cast in both ''Pic!tic" and the players' new theater at -were to discourage the "Tricyi:Ie" are Jlth Baxes, ·w.est Sixth and Ross stteets in chorale's pur9.1it of a work Martha McFarland, Charles Santa Ana. Reservations are that is worth much more than Hutchins, Harvey Kahn and being taken at 54~7647 or 8.3a. the scanty exposure it Bob Strickling. The 1417. recetvei. "Guemica" cast is composed * We would imagine today of Ellen Ketchum, Jim War· Tbe tbrtt-cllaracter comedy Annabelle Quigley. Ron Lambert, Cheri Sumrow . Richard Wood and Te d Grandke head the cast for the Rufus King drama at the Barn. 2110 Main St., Hun- tington Beach. Call 536-8861 for ticket reservations. CSF Forms Department Of Da11ce that the chorale is much more ing, Bill Brady, Darrell Kit· "Luv" is playing an extra two disappointed at the pathetic clle, Don Castle. Lynn Morgan performances at the S a n reception it got at the· close of and Je!f Park. Clemente Community Theater. a fine conctrt from what we The Arrabal plays will run Richard Anderson directs have already descrl~ as a for two weekends, Dec. 12-14 Mw'ray Sdtisgal's off beat typical Orange County au· and 1a..21, at the repertory comedy. · Formation ot a dance dience. company' a Third Step Bob and Karen Moe share department with an in· That splendid. ringing Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd., th~ stage with Gordon Harris ternationally known "Hallelujah Chorus" which so Costa M·e s a. Reservations at the Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 choreographer-teacher as its ii u it ab I y ended its may be acquired by calling Avenida cab r i I I 0 • San acting chairmah was an- perfonnance of extracts from the box office 8t MS-1363. Clemente. The reservation not.meed by President William the ''Messiah" should have * -number· is 492-0465. · B. Langsdorl of Cal State, brought the house dowt1. Rt1poase to the Laguna * Fullerton. Instead, we got just enough ••...:·1•-Play•-·se'o "Cac• .. , ,, I · 1· Dr M · I kl I brln 1•1VU ...,, 1JVU i.u All tbe Lone! p 1 Th n appcnn 1ng . asa!lll ac u.ster app ause to g Flower" has necessitated a . Y eop e: e Kuni to the post . .' Langsdor( J Suptr l !kt l'litkt "WILD AHGl!U" "'GLORY STOMPl!R5" "HELL'S ANGELS ON WHEllS• P•lll lurkt C•rr11U lynlr( "Onc:1 You KIK A Slr•119er" (M) Rol>trt Mnc111,nn George K111nt11r "THE GOOO GU 'l'S AND THE IAO GUYS" D•vld Hemrnlftl Mi<ll•tl Y•rtt "ALFRED THE GREAT" (MJ l'lyt Oun1w1y•M•rc1llo M111n1111111f "A PLACB FOR I.OVERS'' (M) Sldnrr Pollltl" JHnn1 Sllllllklll ''THE LOST MAN" !Ml Gregorv PKk 0...-r ~rll "MACICENNA'S GOLD'' IMI f Keith Berwich -has a r~re televi~iQP.-conversation f with writer-producer-Oirector Alfft!d .JlitchcOck, • a bove, on Channel 28 tonigb,t al JOlji.m, Hi.tcbcock t defines the aspects of his films, sttessirig that ',he • .makes s uspense stories ra•ther .than· :mysteries. ! Program will be repeated o0 Sunday· al'·6 p.m: Allard b a c k twice to the holdover-and tonight . begins Pl!~ate .~orld of Tt;nne~e podium. It was nothing short e i g ht c 0 n 5 e c ut i v e Williams completes tls fou~· pointed ()Ut that Fullerton is of criminlll and just another performances· of the Abe Bur· weekend run at Newport s the first campus in the'IJ~~~'.!:!~~!::'!:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ example· of the ignorance aM rows comedy Open End Theater under the California State Colleges to set Cross,vord Puzzle ACROSS 1 Rock S Put 1o , bad use ;· 10 Pitcher's 1, miscue k 14 Operatic {-highl ight f 15 l andtd ,. Immigrant ~ lb "I cannot 1 I II "· ~ e·-·-. i' 2 words 17 Kind of oil 18 Kind of f. voca l I Infle ction 19 Musical comedy ~ featute i 20 Make larger ~ 22 March 17th ) ce~ebrators ( 24 Fo(lllal' ! ""'''' ~ astembfy \ 26 River of ~ Fr1nce and l Belgium t 27 Wtaken l 3-0 v.,, ,. serious .,. 32 Parallel of J terrestrial • lati tude 3b Not in good health 37 Bird J9 fro --: •• 40 Stadium sound 42 Hindmost taker 44 Household i11plemen1 45 Dow n-· 47 T1ansfer 49 f Ofl!I" G.! 50 Dislikes 52 Half: Comb, form 53 Cheer for the toreador 54 Decide a newspaper's contents 56 Change the decor 58 Deadlocks bl European nation b6 Steel produc l 67 SomeU1lng special b9 Child's early word 70 Midwest Ind ian 71 Nul lify the force of 72 Anon's partner 73 Group of animals 74 Estimated 7S Rupture DOWN l Gratify 2 Crucial point ;.l Negati ve contraction: Dia l. 4 Stormed . 5' Was. a . 35 Socia.I group: nomad 38 More b State: Abbr. 1 Spanish all!rmatlve: i. word~ 8 lachrymose 9 Secure !he aid of JO Part of a house 11 Metal: Abbr. 12 Group of foo tballers 13 Very good; Slang 21 Close by 23 Slave 25 Having lost vigor 27 Maple produc t 28 So lo 29 Space in the woods J l Exerted 3) Utah city 34 Move pleas1nt 41 Mad e P"Jblie '43 Mourn.id voc:a.lly ·4& National League team 48 Ven ice bei5Ch 51 Relative 55 -· flrma 51 Salesman's quest 58 length unit 59 Female animal 60 Waterfront structure 61 Membtrshlp 63 Form of; g1eeti'ng 64 Gland: Comb. form 65 Unit of leagth b8 Enzyme: Sufi he apathy Of concert audiences in Orl"'••" :_,_, 1_, 1 direction ()f Warren Deacon. up such a separate unit within'l--:;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;================- thi ty And ·r h e .. ._.y i>Uft'UU a.4 o ron ,._ · · th 1 a school of the arts. s coon . 1 anyone as tonight through Saturday onJy, ~mpr1smg e cas are any def¥ to offer we would the show is being ' extended David . and Be.tsy Pa u 1, He"also said that the move be glad to hear from them. from Dec. 1~17, Sund 3 y Genevieve Murray, Walter was envisioned when the CSCF through l)at W~sday. =· H~~!y. ~:n~e:~~ ~!:11ish~ attr~e o~~t ofw~! · Flags to Stay HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Producer Frederlcl< BrlS!OO has rdur«J . • request from Albania'1 United Nat Ion 11 delegalioa to desist from using a pair of .AIJanlan flap .in his new movie, ••nte UnerJ!eded Mrs. Pol!Hu .. " The coinelly portrays Americans t ·a-·i: e n "captive in the Ctinm•"ha· 'lion, Gwen Yarnell d1~ the is located at 2815 Villa Wa y, 196S.70 academic ye a r. Orange C°';IJl1Y prenuere . cl with tickets being reserved at Besides dance, the school con· the romantic CC1medy, which 67~1120 sists of the art, music and features Robert E n gm a n • • * ttleater departments, t~ lat. Betsy Hewe~t. Chris ter of which formerly 'was Weatherhead and M 1 c b a e I Touy Brandt's production of called 'drama. Adams Th J "-·~-• "Harvey" closes out its three-. e P ay.~ 15 Kun' 1·, whose acl1'v1'fies· ex-located at 606 Laguna Canyon weekend stand for t h e . Road in Laguna Beach, with Fullerton Footlighters, with. tepd to Japan and · Denm(lfk, reservations available by call· ·Wilt Aasen he i mer and joined the di'ama fa¢ulty in ing 494-2550. . Rosemary McGough in the 1964 and is ~ assOciate:. pfo.. * principal roles. fessor. Four other county pro-The invisible rabbit is hop-1;::=========:::;!1 duclioM ring down their cur· ping around the Muckenth.aler L4.)ok~ng Into -"Myra~ 'Money ~antmtic' Says Writer Reed S'TJYI Mc9UllN "THE RIEV~llS" _,,,, CINEDOMe .20 •!IY l!O.l' 'l'!IOMAS • HOLLYlVoOD (AP) '- A.,other jottmali~c first: the X·rated movie co I u n(n . , Chlldren under. 16 are ·not allowed to· read this. Well, adult leaden, it'1jline we came to grips with "Myra ,'Breckenridge." ., You know. Gore Vidal's ·~~c'kh!mt"J=: tJie · boOti:cUe t0l-the· klddiet woutdn't find It. They're shooting It out at 20th Century·Fox, the atudio !¥,t !!ve you "F~r"ever Ambet and "Vall•Y ol !he Dolls." . Or they may b& sliOotlng each· other, lf you beUeVe the gossip columns. It seems that 'Raqu·e1 Welch, who ii playing Myra, is feuding with Mae West. who 'denur;ided and a:ot top billing. And Rex Reed, who Is playlni Myron (bef°"' the . sex change, ii fl!llding with dinctor-wtila' MJcflad Same. 1 went to the studio to see what aJI the {USJ WIS about Erected on Stoge I wu a huge ba!lo0a -ll!Jo a 1Jlv,er-lln!d •""""· tanl ..... illlaled by Joretd _ill'• ' 1'if•. \ -,ll\e -lllfn•-"*" -.Myroit WU to bl 'funltd Into llyra. ' A """P of Holl~ atru, Ill In dfrectors' dleln, make a living! I would never want to be an actor, no matter what it takes. awaiting the oper1tio~. Reflected on Ule side of the balloon was a menacing beau· ty who flicked a large bull whip. Symbolism? John Car· radine. looking as genially cadaverous as ever, entered to Ule applause Ot the extras and advanced toward the . operating table, scalpel in band. t OISNlfY PICTUlllS "Oh, when I Was going to "D'AllY 0'61LL & college (Louisiana S tat e tHI 4nL1 ROPLt" University), I had ideas about plus being an actor. I made it ·in "IU.CKBIAltD'S GHOST" journalism figuring I'd have co~un~1~.~" t:.~,30 ,.M. something to fall back on if I11•::;:=;:::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:= . "Cut! .. director Same stop- ped the !Cene while he planned a:iother camera a D g I e , shooting from the floor of the stage. I ~ked him for. a pro- gram repoi;t•on young Reed. heretofore !mown as a. YO)'eur· istlc 'tntervkW~ ol.ctlelrJUes. didn't make it." Ii He dld:l't make it, and· he started submitting star in- terviews to the New York Times and New York magazine. His pinpointing and some times pin-sticking of celebrities made him one. After "Myra" he's going'back to his tract~. · "He's do~ all righl," said Sarne wiU( 1 ui,r pr l s'l 0 g "I'm ·working while l'tn ovt mildneu. bere; golng to pictures every "I didn't expect blm to be a night for my reviews in HOli- polished actor, and ·1 baveri't day magazine," he said. "I did required him to do anythng a ~pie of intervitws with very difficult." Lana Tur.ier, but I don't lhtnk I met Reed tn hb dressing I'll do the story now that she room between shots, and we has been dropped from that chatted. I found \him to be series ('The Survivors'). I pleaaant and agreeable -not want to do a piece on Lon all ••• ~--y!' at~ . ' .. ~ ogre that candiot '-'u<&ut1 Bergen had pal!Md bim in a Reed waJ call!d back to his receot article. , · po.tllion on the "!'"'•Ung Jobie . "The pl c tu r e has been C~adine agam entered and tough," Ii< said ,. l!e ~ iald;- hio conla<t ll'.ltL;::rw'i,lfudy . 'Collt verttie·~Pf!ilid,, Jiditor'1 ll•k: ·Tht re-, aod I'U 16lf IJe.'blr~ p~u f!t<li•d'1' Of .U11.t disj>ol<h a.ix wttb..• Yes, I'll' "be" On 'Ma been ·dtlele'd, k'ratinO overtime and the ~~ ls or~no -X:-ratffig, 'Dier•· are f"1t&illc. Btlt"llhal a 1'111 ·lo limit.. IALIOA 673-4048 Open 6:45 l'ltL..._ ··"''-'" ....... -A.UO-, GREGORY PUii llllDE HEVlllOOll. DIEDllBumm STAll:TS WIDNISDAT D111ti11 Hoff1110-J1Uo Fo1TOw JOHN and MARY -<OD!·- plANET 111.,, APES COMING FOR CHltfSTMAI WALT DISNEY'S IOI ! ,tU U•rlO!f.JtATll/I , DAlMAllllS ,. .... -.. ~-~~-.....,._.......------.---------~· -~--... ----·~-·~~--~---·--~----...... -·-~ .... --· \ ,,.,.,,.,, ,•d,"~ y; 1~···· ,,., Wod""4"', Dtctml>H 10\ 1969 OAllY PllOT 2.'I Mark in HollY'\rood Losers · ... IJike11'.Man·son " Find l, ·-· ' • .. i -' , I t , , '• i . I ' By VERNON'scOT.r HOLLYWOOD /UPI) How does a h$bitual crlmtnal such as Charles Man.son, leader of the hippie cult ac· custd of the Tate ·murders, become 8cquainted with the likes of Terry' Piotelcher, Doris Day's Son, and o t h e r celebrities? It is relaUvely simple. A .,,,.~•L"'ng tq"ilU, ac· l.or or musician comes to Hollywodcf Where· motion plc- t ~ r et:, t.e1ev1.s1on · and 1!1~ . ' , . ' I .. :,, .. rocordlrig indlllilry are' con-· ·Hollywood 11 peculiarly iilpples become to111moqp~" !helii·lnlo PartJM "'hereihey stantly alert for fresh tale.1t. 1u.sceptlble -1 to } .~e bul}l&~. In town. And who' is .tq ~j ~Ve not\~J~ed.i '\ .,: When and if Mr.lcher met loSers, drifters a(lil ))uitlera-Of whether or ~l--«htt Charlel J ~~e~¥:ome lndbpe~le­ Manson, the youthful record the world. Bec~use it i& esst!n; Mansona are among them? ~.:tibe1--1Upply ~l· producer WaJ seeking arUs\s tl~}.Y an arUs~c colla.ge of in-}. crlmi~. nut or psychotlc )uana of l.\lriler s\Utt fot"~S with new sot1n<i.! 8.nd songs. ~viOual8, ones pedigree ~r finds .U) .. avenves to pow¢ttl f!nofi.1 tb:e.M'amous !or· the Manson evidently did not bec~roood, ls ol no con· .00 C:.ltbrate~ producers·~ 1l1110fi.tamM,i Tfier ma Y · measure up to what Melcher sequence. stars...,.It)>egins with lbe kook's ~ iUQ.,dthwl, "c!reM?S. wanted. L l~deed, many ~tars c~an~e friendship with a·minor mUsil baDdy~eo ·or ~ on;e.--: Qt a The rejection, according to their names.~ numbe~·were ciatt, a blt· p-la .. yer, a still numbjriof.hanpl'Htn:-~-. cult merribers, led to the' mass tniub ,d Juyenilu ,~l'fs photographer, a pres;s agent or 'Jlle'i1 again,,the deranged or slaughter ot Sharoq-Ta~ and -St~ve McQiieen an<l Rory others on the periphery or potential troublemaker may her friends M a h o u s e ,, .CalhOWJ.,lOJ\ilDle two. , -abow btWness. have valktU.'-IU iud· 90 on t.o previously occupied by -Mel· With the •pawning i>I rocl< The small fry alrata, of ,the reec(l 1a 'um1i.i !n~y of cher. singing grou~. weirdos A'nd Holl~~ hierarchy .aqueeze his .own ~-1 ~1Jn~er f?r"·lclor. Proof or this lleJ in the number of arresta ma"de among some rock &ioups. Romance is~'ai\other ·path followed by the Intruder. ,. classic example. was John- ny Stornpanat.o, ·the hood whc. WQOed Lana. Turner until be was stA~ lo death by the actreSs'.. daughter ln a 'Beverly Hil!S mansion. The accepLance 0 r ln- cWference to drugs ls another reason .)Vfiy Hollywood is opea to quirky, kinky Individuals. Their dress is almost a badge of acreptance. llfa.ny a star -Rod Steiger, for ex· ample -wears far.out clothes, l"ove beads and all lhe acooulremenl3. Hippies blend in. With men wearing beards and long hair ' it is not always easy to distingu ish celebritylrom gate erasher. They dress alike and talk alike, man. In Columbus, Ohlo, or Omaha,.Neb .• dist inctions are made, lines ale more clearly drawn between and among groups or Individuals. When a beatded, Jong· haired, unwashe:t lildividual asks for emplpyment in aay, Denver, there· are ques. tionnalres: to fill o u t • background Mformatlon to be ~fled. In Hollywood the same In· divldual often walks into a recordtng studio, guitar in hand, makes a demo recording and then returns to his com· mune .. Perhaps a cult not urillke Charles MansOn's. But Not . Too .Much Bland TV Helus Novelist? Bing Talks About Retiring · •. By BOB THOl\IAS Burnett In "Together Again H9LLYWOOti CAP) _ "I for the First ·Tiine," a special suppose 1 realJy should retire. v.·hjch will appear on NBC After I've been 40-some "years Dec. 18. ·Bing ,sings "White lc1 this busine!i, people are Christmas," natch, and caper~ i:oIDg to start saying, 'Why the with gUest stai:s Juliet PcoWse " ~llldoesn't be qul,t?'" and Roy Clark. ~ Btng,prosby was ~llting, not . Bing spoke tather wisUully too seiioUsly, 1 hope. · His about retirement bet wee~ ~t woukl leave 8 Jai-ge rehearsals for the special, then' explained why it v.·asn't vojd in the ranks of the great ,. J ~nners. _And there's n:all.Y practical : . n!fneedJ'or Jt. Not when Bing 1'1 ~ave some hefty Com- Can arrible' througl:l a television mitmenls to charities every l\Sectat with his 'famed non· year. A's long asJ'm working, ; .chalance, co~cl ~the money ~ f can-donate up to 30 percent ~ ¥Ue 'batk t&· his famil y of my salaries to the charilies. ih Northern Caltfornia or to ll·I .didn't ~k, I would have t tii....~ and ffshing. : to .Lakeithe money ..out oC prin-~ r~ff~ \.as iD..town for one of Ci'pal, and lhat'S not such a his periodic appearances, this good idea. 'Utrfe ~eosta:rrtng with 't:laroi" "So l tlo about 15 ap- pearances a year. That In- cludes Ameiican Sportsman, my gol.f tournament, the Hollywood Pa I a c e, Dean Martin, Hope, Carol Burnett, Jackie Gleason a nd some others. You figure two-three days for each show, arid that comes lo a couple of months' work each year. That's about the way I like it. "M0vies? Not much ii!iterest there. Bestdes, if you want ex· posure to keep yourself in the business, telev ision is best. \Vith one tel~vlsion show you ca{l reach more people than would see two or three mpvies." Qing looked in e;.:cellent form, and why not? He leads the life that other men would envy at ~is.age .-65 -or, any other. What <toes he do during the. other 10 ·months? "Well, 1 go On a safari every year," he said. ''Then.~during April and May, I take the 'MAYBE I'll GET A GU.ITAR" .. HQLLVWOOcy (UPI) -Irv· lng Wallace; whose oaovels are IOld to 'm<>Vi~ before they are ·Written. ta niore· indebted to ttl(!.visioft -than films for his ·aoating J>Ol>u1arity as a writer. U is Wallace's theory that 'telev'ision is grad u a 11 y transforming Americarui into a naUon ol readers. '·'I ktiow Jt to be a fact that television ls dtlvlng the public to reading boo~," said the eountry's most Pl"9lific writer ..... 13 books Since l9M. "Like novels, television is fiction, too. But it' is drivel." Wallace and other authors find the medium useful for plibUcizing and exploiting their new tomes. But they neither Write for · nor-watch .the tube tin1e!S it iS . a sport.;cast-or documentary. · · :in the CourSe of his travels to :en.courage 11.8.l~s qf°hjs latest ~ovel, "Tbe Seven Minutes," Wa.llice _atternptl;!d -ap- , par.ently wi.thout suceess -to convert television· bigwigs to atrlve for blghe.t goals. ' television shows. At least it In, volves some drama, suspense, intrigue and enables t h e "participants to lose their hostilities." Wallace admitted his at- titude is somewhat facetious, but \lOt much , He emphasized that book sales; both hard cover and pa~back, ·~e at an all-time , ·now 1011 can SEE ab)'th!Jll yo11 want ~ llS'lM1llA.NT" ;.;,.,ARLO GUTHRIE COl.Olt b)'. Otluxt U1rtedlfol1111 [!p '·"·~ "' " • c high In the Uniled States. NJ . he sees · It, the phenomena Is not wholly at~ ,ttibutable to a growin g population, a drop in illite- racy, increased affluence and leisure time. ''Television has con- tributed," Wallace concluded. "And all authors should be deeply grateful." ----- 4th ' BIG WEEK Coll 673-6260 For Information 'Symphony of Lights' ,Presented Outdoors whole famil y dov.'n to Baja Coinponl' Rudolf Frhnl Turns _90 ·califomia where we'Ve got a----------~-----~---­ place, right on the tip ol the "l've told the television ex· ecutlves · I;ve .met that they . aren't ·.honest with . t h e i r Viewers or .even relevant," the Als!l'Playl!19 -"THE FIRST T·IME" . By TOM BARLEY 01 Ille Oallr '°''' Stiff Conductor Daniel Lewis and 1 chilled but determinedly cheery Orange c ·o u n t y Symphony Orchestra delighted a hug.e audience Friday night in Santa Ana 's Fashion Square with the nowt r adit ion a I "S)tnpbony of Lights." . Backed by the Orange Coun- ty Choraleers. the orchestra offered selections from the "Messiah", Christmas music both. modern ind~ traditional and a selecticn of carols whleh ended -equally traditionally -with the audience. joinl"ng Le""'is, the Choraleers and the orchestra in "O Come All Ye Faithful." Massive trees bearing many thous&nds of flashing lights were -an impre1sive • f background to a · concert that seems to dra?'·more .and more onlookers each year. And there could be no doubt but that the large a n d aP9 pre<:iative audience had an in· spiring effect oh th e perfor'mers. Choral director Warren Marsh offered a pleasing selection of carols in the choir's contribution to the out· door . entertaininent. Chilly Fashion Square is hardly con· ducive to the rendering of a top flight chOl;al~ performance but Mar.sh.'s de~ted band rlefied the etements: lo' put i,n a balanced and well received performance. . This happy ~nee.rt has deservedly become one of U1e highlights of the f e ~ti v_ e season's musical offerings_ in Orange County. ,··c..Oraleeers War1ia ilp ' geninsula. She -bis wife, Kathryn -is' a licensed teacher. and she gives the kids their schoolwork in the-morn- ing. "There's good sait water fishing down there, of course, as well as dove hunting and S\\'imming and boating. It's very quiet. Nol many people around, and llQ -phone except .the ship-to-shore radio. And if you shut the radio off, nobody can reach you." ·He· seemed to indicate he . 1iqd i~ that way. BinC•added that he spends a lot. of· time at home with the ' childN!n. ill Burlingame, south of San Francisco. He main· ta1ils a heavy correspondence for Causes he is concerned with, notably Ducks Unlliniled, Trout Unlimited and · other ,conservation groups. ' Rehearsing for the University Cborus Christmas concert at UC Irvine thb; "1eekend aie (from left) Katherine ~etbery, Steven War.ner, conductor Mau· I rice All:ird Eve Evans and Jerry Hogle. Performances are scheduled Satur· day and stinday at 8:30 p.m. in 'the Science Lecture Hall. " • , ' . ' - •First · 90 Years~ aUlhor said. . ''Ooo -iimportant television producer was &hocked when 1 told him that 10 years from now they'll be broadcasting, but nobody .will be looking." Rudolf Friml Honored NEW YORK .(AP) -With a lively buck·a.nd-wing a~ a . spark ling piano medley of his Broadway hits, Rudo!( Fr-iml startled 1,100 admirers at his 90th . birthday parly at the Shubert Theater Sunday night. The American Society of Composers, ·Au t ho rs and · Publishers ·threw the party, featuring "The First 90 Years with Frirnl," a survey of his songs, backed by film clips and slides. Peter Lind Hayes was the narrator. As the two-hour show ended, Frimt. red-haired .and with a red camatloo in his but· tonhole, sat at the _piano and played his tunes witti d3'Zllng runs lhat. had the audience gas ping. Amon~ his hlts ai'e "Indian Love CalJ," "The: Donkey Serenade," "Rose Marie." and "T~ Vagabond King'.". ' When a rock group, the Threshold; p I a y·e ~ con- " tempor,ary versions of his · A fa r m e r , screenwriter soiigS,_Friml leaped through a himself, Wallace keeps in buck·and-wlng, said he might touch with public taste. Pr0of e.1ough is that his new book publish some new tunes , and has sold ·some IS0,000 hard ad~ed, "Maybe this t.ime cover copies in Its f1rst eight though, t better get a guitii.r." weeks in the stalls. Tbeslen.der,Czech·bom Wallace, h.owever, ls composer told C-0 n s tance. ~~st1:'but _hos_tile toward rowers, ·Who sang: "Iri<flan · · · "I love 'lt," lie said, grin· LoVe Call." "I've nevei-heard · ·nlng. "TV. is good 'for writers. 'Indian LOve Call' sung better f'.eople <;an get more truth and than this girl did it tonight." excitement in fiction and non· He lold the audience his -' ilcgon. than they .Ca:.1 from the mother had made him play tube.. . the piano and recalled, "When "In' 1 8~ bOoks are like t was &ix ~ara old I was r adio once was. 'Th e y already making mo n .e Y stimulate the imagibation by playli:ig mll.'!lic~ MQthers should allowing ·the reader to project make . their chlldren · learn his Own oplniolis and physlCal semething." ~ characteristics to, i'.ldividua1s Other sinieis at the .party iri ·a story: were · Allen Jone., who aang "Good old television offers "Donkey Ser.made", J"a ck only t.orpor .. Television Is the DeLon,·CUfton Davis a~ Nan· marijuana of the elder genera- cy 0'1SSault. J"l Blackton tlon. It gives .them the same conducted an ordlestra-th-,_( · glazed look as kids smoking was' heavy on r.o ma ft t"i c opt. , · , violins. . -'.· , ."Fljjhttng Jvith you wife Is Oeden. Nish: read a poan, . more : . .edifylqg than most . ""Writteniot-the 'par\y, then aur.~·~~~~~~ .. JI Ca~• Sought ·-the 'liu<it•'l•lned 1n the only _ --R--~ rion--Fttml Soilg 'of the ·Dlght,' · 8tt1tEttU1•"''"'' "Happy Birthday.'' TONIGHT A'r For Comedy.,__ ___ ___, 1 ...... , .. NAT'IONALtn:N!•Al~A~OI' AddJtional auditions to cOm plete the cast of the next pro- dueUon of the Westminster Community Theater:, "lnvita· tion to a March," Will be held suiiday afternoon. Readings will be held for two roles , requiring a man and woman In their early 40'1. Jo ScoU is directing tbe comedy. ilie tryouts are sc~eduJed for J :30 p.m. in the PTA building on the east side of Hoover Street south of Westminster Avenue.~ 'ON THE TUBE For th• b11t 1vlcl1 te what'• happtnln9 on TV, r11cl T'f WEEK ~ cl'i1trih11t1J wrth 011 Fa··i!!a.E ..__l!., ____ ,,.. NOW THRU TUESDAY "CAMILLE 2000" (XI with D1nf1l1 G1uh1rt ,.,.... u.-. 11 Wiii Net le P.,.t~ -PLU5- Sahn·Jay .Oitio" of th1 DAILY l'----------...... 1 PILOT. I ' . ' Co11th19Hll Show · S_.., Pro• ·1 p.111. ""'"" s1 .1s ·a11c1 1111 FREE 'pARKING '"· s•ow St.m 11'.M. CCMltlll•ous Show So,, Fr1111 s s.11. m... J BARGAIN MATINEE WED. AT 1 P:M. l'EtER IEllERS jo"VAN FLEET ::. •M• [ II ..... _.DAll=-,Y_l'l_L_Or _____ w_ .. -·~ 10, lW.• 1UMILEWEIDS WHO IS "THIS W'.'MAN, C!JWJOY? · 8 Romance rumen ftood W EDNESDAY ~10 L10 8 Iii -(Cl (30) llnJ .... hy. II ll •-..., <Cl <IOl .""' _, ........... (C) B Hitchcock's "ANATOMY * OF A MURDER"-Pt. 11 JAMES STEWART! Du. O'OMl 111w1r. "AllltHIJ' t1 a ...... Collduslon (drtm•l '59 -.lfmta st.nrt. lit Rtmlek. l•n Gmara. The delmdant on tnal tor rrnrrHrlnt the NII w!lo 1M11tdb' riped Ills w11'1 ii r1pr111flltd bf • ...... towl'I l1'orMJ Ind 1111 111IW!y 1tt0helic tldt. ... , • .,.. (JO) ·--(30) .... '"' (C) (IO) ~CJ) ... -(C) (10) ·--..... (30) • IB Ill ... -<Cl llOl ·-·-(30) II -<Cl <IOl ""' - ~10 B""" -<Cl <! M LA. Ullar1 YL Boston Celtlct •I -1:1' .......... (C) (IQ) qno -•-<Cl <!Ol . ID Tt ttl "' t,.. <Cl <!Ol m-""' -(!O) ~(I) ........... CC> (30) m•""t"<IOl IB Ill no •-(30) IEI -" <Cl (iOl Ill -(C) (30) ""·-- -(C) (1IJ) .-. ., Uttl (C) (!O) m1 i......, <!Ol ·-... -(C) (30) • C•••••I•...., r• (SO) • (J)-(C) (30) ·-(30) 8 (IJ Trdl w Co1111111111U1 (t ...... , .. (C) (30) 'Ill !lot ... (C) (30) MYTIM£ MOVIES *ROOM 222 SWrin& LIOJd ~ D~(J)·-m (C) (1IJ) "SM!ltffll. Oolfl.I OA T...,. Elatrl" T..cMt Pete Di. 11 ·• 1i111lnd lry I ldltfntn1 11tft-.,... wl\o Wlllb to lMt 111111 """" ff'Olll LIL DllM Ytu111 It f•turM. m-'"" -<C> (30) .. "' "" ,.., (C) (IO) __ ....... (IO) ·-""'-~ ... [ltttlla." '"'f· t:•G ... (C) QC) kd« W1tL • "' ...... loll (C) (IO) ·-.... (ID) ·--.... -(ldftntll11) 17-hul lukls. .... -... "" -, ... 1111) '5.S-tM1111 tttd. lM MV\'11\ ... """'-· ...,.. lnlllt. ··-(C) tl"fl) 'S4 -Kiibert Mltchom. T•• ·-· • ., •• -'"' .,,. <• UIJ) ,.....,.. O'IMI, ~ ltlft. • lt:GI ., .,.. 'se 1 7 : .,..,,, { .. ••<Cl""',.. -<-· .. 1 '"-*"""' - -_. .. .,..w LIM. Chm Wik Dolltwf, en. °""· --t:JtD<Cl--•- d•"llr ... ., ..... ( ... } (..., ...... ,.o.a. ..... ... -., 7 7 0 CltNI. lflll • ...... ,.. ...... Alls Dita PERKINS • JUDC5E PARKER ANEY 1 nus 15 PA.UL MATER£! i5 MISS J'ASPEJI! 11 ,. TMERE?' ~f Wl"1" "'"' TtlWll ON AM IUA.NP For fl\E, ~l! I.ET R SIE WHETHEf: ~E'i IACI'.! - STEVE ROPER HANK/ .. •RUN THAT TOW•TRl6'9C UP ANP li.OCK THI KAMP.' Mf PIPllT-. IT-IOl'MIC* •. Ill" HG WANTS to TM.IC WITM MISS J'Mrll!. ,. . 1J Jolla MU..' ly Harold Le D4"1X ly Gus~' .... l.Ml9........ •:at•(q ........ ,.... ...... [""' ... ,,._ .. 1 11:11•111 .,,... " ., C<ll' """' 1*""'1 ,. • .,,, r.. j.!;~~~L~;=::.1 _______________ _af TB!¥'15J01¥ VOW! ABC 'Good On Tuesday ly CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -ABC'• Tuesday Jlilllt )!» u~ ii 1uP. ot c...S, strong and well.pectd entel'l&ln- meat Mic! hai bull1 up to the polnt wher1 it 11 Ille network'! sttongest ru1ht In the Nlelae" ralinas. "MOii Sijuld" e11Abllahed lllfll last _ ..... Its trio of· ottniCtlve youn1 stan made a bit "1\11 tho younger vtewers ancl 111 last-moYlng pol!ct storln attracted rnon. and mon older Y1ewtt1 .. "MOVll OP THI WEEK," tho uUully named llO.nibiuto antbok>IY 1ttle1 that lollow1, mana1•• to cM\e up With better oeripU and lntorw\ln& eh.,.. aoters «ten-mon often than th11e more elalonta and ·•tar-<llldded two-l!our loetutu tho '*""""' are tunllng out to htlP !Ill the lbort lllPJllY ol old movJ•. Thi• week's pn>(nm was ail adapt&-ol a Paul Gallk:o story, a dandy mlxtun ol ft!llonaJ• and apputtions. lt was the story ol 1 prol111or. ,worldn1 In a 1enol<ive field, who '"' !ht ll>Ott ol and hears the voice ot his recently d1Ceued )'fun1 dau11111er. .. · · -Rly, Miiiand .id Gent '11tmcY, -ot.wllem have bMll seen Oii ~non ,....,,uy, ployed tho pualtd ·llrotN•Of and bu dou:t::H wlf9. DOii. Mur- ray ~·· :• PIYdlololilt. who y 1111Nveled flt• compHcalecf tomblt ln lnternollonal ip)'lnJ., THE ,EVlNING winds up wllh one <>I tht 110W sNIOll'• top ldis, "Marcus Welby, M.D." wlllell lt In • WnJllar mold, surely, but I• lielpiol lr!Ull_,... ably by the wannth ol Robert Y<>Wli In Ill•. tit!• role. · , "nte cue blstbry. unfolded Tueacl~t wu !hat ot a Neiro police ·•trJeanl who 1b i.-. come th•· ftrst 111..ic IUuleiimlt In hlll <*"1111 • .'1'1111 ltd him Co HOie lltlp ~)'from ·~llfcful· ht ! .. red bll -phrlQJ condition """" l~ lie his promollon. · . OH• op Tti1 a.lvamaps o1 111a !ioct«·.._ fonnlt 11 U..t Ille focul ot !he llory cai!ll !" Illa ' mtdlc or on the ·patltlll, whieh 11-tli9 .i"JtAn · mon l'"4om lllail molt •rit1 c111-a0ol)I. '. In thll case, ooncontntlnc Oii ·tho ,....r .. el. the aUlllJ pollCt!ND, the IVJry llnt cUtled ,... It some lbftWd llld ~Y *fMllloftl aloeut • block ancl whtte nlttlonl~. · '!'be .. "" old* !em remains, w.-: how to wrlto .rallltl about • pNCtlda=, hi• 1tlonta and ·their eesu without . · "' Ibo ~~hondrius In. the audl-.. 1llilft; " 1ie 1 lot <>t docton laler ·W• wou with pall-~aln-, ln(_of clildnN!1_ftallffa. 1hortn111 o( -Ill di ln- AlllllC lllllt thtpr 1yatem1 11'9 producblt IAia mllcll lnlulln: the )IC>llttman'1 pl'Obl1m. · SOA"' O"'IRAS contlnu1 to ,blcorno ,_. lm- J>Orl.lnt day-tltno ccmmodltlu.-ABC ''ldll ._ l1wich ~ more en Ill networlc ~ -on• next' month and two In MaJ'th, The Mardi "'°"' wlU start wh.,, tht ~porlc 'Ul*>dl tu daytlma schedule by an hour', startlii• at u· 1.111. lnJtaod ol . •-•. a1 It doeo llOW. • . • " . . -,. , ' •• ' .. PILOT·ADVERTSER 15 ' ' ' f --.. -~ - (lo, i .. '1 ·~ :. t ~· • 1 ' :. . . ... . . -. -----·---~---------~--~---~~~ ----------·-------------------~--.. Wttfnesdq, °"""'"" 10, 1969 DAIL V PILOT lJ-1. • , FOR ' HJ~ ~ I . ~ DR'fG STORES - OPl'N· 9 :AM. to 10 PM -7 DAYS A WEEK ., SllULIOH ~ Body CGlape Mist !oft fragrance Sprayllle-t 4 00 :aJf om. 3 IL • .• y SllULTON 2".'Piece Gift.sEr · ·ff.,,t &.Body lotion, 2 ·25 • · C oz., Ousting PowOOr . in PJaStic, 4 oz. • 4-Piece Gift sET -;;;., ,,.... RED MEDAL ILUE MEDAL , "Bacchus" .', A lusty •cent tlle Roman gods ' woo~ !rave ha(lad ·with joy! °V•il~ .. ,. lasU.& .bold • ' ' •. the YefY essenoo of pteas11r&- • 250 350 ·lftlT Sim CtllJle • • 4 OL Silt I 4 '"Slit • "' Aiier Sha~e . After Shve and Colifqe and Dndoraat ' 3 oz. Body Powder 2 oz. Concentrated T I m 2 00 '•nd 2 oe Colot"· C.!Ogne ~isl & De-a cu 4 OD luxe Body Powdor. 3'h oz. Size 1 • · . I • • 5.00 ·- olope Mist hL 3.5 .a.oo .,, . . - Cstope 3 50 AflerSnn•2 50 4•z. Size • 4-ilz. Size • MENNEN Gift Items · "Skin Bracer'' After Shne in 2.50 Size New Decanter 2 19 Bottles. • ~ ~ "Skin Bracer'' ·~ 2 Pc. Set 2 oz. eacll ol Alter Shavo, Cologne, -and Arter Shower in case with look of far.away places. SET 5,50 An exhilar· ating fra-4 00 grance. 6 IL Size • Cologne I oL Silt . 5.00 • ! ilZ DAllY "1.0T . • • Apollo .11 Model IEY!!,L -~Co~mbia & Eagle", 1/96 sc~~ The space craft tliat first took 1 4 man to tile moon! Official MA.IA ma~ln s. tlfff.11U • ~~ .. U.S.S. Constitution hi REVELL -Simplified model kil •Build a 21¥.z'' !Tilde!, ol the oldest com-'missin~d ship in our 4 Navy ••• You'll maNel at tile detail orkl #312 • oy est I! l~ER -large 32x l 115" siz~ thick paif. • •. • • • : · ding with vinyl covering. In 1 o 98 • • • • • • assorted colors 111d ·White · salety hinges. #lilt . • Children1 s loc~er: .. · 11 LEADER - Just like n dad's ... larg! comfortable riiCker upho stered with 9 49 . soft Vill'fl in white alld ~~· . #100D •. Musical 21 Plush"- SUMD -Adorableswffed animals. Each plays a de-. lightful musical tune that 4 98 will amuse and intrigue each child. ea. "' .. • Ass't ·Plush · '11110 -Solt cuddly 111/ffed ID)S for the little · tots in an array of colors. Each with bo·N at neck. Giant Octopus AlllNTl -This colortul gree11 stuffed toy wnn't EACH· 1·.9 • 1WRAP . ~ bite ••• He is handsomely 6 98 dressed in-1 red hat and .lS;J h;i6;kg";~·gp~;~ ooi1 · ~ TDPPIR -Just clap your hands and she does so · many things ••• plays an lccordion, plays peek-a-9 99 boo, picks up her bottle; drinks and more! • Cook/ Bake Set CHILTON -,!Ji aluminum lri~ pie ""'-<Ike poq; I llllffi1 pan and tea·tettle. 2 69 foougl to delight lie Iii· . tie homemaker. 13522 • Toof Cfiest AMERICAN TOY -Cur- able steel carrying case With high quality tools de- signed for constructiva 4 88 play far the junior car· ionter. ii'!.. ~ Poppity Corn Popper AR'O -"Jr. Chef'' see corn pop ••• Watch rt hop ••• right down the chute , •• makes a pint in 6 min~ utes and keeps it warm. Wffl,ridaY. D"'mb<t 10, 1'6• J (I PILO'r·AOVEllllSER . ' . .. ; " . . . <• ~ . AT Shop 'til 10 PM ~r::~ wonder .. Horse · · · WHITE SIAR -Ride 'n . lun lortheyouagwrangler. 26 49 Has Mly adjustable base to grow with the child. • 79: Carrorii Board IJ ClHDM -All-time favorite Indoor game that willcaF!!lt,amuse10d' 5.44 . en1trta11 kids and porants alike! #105 "BlllY BWTOff" Fire Fighter Set ELDON -Ready lo ·,,. ' swer any tire ala1m .... Bill y has. three actlpn 5 88 vehicles in this 8 piece Assorted TOYS .. , TOPPER © ' . •suzy HOM™"KU" Super Grill Make dinner for Ille who~ family ••• large cooking iurtaee for hamburger>, . franks, eggs 11nd so much more! •suzy HoMEMlKEi· Oven Beautiful, ir.~m.looking and complete- ly safe. Bakes ·all sorts of dehcio11s trea~. Pan included. #2011 . \ Johnny Tqymaker KIT . Makfs motorized toys ••• Complete WI heati~g unit handle~ ""Id~ REAL PIASUC chassi~ bumpm, seats, de- cals llld """' "MOTORIZED'' Monster-Maker · lhey walk & do things ••• & you make them! lncJµli<s he•ting uni~ O.G. Ogre mold, SUPERPIASllC, 2 unmotorized llodies and other accessories. #&IOI II JOHNNY IAGU" Skeet-Shooter Fantastic action and realism ••• press toot pedal target soars through the air! Includes shotgun, shells, targets, and throw stand. ~' YOUR i:HOICE : 1:Cfiatter' r Te[epbone • FISHER PltCE -WhM pulled 'along '"'ice" says "chatter-chatter'' and eyes roll. kl entertaining toy that teaches colors and numbers. 1 .. 98 ·1 ;. ' 0 U ;t .I A . Ouija 'Talking Board' PARKER -Mystiling en- tertaining • • • lalkiD& board speRs out answl!fs . ' PLAY'N SHOW Phono-Projector !EMNIR -See and hear favorite stories in color. . Easy! Put on picture plat· ter, close lid -plays and 14 49 shows. (Batteries not in- cluded.) · · , • . ~iiaies in· Hie Grass·· KOHN!! -A nem-tingl-' , Ing game of s~ll for the whole family. Balance • 3 66 · eggs tin tongoe ,J, I wiggling snake. • 0. ., ,, GIANT Barrel of Monkeys LAKESIDE -Fun! Ex· cilement! Action! Ttst your sense of balance -2 49 test your skill and test your steady nerve. . . •. . Peanuts ·skediddler MAmL -It's Charlie Brown and his chums, Lucy and Snoopy! Their heads 12 98 bob merrily as they scam· per with walkers. #3626 • ll. Situation 4 PARKER -Two completa puzzles. identital except for color! Each player tries to cover more area than the other. Doll Pram COLECO -Molded llody with full tubular frame, slopping ba! and plated body rail: White/gold deco. quilted body. #9322 3.99 .. ' '6.69 14" Ruthie Walker Ass't HDRSMAll -She walks, and b made of all vinyl and fully Jointed. 4 39 She has rooted hair and is smart· ly dressed. • ~~ letter by letter. Fascinat-. 2 98 ing entertainment for rrll)d-~. em P<OPI• #601 Don't Break The Ice SCHAPER' -I real cha!· lenge! Cut the ice out from around the man, one false move and the man falls into the ice waters. 2.2 Moon ·wago'n""" · llS BOY -The sportiest • model wagon in years ! It's sturdy .and sale, built for pleasure and punishment too! Glide, coast, tum a full circle. ' 8.88 16" Sidewalk Bike will Dolvu Staid ••• decorator tree with 53 tips-looks almost like 1 real tree. Easy to assem· :·;!. 6.98 "Douglas Fir" Loog Needle Pine with 146 tip! .• • 17 98 may be trimmed with lights and other dee.oration. . · 6V2 Ft. • 26" Vinyl · Tree 89 Green plastic w/wood block stand. C • . 25 Light Set · !A~ tor INDOORS -independenlly color-'OIJ:~ ful C7Yz bulbs with green cord and 3 29 ,,._ -SDckets. Adtl-on connetlor for otller lighl!. #2524 • 8 Replacement M•lli~t·-ci~ tr1u1~69~lll 111u ••. ass'tcolo~! 4139 41 IDllf 24 - 15mm size in 33c . assorted solid . colors. . • . , ......... -~ ~-Teardrops . - • 9 FT. Garland Green, decorator plastic wi~ bunch-2 98 es of 1ed berries. • Mistletoe s)¥1NG Coiortul,small 79e 'Pixie' swings . back & forth. ' . . \ ""-!~-- Nativity Set Manger scene with ll fulortul land finished figures, 6 49 abOut 3¥4'" average beighl·. • Canes Slliped with riblloa for asso~ed novelty cm-::~ ~·d 49c •. r.. s ••. ' Icicles D11bt1 Slo-275 tlame- proof, meta~ 23c ized '"""' in br~t silver. TINSEL Garland Shimmecing gold or sil· vercolorin 2 19 2"1100 It length.· • CANDLES ·•y IU•LIY Candlel ight is fescinat· ing & create; Ill atmo.s- phe/e llot~ inti/I/Ole Bild elegant for any occasion. Assorted colars. 'Taper' Candles 12" or 8" size:. Pol,, 2 29c Rec. Jlc 'Spiral' candles 12" size. .... 45c Pok el 2 ~-r ... ... .•. - ----·-·--------·----. --~--- ----------~---~------------------........... .....,........----; -----• PILOT-ADVUTISU Jl Wlflltsdq , -10. 1 ... Wlfntld11, -~or 10, 1'69 DAILY PllOT :Jf,: ;~ • ...... --.,'\'~I{\' •,,-_1',',)'j t tl,1 .SHUll ERBUGS &ADIB' · Orloa Scuffs . ~ ...... COllfoo1lllt Or· """ ICflbtl llitll h fell ti kixurious for. lb>tt!Oooy-2 69 ont sole. '""" color: • S·M-L • . TOlll-"Mqla Me•tal" · Foam:-ln Hair Color . [;,t:=r.i:~ &ll.CMett"'"•'• 2 59 le-lifl 1hdtt. lf ... "" • -. "B ,.ay" II a . •••TM111r · wi• l1jl11t lltlll! ••• Grmel111 -Stllattll ••• Just rtliol Ir• telllo Ml 11i•1 llllilrl Yll '"'-11111'• .. Canatlian .... , :& ~ =••.<t• "'79 10 "''' • ~· Mackin•'• · :: UfUUellT fS-TCH .3.69 Fister CrHk :JI · STIAllllTIOUI ... . #-' .. llKIY a1o 3 ml L, IS Pltof ""' • '" Count Yasp • ., ~ .. VODKA 11117!41 llTIAHT-II l!ol 6 5 aorr.11 1rW11. a Dcivenport UI UI 111n...,_ w•• .. , 1 1M501'8 .... "·-Ill IO!'Mf tr • • I . "Sasllf 1'' . Rillllon 111111 S: ~ r.-liolil liP 11y1o l ... 11 locltil11 111 "Dieoreltt". 8Dc : It(. t• 219 ~.,..- Pijir er Feil 7 1111111 -Cellrlll Wleol 111· WI por it rols ti 3G'll4-lt. r 11tc:·1 79 "'"" Ill 11111 "'1or Ill ii rotts ol JN-ft. a• a Foil •• cun11 aox 'CkoO!t Ir• • colorllll -W.t Ill rolls or 30"ltf.ft. 3", Gift Canis ., 1111111 ~ I'll< " 24 ~­Slidi" Id it 2 ..... 0 Yemt" Ri1111D1 , ... ,.._As911t111Clln l• 119 nlla II !4" )lije I 12 ft. loil1 I• · ii-'Mllfl•r. • '~Mli1s''. TlllUI · .JU 21" 151!. .ti ............ .1!111 •ltkolorl. 9SC Paper & Feil 1111 Ill -lllH ti 30"x I 11. loil .. 20'1!0 ft. ctltllielS 1 79 rohlcoiof.. · '''""'· . 4" Jewel Bows • .. .. , u -AsrertM selW color1 _ l?ftc •""' "°' •iti "sti<t .. ~ '*· U'1-"Jiml'' Cent 0..lmltablllllil .... tmtal<l 1lltcniwlllldl11,... WtlllPi!JS. ft ft. .,..fr, IL ..,.. ...... '4" sizt it -iH Paper or Feil ..iots ... 119 30" ''"" • Jumil sill -· 111..._ w1*Nlil ... W. .,..111111-. ..... -ii ............ .... :~, . tl5/11"1Hlt "hJ- 1. 11 •• ~ ..... i1 1111s l0!: . ti \l">lll ft ... Oil- 4-"1C1 ... 11n TY Tray Set Melli !1*115!0• ll!lirlc •N wili ....,. ........... ~--lull .... ~-tllitlllf . ...... ._ ..... --5 49 2"...,........ 111111 • ''I Vllf ' ,,,,,,...,...,, Aftr: ... Ill lfil- Fruit cake .W/lllttr II• Flmrill -Mail wlfll cOllct i1-et:rr 8SC ••"''"' "Kisses" Foil"""" 1«rolru111ii 4gc c""1111t lo Chri~mts .. 11r.. 11 tr.111 "Poli-Gr(pi' 11111111 AIMDIVI CHAM 114 fllf · "'~·cit-. UMttr. 59c , . MAllC Snow Flakes 11t C11ck11t lltCflUs _, ! Plcls l1tC11CU11 HI 4 Picks . "Jergen's" L~T.IOM Wit~ E1t11 Sof111i11 l1tl11! Stothl 111rt, lrrilllli lltit wttll ,, ... •irllriun. I I • II : ' Anacin 111urs , Ftr FAST PAIN l11i1l 1f IWUIN, . • Ctlir, lejy ltll 11• NH<tlli•· 8 ' 13 88 IEFILL IUllU l ltlt C111k11s a· nc . I . Alt'tc1Nrs lftl: ad 4 Pleb '1 -~·-------·''·'•''.! -•111-r. ' . At PllCIS PUYAIL' lllerdlf, .... 11tl tire S11i1r. ht. 1111 , DRUG STOltlS 1111 I All ti 11 ;i,c -1 '"' l Wiik rJ ~ ' . HUNTINGTON llACH A4-·••sslli:t• NtWPOllT llACH '"'"""'"·--NUN:riljOTON llACH ..................... 11 IW Al•'"= ..... • ..,._ ...... Mt Sttrtt ', 1 I s Wtd°nesdly, Dtctmber 10, 1969 Of 'Pallid Prosperity' SAN ·FRANCISCO (AP) - Bank ol America economlst!i predicted today that 1970 will be a year ol "pallid pros- perity" for California. "F.conomic act.iVity In California will continue Ul ex- pand in 1970, altbough.the rate ol increase will be lesithan in the Sixties," tbe bank reported in an economJc "focus on J970 : California." The special report sakl several factcn "will dampen economic expect:ations, pro- ducing a pallid prosperi!y for much of the coming year." The economists said-c.iviUan Mtployment growth _:. 'a key measure ol economi c perlonnaoce· -would be 2 percent in 1970, down from 3.i pem!lit in )969. The 2 pettent rate wou)d mean '175,000 new jobs in tne 1tate. · The 1969 rate of :1.4 percent equalled the $\lerage annucil rate for lhe ·Jast.10 Yiars. ··However, the manufac- luring sector bad only a I oer- cent growth. ra~ in 1969 com- pared to an average of about 3 ~rcent over the past 10 years,'' the bank's special report sakl. The focus on 1970 predictel that personal iilcome l n California w.oukl rise ':I.bout 7.5 percent during Uie year, com· pared wilh 9 percent in 1969. t •It said consumer spending l would increase by about 5.6 pbocent, with strongest gains in·tbe aervice! secior. "New automobile sales In California are eipected to decline 6 perceot Jn 1970 ! rom the record 97t},000 unit sales estimated for 1969," the bank report said. The economists said. new hoo.!liog starts :Were· exP.ected· to decline to 130,000 unha in 1970 from aboul 160,000 in 1969. Any sharp culoacks ln defense or space expeDditures would cause a manufacturing eniployment decline, 1 h • ' Tre .. urer .Ste,Pf!on M.' Hil bj rl of CostB ' Mesa ha~ beeii ' appointed treasurer and asstatant secretary at Silicon General, Inc., a 1iDear integrated cir- cuit 'firm in Westmin- ster. He was previous. 1y controller 'for t ·h e report said. "A major adushnenl In Datapulse, Division o( monetary policy, or an Pf-Systron-Donner: feclive federal program lo------------ channel funds into the t'Oll· struction ioduslry would result in a significanUy higher level ol new· housing starts, .. t~ report :taid. Accountants Na nie Director S. California Drivers Southern Califor.1ian1 hive been bUylng more of nearl1 eyerything this year-parti- cularly mo f • Jowei-prlcc<l new cars. ln comparing statistics fo r the fll'st haU of thls year witll those for the first half o( 1968, the Economic Researcll Department at S e c u r i t y Pacific National Bank noted that a large gain i n automotive sales volume up nearly $172 million will fall JiUbstantially short of the year~ tO..year increase i'.1 automobile registrations. Wlti~e sales have advanced. 9.1 percent, registrations have risen 15.2 percenl. . With new c~r dealers ac- counting for more tha 78 per· tent of the $1.1 billion in first· half sales this year, lower· priced new cars appear large· ly responsible for the dollar increase. Foreign cars. often at the lower e.1d of? the price spec· trum, appart?ntly .are beflefil· ting from the Southern Robert L. Hill bas been named manager of Bank of America's i1i s· sion Viejo branch. He replaces James Ttcca "'ho ha.S been· named assistant manager of the bank's Newj>ort Center braacb. STARS SY"C111..; 0.-1 ;, ont of tirl• worll'r ttMt .,+Nlot•"· Hh tol1111'111 it •H •' fflt DAILY ,ILOTS i re.al fe•hlr ... Skywa ys Builds New Sh o,v1·oom UCB Eleclll Pan Amerlc~ W o t I d. Airways, lnc., and its con- solidatfd lub.,.'t dli.rl es • . . . . ~ ------·-.---..,....1•1•!15 ~ -------------. -- '. '"'*-•"'• •l ... DAILY PILOT· '/ .. Tuesday's Closing PrictS.-C:O~ete ew , York 'Siock ~.xc&~e List ::: ...... -... ~-----·------------·· !~ ·~ =·II M k s !..... • ff._,· '.!..~· ar et ags ~ain -'------ -~ After Short Rally --t i NIW YORX (1,11'1) -Sioek1 "llld Wu· llJ>i . + •dtr ,.~ tu-MWnc alltr ... lnll!al NJly 'lallld :j: ' lo attract follow-llm>up· IUJ!PCll'L •~H ' A tu.-or' of .,..,,;d. l2 ,;.Ulloa abarts tlll , ~ .. • a!MM 2 rnUlte11· aharu ahead · 01. Jilondt1'• ,.ce. t . ' -The UPI marktlwld1 lndlc&lor, rnouur f ~. llodl& ·ltMtd. WH oft 0.1.! ptrcenl, while Ille Dow i . Jone• avttaa• of' 30 blue chip Industrials tllowld a :.:·i. Jou ol o.n at.714.12. 1.~ .J-:: ll.Ge..:::{'°"lnl \h~<tape, 7M d• ' '""' ;' 1 --· Qte ~-Ulat while an advance is long 1 _, °""" ... lllort_ Is no_ P!¥1Uvo. nows and no· lJldloa-·= ~-~ .• _-.u4a movement bu 111111 com; =--.. · f l! Al!Olbar iUlllylt noYcl lhlrt·la no rtal lr!centiw -ii · 1o lluy, .'.'You _.,..t .Ila .. a ca11 for 1111 bl\!!1/' .ho · addad('.and It·-)'OU ha ve to depend solely on toeb•ucai Upoel& IQ (It a rally gotn;." ... ~ Electroalcs ·1.u ·fl'l>in their beat levela, aa did i « •. number ol oil. lftd cong101norate Juues. · :;~ Staal•, cbtmlcllt alld motors traded narrow\y. -• 1 5o Aki' motl raUs, alrllnes and alrcra11 .. Amoni Ibo 11ro1>111t 1ain• In trading before, tb• el.,. WIN Jlumril1hs, about 2-7/t, Honeywell :W/f, ·Natlonll C••h llegi•ter 2, Polaroid 2-3/8, Amtrklll _lloM11Ch J.1/8, and Natomas 2-3/f. l'rlcts backed oll on the American Stock E•· cllanp la modvate turnover. Final Stocks In All Home Editions 1 I -----~-·----------·-·-----~---·~--- . .. 38 DAil Y ~JLDT Wed111$d1)', DtcrmlHt·l0.,.1969 ' ' S_uper Te~n.GxO:ws lfp :, To Be W orld~Ghamp,~ ·Has 2 Bouts Wi-th Law · ' LOS ANGELES (AP) -They tailed Ahn Suptt ·Teiri. The tffny·bORl>O" nocked by the hundreds to Stoe hlm fight. Ht WaJrtcd 10'~t 1he,firllt in boxing history to "'in a \vorkt charnpions&p while . still a ,teen.ager. Califmiia's 1'1ando Ramoe: almost did jt, Ut· had to wait unW .tti, ad, vance<I age. of 20 before becomirig the llahtweJghl chaqipion. : . ·: The Joog·legged, hard.punchllli kid lrom Loq Beacll hao jual turnocl 21. On his 11.'ay up the riDg ladder. Mando wu, a carefree, fun.lovinl ybUnpttr,. given to fast cars and fast money. , _ , . ' _ Today things are a lltUe different with the goqd-loQking young men. Jie has sei.tled down tremendously. He has done cOM'iderable matw'inc· in the t space of one year. · · · . ' · For one thing, he got married and the RalilOl1 family is :now thr.ee:-lflll flJ Stella and son fl.fando Jr .• a couple o[ moptbs old.. "I ,; · . · · -• · Possession of tM \\'orld championship 'ls now a serk>us matter with Mando. "l alv.·ays wanted to 'vin my fights," Mando told The .U.SOC:Jated Pren in an inter\1e"'' recently. "But now. well, boxlng i.! m)'. •livelihood. l 'vt 1ot the : I rt&POnslbility of a family to think about." _ -· · · "And he's got more to lose -the Utle," 'added his co-manager, Jackie .. McCoy. · , And as an ugly shadow still to be dispelled are two arrate by police In Jess than a month, the first on al!egalions of susessloft of marlj~ana, the second a drunk driving charge. • "I pleaded not guilty on both charges and I know I am innocent," siid · 1i1ando. Trial da tes on the charges have yet to be set: -· ' After the driving arrest, the California Athletic Commission abruptly an: nounced his suspension pending disposition or the cases. · . 1 • , -, Ramos and McCoy v:ere deeply upset bf the ·commission's action. Marido lets his manager, him!ieU a former fighter, do mon of thee talkin1. · "l thought a person was belleved to be innoctnt unUl~prOvfn iulJty/' e:..cl aimd McCoy. ""\\re voeren't e\'en ·given the benefit of a 'hearing by the commission. • "\Ve don 't clai m ~1ando is an, angel and he's been known _lo .drink a beer nO\\' and then. But this marijuana thing . _ , ,;\\'hen 1i1ando was stopped In his Volkswagen ''an! he got out and left the door "l\'ide open," McCoy related. "The car light was on al1d the officer flash- ed h.is light into the van. . "There \\'lfS this tiny packet har:iging on a knob of the glove compartinent.- ''Mando hasn't any idea: how -jt got tht:re and· since he is .certaln!y·not stupid, if he·d known it \Vas there he'd ha ve gotten rid of it somehow." . At the time, Ramos said he earlier had been accompanied by a t:ouple ol friends and had picked up a hitchhiker. • < --• Ramos was scheduled to defend his.championship Jn Pa.naina City ·Jan. 10 against ex-champion Ismael Laguna. He was guaranteed a record· purse fot' the di\'ision of $150,000. · · · · . As far as he knows, the fight .is still , on. The promoter in.P.anama, Jot1e Paney, assured the fighter and rnanager the aritsts would· have no. bearin1 on the match, according to f\fcCoy. • , . The champion, meanwhile, is training diligehUy and livjng quietly Jn a plush motel in Santa 1'fonica. . - "I do at least three miles of roadwork each .morning and Wot}; ·Qi.d•Jn the gym at least t .... ·o hours in (he afternoon." said.Ram<X!. An eye· cut sustain- "4 ed in drills in Panama, \Vh.i~ caused po8tp0nem~nt· from the origin.al ~-~' has healed. · "We know we have. to defend the title wilh Lagwia by Feb. 1 or the Vi'orld Boxing Association will forlelt Ute'. 'title," Mc:Coy saJd. "So· i( the· figKt in Panama is off. the Olympic Boxing Club in Los Angeles has guarinteeCI us $100.000 and r.tadison .Square ·Garden has offered us f'lt>,000. "Yes. I guess some people are ready to kick li1ando around In his J)it$- ·~ ent difficulties but J'Ve never met a nicer lltUe guy, a ·more coope.ratJvt cham- pion,'' says Don Chargin o( the Olympic club, for whic:h· MandO:has done most of his fighting. · "And," Chargin noted. "I've never heanl Mando a.libi or scream he was r<>Qbed after a losing fight." Actually, Mando has lost but thret figh~ in Ra %9 bouts. One ~·as lo · , Ttc Cruz in his first bid for the title here in 1968. 1J1 "I \t·as scare<! to death before that one," Ramos·.recalled. '1'~ .lever J) boxed 15 rounds and I knew Cruz wu tough.'! -" -• : ,~ Ramos gained confidence and almost won in the fmal ti>unds. The. nut :~ time they . foug~t, last Feb. 18, Mando demolished Crui in ,11 r~d! 19 wl~ c:;:::~~· --" -,' : . toaded for Bear P~o Team at LOng Beach: .. It's Cal State's Outfit Long Beach m a y ha\·e its be.st pro basketball team since ~ days·when·~e Jets competed in tht old version ·of the · American Bask:e~all Assn. Or maybe this one is even better. Although this 'team lsn1t proftssioqll in technical statust it coUld be l 41 . performance level. We're referring to the' Cal State 49ers Oj coach Jerry Tarkairlah. .. .. ....... ~ .... ·~--.. -~ .... ·~·"' ·~· ,.,,_,' 0 f-WllITE WASH ! ' ' ' . ...................... •" . ' ! ·PO$Sibly Lhey are the best uNvirsity ~vision team on the West Cout On ~per, USC and UCLA are be Utt •. But ~n t;., fioor, Lona Beach potenUal1y IS their ff ~an·s fon:<s are led by Sam lnson and George Trapp. The former . 6-7, weighs 190 a n d roams the. floor jvtlh devastat!ng etfectivene~. Last yeJT le averaged 19.7 points per aame and ·•.i rebounds per tilt. ~:l'rapp ·iS M and \\'U named most fpluable player In state jaycte circles Jilt oeaaon. He Ups the scar ... at 220, and pns the bOards. Yet he can move Ulo:e a jllnt·&h:ed jjuard. t Long Beach la shooting ror 1 sppt in the l'lCM ployolfs. ltJ'1ng to quamy for one if the t\\·o available al·lar&e berths. ' . . ·-. Cal State (LA), San Jose Slate, Te1as T.ech and University of Nevada, Las Veaas (formerly Nevada Southern). · !'I''.ti.e latter foe offers the ow.oa!Uon .tonli:Jlt -in the Silver Stat. 1ambllnc met!'o~s. 1 • 'the;N~ are 'also Poterit, with tlPo i:fe•t ~ ... nd t"'11h Brue. Chapmao .f0H~ .. ·22cn:, t~~pmap prepped at <Mtl Mes;i Htgt;ls~~ on to Orange Coast Cqlleg_o lOld i. ~ prospect, ' Nini. ,at ~s Vegas: Convention 1Center _ll ~e:iJ:~ handlc~p. Of the 1~509 fans there, '81. Will be for the ho~n t.am. And· ,tfliil total;l,435 will be the most rabid ~! imaginable. · If Tar~s crew survive:; that one It probl.*~'t lose 'over one or tw9 games a.1;11~' .. And in .tha,t c;ase: it w!U probalJ!l:Oli covelad NCM berth. .. ' • ~~ "~ ! Mer.'e' .. Dt1mmlt , -. Deot, !)Jeon: ' ' I ilt.eeded wrtuq l'Ol:l immedilt.el7 .ner reldfe& , .. , 1uuc1e. Re; De,.u llummll Yoa were abHlltely-rlP,t lrMI J Jlr"ff. will! yoo IN perceol. II .-..... 5· me t •• t Oumndt 1,e.t • coed .cleal el "' time "' .... pr•tt readfthi1 ~nt 1e .. ef.. ffclent 6.u Bnll npp0rier1 weald llave ns beUeve. · · · Daiftft\lt aupporttn seem to lie • lloac• or qy babtee.ne amnber ot pat1t1 rim- pkr.4 i• Jrnlevul;·M-..llie dlaftl,. tll< ...,. boml lllat ""'ol, liod ear Irion -Jtmwly JODet pat ~ cl&lb ii, -.ere WW. .is 1pleedkl pus wlln tfio ei.1,. were dtwl ud wlte1 It re_.,·mitecl. Henri T. Willett; o.o.s. It ~ Pays,1o -B~ ' M • • Q'uiet; .MOO(ly ,. Goller of. Y.e1Jr '! .... J ' . ' ld!Wl, I"ll.· (41') -T/l<Y mn't talk· ing·tor the ~. l:Jut thett were a Jot of ~abed eye~s ,nnong Qlt touring pros O\'et Orville Moody'1 fectnt &election as Jlje Pr6 Goller 'of Jhe'V.ir' . In-fa.ti, It eVen came ai a surprise to Moody. . . ~·I .didn't f ven ·know I was In the tun· ning/' the popular Moody said. "Doesn't it u,uaUy go to the .leading .money win-ner?,.! · ~mes. It 11$\lally roes eithtr, to the. leadln&: money winrm-or the PGA Cham-rton. ·; "Who picked tt?'' Moody liked. "You \\Titers?" , No. The selection was made by the PGA· Executi~e Committee: Tbe group norinally wtlfha its'b:\n'sideratlon beavny · !oward tile four· major championships. with· the. PGA naUonal Utle pining particular attention. ·.At least one Player, who asktd that his name not be used, charged that it waii ·made on the bash Q1 personality. .. They jU!t didn't like ·Ray Floyd and Dave HUI," he said. Others mentioned Frank Beard, -the l~Jng:money winner of lhe year. •But no one took a dfrect slap at Moody, not 1t all. He's a very likeiblc, popular guy. thi~ mil( easy-goin1 man who came out of the obscurity of 14 years of Anny service to .make the U.S. Open his first tour vic- tory. But·on the basis of performance, Floyd, HUI .and Beard all would appear to have excellent credentials. All won $100,ocio plus. Beard collected $175,223 with .Hill second at $156,432. Moody had $71,000. His.only official vic- tory Was i'n The Open. lie also w<!n. the Wor:ld Serles ot·Golf and teamed with Lee. Trevino to win the World Cup for the U.S. But those are not official events. 'F!Oyd, a flamboyant, 26-y ear·o1 d bacti,elor who~ the strife-tom PGA na- tional championship, is one of thret to .take three titles this year and stt a COUJ"R record on the d e m a n d i n g Flrestone COW'~ wMn he won the preSu,tous American Goll Classic. He eatneil 1109,956. Hill al80 won three tournaments. That's an the course. Off the course, it's somtthing .else. Floyd ral.5ed a Jot of PGA hackles when he sounded off about tM slow play of Jim Fmier in the PGA national cham- pionship, sounded off in highly un- compllmentary terrru. He later made an apOiogy. Still later he r,aised a Considerable flap when he pulled out ol the Avco Clusic under rather mysterious clreumstanc<s. · And ~ also declined tO represent the United States· in the World CUp, when the 11pot,w"' his. ' HUI, who doesn't J:lesitat.e to voi~ hi.t opinion, may have talked hinuelf out of it. llis quick, sharp tongtM brought him a brief suspension early Jn the year, along l\·itli a fute. He's had more than two month's suspenslOM in his career. BeJ?'d is a phlegmatic man, who ha.s had hls differences with the press, Ctiaracteriu:s himself u a bmlne.ssman ,.just doing the job, jwt trying to keep the ·tamuy fed," and ha.s made some mild jibes It whal he calla "the names of the came." Mdody was e'ntirely non-conlrover&ial. AM' IJO &?t the nod • WEST BACK IN f,A T.O .REST SORE LEG LOS ANGELES (AP)-lnjury.plagued Jerry West· of the Los Angeles t..akers \\'IS flown borne from Phtladelphi&; tue.s· day ud the NaUonal Basketball As90ci· ation star will mJss at least two· road games,' the club announced. West WM cancelled out of the g~ In Pi\lladelphla Tue!day night and at Boston Wednetday. It will be decided later wMther he'l1 rejoin the Laken in> At- llnll Frl4•Y night. ••In<reasJng leg ·problems•• was the ~ for West's aldeilning, • \ . ' New Star for Lake1•s \Villie ~tcCarter (15) paced Los Angeles with 21 points Tuesday night but it wasn't ellough. The Lakers lo st, 12J.:99. The Lakers \Viii be on TV tC>- night live fr om Boston ori Cba,uneI 5 beginning at 6. Flanking Mccarter are Hal Greer (15) and Matt Guokas ( 14 ). · It's Lan1onica Over Namath On All-AFL NEW YORK (AP) -Oakland 's ex- plosive Raiders placed -seven players, including sharp • shooting quarterback Daryli Lamonica. on the American FQOtball League ·Au-S~r team selected today by the Associated Press. Lamonica, who goes into Saturday's l'.'este.rn Oivision showdown against Kan· sas City \\ith a chance to shatter the pro season record for touchdown passes, led a five-man Oakland contingent named to the All·AFL offensive unit. 1\vo more Raiders were defensive choices on the 22-man squad. Lamonica captured the quarterback spot with a 2-~1 margin over Ne\V York's Joe Namath, last season's AFL player of the year. 2 More Top Teams Fall; Clay-Frazif!r Fight Set Duquesne tra veled hundreds of mJles to get upset ••• but Louisville never had to leave home. Seventh-ranked Duquesne and I lth- ranked Louisville were among college basketball victims on Terrible Tuesday. Ne braska, hosting Duquesne at Lincoln, whacked the Du kes. 8'2-77, and Dayton decked Louisville, 72·56, in the Cardinals ' nest. ... ... ... NE\V YORK -The "dream fight'' between Cassius Clay and Joe Frazier was headed for Tampa 'l)lesday with the official blessing of Florida Gov. Claude Kirk. "I think Pt!r. Frazier can easily beat Mr. Clay." Kirk said. "You know, there was some talk. that Mr. Clay lost his title becaltS(' of politics, instead of due to fisti currs. And l'd be glad if we could pro- mote a fight in Tampa to settle tllis." The bout is expected to be in February or March. ... ... "" LARAi'1JE. Wyo. -\Vyoming struggled throughout the first half but surged ahead on the shooting of Carl Ashley after intermission and defeated Cal State IFullerton) Tuesday ni ght in college basketb all. 88-68. Fullerton held a slim 1ead until seven mi nutes were left in the first half but went scoreless for three minutes and the Cowboys, co-champions of the Western Athletic Conference, wen t into the lead for good. ... "" ... NEW ORLEANS -ComebOck jocl<ey \\1illie Shoemaker has been OOnoCed here as the "Big Sport. of Turfdcm" by the Turf Publicists of America. The TPA an organization of pubtiCIJy men from various racetracks, is meeting in conjunction with the 28th annual session of the Thoroughbred n,cma Association. "" ... ... DENVER John l\1cLendon, ,pro- fessionaJ basketball's only ' Negro hiad coach, ls out of his job today. The Denver Rockets of .the ~erican Basketball Association a-n noun c e d McLendon's firing Tuesday and aaid he would be replaced by Joe Belnlont, the club's marketing director, as · acting coach. "I have the .greatest respect for John McLendon," said Roc*et G en e r a I Manag~r Don Ringsby. "'-fY biggest regret 1s tJlat I induced him to leave a successful' and happy situation at Cleveland State University thls past spring." Under McLendon, Denver bad a ·f;19 record in the ABA and. v.•as in last place in the league's Western Divisiori. "" ... ... LUBBOCK, Tex. -J. T. King, who took 9vcr Texas Tech".s football fortunes one year after the Raiders officially entered tile Southv1est Conference in that sport, moved upstairs Tuesday to become athletic director. ~ The 41Cts v.1ill probably have to outdo Seattle and Ne"' Mexico State ln lhe bal· lie for a bid. l ~re is a chance, however. that New Mexico State wlll go to the mld~·est ~all. 1n "'hfch case the 49ers may N:ixon .Goes I.or College Super Bowl jriil get their awaited '1lOl at the bic NEW YORK (AP) .-. PriOl- P,ol-USC tJt UCLA, Santa Clara, Utah Richard M. Nil:on. In hot Waltr1 over~ Jtate, etc. naming Texas the No. 1 football te,am la - -A no.., r««d will be the Long Bt1cb the country, •aid 1\letd•• •'""' ht t.chool·1 strongat ~mendaUon-for "'Y • ..., ... .,try to the prayoffL 11arted to suggest that 90l1lt "'1 Cl -col- And r:l.lht now the 4'l;rl are 3-0, In· loge auper bowl be pl~ed l!rer'llie Jan. I dudlnl tho! lllghly lmpo<lng 74-71 bowl 1•111<• lo pi<k a true ~Olial cJ\Bm· Oflef'tirnt \'ei'did over TulSI Ja!t ••eelr:. pion. --c--ti Nu lost to Bi& 10 po~·e:r Purdue, 77:74, "But I was In det.p en®&h alrtad)•," at rho falter'• gym -hardly 1 wlpeout. the Chlof E1ecuU1•e aald, "ilo I decldeCI to Major opponents left on the C&l State 1klp M." . - •lat< Include Rous!On, Okli!iiillil City, ··-'nlC)l,ln·:all •\>i>arent effort to plo<a la h,ls Critic! . amona the support.era of u-_1111 Penn ijtatl, ad<led : .,l would like to 11y that now t ttUnk P<nlt Slato Is amonc lhooe f lio thouJd be coOsrdered ror the No. 1 •pot" The President came to New York llJ ac- cept the "''"led &old medal award 'for his «111trtbot1on to coll•t• football -an honor that previous!)' had gone to three othtr presidents: Dwight 0 . Eisenhower. Herbert H. H00\1tr and John F. Kennedy. • Deaciibl"i hlmsaU as a former bencll warmer of. Whittler Colles;e who go\ into games only after they had betn decided. Nixon expressed his unworllllne.u '°' the award and borrowed, A pbrase from astronaut Neil Annstron;. "This is a small step for the football foundation and a giant step for a n1an who never made the team." Nixon recalled his playing days al Whittier Ind satd he aot into a game only \\-·hen the team was so far IM!hlnd It didn·t matttr. He praised his fonncr coach. an Indian named Chief Newman from whom the President said he learned a tot aboot life and a Jot abool football. ' "The realiOn J didn't get tnt.o a game was because 1 didn't know the plays," he nid. "f knew all or the enemy plays and knew , them \\'ell I us«! the enemy plays all week." He recalled some or the early football games. Ope of ttltm, the great battle , between Notre Dame and Stanford In the Rose Bowl in· 1925, \von by the Irlsb 27·10. Ousted The San Diego Rockets fir«! Jack Mc~lahon Tuesday in an attempt to shake the Rockets ou.t of their losing (9-17) trend this »l!or. AJex Jiannum Ed 'Jucker. -and . Al Bianchi 1 are three! salid ·candidates for th• Job. • ' ---------------·----------------·------------·----- At Senta Monleaa ' . ' Foals Ruih .. occ In 85-81 Def eat By IUlN EVANS down, 7 .. 71. and the Bue jm. Of tM .,..., r111t '"" petu1 went wtui him. SANTA MONICA -,. Oronge , 1be I-• out-rebounded Coul tool< favOttd santa the Corsaln, 43-34, but suf· Medea clown toitJie f!nal buz· f~ed at ~ chanty 11ne, net· . ting only nine !ne throws to zer be! .... bowlnl Ml In a · 27 !or Santo Monica. OCC out· cantoal 'llModoy N"1t tllat abot Santo Monica from the u.w diree Bue 1tarter1 leave floor, 36-39. via tbe foul :roq~. Following Stickelmeier in occ will ho<I the UCI r-the =rlnr """' Joroan and noy Rolle with II Heh, and Friday at l p.m. in a non-con-Jbri Kindelon with f&. Rol£e. rerence Wt Klndeloo and J"11an foul«! Cooch Herb Llvaey lot a bal· out l!IO!!! .a!la<k\,.it' of .the Bue:, , : . , · , willl;I~ ~ 'liltl!!( ..... ·c::-'. " .:. . .i . 1 1,:~~~··~~nu)h~lw · in ~~:efforihftPnte •• ···, . '!" ~ l!Difoi'm; led Oii """" ;nJlt ' ' . -20 ~r=~-iitiiS.:~M .... ·Gauchos · ·· '" ~ the 11 .. 1 hall . ; -.. } • ~ afttr leadjng • .,,yin the pet"· ru·p .~~,. c ii>d, and Mo/! ~ the~ocl\« ·~-~ . I '°9ni al' Q>e~' dOwn by . • . • ~ tJJ;e~ , t\.41. . . By ,sp;vJ:·1 ANDllZWS • ; The BuC11 I n.ii "beion ~~~ .!"" .... fie penonala began lld1urt, · .. 1.'is.Poinl'sec..ld hall effort !'hft. JGroln, who hact •·hot', bf. ~tw:Z'i' Cam Smith liand tllroughoul the 1ocood P,ved ,111€ 1!>1"' lor the' hall, departed wUh the visllan ~· ~; ~erence * * * ~ •liaskc(hol! win ov~ Golden . ... West .. Tuesday everuog m the • OllAN•• COAST c .. r~ 'Orance " ...... l)'JR. .. ~ -,. PTnhf , ~ • ' •• • 1 ·,, .Sn\tth:WM.j(qled 20 ·points .. :,~~ ;.)' · : ! ~· fOt ·~ ~; took ad· '""'*' -' · • 1 ,,_vintage of .a.:,pprous .Golden """"' . " 1 ~ West. zone ii): the secOnd half ~ •;.;.... . :w -t " · ~ tnOl!lt· al.Ibis shots on ~·MONICA rtSI • -'--' •. · . , , . 'O fT Tllll1 ;w.,._1.. ~~· J.WritN • ' --4. 11 -. c. .. ~ couldn't break · ~· J • 16 • ~-"'e""'~ ' .,! =::: . : : 1:· •. fWay ~ the ~ Rustle"! • DAllV PllOJ/.37 . -Tars, Blitz 21 fer Walters .. .. ~ To 89-02 Loss S'tring Eft(lS; ' Cage Win ' :Qfkrs ·Roll~ 59-5~ Sy.BOWARD L RANDY Newport .Harbor pu 11 •d . , • a\\·ay at tht starttai·pte and •1JOOlftCAllLSON' Gartten ;Grove · to · keep' never turn«I back• die TlH' .... ~,:::_-.~a"'ch·~,l '" ,V,Onauti.oot of cont<J!Uon.' •··•·••·11 ...... _ ... -...1 •-Jtwiu.,.,_. DC n r; 11 And while the host.s wei19 VCIN.-JC&'" ·r~ w an 1n•--'1 a three-game losing e · tf-62 vtcto v vititlnl .......-. coughing up the ball repeateCI· uy. ·. ry 0 er atRak Tue.Idly afternoon with Ju,. It was Le,e _Walters and M• Bolsa Grande· High 'School a st-5.2 win over host Garden ., ·.~ Toesd!Y n!Jht In• floftJeap Gro.ve lD ...,_leaCU< baskelball. fancy •hootlng !IOOl ihF sralls adlon. · . act\On' , . line that upped the !~ '· 'cOlch Da\'e W -a • man's· · nt:Oltera' took" the 1em ·for margli'i lo seven, P.Qln?. 1:' ch ·• .;i., ed -... 1. -.... wt.th ft: to in' · It was, however, cl03er Ula ~es uuuz . a, fut b~ •-· 7' ' go• the ihe final o<o<e .indicatel.. .j ..Voflenoe and ~~both. ram• an CUrt Car!!IOJl's :zo. backboards ih tiJc·1ng com--footer. "to mate· it 47""' and . · The lead changed hands flt mind u....lhout the action. then exp\olted shoddy ball·cm· was tied 17 timeo ·~uring tllf • • • • -i ...... l'W'lfV' .L.~1--by first" three quarters and • Lei Haveo and David Eccles •w .. ~ ~-~...,..,. · l)Jarlled tl\e scoring for the se<Onds. Sa!IO<J w!ill 21 , illd It polnto /luntington had a sev'l!-and~ .;,.....iv. in the.... u·. CI Sets point l•ad early in ih• third bounctin .t:-..... _ I period · mly to see Ga~ 1..,.-.~n · Gro\le hi.uUe back to take ui After I . s)oW JtaJ't I um Jead brleny at the outset • ~ Neypfft·ha1 come en p t'tl the final stanza. 'to win two in a row and will re• ) e But ""'ch Elmer Comb&' travel to Lu Vegas, alone · tTew ·stayed cool and ratt.tell ' with Costa~ Mes. High, ·tor. off its fut b(eak of,rense thr~ , d<lubltlieadera F r I d a.y and T• k t SaJ t' · the r· a1 rt to • 1 Satilri!ay -'·hts. IC e e unes m ID qua er . ,,. help sew it up. ,\ Both teams w~re way off the W~lt.ers w"s high for the day i ~a,rk ~ay in shooUng Ticket Jal~ for the third an· l\'ith 21 J>Oint.s on five field percentages in ·the ~rat half. null Unlventty of C•llfon\ia, goals and.·11 shots from the but picked up the tempo after Irvine ·inviWlonal basketball free throw line while CarlSIM intenniaaioft. · tournament opeoed.this1week and.Garth Wise chipped in JO NeWport bit 36 percent of lb at numerous locations in apiece. shots lrom the fioor li>r the ·Or-County. ·Dennis Baine was high !or . game and '4 'percent the te--~ tournament aets -under Garden Grove with LS cond half. way o:n Fdday, Dec. 26 in counters on nine field goals 'ti' . &Isa Grande hit 34 percent UC1'1 Crawford Hall with mostly bank shols ! r 0 m I eJ...,,+ outstanding co I J e g e ou•·o'de ' or ih.e game and 39 percent .,... '"" · ' ih h 1 t'eams from: California 'and H u n t i n g to n was npt e ~ a f. · Arizona competing. Action especially impressive with !ti . Newport potted 32 of to at· continues on Saturday and shooting, cOnnectlng on 22 Of tmpta during the game wlllle Monday. Dec. 17 and 29. 56 auempts !ro111 tbe fioor !er &Isa hit 21 of 115. Tourney play ls &cheduled · 39,3· percent while Gal'li<j! . The rugged Tar defe19 htld for two-game aeaions each of Grove was hitUng at a 48..t down tht number of . shots· 'the three days with aftenlOOn percentage on Z3 of 47 II(.. taken by the Garden Grove 11!.SSlons pmes starting at 2 tempts. ~ visltors throughout the action, and 4. Night action ls at 7-and "However, the Oilers stayld: forcin& turnoven: or giving up 9 ea~ of the three dab!$. healthy · via. the (r~ ·th"" D. wr!Grit• .1: •5 ,. . lti .. ~. fifSt, ~1(~ a~ led only Mdlro 1 4 10 .at-• at .Jbe'.mtenruss1on. .1:'1 ·1(., :.,·· · . . r,t".;. l ; : However~Gau<jloo pul)ed Pl.RATE ~t:fARPSHO<;)TER ·-·Jim Kindelon·hag··become on~ of 'Oian~ Coa&l " but one shot moat of the way. ToUrnament passes for all line. compleHng~ts of 23 while : At the fi'ee ·tttrow line; 'the 111 t~game seS&ion.s 8.{e Garden . G. rove was able " T scor<4 · · priced II · 15 for adullt and "' . ;; . 77.. ;;: ,_. ihead steadily in th'e ·final 20 College's ,most ~rolii(c ba&ketJ>all .. s~Qr ert;-.i 'Ihe ·.Pirate ace· can,,ed lG ·esct~y H,tn~ 19111,. ~cit •· or-minutes and tucked the sal'l'!.~~-"·-ru~:.::g_ht_at_Sa_n_ta_~on_'i_c_a._a_n_d_ih_a_s,;;· ~..:-_•_so_n..;.;.h..:ig:..hs_.o_f_.4_5_a_n_d_4_2_lli_._u_s·_fa_r;..._·_·..:·_· __ _ a.rs 25 in SS attenrpts · $2.SO for students. Pre-tourney make six ol 15 attempts. at u; while the viiltors-hlt 11 of 28. ira.tfs stripe. · .;. Tu'O .. other NeWport playeni one 11eseion Uckets· a r ·t "-Huntington's next outing :J!I hit 111 double flcures and ·nine avatlable at SI.SO fcir adults.. with invading Magno!Ja FridaY CN• 1 .,+: : away on a Smith Jay-.in· Y!itb 1:'2 ··remaining whlc!t !Jlade ,., ~ oxleyTop the '!,'Of•, 53-44, SadillellackC "HB D e e E'" c..J ~ B' .::~,~'~:~;u~.: . istrict .·· . Jim an members ol. .the teun dented . On. 1ame days. • the. ·ticket night. . ' · ~ the scoring' co1:-.· ...___ prlctJ for· each -~wo.ganie ........ , .,.._ ...mon will be . P for adults Young hit 115 and Sttye K4!nt and 'l for atude'nta. scored 11. l . .. Tournament tlck91.a are now HUHTINOTON ae:AtH (59) ~nee Ellis paced the Bolsa cri1 sale.. at the followi,. loca* '0 "'· "P '1 . . ... ........ • so1iStar ?i.fost 'valuable awards went to Jim Moxley (football), Mike Atvarri (cross coontry) and Dan Eddy (wai.r polo) 'l\J<o. day night at Edi... High Scbool'a first fall 1 p o r ts awards banquet. Foelba!I Vllfily -·Captain: Ross J ... ~; MVP : Jim MOOl\!Y· Junloi" vanity -C.ptain: Mark Hannon ; MVP : Mark Naylon. Bee -Captain : Fred Hernandu; MVP: MI k e l\.forado.: Cet: -Captaln: Bill Ford; MVP: Mike Bomas. Cnts Country Vanity· -Captain: ~like Donovan; MV : Mike Alvarez. Water Polo Var&ity -Captain: Bob Unler; MV: Dan Eddy. Bee -Captain : .Mike Pepi; MV: Pit Morehouse. CEE Captain : A I Mc:Cown; MV: Bill Frhzeli. -g, (24 or 78 !or ·32 Pt<· C«1t). ·and made · the boota ooqunjt 15 turnovers. Siptth's 20 point! led the Saddlebac~ column. Eric Christensen and Jim Helm added 12 apiece for the Gau- chos. Chris 'Jbompson, who went into the game with a 2'.8 point scoring average, suffered through his first bad night of the seuon. The freshman frUn Corona del Mar manag-e<I '°·\lit oo only 10 of, 25 from the field anCt rudn't recei'O'e any charity losses. Howe\•er. hU 20 points led all Rustler scinrs. 'steve Paselk was the * on!)' other Rustler to hH double figures, scoring 1 t. Saddleback's win upped il!I mark to 3-2 on the season . Saturday it hosts ?i.focrpark at 8. The Rustlers pack their travel togs for a weekend f'X· curgion lo Bakersfield and Fresno after absorbing their fifth lO!ls in six outings. Golden Virest tangles 'Aith Bakersfield Friday .and Fresno the follo\v- ing night. . . ' : I • On N octur·nal-,Basketball Huntington Beach School Di:;:trict basket- ball teams in the Sun.set and Irvine leagues have finally been modernized with evening games during the weekdays. Long opposed to such batUes at night, the dlstrlct has changed its policy. One of the district'~ chief reasons for keeping such rul· ing intaet in the past was that th' ? o'clock game (it finishes around 8:30 or 9)' would interefere with student study time. But, now that thinking has changed and '***'*'*****"**• ROGER CARLSON it means Huntington Beach, r..1arina ·a n d Westminster in-the Sunset circuit, "plus Ed· ison and Fountain Valley in the Irvine League will be showing their wares · Wed·· nesday evenings in league play. . The junior varsity game will precede the \'arslty tiff at 5:30. or c:oacbes at Edison of aay diap from the present status la lbe ITvlpe League •. · . .,. . ' The two best prep basketball teams·\n·Or· ange County aren'l AAAA .rated qWn~Ls. Los A1amitos and , Foothill -take )'onr pick -are unuSualJy gOOc!. ' · · The Griffins of Los Alllmito.'( are. in tht AAA Orange League while Foothlll's,Knlghts reside in the AA.A Crestview ..Le.ii.Jtue: · • • • The .flftb •. annual Westminster-Marina bask· elball tournament finished l\'fHi'slx.&amn op the final day of actton and "every Winner wl• from I.he upper bracket • • ft "' . . A three-game losing streak in a Huntington Beach High basketball season seenlns rath- er stunning. but it's riof all that•unuStial. . The Oilers suffered four losses1 in: a r.ow in early 1966. .. .... .. . ' j Justin Ogata. a CO.ta ·Meia 'High '!rest· ler. is hospitalized in serieu1 coodltt~ •19 bills moontlng al • lremendo:us r•~· . , . How's this for a fund r.1f!l1er\ Gte~n Wli.lte · vs Entfl Neeme in a °"e-Gn .. ne-bl1ketbd game.· Maybe 1''e coqld-1et 'Mlle ~l~liltl to officiate! • ii . • I . Grande scorl .. • irith 17, Ce•l•on s o s 'IO •-e lions .. ConJna . del. la r , .W)M 5 .o . s 'IO Although no playen.lert th& ?i{ewpoct Beach and Costa ~;itton ! 1 • ~ • action "'1.th five peflOnl) :fouls. Mesa. branches ' of Bank or H..-rell a ! ~ ~~ a~ total of 3t were .called America, 5"curity-Pacif1e Na· W•ll•rs s 11 • -" • Moro 1 1 o ,,":II againstthetwoteams.Mostof tiOnal ·Bank and United · Tol1i. tt is ,, " these were on shooting al· California Bank . the Westcliff 0A1101N 01tov.1 u11 i . ' PGf'THTl" teropts. and -Blyause-branches of GMn•t . • l , "' N--rt National 's ·a n k · v." •lotr'!I 1 o ' • ~ .. ,... · • ltun 1 ! · 1 -t Mutual Tkket AllJncia in M M ' a ' .->;a Santa Ana~ Beach and 11;.,.,.,,,n • a 1 • .NIWf'OllT MAl•Oll l•I ' aeu I I I >a r• n ,, .,,. Newport' ; MMI the ·UCI· · .Tot ... • tl ' 'J. Tel'llf I I S ' phylfeaJ ednelitl~;depacttJWb'ft . S.. ty GNrtwt V°""'' 1 1 1 • 1• ofll ' (--.... ·-_I) . Huntlnwton •ue11 II If 1• I 4 ll&ckett I t I I tW ........... _,, •. G11'Wn Grow " ,, " ~ Heven ' ' t · I tt,--':.C..,.C: _____ .....c __ _::.=:..:::_:::;......cc:..c.....C_.....C:;.. Ea:la ' I J . tf s"•ilon I I I e Kent 11911 V0jiitl fl ·el 8Hn , I II I t M1llnotf I 1 1 t Tollits n 2! Ir tt IOLSA OltAND• (621 .... ,, ,,. ,,. K•r!ln 1 J l t w •• ., ,,,,, fillls I I I 17 ~orl!tr l o I , Foln 'lo; J. J, IS Mlr1i7'!CW"11a l , 1,., a' 1 M.lmt e '• J e Fllne I I I f J°'l"w:m I I t ' Tot.,11 11 11 • '2 s-...., htrt.n , Ntw~ H1rbof' 11 U t4 Jp-tt foist Gr•llOI I• II It 016-4.1 ' Warnecke Honored , . ... ' . ~ l • ;t I i j I ' ' J • I • • <:I" .,:. '""' Mater Dei Opens Play SAODLEIACIC 17., PG FT Friday and occasional Saturday games re- ,., Tf' main.the same with tipoff slated for 8. Fi rst round games in JS.team basketb&u touman1ents seem almost a waste of time~ Invariabl y the first games are Touts. ·It's hard to imagine · either the wfnnU or IOser At Newpo~ M .. rm Woodbury Edw•rch .... ~. Chrhlenun L111'f MtNr ' . . ' . ' 0 , • ,. ft Mater Dei Hl~ opens with Baldwin Park this evening Jn the Bl$hop Amat Invitational basketball tournament. The MOnarchs pJay at 7 at Bassett High and ii they're successful, will meet .the win.. ner of the West C.OvJna- Arcadia game Thul'lday night (7) at the same site. ··-··1-IHM'lt v1 L~R," I: -St. f'91,1.I W MIN : -Main' Del \fl .. ~.,~ : -W'9t,,f~""~'-;I= s.:. ~ ~~ Vl'•lson : -0.-""Wll!Wt : . ,-. "' 'X• """ OWi Sml!h Tot1I' ' . • • ' . ' ' . ' . ' . ' "' " ' ' • • ' . ' " ' ' ' . ' " . ' • • " . 001.0IN wrsT IUI PG l"T f'P Tl" l"11tlk I 5 0 11 Wad9 1 D 0 1 ~--I 1 I l ••l'M• ,,,, OrtMI O f I o Ciemt. 'oi1 H-1111.eH ll l J Tl'IDmllton 10 • I " H1"1nl J I 4 ' Tol"tlt t4 I 11 5' Htlfllme tar.: Stdtftfblck 11, GolO- 'M Y!'nt 1t ~.FTJ~ ~~W-· Marvin Myen .;· •'· / •• , • ._·+· .... ,....'~'·~~-~--~i ··~· ~ ,_,'. ·,,~ bi fLl' ·~ .,. ' . " . ,, DfAR I FOUND THE' LcAK IN DOR Wlf'IC CtLLAR ... £ /" Three time s this comer bas heard recent rumors that Edison Higb's near future io.· eluded acUon In lhe Sunset League. Nol so. Apparently there was speculation t b a l Edl1on w11 1 candidate for Sun1et wan be· fore Lura was officially admitted. There II at. thought from administration benefitting such contests.. , Seems like two eight-tea m tourneys nm-- ning simultaneously would benefit l!ichools better \\lith all tea ms getting three-ga~e guarantees. · , , As it is, 12 teams usually get four games whl1e four play only t~o. Jeff Witeoi:: aJld Tom Warnecke, the two" ptaytn who led Newport Harbor'• water polo ·forces to the CIF finalJ, were ~ Mftors Monday nflilrt• II the achool cafet~!a 'In a I.all · sports award.I baoquet.- WDcoi:: wu named ca~ CdM Dumped, 49·42 ~!~:i.~~ ~ country team went to Chris Tritons Upset Lancers, J~-70 · ~;~~~~ ' Moot Jm}ll'Ovt<!:.'Sld llo!nmon. LAKEWOOD -San Clemente High SdKlol pulled the second major upset in first round play in the Lakewood basketball tournament Tues- day nigh! by upo;etting lhe,bost Laoxen, 72-70. The victory advanced the Tritons to quarterfinal acUon Cage Scotes Thursday night at 8:15 against the Downey Vikings. Corona del Mar fell at the hands of the•Dominguez liigh Dons, 49-42, and will meet Savanna in consolation play Thursday at 3. San Clemente was in. rront but the Lancers took over three minutes before halfUme to lead, 34-33. The Lancers held the leed until one mlnUte remained . Brad McCaslin h.it a jump shot from the top 'ol the key I<> knot the count at 70-.70. With 28 second remaining, C ta l g iMdersoo hit a pair ·bf~rree tbrow!I tO give the Trlkml the • triumph. "" ... Wk> ,.,.._ •• .,,..11 ...U11rer 1.AKPOOD 11'1 ,. " .... I I . I " .. " • " • , 1 •AN cL1M1:1tT1 on , • J•·'-1 ear: )o ,, ,,. '~ . ...,.... vara:r,· -n: l om!Mrcll. I. ,. It Ken WameJ; ! nrp ; DotMnlcl'llnl , t · MOllt Jmprqv : Dave .Dou. AnO .. IOn ' 1 • ,, Frosh-~ -Captain: lllll Gtulffn s • s • Heidbrink;. MY : Ga{')' Keith: Mc<:110n s 1 s , Most. Jmprov ed: Peter MJkhel1 • ' " Sberplls. . • ~5:n1r. o. ~ ·: 1 : Wattr P• . To1.11 n ,, 2s '' Vanity .-~.,taln: .J!ft Wilcox; MV: Tom Wamec1cl; · Most1mprqved: Bob S..arleo. --ciMo0o(• Jiiek CGltONA Oil MAR ftt) ..,_... 'o rT· "" '" Snyder; MY! JJm Sti.mbuey; 1 • s .. ' MOit tm--.1: Jlrn" y ......... I I I 7 ..... ,_, --e Holl1nGV c~~ Gotlllt °'"'" Kiiiie" i ' J 1 Cees -~ Tim Quinn; ~ ~ ! : MV: Eric Lindroth;. M~ , , 1 • lmproved :-Ken KUnceumith . s .... 1 •• U lf II 4 1 ' OOMiNOUll 14') ..,., ~~ ~1't'1 ": ·:i:'' iidb<,.~-·trnne· ' ... 4 • Tot,11 11 lcl'l_r.,IOft I I 5 t O.vl) Jll7 ~t/Oitt S I J I II ""°"'' o•t • Water 'Poloisu . " C1rmtcll" f I t I t11t111 1r. u 1,, • C.-oM ::"'" ~ ":'~' ,'-a Doml-' ,. 11 1....e ·-··-Hem Ill Sft1!w•tthnr Tol1l1 ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' . . ' . . ' ' . ' ' ' . . ' ' t7 lt " • : More Sports ,; .. . ·Tiie UC :lrvlm ,,_ 1'010 t~ wlll l\t ~.'111un­ diy night ·~ the l!flll· ... .... 1 banquet' lo. ot;llM, Iii 'Ibo Meaa .Commons Oibll-wtna beitMlng alf:IO. ' I l ' • " , s~,. ,,. Duertln ,,.,, ClttMntt '1 12 I• ~ Lel(ewood It lt'1r l._JO Page ~8 _!jle.Anteate" clooec! out the 1-· caml'Olln 1111111 a IN ~.-..,ch . 1~1-----------"------'--· •. ( • ' l \ t H DAILY PILDT Wtdludly. Dtctmbtr 10, 1969 Start Your by Deke Hou/gofe such wtdely dlversUied racing perr.onalltle:i: as Carrol l. Shelby lilnd Andy Granatelli have esPoused the cause of Sam Coouno, the Horact Mann of auto racing. Conllno is the instructor trying lo gel the naliofl's colleges and universities to adopt auto racing as an intercollegiate .sport. Needless to 5af, he bas a long way to go, but Contino ls beg1nnlng to make progress. At Chatley College in \Jpland. ~·here hi s unique coors,e ~n race rar preparation is attended by 20 eager young. men. COnDno has f>ttn frustrated in his attempts to get a Trans-American Camaro ~an set up by his studenls into actual competition. 1be school administration won't let the car into a race due tll Insurance complications, because the car technically is the pro- perty ol. the college. For the 1970 racing season Conlino"s class has already started f,('I build up another Trans.Am car. this one a Boss 302 Mustang, but the project enjoys one ~ore important difference. His students pooled their fund s to buy a dem olished car from 1 wrecking ya rd so it coold be. built as a class project. Shelb~· .. who has headed Ford ractory teams on the Trans·Am trail for four years but who currently is retired from motor !port, Jiss promised full support ol Contino'& class. When the Trans-Am season opens next May in h1ichigan, the Chaffey College car will be on the start.Ing line with Shelby overseeing the pit crew and a Chaffey student at the wheel. * * * Tbuks to tbe 15ew draft lottery act, Dave Eshelman, 22, former captain of Ult Cb1rrey wrestling team, is virtually assured of beia1 1val11ble to do tbe drivin1. Colncldeotally, bis birthday tur.ed ap a1 No. JIZ In ille draft lottery, and be looks like a good bet &o mil• induction. T• get ready for bl1 aulgam~t Edtt.lmaa thi1 week wUI be.Pt tniahlg at lite Bob Bondurant Scllool for High Performance Drt.t.11t Oraqe County Raceway. Following that be will bave to lttend SCCA drt\11n1 school and raee la local amateur events to e1111 b.11 natknaal SCCA lletDH;. * * * Contino, meanwhile, has been encouraged in his campaign to let up an Intercollegiate auto racing ''league." He has beard from San Jose State College, which is building a Trans-Am Camaro, end from schools in Alaika, Virgi nia and Ifltroi4 .as well as ri~ · ~al Rio Hondo and Cypress Ju11ior Colleges. Tht Otal'fey administration has elevated hi3 race car building project to the status of a regular course offering three units of crtdit toward a two--year Associate ol Arts degree in automotive technology. E'G11le1t Wonaura on Wheels Paula Murphy, the world's fastest woman on wheels, Is back home in Granada lU\ls after her first full sea.son of campaigning a fuel-burning funny car across the eastern half or the country. To say that her summer of barnstorming was hectic Is to &mdtrstate the case. ''On a tour Uke this t usually lo.se anywhere from 15 to 25 rounds because 1 don't eat or sleep like 1 should," she said . One of I.he most difficult legs of her trip went like this, in Paula's words: "We were in Rockingham, N. C., and we were traveling at nighL We got to a little town in South Carolina. St. George, I think it wu. We blew a head gasket on our tow car, a station wagon. We called up the dealer in IOY.'ll -luckily there was one -and he came over. "We couldn't get the car fi X'ed and we had lo be in Mjnmi Beach the next day to fly it over to a race in Puerto Rico. The wagon was just no good to us. We were really·in a big panic. "So they loaned us a wrecking car. We hitched up to this olcl wrtcker, and that's how we got the car to Miami. It took about 15 hours to get there. ''My mech1nlc, Jack Bynum, had to turn around and drive lhe tow truck back to South Cll'ollna. After Puerto Rico Jack had to get back to South Carolina to pick up the car. H~ could only fly as far as Savannah and had to hitchhike the rest of the way." Bynum interjected: "I got a ride with this girl, and ~he wasn't exactly interested In letting me out of the car. All f wanted to do was get the station wagon to Miami. I considered myself lucky to escape.'' * * * Pauli cantinued : ~·we picked up the rice· car and headed for TalN. We got as far as Jacbon, Ml11.1 ud b1tw a hole in one of the piston& and e1a1)1.t tbe carburetor on Ore. So there voe were 1blck again, and wt had to pat the race car oa hick of a tow truck ogafo. "In lack1on we rated a U·Haat truck. We finally got l1l T1Jsa, 119allfiecl ud we bldn, 1ot • mile away from die track Ma we lhacked tn v1lve1 right oat of tbe aide of Che U-H1ul traek. .,It wu oae tld.ag after aDOther like that. One time we lo1t an axlt flff lff truck aid • whttl fltw off at I I.a the momlng. We HUida"& ftld tlte wbeel ID tbe dark, so we hid &o sit ID the truck aatU dlybttak before we could look for II.•• It was OM big happy summer for Paula, who put 45,000 mlles OD die rtlUoll npa from May to October. * * * She bU1s herself 11 ••Mi6S STP" and really doesn 't have lo lake off 25 pound 1 hauliq a PI y mouth fUMy car around the count:y to look chic. Akin& the way she became the first woman ever to break ~rough the 200 m.p.h. barrier on a quarter·mlle drag strip. She ~ it at Green Valley, Tn., al the AHRA Nationals. 1bls is bow she rmiembers the run. "I N!lllly didn 't want to run the car at that particular time, but we had to qualify, The wind came up. I must have had a 20 mile an hour head wind. Ra.Jn was coming. I lelt, \\'ell, \ve'd bel.tlr 1iet out and do it before quaJifying ends. ''So J bopped In the car and off it went. The run did feel good but I dktn't quite ttallu: that I had done 200. But my crew cam~ down ahoullng and scre1mlng and jumpl'ng up ~nd down . . "J blew the front end or the ca r In a liltle bit. The fiberglas~ kind cl crinkled up In rront of one of the tires, but il was a good l.,Jiol lo doll llnaUy.:• JV BasketbaU M ........ 9Micft fa l \.I WllMll 1•1' Cl1 ... 1ll (4) It IU! A,..,...M'I O,._r O•l r IU) Witco• Y.'•lllw 11•1 C 1101 HUll!W-, Wfllt. 111 <; rt 1 ~ .....,,lffitM Ill t; UI 0-tl 1c11tWt9 , ... ; M1111tl"'"" l ttcl't - £ .... I. P'lllMflt 2. Wtff!!t' 1. Wtr· ..... -~ ,, CllerMl!tM ll. .... .. ... ,.. '"'~'"-"*"!••• -- ._..... **'! HunlhWI"'" eroclt - • ,... ,, WtotfflY " Wt• -lt'Wef ·-· ............. .,.. ttuntl!wlf'I It-" 1• u " •-n I.I Wllloll '' U 111._., ''- Around Area's Greens · Soulhem CaU!ornia w 111 become the golfing capital of lhe world aoon after Clvistrnaa with most of the Lop names on the tour com·• petlng ln a myriad o ( tournaments. Opening action ls at Mission Viejo Golf Coone where the Southern California PGA Open t8.kes place late in Decembfr and runs through Jan. 4, Next in line is the Los Angeles Open and the latest entrant for this one is colorful Lee Trevino, the 1968 U.S. {)p«1 champion from Texas. Pebble Beach, Palm Springs and San Diego foJlow the Los Angeles evmt. Costa Meaa I AllJf.IJI& Pa/Mu , ... ,11 ........... ......... LOOSEN UP AND IMPllOVI YOUR SWING The drlR r., do.,on1lnt1n1 In todoy'1 Uluatrotlons will not only loollen tliht back •nd 101 · n1u1er.t, but It alio Will put your 1wln1 Into • propv aroov1. Merely 1Rp·tho club behind your beck end under you; •rm1 as I haw done. Thtn ••tw1nc''· back •~d throuch u I ""' dol.ng. · Try to m•k• one end of the cfub point at an imaginary bell as you complete your. back· swing movement, and the other end point that. w1y when you finish your 1orward swine. Of course the ideal way to prepare for a round Is to hit . balls. Use the drill I've de· s.cribed when circumstances do ·not allow this luxury. Costa f\fesa Golf and coun, try Club will ·sponlOI' an e1g nog party ror club m.embers only ThurSday night in the '-------------.l!:.£.:~::::.;-:=;.:-=~.,.~ clubhouse. ~ event will get under \\'BY at 7 o'clock with eggnog served. C(Xllpliment.s o( the club. Dick Garcia and his combo wW entertain and the pro shop will remain open for prospective Christmas shop· ping. Seaclltf Bill Ball and Bud Oilon tied for first place in the weekly ball sweeps at Huntington Seaclirf this v.ttk with 68s. A lie for second r esulted between Art Burnell, Joe Ci n- cotta, Wally Moore and Sid llamesk wtth 698. Jim Thompson fin1shed third with a 70 with Pele Petenon, Clawle Ward, Bill &oa and Les Rooenthal tied for lourth at 71. Sanla Ana C.eorge Weedon o( Corona fie! ~lar scored his fiMt hole- i~ne in 45 years of play at Santa Ana Coontty Club this' week. Weedon used a four. wood on the 15th hole to get the ~-The lSth is 175 yards in length. Playing with Weedon were Bob Calender and Bob Zant B1111tlngto11 Beach A ladies' and men's mixed turkey shoot wil l be staged at Hurrtington Beach Country Club this week with com- petition being on a partner's best ball basis with full han- dicaps. Rancho SJ Tn a partner's best ball tournament at Rancho San Joaquin last weekend, Elmer Hamina anll Bob Martin woond llp with a net 59 to win first place. Players were allowed to participate with more than one partner and Martin paired with Ned Trahan to gain SCC· nnd place as well with the duo firing a 61. Th.ird place went to Jack \Vilcox and Ronnie Weir with a net of 62. Betty Walthall won ace-of- lhe-<lay honors in a ladies Club. 1.ouman1ent last week and bt>camc player of the month with her victory. Ace day is held each month with the win· ner determined on a low net basis. illeaa Verde Prep Wrestling For Coast Area VAMITY ,....,.,.. ...... (16) 111) t .... 't-Wtrlit ltdtrl) lftc. l~ (H91 ., 1°""'1..-ldtl ltdMI pll'lft«I l"IMMH (Hl )1 3:20 ll~lt"'lf41 (CdM) dlit. Ort• IHIJr .. IU-Curl•nd (Cdrtl) plllftld ,.ldlford (Hill/ 3:,. 130-MtOte. (CdM) dte. Cott• IH&U .. l:J6.-M4~ {CdMJ dK. Ohl.Ibo IHll)r ,., l •l-Cllol'I' ICdMl dtc. Purvetr 11-18 11 ...0 Ut-Amblitl!'I' {Hll) --J-(CdMJ ; .-J l!7-M11! (HI! .,..,, IU« (CdMl1 .. , 1.U-8-ndtl ICdMI dte. &rtwer {Hiil; 1e.J 171-Hlllllrd (CdM) dtc. t.io.n IHIH 17·1 • !9'-TWIM (H8) dct. Wl"IOll (CdMH ., H\l-Ou~81 IHlll plnntd SOe11 !C:dM); ,,70 l"oun"ln V1ll•Y ()11 116) l !ltnhowtr ,._lllno (FV) p;f;"td ... ,_!Ell 5:0S 106-Pasumel IE) pl~ 5Hrew111 {FV); l ::zt l\S-Sc>M1 IF\11 dee. WlltY (El; ,,_2 11~ernbl (F\11 dee.. A. Johnion (El; '1·1 131)-0aYI~ !FV) o.ec, Mtlor>e (E)I •• 1:1&-N. Jol'I"'°" IE) dtt. W1rdlow (FV); 16-4 1'1-Hoklrld9' ff.I plnMd L1rl<ln CFVJ; J:llS l~Ulndeft IFV) 'lnNld Jt1111c (f)j 2! .. U1-Lewlt (FVI 1>in~ u1t1lloll lf ll ':HI lM--\11u9"n fEl dtt. McGltm..,.ry (FVl1 IJ.5 17 ... Klrehner (FVJ dK. G11"n! !fll ., !94-W1lktr IFV) pfnned Bird (f )I t~ll H\1-l'fddon (FV) pll'llWd JOMI (E)I I :51 w .. 1n1w1..,.1to nn •1 M....,, ft.-8. Membrlll• (WI P!l!lled l1ktr IEMJ; l :llD IOf-WOOCI• (fMl dtc. F. o'MmOrllll 11!)1 '"" 106-l'tll#Tlet 11) dtc. f . Mtrnbf1ll1 (W)I M J lS-WllW Ill .. 1114d ~ CW>: t :OS · l2)..Jo,_ IE) •tn..d Nwt (W'l1 t :IO I»-~ IWI dtc:. Ml..,. Cf: I: P.I 1J6-N.Jdlrt-Cl!) 'llVWll 1'1cllllo (W); ,:)5 Ul-MOld'1ftil .IE! dK. MeN.,,..,... IWl1 •1 l.....UHIV (W) plnr\ltd JllflW {l!)I 1:0:$ U1-U.l•llon (II dW. Tlo!'lit• <Wl; •·• l'8-\11u9hlt (If) Ott. Mtrt1-IWIJ .. ITB-<i!tnnl ""9n b1 dl"~l!Hlc1IOll lt .... llrd (£) dK. SUter IWl: 4-l HV-Jonft (El pltlnr!d Nell\l-IW )I 1;50 F1,,..111~ v11. nu uti wn1n11Mtw fl.-Mlmbl'IU1 (W) Ilk. !tint CPVJ / ,. l~llr1W11t IFV) drlW F. Mtm. bt1!11 IWll' 0-4 US-~ Cl"Vl <MC. l 11"1der1 tWll 11·' 123-Comtll CFV) II«. Noon IW); 7•1 1JJ...Worn-ck (W) dltc. DIYldtofl (FV)i ""° J»-Wlfdlow (FV) det. ltKllHe (W)J ... Ul-McN1vthlon (W) dK. t...nc1n IFVI: 10-0 14-l.tt•tk IW) "'°" b'r fortell IJ7-Ltwls IFVj Pl"ntd Thomts (W J; 1:ZS 161-McGll l'Nlllfl' fFVl plMld Mi r. llMr CWll J:lO 111-Klrchnt r (FV I dr"" .. II !W)r ,., 1•i-.w11k1r (FY) pinned SuMr (WJ1 "' HV-LYlldon I~) pinned N•lh"-1 (W)I 1:20 Olhll' l«tl'ft; II MoMM f1. Ell• hoMr 211. Jlll'l!or Ylr.lf'I' teaf'H : FOllflT•111 Vo~ l'Y -., El Mod-10; Wntmlnttw 4 El~ li1 Fount1ln Vt ll<W :W. Eisl<'lllo-n 1 Wftlm!llllM' 41, l!I Modtfll t1 W"'"'l""l'ltr :o. itoul'llllln VlllOY J11 l!h111howtr 29, El Moclt,. "· CWJ1 ll·l M1r!M lit, T..., t1 l!S-SI~ lfM) Pll'lflltd L•ndtr1 fl-C•-.ioul (M) dtl. l11r1>tr (T), (W)I 2:•$ 70-1 . . U)-Mote" (EMJ dee. Noen IW )I •.• 10~C!Hr'I' !Ml dtl. WIUI• fT J, 1 ... 1J0..-W<l""'lltk (W) 1>lnnt d Tom TrtdH' l1J.-8Hill'f !Ml plnntd ~fllfW IT), U!Mll :$7 S:7$. 1]i6...1-41mtd1 IEMl Pl"nltd P•cllllo 11l-W1lt1"11; !Ml dte. eurd fT), W. IWJ; S::IO IJl'.l....Ad1m1 CTI clef. M1r1t (M), 11.f. 10-McNIUlll'llOn (W} dlt. W1'1on 1~1u11 fl ) pinned SIYl'llCIUf (T), ffM); 10.1 ,: •. u~-Lenek IW) dr11"' Jo\ln!NY 1•1-Mll'.,.. ITI plnrlld TtYlor IMl. (EMl; J.? J:». 1!1-T""'".U !Wl dtt, Wl\ll•n tEM)I 14-Al'ldrHI (Ml def. W1 ll1r1 (TJ, 1~·1 16-0. 1~r1i11t1I (Wl c>ll!Md T!m Trtdo 1S1-lltlch (Tl pln"9d Jtnttlrt91 (M), f!f IEM]; •:T.I l :IO. J1t-81~1cr 1!.M) pltll'lld lllllt IW ll 1.._L••-(Tl dtl. Sm1rt !Ml, 5-0. ':10 111-.1\bbotl (Ml def. GrlY IT I, '-2. lt~ult'!' !WI d~c. Cltr'k CEMJ; 5-1 194-Woetlmll'tr (Tl plnntd K~ HV-ll1nc:loll (f M) OK. N11'h1.-IM), l :IS. IWlt U liv"f-Jtekson fMI pinned "'°'"" llWflttlll VllllY (JU fltl •t M11111111 !Tl, S:IO, tt-Rlng (FV) pll'llltd Btkll' (EMii JV IC9fl: MlrlM 12. T,.,. n. l :«'.I HYntl ..... •••tll ~v M, 1~tlrew11T ll"V) c!tt. W<lOds (-1111 Itel Mii' JV 11 fl!MJ! !·1 '9-0ltofl (CdMI dtc. M-IH8l,,. 11S-SIOCulft CEMI dee, S.O... (F\lll l ,l06-Alvi'1r (M8l dK, Mkkltr f-2 ICdM), )0-..I. 1»-COlflbl IF\ll doe:. MOr111 tEMll llJ.-C*-rk !CdMl pinned llttr fH I J, 1?-4 ''"°· 1»-01¥idlon IFVJ dK . 1om Tr1dll' nl-ertwtr !Hl l pfn"9d Gr11M1m IEMlt 11).f ((OM), 1:10. 136-Hamedt lfM) d-t. w1rdloW lJl)-l<IYl flcft !Hiii .. I c. '"" (FVll ,,_1 (CdM), S•I • 1l1-Wall<Pll (EM} drc, Ltrkll'I (FV)I !36-Ca l1r {Hi l dK. C11lllO ICdM), ...1 •• ,, 14-Hollll'ldtln IFVJ pl"'*' JOVf'IM!l'I' H\-Cl1mJ1 tCdM) dtc. Lont CM9l, fEMlJ 1 ;1~ 13·1. 111-Lewls (FV) olltllf'd WMltn Ul -Nlwen 1CdMl, ''"""' l rvnll Mesa Verde Country Club «i !1U:.Jc~,1"'""'rv IFV> plllntd Tl"' 1 H1~;:_}'0~.,. tM•l dK. Gr•~"" held a best ball of partner's TraM• tEM); s:oo (CdMl, '-'· ''Ml ' '' "-~ !61-Locne IHI ) p!nlltd ~tnli.fl!w toomam.nt on Se''"-'ay with 11._11w1~ tt. re ,,.., ""'" fF\l)r •1 I !CdM). I:•!. Qiar)es Rosenthal and f)on \to1-W1l~~r (FV) pl11Md Cllrk 1 11-Pntt~r IH81 plllllfd lttutw ICdMl, 1:lS. Meder tying with J\m Beck IE:J~..:O~ IFVI pi!W'lfd llar>d8lf 1to1-s1111m1ktf {CdMJ 11'111 8tkll' and Rex Derby for low honors cFM>• 2·.u tH~.!.;.~~ IH•I _ ""forftlt. l _ Wntm11111.., nu r .. t 11 .. 111\owtf Hunll...,ton s.rc~ Fn1tlt-SOPh 2), a -· tl-8. ~Ill& IW J dtt. A•-co,_ d1! M•• 21. DarkneM ended the Sundayi:,-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=--=--=-.,:.:c:::c::c;:::::,.::c,...,,....,,....=--=--= mixed best ball of foursome • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ii ev~tt~1 ::; Stephena • CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! : joined forces with Gerald and • Geraldine Sauvageau to win • BUCKET SEATS low net honors at 41. • for A tie for second place • developed. One team was ('Olllpo5ed of Don and Ann • Dooglas and Al and Jean • DUNE BUGGIES 1'obey. ~1arv and Betty Albert • • • • • • • • join<d with Rex and .•lice . & BOATS Derby for the other hall of lhe • • tie. • • SS IOD ••c•-s.... • 1 "'"' D•11W. Wan CMltnlc" ... SMOKE CHOKE CROAK! o r ••• QUIT, and LIVE • LIVE • LIVE Varn hov.'. 'f'REF. consult· •lion and detal11. Spon· sot't'd by Natl9ft•I Anti• lrnoklnt C.uncll. Cl.11 for aripolntmtnt ... , ... ,,J ., ,,,.,,,, Guaranlt'ed to h~lii you quit u'ittlJn 10 d.\y1! No 1'1T'Obll!!m11 • e HHrily ,..._.. • M•y Col•rt • htlwM t9 C ...... "919 • • • • • SPECIAL CUSTOM INT!RIORS • • • • M•de to Order Complete l ine of lunl• Kits •nd AccessorlH ·~----------------• • T hf! Uonae ot lhe "BVGETTA" : EISERT RACING INTER PRISES • • • OP IN 'TIL 9 P.M. 943 PAULARINO AVENUE. COSTA MESA Phone 546-5945 , . • • • • • • • • • • • • Edison to Meet Mission Viejo -ood J,lilllon Viejo clolh In the llnl """" ol the Alllec lnvttatlonal buketboll tourn&merlt 11>uroday al Los Amfclio Hiib Sdiool. Gome time b 7 p.m. In the eithl-IOl!n tourney 11111 I• ipl"ead OY« two gyms -at Loo Amlp and boot La ~ ta. The "'lnntr of the Ed19on· MIMlon Vlejo clash meet.s the survtvor of the Balsa Grand~ Loar& battle the following night The pairings: Upper Bracket Al Loa Amigos 7:00 -Edi30n VI Mmion Viejo 8;SO -Santa Ana Vall ey vs ~ Ami~os At La Quinta 7:00-Bolsa Grande vs Loa· " 8:30 -Saddleback vs La Quinta MUSlt~l G/Ffs' YULE EMJOl ·~\.l YEAR Lo),. , COMPACT 1-nACK AUTO . " 4 & I TRACI STEIEO TAPE PLAYi 73!fli11111xr•4 Piii llSflWT{ll! All MW •nit ftatu"~· thltmb whedCCM1ttul1for111>let7. Fully •111owwtic pnisrammlrc (pt etcher -4 or I lntc.k ape~ aR4?n.o STEREO TAPE PLAYE~ a·aa " ""' '"'""'""' s,..k•r• l•tr• N• miniature design permit. ~· p:le imtallation in any vehicle. Fully aut.omalic •. 11•s rt-p TAPES "5.44••<• !Arp !election featuring top hl\1 on e~rl1 tape. Choose your favorite from Country&; Western·Jau-Show Tunes· Rock and . many othen. llur several at this lov.' price. Wiiy Watt? CHAIGE 111 Ull OUI CONVINllNT CllDlf TK!IE SH:CIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN THE Kmtrt AUTOl.'.O TIVE DEPARTMENT. UTTER BASKET f 88 F« e or 12 Wiit, e cylinder cars. Know the a.ct pen,r.. manee of10Qrcaratall time&. ...... Iott --__,,,... ...3000 ...... ,_.. 4~122t 4,S.1000-W·SO "' nnm 1'11'( t lCllT Tl) l11111T I Ul.Nllff!! FISK BATTERY CHARGERS These Specials Good At These LocatiQns Only WESMlllSTER BUEIA PARI BUENA PARK 11441 lt«l llti. II lkfolilN 1'2·20ll Ill! lloui. 1 ... If 1"'7 Ylts 126-hOD mt ""' llod. ,, lvltoltler 52:1-3040 COSTA MESA l!IO -11"-,, """ 541°2012 SAITA AIA 1100 [lill1'f ,, lrill~ 544.7932 Ask Arm Landers • "• ••••••••••••••••• • • ••• •.l --------------------------~~ -------------~--------r--~ ....... ...---------· --------· -. ---------.-""" • , '· ,_ ~AILV Pll,QT jJ .. .. .. 1: • . ALL . PEP BOYS STORES OPEN EVERY . NIGHT 'TIL 9:00 P.M. AL~';;;;; ~~~RES I : ! NIWUT ""'°'' e:rou NOW AT WESTMINSTER FULLERTON SANTA ANA OPEN SUNDAY J 9:0~-U1. TO 15221 llACH"ILVD. PH11934544 1530 S. HARBOR BLVD. PH: 870-0700 120 E. 1st STREET AT CYPRESS. PH: 547-7477 4:00 P.M. S~LE SPECIAi.s FOR TODAY THRU SATURDAY ONLY ,LIGHT ,FCASHER 'PLUG 6 FOOT : EXTENSION @ CORD .. Cof1ll complote witli 33c ~ thflo o~11•1 cwb• 101>. • 4 COLOR CHANOIS COLOR WHEEL ll9h1 balht > I••• in chon,1nt <0lon. :Shod p100 , Adlu>lflb1• b4i1t, l0<>~• 11001 wllh •" .,1.,..,;,.,,rn ueo, ' ·~ 20'' SIZE Hl-R1SE BIKE Thi• \.!~e t.-be,..,...,, .. •oddle. '•""""· 1,1,111 •II• o-1 flnloh.tro•~in<J w1M•l1. Com., in o.!glnol cot1011, "" 16'5 SIZE lNAMEL FINISH RUGGED STEEL auy NOW ••• CHRllTMAS 27 IN. SIZE ·10 ·SPEED RACING BICYCLE co.,011. MANY MODELS TO CHOOSE FltOM Pll:ICID FltOM .. .. . .. . : % CORNELL i~~~TIRES 50% OFFON o 4TH TIRE , , •htn you bu1 l l11e1 •I uur rngl! lo<! proct 1111e~ r,eloo 25% OFFON o 2ND TIRE • wben 1ou buf I l•r. •I ~ur 1 n1I• lore 011ce h11~d btlo" 3s5 510 896 5•1 896 5'7 10_61 707 6,,0xlJ: . J36l 1023 . 612 707 ., " ., ., ., -: ,, .. r: :0. ., ·., . 'l:·; _, ... . ~(,,. , '.1.· ·u:' ·~'' :~ .. ....... ,. . . ,., .. ••" 19'5 SIZI 6'' r "~·~. ~''QI·~ 7.r;;;uosi:_..7/j;:~~CflRS'iiU"Jhun11 BASKET FENDER SAYERS ~ 1A1Yto33c INST '"" o:lt AID KIT REINFORCED SKID CHAINS SSOx11 Jtchlll 600x14 64Sx14 ' •SOx1S OTHll SIZIS ALSO LOW PltlCID WINn~ SPICIAI. a~ ·: 119 : AUTOA!ArlC flfatlC LIGHT CONTROL Plloto-eloctrf< ., c•l1 turn• light ..... l\lllNt 6" Mf . , .......... o.t.rt ,rowl·' ' 1tit1• S po1llln octlo11 1w1~•• ..,cl ; ~·~ 11111 IW lcll•W]th 2 • ..,.. s.u...-bell If <Ot i• 1-P'!fitd .. ; .... : Bloc~ 6.70•15 142s 1068 . 712 7,75•15 7.10•1.5 15'5 1196 7•1 8.l.5X1.5 loct l<itiole1~ 7 . .50.1 4 18'° 1357 90s 7.7.5x1 • 6.701115 1711 1282 ass 7.75•15 7. 10.ol S 1875 1406 937 a. 15.1s 8.00111• 937 a:2s.1• 2nd TIRE "4111 TIRE H~.· llCIH W~1t1.,all 2S% OFF' 50% orr·• , .. _ 1"1Htl•11 ••<~ !lro 5.90x13 2295 1721 1147 6.00xll I;'' 6.l0•13 1.so.14 2621 1968 1312 7.751'1 4 8.00xl• 27'5 2096 1397 8.2.5x1 4 7.601115 ·2991 2242 1495 8.45x\5 8 . .50•1 • 3J4l 8 . .5.5•1• 73sa 1512 2.J7 3145 • ~ ................ a..111,., Nit..,"-'• .......... 11 •• Tu•tf T1pe -My1111 Ctr~ C1f1ltntlt11 :·: 14 :.~141 ·-~ 6.70 1495 ll lS II. T.\l -~'·"° FREE . IXPUllllll INSTALLATION T1ua ot1 r111 accmu..,.11.m If c.-i. 11111. All PllCU f\lll rn. TU a Ill TllL . : a.:-' ·v,• . ·.A~ . ... ~., ... .. ~·:; ~·,!ii.­ I'~):,_- ' .. · .. ~: '·"'-. >r·. . . , ' •• " ... ' . ' 1 .... ~-- -.. - ---. ------,.--..-.............----......... ·-----~------------------------~ -. . , • t ! t b d t ~ ' < < • ' I ' < . ' !- . • '• ·usED CAR-SPECIALS ' ! . . -.,...1 · 2060 Harbor '1-._, re '' ·• tvONlJA' r1<1DA' • SATUROA) 0 AM TC', r"' PARTS 6 SERVICE HOURS PARTS OHLY 'Ju•1J,,,, 1_, ,,,., lo 6 pm 7 A. \.1 1('9 ~f...~ M('JN[1A,) e 1 A\.i T:J tr~.' TL;fSOA." rr;-1r .. ~y RA.',~ ft_l · , ~.A , ... ~. ,.,.r ,, .. Cl Jt li11 gi le ., ll .. d< ju el I If Ill m .. "' dr sp ' AN AMERICAN LUCIA BR IDE Gretchen Nielsen "'.,,...,..,, k1111• 1t. 1Ht ..... 41 ' I '• '· ·• ' ' )' ' ' . , ' ' ' I \ I ,o• • " • • '' Brightens -Night I B:ringing .. Ho p ~ • • • • It's very ~ly In ihe moniing on Dec . 13. ' ,.,, and the stillness of the hour is punctuated ·oplx by the muffled night-time noises. • The household is asleep, oblivious an~? ,, 1il.,t •• the few temaining hours until dRJll"-,.. -1>nriak pass . · , '?° Suddenly a door-opens and a slim,.blonde llrl sllpo out •of:'Jiitr bedroom. softly wall!• to !he kitchen ar11·. reappears with a lrJY tl,i:ol· fee, cups and buns. Her fair hair is toppe(t >(Ith on everlreen crown aglow wllh ~es • .and sbe la wearing a white gown. . , She knocks at each door, arousing the family members with her song, "llligllt walks With heavy treed, 1n cottage aild garden. L Sltadows hover over the land, deserted by'the tun, and in our dark howe Santa Lucia 1«a.\kl." She pours coffee and distributes LUcia buns, fulfilling her traditional role as the Lucia bride. Thia observance, repealed each Dec. 13 ••by Swedish people. and sw-eatsh·A:mericans,, 1 ' • !marks the end ot the'h8rvesi and the begin-t.. ! nlng o! preiiarations'fol' lb~ holiday season, • • The traditioo, hoJ!Oring a third century Sicilian martyr, SL «~or Lucia, has been merged with ancient rites honoring the har- vest, light and life. Today, She is a symbol of hope and peac~'IU)d light for the Swedes In the darkest partof'tlie year. The first LQcJa was born in Sicily, a very beautiful girl wl.>se goodness was reflected In her eyes. Sjie lived to do good deeds and help others, .. +~ally those in need, as the legend goes. · Her father gave her in marriage to a young miin @$: her village, according to the Jocal cultQJn, and when her mother became · ill, she;,rOt\tised GoCl ;th'at if he \vouJd restore ~er to.-ltealth, she w9uld give all her goods, mctudmg 'her recently bestowed dowry, to the poor. · ~~r mother recovered an~ Lucia kept har p?6mise, much to-the disln8.Y7of::6er new hUfl*nd, who received no worldly goods when he ·took her as·· his bride. He · accused hei Of witchcraft and she wlis 1tried and burned at the stake. • The light brightel\ed the 'vhole village a~ She died, and the peop,Ie soon understood that ~ she was a saint. She was seen many time~ after that in places where people needed ~ • .. help, including Varm1and in Sweden, where people were dying of starvay.~p , ., 1 , \ •' r. By helping the Swedish people she en- / , deared herself to them, and she has been te- membered each year since on Pee. IS. According lo tradition, the threshing, weaving, spiMing for the year had to be done by that day, so the preparations for the holiday season could begin in earnest. The buns served each Dec. 13 are a Swedish pastry made with saffron threads and cardamon as tbe key ingredients. LUCIA BUNS 2 tablespoons boiling water 111: teaspoon crumbled saffron 'threads (available In spice department of grocery store) 2 packages active dry yeast 1h cup .ahortenlng, ~tter or margarine . l liJ teaspoons 1alt ~ lb 511 C\IPI all purpose flour liJ teaspoons grourld cardamon 1/3 cup warm water · , Y.i cup sugar ''<"l'"' ~ ~de<t, ~ p 2 "."!: ,,, • • ,i &o!ten yeas'I tn.1th~p .l.aleri Pour boiling water ovei: saffron and let Stand. sti r yeast ;llll dissolved, Cqmbine scalded milk, sugar,. shortening and salt; coo(. to luke- warm. Stit in 2 clips ,of,. the flour ; beat vigor· ously. Add .eggs ; beat weil. Stir in th• softened yeast. cardamon, saffron water (strained) and remaining flour to make a so!t dough. Turn dough on well-floured surfaC1!. Knead till smooth and elastic. about 8 minutes. Place, dough if> qghUy. greased bowl. Turn once to "grease 'the surface. Cover, let rise in a warm · place until doubled, about 2 hours. Punch down. Cut in 30 to 40 equal pieces. Make into figure eights or "S". &tiapes or roll dough into very thin ~r.i:::~:i1.~ ~~ !~t:t~;m€.~~ ·• 'die, leaving· about 1 in~"unrolle•I. · Fonn each bun by placing two rolled rutps back to back ow Ughtly·greased cookie sheets. Top .center o! each coil with a se~­ Tess raisin. Brush buns with 1 egg· yotk blended with 1 teaspoon water. Work gently. Leave plain or sprinkle with sugar that has been crushed from cubed sugar. Ba:ke in preheated 375 d,egree oven for 12 to 15 minutes, or utrl.il a nice golden brown. Cool 9n racks. , '· .. f' ~ ~ ~ ' '. . • t ' • Gifts Sweetened • Kitchen This year, avoid t h e Christmas rush by doing your Christmas shopping al ~ome. Just step into the kitchen, raid your own pantry shelf. and you 'll soon emerge with delightful homemade t weets for your gift ll:;t: favorites. Chocola~ Holiday Drops. deliciously festive, require the simplest of ingredient!: semi- sweet cfJocolate m or s e 1 s , ready-to-eat cereal and com syrup. The morsels -a form of chocolate so complete it can be elrten as candy -melt quietly and smoothly with the com syrup to make a rich, glossy coating. for the cereal. Put the Ingredients together and they make a crisp con· feet.ion as chocolaty as anyone could desire. Once the mixture Is made, a matter of a few minutes, it need ooily be dropped by tu- spoons OD Wal paper and cblU- ed. To give ttie Ctiocolate Drol!" a special Chrlslmal loo~ you can ·decorate t~m ' \vith gay red cinnamon can· dies before chilling them. Pack them in a box to make a sweet, friendly gift, and save a few for ~pitality when Christmas callers at- rlve. The baiio combinaUon of me J t e d 1emi!weet chocolate morsels and com· l)'t'Up may be put to .several ot~ gift uses. Instead of coiUng •cereal wiUt the mixture, use it lo coat shredded coconut, ·or raisins, Or pitted dates or peanuts. Each of th~ provides a candy with a distinctive charactet' of its own. but all have in conunon lhe chocolate coating that Americans especially enjoy. Since these candies are so very easy to make, you can put together auorled gift box- es wilh no ~ at au. Thooe fort11111te enough to receive them will have two pleuantJ:liristmu treats: the great flivor of tbt candies and the fa ct that you made them yourself. For a fudge with a strikingly different fla vor, try an easy Tofree Fudge made qu ickly with butterscotch monela and instant corree. CHOCOLATE HOIJDAY ' DROPS l &-ounce package (I cup) semisweet chocolate morsels 4 tablespoons light corn syrup I tablespoon water 2 cups ready-tr>-eat cereal Put aeml.sweet chocolate morsel.!, light com ayrup and water In top of double boiler. Melt over hot, not boiling, water. Remove from heat; stir in cereal until coaled . Drop by teaspoonsful on wUed paper. 1£ desired, decorate with red clnnam"On candies. Ollll until nrm. Yield: 211 lb 3 doztn. . Vari10ons:• R.,iuce, ·light com syrup to 3 tablespoons and subsUtute one of the follo!rlni for c:eml: ·I II CIJ'! shredded coconut; 1 'h CUp!I raisins; 1 61h ounce pac:kqt pitted dates, cut in pieces, or 1 cup peanuts. TOFFEE FUDGE 2 &-«Ince pac:l<agu (l•CJps) buttenootch morHlJ 'l1 cup chunk-sf.)'le peanut butter 1 tablespoon instant .coffee powder \il teaspocn •ater 2/3 cup sweetened condens- ed milk• In the top of a double boiler, combine mone11 with peanut butter. Place over hot (not boiling) water. Stir until morsels are melted and mix· ture well blended. Remove from hea~ Combine instant e o f I e • PDWfkit with w~er. SUr Into ConMnaed mlli<> Add lb but· tenc:otc:h mWure and blend well. S!!md .in •. ~ 1-lnc:h IQUml -diilt uijtl1 fttm; CJI Into 'oquaru, Yield: Ii> pounds ol llJdie. •lJo not.UM fN~ipCl"""'a'"led"' mlllr. : ,, • '( • KITCHI N-llCOMES HOLIDAY BOUt lQUE ~Small Specialty _ Appliances May Turn Into Big H.eadaches , • By OOROTlfY WENCK ,,., Or••·<"""' ....... ..., ..... ' Js1!11mall ·electrlc epplifl)Ce on your Chrisfmai gift llsl ?' Or on four want lilt! Judging from the amount Of advertising, m all: appliances are popular Christirlas gifts -~ ~each year somethlng;=new' ls or- feredi':to entice even those who "have· tver'Jlhlng... nus year there'• the automatic bacon cooker, tht band steamer for the traveler who needs to dewrlikle garments, the "ntw" eJectrk: iui"':'i \he electric: coffee grinder, the el~ fon(\uf pot!, ct.c. eLc. \Vheocvtr ~tee these things ad vtrt.15'<1, I havi tr. w<mer,.who hu room to store an theM IJllf:·job appllanc:e1? Great as lhey .ob.-ln•f aeem, they "'" not 1<1. muc1r·uo unleu thiy can be· sklt'td som#e ,w)lcre lhey:re handy: And the 1verifn-, SOulhom Ca!Uomla .Altcllm doe.n~'haV. all !hat much bandy stonige gpaoe. Home News and Views BE CHOOSY WHEN BUYING "Becaa1e of &ii lack of space, mott of '"really aeed' lo be -, aboot lbe appliances we bay. We need &e dtdlle wbeiller tbe appUuce wW rtally make life easier ad neu.e.r we wfll 1tt tDGUO ae CNt ol. It lo ~· It wri U1 coot. For example, an automatic bacon cooker ii the last UUng our fam ily needs because we teldom eat bacon, and when We do, 1 quickJy broil it in the oven (no tumlrig the 1tice1 here either ). But a fatl)it): ~hich eats bacon .ev~ day·mlfht· very' well flnd'llil1 a~ as uielul ·u lr'I automaft~ toflttr. ... : OU1' f~ woiildn'f need an t~ll" ftUCtr .... atnte weii11e·enl)' froien oranp juice. ADd we use inJtant coffee -so w1 don't need a c:ollee grinder. But a lamlly which aavon the flavor ol home-brewed corr .. mlp1t"tre ...... the appllanc:e lhlt · would lurnllb frelhl1 pound coll• for oacl1 pl!<. MULTIPUJIPOIE•APPUANCEI GewallJ-:t.:'""-_. .. , .... """' Is · ' It'• -..... your -1 mlo molU,.._ .,,._ A -.; fw>eUniple, -,_, ,... IDtktdla1 Hffee pildlas, ..t t•o;pk1. WfG&Ule diopp ...... ..., .... " nihtag.Aa ___ .. __ _ ··--ol ""'71 ti ......... _ .. mile<_, iH II. wal1 worllo a. i.· wttmellL. ..._. SolM· oppll1no01 . uo nOI reolly nectSIUY bec:a ... they merely do a Job that can 'be accomplished jult. a.s easily in your ovm or b r o i J e r. Others do llOlllO!j1ln1 iq>e<:lal --· cooldnB for u:ample. · ., . • Some ·appllaneer are easy· to clean ; some are co difficult 1o clean that you hate to UH them. Thi• is somelhing to thlnlc about before ypu ·!Mr too. Check tlroup the cllnc:llon, -to find out what c:leaninl il<pl.-l!lt ·manufacturer roc:omrnencll an4 Wb!ll>rr Iha ·amD-e la tmmenlble In water. Loall:over the op- pllanee lb find out ll'lt'bu hmi.to-ciean features. , Safety " •nolher very importanl con-•kleraUon wtth all eltcti'kal appliances. Your moo! tmporlant (Ukle lb ele<lrlcal uletJ II the Undenniter'1 Laboratory l&bel, wtl!c:h meons that ' the •Pi>llanc:e ' mettl •mtnfmum 11r.ty-1\lndards.1 Be lilre the appliantf yOli lio!I' bu the "UL label anif Ilia>. It, lppllet to. Ille ·wbo)e . appllanc:-jult ·lhe_..d. ' · . And .ft!nembor. the UL llotlng '1pplle1 only to the elec:trlc•I • nlety , Of the ,,. pliance .. Jt ii not•a guarant.ce that you ·lrt ·, ~ 1.9 srodJ1Ct·Ctisp1VllfOfll,fll~ nf .. buying a good prodllct in other respects. ne iron.. Crbpneas depeii'd. mahtly on the QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED · ~ size and i:looeiw;;a QI the ' l!nobo on the grids. Large knObs 1ilr'ly...,,...1og<lher Q. I ·•c:ddeatsl!y dropped the -produce a c:riap w•rQe. Smal1'1inobe spa<> 1lat coatrol ef my electric 11dllet. Now it ed farther apart allow more room for aeems to be beatlq dlfferenUy. llJ there batter and a aolter walfle ts the retull. any way I can test the control for ac· curacy? A. One rather llmple teat Ii; to put about an Inch ol .. 11et In your s;met and set the control for bolling -211 degrees. The water should come to a boll and the pilot UJht should go out. When the pilot light a.gain aoea on and the wattr reboils, you know , without h~ving chang- ed your dial, that the control is acairate. Q. l'•e Ucl a wafQe troll for neu1y a year ud b1ve beea dlsappolat.ed wlUI It becalH ta.. wafp...J( b~ke1 are 1ever - \ltl'J' c:rlap. I've bied d.Ufereat recipes, bal IMI ..... ,, -· .. help: Alfy .... 111iloai?' -" . .. A. I'm a(tald lhere'a nql much you can Q. w .... plaaal11 lo boy -·-' cu opeaer·nd are w11dertq ~:It 11 beUir to bay a wall-moated bPt '• oee U.t w1D eta.I .. Sitt tfta. cw1ter. A. The answer would depend on several things ~ (t ) how much apace you have OD your counter top -if you're short • -· the wall mounted typo m1shl h better: (2) whether you own or rent YOOf home -you.would want lhe ~ opener u.you,rent: .(a) tJ1f, kinda~ .... you expect , \0 open ~ '!Ito t'!.ii t1Pa ' opeJlers. ,rtn't-inltf}ded'\o IUPPor\ 11111 / C:OlllJIJe ,;oe o(.a ·ham, tic, ,.,t 1( * , bllY a c:qun~ ~an opt!)Of be ,.-.·It hill IUlflcient .space to open till juice cans. ' .1 1 ..... ~-~----~---~---...--·--- f ·4! DAILV PILOT Muddy Shoes OK ' , ' ' j • ' : i r. 'r ' f U~I TllfltMtlt A day in the Ille of an American Red Cross volunteer. It's just like any oUJer day in a volunteer's work unless you're a woman and you 're single and are stationed in Vietnam . Take Miss Nancy Ann Kimbrel of Charlotte, 'N .C. and Miss Judith P r o b e r t of Le Grand, (to p photo at right, left to right), part of 17 units of 125 women working \\1ith the American Red Cross in Vietnam. They, like their co-workers, are college graduates, 21·25 years of age and have volunteered their services as recreation leaders. In teams of two they visit small units of me n stationed in remote areas and landing zones from th. DMZ to the Delta. Their visits are brief. They ar· rive by helicopter carrying large ' canvas bags filled with props a n d games. and spend their allotted time \Vith the men leading compe. titive quiz games, chatting. laugh- ing, exchanging small talk and swapping stories abou't home (mid· die photo. right). After sharing a lunch of fried fi sh and noodles, the girls move on ·to another group of men, trying io keep their own spirits bolstered as they see the effects of war. The volunt.eers travel more than 2.000 miles by helicopter, jeep and 1ruck. making 15 such visits \()eek- ly. \Vhen the mud gets too thick fl op left) as it has for Na ncy , ·a friendly lift from a GI usualJy fol - lows (below, left). T\1ud, barbed wire, danger and satisfaction all are on thei r agen- da, as is mud on their tennis shoe.5 (below. light). · But they're all part of a day's \\'ork in Vietnam. "I} ;;_. ,;1;, Spirits Make Hubby Willing to Show . Flesh Is Not Weak DEAR ANN LANDERS : t ·ve started ~1 dor.en. }et.ten to you and tom them all up . 'Ibis c:ne ii going in the mail no matter hoW stupid it. 80llnds when I reread it. Every time my husband has a few drinks he st.arts nagging me about going lo a nudist camp wilh him. He insists it is nonnaJ and healthy and highly reaea· timal. 1 say a person can be just as healthy with his clot.hes on. Last summer my husband spent one fu ll day at a nudist camp. He did not tell me in advance when he was going. I don't mind that he went. J've told him he can io again if he likes, but vdthoot me. t do not enjoy the idea of rWln1ng naked in front of strangers and 1 have no ln1er est 1n looking at men and worncn, romping togeU}er in the buU. ANN LANDERS ~ • Am I stttfly:• An1 I nuts? I love my hus· band and l \\'ant to keep him happy. Shoul<.1 l force myself to go, just to please hin1? Please advise. -T.G. DJ~AR T.G.: J\,:o. You have told yoor husbnnd he can go "·Ith your blessings ond I btlit,·e yoo r generosity lihould «"nd there. By lbe same token. he 5bould rcsp«I your feelings Rnd not ask you to 'acrifit·e yhtlr lntc,.-lty by d o I n t l)Olnctblng "hirh "ould ,·iolaic )Ollr moral or ellllcat princi ple•. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Thanks for tel ling "Counting on You" to seek help tor emotional problems by going to the nearest Mental Health C.Jinic. I have another suggestion which may be of \"alue to your readers. ll is an organiza· lion called Recovery, Inc. Many docl~• <'ndor!it this group and serid patienu there when U1ey discontinue therapy. I Lricd suicide twice, so you know l was one of the sickest of the s.ick; Recovery, 1nc. has.made me .see the. beauty and the wonder ()( living. 'Now I treasure every <lay. It's hard for me to believe I wanted to end my Ji!e.. Please, Ann, tell your readers about Recovery. -GRATEFUL JN NEW ORLEANS DEAR GRATEFUbf Severitl rtadert have written to ask me to mention Recovery, he. I bave suggested this splendid organization in the column In thfl 1>1st. and I am happy tt> do so again. There are, at pre1ent, 180 chapters in the. United Statei; and a few In Canada. Those of )'OU who are \nterested can write. lo the natl onal headquarters for lnform11tlon. The address is 116 Soulb ~lichigan A\'C ,1 Chicago, Ill . U there ls a chapter in your city It will be listed In the phone dirtc· tory. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I am a teenager \Vhrt is considering trying mari· juana. I am nol asking wheUier }'OU think it is a good idea or not. A friend told me if I get caught I can be convicted of' a felony. \Vhat d~ this m6an1 I cao 't believe the punishment is as bad ·a1 he said. -BUD OEAR BUD : A person convicted of a. felony can never be a l1wyer, a mailman, 1 policeman or a:n to offlctr'1 candidate i;chool. lie cannol vole, he caMot own a Aun. He "-"OUld not be od1nltlcd to most medica l schools, e\'CD if be had a brilllnnt scbolastit' record. Unde r th e fede ral "1157 Narcotic Drug Act the penaJty for bdng c:augbl smoklng marijuana 11 fr°"'!~ lt years in prison and a fine up lo ""'90. This is {or. the first . offense. The HCdltd offense callJ for a mandatory sentence ot five yeun and up. And tbat's just &It• federal law. Some sta~ penalties Ve even higher-Uke %0 ye ars for a flnt ;tf,. fense. t·. In my opinion, lhe laws are too te.Y~ and 1hould be changed, but nnUl lhe)' tit,t, they are the laws and )'OU'd beUtr bt-- lleve it. ~nn Lal)ders wlll be glad lo h'1P, )iw \\'ilh your problems. Send them to,hefln c<1rc of the DAILY PILOT. cnclosinl a. self-addressed, stamped envelope. ·-~---------·---· • t AIL Y l'!l9T 4 ,1 Visits Newport Crown Still Fits 'Miss America Toy Sa le Aids Assisteen Fund A variety of toys, repaired Ind rtttond, will be offt red In I OuiltmU lo)' Wt lhi! By JO OLSON 01 Ille 0.11)' 'lltt tteff For a girl who didn't m8"ke cheerleader ln high l'ichool, Debbie Bryant WIL5on has a lot goina for her. She's a fonner M i 1 1 Antt!rlca, for one thing, and a well·travtled young woman for another. A REAL WINNER Debbie Bryant Wilson Debbie Washko Honored Queen fl1 ii;s Debbie \\'a~hko select- ed "guide us, teach us, love us," as her motto ''hen she ~'as installed honored queen of Bethel 157, International Order of Job's Daughter&. The 47th semiannual instal- lation took place last Saturday evening in the Newport Beach ~fuooic Temple. Following the ceremonies a reception took place in the temple and a party was hosted in th!! Ne\v· port Riviera Clubhouse. Crowning the new queen "'as Mi ss Linda \Vcathcrwax, retiring queen. Miss \\'ashko's theme is "As a white candle in a holy place, so is the beau- ty of an aged face." Officers are the ~tisses Ter· ri Seiling, senior princess ; Kathy McMillian, junior prin- cess ; Cindy Tuz, guide, and Glymna Beller, marshal. Others are the Misses Gayle Short, Kathy Budd, Judy Bar- nett, Janet Wilder and Kim Shoemaker, messengers: Mar- gret Smoot, ch1plain; Jackie Hu m b I e, treasurer; Nancy Schoenmehl, junior custodian; Lynn Seiling, senior custod- ian; Lorna Voboril, recorder; Chris Bently, musician ; Nor- ma Schmidt, librarian ; Terry \Veatherwax, inner g u a r d: Joan Bush, outer guard, and Myra Mueller, assistant re· corder. Peering Around Debbie, who WU ?ifiQ America In 1918, &toppld in Newport Beach to represent the JnternaUonal School for Y oun1 Americans, an Ohk>- ba&ed travel-study or1anlu.· lion that takes students to the fashion capitals of Europe. She la on a whlrlwlnd tour with the organization but la quite used to living out of a 1ultcase, since she covertd the country qutte thorougtily dur~ ln1 the year she was Mil! America. Her official duUcs included appearances at area and state pageants, conventklm, auto &hows, f'&t'ldell, f O O t b I 11 games, civk: events, stops in hospitals, military bases and malting television com- mercials. The first Kan.san to be :selected ·Miss America, she often dreamed, as a child, of wearing the crown and be.Ing the winner. \Vhen she was turned do\~n as a high school ctieerleader, her friends told her she should 00 a fashion model, which turned out to be good advice, for it was her fashlon and m<Klellng instruction t b a t helped her win the crown. She attended a finishing school when she was about 15 and became a popular teenage model in Kamas City, learnb"lg how to cope with crowds, walk properly and sit prettily. Looking as unruffled u If "1• had ju.I stepped Oil! of a N~ York salon Instead of the jet which brought her from Sac:ramento, Debbie' was as pretty as the day she was crowned, wtaring a simple but stuMing pink wool ~s that she said was one of her favorltes. After her rei(n as Miss America, she returned to ool· lege and completed her educa· tion, receiving a bachelors degree In English last spring. She slso won a not h er bachelor during her years at the University of Kansas-her husband, Roderick Wilson who now Is completing Marine Corps Reserve basic training in San Diego. He wilt be stationed In Georgia, where Debbie will join hJm, and after tine months, when h1s duty is com· pleted, they will return to Kansas. weekend. she becama Mist Amttlc1. "! SPoQIOfOd by the Aailleenl, am not oriented to the movie j nl .. "'_..... cl Ml!Jtance proleulon," she explained. "! u or -..,....r like lelevlllon work." Le1aue, the Ille will pl under Jiow did ahe feel -wh.ea ahe way at 10 a.m.~ Saturdly, Ott. r11liied that her dreams had U, In the Alllllllnco Loque come true and the was the one parkinc lot. on &tage, wearing the crown, Tht evtnt.· open untll f p.m., at the pa1ean1 In Atllllllc will benelll lhe 1970 •·-·- City? -~-· Oieck Your Horoscope "! had always wll!Ud to be phllanthrtiplc ll"'lfllll· there," ahe mused, "but you l-'--.....;-'-.:..--------------------------------- don'I have time to think when )'OU .... down lo the end ... The pa1<ant rehell'llls and activities followed a gruellng schedule when she competed. Now they have afternoong to relax, Debbie said. explUllna that unUl a recent tjla.np, tht only brtak wu from S to I p.m. Days ended at 11 p.m. or later, dtpendlni on -many phot4grapbm -to Ilk• plctur._. alter the •mllna rehearsal. ' The hostess commlttet was one of the thlngs to which she attributed the pagtiM'I IUC• cess. An At11ntlc City nstdent acted as hoote& for eac~ con· t!:stant, seei:.1g that her ap- pointments were made for the h1ir~. that her clothes \\·ere in order and thal thinp ran smoothly. How should potential Ml11 Americas develop themselves .and keep thtmselves beautiful and in shape? For Debbie her beauty seems to be effortless. She doem't follow a Ji«orous ex· erdse routine and 11he indulge• in whatever kind ol food she wantll. "I Jove ice cream," she smile<\, and "spaghetti is mr, favorite regular type food. ' She said &he ha.s a real neet tooth, but is !taming to curb it. Debbie said that t h e greatest thing about the Miu America pageant is t he lremendooa scholanhlp pn> gram it offers. Local winnen are given a $300 scholanhip, state winners ~elve fl,000 and the final winner is award· ed another $10,000 worth of financial ald for school. "J definitely encou r age young girls to participate," she stressed: "Even if they lose there are ma"·1Y benefits." Debbie ber.stlf is a cooct i1- 1u&lration « that last state- ment', tor when she Jolt that cheerleading jOb, me certalnly did reap many other benefits. Aftl:r 10, who would wllll to be a cheerltader when you could be a Miu Amerlca? "We've been married two· year&, three months and three ----------1 days," she smlled as she was questioned about her mar~ riage. She added that she didn't usually keep track or the days, but just happened to know since they were married on the second day or the month. Debbie plans to attend graduate school when they return to Kansas and pursue, on a part-time basis, her televi.sion and public relations ' career. Don 't tty to lose weig l1t .. alone . .~ I ' . WEIGHT• WATCHERS. • Somt t1lkin9, aome llsl1nlng •nd· 1 progr1m th1t wiorks. TM 1 Fiii llOORIH-CALL ps.ssos Vie <£plendrous TIGld !!! ewtmas at, THE ROGER 1\1. \Veningers lrill open their Huntington Beach home to the Della Gamma Alwnnae AssoclaJlon a~ 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13. The movie industry has not enticed her, thouah she could have had a screen lHt when They stayed in the Santa, ____________________ , I VACATIONERS at Ole Santa Barbara Biltmore were the r.tes.'lrs. and Mmes. Nicholas Scheller of Huntington Beacl1, George Hewitt of Newport Beach and N. V. Chapman of Laguna Beach. SPENDING Thanksgiving in Santa Barbara were Newport residents Mr. and Mrs. Edward R1yal and Mrs. Elsle Lamb. Pa rty Prom ised r.tembers of the Huntington Beach Emblem Club, escorts and out~f-town guests will at- tend the group's an nu a 1 Christmas party laldng place at 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 14, in the Gape Huntington Recrea· tlon Center. There will be • gift ex· change and many games are planned. Barbara Biltmore. \\'ORD has been received from \'irginia that M r s. Marion Ganong, f o r m e r Corona de! Mar resident, now is Mrs. James Henry Culpep. per. The couple exchanged vows In Chriit Church Episcopal Church, Christ Church, Va. Dec. I, and they will reside In Norfolk in the bridegroom's home. Practical Bib Des igned Keep baby's arms sleeves clean \\"ilh an at· tra ctive raglan-style bib. Elasticized cuff and em· broidered crumb c at c h e r pocket are practical features. Made of cotton broadcloth lined In vinyl film, the bib is ea.sy to keep clean with 1 whirl through machine. Med ical Group Every second Tuesday the month members of Orange Shores Medical A!&istanta' AMociation aa.semble al 8 p.m. Location may be obtained by calling ?itrs. Janis Andersa.t. 4911-1111. Jut another prelly face? Hardi)! -d-....,., .. 1Mpe watch"hn 17 .fewllt lft a 10.K. add-fllled eiiM crowned wtth a spark· li'!I f1elltd cryst1I. 0'1 " 39 "" ....... . . .., "i · . weisfi!Ltf.s SOUTH COAST PLAZA ""''" MAU • ,t,Cllotl '"fM WOOt..WllT"'' PHO"I Hl·7111 ,t,1.A9 IN LAKI WOOO CINTlll • l.AllswtlOO loath toast ?tu• YOU'RE INVITED TO VIEW AN OUTSTANDING DESIGNER'S FINE JEWELRY COLLECTION EXQUISITE EXAMPLES OF TH E'JEWELER1S AftT P'OR LOVE1.Y1 QIEftllH!O Gl'1'11 JN PftECJO\il METAUI WlTH 8RIU.fAHT STOHR ANO l"EAltl.S 9'0U9t'l" F ftOM "l'HE FAR CORHi JllS OF THE EARTH. AU.. CR EATED IY THE OftU.T KALPAKIAH, A Tfff Pft)-O!NEftATIOH DESIGNER OF PRESTIGIOUS JIEWSLJW WNO 8PUH" THE AftTISTRY OF' OLO-WOl'ILO C RAFTSMANSHll" To HI• DUIGNI . MR. KALf'AKIAH WILL. •E DC:f.IGHTID ,.0 SHOW YOU HIS ebLLIQTIOH AltD Tc> OllCUll Htw SITTINGS P"Cft. YoUft TREASURED ·HEIRLOOM PIECES AT HEW,ORT DICIMllft 10 -CECEMIP 13, nclM II AM - 6 f'M, 01'1 AT YoUft cit"WHSPCE ay S'ECIAI.. APPOINTMINT• S EE OUR EXHIBIT IN RO•IHeott1a P'IN&JIWIUt'r. SHOP TONIGHT UNTIL.9:30 NEWPORT CENTER • FASHION ISLAND • 644·2800 • ' ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST FASHION CENTER " • Birthd1ay Celebrated ,.1 I --- WedntidaJ, Dtttmbfr 10, 1%~ 'Tollr funjl~· or frltndt ..nu like tbg C.ll.EESE BALL •• ' .,,eebl blend of chMtt&o 11ir1rokted wtfh Ill.I• tM tnpptd •1th ' rPi,.rr:-. T.Ue 'fil th )tla or •·t.'ll mllJI, SPECIAL STYROFOAM SHIPPERS AVAILABLE FOR MAILING e~~~~,, ~~~~O~I; SOUTH COAST PLAZA LOWlt C:All:OUSIL MALL-f'HONI S40·•tt1 lrl•t•I at S•11 Di-.• fwy .. Cotta Mn • ------------·~·~·~·~·~·--~----------------·-----------------------------.-- Use Y 011r lankAmtr1carcl or Mottl!r Chart• Horoscope Aries: Colle·ct ··.Data THURSDAY DECEMBER 11 By SYDNEY OMAllR Bat """' . B 1'1 Ula I lll0wtai1, lepl ~aid Htvl«t. ' AIUEll«Marcll II-April It): You att given Opportunity to ,ptoYe' apedflc ·cw.. Be positive of facts.1Conect datL Know In whkll .d~lon yoo are goinf. Find abor1est route. TAURUll (Apill 20-May :Ml): Your abiUty to communicate ls put to tesl Don't be dlscoqraged Jf goills Sttm faraway. You are closer than you tl>lnt. Wrlre, publish and advertise. 'GEMINI (May 11.June 10): Money and what you get·for tt are spotUghted. Don't take for granted that others know best; do your own checking, Some penonal lnveollgallng could tum up key \o rriyRtiy. ' . CANCER (June ZJ,/uiy !Z): Do plenty ol lllleoing, oblerv· ing: Penrut others to stt pace. YOU ·gain· 1Jiqet 1JY :betni charmingly ~l"· vi..~ .. most situations today througb dellghttul romantic aura. LEO (July 13'Aug. 22): You can get. what ·you ·need. But you must , fln:l outline and .artl""18\e ~ requji'<menla. Otberl cannot gueu .or con- jecture where yoUr desires are COl1<:1!med. VIRGO (Aug. Z3-$ept. 22): Good lunar aspect today coin· cides with chance to put. finishing tou~hea on pet pro;- ject. Best to complete rather than initiate action. A child could bring' happiness. LIB.RA (:leP\. 23-0ct, 22): Seal Beach Clubwomen s·hare Holiday Spi·rit THE "IN" FRENCH • CASCADE II Wa/Ae!> "MIRACLE I WIGS"! I I ·--~--~~--~·-..... ---------·-.-.-~------~-·-----.... • . -.12 flLOT-A.DVeRTJ$ER. :(N:), Wedntsday, Dectmbtt 10, 196? Wtcmtsday, ri.tt1nbtf 10, 1'69 DAILY 1'11.oT 41 \ . .. ·' ! .. '• . .. " " .. . ' .. .. " -' 1• i LUIR'S QUA LITT PORK SKINLESS ,• U.S.D.A. CHOICE !I E~f SIRLOIN BUTT BONELESS ROAST - U.S.D.A. CHOIC! !IEff ROAST • BONELESS RUMP ~ROZ£N &RfAO ED OR fl.t.IN VEAL STEAKS YOUNG TURKEY DRUMSTICKS HONEY TREAT GRAHAMS 29c .. · 1· a·· .v,.,,. s 1 ~ con1 ASSORTED· PIXIE CAT FOODS 2 ,,,JOO 29C corn ~RESH KIST DARK RED KIDNEY BEANS FRESH KIST. HALVES BARTLETT PEARS ·"'· 2v,39c . con WITH THIS COUltoN WITH ANY DOU·BLE ~~~!!, BLUE CMIP STAMPS . . I E E~clvding fluid Milk, Tobocto, Liquor $ . , I I Va lid ~~~,f<z:~~n~E~-~~~1L:l4, 1969 " ............................. , ................. . ~ • ,, •• PAN•RIADY CHICKIN CUT·UP FRYERS 37.~ ~ ' 'iii," IQ '· TURBOT FILLITS f•OZEN COOKfO OUNGf!llfSS JUMBO CRABS F•OZEN ROSE SHRIMP STICKS f ROZEN SU PE~IOR FISH STICKS BABY FOODS RIG. 7c iil EECH·NUT STRAINED JAR ·BEVERAGES PAR·T.PAK 32·0Z. LONDON BROIL ·~~~.s ''I°' CHOICE lllF llt. OWNYFLAICE SUNNIEST GOLDIN ORANG I WAFFLES Concoal1ato 6 'NA1oc PKG. 7 6 ··$1 · (Ql'll 81tlDGfORD . DELICIOUS! WHITI OH BOY BRIAD PIZZA 5: 89c 5 l ib. $1 CHllSI, t11HL ....... 49' BTLS . . 59' I loov•• IAUIAll, t o/ ... 1 ..... LIBBY'S CORNED BE EIF HA~H , .. ,, 3 9c • CCIPI 5 """· $1 COl'I FRESH KIST VAC UUM PACK WHOLE · KERNEL CORN ' uner·s sweer P1c·KLES CUCUMBER SJ.ICES ' " '"'"19c '" LIQUOR SPECIALS [LIMITEO .OFFIRI BREWED IN PACl(IC N9R,TH-;.,;,. OLDI ENGLISH "'H" MALT LIQUOR RI•. '1.74-IM llLF·OPIMIN•.CAMI ·~· 'i•~ 1t.ii1-1 6 Half s12s \..00 .... ~ .... t"" "'°" Ouart 1~y• ••• •••••• 1 .... v p 1'.·:·J."·"~ .. --·:.'\ c.... .. 4 .. C;!il:Jt9-----'i..=-- EZRA BROOKS AMIRICAN OR .. IMALI CLAlllC FiRIARlllil "llRlll ONI" lOO MONTHS OLD -90 PROOF KENTUCKY STRAIGMT RIAL SIPPIW WHISKIY • 18>9 "'"'"ox . $699 • 1873 PEACEMAKElt • 181.5 FLINTLOCK I • 1865 D!iliNGER PIPTH . ' DELICATESSEN .. OL' VIRGINIA BONELISl, NO WASTE CANNED e;~! . s4t1 HAMS 171t . 5-LB. TIN ,t,USTRIAN Al~!. "IWORT,0" SllC~O SWISS CHEESE ' . .• .. , .... 1 .. 1'0 ! , SKiii HACH •UJ<ICIS !0. .. 111 Ir.I DttD .. 10 1 L'<• 'I' 1_118ll IATM . !AHl!J'~'$ O«;UJl>I I "I" ""'"" ""•0!1 BUSTlllG PtWllEI ...... o;s'" •"Ol>tlc;~fll , .. IUllT lOAPS IOIUlr.iu ro.l 1 .. 1 11n11 "'S• Miii PIXIE .. PC . llT •V Cllflf .. PITIEIHSK SET YOUR CHOICE ··~· CARNATION VAN cle KAMP 'S FHS-T·DOIS MACARONI IMITATION ICE MILK CHOCOl.ATE COATl!D WITH IYAPORATID 2 f MILK 0 TALLCANI R EXTRA FANCY WASH. STATE f RID , DILICIOUI I APPLES I 5 LBl·'1 ~ 29c & CHllll CRACK ER CRUMBS J J .01, 39c 6/NA 29c pkg. PKG • . SWEET, JUICY, "NORTHERN ORCHAlt0$ .. ANJOU PEARS 5 LI$. $1' All VARI ETIES NEW CROP OF NUTS 491ii. IO.~ . GOLD lABfl MASHED -61h-OZ. IJ.G • INSTANT POTATOll COFFEE -All GRINDS Gold Medo! Wondra Flour. 5·1bJJkg ........................... 7 lc Mahatma long Groin Rice. 5·1b. pkg .......................... 9 \c Lipton Noodle with Diced Chicken. pkg. of 2 tfM .......... 41 c Puss 'n Boots Fish Cot Food. no. 1 con ................ 2 for J7c BAKER'.S COCOANUT Sonquel Frozen Pies, B·inch size ........................ 3 for $1 FOLGER'S Ovol!1ne Plain or Chocolole, 6·0Z. ctn ........................ 39c Ovofline Plain or Chocolate, 12·oz tin ................... 69c ·Heinz Ketchup, 26-oz. b1L ............. , ......... :.-...... 39c !. '1 l · 1 • f ' ' • -~ ~ • • ~ ... ~ •• ' • • • .'., :; • , ;. • ' I ~J~ SHR.EDOlO : Scott Bathroom Tissue, Incl. 4c off, 4·roll pock ............. 35c Cose-Swayne Yams, 40-az. con ............................... 37c 1 ·lb. can ........ , 73c 2·1b. con ...... '$1.45 Royal Pudding, Assorted. reg. pkg. .. . . . . ...... 3 for 35t Sfor·K•sl Chunk light Mtot Tuna, 121/1·0!. con ............ 69c C&H Pa...Wered or Brown Sugar, 2-lb. pkg ................ 33c Gold Medal Ki!Chen TeSled Flour, 2l·lb. pkg ............... 2.39 Accent MSG, 1-oz. ctn .................... , ...................... 33c ;::4·3c ~~43c I Imperial Mocgorine, I ·lb. pkg ................................. -' t c Fiddle Foddle with Peanuts, 8-oz. pkg ......................... 39c 3-lb. coo ....... $2 09 1 O·oz. ceysto!s $1.39 Lindsay large Pitted Ripe Olives, no. 300 coo .............. 49c Lipton Soup Mix, Assorted. pkg. of 2 envs .................. 33c Accen1 MSG, 4V2-oz. ctn ...... ., ................................ 99c Mohotmo l on11 Gi:,o~n Rice, 2:1b,_p~ ........ , . .,,. .......... 39c l )' I r I I --..----. ~ . ' ' I I I Th .. '.. .. ,_ - --- • ' J. • • • ..,_ ••• ,1 • l • ' . l )~ • -~ . ,.. . . ' , I ' i ··' . I • • ' ' . . ' • '~. ' ' v..1' . ' • • " ·LARGE EGGS l.&.ltGf Git A Di ...... M-DOZ. ~ 1 c l XTlt A 67( U.lt'GE GltADf AA ··-· DOI. COUNTRY PRIDE GRADE "AA" DOZEN CARTON • GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 5·18. DEAl PACKAGE .............................. , .......... ., ... . APPLE JUICE OR CIDER MA YfRESH GA.llON JUG ............................. . ) . • TRIPLE STAMPS WITHEAOITtii PURCHASE AT MAYFAIR CHRISTMAS .T:REES . A Complete Selection of Si.Jes & Shapes of Oou~los fir, Noble Fir, DOUGLAS FIR S PRICED FROM Plontcition, White f;,, B I j. Scotc h Pines & Silver ., • Tips , . And.· flocked Christmas Trees. . PUREX BUA CH GAllON SIZf "'M••··-""""'"'"'' .. :LEAN"PORK .1~'.!!1U.!~~~~-~ FRESK~LEG OF LAMB .... LB. c U.S.O.A. CHOICE SHORT SHANI{ WA:>TE fRlE ..... .. LB, . BOB'S SALAD DRESSINGS ASll'D I OUA< l lUE CH£ ESE 8-0l. J.-.fl: 4)c ROQUEFORT 8-0l. JAR ))c ,., ...... -........ All BEEF FRANKS OL' Vlf!{jlNl.li ll·OL PK(. All MEAT FRANKS 11\AYfRESH 12·0Z. MIG. -~w ... 5gc _55c PIMIENTO SPREAD >ROEii 6·01. CUP ._ ..... SALAMI CH UBS B-OZ. SIZE GALLO SALi.Mi CHUBS 18':-0L $1.71 . ~ wwlilff 1;f wwll; Van de Kamp's CASCADE GR·APEFRUIT $WEIT !llJICY · R.OllDA • .RUIYllD OlWHITE s for ' SPECIALS ' T!Yrs .. Sun., Dtc. 1J.14 English Muffin lo af Poultry Dressing . 7!h~t. 29c Lr;i1 ! or Dar~ $139 Fri!'! Cake ......... 1-11. 2-lb. $2.59 2·1b. Deluxa $2.69 1iti ..,., l.D 1ilff lilff WW DISNWASHlllC ·59 DITllGEIT 35-0Z.SIZE DEAL PACK DOG FOOD lHOllOF!O llV!~.11lA~l, s· $1 (H!(l(EN & 1(10Nf1 0 ,11,fAT IAll.S l5-0l CAN . I ~!~~'~"~2~~ COO~IES 4 !s 1 AllAClll TABLETS 50 C.l.:>llf '~"""""'-''"""-"~"·w••••• ..... 73' HOLIDAY SPIRITS · . . . .. ZAP.OFSKY 10-PROOF BHWEXICKTR·s_A•DoR .... Y Qi)_ F . CHARCOA~ FIL TIRED "\ VO~KA or Gitt " '.YOUR CHOICE s2 I a· . HALFGAl. · . ' . $6. 99 "''" • CHAMPAGNE . """''"' -~ ... ·~;ir,1 1 !1~ R1'l• ft~)!,Of"''k•~-~~E~: .... 18" VO OKA $"" l!OYAI. OCCAStOfl }!IJ.~ r.AI.. ·-~ f ·- tEbflAR OO BRANDY l8!9 HAl,,GAL ..................... _w·-- GIM!l·PROOF sell fiOYi.l-OCc.ASIOll HAlf GAl .__ 10% CASE DISCOUNT rtict •u '11111 10% CASE Dll(Ol(NT nicr,,l •1•111 JlfG. PR_}Ct PtR .S.h .... · REG. PR!Ct PEA,ltli ... SEAGRAM'S 1 ..... $5.19 $4.61 BALLANTINE'SSCOTCH .• $6.99 Si.II SEAGRAM'SV.O. $6.95 $6.25 .lfiBICOTCH .................. :.)7160$U4 JIM HAM .......... $5.29 $4.76 DEWAR'S SCOTCH 1\1/i' ..... $7.70 S&.15 CANADIAN CLUB $6.95-$6.25 CLUNYSCOTCH ................. $6.29 $5.G& I. W. HARPER ..... $6 .29 $5.66 SMIRNOFF VODKA ............ $4.89 $4.40 ANCIENT AGE .... $5.99 $5.39 . CROWN RUsSEVODKA ..... $3.79 13.41 BEEFEATER GIN $6 .19 $5.57 CHRISTIAN BROS. BRANDY$5.29 $4.71 GORDON 'S GIN .. $4 .59 $4.13 BACARDI RUM .................... $4 .99 $4.41 . . STOCK UP ON FILM AND FLASHCUJIES NOW FOR TH! HOUDAYS !!l~I~~!!!.~!J~ .. ~-~~~~~,c,x:1!':!'.·. __ '"" spi .. . ... . . . • •• ADVERTIUD PlllCfS fFFfCTIVf 7l'ULL DAYS THURSD"-Y DEC .11 th THRU WED., DEC. 17th MAYFAIR MARKET-17S E. 17th STREET, COSTA MESA OPEN 24 HOURS Bir ' I .. --...... ________ _ ·--..... ----·~·~~ ..... -T~--·-·-·-··--·---~--·-· -· -.. -~ -··· ...... ··----·-~~·-~-~~.,..---... Job-seekers T 'ke. '. It Easy book 1 out called, ' • Th e· Unabashed Career Gulde." B OBERT STRAND ST .\JiFORD (UPI) -Mort and ~e, colle~ians have no lntenU of worklllg al.careers tbe w thdr fathers do. If tilt boos gell oasty, if he wantll you to transfer, if ·he doesn1{ eome up wWI a raise -qui~. You alway! can get anotbt!" job. The book dwell& on the dreary dally detail& oi what Ute ls really like In the wort.. . Ing world, making observa• t\ON auch u : Lorraine Kemp Becomes Mrs. Wa~ner B. Clarke The Mltchell Boys Choir perfonned at the evenin& wed· ding of Lorraine Kemp and Warner Bishop Clarke In the United Methodist Church ot ·Westwood. The double ring nuptials were cooducled by the Rev. James Stewart and assisting was Navy Chaplain Richard Kemp, the bride's cousin. A fut growing attitude is that work is necessary !or awhi}~ but life's real satlsfac· tionsl\l'e to be found with your· hi-fi ~t. l)otne light shows, fami'i! a.J4 friends. · 1~re are two pef't;C>ntijty typea who are ideally !ulted to a Jaw firm c11eer: bookWorms+ and stuffed shirts." Or, ''The routine of teaching can kill 1 mind 'and deaden a spirit as fast as·any activity known to DEBORAH HOLTHOUSE man." Sprint Wedding Parents of the brklal couple are W.r. and Mrs. Jack Brad· ford Kemp of Balboa Island and Los Angeles and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bishop Clarke of ThiJ.'.·is oh the auUiority of an irRrview with as good a spokesman for hi.s generation as any, Peter Sandman, a traduate student at Stanford {Jnlvetsity. Sandman, who while at Prince~on wrote a book on dil- fercnces between girls at various colleges, ~iow has a The chapter ol'.I careers i',1 the military is one sentence: "You must be kidding." Sandman points to surveys showing-studeQts put money far. down the list of what. they want from their jobs. One survey indicates 81 per'cen\ v•ou1d sacrifice their oc- cupaUon if it conflicted with thtlr private life. Sandma.1's advice is to dab- ble with jobs, keep them for short term challenges and then get oul. These attitudes .of youth, 1\'ho never knew a depression, are born of ·• faith in what they believe the world will be like in the 1980s. They are. con- vinced more' and m or e material goods will b e available for everybody, and auton,ation will make work unnecessary for most people. They also forese~ a world in which careers v.'111 become obsolete so fast people will change t h e i r occupatia.1s every few years. "J know a guy taking a PhD in a kind of system! planning which will be outmoded in five years," says Sandman. Sandman says he i.!! studying for a PhD in communicatioM only be<:ause he and hi1 v•ife like the graduate school way of llie. "I have no use for a doctor·s degree. I have JM) intention of using it." He thinks 'he will be a writer. Betrothal . News Told The engagement or Deborah Holthouse and Curlis J. Cope has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holthouse ot Huntington Beach, parents or the bride-elect. News ol the spring wedding was disclosed during a party aboard the Reuben E. Ltt, Newport Beach. Miss Holthouse. a graduate oC Huntington Beach High School, now is attending Orange Coast College \\'here she is pursuing a medical career. Her fiance, son of Mr. and h-lrs. R. W. Cope of Riverside, is a graduate of Ramona High School, Riverside City College and the Orange County Police Academy. He currently is employed by the Huntington Beach Police Department. Luncheon Catered \Vest wood. Given in marriage by her father, the bride selected an original gown of ivory peau de soie with embroidered atencon lace . oo English net, beaded with seed pearls and sequins. The dress featured a high scalloped neckline, ·Ion g sleeves, empire waist anli a court length train. Attending the bride were Miss carolyn Kemp, the ·b:ride's sister, maid of honor; · Mrs. William Hossfeld, ~fiss Judith Shaw, Mrs. William Uden, Mrs. Stephen Robinette and Mrs. John Ward, bridesmaids. They wore· full length gold empire satin gowns. Serving as best man wa.s Louis Licht Ill and ushering guests to their seats were:Jef· frey Berkman, Frank Gorman, Robert D u a r t e , Donald Johnson, Phillip Kelley and Ronald Spongberg. FoUowlng the ceremony, the church hall was the setting for the reception where 800 guests congratulated the newlyweds. Hawaii was the couple's honeymoon destination and Bel Air will be their new· home. The fonner NJss Kemp at· tended Newport Harbor High School, orange Coast College and San Diego State College where she pledged Alpha Gamma Delta. She performs in mus~I comedies and has A catered luncheon will be traveled with the "Hello tile Yuletide treat f o r Dolly" company, s t a r r i n g · members of the HarPor Senior Carol Channing. For two years Citizens Club Monday·, Dec. i5, the new Mrs. Clarke appeared as the featured singer in the Wodntsday, Otctml>tt 10, l!l>• DAILY "1.0T jf • Former Resident Wed •, • In Afternoon Rites Former HunUngtOn : Beach , resiclent Billie JO, S m I 1 h be·came the bride of Thomas v. Brawley during early, If. ternoon rites rtld in the Hun· tington Valley Assemb1Y of God Church . by 'th< Rev. Madorma Puryear. Parents of tbe eouple are Joseph Smlth ol Sylmar and the late Mrs. Smith and Thomas Brawley ol Monterey Park. ' For the cettmony the bride selected ~ lace gown and car· ried red ind whlte roses. , MW Patricia ~· , .t yellow COWD WN•, IDI G( honor; .,;,; Floyd Toa.i.tr as bet! man. UsbeN w~ k• and Rcmld Venham. 'l1)e ge}Vl,yWedS ~ t C ~ I l'I d gueiis In the home of Mr. 'PJld Mrs. Fft:d, Y"1h~. ol 1:~· Uni\00 Beach, where '" . '. Robert ~ lister oi 1the bride, a~ After · honeymooninl 't n northern California, they ·ill make their borne in Moo ey Park; " Distinctive11 ~ karat yellow gold watches " . . from:'Our delicious w.Dr.fd.. . ' 'florentiOe· dial and br8c&19t, S550. : . Tapered bracelet; $41 O. Classic square. $325. SLAVICK'S 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -••4-1 llO . ' 'four C~1r91 Acctounl W1:tO'!ll -S111~Amerlc1rd, M1>ltr C111•9t. ,.._ .. ' . No Lack Of ·Fact at 11 :30 a.m. t.1 the clubhouse. Sahara Hotel at Lake Tahoe. MRS. WARNER B. CL-'RKE The entertainment, under The b ri degroom was o,_;_M.-,sy ttir• ,...,..., 1..U 1·:,._ "At twent f age " Home in Bel Air -· Y years 0 • the direction of Mrs. James E . graduated from the University -------------::;;jjjiiiiiiiiiiilmmmmmmmmmmmlljlllmmm-~;::::::! declared, "the will reigns. At awyer rs. ary It 0 Sigma Chi. He served ., • Ho i oy Porty old Benjamin Frank 1 in S and M M Lo 1 of Pennsylvania and pledged I d I 311 ·~ " And • .ii\ •1.-Newport ~ach will be in Com,l1t1 12 WHk Holiday Program' · NO CONflACTI. . u,,, WJ~. •~ 'Zll, ..,.., captain in tile U.S. Army for · judgment." keeping with tht holiday two years. Entertainment and a visit f:' ~ ,. An analysi$ by the West spirit The wom<n will direct by Santa Claus will follow a I oouflt oast ·. aza German Fakral St.,tistical the newly organized Senior buffet dinner Saturday, ·Dec. 1 Of!ict ~seems io bear out that Singers. CM Overeaters 13. • pronouncement in the 1741 edi· The event (, being planned l OPEN SUNDAYS••• 12-5 tion of Poor R i c h a r d ' s Members are enjoying a re-Overeaters An o n y...m o u s by the Westminster Area · AS Almanac. cent addition to the clubhouse gather every Wednesday even-Republican Assembly and will/ THROUGH CHRISTM OFHR LIMITED CALL NOW Men· under 40 years oC age and another addiUon already ing at 3 in Bear StreetcSchool, ta ke place in the Stanton home ---=~~~~~~~~~~~"~"~"~·~"~'~'"~'~'"°~~"~',..~"~·~"°"~'~"!~~·~~~~~--suffer more · than twice as is ii the blueprint stage. Costa Mesa. of Mr. and W.rs. Stewart Case. many accidents as ~ 'me111------'--...::.-----------------------' ' . TOU WILL GO FROM ~IZE 14 .. 10 ill 30 Dily• 16 ,_ 12 i11 JI Oor1 11N 14 in 31 Doyt SH APE SHOP PE S INT . FIGURE SAL ONS wmu. Wll•ICI 477.1122 393-0064 1112 Se•ll'"' 111 Wiltllirl ..,. .. , MISSI• •11.tS 349-4711 361-1714 nn1nn.11'ff. 11Jl2S--'ttil COSTAMlSA --642-7032 142-0l77 IHI ms over 40, say the German ataUsUcians . Furthermore, both men and women who live in cities have significantly more minor. ac- cidents than do those who live in rural areas. One fourth of all injuries re· quiring h o s p i t a 1 treatment result from traffic accidents, the Germans add, while one- third are from accidents at work. Fifteen percent occur in the home. Sea Sirens TOPS Sea. Sirem meet in Killy.brooke School, C o s t a Mesa. Programs begin at 7 .. 1rtllv4. • •• In. ---~;;;~~iiiiiiii::~~.ipi.mi.i'~ve~r~yiW~ednesidiayi.iiii at CERTIFIED NOW tht "Better C1re" Store RATED #1! BUILT-IN DISHWASHER by .ie ,,_._ _ttz7=: 4'hirlpool ~151 (i~ • Mod•' svu.10 ·517995 ,rice l•cWes _ ....... ., ANIWal1 Cohn 5ff this dishwasher ond many other fine oppllonces in 011r new Kitchen ond Laundry Center Ltl us txpltln our "BETTER CARE WARRANTY" Certified Appliance 642-0240 540-4720 WI SIRYICI ALL MAKIS - 333 l 17th St Costa Mesa • . .. Serve Pepperidge farm Soup for Chrjstrnas; Have the nei&hbors in for a cu p of coeery hot soup. It's a merry new holiday cuitorn fr~m " Pepperi dge f arm-Season's Gteetlngs·in theso winning flavors : · r · .. NEW ENGLAND CLAM CHOWDER. Succulent salt-water clams simmere~ in a cream·rich· chowder. Pearltiij with potat_oe .. and onio~s. LOBSTER lANGOSTINO. BISQO~ .. Cbilly·w1ter . Maine lobsler wit!i imported CHilean lan11os.linoa 1 in a cream bisque taced wi~h sauteme. · • CHICKEN CURRY SOUP. A niceil',spictd chicken bisque. Bfisked )Yith exotic curty; smoothed with cream ind 1 pur~e of·11rden vegetables. ~ Al 10< off a can, Ptpperidlt·Falm mikes it e1sy · to be a warm friend-to 111. •• , •• r l .... --~~---· .. --------· ·----. -------- Y1cdn•sday, Dtumbtr 10, 1%? Heralding " Ada ms PTA Mr1. Paol Oblsen President CO M 1 NG UP: Associa1.ion meeUng and Christmas pro- cram by fourth grade students \viii take place al 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18, ir\ the 1nuttlpurposc rom. Girl Scout Troop 146 will lead Utt pledg:e of allegiance. Mothers -of second grade 1tudc.nls ~·ill host the social beur. lear PFO Mn. JoH Hacker President COMING UP : Bolrd n1eeling at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. in s e hool ••• Christmas pro- fr1111 1l 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 11 • , • Resist.ration for the futurt: t.ax override and bond election will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight, Dec. 17 and Dec. JI. Mrs. \Villiam Lockhart. legisla- tion chairman may be con- tacted Jor f urt h e r in· fsmation. MPORTS : Sweal.lbirt:i1 sUll art aTallable. ~irs. Everett E. Biepr Jr. may be con· tacted at 540-1761 r o r orders ... 80 students and adu1ts took part in the kidney screen ing program lll!lt week and yesterday. Mrs. lo.files Moore. healt h and welfare chairman was in. charge. lay View PTA Mn. WlWam Frost President COf\.llNG UP: Christmas pro- gram at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 16. in the multipu rpose l'oom. Parents may attend the dress rehearsals at 9:30 a.n1. or l p.m. ~tonday, Dec. IS •• , Chorus will sing at 7:15 tonight, in f.'ashion tstand and at 8:30 p.m. lomorrow in South Coasl Plata. Califo rn ia PTA P.lr1. Ted Brisso President COMING UP : Glory or Christmas will ~ presented at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. JS and at J:30 p.m. Dec. 17, in the multipurpose room. Gayle Chavei and Eric Horvatter. fifth grade ~dents ,.,·ill narrate . W.r~. Gates Griffith coordinated the program and Mrs. Marilyn Cross w i 11 ac· company. John Evans is in charge or stage setting and pngrarns. REPORTS: ri.t rs . L y nn Bose n .honorar y life membership c h a i r m a n reported on the candid.al e.~ ~t yesterday's boa rd meeting. Serving on the f!Ommittee are ~1rs. Roberl Ur11ami. ?i.trs. Ch a r Ir ~ Goodt, Mrs . Ted Brisso and B i 11 Hamilton. principal. Bylaws and standing rult's were reported on by ~11'!'!. lUchard Ogden. chairman. Assisting on the commillec are Mrs. Bruce Bourbon, N.rs. Joseph !\1eng, f\.1rs. Brisson and Hamilton. Canyon PTA Ken Wagner President REPORTS: l-'irsl. second and third grade s tud en t s presented lhe Chris tn1as program yesterday. Santa also was present ... Mrs. .John Shafer and ·r-.1rs. John Sihilling, ways and me11ns chairmen presented l h e students with snow cones as a reward for their help in the paper drive . CdM High PTA ~1rs. Robert Kemble President C0~1ING UP : General meeting and Christmas con· cert al 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 16, in the cafeteria. Entertainment will feature the symphonic and concert orchestra, concert choir and the Madrigal Singers. Don 1-/ane~e and llarry Corea will direct. Coffee and cookies"will be served by the ~1mes. Michael fl1anahan, Robert Kemble, David Fox and Sidney Shannon. Harbo r Vie w PFO ltfn. Charles Sword President COi\fING UP : fl1rs. \Villia tn Rawlings announced that voter registration for new residents will take pla::e lOmorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. at 900 Sandcastle. Ne\vport Deadh and Thursday. Dec. 18." at Harbor View School. Volers must. be registered by Dec. 18 to be eligible to vote in the February clec· lion. REPORTS : Largest turnout in the kidney f<>und ation detection clinics which are being offered districlwide 111as recorded at Harbor View with ?23 ihird. fourth and fifth grade sludents being tested. Assisting were ~1rs. Doris Rader, school norse: Mrs. Richa.r d Bechtel, Mrs. Warren Fix and Mrs. Helen Brannen, .lonior Ebell volunteers ... i\1rs. Stephen Fryer, health and safety chairman reports 6{l homes are providing assisLant mot he rs w h e n emergency situations arise. Emergency homes no111 are flying bright orange wea th· erproof nags. Orientation classes were provided b.v 1\1rs. \Va!ton 1-~arrar 11nd 1\1rs. Eugene Kovach. Harpe.r PTA Mrs. Bob Lindsay President COMING UP : Immunization r·linic tomorrow. Students in kindergarten, fi rst and fifth grades '"''ill receiv e DPT. smallpox and d i p I her i a shots .•. a1ristmas progra1n ~·ill take place at 7:30 p.m. •rucsday, Dee. JS, In the multipurpose room. Jl gPQRTS : Assi~ling ofriccr Ochnno Camarilla with the bicyc le safely program '"''ere the Mmes. ro.t. J . Styll, Robert Dicks. Gerald Cross, 1\lichael Blair and Larry lse!. Mesa Verde PT A :\1rs. Nancy l\elnhart President COM INC UP : Association meeting, featuring the school's Christmas program 111ill take place at 7 p.1n. Tuesday, Dec. 16, in the multipurpose room ... Board members will host a teachers' luncheon a1 noon . Thursday, Dec. Ill ... School sweatshirts a n d iden· tification lags 1nay o e purchased th is n1on th. REPORTS: School c h o r u s sang at Fashion Island last night. Monte Vist a PT A 1'1rs. l\1ur k Morri11 President COMlNG UP: Gent r ~l m e e t in g . Christm3s pro- gram and bazaar will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 16, in the multipurpose roon1 . Mrs. James Pitton. fourth and fifth grade teacher will direcl the chorus. Art and m u s i c depicting the season will be provided by students. A voters registrar y,•ill be present. .. Board meeting at 9 a.m. tomo rrow, in the multipurpose room. RF.PORTS: Altending I h r library committee meeting last f'riday were the Mmes. James Moor , chairman ; Mark Morris, A n d re w Lakatosh and David Good- sell. New port Hts . PT A fl1rs. David Chavis President COMING UP: Ann u a I Christmas program To You. With Love will be presented from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Tues· day, J>er . 16, in I he caletoriutn. llEPORTS : i\1rs. Roderick Wheeler and Mrs. Maurice Roge r s. paperba c k bookstore chairmen. reporl the student book dividend plan is in effect through December. Under this plan. if a student pu rchases four books during the month. he may choose free any book priced at ft() cents or Jess . Our Lady Qu een Of Ang els Aux. Mrs .• James Davie~ President COMING UP : Annual Bouti· que Noel sale of craft items and baked g~ will take plcice from 8:30 a.m. lo 2 p.n1. Sund;1y, Dec. !4. at school. Assisting W. rs. \V1llian1 F.. Mag r u d r r, j:."Cneral chairman arc i\1rs. Robert Mi1\t'r, crafts, ~l rs. Direct From the Ea st Players Sport Fashion ISy ANN HENCKEN NEW YORK (AP ) -It wa11 billed . as "the se:rlest fas hion llh.ow of the ye ar : the Ne11• York Jet! and Pierre Cardin." St1y, 110. Funny. yes. Three bUT!y Jels did their be1l to 1queeie into Cardi n re90rt clothes for a ~!ooday laping of the Joe Namath television show. It seemed doubtful that Cardin had foot· hall players in mind when he outined his collection. Tictn end Pete Lammons C"l me out in white fl annel .slacks, Ted aweater and blue bluer. Bright bouncy organ music pla y ed in the 'b1cktroimd. "Heu sM comes. ~ilss America," someone sang out. Wotr wbllOes began. "()ptft lht jacket. man." nid Namath, 1ouna1ng bick in hl s chair. N•math wore " btowJl 1t1il and beigt shirt with a wide knit. tie. Lam.mom opene.<I his coat to thaw that the sweater barely rNdlltd his waJlt. Raltback Eroerson Boozer llfJppld up to lace the mu.sic ill a O)(toa poplln Tl inlUIL Ht Ubd Ille oull~. It w1& almost mm for him." e1cept for the ,..... • II< 111.. The Pl ... - a little 1-arowd tile -· Al fer his own clot hes. "t UM wtlcl Uttn.p,11 Boozer. said. ~ °""""'"P of 21 llldt!. Lammons 11aid it was merelllu! 55. OUT OF NEW YORK -l·lemlincs about three in· ehes above the knee" and slightly hi ~h \\'nisdincs are featorcd in Cieorgc Halley's fa shion line. 1'1lchael Blakt, table setting and Mrs. C. Ed w a r d Robalais, c o f f e e and doughnut bar. Procee<h wi ll bl.! used ror audio equip111:?nt . . .General meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18, in the cafeteria at Corona de! Mar High School. Students wJll p r esent traditional pageant. Refreshments will be served by mothers of studenU!: In firth and sixth grades. Paula rino PTA J\1rs. Nl&el Balle y President COMING UP : fl.trs. John Grauer, ways and means chainnan extends a public invitation to attend the Christmas boutique s a I e from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13. in the mu l tipurpose room. Featured will be art aprons, dttorations. st uffed toys, cook books, school record books and ba ked goods. Assisting are the Mmes. Paul Dumain, Wiili am Bran· nick, Tom · Moon and Les Thompson ... Christmas pro- gram at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 16, by students in kindergarten and 't hird grades and on Wednesday, Dec. 17 by fi rst and second grades, in the multipurpose room. . .Santa Claus will visit students i n kin- . dergarten through t h i r d grade at the parties Friday, Dec. 19. REPORTS: ri.1rs. Ri c hard Baldwin, membe r s hip chairman announced at th e board meeting that 473 parents joined the PTA. Pomona PTA Mn. C. D. Bradley President COMING UP: Paper drive tomorrow, donation may be brought to school during the day or evening. Fathers and student cou n ci I are assisting. Pic k u p will be provided by fa thers ... Busi ness meeting al 7: 30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18. Students in kindergarten through third grades will present Christmas program. Social hoor will follow. Pres idio PTA r-.1rs. James Ramey President COMING UP : Primar y classes a n d kindergarten students will present the Christmas program at 1 p.m. \Vednesday. Dec. 17. in Maude Davis 1nultipurpose room . Mrs. Edward Babiuch is coordinator. Programs will be prese nted in the up- per grade rooms during the week of Dec. 15 .•. Fil m will be shown al 11 a .nl. Satur· day. Dec. 13, in 1'1aude Da vis multipurpose room . Admission 35 cents. N.rs. .John Earnest. ways and means chairman announces that hot dogs, fruit punch and candy \Viii be sold. Rfo:PORTS: f\·lrs. Earnest reports the 11i·inners of the paper dri1•e were Gayle Her· rick of fo,1rs. Donald Step-- nilfs room. first place: Susan Rasmussen of Mrs. Pritz Swinehart's room. se- cond place. and Jame.!t Earnest and Greg Field of Miss Sally Pfister's room tied for lhird . i\1iss Pfister's afternoon kindergarten class collected the most papers. Prince of Pea ce PTF Harry Southron President COM ING UP : Pop Brass \\'ill perform from 1 lo 9 p.m. Saturday. Dec. 13. in Fashion Isla nd. Mem bers of the group are Paul Auble. Amy and Doug Barraclough. Don Mayfield. Barba ra and Bonn i e 1'1 cCormic k , Chri.!Jtine and Greg Prechel ::ind Scott Sutherland. ~trs. Norbert Prechel is director aod costumes were provided by ~frs. Robert Barraclough and ~frs. Prechel. Pop Brass \viii play from 7 lo 8 p.m. i\1onday. Dec. 15, for the Ba lboa Island 1\1erchants Association. St . Joh n Aux. 111rs. Dennis \\'pli President CO/lllNG UP: T \\' 11 i g h 1 Retreat condocted hy the Rev . ·Anthony McGo"•an v.·i!l replace th.e regular 1necting. Couples of the parish are in· vilerl to attend. E:xccutil'e board 1nembers "'Ill host ... High Button Shoe" and A Sawdust Heart "'ill be presented at i :30 p.m. Sun· day, Dec. I~. in !hr !<Choo! halt TeW inkle PTA ltln. Robert Sorensen President CO~ll NG UP : Assoc1at1on 1ncc.ting \Vednesay, Dec. 17, fol1011i'ed by the Christma~ program fr1.1tur1ng l !'I e Tt'\llinkle band. chorus ;ind Chansonettes. P r o g r a m ~~·--·-·-----·----__ , ____ --- Christmas Prog·r,ams Tooting Their Horns · for Music Festival Blowing th eir horns lo herald the annual Christmas Music F estival at Newport Harbor High School are Bob Millett, Daryl France and Jim Allen (left to right). The program will take place Wednesday. Dec. 17, at 8 p.m . in the auditorium. Performing \\•ill be the Sai!or band and orchestra, Chan telle~ and A Capella choir. Concluding the evening '\•iU be Santa's Kitchen sponsored by the PTA. Proceeds are earmarked for the scholarship fund . again will be presented Thursday, Dec. Ill. REPORTS : 1'-lrs. Lloyd Baker, ways and means chairman reports a profi l of $150 was realized from the '1.'affle breakfast. San Clem ente High PTA l\1rs. Alan Clark President CO~tlNG UP: Board n1eeting at 7:30 p.m. tomor r0\1', at scbool. REPORTS : Student council presented the program at the November m e e ti n g . Guest panel, presid ents of school organization s, were Dan Sands. student council ; .John Russell. house of rt pre s entatives ; Larie Ziegler, senate: Barbara Taylor. interclub council ; Joathan Limebrook, Germ;:i.n club, and Mark King , varsi· ty football team. Topic was What Can Be Done to 1 m prove Parenl.Students Communication . Wilson PTA flfr1. \\'illiam Outla\I' President COM ING U P : Assoc iaLion meeting at 7 p.m. ton1orro11•. fifth and sixth grade choir wil l present Songs o f Christmas. Dave \Vilson ""ill conduct. Hostesses will be mothers of si:rth grade students. REPORTS : l'rofil from the sale of i d enl i ficat ion bracelet~ 1>.·as altnost $4:1. Woodland PFO l\lrs. Frederick Ellis Prtsident COi\llNG UP: Studentt1 11•ill present the Chr istm as pro- gram at 7:30 p.m. TuesdaJ, Dec. 11. in the multi purpose room . ~frs. Henry Weber. rirst grade tea cher will dlrecl the Do Re l\l i singers, fl1i.ss Karen Sauers and David Riggs. fifth gr11de teachers wilt assist. REPORTS : fo,!r s. Ch a r I es Findlay. membe rship chairman reported 3 14. pa r enls joined the PFO ... i\l rs. Da vid Brant addressed the No\'e1nber general meet ing and sb°"'e<I nl'v.· elementary grade text· books. ~fel Everhart. prin· f'tpal introduced ~1 r s . Doro1hy ,._iontgomery . special education teacher who spoke on progl'am SMILE, a,n experimental projt'ct being tested at \\1oodl nnd. ~lore than Si20 \1·orth of books were sold a\ book sale. /\Irs Ch11rtes Buchanan '-''llS chairman. School Stage s Advent Serv ice Ch ecking on their scarves and robes, m ade by n1any of the 1nothrrs, arc Bar· hara ~1ueller and Mark Torno'v from Christ Lutheran School in Cost a Mesa. The 5()..voice choir will join the rest of the school for the annual midweek Ad- vent Service tonight at 7. The Tree of Life 'viii be the service theme. Christmas Goodies for Sale J\lontc Vi sta·~ PT.A. ts staging 21 Christ mas bazaar Tuesday, J)ec. Jli. from 7 to 9 p.1n. Serving as Santa's helpers are Mrs. Hubert Kunz and Diana Kunz. 1 ' 1 ·--------·-·---~-··••, ,,, __ •24 -·--·--· •=··---.... -,.,., ... rs-·~---·---.. ---.-----····-.. -·· ~--~~~-- PILOT-AOVERTJSU . 7 = Wod-, _, 10, 1'16• Bourbon Fl~vors Fondant ' " -,.. ... _ chocda1a or the Nllllor bltle cookq cboc:ola1a loc eo1t1nc la upfl4 700 but the fond•! .. .. "'oet lh•t the bltlor chocolate makes . a . Diet een-. lnll! """ wblch "11 they'n IJUll U you like, divide tho fond .. In ball, try -.. each IJilnd of coating. CJ!OCOLATE COATZll BOVRBON FONDANT '. BAUi I ~ powdond llJIV, died "" Pound \>utter ~cup~- ,,. ~ oemi......t or bll- !e\'lchocoli1a helled 14 Ill ~ In the lop .. • =boll« ..... bot (not ) water. • Soell the choppecl or .....,i pecaN in the bourbon ovemlJh~ Ulln( on alrllpt 1Ius jar. Then drain the bollrbon, add II 14 ju.t ooe pound of the powdered qar. er.am lhe other pound of oupr wfill the bulter. Com- blno the two. Add the·-· Yoa 1Dll' have 14 "" your h111~ 14 1et lb• -~u.. well mlltd. aim for at least 30 m1nutt1 . Foc'nl Into !·Inch balll. Chill qaln, Wicovered, 1111 allghtly cnist. Dij Into lhe melltd cllocplalle, ualne • pfcl<le fort or -'thlnf almllar. Clll~ ht too "1Je. Shako off n-chocolate. Place on wufd. i>-·lined cookie aheetl. 1tt asid~ to harden. , Nii; u yoa have ony dll· llcu 1etUn1 yoor chocolalt lo elt to good dlppln1 con- sistency you may add a level tablespoon or two of shorten- ing but It make1 a aofter coating. Be careful not to let any mollture from boiler or hinds get Into chocolalt or It may have gay atre&kl wben hanfened. ~eep Cozy ' Quick-knit 1'111 la -· col· orful belkle a bed, anywhere. It'1 true! Knit preUy oval 1'111 wl1h ralaod leaf center for lea thin 13. Uoe heavy 1'1111 yarn, hi( noecll,., Mtchlne wuhable! Pat. 7413: ru& • :a: 43 lnchet or ony leftClh. FIFl'Y CENTS ccoma) tu oteh pall«n -add 15 -for eoch pollMI for flntd• mollinl 11111 opoclal bandllnl; othel'wlae thlnklul dell..., w!BIU11hr<e-wmoro. Sen! 14 AllcO Sr-, the DAI- LY PILOT; Needlecraft Dept. 185, Be::« ta, Old OJellet Sta. tion. New York, N.Y. 10011. Prlnt Name, Addret1, 7.lp, Pauen·""Number. B,tG 1171 Needlecraft CaWo& -40 pages, ovrr • deoignl, I free ~I Kllft, croch<t 1Ntant1, • r 11 It 1"1~. t.tl, drt I I, IWtm sutt. t ~lt. embroider, wa.., M1kt loy1, &lftl, 111 a1.-,.. Send ,141 - It INSTANT Gflll. MW to. cl>! t-lit,. lomorrow. Ill conla. . •11 ., """" to l:nft, crt.dl&, w-.ve, ..,, book. IO -, -ol II l'tlM AIP... lllrltln! Qoffl -I 1111 11 beautiful patterna. 50 centa. Maseum Qmlt Book 1-ptt- lernl for 11 ouperh qul!U. 141 centJ. Book I. 1*Qu0&1 (or TtU1'1 lhiol." 11 paltlmL 10 - ' WldMsdry, -1D, 1•6' DAll,Y PU\' •• . omema e esserts ome t at: never e t unti now ew unt • Chocolate and Vanilla flavored puddings-pf us. Diced Peaches and Fruit Cup. Delicious desserts th at never left home before. Now they're going to school for lun ch. Going to work for dessert. Bece1use now theres new Snack Pack from Hunt. They come four to a carton in single-s erving, easy-to-open cans. Just pop open and eat. ' Look for Snack Pack in the pudding section of your grocery; To start you snacking here's 15•. Just give the coupon below to your grocer. He'll take 15• off :the price of a carton of Snack Pack A taste of home cooking 'in a take along pack. on 14-pick of Snsck Pock , ....... ,.. ............... . . ......... , ........ ... , .......... ""' ....... "'.':r:: _,.. ....... " .. .... 111.....-. ........... . ......................... ........................... ,. .... ltw&i_.M ..... ...._ ,,..._ .............. ... ............................. -...... --- 'I I I I I I I I chocol1tc, ven lll1 1 fl1vored puddinfo ' ""'ll'llll*'1t ......... ... ,_ ...... WI; ............ .. ::: :::::;o;r.;---NP'~J 1 diced pHchH or fruit cup. I 15¢ 1 . • , .. •f, '>'< .. . I ' ' ' I . ' " ., . ' . •' " • " ·' .. .. . . .. ·' " :e ~ "' , •. •' ., .,.._,...,,_ ........ ,--... ,~, ... -.... ~-·------------~...,,,..,...,.--~.··.«.• '4'.""..,,....,' '"''·" ~~,_.....,..-"':"'l~ .... --·..-··--TI'-.... ~,.~-·----~~---.-~ -~·-- .Benny· Re:any Ts a ·, By JOJINA BUNN diabetes. <t•t Used to cafry mother, Einma ku6ebk-y, us-1t1 : 1, would ha~e liktd to have vq:eta.ble ·oil in QUrleSe wok ~EW YORK _ "I'll be a son around speelal diabetic ed to ,prepcu:e in Wa ukega n, done a real rood comedy on _(or heavy Q:lllet) about 2 ti• Sllfl. ii you can get· a hol ~·But my tila~tes is 5t his ·home tow;i. "My 'm~r Broadwa.v. tt Mukt friaht~n minutes. Add chfcten, salt in(t,' ~A of coffee in you r rt>om . s ..... don't rea y ave to. preparec! rea Jew!sh foo(I , lne ~ ~~ know that I wou.IO pepper. Stir.fry 9Vel' medium hol enough for the-a•erage .dOn'l,.baic.. to J,&ke io~lln. 1 , gefiJte fish., ind.,\~ Of those nave . to• ·~ber .aDi. t.Q;at heat, 'addlqg"Negetablet one at take :t-pilP,' and ifs ~that• lirids of thlngk. Sh'e died'l\•hen d.lalogUe. -. ; 1 time, ..t Blide. i ~· bot I kept telling the b d th t I h the I •-·t t8 Sh ti ' ' W'iiter. that it's not hot.enoull:h 8 8 a\'e to carry m was al,IU!,I · e never V· 1JACK t a small bo 1 · now. Besides, I can cheat with ed to see a good thing liappen •. BENNVS F~)'ORITE sa•~ with_ ~~~."'.,!".,Y far me." a slighlly irate com· food .ijnd ,k's ;tJ}. ~t .. as JN so Jile. stie \V(U)t~ m' w be'J . ~ ~ CHOP! sun, • ......... ....... .. o:NUu1 --o iilan. one Jac·k 8eMY. sai_d as 1 don"t cfie&f (oo mucll."' " Jhusician. l\ly "(ather ·lfv'.:!d to -AMER.lCAN J1!Y1;E1 and two tlNespoQnS chicketr rcentty over breakfa~t in his Benny is a lover ot parties. see me become ~ rad6o stftr. l bunch Ch. cabbage stock a.Jll!l,-~ "'"· S)owly 11_el rooni. . -.'!The , be$t· _pvlalicijy •PC .J.Dd -Tliey QI;>~, •wou.ld.t Pave t)een ~O. ounot CA!;' 'an iptOUIS pour lhiclW1b11!8uce mix-,! Be~idcs. wr: went tN'ough most run party. We.' evtr h&d _ ·'lf!CY happyJo knowiU>at fii{ve ~ ,~ ~ . _ 1 ture over· vegttablff In wot -f 10 this yesterday. If I \l'anl "''as one at the Automat . Be-conr.erts, even though in 1 31arge ctfery stalks (or ~Ulet): Slowly add re-t , ~ee. 1 have to go out and fore a season of television or humorous way.'' l cup. gretn peas (fre)h ·or maining chicken stock (beef • ~er 11 Now if I WQ.nled sio bt>fore a special. we 'd htive a n,~ dBys~ ·Jae~ pr~Uces frozeci• Ol'I ,.JO pacjtage broth °". water). Bring to a ., P:.t cream in this,_. Which ' I publicity stunt in New York frOl{I one to three hDinZi.' each ~1 .frdten·CllitJe!M pdlp<lds) q~~ boil. Cook few minutes. Wl.ikt like lo 00: ·it would be '>'e turnM• 'fveey~e do\Yn day. Does tie ridiiJ1-in the-.1 tabl~ .,.etable oil . _ sUnina: coo.stanUy. Se:rve at .~ ta"&· cold. And this is not a since because nothing <.'OUld kitchen, he was asked. "No, l l lh cups cooted drlcken.(or <>ni;e over cooked nee or J +p hotel. righ t?" he s<Ud to c.?~e close to that. ln1ag1ne 1n-have aich a nJce large closet ', 9Jrkly, ) v:eal, -~f .Of ... Chinese noodles. Serves 4. ~ .··.~ tf~ fnnzied \vaiter. \ 1ling ~pie. most or them roe t-lothes aQd it's a.coustically -. ·~). ctit m thin i:ltces· After tho ughta : .Nevet ~'Listen. they don't charge a Pr:711Y rich, to the ~"Utomat!. · goo.a amf · iarge enough to ·1 ~-salt overcook chop suey. Actual ri""ktl for a cup.'' he said, They \\o'tluld con1e ll~re tn ractice . a 't Few gr.a~ (resbly ....... ,...... preparation should take no .,. Rolls Ro)·ces and o t ~e r P in, so my wue can , . &' ....... "' Jon •• '7 . •-U h$Jghtily dra\l'ing hi.s gray · hear me " pepper ger , .. an .r nunu...:s. si lk.bathrobe around-tis spare ~auti!ul cars w1lh chauffeurs. . " fiiJ til~JOJJi.auoe' . desired, start Wlth paper·thin frftne. Jack 's.:~·isilars sym-Id g1ve .. th~m two rloJlars ' As forrcooklng,Jacksa1d, t ("tab\espc)on1 COnt:"~. sliced raw meat, cookhJlt J>¥hized with him . The ·com· "·orth of nickels for them· 10 coUldn·'f prepare-a· CUjj ~ cot-PlnCh-qar • -quickly in vegetable oit'untU""it 6.«~i an , s exaggerated coin-get the food _out. We kept P. lit-fee, If you. want to know. I . ~~ cup clear chicken stl)cl,, begins to tum co}or. Then ~ pliint, an example of l\n 'mock tle ~ food pp the tide where-f;er tried i.n. my life. I .would (beef broth or wa,ler), -•. ceed as directed above' d<ilPa. ir, anpeared lo di.5~1 his they ~d J:i&rdlt. isee it so as. ve to ,_f/1 ·iDtlJ:' ~ ~itchen Cooked rice (or" \~ ' sauf.eein& yegeta~ For a ' nol ,, mit ~«fr.,, Of< Ill• aod ask ~-cook. ·'W1Q. )'OU noodleo) . . """·-ot . JM i\l!lging ~·ords. , woote~:~ttw¥'a~t-sbO~m¢~tomak~~c\tpof : , • "', ~ .~' ;~~"! =;·ov:it.la .· a:ie U::~~ Fl:i~:a~.il~ stunt. tt t~ !ri aw~1 lot or c.'Off4:'. ~~ !~~ i. fo~ ~ ~--ca s ~w~bles,, w a (e ~ metnologues naturally touched ,~~~ f,nd~~~~ ~'~~-i~;· ~?'~fsvotite f~t page coar~· ~·~'::~~ .. (cut~ ~k) ot\.,his age. his cheapness. his me." · .-,.-:t · · · Chm~ he said, '· .. · s~ta weU; rmse Wfll u er · .... w".'"""'-mu""<:!.....,,,.. ... ac. a. vtWin and h.is-tastc in food. a ha • ·'Out cook h sn1~ .l>e.en ~ ~watf! . .and di'y. Chop cholce is an excellent offepng lt!S familiar subject. ·.Jack . ~ ~n . pay~g the. Us .ve->t!'· ~~""'d nav:'. , 'onicbi·:c:olnely -cut·celery in ror weight-watchen as v.·ell as high cost of beitrg "8 tightwad ,,. . ~~ "'· a~ 1A ~nch-1' di !,.,_.,,"' penny-pinching cooks' ~'l don't reall y know ho\l.t I for yefrs.' "Llsr nig'ht•1 tttere woman ~'4!',&\"; great. too. •·i Pl'~· 8&"'~1· _ · Spe,,rlder ~AVORS CHINESE Foor;{ J•ck Benny stay this "''ay. I feel fine.'' he were. six of us at 21. 1 \VQf:PY 1.She was ~·.~_qiany many Saute onlOn and ·~ 1n ,......,., lllC. 5'1d. His fa~ "'as slightly I.an-about .tiRJ>ing a )Qi.. I. muSt ti p· years, and ·~-~~ got pret.t1:l:.-;;;;;:;;;;;·~;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i1 ntjl and .unJi?ed-Benny has an ·aWful kit'!&huia~otttM:-,91.d; ·~.,She ·,f11,_vt>s I'nl -··· ~ peiforming . Jor more . char~.~&,."'. eiz:._,y b 94 y .' V"zecnoMQvaki~ now. The1 ~e \ ' Ujin 50 years. · hollers at me 'You 're over-we have .ncr.v ts e~lly gcioct. jack claims no secret for his doing"it.\ or tioo•re:doitig 10o·· -S~ 6an ·-~.m~ke -.practically 11•less 3.ppcarance. "I don't much.' 'But1 i tnOW 'tfUS' situa--anything you.'w,anl, nothing is dtfnk too much. I don't drink tiOri. fl'rit SUp~ to: up ·tax.i' an eff04;.\J9f her. W~could say ai;: all "''hen you con1e right drivers Fa 1ot \00:": · · 10 tier, 1't!t!e ')lave about eight dflwn to it. I d:in·t kno\v \11hat· "·Actuall)',_"_m)\\w#e and t ~opJe· ~.'t()~.~ to h~ve l':l 1t1tt.is. ~1aybe it's because I are very big spenders. I've dinner ton1gh~ . ...and shed say, -k a lot.'' ~. ,abl~ tO make this 'Good/·Not~~g Qot_hers her." ·ke Frank Sinatra,i>._ ~ack ~~ ~ter pay off · One ~f his fe."o/1te foods_.~s Bfm.y says he bas · a· .gang . ·~.i·t;p:ft·atJy~ steak tartar,·~~·I only hk~ _,._ , .. '1nJy, in our ·gang, \l'e have -really stingy-rdon'l think-, it \\'hen they d00.!t 'lhake it too ~ard Everett H 0 r t 0 n. I could hav~. s~ a~ gun\my., MY .Wife, Mary, Siring Byington, \\'alter Bren-chiraM*. lik~ that. My prob-mak~il.very welt," he said. nin and myself. \\'e call· our lem ·wooldil't" have :been fun-"New::¥ork is probably the Pftg Ovaltine a-go-go. Vtle sing ny tO 1n!." besl-eatilig" clt,y in the world, if i play La\\'rcnce \Velk The Bennys entertain often you go. to good: places. I could ds. Sometimes "'e i:et these day!, particlllarly since name ·20, all good.~ and speed IQ.em. up a. Ii~ they moved ·intO their new Asked it tlien!>Was anything tit Sinatra takes-his· gang on · house iii ~y Hi I J s. else he'd like·. to do, the 75- a&acht. I take mine·oo·I bus "Everybody \•.ant~ to 'see the year-0ld Co/fl_ediah s aid , -fto the i\layo clinic~" ne\v house.'' "There was ·rot tt". while. and ~ilck has a mild case of He recalled the meals l};s .no~ I ~~t.Jtiink: l'd like to do .. , • • ,. . ' •.: 1·1 'I ~· Time Saver .-;ih -Demand ~. . • Ii, . r~.ow ofl~n do spc<;ial oc-filling into a ptepared•p;Gshcll ~~Ions arise "·lleu 'you · ne'Cd aJid l'etri~er"ate until fitrn. absoltltCl1 ~r dessert? Keep cans of milk chocolate tany tqe_,.w~·n waaet:·. ,. pudding (new i m pr.oye:d,_ JQJ\io~ · s ho idrmula makes ,\t belier tNm .. -_,.. me ever) on the . S>telf ·•io. ppea ~s ~.from <:oµeg~;~ .)Vhen. ~when ~ ~eed a. l~t-~!nuti" ily m,mbers g~ther for a. dessert or when you get an;, .. kencl fl, your hoUse or d,u~· resistible : midnight ~rge for the hOhdays. when ·J.i)en s flome ltfing chocolate.! ·· ol entenalnrnlf. Th .11 . t · nd 't -· • c · youngi teA-.·WJ ~elijoy , For any a all s~la~ OC· ' dlsJ~· of: ri~h. Crtal'Of~. milk loip, Choco-mllll ,Pie_ flll! •hocolate puddillt P.<•'.!nack anil is 5? e:a~y to hx. after Scl>ool. F'ot _lancy ... d.in· ahd tasuna: h~ f~nc_y nus. dress up puddint With , e-umelde:ueru. tha.s one is ~pings· of sliced bananas ~e. a "qui~ky". The toasted coconut, ·or chopped ~1'ne:sav1nJ ,. ftlgredient . that pecans. ::.!lo m•k .. 1• /ll+lproof " can· ~ ~~It-pudding. cilOco-Mlf>'I' PIE Just ~ Pudding fr.om the 2 cups ·ove~·to11sit'd rice n and c»rnblne it ·"'"ilh ccrcul. cni.!i-h<'d lved gelatine ant! P<!P· 2 lablcs1l00n~ sugar minl ·e:xfract. Chftl unlil 1~ cup mt"Hl'd bulll'r or ~y thick~ .. then fold margarine . wtifpPed crtari1 :-pour tht ·) enve1ope u n fl a "n r 1 d gelaline ·~ cup:cold waler l can (16 ounces) milk chocolate pudding 101 teaspoon peppem\int ex- tracl ' 11 cup hea\'y cream , wlth>- pe<I . • • Crushed peppermint candy Combine cereal. sugar and butter. Press lirmly into 8- inch pie pan ; chill. h1eanwhile. Jn , l!au~pan, sprinkle gelatine over V.'ater: stir over low heal until gelatine is dissolved . Grad- ually stir gelatine int« ·pu(I. ding and exlract. Chhl lnitll'tJlghJly·thlckl!ned. Fold Into whipped crr:atn. Pour lnlo pie· ,neu. Chill until rirn1. Carnish \l:ilh additional "hipped cream arw:I p.;p- pc1·r11ln l can<}y. i\fakcs an · 8- b~. b .pie. • • ' THE PLACE TO FIND UNUSUAL GIFTS ••• Horne d Gift. Siop OOLPHINS.:-Eltgont.Kuiptlire in Bovorion bisque Chino; by. · Gerhard Bochmonn, 40.00 MUSEUM CASE IOX-ligh1ly gilded, carved bOx, velvet lined, "l'il,h o glois topped shadow box lid . This wirh violin ortd,_tnu Hc. 23.00 BIRD'S NEST---Metol 1culp1w•• mounted on o lucite cube, holds olobo1ter egg. .SculpNre; .16:00 Egg, many colo1s 1.00 PHOTO ALBUM-Wood veneer cover framing inset of pressed flowers. 21 .oa MUSIC &OX CLOCIC~old and old lvory.-Swiss made. Ploy-1 "Strangers in the Night." . 30.00 ·.tJ . ;)/ OPEN DAILY 9·6 SUN. DEC. U, 11 -4 ' LUCITE-The Now Look in d•1k 1tl and accessories. TortoM and wh ite lucite, Desk lighter 1J.OO, A1htray 15.00, Bookend• 17.00, letter opener, 1.00. DENTIST-One of a group of·whimsicol llolion figurines of the pr0Ni1ion1, 17.50 . . A to Z &OOKENOSi n block,. or gold leaf. io.oo l'oir DUCK DECOYS-Authenric reprodvdioM of antiques, carved from orro'#OOd, pol~hrome. 22.00-30.00 YACK! SHO~ I ., RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER 3433 Via Lido, Newparl Beoch 673-636011 BE ' WITH SALLIE ! ) I . Er YOUR COUllSE AND GLOW, GLOW, GLOW , . , For your what-.you .. can-d~w h e r e Christmas .lists, .a .miniview roundup ·or Christmas in Lbe old corral. YACIIT SHOP AND GIFT SHOP OPgN SUNDAYS Yacht Shop is the place for clothes •.. men'a ·and women's . . , not clothes. · clothes, but a wondrous line or -the fabulous cas· · ualll,. the go-everywhere- ables you all want, need and wear 12 months of the year. ·Gals totell in all .shapes and sizes,. men's swim trunks, T·shirts, foul \Veather jackets· .. '. great ' '' . cla~ic pants\ suita fot: you gals,. wjtp s.kirts, shitb, and more tops to be wild "'ith or bleod. · Dresses tio, the atways ' r i g h t · an,:Where, ·anytime bea\lteous\ poly· . esters ~o waSli and dey in• a breeie. For boats ••• decorator pillo\.\'S, deck chairs.-and all the plastic glasS,s and di shes, so much a ?fr1 o( .anybody 's way of tlf~ ... :· round 1>00ls, patio, of gold- en sand. THE GIFT SHOP 'NEVER ENDS . Three gorgeoos noots ... Call it gourmet cellar er country kitchen .• , down- stairs is the place for the c'Ookey crowd .•• "Pots 'and Pans" gone glorious ' with color or fin e tin from all over the world, Mexico and of course fight here • Coffee grinders ... 'ld you know you can also uJr pure Kona Coast Hawaiia,n cof- fee beans for grindilli your own coffee flavor .. r. The sunshinny upper deck \\'here the bounties for the bath remain 'supreme, &long wi4t all t.he color ~hed paper party ace ' · e.s. Yllf can do a 'party up dif. ferently every day of the week. Desk accessor:ies and writing paper .•• And here's something. • i every· body always needs • ... a calendar , ... the long dec- orator felt k~d to show a whole year at a glance. Main floor is to qplore . • . first the candle shop, next the card shop and a flutter in the glory' or the gift wrap , .• Somewhere inbetween you miglit select a Hununel, a gla1s cat, or a golden angel •. , perhaps a fondue pot,. egg plate, or ItaUaa, figuerin~. And~doo't foieet the i ift · \\Tappnig booth where tht pa ckages bloom looking like Christmas. They mail th ings, too, anywhere in the world. FLOWER SHOP PUTS THE MOOD ON ' if you don't have it yet . _ . See how they'\;e stash· ed potted poinsetlias in the . ivy P.lanter: outside ••• You oCOl1ld do that too , , • And vrhy not decorate your patio, especially if 'YOU can see it from the iilside. U you have someone who doesn 't have a Uly, Simon or Henrietta . . . The ce- ment doUs who no.er talk in their own way in three .sizes •. ~ at least come in and look •• , a very lovin' thing to have around all year: P~CKAGE llOUTIQJJE Bottles in the shapes o£ Misai5'ippi Rivet boa t s, cannons, gold compotes pot· bellied stoves,' ceramlC Jndlana. masked iaddiea and Venetian glan ••• and famous namei • • • Tanamore Dew, 12·year old ·b 1 ended' Irish Whiskey, Bronte original Yorkahlrt Liqueur of apple and honey, · Chaidn Laflte Rolh.chiid 19>3. AIL nus AND FOOD AND ORGAN MUSIC TOO ------..--------·---~·-·-·~·-... -~"~•·~"1•1r • hff ,fi + 1:4 1 s 'f'"',_....tff''ftEi ""'-r-rv· -~~-rr~r--.--~~~· -1"-.,-""'7 .. ,.,-,..,.n1.~:-~ • -r•: -.-.~ -.-: ..... -,,. ..... rrr.;:--.~,,,­... !3 • I l • • ' " • e e t r • r t I I I ' t " • r n 1 0 • k • n ,. II I, ~ c • • • d '· • " d I PRICES ~TIVE DEC. 11, 12, 13 .. . Organ ' . . . ' ' IN......,, -10, I"' ~y--· ' . . ' · .. SANTA IS HE.E '. • ·.DAILY -._ ______ _ _ RICHARD'S PERSONAU Y SELECTEO VARIETY \!IF' FlNE MEATS . . TH)S IS A FlAVORFUL ADDITION TO THE IUFF.fT TAILE Corned Beef Brisket CHlltltY It~,. K!'t!l~!I sr'fi.l CUBE STEAKS With S.uce Dl1blo; A ~ SIMk lantlwkhl \ Lean G. round -BEEF . Hithly "'l~:"'' -· '"''""'". . . • • 'hoorty M.ntlOri i. 'lluff.t·feHt; 2 LI. IOX FROZEN CHUCK · . . . . .. HAMBURGER PATTIES·. ' 5 PATTllS. Piii ll. ... 89-L •. 1.29LI. 53-LI, Serenade For Your ·pleasure LIDO MARKET CENTER MEAT LOAF 1.19aox 89-L .. NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE Our own, even rMCly In foN ,.ns.. by Bernice Fay ---' EXTRA FANCY, CRISP, Wl<SHIN6TON STATE RED DELJCIOUS APPLES s LBS. $1 PEARS BAKED IN WINE MAKE A NICE DESSERT. FANCY, MELLOW, SWEET, WASHINGTON D'ANJOU PEARS s LBS. $1 s.ut• sliced mushrooms, with sliced onion •nd 9reen p•pptr. Season with salt, reel pepper end oregeno. Nice side dishl HOT-HOUSE, BUTION TYPE, BROWN Mushrooms ·12 LB. 39~ FANCY, NEW CROP, $ELECT GR).DE Mixed ·Nuts LB. 49¢ ~0trit~ .. -, 1 ' ,, KNUDSEN LA BON • BUTTER 1 LB. 79' NABISCO PREMIUM CRACKERS I LI. ; : GELATIN DESSERT JELL-0 , o.. ~\..5.t M.J-B. COFFEE 1 LB. 69¢' .. M.J.B. COFFEE J LI. 1.37 M.J.B. COFFEE I LI. 1.98 SMUCKERS . ' . Strawberry Preserves 20 oz. 59c SMUCKERS PRESERVES APRICOT· Pl NEAPPLE ,. oz. 49c LIPTON TEA BAGS 41 c: .... S9c SCHILLING Freeze-Dried Chives 1/1 oz. 49c STAR PIMIENTO, for tlie hers cfoeuvr•s 'fr1y. Stuffed Olives · 1~ oz. 49¢ LIBBY'S YELLOW CLING PEACH HAL V,ES '"' 4 "'$1 LIBBY'S YELLOW CLING SLICED PEACHES 21/2 4 ... $1 LIBaY'S PEAR HALVES "' 3 "'$1 LIBBY'S ~6 01. Pineapple J.,ice 4 FOR $1 LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE 46 oz. LIQUID BLEACH PUREX KLEENEX BOUTIQUE NAPKINS .. Ct. ' 100% Whole Wheat Bread 4 "'51 49c s ,,.51 39c HONEY AND CINNAMON TOPPING Cinnamon Twist Danish IACH 15C Butterflake Dinner Rolls 6-~31'' Mede with fr11h b1nn11 at1d nuts. BANANA NUT LOAF 1.29 EASTERN GRAIN FED PORK SPARERIBS EVERYONI LOVIS THIM. SO ~IT PLINTYI 79¢LI. . ' . HOLIDAYS ARE . THE TiME WHEN · OLD FRIENDS DROP IN'·_,_; ·TO -LEAVE; A GIFT, TO WISH YOU A MERRit·CH~ISTMAS;·AUNTS 1JNCLES, COUSINS -ANYTIME IS THE TIME FOR AN IMPROMPTU PARTYI WHAT TO SERVE? TRY THESE DELICIOUS FIX-AHEAD TIDBITS -READY WHENEVER GUESTS DROP IN. CURRY CASHEWS • CHILI ALMONDS CAMEMBERT SPREAD ASSORTED CRACKERS RU MAKI S.r:v-chilled ch1mp19n1, sherry or your fevorife drink• 1~.rwt the p1rty is onl Coff9e end· Christrnes cooki•s foo off th.a evenin9 . ~~ ' . Combine 1n skillet V• C. butter, I T. curry powder, I T. Wor- c.e1ter1hire sauce, V1 tsp. C:&yenne. When mi•ture is hot, tdd 2 C.-c·•1h.lw1. Stir till co•ted." Pour nuts in pen lined with brown p•per e11d b.ke et ~00 degrees for I 0 min. Cool end store. &/Wttl&lfmtl'L Put I lb. shelled unbl~~ched elmond1 in skillet with I T. chili pow .. cler, I clove 9erlic m••hed, Y.. C. butter. Cool over mecl. he•t, stirring, until ori1p •ftd lightly browned. Remove 9•rlic, sprinli:I• wth coerse sel~. Cool and .store. ~~<ff~ Peel cheese tnd m•sh it. Mi• with •n equtl etnount of \M.itter. For·eech 'Ii' C. of mi:1fure . .11dd I T. ptprik•. Pack iri+. jers, cover. end refriger•te. Be- fore serving add I ·T. minc,d 9r11en onion for ••ch 1/1 ·.C. of spreed. ' . . . . . . ,. :.{{,~~ .· ' Meke your feVorte tumek1 ·cedip• en~ put ii, p.1estlc'-IM9 in the tfreeier. When reedy ~· usi place on .. p~n and l:iroil till ~one .. •CJ.ee1eba:i1 c•n be m•d• ahud.. \lt,eff.WJtpP.ed _.,,.J fr_oun.,tool •• . ' . . . . • EVERYIODY',LOVES THEM! . DELIGHTFUL AFTER DINNER ' . .. GOURMET BASKETS THE MOST FUN 61~ TO RECEIVE! . . . SWEDISH ,PEPS Rlch~rd's specl.I 4lelleecie1, wines •nd liquers-· a tndy indlvNfuel 9lft. . , • 1•-' I R,911lorly $ 1.00 IMot I ' .. Speclol -· I . CHOCOLATES . luscious holidey e11orfm'ent1 fror.t lrUms, Alie" W •rtz end Edy'•· · · . . c}{~ Thr•• of our delectible h.litley .,;.,, •• with ell the·prepere_tion Jene for you. ·. Long Island · Duckling Succulent due.Ii: in •ft oreft9e."wlft• 11uee STUFFED Chef C.ut-Po'rk Chops 1'.49 .... Thtc.11:' mNfy chop, with eut~"" penley dre1sin9 • ,. BEEF ROUtADES ; 1J9,,., T oMer beef 1ffctf1 re)Md ii round·• ff'avorful 1tufflnt wit,. wetor·chestnuts. l'LUS U,S.D.A. ,RIME IEEF ' .. TURKEYS, H,'.MS, DUCKS, , ETC. M>IKE ·WONDER FU~ · 61FTSI · SUNKIST . O_range Juice Jl 2 FOii 89d AU.NT JEMIMA CO.RN STICKS 1 oz.· 29c . . a'NNAMbN STICKS . ~oz. i?c DOLE ' I PINEAPPLE : CHUNKS 11;.,;,.:, 4",.;~J ·SARA UE · • , . ' , . . DEVllS JQ9.D CA.KE 1•<111-· .. 6,c SARA LEE __ _ BROWNIES .. ,._ . 69c· STOU.~F-~S 1;2: Iii. ' . ' ' · ' . Macaroni ·&··Beef ; .59.d STOUFFERS , -· Tuncr-~oodle Casserole 11v.-oz. 59c -STOUFFERS - Chicken and NoOdles ""'oz. 79c &REEN 6~NT IN IUJTIR' SAUCE ' BROC!SQl:I 'SPEARS 11 oz. 6RtEN-61ANT· IN ·IUTTER.SAUCE NIBLETS CORI':! .. 10 oz. GREEN GIANT~ 1 4 '$1 ... ' . . B~Oc<;OLI GREEN -61A"l1 , · • ... CAULlFLOWER ' 'I ·3 ·. '1 ............ tlC)L ..... 1 ' .. ' . I/. '~.I ~­ O~CAR MAYER, ALi:.MEAT, ALL IEEF. OR THiCK BOLOGNA: · · · • .;.... .. oz. 69c IORDfN ' ' ' ' ' Whipped Cottage'Cheese ·;,; lSC CHEESE IRITtl.i, SNACK '~IX, TOASTETiiS • ' NANCY'S. P'ARTY SN».Cl<S '"· 49c. N>:NCY'S ·pA~TY SNACKS'.,, -a,c AUNT CHRISSIE'S •... DANISH -~OOKIES ... ..., ;, .. 1.79 .. ~ ·~ . '.(!7r : ~bt.u.etJ~~ FLOWERS BY. 'WIRE . . -. 'Lll<CE 'YOUR'ORDERt NOW, AND'YO\J NOT 'OJitY SAVE WIRE CHAR61$,'YOO CAN <AUO,. INCLUDI YOtJR OWN 6RHTI~ CARD. • .• , • ' .OQOER .. NOW! PHONlitORDeRS WElCOMEDI . ' '. ! , sW.HJJllUlhdeld!(IJ&dEA¢f u•z &JJSJE!&ISIJ,3&J•1 tslla•sf¥2UE5!¥Jll LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR F~OW~R SHOP".. . C(EANERS O,EN DAILY t-6 ' DAILY l :J0-6, SAT. 1:~0-1 "£.t.c.A.-...J:-MAR.KET . HOME & GIFT SHOP OPEN DAILY 9-7, SUN. t-6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 OPEN SUN. 11.-4 OPEN DAILY 9-6, SUN. JQ.J .. DAILY t-S:JO, SAT. t.5 . . . . '. . ". ', • .. 1 ' . . . . . . . ·~ . . . • . ;,. ... •, -: •• •• •• ;. '· , • • t ZQ!R "t"i ..,. ~·...,. -··--....,..-.--.~-.,,--------·.· -v ......................... ~ .... ' -. . ... ... --. . ·~ -. ' ...... 7i' ... .,,,. -,~., • ., ~..,. .... _.,...,_, .. ,. ""'"'7" • ..,_,,...,..,v-o-.-.,.,...-.-v ---.--·••••>< .,,. ~~---~·-• ~---r:··-~---• •~ ·'·•~ .,....... -. . .. .. .... -1 ---·..,;·..;_· -'-""'-"'---,... .. ·- 1---•• '. ' I ' $% -·-...._ •• - ' El Rancho knows this is a busy time of the year for you, so we have super specials for nieal ·planning, plus ideas for .the Holidays ahead! (t ~(\I\, \•I ' .~ I ff' (.. \_ ' J .. •• Whole or -79, Rib Half .. .. . .. . . .. .. · a · .uin~~ For at.ender succultnt rout : •• hiJh in protein, long on flavor .•. and Y:ith an acent on economyf · · !\tore meaty goodness! ...• finer quality mid~western grain fed pork tripln1ed to offer more valuef Spare Ribs ......................... 69~ Lean ••• so meaty! ••• Farmer style! Sliced Bacon ...................... 19~ El Rancho's ••• thicker, leaner; ranch style. S• I • 1· • R $1 29 1r 01n . 1p oast...... lb Serve B. hearty beef roast, .. one that offers man-sized satisfaction ••• and collect compliments. Atlantic Lobster -·stuffed Clams . · From icy ocean waters to of. $189 DelightfUl blend of stuffing and 98C fer aweet firm meat! Aver~ Jb clam ' mJat ••• senre in the age'11A, to 11;2 lbs. e&chl -~ lhelli ••• 6 per 11 oz. package! Super-Shopper Grocery Specials Springfield Sugar ..... 5:L~ .• ~~6 ••••• 43c A new ,nam..e in sugar •.• but offe;rlni familiar qualit'Y ! Gl ittering crystals of s\veetness ! Tomato Juice .... ~.!~·~~·. ~A~~ ••••••. 4 : $1 Glorietta ••• you couldn't do better.I From red r'ipe frui:t ••• no.turallY. pure and wholesome! Salad Dressings.~···~~!~~·~ ..... 4: $1 You'd expect to p&J 39c e.ch fo.r your choice of the21e favorites. Now S3Ve 14c in the 8·oz. bottles! Gala Tow els~.:-.... ~~~8~.R~~ .• ~ •••• :4 : $1 Solid colors ••• or white with decorator·botders! So many sheets in a roll ... and each so thirsty Fruit Coc:ktail ........ ~~.e~s ......... 5 i $1 Cubes o! lush ripe fruit' ..• jiicture pretty, and delicious too ••• for cocktails, salads, desserts. . ' . Carnation Tuna ............ 3 1or 79• Imperial Margarine ...... 3 '" •1 Chunk style •.. light meat ••• No. Y2 cans. Use it \vith a regal pride! l·lb. cartons. Cook Book Sauces ........ 4 '°' '1 Seasoned Green Beans 4 1or •1 New!• From Contndinal Six great varieties! Dole's .•• 'vith the accent on flavor!. No. 303. Hi Ho Crackers ................. 39¢ Metrecal Cookies .............. 79¢ From the happy.Sunshine bakers! ••• l S-oz. Ca.Jorie counters, take note ! No cyclamates ! Coffee Mote ...................... 99' Chili 'n' Beans .................. 59• Big lS.Ounce. j ar, •• You save 20cf Bob·s ! ••. fa1nou! for flavor! l.G·oz ..•• frozen. Folger's Coffee .................. 69~ Orange Juice ................ 4 ~~ $1 Two wund can 1.37 Three pound can 1.97 Snnkist •.• California froien!, •. 12-oz.-49c Saran Wrap ......... -. ............ 49' Springfield Ice Cream .... 69• Big 10()..ft. roU. Save lelt.oYcrs ..• and mont'y ! FaYCM'Cd flavors ..• ~; gal. gquarc c:1rton. flectra·sol ....................... ! .. 49' Purina Cat food .............. 6 "''1 For'a1tomaltc 8foliwuhml .":'. 218.<>z. pkJ'. l\11 tlavors,., 611! ounce flat cons. T'" lucky Winne~ al !Jell [f Rlnchof Tam, of ,.,. dloiOI! It's traditional with us •••. at Chriltmu time we give 10 ·turkeys to 10 lucky people at each store ••• No PurChase Required! Just fill out the -entry form provided at your El Rancho •• , and be lucky! And ••• you choose the tur- ker, you want r Wlrin•r. wlll be norlfled hy t.leph•n• Mon., De<. 22 , , • wirin•n n-•1 wUI be> po1tH In 1to~ •nleNd. _'}I@,'>' g~IJ/.;eo·-FOR A GALAXY OF GIITT ... see our gift guide! Happy solutions to ~ ! the problems of gift buyinr are yours at El Rancho! Gift bask~t.s ••• ·beautifully I packaged, attractively priced ••• Gift Certificates, t oo, are always appreciated! ~d.~ Fresh fruit baskets are available .•• and of course, a fabulous selection of fine J·-wines and Jiqueurs ••• holiday packaged ••. is offered at El Rancho! ,. ~ ORDER YOUR TURKEY NOW! Give your.self the assurance that you will have exactly the turkey you v;•ant for· your holiday dinner. Pick up a reservation form when you're in El Rancho this week .•. and be sure of having your turkey waiting for you. El Rancho's fresh "Grade -"A" turkeys offer unparalleled diriing delight. And of course, we'll have a wide selection of Frozen ~=·==Gr=a=de=A==tu=rk=e=ys=a=~=o=!=Or=d=er=n=o=w=·=·=·•=n=d=b=e=~=re=o=f=yo=u=rs=!==================~ El Rancho Produce Specials! :Russet Potatoes ..... 0:~·.N.0: ~ •••••• 10 ~; 3t Serve them so many ways ••• and often! And you'll be glad you bought them at El Rancho! Pink Grapefruit ............ !· ........ 10 i 51 Ruby Red variety ••• rushed here from Texas. Sweet and juicy ••• sreat breakfast treat. Pippin Apples ............ : ............ 5 lb,•1 For a pie .•• or baked, with pork roast! El Rancho Delicatessen Knudsen's Puddings .................. 39e ~ Big 16-ounce cup ••• variety of favorite flavors! Salame Chub ........................... $1.49 Gallo .•. old world fttvor .•• 13~oz. big! Pen & Quill Dips .................... 3 F .. •1 Clam. Onion, Garli~, Chili, Blue Cheese ! ••• 8-oz. Sliced Swiss ............................... 35c Cache Valley ••• natural cheese! ••• 5;oz. Op•n dailv 9 to 9 , •• Sund•v 9:30 to 7:00. Italian Squash ........................... 19~ Garden lre8h ••• always welcome at the table! El Rancho Fine Liquors Holiday Times Rum ....... FIFTH ...... •199 New! Bottled for El Rancho! Qt.-4.99 Canadian Whisky .... s1vE 12.00 .... '10.99 \.Vindsor Supreme .•• half gallon for value! Chas. Krug Vin Rose ..... FIFTH ... :. •1.s9 The dinner \vine that complements so well ! Grey Riesling ............ FIFTH ............ $1.79 Light and dry and flovorful ! Cha" Krui I P·rice1 ·in effect Thur1. through Sun. Dcc.11, 1:!, 1!, 14. No 1ale1 to dealers. Ask lhe manager aboul our convenlenl Charge Account Service HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St. ' NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd.• 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also corivenfently lo.cated stores In Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena --------~~· __ ........, _____ , .. _, ••-• ·-• ••·-• 41 ;;ca ;a a; c o so;weo. '"''**+ ,,...s .,., .-.•~•-~ _ ... ,....,.. ..... -·------·------· ---· - PILOT-ADVERTISER . J,USOA •!,. USDA ~ 1' 1 . USDA CHOICE .......... • )i ........ ' ' CHOICE CHOICE MlkMTM .... 1 ........... , CHUCK STEAK GROUND BEEF ' BEEF ROAST BEEF STEAK OR CHUCK Fresh A .. lea1 BONELESS .ROAST F11vorf1I a .. BONELESS ~1icy Fr• .. • Full Center Cut • Ov..iteady USDA Choice T•der Chunks . Slioulffr cw Gnlolo .... ... .., IHI Roulllls • lo11less Cha ll•Cuts (24. Ch091') .. • Fallily Steak lb.: hr Pot Roast I~ -' Sliced Meats i:;;• :;; 35' Clicken t!·.'~~. !t~ 45• Sllced Ham .!.';~ ~:~ 59' SolaMI i:':::'l~ ~";: 46' Solaml ·.~:;-.::: :.-:; 96' !~l!~~~~!!!~ !~:: 69c T·lone Steak ':'llHO:: .... '1" Top Sirloin Steak us:.~"' lh '1" S"ncer Steak ~::sc:1 1~ •1" Podl Steaks :..,~r., "' 79' Spareribs ~t:!',S::.~. "'79' Pol~ Chops ~~~~~.i "'79' Ca ed Halll Wuiut Or 5 ·.·"· •4• nn switt e""' C ed H DuhiJJ11t 8 ·Ii. t711 Inn 1111 f""ill Siu ttl Ha1111 =w:;:r:.:1 Ii. '1" Pork Sausage ~~~-~k ::59' Gro•nd Chuck ...i:~~ ... 6' Veal C~1 l':':'.r~ .. 'W -:' YealSteaks ~~~ ... 89' F-L-' """" l·O. 59' ..-a !Ullts' '''' LUllCh Meat ~~;;: 35' •All 1W1 Or lilWI ...... 9tiW, Pict.It I "-ifflll • ... 1•"f .. $ficW l-\NI ····29' pk,. Beef Linkies .z. Comed Beef ~:i ... 98' . ' BIG BUY! BIG BUY! BIG BUY! Margarine 0.14~rHk Creamy-Smooth lq Texture 1-1•. Ct1... . • • R $ BIG BUY! Bread Sale l11.Wripi'1 Junta 30-Slice c White or Wheat 24-0L loaf. .... BIG BUY! • • Dinners lut111I frozen-In Assorted c Varieties 11-ez. · Size ..... BIG BUY! .Sugar Union ........ rorTablt c 0r Cookinc 5-1•. 11c .•..• Johnson's Baby Sha111poo ~!'.::·· ·~ at Lavoris Mouthwash r~~~~;.' · .:.e: .. 92' Breck Conditioner ,..:.·~::i~r;,1, ~:~ 'I"' Breck Concentrate Sha111poo ~::· at Vanquish Tablets .~~~. :ikfi 7t Wo Glvo ·11vo Chip ltDMtf• Pol-llvo Ropltl lhovo •::· 99' Groo• a Cloon ..:,,.. ':; 76' Pontl1 C.111 Cr•-•:: 99' Ha111llton leach ·TOASTER ,.11,.. 'II" ... ~ ""' ""' 112.49 , ... PHOTO SUPPLIES S Av E OI PIOCISS ... Of llotlCOUll FILM. '''' r ... •• '''"""' '' ''"' ,...... Koda.CQ,or Fil111 Cl·lll 02 '-"'I 911• 11r hf 8'J"""' f« l!ol~ . :"" -r Polaroid· !!!! FD111 • 1111~ flooiftd Pich11 '4'' "'"' In J1.1t Ont Minute. , .. , , Qt . ' BIG BUY! Tor11a10 Sauce DtllRte Rich And Th~k TOOllto .... C.1 ••••• BIG BUY! c Baby Food 111111-1111 Strained Vl'ieties c Y11r Choite u ...... Biscuits Egg log ., ~ ., .. ! ln.Wrtpt c Lmrae Buttermilk Non-Alcoholic c Or SWeetmilk Rich fll'IGI! 1-0 ... . Quart . Can ••••. • . Ctl ••••. > .. _____ __. .. ·-Orange Juice '.~_ Bel-air Frozen k Premium T1ot 11o>t Cll Q II °"''' Ju<e UG .fJ YOtJ Ever Tasted •. ,_ C ;· '• Meat Pl.es Miii HOllSl-Cb~kll, Bllf, '!L 1"9c Titer Dr Tn1 Y1r~fi&. ,.. • ,. Fruit Pies Cnam Pies Bel-air Vegetables ~ 3 s1 I 3· s1 I...,···---... ""2"" "'"'"' .... ltl·•• lie. "''"''""-""'" ..... ... .,,-f[ufpt 24t&. A»orltd ,Its IArMn P-. CilWtd $pilldl. ,.....,, 2"" IWerfJt Liii ~-AM ..... V P!icnflltdMlloors.Dtc.11 tin s.., Otc. 14 " S.ftwJY =~~ -14m Ri1" llld Mi~ siolo Yoio O'lll. las Mltits ._. Sall Dimas, Clnmant. Nylon Hose ~~=--;:i~M< 59' Cigarettes :~~ s31• ~·s3•... , ... ,. ••rt•• .. (.; -i(' Avllool. -------- Rrm & Golden Ripe! I~. Nut Sale! •Alberts , •Pecans •Walnuts . .. ~ . , ./, • Brazlls •Almonds -. . ~-. . • .'. ll .. ::: -~ .• ;i Navel Oranges c.~,;~ •• 8c99' .1 ; A. ocados Large Callfomla 3 $100 :: Y . Nutritious & Delldous ftr .: Fclncy Apples -~~~ SIL s1 00 3 Yellow Onions Anlou P-r• :'. ,4 U.S. No.1-f~. 3 _.., 29C U.S. No. I-Won-6 .,., 4ftc I " vor favorite! Ne derfut Arior ,..k "Jf .. , : .. .. ,., • 1 DOI Bayside Dr., Newport Beach • 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. Laguna • 636 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach • s.ta Ana f llMJ at la Paz, Mlsslen Viejo • Wilson & Fairview, Costa Mesa I I I ' f • 1S4 DAILY PILOT · Berries f Pretty '.Bread ' : If you've never made this ~ long-Ome favorite, you· v e ; been misSing something! Th · cranberry circlets· look Ji ? pretty in the slices. ~. FOR-SURE CRANBERRY ;: BREAD ~. 2'1: cups sifted flour ~: v.,, teaspoa.1 salt ~· 2 teaspoons baking powder ::· 1,2 teaspoon soda '' 1 ~~ cups sugar .: 1 cup nuts 3 tablespoons soft shortening 2 eggs slightly beaten • Juice of l orange with boil- ing water to make I cup 11/, cups raw cranberries, thickly sliced Slft dry ingredients together twice. Add nuts, toss to coat well. Add shortening, eggs and '~orange-water. Stir in sliced 'l-'cr1r:1berries. ~ Pour batter into greased and ';floured loaf pan or divide f between empty tin cans. (See .. note below) Bake at 325 ~degrees for about l hour. ; Remove when cool. Let stand ·~ for 24 hours before using. Both . flavor and slicing quality are improved. Note: Many cooks like to use cans as cootainers. any. ·: uµng up t.o a No. 2 can. Round · slices make such pretty tea sandwiches! Small round loaves also make pretty gifts when done up in cellophane and red ribbons. USDA CHOICE BEEf. T·BONE STEAK . \ I PORTERHOUSE ·29 AMERICAN LEG· lb. OF 39 LAMB -~· -. -. ,.. - • -MARKET . 608 EAST BALBOA BLVD. STORE HOURS 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. ' ' PHONE: 673°8310 WE D~UVER !'rices Effective Dec. 11tfl, 12th, 13th WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS TOP $AVING$ PRODUCE ---.... GIANT HEAD LETIUCE RED DELICIOUS APPLES ZUCCINI OR SUMMER SQUASH 19~ 10~ If using Un cans, use same 325 degree temperature but lessen timing. Fill cans just "'• full. Grease and flour well . Bread is easily removed from I cans (when coo\J if bottom of .can is cut out. bread ge.1tly 1 ··pushed through. Running a I curved paring knife around ·.bread also helps. STEAK lb. 'TIS THE SEASON TO BE THRIFTY - SHOP HERE fOR HOLIDAY SAVINGS! . . . . ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' . Snappy 1ov,.22v, ""11T ... i .... 1'rrc..1" ... There isn't a smoother , I sleeker A-line dress tl be l Jound on the winter-spring &celf, Scarf tie adds snap to Cuff collar above smart yoke . CATSUP 14 oz. BO TILE CANNED MILK t TALL CAN Printed Pattern 9110: NEW Half Sizes JO~J, 12~~. 14 1h, 16'n:, 181h, 201.o1i, 221n. Size 14 (bust 37) takes 2314 yds. 39-in. SIXTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern ror- first.class mailing and spcial handling ; otherwise third-(lass delivery will take three weeks oc more. Send to Marian Marlin, Ole DAILY PILOT. Pattern Dept. 442, 2.32 West 18th St.. New York. N.Y. 10011, Print NAME, ADDRESS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. FINE FOODS AT SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS PLUS EASY, FREE PARKING We Give Blue Chip Stamps! MIX-OR-MATCH YOUR CHOICE! INSTANT SEWING BOOK teW today, wear tomorrow. St. Del Monte Peas Springfield Applesauce Cheerios Wheaties Shasta Club Soda JDJ TIN- JO) TIN- 7 OZ, PK6. 21 OI. 1onL1- Nuts Hide Inside Treat Shasta Quinine Water ,. oz. 1onL1- Me1t a few marshmalloYt'S in D. d A c St I c 1Jie lop of a double boJler. Dip lamon ream y e Orn JOI TIN- one half of pecan or walnut d • O halves Into marshmallow. then Del Monte Man ar1n ranges 11 o •. ,,_ into pastel green or pink tinted "r.nu.\'ni CO<.'Onllt: Blend 1 Campbell's Home Style Beans ,., ,,._ teaspoon water with just a D I M t S • h drop or (WO of food COioring. e on e p1nac IOJ TIN- Adcf l~l C'UPI J hrtdded coconut. Toss with fork lo Hunts Solid Pack Tomatoes JOO ···- FOR 1 LB. TIN FOL GER'S COFFEE ---From Our Liquor D~p't.,--­ BALBOA VODKA 1/2 GAL. SEA GRAMS .7 CROWN WE RESERVE 'fHE RIGHT TO LIMIT BALBOA MARKET ON THE PENINSULA 608 E. BALBOA BOULEY ARD PHONE 673·8310-Houn: 9 AM to 6 PM blend. (lf too dark. add morel COC0111JI. Erceu Slores well 1nl~A~m:e:r~i:c:a:n~B~e:a:u:t~v:.!S?:a~~h:e!tt~i~1~1 :oz.~n:•·;;;-~--------------!::::::::::::::::~J capptd jars.) Spread on wax. J ed paper IO dry before using. 10'/o DISCOUNT ON ALL CASE PURCHASE Of WINI AND LH?UORI ,.._...--...... ,..,.,-----~-~------~~-.... ~--_...,,..,~ ... -....... ~ . .-·-----.---.-·-·_,,·~-r7-.. -----·--.. --·----~ . • . ~ ~ , .. ~ i h ' ~ " ., .. -I• IJ t ,j ' . . , " ~ ' ., i ' s t ' ' j ! .. I • I I a I • " i • ' • i r ' ' ,. ( ' I • ' • • 4 ~ ., t i r '. • .. .. ' ' ' .. • ' • l • ~ J • • ' "" y • r, --• • • ' . ,. DAILY PILDT Q SHOP ' STA TER ··BROS. FOR . I GREA TEI' . ' I • 0 MANHAnAN-CHUI ALLBEEF 59' SALAMl ... o, . ~· -... . . . ~ • , . ' USOACMOICIOISTATllNOS.CUTll'llDNEF • 1 •• T-BoME ITIAJ(S ·-LI. . .,,.,..._. .. .,.,._,.arr_"" f 123 PORJERHOUSE ITIAKLI. . USDAOOCl~STATllllOS.Cdi .. tllf' 7· 9' RIB ROA5T 11HirrH11as ...... L1. . USOAOtOIClms-.MUOS.CHTND 89 .••• •O••T 1STTltA !TH All ... LI. c UIDACHQKlqlSIA~~HDlfff ·99c RIB .. STEAKI --........... _ 11. • BIMRAuNSCIMEIGER ~2 7' 'iOUiiii•s'ilCIAilH;ONWSSLl.87'. . S'(AT~tlOS,AUMIAT9lALLllEf 5Jftt -SlilCED BOLOGN'A ... 12-01. r'I-., . . LB. .uso•Q<o1a.ouTATIUIOl."'""""'m: 99· C ·>, '.4Lf MEAT . £~':' .. !-"!!~AK _:~: .............. u . ~c' :W·IENlRS USDACMOGOISTATllllOLCBIHDUIF . ' RUllP ROAST _........ ..LI. 77c GROUND ROUND .. L •• 77 -· ,·"1ti!" Fll~LIAN,-GllOUND.HOUILY ~ . _ 49c -·-... . "· 79' !!!~!!.!!}.'St .... .LI. . CTEAKS ~:ig::ETIP -... : .. Ll.98c GROUND BEEF _......... . .. L•. USD.t.CHOICIOllSTAT'flllOS.aa'TW'IEDlllF , '' ' 4· 9' BEEF ROAST :g~~0 ............ ,.~~ •. ·5-5' ' LB. iuuci .. D .. BACON .................. L1.63c ********************************** ********** LIBBY DEEP BROWN PORK &- BEANS ..... ' ·ROL.l00 M .NO. 21/1 .,:!)ANS ,,, T~·S.~QI; ... :,. AL·t-:it£F PKG. T AMAL.ES .: ... ~~-~~-"=" 2-ROLL PACK~ . . ' J -ll. CAN ••. S 1.11 STATER BROS. . COF F E·E .: .... ; .... ; 1·lB. CAN~ .. r1u·11 COCKTAIL ........ fOliMOMATIC DISHWASHllS C:A· sc·ADE · GIANT ·. DEAL DETERGENT .. ~~.~: .. $~ 303 : CANS RICH IN FU. VOR '!.i.C!!~j!:Js" 3 7.!. GOLD TOP . ~;;~~~~, 87~ •. !!!.~T,OES .... N0.2i/a , CANS · COLGATE ; 65' !'!l~!S:~H~VI EA • COLGATE 100 MoUttlW •SH -. -:17·0""°'~ NASAL SPRAY .. . ·~ -·-10-cc'8l .. 4-WAY . . ,....,_ ........... --L--.. --:-·, · ... ~: CHOOZANTACIDTABLETS -... -~;----10 • 18 ... »'"fg;' SALAD . DRIS-SllGS ..... - } \ " ' ~ -. HUNTS~VIS , , ARTLETT .;t HUNTSR£DBEANS -.~-2 cizi 39' . MJa . · p· EA·RS · ; .. c M1xEDFR1ht;.14r.t r.~~'o-OL 49' COFFEE ................. .. . HOLLY$UGAR ~&t:~.~~i~..,_s"s. 54' . -,;3 c DOUSSU.SONID ( . SARANWRAP ,.ouLA•. '"" 37' 1-LB. GREEN LIMA BEANS COCK0'1"EWALK JOJ 25' CAN· GFIEEN-BABY ---· CAN ~ • "LOROYBI l:'Al'U '8' ........... II.IS Hl.C ..... ILH ' ~+:;, ... ,, ,.~ .• 'Jv _ i'i'~rJ· -· ~ ._-~:'T GALS: • .,, -~OUltCEllflTART ••• 11.)1 ' BEAN s ·• 'FIDOLE FADD~E • . ' • G"' '"'EN GRAIN " ... sso111roe-oz. ,.,..., 39' ' I . RICE-A-RONI . . ·, .. NT.,;"'""'"';""' .•• ,. ...... U•TU"" MIX~D.NUTS NOPUNUTS-'"'"' 1.29 ......... ,. •• .,.... WOOLITE POWDER SM. 79c ·-LG. $1.39 REG 3 ·7c HU~rs CATSUP ~b'~s~ -·-"°'· 23c . PKG: I EA •. HUNT'S PEAR HALVES __ ,2~Yll 39' " HUNT'S SPINACH 2~YN 25' BORDQe'S HUNT'S PEACHES '""'-2o.ot 31 ' ·$ET MAG1C!HAIR SPRAY.ssoRrio' .. --.. -~-·-· IJ·OZ. ' • . MINCE MEAT ' FRUIT COCKTAIL HUNTs-2ea< 37' MO. 2'12 CANS 303 CANS PAMPER D!A PERS ...... NIGHTOR 89~! DAYTIME ' PKG .OF1S . ,; llGULAl llANOYUUM HUNT'S APRICOTS . 2a.ot 35' NEWBORN lO's ..... $1.49 '. 33' 57" TOMATOJUlCE HUNTS --.PKG.OF6 54' DAYTIME JO 's ....... $1 .69 :;~;-;_, ... ~:·:-.. , .. HUNT'S TOMATOES ~~\Ii~ -BUFF 17' STAJR2•:ST 11'"T4':.ATtVll69A HUNT'S CHILI BEANS ._ 2cJ.'i:'s 39' •0·~ •0·• 7 "°·1 ' S®e ?1to.Te 11/id S tatb< 'B'l44. ~ .t.-.. f)'fia4--f)~ 'Et.a ~ S r-µ DE"NISON OHILI WITH BEANS ··--.. :.,." 19' WILD RICE-II-RONI '"'"'"'"··-· -""IP CHOICE SANDWICH CREMES '"'·-·· ,,.,,_49• DENNISON HOT CHILI WITH BEANS <00<89' LIPTON CHICKEN NOODLE~~'.1_ ,.,.df SCAT CAT FOOD"'""'_ 6'*·" 69' . HUNT'S SUPREMA SAUCE A~Sf.-16-oz.49' LIPTON MAIN,DINNERSAssr. 1.-cH 79' EGG NOODLES ~~~~~1.~:.\~€-·--'z.oz.33' GLAD PLASITC STRAWS ""'''"' -i,,.35': CRISCO OIL-GAlLON -'2.24 NESTLE COCOA MIX '"""" 89' . HAWAIIAN FRUIT JAM :~t1,, '""39' .FRIED RICE·A-RONl oo•"''"""-""49' HUNT'SMANWICH SAUCE -~39' PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER _,.ot91' MAC.&CHEDDAR """'""' _ 2,."39' DRY TREND DETEROENT r""'"'-'"·"37' I 1 ~*************ll;******'.i'***********l*"'****************" . ' .. . . . . * .Lawtfr, 'f;'tl«J, °"' ~ 1~ 7a~ * KRISPY CRACKERS l~.~~,~~·-37c '"'"' )ft< Mon .. ·um.M•ATUUNA 5'$1 NESCAfECOffEE INSTANT-I0-0?.11.09 . FINGER ROLLS "''·"'" 7· MEAT PIES _. '·°""" ¥ e&H SUGAR ~':~~~ 2 ~: •. 34' .......... ,. 59' wo""'R'A""'N"G·•E• .. J"u'' ICE 4 $1 MARGARINE ~lliscHMANN'S -l•LB. 42' ALASKA COD FISH ....•. o. ···-· .... •·O• ,... CORN D"MOND·AWHOL<K!AN" 5 "' 11 , OA CR!AM STYLE -······---CANS ., ... 1.N""'o":c"'p ... 1·ZZA ,' ' : 169' ""sA •• R,"'"'A """LE""E'"c°'A°'K.11E"s0 WN"' 79' SPAGHITTI ¥~1:.18'.;~':ifU.'~Wce 40-02'. 39' . c, .. -.... _ ......... "~ -.... '""'"· PUSS ..... OoTs CAT FO ; IOS~AAllOITHl..:..U0111fTACOS . lftl_ Al'PU·PUMfll{tN.MIHCI 39( UVll-MfAT-fltM M'XJ~AN DINNERS .. ... ... "1 :: SIMPLE SIMON PIES .... _..... 2l!IA JJ• 'iiiijfED STEAKS -"40:.,8~' LEMONADEJ~~---10 ~~$1 w'iM'='-""'•"-'"49' IH'lii~;ii;; ·"·r.~.•1ss m·-'D~V4/M# Cit<,;~!• 7• ~-~-s1•s • · · 39' SA•WK•. • .... ,,.. 1.01. __ ..... • TOPPING .... QUILL-.IM·QZ ia;..,w,._.,j'.t "aii~-TP'. · ...._45• DINNER ROLLS ~J»::m:t: 35' "'"iii:"-2' c'i:.':::.!..Cllc.h• 45• ,:1.~::, CHEESE oo"'""'M'"'"'" 93' Ill lllf ...:-. "'1 "5A11111111111! --... ,,. " JUL' TWIN l",f.11: SUtEO -1-lll. ~*~**************************************** ' : · PRICES EFFECTIVE '7•F~LL DAYS, THURS. lhru WEDS.,DEC.'11th-171h ANAHEiM 3430W. LINCOLN AVtNUE 2564 WEST BROADWAY GA•DEN G•OVI BBB CHAPMAN AVENUE · COSTA MESA . :zreo NEWl'ORT 80ULf\1/\f.ll.. 707 WEST 19TH STREET 1175 BAKER STREET HUNTINGTON &EAG'tl 6862•f01NG'Eft AVE. SANTA.AHA 2530 EDINGER AVENUE 1103 WEST 17TH STREET WHTMINSTE• A522 WESTMINSTER BLVD. WHITTIER-14212 MINES AVE. , \ ' I • f . . ' \'58 nlll. Y PILO! _. Wtdne.Mtay, Dtctrnbrr 10, 1%1) 4 PILOT-ADVERTISER Wtdnt~ay, Dumber tU .. 1%() ~-Tired ·of Turkey .? Try Another Holiday Bird l 'i It's time for a Christmas side up, in shallow open pan. read 180 degree F .• to 185 Meanwhile." prepare i:Uze 'by ROAST CAPON melled maining In neck ca\•llf. 1 tree and mistletoe, time lo Co\'er top a-.1<1 sides of bird degrtes F . heating all ingredlenti in I S. to &.pound capa.1 l package (ft oun ces ) Hook wing lips into back to to body cavlb'. Co1Jer J0osely with foil. RO:Jsl capon in 350 degree F. ovefl'c for aboul 3 hours or until thtrmtlmeter in- dicates 190 dCgcees }~. During last 30 minutes, remove foil and brush occasionally with pa·.1 drippings. sleek the halll with boughs of 1Yilh piece of chcesteloth dip· Glaze small saucepan, Remove· \'1 cup slivered orange peel prepared stuffing mix hold skin over neck opening; l!ol1y. Children have giddy ped into melted butter or ~4 cup orange juice cheesecloth from bird. Brush I cup finely chopped celery Sprinkle body cavities of truss back open?.1g or secure ; F ets. parents mysterious margarine. Roast turkey in 1-:.leaspoon each thyme and glaze on turkey '4uri..1g last •,: I cup minced ooion capon with salt and pepper. To with metal skewers: P!ace ~ping errands It's the 325 degree f. o\·en from 4 to rosemary hour of roasting.. I cup finely cut dates prepare stuffing. combf.1e all capon, breast side up , in foil. moat exciting hohday of the 4~ hours or until drumstick 'i teaspoon salt Combine relT\8inlng glaze 1 cup finely chopped pecans remaining ingredients; toss lined roasUng pan. fear ... and time for the most moves up and down easily. t garlic clove. crushed \\'ith pan jukes to make 2 tablespoons parsley flakes together · lightly. Pack Jnto Insert a meat thermo1neter flvish feasting. I J\1eat thern1ometer s h o u Id Gt a z e and gravy: gravy, removing fat if desired. ~i cup butter or margarine, body cavity and use any re· I~ center of thigh muscle next ~ •The partridge in a pear tree ________________ _:::..:..:_;:..:..:......:;_;.__...,..-=--------''-C.:..:'--'-"'--'c;.;.:....::..:..:c:.::::..:..::...:.::.....::..:..::..:..::....:...:...:..:..:_c._ ___ ..::_ _____________ _ Yield': 8 to 8 servings. ~ is but one of a flock of holiday : birds. The others. . .golden· brov.'ll a.id juicy .. .turn up to daule guests at the Christn1as : table . ' Whale\·er you prelcr to set I .; ~~~~ ~~r·:~~~ru~ny n~r!i character v.•hen it tcanu up \vith dtrus. The bird you choose depends nn the number or your . Christmas party gues1s. Bul ·•ny ol the following flock Y:ill ~rovide you with a Christ mas , ~'.dinner to re member \\'ilh , pleasure for years to come. ' ~ CORNISH HENS ; -;.'B Rock Cornish hens ~ l quart chilled ora·1gc and grape.fn.iil s e c t i o n s , 1 drained ; 2 cups finely chopped apple • I cup prepared stuffing mix " t table spooli parsley flakes ~ ··1,cuphoney . '• ) 6 tablespoons t 1.: 6-ounce can) frozen orange juice concentrate, tha wed, un- diluted Sprinkle body cavitie! of ~ns \\'Ith salt and pepper. For ;. stuffing. combine remai".1ing ~ ingredients. except orange concentrate. Divide stuffing ~xture among prepared hens. if; Hook wing tips into back to 'liold skin over neck opening. Truss back ope.ning or secure ;. '"'ith metal skewers. Place .~ns, breast 1ide up. r.1 foit-lin- ~ roasting pan. '. ~oast in 325 degree F. oven ~ for !112 hours. During last 30 minutes, baste e1Jcry I O minutes wit h orange coacen- trate to glaze. Garn ish with orange wedges and watercress t'i. desired. Serve with Orange :..Eornish Sauce. "'" Yield: 8 servings. : ,: : Oran1e Comish Saul'l' t cup orange juice . - 1 tablespoo.1 cornstarch ~~ cup canned or frozen C:. cranberry-orange relish bine orange juice and nstarch in small saucepan. over low heat ; stir con- r ee heat and simmer for 5 e"" ly and bring to a boil.. ~ utes.Add cranberry-lfange relish. Serve warm. ~ :t.>.Yiekl : J lh cups f HOUDAV TURKEY -~, One 10.pound lurkcy • Stuffing • tablespoons butler or .. . ~' margarine ;,';~ cup choppe.d onion ~~h cup chopped celery -::1 teaspoon sail .. package 18 ounces) bread -! 8tufflng mix ;., cups cooked rice ~ teaspoon poultry season-~ ing 1.: cup orange juice I orange, chopped Mell butter in !killet: add '· onion, celery and salt. Saute until vegetables are tender. ·· Toos i'.1 :&luffing mix, rice and ~ .('{easoning; sprinkle orange ; ,-j.liice over mixture. ~ Add chopped orange. Stuff ~ :bedy cavity and secure. Tie : legs together \l'ilh strings .. : then lie legs and tail together.j • Stuff neck cavity; secure• : °j;eck skin by turning wing tipsl : )~to back. Place turkey, breast! :;;German • • Cookie .· Favorite . Traditional German happy· di).>' cookies -an Amer ican ftf.rt.1iay favorite, too. ·, LEBKUCKEN 14 cup butter or margarine • 1,J cup dark brown l'iUGar. •• packed : egg , .. !.! lsp. grated lemon peel l/3 cup molasses ; ' ' • • ' • . . 2 cups sifted all ·purposc noor I tsp. t.IMamon ! tsp. each: ck>vcs. nutmeg. salt. soda l.'f cup strong COHff I cup finely chopped "'a\nuts i_, cup diced mixed candied Cnf ' • : .pe&m butter, sugar, egg : arid lemon peel together well . : flierld in motuses. Resift flour ; witll JPices , salt and soda. : Blend tni.o crtamtd mixture : \(l'm-'l<IY with coffee. : \at.fr jn walnuta and candied ~ fruJtl. Spread in greased ; 1011sx1.in. pan. Bake at 375 : degrees for 15 min. Cool in ~·ay be fl'Ol!ited with glaZ<? <Jf coofectioners 1ug<1r mixed ~l&-h 1uJficien1 waler for ~ irfreadlng consi!1cncy. Cut In· to 2'hil·in. bar&. Makes fiO bar cookleJ. GIVE ILUE CHIP ~TAMPS· PLUS ADVERTISED SPECIALS CHOICE CHUCK ' :_} ··,·~""· Beef Prices Going Up LOCKER BEEF SALE • • ')'.. .. •11; • · ·· R~tt!fie.A. rv ·J'"" ··1" ;.r.K All USDA Choict Hi!lt Yiel• ill!! led Mtons Ci111111nlrtd Trl'lftr ltd With l ris Wnte. . p " ~~."~ .... t~,, ,· ' .. BEEF SIDES AcPro"""''" 541 Wo.gM 2•0 llM , ••••• , lb. A TENDE R TASTE TREAT WITH ADOLPH 'S ME AT 29< ME~INAOE . • • .. • PKG. GROUND CHUCK Ema1 ....... 1 ......... ,.1b. 69t Rl i LlMI CHOPS '""'••~•-•..•••• u.. 1;• --..-'"""'"""'--..,;.J HIND QUARTERS App1c"~'• 67~ Wr!i!k• IXllb•.••••.•••lb. BEEF .FRONTS Appto.,....,~ 49~ W009~• 111:1 LIM ••, 0 • , , lb. BEEF ROUNDS •••o•-'< 67~ We·~·~~lb•••••••••lb BEEF LOINS lllF POT ROAST Oroi<• lloil•C"'··········lb. ~9 1 ARM CUT POT ROAST ~.Gra110 1"1 ... Lb. 751 SPRING lAMa STEAK 11oc1.c ............ ;lb. ti< IONILlll CUllD llMI SllW ........... u..41 < MIATLOAf "'fo.i'""hodt~ ................................. ,lb. 691 •App,ooi"'c'O , 92 ~ w •• ,~. ~)lb•-•••••• lb. CROSS Rll IEEF ROA ST o.oio:• '•"""'"' • , lb. 91 1 10.NllNRllSTIAK ~IOioic•~ •••. tb. I" IEEF SPENCER STEAK Cl\o.<1or><I"-'"'' ••• Lb. 111 FRESH fl YER lllAS.15 """"'alMI ,,.,....., ••••. lb. 65 ' FRESH FRYER THIGHS HM.,wit!iMMt •••••• u •• St< fRESH FRYER llGS '"'°"'..,... 0rv111r1;t1o, • , ••• lb 59 ' IROKIN SHRIMP sw0nMe<1;.....st1• •••••• lh. 1" llNK PORK SAUSAGE t-lo*-sk;,.1.,,.,,.1 0t.2f< llLL PEPPllS SMf-.i ;, Foil '"" .1:..,.,., tow •••..•••.....•. , •.. , tb. '!9' Sc l'tvnd for <111ti•9, wrap· pillf 'e11d l1te1ing. A&I 1•11111 t ilt Oftd po11t1ged iltt Wlf yov w1n1 ii. 01der ROW tn4 pi1• ~, willtin l Wttkf. CAllAGI IOUS i.; .. ,,..., ._.,1ow •.....•• ~ .............. tb. 79·, AIM CUT SWISS STEAK o..>c.&Hf ...... tb. IS t fRISH flLLIT ROCK FISH """'°"""'"" .................. .-89< LEGO' lAMI s.-..,t1>1ri1;,..so.,,,, .......... tb. 951 LOIN llMI CHOPS nu"' ............. u.. 1" SU CED IACON "'-Miroev ........... 120i '69 c FILLITOFSOLE .....,"""'°""'·"'"""""'··············"·91< SMOl<ID HALllliT A.l:eol'T•T""" ••• : •••••• : •• ••••••••••• •• tb. 111 fill your freezer! GREEN BEANSg~:ig~~io~TIN .... 22< POTATO CHIPS t1~f1i?~:s... . ... 59< . . PAPER TOWELScoRONET 185's ..... ,28< SWEET NAVEL ORANGES COLORFUL-FULL 1oc OF JUICE · HOLIDAY TABLE FRUIT ........ lB. APPLE°s'::,.,~, .. 2 ~29( N-w Crop Colifornio AVOCADOS ... 4 ,,.1. Tiiick Meaty lonono SQUASH CHRISTMAS TREES FINEST CUT FROM NORTHWEST FORESTS· CHOOSE DOUGLAS FIR· SCOTCH PINE · ETC. AT 18 LOCATIONS· PRICED FROM 2 .49 Roma in e/Red Lee f LETTUCE ANTHONY White King 'D' White King LARGE ELBOW 2 5 ~ GIANT 6 8 ~ M.tiCARONI ·LI. Pl<Ci. GT. WATER 59j 50fTENfll GT. ' Delicatessen WIENERS 54~ ' ARMOUR ST All All MEAT OR AltBEEF-120Z. "' IOlOGNA <Ma•~AU IM~:i.'-' ................ 4tc SALAMI o.c.,.,,,..,c-10L.,.,,,,, ............ Sf t IOtOGNA o.cw~A18"ft-OL ............ : ••• 531 IOl'S DRESSINGS tooob!o""· Moliafi,f,.,..11110. .•••• 37' ROQUEFORT DRESSING lob'1 IOL•••••••········ 571 ILUf CHEESE DRESSING 1ab·1 a0r ................ 47 1 CHIPPED MEATS.An...-.-. 3Varilie\ ............ 3/1. CORNED IEEf x....i l lti.li• So•'*"""~ s;, ••••••• , ••••• 2" CHEDDAR CHOSE Kroh St.arp 0t Swioo lb.,., •••.• ,.,. 1' 1 Froze n Food PIES ,.'~~,c,;'N 29< MINCE OR APPLE .••• ,, ENCHILADAS . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .... .. 3( """de._,, 1-1, 0-., Ch<tkH 7 0t.. COiFll RICH t ch'1 l60t. ................... 251 COOL WHIP a:.~•El" 1....,.;no 0t .•••• , ......... 49' STRAWIERRllS •••'•"'"' <0 0.. ......... 4/1. HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS fa,.,~yShellltoo&r~• • 78( TOOTH PASH . , ·'"'" . ' Am.I f..,o l>•v 13 7 DlODORANT •.. , ... 10.. iooc ... m IUfflRIN ......... . la-i. lSOi. MOUTHWASH .... ........ 120 COLD llLllF ............ .. DUI GIANT BOX 8 7 4 DETERGENT Ivory Soop 1 1i MEDIUM .... Hunti ngton Be:i•;h -15511 So. Edwards Laguna Btir.h-7Cl0 So. Coast Hwy. Fountain Valley-16042 Magnolia "Bqked toL P.erfection" DONUTS . ~LAZEDo< SUGARE: 20 / 100 RAISIN BREAD Order Now! FRUIT CAKES c:~~~tL 3 / 99~ 160!. LOAF ALL SIZES· A PRICE TO FIT EVERY PURSE · OUR GWN SPECtAl RECIPE . CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS LARGE S1ZE WELL FILLED Wines and Liquors 19.~. "DON Q " SAY~ 1.60 1/2 GAL. 999 1.w. HARPER I WINDSOR 12\'lt.OlD CANADIAN 99 BOURBON WHISK'!' FlfTH 6.99 5AVf '2.00 10 112G,4.t Beer '••h fl-•"6 "~~· .......... 85 ' B °"""'""'6/12or. 1" eer N1t1o111tt ................ . Ch c""' ... ~'··· 1" ampagne o..,...,.,,"l ~·~ ... 8 b Col-'•GllW•ap 1"'; our on Okomot 1/2 galla~ • • "' 28 STORES CONVENIENTLY LOCATED SAVE YOU MONEY 7 DAYS A WEEK Huntington Beach -8911 Adams Corona dcl Mar-3049 Coast Hwy, _ _.....,,....,,_,..._------~~----------...... --....... ~~-__.,._.,.._,________..,~~------·-~· --·-· . --. ---... -·-··-· --···---...... I J3 PILOT-AOVERTISER !N) Wednesday, De<embor 10, 1969 I • ' '• .i I • ·, r I' . . , f " '' • 6·0.Z. -TINS • OL' VIRGINA-5-0Z. PKGS. OLD CUTS BA:R-B-0 LOAF, ALL MEAT OR ALL BEEF BOLOGNA, COMBINATION LOAF, OLIVE & PIMIENTO LOAF, PICKLE ,f,. PIMIENTO LOAF, cono SALAMI, SPICED . LUNCHEON ME>iT, DUTCH LOAF. · · c EA. DETERGENT-INCL. IOe OFF NORTHERN-ASSORTED COLORS-200-CT. CTN • DOUBLE~~~: STAMPS 19 LB. lOl TINS APPLE SAUCE ..... FOR ' ' ' " lOJ TINS-GOLDEN WHOLE KERNEL OR . 7~ . CREAM CORN ..... ~ FOR . ,'• 21/, TINS-CALIFORNIA 5 TOMA TOES . . . . . . . . . . FOR ALL VARIETIES-FROiEN ' CARNATION or STAR-KIST-LIGHT ·SARA LEE CHU~· TUNA STYll ··· 71. ftut . nN ea ll'-S.,.· 2 7 ~;· a . '6·0Z:. c ... . GG:AIAINN, T 69' FTAISCSIUAELS s~s100 MJ.l .-'ll6"NDS 65 .. c . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I . GREEN GIANT-FROZEN WITH BUTJER CO'F E' . .· I-LB. '._ FAMILY SIZl>--REG. OR MINT-INCL. ·6, OFP!;, BATH SIZE DEODORANT-INCL 6e OFF VEG ET ABLES r . FE .. · .......... TIN CREST Reg. 65' DIAL 2' 33c ~l~~~~H~~.A ... ,0 ,,,NACH 29c i'lils'i0GG 1-Ls. 33' TOOTHPA$TE •• $I.OS. • SOAP .. • • • • • ~ MEDIUM PEAS .. : NOODLES ........ '.~~ .. . Liquor Dept. Specials Produce Dept. Specials · ) . CHAMPAGN·E ......... !;f!h •• '1'~ ! a:,~~~ · ''. j LOCATIONS TEN HIGH-HALF 6AL ' $985 o KA~CHATICA-HALF &AL $a•• BOURBON ........................ ! VODKA .............................. . OLD VIENNA c: OLYMPIA $ , 4 BEER .. .. .. .. . . .. ...... 6 ~.;~r 69 i BEER ....................... :6 'J;,~t 1 • Big Savings on SCOTS M~T-~lf!THS . ~ $ •SCOTCH ' F~iRG1touNOs-F1fiHs , • BOURB~N ' Hill RIVER-ILWDED-1JFTHS •WHISKIY lONDON llUDCiiE-FlfTHS •.DRY 'GIN RON DE LEON-F-1FTHS • RUM .';~~:... 6~MZEE.--QUA~TS •VODKA. · 39 ¥our Choke EA~ u!s. NO. 1 SPANISH ONIONS .. LI • BAG ... .. NIWCIOP 9 MIXED ·NUTS -... :.4 ·~ ,_ -.~ 3 POUND 2 5c IXTllA LAIGI llZ:I . 5 F '100 V~R . ARTICHOKES.. : :.: ~·~ ICU DnC'JIYI IHUU. IHIU IUN.,-DIC. 11, 12, 1i, 14 27o1 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA , e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN. GROVE · e 1308 W. EDlt.GER, SANTA A~~· 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH e 23811 EL TORO, EL TPRO :: ' 58 DAILY PILOT USDA GRADE "A" FRYING CHICKEN WHOLE BODIED I ""' OUR HIGH QUALITY ••• LOW PRICES~ lb. IAR M WESTERN smE FRYING 69tB CHICKEN BREAST ................. ·· .. ·· ·· ... · ·· ........ · . ' BULK · 5~ WIENERS ..... ............... LB. USDA C·HOICE CENTER CUT FRYING CHICKEN LEGS 59tB. AND THIGHS ......................... ·· ···· ·· .. · · ·· ···· ····· · BAR M WESTERN STYLE BULK 5~ BOLOGNA . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . LB. 3 LEGGED 39tB CUT UP FRYERS . ........ .. .. .. • C.HUCK • BAR M WESTERN STYLE BULK 69' USDA CHOICE BONELESS ROLLED SHOULDER CLOD BEEF ROAST ............. , .. MR. KING BREAD COMPARE AT 42c BIG l'/i LB. LOAF I CRISCO OIL 24 OZ. BOTTLE WITH Tl'11S COUfJON -Ne Mlal•M ,_re._. Nll!lll~. l ilTlit 0110 bot· t ie por co11po11 -0 110 cc111pc11 por cuttolfler. Void ohor S1111doy, Doe. 14. ~~~~GO~OD~ONLY AT 1Al5AIN IASKn VAl llABll COlJf><>N 29' STY LE HAIR I SPRAY OUR lEG. PRICE 59o COMPARE 4 T 79< WfrtfTllll ~N -AIWI 11.00 Ml1th1t1• hn:ltee. l lll'lit or1• ''" fl"' covpo~ ._ On1 co1111or1 p•1 c111lo1111r. Alccholic 81••'•''' 1r1dl J:r11h Fluidl D•i•v P1oduc t' .~ ci91r1lt11 1•cl11cl1dl frol!'I tnln!mul!'I p11r· ch111 by l1w. Vofll 1if11 S11ncl1y1 Dec. l~th. GOOD OHLY AT IARGAIN IASKIT ' . STEAKS . . LB cono SALAMI ........ • ~ OUR OWN CURED LB. CORNED 8~ B·EEF LIAN 111.ISKIT • •• •• •••• •• • • • • •• •••••• •• • LB. ROUND BONE C BONELESS UAN =~~ST ........................................ 69t1. lb STEWING 89' FRESH LEAN BEEF ..... .. .... .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. . LB. ::EiUN~ ....................................... 49lL YAN DI KAMP$ 39' BEEFI ENCHILADAS rv~~ YAN DI KAMP$ 6~ · FRIED HALIBUT "°'·"•· 7~ YAN DI t".AMPS FRIED COD '°'·"•· VAN DI KAMI>$ Pecan Coffee Cake"~;: GREEN GIAN1 .•r ~ e PH• & Onions with Butter Sauce e Broccall with Chee•• S1uce e Nlbl1t1 Corn in ~ Butter Sauce · 10 Oz. Pkg . In Cooking Pouch 49' IORDONS INSTANT 49' POTATOES ._ .......... _ 1 LI. IOX METRECAL Ll9UID 10/$1 DIET FOOD .. I oz. CANS NlSTLES MREADY 5°' COCOA MIX -·-···-·· 28 oz. CAN 1 IMPERIAL 37' MARGARINE 1 LI. CTN.-····--··-··-··· OCEAN SPRAY 59' CRANAPPLE JUICE :a-:;. ~!~1. SCHILLINGS HORMIL ...... • 0.. 4/51°0 VANILLA 35' SAUSAGE c ... EXTRACT p~"c;~~t Butter ·~::·59ct 2 OL IOTILl ~~~;·~~ . . . . . . . . . 1. lb. Can 73d 3 lb. Can $2°' Kai Can Chicken Parts 5/$ J DOG FOOD ............ No. 1 Tell Cons ROYAL MARSHMALLOWS . 6/$) P1stels or Miniature• -10 OL 8111 PACIPIC l .... IA.1.TINE~I Ii.. kl: 69' FRESH FRESH PRODUCE ___ .., BANANAS GOLDEN RIPE ORANGES SWEET "N" ~u~~~ 29c C•llo Bag SQUASH 1~~~~" 2\~; 29¢ 2 \~; 29.¢ 59¢ D'ANJOU PEARS MAILING DATES EXTRA FANCY 1 \'J Lb. Pkg. ~" .,;i.a..;;.&;....,.~ - FLEISCHMAN'S DAVIES COUNTY KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON 4 YRS. OLD 16 PROOF ROUBELOF VODKA ANDERSON CLUB KENTUCKY STRAIGHT ·-···············-PULL 9UAlT -···-···- $359 GRAND SCOT IMPOR.TID SCOTCH WHISKfY -:·-·········-·-·· ~i.L $469 ISLANDER IMPOlTID VIRGIN ISLAND lUM -···················-··-......... ~T~L $399 PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS., FRI., SAT. & SUNDAY DECEMBER 11, 12, 13, 14 PllCll IUIJICTTO STOCK ON HAND WE GIVE BLUE CHIP ST.AMPS COSTA MESA PlACfNTIA WE GIVI BLUI CHIP ST.AMPS 19th and Pl1cellfl1 710 W. Chap11H1n • OAIL Y '1LCT U u. ~-. Exp·ert Easily Solves · Ho·me Cooking Problem ~ • DEAR NAN; 1:4# 1"1 llVe me &ff eqolv•· lot tt.e froze&, ,w_,pped tepplq you buy all prep1rod alld ready to uae, as opposed to rtplar whJpped d&hUy c1pped aDCI LET'S ASK THE COOK by Nin Wiley "hipped cream'! Often' Nelpe1 call for a cup of heavy cream, whipped. Wben I want to sub- lilltuLe prepared wbippia1 ~ pins t don't know bow; much to tab from the carton. DOR· ·OTHV GLASSBERG, IJN. COLNWOOD, IU.. Regular cream, when whi p- ped, about doubles in volume, so for each. cup called for in a ·recipe you would sumilitute · two cups of the prepared kind. Something 1 think I should .. mcntla.1 for those oI you on a low cholesterol liiet, most of the whippe:cl' .JOPPings of IOW· calories crfam sub!ititutes are not for You. With rare ex· t:eplions, ~y in c I u de hydrogenatei:I fats and oils, meaning they are definitely saturated types. A good many, wilh a high coc<>nut oil conten t, may be higher in regular fats than the dairy products they are meant lo replace. Better read the list of ingrediEt.lts on the con· tainer. That goes for lhe .substitute sour crtams, too. DEAR NAN: I thought maybe you would like to koow bow my family en joys snow pea pods. I cut them tn about h a l f .i n c h lengths by laying them on a board, 16 to 18 al a time. Then just cover the bottom of a large pan wilb Jf&t.er, salt to taste. Bring tbe '.,OOs to a boil and cook, covered, 3 to -4 minute s or until just "crisp tender." J tben cream them like ordinary pe91. They •re d ellc i ou1 .rtfJLDR E D PRESSLER,'' F'J'. WA YNE, IND. DEAR NAN' A friend of mine, whom I have lost track of, used to make a cake that "·e all loved. It had canned tonlato soup in il. Do you know the recipe? ANN E W., BOISE, IDAHO Yes. It was one or the famous recipes or the 30s and is still a favori te. Nice and moist! You can make it from scratch but mos t women, these day's, prefer to make it the quick way with a spice cake mix. Ideal where high altitude might be a problem because gen eral baking ad· justments are on mix boxes. Combine 1 pac ka4e !2 layer) spice cake mix with 1 teas· poon baking soda, 1 C8'.1 (10% oz.) condensed tomato sou p. 11: cu p water and 2 eggs. Beat Bnd bake as package directs. Frost with favorite icing (you can make mine caramel) or serve it with foamy sauce. A nice cake to whip up when yoo're so busy with the holi· day action. DEAR NAN: I •·ant lo ask aboot salad dressl11gs. Why, after a month or 10 tn tbe ttfrlgentor, do thty 1et that flat old oil taste? 1 can purchase a brand new bottle from a fast·turnovcr chai 11 sto re, keep the bottle Sw edis h Cook ie Starring Swedish Yuletide slars can br i gh ten your cootde repertoire to mark any special day. JUl.'iTERNER 'i cu p butter or margarine. 1 /3 cup sugar '~tsp. vanilla I egg yolk 1 1 1 ~ cups sifted alJ.purposc flour · 1s tsp. bakina: powder 11, l8p. salt I egg white, slightly beaten 1/3 cup chopped walnul.s 2 t.btp. sugar Curra nt jelly, U desired <l'eam first 4 ingredienLs well. Refilfl flour "1th baking powder and sa lt ; blend Into creamed mixture. Chill dough I hr. or mb<e. Roll thin; brush with beaten egg white ; cut Into 2\.ii·in. IQI. Remove to a sllJhtty greued baking sheet; cut et<h corner diagonally almOll to center. ll S htly c 1p·p e d 1a•. lhne. MRS. SH IR L·EY refn1eraled , bat It tUll .... MASON, KANSAS CITY, MO. peos. Mayonnal$'. typu keep You may J.ust b a v t flne. It la only the liquid ones I hypersensitive taste buds when bave trou ble wllb. This bap-il co1nes to oil, but dressings pent even wbeD I make my made with cottonseed oil own wttll a ir.ul8ln1 mix. We develop a yacky taste !a.sttt both wort aid 'eat oat often so tha n those made with com or salad 'ilreUu.1 tub a lonK other oils, although 1 have - FOLGER'S COFFEE DELMONTE PEAS ,_,_ Sptilv hor Fsllc#Ga•S.uf1 •···••••••CAN fverfresh ••• froan • OIU.N l'lAS • fltlMOt f•lfS !.ii'. • CllNKl! atJS ....., . • CHOPl'm SPINACH ~] CLOROX BLEACH <Mw,w .... w..., GAL :sot •••• ilSonH,., •••• LIBBY'S PEACHES ANSON DINNERS : usom1. 11.ot. ,.._ Dog food :::... 3i29' • nevtr hall trouble with off. flavor. Of course we uie ours fairly fllt. However, t notice one thing with ~ R~an type dressing I buy wbeil I've run out of my own. Right~ the IJWi, it It so thick with 1.eomethf'ng-or..other lt~lm;;;.\~10 I? shake It well If It II cold. The oil )usl oils there on top. 1 have luroetf lt ls better all the way around to take the dr~slng from the refrig a good ha![ hOW' before usl'n& It. Then I st\ake It ps hard as I csn or even tum the capped bolile UJ!Olde down for awhile. -Cbllltd oil doet 10melime1 thicken I' little to where you mJgbL notice the taste trou ble more although 1 never ha ve any trouble with my own. \Vays with a Can of Bl.stuits.'' Nan Wiley re&retl tha It ia filled with tl ps for iood· cannot provide p er 1 o n a I tasting quickies which may ...,.w,11 to Y0\11: ~ qU,f!i· ma ke the holiday acrarnbl i 1 Ucr.1s1ib.it qu~f1~I li ttle easier for the cook. S1nd 1 i11terlilt ~111 !ff , '1i 5 cents and a stamped , self.' her column. dteu ie(t More help in the •·1atc·gct· t1ng-dlrr.1er" department is of· fered Y°'4 in Lhe booklet, "20 addressed envelope to Nan queslions to Nan Wiley in~ Wile y in care of this or the DAILY PILOT. · -· newspaper. it•titt• & TrltiW,. s..w~1·;"· SUCED BACON Boneless Chuck Rolled Roast ·="-98~ FAIMIR .IOllH ~13c r.-.o..-, ••• Chuck Steaks ,,O!t ss~ --O<IOQ ~Mi.a:!:.~?::.--79' Family Steaks --98' OCIDKd • Beef Sliort Ribs PtrtlmapP1ltM 11.ac...,., ........ _ lk ~-:: 43:. Fresh Pork Shoulder ~':~ 39:. Pork Butt Roasts ~"':'4 69! Fresh Pork Steaks .,.~OM 79:. Pork Sausage "T.=~·=~ 59! Sausage Unks ~:-3:$1 llGS -THIGHS ._ DIUMSTICIS ,.,. !:'~ 'J '!I ~-'I'! ChidcenBreasts~ .... 83~ ....... ... _____ ,,, .. h w· ''"" 39· / ......... ____ .,,,, rns 11gs """"' • ....... ____ ... Bacb ll • ..L. 1r. rw.~4-.... """'~ ~ u• .......... . , .. ·==-... ... '•* ==:. ........ ...., -.:::.-- ... .,.,. .. l ~: .. .. ,, , ! " ·~ .. .. ,. . . • ~. '"';: . ' ·~ ~ ~ •• ·~ ~I ; . • Holiday Specials Russet Potatoes ~· 1• MIXED PITIED Fancy CaanU.rs := 1fo .•, .c· NUTS DATES Fresh Gnel Brn :II' 1~.-.... ...· JANCt\I' ... .....,_ fallcyTmigerines ~· :; ·I·. . ·.·. """ 49 £ i~,:-79 e ~·. Crop I MlmnHol 't.:" ... Royal Puddings ... ~Lr.:~ 3:2fc ·.? Bouillon Cubas ~:'£. 4:2fc Tuna Cat Food ~~ 3:2fc Toilet Tissue ~~ 2.n.25-: strained Baby Food ~ a• 1 S ·Delimt.,.n WIK-End 8uys1 r •COUPON-'" D 0 u Bl E BLUE CHIP I I STAMPS with this cou· 1 pon on the tot1I 1mount I of any purch1se exc lud· Ing liquor, tob1cco ind I I fluld milk products. 1 coupon p • r customer. I I Coupon good Thurtd1y thru Sunday, Dec. 11 to I I Dec. 14. ---UISlll HUD ~=37' Save26~ ~(!Jf'Jl'J FROZEfl IOOO OUVI' . -• .. - ·' x~ • .. -.·.· ·: I : : ====-==~1 I• l,DOWlllRAIE WllRB , :· "".""' ... ~-. "'°· •• Li: .. ,,, .... -............. -~-. .,: Top Job Saftguanf "' I ..... ....... I """~ . "'= ::" 73• :::::.2i29f P.11x waloutl i nd aigar for filling; center each IQ. with small spoonful. Fold every other potnt to center. Bike at 325 d._ for 111o 1a '"'"· 1011 Adams Ave. at Brookhurst, Huntlnorton Beach Cool oo wfre 11ck. Top with ' 5~ 5922 Edlncer Ave., at Sllrlllldalt, Huntllllfon Beach 21 082 Beach Blvd., Huntillltll -~ -17950 Matnolla, fountain Yallij -currant 1e11y, 11 d "' • • d · 34081 Doheny Parll Drive Capistrano Beach "°lakes aboot 2 doi:, ' I· • ' \ ' ·----.--------- • . ... w Mlt!~OT I -( . w~ •. -ia.1969 . ., • • • • '· t .. Alpha Beta's ~Man in Blue says: " ,. ' ,. " - : in this·. aa;~ lnciiiding 62 DOUBLE DISCOUNTS, . ' . . . . .. . . save . ypu s9.82*'' . ITOU KOUU MOM. t•rw Fii, 10 AM .. t PM SAT .... SUM.10 AMN7 PM ,•rota! s;winp Is computed on'tin&11:11lft "'retiaa. Thi ncurt would bt-.m~ hl ... lf Mui &·Procllca uvino wer. ilcll.ldld. -\'1-rnCH ll" ~ f'ttT CHRISTMAS DESIGll SCDTCH TAPE VILOUR POlllSETTIA FRESH CHRISTMAS TREES AT TGT&l lllCOUWf ,.ICU IT MOST &LPM llTl "'"m Pliasti+ Christ,,,as D1&ortU;o,,1 • sTIM nowot •PINE llUJfCHU • l l.llll£ llOUOM • POINSlmAS • HOU.Y ftA'( • ARRAN;tMOOI Better Protlace at Discount Prices GOLDEN RIPE COORAL AMERICAN BANANAS FlD.D RIPOIEO • HAWAIIAN CROWM • Wlil Sitt .49~ .. PINEAPPLE iii'Pivii .EXTRA 3 f '100 U.AGE 0 SIZE I ' ' ffAWAllM UOWll • ''l....U." MlClDAMIA68c NUTS lb "WI• 1Uy1 ffl lftM"'Y Sin" 10 ll: MIO • Urilf. ICD • DELICIOUS APPLES 20 li. llil. MJ.'f'Ullf'()$[ •RUSSET POTATOES .. ~ .... •,MAYll.i~GES c:~E 97' .. IVflY r>AY 10W DISCOUNT PUCfSI •WALNUTS •ALMONDS •.PIL ... TS • lllAZILI • MIXID 47c NUTS . :r;if!,'i: 1.b HOLIDAY DATES · E;VE•'I' DAY lOW DISCOUNT 'iKfS 10.0Z. PITT[O Ill .J\.i:.t8. NATURAL Ht 12-0Z. HA.TURA.l tie · lVi·LB. ZAHIDI · ... . l~U. P1nm ... 12.bl. 80H BON·lh FRUIT CAKI MIX FRDITi.u.3Dl•.u.75tjREO ..,, '"· 381 MIX '"' I( "" CNERllES WILSON'S CRISPRITE •· LEAN & MEATY SLICED BACON PKG. J.lB •• ALPHA BETA IDTCBH'I Hlal BEEF iieo11iicifucitmrm1is 1s ~ ROUND STEAK ruLL c~ ii~ USDA RISPECTED • FRESH CEJm.11 CUT• NORTHERN •Sl.IClD r HALIBUT ::ii:. . 1 t'' -11 FRYEl.I PARTS . . •LEGS •THIGHS 69;. CERn.fRESH • 114L,1'1(G. 37' ! FISH STICKS -.. \« " nWi?rt · l·BONE STEAK 1!! ' 1111i ,,. ... ~ wli'i.fcl~, BONELESS FAMILY STEAK 91:. '""' '"" tol. "" \' BREASTS , • , •••••. 7k I. QUICK MEAL FAVORITES ZIP'E (a::':') BEAN & BEEF s9:. BURRITOS (; -)HOT DOGS \~~~r.:,~ BONELESS · RUMP · ROAST 91:. SA~rl'c;E ROUT , CHUCK STEAK BLADE.CUT ' s9:. 3 , 100 .BEEF SHORT RIBS 43:. : THESE MEAT PRICES EFFECTIVE ·THURS., DEC. 11 THROUGH WE0.,_0&ct11: s9: • ....,. .ONA STICK . OVlN-llEADY 79;. FRESH ME.IT LOAF PRESIASONED-IN FOIL PANS IOTAl DISCOU NTS EVERY DAY IT-lNCR DtA'M?TtR • 89e VALUE ·ALPHA BETA CHEESE PIZZA 81 c PEPPERONI PIZZA • J2.JNCH 1.19 VAUit l.Ol DA0NOLA''li°AM"0 swcco 69c 6S' AtLi.1£atwl£11~"ils ssc s91 · MOZZ'a°RELLA 'cHEESE 55c S2' 12·0UNCt SlZt; 75_, 7lc sM00K'E1f'aEi'F · SLlctD s9c 63' @wliiP 1T00PPIHG050 L 49c 391. qlPHR BETA • PiNT CARTON COTTAGE CllEESE 33c 31 c QUART CAR TON tlc 51c @r1iii:E:il1D'ru 39c 341 .<!§>a¥.QCaaolilP5sc so1 @HISA'l~ot.s"~AL.,. 19' . 1 •:.· -, I U I ~ l 0" l "I \I' I 1 [RT Li' ' ~~ ~~:!!!!Ill•!)~. . ...... •t-11 1u-. .... 1 ........ ··'·...,., ;1. -' ' ' . -.. ' 0-0Z F!IOZDro AU.·-r .. IAN'!iET MEAT.PIES 23c . 111' ll,.,..afTJI. • lh.OAL. SQ. cm. 58¢ JC~ JR~M ~ VAL\it. .•, • 'jijti""~~TilA~ 21; 1 .. CASt SWAYNE • 27-0Z. 25¢ BAKED BEANS 29c ,.w;y o • 15-0Z. CAN 47¢ . All B!If. CKltl 59c lf,~~All? ... T'j~ • 40.0VN!=~. ~A~a CHILI ~o~-CARNE 89c 11111 ~ '"' c•• 25i . ~ GEBHIROrs THlllH 35c @ !CtRN'S •l2-0Z.•PtACHOR I (i APRICOT NECTIR • 1_3c 12.QZ. PKG.• MtD!UM OR WIDE ~ GLOBE A·I ' 33; ~ NODDLES 39c · •· UN PA KAGE @ OOLDEti GRAIN• STift & :fl · M'AcAfoNI l CNEESE lie 4; @. HUNT'S • J&;.OZ._MtAr rt.AVOR, Mt>.TLF.SS OR MUSHROOM AIM . Sl!AGHETTI SAUCE .17F .~: ~ .. QAS' SWAW' • 300 CAN t·4i \!!!::Y, illCEO .POTAToES 11.c ~-. CARNAT:ON • 6oOZ. JAi\ :42'; ~ COFFU: MATE 49c · JB-OUNCE !AR LI~ 9'c ~ ~CA~Y1.lllEN?jlM '0·Qi37c 30; ·~ 20-0Z APRICOT JUI 6Jc Uc • ~ MAP:V tl.U.'N • ID.OZ. 'JAR 231 ~ MINT JELLY 29c @ NORTlf AMERICAN • ii.oz .. 241 HONEY 27c 12.0UNCE I"' I'' ,,. -·24-0UNCI M le lk ~ , UJ't'ON • a..d F'l<l"tlf • 2·Pk. • ~ irUWoii ~ff 39c 3& B•!!t C?«:k1r • 6_1/t..cz. • Inc. k Oii 84i MA•HEO POTITO BUDS 73c STftAJNI:D ~Ull"S & VEOETA!LES a; BUCH. NUT BAlr FOOO Ult BrnY CRocnR • 4G-OUN"ct aox --COMPl.m PANCMI MIX · lie - @ DUNCAN HtNE1 • 23-.ai. ....... f AMJLT SIZE: Uc ilfl" . BROWNIES t::E;j;\ PIUS8UlfY • 13.0UHC!: 35; ~ HOT ROLL MIX 31c Famou. "1•1N<K . PWP<IN OR mu:. "'°""aa· • Fl""ION C' .lOOl~C MORTON PIES · sac· • u• IJJIOOloo ~cliwcil'ORCE noztN . •11~1,c:;:•.m9•• •4• Sa~ ~CDRll _STIClS 39c 321 "00 '"UE "1•t•- ;L•I:•. DISCOUNT S E~lRY DAY @il'dt~i.U'dril: 55c S01 . ~ f&az~~~PPU:·GllA~· ~ Fl!UIT DRllll , 37c 281 ~ ST,.RKIST •NO.'/,t.CAN'•UOHT 44' ~ CHUlll TU11A -49c CHUNX UGKr TUNA. NO. I CAN eg,, Uc @RDAST~E!F°''" .. 69C· S7' t:i;;\ CHEESEPlZZA0MIX 63c S4' ~ PEPi'.ERONt PIZZA MIX • 17-0Z. 7~ ?le ll~CKB£RRY Oft IOtsENBtMT @ 1:.ouNCt !Aft .Smuckm Syrup -49c 39' ,....- YOLUMES 2 '"" I! 'I JI . @o;.id.il;fai;'3'ic 26' ;__.!=·=·00='=Al=u'="'=':;," = .. =···=='"::-:· :::!,__ REOEDI FOOO STAMPS IN ANY LOS ANGELES, ORANff OR RIVERSIDE COUNTY ALPHA IETA COSTA MISA-241 l ."17ffl St .. .WllH!Cf• .......... ,.,... ..., l(NNlll ........ TAI CClL1CTtO • Ml t,,MLr nuo • W1 ltsOYl TIC llQMf.tO llFUll Ku. TO Co.t11ea.t.1.."KAl.OI ' ' . . " ' ' HUNTINGTON llACH-9041 All•MI HU'TIN•TON IU.CH-11611 N .M9'1 St. fOUNTAIN YALllT-ttJO w.,_ IOVTH·LA•UNA-IOlll l. C... H'-f U.•UNA HILLS-lJ141 C.tt. H .. l1fM IRY!Ml-11040 C1tftt, U1l.,.,.fry P-' ' " ! ! ' I ' I ..,.. ..... ,.........,_..,. ____ .,.._~~~~~,......,....----------------·•·~""'.,."~'~"""~'''"·~"''"''~"'•~•~•~·.~•1 •r·~·-----_.._,,.#' .. • •· ..,,..t .,.. -. ....... -·-·~·· •• , .......... ., .. ,,..,w•-v11• ....... _"'""'1 . . - .t • • • > t!J PILOT·AOVERTISU --· OAf(V-Ml81'-Cl ·-. -. • • ' ,. . ;· '.';· • . ~-.. ' '. CADIL LAL' i 1 1f'1''7 • ~ ~I • ... ' ' ·" . EXCELLENT SELECTION OF lUODELS & COLORS . AV All.ABLE LEASE OR PURCHASE Even l\'hen measured by Cadillac st<intlarCss of ex· cellence, ,the 197Qt C8dillac is sure to exceed your gre4~st ex~tatior;i&. Let's get together soon for a demonst!:)lt1on driv~. · • ... ' ·:Jr, . . ,v. ........ ,s ·:-r¥.: . :.• . , ····({ I :··t;J-1\°' l. . ..· : ,. V _,.~ -I ,. • •• -1 • . • ,• 1 • "" ·~·;, .l•': l:"·I ' ' .. ' . ,, .... , l·tlll',-. . . . ' . ' • '1, 'i"' ~·-.~~··, 'l\1 ¥· ~-... J ; • .• ~r..! . t •' ..• '-J ... "~··· '' '<IJ,"'.• 'r' ~7.-~~ • . ' . . . ,, " . ":I-... ' •';.\l I t/.:& ~ ..... ~ ....... :·•·}:ti -,~ ·-~ ~ ....... . · . Over 80 Quality Cadillacs To Select From!! • LARGE Sl' Sl~J,J·:(;'l'I ( }\ . J\ ()fl ,\~Glj (;()l-\'J').'. USED, LOW MILEAGE SALE <') ...... "') r , , ' ~ .~ .. ~ ., ;..' ... 1.1· . PRICE 1964 CADILLAC (OU!lC Ot v ,11e. •rcli< whll! u tt6or wlln bl~cll (lolh """ le11ne• ln!~k>r. 'ull ~er t >ld 1·• i;onOiHoning, 1'M-~M r1alo. (t.;tz S:i41 SALE PRICE 1968 CONTINENTAL 0$ld1n. G11tl1r 11rt1n ¥1itn II'"" le<1t~1r lnl<lrlor. Full power, llCIOr\I tlr, •M·FM rltdiO, power Hor loctn, fllf whtel. 111Mk11<1ly IN!lutl!ul !~rOUOllOUtl (VWK 49!> ~ "7-:"I.,.. SALE -,_ · if ff /! PRICE 1969 CADILLAC !~n ~ Vlllt. Ermlrw ~Ir.' wl!ll uq11!~lt1 .1<1119 tDltl· a. 1,.1t11r Otlphlnt lntfrlor. F11lr p/,w8r, lacctry 1lr condlllonlrio. AM:P'M red~. lZllF 1121 . 1965 CADILLAC !"'"" o' V1Ht . P-l•r "11wport 11\11 wldlx. l111trklr. l1tt!O"'f 1lr cond .• •111.11 ""'"'"'· 1!grwl 1ttkl119"rl'tlkl, tilt ., ltfncopk. wlle:''· 111 01~. )Or11. (!WO 10<1 " • SALE PRiCE . . 1969 EL DORADO Exo11io;ll1 S1pphl11 bl,.. flrtml•I wlltl whU1 Plddtd lotl t nd whilt le1 tl!tr lnttrlOt. ~tc10tY u r, 11111 PClwer, 1ftorto N./I, P11"'9r cloor lack<. !Ill 1"4 lt"ft<OP!c 1tttr"'g ,.,,,,1, le, t ic. (Ht1011'?> 1967 FLEETWOOD f;r""lln•m. Embo~,y bl>ltlr with bl•tl< too •nd bl..,lr ~Uher inlerillor. Full Pl>N<f, ••clO•Y •Ir. Ill! .. ~ •• llf•eo AM-FM, powtr -· 1oc11., • PON!' 1111<'111 •eltd>f, Vogue pte<n1t1m Ure>, t ic., tit , (UPS llll SALE 1968 RIVIERA Sn!m1MTln1 Whitt w!lli·:lif'm ".,1nyl tDO •nd bllt k .,,1nyl lnt..-ior. F11U po-, ltctory •Ir tondl!IOrliflf, 111Ki11t ants. ,,,,,..FM rMlo, tVWJ 1u) SALE $ ~~/JCj PRICE 1968. CADILLAC (<>11Pt De VIII~. Nornwuldy bltN with blt ck Llndlu Incl blve le1tllll'' trim. Full Pl''"'" lat'°•'I' 1lr . col'ldlllonlflll, lllt•tlll wll9tt, AM4M~ rid'°. 11c. Loc11 one ""ntr. (VGZ 1111 SALE _, 1968 CADILLAC c:-1.' Ct Vli_i.. C:1i.111'Mr' .,.......,, w1111 wtll!t 9'111 •ncl 1nllQ1jii Mltdll IN/I\ ... lt!lt rlor. Full" rit/Wer, l•C}OrV 1lr. !!II S.leKoCllc ltltrlnl!,,AM-,, FM rtdlo. !VC:T 20J) 1967 CADILLAC • Doer l!t•d10fl. Mint (l•ftll 1ittrlor will! "'"1ch"'9 clDltl a. lttll!tr inltrlor. Ful~ oowtr, IKIDIY 1lr, 1111 ""11111, power dOof lllU.1, cr11ltl c(WUrol, AM·l'M, IWllitM 1enlln";I. (VC:i. 116) SALE 1969 JAVELIN H11rd•oo cOUDt. l llnl or&e11 w!ltl wllllt ~!nyl lnllrlOt. llHho, l!to1lir •. 1uton11tk, M~e• 1111!, roew 11r111, tllt tllftlf n>ndllion. tVC:N 3511. A beautiful Cordovan exterior ·with brown vinylroof and cordovan cloth and leather interior. Fun p,o.w- er equipment plus fa ctory air C~'1ditk>~in9, AM-FM radio, dt>or locks, electric seat release. A lovely SALE $6111 PRICE SALE PRICE car. (J9 I 5477C>) ·• - . . ' " 2600 Harbor Blvd., · Costa Mesa · SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN ' 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. thru Fri. • 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM ·Sat. and Sun. ' . . . NABERS CADILLAC . LEASE DIRECT JmmMi1te delivery ' • Excellent Selection Over four acres af factary author· i1ed tatal Cadlllac .faclH1ies dts(IJll•. _ ed to ffttW sell· and" Ml'Yice MW> 1 and UHd Cadillac automablles. • ' . ·~ 1 •• • • • . ' I ... ---------..-~-~---...... ~--------~------------l I DA.IL Y PllOT HOUSH fOR SALE General 1000 FOREST E. 0 LS 0 N ·inc. Rt:'al\01'5 $1 7,450 EACH!! EAST SIDE 2 HOMES-I LOT \\.'here can you buy a nea1· nt'\\' home tot $17,4.10! Hcr-t's l•ro on one big lot. T\\-o exrra large bedL'OOffill in each. All the pri\•acy and C'Cln\'l'n!e~ for your lenant. Jus1 111-e his o~·n noint. Ea.i.m $-1. 400 J>C!" year and $3.000 Pills you in~ U t your doUari; work tor you. Pi:iced now at Ul9.i0. Dial 00\V. """"" CUSTOM NEW ENGLAN D FARM Al fabWoUs Newport Ecai.:h. 4 n1aster iize &edroc.mis. 2 full beths. Falin kitchen • pann·y . cklu."e built-ins. Hu1e ~ F1, Ne11• England famUf roon1 1vlth tons ol old b r i c k fireplal'C'. \Vlndln& sLa.irca.se to unique heavy beamed studio or • Huge Sth ~l'oom. 51 ;~, annual % ralt' Joan availablr. Un- equaled at $3S.9.i0. Dia l No11·! &l.>-03C.'.: • WtWW-,, Dtetmber 10, 1%9 PJLOT-AOVERTU!R .. .- - HOUSES l'OR SA LE HOUS ES FOR SALi! HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSIS POR SA"I HOUSES FOii SAL& HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSIS FOR SALi! HOUll!S POil SALi G1ner•I 1000 General 1000 General l w Irvine 1211 Irvine 1231 Hunllntton ....... 1400 H..,11"""" ... ch .1 ... •1' 1000 GoMr•I -NEW ASUI Lot Ov.·ne1"S . . . A 3-Bedroom Home f'OR ONLY $10,995 BU ILT ON YOUR LANO' f'EATURL"'G: • 1mo sq. n. • DoubJt 111.rage • Alt 111.rhe and plaster • Pullman bath BE TT ER HURRY! ~,11*i11£+i·•imr;lil Thlll in1nu1c TJe\\"ly palnh:d 3 I ,, ... _ .............. , bd1·1n, fan1 1'00111 ho!nc won't last. l :i.i 00, sep din rrn, spaciou11; liv .JTil wl fl<>or to C::hlc•go Bound ceiling lava rock li:plc, Qua.I. ily w/w cpt11 thruouL Brli;hl kitchen, srove &.1-efrl&. incl. Fcrn:t'd yard w/paUo. Only $21.500 . EZ terms. 1 ~ ~d.L·1·. C.}II. Owners hav!" opportunity ht a1lcago: so you have oppo11Wlity here. 3 good .sized bdnns 2 baths, for- mal living room and large farii. 1-'m. Beautiful shag carpets. Near '°'f eourse". Aliking f!7 ,500 · FIWVA · reall,y anx- 1 ... l • Spacious "-ardrobc1 CAL L S37-0380 •In n1ost Orange CoWlty a.nd l::::-=====-==-=-=-=-otber approved a:\'t:as. ~)1~1511\(r.~(·~. 11!'' 546 -5990 STANCO Builders Inc . OPEN 7 Da;,.·s 10666 Westminster Avt. Garden Gro~·e Balanced Po11·c1· Homes LIDO ISLE Spacious family hon1e on Via Gcnon . 4 Bcdt'QOins, 4 bath.'5, Pnmily roon1 a nd formal dining l'OOnl. Owncl' n1ay finance. "'·"" DOVER SHORES SELLI 3 UNITS ' ' $29,950 Eutsfde Costt l\fea8.. Span· ish tile root, rentals on lar&e 77x150' lot. Income $3&5 mol\th. O)lr best ll)(Ol'lle.re- turn in area. Exclutive With Newport ot Victori• Open Daily 1.5 1220· Dolphin Torr. CdM Fl'.lrrnal dining-room, 3 BRs 2 baths, huge Jivlna: room \vith fireplace + family room overlooking lal'Je pa- tio. 2500 sq ft living area. TURTLE ROCK HILLS In The Master Pl•nnod Community of Irv ine Are now offerihg for sale, their award win· ning 3 & 4 bedroom MOOEL HOMES. These model homes are magnificently ap- pointe" with the finest of carpets -drapes -wallpapers: plus every model is j>rofes· sionally landscaped with special walkways & patios. These homes are place d on quite large & very private view sites that may be purchas- ed on either leasehold or fee t i t I e owner· ship. Follow the signs to TURTLE ROCK HILLS, one mile east of the UNIVERSITY of CAL· IFORN IA It IRVINE, just off the intersec· lion of CAMPUS A CUL VER DRIVE,, Telephone: 833·1102 for further Information. ---------- IMMEDIATE MOVE IN 4 BDRMS l1/z BATHS 1/4 MILE FROM BEACH s20.990 HUNnNGTON BEACH Can Now 962-1353 Coron• dtl Mar 125G B/B ,Choic• Selections Yr. l'.lld "Lusk" Ha.l'bor View Hills, k>vely thruout. $59,900 Vacant 4 BR. duplex + reut- ala: all ""°""· $51,900 S Bdrms., charm plua! Big patio " pool. "6.000 Owner Desperate f.Iwi:t 8eU • tranlferred out of : state. Take over 5%% G.t.: loan. Ne11.t 4 & l'am. rm, W) : fully eqpd. Anthony peoJ. $t9I. incl's. taxes l: in&. \Vld" open tor offer on lilt· tna: ot $34,950. 5'1-SllO (fllilf t;lnm ""'" OllEGER~lJ ll00-11 ,· 180 Degree ocean vie\\'. 3 Br, .,..-MESA VERDE POOL HOME 0 \Vllf!r t1'8nsferred 1vill .!It'll or lse/optio n, lg~. 4 BR .. tam. 1·n1_ hon1f'. Pool. Vle1v of Back Bay & hills. Loan al 6" 'I~ asswnable:. $69,500 Cathryn Tennille .......,,.. Lachenmyer ---=== Sharp! Ha• everythin{. '!!!!!!!!!!!! ... ~'!'!'!!!!!!!!!!""" 1210 169.soo. REPOSSESSION I 1100 No.,port M1l9ht1 Cotta Met• \Vbat a beauty this one is. 3 lar&:e bdrmt1, din· ing room. rum?Uli 'room & family room. JS....::S' hea ted & filte1'E'd pool. Boat gale in tront yard. You will wam oo ""' DOVER SHORES Coldwell, Banker & Co. SANT A'S 550 Newport Centtr Dr. 1860 Ne\\')>Ort Blvd., ~1 EARLY Re.dtor Newport Beech1 Calif. l=CA=LL="'="'=""=E=v=es. 644·1655 You 'll know i t when you aee llJ..0700 644-2430 this excellent buy on Cotta l\fesa's choi c e ea:stlide. Large yard with fruit and avocados. Priced right at a BJyabore1 N.rpin nr. club. Rm: for bolt or trtr. $44,:iOO A LITrLi PRIVATE KINGOOM Walled patio, 3 Br. + dtn. + family + 21k22 ft. all Pill'-New Eutblutt !ming, Beeu. JIOR ro<>n.:t:..~49,0X> tl!ul thruout. Pool. $.17,500 Wilker_ 1<111· '7HHO 338& Vla Lido, NB Open Sun. m11 n ,\ 111 : \flt Ill. U.1 l 1.\1'. !his lo\'ely hon1e so VIEW 2043 Paloma Drive gh·r Us a i.:all. On J y Attractive 3 + fan1Uy room $38.95~. Ol>llghUul· :!-slol'y sonic \\'Ith in beautiful Nl'\ll>O!'t Beach SPANISH-HACIENOA Elegant • but ieconomical. low ~·950 -and rou can Call today 10 sre this 3 BR. move in tomorrow with cred. ho · ~ · Oru f\•,,; •'l~O LAJtGE POOL. 3 A: tam + r. bmal dln, 1,. bl., cpts/drpsll all elec. Less than 1 yr old.·· Quick poss. Assume 6% % VA loan. Call f<:N' comp!. hr 1 formation. BRASHEAR REAL TY ' &17-8507 '31-3769 961-1178 $16,950 TR IPLEX roo1lls. :: Ekdroon1s, 31 ~ :i1::~"1 assumable Joan. O\VN- • COATS view of back bay from all neighborhood. Has fabulous EAST SIDE & baths, den & Jibl'ary' \l'ith ER ABSOLUTELY i\fUST 2>41 Irvine Ave., N.B. Fabulous Back Bay vie\\· honte. Lovely 4 + family room, rambling Jo1v, Call· fo1-nia: ranch style. Boat storaic area. Pool sized Jot VaCllflt • owner's cxtrern"lY anxious [ot' ollel' • "divot'ce: it approval. ' $49m~1n .-l'lme-area, y 646-7171 Gr~h~m Rily. 646-2414 YOU MUST SEE This immaculate :! bedroom convertible den hom" in the Blut.fs. 2 bathrooms, out. standing carpets, custom drapes, blt·in bat' In den. Sh:>ws pride of l'.lwnership thruout. Relax and enjoy livlna: the carefree life. Only 3 b<inns 2 bathll, electric built • in range, oven, car- pets, GO>ilOO' fenced lot, dou- ble prage, land.scaped. $1700 dolvn. Near Newport Post Office ~~t~AOCRSE lircplacr. Fonua! <.lining SELL. Quick possession • EA RNS $5,800 room. $82,:iCO. Call for app't. don't delay. r,.m.,><lou. vruue!! 3 1"'1lo "'-~.eV:-• 1"ohn maCnab ~ 'O<S.S!IO ~ 5'5·SUO cndin;:. ·• ',-o· THE REAL ·> ESTATEHS Dover Shores 1227 unl!s. 2 bldroom and 2 balhs __......, "WW nNrcinema lllelbt) (Mtl'c!Mnu.trll eat"h. De lu.\'e kitchen °\\'ilh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 1714> 642-1235 LEGE RE~ 0LLE.J1~11RIALTY *Irreplaceable View* fount1ln Valley 1410 buUt·ins. Only .$6500 dO\l'n EASTSJDE 9(Jl. D<wer Drive, Suite L.?Q AdamsatH• 1J1!ilAI ilriiir.rJl $171 /MO. PA·YS ALL Bay & Mountain&! a.nd Juiit 7 years yo ung. Lu.x. Ne11'J)Ort"Beach I ""'""""~"!'"'""""""" "l!ZIZZZ=czzz:l$3800 down & u;ume 6%.% Reaal "Old World" Contem· CHATEAU BLANC ' $41,,..,, ury earl)C'ting and drapes TWO BEDROOM llll=:-::-:=:·-=:=:=: BIG 4 ii Joan on this 1arle 3 lxlrm porary picturesque home w/ 673-1550 $500 Movet You In throughout. !\I a n i cu r ed ON J-tARD\\100D f:LOORS. 2 HOMES 1 LOT 2 bath home, fully carpet. unobstnicted view • most Cloi;ing cost & impound s In- grounds. Enclosed :;:arages. Extra large master brd. Via Lido Soud· 4 Big bedl'oomli, master bed· 3 Bdrm 2 bath, fireplace, ed & draped, Large covered rooms. 5,~ sq, It, ' Br'•, eluded in financlni 7%% Ui· Priced no\1' al S36,9.'j(), See room cozy kitchen and din· WATERFRONT fv{J11i lli separate, Large cov-built-ins +a 2 B<lnn hOme, patio. Full price only $23,500. 4% Ba + mald5 qtrs. Euy terest. 7~% interest wJ 10% today. Dial G.ta.t.303. ing ~rea. Attac-hed ga rage.Lovely .3 bdrn1 2 bath hon1e erect patio. JUlit 1-epalnted fireplace . $32,500 with $6000 Great location. \l'alk to all maint. Immed occup. Fum-do\.Vn. 3 Bedroom, :! I: 3 _ e.\'lrll lat'ge lot. ExceJJenr I near Lido Club House. J\lag. \\tilh 15 year pm!. Ne'\\' doivn oy,·iier \v ill car'"" @ school:!. CALL 5-10-llil J-Ier. ished. $178,000. Consider B th 1~" ft 4-fl LEASE -OPTIO N J BEDROOM Custom est.ale hon1e right on the Bluffs. J large bedrooms. 2 baths. Deluxe pool. ·spac- M>us fan1ily kitchen \\'ilh all latest built·in&. Huge 20 ft. llvinr room. \rail to V>'all ca .. rpering 1h1"1Jughout, FreEh- ly painted. All the chflrn1 and prival"y )'OU could ask for. Only 5Jl,:xx>. Call no11•! 645-0303 645-0303 .at l-farbot· Center 2299 Harbor Blvd .. C.M. EASTSIDE 3 BR Fi'l:er upprr. vacant I.: \\'iii· i~ for an ofier. Attorney for cliC'nt says sell this p1'0p. erty l\0\\11 Try FHA, VA) FHA terms. Askin9 $23,500 " -PERRON ...... . , .. * 642-1771 Anylimo * J BR 2 b11.U1 borne, COl'llf.!I' Jot 130xl80 · add (; more wiits. Dti1·e by 1:,.i:; Sanla Ana Ave. then call ilania £ratty 612-6500 4 Bedrm • $24, 750 Only 3 yrs. new. 2 baths. fam. ily room, liC't'ludt"d l"t'llr Ii\» in; room l\'ith rlcgant pa. Ho. BuiJ1.in kitchen. P rin1e loc11.l ion. TARBELL OON'T JUST \\IJSH lor mmething to furnish your home •.. find gT"el!.t buys In today's Classified Ads. neighborhood _ l;M.!autilul nificcnt view. Pier & slip. dish\1•asher. Sprinklers front 7,:,3 $225/n'Kl. (l8ye~J. !!age Real Estate {open trade/vac.lot.Auume6~J% HIGH & DRY fi~is~';;'n:·~m~~~e2 h'Ce li.ned streel. Seeing is Private sunny pa1io. 01vne1· and l'E'Br. Large Jh1ing room Wells·McCardle, RltrL eves). ll'.lan. 5~3.7249 Reduced to $33,900. Immac-car carages. All built-ins. believing 0 N L Y $21,:iotl \\'ants iminedialc a~t ion SO with .stone fireplace. $29,950. 1810 Nev.·port Blvd .. C.l\f, \!0!".WN~'E!".R-""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... ulate 2 bedroom home. Hd -Private patios \V) B·B-Q'1. \\lfITI TER.i\tS. priced lo sell at $165,COO. 546-2313 "'•" Tr29 "'·' ,...,<>• '"''· A good buy. 3 BR W .. tcllff 12J0 ...... .., __ 1· I .,.,., .,,~ ..,~ n.= ~ ......,.. UTM,;VO'I hou \V wu • .....w·•; U'eP ace. Lara· .,.....,......, to • ...,,J.N. Barrell Really-~ , ....... ~~"'"""""""""I "'· "1 ,;.,, Cpo,, --------""i;,.;,,g room . R-2 Lot. CHATEAU BLANC $26,950 drps, stove, i.;ar. St9.~. EXPERT STYLING UN!VERSITY REALTY l.865il Brookhurst St. 1605 \\'cslclif.f Dr., NB • S B-.1 3 Bath 546--8026 Thruout this 2800 aq. ft, 2· ::001 E. Coast H\\'Y. 673-6510 \I mile S. l'.11 the .... ,.. surm. OLD Htyle Spanish 3 Br, 1 Ba \\'inged home. 4 Bdrms., CAMEO SHORES San Ditgo Fref:y,·~y 642-5200 ~ $28 500 1 Big FiMla pool , Full dining house on double kit. $18,000. mstr. & dtn in north '1.i fll, lst Offering. Lovtly home. A 962·3002 LEISURE WORLD OWNER $21,500 G.I. TERMS 3 bi: bf'drooms. :! pulhnan baths, brick fireplace in \a1-ge Jiving room. Built·in range & l'.lven enhances a hl'.!1ne111akcr's drc!ln1 kit· \Vlll1ts to sell her 3-bcihoom clicn. fan1ily home in l\lcsa Del TARBELL fl.1ttr !xofore 196!) ends. De-14~0604 CUSTOM HOME· $20,000 lightfully landscaprd . Large Jiving rcom with \\oodbUl'll· Ing fi l'eplacr.. Exceptionally altracli\'e 1-rloor plan. 646-7171 Carefree Liwinlj G.I. TERMS!!! Spacious home wit h cloud soft carpeting & drapes. At· tractive fireplace. Large: &Cr. vice J'Kll'Ch. Delightful COV· ere) patio, 4 yrs. flC\V. Se· renc counh)' setting. 830-6060 Tarbell The §rhvte comlominillnl is no1v a n f!stablished \fay of 4 Be~rm • $241950 ~ifc. It su.rc !x>tt ts n:nting SPAN ISH ACCENTS ! 111 rost. si1.c and p~csllgc. ~laster bcdroont \\'Ith hui;e Large J ~drooni. • ~a:h 1\alk-i n closet. \Vroughl Iron do6e to Costa t\li?sa Civic bookshelvc~. Elegant slun1p center. and only $21,SOO. stone f.ircplat'C, lan1i\y rocan Colesworthy & Co ... n""t buu •. ;, ';"""" ' TARBELL 842-6691 "Agent'' "For A \Vise Buy" LIDO SANDS &1~7777 s BEDROOMS 4 Bedrm • $31,950 2 Bath" Lat•',.,..,_ GRECIAN AC CE NTS! $29,tSO Fl-IA TEfu\·15: 2100 sq. f1 . or Georg;E~L~~mson super~ beauty & C:Olllf~r1. 673-4350 673·1564 Eves. Electric push bu1\on built· --~~=~~~ in kitc:hrn. dishwashr1·. :! FIXE R UPPER UN ITS ba ths family room. Carpets, S Units all '! Br. Good t'Cn l· dra~s. Exquisite decor. I al ai'l'a. Nred l·Jcaning up. ~l'tlQ Inc. $9Zi mo. i'l'Ol!.S. TARBELL 2955 Harbor Pyramid Exchangors 646-2629 1 • room. Rich pa.ni!ling, band-L~Call=~---376_7~~~=~ Brkfst rm. l nsul. ~.500 n11lgniticent view from ap. 3 OR 4 BDRMS S •drn\. so~ bar. Best buy on to-3 BR house on \Vilson $23.~. R. C. GREER Realty prox. ltx.311 ft. liv. rm. Spac· PLUS POOL + Fami.ly Room day's ma1·kel! Prin1e ai-ea. Oy,·ner. By appoinbnent. 3355 V~ Lido 673-9300 ioll! ideal ho~ fOI.' enter· LO\V INTEREST LOAN , 541J..1720 548-2Q39/646-4760 taininf_, $74,500. New paint, """°"'" wall, P11!stige ·r con\.-enient a1<ea. TARBELL 2955 Harbor OLDER 2 BR bo"se, 2 car Unlv•rtity P•rk 1237 4 bC'droon1s, 2 baths plus den .. Cheshire Real EHtate 6Ta-~ Immaculate! Hurry! +family roonl. AU f!lectrtc NEWPORT HEIGHTS gar.~ lot -suitable tor i"'"'""'" ___ ,;.,....,., JUST completed 4 Bronze HAFFDAL REALTY kitchen with new dishwash-Near Cliff Dr. 2 BR, den, building. 545-GX!l IT'S WORTH Medallion Duplexes, CdM., -====14-=2=-440==S===I er. Elegant fireplace. ranch style with heavy YOUR WHILE 1;165;,SOO;;,;ea:·=";;5-o;34=30"===cl' ••01-..v.. sha k.e rooL E xposed beam Coll•"'• Park 1115 L1gun1 •-·ch .,...... '"" • To s~ this 2 br home with -1705 TARBELL 2955 Harbor ceilings. used brick fire-·:.---------tile roor. .. it's a small Linde ltle 1306 ---------1 BAYCREST SPECIAL •'"" "'"'"d. S2',950. Kl". O~n Ooily 1-S PM ho 'th t BEAUTIFUL aaard R.E. '.\II 2.2222 LG. ,,..bdrm 2 ba. Asrumttble nie \l'l a aense l'.I spac4 57 Linda Isle Drive iousness .•. do ;you nctd that BEACH HOME low int loan. 2339 C.Ola:ate cloJe-ln localion? tp $3t.2CO. l\lust tee 4 4 BR, 4 BA home ln lovely Laguna c;ondo. ccm· 4 b$°m + form~!Jll!!i!!&....± Cotta-Me.a 1100 Dr. For information call. • red hi.I I w/ pa.tlo deck, sit ting rm & munlly; fronting on magnil· p!XIL, i\fove.in condition. Call PERRON RLTY 642-17TI frplc in masler BR .suite. icent healed pool, lOo atePJI Us today. -----------le========= Fam rm has sunken C'Onl'er- DAVIDSON MOST BEAUTIFUL . . • 1 Crom prlv. bch., tennis e~. Realty Newport &e•ch 1200 s.ation Pit frp c. $162,00'.), etc. Comp. a ttractive tum, :MG-a-160 Eves. ;;.w.1$33 Near S.A. Country Club on1_________ REALTY Linda Isle Development include w)w ccpf g, drp&., New VIEW Hom•i corner 101 .B<hllO. Coinplete-'VESTCLIFF SHOPPING &: Univ. P ark Center, Irvine Bill Grundy 67&-S210 kgsz muler bed: location Baycrest' in Dover Shores Z m'1:11z~ul~t ':;!rn~,5d~~ i\tariners School withln Call Anytime ~ decor. 2 BR.s, :! BAs, •P· Ivan \\'eUs' :; brand new -. '"e r : 1 · s · · \\·alking distance. Brighi, "'!!!"!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!"!~ Lide l1Je 1351 Jv., din. nns; laun. \.vith wJd, '"""'"~·. 4 bdrm··. ' bo, "°'''-'vi<le beaul. br ck lrplc. Dbl. cl•a-3 bdnn 2 bath hom• -> t ' I •· .......... d .. v • det hed V I " E1stbluff 1242 107 VIA EBOLI s or., -·car gar. ower ...,v. dC'r rm. fam. rm 1v/frplc, ac · gat'. ery .a'.'le hard lo find al only $28.500. el. See to appr"eeiate. Shown , 1 F horlll!' \.\.'!Ut lonnal dining CALL 54~24 {open e\•es) 4000 SQ. FT. by owner, call for app'L courty8.l-.. Po o s. rom nn. & . 16x16 n1str. bdrm. South "···t "·al ~-tat• • BR 3" BA 3 .........,, nc =i EASTBLUFF-VIEW , • '' • car garage. ·199-21j2 or 837-0791. Sl00.000. Roy J. \Vard Co. Huge hvlng rm. Call r.11.Y-1---------3 BR 13, b N. Crpts, dl"P!. unusual featur. -=~""'==~=-·I 1~3[) G;tlaxy Dr. 6113·\jj(), time: 613-3211 or 5"1·6613 BEST BUY -VACANT · ·" a. ice tpl. Din. es. Built 1967. CA\'11tt c . R. 180 DEGREE VIE\V • BILL HAVEN .,.000 POOL area. Shows unus"~n .. well. ~-an & Ul all e BEACH BARGAIN e · .--i. • ........,. G•n•I. 213 I 244-3101·, eves u• ...... ~ -coas ne, sm Bl ff I'' I 3 Call for price I tenns. -.. but b lid bl I t p 1 & 2 BR. 2-sloij'; vacant, quick REALTOR u 15· ~-· mo. assn ~. 213 / ~6-0700, Open. u a e 0 · av I'll possess. Coi1ll'I' lot. E·Z 2111 E. Coast, Cdi'fJ 673.JZll 8 1·. 232.1 East Blutt Dr. CORBIN-MARTIN ~-;;.;,:~;,::o_,C_~_;,;;'=:==-util. in after 1st of year. y,•aJk to beach. $27.500. Or 1018 S. i\1ain, S.A. a.11-6613 -'-"""'-~~~----REALlORS 675-1662 H ntl -' 8 h 1400 Low dn. w/Jow m<1. payt1. 3036 E. Coast I-fwy., CdM .~-n •• on .•!.~ _ 494-8100 or 49'-llst best offcl'! """ LARGEST BAYCREST , _ ·-· _ CAYWOOD REALTY PROPERTY IN For tease. Large 4 bdtm, Coron• dtl Mar l2SI Meve Inly Christmes VIE\V, 3 BR, 2 BA. all elec,. 6300 \V. Coast J-h\')'.:.NB MESA DEL MAR family room, fo1mal dininr, Sharp 2 atory 3 bdrm 2% beam eeilingJ, crpt.s, ~. e 548-1290 e By Q\vner 4 BR, 2 BA, dbl etc. J;an Smith Realtor ·bath, On corner lot. Carp-lg cor lot. Reduced to ' 1 + 646-37.:>5 VI EW·POOL-BEACH eta/drapes, all bullt4 1nl. For. $36,000. Owner 494-472S BY Owner -,...,. asau1n able gor, enc oS<!d main patio '"='"'"==~---· al d'-' ... 1: Asking only $94.500. Thi& m '"'"' room, service GI loan J B.t·. 2~j ba. din 2 open patios, Unique en-FORECLOSURE; 3 BR, 2~i Cameo Shore• 4 Bdrm. home po:och. family room. Auume rn1. ram rm, \\·alk to schls. trance. Shrub~. h-ce:s. i\iany BA. TO'l\'nhouse. trplc, pool. ,~ GI I · ••~ 900 has an expansive vie-.v from 7" oan • pnee ...;;, . lx-h, prioc:. on I Y. $33.500. ex trul $32.500. Call M&-3767 Needs paint. $27,500. Poul Jones Roolty . . the din. rm., liv. rm . & mstr. 96S-TI09 l\1UST Sell l lT old 5 Br. 3 Liaison Co. 646-0132 bdrn1. Lee. sh~tered pool l 147-126"' Evt. 847-8919 3 BR. :! BA, family room, ba1h, cU£1om home with I S Y 0 U R AD IN patio. Key1 to 3 prlv. beach-4 BDR, 21,; Ba, ki tchen • prof d~r. 2 yr old-xlnt pool. Mc~ Verde. Askin& CLASSIFIED? Someone will e1. 4e. garage \\-orkahop. lam. Lrg den w/bar, 2'2fiO cond. $32,500. 21382 Fleet $72,500 -make· offer. 0v.'l"ler be looking for it. Dial 642-Shown by app'L oq ft •·· e 6~ GI B Lane, HB. Owner·646-4328 agt. 540-8381 or 546-4141 5678 Riddle & litosa 675--7225 ~.';~: 546-mf. TIME FOR . QUICK c;ASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 1000 Gener•I 1000 General 1000G1ner•I I OOOGonoro I IDOO Gonerol lllOll NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 646-1711 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ~-. · liDAfiA&toA BEXcR 0F-1cl cosTA MESA 0FF1c£ 54s~9491!s4s!046s 2043 Wutcllff Dr. at Irvine Open Eveinlnp IAYCRIST INCLOSID POOL h.bu1ous faml.ly home wtth SPARKLING 22 X 36 ENCLOSED POOL plus bad· mtn\on wK1 5hufflt boa.rd court. GIC'amlng JIARDWOOD FLOORS. FORl\lAL DINING ROO).f, 3 Baths. t Bedrooms PLUS DEN. A TRUE btu•geln at $61,500. LAME MATHIWS-ORANGI COROVE Beautilul 10 ACr.E i::rO\'f' '"'lth 7 ~'t'81' old trf"l"ll Just rPerhtn&: f\111 )')rod11t't!On. Lo· cau on affonb VlEW or lhe lake. Jl'\CLUDES irri.gatlon S)'!len1 P1ict<I rich! Al $39,950 and owner \\·i ll f\naflC(' at LO\V INTt:REST. Exc:f'llf'nl TAX SHELTE!t With PREPAID INTEREST for thf' "'ise in"~tor. $l,HO DOWN for a IHetlme or good family llvina. Trul:-o imm1tcula1e 3 lkdroom \1·ith larire Y.AhlU..Y FlREPL.ACE. <.'flrpc-tlng and dl'lrlMI. Handy to EXCELLENT SCllOOL ind 1hoppin1r. All ror S:?G.500 \i.t m f IO~t dOY>·n! 7612 ldln9or Ol"f'OllTI 0 I I MUNTINOTOM CI NT•• .... •• .... 2790 HAllOI ILYD. o,. ...... ·11 ' P.M. \VAL.KER & LEE hu cuaranteed a S unshine home for $24lSOO: Selll'f has agrttd to sell V .A. and FHA and l'.l&>' nttt15&I")' co1t& Involved. It's a teal aharp 3 bed· room close to pe.r k and schools. Alodern kl tehl'n. carpets & Draf)t's. J\tove in condition. HUCH POOL LOW PRICI Of $20.950 for Lhis great 3 bf'droo1n \\.·Ith 2 gorii-eou1 b&ths. Huge family room off thl!t n1odern que:rns kllchen. Slldlng doors lt'11.d to l0\·el3' C'OVerC'd polio and sun df't•k ~·hich sun·oundli this 15 X 30 POOL, heated&: fllte~d. Submit $2,000 dO\\.'lt \\'llh iota.I payment of $180 total. TOTAL PAYMINT $1JJ PU MONTH Beauurut J bedroom, 2 bath homl'. F're1hly painted. G.l Loan of Sl6,000. t:very· one qualifiPS to assume 11.t 5~ r,;. aMual ratr . Service ..\Na. Doublt' Garage. Forced air hcaL Completely fenced. Ne'v deep pile car-pelt throughout. FULL PRICE PRIVATI WORK SHOI' $U Oot l'lllCI Jn excellent Costa J\fH& ~e •. 3 Nrce al'zed bedrooms an4 a hou1e full of fresh carpet. Over slud lot with BIG, BIG 14 X 30 \VORKSHOP for Dtld ! 'rowrr1ns trffs oft hure custom covered patio! $1 ,250 DOWN tor any·buyer or NO DOWN VETS! CLOSI OUT I •/• DOWN LISS THAN HfA interest 11.t 7.2f'O annull.lly. Jluge BtDROOr.tS + 2 luxurious pol}rpan btth1. C.A- TlfEOHAL BEAJ\IED CEIUNGS. i\lodern as tomomw: all l'l~etric kitchen. Enter· ta.ining. f''ORl\tAL Dl~"ING ROOi\t. 7,200 sq. fL largt lot all BLOCK WAL.LEDi Exf'<'ut1 ,·e Pl'f'!tige area •i th pride of ownership! Enjoy true Callfamla PATIO KITCHEN with Sl.700 dO\!.'ft payment and $178 Pl.I Mr month. A:~u=~A\~~~ ~23,900. • king size bedrooms + 2 pullman i.ths +' BIG :P'~fn.Y ROOl\1 + C&rJ»ts • ~s + ELECTRIC bullt·ln kitchen + CA.Ll1'0RNL\ TIREP4 CE + tlrtra dtt:p SZ0,110 IS THE Pl lCI L ih:~ lots mlnutet to thc!Pl~i1'tf~~ and ll't ALL YOURS! This home is• Walker Ir Lff Gultf'antte·Trld• !lnd lt'a a btauty! You YoUnR JK"O· 5 master slit'd brtdrooms A THREE BATHS comt v.-tth this 2.300 sq. fool tar. pie, 1top renting anti 1te~ tl:)i$ onr !T 3 Q\leen Size Bedl"oom8 •i tf'I cort:eous balh nlshf'd grm! U you 'tt' lookln1 for that sfttpcr In a $40,000 ~J[hborhood. thlt Uie kilch<in. :-.·c,\' csrpcts I Drf.pf's. Enormous back yard. NO DOWN G.l a.nd TRE~IENDOUS VALU E can hr yours for just J4,000 \\1 th a SJ0.000 mor tga1e1 ~~~~~~~~!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lllll!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~S~":'a~l~l :Do~•~·,~r~.H~.A~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:S:EEl~N~'G~!S~B:E:Ll~E:V~!N:G~!Do~'~lt~N:O:W~l llllllll~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ,... -WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 M•NUTES _.~ • --::,r-~--.--------.......... ....,-~~-..,, ............ ,..--..... -..--------.-.-..,.,.,..-,..,,....,.,.,.,,_~~ --~rr -•t•r -.. ,, ,. , •• ,,_,.,,,._,_._ ~ .. ~-w .. ,,...,.. _,_~ .. ,. . . . i • • . ' f I . , " : JS Pll OT·ADVERTISU • Wtdn-, Dt<tmb" 10, 1969 Wtdntoflf, Dtum ... 10, 1'169 OAILV PllOT PIOUSES l'_OR '"Lil lllNJAU • l!l:NT•LS '""T'LS UNT'L• •ENT'LS . r ~ • " • ft " RINTALI RENTALS · , •• ,.L ISTATI !;!tuna Beach 1705 ~·-UnfurftbhN ' Houtn. U!!~"".!, -Unlumlshod Apts. l'urnlsl\H Aplt. l'urnllho4 . ~ Unfurnllho4 Apll. ~ Gonenl : CUTE COnAGE 1 Gen ·-"--_a• __ · __ ,..-_ N-rt si.,-3220 L"luno IMch "-b'os Hunt"""" -h MOO Hunllntfon .... h 440o C•t• -5100 co'°"" ..., Mar suo I Mts-c"'.-R .... ...,-ai.--~sm- ~ 'WObDED LARGE 2 ,....; l ..., , llRo 3 ua """"'"'aJ~ , Sil ror -" sol~ -. ·--· · · 1=:t · . SINGLE ..,... ror .... 1 GROUN'DS Ux21'ron)pUll~b....,,.. >\P\,\4 ... $246 ,_r"ank "'~·-830-IPN\OO \' ·Sllilt~E ·ADllLTS -~N•:u•bl• 2 .:: 2 BR. ;;;;:i """· d<ck, i201ino. A•'all. now. Mua !t.,.·1a .. a1buy_Owmi,,. ~~!:.ao&;or.hd. ~~i ~nRlt>6!Sj<600 l : ;:;::::= 1. Tired ef '~ Mob :Scene?,· sell .:.111 .... ~Pati.... ·;: • ~'. ll90 "1-<1<1_M>rr_._.,.._. ___ '--_ ·"""" •'>le """"· •1luot<d l ;ii~:;-...,,..~_;:;::::;.: Univwsity Park 3237 Dana Point 3740 Sff the New Huntln-c~ ..... .....,... Adults. "5-2108. NEIV 3 B" 'ba .. cpu, drps, 1-"""*" -.:ON LOE, LOT, NESTLED $l.85. 4 Br, fenctd yd. Frple, 1 ,,,.,..., 1-t'r-. 377 \V, \Vilpl. cite. bullt-lnt. dlsh\\'Uhtt: -~ ·BENE AT H TOIVERJNC blt .. , w/w, ...... Avoil 9verloo1ing Minne WHERE UYING IS NI LARGE 2 BR. crpll, drps, ..... 1a .. , (IOtlo. u........i 8ffAt>i: TREES. WHERE now. ChUdttn O.K. Bkr Available Lea111 Beautlful ex«ulive home. 1 carport A pool. Kkll ok. dOllt A •ton&t space. · PRE-PAID :nlE COOL GREEN OF SM-69!!0 All have trplcs It bJt-1~ Just 151--Cuttom 1, 2 & 1 hclrm. A,t1. 2214 · CoUeae, Apt No. 2. Don v. Franklin. ~•ltor :NATURE ABOtmns IN A 11:,'15;. . ..:);:B:,R,._,+-,.,,,--nn-.---~::-.;;:-.:.:.~:u~ ARRANGEO WITH 9 PRIVATE COURTYAROS '*-'lll95 ml E. C.UtB.,,. ~2222 INTEREST :QUIET ArR OF SECLUS-t0nd. Children welcome. TY.-o 2 bdrm 2 bath· thru-out .. Phone for .... p1. to FROM $I,... pvr u .. I 3 9 3 BR 2 ba ....... 11 .. Sa\• thoee tax doll&n now~ ,JOl'f. A pleua.nf walk from ·Blbe Beacon. 645-0111, C.M. Townhouset. 1 (@ $245 t. _. -· FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED · uy fW, new ipe.e. r · " un...._...,, ExcepUonal opportunlty tor :tJle. beach 1 @ $250/ 1 1 med att. 496-3959 I•• low •s $85 Furn. lf sh•r•d by 2 Fri1nd1} apt born•. Walk-ln chub, apaclou.s. Frpl .. B/I itove, .olkl ln\fltment ln Jndu• p1~ rmi'o~ parl type $00. 1 Bl' duplez..· &nall yd. • mo. ~ · trpl, channlnc patio, nr fwy retrig .• F.A. beat, w/w cpt, triet il'KlOMf: proomy Ntllil , Uv. rm., liAS 0 : REN Chlld;i:et OK. Av1U nowJ oecupa.ney. Duplexes Unfurn: 3975 FUN I:, GAMES AVAILABLE WHEN DESIRED. S25lt. s.&-4016. drape!. Clce1Nide Hwy. On-leued bufkUna:. Sellu;, tor 'J>J..ANK FLOORS, \VOOD .~""':i-"'14-6SSO;:.:,;:::.:_~~~-l 3 Bdrm & tam . ~n1. tiome ii\ 2 BR, drp1;crpu. fenced yd, TENNtS, IASK·ETIALL, GYMS , BILLIARDS. &SIDE. 2 BR, J ~t BA. ly S2S1i mo., lea!f. $8l) 000. Can be h1ndfed for PANELLED WALL COZY $135. 2 Br garden tri~plex. Turtle Rock, BRAND NE\V. gar, lblt.-ini. A'dulta, no pe~ PARTIES &. TRIPS BY YOUR SO~IAL ' OIR ~CTOR. Crpts, drpl, 'bit-in!. 'Fenced Dl!Lancy Real Estate m.mo ",q' little as Sl5,000 down LOG BURN 1 Ne' FIRE-Stow, retrig, '"'""" drp.5. Avall.@ $300/mo or partly $140 mo. 54M513 or 548-2S84 6200 EDINGE-R AVE HUNTINGTON BEACH pat!°· Gar. Adults, No peta CLEAN ~ BR, ~BA. Upper. with •bout \J.S: tax• deduct· PLACE JN AN T t Q u E o Avail TIO\\'. Bkr 534-6980 turn. @ $315/mo, RENTALS ., SJ3~. s.\~9632 Open viev.•. l blk to sho~ abk. Fat mo~ !nfonnatlon, BRICK DESIGN. Center hall $150. 2 BR duplex \.\'/gar. ltnmed, occup. .a..... s: llMd I* Ml. W . OF IEACH BLVD. ' SAN DIEGO 2 BR + den, 1\t ba, cpV pin,. 3 adult& preferred. please call K. \V. !mall . opens to the 2 bdrms:, aer. Fenced yd for children. _,..a. • v rn FREEWAY, JUST EAST OF' SPRINGDALE ST. drps, bltns, '"Id. nr .1hi>a ~ .$28;:>. '°1 Jumioe. 675-6832 Eckhoff & A11oc., Inc. 'vl«d by ccntraJ 4. F1.XTtJRE Blue Beacon. 645--0Ul, c.r.t. 3 Bdnns I HUGE~-room. General 4000 PHONE 1714) 146-0619 bch, pe:ts ok. $1~. :;.1;,...7747 UNF. Duplex. 2 Bdr. l!l8 \V , 0\&pman Ave. '~ATH. KOPPER KET1l.E cou.ECE Pk. Long: Bch. 2 r.tany e..xtru, VfE\V. Avail ===-===== l BR. hrdv.·ood floon;. Adults, Jo"'rplace. range .l refric. Oranee, C&Jll. , KITCHEN WITH ELEC. stor:Y. 5 Br 3 Ba S300 mo Jan. 6 @ $m/mo. S"ingle ~ 1 chUd ok. No pets $130 mo. Ad1ts. $173 mo. 620 Acacia, afl,~1. Eves-v,.knds ~ ·RANGE ii: OVEN, CERAM-1st ,i'' la.st r:.o. Reb. 646-009:i ( ta ...__ ··-2093 \Vall 5'&6--0379 001 .Jc TD....E, ETC. OPENS ro 4 Bdrms &. fam rm, i1nmae. °' ...... 4100 Huntington a..ch 4400 att. · NEWPORT Beach -HJ1h on :SEPARATE BitKFsr R.1\1. i BR + family rm. $275 eond. $350/mo. Immed oa:up. ·-2 BR. Studio's. Nr 0CC. $140 NICE ~ 'J, BR upper. the mulls over the bay. g !f'he .spaeloUs rear ~nds l BJ;l. 2 ba. Apt, $175 Ad 1 SlJNNY 2 BR. Partly turn. BAOIELOR &: 1 BR turn, mo. Avail now It Jan lat. 1 Crpb, drps, rrl!ii. range delwi.e units. new, all leas- '!'lave sheltered a.rbor t;ype Davu; Realty Stt-7000 Bob Pettit & Assoc. U ts \Viii com plete tor empJoyed $1f0 up. Adults. no pets. Child OK. 637-2M3 gar. New decor. Adults. ~. fireplaces. many xtru. patio, te11'8.ce<i 1ardcn, pick-Costa Mtu 8l3..Q101 couple. Intant OK. 646--8226 11301 Heelson Ln. 842-7848 2 BR duple:'i:. nr. 1thool, lge Lease, S170. Ownt.r 673-2'7S5. Cal l O~'Jler &l&-1260 « ~ et fl'!nce, TI-IAT LOOKs TO 3100 Eves. ~~ or S'J5.«!94 BACHELOR APT. Furn . (\VestofBeachnrSlat~r), )'d. $ll5. Call 53&-19tl aftu CUTE 2 BR upstrs. Nev.·Jy 5535 , THE \\OODS I: OLD wooo. Luxury single, 1 & 2 Near 17th &: Irvine. $100 a NE\V QUIET 1 BR. nr ocean, 5 pm. painted. Crptd ii: drps, I ... ,..,....,,..,.. ....... I EN BRIDGE BELOW. This DUPLEX Back Bay 3240 bedroom apartment.ii;, mo. Call· 64.2-J68J $~45 • pri deck .or patio. 2 BR w/\v crpf&, pool. no •love. 1ar, Pri paHo. <213) IN SMOG FRIE ~i.ni <M.~r home needs ' furnished and unfur-* NASSAU PAt...\fS * Sirwlts & cpl.1 only. 20214lh. pets or chilttn. $130 mo. ll3 ~-l-l6n, f12-34.17 p v II a litije tolLCh up here &: 2 Bedroom, carpet.ii, drapes, EXECUTIVE Home S BR, 3 nished, with complete I I: 2 BR. Pool 538-1319, 6?3-1784 E. 17th Pl. 642--8499 2 BR., So. of Hwy. Yrly. au ma a ey there. It'& an outstanding L!r e~l:'re~~~hf;~rd for Ba. Cpts, drps, cfec bltna. privacy and Jandscap-177 E. l2nci SI. 642-364j 1 BR medallion condo. Bltm, 2 & 3 BR apt.I, built-In rana:e. Util's l\lm'd, $195 i\lo. buy for; cht' d•on & pots. $300. ~4o ed country · club at-1 Br. Furn. Apt. Older refrlg, "'~sher:. dryer, Pool, car,....ts, dran.s. 1Sj2· A References required. $25 950 . t I p I Q I I SI"" 67"' ""'~• r-,.-~Ir. Forney, Bkr. 540-3862 . , ' . Private garage. Corona del Mar 3250 n1osphere including enan s re erred. $110. u e · ""· ...........,.,. Coriander, 54.6-5288 FULL PRICE &ll Paularino. 5-19-1746 $750,000 \V Orth of Call • &i2-lso.t STONEHENGE APT~. 2 BR, '1 BR. $15j. Crpti;, drps, LARGE Ne1v 2 BR. l BA IMMEO. OCCUPANCY recreational facilities 2 BR tum apts. Avail no\\'! 2. BA. 2320 Florida, nr bltns. Pvt palio, •ocl &ar. plus den. Crpltl, drps, bltn~. LOWER ON .. $135, 3 BR older. near 19th &: N H I Ad It 1· · hi ,._ I • Ad ""27~n Vie\\'. 772--0367, 53:>-3864 or • • t>w arbor V ew Hilb Lui;.k designed and operaf. u iv1ng, d pool, rec ocac 1 "" anu:;......,.. .w Adults. 5-194133 8JT-filT7. PYMT. O.K. Anahein1. Rangt' & I'ffrlg hooie; ~c. vic;1v. Prot. deri. ed. just for si n .& le t'00111, good JO(", 64.6-5824 Ii ·==-~~~.....,=~- .. 'OWNER \VTLL 'cU:,11 1· 3 Ch9ildren. OK. Lease. & Jndscpd, Auto. sprinklel1; people l & 2 BR. furn&: unf\lrn. 2020 Lagun1 &11th 4705 2dBR, 11 \l BA, b 1.115·A'd''u1P!~· NE\V, So. of Hwy. 2 Bclrms .. l lEt.P FINANCE "' to Pl'it only. 642-4698 & d 2 · rps, fta.J.'&Je, patJO. ..<i, beall1ed ttil., t,vith deck & Good investment. Unusual family 1 t y I • restaurant. beautiful patio. Next to 9 hole 10U course, al!O lov~ly ho1ne for o\\·ner. Ba.J.'fll l'.or hoNC1t. All on 5 beautiful landscapt'd aC'l-e&. GROWTH A.RF.A 'ffiADE OR SELL BY OWNER 644-lnl MISSION REALTY CO'ITAGE 1 far. r. opener. 4 BR. RENTS }"RO?il $1'5. Fp~lerml'.':",. St ... C.;lI. ~fgr on * LOVELY APTS. Ve~ IO\\' no ptts. ,150. Ml-1806 1. * Bdr. Stove, ba., fam. rm .. din. a.ma. "" ..... 'J 1replace $230 i\io, 985 So .. Coa!t Hwy., Lagu111. relrig. Ulil pd. $140. No crpts, drps, ret. $450 Jncl. ANAHEIM y,;kJy rates. Ideal lor a\ngles NE\V Jo\iely ·2 br. Cpta/dps, Don V. Franklin Rltr 673-22221 '"•,....,,.....,..,..,,...,, PHONE (714) 494-0731 Ptts. 545--6294, SSf-8400. grdnr. . FuMERl'.ltslMAval!C W9Q['S o1· married cpl. Linen, nr W-cllU. Gu, patio. 2 BR. So. of H\1.)'. Yrly. Bu1lnea1 R•ntal .<1.A..1.n I Katheyn Raulston m So. Brookhurst mum a , See ad W'I-maid, laundry, TV, all Triplex. $175. 548-36&1 · 1 =c=:.::;::..;;.:.;;.:.:;:__;-= 1980 F~~r e:e':.,3 ~~.&c~:;· ~~~: ..,.. (1 bl.k. So, of Llncoln) der class SlOO. ill ~lt'1Tl0 util's, Steps lo bch., --~~~~nee~~~. month. encl st. $240 mo. 54~2646 <TI<I) 772-4500 niac. \Vay. 56-6300 Laguna. 494-9436 Newport Beach 5200 ~tr. Forney, Bia. 540-3862 . $'700ll DOWN 3 'BDRM, -. t' ..: "' .... ,., dbl Newport Beech 4200 CHAR~IING Partly f ur n1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;:; 1 Bdr A t unt Sto •~ Assum -.i •=" ~.,. • ... .., GARDEN GROVE -;;;:;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;-;1 sea~e studio bungalo\v,11 • P · · ve '"' e 1st at 5~ %. Xlnt u...-c; ,..:;,.,. ' Coltlwefl, Banker & C.. • 1arden settina. Lease $170 relrlg. Sun dk. $150 a mo. For Safe potential. 1 Br 4-pll'!X apt * 54~z;J4 * 550 Newport Center Dr. 13100 Chapman Ave. NEED an Apt. for the inc •"· all utilit ll'S, SPACIOUS new 2 bdrm ca11 67>-0n7 hldg Call 541).1915 un .-e<. (4 blks \Y. Santa Ana F\vy.) holid , •-·•-. · ·~U..,,.;, in court. Crpi4! drpil, Newport Beach, Cal if. fi1 4\ 636-3030 ays . ua..J .... nt 2 BR <1· Tele-clear. Reis. 494-277J 2 beth. Nr. shopping. RENTALS l(l:NfALS carport 976-B \Vest 17th St. 833-0700 644-2430 NEWPORT BEACH King sz., 1-twinl Comp. RENTALS $240 per mo. Apt1. Unfurnished Houses Furnished Costa P.lesa furn . \V/linens, elc. $j5() n\O , ----------" C.'i1''=!7ACU"'"LA;:7,TE=°'i""B"R~ri,..up""l-e)( 2 BR, So ol h\V)', Frplc, mVINE AND lGth (\Vill consider a !easel. C.;all _..;A:..;:;P;.:l'-::..;U:.;n:.;l.:u;.;m::;i.:;•h:.;od:=.._ 1 Mariner Squ•re A~ts. Balbo• 5300 •. crptS, drps, bHn,,. Be.;am cn4J 645-05SO 54&-7602 or 642-4&11 Renta.ls to Shire 2005 \Y/ i::ar. Apt B. 131 E. 21st clngs. 673-6904 ;;G;";";";;'a;l;;:;;;;;;;;;;5;;DOO;;;;l '244 Irvine Ave., .B. BAOI Bayft, iofabed. patio St. Of. 548-8584 d Iii ~ ~~ 2 Bft, l~~ BA dpli.:. Pri bch. South Bay Cfub * LOVELY AP1'S. Very low )' • y,,•/w crpt, u IA' .~. STNGLt w6rkihg girl wanted 3 BR house, lge fenced yd, Vie1v, frplc.' Adults, no pell, wkly rates, Ideal for singles VEN DOME '!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""!!!!!'I Prof ptNOn only 673-676a. to share furn. apt. wit h 1ar. $11i0. Pref lse. 54S-8U4 $225 mo. 64~2290 Apartments or married <'pl. Linen, GRACIOUS ADULT LMNG ••me. •tt mo. • .. 1139 or 540-0190 mold l•u"dry _, all 2 Br, 2 Ba, 'hi·rlae bldg. Ex. Huntl_.on Buch 5400 --~ -";;i;"'-;i'~-,,,--.,..--2 Bit, sundeck, nice pollo, HOLIDAY PLAZA ' " ' ·,i;v ~ ' TE ·~· d ... -· •r 6 3• BR 2 BA ~. d uti.t'a. Stl!po lo b ch . , DU.!ACULA APTS! clting bay Ii: ocean vle1v, 2 BDRMS. • 2 BATH ay.5; '"..-vo'" ter • .. v,.se; rapes, gardener. $210 mo nthly . DELUXE, spacious 1 Bdnn. L , ..... 94 ADULT Ii FA?.ULY Jacui.zi pool, e le v ators, ttOOAIMATE ,~ranted: male to lrg back yard Sl70 mo. 675-0737' Furn apt $135 plus util, aguna . .,.,,... 36 SECTIONS AVAILABLE 1ubte1Tanean pk'c, boat share 3 Bdrm house on * S48-4l5S * DUPLEX • 2200 sq. ft. ' BR, Heat~ pool, antple pa.rkina;. 34111 &: Seashore, modeni 3 CIOH to shopping, Ptrk slips avail for lenanta. Bal. Isle. cau 675-2569 att 2 BEDROOr.f, $135 mo. Ne1v zi.~ BA, bllns, frplc. Gar. No ch1l~n. 110 pets. BR. 2 BA beach apt. Nev.• * Spaclou.s 3 Br'&, 2 Ba 64~22® 5 p.m. paint: 1 child, no pets. Call $325 Jno/lse. ~7573 1965 Pomona, c.r.t. crpt & drps. Furn or partly * 2 Bedrooms 2 BR Bench rum. apt. Young ~54:.;o, .. e-2802=---~~-$140. 2 Br. 2 Ba 4-plex. furn. Families preferred, * Swim Pool, PuV;rN!n male adult. Avail. 20i>~I 28th 3 BR. lan1 rn1, ·encl '¥· Balbo1 3300 Fantily 1\·cloome. Bkr. """""''='"~·~'~7~'-=33,..1.;.5 ___ * Frpl. Indivllndry fae'Ls :? Br. :! Ba, view apt, Fire- EAST BLUFF $150f?..1o. HEATED POOL fncd, cpl/drps, Kids OK DELA\\'AR.E STUDIO Apts. :!620 Dda\\'att., H.B. s.12-2221 anytime J3G..l816 St. NB t'l'j:its, drps, filed yard. Sfi:> _______ ...;;.;.:.; 534-6980 \\'ATERF'RONT \\'I ho at 1145 An•heim Ave. plaCt', dishy,·a:d1er. brand mo. 2103 FederaJ. S.18-11);)9 BEACH !-!OU&e, 3 Br. \\'ill , dock. Lovely ~ BR. patio. COSTA MESA 541.2824 ne w, 7-tj Domingo. Dr. $220 NE\V Quiet l BR, nr ocean. SINGLE' Cir) to find I.:. share house in Cdi\I. furn . $16(1 mo. + util ;JJ1 E $130. l BR. N.icely tum. Yrly lse. ti7l-9000 0 r I !!!!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I n10. No child1-cn 01· pel s. 1200 $125. Pri dttk or palio. Balboa. Bkr 673-GSSO · · · Adults only; avail now. Blue 697-~lS e RENT e &II ft, Ca.JI ~1260 o1· 67j.5:J35 !iingll'!S or cplll only. 2{12 Beacon. 645-0lll, c.~t. 3 BR ., BA 14th. 536-1319. 673-17&4 11 LARGE I BR. nr ocean. 3 Roams Furniture ' :. ' near ocean, 67.)..-0120 Mesa def Ma r 3105 ------- S'TORE or Office -Baytront Balboa Island . Will decorate: to suit. Lo Rent. 613-\300 ROO~I Suitable for gift 1hop, men's 1hop or ladles shop Ca1 Jim Berkshire. 67»405 1 Ollico Ranl1I 6070 LAGUNA BEACH Air Condhlonod ON FOREST AVENUE ~sk space available tn riev.·eat off!~ bllildlns al prime location in downtown Lquna Beach. Air condl· tioned, carpeted, beautiful entrances: Frontq:;e on Forest Ave., rear leads to MuncipaJ parkins lots, $50 per month for space, De!k and chair! available for $5. Business hours ansv.·crtni: serv:iee available for $10. All utilities pa.Id except lelephone. DA.CLY PILOT 222 l"OREsr AVENUE LAGUNA BEAOl 49~9466 Newport Beach 2200 4 BR. 2 Ba. Crpt & Drapes. $22j: One year lease. Call 544-8580 eves. Huntington Beach 3400 10. Util pd. Bachelor. Upstairs. Sundcck, $149 yr-trplc, di.sh1\•hr. cpts, d1i>s. NICE l I.:. 3 bdn. Crpted It W/W, drpo, avoil now.""' I $19.95 & UP 1~--I d-' Nwl de= 3 bl"· $l5;i YRLY, 3 BR, 2 BA, 5M-6980 y. Students ok. 673-8088 ...,.,;. nlo. yr y, no pe.ts. 'l""'• Y • ~ PJllME CORNER d 2 BR, Ocean b'Olll I:onlh-To-M,'1rt}i Rentals 5-t!-0897 l\'kdayi;, 1rom bch. l bdr v.·/ab!. at· crpts, .rpll'. \'ery small G Sl60 ,.,. rear· \VlDE SELE""'ION 2 BDR"• IS, 2 b, th , • tached pr.1:..tqUce. 536-Inl Office or store in Lldo shop. TOWNHOUSE; 3 BR, 2~i ========= Masa v ... d• 3110 BA, frJJlc, patio, pool, 2 car gar,~ all bltns, cpts, drps. Lse $325. mo, unfu,rn $300. I ---------Avail 12/l. '871-8811 or VA.CANT, 3 BR, 2 BA, m 643-2"97 patio, tncd yard. Bl tin TV. BA YFRONT 3 & den, pier & $21'i. CaU after 6 833-3139 fi'lllt. Turn or unfurn. $600 4 BEDROOr.ts. VACANT mo. No. 2 Balboa Coves 1 year lease $260/mo. 675-4331 Agt, 546-4141 OCEAN lronl house, Tops! Lg 2 BR, 2 BA. Frplc, erpls, Newport Beech 3200 drp.ii, yard, patio, $250. win . ....., __ · ------ ter. 613-~S ADULTS ONLY 2 BR, l BA, ~i blck f\'om bay 2 bdrm. 2 baths. New paint, 60 new cpll, new drape:\ -&. beach. Sl + util. \Vinter Available Jan. 1st. $225. rental f() July 1. 67>2539 B•lboa 3 bdrm, 2 baUlS, split-level. 2300 F.P., Bit-ins -2 car garage, face1 poot Avail Jari. 15th. $275. fenced l'd. Dbl 1ar. ht t. COit• M... 4100 arage. . , .. inter. "'' " pine (rurpl t last &. dep. vrater pd. V1U1 * 673-8088 * ~o:~srr O.A.C. cpts/drps, dl1hwa she r . CHEZ OR~O A.PJ'S. 8234 Lido ;::~ly). lll •pace 0 Buren & Newman {213) $30.00 Wk. Up 2 BR Balboa Apt, $160. ,.17 \" l9thurmCMture Re .. ~~~~ol !~6.l/mo. Adu.It!. &&Z-4387• Ab~ao~ · -· ' 1 1• 'u· til3 LIDO REAL TY fNC. 243-19'11 • Adults. ''· • .....,........, .,..z.-0596 , _, rs. rnv.1 , poo . 3 -~"-=~-~-----1• Studio & 1 Br Apts. $ll5. 2 BR. tri-plex. Stove •. ?. B' , .. -·-· ap1'. J•,,' •-2 rm. 536-8038' or'S3&-2121. 311 VI• Lido 67S..7300 LEASE 4 BR, l~J BA e Kitchen & TV incl. * 675-1070 * "" ........... ., °' MODERN ;rownhouse. c r pt.5, & e Phone serviee: il Pool Sl50 1 BR f t Crpl retrig. Cpt.~. drps, gar. Blue Bllths, fittplacc. $1 70 & up. 1 BDR. Apt. Adlt Area. 3 room 1uite, drapes. Poot I.: clubhouse e r.laid service incl. urn ap ' s. Beacon. 645--0111, C.l\T. r.1rs. Klien, l\flP', '1 5 1 \\'1lShr/dryr. mt~ns, retrig. c~ts., air cond, kjanltor ser. facilities. $190 mo. Ph. e Day, iveek & l\Jonth ;~~nti:~tns. Pool. .1525 $145. 2 Br 4-ple.'\, Gar, "'''"· Hilaria Way, Apt. C $13,j mo. 962-3516 aft 6 & vice, ample par ln1. 962-1544 eve1. 2376 Newport Blvd. 5-IS.97";,5 drps, children 0 .K. Bk1: 3 BR, 2 BA, near ocean, '1'kncls. So. c:tE~iiii~~tBlds. WALK .to beach. 2 Br/den.* LOVELY APTS. Very low C.;.•;;;•c.;•;;;•::a_d.;.•;;;lc.;.:M:.:a:.:.• __ 4:.;2::5.;0 1 53"-6980 fli>lc, disl\\vhr. cpts, drps. 2 It. 3 BDW\1~ 2 BA, pvt. Costa 1.fesa &42-l4S5 Move in now. Cpa, drps + \vkly rates. Ideal for singles LRG attrac t B R-nice Joe. $122.50 large l Br. Bllns, S2Jj, mo. yrly, no pets. pa tio, Mated pool, \vi.Sher MARINER'S CENTER water S'2'ZS, lsl , lest + dep. or manied cpl. Linen, Nu paint &: crpt&. $190. 2530 ttfrig, patio, w/v.._ drps. ~7 \\•kdays. hook up, !162-8994 Office in Store Bide. Jt,ent of 540-8411 maid, laundry, TV, all Seaview Ave. \Vkdy• aft Avail 12/15. Bier 534-6980 3 BDRM 2 BATH $15.i 2 bedroom, carpets, L&e. $75-$1.2S. Beauty ihop, 2 Bdrms, sparkling clean, ulil's. stePt to bch., 5:30, 673-2823 c ptsfdrp s , f l replace, drapes, buil t-ins. IC'me equip. 149 Rivenidc fncd yard, dble gar . Laguna. 494-9436 LOVELY 1 br apt. $200 .c -;;";'';;a;;;M;;";;;";;;;;;;;;5;;1;00;; 1 dish w a tJ her $710/mo. &ro-1543 Ave., N.B. 646-2414. ESl\~~~~tr. 536-8894 $25. Per Wk. & Up mo. 547-7743 aft 10 ..\J't • 642-4387, 642...o500 AT'TR.ACT. 2 Bclr. All Xtras. 200 _ 1000 SQ. IT. Newport ==~=---~-Bachelor It 1 BR, hid pool, days. Or 673-3751 aft 7 P~f. MERRIMAC WOODS NICE 2 BR, pool, car. bltns, :ll35B. 2?4475210 Que,,t,ns7 Lane, Beach Civic Ctr. atta. LEASE $2~ per mo. 2 story maid service. Kitchens " 43bo Just eornpll'!ted, 1 or 2 BR. 2 crpl, drpa. Ad ults, no pell. · · -or O'I -1594. Secretarial servit'f:s. 334.5 3 BR, 2~1 BA, Sharttrest TV avail. 450 Victoria (Nr B•lbol BA furn or unturn with air $150. 642-8001 or 641-8006 •-nta Ana Ne'>'tpOrt Blvd., N , B. tract, H.B. Call 548-4905 aft Harbor). CLEAN Bachelor Apts. eond, compl soundrproofed, 3 Br, 2 Ba, trpl, patio, blk " 5620 6'15-1601, 6 or wknda. All utll Incl ••n: up &ell cleaning ovens, v..'OOd beach. very nice S250 Avail ;' ot .._ S BR ••ts .'tn ~ -w 1 ---,B~A'-,YO-,LIDO=~=a~I.DG~--1 ~--------1 BR lurn. Tas tefully ...., eelr d ,__ , .... land .... •.. .... o.r··-HOI\tE for Rent or Lse. 5 Br. decorated. Adults only. $13j 31S E. Balboa Blvd. ings, SWu••, """' · 1/10. 213: 622-9193 4-plex near So Coast Plua & 37[!0 Ne~ ~1B. SPACIOUS 2 atory, 3 Br, 2 Ba, be.yview. family. $195 winter or $325 yrly. KI 6-9574 lilacro.. Nr. Adams & mo. 1004 El cam i no . BALBOA 673-9M5 acaping with streaffiJI &: wa· 3 BR, 2 BA apt. View of Irvine complex. S57·9lOS omc;es avalla1'e, Rm 301 3 bdrm, 2\t baths. Ne\v ~1agnoha. $2'75. Phone aft 6, 54&-5704 1 BO&\£, turni!ihed apt. Ulil ~r~~:-elevators'. BBQs, ocean. 1 blk frtm beach. REAL ESTATI 615-2*& -.-.. er 541-5002 aint new t 968-2109 u .... .........,, saunas, )9.Cuni & .. .,,.., .. ...1.. 6«-0266 P ' crp s, n e \V ---------12 BEDROOi\I, east side, new incl . Located on Balboa l\\'lm pools, priv. 1ar. w/ ..,.,., mo i•<J· • General OFFICE Spa« 12X'30' C-3 3 BDRM, 2 baths. spilt-level. Available Dec. lO. $265. ---------i drapes. F.P. Bit-ins. Fam 4 LARGE BR, 2 BA, trplc, shag carpet. SJ.-ijpr:mo. No Peninsula. Slngle girl lS.25. storage. Ewrythinc new. NE\V 3 BR. l BA apt. l .blk zone $15. Dbl attached Thff.fEDlATE Occupancy. 3 pool. Avail now. $27J. De\V epts & drps, dbl gar, pets req. Call Rod Bkr. $125. 67:>-7589 alt 5. Startin&: at Sl40. Adult" trom bch. Ocean vU!w.. Rentals W1nted 5990 garare al8o avall $30. «K-A Lido Isle 2351 Br, 2 BA. Sunny patio. l Jots Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. fencd back yd, $250. 962-8994 6'16-t)j:,5 1 BR furn, utll pd. $ll'O per pl~. Just East ot 2600 lJnfum. S32i'· mo. ~ llth St., H.B. 842-5JJG fro1n bch/bay. Ne\V cptg Ii: 901 Dover Drive, Suite 126 NB I 310 E Balboa •I ,__Bl d N ~ &i~2000 Eves. 548-6966 Founta in Valley , 3410 BA~EtpR Apl .°''' frplc. mo yr y, · aruui. v ,.next-to. aberi 4 BR atudlo, 2~; BA. Dlhwhr. Si\tALL Office on busy cor- ner Costa l>Iesa. $55/month utilities included. 642-6560 1130 Anaheim. C.M. 6tiiees-l w/lobby-ground noor, ,12'5. Schl\'Of'Cl', 673-2654 =de<Or==·=Ow=ne='=·="='-=""'=== I Util paid. l working adult. Blvd, Balboa. AsJ;;IL<i, no pets Cadillac at 425 ~lerrimac 1 Elk froln beach. $300. mo. 3 BR. 2 ha., den, din. nn. Jn 3 BR, l tiil. BA, l•e bonus rm. No pets. $90 mo. 274 E. 19th BACHELOR Apt. lncl Ulil. \Vay, 545-6300Y ·.:.''"-':..· '::'7.:'-.:"""=·-=~~~ , RENTAL FINDERS Cliffhavl'!n ... ')M. -.-..___ To L•"•,. Aim Child'• playhouse: in rear. St. cri.t. Yrly., $120 a mo. Call 2 BR. unturn apt.$~. Patio :: ..,,_. Balboa Island 2355 FOR Rent: Furn. 1 Br Hse, l BR. Apt nr beach $13;; Side yard for boat or '!' \Vell l-1"'1so:....:&:..u:.:.p-. -A=r=r~RA_CT_!VE~-.11 .:""::..:·"3<l:::..:c.c"'::..;'36-3:::.::'::0I:....__ NEW APJS l "'•;;poo'='I;. ;;Crp:=t="="""==&=b=ll="'· ~ :: ~ .. •·;:...~ ... Ba.I. Isl. Winter or Yrly Lse. Geo....... \Vlliiamson. Realtor landscaped. 968-7100 aft 5. bdr .. pool, util paid, prden BACHELOR APT _ Util l~2S Placentia-'i::= -:=-.,,..r•im c11111m"1a .,AO • .,~ t ~ CllCISll! UITIUI l ~p="°="='=·=-==TI=l=l====l673-4350 673-lS&J Eves. -----living a.dults no pets 1800 pa id. $80 per mo. 310 E. Office Rent•I 6070 Newport Shciret 5220 . L"luna llaach 3705 w::.";:":;•'c.:;:::A::;ve:;::::;c:·"=·=·=:::_:Bol==:"°':=;B:l':.:;d;:, .. ;:BoJ:bo::•== $150 & $175 L•nuna a.ach 2705 ~ SfORY 2 bdrm, family -l---------1 room. l~ bath, fireplace, LARGE, newly redec. 1-Br. -N rt •-h 4200N •-h 4200 COTTAGE. tum. Vt.ry at· lat"ge play ;tard. Patio, Nesr duplex. Ocean view. Adulta,1 ~•;;w;;;;po;;:;;;;;-;;a;c;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;";;w;;po;;;;•l;;-;;·;a;c;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i l UTILITIES PAID 2 BR 2 BA Duplex. CrJ>tll, tn.c., ,,-ell located, TV hook· Cliff Drive, $22j/mo. Rllr. no pets. $175 mo. yearly. II l ii: l Bdrm, 2 "'im pools. drps, bltns. Nr ocet.n. II~ up. l ad11lt. Refer. No petA. !'oil i-zm PLACE REALTY 494-9704 Grind Opening -Immediate Occupency Adults only, no ret.s. Furn I°'"'°;:,· :"'=-8.;1:'°=·===== $95/mo. Call upstairs rear l BR borne Ir: gut.st cottage LGE. 5 Br. 3 ha. To tt5pon. OAKWOOD U d::~· 642;~ Cr.T East Bluff 5242 1155 No. Coast Blvd., completely new inside & slble family. Rent or lease. • voea. · · · --------Laguna 'Beacb. out. Newport Hgts. 642-9950 f\1r. Fomey, Bkr. 540-3862 -.;Stt::;,;,""':,';0:c",:Po,:"';cm;;"';;:;'-1 e NEW DELUXE e 1-G~-... -=· =,a=1====~=======~=======:::11 The best of two worlds • . . HARBOR GREENS ' "'· ' Ba •pt. '" 1'"" 3000Gener'1 3000Genet"ef )000 Jncl. .1pac. mutt. 111.itl'!, din your home and your country ~lub BACHELOR unturn f rom nn. " dbl, 1arage. auto. I l \ I ! I • . " ' • l'tlNT ...-l!O lflnts 111 r r 1• r r 1 THJSf SQYA!tS --I -.. - -• For your home, sel•ct from sin~le, one •nd sun. Al• avail 1 _ 2 &: 5 door opener avail. Pool & two b•droom •p•rtm•nts. Furni•h•d or un-Bdrm. Heated pools-, child rec. area. Nr. CalhOlJc furnished, ••ch · i1 profes'1ion•l1Y d•cor•t•d -~center, adj to shopplnJ. Cliurch. •nd incl ud•s c•rp•ting, dr•ptries, •ll-•l•ctric No peu, • ONLY $2'5 • Westin9hou1• •ppllences, 1 tor • 9 • sp•c• 2700 Peterson l\'ay 863 Amlp \Va.t,' N.B. a pl•nty and priv•I• balcOny p•t i o. ·... _..;·~°":;:'";.:;M:;:";;•;..,,:::$16.Ql;::'.:7~0-1, Coron• del Mir Just 1t•p1 from your door is • whole world MARTINIQUE of •xcluslv• country club r•cr•etion: GARDEN Am 5250 • Prof•s1ional 1i11 T 1nni1 Courts • Resid•nt T ennit Prof•stional and Shop • Olymr.ic aix• Swimmin9 Pool • Whir pool B•ths • P•ddl• T•nni1, Voll•yb1ll, l•sk•tb1ll Courts And • 20 ,000 squire foot clubhou1e off•rs th•s• f••ture1: • Separ•f• M•n's end Women '1 HHlth Clubs with S1une1 • Indoor Golf Drivin g R•ng•, l illi•rds Room • Th•1tr• TV Loung•, Art Studio, P•rty Rooms Modols Opon 10 A.M. To I P.M. Do ily llllTS FIOM $1H ,. PIO E)lctllent pa_rk-like 1U1T0Und· ln&• w/heated P<>Ol.3. Extra parklr¢. N t a r 1boppln;. Adult& only. ~;-;:._ ON TEN ACRES 2 A: 3 BR A.PTS 1 le 2 BR. FUtn 6 Unturn Im Santa Ana Avt., C.l\f. Flttplaces / prlv. patlol I ~tar.'.. Ap~ lll 6'16·~ Pool'\. TeMls • Contnt1 Bkflt, Fa'irway Viilla Into 900 s.. Lane, CdM 6'4~61 1 "l'W II\facArthur nr. C.O.st l{wy) Nt'ar Oi.·•nc Co Airport I: NEW DUPLEX ucr. Adu!~ only. 20122 I U'NIT LEFTI Santa Ana Avt. ~ 2 BR, 2 Ba. ($2.,;0). Priv. Pl· "'°"'°=""""'°--.,,.-..,-~I tio, cov. pra&:C', cptd., dra~ NEW 2 BR·l BA -patio decJc td. Comp. bltnl. &st k>e:. " Mlf cleaninl <Mn -hlth 701~9 ORQIID snide crpl&. new drpll w/ black out ahadet. Adults only-$165. Xlnt elolie In Joe. Call ~123 DC·~ 0 -.... RENTALS WANTED *HOMES *DUPLEXES * GUEST r;:ouSES * APARTMENTS NEWPORT OFFICES La: I: 1ml. beaut bld1., Coul Hwy, $504175. 838-1425 S'TORE. office 6: O.sk space 16<2 Newport Blw., CM 548-0388 FREE SERVICE GOLDEN WESI' RENTALS 530<600 ComrMrd•I APT. \Vanted to ttnt for 6015 perm. rtlidence. 2 Bdr unt LEASED Slott.1 1'flf Sale. nr bch. Single v.-oman. 19th St Nr. Bethel Towep. 675-8960 ew11ings. · S.a-1768 or 6'6-7414, J.tent. e LANDI.OROS i JndUl!rlal ftlllnl .oto !'REE REN'l'AL SERVlCE -' :I.:/ · B"""• 5U"'2 NEW iUILDIM: Rooms for lent 5;95 12a:> t,.oga.n ~\'!., O>m~ FURNISHED t'O\)m. Prtva lt hOme. Near shopping. Cor. B•ker le Fairview. 545-3298 eve1. $15 WK A up w/ kitchen $30. wk Sludlo apt. 2376 Newporl Blvd. 548-975.5 -Molol1, Trlr. CrtL 5n7 --SANDY'S TR.A.ILER COURT Spaces avail now. l\lu. 26', Call 64$-9681 \VEDO... Y rates Sea Lark loTutd, 2301 Newport Blvd., C.0.ta l\fe&I Eich unit 1125, ~mi ft 2 ofJ. icell', 2 rest rooms, it~ electrlc, Ample ~· C. Robert Nattreu RMltot! Co&ta Meu 642-141 30XI to 700) tc1 It, West 171 'SI. O>lta Mm. 91,ie per.q Wellt-McCardle, Rhr~ 1810 Newport l!lvd .. C.M. ~TT29 '44-0684 eM Loll DOUBLE k>t •1lh Old SPlft. lt)'\choule,3Br.1Ba.' 11&000 Call "'"3157 . . -H.----'"'='' -===;;:;::·===:::;:.1 , • •2llill PRIVATE room A batlt fOTl ;..._==!::..---.;;:;;;s ombula""' person. 1-(y 5 ACRES on "°""'"" ... horM, nkt IWTOUndlrlp, Rlvu Nr. Aed .Blllf'L ~ load nub1Uou1 m..i.. Cot!A pnine-walM ~· ~ l\lea:a. 5'8-41&3 • 2 &Lory hm, bOlt dlf.' ! UNSCIAMBtE A&OVE llTTm TO Cf1' ANSWER 111111 OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS 2 BDRM l1i Ba Blt·lns, Util-COROUOO AP";'S. 2 Br. 5999 orchard, many xt r1t1~ MTK. Rentals llNI ...... Hy nn. pr. patio, ne1v crpts LoY.•er level it, 1tudi011. Pflll· I----'·.....,.....,_....;.= $69,.......,. in down. M&-• ...-: -. SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 1700 -14th Strt•t, Ntwport Pho•.: 642 -1170 8e1ch new clrps, l 1ni. OCC No ~. Ff"pla.. pool. dbl . ENCLOSED pra:t".S "r, TAh"E cn'tr J arris, neat: ~~ S160 1110. + $lO dep. carporls, pe,do,, $1SO • '220. airport, 11ulta.ble boat Latl:e I.! IOYtn. $15 mo. 161-7272 or 546-41&1 • 673-3378 · 1tcn.aq or 1 Broker M()..3862 '11418»:'1.C3 ' .· • Jlll!llllllJ!'"""" ..... _..,.., __________ _,.,.. ______ ~----... ---""" ... --..---------------........ --~---~--~-----, ... .---~·--·-- l ?t l'ILOT WtdN>111, -10, 196' PILOT-ADVERTISE~ J C J & L * * Jolla Men, ¥jorn. 11• Jello -·'.w-. 7100 leloa Min. Wom. 7100 ~olla-Men, Wom. 7100 ' ' llookkoeplnt ......... n JANrI'OllS. Waxm. Part • ·----··---- "l'<tw °"'"to" ""•"' · . lull 11me. ~·-"""· NCR Proof Operator ' I !-)'! • .. When, YQ.u, Want it done right . , • ...,..,.,,,, to !400. Mollufactllrint Good pey ~ ""kin• .. ,,_ lnclependeht dill .... M3-9l93 Ptrsonne l Atency (Doy Shilt) Key_pu_n_c.,.~'°'opt<--r-a.,.to_r_ in& C>n&np Ave,· Suite C lo J..00 to star1. C.M. • "2-00lll, M3-te7!l , --Independent_ • • CRJNOING OEP;I'. -P•r10nntl Attncy !:xperltnced \Vork on an hourly bul1 Apply now: BANK OF AMERICA Coif one of the experts list•d .be/owl! *BUSBOY* M111t have ~t tupe!"Vit,. in& Orange Ave, Suite C or)' exper~ over cloH C.M. W-003> S4>0m Sn11 .. ....i.1e.17'A1 .... tr Branch tolerance ¢ndln1 ~"Ork. ' ' ·•-........ .. :• ' 1. ,,-; ' !· I ~, f • ·~ """' Whototya Want? Whad<IJ.• Got? • SPI CIAL CLASSIP ICATION Fo• NATURAL IDltN SWAPPIRS Special ltate 5 Lines -5 ti-• -S IMlcks IWLl!I -4.0 MUtT IN(lUOf 1-Wtlll J'tlll tll1'9 i. tr•... I-Wit" 'l'W wtnl lfl "•• ~VOUll ,...,,. 1rt1/6t ed«'IM. I~ 8/IQ o1 .. ""1111~ J--HOTHING fOtt SALi! -!t.AOU O"LTI PHONE 642-5671 Te ,lecre Yeur Tr .. r't P1r1dl1t U Qualify in all phi.le• of Key Punch $UO up srindtn; operatione -sur. Advanct to 1upef\'llor. Plea&- Appl)o betwet11 3-3 PM fact-, 00, m, etnterleas, .ant WCC'kl.rw cond, Nice new Sl llVICE DIU CTOllY SIRVICI DIRI CTDltY J 'SlltVICI Dl !{ICTORY 18 01 over. multi-A "'"inf and NPB oftlca. Top """""'" lappin&. Day shift. CIU Kay 546-Ml.O. la~lllJ"I , 6550 Carpel Llytng & Pape rhanglniJ REUBEN'S. JASON llEST BABYSIT'I'rNG .,.,,_ ~··hi age Rtp.1r'6".26 P1intl"1 · 6150 C.OCO'S • * LATHE DEPI'. -?iluat Employmenl Agency .--.~ have 1uptrviliory expttri-ZW1 So. Main. Santa Ana <hUd.,ren, ,,poJiY trr<'· LI.Inch· 0FC?,~ CARPETING' ' ir-iT.iEXT. Aver: E,.. t .1 __ 1 ... ;;.i~w,;·~';.:'="""';:;:,,·,.;C.;.;-' ... I._ e11CJ over ck>le tole1-anct Lib Tech $550 ~nae • • am· Ii pm. $23 R -RPET LAYING $:1.27.50 labor onlJ. 8 )T. BOYS 11 .. 14 shor~ run production. Qull· Xlnt. company. Terrific: ad. wk Mon tbru f'tl. call btwn C A. Paige 642-mD cuar. paintina avail. Also. ca.mer ltou.ta 0pn II)' In all phut1 of lathe vancement potential. T op day1 & nights 9 am-noon 53&-19'J5' 118 Apt.a.l Com1n"l. ~~· «or operatlol'll -diucker, tur-bend:lta Call Bob 546-5UO Nl'a.t rortqe ttar of R·l BABYSIT'I'ING, near New llectriCA I 6640 EX.PAINTER. now 1 ch1 t..a;una Beach, So. l...q\W ret, e~. hand: .crew, JASON BEST lot Cd?>t, F.qalty $:J500. Take Heller Park. La. tool yd., ELECTRICAL service & teacher ~·ill pa.int eves &: DAILY PILOT automatic• and tractra:. Employment A&ency C-3, Stures ' Apts LA Sierra Area \\'1Jnt 3 BR hom 1 or ! C:Ontlnental Co. Rltr1 344-1066 or 838-2896 clear late iTilildel i ir cond. Bal. lunch~ Xlnt. cart. repair. 2-J hrs. 1 days. No wknd1. Xlnt workmanship, 60""321 ml SO. Main, Santa Ana car pa11 eqty. balance SUS G4ll-2'lS4 job too 1mall. Re-model & Free est. t;46-4519, 540-0062 CHR1STIAN man or \1-'0ntan Excellent frina1: ben;efita *LAD IE s • Pk. up per mo. 6~ %. 673-0173 BABYSJ'ITING ddlt· a tons, 11 lt's elcctricaf, HOLIDAY SPECIAL. Int. &. to c&i-e for blirxt man for _AP.PLY _ Chrl&tmu money. Put out f. 2-1' Glau cruis~r; F'B, RDF, -$S, OF, dinghy ~·IS HP mo· ,;... tor. >!lntcood, alp• 6. Tr11de 12 unlls close 10 Harbor I: f\ty Home. ?>Ion thru Fri. \\'' llx ii! 646-4m Ext. paintini:. Uc & ln11urd. thtt@' wttks. No mwkln1 or cat. " pk. up or.den for Nell•port. CM. Value $95,000. 'Call · 545-6237 --Jo'ree e11t1. Locci reJs. 30 yn drinking. Live in or out. . Codlffo C -• Fuller Brush, $3.00 hr if Waot home. Own.r wUI <«· BABYSl'rl'l~G, my homo. Gardening '6to "'""'· "Cl>'!"<" ..,...,, '43-S962 C: Oftmnl q•at'd. 642-1403. ry Un. cha:s. Leon Vibert V@'ry exp'd. Re.a Seti!. area. · PAINTING &: pa-o•••M••, CU:ANlNG • Bayfront e'e MAINTENANCE 15672 Sprlngdal• St, Huntington le1eh Equal opportunity employer newport . personnel agency 833 OOVER ORNE NEWp0RT BEAOI KZ-3870 W ishin g you •bundonco in 19701 (See UI for: "prosptrity ~wn.nce".) • $1~ eq. tor clear Campe1· or 1ta war . 646-4619 .. Tra~ l}t. Acre valUI' $249S ;,.,'<'·Ot' $2500 equir). In 5 aC'l''t Ritt. S48-0C>S8 11nytilnt. C.~f. Jo~enced. ·-~. w2191 GARDEN@IG l land&eaplng. 25 0.-._. .... ,. ........,.,~ n 15 • •-k Ow Dlvisioo of •-•·•· •·rp -::t ... "....,,... 1. yrs e xp.Clean.u p, )Tl exp. Id country ,_,IUl.C"r .• ~. ~ ..... ~· · n w.o.~IQ......, • Plastic• moldi1ll' co. ha11 Shorecll& 3 Br on fee land. CHILD catt my )tome, days, sprinklers insl'd &: reptlited. workmanship. Reu. Fret! tranl. 546--7331 openlnp for Mainte~ *********** SZi~f eqty + ~ar SlSrtr vie Sonora School. 673-US6 · est. 642--Ll22 cu:ruc TYPIST: Ket:p tbolt' 116' Whittier Ave. 1'1echanic,, eJCP"d. in hydrau-OmCE CLERK for AC(:nts pay•ble, Fut.growin&: Co. i• seeking z;h&rp person to handle busy desk, Gd, ad- vancement opty. Fantastic benet!ts; to S.:J30. Call Sally Hart. M0-6005 · "' tract. Both nr Palm Sp rss:. :.,. Fur Chev, Ford or J>oda:e I Van Bw. 536-lllJ. Res \•u lot lftmet \'al $7000, 170 Aca Yucca Valle,Y \•al $400 ac. 23' o .... ·el\li c1·us, .. vRl $4200. Trade one /all, "• clear. for TD or ! !!113-304.l .• -P.\\I. ' :? IOv~ly tov•nl>ousts Ne-.,·· port Beach, 2 SR. 1 BA ·.. ea.eh, $.500 rilo inro1ne. S9C(ll) 1 •. equity. TRADE for homP, ear. boat, ?! Agent 6"6.07i2 I " 11' otJNPHY C'\BIN CRUI· ir:. SE;R. 15 tIP. Evinrude. Nice i -condition. $1000 value. Trade fOI' V\V, or!??'.' -.. ~i . ' Trade up • hollSt with ba1·~ bily \'iew at· ~ ll'vine : .1 i\~ .• tor vacant or 4 to 100 units. Agent 6T~ ot 673-CS2S aft -6 pm. Glendor& Jot Yi/oaka. \Vant • 545-5481 • * PAINTING • '"t./•-t. fl~n bltly in a very ver-Coste Met• Uc il electrie&l -"lem1, and · trl k -'-AL'S G .. --.. i-~ & Lawn ~ ...,g inc prop, r par or ra • .,.., \VILL babysit by tile week or -~lfi Lbca.~ references. lmmed. satlle PGt. Good chanct fOl malntenance ol prodoctlon I ~·-· 613-01"" f.lalntenance. Commercial, nr coas · uwu~r '" eves. You furnish Iran&. 1e1·vice. 646-5242, •~ '"•7 advancement. XI n t Co. Equal -unity em•'-''' .. ,ip. lnduatriaJ I: residential. u-w-...w Vt',...,.' r-::t Handmade unu:ruaJ carved Call 642-1401. · * 6~6-3629 * EXTERIOR-INTERIOR Pleasant surroundinas. To Xlnt pay and hinat-btnetits resin t'Ovcred tables, ban1 • BABYSITTING, my ltome JAPANESE Ga rd e ne r, Ii 1'1AINTENANCE $400. C• JI Jetn 8l'O'Nfl FE1'fALE factory packaaen phL1 rood l1'(1l'lth opp. & cradles, Trade for car or on Flower, C1'1. Rellable. • ~185 • 540-&fiSCDASTAL AGENCY 5'.5" or over. $1.155' pM' boui Contact Bild C&rlson boat. Reasonable Rates. 518-7801 e~·a. co1np. yard service. 0 tO itart. MS-5125 , CaJ,lfomla Injection Moldin& 548-8.)32 ''"Pt S""· Free csthnate. 968-2303 PR r ESSIONAL Pa Int er 2-11,~-Blvd, Clll , C · -B"·g• Av•., c.M. -· y.•ill trade work tor turnlture '"'II iwr oreitln er Mech•nlct •w ·~ HALF ACRE with $.1600 an. lrlck, Matenry, etc. Jl!tf"S Gardenina; & la.,.,•n or?? 642-4558 CLER.ICAL·FINANCE Good -• ._ ___ .. ,. •·-• pald . I . "· k 8 1 560 mall1tenance. Res & com· ..., """',,..,..,_ "'""' MAO!l'n~ ~ nua 1,ncome aac ay or 6 m•~ol. _ "'" ,837 Secretary-ca11hier. ?tlinimum vacation, pup IN. uni. "';,,: • ''4'"ss1ve clear land San DiPgo Cooo-''-' " .....,,.., For Qetter Painttng, Itiler· 1 year flnatlce co. ex~r. form• futnbhed free Good new Co. in area. Exptr. on ry or TO'.s. BUILD, Remodel, repair CLEAN-UP SPEClALisr ior & exterior, acouallc cti· Xlnt atartin; ·salary, a1Xld comm ICbedule A&Jc for lathe mlllera. Have OY.1\ baa- HaJ Plnchin, Rltr 6r;HJJ2 Br1ck, bkx:k, concrete, f.JO\ving, ediflng, odd job1. llnp. 646-4077, 541-3502 workin&' cond. Call Mr. Joe M.obre. Ph 5'iG.176C ic tool.I. Co. beneflt1. to Paint Spri.np. 2 BR w/ fr. carpentry, no job too small. Reasonable. 548-a965 Blasche for app't. MS-1140 * FULLER.iRuSH * !~ C&ll Gerry White pie, -!· 2 bachlr wilts. Inc. Lie. Contr. 962-0Ma Plesfering, Rep.ir 6110 Fortune Fin1nciei Co. , ......,...,,.,. Genor.al Servi-6612 •-u ee '&12-1"'3 '' COASTAL AGENCY S27a n10. $37,)()() tor Orange C t I 6590 •PATCH PLASTERING ......, ege nter Co. houae or units. Lynch arpe,, er ng ---------All types. Free cstlmate 2r:iO Harbor Blvd., Gen1r1I Office"-· $525 71'90 Harbor Blvd, CM Rlty." ~l. S42-3l06 TRANSFER Panel trucks & E.'(perl€!nced BARTENDERS Ca.II 540-68:25 Costa Mesa Beautllul Nwpt. Bch. oltlcts. MANAGEMENT LAG.UNA. :? Dup!P"'" nr. V\V's to Campers. Rebuild ~:Z~t al1 Oranae County. ========= COi\IPANION to elderl y Ea~ablllhed,•tablecornpany. TRAINEE $IOO beach. \Viii take home in or l'emodel boRls· P_lumblng 6190 woman, Live In Avalon. Friendly ro.wutken, top PREFER COLLEGE GRAD e.'\change. prelabrie&Uon. CUston1-buitt I 6730 "'°='---......;=.:: Salary, much free time. Box benefit•. Call Shirley M&-5'.10 f.IARRIED EMPWYER P.lr. O>nrad ruviera Rea.lty cabinets &: Jl,..ture11. ':t•u ing PLU1'IBING REPAIR 1155. A~alon JASON BEST PAYS FEE Call Ann Mer-~:?800 49+-tl30 Eve•. F'ormica \Vork. Put up fen-YARD/Car. Cleanup. No job too small Employment J.aency Chtnl! ppr9onnel 645-rno clng. General l'emodcliug. • &t2-al28 • CLERK TYPIST: Interestin:-. 2207 So. Main, Santa Ana ""-•~ \Ve~·"" on"v•, New: Palm Desert, 2 Br foothill 646-5219 Sis-. $10/load. Salvazeables ftte. =========I varied Job. ru,nt person can .. ..,... ••"""'"" hon1t on 5 acns. S mtn, Ql' JSSJ Retnove ivy; gr ad e , 6 iO lat. Need eood IYPe skills HAIR STYLIST f,!-po"rt.:..::BN,:;:.:<h;.c·=---- to1vn. \Vill exchanre for CARPENTRY , 962-8145. R.~oo,.:.;f;.:in;.,l:_ ___ _:c:9;:5:01 &: ·tnlhUliarn. Hurry! Start \V/FoUowin&. E"' cl u 1 l Vt 1'1ANAGER-Older couple for COASTAL AGENCY 2790 Harbo1· Slvd, 0 1 Olli"' Work and Play THE W11t ern Girl \\'AY • Earn money on interesting temporary aas1gnment1, and be cllgible tor our fun dis. count tickets. Western Glrl, Inc. 4667 f\tcArlhur Blvd. Suite 314, Nell'JlOrl Beach ~0-0325 OWce, Ttmponry Let •.• V 0 LT HAVE:. 50 aCT'fs F/C Ore-!"~· aeon land. WANT: Units". 'J ~ or 1 ! in Orange 1 Cotirlty a.rta. Nancy J, j ~, Moore-. Rltr. 642-7!XXI 5"1all how;e or dupJex, MINOR REPAIRS. No Job HAUWNG. Have %T P/U ALL TYPES; rock, wood & $400. CallBUlie&ck~ SJ.X>p. C 6 units.~~ "nt &. Util, 1209 beach area. $25,000 equity. TOl'I Small. Cabintt in 1ar-Anythin; -tush to fu1·n. $8 rusphaH shina:les. LEAKS COASTAL AGENCY all -&42-685? W. Balboa -·Blvd, NB . 49'1-6160 aa:ea A o t be r cabinets. load + mlg. 49-1-1003 REPAIRED. Work auar. 2790 Harbor Blvd, CM •HEAVY EQUIP. MECH.• 494-5189 Put your akills to worJd E·slde 3 br hm & 2 rtar 56&.7S, U .. ~ .. ~lnswer leave CINn Up 1nd Haul 847·1136 DENTAL Rece p tionis t , Oversea& informatlo9 Cal! $125 A WEEK Earn manty for those eXtras " 1• 1987 32' Oiris C1·aft, lwin ! -en:. fully equipped, very 1 .. · clean. \\lijl trade eq1y for :·' ' hon1e or car or anything. ' :HS-2~ aft 6. 6124741 all G 29 msc at .....,." 72· It. O. SIO a load . 646-2528 l.aguM Hilla El Toro art (714l 17'-2610 Salal'y for man •th military ~t; ~a~9:'P~~l~:~n~ s~;,~ Anderaon Sewing 6960 All plwe• rnuttttd. $550 :~ •HELICOPTER MECH• romplettd. Tra:l. Fee ne-durina: the Holiday st!'ason. $59,500 val, Trd $33!\f eq !or CARPENTRY, Cabinel!I HoL1NCle1n ing 6735 • "' maki Al . start. P. 0. Box 325, El Overseas Opportunltie1 rotlablt. Call Ann, M~r-We nped: S.Cal hm. Ownr/bkr 64&-J750 Remod. No job too 11n111\t, ~Jal ng -terationz; Toro, cal., 92630 replies: Call fn4) 774-2610 chant1 Ptraonntl A&ency, _ Typlatt " 712 SI. James Pl , N.8 . :: .. Br, 2 Ba, 0Ct'1tn vif!lv. Own. er says subntit income or land for $30;\f t<JUity. r.tark Les; Rltr. 548-mt * * \Vhat do you have to trade? List lt here -in Ora.nit CoUnty'1 latle1t read trad· tn& polt -aM make a deal. * * * .,- " ' ----·-------- :·· REAL ESTATE Gener1I ·--------~ 6200 FINANCIAL I BUSINEn ane qua! y.·ork. r.a)1 &.IS..2.'>76 BAY & Beach Janllo1·ial .. ~,_* ~~t ~ms confidential H0i\1EWORKERS BADL.Y 2043 \\'eatclill Dr., N.B. Secretaries REP Serv. Cpls, \YindOl\'5, 0001'11, r~z ..._. -AJR, Partitions. Small eic. Res & Commc 'I. . DENTAL office needs e"'p'd NEEDED '""""''v _Keypunch Operitort Remod el, etc. Nite or llR.)'. fi4S..l401 Alter•tions~l-5145 tronl desk &irl, typing, Addttu envelopes In spare MGMT TRAINEE: Lar1e _All clerlcil C•t• .. • Reas! Call KEN ~79 Neat, nccurale, yni, ex:p. bookwork . Pleasina tin1e. Minimum ot $14 per weU-knoWft'•·Co. o:implete ries • REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS * APT CLEANING * 974 perr.onality. N.B. &ref.. Call 1000. Send stamped tnvelope trainina: pl'ogram. HS arad, E , d A CAB!NET. Any 5ize joh. ·rast l thorough 642-8164 TILE, Cer•mic 6 545-8395 _ ( tor immed. rREE detail• 10 Alts: orlented, AmbitioWJ &t. -xp1r11nce Item· 25 yrs. exper. 548-6713 \\IJLLIAMS Cleaning Scrv. * Verne, The Tile Man• DENTAL A SS I ST ANT MAILCO, 340 Jane•, Suitt a,~aaive. Good Co. btne-bleri CARPETS, \Vlndows, Ch~, Cu&t. Y."Ork. Install & repairs:. wanted in Newport Buch, 27, San Francisco, Cal. lilt lo SMOO. Fee Ner. Call Cement, Conc,..te 6600 etc. Res or Comc·1. Xlnt No job loo snlall. Plaster to slarl Jan 2. Jntv. J'IOW, 94102 Gen')' White M0-6(1).5, Other 1111rk ReR~! Refs. 548-4111 pa.tch. Leaking 5 h owe r 54&-:>602 HOSPITAL .HE L P : Ex· tree & tee jobs available. CDrENT \VORK, no job .. too e WIN'OO\\'S DIRTY? repair. 847-1957/846-0206. DENTAL RECI:PTIONIST, perleneed nunea aid tor tull COASTAL AGENCY small, reasonablt. Frtt Frte est. 15 Jtars exp. Exp 'd. for modern j:)tntal time and matun worn.aft I« 7790 Harbor Blvd, CM estlm. H. St':lflick 548-8615 Johnny Dunn ' &12.23&1 T.r:.:"::....:S:::•~rv~i::<::• __ ..:6:.:9=80 orlicr, Hunt. Bch. 962.1319 part time kitcbtn help. Manufacturlnc • Top Firms • Top Dollars • Top Benefits FABULOUS 15~ a,cres prime R·l property in Rialto. Calif., 4 blks from IOlf COUl'!I(' & direct1y across: trom new Jr. lfigh. Price firm $7000 acre. Box t.1 no Daily Pilot • CONCRETE FLOORS. -'I ...... 496-ST02 -----TREES Pruned, topped , DENTA.,, ASST. Exper . ._ .. r. patiris, etc. Reasonable, Call J1nitori1I 6790 rcrnoved. 2& V1'"tl ex..,..r. 11tde. El Toro · Lacuna HUis HOUSEKPR/COOK ~~ Investment Oppor. 6310 Lonr &: Short term u.sJJn- ment.s now available. Partner • $ Investor• Don, 642-8514 ~-~ r-130 J0.5 30 ha.s U"llU-'late Active or inactive particlpll· ====.:===== SPARKLE Janitorial & \Vhr Aerial tower eqp'd. area. 830-l ' S: : · l\faturt ll.'Om&n, Erw. speak· openint s for; Regi1ter today ••..•..•.••••• '" ' ' lion. 10% ret urn & gro1~·th clov: cleaning Scrv. \Vin-4!).J..4j()~ and 638-7234 DEPENDABLE youn1 ma.n inc. live out, must drive. potential in aucCe.ss!ul res! Centrictors 6620 doivs. resld., coml, canst. TREE SERVICE, gen'I yard for part time, ~teady work. S~ days: 9:31).dinner $US wk • • • • • . • . • • \Vork tomorrow! I V 0 LT rslate & building venture. Addltiont * Remodelln& Cleanup. Frff: est. 968-2691 cleanup. SPRINKLER Gardenin& &: ml5C. Car req. to sta.11, N.B, \Vrite Daily • 1.CabinetMaker s.16-$145 1'~i'ed H. Gerwlck, Lie. REPAIRS 64&-5848 !-"~::...:='~~~---Pilot Box M-16. Enclose 2-SheU " . .·· ' ,·-·'. "11 Acres, So. Calif. $25. DO\l.'N, $25. PER f.toNTH , $2.495. FULL PRlCE. L.. She~1Plt, 326 \\'. Third St., L.A. Phone: <71ll62l-5101 :=':;13;:.fiOl:::;::I ::-*::·:::;;,;:~:::':;":;'=:I Land1c.1ping '810 GFNE·s TREE SERV: DO YOU photo, backiround, re.fs. * er.i 6320 1 ---:-.-=-----TreeH, shrubbery trimmed, NEED !i10NEY? HOtJSEKEEPl:Jt l lv e -1 n ·~ l·Oriail Man Carpet Cle•nfne 6625 \VINDO\V \\'ashing, Clean-up &/or removed. 54S-1359 \Vhy not hf'c&me an mothedeu home, N.B. arta. * 1-Formica~ritan ---------l General Yd \Vrk Donr. AVON 2 teenqerJ. Woman with 1 • 1-Band Saw Optr. Money te Leen INSTANT PERSONNEi: JS48 Campus Driv1 Suite 1C6 Newport Beach 2nd TD Loan CA.RPE'T & upholate ry steam Colle1e StudenL Need 1 Televitlon, Rep•ir 698! repre~ntative -""Omen a.re sml child ok. 531-1450 • 2-P'tmale Auemblers cleaned, also carpet in-\Vork. Reas. rates. Call earn1nr S$S selltna coametics N all I P.-,1 • ., -,,.,· , CI TV. St I . y U HOUSEKEEPER e eded. * 2-Fibtra:Iasa ?.fen st alion. Resu 11; gi.1ar. F"or ··~ vo..-o 01· ereo n spare time. oo se 1 3 '.· . . ,, .. :· -' . L.ike Elsinore 6202 l ADJOINING hil lside lakevitw lots, near casino 13,000. 53&-2449 i 1 • 3 A.CR.LS 4Q. m\IPs north ol Pron1pt. conliriential 1ervlce 642-2171 545-0611 Setvlng Harbor area 20 yrs . S1ttl1r Mortfege Co. 336 E. 17th St1i>et Mort91 .. 1, T.D.'t 6345 ,. Reno near Honey Laite at ; .. _ toot of Slerru. Ll!!\·d, clear, s:EASONED • '-="13:;:,000:=·=53&-==":t'·='=== 4-l st TD"s, $5,400 appm:ic. 1· bal. each: 3 ~~. all due :l+ 6240 .. " "· IJ, E. Wonted NEED MONEY? To buy a new h<lme ! lnvcsti. yrs. 12~0 Disc. 49'-1138 ANNOUNCEMENTS end NOTICES 1ate ottr iuaranteed lradt Found IFrM Adal 6400 in plan. Let us answer your . queations with no. obllptlon. COAL BLA~K kitten, 2-3 Fair •ri>ugh ~ n10s. old. Vic t.Jariner1 Dr. ' . " ' ' ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2'2t HARBOR BLVD. 541 1640 Ol'EN EVE$ TILL 1:30 :1· · HOUSE Or duple:< v.•anted. &t2-34M CA?llERA k. tripod. Call & i<IPnli!y. Bel. 5:30-S:OO p.n1. &·12-24i3 FOUND ma.le Gray Poodle w/blue rollax. Jlio lictnse. Glen i\tar atta. 962-143~ T\VO Cock-a .. poos. Yic ol California St. /t1eu. Verde. 540-6421 • Ha\ .. IJ aaes in Nevada. : ' Qear plua cuh.!136-~t or ,,. : ~nu. Lost MOI ! -: iUSINiSS . .,;.. SlAME!E t em a It cat :i;.' l'INANCIAL 11•/blue collar. Taa' sho\\'I : ... -· "Kitty l\tt" " phont no. ! , 9'.tt. Opportunftin 6300 6"6-4M1. lo5t In Marloen AUIJlatP CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE :1·· ' .. '"CNo itllin&: 1nvolvedJ ·1.. I . 1 • Exct-1 ent lno:i,-ne for few :• hoart \\'te)tbo work. 40.ya :• andEwnU!is>. ReJllllns and • 1 coUec~ JDO!'IQ' from coin ::· operated diqenMf'I in Or. '• a'WI Co. and IWTOUndlrt Squatt apt complex, betwn lt·vi11(' & Rutland, n r 1'tariners Or. $10 rewardt • l.tBERAL REWARD ~ LOST GERt.f. SHEP . f'E1'1ALE. Bl.J( il TAN. 4 YRS. RED C·OLLAR . 836-39111 RE\\'ARD! Blu""'fttY cat, fi mos. male. "Bluff&." CaU 644-1526 :; · lrff. We t11tabll1h route. ·, (Handle• namt bl'll.nd candy BRO\VN/\\'h\te '"""" Hs il'f'd -· -·~ " and snacltsJ. Slfi:'S.00 clth T.•1Tlf'r, 14 yn. old. Loel :: ftqlllrff. For permna.I intt'I" ·V~. Bakt.t St. ~7717, a.ft fl !; view In OraJWt Co. are1, LOST I E JI h ~--' .:~ra.ng•.-......:oP !r, ~ name,:,_ addtHIMUL•Todl noa:. \Vhl/i!'J)'. An1Wf'n to ... ; .....,"" num ..... r to • "Ow'lle." R.lwstd. 6f6-0IM ~ • ¥!'ATE DIST., INC,, IAl IV, WHITE lo holred ' I r .,_dw91 Anaheim. Call-l'IC cat w ·C: 'fom1a m02. f1'14l na.50&0. pink collar. I.oat. nr Harbor !: @iN (l~irt. I:. Baktr, ~1. ~1-kSB '•· F.-om $1,5CQ to $42 .500. Perton•lt 6405 :r-' Alahti1", Coet• ~l •t a , -·-·--.;..;.; :r· r ....,. r.rt. Fu I I•' t 0 n. Yt'ANTED: SheU &•!I conttt!I : G.mf.en ~. Huntlncllln roln~. Tenn, Art or :r. ,, BHch. Saal• NII. Tuliln, Drla"<·art. WIU PIY 1100. : LA ~!lnda. each. Urtmtl 6iJ-.3794 or • Call Om!k ~7&33 SlS-1131· ;. .;;;~;:.;.~~~~-~ free est, call &tD-5971 6~&-6278 locally. 54~7041/546-5.141 Uve-in. !itother es• house. * 1-Back \\'all Bldr. ~~C.C.'----"='---I GARDEN 'S BY FANCLER s:chl. chlldren. $200 month . .., l-Fl~-tas• ,···tatl•r A~0... Ch 1 , ••• c , 1 En1er"'c.ncy 557-6733 DRIVER ..,,o ~"""' .. ""•e. .... -" shampoo 1· stmas .-... ,scape on rac or e. Hunt. Bch area. _.., -\Vindshied. special $7.50 rm-les111 for 1..andscaping, ~prinklers & 1 -~-TOUR GUIDE I hRl!s etc. Also co n1 p t\-111intenanct. Aft 5. 642·&100 Upho.stery 6990 i\fusl have claS!I II liet"nse He:!!;' ~~E~~~:t 11t: t 10-J'lnl!h 1'-fen-Dlp'i!. "'"'~",c"~cl::."..:'g:._,.8_2'1_·3_1::.82-~~ DIAL dlrtct 612-j678. Ctiarge CZYKOSKI'S Cuslm. Uphol: ha &ood.working knowledge children &:: speak EnJlilti. * l-Mlll Man IT"S Beacll house-tln1e. Big· your ad, thPn sit back and European Cratl1lmans:hlp ol Nell'port. Able ro memor. 5574400 CM • l ·El•ctrtctan (lll volt) gesl selection ever!· See the llsten to the phone ring! l009'o fin! &U-1454 b:e a narrative tlCriPI. Send HOilsEKPR. ~p. 1iv1 n a DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! Now! 1831 Ne,vport Blv, 0 1. resume to &i6 Amiros Way, quarters w/all gtrt lamil y. Apt E, NB, 9'1660. Sal. + incidentals. S36-2jj,3 PLEASE APPLY -OR CALL-------* DRIVERS * for appl. Explort:r Motor Homts JOBS & EMPLOYMENT No c--:enc• HOUSEl<EEPE:l\ -1itter. 3021 Nlll'f!Ort Blvd. -----------I -...-• • live In or out, 2 clrl11 2 I: 4. Coeta r..tesa. Calif. Neceuoryl spanl•h o.K. '93-1706 m11 5«-3300 ANNOUNCEMENTS !ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES and NOTICES Personals 6405 I - ------Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 ri.tuat have clean Calltomla HOUSE~EEPER & child f.IEN, early mor ning driving record. AtlPIY care, ;,,, da. wk. S50 wk + ne1V1Jpaper delivery 1 n LOSE WEIGHT 6410 Advei1ising -•• -,-,-cy---I YILLOW CAI CO. r-1 & brd. Pd . vac. 540-9212 Ne~i><>rt Beach area. Ct.JI --------Sharp Secret•ry for 1!ti E. lSth St. Inventory Clerk 642-UOO SENSITIVITY TRAINING fist _ p•tec:I Ntwpert i=-~'°°"=";..::Me::u::c.~~ $110 a week + cvtrtil'ne. En-.:...7•""•"1am.=_,,-,,MA1D"°""""•.,.-- \\TORK SHOP &.•ch Agency. Ty,. DRIVtR-part time, $2.20 to try l1vsl po&ilion w/ flrte Part 'nine Ovtr 30 A p1'0lram o! interpenonal ..,.70• ·Shorth•nd lOO, $2.&:> ptt tir. 7 am • 9 am, c<>mpany. Xlnt. advance-"4-9t36 e"erciseg for small !lel!-01· 2 l"' Call ... "'7 org1nl1t & fo 11 o w -'.:.~"'-'pc,mc,·,.:.c::..:.~::~.o-:;:__.f mel'lt opportunities. OHlet • 0 NE&DED rf'Clt<I groups. i\Tinln1al :-: •--job ho It t h r U • U n d ·e r 35. DRUl'tf?>f!:R 1\arllnr group: de... , not v.·are uae. A rhargc call 6.U.8730. 10 AM· 546-ifl :. Pr.I. Phone : '41..Jtll. 415 need buNs, ru~tar ind/or btnetJ1t1A.SCallONJ0Bh"1""1T o Tw• Office Olrls N. Newport Blvd. organ. 0 -.. a ng u P 1 ' Mutt be 25 and able to drive 6 1 67!-3910. Employment A1el'IC)' 4 I ASSISTANTS & ELECTRICAL ENGtNfER: 220? So. Main, Santa Ana Announcements -APPLY - 18i E. 16th St .. C.L\I. Cemetery Loti 1620 Oraniethorpe \Vq Anaheim STI-5%10 Order Desk to $500 Rar~ opportunity, Entry ltvel poeltion, with Xlnt. com- pa.ny. Advancement potent- ial unlimited. Top benefita:. Call Bob 54i).5410 JASON Bl!5T 'Employment Agency 2207 So. f.fain, Santa Ana OPPORTUNITY Unlimited : Looking for a career ln zales? Here it is! Sell Sh11.klee products to home and induslry. Call 830--0776 PACKERS Interim Perton"91 S.rvic• ~ E, 17th St., Cl\t '42·7523 l'AINTER ** liOATi !::<:perlenctd only. Top pay. Larae1 cu1tom yachts, wu1. ard Boat Work1, 1295 Baker, c.o.ita J\.!esa. I 11ant 10 1vonltn who are 10 pound1 OL" more overweight 10 1ake part in g1'0UP 11•elgtit los11 prog111.n1 or specialized 1-educina._All Inquiries con. lldential. Ask for !\lr. Ken- nedy 5.17-5412. __ ~--* Don't! --·-----RECEPTIONIST Join the staff oI .a Co, w/ fi\lVENTORY Taketa by FOR Sale by owrter. 6 Sal Prepared resume must have great challe11&;e, &: Xlnt · recorder. f.fpn A: .. ·omtn. J-~L~-~ uii;i-n~~~~i~~~~~·iiii·iiiii "~-n~jjW~o~m~-~7iil~il Pacific Vle'' cemetery Iota. -__,,.. ~ two y1'S. dental e"'peritnce. ary. Great advanttmenl \\'e tr11ln. "'ork Jll-tirn• - CaU mornings: &42-l3l3 Eve. h!:s. All union benefits. opty. Start Sll,000. C al I )'1'-f'OU1ld either morn et' JOBS & EMPLOY MEN f Salary SJ.~ ~r hr. Call tor · Frank Rand ·~. e\-n or days:. 646-1 ... c.11 ua If you still belltve in cave 1tyle dating. U Hr ~rdtn1 QR,.\NCE CO. 517-~ • LICENSED + SpiritUAl Reading, Rrh•l1-e on all m11llP1'1. Lov"· ?oil\rrltp, Buslne.11. 312 N. Et Camino Real, San Oemcnte. 492-9136. U2-0076 10 AM· -10 P~f LOST'. yna blk mRlf' min f'r. poodlt, {Cosmo). \Vhl IOlllct \\'funder tlunr ja.,..., ()ll'ntr- Roberi.on. Contact N11'pl Pollet Dept ' ALCOHOLICS Ano11.vmous Phone 542-7211 0it' Mite to P.O. BCllc U23 Cblta MeSR. An neunctment• 6410 Coln & Stamp Clu b Tho La111nt coin " 111mp clvh "''UI mttt Dec. li•h. 7:00 f'.m. at tl'lt IA!illllwt ftd~ral ,(avin11 ft.· Loa n, 130 Ck'CPn 81\11. Ji'd Jloor. V1S. JTORS \VELOOl\1£, FREE. Job Wented, Women 7020 P.fOvtNG INTO ARE:A . E"· ten11lve e:q>e'I'. In wr\l111g. l'llotion picture · &lor y a111'll)'sis. Looking lot job In PIR or allied lltld. 615-1676 Honie Care av11.U. 546-4~70 • AJllM Nurses I.: Aidf's • Of O.C. Nurses Re;:l1try' :l7'"'9 \V, Linzan t.ant-. S.A. Jolit-Men. Wom. 7100 At'COUNTANT: !\lajor Co. n r,. d 5 travclini: 1111<!1tor. Growing Co. w/great pot~nt. !Ail & Xlnt bcnl?fits. $11,000. plu5 exptn~'· Call r .. ank Rand MQ.®S COAST AL AGENCY 2i90 Harbor Bt>Jd, CM Account• P1yeble Orrk. Lue typifll, $K'O 10 S!lll'1 . J ndtpondent Personnel Agency ltl6 Ori\~ Aft, i::111t~ C C.M. 642-0026. ;<S-0079 1pp1, tor int~rview. 633-TSJI COASTAL AGENCY 3-noon DAB\'SITfER Needed, 6 da. mo Haiiiof·Blvd, CM 1llt: SUN Ni'JEi his an for 1 mo. old. (}.\·n fran11. • ELECTRONIC TECHS * Clusified'.s action PoWtf. 61S-7ln, befott 9 A?>f, orl Owrlll:llS Opportun\U.1 For ll11 ad to atll anved the aflrr 10 PP.t. Call Smllty 714: 774--2610 clock, dial 642-5671. BAB'i"Sl11'1';R P11rl tlmt, TTl\able. Cdi\I. Ref's nee.i JJ~ob;s~M;'";"~·~W~o;m;;·;1;1oo~~J;o~bs-M;;;~•;n~,;w;om.;;;;;1;1•~ Aft. 6 PL\! PM: °644-5937 Ii BARBER .. Very proa:rusive i;;tiop in bt:autiful Lquna Bcarh. 4~ BA.R~IAID Niitht~. t'tll'd, Appl)• In prrson ltlgti Tid~ 7?1 \\'. l !hh SL, C.~t . BE1\UTY Ope1•11.!Qr. femA.lt, J'l r t'f c::r 11/cl le.nttle. Proircssil't ntw s ll Ion . .\91-:'J0."•1 IOAT CARPENTERS EX P ERIEN C I D ApJ1\) I O'DAY YACHTS ! J090 PULLMAN COSTA MESA *EXEC. SECRETARY* Must be able to lake shorthand a t 100-110 wpm. Experience at lhe executive level in a sa1ts or marketing activity. preferred. \Viti al so handle phones & travel 1rran1• ments. Excellent opportunity. Sal1ry com· mensuratt with background . Please apply In person or call Mr. Kuechltr for appoinbnent, ~4804. GENERAL AUTOMATION 1402 !. CH ESTNUT ST., SANTA ANA An Equal Opporlunlly Employer l\i/F Will be movin1 lo Irvine co~plox 18'70 • MACHINISTS Lathe Open. Sr. Mill Open. Sr. •• Profile Drill Press Opers. Sr. CADILLAC CONTROLS DIVISION OF EX.CELLO CORP. 1886 Wllittler Blvd. Costa Mesa 646-2491 AN EQUAL Ol'l'O~TUNITY !Ml'lOYf:k ' _.., __ ..,..., ________ .,....,.,,..~ .......... -.................. -...,--------------... ---~~~-~--~.,-.r-~-~--~---... -.......... ~-.-,...-· -···--, .... ~ w--..-.. -.... -• ·-..... --·- I !l ,. •• •• I: '" ll " j '· u. '· W.....,, °"""""JO, 1'69 l~~~~~~'!!j~!!J!::!~~~'.!!l~!°!:·<IMl'LOYMINT JOIS A IMPLOYMINT MlllCHAHDISI· F" MllCtf,o\NOISI POii 1: SALi. AND Ttl · SALi ANO TIADI Jolio-Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobo Min, Wom. 7100 Jollo Moni w-7100 k.....,.11111rual.. 7.00 -.A-IOU,¥mllur. Auction I02S Teeh1tiG•f lllu1tr1tor -.-------l;;;;=~~::~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l~l'f~l~-:~·~0.,-~~~~1~1~· ~lafl1.-'I MOO MllAllaww .. P{TJM:t: l'nt:rlUI your SEOttl'AJ\Y: hit.. movh11 Computer kclr&d. pref. JOIN 'nft 1'ELI> 1-~7 Wool .... mlJllt: 6>-toent •&l'nlhl• I" m upandJrc Co. Sai<a O.pt. l•,.rlm WlTll A FIJTUllEr PUILIC RE OLIDAY SAL[ . Pl • -a mo., p/llin•. TV netda amb!tioua Seo. SH A ll'or• ... "'"f S.tvlco A&l/6<klc:at!oo llO borrl<r! -. P .jl * Ul!'rlnli * -ltadis tum. Call tdr appt. Dictaphone work w I .ome ~..S £:'\7th st., CM I.rt 11 btlp ~ cualltY. t INlflCTr 1 -"}"')fl'n fOR iAi:i I_ tWWW Q -· ..... -· Stal1 -Co. 642,7523 lllNKEEl'ERS IN!ll'lTllTE ANTIQU THUU.. DIC.11.. PIANOS .. ORO.ANS l'ltlDAY",.-',DIC. 13th -r.ow.~ Cl ... 71 , '!lllt ~1AN wanted tor PQ• fee, Call BillJe Beck T h T i INTERNATIONAL NI~ DIC. 12tft Some of tht mott popglar J·JO p M. Coa1act ~-- Mlehle wrtical.-. ~-j~ . tff lil .. r.i:i ::..i. 'it.,"": .-!UI. ~w· Sehl AUCTION SAT. DIC. 1Jllt' -.u lnc!udln" KMDmOnd Nri TOVs' Tmmtor.... . . l'tlidoiSO Ask ... Btryl ~2071 COASTAL AGINCY lndo,..,,...nt A!<THO!<Y SCHOO'-' t A.Ill. TO I pJl '111. TIMI OI' SAU :m, H-IOO, E-lllO, 11-3. T·:IOO dlof. lowtY lltdroom "\'> ' -'° Z79() H.-81\0d CM . Po.--..1 A .... y lllT s. BROOIQIUR."I' r l'll-ly Mr 131h 6:00 nu DD '"· FREE 3 DAY LAS °"1l'll ""'· ...... dlaliw ,!:!'b!,~'.: ~~~·-R~ * SECRETARY. 1·~-i~• In&~· Ave, &llte C ANAKEIM, CALIPORNIA oMIUIWA 1 ~ , -VEGAS HOUDAY with P'll' tablM 'l> clllln. 0.ptaln'a WllllM Nll ~~---·-.-C.M 612-0025 540-li81'I O.-IOnn....,._,, OYllUOOmMSTO•IOUI cw.111 cbaln,"l>vana,Oc<:dw.ln., ________ , admtni.tration). HoaplW · TYPIS,TS PHOffl) FOii APP1' 'f'ndo.lno ace<pltd 6 """'· Hut-New IAJw Cfdar $ WE BUY $ ""'"""'' lndopondont Por-1-Atoncy 1ns e>ruiae Aft, Sul~ c •xp.nqulttd,..,_mtdlcaJ Aalt tor-maoo l ~•s ........ ""' Slql""~i~ HAMMO~D _,., 0,.... ........... . termlnot01y •. t&lr:t ~ NII~ \Ill tn CORONA QEL MAJlt Bicycles; Mt.ttreMtt, 1Amll'. ahOrthand, """""' ""~'· lntorlm MlltCHj\NDtSI fOlt 2811< E. 0out 11wy. m.mo PtoturU. TV'' Miple '°'kl $ FURNITURE $' maturr and' well poomed. Pertonn1I Strvke SALi AND TltADI Mercltt"di1• Movtd To Thi1 Location Open :!vea I: S!UI. >ltemoon 1tate stem, Appllancu, . AP'PllANCES C.U for app't. ' +tS E. 17th St., CM For Salt Cortw•ni•nce. Partial Llstin91: New Whirloool Waahtr I C.l•r TV.-P1,.,.-s..,.... Wntrnlnstu Communtty '41·752J GuDryer,Tooll(UMdoal:J 1 ,.._.,.._,. C.M. 6G-00'25, ~0979 Resl.auranf * DAY BUSBOYS *NIGHT DISHWASHERS Hoapllal, n< lloopltal Cir-e e WAITREiSIS _ l'umltvn -* U9Utsm FltAl41D OIL PAINTINGS * a tew hounl. 1~· Cnl"'JWI CASH IN It lllK""' C•I", W~tminsttt. 894-tOS2 EQMenctd, over 21. nl11'1t JO ..... "MADRID•• HI doM .. top sk•ptd wtrdroht, drawer in bot-Jr~.,.. ~~ ~ table saw, Craftaman band • 541...4531 • SF.cRETARY to work in ahift. Apply: Kon& 1AnK. .--.._ ""--I , k b .J • GI or .., •• an th1I W.ll" .. tmu • aaw wUh trand I: motor, ,.. , estate adminiltration, typ.. 2Ei99 Hubot, C.M. 3 Room G= tom • '-'"'P rOflt at• , taut co"11;11 •11 &f'9 interested in aome real-Jointer w1 th motor, new WANTED: S1lell Pl c:cme.t lr?R60 wpm, J.ilht shorthand, ·""°'°".,,:,·=:;,..:..,,,:..--~ door, drop front 1ecretary, fine e W'll•ter 1y rreat dffll, pleue thop Pow@!' Tool Motor A MUOI cotr.. Ttm. Aft. or Wary commeMUn.te with WAITRES9;s. Exp, APPiy FROM MODEL HO S cabif'let, 11ice e Severel dres1er1, some w/mir· WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO MORE!!t! Dtl&wart. WlD Pt.1 S10L Apply in pet'llOll ability. M&tutt 25 to 45. in penon. Swill ChUI, tl.4 Incllldn: QuUtld IOfa and rors, tome marble• 61ttt front book ca1e • 1!19 Newport, C.M. 642-MM WINDY'S AUCTION ~-1!-rseatl ITl·lTt•, Ability to ue tnltlative & N. Newport Ave, NB chalr -J end taWre Ir cOf· Show cuts • look thtlves • llbrtry teble • Open Ewry Ntte ,,,,,..UIO'll work with minimum ot WAI~ • Co c t t at I a, i.. tdle 'I"" 2 l.amOI-dreu. Misc tablet • Chairs, tepe1try, vet.et • unique a: Sunday AJ'tunoon· LAR.GI: CAGE. Reuben E. Lee 11upel'\Pl&ion de'alttd, Edab-e:xp'd. Apply 1703 Stlperlor er-mlrTar-headboard -roc••n e Cabinet w/9ta11 front. COME BROWSE AROUND Adeqmte tor mtQlle1. 151 E. Coast Hwy. l\shed Jocal Jaw finn. IJO.OISO Ave., CM. 646-3993 CNDted box IPl'i1W A matt. i ·-11!!'!~'!1!'!!1!""!11!~-· J e-i.~~~1 BfAABl:!-.:1•1& su.na Newport. &a.ch for appt. n. -5 pc, dia1ls room; ...,..,w ou '"'Y ,.. .... uo '-======-==.,.I ~~~~--=="'=--=-...,,,,.IWE l>ov• an, .. ..,. for ' table•< bl-book cb&ln. * PllMITIVE'S * ORGAN SAL!ll Cotta M-* _,. RECEPT-MEDrciL:Type, SID\E"rARY: Type, SH, btsinntrinclrculatton COMPAREATITG.15 · OPENDAILYtto4 Machlnery,etc. !>!ct.a.phone, Bkkpa'. Very heavy phone cont&ct. Lota ma ~t. Pennanent $JH TREMENDOUS SAVJNCS! pleuant boss, prime Joca.. or variety tor briaht l)et'll01l situation for h!&h schoal • I 0011 of lteJnt Teo Numerous To List Larre'll!lection of pr"M)wned POOL T~ FORKLlJ'Tl--,-..... --.---.•tdl tion. Start $400, And the w/thia booming c.o, start rradu..te. who has completed ID.I'S WAREHOUSE CLOCKS • Will clock1 • Mentle clock1 • ora:ans. Speci.tl diloo\ult on Secud Pool tint. Flnandnr tr ......_ sky's the limit! C.all Jean $500. Cal l Sal1y Hart, hla mllltaey oblipHon an!! Gla11 fruit j•"• mt"Y kinds, ln1ul1ttrs • IOT· ntw modtll. BRUNSWICK-AMT All macNnN PN'tr•ct·, Brown 54().605fi. 5-10-6a'J6, ls1 looldllgb . !orb fua bus!~~ No down-Pmtl onl7 $11 mo. TLES • Doi s • Jewelry • Gl111war• • Ckint ea!.~tE~1 ... "!.. ~~.~~--Custom Slate Taltle 113 Ntwtoo 'VQ, C.M; "" COASTAL AGENCY COASTAL AGENCY wth a n1 t ture • .......,,. II» W • .(th SL, S&nbt. Ant plects e Floor & table l1mp1 e Trunks e 100'1 • t'"""J'"''" w p ... ~-From $289 Pla.centta. betw11 1111t ·Ir 2700 Harbor Blvd, 01 2190 Harbor Blvd, <;1il tact O.nton Williams at the ()pan DaUy N of Gooclias of any Orwan. 1~ Financln, llth MJ...&111 '1 DAILY PILOT for an 1no Sat. M SUn 11-6 COAST MUSIC * SECAJID POOLS* . fteceptlonist SECRETARY WPO Ou G d · · h terv.lew. FURNITURE -, .. -& .. --NE RT A HAJUK>R 532-1992 FREE TO YOU Y N ynamoo tirm " Top 1ki!l1 needed. lOnt fu. « -·~ """' w B. Ooola Meu * 60-"51 an opening !or a bright a:irl ture, Co, pt.)'9 fee. APPH· WOMEN (6), MedM for display rtudlos, mode I { f Da.,yg 11).9 Sat lQ.8 sun 12-6 323 S. Ma.in St. On.npl_.:...;.;;:;;'-"-----1 wlth fl'Ont o ( f ice ap. cant . pay fen available. work at the tel•p"'l'll! order homn, decor1tor1 canoella· S6 • f!6 POOL F R E E ll.t IOod ....,. pearanoe . pleuan t lndopondonl deak, part time, 9 '°I a.m. tlon. Spanbh A Mtdlttrran· , SCHOOL OF AUCTIONEERING DON'T BE MISLED! w/ltnctd ,....,S, _.....,. telephone voice & rood t;yp-Personnel Agency or 4 to 8 p.m. $2.00 per hr to e&n etc. IR"ttd tin1tr, 1D IN. di:rt lnc 11kllls. Knowledee ol ins Orar:w;e Ave, Suite C ~~ ~~o i~xp';:~ RD FURNITURE Student Auctioneer• will be 1ellin9 thi1 111•: by flcUtiou• wa.ta prlett. TABLES • cute. 9 mot. Gld. ... "call.director telephone C -Wl6 M5-0919 1 lob Oebttte, lob Forcl, Frtnk R•1d. Credit Shop where the telectlon 11 . ehUdren. M8-311&. comole" beMticial. Xlnt op-.M. 6fl • -Call far info. &o.1532 144 Newport Blvd., CM avall • M11t•rcher9• • 8a1tk1mericard · g~atest ., tht prieti are Ou1tbllu Sptcl.t $215 up. VEltY pntle • ~ Diia portunity. Contact SECRETARIES Schoo ... 1Mtrvctlon7600 ~etY nilhl'tlJ9 r!fht! 0\009e from CoM, CHUCK'S watcbdof, mmd ~' Karen/Vanguard Data w~ .. S.t. "Sun. ~tJI 8 405 w 4TH. SANTA ANA Wurlltter, Khahe. Everen, 2150 Harbor at Adams, CM !Mp. ~ mocbtt tn Systemt1 n 4: 54G-7640 I nterlm ~~r!vej 1 e'":'? ret~ • C&ble.Nmon. EXQUlSIT.t Sapphire A dia-Jan. neMa &004 llOdtt· RtCEPT·MEDICAL: Exper. Personnel Service ..,.. ....... .,._ ..,.. ...._. Open Evet1 ~ sun 'tll X-mu m6nd ring. YeUow gold ~l 5 lJ/12 req'd. Llte bkkpng. Diet&· ~ .... ~.~~!·.' .. ~ ~-n.c....c1..-i..i1, ••• ,,,. GOULD MUSIC •hank. wht/-ld atttlnr6 -·UT ...... r,c,, phone, all related duties. 445 E. t7th St., CM ...... -... , ... "" "' ... ui.,.. /T pphlru.•"" 14 K 0~ '.' .!-Marvelou~ Dr. to v.-ork with! '42·7523 1ory w/many, many )'ears 20t5 N. Main, S.A. 547-0lll w aa. approx Chrtltmu kitt•U. I """'" ot 4 lnl ea. 4 dlam .. 07 ea., 6 diam Nttd permantnt homa. '1 sw-t $400. Call Billie Beek SALESMAN: Old -line C.O. \ftar uee rema. nr:. Fumlture IOOo VERY rare player plar'IO, .03 ea. Appral~ at $875. all whit•; 2 Mk.: 1 -4: t ~. Prtfer college, 11tahle, mar. The Factory, 1885 Hubor. AppHancet 1100 baby &rafld, with Amplea Will Mil at Sacrifice . Gray A wht. l97~]1U l21U COASTAL AGENCY ried penon w/1uec.?16'ful 540-6842 PRICIS SLASHEDI e xp re11 ton . Hear 673-578' . OOXY, male. 2 )Tl CIW, 279(1 Harbor IDvd, CM Wes bkgmd. Trainlna of BEDS: Twin $44.95, Full up to.,,;, Savinp NEW 2 dr, CE mri.., from ft.achmanlJ)Off play hla gi~· CAB O\"fr camper AKC. to Pod-... Poddle, Recept/Secty 2-3 mos. very good C.O. btn-$54.95, Quffn $89.95, Kina: r Sofa I: iov. teat $159.95 model home ••••..•••• $178 :~~~ 4~~· Mk que., Romer hu nerything. SS50. female, 11 mo. ol4 , S600. Lov1tly new office, Ir-efH.s, Start sr.m. Fee neg. $98.". HEADBOARDS: TWin 5 P c Span stme ttt $1~.96 2 dr. Rtlriprator, tm1t·ftte, Bumper 1)001 table #5. Ol:c. 5tl--21.n WU vine .. -a. Ve'"" pleasant Call Gerry White, 54<Mi055. $4.95, Full $10.9'5_ Queen Kin& Sz quilted mattrtu & bottom freezer •••••.•• $168 I 12"'· Ironer 115 Wonder ho?M ea • i;;m; . ...... •J Other fee ,&: ~ jobs avail. 112 95 t.n ..... ..,.: 90 ~ --90 •·••-t Te eYlllen -• ...,., r •bE to a w,_.., working cond, Nice boss. · • .n•uall ....... • 11D'A' •••••••• ~· "'"' .. ,.era Ort •••• from S 38 12 baaa accordion I: cue "-'=-' Top btndit1. can Kay COASTAL AGENCY SllSTA SLIEP SHOP 5 Pc 8" Kin(, Span 111,.!IO 0onaor. °"'" TV, '°"temp Loa" Color TV or Blaok ,,,,.._ _ S" Gld- 2190 Harbor Blvd CM 1927 Harbor Blvd, Ooata Mesa AltDrov" ,urnltvre cab., new plctW'e tube • $244 & \Vhite. Option to buy. $40. Call 962..l861 . Bailett. AKC l"t'S ..... Si6-MIO TO $700 MEN & WOMINI . 645-2760 2159°.Hatbor, CM MS-9'60 Whirlpool auto washer •• 1 50 WOOD ~ •ki• w/ poles. 12112 E!Apl~~n~~:e~ Prefer defree and .evtt.l COMJ!-UTER PJtoGJtA~t· DON'T GIVE U"I SELLING Complete ~f\11 CE Wuher/Oryer, .... Sl/JO ~:::.~: ~:n=-~~ camplete. Eltc broiler. EJec LOVABii Mlle ldtttn. um: 7207 So, r-.1ain, SAma. Ana yt:an bulinea experlehelf, MING IS THE KEY TO ,.. of Medtterraftw\ rum:aora, DUNLAP S (ll 5.22-1153 ~~y•ta= ~:~ qut Ucer rnarkiJ$. ~· $500. SALARY Muat be-willina to travel. YOUR PJtOriTAIL!: ;::; ::.:t ~=.i~~ love 11eat, 2 tomfnodt lamp ln5 Newport Blvd., C.M. 21 " RCA C.Olor TV. Xln'I both ln rood cond. Ve-ry Hu thlttl., 4 mos. .W. . . Call Ann, 645-201"7. rMany 111TURE! finished furniture •tore. Cor, tablei;, coHee table, ltm))I, J4&.7711 Cor\d. $195. 309 FAJe"-'atfr, reuon. &ll-51.C aft f pm. M&.~ ~ J::!.tinou:11°1 ::~1i~ :.:~:~ other f~ & fee pdybs). Quan start soon. Redl\ill &: Santa Ana Fwy, color TV, din set, rebia;, PRIVATE Party. ti;autitlJI N.B. b.11 54>-5165 BEAUTlP'UL band painted NICE black 5 me.. Oid' ,_. m1all part.s Mfg, Finn, fff SERVICE SfA. ~IAN, exp'd. PUbt program otferlrtg th1t Tustin. 1 mi So. of Newport stereo, kine •ize bdrm set. O'Keefe' It ~ten'itt su lS" PORf. black • wht oil portrait ol you or your py, sood w/ ~ '* Negotiable. call Ann, Mer. l·Full time, 2-part time. finest equtpmmt and facil· Fwy, Open 36l daya per yr. Queen bdrm set, fl 11\zt ranee S75. it.Irle S'S. Small M11.11\avox TV w/.!il&n(f: children from a pbotocraph. ahotl, to 10ftq home. chant.s Pen;onnel A&ency, Top Wagft: I:. comm. App: !ties available! Real-time 544-M'lO bednn set, •Wll.I' la.mp, pie-Retrta: $40. rut ConttnenW, Xlnt cond. $99. B4l--8l?f A wonderful idea IOr that MS-9210 12/U; ~· W -"" ~ N 8 computer proit'&Jnrolna:. tures, washer It dryer, CM ,-~-· ~----1111. GERMAN --'--" __. '\l'W etrt""""'" .>J•·· · · 604 S. Cllt. Hwy. 'a-. Bch. USEb 10fabed & chair $35. ml•• u"'l •-~•1-,..,, .,.,...,.,, '""'"' ... uu... .... ,. .. ,.,.. -66-2770 SERVICE Sta Atte~. Exp"d, Assorted ul!ed occulonal ~·· ..,.,. .... "" ~ rREEZER chest 10' $'75. Hl·fl & SterM 1210 646--3629. wtth chUdftn. pare•r•C A.::ul=:-1' chain $12. AlllOrted used USED dbl ...... _ L.-Croia top-JUotrlg, ~ Beith JtM BEAM O:llliCtor lkittlea, rule; needll5~11tw~ .. ~~= SeeBett;y Bruce at full & pt time help. 1476· ~J walnut.gald-wblte dbl 4 or ..... , uull Gd.C.Ond.536-4&5f AMPEX Stereo T&p11 wide R~\on., Elkl .Reno 1na:: home. _,. .u1.u PallladtsRd.S.A.Hia. ci m twin bed hdbrd1, f7 ea.ch. sprlnp I: m.attre11•1 Rfbllt'der, AM I FM, ttak I: etc. '19.95. Gf~ Lt-fu rood hOmt; 'pal'i m fl SALES ~ATIVE: The Factory 1115' Harbor (Sterlltted in accordance Antlqun 1110 couole $425. ~1302 quor Store, 2XI) Harbor coclcer/1.A.b. rtt. an-**' i:J6 (..,x~C For wboleea.le .; retail bull. 560-a42 ' . with State or Calif. 'bedd:U. SIL\iERfoNE Hi-Fi conlOle. Blvd, CM: ~ male, 8 mot. old. ......_ Arency for Career Girlll ~:·St~ ~Pi~car ";: Unl9" lank l.-e LEAVING state, f9l'Ced to ~~= ~~~;.: ANTIQUE CLOCKS ~t!~ ':'t'°f~er ~ MAHOG. desk 2 S' • x 411 ' ' , ch!Jdrtn.~'912-1!'11 ilO W Coast Hwy., N.B. expe1'1!1el. c.I1 Frank Rand, leuth T9'#W sell, hldN.·bed.. lln"tr UMd. silver &reY 5 pc bedroolft .et leather top, fine eond. $1~. FREE '-·~ · ~of By appoint, 646-3939 541).6Cfi5. lultt 4D !,1.!1:_,!' ~ & 1ov ... ~ ... ,1,. $59. The factory, 111115 2G ~nUque clocks incl., 4 Camer11 A lqulp. l300 EIGtrman ~tarcll.l cue f;· Chrtlrn;:, ~be:: COASTAL .AGENC~ ~•l!ftJlllf. 9-~ ~ rm · w Harbor. 5'!MU2 Grandfatbtr ofoc:kl, CUckoo ec. ·-· ppor -· -• · ftE'QWI'IONIST . DENTAL: -n-~ Bl·~ CM Calf -547.9471 Chain, Span oak conee-a: v EL v E .T. Ma.N , clocb, old SchoOI cloCb A BRAND NEW""IUpitl"-dt"1UXe -49UJ.llO ~ D~ Ut ........ ..... _ _. J.i..i.--... ,...., .. uvr ~ end table, --11.ze bednn """'tttri.nean tfl 3 =>home 5 ~-· . e ..,yo;;, peg-uutUu .,.....,., ... ~.... 90ta antifJUe fO]d, never European wall clocks. Other 35mm camera ou t, NEW, rtevft' worn, natural FREE tD l'X'!l • uo..,. ft.ta1 opty to leam 110me new SERVICE Station Atltftd: l;lfit, re c l 1 ner, lamp, ed itM. MatchJna: low:.e~ misc Antiques. No Junk. SI.la lenses. Colt $685, Hµ Wit). tounttallne ·mink atrolltr black lofw· hliNd ~- techniques. Xlnt. loc, Pleas-Full or p/time empl. 7AM· refrlcerator. 89t-1f18 w.;, (I) '17&-0S92 Fri .l &t; Dec 12 le 131 &l 644-2730 coal from Robl1180na. Coet 5f6..5780 12/U ant boss. Hurry; Start $375. 4PM & 11PM-7AM shilta * AIRl.INE & BkAND new 30" kitchen Z2$ The Grand "nal, Little 11595. 1tll $975. Aft 6 PM, BLACK Minta. 1'renc:b J1io9. 'fo~eST:LAG~ ;~niii =.t:n:·~ TRAVEL CARE!RS * ra.nre w/lock-thru 30" oven, Office l41ulf"'!!nt IOI I Balboa Island. l~rtln9 Goocl1 1500 6'4-«ST8. die. Good w/ehlldftn. wm resident wnoca.J •e ft•. Stati. A t below wholeule Sll9. Save '""£VING Sta'-Ont 9 1-9'1 HP E •-·•· US FOR SALE rood home. US-OQT 2190 Harbor Blvd, CM ~ on ten $308, frost 1tte 'Jae 2 dr G.E. ~ .,.: Y mo ANTIQUES: Retired couple ;,,,i ' Yuuu.n::, Collectors lttm or 111 n a I home· REC£Pl'IONI~: Heavy Bays~ Richfield, 200 W. Ticket Sales Refrir w/lce maker $119. • Qrnm tele f)hon 1t moving into small apt muit Divers twin 52 cu In tankl, "MICKEY MOUSE" watch FREE to aood.,_ ·.....,,,.., phone, type & some a:en 'I Coast Hiii')'., N.8 . Re:mvaLlons The Factory, 1885 Harbor. aNWft'in& Yal1tt. \Yarranty liquidate: rrt, Sat, Sun. J -valve. Schwinn 10 1pd _ perfec1 nmninc condi6on male BMeett, _._ ~ office. Pleasant surround-s ER v Jc E s TAT 1 o N Air Freight -Cargo S40--6M2 remaining, attract. '1t-ood from 2 PM to g PM l828S Vanity bike. All in xlnt $150 S37-f239 ~"::;n.;,.:8'7;;:·:1=321::..._...,_..;;:,;.::i ATI'NDNT. Full time eve11. Ccmmunkation11 flhl.!ih, play• casset1e1 too. Ye 11 o w d 'w cond. 673-6728. -• ·' 6 WK old ... __ .. ~ ings, great opty, Start $400. WHJTE Attlional co_uch ~-Orig. $.130. Sell for %. w 00 a y , NEW POOL TABLES ~,. ~· Call Billie Beck, 540-6ffi5. Exp'd. Neat in appe11.rance. Travel Agent Dark bedroom auite with 67~2503 anytl Untwrslty Parle 185 WOOD SKIS. cable bin-A beqil. Mlle • ..,..... COASTAL AGENCY See Jlm, 2590 Newport mattre11se.s SfO, 5ionde , me. . ding1, S15. 210 HEAD SKIS, Slate or composition. Factory aft.r 5 pm U/U 2790 Harbor Blvd, CM Blvd., C.M. AIRUNE 11turdy bedroom mite w/ TYPEWRITER. Ad d 1 n.1 Sewing Machlnet 1120 Salomon btndtnse. S 55 • to you. HARDIN VARSITY, SMALL Gftm. , *SALES CARI ER* STNGLE bed, box 11pring_•, SCHOOLS mattre1111 $75. Rollaway bed machine, calculator, very SINGER . 962-7813 Eves. 815 W. Uth St .. CM. 642-2842 Collie mix. 604IJ3 lllU ··r •-tful hi 250 p--·• 1 125 nuonaltle. Xlnt cond. Automatic ilg ug, 0 "I 2 Stai saJ matt!'ea.•. ~aut c 1 • SI . . ..... ,,.,,u e . ni-.2f2J 6 mot old. No attach needed BR W1., NG l Ga. autom. ASTRONOMER Chrlttmu, CENTUlt.Y Pl&Jdl. Yo.a cttr. . ·tt.ng .art Pill!!: oom-fmler and la.die~· drTssina PACIFIC 54!l-120T 10 do d"i&"' m•-am• Hrhtwel&ht, cue, pad I vent 2.4" nof'ractor telescope. 531~7093 U/El mission. Firs! year e~· table. $300. 494-6170 '"'• --· • rib $175 n.. •• (213) 645-6UO ina:s of $12,IXX).p!Us posmble lflquire Today USED 1 pc antique white Gar ... Sale 8022 blind hema etc.; auto bobbin . . ~· Equatorlal mount A xtru. Klttem • HI~ ata1aa: 2 yr training program by STOCK Clerk: s. h i p fl In r, 543-6006 dinette aet $St Ul!ed 5 pc -winder. 5 Year 1 u a r . Nlte1 (Il4l 63.J.8256 like nu, SIS. C&.11 • 96M.'!TI. 90oUfl WU century old rational com-Receiving, Fllhnc m!en. 610 E. 17th SL, .sanra Ana Mlp dinette set $19. Uled 5 2406 SIERRA Vista, N.B. Alllume p)'mf1 of ;s.27 ,or SURFBOARD 7'2", V-1hape, Caf1ld la,yer hu Hi Lo 2 CABLE *' topl. lcr ~ pany. Busines!I or ~!es deliv. No Exper neceu. S500 pc walnut dinette set $49. (acrou st. 23rd & Tultbl). $42.00 cash. 526-6616 good condldon $45. , nylon11 $1.99 yd. Shap t M6-293!t 12112 background helpful. No trav. per mo to lilart. 5 day,_*· SINGING LESSONS Tiw Factory, 11185 Harbor Garare le fum salt.~ 646-2075 from 3.50 up + my labor, i~"'"'°'·=,,,-,=,,..-==-ol el/Mgmt opportunll ies. Chan~ t? adviu~. Write Ba81c ttthnique for any style. 54Q..Q42 pie 4-JlOlter btd $50, Drexel Mutlcal Inst. 1125 SPAULDING GoU pubs, left t 90c per yard. lf7-15U 40 YARDS bei,t:. carpet • TED ALEXANDER Qual ifications, w1tia:ht &: Tht perfect gift! NAifGAHYDE 12' Sec t . dret1Aer $40, 100 )T old handed . complete !tel w/ BEAUTIFUL KJna ~(lt. pad. M2-I070 J1ll2 827-1.IOO hec ightMIO P. 0 . Box 145, 543-7032 or 56:5118 Sofai . Sac. $100. Studio cuckoo clock from Jeue 1:1n~ ttverb $fOT,·""Fut11u bag & earl. SUO. ~ ed mattrtas, Con\plete·lm-2 Guinta pip plm cqe. An equal opportunity osta e11a. STI1CHtiiY cLASSiS couch, ,mihor Gevernor James home, P'vr mower o1•an. raue or Nl!:W Volt •hOW lkls, Idea.I ultd. SlOO. w ortb $250. M&-5493 ll~ employer M/F TRAINEE • Insurance Clerk: c-••. , ••. ll•!p w1~ ~~--·a Winthrop dt1kbkcte. Gold $40, pwr tdaer $35, dishes, Glb1JOn, Martin $ 3 0 0 • •42 -~L' t"tl. MALE ~·--cot. IO ~ G t - .. I -"'-"e """"' .... LU ..... , ...... .,.. .._ ... ~ .. -oil painlinrs. ctttorator bric 646-1879 for Chrlatma11 gjfl, $175. o -• ... .,.,.,.,-, _.... SiAf.ES: A'ITENTION Mobile rea. earn WlUI Ideas. Mi-1400 armcn•·· -· Call Mac SU..T8SS I °"C~A=llPET=,:-,,1na-taU~a~llu--,..-home, 5t&-UJT 12/D hm. ownen. Ladles that betn1 paid, O> is wlllina to J.OtAt. for Bch HH or =· Sput. ~:: ELECTRIC aultar amplifier, roll, avocado nylon carpet, 2 Datci. ra,blts want to supplement your in-train ambitious pmion. Start DON'T JUST WISH for ovemilht p.ta. Con v t tte Mt, etc. Sllvtrtone, twin 12• piggy Ml1c:e!laneout l600 double Jute-b&cked. WW 1tll 6*-190'1 . 12112 • cOmo. No phone solldtins. s:m. Ca 11 Sa1b' Hart. aometbfne to turniah )'OUI' Danish Iv.eat A 2 chn:. SH 9· back trtmolo & reverb. al -1,,:;;:,;;,:.;...~·,..,,==""'~1 Do not have to leave your 54Q.6M5. home .• , find traat buys in or alteP f, $75. "6-4ST4 2HP MO'ftr. 2HP e:daer, Good cond. $1!XI. SSS.-1753 CLOSE-OU'I! f>tt.ftnlahed 1 t1r Ptrt $3/yard. 540-'1245 P'ITS~llftd LIVllfOCk hm. P/time wrk. For Into. COASTAL AOlliNCY today's Claulfted Ads. STEREO hl·fi, mahopny. SC6n llprQder. Encl KUl'I 4 St. Geora:e Drwna, Kitchen &: Bathroom cabt· 24 BASS accordion, +bumtr eall 836-5441. 10-6 2790 Harbor Blvt!!, CM CoUH table, mah 0 I · cabinet, comp! fittplace M!t 2 Zlldjlan cymbals i'ieta. Hardin Ent~ pa at~. Tice ·&mlkt , ... , GeMral UGI SA. LES: Attention Bea.uti-LI the ha.Ir qphtll col w/1u lop I: otMr lood stool A acceuorlet. 6f6.31Te 115 w. 18th St., CM 642-~ motoreycle w/llomae, A·l WO'rl NUT School•lrtttrvcffon 7600Sc~l1-lnstrvdt... 7600 or.a557~ • • ltem11. nrun thnl Sun, 24,. 10 •pd Boya ·Schwinn shape. fHS...7991 tu.la O&ut SPldall at otl\a·ana, and. loX·Be.au,uctans r!NING Rm. 10AM-5PM, 2323 Irv Int Pianos & Organs 1130 X!n't ~. 145. 2 hench BACK -llrhted plcturt, 'TIS--~" 1'1111 · want , supp ement u Set, g pc, Ave N 8 • ..v,... "Cypreu Gard ,, 22,. 'nur,_ yuur Income . to &tyle & 11ell wheat finish, Sl50 Rug • ·• · · PIANO SALE I 11eats for car, $10 e6. ,. en~. ~ 9080 !:dln&tt (at 160o0tl our tabuloua 'fl'eu-Chlc wig. Nylon, red, 9xl2., $1.S. 8" TELESCOPE, nauphyde WE ARE 6T~248S :i_~a1 for den OI'. bar 125. r .v. * * NJ.4NO For Intervw. caU 83S-544t 846-4674 ~kine~~· .. ~~~ . OVE:RSTOCl(EOI s Pool table11 4~"9. Prott. VANITY 1 <mt $IO N Grett Chr11bfte1 llft : SALES CLERK. Houn 1 pm-r GOLD TradlUonaJ Couch ror, ~ cond. Jt.oll away MUii make room for new slzeh HC:pl C ~·a::. ora..-:i!t°!hr. llide p;. Nandq C'Dndas.! PS with ipm.MonthnrFrl.Cuh~ 1; match lnr oyttltuffe:d Md,dblmattrra.$3&-lTIT &t\ipments UT"lvUW daily. ~a~~r~r ~: • ~tor. Polorokf. Rotiaanit. cll't· ~ np. lnWl'Ylewr at Goodwill chair. a:d cond. $95. Alt 5, DIN Rm fbl 4 f ..a.-Ii Pncts alalhed on.......... .' ~lany Misc. 548-MU ll>aa... store, 590 W. 11th St, CM. 6*-«169 ·~• .. peca Spinets. c:on.oze1, Granda g• pool tlbSe. Wbllt •/told ~~ see 1ttn rnarqer. iAS'fiRN Hardrock M 1 rottff tbl, Sold euy chr CJuittmat dtltvtty auar telL Brand DlfW $200 cash. SKIERS -Hunten! Rtnt my SALES: pxi week in q ape w/ottom.1n. All xlnt cond. COAST MUSIC • cau I0-323'1 ' mobUe home in Mammoth. ABYSSINTAM KliiDfiS taa•ron ••rd. Need ' Newport Air Assocllfes ::..,""13;bom~ ';': "''" baby ii.mL ~ NEWPORT• HAReoR POOL T•br•. -. _... """" """' frplc. c. N•w Only ' ::.;:. ....... 1ale11penons. potenllal Mahelm fM f"tJR.N .• dliht1. beddJrw &: Colla Mna * &f2..28Sl cue11 &: rack, C'lean $35.. ,;53,;;W3'1;-''':-;;-=--.-.,.---,.I~------~':!". unlimited. Cali Mn. 1 ·-· · 11 oddtA endl.Ultd7mo't. ~11).9 Satll),.8 Sun12.-548-7302 MUST MD tun, x1nt.conc1.o.p ans Rob•-.. ,....... . Fl He School & Aying Clu~ n:•UT1FUL Kl"' ""'. •• •· Tu... thnt nun. .... -,... s.r • •' •,." • .. , ' .. '. -• e SaJe1 Manactr for new " -« mtttntl. CompSl!i.._ un. St., C.M. CHJUm!AS ·n. Ra • er.:.. l E ~· toormallna ~ Pvt ~. GD.MA.Ji ~ Jl'IPlt ..... .... Laguna Beach. 'LIAR' N TO ... y ..... 11115 •. w. r t h $2!0. GIRL So;ilut Sal• ,..., ' Sat. -s.....:~ v---~ ~ Aft 8 .... 6U--6Cl2 ...... bred ....... t w- ha · Mi &: ----l42..Q3I tWI. Bullet i3S. rtll'I" • .,.: blcy· '· ~ 2 BEDROOM -_....., old Maltl ~ 141 Must ve prtVlOU11 n £•" ™D .~. ti • ......., Mtw.A used p1anoe or moe rTAUAN ·:io _ -·· _..._ ._, Ir ·-· -• • ' ma.naaer l al e:q1e:rlern. $500. .. """"' .. •n...,. .. e CO ee cle. loY11. l'lot~. 3S O m.a.kea. Rut bu)-1 In So. -·-· Glblon1"lfrlc.J:l:k?IQICl\,,1;::;--::='•_,..,,..,.,,1-.... ..,.I Rel.....,.._ 21.l' '12fi114' table A!). JI)" "'"'"' llep ~. C.M. -CallL at Schmidt .. ..,., Co. !'.'.', ~'.';';31Elo<trl9 c -W AP\ II, C.M. -,S. all I Irr. --11"0> ~~-D--lt 1U1e, ...,i.$fll, 5'M3!IO 1-N. M•'• •·-•--~-~ • pm ---"7 ~ .... ...,,,.. ™''"' IP nit I,...., .. ,,, A II 11111 .v• _., ..-.--.iL1l: One of So. California'• STUDIOCOUCH$25 pP .... r1.AJAT avail. lf1al.8'. pert. HUCE11wln\mlitlpo61Smot s~-. ......... Jarlffl land dtve'°Perl !\al C-~ Cffne 1"'•1"""= ~ CID f1S.3Cl4 L. NU DitpoMT hwtal1ed undn' oond. See at 222 Udo Nord, old Incl filter, pump, ladder, l3G-51D ~ an lmlftedlate opttflfll for a 40 Hours f litht t ime in Cet1ft1 150'• w..ifh GOLD lddeaWt¥ ..m. btd, 2 ~ ~. •ater ..., OPEN EVENINGS N.B. ,_take oUer. 494-&1!$ Aklrrimtt A 11.te ~t. New1--,coacn==:i:--:PUPPiti==c:-- dlrector of ttl 8'Cllrlt)' 'Pl'O-20 hrs. idutl i111frvcfion. Club "'!mbtrshlp. ~ Of. dr'awen, rollaYf11, h •ate r a, Undfr $100. AND SUNDAYS ERMINE stole, c.b:ffmtlL $595 aacrlftct $200. 893-330!S. Butt. Ake. $11 • • rram. 1bt 'rio-ltlon oft~ 2 Month's free.dues. h'divlidutl '1111truction. 2ct.lra. mlact..........,. $42-.27M, IO-OC:ll. Until Christmas ~· cuh. call 11 * * * * Call · rn.nM. cl>ol1-. lu!Unl anti Pd l ailortd. lo WUR oblllty. CLUB a.tr. an-&Qld. KENMOkE auto -· GOULD MUSIC 842-$3 FAMILY Membenl\lp Jn GbliiAH ... ...,.. -Ji! .,;ertt111 condltton•;, .. Laa nq. COit $111. 9111 sso. late modtl, xlnt cond. 1 20lS tt Main, SA. lfT.(81 'r turfboerd $d. Dlnettt' Mt I.n1ne Cout Oollntry dQb wU, m&lit. A a.nt11 Pl lndlvlduala maklnr ap. OTHll AllCllAJIT .AVAii.Aii.i •Coll -8'Mlll. eydea. tlL Hl-llTJ, 12UO. Patio table otl 115. ... aala. M. P!Jl. llWl31 !!4Mll8 -2 ,.._ = ";;:" ,':: : _, LOWBT l.A'lll '" OIAJIM COllllTT iiliG 11ta 11c1nn ..._ llal!an 111-aU5 OllGAN, allm -w/-Tab!ol IS. &G-a100 BAUIOA Bo)' Club momllor-loll , ... _ ti-dvlUan or loom to fJ./--oO<I ~ ...... I• , -Coot llJGO, locrl. WiliiU:POOL wublr • IM A pedili. H...U. uotd. Coat •ft \/W au. ffli $SSO Lionel ahlp lor aalt. Ca I I (:IU) -AllC. °"'"'"'"Dot. mllJtlry. Satar)' "°""" • .... M-'-~ c. I.. .. ... T ·-~. • r-.... MMtX!I drJ'ier, both lite model. 1lnt 1395. ee.11 for $15(1. !W8--f903 train 1100. nt r;. 21lt. C.Mt 3'7Wfl2 at (nJ) 373:_5851 .... -..1t15 rMJliWaN with ecpaienct. ~·r ~ -• RfNGldi 8td c.omptett. C'Oftd, pa. 54t .. l •TJ, PRIVATE l>AJtTY WANl'S 5'1-TDCB PAIR of ladles rldJnc booll, l\iCC S • P Min. ktat 17 ' Send rnume to Box N4 • Specl•f ~ .... c..,,fM(C.lel, I l1nn mattreta. JOit .J.lb MT--1115 TO BUY P~O roit I' fl AN ClS.Cl...ULdisbu. wom...GnCl.~Sizrt-1)4..~fl.50. ~"-Cbrfd:1111t °"" llt.lr, Piiot lnotrv-, .,. ......._,le ..-... ""'" 11$. CID llJS.3llO. SAClllJ'ICE ba'an<I -G.E. CASH. -S Sltteo, ll .. new. -.bit 644-<'19 alt" 5. ~ -_,, S!.'Ml ·R•llred ~ttn to Wii fer e. ... JI!~• D~af • 'f.11'"..0W--NAPU: dtoP 5e91 table. 4 twll'I 1"1t1Wt I: SU dr)ltt, BALDWIN ACf'OllO"fc ptMo. TV A mbc lltrm. ~ /NE\VPORT BEACH TEN· ?'07 ~. Yeddtt •iii£ " •lttm•"'"''htlpto...... 673-0313 . . dlllnllotdtvm,2 ..... ....,. •. u .... amoo.$200. IOO!ltlr.. .. w. REAL Mink •IOI• 110. N!SMEMBERSIUP.Mab ,-., I~ .... - flit 2 hcneL 54().00. ~ ..... 17$..-1111'-1'11 • 616-1121 --lfltt 5:!0 olfor, Call !10-IJD IAua Of'""~ ... - I . ' . ----- Wedntsdar, Otetmbtr 10, 196CJ PJLOT·ADV£RT!SU !8 M DA!lv PILOT WodMtd.,, -10, l'IM 1iJ Oil4 LiVISTQCk _rltANf~ATION ' ':'UNSPOllTATION TRANSPOllTATION TRANSPOflTATIOH TRANSPO RTATI ON TR ANSPO RTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION T'.~po=rt.:.;odo:..;A;.;.u:.;t;.;."--"<'600::-ans Sp11d Ski ..... .a30 llcyci.. ms Trudu 9500 lmportei1 Autot . .-jmport9'' A-llOI 9600 j;°por1od A.noJ' 9600 Imported Aut.. 9600 1969 BOSTON \Vhaler, 40 hp LATE rnodd Scliwtnn 10 --·---~1---f"IJT rne under Y.our PlVinrude t trlr 13". 2 mos aptt!d ~1ith. ca mp acnol o CAMP ER TRUCK D•TSUN. <luistnias tree. ~ u)td, ~tton starter, ~·rs. alloy 1tetl tr.me. 1111 :male puppy AKC;. rt1'd. "tnis $1 775. 64-H71t soublttz ll&ht, touting bq:. lt?O G.M.C. ~ H.O. equip.,, I-----'----1963 Ja,..,•ar is <'...t...-. Blk Jn..~, blood lint, g v.·lc:s Like -w1 G .. at ~~-1mu VI. Str. # 2250S3l. .,...__ w •· ~· r.:-.: '"' ...,u.. $2ft5 •nc orlda Sett $2000 car \I{/ chrome Wire \\'his. Auto. :old. IHT-34<9· Marine l qulp. 9035 I Gut! 110. M>-!1'63 UNIV ERSITY NEW! DI" b,.ks, Pirelli Urcs. Xlot ·TOY POODL! PUPS , ----·----OLDSMOB mechankal cooo. $1'100 or jnackw/popen,.t • .... sold.'0·.~· 101 raclan. ~_Mini llkoo '275 ILE '70 PICKUP be•t offer thla w"'· ·S~ tach. Partnta U b.lch. ol~ -• f v;;::_,,. 2850 Harllor Blvd. \V/camper, 96 hp overhead 49.1-4223 days, 49.'J.-3fill eve.!i. ·~ b)·-'-r~ ,_. a. ~mov~ . or ..... er '9 BONANZA BC-1%011 Co.ta Mtsa f pd di • '" '""'" ........ .,....._'" radar. U. 24 & 32 voe . "· 541).9640 cam. ' · r, v p.,, tires, 420 G JAGUAR ' Or SedaJ'l. .r ...... ,...,...,.. Hound AKC 11~ 1,.tallod with ..,,ar Front A rear 1u1ptnsion. ___ _,o;:..:.;::: ___ back up li&hts. You name Tup ~,·t1on. Ali a"to + ~ .... ~. • • . ' "<N· •" · Ltn than 5 hrs wie. Like '68 Cu EV 4 4 !I •· lal # P w•., " ·n:iale, 2 yr5. Bro11on Ii: White. Ne"'J>Ort ?ilarlne Eni. TI4: G 1 for ~"·tmu n X ! ""'r L5212098T.I. stereo. 1714) ~ ·Htt'C• Cbildren. $25.. Call -~263$ ~· si:~ '-Wt.ll SuburNn Ven Full priee $2099. Take :small ======.;,;== .et>-!MO. McCIJLLOCll " '"''· .~-------' J ... ts, v ... dlr. IPC 700xl6 dn "' tnlde. Call Phil, KA~MANN GHIA JAGUAR --- OPEL TRIUMPH '611 Opel Station \\'aa:on Big engine, red "'/blck int. TRIU~fPH C~ 1967 $1900. Very clean thruout. Kelly \\'hlte, iood CQl\ditlo11. Dty• B.I Bk S1Sl0. Sele (rice $1295. ,,,,,..===l=<=9;:"':'=";;'0;~:::,;;':' == Save $l15. Bayalde' Motors 120o \V. c.oa.st JllghY."IY VOLKSWAGEN Newport Beach * ~ ------·---062 VOLKSWAG~. Nu PORSCHE VOLKSWAG.EN YW BUGS FRO!ll $399 GOOD SE LECTI ON j"6y Poodle male l'\lps. 1 propg., oontrola. etc. Perfect 3 HP BONANZA MINI· tires. All original. Take _,_ .. _9Tl3 __ .,_M_s.-0634 __ • __ _ ·black. 1 apricot. fi v.-ks .• No ru.nnlni cond. $250. &lg..!132 BIKE, v.·/ be!lmet & jack trade. 34"13M. Call Pal, ~ ;IJflpr-n $25 ea. Aft 4., ..•.• ·-~i93 Xlnt cohd. · SlOO. 494-9773. or 5t>-0634, :9':?-113! .....,....... w.u DATSUN uavJCr f i\IO old P.t inl&ture Bolt SllpMoorl nt 9036 BONANZA 90CC llodaka, 4 hePI 9510 1965 Kermenn 'Ghia 1--------- 2-0oor Cou&)e~ Xlnt Cond., 'ST PORSCHE. New fmmaculate lna!tle and ou,t! chronH! rlmg. foe One owner, $1300. ~at :'80 stereo. Best oJ'fcr tires, lites. over brakes. Good trllna. car . ~. Call • 613-9168 anytime, · '66 V\V Sed. Green. X1n't Cond. SUTS. ltloving Out 01 The Country. 897--MQ!I, H.B. Dachshund. Papen & shots. · •pd trans. Light. etc. Like E RL "Le d i The & h Cit' " ·sso. )'.)' to 40· BOAT tor sale that nu. S18.>. 968-4378 A Y lilodel Jeep body 1: a er n a,c ~s Broadway. C.M.1 $1350. ~73-8593 1964 vw $750 838-6878 ~t'l9. 3031 Ext. 66 or 67 1910 li1\RBOR 81,.VO • • * Call i4M011 * _ needs &lip. $2.00 it. Call TWO J-\i hp minl-bikt'S, 100 frame w/new springs, seat ZIMMERMAN CHRISTMAS Pups:, AK C Cl\uc1c Avery ~ Ott ml iitr gal. id cond. i 79 ea. frames, transmission &. 2845 HARBOR BLVD. . Oo~ ns Good Home& eves 494-3916 , 646--51&4 tra.naler case, plus many 540-64! O · . rma · • TED 1 .,.,, ___ other features $17S. 548-0072 ~=~"-=;...;,""'==~ '.Prime Co nsid eration. SLIP \I/AA or .-aft SPJ\I ORANGE COUNTY'S &IU96l. SAIL)"'~ 548.J950 , Motorcycles 9300 NO. I AKC Afghan Pups. 1-lale &: .. .. '66 YAJ\fAHA 230 cc Good Recre1t'n Vehicles 9515 DATSUN DEALER • female. $200 &. up. Will BALBOA Slip. 40' boal. \\'ifb condition $300 before 3 PJ\1 DOT DATSUN •flold 'ti! Christmas. Only 4 sho\rer & head & parking on v.>eekday:s, all da,v v.·knds. Go Ca.rt, good condition. ' ·llft. Call 540-9589 ti] 6/15/70. $80. mo. OR 3-7950 897-$69 J\lcCulloch engine. S95 18835 Beach Blvd. 673-9352 Huntington Beach IASSETT PUPS, -'KC FOR renL Pitt space for 14' '69 ·KAWASAKI Sidewibder JG-1181·or 540-M4J ·. M'J..UM t:Yel A-wlmds Lido or equivalent. call· 250 CC, best offer. '69 CC~o~m~po~r!• ____ !9~520~!=;::;~;";;;;';;";;';;:;';::' 1830 brst oUer. 544-9123 1948 SCHOOL Bui, 16 pass. '68 CONVERTIBLE, autom, radio, beige, lo1v mileage. 4M--94-i6 OI' 491-lr.66 eves • 111· ~·~==~=~~1 ~•1~;.o~n~• ~be~r~10~,,.~..,,~== Bo1taco El ,.;.,.. "" cc ' ENGLISH FORD Boat-Yacht 661,:, Honda 305. Xlnt. cond. Con\!t'rled to camper. MustlJ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j SE stables for n nt. lge Charters 9039 New rebll. enz, Xtras. ?ilust -"'-"-· T-'"'~""°--· _,..... __ 7_4 __ I• '68, .. 1 300 ,tS•EL,....: tape · $3.l mo. 1616 Orchard. ---·----ORANGE COUNTY 'S 1•. ..v • a 1 r :. ~A. Hgts. 549-0068. CHARTER A BOAT ~l~ $425. $'1S K~ington, Wanted: Camper Shell VOLUME ENGLISH traru;U.1orized iginltion. Mr.NSPOk r•TION and see' · · s1,~" 548-m92 or 673-3200 FORD DEALER \Vhite, black lenthe1" Make UlA .. . • '67 BSA Li•htni"" ~ CC, oifer. • Ne11o1>0rl Chrl!tmas Parade .,, SALES SERVICE ,.i; • & y acht1 . ~ Part its ol 6 -m per hr very clea"n.:,. s82;; or best oJ'-_D_u_n.;o_B_ug,,_1.,.1_ .. ___ 9_5;..;;,25 OVER 00 IN SfOCK 675-4422 or 67f>..6060 Inc boat, skipper, mixers fer. CaU ~7385. e 2 '61 1i1ERCEDES 220 SE COTJ-~ 1-IANUFACJ'VRER'S Rtsef'\·ation call 646-9000 '67 YA~1AHA 100 Twin 1968L.' Likb·l-e. Nu, D1 ~,.BunY. e 2:: g:: ~~~1 vertiWe. Runs y.·ell, Rm. . a..EARANCE ="""========I RUNS GOOD! Before 5: ite ue meta ... llAe body • 2 & 4 Dr GT !\Tod 1 $1750 cash. 4M-T'a65 8~J' D!nghys $125 ea. Mobile Homes 9200 54S.5572 Aft. 5: 540--8308 & .tp. All chrome eni + • ... 1100 w· •• 0·0 " u· ?tffNlSPORTS $400-----radio. r..1ust see to apprec. ~ -. 5 . ,, '67 DUCA1'I 2.j()cc, u:sed vel')' Xln't cond. Call 67":>-1753 lt1a.ny with fully a~tomalic MG .,.., 22' SUPERS!'ORT MODEL SALE ! I Ullo, Jiko ~;"2297$3!>0. =========I tram .. air, radial t"''· ra.1-------- v S ~ r · hem'IM w/ N J I --~-::.~::.,:=~~-·I Import-.• A"'°" 9600 dio, vinyl roof, wsw tires. MG po,, 15 ow to an. it llrU" BRAND NEW STD. 2 DR. Sales, Servic~. Parts :{lo· hp !>lercnil~r $4300. 1968 DESERT Ready Hoda.ka ALFA RO .. EO . n 1ss FULL PRICE Immediate Deliverv, ~ u~ 22' SUPERSORT G I j p rk · 100 cc. Great blke! $325. OI' 1911 .,~ ·~ ~I 200 hp Interceptor $3100. reen ea 3 best offer. 6~ OR.DER NO\V All Models ~ new 2'l' SUPERSPORT 'S6 BSA 650 CC Ughtning. '65 ALFA Romeo 1600 \'loch@ Theodore ·~ up for 2 long·shaft out-.An Adult Private Clu b ThfOY.'n .rod. P.fust sell! Spyder. Red ,,., blk int. ROBINS FORD ~rds $2900. One Mile from .the Ocean BESI' OFFER. 847-8480 A b 11 o I utety in1n1aculate! 2060 Harbor Blvd. ~ FIBERGLASS '6& KA W A S AK I 175 Ai\f-FM, 5 6pd trans. Dual CNta Mesa 642-0JJO J1rwµorr 11111µorts •'• FABRICATORS INC. L"l S.'JOG FREE \Vebtr carbs, dual overhead1 ;;;~=~;,,,=====1 ""·"hy.•'--... i.er" S ... eel •-1 "•100 IV r-··t ff""' N B. ~17 So, L)'"OO, Santa Ana Costa Mesa DU:. ,........ .. ... cams. nc\V top & tonneau. FE .... . ~ .. ,, . . :: 545-0063 . dirt • extrAs. Call 642-6473 Asking $1300 Ph. da,y11 RRARI 6-12-9-105 5:10.1764 ~ICRAM-lETS Newport Harbor Au~0,:a,.:;1c•• 9400 646- 2486 &.eves fA6-l588 N-...,....,..--F-~-!-·:!~ .. it-1w-.-o.~ '.-~-~-~-~ho-.T-1;-:-... ~:-;G-~~-~-•• -~-'~-.,-'. • _ _ _ ALPINE .... toun1>'• °""' aotbor-536-8134 ·r ANSWERS Oioose from 1-0 Models BEACH 1002 ALPINE Roadster , 'S:J~~1i:RV1CE-PARTS l;;===M=G=A===" Eloomy _Midge_ Arbor -real!y to move in today! removeable hrdtop, wire 3100 w. Coast Hwy. alvis -GRAVY Au· to Supply whls. disc brakes. r&h. Newport Beach ::-l'rom Het Haw TV show: Take Harbor Blvd. to 19th SI. Days 833-2400 ext 449 6f2-94o.5 540-1764 '62 ?i1GA. l>IARK ti 1600 Drafted must stll!! '66 PORSCHE 912 .> SPO. SHARP ! ! ! ! $359:i. Bayside li1ol01'S, UOO \V. Cst Hwy, N.B. &i&-00.>5 19;,8 PORSCHE 1600 S Coupe. Xlnt mechanical ~nd. Must sell $1400 or olfet'. !J68.S471) '66 ·PORSCHE 912, :xtras, new eng. !I.lust sell, best of- fer. sr;r.6177 ROLLS ROYCE 54 ROLLS ROYCE SILVER OA\VN SUN ROOF Concourse c.'Ondition. This beautifu! aulo \Vil! be sacrl- 1·lfic.'t!tl for quick sale. 541·6609 ROLLS '39, s.ide mounts, new paint, new wsw tiref'J, $4950. Pr iv. prty 846-5041, 64~::il7 SPRITE ./ '00 SPRITt. Good condition. Call ever;, 646-5919 '6l VW. GOOD CONO. COSTA MESA SWO. • &IB-8191 s --U-G-. ~o-.. -.• ~G-... -... ~.,-w-,-ar' '66 V\V Sunroul,, :oclnt gun1·. lranfrrable, under cond. r.1any exlra.s. 9000 mi, auto, :stick, radio. * 846-5257 * on/o[f Jug. rack. Res. '67 VW SQUAREBACK 67:>-lfillt Bus. 645-199 2 . Excellent condition. $la50 }1850. 833-1132 after 7 Pi\I V\V '63 Semi-Camper. ?.lint 1967 VW, con1pletely o/haul· Con<!. Only 12.47;) mi. Fae C'ci eni;, xlnt rond. Real sharp re-bit eng. Ster/radio, pri. Owner 642·7374, 6T'a-0144 pty. $1495. (714) 846-1D17 or 1968 VW Bug. Lt blue, blk Office C213l 4~ int. Xlnt oond. $1700. Call Phll, 644.2430 VOLVO '69 VW Sunroof, auto shift, 24,000 mi. guarn. \Vhite \\'/ VOLVO red leatherette. 642--0701 19fO HERE NO\V , LO\V PRICES Oli 67 V\V B\li, xlnt cond. A:sk· REMAINING '69°! ing $1300. 846-0109 al I YooDEANalLEWl'S' At 1964 VW Bu:s, Y.ide ov s, heS:ders, lnsl. wood pancr.11966 Harbor, C.!-11. Mf>.9303 Make offer. 548-3fi60 Antiques. Claulct 9615 1970 V\V Bug 4,000 milts, private party. Best offer. 5J&.7848 ROLLS RoyC1? 19-18 \VraUh Limousine, bOdy by Hooper. Immaculate oondition inside '66 VW sednn, iood clean & out. UnoUicia.J Concourse ~;!:_n. $1100 Call after 6, ralini; of 82 points. Right TOYOTA haoo dn". 11000. Appt oruy '6'1 V\V Good Con<lition $850 (714) 637-!1575 BIT T MA XEY 1,;C;•;:11,;";"-:.,7;,--~,,,.--~ 1926 11-IODEL T ford Coupe. LL 1965 V\V Bus, rebuilt engine, Completely restored from lT@VIOIT!AI 1~'~""~"'°~' ~'1200_53_1-~·"'~'-'--~ ~':rd ur213;s1~2-10~ 1!~ " .........,. ~ ' '62 VW B 'h I (2131 92:>-7774 18881 BEACH BLVD. us. r,.: ' new reb t -=~==~~-~ eng, headers. $109'1. '57 MORGAN + "4 Hunt. Beech 847-8555 Call 675--0469 New T:lp, new. brakes. E:x. ! mi N. of Coa.s:t Hv,.y. on Sch '64 V\V 7 pass Bus, iood con-ctllerit co n d i t .io n. $1500 . . TOYOTA dltion, $995. 642-1724 alter 6 Pl\t. 1970 HERE NO\V * 642-4178 * 1926 Che v rolet 2 Door LOW PRICES ON 1966 Volkswagen 1300 Sedan. S1500. 542-0974 REl\TA INING '69's Lo mil~age. Good cond. I========= i crossed a potato with a Drive \Vest to 1750 Vi'hlttler Wholesale Authorlud Fe.r:rari Dealer ....... ,. Got a potalo t h" (7141 642-1350 AUSTIN JAG.UAR ----'•'7 VOLKSWAGEN, .tl-fts av.1ul, but, boy, doesi'""!!:u~•"""J~•"""""'!'~ Prices to All A IN COOPER ---------1 MGTD r., 1966 Harbor. C.M. 646-9303 n1echanical shape! L\~,:tgTS• r.~ .. A. .. ~"l'ill 'lour Best Deals Are Slill At $1250 963-7858. DEAN LEWIS Good condition. 673-3512' Autos W1nted ?700 iC'tlOP up GRAVY ." I • Im NI W Complete :J\1aehine Shop UST S. '65, ""' v nu1 • ..,, .... u ' SELL USID SPEED EQUJP?.IENT 24,000 mi., new radial tires. '66 JAGUAR XKE Rdster. ----------1968 TOYOTA Cc.rona dlx 21=-=~*~>:.:16-4:,::0:..:1l:,,::*---TOP $ BUYER Stu.. Or trade •4 characttr C '°"-OOper REBUil.T ENGL~ES Gd CQnd. Bst ofr. 542--0898 l'llaroon. X1nt, just overhaul-'53 f\IGTD. :\1nt Cond·. Dr. Hrdtp. Ai\1-Fi'.1. 4 spd. ·57 BUG, ne\v tires, new BILL MAXEY TOYOTA :~t. orig 22' inbrd launch ___ ed. $2995. MS-50.ll o r \Vht/blk. $900 Piiv. Ply 10,000 mi. Orig owner $Ll75. brakes. low mileagt", excel, l8t81 Beach Blvd. :~ Good w 111, Huxley TRAILER SALES 111;> Vlct.orla, Cl\f 548.6550 AUSTIN AMERICA i-:64='="='1 ======.:-"'::'':=·'='=&=\coVk:O·c="d,o'::'::""=-34:=8:=9= -"="-.=!1::41:======-"'°~"':=·;::"':=5-04~4=6="=· "="';::"':="'=..:.;:";.,· ;;B=••::':;"'==Pb~·,;:1H::;7:.-;;: ;)nut, 11\lp to r;~re & trlr. "Buy from• men 18361 BeachBlvd,HB Sl7.()9CJl 1• • ~rite .ReOect~n La lie who live s in onal'' • OPEN 7DAYS * AUSTIN AMERICA New Cars ahon Trailer Park, WE SERVICE &1 Cottonv.·ood, RR 3 \VHAT WE SELL! Sales, Servi~. Parts met. Cal. 324 So. Harbor, Santa Ana Tr•ll9r. Trnel 9425 Immediate Dellvery N·e w 4 4 ' 1 s :ck So. of Bdsa 531-1086 · All Modela 0 USE B 0 A T 2 priv • 111,; FT Santa l't. Xhrt cond. ~terooms. See to a pp rec. BAY H~ Load leveler hltcl\, )Q:dro. ~2434, aft 6. 642-4741 aJt Mobile HonW S.let brakes, 4 corner jackil; •Ide [t. U.sa Loma RoU • Away • awnlnr, 2 bulane tanks, • lf ICE 26' 1968 Chrl Sheraton Manor . Homette .• spare titt, Slttpa 6. Price _1:. \t1por1 31111 !Ol'I<:· • • • • 15 Kit • Presttn • ·Sahara $!XXI. 96Z-3644 . vaher, 210 hp. radio. ALL SIZ:Es ~~===~~~~ 3100 W. Cout Hwy., N.B. !f&tho, loaded. v.·/extras. For NOW ON DISPLAY '19' HOLIDAY travel trlr, rl 642-N:t3 :HOJ.li64 ~lck aale $0000. By oy.·ner. 1425 Baker St., Coaia l\fesa moa old, an xtraa. Must Authorized ~tG Dea.le:r !:. 642-7277 ~block East ot Harbor Blvd. aeU, beat Otfri'. 644-Q97. -=""=""===="""='=="= 'MOST beaotllol Tri.Cab C..ta ..... m ll 540'l<70 Trucks AUSTIN HEALEY t 11vabrd in ba>:,. 45' TIS, Rare opportunity. 1-tOBILE ______ _._, . ._,~_SOO_ ·---------~IB. top conchtton. (Br) LfVING on the BEACH. ,63 FORD 1,, Ton, Wi&'wam '62 SPRITE, new en&, new Only $23,000 4M-3916 Limited spaces, in new ad· camper, butane :s tov e, competition clulch, much ALUP.UNU?it boat w/trlr, dition to Drlftv;ood Beach storage, icebox, 9xS at-:.~~ticenet~l:s =~· ~u:: hp Evinru&e motor, $275. Oub • J\lodela on display tachlng room. Vety clean best ofr. ~92-535S. * 646-0059 * soon. 71462 Pac Hwy, H.B. $895. 830-6324 after 6 ot ·=-"-,"°'=,....c~=~- AT ~· Ov.-en:s Lapstrake,,~5J&.~7~5~13==~---v.·kends '67 AUSTIN Healy. \Vi1'1! I Id -• I II h' d' "68 DELUXE 20x ~ CHEV 108 Van 307 cu in, whetls, overdrive, 27,000 ac· • • t11.1 or s 1ng or JV· 43, >star '"' tual miles. Best offer over •• Wiz:. Otter. 675-4TI3. adult pet park, cor gp, fenc· V-8, auto trani;, h\'y duty $2200 Ph. 532-4443 ~ !\tatthewa Flying Bridie ed,. awnings, aldrting, cem :springs, low ml. Best otter ~an 1.965. $40,000 gas or patio. Call Thlll'S 642-33).C ovtr $2500. 5"1;;....Q612 DA TSU p).IXX'I Oie~I. SM-4004 24Aii0 J\tOBILE Home. 1968 ·59"FORD 1,1 ton P/U $650. 1 ______ N __ _ model. Loratod in adwt M;""'Y "4S-4192 o' 548.ro39 ,67 DATSUN ilboats 9010 park. Call 54~2094 until I _N;..._e.~~-=--,o---· I pm; alt 5 pm, 962-3503 '!16, % Too Chevy PICKUP ~ LIKE SAILING? ----------P lcirup. 3 1pd. ••~ • QISL KE THESE -All original inside & out. 4 I ? Motor Homes 9215 962·7813 Evts 4 PaymenUi, high interest, ··--·--·-·--spd, dlr, \vill line prvt prty. 'eprttiation, a 1 l p rent.al, 23' 1969 EXPWRE': Motor .66 OODGE PICK·UP, Ion~ Full price ~1Di5. Call Ken : !}eaning, insurance, etc. Home. Extras! $849;j. bed, good cond. stk shift 6· 49.i-9m. ,StREFER TIIBSE? * 642-8740 * cyl. SllXX>. 547.0033 • ... -D_A_T_SU_N_l_""_C_o_n-ve_rt_;_ble • l<i\v cost no WORK & -· DODGE Truck 1~1 Ton. Xlnt Like Tie\\'. Jo,v mileage. ;CAREFREE' SAIL.ING! 81cycl" 9225 for Plumber or electl'lcian. Must sell. Best o f fe r . · s;:ai 25 little as $14, % day I--"-"-------' Cab Hi Util bxes. 838-2613 646-6308 , ~ Trv Our Club Plu Se~ral ~nch Peugeot -tm..~T SAIUNG CLUB bicycles, 10 spttd. all '68 CHEVY SPORT VAN le.I '69 Datsun 2000 Sport Car. ,l>"nrv.~ •=noo • Accua., used only 5 wk&. Ptrfectconditlon$2350. Priv. Low mileage, radial tires. •"" ,,,. STS ea.ch. 714: MG-8814 Pty. 64~74 r.1ake of1er. 962-3219 ~· ISLANDDt 1doop F.G. l\JURRAY Ram-Rod 20'' l l..:965-'".~RAN:.:;:,,;,Ol'°'=E~R~O-. ~,,~,-.-.. -.-4 '67 DATSUN 1600 Rd ste.r. ,hob. au:<. Pulpit, head, GtJ-ho I · · pd $600 Xlo't Co-• $1~ ~1 Pl ~~ey, bilge pump. Full ".M; ~~e n:.• s; = 6 'Art 4° pm, M2-3574 C&11 4~49. """· •• v. y. aovttS and cushiorui. Sleeps;I===· .;::;;;;~=:=::..:=========..::..:======== •l f3995. Am leaving town, 9600 slip available. 714.: 833-Ull lm:pomd Autos 96001mpo~ Autos 9600 lmportod Autos •Ext 221 wkdays. · :i ********** ·.. Christmet ': SABOT ~I $..?IJ5 '''" •••. ••" •• ••• r: ........ now $265 ·completl! :~ also psic':~~ oolora :: 291~ \\·. Collst H11oy Nrev.'J)OJ'I B~ach *' f145.('610 0L 20 No. 286, v.1lh &lip, ~'daa race par. Outboud. iErate! OUer! Bkr . '. a ~2050; E v••· . ~own1Ro. tt&tored. u· :,•/dacron aail, ~Isl atra.i>•· ,;u acce:s~m. matchlnr ~r. $3.;(I or make oiler. IC-1589 or 67>1441 . SABOTS o:1mplete , ••••• $26. TR.ANSPAC • 6Gm2 ll' ~omplel1 /tn.iltt and Ill.ill. rrrio. Monte~. CM. ~t>-1~26 BRAND NEW BUGS 1970'• ON DISPLAY & READY TD GO CHICK Harbor Areas On ly Aut horized VW, Porst'he Dealer TWO LOCATIO NS TO SllYI YOU 445 EAST COAST HWY. ot BAYSIDE DRIVE , NEWPORT BEACH & 1'70 HAR BOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 67~ . .. 54,.JOll • HOME OF TH~ LOVE IUG SPECIALS I Fac tory 0 1d1r No. AE7 10~ OPEL 2 DOOR $2993 18 $1994 37 FINAL DEMONSTRATOR CLEARANCE Thne were our executives and salesmen's penonal cars. All a re low mlleal)e and in top notch condition. BETTER HURRY they won 't lost lont ot these REDUCED PRICES. BIGGEST SAYINGS OF THE YEAR POOLE'S BETTER USED CAR VALUES WE ARE COMPLETELY SWAMPED WITH TRADE-INS! --·-----:~?. .. ~.~~~ .. ~eluxe Coupe $1195 VOJ~O~·=~~~~~---------_:_::__=:_ :~.~.,~~~.!~.~~ .... ;,,, ...... $996 lt••t•t, PJ M 897 '67 COUGAR Aw+o. tr•n1., FACTORY AIR CONO. pow1r 1lt•r., radio, heaf11 . UV N 121 '69 BUICK LE-SABRE 4 Joor. F•clory air co"d. f..,11 pow•1. 454J99CI00419. $1898 :~~.~.~.~!:.~.~PER SPORT $1394 RGH4l J. R ~dio, lt•al1r. . ~~.!,~~!.~~' '°"' Ooly 36.000 $1199 mil••· OMT 5,1. OjMn Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun. 10 a .m. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED BUI CK· OP EL -JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE ,,. ... --........................ ------------------------... ~-----~~-~--~~~-~~~---·-· . , ... " ff PILOT-ADVEl!TJSEt Wtdlltsdly, Dtctmbtf 10, 1969 fllAtiSPORTATION tRANSPOltTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION .r, W{doHd.,, ~'*'· IPr-1'6' TRANSPORTATION TRANSl'ORT A TION f RA\llSPORJ ATION . ...__ " ... ---I "'"-'-'-UNdca,. Autoo Wanted 9700 UHll Carw 9900 UHcl Cars t900 UM<I Cars 9900 ~~!~• t900 MUSTANG u,.d c.,. 9900 u...i c1rs 9900 u .. :.1 Cars · HOO i--P-LY_M_O_U--TH_._ PONTIAC --T-·-Bl-RD--1 OLDSMOBILE MERCURY BUICK COMET WE PAY .. • CASH WE PAY WH FOR YOUR W CONNELL CHEYROl.£1' 2128 Harber Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1200 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR tor pod, clean used cars, ID make&. See 'Georie Ray 'lbeodore Robins Ford 2060 Harbor Blvd. C.M. 642.rotO Will Buy Auto Ltaaing LEASE· RENT Immediate delivery on 1111 . 1970 FORDS & '67 RIVIERA FORD TRUCKS CADILLAC All popular makes. Ford --------authorized leuinc system, Get Our Competitive Rates Theodore ROBINS FORD :l>60 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 6"2-0010 LEASE ANY MAKE '64 CADILLAC. All pov1er. ,JI extras. Rt!asonably pric- ed. can all 4 pm. 546-1549 OR MODEL r..er ""' 1eue exp<"' •how CHEVROLET you the best plan for your personal needs without obU-'63 OIEV Bel Air sta v.•ag. ptlbn. Factory air, p/s, perf cond. UNIVERSITY 1800 * 842-5829. OLDSMOBILE '&I IMPALA, fact. air, P\\T. 2850 Harbor Blvd. steer., R&l-1. New tires. Costa Mesa XJnt cond. $995. 646-3530 -~~"540-::..::96l0:::. ___ , '60 EL CAMINO, brand new JJlf LEASE tJI' batt•..,.. i~~- 1s10 FORD Torino GT, air ===~-~~­po .. ~•er brakes & ~teerifll', '64 ?.1ALIBU, xlnt cond, new radio, wide oval wsw, 351, tires, 1 o\\.·ner $850 firm. COUGAR '68 COUGAR Landau, P/diac brks, air, tit stereo-tape 2'2K mi, take best offer. See at Gulf Sta Pac Coast Hiway Cdl\1' 67~:1771 DODGE '69 Docl9e Charger 2 Doqr Hardtop. VS, poYi".:?r steering, po we r brakes, automatic trans, b u c k e t SPats, vyn1 root . Absolutely like ne·w. Lie. Y\V.>279 $2699 4 V engine. $99.50, 24 mo.s. 673-3663 or 548-6203 SOUTH COAST m 1968 CHEVY Impala'" ~ CAR LEASING loaded! Priced for quick 3Cl W. Cst Hwy, NB 645-2182 i!alc! $1775. 534-5290 o~ " -1=963 CH~EVRO;,,....,,..LET, ~~ood l ~.. ~·;ft" """ Cil"I '900 ruMing $475. ~w ,,.~"" I·,-,~ _ _,.: H-_ON-.. -0-A-.. -,50-CC-, -84-75-, -·57 CHEVYA ~ 1·st~/bali~~· . _. .. . .J "'"""""' ,. -Mode! ~A Hot thu, p S,")> ; ·1i<:w ......,'°"' "\J" rod 'Roadllei-P/U. '61 brakt-£, paint 546--el25 5-19-J(J31 Ext. 00 or 67 1taq>6ide Chevy PI \f. 57 CHEVY IN EXCELLENT 1910 HARBOR BLVD. ~Chopper. '59 GJ\1C1. ~CO;;;N;;D~IT=!O=N~$250=·=...-=·;;::::· :0 l======00ME=SA== T P lt1 w 11oa · Alaskan ,. -..... Maiio offer. 200 <;HRYSLER. FORD l'itonrqvia 642-1137 __ .;_ ---- '67 Ch sl 300 1969 FORD LTD Country ry er Squ;ro 429 V·B: a;, am- '63 SPORT Fury .. hdtp. •. I Dr Hardtop. fact(lry a ir,. itlftioned, power steering, dlr, &ood runner, full Pri£e 1rwer ~rini;, JJO"N& brak· poYr-er brakes, all luxury $499. MORn7 Call P¥ ,-. ~i-.roof. A:"'ftaI Bar· him. Only 6700 miles. $5.IXXl MS--0634 aain, Lie, --YOK-476 new, but v,<ill sell for $3,500. '63 RJJ.tBLER Amer, hdtp, dtr, runs good f\111 price $299. OOI.920, call Ken, 494-9773 BUICK '87 BUICK Cust. Electra. Full pwr le air. Xln't concl. Orie. Own e r . $2800. 6'73-5640. '62 Buick Special. \Vhite. 4 J)r. New titt1. Good cond. $425. Call Phil 644-2430 $2099 675-7310 =~"""-~-­' 66 Falcon Futura :>4~031 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA ?.tESA '67 Chry. "300'' 2 Dr Landau, all pwr-air, new t.irt's. MUST Sl.LL! 644-4265 Fully factory equipped, Dlr. 1695. Ph:Jne &12-0023 (:il 1968 FORD Country sedan \vagons. Loaded! $2100. * 534.52!K) MAVERICK 1970 I\1AVERICK: Orange. auto. 5,000 mi. Bonus: FM :stereo w/8 tr. cartridge. 7,000 mi guaran. $2200 Firm. Save $600. 6~2 Imported Autos 96001mported Autos 96001mported Autos 9600 DIAN LEWIS Orange County's l•rtest end Most Modern Toyot1 & Voln Dtaler IH6 HARIOR IOULIVARD 646-9303 COSTA MESA -- J'ohnSOD•SOD S~?S!~~~.Sf;J>S!~~,i~.S~~~~~P~•;..9~~~""-~~t~,~~~~ ~Gi(f;tWA.°Wi'~~~.tr.i~\~C§"!tisZ°'~Wn~~~~&~~~ A BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION FOR THE WHOLE FAMIL:Y A Class ic Lin<;oln Continental MARK III I ' I Or if you prefer, a brand _hew 1970 Lincoln Continental, Mercury, Montego, or COu- ger would make an excellent Christmas gift for the ·whole family' -Set yours lip· for delivery on ChristmC!s Eve. .... ~~~~~ rt~'<t'~~•l('C\~~'i~~ ~--;~rif}f~"'-.'f!.'•i'~e1.s.<~~~~~"U.•~~ ~~~g_,~f:,~~~'lr~i~t~~'SD:?i~i,igli~~~G;~c1?i~~~~~l\~~t~•~ MORE CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS We have some beautiful used cars that would make wonderful Christmas presents• our prices •r• right too· you don 't h•v• to wa·Jt for January clearance sale prices, we have them.now. · · · CONTINENTAL 1964 CONTINENTAL 1 door std.in. 0e,1r1 11.-;e 11n1,11 wlrn blond '68 CONTINENTAL 4-DR. SEO. learhtr lnlf•lor. Fullv luxurv e<1ulpped ncludl119 full POW•• & l.ctorv 11r. L!c. llAU l25 Anr1crlv1 ouht cllromt y111aw with bl1ck l•Mh· $'11895 tr lnterlo, tnd ltnd111 roof. f"ull power eoul1>- ped, 1-c:lotY •Ir, elC. WXFllS $4395 MERCURY '68 CONTINENTAL COUPE 67 COUGAR 2·DOOR lll:aydl Maroon me••lllc lln!1h wllh ITll!!chlt!O lr:ttrlOr, b1-tk l•llCl•v roor. 1.u~11ry -1~-Lime l•o,1 wllh 11>a!Clllt!O vlnyl bue~ets. t ui. •. Completel'( Ill! sfftr!nv wl\Hl, t1dory 1lr, oow· "lit MQ!ne, P.S .. lll:&H, new ur lrl~·ln, ont er doDr IOclu, ttc. VTP 741 ow1>tt i nd ~f!"vked trf' C111r tomptny. voRm $4195 $!1~75 '67 CONTINENTAL 4-DR SEO. 1968 COUGAR XR7 8eeu!lful Huron blut mtMlllc llnl1h wllh mi:tch-Poltr whllt w\111 blaclc l.1nd1u rGlf A bltck lrltl lt1!Mr lnltrlor. flltck tendtu roar, IUll'f IXlcltet see.1, 1u1om1!k: lr1n1,, po'Ner s!ttrlnf, lu•ury equle>lled and leciory 1!r condl!lonl~g. p0wer br1k11, RedlO, hurtr, clc. LIC. WCP JU AM-FM raillo, STereo 111)1! dKk. Ofle-owner ur. $2395 BNUtllllllY rrwllll31Mll. TTl't020. $3395 '66 MERCURY PARK LANE '67 CONTINENTAL ).[)DOr' IMrd!OP. Ardlt ""'Ut wl/tl IVY rid Ill- Connrllble tieaulllul Or.ttn Tur111111l11 llnlo.11 with Jttlor tnd blacM ltndlU roal, 111to., R& , P,S., rMtcllll'l!I ln!tl'IOr 1fld WilHI ~p. Comottr.ly 111•· P.S., fecNrv 111" cond111on1r111. Jl111 iu.urv 11 vrw fQUI~. 11111 POWl'I". AM-FM rtdlo, f.ICIOl'Y rNIQt!lblt Pritt. V1U202 1/r, !!II whftl, etc. 4 ntw. !lrns. UOA1M. $1995 $2795 • • MAKES • 1965 CONTINENTAL OTHER • • door. t>nert liege lln11h wllh blOnd ... ,her lnlel'lor. Funr 1u•11•r 9qulf>oed 1nc1w11111 tu11 • ru;' & t1ctory 1 r. Unu11141lly cll1n. Lit. 1961 FORD 'F100 I' PICKUP .... ll t dlo, he,tcr, llllrcht'fll rtCW by JOhmon a Ion. $2195 E•ct Jleill COtHfltlon. Loe. '"'9tl1 1995 ' . Il, 0 iro@.(D) Il, ml @®Im 'ii' 0 00 ~ 00 'ii' IA\ ll, '67 PONTIAC GTO 2-DR. H.T. .. ,, mid me!•lllc finish Wllh bll Ck bllCkt &Nii, tuto. lrlnt., rtdlo I. htottr, JIOWtr ''"'· Ing, 11ctory t lr. 81111111111 condlllon. tltJJfJ $2295 1967 BUI.CK RIVIERA lll111tll11I meltllk fln1YI wllh b•c-ltlltrlO!', coulpp.td wll!I tll 1119 IU10Ur,t POwtr ICc.M. f•· CefjUOMllY c!e.tn. \.IC, UVU 011 ' $3095 1967 MUSTANG 2 DR. H.T. llrft!sn raclr.g green Unllh W/blttk bvektl $Hit, 7'9 VI tnO!ne. c°"'°le, rff .. M,-... po-11r9., pwr: brtl1.. IUIO. tr11n1., tit. TWYtllt $1795 BARGAIN CORNER In , Our B•r11•ln ~corner, . .,,. have numerou• used c•rt. Some. cl11n, s o m • Mt ·so clHn. Some tMt •re dupllc .. · tions, 1CNYM we've ·heel, too · lont--ln any event these c•r• •r• r••I bar91lna. LOOK ~EM OWRI ' '• , '68 JAGUAR Xf(E-2' C9'1P&; Atlrtdlvt Brllllh lll:tclt!O Gr..., flnhh ..nm t\ ti •81:::¢T:r~ ... St2Ji. black 1t111Mr ltittrlor, Wire ~. lt~dl•I PIY' 11ra, Uc. l11111111u1 condition, WID601. $4595· '66 ·MERCURY MONTCLA!!l. 4-0llor Sldtn. tnuy ' oo-tq\llpped Jnclucffnl. ltclory t lr. Lit, UCU111 . $1595 '6'GA!>ILLAC Sip. DE VILLE Mi.-oon llnllh wl!ll bltdt ltrMSW root ttld bite~ 'INllttr lnkl'Jor. \.uxlA"'f tqu~. F,ll!t pewer, . , . IKlor,t t lr condhkM'llnO. AM-FM •=• tti. 1111 1reerll'l!I whttl. One e_, ....,,, _.,.. ''"*'· 20,000 t11l1tt. vpm $4Sl I '65 IUICIC lll:rYlelll:A Sita Ml S13lli '66 .... ........ .... · s·1 &1& l>Dt. "'""" IYl'm. , "'' """' l<ICTOA Sl 61& Lk..Tl'U t4f , ' I•' -··.17r .. ":';T~;.,r St&l& ··ea ~~·z.:. ..... .., s111& '&&·!'·•••• U.... llTIPM. ·--llltllDTOllltO ,,.. "'" ... Xlfl: ... ' S20l& m• SOD I 2626 NARElGll E:i~ULEVARD, COSTA A\E!A NlliW toJl NI 540-5630 642-0981 j 'II Wille SoutW. of tkte Sen Dle~o Freewa,, . . . • · Iii! wJ"' edl !40·1635. • .. ·=: .• . . CARS FOR EV RYBOD I .•· • I BRAND NEW '70 CATALINA Hardtop Coupe. Turbo hydramatic;, fiber9las1 white walls, pu1h button radio, power steering, power brakes," custom 1e1t belts. l252370CJO . .._ _____ __, 71691 ' R1d io, .. h11!1r, 1ulom1tie, pow1r tl11rlng, ~i nyl lop, f1clory 1ir. IROT014 l '66 GRAND PRIX R1d io, h11 l1r, 1ufo m1lic, pow1r deerin:J, •inyl top. ISID472l '67 LE MANS 2 Door h1rdtop. Radio, h11f1r, euto1111tic. f1clory 1ir, !WXG8061 '67 CAT ALINA 6 p1u. w19on. R1dio, ~11\er. 1ulorn1lic, . power sl11rin9, l1elory 1ir. ITEYl l9 ! '67 PONTIAC Ea1e11tiw1 W11Jon. k1dio, h11t1r, 111to!1+ic. power 1!11rir.9, l1clory 1ir. !Y2KOl9) '67 BONNEVILLE 4 Of. H.T. R.1di1, ~11t1r, 111tom1tic, f~tl pow1r, f1 clory 1 ir. fUJCl4ll '67 BONNEVILLE 4 Dr. H.T. R1~io, h11h1r, 111lom1tic, power ileiar., pwr. window1., f•cl. eir. !TRH600 ! '68 FIREBIRD 350. R•dlo, h••l•r, •uiOPl'l•lic. powtr steer• ing, vinyl roof, f1 tlory •ir. (WIC671 t I $2611 ' r 2 1e1I w119 on. Turb11 hvd111R1!ic, p111h button rotd io, re melt fl'lirror, power 1lecri•9 l di1c breke1, lin!1d 1J len, power window. ;:iower 111!, •ir conditioning, whole walli, etc. (256 l69C!2l7791 l i1t price $5~Sl.O~ NEW '69 EXECUTIVE 2 •••I w1gon. Turbo hvdrem.,tic, push button radio. d1!ux1 belh, power 1teerOn~ l di1c br1 k11, tinted gl111, pow11r ta;( g11I• window, •ir conditionin9, whit1 w1ll1. f256369Cll1 649 1 l iit prict $5152.88 NEW '69 BONNEVILLE H.T. C,... Cordo"'• lop, turbo hvdr1m1lic, p111h b111ton r1dio, remol1 mirror, power 1ltering. pow1r br1k11. tint1d 9lei1, pow1r window1, air conditionin9, froni & re ar rn1h, white we ll1, d111I •lh11~1h . 1262l79C116]45 ) Li1t P1fce $5'1 15.78 NEW '69 BONNEVILLE 4 .Dr. H.T. C o•do"'I lop'. turbo l~!dr~m 1tic , _Pu1h button redio, du ~! exhau 1h . P"'"'ar wondow1, heed re1h, air '-Ond1!101'11ng, wh•t• wells. !262399CI06575) List Pr ice $5206.]2 , ' .[][] I • - . j • A l l CAR PRICES INDICATED IN TH IS AD ARE, OF COUR SE, PLUS LICENSE & TAX • ' . ••• WEU, JUST ABOUT EVERYBODY. LOOK 'AT THE . CARS ON THIS PAGE, NEW '70 PONTIACS, NEW '69 WIDE· TRACKS, USED '6~s. A GREAT SELECTION OF '68s .•. AND LOTS MORE! NOW'S Tf.E TIME TO SAVE! COME ON IN .•• THE BUYING'S FINE! '68 FIREBIRD Radio. h••ler, a11lofl'1 •fic1 powtr 1!1tring, custom l1im. (VHA6l91 'l:l LE MANS Cp1. t1dio, h•at~·. ;··''· pwr. 1lf1r., vinyl lop, fat!. •ir. Oth1r1 to ~hoo1e from. XEW439 A Great Selection of Used 1968s I e WE PRESENTLY HAVE AN EXCEPTIONAL· LY LARGE STO.CK OF USED 1968 PONTIACS ••• A LOT OF THEM WI DE.TRACK TEMPE STS. SOME OF THEM, CARS THAT WE HAVE OW~ED AND MAINTAINED -OTHERS ARE RECENT TR A D E S • OUTSTANDING BUYS I '68 GTO R•dio, heal•r. •viof1'1 1lic, pawer 1l1ering1 ¥invl lop, f1 tlory 1+r. (WXEl75l '68 CATALINA 4 Or. S•den, R1d io. healer, 111iofll1tie, pow• •• ;'rcting, !atlory eir., I WFE920~ $1877 4 Or. H.T. Cordo .. 1 lop, t11•bo hydr11m1tic, rrrnole m:rror. d11tl 1•h•u1h, pu1h bu+· Ion f•d!o, power 1let:rin9 pow1r br1~t1, tinted 1.11.,n , 11owt r wind ow1, pow1r 1e•I, • ;, ca.,dilioning , Iron! &-·~·· rn1h, whOtr ..... 11,, '261 l 99C!05l65l li•I p1ice $5~89.06 NEW '69 GTO 1 Door H.T. Turbo hvdr11m 1tic, p111h button r11dio, ••mot• mirror, del11re balh, wire whrrl disc, con,olr , pow11r 1feering & bt1 ~e1, tinted glen , "it conditioni119. (24137 9212610!) L:11 Pri ce $4421.50 DEMO. '69 CATALINA 2 Or. H.T Vinvl h im, J ecor ~r<;u ll, turbo hydramalic, del11•e belh, po wer 1t11r· in9, br.i~ei, linitd gl eu , 1ir c ~~-li i ~n;n9 , white wells. (151379Cl l 02811 ' oe :~o . '6 9 BONNEVILLE1 H.T. Cpe, CordoYa lt.1'. turbci h;:lr11m11!i,, po...,er .i nlenn•, p111h b111ton r11dio, re· mol1 rnin ar. d1!11•• brlh, power sl111rin9, powrr br a~tl, lin,led glen, eit condi· lioning, whit• w<tlh , til t whe1I, du1I e1h1u1h . 1262J79Cl2474ll r.oY CARYfR PONT!AC IS il"1Ql3 PtiJ/JJ/JlEIJ TO YOUR NIEDS! SAL ES, SERV ICE, FINANCING •• ; All THE SERVICES YOU W OUL D EXPECT FROM A TOP AUTOMOBILE DEALE RSH IP. WE ARE PRO- GRAMMED TO HELP YOU IN THE BEST WAY WE CAN. .. r " i ) 'BRAND ~NnY . '70' GltA~D PRIX ' 1 Turbo hydr•m1tiC tr1nsmissiOn, fiber9less tires, · bucket •••ts, power steering, Rower disc ~-----~ br•kes, 'tint9d. windp~s, f"ctory •ir condition- in9, ~·276570Zll66151 • '68 BONNEVILLE 4 Or. H.T. R1dio, h••l•r. aulom1tic, powe1 1!1tr .• pwr. wind ., feet. 1ir .. in yl lop. ICK791 .. :~~ :~~.-, ...... ·~·~·~ .. ~!--.. I 1teering, fec.lorv •ir. IYWFlSI ). . _ ' '69 ftONYIAC · Est culiv1 6 p111t. wegon. Red io:i, htifer, 41ufo• melic, power 1te1ring, f1 clory 1ir. IXSSl761 '67 COUGAR lfl , 4 1p1ed, power 1te1rin9, r•dio, he•IH, white well1. !TRH592 1 '68 FORD TORINO 1 dr. H.T., YI. aulorn1tic, powM 1teerin9,' f1clorv eir. white w•ll1. IXOE102) '68 BARRACUDA ConY1 rtible. R1dic:, 1!1eter, a11torn1ti c:, power 1!11rinci. VI . IWICOl 7) '68 MUSTANG VI, <t ulofl'lelie, pow1r 1t1ering, redio, he1ter, feclory a•r conditlon!ng. (VHA1l4) '68 V·OLKSW AGEN Aulornelir. h1n1mi11ion. r1dio end1h1el•r. B1ige. !WIE9241 ' . $2977 $1877 . J DEMO. '69 CATALINA · 2 1111 w1gon. 01cot g1011p, turbo hvdrem•tic, r1rnolt iniuor, d1lur1 b1lh, pow1r 1lee1 ing, power di1c br1kt:1, tinlrd 91111, power t1il g•lt wi11dow, eir conditioninOJ . while w•Us, 1tc. 12 52 369Cl2lll4l DEMO. '69 GRAND PRIX Co1do.,e lop, 421 et19., l<,1rbo hydr1rn1lic, tlereo r1di?, r1mol1 mirior, cl1 lux1 bills, power 1!11ring, pow1r di1c br1k11, lilt wheel di1c1. l 276579P~61J941l DEMO. '69 CATALINA 4 Or. H.T. Vinyl tr im, d1cor group, turbo hyoit1f1'1ttlc, push button t1dio, 1emole rnirrot, deluJe b1!11, power 1ler1in9, eir conditioni119. li11!1d windshit ld, whit1 w111!1. I 252 J99C 120741 1 DEMO. '69 BONNEVILLE H.T. Cpe. T11rbo hydr1m1tic, pu1h iutlon r•di1, dtl~lf• belh. p11w1r 1!1erin1J, power br1ke•, tinted_ 911~1. P'?w";r wi~dowt, •Ir c.onditienin9, f•onl l re1r meh, while w1ll1, d111I exheu1 h . l262l79CI 1611•) • .. I ~· I- SERVICE DE.PARTMENT ' OPEN , MONDAY THRU FRlbAY · · 7,30 A.M. to 6,oo P.M. • SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN B,oo A.M. to 9,30 P.M. EVERY DAY CARVE R PONTIAC I •LV.., I COSTA· ME,SA • K l-64444 1· I -.......... . .