HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-17 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• J .... .,._ ... :.. l)AILY PILOT Sl&lt Pll1l1 HELD WITHOUT BA)L J,tl(•· Dwllll1 Hunt I ' . MURDER VICTIM Ntw,Ort's Wiiiia Hunt ~w}Mll't ! peaih -. S · ~t llel~;. .~ing Set , s,'JoHN. VALTERZA • j)f ~ 1)111'1' Pli.t Stiff ..Mrs •. ,\t'illiam , Dean Hunt wa.!i ordered Tuesday-to remain' in Orange County Jail without 1 bail anCI to appear at a preJimirtary hearirlg on murder charges Dec 22 1n Harbor ~tui:iicipal Court. -~ Thurs<laY her husband. wh9fn she is accused Of fat.ally stabbing last weekend, will be bqried at Pacific View Memorial Part. 1'he ser.Jk:fs for the. long-ti.mt Ntwf!Ort Beach yacht broker and marine service owner will be at 11 a.m. in the Pacific view chapel. Hunt, 56. was stabbed to death Sun~ay niiht by a· butcher kn.ire which. police alfege was wielded by his sixth wife dur- ing an ari4IJJent in their Corona del Mar home. -Mrs. Hunt, arrested shortly a!ter she phoned police to report the stabbm&, was arraigned on murder charges Tuesdiy morning. The slight; 43-year-old brunette, ·was represented before Judge Donald Bungan Tuesday by Beverly HUis lawyer Mark Green. . . , The next court acllan will tie at .1:30 p.m., three days befort Christmas, in Divi&ion One Of the court. Her late husband _ lher fifth male - leaves a daughter, M~. Noel .Brown of West Los Angeles. from a preVJOUS mar· riagt '!l)d an adopted daughter. Dru, 12, who 'iS ~1rs. Hunt's daughter by a previou.s marriage. Mr. Hunt, who had lived in the Harbor Are8 for many years, had been a yacht brOker 1yith offices across ' from the Balboa )3ay Club on Pacific Coast Highway. He also h;!:d bftn~affiliated with the Cltr"is Craf! detlf:fshjp on P1ciflc COast H~ghway ~ many ylar11. In latetQears, friends said, he also had 111old airp'3nes and •rated an ~utboard mOtor re'-8ir ~tvlce.ia Costa MelHI. ./ •' ' ' I I I j " ' ... ... • om .e \, Laguna .. 1 1 ' ' ,. ' :' ·.,, I I JI 'I I 1 .. . • I • • • • • .-t1on . . ' ' ' Trial Tests Law • ' • .. ' I I I . ' . I •I .. WEDNESDAY AftERNooN;DECEMB~R IT. .1969 VOL & "°· ..... HCTIONI. H PAGll ' ' -.. -· ' -~ ,., i . • I l I I I l War Contractor Denies Charge Extortion . Charged Too Neµ?qrk M(lyorJ Q.fMr~ l \I 0 0 _ , • , t 11tJl.k'ted on T ~Evasion NEWARK, N;J: :111'!! r',ljr.,or H911h J. Addoniiio ani!f it. Othe~, including three wuncilmen.)w,re-incHCttd today on tax evasion and extortJon dw'ges by a federal grand jury iAvesU1aling organiz.. ed crime ·and oifl~ial eorruPtidn in. Ney,· Jersey . 1"he 66-count indictment was the second frontal assault on crime and comiption in New Jersey by the nation's top law en· ' iorcemenl offiCU' in 24 hours. Attorney General John N. Mitchell trig-· gered the roundup of 5.1 of 55 Mafia figures and their henchmen named Tues- day in two federal indictm~ts on illegal g;unbling charges. '"1e two others are being sought. 1'fitchell today said the r.-and jury ln· dieted ·Addonizio and-the Others (91' ex· Panama, Leader " Jails 2. COioneis PANAMA C{TY (UPI) -Brig. Gen. Omar Torrijos · t~ay placed t w o members ol. his rulinl junta under house arreat and ordered trials on charges of .. aibversion fur the t"'·o coloneb who seli· ed power Monday in a ~ lived bar· racks coop. The two junta members were Cols. Jose. M. Pinilla a.net Bolivar Urrutia who weri"held at the presidential palace white T<rrljos conferred with his staU officers on whether to oust them permanently. Ile bed ~Uy named them to the junta. 1 'Both men figured heav!IY-. in the at• ~p(ed takeover b!!t their exact roles -not been dlsclolod. The ... colonel• wfto ~ li!d the """P wm being held · ln·.P•a•s model prilon .waiting .trial by the proper authoriUes for an act of subversion. t«lii\i "ll'ie lliln ~;ooo rr.m an eng!oemni·firin '~agtd 'in munl<lpal '9'1'lnldlon :ind ./or-. liiili!if . to repart the.If~~ ~irlCP1!1e~1 They .a~ nre C~arg~ . e(( \l'ith COl1$pl.faC)'.: I . 'The indictinent furthe'r charged· that "the defendants did conspjre . . .. to thwart cortsthietion 'undertaien on behalf of the city of Newark ', •• in .order to'ob- tain the property o! con·~ractors, ~ineera and othen '\\'Orting on certain municipal construction" by "fear of fi nancial injury and under color or of- ficial ri&hL" . 'lbe 15.defendants were charged with es counts of actually committing extortion against Constrad Inc., an engineering firm which served as a consultant, prime contractor and subcontractor for various city projec~ such as sewage construdJOO and. urban· felle\)'al. , . , Each · d the . ntortion counts alleies that .' .'the·· 15 defendants obtain.l -65 separate pa)'IJ'le:DU from Constrad rang• ing from !500 to 137.000. others besides Addonizio indicted on both income tu and extortion charges in- cluded City Councilmen Frank Addoniz.io, Calvin D. West and Irvine I. Turner, and fonner couacil members Lee Bernstei n, Anthony GlullanO and James Callaghan. Giullano Is now a municipal court judge and Callaghan Is employed by the Newark Mwliclpa1 Utilities Authority. Tht other former Newark officials in- dicted wert Phillip Gordon who recftltly resi(Md u city cc:qioration counsel, and Anthony La More, former director of public works for Newark and now ex- ecutive director ol U'ie Municipal Utilities Authority. The new iridictments came on the heels or a arand jury· 1ction announced Tues· day In which more than 50 ~rsons were charged with gambling conspiracy in a crackdown on Mafia controlled rackets. . ' PHOTOGRAPHERS SNAP SUSAN 'DENISE ATKINS I~ JAll Su1peo~t, 21, Pltad1 lnn~ent After Informing In T1f'I C1~. COuncil ASks ··. lli'19tlf on,. , ; ;, :1 I .'." . . .:~~.1t· • I '. ~ .; f 'n\airisf ,)·iPQlJ··; ~r;::-: 1\-.... ~ .. ( If ~ I i;;J ~ ,-,. " sj.· Aimru1rii". \Giri . r.: . . ,...~ .,r ,.\,,~·:_,.;.+t .... ~~~~.f---. · ,~ c~le al' ....-. * cataitr\lptilf explosion.,.. .. ~~ poured into'll>e ,.,,., ~'.by jlelioti. . M!Sii defeiure · pl•pti ,.awlrd«t ·a $1:71 ,. mttliDD' .4\rmf '.ortfrl:i~:oontt)ct, a •iteet agti•• '· ' • • i ' • -.. I o("· • ,,;;. ceo.ia c ll!eia' GtW ~II ·~. unanlqiously Tue~ay to j¢ri the· OrMre· Cow;ity Safiltat!On Di!trlct lri seektnl a IAjunctiofl ·to hailt the 'alleged ".i01ations they 8'1Y'date back moi-e ,than one ,,ar. An officer of the C1>mpany <lerue9' ~1, that anY 1uch wb!:>JeU ddmplftl.. of cherilicals occurs at Z.D ProcbR.11 Di~ion.· of. Wells Marine Inc., 1 11M1 Pullman Ave., but ackDO'lfledged one In- cident. • · · · ' · · · "We are aware of all the iequirementa and 'fe've spe.,nt considerable money to cmDplf'with tbein," Said J~N. Hatrstaft.1 , ~ who ,d~d4 l;IOl cf!.sc~ hla prec!se e:1eaut}ve · · . p:isl~on;.· ~ ~ •• • , ' ' ....... '.'Oliviltusly. we wijl ~ke.llle stepo .. r.. · <iuiJ;d: 0 ~l~dJfe.~. wben questJi>Jl91f About. the pnpepd ng)njunctlop., . ' . ' : r Costa Mesa City Attorney Roy June asked council authOrii:&Uon TUelday to · join courltf authdritles 'in; 8-crackilq,,", · citing CQmplaints ,by Saru,t.atlon Dl~ct · offklals last .Week. ' · " · ' ~ . The Co'Sla Mesa Sanitary Dl11triet i1 the sgenCy whJch wlll r,e • ttP,resented in1 the acUon affing wlfh the ·county.· · Authorities cited what they termed the.' · .. -mos~seri9ulf ·inciden~ar o:xfurrlnitl'foo': :·~ : lliee ·~CA\.l;'Plp II,:' I 0~ . r,? .: I ~r"!'!Je . ~· .:';:;~ .'.... ·,·. . ')\; ::-i~ ( I 'S -' \ ' '. ' ~~~' i ........ ·w~·· ~· , , ,.,, ' ' • ~ ' A ~~").;.· ·• • .. -:.~ . ..u ,,, ·.... ' 1.:,}.,l · .,~ , TKe Jot · f.oc"" ·J.JIUrlGiiyi wllt11:1t'j • -'..:_~~ '<onfined . to .. ·~ .late •. nicht mid · ;• 1 early, momin1 houri, wtth1 rriolt• 1 ly clear w~ather . and ;cool temp. · eratures prevailing •. INSIDE 'mDAY ,.., '· -~-. . , •• I • • iagu . .,t,: Abortion Trial To Set Legal Precedent? f..ountian Faces Shooting Charge Chargel of assault with a deadly wupon were flied by \Vestminsler Police Tuesday against a 14-year old Stan~ man who was u-rested last ~turday 1n connection with a shooting outside a Westminster nightspot. John w. Ruschak, or 10609 West.em Ave., Stanton, was taken into custody at about 12:30 a.m. Saturday, shortly after four sholl were fired Jrom a .22 caliber pistol al John D. Kelley, 29, Garden Grove, at the llWy Mae n bar in Wostmlnster. Inf ri1·mer Pleads Innocent; . ' May Get Separate Trial Studenta [r6m a)zc1 ,6. to 11 "do tlu!lr o"'7l tlilng" at Ull Irvjnt '.! -~~"¥!'!al el~ tary schOOl. Thi.! MMique t11f o/ 1ei/·motiootfcm ii described cm l Page 12 toda:I'-· .. , il"'-----'I Owly a ~ ';Ii·:;· I C:ftRJITfe'lAS· : .~ . , By RICHARD P. NALL • Of Ille Ollly Pll•f Steff • ).bortion charges against a LagW'!a Beach phy,iclan may end by selling new California legal prectcfent if the case IT13l<es ll>e long ln!k to ll>e State Supreme eoo:..&berl c. Robb, ee, ol 345'7 Scenk: Drive, Dana Point, was artested at ~ts apacious clUf·toP home by Laguna police on Sept. 4' 111 II Police accused the physician-of ega 1 '!nduclng miacarrlagea In two 20-ytar-old I ' j unmarried womtn. They said it nearly cost the life of one of the patients when peritonitis, an infection of the 1bdomen, developed. Dr. -hu denied the charga ... , have never performed .an operation on a pregnant woman," he H1d at the Ume, labeling the arrest "quite a shock to me." Robb, a widower,haa practlet'd medicine in Laguna Beach about 10 yeart. In Robb's defense. attorney Moat! Bennan ol Santa Ans, ts ottomplln~ to (See DOCJ'Oll, P11e Ii ' Kelley, whose conditloo is improving at WestmJnste:r Community Hospltat, was •ho! twice in the n«:kt once in the lftomach and once in the cnest, according to· Weltmlnmr police off leers. The pnplay 1pparently look place after aft arpiment over 1 female patron at the bar, lnvelll11ton sold. From Wire Sen1«'1 LOS ANGELES -A girl member of Charles Manson's hippie-style clan has pleaded innocent to murdering actr~ Shar:on T11te a.nd, aix others, and a pros· ecutor says ~ may get a separate trial. sulan Denisf Atkins, 21, willowy tnd lmpessi~e. spoke a soft "{'Jot guilty/' th~ naahed a bright gfln as she made her plea • Tuesday before Superior . Court Jud~ wtlltam Keene. Mtsa Atkins, ManSJn, SS, Charl°' D. ' " 11TeX" Watson, 2~. Linda Kasabl1n, 20, and P1tricl1 Krenwinkel , 22, have betn charged with five murders ln the Tate else, ' I The county arand jury accused the same five, plus another girl clan mem- be1-, Letlle Van Houten, ti, of kllllng Leoo LaBi1na, «. and hls wife Rose- mary, 38, wbo o~·ned a chain of Hon,... wood mnr~elA. In the La8\anca home the (See TATE CASE, P•I' II ' ...... _ 91rllt• 11 I C•ft"'11.. • CMOI' .. U1> I c-..·.,. "'" (lfll:Ct W ·-" --~ 11 -ll ............... .......... •I ,. -.. -.. ...... .....,. .. -. l ---~" ~..,.... ~-_.... ....... . ... ,.. ...... 4-1 --lt :;:.. -t! __ .. ~ :i ,._ . -----.. -· ' ! DAILY PILOT S ' Wodlltld<Y, DtctmlMf 17, I~• ~ :~·school Bond Issue Gets Rou~~.QK ,_laln Valli)' School Dlatrfct voters ,.,,.,., emlorstd the 'district'• curren£ ::.l!d:ri~:.: ~1.llli m!lliOO lid ol local booda.' "" .. )lajl .... •PP<-~y .lllfitl.17, 1•.'i!I •I ,...,_ lDlolisl. 'l\ieallat• .oto -.i the·-rate ,, ·to -_, !O l!Plldl <Ill lie Mid •. under ¢urttnt market condldODI. - r ~pile foggy weather which persisted well into the day, the measure, which will , provide the district with 10 addiUonal : schools by 1971, well exceeded the two. thirds major:lty required for passage. ~ Twenty percent, or J,580 of the total :, 12,873 registered voteri living within ~ :. district went to the polls, an average ' turnout for a school bond election. Distrret officials called for the election to IUthoriu sale ol the bonds at the )MW state-approved , seven percent 'Interest :· c:t11Jng. • Up 1111111 Tuesday the Fountain Valley "I, district found ttself stuck with M Jflllllon •. tn voter-appfoved bonds which 'tt couid not sell tince the allowable lnterm wa1 ~ 1 1el at five peictnL 1'-"The 87.9 percent vote shows astound· '· Ing supJ)ort Of the district by the com- munity. We deep J y appreciate the l· people's involvement and enthusiasm for : the school district," said District Super- intenderit Mike 'Brick. "In difficult times such as these, such a 1trong yes vote is unprecedented for :1 Fountain VaUey a,nd for ~ ;-achool dUitrlcts.:• • 1. i'rona Page l ;TATE CASE . • • ~ · Jlight after the slaugtrter at the Tate ;, estate. , -.If prf?~utors decide to use statements from Miss Atkins, who has said she was f present at the killings, and if her af#,or· ~ neys request a. separate trial for her, ;: then under , the law .she can't be trled .. with the othin, said Deputy Dist. AUy . .. Sharon stovilz. ;.· Jµdge Keene set Miu Atkins' trial fot , Feb. -9. He will hear pleas Monday from ~'· Manson. Mill Kasabian and Mis.s Van . Bouten. \ Miss KreaWinkel and Watson Qre in the process of being extradited from Ala .. bama and Texas respectively. In Austin, Tuesday, Texas Secretary ot Slate Martin Dles Jr, set a hearing I .for Jan .. S at which Los Angeles police ~ must provide evidence that lini:a Wataon • to I.the Tate murders. : Dies set the hearing for 10 a.m. that ,, day o~ a request by Gov. Ronald Reagan · .. of California that Texas return Watson, · 24, to Loi An&eles to stand trial for ~ ~: forriier hlah BC~I ~ ttar .._At FarmersviOe, Tex.;" has been held Jn Collin County Jail at McKinley, Ta., ~; lince Nov. 30. . .. ~~·trlda JCN!iwillllel· "" bttiJil held In . • Ibo county Jail at Mobile, Ali. today on ~i govemor'1 warrant·ordering her return , in· California to face dlarges in the r.rate ~murders. . r r. The 22-year~ld ~ was trJMferred i 'l'uesday from cily jail, where Ille had iii tieen held since her arrest Dec. I.· : -A hearing to determine Jf Mill Kren- : wlnkel will !igllt extradition to Loi An- : &eles by challenging the governor'• ~Warrant -'as. delayed until ei\her .Thurs. ~·ay or Friday, when her attorney. ... JI. A. Marsal, is expected to return. :.i •r: ,. ~JJC Academic Senate ~Reject~ Ban on Reds 1•1'1BERKELEY {AP) -The faculty i:~emic Senate at the University ol. ;: Qalifornia's nine C&IJlpulleS has voted to •1 irow out its own 199.l tule baMing Com- ! .. '!inmist party .. membero from teachinc l jll>sts. . ! ~·In a statewide niail ballot. wiPt about : ball the eUgjbie faculty members voting, ·: ~ ConunwUit ban was disavowed by .:li487 _votes to 1,139, ii was announced ~ay. ··!....---------. l , i ' I • ~ i ' I 1 i ) : " DAILY PILOT N...,,.., a..11 Hlltlfl ...... IMdi l•tll•• ..... ,...,., .... ,., c.t• M-' OJU.NGE C.0.\ST PIJIL1SHINO COMPANY' It.ob••' H. w,,, ,.,..liOW!I ., .. PUOlltti..- J,,k R. Carl•'( \lll:t ,.,...llhnt ,,... G--•I M•llfttf llto1n•J ic •• ,a .... ~ Tho""''' A. M11t,~l11 Maft.,1"0 Ultor . ....,.. .Cit" ....... 1 lat Wt.I ••'I' ltrwf • .,.,.,., lt.tt~i 1'11 Wbl l•li.t ltu ..... 1'11 ~ l•Kfl; :.n , .. .,., "v._ H1111tir1910n 8MC~l 11111 ltl'ttl lt1111tvtl'll UPI T ... twt. White Bouse Christmas Mrs. Richard Nixon holds one of the First Family's cherished oma· rnents, made by daughter Tricia in kindergarten, while Tricia dis~ p,lays an 18th century Italian· wood carving during a scene from 'Christmas at the White House" television special to be broadcast during lhe holidays. . Nixon Fires Attorney For Southern New York WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· on announced today he ls firing Robert M. Morgenthau as U.S. attorney for the 50llthern district of New York. To !>tlCCeed Democrat Morgenthau, who was his party's candidate for governor of New York tn 1962, Nixon will nominate Republican Whitney North Seymour. 1 Presa secretary Ronald L. Zie,1ler acknowledged that Morgenthau had not re<lSJ!ld from the posltion. Illa term norrrially would have expired June 11, )~71. Al this point, ZIA!gler raid, Morgenthau hu the option of submitting a letter of r<!llMUM or a letter will be ...,, to him inlonning him lbal Seymour ia hia replacement. Seymour, 45,' has been a member of the M•n\>a!tan law firm ol Shn-. Thal:ber & BartleU slnct 1961. He 'Wu an assistant U.S. attorney for the &outhern district during three yeais ci the Etsenhower ad. ministration and, between 196' and 1968, was a state 1enator. A World War II Army veteran, he was graduated wilh honorS from Princeton University and received hls law degree from Yale Law School Morgenthau, son of Henry Morgenlhau Jr. who was leCl"etary of the Treasury in the administrations of Franklin D . Roosevelt, has served as U.S. attorney since 1961, except for a brief period when he resigned to run for governor. l'rona Pqe l DOCTOR .•• ba"'.e the caae thrown out of court on the grbundr tl1al it is unconstitutional. In· vohlmnlous briefs, he has attacked the legality'of California abortion Jaw on num~s tangents. Jn asking Judge Paul Mast, Central Orange County Municipal Court to dismiss the action, Bennan has fll~ a demurrer - a pleading that the criminal -CO!llplaint is unconstitutional on its face. Martin J. Heneghan. deputy distrlct at- torney prosecuting the matter, maintains the law is valid. He said today whichever way Judge Mast rules on Jan. 9, the mat· ter will probably be appealed right on to t.he State Supreme Court. Heneghan said the Slate Supreme Court held that I.ht old abortion law was un- cona:tltutionaJ on the grounds that the pertinent penal code section was vague and indefinite. The language stated that abortion wa.s fllegal unless necessary to preserve tho life of the mother. The legal language V.'&S amended to encompass the right ·o: therapeuti c-abortion. Other abortion was said to be Illegal. Bennan has attacked the therapeutic abortion section on the grounds that no 11tandards are set up :for medlCal aufhoriiatlon or a therapeutic abortkln. He has shown that the law Is 11ipplled in different ways in different parts of Cl'llifomia. Seymour, reached at hfs 'Manhattan of. !ice, commented, "Obviously, I'm very pleas~ at the opportunity to take on this assignment." Morgenthau said only, "I have nothing to say now." Morgenthau's ouster comes four days after his successful prosecution of former Manhattan DemocreUc leader Cannine G. De Saplo on bribery conspiracy charges stemmln1 from a scheme to bribe a fonner-city official and ertort contracl! from Coosolldated Edlton utlli- ly. . The firing also comes five days after a federal jury found attomoy"'1naqcler Roy M. Cohn, f<111Mr aide to the late Republican Sen. Joseph B. McCarthy, In- nocent d. bribery-<:orwpir~ -~ges. l'rom Pqe l • CHEMICALs. • • In San Francisco, sild Hencghan. the existing -untHled -law Is Interpreted loosely. Here It ts gtven strtct application. • 1 tteneghan said this may be the first time the Jherapeutlc abort.ion act has ~ ai- tacked In court. . . I ~ tf Judge Mast sustatns the demurrer - In effect boldhijj: therapeutic abortion un· constltutlonnl -Htneghan said the district attorney's offlct wlll appeal. 11 Mast rules In favor of the prosecution, the ·de<eru;e w!ll doubt.Jess appeal. Dr. Robb, In the meantlmt , Is fret on bllll and has not yet entered a plea In the case whtch could be a precedent sttler with 1tate"'ldt imp1JcaUon1 • -----------~- U.FOs Still. Unideniified· r-.. "" • f -· Air Force . Closes Investigation. After 21 f e<µ'S WASHINGTON (AP) -The Air Force loday o!llclally cloeed Project Blue Book, "the agency which for 21 years has been inv~tlgailng unidentified Oylng objects. Secretary of the Air Force Robert C. Seamam: Jr. said contlnuoUon of the age~ 'icannot be justified either on the cround of national eecurity or in the ln- tertst of science." Closing of the office was suggested tarlier this year in a report prepared by .the University of Colorado and later en- dorstd by the National Academy oC Scieocu. That report, which cost the Pentagon $539,000 and involved an 18-month study of flying saucer reports, concluded that little if anything had resulted from in- vestiil;ations o! UFOs over the past two decaOes. The Colorado report, compiled under Top Business Agency .Chief, Luce, Qujts the direction of Or, Edward U. Condol'l , u11ertcd there wu no jusUlic•tion for further extensive study of UFO slgbUngs in the hope that scientifi c knowledge would be advanced. The Air Force ~ys Project Blue Book's eonclusloo1 based' on inva;liaation." sin~ 1948 are that : -No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force has ever giva1 any Indication or being a threat to nat.ionaJ security . · -No evidence has ever been submitted or discovered. b)' lhe Air Force that UFO sightings represent technological develop. ments beyond the 1ange of present day scientific knowledge. -There has been no evidence in· dicating that UFOs are space ships from other planets. 'The Air Force said Project Blue Book. records \\'OUld be placed In the Air force archives at Alaxwell Air Force Pase, Alabama. ~ ; Offitl~ said ~ir Force headquarter$ 1".1 the Pentagon woulcf continue to handle requests for lnformation on UFOs. Ctosure of the office Involves only three people-. Including LI. Col. Hector ,Quin- tanilla Jr., who has been chief of PJoject Blue Book. He has an officer as assistant and a secretary. ' ' Tbe Air Force said it was unable tO estimate how much . money had1 beet\ spent investigating UFOs the past 21 years "because money is '1~ aPr proPriated specifically for Ws purpose."· Under Project Blue Book's operat19ra reports of. UFO sightings were forwarded to the office by various Air Force bases. Depending on the information av~ilabl• from those reports, Project Blue Book then jnvestig~ted further. 'School Must Bend' Harbor Trustees Cool To Student Shilt Plan The Diamond Watch. Tradition with an innovation. ,. ' I I ' II I I, ~ I I • t" I I 11 I I (1 (I ' II' l . ~ 1, B fl • B h , qni1ngtou eae , \ ED.ITI ON * . ' ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WEDNESDAY, DECE~BE~ 17, 1969 . -"1. a s ,, New Try Slated Mayor, 14 Mental Hospital 1njunction Lifted Indicted In Newark A preliminary injunction hailing the con~truction of a controversial private mental hospital on the outskirts of Westminster was terminated Tuesday by Superior Court Judge Robert Corfman. He turned down the argument made by attorney Milan Dostal, who filed a suit in behalf of lhe Westminster-Garden Grove liomeowners Association to prevent con- struction of. the 112-bed facility on Bolsa Avenue. Contrary to the attorney's argu- ment, the judge said he didn't think the hosprtiil would cause any disturbance in the neighborhood. Dostal filed the suit Sept. 26 after several months or heated arguments between the homeowners and the city o[ Westminster. Sal Guzzetta, a Westminster insurance agent and president of the homeowners group, charged during public debates that the hospital would detract from property value s and that minimal security ll'ould not prevent mentally deranged persons from escaping into neighboring homes. Dostal, wbo was given 30 da ys to amend his complaint, said be might try for a temporary restraining order in a new court action at a later date. Judge Corfman, however. cautioned the attorney that he would den.v any further injunctions based on his evaluation of all of the evidence \vhich has b~en brought out in court thus far. Valley Council Sets New Minimum TractLotSizes 1'he·Fount.ain Valley City Council T\.le.s- day nilht attacht;d a 6,000-square-foot minimum lol llie to 'a stiff planned devellprnent ordinance and sent it back to the plannin& comm ission for furlher study.,, 'rM: tlfdiiiance. previously approved by pJanncn without a minimum Jot size, will place the following reslrictions on plan· ned dey•pments if approved : -SM a rninimwn lot 1ize or 6,000 square feel unless special, unique, con- ditions can be !hown on a piece of pro- perty. -Make any lot size under 7,200 square feet (the R·l standard lot) a possible grOOnd! foe disapprov~I U any deve1op- mcnt. -Allow no density greater t.han 4. 7 ~es per acre (R·l is about 4.15 hon1es per acre). , , ~ive the city council final approval or t.entaive tract maps in all planned develql>ments. -P,14ce a conditional use permit on all plaraied.. developments regard!ess of density~' This allows greater design con- trol and other benefits to the city. Only Councilman J~ .Harper voted against the 6,®"foot mDWTium. thou~h he was joined by Mayor Edward Just m expressing a desire to see !Jle PD ordinance allow llexibility in kit .me. Councilman Ron Shenkman wanted flexibility , but voted for the limit ~ause Jt "might clear up the proble~ con· cmUng the public'i understanding of & -. TransportatI9n Leader Luce Quits State Post SACRAMENTO (AP) -,Gordon C. plarmed devtlopmpit. Councilmen Bernie Svalstad 1 n d George Scott strongly supported the minjpi~. declaring it was wtlat citizens wanted. sherikman pointed oul that fle~ibility could. not be too IJmited 1lnct only 300 acra of land remain to be developed and 150 of those acres are problem pieces {peat deposits making t.he ground unsta.ble for normal development). Valley Council Approves ~ew Code of Etliics ;\ code of ethics -the product of a long, heated and successful recall cam- paign -was adopted Tuesday night by the Fountain Valley City Council. Certain ethical questions-: raised dur· ing the recall of fonner mayor and coun- cilmen Robert Schwerdtfeger, Donald Fregeau and Joe Courreges -were answered in legal form by City Attorney Thomas Woodruff. Primary interest in the new code Df ethic1 is a section on conflict of interest. The new rule clarifies when a penon is' in conflict d intere.st (financial or deei> personal interest ip any action before the council and when that intereat sbould 1j;)e disclosed "prior" to the item becoming before the cooneil). The remainder of the code concerns ltems such as public officials accepting gifts (can't be done) and use of city veh1cles. The new code also relies heavily on compliance with state adopted ~es of ethJCI. Woodruff explained that it was aet up as a guideline in rC90lution form rather than an ordinance, because the ef- fect .~the a.me. NEWARK , N.J . (UPI) -h-1ayor Hugh J. Addonizio and 14 others. including three rouncilmen , we re indicted today on tax evasion and extortion charges by a lederal grand jury investigating organiz· ed crime and official corruption in New Jen;ey. The 66-count. indictment was the second frontal assault on crime and corruption in New Jersey by the nation's top law en· forc:ement officer in 24 hours. Attorney General John N. Mitchell trig· gered the roundup of 53 of 55 Mafia fig ures and their henchmen named Tues- day in two federal indictments on illegal gan1bling charges. The two others are being sought. Mitchell today said the grand jury in- dicted Addonizio and the others for ex- torting m-0re than $250,000 from an engineering firm engaged in municipal construction and for failing to report their fuJI income.s. They also were charg- ed with compiracy. The indictment further charged that "lhe defendants did conspire ••• to thwart construction undertaken on behalf of the city of Newark • , • in order to ob- tain the property of contractor!, engineers and others working on certain · municipal constructicm'l by 0 fear of finincial injury and under color of of· ficlal right." The 15 defendants were charged with 66 counts of actually CQmmitting extortion against Constrad IJic., an engineering firm which served 111 consultant, prjme contractor and subcotltractor for various city projects such as tewage construction apd urban renewal. Each o{ the extortion counts alleges that the JS defendanls obtained 65 separate payments from Constrad rang· ing from $500 to $37,000. Others besides Addonizio indicted on both income tax and extortion charges in- cluded City Councilmen Frank Addoniz.io, . Calvin D. West and Irvine I. Turner, and former council memben Lee Bernstein, Anthony Giuliano and James Calla~an. Giuliano is now a municipal court judge and Callaghan ts employed by thg Newark Municipal Utilities Authority. The other former Newark offi cials in· dieted were Phillip Gordon wbo recf:ntly resigned as city corporation counsel, and Anthony La ~fore. former director of public works for Newark . a~ no'Y . ~x­ ecutive director of the Muruc1pal Ut1ht1e1 Authority. The new indict.ment.s came on the heels or a grand jury action announced Tues- day in which more than SO persons were charged with gambling conspiracy in a crackdown on Mafia controlled rackets. Libra ry to Screen Three Prize Movies Three award winning films will be shown in the Huntington Beach Library Free Film Forum· Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the administrative annex, 523 Main St. Films to be shown are "Sky Over Holland," a Cannes Festival winner; "A Place to Stand, >t Academy Award winner shown at Expo 87, and "Umbrella,'' a Russian film presenting a story without dlalogue, nterest : . • -pHOTOORAPHERS SNAP SU$AN DENISE ATKINS IN JAIL.- Suspect, 2l, Pleads lnnae.nt After lnfo.rmlne in Tate C•H lnf.ormer Pleads Innocent; Ma y Get Separate Trial, FrOm Wire sfrvtce1 LOS ANGELES -A· girt member of Charles Manson;s hippie-style, clan has pleaded innocent to mu rdering actress Sharon . Tate ·aoo six others, and a pros· ecutar says 1she may get a separate . trial . Susan Denise Atkins, 21 . willowy and Impassive, spOke a soft "Not guilty," then flashed a bright grin as she made her plea Tue9day before Superior Court Judge William Keene. Miss Atkins, Manson, 35, Charles D. "Tex'' Wa tsoi;i, 24, Lh1da Kasabian . 20, and Patricia Krenwlnket,. 22) have been charged with . five murders 1n the Tate case. · The county grand jury accused the same five, plus another girl clan mem· ber, Leslie Van Houten , 19,. of kUllng Leno La.Diana, 44~ and hls wife Rose- mary, 38, who owned a chaln of Holly· wood markets, In the LaBianca home the night after the slaughter -at ' the Tate estate. ·If .prosecutor~ decide to use statements from Miss Atkins, who has said she was present. at the killings, and if her attor· neys request a separate U1al for her. then under the law she call't be tried with the others, said Deputy Dist. Atty. Sharon Siovilz. Judge Keene set Mi!s Atkins' trial for Feb. 9. ~le will hear pleas Monday from t.fanson, Miss Kasablan and ·Miu Van Houten. . Miu Krenwlnkel anH Watiori are in tht proces1 of being extradited from A1a· bama and Texas respectively. Ia Austin, Tuesday, Texas SecretarY oft ~tate Martin Dies Jr. set a hearing -for Jan. 5 at which Los Angeles police must provide evidence that linkl WatJon to the Tate murders. Luce resigned today as ch~ef of the state Business and Transportahqn Agency to accept the presidency U Ii savit)gs and Joan ai!OCiation. UFOs Jtill Unidentified • Dies set the hearing for to a.m. ~t day on a request by Gov. Rona)( Reagan of California that 'Tex1s return Wat.son. 24. to Los Angeles to stand trial for Luce., who has held lhe job si?ce the hc~inning or Gov. Re a~ an ~ ad- ininistration, January. 1967. 1~ the first. of the toKemor·s top agency chief~ kl quit. ~eatan in a statement, said he ac· cepteM t.'uce·s resignation "with dee p rcgre.t.1 ' .. _. ....... ;. ... th t "He came with the und ... ,._,.....,'6 1 he could return to t.he private ~ •• aftu one or two years," Reagan said. Now th• tlme has come for him to re~. to private lift. And, while all of us will miss him:very much; we wish him ~~ery 1uc- cfts in'all hts future activJUes ... Hil departure from 'the adm1n1strallon had been rumorid for weeks -and COD· 1l11tenlly denied by Lu6e. tJe had betn , dl.scus.sed a5 a -poss!blg s11ccusor to Caspar \Yeinherger, the n-.ngoin1 !!late finance director, but last Vi'eek EdwJn llfeest Ill, Reagan's e1- cc"Jlivc secretary, said the )ob wou~.: go to one of tht. four agency i • Weinbtrger is le.1vin& Jan. J to become chairman oC the Fedtral Trade Com· mlWon. murder. Air For ce Closes Investigation A fter 2 1 Yea rs Walson,· former high schoo~ sports star · at 'Farmersvlne. Tex., has bten held in COTJin eoUnty Jail at McKinley, Tei .• since Nov. 30. \VASHINGTON (AP ) -The Air For.ce today officially closed Project Blue Book, the agency which for 21 years has been investigating unidentified flying objects. Secretary· of the Air Force Robert C. Seamans Jr. 1aid contlnuatloft or the agency "cannot be justified either on the ground of na~ional security or In the in- terest of &cience." Clo&ihg of the ofllct was suggested earlier this year in a report prepared by the University or Colorado and later en· dorsed by the National Academy of Sciencts. Thal report. which COfit lht Pentagon $539,000 and involved an IB·month study of f1;1ng saucer reports, concluded that littlt If anythif11 had re1t1lted from I"" veatigations of UFOs over the past two decadu. Th< Colorado ropgrt, compiled under the direclion of Dr. Edward U, Condon, asserted there was no justification for further.extensive study of UFO sightings in the hope that scientific knowledge would be advanced. The Air Force says Project Blue Book's conclusions based on investigations since 1948 are that: -No UFO reported, lnvtstlpttd ;o1J<f evalualed by the. Air Force bas eyer glvt>O any indication of being 1 tbrea' to national 1ecurlly. • ,.i -No evidence ha s ever ~n submitted or discovered by the Air Forcg that UFO !fightings represent technolog1cal develop. ments beyond the rongt of present day sclentlf'ic knowledge. -There has been no evlatnce tn-- dlcating that UFO! are 1pace 1hlps from other planets, -. ar_.._ The Air l'ot<e..&lil Pntjft( lllilo~-. < fat.r.icla Krenwinkel W•• being ·held In records would be placed' in tht:Air Force the county jail ·•t Mobile, AJa. tod_, on archives at Maxwell Air Force' Ba9e, a 'go<rernoi''i warrant oidering htr ~return Alabama. to cayromta ,to lace. c!>a .,. ln the ""~ OfOcl~la: aald Air Foroe hefdqual'len ' mutden. . ~, 1. • , • iYl the Pentagari,wOuld <Olltlnu• to·hll\dlt The '23-y .. 1'-old llillpeCt waa b'aM!emd requw lbr lnlonn~tlon en UyOs. Tutaday riom dty•)lll,"?f>ire 1hi! hid CIOIUl"f: ofthe offJCt!; involvn oQjy three bee:n held alnct. her •hit Dee. J.' P<OPie, Including u, Col. HtclOr .,Quln-~ blarlnc 1ordei-~ Mila lrto- tanlU• Jr., iJlho hU bffn cl)lel ol l!toject Winkel will fliht ulnlj!lt,. lo . Loo An- Bluo&ok:'lle·w 1/''olll!i<r ~, ~.m p1es by• d>tll01lfl'W1 ·t11e Pmmor'• •lnd,I ~(,..,.: . ' W!ITO~t Wfl dtilJ<d botiJ eftbai Thu .... 'nit Air force 'liotd.)t.wu unablt to . d•J' .,. ~r.· •w)ltn"· ~ •aJiornq, ~stinia\i ti,;,~ mudt '1'(oney. had 'betn M. ~,·Mma~ 1etp«led to 11twn, '•P<"t lnvudgatfng ,UFoi the ~ 21 -• YtAn "bcciluse • ~ It not ... •· , prot>ri•ted 1pecU\cqllt f~; llli• purJIOIC, • • · -si ... i. 1tl11J' .. 4?t ,. .undef •P.rOject Dint Book'• operation. _ . . , .... ' . , • reporto ol"UFO 1lghµn0·were ro,...arded ' ~-YOJ\I< IAP)-Mllll.1\Qclll edced to tllt oll<f by,vm..i'Wr Force blltf. de Into fosing tmlt~ .l!'d,'Y· 11 llt!JMlllf on the lttf"1Dttlon avalli~te -. <tee nn· wl.Uned their laid ' hivtt ad· 1...,. t,ho!t ..,....,·~·Biul Book • vancu . by 1 "'" t-to-\ marrJn. (See '"*' ~!Od "'"""· qttOloUom, I'-2W!J. .. . . ' •I r , • ..:> ' 1.'oday'• l 'l•-1 TEN CENTS • I e Voters Give Building Plans Boost Fountain Valley School Diatr1ct voters Tuesday endorsed the district's current building program for a second time, giv· ing an 87.9 percent "yes" vote to '8 million worth of local school bonds. '{he bonds had been approved originany Sept. 17, 1968, at 5 perctnt interest. Tuesday's vote boolted the interest rate to seven percent so bonds can be sold under current market condiUons. Despi\e foggy weather which persiated well into the day, the measure, which wilt provide the district. with 10 additional schools by 1978, wtll exceeded the two- thirds majority required for passage. Twenty percent, or 2.580 oi the total 12,873 registered voters living within the district went to the polls, an average turnout for a school bond election. District officia ls called for the electioft to authorize sale or the bonds al the new state-approved seven percent interest ceiling. Up until Tuesday the Fountain Valley district found itseU stuck with $8 million in voter-approved bonds whiq, it could not sell since the allowable Interest was set at five J)ercent. ''The 87.9 percent vote shows astound· Ing Npporl of U\e district by the com- munity. We deeply appreciate th1 people's inv~vemmt Ind enthusium for th• achoo! di!trict," aald Diltricl liuper· intendent Mike Brick. · "In difficult times such as these, such .a strong yes vote is unprecedented,, for Fountain Valier, and for surrowadinl school dlltrlctr: • A young Westminster mother entered a plea or guilty to miJdtm~ Child aban· dorunent Tuesday in West Orqe Count)' Municipal Court. Judge Fenton Jo'nes ortlered ](Ina Marleen Werner, 20, of 7601 Wyorn,µtg St., Westminster, to appear Jan. Z8 for a pro- bation hearing and sentencing for leaving her infant daughter, Yolanda Marie Lu- pien, on the doorstep ol a Stanton home Dec. 2, The child abandonment charges were red~ from felony ~ mh•demeanor status on the recommendation of Richard Beacom, ~t diatrict attorney. Concert Thursday, Not Wednesday Night The HunUngton ~h High School Community Christmas Concert will not be presented Wednesday night as an- nounced earlier. Instead the performance will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in lM school auditorium . Admission is free . 0r .... eoaac Weadier The roe for '!lmnday will be confined to the late night and early morning houri, with m06l• ly clear weather. and cool temp- eratures prevalllng. INSIDE TODAY Stud1nts from ages 6 to 11 "do thtir own thiK17" at UC frvint'• ezperimentat eltmtn· ta~ icltool. Thi1 unique tis& of ael/·motiuo:tion ii tU1cribtd on Pogc 12 1oday, r-~·--, I °"" 8 ";: . I~~~~ I -" ' ' ' '1·1' " H " " • " ... -~ .. < ~ ........ ,, ..... ~ 1• -" .....,.,,... . "''* ........ ..., ~..--ll --· ---1=' ;: -. :;:o"--·:i I .. • J DAil Y PILOT " U.S. .cuts 'Goldeti ·West W of k .. study . \ I . Funds ._ -' • I ~ as research asslslaots. :~ \ "~ ~~ By 1110MAS FORTUNE ano 1&8,63$ to UC! lor 84 st•"'~• 110,841 ,)f 111e o.11r ,.. ,,.., to Golden Wett f« 25 st.udeclI;';_.,$4,3$3 Ill a cutlllck lrom w!lat lhe1 asked ror, to Or..,. cOOoi ~.. , , uc Irvine, Oran&• Coast College and • .. 'l1¥t arilita .,. for t ... ihu tilt last Ila ~~ .. ,.. -._• Goklcn West Coll<ge have been awarded ''Thcn 'II 1 drawtoc• In ol the pul1e 177,000 in federal _k ... udy granl! for strings. There Is a reeling all tllroogh the the fim holf ol 1970. !U.S.) Of(i<e o(E<lucatlon II ls adzy yeor 18.113, nul'1 tO percent men than the 111.161 fW ,....,.._. 111. monlha. • '..,..,,.-.. ' , But F~·Mlilev !( lhJ UC! ll'i-. clil Kt3l ~~ ~-~1 think uie Mrs. Margery Prlgo1 UCI financial aids a.salltant. "We bave to hope the a\Jocl .. tlon 1J large enough fer what we have COll)D)itted ... Janet HoWell, employment counselor for OCC, said It appears there may have to be some cutback from the 55 students on the program this fall. Include Or&lli• Coast COllege. ''1b1t • Vf!rf frilhteolng. We would ba just ... aiek if "-e lost the procram," sbe rtacted. "Many of. the students couldn't stay in school without these jobs.·• ~ '* Jo!>I ~-----~ ' .. men!, ~ u.,i, ......,. • •· Prtgo said. • ;Fl-" \ Doaold Rao,doL head •( thb ,111 at The federal money is paid in wages to for federal ftmding,'' said Jack McGUI, poorer students given Jobs co the college assistant director or educational develop- cm:npuses. ment for the Orange Coast Junior College 'lbe granlll lrom the Deparimenl " . DistricL llealtb, Ectucalion lllld Woilare (HEW) OCC'• lasl 1•x-u11mth allocation was lasl' allo<allOo u;..,eJevant ~t covero the .. mm... ilie' noted, an.i ~iiilng th• awn· mer IWcJenta are allowed to work fO hours a J!etk in the program instead or just 15;'to'M costs more. She did not. reveal amounts, but she said UCI had been cut from ita request .· "lt iS always a guesing same," Wei Her feelings about the program \\'ere vividly told when the first announcement of the grants frc:m Congressman Richard , T. Hanna's office une¥J>lainably dld not Through the work-study grants the federal government pays 80 percent of the students' wages and the college 20 percent. At UCI students work Jn the bookstore and library, help out with laboratory work, and even man computers and serve She remarked that the bea ty of tbe· program is the ,ftudenta can-~rk clgQt on. eampus aM d'on;f n~-a·c~r ·; · Golden West Col,lege, was out of -at a conference for several di 1s ~ unav.a.ilable for comment. _ Saddlebaek College does not have <uch • program. .· 'Fra119llt With Peril' ' Parents Protest Sex Education ' 'Sex education is a way of changing at-senaiUve point of the whole controvtny, tiludes children ll&l"D from their parerita she c~ She said parents ahould be ~ asked U ~ are in favor of a program and is fraught with peril for a school that teaches .. because of an apparent 6:t;stem because parents are bound io sental revolution, they should adapt their rebel. sexual atUtudes and behavior to accept a . That is the view given by two Newport more leo.ient attitude toward premarital Beach women -Mmes. Faye Edelblute sex, homosexuality and all other aspects of sex." and Mary Martin -in testimony Monday She charged that this is an objective of lo a Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· the proponents of the program. nierce committee looking into the She ~Id she would endorse the pro· fWibility of sex education for the gram if acfiool offi~ia.14. would give their N · rt M -1.~1 dist ·ct solemn pron$e to the community to do ewpo • esa -uuu ri · nothing to offset U!e influence of home-... I feel if this is working against what tau,ght values. parents are trying to instill in their But she went on to say they couldn't ctilldre.n this really isn't right," Mrs. promise that because tbey believe "it is Martin aaid. the homt where all wrong lhlngs are . Mrs. Edelblut.e said she does not feel It being taught children and that the only Is better for children to learn the "facts hope for rigf1Urig society's wrongs is to of life" from a school teacher than in the ~~~~~~ our youth to a IOCial science back a1ley. "While l.he back alley descrip-She Ga.Id the school board and ad- tions are nQt always entirely accurate. ministration are out to change attitudes the back alley neither condones it or pro-and are not leveling about the objectives motes ti.'' she said. of "this new revolution in education." Mrs. Martin ran unsuccessfully for the Chamber of commerce committee gcbool board last spring. Mn. Edeiblu~ member Arthur Guy woMered aloud who is chainnan of c«DIDunity affairs for whether it wu in the committee's pur- DAILY Pft.OT Stiff ..... IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND HBPD's .Officer Marks Beach Policeman Robert C. Marks the Chamber Women's DiVlsion, claimed view to diacuss ~I adntiniltration. o111er wome~ in the chamber •greed with "Sex ..iucation could be pa<! and To Get Honor i.,,. but did not have their endoraement of parcel of tbls aoctaJ aciencea approach - hp:r comments. a device to change attitudes. I think a lot 1 ~rs. Edelblute warned the chamber of of peopte (eel tbls way,'" Dr. Frimll• HW>llngtoo Beach Pollco Officer Robert cbmmerce committee that if they recom-said C. Marks will receive a citatlon honoring . (or JeX education ~ will. cteate "tm•t addltlonal 111 education dwe!Uoc him u "OUtatandlng Police Offi~r of the Ii~-tunnoll_ .. Al in Anaheim, she op the Jnb11m .ad-JP tbe aolutloa,i• &Bk-Year .. Mondly at the &0th annlverNrJ • f/li!liaj aod ne1ghbon "111 d"'1de, ei( Mn. Edellill(te. meeUD( of the Hunlingtoo Beach Pest of appoattbi groups _wlll try to repl_ace the She aalll aer educi.Uon baa -the American Legion. school board, will want to fH'e the obligatory tn Sweden for ZQ years and Marks was selected for the hohor by :rwr:i=f!usa~ te~i!1:rsa'nd ':~ 0~ almost 90 JM:rcent of its inhabitants have his fellow officers. For his dedication and pose an tax overrides and bo~ iU1.1es·. h~ prem~ intercourse before they o:u~ng work in the fi~ld of Iden· "The h I d. 1r·e1 ·u be •·~k· if. 't reacq their "'•· . , lificawm and flngerprlJlUD(. ·. .sc 00 . 15 1 wi r-Y 1 ·'Ask~ the aourct ot that tntorznaUon,~ The 60th annfversary of the loca1 qn b;Jl'i wnty i.:ct ID ll't .ne~ 10 ijM '"1d ~ 11 ca1111non l!Jlowle!l#. Le..,.. pall wiU., be combined will> a yjars.'" llhe .,iii. l llr,e fOll williliJ. to She lald IO perceot of the Or~ C1J1m. Chrtllmu ~rty with Iha orcoa·s _:1;.,~~~u·" t~ • .-:a=~::. tl1 , ~l~~ttheL&!<e p~~~~ . a1. at1"t'Ot~·No1an ' •''~an:-·~~" · ,f• · .-. 'tit 1CfNri1 thal -Chartei members ·C'.lf the post will tie ~I' cl""'!!':?"""'1t . ~~Ed.delb~" addluGi!al iu, educa!liin is D<J!. what is honored. They are Lewis. W. Blodget, .. m not ~ enmg, ~·u"'" .... e neede(f?" ·~~ • -first commander and {ortner city at.- d. • · · . .. She ' aumlted the qnestton· ol s<x torney; Louis Mitchell, past post com-• f: · Mart~-lal4 ~~~to re~r eel~ ciwses be put on the baUot. mander, past district coriunander and test ah9at arq~U~h~-c: the.-.a>m· And she saidi"Jl could .be the dQty of the _(Qllll~ .H~tington Beach Poslmast.er, has mat~ <ill\ tO parenb ol 1,600 chamber commJttee to make pabllc .. all and Rlcherd Reeves. . seventh. ninth 8~ eleventh .Ir'~ ,the faclS -&II the rarftifications. What is ti!1t.s. . ' · ~ wrong with letting the parents know that ~.,~... questioM missed thO most any ~a~ly li!e . approach , 0 is the :i. hwnan1stic, atheistic approach . . lans Unveiled or Murdy Park ~Prelimlnar~ 'Grlwin&a Of recreati on flciUties and landscaping planned for IJ!ntington B;e:ach's ~)turdy Park at Qf:>Jdi:!n Wesi:Street..and Nonna Drive will lif studied \ollight. , . ~Thi! 7:30 p.n ·l9lnl·-loo rJll be al· ~oded by nienibfu of'tbo DeSJgn Review Jloatd and :lhe .RecreaU... and Parks c'omm.ission. ~ place is the ·ad~ Qllntstratlve annex. 523' Main St. ~The arehite«ural firm . of William Jtlurock will display a model of proposed Jtdditions to the 17-acrt park. DAILY PILOT 0~ANG£ co•ir PV8\.1Ui!NG~C0MPAN't 1'11~''* N. w.,4 Pre.:°""r -Pullllsl'tlr Beach Reque$ts Aid for Streels Huntington Beach has requested finan- cial' 'aid from Orange County for the im· provitmeot of aven major streets during 1970:" . ,.,_ Mondaf night the city council gave fotr:O.a) ~ (to the request,, wh ich ... t ' rum&; from the county Arterial Hi&J>w•Y. Financing Program. C II y Admtnl~tor .! Doyle Miller ~lained that the reqaests had to be presented bE:fore the ~ginning of the year to receive con.sideralion. Streets named bl the request were Gaffjeld1 Hamlltoo~ ·Bolsa Chica, Main. AP~t Ed'!)lil!s ·ond McFadden. In all cases tne primary irTiprovement hoped for is Widt:niQI to four' lanes. Apartment Unit . Request Denied City planning c~ners Tuesday. denied a request to alkwr coatruction of a J.>.unll apartment ·cillnjllell ~.,.,.. 2nd . 'Street and Olive Aveiiiie in HuntingWn Beach. The commission ruled by a 4-2 vote that the proposed apartments, applied for by Atlantic Oil Co. of Los Angele!:, would 1 be in direct conflict with the downtown concept of the Top of the Pier Plan. Reason for the denial was that the area , in question is destined for commercial rather than residential uses. In other action. the commissioners ar>-· proved the following items: -A reque!t to pemilt an addition to a Weber's Bread Co. building at Warner Avenue and Gothard Street. -A pennit for sale of alcoholic beverages at The Walller, a restaurant al Pa<lflc Coast Highway ind 1"11 Street. J•ck R. C11,11v Vitt Prnl<lrnt •!Id C:.-11 /M....,_r lhom11 k, • .,;r Insurance Claims to Soar ~Oller' , them11 A. M11,pt.ln• IM"'I""" l!dHor- ' Atl11rt W, l11tn An1tltl11 ldll ... Over Fog-~aused Wrecks Insurance claims from Ute 100 plus drivers involved tn Monday's massive pileup on the SanLR Aila freeway could 10 U • high u II million by the Ume all repe.irl are made and medical bills 're • pa)d. - A spokesman for a 1arge Insurance rum said claima win be txpediU!d by having repaira madt immediately CQ the driven' ""II pollcl.._ '.~•"1 _..,,, In • cue " 1hll m1CJ11toclt, tho r..,.rn wlll be made i lit*1' the drivers• ori. poUclel unOI Jhe lnvastlgatmt hlvl'been """pltled," be txplalnf!d. "Alter' all the f1cta an In. then lhe compjnies wlll make thtlr ' c!ilhna 19111111 0-1.,..t mpontfble to recovtr lhe money -that hu bttn ,x. Pel)ded .. , · 'the .h\.lurance reprtsentativt, wbo ask:· ... lo rtlllabi •llOll)'!Mu•. il1ll ht haf>-'~ to be m Iha mldale'Of !hi hug• wreck and escaped unllmned. "Companies are la~ wi',i •[>e!:l•I pro- ' blems in cases like this. t saw people hit from the rear and stop only t,o have~ a third car come along, hit the second which Is redrlven into the first, damaging both original can in different places," he explained. "It's '1lwaya difficult to determine lhf facts in an accident. but this one ts -ially bad. JI I had been hit, I woold • have had 1 hanfttme identifying who hij · me." ' The spokesman sakl k will Jll'Obllbly W.. ,...,..1 mqnths to gtt 'the detills of the we stratghteneil oot. "Even ,.,una th• car1 "P"ired b going to. take some time. Repair shops have to be found and parts will nave to • be,bN1U1ht in from all over lbe country," he OAld. "Just BU~"I from the dtmage 1 aaw, I ww!d "1 that repaln Cor the car1 i• golng to average around •~oao to '1,ZlO, and with niedical ~)'mtllla. well the tot.I c.wt b tmpo55ible to el\imate," be conch•~t<f. ,... .. . ! ' I Water Rates Study ·Set Valley to Learn Effects on City General Furi<l A staff study of water rates and certain water department procedures in Fountajn Valley was ordered Tuesday night by the city council. The study, requested by Councilman John Harper. wUI conceqtrate on the amount of money the city-run water department pays into the city's general fund. The water department currently pays the city 10 percent or j~ operating revenue (money gained from water service) as a franchise tax in place of what the city feels it v.·ould receive from a private water company in property taxes. Harper labeled that system a "hiClden tax" and complained that the percentage might be too much. The cjty had planned to raise the percen tage on that franchiite payment one percent per year. beginning in fiscal year 1971·72, with a maximum payinenf of 20 percent. The council asked Howard Stephens, ci· ty finance dilector,·tc> stlldy'the effect on city funds jf that franchise tax were held at 10 percent. He said a report coukf be ready in early March. Another proposal by Harper that the ci· ty consider a bond election to pay for future water department expansion was defeated by the other four councilmen. Newport Death Suspect Remanded -Without Bail By JOHN VALTERZA 01 t111 D•llV ,.Jlo! Sllll Mrs. Willis Dean Hunt was ordered Tuesday to rematn in Orange County Jail without ball and to appear at a prelii:nlnary hearing on murder charges Dec. 22 in Harbor Municipal Court. On Thursday her husband. whom she is accused of fatally stabbing last weekend, will be buried at Pacific View Memorial Park. _The services for the long-time Newport Beach yacht broker and marine service owner will be at 11 a.m. in the Pacific View ,chapel. Runt. 56, was stabbed to death Sunday night by a butcher knife which police allege was wielded by his sixth wile dur- ing an argument in their Corona de\ Mar home. Mrs. ~. anJ'sted sh_ortly af."J' she phoned ·1>0llee to·teport th&sti.bbing; was· arraigned on murder charges Tuesday PUC Rejects Biel SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Western Union Telegraph Co. 's request to raise ratu f6r services in California by slightly ·more than 10 percent has been denied by the st.ate public utilities commissiOn. The PUC said Tuesday in rejecting the Weltern Union request that the company had not provided reliable data separating costs for interstate and intrastate opera· tions . morning. The slight, 43-year-old brunette was represented before Judge Donald Bungan Tuesday by Beverly llills lawyer M.irk Green . The next court action \\'ill be at I :30 p.m., three days before Christmas, in Division One of the court. Her late husband -her fifth mate - leaves a daughter, Mrs. Noel Brown of West Los Angeles, from a previous mar- riage, and an adopted daughter, Dru, lZ, who is Mrs. Hunt's daughter by a previous marriage. Hall to Join Mosquito Board Hllntington Beach City Treasurer War- ren_ Hall Monday has been named the city's representative on the Orange Coun- ty ?\fosquito Abatement Board. Hall's aPJXlintment was suggested by Mayor Jack Green after he revealed that the current city representative on the board, Dr. Ralph M. Sher, was not a resi- dent of the community, a requirement for the office. Hall will serve a two-year term on the mosquito board. Dr. Sher has held the post since March 111, 1967 and was recom· mended for re.appointment by Jack H. Kimball, district manager. i Begin \vith. the \\·orld-famous Omega movement. Then c:ircle it .,.,;.th fla\vless diamonds. \Vho V·:ould dare allempt lo improve upon such peifec:tion? Ottfega \vould. pi;ongs, There's more diamond sparkle because lh erc is moro diamond expose!· Then t'hcy added color to th e dialt. Itmakea each w11ch more altracti\1e, .Jnore di1tinctiv1. See They designed nelv settings\ for the diamonds, ~liminatlng converltionaJ our complete Omega-diamond watch collection soon. Harper complained that t o day ' :; citizens were being forced to pa;y for ton1orrow's services through high waler rates: · . 1 Mayor Edward Just said ihe problem boils down to two phil~phies: t.tali>er's of lel the future taxpayer pay the bill, or pay it now. The latter system, favored by the ma- jority of the coupcil, d<J:esn 't throw the btrri:len er payment ~Y on property owners and is sc,mewhat ' cheaper than a bond election, said the mayor. Current budget planning indicates the city can h;indle all waler department ~x·· pRnsion without borro\\'ing or using bonds, according to city officials. Students Give Gifts to Poor In Ensenada Children at Huntington Beach's Star View School are giving instead of receiv· ing ·this Christmas. About 105 of them. all sixth graders, are donating all the presents they would ha ve exchanged with one another to poor children in Ensenada. Mexico. Some of the presents, colorfully wrap· ped and already placed under the Star View Christmas tree for delivery this Saturday include dolls, clothing, roller .skates and toy cars. 1\-'lrs. Rose Marie Thurman, a sixth grade teacher, said the idea of sending the presents across the border was con~ ceived by the children themselves who · arc curr.ently studying Latin Americi: 1 and Me:dco. r She said two cars would leave rol"'1 Ensenada this Saturday to deliver the~ gifts. Three classes are involved in th(!~ project. .! Valley Schools Give $2,370 to UF Drive 0 OMEGA l ' ; ' ..... "i CONVENIENT TERMS J.C. I I I . , 0 /J ..H-u1nphrte j d eweCerJ 22 Y!oARS SAME LOCATION BANKAMERICARO I MASTER CHARGE 1821 NEWPORT AVENUE PHONE 549,340 I L.... COSTA MESA ~---------~----MMMMMMJlliMm_,.Jn1~m:M.,,;)t111'}-,:-;:-:~\f • , l ' l j I ' . -. ~ ......... . ....... .. ...... --. ----········" -' Ul'I Ttlepho .. ll'hite House Clarist1nas Mrs. Richard Nixon holds one of the First Family's cherished orna- ments, made by daughter Tricia in kindergarten, while Tricia dis- plays an 18th century Italian ,..,ood carving during a scene from "Christmas at the :\Vllite House" television special to be broadcast during the holidays. Laguna Abortion Trial To Set Legal Precedent? By RICHARD P. NALL Of fllt IM!ly l'Jlol 51.tf Ab<!rtion charges against a Laguna Beach physician m3y end by setting new California legal precedent if the case -mo.kes the long trek to the State Supreme Court. Dr. Robert c. Robb, 66, or 34567 ~nic Drive, Dana Point, was arrested at his .spacious cliff-top home by Laguna police on SepL 4. Police accused the physician of illegally lndiiciq; ,roiscarriages in tw,o 20-~-old unmairled women. They said it nearly cost· the life of one or the patiehts when peritonitis, an infection of the abdomen, · dev~klped. Dr. Robb has denied the charges. *'I have never performed an operation on a pregnant woman," he said at the time, labeling the arrest "quite a shock to me." Robb, a widower, has practiced medicine in Laguna Beach about 10 years. . Jn Robb's defense, attorney Moses Berman of Santa Ana, is attempting to have the case thrown out of court on the grounds that it is unconstitutional. . In volumnious briefs, he has attacked the legality of California abortion law on numerous tangents. Pilot Logbook In asking Judge Paul 1t1ast, Central Orange County Municipal Court, to dismiss the action, Berman has filed a demurrer -a pleadiQg that the criminal complaint is unconstitutional en its face. Martin J. Heneghan, deputy district at· torney prosecuting the matter, maintain1 the law is valid. He said today whichever way Judge Mast rules on J'an. 9, the mat· ter will probably be appealed right on to the State Supreme Court. Heneghan said the State Supreme COOrt held that the old abortion law was un- cons\itutional on, the · gt'9Ull<is that pie pertili~ penal iOOe sec!l'!'\ l".U:· v~ and Jndefinlte. ~ t ~ The language stated that abortion was illegal unless necessary to Preserve lhe life of the motJ\er: The legd! latlgu11ge \\'IS amended to encompass the right 0.: therapeutic abortion. other abortion was said to be illegal. Berman ha~ attacked the therapeutic abortion section on the grounds that po standardfi are set up for medical authorization or a therapeutic abortion. He hiis shown that the law is applied in different ways in different partll of California. Tate Case Judge Comes ixon .Fires • l -• Democr at As Attorney . ; WASfUNGTON (AP) -President Nix- on aMounced today he ls firing Robert ltf. Morgenthau as U.S. altorney for the southern district of New York. To i.ucceed Democrat Morgenthau. who was his party's can.ctidate for governor of New York in 1962, Nixon will nominate Republican Whitney NQrth Seymour. Press secretary Rona1d L. Ziegler acknowledged that Morgenlhau had not resigned from the position. His term normally would have expired June 11, 1 ·-1. At this point, Ziegler said, Morgenthau has the optio n or submitting a letter of resignation or a letter will be sent to him · infonnlng him that Seymour Is his replacement. Seymour, 45, has been a member of the Man~attan law firm of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett since 1961. He was an assistant U.S. attorney for the southern district during three years of the Eisenhower ad~ ministration and, between 1966 and 1968, was a state senator. A World War II Army veteran, he was graduated with honors from Princeton University and received his 'law degree from Yale Law &hool. Morgenthau, son of Henry Morgenthau .Jr. who was secretary of the Treasury in lhe administrations af Franklin D. Roosevelt, has sen•ed as U.S. attorney since 1961, except for a brief period when he resigned to run for governor. Seymour, reached at his Manhattan of. fice, commented. "Obviously, I'm very pleas ld at the opportunity to take on this assignment." 'Morgenthau said only, "I have nothing to say now." r.forgenthau's ouster come1 foar days after his successful prosecution of former Manhattan Democratic "leader Carmine G. De Sapio on bribery conspiracy charges stemming from a scheme to bribe a former city official and extort contracts from Consolidated Edison utili· ly. The firing also comes five day1 after a federal jury found attorney.financier Roy ?>.1. Cohn, former aide to Lhe late Republican Sen. Joseph 8. McCarthy, in- nocent of bribery-conspiracy charges. Cohn insist.eel prior to and during the trial that Morgenthau was engaged in a "vendetta" against him becaus e McCarthy's Senate subcommlttee, during ari inve!tigation of ~uni.n In government, looked Into the pOeeibQitf of Gubver!!lion in the Tttasury Depart:m'ent under Morgenthau's father. Services ,Slated For Freeway Accident Victim Services will be held at 1 p.m. Thun- day for Erne.'lt Trujillo of Capistrano Beach, who was killed Monday when his car plunged over a so.root embankment as he tried to avoid the 100..car traffic pileup on the Santa Ana Freeway. The Rev. Joseph S. Steptiens, pastor· of the San Clemente United Presbyterian Church will officiate st the rites in Shef- f er Mortuary Chapel and burial in Pacific View Memorial Park. Trujillo. who would have celebrated his 42nd birthday today, was a paraplegic who devoted much or his life to develop. ing devia:s to help handicapped persons. The car he was driving on Monday was equipp?d wilh one of his invention1, designed to ... otile paraplegics to steer .an automobile Pftly . . -Trujillo w·af. ·Lbled more than 20 · )reara aio ·wblm .he was kicked by a ··*horse. 0. ot h1&. ,auettS.5.ful inventions ,Long ~3Y ·~fu ABS ·. ~ '.fir: NORMAN .;. ANDERSON · ;, : waa a sfS\em pe;&itting a paraplegic to ':. load hl'l'l!'!fl ldlll ibis wheelchair Into a · ·ape<:iaDy ..dMlgneil,..car, drive the car and tmload, with wheelchair at his destina-......_ ' ~ Of t111: DlllY f'tr.t 11-'1 ~. • I AS BILL ~·~be was a· Big Man on Campus at. Alhambra High. School back in 194i~.lcdar. as Superiot..Judge William B. Keene he'a a bi{' ma n in Southern Caiulflda legal circles. He'll preside over . the Tate murder " .,. ' . ~ cases. ~ • -v Id I tt could havi!:\bi!ien ~·29 yeah ago tliat BIUTn.~ wou ro on to play just .as big ati}it~ lfi,ult w0r1il:a1 .l_le ~id in a~ ~hool workL . ' . I • • ~ ~Un, mose days \D!·-waa fnendly, qaging and. even ~ .. A, I . i\OUI. • .~. { ~t now he. ~·~ ~ith ex~ cauu,~n. , "\ DO!i'T wA!ir'tla,obo mode• pen!Ol!a!i!f In a.ca,.,. fra\.has already ~~~." ud he1 ·cl"!Jlped-cloe.restrictlon5 ono~ltaltmmts. _... ~ • Jqc!go Ketne 'Iii Iii~ lb.unu:<fao ~ ,He:r ~~dOd d..ui~,,,f°"l""rn. COii•~:..! the;' ex · gn-stY.le· ~~ -~on' attendam ~ 1962. He presided O~fi~ egree murder conviction of songwriter Thomas Dilbeck, accusG!f of shooting his estranged wife to death and wounding three of her wit· neMtS in a crowded courthouse in 1961. , KEENE LEFT AHS duting the war years and went into the Army ICTV· tng with the Ninth Infantry Division . He went on to UCLA and matried hls high school girlfriend, Pat Dans- kin, was student body president there and ~hen became a member of the first graduating ch1ss of the UCLA law achooJ 10 1952. ·He waa named law school alumnus or the year in 1969. Judge Keene started out on tf'le other side of the bench, serving four years as a deputy district attorney .. Gov. Edmund Brown ApPOlnted him a municipal judge in 1963 and lapped him for the superior court m 1965. UNTIL 1118 assignment to the Tate case he has ~ head of court's criminal department in the central district of LOA Angeles, the city's most crime ridden. tn what probably will be a long and exhaustive trial, Judge Keene may be able to ptil Into practice one of his major goals -zttea?"llning crl~inal court proc!durcs. He and Pat and tbf:lr college ..qe_ 601l, 'Andrew John and teen·age daughter, Ktrry, live comfortably In Manhattan Beach. Jt'1 rather doobtful that durtng the next few months he'll rcc11l -a1 I do -that BUI Keene was the playboy star of the Alh•mbra High Winter Cl1u of j943 senior play, "Letters to Luetrne." As Judge William Keene, he's got more Important.matters to Otlnk aboul I .... tion. f Employed for 1he past 10 years as a , technical editor for Beckman Industries in Fullerton, 'Trujlllo also was the owner cf Trujillo Indu.trles, a sick-room supply Orm with outletS in San Clemente and • Fullerton. · i · He·ls survi~'b; his widow, Dawn, ar Capistrano ,.~ICh; a daughter, Eliens· Faith '.I'rUjllkl 'tlf Berlin, Germany; parents, Mr~ and Mn. Samuel Trujillo of .Su..Clemente;'t.wO brothers, Charles H. . el Belinda. and Ahtbony of China Lake; Md a ,w.,.' llrL Opal R. Brown of WhltUer. Bal Man Heads Highway Unit Fred C. Jennings of Balboa Island ,... elected chairman of the Stat. Highway Commlsslon Tuesday for an abbreviated elx·month itrm. JennJna1, who lives at 305 N. Bay Froot. 11 a Riverside business executive. Jte was named to the commission in 1968 by former Gov. Edmund G. Brown and reappointed a year later to a full four- year term by Gov. Ronald Reagan. Jennings succeeded Vernon Crs!Una ol San Jose. Moon Lim Lee, lri, a Wcavervlllc merchant. was selected vke chairman, replacing Jennilli•· Jennlngs and Lee will serve aa com- mission officers until July t when a new election wUI be called so the chairman and vice chalnnan can be cho&en on A !ilea! year buts. wen ~-r.e11 •' GJna .bollobrigida attracts th• at~tion ;01· Rome Christmas sh6ppers in.a maxi-length .tiger lqr coat. ... :, . ~ . . ~ . , Rescue · 'Practice ·· • Ends in Crash A rescue helicopter practicing landings with a young Navy officer from Orange at the control!!! crashed into the sea off Midway Island Monday, bringing a resc'Je boat to their aid. None of the three men aboard were in· jured in the mishap, announced Tuesday by Navy offtclab at Peart Harbor. Lt. (jg) Robert c. HilA:hcock, 25, ol 366 N. Maplewood St., Orange, to Id authorities the chopper, lost power a mile off the Island's reer, plopped into the Pacific and sank out of 11.ight. Two Nuclear Tests .. ~ • 1 ' '' ' - Carried Out Today b'.S VEGAS,' Nev. lAP) , -Two nuclear tests wM-e canie<l out beneath th& Nevada ' dowt fgdaJ within 15 mlninet al "...i. olhiir1 ~ -· Ener · -CoDunisl!On l~ · · 1 1 . It: . " . .. . ' .... •. - H Project ill N~e -! ' . ·county: W·1;1rned l . \ J On Tr ansport . ' I . 11Y· TOM BARLEY Of-. IMftr ·l'tr.t Ii.tr . . ' ' . ' . A fast ·~ng and ~ 0r"!lle ~ 1s gom1 to nee.I ttaniiiod.11on syiterns able to cope with maiJimoltf and complex traffic patterns and the. time to start planning Is now, Orange ~otmty aupervlsors were warned Tuesday. The hefty nudge came from UCI·J>ro. ject 21, a study team that h.., been analyzing the air and ground transpor· taon needs ol the 'coonly for t1jt put seven rDonths. lt came in the farm OI. "Orange Comlty OQ. tbe' Move,'' a 40-pas4! booklet swnmaril:fng the findings of the group and offering recommendaUons to the board, the county's cities and the private citizen. John 8. Lawson of Laguna Niguel, president of Project 21. Urced ~pervtson to "immediately study tile implications of our report and plan for its im- plemenLation al the earliest possible date. "I believe that the report provides a frameWork en which dedsion:1'.Q&kers can move ahead with the difficult proces.s of providing sohrtlons," Lawsorf 1 a i d • "Orange County has reached the critical stage in plann:lng · for its· loiig range traosportatjon needs." STRESSING NEED . Stressing the "groWing need for highways, public parking,, p u b J i c transportation and air service" the report warns that "~fective grOUJ\11 and air·bas- ed transportation 13-vltal to the continued growth Of Orange County. 1be question is not · whether to have transpOrtition facilities but rat.her how to plan theee facilities in such a manner that they achieve the most posltlve contribution to the county with· the least amount of side effects." Public tr!MpOrtatlon, Ille report 111g. gests, should· be given a fint year priori- ty in tile Orange Coonty G<neral Plan- n~ Program.. "While our freeway netWork ts· capable of handling current needs and will be expanded in the ruture, there will come a point when only the mass, rapid movement of la\-ge numbers of people will avoid congestion of massive propOrtions," the report adds. S\r=od in Ille reporl b tile need to provide "expanded public transportation for the poor, the aged and those others who do net own autos in an auto-oriented society." Air traffic and l the county's ability to cop1 wttll ill -laftc Oii much ol 1lie rOport and'' LaWIOll _,_, /h• ••porvtaon for their r.cm 7:--. or Ille ·aecoiid phase ol tile. county~ter plan ol air -.por1a11m. He reminded the board tbat tbe re~ called for the "Creation of1new' jenerar aviaUOn' l!rpon.. tO handle the l!'Owlnl num~ Gt•OrlliO·jlOIJlilj ~ile ad smantt·C:Cirimerciil ~· P~• aren't the only onea: usina: air tranlpm'ta-· lion/'. the report notes,, ,.manufactunra a.nd others are increulicly finding that-, air fre!ght Is an efflcieht, ec:ooomlcad means of trui1porting <high-value, ldw- Qulk.producta." · ·: . "fmmed late steps should ~ taken to retain and tmprove. existing faclJitlea arVt plan new factliµes at a rate auffldent to meet anticipated demand.'' the report~ . ital ... "Sit!• •""ild,be let lllide in'lllP' developed areas prior to development·IM protect..! tl1rough appropriate land' !ile control> to .auure comp&tililllly . With ultimate developineOt:" ' . The study team warns against .. acf. ditional delays" ln the county's !!ltudJ of air tran!!lpori,.tion "as they. can an1y com- pound aJreaol¥ crtucat problrmo at Orange Countf.Airport and ~Mure .optiON to a /point where that ali]iert becomes the • regional airport -' by deraulL" A p,arti<ular target ol the study tam wu w~m Orance Coupt1 '"":t-e population, autoo llld basinesl..,.. 11tfn& rlH to denslUH.for all thrit. '"' · LAUNCH PllOG~ And the report call• for lnnd>fnC ol ~ "special planning program to judge the impact of the .changing face o1 waf«n Orange County and ao ~ ol alternative ways of 8ccomm0da.Una: tbele. d "ll H " ... o I ensJwes. ., Resldential·parking, statd tllo ._.i;. shool<I be stapdardized. It allo IUQllf.S that Joe.I governments make •: .. of · special stale en1bll11g ~tlon penillt' ting the fomiatlon·of parkinl districts to alleviate crowded periling. . "If we · don't plan," wamed LaWIOft "tllen the aystenr will pem 1111, II ;;iii · force us· into noise, congtmtion, into.._. vironmental pollution and ~ of. the beaUties which brwghl us to Orao&o~ County in the lint plact." Countian Killed In Vegas Wreck · A youthful motorist from Orange was · killed and his passenger critically injured : Tuesday when their car veered . off· ln~ate Highway 1~ south of~ VftP.$. arl<lcoverturned. . , J~ l'i· Cliaverm, :m, ~L~~· fr1 arrlval at a Lu 1 Veps iu;pna.i, '°'- confillg to ·th• Nevada HJal>way Patro), Bru .. A. Feldman, 19, also ol Orange, .... admitted "' the hospital'•·~~·-· care. lU1lt wltb multiple injuriea, io~ P !!i'l •ilild. · The . Chaverria car 1'nt off ·the lOldiia:Y II mllfl loutb,il lht,pm . , rd City, accordb>g to ofltcen.' Xmas Hl~FI ale! .SAVE 25% to 40%. 'ON COMPLETE S·PIECE STEREO SYSTEMS! . . GARRAID 25-watt · SYSTEM ' \ ' .. ~ 'IWi_y PILOT Mlch••I Dunphy, of San Francis· co who was arrested for Illegally wMring an Army general's uni· lorrn with rows, of campaign rJ1>. bons, ays be may subpoena actor John Wayne in his tri~l. "After all, h·e wear• army uniforms all t h e time and has never. 'been arrest- ed," said Dunphy. 24. · • ' Beatle Joltn Lennon and his Ja~ ttes wife Yoko are hardly 1'ecogntz... able as they huddle tog£ther drtsttd in ballaclaoo helmets a.nd mO'hk·typ« f'Obes at the market .squore i_n Laven~ ham, England during• p _film break. P.S. -John'• on· the ·ieff • Toll~collectors at Palmyra, N.J. will give rather than receive. on Christmas Day. Collectors station- ed at ·the_. Tacony-Pal myra a~d Burlington-Briston bridges will dis- tribute greeting car~,...to pass~ng motorists on the holiday, forgoing tlie nickel ton. • , Tht Rayleigh, England Coun- 1 cit U willing to pay its workmen ,2.40 e.:itra a day if thty stay aobir. over the Christmas holi· •day'. The workers deal wit~ such 1ob1 a1 df!·icing roads and u:n.- blocking drains. -. . - ,y.,.·Ll•I Tori, a 17-yur-otd·iiu.; ®nt from Singapore, said sh·elonJy wanted to see "the practical l:ide of ih.e law to support my studie1." She did. That's why she was in court in London, pleading guilty to •boplifting a skirt, a jumper and a pair of slaclts from a West End store. "Did you find it an agree- able experience?" asked Mqis. trate St. John Harmsworth. "Oh, yes -and I have learned a lot," Me replied. "I'm inclined to ac· cept what you say," he said-·&nd fined her $12 with a warning: "No more practical lessons like this.''· • . ' Gloria Rtmos of Wilmington, Del. i~ all aglow over her $27.39 electri~ bill from Delmarva Power & light Co. or, as she put it: "I'm so happy I could kiss their kilD- waU." The bill represents a victory in a battle with DP&L since Octob- er over a $150.06 charge for the summer months when Mrs. Ramos ujd she and her husband were out of the city and not .even using their apartment The company, after several meetings with Mrs. Ramos, discovered the error and present- ed her with the correct bW for $27.39. S: ·yiet . Deaths Ju.mp ' - T ~ll Reflects 'lncrei.i~sing Share' o;f ~ ar • ' '. I • ' SAIG01' CAP) -The SOulh Viet- namese total ol baU!efiellld•l!I nported far the pa.st ~ven .~Onths .i.si more than double that or Am¢rican forces, renec- Ung what Presldeti:t Nguyen V~ ThJeu calls thell "incrtasing shin" of the war eflort. South Vietnamese Casuallit! have been higher than UlO&e sulfered by American troops for 30 consecutive weeks, fr()tn May 10 through Dt<:. 6, accOrdlng to Of.. flclal casualty summari~11. During that period, 11 ,450 government soldiers and 4,907 Americans were reparted killed in acUon. During the first 19 weeks of Utt year, Saig~n .Scor~d For Treatment Of Massacre SAIGON (AP)··-SOutll Vietnam's leading legal opposif.iol;l group today COO· demned the alleged My Lai massacre as a "grisly killing" ci dvilians and blasted the Saigon government for it:; treatment of the incident. ~-Tran Van 'Don's National Salvation Front said it had established in a two- week investlgation ·that "beyond any doubt there was mass killing of mostly women and children" at the coastal village on MUcb 16, 1968. While avoiding direct referenCe to the, American troops accu~ of ·murdering more than 100 Vietnamese clVilians, the atatemmt s8.id the Front "s.Vere.Jy con· demns the guilty criminals .•• although. Uie massacre represenl..! but an isolated case." The group ·also accused the Saigon government of ''declining its. responsibility and guilt. in the fl)&ssacre'• and said it wps "extremely shoc~ed." It" said tpe government should institute \\'ithout delay a policy of joint U .S.-South Vietnamese command over military ac- tivities to av{lid such incidents. Despite the numerous reports by· American troops o! the,alleged massacre,. the U.S. Army fnveStigation under way. ~. tl1e 1'i\l1dJ:•waf !lf,.me !0,000 U.S. troops ·bfgan, · cuualties were nearly equal, with 4,930 South Vietnamese and 4,292 Americans reported killed on the battlefield. In the northern Mekont Delta. from which Americatl Wantr)rmtn we re "'ithdrawn last summer ln tht. flr1t troop cu tback, a battalion of 500 ~SOulh Viet· nameae was taken by surprise at suMet Tuesday shortly after helicopter~ landed therri in an area of palm groves and sugar•cane fielda to ~aearch out a Vitt Cone battalion. The government troops ran into mines, booby traps and a hail of m1chlne gUn lire that killeil 20 men and wounded 113. £• UPI T•ltphole T11's And11 Dies and the filing cf Army charges agfinf, I•'uneral ~ervices were heJ.d lo· two soldiers Presidmt Nguyen . ,Van day f<?r Spe nce.r Williams, Thieu's government has mainl&Jned that shown in 1951 file photo, Who no massacre occurred. lt said a 1mall played Andy on the "Amos 'N' n;umber cf :·civilians were kill~ ~t. }1 Andr" te,le_visi~ries in .\he artillery fire during an attack on ' Viel .. -~<.: .W~s !!9~1 a ~os-, Cong .in the village and that thls~w'f; ' ; ~t Wi!Ok · "'"the"-811{'~ unavoidable. , ' . '1. ,1. ~·:-· ·-.. _. :; * * * .. My Lai Judge Asks Probe Of Gls, 5 News Groups fO!lT. BENNING,. Ga. (,\!') ~ The milltary jud1e who will preside at the mar.dq trJll.1!f· 1•t LL Willi1111 ~-C~lley Jr. ha~ asked for the investiga:µon of ty,·o former Gls and five news otpnizalloil1 in connection with published discussions or the alleged My Lai massacre. ' case came during a pretrial hearing at· which ~fense counsel asked that charges ~ainsl Ca11ey be droppeJI. -They coTitended that lhe Ann y acted too late ln bringing the 26-yur-oJd ofifoo- to tMat because he was ®..t for di scharge last Sept. 7. ..Fe •• Only two \'iet Cong were known dead 11 the enemy pulled back in the dark. Jn the past five 'Y.eeks, South Viet- namese forces have been dealt at least four setbacks In the northern and central delta, with 113 of their men killed in those engagements and more than 100 wouri<kld at a cost of only 16 Viet , Cong knoWn dead. Viet Copg gunners shelled Saigon Tues- day for the first Ume in four months with a single 100.pound missiie that landed tn a grcup of houses adjacent to a hospital. Four civiliarui were wounded, one house was destroyed and two others were badly damaged. Nine Arsonists Face Charges In Italy Blasts ROME (AP) -Police in Milan and Rome charged nine members of a band · of anarchists Wednesday night wi th set- ting the bombs that killed 14 persons and injured more than 100 last weekend. Their moti ve, the t\.Ulan police chief said, was "anarchy itself." A 10th member of the band. ti-year-old railroad worker Giuseppe Pinf!lli, leaped to his death from !he fourth floor of the Milan police headquarters duiing ques- tioning early Tu esday. Among those charged ~·as a 36-year-old ballet dan~r. Pietro Valpr.eda, known to other dancers as 0 the cobra." The eight ethers implicated l.n the case ·are young studenls or workers, including a 19-year- <1ld German girl. The police said they either helped build the bombs or set them off. The most devast.a:Ung blut jarred the Banca' Nazionale della · Agricoltura ti\ Milan Friday. killing 14 persons and' in- juring 90. Three smaller explosions went off in Rome at aboyt the same time, in-juring 17. ~ Valpreda, <1ne of more than 150 known extremists rounded up for questioning, was tak~ into custody in Rome shortly after the bombings. A hlilan taxi driver identified him, saying he drove him to the bank shortly before the explosion. The driver said Valpreda told him to wait and came back a few minutes later without the ·big. · The investigation of the bombs also turned up several caches of weapons kept by extremist groups, One was at Quer«to, in ceotrat Jtaly, where police raided a ¥AAist a{u\ip1s hiadquartera.and, "izod a citibma~~Stea -iiins;·i si x riOes, 'lfx pistols, m.~ shotguns, am- munition ~d a hand grenade, Spanish Duchess Killed in Crash MADRID. Spain (AP) -Spain's Duchess of Albuquerque, was killed \Vednesday when her car ccllided with one driven by Rafael "Ramfis" Leonida!I Trujillo Jr., son of late Oonµnican dic- tator Rafael Trujillo. Trujillo was reported to be in a grave condition after the crash and an 11-year- old son of the duches.!i was also seriously injured. ----------. Dolly Debuts Barbra Streisand and co-star Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong.pose for photogiaphers in ·New York Tuesday night at premiere of•the movie, "Hello, Dolly!" Miss Streisand was mobbed by over 1,000 fans on arrival at the theater. It took police 15 minutes to get .the ·star from her car to the theater. · Tiny Takes Vows America Invited to Watch on TV NEW YORK (UPI) --Herbert Buck· guess was b'a.sed on hearing ~ sinpr lngham Khaury, commohly known as years ago in Greenwich Village. Tiny put Tiny Tim, is gelting married tonight. God his a6e as 37 on the marriage license a~ bless us every one. plicati on. The marriage cecemony will be The ceremony was to take about 15 brought into the American home by minutes during the 1ast half hour on television. The groom wHI wear a high NBC's "The Tonight Show starrlpg Johno beaver hat, 11n invf!rness cape, a t. __ generally Victorian air, and a new ny Carson," on which Tiny, Tim iw; madti hairdo. It will be combed. 18 singing appearances in a year and .t The bride will wear a Victori~style half. He first sprang to pubJic notice with gown of off-white peau de soie (French, a rendition-or "Tiptoe Through the "skin o! silk") with an empire waist and Tulip~" on "Ro1van and Martin's Laugh- three-foot frajn. Victoria May Budinger, Jn." commonly known as Vicki -and to the A special guest at the wedding will},. groom at "Miss Vicki" -will be given · Nick Lucas., lfho inlroduefJ4 '''nptoe." -away~ her fat{ler, Allan. 1 the song with which '.J'inY nm i11 no'." Aik:ed if he .thought ~tting inartied ·identified -~ck in 1929 in the movie woul(I hi.i.rt' his"pttblic im~1 Tiny Tim "'"GOlddig gers of Broadway."• Rud 1 r!plled: "Ne>,. t'm,not -a -lei: iymbol like Vallee, Ule ."vagabond-Jover" bellwether Tom Jones." f)f thi 'post flapper-era nasal song genr• Was .he netvou'? "Not as nervou1 as to which Tiny Tim is partial. was invited I'll be tortlght. I hope J'(ll, worthy of her. but had to cancel at the last mintue. I've got the regular bridegroom nervous Phyllis Diller and Florence Henderson feeling." wlll be special guests. How about children? ·"I want a big Tiny Tim's hair. which llOrmally hanp family, as large as heaven will allow. bream-low in stringy likeness to that of Even 20 will not be too many.'' the. late Rasputin, will be groomed for the The best man will be the singer's certmony by a top beauty ccnsultant, manager, JOscph Cappellutzo. It was a Mark Traynor. It could be the first com- previous manager, one of several Khaury bing for some time. had in 1963. who thought up the narfte of "He's a meticulously clean man.-he Tiny Tim. Before that he sang unc;ler the takes iieveral sho~·ers and washe!I hi• names of Emmet Swink, Vernon Clstle, hair every day, but he doesn't comb it," Larry Love, Darry Dove, and Judah K. said Tiny Tim's public Te I at ion 1 i'oxglove. manager, Selma Gore. "Traynor isl\ 't Tin!'· after the way of the sh<lw folk, going to cut it but will groom it, and does not disclose his age. The bride is 17. may take off a qua rt.er inch whertt "His age is a secret -he's around 42.'' needed. He'll probably look like Errol said one man who said his educated Flynn in a swashbucklil\C period piece.. Lt.. Col. Reid \V. Kennedy directed Tuesday thal the Justice Department be asked to investigate po~ible violations of his ban against dl!cussion of the Calley rase by. potential witnesses and he asked Calley is charged witti the premediated murder of 109 Vietnamese civilians at My Lai in March 1968 and .one civilian six ...... _,,..,..,,..,..,.. .... ,. ()PEN NITESTilL CHRISTMAS. "'"""""'"""""'""",."'""""• to pl'OltCute wlMre warrinted. • Kennedy citid" fotlr cases litvolving Herbert L. Carter. and, llonsld 'L'- H-rle,. both former '1lldien, Md the National Broadcasting Co.; ·Life magazine, Time mqazi.ne, the Houston Chronicle and The Asaocilted Press. 'lbe judl:e'1 order to prosecutors in the weeks earlier. : Kennedy withheld a decision on them&- tion to dismiss .. He .ma be will hear arguments on all mottons at a Jan. 20 hearing. No dale has been set for the Calley court-martial. KeMedy ordered NQv. 25 that potenti•1 witnesses in the trial refrain from giving interviews to news media. He directed trial ccunsel lo transmit his order to the witness~s. i Weather's Cold, But Fair i • ~ I Northwest Still Keeps Alert for Ocean Storm ' ' ' €aHfof'l!lla IGU1M!AN c.,i.l~NlA -l"' (,.,.,. .,.. "'" .... frlilll, ~ 11\.o ..... to CM11•1 "¥11....,. tit 1l;fe l'lltltt lllif .. rl't MOf"lflt lwil\'1. -...WI•• """"011 1111~ clouib Wlaiell•....., •nd Tklniff'f. ,..,,. "'Iii (It ~"",.. -· lOS ANGELES All:EA-l-clelld• ..... ltkal fOI I" 1111111 UVf H r/'t -. ""' '*'rs. bu• -~ v1rl1~11 """ •IOlld• • ...., l'llfV lllll~l!lnt ..... .,,. """"'' trld T~U"'61V, L llllt ,.,,, .. ,.. .tll" di-. Ml1ll for Wt!l......,.., 61, COASTAL VAlltYS -"tldiV '" ., ..... <loutll l•lt' "''"' .,,. "'"" _,., ... '*"'* hut l\tt'f' IUf\llllflt wltlt ............. ftltfl tlwdf l'Mlt tf \lfeillnu• .., 9lld '""•lldt¥. '""' ....,_'"''" ' W I . ltY 4 .. Jtl, Hltllt WHnt14t't ..... " .,-Wlt#DGll' 'Ml.UYS. -Vtr&. ... ""' --•• .. . t • ""' '"'-.. M MIT ~ ~t et 11e11t .._ I.Miii ~ ... l - -~"!!·--' If fl u, Hllhl w~ -.. ... N. ~ -.rfitTAM ur,u.-v1r~" 11r111 =W I .WT~tivt s .... ', ....... _lltelfl ttl'l't. Hot --........ . COOlJ•IMI Albvt!UWll\lt ... ~ ... "'"'"" l!•~··fll•hl &hmer{.11; l!ols• '°"""'" er-yl11t Clllt1tll'I c1.,co.,,,.tt De""' [le' Mel,,., Dt!roll '•l•M•lln 'O•I Wt!l'I~ ,.~ .. 'Ill Ht!tl\f M-1\1111 K*"''' City Lt• v"'' lo. ....... .... , M""-"11t ..... Ol'lt*M -y"" ....... Okt•ll«Plt tlfV """'" ,.,.,., S-otrl111• , "•"" ltlbl• ·-· l"lllUlurtlt .,,,. .. ltllfllel Cllt ~ atufl ~ ... &.frltfN'lt. $.tit L•k• CilY 51111 OJtte Stll ,,tlltltca ... ,. -·~ T11erm11 W1tlllMlon I~ ' )l!tfl ltw ...... " " " .. ,. ,, ... " " . .. " n .. " ,. " 34 ,, " ~ " " ,, ,. ,01 lf 01 . "' . " 75 u .. ~ ,. n .. ~ " .. " .. n "' .tt ' •! " .. " .... n " .. " " . " .. " " .. " • • ti ~ .. " .. " : :' ., .. "' 0 ,,, J.I • .11 n • ... i I w I I I I i ! i MOOll. IHD,Jttl ~8 I ic"E MAKER $398 ···"~on1,31·.~.-.. 1-------------------------··--------------:-.,.., .. .., ' • \ \ I I: ' i I . ;. .: " l 1 ' i .I ' 1 , I i .• \ ' \ ' I: I : 1,1 I ,, .. ,. ,; ,, " ~ '" •1 ' r ~ );' r: .. >: ' ~ • t .. '· • ~ ~ , . • t ; ~ < r: ~ • ~-1 t • I . t < • .. \1\THE MOST COMPLETE Ci_UN SHOP .IN CALIFO~~I~. , NOW OPEN ••• at GRANT S.~_ SEE ALL OF THE NEW 1970 COLEMAN CAMPING EQUIPMENT ON DISPLAY ·. at GRANT'S! , gg;;z;: 4 poo ••'' iM s1oc1u ov: ro1DS * f\.AlllS * CASUA\.S * JIAMS ' . . , . de and narrow ~ "ll of the neW:~li~S -100•/o fin; stripes-oen~ cotton that won ~ .. , e•t·COmb .h • L S·ll<·l ,J(l, /".;II ~\Wlinkl.• Of s nn,.. · :.'•6·'' .•• ' The l•1urlOUS Giff! , l\lnll'ten Shirt"·· .$S BoV' ten Polo Shirts. .. : . $9 Hang· $12 Hang-ten Velours. . .. .. . u t llylon trunks .. · .. Hang· en . \ RUGER AUTOLOADIMG CARBINE . OPEN DAILY 9 UNTIL 9 SATURDAY 9·6 -SUNDAY 9.5 IVIN WHEN YOU Sii 1T-IY1 herd to ""'glot IU<h 1 complete Hunter's P1rHJ1ft ·All of tht f'IMtt bf'1nd1 of Guft1 , • , Ammvnltlon ••• Rt'"411 ••• Huntln9 Clothing (lot lht 9111, too).,. lrop1 ••• s..,., ... ~...D:>I. Dtc•J•· Yov unt lt-W•'" pt It, wHt JM want lt~":-n OVER 1,000 GUNS ON DISPLAY! • WitjCHISTIR •Al.MAUTE •REMINGTON • HOWMIJIG • WIAlltlltlY • CHllW DALY • WALTHEI • llltITTA • LLAM4 •SAKO •COLT •H&R • RUGllt •ITHACA • SMITH & WESSON '. Hort's 1 11111· W.. lfllr1 porlKt -from ow colltctlon of lffr: l.tri11•. DRESS F!ARES •••••••. $10 -$12 FLOE JEANS ........... · ... $1 LADIES' JEANS ......... $6-$1 CASUAL SLACKS ..•••••••. $10 IUSH JACKETS ........... $20 WESllltN ILO~IS .••. Slo·S14 FAMOUS BRANDS AT .BIG SAVINGS! WESTERN SHIRTS $695 . . WESTtRN STnED •.•• for W11t1rn- 1r1 , •• ancl l'll'WllMftf l'rHI f1~ric1, too. lol4 l'ltid1 1"4 Mild color• Ii' 111 11t1ff 11;...'rfls fti4 neck 11111. ' ! . . I0011 • .....;i ' lip ........ .,Jm '""' $~50 • ----------------------------------·. --~ ------~ -----.~~~----------------------- r '• " " • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Time to Hanl!ngton Beach'• OU Code i.. In t.he precess of undergoing a much needed revision In order that ii may allain lbe objectlves for which ii was established. One important change would increase t.he rniU!num production required to enable the operaUon ~avoid being declared "idle" and subject to abatement. Under the present code a well need only produce 20 barrels of oil or 20,000 cubic feet of gas in a calendar year to be an active well. This standard is obviously I09 IC>?. , City attorney Don Bonfa has been trying to beef up t.he ordlnal>ce to further the objective of cleaning up the many abandoned oil Installations blighting t.he city, especially In t.he downtown area. He says he has been hampered by a so-called oil committee that was named several years ago to aidi city officials in writing the original ordinance. lit is _ composed ol eight persons representing oil interests and one businessman. The committee was supposed to be disbanded and be superseded by an oil advisory committee composed of various segments of the community. . The City Council shou1d move at once ·to terminate the old oil committee and appoint the more representa· live advisory group in its place. Mayor's Tenn of Office Fountain Valley's City Council has set t.he mayor's tenn of office at two years. The new system effectively solves two problems. Disband It nen of t.he City Council. With a mayor unable to perpetuate himself tn office, the emphasis on the mayor·'s post will be where it should be -on the honor it represents, rather than on the potential for personal power it might offer. Yet by avoiding a one-year rotation system, the plan does give the mayor time to learn his job and to perform effectively. The council action •hould help keep t.he position out of politics or personal grudge matches. As a symbol ol Jeadership in the city the mayor's office should be above politics. Now it can be. Spurious Telephone Calls Parents In the Huntington Beach and Fountain Val· ley elementary school districts have been understand .. ably disturbed recently by telephone calls inquiring about their children. The callers delve into the family by asking the num .. ber of children in the home, their sex and similar ques. tlons. The telephone questioners indicate -that they repre- sent the school district. They do not. Flooded with calls from concerned parents, school district officials have recommended that parents refuse to answer any questions concerning the children unless the questioners identify themselves by name and state their official connection with the school district. Parents and school officials alike are justifiably alarmed-by the spurious telephone calls. \Vhatever the purpose of the telephone callers, com .. mercial or otherwise, they would do well to heed the warning of school officials and cease them at once. -. .--~ ""-~""·" .. ---"""""'~~~ First and most important, the new system should eliminate a sore point in the community. Part of the controversy in Fountain Valley's recent recall election was the complaint that by holding the mayor's office for three years, one councilman bad acquired unwar· ranted power and had reduced the status and effective- If they do not they may find themselves entangled "!"ith the law. Police are cal1ed. to investigate the opera· ti on. H 1'ME? I 6Uc$) (M J'Ol~Y 'lAU5t I GO'f NO CHA~6E AC<OrJN'fS:· The Sexual Scandal of Our Prisons Experts on prison life agree t!i~t perhaps as high as 90 pen:ent of all 1&1t riots, attacks and distUrbanCeS ~ caug.. ed by two basic human appetites: for food and for sex. Uthe food is bad, or worse than usual , the Inmates revolt, as they should. But there is little they can do to satisfy their normal sexual needs except engage in b:mosexual relations, which are rife in m05t prisons. THE HOMOSEXUAL problem In jail ls discreetly played down by the authoriUes, for fear Of shocking or alienating the good citizens who prefer to be wrapped in smug ignorance about prison life and conditions. But most of what is called .. unrest" in jail -including the not In-- frequent wounding or slaying of one in- mate by another -is triggered by these unmet sexual needs. And "rape" is not at all uncot'llD'lOn there. Only one American state -Mississippi -CU1Ttntly permits conj1J8al relations between prison inmates and their wives. altboogb Mexlco .. ~veral South American countrlea, Scandi~via, and some nations in the Middle and Far East have adopted an enlightened Policy toward the sexual rights of prisoners -and .o( their wives. HERE IS A FACTOR few penal ~ystems take into account. Even assum- ing that. in losing most of his civil righU, the prilooer also loses his human right to sexual congress, what about the rights of his wife in being involuntarily deprived Dear Gloomy Gus: If we don't have both freshly- painted yellow center lines and white or yeUow edge-of-the-road unes on Huntington Beach streets, we'll all land in the bean fields during these pea soup fogs. -T.w.w. 'n1' fQtu,.. nfllctl '"*''' 'lltWI. "" -•u•rllY ,,.... et fM --..."'· s... nu~ Piii -ve .. GIM!nl' hr. O•llY Plllt. through no fault of her own? Such deprivation not merely may drive the inmate into a homosexual rela· tionship in prison -which often ruins him for conjugal normality when he com· es out -but also imP.O~es either con-- Unence or infidelity upon trie wife who is waiting years for his return. If a man forfeits his rights to legally sanctioned &ex, does the wife forfeit her rights also? OF COURSE, A woman can divorce her husband while he is in jail; she can take a Jover, or many; or she can stifle her gexual needs for years, or decades. But if she is a normal woman, with a family and a social life, is it not inhumanly cruel to force her into desertion, adultery, or involuntary abstinence? Quite apart from this moral question, the confinement and segregation of large groups of men wilhout normal sexual outlets Is psychologically and socially as unhealthy as any act the inmate may have committed. Jt is punitive without point, aod corrupts rather than chastens. HCM long will we close our eyes to this monstrous piece of vengeance mas- querading as "reform?" Our 300-Y ear Obligation 'lbere ls no future for the Indians on A1catraz Island. Properly called Red Men, or Amer-indians, to distinguish them from East Indians, they are primarily agricultural. Aside from the lack of. natural water sources, the island has no soil to tiU. Any large influx of lodians would leave them helpku. As farmers and occasionally Meep men, lhe Indians have had a hard enough time on their reservations ln this ceritury. 11>e: tt.servation.s inck& about the pocrtSt agricultural lands survivi ng on this continent. 1be occupants have b6eD the chronlc victims of a fast stiufOe in land at the hands of the United States govemmenL From the coming ol white men in the 16009, Ulil land swindle has continued unabated. The Indians in early time gubsflted on grains and hunting. The white mea wanted arable soil for thermelvel. First the co I o n i a l ~. -the ftd.,al govern- Jnftlt treated the tribes as "sonrdgn," maldai "treat1et11 with them, a lot ol balooey, reoullbe almost invariably In a -" Jll(JllT fir TB!! lrta,Ues whlth didn't deal tn peace --11«1, lnvol••td whlto acqulllllon of the 1ndlan'1 anc<Stral land. '!bus the lndlanr were lncruslngly pusJ>. ed -ard wUh UW. or no regord Jar Chelf' wel.f&R, and concentrated iD memoUOOI. l\'bll the lndllnl got oot of lt wu ' lot of ,.,....ip rbei«ic, I top II words O! Ifie ....-eni llDlitled to a lour dollar a ~ prtmlUv6 1'edlle.lt1«!," and ~ , ...... lmpoW!rllhtnont. Of the »OOd Washlnglon Id· mlnbtratloos, aU •'eft Soggy wUh prom--- lses, and not one made any serious ef- fort to ameliorate the Indian's condition. For 200 years the lndianJ naturally resented the white conquest and its at· tendant hypocrisles. They fought back. As they were «iginally savages they didn't fight back nice, and undern·cnt endless miUtia and ad hoc posse reprisals. THE WHITES WERE often ~ un- civilized as the savages. Our television saint. Daniel Boone, was not above taking a scalp or two In an emergency. Young George Washlngt.on missed scalping by half an hour on one of his strVeying trips for r.ovemor Ofnw1ddle af Virginia. It was an unactt!ed time. like our own. In the llll century, and particularly aft.er the demagosue CUster was wiped out, the lndlans were at the men:>: of the Bure3u of Indian AfJairs. FuncUOllruits of this buruu were ofle! polJtlcal timeservers and blunderers. But even had they been elllclent and conocientl011s, they were sub]ect to a llllngy end obluao CMgms, preo<:<:uplod with valors. OUr generaUon of Amtrlcw art beU on sym· pathy, but neither informed of the Jo- .dlans' ~ic and cultural ntods, nor pnopsred to do much about them. The notoriety of Alcatraz u the late resld•nco of At Capone and hi• colleagues tJ obc>ul the ooly divld•nd the lndlans can hope to Collect from their hogjr1. Let "' h>pl the won! may ge< around the ..., .. try that we have a 30!).yru obligation ia thls matter. Overworked, llnderpaid Postal Employes They Endure Public With Patience To the Editor: Of all the ove!'WOJ'ked and underpaid organizations in the country today . the Post Office and its emptoyes head the list. Nowhere in the United States does the publi c get so much service for so lit- tle money. The follciwing are but a few of the ex· amples which postal employes endure with patience beyond belief; THE FEMALE patron who cannot understand why the carrier cannot get all her letters and large magazines in the cute little basket hanging by her front door .•• the male patron who places lit- tle Fido on the counter while he reads his morning maJI, ignoring the sign at the en· trance clearly stating that only seeing. eye dogs are aJJowed imide .•• the daily hassle over charges for·mailing to some far-off place ••• the patrons who arrive at the parcel window five minutes before closing time with annloads of · packages ••. those who protest the non-arrival ot. their WaU Street Journal ••• the poorly .. wrapped package {parts of a paper bag and some string) poorly addressed (with a stubby-pencil and no Zip Code). ON THE COUNTER rests the ever- present Zip Code Directory, but still the patron asks, ''What's the Zip Code number for Bean Blossom, Indiana?" If you think this ls exaggerated, try working in a Post Officeud you'll decide there must be an easier way to make a living. GENE 'WIERBACH Former Postal Employe Wh11 He Sub•crlbe• To the Editor: \Vhy do I subscribe to the DAILY PJ LOT or what do I like about the llAI· LY PILOT or even what do I dislike about the DAll..Y PJLOT are relevant questions. Yet, the most important ques- tion is, what do 1 expect of the DAILY PnlYr? I. I ex~t the DAILY PILOT to be a viable ne,vspaper that will be financially supported by the community. Therefore, I da NOT expect to be interested in ench and every news item. %. I EXPECT THE editorial page to be controv~rsial. Thus, I do NOT expect. to agree with each and every opinion that is published on that page. 3. 1 expect that editorial policy will be 811 George---.. Deal George: A few months ago I read an art!· cle that said if you Stop smoking you lose your sense of smell. ls th.is troe? BART Dear Bart: Yeah, darn it. Since 1 quit, all I can smell is this stupid cigarette smoke ln lhe office. CONFIDENTIAL TO JOHNNY CASH: Wtll , I could have told you everybody was gone before you wtnt all the way to San Francisco to make the alblnn -I wish you wouldn't go oil half-<0ektd on pW.. Uk< this "Johnny CiUh.at Alutm;; ti.'lthout Check.Joa: with me first. CONFIDENTIAL TO CHIEF OP INTELLIGENCE: Frankly, that was a dumb que.stioo. (S.nd your problems to Gtorg!, .,.. This NeW!J>8per. No, on second t!J2ught -you had better use ibe rullrame of the newapaper.) • l {. ' Letter• from readeri are welcome. Nontuilly writers should convey their messages in 300 wordt or less .. The right to condense letters to fit space or eliminate libel it reserved. All let· ters 1nU$t include signature and mail- ing address, but names may be with. held on request if sufficient reason is apparent. Poetry will not be pub- lished. limited to the editorial page and will not be included in news 1tema. Since there are very few if any newspapers that can claim to always meet that expectation, I wiU be satisfied with Jess than perfection. I subsoribe to the 'DAILY PILOT because it measures up to my ex- pectations. • HARRY B. McDONALD" JR. Let's Sa11 Thanks To the FA.itor: In this day and age of "teacher militancy," where they are asking for a wage lhey are enliUed to, I'd like to call your attention to some of the things teachers do above and beyond the call of duty in the cla:woom. They struggle day after day to find the right approach so that a child may learn to read, putting in many hours after they finish in the classroom. (Did you realiz.e that one way docsn 't always work with all children?) THEY CON THEIR husbands and brothets to build things for the classroom so that they can have an outstanding art lesson; they comb hair and buy brushes for children whose parents don't realize it is important to have a good sell-image; they buy gifts for children whose parents are struggling just to buy food. They share the knowledge they have gained with their years of experience witlt teachers v.•ho are just beginning to teach. J A~t PROUD lo be associated with tea chers. They are not only competent, professional people but warm-hearted and generous with their time and energy. I rather think if you thought or the teachers that work with your children you would agree with me. Let's say "lhanks" now and then. PAT MOORE School Secretary Harper School Doctors of ~fedlclne To lhe Editor: I found Norman Nixon, M.D.'s article agninst chiropractic (Nov. 28) to be typical of many of today's arrogant, all· knowing and closed minded doctors of medicine. A little-known survey conducted by • psychology class at UCLA a few years ago showed that the atudenta entering medical school for eventual monetary gain, preslige, power and ambll!on had a f a r greater percentage ot aucceu thin l&ose who wue entering f o r humanitarian and ldcallstJc reasons atone. The humo.nltarlans. for the most pert, did not have enough competitive drive and amb!Uon to cal'T)' them L1rough today 's blgh-powered medical school, at leas.t at this particular university at that particular !lme. II would be lntoresting to see U things have changed much. TODA Y'S M.D., rather than Hrlously trying to find waya of curing and btaUns hl• patleniJI tM>ugh mew which might ht con.tidered aeteptable to nature t the only real healer), tmtead seems to want ------- to make drug addicts out of his patients (and we blame drug addiction on today's youth-look who's setting the example !). Or he "sends them to the grave on the Installment plan" -pieee by piece . After all, such a great degree of technica l skill acquired so laboriously at medical school can't be wasted. OF COURSE, there are undoubtedly many timeS where drugs and surgery, when used in an emergency, have helped to save lives. But the indiscriminate use or them fCI' everything from a rurmy nose (penicillin), to everyday tension (tran~ quilizers), to a sore throat (tonsillec- tomy), is oot only dangerous.but unsci· enUfic aDd doesn't really solve any prob- lmis. It is no wonder, then, that more and more thinking people are turn ing away from many or today's "wonder boys" to a more safe, sane and natural way of lighting illness and wing Tor the body. NANCY COOK Personal Attack To the Editor : I cannot recalJ ANY article by Dr. Norman Nixon which has been poorly thought out, carelessly researched, or lacking in candor. In these articles he is stating his point of view. · 'Mle intemperate personal criticisms in the December 8 Mailbox suggest that the v.Titers have not used the same process. Indeed their statements are open toques- tion, for while they are entitled to dissent, they weaken the case they wish t~ present, seriously, when they resort to personal attack. MARJORIE ANDERSON •we Are All lo Blame' To the F.<1.itor: Yes, it's true, the city may seem an~ chanted place to some, but the smog. bound air which envelops our great city is a disgusting mixture of exhaust fumes, smoke and dirt. Pa\luted air has been with man since the begiMing of time, but in recent years its noxious substances have come to blanket most of us. A peculiar product of our civilization and of oor carelessness, it is aimply human litter and Jt is heaved into the at· mosphere by all of u.s -from automabile tall pipes, from incinerator stacks, from power stations and home chimneys. LAST YEAR over 143 million tons of it went up end fell right ba<:k down on beauUfuJ America, aod there will be more next year. The debris of pollution costs us an estimated flt billion a year in property damage and Jt contributes to the illnesties and deaths ol many. Yet prac- IJcally l'IOthing is being done to stop it. Whit is obviously lacking is will. the na.. tional will to admit that we are a11 to blame, to spend the money and enforce the laws, and possibly, ju.'1 possibly, save ourselves from choktng to death. Thank you for listening to my com- plainL I only hope that others will. CHRISTINE HIBBAtU> Blrellers' '.l'utla To the Editor: Someone Ol1CI! 511d that the spirlt of community is our best dtfms~ agahu:t -munlsm, yet the Jahn Birchen end fellow yahoo'• wtth their Illogic and underhanded tactics are ceu.sing ·our communities to be deeply divided. For example, witnes,., the recent Aldrich case. Aldrich's wu a typical case of Blrch style chllf1lct" as.qsainoUClft. Robert Welch, the lead" of tho Jahn BIJ<h S«Jety, justified undemanded tactics by uylng they are nl.'ttSS8.J'Y for lbe defeat cl. communism, bul what the Bircher• don't realize is that by using their style of tactics (mainly that the ends justify the mean s) they destroy oor democratic sense of fair play, rationality, and justice. THE BJRCHERS, because of their superior organizational skills, can com· plctely divide a community. Birchers and Uleir fellow travelers spread mistrust, fear and apathy in our society by making us and our governmental and school of .. ficials afraid lo act out of fear of haras.s- ment and dirty attacks. If we are to preserve democracy, we must maintain the right ol the p:tblic to hear both sides of all issues and make ra- tional decisions as to the evidence. We must clearly call all Birchers to the bar when they misstate, misquote and misrepresent the trutJJ. We must preserve our democratic principles ol fairness, rationality and truth or &uc• cumb to the rule of those who can yeU the loudest. It is an ironic fact that the "patriot.Jc'' John Birchers and friends are doing as much to destroy the fa bric of ttti1 na .. tion's democratic principles and values: as the c:ommunim&. Of <:OW'se, now I become one cl, the enemy. PETER A. ROBINSON News l•nbalance To the Editor: On TV Dee. ti, 1969, all programs covered the various stories appertaining to the Los Angeles police "intruding" on the Black Panthers' "ar&enal," in East Los Angeles the previous day, at which t.ime several police officers were wound - ed by gunfire. So-called fine citizens such as two assemblymen, an L.A. coun- cilman. an acknowledged Communist profes90r, Angela Davis, NAACP end other sympathizers were quoted fre· quenUy and with great relish f<r a period of approximately 10 minutes on each sta· tion. ONE STATION interviewed concerned black people or the same area whose spokesman was a minister. They were asking for police protection ln the area, and said that tbey felt that 80 percent of the people in Ute area decried the acts of the Black Panthers and the other lawless groups, and wanted protection from them. This interview look Jess than one minute of TV lime. On the morning of the 12th. or the following day, the papers wtre full of the stories of the so-called "spokesmen" who were upset by the police action, but I could not find anything in the paper!! reporting the black "silent majority"s .. concern over the ads (){ the !tlack Panthers and other lawless people in the South Central area. Could Spiro A.inew have a point7 GEORG& 0. BUCCOLA -~-- Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1969 Th• tditorial pagt o/ "" Daily Pilot setlu to infonn and atim- ILloU readers bi1 prt,tntina this 7teto.tpaptr's opiniom ond com- mtnt.orv on topic.t of i11ttrest ond 1tgnijicarrce, bu providt11g a Jorum /or tht ea:pression of our Tradtra' opi11-iOl'lS, and by prestntino tht dlvtrse View- points o/ informed ob.Jervers and iporu.,,... on toplca oJ tM 11ov. Robert N. Weed, Publisher 1 l I ... 7 I' I 7 \I • No•niain Valley "/i ' EDITION Totlay's, Fl!•' • N.1!. 'Steeb ~ ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1.7, · lt69 -· ' TEN CENTS a e s .. N~,fTr11 Slated Mayor, 14 I~• ; e ~ental: Hospital In Newark ,/ft):unction Lifted Indicted A preliminary injunction halting the construction of a controversial private menJal hospital on the outskirts of West.minster was terminated Tuesday by Stipj!f)or Court Judge Robert Corfman . ~~~ down the argument made by alto'¥Y Milan Dostal, who filed a suit in beha1' <>{ the Westminster-Garden Grove Homeowners As!(leiation to prevent con- struction of the 112-bed facili(y on Bolsa Avenue. Contrary to the attorney's argu. n1ent, the judge said he didn't think the ho.>pital would cause any disturbance in the neighborhood . Dostal Jiled : the suit Sept. 16 after 1everal months of heated arguments betv.·een the h()Uleowners and the city of \Vest.mU»;ter. Sal Guzzetta, a Westminster insurance agent and president of the h<lmeowners group, charged during public debates that W hospital would detract fro1n property values and that minimal security "·ould not prevent mentally deranged persons from escaping into neighboring homes. Dostal. who· was given 30 days to amend his complaint, said he might try for a temporary restraining order in a new court action at a later date. Judge Corfman, however, cautioned the attorney that he would deny any further injunctions based on his evaluation of all of the evidence which has been brought out in court thus far. V alle.y Council Sets New Mjitimum Tract Lot Sizes ~,, 1-0untain Valley City Council Tuu-planned development. d6 """' ' lla<hed a ~ & ~Bll!·loot C<AID<:i~ 0em;e Svalstad I n d . . .'2~ fa .. , • ' .. · • George ScOtt st{ongly supported the = 1ot me to • still planned minimum declaring ii v.·as what citizens tlnt ordinance and sent it back wan~ ' to the planning C001f{lission for" further shiMman pointed out that flexibility al\ll;f1. •· could not be too limited al~ only 300 'Iii< ~. previousJ.y 091ftVed by aeres J7/ land remain to be d .. eiope<I and . . ' . . . . 150 of thoee acre! are problem pieces planners without a m1nunum lot s1ie, will (peat deposits making the ground ptaa:•Ule following restrictions on plan· unstable for normal development). ned developments if approved ; .:...Set a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet unless special. unique. con· ditiorui can be shown on a piece of pro- perly. • ·-Make' any )ot size under 7 ,200 square feet (the ~1 standard lot) a possible grou1ids fdr disapproval of any develop- ment. -Allow no density greater than 4.7 hc]mes per acce (R·I is about 4.15 homes per acre).. . . ...:Give the city council final approval of tentaive tract maps in all planned developments. -Place a conditional use permit on all PIM ~evelopments regardless oC denslb': Thi~ A.nows greater ~esign ctln· trol and other benefits to the city. Only Councilman Joh~ .Harper voted against the 6,000-foot m1n1mum, thou~h )1' was joined by ~layor Edward Just 1n expressing a desire to see ~ PD ordinJOCe allow flexibility in lot size. eeunclbnan Ron Shenkman wanted flelibility, but voted for the limit ~ause it "might clear up the problem con· caning th~ public'• undl!l'standln& of a Transpo11atioJ1 Leade~ Luce . ~ Quits State Post Valley Cou11cil Approves New Code of Etliics 1\ code of ethics -the product or a long, heated and successful recall cam- paign -was adopted Tuesday night by the Fountain Valley City Council. Certain eU1ical questions -raised dur- ing the reca ll o{ former mayor and coun· cilmen Robert Schwerdtfeger, Donald Fregeau and J oe Courreges -were answered in legal form by City Attorney Thomas Woodruff. Primary interest tn the new code of ethics is a section on conflict of interest. The new rule clarifies when a person is In cooflict of interes t (financial or deep ~rsonal interest in any action before the council and when that interest should be disclosed "prior" to the item becoming before the council). The remainder of the code concerns Items such as public officials aceepting gifts (can't be done) and use of city v'.hlcles. The new codt: also relies heavily on compliance with st.ate adopted codes or ethics. Woodruff explained that it waa set up as a guideline in resolution form rather than an ordinance, because lhe ef. feet is the same. NE\VARK, N.J. (UPl) -Mayor Hugh J. Addonizio and 14 others, including three councilmen. v.·ere indicted today on tax evasion and extortion charges by a federal grand jury investigating organiz· ed crime a1xi official corruption in New J ersey. The 66-count indic tment was the second frnnlal assault on crime and corruption in Ne\v Jersey .by lhe nation's top law en· iorcement officer in 24 hours. Attorney General John N. Mitchell trig· gered the roundup of 53 of 55 fi.fafia figures and their henchmen named Tues· day in two federa l indictments on illegal g;:i.mbling charges. The two others are being sought. Mitchell today said the grand jury in· dieted Addoni.zlo and the others for ex- torting more than $250,000 from an engineering firm engaged in municipal construction and for fail ing to report their full incomes. They also were charg· ed with conspiracy. The indictment further charged that "the defendants did conspire • . . to thwart construction undertaken on behalf of the city of Newark ••• in order to ob- tain the property of con tractors , engineers and others working on certain municipal construction" by "fear of finaocl41 · injury and .~er oolO!; pl• 111- fictal · right:" The 15 defendants wen chirpd. with 15 counts of ·actually committinc; extortion against Confrad Inc., an eflgineering finn which Sfrved u a consultant. prime contractor and •ubcoatractor for various city projeets such as -sew9ge construction arid urban renewal. Each of the ex tortion counts allege5 that the 15 defendants obtained 65 s~parate payments from Constrad rang- ing from $500 to $.17,000. Others besides Addonizio indicted on both income tax and extortion charges in- cluded City Councilmen Frank Addonizio. Calvin D. West and Irvine 1. Turner, and former council members Lee Bernstein, Anthony Giullano and ~~es Calla~han. Giuliano is now a muructpal court Jud ge and Callaghan ls employed by . lhe Newark Municipal Utilities Authority. The other former Newark officials In· dicled were Phillip Gordon who r~ntly resigned as city corporation counsel, and Anthony La More, former director o( public works for Newark . a.nd no~.~!· eculive director of the Mun1c1pal Uhhties Authority. The new indictments came on the heels o( a grand jury action announced Tues- day in which more than 50 pe:50ns ~ere charged with gambling consprracy in a crackdown on Mafia controlled rackets. Library to Screen Three Prize Movies Three award winning films will be shown in lhe Huntington Beach Library Free Film Forum Friday al 7:30 p.m. in the administraUve annex, S23 Main St. Films to be shown are "Sky Over Holland," a Cannel!I Festival winner; "A Plai:e to Stand," Academy Award winner shown at Expo 67, and "Umbrella," a RUSl!lian film presenting a story without dialogue. ' ~­.. -· . • I e Voters l;ive · ' ' Bulldillg . Plans Boost Fowitain Valley SchOol District voters Tuesday endorsed the, district's. current building program for a second U1ne, giv· ilJg an 87.9 perCE:nt "):~' vott_ to p million worth of local school bonds. The ~ had been approved originallY. Sept. !7, 1968, at 5 percent interest. Tuesday'• vote boosted the interest rate to seven percent so bonds can be aold undet'_current inarkel conditions. DesPlte foggy we111the'r: which persl~ well into the day, the measure, which will provide lhe district with 10 additional schools by 1978, well exceeded the two. thirds majority required for passage. Twenty percent, or 2,580 of the total 12,873 registered voters living within the district wei1t to the polls, an aver.age turnout for a school bond election. Dls(rict officials called for the election to authorize sale of lhe bonds at the new state-approyed seven percent intere:st ceiling .• Up until Tuesday the Fountain Valley district found·it:seU stuck with $8 million in voter-approved bonds which It could not sell since the allowable interest was set at live percent. '.'The ~.9 percent •Xote shows aslound· Ing support of the dlsJ.rict by the com- munit)'. We dee p_l y appreciate the people's in~olv~ent and enthusiasm for the '""""I dlotrict.''. said District Super-tn~ M\]le' Bel.it. • ~ • •:IO dUficu1t.tir;nea iueh as these, such a ... , u,,., ....... j.HOTOGRAPH 0ERS $NAP .susAtii DENISE ATKINS IN JAIL Suspect, 21, Plud• Innocent After lriformln1 in T•tt C•H- Informer Pleads lnnoc~nt; -. May Get Separate Trial . Frpm Wire Servteea LOS ANGELES -A girl member. of Charles Manson's !iJppie-:;tyle clai;i has pleaded innocent to murdering actress Sharon Tate and 'six others, and 'a pros· ecutOr says she may get a separate . trial. Susan Denise Atkins, 21, willowy· and impa·ssive, spoke a soft "Not guilty," tlfen flashed a bright grin as she made her plea Tuesday before Superior C~rt . Judge William Keene. Miss Alkins, Manson. 3S, Charles D. "Tex" Watsoo, 24, Linda Kasabian,' ~. a~· Patricia Kr~nwlnkel, 22, have been · ch~rged ,with · five ·murders in the Tate ca se. · The COWltY grand jury accused the same fi ve, plus another girl clan mern- ber ,r beelit. Van ·Houten, ·19,• of ki~ Leno LaBiana, 44, and his wife Rose- mary, 38, who owned a chain of Holly· wood markets, in the LIBianca f)ome the night after the slaugrner at the Tale e~tatA:. . If prosecutors deeide to use statements fro m Miss ·Atkins, who has said abe wu present at the killings, and if her attOr· neys request a separate ttlal for her, then under the Jaw she can't be tried with the others, said ,Deputy Dist. Atty. Sharon Stovitz. · . ·Judge Keene set Miss Atkins' tfial for Feb. 9. He win hear ple!s M~~ frOm Manson. Miss Kasab!an· and Miss Van Holi'ten. . Miss Krenwlnkel ind Wa\iim ·art'in the process of being extradited from Ala- bama and Texas respectively. In• Austin, Tuesd,~y~ Texas . S:ecretary or St.ate Martin Dies: .Jr. set a hearlnc 1for1 Jan. 5 :it which Los Anleles police must l>fovide evidence that links Watson to the ·Tate murders. strong yes vote is unprecedented for Fliuntaln Vallev and for surrOWJdlni liCbool !flstrjcta!• -- ' ·Motlier QUiIJy In . Child Case A y()).µlg Westminster mother entered a plea ofgullty to misdemeanor cbild abaJi. donment Tuesday in West Oranie Count7 Municipal Court. , Judge Fenton Jone& ordered Nina Marleen Werner, 20, of,7601 Wyoming St., Westmlrister, to appea't Jan . 28 for a pro- baUon hearing and sentencing for leavtnc her infant daughter, Yolanda Marie Lu- pien, on the doorstep of a Stanton home Dec . 2. ' The child abandonment charges Wet"I reduced from felony to inl9demeanor status on the recommendation of Richard Beacom, am.stant district attorney. Concert Thursday, Not We~esday Night The Huntington Beach High School Community Christr\las Concert will not be presented Wednesday night as an- nooOCOO earlier. Instead the performance will be held at 7:30 ,p.m. Thursday in the a::hool auditorium. Adm.iasion is free. C.u& Weiadaer SACRAMENTO f APJ -Gordon C, Luce resigned today as chief or the state Business and Transportation Agency to a'ccei)t the presidency of a savings and loan association. UFOs Still Unidentified Dies set the hearing 'for 10 a.rn. that day on a r~utst by Go'v. Ronafft1f\U1an of California that Texas return Watson, 24. to Los Angeles to stand trial for The fog for Thursday will be confined to the late night .and early morning hours, with most· ly clear weather and cool temp- eratures prevallini. Luce., who has held tht jOb since the beginning of Gov. R e a~ an ' s ad· min!Stralion, January, 1967, 1~ the fir~ of the gov~·s top agency chiefs to quit. Ret&an. in a statement, said he ac· <:ept.ed 'Luce's resignation "with deep rearet." . "He came with the understanding that ht COldd return tO the private s~r after one or two years," Reagan said. "NO\Y tbt time has come for l\im to re~urn . to private life. And , while all of us will miss him very much, we wish him every suc- cess in an his luturt activities.'.'. . His departure from the adm1n1strauon had been tumored for weeks -and con- iistently denied by Luce. He had been discussed as a )dlible Auccrssor to ea.spar Weinberger, \he cu\going •II"' rm.nee ditt<l'!", "!t 1111 week Edw1' Meese . 111, Rtapn .s ·ti· e¢1Uve .emtarJ, said the job would nol go to one Of the four agency chiefs. Wtinbe.rger is leaving Jan. 1 to become c&irman of tbt-Federal Tr-ade Coi. mi!illon. - murder. Air Force Closes Investigation After 2.1 .Years Watson, fonner high schOOI lflOrtl star at Farmersville. Tex., bas .betn held In Collin county ' Jail at lffcKirilez, T~ .• tsinCe Nov. 30. · · \\rASHINGTON (AP) -The Air Force today officially closed Project Blue Book, the agency which for 2J years has been investigating untdtntified flying objects. Secretary or the Air Force Robert C. Seamans Jr. said conlinuation or the agency "cannot be justified either on the grw0d of national security or in the in· terest o( science." Closing of lhe offict \lt'tlS suggested earlier this year in a report prepared by the University of Colorado and lat.er en· dorsed by the NaUOnal Academy ol Sclence5. That report, whlch CoSt the Pentagon P.000 and Involved .an 18-monlh study of Oytng aaucer report.a. concluded that little if anything had resulted from in- vestigations of UFOs over the past \\110 decades. The Colorado report. compiled under the direction of Dr. Edward U. Condon, asserted there was no justification for further exte.Wve study of UFO sightings in the hope that. scientific knowledge would be advanced . The Air Force says Project Blue Book's conclusions based on in\·estlgations since l!M8 are that: -No UFO reparted, Investigated and tvalualed by the Air Force has ever gi vm any lndication of be.ing a threat to national security. -No evidence has ever been submitted or discovered by tbe Air Force that UFO sightings represent technological develop- ments beyond the ranie of prfsent da7 scientific k:nowledgt. -There has been no evideiice I"'" dlcating that UFOS are spact ships from other plt11nel5. • The Air Foree Hid Project 8lue Book 'Patricla Krenwlnktl was bebfg hekl In records would be placed In the' Air Force the county jail at Mobjle. Al-.. lod1.1 on archives at Maxwell Air Force Base, ' a go''lernor'1 warrant ordering her return Alabama. · · to California to fact charges in the Tate Offlciab1 said Air· F1lrce headquarters niurders. ' · • • f11 tlte PetJU.gon weuld tontinue. to handle The 22--year-old suspect was transferred requests lor lntormallon.on UFOs. Tuesday from city jail, where she hid Closure of the office irivolves only tliree , been held 1lnct h(r arrett Dec. I.· , people, ;nc1udin1 14 . .COi, Hector Qui .. • ; A h<arlng to determine If Mias Kn!n- tanma Jr .. who 1111 ·been chief ol >l'r•)ect ' •Intel will light '•X1rldiU011 ·1j> too A .. Blue Book. Ile haa an ollictr as wl1tan1 aeiu · by aialleng\111 ' lhe . ~~"'!'.' and -a secretary. 1 • ' ' Mt'l'IDliwal'deilytd un&U 'etther lll'lln'-™A.Jr Foret seid.-1t 'f"il un1ble to . d,Y on Frk\ay. •wherr bU' a'tlO!"Dt1t .. c!llaiate ,llj,w. ·mudt l119flOY bid ·bten M. t . M•~ Jc u~ted to retonl. ""°'11 , l~~Ptln1 'uFi)a', 1he pasl 21 . • )'t'ars :~ mQ.oey Is not aP: S•--•a •f •-~ propJl~led "flcally for tbls pur)i"le." -·• " •r•c• ' Under Pro_je<;t Blue B.dok's operation .... ports ol1UFO !lghllhl''Wel't lorwardtd . NEW YORK (AP)-Most stocks edged to the otfice: by various, Air Fore,. b~. dttper into loilnt-;-t~rlt91'1 ~ay, II D<~n1 on the Information avallo)>I• deellne! wldtned Uielr l!ad aver Id· from lhotie rtport" /'tOJccl Blue B<lol< vances by a ntar i-t°'~ marcJn. (Seo then tnvcstlgatod further. qucitalions, Pages 2ft..2SI). . ' I 1 • " ' INSIDE ToDil l' 'students from og<S 8 to . 11 "do &htir own '1hino" at UC Irvine'• . t:tpfrimcntat clemett- ta'tl school. 11lb untqut tts' o/ sel/!moUvatlon. fl de1cribed on Peg• 12 1od4u. OolJ' 8 l~~IAM-U r.~.· • (!Md ... "" c...:w. CW.ct ·-.... -·-• ...,* , ... t 1"'911•'-llt ,:::-.,. ""l!L~ ....... 11 • ' . ,.,. " " .. 11 • " .. ,. .. a • • _ ........ . ........... lf -" ...... ,,... . " ............ , or..-c."1 It 'PTA ... :=-....... :: -" -" w-• .............. ~ .. ·-...... t.J ' ---;.- J !Jtdl.Y.~ILOT K W-, D!<t-IT. ~969 I w a: -s -~= • ,._ lJ.S ! Cuts ·~·olden ·west Work-~t.udy ,.fund ~ • " , , I '1'i ~ .• ' By TIKlMAS FORTUNE are Ill.US 1o UCI for 94 lludenta, 110.841 IU63, llOll'1 IO percent more -the " .. -.... -to Gol<ltn WMI for II otud<ota; and 11,W 11.113 for the ilext six manthl. ID 1 aiblck from wtlat ~ ukod lot, to Oranfl• c,.11 CQ!ltae. Bat~ ~Jey a1 the UC! l'lnao-uc Irvine, OrapP C<wt Colltgt aud · 'Ille grldls .,. for Itta !!>en 1lle 1'11 JI# clli Aldi Oirlco Said ~ ~~ flllnk Ill' .maathl. '-r \ Goldtii Wool Col!Oge ha .. bten awarded ..,,,.,.;11 1 'clrawin& Jn al the purae 11111 all0c1tlon ta relevant. It covm the f17,000 in federal work·liludY grants for 5trlngs.1bere is a feeling alt throogh the sun1mer, she: noted, ancf during the sum· the fjnl half al )970. !U.S.) Olfkt al~ It 111 dry yur mer &Wdenta ore allowed lo worl< 40 "'J'he federal money is pai4 in wages to for federal . fundlnl," said Jack McGiii, hours a week in the program instead or poon!I' studenta gtven jobs on the colleje assistant di'rector or educational develop-just 15, 90 tt Costs more. cimpuse!i. ment for the Orange Coast Junior COUege She d1d not reveal amounts, but she The granta from the Department c:I District. aaid UCI had been cut from its requesl Health, Educatloo and Welfare (HEW) • OCC'a last siHnonth al.location was "Jt ls always a guessing game/' 5aid ·' · Par ents Protest Sex Edue;ation • • ..,..;u .. point o1 the wbola contn>V<l't)I, .:..su education iS' a way of changing at· titudes children I~ .from their pareiita· 6he claimed. She said parenta: should be asked if they are in favor of • program and ls fraught With peril for" a JChool that feachea "because of an apparent system because parents are boti'.nd to sexual revoluUon, they should adapt their ribel. sexual attitudel!I and behavior to accept a ·"'That i5 tbe view CiVen by two Newport more lenient attitude toward premarital n:.....n wofuen -Mmes. Faye Edelblute sex, homosexuality and all other aspects ~..... of sex." aDd Mary Martin -iD testimony Monday She charged lhat th.ill is 111 objective of to a Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· the J>l'Ol)Ollel1ll al the PIO/IMlnt. merce committee looking into the She said 1be woukl endone the pro- f~bility of eex education for the gram if ~1 official& would give their l'jewport-Mesa 8Chool dl>trlct. 50lt1Illl promilt to the community to do . "I feel if this is wori.. .... :iaainst what nothinc to ~ the tnnuence of horT)e< " .. '6 -taught values. parents are trying to instill in their But ahe went on to J&Y they couldn't ctilldren tlils really isn't ril:bt," Mrs. promise that because: they believe "It is 1tf;uiio ~. · the home where all wron( thlnp: are ,Mn:. Edelblute u1d she does not feel It being taught chUdren and that the only ii. bett<r !Or chlldreri to l<1rn the "facts hoP.O for rl,irting !OC!iety•s wrongs ta to of life'' from a 1ehool teacher than ln the ~=~·~ our youth ,to 1 IOclal acie~ back alley. "While the baCk aDey descrtp-She aawt .• tlae IChool boa'rd and ad· tions are not always entirely accurate, mlntstratloa Ire out to change attJfudel the back alley neither condones it or J>1'C)-:ind are nbt Jevellng about the ohjectlva motes it.~· •he aald. of "this new reVoluUon ln educaUon. '" Mrs. Martin ran uruiucceufully for the Chamber of cofnmerce commlttff -school board lut spring. Mrs. Edelblute, member Arthur Guy woodered aloud who is chaJnnan of community affairs for whether tt wai in the ·commJttee's pur· the Chaffibet Women'a Di\rision, claimed view to di8cuss school ·administration. qher women in the chamber agreed with "Sex education could be part and her .but did not have their endorsement of prarcel ·of this soclll l!lcleras approach _ her -comments. a device to Change attitude1. I think a lot !.Mrs. F.delblult warned the chamber of of people feel this way,0 Dr. Friu.ene oammeree committee that tf they recom· 'd .... mend for sex education they will create "Im't .tdlUonal RI education dwelling Ul}believable turmoil. Al in Anaheim, she on the Jl'Oblern and not the solution," aslr.-lajd, frlenc!t and neigl!OOrt will divide, ed Mn. Edelblute. opposition groQpS will 1trf to replace the Sbt Aid '" education hu beta ~I bo1rd, will Wlii! to fire the obligatory In. -for Ill yura 1nd ~perinteodent and teachers, will be almost 90 percent of its inhabitants have '1ighly suspicious of teacbers, and will op-had premarital totercoura< before ~ pose all tair overrides and bond issues. re9Ch their -te's. : "The . "hool _ d~lrict will be lucl<Y U lt Asl<od !W"111Uree of that Information, Ofll ti:;ing uruty ~ck in the ~'d IO she ~lid it ti common Jmowlecip. ybrs, ,~ :"kl· Are you wllllnc lo She llld 11 jilrcent of the Oran(lt C.W.. ~mble? \ . _ . ty tu dollar goes for welfare and • ~ l"" .P1llloloohlllllg ... 'r tJ.>al • -ii!~.~-••1Jotsn•1 tllel !ell !Ii-tat!'. r>rl Nolan~~' dialiman ··:oyoiFioiiJethtlir. IJOeiinit tt screani' thst if ti,. cl.amber conuruttee amd. • dd!tlooal ~ u ta · •· · '·1lm not threatening;" Mrs. Edelblate ~ed1." ID """uca on not wi"'t is f 1 • • ' ' She 11Uggtlted the ~uestion or Bell' :Mrs. Marlit'l ·aaid ~want¢ to rejlster educalion aiu:rses be P'.it on the ballot. (proltst about a q~tloniWrt the com-And she said Jt could lie Jhe diilr ol Jhe i has mall~ out to pnoents of l,&00 chamb!r committee ~make public "all seventh. mntb and elevenlb ,.ade the facts -all the ramifications. What is ents. . . wrong ]'lith letting the parents know that : ~ questions mtssed the mo I t any family life appraacb is the i· humanistic, alheistk: approacJt?'' Plans Unveiled . • .f~r Murdy Park . ' ~ Prelimin.81) dr1wi1111 tt recreat.ion ties and landscaping planned for nUn gton Bea~h's Murdy Pait at Iden West'S~uaiw:I Nonna Drive will lie •tudied tonight. . :Tt:ie 7:30 P,m.1jobst.aeNlon will bt: at- Dded by membefs of t&e'Deslgit'Rl!iview and lhe ,l!ecrtajlon , and Para ission. ilH!lol ~ i.. the ad· Jlltnlstratlve ahn"4~UI "Mafn St. · •The architectural firm of WllUam Iii ock wW display a model of proposed • tions to the 17-acre park.· DAILY PILOT CIRANGE COAST P'\JaLlll\1MG c:bMPAH1' l.o!Hrt N. w,,, p,., ..... -P'llbll~.· Beach Requests A id for Streets Huntington Beach has requested finan- cial aid from Orangt Coonty for I.he lm- proyemeut ol seven major streets during 1910. ' Monday 'night the city council gave fcrma1 approval to the requests which seek · fubdi ·from the C?Unly Arterial HJ,gbway ·FiDancing Program. C i t y Admlnl.iU'ator Doyle MiUer o:plalned that the requests had to be presented ~fore the begiMin1 of the year to receive coMkl.eraLion. liireets ftamed in the request were G,.-fltld, Hamilton, Bolsa Chica, Main. AU..-ta, EOwards and McFadden. In all cftseS the primary improvement hoped for is widenlnl to four lanea. DAIL'I' PILOT Stfff ,._... IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND HBPD's Officer M.rks Beach Policeman Robert C. Marks To Get Honor . Huntblgton Beach Police Officer Robert C. Marks will receive a citation honoring him as "Outstanding Police Officer of the Year" Monday at the 50th anniversary meeting of the Huntington Beach Post of the Amtrlcon f"'sion. Matu \ru selectecl 1for t&e honor by b.la fellow officers. For bis dedication and outltanding w«k Bl the field of iden- tification and fln'e:rpri nUQi. , The ilOfJI llMIVersary of the local 1.t,ion, poat will be c:oml>intd wit!> ~ Chiistmu porty lvlth the ornnl11U~'I auxiliary at the Lake Part C!uDhoua 1t I P.·m· , ·: • ~ -chu&r meinberl of 'the poat wlA bo honored. They are Lewis W. Blodget, flrst commander and ~~r city at,.. tomey; Louis Mitchell, put post eom. mf.nder1 past district commander and fonner .~tington Bep¢\ Postmaster, and Richard Reeves . Apartment Unit Request Denied City planning col'1Ull9ionen Tuesday denied a reiluest to alloW-co.struction ot a 15-unit apartment complex near 2nd Street and Olive Avenue in Huntington Beach. The commission ruled PY a 4·2 vote that the proposed aparbnent.s, applied for by Atlantic Oil Cu. of Los Angeles, would be in dlrect connict with the downtown concept of the Top of the Pier Plan. Reason for the denial was that tlie area in question is desUned for commercial rather than resident.ial uses. Jn other action, the commissioners ap- proved the following ttems: -A request to permit an addition to a Weber"s "1'ead Co. building at Warner Avenue and G<lthard Street. -A pemiit for sale of alcoholic beverages at 'nie Wailler, a restaurant at Pacific Coelll Highway Ill<! 16th Streel Jtck l . c.,1 • ., V•t·• p,u_I tlld G-rtl M1rwgu 111011111 K11Yil Insurance Oaiins to S.oar Edl1W T~11111t A. Mvrp\1111 Mt .... iflr StHlef' Alba-I W. lein. MlKlelt l!~MOr Hlrlltl.,._ ..... Offke 11111 ... ,1ri ... , ...... . M•ilr"t ""'''·•ni r.o. 1 ... 1to, ,,,., ...... °""" LttlilM Sudlr m ,_,A- Cottt M-1 »t W.1 lty llt .. I 1tft"'"'I Sftcll: J211 Wnl h !llM 80Ulftltl'llll :r ' I ·- Over Fog-Caused Wrecks '""""""' claims !tom the 100 plus drtvers Involved lo Monday's massiVtl pileup on the Santa Ana freeway could go 11 high as SI million by the Ume all repairs are made and medical bllll'I are p01d. A spokesman for a large Insurance firm said claims will bt expedited by having repairs madt immedlattly on the drlvtn', own policies. ~dT opuking lo 1·cue al this ...... •udl,,the repoin wW .bt 101de •uodtt' tht driven' own pollclt< until the ln...Upllom .... bten compltltd," be ex-plained. "After all the facts m: ln, then the com.Jllnia: will mike their c1lim< &8'1111! U-found '"'P'JOllbl• to ,_..,. the money 111111 1111 betn ••• ~ .. J TM 1Muranct.rtp1eatnlaUve. who &11&:· al k> remtln ·•fMlltJntoos, 111d ht hap-. t 1"""' lo'.Jie In U!e onlddle al tilt hu11 .met •nd -peel uttanned. 1'Companles ire fM:td with special pr~ I bJems in cases like this. 1-saw people hit from the rear and st.op only t.o have a third car come along. hit the second which ts redriven into the first, damaging both original cars in different places," he explaiMd . "It's always difficult to detennine the f1ct3 in an accident, but this one Is ~ially bad. If J had been hit, T would have had a hard time identifying who hit me." • 1l1< opokaman said M will prebobly tab ltteral months to £'t tbe dtta111 of Iha Clio strllghl<ntd ooL "Even getUng the can repaired Ja: gohl« to Ilk• """' time. RopaJr shopo hive to be foond and parts will navt to !>ft brought tn frtrn all tl\ltr the C<llmtr)'.'' be slld. "Just suesMI from the damye I uw, J ~'OUld say that repa.irt for lht can ls going to average lJ'llllnd •1,IJiG to lt,2l0, and with m<dlc:al payments. ... u the total cost la lmpoulble lo •rtlmato, • he ccmrlv-'e~. r ?ttrl. Margery Prlgo, UCI financial a.Ids aasl!tant. "We have to hope the aUoca· Uon is larse enough for what we have commttud." Janet Howell, employment counselor for OCC, saki it appears there may have io be some cutback from the 55 students on the program this Call. fler feelings about the program 'o\·E!re vividly told when the first announcement or the grants from Congressman Rlcbard T. Hanna 's office uncxplainabl,y did not Include er.,,,. Coaot <»>leg•. "Tl>at b very frlJllltninl. We would be jUJt llck if we bt the procram." she react«!. "Many of the studenll c:ouldnl stay in school without these jobs.'' Through the work-study grant. the federal government pays IKl percent of the studenta' wages and the cqllege ao percent. _ At UCI students work In the bookstore and library, help out with laboratory work, and even man computers and serve ., resem:h ...i.tanta. "MOii ii ~ tjleJ!pl" ~·--~· ·rt· aieot, ~' '... '" Prtgo said. • ' She remarl<ed lbal the lie.uly .of th• program is the Modenl.s c&n work rla:bt on ca1npua.aod dO!f' need a'Car.. , Donald Rand01. •tiead of th~ progrllm at Gokteo Wett COllege. was out ol &riwn at a conference lor sevuat days and unavallabl¢ for comment. Sad<lltbld< 'Collea• does not have luch ·~ ,t • ~ . Water Rates Study Set ) Valwy to Learn Effects on City General Fund A staff study of water rates and certain water department procedures in Founliin Valley was ordered Tuesday night by the city council. The st.udy, req uested by Councilman John Harper, will concentrate on the amount of money the city.run water department pays into the city's general fund . The water department currently pays the city 10 percent of its operating revenue (money gained from water ser,·ice) as a franchise tax in place of '4'hat the city feels it would receive from a private water company in property taxes. Harper labeled that system a "hidden tax" and complained thal the percentage n1igbt be too much. The city had planned to raise the percentage on that fraochi!lf: payment , one percent per year, be1innln& in fiscal year 1971·72, wllh a maximum payment of 20 percent. The council asked Howard Stephens, Ci· ty finance director, .to study the effect on city funds if that franchise tax were held at JO percent. He sald a report could be ready In early March. Another proposal by Harper that the ci- ty consider a bond election to pay for fut ure water department exp.ansion was defeated by the other four councilmen. Newport Death Suspect Remanded Without Bail By JOHN VALTERZA Ot tt11 Diiiy PllOI Sit!! Mrs~ Willis Dean Hunt was ordered Tuesday ~ rematn in Orange County Jail without ball and to appear at a preliminary hearing on murder charges Dec. 22 in Harbor Municipal Court. On Thursday her husband. '4'hom she is accused of fatally stabbing last \\'eekend. will be buried at Pacific View t.1cmorial Park. The services for the long-time Newport Beach yacht broker and marine service owner will be at 11 a.m. in the Pacific View chapel Hunt, 56, was stabbed to death Sunday night by a butcher knife which polict all ege was wielded by his sixth wife dur- ing an argument in their· Corona del Mar home. Mrs. Hunt, arrested shortly after she phoned 1>9Uf! to,repqrt the dabbing, was arraigned on murder charges Tuesday P UC Rej ects Bid SAN FRANCISCO {AP) -Western Union Telegraph Co. 's request to raise rates for services in California by slightly more than 10 percent has been denied by the state public utilities commission. The PUC said Tuesday in rejecting the Western Union request that the company had not provided reliable data separating costs for lnterstalt and lntrastate opera· lions. morning. The slight, 43-year-old brunette was represented before Judge Donald Bungan Tu esday by Beverly Hills lawyer Mark Green. The next court action will be at 1:30 p.m., three dayS' before Christmas, in· Division One of the court. Her !ale husband -her fifth mate - leaves a da ughter, Mrs. Noel Brown of 'Vest Los Angeles, from a previ ous mar- riage, and an adopted daughter. Dru, 12, who is Mrs. Hunt's daughter by a previous marriage. Hall to Join Mosquito Boai·d Huntington Beach City Treasurer War. ren Hall Monday has been·· named the city's representative on the Orange Coo~ ty Mosquito Abatement Board. Hall's appointment was suggested by ~1 ayor Jack Green after he revealed lhat the current city representative on the board. Dr. Ralph M. Sher, was not a resi· dent of the community, a requirement for the office. Hall will serve a two-year tenn on the mosquito board. Dr. Sher has held the post since March,,, 1987 and was recom- mended for reappointment by Jack H. Kimball, district manager. Harpr:r complained that to d 1 y ' s citizens \\'ere being forced to pay for ton10rrow's services ·through high water rates. Mayor Edward Just said the problem boils down to two philosophief. Harper'5 ot Jet 'the t\Itur e taxpayer pay the bill, or pay it now. The !alter system. fa vored by the 1na- jority of the council, 'doesn't throw the. burden of payment ... only on property owners and is somewhat cheaper than e bond election. sald the mayor. Current budget planning indicates the city can handle all water department ex· pansion without bo~·ing or \Ising bonds, according to city officials. Students. Give Gifts to Poor In Ensenada Children at Huntington Beach's Star Vi!;!W School are giving instead of receiv· Ing this-Christmas. About 105 of them, all sixth grader!, are donating all the presents th ey would have exchanged with one another to poor children in Ensenada . Mexico. Some of the presents, colorfully \\'rap· ped and already placed under the Star View Chrislmas tree for delivery this Saturday include dolls, clothing, roller skates and toy cars. l\1rs. Rose f.1arie Thurman, a ~ixth grade teacher, said th e idea of sendi ng the presents across the border was con~ ceived by-the children themselves who arc currenUy studying Latin America· and Mexico. She said two c:irs \vou\d leave for Ensenada this Saturday to deli ver the gifts. Three classes are involved in the project . Valley Scho ols Give $2,370 to UF D1·ive Employes Q( the Fountai n Valley School Dis1.rict have pledged $2,370 to the t'Utmrt United Fund drlve. This year's pledge represents a 134 per- cent increase over the $1,750 raised la~t year. r·-----.. -................... --......................... -.... -................ 1 The Diamond Watch. Tradition with an Innovation. Begi n 1vlth th e ¥:orJd.fanwu1 Omega movement. Then circl e It 1\•ilh flawless diamonds. \Vho 1vould da re attempt to improva upo n such perfection? om·cga wo uld. They drsigned ne1v settings for the diamonds, t:liminating convention;il CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE prongs, 11.iere·s mora diamond 11parkle because there ls morr: diamond e.xposel Then they added color lo the diaJs. It makes each 1\'atch more attractive. mote disUn ctive. See our complele Omeg.11 diamond watch collection soon. I 82l NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA 0 OMEGA 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 1<8-l<OI i· I I I I L I ---------~--~--)1111-··---~~-JIO:~~Jll&'Mttl:Y ·.· =. ·~ I 11 \ \ 'f• .. Y'• l'l•el N.y.s,.._. voi;. 62, NO. 30 I, 5 SECTIONS, 9~ PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEI{ ·17, 1969 TEN CENTS 1,. ~aguna Abortion Trial to Challellge Laws? 17 By RICHARD P. NALL Of llM O.lly !'IMif Stiff Abortiflll. charges against a Laguna Beach physician may end by setting new C4µtornia legal precedent if the case makes the long trek to the State Supreme Court. . br. Robert C. Robb, 16, of 34561 Scenic Drive, Dana Point, was arrested at his · spacious cliff.top home by Laguna police Oil Sept. 4. Polke aceused the pllysician o{ illegally Inducing miscarrlage1 In two ~year~kl unmarried WOffie!l. They said it nearly cost the life of. one of the patients when peritonJtis, an infection ot the abdomen, developed. Or. Robb bas denied Lbe charge!. ••1 have never 'performed an e>p;er1tion on a pregnant woman, .. ht said at the time, labeling the arrest "quite a shock t.o me." Robb, a widower, ~ prldiced medicine in Laguna Beach about 10 years. ln Robb's defense, attorney Moses Bennan of . Santa Ana, ii attempt.Ing to h._ve the case thrown out ol court On the grounds that it is unconstlfutlonal. In volumnious briefs, he "has t.ttacked the legality or CaUfomia abortion law on numerous tangents. In asking Judge Paul fl.1ast, · Central <>r:ange CoUnty Municipal Court, to dismiss the act.ion, Berman has filed a demWTer -a pleading that the ciiriltnal complaint is unconstituUonal ,on its face. Martin J. Heneghan, deputy district at- torney prosecuting the matter, m$tainl Ille law Is valid.'111e oal<I today w~lchever way Judge MQt roles on Jin. t, the mal· ter will probably be appealed rl&ht on to thto Slate· S,witme .Court. Htneglllii'llld the State Sup<eme Court held tha~tbe~ 1bor'tion law wa.s un- constltuUona1 on the groUnds that the pertinent penal' code sect1oo was vque and · inde!Wte: The iuCUa&t>otatecf that abortJoci WU illepj unleU. ~ to pmervo Ille life al lilt mOtl\er'. The legll langu'age ' ... -to --the rilbt ol ~~·fu~c11=~~ ~ aboriibo w~ Bennan ,has attacked tile-iher"'"'11ic abortion .-on the·~ Uoat no btandard1 are set up for medical authoriiatiorl~or a ther~ abol:tion. He has shown that the law ii applied in different ways in different poria of ca!Uornia. Jo ·San Francilcol Aid lfeotlhan, the exliting ---Jaw la interpreted loOoely. Here It ii givu itrlct appllcalioo.· Heneghan.aakf this may be the fU)ll time the therapeutic abortion act bu beels at- tacked in court. · If Judge Mui slMlaina Ille demumr - in effec\ holding therapeutic abort'°D un- constituUooal -H~an said the district. attorney's office will appeal. If Mas~-~les in favor of the pro1ecqtion, the ap:ense will -doubtless appeal. Dr.·Robb, Jln·the meantime, Ls free on bail and bas Mt yet eo&utd a. plea in the case w~ "could ~ a 'precedent ~r with lllalewkfe,.impli<l!lionl. a .......... ree rove I Crime Crackdown Newark Mayor, 14 Others Held NEWARK, N.J. (UPI) -Mayor Hugh J. Addonizio and 14 others, including three councilmen, were indicted today on tax evas.ion and extortion cllarges by a federal grand jury in vestigating organiz· ed crime and official corruption in New Jersey. '[he 66-count indictment was the second frofltal assaul~ on crime anti corruption in New JtJl:t)' by the nation's top law en- forcement officer in 24 hours. Attomey-Qeneral John N: Mitchell trig- cerel tile l<>WldUp of ¥ al SS Malia figum and their henchmen named Tues- day in two federal indi~nt.s on illegal gambling charges. The two others are being sought. Mitchell today said the grand jury in- dicted Addonizio and the others for ex- torting more than $250,000 from an engineering: firm engaged in municipal construction and for failing to report their full incomes. They also were charg· ed with conspiracy. The indictment further charged that "the -def-did "'*'llR ••• to thwart construction undertaken on behalf of the city of Newark ••• in order to ob- tain the property of contractors, engineers a~ others wo~king ~ certain municipal construction" by ·"fear of financial injury and under color of of- ficial right." Vkjo H~spi~·.Going Ahead Despite Rejectinn 1he I~ defendants w~re charged with 6S counts of 1ctually committing extortion against Constrad Inc., an engineering firm which ."-TV.ff u a ~nsultant, .~ COnU-ml ~ltfll:lor ~ 'iJrio!<!I • ctty projects filch II llWlge ~ and urban renewal. Each al the extartion ·l'Ollldl allqes that . the 15 ~endants obtained <:; separate pa,...._ from Conlllad ran&· inf from ,_ ID Sl7,llll. Othen beolda A-lzlo lDd1dod Oii both income tax i11!f ~ charges In- cluded City COuncllnieil Frank Addonlzlo. Calvin D. West and Irvine I. Turner, and former council memberl Lee Bemtteln, Anthony Glullallo lilcl James £allaghan. Giuliano Ls now a municipal c.:oiat judae and Callaghan is employed by the Newark Munlcipll UWttla Aulborlty. By TOM BARLEY Of "'9 fairy Plitt SMff Backers of a proposed 250-bed private holpitaJ in the Mlssion Viejo area today ahruqe.d off a medical board 's refusal to ,.ppr;ve their facility and confirmed that oonstruetion will begin ''late this month er dttlnitely in January." What will eventually become a $10 rrUllion hospital·medical complex on 15 acre!! at Crown Valley Parkway and the San Diego Freeway failed Monday to win the endorsement of the Comprehensive Health Planning Assn. or Orange County. 'But two other proposed hospitals in the aouth county area -SaddJeback Com· munity and San Clemente Medical Center -both won the backing of the. hea1th care organization. The hospitals will add 364 beds to a burgeoning area that will, hospital and medical authorities in South Orange County agree, be badly needed by the time they are available. Heading lhe el:ecutive board of the Mlasi.li'I Community Hospital is Dr. Louis Cella a Santa Ana physician who has vowed to build the facility with or without Ct:IPA approv~I. A spokesman for Dr. C.ella" today described the failure of CHPA to back the ' building plans as "hardly the kiss of death" and "based on staUslics that show tht group's inability to recogniz.e :what will soon be the hospital btd needs of this exploding community.'; hospital on a nine-acre 'site at El Toro Road and the San Diego Freeway. Saddle.back officials said the hospit.al wUl serve the Laguna Nlgutl·Laiuna Hills-Mission Viejo area and will be e:s:- panded to a total of 600 beda. An estimated 250 beds will become avajlable b)' late 197Z or early 1973. Backen: of the ~ million San Clemente facility hope to open the hospit.at in March. 1971 with a provision at 250 beds. Nixons Expected In San Clemente Plans for the south county hospital also The nation's first family ls expected to include eventual expansion. Oy west (or 10 daya in San Clemente the Backers o! the Mission Community day after Christmas if CongreBS acls on Hospital intend to build several other pending appropriatloM bills. hospitals in south Ora nae County. And re. Sarrina: a special session of Congress, ctnt state legislation will mean that the ·President and Mrs. Nixon should ar- CHPA endorsement of their plans is man-rive Dec. JS for a holiday in their cliff.top datory after January I. mansion, the ·former Hamilton Cotton South Coast Comm)lnity Uospiill in elllate. Sooth La~a currently provides 15Z Mr. Nixon last week told Congress: he hospital beds "for the ~ eounty area will call them into special session Dec. 26 and i1 the only hospital available to, if no .act.Ion i1 liken on appropriaUons rapidly t.Xpanding communities in that bills that are pending. The president said sector. if Congiess bu to stay in Washington for A proposal which would-add 12& beds to / the holidays be will stay with them . the hospital total was backed last tnO!)th The Nixc:d~ft San Clemente Sepl I by CHPA. It' Is expected that the ad· after a montli'1<\l"acation that began with dit1onal beds will be available by. 1972 at thl!! .,.Aug. t touthdown in Orange County a cost of $8 million. Of Air Force one. . S~te estimates indica!e th.at only 524 It was a ·~ month that ranged h"om lio9p1tal beds will be needed m the aouth golf and a"State·dtnner for the astronaµts coast area by 19'14. . who fll'Bt landed on the moon to the _ Backers of the three proposed hospitals . eventful announcement that the President agree lhat those esti.matu are. would nominate J udge Clement F. -misleadin& ml uorealillk. · H~ to the Supreme Court. . , , ... . DAILY ,ILOT lhtf PIMtt HE~D WITHOUT MJL r,lr1. qwnn~ Hunt . \ ' I -' • ' '!o\ILY '9tOT tllfl ........ MURDER VICTIM. ,-l'-l•wporl'1 Wlllla .H"'!f . ' Newport Deatli •Suspect ' • I . ~ Remanded Without Bail Bl 10RN YALTERZA °' ,.,. .. ~ ru" Steff Pitrs. Wlllia: Dean Hunt was ordered 'J\lefiday to remain in orange Cou11ty JaU Without bail and to appear at 1 prellmlnary hearing on murdl!!r charges Dec. 2Z in Harbor Municipal Court. On Th~ay her husband, whom she is p.m., three days before Chri!tmu, In Division On. ol the court. Her late husba nd -her fifth mate - leaves· a daughter, Mrs. Noel Brown of WeJt Los Angeles, from a Pr:-;Yious rnar· riage, and 'Rn adopted daughter, Dru, 12, who is Mrs. Hunt's daughter by a p'revious marriage. accused of fatally stabbing last weekend, • . . wlll be .burled at Pacific View Memorial .. Services Slated . Park. . ·' The services for the long·time Newport Beach yacltt broker and marine .service owner will be at 11 a.in. in the Pacific View chapel. Hunt, 56, was stabbed to ·death Sunday night by a butcher knife wbfch police allege was wielded by his sixth wl(e dur- i~I an arfU,ment.in ·thei r Corona del Mar home. Mrs. Hunt, arrested shorUy after she phoned pollce·to report the stabbi°~g; was itraia>ed ·on murde'r charge.a TUesaay mornlna. The slight, 43-year-old brunette' was represen~ before Judge Donald Bungan ~ bf-Beverly Hiiis 'lawyer Mark a.r:eea-:~. •"l • ' . ~ ,, '.Tbe;-.Court action will be al 1:30 . . . . For Freewa y AccideQt Victim Services Will -be held at 1 p.m. Thurs. day fOr Emefit Trujillo of Caplltrano Beach, who wu killed Monday when his car · plunged over a 50-foot embankment u he. tr;ied tO avoid the too.car .traffic pileup on the Santa Ana Freeway. The .Rev. JosepJr S. Stephens, pastor of the· son. Cl'm!!"te United l'resby1'<11n Chur,cb .w\tl <>ll~l"e al_'lhe rites In .Sh•f· fer 11!"1uari ~! and burial in Pacific View Memorh.t Park.. •. Mission Community will become, he Aid, a complex comprising 250 beds, a medical center. a manor house for the elderly and a convalescent home. "QIPA denial was based on what were thought to he our ambitious plans and the federal funds that might eventually be needed for OUT pfOject. '• he said. UFOs Still . Unidentified Truftllo; wtio..woold Jiav4 celebrated his 42nd birthday today, wu a paraplegic y.'ho devoted ,m~ch ,of. his nre to deve~ ing devices to liel\> handicapped penons. The car he wu driving on Monday was equipped with one of his inventions, designed ·t.a enable paraplegJC3 to steer an automobile safety •. ~· ''niat denial was not realistic,.. the ,,okesman added. "And we feel that the best Way we can prove our point is to go ~ and build and then show anyone oli!ICerned just bow badly those beds were needed .1' CHPA offic!ials have no such ·reserva· lions about the Saddle.back Community Hospital and the San Clemente Medical Center. They closed the public hearing by en· dorsing the plans of tht Saddleback group to build their 150-bed, $9 million nooprofjt Si-le M•rlcet NEW YORK (APl-Most stocks edged dffper into losing tm-ltory today, as deoifnes widened their lead ovtr ad· vanct1 by • near 2-to-1 margin. (See quotations, Pages 28-29). Lick of inn"or support, prompted by n~inll ,,,.r' tllt ~enL of the cur· rent ma'rllt deCllne, bu led to an ero- • slon of prices. say some 1n1lyst1. I Air For ce Closes Inves tigation Afte r-21 Years WASHINGTON (AP) -The Air Force today officially clOl!led Project Blue Book, the agency which for 21 year1 has been in'Vestigaling unidentified flying objects. Secretary of the Air Force Robert C. Seam am Jr. said continuation of tbe agency "cannOt be justified either on the ground of national security or in the in· terest Of science."_ Closing or the office was 1uggested earlier this year in a report prepared by the '\Jnfverslty of Colorado and later en- donied by the lfatlonal Academy ol Sciences. , . That-report, which cost the Pentagon $M9,000 and tn~ved an 18-month study of flying saucer reports, concluded that Jillie if anylhl~~d ·resulted from In- vestigations of lJRlS over the past two decades. The Colorado report, compiled under the direction of Dr. Edward U. Condon, a51erted there was no justification for further e~itenli\'e study of UFO al,rhttnas in the hope that sclentifw: knowledge woold be advanced. The Air Force 1ays Project Blue Book's conclusions based on investiaatioM alnce l!M8 are that : -No UFO rep0rted, lnve1t1gated and evaluated by the Atr Force his ever a;ivra any indication of being a threat to national secur1tY. -No evldenc.'t ha.!J tver bttn aubmllted or discovered by the Air Force that UFO si1hUng1 repruen& technologlcal'deve.Jop.. menta beyond the ranee al J>< ... nt day IC!entlfic knowledge. -1bere has been no evidence .In- dicating that UFOs are apace ahlps from other planeu. The Air Force said Projoct Blut -' rkm would be "placed in the Air Force archives at Man·ell Air Force Bue, Alabama. Officials -.aid Alr Force headquarters Jn the Penta~ would continue to handle tequests for 1rifonnatlon on UF°'. Closure ot tbe office Involves only three people, lnctudlug .Ll Col. Hector Quin- tanilla J.r .. wl>o I)>• been chief of 1'11>l!cl Blue Book. lit his an officer N assii!int ai1d .: secrelirJ. The Air rorct. uki It wu unable to estimate· how rnuclt money had been IJ)ellt InvesUg1tln1 UFOs the past 21 yoano "'bec•uie 11\0!l<Y 11 1191'"" •r proprfated spec:lfic11ly (JI[ this purpose.' . lfnder Project Blue Book's operalioo raportl al tlfu sI1hUna1 were forwarded to the office by varlout Air Force b'ate.1. OrondJn& on -lhe tnronnation avallable troii\ _, ft!IO<U, Project BlllO - then btveat11atad further.' • I Trujillo was disabled more than 20 ye an qo · When he, was kicked by a horse. One of hls lllCCWflJJ Inventions wa.s a system. pennttUnc a· par1pleglc to 1""d hlmseU and his wheelchair into 1 sptCially detii~ car, drlvt the car and unload, with wheelchair at· hil destina- tion. Employed for the l"'•t 10 yean a, a technk:aJ editor ,for Btcli:;ma:n Industries In Fullerton, Trujlllo also was the ...ner of Trujlllo Industries, 1 slck•ioom supply firm with ootleta In• SIJI Clemente and Fullerton .. He to survived by hia widow, Dawn. al CttPllU'lno Beach : a daughter, EtJens Faith • Trujillo. of Be~ln, Germany: paronl&. Mr. fnd Mrs. Samuel Tntjillo al San Clemente; two brothers, Charles H. of 8eUnd1. and Anlliony of Cbll\a 'Lake: and a •liter. Mn. Opll R. Brown · cl WhltUer. County .Says Access . Issue Top Priority: Adminlllrators al Orange CGun!y government today have authorizidon to seek public accesa to Salt Creek Beacl1 but the bjg questkin remaining is w!telber or n<t Laguna Niguel Corporation will negotiate ·on the issue. · In a comprehensive presentation bef->re the county Jloanl ol Supervisorg Tue&day, County . ~ J?irect.or F or·e 111 t Dickaton made it clear he assigns a 1-9' priority· to g>inlng ..,.,.,. ID _ the _sa_ ~ shor<line between Sooth · \iag\llll IAd-1l>ana Point. llo•'!"'Uld pnif"' tho county to a.quirt the entire 7-:tfl> feet<( ocean frontage. Falling that, Dicka500 ...,. other alternatives that would at least provid;e the pmllc wl!h pallnhya to the -= Nip! Corporatioo ollkfalt JI'° • however, have held to the flOOU9 '!hot tho ~ -tho "'*"' and hu m-piomed the areo ~-vate ~ to serve Nlgud N°* that Orange County government haa indicated !ta doslre to negotiate the question of public acces:s, the questlm ~ m>ins · If the Niguel O>rpcration ill p<epared "' talk. ~ inqulries to cmpcnLe offic., by "the DAILY P!Wr -y failed to draw any reaponse. Meanwhile back at the lklenl al Supervisors, Dickason's a m b i t lo u 1 shoreline 1Cquialtion plan got the gO. aheo4 for a lhret>man commllfa study, But ,the aupervbora were cautiOUI. 'l'he:, wanti-a repdrrt -back.aod then a survey ot available oCean frontage and "long and careful deliberation'! before any program 1ets under way. Their declsloo followed the ut(ing al Dick..-. that the C)OU!lly immediately move to acquire Urte "priority ~ front areas"; the beach be 1 we en Monarch Bay and Dana Point, the stretcb of llhorellne between U.guna .Beoch and Corona de! Mar and an undeveloped strip of beach within the city limita al Hun- Ungton Beacll. Dlckason's 1op priority la Ille Monarch IS.. SALT CREEK, Pap II Wea,._ The fog fOC' Thunday Wiit be confined to the late night and early morning ~. 'With most- ly clear weather and cool temp- eratures prevai.Ung. • IN'~E TODAY r Student.t ftom aoel 6 to 11 "do th.eir tfion thfngi" at uc lrvine'1 e~ tZem.en- tq:rv 1choot This •nlgue ttst of 1elf·motivation ;, ducMbed on Page J2 IOdov. I ........ \. ..... ., .... ........ ,. -" --. ................ , --n ... .. =--::: --.. -, .. -...: =""'··· w • ,- L W-.-17,IM ·Girl Pleads Not Guilty • ~ Slayings .._ wir. ll<n1<n .. \ LOS ANGELES -A ilrl member of :barlq Manson's blppie-atyle clan baa •I~ in'nocent to murdering actreas lhoron 'Tate and id• olllei's, and a Jll'O&' icutor aays ahe may get a separate pal. . ·Susan Denise Atktnl. 21, willowy and mpauive, spoke a .eoft "Not guilty,". then lashed a bright grin as ahe made her lloa 'l'llesday before Superior Court lllclge Wllllam Keene. Miss Atkins, Manson, 35, Charles D. !fez'' Watson. 24, Unda Kasablan, 20. md Patricia Kluwinkel, 22. have been fmged with five murders in the Tate :ase. The CO\llllY llfand jury accused the :ame five; phu another girl clan mem· ier. Leslie Van Houten, II, of killing :tif.no La.Biana, 44, and his wife Rose- itfY, 38, who owned a chain cf Holly- rQOCI markets, in the LaBianca home the Ught after lbe slaugnter at the Tate $te. .If prosecutors decide to use statements lrOm Miss Atkins, who has said she was lreRnt at the killings, and if her alter· 1eys request a separate trial for her, .ben under the law aht can't be tried vitb the others. said Deputy Dist. Atty. Uiaroo, Stovltz. Judge Keene set Miss Atkins' trial for r,eb. 9. He will hear pleas Monday from J111:nson, Miss Kasabian and Miss Van ~outen. . .Miss Kmlwlnkel and Watson are in tl\e i(OCtlls of beln1 emadlted from Ala· "ma and Teias respectively. ln Austi.n, Tuesday, Texas Secretary If ,State Martin Dies Jr. set a hearing hr. Jan. 5 at which Los Angeles police ~ provlde evidence t4at Unka Wat.son b-tbe Tate murders. Dies set the hearing for JO a.m. that lat on a request by Gov. Ronald Reagan IE .California that Tau return Wa~ ~ .. to lAI Ange.lea to ltand trial fer Punier. Watson, fonner high school sports star 1t Farmersville, Tex., has been held In to}lia County Jail at McKinley. Tex., ij!lee Nov. 30. Patricia Krenwinkel wu being held in '1"e. county jj1J at Mobile, Ala. today en 1 ·governOr's warrant ordering her return .o California to face charges In the Tate nurders. The D-year-old suapect was tranaf'etted l'uesday from city jlll, "here she had ilten held since her arrest Dee. J. '. 4 hearing to determine lf Miu Kr..,. I will fight utradlUon to Loo An- by challenging the govemcr'1 nt was delayed until either Thun- or P'rhSay, when her attorney, . . Mmal, la opoct<d to return. Senate M odifi.es t:~ 1'~~ . ·\·. :>J'ASIDNGTON (AP) -The Senato l[llirrode oouthem pr-. Wodntlday atered down an appropriotlom bill mom eurt>Inc the govenunmt's desegregation powers. y a vote of 52-37, the Senate modWed ~ """"1dment by adding the phrase ~cop! as requlr«I by the Constllulion," ~~ by Republican Leader Hugh ~ of Pennsylvania. : ~ "'18lon d•noonced Scott'• Wltding as destroying the effectivenwi ~!he amendment to bar u .. of federal rojilill to force ocboo\ shutdowna, the bus- ~ ol llCOOol childml, or a11lgnment of =·to llCboola apinlt ·their parents' : ·So>U '3lcl the quallfylng 1angu1ge, ol-tift.d after a cmterence ·wtth Secrel.ary of.llealth. Educatlo11"and Wellare Robert !OJ'tndl, hod ti l\IU backlnc of the Nix· ..;:•admlniotra~. . : l'lnoh hod ·•kl ·that ldoptlon ol the ~ lwttbom modification, could oipple the .......,ment'1 ac h o o I 411egregat.ion effortl and would r.t his ~ent 1n "an impoaib e ad· qilnlstraUve bow.." DAILY PILOT CllAHGf COAST PUI LISHING c.QMl"AN't a.it.rt N. w,,, "''*'""' ... "*"""' J•c• l. Cwrlty li'oe:t PrH~I .... 0-.-1 Mf1141ttr '"''"''' """" IOllOr Tlol'!lltl A.. Mwr,Ji i111 "''...,~ 1:•1ttr l lch1r .. '· Nill l.,.,,,. •Hell City lll'llfl' LAt ... IMdlOMc. 72.1· f,,,,, ..... _ Mtili11t Ad4t1111 r.o. lor '''· t261l ---c .. 11 11\tUC la Wiii .,, llrwl N-• ... di: tnl ¥tint l1111iN .... k v•"' • toMM ..... 11~ IMUU l111J llHll 1111 .. f l l. UPt T ........ PHOTOGRAPHERS SNAP SUSAN DENISE ATKINS IN JAIL Si.aspect, 21, Pleads Innocent A~er Informing in Tate· Cat'.. Effective in March Morgan Officially Quits AsLagunaCh~ber Head · The board of di!<Clon of the LagJJna Beach Chamber o( C.Ommerct, following a special meeting Tuesday, amounced the resignaUOn of Executive ?\tanager Warren Morgan, effective March I, 1970. Unanimously voting to c om m e n d Morgan {or his 3-h years of servi ce to the c~~r and the comm4nKy, ti\• !>Oar~'~ Ill • ac~oce di Mol\ ~~-~paij<>l "only a .~ t.jUll ol Mr.:-. grcml's request ori elly mb- mittei! ·at the l'fguJv. meeUn$ of the chamber euoo.tive cOinmittee tield Nov, 18." In a letter to the board, Morgan wrote, "It' is ,with many nixed emotions that I feel it necessary to · advise you of my decision to terminate as manager of the Laguna Beach Chamber ol Commerce as of March 1, 1970. Ths comes as no surprise to your executive committee in- asmuch as I have discussed the matter at some length wi!J1 them previously." f\.iorgan, who will be 70 March 17, &aid the chamber work had been "more. in- volved Ulan I aaticipated" and noted that he had be"en advised to "slow dOwn." Timing of his resignation, the executive manager explained, ~·as made io follow the February convention of the California Association of Chamber of ·eommerce Executives, to be held in Laguna Beach Feb. 11 through14. with Morgan as hosl. The retiring ofUcial said today he has no immediate plans for ·the futu re "beyond making the conference a sur.· cess," b1,1t probably will CQntinue a number of the volunteer acUvities In which he is engaged st Leisure World, y:here he now lives. A former specialist In International marketin, work.inc both in the United State& and abroad, Morgan is president· elect of the People to People organization in southern Qrange County. The ·movement, founded by the late President Eisenhower to encourage bet- ter understanding betl\·een people In the United States and foreign countries, ac- tively supports student exchange pr1> grams and other lnternathmal projects. · The aouth county group, "-1organ said, supports the American Field Service stu· dent eichange programs and has lllarl.td Newport Lifts Surf~g Fees Surfen who have paid $3 for an annua l Ucense to surf In Newport Beach in r~ c:«t years will be able to ride the wavr.1 for tree 1t&rting Jan. JJ. That's the official date for lifting of the city'• MJrfboard licen1e ordinance. But it's only a technicality. Ctty Oerk Laura Laglos said tod1y lhe dofm'l't ezpect to coll~ any m.ort llicenM 1 ... """" though the olflclll ending elite II bi early 1970. 'nle action to end the license fees came from city coupcibnen ~onday. They JSid ltfting of the ftts "-.:." a gift of torta lo surfers who have ch1nged th~r Image Jlnee the tletnses were 1mpoged three years ago. Along l"!th the end of the fet1, the counr.11 ~IJ'IUlded times aOO areas "·twre lhe surfers· can ur.e their boarde on tilt dly beadles. • • a 5tudent Joan fund for international students et Saddleback College. Margin atsO founded the Leisure World Senior Talent Active Reserve Service (STARS) which provides actlve involve- ment for reUred eXeculivea ae volunteer consult.ants for mtall businesses Jn South· 1rn Call!omla ~ Jl)aln~ a "VIP Peace Corp•" ol ecutlff. 'IPi<llU.iu11ho 1 ' trlveJ abroad tG etve1~~ • bus1ne11e1 in foreign coiintrtM~ ' .. He Is on the execuUve eommittee Of VIVA, a movement ~ to supporf . college groups formed to counteract cam- pus unrest, serves oo the boards of the local Community Chest @nd YMCA and 15 retiring president of the. Ex~tive Din: ner CIUb of the Orange Coasl. For the past 4~'t years, Morgan has hosted his own television program on Leisure world's Channel 6 and he said to- day he probably will continue the pro- gram, which he described as "a fascinating hobby.'' ''I hope to malnla.ln my membenhip ill ' the Laguna chamber," MOtpn &ah!.· "and will always be -ready ·to help the chamber or the community in any way I can.'' Freeway Pileup Damage Claims May Hit Million Insurance claims from the lCIO plue drivers involved in Monday's massive' pileup on the Santa Ana freeway could go as high as $1 million by the .time an. repairs are made and medical bills are paid. . A spokesman for · a large jnsurance firm said claims will be expedited by having repairs made immediately on the drivers' own policie5. "Generally speaking tn a. case or tliis magnitude. the repairs will be mid• under the drivers' own policies until the Investigations have bttn completed,'' he explained. "After all ' the fact.$ are In, then the companies wlll make their claims against th~ found responsible to recovr:r the money that has been ex· pended." The insurance representative. who uk· ed to remain anonymous, said he h&J>' pened to be in the middle of the hu1e wrecl< ond escaped unharmed. "Companl" are faced with 't'<Clal pr .. blems Jn cases lilte \his. I, saw people hit from · the rear and stop only to hive a third c•r come al<>ng. bit the ~ which Is rcdrlven Into the first, doma&ln1 both original can in dilferent places," be explained. "11'1 al~·ays difUcult to detennil)f: the reels in an acctdent. but this one II especially bad. tr t had been hit, I woukl have Md a hard Ume identlfyjn1 who hit me.'' The spokesman 11id tt will probClbl)' tako ,.veral months to gt\ the delalll cl I.he casr: straigbtened ~t. I~ Parents • ·Ill Rebellion I Say Sex Cl.asses 'Change Attitu{ks' I \ • • By THOMAS FORTUNE Of ... ~ Plitt llflf Se1 educatJon ls a way or changing at- Utuc:les children learn from lhelr parents and is frau.aht with peril for a school system because parents are bound to rebel. That fl" the view given by two Newport Beach Women -Mmes. Faye F.delblute and Mary Martin -.in testimony Monday to a Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· merce committee looking into the feaaibllity of eex education for the Newport-Mesa school district. "I feel lf this is working againlll what parents are trying to instill ln their children this really isn't right," l\.1rs. '91artin said. Mrs. Edelblute said she does not feel it is beUer ror children to learn the "facts of life" from a school teacher than in the back alley. "Whlle the back alley de!crip- tions are not always entirely accurate, the back alley neither condones it or pro- motes Jt," she said. of sex." She charged tl'lat this ii an objectJve of the proponents cl the program. She said she would endorse. the prir gram if sChool officlala would gjve their solemn piomtse to the community. to do nothing to offset the influence of home· taught values. But abe went on to .,ay ther.1~ldn't pr:onllse that became they bel eve ''it is the home where Ill wrq ~ga are being taugbt chlldttn and thit .the 911ly hope for righting society 's wrongs is to r~ucate our youth to a social science attitude." . She !aid the r;ohool board "ani! od· ministraticn are out to cblnge attitudes and are not levelinJ about the objectives of "this new revolution in education." Chamber of comnterct: Cdrnplll.tee member Arthur Gur wondered aloud whether It Was in the cemmlttee'1 po.r- view to discl.m: ·school adm:inl.itraUon. . "Sei: education caiuld . be part aod parcel of trualoocial ~•nc.s approacil~ a device to chlna:e attitudes. l think a lot of people leel \)lil way," Dr. Friuelle said. ... ~ "Jsn't additional sex education dwelling on the problem and not the solution," ask· ed Mrs. Edelblute. She said ieX education has been obligatory in Sweden for 20 years and almos~ 90 percent of ils inhabitants have had pre.marital intercourse before they reach their 2tl's. Asked the source of that informalion, she ::aid it ls common knowledge. She said 80 pereent of the Orange Coun- ty L1lx dollar goes for welfare and juvenile delinquency. "Doesn't th at tell you something·! Doesn't it ,scream that additional se1 education is not what is needed!" She suggested the question of sex education Courses be put on lhc ballot. And she said it could be the duty of tM chamber committee to 1nake public ''all the facts -·all the ramifications. \Vhal is wrong with letting the parents kpow that .any family life approach is the hwnanistic, atheistic approacb?" Mrs. Marlin ran UDIUCcessf'Ully ror the school board last spring. Mrs. Edelblute, who is chairman of communlly affairs for the Chamber Women's Division, claimed other women in the chamber agreed with her but did not have their endorsement of her corrunent.s. ' Mn:. t.delblute warned the chamber of cornmUct cmi.mlttee that if they recom~ mend for sex educaUoo they will create unbelievable turmoil. As in Anaheim, she · 1aid, frieilds and neighbors will divide, opposition groups will try to replace the school board, will want to fire the superintendent and teachers, will be bJghly 1USpicious of teachers, and will op- pose all tax overrides and bond issues. Nixon Fires Attorney For ·Southern New York "The .school district will be lucky if il can bring unity back in the next JO yearJ, 11 she said. •1 Are you willing to gamble?" "Are you philosophh:ing or i1 that a threat?" Dr. Nolan Frizzelle, chairman of the ctjamber committee asked. "I'm not threatening," Mrs. Edelblute said. WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix- on announced today he is firing Robert M. Morgenthau as U.S. attorney for the southern district of New York. -To succeed Democrat Morgenthau, who was his party's candidate for governor of Ne'v York in 1962, Nixon will nominate Republlcan Whitney North Seymoiir. Press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler acknowledged that Morgentbau had not relligned from the position. His term normally wou ld have expired June 11, l ~;'l. At this pofnl , Ziegler said, Morgenthau baa the opUoo of SL1bmitUng a letter of resignation or a letter will be sent to hlm informing him that Seymour is his rep!acement. Seymour, 45, has been a member of the Manhattan law tinn of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett since 1961. He 'vas an assistant U.S. attorney for the southern district during three years of the EiMlnbower ad· ministration and, between 1966 and 1968, was a state senator. A World \Var If Anny veteran, he was graduated with honots from Princeton University •and received hls law degree from Yale Law School. Mrs. Martin l8id she wanted to regiater a protest about a questJonnaire the com- mittee. has mailed out lo parents of 8,500 fifth, .seventh, ninth and eleventh grade students. The questions missed the m o s t sensitive point of the whole contro\'ersy, she claimed. She said parents should be asked ii they are in favor of a program that teaches "because of an apparent sexual revolution, they sbould adapt their sexual attitudes and behavior to accept a more lenient attitude taward premarital sex, homosexuality and all other aspects From Page 1 Signups Slated For Basketball ,, Basketball slsn!Jpa for boys In the IOW'lh, fl!th and ' afrth 111~es are under w1y 1t the Boys' Club of Laguna Beach, 175 rot. Coast Highway. Practice is scheduled from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Monday nights at the hlgh school and on Friday afternoons at the Boys' Club, under coach Russ Daly. The Boys' Club teams will compete with te1ms from Laguna's elementary schools ln league games to be played on Saturday afternoons, as well as playing Boys' Club teams from olher areas. The firat competition will be Saturday, Dec. 20, at the Boys' Club o! Oceanside. SALTCREEK •.• Bay-Dana Point beachfront. That sector includes Sa1l Creek Beach, possession of which i., being contested in the couru. Roads Commissioner Al Koch, Real Property 5er'vice1 Director Stanley Krause and H. G. Osborne, director of the Orange County F)ood Control District, were named to lnveaUgate the Dickason proponl and report to the boanl. Supervisor Alton Allen urged rormauon of the comm.lttee and "d~p con-- sideration•i of the ~ issues raised bY· shoreline acquieiUon before any board ruling is considered. "We have to remember," be sai d, ·~at we may not be s.ble to acquire all the. lhoreline outlin· ed In thl1 Teport." Whatever the outcome ol the board consideration, Dickason i.s on record as believing that the S.:lt Creek Beach im· passe will be resolved and public access to lhe ocean front in the area achieved. "l think we'll come to an understanding with Laguna Niguel one way or another and I'm sure that a soluUon Isn't too far away," he said. "We may solve it on the basis of a mutual agreement or it may be by way of eminent domaln (county con· demnation of Laguna Niguel land in the Salt Creek area)." Dickason's shoreline acqu isition hopes _ are, he told the board, "just one segment of our overall county master plan for development ·of shoreline, parks and recreation areas." He said re pre.sen-; tatives of five coastal communities - Huntingta.1 Beach, Laguna Be a c h , Newport Beach, San Clemente and Seal Beach -are wprking closely with the county in a coordinated study. Dickason said the "team effort \\1ill look closely into every aspect of shoreline.- development and possible dcvelop1nc11t including sueh fa ctors as offsho re islands and oil drilling, mi't1era l exploration on the ocean floor and many other !actors that may enter into shoreline evaluation in future years." He was asked to bear in mind during the study the recent offer of the lrl'ine Co. in which the private corporation of· fered to join hands with the county in an evaluation of shore.line possibilities and the creation of public accelis in private sectors. • r _________ ,.._ ___ NM!WW•W__.,.•W••WWWRW~Wa••~~l -. i ' I I I The Diamond Walth. a Tradition wilh an innovation. ! . I I Begin \\lith the world-famous Omega movement. Than circle lt with flawle11 diamonds. Who \\!Ould dare attempt to imprlil\'8 upon suc.h perfection? Qm-ega \V OUJd, They designed new sett ings for the diamonds. eliminating oonveiitlonaJ CONVENIENT TERMS tANKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE prongs. There'•.more diamond 1paFld1 because there la more dl1111.ond expose(· Then they added color to the dials.1t makes each \' .. atch mor e 1tlractiv1. tnore dlttlncUve. See out complete Om1a1 diamo nd 'ratch collection soon. COSTA MESA 0 OMEGA ll YEAR S S.'.ME LOCATION PHONE I . 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KM 1-ZZ - "$t:f:lr r ""' °" fllltlrio!, .:=f'.1."=32 95 11111,.,..~ I -. PDlnid 320 I.Ill c.ra ftr Color .., lllcl 1 wlill Ii<· tn ,.,,_-.. . -~-..... . . ~,.:· ..:·1.95 Polaroid Color Pa II c.ra Ille fi:st ---ly -.. • -color "" =--~i:24 88 pl<ilJ. I Polaroid . Film Tnl 111 -I l I Tnt IU -Cllw 2.09 3.88 ~ VIEW·MAS'IIR ~pidl:t--TllEAlR . ter! Collllos ....,.. ·-·-· • l'Oieclllr 11111 """"" .. loaselo~ Cl2lml for ·-· iltw-..... , .... Viii y tllr. __ ...... ............... .. ~ ....... (105 IC4la), 41 ..... leilJel ....... ,... jictiot-. All .. 1111.Y 8.88 . ElllCbic can Opener lllCI -·~-tic lid #C-11 lol4or . ._.. slm:ll21I silt 8 88 -will: -""1111111 ii _ ......... . "10-Speed" Binder • """"'"r ., IS1lllZH I ... asve Pl:lsHlotie fl!Ut ·1ctio1 e11bles JDI to 32 95 p:ocest foods 112 desi~I · silf. !>a:J ~ ""'j""· I lisl • ti• 11111 Sllill witll ~Alarm Clocks "ltw. a· • .._";" ...... 1··--.. ,.-.s.10 ----......... ·--b. m liilk If ... Sl6ptd ..... ...... l-..... 4.98 5.69 6.49 CONatn•ATE ;'Prell'/. SHAMPGO ,, ...,, lllltabtlt ,llitli" t1M. lans "" b it 1111 1111 . rafi11l ~·=. 39c D(AMONQ Batteries ' •c• ., .,. c111 ftt ""'"llti.tlf ""' - EKUAL EUCTll Flashcubes ·11itc'iat1• -"" ..... lilt . ll-·i..,111 tn Olb .• , II J11 "" tflnl'. IOXOf 88 3 CUIES C 1211,HllS) SE•j;EANT'S 'SentrJ' ~~. fer.DOGS •iNI CATS E1~11~J-i1 . ~~ 1.29~ PLUS -Cold Tablets . , 'fir rtlltl ,, ~ ... ;~•11 pf 1~,. : . _llttU11! ~,'I.SI ·9 ( ... n·s •, .. ' , I (, I • " SAY.ON Tooth Paste R1!11uu ai It cliios! Clileso j lrt• flt&.• Sll1•11 fltt:tlo. • : REI. 51c Ill\ OZ. SIZE , ~ILBISS 145 Vaporizer Stum all 11111 litl: sit1 •to-•ti• •t ell. c .. ,., .. •iii 111t n1 .. 3 6 4:15 . • • -.. ~:-.ait11.11t .. •rnAi· rs;rw=~~~=~ 'Deskette' Pad Folio ift G W d l.'. fol>•& ljpo ol vinyl with ~ lllcil Ofl outside. \lertttal Ul II/! • ' ~~ horizontal pockets ~" .. 3 39 ... , 1ns1de. Paper lltd pe" 1n- • • • • • c:l!lded. Assorted colefs. • """ ""' !00% Giiio 11111:11 8 88 s;rib ... Ill ""!" ~ lat. , '! :• "Old · Crow" "Old Charter" '" •us ~ mAlllf SAil ZJf -••ON 1245 IS ""' Yr hf. • "Jim Beam" llllmlCIT STUllllT ·--4,.. ... -16 """ "Eden Roe" aaAllDY Ill """ .. • I Ii Gal 11.99 St~ 3,99 1t4.99 Rlyal Cmt lift 2.39 ·llMllUDY A *liel:el *iii fw Ill llof*Ys 4 69 ,. .1111• Cllf. 5l1r I "Jack Daniels" "11.ACll IAlll" turn• S. lllot: , ........ "S11inl0fl'' llll•-YODICA , for JO!' llofiUr .-... """' s~ 7.35 s .. 4.89 at5.99 "Cnss" PM f: PIKil ~i"s10 IHl Coll . $17 fllltf Sot PAllASOMIC 12" TV'SIT ._._,. w/7$"' it. ... 1111111 lft* "'"'2tdalo:s.loistles.Pu112 89' ftllrial llllfal AssGciatiR A,pmed "Water Pik" Oral ffyp111 a,,li11c1 u.;,:oiy olllas "1dll glLOJS, betwe" ~ -tridgM/i wit~ i 11- ..... poluli•& !:. ":"..'! =: 19 84 ""-#19 • scHICll "hot lather" Dispenser flf l111l1t ~12ll21il1·•1Jl1 l11'1r. AIHllcflio '°""" beats up in sec: ~..:-:1995 -,.. ""' . "Plush" Slippers lnfo:ts' long lair sllaJ, O!lt sole, hip boot •lippe:s io 2 49 assorted CfJIOfS for warmtti • "4 C-Omlo<t SiZ<s 3-l Pf. o tQllUMmtlJWHIH'ttatlMllltanN•ffMtlDnll""'"IOIUUllll 'Snow-FIOk' Kit '" Clrislals Tilll GiveSJ"' b• ... Llitwl CJ a:tif"<ial ••• tit son. snowy belU!y of -~ floclin1 also llelps to prev~t needle fall. Add food color in& for die· omor tials. #Sfl!I llf. 2.31 1.98 i::l•-"lll•lntl" ...... ~"88 88 .,... ..... llllMo "" I Ill ...... flJli #•JI I lllill Clrlrill• . ::::::::::::••:·:·~ 1.25 &i. .. Sill i:r ... --1.19 •uvaua-Clless Sit Htlll lililW llOOd will: I 2"" till lit1. H1nill•1 ........... "'; 2.69 "crtiap" Bin :..=,~ llied ... Ill Hal ai:Clldioo. 1.49 SOllY l'ltall TY Sit r pict:n -' '-""'·Bid- "' lltloi """ .... ·-.ftlll· .... .. ..... 111M 109.95 "SAUNDA" cLA••Ol "Kindness: 2ll" fat11t Hairsett11 Vlltl: .... t.o:::peol • -21-11-·~­l:r .. ""' " .... -·--"18 88 =,-·= I LiPted Make-Up Mirrar Cd IUlll ... ..., ~ ....... . .... 3""' Lllnor. lllllli1vill -.. .. •• " fill -.. -"'"". Is 11111 23 98 fol clDst wit Ulll """" .. "-' Cllor. #1M I . Al PllClS NEYAll . lllldlr, hr. llti / "'' S11il~ ..... list I a,t1IAMt1 lf PM• 711ysAWt1k ~ >.'. ' ' NIWPOIT llACH .......... u ... . HUNl'.INOTON BEACH ltNfn1•••• _. ,..._ • HUNTINGTON llACH 1111 I,._ I• W....ntt' "- Ml-0."'IJll. '""'' ••••• lttm, . ' "'*· ....... ,.,. ·- " I ··~~.r, ~.)-~?fit: ••f!··-,w..~ ... • • I I \ l . _ _... .. ----------·--------·-.... ---' ... ·~ .. ~ .. - York Stock List I Market Sytnbols f I • r • L OAllY 'ILOT ·New ··~York StoetC ExchaiJg~ ~List - • Complete Closing Prices -A1nerican Stock Exchange List , ... . ·' • • • • ~ DAILY PILOT . Wtdt1tsday, D!<tmbtt 17, 1969 Grarid Jury Goes for Tl(O • • ·1n Fight ·Scand~l • r Nt:W YORK (UPl)--On the n!&ht h• bt Ills challenge for the l!Cht neavy- -boxing championship, Frankl• bePaWa didn't sound like a loser 1 .cconUrur to a .Manblttan grand jury. DePauTa and hl5 manaau. Gary Gara- fola, were rtlulng in a Manhattan restaurant .sevual boun after the 29- ytar-old fighter was knocked out in lhe f1nt round by Bob Foat.tr. Garafola reportedly asked DePaula !or M>rne change for a hatcheck girl. "Voo're kidding. 1 scored today, man. All I got is hundreds,·~ DePaula sald, tcCOrdJng to the grand jury. The boxer deniel the statement Tbe.llllnboy1nt Jersey City fighltt 1llepdly said he 11.!COr'!d" on the nlaht ol JOn. SI. Bui be didn~ receive Illa """' unUJ the follo"'1ng day, according ltt Alfred J, Scotti, the chief assistant dl&- Lrict attorney In Manhattan. DePaula and two underworld flgures were indicted Tuesday for perjury In connection with that convusallon and -several others related to the DePaula· Foster fight and the nonUtle mlddlew!ight upset by Dick Tiger over Nino Ben· venuti four months later. The grand jury indiclments capped months ol tcslimony in an investigation that ls still conllnuing. The case could become. the first major boxing, scandal in a decade. The grand lury will hear Teddy Bren- ner. the Madison Square Garden boxing maiehmaker, in further sessions next mooth. Dooley Called Puppet Chicago Scribes Unload on Halas CllICAGO (AP) -Never hu the HOUR ol Halas hem rocked &<> violently as i has this week when tbe crack tn the Chicago Bears' ~ grew into a l'iS3lll"e from the spear of quarterback Virgil Carter. 'It was Uke lhe opening of a Pandora's Boll' when Carter was fined $1 ,000 for an autburst against the club mil then es· cused TUesday from practice. Bear owner George Halas says Carter lwn't been released or suspended but 11simply dismissed for the .. week. He wHI receive his full game aalary, altboogh not playing sw.tay." F.dginem is touching all bases. One !an wrns it up like this: "I've been 11itt1ng m the same 1e8t at Bears' games for 25 yean. I pray to 11ee .a rh"9t clus product, not a living, breathing problem.'' As the Bears take their 1-12 National Fcdball League record -worst in their aa1J' century history -into Sunday's !inile here against the Detroit Lions, bey are being harpooned from aU sides. "IA!t's put il oot tn tbe open," says SporU: F.ditor Rick Talley in Chicago To- lay. "Jim Dooley should be fired as eoach or the Chicago Bears. George ~·las &., chairmen al the boon!, should lo jt. Md U he doesn't, he !dlou1d at h!ast tire two bmes into Dooley's shoulder Wades 11111 inoert -· -which could le -lllrlngs. "All puppets should have 11trings -and bll'• all Dooley ..,.....,.. In hi> J"'8'nl llpoci1;y -the Beors." Joell Griffin al the Olicago Sun·Tlmes !lid file Boarl are a "dispirited, ....,......., fl'OUP Iha! !Ill oo1¥ ... Landry Fined For Criticism C)f ()ff iciat~ common denominator, and that !~ dissension .•. The disseiuion b aimed at the top or the stairs, and that means only one fellow, George llalas. "He was responsible for the growth of the team and he is equally responsible for its disintegration ... The Bears have managed to work themselves into the worst labor relations group in organized sport .•. " Bob r.takus, Chicago Tribune sports columnist. tops it off with -"Playing with the Bcar:it thil!I year, I wouldn't be surprised if even Ernie Banks womd have turned into an old grouch." Super linebacker Dick Butkus' 5-year contract ends Jan. l. He says a number of Bear players want to be traded or cut and adds: "Look at me .•. My contract is up, and I want lo play Vt'ith a winning team." It is not clear if Butkus i:1lready has pla yed out his option and could become a free agent Jan. I, but he is ready at any rate to ask for a whopping raise -say $30,000 more to put him in the $80,000 bracket c:i Gale Sayers. Among others said to be nun;ing some sears are quarterback Jack Concannon, apparen~ doghlJl!.sed long ago: guard George Seals, wouOOed wl.lh an assorted $7,400 in fines for missing game$ in an early "retiretneflt • salary dispute'' episode; center Mike Pyle, a co-eaptain benched lately without explanation to him; wide receiver Dick Gordon, who started brooding because not enough passes were thrown to him . Guard Howard Mudd, obtained from San Francisco. Insists he isn't mad at anybody, but he hasn't signed a Dear contract yet. Meanwhl.Je, Carter Jia:s taken his case or a fine to Dan Shulman, counsel for the NFL Players Association. Shulman says if carter has to pay the $1,000, grievance procedure 6hould go to Halas, first, then to .Art Model! o£ Cleveland, NFL presi· fient, and finally to Commissioner Pete Rozelle. "If il get& to Renelle," says Shulman, "these things would have to be answered : Did Virgil make those actual statemenl.S? Are they detrimental to lhe club and football? Are all of them true? ls the fme itself excessive?" Scott.I 1 aid James "Jhnmr. Nap'' Napoli, 57, a reputed "chleltaln' Jn the Malla, llad a lalk with Garafola about DePaul1'1 bout on Jan. 17. "How does everyUilng look?" Napoli rePortedly asked Garafola. "Everything looks good. The k.id will listen,"· the manager allegedly replied. The grand jury made no allegations about th, outcome of the Benvenuti· Tiger fight , but the panel said the indict- ments· arose from an investigation into a possible ''conspiracy to commlt the crimes of .11ports-brlbing and sports brlbe- receivtng." Middleweight champion Benvenuti, a 2-1 favorite, lost a unanimous JO.round decision to Tiger, the Biafran fighter who is a fonner middleweight champion. It was reported after the bout that Benvenuti broke hla: hand In the first round and was unable to land solld rlghthanded punches afterwards. The third mao lndlcttd, Joseph "Joe Carlo" Calabro, 44, ot Brooklyn, a con- victed gambler, allegedly was a close friend ol Bruno AmaduztJ, BenvenuU's manager, and was a house guest of both the manager and the fighter in Italy. Calabro allegedly met with Amaduzzl and Napoli at the Garden during an eve- ning of other bolting boots two weekt before BenvenuU's loss. He · denied the meeting and insisted in testimony to the grand jury that Ile was only a door-to- door milk route salesman. He could IUPP)y no dellill <I llll employment, however. Napoli, an admitted yambler who re- ported an Income of I 10,000 1111 year and Uves In a l!I0,000 Manhattan town hOWie, Wll further eharged willJ perjury tor being Wllble to explain the IOUl"Ce of $24,~ in cash reserve• he kept In a hatbox at his home. Charged with seven counll of. perjury and criminal contempt, Napoli was released Tueeday in $15,000 bail. Calabn>. charged with four counts of perjury and two of criminal contempt, was freed ln ball of 110,000. DePaula, charged with four count& of perjury, wa1 freed 1n $3,lOO hall. Judge Isadore Dolling.,. adjourned the three men'a cues unUI Jan. 111. Ul'IT1,..... AWAITING DATE WITH OILERS -Don Maynard, flanker for the New York Jets, limbers up at Shea Stadium in preparation for Sunday's duel with Kansas City. Maynard has been hobbled by a foot injury but iii ready for action. Jets Slipping Defensively~ Stram Says NY Offense Same as '68's KANSAS CITY (AP) -Coach Hank Slram believes the New York Jets are just as good offemively, if not better, than they were a year ago wtien they won the Super Bowl. .. However, the Kansas City Chiefs coach thinks the J ets may have slipped defensively. It is this belief that brings optimism lo the Chiefs as they prepare for Saturday's American Football League playoff in New York. "From an over-aU viewpoint," Stram gys, "you've got to say they're as good as they were last year. They repeated as AFL Eastern Division champions, and its tough to win it again. "Defensively tlley aren't quite as good because ol all the people they've lost." While the key to the Jets' offense ap- pears to be quarterback Joe Namath, Stram believes that "one thing people definitely utxlerestimate is the abilily of Bake Turner, and George S a u e r everybody knows .about. "Turner could be a regular and a star with any other football team. But he plays behind a great receiver, Don Maynard ." Maynard has a broken root bone, but returned to workouts Tuesday. His status for Sunday is cloudy, but Stram is work~ tng on the assumplion that Maynard may play. "Because or experifnce," stram added, "the Jel.s' receivers are as well coordinated M any group of receive.rs in the league. ''Emerson Boorer and Matt Snell are big league running backs who llave the ability to do il all. "I think, too, you llave to respect the fact that the Jets are a big game team. They've been involved in two big ones. "You have to gtve Weeb Ewbank and his whole team credit for repeating as champion.s of the Eastern Division." UA!LAS (A~)-'l:om Landry, coadi of ltie Dallu'Cowboys, said T'uesday he had ~ lined by. the National Football League, apparently for his critielan of lfficials in the Nov. 16 game agaimt the !-In Washlngion. He declined to give the amount cf the lne .ez:cept to say tt wu trivial. Chargers' 5.9 Giant The ·NFL oommi!llloner's clfk:e an· -file dloclp!lnary actioo. "Appropriate di>dpllnary action has Men taken. 'Ibat.'a about as specific as we can get," the statement saJd. "Yes, I was fmed and the incident la tlosed as far as I'm concerned," Landry I.aid. 'The Cowboys won 41-28. Landry was quoted in the Dallas Times llerald as saying earlitt, "in my 20 years If football that is the worst call J have ...,er &een. J don't care when you were tanding in the stadiwn, you could llave leet1 that." He wu reftninc to failure to call pass pterfermce aga!mt e,onierback Pat risher ol the Redskins on coverage of !tanker Lance Rent.tel. The pass was ln-...,,p1.u. Bob Lllly, the all ·pro defensive lneman, also criticized the officiating after he was penallied for being offside. 111ne oC the rare times he ~ been penaJiz. Kl. "The RedskiM' guard pulled two counts btlort the snap aod I just wenl in ri ght behind him. It cou]d have cmt us the 1ame, them (the officials) calling it *k.." On that play, Dave Edwards of the Cowboys picked up a fumble and ran 51 vants to the Washington 10, but th~ ball n3 c:alled back. A spokt!man for the Cowboys ~aid J\le:Sday that no dlaciplinary action had btt:n taken against Lilly. Post Becomes Pillar For San Diego Team SAN DIEGO (AP} -\V ind 11p Dick Post and watch him dash with the foot- ball. caroming of{ bigger men like a billiard ball coming off a cushion. But until this year the spring in the 5- foot;.9, 190-pound San Diego Charger halfback would run doWTI . Weekly con· tact with 230-pound linebackers wl>'ild Lake its loll. Post managed to stay somewhat healthy in 1969 -he wound up leading the American Football League in rushing "'ilh 873 yards for a 4.8-yard averagt, well ahead of Boston's big J im Nance with 750 yards. The former Houston University athlete ranked fourth in the AFL ln his rookie year of 1969 whm he gained 6&.1 yards. But In one game he gol hit while standing still. "The first Ume In my life that I stand still on a foolba.11 field and it llaJ>f)tns,'' recalled Po6t, who finishl'd that season, then undef"\\'ent gurgery to repair cartilage and ligament fiamage in his right knee. M a 50phm)ore pro last year he rank· cd No. Sin ille league With 758 yards, but agai n submitted the same knee for cartilage wrgery in Ult off.season. "My knee is 100 percent well." Post said Tuesday. "This is the first off-season as a pro v.ithoul having to have surgery for my kntt." But Post didn't go through the season without pain. For l'leverfl:l week s he cmild practice only part.time for upcoming ga1nes. "I hurt my shoulder, only slightly. and I had R t.:ligflt sternum Injury. Dul I fell I wa., vtry fortunate with as few injuries as I had. "I was !ortunate to play In every game and J finished this season stronger than bt>fore." Post said he has dreamed ol lcadins: the league in n1shing and playing Jn tJ1c All.star game. Alabama Gridder Drowns Dl!lCATIJR, Ala. -Richard Gramm..-, Urltnl center on the Unlvl!f'ltty of Allblma ,football tea m. drowned eartY loda)' ln lbf Tennesaee Rlvtr. He wH to &.we. been married ne:n Saturtlay on his !Ind birthda7. Gnmms'. hi.I brolher Jimmy, 1'1.!o an ill-foOCbl1l pa.ya-, and two .other • men w@r't! Nrtins out on 1 dutk hunt. Their 11ma\I skiff capsized less than 11 mile from the Decatur Boat !{arbor wher' their trip down ri\'er had begun. The survlvo!"I 51ld 1hat'fl when Ont of them went to the front ol the boat to v.-ork on the ruMing light, thcµart ~an to take w•te.r and aank. Grammer Jed In about •Ix feet of water. The body wes found M!\'tral hours later. Grammer had tamed Ulrtt football let· ters at Alabama . The 5-foot·l I. 207-pound Unemrrn had ended h1s college C&"ttr only h1:o;t St'lturdny in .AIAbnma·s 47·3.1 11).';S to Colorado in lhe Liberty Bo\\'l at 1.1emphis, Tenn. U I' I T """'9fl lie Mea11s Bt1si11ess .J oe Caldwell of the Atlanta Hawks grabs a rebound from New York'• Dave Dcbusscher In a 125-121 overtime win fort.be Hawks Tuesday. l GLENN WHm Sports Editor Raiders Coach Lauds ()ilers' 1-2 Punch OAKLAND (AP) -The Olkland Raiden, fa....cr by 13-poinU to make it to the American Football League's cbam- pklnship game in two weeks, profess to be worried that a matured Hootlton quarterback and a dangerous Oiler run- ning game might keep 1IK"1l from that • 1ppoinan.nt. The Raiders !mt the Oilers here Sun· day bt an AFL playt'if game with the winner later meeting the survivor of New York Jet,.KaMas City Chiefs con- test. John Madden, the Raiden fint ·year coach, e:ays Houston is "a much better team than they were the first time w. met. Houston ii better for two reuona: Jerry Levlas and Woody Campbell." Campbell, --to football aft.er 10 months in Vietnam, runs with Hoyle Granger In the Oiler backfield, giv· 1• Ing Houston what Madden says ls "a tough. ball-control offense. They can con- trol the ball on the ground like Kanut City does." 'Ibe Raiden are also concerned about the new-ft>und maturity of Houston quarterback Pele Be<!thanl. '"Ibis was p-obably his best game:• said a Raider scout Of Beathard'1 performance In Houston'• 27·23 victory over Bo8too. last week . "He WU 17 of 24 for 250 yards and two truchdowm and he got the hall to """' receivers. 1be impressive thing ta the way he mixed hia attack, calling on their running backs," said the scout. "Pete has matured.'' Maddf.i agrees, noling: "Beathard Jooks a lot better. He had them all ahead ,. • "\ al San Diego on Thanbgivlng day and 111 was ju$l tremendous last week in rallying them to beat Boston ... In addWon, tile Oilers' a1fensive line came in for praise. In the first ~thirds oi the season Qeathard was dropped 20 times behind the line. But in the oast five g.,,,.. be has been hit just once trying w !""'· Levias was the goat r:A. Oakland's 21·17 victory over tbe Oilen in tbe first game of the regular season wl1'!ll he dropped an almost sure touchdown pess: late in the game. Since then he has come on strong, thougti. Says Madden: "Levi as glves them another dimension, real speed." The Raiden w..i through their lint full-scale drills al the week Tuesday after Madden gave them two days olf a!ttt their victory over. the Chiefs. last Satlll'- day . "!figured the extra day off would belp moce than another practlce day, .. Aid Madden. Pittsburgh, Bears Vie For Phipps PITl'SBURGH (AP) -The PlttsburJh Steele-s, running neck and neck with the ChJcago Bean tor flnt crack at the col· lege draft, are Kching for some offensive zip but may spurn Purdue quarterback Mike Phipps. Phipps, who many observers think wilt be drafted first. will get a kmg Jook by the Pittsburgh scoul'I, but his chances of becoming a Steelei-seem slim. "It's no !JeCJ'et we could use a good run. nfng back," gays Steeler-vice pre.1ident Dan Rooney. The Steelers, however appear sold on rookie Terry Hanratty ol Notre Dime who battled veteran Dick Shiner for th~ quarterback job this year. So that spot ii not the Stttlen' most. pressing need. While the Steelen aren't in desperate need ol a quarterback, there's still a chance possibility they could seek Phipps for trade bait for veteran players. "We need scoring punch," says coach Chuck NoU, "But I still believe ln draf- ting the best 1vallable player no maUer what pooitlon he plays." The -and the Bears. holh J.12, have the wont r"""1ls In pro footbaft this sea.son. And Sunday's games -Chicago and Detrol~ Pittsburgh and New Orleans _ will d~e who (ets the first choice when the drift begins Jan. 27. Ir .both clubs finii'lh the season "ith kJenUca1 rtcon111, 1·13 or 1·12 or t-12·1 1 coin rup will decide who gets the fl~st pick. 17 I, • ·-- I • J Saddleha~k EDIT.ION . .. T..tar'• l'lwld. N.Y~ Stoeka , I .. voe •62, NO. 301, s SECTIONS, 94 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . WEDNESDAY:, DECEMBE~ ·11, '196. .TEN CENTS ,. . ,, I ' t ·aguna Abortion Trial tO Challenge Laws? By RltjHARD P. NALL Of t111 Dtillr 1"00 Shit Abortion charges against a Laguna Beach physiciah may end by setting new ' California legil precedent if the case makes the long trek lo the State Supreme Court. Dr. Robert C. Robb, 66, of 34567 Scenic Drlve, Dana Poipt, w8s arrested at his spacious cliff:ton tiome by Laguna police , " on Sept • .f., Police accused tbe phy sicianA>f illegally I . ' Inducing miscarriages In two 20-year-old unmarried women. They said it nearly . . c..'Ost the life of one ol. the patients when peritonitis, an infection of the abdomen, developed. Dr. Robb has denied the charges. ';I have never performed an operation on a pregnant woman," he said at the time. lj!OOling the arrest "quite a shock to me." Robb , a wido\ver, has practiced medlcine in Laguna Beach about JO years . In Ro~b's defense, attorney Moses B"rman of Santa Ana, is attemptlnc to nave the rase'thrown out of court on the grounds that it is unconstitutional. In volumnlous briers, he has attacked the legality of California aborlton law on numerous lang~. In asking Judge Paul Mast, Central Orange County Municipal Court, to aismiss the action, Berman has filed a demurrer -a pleading that the criminal com~aint i!: unconstitutional on its face . Martin J . Heneghan, deputy district at. t.orney prosecuting the matter, maintains the law ls "alid. He said WCI~ whichever Wb"J Judge-Mut rules on Jaft. t, the tftat· ter will ~bi;' be· llp!>Uled right on to the-State ... --.Court. =~·-He~lbl State Supreme Court held ~i\lie .Qlf'•tiort.loo law wu 11/1· consti!ul!l!W Ill" the grounds tl!at the pertinen~:~:r~e sectioo wu vague and .indeunn&.li" Tbe -l~·atl .. that abortion ,was illeflal.-~~'ry to preserve the life ol ~ ·~r. The legal laquage .1: ~ '.'"--, ~·:. ,. . -..... . ~ree( U . ~·,.. waa amended t!) ~P.,. lbe right <k tbetapeuUc abortion. Other abortlou wa11 '81d to b< illegil. • Berman has attacked the therli~Utic abortion oeCtlon on the grounda-tliil' no staDdards are set , up -. for medk:al authoi:batiOil of a therapeu~ JliCir!iOJl. He. ~ shown that the 1-.w Js appJl~ in different-ways in differenl parts of ·California. .11• Jn SU Francisco, aaid Heneg~, the e1istinc .::.... untested -law is 'inter.jlreted looaely. llere !tla 1iven atrid appllcaUmi. . . Henegtian said this may be the first time the therapeutic abortion act has been 1t,.. tacked in court. If JLJdge Mast sustains the demuner - in effect 'holding therapeUUc abortion u:n- consfllutfonal -Heneghan said . the district attorney's office will appeal. Jf Mast. rvles in fav9f of the _prosecuti0n, the defense will doubtl~ appeal. Dr. R!>bb, in the meantime, is free on ball ud has not yet entered a plea In the case iwhich could Pe a preCalent setter with .statewide implications. ·-:rove . .. -. -. County Says Access Issue Crime Cracl{down . . Newark Mayor, 1.4 Others HeUl NEWARK, N.J. (UPI) -Mayor Hugh J. Addonizio and 14 others, including three councilmen. \\'ere indicted today on tax evasion anq,-lxtortion charges by a federal gran jJlry investigating organiz- ed crime· a · oUfcial ·corruption in New Jersey.~ /, /!.. · The irl.dictment was the second frootal aUtt on crime and corruption in New ht#J by the nation 's top law en- forc,etti;ftt officer in 24 bour.s. Attgfiiey General John N. Mitchell trig· aerfl the roundup of 53 of 55 Mafia ' figures-and their henchmen named Tue;- day in two federal indi ctment.'3 on illegal gambling charges. The ·two others are being sought. Mitchell today Said the grand jury in- dicted Addoni.z.i.o and the othe rs for ex· torting more than $250,000 from an engineering. firni engaged in municipal construction and for failing to report lheir full incomes. They also were charg- ed with conspiracy . 'T'he inructment further charged that "the defendants did conspire . to V'iejo · H!i~pital Going · I . 4Iw(ld. Despite Rejectinn By ,TOM BARLEY otf tllt Dflf'f' ,llotl SJ.ti' Backers Of i 1proposed 250-bed private hospital th Ult Mission Viejo area today 1hruped off a rm*lical board's refusal to appr1vt lheir facility and confirmed that const.,rllction will begin ")ate this month or definitely in Jan~ary. '' What--wtll :eventualty become a $10 mlllion hospital-riledic3I comple'i on 15 acres at Crown Valley Parkway and the S;m Diego Fr~eway failed Monday to win the el'l90rse,qient of the Comprehensive Heatu<"PtamUng Assn. of Orange County. But two-'other 'f>roposed hospitals in the south· county area -Saddleback Com- munity and San Clemente Medical Center -tiOth won the backing of the health cll i-e organization. The hospitals will add 364 .. bed. to a burgeoning area that will, hospital I and medical authorities in South Orange'County agree~ be badly needed by tbt tim~ they are available. ftte,adlng the exee1,1tive bl).ard of ~ Missi.>n Community Hospital 1S Dr. Lows Cella a Santa Ana physician who has vowed tG bulld the facility with or without CHPA /approval. A ~kesm~ for Dr. Cella toda y descrlbed the fatlure ol CHPA to back tbe buildiiig plans as "hardly the kiss of death" and 1•based oo statistics that show the group's inability to recognize what v.i ll_ spc:ll'I be, the hospital bed needs of this expi,ding community." hospital on a nine-acre site at El Toro Road and the San Diego Freeway. Saddleback officials said the hospital will serve the Laguna Niguel-Laguna Hills-Mission Viejo area and will be ex· panded to a total of 600 beds. An estimated 250 ~ will become avail able· by late 1172 or early 1973. Backers of the $5 million San Clemente facility hope to open the hospital in March, 1971 with a provision of 250 beds. Plans for the south county hospital also include eventual expansion. Backers of the Mission Community Hospital intend to build seve ral other hospitals in south Orange County. And re- cent state legislation will mean that CHPA endorsement of their plans is man- dat.o;y after January 1.. , South Coast ~unity Hospital Jri South Laguna currently provides 152 ho5:pita1 beds for the south county area and is the only hospital available to rapidly expanding communities in that sector. A proposal which would add 126 beds to the hospital total •as backed last month by CHPA. lt is expected that the ad- ditional beds will be available by tm at a cost of $6 r;nillion. State estimates ittdicate: that oi11y 524 hospital beds will tie needed in the aouth coRSt area by 1974. ,-_ Backers of the three proposed hospitals agree that those esUmates a r e misleading and unrealistic. thwart construction undertaken Oft behalf Gf the city of Newark .. ~in order to ob- taih the property of contractors, engineers and others working on certain municipal construction" by "fear of financial injury and under. colOr of of· ficial right." • The 15 defendants were charged with 65 courits of actually committing enortion against Constrad Inc., an eng\neering finn wbich se rved as a consuJtant, prime contractor and subcontractor for various city _projects sucQ as seN conlbUiil1Pi'l1 ard W'baa renpa1. J:'WS ~;F(I, . Each o( the extortion counts alleges that th~ 15 defendant&. obtained 65 separati! ]Jfymenta...from Constrad rang- ing from llOO to 111,000. others ~ AddoniJio indicted on both incom• tu and.,-~I" in- cluded City Councilmen Frank Addonizio. Calvin D. West and Irvine I. Tun!er, and fonner council members Lee Bernstein, Anthony Giuliano and James Call•ghan. Giuliano is now a municipal court judge and Callaghan is employed by the Newark Municipal UUllUes Authority. Nixons Expected In San Clemente The nation's first family is expected ·to fly west for IO days in San Clemente the day after Christmas if Congress acts on pending appropriations bills. Barling a special session of Congress, the President and Mrs. Nixon should ar· rive Dec. 26 for a holiday in their cliff.top manSion, ·the former Hamilton Cotton e-_tate .. Mr. Njxon last .week told Congress he will call tberri into speeial session Dec. 2' if no action ii ~ken on appropriations bills that are peitding. The president said' i! Congress bas to stay in Washington for the holidays be will stay with them. The Nhi:ons left San Clemente Sept. I after a month's vacation that began with the Aug. _t touchdown in Orange County of Aii Foret . One. lt was a busy month that ranged from goU and .a State dinner for the astronauts who ·first landed on the moon to the eventful announcement that the Pl:esident would nomir\llle Judge Clement F. Haynswo,rth to the. Supreme Cow1. HELD'WITHOUT, BAIL · · Mr •• llwtlli• Hunt ' ! ' r Top Priority Admlnjstra~ of, Orange County government today have authori:&atlon to seek ·-public a«ess to Salt 1Creek Beach but the big qu""ion remaining is whether ~ net Laguna Niguel Corporalloc\ will negotiate on 1he inue. In a compr.ehcn.slve presentation bef>Jre the county Board-of Su.~isor& Tufsday. County planning Dir:ector F o t e s t Dickason· made it clear he aSljitgns a top priority tO gaining acwi'.s to the Salt Creek ahorelll\e betwten &full\· "Laguna . an.d Dana Point. l 1 .,., . He1woukl ~er \be coJnty-to •cqWrt ... · ,.i~ the •"191l 7,'lUO;feet ~-~fron\lee.1 .. i..•·~· .._i\liF,_' " Fallliig llvi~ DickH .... other alternatives that would at least. provide 'M\IRDER VICTIM the l'Ul!lic wlth pail!w•1' to the sea. Lii -Nlfuel ~tlon ollicilll N,wport'• Willis ·~nt· ~. how·evt!ll', haVe held to the N~f;ort Death S1tspect pos(Uon 'lhlt Ille OMlpany owna the upliadl«nd haf'~ plalllled the orea u • priva~·. be;icb lo serve Niguel rel~.,: I . NC11V tbal . bra.,. County JOVetnment has inclica:f.ei:I its desire to negotiate the· question "public mss, the qtJeftlon re- Remanded Without Bail . .· -·' .. By IOHN Y.U.TEllZ4 ,Oli•IM Otli, Pl_, lffH Mrs. Willis Dean· Hunt wat · ordered Tµesday to, rematn in oranee County Jail I , ' ' without bail and to appear at a prefui,1nary hearing on murder' charaes Dee. 22 in Harbor Municipal Court. Oa Thursday her husband, whom she ~ ac~sed of fatally stabbing last wee_kend, will be buried~at.Pac~lc View Memorial Park. 1 , The services for the Jong-time Newport Beach yacht broker and marine service owner w1n· ~~at 11" a:m'. In the Pacific View cl'lapel. · Hunt, 56, was stabbed .. to death Sunday night by a' butcher kni!e which poHct allege was "'.felded by hiS sixth wife dur· ing o1n argument in their Corona del Mar home. Mn. Hunt, arrested shortly 1fter slie phoned police tO.~eJ>ort .the atabbi'ng, was an;alrned qn murder charges Tuesday mOrning. . ' 1 The 11ight, 43-year~rd brunette was repr'elelltfd1btfore Judge Donald Bungin Tu""'1 .by. Beverly Hills lawyer Mark Gr.em: •• . ' Tho next -court .action will b< at' 1.:30 . ' ' . 1.m\, three days befo~ Christmas, In l!M•i'!!'·Opc ol the court. Her late husband -her fifth mate - l~ves,'a' daughter, Mrs. Noel Brown of We.$ Los Anples, from a previous mar- riaP. ,I.Ad an ~opted daughter, Dru, 12" who ·i:s Mn. Hunt's. daughter by a pre.vlous marriage. For Freeway \ Accident Victim ,Services will ~held at 1 p.m. Thurs. day fo.r Emest 'Trujillo of. Capistillno Beach, who was 'lied ~onday wheil his car plunged over 11 SO.foot e:mbykment as. h.c tried to a./old ~ 100.Cal tralfic pll~p °'!the sant;. Art.a Freew,,1Y. mains" the Niguel Corporation ii prep to talk. ted inquiries tO corporate offices by . DAILY PILOT today !ailed to dr W any response. eanwhile back at the Board of upervisor1, Qickason's. a m b 1 t 1 o u 1 · shoreline 1acquisit1on plan got the go- abead f« a three-man committee study. But the/S\lpeTVisors were cautious. They want i report back and then a survey, of avaQlble ocean frontage and "long and careful deliberation" be!ore any progi:am gets under way. 1betr decision followed the urging of_ Dkkason that the coonty immedlafely move to acquire three "priority ocean front areas": the beach between Monarch Bay and Dana Point, the stretcb of shoreline 6etween Laguna Beach and Corona aeJ Mar Oncj an undeveloped strip of b<acb within the city limits ol Hun- Ungton Beach. Dlckason's top' priority Is th• Monarch .JS.. SALT CREEK, P11c l) Weadter Mission Community will become, he 11ld, a complex comprising 250 beds. a medical center, a manor house for UJe elderly and a convalescent bcirne. "CHPA denial was based on wbat were thought to be our ambitious plans and the federal funds that migjlt evenJ.ually be needed for ClUf ~roject," he said. ,. lJFOs ·Stiil Unidentified . ' ' . . . ' The. Rev. JOileplj S. S\hphe)IS, pastor of tbe ,~~n ~ Unlt~;t>resbyteria_n Church~ will officiate a( Ure rites In Shef .. fer Mortulry. Ch1J,e1 ~nlbutial in Pacific View Memorial~. n.u11ltO, ~ho w . cf h~ve celebrated his 42nd bltthch1:Y · ay, was a paraplegic who devoted m ot his life lo develop. jng devices torl.Jp handicapped persons. The car he ~ · d!lvlng on Monda,Y Wllll equipped w one of hJs inventions, designed to enable paraplegics •to stees; The fog for ThundoY will be confined to the late night and. early morning hours, with most.. 1y clear weather and cool tern~ eraturea prevailing. "Th.at dt1nial was not realistic," the spokehnan added. "And we fe_el t~at the best way we can prove our pcnnl 1& to go ahead and 1 build and then show anyone conce1TJed just how badly those beds were needed." qtPA officials 'have no such reserva· Uons about the Saddlebaclt Community Hospital and the San Clemente Medical Center. ' 1Thef 'cl-Offd the public hearing by en-rtqrsill~[tbe plans o( the Saddleback group to buil~their 250-bed, $9 mfllion nonproUt .. Stock Market NEW vonK (AP)-Most stocks ,dged tteej)er into losing territory today, aa de<:llnes widened their lead over ad· va-nces by a near 1-t~t margin. (See quotatl911s, Pages 2849). .J..aQk Of in vestor support, prompted by unctrtainty over the extent or the cur· ""t mark•~ decline, ba! led to an m> •~on « F\""'t ~laf apme ana~sts. ' ' f I I ' - --. Air Force Closes l1ivestigat~n After 21 . Ye(lrs an au 11fely. · WASHINGTON (AP) -The Air Force today officially closed Project Blue Book, the agency which for 21 years has been ifiyesligating unide.ntlfied flying objects. 1Secretary of the Air Force Robert C. Seamans Jr. said continuation of the agency "cannot be justified either on the grou11d of national security or in the in· terest of science.'' Closing of the office was suggested earlier th is year in a report prepared by the University or Colorado and lattr en-- dotaed by, the ffatlonal Academy of Sciences. That report which cost the Pentagoh $539,000 and' involved an 18-month study of Oying sauctr r'eport.s, concluded th11t little it anything· had resulted from in- vestigaUcr.11 ol UFOs over the past two decades. The Colorado report, compiled utw;ltt the direction of Dr. Edward U. Condon, asse rted there was no justification for £urther exlensive st\ldy of UFO sightings ;,; the ™°'pe that scientific knowledge ~ould be advanced . The Air Force says Project Blue Book's conclusions based on investigations sinct 1948 are that: -No ·uro reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force hu ever glve1.1, aoy indication of being a threat to nai:l,onal security. , 1 -No 'evidence 'has t \fer been submit ltd or ·di~ered by the Air Force 'that UFO slglitjflia rtprescnt technolot'cal develop. ments beyond the range of present day scie11Ufic knowledge. -T'btrt has betn no evkltnce ln· dic8ting that UFOs are space lhips fropl I ofl'ttr planets. 1 ll'be Al• Foree safd Pl'llject Blue BoOk . ' . Trujillo u disabled more than 20 I records would be placed in the.Air. Force years a · Jf'ben :be was _.kicked by a arc~lve11 at· Mis.well ~ Force Base, h6rs,, e. of hll ruccessti~Jnventions . Alabama. w rmJ u l gJ ., Offiettl& ~·· · Air Fotte headqu'arters as 1 -~ t Qg a ap e c w •• tlie "en"._ w~'d.cont,.,,.. to h~re load riiNll aild bl• wheelchair inlo a ui r 1 .... ""' llJ.u s " ltf desi&ned car, ~ve the cal and reqUesla1oir•tnfol'mation~on·um. · un ' , With wheekhair1 at hl5 destlna-Closure: of1he Cllflce lnvvtves onlJ three ' ti , . ~ , , people; 1...-idlna;Lt. Col: ffi!ctoi •Q(l!fl• L. th • • ' taalila Jr.,cw.hobU•been chl<I ol•Proiect t' l"Piol'!d "\' . •.PIS!' 10,yean . l!I ~ 01....-a·~ .... ollicer 11 118iaiant n'ical editor !Or Beckman IndustrltS and 1 secr<tll'1 ., · rullh-t\iit1 Ttii)mo 11.o;iu~ the' owntt The, Alt ,F...t ·.aid ~ .,,., unoble to . Of"ll\1jlllo0lndu•tHe•, •'sick-room supply e&li~te 'tiow ·lllllC!i .mooey jJod been< flnn ~th .outletsJt! S.n Clemente and spent.-lilv6liptml ·UFO. thO paa 2f 1"1l!lorton. . yci!J · "becou!e motlCl , Jg 'not !!II' He ls llUtYIVed by hla wrdow, Dawn; of prO~ted speclRcaUy ror..'this pu ' 1 CaP'stra'no · Belch: a daugbt,tr. Ellens ·Under l'r9)ect Blue Book's oper · iln Fallh 1ruJlllo, of Berlin, G~any: repptls OllJfO 1ightin1s were fotw parenllcMr. and Mn. S•muel TruJillo of to'the offtte by'vari'ous'Alr Fm!t · ,... San Cltmtnte: two~brothers, Char'tes II. D.ot>eQ!!WI 00 t11e. lnl"'11'•Liop • liable ol Btllnda. 'and Anlholi)I ol China !Ako: fiool ~ ~. Prol«Oi Bl • Boolt and i lllter, .Mrf. C?Pal ·11. Brown. of • tlien lnvill!p0"-' (Urthtr; I WblttJir.' • 1 ' • " •' • • • 1 "? ' 1 I \ I I INSmE TODi\Y Studenta: from aoe• 6 to 1 f "do their 01lln , thfna" at UC lrttint'• t%ptrimcntal elemen· 1<1'11 school. ·~his unfqua kit of self-m.otioo,U01,i h , <le scribed on Pogt 12 today. -----1 °"" ·8 ·~ • ! i I l • I • l I • • ' I ' • I • I • I • • • , : I • • , I ! ' ' I ;; '· :: .· -: ~: . . .. :: i~ .; ' ·. ·. •, • • • I OAtl y PILOT l k' ' rGirl Pleads ~ot Guilty In Slayings P'romWlr<Stnttel ... LOS ANGELES -A girl member of_ :;harles Manson's hippie.style clan bu •leaded innocent to murdering actress lharon Tate and lh others, and a pros. ~utor says she may get a separ).te r ial. Susan Denise Atkins, 21, willowy and ' mpassive, spoke a soft "Not guilty," then Dashed a bright grin as she made her , ilea Tuesday before Superior Court ludge William Keene. 1'1iss Alkins, 1'1anson, 35. Charlea 0 . 'Tei:" Watson, 24, Linda Kasablan, 20. ind Patrit'.!ia Krenwln1tel, %2, have been :barged with five murders in the Tate :ase. The county grand jury accused the iame five, plus another girl clan mem- ter, Leslie Van Houten, 19, 0£ kJlllng '...eno LaBiana, 44, and his wife ftose. ·nary, 38. who owned a chain of Holly· vood markets. in the LaBianca home the 1ight after the slaug111er at the Tate !Slate. If prosecutors decide to use statements : lrom Miss Atkins, who has said she was lresenl al the killings, and if her attor4 1eys request a separate trial for .her, :hen under the law she can't be tried lfith the others, said Deputy Dist. Atty. iharon Stovitz. · Judge Keene set i\fiss Atkins' trial for feb. 9. He will hear pleas Monday from "anson, Miss Kasabian and Miss Van aouten. Miss Krenwinkel and Watson are in the ~rocess of being ewad.ited from Ala· )8ma and Texas respectively. In Austin, Tuesday, Texas Secretary 1r State Martin Dies Jr. set a hearing ior Jan. 5 at which Los Angeles police iflUSt provide evldence that links Watson D the Tate murders. • u,., ........ Dies set the bearing for 10 a.m. that lay on a request by Gov. Ronald Reagan If California that Texas return Watson, · !4, to Los Angelea to stand trial for raurder. PHOTOGRAPHERS SNAP SUSAN DENISE ATKINS IN JAIL Suspect, 21, Pluds Jnnocent After Informing In Tate C••• > Wat.son, former high school sports star 1t Farmersville, Tex., has been held in · Collin County Jail at McKinley, Tex., . 1ince Nov. 30. Effective in March . . ·' Patricia Krenwlnkel was being held in ihe county jail at Mobile, Ala. today on t governor's warrant orderin1 her return ~ California to face charges in the Tate murders. Morgan Officially Quits The 22·year4(11d suspect was transferred rueaday from ci\y jail, where she had been held since her arrest Dec. 1. A bearing to determine ii Miss Kren- winkel will fight extradlUon to Los An- 1eles by challenging the governor's warrant was delayed tmtll either Thurs- ~ay or Friday, when her attorney, M'. A. Mars31, is expected to retllrn, As Laguna Chamber Head Senate Modifies School Bill The board of directors of the Laguna Beacb Chamber of Commerce, following a speclal meeting Tuesday, announced the re.signaUon of Executive Manager Warren Morgan, effective March l, 1970. Unanimously voting to c om m e n d Margan for his 3'h years of service to the chamber and the commuciity, the board anpoun"'d ils acceptapce of Morgan's reslgnaUm •oaly as, _11.ol Mr. M"°g~·~ request . orljlo&lly sub- WASIIlNGTON (AP) -The · S<nale ntltled at' the regular meeung of the overrode southern protests w::· eSdav chamber l!lecutlve committee held Nov. J 18." and watered down an 11ppropria bill amendment curl>ing the goveniment's In a letter to the board, Morgan \\Tole, achoo! desegregation power!. • "It is with many rU1ed emotions that 1 By a vote of~. the Senate mod.Vied feel it nectSSary to advise you of my the amendment by adding the phiase decision to terminate as manager ()f the Laguna Beach Chamber of Co1nmerce as "except as required by the ConstttutJon,~' of March 1, 1970. Ths comes as no as proposed by Rep~blican Ltiader Hugi\. surprise to you r l!xecuti ve committee in-1 Scoff of Pennsylvarua. asmuch as I have discussed the matter at Southern senators denounced Scott's some length with them previously." wording as destroying the· effectiveness Morgan, who will be 70 March 17. said of· the amendment to bar use of federal 1be chamber work had been "more itn- funds to force school shutdowns, tfle bus-vO!ved than I anticipated" and hoted that ing or school children, or assignment of he' had been advised to "slow down. '1 pupils to schools agajnst their paten.ts' Timing of his resignation, the~eoutlve wlshes. manager explained. \\'as made to follow •Scott said the qualifying language, «lf· the February convention of the California feted after a C91'lferenc;e with Secretary Association of Chamber of ,Commerce of He.althi F.ducation and Welfare Robert Execuq.ves, to be held in Laguna Beach H. Finch, had the full backins of the Nix· Feb. ll!ough 14. with Ilfo rg an as host. on administr:Won. The r · ing official said today he has Finch bad said that adoption of the no Im iate plans for the future amendment wllboJ¢ Jnodj,(?catlon, could \ "beyond 'making the conference a sue· cripple ~ government's sch o crl ' \cess," but probab ly "111 con&inue a desegregaLioo efforts and would put his number ot y the volunteer acUvitles in depart.men~ in ''an impossible ad· which he is en.gaged at Leisure World, ministrative box." where he now h\'e~.. . . . DAILY PILOT ~O"trf N. w.~.J l'rnlOW ...., "~"""" Jed It. C111l•v Vo<e Prf:llcltnl er.d Geflarti MM11ger Thom•t tc. .... a l!d!IO!' lhom11 A. M",.hi11• MtMt:lll E01"4" 1.:!it-lffcti Offk• 212 Fon.tr A¥t11Uf .... a;11• A.J41HJ1 P.O. loir , •• , •2612 A former spec1ahst in 1nlernationa\ marketin, working both in the United Stat~, and abroad, Morgan Is president· e)jict ·O( \he Peo~e to People organization in southern Orarlee Coµnty. 1'tie movement~ founded by the late President Eisenhawer 1o encourage bet· !er under!!.t&Ming between people In the United state~and forei'gn countrl~. ac- tively supports stldent t'XC:h!il.ge pro- grams and other international projects. The south county group, 11-forgan said, supports the American Field Service stu- dtnt exchange programs and has started Ne,vpo1·t LiEts Sm·fh1g Fees · a student Joan fund for international students al Saddleback College. Morgan 1150 founded the Lelaure World Senior Talent Active Jteserve Service (STARS) which provides acUve involve- ment for retired executives as volunteer consultants for snail buaioesla in South- ern Californla and maintains a "VIP Peace Cor1>1" of exeeuun 1pecla!l11' who tr,vel l""-d 6> ~,ii ""1111ll'Utl '14 busineWI' in foreign cbuntril!'s. · · • He ·11 on the exeCoUVi .. Committee ... Of VIVA, a movement ,'started to support college groups formed to eounteract cam- pus unrest. aerves an the boards or the local community Chest and YMCA and Is retiring president of the ~xecutlve Din- 111er Club of the Orange Cout. For the past 41h years, Morgan has hosted his own television program on Leisure Worki's Channel 6 and he said to- day he probably will ainUnue the pro- gram, which he described as "a fascinating hobby ... "I hope to maintain my m~mbership in the t,.agUna chamber,'' Morgan said, "and will aJwaya be ready to help the chamber or the community in any way I can." Freeway Pileup Damage Claims Ma.y Hit Million Insurance claims from the 100 plus drivers Involved in Monday's maWve pileup on the Santa Ana fl"ftway could go as high as $1 million by Ute time all repairs are made and medical bills are paid. A !pOkeaml!ln for a large insurance finn saki claims will be eipedlted by having repatrs made imfnedlalely on the dri vers' own policie.ii: "Generally speakinl in a case <i this magnitude. the repolr1 will be mad• under the drivers' own policies until the ln\•estigalions have bten completed," he explained. ''Aft.er all the f1cts are in, then the rompanies Will make their claims aga inst those found responsible to C•I• Mfte: Jal W.t • .,. &Wffl ,.~, •u.<": m1 Wn• ••-1.ul•••rC toun!IM1t.• I KUI. lllU B<Kll 8 )11oewfla ~ recover the money that has been ex· surren \\"ho have paid 13 for an1.annual license Lo surl In Newport Beach,,..Jn re· pended." cent years will be able to ride the Waves The lnlur~e represen~tive, who tsk· for free startJng Jan. 13. ed to remain anonymous, 11aid he hap. That's the offlrla1 date for lifting o( yie pen~ to be In the middle Of the buge city's surfboard lkcnse ordinance. BUt wreck and e9C3ped unharmed. it's ooly a tecbnicallty. "Companies m faced irl'ith tpeclaJ pro. City Clerk Laura Lnglos aaid today a.he» blem1 In c.asee Jlke this. t sa• people hit doein't expect to collect aey more license \ from the r.ar and &top Oflly to have a ree. even though lbe olf.icial endlnc date ' trurd car rome along, bk the second it in early 1970. l;t\ich ts redrlven into the nrst.,•ttamaging The action to end Uie license fees came both original cars ln dkfmril places," be from city co11ncllmen Monday. They &1id e lalned. Jilting or the rm "<-'$ a 1Ut of wt& to • 's always diUlcult to del<mllne the surftt1 who have changed lhelr lq'1.11ge ra in an acxldent, but this one i1 gJOce the lictmla "'"ere imposed thrtt Uy bad. If I had bttn bit, t would yMrl ogo. d a hard time ldemliyln( who hit Along •ith the end ol the '"'· the me." • ~ upand<d llmes and .,... .. hero 'l'lle l..man llld k wtn PR>bobly Uio surlm can ""' their boards on !ht w~-..v ~I monlh& IO pt 1116 detalls of city btachts. the tasc \ai#ll~ed out . L -------~--- Parents • Ill .ltehellion llf TllO&!M FORT\JNE Of .. Ot11Y Pl• &ltH Sex educaUon ls a way of changing at- titudes children learn from their parents and ii lraupt with peril for a school system because parents are bound to rebel. That is the view given by tv.·o Newport Btach 'from.en -Mmes.-Faye Edelblute1 and Mary Martin -in testimony Monday to a Newport. Harbor Chamber of Com4 merce committee looking into the feasibility of sex education for the Newport-Mesa school district. "I feel if this is working against what parents are trying to instill ln their children this really isn't right," Mrs. Marlin did. Mrs. Edelblute said she does oot fee.I it is better for children to learn the "facts· of ll!e" from a school t.eacher than in the back alley. "Mille the back alley descrip- tlona. are not always entirely accurat.e, the back alley neither Condones it or pro- mot.es it," she said. Mn:. t.(artln ran WllUCCeu!ully for the school board last spring. Mn. Edelbtute, who Is chairman of community affairs for the Chamber Women's Division, claimed other Women in the c'hamber agreed With her·but '61 not have their endorsement of ber-.lents. Mrs. Edelblute warned the chamber Of conunerct committee that if they recom· 1 mend for sex educaUon they will create unbelievable turmoil. As in Anaheim, she said, friends and neighbors will divide, opposition groups will try to replace the school board, will want to fire the 5Uperintandent and teachers. will be highly suspicloos of teachers, and will o~ poise all tu overrides and bond issues. "The school district will be lucky if it can bring unity back in the next 10 yean/' she said. "Are you willing to gamble?" "/tie you philosophizing or ii that a threat?" Dr. Nolan Frizzelle, chairman of the chamber committee asked. "I'm not·lhreatening," Mrs. Edelblute u id. Mrs. Martin said she wanted to register a protest about a questionnaire the com· mlltee has mailed out to parents of 8,500 fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh grade studenLs . The questions missed the mo s t S¢nsltive point of the whole rontroversy, she claimed. She said parents should be asked if t,pey are in favor of a program that teaches "because of an apparent sexual revolution, they sMuld adapt their sexual attitudes and behavior to accept a more lenient attitude toward premarital sex, homosexuality and all other aspects Signups Slated ·For. Basketball ·' . oJ seir:." • She charged that4his ls an objectlve ot the proponents t:J. the progr.11m. She said she would endorse the pro- gram lf school officials would give their solemn promise to the community Lo do nothing to offset the influence of home· taught va1ues. · But ahet went on to saj,'they couldn't promJse tlla~beca• tt>e1 believe "it is the home wben d W?Gllg things are being taught chlktren ~ that the only hope for righting soQety'1 wrongs is to re-educate our youth to a social science attitude." . J, She Said the schopl bOard and ~d­ ministration are out to change attitudes and are not leveling about the obJecUves of "this new rtvolution in educaUon." Chamber of rommerce committee member Arthur Guy wOIJClerid aJoud whether It was in the commJttee'1 pur- view to dlse.uss school a~stratlon. "Sex education could be ~ and parcel of this.social sclencetapproach - a device to chana:e attlt~es. I think a lot of people fed lhlt ~oy," Dr. Frizzelle saitl. 1 · I ··isn't additiona't sex education dwelling on th e problem and not the solution," ask· ed Mrs. Edelblute. She said sex education has bttn obligatory in Sweden for 20 years and almos~ 90 percent of Ila inhabitants have had prema rital intercourse Qefore they reach their 21l's. Asked the source of that information, she ::aid it is common knowledge. She said 80 percent of the Orange Coun- ty tax dollar goes for welfare and juvenile delinquency. ''DoeSl1'l that tell you something? Doesn't it scream th~t • addilional sex. education ls not whal ill needed ?" She suggested the question of sex educ:ition courses be put on ·the ballot. And she said it could be the duty of the chamber committee to make public "all the facts -all the rainilications. What 'is wrong with letting the parents know that any fami ly life approach is the hwnanistic, atheistic approach?" Nixon Fires Attorney For Southern New York \VASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix- on announced toclay he is firing Robert hf. Morgenthau a.a U.S. attorney for the southern district of New York. To bucceed Democrat Morgenthau, who was his party's candidate for governor of New York in 1962, .Nixon vt'lll nominate Republican Whitney North Seymour. Press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler acknowledged that Morgenlhau had not resigned from the position. His term normally would have expired June 11, I ~:1. At this point, Ziegler said, ~forgenthau has the opUon of submitting a letter of resignation or a letter \\'ill be sent to hin1 in forming him that Seymour is his replacement. Seymour, 45, has been a member of the 1flanhattan law firm of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett since 1961. He was an assistant U.S. attorney for the southern district dttring three years of the Eisenhower ad- mini stration and, between 1966 and 1968, was a state senator. A Vi'o rld \Var II Anny veteran, he was graduated \vith honors from Princeton University and received his law degree from Yale Law School. From Page l SALTCREEK ... Bay-Dana Point beachfront. That sector by way of eminent domaln {county con· includes Salt ~k Beach, possess.ion of demnalion of Laguna Niguel land in tbe which Is being contested int.he courts. Salt Creek area)." Roads Commissioner Al Koch , lleal Dickason's shoreline acquisition hopes Property Services Direct.or Stanley are , he told the board. "just one segment Krause and H. G. Osborne, director of of our qvcrall county master plan for the Orange County Flood Control de\'e\opment of shoreline, parks and District, were named to investigate the recreation areas." He said represen- Dlckason proposal and report to the talives of five coastal communities - board. Huntington Beach, Laguna 8 eac h, Supervisor Alton A1len urged formation Ne\\·port Beach. San Clemente and Seal , of the committee and "deep con4 Beach -are working closely with the sideration" of the issues raised by county in a coordinated study. Basketball slgnups for boys In the shoreline acquisition before any board Dickason said the ''team effort v;iU fourth, fifth and sixth grade.s are under ru llng is considered. "\Ve have to look closel y into every aspect of shoreline way 1t the Boy1' Club of Laguna Beach, remember," he said, "that we may not development and possible dcvelopmenl 175 N. Coast Highway. be able lo acquire all the shoreline outlln· including such factors as offshore is\and-.- PracUce ii iicheduled from 7 lo 8:30 ed in this report." and oil drilling, mineral exploration on f p.m. Monday nig~ts at the high school \Vhatever the outcome of the board the ocean floor and many other factors and on Friday afternoons at the Boys' consideration, Dickas<111 is on record as that may enter inlo shoreline evaluation Club, under coach Russ Daly. believing that the Salt Creek Beach im-in future yea rs.'' The Boys' Club teams will compete passe \Viii be resolved and public access He was asked to bear in mind during with teams from Laguna's elementary to the ocean front in the area achieved. the study th e recent offer of the Irvine schools in league games to be played on "l think we'll come to an understanding Co. in which the private corporation of· Saturday afternoons, as well as playing v.•ith Laguna Niguel one way or another fered to join hands with the county in a:.1 Boys' Club teams from other areas. and rm su re that a solution isn't too far evaluation ot shoreline possibilities and The first competition will be Saturday, away," he said. "We may solve it on the the creation o( public access in private Dec. 20, at thl! Boyp' Club of Oceanside. basis of a mutual agreemera or it may be sectors. The Diamond Watch. Tradition with an innovation. • I i I Begin wilh the v.•orld·famous Omega mov ement. Then circle it with flawletiS dia monds. Who \Vould dare attempt to improve upon such perfection? Omega would. They dasigned new setting• for the diamonds. eliminating conveiiUonal CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE prongs. There'• more diamond 1parkle becausl!!: there is more diamond exposed. Then they added color ta the dia11. It makwa each watch more aUractivc, more dislinctive. See «lUr camplete Omega diamond watch collacllon soon. 18ll NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA 0 OMEGA A-2t dl•IPl<lnf1. 1.11' 1ol•1 !J~kl. a11r;11~dy (1111 .S~XIO 8-:o f l1lfl011ch, 18K' tel~ told, Gold.c:o1ored dl11 .~ .. C -24 d!tmond1.18K' 101111 ;old, Grten <1l1J •.•. StlOO l l YEARS SAME LOCATIOtj PHONE 548-3401 w --------·---...... -,..,..,.,,....., '""·"'"'-"""""""""""":'"'"""'"'"'""""' 11 ' ' l I 7 -........ • ·Newpo.-t ·uarhor EDITION VO~. 62, NO. lOf, 7 SECTIONS, 104 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA !, •• _,...., -• T.iaY'•Dul N. 'Y. s.fflm · 'TEN CENTS ' Boitrd Rejects Harbor Students' .~.cbQol -SW:a'.p ' Newport.Mm IChool trustees balked 'l'Ut!day night at the prospect of ahiftiilg student. a!le1' they •tarted at one high IChool to anolher high school. "In my ifund the 1Chool has to bend and n.Y. the people," said board member ~lirT)·"'B~1' Franklin in rejecting a ~ poul tQJsend IOme eighth graders next 9ear Jo Corona de) Mar High and the (ollaWlng }'ear to Newport Harbor High. iAdrnlnlstrative assistani. for School Facllidts Roy O. Andersen was asked to develop additional tnfonnaUon for the school board that could lead to a different iOlution. The problem ts to adjust atlendancc boundaries to match students with high sch>ols' capacity, Franklin suggested It might be better to shift incoming high .school students on Balboa Island, Linda Isle and Harbor Isle from Corona de! Mar High to Newport Harbor High instead of those in the Back Bay and Santa Ana Heights areas west of Upper Newport Bay. "These people have bad a full burden of change," said Franklin. ''They've had thtir children shifted about since they '~·ere ip kindergarten. I know too many peop!e ~hose children have gone to three high schools. "If n~ssary let's put in portables or extentt the school day at Harbor High to prevent this double Shifting." "I think Bud's point is well taken . I ha ve been somewhat involved with the shift myoeU," laid Board Pr..ideol Marian Bergeson. <Her Jaughier, Nancy, wu graduated from Harbor High, wh ile son, David, at- tends CorOM del Mar 1Ugl!:) The families that have been involved in several attendance boundary s b i ft s through the years reside on the west side of Upper Newport Bay. Part. of the area also Is known as eastslde Costa Mesa. Tue area of attendance transfer pro- posed by Andersen is north of 21st Street.. Hallday ,llood· and ..... ol -Ana Av...,. Inc~ Sula Ana litlllP· lie propoood •tlendm ... -,... main fixed through the nm. IC!hool Year, begiMing in September. 1970, with in- coming ninth graders each year after that iOlng to, llarl>o< lllih Instead of Coron• del Mar Hi&h. .But the hook In the proposal ls that ninth fl'aders next year at Corona .del Mar High be nnt to Harbor High as 10th araders the fallow1!11 year , lf 8':hool ' ' . bonds arm 1t 10011 aold to npud Corona de! Mor ffl&h u 'WI u Newport Bubar flich. A propooal to tntteue the pmnissiblo interest rate for bond sale from five pe:r· cent lo seven percent will be ' voted on Yeb. 10. Bond money !or Harbor High construction already ia aold. , Franklin iaised three polnts: · -Some studenl..1 north of 23rd Or Santa Isabel Street and east .or Saiita Ana Ave- (See ATl'ENDANCE, P"4' I) I No Bail for CdM '·-Mofher Hearing Set for Dec. 22 in Stabbing Death . . DAILY' PILOT lllH 1'119t9 Mrs. Dwillia Hunt ...... •· r DAILY l'ILOT 11.tf ~hote MURDER VICTIM Newport's Willis Hunt By JOHN VALTERZA or ..,. oai1r P111t stfff Mrs. Willis Dean Hunt was ordered Tuesday to remaJn in Orange County Jail without bail and to appear at a preliminary bearing on murder charges Dec. 22 in Harbor Municipal Court. · CM Thursday her husband, whom she is accused of fatally stabbing last weekend, will be buried at Pacific View Memorial Park. The services for the long·time Newport ,Mtr!sa Answers .Newport Five to Lead School Bond Vote Campaign A. five-member steeling committee has been named to lead the campaign for Newport-Mesa Unified School Distrid's override tax and bc:md Interest increase eltd.lon Feb. 10." "' ~ On Freeway Route Plea The campaign steering committee l.s com prised of former Costa Mesa City Manager Robert Unger, Newport Beach City Councilman and former City Mana- ger Robert Shelton, Costa Mesa Plan· ning Commissioner and two-term Cham· ber of Commerce PresMtent Jack Ham- mett. DAILY PILOT Publisher Robert \Veed, and School Board President Mrs. Marian Bergeson. Reque1ted to support Newport Beach 's bid for a state re-study of the controver- sial Paciflc Coast Freeway route through the Harbor Area, the Costa Mesa City Council passed a resolution Tuesday night. . ... You might cajl It a non-resolution , at least in the .,.,, OC Newport Beach. The ~t discwses the Pacific Coul: hieway and the engineering prob-leds A poses for Newport Bea.ch, but doeJ not support the beach city plea, While diplomatically not saying so. _Councilman George A. Tucker pressed hard for a delay on taking any action until the January 6 meeting, but finally went along with his colleagues in a united front. The heading • of the resolution simply expresses I desire to cooperate with Newport Beach ' councilmen in request- il!g lhe solving or engineer_ing problems and speeding up construction. ·No mention 1is made of a possible move some 600 yards inland, which is Ole ba"sic proposal in .Newport Beich's bid for the State Division of Highways to look at the rout! aga in. The body or the resolution, bow ever, supP#ts the route adopted but never approved by Newport Beach. The resolutlOn was delivered shortly before the Tuesday meeting and hadn't been closely studied by three of the coun- cilmen asked to support it. Vice Mayor Robert M. Wilson and Cha1nber Ducks Sfnnd on Sex Education lssu~ N'wport HarbOr Chamber of Com· nlerce president Richard Stevens Monday said1 his oc.,a~intion's role in the sex t>ducat~ CQAtroversy is a limited one, and shou~"fe'maln such. itevehfl ;...ho chaired Ii.is last meeling 111 the d(amber's lop officer. spoke-of the chamber 'education commiUee's studies of the issue during the pan year and the recent mass mailing of t,300 SU ed\Jca· Uon questionnaires to Newport and Costa Mesa parents. "Oat role lo date -and very possibly our proper role -has been to provide a publlc ..-vice and not to take a strong position on Ws issue," he aaid. "Wt, can accomplish wtlat we're after by 1n11kl11g all the facts and tile conseruus known. If a future"eamber board wants 10 hike 1 stronger stand, that'• their responsibility." Ch11nOOr mAnager Jack Barnett· later rtporled lhal about 2,400 replies to the questl~nalres had thus h•r been receiv· l.'d. He said responses probably won't bt t11bulaled ul}lll early . next week, to give other partJIW more time to reply. Councilman Willard T. Jordan worked \vitb Newport Beach Vice l\fayor Linds- ley Parsons and Councilman Robert Shelton in recent months, leading up to the proposal. They comprise the inter-city freeway committee. Cooncllman Tucker suggeated a delay which would allow additional study and political diplom1cy. "There are various ways to say "No." ex plained Tucker. " ... after much deliberation and discussion -or just: Hell No !" "Jt may be a little rud e lo say no within two hours of receiving it," he added. Councilman William L. St. Clair asked City Engineer and Public Works Director George f\.1adsen what a shifting inland might do to East 17th Slreet and was told it would be a lot-all bad. "l am in complete disagreement,'' said Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley. "We changed the Newport Freeway almosl at their request. I hate to say lhis, bu l I think it's in bad faith." He also noted it is imperative to pro- ceed with the Pacific Coast Freeway- or at least improved coastal traffic now -after being stalled 17 minutes in one spot while delivering medicine to a School Suprintendent William CuNtlng- ham told the board Tuesday night that Corona del Mar cartoonist Virgil ftartch cVIP) has agreed to do sketches for the campaign. Act.or Andy Devine, Newport Beach, served as host of a recent IW)Cb· eon. CUnningham said school personnel have been telling their story to groups of citize~ at breakfast meetings every mornin~ and he spoke about the election at his first service club luncheon Tues- day. "I think things are positive at this point and I am optimistic," Dr . Cun· ningham told the board. He said a speakers bureau is being or· ganized to talk about the election to any group interested. The election will be to increase the ta:r rate up to 86 cents per $100 of assessed valuation and to increase the permis· sible interest rate on $9 million in unsold school bonds from five to seven percent. New~ Beach customer before the ,. T D id meeting, . rustees ec e Councilman Tucker said the mayor , . was bitting dead center on several objec- tions to the Newport Beach proposal, bUt he sUll thought a delay might be pollUC. Jordan bad already moved tor a®p- tion of the noncommittal resotuUon baaJc. oily l)'!l>patbillng with Newport Beach's lreen)' dilficulU .. and the Mayor ollered a seCmd. . "All right, t have no fur1:f\er com- ment," said TUcker, "lf they want to go •t l~ oby. Let's roll." Newport Lifts Surfing Fees Surfers who have paid $3 for an annual license to surf in Newport Beach !n re- cent years will be able to ride the waves for free starting Jan. 13. That's the offici•l date for lifting of the city's surfboard license ordinance. But it's only a teclmicaUty. City Clerk Laura Llgiol said today she doesn't expect to collect any more license f~ even though the official endina: date is in early 1970. The action to end lhe license fees came from city councilmen Monday. They uid lifting of the fees "'-~ a gift of ~ to surfers who have changed their image since the licenses were imposed three years ago. Al ong with the end of the fets, the council expanded time.~ and areas "·here tht surfets can use their boards on the city beaches. Bonds Won't Sell At Five Percent Newport-Mesa 3Chool trustees hav1 rung up 1 "No Sale" sign. Tuesday night they decided It wa.s morf! prude:nt to coocede than throw away $6.15 advertising a wtlite elephant. The white elephant is vot.er·approvl'!d five-percent-interest bond~ in a better than six percent mclrkcl. "The bond market has got worse in- stead o( better since we last met.'' said Trustee Thomas Casey. "We're going to be lucky to sell at Sl!Ven percent." "1bere is zero, zero, zero chance for sale,'• agreed Trustee Donald Strauss. The unified school district along with jst up to 86 cents ovf!rride tax tncrtue election Feb. 10 will be asking that the permissible interest rate on t9 million in uMOld bonds be increased from five to seven percent. But district. Superintendent William Cunningham wanted to adv~e for bids oo H.5 million ol the bonds at five per- cent Jan. 20, He wasn't anUcipaUng any bidder response, but he wanted to t"ke av.·ay the argument "Yoo realty don't know you can't sell them at five percent" sellcrt market, so why fight it? Board members didn 't think It necessary to spend $635. which It would cost to le11tty advertise for bidders, to rmvc the polrtt. , Beach yacht broker. and marine service The slight.· 43-yeu-old brunette was o~er will be at 11 a.m. in the Pacific represected before Judie ~kl Dungan View chapel.' ~1 by .Bever!r aills lawyer Mark J!unt , Ml, was-staltbed·to 'cle"lh Suitaay · G~.een. · • r , • nliht by •· butcher knife ·Wli!Cb police · Tqe -1-cow'I acUop will :be ot 1,30 al[ege was wielded'by his sixth wife dur· p.m., three days before ctu:iltm1s, in ing an argument In their Corona del Mar Division One ol '\he court. home. ' Her late husblnd -her fifUi mate. - Mrs. H11nt, ..arrested shortly after she leaves a daughter, '·"1rs. Noel ·Brown of phoned_ police to repOrt the.stablling, was West Lo8 Angeles,.froni • pre..vlous mar· arTaigned on murder · charges Tuesday riage, and an ado{>ted daughte·r, Dru. 12, m~rnlng. · who ii Mrs. H~nt-'1 • dau~"!?f by • .. ,. .;,;, ........ PHOTOGRAPHERS SNAP SUSAN DENISli ATKINS IN JAIL Suspect, 21, Pluda ln-•nl. After lnfor,,,lng In T•'-CtH 111£ ormer Plea:ds Innocent; . ' May Get Separate .Trial. From WlreSentm l.o6 ANGELES -A girl member of Chorles MOl\m'• lilppi..,ly~ clan bu pl~ iMocenl lo Wlurderlng octrea Sharon Tat1 and six others, ·and a pr09-ecutct ..,-1, ahe may get ~a teplrlte trlal r · · ·A ·Susan o.ni.. Alklns, 21 . willowy ,and lmRAulve, spok<a,aoft "No\ gullly." Ihm flashed a brl&hf grin as she made her pica Tuesd•Y btlore Superior Court J udge William Keen e. , Mlsa At klcs; Ma[l5on, 45. Charles D. 0 Tex" W11tson. 24, Linda Kasabia.n, IO, and Patricia Krenwinke.I. 22. have been ch~ra:ed wtth five murder1 in I.be 'hte c•.~e . · The· county grand jur1 1ccused thi: . ' same five. plua OOCJ\ller cltl clan ....,. ber, Leolle Ven llou1<m1 11, ol ki1llnC Leno LaBiana, 44, qd biaJ wlle Role- mory, 31, wbo cnrned a choill ol.Hol\r· wood mnilltl:ln tbo-Lllllonco-llome the nlCl!t , o11er Iha •• .,... . at tho Tot• emt,. ;. . · . . u ~lor· detlde lo ... llltement. from Miu Atklnt-who has: liidl'she wu pruent at the kllllnp; ond ~' her otto<· ntys requist a. se1>1r1te tftat for ~: then under the law 1he can't be tnta · wllh the oth•n, .. rd Dtput1 Di•~ Ally. Sharon Stovlli. ' ~uda:e Keene set 1'fu Atkins" trial for • Feb. t. He will hear pleN M~IJ' from .~fanAOp, Miu Kulbiaa and ~ Van , Houttn. 1 .. • • .previous marriage. Mr. Hunt, who had lived in the Har.bar Area for many years, had been a yacht broker with orfices across from the Balboa .Bay Club on PacUic Coast Highway. He also had been affiliated with the Chris Creft dealership on Pacillc ·eout Highway for many yean. In later. year1, friends said, he alao had sold aiTplanes and operated an outboard motor repa~r service in Costa Mesa . Back Bay Swap Rep0rts Due B¢fore Council Newport Beach dly councilmen Mon· day wiJI, loear private ond publlc: njiiirt. Im .... ~!pol ·-.... upeda "' the UPP.Ir ·lier 1ldolondt udw!p. c11r. A~ Tu!lY ~ wlD 1ltJd. dle ·with couocllnlen behlnd clGOed door• to ~·about tklelands ownenhlp and the significance ol possible legal lnteryention by lhe city In tesl litJsation on the 1wap betWeen the Irvine Company ·and Orana:e County government. Following the executive session, coun- cilmen will hear report. from other department beadl In tho open council chambers. · Publ ic Works Director Joseph T. Devlin will report '"' the r<Jationohlp al Back Bay Drive to the tidelands boundary; Planning Dir<ctor Larry Wlilon will discuss city controls on future develop- ment of the Upper Qay area; and· Parks Director Cal Stew.art will join Devlin and Wilaon In dt.cuuing the city'• pioopect. lhwld the tidelands trade not be cmied oul The reView of the UPJJ"I" Bay udiange fS91le orl.g:inaHJ· had been llC'hedu1ed for Monday cl this wm, bul It waa pollpon· ed b<cause ol the length <ii the 'lidel~s use fet heari~g. --StHlc M•rlcet NEW YORK (AP)-¥01t atocks edged deeper into losing territory today. as declints widened their lead ovu ad· vances by a near Z.to-1 mar,m. (See quotations, Pqea·28-29) ... Oraqe· . The fog for 'l'hundoy w!Q be -to the late night and early morning houri, with most. ly clear weather ind cool temp- , eratures ptev&nm,. : . INSmE TODAY Studen6 from Ofltl ti to 11 "do t1leir OWM thi,nQ" at UC lf'tline11 e.iJ)trim.ental elntcm- ttirv 1chooL This unique teat of tel/·mot joalion is dt1cribed Oft Page 12 today.: • . o.i;' 8 ~· CHRllTMAI • -.. ' ·-" =~-= Ctl""111 .. • tflttt'• "" ' -.. <•··· 11•1' ::=..·--• C1111t!ct " = ....... , <--M ..... c..tr II Dt.tll -tc• .. :;:,. .: --.. ....,., ~ ... • ~ ,_........ •tt ·--.. ~ T-OI .'I.-. • =. "' ... .._ •• ....... • -----.. • ' N W!d"""lf, -17, 1969 • Ill Rebellion: • OAILY PILOT SMH l"JMft Say Sex Clmses :change At_ti~~: ,-\...-Sered~ ls 1 way or changing at-gram if schoo1 o!llcials would g1ve their "Isn't additionaliae.x educa on~~& ULUdes children team from their parent.a solem.'1 promise to the community to do on the problem andl°'" the solu,Uon. ' ask· nothing to off1et the influtnee of hon» ed Mrs. Edelblu1e. ' and Js fraught with peril for a school taught values. • Sbe ~ SU ~ucation,' haa ! syetem ~a.use parents are bound to But she went on to say they coukl!'l't obligatory Jn Sweden tar IO YtaJ'J nd rebel. promise that becaw;e they believe "it is .abnoa~ 90 percent of ita inhabltanta That is the view given by two Newport the home where all wrong things are had premarital int.ercourse before tHey Beach women _ Mmes. Faye Edelblute being taught children and that Uie only reac;:h the.lr .20's. 1, hope for righting society's wrongs is to Asked the source or that lnformaUo11, and Mary Martin -in testimqny Monday re-educate our youth to a toclal science ibe ::aid it i5 copunon kno:*ledge. to a Newport Harbor Chamber or Com· attitude." ''She said 80 percent-of the Orange Own, merce committee looking into the She aaLd the acboot board and ad· ty ta1 dollar goes for wtl.fare and feasibility of sex education for the minlstraUon are out to change ;attitude1 juvenile delinquency. "Doesn't that \till hool d' 1 · t and are not leveling about the objectives you 50mething? Doesn't it scream th.t. Newporl-t-.tesa sc is ric · of "this new revolution in education." additional .se1 education Is not wba' ia; "I feel if Utls is working against what Chamber of commerce committee needed?" 1 parents are trying to instill in their member Arthur Guy wondered aloud She suggested the questio~ of sez children this really isn't right," Mrs. v.•het.her it was in the ccmmlttee's pur-eduC3tion courses be put on tfie ballot., lt1art\n said. view to discuss school admhtlStratlon. And she said it could be tht duly of the Mr.s. Edelblute said she does not feel it "Sex education could be part and . chamber committee to make public· "all parcel of this M>Cial sciences approach -the !Jets -all the ramifications. What is MEU AUTHORITIES HOT UNOER COLLAR ABOUT MATERIALS DUMPED FROM THIS PLANT Is better for children le learn the "facts a device to change attitudes. I th.ink a lot wrong with letting Che parents know that of life" from a school teacher lhan in the of people feel t.bis way." Dr. Friu.elle any -family life approach i.! tbe • .!TTENDANCE ~~ight be within. ,wall\~ <fu;tance of '"T! Mesa. High. -Balboa Island, Linda tafe ~ Harbor. Isle students a1re&dy are belJ18 bllsed, so could be easily Switched. · -Santa Ana Heights when a fifth high sebool ii one day built in the Corona del Ji.tar area will naturally feed that direc- tiOn so it could be a mistake to now tle i( lo Harbor High. :Franklin also said that wpen attend· apce boundaries are changed !anµli~ 5hould be given lhe choice to send their yOUJliSler to the same school as older brother or ·sister so as not to divide lOyaJtit.s. ,"I don't thfnk there is any question we: have to perpetliate the sibling 'rule," he said. •iy/e put them In tl)at posiUon; it is not their fault." . ' "I'll take exception to that," aaid Schools Supt. William Cwmingham. "ln a growing area you j:an't establish a boundary and say' it is fOi'eYef." Board members asked for more infor· maUQll for their next meeting on where students 'ire located and bow far they are lrOJn OllCb high school. Israeli Planes ' ~oinbard . Egypt Over Suez Canal By unllod Pr<11 "'"'"'-al • The lsr1eli air force ctn1ed out a • rlos of heavy punitive raldl .,.,.. ~apt ~y. «cine ' day 1flor t1i1 'UmlollkUI C,iro -•paper Al Ahroin nported ·tl!O Israeli !Old(..., "kill\d or WOUIJ<led"'in 0 ... irlluerY \, . ·' ' ...... M • ., .llDll . -· ' . '"\If ~ /<--y. repc;rtod one miJor target<>l•fl>e warplanes today was Green;Ji. I ~ an Egyptian milijcy fortiftcaDon i ·lhe Gull of'fiue¢ ~1he emranet to ·Suez Canal Ji:&Y!il ·said t.., planes ' shot down Iii .two oHhe atttc!u. !)roe! said all of It& plane. returned .,ie11. l ~en to Speak it CHART Meet ~ Di~rict Orange C o u n t y ~sor Alton E • .Al~n w.iU ~ on the ftiftg line Thursday, rteldinc11dHtions at a .. breaklll!! ,,,ee""8 of CHART, the !tU.ns' H~.Nef l,laiean:h Team. ~ 7:30 ·~· ~-'!'ill be aL the ~ Mesa · Clu.kjnd FCl6Jledive nietR.bers a .~ ~U 1~~ ·c1Umis · are invited to· llel!I'~~-· · ~He has J'Kll!ttftftCUMled. whll-be plans to · sjy, but there "111 'be'.a quesllon-Ond· BJl,5Wer period durir\c Ute 1UpetrVilor•1 ·~ · ~nee. according to CHART luder J!m )Vood. ' DAllY PILOT Oll,\NGE COAST .. UtLl&HIHG COM,.AH,. . lehrf N. w •• d Pr""-" Mii l"lltlfllMf' Jet~ R.. Curley Viet P•o"'"' ""' "-91 Mal>f"c n.i,,,., k•1~:1 l!<llltor Tlit,,.•t A. Murs1ltl111 ,......,."" l.dilM' J1r11i11 F. CrtlliM Hewterl .af.di \, City l<llltlr llftJflert ..... OffJu 221 1 Wetl l1fh1 l11il1~11d 14.11;~• ... -,,;,,,; r.Ot tu 111:1, ,,,,, --;• C.lllt Mnt; llt '#tll My '''"' '-9 ..... l•Kl'I: :in ._, "- . "'"""'r,,.1e11 Inc~: 11111 1eec:11 •~""""' .. Explosive Chemicals Poured in Mesa Sewer? By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of tM Delly f'llll St_., Chemicals capable of creating a cci.tastrophic explosion are allegedly being poured into the sewer system by a Costa Mesa defense plant aw.med a $1.78 million Army ordnance contract a week ago. 'The Costa Mesa City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to join the Orange County SamlaUon Diatrlct in seeking an injunction to haft tM alleged violations they say date back more than one year. An off teer of the company denied today that any such wholesele dumping or chemicals occurs at Z.D Products Division of Wells Marine Inc., 3190 Pullman Ave., but acknowledged one in- cident. ••we are aware of all the requirements and we've .1tpent.con1iderable money to comply with them," said J.N. Hairston, who did not dtscl~ his precise executi.ve positiop. "Obviously, we will take the Jteps re- quired," he added, wilen questioned about the Impending injunction. Costa M.,. City Attorney Roy June. asked council llUlhorisatloo Tue!d•Y to join county autboritiea 1n a Crack4own, citin; coniplainta by SanltaUoo Dlatrtct officials tut week. the sewer system is a Class One in- flammable . This means it could ignite at tem- peratures under 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the cramped confines of the un· erground sewer, possjbly creating a ma- jor disaster. Orange Counly Sanitation Di.strict of- ficials also claim the chemicals are kill- ing bicteria in the system which normally break down sewage, thw crip-' piing efficiency. One other complaint cited was a charge that ~though Z.D Product. had inotalted an explosion meter to monitor the danger level, it was unsatisfactory and in- accessible to inspectors. "Frllllkly, it isn't operating safely," ltatrston told the DAILY PILOT; hut blamed the problem on th e supplier, which is required to service it under war- ranty. "We have never, nor do we have the right to rtfme city or county offici als to ingpect it," be added. Newport Chamber Hears Plan _for Litter Crackdown The Costa Meu Sanitary DiJtrict is the agency which will be represented in the actlori along 1rflll the county ' Isabel Pe .... long-time Newpc.t Beach '.AutlloriU.. cilod !'hit they. ,_ ... ••-beaullflallan ~· fl'lnU lltt.riq hu r , . . .,.. .. _ ·~ aaoe far """""· ' mool aenoos· ll!l'ldent II occutrllll Nov. She told Newport Harbof Chamber of 25, 1968. when 2,000 gallons ol liquid Commerce diredon Monday that City !l!W~ ~·out lhroliib a ~ ~ .. Jtwt ,illl!iDc <Hali-ID J1Biliole .~111·frciitoithe pl t · 1 iri«irittiJooo1ncvm·tntoitublle11tr.et. Jbhn Sj~,. :0range ~County =~talion and local judges should Join in the Distrlt! EnJ!ee.r, ~ the inaterial cr:c~down. . lested Mt at_'l,tll> per~ Jower.~plosive . It I Ume these people .were turned limit wtltn Uiil:vzed; ap-itical ~t. OV!C oor dleckered aprons ( and The Costa~ ... Ftro Department stood prellllllably padclled)," Aid Mr•. Pease. by and a mateh was taaed ljlto the mess. She· recalled that a munictpal judge in one fourth of which readily ignited in Los Angeles recently was confronted by a Dames deaptte the open air IUmlllndlngs. man who admitted dumping a 'lxlx of Hairston, the Z-D Products executive, trash on the Hollywood Freeway. "The said the firm readily ·admit& the ac· judge Mid, okay, that's fine, now you cidental dumping of-solvent at ·that' time, clean up a nrlle of the freeway every day blaming it on a stupid mistake. for a week," she related. He ~· the chemical compwnd WM School lawm after lunchtime look useci to strip ~t from metal com-worse than a lot. of Newport's littered ponefit3, addinB that this is an Wrequent pubUc streets, abe said, and -without a process at the plant and Wide• pro-glance a< aasistairt school aupt. Norman tectJo.l5 taken aince cannot happin. LollW, who sat beside her -added: "The ba&io llsue wu taken boc~ ID the "They look like 1 !llOWllorm had hit original inctdtOt and hell. "1Wi'"'mit them." Iha~" Halriton told the DAILY PILOT. "I use Head and Shoulders," said the City and ~ty authorities, however, W'l8bashed Dr. Loats. "But it doesn't are not •tistted and Costa Mua Flre help." Oepartroent,'"'!tltt.alion Chief Bob "That's, tbe end of my wpeech," iaid Beanc:bamp 'llXI today the material in Mn. Pease, joining in the laughter. . U.S. Aid Cut . Irvine, OCC Feel Federal Pinch By THOMAS FOR11JNE M ......... f'IW SNff In a cutbocl. ltml what they ahd for, UC Irvine, Orange Coast CollOf' and Goldm West Oollege have been awarded $11 ,000 in federal work-study granb for ·the first half of 1970 • The federal money Is paid In wal{es to poorer students given jobs on the college campuses. The grants from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (H ~W) are $59,535 to UCI for t4 student8. $10,841 to Golden West for 25 students, ·and $6,353 to Orange Coe!>t College. The grants are for less thlin the last sii .-ith.I. "There Is a drawing In of the purse Mn. !hrpy Prt10, UC! f~l aids aaoiolanl. "We hove ID hope ·die alloc• tJclt, II· 11,... "'°""' for ·wl\lt we have commttted." • • Janet Howell, employment coun.o;elor ror occ, ~ it appears Uwt may have to be some cutback from the SS students on the program thts fall .. ) Her feelings about the program \\'!!re vividly told when the first announce1nent of the grants from Congressman IUch11rd T. Ranna's office unexplalnably did not include Orange COast College, back alley. "While the back alley descrip-said. humanistic, atheistic approach?" lions are not always entirely accurate. the back alley neither condones it or pro- motes It," she said . MNJ. Martin ran unsuccessfully for the school board last spring. Mrs. Edelblute, who is chairman of community affairs for the Chamber Women's Division, claimed other women in the chamber agreed with her but did not have their endorsement of her ccmments. Mrs. Ede lblute warned the chamber of commerce committee that if they recom- mend for sex education they v.'ill create unbelievable tunnoil. As in Anaheim. she said, friends and neighbors will divide, opposition groups will try to replace the school board, will want to fire the superintendent and teachers, will be highly suspicious of teachers, and will op- pose all tax overrides and bond issues: . "The school district will be lucky if 1t can bring unity back in the next 10 years," she said. "Are you willing to gamble?" "Are you philosophizing or is that a threat?" Or. Nolan Frizzelle. chairman of the chamber committee asked. "I'm not threatening," Mrs. Edelblute said. f..1rs. Martin said she wanted to register a protest about a questionnaire the com- mittee ha! mailed out to parents of 8,500 fifth, seventh, ninth and ele venth grade 5tudent.s. Th" questions missed the mo s·t sensitive point of the y,·hole controversy, she claimed. She said parents should be asked if they are in favor of a program that teaches "because of an apparent sexual revolution, they should adapt their se1ua1 attitudes and behavior to accept a man lenient attitude toward premarital sex, homosexuality and all other aspect!! of .sex." She charged that this is an objective of the proponents of the program. She sald .she would endorse the pro- Yufe : T~~e Sale~ To Help YMCA Special Christmas trees bought at a certain Jot this December may help as- sure another type of seasonal fun next summer -actually all year 'round. Money raised through sales at the Or- ange Coast YMCA lot at 315 E. 17th St ., Costa Mesa, will go to provide a swim- ming program for needy YolJth. The lot is staffed by the Y's }.ten'• Club. Salt Creek Study Okayed, But Will Niguel Negotiate? Administrators of Orange County government today have authorization to seek public ac«ss to Salt Creek Bea.en bul the big question remaining is whether or not Laguna Niguel Corporation will negotiate on the i.ssue. In a comprehensive presentation bef.>re the county Board of Supef'Visors Tuesday, County Planning Director F ore s t Dickason made it clear he as.!igns a top priority to gaining access to the Salt Creek shoreline between South Laguna and Dana Point. He would prefer the county to acquire the entire 7,700 feet of ocean frontage. Failing that, Dickason sees other alternatives that would at least provide the public with pathways to the sea. Laguna Niguel Corporation officials previously, however. have held to the position thal the company owns the uplands and has master planned the area as a private beach to serve Niguel residents. Now that Orange County government has indicated ils desire to negotiate the question of public access, the question rt!- mains if the Niguel Corporation is prepared to talk. Bay-Dana Point beadifront. That sector:· includes Salt Creek Beach, pcssession 'o1 which is being contesled in the courts. Roads Commissioner Al Koch, Rea! Property Services Director Stanley Krause and H. G. Osborne, dirtdor of the Orange County Flood Control District, were named to investigate the Dickason propo.5al and report to the board. Supervisor Alton Allen urged formaticn or the committee and "deep con· sideration" of the issues raised by shoreline acquisition before any board ruling is considered. "We have to remember," he said, "that we may not be able to acquire all the shoreline outlin· ed in this report.'' \\'hatever the ouleome of the boarri consideration, Dickason is on record a.s believing that the Salt Creek Beach Im- passe y,·ill be resolved and public access to the ocean front in the area achieved. Caravan to Take Chi1d1·en Toys Repeated inquiries to corporate offices by the DAILY PILOT today failed to draw any response. Meanwhile back at the Bolrd cf A car caravan, carting toys and· Supervisors, Dickason'~ ambitious clnthing for migratory fann workers' shoreline acquisiUon plan got the go-children. ~·ill leave Newport Beach for · ahead for a three-man committee study. northern California Tue.sday, the "Toys But the supervisors were cautious. Tney and Travel" organization announced to. want a report back and then a survey of day. available ocean frontage and "long and "We now have about 300 wrapped gilts · careful deliberation" before any program for the youngsters," said Mrs. Gran.t. gets under way. Bail. "We'd like more so that the cars Their decision followed the urging of \\'Ou)d be as filled as Christmas 1tock· Dickason that the county immediately in gs." move to acquire three "priority ocean She said the group hai been repairing, front areas": the beach between /painting, welding and wrapping glfU for, Monarch Bay and Dana Point, the stretch the past few weeks. of shoreline between Laguna Beach and Contributions may be left at her home, Corona del Mar and an undeveloped strip 1115 Essex Lane, Newport Beach. Mrs..· of beach within the city limits of Hun-Ball said. "U donors v.·ant, they can call tington Beach. me at 646-7645 and we'll pick up 11.t · Dlckason's top priority Is the Monan:h ltms." ·she a<kled. · ·• The Diamond Walch.'- Tradition wilh an innovation; Besin \vith th e \\'orld-famou~ Omesa mo\·emcn t. Then r.ircle it \Vilh flaw less diamonds. \Vho \\'Ould d11re attempt to impro\'e upon such perfection? Omesa \vould. prongs. Th crc"s more diamond sparkle becauss there is more diamond expo.sr Then th ey added color to the dials. It makes 0 OMEGA I I I I I f I ~ eerlns· Then Is a fetollng all through the (U.S.) Office of Educahon it is a dry ~'t!t r for federal fundln(.'' :Wd Ja<k McGiii. usi&tanl director ot educ1Uonal develop- ment for the Orante Coos! Junior College Dlllrlc:L ''That is very frightening . We would be I just sick if we lost the program.'' ~he 1 reacte<t. "Many of the students couldn 't stay In school wtthoot thest': jobs." Through the work•ludy grants the fede.ral government pays 80 percent ('Jf the students' wa£es and the college 20 I percent. ' At' UCI 11111dents wort 1)1 the boot<Jtore 1nd llbr1ry, help out with ·laboratory ,. wort, and even man cunputen and serve JI as research assistantl. •'MGM of the lime !My 1tt jobs right In their .. n deport. ment. whaiever their m1jor is," Mrs. Prtgo s.aid. They de!igned n1:nv settings for the diamonds , tllmlna ting conven Ilona I rach \\'Itch more atlractive., mere distinctive. See cur complete Omega diamond watch collection soon. I ·occ·s la.t. 1i1-month alltc1tion was _ .. ,113..,[lt!rly iO ~ moni lhan tlit $11,S53 for the next 111 months. Bot Frances Ackley of the UC! Fin>n· clol Ail\! O!flcuald she d<>esn1 llllnk U11 laot alloc.tti<ln I• rtltvant It coven the -f· o11e noted, ind during tM sum· mer stWenfs 8N! atkt.·td to work "°' boUn a week In' the program Instead o( jllSt 1$, .. It COlll ...... • , 6he did not reveal amounb. bqt she ukl<l1Cl l\ld been cul from Ila ..quest ••tl I~ alwaya a guming pmn," uicf She remarked that the bc!auty of the proeram Is the students can wort right on campus and don't need a car. Donald Randol:. htad of the program at Goklen \\1est Col.lege. was out of town at 1 confcrtnce: for sevu1J d&)'I and unav1ilable for comment. Szidd!e~ct College does not have S"UCh J proeram •• - CONVENIENT TERMS 8ANKAMERICARO ll YEARS SAME LOCATION I I i PHONE • l MASTER CHARGE 1823 NEWPORT AVENUE &<a.HOI : COSTA MESA • --------------------............ ,.J .. I i l ' ' I I • ' " i\ ~; I . . ' . i' (· l ' .. .. • • f .. . \ . • .. I I .. ' • . ' • . . • > • ·' •. ' l • .. .. ., ... ' - SEE ALL OF THE NEW 1970 U't tie\ -b Penn -mlt RlElS Y r.1ed11ist -Q•i.c~ :.!'~..;;;ing sil1-flel Qu1c . • fenwick ROOS by G1rct1 -" · 1 Golden West _(19\e(1W- 1nd Btrkloys.' - ,. Of THE pLU$ AL• AC(£1.$01lldo JOOI GU 10111 flS\l\llG U(lllSI at,.,,.,.,, ,.,, IM S10Cll . OVll 20.000 . * f\AlllS . *CORDS * CASUA\S * Jl~MS ----- ' Wlllllndd. ~ec1mber 17, 1%~ .. ' DAILY l'lllf IS .THE MOST COMPLETE GUN SHOP -iN CALIFO~NfA....__. NOW OPEN ••• at: GRANT'S! ------------· ,. . . RUGER ! I ·:! AUTOLOADING . I I CARBINE .22 long Rlflo CaL OPEN DAILY 9 UNTii. 9 SATURDAY 9·6 -SUNDAY 9.5 !VIN WHEN YDq Sii IT-lr1 hlnl to U.191nt ""~ 1. complete Hunter'• P1r1dl"I All of the nM.t brandi of Guns •• , Am.munition ••• ltfoad:s • •·t.. Huntln1 Clothlng (for tht 9111, too)., • Traps ••• Sco,.s .: •. ~...JI:> Decoys. You "''"' if-W1'w1 '°'It, wHn pu wut·h~"~ OVER 1,000 GUNS ON DISP.LAY! • WINCHESTER • AltMAUTE o RIMlllGTDN o BROWNING o WIATHIRIY • CHARLU DALY • WALTHil • IERITTA • llAM4 o SAKO • COlT •H&R • lUGER , • ITHAtA • SMITH & WISSON NIWI 8ROWNIN'C ll'Oll'-1'1 .. ,., .... fin11 lillllliti l C..u From $2275 Matchlnr. •~h Trou"'" . F.om s1211 BROWNING . .• -· • IOOTI ....... l;,b~ ...... . s22sa .. . "Largest Browning Dealer ln California!" : ------·--· Al'9 LEVI'S® for GALS! -~ .... ' -~ iii Htn'1 1 1ltt llfn tfMir1 ,.,feet -frOm our coRKtlon of LHy · LtYJ',•, , , DRESS FLARES ........ $10·$12 FLARE JEANS ............. $1 LAD~S' JEANS ....... ; .$6 · $1 CASUAl SLACKS .......... $10 BUSH JACKETS ........... $2D ' WESTERN IL.OUSIS .... $1'0·$14 --ii ii: FAMOUS 13RAND$ AT .BIG SAVINGS! •• ii WESTERN SHIRTS '695 .. WESTllN STYLID •.•• for W11t1rt1· ·,,._, •• 11141 Ptr1Nntnt PrH• f1brlc1, .. toe. ltHd Pl1icl1. 11111 10114 celo r1 In 1/1 1IMH l•iltths and "''k 1i111. Stied From 31 Styles of Jackets! g 1c2 0°IN0 8 rswl ii ~-· -· '1he Windking" Viii: by Pciclflc Traill ' ai IUGGD ... wto4,...f '"""' 11· ~... ~""".. tltt " • w •• t .. out4oer INfr."' 12 'rMMk Clll· • . • ,. ht ,,, .. ,.. ,. 46. $10 I ii -ii • ' DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PA.GE Remarkable Response ' By Tuesday of tbb week, an est!mated 2,400 New- port Beach and Costa Mesa parent. had filled out and returned the Newport Harbor Chamber of Comm81'Ce's questJoM31res on s~x education. That ts a remarkable response, representing more than 30 percent of those receiving the questionnaires. They were mailed out early last week: to 8,300 homes. No stamped, return-addressed env~lopes w.ere in- cluded with the mailings. Each responding parent had to go to a liWe extra effort to mafce his or her views known on the subject. A few thousand questionnaires have not been re. turned. Th•y are doubUeu lying on a dresser or teblo- top somewhere. They should be filled out, placed in en- velope1 and mailed back to the chamber. The larger the response, the more meaningful it will be to scbool district authorities. Why is tho chamber undertaking this public opinion survey for the schooJs? Chamber Manager.Jt1ck Barn~t gave the answer: ''Somebody has to do it. And we re Just as interested 1n our schools as is anybody else.," In deciding to prepare and send out the question· nalres the chamber itself, it should be understood, has taken 'no stand on the issue. "We're only serving as a vehicle for the schools to find out what tbe public thinks, 11 said Barnett. Nevertheless, judging by telephone calls to Barnett and other chamber members, some people in 'the com .. munity seem to believe the chamber is taking what they would tenn the "u1tra-libera1" line by getting in~ volved at all in the sex education question. That view is utter nonsense. . Printing and malling of the questionnaire by the chamber was financed by such responsible -and con- servative -citizens of the community as 0. W ... 'Dick" Richan!, John Macnab, George Woodford , Richard Stevens and William rung. Giving parents this chance lo be heard on the sub- jecl -or any subject -la In the highest tradition of the American syrtem. It la infinitely betta than leav· ing the entire issue to ld;le special interest pressure groups, no matter how w'!ll lnlended. The Newport Haroor chamber and tu committee and its contributors deserve the thanks of the commun- ity. And the community deserves a respon.se from ev• ery parent that received a questionnaire. The Airport Taxi Monopoly Under authority of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, the Tustin Cab Cdmpany has exclusive rights lo pick up passengers at Orange County Airport. The franchise was granted to ease the tumultuous has- sle of many taxi drivers haggling over passengers - and to m~e a few dollars for the county. Which would be fine if Tustin Ca b Company lived up to its part of the agreement and provided the service expected in re'turn for the exclwive franchise. In fact, there often are no cabs at Orange County Airport during even modest rush periods. Travelers have to wait from 30 to 45 minutes at times to obtain transportation for the last few miles home. I I I The questionnaire was de veloped jointly by a thamber committee (which bas spent months listening to the pros and cons of the topic) and by school rep- res~tatives. The Board of Supervisors have an obligation to l5ee that Tustin Cab Company provides better service -or to permit other cab companies to help transport pas- sengers. IN) .. M-.. .... ""t::?.•~ I 1'ME? ·, 6Ue$s i'M .. J'OU.Y 'lAU5f l <:ior NO CtlAR6E ACCO(}Nrs: The Sexual Scandiil of Our Prisons Experts on prison life agree that perbapl as high as liO percent of all jail riots. attacks and di!ttJrbanceS are caus- ed by two basic human appetites: for food and for sex. U the food is bad, or wone than usual, the jnmatts revolt, as they should. But there b Utue they can do to sat.Jsfy their normal aexua1 needs except engage in homolexual relations, which are rile in moit pri.tons. THE llOMOl!EXllAL problem In jall ls diacreeUy played down by the authorities, for fear of shocklng or alienating the good citizens who prefer to be wrapped in smug ignorance about prison life and conditiom. But most of what la called ••unrest" in jail -including the not in· frequent wounding <lr slaying <lf one in· mate by another -is triggered by these unmet sexual needa. And "rape" is not at all unc.ommon there. Only one American state -Mississippi -anently permits conjugal relations between prison inmates and their wives, altl'M>uab Mexico, several South American countries, Scandinavia, and some nations In the J.tiddle and Far East have adopted an enllgbtened policy toward the sexual rights of prisoners -and of their wives. HERE IS A FACTOR few penal gy11tem1 take into account. Even assum· ing that ln losing most of hi s civil rlghta, the priaoDer also loses hiJ human right lo Dear Gloomy Gus: Newport drivers _risk their lives every time they break into SS.mile- an·hour traffic on Jamboree Road from East ~luff Road near the old salt mine~ It's the most dangerous traffic spot in town. It should either have a light or be closed off before more mi.ow: accidents occur. -A. W. B. Tiit. IMtvrl ""*" ~ ¥llwl, ---rllY fMM If .. _,,..,.,, S... Yfllr "9 _.,. ti OlelMY ... INllY l'IMll. sexual congress, what about lhe righll <lf his wife in ~ involuntarily deprived through no fault of her own? Such deprivation not merely may drive the inmate into a homGSexual rela· tionship in prison -which often ruins him for conjugal normali ty when he com· es out -but also imposes either con- tinence or infidelity upon the wife who is waiting years for his return. If a man forfeJts his rights to legally 111nctioned sex, does the wife forfeit her rights abo? OF COURSE, A woman (In divorce her husband while he is ln jall; she can take a lover, or many; or she can stine her sexual needs for years, or decades. But if she is a normal woman, with a family and a social life, is it not inhumanly cruel to force her into desertion, adultery, or involuntary abstinence? Quite apart from thls mora1 question, the confinement and segregaUon of large groups of men without nonnal sexual outlets is psychologically and socially as unheallby as any act the inmate may have C!Ommitted. It is punitive without point, and corrupts rather than chaatens. How long will we close our eyes to this monstrous pie<:e <lf vengeance mas- querading as "reform?'' Overworked, Vnderpaid Postal Employes They Endure Public .With Patience To lhe Editor: Of all the overworked and underpaid organizations in the (OUOtry today, the Post Office and its ernployes head the list. Nowhere in the United States does the public get so much service for so lit- tle money . The following are but a rew of the ex. amples which postal employes endure with MUence beyond belief: THE FEMALE patron who cannot underl5tand why the carrier cannot gel all her letters and large magazines in the cute little basket hanging by her front door ... the male patron who places lit· Ue Fido on the counter while he reads his morning mall, ignoring the sign at the en- tracce clearly stating that only seelni· eye dogs are allowed inside •.. the daily hassle over charges for mailing to some far-off place ••. the patrons who arrive at the parcel window five minutes before closing time with armloads of. packages ••. those who protest the non-arrival of their Wall Street Journal ••. the poorly· wrapped package (parts of a paper bag and l!Ome sU'in8) poorly addressed (witb a stubby·pencil and no Zip Code), ON THE COUNTER rests tbs ever. present Zip Code Dire<:tory, but stm the patron asks, ''What's the Zip Code number for Bean Blossom, Indiana'!" If you think this is exaggerated, try working in a Post Office and YoU'll decide there must be an easier way to make a living. GENE WIERBACH Former Postal Employe Wh11 He Sub•crlbe• To the Editor: \1lhy do I subscribe to the DArLY Letters from reader1 are welcome. Normally wri ters 1hould convey their messages in 300 word& or less. The right to (onden.se letters to fit space or eliminate lib el is re1eroed. All let· ters must include .signature and mail· ing a.ddre11, but names may be with· held on request tf suffieieni reas<ln is apparent. Poetry will not be pub· lishe d. limited to the editorial page and will not be included in news items. Slnc:e there are very few If any newspapers that can cla im to always meet that expect.at.ion, I will be 1aU!fled with lea than perfection . I subscribe to the DAILY PILOT because It measures up to my ex- pectations. HARRY B. McDONALD JR. Let'• Sa11 Thank• To the Edil<lr: In this day and age or "teacher militancy," where they are asking for a wage they are entitled to, I'd like to call your attention to some of the things teachers do above and beyond the call of duty in the classroom. They struggle day after day to find the right approach so that a child may learn to read, putting in many hours after they finish in the classroom. (Did you realize that one way doesn't always work wilb all children'?) to make drug addicts out of hls patients (and we blame drug addiction on today's youth-.. look who's seWng the example!), Or he "sends them to the grave on the installment plan" -piece by piece. After all, such a great degree of technical skill acquired so laboriously at medical school can't be wasted. OF COURSE, there are undoubtedly many times where drugs and surgery, when used in an emergency, have helped to save lives. But the indiscriminate use of them for everything from a runny nose (penicillin), td everyday tension (tran- quilizers), to a IOl"e throat (tonsillec· tomy), bl not only dangerous, b u t unscl· entlfic and doesn't really aol.ve any prob- lems. It is no wonder, then, that more and more t.hlnldng people are turning away from many of today's "wonder boys" to a more s.ife, sane and natural way of fighting lllne.611 and (aring for the body. NANCY COOK Per•onal Attnck To the Edit.<lr: I cannot recall ANY article by Dr. Norman Nlxm whJch has been poorly thought out, carelessly researched, or lacking in candcr. ln these artlcles he ii stating his point of view. The intemperate penonal criticisms in the [)e(ember 8 Mailbox suggest that the writers have not used the aame process. Jndeed their st.atements are open toques- tion, for while they are entitled to di ssent, they weaken the case they l'.'ish to present, seriously, when they re30rt to personal a ttack. MARJORIE ANDERSON don't realize is thal by using their slyle of tactics (mainly that the ends justify the means) they destroy our democratic sense <lf fair play, rationality, and justice. THE BIRCHERS, because of their supeMor organizational skills, (an com- pletely divide a community. Birchers and their fellOYr' travelers spread mistrust, fear and apathy in our sreiety by making us and our governmental and school of· ficials afraid to act out ol fear ol harass- ment and dirty attacks. If we are to preserve democracy, we must maintain the right of the public to llear both sides of all issues and make ra· tional decisions as lo the evidence. We must clearly call all Birchers to the bat' when they misstate, misquote and misrepresent the truth. We must preserve our democratic principles of fairness, rationality and truth <lr suc· cumb to the rule of those who can yell the loudest. It is an ironi( fact that the "patrloUc0 John Bircherz and friends are doing as much to destroy the fabric of this na· tioo's democratic prin(iples and values as the Communists. Of course, now l become one of the enemy. PETER A. ROBINSON New• lmbalcue To the Editor: Our 300-Year Obligation PILOT or what do I like about tbe DAI- LY PILOT or even what do J dislike a bout the DAILY PILOT are relevant questions. Yet, the most important ques· tion is, what do J expec't of the DAILY PILOT? THEY CON THEIR husbands and brothers l<l build things for the classroom so that they can have an outstanding art lesson; they (omb hair and buy brushes for children whose parents don't realize it is important to have a good self-image; they buy gifts for children whose parents are struggling just to buy food . They share the knowledge they have gained with their years <lf experience with teachers who ate just beginning to teach. 'We Are All to Blame' To the Edltor: Yes, It's true, the city may seem an en- chanted -place t.<l some, but the smog· bound air which envelops our great city is a disgusting mixture of exhaust fumes, smoke and dirt. Polluted air has been wlt.h man since the beginning of time, but. in recent years tts nox ious substances have t<lme l<l blanket most of us. On TV Dec. tl, 1969, all programs covered the various stories appertaining to the Los Angeles police "intruding" on the Black Panthers' "arsenal," in East Los Angeles the previous day, at which time several police officers were W<lUnd· ed by gunfire. ~ailed fine citizens such as two assemblymen, an L.A. coun· cilman, an acknowledged Communi~t professor, Angela Davis, NAACP and other sympathizers were quoted frc· quently and with great relish for a reriod of approximately 10 minutes on each sla· tlon. 'Jllere is no future for the Indians on Alcaltai: Island. Properly called Red Men, or Amer·indians. to distinguish them from East Indians, they are primarily agricultural. Mide frcm the lack of natural water M>Urces, the island ha.! no soil to till . Any large !.nflux of Indians would leave them helpleu. A3 farmers and occasionally 6heep men, the Indians havt had • hard enough Ume on their reservations In this century. 1be reserv•tlons inclose about the paoresl agricultlD'al lands surviving on this cootinent. The occupants have been the chronic victims of a fast shutlle in land at the hands of lht Untted States govemmMt. From the coming of while men in the 160051 this Jand swindle has continued unabated. 1be Indians In early time lollbslded OD grains and hunUng. The white men w11nted arable IOI.I for themtelva Filll the c o 1 o n l a 1 per mi~. tbea the federal gov-ern- mart treated tbe tribes as "sovttdgn," makinC "trutlel" with them, a Jot of baloney, muIU.S llmoot Invariably In a cop-GUI. MOii' l1r TBB tftetlel whkll dldni du! In -....,.ll<ld, flm)ll'Od white ocquldloll fl the lndl.ln'• -.i land. Thul tile 1nc11 ......... lncruslngly push- ed -an! wllh little O< .. roganl fO< their Welfltt, and con<e\U'&l<d lll r~ '"lot Whit the IDdllnl got out of " was a ct IOftl"tl«n rhdCJrt(, a top N wards of tJio pa-llJl!Uod lo a four dollar a montll pl1mJU¥I "education,•• aDd pro- ":':. 1mcw;:w;\ 1., 1 o • •d· mlnistnUOOI, all wm IOCQ wllb prom- ' . " I. I expect the DAILY PILOT to be a \ viable rtt!Wspaper that will be financially supported by lhe community. Therefore, I do NOT expect to be interested ln ench and every news item. ises, and not one made any seriou.s ef· fort to ameliorate the Jndlan's condition. For 2CM> years the Indians naturally resented the 'tVhtte t'ODQUt'lt and Its at.- tellclant hypocrisies. They !ought back. As they were originally savages they didn't f!Ctt back nice, and underwent endless militia and •d hoc posse reprisals. 111E 1\'IUTES WERE often as un- civilited as the savages. Our television l5aint, Daniel~. was not above takJng a scalp or two In an emergency. Young George Washington missed ecalplng by tialf an hour on one of his surveying trips for Governor Dinwiddie of Virginl1. Jt was an unsetlled Lime, like our own. In the !all c<ntury, and partJcularly afttt the demagogue Cult.er wu wiped out. the Indians were at the mtr(Y ti the Bureau of Indian Affair!. F'Unctlonarl~ of this bureau were often poflUcal tlmeserveta and blundertt1. But even had the)' been efficient Ind c:ontclentkNS. the:r ~ IRlbjed. ta a lllngy and obtuse Congress. preGC(:Upied with •oten. Our generation of -Americans are hell on syn\· ptlhy, but neither Wormed of lhe ln· dians' economic and cultural needs, nor prepued to do much about them. The mtorlety of Al(IV'U •• lhe lite residence of Al Clpone and h1a colleaRUta II about the ..,1y dMdtnd the Indians can hope to collocl from their hegira. Lei us hope !he word moy get •round the coun- try that we ha\'t 1 300-year obllgaUon lD tlUf matter. Z. 1 EXPECT THE editorial page to be controversial. Thus, I do NCYr expect U> agree with each and every oplnkln that is published on that page. 3. I expect that editorial policy will be B11 Geo"fle --~ lleor Georg" A few months ago I read an art!. cle that said if you stop iimoking you lose your seme of smell. ls this true? BART Dear Bart; Yeah, darn It. Sin(e I quit, all 1 can 1metl Is this stupid cigarette 1moke tn the ofJlcc. CONFIDENT! AL TO JOHNNY CASH : Well, l could have told you everybody was sone before you went all the way to San Francl$co to make the album -I wlsb you """ldn't go off half-cocked on plom 'like this "Johtlny Cash a t Alc1ttaz" without checking wllb ID< flnt. CX>NFIDENTIAL TO CHIEF OF INTELLIGENCE o Frankly, that was a dumb queslioc. (Send your problems to George M This Newspaper. N°' oo aeco:;d lhooght -you had better ... !he "'1 name ol tbe newop1per.) I A~1 PROUD to be associated \\.'Ith teachers. They are not only competent. professional people but warm.hearted and generous with lhe.ir time and energy. J rather think if you thought or the teachera that work with Y<Nr chUd?'ml you would agree with me. Let's say "thanks" now and then. PAT MOORE School Sett<tary Harper School Dort.ors ot Jtledlclne To the Editor: I found Nonnan Nixon, M.D.'s article again!ct chiropractic (Nov. 28) to be typical ol many ot today's arrogant, ail- knowfug and closed minded doctors of mtdic.inc. A litlle·known survey conducted by a psychology cJa55 at UCLA a few years ago showed lhlt the studenLt entering medJcaJ 1ehool for eventual monetary gain, prestige, p:twer •nd ambition lwd a f a r greater percenlafe ol succesa than those who were entering f or humanitJ.rlan and tdeallstic 1US<W\S alone. The humanitarians, for the most part, did not. have enough compeliUve drlvt and ambttion t.o carry them tnrough today's !Ugh-powered medical school, at Just at thl:t particular university at that pa!1lcular time. It would be Interesting lo 1t1 11 thlng1 have chanJed much. TODA rs M.D., nlber than oerloudy lry"'8 lo !Ind woy1 of curing and healing his patients lhroogb mtAns whlrh might ht eoruldered accept.able to nature (the only re.al healer), Wt.cad attms to want A peculiar product of our civilization and of our careiessnus, it is simply hwnan litter and It ts heaved into the al· mosphere by all of us -from 1utomob1Je tall pipes, from Incinerator slacks, from power stat.ions and home cblmney1. LAST YEAR ovtr 143 million tons of It W<nt up and fell right back down on bea.uUful America, and there will be more nert year. The dtbri.s of pollution (Oils us an estimated f ll billion a year in property damage and Jt contributes to tho lllne.saes and deaths of many. Yet prac· t!ca\ly nothing is be.Ing done to atop 1t. What la obviously lacking b w!U, the na· tlonal will to admit that we are all lo blame, to spead the money and enforce the laws, and possibly, jU5t possibly, aave ourselves from chok1ng to dN.th. 'Phank you for listening to my com. plaint. I only hope that other• will. CHRISTINE HIBBARD Blrrkrs' TRtlu To the Edllor o Someone °"" said that the op1rit ol mnmunlty is our bm. defenae against commun!Jm, yet the John Bird>trs and fellow-yahoo's with their Illogic and ww:lerhanded iactk-s are caustng our communities to be deeply d1vided. For example, witness the rttent Aldrtch case. Aldrich's ns a typeal case of Birch 1tyle character assasslnaUon. Robert Welch, the leadtr ol Iha John Birch Society, justlflcd undtrhandcd tocUcs by lll}'ing they are necessary tor lhe deftat Of cooununism, but what the Blrcben ONE STATION interviewed concerned black people of the san1e area whose spokesman was a minister. They wer1 asking for police protection in the :irea. and saJd that they felt that 80 percent or the people in the area decried the acts of the Black Panthers and the other la\vles~ groops, and wanted protection from them. This interview took less than one minute of TV time. On the morning of the 12th, or the following day, the papers were full of !he stories of the so.called "spokesmen" who were up.1et. by the police action, but t could not find anything in, thl" parx-rs r eporting the black "silent majority's'' (Otlcem over the a(ts of 1he Black Panthers and other lawles.s people in the South Central area. Could Spiro Agnew have a polnl? GEORGE D. BUCCOLA Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1969 Th< editorlol pag• of tht Dailu Pilot seeb to infoT'th and stim· ulat.e rtadtri bu pre.ttnting thiJ mw1paper'1 opinlon.r and com. mcntarv on t.opic1 of i11terti& and 1ignJficanct, by protridtng a forum for the e:prestion o/ our rtad~rt' opinions, <1nd by prasniting the diver1t vJeur pomts of fnfo-rmed ob.ttrvtr1 ond ipoktimt'n on topfca of thr clap. Robeli N. Weed, Pubhsher ~7 • I ,_ '•· r I 1 ! ~os'8 ·Mesa ' Today'• l'l ••I N.Y. Steeb " ~l.(61. NO. lO(, 7 SECTION S, 104 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY. CA(IFORNI~ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969 TEN CENTS • . . ' . . Trustees Reject Plan for School Transfer .I' By THOMAS FORTUNE Of "" DilllY .. ,. llttf Newpor~·h1esa &ehool trustees ·balked Tue~ay nigtjt<ll thr: pl"Ol!lpecl,of shilling •tudenb aft<r they started at .,,. high echOoJ to•anolber high school. "In my m~ the school has to' bend al)Cl n.,~ the people," said board meriibet Selim ;'Bud" Franklin in rejecting a pro- posa},to send some eighth graders nexl. y~lt lo Corona 'de! Mar High and the followin& y°" to Newport Harbor lli&h. ' . . . Administrative. assistanl for Scboo1 Facilities Roy O. ~rteo wu u~ to develqp ~ditlonal informatlOf'i for the school board that could tead to a different &olutloo. Tho problem Is tri 'adjust 1ttendan« boundaries to match 1tlidentl wttl\,tilah scOOol'J' capacity. .. ·-- Franklin suggested it 'might i be 6'tter to shift i1!CQn1inf high .,,0001 sttlj!enta on Balboa Island, Llnda1.sle and Harbor lslt from Corona del Mar Hiib IG Newport . . Hlrbor lligli lmtead of U-ill the Back Bay and Santa Ana Heights areas west of Uppei: Newport Bey. ·~ people have had a full burden of Chan.gt,". said Franklin . "They've had their ·children shifted about · since• they were 'in kindergarten. I know too niany peop!e whOse Ctilldren have gone to three high Khools. "'If necessary let's put In portables · or ex~nd the scboQI day at Harbor HJgh to prevent tltla double shiftini." , DAllY·f'ILOT Stefl' f'Mft; MIESA AUTHORITIES HOT UNDER COLLAR ABOU T·MATERIALS DUMPED FROM THJS PLANT Newar~,.Mayor,. 14 Other s H~Jd CaIJSu:.ltantLas.es Close . . • .i' ; ~ . ~Extortion Rap Bid for Downtown Job ~wAJ, N.,, ,(UPI) -MQW k!!Bli santa·t.l..,ic. clD!Ult.ent 11uieiU Priebe J. Addoniiio al!d H other•,_lnc!uclin, _ who ~ -~ !mow mllCh tllrei; councilmen, W~ indicted 'today on about details but hounds his technical ex-t.at haai~ and ~tortion ch.ara:es by a federal llJ'fnd.Jl!t1 investigatint' org~niz-perts to-put out their best -almost ·&bt .,,i erun"',~ oftlcial corruption in New the downtown Costa Mesa redevelopment Je?.CY·· • assignment TUesday. , n1e 68 ' nt indictmenl was the second The City Counctt voted 3 to 2 against 'a ' · nd ti · moti<Jn to hire Priebe and his team, the fronf.:11 iifS.sault on crllTle a corrup on 1n hand-picked choice of· the majoritf of N• J sey by the nation's top Jaw en· bus.inessmtn and merchants who wilt be forcem qt officer in 24 hours. 4 ey General John N. Mitchell trig· a:fuwn wuliam L St. Clair and gered the roundup of SS o( 55 M•fia flgu and their henchmen named Tues. George A. 'nicker ftrt on the loiiJW end day · :iwo federal ~ndictments on illegal c( 1 the v~, wi}ich. came: .after heated g""'tling charges.· The two others are debate on applicants' -credentials and . --prel-bein -lbught. Tucker immediately moved to delay Mitchell today said the grand jury in-any further action until the January 6 dieted Addonizio and the others for ex-meeting and Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley of- t.ortiDg more: than $250,~ fro~ . an fered a second before the unanimous engiqeering firm en.gag~. in mun1c1pal cQnStn..1.ct.ion and for failing to report v~~thing was scheduled on the matter, tw'eir full incomes. They also were charg-but St. Clair brought up the question of ed With conspiracy· h1rin'g the firm that will engineer· the The indictment further charged that future downtown area during the. coun- "the defendants did conspire • ·-· lO·· eilrne!l'S rfmarks period. · ' thwart construction undertake:n drf behalf St. CJ.air moved to hire Priebe based on l'lf the city of Newark .• • in ~er,.to, ~~ -recent ·reports , from the city ataff, re- tain the pro'-'rty o( c o n t-r a e t o. r s • quested af&!:r a bid to retain hll services engineer1.1anj:I ~hers Vi'orking on .ceHalo one week before waa narrowly p>Stponed municipal cjonstruction'' bf ''fear of at the last minute. financial injliry and under .color of of-"He told us t»-ts a generalist," 6· ficial rigbl.'1 ' ·, plained St. ClU, and nof an uperi in the The 1s deitndants were tfJ!:«I wllh 65 field of planning, traffic ftow, redevelop- count. ol a<;lually comij\i « ~1tortlon ' mOnt linancill( and other 1opecta of the agaiNt Constr"1 Inc., an ~ ' program. · finri wllich ;jet'ved as a eqnsultant. pl'tn)e '"Mr. Priebe is probably 1 very fine: contractor 'loo subcontractor f« .variOUt 1 motlvat«, but we'Ve got to dilctm what city projeds sucb,as sew al& cons1~oo we're ,IJQin_.I 1o do, downtown_." countered ard11b"/' renewal. • ,. Councilman Willanl T. Jon;lan. • , i..'.'.!i doa't thinkc we .hive to bt saddled .w1lli the Jfllle !jrin .... tJtf pl1nnllia ... weU a the motiv~,'' be added; satinl ll0,.11,,..en comultl!U !Vtlloey llld' Ham Wilson Named • ! - To Cities P.ost · ~la t.1esa Vice ?ilayor Robert M. Ill<, that groundwor1<. • ; "He doesn't know ont tnt11of the plan· nlni lllck f.,.. the other." Jorden COil· till<led. Moylll-.Alvln t. P!Mi.,, openly - atd<n Priebe'• -.Ille -on the tbtem pole, joining Jonlen in pral&lng the WUJsey and Him COllJP"!IY· He and Mayor Pinkley are impressed with Economic Research A!soclates (ERA~ the agency which will conduct preliminary studies if Wi llsey and Ham Is retained. "For this reason, I could not vote for Priebe," said the fl.fayor. Councilman St. Clair argued that alter a series of hearings, 100 percent of. the downtown ~nessmen·art behind &elec- tion or the Priebe firm, which has a hand in Long Beach's Queen's Park deve1ep- ment. "Just a minute Bill," snapped Mayor Pinkley, " ... not 100 pel"Ce'l'lt. I have ·$125,000 invested downtown, which is less than some, but mott than others." "Willsey and Ham brought down the biggest bunch of . fourthraters around ," charged St. Clair, complaining that one representative had only two weeks' ex· perience with the company. Councilman Tucker, his anger rising. joined in OD the side of the Do'i\11town Businessmen's Association choice, charg- ing anti-downtown seDtiments have been shown at the council level. "I'm tired of thi! kind of baloney," ht snapped . "You don't need to get so hysterical," soothed Vice Mayor Robert M. Wilson. "I'm not hysterical," Tucker replied. 'lbe meeting closed after the vote, as Mayor Pinkley 11i.strlbuted copies of a priority list of eHy ordinances IUU in tht: workl Md t)pcomlna 1970 projecl.!. Sf;oelc ilf•rket NEW YORK IAP)-Most slocks edged deeper into losing territory today, as dec~s widened lhiir lead over ad· vanees by a near i.to-1 margin. (See quotations, Pages 28-29). Wilson has b9en assigned·IG a seat on the Callfor.Ua League or Cittes: 1970 Com- miUee on cclmmunity Development. Homeowner• Endorse Plan "I think Bud's point II well taken. I have been somewhat lnvoJved with the shift myself;" said Board President Marian Bergeson. (Her· daughter, Nancy. was grltduated from Harbor. High, whlle son, David, at- tends Corone de! Mar ·Hlsh.) The. families that have been involved in several attendance boundary s h l f t s through the years re&ide on the west side nr Upper Newpon·Bay. Part of the area al30 is kllO'N11 u east.side Costa Mesa. The area or attendance tr&n!fer pro- posed by Andersen la north of 21st Street- Holiday Road and east of Santa Ana Avenue, including Santa Ana Heights. He propo8ed attendance patterns re- main fixed through Ole next sch«>! year, beehmill6 in September, 19'10, with in- coming ninth graders each year after that going to Harbor High instead of Coroni. del Mar High. . But the hook in lhe proposal is that runtb graders next )'ear at Corona deJ Mar High be sent to Harbor High u 10th graders the following year if school bonds aren't soon sold to expand Corona del Mar High as faat as Newport Harbor High. A propo5a( to increase tbe pemtis&ible interest rate for bond sale from five per- cenl to seven percent will be voted on Feb. 10. Bond money for Harbor Higb conatruction.~read.y is sold. · (S.. An ENDANCE, Paa• Z} Explosive Sewage? Mesa Seeks Halt Order on Firm ... Ey ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of 1M 0.Jly ~H• Sl.tf Chemicals Fapable of creating a cataitrophic explosion are lllegedly being pOured into the 1ewer system by a Costa Mesa defense plant awarded • $1 .78 million Army ordnance contract a week ago. The Costa Mesa City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to ;oin the Orange County Sanitation District in seeking an injunction to halt the alleged violaUons they say date back more than one year. An officer of the company denied today that any such wholesale dumping of chemicals occurs at Z.D Products Five to Lead 5'booli,flo1d: Vote Campaign A fiv~"'1' oteFln~ -.Uttee bu biOn n"1Md to IW ~ camplJIJI for Newporj;Mt11 Uniited &Cho91 billtlct's oven1df ta1 snd bond lit-lncteue electJ(.fl Feb. tO. The campaign steering committal is cOmpri&ed of former Costa ftiesa City Manager Robert Unger , Newport Beach City COuncilman and forriier City Mana· ger Robert Shelton, Costa Mesa Plan- ning Commissioner and two.term Cham- ber of Commerce· President Jack Ham- mett., DAILY fILO'I' Publisher Robert Weed, ~d ~I Board President Mrs. Marian Bergeson. School Supr1n1'1>dent William CuMing· ham told Ute bQard Tuesday night that COroria del Mir cartoonist Virgil Partch (VIP) har agreed to do sketche.11 fOr the eampaij;n. Actor Andy Devine, Newport Beach. served as host of a recent lunch- eon. Cunningham said school personnel have been telling their story to groups of citizens at breakfast meetings every morninii: and he spoke about the e1ecUon at his first serv:iee club luncheon Tues- day. · "I think things are pc115ilive al . this point and I am cptimistic," Dr. Cun. ningham told the b;oard. He said a speakers bureau is being or4 ganized to talk about the elect.Ion to any group interested. * * * Division ·of Wells Marine Inc.. 3100 Pullman Ave., but aclmowledg~ o~ in· cident . "We are aware· of all lhe requlremenl.! and w!'ve apeflt considerable money to comply with them ," aaid J.N.' Halrston, who did not disclose hiJ precise executive pooltion. . "Obviously, we will take the 1tepg re- quired,'' he added, when questioned about the irilpending injuncUon. Costa Mesa City Attorney RoY June asked council authorization Tuesday tO join county afithorities in a crackdown, citing complaints by Sanitation District officlal1 last Week. 'NOn"!l"esolutlon' 'Ille Coata Mesa Sanitary Dlsfrlct ii the agency which wllf be repre9ell:ted In the action along with the' county. Authorities cited "'.hat they termed the most serious incident as ·occurring Nov. 25, 1968, when 2;000 gallonf of' liquid • sewage was P,Utpped cut through a manhole cover In front of the plant. John Sigler, Orang_e County Santt.ltion District Engineer, said the material tested out at 100 percent lower explosive limit when analyzed. a critical point. The Costa Mesa Fire Department 1tood by and a match waa tOSled into the mess, ooe fourth of which readily ignited In (See CHEMICALS, P•ge Z) ·Mesa Answers .Newport On Freeway Route Plea_ Riqu11ted ti support Newport Beach'• bid for a atatt re-study of the ccmttover- sial Pacific Coast Freeway route through the Harbor Area, the.,. Costa Mesa City CounciJ paased a resolution-Tuesday night. You might call It a non-resolution, at least in the eyes of Newport Beach. The document discusses the Pacific Coast Freeway and the engineering prob- lems it poser for Newport Beach, but does not aupport the beach l"ity plea, while diplomatically not saying 10. Councilman George A. Tucker pressed hard for a delay on taking any action unUI the January I meeUng, but finally \l.'ent along wlth his colleagues. in a united front. The heading of the resolution simply expresses a desire to cooperate with Newport Beac~ c9unci)men in request- ing the solving or engineering problems and speeding up construction. No mention i! made of ~ssible move some 600 yards inland, which Is the basic proposal in Newport Beach's bid for the State Division Of Highways to look at the route again. ' T·he body of the resolution , however, supports the route adopted but never approved by Newport Beach. The resolution was dellvered shortly before the Tuesday meeting and hadn't been cl,..Jy sluclled by three of the cou .. clJmen llired to IUJ!l>Orl it. Vlce Mayar Robert M. Wilson and Councilman Willard T. Jordan worked with Newport Beach Vice Mayor Linds- ley Parsonl!I arKI Councilman . Robert Shelton in recent mc..'tth.s, leading up to the proposal. They comprise the inter-city freeway committee. Councilman Tucker suggested a delay which would allow additional study and polillcal diplomacy. ';There are various ways to say j•No." explained Tucker. " •.• arter much deliberation and discussion -or just: Hell No!" "It may be a little rude to say no within two hours of receiving it;" he added. Councilman William L. St. Clair asked City Engineer and Public Works Director George Madsen what a fhiflillg inland might do to East 17th Street and was told it would be a lot-all bad. "I am in complete disagreement." said Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley. "We changed the Newport Freeway almost· at their request. I hate to i<lY this, but I think it's in bad faith." Trustees Decide Bonds He also noled il is imperative to p~ ceed with the Pacific Coast Freeway- or at least improved coastal traffic flow -after being stalled 17 minutes in one 1pot while delivering medicine to a IS.. Jl'llE!WAY, Pege II Won't Sell at 5 Percent -. Newport·~tesa school tr~tees have run1 up a "No Sale" sign. Tuesday night they decided it was more prudent to concede than throw away S63l) advertising a white elephant. The white elephant l!I ~oter·awroved flve-percent·lnterest boods In a better than six percent q'larket. .. The bond market has got \\'orse in· stead of better since we last met." said Trustee Thomas Casey. "\Ve're going to be lucky to sell at seven percent." "There is zero, zero, zero chance for Siie." agreed Trustee Donald Strauss. Oru ge We•tlter The fog for Thursday will be confined to the late night and early morning hQ\ll'S. with most· ly clear weather and cool temp- eratures prevailing. ~ lengthy rOlt.er of committee .ap- polnbnenta has been issued ror the com- ing year byi'Long Beach Mayor Edwin M. Wade, pnsi'1' of the statewide otpn!i! -n_. Uet on which Wilm will 16'9t · ' med with pl1nnlng, urNlt Verde Apartments Backed The unified school district along with Isl up to M cents override tax increa1e election Feb. IO will be asking that the permissible intem:l rate on *9 mlllion in unaold b9ndl be lncrwed lrom fi ve to .. ""' moan!· .INSIDE TOD~Y St!Wenti from 09t1 6 to 11 "do their own thing" at UC l rvin.t'I experimental elem.en· taru 1choot. This uniq1ui test of selJ·motivation it de.scribed on Paa• 12 todou • ....,..... oiid related ~ <JI 'tom· mu~ development. Yule Tree Sales T.y Help YMCA Spect11l Christ.ma! tret:s bought at .• certlln Jot thll Dectmber may belp as. sure anothtr type or seuonal fun nci1t 1ummtr -actlillly all year 'round. ~on<y rAiseil thrOUih 111 .. at the Or· Mge Coa11 YMCA lot at 31.I E, 17th St.. Costa bfiiU, ••ill to to provide • swim- ming Afl"OWam for needy youth. I I ' · . By JAMICE RllMAN .Of .. ...-;"" ... Planl for I ~ 1,100-untt apart· ment cornpiex for ult west aide or Costa Me11 won the uninimoua endar&mlent of the Mesa Verde H~a AYoe;auon Board .of Direct<n,TlleOday nls.'11. • The ,direct.or1 gave enUNaiiatlc and un- qualifi<d approve~ to V~ta d<I Lago, 1 garden apartment compltl planned Jn connection with • m1THn&de lagoon at Mesa Verde Orite Elst and Golf Course Drive, ill lront of' tbe Cotta· M~ Goll eou..... • Tho pmjecl. lo be built by lnterland Deveiopnmt CGrpor-GI 8na Cllre. .. bu received the unofficial 1pproval or Corta Mesa city planners. Norman French, directoNt·large of the Meaa Vffde group, will 1nnounc:e tho homeowners' endorsement at Monday night's Planning Conuniuion meeting, whtn lnterlllld o!flda1o wlll be 011 hand to make their (onnal praentatlon or the plant f0< Vista del Lago. Several board members were nown to Sanla Clara at lnttrl•nd11 .upense~ to · vn aim llar, but smaller 1partment complexes built by the compen}' in that •rea. Summlnc up the M"'a V"1fe gto11p'o lmprea.,lonl of Vim def La10, president Don Smallwood said: "If JOU compare It t . -·---- to what we could get ·-tt you let them -~ ports here Utile pull then, we'd have a real mess." BoOnr m<mber Ron Brockington uid Vista del .Laro woukf •tlrad people to btlp eupport small buslneues ln the area, maklhg thtm "more attr1ctJve and JtlOl't pn>llta bit." S'1Jd Smallwood. "ft ohould lliley!atc 90mt of tM problems of the. Cost.a Mesa 001£ C?irse." because the aparbncnts \\'ill attiact many golferl. • Tbe homtowilers also praised the over4 all design of the propoo«I 1211 million aparlmtnt complex that would face the entrance to the Mua Verde Homes •cross Adams Avenue. - But dlstrlot. Suwlntendent WlllJ1m CUilnlnch1111 wanted to 1dv<rlile lor bids on f4 .$ !Dllllon ol the boodl: at five per· cent Jan. Jt. He wasn't anlldpallng any bi&W reeporuie, bu.l he wi.nted to take '"'ay the areument ••vou r,iJjy don't knn' JOO t•n't $tll them at five pertent.'' selltis market. ao why fight it? Soard members . didn 't think 11 ncc;ieSAry to spend $435. which It would cost to i<plly ldverilse !or bidders, to prove the point. Ca~y said across the. nation lhert are 12.4 billion In bonds that have be<n CMCtlled or OOllPoned the list II months and that llOii fl\fllion will be ofltttd for 11le In the noxt !O d~•· In short, trustees .. Id. It Is not a bond iellen market, ,. whjo aght JI! "rt C d> r * ----8 CHRISTMAS • I llAJl.Y PllOT c w~. Dftetnber 17, l'6lt No Ball Allowe d Newport ·Murder Hearing Slated By JOHN VALTERZA Of llM IMlltf PJllll 11.tf Mn. Willis Dean HUDt was ordued 'J\Jesday to rematn in orange COW'lty Jail wllhout bail and to appear at • prellmirWY hearing on murdtr charges Dtt. 12 In Harbor Municipal Court. On Thursday her hu.!band, whom ahf: Is 3CCUSed of fataTiy stabbing last weekend, wUI be buried at Pacific View Memorial Park. The services for the long-time Newport Beach yacht broker and marine service owner will be at 11 a.m. in the Pacific View chapel. Hunt,.56, was stabbed to death Sunday n1Rh1 by a 00.tcher knife which police alfeee was wielded by his sii:lh wife dlir· ing an argument in their Corona deJ. Mar home. Mn. Hunt.. arrested shortly after she phontd police to report the stabbing, was arraiJMG QD murder charges Tuesday mornJni. "nle slight, 4S.year-otd brunette was rtpre!ented before Judge Donald .Bu111an 1\Jesday by Beverly Hills lawyer Mark Green, The ne1t court acUon will bt at 1 :a> p.m., three days btfore Cbristmu, ln Division One ci the court. Her late husband -her Wtb mate - leaves a daughlu, Mn. Noel Brown of Wtst Los Angeles, from a prtvious mar- riage, and an adopted daughter, Dru, 12. who is Mrs. Hunt's datA&bter by a prt\tious marriage. Mr. Hunt, who bad lived ln the Harbor Area for many years, had been a yacht broker with offices across from the Balboa Bay Club on Pacific tout HighwaY. He olsO had been affiliated with the Chm Croft dealershlp oo Pacllic CO..t lngbway for many years. In lat.et years, friends saJd, he a1so bad sold airplanes and operated 1.r1 outboard motor repair eervice ln Costa Mesa. CAIL Y PILOT "9ff , ... HONORED FOR HEROISM Lifesever Sh.dowen Pilot Newsboy U.S. Aid Cut ~-·~e::,M~~I:~~~ Irvine , OCC Feel Federal Pinch rier boy who rescued a drowning toddler was honored Tuesday night with the California Newspaperboy Foundation, Inc. Heroism Award. By THOi\lAS FOR111NE MrS. Margery Frigo, UCI financial al\ 'J'welve-yea.r-Old Ron, son ol Mr. and or ""' C-ll)' '"'' ''1" Ulistant. "We have to hope the. a!Mx [rs, Wayne H. Hooks, 961 Darrell St., Jn a cut.beet from what they asked tor, tion Is large enough for what we ha· ·.osta Mesa, re-i·v-• the award at a UC Irvine, Orange Coast College and commtt.ted." "'" i:u 1eeting at Everett Rea Junior High Golden West College have been awarded Janet Howell, employment CC11DSelt f11JX1J in federal woct.study granta ior for OCC, said It appears there may ha1 ::hool, where he is i. student. ~ first half d 1970. · to be 8M'le cutback from the SS studeii Ron was making deliveries Oct. 2 at 'Ibo federal mooey i.. paii;f In wages to oo the program thia fall. l29 Canyon Drive wh«l he spotted tittle JlOOfll' students given jobl on the ooDege Her feelings about the irogram we; :.Jmberly Hale, daughter of Ml". and t.lrs. campuses. vividly told when the first announcemer :on Hale of that addresll, :struggling and I Parent.s.:~ i·n:~: Rebellion : . •• : i • \ Say Sex Cl~ses 'Chan ge A,~iit~ "r in educttion 11 a way of changing at-higt\ly suspicious or ttachen, and will op-re-edltcate our ~b to a 11e1ali~ titudes chlldien learn from their parents pose all tar overrides and bond Issues · attlt:ide." , \ and b: fraught with peril for a school ''The school district will be lucky it It ~ .l&id. the,•·ISCMol board ~·~Id• 11stem because pannts ·are bound to can bring unity baclli in the next 10 uU11~\joo ·"1'• 0\Jl~~ch(ll)ge,. a t~" rebel. years," She said. "Are you 'wtlllna to '~,~not leyt~ tbe,O~ , Vet a:amble?" oC Ulia:ne~..r:ev0Jut10n, education~.-. That is the view given by two Newport "Are )'OU philOSOpbiij.ng or is that 1 Chamber of commerce comm1tlff Beach women -Mmes. F'aye Edelblute threat?" nr. Nolan Frlaell~. chairman member Arthur Guy wood~~' ak>od and Mary Martin -in tes;tlmony Monday of tM ct.ad;ber comlnittee asked . whether t~ wii.s in the committee 1 l'J\il· to a Newport Harbor Chamber or Com· '.'J'tn not''tht, tl&eninJ," Mrs. Edelblute l\1~wSe1to edd~~.~a~-~dadminlsbe parttratioriand. meree committee looking into the __ l<'UW feuibillty a( sex education for the sald. u-.. &..:.. • parcel oftt.bil.aoclll sciences approach - Newport.Mesa school district. Mr1 ... ...,._~ Uld 9be ~an~ lo regtsier a de\~l!t to change ittitudes. l thin! a kit ''I feel if this is working against what a protest t~t a questwnnall'e the com· of people feel 'tl'li.s way" Dr. Friuelle parents are trying to instill in their mittee har-ma!Jed out to parents of 1,500 said ' chilmo this really isn't right," Mrs. fifth, sev~q.th, ni.otb ~nd, eleve,cth. gr.,S. ·•1Sn•t additional sex education dwelling Mart. a'd students. th ...;,.I d t ••· -·• U " k m s 1 • The qui:iµonl mi•~ tb'e m 0 1 t on e ., • ....., em an no 1.11111 flU,lu on, as · Mrs. EdeJblute said she does not feel it W -•·t _ .. 11,.6 ~:.1 . ....i. • , ed~Mrs. Edelblute. is better for children to learn the "facts sens ve ~· -~ "'!';' Wnu e C(ll'h.rvv.ersyl She said ser education ha8 bun of life" from a school teacher than in the she clahned. Sbe said parenta should ~ • ob~ in Sweden for-20 years and back alley. "Wlllle the back alley descrip-asked U ~y are~n favor of• 1 program almOs~ 00 percent of its inhabitants have Uom are not always entirety accurate, that teachel "beca\159 !JI" an apparent "had pr.emarital intcrtOW'.HI before they the back t1Uey neither condones it or pro-seiual revelution, they should adapt their reach their 20'15. motes it," she SS.Id. sexual ettitude! and behavior to accepl a .Asked the source of that Information, r.trs. Marlin ran unsuccessfully for the more. lenient attitude toward Premaijtal she ::iid it Is common knowledge!. school board last.spring. Mrs. F..deJblute, sex. homosexuality and all other~ She-said 80 percent or the Orange Coun· who ill chairman of community affain for of aex .'' , ty t.;.l. dollar goes for welfare and the Chamber Wo1nen 's Division, clain:ted She chaiged I.Mt this ii an objective of juvel;ile delinquency. ''Doesn't that tell other women in the chamber agreed wilh the proponents of the program. you '.something! Doean't it scream, that her but did not have their endorsement of She said she would endorge the pro· addi~lonal se1: edu~Uon is not what is her comments. gram if school olficials woukt give their needtd ?" Mrs. Edelblute warned the chamber of solem!l promise to the communi~ to do ShJ . supested ~he (.question of sex commerce committee that if they recom· nothing to offset the influence of home-edUC'Jtion eounU bt"'put ,on the ballot. mend for sex education they will create taught values. . And sbe said it could be the, duty of tilt! unbelievable turmoil. A!. in Anaheim, she But she went on to say they couldn 't chamber committee to make public "all said, friends and neighbors will divide, promise that because they believe "it is the facts -all the ramifications. What is opposition groups will try to replace the the home where all wrong things are wrong with letting the parents know that school board, will want to fife lhe beina: taught children and that the only any family life approach is the superintendent and teachers, will be hope for righting sociely'1 wrongs is to bwnanistic, atheistic approach?" ' Councilman, Citizen Clash The gr-u..,. the lleportmenl ct ct Ille grant& from Congr<sllnan Rich" plashing In an ~partrnent house pool. Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) T. Hanna's ctfice Wletplainably did nc He took off his watch, jumped in and John Does dining fa&hkmbly at the are J$,53S to UCJ for M students, $10,841 include Orange CoMI: O>llqe. ;anked her out. then continued on his public trough and unanswered complaints and aom&<Jdd c<nto ct lia tax money - or worda to that ell<d -and tu!'\ed to Ma)'or Alv!J) L. Pinkley for oupport. bad been plied with atzoog waten. •" :8oJogh said .he COl!Jd '?tlY 1take·. I &Ociable nip anyway, ~use .his bad leg to Golden West for 25 students, and $6,353 "That ii vecy frightening. We would })j· ;iaper route. about city finances have led longtime to Qraflll, Coaet College.. just sick if we lost the program," she The award was made on behalf of the campaigner Ted c. Bologh ·into another The gran'5 are for leu than .the lut six nacted. "Many of the students couldn't Newspaperboy Foundation by DAILY Costa Mesa City Council confrontation. mootbs. stay in acbool without these jobs." PILOT Circulation Manager Mi J an He complimented councihnen ·for their '''lbere ii a drawiDC ir1 of · the purse Through the wori-atudy grantl the Leavitt. thoroughness in other aJtnda mtUe'rs ~· ~ i.. a feelini all through the federal government pays Ill percent of Monday, but then complolned they went (U.S.) <>Moe al Educatkxt it ls a dry yei:r the students' wages and the college 20 on to the new business department, J~av- for federal funding," said _Jack McGill, percent.· F p J · nd assidant diredor of educaUonal develop-At UCI students work in the bookstore rom age ing old business u one. . ment fOr the Orange Coast Jilnior C.Ollege and library, help out with laboratory E "An American citizen campaigns every · DiatriCL work, and even man computers and serve ATTEND AN C day for a better nation ," Bologh OOC's last six-month allocation was a.s research assistants. ''Most o( the tlmt: declared. quoting Milton Eisenh.CN•er, -n 1 50 -·• ••--th ·~· et job 'ght · th · d rt then touch.Ing on several matters which. ,....,1-. near 1 , .,.... .. ...._.more .. _, e u...,,. I s ttJ 1n eir. own epa · Franklin raised three points: ,S.3Sf-•l'~ ~.1!~!14<Qhs. ..... .._ ·tnmt.;, whltevw tMir major ii.'' Mn. -Some students north or Urd or Sania have beea touchy for councljmen in the But P'rihcu Ackley cl tFie UCl '1ttan-Priao 811d. Isabel Street and east of Santa Ana Ave· pa.st. h ~ 'th h · d cial ,.\ids Office uJd she dOesn't Uilnk the She remarked that the beauty of the nue might be within walktn1 dl!tance of The exc ange ~·ouJRJ up wi e an tut allocation is relevant. It coven the program iii the students can work right Costa Meia High. Councilman 'Vil\iam L. St. Clair cha\leng· llWTllDf'l"· ~noted, and during the sum-on campus and don't need a car. -Balboa Island, Linda Isle and Harbor ing each other's accurate recollection of mer ltudents are allowed to work 40 Donald Randol, head of tbe program at Isle students already are being bused, so events, with modem technology on the hours a week in the program inltead of Golden Welt College, wu out of town at could be easJ!y switched. dissenting side -apparently -since just 15, so i1 C06tl more. a confereoce for several days tnd -.S.nta Ana HeighLs \f¥;n a fifth hia:h Bologh was wired. The may°' aaJd he agreed it was wrona: to pay the bill wlthool koowlng the Jden· tity and purpoo< of the ditm<r, but the council ovtrruled him . in . the final \'ote and that ended the matter. ' "Ted, if you're golng to quote me, quote me accurately," said St. Clair, as Bologh began to tell Df an infonnal talk at St. Clair's barber shop after closing hours on Veterans' Day. "The shop was closed and I was having a beer. but 1 still let you in," St. Clair said, relaiing his vtrsioo of ~e ren- dezvous, \lie ~ 'l>uf'po9e 'I)( whictt so1nehow escaped most persons present. "I asked if you wanted a beer and you said 'No, you got any bourbon?' olnd I said, 'No, would scotch do?'" St. Clair oontlnued, warning Bologh not lo hint he was bothering 'bim. · "1 might not remember everything, but t keep track of everything,"· responded Bologh. "it was Miller's beer." . And lheo he declared that he had been . carrying a tape recorder during the session -wired for sound -just like any modern investigative agent. "This man will su rely get the Fickle Finger of Fate award ," Bologh added. apparently in defense of his version of v.•hat -transpired in the red·white·and·blue strij>ped barber shop. "Ted. if you find any of my staLements wrong," St. Clair replied, waving his arm for emphasis, "I'll kiss you right down at ... 'at , . • the corner (!( Harbor and Newport." ~ diet not revet.I ·-la. 1JIJI Ille unol'lila~ f« com-t. ' ~ ls one ell!~ buqt ill !iJe Coron~ i•I Roo~ o! jthe ~ijlter "MOlld1r w~re st. 'Mid VOi lioid been cui;;;, ~ ~ poillp does not bav~ f!1C11 l(ar ma wll~, Jur~ fled j!llL~ Clair's _ril!tt·pa1e crlJlcfm! ti city fin an· 1 "ltlJt always a. lliil ._.....,.. · : .. : ,; · •. doa IO Jt ttOUld I ~l~e to. ~·119 cial managemerit a month ago and hit .. · : • Jt .. , _ ,,, ,., • (J' •-r it io Harbor · · more recent winJng and din ing of In-Couple, Church Setµe Bus Tiff .. •• 1~ ' -J'r1nklin 1Jso aaid thJt . 1'hen attend; fluential persons at clty expense. A Costa Mesa coopte and a church that i -alt r ...;;.e-e·k Qtu" -dy· Okayed ---=td~~i:~lllfo~e~u::. ~~= r~:~ u~~e~~ie:.lthough e:~~~s ~:, ~~~ th~ir ~om~a~~~d \,..d."'.: ·O ' youngster ~ same:B;Chool as ~l~~ -Bologb threatened to distribute t:opies and made up, the City Council has learn- brolbtr or Slsl so aa not to d1vidil of st. Clair's original paper if the d :,. · 0 ? lo¥,~U.ide:i;'t think ere. ii any questiOn freshman councilmen does not prove ar e The situation at the First Baptist 1B Will No IN ha t 'bli 1 .. 'disprove what was said in the multi-Church, 301 Magnolia Ave., has been -" ut igue : e· gotiate • h. :.saJ~~ •~w~ ~hem ~ :~t ~it1:~; (a~ jab at city officials. cleared up to thti sat.is/action of Mr. and . it Is not their fault." "I've had 500 copies or this crazy docu· f\.1rs. Lawrence Bryan, 326 E. 18th St., ac· ~ hJ'Jl lake exception to that," said ment printed," he warned. cording to a fonnal letter. tists' buses were blocking their vjew and they fowld noise from maintenance W9fk bothersome. Rev. Harold Anderson, a s s i s ta n t minister, said he and Robert Heath, minister of lransportaUon, consulted the Bryans and will park and work on the olher side of the church lit the hereafter. Church authorities said the Bryans hadn't contacted them before writing lo the city and apologized for any bother the matter might have caused at that level. •~· Schools Supt William Cunningham. "la He then expressed a fervent desire to The Bryans complained in a note to the Admiliistn.tors of Orange County the public with pathways t.o the sea. a. growing area you can't establish j, , know who was wined and dined on 319 City Council a week ago that tlie Bap- ernment today have authorlzatian to Laguna Niguel C«poration officlall!i boondary and say it is forever." 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;,;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;~;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;,;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;:;;:;;;-;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Sal Be h · Board members ask·" for more inror ... , "'1 ••••••••••1M---••••••w•••ww•••111t•••WW•••---1 k public access to l Creek ac previously, however, ha ve held to the ~ the big quemoit remaining is whether position lhlll the company owna the mation tar thjir n:dt r:et~1 op w:e . I not Laguna Niguel Corporation will uplands and has master planned the area i~~d~~m a;:Ch ~r~ Ji001. w ar Y I 1 1 nqotiate on the·isaie. as a private beach to serve Niguel I In a oompreben!i.ve presentalion ber.:ire residents. I I · the county Boanl .ct s-vfson Tuesday, Now that Orange County government Fron• Pq£ 1 i The Diamond Watch. I County P1armln& 'Dir,ctor F 0 r. st h .. indicated its des~· to nt.g<>tiate the FREEW AY Tradition with an innovation. Dickason made it clear he assigns a top question o( p.iblic st'Ci!ss, the question re-• • • p!liority to g~ng ~ to the Salt mains if the Niguel Corporation is Creek ~.)>d!wlelJ. Sooth Laguna pJl.pa.red ID talk. Ne~·porl Beach customer before Ille Ind Dana ... , , • '. ... . {tepeated inquiries to corporate offices m~~~ilman Tucker said the mayor He v.·ould ,rtlet the county to acquire by the DAILY PlLOT today failed to was hitting dead center on several objec- tbe enUre 7,700 feet of QCtaa frontage. draw any response. liol)S to the Newport Beach proposal. but Falling that, Dicklaon eees other Meanwhile back at the Board cif he still thought a delay might be politic. alternatives that. would a\ least provide Supervisors, Dickason·s ambitious Jordan had already moved for adoi> shoreline acquisition plan got the go. lion of the noncommittal resolution baslc· DAILY PILOT ltoll"t N. w.,d lho1r111 k••~il Edi"' ahead for a three-man committee study. ally sympathizing with Newport Bf:ach's But the supervi!Of! were cautious. They freeway diffiCtJlties and the Mayor ortered want a report be.ck and I.hen a survey of a Second. available ocean front.age and "long and "All right. L have no furth@r com- careful deliberation" before any prog'ram ment," said tucker, "if ~y want to a:o gets under way. al it, okay. Let's roll." • Fro.,. P99e l CHEMICALS • • • I Th.111.i J... M111,lrii~t Mt~.,.wQ l'iltf' c ......... Offk• JJO W11f l 1y Str1.t names despite the open air sWToundings. Hairston, the Z.D Product! executive. said the firm readily admits the ac cidental dumping of &0lvent at that tim l' blaming it on a stupid mistake. ;iling efficiency. I One other complaint cited was a chargt I hat although Z.D Products had Installed M1;fi119 ~,r..,: P.0, ~ 1160, t1l2l --H ........ 19-11! nu .... ,. ... ~ l••~ 94'Kll: :m ftRll JW-. .. ..,..,...,.. ... ~ ~ ..... 14vlf<M•• I• He saJd the chemical compcllnd wa · used to atrtp palnt from metal com· ponents, adding that this Is an infrequent proi::lt&a at the plant and under pro- t.ectb'll taken Jlnce cannot happen. ''!The balilc lssue was 'taken back lo the ·original lncldent and hell ••. we admlt thal." Halrstai told tho DAILY PILO'I. Clty and colU'lty 1utborttles. however. • are not aaUlfltd •nd Costa Meu Fire Departmrnl Baltllloll Chief Bob Beluohamp lild loc!ay Ibo material In tht aewer J)'lttna la a Class One ln-- nammable. 'fttll m<!ans !l could 1,rute at tem-pera ures under ttlll degrees Fallreolltlt m the cramped connnrs or Ule un- erground sev.u, pcmibl$ crtatina 1 ma- jor di5aster. • 0r..,,,.. Counly S•nllaUon llist~ct of. 1 flc:laJs Ibo clai ro the <!hemlctls are~knJ. ' lna: badula ln lht 1y11tem whlclt notmally brt3~.d1>\\n tcWage. th113 crip- an explosion meter to monitor the dallier i level, il was unsatisfactory and in· i\cce~iblc ~ inspectors. •·Frankl y. it isn'l operating safely," !·h1iraton told the DAILY PILOT; but blamed the problem on the supplier, which ii rtqu:lred to service It under •·ar- ranty. "We have tle-\'tr, nor do we have the right to refuse city or county officials to inspect It." he lidded. Costa Mesa City Cauncitman Will•rd T. Jordan noted during .IJ>e dl S<iu5slon Tue• d•r tho\ Z-D In the firm'• Utle 'llandl for Zrro·Defects. ''This h1 not quite true ," he. uld. Coniressm•n James B. UU (R-Tultin) annoom~td last wttk in Washinpin thal Z.D Product& Division had bttn 1w1nled, a $1 .71 mllllon cont ract b,Y Ule U.S. Arn1y's Frankford Arsen•l. The gr~nl Is for production of t million m&ehine cArtrldge belts sueb .. those"° ed in mechlneguns ind aullml&UC can· non. ~he 1:encr11l type of Wotlt done at tht p't1nt . Br gin \Vi th lhl' \vorJd.famou~ Omega movement. Then r.ircle it wilh flawless di;imonds, \'\'ho 1\'ould dare ;ittempt to i1nprove upon &uc:h perfection? Ome11a 11.·ould. They designed new aettinss for the diamonds, eliminating conventional CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD" MASTER CHARGE l prongs. Th tre's more rli~mond a_perkle becat1se there is more diamond tixpo1c· Then they added color 10 the dial s. lt makes each watch more attractivs, morti dittlnctive, See our complete Omega di1mond watch collecUon soon. • 0 OMEGA I I I I • • .. . . . . ·' ;. " • ' ' , .. -I . -, • I. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . -• • . . .... . , i . SEE ALL OF THE NEW 1970 Pl\R ltl StOCl! OVl.R 20,00o * f\.AlllS *CORDS * CASUA\S * JiAMS ---· - l'l!!ll!!d"· Dttt-17, 1969 THE MOST COMPLETE .GUN SHOP IN C~LIFORNIA~~ NOW OPEN ••• af GRANT'S! RUGER -.! AUTOLOADING CARBINE OPEN DAILY 9 UNTIL 9 SATURDAY 9·6 -SUNDAY 9·S IVIH WHIH YOU SI! IT-Jr1 hor4 to lm19Jn1 •!'Ch ~ complete Hunter'• P1r1cU11I All of the fln11t br1ndl 1 of Gvn1 : , , Ammunition , _: , ltlNdl • , •. Huntlft9 Clothing (for the g1l1, too) ••• Tr1p1 ••• Scopes •••. ~.......u.:>< D.coy1: You name lt-W1'vt tot It, wbtn you want It l' · OVER 1,000 GUNS ON DISPLAY! • WINCfflSTIR • AltMALITI •REMINGTON • NOWNING • WIATfflHY • CNARLIS DALY • COLT • WALTHER • H & It • BElITTA • lUGD • UAMA • ITHACA • SAKO • • SMITH • wtSSON H1r1'"1 1 gift ld11 thars perfKt -frtm our coHtctlon of Lldy L1vl11•, .DRESS fLARIS ........ $10·$12 FLARE JEANS .. , ......... ,51 . LADlfS' JEANS ......... $6·$1 CASUAL llACKS ........... $10 IUSH ,JACKETS .••••••.... $20 W!STIRN IUltlSIS .... $10 '$14 .._~,~~ FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! WEnERN SHIRTS '6's ' . -'1 . W!STltfrt SnLt:D -.• , for Wo1torn° · tn ••• ond 1'1nno'nont l'r111 fobrlc1, too. told Pl1ld1. ind 1011• colon In 111 1111¥~ l1nlth1 lfllil MCk l illl. ·-~--· DAILY '1LW f ' BROWNING ---IOOTI ........ liah-• ..,, .. y..., $225• . I r .\ DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE .. ' \ . • • • Remarkable · Response , By Tuesday of thls week, an estimated 2,400 New· port Beach and Costa Mesa pareni. !\ad fllled out and relurned tho Newport Harbor Charn'ber of Commerce's questionnaires on sex education. That la a remarkable response. represerrtfD.g more than 30 percent of those receiving the questionnaires. They were Dllliled out early last week to 8,300 homes. No stamped. 1'1!tunHlddressed envelopes were In- cluded witll !be mailings. Each tesponding paunt had to 10 to a llttla utra effort to malte bia or her views known on the aubject. · A. few tboualnd questionnaires have not been re- turned. They °"' doubtless lying on a d"'5ser or tabl&- top somewhere. They should be filled out, placed in en- v.lopea and malled bel;:k to the chamber. 'The larger tJae response, the more meaningful it will be to school dlstrict authorities. · Why !& tlie chamber undertaking this public opinion survey for the schools! Chamber Manager Jack Barnett gave the answer: "Somebody has to· do it"'And we're Just .as interested in our schools as is anybody elae." Jn deciding to prepare and send out the quertlOD' nalres, the chamber Itself, it should be understood, has taken no stand on the issue. "We're only serving as a vehicle for the schools to find out what lhe public thinks," said ·Barnett. ' · Nevertheless, judging by telephone t:alls. to Barnett and other chamber members, some people 1n the com- munity seem to believe the chamber is taking what they would term the "ultra-liberal" line by getting in· volved at all in the sex education question. That view is utter nonsense. Printing and mailing of the questionnaire by tho chamber was fmanced by such responsible -and con-- servative -citizens of the commun!ty as 0. W. urnck" Richard, John Macnab, George Woodford, Richard Stevens and William Ring. Giving parents this cbanu to bo board on tho aul>- lect -or any subject -i& in tho bigbO<t lnldit!C"1 of the American system. It is Infinitely better than leav· ing the entire issue ·lo the apec!al · interesf pressllf" • groups,' no matter bow well intended . The Newport Harbor ~ber and Its commtttee and its contributors deserve the thanks of the common. ity. And the community deserves a respome from ev· ery parent that received a queJ!ioonalre. The Airport Taxi Monopoly ; Under authority of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, the Tustin cab Company has exclusive rights to pick up passengers at Orange County Airport. The franchise was granted to ease the twnultuous has· sle of many taxi driver1 haggling over passengers - and~ make a few dollars for the county. Which would be fme if Tustin Cab Company lived up to ti.< part of the agreement and provided the service expected in return for the exclusive franchise. In fact, there often are no cabs at Orange County Airport during even modest rush periods. Travelers have to wait from 30 to 45 minutes at times to obtain transpartation for the last few miles home. (~j( '(~ _,;;.J, lf The questionnaire was developed joirrt.ly by a chamber committee (which has spent months listening to the pros and cons of the topic) and by school rep. resentatives. The Board of Supervisors have an obligation to see that Tustin Cab Company provides better service -or to pennit other cab companies to help transport pa,s.. aengers. (C) M-..~J!--'> ~fllE? I 6U£$S IM 'J'ou,y 'lAUSE I 6of NO Cl1AR6E AC,ot1NTS: The Sexual Scandal ·of Our Prisons .. Eiporta on prlaon Ille agree that per!>apl .. high u 1111 -t o/ all jail now, attacks and disturbances are caUJo ed by two basic human -Utes: for food and for sex. If tho food Is bad, or WQlll thin 1111111. the Inmates revolt, as they lhauld. But then la IHll• they can do to Allsly their 11<1rmal sesuaI needl oscept aogago In """-xual relaUoaa, wblch are rile In -prllolls. Till!i llOtllllUVAL problem In jell Is dil!Cl'OOll1 played don by the llllhorlUes. !or !ear of shocking or altenollng tbe good cttbens who preler to be wrapped Io smug tporance about prllon We and condWonl. But most ol what la called "unrut" In jail -ineludlng the not in- frequent wounding or slaying of one fn.. mate by another -Is triggered by these unmet leXUl1 needs. And "rape" is not at all uncommon there. Only one American state -Mlulutppt -CUl'l'altfy permits conjugal retaliOM between prison inmates and their wives, althou&h Mexico, several South American coontrles, Scandinavia, and somt nations ln the Middle and Far East have adopted an enJlil>W>ed policy toward the sesual rightl of priaoners -and of their wives. llERB IS A FACl'OI\ lew penal 1ystan1 take into account. Even usum- ing that in losing most of his civil rlghtJ, the prbooer also 105eS his human right to Dear Gloomy Gm: • J wish tbe 0 munH kids In Coltege Park, who qaln are etealln« out- door light bulbo from neighbor· hood Christmas decoraUons, lived in Newburyport. Mais. A Jud1e then has thrown the book al 1hnl· lar vandals. -!.C. .,... .....,.. ,..... """"" .......... -rUf ...... If 11111 ••"111r ..... .... , "' "'" ............ O.lrf ..... sexual congress, what about the right.I of his wile in being invo1untarUy deprived through no fault of her own? SUcb deprtftt1on not merely may drive the inmate into a homosexual rela- tionship in prison -which of'teil ruina him for conjugal nonnallty when he com- es out -but alto Jmposes either con-tinence or infidelity upOn the wife who ii waiting years for hJs return. U a man !oriel!.< his rights to legally llllllClloned '""'does tbe wllo lorfelt her rlgbla also! OF COURSE, A woman can dlvorct her husband while he is ln jail; she can take a Jover. or many; or ahe can atUle her sexual needs for years, or decades. But if sbe ts a nonnal woman, with a family and a social life, ls it not inhumanly cruel to forte her into desertion, adultery, or lnvciluntary abstJnence? Quite apart from this moral question, the confinement and segregation o/ large groups of men without normal 1erual outlets ii psychologically and ooclally u unhealthy u any act tbe Inmate may have committed. It is puniUve without po1nt, and oomi.pts rather than chastens. How Ione will we close our eyes to thil monstrous piece of vengeance mu- querading 11 "reform?" Our 300-Y ear Obligation 'There ls no future for the Indiana on Alcatraz !~and. Properly called Red fi.f«i. ot Amer-lndians, to diltlnguUh lhem from East Indians, they a.re primarlly agricultural. Aside from the lad; of natural water IOW'cea, the island has no ll:ril to till. Any large influx of. Indians would leave thtm helpleu. Al farmers and occasionally &heep men, the Ind.lans have had a hard enough Ume on their .......tlons,fn this cent.ury. Tht ttservatlool lnc:loee about the poorest agricultural Jandl surviving oo this continent The occupant.I have been tho chronic vlctlml o/ a rut lhuffle In land at the handl al the United StotA" government. Fnxn the comiog of white men In tbe J 600s, thlJ land swtndle hu cont.lnued unabated. The lndlan1 In urly Ume 1Ubsitted on grains and hunt.Ing. The white me wanted ar1ble IOU for themselves. First the co 1onta1 .....-then the federal ,....,,,. ment treat«! the trfbN IS "aovinip," rnUJac "trullel" with them. a lot o/ babley, ~ -Invarlabl1 In a cop<IUI. MmT '11 TD treatiel which dldn1 dt>J In poooa -11ed, Involved wblta acqullltlon o/'tlll lndiln'1 .....iral land. '!bus Ille tod-were increuJOll1,.W.. eel -irtlll llt!le or no re"" !or their welfare, ll>d conceatrated 1n ~ Wblll the IDdlalll tot out o/ It w .. a lot d ......i,. rlletorlc, a aop as warcil or Ult as: a wllillt tatttled to·• (our dOUar a montla prtmJlift **edlcdan, tl and Jll'O-' .,.. .. ~ OI tho 3lk>dd Wa1hln1Ion ld- mtnlslraUoos, au were aow with pr<>m- • bes, and not one made any serious ef- fort to amellcnte the lndlan's CUldition. for 2:00 yeara the IM.Jana naturally rettnted the white conquest and its at. tendant hypoc:rWe1. '111ey !ought back. As they were originally savages they didn't fight bact nlee, and underwent endless mll!Ua and ad hoc posse reprisals. TBE WHITES WERE olten u ttn· clvillzed as the aavages. Our television saint, Danfel Boone, was not above taking a scalp or two in an emergency. Young C<orge Washington mlaoed scalping by halt an hour on ooe of hil surveying trips r ... Governor Dinwiddie o1 Virginia. It WM an unMUtd Ume, like our own. In tbe last ceOtury, and par1Jcularly oflAr tho demqogue Custer wu wiped out, tJ\e lndialll were at the ~ ol Iha Burelu of Indian Affairs. Funct.lonarles ol lhla bureau """' or"" polltital ~.. and b~t!'·-But even bad.they ellldent and comc1tnt1oua, lhq .. l)Ubjecl to a lliogy and -. preoccupied with •olm. Our pnintlon o/ Americans are hell on 1)'111- pathy, but neither Informed or the In· dlW' economic and c:ultural needl, ...- -"" to do much about them. . The t>Otorlo!JI or Alcatr .... th< lllo -cl.Al CIPll!t and his cou .. cue1 la about tha Giily dMdtnd the lncllw can hopa to collect !tom Ihelr hegli'L LOI UI bOpe the word may ,,. around tJ\e cou... by Lb.at we have a 300-year obligallon ba &h1I matter. ' Overworked!! llmkrpaid Postal Employes ' They Endure Public With Patience To the Editor : or all the overwor"°" and underpaid organizations in the country today, the Post Office and Its employa head the list. Nowhere iJl the Unlled State. does the public get IO much ltrVfce for so lit. tie money. The following are but a few of the H· amples which postal employu endure with patience beyood belief: l1IB FEMALE palm! who camol anderitand why tho anier cunot pt all her letters and ·large maguints In the cute little basket hanging by her front door ... the male patron who 'fllacu: ll~ tie Fido on the counter while he reads hl1 mornlni mail, Ignoring the lign at tbe en· trance clearly llallng that only ... 10,. eye doP are allowed Inside • , • the daJly huale over cbargei for malling ta .Orne far-oil place , , • th< po-who airlvo at the parcel wim:low flye mlmdes before closing Ume with armloeda ol package1 • • • thooe who protest the DOD-aniVll of their Wall Street Journal • , • the poorly. wrapped package (parts o/ a paper bag and some llrtnt> poorly addrMed (with a stubhy-pencll and no Zip Code). ON THE COUNTER 'mta the e .. r. pre>enl Zip Code Directory, but sill! the patron asks, "What's the Zip Code number for Bean Blossom, Indiana?" If you think this ii -•led, try working In a Poat Olflce and you11 decide there must be an eui.er way to mU:e a living. GENE WIERBACH Fonner Postal Employe Wh11 He SufJserif>e• To the Editor: Why do I 1rublcrlbo to tJ\e DAILY PILOT or what do I like about the DAI- LY PILOT or even whit do I dl1like about the DAILY PILOT are relevant quest.kins. Yet, the most Important ques- tloo Is, what do I eipect of the DAILY PILOT? ' I. I expect the DAILY PILOT to be a Viable newspaper that will be flnat1c1aJJy oupporled by the community. Therefore, 1 do NOT expect to be interested in each and ew:ry news item. %. I EXPEcr THE editorial page to be cont.nwer1lal. Thus, I do NOT UJ*t to agree with each and f!Very optnJoo that It published oo that page. 3. I expect that editorial pollcy will be .---B11 Geof'le ----, Dear G<orle' A few months ago I read an artl· cte lhat A.id if you It.op smokin1 you Joee your aense of smell. ts thia true? BART Dear Bart; Yeah, darn lt. Since 1 qui~ all I CIJ\ smell b this stupid cigarette smoke in the office. . --CONFIDENTIAL TO JOHNNY CASH: Well, r could hava told you everybody wu gone before you went all the way lo Sin Frandlco to make tJ\e album -I wtali you •""'1dn't go oil haU-cocked 00 pl>DI na this "Johnny Cash at Alcatru" IPllbaut checking with me first. CONFIDENTIAL TO CHIEF OP INTELLIGENCE: Frankly, that WU I dumb qufllt.fon. (!end your problems to George, c-o This Ntw1J>1per. No, on ltCOnd thought -)'OU had belier -Iha reel nanie or tJ\e -per.) Letter1 from readu1 art welcomt. N0Tm4U11 toriter1 1h.ould convev &heir me11age1 tn 300 toorda or ltia. The right to condenat letttr1 to fit 1paCe or eliminate libel ii rtstTOtd. All let. ttr1 mus£ includi lignaturt and ma.ii. ing addre11, but namtl ~ be with,. held on requ1t ff 1ufficient reaion b ttpparent. PottTJI wilt not be pub- lished. limited to tbe edltmal -.and will nol be Included In """ Items. Since there are very few if any newapa.,..1 that can clalm to alw1y1 moel tlill 'ozpeclolioo, l Will be 18tllfled with i... than 'perfec:l!oo. I wbocrtbe to tho DAILY PIIm because It measures up to my ex· peclatJom. • HARRY B. McDONALD Jl!.. Let'• S•11 ThonJu To tbe Eclltor' In this 'day and age of "teacher militancy," where they are es king for a wage they are enUtled to, I'd like to call your attention to some ol the things teachers do above and beyond the call oI duty iJl the claasroom. They struggle day arter day to find the right approach so lhat a child may learn to read, putUng In many hours after they finish in the classroom. (Did you realize that one way doe sn't a1ways work with all children?) THEY CON THEIR husbands and brothers to build things for the classroom so that they can have an outstanding art lesson; they comb hair and buy brushes for children whose parents don't reali!e It is Important to have a good self-Image; they buy gifta for children whose parents are struggling jll8t to buy food. They share the knowledge they have gained with their years of experience with teachers who are Just beginnin& to teach. l AM PROUD to bo associated with teachers. They 'are not only competent., professional people but warm·hearted Ind generous with thelr Ume and energy. I rsther think If YOU thought of tho teachers that "'ork w1th your chlldrtn you would agree with me. Let's uy "thanks'' now and then. "' PAT MOORE School Secrttary Harper School Doctor• of Medicine To the Editor: I foond Norman Nixon, M.D. 's article against chiropractJc (Nov. 21) to be tYPl cal of many ot today't arrogant., all· knowing and closed minded doctors or m!Cflc:W. A UtUe-knc:nm survey conducted by a ~chology class at UCLA a few years ago showed that the students en1a'ing medic&! xhool for evtntual monetJry gain, pmtlge, power and ami!llioo hod a I a r greoter perctntqo ol -than tboee who were entering f o r humanitarian 1nd idulistk rtalOl'ls alooe. 'l11e hwnanllorlant, for Iha moat part, did nol have enouah competlUvo drl•e and 1mbltlon to cany them tilroogh today'• hlrMxrwmd medkal ochool, at least al thI. Parucutar university 1t that parliculor time. It woold be lnter•stin& lo .., U thlnp have chlnged much. TODAY'S M.D .. rather than seriouslJ trytn1 to find way1 ol curio& and heaUn1 his paUents through means which might be considered acteptable to nature t the only real healer), instead seems to v.·ant to make drug addictll out of his patients (and we blame drug addlctJon on today's youth-look who'• setUng the example!). Or he "sends them to the grave on the Installment pl.an" -piece by piece. Alter all, such a great degree of tedmical skill acquired so laborioualy at medical scllool can 'l be wasted. OF COURSE, there are undoubtedly many times where drugs and surgery, when used in an emergency, have helped to '8Ve lives. But the lnd.15criminate use of them for everything from a runny nose (penicillin), to nvyday temlon (tran- quilizer1}, to a tore throat (tonsillec· tomy), ls not on1y dangerous, but unsci· entiflc '111.d doesn't reaU7 IOlve any prob- lei)la. • It ill no wonder, then, that more and more thlnklnf people are turning away from many of today's 0 wonder boys" to a more 1afe1 aane and natural way d. lighting llineoa and carlog !or the body. NANCY COOK Per1onal Attack To the Editor: I cannot recall ANY artlele by Dr. Nonnan Nixon which has been poorly thought out, careleMly re!eardled, or Jacking in candor. In these articles he ii staling bis point ol view. The Intemperate personal criticisms in the December 8 Mailbox suggest that the wrilerl have not used the same process. lndeed illeir statements are open toques· lion, for while they are entiUed to dissent, they weaken the case they wish to present, seriously, when they resort to personal attaci. MARJORIE ANDERSON 'We Are All to Blame' To the Editor : Yes, It's true, the city ma y seem an e"'" chanted place to some, but the smog· bound air which envelops our great ctty ls a disgustJng mixture of exhaust fumes, 1moke and dirt. Polluted air has been with man since the beginning of time, but in recent years its noxious substance. have ccme to blanket m<m of us. A peculiar product O{ our civilization and of our carelesmea, it is simply human litter and it iJ heaved into the at· rnosphere by all of us -from automobile tail plpea, from lnclnerator stacks, from power stations Ind borne chimneys. I.UT YEAR qyer 143 mllllon tons ol it went up and fell right back down on beauUfuJ America, and there will be more next year. The debris cf pollution coltl ua an esUmated 111 billion a year in property damage and t contributes to lhe illnauel and deaths of many, Yet prac- tically nothing is being done to stop it. What Is obviously lacking it will, the na· tlon.al will to admit that we are all to blame, to spend the money and enlorce the ilws, and poulbly, j"'t r-!bly, save ourselves from choking to death. Thank you for listening to my com· plainl I only hope that others will. CHJUSTINE HIBBARD Birders' Tactics To tJ\e Edll<lr : Someone """ llld that tJ\e 1Plr1t of community b our bert defense against communism, yet the John Wrcbera and fellow yahoo'• with their Illogic and underhanded t.acUa ue 'causing our communltle1 to be deeply divided. FOi' eumple, "itnesa tht recent Aldrich case • AJdrlch's waa a typical ca1e o1 Birch style character asaala:1nation. Robert Welch, the lead.,. o/ tha John Birch Society, justiOed undcrhandf!d tactJcs by saying they are nectllsary for the defeat ot: communism, but what the Blrcbcrs don't realize IJ that by using the~ style ol tactics (mainly that the ends Justlfy the means) tbey destroy our democratic sense of fair play, rationality, and justice. THE BIRCllERS, because of their supericr organizational skills, can c«n· pletely divide a rommunJty. Birchers and their fellow travelers spread mistrust, fear and apathy in our IOciety by making us and oor governmental and IChool of .. ficlals afraid to act out of fear of hara. ment and dirty attacks. If we are to preserve democracy, •• must maintain tbe right of tbe public to hear both side1 of all issues •nd make ra• tiona1 decisioos aa to the evidence. We must clearly call all Birchen to the bar when tbey misst<lte, mlsquole and misrepresent the truth. We must preserve our democratic principles oC falmess, rationality and truth or suc- cumb to the rule of tho.w: who can yell the loude&I. It ts an ironic fact that the "patriotic" John Birchen and friends are dolng u much to destroy the fabric of thil na· tion's dlilJlOCfatic principles and values as the Cc:mmunJsts. Of courae, now I become one of the enemy. PETER A. ROBINSON New• Imbalance To the Editor: On TV Dee. 11, 1969, 1D programs covered the varioua stories appertaining to the Los Angeles police "intruding" on the Black Panthers' "arsenal," in East Las Angeles the previous day, at which lime aeveral police officers were wound· ed by gunfire. $a.called fine citizens such as two assemblymen, an L.A. roun· cilman. an acknowledged Communist profe!llOI', Angela Davis, NAACP and olher sympathizers were quoted fre· quenUy and with great relish for a period of approximately 10 minutes on each sta- tion. ONE STAnON interviewed concerned black people o( t.be same area whose 1BpOkesman was a minister. They were asking for police protect.Ion in the area, and said that they felt that 80 percent of the people in the area decried the acts or the Black Panthers and the other lawles.'I groups, and wanted protection from them. This inttrview took less than one minute of TV time. On the morning of the 12th, or the following day, the papers were full of the stories of the so-called "spokesmen" who were upset by the police action, but I could not find anything in the paper~ reporting the bla ck "silent majority's '' concern over the acts of the Black Panthers and other lawle!s people in the South Central area. Could Spiro Agnf!W have a poinl? GEORGE D. BUCCOLA -~-- Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1969 The edif<>rlal peg• oJ •h• Dmlv Pilot 1etb to infonn and .stfm.. ula:tc rcad1r1 b~ prt1cntfng thti ne:c1pcper'1 opinfona and com- rMnCary on topicJ of tntere1t and 11qnlflconce, bt1 provfdtng 0 fcrnun for the tzprt11ion of our r1odtr11 opinton1, end b~ J)Tt.ttnting the dfue r1e ultto- Pofrita of informed observer• and 1poJunnen on topk1 of the dav. Robert N. Weed , Publisher Cooo ·s ys Hungary .. ~Nightmare' ... Slddleback College student Gabriella Mercereau, who left Communist HWlgary as a 1refugee several years ago revisited het homeland last. summer, found it 11a frlgh"'1ing experience." · Mrs. Mercereau spent 10 days In . . Hung'lfl' and she said she was scared every mcment that she might not be able to leave. ••r had nightmares every nlght," she declared. · The 8ttractive college coed traveled to Europe with her husband, James E. Mercereau, a professor of physics at Cal TechatP~. . A mother ol three children. Mni. . Mereereau is a full-time student at Sad· . dleback College. A near all-A studerit, r.he will reti:ve her asSociate in arts degree In Jll!1e.J She is a resident ~ Laguna Niguel. She fled Hungary In 1956 with her mother, father and brother. They made !heir hoi in Hollywood where she at· tended school. She enroll~ at Sad· dleback lege last year. She was one of 200,cm to flee from Hungary after the revolution. ·She said she remains surprised th~t ~e Americans do not appreciate how magnificent this country Is. "It would be good if more Americans ind visit such cOWlt.ries as Hungary and ~ 'the Communist way.' "Believe me, there are no freedoms," she commerlted. "There is no freedom to travel. There Is no freedcxn to publish a newspaper. Freedom of m>eech is not allowed. You cannot move 'without the consent or the govmunenL" Mrs. Mercereau noted that there have been some ecooomic changes in Hungary bl recent years, as observed during .her &rip, but much of this is superficial. "Goods are available, but the people do not have the money to purchase them." ·She Ssserted that the country displays a nice show, but it is not reallstic for the J>!."Ople. . ·Mrs. Mercereau added that Hungary is happy to have foreigners visit the country to obtain the tourists' dollars. "The Iron CUrt.ain is still in evidence - mines along the border, fences and LOwers with machine guns," she said. Countian Killed ' In Vegas Wreck . ' ·A youth!td motorist from Orange was ldllt.d and his passenger critically injured 'I\teSday when their car veered off lnte.rstate Highway 15 south of Las Vegas ahd overturned. James N. Chaverrla, 20, was dead on ~ival at a Las Vegas hospital, ac- cording to the Nevada Highway Patrol. Bruce A. FeJdman, 19, also of Orange, was admitted to the hospital's intensive cyre unit with multiple injuries, investi- gators said. The Chaverria car went off the roadway 21 miles south of the gambling resort city, according to officers. Pilot Logbook l HAPPINESS IS COLLEGE Gabriella Mercereau. Vedder Seeks OK On Irvine Plan Appoinbnent Mayor Glenn Vedder tonight will ask the Laguna Beach City Council to ap- prove his appointment of City Manager James D. Wheaton to serve on a com· mittee betng formed to assist the Irvine Company in planning development of its coastal holdings. Vedder will inform the council that he has been advised by William R. Mason, president of the Irvine Company, of the formation of an executive coordinating committee, composed of top level staff representatives from the st.ate, the coun- ty and the cities of Laguna Beach and Newport Beach. Committee members will be asked to contribute their ideas and discuss the needs and des.ires at various governmen· tal levels with regard to maintaining public areas and public access along the coast. In announcing plans for development of the coast between Cameo SOOres and Irvine Cove, Mason earlier expressed the Irvine cQmpany's desire to work with local •govemritental ageocies to assure equable det'elopment with adequate public areas and access tojthe·beaches. His company, Mason.said, would not be opposed to public acquisition of portions of its coastal lands and did not want to deny public access to the tidelands. other members of the advisory com- mittee. Mayor Vedder said, will be William P. Molt, director of parks and recreation for the state of California, Forest Dickason, director of planning, Orange County, Ken Sampson, director of harbors beaches and parks, Orange County 'and Harvey L. Hurlburt, city manager of Newport Beach. ·Tate Cjasfi. Judge Comes Long "}Vay From AHS T • t •BT NORMAN R. ANDERSON f . Of th Oallf' PU• Sr.ff • AS Bll..L KEENE, he wa! .a Big Ma:i. M Campul!i at Alhambra Hi~ . School' back in 194~and today, as Superior Judge William B. Keene he's a big ·, ~~~~n Southern CfifornJa Je~ circles. ~'II preside over the Ta~ murder . It could hav~ been ~redi4.ec! 26 years ago th~t Bill Keene would go on . to play just as big:),:?ble man adult world as he did in a high school world. r · hi thoae days be was friendly, engaging and even ~ prrulOus. But now he sReaks1with extreme caution. ' "~DON'T WANT lo be made• personalityuin .a case ' th&t has already been weU-publici:ted," and he '• clamped cl06errestrictions on his pretrial stalements. -: · JU!Jge Keene is no stranger tO murder ' trial!. He recommf!ndt!d deaCh ·for Thom86 Varnum, convicted cl the · execution-style shooting or a gas station attendant jn . 1962. He presided over the first-degree murder convictibn of songwriter Thomas Dilbeck, accused or shooting his . estranged wi(e to death end wounding three of her wit· ·. nesses in a crowded Courthouse in 1968. KEENE LEFT AHS during the war years and went into the Army serv· Jng with the Ninth ln!antry Division. He went on to UCLA and married his high school girlfriend, Pat Dans- : kin, was student body president there and then became a member or the first · graduating class of the UCLA law school in 1952. He was named law school alumnus of the year in 1969. Judge Keene startOO: out on the other side of the bench, serving four ' years as a deputy district attorney. Gov. Edmund Brown appointed him a l municipal judge in 1963 and tapped him for the superior court In 1965. ~ UNTIL IO.S assignment to the Tate case he has been he:ad of court'a • mtninal depanment In the etntral district of LO! AngelBS, the city's most ! crime ridden. , ln what probably will be a long and exhaustive trial, Judge Keene may . be able to put into practice one of. his major goall -streamltntng criminal , court procedures. He and Pat and their college a.ge !l<Xl, Andrtw John and teen-age · daughter, Kerry, live comfortably in f\.1anhattan Bctch. · It's rather doubtful that during the next few months he'll recall -as J do -that Bill Keene was the playboy star of the Alh11mbra High Winter Cla3' of 1943 scnlor play. "Lf.tters to Lucerne." As Judge WUllam Keene, he's got more Important niatters to think' about. . . • ' W!dn""'1, -17, 1%9 ' ' . ' . Override Vote • Mis~ion Okayed By PAMELA HALLAN OI lllf Dell~ Pll.r Stiff Voters In the Capistrano Unified SChool District will go to the polla March 10 to vote on a tax override of 50 centa pe.r $100 of assessed valuation. The override if passed will be limited to two years. District trustees voted unanimously Monday night to place the measure On the ballot despite a plea by Superin· tendent Truman Benedict for an 85-cent override which he said would balance the proposed budget. ln doing so, trustees nullified a County Warned About Future Transportation By TO~I BARLEY Of ttl1 O.lly l'llef Sleff A fast changing and expanding Orange County is going to need transportation systems able to cope with mammoth and complex traffic patterns and the time to start J?lanning is nOY1, Orange Countr 6uperv1sors were warned Tuesday. The hefty nudge came from UCl-Pro- ject 21, a study team that has been analyzing the aJr and ground Lranspor. taon needs of the county for the past seven months. It came in the form of "Orange County on the .Move," a to.page booklet summarizing the findings of the group and offering recommendations to the board, the county's cities and the private citizen. John B. Lawson ol. Laguna Niguel pr~ident ~Project 21, urged supervisor~ to urunedlately study the implications or our report and plan for tts im- plementation at the earliest po6Sible dat~. "I believe that the report provides a framework on which decision-makers can move ahead with the difficult process of providing solutions," Lawson s a Id. "Orange County has reached the criUcal stage in plaming for Its long range transportation needs." STR~ING NEED Stressing the "growing need fo~ highways, public parking, p u b Ii c transportation Ind air service" the report warns that "effective ground and air-bas- ed transportation is vttal 1o the continued growth of Orange County. The question is · not whether to have transPQrtation fedlities but Tather how to plari theSe facUitJes in such a manntr that they achieve the most ]>OOttve contribution ta the county with the least amount of side effects." Public tra06p0rtation, the report sug- gests, should be given a first year priori- ty in the Orange County General Plan- ning Program. "While 1our freeway network is capable of handling current needs and will be expanded in the future, there will come a point when only the mass, rapid movement of large numbers of people will avoid congestion of. massive proportions," the report adds. Stressed in the report is the need to provide "expanded public transportation for the poor, the aged and those others who do not own autos in an auto-oriented society." Air traffic and the county's ability to cope with its increase takes up much of the report and Lawson praised the supervisors for their recent approval of the second phase of the county's mi:ister plan of air transportation. He reminded ,lhe board that the report called for the "Creation of new general aviation ai~ to handle the growin~ nuinbers ol Orange-County private and· smaller commercial flyers. "Passengers aren't the only ooes using ajr transporta- tion," the report notes, "manufacturers and others are increasingly finding that air freight is an efficient, economical nieans of transporting high-value, low- bulk products.'' . .. l!llmediate .aleps should be taken to retain and yu~e existing facilltles and plan new facilities at a rate sufficient to meet an\iclp9ted demand," the report states. "Sites shoold be set aside in un- developed arW ,prioi' to development and protected throdgh,.approprlate land use control• t. assure compatibility with. ultimate developil\ent." The study• team warns against ''ad· ditlonal delays". In the county's study of air transportationi0 as they can only com- pound 'already ·· critical problems at Orange County Airport and reduce future options to a point where that airport becomes the regional airport -by default." A particular target of the study team was western Orange County "where population, a~tcs and business are giving rise to densities (or all three. '1 LAUNCH PROGRAM And the report calls for launching of a 11speclal planning program to judge the impact or the changing face of western Orange County and an assessment of alternative waya of act0mmodaLing these densities." • ResldenUal parking, st.at.. !he .r<porl, shoukl be standardized. It a11c; 1uggesta that local gavemmentl make use al. •poci•I at.ate enabling l•gblatlon pennJI. ting the fonnatiO!l of parklnc districts to alleviate crowded parklng. "If we don 't plan, 1~ warned Lawson, "then the system will govern ua. It will force us Into noise, congestion, into en- vlronmenlal polluUon ind destruction of the beauties which brought us to Oranae County in the fint place.'' • Ill Capo previous .motion which ·pfls~ op a split vote. Ith.ad .set ll)e override at a:i cents for one year. · ' Sulltlintend"!t :Benedict said a split vott.Jookecl;bad In !he eies ol tbe ·publi~. The old J1lbllo• )llas then reeons!dered and the new motloopassed,. . U the SG-cent overr4ie ~ ·tt wUl raise belwe,en l?OP.000 and $150.000. schoof officials estimate. This would 11Ull leave ~.000 to cul from the pr.oposed budget. · . .. "Ii the presen~ lrend ,c;ontinue$ we Ut have an increasing number of children at me seCOndary Je'vel w"hlch is a higli cOit aria.'' said Benedict. ·"we have as many. children in tbe tenth grade as we have 'in the third. Tb.is is rare. The outlook ·ror the fuWre ls bleak in.terms o£ cost.'' He added _that unless all lfOWlh .tops 8J\other Lax elecUon Would-be aeCessary in two yeat,s. 1Char~ J:?¥Pn. a: member of' lJle .au· dlence, uked' the admlnbtralloit what would be cut lrom ~ budjet ... ,Benedfct s!dd Priorities Wou.Jdrbe·civen to those things· that wouldn't •harm the educational · progfem, 'sbcll -U maih- tenance, transportation, the reserve fund and perhaps Staff cuts. He said an ex- tendM study would ·have to be made to determJne where cuts will be made. Al Pierce, representing d i s t r I c t teachers, advised the board that teaCtJen will be asking for an 11 percent increase in salary next·year. Salary talks begjn in January. · The Citizen.! ·Advisory CoQllllittee slu· dying the district's .budgetary needs had not been able to advise the board on .what the override figure should be but did recommend a definite time limit of one year. The last clilttict tax eledion in April, a proposed 51).cent oVerride with no time lim:it, was defeated. The board also ordered placed on the same ballot a measure raising tbe bond interest rates on,rreviously passed schQol bonds from five tO seven percent. If this measure is passed the district may be able to sell bonds for the pro- posed Dana m11s high ochool. Two Nuclear Tests Carried Out Today LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -TWo nuclear tests were carried out beneath the Nevada desert today within 15 mlnutea of each· other, ·tbe Atomic Energy Commisaion announced. · A spokesman Did one explosion wu of low-intermediate yield and the other o( low )'ield. They were set off at the Yucca Flit tell area IO miles llOl'lh •of !,I• ·Vekas and did nbt reJease •any radiation tnto the almospbere, he added. 'Trail .. Santa to Stop In Mission Viejo ll'ell Covered Gina LoUnbrigida attracts the attention of Rome Christmas shoppers in a maxi·length tiger fur coat. · 2 Basketball Leagues Slated · Basketball -both speedy and sedate - is offered Laguna Be~ch men through two leagues mw being formed by the city's Recreation Department. Deadline for entering teams in league play is Dec. 18, ·recreation director George Fowler has announced. Each league is limited to six teams. An entry fee. o( $50 per team will be tharged for league competition ln regular basketball, to be played on Wednesday nights. The Thursday nlght league will play slow-down basketball, designed for men whG like to pay a slower· game for ·ex- ercise and recreation. Team fee for ·this le.ague is $IS. ,. Play will begin In the flr!I week in January and team tntries ste Jbeltlr tak"1 tlirtiugh 'niursday. For luTthir ln- fonnalion call 494-1124 Ext. 45. ' · MISSION· VIEJO -Santa Claus will bo making ·one of hts .numuoua ~~thil Christmas 5UIOll at the recreation center. · · ' Ctll.ldren under aevm years ol ap ~e Invited ta visit with the jolly .old ett lit 5 p.m. SUriday.' those attending the puty m aakecl ta bring a wrapped gift (5kent limit) for .Omeone their own age. Mart it for •·boy Gr girl e 'l'ep Cftts-S..,Jat: SAN CLEMENTE -Tbe San Clemelrte Chamber of C"1nmerce la _,, nomii\ltlona for Ila annual cltll<n ol.-!he year award, to.be' pretented Jan. 17 .•a banquet In the San Cle-te Inn. . The award recogntioa a clilllen wbo bas ma4e an oUtstandln1 contrtbutloo' in &el'Vlce to the comrmmtty during "'' year. Nomlnatlolll, with a brief statement of qualifications, may be 9mt· to the Citizen of the Year Committee, P.O. Bo1.33I. e Forest Plaas! Parts LAKE FOREST -A Meo!-YiUr Neighbors part)! la be1nJ booted bJ;lhe developers of Lake Forest. ' The adult event with a holiday theine .will talo! place Monday In the Beacb ·aod Tennis Club. . , Deane Brothen are staging the Mni from 7:30 to 10 p.m.· Aaaor·fe C:: refreshment.. including a . wll5Slil bow: and hon d'oeuvres wtn be ......i the guesta. At 9 p.m. awards will -.bl presented for the bell decorated llori!el. • 'l'ennb c .... rta Gre.,o . MISSION VIEJO--Tbe new lem!i• court. to be tiullt at Mlsoioo Viejo lll&h School will be green. Tustin Union IDgh School Distr!ci truste.1 voted 1. to I thla w..k to IP'fld an extra $5,600 to have the court ~ the color of grass. The color looks modem and cuts down the: glare, they were told. Blaze Destroys 100. Slum Hoines in Seolil SEOUL -(AP)-A~·a .wuftnl destroyed mono tl\lll1 IOO In a 11\Ull ,area ol downtown !;eou1 Wedne!dq 'and killed at Jeut seven ~ police aid. TWO wen1 Injured and one m!M hi the blue, .whlclt •ten deoflY t_. ~· hilliiO!eil: FirOmen .alil· lllii ' -'•P' parentiy wu an overbeatid atove. · Xmas HI-Fl Sale! · SAYE 25o/o to 40°/o ON COMPLnE S·PIECE STE.REG SYSTiMS! . GARRARD 25-watt · SY.STEM • !:Z.~"o'7~~tic... SAVI $74.5'1 ! W,lllwl 1:.:lo::v'"" RtfUfar Prlce $174.SO '999' HARMON· KARDON 90.watt . AM/FM STnEO I \ GARRARD SO.wott AM·FM •1-7" co.~11'l lANC:Et· S•lAICll $1'ST!M • Ollt.D WAlNUT lNCLOSUlES SAVE $10L1C •1~0· GAlUIO AUTOMATIC. • $' 169 .... tOlNTAli'.E •lUS STflEO ' ' •• OAllllDliE Wl~H-CIAMOICI . ·•• srnus : .• AM .• M SOLID STA ti. . . ' · \T(lEO &f~l!Vllt. ~ I • ' Toll Reflects· 'Increasing Share' of War t:::..LU;. ~:.,;...:,~~~"".LJJ • ·~"' ........ ""' 11.tD ~I l>unpl;y, ot·San F.rancis- co, Who was arr~sted for illegally weerine ~ A.rmy general 's uni· fqrm with JOWS of campaign rib- t&i, •Y• lie inay _aubpoena actor Job!) Weyne in bis trial. "After all , he ..,·;,.rs army 1!Dlforms all t h e time and 'bas never been arrest- ed,u said Dunphy, 24 • • Biafit John Lennon ond his JO~ nes Wife Yoko ore hardly recogniz:O ablt as the11 huddle tog~ther dress ed in ballaclava helmet& dnd mon:k·type robe& at the market .square ir& Lave it· hanl, England during' a f ilm break. P.S. -John '1 on the ,left. • Toll ~ollectors at Palmyra, N.i. will give rather than receive on Christmas Day. Collectors station:. ed. at the ·TacOo.y~Palmyra and Burlington-Briston bridges will dis· tribute greeling cards to passing moloriats on the holiday, forgoing ~ nickel ton. • "TM Rayleigh, Engla nd Coun- cil U willing to pay it.s workmen JZ:40 · eztra a day if the11 stay ~bn~over t1te Chn1tma.f holi· &i1J. 'The workers dell! with such jobs 43 de-icing ,-oada: and tm· blOeking draiu. : " v..,. LI.I T•n, a 17·year-old slu• dent from Singapore, &aid she only wanted to see "the practical side of tlleJaw tp sumrt my studies." She did. That's why she was in court in London, pleading guilty >to •boplifting a skirt, a jumper and a pair of slacks from a West End store. "Did you find it an agree- able experience?" asked Magis· trat1 St. John Harmsworth. HQh. yes -and I have learned a lo\," she replied. "I'm inclined to ac· cept what you say," he said -and fined her $12 with a warning: ''No more practical lessons like this." • • Gloria Ramos of \Vilmington, Del. is all aglow over her $27.'39 eleclrlC bill from Delmarva Power & Liibt Co. or, as she put it: "I'm so ~PY I could kiss their kilo- watt.' The bill represents a victory In a battle with DP&L since Octob- er over a $150;06 charge for the summer months when Mrs. Ramos said she and her husband were out of tbe city and not even using their apartment. The company. after sev,eral meetings with Mrs. Ramos, discovered the error and present~ ed her with the correct bill for f27.at. I SAIGON tAJtl -The South Vlei· namese tolll of battlefield dud teported for the put aeven months is more than double that' Of American forces. reflec- ting what Prealdent Nguyen Van Thieu calls their "incrtasiJll lhare" of the war efforl. South Vietnamese casualties have been hta:her than thole IUffered by American troopa for 30 conMCUtlve weeks, from May 10 throogh Dec. s. according to of. ficlat casualty awnmarles. During that period, 11,UO government soldiers and 4,907 Americana were rePofled killed in action. Durin& the fint It wetka of the year . S.aigon Scored For Treatment Of Massacre SAIGON (AP) -South Vietnam's leading legal op~tion group today con· demoed the alleged 1.-1y Lal inassacre as a "grisly killing" of civilians and blasted the Saigon government for il.5 treatment of the incident. Sen. Tran Van Don's National Salvation Front said it had established in a two- week investigation that "beyond any doubt there was mass killing of mostly women and children" at the coastal 'Village on March 16, 1968. \Vhile avoidine direct reference to the American troops accused or murdering .more th.an 100 Vietnafiiese civilians, the 1t.atement said the Front ".severely C'OJlo dtmns the guilty criminals ••• althouglt the mas51_Cre represent! but an isolated case." The .group 'also accused the Saigon government of ''declin i ng its responsibility~ guilt in the massacre'• 2nd said it was "extremely shocked." It said the goVernment should institute without delay a policy of joint U.S . .SOuth Vietnamese command over military ac- tivities to av(lid such incidents. Despite the numerous: reports by American troops ot the alleged massacre, the U.S. Anny in vestigation under way, and the filing of Anny charges agaiJlfit two soldiers President Nguyen Van· Thieu's govermnent has main tained that no massacre· occurred. It said a ltllall number of civilians were killed by artillery fire during an attack on Vlet Cong in the village and that this waa unavoidable. * * * berore the withdrawal of some 60,000 U.S. troops began, casualtJes wert nearly equal, with 4,930 South Vietnamese and 4.292 Americana reported killed on t.he battlefield. In the northern MekOllg Delta, from which American infantrymen we r e withdrawn last summer in the: firat troop cutback, a battalion of SOO South Viet· namese was taken by surprise at aun&et Tuesday shortly after helicopters landed them in an area of palm groves and sugar cane fields to search out a Viet Cong battalion. The government troops ran Into minea , booby traps and a hail of machine gun fire UJat killed 20 men ind wounded 63. U,I Ttltp11ti. T\1'• Andy Dies . Funeral services were held to- :day for , · Spencer Williams, shown in 1951 file photo, who played Andy on !h• "Amos 'N' Andr." television series in the l950 s. Williams !!ie\l l\t a hos· pita! last' weekend al'tbe afe of 76. My Lai Judge Asks Probe Of Gls, 5 News Groups f'llRT BENNING, Ga. (AP) -The military judge who will pre&lde at the mu('der trial of 1st Lt. William L. Calley Jr. has asked for the investigation of two former Gia and five news orianizations in connection with published discussions of the alleged My Lai massacre. Lt. Col. Reid W. KcMedy directed Tuesday thst the Justice Department be asked to investigate possible violations or his ban against discussion of the Calley ca:Je by potential witnesses and he askcc to prose<:Ute where warranted. Kenn9dy cited four ca:ies Involving · Herbert L. Carter and Ronald L. Haeberle, both former soldiera, and the National Broadcasting Co., Lift magazine, Time magazine. the Houston Chronicle and The Associated Press. The judge'• order to prosecutors in th e case came during R pretrial hearing at which defense counsel asked that charges against Calley be dropped. They contended that t.he Anny acted too late in bringing the 26-year.old ofifeer to trial becaqse he WJI due for dischar1e last Sept. 7. Calley is charged with the premediated murder of 109 Vietnamese civilians at My Lai in March 1968 ard one civilian sJii: weeks earlier. Kennedy withheld a decision on the mo- '!on to dismiss. He said he will hear arguments on al] motions at a Jan. 20 hearing. No date has been se t for the Calley court-martial. Kennedy ordered Nov. 25 that potential \\itnesses in the trial refrain from giving interviews to news media. He directed trial counsel to transmit his order to the witnesses. Weather's Cold, But Fair . ' Only two Viet Cong were known dead as the enemy pulled back In the dark. Jn the past five weeks, South Viet~ namese forces have been dealt at least rour setbacks Jn the northern and central delta, with 113 of their men kHled in those engagements and more tfian 100 woundtd · at a coat of only 16 Viet Cong known dead. Viet Cong gunners shelled Saigon Tuee- day for tie flr!t time in four months wUh a sln&le *30-pound mWile that landed In a group of hou&es adjacent to a hospital. Four civilians were wounded, one house was destroyed and two others were badly damqed. Nine Arsonists Face Charges In Italy Blasts ROME (AP) -Police in ifilan and Rome charged nine members of a band or anarchists Wednesday night with set· tJng the bombs that killed 14 persons and injured more than 100 last weekend. 'Their motive, the Milan police chief said, was "anarchy it.self." A 10th member of the band, 41-year.old railroad worker Giuseppe Pinelli, leaped to his death from the fourth floor or the Milan police headquarters durinl QUt$o tiorrlng early Tuesday. Among those charge4 wu a 36-year-old balliet dancer, Pietro Valpreda, known to other daricers as "the cobr(l." The eight othen implicated in the case are ywng Btudenta or workers, including a 19-year· old German girl. The police said they either helped build the bombs or set them off. The most devastating blast jarred the Banca Nazionale delfa Agrjeoltura in Milan Friday, killing 14 persOm and in- juring 90. Three smaller explosions Wl?nt off in Rome at about tbe same time, in· jurtng 17. Valpreda, one of more than 150 known extremi!ts rounded up for questioning, was taken into custody in Rome shortly after the bombings. A Milan taxi driver Id entified him , saying he drove him to the bank shortl y before the explosion. The driver said Valpreda told him to wait and came back a few minutes later without the bag. The . invesUgation of the bombs also turned up several caches of weapons kept by extremist groups .. One was al Querceto, in central-Italy,. where police· raided a. Maoist group's headquarten and sel!ed a sub61ach!ne-gun, six SLen guns, lilx rifles, slx pistols, nine shotguns, am- munition and a hand grenade. Spanish Duchess Killed in Crash MADRID. Spain (AP) -Sp;iln's Duche&1 of Albuquerque, was kllled Wednesday whtn her car collided with one driven by Rafael "Ramfis" Leonidas Trujillo Jr .• son of late Dominican die·· tator Rafael Trujillo. Trujillo was reported to be in a grave conditioo after the crash and an 11.year. old son Of the duchess was also seriously injured. ·-------------· I i I i I i I N~r.thwest Still Keeps Alert for Ocean Storm 1 c.i110Pio.. r-...-.i11re• I IOUTNSlll: 1 N CM.1fJOfOUA -Lew c:iw. .... llllJfd'lr ,. ,._ c..t ""' ..... ,_ flili9lt•I valfn. 11'1 .. ,. """' "" .. ,,., '"°""!"' "°"""· '""""'" ..,........ hlftl t loudt w .. ~ '"" ~. Hol m•cit ~ .,_, I.OS ANHLIS AlllA-4.M tlwft 1111 !Kif ... Ill nlellt t l'ICI M rl'I' mw11- "" .Muri. tr.It o01otwlM v1rlllll1 ,,,..,. diMlt Ind f!lrY MIMlllM Wt6- ......., tnd TllllrMJlly. l lllll ,_. atl.lrt ...... Hltrt• lor WtdMtdliY a. COAITAI. V.l\.l.l'l'S -"tt~ fOll .. io... ~· .... """'' .... -"' _... •• ....,.,. ... """' ti/Mii~ •"" ...,..,.. tilllfl ( ....... _, .. w ....... ... ~ .... """"'-~ .... llHdty ct tit fO, Hlifif WldllttcHIY .... "' • .c.-n.i. RI""" _,., L,ltl'lt v.,.._.. wlllft "'""' tM ~I'll-...,,, ...,.1,,, ... twtY ll .. '... --· '" •'*'-" tllcll'f ft """"""'"' Hltfl Jomy ... a .. ,._ 111·1w ""'"'..,. ''"'' CNll1l for'flllWl!:;:ttt ''"'' It- ,...,.. • !t ,.. • ~ •f. s-. ·-Tf4e• ftNUDAY Stal!ld hltll 4 .,., ..... ., f:G6 11.m. J.I IK oM Mw • "'" ..... lt:JIQ "''"' 1.C Tfll'Vlll:IMT "'"' ,,,.. • .... ~.-· .. •• t:Jt •·'"· •.• l'"ll'tl 1tw ., .. .,-~.,,,.11:111,11'1. II,• SKOIWt flll... •1 .......... I :• 11.l'ft. J.I ~ ................ 11:• llJ'll. '" ,.. •1'" •=n '·"" -... •~,• 1,11'1. ,,.. lllttt 12:d 11.rn. ,.,. l:tl ''"'' COOl.J .... fJ.S. .S11111......., A.rTN"' ,... 1'l1ttt111 l!Titll -tun lrMI t~IM """' IN A-IKhltM .. tr11 ""°""'llf\$ ef tl!t W111f .....,. rHIOl'!llllllt fir file flM wtllfltr ...... TIHnHrlf,H'ft Ill ft!t -"'" ~ "*" IC1'elt .... llOl'lhtr!I *'... Ill "" "''""· Wiiii. f'fffl-Ill ..... 1.W .. llft'l'tlld In tM IW!Mm """ l't9cl111t111orr _, Cl'! "" 11..,. 1Jft 1nd ... (.ll'l1IMtf 11111n1r tit tllt ,. .. tlflc ...,.....,.., Mlf 1rem ,,.,. Cr .. 1 llkh f9 wt1l1,.,. Ntw entltlllll. A J>Klflt '"°'"' contlftuM to tfl-"" !ff ll'lt ,tclflc HIM'ttlwtlt C011t-llM. It Cl\llH r1!11 tit _,.. In .,,,. HotfllQ11. wll'll -l llOW Iii lM hlll'ltf" •ltvl!IOl'll. Albultu.rvut Aft(:PMlrffl .A!ltnt1 81~1tr1fltld 911mf11'(11; llo!i.e t i»IOfl 9.._,,.,vni1 CM¢1.0 Clne1n.,.t1 "'""r O.t ""-'""' ...... F1l,...l'llC1 Fllrl Wll'tll "··-Helt!!• Horlolult IC.l!IMI (tty L11 V"" Le1 AMII" Mlll'ftl Mll'll'!ffH!lt Htw Or ... llL ·=~~Oft! Oltlll'lo!N Cltv ""'"'' "'"" Snf11t1 "''° lltotll• . ..... ""'*· ..... ,. llt.,W Ctty lll:ld '"'" ... Si c...-.. Slit lilt• Clfy s.,. er'" i •ll iltl'!(:it(O , .. ~. J.doli.•~· Therm.. I W1ll'llnt!011 ' I Mlt fll 1. .. """' I :: ~ . " u " ~ ~ ·,1 ~ " " ~ 3! ,, I g~.01 1 ~ ~ I fifi .,,, .. " " .. ... .. 17 " ft " " " .. • 17 " " ~ n n n .. ~ • • .. ~ ... .. .. • .ft .24 :q "" .\I " . " .. Dollu Debuts Barbra Streisand and c~star Louis "Satcbrno" Arm.strongfe for photographers in New York Tuesday night at prer;uiere of the ovie, "Hello, Dolly!" Miss Streisand was mobbed by ~ver 1,000 s on arrivaJ at the theater. It took police 15 minutes .to ge t the s r from her car to the theater. ·, Tiny Takes Vo~s America Invited to W atcll, on1 TV . ' '. NEW YORK (UPI) -Herbert Buck· ingham Khaury, commonly. known as Tiny Tim, I.! getting married tonight. God bleM us every one. The marrilge ceremony wilt be brought Into the American home by television. The groom will wear a high beaver hat. an inverne!i& cape, a generall y Victorian air, and a new hairdo. It will be combed. The bride will wear a V_ictorian-style gown of off-white peau de aoie (French, "skin of silk").with an emptte waist and lhree·foot train. Victoria May. Budinger, commonly knOwn as' .Vicki -and to the groom at "Mlss VJcld" -Will be givm away by her fathli",. Allan. ~ • Aok..t If he··thought 'R'llli!I ·married would "hurt his public imajlll!'"Tiny Ti'm rtplied: "No., I'm not 1 eex symbol like Tom Jones." · Was he nervous? "Not as nervous as J'I! be tonight. ]'hope I'm worthy of her. I've got the regular bridegroom nervous . feeliiig ." · How 8bout Children? "I want a big family, as large as heaven will allow. Even 20 will not be too many." The best man will be the liin&er's. manager, Joseph Cappelluizo. It was a previous manager, one of several Khaury had in 1963, who thought up the name of Tiny Tim. Before that he sang under the names of Emmet Swink, Vernon Castle, Lan'y Love, Darry Dove, and Judah K. Foxglove. Tiny, after the way of the show folk, does not disclose his age . The bride is 17. "His age is a secret -he's around 42.'' gaid one man who said his educated OPEN NITES TIL[ CHRISTMAS" I guess was based (JO hearing the s.ingtr years ago in Greenwich Village. Tiny put his age as 37 on the marriage license ai>" plication. The ceremony was tO take about 15 minutes during the last half hour on NBC's "The Tonight Show s~g John· ny Carson,'' on v•hlch Tin)' Tim ha:; made 18 sioging appearances in a 'Year and a half. He first sprang to pijblic notice with a rendition of "Tiptoe Through the Tulip;" on "Rowan and ~1_art.in's Laugh~ Jn." . A special guesl at lhei~edding will be Nick Lucas, who introdllt'ed "Tipf.Pe" - the 80flg with which Tiny Tbt} is now ldentiftedi·-ba~ id 1"9 In UM: movie "Gok!diggers of Broadway,.,. ,Ru d y Vallee, the-/'vagabond Jojer" tie1lwelher of the post flapper-era nasal song genre to which Tiny Tim is partial, was invited but had to cancel at the last minWe. Phyllis Diller and Florence Henderson will be special guests. • • . Tiny Tim's hair, whicb normally.hani!I breaRf.·low in stringy likeness to that of the late aa,putin, will be groomed for Ute ceremony by a top beauty consultant, Mark Traynor. It could be the firit com- bing for· some time. · "~Ie's a meticulously clean man -he takes several· showe rs and waShes his hair every day, but he doesn't cOmb it." said Tiny Tim's public relations manager, Selma Gore. "Trayhor isn't going to cut ,it but \.l.'ill groom it, and may take off a Qtiarter Inch where needed. He'll probably look ljke Errol Flynn irt a swashbuckling perfl piece. iFBEE HAM I TURKEY WITHEAcijMA.loR ' • 1 APPLIANCE <iSOLD 'TIL OR CHRISTMAS 1969. '--~---~-----~----,., 1 Adntlral I DUP.LEX I ' I , , r ~ • I ' I .. . • . • -. . " ; .. • :, ' :• ' .. ·. .. ~ ' ' . l . i . • • I • -; • ' • • . < . . ' ' ' • ' ' • .. ~ l'l!!!!!!d"• !ltctmb<f 17, 1%9 ~ • ~ ' I - lTHE MOST COMPLETE GUN SHOP IN CALIF()R~IA · NOW OPEN .••• at GRANT S! b renn -Mi1thtl - RUIS Y • Modaft>I - .... ,.\ -lob<• -. . " .,. • d 1111wnin9 S1l1-f • . Qlli<k on . . wi•k , aoos by Gor•11-!en • • .. Go\dell "'"' SEE ALL OF THE NEW 1970 COLEMAN CAMPING EQUIPMENT ON DISPLAY ·. at GRANT'S! &EZG _ l1gl1 Cln• - 1n'd .. ,\\ly .. pLU5 AL~ Of tllE I ,.ccuso11.11s. 100 Gil ,0u1 t1st1lll& ue111st lt lllllt'S\ MA ,.,, i11 s1octt O'VlR 20,.,..DS. * f\ARlS *COR us * CASUAlS * 11i .. Th• LuJ{WrioUI 11111 u .ten Shirts .... $~ lfYs' n1n9 $9 OPEN DA.ILY 9 UNTIL 9 SATURDAY 9-6-SUNDAY 9-5 IVEH WltlN YOU Sii IT-tr1 hard to lm1ifnt wch 1 complete Hunter'• P1r1dl11I AN of tt.1 ftn11t br1nd1 of Guns • , • Ammunition ••• ltlotcf1 •• , Hunting Clothln9 (for ltie 9111, too) •• , Tr1p1 ••• Scope1 ••• ~..._t.Dt.ll Decoys. You n1m1 lt~W1'wt gor It, whtn you w1nt ltJ~I\!...., OVER l,000 GUNS ON DISPLAY! • WIHCHESTIR • AllMALllE • RUl:NGTON • IROWNING • WEATHERIY • CHARLES DALY •WALTHER • IERITTA •LLAMA •SAKO •COLT •H&I • IUGD • JTHACA • SMITH • WESSON • . . I oliLY AF .GR~''"·· ' ·1 11,'·---- •one 11,,.,.,.. I Wl~CHESIER AR·7 by ArnJallte I CENTENNl-AL· MODllS .22 CAL. RIFLE '' .'* Juftq)o·a111 REG. •2911 $49.95 I Stows in Its own stock-weighs ltu I thin 3 pounds-picks 1w1y In 16 Yi: I "lnche1-Seml .. utom1tic •• , ind II I If t1ooh1 I • ............. -..... --1• NIWI 'BROWNIN'C l'°lflMIN'I .,, .. Ila. Fine Huntini Co1t1 Fmm $2271 M•tcbln1 Dn11h Tro111tn '"" $121s *·Ccinadlan . Regulu $1~.~S R,1t1Ul, --$a-a·· YoVR CHOICI -j a.w-------BROWNING IPOITSMIWI . -. IOOYI 9 111ncd 1i&htwei1ht lly\N r~" "Lar1tsf Browning Deoler in California!" . , ----~----._ LEVI'S® for GALS! ll i ..., ill Her1's 1 gift ld11 . ihlt'1 ptrlect -from our· collKtfon of Lldy ,. - L1Yl'11• DRESS FLARIS ........ $10 -$12 FLARE JIANS .......... _, . $8 LADIES' JEANS ....... .-. $6 • $8 CASUAL SLACKl •••••••••. $10 BUSH JACK ITS ........... $20 WISTITIN ILOUSIS .... $10-$14 II . I -rl : FAMOUS BRANDS AT 'BIG SAVINGS! ii WESTERN SHIRTS 5695 _ ' WESTIRN STY1ED • , • for Wt1ttrl'I- trs,.,, 1nd P1rm1nent Pr111 t1brlc1, too. lold Pl1ld1 ind solid colors In 111 1l11v1 Jen;th1 ind n1tk 1i111. DURANGO BOOTS •11 LATEST styles Wi1 t1rn Boots with smooth lt1ther vppe1'1 tnd ro11gh~ut lowers . Size1 6 to 12 ••• 1t Gr1nt'1l il. ~ ~ a --• ~ ~ ACM! BOOTS from ........ $20 • Seled From 31 Styles of Jackets! · 12-New ifl §· .Co/orsf .• "The Windking" 1YW: by 'adflc Traill - llUGGE.D tnd wlndproof luirvry --j•ckttt f,.t.urln1 th1 n 1w11 t 1 'outdoor look." 12 dyntm lc. col· · • 1r1 In alt" 34 to 46. $10 (I . ii 11 r-c;o--.. 1;,·--1 il. ! SHIRTS SHIRTS -"We're ''Cimarron'' -ti l en polo Shirts.·"· Hong· $12 . llong·l •n Velo111• · • · · · • · $8 T Nylon 1111nks · · · Hang· en i $ 8 88 \ by Paclf_I• tralll h1 ''"'kl prfnll. • • acrl1111 fftp p/11, JMI, · 1:?::?:111 WAl,M ,~,kl~ ploldo ~l~l~~lo:•~~ -=--~:~r WASH~M~~~olO~Ml•Y.' ,·~ . \I iii I 1n4 10lld tol••· s.M·l·XL 1oli d•, •Ir 1, • • ind Miii .: Slfef'' 1011. Fu11y llntd with color coordhwitt ll 1\ I' USE YOUR CREDIFI * IMllCAMERICARD * MASF';;,,;;;:;;;,;;;;;GE! l!.R fi.tl fi ------ • • • I • / I ' ·- I •• DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Play It Close to Vest Wbalevv other pU?pOse II serves, the hotel study of Laguna's Main Beach has ca!alyzed a<:tlon. The Danlab·Amerlcan Hotel CorP. came forward with a plan to re-develop its existing slle totally. This would Include a 200-room structure with cor>- fereoce seating for 400 and a Scandia Restaurant, ac. cording to prellm!Dary plans. · Al. ~lcted it would aho require the we of about 28,000 ecjuare fOet of Mallo Beach area, 24,000 square feet that Ille City owns and 4,000 lt would apparenUy acquire. . Then, anoCher hotel development loomed when a building designer talked of plans on the drawing board tor a hotel southerly of tile Hotel Laguna. He said later that this Is still bein~ analyzed but that it mlgbl inillally be a SO.unit facility expandable to 200 or 300 units eventually. Somewhat parad;mcally the very report that ap. parenUy smoked out this other hotel planning, also led to a conclusion that the Main Beach would not attract . private holel developers. .. Representatives of Harris, Kerr, Forster & Co • ""'"°" that Laguna's hole! occupancy factor -they rate it at 55 percent -is nat sufficient to lure develop- ment money because of high interest rates. Assuming the feasibility studies are correct, this becomes a sticky element in any financial negotiations that might take place over Hotel Laguna expansion or other developments oo city land. The ciiy must keep uppermost in its mind that The Sexual Scandal of Our Prisons 1Expertl on prison life agree that per11ap1 11 high u 10 percent ol all jail riot.I, attacks and disturbances are caus- ed by two basic buman appetites: for food and for sex. U the food ts bad, or wal'!ll!: than osual, the Inmates revol~ as they llhould. But there la UUJe they can do lo sau.fy their normal 1ezual need• except engage in bomoRJ;uaJ relations, whJch are rife in most prloons. TBB BOMOllEXIJAL problem In Joi! la d"'"'1\y played down by the authorities, for fear of shocking or alienating the good citizens who prefer to be wrapped in smug ignorance about prison life and conditions. But most of what Is called "unrest" in jail -including the not in- frequent wounding or slaying of one in· mate by another -b triggered by these unmet feXUal need!:. And "rape" is not at all uncommon there. Only ooe American state -Mlssi!!lppl -ctnentJy perm.its conjugal relations between prison Inmates and their wives, a1thoop MeDco, several South American couDtrlea,•Scandinavla, and some naUons ln the Middle and Far East have adopted an eollcbtened policy toward the oezuaJ rights Ii prisoners -and of their wlvu. 1!E1111 D A FACTOR few penal systeml take into aceounl Even aaum- lng that ln toeing most or his civil rights, the prlaooer abo 1 .... his human rlg)lt lo Dear Gldomy Gus: Those ordinary la!!, peeling euca· lyplus trees are fine as windrows on farms and ranches but they ooght to be forbldden Inside our city limits. They create much too mucb litter. -!. B. D. """ ........ """"' ........... ....... --~" tMM " .. -r. SM r-.... ,.... .. OlllMY .... D•llY l'lllt. serual congress, what about tht. rights of hi! wife in being involuntarily deprived through no fault of her own? Such deprivaUon not merely may drive the inmate into a homosexual rela· tionship in prison -which often rulns him for conjugal nonnality when he com· es out -but also imposes either con- tinence or infidelity upon the wlfe who is waiting years for his return. 11 a man forfeits bls rights to legally sanct.loned se1, doe. the wife forfeit her rlghtl also? OF COURSE, A woman can divorce her husband while be b In jail; she can take a lover, or many; or she can stifle her sexual needs for years, or decades. But if she is a normal woman, with a family and a social life, is it not inhumanly cruel to force her into desert.ion, adultery, or involuntary abstinence? Quite apart from thll moraI questlon, the confinement and segregation of large groups of men wit.houl nonnal sexual outlets ls psycholosically and socially as unhealtby as any act the inmate may have comm.Jtted. It is puniUve without point, and comipts rather th·~ ,. "· How long will we close ou· monstrous piece of vc1 querading as "reform?" Our 300-Year Obligation There ii DO futare for the 1ndians on Alcatru Island. Properly called Red ?I-fen, er Amtt·tndians, to d_t,tinguish them from East Indians, they are primarily agricultural. Aside from the lack oi natural water eourcs, the island haa no soil to till. Any Jarg111 1DOu:r ol Indians would leave them belpilM. Al farmers and occasionally 5heep men, the lndiaDI have had a hard enough Ume on their reservatkl'll ln this renturJ. The ~ationa lnclole about tbe poaresl agrlculturaI lands surviving Ot' this continent. 1be occupants have tJeen •the chronlc vlctlml Ii a fast &truffle In land al the handl Ii the UnHed StaU:s Government. Frun the coming of white men In the JSOOS, ttl1I land strindle haa continued unaba:Wld. I The lndlana In early time rubldsted on gniins and hunt.Ing. The white men wanted arable son for themltlves. Finl the c: o l o n I • 1 govmuneots. theo Ille fedenl govern- ment trtM.ed the trlhel u "IOYa'elgn," maklnl 1"trutlet" with them, a Jot ol baloney, rtllUlllnl .-invarlabl,y in a cop<M. MOii' ar TBE -U.. whfch didn't deol Ill ...... ..Wied, 1n .. 1 .. d whllt --al the JndlAn'• lll«.!trtl land. 'lbUI Ille Jndlam ,..,.. Increasingly puJJ>. eel -ard with tittle or no "'gard for their we.lfare, and cancenttatrd in ,._..Uonl. Whal the lndlanl got oul d H w" a lot ot IOV8"t1ln rbdoriC. 1 llOP u wards of Ille _... ...Utlod lo a foot dollar a mon~ pnnltlve "edllCllkll," and pn> areaJve tmpcw.,.a11mt. . Of the SO«ld W1 1b ln1ton •d- mlnlatra~ons. all ..-IOtli1 w1lh prom- I lses, and oot one made any serious el· fort to amelknte the Indian's condition. For 200 years the lndi Ans naturally reeent.ed the white conquest and its at· tendant hypocrisit.S. They fought back. M they were originally M.vages they dldn't fight back nice, aod underwent endless militia and ad hoc posse reprisals. 1BE WIUTES WERE often a! un- civilli.ed as the aavages. Our television saint, Daniel~. was not above taking a scalp or two In an emergency. Young George Washl.ngton missed 11ealplng by half an hour on one. oC hill surveying tripe for Governor Dlnwlddle ol Virginia. Jt was an unsdilrd time-, li ke our own. tn !hi la81 -.iry, and plrticularly alter the demagogue CUster was wiped out, the Indians were at the mercy of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Funtllonarits Ii lhla burMu ...,.. <iten polllioat t.l.mtt«vtn and blunderm. But even had they II= elflclenl and conoclentlous, they wort oubjoct lo a 8ltngy and obtuae Congress, preoccupied wttb voters. Our cenenuon of American1 are hell on l)'tn- plihy, but neither Informed d the In· dlana' ecooomlc and culttD'al nNCll, nor .,......t lo do much about them. · The ootorlely of. Alcatru u lhe late residence d Al Clpont and Illa cotleaiJU<I Is about the only dMdtnd the lndlans can bope to collect from their herlr•· Let us hope the word may get ammd the ooun- lry thit-we have a 300·YW' obllgaUon ID this matter. the beach was acquired for eslhetic and recreational purposes. The idea of a hole! on public land Is' to help the taxpayers by helping pay for the beach. Despite the desirability of having the architect'• concept of a new Hotel Laguna become a reallty, It ;, the municipal duty to see that the city 11 adequately compensated for any public land given over to private use. ' If a businesslike arrangement beneftcial to the municipal coffers can't be reeched, lbe city 1hould dis- engage from the bargaining table and hope the hoW redevelops on its existing land . The Chamber of Commerce has suggested that the city refine the end results it seeks on the Main Beach, then call for propooals by any and all bole! lnlereSts. The idea of seeking additional proposals from hole! interests is sound. It introduces an element of compe. tition that certainly will work to the city and public Interest. But the city must resist the temptation to act on the basis of incomplete or too superficial infonnation, despite the fiscal pressures and the understandable urge to "get something done." The city has before it a challenging and very com- plicated set of problems to work out. The effect of city decisions on the beach and its development will be long term. ' Although the beach in'lerest charges are costly, an error in development of this asset would be worse. The city should play its Main Beach cards close to the vest with deliberation, patience and optimism. $ ,..,..__,_~!~ •'ME? I GUE$) (,i,•:ioLLY 'lAUSf I 601 NO CtlARUE ACCOUNTS: Overworked, Vnderpaid Postal Emplo11es They Endure Public With Patience To the Editor : Of all the overworked and underpaid organ1zatlons in the country today, the Post Office and its employe1 head the lisl Nowhere in the UrlltedLStates does the public get so much service fer IO lit- tle money. 'Ibe following are but a few of the e:z:. amples which postal employea endure wllh patience beyond belief; THE FEMALE patron , wbO cannot understaDd why the carrier cannot get all her letters and large magazines In the cute little basket hanging by her front door ••• the male patron who places lit· tie Fido on the counter while he read! hi1 morning mail, ignoring the sign at the en- trance clearly stating that ooJy aeelng. eye dogs are allowed inside.· •• the daily hassle over charges for mailing to some far-off place ••• the patrons who arrive at the parcel window five minutes before clostns time wilh annloadl! d packagea • • . those who protest the non-arrival of. their Wall Street Journal ••• the poorly· wrapped package (parts of a paper bag and some string) poorly addressed (with a stubby·pencil and no Zip Code). ON THE COUNTER reltl the ever. present Zip Code Diredory, but still the patron asks, "What's the Zip Code number for Bean Blossom, Indiana?" If you think this l.s e1aggeraled, try working in a Post Office and you'll decide there must be an easier way to make a living. GENE WJERBACH Former Postal Employe Wh11 He Sub•rrfbea To the Editor: \Vhy do I subseribt to the DAILY PILOT or what do I like about the DAI· LY PILOT or even what do I dlsllke about the DAILY PILOT are relevant questions. Yet, the most imp:irtant ques- tion is. what do I expect of the D.'a.JLY PlLOT? J. I expect the DAILY PILOT to be a viable newspaper that will be financially supported by the community. Therefore, I do NOT expect to be interested in each and every news item. %. I EXPECT THE editorial page lo he controversial. Thus, I do NOT expect to agree with each and every opinion that is published on that page. 3. I upect that editarial policy will be By George--~ Dear George: A few months ago I read an arll· cle that said if )'OU stop smoking you lose your sense of smeU. ls thia true? BART Dear Bart; Yeah. darn lt. Since I quit, all I can smell Is thls stu pid cigarette smoke in the office. CONFTDENTIAL TO JOHNNY CASH: WcJI , I could have told you ever)'body was gone before you wtnt all tht' way to San Francisc:o to make the album -I wlsb you wouldn't go o!f half-cocked oo plw UU this "Johnny Cub at Alcatraz" without checking W1tb me firll. CONFIDENTIAL TO CHIEF OF INTELLIGENCE : ~ankly, tbal was a dumb qlfestlon. (Send )'our problms lo Geof1'. "° This Ntw1p1per. No. Oii ..,,...d thought -you had better use tbe rtal name or the newspaper.) • Letters from readni are welc01M. Normall1110rittr11hould convey their me11ages in 300 tDOTds or Uss. The right to condense letter• to fit apace or eliminate libel ii resenied. All let- ters mwit include lionature and mail· ino address, but na1M1 may be with-- held on reque1t ii iufficient reason U apparent. Poetrv IOiU not be pub- lished. limited lo the edftoriaI -ind will not be Included In news 1leml. Sinco there are veey few lf any newapapers that can claim lo always meet that expectation, I will be aatlafled "1th lea than perfection. I aubocrlbe f<> the DAILY PILOT becall81! It meuures up to my ex· pectatiom. HARRY B. McDONALD JR. Let'• Sar Thank• To the Edllor: In this day and age of "teacher mWlancy," where they are asking for a wage they are enUUed to, I'd like to call your attention to some of the things teachers do above and beyord the call of duty in the classroom. They struggle day alter day to find the rlsht approach 110 that a child may learn to read. putting in many hours alter they finish in the classroom. (Did you realize that one way doesn't always work with all dlildren?) TllEY CON THEIR hu..bands and brothers to build things for the chwroom so that they can have an outstanding art lesson; they comb hair and buy brushes for children whose parents don'l realize it is important to have a (OOd self·image; they buy gifts for children who3! parents are stn.Jggllng jurt to buy food. They share the knowledge they have gained with their years of uperience with teachers who are jun beginning to teach. I AM PROUD lo be a.soclaled with teachers. They are not only competent, professional people bul warm·hearted and generous with their Ume and energy. I rather think U YoU thought Of the teachers that work with your children yoo would agree with me. Let'1 say "U:ianks" now and then. PAT MOORE Sehool Secretazy Harper School Doetor• of Medldne To the Editor: I found Ncrma.n Ni.ron, M.D. 't article aga inst chiropracUc (Nov. 28) to be fyplcal ol. many 0( today's arrogant, alJ.. knowing and closed minded doctors of medic.Int. A llttle-koown l\D'Vf'1 tcmucted by a psychology clas& at UCLA a few years ago showed I.hat the ltudenta entering medical llChool for eventual moneblry gain, prtslJit, power aod amblUon bed a f a r gruttt ptteent&te d. IDcc:eaa: than thole who ,..... ent..m, for humanitarian and Jdealiltic ruaons alone. The lnmanllartanl, for the most f>lrl, did not bave enoup competlUve drlve and ambltlon lo carry them liln>ugh tod1y'1 high-powered medical ICboot. al Ju.st at UU. pe:rtlcular university at that partfcutar time. It wwJd be lnttrelling IO "' U lhlnl• bavt chanted much. TODAY'S M.D. rather than seriously trylnc to find ways of curtn1 aod healing his patlerta throusfi meant which might be consldeml accept.lible to naturt tthe only real healer), lnstud seems lo want to make drug addlctl out of his patients (and we b1'roe drug addiction on today'• youlb--look Jrho's setting the example!). Or he "eendl them to the grave on the Installment plan" -piece by piece. After all, such a greet degn!e of tedudcal skill acquired so laborioualy at medlcal school can't be wasted. OF COURSE, there are undoubtedly many times where drugs and surgery, when u5ed in an emergency, have helped to save lives. But 1he ind1'crim.inate use of them for everything from a runny nose (penicillin}, to everyday tension (tran- quilizen), to a tore throat (tonsillec- tomy), 11 not mly dangerous, b u t unsd· f!lltifiC llld doesn't really ldve any prob- lmil. It la no wonder, then, that more and more thinking people are turning away from many of today's "wonder boys" to a more safe, sane and natural way of lighting lUnea and caring for the body. NANCY COOK Personal Attack To the Editor: r cannot recall ANY article by Dr. Norman Nixon which bas been poorly thought out, carelessly researdled, or lacking in candor. In these articles he iii stating bis point of view. The intemperate penonal criticisms in the December 8 Mailbox suggest that th• writers have not used the same process. Indeed thelr statements are open toques· tion, fOI' wblle they are entitled to dissent, they wuken the cate: they wish lo present, seriously, when they resort to personal atltck. MARJORIE ANDERSON 'We Are AH to Blame' To the Editor: Yea, it's true, the city may seem an en. chanted place to some, but the smog .. bound air which envelops our grea\ dty 11 a dlagusting mixture of exhaust fumes, moke and dirt. Polluted alr haa been with man since the beginning of time, but in recent years its noxious substances have come to blanket most of us. A peculiar p-oduct of our civilization and or our c:areleaness, it is simply ln.unan litter and it b: heaved into life at. mospbere by all Of us -from automobUo tall pipes, from incinerator stacks, from power rtatlonl and bcxne cbimney1. LAST YEAR OY« HS million tons Of it went up and fell ri&'ht back down on beautiful America, and there will be more ne:rt year. The debris of pollution costs us an e!Umated $11 billion a year in property damage and It contributes to \he illnessea: and deaths of many. Yet prac- Ucally nothlng is being done lo 8IDp il What ls obviously lackJng Is wll~ the na- tional will to admit that we are all 10 blame. lo 9pelld the mooey and enforca the laws, and poalbly, Just poalbly, save ourselvr.11 from choking to detth. Thank you for listening to my com- plainl I mly hope that othera will. CHRISTINE lilBBARD Blrehef'S• T.ct.fa To the Editor: . Somoone ODCI OIJd that the oplrit d community ii our best de!'"" ogalnst communilm, yet the John Birchen and fellow yahoo'• -their mop: and underbarided tactics are cauain.g our communiti" lo be dttply divided. For example, wttneu the ~nt Aldrlcb cue. Aldrich'• WU I typk!at caee of Birch ltyle dlaracter uoallSinatfon. Robert Welch, the luder Ii the John Bln:h Society. justtnC<f underhanded t>oti<s by Mylng Lh~ are nec'essary for I.he defeat Of oommunlam, but what tbe Blrchers '\ don't realize is that by using their style of tactics (mainly that the ends justify the means) they destroy our democratic ~~ of fair play, raUonality, and JUStlce. ' THE BlRCBERS, because of their superior organizational skills, can com· pletely divide a community. Birchers and their fellow travelers spread mistrust, fear and apathy in our society by making WI and ClUl' governmental and school of~ ficlals afraid to act out o( fear of harass. ment and dirty attacks. If we are to preserve democracy, we must maintain the ri&flt of the public to hear both sides ol all issues and make ra- tional decisions as to the evidence. We must clearly call all Birchers to the bar when they misstate, misquote and mJsrepresent the truth. We must preserve our democratic principles of fairness, rationality and truth or suc- cumb to tbe rule of those who can yell the loudest. It ts an ironic fact that the "patgxic" John Birchers and friends are dolg as much to destroy the fabric 0( this. na· tlon's demOc:ratlc principles and 'Yalues a! the Cofumunilts. 0£ oourse, DOW I become one d the enemy. PETER A. ROBINSON New• ltnbalanee To the Editor: On TV Dec. 11. 1969, alJ programs covered the various :stories appertaining to the Lolll Angeles police "intruding" on the Black Panthers' "arsenal .. ' in East Los Angeles the previous day, at whlc b lime several police officers were wound- ed by gunfi re. So-called fine citizens sucb as two assemblymen, an L.A. CIJUrl- cilman, an acknowledged Communist professor, Angela Davis, NAACP and other sympathizers were quot.ed fre- quenUy and with great relish for a period of approximately 10 minutes on each It.a· ~on. ONE STATION interviewed concerned black people of the same area whose spokeaman was a minister. They were asking (or police protectlm ln the area, and said that they felt thal ao percent of the people in the ari!.1 decried the acts or the Black Panthers and the other lawless groups, and wanted protection from them. This interview took less than one minute ol TV time. On the morning or the 12th, or the following day, the papen were full of the stories of the so-called "spokesmen" "-·ho were upset by the police action, but f could not find anything in the papers reporting Ute black "silent majority's" concern over the acts of the Black Panthers and other Jawle-ss people in the South Central area. Could Spiro Agnew have a poinl! GEORGE D. BUCCOLA --~-- Wednesday, Dec~l 1969 The .•dltorial "°"' 111c Dczllu PUo& see:kl to inf and 1tfm.. ulok readers b~ pr~1enti11Q this 11ewspoptr'1 opiniOTll and com.. ~n.tary on topie1 of interest and 1lgofficanct, bv proWling a forum for tht t.ipre,rion of our readeri' opinio~ and bu prescnling the: dfoer1e oftto.. J>O(ntl of 1n/onned ob1ervtr1 and tpoketmen on toPjei oJ Ult clau. Robert N. Weed, Publisher • CHECKING •UP -· plive it1 Martini, Blonde on Arm Rape, Beating Victim Dies SAN FRANCISCO !UPI) - A 17-year-old girl who was raped. bell.ten and mutilated in the J.faight.Ashbury district Dec. 8 died Tuesday \Vithout regaining consciousness. Horace Mixon, a fugitivt: • from Napa State Hospjtal, has been chargeel with rape aild assault with intent to commit murder in connection with the attack on Kristine Peterson. Hegular '6 Shift Gowns 499 a. &.... alid nylon be• make btt look di•io<. Dclic:a< piok ot - ,, alaift'ia••amall.mrciiwn and luge · b. A hty golvb she'll adore. lo rolors you11 like IXlO .. , pioJc. oqua, red or yellow. In small, 1Pedium and iatgr. c:. She'll sleep in style in rh is full <ut mini shifr. ln pink. blue.gold or ;..I.e. Sizes small, medium and large d. A br:ight WlJ t0 show her you care: V-nttk shift in cheery bJuc,greeo y<Ilow aod °""8<· Sizes small. medium aod Luse aod X·brge. e. Reg. $16 Peignoir Sc 2.99 Pcianoir let il a double tttac. N11on u:icot trimmed io acrtate Ulin ' aOO. nyloo lllCC. In white. cont, cocoa. or grcciL SLza Pccit.e, eW1, medium and Jar~. 1912 HAllOI ILVD. COSTA MIU. hlly 1 O·t e Set. 94 l•llkAm«kaN e Matt1r CM'99 84 STORES ••. ALL 72° and open nightl:,< till 9:30 5outlt Coast ?tua • --------------------------------------------------, atlNA f'MX ll MONTE lONO llAOi PCO...... POMONA -IQIJTM COA$f PLAZA I CANOGA PAR OlD«Wf OtYWK: .. SOTO 5AHTA ANA TOftAN:2 I I CO#l'lON HQilyW()()Q OIAHOf ~ WflA.flSl'lllOI VMllY I COVINA INGllWOOO PASADlNA ears 5AHTA.MCHC4 vttMONT•S--.. '-------------~-----------___________________ , ,..,~..., ..... ~·JO A.M. .. 9'.)0PJA.. ,......, 12 ""-tit I P.M. --·-• "SelW.m-GuMMfll~WYHr....,hck:". - W1dnndJ7, Dcctmbtf 17, I~ SEARS Has Everything Including SUNDAY SHOPPING Sunday Ho= 12 Noon to 5 P.M. I Sears I Prices Effective Beginning Today • \ ~ ) •• • • Lighted Cosmetic Gift Mirrors! A. Oval 4-Light Drener Mirror , : Sears Low Price 7 98 ·'' l e Il! neutral color and 110phistieatcd.I11imple 1t7le will blend into any boudoir decor ;) e Bone color frame of high impact lnltrred p)astio . I • 7~·in. diameter mirror flips to either ftllU1a' or m•gnifying aide. £.Ml eLand ' B. SAVE '2 on 5-Light Drcll8er Mirror , .. 1288 ~·, Regq,lar $14.95 $ -. • IO!h-in. diameter awivM mirTor "Wilh plain 1'1rtd • ! ma~i£yin1 aides. Hai fi\'fl lS..waLt non-g]are bulbs •Eggshell white plastlc Cnme C. Go Everywhere Travel Mirror Sensational Low Price 1495 , • Receued. non,.lar:e balbt. 86 sq. in. size. • ~lirroJ" rums to plai n or mqnifyin1 ai des • Canyingca1e in t0n beige colorvin)'I D. Deluxe Petite Traveling Minor •20 Se•n Low, Low Price •Recessed, non•itlarc bnlb1 behind opaque lens • 42 1quare ineh 1ize. rttasnifying or plaln tides •Travel eate in white or pink colo""1 ri.nJI U1n SenN R m>ofolng Charge , ' • , I • •• Sal~'f{Q(:tl"io11 Guaranteed~ s•op Koa4ay ~ Sdw .. 71 Yc Mi B k Sears '):SO A.II. le,,,. r .•.. I or our oney ac SPI ; ""'· •ou•a ,.0 co. Suuya 12 N-le . . •! l • I OAI(~ Pl[OT W<dntldaY, D<ttmbtf 11, 1969 a ·Uc!ett"ee" N.umbei-s f"!I'-• • • ' . ., (, ' ~. <t .. • ·,··f· . ~ ·"f~il:i : on Alioto· Revealed SACRAMENTO ai\>Ji.~· A b)< Look attorneys for use In Tree, I went lo the Nut Tree. Sacramento prlvalf: .i~sU--d~fense of a $12,5 million libel Whea Joe had diilner at the plor .. ys anoth<;f .~ .o\111 filed by fJiolo against the Nut Tree, I had dinner at the taUed San ~'16~ ·~azine for an article link· Joseph Alioto and """"-iliioiri :Jlj(. him with the Mafia. Nut Tree." • automobile llcense f'~Mrs-, re ·'°",A&id ~jJ_va told him on The Look article said Allof,o he expected w~~;~'.:NoVT 1.f ,tbat ~!;lad f'Ollowed had a "series of nighttime $4,000 or $5,000. ·•. .. , .Mr. Alioto on and off.for sev-meetings at the .Nut Tree" James M. Sima }f, ~ 'jlri. ·er•I Y<ars:'" with Mafia leaders to, discuss vale detedJve, told attomeys · Last 'month Silva testified plans for .organlzb:lg .a. bank. (~ Alioto aDJl Look mquine he had been hired to tail Ali-Sims did not say who, if Tlletday that a bustnelir""l:t> oto pe,riodieally during 1963, anyone, Silva saw Alioto meet quolnta\ICO, l\Y,.~ "'"4 c·1984' •ila 1185. at the -restaurant between lo1ll ~~,,~ Simi "8id Silva told him, Sacramfclo ind San l'rancis· Simi' im8QY(;~~ '~ .r~ went to the Nut co. Cleaver · Asks Passport, ·Not Return Pleasure Drive Ends in Death • Drug Tjn~f I S.•sr•m ~ Co.,N. v.c.sl .n.i.dWhhk<f.M hoof.6l"~ci..t. N,..,;1~••tl7~ ~: .: I Warned . Of Death STANFORD (AP) '-The · thief who stole. a small safe from Stanford Medical Center Is in danger of a sudden death , authorities say. The safe contained a drug labeled MJt.Ethorthlne that b 5,000 lo 8,000 ilmes ... potent u morphlne and ·Could cause Instant death ·U It touches hwnan akln, the center warn- ed Tuesda)'. Five balf..ounce glass vials of the Cl')'1taJiJne drug wen In the ~ Ille, just over one fot square. when it was taken_ between Dec. 10 and Tue¢ay, the ctoter reported. Police urged whoever look the. safe to leave it or the vials somewhere and then telephone police and tell them where to find it. Authorities declined to discuss any possible use of the drug or where it· w a s developed. Jody's Mother Arraigned BAKERSFIELD (UPI) ~totions to dismiss charges against Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fouquet, accused of aban- doning the woman's five-year. old daughter besi~ a freeway, were denied Tuesday in superior court. Following the denial, Mrs . Bety Feuquet w~ arraigned on charges of willful child abandonment and placing a child , u n d er circumstances likely to produce great bodily harm, both felonies. ' I " ' • .. . I " ' .. • • ' ,. ' " ' ,. • • " • • ' .. " w .. MALIBU (AP) -Four-~-''-----------------------'-...._ __________ _ . . ' youths out for a pleasure drive . ' •.' , . . Stop W'af.ttnl·toi'~r Color TV. It's here! 1 411 E. 17th St. in a newly purchased 1970 foreign economy car were hurled to .their. ,deaths wheo the car plunged do"'TI a fog· shrouded clllf, patrolmen say. Their bodies, all thrown from the car which. crashed 350 feet down th e em· bankment, were • spotted late Tuesday by a ·cruising California Highway patrol- ' I , , ' .. Patrolman . ·~ Natural or Contour Bras e Nylon ind Iyer• 1p1ndcs 50 fr1mc, 1djugt1ble 1tnp1 Re~lar $4. • Cr06ll-o~·er front 1d1ptt to your fi,:ure. L1e:r cup• • N1t11 r•l cup J:! to 36A, llllp 32 to 36A. 32 10 388 a c. S5.sil DCuptitto s ,99 N.i.ur1l Cup 3242D Cor.tour Cup 32-400 Natural Fit Panties • G~e• you •D addt d bit el firming with innerbandt le 1mooth and trim you • Nylon,nyori,l~n11p1nd1:x • White only, in •i1e1 26to 36 • T1:rrinc at tbi1 low price! . . . .. . . ~ 299 Regular Sil 799 SAVE SI on Bose Hugger Mid Leg Panty . : ·: . • Rep.lar16 ----... ;;. • ' . I • , ,. .. . -. --~. ·:?f'~-- ~· _::-.:-.... •Cll•nhshilldl •'N1l-.q•&d.,... -httft"'91relt "'"' •5..U• ....... •• ...... . , Use Sears Revolving Cbarg<! , -----------------------------~------------------~ ., all'IA;JM. llMOl'ftf LONG~ ~...... POMONA SOUTHco.A$tPIAZA I I ·-Glfl.l>Al! OlYWIC • IOIO Mh'tA. Nu. 1'0IMHCf CJl!OOA.,_ OMHGl___ ~ SAHl ... •r.......oa VAUl'I' I = IOM-;:vwooo -PA.iADOUt -WITA. MONICA • 'VUMONnt ...... ~ .. ----~--------------Sears-----------------' -------. ..,....., ...... .......,NOA.M.11NO, ....... ...,12 ............ ~--· "'SdModotflO•elle1•• .. M••rl•lt" (/ ~ra rs H"' Ewryth m~ h du dmg Sl1N!JAY SHOPPING ... Sun day Hours 12 Noon lo 5 P.M. Gift Her Wllh Exciting Instant ~lamoar •.• Wigs! 2995 Fuhion'snewest uMSf'onnldoe. Anew.U·i0<newigd+•;g ::. rou from carHr<e mdaaual all diewytr.ckeom1 mil~ Comfortable Fitting Tapered Fluff •Made ofwonduful.-"ohlemodaery· 1995 lie fiber • Choo.e from • wide '*• ol abades Human Hair Stretch Wig · ~e· ·· ,.,_ .... ·-3· 995 j • Sprin111 bod1 ••• lo..J, oliod• CHARGE IT On Sean Revolring Charge Pri-Eff ecti-re Bel.ginning T od:ly ,------------------------------------------------.... I IUtNA ,AK ll MOHff iONO $[,\Qt p•-., ol...... l'OMONA. $OVtH COA!if 1'1A1A, • CANOGA '* Cl.(NOMF O\YIN'IC f. $0T0 $.1.NTA. Af'4A TO~lANCI I COWtCN HOU-YWOOO ()AANGE._ ~ SN'OA ,, $1'Q-IG$ 'fAlt.O" -I ~A ~CIIWOOO PASA.OENA !AHTA MONJ~ \lltMONf et"'--. '---------------------------Sears----------------"' .... ....., ...... ....,.,NOA;.M.11 NOP.M.,.S.M9J12~ .. sr.M. ~--"Satl•l9dJot!G"o"""""•.,...M• I, .... r, 'r ~!GAL N011CB' • LEGAL NOTJCl!l LEGAL NOTICE · !$GAL NOTICE . ,.OTN:' UIYITtN• •IDS NOTICI IJil'll'TINO •lot HOTICI 'TO ·CltlDtTOltS .SUtlltoll COUT Oii ,TM• NOTICI! ~~~"~~~~v":tv~~ NI -~ NOTICE .~·~~~~':v"g·,~r,. 11111 -~ 5Uf'lllll01l COUllT 01" ,,., ., ... ,, °' CALl,OllNIA l"Ok .O 1,_.ol1 wlU tit rK•l'ffll b11 ..... Cl!r .., ,,._11i. wUI ~ rKilv.cl lrt Ille (lly STATI 0 111' CAllllOllNIA 1'011 THI COUNTY OP OltliHOI 1F Colli Mi u, to wit : l"-Cl~ Counc il of C.11 Mtw, 10 wll: Tiit CllY Coun<H, THI COUNTY 01!' 011~1 Ht, A"46Sf ... o. loK,1100. el IM Clly °' COii• Mesi. P.O. k if n oo. of ""'(Hy of CCllll Mt••· .... ""'"' NOTICI 01" HI Alll"O OJI HTITtoN Ct lllornl1, Oii W btfOA tt.. hour of 11:00 Ct ll!Ollllt , on 'or btlon Ille l!ollr of 11:00 1 POlt l"l\OMTI °"WI.LL AND P'Olt '·'"·• Oii Frlct.r, ,,_,.,. f, lf76. &Ids wl~ 1.t11 .. °" Frlcltr. Jl,.fY f, 1t10. l ldl will l!:1t1i. el MILOltEO JA.(l(IE CONLf.Y, •Ill T•S•""IN•ARY tw .uilllc" -llld Wiii 1'.-.1 •loud 11 11:0f be .ullllc." OHMC1 Mid ftlCI 111M.11:1 .i 11 ·oo t lto k110w11 '' JiKklll Gel\111~. Ol<t1'-'· Lin _, 1.111. or II -tllttMfl1r 11 ~-.;11tllllle. .ll't, tH 11 IOlll fMrMflf r u pr9(11ubii , NOTICE IS HElll!SY GIVll!H IO' tilt Elt1t1 of M1r;1rt l ~. C«.lt, O«tt'"- on FtkllY, J_.l"f t. 1'JI hi 11'19 COllnell on. Jlrklly Jt~ry 2 1'7' In IN Council crt0fl«1 of 11\e ..,.._ Nme11 ~ NOTICE IS HEllE.9Y GIVEN Ti.t Cfllrnbtr't, CHY Hiii, n 1'111' Dr1¥1 Ceatlo Cl\ftl'llltrt.' City "-IL '17 Ft!t Orlw Coltt ~ 111 per-l'ltvlnt cltl,,,. ~1111! iM Chit.MY H. Ct tVTr hi t tit.tel Mttlft I Mtll. Ct lUwnl•, fOf 1111 tvrn11til111 of Mtst c.u1~,;J .. ~r lht tuml~l'lt "' ___ ,,. 1r1 r-lrld to 1111 IN,,., PlllllOft for 1rabtlll ol wll~ Md fw llOAD eASI! MATf llAL tor mlNir c-ASPHALT fO' ,.........,.. l llv atrftb~ 1111 !ht llKHMl"'I ~ In fttt _,let law-• of l tlltr1 Tttllmtlll•l'Y to ,Ot l\. 1fru<llon '" 1111 (/Iv Ill Coslt ,..,.w. A Ml qi !fie ... ec111~1fl0f'I mtY bt Oii• of !hf tltrlt of Int t lxlvt •lllllltd. ~I, • I~. rtltttl'ICI ,, Wfllcll I• mtdt for "' stl of the U1MlllcttkH11 m1y "" 1111-ltlnM ti "'•..,.k• of•h C11Y Cl1tM. ti to prMent 'llltm. wllll ""'-MCIHI~ llH'lhfr N rlkul1r1, •od ,,.., ,,.. tllM •od t~lnlld t i ltltl offlt'f of fhe Cllv Clll~. 11 11 l'llr Drive, cw.11 ,......, Ctl!!0t"I' VOU<Mrt. to !ht ll!ldtrtlt Md 11 l-•w Of-PliK• of ht1rlnt the wme i'lel ~ Mf T1 Ft lr Orlve, C~lt Mew., Ct lUortllt . SIOI lllo\lltt -.e' Pelur!Md In 1 ,.1!tli fleet of l'"renllUn tod ·Fr1N:H11, 107 E1• f« Jt....,.,.., t, 1,'10, 11 t:JD 1.ni., In IM 91111 111Wltt lie rtturnH loo a '-•i..t •nvrloPI ldt-tdlll9Clt 911 lht Ollhilk with 11111 street. Cotll M1M, C1llornlt, '2611, ~_,.. cf On>trtmml Ho. l of w i. f"!YoeioM, lfftlllf!td M lfW' OUhlde Wlll'I tilt •111 ' "'"' n""""'r t nd Ille -nl119 wn:t:l'I 1£ !h11 l'IM;I "' M!NU "' -teun ... * Cfvlt Cet!ltr Dtlllt' W111, In """ altt lfllm fll.ll'l'lber ""' lht OPenl"I dllt vndt_,ltlltd tn tll -"-" Hrl1lnJ111 to tN CHY Ill SllJI• Ant, CtlHornlt , 11111;. E~ll bid lllt !I -ltv t tdl i nd '""' IM u t1tt Ill wlO dKtelttot, within lovr Oi ied Otctmblt u. 1'6t. Ekl'I ll!d $11111 -ltv tl Cll I ncl tYtfY lltm 11 lei forth hi ttwo >11Klflttfi9nl. rnon!l!I -'!tr 1111 fltll .Ubll(t tlClll llf !I'll,$ -W, E, ST JOHN. lltl'rl tt 1et IOrtll In !tit -c111c11ton1. Any •!Id •II u ct pliofl.I ro tht '*Ille•· natrcr, C1111n1y Clftk A1l'f l od Ill U CtP!IOnt ~ Ille f#(Uic.. !*'I """'l\M d tl tlY llllH In !ht bkl, 1 Ottfd 0Kemblf" U, Ifft. l'r1nklln 11111 l't11!11R11, tlOM """'' N C1'Nrly lll ted In !llii Old, Incl ftl)uri Ito Ml ~rlll l nY l'-n If! troi ~ry '4t!Ct J-., Admtnl1tr1tr!lt NJ l!!ISI ltffl t lrfft, ....... 1od ftllu.-. to ft! forlll .,,.... Item In 1111 HI ~ .r II " .. -l OI 1111' H ltlt ot CMll Mfft, Ctllltrftll ,,.,,_, IHdl'lttllonl """ ii. ,_ ~ r .. · ~ u tl...,. 1 1" I 1 °' ,. ~Udrf'd J1ckl1 Conley, decetMd. Tth ltHI )4f-1Vl ircflM 01 Ille bid -l..::Tlon cf 1111 bid. PllA"tU.IM t M l'ltAH KLL N A-n '°' f'11ilit1Mr Eld'I 11N1 1tltU .Ml tortn !hf tull ntrnes ,,.:~,i:nc'!il~ ':~ 1:'."so!::' :~· :.ri:: ltl l ttl 1t lfl Strffl l"\llltJlllid Dr1ntt Cotll Ot llY 1"11111. 11111· rftlclrne11 of 111 """'°"' 1ow:t ~·rttn 111 .. ,,11..i 111 111, _1 11 Pl'lne!Hlt. In C•lt Meit. C1Hf. nar c.crmbtr u, JI, n. lMt f13.Mt Int~ l'l ~,_,,II ... ~INh. I" ~·w·el CQr_,., I~ ""ntmel cf T!!:__CJl'J s.mi. c••t M cori•••"""" 1,,~llldot .11w n-of tht ,Ortildlftl 99c:otltry Trrlsllrt' •rid A•-NY..'_J!f' "'*"'nlUt-.frht LEGAL NOTICE tht .. ,...1c1.11t •.• Krttlrt. Tttlllttl,. Ind M•.. . . Pubfll"" °''"''· (6111! Otl1Y Piiot,, _____________ _ ............ .,. • ' ' ' • . T':..1 c'itv .tfl\/l\C11 Of ~ Cllv of <..ostt f"'9mbl:' 11, 2-t, JJ, •IHJ .rid J1nu••Y 1, 1"·»11' TN City Col,l\'lc:M of llM Cllv ol Coslt 1i.t11 rt$11rvn 1111 ritllt 11 rtltcl 1nY or f"lll mMt Cl!llT,',',',"',,',,',',',',"•'•IHISS Met• rtfffVn ~ rltM ~ rthrct 11w or 111 bl61 '" bldti. 1"ub1!"1ffl °''"'' c11111 Dl•I, Pllol. LEGAL NOTICE Tlle Ul!ders11nec1 c1on certllY 1111 i. con. M n""" Orll•'fC COHI Dtll'I' ~llot, D·:"e-::='":'~"'.;.~'M;':._=c.=c="""-"'""'==:'1---;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;--;;;c;;;;--dllclin. I b<l.int:U II 2-.Sl Ctlt lonlt Cir_ CltnmMr l 7, lfft 1l1t-ff -• SU,.1!111011 COU ltT 0 11' THI tte, Mlulon Vlelo. C1Htornl1, vflCIN ll>t LEGAL NOTICE STATI! 011' CALtll'OltHLA 11011 lltllllout firm ntmt ot HAT A. ICLIP,OElt LEGAL NCYTICE THI COUNTY 01' OU.NGI •M lllt l u !d firm It cornP<>"'" at Ille SU~l!fllOll COUllT 011' TNI! Ni. A•Hl.U lolllWllnt N rson, w!>oM name In lull STATE 01' CAL11'0llNIA "Olt NOTtCI! OI< HI AlllNG OI< ,OITITIO" 1nd plt<t of 1"81kttnct It h lollOWI: C•llTl,.ICATI o .. SUllNESS, THI. co~.T:.!:.,olU.NGI! ,o. ~llO•ATI 0" LOST WILi, A"D AurtU~ T. Kl!PC1tr, 2"4651 C1t1lonl1 ll'ICTITIOUI NAMI POii LETTERS Tl!STAMEHTARY Clrcft, Mlulon Vlelo. Tiit unclrr•llnlld don crrtllY 111f I~(°""' NOT!Ct" 011' Hl ,f,RlJrtG Gii' fl'ETIT ION E"llt of ALEX J. ALIERG, ~eait<I. Daleoll DK. IJ, '"'· c!ucll1'9 t bud NU ti 111 GI-Yr• Sr 'Oii ~llOIATI! OI' WILL AND POii NOTICE FS HERE9'1' GIVl!N Thll Jclln A11r1ll1 T. Kll!'l'lf LtSU ... l!tftd'I. Ct lllornl t, IHldtr "" tic: LlnEllS TESTAMINTAIY K. eennetl h•• llled ""tin I Pl!llllon '"' $1119' ol Cllllotnl1. Dttl\ll!! Caon!'f; T1110111 firm "'"" ot llEALEX tnd ttiet E"ll• at FLORA I . '4LIERG, Dl<Ht--orobtle of to'1 wlll tod '°'" lisut nct ot On Orcember 1' • .,.,, llefort mt. I sale! firm 11 composed of the fi:lllowin<i e.:r. L 11 ,.. T 1 1 I Ptlltlcne Nolt ,., Pubtk In t nd for s•kl 5ttlt , t>tt11>n, Wl'lo$t ntmt! In !vii tnd pl'" ot NOTICE IS HEJlE8Y GIVEN Tiit! Jlifm ~-t n "'j"~ 1(Y : fo I lh r, lltl'IO'lall\I 11•1>earffl Aurd!t T. klti!19tr ,.lll:ltnce 11 11 tollow1: ,. IC. l ennttl II~ tllel:I llWel" t i:tPllllOft for ~ ertnct te wn c I ml e r ur er !loown to mt to be 1111 Pll'\OI\ Wll<Hf Dortne. Richmond, &71 Ptr'k< Aw Pl'lllillt al wlU Ind lor IHUl lKt of Lelffr1 Parllcul•!"• •nd 11111 ~two !lme and..,P1'j!1 ni me fs subicrlbtd '" tht wltl'll" 1 ... L••-St•dl. ~~f. , , " T•l•mtnt;;irv lo Plltlt~r. •mr:'""ar lo al 1>e1rl"t "'' wrn1, ~~ ~" 1 lh' •trume-nt 1od ttkllflwltd!lllCI silt 111ecuted O•lt<I Ottembtr ll. lfft 1 wllkll ii made for turH,er p.rtltultrs. tnO J1nu1ry f, lt1Q, I f ,.,.. t .m.. n t !hf N ""- Oortne' 11 1&~ ~ ' fh1I the llrM tnO Plitt af helltl ... ll>t courlrCIOITI al D-rtmellt No. l ol ••kl !OFFICIAL SE,t.L) Stitt ot Ctllfomll, Or~ COIMty:'"' WIM tltl bffll,ffl lor J'*'l<Y t, lflO,_.I court, at XlO Civic Crnlt r DrlYI Wt$!, In JO$ePh £. Dt Vll On DK. 1,, Ifft; lltf0t1 ""• 1 lfot1...,. t ::IO 1.m .. In lhe «10.1rlrOW11 Ill Dta•r1· '"' CllY ol S•nl• Ane, Ctlllornl.I. NellrY "ublk • Ctlllornlt Public In 1M /or ~ Stitt. ~IY mrnT No. 3 ol .. Id court, t i 700 CMc Dtlecl Decembff 15, I.Ht Prlf1.C1Pt l Office In -ored Dottne ttld\rno!'Mf kllflWn '"" C~ltr Drlvr, Ill Ille Cl!Y af Sanft -""'• W. E. ST JOHN. Orinqe County to 111 ltl(:nrwn ~ Mhlt la • Cfllfomlll. • 1 CllUnlY_ Clerk.. My Ccwnmln lon E11plr1i ffl to , 11'11 wttt.Jil Jnth'UIMftl Md 0."41 Dec.::amtier lS. lKt. , DAVIO ~·SILLS, June 21. lt7' 1ck,M#led11d Arlt uculloO !IHI )-f~ ' w. e·. Sl JO!iH, Cou'tfY Clerlt, ,..,,~ T"'1'1. SlfJ"' ftumtMlr .... fl'llbtflltld Drtntt COi" 01Hy . ,Ollot. IDl'FICIAI. SIE.\1.1 • .. , • ~'till 0. ~ILLS,_ ~~1111 ·~~-S-trt~••• OKember 11, 24. 31, Ifft tllll J tmMrY 1, MAJlY I( -11v ,. ,....,,_,, SulM,.............. ... ••• -,,._ Ui10 ,3,..,, Nolt rv.,._.,: Clllfw"I' ' UlllM ..... ,.. Ttl: (110 M1.f231 ' · "rlne:!H l'·Dfll!' In .-,.. °""'P Cilllf't1llil f"6I AHtri•l't' lw PdltllMr LEGAL NOTl<;E ' Ort~ C""'lv" Tlh Uttt 541.ftS'I Publl111td °'l"" COt1t Otify Pita!, My Cwnm.lulen f:llPlrel """""' ~~hlftl-Dt<;epil*t IT, l ' 22' .l .. , ??:W.ff NOTICll INYITIHO SIOS . Nov. ,, 1.t n • e.NbU hid Or• ..... COISf CIMY "'Iii. SIO ITl:M NO. ,,, Pullll11'11d Ot'•-Coli/ O•llY 111: , 11• ll, 221 196' • 2llW' LEGAL NQnCE NOTICE 1~ HER,E;&Y G~V~('l'th•t.1,1i. Oocmitier • 2•,· :ll-~11'69 ~M J1nu.nl 1, -LEGAL NOTICE ..i ,.~~Is will bl •tc!lvffl b'f floe (Hy 1910 •· , ntt~t • CleltT tFICATI! 01' l!IUll"El l cl (Oil• Mesi, lo wit: TM City Council, ' , 1""31641 FICTITIOUS NAME P.D. l!IO• 1100, of the Clt'lo cf Ccslt Mm, AL NO'ft.CE Cl!llTIFKATI 01' I UUNESS Tiit un0t,,l9"f<I de ctorll!Y tlley '" Celfflll'"n1-, an ar btfore ,,.. i'w>ul" ot 11 :00 c==ccl'=-"'~·==,,.:c-~~~~ ,ICTITtoUI NAMI condudl,,.. • buslnn1 II 112 51NICllll• t .m .. "" Frld1v. Jtnut,., ,, 1910. l!tkl1 Wiii -: TM 1mdotrsltned di. CftllfT ttleY ,,.. Dr .. Caron1 del M•r, Ct lllornlt, uodt r TM IM!' Pt!lll!clv (!Pf'nt'Cf tnd rt ltd t lGUd 11 ll:C» CleltTIPIC Oil COll,OOIATIOlll POtl, ~vcffnt 1 b!nlneu If 10ol'1 Cook Clr-flcllll"'ll firm Mn"lf-cl, COMMODITY e.m., or at •oon theretfte<" 11 pr-.;llt.11blt, TltANI A OH Of 1~$1trl.51 U"O•lt d t. Hunl!,,..!Qn Bt llCll, C111tornlt, ulllkr TllENO SERVtCI! Ind ll'ltl 11!d llrm h on Frll:leY, Jtnuary 2, 1910 In·'"" C-11 CTITIOUI NAM• tl\e fldltloui flrm namt cl A· & E tomP05" at 11\t tollowll)I pcr..,n1, wllo!.e C~arnbers, CITY Mtll, 11 l'tlr Drive, Co1t1 THE UN ll$1GNEO .COll:POllATIOH aUJLDl~=TENANCE',lnd lhll Hid l'll mH In tul(' tnd Ptlt~ dt rft~enct trt Mitt, "Ctlllornlt. for IM turnltl'llnt al dOloH l\ertllY rllfv ttlal 11 wllL GOftduct .. firm k ""!ht lollewln\I iper.ons, II lcllo~: ' •. II-EADY MIXED CONC RETE. ll1JOIMU -~ II 11711 S0\1111 Mtln """°"' n•rnei' In iun I nd plat« of S111Vefl B. 'l'1111m. m $tndCfSllt Dr., A ,,, "' !he iPttllk 1Uan1 m•v bl ob-l trtel, II~:!:::':' C1 Ulornl1, m ar undtf. ~sflfeftce i r•·n lo!Fel'I: C"'ont 61~ Mar, C•llf. talnf'CI t i lht atllct 01 Ille City Cll•M, 11 ~,' ,11ttlllou_.lflrm ... n1me Of) MO<~L.·ML ERD Antl'ICll!v D. Puccetti, 1!451 Gtnot Ci.. Htf~r'f It. Kdel!, Jr., 12472 ,.etrct t7 F1lr Orlv1, C°'lt Mtsa, Ctl~e.,"lt. ~ 111rm11CT or "'""'· 1) ..,.._ l! Huntln111111 le..::1'1. CIOI. , St., ~ra-.1\ Grcwt, Ct llf, llltts should Ill' rtturnlld to Ille 111""11"" of Ph1rmtcY or D,,,..,. J! MEO.CARE ~ Edwlrd A. Torrtt. 104U Cool! Cr... Da1ed D~ber 16. 1t6t, lhe City Cle<'k. In 1 1ttlecl t<TVt:ioPI, Iden. P1u1rm1cy or Dr11ts, 4) A. • M. •.• Hunlt"i roio aud1. Ste~• e. T1fum • tU IH o" Ille outside with the Sid Item Pl'ltrmtty o~ DrUH •od ltltl ttld firm 11 Eaward A. Torrn Herb!rt R. K!trll, .Ir. nvmllfr aM tht or>enln1 dt!e. c:om~osed ot. the to!lowln9 cor1>or•non. I Anlhonv O. PIKtt tll 5111~ of Csllloml1. OraftOe. Coun11: EK~ bld ,,._II speellv ~'"Ind •v•rv Wll<Mt flllMIP•l P1-te of bu!.lneU ii " l!tlf of Ctt1 tornl1, Lo' '4n9fllft' On DecemlM!'r U, Ifft, U!Ort mt , I llt m as 1et torlh Jn lhe •1>1<Ultt Uon1. fallow.: . 'Oft Detf'fnber n. "6t, bi!e.re "'" 1 Holtf'f Public In tnd ~· u ld St11f1 Any I nd an t•c•PllorK lo the i•ttlllct· Mllle!t E"l'lft~rlstl Inc. 11-f.e ... Dffi~J Ndlt i'y P_11b1Jc Ill Ind ~r Hid SJl!e, l'erllOl'llllV 11>1>11red SltYtn 8 . Tttum Incl !Ions mu~• be cltttlY ~llltd in Did, •nd 1100 Dover Drive, Ntwoorl 9N<h: C.J!f. l'ef"IO!ltlty i-ar..:t Anltlony O. Pu«ltll 4-it!'berl II, Keltll, Jr~ known to mt to be ,.llure to 1tl tor Ill ,..., lltlll in Ille 116'111 •I'd f.dwt td A. Torm lvlown fa m., le be !ht PHIOl'lt whoM ..._ trt 1vblcrlbf'd o,prdflu"°'" shl11 bl trouncb fllr r .. WITNESS 111 lllnd thl• 15111 dtY llf ttie ......... w~ nemu ~r,.sut:.crlbed to tl>t wllh!11 ln1fT'UfT1f"t lod ldll'IOwie69· lecUon of 11\e 111!1. Oectmbtr, lff\.. • ID"* wfll!!" lfllfl'umtnt •flll tdl,_fellt· ed llMY •~ecvled !tit stmt. Ettl'! Did lhlH ,., forth the tun "'"'" MU!llf En!wP!'lttt, I~ iid fllrv uecutH 11\t 11m1. (OFf'tCIAL SfALI 1od rnldencu of 111 per$0fU 11\d Hrlltt G ..... Gin Tl' Lff !OFl'ICIAL SE'4 Ll Mary K. H11"r/' lnt,rnled Jn th• llllPOsot 11 prlnclp1t1 •. 111 Ac:t~ Praldent Jolln c. ll!cketll Nclerl' Publlct" C1!lfornil fllle.of cprPOr1llons. Include tl'lt ntmtt of STATE OF CAi:.'(FDltNl,,f,, Nt11.,., PU'bllc -C1t!tornl1 Prlnc:!p1I Ofllee In lht PrH\cltnf, 'Stcrel1...,., Treasurer Ind COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. I~ LOI Anto!ll1 caunlY Ort ,... CounlY ~.r. ' On 11111 ljlh dtY cl D~r, A.O. MY Convnl11loio expires My Gomml11lon E11plre. Tltt Cllv C1111~j of tl'e Clt'r of C111t. 11'69, btlor' me Dlvld E. Crttwr, 1 Hov. 1, 1tn Nov. 2~. "n ' . Mes." tl!Wl'Yl1 !ht riUhl lo "lt<I 111'1' °' Not•ry Publ1c In tnd for , .. d CtunlY I nd l"ubUthf'CI Ortf'lte Cot11 Otil'f ,.lie!. '°Ublhhed Or•~te Cot1! Dt llY Piiot. ti! bids, Stitt, rt 11dlnt llwreln. dul'r COt!V'nlHlonN DKttnbt-r 11, 2 .. JI, 1Nt trld Jt nllllrY 7, ~tember U, ''· 31. 1'ff 1nd J•nut,., 1, P\lb4bhld Dr•ntt CIMi$I OtllY f'llot. t rd t lYl!rn. PfflOnl llY IPJ!Nfld GICH'9e lt"lll U?c-69 1t70 2123-69 Dfcembtr 17, 196' ttll.., Gin T. let ~llflwn ti> me !e bl Ille Adln~1 ---::::;;11iiiiiiiii J>rtsl6tn! it/ Mllle!t En~rprfMS Inc. of !he corJ>or11lon tho! tn<:ul..:t the wltl'll" lntlrumtnl Oii llehtlf of Ille ccrpar1!1GA tl'le•t ln ntmed. and •<tne.wlt!ltffl lo "" th•I •ucll tcrPOrotie.n t •KIJled th' 1ame. rr:,n r::;'!~v.:"'.;:.:· !~~1,'r.'L~:~r :! dl'I' 9nd VHr 5" lhil urt~I' llrtil tbiaoYe wrlllm. ~· • • •' ' IQfFICIAL *Aio ,. \ 0 • • • Oe"!d ·c,,.., 1 • , Not1r ub!IC" • Ctl!foNllt -Los-Antite. County My Commt•tlon flt l ... Jul'f 26, lt1J fl'ub!!•ll'll Drl n!lt Cot$! D1llY ,.lklt, rlo<ctmllrr 11, 2 .. Jl, 1Kt t l!d Jlnua_ry_ 71 1970 ;2~ ' ' ' ~outh CoaSt '1ui , ' . ORANGE C0UNT.Y,'S-~ARGEST FASHION 'CENTER . -r --AT~-~·,_...,., cc.TA..-. . Fragrance for a Whispered Moment .•• ''Yardley" ·P -' Be . .Centi-tnental this year and fi ll her Chdstma.'J with fragrance ·. • choose from a .fabu lous col4'ion of lipsticks, cologne, talc and eye shadows. Created especially for her. Sfi~ke~ ~Uy Inn Lip Poli •h 4 Fab Slickers lip polishes an d 4 Lond on Looks lipsticks to ch~fto . 3.95 Glimni.el'i~ '!~aint Box '' Set 6 wi ld water color eye shadows that.work m~ic ••. give you more luvly looks t~an pe can wink his eye a 3.50 Oh'. De U rqton Gift Set Includes 2 ounce spray cologne and 3.5 ounce Talc. In elegant gift package foo:.sff1 gi vin . 4.50 Cologoe arid ·Talc Gift Sell Extraordi nary scents by Yardley created just for her alone. A delighr to give in their beautiful gift wrappings. 2 oz. site cologne and 3.~ oz. rat 3. 75 , - CHARGE IT On Sea rs Revoh·ing Charge , _________________________________________________ , I IUfN.A ,. n MOH'![ &ONG K-'04 l'ICO .. a,,..., ~ SOUIH CCASl P\AZ4 • 1 ~ PMl Oltf'CWI on'.W'IC a IOlO • SANTA N4A T'OftAMCI I ao.w'fON HOl.lY'NOOO OAANOf ~ SANTAfl lf'lt«il VAU(T I COVINA INGll'#OOO ,J.$,t,l)fNA • SAHfA MONICA vtlMCINf .. a.-'• • • • ----• -• • • • • • •_••••~•-•••Sears-----------------' ShepMtltfl)'...,.... .... f'i9Jf:.IOkM. .. t:JO f.M,.S...,12HM8'9J P.M. ---~Oua11:d• .... • .. Miitef .... " ' ' ' ,, . }. I . I I· t· Excitin_g _ 3M Games ' Your Choice 95° Each For children ud adults· ••• delightful PMCI"" for playiog with· fami ly or friends.. a. Stocks •nd Bonds ••• exciting high finance game .•• for 2 to 8 players. Terrific at this low p~ce! b •. .\cquire • • • a. high adventure in the '9i'orld of finance. inv estment. fasci nate 2 to 6 playe rs. Lot5 of fun. c. Fact's in Fi\'e,,. stimulating game of knowl· edge. Up to 5 pla.yen can part ic ipat e in this tliinking man's game. d. Thinking Man'11 Golf: •• challenging game featuring 18 of the OOt golf holes in the U.S~A. Try your skill! Pro-Football ••• An action packed pro- game with thrills, spills and a citcment. 2 players. reaJistic results. (Not 1howa.) Charge It on · Sean Revolving Charge SAVE 17% on Sears Viewmaster • Stereo Viewer Regular 'l.75 44 3-dimeosional viewing with five. times magnification. Made of li&h~ high-impact pbly- Buy ooyr! • ! J , 'I• ' ' " ~.~ • " I ( ' The Walt Disney 0 • Character Theatre Low Priced! Terrific Value on Three-Reel Viewmaster Packet Viewmuttt dincre .•• includes standard "rit • er, will projector, sad IO 1t«f0 ttels of Dis-- ney subject&: Ava.il4hlc "in plasric cu ryin,cuc. .. . . Each packet contains three 7-sce-nc piccure rccls,21 full<olor 1tc~xcoes. • ., ,------~-------·---------------------------------, I MNAP... AMOtn'I J.ONON.tOt PICO...... ~.-HA =.aC'JCWTfWrft. I UHOOA ,.... OUHONI' OlYWtC & IOJO _., I COWfON HOUYWOCe «*NOi j µWfTA H.,.... ;:,urem -.J -1NG1tWOOO .......... Sears IN'fTAMOHICA ...... , a '-----------------~.----_.,. __ ~ --------------.·-l ....,....._...._,.~NOA: .. ,.,,.,, ... ....,,2..._ .. ,,.-.:_ -"Sdlfn 11: ••=••••• .. •= s•s• • • I , I I 11 ' I 1 . ------- J8 DAA.'f Pn.ar WtdlltSda)', Decrmbtt 17, 19'9 Z8 fl'llOT-AOVEltlJS!lt Dear Santa Clau.s~. Could Y.ou .B..ring Me These Things?· ' - o.r Santa, l would please like the !ollowlng things !or Christmas i! 1t oil poolible. FoOlhall, !oolball belm<I, footl>Jll sul~ craiy car, sbht (striptd). ba.iceiblll. otirolome bulJd1nc blocks. pa Q t I , sweanblrt, game "Bang Bos", ndDI cor, hot wheel car, "Buc:Ut ·f!lll of Fun", "Ants in the Pants". ne¥r shoes, polka dot tbirt and bellbottoms. stuffed do c , buldlng logs rlinkioc logs), pick-up sticks, coloring books and crayons. Thaok you Santa Love Alwl1s, Stanley PS Pleue II)' Ill lo Rlldoljii the Reindeer Dear Santa: Please cive , nie ( ~ r Christmas a new bom ll'hum· ballna. Susie Homeri1aker, a big bik'e, new shoes, build and stack, Lo\•e, Lori Dear Sanfa Please give me f o r Chrf.stmas a pedal car, rock~ ing chair, build and stack, a new robe, some play dishes. Love, 1'1ichelle Dear Santa, I would please like these things for Christmas: Hot Wheels, skates, s1ed, Johnny Lighting, pants, shirt, stuffed Rudolf, nutcracker. stuffed Santa, ''my take every"·here TV", a baby sister, own toy box, flashlight, K e n n e d y Airport, toy ambulance, stuf. fed clown. airplane s e t • 1.elephone, Tricky Busy School Bus, shooting gallery, Thank you, Love Ray P.S. Dear Rudolf. Hi. to the reindeer that ~·as rudoU. 1 love Rudolf. xxxxxxxx 00000000 Dear Sanla Claus. Now I want a dollhouse and a walking doll. 1 want a hor!e <1.nd a Jane West doll. J l''ant a saddle. Thank you. Love RanDee Dear Santa, 't would like a truck and a bike, J want another truck. And, another truck. Love Ryan Dear Santa I would like silly stuge for Xm1s for my brothers to. and a toy ror me and my brothers. oh and by the way 1 would like • toy f<r my little doale and for my kitten and then l would like a surprise toy. LoWe and Junior and Mario and Ramon Dear Santa Cl•us I want a little boy monkey live to with blue pants and blue shirt and blue bat a three ~bike, Ken and Julia, sleek snortster, ~!ickey Moose Skedidi!les · Carol Houston Dear Santa Claus I would like a car set tor Christmas please. Scott Dear Santi,• If its okay may I have these following Utin.p for Cllristmas, Football, football suit. foot.bah helmet, skates, clothes, monster maker, play cars, record player, big Hot \Vheel set, jingle bells, big autQOlaUc car that will hold, play table, a jacket, "Bang Box", coJor book and crayons, suit cast to hold all hot wheels cars,Rudolf Red Nose Reindeer teddy bear, tooth brush, pajamas, socks, watch, Love John PS Dear Rudolf, I love you Rudo\£. Hope I can see you Christmas night \1·hen you land on my roof. Bye , Love , John PS Hoi>e 1 did'nt ask for lo much. Dear Santa Gary, big elec1ric train, big wheel, pogo pony, kitten· real, Road Grader, hot wheels VaJerie, big dolly , choo chOO train, Marvel Mastanl or pogo pony, Santa Claus doll, dog hair comb, Walkie doll Dear Santa C\Jus, My name ii Lisa and I have been a good girl almost all the time. This ls whal I want for Christmas, if you can manage to brine me in your sleigh: an Better Not Do ...... ballaripa. doll, play doll with alight, a new kind ot purse, a coolde jar, bags and things, play Chin;tmas tree, play candles, picture coloring book. Please bring my Daddy some big socks, something to put his ring on, a -radio, a hat Jil:.e Grandpa's and a book to read. Thank you fO!" yoor help. And, I hope you have alot of fun and a Merry Christmas. Love Lill ' Dur San~ I would Iii« Tippy Tom Boy. And a watcb and a doll that cry1 mama. A ring1 and things eod bap llld lblnp, • spcrograph, a Crazy, Car, a new bicycle with a banana seat, a danceanera-dolL Love Nancy Murphy Dear Santa. 1 would like a new 5 speed bike for Christmas. '!bank you Love Steven Miller Love' Lomel Olw P.S. Co\Yboy suit ind tonka Dear Santi, I have been I Cood boy tbla year, pteue iend me a doll to piay with, I am only 5. 1 also want a kltty to sleep with Danny Boy Bridges P.S. Ha_ve a nfCe Chrislmis Dear Santa, This is Terry'"• li-1omma writing a letter for her. She hos been pretty goed this year. We are wriUng to teU You what she would like for Christmas. A Barbie doll, Ken doll, "I:alking doll, doll case, record player, doll buggy, puzzles, leggo, playdo, baby food and bottle, play house pully. Merry Chrlstmas, Love Suzie Dear Santa Claus, Hi, I'm Laurie D. and I am wrltting you a letter for my baby brother Jim. He wants many different kinds or cars. He also wants brown shoes and some good pants. Jim wan~ some crayons and a coloring book, He also wa nts so1ne keys and • pUnching ""eto~'fl or a punching Santa Claus. P.S, l lo~e you and so does Jim. Love Laurie and Jim goes up to 45 miles per hour. Love Bobby Hl Santa Clas, Thank you ror those toys what yoo gave me last time. Th~ Lime I want a Easybaker oven, BeauWul Cris!)', Barbie, Barbie clothes, a dreM, a sweater. Bring Billy a car, a race car, Christmas tree, Hot \Vheels, a Christmas catd. I \viii be gobd today and 10 Johnson. I want ; Viewer Reel s , Jwnper, Gradlr, Tr u c .k, Shovel, Back Hoe, Hopper for sand. Fire Engine, Wrecker, Matchbox aet, Lit.Ue Iron, Electric T r a l n , Benchlihh. Paints. I have betD a rood boy this year. Hope you 10 to Lodge. Love Roger day&. Spooky wants a Dear SanUI, Christmas card, a dog house My name Is Chris SandovaJ. l and a toy. Spooky ate ltfom-mys stocking and last year it have been a cood boy. I help burn up in the ruepl1ct. Mom-mommy and daddy aloL I Dear Santa, my wants a other stocking. take very good care of my I have been especially good Jana Brown pets, Prince my dog. Charlie and I'd like to have a 15 speed my fish, Speedy my turtle and bike under the tree and a GI Dear Santa: 1ny other turtle slim and Joe and a secret sam set and I want a Lost in Space robot Birdie my parakeet. Since I a big wheel; (I.YI gun, and a and Mighty Zogg have been a good boy I would cap shooting wind~hester, a , Tony like a few vew toys for pair of walky talkies and 1 ab-Christmas. Rudy the Robot, Dear Santa Claus, bey road record from the Dear Santa Claus : tools like my daddy's· and a new Yew to YOll Santa Lo'/• Chris • Dtar Santa Oaua, I want some scat.ts and • football. Dear Sant.a, I am a 1ix year old boy, I have been a pretty good boy. Please visit my house Chrlatmu Eve. I woQld like a new 2 wheel bike. And if you. have any presents ltft J would like· a 90me new Tinker Toys and I would like , • m1tchbol: motor way. 1 would like some C<Mthes, I have bll brothers who ha~ been prttfy good too, llld they would liko you to leave some present! for them. Have a nice Christmas Love O;ake P.S. My bratber really neods a new football I would like • watch, and U1e beetle's and ·a pet Parakeet My name is Roger Freely, I fire engine. If you can't get Dear Sant.a Dear Santa, game carnival. to make · me and a cowboy pistol and a am 6 years old, and I go to these toya for me please find r wish that I could h1v1 • How are Yoo? 1 am fine. Hete rich I l''ould like a gum army Set and a mini. chopper school at Lindberg school. P..1y me some other toys. big stuffed dog and a book. Is what 1 hope you'll bring IM,1_m_•_ch_in_e_._o_n_e_m_o_re_lhi_.n..:g:... _si_ll:..y_m_in_i _b_ik_e_. _m_os_1_0_1_al_l_th_a1 __ 1e_a..ccb_•:.:'.c'-"..cam::::.•:_=i!-M::::.r..c•:.·:__M..ce_rey..:....Chrl:_:.:stm_a_•_llld_;.;_•_H_a__,pp.:..:.y _______ G_re__,g:_G<ntllng _ __; A Susey homemaker, bicke, a new dress, a pear of fish nets, a baby doll, a puppy. If you do not understand what J wrote ~end the letter back. Your "friend. Debbie L. Thompson Dear Santa, I believe in you but some boys in my class don't. I am in room seven, Mrs. Nickol.sod's class. The name of my school is Pomona. And 1 live on Arnold Ave., 2001. Serid my Mom a Jetter of what your going to get my brother and my two sisters. p I e a s e . Because my Mom doesn't want to get the same thing for us. Your friend, Julie P.S. 1 want a guitar. Dear Santa Claus, 'Ibank you for the present last Sunday. Happy Christmas to you Santa. J want a bike, a record, a doll . a coloring b o o k and candlestick. Julie Dear San ta, r have been a good bo)'. SAVE s30? Front-Load Four-Cycle Dishwashers Regular *239.95 Some Tips ~I or Eog Driving 2 '0988 Safety driving tips for me>- tori.sts du r i n g the foggy n1onths lo avert hazardous collisions were released today by the Automobile Club of Southern California. Club spokesmen point out that fog can reduce visibility to near zero, making even slow speed e1tremely dan- gerous. The best rule for fog driv- ing ill don't. Keep the family car in th garage unless it is a~lutel necessary to drive. If you must drive in the fog, keep as far as possible to the ri ght or the center line, watch the road edge carefully and keep your speed down. Drive with low beam head- lights. They throw the lights dOwn on to the road rather than out into tbe fog to be re- flected back into your eyes. Avoid sudden stops. . When· a driver must stop In the fog be should tap on the brake pedaJ so his stop lights blink to warn drivers follow- ing. Then when stopping the driver should pull completely off the road so as not to cause a hazard. Before starting out in the fog , drivers should make sure their windows are clean •nd tha t all lights and windshield l''ipers are working. Motorists should, upon the first indication of fog, slo\V their speed to where they can always at.op within the limits or their vision. II s,.,. Ccwe Sc:"'6& Se99 IQPt.)J.T . J T< .t· t ._. "\'• Serriee s.&itfatiob .;th 1\:1 ' :I. Pmli""'-1 Cl!re.. WeSeniec'WllatWeSdL, ~«Y•u.e-M°"iadw:U.S.A. Choice of 5 Color Panels •.. Built-in Dishwasher • Cb006fl white. eh1ded eopperlone, 11b1ded ameado, t1wn1 gold •nd bnuhed chrome • Wnlaet ligbt or part)'• •ise l o•d 1. Make1 diJ.,,...ing en M!!J chore ?-·lodrl 7lUI Regular $159.95 Aok ,\boat F aet C ........ O.tat Low Coot a MOMJt GI t.Jtl I SA\"E •IO!Rugged Sears Di sposers Regular 5438 $M.95 • Stain1-..... • Imulated {or qaietnef!S •Extra Mrd e1rbo" tterl grinden Mod el6l32 ·.· Lady Kenmore Dishwasher ., • Hysienie•llJ elMM fall I01d• or clhhn. pottmd,... Resular $199.95 Save$25! t . . . • Anillhle in ....... or colora. M•k• d..i1lt• .... la.i .. ..,.. , Modol 7146 17488 '· t. . •" ' IANIA A* a 7417• --.1&2.1111 • I _,_lA MfOO, lll·~SJO ~ .• ,.... <:CWIGMN! '"2Jlf, ... IJ7•1 (IUNOAll Ot J.100C. a ... Ull MOU'fWOOI HO f_,,41 ~Cl: .. -Zm \OHO IMOf .. S.0121 MllW• "'"7761 a..: a'°'° AH e.ntt OW1C11 •J1.2100 ,..._..,., 14211, a .s..211 ~wt .MH2 ,._,..IO 2·11U. NA f.J1ft. W ... ft .......... 1.n21 WMN .... "'91 ,_.fOM't,,fN..2tlf ~ ""°''' SEARS CATALO G ANO APPl lAN (f ~T ORf <., , -1' a Os aAs1il •Y .. _, .... --·---..,. __ ---NllCIMl.t, lt+cl , ,. llDCMO.ual ..... ----------- ... _ • ....,., ......... ,,1, -CO.IUD .... '~ -----~ \. ' • ·, • l . PILOT·ADVERTJSER %$ IWLY I'll.OT 'fl I\ I Viiat ~tatisti~s for the Orange Coast Area ·1011 PIOILEM: You-teoon-- I Births Morrioge Licenses MAllll:IAO• llCIJURI llSU!O I MOii.AMOE COUMTY lfOV. 11 MIRAMS·RICHMOND. William (., U. a/Id EH1.1belll A., JS. IMJth Gt No. l. l.&91111111, LIUU .... 811cll, GA TTENIY·WHIPPLE, Gal"I' L •• 11, ol M.a Gtl'lll« ~ t/ld \llUI L., II. or s.» Rodlellol, both of Wttlml11S1tr. CONNER-Mc!NELLY, Wl!llam H., n. DI 411 Howard St.. Los At.mllo1 and JaltN, !l, of 121$1 AiPl'nwood Line, G~r<11n Greve. MONTGOMERY·5WENEY,. HarrY $,, lC, of 2m PomG!'lll 11. arid Conni. e .• ;n, ot lOU FllrnOl't Wt'f, lloltl of Co111 MOM. 8,t,KER-BIEOEBACIC, IUdlerd E,, 25. of IOlS 11111 $1. Ind Alln.-btlll M,, 23, or f45 lath St., bolll ol Huntln1uon Bt•dl. H!LWl~IEJA. Cit/lord It., 17, and ChrltttM F., 1(1, ball! at AIH Hllerla W1r. NaWllOl'I BtllCl'l. MCWILLIAMS-OU\IA.LL, Ru1Mll l .. 'H. of 210CI P1ler1en Wn, COiia MeM .,,d cvnlhla M.. 17. of 2'10 UnlwrallV Drive, Ne...,..,rt 811dl. Slt.ICE·KELLER. Gerold W .. 21. ot 111? 0t~1nvl..w, Ore"11f! •nd K1rtn A., 2S, "' 166 Lt.rlr19 ton, CMll Mrse. RANDLES·ANTl'IONIE. Jl<TlfS 6 .. JO, or lnl Arl~l1. 8•11flow••, c1111. 11\11 L•n<11 l .• 16, nl 6~«1 Wr.'P41rk, \'ltl!mlnsTtr. HURST·SMITH. Jt<rv A., 11, n1 16Sn Alll1nce Ave., l ust!n and Hflt!I c .. 75. n! 33931 51reel of the ll lue L1nter11. D•M Point. HOV. )C GREf.Hl'-SHADEE, G-N., '1, of 13892 Pondtl'Q•I, 51trno Ana l'ld Sally, 19, ol 1lJll l• V1c1. El Toro. Enjoy powerful 4-Level Soper-Sorge Wash Action! • 4.qcla ...,rsatlllly Includes "Rinse & Dry" qde to treehen-up stored dishes. • RedUCM spotting ol glasses and silver wllh Spots-Away Rinse Conditioner Dispenser. •Tells you each stage or tyclel Flexible con- trol dial has sequence indicating feature. • Bolls easily to and from sink. Large hooded ~ assure maximum portability. ••• And It'• Easily ' Converted to a ."Built· In'' For 1 slight additionel t ost, f0onv111 ion Vih 1r1 1v1il 1bl1 thel en1bl1 vou to ''build-li·in" wh111 yo11 ''"'odel or build. FLIP-TOP ' CONVENIENCE e Sl1"t top d11ig ~ i nd lifl. up upp1r r 1 ,. ~ 1 m1~1 lo1din9 ••1y. e Super I u r 9 I w11shing .,,.1;011, ioft foods pulver· ;,,,, YOUR CHOICE "5.YEAR NATIONWIDE WARRANTY i,,, • .; by G1ntr1I Motorw l·Yllf w1111111r ftf' llt t lr " lftY lt1<KI WllfM'9t "''""; ,iw .. ,.., 'P91Ktllift PllR !Nm Ill,.,) flf' fvn'lhlllllf ,.._lac:tnlelll .... Hy ... l•IM ,.rt • .. _......, ..... _. 1ffltf' tlrnll'flrlt 1'*"" ocept ""' JjM'fY ''""'"' .. ---.. "" ....... Divorces thot,...,.._-~ Wt1ltlll• .... Aft Ulll fw NOT OYElt $50 7 ? ? ? 7 " JOBI ANSWEI: 7 SEARS Has Everything ... Including SUNDAY SHOPPING I 1 ~~~'.'.:'.~\~.1 ~"~·-,\l • b Prie"" Effectift Beginning Today • 1amon , Predom gifta for eteayone on your list ' m .. S430 \i C.,.t Sofita1n.___\.._ _ _.,,3 79 b, 8230 ~ Ciftt Soli!Ure Sl 99 e. Sl70 Dle!POnd Cocktail Ring._.fl49 d. Stas m-d CoclnlJI Ring 1109 e. ass Dla-d ((_oektall Ring Sl 99 £. S390 " Caat D!.mond Braeelot.-*349 g. 1235 Meli'•" Caal Jling Sl 99 Q 0 b. t9S Men'• Diamond Rln1gg ___ _. 179 s2s1 I. $295 Men'• ¥s Cuat Rin,g.g __ _. j. $38 Diamond Pond•n•<-----t$'S lt. '49 Di1mond Tio T1e, .. k ___ .,__. L 190 Diamond Pend1n1LI __ ....;....._ .. a SU, 179 m. $125 l.)iamond Earrin1gp._ __ _ 1109 159 n. 112 Diamond Earrin.gip._ ___ _. 1109 o.S132 Diamo11d Pendab.1..1 ---- . A1k About Seara Con.feili~t Credit Piw Jewolr7 ~Dia~·-~"" ll~i.11 . , I ·'· ~----------------------------~--------------------,· I ...... a.,..·llMm •-•Mn• .......... ,,, fCllGl-.••llPi.*'"'•'·"'""'' ...,..,. .. ,,., _ _.,....._I c.-.-...... -°'~ ..... , -.C•-•Nll• ...... ,'"" _,.., .. , I __.,...,,., ....... ma; MONNI. --A7.JIOI ~ _..,,...._,...., _.,..., • ...__, .......... °'.... ---•.Jtll ...... , Sears ...... ..a.•~· -" .. "'' '-~------------------------_________________ , .,,...~._. •. , 'c•u.11•P&,....,u .... 111r,a ... •• "S•1Nct1erOsaaJ ••• ... ••••Isl/' I l I I . ' ,, 1 j •I I •• I l ·' • 1 ,, ·' ·1 , . • l l •. '.• I ' - JJ OAILV PILOT w.i....i.,. --11, 1969 Eqterl~tal ~ta.,, SclaooJ . '. I , , ' • • I . . ~ ' . . . Stµ.d~nts Do. ()wn Thing at Irvine • ' ~ • • . '•" . • • . ... l . . • ' ' • • , \ I • '• I 1 ' ""'TROMAI JOllTUNB becoule 'lllo)i dai\ -· llltlr ·own lime, and • DOI the way she bas been ahJt to cost ol the school Is Mrs . ... ,... .. ... ......... acatut ~-J :_.,' FW:' neceaartly·the·aeven dlff.eftat wlth her seven. "But there' ate Boyd's sa)afy or atKiut $9,000 lllVM -To the flnt:lliM ...,,,, p\oeii' and lben ·.,.: .. ; 111~jecta eveey day. . """"people who thin~ it fin," !or tile year. The UC! Depart· I , vllltor It loob _. U-. • la.il•m.'' •. ,. ·At~ue·~u. ... 11a she ... ld, ment of Education makes r SEJ; p GE '1 .GREATEST a'.t~~obile OFf ER baby aftttnc oervlco .111an' a "EWO .. lbolip a1udeD!s nii collese ttiiddil' •Orkinc With · She lllld she saw ...,. available the textbooks. ~ ,\!~~~~~;·~~·~~ 1Cbool Studadl arm' tbllDc tradltioml,eabeoti)~aeem to be each child.· "Some of the chwts at Top'. ot the ,World Professor Colby said he ex- ln 8 ·classroom 8t· delka·: they lelmiag;=.,tbeJ1• ... ·1'1Jt It Ude n ti de a 1 Ver 'J ~cbOolln Laguna Beacit ~tl'O pee.ts experimental 6 Ch 0 0 J " ere -ln1 Md· ocat· ti. .._, ballcliac JUI'· · · , •'"-'". • ---""'"'-1,. .. n .. -.ui. the -'-""'--\he ClhUdren were quJte '--. swdeRts will . outpace their doinl their own ltiiig: · · 1-ii:.. bacll , ....;;;;. ;;,;; ~-= "II' looked a little wild to¥,;, age-mates In conventional Who Care•? 'J'hiJ b UC ltrine'• ~-· -~Mn...Bqfd d~ whUe others assist wt th It ·takes a 'teach~r wUb a schools both public a n d No oUltt newspaper ·1"' the warld perlmenta:l ~ tdlool, She .Aid iD ibe apeirknilmal whateYer tbe:'child want.a to di sPeOaJ temperameol "" private. tans ;1boul 'OLf com1t1unltJ Ukt $tven studellts lltl •to 11 It-. acboof.tbe~~ ail, ... at ·the ttme.0 ' • Parents of the expeitm;mal 0He is 'banking on it. He has ,our cornmunllJ daOJ ntWSPAPff' ·tend the uniraded ICbool ln an. their 9"(n -~ Mn. ·8oyd~doubts a clus at school student.a pay. $110 a two children of his own enroll· don. Jt's the DAILY PILOT, old IIV!ne Ranch lann houil _!tll~inll~~·,~1-~lbelr~,,_'!ow:'.!· "~iN~~·aiid~··~· a~l~39~otudonla~~~c:ould~~ba~b~and~led~~inoo~tll~iu~iU~on.~· The~_:!'Pl'.'.tlnd~··~pa'.'.l~ed~·--:-----_:=========' on the'untverat~ camJl\ll. .. n-ii a IJl)l-lime luchtr, ' ' ' i : .. " Mrs. Rollemary Boyd; ao. of Laguna Beacb. 511e· ii .IMided by an averag~ of fin ~ science sludeoll pei ·daJ put.. ting In laboral«y h!>ura'•""'· lnl with the·chlldrm. \t.1 1: !f .1, ! ,, , 11h111 !: l11dud111 ~ \l NDA) ~llOPPING ... Sunday Hours 12 Nunn lo 5 l'.M . "·The UCI Laboral«y Schoo\ Is opefated on the premliiO that learning can be a. Jo actlvlty," says Dr. }lenjaJ)lln Colby, .. .-&te prd- ol anlhnl[>olOCY .wlio ii 'dir«> tor of the school. • There~s a Shaver Just Right for Any Beard ••• Santa ott Parade • The melhocl'il oot to struc- ture the school e1perlence but to provide an .atmaspben for. ..U,motlftUcm and · ·1•H·· Crafuman Flat Head, Curoed or Rotary Jolly oid ·Santa aa ... •boat« a toy-laden •leigh, makes hls 'ltay dpwn DiSne~'s Main street in a preview of "Fantasy on Parade" set for 26 per- !ormanc:es at the Anaheim amusement park be. tween J}ec. 20 and Jan. 4. In background is park's 60-foot Christmas. tree. clil&my. "I ·ge1 l Utile nmvoca but ,..,. have to . ba .. : bllb aild courage the children • wlll select for them.telve1 what ls helpful," .. 1d Mn. Boyd. She .. Id al the start o( school in · September t h e childral • niltetf .. to . p I a 'I outsido ·11r t11t am..b/rt they 10C11,~·--own alf. mo~· rhylhm: • . For The Record MEETINGS DEATH lYOTJCES BERNSTEIN """' •-'91n. J'U-A VI• LOI Alto., l1,,,,.._ H11l1. ~ of dt1*i, DK- Mr 1. 511tv1Yfod by wll1, A,...; clJIHlr.. ,.,., Mt1. H-l nl Si.In, of Cl!'\ltl1nd. Ohlll; bro!,.,..., Abr1"9m, Lant lsl1nd, Mew Y0<1<1 llirH 1l1!.n. Mr1. J111l1 Ritklt, Mrs. S.clle ~n. llrookl'rn. N-Yon: Mrs. wrn .. m a.1111'1ri. l1!1U,.. Hiiis: I-... ~lld"'"· 59rvkn. k>dav. Wtdnetda'!', IO:Jl 1.m., PKll'lc \fl-Ch1"1, wllll Dr. Fr11'111: kllelteU offki.11"9. Petlllc Vlrw Mortuao rv. DlrKtori.. BLERSCH E1rl •ltndl. JM Fitrnllu111. Cost1 MeM. $ft'rlc" P9fl(ll!'lt 11 Wnttlltf Clle,_ Mort\Hlrv, .......-. HUNT W11n.. !'. Hvnl. RHldent olf Htrtlof" vi.w 0riv.. c~ Itel Mer. 01i. or O..ltt. Oec!'mber 15.. !.<ltvlwid by wir., Dwlli. "· H11nt1 d.Uth!tf, Sher1n H. 9,,,..,n, Wnt Los AM<tln ; ~'" dt\lfhler, Or11 Hunt, Wnl Lot An· 11t'I-. Sttrvltes, Tt111rsd1y, Decembef' If. ·n AM, P..:!llc Vllw CM1>t1I. I,.. ,.,.,,..,.,, P•clfk v1..., ,,,,_,., P•"- 1"1cl"c Vll!w Mel1Ufry, Olr~. ARBUCKLE A SON Westclllf M-.Y m E. 11111 SI., Coila Mesa HI ... • BALTZ MORTUAIUES Conea dol -OR M45I <:.aMaa Mii-HU • BEU. BROADWAY MORTUA11Y Ut Bl'Ndwa:J, °'9ta Me.a IJ 8,.IGS • DILDAY BR0111ERS __ _ a..u • ..,.v~ M_, lltll __ _ a..11ng100 -Ml-mt • PACIFIC VIEW llBMOIUAL PARll C..*71 e M.t..J Cbpd lllt,J'acllle Yin Drlto N...,..n -. Callhnlo 1'4.r.111 • PEm FAMILY COLONJAL FUNEJW. ~ '1111 Bila Aft. Weatmla1ter • IRI • ·w--1"1111-MOITtlAJ\Y .__ IH-1111 .. a...ite -· •• • I SMJ'MJS' MORTUARY I 111-a. llmilqWo--· l B. Williams Seeks Seat On Board ANAHEIM -An ah elm busin~an Burr Wm.tams has ann0unced his inteotion to run for the Fourth Supervisoria_l District seat now held by William Hirstein. He ii lhe third candidate to an- nounce for the raoe. Williams !s the pmldent ol Oreo Mlcrofilming Company of Anaheim and a member of the boml of the 3:1.nd. Airicu!tural ll!Jlrict. "I finnly believe II ii lime that more buslneaam•n become involved in eouDty government." he said la mak· Ing tus announcement. "The post or wpervbor ia nonpartisan and 11 h o-11 J1d tllerefore be nonpolitical Our COW1ty's f'll,Wlt growth maket II iml>erallft tliat IOIDld li!cal techiiiijues bi& applied t o assure future pctential." Other candidates already in the race are J amea . T. Workman, mayor of Villa Park and Calvin Pebley, Anaheim dty eotmdlman. 'nte incu mbent Hirstein has ROt yet announced bis lnlentiom to nm again for the·a!ll<e. Disneyland Shows Opens "SoriM 'of 'tbdl 'lddl ·are on tiie ·io . "i:il•e afdie aDcl.to 111 In • =i.-. all dity is stuJtifyinc. I'~• 11a1 ·so many bored still' -in pubHc ocbool simply because they have .to do IO .much aiWnc .U !hf, llrt>.e." Mn. Boy~ said. ~Her' student'.a are· ·free.· to ao outside . the fannhoUle · wben lhey ,,.;OcJ to expenci f!itrgy. "Tbet can JO GOlside and be wild aftd play and tbe1nome back in and bo quiet". SM .uid' the school ls a very aecun plaoe · for the .. lludents Pair Facing Second Trial In Robbery • . I • SANT A ANA -Two men accused ol the armed robbery ol Berbhln!'a In The Sky restaurant at Orange County Ailport will ba~ to lace a ae- cond Superior 'Court ·trial on the charges. Superior Court J11 d' .• Samuel DI'f.lzen set· Feb. 4 ·• the date on Which Robert Rwsell Olin, 38, ol Garden G,.... and Gary .All<n. Ce<il, 23, ol Martinez, must ..turn to . c:ourt alter-the dl!lrlcl al· lonlel"• office declined lo diop. charge; .!: .. &lperlor .Court ·,1,a r y ..... ocked on the luue 1"" week and Judge WUltam Speirs Immediately ruled a mlalrial. OUn, former oounty director ol the Seventh Step ~ dalkln and an a<OliT!<t who enthusiaatlcally ena.Md tl1' movemen·t•a alma of AN'"AHEIM -. Tbt: n!habiUtaUon of former Chriitmas season fOl'Jtlally prllmers, Is accused · with opens at Disneyland Saturday cect1 of ta.kine $900. at gun· evening: -point from ·the rutauraril on More .than ~ 1Di1DI)' Oct.17,.1981. characl2rs and muilclans will They ""' accused ol being take part in thill year's "Fan-tbt "two nattily dreseed tasy .., Parade." Ador Cary bbalne!Snen" -At, In the Grant will narrate the story of bar from midnight untn t the first Christmas ~turday a.m.,. then roLbed the and SU!lday during lhe-lrH!-· lilhonder' al'aunpolnl. tao<d Uonalcandleligbtca roH •I· ·llfS ·llanda·and moullr and ·le!t cermionlea. hbn in the stockroom. The Disoeyland ho 1 J d • y · eeason end! Jan. 4. • llfsneyland will be open t a.m. to midnlgbt Dec. JO Ulrougb Dec. 23; t a.rn. to ·' p.m. Dec. M: 10 a.m. to'?' p:m. Cllrillmao Day ; and I a.m. to iiildnigbt Dec. 2' and 17. t m BY TDDArs WANT ADS e. WEEP'no ,l'Wlft ~be~, SNOOPY'S beni tr..a:nd ln · OfM, ll'nd •tua.d ddi-in bl\'" -otlll _,.,... • Na Jewfty •wtth• a bml Ud cm hi.a cheek. • 411 ,_D _ -·fl'Orn ....... (j ) -... _,, - tdr U, znat., otta. Yoa · have to .., ~ Che: Ro. •BQwl Gatrw.at kut,enee IO-lo ·I~--· er it< &notjler ._ " loo>- • Filo •. ~ •ooct\o,, ... lli:il> ' .• -uahu& """"" hOld lfl. Ooril~ mu. ar'tor a Jolly Gtanta .._. 1 .mo.~old .Great ~' ,, Cnfb"! ... : Sh.aver Gau.ntee i ·We will · ttpair ..,. of r:epface ·at our option, without (h.ai"ge, any part rhu ProVes de. f«tiYe. in mare- . rialf or work· · mansh~ if sbn· et. is returned · 'trilhlo I year. . .JI;~·~' A. CRAFI'SMAN FLAT HEAD Comfort bar allows infinite o.Qjus1menis to give just the shave you want. Stainless steel blades shave close, stay:sbarp longer. B. ·CRAFTSMAN CURVED PEAD Head of Swedish steel glides along facial contours for close, comfortable shave. Handy trimmer attachment for side- burns, mustache. C. CRAFTSMAN ROTARY HEAD Exu. smooth, comfortable shaving with 4 rotary beads of fine-quality Swedish steel. Pop.up trimmer for sideburns and mustadie. a e ' ·99 19'9 Kenmore Cameo Shaver Specially Designed to Shave Legs and Underarms Smoothly Regular Sl4.99 1088 •Distinctive ihaver ia Sears best! •Gold electro-plated 11ta inle11~ tteel be1d ahavu clO!e without irritation, rinse1 clean unde.r fauCf!t. Bu.ill·in Jil!h'-1 c•~e. SJ0.99 Lady Kenmore SJ1avcr ___ _.3.88 Ledy Kenmore Sh•ver 6. 99 ~-~--~--~~------------------------------------~---~ I --"'.:..... sn .. m .. -Cl Wfll ... llWll"' M l)I JOOM. ID )·ll•S. ""J.J1•1, N iM7JI f'IC'O wt ... ,., IOUlltCGUt.uJA SfO·JJJJ .. ..... .-.-.o•n ..... °' 1-11N. a 4-#11 CXW'lt &.., .... w111 .. ....,.,.., -n 7.J.J.'"1 I09NQ,J41-1s11 I I ...,.. .. itm1, .. .,..,.. wees MO ,..11 ...... m .2100 ~ MHIA "wtHGt "4•a.Jn ~ '° J.u••, "'·JUO .... WeP1 _ ... a •• °' a.Jn• , ........... .J!JI. ,,M,11 Sears ._ . .,..... fX ,..,I, .._... "''" , ,__________________________ _ ________________ , ..... fl' .••. , ......... :hc!MAA•MIP~.....,,1 ....... 1,... -,__ '"Sati•foctionGvaranNH.YowMontrlodt .. ' ' ' P!LOT-ADVERmE~ w..i...i.,, Dteemw 11, 1969 ' ' . .. • • • w , Dtcombor 17,l969 . ·"" .:.snaa,.tt30·AM to 10:30 PM; .. ~~ 9i30-AM19.1pi3o. PMJ;~ .12?foOn'toSPM; ~m;iA..ayl:30 ~·.to10,:30 P~; T~,t::tq AM.to 10130 PM1 , _. -·· -W;ilnMda)':9:30 AM' to 5:30 ·PM . .. . . . ' . ' . \ -' ~ . ., . ' . . -... ~· . . . . . ; . ~ ' .... ' . ' ' ' . . SA VE '3! Men's ·Classic . ·cm-~g~·S.:w~.?ter.s . , Regnlar "9.99 . ,. p .;. • • .' 97 . ..- ., -··- . , ,. .. ' ~ . . . . ·. -.... • ,I : ' . • . . , . ·sAfi :•~t-~'• Sijoi't-Sleeve', -Aci1Jic ·Kmr Shirts • ' . • ' ' ' •.. • L --.'.'.. ' • Fnl\ eiit ~1.assi~ ~•f!lign i!";eaten , '. · • Fashforied of 100% -Orlon~ acrylie (or last• ing good looks and durability • In blue, gold, avocado, orange, or deeptoyll ... ..: ·· SAVE ·'4! Men's Regnlar Qr ... --. Full Cut W 6ol Slacks blue colors 1· · · · • Avail3blein 0.mall through extra.large. Use Sears Revolving Charge!}·.: --· " . -: '...,;;. · .... ·,,.·'.'SA VE ,. . . • . . . . . . . . ~ .. • " . ,· ., . .. ~16.!. . . . . . : . . . . . $1~99R~rcm _}088 ' •All wool W..nted dre ... slac~ in ox!~ .r. flannels· or plairl weaves . . •Available in-ivy,-trim and taper or filll CG&- stylinp •Solids, ma,ted plaid•_, windowpmee 1na ;6triPei..lD men'• aizea , _ . 15.99 Fnll Cu 1.81 • ·' , ,_ . . • . ' ·- fr .. ) .. ';'• • ' I • . , 1 •' . .. . " \. Mirumax ' 'I ~' I • Tw~Pants . J, Suits · . i . . . . ....... ' f' I ' • 1:.,\;.<; ',· ... r·~·· ->~f;S85 . ; I (j. "'R1"·'-~. ~:sa ··1 : .. . I . ' ,._ · ... ' . . , ... . -. . ' . . . . ..... ' .,,,_ .! I -: . \_ . ; . . ..• .. . . . . . -.. • . ' ... • • " .-. •• . . • • • .• .. 1 i •,tt,'·~~· l '>"°' , I ----'""' -------------------.. -··--·---------------·------.. -' •-•I , IUENA l'i\IK EL MONTE LONG BEA01 PICO at aimpau ~ -• -~ POMONA 1 ,'. ... SOUTH' COAST PlAZA>. I CA~~ PARK GLENDALE _,.. ' OLYMPIC & SOTO SANT1' AN~ · ,. . TOlllANC! . t I COMPTO~ HOLLYWOOD I ORANGE . ' • s I ~ , 'I . " S!,.NTAJE S;llNGS . VAL(EY . . . ' • ' I 1 COVINA '\ INGLEWOOD · PASADENA · 1 oars ~ ' SANY'A MONICA VERMONT atS!oJ1111 '~~-~----------------~~-~--~--~----·-------~----·' Shop Nig~Mandaytlnvgh Saturday9:30A.M. lo9i30P.M., Sunday 12 Noon,. 5 P.M. ... ... -........ .. "'ll$cifiiFiCti0nGUclnlntaidcii'toUrMoneyliel-. I ' j . I j) , • :r , . r • l r .... ,,..,~lei :•ir 17, lM 'fakl•I Over A.Ir Weftt '°~oast Area Men in Serviee. • I Hughes Gets CAB Approval ' ··Forestry I . . Unit Picks . •' let °""' E. ., ••••• 'IJl!IC, .. "' Mr ......... ~ P. Rt 211r el .. ,,-. W17, Ooola -.· 11 """" -..... -lqudr••---mfpd to Oktaawa ...... ltldopulwefran~ Tho oqudnln -...... lo Oldnaoa a pert cl a. ,_., pllll lo ....... --"-.. 1loillllll -vw.u-INOpl. Pk. ...... &..? 21 t•a, .. -"' -... z . 11 I 1 W ·ff D Jdfla It.. Ooola IWo; --? ...... ~V8Dey Fire Ollef Tells • sbnas Safety Rules Rea School Reveah Quarter Honor Roll Sears Secnl9enoul ~oae~ ,.. ..... e. ... .., .,,.. . . ., .. .-1.,.. ....... 11_ .. _ ..... otlf,_ .... ,...,. i;:..11·~-..... ii • PRONB OUR ORDIR • ·= :f'.-MNllt ea.-:""' etul ..,..,... C- UI... --·~iCJ"* ·a;: ·~;:,.· ·=-.c:.. .... , ... ·~ ·•· 11 • ..., ·F ell..._ .. ., •C111t1l1 ==--· ,.,... . •r.llJ•• .... _ ·=r:; .. ·= ·.!='!.~ • ~:jii. .. ;;;;i •LoaU... .. ,,.. .,,..... •O.-. •II as••• .... .,.. ·==-·== .,.., uOliwle ..... .., "'""' ............. •f II .,,.... ••• •NI• a• • s..rw '' DJ-11111 ... , ... ? ... • --SM.Olli 54N'Ml •itel:ai ·-'· .... s..i-:m.M'l:Z M-1'11 ........ • S..Ms1' 1 MUla1: MWnl .......... eTa1a:11 •!1-4Gl 171 'II .- e :::J..,, ~"'"'° 911..mD ·= .v.... 1191' 1$)-1111 ·s, •.. , .. . ..,, .. . --=--...... .. 4454109 u 'It'• CcsWI ela1lmk "-•17=' •t1A e'l'M»tti Ji' r -.n m.tsa1 • c.i-c:., • ~ 111-UA .. ._ . ·= ·:a=r Or c.11 a-can.AL ftLi. PllOftl SIQtliM' aaVICI ~U., ........ 7.,,..A ....... ·~uni ·CJ-7·1111 "GW...Mln :=:.·k= ·OS1>enM66l "ST ... u... ,..,._,,, ............ ... -•eeW.l"ICll 41urn-Dor• -It-......... • ........ Sears YOU still have or t10l),OOO a y..,-ar moc• between lib,.... Air ed Htllha Tool Of Ill IUl!lldlarl" or cllvlalw. -Approve acquilllion bl' Hlllfles Air cl any commird .. aircraft marketed by Ill'/ Hu ..... eul>a!dlary. -APJll'QVe any turther ac- quilltlon by Htllha or bi5 oubaldlarln In any pliaR er atrmaudc1. The CAB •PPfOVal, tho ordtr specified. wu not lo be Alied 00 fO< ~ llie value of the oert1ftcat.M ar for rate-maklnJ -· The order stated fUr1IW that CAB would re ta In jurildlctioll to uamine the ac· quisltion tJf Air West •14.in at any Urne and impose an3l other coodJUons d e e m e d reuonable. ' TIME to order from Sears , Cl1ristmas Wish Book .-Satiif aaion G 11aranteed or Your Money Back , Simply Phone ...... 818'llted ........ Tlle1li•Y• ._....33, --·••e.twp ., ,..... _...y S-...Stere ferClirl-••· .W:Als• Sccao Ctw:;1 ui • en.lit" It There are 'only a few ~ left for ~ 1 take ~­ vantage of the converuence of Christina; cus ·OE shopping at Sears. With over 165 pages oti ro,s. J'O'l can complete your Christmas shopping from one book ... Sears WISH BOOK. Wouldn't you rather shop in the warmth and comfort of your own home, and be able to spend more time in preparing and decorating for the Christmas Holidays? ' •' • " ' \· I > " 1. t I ' ' I] '' I '· 1,,' ,, ]',. k " . ' " 1. . " ". -., ·'' ''. " 1•r• , ' • ' ' . TIMat4':1' !WaU. !" I -. '.· , 3:Sho.ws ' " ·Noel Coward Marks '10tli: Clos mg ..... . . ' LONDON (AP) -Noel Some of the bigtJt ·Mmes Fever." 'Ille National Theater " On Coast ' : ' ! . ,Tlly TOM 'tlTUS ~ Coward turned 70 Tuesday and ln Britain's lbeater a.1d movie brouaht back the Cow:ard almost tOO stars came out at worid, Mod·.__ many on their mo¥tt he. liked best from.. IO midnight Monday to celebrate .teats -to applaud as Cow.-rd .yean ol actt1g. .compOsine, the event. ~'"teru>ed smiling into the: royal • -dlrecUng and prodl}Cin& tlle • The. maestro of the London ~x a few .mlnues after mid-wartime classic "In Wbi~ Wt stage _wl!S honocld by a·spec-, nlg~t. . , , \.Servt..~ . . .j_ 1 ·• Of ftit 01llf ,!lot Sl11t If )'OU're pl&nnln&: to 'i:o lo . 'te _theater 'agiin in 1969, 'ou'd better do so · this ~weekend. '.l'be year comes to a close ~ ~ .... t '!)lb tilt . tut ai:J!llUll:es Of· three'· Joel! ' od u ct ion>--one indlnl ght, \he other two finishing fbeir ruils this Weekend. After S'tinday comes a two-week · ·1fbehiation'" period before "'r'ting_e cOttnty's stage! being 'li#.h\ldj! up 'aga~. . . ·"J'akfug it~ final curtaµ, ·call thli 'ehming is .. c ic lu, Pati--'...e Flower" al the . Li gun a ~·..._. MOulton Pl&ybOuse. the. Abe Lloyd Haynes and Denise Nicholas patiently a\vai'l Burrows comedy was held the arrival of an exChBnl:e teacher tonight on Chan- OVf,[..for /our extra,pe£forman-nel 7 at 8:30 during "Room 222." The teacher, who ceS"!ollotvlng ifs:·ongin·ar.-;:1os-doesn't believe in bells, taking attendance or .. giv- ia1g night Sa~.day. ing out assignments in<:urs the wrath of the faculty Gwen Yilrneu dirtcts the but the students k>ve 'her. _,Laguna show1 wJlb Roberl ---------------------- Engman atid BetSy Hewett •laking the prljcipal roles or a swingin~ · dentist and h i s blossonung nurse. A I s o featured are Chr i 1' Wealherhead and Mich a e I AdatT!J' as the secondary romaa(ic interest, The,. closing performance will ·.,.ti! at the playhouse, 606• · a Canyc.'1 Road, Lagun -eaCh. The reserva· tldi nu r is 494--2550. i·. * "lnv:~1i1on lo a Murder," the cU t production at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. comes to·an end-Uli.s weekend with final perfonnances Fri- day and Saturday. Ph i I DeBarros is directing. The cast includes Annabelle Qu'igley, Ron Lambert, Cheri Sumrow, Richard• Wood and Ted Grandk&. The playhouse is located.It 2110 Main SL in Huntingto Btaeh, w i t h reservations being taken al ~I. * Soulh Coast Repertory's yearend offering, an evening of one-act plays by Spain 's Fernando Arrabal. e,1ters its second and final weekend 'l'hursday night, p I a yin g through ;;uqday at the Third Step Theft in Ciioa Mesa . The plays are "Guernica'' ~d "Picnic on a Battlefield." ider the direction of Milton gart, and "The IJ'ri.gcle." reeled &,"'!lal ~&in Jr. cketa are· avl.ilabie al the fleater, 11137 Newport §lvd., ir by callin~ the~bdx office at 1363. ..,,. ; ~ •J. ··~ ' " ~formon Choir Gives Lackluster 'M essiali' By DOROTHY BARLEY A disappointing Southern California Mormon Choir-did very litUe Saturday night to live up to the glowing pre- performance promises that an exceptional performance of Handers "lJfessiah" cOOld be expected in the Los Angeles Music Center . Billed as a 300-voice group- ing, it actually turned out to be Jess than half or that number although it is doubtful if the doubling ol the concert strmgth would have made that much difference to a luke~1arm rendition of the Christmas oratorio .. - With no exceptions, the choir singularly railed to manifest that verve and in- spiration that are so vital to an effective presenlatlo'n of this work. And there was only one exception to a group of soloists that equaJJy failed to inject. ~Y real conviction ,,nd faith into the most glorious arias in the world of ora~orio. That very distinglli.sbed-;ex- ception was Simon ~s. the only participant in the Music Center offering who could possibly claim a place in this writer·s selling of the Messiah. His fine ban voice v.'as heard 1 to good effect particularly in the arias,"The People that Walked i n Darkness" and ';But Who May Abide the Day of His Com- ing." Alto Georgene Dollt.re JOnes gave an adeq·uate performance and it has to be <;onceded that she was drOWJ!· ed due ·t,o faulty amplification in several key passages. But tenor Tito•· Co loch and Soprano Nancy Bromlage did nothing that would really justify the lavish advance publicity for this be1ow par Messiah. There was none of the tradi- tional pomp, majesty and ''Handelian roar" in tl'tls Mormon offering and the wDrk inevitably suffered by U1e lack of theSe vital ingredients. At no point was the capacity au· dience given the impression that the performance was as much an act of faith as an act of music and that, jn llie Messiah, is fatal. · This writer noted and ~p-_ preciat.ed the use · of• I harpsichord in l h·e-ac- companiment, an ~t lhal blended well With; ;he nature of the work and Con- siderably enhanced many'Of 1111 passages. tacular birthday reception al • The Pf~awn variety show, .On · tsroadway. {llthougn ,,It the Phoenix Theater as the · c;tlJld . .'"A Talent. to Amuii," .. w~·; p~ as a: bl~y day began -·uie high poirlt of w.s devised fiom • COw'ard's event, "Privil.te-Ll\'f'./S;' is once a week }am-packed with v.·ork.s and a recent biography. again a hit a.DIS PfQ'1":.tJt.aiihy nothing but J'loel. J<~or four boors be watched the tribut~ lo the Jlla~ght ln a 90-plus actori1 and actrtsses form that atwayS i>leasts him present sketches and songs. -~"-do~l~la~r~i'o~Y~•~!~~les::i .. ~·;;;;;· --~ 11 . Stein. Plays Mak~ Debut ~·1 ,rte! marvelous," he said af1e!Wjtrd, ~.ippi_n I cham- pagne:"'It v:as. \Wnderful.". Then· Wearing a brown din- ner suit and matching sUede shoes, he Jll11ped out of the I N Y k stage door, signed autographs -ll' . ew or . in the chilly night air and went to his hotel for "a ,bit of sup- By Wlll.IAM GLOVER ' . NEW' . YORK (AP) . ~r and lied." ~~' . : ·.Princess Margaret and her .. husband, Lord Snowdon, were among the audience of 1,000 who paid up to 15 ~ineas - $37 .80 each -to a(tend the : "Gertr,u~ -~'Stein's •·First Reader," which opened ,_1on- day night at off-Broadway 's Astor Place Theater, is a musical revue for a special random. Unless you dig the ve rbal hiccups that became a literary vogue, seek joy elsewhete. party. The proceeds go to --------'----11 C ombined Theatrical Charities. Coward strode into the royal box with actress Merle Obera.1 "•hile the princess sat in the Parading by are wry fables dress circle. about a blackberry bush of "\Ve (IWe you the tQOst. ' ple·asant expression, big birds enormous debt or gratitude"fol' that. eat little blrds, n1orose the quite extraordinary unstin- cabbage, a lonely soldier and ting generosity with'Whichytru Jenny who had a problem have fostered our careers," picking wildfl~wers. And, on said actor-producer Richard the on-st~ge piano_, a ro~. . Attenbotwgh, presenting the The mildly precious caper is: guest of honor with a Jeather- performed by two_ ~s . ~d r bound book of hi!! lyrics slgiled three lassies v"fio radiate by all members of the cast.· · archly playful spifli along Vi~bty: i-;ioved c 0 w ~ r·d wi~ commendable. vocal dex... repl~: ''''ttlank' yo1( ai~.'ftlf ter.ity .-· . , ,.,_ making thiao q_ui.te obvious! .~ One of the groUp is· Ann the most moYlp.g thealrfCa S~mberg, who ~ alS? P.ro-•· ·~r.· 4 ent o( mY ltfe." · " · ·.:. v1ded tbe operati~ rec1tat1ve ·. . · . ~ \< chords" and occasi~al tuneful . ars in the_ show r..lCludea snatches that entwine ·Ule con-Sir , John Gi~lgud, Robert votuted sentencts mi playful M!?fleyf. Dame Anna Neagle. . IJn Carmichael, S u s a n notions.· ! 1 ' .~ ,Hampshire, si n Pf'~ Q-~ l·f.f Her'?ert Mach.ii culled t_he Ricliard, female irhperlonator matenal from one of Miss Darmy La Rue ani\ At- St.ein's books ~d has di~cted tenborough. y,·1th emphasu on t1tlttery . i;, • move~nt. _ ( Machiz a 1 s 0 Cleo ~.1ne sang Mad _ti.bout directs at uc Irvine). the Boy . • Sharing the. stage with Miss Tributes to Coward ·have s le r n be r g in evenly resounded all week. The BBC distributed stints are ~1ichael · Tributes to Coward have · resounded aU week. The BBC Anthony •. Frank Giordano, J oy "revived "Bitter S 'w e e t • ' ' Garrett 8nd Sandra Thornton. • "Blithe Spirit" ~and "Hay A campy-chic decor of putel panels arid giant a1ptia~t blocks that varioosly .. beCflfne ....... Jow..-s and lonn~ls hi." \ .Connors. SJ.a I'S been contributed by 'KeqdJtlJ ~haw. ' "Gertrude Stein's Fir s't Reader" is being' backed at- -the box-offi~ with. a ,S.tP,OOG guarantee by · thf' Tbeltef' Development FWJd.;..'1-'· .the private agen'cr.;Which;b,e~ in giving specialized displays help in .finding an audience. ., HOLLYWQOD (UPI} - Chuck Cooiicfrs . will co-s~iar in ''The Devil 's .• Backbone," a horse opera of the old .West lo be filmed in Spain,'¥uSoslavia .and Italf .. •~''" . ~·1 :. MIWPOlf l lA(M -•I !lo. ••It~,... .• I• !~~!•~• ~· )110 ·• ~·· ?-t:UO N .. TIONAL CCNERAL COAPOAo\TIQfll Foc··1·· soilnt caAST PLAJl:ATH~ s ... ~r....,. itlrilt.i • '41-2711 ,. NOW PLAYING The Orie , Only And Orig [nall !!ll!O'L"' ~-~-•• •liiiit:i ---·-UllM ·--' '.'", ' 1/ .1,,,•,.) ' • ~· t• !:'. '··'-·»: .. A11e ,...,,~ ..• , , ' ~· . ~ I ~··--.. -.... ~.;... ·. WlLLlllM JIOLDEN'. . VIRNll LISI ~ . BOURVIL -, '~·, TOnl('l lOCM. '· INDS Tqf\llGHT "Alices' Restaurant" "The Fir,s_t Tim." , .. ~'11H ECHRIS'l\lllS · ·:TREE"~· ' ''ill•ii•lll·-~ •• 1!"-• .. . BAL•OA 1 673-4048 Mihl •• .,..... """"' 11'..:IHc•' OMlt 11.,.. ... "TM Uf!IWI .... ,IMllf' eA_.. .,.... tMrtlll ''T~A .... llMf't" ''nit =.c...,... OPIN 6:4$ 7" I . lall ... .... '"'"'"''• • 'NOW SHOWING EXCl.USIVE AJllA E~~AGEM£1jT . 'l11111's i•vesfitt- tion of foreign polki~,, no•-> vlolenfresishnice," cllstrliutloa of weallll, in••' .... lly prabl11111,ef(. ls .... •i.t.lwltli~~ J~··~·11111ft." . ,Jolln5illo11· ' 'Klf!!•"'f I I ~ ., .. -~··-·-·- ALSO-Dick Y• Dy~e 'I• "THE COMIC."1 • Stith .Wednesday ---... -- HARBOR at ADAMS, COSTA MESA PHONE 546·~2 ON HAllOl ILVO. • 0~( Mill SOUT;(' OF SAN DIEr-t:> · • . • ' ' >I World Premiere EnCJC19ement ••JOHN. MAar ... kl•etty ... .... ·-,i ... •' ................ ' ., -ci..,1,, Ch'"''Jl11 L.A. T'-" ••y ,, I ........ ,. , JI tAILY •ILOT TUMILIWllDS \IMATD'VA #MAN YA AINT60T NO I/ONEY?! WHO EVER HEARD --... OF A Miii( 'THOOT WO MON~! ... .. ., ;!!UYJ! .. N VIEWS , Lloyd Bridges . Dollhles Up ay CYNTHI" L.01!1lY NEW YORK (AP)'-'lberi was an inadvertent Lloyd 11rfd1ti'& festival on nefwork television Tues· ••Y nifh[ , Bridgea, 1, busy .. free lance actor, starred in ABC's "Mevii of the Week," playina: an unsha~en, wllite-halFed (ilnllthter. A holl hour after that 90- llilnuta ohow slarfed, he appeared as a solitary, anxious ~contemporary man in NBC's "World Pre- miere'' fi!ature, ''Silent Ni1ht, Lonely Ni&ht.'' IAl~IS1 was in'better Company and certain- ly posaesSed· Of -a better script in the sec'ond show. wN.eh hu to count as adult drama. It had some ex- plk\t s\tuations and some explicit talk of a kind rutl.y seen in made-for-TV pro(rams. _ !I• played a husband summoned to a smatt Nt\v EJlll&nCI town just before Christmas because there Wai a chan1e in the condition of his wife, a patient 1'lr ftve years in • mental institution. There he lllftls an attractive younc matron -Shirley Jones -alse alone and unhappy over the holiday. Her IOll, •Uendint a boys• school nearby, is in the in- !imlq And 1lle hu just received a Jetter from her h111boJl!l.,l~ London, confessing an infidelity. ' T ... lllLATIONSHIP' ol tht two developed •lain~ 1 winter background -eX'l.eriors were shot ift ~ ..:.... that sometimes looked like mobile Cliri$.s cards. At .fint it "'as a most restrained acq ce, and then as they revealed more and more . ;oitheir i-Mer s•!ves they inevitably came Ur cet11•~l!-~',.,. .. ,~ .. : , T~·-!"~lciil Uiky stretches when there was some suilS'f plrilosopl\izing about love and morality. Some flashbacks and dream sequences dido 't s~em to add mucll. Generally, however. it wa s an intelligent script with a point of view v.ith which one might or might 1'6t 11r&e. Bridges was excellent and Shirley Jones handled her rofe or a hurt. rejected ._"Oman effec- tivoly. !!AYMOND IUIUI and Betty White will team up tor the second year in a row to narrate NBC's cevw11t ol. the New Ynr's Day Rose Parade. CBS. in tflie absence of Bus Mitnon from show business. will tum the commentinr over to June Leckhart -who a1so took Bess' plact in the "1\.iiss Al1ltrica" finals -and Bob Barker. LOWELL THOMAS, wbo is clOlt to celebrating his 40d'I ynr as 1 radio ntw1ca1ter. will hive 1 .,.Oal on NB<;-TV Jan. 29. Jt is a report on an e1- 1Mdltlon deep ihto' !ht jungles of New Guineo to 1tu<ly primiti\'I tribes. ''HIE HAW,'' the country-style variety hour and tht: first of the mid-season replacements, mOves iJlt.o the old Glen Campbell hour tonicht on CBS. wllile Campbell moves on to a Sunday nicht hour. Alld then, too, tonight, there is Thty Tim's mar- riaft, amid 10.000 tulips, on the Johnny Carson ·-· Dennis tlae Metaace \ It-IT PLAIN JANE ly Tom K. llyon Atl HOW YA 'SPECT US SANK w:>NERST'MAKfA UVIN~? HUH? HOW?HOW?! .. JV$' ' WAIT'l.L THE !JANK -EXAM'NER HEARS A90UT1li1SI! ......... ~ .... SALLY. IANANAS ly Fruli ~gllllkl ,. 1'2.-1"1 • -.:.ir'P1 DlCl ... R 11 • ' I . • ' l"P l·-··IJJ• -· -~ CJO) ---"''" Air Ftree ltli. wlrllll, ....._ .... tht llm" lti• ~ ~· ·--!'11"1 :,. ; .. . • AR llC ............ :: *...--.222. ,, PEllKINS 1.y Jelitl Mllft -•--•••-·:;~:j•' ..-------------., ~--,--~--.----J-.,-.... -,.~-w-=.---.. ~------------... 1· •••• ,,,,,,. -J '""" .: ........ • ..... .... Tlflooo.sro...... . _ I ..... ,... .~ .... · .. ...... -'('It' •. ..., ,, .. ,,,.,..... .. "Slll*tlt. c::ir-te ..,..4, Jill! M .. 11, rtt .. tr.. ............ JUDGE PARKEll SHE'S ALWA'VS ) (SNl/'f!) ~ITICIZING Ml, l<W{$Oll!) NAGGING ME •• ----~ .. . Q 'P tETTH 60 PCiMf 10 THE 6AU6E I.GA AS M PUllllP! 18.L ,..,._...,w..,.. -·:r.<-""° ...,.. <"' NI. mDNO •• TMAT SHt\I. IE WX N Ill "°"'Of 90! . I Mik• W tlillt. · I ...,_ Wl;lt ·1:• .._. ......_ fC) ..._., :::=-:"~~--·-Zr ' . ~ .. , ........ (-..J'C---~-111-0liN ............ lfmi.' .._ ;:r-' '---·-·; ••111-411M• . ..., ................ ·---..,.. .................. 1 ·•· ('O'l'I ......................... .......... ., ' ... ._.._n.-, ...,. I ·;,.~ ' ........ (IOI . . ... ,.())_ .... .!11 l,f. ....... • ,,. • ..,.. =--.:.r.-... • ....... ~ ti ............. ~. tftl (I} ......... fl) Ito) Mt1 ts QR I f ....... ~~ • -. -<30! D IUIAfT MUSIC llAU . I •tJJ•-flll!O! '*_.._.....,,.,.. ·--(IOI eor.o. ~ ... cw ·-·-"*-... 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'Oil __ .....,~ a.t. .., fl I .I. ...... ...... ............ ...... °'01# .................... ~ ..... ~ • ..,..,............. =~~~.,' .. .,... • 411 (IO) • .............. tlll)' ~ ·~•"?:;··~Qt ... ... _ ....... ·---. .-:-~, -... - -"" -!.¥-'"' .... ,... ... J •. " I ·-..... -1-=.:-•=-.:.;! ........ ~., !!j*..,"7,~ {t,"t &> ........ ___ .., -· •11111JJ•111 ---·--.. , •.. , ..... .. ... -...... -... ~ .. ... ""-i:,.. .... Cftllil ..... tt ...... " It ""' ....... ,, 1111 .,., ................ .... , ... ..,, .. ,,....._ ···-.... -...... _ .. __ __ ••-·111 ' • ~-\Ci ....... ' ' ·-..... Ill (IOI ·-_.,_!IOI • "' -.. (Ill (I) ·--(1111 ..... ,... .... -' 1 2:11._: __ .... . '"""' .. -· -,, ... __,. . • ..... .,.~--..,,..,_, __ _ "•· ! MAF«.IA, IT IS HlliH 1111\E YOU"10l'l'EO PICICIN(; ~ lr.4! DATnlll liOVla .. . .._"""' ,_ ,, tllll ....... P I 5 • ( .... -,,,-.. ..... ~ ----· ""' • .,.. Llll!te" -.,, -----· ~-""'-.... ~ 1:11..,..,._.(_..._ ,_ .... __ _ -' tit • .,.. - -.,,,, . I (fl J .... ,,$ ... ......._. 1 ...,... ~! , .... "' ... -.... ( .......... .,.~j ............ •D 'SI"""°"" ltJ·.... -TfMt ,...,, t• """-'· ~ ~--.--_,, ~~~8 ~~ Daven Gone Britisb -1-, -Progress Means Stynile~ ~ '. DAJl.Y-ll ' . .. ' All STORES OPEN 6·NIGHTS A wwc I FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE! J i ~ CAP) L Sriu"' N oi,sy Coronado ~. 11-""1 by ''!lit . enne~1 ..... 1( et iu..11,lllO blfdo Iii COllOllAIX> (Al') -'lllll . 'Ibo oal1-w17 IO Ill IO 111t N a., c;onf"8ed ...,.,. Utile l""IMd• tn San Diep c...-lo -ta -11t . ALWAY8 FIAST liUAUTY • • ... ' .. •· lllWft'I lded!lled tO.• 8*1,-qujotchmnm1d< _.._ m the s•~ a~ . ~ r----~· ; 'it • bav• fGr 1'ttired brul .......... ...... .. ..... '~ ·II . Oil . llun I--tllt -·· 11W11 N•'Y fflalnray. AbOul .,,000 ..,. t4!Mnf ClMlill<aJ waolu ~. l6olild !«ward ...... 11 dally. -., ln-llMI ~ ! """°" 14•tooteof"pi ....... "wbtn ......,,lra!lle,- poolw d<f-It WU llnUd lo tllt malllJand U1n cOol m U-11111,W. • ~ by brldp. N1ry cmdr. ~ It. ·-I la • "'""'.. ~·-· 'Ille Car1-U )'t tralllc IO tllt ·~· . . . " Uld et ,...._. !Own of IUllO'• .,.. Uptly I M ~ ll'lffled b>'W•Y• ,_ m male goto ol ~orth laland 1w al · ety fqt Preven-aiwarm with aul<ll. 'Ille cla~ virtually doubled lo 15,000 llOlt <i c:rutlty IO aia. ler of traffic echool all day vMiclfS a day M:e the kldc• ;.,.,, btad1lnit btl\11 1111 aa tlvora of cara proceed lo wu 11oJ11. ltldl SU "lllo di · o1 dt•lll" ... !tom t!lo main ISltnd In-The niute from the lirt4(o lo ._, -'•"--' f ' 1-~·-· oWloUoo, tho North follnd tht air --... ~n;;'i,;1o 00: a . ;;..:; N .. al iJ. ~UC,.. Pollco u Carllon'• ..... on EA..,,.;_' WU tl1e dealll ' ollico Mp-,..g u ..... owoora are "lt'o DOI a 14--thlftr," •-bet ~ -~· •.•• al&r1lled. Tralflc tickets. once A-c-~-. ,, __ ·--. "'."'' w ~ -l'JJ>I · avarqqtotOIOamonth,hJI ,_ --·~ -· ·-Oil Ille Qnwall ' ' 414 bl S-ber as Ille lain hcln of the day w1>en l'r1int 111\11*11 at t!lo Ill<> novtlty of Ille bridge and un-Coronado Is Iha • • m • llltllt Ji "FOB," jwhlch _, lunllJority wt th apeod llrnlls d•HJll>tlul. p1... tt'• alwoys hr poly~ofed blphenyl, led llld«tst. -ay. The been. Bui when the -_. t&Xk: ~ from the fj1r1,.._ were 211 in October ~ chanp at N«th t1IaJ'ld, ~ . 1t Is ralod .::diii Jn Novomber. you can't -the otreel." r,t."'1IWI .. ~-• lndlo b~ lle>plte ~· lo raise. the City pl.iMlrl "Y n 1 ~,::~ . . ·--:· 111""'1 linllt lo 3$ m11.. an population ol Oronldo w1ll ""\!• •~~ of It ere found "' hour. the City Cooncll ls lryln treble In 20 JOin. """' -. the calcaws 1<111e dead lo hold ii at 2!1.. I Ing devolopmmls aro npodod ~. M sild the The c:ouncil has recel\'td lo -pop1latlon *111'17 Iii l!tnls-not"olledup,"or petlti0ns olgntd by 2 •0 ~0 thtnfttfew~. ~11)1 oil. ..Wenls who want traffic Says Carilon: I'm not • ' icll>o 40 wulled· up on routed uwnd the city. ti)lrldp, « -anllarwtll. lilt WI . rout lllnce The big bridf< pours abcNt It Nvee.me 11-' dot ~~ ' "Pseing fer 20,000 cars a · dq ont·o' leinc t6.1":'ft." 1iril!ll GI . .. II they CU.Oado Strtels.-· Be1are •II In 1•. Om--Id 1\64 m bliod," be said. It wu ....,., JIW1l' of lie North tht Am.or I c a n .. ...-....00 11\Udt the tl!nt· •·tory Island workers parted thetr "-lotlOo'• ''Solo place ~. cm on the San IJltaO old• of walk" rnrd. lin PrW. a nlember ol a the bay and loot !mies "I don't~ w'll be In the • o •et nn;i.fri i!ivestigatin,: aeftlU. The bricfC'I put an end ~ fW t•," 11'f1 ~ saljf !he .-.. .,. lo Iha -· Carloin. l'l\OUltiftl and, as a result, .p.ni . .,....tlrile lilan usual bl r---------------1 t!lo -· ~'!ldl ~ lllOY _.,,, .-.....,... ltian ~ nt..ntiU.. of PCB jlr>stnt.'r~ li/IJ.""' , /. ... .,.,.., lot I h e AiriCullnre , M!n1$y said: "11'• llav• · not ioWxl any ~~·~~; ... -CIM<i '1iie it o\lt." diklcl ., frilll s .. fish did ,. -hannlul -of TH .ESE !'Cl!, the mlai*r r_...i. Mding to the m)tWy were ~~Al'~ "":Stheo:! PENNEY STORES ~'7f.i ;:i Wilt BE OPEN r has, beta • ., -~· ·el ' .. ' ' .. ~ .~ .•• u;: SUNDAY ~=··'= ~~::····~ : AFTE'.RNOONS ~-:=:&Oill .·~:t .: 1·2 T .. 0 s· P M ........ 81 ' • ' .· ' ' : • • ,.,....,, f ' •· -~~ . . ' I • A%USA • IUENAPARK • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY •EL MONTE • FUu.&RTON •GARDEN .GROVE •GLENDALE • HUNTINGTON llACH •INGLEWOOD •LAKEWOOD •LONG BEACH •LOS ALTOS •MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT llACH •NORWALK • NORTH HOLLYWOOD • SAN FERNANDO • SANTA MOfilCA •TOUANCE •VENTURA • WESTCHESTER • WEST COVINA •WHITIWOOD • WHITTIEi DOWNS ...... , . Look at this price for a portable TV! 79.95 Our ;reel! Penncrn19 black and white . partable has a 12" ICl'ffn when - und diagonally, all channel reception, · 3y~• front mounted speaker, 13,000 ~Its of picture pawtr, tinted safety shiild, keyed AGC for contrast. --. . ... ,, __ .,..,.,. ........ ,.·1; \ l I ' ' ~i fl !~ ' .... .... ' .. . ... . -! Dear Santa: We want a portable TV Portallle color TV with VHF, UHF. 15" pletvre IMClllA'lddlilglflGlly, Quilt-Pie for lost piclln Md sound, Gutomatic llno tuning. *289 All channel portallle color TV 12" pletvre ,,_.....i diagOt1Glly, built. in. au!omaile color purifier, ..,....i VHF fino1Vnlng, charcoal. 219.88 ' l Moille TV with matchlntlfClndt P~ alkhannel blade and wlllte TV ... 22" plclln moaoured clrogoriallJl Contemporary otyling, walnut. 159;95 I ,, ... ' j • " • 1 J • and great sounds by Penncrest: .. ' I ' I of 4 pi-radlo-pijona compo · nents-'Tht Comp OW .. wUwt flllbh t.. 2 lpl<lkm, /.M/fM/fM- ttlftOl'/""'Plifi•-." "*" rteonf .......... 134.95 , I . '. l'lll'tallle lt~i'eo radio phi.no- ·91aph.Sotid •late AC{baltery AM/FM raclo, 2 opoa1c..,aopMc1.,,_.., lilack/walnut. Mcir<ial. 59.95 .Solid state manual phon .. graph.Jull,_opnkor,solld- a~ilior, " tpooc1 tumtable, FM/flf """" pal7p ~ moldod ....... 16.88 , .. ' • i ' ' I ' • 1 • • ' ' .. ' Find them at the Christmas Place 3" l'ffl Mlid state tape reconler lottory t•P. rlcerdtr, duel track rteord/pllry, M> min. ploy topo lftcl., wlume ccnttOI, microphoilt. f!U~NA PAllK eu~B.ANK 0.AHOGA PARK 15.88 COMl'TQN CU\.Vl!A cn'Y DOWNEY FUi.LlllTON AM AC/DC . penonal".kirta,llle l'IJtlio. "-groined tiny! ..... iuo-· .... f1P9 ~ ........ waria~)t --'· earphont jack. G~ANAOA HILLS HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON PARK INGLEWOOD 19.95 LAKEWOOD LONG BEACH LOS ALTOS MONTCLAIR " . ' . ' ' . ' 't ' Solid •toJe AM clo"ck '9tll• I' ., va ue. Wake 19 riluelc -..tloely; .o"--1n11. llJrlct tvnlngi ...... t , ' ......, hcmcl. In Ivory. NEWPORT BEACH . NORTH HOLLYWOOD SAN FERNANDO SANTAANA .1~-,'., ••• ,.. .... • •. 1) , .--i.'J:~ ~~ vENriiM WESTCHUllll W!STCOYINA I • ~YPILOT ' • Wtdntsday, Dtcember 17, 1969 U.S. Exhibit Makes Friends in ~Moscow • • MOS c'OW (UPI) one Russian in the . vlsltors' class badly." Anolher person k1tchin& technlques and sy s t'£m s demonetraUna one. showing the teaching of .. Amerika'' is . a magic word book. made spelling corTeelions and answer lhe visiton questidN. teaching techniques, includinf languages. for the Russians and "We are convlnced.''•.gaid. llJ(lvised the sailors, "you'd The Rwalans ask quaUons1·---·----------------------0r-:-":::':-"~-.-- lhousands of them, wide-eyed two sµident& signed 'D•; betterleam'howtowrite." over and over a&ain,;, Mia ~:-!~:~;~e~~ Chumakov and V. Gubanov.. ..-BuL.-nine ool o( 10 !emarks OrodovUJ aid. .. ~ J stVC their feelings on display. "that the great su~ll .)Vere Jav(J'able. ,,M:conUng to tbegl·,a, armn~ 9*t•tlity p ."fl1any thanks £or making,.a •.gpace are a result,et::Yout.coi:· Thomas Craig of Seattle, to qothevltaff• and-... the r i c tly,..i. lrected 1 ~.ahonal \Vi31:1., ,di.rector of the 6 • sam, qllriUon like 'rtfey 'want fairy tale come true with your system . • .. ha·--a-.u~ ... · Apollo 11 and 12." said one • .. _ • hibition, •·we·ve had great "' y~ 1LN1uu-nw.~1 Ml.lSCOvite writing in a book of ,y , Suzdalov and N. • Koritov sueeess in Moscow." The .exhibition, which closed imprellloot placed ntJlr the Said. the exlli.blt, which was "The croy,·~s were unruly Dec. 3, will travel to Baku, exit of the "Edw:ation·U.S.A.... earlier shown 1n Kiev 8nd Len· and huge outside" said Mrs. Tashkent and Novosibirsk dur· 'exhibll fu Sokolniki Park. · i~grad,' ' ('brou&}lt 1:'5 <mn· Craig, who Wtis itelplng her ing 1970. ' sa1a another, ''Come Jiie:re· siderably • clpser,. to ":I 0 u r husband on the trip, "but once Jn addiUon to the moon rock ' mon 'often so we can get to )>l;autlfUI eouhlry. the¥ get in thefe are tots of and , Ille Apollo, It, f\lm, the rUACH HIG" ·""' ''-,' ~·.You, ~tt<r,,. we shJ>uld ~The exhibition shOWft Uie smiles and thank you's~· vlatlon ,..... • .alllol:ted by r.-uftAU be:Co friends -~ level of educaUOn 1n I.he "There is a tremendous closecf.Clrcuit t e 1 e vi 1 t o n Lull• M.ttcfwnan• · me · ~~·&Oclety and ~recise-thirsl for books here," CraJg;------------------------------------;:,---11----',-:.tf. The exhibill<*l,'.!ponsored by ly fo~ this reason ple Vietnam said. "I gupu we'Ve Jost about Who's Who -th< U.S. State Deparlm<nt, at-war 11 • n more of a shame ~ tracted an average 10,000 ' ve . · ,. · • · one-third of the books on wsons daily when it opened for ·~ ~ :90Clety, s~d a display." .. . t r-Nev. 12.. The theme was visitor Irotn Tomsk. . . "They are all tremendously .,«fucation but 'an Ametican Not all remarks wrilt~,in interested in' wh3t1s gOing on moon rock and a fihn about ·the _boOt were Jaudatoey · in the United S t ate s , Honors , l J • ~ tfie Apollo 11 mission were the "Yankee out of Vietnam'." parUcUla.r)y in ordinary things big features for · mo ~ t was ~11 "a 'group <JC coalminkrs such ~ sala"ries, prlce5," said · 'Muscoviles. f.rcln\tbel>oqba!," wrote. .Xenia Ordovsky, 26, ol l.o!!i · Beach Girl ·· "Please organize an ex-;;gm;pof 0 Lenlngrid sailors Angeles, one of 21 young hibWon of yrour •Nice efforts used the opportunity lo American.s on C:r:ai(s staff. I;eslie Lynn Motschmari, -;-.,--r-en·•: .. : .... President Nixon and All of 'them speak 1nuent a f966 graduate of Huntington so . we can learn J'DQl'e about ... ..._ . Th the Beach High: School, has beeh thi U.S. lpilCe program, ~e f'many senators who are Rus~~~. . ey~. ~an ;,ex.· named to Who's w119 of Stu·,;;;k;;;now;;;;;;;;so;;;;;B;;;tU;;;e;;;a;;;bout;;;;;'°;t;i;,';:;' wroi!"";;;ta;;;;;·ll'ea;;;i;;;tt;;;ni;g.;;;the;;;;;A;;;mer;;;;;lea;;;;;n;;;w;;;o;;;rk;;;ln;;;g;;;·;;;;;Jil;;;b;;;it,;;;;;;;;.d;;;emo;;;;;n;;;s(;;;ra;;;t;;;e ;;;;;11;;;;. S~'.I dents in Am~can Colleges11 and Universitte1 HOWARD'$ · Miss Mdlschm&n is ¥enior student at Ariz.Ona State UnJ· R · V<l'lity in r""1ie where §le PRE.;CH . ISTMJ(S .-is majoring in elementary eduQOJ..,.· An Excellent Gi~ For Christma5 Selections. by Who'• Who are based_ on the student's grades and contributions di.ir- ing college years. Miss Motsehman Is affiliated vdth Sigma Sigma Sigma, national social 60rority and has held maay office& in the organization._ ~-:r.b also·t a member of l.TieCenta, :ho®r. ary aux~i>aml;JD ·Chi· AJpha frate'nily. · ·· She has been a member of the univ men'a swim- ming team, iads, swim- ming lety; aca- demic an live am edi- tor of lhe ahuaro college yearbook. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Mot5ch- mann of 1973t Gloucester Lane, Hun~n Beach. !t: . TRENCH ,COATS e WITH ZIP.OUT LINER e REGULARLY $35 to $39.95 e SAVE $10 ON EACH COAT ,fo .:$2995 HOWARD'S MEN'S SHOP · ·. -42 Fcnltl•n·-l~Dd ·Copp. lroodwar.J 1N•wport leach , r 644-2175 It! Opet! MOft. tin Sat. 10 am ·t<,.9:30 •·Sun. 1~ to 5 e Bank.America.rd e }\faster Charge e Diners Club American Express •Carte Blanche '· .; &~' . . @nne••J . ALW'Y}I .f'.IRfi 0.UA_UT;-.. • Christmas List Problems? WHY NOT GIVE THE MOST TIMELY GIFT OF ALL! ' . --· . . ' .. f' Watd!es ha.e ""1( been traditional lifts for !hose rery special people m yoor gltt list Their ese- 1-Ind IHting beauty make them as endurinf IS the ll1oJllht behin1J:tflem. a. ...... ~ ·--'-112>• L llcfr'• enwen. dim •ldl bJ 81Mlft. -$ 24.n C. 17-b! ..... H-•IJ!ed. --l '°.DO I. a.tm kcutM witb diy llld Nttr. -fllS.00 L Wit!MUtr llltOllllltic with day and d1let, -$ IG.ot F. LMJ's spert caltlldll' b)' WlttnlW, $ 1$.00 I. Si-Inc lnceltt witch by longilllS. _$1 .... Min's lon&ines Ultr1-Chron with caltnd1r. I. Aulolultic. ---$145.DI 1: MM's hllm wltll calendar. Av!O!Mtic. -$ 11.0I J, 2 ~s! 17J, 1111tcllin1 br1eel't. $ IS.DI l. ldolfl M ss w1tell with m1ltllint btlctltt. _$ 40.GI L "'°" Cflertd1r. [lpetWotl bnctlet. _$ SO.DI •• Clrl¥ltlt ,., 'dattr with ·~ bi!ld',_$ 2S.'5 UY' AWAY HOW IOR CHllllTMAS CHUGE IT T YOUR PENNEY'S FINE JEWELRY DEPARTMENT · 'ltfESI ' 5TOllS~N SUNiiAT JOO! 12 to ,5 P~ . I, I •• CANOGA PARK DOWNEY MO NTCLAIR II FULLERTON · HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTU!1A , I!' • I , ( " • I " • After we t•U yeu they're lncrea*... . ·1 r what el'• is t~ere to soyl This marvelous polyester fiber takes to color1 takes tO fex · . !C?1~s ta year ~~nd weer like nothing else. All th.e betterwhen·the sha ping ;; sk" I . : :: i~~;;t''• defair:n9 ~eat. Ha:'• yours spiffed up with welt seaming, touches of while, . tiiitlbn· and. i,en ll'll'll. C!>oose from navy or fas hion colors for misses' sizes. t IS I . 1 • I ' . 0 -• ·~r""'"TM of'h~ W. C...,. . . ': • 1 ' ,. > ·' I \ ' ,, ' • , ' • v I •• ' .Lu~ .. THE , DRESS ..... • ' " ,' .•,· I ' • ' ,, ... ' . ,'. ' ... -·:. :· .· AVAILABLE: AT +ciuR lOCA~ PENNEY STORE • • \ . Plf'CE': .. . " ' I ' { I I ' r •._•1c .. •.. c. '! • •.. . " ' 'i ~ . .= .. i-· ·~ ' --·_:: ___ J .. -.·--... -,--- '• i ' '· '• I'll!'--------------------------------------------------------· . • .. . ··-. '*" --· --· -·· ·9tctmb<f IT, !M· r""'\t-.,_;..-+-.' -~'· -4' "1-i i-=-.ly:...:.Plill.:;,;,:_;,:,i"':.:.;;-".::.:.0 ncn.:..;· What'd He Say? Fricldalre BIG 20 Side-by-Side! 7 .OS cu. ft. Freezer! Santa i' Hu . Word Study Draws Fire Police P~ ·.' eqU@llJ AUTOCJmlll-.., .. • .-----., 4.88 • • f . (, I' ,I ~ tlJ Ya• ..J • ·erttr·~s ,_ ' ·• , . .. :, 11 .... ' r '· enneg1 ALWlttB l'IR91' llUAl,l'l'V Easy 11°"'1! $ __ .,,.. ... lersm\1_..... ... --' $4681 ~- A'lllMIM9 .. M.,_, ..... I_,. WMI. ........ .,_ • e-.... °"*·· ....... _ 411 E. 17th St,. Costa Mesa Dally 9·t. Sat. 9._6 Phone 646-1684 Make .it .a Mattel Christmas ••• . . ' ' from Penneys •' • ' >-.• ~i·· .. ! , •. ·, ·I . .. .. . ' ' . -- \ ! 1 I ·-·-Ji ''''· .. , ............... ....,..,... ... let s.. ,,. ""..,. .... .. , ...• ........ ""'w111-U' ........ ..,._ -luooyl<lk,W-""----,,...Up,~ ... ......... >fcim... ..... •P•: el,_,.,.. .. ....._, Hom, ho.,... ...... 2 CQfl, ...... ffhMg . ............. ,,.,, -............... ,.. -llllot -...... lar""' _. .... ..... 10.91 1,.M 7." 5.64 "41 ' ' '\.~~f":oc;:::") CANOOAPAAK CHULA VISTA DOWNEY ..... Rnel St AUWlll\'I C(J.UM'GAOVE flblltNCe AllCADIA COMPTON FONTANA AZUSA COSTA MISA FUUlllTOH HUHTINOlON l\UIK. MOHTUEllO OXNARD SANTA llcSNICA WH rNO\.IWOOO MONTIA!Y '1\RK PACIFIC BEACH TORAANCE WH'"=LJI. l.MEWOOD NATIONAL crrv PASADENA VAN "fl.IVS mo~· . I . In Al Ho • Eclitionl mtl:IS OPIN SUNDAY fOOI 11 .. Jt.M. FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTClAIR NEWPORT BEAOt Vl!NTURA I' BU~NA PA~ CULvtR CITY OARDl!H OMWE l.ONG !EACH NiWPORT BEACH RESEOA VENTURA BURBANK DOWNEY GLENDALE lOIAlTOS NO"TH HOlLVWOOO 6AN BIERNAROINO VERMONT CANOGA PARK EL C:.U0W GIWCAOA Hlll.S MONROVIA NOATH PAllK ~AN FIRNANOO Wl!STCHE8Tl• OiULA VISTA EL MONTE HUNTINOTOH IEJOI MOHTa.AI• ONTARIO SANTAANA WESTOOlllNA -• i '· ' ' ' . ' \ ' ' I • r• • , , , • ··/ ·.· '· -· ., -. ' • < • . ·, ' .. ' ,?" I • .. l -• 11 \) ••• • .. • I . .· . --··~ ... -·~R ••-1..-·-· --.~-·-... .. .. -·····-. ~ ' • •'"<: J4. .. 1' .1 • • ...... t~lj or, " ' ..... t ,·, ',,; • ·~ • ~., .l' . ... ~,··i:r .. • . I .. } . ~ I . l ' . . ' ' . ,...... ' ~ .. "' : "' .\) • I I I ,, • \,,, .. - j ' .. •. . ' " ' •' ., .. ' :,, .. ~ I . • ... I • ( ' .. ~ I ' I ,. ll J:J -;i......' -'1 ll. ,1t :.;.rJF'' .. -' ' .. ., ~:ie r• f ' .• ...... .. • ' • .. ~ ... J - , ..... ~ .. -. ' l 1JJ 'f. ••• I ·1 ' • t, • ) J f •. , . ' • • ' +' ··-. •' .('". ' ' .. .. ........ • .. ' .J 11 •• t: . , .. -' ., • • I I I I ) ·;r.· ... j·. '.• .w J ;, I ...,,,fl.tv.~ ) ,. • • " •· •.. . ... I• 1) _:-.(,~! ,,,,~> ~l'· :1 ·.I ,, ... ·,1··11·•·, ·- "l' r . .,! l . •'\1-'it. 1! ~ ., . . ., ' -. ... .. . . ~ .. ' .. ' . I ... :,)~ -.. 1 ... •' • 1' ' ,•·• _,..... . ..... -.. ~.~, . 1,..' -' ·' .:J ' ·' •.. • : I -~ .... ·_ ...... ·,~ ... -· .• ·· .. , ,..--.....--'1 "•.r.. ~, ~ r .. I 1'. --·1 C!• r· :.,, • • ... . . ·: · .. i ....... ... , , .. • "· ' ... -· .. ··--, ...... : ,,, .. '. .. j ,11 " ...... ---.. ~ ... • ,l I . ,. ......... :-... ~ 1.• • ....... ·- ' '· ,.:· ' ,, ' • ' i ( ! •·"''.I . .. 'I •, I ·. : ·: •. ~. • I , • If ' t , ,. I ~ . • . . I' ~ \ •1 I t .. .. .. .., • • ··cj· -. '. J ' • ' • • k. ' • l ' · · g· f~--e ·-· · .. ~ ; .. • ~ .' : • : ,-: r ; ::· ~ l • • ·-· . .l".'i ~'~ • :.1 ~·1 , ' , ... ,. ' I ...... ' ·--.;- ' \ -------=--- 4 ' ' . ,. ... • : ~. II ··~~.! t ·'1 · ~ .~~ .. .. .. .. .· .. l ' ' \. -\ ., " ' •• • - ·~· ~ ..........,... __ _ '. )l ·' • 1• • ' ~l . l • • • .. .. ......... ·~··· , . ... ' . l f J l· '· .- " -... . , I • • ' ' l . ' • , ' -----·-··--· • • • •• .. ···" ·1• I 1 . ... • I .. -~ :f • • ·~ ,. 'i I ,. . . ' -.. ... .. I • . . . ·-· .... • • ... ·-' -.. -~--~----. ( . \ • ' 1 ' \ ..... . •• -J ' • ,< •: J, I · I 7-r,.1,. ' I '" · i tr . t r<.~ • ' i \ • " . ~f:'"1~ -. .. l · . . ' •\ :i:. • ·}t· .. 1:, " . . ., I ~ ·~ ~ .~ , \ -~ .;(\ti •. · . l. '~,·" ...... . i'" ' .:~-. ··~~ ~ tl'-' " . • ' ·' . i : ., -~<.;!!_. • . . • • \ • • : ---.... -..---- -.,..-·17,.·IM • --· --* • f D t4. --··-·-. . ··----' .. . , , . ' . . • . ,, . ( ' I •• • t'....... ~ ''1t '"· ., 1 •• ·. I r-.1 . t " • .,. ~ -' I ' t -J ~ , ,,,.,. ~. .-• ,,. •• -·-... ~ :-1:1.~v '' '., ~ -i ~.: M.l~G :M..{'.)OO· ••• a .. wide, ~l~~·•rlll#, I -.. I • .. 'wofcld of .family sleep and loung,,ww. F,111y 'fe ~:inine thing ' fcfr Mom~~ t~l gi~lf , .. .. .. • :"°' " .. '\ ~ .~ :1. • ·~n.uggly ·robes~.:"elesa.nt hos!ess lq~ifns,·tqo . ....... ~ t .• -'.,, For·the -fellows, .the .$pl~ndid-Pennt~lJirtd " " •.• -._,,:_,, : I ' • ~ •.' ! ' ·1 •• ' look .in pj's and robes) with prai;ticGil,,4'Qsy,- ... , ., .. ,, '. ·.,' ., ~ .... • .care ways you appreciate p_n !q11~dry qays. Slip~ers go ah>og with .f~11neys rp,mQJtlC1ble "' "1";--_. -~collecti.on ••• s~m~tHiog fo.r every ·!1!111!'9 QI' . ' • • ,' . I J ~ .... ··' ·, r list. 'Keep family hormdny.with th,:e1u.-1 . Cotton-flannel stripes and prints, cotton brO<!clcll\I~ pri"" 111,.1 iilL lutton-franl or pilnowr styles. Men's S.M{.-XJ.. I.ti . . ' ' Colld!> flannel poje;,,., ,and-lhifr.length gewn io .. riocl ........ /M. •• :$4. Xl·XXl.PJ's : .. $5. . ' . Te'!Y wlour kimono styling in blue, moss al'd tole!-O.t silt ~ts .iillJ..12.... .. -- : . . - ·D;_ ~r,Iorb~icot with Kod~I• polyes!,lf .fi~ill a•~ t1qlqlt llilot !!!'IQ· Faslu"" colors. 1().18 •• ,$10. . . G8-C2 ... $11. . " .. ~ .... •· -~ . ·• - tricot, vibrant solid colors. iutton-front. S.M-1.~ 7 .... flannel prints. Button-front or pull-owr styt,.. •••. 2.1.:.1.••· II t.l.gth acetate sa~n-quill peignoir styling with 3-...,-, wl taglan sleovoi.. 1().18, •• $15. , . ' ' .. .. ... i ,• .. ' " ..: .. ', . ; 'l· • 1 .. :· '"' ., ·~I r •' '1 '-· . .., ., .... , it::_!.., ., , -! \,f t, ~ .. -. J· .. ·~. . . I . I ' ' . ' •• •• • • ~.-­~ ~ \. . . \; . • > ..• --'tr" ;·~ ":f.~' • ' . :v-. • • • /• -~ r. ., . ,. 1"' ... : . '«·1 1 ' .. ' ' ;:i '.1 •• - f<I .. -~··.~ . I'. ' '. . . \ ' • ;' ' .. ,\: •\ • '-'"'' l 1 ·-1 ··-:;\·~~ ~:; ; ..... ~ t· " . . . . •• .. • .. , • 1 I ~ .J ( ... '" • • . '"'1' • .. . • ' • ; ' ,;. • 1 • ... i ~'\.} . . .. .. . ·- • • ' ... .. • • . , • , • , . --• ' I , \ , 1· ' • t • ~---~----. - t. :i· . jrj~·'ft.Of' -'N 4i),t¥:tt1•1~·"'9-~ • --~. Typical Saturday 1--------------=--.;.-~--------=- Tur~.lnto Deluge :Jior'jug·blues? . -.~-~tht• Sony .and·aw~ketonew~ • @ Dr\\' I S R R 0 \Xi N 411 L 17th St., Costa Me•a Dally •••• Sat. ,,, -646-1684 L.-...;...:.-..;... _______ , - \ ,/ ., ., ' • Gift your favorite golfer w'-th pro-type equipm~nt I \ a. •• "" """ Ill I of .............. , " golf ...... ; •. • < • ' .. ( . . -. . .~ Chi Clif.~ ...... Jem···~·· \ .... v --...... 7 . pfo:~,.. .• ~. ' : . :•~·.q9g~;99,: '.• . . ~ ' ·-' .. .. •. ~. ;i . r A••Fhhlltof ............. al HJ 21411; ¢•j ;. . . ' . ' .. cMll fer ..... w.n. •• ' ....... ., .... ...., ,.. ·1... . lllprowe 7* .... wllli I••••<• 1111 ....... ~ ~-_ ... 11glhl.CU9'1eftw11•(1,l.4-' .• ._.~~ ...... '.--. .. ,.If Byron Nelson full set Aluminum shaft clubs 129.98 3 woods Clllcl I tr-with True T e•flll'. Rocbt Ahnni1111111 step- down shofls , , , lllCllched, reg• lst9red, IWfng weighted, right handed. ilKI IT,,• ~~~·· iTI • •· " f' •r ' .. I ., .. • • Our own solid golf · ball won't chip, .cut!. 6.96cl~· You11 keep playino thew little while ball 'Iii they're lolll They're volw priced, .. tool De pidc up a clo";9'1· for gifts now! " i I ,, NOW! THESE VALUES AT ANY ONE OF THESE 1'£NH£V STORES! CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD DOWNEY MONTCLAIR FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH \ VENTURA ·r ! .. _ . ' /; .. . · ~· ·' . . • ',I " !HOP Sl.INDAY, TOO 12 tb 5 P.M.l '"' m.iNM wou • MR.MUM ' ; ' . ; , I ....... l.','j\'fC• R,E5E~ flllliA~ 'Krfp l(fT Q) " • 01~lf A ll-qut Attack T 6 Prevent Pullouts I ' , " ' By FRED S. ~ ~the eneJ!1y to make lhe Nixon "' M1"""7 Wl'tt"!' • f pt¢stration call off the W AS!IlNGTON -Only, in ~loot pillaot Increment. all~t tntmy offensive .Clfl Meninc to what ht said throw ~aident Ni:ion'1 troop • 1 ~inl new increase pullout plaq off the track laid il enemy ~tration, Nixon by adminlstration planoers 'reminded n.inoi in hUI public late last 1pring. . • ' statement ·~'tl\at if, infiltration There is every indication It and the Jevel Of, enemy ac- l\i ll be follo•ed throughout the tivlly . increase whl~ we are coming yelr and beyond, re;dUClng ou~ fo~~· \~y ... unles.s the my puts NixQn will be runrung a, risk. ""the spot th a malof push •· This appeared te be 'ln· COi).· like that.of great Tel at~ fllct with Nb:on's tlew3 COO· tacks ·llf Ur 1961. iennee remark only• a 'Week 1'1itit.ary 1 icials feel the earlier that recent infllttation North Vie and Viet ~igures appeared to have been Cong have potential for a inflated. big onstlu but they doubt There was no immediate ex· it coukt" ·• .... · 'JlluaUon·for the change in the President's .tone on infiltration Mo RE RA WALS in· only a week 's time. Some 'Mle ation's scheme_. Pentagon officials auggested e8Ils for a. new t.r,o·Ji "Nt.xon·wutryJngto1etacroa w i th draw~· ~-the .inessage to North Vletnan\ 1 that Hanoi cannot get away Nt'i l N~lYil S with pumping major rein- forcemenls into South Viet- nam. There is some belief that e\·ery~uftt cr·fOQr months:· Nixon administration officials Early 1~1hbiith Nlxon said, chang!: the t~ on 11uch things "I have not and do not intend ,is infiltration for· tactical to J~ .~ timetable for ·reasons. '"Sii':~)~un<:emnl&, ·/ USIA,. 'Chi f .. (~ ,. pattern, and! e douMI~ North Vietnam!. · cse " p lift Hanoi have T lls 'T th' iake . .o!,~-..• ,)~ _ e ru Nilon 1 ata'Lt!ment Monaay night mJt 1be U.S troop C\)m. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The mi~ m Vi~tna'm w~ld b[e , head of the U.~. lnf?~at.ion red~, r. ahothef 50,000 Jn;i Agency says_ thLS nation s un· by rrici-. fib the paUern. 1 age abroad LS ~ ~ed. by His efloua . .P.~ 110 u 1 an-the fastest pombte di!senu!"· no pr rnlbt llfi&e ·miff. in' tio~ of accurate Mformation J,~·hptember , 4 •• I dally, • ~·~ -~ i; WintaiDed. , Frank Shakespeare Jr .• 44, as ii 'furtMrmoves-ca.n fold a news ,corterenct Mon- M e ·· ' .' m· the aprinf, day ~at aince·taldng ~ct be ~ fall 1 has yet to resort to lymg. summE_ · • , "'-nt. f Thi • · ' '-lo>•··witilllraw81· • _.e;speare. a or n:i er tota11i 1 bly up to•.ooo -. Columbia Bro.• d cast 1 n g b th.,.,tnd of 1970 ... early System ei:~tive who was ':I " Prest.dent Naon'1 tele\dsioQ 1971. >L adviser durin& -the: 1981 cam- ST ~JJ!lli. l poip, Wu quelli-c! in dept)I Sucll• . · · ~·ii) ~ ,w\!h l -.the ftf.etiy of ,in-Nixoo' . . I~-· , -carried bl' they,... •II U.S Coinba("~ , of '~: a ~ Iron\~· 'liy the &se of 'Jtlf oper-. 1970, le ~ the retrained and 1 He rtJPUed that eyer~ ~rr~ rc-equi South Vietitamese ts ~ to._Brd obJechvtty ~n armed forces to carry the bat· reportl~ dilly news eveots. 1n tie .. ,0-4..---•• --the Uruted <&a tea to foreign That .i-1111 mean %<»,000 or listeners; i::rograms that in- "' ~~...-.; wouJd remain to yolv~ editori~l support of U.S. Id i-.. air •nnwer foreign policy are clearly prov e ·-1 · r-.. • l.Jbeled a s interpreta.t.i8rt, · ' -·<--~--· . : . '-··~.-... , .... --------.. --· -------------·-· ····------. . .. " . • • • I • ' ' .- .ll . '\ ·-l .. ' ... ' " " ; " l .. __.i._· : ......!. "'. ......... " ":-"-'t • • '7.'.i "·.'l• 4-~h":'. . -..-:: "'·"!'» .-·."'..'1 ·'~ . ' . - "A7.i0 'i"·\ !<·:'' .. , , .... i . 'f ' ' .. -~- i!! ·6~""'! -'• • ..;_t .... ~ .. ~~ •"1.<\ lj,'·~~ ,;--,.,: .~i.~ .. ·. :•;_ .... ) . .,.:..:.::1 "' ... • .•i-:i.1 ,_. ________ .-. __ ,:_ _________ ...;....;.;..;._.~~, .... ,,,,. I 1>;! \ !\ ili " Nylon shell jackets for He and She. , Water r•P911ent nylon 1hell givel extra prot.ction ogoiilat the wind. Hot concealed hood, foldl up into ... of its own ,pockehl Women'• In navy, yellow, powder or Rd. Men~• In novy, lode11, powder, beige or oronge. Cowhide ski gloves with extro Cu ron* lining. Men's ond ~Men'•· 9.98 . rugged nylon 5.98 " ,. ' .. ' ,. . ' • f•"'fUI atemiC mtt.al •:.C•nl .. i'' Auatrian lkit·ffftiH• Y.ndw~ ceftllnlC• tiek-witlii Mt• ef.tftrw·wood.I crMl-l•i.....S wtMl.i hiflt•preuuro for fle..a,ility,ah119*h; .t1ability,,Ofto·,-..M11 .clP.-.. fet·c:Mttel, ' 'lhlck fini•hH tkiS:hll'M loitahr.;01"6-... " feil•, Polyethyl9ne: "'""!"I tiilrf4i.Ce-ila;t_ 1··•• • 1id-. phe"°l t,e_~1t. GNOt wi~1· f90 " . Lund 9lw,aki ~t·• ,..,...11,•ia,..9'11, .H/.L. ~jha .... •,.in w.f.1Sij feuMw &I '-'•I ra., -a.:.. -...... --,-• I ,.....,.._ . . r..w.;, -....... pl"'11•..,. ..,.,..""" ~..,..... . .59.99. .: . ! • • ' " ·" ·' -'·' " ...:-~:: I "' .::·~·~, . : .. ~ ..... :y,;<..". .. .. , ,,;-.} ;. l~ ; " ~" .,., 1 ... ·~,..,,.,. ..... --,.._-:. · .. ·r. ' ··~ .. I . ·:,;.;; ,'"'• I C'M,"1 ~ .... \ " . !..:,., , ~ .' 1 · ·. 1(-~~-lliicliSellil .... '.Mo-'f . ,' }~~ u.7'lt42JW!t':',,;, ... ~ 'Sp . -~~~-:~ ' ,~:i~ 11 and,.ffJlifli;I, ~JJ·~ :,-i_!: Sliakespeare added. ''I,.• ;· -ill""'<!~' r,.., -WV"• t He conceded, however, that 1 ' elementf ftM!!II\Y ''°Uack.-~me rewriting or news i9 Ster ~ns.ellM~V1!1' moe on items that would have .. ' ·' 1t La.lid said ~.S. lransi-little meanin& aboard without ~ tional" su)lpelr't f<rees w~ld the addition of ap~ate .- be illudei! by ' Amencan b<ckgrou.ld. ':I· security t1"005W, ~t by the ""' South,Y~•\'; ~·--· nie totoJ' ·u .. s. pullout of <ombol. arid > SU .L roopll may be 1 'VJ' lA •·ith rm .Ill! 1o 40,ooo Amerl ' 'W ~ rmWnina: to t~~tlie\I ' · F::i. \ltlrde '-.t e, as a mellnl 'ii ·-i guessin( fici.r. .... ' Presllftlt-~· ing the I --new . a.JA. decision. OPEN SUNDAY 12 ;5 BEST n, DAILY PILOT •ff•u MM• •f the ~elf featwr-n, ..., •c:hlel 1111"''' ,f re•llfen. ,.,,11,w. t. "' ..... ,.,., 11 .... "'" ... hes groovy gifts for -hippies or henciyl'll•~7 II . Oelton, \Boo~sell.er ' . . . S F••''~• ltlanif, H•"'Por• leech 92660 171-41 &-4-4-004 I ., &71-4) IJ).2200 .. • r .. • .. ' ' , Men's and Women's ski panti. ; "t c1..rull1 tailoncl In • CMrif'ertahil• ltlend ,,( ~t, ._ .... _ ..... , ~ """ ... lyae.' .,....ctu. Mtlf.J ~ . ...,.. ~ ' .,., ....,. ., coc:eo; ~·· '·" ~ bl~ UM, Y91i.,,, er plcl.. Loftt 1li• In fttl"T 01td 'blacl; ' 25.98 DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTIN!ltol'-l B'~CFI ' - • - , ••• ,. J. 11 ·~·- . ' -· .... .. -~ ... ; .. ; {Ir,< • J.AI<EWOOD · . ~a.AiR '~BE.AoH · . ' ) .. ,. . ' • ... ,. , .. ~ .. ~n~ .. • ~--·~· I 1 ( , I ' • I l I ' • ?No Fault Insurance? Senators Told It Would Cut Costs I rt1&rdlell who wu at fault in an accident. It would cover medical eieenses and wage loss up to $10,000. "1'1< primary way that the Uls of 1utomobUe insurance savlnfl• of 2i P.rcenl could he reallied 1n ln:tance o>sta, be said. O'Connell i poll ol l,000 llllnolAI famllietiohowt<I Ulal 71 percent favortd1 tht non-fault inauranct IYstffn om tbt can he curtd le by ....,vine pmtl1\ method. t the fault c:rlWr\Oll I« mnafl He Aid Ille< pion ..., and mtdlum aloe clabnl," . onpilly draf* f« en1Clo O'Connell •a I d. "Whatever men I by lhe=IMrt "U ll>e oilier lttpl .,. taken w!dlcNI lobblu oppooinf1 ....tault lakinfl that oltp t.aMOt hope lo automobile _...i achllYI nol _...... In blncldnl 1tatal actltn In o·eo.neu clt<d Independent the cornln& year,~ then -actuarial llludlea for N.. .,...1..,ar action 1111&hl wiU York and Mlchl1an wllldt he he coottmplated." \ Mid -that frUn a lo IO O'Coointll said ~ plan pamnl m«e vlcllllla would nuld cul down on ulAl .and hepafd than-lllepmenl d<lay1 In payln& and liability ·1Y'1<m. The ..,.. would nduce COllly JiU1aU'"' ttudill lhowed a conservative cidmt. Gl's Talking Ou~ '1 ., Racial Tenswns ~, i • 'i \ . "°"°"'P av DAiil J-St. John, r l.·~. " Beaeh High ' . Seili~r Gets rr. Bl\AGG, N.C. (AP) -A whlla coleoel looed forward to UMen u a Nesro private aid: "tbe Army'• a lot of b.-llY, always ta 1 kl n I abOvt -equaJtty "hen everybody kMw1 that rllhl outl{de the but thert'I I ltu K1uX JtlOll ... On the -1lcle ol the reom, another Neira IOldier aid: "Y~ whilta l!'e just using 111 &licl<s to fight your bal· tie!." " third Negro ad d e d : "Whiles don't ever want to see a bla'ck man make any rl'l'lk." The scene Tuesday was a aeaalon of a ail-day interracial 11mina.r biing.hald this week DAR H at Ft. Brq;, home of the .. OllOr AtmY'• 82od Airborne Dlvlllon, lrainlnl center for Jl&Dt. Sl. John, a &eniOr at the Special Forces and site of ~Judi Htp Schbol, a new organiutioo of Negro bu mtvod the a n bu a I aoldlm called the Black etllleiUMp award from the Brtpde. !Ota! thaptor ol the DaUlhte" OPENED SE8810N of the bterlcln Revolulloo. Col. Cllarios K. NW..n open- ll!ils Sl. John le ~Y ed the Miiion by tellln1 the IOrvilC . ~ odlool • .-· par11clpanf>, nine black and ~-qi aodal aft and .. alx . white lower-rank enlisted ~ ~ ~ of &be Tewtr mtn that the aemlnar was CIUb, . a • campus "-al'Y atm"'1 at "1ettln1 to the root ~ utoeiitlon. t-1.st Y"r c•llSN ol racial tension." a11e hillllhe olllce of tru..iror "You can talk frani\ly, Ill ta. Nlrtnt BloloCY Club, without danfer ol recrlmlna- 'llle 1electloo for the awanl lloo," Nullen aid. ls made on !ht bislAI' of sracle Many did talk fralikly, plllint av~rap and reeom-sprinkling Uttlr convers11.tlon rtl~ld ·by 1 t a e h • t 1 , wllh obscenlU.. ci<lplte the tllunMlen ·_and tdYlien. ,P.reMnte of a chaplain among !ht lull!. dozen members of Wife Has Troubles~ AJUl PrUle Nofien'• _l""'I· But few cited any speclflc cuea. 0.. N'&!u~:::' Phipps, 27, of a, Tenn ., dlsrp! that the army "deeld· ed 1o lnt•srai. Just betauae they fil'Jl'ed they could "ve aome money by cuttm1 cut dual facilities ." Cot James R. Francis, a Sl:A11'L!!i {IWJ) -She. la · •blla -rver, leiped to his ....... ~ @!)Oii tatal1y blind, lilt to r«ort: "I commanded and ·Mr 'l*banct 1•11 her. the flnt Integrated unit in the N • f't r. t !I II -1e1 s. Terry 3rd Army, and t cate1Mie*1ly AndtWiol. ~~ patted her mid· deny lhal Mooey hod nolhinl d" and JllCI She wu "proiJd. to do witb the decl.Jion." Vtrf, vt'ft: .JlftNd." ~ child ls born In HOLD OTllEllll twe ... hopes she will Wall GunlharJ>, II, whilt son llav'"' mualcal tnstrument of • career Army officer and ~ ,,.__ lhe •anti to • i.ac!t.lt •'lo llnl. to play and 1o dht.~ Alaska City ™ ...... luld a IU!ta•, but fl' Wa ,._Uy pawned. :!ho JIM • -too, but abcajl lo dill ... he became de'-"' eosed llHer ht wil un1ble tolllld!"jP!k. Jlt l6ft 1ior $10 iqocl a letter. A!il\oulh Mn. Ao<Irtw1 may """'fflblelorne times ahead ol !Ml-, she 1ap afao left a fair am-1 0I -bits bthlnd her. Slit "" bOm tn AUlllla In 11itil;r Jew!Sh partolo...,. tallm •Y the Gti'mans and Ille ~-"'• them 11aln . "A.,..lz, I think. r111 not autt. I don't want ta talk a~I~" Shi . came 1o thil country "'*" .. l" 10. Wbon Ille be<lnl6 ... ~,oh• b<po It )Ian trOlibit wtll her v1o1oi1 • .,. and am -... ,.,.,,,... la )Uy, 1•. Wally ... --loll and -ho llW4. lo llllt _, lie ....,,_ ,,,. ~~= "'tfialrnol Nii llMI' -· ~ -.... houae ....... thl .......... '*"'· fth Blll"1ell ......... . ....... ~ ... ~ l!lld to f/q .._ him. ~.,iaaWW." • $ t '1 ' Has Snow ' member of a. dl11lde.11t orpnillUon called G I I United, su1p1ted that lllnifir l<lnin>r• be held at small units. NW..n lafd they mlpl "Do you 1 .. 1 that Jiiii belns able lo talk about racial pr jud!cel and probl&m1 help& to ellf: t.eMSon?" N"1Mn asked. "Yea, atr, I do," Guntharp rtplled., "A few ot 111 1et tottUi•r sotnelimes and r4P lhlnp out, and ll helps." After the session, in an enlisted men's club, Nulsen said • repOrt on the seminar would be sent to the Army chief o( staff, Gen. William C. Westmoreland, to see whether the system could be U9ed elsewhere. "I know this ls golng to htlp ease racial tension at Ft. Brag1." Nulsen 11ld. "But to what extent I don't know." ksked how serious racial tensions are at Ft. Braga:, Nul.sen replied : "I think the situation is serious, but I don't think it's anything near ex· plosive." No participant in the session disagreed with Nul"n on that. Frederik Penn, 20, of War- renton, Va., an organiur of the Black Brigade said the thret-wtek-old group is at- tracting between SO and 100 Negroes to its meetin1s on the 50.000.man bue. , The brigade's purpo,e, hi said, ls to bring to the Army's attention p r ob I em 1 of discrimination encountered by Negroes. "From what we've aun so far, the bri1ade hi.I the pol.en· tlal for being a CONtrucUve force," Nulsen uid. iiiiiiiiiiiil GREATEST Automobile OFFER SH P•1•" FOR TODAY A THOUGHT H .... .... ti"" ... I lfill"I ''''" :i,• It ........... Wll1 "" ·~ "~..,......... Lllllftfll1W l"lllllHTIO Al A ,UILlC llAVltl, IVIAV DAY •Yi LM 11oo11 .. c .. ,.y.,. .. ~ .... , ... ..,.,..,. .... ... ':-----.....--loafll Coast ?Iua I ' OPEN SUNDAYS .•• 12-5 THROUGH CHRISTMAS I; . .. .. , ' " A gift for the man who ' • likes to do it himself!· .. 10.99 ... your ' choice ' 1 l" " ~ j . l ••n•u•ft9 io• _ .. drlff. smai. "'"' 4rlll ,_ paintH finiM, olumlnuM hovi,., a 3 NII .,_, 9fck. ... ....... '"""'·"°lull loa<I R.P.M.,""""""" - ,, .... ,,..,.,...,.....,_,..,,M...., ...,_ lwl ll" ..... -·-'"""" • -·"" euWt. -......, _ Ul .......... ,,.. ........ ln9, brol'S• beorln9, U~ littff. . /." . """' nun v•~l& AT ANY l THISE PlN~rv S O~CSI _ .............. . ......... , ........... . '""' ,., "'-....... ... ..__ ,_., """ ..., 4• ---1W ""'"' .._, INMio #o ~ -hos hllol /'t -..... ---........ 4' """""" ...., 414• ioo.di ""' _ ........ -... --21.n MaluM..,I"._.. -J7,ft ' " ... Storage shelving 5 shelf model 36" x 7Z' x lZ' 9 • 99 """'"'• .. •••--•w,..,._-~..., _...._:ii ____ w..._ .. ""'4 ... k&INU .. c:al .. lafer .. ...._ . 5 lheH model 36" x n' :ic 18" .. 11.99 10 iheH lllOCl'el 72" ll,72" :ic 12" I " ' ,116.9' ~I {'. . ......................... 11 .pr. -~ .... 1'11111 ... -... "'....;,IMf . } ,~, 21 ................ , ~i "" ' ",~,, 10,._ ......... .... "" ' ... .. , ' ,~ ~ .......... ~ ,.. ., ... ,. ... . .IMlfUl!!l!!IL ....... .... *"' 4M ' . • " ; ' ., ,, ., , ...... :~.···;a Nolw•lw9••·_... ~,; .. :it.:.:"'·~~ ... 11"•11"'........ " ...... ?'f rT"' .' 'iNI ' ..,, I ' • CANOGA PAAK DOWNEY FULLERTON HUN'l'INGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA SHOP StJNOAV, 12 to 5 P.M.I 1 ~----~~-----~· ·---------~-~--.....,...----------------------------,---, "Coty" . GllTSm s,,, Mist, Port1111. de T oilett1 aid Otst111, -b•·· "It." lldies' Gift 3.50ti1&.50 "1.-W•" .. Fmllill111U11iJi ..... 6.00 , 2.Piece Set _:=rJ1 oo · '*' '· . ' . mart .. '1111! de landon . · ll'liv linls'~ Spray l:alogne ' '"Nai ... ''"'"" "1111111" -~~3.00 tliluY "Slicker" DO"-l'. INN . ·-·LiP POUSH 'gifig••• .. '" ~ ....... ··• 1•'1: l"51bs. HOU.IGAN1" "'Mon Boudoir'' .. Ea* Tilette Spray Mist .. Delm lllstil!I Pnder •. ••I ii llipit W... filfctH ·. 2.50a. . "Heaven Sent"''f HEW1A RUBINSTEIN ' _'. •'' 1'111 i.r llotrt ii I llolitily n-..d lillt Ill! • -· hmanly trai1'31Je that clings • • • ,.. · """'ed sets to Jiii 1nder her lieo. • Mi•i-Set '.'Im" 3 50 s,ayMist&11r>o111emos..t • . Mi1i-Set "Trie" 5 oo S;<ay list. l'llf1loe Ill Bath Oi~ E• di hlflm. • ' LENTHERIC 'JWeed' GIFT SITS 111.0DUCIMG ''CANOE'' ' Th<~~~,.~~e bu11 ;,:::g tor ••• &llill ing, speeds llotliig " -.... . '"'lit -~""'6 lacinr ••• i3.50 "J.Jit""'~~ I. !: JADEiEAST' ' . Ao mllr•I· ;,,._, flilllMI lleli!M ; !•th Dmps 3 75 .. . '~'!list · 1l'loc"-• RED MEDAL · ~=~~:4.00 . .BUI llDAL 00 •1tll tie • so sopllis .. tlc1tie1 of ' lodly. I · · F111rm Fllllsy 1lt!i Pbwder 4 ·25 • & SpJy list .CllDpe. • ........ , ..... · Cu11tts . . !litll T1+dlip 3 50 1 C:-1111. • It • l :, ~Calolne.5 z-..... ...,1\Jw. • .. ,3*oz. , "Tweed" 3 50 COllCl•TIATD • C.lipe list :;.3.00 Cllo:oe . l oz. 3.50 "Jade East'~ · =· 4 'IL • . Col11~1 5 '"' . ''lime" sn AIU< Sbtl ... Ctllpt. !::. 2.00 . 'Old s,ice' m lfllf ShH llUll, •'lla.. .. ,,t ...... 111. 2.50 ' IWLY l'ILOt1. , . -e::» ...... ....... ............ ' .,,., .... ·4.11:: . , the US111 811" : . i ~ . l l f I': ' ~ ... ~ ....... .. . ..• To.oo Nine Flags -lltw " ' '"fills & a.Hs" .......... qsllli;; 1 ,, \ I l I I • • <IWl.Y PILOT ' I LADY SCHICK AT Wonder Horse lt'u wonderful experience lot Ille yout!ful rider. l~e lovable "nubbin' style Pabrilino i• mounled on the ldjuslabfe base that iJllWS wit! the chi\~ Washable ~g!Hll' r.:, PD.!ft~'~tl 16 98 Wonder "'''1 features. • "Touch 'n Dry" Nail ~11is' Dryer ••• dries nail "amel quicijy, your 9 88 fi~t nail ~ lily lefoa )'!Ml ~ 41/2" FLATSY DOLLS finish paintinr Ille last! • 14" Plush Stocking ''Tby're flat ••• ud !bi's !bat!" The leautiful tl>ll, is fully poseable a/Id bendable aod oh, so lovable! They're dressed in adorable outfits Ulat are removable and intercliangeable. They h11e , long, rooted hair t!al is washab~ and combable. cu, .. ,,ck .. ''' ca1Nnr1 "t•eryw,ere!" tltl 1.99 wit' IRAID ••• rich, IUX· urious fab1ic in red, witfl white cuff adds that special touch to tlie Yuletide season. 7gc TOPPER Baby Catch-A-Ball . Christmas Corsages Choose from assorted cofor· fut decorator pi8ces to add color for the holiday$. 4gc ~ gac -·-- Pl~ETUY Floodlight ftr INDDoll/WIUODR ••• 100 watt sile in assorted • ·colors. Completely weather· 1 69 proof far IS! culdoors. #P IDD/131 0 PINURAY She IHllJ Cl!Cbes A Ball a .. llrllB II Bae~!. One' of tile most amazilg tl>ns ever developed ••• Imagine, you throw the·ball lo her -she oct!Jilly catches ~""losses it bac\ lo you. She 11.inds 18" high and is beautilully attired it ,j attractive blot dress. f '11" cell Ill· tnin n~•••• l"t iKl1jol). 9.99 RA010 STEEL ~super Scooter ' . l Sm D1lipt for (rllJ lltU• .. , ••• [ve~ boy worts to be lhe fastest on his b~ck. It slllnds 32>30 inches high am! buill with 1 streamline look. Nylon bearings, 7x I W' fae~ bbcl pLlstic hand-Ns l!ld stand for pa~ing. Firo £111111 Roi Ctfor 4.39 Floodlight Fixture for INDOORS/DUTDDORS ••• contemporary styling with adjustable brackel 1 98 Ground spike included wiUI • 6 ft ootdoor CQld. #SI o SUPER-CHARGER RACE SET lAD11s· Panty Hose IRONWEVE ••• all [n~. sheer stretch nylon with sheer top. Won't bag at the knees, won't sag at the , "'!"...,;:)) an~les. Your legs will feel lhe ditfererte. Ass't shacles in Petite to Extra Tall size. •u. 1.i1 gac CHARM££N -seamles~ .... stretc~ 100% nylo11 for girls on tile go! A ITIJSI fDf all skin fitting fashions and "'mini" skirts. Assorted 119 shades i11 sizes Small ta ·1atL Rtr.1.41 0 • HMINllTON ~ 'Lektro Blade 9'iiiiiJ \.·~~ llllCI CUIC! SllAVEI I Comfort dill ad)l>ts ! heads lo suit ~ fac1 ~"""' ~ .~ 29 88 Cool or cordless shavini. • SCNICK "Cordless" MIN'S Wll w/FIEE "l.ljJ Sc licl• llf Nor ••• A double &ift for tie fl!icl ol ote. ~inH ' 31.95 .. n-""') P.ace action! Freeway-attion! Set it up !he wayyou want wit! two SUPER·CHARG£RS! Includes 2 HOT WH[[lS cars, 2 aulomalic lap counters. 4 full curves. 2 half cuNes, 12 ~iners, and 25' liol stnp track! ~~~~·:~\,:;i.! 11' 77 1 .. 1 lntldtd). • ELDON "Poweride X-1" RECHARGEABLE ELECTRIC CAR Racy ~tylin& car runs up to 7 h()urs on one charge. Has 1 bi-impact plastic body :md wide racing.type tires. Supports up lo ISO lbs. ind s~ims along! at speeds up to 2 miles per kiur. Steers like a real ear, with stick·shift ind accelerat<f peda!. ::~~~~ullt 24 88 incl1d1f • ' ' Wtdn><d'1, °"""""' If. l'i1>9 8 'PILOT-'AMUIS£R fal 11i .. ls lhltw\11 • Mol3lle tllddll ... ~.. 3 98 """' Ille lleats'of !lit. ' )'OllVll ... , • FURKIMNS Coi«fuhssort• ol ort~ in;able Iii· 1 98 tia .kittens in ass'! · poolions. tKI • OHIO A•T "Etch .. A""Sketch" Most Popular Drewing Toy of All Times il'Wll~S like. llOjic! Just fllm lhe knobs ID draw, write or desigo; 111ere's .. ""' for pencils, ....... ""'rs. l's tu bmi~ 11" and leeps ,...,. sters llllertained for llems. hst sltk1 ti 1rm! 2.29 H.mra. UTE·BRITE.~, Color Your fmtrite Subjects with Lightl It's a 11eW adventure in coloring and it's so easy. Choose one of many pictures, ~t into magic box, insert .colored pegs and before you tlklw it, the pictwe is finished! Pictures are fua to make and eKciting ta see! Li1lt Iii~ 111t i1cl1de• 5.98 ~--· Action Gamo for th', Whole family! Into the center of tile arena, spiflning at high speed~'come tie 0>\or<:oded tops, t..ncl1ed by tleir trai""' Item "" mr· ners el ·tit: stadom. How the battle begins! e .. cllampion in the bout of tie centlHJ. 2.19 Mytlllf Cll •1,,tl .,, "E-Z-V" Roast Rack' . HolM roast or fowl elevated • . • ~ adjusts to 7 ''V" positions for size 1 · 59 • of meat. [~en ~eats -Seals iri ' . , juices. • _. . COOKJE PRESS /IND ·~ ~tJ ~~~~c;~~!r:~~ .~~1L3· llJi and cOppertone co!o~ viilh assorted Ce· tlfi sign plates. Recipe boo~.t~t included.. • < ANCHOR HOCKING Glassware ~1 SETS 12 oz. heaVy base tumble~. thoose from Rose design ..• glasses are tinted, with solid color Rose or ''Mirimbi" de· •ign wi~ Golf ~ripes of color. I · , I . Bmj Sat 11 I 3. 29 ' ,. ' , • • • .• 'et I . ~ t I ( .. . . . . ~ .. "Old Craw" I.IS 1111 mTUCIY ITUllllT SMl IM ...... 1149· FGllll'laol ••• ~Ill e "Cutty Sark" 111 IUS SM I.JI SCOTCB \l llL 16 49 AMilil ti I lolllr -1111111 • '1 H"""" 81 lgn IUIUI STIAllllT 10R101t Siii iii WHISKIY 9 85 4 ,... ·~ -" "'°' \l 111. • "Old Chartw" IAI 14.11 mriClt w 1111 m •OUL•Oll 12 45 ... ~.... " "Jill! Beam" "Edel Ric" --·y IO"'°', .. 11 SIL 11.1 5~ 3.99 at4.I Riyal Crist ,. 2.39 llllllW•Y ........ flrll""*ll 4 69 ... llfW... 1111 I .7.35 "Slirilff'' 5i. 4.89 NJ. .... ·~ hr "" lllllllJ ......... et5.99 -•~<r~·~..-. ..--.--~,,. ,. _ _,,_~~~~~~~~~---------------------------- D-...,.. "Steno" Maltiplel WIHT _ ........ .... """"" .. Ill ...... 95 -... -11 II• .. ......... ,.. . llltltl• ,$17 nno• Sit PANASONIC 12" TV SET ...... ........... ......... _,....., ......... ......... 2 _ ...... ........... 3.29· • CONCENTRA Tl ''Prell'' , SHAMPOO 11 • -HlrlabMt 'lilt!& . !Ho. Lt .... ,.., hlr .,11 ... . ... •i•~ 89' 1.5' S,IZ. . ' 111 DIAMOND Batteries •e-11 "I' Coll 11< llHll!Pb "' """ l,llEIAL ELE~ll Flashcubes SERGEANT'S 'Sentry' ~~A• for DOIS •d CATS Elfalilt " It S -· M~ 1.29 .. WHITINGS PLUS -Cold Tilltlotl . fll lllltl ,, ......,.._ llllQ1l1 ........... lollllll . I.~ 99· c 311 ' . . ' ''Buff eriK.; . TAJLHS ...... "" '" hit ·~(! j. UI 97c ~ IM's ~ SAY.ON Tooth Paste llllllUll.1111 •llMll Qoooo • frUI llf, 11 S-Filllilt. l!f. * 11' ll. 1111: DEVILBISS . 145 Vaporlzer sw. an llPt wM al1 ao11- .. u1 Mi ott. c.,1o11 11111 ·~~3.66 .. ,.,..,,. Acti•• 1ru1h "Sheer Fantastic" fer teeth ••• •••• SIATilllOY -JO '""'' . m ti writin1 ""' with 24 ., --.,;i. .... .., .. -..... lopes. Cilaos• 1 49 ... ,._..,.._.,.. """1S1•rtod cotortlll dt· lelll ,:/l clm 1111 "-sips, "'b ~ 1 lo~ • r:-:=:z,'1.: 1·3 88 ======::::; tists. SUdlrilltlsl • 1111111 ll'lsll .lssGrti4 COiol1, lristfOI. P•t 11 % 89' · "Plush" Slippers lolan~· ion.I u< "11(, sott "'''· hip ""' sl""1 " 2 49 "'*"'llllrnior-... ....rrrt Sillc 3-1. II'. • 'Snow-Flok' Kit l1t Clril-Ttlls Gives ,.. hi ... Ullnl " rif<ill .•. GI sdl. -1 . mtrtl.-..-l llso lttps lo ,._ -· n11. Add '"" oo1ori111 1or "'· orahrtim. ISFlll 11(.1.31 1.98 • Al Nim flEYAll . _.,, .... 111• / brl Sl!rOf, lie. 211! I NIWPOtT llACM ............... ,. HUNTINOTON llACH .................... HUNTINGTON llACH 1111 '"'-......... ,._ r • -. ... JI. , DAIL V PILOT LEGAL NOTICE s Gloo my Gui 11 Your Kincl1 Guy • -----·-· • Co1nplete:..Ne'v " OVER THE 'COUNTER NASO L11tln9s for Tuesday, O.camlMr 16, 19'9 • .,,,.....,flw llltw-*" .-tt•-st .,..,.1_,.., t A.M. ..,.. KA.SO. ,,.... .. -' IMW. •111 W -.U. -11111:¥& lit ClllllltlH .... ~I Mi.~ Ww CltM c':i1 ~~:: ~:I ~ ~ll"""•H -44 ~ if! ~ -~ !lr.\'i' J..i, •• 1',. .. ~ 11 "' iil''• ~ ~': 2: ~~ n ~v. -t 1~"'111~ l: • r.:t 20 _., ti ~7Vr ~Jl'I ,... t-t ITFlll 1 IO "' fl 15~ llh 10• -\~ 11111~ 5v' l NEW VOlltl( r.t.,.l I "'-cltY ~rlq1 Ill ..... ) S\'I Eon C"11 2 ,.. N•I s._ 5,. • ~rlN1 H 'I ,4 Ad No lb .2t 13'4 l)~o IP. -t 1 IV lflV .- -The fallowlM DW not inch,oM Alld M r• j jl'I Coull 011 1114 11 "!' S!J'tf ,• ,n. ,rlPla A h l'A A ... 1 4 1 2 ~ • .:iv. l>ll'I -11~ llv111v _.Bi t M tr,ltecl _,, rt!tU m"11.11t1 "lll fd E• u \.') it~ TK t \.110 N " GE ··~ ~ r.• M !"'' ll~ mlrtl " l, .. U\lt it -l• l!D sr" olO ~r.:N11t!.'t,11'/,~'7. ~r:i:wn or coon ~~ Gto ;u 'Jc. Fl'ft't:C.. "',4" 4%"' ti m:i•'j µ,~ ~.rn,"' s.:.11c,~1' ,: ~ r-~!JI !t1 11 ?;~ ~"' -,, ~~~Eciu' ~ t i! e1""'1.c'"Ut/~~ A.AA l;11t 11 :ml _,.,. l uwi ll lll Iii• F•b ft( IV, ll1c11 A. ..... l $l'lff Ill 3S -A.ev ... !1 U r~ u-. 1!ii1 -'-II' lltl I to 0.•lttt. IM I r•""'' CClrll J\I) • ... El lib I l l' Falrlld T ' I\ a l•le ' '!iv. 3'\ 191111 ~ I l "li 'Air rW .. 'JtlJo 37111 ~ -Yi 1111_._;01 "" ~11 l'llllK ,i,F,.F>t s ')01.<t Am E•Pr" • \l ~ Ftrrlna 1._ l/V. A Jte-.e , l\~ c11 'W tt l,l:o IWi .Alr~d 911 l 10ffi 101\t.J .,. P 1 -I ''-I 1r1 '"" ,i,I TS lt'IC t~ '11 Nn Fur11 I\. t i.. 8dH Ml 141 11 Cw NG )~ ~ E T .. »fto llillo Air H 11 no 1 11 -14 • t-11 I lfllet AVM Cj l lo !t~ Am Fur11 I~ f\6 "''k.'Yt ~It itl'Ji N!w OU ;ii" ' 11 Gs Mil~ A.J ndlrllr PJ St 'M 614 -\Ii M t0 "'11r "'k:r, .... o1 v11 , 11 A G•"' ''14'1 • ,~a."S:t .. ~ ,, G.c. ,,.,.1llil."':&.,!f!Jllf , u 11 H" _,, tuitttit; .,, :':'01~:":1lt. nwJ ""r,m:.O.: fi't! !' ~1tl:'1 2~ 2:~ ,!:t ~~ )\lo ,... w PuS• ti 1:"' "" •is'fC 1:~ 1f" ~kMAb n3 t' ~? ~ \\ 1; \\ 111! Ji"~1 ~ ="'""-' a:~ !1~t>l~ 1:~ ;1~:,,. ~~ li~ ~ ~f~kna"'" 1:14 l~ ~~ ~~ i·~ ntt rr= :him !!:',.!!,~ J! tt ~141 ~~ llt~ :, ,fJJJ*,.ft~\ e111i.N 11111.ec:I/ w~-H i~' jilt~ A SI Gob 1 l\~ Iii" ,Sat ~ .. 21.\l Wit 1 JI.; •::.,11"4 21 7'YI '-Jli...i'l·, .209 2u n• fl lV. >4> 1, o(~1 1 3' Mid CllfllJ Iller lbl'1l ' ' Ol> A$t ('; Pl , 11-p ~'" m II SclJ\ :u I Sff 1116. 12\.'.i A '" .... 4(1 ' .&!•) ...... I •"--11~ aBllt l 7t de•ll• l!'llrkel1Alfral.lld INilS\ii Am TtlY 'l ·m 00.1 0 11 1$1'1 16 f_ ., Sl 5) A!lfll~7 of0 45 U\il ~, 37''-!l•COID P•l llO cMPIH i!lfGWft-AllO Bl'I' • ·~~ AMeu1 Ill 7 71\ Fo•I Grnt "••L )I-._ !.!!'°, J P t7 17V. Ir:,~ -ft.I ~ •Ufi '-II r l t '41Jo <I.I l•l'o -1, Coltln1 Al• I Motor F irm Plans P la nt At lrvii1e Al'llrtn C 7 1 l'O'ltldlr ,.. •n ·~ ,.4 1V. 1V. 9'(1t l l :it tt~ A II' U 10 10 If\) 1t'4 -l.1olllnlt.O IO Arc•ll H «tlo'I •11"1 ~otom,,... 't= 17~ •l'C•t It 1 1] 11•bo • • ... 61-o Al il'llCh 7t "' !:'~ l"' ~II -.. Owlllll l 1 to ~2.. lllllM 1IO> ,• ... lo'! FOl.lf'I .... 31'<4 2t. l"!C lsrl l!Vt 12l~ arn11x tt) 216 ~ .... ~.·. tOlt f ~ '"" -V.. ol 11111 lo """"" O\.t l<mklrl.., 2'14 :21 P•lllr Br U\11 .Ul:o ,....... 1 11'1 .. _,.., 75 > JJ\\ lS\' + ti Ca 111 ,,, 7S Ar<ll'fl "' lllo'l lH~,''", ' ,16 Pac A1110 ' Sl!Tn1111 !!V.!1,L ~. !',~ oil 11\'f ,.... '"-4't.e11 111 pfl 6t Nk MoP ll lllo'l ,.w-1l ;\'t liWoPIK'F•E :12Ui<QJ Tt1'111rW ............. " -"2' '1t-. +lo'l c15 IQ rrow H •tVr .UV, -• "' PMoo c. ''" ., T-1nr 11 ~ 1m " tel I IOI ' rri ~~~ ff... ~'N = ~ ClllS pj 1 ... ~t~sat l~ ~ iF:uft~d lO l•l'r IS ::*l'ICOIOl1 1ftt 1:~ f9 11 "1 21'1 t !~c1.1rrt"' S3 21\0 22>11 11'!1 Vt Col<.IG .. l Ml lo kl 151'1 II~ IS SYC UV. Uh Plr w M 11'1 \6\11. tM'I' C.o ~V. 11...:; A 1flt:-'°9 10 11111 II~ Ill•.::~ Cofu P lc11 11/0 AYl'!TICO n. .r.!rctl • Jiii P1u P fllo •~ 11..., I" 10v, 11 A 1 IO u 'llO 61 A7 -2 °1 1 :O lllbDlll 6-~l!fliC 2!o JW, P1¥fl t ll I~ ll•n Git 101~ 10\o Amg qo • j6 UV. lSYJ -~ 15ol<,I 40 ll1inl '-t I I RI Ell I>~ 9111 '"rles T 21 2' r•c (~ S\• S'llo ~1:~ 1Wl1G •"•r ,!,, '>"'o"-111"1\ = ;,1, wEd ~ JQ l:~«~tlnt 6 ,, ,1 ,72 f3~ 111: 1i~ P1r1 Dh<l ~i: ~ Tl~~: Q l n~ 17"' Amr Es 111? WI 401., «1\-: !g,... -E P'1 U Banlslr C I 1111 lno 1 «II .UV.=•~~· 25\lr :Ml/o r$ lft l!lt 314 '-mH•1t JS., l'j 2th 1t~1 21 1 + w Oll 6f 11.,-wc.k l l'ii v. !l tltlt Jl)YI l2 p:m. p ' 4'111 r PO Y"" J:V. A.rneH on so f ,, t.J\'1 •P· -llUI Sci '!:~~~r J!' ·~ i:.,aui"'~ ·~ ... l2 Pt~ •t ,>\ 1014 u 1r ~ 11v. ~"".:;~111~ -:. ~ 3{ ~ ~ ~ =' = .. ~111 , •vie.. 11 " ff;:;: d Cvc 1~~ 1f =·~1 1'1• '"" •~ t{ ct fft! ~ ,. B1k1r 7So " 12'h il" ng-'-Conrac.._p .. Sterling Electric M o to rs a ••""""•• ''" u,.~ ""••"· -"c IOI.Ii n1.1o ,:f,0111 Jh 4r11i u: ,., "-f'} AtnBll Nole 1 s ?Sl• i.:. 1.5 -"COii "di' 1 '° ""' •• ,,.,,, 1k Phlil"L:' 61 '5 U11 Doll!' 11:W. ~ An'llcbari t UI 'l7 ~ ~ -\'I ConElll~ !It 6 sub6.idiary of the Lione l Corp , l !r11: 1:::' 4?111 b°" ~= ?; 11111 Jt\~ ~11 201~ 11 ~" ,o,,..... 2""' 29,1~ ~ '"' J;: 1:J ~l: ttv. JS • = ~ ~::~;::. ~1 11 has purc h as ed a seven-acre sir L•ll uv. :it.-i-'T f'J I:" ~1'• l'k01°Pd ,'~~ 1m u: ~~11 1~.,,, IN ~.,,,IOI 1 11 6 2o11oo 1-1. '"'" + ""COll~d 1ou ~ rail served Sit. in the 1~•·e ,•1,u~I>\.~ ,,1h .!" ~rnt111, 11, 111 Pln1tr111 ~ 1s u{ 8knot 1 ~ U !?. "" .., lS 11 lo>~ it>J ~ COii re Dhr • ~ .. , d _, ... '''• ''" ,•~,,''~"I( 14tl. 2S:W. U ~rwn 1~ 1" A Ch1ln 14(1 11 211 J1Ut J7V. -Cll l tt1ln1 j d al j f II rcnr 614 i l-o rllllt r -. "" 10 10"' U nvtl lt 21 Al!'!Crtdll '0 • 2''1 1JI• 1''11i + Ol'IN<tfG 1 76 n ustr1 comp ~... or a 8 1a1;11; Ml ll i• j u1rd Ch 110 ~ p:n An• , 4,, u s ~II' ti\\ ,1 ACrvs1111 1 •n 11 1n , ""• 11411 + 1 c-Pwr 1 90 uf ~ l nt t Boywe f l '"' II ull '"' 1,0 10'"' Pub Nf-1 ,, •• u.. us Tr~L lS\'t :WV. AmCy1n l..U 191 26 1.H1 mo + ""CoriPw 1114 ~, man a ... ~unng P a o serve ao11 lier u :wi 1 ~ vroc111 ,, 2f" ,.ub NM tll(i. '"'~ u11 P1nP ,,~ 22 ,.~ D111111 1 ,10 "'• ''"' 1tto + v. CanPw pu 50 Its world w ide chents Boon .. c 71'\li 2114 ~:~¥,r 1 l~ 1•'4 P11~ NC 11" 11'-Vllh Sld $\IJ ' A llTlt ADii SI 26 .... 25W 15\Jo -"'CanlAfrl 50 Bas CAD It 111'11 I Oublshr 1•' .. l t \,UIU lrid 21 )0 A A(IJI 1111 l7 114 t lo fl<t -V.Conl(An 1 111 Sterluig E lectric Mo l oT Sllr•d s~ *~47'4~•,,i::•n.,_~ '~PurtN 61!. 7'1Vll LD 1,.., Aou.1 Dl l'• 1s lN 1711 1?•1+1~ t C1n pUH 11'11.W'I G 7)\J UVi " ....,. IOU. 11 P Bl~I 27 U V1nc:e Sit 11 19\~ AmEIPw I 6t 256 21 1 fl ?I • -to COfll CO!> :io. manu!ac tures electn c motors , rt• Set 2ra 1s1'> ~~..,,:.: :M , "'> Pyr1ty s1 """ 11 vi1tron J3v-. :Ml Am E111t1 11 s1 ~ '> 11i. 11~ -h CDnt c11 , t d bl llrWll "' l) 1' urtr.r l~\4 1fu POW Cit ""' Ml 1¥ Wad 2914 "~ ,.m E•o Incl ,, ltl .. 111/o l•l'I -II\ Ct Cit pfA7..SO gear mo ors an var1a e B•udl ae n~ 2>1~ tlJ,_ "•p ,. M Rid DY" 16\ot 11 ldtw P ,, u AE.l!•nd olA6 110 61 '° oo "crcp pfBUO d d di to Buc.te-Pi t \la ..._" 7''• ~ R1U Tral 91'. l Oh W ltfldl )'\ii 1Vo AG.,.lftl SD 'I ~-21 2J -..,, C<111t MIS 1.l:I spee n ves. accor ng ''"""'° s 2>1'1 ,,14 ~er 1 , '" 111.,.1b E1 10,4 31 ., w,,111.,. v. '"' AG"'" on to iv 34i, :uv. J•'• '°"''""' lOP F a rl J Ph !lips p re sident of IC l e•• '" IV. vc M :n ).I lillVCh C11 lJf 241 Wlifl NG lS'ilo la\\ AmHolll 10 H 12"r 12 • l?\<t + "• C~I Oii , 50 • I ' II w Sv ~··Ill ,s Hud P P ""' lS,., •"'•I'm Co n ts Wa1h RE ll'h ll" A H-I IO lOI ",., 6l.. 'l ~ + I '°"" 011 "' 2 St.rllng amc9 U II Hua GIS ll'" oo•~ ICOSI Ell 12 73 WI! Tr '"'• 1 A. Home Pf 1 1 fl • 9S'4 t • CMI Sii 1 •oon M n 1s Hursl 11 ..--. "" Ra Mio 1S¥. 1614 Webb Rt 1s ll, 16~ Am Hoso 2• SI' 'l • '''• •l -• c""' Tel n The plant WIJ] Se r ve a s h ead C1n»M B 6' 11 rn'd'11c;1~1t fl~~' lilet Cred '-IV. .Ul(o W1ldrn 17 '> 11 Am ln¥1I I 10 2.S l•l'o 15~4 1~4 -1'o C0<1lrol Oata (1nrad •i~ Si~ N I JS\4 1'~ Riiey SID 21 U We!ln!il M 20\i 21 '-fflMFdv "' 61 11 11:i.i. l l'o f. l1 CnDa! pll ~ qu3rter s for Ster ling and west C•e> Sow " 1.,, :::rorecuc 34 , Raid E• 'J.1•.., 21~wel1•R G 11~. 111A. AMt1CI• ''° ., l1 ~• ~ + IA cDtOwDct 1101 h d art f L I a lntA S.. 6 • I f rd !!4 6 ltoblll M 26 1t Wllt il p l'4 I* f.MetC!• Pl ~ 1 IP• 15'< I J'l -l . Cook UNI 511_ coast ea qu ers or 1one 1cn 1,. s1, 1"/'c Dl'll ,.,. is Rmelon 11.1o 111i w1rn NA t v. 10 "m Motif's t n ''• 1•4 11 -~. Cae>oerln 1 «I C h I ted arte 81 ~. 6. " J1V, 1•14 Roy Cr.•' :J.\11 ·~ WUll Ml'I s~ 61'> An'IN11Ca1 1 •S ?1 •• JH. J1•. CODP!'< TR 1 Orp W en comp e ln •rtr Ga 11 !t•~:ncu S"5 lOlioll l'.u• S oy l l 32 WslnPub l:Jl.li l•~Aml"lloto 11 111 ll l !J o 11 •-'CoapT pll1S t.1arch of 1970 Construction 1s -,~:..-c,,"' '•1 !!Iii 1~:'r;:.,.,~~ , 1 •¥'" Ha J I J1it 1.,. wh •~ n. ~!e•~., 1r' 1r, tt~ ~ Jj ='t~ c-11nc1 11G .nt -1~1 M 11 250 21 L~~~~ E ~ I~ ww'•~~ T 26t, 1711> .r.m Siii• ., 13 1911, 11.,. 11,~ _ J C~pciltQt SOii expected to s tart m e11 1v:s 1~~ 11 Int M~rr i;• ,"', i-·•• '" , ... ,"WI~-,. 7\• n~ A smeit l to ...,5 xi , "'• lilt\ +i~. coow1su 1 70 Ile be n., " s;, 111t Sy1 .. .,.. .. -.. 1G"' )Cl""' AmSoAl'I' 1'0 IZ2 3d \ """ ~,,... _ li C,,.. nlt\8 3311 cem r ~%1 l~• 1~ll 1!~ 1111 ~ .. pf 1 !Sift s~I C11Tr "" 314 •dlW E 1l1 JV. AmSAlr In 10 II ll1'> J!I )(I CorGW 2 so. St I Ii n t Ii plo I"' T6os 14 ' ~r 1"" 3111 l\li Wrlohl w 2G'lli'' ','•" Am Std 1 11 • ~111 ,,v. _ '%i CMG,t'!et1n• n e r 1ng WI I I 1a y em y c~ L'ir1 '~\<I ,1~ nllMI n 12 Pl SOll!I 70 n 'l"rdn1' E • AmS!d ot• 15 6 9' "" "" Cowte5 150 peop le \VJlh pro1ect1oru of cni 111r&1 •1 ,, ::"1~,11 ~lii ;iv. :~.;:;i•1 v,• ~: ~ ;; ~ ~, -1 fi'C,~'1 tg 350 by 1974 F irst increment oI ~~~I !1 ;i 1~ J1cDb1 Fe 4\0 ,,, '-SllCI p1A2 6S 1 Mt'Wo 40Xo ..e•\ cr11'1f 1 60b lh I II be 80 000 loeoe! 1 1•h J •c11u11 11,,., l?v. u .O.m5ua a! u l• ' B~ •'· -"f~ Creclltl F n I e p ant WI , squa r e 11: u A 2,1\ 1'•• Ji m W•t 11;, • M TUAL Am T& t 1 "° JSU fl~ '" "' ) _ "' c rom11Kn 11:1 l .. t With a n additional 40 000 Ju, u B 11~1 U1,\ ~.·•.!!,' 11 ?!;l,: AmWWks ~ •s •·~ • \ 'li!-" c .. ,,, .... 1-11nd 1 ,,k Mf 2JI'> 1'1'11 ~ .... ,. AW#/JGI 1.15' 7l'lltl l ~ 17 ' +1" CrowCal I 011 .,,,uare fee t to be adde d w1th1n li1¥1e>n 1 • l ''t !J,"', . .!~~ v . • Aw °''' 1-'f 11:10 1s1o isv. 1s c r11W11 cor~ "" hnt M ... 11\11 li)'I" ~· ., ,'!:: •'•" AW ~ lpf 4 r11n "'· lt\fo lt. -Ii. Cr11Wn(k DI 7 ~X year s 11n1on o "' rn ~ .. 1, ' "' ,..... .. FUND Am Zinc 1 'l'l'I ~ '° ,,, -14 CrwnZfU • &11 !---'------------·~low CP 1' :tol/J 1'1lw11r '' Q V, ..t s •m~tllt 60• t• '11 ~ ;>n; "W; -1 Cm l 111._10 00~, Ca 57 .i Kale Grn 4--..:0 JI, T .O.m!..clni: 110 SS !~'• 191. ~ -"'CTS Carp IO a!tm E S\ .. tV. K1.Y~n• •'lo ~>. AMI( Ca 30 , .... 'S'• ?4 ., ''" -1 Cud~hY Ca Re se 11rrh Chie f Dr. N orman J Meyer, 39 Costa Mesa phys1· c1st ha s been appo1 nl· ed director of the L1ng- Temco -Vought Re- search Center, Western D1v1s1011, Anaheun1 re· placing J ohn K J.1111· 1ard who retired N ov. I Clllns F n 2J KC" T 1• 1''· AMP Inc •• 5• 5P'• 5• • su . +l'l Cudh¥ 11!1 25 Ian Str 1JV. "'a ~ellell 3~1 ~.. Amon Cara ~I ,, '~"" '~' Cull o<ln 7a c:::cetir ~~"' ~~ ..... 1(:1:ff' E" 1l , i~•4 ~ ~ :~;:rd 3; _.. ~ ~; 't ~;.~ l~~ = ;1 ~~:'t':~;~,, If Com 1111t 111\ 'Vt Ke\• Fill ll\'t lSO.:. A"'cond I tO 32' ?•,-.,, 771'1 27"° -t Curl Wr A 1 1E G11 11 ,,.,.tc,YS C11< 20 21 DIK I' tnlftt a., ll f112 7SAn<hHDr~ 10 ' .... ,, ~J ~·Cull~• H 110 Tel 11•• ttlll io'-·¥il l'C 749 1¥. Nl!.W YORIC (AP) lnYeslon Group AMOl'l>NSv I I 701-. ;>n '91~ -\ (¥CIO~ 1 ~ Hiit! 14><, 1~r.ln~ Int 11 11V.-The lollllwl"I -IOS lldl !11 5.il AnclC/,..,. 1 1'0 'l :JO~""'~ ~-'~CYP"usNI l lO P•¥ l •h u I ""' El "' ,,.. l•llDrlS -rlled b'I Mi.rt t 11 10 S6 ,. .. cllt'[p u 1l ~ l'"-.,.,..., + *• on'IO ,_ • ~kit~ C• 11 16 ~ N1tton. Alsocl-Pr09 'ti S (I A11c:DOI• 1 471 60 J.< )$ "" mP em :w 31 tcre!1I• 6\, 7 1110.. of Securlles Srodl 11H111 '1 A""' Chtm ., ""'• 91 .... v. !'""' 11111 24 :it LMC D•I 1l1 J D111tts. Inc:, 1r, Selecl 1 11 t41 ARA 5vc ttl •1 1111, lt~ 1i~~ 0D"'c"~,,>o ma Ind TOJ4 11\1l111<e In 24 ,JS Ille Pf'ICtl 11 WMCll V1r PY 111 l«IA•cl'l"le~ lM 20 S""-S116 ~1>\+'l<li 111'\1. P S mp M•n . 1'11 71/o t•ncl• '" ,~. '"' "'-Slalflllt l In¥ R1$11 4 96 • a Arh PSY• 11111 71 "' ''"" ,.,_, -• Dl r1 Ind .JOll mp Tee 17V.11V. a11e WO l J 131'1 could llavt bffnl11t"! 21 3'Y.".00A•lan1DS 7t ~ '~"" ,,..,.. l~l'l -'~O•fflnd pf2 omre1 10 10\<i la,.Dn ~I• S Miid !b dl or bou~hl rvell 1' tt 16 :ia ArmcoSt 1 liO .. '~"" ,..,. ""I _ ~• D1wc11C11 t-',' Con ltixk 27\lt n larwn M 17 11•1 !•$1\ed) TUf'o;.day IYY 1 07 1 07 AmlOllf 161'1 ~ "'l •1'~ "''I +" OaylnH \14 0 Cl S!rolg Jr, l '• lfadV l d 27''t 21''o Bit! AJ!c J HncDdl I 71 a 'n Armr "~ l '5 "1 ~<> ~• •oa.:. -• D•YlnP'l I 60 Contrfd 7'• 1v, L•n Ca•I ••• ''• Aberdn l.11 ?'9 Jolins!11 21111113 Arm•IO; 10 1~1 l"· :U\4 µ, -·~OP\. pf8 31S Contran , J~ M1il1lsyr G ~h~l,'11 Advl1rs 710 116K•v1ta"" F uncli .lrmll •ib 1~ 1~ "'~ :u ~'!-'-"DPL plC )fO CDODef \. t l n l eYln Tn S 7 Alllll•ld 7 11 7.61 Cll• Bl 17'211 71 Ara CDro o0 1' l°""'i 1~,,_ , .. .lo , DPL p!D7 " S :Ill J2 l•wls SI< 11 Ul, AIU!rl t ta I .ti <:111 Bt 1'7020~ ,.rvln I"" l 1 71 '', ' , Oeere Co 1 05m Yr JOl'l l l\,llll)" EQ lot 101 All Am F' l"l to Cul B' l k t U AlhldC\I! 1 :111 N ''' '' 'I Do1matP IOI rW1rd '6 , tt LDbt•W I .. 1 Alpna Fd 11 6112 71 Cus Kl 16) (J] Alld B•ew ll 111 • 1~ ~ l' -' Ool Mnle I 10 rt•! M~ Illa J?VJ lDll COY 1\1 }\, .\mc1p SllO t i.! CVI K2 51l 511 Al•d DG I "'II ''' •~ •~ I Deua.O.lr 'Cl ross Co JIY, 10 LOCI Elr" JC 22 Am Bus J 01 3 21 Cus ll 11A3 lt,1.I "5!.d ~1111 l l'lt S ll • ]I 11 -\> Del1ec l~I ri.rtct'I It tYt ·~l•nch c 3.'I MV. .o.m DYlll 1001 10 91 Cui 1 t.111 11.5tA'sdT'•" 'Cl ",,,,," 11>y o ... 11 Ml1 60 YOt'll c 14 l Mid (';Et ,,,~ l~\ AE.I! SC>I • n CY~ l 131 • tM AtlClvEt 'J4 ., ,, '"• ,., .... o ... nMfg ~1 1 Olnlv M t•~ i!Yt Mqlc Ch 11Vt 11\\ Am Gr1h 515 •:ti C11s S4 } u; 5 M All ll lcnl ~ 1 ~~· on ' 7• ~ 1"l~ -"\o Dtnn¥Rs• ~ DI!• 0.o '• 10 M•! lillly '~·.,,,,Am Inv 73' 1n Pal•r •U •SA AIP(h p!J ll rtlO 11 I I II -1 DftbPI>' I '°" Oa!•ln P I~ f l/, Mt llkrl f(lfo 6~ Am MYI 117 f.$1 Kn!,kb 4 12 736 Atl Ric~"' 1 4 117'., l'I 1'\I -('" D•11R(';r I !0 Divis Fd 11111 J"o Mimi A1 71t J.\\ Am~ Git'! 2 f'3 3.20 Knick GI ll J7 /1 IS """Reh ofJ to 1-.. "'4 SI ~I~ -'l; D~rtco pf 4 oav Mir I 7Vo !'• Msnl11 M J•'io '~Am ,.,, univt ll l.e~ Grtrt 910 0 60 Atles Clllm 1 77 :ZW. 21 21 -l V. CMlrlK'll DI 6 DKor 111 t \Q l M•riar ( '"" 101• '-nthor Group l l'll 11111.t f .2i JO 12 Att•1 Corn ,_, '.Cl', 1'-i ,..,, DtSDlatnt 90 0.Jlll Al" IV. 1\ll Mir Mlt lSI'> 16V. (loll I 71 t n LeM RK~ 1! U lf 6' ATO In!; Oh 117 17"1~ ll>ol 11>, -·~ DefEd11 1 •O De VI< [h 51 !2 MArm GI" 10 lt Grwfh 1111 U '6 Libert¥ S It 6 « Auror1 P1As j• 1\ ll'o I.ct, -\ Def Ed l>IS SD Ott C•nT 15'11 lt M Browr 37 :n lllClflr IJt '01 Cite $111: S.71 l n .0.Ulvmfll 1"111 1 I 1.,._\ llt'li Tl't1 -De!Stttt 30o I llllf 21 ,, M•Ytr 0 ,11.1,., Fd ln1' tAllOll 11. 111¥ 7 71' 97Avc11Ce1211 1,1 , .. ~,, " _, OIA J'IMll 50 0.¥ Am II 11 Mc0v¥ 111\li 71'1" "1111el1 l f.1 ,,l.l l lllll 4 fl 5 «I '-""o "":IO S1 om , ~?"o ..,,, -:o;, Dl•mlnU l.IO On "°" IS • l:J\• Mlolllt H 111'> 20 A.llro.. 5 10 6..)1 l-.o 1 l>IY"l av...., "O "' l 3"'~ ''"' 111. -·~ D 1Sham l .O Otwev E 7', l1ot Ml!'dlr n 31''1 3Wl ""'' Hol.ttflton Cltll' «111«111 A v~t lnr .. 11~ 111, '"• 111 ,_l'>O•Sh C>IC? Ol m Cr 11l~l1lJ.Melp11 ,.,, 1\11 Fund A 6 05 6 SI C111I 11151115 it.v""I pf15ft 1 SA ~ •t -6 OltS ll!Dl10 0!1 1 ''• St1.M!dld C1 10~11 Fund B 7.67 13' Mui lfll U:Jl .lvDtO P.,110 91 1M>,1•7 1" -l\•0Jc1111han •I o;~~r CM l~o ~\ MldleK JV• •Y., Sloc;k t 01 6 SI Mtnl>ln , S6 I 21 Al"( 0•1 G1 15 111, 17 1J ~ +v. Dllbold d b Ooc;ulel 71 M1c!w GT 11 11 Sd Cit •I I JU Miu ~d 10U 1JA7 8-DIGlaro!o 60 DDUY Md u~ "" Moll Ga• !, ... 11'-" l!!tlb!IOll • to • '° Mtll "' " II t3 2' -O\lhnlhm •G Dow Joo 61 Ml11 VIG 1 1.1~ 1•10 ICnl '" 952Ma11 r 1•9316J2 l!!t1bckW 1 3' l 'h 2••· JJ . 1l11~ "'o n ... lllB 1 DDYle DB ,, MD lt•CJ> 5 51,1, l•lr Fd 11 )31111 Matti 556 5 S6 Bilk•D IT 6S 19 Zl • ,,, ~ -I'll DlllcnCo S6b Or ow NL J 'i 61.I, Mad St> 10~~ llVJ l!!tOllCIJilk 6 '3 1 03 Mtlt>tn 11 1711 n Bi l!GE 1 70 !2 lO 2'~ 7' : -V. Dl,,....Cllib ,50 Durildn D 17 U'llo Mdlwk pit I I 7D l q_tkln 51 1 116 I J9 McDDrl I 39 t It llllG "'l!!t' .SO JlO 61 60 '1 ' -+ Dl1n~ l(lb Oor ll'Ol'I ll ,, Monrn II, lf 15 llOst Fdn lD..5611 5! NlldA Mii • 51 1 II BallG pfC' 1100 S6 »Ill !9','J ·~ DlilSe11 I 10 "l P1lnl J~''> ''"' I p IV! • l!!toaloll 7" • 1 Moody Cit ll IO lS tll B p I .. 1 , 16,., 16 u ,__ Dllfel"SI"" '3' "•sl Sh ~· !r • Nll>or• s ll l'Ml. l!!ttlltd SI 14JO lS lS MC>od)"'1 13 :u 14..$1 II <l"'l pllfl pl ' ' ' 25 ?S "'1 -, 1!? o r ..... ~fd Mia i=can l•b ™·SA•~Mo!th M ,v, ' Bullod< 1411 1S,.SJMorlOI\ F\lnd• 111"9p 1 11 DrP-90 "du~~, ~ 1 Mot Club 1•\.l~CG F4 l lS 9 S7 Grw!h f.21 10 16 11!:.l m'#:v '~ 1 JI JI OorneM ~ 10 Fl Pa•EI l">l• 111.1 Mu1ller 1D1~ 11..., C1nadn 11ll1' IJ lnc:om 315 ~ 21 lllllk Tr 21, 1' '1Vi 4''.4 .. ,, ~ -I DomFd 1 11'9 F'I N•I• I I MVlltl Et l'• (\lo Cuamr 1 '1 I I] IMur 7 90 1.66 1! 61 6J Oonnellv 11 '' i:::1 Nye 1! 1 t~',NCC \.ell IV• P.I (1tpll tnv •ll l ~)MIF Fd 7ff 161 BubOll 2 :Jat I •I 41 , !!'•-'•Dor~ C~ .tz "ic!CO't S '> •v.Narr19 C ~ '' ~1111 S~r 7tS 713 MIF Glh S10 S tl ll i rd Cit ?S ,,,> u,,,, u,, ..., Dorr Oliver Ftlrom 5 , 6 N•t Brnd )lo 4 1nt Slit 110f!71l Mu OmG ~08!!1lll•lc lnc: 16 1' ~DaY•<CP 70 "I r S•• • •'~ N&IC•r It 11'• 11\lt 111111.,. Funds Mu Om111 9 1$10 31 8t te1 Mlg 11 t 1 ~\~ l\lo -'111 OowChm , .o El Oal• 1 .. lit N(ma CP l 2V. 81l~n 11 31 l1 6 M~! Sht1 l~ t31' tl Bain Ml It! 1 ~ 13 • ll 13 • OrdvC>(p 1 10 fl Modul s1, 6 "' N1t Eout •6 '41 Corn $1 1 61 I 1J Mui l rot 2 4S 2 45 Ba!~ Ind 60 1f • lt • 1''' + "' OreHlnd l ~O l"IH Clo 31 • 3'V. N Fd Pd 11'• 1'V. Grwlh 6 Of 6 U NEA Mu! lo '-1 10 U Ba Thin pl? 50 l If > 19 ~ ,,.. ... -'t Orns' pl11G E'maS Oil IS 1<\, N1t G&O H ~ IS lncom 1 41 110 Na! 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Fd Ind O~Tt t 1110" ¥~ CH 10 .. 11 n ~f(I> CorD 'II i: n~ ?~ ~ n'l1 ·~ ;1 .... ~~i,i'f ~· u111 ! • !"' j M Alt ,, ... 11 n •~• ' u st•• ...,..\ \ -11i '"'\" 011 1 ,_ OS :f~ •5 fM 10 Dt ... II ~Al so t n•. SJ • ~ + "' Fl "' otB) 1$ \lftlll Am ,,.n lt.«l jec:llttOI 1 14 J 19 Ct11 ....... l 4 " 'H il•o 211\ -f i. PC>W \Of i~Mut ,: ~ 11 ~ l:;.~: t.U t.~ ~::'..Jyns J: ~ ~t~ ;!'-1~'• -~ f: ~.,c"~' 111 k 1ee116!' ...,. Gj 2'-1'141 (fl'llll\.I i n 3S *• 111 .. '°"' ._ '\ "'•Pt,.ll 1 'i---l--'~.l,,-+-f--1i l 'br•lfr 1e111e '!-r M '"m e nll.1 "''" 11;111 '°""St•\ lt\)-t Fii 51 .. 11 -""'" $1C: r111 C" 7 lS ~ C111ll i-S I 11 JS 11j U 11 1 ~llwC• , ~Jf t:,;: tt 1r f! ,;i! =. E~ tI ft l' c1::,.y_ E,1 ,: 3 r!~ ~!:: i~~ .!, ~ ~~_::. s lo ~:;'1' A4 I 31 t 09 Wll(' GI 'ft ' Mii SW 1 to 1~l '°'' l"4 '° FMC ..+2 J.) jirlli Ind 11 ~II 3' WO!( Inc • 4 • tf!I So¥1 llO IH 11.. ~I\~ 11\~ ..t I FOOdFl lr f!I ii~~'::J~ !la~tfi ~~1~Mul in 1iJ CfnTflU 1911 IS un. ll'\i 111~ • FO<li. 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" •• .. •• ., • :1 •• " " " '" ;~ ~ ,, " ., " " •• .. •• .. u •• •• ,, • • .. ~ " •· ·r~•..--· , . .,..-..~ •• -. -,-......-......,.,._....,.. r •--,.-~,·-··~·~~~---~-.,...,...,.._,.....,..._...,,.. __ .,.. ____ ~---------------... ---.... -........... -.. --,...,.,.,.. __ ..,..,,,, ........ ,.,,....., .... ,.,...,<:::,:""'1 Tuesday's Closiiig Prices-~mplete , New York , ,. • DKArnlMf' • , lM ' ' DAILY- -· I D ,DAl\.V PllOf WtdllfSdaJ, OectMbtt 11, lM f Grand Jury Goes. for Tl(O • Ill Fight Scandal ,, NEW YORK (UPl)-On tht nlibt ht loot hlJ chall'fll• lot the tJihl. nuvr.· weight boxing chlmpionshlp, Frank e De Paula didn't aound llke a loHr, acconllng to a Manhattan .van<! Jury. DePaula and tua mana&er, G1r1 a.: .. rola, were rtlnlng In a Manbltt.an rrstaurant H't'era.I hours aft.tr the ._ ye&NJ!d llabW wu knocked out In the Orst rounil by Bob FOiier. Garafola reportedly asked °'Paula for aome change for 1 hatcheck girl "You'T'e kldding. I BOOred toc1a1. man . A.ll I got is hundreda," DtP1ula uld. occording to the Fand l11'1 • TM bo<er dtnies the statement. The flamboyant Jtttey Cltr figbt.r 1llegedJy aaid he "scored .. oo the night of Jan. D. ll<llbe didn 't ncelve hll pur• unUI the loll...... dly, accon11nr ~ Allred J. ScotU, the cltlel uslltant dlt- trlct attorney 1n Manbattan. DePauJa and two underworld fiiurt• weA indicted Tuelday for perjury la coDbectJM wlth that CGQvtnaUon and aevtral others n::lated to the DePault- F-lllbt and the -Utlo middleweight upset by Dick Tiger over Nino Ben- venuti four mon1lu later. The srand Jury lndlctmenll capped monlha d tesUmony in an lnvUU,ation that ii .Ull COllllnulnc. 'The UH could become lbe llrat major boxing acandal ina~. The Fand Jury will bur Teddy B,.... ner, the Madlaon Square Garden bo:idnr matdunuer, Jn llalber ..Wonr nut month. IJooley Called Puppet Chricago Scribes Unload on Halas CHICAGO (AP) -Ntver hlll 'the Hoose o( Halu been roclced .. vloltn\ly as it W this wee« when tbe encl bl. the Chicago Bears' armour VJN into 8 fiMure from lhe spear oC quarterback Virgil Cartee. '1t was 1ike the openlnc of a Pand<ra'1 Box when Carttt was fined Sl,000 for an tot.burst against the club and then n:· cused 1\Jesday from practice . Bear owner George Halas says Carter hasn't been released or suspended but 1'simply dlsmmed for the week. He wiU receive his full game Mlary, alChougb not playing Sunday.'' Edginess ill toocJUnc all baaee. One ran rums it up like tbi5 : cmnmon denominator, and that ts dblension. •• 'Jbe diaenskm ii aimed at the top ol lhe ltalrs, and that meano only OOe fellow, Georp Halas. "He was responsible for the growth of the team and he is equally responsible for its disintegraUon. • .The Bean have managed to work themlelves into the worst labor relaUons group in organ ized sport ••• " Bob M1kwi, Chicago Tribune sports columnl1~ lops II off with -"Playing with the Bears this ynr, I M>Uldn'I be azrprised lf even Ernie Banks would hive turned into an old 8"JUClt." Scotti 11 I d J1ma 11Jlmmy Nap" N1poll, 17. a re~ "chleltaln " in the Miiia, had 1 talk with Garafola about DePaul&'• bout on Jan. 17. "How does everylhlng look ?" Napoli reportectzy 1utd Garatoi.. "Everything looks 1ood. The kid will listen," the mmager allegedly replied. The grand jury made no allecatians about the outcome of the Benvenuti. Ticer flght, but the panel aald the indict- ments arose from an Jnvestlgallon into a pouible "conspiracy to commit the crime.a ol sports-bribing and sports bribe- reeelvfnl." MkldJewetght champion Benvenuti, a 2·1 favorite, JOit a unanlmOUJ 10-round decblon to Tiger, the Blalran ligbler who Is a former middleweight champion. It was reported after the bout that Benvenuti broke his hand in the Orst round and was unable to land solid rlghthanded pugr;he1 afterwards.. - Tile third man lndk:tod, Joseph "Joe Carlo" Calabro, 44, of Brooklyn, a con- victed gambler, allegedly was a close friend of Bruno Amaduzzl, BenvenuU's manager, and wu 1 house gueat of both the manaier and the fighter In Italy. Calabro allegedly met with Amaduzzl. and Napoli at the Garden during an eve-- ning of other boxing bouts two weeks before BenvenuU's loss. He denied the n\eettng and Insisted In· tesUmony to the grand jury that he was only a door-~ door milk route salesman. • He could supply no details o1 his · employment, however. N11poll, an admitted gambler who re- ported an Income of $110,000 tut year and lives In a ,150,000 Manhattan town hOU!e, was further charged with perjury for being unable to explain the IOW'ct of S:4,050 in cub reserves be kept in 1 batbox at his home. Charged with 1even counts of perjury and crimlndl contempt, Napoli wu released Tuesday ln '15,000 bail. Calabro, charged with four counts of perjury and two of criminal contempt, was freed In bai l or 110,000. DeP~ui., charged with four counts of perjury, was heed in 13,500 bail. Judge Isadore Dollinger adjourned the three men's cases until Jan. 1&. ' ,. ·"'' '. . ... ' GLENN WHITE ·J :~ Sports Editor '" I ' " Raiders Coach .... ' !~ Lauds ()ilers' c . . ' 1-2 Punch " ... OAKLAND CAP) -The Oakland . ,r Raiders, favured by 13-polnb lo make it to the American Football League's cham· : .. pionship game in two weeks, prof68 to , ... be worried that a matured' Houston quarterback and a da ngerous Oller run-I·' ning game migtt keep them from that ~ ' appoi,nbnent. The Raiders host the Oilers here Sun- day in an AF~ playoff game with the 1 l_ winner later meeting the survivor of "' .. New York Jets-Kansas City Chief' con- test. John Madden, the Raiders first ·year ; l coach, says Houston is "a much better team than they were the first time we "1~ met. Houston is better for two reasons: Jmy Levlas and Woody Campbell." Campbell, who returned to foot.ban 1• after 10 months in Vietnam, runs with "I've been sitting in the same teat 1t Bears' games for 25 yean. I JllY to 1tt a :irst cl8S8 pl'Oducl, nol a living, bruthin& problem.'' As the Bears take tmfr 1-12 National fO<tball t..ague ......i -wont In their .. 11 century history -brto Sunday's linale here againat the Detroit Lion<, Ile)'. are being harpooned from all sides. Super llneblc:k" Dick Butku.<' 5-year cont.ract erxb Jan. 1. He says a number of Bear players want to be traded or cut and adds: "IAok at me ... My contract is up, and I want to play with a winning team .'" It is not Clear if Butkua already has played out his option and could become a free agent Jan. 1, but he i:s ready at any rate to ask for 1 whopping raise -uy !30,000 -· to put him in the !80,000 tirlcket of Galt Ssyers. " Hoyle Granger in the Oiler backfield, giv· ing Houston what Madden says is "a ,.,. . ' "Let.'s put it out in the open," u ys SJQU Editor Rick Talley in Chicago ~ '•Y· .. Jim Dooley llhould be (ired as eoach of the Chicago Bars. George Ralaa Sr., c:halrman ol the boercl, lhould to iL And il he 00...'t, he llhould at least )ore two hcMea into l>tdey'•' lhoolder Ila~ and --· crio which could le ·-llrlDp. "AD~ ahould bl .. llrlnp -ind hat'• all Dooley ropi"""ita In hlJ prMlll •,.city with Che Beers ... Jack Grillln ol the OUcaco Suft.Timell llid the Bears are a 1'dilpirited, lisqaail<d -!bit hlll oolJ ..,. Landry Fined For Criticism . ()f ()ff iciat~ DAU.AS (AP)-Tum IAndry, ~ ol '" n.n.. Cowboyl, said Tueldsy he bid -~lined by !be National -ll i.e-. ~ for hla c:ritidlm o( ifficlals kl the Nov. 16 game agalnlt the ledsldno in Wamlnglm. He declined ID J!fve the Imam! ol the lne ezcepl to aay it wa1 trivial. 'lbe-NFL oommlmioner's otrx:e an- -the dloclpllnary -" Appnlprlile dlodplinny ICllon has sem &i.ien. n.t's about ar specif'lc u ... Clll get. .. the ltatemeDt Nld. "Y... ( WU fined and' the lncldenl I.I 11oeed u far• I'm «JOCfJ'Ded,'' lAndry traid. Tbe Cowboys won tl-28. Lalllry Wll ~ in the Dalles ThnH IJenkl as saying eerlier, "in my 211) yean: ~ football that ill the wont call I heV9 1ver aeL J don't care wbtrt you Wert rtanding In the stadium, you could hava teen tbaL" lie was rel~ to failurt to call pus nterfermce against <:011ie1 bKk Pit nsher of the -on covuap of ftanktr 'Lance Reob:el. 'Ibf: pus Wll iD- "'"'pl&. Bob Lilly. the all-pro defensive ftneman, alao crtUdttd the officl1tlng 1Jt.er he was penallud for being offaidt, "" of the rare times be blo been pen11U- od. "The R<ctsklns' guard pulled two counll Defore the snap and l just went in right behi nd hlm. lt could have cast us the game. them (tile ofllciala) cslling · it back." On that pl1y, Dave Edwanls o! the [):rwboy1 picked up I fumbff and ran 51 Vlrdl to the Wublneton 10, but the blll .... Cllled back. A 1POl<8mao !or the Cowboys Ilic! """'11y thal no diaclpllnaty ICtlon hid been taken .,.wt Llllj>. Among others M1d to ht nursing aome 1'C8J'I are quarterback Jack 0Jnc1nnon, apparently d(ljJhouaed lmg ago; ruard George Seala, wounded with an al.Wied $7 ,400 in fines for miMlng games in an early "retirement ~ sa!_uy d l 1 p u t e ' ' epiaode; center Mike Pyle, a co-c1ptain btndled lately -explanaUoo to him; wide receiver Dk:k Gordoo., wOO started broodfni becawe not enough -..... dl!'Olm to him. Guard Howard Mudd. obtained from San Franct-lnsllls he Isn't mad al anybody, but be hasn't sll(Md I Bear contract yet. Meanwhile, Caner has laken his case ol a fine to Dan ShJlm&n, counsel for the NFL Playen A9ocl&Uon. Shuhn1n says if Carter hu to PIY Che $1,000, grievance l'f'OC'dure ehould go lo Halu, lint, then lo Art Modell of 0.V.Und, NFL prtli· dent, Ind fiMlly to COmmi!ISloner Pete: Rozelle. "If it get& to Raielle," sayg Shulman, "theae things would have to be answered : Did Virgil make Ul08e 1ctual statemerlta? Are they detrimental to the club and footblll? Are all of them true? ls the fine it.Mt acessive?" AWAITING DATE WITH OILERS -Don Maynard, flanker for the New York Jets, limbers up at Shea Stadium in preparation for Sunday's duel with Kansas City. Maynard has been hobbled by a foot injury bu'l is ready for action. - Jets Slipping Defensively? Stram Says NY Offense Same as '68's KANSAS CITY (AP) -Coach Hank Stram betleves the New York Jeta are just u good offensively, If not better, than 1bey were a year ago when they WOJ1 the Super Bowl. ·However. the Kamas Cily Chiefs coach thtnt1 the Jet.! may have slipped dfllenlivrly. It is this belief that brings optimism to the Chiefs as they prepare for Set.un:lay'1 American Football League playoff in New York. "From an over ... u viewpoint,'' Stram says, Hyou've got to say they 're as good as they were last year. They repeated as AP'L Eutern Dlv:lslon champions. and ita tou&h to win it again. "Defensively they aren't quite as good because oC all the people they 've Jost." While the key to Ule Jets' offense ap- pears to be quarterback Joe Namath, Stram believes that "one thing people definitely underestimate Is the abil ity of Bake Turner, and George S auer everybody knows about. "Turner could be a regular and a star with any other football team. But he plays behind a great receiver, Don ~taynard." Maynard has a broken foot bone. but returned to workouts Tuesday. His status far Sunday is cloudy, but Stram is work· Ing on the assumption that Maynard may play. "Because of experience," Stram added, "the Jets' receivers are as well coordinated as any group of receivers in the league. "Emerson Boozer and Matt Snell are big league running backs who have the abi ltty to do it all. "I think. too, you have to respect the fact that the Jets are a big game team. They've been involved in two big ones. ''Yoo have to give Weeb Ewbank and his whole team credit far: repeating ;u champions of the Eastern Division." Chargers' "5·9 Giant Post Becomes Pillar For San Diego Team SAN DIEGO JAP) -Wind up Dick Pool and wat.dt him dash with the fool· ball, caroming <if bigger mtn like a billiard boll corning of! a cushion. IM until this ytor the spring in the 5- fOCJt,.9, !IQ.pound San Di... Charftt hllfback wruld llln down. Weekly con- tact with 2.10-pound Unebac);ers would take its toll. Post manqed to stay antwhlt healthy in l!llt -he woond up letlding the American Football League In rushing v.ith .~ ylfda fer a t.1-Jard lvtr'l(t, wtl1 ihffd of Bos!m's bil Jim NlllCt with 7lO yanl!. The former Houst.oa Univtrtlty athlete ranked fourth in the AFL in his rookie year of 1969 when be pined 1163 yards. But in one game he lot bit wlllle lllnding atlll. "The lint lime In my Hie !bet I ltand !Olll on • JOO(boll lltld and k blpptn!," recalled Pelt, 1"ho fln1shed thal seuon, tMn w1dmverrt. surgery tG repair cartilage and U,1ment damage in his nghl tnee. AA 1 aophomore pro last yt.ar he rank· ed No. 5 in the league with 758 yards, but again 1Ubmitted the aame knee for cartHage !lm'gery In the ofJ-.M:ason. "My knee is 100 percent well," Post said Tuesd1y. "This is the first off.season u 1 pro without havin1 to llave surgery ft:r my knee." But .Post didn't go ·throogll the season without ptin. For eevfn.I weeks he could practice only pvt-time for upcoming games. "I hurt my shoulder, only slightly. and I had a alight sternum injury. But I felt I \\'II vtry fortunate with as few injuries as: r bid. "l was fortunate to play in every game and I fln1Jhed 1his seuon ltrooger lhnn bft1:Jrt ... Post 11kt he hu dreamed of leading the letlgue In na!hlng and playing in the All.star gllll<. Alabama Gridder Drowns DllCATUR. AIL -lllchard Grlnun<r, 1t.artmc -m Ille Unlvenlty ol '1>bam.a 1-D ...... dtownecl nrb' today tn Che Tt111e111e Riftr. He ,,.. to ha\ .. been mll'rle:I oat Slturday on his l2nd . blt1bdl7. Cnmmll', !di -Jlmm,y, also •n IJ•bama 1-11 pi.ver, and two other men ,,.. ttartlne out on • ducll: hunt. Tbtlr amaU ekl!I apobed Ina than 1 mile from the Dael.... Boot Harbor where their b1p down rlv<r bid be run. The WTYlvon Aid !hit """" one ol lllem went to the ln>nl of the boat to -· Oil the runntn1 lipt, the cnill ho.fan lo I.Ike Wiler Ind .. k, Grammer clrowned ln about 1i1 Itel of ' water. The body waa found aeve:ral houn titer. Grammtr bid earned thrtt lootblll let· ten at Alabama. The S-foot-11, 207·pound lineman had ended hl1 college carttr only last Saturday In Alabama's 47.JJ loss to Colorado In the Liberty Bowl at Memphis, Tenn. He ~Jea 1as B111iness .Joe: Caldwell of the Atlanta 11 a\\'k!i grabs a rebound from NeYi' York's Dave Debussch er Jn a 125-121 overlime \Vin for lhe Hawks Tuesday. .. ' ' ~. ball-control offense. They can COD-• 1 trol the ball on the ground like Kansas City doe!." · I The Raiden are also oonc:emed about the new-found maturity o£ Houston quarterback Pete Beathanf. "'Ibis was probably his be:ft game .. " . . ' said a Raider scout of Beathard's 7 periormance in Houston's 27-23 victory over Boston last week. "He was 17 of 24 for 250 yards and two .. touchdovms and he got the ball to seven. receivers. The impresgive thing is th& • ~ way he mixed hia attack, calling on their ·' nmning backs,'' said the !COUt. "Pete bas matured." Madden -· noting: "Beathard loob a lot better. He had them 1tll ahead • - of San Diego on Thanksgiving day Mld ., was ju$ tremendous last week in rallying them to beat Boston." In addition, the Oilers' affensive line · ~ -. came in for praise. In the first two-thirds ·• of the sea.son ~than! was dropped 20 _ "•· times behind the line. But in the oast five games he has been hit just once tryilg ID pass. ' Levlas was the goat of Oakland's 21-11 -: ' victory over the Oilers in the first game _·, ' of the regular season when he dropped an · almost sure touchdown pass late bi the .~ . ' game. Since then he has come on d.rong, though. Says Madden : "Levias gives ,. them another dimension, real speed." The Raiders went through their first full-scale drills cl. the week Tuesday after Madden gave them two days off after their victory over· the Chiefs last Satur- day. · "t ~ the extra dly off woQld belp more than another practice day/' Aid M'"1den. . Pittsburgh, " Bears Vie For Phipps PITl'SBURGH (AP) .:.. The Pltt.burih Steelers, running neck and neck with the Chicago Bears for first mck at the col· Jege draft, are itching for tlOme offensive zip but may spurn Purdue quarterback Mike Phipps. . . " .. -. . " Phipps, who many observers think will • ' be dr.aft.ed first. will get a long look by : the Pittsburgh scoot!. but his chances ot becoming a Steeler see m slim. ''lt's no !lecret we could use a good run- ning back." says Steel er \'Ice president Dan Rooney. The Steelers. ho\\·ever appear sold on rookie Terry Hanratty of Notre Came who battled veteran Dick Shloer for the quarterback job this year. So that spot is not the Steelers' most pressing need. While the Steele"° 4ren't in desperate need of a quarterback, there's stUI a chance pooslblli\v lhey could seek Pbippa for trade bait for veteran players. "We need !ICOring punch," says eo1ch Chuck Noll , "But I still bel.ievt in draf- ting the best avaiJable player no matter what poslUon ht playg." The Steelen and the Bears, both 1-1; have the worst records tn pro lootbai1'f this season. And Sunday's ramts -Chicago and llttl'Oll, Ptt(fburgh and New Orleons - will deckle who I~ tht first choJce whtn the draft begins Jan. 27. If both clubs finish t.he season \•it h ldtnUcal rtcords, 1·13 or 2-12 or 1·12·1 a coin rup will decide who gets the fl~~ pick. I I • ' f ' ., :• . ', " ; :• ,, ·' . ' ' " '' '" I' "' • ,, . , . , ' ' y •' ' ) vikes ·ory Winners From ·Area By J\OGEI\ CARUON Of .... ,,,t ......... Or•n&ll Coat area prep basketball !earns toot a ellght beiting artistically in r uesda)''• action in the fJnt round of the <isl lllllOll nwllng ol the l!unlinlton Beach Invitational tournament.· Marina. however, survived to IOI .itall 11p wHh a confrontation ·with Compton 1onlght In the qurterfmals. The Vlkiop of <OOCh Jim Slephens came from ftve points back in the third period to post a 18-51 ·Win over upstart Edison after Compton had m a d e shambles of Atagnolia, 96-47, ~ Tueaday's opener. Sunset Learue buketball pride took a lathering u Villa Park ran rouchshod n<;er one of the top contenders for Sun!et \aunils, w'estm.i~ter, with a cmvinCln& U-57 rout: And Costa Mesa wound up on the wrong encl ol an lf.t1 decision with Rancho Alamil\11 In the nightcap. Marina tried tO esploit EdlJOn's offense "·ith a man.t.o-man pres.sute defense, but \l'asn't upectally successful. Finally, tlle Vlku ll<ltled down to talce c·ommand fl the issue in the fourth nuart.er, but not ·untu aft« a few anzious 111oment.s tot Stephens. Stephans· 1"1uldn1t ccmider the Viku' t'fforts on a per with their worst workout or the campaJcn. Marina received a Jolt when Tom f\!ullally suffered a possible hairlint frae. 1ure In hil lower leg after lallJnc hard on I drJvinl Jayilp. Rick MOiile• led Merlna llCOrin( wilh II •nd tlloee others -Klpp Baird (If), Ray Str1tlonl (IS) and Bob Beal (12) -woro in doul>le figuru. Edilon'• John Fither WU hlsh for th• i•me with 20' counttr3. Ville Pork ($<>) showtd ootst>ndlnr P.biUty ln evfl!ty 'department In whippine \Vestmlnster. • The Spartans, or the tou&h Creltview League mapped a ff-44 tie late in the I ltlrd peliod and went on to post their- lopslded victory bt:hind ezce.Uent lhoolin& rrom outalde, a good fut brt1t and an •ffectlve lull court pren tll1t lhn>llled the Lions time after time. Wetlmlmter's lnabi!lty to connoct from tht fitld In tlle aeC<JOd hill didn't help matters any . The Lion! failed to hit 1 aingle field Roal in the third period and wound up hit- ling four of 20 1ttempts in the last two quarters. \Vestminster led tn the early 1oing, t-2. Lion Steve McLendon Wl3 the leadint 1COrer cf the game with 20 points. Villa Park was paced by four pl1yt11 In iouble. figurea along with a hultlini crtw that took away the boards from the taller Lions. • Rancho Alamitos rolled up a 47-22 lead •l the half agaimt Costa Mesa and added h\•e more points to the marlin at the outset ol the third period. However coach Emil N9eme•1 quintet refnst:d to roll over and die and fou&ht hack with a fine performance to nanow 1hr count to nine points with 1:11 re- maining. Bob Austin and Tim Salioe CGmbined l\'ith some key efforts in that 11*1. to 1et I~~ P..iustangs back in the 1ame. They fJrushed with 19 points apJect for their work. Rancho'• triumph "u ma.inly on the nvcrall good lhootini the Vaqa po11eJSed ;ind they are now on a li1·11me win slreak. In the first half. Rancho c111Md 17 of ~4 (50 peccent) from the floor along with 13 ot 17 at tht foul line. Mlr!M 1611 ldiMll llll r; .. 1 It tt Jlf 1-ft ft ,, ,, • • ' " 1"11nk• ' ' ' ' Mo1i1r • • • " Flslllr , • • .. '-•lrd • • , " Wri9111 • • ' " McGu>r• ' ' ' ' .. ,,.,.,,. ' , • ' 4T<1!1111i ' ' ' " 811n • ' ' , 1 1~11111 11r ' • ' ' Bowmen ' ' ' • ,., ... k•ll• ' ' • ' R1tcllll ' • ' • 1"Wtm ' • ' ' l et1l1 ti It 11 .. Tot1l1 lS lt 11 A Jt'fN ., e111'11" Edlwn l.\1rln1 W•lml"ll•r un I <ltnaon ., .... 1,r l\roe11tocll; •ttfiO.. 'D"'llwk l: "•·f llt ...... 111• ltnt ~·''"" ft fl ,, ,, ' • ' 20 o o I o J J s ' I o I I I A 1 I I I D 1 2 t 2 ' I I I 1 4 I J ll " " .. 11 -n " " " 21 -" Villi ,lr'lr 1111 H•i"1 Ht in T1r1blld1 McJ.11nv t.111111\er oisen t.1c11er T""' """ Mein lily 'Udld< TPlll1 11 ,, Ii 51 TO!lls fl II ,r t11 t f l II A S J lJ • t • ' J 1 1 7 ' I S t 1 2 2 I S I A II I 2 l 10 1 • • 2 1 0 0 2 I 1 1 I )JliJI 12 lctrt IJ 0111'1.,,, V1ntml"111r 11 11 • 13 -SI' 11 .lJ -12 Vl111 l"lrlt 17 ll Ct1l1 MM1 1'7) 1t111dl1 A .. llllMI (II) -"Ult n '"·tHlll\4 ll!'tton ~•lk.• .11cL11" Otttn~ 1\11111 '••clliwl•ltl J'rrl• """'" odtlet 11111. """" """~ 7 !AllA,,..,._ 1 7.t2l 22.l,Jt!MS )021 t12SS1U 11111 tllll ltlfbr 2JA7 •1 l 1Gr1111rn 1 1 .t ll 1112•.n;., 0101 1011•,.....,, ,.,, llOtMc0111iel .t.tlt I I t t McKMMlrlck o 0 I 0 11 1201111 '''' 110 2ZIClt~l 11 I' n t fS 11 Tottll • 21 ll t4 kl,. .. ,...,,.. Cotti M•1 I 14 U ti -67 1'1111Ct11 A1tml1t1 11 2t If 17 -14 Collegiate Hoop Ratings . ' DAILV'>J(I!!° :J[fil; Marina Takes Aim at Compton Mark For the most part, Ont round games In the fist IMual Huntington Beach ln\'ita- tional ba.*etball tournament have ~ pfllttty euy ~a for the wJnners - save for the eiceptloo a( C<rona: del Mar's· quintet. Now, howevtr, It gets a little st.icky in the dwnplol!shlp bracket with foor .,. cellent games on ttp toolght tn the battle of survival. Most pre.5tlgiOU! game, of course Is the ?ifarina-Oxnpton confrontation at the fanner'a court in an 8:30 struggle. These two meet after downing first round foes Tuf.lday afternoc'.11. The c1&sh follows another tough on.e at Marina (7) between N8Wpll'! Harbor'• SIUars and huto Warren, I team that boaat.s • front line Of 11-1, 6-7' and 11'1. Corona dtl Mar meetJ Huntlngton B""'h lt 1:30 ln_1 the componlon doubleheader at the Oilus.' gym. It follows the Villa Park·Rancho ' AlamitOI showdown at 7 between two unbeaten contingents. Other games this afternoon in con- solation play Involving Orange Coast 1rea le.ams are Edison and Magnolia at Hun· tington Beach (4:30) and a Co6ta Me~· WesUninster struggle at Marina (5:30). Marina ha! a chance at cracking the lonaest win skein in the histt:ry of ClF Soolhern Section hul<etball tonight against Oompt.on. The twt>-tlme CIF champjoo Tarb&bes are suppcoedly In the ttbuikllng stages and coach Jim Stephens' crackerjack ootlit is giv~n an e1cellent shot. at doi.n( what the last '6 straight oppontnl! have failed to do -win. A non-league tf!t at Compton between the two last Wetk V!'U called off &tter tha hosts failed to come up with game of- ficials . Howe\•tr, the game of the night might very well bt the Huntington Beach- Corona de! ?!far affair. Coach Tmiy Gillis and ru.. 001 outfit rely eztensively on a deliberate 1tyle cf atllck with a man-~man pressure AIRBORNE VIKINGS ..,. Marina Hlgh's Kipp Baird (45) and Rick Mosier (23) seem to have things \\PeJI in hand in Tuesday night's 68-51 \Vin over Ediso n. The victory enables the Vikes to challenge Compton DAIL T PILOT ....... '1 Lii '''"' and its 66-game winning streak tonight at ~1arina (8:30) in quarterfinal action in the 4lst annual Hun'!· ington Beach Invitational. Edison players are i\fark Harmon 141) and .John Fisher (4!), Sports Clipped Short NY Hits Skids, Loses Again NE\V YORK -The thieving New York Knicks, ·who ·were bt:ing called one ol the greatest basket.ball teams ever one wttk ago, are suddenly finding that a life of crime doean't always pay. After stealing their way to a National Basketball Association record 18 straight , victories and then a 26·2 record, the Knicks have run into four defeats in five 1tatl!. minute workout to conditioning. The Tt'ojlN have 12 drills left. 1.1ichigan, which shocked Oh.io State, 24- 12, in ils last regular season game, will arrive Thursday from Ann Arbor. • cond loss against s.i:a: triumphs. The teams shot equally well from the noor but Long Qt1ch consistently outran LM F\1issouri defenders and wound up outshooling the losers 115 to 84. The 49tn held a solid 64-41 lead at the half. Darnell l\foore, with 27 points and Pat Donavan with 22 Jed the losers. Ray Grit· ten was the top Long Beach scorer with 22 but seven of the 49ers scared in double figurts. dtftnH, almost always dildalnlna: the zone dtflllX. Hu. n t In 1 ton, under coach Elmer COmbl, ta Ibo .. pab11 of llllJHo.man ~"" but Ulllllly stlcka to the IOllt, applyinl the JftSI only ln lpolo. And offensively the Olltl'I love to run ind ohoot. 'n<lt llyto of play lid to 1 SG- 21 lead •t th• half in their openlnJ round rout Of FuUmoo. Newport Harbor Is led by all·<O<mty ,candidate Lff Haven and a \•eteran lineup that Ui:et to exploit tht fall break. , The Sallcn of co&ch Dave Wllrman wert: eepecially imprem:ive 11~ fint fOWld --Senta Fe, allmmlnr it 7:>- 5'. Gurney Enters $100,000 Riverside 500 RIVERSIDE -A purM of nearly $100,000 baa b6en posted for the Ith a"'" nual Rivmide-Motor Tr~nd 500; the first major stock car race of 1W70, Jin. 11 at Ri verside International Raceway. Raceway president Les Richter said to- day that •CCR90l'Y money may boost the total over the $100,000 mark, putting it among the most prestigious stock car even I.! in the country. The Riverside 500 ha! In seven· years grown tnto·a clanic on the National Assn. for Stock Car Racing (NASCAR) Grand National schedule and is the only major 1tock car race htld on 1 road course anyMiere. Each year, the 500 opens the new NASCAR season, provkllng the first test for the new model Amerlcan- manufactured sedan!. Next year is eipected to develop Into • tight three.way battle between the new · Plymouth winged Superbirds. the winced Dodge Charger Dayton.as and the cc"'" ventional, but proven Ford Torinos. Driving one of the aerodynamic, ~ark· noaed Plymouths will be Costa Mesa·~ Dan Gurney, wiMer Of five previous Riverside 5005 and a Ford man the past aeven years. Other SUperblrds are ex· pected in the field but no drivera have been named yet. Lead.inc the Dodge team will be Buddy Baker, Bobby Isaac and Bobby Allison - la!t year's three regulars -while Lee Roy Yarbrough and Rich ard Pett y will all be in Fords. Add to these the names of USAC 1tara Ji.tario Andretti, A. J. Foyt, Roger McCluskey and Al Unser amona: others 11nd you ha.Vt the moat vwaatile field of drivers in any stock car raca in the coun· Icy. LagW1a Rallies To Nip Falcon Cagers, 68-64 Laguna Beach exploded In the MCOnd half w:lth a pre1sing defense and '4 points on the scoreboard to pull out a 11-14 vi~ tory over Invading Rubldoul: High cf Riv· erside . It wa:ii the second win in four starts for coach .J~rry Fair's Crestview League representativM and Fair was e1tre1nely ptea,q~ with his outfit's showing. The Artists received e1cellent reboc..uvf. Ing: Oil the offensive and delenaive boards from sophomore John Harbold, jurior Bart Tabor and senior Chris Powen. And they combined tllat wltll tlle clutch llhooUng of guards Mlb Mcl\iurray and llenn.Y Schmitz. McMunay hit 26 v;hile Schmitz wu chipping In with 22. LaJW1a'1 prtts was responsible for. the thlrd and fourth quarter comeib1ck that sa\v the Artists era!e an eilfit·point Ji'al· con lead at the hal l. "\\'e played as a tea m for the first time this year -especially in the second half." 1aid Fair. L..-BMdt !Ml ,.._. kl'tmlt1 Tow Htrklll #olcM11rr1r l11ch -H- """' 111 I ) 1 II • ~ ' 22 I I J I I 2 S 4 11432, 0 2 2 % I II 1 2 TDl•1t 16 l' " H l.lf\1111 fMCfl llu~ldlloll •1111i..p c .. t ''"" ... I S 4 It HIMll ltlc~s Cvmmfnti E11r1d1 TVltr Cr1ghNd •i.r1 C1mt~1t Sftlo..,,.n T&tll' 1' • n 12 • 11 ' l ' 11 •• t • I ( I 6 t • J ' 6 3 3 IS ,, 1 ' 1 ' ' ' ' 0 t I I ~Jlt f.'l lA n -II u -,, -. PLAYS POR COMPTON Albert Nero MARINA FLASH Rick Mosler • "' :''N >() ,.,. I ,1.ol .,'{ 10 .,., rtl!! llA •'.>Iii •'b r tilt .. i. .i.e .. . "' ·~ '"' :,o~ ,, . 0\ ~~ . " ' ' ,J 1 •it ,,,i ·o.J ' 111' Af 'I "'' ,. • .1C'f ~!}It ''" r .J "' ·~ •;i>~ "" "~ ,,, ,, ..., ~~~~~~~~~~~-" .... ~ The Atlanta Hawks are the lalest team to catch the Knicks with their hands in the till. beating them lli-124 in overtime Tuesday ni1ht on Walt Hauard'r· free throw with 4f aeconda left. It was the third .traigllt defeat for tlle Knlcks. • M O s c O \V -Debbie Meyer of Sacramento, the youn1 American swim· mer who led the 1987 list of the world's top 10 women athletes selected by Tass, placed fourth in the 1969 poll published by the Soviet news agency today. Nade1.hda Chizhova, 14, Soviet UniOn. shot put world record holder, was first wltp 109 polota. Then c1me : ·rlt "" CdM Swamps Foothill . ' LOS ANGELES -The first time the Chicago Black Haw~ visited the &>mm, they bounced the Los Angeles Kings 4;r. Tonight., with late starter Bobby Hull back in form, the Black Hawks should be even tO\llher. That is a less than thrilling pr08pect for the Kings' new coach, John Wilson. The former iron man of the National Hockey League, who had been coachi'fil" the Kings' Springfield , llasi:;., farm 1eam. replaced Hal Laycoe on the Los Angeles benc:h Monday. • LOS ANGELES -The University of Soutbtm CaWornia cmctntrated on pass· illC -both ottenae and defeMe -Tuts· day In the Trojona' IOllJ'\h f(Jj)tblll workout In prepor1Uon 10< their ~ Bov•I game with :Pttlchlgan. Coach John 1-JcKay praised Jimmy Jones and Jim Fissel, USC • :ii quarterbacU. and the Trojan defensive secondary \~1hich intercepted fl ve passes. USC devoltd 20 minules oC lt.s 90- Gabriele Seifert, East Germany, world figurt skating champion, 66; Liesel \\lestermann, West Gennany, wor ld discus champion, a ; Miu :Ptfeyer, 58, and Ueset HJ'rookoP. AUBtria, world record holder and European pentathlon cham· pion, 4S. •• MIAMI BEACH -Olympic boxing champion George Foreman won a !G- round unanimous decision over ?iiiami'll Levi Forte Tuesday nigh t gi\'ing th~ Houston heavyyreipt hi! 12th straight pro victory. Foreman domlnated the. fictit and was pvu every fOWld by the jud..._ • LONG BEACH Ce! State (Long Beach) combined a fut-break offtnH with a f'Ull«>urt press Tuesday night to defeat Nc:rihwest Missouri State, 122·96, !n an lrrtersectJonal basketball game. The victory boosted the 49trs' record t" S-1 ~·hUe the Bcarcats autfcred the ir te· Corona de1 ~1ar High served notice of its swimming prowess In the Sea K1n1s' ope ning non-league meet Tuesday •f· temoon with a highly impressive 81-33 rout of always strong FootbJll in th! win- ncr!i' pool. Corona dcl :Pt1ar made it a clean lWICP· wilh wins in the Bees and Ceea to boot. Huntington Beach, however, found the going a little tough, dropping a 1243 varsity decision lo host La Quint.a to round out the day's swim hostilltiet tor the Orange Coast area. The Oiler Cees came through, 50-31, however. Corona'& clean sweep was led by waier polo star Bruce Black. who swam to 'fie. torles In the 50 end 100 free with clock· inra of II.I and 50.!. • ... ,,~ """*'""!: •••U. lj rt1) ll Qvt"'• ~ Mto11v '" ·~ 1. L• •ln1•. 'l'lm~ 11u.t~ .,," -I.. ht.'"' t I ,, W lllftl !Lwl I, W l~e ILOI. Timt. 1 ,1, I .. ,F~ -'·1 K l!Cf't!lf tLOI 1. K1no lH ll a. Ill.le• Ha . l ime U .. 1 2;lq: llWllYlflltl ~~ev -I. f:Vl[ll IHIJ t. Hllllt "~It. °HIW"r." Q), T ~ t~I0.1'11.ms I( v ~ 7H l. In' I. ' 111 it.QI 1. ·~'18 i~.-..' •..... ,~, •. -"". wuu ( 1 . fi:. -,...~. llllcl IHll t. l(ttefllr ILOI 3. llllco N I~ -~ ~ ~·) I, IMMltll Cl.QI L n IQ!; -~~ ILOI 2. lt!Mt ILQI .l. ·m .. l;;ti""1'· Ill -• ..u 1 (LOJ '· C.1111i. !LG) J, KlJW • Tlfl'll ll .4. • r11 ... ,., -, '--e11;1111, Tlmo s~s..J. HllfttlMM1...W......:t- H1t1MI ·~Cttf.11111 LI * Mtdl•v 'l!T:r ...., r. -.,~ 1,.1on ... ~."'F11r41: "' "~· F~ ·-I. Pt•1ltv {Hll t :LtNW IL.tit. 0.1• IH I._ .,._ 2:ot.1. _ _. « ~ 1-,J· "f.':.' CHBI t. Mc,1r11 .. n.tJ J • · il. ~"'t,!!/11'1' -I. (~ ILQ) l, Htl'!"lr 1 1 ~s'1H•1. Tirne 1: . Ill ' tl'Ol.'Tlf'"'•t ~M•I t. '•ritl'HI 11.•1 I. ·1, ~ -I ~~ CHf l L 1.11'41 (Mii .S. L1t1Vlll C )~~-~l ICll'lf IHI) t, GllMM (LQj 1. Dell I '"'!" -, !.¥.""> Cl.QI l H•rtN Otll a. o Hf , J:J, a:.Trt. Olly -• Hl,Jl'l~!I ... di. l lfl'll ltR• VAii T ' C...... ... Mot ) IUI ';:I" 2M m .. lfY r.l1y -ll ) l ime_ 1: , • ......_.,. __ I. ,llt!'I U I' t. Kl"W!I It lCl I. Ntw<tmb IC\· Tl~ 1;, ... t . ff tl'll -• alitk ( .. ) 2. WIJll..,_ {II t ~ f'I. ,.1mJif:_ 1) f l \'9Wll !Cl J. lltl chtt t,I I. Vlltl 1'/,so 11;1'.'.. l: ltn1,_ tC) L L.1111: IC:J t. Mlltir U'I• Timi Sf,C. .,, 100 ltff -t. f lldt fC) t, H1tl!Mrl (Cl 1. lltMt; ' d tlilltl'I (Cl. Tflrll JO.I, "Ill ,,,\~1w.: ,JoR'· ~ lC I t. MoNI "", *' c ...... I~ llrHS\ -• Hllt!Mn IC) f. Jtckttn tCI 1. Votilt ro'J CFJ, TllN : • t. .••• ..ft\' i~-I '"'rl!·'·I,.) t. Kt-IC) •'Y11~ "r rt -"'f. do\' Time J:21.i. 11'11 c-. NI Mir ft,, 1/11 PMIMll .t, W ~Jey ttl1¥ -I. C.tiM. T me l:kt. l . i . ,,..., "f fl; 1.!. ,pout"" !Cl 2. Vf'Ol'91wr CCI J, -u I , ,,:_·fj~·Jo ..... CC>'· 0 11..-lf' (() J. ........ }!l(i IP . Tl-M., '' ,.TIM -.11 Mll1cll !Cl 2. WMntt (Cl J. Bi.If* 1. r,.,. 1.0 • . 1M !'1. -IC), Ktlltf\pl\Oli (Cl 2. Hfttl* 11"1 S. Oft,.,.,... , Tl111t 1 :O~.O. .-. lN"~ -I. LoCll !C~ l. Olli i. kfllt¥tr tC,.. T'r.1~1i: -.J. lll efmfrl (Qi. 011,,., lCI a. l l;;f \ ''!i.. 1: ..... 1. . -rtO -, hl/t/lt¥ (C)I z •• HMlhlll C,-1 "'r.l'il!~'~I'_!: l 1"t!f11rJ'i't1 a. W.._ !Cl 1 . .1KW (,}, IN 1;11.J. • ,... r•t•• -J, c~ l lrnt :ta ... ("9111 .., Mir 11JJ t•I ,_... .• "1 ~ fMdlt, 1'1111• -\, CA TllM. lite.I • 200 ll'lt -l~MtN1m(r,' 1'-J -"t. W11)1t t,.J ~ D .!'~ l:~i!I J. ~ lb ... ,,~ "'~'!i _!'t~ I J, lfnlffl {fOI a. ..... ~ l,'_r,'frwtt I: .t.''m fly -• I ICJ J. Mat~ IQ Jo 1~ M~~ ~C , t";f~I 1.' lfvll'rwwlll t,l t (IN{ itJ lCI. tl,;f "·"' JG 111<X -1. "•lmtr ICJ t. llflllllM.w 1'1 I.,) Wootl'llM IC.I. Tjint ll.J, W "#3' -I. lmn!! l'I J, """'" ICl 1-C-(Ck..f.l.A l !'tlt .1. "' r" rtl•J -1, CdM. TIM• l:.tl.t. I • DATLY l'ILOT Wed"'"7, D<ttmi.. 17, 1'169 Start !Around the Area Gree1is· ., Lady Pro Ch~Ileiiges Casper 't ·· • . Only On• Sh.l.rley Entlehom haa 1pent al f7 followed by BW RO&s enQ o! the day after starting Wlth exists, those Involved will hold ~rtners. Final stoclcs 16 111 l'IOrnt fd l s. 10 yeara on the womeo's ""lf I!:. T. Corntnsle al 68 and a dolieble bo~ey 7 on lhe first a "chl.;,,rl." The one'tarthe".. In an all rlighfs tOumament •• ~-•-Ward al 70 h I H ett ed down Y v · ;>• That's a big deal? It Is In 0ranqt" by Deke Houlgate t-·r --• when ,~. w•• turned "u:U1.n; · 0 e. e 5 to shoot f h h le · th h Id ti Nadi M e .,.... -.i.., '""" -1 72 r th d rom l e o 1s en e recen y, ne ai County, The DAILY PILOT Is tht down recently "In a bid lo Sattt• Atta n even par or e ay. eliminated on that hole. was the \Vinner with lp~~ only daily ntwspaper that d~llv· qualify for the upcoming Los Co•tu ~le#a It is a parb-ier everi'l with poinLs. Mrs. Coote finished se-J"s the paokage. · · • 1 Ope •·h Jn the .a'llnual team play ,-.':th~e:_a~m~a~te:u~rs~d~r~aw'.:"f~ng~fo~r:_:p~r~•~_!l~Se~e~LA~D~Y_!P~R~O~,~P~•~l~•~3~31'_'.~r=====~~~=:===' This Is tbe Ume of year when well.to-do ~19"board up lheir hcl.lses in the Northeast and head for F1orid~. _Y.'e .e~~ r:iore weH- to-do take a Caribbean cruise or fly to Rte, ~ut lhey re pikers alongside a coup1e of race drivers of our acquaintance . Bob Tattersall, the USAC midget racing champion. ~ Ron Grable the Tra'ns-American sedan and formula A driving. star, y,·ill ~t the New Year wh'ne basking in the wann s~nshine of the Tasman Sea, v.•here the breezes are kind and gentle Ill Decem· her.This will be the 10th season of midget racing in Australia f~r Tattersall, the v.ily open cockpit v.eteran from Streator, UI., and it "'·ill be the second time Down Under for Grable. a h~me San Jose road racer v;ho 1ooks like he just stepped off. the movie set. ,..nge es n, 1 ma"' was challenge match at Santa Ana Vi Hoskins wori low net arranged betwedt the trim Country Club, the Thursday honors for the year at Costa lady pro from Palm Desert team capt11ioed by Fred ~tesa Golf and COuntry Club and one of the PGA'.! leadin8 WaJker gained 18 points in the with Nadine Maze in seca11d money whmers, Billy Casper. final three matches or the daY place. The wlru)tr had a total The match will t¥e place at lo defeat captain Jack of 151 with the rqnnerup one Lo,, Coyotes Coun~ Club in Wilder's Sunday team, $-17. stroke back at 152 .. B~ena Part on 1 Saturday The match stood at 17·7 In Costa Mesa will hold a under supervision ol pro Jim· favor of the Sunday squad men's club derby this week. my 'nKlmpson and Pete Pino, with three matches still on the This is a pro-amateur event in manager of the course. course. These three determin· y,•hich 20 pros and 20.amateurs r-.Uss Englehorn feeb ltie · ed tbe wirining team jn actia,1 compete. lady pros are the equal, and that saw 32 g -0 I f e r s Two groups of 10 will start possibly evu better, tban participaUng. from the flut tee and one Grable will be compellng so far sooth during the Tasman Jl'onnula series -Lattitude 44 at Christchurch. N .Z. -that the climate compares with what you find In Rockland, ~1e .. Oshkosh, \Vis .. or Eugene, Ore .• in the summer. theirmalecounter pa r t s Or. Ned Khorey of ·the Sun-player will be eliminated on between the tees even though day team fired the best roupd high score. each hole. If ~ tie the Jatter playformudtmore . ...:=:..::.:::..::::::..:::..::::::..:..:.::.::.:..:..::=.:..:..~~:..:..:..:..:..:.....:..:::......:_:~~-'-~~~~~'--~~~~~.~.~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ lucratlve purSe.S on a.~ While neither of thtse names lend themselves to the recall o! a Parnelli Jones or an A. J. Foyt. the fa.cl that T~tte!"6all and Grable have been invited to race 8,000 miles away tnd1cates an import.ant fact in motor sport: · . American drivers have surrounded th~se}ves with 11 great mystique elsewhere in the world. They are 1n demand. Grable is an interesting example. "l led the New Zealand Grand Prix at the start," he relat~ of his experience last •intu. "but T slowed down to s~ve 1:1Y tired engine. Kee ping ti:Je leader in sight, J made a move with eight laps togo. I th · d "I took back the lead. and on the last ap e car 1n secon place spun out to leave me running all alone when I crossed the finish line. Then the trouble started. . . "I came around on the cool-off lap and stopped al the f1n1 sh line. ft v;as eerie. There weren't any cheers. not a sound . Later someOne told me the governor general ot New 7.ealand "u talk· Ing. ·t1t bi h d "After awhile this pretty girl showed up w1 a g trop Y a~ 111 laurel wreath. So naturally I grabbed her and gave her .a ~1g kiss. '-'ilh this the crowd went wild, and the ot'fidals turned white. "Later I learned to my regret th at she was not only the iinvemor general'(' daughter but also the Queen's ei:tiss.ary: '~ Yank, you just don't get off kissing the Queen, even if you did wm the bloody motor race.' " Next day the New Zealand newspapers were fai rly bristlinl( with headlines about the "oversexed Yank" who won the grand pri:x. Grable had established his image for all tilJle in tbe Land of the Maori. · * * * Au1sles' Y nnk Hero Ts Tatter1all As far 11 Au1tralla11s an: t:oacenied. lite gre1test Americ111 clriver 1ll•e Is T1tt.ena1l, who 1t. this time slJoald be •ear tH end of Iris tf.4ay ocea• •oy1ge n the B.rttlsll liner Onova. Ile W "°' tlte "workl cbamploasltip" ill Autrall1 in IM. ltlt. 1"3. 1K$ .. 1•. 1M'l, lta and 1"9 -a title tllat tile cre•t Jack Br"'lbham never woa a sinJte time. 8ft It Is flutnJ that the Tat 1tlan travel ln fi r1t class on a prop- tr BritJsh 1te1msll.lp so as to 11Tive i• fiM fettle fer his.Jtil title defense. ••t•m the: 1ood (UJ ever there," Tattenall nld., "and tb.t's the n y 1 like it. lnea tbe bad py rets pa1sed er if H apt. eat Ute m>wd cheen ltke mad. The bad guy is usnaUy from New 7.ealand, but Americans take a cbuce. The fans are really lrild for tbeir heroes and l'illains." l'tfuclt ef AustraHa's mld1et racln1 Is run under tipeedway mot.n;ycle rales, Tattersall sakl. Tlte nted driven asually start wfUi a~. ud Tattenlll, of co111"K, holds.the bigelt llan· dlclf 111111< -·bj. Illa Ions nit ii experience. wldcll he bas ac(flired ia 11 year• fll raelnc the little can ...:. tlle last 1111 a fall time prefea1lonal. Alrea'Y ia lta lte bas driven tz rattt. whlcll averages out to about oae every four days. U W1 It a grind. Jt doesn't show in bis eutleok toward the •port,. even al the 1ge ef 45. ••1 feel sllarper than ever, aed I ojoy r1cln1 more," h.e said. "Whal );OG are ..U.alag. liothiai makes yon tired or worries you . Some day I suppose I will U ve 1-IJlllt. but rigbt now I ~·t look IOf"llrd to u}'Wn1 but rvnaiJlg u mny rices 1s 1 can. 1 '.'I love lite inidgets. Tbey art the best \:lad of car thett Is. Aad It ii srut that the fa11 1tt coming back. We 11ad the be at ~·ear we'l't e\ler •ad ill lHI he~ ia lH States, ud "We'U have a better ~ar In lt'71." * * * Geoffrey Charles. an English journalist writing in the weekly publication "Competition Press &: Au toweek," reveals the in· trigu.iftg difficulties the Bobbies art having in enforcement of Great Brttain°1 stringent new drunk driving laws. Qnly '-"° years old, the law specifies that anyone suspected or driving under the influence must take a breath test. If he flunks. lie must #ten take a blood or urine test. Failing once more, he is aulomatkaDy tullly and l6ses hls driving privileges for six mon ths: The law wu effective until, Charl es reports, "la-.vyers suc- t'ttd In finding many ~oles.'' The biggest was the so-ealled 20· minute role. Under this procedure police are not permitted to ad· minister the test until 20 minutes after the suspect has taken his 18!t dri nk. This, reasoned Parliament, v.·ou\d discourage lawnlcn from lurking outside pubs to make setup arrests. So now the. wily drinkinC Englishman carri~ a flask with him. As he i!I pulled o\·er by the law he takes a nip from it to delay having to take his test. If the policeman persists in holding him there the motorist waits 19 minutes and take another drink. A driver stopped near his home often makes a dash for .his front door or garage. and if he makes it he is knmune from ar· rest. Other technicalities have combined with these to make the Jaw nearly unenforceable. Pending new legislation. British officers are stopping erratic dri\•ers and asking them to take 1 30-minute \\'alk in the park to ~ober up before ~n&."1 their way in an automobile. ',.,. MONmll'I l'''fliWt .... .,Cl l 'JWTW ......... ..,,,._, 'r• $.,,,,,,, .. Odis•• ) -" ~ lJ fl -·--...... schedule. • Casper earned more money In 1969 ($105,000) than Sblrle7 has in 10 years on the prO trail in the \\'01nen's division. Golf fans will hi ve an op- portunity to witness the ad.ion free of charge ind will find an intei-esting amateur b at t 1 e a;ohlg on at the same time betweeri Los Coyotes club champions. . Art Koch, the 57-year-old club title holder will face RultJ Sanders, \\1nner or many 1olf• ing titles in the Southland. The ll\'O-way match gels under way at 1:30 over the 7,100 yard course with between 1,500 and 2,000 spec- tators expected. 1Ub1lon Viejo l\1istiion Viejo Golf Course was the site of 1 press day preview for the upconUng Southern California PGA Open tourname.it Tuesday w i t h many ,golf writers from Soulhern·Ca1ifomia along with r adio and t elevisio n personalities competing. Fl' 111 lie Square Foi played havoc with final round action in Ult men's club champJ.onships this p a s t v.·eekend at Fountain Valley Mlle Square golf course. George Clarie and Al Wells "·ill meet hi the championship match with all flight title win- ners expected to play next weekend as well. A new golf shop was opened last l\"eekend al the courae Under direction of Bob Stuck and will be open every day un- til Christmas. 1Ueadowl«rk O ver 200 pla y er s participated in a Christmas turkey shoot last weekend at lofeadowlark Country Club in Huntington Beach. Rnneho SJ John Kelly Of the Rancho San Joaquin men's club had 1 big wee ken d whil e participating in a men's club turkey shoot. Kelly fired two eagles in one round of play, a rarity in itself. He also joined with partner Al Vagnerini for 1 low net score of 67 to "'in the club turkey shoot. His first eagle came on the first hole. a par-S·Jayout some 502 yards in l~gth. A drive and a perfect Uiree-wood shot that came to rest three feel from the pin put him within str;king distance of his fi rst birdie. He canned the three· rooter i11nd started the round in expert fashion. On the 14th hole, also a par-5 ol 475 yards, he chipped in from 25 yards out for his 5e· cond eagle of the day. . In the turkey shoot , Bob Berry and Joe Kosinski fired a 70 for l"l.limerup honors and 8111 RlUer teamed \\'ith Dutch Dilsaver at 71 for the third position. se-llfl In a low net sv.·eeps com· petition at Huntington Seaclifl, Tom Cockrell and Al Spencer tied wilh 66s for the wi nner's spot. Sid WlgglM was second Sff If HOW uac-nc .................... .,.. . ... ...... r1a1, ........... ....... s,......,. .... .. -. ·--s444oo • r loM. . · Glu Tise f•mUy A l'ool Table Thi. Chrio,_ OP111 7 DAls 11 l'D 1-CAU NOW .m.lfft. • OUNGf > D ' . ' .-·· ·-''!'' l'8\YBlt BltlltES, -· · ()IS~ ~l\f_S. •• M\l I~~,~~. (Wt use Bendix-the bes\ \ininus yo~ can buy.) cost A MESA ' 3181 Harbor Blvd . I f rwy.1 l7;·41~· 549.4022 " ,. ' I~. •• 'I - .. .~ .i~ai 1 F 09~hall . Log ,1 • . -. y ., • F .or County · Preps 'ANGELVS LEAGVE • .. • ' " " ' ... SI MINIM \1"'9 TUSTIN ,,,_ " " .. " " ,. M9l'1M • 1, ""'""""''" •lldl 11 W,.19m t AMMl!ft t• Elaftdldt WISTlllN • It Stv•-1 J Mllllk111 lS 4 Wt1trnlrutw. 1' :ti M«IN I Huittlntllfi IMdt 6 ft Vllt1 ......... • • N-.rt ... ,., : 11 Alllltlllm • 21 , WllTMIMn"IR n ' Ltti...,.. .... 21 1 IEI,....,... 1 lJ w"'-" tsSla.1119AM ·-·-,,_ ' HufltlftPlin ·--I ,, _ • " " • .. " " n " .. " " " • " a " • " " • ' • I Ser•• 1• $1, 8¥MTif " " • FREEWAY LEAGVE ' ' .. GAJIDEN GROVE LEAGVE 11 $1. Jdln llotc1 ll C1t~r11 • 81stlall Ami l 1 Meler o.l ,, St. P ul "~. ... ' ' l . • " • • • • ' • " • " " u ' ' • ,,_, • F..thlH ,, k.-o1i I S.Yll!IN • I LI~ ' ,,,.,._ . • Funwtll!t· 36 9...,.. Plt!'ll:' 10 S~ Nlll1 rsayi Nlt4 IUHNT NILU IJ \11'9nd1 ' '""" " " n .. " .. MLIA-..,NDI ··-1! Cor-dtl Mar I Mlrt11t' IS N~ • Slrttll .. I lltndlo Al1mlfall !t l1 Ollillll J • l"ldflc.e l '' 1 0.rdotn o ...... " . •A•D•1 e1ov1 ~ zt Soutlt TOtrlftQI I JI Fou11t1!11 V1l11Y I I LDJitll ,, ,, c--,, I t l"ldfke ' 211 lA Ovtif• . J 21 " Slit!'-. ' t• ll:1MMA~ ............ :"!'i:: " " " • " " " ~ " " LA evtNTA 11 fl!I-,--. """ I l1 Mlrldl ! 0 Hvntlnt!Oft loffdl 0 . llll!dlo Alemlliu I Glrden Gl'INI t lob1 Gr•"* ,, '9trtlle6 JI PtcHk1 14 U.NTlAM ,, ' I!\ borellt I I l tMlt' ... 2' I Neff • ,, Mon'll119tl<N • 14 klw Orlndl n I P..:ll'lc1 JI 0 G.ll'deft Gnwt 21 LI Qulllt1 • .. I 1t1neh1 Alt rnlt0$ ' " " ' ., " " • • • • " " • • • ,. , " • n ,. .. .. ~ " " " • " " " • .. • • " • " • • • • " • " " " " " • " ,, " • l • .. n 2S FulltrtWI 1 Tt O'I' " " • l~VlNE ,LEAGVE ' '" ,.. I_. Port ,.,_,, t Sl .... llM it LI Hlbrl " ._,, ,..,._ ... --........ 1"1111: Sunil'f Hills F11n.....,,. LPWell LI H1""9 ·-· .. _ .... • ' • M COIUHI ... H'-MAil ' "...,.."' ...... . 1• loo'IM iOr•~ lt ~t-· • ~1111111 ¥1/tw ' '" Mentolll • ''-CMtl ·-,,;.. 1 , ,,,~', ~- •,• o'·.s:.rift ·a .... v.n.., ' ,. '"*""" ; 1 ' J' ' iNTA,MUA " '1...... . . ,~.......,. ... ~ ,'11 ~·~·· • SUNSET'LEAGVE , ~ =~ll': l' ··~. t:: 11 21 Cll4ill1,, g 21 Redl....SS) :atrMt•~~ -, ~ 1• 21 s.rit1 ""' v.n.., . 1~ HorltlfttfiM a..dl 11 NrNPOft HITbor 1 14 Fllllfhm fBd;) 11 • wnwn~ • JS 1'2 Marl<Mo M :W s..,19 AM ' • w .. ..,,, • H 2( Lont IHci'I WllMWt 1' 1' Rldllllds ~ l' .,.,.., ... ,,,., 4 IOISOM 1 t• LI Qulnlll , 1• 1 H\llltlnwfoll· ~·e~ I~ I C~ •I Mir " I 3! ~~ AM VII~ • 1 MnllOlll 12 .U Cost.• Mftl • 27 11!:1t9.ncl1 1 21 Fovt'n1ln Vi tt.., '» HUHTl-NOTOfll IUCH It T11a1i11 lJ l 1 H1br1 ' I f'Klflcs lP I 1 al'tAltCIA 16 2' Edli.o11 1 J co.ti Meil 12 1 AMhtlm 14 tt Maenoll• 21 ll L1 Quinta I 31 s.ni. AM vii..., I lJ Wntem I I L._1 ,, 26 Sanll An1 U 0 foeftf1ffl VtlllY 31 1 Wntmln$1tr ' 20 15dfMll 1• J ,,.,.,hWI ' 2' (Of!llllt .. Mer I tt Hl'WPllrt Htrtlllr 14 " " • " • • " " " • • ' ~ • " .. " • " " " • " ' " ~ .. • • " ~ " H • " " MA11t1Ma (Set: Final P11e st) IJ LI Pueilfl !!/;::==========;;! I So. Tf!'rlnc:9 11l LADY PRO. (Contfautd from Page 3Z) cond at t.1h with Dorothy O'Leary ' Elise Stipes tied for third 4!. New officers for l h e ' DOI P'Uttllot t l£Al l:STA-Tt.·CAll;El:lf ... i11° f; t':1':':,,. ~ 11ift9 i11 l w11k1 P111l;WhitrC-r• 1S N-rt H1rtler II 111h111 will t.1 1t1tti119 I •-· ' """*"'"" 22 I Hlllltlnt'!Clfl tNc:lt l pl1t1 11/11 h1i11i11t l'tof'lm, I Wutmlr....-27 DHlt ,11-4 !'flmari1y kr NW ,..,. H•Wl"OltT HARIOR \'.,_ CO!ilflf dfi /Mr 1 ,1, I: i1Khul11 111 the ,r1c.tic1I f."' c.1t Me11 .! ,,,..· t1 .f li1ti119, fi 111 11ci119, tp• * liirl .. ""' •• "It AMMlm 21 ,,.J1iftf Ir 11lli'"J J 'n1ltf111tl1I 11 we11m1rut1tr 1 I 11 M1rln1 1J '''I •9'11•. l.wluoil" c~ •t. U.'Omen's board include pre.si-n P'•Ubrodl •, •udie.,.f1u1I eeler fll1111 1Mwl11t I WMll'm dent, Betty Brown; first vice '' Hu~111111M hid> tt e••ctly hew te "" reel e1t1t1 presidenl., Gerry Watson; se-t Mattr o!f'N'tA ANA , 11c.c.e11fullv. Pl111• 11k fer D1u1 cornd v1ce ~· nresident, Elise '' ComP11111 " Wtriitillf 14•~14-tO .,.. ·:~"~'"~·~"";";,:;""'~ .. ~·====:::~~;;;;s;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:(I StipeS; secretary, M • i:~i n ti Assmus; and trea>urer, Mer· s K I • E a·a tilee Dungan. Adrianna Coote won A flight honors last Friday in women's club action at Costti ?ttesa Golf and Country Club with a §-17· 78 (38\1 ) in a field day blind nine event. i · She outpointed ~ H a1eJ Webster's 95-14-11 !'(fl) aind itary Evelyn Im'.I's 99-19-89 (39~}). Betty Bl'OWfl 1 .. the B flight with 1-. (3811) followed br Greta 1aftel1r1 lit· 2U2 f391h) and Bea Regan's Jl ll-27-33 (421\). Honors tq p ru Jean llelpet~ 13) with M "Gr "~-~ !l2 (41f Dnlslllng thi rd. Low putta on the course went to A•drblma Coote 129), Betly Bfo"'1 (:DJ and Elise SUpes and JNn Dolpte with 31 each. Monday's ~ illNlleS event went to Trlcl1 Ol;1ail'• 100.29-77 (IT) fOllO\ttd· by llazel Webll.M''s .. lf.72 (fl). There wUJ be '° women's club pla,y Dec. is. CONDOMINIUM ACCOMOOATIONS. STILL AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST WEEK OF CHRISTMAS CALL (209) 7S3·2220 BEAR YAlLEY llll'f!I PAii, HleHWAY ti, .~Lf1. ROSE BOWL · HELICOPTER CHAMPAGNE. FLIGHT (BOWL TICKET HOLDERS ONLY I 11 Minto fltllt ,.. .. JM JI/a .... ef -- --0-.0 Co•ty A..,.. 19 ·--L 21·p•11eng., h•licopt•r liftt you over th• butnper.. to-bumper Ntw Yeer'1 Dey traffic, whi1e y.u 1ip chtiRfNCJfl• Md •eh y.u t•ntfy 4'own et th. Rou lowl , After the t•'"'' • l1i1urtl,y flitht beck to Ortnt• County wh.r• your ctr hilt been ,.,Ired fr•• of ch.,.t•· Call Kl S.0197 (24 hours) or 673-1016 ltESIRVATIONS CLOSIO DICIMllllt 21 SANTANA HnlCOPTU SERVICE, Inc. .!!. DAIL y PILOT D Perfect Gift$· ! . ·. ;---For the Man \. Who Loves His Car . • • Prices Effective Beginning Today Thru Saturday, Decer.iber 20th Complete 4-Piece Engine Testing Kit \ SA VE $10 NOW! Sears Indispensable Engine Timing f:ight . Regular '29.99 1999 • Eay tune-up ahead ~ith this bandy liming !ig!\'t e Non·Pl>larized light provide• 1h1rp image, even In ·direct'•unlight. Easy-grip pistol-type handle • Trlgger control flash.,, oniy when needed. For 6, I~V • •" ,. ·;, ' ... • Piotol grip, tight and compreasor tester 999 •Vacuum fuel l'DIDP tester and remote 11tarter switch SAVE•lSI •M.99 Complete Engine Anolyaer Now Oaly! 6999 Por 6, 12, 24 or o2 .,,1, systems. Self-contained banerypower.Mod.210>2 Low Pricod! Pttmirt 1mnina engine ~ &an oua.ide wbc.a -xi.,.,., the engi ... • -SAVE '6 Compact Dwell Tachometer R,ef· 1699 ·--99 . •Fully tran1iatori1ed cir· cuiL Can •leo be aeed for outboud moton •nd mq:· neto •)'Item• • Sele'etor 11witci1 for re•d· ing DweU or R.P.ftf. •-·Powered by Kllindard mer-· ; cory battery (bauery irto eluded) SAVEl3! Hand SpotJii!ht Hu l,200 Fo<it Beam 'l 7.9:9 Continentol Tri~auge Panel low Price 499 10-ft. cord plugs into car ciprette lighter. Pistol gip, chrome plated. Seara Compact llJDltlon Te1ter Terrific \1lue! 1299 2.US ,q. ita. meter dials. Tesu coil on or off en. gine, Black pWcic cue. Now Only! 1499 Ammerer, oil pressure gauge and clccttjc watt:r tcmpencure gause. Keeps uQs on your engine! !~ -lrl <' ., ~J Bea.,..Dul)'Type Compreulon Te1rer S...r~ Price 59'; Eur ro read 2\.i in. dial lpc \'11· IO.~ pm..,.. Hi&h wmpte•iml inten cone. SAVE 5l0! Professional Dwell-Meter ·Tachometer "' ·l >r • ' 3 ·999 1·-~~99 . r. ' \ '" . ' • Profefis io n.•l·lype lt•le~ 0.1200 and CJ.6000 R.P.~L • Use 'on 1t1y i1n.ilion tyalem "''ilh extemaf connection• •Fully lran1i1toriaed givins ' ~ universal operation t· • .<\utl)motive Toitqe seleetioa , llo'o rks on 6. 12. :?4V or any • Vllllage · .. SAVE l2! •J 6.99 Tachomete r With Lighted Diol I.ow Price 1499 Reads 0 10 8,000 RPM. Accti?tt to <frithia 3% of fllll scale. lled line. "' Vaeunmand· Fuel PClJllp Tf!•ler Now 0..11 ·299 f'uter, ta:urit.e 'cbed:· ~ fuel and v1CUum s1stem1 of yoarru. I " Lighted T>rin· Gauge Oil Paads Top \'alue! 499 Anvnerer r.tds 60460 amps. Oil pressure gauge •. _ 0-80lbs.For6orl2Vcars. _ i;:....,.ature .\•lei Gauj!e ' l,A)W Price =l99 1 Guard '81in" b..,.._ j and avoid cost1_, imgiw 1 repair• Get <=J>leao Ii" tiQP and j~-. . . . ' ~ . ' I ----------------~------------------~ ---~~--------'· I _,_ ....... nM .. ·-e1b11 .0..JMOIMlUI,, ..COWi ... ,., '--•-«17'"11 --.a.sa.1•1 I CIMIM,_·MMMI .._.Of S.1D04 Q 4-Mt1 Clllll'C,11 IDl!Of'4 ...,, ,_..,It 2.114.S, NA f..f161 , TU M1Sl <IJNl'AN..... ....... .... ... I -"*Ml"tWl. .. 2•1161 flOIC'rfllCllCllO>IM OIWtOlf.17·2100 wna-.ll'Ulll -flOMIL---. ~.--1' ~Ol l ..JSJI ~•lll!Jlt, J.tl·"\'11 I ·, ..,.CAUl'ftNll.>•JID· ...,l(a .. a '------------------~------------~----~---~--~ ....................... & Js1NOA&1tNi:IP.M.......,11MNlltlPA *" ... "W.lll11101 .... 11 .. wlluMMaJI f1t ..:,, - ' T \ff DAIL V PILOT son SELL SAM . I :J _ _:J ~ -1) \I ly Mrtla t.t,•n I •. l • .LIKE T S.-.lll• .. I'M TAKING YtxJ TD 7HE" Bo~s' PAR1Y ON Offf CONPIT/ON/1 ' Wisconsin Boy Makes Texas Go HUDSON. Wis. (AP) - ~lore than 1,370 mlles north of Amtin, Tex., there's aomeone 111·ho kno ws and appreciates what "Hook 'tm Horns" means. Arved ' ' A r t ' ' Berte.'sen, barltn<ler &nd horoe breeder, has a reason. His .... Jim, is the atarttna left halfback on ijie utlcm's No. 1 ranked collqe football team, the Tei:u Lon,oorns. "I f.hou&ht that 'Hook 'em Homs' was kind of a fuMy sloi•n when I first heard it and saw it," said Bertelsen, l\'ho keeps bar at the .Afton HOIJ!Jt . in M1nneeot.a j u s t ac.TOM the lt.ltt line from Hudlon. •·it meaN a lot down there." I Longhc:n. enthusiasts chant the •locan and wave their handl, with index and llUle fingers pointed OU~ lo en- coura&e thtir team. 11MI ekter Bertelsen owm 7t acres of land north of Hudson ~ raises quarterhorses, but his biggest interest now is the Cotton Bowl-bound Longhorns, ·who meet Notre Dame in the Dallas classic Jan. I. "I'd have to go for Te1as,'' aakl the father. "They're too fast. Those Irish will see a Jot ol the Wishbone T befort they figure it out." His son gained 740 yards in 104 carries fer a 7.1 avera1e out of the wishbone th!t fat! and ""'"" 13 touchdown• .. the Longhorns racked up a 10- 0 season. He it miJy a 19-:year· old 90pbomore. Why did a Wisconsin boy de- cide to 10 to college 1,370 miles a.way to play his colltge foo~ ball, to 1 unlveraity that almoit exclusivtly recruit! homes1.ate SOM? "They told us they never .had recruited' anybody out of um neck of the wood3." said Bertelsen. "Jim would have gone sooth anyway. Since he was little, he \\' at ch e d Southeastern and South..,.,·est Conference football. "I can't take credit for Jim loinc to Tuas," the fat her said. "I'd just as soon he would have acne to Minnesota so I coukl watch him e\·ery Saturday. "He waa mad• to oNler for that kind of football with his size l>foot-11, 190 pounds) and speed. Fifty or 60 coJle(ts 111·ere after him, everywhere from the Ivy League to the "'est Coast. Penn State to UCLA. "Texas actually d i d n ' t recruit him. He told my si!ter he wanted to play in the 80\Jth." Mrs. Arvin Myere.s of Grand Prairie, Tex., tbe·alster, work- ed for a dental who W?ote Te1as C01Ch Darrtll l\oyal ab«lt BertelstJI. "They wrote to the high school and uktd for the films. They. pldied up .. him prtt\y Pro Cage Standings . ....::·:.mi. W. LMI .... •I :: 1~ :m ' ,, ,, ·"' , ... 11 ll .5'1 t \r 14 II .4. 1t': II 11 .>ti 11''1 I t It .ll1 11 • ...,. Dl•illffl 1tiMftt1 '° 11 .kl - IAll ~r111Cttle IJ 11 .SM •\z ~••• " 11 AH J l.., ,.,....., i• 11 .m • .......,r. " " ·'~' ' _,_ °""" 11 ,. .iu • *'"' It tt ,111 10\, -·-Atlt lltl 1ii. H• Vitti U•, OT S•t'I 0..-1't. Cloltttt lOI .... 111. OftNll .. ,.,., ... ..,_le 1•1 • ..,,_1. 11, .... ,,.,..... us. S.ttl• l it • 1' • fast after that." Bertelsen aays Jim has "the rreat balance a n 1 t u r a I athlete needs. He might have been a dam good heavy"•eight. In high school he was nailed for &oaltendln1 In basketball. "He can ride and rope. He ran a I.I Umo, in the 100. Baaeball mq be hla looi suit yet -I've caught him end he can really tlre the'ball." But IOI!. Jim plays for the No. 1 Lon,(horns, and the lather coulcln't be happier. Ht'1 driven the 1,370 mllu this year to Ht h1s · aon play Navy and Oklahoma and Otw down for the Southwest Conference ch1mpionsh!p at Arkansas. Agalnat Navy, Jim raced 43 yards on the first. play from scrlmmqe for 1 touchdown. 'Ibt most e1clt1q: w are against A rkans as and Oklahoma when Texas fell behind 14-0 in each game only to come back for victorle!I. "I don't know if J'm good or bad for them when I go," said the father. "In that Arkansas game l thouaht I would have to 10 to the top of the stadium and jump." But Bertelsen scored the tying touchdown and Te1as headed for the Cotton Bowl . The father hopes to be in Dallas cri tht first. Phony Fund For Amputee HOUSTON -A University of Texas official 1ald Tuesday ht had rectlved report.II that unauthoril.td peraona had bten aoldtlng in Houston residential areas. for the Freddy Joe Steirunark Trust Fund. The university established lhe fund for Steinmark's personal use after the football ·11tar's left leg was amputated at the hip becauSe of a malig· nant tumor In the thighbone. Dr. R. Let Clark. president of the unlvenity's M. D. Anderton Hospital and Tumor lnsUtute, re ported the unauthorlied solicitations. Clark cauUcned that pro- spective donors take precau· tioru lo make certain their contributions reach the proper source. · Contribution! should b e malled to tht Frtddy Joe Steinmark Trust Fund. Office of the Prtaidtnt, UnivetBlty of Te1as M. D. Anderson Hospital, Tti:u ~fedical Cen- t.tr, Houston 77025. Collegiate Hoop Scores '"' :~=--'U. ~·.::"'...:" Iii""• ltl•nf 1 ......... "·-· SJ St, J•wM, 1"1. M. ,.,.... .. _, •s t.5Wl'l\Pt10P\ '11 Mtrl'i!Mck H "tM 41· 41, .. IM c.11. '3 CtMI .... MHt, 71 SJ~IM ... WMTml"'11tr, l"t. ii Ytlt ... I_,. .M """' Te. N.,,....1'1 Ofllll .el NYV Jt, OldlllltM S. -o4Ykl ...... , lil:JtfWMlll 11 ~ ~·r.1 11111 :1.'f.1"" 7' 11 .... s1 . .., wi-M n Ol'lltt 181. r.lw.•11 ... n WidllM St. ft. II. ltllk n Tt•lt .UM A ~ St, 14 -· Ntw MN. St, ti, N1W Mu. ,) Nt. Tt•t• ff, ClM l1'1!11" 71 Ptr W .. I W_,. $t. ,,, l..A. l ..... I, M $<'1~1 U, n, CttlUM fl Ltw'll • tltr1< M, Ort . TMll u , S.1'1 I"~• V•lln' 94 W .. '""'"' 12 ............. PREP . FOOTBALL LOG ••• .. <c.el!:=,\~.:':~e is) , . ORANGE UAGVE 11 lltitne"°! AllMllit It " •• .. t G1,.,.n Gr••• 1t II llM-CI• ". ' 1 Fvlltrtal U Ktltllt 11 Ctr-Ot l M•r o 1, l ••UfM 9etth 11 Sono•• I c.ti. "''" 0 I 4' S.till AM Ville¥ IV • &!tll(le Q n s..c1a1,o.c~ 1' l.os 41~"""• 11 El Oort O. 11 .... ,. l l " l •llw> :n )I VtltMI• " l \l'TOl/tfll n Or•1111• lOAllA • 5et1t1 ... 1111 Vllln 21 '°''' Mt:.. ,, lftll.,., ' H 111trw?ll' :u cor-HI M•' 11 F•t1fll" V•UtY 2J Mttnollt I tlttdl•n111 ' MAGHOLI.\, Trrt it 2' El Dor"oo 6 Folll'ltl ln Vtll'Y 2t E1t1rte"t1 J Co,_ dtl Mir 1 Et llOll 11 511tt1 ,.,... Vt lltl' Jl Coslt Mn• 1 l Hfl IANTA ANA VALllV ' Ffet11UI ti E{ MOOtlWI I l,.lltrt o · EllllOll ,, e,,,,~11 o F01H1l•!n Vt llel' 1• M..enoll1 U Coron. dtl Mtr 0 (OSI• Mt311 3t Los 4.mltc1• e a\. DOttA• 0 lt S1Mlt .. I 1 Ml-I~ l ti ~. t It V1lc11cl• t f7 Los Amlt Ot 1• U Kllt ll1 21 n !lrM 1 '' S•<kll•beck 20 U Loi ,U 1mno, KA Till.A U at Lttun• •t11th 1 U Fultef!(WI lj 1' lrM lf 6 Lo1 Al•mila. u 1 lorw• 1 :l3 El Dor--'o I• ,, V1l~I• 1 6S Lo$ Ami90S 2l ti SMldlfil•ck l.OS Al.,AMITOS 11 Work~n ;J T11111" •S L.Oi Amitos ?1 kalt llt 411 VJlclltll lJ err• t S•fdl•~ :n s-... 36 El DIH°•do • ~1 l-11 1 U S..""y Hlll1 14 ?I El DOl'.00 '' 21 SrN 3Q JD Klllll.t o u StddlrO.c~ u " LOIJ Amltol G 16 Los , Al&mlK11 1, Ji Vtlfnc:~ VAl.INCIA I S\lfltlY, Hllls 1 9111tn1 ,trll ' !iadllltbeU 11 El Oottdo ' Lot Al1m!tol 2~ lot Amlg11 '' 1<.11'11• H art• ~-· fjrtttont MOTOR KING 12-VOLT B~i I ERV GUARANTEED 36 IOITHS Ml:.·22FC Ml(·24C t.~K -24F $ Exchange price DEPENDABLE LOW•COST··POWER: flrtttont SUPREME Ji~~rv Guaraataed as long as you own your car! Replaced · FREE;anytime it fails. The ULTIMATE ~ in dependable power $ 95 Exchange Above batteries fit most 12·volt C81$ 3 WAYS TO OIARGE! EIRESTONE STORES COSTA MISA; NIWPO~T llACH 4711. 17tlo St. e 64'0 2,444 OpN M .... frl. I to 7-SOI. '1115 I, HUNTINGTON llACH 16171 ..... li.d. • 147-6011 Op" M .... Frt. I to 1--s.t. 'ttl 5 "' ff d ff " " • u .. " ' ~ " ' " • " .. HEAD CLEANER ~:94c Remarts, ~-and dirt from 1.0Uf tape player . h~ad acien~~Jly. ' I t COMPACT l·TRACK STE RE!> TAPE PLAYER 88 STEREO SPEAKER :'.:; 4"'! ... f~ S .. x 5~" Hei.vy Dutyf ~aker!i with lt>ad wira • ind ceram ic magnet.I ••• euy to install anywhere in car. AUTO VACUUM CLEANER 397 ~ . t· SUP.ON .'.'>. NRON-FOAM i_.' • SEAT COVERS · These Specials C5Mil At These Locations Only WESTMllSTER IUEllA PARK BUEIA PARK 15441 lt<I lltt ol Melli ... 192-2011 1111 llK• , ... " ,.., lltw 126-1100 1111 ltt<l 111'. " lth~lor 121-1040 COSTA MEii 1111-lht ..... 541.2012 SAITA AIA 1110 fdln9'1 " lltlftl 54'·702 I. Motocross i . . Race ' Won B,y Kring I A'l'e Kring of Sftden .. p. 1m<d . t b e lnttmaU0naJ- Amerlcan Motocroa llOrles race and grand: cham ..... p et Seddleback Park In o.'an,e Sunday. Barry Higgins of New York won the sweepstakes prit.e for American riders. He placed 16th for the three »-~ute · beats of the event. Kring, of the Swedish HU> qvama team. got his stiffest competiudi from teammates Bengt Aberg, current 500 cc world mo$ocross cbamPion, and Hakan Andersson. In addibon to the tn- ternatlooal .m.., the Sad· dleback program induded 500 and 250 cc.. evenls. eacb of three 20-minute heat n ces. M a~o rlti of r i der s pBrtldpati.g/ In tl>ete ..... Southern Californians. nie International-Amertcan Motocross ~es started in mid-October in Maasacbuaetts. ' . The European style motorey. cle r a c In I champioruhip eveots detoured into Cani:da, and after racing ln the Midwest, came to California. Sunday's resul~: 500 cc International cham- ploo -Kring. • 500 cc American champion -Higgins. ' 500 cc international race - Kring; Aberg; Andersson; Vic ADen, Scotland. Greeves; Ake Jonsson. Sweden. Maico; Jiri stodulka. Czecli«ilovekia, CZ; Roger de ~er, Belgium, CZ; Lars Larson, Calirornia, Husqvama; Ray J or d 1 n , England, American Eagle; Bill Sllvertborn, califcrnia, Husqvarna. 500 cc junior race -Carl Cotton, American Eagle; Mike Chamberlain, Maico;. Ron Fry, Husqvama; Char1e·1 Heeker, Maico; David Smead, Husqvarna. · 250 cc junior raoe -Bill Clements, Husqvama; Steve Hammer, AJS: Bill Harris, Maico: Larry Nolan, CZ; Ter- ry Trahcy, Husqvama. • VOLLEYBALL ' TEAM PLA YS ' Orange Coast College's girls volleyball •,A and B teams will llost Cerritos College Wed- nesd ay at 3 in the OCC gym- nasium. The A team has posted a 2·2 Tecord this season, defeating Golden West and Compton v.·hi!e losing to Santa Ana and Fullerton. The B team has a 1-1 record, capturing victories over Golden ~Wesl, Santa Ana and Comptoil and losing t6 Fullerton. All the §irl• are 11l<Dlben of the Girls Athletic Assn. at Orange Coasl Prep Mat . Summaries \' <•,_ "' ,..... 11, <-.,.. lt ~ ot-w..,. ICdMI"" •rr"I' 1ci. 1). 1Dt-Lyftd'I fCI dee. J. ltndlll ICdM), 1-:i. (c\1.s-~1ntll'O ICdMI dtc. &rrldOtr 113-Jdi-!Cl Ille. 0.t1t CCdM), •·l. • 1 ~•1111 (CJ, dlC. ~ CCdM), '· ' 1 i~ fCdMJ, ._,......, ((), ' ~~-<-(C,,MI lllllNll l..eMw (CJ, l<f-H""' 1c1 dtt. J-ICdMll U ' • h1-lltV CdMI drew .,.Jth f\lll-~!11ld {Ck 4--•. lc!f.'"J:.i.· t....S.I (CdM) dtc.. ,.,.,.. ' l1t-WJ111oo\ CCdM) dtc.. l-ICI, ). t ~"-Hlllllrd IC4M) Mt. Sfllllfl'I ~Cl, e ~8--ANIOld !Cl pll'll'ltll w..I (CfM), to...,.1 ... Mtt 17, WMltTCW• 11 , 11-W• tCdMI dlc:. ~-(W(I, I· IC~. (WCI dfc. J. lllfldtl ._~1!-ln lllf'CI °"' lllMW ICIMJ, ~ l.f._ll:Hd (WCI Ii,_. Clllt: !UM), 1 ~~wll!ld tCOMI ftc. ""°"' 1.11~if!ol'I ICllMI dK. llnll IWCJ, l 141-Ctwt ICOMl, lltc. G"" Cwtl .. • J.--St!lblt CW(), .ttc J.,... ICllMI, IU-T, ltl'ldet (UM.I *<, C...... (WC.). 1'-1. 1~rr.eur CUM.I llrrw Wlft'I °"" A l)i~ln lom ICdMJ .Cl'll'IOd '1~~.mri.t:c11c~I -'"'* 11""' tll,._J:fl f•M. -,J;M), fifr.111 • [WC) ,.,.. I*! ' Handsom• AM/FM under dash car radla ••• Ho& a l " x 7" •pta• and bultt·ln AFC drcuitry for drih f,.. nC.ptlon. Attractive wood .. In and ctv-..._ 49.95 Fore111ost8 "Golden Plato" 3'/J HP 111lnl bike ... Get 11p to 22 9'ph. t.ar • ; 1Mlon twin lhi>cb ""° • ...-..! 'llftyl, -· ..... --grfjl-1<, ...... - 159.95 Penney's stereo-matlc tuneabl• reverb ••• l>efvxe • CW rodlo I I +9!'* ation • .,.... ....... --toodjwl- of '''"l:i.ation d.ur.d. 24.95 Clean yo•r car .wl .. nr a.to vacuum cleaner ••• A .-o1/t id.a -'°""'1'1 Y°" °"" get • cony!nv .... with tho c-. Tho _.,_,to -tho _.,,_-· 13.44 Wtdnrldq, DKtfTlbtr 17, 1%9 DAil Y l'ILOT 'I I ~.411' SALEI 'EL TIGRE' FIBER GLASS, · ....,,.....;;;;: ·~, ~, ~ ~ BELTED TIRE :---~ . WITH 2 PLY POL YESTIR CORD 'I AND 2 PLY FllER GLASS llLT NOW 25.44~~~: SIZE Whitt)llall tultel ... ·REG. Piii. TAX 700.13 ••..........••• 29.95 •••.•••••••• ~ ••• t.16 OS.14(69SxJ4).,, •• ,. 29.95 ,,, ·, •••• •• ••• ,, 1.90 NOW 29.44~=:.:: Whitowall tubeltu Sill REG. RO. TAX E7&.14(nsx14l, .•• ,, • 3t.95 ................ 111 1 F7&.14(775•14l; ...... 33.95 ............... 2.36 F7S.15(775•15) •.•.••• 33.95 ............ , •• 2.SO NOW 32.44~=·.:: Whitewall tubtlffl SIZE REG. RD. TAX G7S.14(125xl4l. •••••• 35.9S ....... , ....... 2.44 H7S.14 (IS5•14) ....... 37.95 ........ , .... :, 2.61 J7S.14 1115•141. •••••• 39.9S •• ; ............ 2.16 G7S.15(11SJ12SX1S)., .. 35.95 ..... , .. ,', .... , 2AI H7S.1S(l4SJISS•l5) ••• 37.95 , ............. , 2:n 900-15 ,· ••••••••••• · •.• 39.95 ••••••••••••••• 2.71 L78-15 ••••••• ; ••••• .'. 41.95 ••••••••••••••• 2.9A 40 .MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH 20 MONTHS FREE REPLACEMENT FOREMOST TIRE GUARANTEE ... ..... acllnt tru1 .,.....t ' llltlltH ..-c Wn· •If your tire wears out dur-If we replace the tire dUI' ing the first half of the ing the free-rtplae.emtnt ~ar3ntee period, return period, there la no cha,... 1t with your auarantH car· If we replace the tire af .. tific1t1 and Ptnneys will ter the frM-rept.cement replace. your tire with a period, you PIY 50% Of new tire, char&Jng you 25% less thtnthe cufflftt 50% less theh the current selling price of the tft se ll ln1 price including irn:tudin1 F.cter1I E>aclle Federal Excise Tax; if your Tax. Ure woars out during th& C.-111· second half, you pay 25% This 1uarant11 Is YO ld less than the current sell· where Pl1ltf\Cll' urn .. · ing price includin& fed-used on trucks. uted for eral Excise Tax. business. or drlvwn onr 30,000 mil" In OM,yior. Here's how y04.w auonmlft agalnat foll'"' WGfht En tire 91.10rantee period . , •• , •••••••• , • •• ,«) ...... ''" reploctment period ••• ••••·•• •••••• 1-20<...-. 50% off period ••••••••••••••••• ,,,,,21'*» ....... 25% off parJod, • , •••••••• , ••••• , •••• J1~ _.. ' LIKE IT ••• CHARGE ITI • FOREMOST' BIG CATS -' nma-..-.''°°' 11 ......... ~ AT PENNEYS· AUTO CENTER BUENA PARK (?.::".:="•) CANOGA PARK la.oll!DllUNDA\'Sl HUNTINGTON BEAC H MONTCLAIR CHULA VISTA DOWNEY NEWPORT BEAC H i .FULLERTON VENTU RA ' .. ' ----~~=~·-=---·~~=~~----......~------·--------------- I ' :J6 DAILV PILOT Reader Thinks So ls~ School Place To Learn of Sex? By P~"TER J . STEINCROllN, MD According lo some readers, you apen up a Pandora's Box. ~·hen you subject ch.ildren to srx ed ucati on in the schools. But others disagree. They tx>lieve that pare nts are iJi. ;_1dequale in transmitting the fundamentals of this proble_m 10 their youngsters. For ei- an1ple: Dear Dr. Ste1ncrol1n: I read your recent colwnn about the need for realism in the a~ proach to sex educaUon of our youngsters. Children do nee.cl sex education bul I don't bclie\'C ii should be given in mixed group_s °"'hen they are \'Cry young. It's like trying to jump the Gr and Canyon. ''OU HA VE to bridge the gap iirsl. J\.1os\ parents won ·1 or can't talk about it to their children. Thcreforr. someone el se trained to do so should do the job. As parents h<1ve a false modes ty and children have an innate shvness. I bC'lie\'e the school is ihe best place for the inforn1ation. Jf taught in con· junction \rith hy~!C'nc classes and physical education the children v.·ould lake ii in str ide. I don 't JieC \\'hy some parents disagree. Often the same ones "'llo don't leach their 01\·n children ,,·ill be loudest in disagrce1nent tha t I.he schools should lake O\"er. I TIUNK a child would be less shy asking a teacher a question about sex than trying to get an answer from a parent. lf liex education \\'as begun in junior high. by the lime th:: pupil reached high school, he would be ready for being liught in mixed classes. Sel" ~ween tv.·o people in love is a beautiful and ·wonderful thing. With this in mind, no one should object lo sex education in the school: neither parent, nor the Church. So why don 't we try it and get the job done~ Instead of just talki ng about it "'hi!c th~ children learn the han:I way. -A lo\·ing mot her l\1EDICALE'ITES (Repl ies DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE to Readers) Dear Dr. Steincrohn: l am. recuperating from a heart at- tack 1 had thret months ago. In the hospital they iold me it was a coronary occlusion. '0n my bill the doctor wrote tlacute n:yocar dial in- farction." Can y o u es.~ plain? -Mrs. L. COMJ\1ENT: The tenns art oft en used inlerchangeably. \Vhen a clot occurs in a co r- onary artery. the b I o o d circulation is cut off to a por. lion of the heart muscle. This part of the myocardium (heart muscle) becomes "infarcted" and useless. Occasionally. howev er, myocardial infarction can oc- cur \vithout any evidence or coronary occlusion. (But I'd bc.>tter quit right now, before J confuse you.) Dear Dr. Steincrohn : I have recently read that honey not only V.'iil prevtnt colds and nu. but is one of the best heart sti mulan ts known. I never heard any other doctor make th.is statement. \Viii you?-Mr. s. C0~11\1E!\'T: You st i 11 haven't heard any other doctor make th is statement. Dear Dr. Steincrohn : 1 recently heard that when t-!derl y peo ple {~ and older) started sleeping up to IO hours a night. it was a sign or im· pending heart trouble, harden· ing of the arteries, etc. We usually ret ire around nlidnight and sometimes can sleep until 9:30 a.m. or later. Your com· me nt s wi ll be ap- preciated. -Mr. R. CO~il\tENT : I've read about it lately, but do not believe there is sufficient scientific evide~. so I do not give crede!lce to it. Be thankful th<:t you can sleep so well and so long -and are not bot hered by the in£omnia so many elderly people C1Jmplain about. '· • Checl{ Ads, Use Contacts 111 Searel1 for Right Job By JOYCE LA IN Regardless of your cduca· tional backgro und -even if you have a B.A., an M.A., or a Ph.D -you \vant 1he right J.O.B. Leaving no stone un· turned in a comprehensive search is the way to find ybur best off er : here ace a lc1v more lerrains for you to Cl'\· plore: SPECIAL PUBLJCATIOT\S. Professional Journals. as well as the business and trade press. often have v.•ant-ad s. Your librarian can dirl'ct you to appropriate publications. nelcascd military personnel P'~~·· ~ HEER ~ ~ ~ ~ o D ~ ~ l~A lor those 1\·ho will get out \1•ithin the next year) should read the ads in the •·Army Times.'' '"Navy Tin1cs."' and •·Air Fora Times." Subscrip- tion infonnation nu1y be ob- tained fro1n lh~. Army Times Publish ing Co.. 475 School St ree t S\\', \Vashington, D.C. 2002t TELEV ISION SU 0 \\' S . Some metropolilan a re a television sla tions p r e s c n l public service sho11 s \\"hich li:.t specific current job openings. In 1ny city, the 1>rogra1n is produced cooperali1'ely \.rith the state employment servirc. and ca 11 e d ·•ppport unlty Li ne." Job-seeking \·iewcrs are encouraged t o i1n· mediately telephone 1v aitl ng employme nt coun selors. P ERSONAL CONTACfS. Tell the world you're hirablc' (Unless. of course. yo_u·1:r afraid your present ~<; \Vtll ax you .) 1t's 5tra11g<'. bu t" job huntera often fcrl !'fluctant lo "use'' contacL•1. It's :i.s though e11tlcs might thi nk: "If you're so grr:at, why don ·1 l'm ployer! beat down your door?'' Frank· ty, I adtnlt that Jn rny t'arly career, I fe lt that v.a\' too. Now I know this is ;in off·ba~ 1tlltude. Misplaced pridl' 1~ a mistake \\'hl ch c<1n L'O~t ~ou the ex11cl job you Y.Jll\ - simply beqiuse )OU nt'\t'r heard abqut I~ 8ol make your system:i11r job cam~algn 11 topic of wn· yrnadon wit h r r I e I! d i-., rtlatlves, bu !I l n e s s tlC· qualnlanccs. or anyone else fW know. Try not to - l 1ireson1c about it, and do nol ask casua l contacts to hire you. Instead, encourage their help and guidant'e. People like to give advice, and by allowing lhem to do so. you get them pe rsonally involved ... and you give thl'm someth ing I n return : the opportunity to\ share a sense 0 r ac· co n1plishment "'ith your suc- Cl'5S. COVERING LETTER At this point. you have prepared your job resume, and scouted many of the \va ys to find out-where the jobs are. ln de\'eloping your leads. you'll often \•:ant to send a let· ter of application Yd th your resume, . asking for an in! . .tervie\v. Each covering letter sholud be short. personalized Yl'ilh names, individually ty~, and open v.·ith a "promotional'' statemenl \Vhieh v.·ill arouse 1he reader's interest. !Study product advertisements to get the general idea. I The rest of your lener should BRIEFLY mention your qualifica tions. and an~' sales points you can think of, plus ask for an ap-- poinlment. Close by saying that ~·ou ""ill telephone his secreta ry on a given date to learn v•hether a nleel ing can be arranged. You'll probably get the in· tervie1v because the employer ls no1\' curious to find out if you can answer the queslion upper1nost in his 111ind. And that qut.'~t ion is: "\\lh<it can you do for me '?" ~ccre laries G r oup~ OK 'd The Orange Coast College c ha pt e r of the Future Secretaries AMOclation has r~tivtd it~ cMrtrr from the National Secretaries Associa- tion. OCC chapter off icers 11re president. Chrbta llartlcd of Costa ~tesa . \1lce·pr~klcnt Beverly Cowie of Corona del ~far, Corresponding Secretary Catherine Holden of Colt& ~ftsa, Recording Secretary Pa t f\f c Derm o tt of \\'t&tminster and Treasu~r l.oulst Johnson of Garden Grove. Wtdntsday, Dtctmber 17, 1%~ J4 PILOT.ADvt.RTISER HAVE YOU VISITED OUR NEW STORE AT: P"OUlllTl\1111 'l'.U.Lli'l'-1'1'1 H•rtw IJH. • lllllttr HUHTIHOTOfll l •l\Ctt-i1U1 IMO Ii.&. It l\llM!t •L TOlllO-CI T-•I ltc.lfltljl hM HUHTIHtto• tU.C ...... ,..111 6 .-11119tt • P"OUJITAllll ¥AUll'~11'M ........ St. "T• .. " I sp Value! Fluorescen' Desk Lamps Htndsome c.'Oftttmporary 1tyliog aoa 'ftll with ar decor in yom home l Ba.tr tiful delmc baked enamel finish will ,m. latting be..11ty le protei:tion. :t.W:es an. ideal j;jft for the home, office at den. U.I. .Ap- ""''""11 1h Gallon JaltaVodka FiMi G.abo• Gteat vi.lue at i!s ev. eirdar price of $}.19 -now an emi lfCJt· tt batg•in. Wint 1111\.T.fl ..Viti Distilled tnd blended in Scotland of 100'f'e rare 6co1cb wbillcies. Hfu 011 hand for the holidays. n~tty Dlu1uitl .~ .... s1" ... Mell's Spor.tS~;'.irts :·, lu If I P11ly Nt11 tf' ~Ill 1f I Jen• IJI•• .\ Fantastic silt olkt from Thrifty at a Discoua.t .Pike! • Woma's -. Striped .Shift Qresse Dh<0vm· s3· fl Prictd DOuble knit jenq oE 1a· tate & nrloo bleod. Wirlt ICDOp neck. abort llc'Cve and Kif btlr. Siies 8 ta :16. full fashionrd styles, 3·7. Filll Fashioned BoJ's Pullowers . !"" • /.,J,i"'!ol $2'' m able desi.gn ru-striped crew er v .ncr:k, nnr colors. 6 to I!. lay 4 1114Sm 12~2 ·Nnf patte:ms,cCll011 for holi-\tys -and sP,ring! In" perm•• nent ·prc1:1 blmds. Sizes 6 to 18. BDJS' Fldael Pa)amas C.Oat stylc/b~I· $17f ton front. pip. jngoacollar. Sim 8 to 14 in cory cotton flannel. Girls lei ate Quilted Robes :Be•utiful . Jaa: $399 8' embroidery uimmed. Quilt· ed acetatt:·witb kodel Fiberfill. Sir" 7/14. Animal Head Child's Slippers Suede Front 's Cardigans Dtac .... , Pric .. 99' s1411 M"1.taifiCCDt "ffJain 'WOOi wltfi fv.u1 uoeJ ~ suede ffODts. c.hJc d"isa-c.om choice. S-M·L-XL. You'd PIJ much mote ti. -..•hettt! Chain Jewelry latest fUhion look in a»hlme jewel· rJ for the holicla11 and a!ttr. Glam· our cht.ioa irl simulatecl ~rb, iold tcm«, alam.inwn, with lake ~ ltOS* Ind .... ,a• lmgtblt $197 • '""'"" ....... 97< .. $1.97 Hn-e tbtlO ia hoafs, wcdcling iuds and duisles J ' Men's 8 Piece Jewelry Sets 97' IAHTA l\MA-t4M W • ......, ... kt1"4 M. W.-STMOtlTllll~ ...,.,.,....._ •I 0.lilllt ... C.OITA ~~ ...,.., I ,_ .. Wll-II. COSTA ,.u..-,m IL ft a. I ' ' ~,~ .. Mia's Sport . Watches Tlol1ffy Dlu1111t Prito Waterproof, d.iriog tlmct. !umioo111 di.LI, elapKd time bezel. Calmd.at and 1wnp 1eaiod huid. Grtat loot.. W& -watch with tiopi'11 •tup. ...... -.., ... Tre lur Bathl!IV• . . Bq~le . .C.th C!r f~n1 Beauty lcith . :• ~h:rc. ~I~ . !'med'. Tre Jur't' Ju;. • 1 ury fotm and.bea1.11 ,i baths aur~ to. de:Ogb\ r11l;'il'1ib'tcilm,.p~ Bubble Bath"' · $1. Bubble bath. I.us ' ·. Dry Skin Bafh 011 bJ Be!IJ Woods .®--· Eeai.iry trt•tmenti for $ n drJ•. sen,iti\·e sUi.. !.eaves it 1oft an d ~t . "' 1mooch. 8 01. ---1 • Black Satllf Spray Cologne .. ·::-.. ,. ' .. • _ .. .. · .. -•' . Angcliq11t's Jtr;'t'ly .ti M,; Jiauntins:fragranccfot "I tt: aw~lt sceuttd holi-;';· d1ys aad ~r. · ' '!! . S4,QO Yal11 :l.elltherJi OnJX Affel' ShlYI . ·• I Save ha]f otl "thit re-$·2·· ~!.., fmhing .Aftet Sh.we V' for J.[en by world. faaltdlm 4• · $$.DO •• ~ ••••. $l.S(t I Courlley 'Calopt · :; or liter Shave ', ; :•':'.' . .. :Brisk and brtc:ing AA '* 1 ttt Sha•c llSld.Colognl ,.., .io. the fr111ance he .•: £09for! Gi"ft" both. . ; s24•s falue .Ociirif:· Kindn,ss 19'111U1t~. Hair S·etter ~ •• ;. 'I • w;1h 14 .. " s13•'{ •• 11.,. •' . . •• · .. ~ -; '?' JUll. 10 miam' fl"Ofl. WltllllP,! firm. boull<Jtilll No lolion, no W """ ............. lky. ..~ Deluu 14 Piece , 1~; Manlcme Set · ·· o ...... ""' • 1-jmpltme11t1 Ill • ~~ I:[~ Cltr. 1 • -T~iJll!ttont.lai~ cf'll ! • • " • ' ... ; ... J .. ... :-;· I • ..... zei:. rif~- nt-;. . -·~-..-----. ---------·-------~---. -. -P!LDT.Adv~RTISI( JS _ J\'tdntlday, D«embtr 17, 1969 ' -• ~ , lfAVI YOU VISITID OUR NIW STOltl AT: 9861 .. Adams at Brookh.rst in Huntington Beach > ·::;•17i. Value ·•a••• 5 Foot Credenza 79'Valu1. Smoke Color Stemwa 45 Piece Melamine• ~Dinnerware Sets tl .... "' • .t..., , .. •llM ... ' "'""" -uld '''"'' •• ,., lllotfl1 ,,. ... ,, ... ,, •• , ,, •1111 ... r.. Oiaice of J11.tteml"U• md9iq ~ cclod ti .. ~ Pintappt~. ·om,e m1: ~ G1.WU1kJd qaimc reab 1foeia n. _ . _ ·-.-.. •~!"Ta W Sfu . ·: Magnolia . Eltctrfc Blankei ~·1:.Z~"...::·sa· •• ~Joa ' . • NttC I• JJilir. ... _ ..... ..... ,--. . i11.t1v-1 ':" .... '"9 HM ,11191 Yll.I Pollrold ., ...... c ... '&i'!"wilhliotd $517 iitlthOl. button •• I c10W!l ftont,. •d• j~ •ho9Jdct sm,p. !'ull prottction ! . . . . . _ $11.95 Val. ,, ~ ... asonlc lad I~: Snlll.l't, .. com· $948\ pact styling. · Fai"ous Pana· su:::.!c quality. Perfect fq• Ju~i1>lll1a ~! 11 11 ""' 10" WIH 11• Du, R19. *21' Dlran'• " Chocolat11 IL .. '1'' ••• I ~",;It ... :r::::i:.;: 1,.cWir ...... '* ., .... _Gtt -@IL"> lpeclal Occnl• Half Gallon lce .Creqm • •Q•nl ts•V_. ~'· ., .. ,., .. Dec.orator Glusware ComlosUhlt p1d- dfd •••t ••• back. Chrome flaitb with llllck ...,._ l'olb-fot~wbca aottl.mel SZAi Sat of• r Satll Hangers =t.r.=•$1" _ .. cboi .. ot•-·- •11 11 EllClrfC. Udlco Can Opener ::. $7"· .,.,, ..• W•rllc llllder ~-k •21• -~ t:.;,i.--..... 118.llMlrn !:t~ •17" pw.•nom . ·~a:-!r,..•r , .. , • aa -- I -. -~ -. ' Wrdn""aJ, Dr<tmbff 17, 1%1f DAILY PILOT $( ' """T"'" YALLev-1•141 ..... ''"" ••• .,., NU"TIN•TON llACit-at111 MICA I M. t f Amntl IL TOAo-t:t ''"' ti Atc:llifltlll ltM l •NTA ... N ... -1.0. W, ldl,.,._, ttMI arllhl SI. W'tTMINSTIA-401 WntflllMlff' t i OoWt!t Wttl COST ... Mll "-2• "•""r •"'4. •I wn-St. COSTA MIU.-UJ I . Ultl II. MUNTlftlTON IPC. ...... Ntlfli & l •lnltf l'OU"T"I" VAU.IY-1nt4 ~ SI. el T•IMn ..... . ' ~5'h Foot Shag Rugs 7f Wash or Toss Tumblers & Bowls . Ull Yaluel Twister 811111 Milt•• B"'· '3" Jer ft.'l'Otit• that till pou up ia bot&i lor 3. Loo111 Ughn lorellJ Dolls CutcDOYtlty doll ···~~$, .. ~VII Olll lltlli Ari Fl!!. '" ...... i ... Sf -ej-/"1 . ''!'~~-..... ,. ' ~·'"48' ::--tl:"' y ........ 0Wf..w..M,t0'1 rn • 10-u. Tv!Mlen, 11'1 ....... c.H.. ••k ""· ..... • w .... ., 1 ...• .., ""-· ••• 'This pluticwue is colorf11t. pttc:tit'.11 and 'Illriftr DiKOW'lt Priced ! Extdlcat lime UYUS for Cluiwnas tDd New Ya.r's f&rt.ies. • $3.lt~!,r!~T••~J!~ football by Spoldlntl • $3.49 Spaldlnt Count Kln9 laskotboll . .. 2.19 Yott Pour ~uaro Utlllty loll Your Choice $s•• Tetherball . & Pole Sets $444 Zic 11, ChlldNl'I Ctlorlng IHkl T<incm. o 584 ~= t 7 on'°" Ill hlUM ITI t ' 11.11 Val.I Dallr ;"r&;i . 11111111 """"Set 2-lO.lhl>t -1 $ 79 · fllll*t sun• a: ~ emboued look 1 W Wotua "hone It-flowa .. llolstu, biJt. SI.II Y1lutl ldul Zerold• w.nm ol r,. s3•• t1.1r• attJ, pull. • 1hrow-0 push, . . .... -. .......... · Sit of 7 i-7¥2 Hifraay Lites Indoor . 83c -·-.... iht rc1t 1t1J ool A•sorte4 celor litlbt Io r Mtdoor dar:atioft. y .. , ··~ 7 .. lllldColor o""'-'' ,,. 59' 11 .11" ....... Ja 1•1• tt1111 coloet ... . Noveltv Ceramic Hi· Intensity Lamps ..... $699 V1l11 ~ &Dd ooftl aiit for tcm1JCf1. IWd- ~11 ia 'Wtti:& no,, Flowu Pot ft Tigu lite da.ipa. 9tf ol LA. •Pptoed, Jilt boml • INCLUDING PROCESSING ; . I -:i:.t $299 . !!!!,...... ''''"' :··-•niH --<- I • Ii DAILY PILOT !llijackers Take Record Nu~ber . of Aircraft l • • .. :; ' '1 •• . 1Cuha ., . \ ' ' •• I ' • J ' • u • ., • • I I ~UMU !UPI) -Armed 1 mostly "'1th guns a n d kniv• but sometlMe.$ with ex· p!OiSlves or a band grenade. hi· 'jackers took a record number oC planes and pa~nger.i to Communist Cuba. in 1969. . From January to mid-- "0ecember1 30 Arn e.r i can J'llrliners with more than !.000 111P,trllOO!i abolrd \\'ere forced to llavan8 by an assortment of hijackers !hat inr;luded 20 , Americans and 16 Cuban refugees, according to a UP l ;tally, ·, Else'olilert in the hem.is- " (, phere, other sky pirates with .a yen for Castro Cuba 1ucceed· ed in hijacldnf K LoUn Am<ri· can planet with more than aboard two other Latin planes the same ~od. Hljacken 1,000 penons aboard. during wm th~ en ·route to CUba. .1 Although 1989 set ne\lt air piracy~ recor&. the hectic "skyjactfng" pace W'h i c·h prevailed In the United States during the first seven mon· lh.s-when 23 planes ~ commandeered to Cuba - PAIL Y & SUNDAYS 10 a.m. -10 p.m. '' I i ' • • 110 POUND IRON BARBELL SET ~ = . - DEERFIELD PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN . I, see1ned to 1 in tht last ed U.S. planes lo Havana in One of lhe refugees was /I Jacker 'l(as thalld ao unlderi--Going to .. Help the CUba!W )\rT)' 8avannah, Ga ., (Ill the part of &be year, 1968; the other live were U.S. Anny.'"'°&eant and}'~ U!ied Buntnan who·said he ft'~ revoluU«i" • 11 1 ~ be wu :tim· , Bf cca£rast, tne mpo of bl· among Uill year'• 2 O oam veteran. He abaim.a I01ftl ~tp foock'al.lpDtid Cuba · · ._L_~_ · ::. .!) Ir-~ jack!op ill Latin A erlca ap-American hijackers. his Cuban wile and Cbildreii la liecaUI< he wu "ti(ed of TV -Fl~ """",..., ·~ Y peared to-be . & u the The Am~nrcans wno seized Ulis. counlry to take .n dimers and Ured ol ~ injusdce. · ;,. , s was: qaln year neai'ed Ito d00<. JI ol the ;IQ U.S. planes Jakee American t\OOIBD and lhejr people &tafve lo the world " --JumplnJ.'. boll -OI' , ~"" mos! hijacked 1'9S'ibll!-,.asons for the •(> to the Cuban capilal included cblld to Hannna, ac"°"""' la· . tllher ·nervoa.1y.1tit;c\ :•.,. escap(n3 Inn l1ri>oD In this '11+ ; wltli JO planes parent "~low down" ln thLS eighl white.,, one Ipttian and 11 the FBJ. . • ~la~aUons'' clfer~ py hi· • country. • . !.~ Cuba.• But no co U)l '5t we re ob e ~egtoor, one o1 wllom w•• ao-Four mor.,"l/.S. planes JYeli jaeWs varied l'l"l'They Of. the el;M JJ.S. bljacler1 ~"""°·has .hee,n d p&ydiOl~~l as weU •1 pra,:-companJed by his wtte and tn· COO'i~andeenfd tQ·'Cftibl thll 1&ld theY,1Wert; 1'\rbo returhed 1his y,ear, ~twO "iince ' the Hoe ~ ~K· tical d~ .,t tighte:r airline fant · child. yta,.. by two F,}erich-Cana.. '-0 Tlred of paytq taX • aDd 'thave gone Jnto '(eder&J courl. -perlment;I u.se last ~ of vigilance, (ncludins limlt.ed ex· Sixteen cub an refu ees, di"'5: a Domln\68n: a mlli IUP.POl'Unl the ltc6:." ,1 • ·one Willie Jestif a Vietnam a secret .ilev1ce ·Whfth 1 perhnental use of 1..deteetion some Of whom tume¢. the hi· who said he we Yenezuel~, , ~ at '<w'hai the 1:1nited AnJiy veterln, i)tt!aded guilty ~ssenge~~~ af. c ti :i>fln devices and the rehtrn of eight jackings into "famlly affairs" a"nd apOther man destribed 11 Stata'l;.-dolni 1n V'>elnaol." and was sentenced in 1'Jlam1 alrportl, forjp0•1b~ wea~. American h i j a c .k er s with lhe.V' wivt>" r-'ltl ..... ,, ... M~... Dominican. / -Golnf. home (in tbe chse of to JO yean in federal prisOn. National airlines Was dJsillusioned with CUba. diverted niDe: U.S. planes to Perhaps the at ran (e s,t Cubanl) .. to see mother," or TM other, Robert M. Helmey. runner-up Jo hijackinp with Three ol the eight had fore-Cuba. .,reason" given by any hi· ••doing It for our llCll in CUba." wu acquitted by a federal eight planes taken to Cuba. COSTA MESA STORE ONLY- ~ • Reg. $8.88 ' e :·588 ij '1" i DAILY ancl SUNDAY 10 to 10 • Waterproof up to 600 ft. (wliea-. c:tfll&1 &ft; intact) • Ttlls lhc dat~ tool • Lu:minoll! di.a!, •wetP leCCDd bud • Sturdy Jnnd, ttainleat back __ ...:._-_:_ __ ---------=.-_ 111.....S.~ WHY Wtd'MJtby, Ottt.mbtr 17, 1969 DAflY 'IUfl: • COSTA MESA STORE ONLY f I CRYSTAL SHAM TUMBLERS XMAS DESIGN TERRY TOWELS BARCELONA VANITY BENCH 9s& • '' ... . " .. I Sturdy! attractive bench In choice of colors. Buy ! s1vera tor home gifts. 1 I~ 1 27 Pc. PUNCH .............. ..i._ .. __ _ 1 BOWL sET 1 r------------... ! J ' ' I I • • • ----~-·------------------------ ..1,' ;;,; "'' ""!\-.... --. ", v -,•\ .Jf, -~~ . ' '" .... ,,, THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT: See Our Big Sel.ction Of New 1970 Add·Ons And High Performance Parts. - A GIFT FOR EVERYoNE AT A PRICE FOR EVERY BUDGET! ' , ..... FREE Lo.ii hf n.t Di.,...tc C... S..-• tM ~•l.iL F.AEE 100°/o PARTS AND Ll\BOR WARRANTY 4000 MILES OR 90 DAYS ,'i/'fTI IL Ot' '.J"B f; ll Ef:k '69 f'ORD CUSTOM 4 Dr. SM. 42t VI , 1uto .. po"IO(et •l11ti119 &•cfisC ·t,ti...:ku, lll1el11, City of Cost1 M1t1 'oli c:• c.1r. Completely ii11i11- l1i111cl 1t Th1odor1 Robins. R1rn1ind1r of fie!. w1rr. 1 ,.,,;I. ltJ51K1140191 IStk. No. 914 111 $1 490 • 64 Cantinental ~· 4 DOOi Sii.AN it. Full powt r, FACTO RY AIR ;z. CONDITIONING. ·(UlF , 7Ttl Stock 1600 .-• • $11 90 '6 7 Clievrolet IMPALA 2 DR. H.T. VI, eutoll'•lic, r.S., r•dio, h••f•r. ITSM t 66 1 Stock r1JJJ $1300 '67 FORD •ALAJll llO ' ' . ' . 4·Dr. S.cl111. ]90·,\l'I, 1ufo• ~tic, f ACTO ltY..All, pow· er •l11ri119 l brd-••· r1lllio, k••'!'r.-l1l)"E 1121 to clay ,, 4,000 111i. w.,, ..... ,. $1590 '66 FORD FA.llU.NI SH 2 Dr. H.T. FACTOl.Y AIR, VI , •1110., P.S., !RRW 137) Stock PIJ25 $1390 . ·. '65 CORVAIR . ' .. Autelft.fic, r•dio;' ht 1ttr, ,,,,G;'u,;.' frttn. (1'6Ht1Sl. $590 '64 DODGE 1/2 TON Picku111, l ongbtcl, v.1, •ulo· 111•tic, c;111!otn c•b, h•1t1r. lllhl42) $990 : SAVINGS! ·SAVINGS! SAVINGS! _______ ..._ ____ ..... ____ -+ ____ .._.,_. __ ~ .. '64tp,ONTIAC ··. ' " '66 CHEV. 111 TON v.1, longb1d, 1+ick, ·•clio, h1•ler. 1Tll5121 $1290 ·''··-----· ~ '" '·-'65 PONTIAC ' &lAND PllX I Full pow1r i ncl FACTORY 11.• A I R CONDITIONING. : lHQX130) ·' ' ' $99 '66 MERCURY 11.; MONTlllY .. , J\ 1 Dr. M.T. V-1, •ufom 1tic, I r•clio, h11l1r, po,,.er 1!11r· 1°• in9. ISLW 11151 ~1090 '64 JAGUAR ).IS 4 DOOi SlDAN • .a.utom1lic, •1clio, "'••le•, ,..;,, wh11l1, in ••c1ll1nl c.ondition. IOMJ ]]6 ) ·' $1990 '68 FORD •AU.XII 500 2 Or. H.T. low 111il1•g•. VI, vi11yl roof, •ulo., fl'.S., !WX& 4751 Stock l7JIA. R1m•ind1r of f1ct. w•rr•n· ty .... ;1. • $1990 '67 MUSTANG HARP.TOP JtO VI, •ufo., P.5., RI H. "THE HOT ONE" I FOl 345) Stock 1217A $1590 '68 DATSUN : 4 Or. S1d•n, R•clio, h1•tet, wkit1 w11l1. App11. 11,000 mi!11. 1n 111c1l11nt concli. ti on. $1290 '69 COBRA Sciorl Roof, P.5., Pow1r di\t b1•k11, cr11hom1tic, 4)1 VI , poly')111 witl1 0~11 ti r1t. IZLH llll $2790 · '65 FORD GAU.XII 500 Tt~ 0 STA.. WAGON 4 Or . H.l . FACTORY All, FACTORY AIR CONOl· Auto., RIH, P.5 .. r.t .. p. winclowt, P·111t. IP1X ll71 Stock l401A $990 '67 PONTIAC LE MANS l Dr. H.T. 12' VI , •ulom•· tic, r.s .. R., H., 41 ,241 milet. 8ur911ncly willt bl1cK· vinyl inl1rior, IYWS 04f) $1790 ' . '64 CORVETTE HAlDTOP l\•lllO'f"•bl1 top. 4 'tp11d. r1dio, h11l•r, pow1r win· dow1, AM -FM r1clio. I RHC fOll $1790 '68 Continental 4 Dr. S1cl. Full pow1r, f•c· lory 1ir, AM-FM, •inyl rool, 111th1r in ltr. 1 o"'n1r. !ZVO $3900 TIONING, 1utom•fic, .r•· dio, ll11l1r, pow1r •!•ti;;1119. IFNA 6461 $690 '67 DATSUN WA&ON Siic~ 1hih -low lftil119f'.. !Tw'vf p7JI $.1190 '68 l)ODGE COIONET 4·DOOl SI D.AN \I.I , pow1r 1l11rin'), pow1• br1kti, li11!1r. N1 wporl 01!1cfiw1 C•r. I l 151111 $1190 '65 PLYMOUTH SATILLITI A11lom•+it, pow11 i111rin9, FACTORY AIR , bucket 11•h, vin~I roof. !RGV5)5) $990 '65 MUSTAN.G. CONYI RTlllif' ' VI, l tp1tcl, k1•i1r, whit1 w11I lirtt. I OSR17l ~ $7'90 · '66 FORD IL 2 Or. H:T. A11lcrii'l•lic, ,,. clio, h11t11, AIR'. CONDI· TIONING, pow11 1t11ring .. !SVY51ll $1 0 90 • '64 Volkswagen 2 Door 11cl111 .. IPCUOltl $990 '68 FORD CUST OM in g, cr11•1om •lic lr1n1l'lil· tio11, r •d i • •nd ht•lt r. Polic1 Cir. 114917 $1190 J • THIOllOll ' 1 lOllNS, SL TlllODOH ROllNS. JL •· . '; ) VIRTUALLY "EVERY · ;~QLOR •Nb MODEL MADE, .NOW IN STOCK AT ROBINS VOLUME SAVINGS! NIW 1t 71 F·lOO PICKUP $2235 FULL PllCI OIDll TODAY JOIN .... SAVINGS AT THE HOME I • OF Tt:tE "Sharpest Pencil l n Tlie W est" OVER 60 IN STOCK STANDARDS -D~LUXES -GT'JJ STATION WAGONS. • · MANY Wi!h FULLY ·AUTOMATIC TRANS. AIR-COND., RADIAL TIRES, RADIO, El<• BRAND NEW STANDARD ·~;DR: SEDAN ' INCLUDING ALL THIS ! SAVINGS! · OUR DRAG CLUB FOR A SAFE HOLIDAY 110 ritel mt h1 51. Cell· for1lo's ffnt f •rd 41 .. """ tic CP ter t ... J•t JO Mil• •In! LEASE A NEW 1970 MA!IS ANI MODW AUTHORIZED FORD. LEAS ING SAVINGS! '65 MERCURY MONTCLA IR 4 Dl. H.T. FACTORY AIR, Auto1111li:, pow1r il•eril\'), po wer wi11· dow1, r•dig, ll11 t1r. IRJ.Y 0~01 $990 '69 CHEV. WAGO N King1woocl. lf6 VI , 1°11!0., f1c tory •ir, P.S., P0tli1c. br1k11, li111!9•g1 r1c1., .11 Yinyl inl1r. Appl!. 16,fOO mil11. !027414 ) IStk. '# P1'431 I ~$3290 I • SAVINGS! SAVINGS! SAVINGS! FULL $9 tl 'llCE ALL U MAININ& 1969'5 NOW AT FINAL CLOSE OUT DISCOUNTS SYSTEM • RENT A NEW 1970 FORD DAY, WEl!t 01 MONTH, CHECK OU I COMPnlTIVI RA.TIS SHEL BY AMERICAN CLOSE OUTI N•w, c1llKt1r'• piecn Hc111s• thl'f •r• the le11 .t • l•11t Ii.,. ef clCtUic p1rfor111011ce con! 3 -ONLY -3 ~ ..................................................................... .:. ...... ... I RA.ND NEW lt,t '1 DISCOUNTED TO Cl l A.111 THIS Wll!tlND! hn T,... '" Y"' ,,....... c..-1 I • -,• ............ ••«t>lfi~•·Q;..9 .. j • .it ,,_,_, rr-op.1 '" "-,_, '·<·nAi • ,.·, .1 •• , 'A M ro 6 r M PA~TI 6. SERVICE HOUP.I PARTS OHlY '"''¥· ', ·'"'. t I' ; ,\~.~ 11...' l!'1,~ '.' ·"1 \1 .... ~~ T('I/ ~ ~'j ][I I ri:.1r1AY q /t~.j ll t f'\. '\Tl!'<fl;\1 • I ' .. I 1· ..... 13 • .. 1 .. ' ~ ·r: .'; • ; . ' . .. ' I "''· . '"I ... • ·-.. ' • . '·~ ... r ' ~·' " • .. ' I • .. ' . ;.r . : ~ .. "" ' 7 • • ' -' --· . ~. "· ' .... ••• 1'lis 1Jte .$eison.~. .. , " ' , . • ~I. I •• .. • .,. . ~ . " - ' . ' '! .... f .,. ": .•.• to be . jolly, but the tinie , grow$$hort. If you haven~t .~l~ '\., tead~ ~ot>pfld._ ·~~ •list, ;1~r ~tarted to ·tnak¢1-J:t~ ~d~ so n{)w. . ' . . ~ . . Then tell Santa. He s located Pl:~©~ ·absciJute1Y:'.:sc_rumptious , Gµigerbread Ho\Wl m the Ca- ~l Cotp.;t. I t'S:,SO comfy and cozy, Id %.ct, the entire mall · is that way. Y pu'I J'llike it! ' . .. ~ . -' .· ... When you get hete, you'll find a Christmas wonderland of ev-. erythlng you want. You'll a:Iso "· , marvel at our ·decorations, cust,om-designed ju~t for you, The Grandest Mall of :Al1 is · . open 'every night unt.il 9:30 and this · Sunday from ·hoon 'til 5 p.m. ;-'tis the seas6n. ·,. DAILY PILOT-Wednesday, Docem11er 17, 19 '•' - ,: ' .. \ -•-·' ''I '' All -are -nlthtly.'lll 9'SO P.M. • • ........ _. _ _,_..._.j &oath (olst .?J•i-a·· "THE GIWilDEST · MALt OF ALL"' •WIOL ,AT UN otap PMr#AY. COSTA. ..... ' . ' . .. . ~ I '< I • 1 t I 1' , ..... Loan Payoff \Verner Escher, director c;>f public relations and ad· vertising for South Coast Plaza and Tov.'n Center (right). collects $450 contribution from Robert Van· der Vrede, vice president and general manager of Atlantic Re1earcb's Missile Systems Divi~;i~n e~· ployes gave to Costa Mesa United ~nd. Esche.r is South Coast Plaza "loaned execu1.1ve" to Uruted· Fund campa11n and, as such, called on his foI1Jler employer (be was formerly public relatjons tnan .. ager at AUantlc Research's Costa Mesa plant) for support of local campaign. LAST CALL Funds Snort? . Here's Gift Idea Chrlslmaa comes but once a something in_ tbe beauty field, year-b\jt when it does come, and one thing tbat's aure to It can bring with Jt "fun" pro. pleaae ii a nice ·bar of blems alona: wllh all the frl&J'aD.t aoap. Now, there's a fesUvity. batlHize. bar you can1my for Problems especially f or 25 ee,tta. lt J>Ot only smells children, who want to give "delicious" but is an an· their relatives nice gift& but Ubacteria1 and deodorant soap find It difficult to make their too! lt'a called Safeguard and allowances stretch. Ope of the is great for all the family, for solutions la to let children it's a mild soap that contains make things. Little girls can special Ingredient! which help o!ten tum out some great to remove the majority of skin cook.Jes and candles, with bacteria which can cause ao111e help from Mom, These, minor akin infections and body wrap~ in colortd 'waxed odor. pa1>4!r, or-popped into glass To make the g:ift-givlng Jars, make e•ctllent present.! ceremonies even more fun - for grandpas, IW11-and disguise the bar of soap as a uncles. Boys can try their lion. Wrap the bar in some hand at making a ltatlter orange paper and then cut out wallet or perhaps Io Jfl • a round piece of paper, draw carpentry wiU, pad's Ull1tan-on a lion's head and stick it to ce. , tbe cOrne1' of the box. For ex· However, U C)\ri.1tma1 tra effect, add a 'tail that c•tche1 you and your family twis ts round. with just no Ume left for ·mak· Need some more tdeas? "Ina 1Utf~ let YO\lr Imagination , How about a small bag of 'Incl ._. modest spendlnC marl!ihmallows, caramels or ~ve yaur· youngsten pro-chocolate kissesT Then there bltmf. -are emeryboards, shoelaces, A trip l'O\md the local S and ribbons, combs, sponges and 673-5!21 10 cet ttore revtals a host of many, many more. 3410 Via LI• JQ1a1., When attractively wrap-So this festive season, have Newport leacA Pfd and decorated, they makt fun, get moving to the variety ·I 1""7fl .leuthc~·rt..., &rl.tol at ... D •• P'rwy. -.. ". BEFORE THE HOLIDAY SEASON Bring In 11our alteration 1vorh now e Alternatlon1 for Men •nd Women fun gill.I. Children will be abte1 .~sto~re~a".'.nd'.:__•t_•_rt_•~pen-dJ~ng~th-•_'J' !=:======================================:=== to 1lv1 all their frltnds and quarters! family a ! I t t I e 10mething Without "fracturini" their 1mall bud1et. e Suits •nd Sl•ck1 RodHlgnod e N•rrow L1pel1 and Shoulders on Coet1 e Remove Pl1•ts, T•p1r Lot• • Coots Rellnod e Cuts, Dr1111s Shortened e Expert French R1wtt1vlng • Altering of Suede, Furs 1nd L11th1r What about 1ome rollt of hard · c1ndl11? Wrapped In crqe paper, they look cute and festive. Twitt the paper between each toll of candlea and the package end• up look· Ing like , a gay 1trin1 of ••usages. -, ·Brothers and sisters c1n be atven pencil•. rulers or felt tlJped pen1. Wrap them In 11y tfa1ue 11•per and tie the end• With ribbon -they're ll1ht enough to ha n I on the Chrl•lmu Trte and mah f\111 lillen !Of lonta'a stockinf. Matbtr1 u1u1lly Uke • Yule Symbols I ALt ""IMll<•"! . OUARANTEID Holly symbolizes you 1 WORK merriment, la u re 1 for COSTA MttA ••. s.;.,. C..t "-' c,911..,_141).1491 triumph. rosemary for pro-tection and misUetoe for good HUNTIN•TOJt ltACN-llt(t.1411• • 1,,1.,d•le-14'·0911 will. ~======~~======,! , . • Prep Shop Cxcluoive!'J.fo,. '/Joung men FARAH 'FLARES wO<h FaraPreaa• Now, slacks with a flare! Farah's styllng combines comfortable slim, trim fit with the new flared bottom! Start your own collec· tion of these terrific new slacks, in a great variety of perma- nently pressed patterns and solids! • SOUTH COAST PLAZA 1 Ltw.r l•fft -0,,..,.. Ctlffn'4 Brl1tol 1t $1n Dle,o F"rMway Cost• Me,. Phone 540·9521 Romantic Gifts for a She'll love to wear a Diamond Pendant • (irtle with diamond 41.SO I ,, . 'I'illlely(;.ifts at Holiday S . ' av1ngs. Ult 'rtur chtrt•acceunt to take odvan- tei• tf the11 1~eclal Chr/1tma1 'rices. a b ' 21 11!1 "!!I.SH 12.!l.i ... for her a. Waltham "Lady Natalie ". 17·iewel5 . Shock-resist ant , 24.99 b. Self-winding calendar 39.88 watch by Jacques Monnat. c. Caravelle "Princess A". Shock-protected. By Bulove. 12.95 A present for tl1e future! ~· C1r1vtllt "C1tendl1I''. lS.9S C11-1nd1r witch by 8ulov1. e. Croton "Rough & Tough". 17·Jtwell. Lumlnousdlal. 19.99 f, Sub AQUI ''N1utosc3ph". Self.winding. Calender. 49.99 Where Pride ol Possession Is Part ol Your Purchase e weisfields JEWELERS SOUTH GOAST l'LA.ZA -UPl"r Mell A•rou From Woolworth'• -Phone 54°"7117 Aloo In 1:.okew<tOCf Cehlor -L1~ewood \ I - .·. :- ... •. . '• ·. . . . . . . • . Flying Reindee r Among decorations getting South Coast Plaza's "grandest mall of all" into the Chii stmas spirit are high-flying reindE!er like this one photographed in North Costa Mesa shopping center's Carousel Court .are:a. Fashion Watches Swing From $30 to $3 0,000 NE\V YORK (AP )-Fashions tn fine Swiss time pieces this Christinas swing as wide as the pendulum. So do I.he prices. There are watches with the soft loo k, the integrated look, the unisex look. \Vatches for da}1ln1e and evening. For doc· tors, architects, skiers, moun- tain climbers, yatchsmen , auto racers, skin divers and world travelers. And the colors may be coordinated wi!h nearly every costume. red, with five interchangeable outer rings. The puJsorneter permits rap- id reading of the pulse. The tachometer indicates speed, the parking meter ring shows the time lapse on the meter and the universal ring, the var- ious relative times of the world's major cities. The fifth ring is a simple silver band for all occasions. BOOKS· BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS OOfl:[MCtY UlttC rn>CK . [v1nlnp "11110 PICKWICK ~ ~J.~~"~~!~~ S4C..21t_, __ 17•l Holl)'lllOOCI l l•d. ¥ollrwood (213) tlO t-1191 ,. The cost: fiom $30 to $30,000. The $30 watch is the "Flipper," with a changeable bezel. or rim that holds the watch crystal to its selling. The $30,000 time piece is a lady's watch with handmade works and a case encrusted l;=======:-=-==.I with diamonds. The case is plastic-either in black, white, yellow, blu~ or Women's wild "go-go" watches have been replaced by the soft look. the oval, for example, with a chain link BEST The DAILY PILOT offeri ''"'• of the beat feeture1, by a1Jh1el rurvey of reader1, evailable I• eny 11e,..1paper i11 the 11etlM. braceleL Buys her this great . Christmas gifi now! She'll sew zig,zag stitches. From finetoextra wide.,She11 f"lef1 do satin stitching. She11 dam, mend, monogram, embroider. No special attachments. Just remove the prmet" foot .And tum a knob. FREE SEWING lESWNSl She'll sew on all types <JI fabrics. Wllh an easy adjustment ol the Stitch Lqh Selector. Mo>.'e sefedor up to~ If\ revel'5e'. • Singer 1ives free lessons on tJow.t~uSe a sewing machine with f:'ler'/ machif')! purchased. . FREE DEUVERY FREE GIFT WRAP~ =~~Mindudirci! -all bright and be-ribboned. Ull..EJ} BUY NOW ON IDURSINGERfl'0-36 . CREDITACCOUNT, '""" you choose, defer monthl' p1yments until February, 1970 M.OR uathe Sitp" ~ P""- a small deposit will l'lold '"' ttem untH °"'-20. illf.1blil! :.~\!!I COSTA M.ESA l ri1lol & Su110owtr S40·26Jl Sovlh Co11t Pl111 ' COSTA MESA 2100 Harbor 11 .. d. Kl 9·1195 Harbot C•11t1r SINGER n.;.,.,Air...,,...ll•llNOll .... ,. HUNTINGTON BEACH -£di119er et letch 197·1041 Hu11ti111to11 •••ch C111ter Packages of Hosiery Make Two-in-or~e Gift New gUi packagK ol panty hose offer prime lmplratloo for. harried Santas ~ for at!Ull( Rifts for fublmable minded bell ... For a bounUtul S a n t a • there's an elegant e1nvas 11)1\. ca,. gaily striped in fod and white ; Jt has comparbnents flUed with nine pelra of panty hose in varied colors, reports Betty Curry, fashion director of Burllogton. There's a new jewel box gift pack tbaf1 fill· ed with four pain of panty bose in va,ried hues. Fot the opulent gift there are jeweled body stockings, a series of Heavenly Bodies, r.porls the fashion --each with an astroloelca.lly- • • orlmted name such a 1 Jupiter'• Bride. C e I e 1 t 1 a l Cover and Orlon's Bdt. (F\m to 1Ive1 and to get!) New Blklnl. Style: New atyles in leg fashions add '-n- terest for gt.ft buyers. A bOOnt atyle panty hose, for example. This tnnovaUoo by Burll.ngton- Cameo has the relnforced pan- ty area knit in diagonal, giving for the first tlme tbe high side panty brlei effect with smooth all-In-one construction without seams. There's an opaqu e Loop.the. Loop style in the stocking cat a gory. Tiny hooks knitting the top (welt) attach to the garter tabs of any foundation garment SWBICDIQB Two Great C.rdlg•nt by Towne & King When It comes to sweaters nothing says Christmas like alpaca. Nothing quite matches Its enduring elegance and all around versatlllty. In fink stitch-a knltfor all seasons and till men. Grodin• shows fWO Important versions: 100% alpaca with straight front and ribbed back waistband-red, gold, green, white $30 55% alpaca 45% wool cardigan with ribbed bottom-gold, blue, green, brow~ heather $25 WoclMtday, Dot. 17, 196' SOUTH COAST PLAZA SECTION 1'9 3 SEWING BASl~ETS .NEEDLE WCRK .Kl'1.:. Golden Needle Gift Certlflc1te1 Always the mos t appreci. ated a:Jft tor the home- maker who llkt' to sew. FUN GIFTS YOU CAN MAKE- Stuffed Anlm1l1 Scorvn v.tto . These are atmple to mate gifts that take IO Utile time. FABRICS SOUTH COAST PLAZA MALL • CAROUSEL LEVEL Fonnerty Munen & 8lullt ALL STORES OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'JlL I SUNDAYS 12 TO 5 PM SOUTH COAST PLAZA, Costa Mesa -ANAHEIM, Broadway-Anaheim Center -LAKEWOOD, Lakewood, C8lllr • I ) I l ' • 1 : ' ; . . 'I I --------... ----.. ........--------. ---------. -------......---- --· --------~---. . . . ' ..... 4 SOUTH COAST Pl.Ali SICT10N Wod....i.y, Doc. 17, 1H9 Y uletime Traveling Desk Copier Helpful Home Accessory With Infant Easy The new complct, llabtwelgbt 11Cuual'' 'neu- Copler maka clear, lharp, bilcl< .... Wb!ie, dry coplOI ol vtrtually anythlng1 and tak11 up leu thao lwo square 1181. Wellhin8 only nine poundl. lbl copier 1111untn In .. ywbore uound the 1lowe Ind ii rem1tlLlbly simple to operalt. Any member ol lbl family con lttten, blll1, neelpil, IH p]llf It In Ind llltt copylq returnJ. ndpoa, cllpplqs, ' Not so many years ago, it was almost impossible to con- i ider taking a young child along on a family trip. Tbtre WI! no running water. and kettles had to be heated for an 'infant'• bath. Facilltlta for diapers w e r e non-eliitent.. (Even weighing an infant was done at the local butcher's, with baby slang like • aide ot meat from a strap}. Nowadays, even tiny infants can fare well on an outing if mothers take the right precau- tlbn.!, advise the makers or De<ti.Un baby products. Before dressing the youngster to go ••over the bill to Grandmother's," make sure he is freshly diapered and well powdered. If diaper rash ts a problem, eq>et1I l<COfMlend applying medicated ointment to sore spot..s immediately, to lleal irritation as fast as possl· ble. Baby will be happier if he's comfortable, and so \vill the other members of the family. Disposable diapers help make trips euier and are a modem aotuUon to hygiene and space problem1. If you're motoring with Baby, try sllppring a pillowcase over his blMket. It helps keep the blanket In pl•ce. but moot importan~ bepo the b!ljlket fuu off you, especially if you 're wearing dark<0lorecl clothes for travel. ••Id Moltotl'll"'Ml"I _ .. c ..... The conquest of space Oassic men's "Tri-Fold" from ROLFS JOIN US Serve llp Gifts SALE CHILDREN'S STRETCH VINYL BOOTS RIGULARLY $11 NOW 890 ONLY One way to ,;serve" a gift that will keep serving is to packagi china for th e special people on your shopping list. The gi ft he~e is "Ch~sit!Das tree" china. That pattern, of course, is popular and appropnate at this time of year. w. •r• 1peci•lilt1 Ill 1el"lllf t lft p1ebl1m1I Our 1eleetlo11 •f ll•W .nc1 UllUUlll ld111 f•r m1lr· 1111 Cttrlthn"t Tift. 1om1thl111111• t11 1pecl1I wll h 1u11 te 1tl1e11 e'feryone Oil• yowr lit+. Come 111! THE KNIT WIT Innes s ·H 0 ES SOUTH COAST PLAZA Trials, Tribulations Await Tree Trimmer By DAVID NYHAN BOSTON (Af') -I found my old Christmas tree stand. It waa ln the carton marked 'lights." Now J have two stands. 1 also have extra lights. The two strings I bor- rowed last year from the rear of my father's tret were discovered in the shopping bag marked "ornaments."_ You can always use the ex- tra lights, I lear.1ed. You'd be amazed at hdw 'many drug stores,. by Christmas Eve, have run out of spare bulbs. I was amaied, last year, but I learned, which is why I will not &pend Christmas Eve say· Ing "Merry Christmas" to eight druggists. I do need some ornaments. though. My son either ate year's, or else ,rolled them up on the windowsill and pushed them over. I hope he <loesn 't pull down the tree like he did last year. I a1most rolled him over the windowsill. At least the cat Is gone. Last year he developed a foodness for tmsel. We still find tinsel in the winter clothes. My wife developed a Twas using to sweep up fall en pine needles, Good thlng I miss· ed. It wasn't the cat this time, but my son, the electrician. who had his teeth clinched around one of the lights and was trying to swallow it. The kid will eat anything red. I didn't know last year you should shake your tree when you bu~ it to see if it's dried out. HaCI I done that last year, I would have denuded the one I brought home. •So many needles fell that my mother complime;ited my wife on "that nice green rug under the tree." A dry tree Is a fire risk. We didn't have any fires last year, but by Christmas night we didn't have much of a tree eHher. Between the baby and the cat, lt was almost naked. When I dragged it out to the trash truck later, the driver squinted at the tree and said, "Hey, pal, that looka like one we missed lut year." Pin ·'a Roser··~ fondness for tinsel, too. Dainty inexpensive corSages I.-L-1 OllPOtll• WoolMrlll'I ........ '""-""· ...... :~dll Bristol at the S•n Diego Fwy., Coat• Me•• Phone: 545-9220 FRMSI~ KEEPS THE FAMILY TOGETHER fy V V r F 1: Ji at V V r F 1° AN ORGAN OR PIANO WIL~ GIVE YEARS OF FUN! \ JANUARY PRICIS IN Dl!CIMlllt PIANOS --... MANY NEW FLOOR MODELS FREE LESSONS BRAND NEW WURLITZER ORGANS Including: Full 25 note pedal board-61 note manuals SAVE $50000 UP TO ADULT & CHILD'S BEGINNER PIANO CLASSES REGISTER NOW c~-;:.~!:.:~ Discounted YOUR OPPORTUNITY FOR REAL SAVINGS GRAND SAVE UP TO PIANOS SOcro Story & Clark by YAMAHA $1845 Credit Terms -Chrl1tm11 Dellv1ry WalliehsMusicCity SOUTH COAST PLAZA Co1t1 Mffl -Phone 549·3165 ' . t File all the jumbo-size foreign etll'!'ODC)', letters, photos and carda you have I<> CIUT)'. Here's a billfold that's oversize inside, yet folds down t.o ·slim·lim pocket •ize. Extra large currency HCtion; two md pockets, and eight-wing pbot.o/card cue. Rolls "Tri·Fold". In a oelection of fine leathers. She bought 10 pounds or it can be purchared and Btor.ked after Chrlstmas. l'm thinking at home to pin on your holiday of mailing it to friends In guest!. 'Ibey'll be flattered by eight-ounce packets instead of ~y~oor~thou=~g!>tluinea:~~I :~~~==:=====:=======:==============:=====:==~ aending Christmas cards. j My wlfe got a terrific post. holiday deal, too, on cards. <>De thousand prbted up 11for a song." That "song'' should have been a Cull-fledged opera. Now the cards are no good. We moved. and they're printed with the old address. I From SS. OPIN EYDY IYININ• UNTIL t :JO SUNDAY 12 to 5 p.m. I lo~kAmeri;ard SOUTH COAST PLAZA With the cat leaping up to paw the tinsel, we bad the on- ly "live" tree in our ()Id apart. ment building. Last Christmas morning I took a swipe at the quJvering tree with the broom UP'PEll! LEVEL. BRISTOi. AT UN DllGO P'WT., COliTA MESA PhOfte 540·3110 ne J.lillerent • gi'7e Zl gilt of delectzible food:; from f(ctlcdl'I t-!!!Se See our complete selection of gift paka Including these favorites. Take them with you-or we will mall! FAMILY FAVORITE $7.75 J l/1 Th. BEEF STICK, Mutard. Smoky [Smoked Chee&e Bar), b1llf·poW1d Gouda, Belle Fll111' Cheei;e, Horseradish S1uce plus imported cmdift? ___. ' DELUXE SNAK PAK $8.50 Mlld Midget Longhorn, Ed11m Bar, four Chee&• Spread•, Gonda, Smoky (Smoked Chee&ll Bar), !tUt Fl1ur Cheese, Crackers, Oval Wtf .. art, Mutud •ad Imported candies. South Coast Plaza Lower C1rouool Miii ,HONI 540-6991 Bristol at the San Die90 Frwy., Costa files a LAST MINUTE GIFT SUGGESTIONS e CHINA e CRYSTAL e SILVER SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MIS.\ PHONE 540. 2627 Turn the key, and 1at In lovely motion tho sounds of music for all to heer •• , Swiss hand corv- ed wood Music Bo11e1 with me lo- dies sure to please. Tyrolean 9irls that revolve •. , $11.50, Musical Chests that play "Lara's Themo' ..• from $16.00 to $50.00. Revolvin9 Music Box with pair of e1"1chant in9 Anri children playing "Lara's Theme" ••• $12.95. Thes • ere only • few of the hundrods we have for your selection. Th• Paco Setter hes over 250 different music boxos for yeour cho ice. It's the l1r9e1t selection in the W•st. The PACE SETTER IS SANTA'S GIFT , HEADQUARTERS -• BRING IN YOUR GIFT LIST En joy the discovery of world- wide gifts in universal good taste on a tour through tho Pace Setter ... a shop that offers you the finest from the leadin g makers of China, Crystal, Sil· ver and Gifts. ... ' ' ' • . ~ . • . . • . • ~ -~---·------------. -.. --.-.--:"'.-:-'.".-~.~.'.'"'!_c,...-. ~."'..~. C::-":':':-:",.,-':" • .,_-":',-~'!""--... ~_ ... _., ____ ""!" ______ ..... ___________ , CHILDREN CAN MAKE THEIR OWN REINDllR , Pa pet Reindeer Tote Holiday Party Favors Children being children, the highlight or a holiday party is the loot. But cost doesn't im- press children. The loot has to look like a present but not like the one they got at the last Christmas party. For your children's party this year why not let paper reindeers tote a variety of small gifts? To make these traditional Santa Claus helpers. all you need are some brown paper bags from the supermarket, a roll of Christmas cotton bat- ting, ribbon, "Q-Tlps" cotton swabs for the antlers, and odds and ends of beads and sparkly stars. Fill the bag with small gifts, balloons, whistles, bubbles pipes, candy, yo-yo's, that kind of thing, then fold the sides . Sound Gift To make the reindeer faces just cut three inch triangles of cotton batting and glu1 it to a bit of shirt cardboard for stif- fness. Bits of paper will make the eyes. 'The antlers are "Q. Tips" swabs. To make an antler, glue one swab to the reindeer head, then mlp smaller plece.s of the cotton swabs and glue in place u branches. Use a tiny red Christman ball 11 the nose. Cut oblong paws about 1'ni inches long from the ootton batting. Glue to cardboard and attach a cotton swab to form the foreleg and hoof as the pict ures. To add fe1tlve touches to the brown bag reindeer, scatter stars and sequins. String tiny beads as a harness. Capture the sou nds of Christmas on this gilt. A tape recorder may be just \Vhat you've been looking for. It does double duty - great gift for a youngster and also encourages family to keep an audio record of the joyful sounds o! the holidays. RED CROSS SOCIALITES COBBIES AAAA AA• AA A I C D 7.1 ~ I 6\1-I D l 5\J-1 1 I 6\;·f I 4.tl ·I 1\i·ID I lli·• CAMEO SHOES SOUTH COAST PLAZA l lUSTOL AT SAN DIEGO FWY. COSTA MESA 1st le•tl by The Weterftll Phot11 '4'°"1210 :i'/111...4.y, OM. 17, 1Mt SOUTH COMT PLAZA HCTION pip 5 Shop Mey Co Sovtli Co•1t Plaza Sundays from noon 'til 5 pm through Dtcombtr 28th the body briefer that's a body shir t The lightest, m05t slith ery little;, ne~t to nothing you 'll t!VCt J put on. Like a jump.suit that stops short at the hip. }.{anc- Jous. And in stretch kn it nylon it moves ·..,·ith you. Plw it's easy-care. Elegant with Jong quilted skirts fo r at home hos· tessing. Perfect with pants too. Silhouette !you r.self in hot ttd-0rangt, wh ite, midnight black. S-m. Vin Raalte. 13.00 may co daytime lingtrie 28 - lowdown pleated ... tunic top, pleated skirt in Encron• knit. It's new. The tunic top ..• longer, leanC'r. ~'orn over a burst-pleattd skirt. A look that's like separates ... really 1. two piece dress. With pleats attached to a camisole top for a more flaltezing fit. In Encron• polyester knit that'• tof~ ttxtured. easy-cue. In l'anilla or hot pink, sizes 8~18. By 1'-fr. Mencli of Laura of Dallu. 40.00 may m a.nopolitan shop 96 .White Shoulden by Evyan. A truly elegant fragrance. Purt lUJlll'}' in the grande d1mc manner. A golden scent, rich and diltinguished. For the woman "'ho adores antique lace and beautiful dressing tables. Oioose a gift from a marvelou1 collection of perfume, cologne, llld bath pttparationi. a. youth and beau ty bath, 5.00 and 9.00 b. cologne, 3.50, 6.Sll and '12.00 c. spray mlogne 7.50 d. perfume in laced box, &.Sil and 12.00 may m cmmetia 100 lflOOftli ii I Nsi1terff ttl~k c( the Alnuinn Enka Corp . may co 1buth coast plaza , 11n ditgo fwy et bristol, costo me10; 546 -9321 shop mo~day thru 1aturday I 0 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., 1unday noon 'til 5 p.m. ' • • . ' I MAVCO ' • I I ·--------·---------------~----.. -....------------~-------·-------------llop 6 SOUTH COAST PLAZA SICTION Wtdn...ioy, Dt<. 17, IHt On the j ob Santa Claus is bu sy at South Coast Plaza these last few days before Christmas posing for pictures like this one with speciaJ friends of his who drop by to tell him \vhat they \Vall't for Christmas and to ''look at the birdie." Pictures are for sale to parents, or other escorts of young Santa visitors) \vhc care to have prints mailed to them . Stockings . For Holiday Trucks With New Twist TOYMAKERS TEAM FUN, LEARNING NEW YORK (AP) -Santa's moving ferrll wheel and a ol boys ol all ages, have $Orne For little acientlsts, tbere'a helpers will be prostrate with variety of vehicles. new twlrta thU year. Remco'1 fun In the flekl of lapidary and eJhausUon come Dee. 25 but For the little handymen, Tru..Smoke Dlesel, for ei:· space .. Skll Craft Playthings p-obably won't gtt a wink of there's Ideal's Power Mite sleep for all the shritti of joy Work.shop and Fisher·Prlce's ample, emits harmless smoke developed an electric rock from excited llttJe girls aod Tool Box Wori Bench.The from its dieseJ ~xhaust staci1 tumbler and rock: poliBhing • boys. ._ power mite. with battery as it cruises across the floor kita. Rouih rocks are coo- Toymakers have b e e n operated tools thal work on under its own power. Corgi. verted into smooth a:em stones creating, stores Nave been balu wood and styrofoam, is British maker ol miniatures, for jewelry. Reven Introduces stocking and parents have rw older, rtspon!]ble children. haa a v.il.ole new line of model till of the Lunar been buying an Bll"f•Y cf new The· Tool Box Work Bench is transport trucks designed for Module aDCl Apollo. playthings to delight chJldren recommended for children 2Yt gafari, cireus and rarm. An oPUcal toy caned Super- ol all ages on Chrutmas morn-to I years. Made of brightly-Steel vehicles from Tonka Eyr.s bas 17 posslblllUes 41. ing. colored wood and·unbreakable Include the Tiny-Tonka Fun mlcrosoopes, obslµ'Vatlon For toddlers aged 1 to J plasUc. tt teaches mUJCUlar. Buggy, a m In I a t u re telescopes and magnifying there's a colorfu1 Stack Scale. roordinatim and atimulates Volkswagen dragster. 0 n e periscopes. designed by Playskool to creaUvity. ver1ion has a roll-bar. the Rainy afternoons could pass Anyone old enough to hold a pen can create an Wlnlty of colorful epicyclic c u r v e designs with this gadget based on precision meshing or gear teeth. Joining the Jong list of things to make I!!! the Shrink Machlne. II transforms draw · ing on plastic Paper into ob- jects reduced in size many· -fold. There are more than liO "shrinkies" that can be turned Jnto itty-autos and widd!e weirdies. Bitty-blanks are for the imaginatlve who want to shrink thtir own inventions. develop motor coordinaUon Truckl, a perennial favorite other a. removable top. • quickly with Super Spirograpb. throoghstackmgandt.oteacb,.,----'--'------~---~--"'----'-:...:.--'----'----'-':....;'---~-~~~--~ principles of balance and COWlter balance. For the same age group is Fisher-Price's new push toy, Happy Hoppers, designed to encourage walking activity. As the toy. is J)lllhed, little wooden figures jump up arxt down in the air wttb a "pop.pop-pop" sound. · Their Chubby cUb, recom- mended for l·to-~year-okls, ls a rocking pull toy. The bese ii a musical ball. The top ii an acrobatic baby bear who lurches and lunges side to side and back and forth a1 he ii pulled around. Teach-Key Spcllint, for l-to- 8-year-olds, is a learnfnc game developed by Eduplaytibnal. It challenges the player to find the missing letter with the key. The game Is ael!-cor- .-ecting and needs no pottntal supervision. · Puu:le Up, • tbr ee - dimensional jigsaw puzzle by Rainbow Crafts, will keep pre.schoolers occupied putting the pieces together then mov· ing them around to make eyes rotate, wheels turn and clock faces change. Fuzzy little animllo' 'f!th their own talking\ NCft'd. made by LiUle Leuners JnC, teach the under-six eel how to button clothes, fasten snaps, :z:ip zippers, buckle buckles, lace 11loes and master other basic mechanics. Children aged 4 to JO ma y learn the intereoonectiol1 of cells and the principle of growth with Giraffe. The ob- ject of the Playskool game is to make the animal's neck grow without toppling his head. We Stock Tights and Leotards by Donskin , Pontyhose, a gre~ gift lo give every girl on your list, says Santa. We second the motion! Selecl from our gay array. Faahion'• Neweat Innovation.- THE WET LOOK!! PANTYHOSE '24! .. ,. In Gold and Silver -ALSC>- THE WET LOOK HOS~ 51° PAffi Fabulous Fitting (They Cling) BIKINI HOSE In New 1970 Colors 5 2!~01 1~! CHRISTMAS GIFTS SHE WILL Klikit Is an Ideal con-Upper 'fh is Christwas the prettiest struction game of brightly col-MaA stockings wilt not be hung by ored piect!s that snap together Next Bristol at The San Diego Frwy. South Coast Plaza APPRECIATE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 'S LARGEST SELECTION the chi1nncy \\'i!h care . t<> form buildings and toys. T• lnstcadU1ey'l\beslippedona.s Addition or a p:iwer unit ex-HOSIERY CostaMesq 540~4997 tht' final touch to festive Jp~a~nd~s~bui~·ld~in:g~pos~si~bi:lit~ies~t~o!__i::::::;:.:::::==============Ma~y:Co.;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::~OHN~=SU:ND=A=Y=N=OO=N=T=O=S=P=.M.===:: fashia,1 ·looks for the holiday!. include an elevator, hoist, • OF ACCESSORIES rounds. , .............................................................................................................. , Legwear designs show a definite trend to transparency, according to Hanes hosiery stylists. and sheer leg glamour is the ·perfect complement for the now look in late day FASHION JEWELRY HANDBAGS GIFTS ACCESSORIES '. • . r: '· SOUTH COAST l'U.tA -COSTA MISA H111ttiftftH Ce!ttet' -1 .... l'•rti dresses. Sheer styling ushers in a new fashion eleg an c e especially suited for party hours. r~or the new softer looks r.1 evening wear, a gentle lustre replaces glitter, say the hosiery experts. A subtle crystal sparkle gives just the right bit of shimmer ·to both colors and complexion tones. There 's a totally new look in opaque legwear this year. Now the covered-leg look has 1 see- through lightness, achieved by a sheer and silky crepe that lets natural leg color show through. !ID'' ANNIVERSARY . OPEN SUNDAYS 12 TO 5 P.M. ~ ®llleD NYIPN Winte,..w•nn in print or pl#lin ~"OUTDOOR JACKETS • Both solid and print have ···~II ·11.11 iippered fronts, button-Solid 10.9' Print $13.9' OU hood s. 5-M-L. Girls' jackets 7-14 $11 .9' • SOUTH COAST PLAZA SHOP EVERY EVE. MON., FRI. 'TIL 9:30 p.m. SAT. 'TIL 9:00 p.m. SUNDAY 12 to 5 p.m. Atli: AIHl1f O•r L.,.w.,.....N• c.rrr .. C'""99 I"' •• .... SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -REPLACEMENT OR MONEY REFUNDED t • • A MOST EXCITING STORE deeorator line. •• 5ICTIONAL AND WALL FUllNITUU LAMPS AND ACCISIOltlU MAKE YOUR saECTION NOW WHILE OUR STOCKS ARE COMPLETE. YOU WILL FIND A WIDE RANGE OF UNIQUE ITEMS THAT WILL BE· '15.95 COME A TREASURED GIFT AT CHRISTMAS TIME. CONTEMPORARY , ACCENT LAMPS Outstanding ~ectton of original designs -mushrooms,. tc:orm, and round globes ol s-tish glass that CMtl light eYenty but indil'fJCtly rrm a l1"1t area. Three-way swi~ " allow you to choose tile bright- ness you desire., 8a3" availa~ in many decorative colors. Prices start at ..... $23.50 YORKCRAFf NOSTALGIC SIGNS and PlAQUES An invitolion lo you lo put the noive zMI of tho 1911. century into your decoroling nle • , , individuolly croftod in ontiquo colors ond woods . A potpourri of timusinq ct.ches. Begin todoy wan-seepi ng yoor wells. Prices start al ............................. $2.25 DESK LAMPS n..G....., #0..lDS Less a lamp -more like a light ideal Twinkling, spidery light· bursb ••• your own mini -f irit- works captured by fiber optia • Gracefvl sproy1 of soft brilliance that dazzle the imagination - create a fascinating atmosphe re. What a gtowing idea. A GREAT Gm IDEAi This wlaetion of dask lamps oHen. the best llohtfrio for av.-, purpo.. frvm reading to drafting, f rom $15.95 DECORA JIVE MINI LAMPS •.• for tha light touch to that dork corner, illuminuote a pi,tu re, or OCl»n'fVo .. tha whataver ••• Sins and shapet that defy your llTIOQinotioft. TMy fvn in lighting . , ............. From $7.50 AN EXCITING KINETIC LAMP A giant globe bursting with dramatic ever-changing colors and aver-changing pottemlo. Truly o most unusual de,oro1 ive la mp cr¥Gi1o~e today with tomonow's design in mind ....... $30.00 MlllSTEl"I CHAlllQt:-9ANKlllMERICARD A MOST EXCITING STORE------....., de~orator line ... SICTIOHA1 and WALL PUINIT\Hl:E-lAMh and ACCES SORIES Soath Coast 'Plaza The Sa11 0Meo frffway, Costa Meto .....,., Mon Level-540-7777 -· : :: •' :t: . • . -. ;.. :- • • • . . ·: :~ -: :: • .. :: .. "' II ,, •• le " • • . ,, • • ~ < . • •,• • , ~ ~ •. ., -•. ,, r •. ' .. ' .. .. . , . •' .. . ' ' • I Men's Formals Come Back in St1le Men'• fonn•ll for fan have never, beeit'.mote Interesting! \\'hlle ·blJck is back as the favprlte for evening, evenrthin.( else r e f I e c t s tod.9'• fresh approach to mf!J 1 fuhlons. Styles art varied and im· aglnatlve, with the slx41utton double-breaaled designs c1u1- ing a stir. Jackets are shaptd, and lapela are tak:inj: on more generous proportions. Fabrics, too, will add a note of in· dividyallty, with '\lelvet 1teal Ing the show. But, while black is a wear· with-all cle.sslc, some houses will feature fonnal separates in shades o( gold, silver, gi'een, red and blue. lSSS lrl1tol South CN1t Plaz• Co1t111 Mo10 546-0051 , ,\. * ···,t ,,,'. I ~'· .OIRiStr.WStolE ' for a-II the family! ~ICZ . Portable Cassette Player-Recorder • Sln9l1 ''T'' co1ttrol lew.,. • lattery powered 'tlflt• detaUaltle AC power cor4 pennlttllMJ operation from any ,,_.,cl CK1tl1t. • Automatic Intl coetrol rKofClh19. • Complete with mlcropha111 aM earphone 111 occeuory pouch. s44aa a U1n •ny IMf•llf l•9'i11t 'ortridt• film, , ... r or l&W. e l11Ht·h1 ,.,be fl•sh. e Shorp, 1l119la fmc:11s l111s. a lrltllt. plct11N-wl11d•w YlewflH'er,. . a D•11_i.i. •iJ•s11r• ,,.,.tt .... Here is how: Savings account dividend for 1' year on $500.00 ='252 Free 11f1 deposit box for u long as you maintain $500,00 savings account = '6~ ( 1ppoGllllnllle ,..,., OOlt to rent ltoX M bank) PLUS: Free service charge on $750.00 of Travelers Check• = '7!! OR Service charge frH on purcha11 of up to 1 O tickets to the Forum, Dodger Stadium or other 1portlng and theater event• through TRS (TlCKETRON) Total banafll1 on your $500.00 savings account =•392 Stop by and see us to open your account. UO(L d/)Olt. Wtkoptto.a, ---0..------n::::.= .... -.. '-=- " ., --•rgua eJUU!FJtE~ 1&4 . the easiest INSTANT LOAD CAMERA ever! s7aa • • . -TWELVE OFFICES TO SERVE YOU DoiVIEY·WlEWOOD EAST I.Ill Al8ELES lllLAJIO ClllTEll SOUTH COAST rlAlA ......... ,,.. ..... 9401-IMI . Son-Ctll. C-M-.Ctil. ODWllEY.f!Rlm>IE TOrAlllA l'WA MOtlTEllEY rARK WHITTIER OOWllS 1211 L -llol. c_,.....Ctlol. 20ll.Q_A,._ tt21i E. ............. IA CREIClllTA ARCAOIA MOUJTVHION 1n1 QAJIOlllS 2IZIF--41 L U..Oll<A.,. 4111.V.-A"' IMtE.-Avo. MAIN O,,tCI : '401 WHtnll" IOULEYA"D • LOS ANQ!Llt.OAlWO"NIA • 1 MINK? -This squirrely little fellow fills the mink gap, even though his coat isn't really mink. It's cotton ~nd a synthetic which reproduces the color, t exture and feel of beige mink and the ::;tuffed , handmade figu~e costs just about 50 cents an inch, if you measure him "from tip of nose to ti p of tail. FOREVER FIGURE -The i·rorever figure" in the stuffed toy world {s a cuddly bear. "fc s. they slill make them. More each year. Th is one has a body of Soft, molded plastic covered by cuddly materials which bl ehd cotton and synthetics. Giant Stuffed Animals .Capture a An 8'h foot stuffed giraffe emerging from a New York department store stopped traf· fie and passersby recently. It was carried to a w&i.Ung taxi by a man who pald $325 1n cash for it. The next day, the same .scene was repeated, only this time the star of the snow was one life-size zebra . . . $295. Again, the man drove away with it in the same I axi cab. A life-size tiger with a $2.50 price tag stole tl1e sho1v on the lhird day along 1vilh lhe surne man and the snme waiting laxi cab. Myslerious'! Ye s. Surpr1s- lng ? Perhaps to the av'!rage person, but not to lhe Stcif{ Toy Company of Germany, the W<>rld's largest producer of these stuffed toy animals. A company spokesrrian here reports that with sales in American currenlly at an all- time high, it is not onl;' the youngsters .wbo are responsi· ble for the near crau pro- portions of the demand for auffed toys. He sa)'i !pat lhe greatest number of. toys are by far bought far children, and 0he has no doubt. that this will remain the case, but "our fut.est growing market scg· 'lTient is split b e t w e i? n teenage.rs, and belie ve it or not, grown men and women." Stuffed toys are ever-pro- minent on the American scene. One onl y has to look around lo find that they arc literally every11.'here , •. in airports, rail terminals, ni ght clubs, -hot e I s , rer1ta11rant11. fl orist !hops, greet.Ing card slores, bi~tros and boutiques . •. and all of these placea Uo a bustllrig business with the fur- ry items. Tens of thousands of stuffed lions, tigers and dogs peer from rear windows o f automobiles . Tbousands more toy animals repose in campus • dormitories. And exchangina animal school ma scots has lo a large extent replaced the age-old school tradition or "pinning." N ation out qi 1nany of these lop tic~t r itezns during the pa s t Christ1nas season . \Vhy has slurred toy anirnal den1a nd taken lhese sutprising directions? The Steiff Com- p&'.lY has spent a considerable amount of time trying to rind the answers. It has found some and frankly admits it can only try to e1plain others. Ste.Hf !:iepar~tes ilS adult customers and their motiva- tions into several categorit! . For example, buyers of the giant, life-size animals bearin'g giant Life-!'\7.e price t.ags are usually doting parents or grandparents, Texans. gift givers 1vho enjOy handing down unusual glil5 no matter lhe price. and people who refuse to have anyt~ng to do wtth s u ch run--0f-the-mUJ status symbols as banjo. shaped swimming po o Is , cuslom·made Cadillacs and private airplanes. After all, how many people buy an 81.1: foot tall giraffe just to fill an ~pty corner in the living roon'I? Not many . but at lea1t one man dkl just that! He boulht a $450 life-size· Uger for h1I playroom and ju1l addtd a Ufwir.e moose replete with a six-fool antler 1prtad tor '7~ to his collection. Not all adult buyers go for the larger toy animal1. Ac· cording lo Stell( there ii a large group of Jndlvldual1 whose collections number 11 many as 200 dlPferent ite ms . Thelle are tht 1ame people who collect fint: c r y s t a l , chln,!ware, figurines and bric· a·brac ... only they happen to ILke Slelff toys. Their col- lections are made up mainly of m.inlat.urea ran1inc in &be from one inch to flvt Inches lall, coating anywhere lrom 90c "' 16 " 1'1. Stuffed toys seem l6 be lht "llapl<" ol the Industry. Eoc:ll year br1n1s new toy trends and fads. arid the likes of hoola hoops, yo-yo'a and btanles are out as fast a1 they are in. This Christ.ma• It la predictable • " • I l , ~ We4neod1y, "9c. t7, 1'6' SOUTH COAST PLAZA SICTION • ' • I • , . -'i~-~f1u~,; .. ·KAPLAN'S ~~-..1= RESTAURANT-DELICATESSEN & BAKERY • Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner BANQUET FACILITIES FOR UP TO 150 For Any Occasion ' Our Famous Meat Platter INCLUDES' • Cornff lfff • Ro.it Beef e Tvrkey e B•ked Him • Pipper letf e ... Plus, Gobi of Potato Sal14' & Cele Slaw .•. As•orttd Ch••••• ... Rtl- lahe1 • , • All leautlfully Garnished and Dtcorat•d •.• Al•o Included Art Bread and Dinner Rolls ..• f lus Compllm1nt1ry Order of Miniature D1ni1h . OPEN 9 A.M. TD 10 P.M. $ 75 PER PERSON FISH Pl:ATTERS $2J5 PER PERSON OPEN SUNDAY FROM 10 A.M. DURING HOLIDAYS Phone 540·9022 SOUTH COAST PLAZA -BRISTOL AT SAN DIEGO 'WY.· LOWER LEVEL -NEXT TO MAY CO. COSTA MESA COMFORTER. floor-length bouquet of flowering quilt· ed cotton. sizes 8 to 16, 30.00 by PERIPHERY in jm robes. it makes a delight· ful christmas wrapping. ' JOSEPH MAGNIN •;. " • • • ; Purcilates or gianl size:: tlralfe& and zebras, aome COfo ting as much as $500 are no slight (actor in stuffed loy sales. In fa ct, F.A.0. Schwart. the famous New York toy ttort, repcrled they were 90Jd tlu•t Ule store shelves wlll bt 9"01' Jiiii ""'"· CMllllTMA•'" .. ,. MI SAi toVTM COAST !'f;.a~l MOKOAY crowded with more of the ex· l-----_:_••::;•::•::• .. ::..:•::•::••::'.:.'.::":.:'.:0.:1·:.:'::.'':.:".:'::":.;'...;';' ::••:.:•:::•a.:.•:::•.:•.:'.:."".::°':::'...:"-'.:.•.:.• _____ ....,. penalve and intricate Items that will Ix forgolten by next year. But the. old atanbys ~till Read tlie Stars Jf1ith Oninrr prevail. r • • I ' ~ .; 1 l ' I I • I I -·-·--~~~~~~~~~--------..----------..... ----..... -----..... ------, ' ..... I SOUTH COAST PLAZA , SICTION WM......,, Doc. ,,., "" ... · ~'Dixie Yule: i-· I Gets Double Celebration Christmas In Dixie. for I.he ·most part, la a lime . ol. homecQCninl for adults, W1dt-s excltcment !or kids and hours i1> the ~tcben tor nildmoUier. • 1 ' But alt'flg North Carolina•s outer Bank.!, it 's the time ot t'Q\d Buck." And it doesn't ar rive unW January. · While many Southerners dream of 1 ''While Christmas," rew actually ex. perience it, n Jirigle Bells" and "Dashing Through the Snow" are merely, phrises in a Cluistmaa me~ody. The Christmas 1 e a s o n swings into high gear about a week before Dec. 2S with the usual shoppinB, stoc~ng of the pantry, bringing home a tree (fiom a superma rket or " ~dside' stand) and putting up • I.lie decorations. ; Grandmoth e r spends -: Christmas Eve baking pies ~ and getting ready for her ~ig ;: Chri!ibnU dinner, all the whale ~ wprrying about the "children" ' b&ttling the throng o f ~ homeward·bound traveler!. • ·By nightfall on Christmas .' E\'.e, the pace has slackened. ·~ Fimilies gather in tl;le home ~ tj) snack on assorted goodies, ·~ tilk over old times and events 8~ last year and perhaps • 'Sample a cup of Chrisbnas chte.r. · OJrUtmas morning comes ··too soon for the adµlts and Rgoniiingly late for tbe kids. But the rewa rd Is worth the wait, for Christnias morning belongs to the children. There are stockings to .be emptied, new toys to be tested and the genera! bedlam that goes with -.uch activities. Meanwhile, Grandmother is putting· the finishing touches on uie dinner to be served.· in ]ate afternoon or early even- ing. For many families, ifs the traditional turkey. although baked ham i!I also popular. Aiid there are oyster roasts along the Outer Banks. Traditionally. the turkey Is not stuffed, a!I is the custom in ether areas. Instead, a savcry dre!lsing of bread crumbs, seasoning. turkey drippings and perhaps oysters o r chestnuts for variety is cooked in a heavy, black iron con· tainer and served alongside th·e meat. Dessert ma y be mince pie or fruit cake, tierved with am- brosia, a delightful mixture of chopped fresh cilna fruits and grated coconut. Christmas ir·over in the rest of Dixie befcre it begins at Rodanlhe, a fishing village on the Ncrth Carolina Outer Banks. Chri stma s thert Is celebrated Jan. 5, the eve ,of the so-called "Old Christmas," ot TweUth Night, of medieval days. · · No one knows e1actly why It's celebrated on that date at Rodanthe, but it's been that way for centuries. Perhaps it'!I because Rodanthe was settled by the English, and some Out· er Bank:er& still have cockney atcenls. At any rate, gifts are ex- tjlangtd . and. Santa comes. But the most UJlU!Ual figure is •10ld Buck," the legendary bull of the Cape Hattaras woodlands, who appears cinly ori Old Christmas. ,H~ prance1 around. amuses the adu'lb and e1cites the childrt=o. and then is lone for -another year • . 'Old Buc:k'1 arrival is an- ·no6nced by 1he beating or a .drtJ:tn. Scme say it's been that ~way tince 1776. ~ But while the vil la1 e celebrates 0 I d Christmas, there are sigos that times may be changing. , S0me relldents I Jao obserre ·Christmas on Dec. 25. BOOKS '~JOOKS f~. ' . ·IOOKS • • IOOKS ,,...,._, UICI[ ,,.. • , ...... "" It PiCKWICK~ ~.!!'.!'.! . ---...... O.~MDM1U BOAT BUFFS AIMM .1Atli•IMv It tfrl• 011f1 fvfl-ti"'• ... ti,.. •tllhtt wMl., .. ..,., ...... ,.,., 111 °'•• c...ty, Hi1 e11d11tl" ...,.,, .. ef k.tillf •IHll Ylthtiftif lllWW k • ·4.rfy fo1 tvro of the DAILY ,.LOT, • SAVE 98° on Regular 'L99 Aetion~ear® Panty Hose 2.!.3 e Sheer 1tretch in Bare Beige, Moeh1, Su.,..t, .BJ..,k :Magic. Proportioned oizes: Petite, Aver- ·ase. TaJI $2.49 Exira·large •i%e panty ho•• 2 pr. f4 99c Actionwear"' Meoh H.,.., 3 pr. S2 ProJt!"lioned length 111-med. & long. fits Us 8~ to 11\'i. Fridq 91l0 AM1o 10:30 PM1 Satmda7 9:30 AM to 10:30 PM; Sandql2N-to5PM· 1Monda79:30AM to l0130PM; T-9•30AM to 10130PM; Wecln11da7 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM ' 1' ~ The Over All Great Gift ••• Women's Softly QUilted Robes SAVES2! •Shimmering satin acetate is a festive winter wrap I 099 • BOt!ked with polyester fiberfill, acetate lining •·Sises 10 to 18 in knee and ankle lenglh1 $15 Sizes 38 to 44 12.99 $17 Long Robe __ • •• R<11. Sl3 Short Robe I Slippers for the Whole Family '5.99 Women's Fuzzy Slippe , . 4.97 '3.99 Children's Fuzzy Slippers 3.66 Men's Slippers in brown and black 3.88 "2.49 Infants' A'Cl)'lic Pile Bootee 1.97 '29.98 Table . Top Hair Dryer • S.position "'mote control dryer 2 5 9 7 • l.argeot inside hood area • IOOOwatls 122.98 Imtant Hair Setur W4}l 20 rollen-18.97 · '3-1.98 Miat Table Top Dryer, remote control.-29.97 -----------------~-------------------------------., IUENA PARK El MONTE lONG IEAOi PICO at Rimpou POMONA SOUTH COAST PLAZA I ~A PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO SANTA ANA TORRANCE ' f I COMPTON HOUYWOOD ORANGE s SANTA FE SPa!NGS VAUEY I CQ'vlNA INGlEWOOD PASADEN°' SANTA MONICA VEAAIONT d Sb-. , '-.------------------------ears-------------------# "Salitf~ction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" • ' ·-------------------------------------- I I . : . When Ute ~ther turu& bit· ~-. teaspoon salt ,·~ ~.tl)e.re's nothing that 1 cup milk Quite so tri ts tbe spot as a 2 s quare a unsweete'* &teemed pudding. cbocola~ melted R!;'ll. /Yr!. tight and !tiled ~ t.aspoon vanilla wiUi ionderful flavor, they Cream butter and su•ar,· sb6old' be served hot wJth a • ~nofous sauce. For very add egg and beat until llgbt. fi:.J. kins n the Sift dry ingredients together. ~lal occas ' ame m Add to butter m i x t,u r e with rum or brandy. The" inav be made ahead al~tely with milk; beat • t J " weU. Add choco1ate a n d 1' ,. and 6tored in the refrigerator vanilla. · ' · -.. for a few days -or for many Turn into !;>uttered I* quart months in the freezer· Use mold or l>Qwl or eight 5-ounce, ., : custard cups for indlvidu~I molds. Cover with Coil and ' servlrigs -a larger l:owl or steam large pudding 1 ~1 hours -4- mold for pudding to serve and smaU puddings 4 O many. Fill each only 113.full so minutes. Serve hot with Velvet pudding has plenty ol room to Sauce. Makes a servings. rise. Heavy duty foil makes a good cover that, fits any ~-lltw 'fo Steapa Pudding:• taiMr. I Use any pan large enough to Here are~ipes for two ex· accommodJte Wlividua1 or cellent pod ngs and a deli· lilrge puddjhg molds. Put a ·'r cious sauc . The fig is an ei:· Wire rack in<tbe bottom or Lbe cellent o~ with which to end PM apd place puddings on the a hoUdQ' dinner apd the. choc· rac):. P~ in bolling wat.eI: un· o1iµe, just a terrific dessert ·tH it comes ·half':fa)' up the 19" z:y cold tight. Learn the skieS Of pwdding.1containers. ,a techniquek of ~feamed c:Over pan and boil gently. Use pu ings and-try thef\1'. · towel to protect fingers when removi,ng the finished pud<ilng. ·"' HOIJDAY ~TEAME.D, FIG tndividual pud~ings may be · PUDDING steamed piecemeal 'if no pan y, cup butter-or margarine \rill hold aU of them al once. ~~ cup light brown sugar 'fhe un.steamed batter will kee p one week in t h e 1 egg refrigerator and three months I cup sifted ·all nurpose flour jn the freezer. Ir frozen, thaw 1.~ cup dry bread'CTUmbs before steaming. 1 teaspoon baking soda To Serve Sleltllltd Puddings ~ :;t:::: ~~~mon \Vhen cooking time is finls!l.o i,:,teaspoon nutmeg ed, turn down heat but keep in 1A teaspoon allspice steamer until the moment of /I' cup milk serving. Tum out of Jl'!Okl and 1 ~1: cup molasses serve with sauce. lf puddings 1 cup cut·up figs {about 6 have been refrigerated or OW1Ces) frozen, reheat in foil covered molds at 300 F. Allow 45. 1-i cup chopped walnuts minutes for individua l' pud-,. Cream bu tter \\'ith sugM; dings, l 'h hours for large pud· •.•· add egg and beat until fluffy . ding. Allow 10 minutes ad- Sift dry ingredients together. ditional time for small frozen Combine mi lk 1'nd molasses; add to butter m i x t u re puddings. Thaw large frozen aJl.ernately with dr y in· puddings before reheating. gredients •. Blend thoroughly, VELVET SAUCE . ~t welt...-Add figs and nuts. 2 eggs TttrnAnto a 11,~ quart but-I cup confectioners' rugar tered;inold or bowl or eight 5-3 tablespoons lemon juice ou,,c8 cup molds. Cover with 3 tablespoons brandy, rwn, fQil' and steam large pudding or ;Wo hours and small puddings 1 teaspoon vanilla one hour. Ser ve hot with Y:! pint hea vy cream. v.·hip- Velvet Satice. 1.1f kes 8 serv· j)E'(I ings. Beat the eggs. Add ""1gar gradually. then the !en1on STEA~fED C II 0 C 0 LATE juice and the navorin g. con· PUDD ING tinuing to beat unlil mixture is 3 tablespoons hulle r or ,·cry light and fl uffy. Fold in margarine I.he whipp e d c r eam . 213 cup granulated sugar Refrigerate until ready to 1 egg serve. This is good on hot 2 cups sifted aU·purpose steamed puddings and on hot . flour dessert souffles. Makes 8 serv· 2 teaspoons baking powder ings. CHRISTMAS PIZZAS SPREAD WITH MINCEMEAT Mincemeat Madness ".:pj'zza Goes Seasonal I Pfua pll for Christmas? You btL. When your piece of pir.za ts rich and aron1atic with hot minttmeat. Here·s a holiday treat that you can whip up AF'fER the guests vrive, from handy standards you're bound to have right on your kitchen sheU. AUNCEMEA~ PIZZA PIE t ctlp lukewar m "'Ater I package 'dry yeast ·~1 teaspoon 5llgar I teaspoon salt 1 i.ble.•poorl«gclAblc oil ~l teaspoon brandy fl avoring 3 cups 4~re!llfled all purpose 11,i"r ' I 'I ·pound 12-ounce jar brall- died mincemeat (about 3 cups) Grated cheese, hard sauce, ice cream or "'hipped cream Preheat oven to 425 deg~e.s. Place lukewarm water in large mixing bowl. Sprink~ yeast over water and let st and S minutes. Add sug· ar, salt. oil and brandy ; beat well. Beat haU (11,i cu ps) the flout into yeast mix- ture untiJ smooth ; add re- maining flour . Knead until smooth. DIVide Into three parts and knead each pte:ce 1n· to a ball. 1'~1atten and roll each ball In· lo a circlt: which will fit into lightly greased 9-lnch pie tJns. Bring dough half way' up sides on pan aild roll edge over and press. to make slight rim. Let rise 15 minutes. Spread I cup brandied mincemeat ovet, e~h piece of douib. Bake 2S minutes. Remove from oven and let cool. CUt In wedges. Top tach wtdge •Ith grated chttle. hard sauce. ice cream, or whippe4 cream. Makes three f.lnch plau.1 Day ~. S.p~·t ' PUT PUDDING DN HDLIDAY SERVJNG LIST ' .Dai:nty ·Buffet Treats ' ' Co.me in Yule 'Wreat'h Sometimes the s i in p I e s t ideas are the TI'\Ofiit effective. Everyone knows the miniature party breads -pumperni ckel rye and chee~. But how many have though l or filli'.1g 'the m wtth handy can- ned spreads and arranging them in the shape of a Christmas wreath or candy cane? This year welcome your holiday guests with a sandwich tray . that _,,a y s "Christmas!" as surely as ca rds over the man tel or carols from the stereo. The candy cane sandwich tray shown here makes an ex· cellent centerpiece. It may be used as part of a buffet or simply paSRCJ ~ an evening snack. Sa",1dwiches may ·be all one kind or mixed. Just fill the lit- tle oval slk:es with the tasty fillings given belcm·. Stand them on edge in the shape desired. Secure en<b with garnished toothpicks and wait for the compliments! Sandwiches may be made ahead and covered with clear plasUc \\'tap or aluminum foll. CANDY CANE ·SANDWICHES swfet Ham Spread 1 4'~-ounce can deviled ham 2 tablespoons c h o p p e d parsley 1,'. cup orange marmalade 30 party pumpernickel slices Softened butter Chicken Cot'lfettl Spread 1 4~~-ounce can chicken spread ~'. cup chopped pimieol~ stuffed olive.s 2 tablespoons mayonnaise 30 party rye slices Softened butter Cft""y P1to Spl'<ld J 4~1-ounce can liverwurst spread 3 ounces cream cheese 2 tablespoons c h o pp t: d sciJliOM 30 party chtese alices Softened bollter Combine first three In· et~tot.s. Spread bread with iciltened butter. Sprell<I h1lr ol 6 AN EFFECTIVE BUFFET CENTilRPIECE bread 1li cea wl~h mea\ sprtad mixture; c Io s e sandwiches with rem1tt.tlng alk:es. Each recipe makes 15 sandwiches. Arrange sandwiches, o n edge, In sh•pe of candy cane. S<cur~ endJ with toothpicks garnished with parsley and • w le-10111n~i'Jy. _ The I I pes make 1 candy canl'ls of a rox.lmately 22 sandwiches ch. • .. --~---------_______________ , _____ .. -----.. ----------------- 'w.......n, Dec~.11, IMt P~· Home News and Views Moms Hurry To Big Worry By DOROTHY WENCK o.....,. c...,., ,.._ ... .., ..... The scene is a Southern California kitch• en, three days befor" Chris~mas. It's late afternoon and mother has been bustJinl about since earJy morning baking cookies, wrapping gifts, and now, cooking dinn~r. She scarely has time to stop and . t~• l\vo aspirins for her "tension headache,." She sets the aspirin botUe down on the counter temporarily while she hurries to the oven to snatch out her last batch of cookies. · Along comes 4-year-old Bobby, curious and hungry. He can just reach the aspirin bottle, \Yh1ch \\•as forgotten in thll: excit. ment. He grabs it and toddles oH to his room to examine it, open it and satnple its con- tents. Some time later. realizing that Bobby has been quiet for too long, mother goes looking , for him and . finds him happily munching the last aspirin. PANIC PEVAILS Penlc prevella •1 mother phenea the doctor end bundle• Bobby off t'1 the emer• 9ency holpftel to han hla. •tomath. purTiped. fortunately, ·It'• not too lete. . . . , . This kind· of accident happens all too often. In fact, aspirin caus.es 25 percent of the accidental pois ioning cases of children under 5. Poisonings occur most frequently during late afternoon hours on .days when parents are tired, irritable, over·busy, and too preoccupied to keep a close walch over curious. hun~ry toddlers. .· ~1aintainmg a safe home ts a year-around must for a family, but during the holidays it's especially important to be safety. con· scious. It's during times of excitement. hustle and bustle that we become .careless, and then accidents are more likely to hap- pen. One new cause of accidents at Cbristma• may be toys which your children receive ~ gifts. Be sure to check them over fOr safety hazards such as sharp edges, improper elec• trical connections, overheating. etc. . II It's a toy that is possibly harmful suCh ae: &"dart game; bow and arrow, t:ltC· trica1 .tey· .(using house current), ~hemistry . set, etc., be sure the child-is .matuo en011gt1. to u1e ·it safely and .that he knows how to use it· properly before he is allowed to use. it alone. HIRE A SITTER Little children underfoot · In tho ·kitchen •re• aeNty problem •t •n'f time of' the y-.r, but e1pocl1lly so when mother ii lot e ·hurry, T •ke the time to ... that toddlers ha"9 sOmethlnA Jo ilo ·alalwhera. 1t .. mJetrt 1vt1n t.e wilrlliWl>ilo :lo poy • · b1by·1itt0< le ploy with toddl,r.s :~hUe yoy are •"1...-HCI , i" YJMI' holkl•y Jdtchen teaks. An~er special holiday hazard ts th'e Christmas 't'ree and other highly flammable decorations. Before you trim your tree, c]leck the lights carefully lo-'be silre there are· no 1oo·se coMections, \\rires Without itI· s'lJation, .Or short circui~ th.at m~ght 1t~t a fire .. \Vhen you trim the tree. be sure no orna ... ment or tpetal strand is in contact with '• light bulb or socket.And always tum.oil.tho tree lights ·when you leave home. . U you use candles, never stand tie lirnt;. ed candle near greens or other pos1lble flammable . decorations, or in· a windcnr w.here curttin.1 may blow into the flam•. And be sure to keep an eye on toddf.,.1 llO they don't ;pull a lighted candle down . an themselvP. · I • f ' ' ' QUl!STIONS WE ARE ,YK!llD .. . 0. Ii the bulb ·el the ,,...,.._.. .. ,,, plaftt ..!!blot , ' ' ' i; " ~: ~ " ~ " • " .. " ' ' ' A. Yes, U)e elephant ear plant, or· Colo- casias, flJrllllhel the taro used by ,the '*"" . ' of the PaCJftc :Islands, ·Tarp is mlldii fri>m the l&rH' starchy roots , Of the plailt , • ~ In Hawm; pol ill made froin thio plant; >Xhllo ln •;taP,m:an.r other coun\rie1 ljle tubers of the. ~•las are handled and eaten muclf as·we ~at pot2toes, The yount1"'vu of iome vanetles are boiled and ·eai.n. Q. I hi .. • box of 1hr....., - ltft from IHI Chrl1tm01 which hoO MA- .. ry dl"f.. 11 there any way te.-i-ltt A. As coconut 1tancll, It becom11 dry and sometimes the oil turns rancid. If. your coconut has a rancid tut~, there's llOthlnr you C81\' do to get tid of lllll llavor, However. ii drynes1 lltlle only problem, you can remoisten ·the coconut eaaily by pl acing it in .a jar and 1prlnklln1· 1t wllh a lltUe sweetened water or mUk. Put a Ucbt lid on the jar ·and let the coconut lWld ill the refrigerator for several day•. ' • Q. 1(t• .-Iv... th-'""' ••lift .. ChrlstmH 91fto. It will teJ<o ell yH< t. .., this mvcfl. HO.I -,. will, lrult mo k..,t , A. Frull cake keeps a long Umo -nv. eral month1-'and can be remoW..n,.i fri>m tim e to lime with wine. brandy, ·~. ' However. your .fruit cakes wouid' kHp better If you . would freeze \hem. '.!'hen yOll can keep them until next Clltlstmu ll ,.O wish. , ,, ..,,,. __ . ---__,,,_ • • l • DAILV l'llOT Wtdt1tsdat, Dtttmbf'r 171 196tf ' - · No Answer Needed in This · Mother's Problem of Addition IEAR ANN LANDERS' When a yoong caiple expects a baby slx or sevm mtnlhs after a large church wedding, bof should tbe bride's parent& break the M}'_I to relaUves and friends? _ fe are aware. of tt\at old cliche, "It ~ns in the be.st of families," but all :-hf same, it's net easy to be nonchalant whtn the problem hitl home. It hit us a tew w~ ago. ANN LANDERS ~ Slould wt keep quiet and hope the baby is .\mall and say it was prtmalW"e'? ShOuld we fib a little and say the couple wu married secretly three month! earlier? Or should we t.eU the. truth and :ay the bride was pregnant when she .narried? -S. F. WORRY DEAR S. F.: Wby mull you say anylhlag! Yeu.r real frieod11, wUI offer COllCrldulatJOll and Ilk DO qut1U0111. Tbe llqer-counten, local yentas and needle.- Meed goalipl wlU talk, reglll'dlw. Ignore tbe clods wtlb. ibeir small minds and t.belr big moulbs. Vou owe them noUUn1. DEAR ANN LANDERS: May l say a word to the potheads who keep saying marijuana ls better for you than alcohol! (It's the same as saying typhoid is better for you than small po.1.) I jull. nad something so fuMy it blew my mind. The Feds caught up with a college kid wl)o plunked down 30 grand fcr a half ton of pot. It's hard to be!Jeve a collete au .. dent could lay h1J hands on Uiat much scratch. But he did. The dumb cluck planneil to fly lt from Mexl<o to Sao Francisco. Femininity Makes Party Scene ' . . ~ .. . "m JI. ~ll ,,~ · ,. .~,,..,t~N ·: H\ "*V,~ ~yo ·l.1" •\• f": t!t"'~ ""·. ~·-fl ·j-i ' .... ~'')-1/'i t • "'· ,..,~ •• • • ..;~ " t'W ..; ... / ' • ·-• ., * • • I ' . t,RETTILY PINK - A rich wine velvet jumper buttons down the front over a ~eer pink organza shirt with a rounded collar and pussycat bow filling in the ,-·d necklt.ne. Sun to please any of the younger set who is anticipating a party. ~ The young set has pretty definite ideas when it come.s to what to wear to holiday parties. This year they know for sure they' want to look feminine and pretty in velvet, voile, kn.its and prints. They also know what kind o( details they want like lots of pleats and tucks, important sl~ves either Juliet or belled and layered looks with tunic vests over shirts and skirts. Knits run the gamut from French underwear T - s h i r t dresses with miniature button trim, to open crochet sweater dresses that simply pull on over the head. Shiny knits aJso are represented and show up best in a Russian peasant dress with high collar. full :sleeves and a belt that hangs low on the chemise skirt. The party dress collection at Penney's is pretty a n d feminine in ail the important styles for the younger set with their definite ideas for parties. Collection Of Prints On View A collection of prints now is on display in the Art Rental Gallery of the Newport Harbor Art Museum. The works, Cilllected from the Com sky, Landau, Gemini and Bednarz galleries, are by Robert Raushenberg. John Paul Jones, Frank Stella, Roy L ic heesteen, Robert Motherwell. Marcel Gromaire, Max Beckman, Jim ·Dine, Lar- ry River, Sorel Etrog, Dimitre 1-lodzi, Shirley Eisman and Tom Fricano, I 9 6 g Gug- genheim winner. The prints may be rented v.·ith an option to buy, ac- cording to gallery spokesmen. Gallery hours are \VecJ. 11esday through Sunday, l until 4 p.m. and Monday evening from 6 to 9 p.m. The exhibit will be on display through Jan. 18 in the gallery in the Balboa Pavilion. ' How many kids could get zonked on a hall ton ol grass? How much profit is thert in that much alfalfa ? Who gels rich? Who gets stuck? The kid who was caught pushing the stuff was no user. When asked how many joints he smoked a day he replied, "It's to sell, Stupid." The pushers I know (and I know several) tell me it's strictly business with them. They're too smart to use it themselves. Just sign me -ONE TRIP WARREN. just had the same fight for the 15th time. Lawrence lrullsts the.t when a man is asked by a male friend about a social engagement -"'Can you and your wlle be our gue.stl at the country club dinner dance ne.1t Saturday? " -he is supposed to say. "I'll check with my wife." Then his wife is suppo6ed to call. the man's wife and let her know if they are available. 1 do not agree. I told Lawrence that tht man, 1lnce he was asked, should check with his wife, then lie should call his friend and tell him yes or no. v.·ord. We've had this sort ol problem 10 many times I'm uady to brain him. II thtre a soluUon? lf so, what ls It! -YOU TELL ME DEAR VOU: 'J1ae aoelal anma:tm..U: be.twee.a marrted couple• sbouJd be made by Ute wome1, oot tbe mea.. Wbea • maa uU uotber maa, "Cu you and )'tm' wu, come IO dinner" -•..wll:&o&e.Vf! - be sbould ny, "My wife mata &be tOclaJ plus in our family. PleaH uk yoar wUe to call ber." DEAR ONE: ftankl (or tbe &ravel· ope. I read yoa. loud and clear. DEAR ANN LANDERS' My head Is apUtUng because my husbalxl and I have We missed out on a fancy evening recently because Lawn!nce did not call his friend back. He assumed I had called the man't wife. Lawrence has been so mad for three days, he hasn't spoken a Ann Laoders will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her ln care of the DAILY PILOT, enclootng a :.ell~&ddresaed, stamped envelope. DON 'T LEAVE BABY-SITTER IN THE DARK Tots' Safety Not Tn the United States, an estimated five million children under the age of 6 are left in charge of another person while Mom goes out to work. According to the United States Department of Labor, by 1970 women will represent one in three of the nation's work force. f.s opportunities for employment broaden for married women, there will be more mothers of preschool age children holding jobs. How safe are t h es e you ngsters"? How well pro- tected against accidents are the children and the •·proxy" parent in charge? \\'hat can Mom do for their safety in her absence ? The Council of Family Health suggests so me safety measures that will work while !\lorn is at her job. Impress upon the children that they are expecled to obey the person in charge. Emphasize to the "proxy" parent that under n o circumstances Is she to leave the children alone at home . To help prevent potential poisoning, store all of your cleaning agents and household chemicals out of sight and reach of the children. If medication is to be ad- ministered to the chlldren, tell an Accident your si tter the exact dosage and frequency. ln.struct her to recap the medicine and retur,1 it to its proper storage place immediately after use. To help prevent burns and scalds, teach your sitter to keep pot handles t u r n e d toward the side or rear or the stove, to test the children's bath water before Jelling them enter the tub and to keep matches out of the children's reach. If there is a discarded refrigerator or freezer on your home premises, remove the doors or seal them. Chiklren can be taught to put their playthings away v.·hen they are through with them. Get a good first aid sheet and place it on the irwide ol your medicine cabinet door or other handy surface, and show your sltter where it is located. A handy "First AJd in the Home'' guide is available for 15 cents from the Council on Family Health, 485 Madioon Ave .. New York, N.Y. 10022:. Leave a pad with the name and telephone J\llmber of your doctor, nearest relative, friend or neighbor and the telephone number of your place of employment Place the pad beside the telephone Jl!ld lhow it to your substitute. ~ ~hristmas Headdress Ball Staged HOLIDAY "/IHTASY -Golden West Coilege cos- melol6&r student.I creaUng an original design for lht!r liiltd costumed Chratmas headdress paaeant \ ' are (lefl lo right) Mldirlse Arnold. Dia na Jome s and Diane McNaughton. , • •• . . nmeeeasn-s ···---·-·-·· •• ---" " A miniature headdress bal1 11·il.h appeal for the "'·hole fa mily 11·ill take place tomor· ro" at 7 p.m. in the Golden West College Center. Presenting the third annual Christmas pageant will be Cils- metology students and acting as coordinator y.·ill be Charles Stevenson, class instructor. For more than a month 60 stu dents ha ve been v.'orking in sM rel to produce originally designed costumes and fancy headdress pieces. They "'ill compete for trophie!il and prizes on the basis 0 r 11'0rkmanship, balance , color and originality. Three trophies y.•ill be. awarded freshmen, six for juniors and seniors, and one overall theme prize. Theme judging will combine headdress and costume. Students may use real or artificial hair. or feathers of any color, but they must carry out a Christmas 'or holiday theme. The public, student body. families and friend s are in - vited to attend, and there is no admission charge. On the program 14·111 be music by the Spices. Golden \Vest singing group dim:ted by Russell Bellamy. Serving as master o f ceremonies wlll be. D o n 1'~isher, and judging t he pageant wlll be Jay caner of Laguna Beach, member of the hai r fashion committee , Californt1 Coemetology AM!o- dat\on : Darrell Ebert, Hob- en Schiffner, P.frs. John Mc- Clnley , cosmetology dep&rt• ment, Cerrito• College. • • . . . CREATIVITY -Debra Wash- ko, Golden West College stu. dent, begins the original crea- tion she will enter in tbe Christmas Headdress Pageant . . . . VFW Post Offers Trip, Throws Party Veterans of' Foreign Wars, Post 3S3S and the Ladles AUX· illary will climax the cam- palp lo raise luncl! to build a poe:t IMloie wlth a dance Friday, ' Dec. 19, in the Ameriean 1.egim Hall, C.OSta Mesa.t Harokl J. Hohl wUI M!rve as toastmaster and among prizes to be offered will be a round· trip for two to Hawaii. Alfred 'E. Briggs, chairman ot .&be dance program is aaeilted by Mrs. Florence Kirchner. Luis G. Carri&. post commander and Mrs. Vernon Mathews, auxiliary president will host the aflalr. Veterans in United States boopHals will be 1'<fn•mbered by an eJdUbit of lap robe. and scuftles made by Coastline Auxiliary, The items will be delivered to the bospllals lo< Cbtjllmu. Toy~ for Tot~ More than 600 residents· of Newport Bea~h and Garden Grove South Bay Clubs ,helped Sanla fill Christmas stockings with toys for needy youngsters as they llPonsored toy parties today. As part ol !he Marine Corps Toys for Tots Drive, clubs will aid a Project that h a 1 benefited btore' than 2 million you~J949. . ----------~----~--~~-----~-------------------------.... -------.. Moth.er' s Wedding Gown Worn by Melanie Kroona MRS. RICHARD A. PORTER December Bride Officers Seated By Bethel Miss Sandra French has been installed as honored queen of Bethel 313 of lnterna· tional Order a( J o b ' 1 . Daughters. The queen, her court and choir members were feted at a ceremony in Seafaring Masonic Temple, N e w p o r t Beach. Other officers include the Misses Karen Rob i n e tte, senior prinress; Leslie Allen, junior princess; Linda French, g·u ide, and Susan Culp, marshal. Appointive offi cers are the Misses Laura Thornburgh, recorder; Mary S I a d e , treasurer; Lianne Botts, chaplain; Debbie Hebert, librarian; Janelle W ll I to n , musician; Gail McKinley, Lin· da Aschenberg, P a tr i c i a O'Neil, Catherine Stevens, and Merle Parrish, messengers. Wearing her mother's gown or ivory satin lined with tiny satin covered butt.om; aod im· ported white lace, w a s Melanie Joyce Kroona when she exchanged w e d d i n g pledges with Richard A, Porter. The evening. servioos were conducted by the Rev. Arthur Tingley in the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection. The bride, daughter of l.1r. and Mrs. C. Robert Kroona of Huntington Beach, selected a mantilla headpiece of white and gold imported lace and carried Jong stemmed red roses and a small white satin and lace covered Bible. Wearing fonna l gowns in red brocade were M I s s Michelle Kroona, the bride's sister and maid of honor: Miss Bonnie Raiche of Minneapolis. and Miss Mary Lynch of Denver, bridesmaids. Jennifer Hoy was the flower girl and Arthur Porter, the bridegroom's brother was ring bearer. The benedict, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Porter or Anaheim, asked Paul Porter, his brother to seive as best man. Ushers were Matthew Kr6ona, the bride's brother and Mike Daly. The church ha ll was U1e reception scene where Miss Judy Mason circulated the bridal book. Among special guests was ReynOld Abrahamson of Minneapolis, the bride's grandfather, who sang during the ce remonies and Jan Sander of Huntington Beach. The br idal couple w i 11 honeymoon at Lake Tahoe before making their home in Fai rfield: The bride was a student at liunti,ngton Beach ifi.gh School and Orange Coast College. Her husband attended Loara Hi gh School and Fullerton Junior College. Currently he· is . sta- tioned at Travis Air Force Base. · Also seated were the Misses Deborah Prochaska, senior custodian: Debarah Albertson, junior custodian; Tracey Kellogg, inner guard, an~ Karen Graves, outer guard. HONORED QUEEN Sandra French Englishman Gives dpinion In the opinion of an 13- year-old Englishman visiting New Yark, American girls are the most beauliful and least pro£ound in the world, and Ameri'can males are obsessed by · three topics-sex, cars, virility. Philip Fox who rep(irted on his observations in one teen magazine says his reaction to American males may stem from envy, "but I do believe that there exists in the States a weird cult o( masculinity th at is Wholly alien to an Eng· lishman." • • Wrdntsday, Olttl'nber 17, 1969 . " .. DAIL r PILl71' :,g Nurses Dance · Into' Holidays The annual Christmas buffet danee of Ca lifornia Practlcar..., Nurses Association will begtan- ,at 8 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. W,..A In Carpenters Local 1.1nias>' flan, }Juntington Beach. .~ Festivities will continue un~1 Iii 1:30 a.m. with dancing~ the Vince Rossi Orchestra. ~~ The dance is sponsored bx lZ chapters of CPNA unde'I' . state leadership of Mrs. Cli(!: Rath. : .Of Tickets at a cost or $5 pef person will be available at ~ ~d~oo~r~-~~~~~·~~~~· , ;:; . 25°/o Discount MONTH OF DICIMllR MEXICAN (MPORTS VELVET PAINTINGS GIFT VARIETIES Ho11se of J'1nrc11a 53' W. It• ST. COSTA MISA SOUNDING AN E FOR EFFORT -Camp Fire girls sing praises of aclive holiday season as they gather food and clothing for the needy, enter:tain a~d make favors for hospitalized patients and render carols for shut•ins. Robu;1 Hill carries packages destined for Fairview State Hospital, Vida Velez h o I d s scrapbook for th~ library, and Stacy Reeser displays stockiDg as Dave'tte Chambers leads them in songs of the season. Doing for Others Girls Ignite Holiday Glow Christmas is a time for thinking o( others ... and girl's groups in th e area could win a red and green ribbon for efiorts in this line. Costa Mesa and Newport &each Camp Fire organiza· lions have made tray fa vors for hospitals, collected toys and made mobiles for hospital patients, fashioned scrapbooks and decorations for libraries. collected clothing for a clinic in Mexico and carmcd goods for a day care center. Mobiles for Fairview State Hospital have been designed by Mrs . Andrew Carey's Camp Fire grou p. Another Camp Fire group, Cantaka. under direction of Mrs. Paul Hill, has collected canned and Will usher at Mesa Verde Library's Chri stmas program. h-1rs. John Zorger's girls will make strings of poporn and crirflberries for the library, and Mrs. Kenneth Chubbuck's Blue Birds have made scrap- books and greeting cards to occupy preschoolers w h i Je their mothers are busy with books. Okiponka Hori zon C I u b under ~lrs. Ralph Short's leadership has again collected toys and clothing for a clinic in Tijuana and also has made stockings for underprivileged children. All groups have scheduled special carolling outings to hospitals and convalescent homes. goods for a day care centeriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Garbo Look The Garbo look contin ues to influence fashion designers, although the beautiful Swede hasn't made a movie in decades. Donald Brooks doe!! 11 "Garbo'' shoe, a half-boot black suede with a sling back, stun:ly heel, and small buckle fastening. GREATEST Automobile OFFER SEE PAGE 26 South Coast ?taza SANTA'S HOME ... AWAY FROM HOME 1~;ST01 .i.r UN Ol~.0 flffWA'r, COSTA MUA CREATIVE HA~ STYLISTS • DON * TRACY • KARIN * BEN * DAN • ELEANORE MANICURES & PEDICURES by Aijdr1y fiair U/ej[ &auly Salon lJ0.1 NIWl'Ort •evltv1rd !1c"'u Ito,.. Cl'IY Hill) f7J.•116 * FREI PARKING k IYI. APPOINTMENn AUTOMATIC "'SPAAKU'" RINSE m1~1tal1tsw•No at••m wrthout spottlrc. RAPJO.ADVANCE TIMElt. 6 1ep1r1tt w11h/rln .. eycltl. R111ts lb11f 1ft1r Itch UM. ni.T1nt, l1111..-dallr1 With lrnlllllll b11tlt r11i. ,,. s1a111t1u stui,.. au1r1nlHd' for 211 y11rs 111l11tt lallUl'9 du• to eorro1lon. A Waste King dishwasher is a clean idea. It's got what it takes to get eg~ o~ a fork, cheeSe. off a plate milk off a g'lass, or the 01l ·sl1ck off a butter dish. Ju.st sc~ape and load. A bu ilt·in Dispose-Drain e!iminates tedious ·hand·rinsing. That's why a Waste King dish· washer· is such a clean idea. Be sure ahd see, a Wa,ste Kir'lg dealer. And see the Clean Idea pne. 1 Quiet ••• just above a whisper. " low:, Low Prices At • • , CllliFIED APPLIANCE e SALis'· I SIRVICf « PARTS I SINCI 1950 COSTA MESA JU· E. 17th 6'42.0240 54M720 ' . WI SIRVICI MAKIS •ALL SANTA ANA 1616 w. 5th 547-5791 • .. . . -. . ff DAILY PIUII Widftt~. Otctmbot 17, 1'16'1 P-T Units E*pect ' Visit From Santa Linda Vi.ta PlO Mn. J ... GIUlu Prtaldtnt • , Bay View PTA !· ~· Mr1. WllUam Fro1l , President REPORTS : Christmas pro- !" gram featu ring Santa in a \ new suit donated by Mrs. ., Walter Rolsma and Mrs. t Kera1eth Aul\lstus took place r• last night. Homemade ,. cakes. cookies and candies v•ert 90ld at the bazaar . .. Forty gift items were donat· • r ed far p.1tlents at Fairvie\v State Hospital. ~ Beer St. PFO ! Mn . John ll.lclr.er : President COMING UP : Students and teachers Of all claNes will preseTW. the Christmas-pro-' gram at 7:30 p.m. lomor· row. Refreshmenta wlll be litl'Vtd. by mot.hen o C students in secood grade. rooms C and 0 and third grade , room t wo . Sv.·eatshirts may be picked up in the office. Mrs. Evereu E. Biegu Jr., ways and means chai~ at $40- 1711 . may be called lo. pu~haae a shirt :: . : Volunlet:rs are neeotd. Fri- day, Dec. 19. to heli> witlt the room parties. . .Mrs. Ronald Fross.pub Ii c I ty chainnan reports t h a t HoUisters Nursery dooated lhe school Ol:ristmas tree. College Pk. PT A ~tn. Jamn Schafer President C0!\1JNG UP: Christmas pr<>- gram by primary grades at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. Upper grades will follow . REPORTS: )lotluck luncheon •, took pllce in the home of t.tr1. Jamts Schafer follow· Ing the December bolrd meelloa. CM High PTA Mrs. Matdal:w Wald1Ucll President COMING UP : General meeUng and Christmas con· cert at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. 1.1'adrlgal Singers a n d orchestra will be featured . RefreshmenU: will be served. Harbor View PFO Mn. Charles Sword Pruident COMING UP: Stud en ls ' Chrlstmaa program at 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Fridly, Dec. 19. Miss A. K .. Harris ~·ill direct the chorus and Miss Ann Bucher will lead the orchestra Al Zeidman, assistant pri nci pal an- nounces that students will Christmas Drama Relived in Mesa VFrde coll«! cllM<d ioods ror needy families tomorrow and Friday ••. Mn. William Fleetwood, room mother repreaentaUve re~ that room mothers will a.sslst with clasa parties toffiorrow. students ha ve decorated a large ChriAtmas ln!e in the cafetorium that will be presented to a needy family. Mrs. Donald Peckh1m, awards ch1lnnan selected the tree ... ParenLs are urg- ed to lak! advantage ~ the final day to rtgllter to vote in the February electlon from 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow at school . Kaiser PTA Mn. Jobelty Mackey Pre.sldent C0~11NG UP: Christmas pr<>- gram at 7: 30 tonight in the muUipurpo&e room . Band and chorus will be featured. A Cl.Jrlstmas pageant. Watchman. Tell Us of the Nig.bt, will be performed by Mesa "'."erde student s (left ID right) David '.Worsham, Elizabelh Wesl . Mark Burtness, Jeanine CCiad and Ronnie Backlund next P'rid.a.y at ~Q a.~. and 7:30 p.m. Also appearing in the PTF program wiU be the Choir School, POP Brass orchestra and verse choir. The Choir School wil l sing at Fashion Island next Thursday night at 7 and 8. Bushard PTO l\.tn. Raj Fleeman PresK!ent COMING UP: PTO will pr<>- vide Christmas baskets 1,rith food and to)is for l\\'O needy families in the aree ••. Plans are under wey lo in· itiare a block parenl prt:r ~am, monthly candy apple sale! and baby-sitting scr· vice·· .general meeUngs. Cir.cle VW. PTA REPORts: ·-cfu;,tmas music P.lri. Ed1'·ard Alet0n program was presented l~sl Presidenl !\Ionday by the mus r c -, department. Festured were CO~l !NG UP : Toyla~d 1s an instrumental group, a Iheme of annual Christmas vocal group from the upper program tonight in school. grades and a skit pre.senled Itefreshments will be served by third and fourth grade al 6:45 p.m. and the pro· students. Check (or $100 was gram will begin at 7. presented to !\1rs. Arnold Hostesses will b e kin· Dias. a representative of the dergarten and first grade I car n in g cen ter mothers. Flag ceremony v.•ill coordinators. Funds \\'ill be he presented by 'Vebelo used to provide sup-Pack 278. Program will in· plementary materials for elude students from kin· use by students in the three dergarten through s Ix t h school learning centers. grades and a choir com · Santa Clovs ls Coming LltUe Mark and LyM Coldwell receive a welcom• vlsllDr In th• !orni of Bill Sdtzenger who delivers cheer and candy cants. Parent. wishing ID llkt ad· vant111 of a visi t from th• m·crry gentlemen on Dec. 17, 10 or 20. !rom ·6'30 to 9 p.m. may contact Mn. E<lward McCallum, 962-8630. Visits el $1 per family are being arranged by Gisler PTO. · posed of seventh and eighth graders. Miss Patsy Spalty is in charge'o[ the program. REPORTS: Honorary service committee has been organiz· ed under the chairmanship of ~1iss Lois Zeller. Com· mittee members are the ~1mes. George McClure. Sam Erner and James Lacy . Fulton PTO l\1rs. Robert "'elch President CO:-.ltNG UP: Madrigals. or· chestra and upper and IO\\'· er grade choruses will partici pate in th e annual Christmas program tomor. row at 7:30 p.m. in the mul· timedia room. Program will be under the direction of Richard Eastburn anrl Robert Oliger of the music department. Eighth grade students l\'ill conduct a bake sale ·and refreshments will be served by !he hospitality committee ... Room moth· ers will h o s t a specia l Christmas p r o g r a m for loK·er grade students Fri· day, Dec. 19. and Santa Claus will visit all class· rooms during class partit s. Parties for morning and a f t e r n o on klndergarlrn classes will take. place in lhe morning ... PTO.spon· sored Girl Scout Troop 206 will present a program with th~ theme Spirit of Christ· in:lstime Friday, Dec. 19. 1n lhe United h1ethodi s t Church. Fountain Va 11 e .v. Refreshments \Viii be served by i\irs. J. D. Simone. REPORTS : Michael Brick. su· puintendent or Fountain Vall ey School District. prP· sentcd a slide tape concern· ing coniln1ction or schools and need for addition:i l fa. cilitiea . • ~ Girl Scoots participated In a Christm11s " o n g f es t in Huntington Beach High School last Fri· day ... PTO member~ anti raculty members ~trs. R. T. Harney, Greg Gann. t.1rs. Robert Alderman and S.R. Gibson assistf!d in present· ing 3 Christmas party for ~cventh and eighth grade studtnl& In Fountain Vallty Civic Center last Friday. Gisler PTO Mrs. Pt1tt Barbol1k President C0~11NG UP: Christmas 'mu· COr-11NG UP; Santa wiU visit clawoom.s Friday, Dec. 19, announces Mr11. Joe Basso, room represenlaUve. · REPORTS: Chorus and band were featured at t he Chrllltmu program I 1 s t night. •. Members apd com- munity parUclpalcd ln a Twelve Night.. or Christmas program last Sunday, and studenls donated 1ilta . for Ille Albert SIU.On Homt. Lindbergh PT A l\tr1. Joba H~ty President COML~G UP' Cann<d g- for needy families may be brought to school tomorrow and Friday. Santa Claus will vl:.it school Friday, Dec. 19, and accept the food and serve a treat to students at room parties. REPORTS: StudenLs in first, second and third gra'.des presented the Christmas program last night. Mesa Verde PT A l\lra. Nancy Reinhart Prealdent COMING UP : Mrs. John David, h0&pitality chairman tnvites all board members to attend the Christmas lund\eon for teachers at noon .tomorrow ... Mrs. John Jamison, room represe~ tative chairman aimoonces room mothers will host class parties Friday, Dec. 19 ... 1'1rs. George Smith and P.frs. William Payne, ways <tnd means chairmen remind parent! that sweat.shirts and identification tags are being sold. · ltEPORTS: As soc i at ion meeting and Christmas play directed by Mrs. Ronald lienry, Mrs. James Pat- terson and Wllliam Knight, teachers took place last night Teachers and mothers of second gra'de students hosted. Monte Viste PT A f\lrs. !\1ark Tllorris President COl\1'1NG UP : Christmas partifi in all cla1Srooms Friday, Dec. 111. Santa 's helpers will present candy canes to the students. . • Tlfovie "Jungle Jim" will be shown at 1 p.m. Monday, Dec. 22. in the multipurpose room. Admission 30 cents, refreshments will be sokl and door prizes awarded. REPORTS: Ratified at the board meeUna was Mrs. sic program tomorTow at 7:30 p.m. in the learning center of Building E. Partic- ipating will be the school orchestra and band, begin· ning chorus, a d va n ce d choi r and madrigal singen. Directors will be Seaton Blanco, instrumental music: instructor, and Donald Lind· strom, vocal instructor. Gisler Junior High PTA rttr1. Karl Wojaltl President COMING UP: Paper drive \\'ill take place between Tuesday, Jan. 6, and Friday, Jan. 9. Proceeds wJll be used to prG- vide landscaping for the new school. LeBard PTO i\1ra. Kenneth Gath President C0~1JNG UP: Christmas pr<>- gra 1n featuring fourth and fifth grade students will be: presented following u n i 1 meeting tomorro\\· at 7: 30 p.m. Refreshments K'ill ~ served by Mrs. Fred Baria, hospitality chairman. N;eblos PTO J\lr1. Kenneth WOOd1 Prrsident COl\11NG UP : Class Christ. mas parlies wlll take place Frldny. Dec. l!t ... Exttu· tive board \\'i ll meet at 9:30 a.111. Tuesday. Jan. 6. in the ho m e of Mrs. Kenneth \Vocxls. REPORTS : Puppet show \\·as presented today ... School Days record books now are on sale for $1 . . Classes ol Mh~s Shirley Stout and ~fiss Carol Lykke pan ici· pated in it fie ld trip to San Juan Capl•trano. Oce an Vw. EMR Cnrl Laird Chalnnan REPORTS: Chi Id rt n 's Christmas program and par· ly took place last night u,,dcr lhc direction of ~1rs. John A1oWc.n. Camp Fire Girls conducted a bake sale with proceeds earmarked for purchase ol equtpment. . . .Chrls1Jna1 candy wa." !Cid by iuild mt.mbers aod proceeds u1:d lo aul&l needy YOUll( peoplt In pay· . . Vp for Concert Tritons Warm .. A Cappella Choir and Madrigal Singers repeaentod by Ron Cushing. (left) ~ the San Clemente Orchestra with pictured instrumentalist. Gret J~stn (.-J ter) and Jamie Nieblas will present Schubert's Mass µi G .Mino~ 1n1 11 Christ-. mas program Thursday. Dec, 18, at 8 p.m. in the Triton Gymnasium. Tiie """° ·; cert 1s ro-sponsored by the high school music department and PTA. r Tom Herndon, recording secretary. • .Mothen of fourth and fifth g r a d e students hostt!d Christmas program last n i g h t . Citizenship awa rds for the month were presen'ted to Rlcky Goodsell, Diana Kunz. MicheUe Steen and Robert Gwinn .•. Profit from the . book fair was •too. Proceeds will be used to putchase library books. Assisting in the sale were the Mmes. Jerry Horton, John Turner, Wilbur Leaverton, Herndon, Mark Morris, C h a r I e s Duvall, Jack Glenn, Bill McAfee. Stuart L y n c h , .James Moffett, Fred Betts, David Goodsell and James Moor. Peularino PTA rtln. Nigel Balley President C0~1ING UP: Registration for the February election will take place tonight after the Christmas program. Persons wishing to register tomor- row may contact Mn. Nigel Bailey at 546-147' .•• Im- munization c 1 i n I c for stude~t.s in kindergarien, first and fifth gradea will take place tomorrow .•. Ex- ecutive board meeUng ·Tues- day, Jin. 6, in the teachers' lounge .•. Kldney J'oundaUon will test students Thursday, Jan. a. Presidio PT A Mn. James Jl.amey Pre1idtnt COMING UP: StudenUI In kindergarten and primary classes will present the Christmas program at 7:30 tonight in Davis School rnultipur pose room. Refreshme nts will be serv- ed . l\trs. Streeter King will regis ter e.ligible voters. . . Jmmuniz.at.ion clinic tcmor- row for students. in kin- dergarten, first and fifth grades. They're All Tied Up · ~: San Clement;, ... ' { High PT,A. '\ Mn. Alu Clirt ' Pre'1~,· . COMING UP: Gei er. ~ meelln< and~~ cert will ~take p!Me;ll •·;.111. tomorrOll' in ~-"ira. Harold RoRobitr~1 -'lr.n d Richard C. i>llN·~"'1J direct. • ..Madt\111, ~ and the·· A Cappella cbOit. will appear Friday, Dec'. lf, in the Saddleback Inn. Santa Ana before the· M u a I c Educator N atto.i:ial ~ ventloo. • TeWinkle PTA l\fn. Robert S6raat111 President COMING UP : Auocl1ti0n meetlng at 7:90 tonl&bL Program will feature tht band, choroa an<f~~ .... l'rogrun will be repeated it 7:30 p.m. tomor· row. \VrCi:pping gi fts is something special for LeBard School iludents as they ready Chnstmas surprises destined for Fairview State Hos~tal. Students including Kitty Stamper and Bobby Gurney purchased gifts with pennies. nickels and din1es for a totaJ o! 261 one from each class. ing scoutin g fees. . .~tall \\'eyuker. tru stee of Hun· tington Beach Union High School District. s p o k e rtcently on district budgets and finances. Robinwood PFO !\lrs. Let Mock President CO~fl NG UP : C la ss Christmas parties ~'ill take place Friday, Dec. 19, and children "'ill cxchnnge gifl,. a r o u n d student-deroralc1t Christrhas tre e s . Refreshments will be se rved by roon1 mother" a n d Leachers under the direction of !\trs. Daniel i\1cade, general chairman. REPORTS : ~fore than $500 was raised at !ht> recent Christmas bazaar. Proceed! \viii be ur.ed to purch!lse ~hool equipment for presenlatlCl1 In the spring, ac.cordlng to l\1r s. ~lichacl ~lcClanahan, ch•lrman. Sch roe der PT A Mn. Chnrl,1 SPlde Prcsldtnt COMING UP' So\Jnds and Symbols Of Christmas Js theme of Christmas p~ gram to be presented tomor· row by atudenlS f r o m kindergarten through third grad~. Two ptrfof11\MCes "'Iii be given, the flrst at 9: 45 a.m. with morning kinderga rten classes participaLing and the seco11d at l:IS p.m. with afternoon klndergarten students .. Christmas room parties will lake place Friday, Dec. 19. \\•ilh refreshments donated by PTA and room mothers .• PTA bo\vllng league \\'ill en- joy a Chrlstmis party •"d gift exchange Friday, Dec. 19, In \\'estminster Lane.s ... Chris tma party for board me-mbers and spouses is scheduled Friday evening, Dec. 19. In Klng·s Table. Dinner will be servf!d and a gift exchange featu~. Tamura PTO l\1r1. Birch l\lattM"1 Presidtnt C0~11NG UP : Christmas band tonct:rt v.·ilJ take place toolght 1t 7 in the multlpu~e room •.. Class Chr1stm11s parties •rt slated ror Friday, Dec. 19. nEPORTS: Al executive board meeuni, plans wtre made for Mom's Night Out .chcduled Thunday, Jan. a. Cinco de Ma)") rnttva~ and purchase of a Jive Chriltmu Iree to be decorated by studenta. Special 1ifts ({Im· mitt.et waa activated under the chainnaiuhlp of Mrs. Richard Gillum. . .Annual Christmaa mUsic program took place laat Thursday \\'ith ifadrigal Singers anil be(innlng chorus among the parUclpants. Costumes and properties were provided by 1 the Mmes. Jamts Buddlnah, Roger OenJg and Robert Cardinal. • .Food coupons are being collected for UY in acquiring slh1erwarc and servi1g pieces. • .Baked goods are being provided fot the teachers' lounge every ' day this week by PTO board members. Wardlow PTO Mr1. Gtorfe "lttban President REPORTS : PTO is collecUn& gi/13 tor p.1lienLs a t Fainiew State H015pila1 and contr1bution!I foc Operation Aterry Christmas to aMls t nef<!y local fan\llies. ~ lions oC canntd or botea food and new items IUCh as IO}'I. O>lmftks, ICtn'tl, l•1~ry~and ~may be .l p -= •. coma ..... located 1n clu&reotnl until 'nlda1. Dec. II. In char,. "' .... ra.,.menta ta Mii. Robert J'U!tice. .... .. l - ' \ l ~~~~~~~---~~~~,..., ....... .., ...... ..._...,.,~., .... """'""' .... "''~)..,,.,..,..~,.,~.,...,,,,,,,,,_,..,~w,.,..~Q?,.,+~•~"">"i""'""'*~w~•,..,.•..,..w~,,_,~.-~"""'~-••~o~w~o~w .... 1~•~"*"""'.-~'*"~w~$.,.~C'°".,.~u:scw.~o..., ... wo,_.uuwuwwu.,..,.w,,,~,....,,, ... .,.S> .... -•C~i!,... ... S..,>w.'"1f_,.J.S~11" WtdntsdJy, Otctmbtr 11, 1%9 DAILY '!LOT ~ There's Nothing -Canned Abou't Giving to Others '·. Horoscope . ' Sagittarius:· Review .. -~pits '" . THURSDAY DECEMBER 18 You can do much good ~ay. Don't miss chance to bring be.1efits to those who require SYDNEY OMARR aid. ~lb}' are ctmcerotd. wit-. CANCER (June 21-July 22): price~. wa1es ; new1 featuring Avoid heavyhanded methods. laflatioo and reYislon1 ol Stock Be versa~ile. Creative thinking . Market predictions m a k e means willingness to change uews. Best Buys IDclude mi nd, attitude. Accent today neckties, 1arden tools, muf· on reestabllshint; ties with old flert, farm Implements and friends. clotldn& designed for warmth. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22l:, ES cb 2i ~A ii ) Stre&s on eaieer, amblti~ ARI (Mar • pr l$ :. achievement of goll. Past e(: Utili1e. experienir,e. in "1Y forts ruoy dividend! .. 'Yout financial commHrn•.' OOri't ,_ jump at first otter. ~esr al· claims, theories bear frWr .. ~ titude is one or willingne~ to a graeioUs winner. Key· I~ listen and learn. Patience is diplomacx. Accent hann11.1y. definite asset. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept 22): TAURUS (Appl ZG-"'lay JO): You may not find solid A.1y attempt to e v a d e ~vidence for beliefs. But If you -responsibiltty could backfire. stick lo ~Wies, there will1 Ae<:ept assignment' -it will be success. Day when faith is tum out to be fun. You ean test~. Stand tall. Long-di.stan- "fulfill yourself by livin« up &o ce 'communication may be potential·~ Act.accordlnify.• •. ~sary. . ' GEMINI (lt1 ay 21-June 20): .'' LIBRA !Sept. 23-0Ct: 22): Work in connection with Examine financial basis -·or organizations. If dedicated, any plan -:-applies especially your attitude will catcb fir e. to agr~ment with mate, William Denis Olsen • Rites Claims Bride in partner. Child's neeidi lboilld • Utude. It pollfw r1thtt thaa be crosldered. But\~~ .,.eptive. need not be di~~ < • \ Pi.!as (lteb . .If-March IG): SCORPIO (Oct.":~. Pit.,. che<k lical11 bef.,. You can cone~"' '' : Nsh1o.t oq·· &o wh111t appears agreement whk:h I 'to.. ill\POf\int delU.natlon. What long.range contracl( ~'!:! ,~ ypii1 -inlf. be at hO:ld, your own conftdenet. ti.oOs. KnOlf this: take time to ahead. Refuse to be di.sc;ow'ag· be ana~L ' ed by petty annoyances. ' IF TODAY IS y o U It. • SAGl'ITARIUS (Nov. 22-.BIRTHQAY you have ability Dec. 21): New program ol to soothe persons who ~ physical Htness woold be troubled. You are fascinated beneficial. Review.your habits. with the history of various Strive t.o mulliply those which cultures. You have b ee n aid -diminish those which t h r o u g h invigorating ex• are haniiful. •Admittedly, Utis peliences. Now you will settle ~~'Wisdom. into what could be a pro. f CAPftICORN (Dec: tz.Jan. duclive groove. f9): You may feel pinch of T• 11,,., ...,, _., 1uc1tv tor ,_ " t I ti B t t. _,. 1no low. ·-Svdnn Om1rr'• res r c on. u rea ue soine llook"'· "*'" Hint• 1or Mfll .,.. regulaUa.ii, rules are designed WOIM!I.'" s.N 111nhdlt1 '"" JO eente f be f"l li !'Cl Ornerr Mln110t1 Secrlth, '"" OAn..V or your own ne 1 -app es PILOT, au »e0. Gr1m1 c1n1r11 s1 .. to personal and business area. "°"' New Yora. N.Y. 10011. Obtain hinl from ScorpAeii";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w message . • AQUARIUS {Jan. 20-Feb. 18J : Surprise visitJiom pilrent or older person ·.could bf featured. Your home could Ni scene of festive occasion. H~ much so depends on your at~ NEW ftlOM IOIOUND UP aUT OL1l •A•HION•D-WHI"•• r•OMISll A•I MADI AND 11.1 .. r "' IOAIDIN •ROYE "LINCOl.N MllCUIY IAllDI• elt0'#9 AT alltoqtCHU•I • 636-HIO VIRGINIA'S . ' SNIP 'N' STfT\:H 'SHOPPE 333_. E•st ·coast Hwys • Coron• del Me r Phooo ,673-1050 Maka Her CltrlshlMn A Happy 0Rtt · luy Her The lltltt Took To Sew The chapel of All Saints Orange Coast College and Episcopal Church in BeveflY California School of the Arts, Hills was the setUn.g ·for thf. Los Angeles. doobk! ring ceremony llnkini.1 ====== ====1111 Wiss Pinkin9 SHEARS $1.95 .. $9.'5 Jn marriage Nancy, J o Knudson and Wilijapl Denis Olsen. i . , · The Rev .• Dr. lterml t Castellanos J)ii,Gl'med t h e nuptials for the daughter 6f ~the Ellsworol-L. Knu~!lOns of Monterey Part and the son of ~ ~:ib!h~~-E. Olsem of The bridal attendant 'was How can you lose we'.ght and ~ keep rt off .ti for good? ·. · Wiss Bent TRIMMERS SHIRT MARKER CUTTIN6 BOA RD PRESSING CLOTHS $6.95 $3.00 $4.00 $1.00 Plus many othtr smaH ''"' for tlVllHJ. s,. yo11 too", VIRGINIA ·westmont students Barry Adnams and Doug Staley (left to right) drop several more cans onto a pile collected ·foi' Westmont PTA. The \Vestminster school is making its annual contribution to Opera- tion Merry Christmas, a collection of canned goods donated .Jo needy families in the area. ~frs. Richard Brunner, matron or honor. WEIGHT@\ WATCHERS. P.S. Undec ided, '"Y 11wor woold lo~• • ,;ft c.~Hic1t1 · to 11'11k1 .,,,·ow" c'loth11. The bencdict, a fourth Some alking, some listening ind generation Californian. asked 1 pro;iam that work's, '• Use Your ·laftkAnterlc.nl or Master Chm',e Santa's Sad Lucian Drazkiewicz Jr. to be 1 ~"=•=ll=IAOC==""='='-='='="=":':·':'•:•~~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; besl man, and serving as 1~ usher v.•as Jon Christian Olsen, the bridegroom ·s brother. ' Some Gifts Not Gifts at Al I - The receplion followed In the Brentwood home of the bridegroom·s grandparents, ~1r. and t-.1rs. Bo Christian Roos Sr. The nev.·lyweds By PATRICIA l\feCORMICK habils among the married the NEW" YORK (UPJ)-Jf y'ou ve ry biggest cheating on the ·~:~''""' d at;; ulslll"1ril""' by tllH!uSbllJllf ~~~-.e.ii"'~a~1i.,ti0 gavf liis ~·ife 'a'" cesspqol. ~"'Of nltra',practical g~ft! -. Her ' S3nta rec iprocated in ~chanced· by 9blne married kind, giving. him a drywell. ~ti in past Yul,t~. . Othtr c h e a t s exChanged ;l'tii:; ls, by the ~1nanc1al1~· loads of topsoil, redecorated g ones wh~ don t kitchens. new windows fo r Rolls ~yce 1~ every rmortgaged cou11ge, underwear prage or .a p1nk refrigerator and other clothing necessiUes. JWI al caviar and champagne These things would be pur· ~the bedroom. _ ,cba~d. ,any1vay. \Vou ldn 't it . '.By bis tear~ Sa~ indi<;ates" .·1*.better. to buy somel~ing for Jt'• horrfncloua '!Or a man to a few dollars that is a genuine five his ""lfe a washer. And gift? for her to give hllri' a di'yer. In the nonsurprise. category. During a survey or giving one woman is ex pecling a F'or totaf femininity. horse from hubby for Christ- mas-to replace a dead on,e. Her Santa is giving hubby horse's room and board. Though this seems unroman- ti c. same husband each groundhog day hides a basket of Rowers' about th& prem· ises .. Last year the gift was hung on the washline. . One old·married is giving his wife nothing. She is giv- ing him plerity of same. BUt they're geting gifts for chil- dren and grandchildren. ·~ Still -N-Q.T-H·I-N-G for Chris tmas? That's a pity. J More in keeping with (he RICHARD OUELLETTE • ,, ' ' ... • p r.o u c( I y the pr,esents of opening JON PETERS BEAUTY SALON Introducing Our Staff of Hair . Stylish: ARMAND BAINE RUDY CHAVIRA JIM DOZAL JUDY GENTRY JON OEN OUDEN ORLANDO ,ROJ;>RIGUU WESLEY ,TAYLOR -'-M ake Up- BETIY . ROESLER l -Receptionist-. • ., CONNIE ' EVANS - O,EN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY~EVEN ING APPOINTMENTS . ' . ' ' ·~ ... 1_ 161Q .w. COAST HIGHWAY • NEWPO~T BEACH 6•4'2. 3974 642 . 3970 Santa spirit is the man mar-honeymooned in the Beverly Hilton Hotel and are making ried 38 years .1 and to the same their ~ome in Lo!! Angele;oi. woman) who will give his wife The bride attended Alham- somelhing romantic and w'\11 bra Hi.<Jh School and Los es:pect a gift of the same sort in return-as has been their Angeles J unior College. 'Her habiL -~hu~s~b~an~d~•~va~sl:!_a~s~tu~d~en~t~-a~tL_~!_ _______ _::::~~~~!~=:~~~~~~~~~--r. Corona <lei Mar High School, Installation Announced The second a n n u a I In· stallation a-.1d awards dinner for Gina Uhrlaub Chapter or the City ol Hope. Huntington Beach took place in the Hun- tington Lanes banquet room. Gerald Rueben spoke on the City of Hope. Mrs. Edward Uhrlaub was reinstalled as president While Mrs. Frank White took over the duties of treasurer and Mrs. Willard Plate will handle publicity. Special guesls were Mr. and Mrs . Rueben, Mr. mid Mrs. \Vestley Baker, Mr. and Mrs . Benny Calla and Mrs. William Savage, president or the Costa P.1esa Chapter, and h e r husband. Awarded for assisting in the Blue Bank program were Calla and Mrs. J a me s Greaves, chairman. Receiving plaque! for tbose considered most helpful during the year were Mrs. White and Mrs. Plate. The Founders award went to Mr. and Mn. Uhrlaub; the Angel of P.1ercy award to Mn. Uhrlaub. and the Tarch award to Uhrlaub. Xi Xi Pis Gathering ' I, ' For Party : · XI Xi Pl Chlpter or Beta Sigma Phi will meel Thurs-L da:v.. Dec. JI, "1 lhe. Fountain vafley home or Mr. Robert , Shay. ,, BU1ines5 concmtln, t h e .. West. Grove Area · Council's ValenUne Ball and Marth breakfast will be presided ~er by Mrs. Eldon Dvorak, pruldent . A Ctn'istma.5 party win follow with secl'ft slslC!rs ex- changing gifts. Rerreshme.D&s a light-hearted way to . say Metcy Christmas! . - •A Jiti.le bJ1 fl( a thing.~it.b i ~l1ole·J~t o( comfort. Pitl a 3-piece outfit in. -,-· e•'Y can: riylon 1ricot 666 • Ch005e from a top. blby doll et, • lfltperd bilini, a bikini ,hh1, •coat blk:'ini ot'llhort cul otte · • ~•ny be1\ll\ful colon from ,fbitil.N)11nt 10 JW'rl to choote from. Ideal for · · )1our lust mtnute C~ritlma1 g.ift!. ln Ali! es' •izes CHARGE 11' On Sears Revolving Charr;e will be 1erved. l ,------------------------------------------------, I &llHA '* fl MONTI lOHG MAOI PICO • ..... roMONA to.mt CIOMJ ftAZ4 I Saturday, Dec. 20, member• c:N«:>04 'MC <MaCAll CXYWIC &IOTO • UiHl"A...,..,., • ~ ~ and husband.5 will gather tn I UMlr1CN HOU.YWOOO ow.IOI ~ f.ANfA n P....ol VAllll' I B h h f QIMIA..; "'°'1WOOD 'AUrD&IA ears iANfA MOtCA \'...:Hr .t ...... the liunlingtm eac ome o '--•-·---------------------------------------lhe Ovoraks ror a COUples,par. , .... ~ ........ ..,.,NIJA.M.k fiJO P.M.,S..114., 12Nfftlt. I P. ---• ........ cM90u••""'" ... Mlt11la .. ty. A buffet win be served. -----, ' . • ' ' • • .. ' 1 I I \ .. ! f • f •' . ' • • ' • r ' . . : Wtd11HC111, Oec:trnbff 17, 1'6t THE PLACE TO FIND UNUSUAL GIFTS • • • Ha ne a_ Gift_Sicp tO&' UPPER LEVIL WHIMSICAL PLANTER, Strewflowers, foliage and muih• room• in • charming wood box. 6.00 HOT LINE -Slick vinyl t1l1P:hon1 book in vibrant colors. 3.75 IOUTE-A-IAGGIE IAIY • IO n11t note cards in wild colors . the env elop•• 1r1 b•g• with stick-on address labels end se,e ls. A zingy idea. J.00 YEA.llOUNDS 24 round 11lf m1iling notes, with mush - room stickers and po1t1I festoons. l.25 STOVE PIPE CLOCK -A fanciful clock, for play· room, kitchen, child's room, vivid colors. 16.SO OPEN DAILY 9-6 SUNDAY 11 -~ Att•nfiv• Cletlt1 to h•lp you. Be1utiful Gift Wrep -' MAIN LIVIL TURTLI INCINSI • Ch1rming ceramic turtle f1mily in- c1n11 burner. 4.00 WINI PIG • C1priciou1 and c1p1ciou1 ceramic piCJ to hold wine or other b1v1r191. 12.00 CANNID C:ANDLIS -Veg•t•bl• th•p•d fun cendles in cl•verl'I lebel•d can1. 2.00-).00 CUP RACK • Clev•r v•getable decorated cup r•clt in bright colors. 1.00 CUPS • M1tchin9 v•9et1ble patterned chine cups. 1.H ANGR n10 • Thr•• delightful ceramic angel• for Chri1tm11 gi ving. 7.00 LOWD LlYlt C:IUMIC Tllm . In a v•ri•ty of d•1i9n1. This one •n owl. . ... 4.00 IN•LISH PICKLI .IU• -For the epicur• on your li1tl •.oo PONDUI 111$ • C.lorlul tel of 4 5.00 •· YACHT SHOP HAND PAINRD Sl•Ns -The neiv • zest of the 19th c.ntury Jn charming 1ign1. 10.00 ITALIAN CHAIRS 1;, OFF l•dller b1clt, Bentwood e nd l1ntool1 tn vivid fesh lon colors. RICHARD'S LICO CENTER Hll VIA LIDO, NEWPORT BEACH I WITH SALLIE PEOPLE, WE ,LOVE 'EM We love the UWe boyl and prll, clutchJni the ill- , sides ol lhelr PIW banU 111 t.be1r hands ••• Here11 • 1oodle for dad •• Sbades ol irandma'• ....... and oU crue~ rone bubeque •• A gay little wooden nck with I bull's headl, nwUd medium, rare and well done •• for moo the delidou.meA ol Carolina Pines fine aoents in aeroeol cans • • . ror ·younelvea, Snoppy in • space helmet, boldlng 111 -. nag atop bl dos house, rudy to llU olf for Amerlc"1 flag atop hll 'd\JI bpoiM round and roulld. lei p>, and It plays "Fly Me Td ,the1 Mocm/' all rnooalnc over 1 pound ol Bk1mmy wnpped cheWI. ' FOR THE ·1UDAY CROWD • . • Polyoptlca Consider • white luclte flower with lhimmerlll pellll ol threld-llke ..x> llltency. The Ught pow1 in the middle Ind e 1 c b dellcala ; pelal hu Ila own tley light 111 the tip. Now: There ls 1 floor model on 1 "'"Ulul black luclla and walnut -with 10 now.n ol •Ul'lnl belpla to mllre · llke a beautiful bouquet, 'about 5 feet tall. If you want to see It in action please look at our front gift shop window some dark nlatit and you'll 1et the whole effect. What a decorator tblng for a feyer, comer, or hall where you need a lltUe extra glow. There is a \\'all model too, ln a shadow box, like a pic- ture. HOT OR COLD WITI!OUT PLUGS OR ICE For the holte1s with the mostest ••• The coffee pot « Hawalian punch bowl can go anywhere. Brand new 111ermal-5ervers, good look· ing pottery, plenty Jarae to hold a couple of half gallons, tres complete with cove r, stander~ner, and . spigot. ll she feels she needJ fire, Qrdoa Bieu's fine tin, old fashioned drlpolator, is homey as homey does. A coos cous cooker mlJht ralse an eyebrow « two. The cous cous Ileum OD top while the broth and meat cook down below . Pump your cookies with pred1lon .. or what every coolly-coot\ni 111 hu been 'lookln& for and hu never found unUI Emldt made the house wares scene from Germsny ... WoWd y o u believe 12 different preues. You can even pump out your own spaghetti and noodles, Spritzes or cream pufrs. What a joy! No more WT\st twlllin(, jult .. ay..to pumping. Gerber''• Lepndary blad. es-utter elegance in knives ... Fra9tr's beautiful flawless Satin F I n i s h Stainless from Denmark • . . Would you believe anything from a 30 inch platter to a set of grapefruit spoons, which everybody should hive with this big grspefnilt oating society ol ours. Or you cou1d cbooee a ceramic chicken with a nice big hole in her back whlcb would make her tnto an es:· citing planter, or an even more exciting di.sh to ltl'Vt spaghetU ln. ·BIG DECORA1UI\ GREENERY . . Garnish your walls with the 1mell 1 of Christmas • . . Frab noble flr, cedar. jumper or toni needle pine. Tbe flower shop dou: wondrOlll thlngs with a wreath .• decks It with rosy apples, pine con-n. or other a11orte d bananu and .....,.. .•. Perhaps birds. or ribbons and bows. Sheer DOlherJ In tl'ff decor ... if you Want to ao the pearl, glltttr, 1aUn b a 11, and velvet ribbon route. And look at the jewelled treasure wrtaths, which Ill ltartl with • Iara• round raffia placemat, but lhlnp happen when vtlvet , and Jewell are addtd. RICHARD'S •.. ·WllERE SANTA CLAUS IS HER!: and the Yacht and GUI Shop are open Sunday too. • I .. SANTA CLAUS IS HERE EVERYDAY! ' • MAKE YOUR OWN CRANHRRY-ORANH RELISH! FANCY, SWEET, LARGE.Sill, ~LIFOllNIA Navel OutjGE~ .. A DELIGHtRJL .IASE FOR CHRISTMAS SALADS, LARGE. NEW , CROP • Fuerte ,AVOCADOS "FOR SAUCES, DHSlRTS ANO SHERHTS EASTEllN VARIETY, TANGY, PLUMP.-FllESH CRANBERRIES 1 LL PKO. FOR YOUR FllUIT IOWL. SWIET, JUICY, Red Emperor, ,GRAPES ' LI. FIU: THEM WITH FONDANT AND NUTS: ., NIW" CROP, SOFT AND FRESH . . 1 Deglet Noor DATES 2 LI; ~!.~ .. , 79~ . ,.., • i . YUBAN COFFEE. 1 LL CAN-,69~ YUBAN COFFEE I U. cAll l.3] SUNSHINE COOKIES . LEMON OR CHERRY COOLERS,.... 4°7• ARDEN AA BUTTER , .. ,.., m.rl.. ...... , u. "~ Arden EGG NOG ·-ktfl .... th,.. 59~ LAURA SCUDDER PARTY MIXED NUTS " .. KRAFT MINIATURE MARSHMALLOWS 11v.-. C & H POWDERED or BROWN SUGAR I LI. PILLSBURY FLOUR S LI. IAO Ocean Spray Cranberry Cocktail s 'w WHOLE CRANBERRY SAUCE Me. JH s' w JELLIED CRANBERRY SAUCE N .. 111 S & W YAMS A ca.r.... .,..... Ne. Ill HUNT'S WHOLE SPICED PEACHES LINDSAY PITTED LARGE RIPE OLIVES Ne. IH SPENCER STUFFED QUEEN OLIVES " ... SPENCER STUFFED MANZANILLA OLIVES 11 ~ UNCLE BEN 'S LONG GRAIN and WILD RICE .... REYNOLD'S HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM FOIL 1r-.11· SCOTKINS DINNER NAPKINS ..... 4 ... 'J 4 ,_•1 l ... •1 I ~ ,,. 89c 59f 49c 3 1er 69c VISIONS OF SUGAR PLUMS I OUR H AP PY BAND OF BAKERS HAVE WHIPPED UP ALL MANNER OF GQ9DIES FOR CHRISTMAS EATING -BOXED cbOKIES, PLUM ' PUDDING, HARD SAUCE, BRANDY AND tl-ieRRY RUM ALL BUTIER FRUITCAKE, I 0 U RB 0 N I ALLS, FRUIT. .CHRISTMAS BREAQ AND STOLLEN. Parker House Rolls ~umpkin Pie ·~ and Vtlwly Cranberry Muffins MINCE MEAT, PUMPKIN AND WHIPPED C~EAM Honest . Pie A holld•y ..... 1a111y •. 12.;.J.-.l'-MARKET OPEN DAILY •·7, SUN. ,.6 .. D0%1N 61~ -1.49 6 fOll 7'J! 1.93 FLOWER SHOP OPEN DAILY ,.. I -, i9t .•1 ,•1 .. >P .' ' ' I . . . > . . . . ' .. " WtdntSday, Dtctmbtr 11, IM DAILY m.OT ' " PHONE •n-4360 FOR HOME l)ELIVERY IN OUR DELIVERY AREA PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 DAYS, DEC. 18-24 CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY Ort•n ...... .;. Fer Y-.r rt. ..... by . .lernic• Fay LIDO MARKET CENTER ' NEWPORT BLVO. ATTHE ENTRANCE TO LIOO ISLE MERRY CHRISTMAS All THRU THE HOUSE -w•rm beked cookies, the smell of ,pine, children's l•ughter, the twinkle of lights. -Pert of the Joy is· good food, and Richard's has more 9ood things for yelur Christmas Feast! The time lo bring out yeur lovliost linens, crystal ' . . . . •• .; 1i1 .... : WASSAIL BOWL°' ~MPAGNE SMOKED FISH Pl.A TTIR ~ . SLICliD GLAZED HAM BRAISED TURK~Y 11.01,L FRENCH BREAD SWEET BUTTER M\.ISTARD MA YONNAISli RAW VEGETABLE PLATE OLIVES ORANGE..cRANIERRY REUSl'i CHEESE BOARD FRUIT CAKE COFFEE iRAISED TURKEY ROLL: He•t l T. butter in ft qt. dutch ov•n, ._,.wn 4 I!.. Tur••y rel! •. M•v• tell +• •11• 1i4•, •dtl 11/a C. thinly 1llc etl •11i•n, 2 clove• gerlic cru1hotl anti 1eute till t•ltlon. Atllll I can co11don114 ~hicken br•ttt, 1 C. white wine, 1pri9 partley, tarra9an, bey le•f, •/1 tip. salt, Y4 hp. thyme, 4 wh•I• p•pp1tcern1. Simm•r c•v•re.I I hr. Atlcl 4 quart.,ed tuMlp•, •ncl 6 c•rratl' ha1ved. Sim mer 60 Min. mat•. Remov• turkey ,,.4 ••t•· ttltl••· ,Thiclt•l'I l''"Y with 1/1 C. fl1ur I: 1/1 C. wint. St"''' 6. t@ffltKifj; • • ( ,HILADELPHIA BRANO, FOR SPREADS. IALLS, CESS£RTS CREAM CHEESE • oz. 35• PILLSBURY (Try wr•ppint MOUMI littl1 wien•n I: lt•kifttl CRESCENT DINNER ~OLLS •oL 39c RUSE PETITE SMOKED OYSTERS .. ,. oz. 39c OSCAR MAYER Little Smokies or Little Wieners KNUDSEN'S HAIMSHIRE, PERFECT IASE FOR DIPS SOUR CREAM PINT SELL'S •• , 'LIVER PATE ·~oz. IMPORTED . FINN, CR\SP. I OZ. Plain or Car~way Thin Rye Bread RICHARD'S SPECIAL IRANOJED ' MINCEMEAT JOHNSTON APPLE PIE JOHNSTON PUMPKIN PIE JOHNSTON MINCE PIE 1 LI. SARA LEE CROISSANT ROLLS IOL , .. , .. •• .... SARA LEE BUTTER GEM ROLLS , .. . SARA LEE PARKER HOUSE ROLLS,, .. . ~A,RA LEE FINGER ROLLS ,. .. . BIRDS EYE AWAKE BIRDS EYE COOL WHIP ••• Birds Eye Quick Thaw Cherries llROSEYE QUICK THAW .... 11 ... STRAWBERRIES 11 ... BIRDSEYE QUICK THAW MIXED FRUIT 11 ... BIRDS EYE PEAS 11 ... BIRDS EYE CUT CORN 11 ... BIRDS EYE CHOPPED BROCCOLI BIRDSEYE PEAS AND CARROTS 11 ... VAN DE KAf.IPS CHICKEN PIE RICHARD 'S OWN FINEST JAMS and JELLIES 49c ss- 39- 3 s1 .... 39- 59c 59e 59c 49c 39c 39c 39c 29c 49c 39c 3 ... •1 39c 6 ... •1 6 ... •1 6 ... •1 6 ... •1 39c A handsome hinged box of bHutiful ro.lwoocl holcls on amplo 1i1ed trio -Str•wberry Preserves, Orange M1rm1l.dt, ,...,.. gronato Jolly. An ideal gift for grandporonls ancl other difflCVM· to-buy for pooplt. · ·whole HAMS 1.59LI. 4.95 IOX .; ! . • ' , I' • • RICHARD'S LIDO IRANO HAMS HAMS SHO~T SHANK 4-6 LI. AVfi. as-LI. Butt or Shank Half :17.::::d. acrL •. ,ALL .WHITE'MEAT LENDS ITSELf TO LUSCIOUS SAUCES TURKEY ROLLS _...,...,.. -· 1.49,L LONG ISLANO DUCKLING EASTERN fANCl LARGE :CAPOHS 9k ... : 1Pl1EASA .. TS """""- THE TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS tJRDI FANCY A NEW TWIST ON AN OLD FAVORITE! j SOUTH DAKOTA GEESE 98c .. : · SMOKED TURKEYS .. WE su-.HT YOU ,LAC£ YOUR OROli!S EARLY FOR AQ~D ,RIME Rll OR snNcn ROAST, FOR FRISH TUKEYS AND ALL OTHER SPECIAL MEATS! 1.49 ... • ·' 1.~ JJo/iJa'I . Sea/ooJ FRESH LOCAL lOISlUS, DUN~lNESS CRAB, KING CRAB MEAT, SMOKED ALIACOllE, LARGE OR MEDIUM ,. COOKED AND P~LED SHlllM,, IV.INBOW TROUT, EASTERN OYSTERS. WATCH FdR OUR MANY SURPRISE COUNTER SPECIALS I • 6 JAR GIFT BOX, with !..men Mormoi.do, Spico<l Poach p,. ..... , and 8oy1e•berry Prow••• U.. 7.95 ... And don't forget our morvaleus 10lectien of Gourmet N..I Gifts on.l Chocol1t11 I FLOWERS FOR YOUR . HOME Efe9ent cenlorpioce1 I ncl orrente"'""" of Chri1tm.. ,,.. .. lfld flowon. U,• ,,...., piney fresh, ·w,..ths, branches incl l>ouths. FLOWERS FOR GIFTS Aoworing plenls, poi...ttio1, 011lo11 in a riot of color. And there is stil ti1111 to wire F.T.D • -guoron!Hd .lellv'ry flowers, · HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR CLEANERS I 10,EN DA ILY t .6 O,EN SUN. J J .~ OPEN DA ILY 9-6, SUN. 11 -~ DAILY t·l:lO, SAT. •.s DAILY l :J0.6, SAT. l :Jo.g -.. , I I l • • .. • • • -...::..-... • ft DAILY PILOT Halecrest Pleasure Doubled Pleasure will be doubled at the Halecrest Club Saturday, Dec. 20, for two par- ties are on the agenda that day. Children, ages 3 to 8, 'vill be entertained from 10 a.m. to noon with cartoons and Santa ClaU5 will be there, too. Adults will dine and dance during festivities scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. While Laura Manoske dreams about seeing Santa and all the fun in store for her, Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Mathieson, social cbainnen1 work out details for th e evening party. Everyone Can Give Woman Campaigns For Needy Children \ CANTON, Mass. (UPI) - Mrs. Barbara Donchess runs a one-woman campaign to make Christmas just a bit more cheery for poverty stricken children in Mi&siasippi. Last summer Mrs. Donchess ol Canton received a letter from a friend, the Rev. Nathaniel Machesky, a Fran- ciscan missionary. He works with MississJppi's poorest. She learned that 200 children in his parish were in need of back to school clothes. Mrs. Donchess spent two days writing letters to papers throughout New England. The response, she says, w a s Rebekah Lodge Triple Link Club of Mesa Rebekah Lodge has meetings the fourth ~fonday at 8 p.m. in various locatioru;. Mrs. Douglas Morgan at 548-1938 may be called for additional infOnnation. • overwhelming. Every ch ild v.'ent off to school well dress- ed . Now she is hoping to repeat, this time with Yule presents in mind. "'These children will always be in need of good used clothing," she said. "But Father Nathan i e I wrote that l should have seen the way their eyes lit up when they received an item of clothing. Now, some of these kids have never had a Christmas present . in their young lives. - "So I thought how great ll \VOUld be if we could get toys to them in time fpr deli~rJ the day before Christmas. Sturfed dolls, Crayons. balls, books, anything." To help with "Opera\ion Merry," she suggested 1en· ding the toys to Fatbe1· t>.lachesky at St. Francis Mission in Greenwood, Mi ss .. 38930. "The only Christma s present a child ever receives could be from yoo," Mrs. Don· chess said. Rites Date Celebrated By Mesons The three daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Toner of Costa Mesa honored their parents wiUl a silver anniversary rec~oo in the Costa Mesa Country · Q.ub last Sunday evening. Hostesses were M r s . \Villiam B. Kongsli and the Misses Debra and ti.1elody Toner,, all of Costa Mesa. Congratu lating the couple were 65 special guests in- cluding Mrs. Ruby Toner of Seal. Beach. his mother; Mr. and Mrs. Allen 08Jlks of San Diego, hts sister and brother- in-la\v , and Lt. and Mrs. Edward Murphy of San Diego, their nephew and niece, and Kongsli. The Toners were married 25 yea rs ago In Bethesda, Md. An hors d' oeuvre buffet v.•as served and dance music was nrrered by Jane Owens. Over eaters Guests are welcome to tend Overeaters Anonymous every ~1onday at g p.m. in Anderson School. Westmin- sler. GIVE HER SOMETHING FEMININE FOR CHRISTMAS ... ' ·t \ T • ' . ' . ' • ' 0,111 h 1nh191 .. .,. o ••. ,,,, ., ' , ' l B•nkA.,.tico rd MOlttf Cll4rg< C411< B lmochc DllomCI~ C' -l. Tiie 1lun11in9 1l19en'1 cl tl!Y1r '''' en epul•"' <while ,,;,01 bv M;ni P1i9noir eve• Op1qu1 Min; Gown 18.00 le119 '•ilJnoir ev11 lon9 Gown 24.00 Sco11t1J11ll!J Gift \\frapped of Course. • • • • • • • • e • • • e • . "' ' . . . . . .. .... ' ... Nuptial Pledges Read In N·ewport Church Our Lady of i\1t. Carmel Catholic Churcli, N e w p o r l Beach was the setting for tbt forenoon wedding of Kathleen Sheila Taft and M i c h a e I Fernando Gil de Parlearroyo. The riles uniting th e daughler and son of Mri. and . Mrs. Marvin K. Taft of Hun·~ tingto.'l Beach and :h1r. and Mrs. Santiago Gil de Partear- royo of San Luis Potosi, Mex- ico, were read by the Rev. Francis Kelly. Escorted to the altar by her father, the bride y,·ore a satin gown appliqued with lace, pearls and crystals. Her Fr~nch lace veil was caught to a l>eadpi~ of China silk and bridal satin and her bouquet was 3n arrangement of-pink roses and while carnations. Maid of honor was the • "• - bride's sister, ~1ary Pa- tricia Taft, and bridesmaid! were ·colleen Taft, anothei' sis ter, and Gloria and .Ma-+, ~. ,~ delaine Ou cou\om b:er ~~- cousins of the bridegroom. , ·. They w~~·satln gowns., . '-'RS. ,Gf-L of fud!sia and p1rilc •114. car)· DE ,P~Jli4RROYO ri!!d matching ca rnations. ; , ~ l~tei .ff..-1 Robert Gon zales $erved •a1,: -····,i,1 • 11 ~, • Brownings Announce BetrQthal rtrtt ~t Church of Hun- \lllllon Beach wlU'be the 6'1- ting fOf the 1Jan. lG nupthtls • lillklng Sandfa B ......... and Charla X . Khigbt. News "'of the forthCQJU.lng event ha.s been revealed by the bridwfect's parents, Mr. ~nd Mn. Charles Brownln& of Huntington Beach. P.1iss Browning is a graduitte of Marina High School, at: tended St Louis ln.stltu'te of Music and nO. is a 1tude:ot at . Golden West College: She also teaches piano. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. ' Cl!arll.! E. Knight of Costa Mesa; is a graduate of Costa Mesa High School and now serves in the Army at Fort Huachuca,. MU. Stewardesses SC au: a a • L 5 ±:?! .. -., ... .. • A PERFECT CIRCLE OF TIME From the Cellinl-tollection by Rolex. for the man in your life. ' In 14 karat vet""'." gold, $590. Sporting New . SLA"Vl:CK'S £• .. ::1· " ......... 1111 -· ·~ f>ants.Suif ~·' ,_ . .,, f ASl'tlON 'lS~D .. < · '. "f ·' . -NEWPORT :IEJICH· "-614-lllO' • •. best man and guests Wert 1' ~,.' lltated by James Taft, brother thetF'?flne in. Glet¥1ale.. of the bride, Tim Sadler and:."' The" riew "Mrs. Gil· de Gus Ducoulombier, cousin GI P.nearroyo attended Glen- the bridegroom. . da1t College and her husband .The new !aJVwlnter hosteu v-Cl\ll'Ol ·,,,_...i We-_ ..,...._1c11'f.. M•n-.-o.r..,-. · , ::n. ~~l ~mm:~ :t1£,,==-==°'""~=±,,:,,=-=-::;:.,.~·~·=""'='=· -=· =='="='··='='"',,,,,·:··=·=='·~~· tOp~ by a gr~y tunic. F The couple honeymooned in -attended the University of Mission Bay and will m•ke' Mex ico. . Worn alone. the . tunic be-· ·J: comes a stylish m1nl accented Di.nie-A-Lmes .·;Mean~· $$$. · by knee-length vinyl boots. ' . ·' Remember how Mom took the trolley across town to buy: .. •• tho.eye feather-light dinner rolls? ._._ .· Pepperidge Farm® remembers-and brings you Golden TwiSt& You can btJy our Brown & Serve Golden Twist rolls at a store right nearby. And save 5c on them too. r ' .. .. • " . • ' • p I • '· " I I ' ; -, .. ' .. • ' • -.. • ~-· ..... --...... ---.... ""'-.. . ----- , U PMT-ADVERTISER . LIS. ,· Wt:dntsday, Dtttmbfr 11. 1'6' ALL BULK VARIETIES -~-; - - . ; "''"'i ~..,-. r r't ,?Ld,. ~--........... ....,..,..,,...,...,,....,,,....,,.,.... • .., . .,"" ... ""'"~',...~•-•-•.,.••~·"~'"'~' ----·•~"~·---·~· ·~··~,...,... ... IMITATION SOUR CREAM .~':29c DAILY Pll.01 ' jlp 1~1od 'V~I iGG .. RoLLS_._ ·~~59c· ,, ' . -~ • J .. ' • ! · .. ' ' i LETS.ASK THE COOK "' ... DEAR NAN: I lib Ille "nlpptd. m1r1arl1e1'' beeaue Lltey are lower ii calorie1 ud UteJ spread to JnUcll e111tt1 but when J u1et them for bakln1, tblqt juJI d•n 't &ar1 ' oat rig!IL GREENSBURG, Ind. I'm not surpristd. 1 take It you are referring to lhe packs where you haw: stx sticks in- '• 8tead of four as in regular ~' margarine. You have to go by \.. weight rather than volume with the whipped type so you ••• -,:-!• : . would have to use 11,J sticks in place cl 1 stick of the regular. \Vhipped margarines b a v e "inert gases'' in them and those are what increase \he volume. r As for calorie count. the whole pound of whlpped type has just as many calories as the· regular but; when you go on a volume ba!ls,. you are ~ probably saving calories by about one-third. Because it melts and spriada so easily, yoo get plenty ot spread on your biscuits without as many caJories. That's fine -except for that baking. The same thing hold.1: true for the "soft margarines" you usually buy in those little tubs. They have a high per~t.age of oil mixed in. \Vhile that makes for less saturated fats -"''hat so many people are '., · trying to avoid -it can . , . . _, .. . •. •• ~l ...... , ... ~ •' ·'··· . f,.,. ,, ~:: " .o·· ,, --· change baking re.suits too . DEAll NAN: How in the wort• do yoa \:eep raisin!! from 1lnkln1 to the bottom of the c1b batter? I flour them ft.rit. •• )'Oll're supposed to, but they 1UU wind up tn the boUom f1I the l1yer. · M.A.D., Pboentx, Ariz . They're apt to do that in any cake batter that's on the thin side but Jt helps if you'll scissor them in half before ad· ding. Not really such a chore as it sounds. Of course older and dryer r aisins behave that way all the time. It's a good idea to plump lhern by steaming, first. Just put them in a covered col· ander over simmering water for about five minutes. Cool them a little before adding to anything else. . Another way is to layer the cake batter into the pan, ad· ding raisins between each layer. Jn regular holiday fruit cakes, where 1 batter is heavier and there are lots of other candied peels to take up space, the Case of the Flunk· ing Raisins is never . a whG- 'dunnlt. DEAR NAN: Why I!! it ao mach •udtr to get the low· calorie fnllt ~latln dissolved lhu tht regular kind? I stir and 1Ur and adll Had some po at tht bottom of the pan '=<.~. wbea. I 10 to pour IL E~IE AT PORTLAND, MAINS. ' . -. . ' Regular fruit gelatin is a 1ood percent sugar so it dlasolves mort quickly than the kind with artificial sweetener. Read your package directions and you will find it calls for "boiling water" with the ''boiling" underlined. Too, .._.~ you should pour the water .. . over the powder instead of "'~-~-· dumping the powder into the water. Then you should have no trouble. -.;. . •. -'· .,,. ... ~' .. .. , , Cl !-t_ ~ """ ~). -di. 4!: •. •:>. l'fr. Id • -· Have you noti~d that the individual envelopes in these low-cal packs have some very good recipes on them? And that they change frequently, from box to box, even in the same navor? I tossed a couple away before I disco~ered that last. Now I copy do"ll tho!e that appeal to me, ilke the one for Charlot.le Russe In the low· cal red raspberry navor. That's where you dissolve one envelope In two cups boil· lng water, chill till thickened, then prepare an envelope of low.aJorie Whipped Topping Mix 1nd blend It in. Next. line the side!! of a one.quart mold with 1 dozen ladyfingers, split, spoon in the gelatin mixture and chill till finn. That's all there is l.o it. Comes out at eight serving!, 72 calories .. ch. DEAR NAN: Hett'• for tbt l1dy who alw1y1 has troab~ • ..... "'"" h""" l 1tyer cakes out of Ibo pu all In nnt piece. After L. ....... ~ in the gre1aed-aacJ. no.rtd U11, cOver each tin wUll w1xed ptiper • soon as U comet eut Of Ute oven, tbtll be ure r. co.I oe wlrJ rtcks. 1""" <ool, ,..,.., Ille poper. n.to cne w!Rbe DMlll...i ........ eomt 111\ ti .... ,.. -"*' .... ...... Ida •Ir etraW1 1rwlil dttl cake, ..... ..... ....,.., u ... u •• ._.,,. ...... ,.""' .. .,, MRS. a.EM MICHAELS, ~!,MINN. U 1ou wou1d !Ike to have the Ifft Jtanel with instructions fw mak.lng "Frozen Grtipe Jule1 Wine,'' send a stamped, tdfo1ddreased envelope to Nan Wiley fn care of l h ls mw1paper . ......, • ,,.._ irllfklte. UM ' I .. • U¥44 Z • a •;::;•• • 4 4 S? • • in . this ,ad, ·including 58 DOUBLE . BISI .. . . "TaUl .• lllllflls It ,, · 11'f ta ollllMOll """'"" l!lt n,.,. would !o ,.. IWW I llnt & -llllllop .. HOLIDAY MUST • RED V£LVET YAMS SWEET • LUSCIOUS •.RED GRAPES EXT~ FANCY MIXED NUTS ''Wi11 luy• ln lconomy 5i1e" HOLIDAY DAns . ' EV81' DAY lOW DISCOUNT llfCf$ IO-a . MG• tAl.lt. lfD • DELICIOUS APPLES »U. U.C•.t.l.lPU~' • RUSSE! POTATOES 10.ll . IAC • HAVEL ORAH6£S YO\Jlt 97' CHOICE IOI AL DISCOU NTS EVERY OAt !~. pll!E). ·Ue !l>U. 11.\TUm .. 12.0!. ""~ Sic !l>U. lAH/01 ... I \l<B. P1Tl8I .. 12"'2. BON BOif JI< ..... """ .... STORES ·01SC01n1T ~E. PllCl • Y°uulii11sTANT IN THE SHELL Nl!TS ARE FRESHER !'! """m' I I &lllCOUflf IWlliE Pll/C( 11' 121 :t.7 OUNC! AtftOSOL COMTAJNER TOAK tN HAD!..cot.c>R BT TON1 NEW !!II PATTERNS • 6 ROLL GOLO FOIL • JUMBO ROil PAPER •JUMBO ROlL FOIL • 1 ROLL FOIL • 7 ROil PAPER lllHC MOMENT • 7 ROLL FOIL AND PAPER • s~~fs '$) 66 CllAllCE ta s2.1• "'"· 111 11s URG"I T'Ullt r ts ~OFF @;g~~~iASTE 78' 541 ADORNHA\R0SPRAY.2W 17' cou&.H'FOR'taU'La"'·°'" 111 951 \'"'.'.'.::.::::..-- 131 ... ~ b'i'riruiiE''" ... '" FaiiC'Yi'ii'u•urs· 121 1 u ~ CLEAllSEli .~'i>'rr 98• ~ I.AURA 'i'il'P"~· ·'f! c.,. 8 .. 59c cow•n:. ,.,,,,.,. 11.oz. mooo< 631 YIRGl•IA rU1UTS ... SHAVE CREAM 79' . @5cTrtu'Tix 41• 36' LEMOM • 1•..0Ul{Ct 78' · •z CREME SHAMPOO· 99• @r'iiwsQEWAFERS •41' 371 CHILD OtCONGt&rANT ASPIRIN 65' CQllGESPIRlll •&1.ULtTS 79' ~·ALPHAl!TI •II-OZ."'""'""' 691 &.°'wi'.wl~"'if&lf"HE11 . . -~ POT A TO CHIPS .. VAWE ~ "'lllliiiii1' llEllEii SKIN ~ft!CER !a 9f«· @i'jj.1 6Hinsa. "'""' '~ 691 111 • a1 '" • iuiiini1 u10ER·atc 1"te 7\1._~ ....... ,,,ltl 331 o • • • • , """"' l1E01JW ,,,. ~. ..,.11111 Chip Dips 39' $. & ~ SAVE WITH AlPHA BE!A'S 12,116 TOTAL DISCOUNTS Save even more with Double Discounts Thty mtan t•tr1 uvings fot you. M.11dt possible by sp1cllf purchases with !he cost n!ductions passtd on to you. -look for them throughout the stote. ' I fOIAl Ol'COJ 'IT S EVlRY DAY @iciil'rfii1r.u··59c 551 HO. 2 CAN • SUCtD, C!WSHED C8 CHUNIS ~STOKELY ~ PlllEAPPLE 39' 321 @ SWEETPICKLES 59' 491 @ SPLif"pucSoUP 23• 181 l'tPPERIDGI: rAftM • I~ ~ CHICKEN ~ CURRY SOUP 33' 271 • "-England Clam Chowa.t '3e ....... • Lobtt.r l.artgotlfQ9 llilo;u. f.7c 0..-· /'iO. 21/, CAN' 7~ §i;,;; Prlncelle YAllS 35• , f / All of "s .at ' -7 ' AlPHR JETA I wish you a very~ MERRY CKRISTMA! BARBECUED CHICIEI COOIED IN !AO TOii. FUU. IUVCI FRUH llUT LOAF PR£;StA&ONED • ft!J.DY TO ~ . Rl.PKI IUI • S.l"HCR •,., TALU"l Hiii TOP APPLE PIE . man:A lZE • !Yt,t.I. FRUIT CA11t. 1• ,.....,. l".'.]i;i:\ •tl'il• 1n1 o.1u.. t·Ut. '"° .. ~lllllCE PIE .... VALOE 12• ILPlll l lTR • 1.u.m mar CNRISTllS CAKE ,.., '"-315 ~~lil t ,, • . I . ----/j'\ try MAS I ARLIER P.M. P.M. s v ... I ., •~a ., ,~ ... r "~ • ' . ~ ' ' -. ' • I ~ .... ! f , • rnr!ts~rru.a1n11~inr ~ MIA11 YOU'U. II -TO IDYI • DllXIUffr Pl/CED •U.S. GOVEMMEJrfT ™5PECTm lttF . • QUAU1Y AND SATISFACTION GUAIWmm . - Al.PtlA WA 1ncnn 11111 D£i'OiD~BLI' QUALITY GROUND ·BE . ECONO PAK Of 3-LBS. OR MORE FAltMR JOHN, HB. 71' HOLIDAY BREAKFAST FEATURES WD QlW.ITY7 a.oz. OSCAR MAYER • 12.0Z. OSCAR MAY'EI UMCS SKINLESS 3~100 SMOKIE 79c UTILE 1 •• 109 llNKS . . ' LINKS FRYERS m: ,I/ --/I' • ALPHA BijA 1ncnr1.nm1 BEEF., STANDING ~19c " RIB ROAST ,... BONELESS FAMILY.-STEAK' 98'~ ROUND STEAK 88'11. ROTISSERIE ROASt BEEF SHORT RIBS · ... ~ $1°' LISS LI. 43' LI. AlJtlA BETA Al.SO RATIJRES l ftll YAIEY OF U.s..D.A. GMDE l "TOP Of TIIE CAUroftNti\ CIOP!' ~ BETA BUfCHEJl'S PRIOE FRESH AND FROZEN TURKEYS FOlt 1Wt HOUDAY DIHlMG PlEASURE • CAllfCllf'HA GltCWN • aASTtS ITSW" 001 Dl I OUT •ROASTS MOIS1' l miorl • TIIUSSED wml E-Z ITUFf ClAIM' fOI to!MltlUICl UI snJfflllG • COWLm COOll:INC; INSftuCTIOfCS IMCL\/00 fVfllfNCEO COO«S' Witt (HOOU tT ••• INfl'•l.tlfNCfO COO«S MOD Cflf.llNt't IHOUlO 10.0l. JAR • WESTERff FRESH 78' OYSRRS LB. lllED. COOKED • 14Z. PEELID 98' SHRIMP .. ) ~ 'L'l~I {11\CUL~'~ I.VER~ OAY SOM£ AlPl!l l[JA STORES QISCOU Nf CHMGE ~IC( · ail&"· owr..s·rsc 26' DEC.to~.2ROlL PACIC4Sc ~ TOIA! lll~CDlJNTS lVfRr OAY llll'Ml lrTA rt OllCOIMT Cit PlllC( @ l'Roccol.i'""' w,,.~ 351 t::M\ CRtrN GIANT • l!J.OUNCC P'(G. 3nt ~ Broccoli Spears 44° T · 10.CONCE 'ACl:AGB • F!oml ,,.._.,...,....,,.. GREEM &IAIT 35 ,. 31 , CREAllED CORI 98• 79' ~ aomzw aoon • l'I.~ ~ORAIBE ~UHit.. 8. 2, ILUD 95' @P'URi'lilfF'o0a 18' 134 l!~CAB•111HOIWEA? ~PUSS 'n IOarl ·. . ~CIT FOOD 171 144 mu•"'···- ®Dot FOOD 25' 221 Wtdntwfay, D«tnlber 17, lWI • • t .. 1 ,.,/ ·. 71~ BONELESS HAMS • fa_RJ11ltJotnt $1.49~ • LUER MINI-HAM $1.5911. DUBUQUE "ROYAL BUFFO" HAMS .. k~ FUllY COOKED • WS WIST!: • 7 &a.., ... CAN 3 lli~:CH STYLI' •3st ' FWRISf .QU.4UTY FWWERS'AT DISC.OU/YT PRICES nt!H CUT POINSETTIAS OI CARNATIONS mfl WWl'ID WITH IOW POmD 011t 1 27 I POINSITTIAS ILOOM . i 8£.IUTIFIA. 2.17 ~BLOOM P01NSETTIA : IUE LllllN Lr.If Wl11I lllRCll!IE . L OF FRESH CUT FlOW~ . -----!OTA! 01:,1.;l)UN !~ EV!Rr !JAY I I 131 ,5c @rVii_OFfo "" .... "" 224 , I DOI FOOD 21' · . -p..,.., ,. .-FICTION CLASSICS A111JVetumt1 en Sole 11• 12• 3is &.PACI: D~OT1US iur.u.u, 19c 62' 23' ... iillii.tfRia'#1Lb.ll!ir. 121 swiFf'uiY.Wfs 21· 231 l!;J cUiiis0W 00 rc<JLTllT44• f STUFFlll ~· .. YOLUllE I "llltlSURt ISLINO" 4.llOYAl.IJE • Olfl.Y 94e WlUMIS 2 lhnl 12 •119 4.00 Vll.UE £ACti .•••••••••••• ••" U. • Keep Warm •7467 Smart for indoor wear aow, out.aide on wanner days. ' ~It this handsome, sporty cardigan in one piece from the neck down of kJi!Wng wor- 1ted. It'• all done in easy knit, purl. Pattern 7t87: sizet .'JI&. 33; tMI; 44-41 Included. FUTY CENTS-::(colna) for each pattern -add 15 cents for each' pattern ror first-class maillnc and speclal·bandling; otberWise third-clan delivery will take three weeks or mort. Send lo Alice Brookl DAILY PILOr 105. Needlocraft Dept., Box 153. Old Chelaea StaUon, New York ; N; Y. 10011. Print Name, Addreas. Zip..: Plttern 1111111hu. BIG 1'11 N...uecraft Caialol -40 pages, o~ m designs, 3 free patterns! Kni t. crochet lnltlnt.I, argyle awe11- ter, hall, dres&ea,.1wim suit. Quilt, embrojder. nave. Make l•Yt. ilft1, alglta... Send !fl cents. SI INSTANT Gllta. Make to. day-give tomorrow. IO cints. "11 Jiffy Rap'' to knit, cro- chet, weave, sew,. hook. SO ctn ts. Book of u Prt ... Alpau. 50 cent&. Bargain! Qallt look l hu 11 buuUful pa~ma. IO C<llS. Ma,..m QotfJI B!Ot !-pat· terns for IJ 111perb qullto. IO ctn ts. Dool< 3. "Qallto 1w Tlclay'1 Uvfq. • 11 patterm. IO cooll. Spicy Pie Takes Cake We're deflttltely p I a y I a c favorites. This year the purilpkin pie we recommend ·is , \he dark and spicy variety. Hancbom" too. Cook• who favor a pumpkin pie that'• blonde and mild had better look elsewhere! Or U your famlly II divided on Ille imporlant 111bject of just how spicy or mild a pllllptln ptO 1hould be, bake one ol tat.ii klod. Tltey'.ll always remember you lovlnflly for Yi>UT offort. For, alter all, "~t mo-• Ute lip ind what tirliJtlelll tho eye -What calla back the past, Ilk• tho rich Pumpkin Pie?" 01b.ls recipe makes lu'e eesy for a a>ok ; it calla for a stick of prepared · pie-crust for ·the pl>lry 1hell needed . For the pie plate, you 11\aY ' choose ovenproof 1 I a • • • However, if you have a favorite metal pan that gives cood R!Sl.d~, don't healtate, of course, to use lhat. DAllK AND-SPICY PUMPKIN PD: 1-ple.ciust 1tlclt ' 2 1al'lt egs I cup firmly packed dart brown 111gar (U lumpy, ol/I before mwouingl 11 teaspoon wt 1 tea 1 po on pumpkin.pe spice ll teupoon~ v, t.-poon nutme1' V• atp ~ IYl'IP ·~ .--1 cup undiluted enponiled milk Whippie! ...... llMt loulod wilitto '(for pi.tilt) UM ~ ""itlck to ~~~~~ en wrqper. , 1n .,-i.m mw.c """•· beat lhe •IP UDtD wltlteo ....i .YOiks .... combtn,ot" Add tllo brown ..;ar, oal~ f'11"1*1n- pfe li>ICO; clDnati>Oe \ n d _, .ur .. blo6d. 8llr Ind blend la Ille ll)'Np, pumpkio Ind oyoportted tnlllr. Pour. In- to pnpored pie ..... Bate Ill • bol· (ti$ degroetl ove11 antfl 1 .Un r blfe tn- oerted 1-lnch rrvm lhe side or the fllllnC ...... ,oul clean - 11 to IO mlnuia. Place on wtrt rock .. cool. Gamllb wltjl wblftod......, 1114 -wallluli. I .. . .. ' --.... •w-wc+•••USUUUSSSQUUU040SU a au socs a a a a ::::S:U Q;: a • .. ·' •• , ' . . -~······-··"'"' .. • • , . . ' • Do\11.Y l'ILOT wo1 .. ~. °"'"''"' 17, 1969 16 PILOT-ADVERTISER Wtdntsday, D!ttmber 17, 11169 ~Jnger Stevens Yields to 'Knead' of Bake.r ~? Kno'!Vledge ROllL VwooD ...: "'ood Ill an~--and ... lie~ ~y !npr,...._ ""' elrln& a ~I~ ... ~ do <!Ullvelf 'Oillhoi1t 101neone elie mu&lng It up, la ""1 Alllfytn1. ""' many times art we ht movies Gt. teltvllloo ll>ows' tl>at ,don't tmn out eiadly as we'd like ~ b<caUlt too row P"l' aro !nvlllvodf ll'i rarely at )'OU ha••· <he. cocrq>le!t lreedcimal el!pieolloll. • ' "I think cooldni and paill' are very . much In .!\he ara. C6ot8ur, thertfpre '~&;~tunltv for total ex-, ".,the aid, W.'la!kod lt!ler'I channlt!g Jioust ~.!Aii' In lhe Hollywood !Illls, houle mttcb enbanc:ed by an enaive apt~collecllon. R«<nlly, '1lhe haa a unique '!""'lunltJ to. combine her . and' acting taltnta. ''I ~th Kaljltrlne -... Greek actress friend of • to U.1 Greet part · ot tlC:81P. We 1'ttt lootbJg. fo~ · bUery when l could ·se~ ob wl~.>.nyone knwln ho I ..na.~·jng'I' llljl. . as lnteresl<d .ln ,)>tdedlng r role ol ~Anna. a Grtek· r1can bakery owner tn "A ...... 1111 al JOn&>." pcXJM]i,, 'BAKER' "We t• a lltt1e place and walked lijto the bake •hop three ·men were work· ng. Finally, J asked the owner I could have a job and he d, 'No one does tbat.' t ii!idn1 reallu wrtil later that 'fftost •of 1be bakers are men. With all that heavy modem tqulpme:ut I can undmtand why. · "After l told him how IJIUci( ¥d-1lke to learn how to _ ...... ht llid 'all right' '*1c.11...to my IUl'prbe. t "'as 1 ~~·to.'COfne back the ht c1aY and .bac" J came. l p ea they neftl' etpected to -me again. The nexl-day I ezplalntd lo them wbat It .... for." ' ''They rta1ly put me through the .paces. But it Wll Very Neel of. the ownen. They never. Uked any questions. Seldom do you meet ·people l:lU thllt.'! Inger was •peaking pf Jerry and (ieo·rgia ,,-.....,.. ol the 1-oo fll""'1I '.for toolc . plact! In the llreell and lhc>pl DI that cily's 200,900 memt.er Greek com--.mtY •hk:h was t h e i.tkiroand locale !or the Jfl09!e. - ,;[:; owner's wife came to , 'me the techniques of .IPUOO.Jng the bread into loaves Ind iome other things . .;C:~~· lhe aclregs · &fl-Joyed I.he ~ al becoming a baker. "The ~ were V6'J eri· "1tWasJ!c · about my being t~e and so delighted that ,Jlfyont. could be that in· ¥~·" ~ lngtt d-'t plan lo )ecOIXtt a professional biker, Jhe added, "I would tnc-e to ~ thi bread again, if the '!l\Ood,struck me." She became J!.~ent at making Karvella .pttk:h in Greek means a loaI C>fbnlldJ, a crusty rourid type bread topped · with sesame seeds, similar In textw:e and (lj.vor. to Jlalian breed. · COOKING'S NA11JRAL J\CoOklng comes naturally to tie blonde beauty. "l enjoy caoting very much and since I have a place at the beach 1 Eve many visit.ors. J make..&": of Kottbular (Swedish meat 111). "I like to enterlaln in· formally at the beach. I've found that people like to sit nd tbe large coffee table 5itirig on the floor or an -,for a lap buffet. 1 had a great dining room table and ended up taking It oul because It was such a nuisance. t.~~ly J've started making ~· ey.d peu, ham hocks a'nd oom bread." "Oil New Year'• I a1ways make a special gk>gg that ~ 1evtral days to make . ~~t_ ~ 1 have -, spread ~·the usual ham and liirllot· The Swedish infusion ~ wi~ aq~!'::i b(.an_jly, la very potent. l-li t.o pace yoursell We food .between sips ;!C.i\oll,'' ln1er cauUoned. Although she'a proud of her f....iiJ'lh orilln ahe llid, "I ver aet Involved in lht! wedilh . c;ommunity. It'• bor· RI ~-limit your1eli too~ lta1aln PQUP of people inltead reWnlf lo !mow poop le from bacl<liwnda." That's prob- Jy the reason why l.Oget .to nU maat.ering the e al makina Greek wry smart woman c:matlt on 'ftry fast," Jer-~ tnaer's bakery !Mchar l'ld)tl 1n auc.ao. "'M7 · 1i...-.9l didn't know """ olio ... 'llhen ahe first ~~· In the shop, but ht -lcq 11o11rf and seldom 1lalcllet ~ ... Georgia. 3errlt ..U~ Mid:. "But our chlldmt and I 1'"eW her right aw1y tram · 1bl rarmer'g +.!il!IUr.' !Iha -an '" ContDI pqil1 and -bet !uU ,, ' • 1tlanllcm to what wu going on keep ll from .Ucklna: to~ and absorbed the tecbnlque. fingers." \'try wtll. She WJll such 8 Recipes for Inger'• Greek g~ •t»\1 and didn't ...., to bread, courtety of JO!T\' and c&te i~·• if she had flour on· Georgia Koutavu, pl111 bu her I~ ,er d,9Ullt • 00 tho !avodle·boal! Iliad loll~: elbows .... sb'e .&Oltd/to have ING.ER nEYENS tiUch a good{Ime leamJna. Tl\e . , KARVELIA hardest thing for bet Wf:' · (GREEK BREAD) ~ng to bang (he dough to • _~envelopes dry yeast SHANK PO~T'ION· LIGHT ·&~LD ' LB. 2 ~ etq:it water 2\1 tabl .. poons .. rt S tableopoOm qar jl cup vegetable "!' (or melted llhortenlng cooled lo room temperature) About 7 cope flour · - Sesame seeds Few tab1-mUk Sorten yeast in 'h cup luk~ aun HAM PORTION ..... : .... _ ............................. 68• CENTER HAM SLICES .................................. -...... 1 •• SWISS STl~K ~.sj~....,··········-···················-·.u..86t . . . s.N-'°"""' U.S. O.OOC. RU_~P.ROAST • ..,_,,,..,, ........................................... 894 VEAL CUTLETS ...., .................. : ..... -.-··-········-·"' 69t FRUIT DRtNKS~~~~~ .................. 4/ I . ·FOIL WRAP AJ.BERTSON'S 39~ 2.s-FOOT·HEAVYDUi'Y .................... ,· POTA. TO CHl'PSAJ.~ERTSON'S 59~ _ . 14 OZ. BAG ................. , DINNER NAPKINS~~~~~~~.: ....... 24~ B warm water. Put salt and iUgar in a le.rse mixing bowl with 2 cup1 hot. water. Sttr to diuolve sah and· IU.Cat, cool to room temperature. • ·' d'd vegetable oil and '°'ttned yeul, mix well. Add abool 7 cups flour (or enough flour so doug11 forms a solid mass In mixing bowl ). Turn OU! on'a ~ ~ed; warm ptaco unUI ·doable in ~ ~ Wl. 9nJsh board.·Knead ~ a1'oi[\t bulk (about 1\1 houri). Punch l!Jpl \ipuy' Willi ~; C...ct · 10 minutts j or ~u'~gh 1s4 down, let Ne agaln. l!"tll dou· WHb 'HSalllt ~· ·· · '-.,'1 .,._, •IHtd>y and ,.. bub-blo In bulk. 1 Bakt in ~!o<J 4 H bles fofm 'whtn dough f• Turn out an ~ l1outtd ~ F.' m ·UOUi) ~·. spanked With Ille bacl< of the board, shaping dough hito two (<r '&.tll"wlcli.('onif iW'tad f hand.) . ·: round loavu. Place in lightly gives a hoJIOw' .... w~~ Place dough in lightly ip"eas-greased round , S.inch t t-inc:h thwnped wllh the fintetii)~;'.S ed bowl,. c<>ver. Let rise _ill .a· deep bread paiw (or place on Place on c~-"rac.ka to~ ' . J · .. , . SLICED BACON -;.i ....... -......... ..:.'._:: .... : ............ 76• BEEF LINKIES .... .._ .................................................. -29.t. PORK, SPARERIBS, ... ..,....._ ............. --··-··-·· ... 69t CEl'ff. SLICED HALIBUT -.............. _._ ............ 1 .. FRESH PACIFIC .OYSTERS ····-··~....:._ •. .._.:..,.ioo.'.8'••. fr ,, . . . .! 1:_• ' -·. ··~ • 56 . ' KNUDSEN'S ~ . SOUR CREAM " .:-., • NESTLES 46 MORSELS. 12 ot , ; PITTED RIPE . 3/1: • MED. 0~~~~'300 : • M/MALLOW 23~ CREME KW(70Z.. . "· HORMEL54J, 120Z. ,. . PKG. . SU CED '"12 oz. DANOLA HAM • :_ I In-Store Bakeries M19n lftiirs Fresher Products For YaU. ••• ; ' . Old Fashioned ·· · CINNAMON· .. GE NEROUSlY ' • ROLtS!>t,'~ ~a~~: 4~ for.... 1-· .... :: PACKAGE OF 6 ... G. Ch olat ,._,; 7;c... . 'IJB• erman oc e \.Ullthv.vt' _ ... :: ...... 7 Plain-Seeded Hard Roll$uCH ..;:;.__._ .. •3• •.. Wa'n...., ..ir"" It this wty far 30 JO*i.SllCIDIOIOGHA o-.._.,_,, ••••••••• 120.:111 POINSETTIAS r~~~:i~lH~U~!.:!~°::~.:::::::::~: OUR OWN RECIPE r11111uu coo111s --°"'"""' ""'· ........... nc 11G nH 11scu11s ...... ·.-........... •o..2/4'< 188 llAn CH£DDAR CH((5£ Mo1d~Jodl 1orocio... ••••••• Ut.. tJc BEAUTIFUi HEALTHY PffllADllPHIA CRIAM CKllSf ............... 10.. 37< ' PLANTS . 2 & 3 BLOOMS lNUDSfN'S PUDDINGS •v-;.. .............. ,. ... 43< FOIL WRAPPED POTS CHRISTMAS GI FT FRUIT BASKETS • Mode With Only The Finest and Freshest Fruits • Place You r Order Now · Pick Up ·Any Day You Wis h -They're GUARANTEED FRESH es SWEET BC NAVELS ............. LB. "uts EXTRA FANCY 3 l J1 MIX ·NEW CROP...... LBS. • T anlef ines fo'~~~L EAL~~ 10' Celery ~~~s~~~~p~ ... _ .. E .. 10' Xmas Trees From the Northwest • Priced From 2.49 at 1 I locations. CllEZ-IT IVORY OXYDOL GIANT 82• . ' =~ 47' :~s.'t"oe 36t Albertson's Real ICE 59~ ~!~.~ ;~~~ .. 4St Pi~C~~~s9~ Mill<e or Pumpkin Pies ~,':'.'."._. 69t Birds-Eye Vegetables ~,j~: .. 29t BOLD GIANT 83• 100r:. All hr•: Butterto~ DRE FT OIANT 82• Huntfntton Beach-15511 ·So. Edwards Laguna Beach -700 So. Coast Hwy. Fountain Valley -16042 M119nolia ' · FRUIT CAKES Order Now • All Sizes lW~AlrP~I ·· GOLD MEDAL KENTUCKY BOURBON • '1 ·1r· 5" . ar y 1mes .. , _ ..... .- '.Seagram's · V..() :;::,,.. .• .-6" -~Canadian Club o.•w...,.. ..... 6" ~ll<ient Age ..,,....,.. .••.. -5" lack Danills ~:'..... .... 7'' Antique ... ..._ .• ..-.-S'' ,:four Rose ...... -..... 5" Calverts ... -....... 5" .. SCHIUING 20Z..amf PRICES · GOOD DEC. 17 ·tln2l . \ . ' HlltllinfJlatl B,ach.'-89lt AdcnM , Corona dt l Mar .,.... .3049 Coast Hwy. ' t ' . t ., ' .. ' a • ' f --~----· --·-·-·----~......,..~-~~~~-~~-..-.----....... --~-----~---- • ' • I -·, t• .· ,... ' . .:. . ·. .... ... ; ...... ' \ .. • ' ' .• _.·~ IAI M Wisfll,N STYLI • . . - '~.I'•:··, HICKORY ·.~OKED , •. , TAVERN ., . HAMS IONiuss ·& DIFA1TED · ~ . at• HALF " ,.t: ~-.: U.S.l).A. CHOICE · : · , IONl!l.HS TOP SIRLOIN ' ·• STEAK ,. \~. . . ' '' . . .. . ' '. I , ~ . ' , ' -. ~ \ •-I • l Ope1t-Unt11· 7-pm Chrlst111a4 Eve. ,) Closed :Al Day Christmas • U.S.D.A. GRAQE..~A'· ·- • I . ·1 • ' ' 7 lt&SALE DAYS ' , I .. , HORI EST . ~I! . . . ; . ,:.,s:·N ' . :_ TURKEYS .-~ ' ' . . NEW 1EliQ)!R. • .nMO . · 1ELLS . YOU WHIM ITS DONE . . . •'/, , .. ' ' .. GOLD " ... I .DAL P.L'Oi.f-R •, -~· CAii.TOM OIC ... 111 · APPLE '·SAUCE ... CANS ,,, ' ' HI ... WALKIR'S ... ,.oor ' 'I N HIGH KINTUCKY ITllAI°"" IOU•ION 4-YIAIS OLD BARGAIN BASKU VODKA .......... ,ULL QUART··'· R .. ..... $gas ' \It ' Gal. 1 ,,.,..,.n• S/Sl CRANBERRY SAUCE ~ •• . ' ... 49~ ,I sn1HH11• 61$1 Mandarin Oranges ~::- NAllSCO GRAHAM 39C CRACKIRI ··········-··-1-1~ hz PAC"IC RCI SODA 25C . M.41.L . COFF.I.', . $ftM "" ••• 9UILL 1 oz. 3 /$1 ;,WHIP TOPPING U:"::o~ •• CIACKlll -·············· I .. ~ l•z IUNIHINI HYDllOX · 69 COOKlll ................ »«.. CeU• C 5'RIN_GF1Ej;D 6/$4 • ~ORDHOOK Or :-• e: i-AIY LIMA ·JIA~s "-i r • 10 OZ. PKG. ~ ~fLAKI· ' 4 /51 t' --SH~S , • ·~ O• AT IAl•AIN U. m .. lllGULAll °"'COllN lllEAD wmt TMfl COIPO........., t1.1t·M..._. ,._._., Li1r1lt •*• It•• ,., ••u,.11-0ti• 1•u11•11 IN' 111ri•lll9r. Al &eheli&,.l•"''t" eN~Pmll f lui4 • D1lry ''•4uch 111111 cit1r1t+e1 '"1¥tlle4 frefft 1t1l11if1u11f1 '1rch111 '1 lew;. Yel4 efter W14., o. .. 24, lt6t. ll'ri•• withorl, C•11,•• , ••• 4t¢J GALA DICORATID TO WI LS F o, 1 · • SIMI swar CHOCOLATE CHIPS . l·LI CAN •••• 71c -:l;L•:.~N . ,-~ -INSTANT~10&'""'$1.0f ' ,; odlll!ON'S-IROwN 'N'S~~--39 : ·Hor su~u . . . 1 ~ ~~~ SPRINOFiu··· 79' ~ auna """~· . . ~ llT GUALdY LL .' . ',foUMon''. . ·45· ~ . SOOlt'CIUA ,:,. '. ~ _,__.-. , f1 oamn· '" '*' 1& a .iUMiO OUYIS .::i;.. · · · , CAMI , . ., • I j ,__---FRESH PRODUCE . _ . l'ltlCl!S EFFEC'nYI: , Thtnclay . ,,.,. w.....,~ . . Dec. 1 Ith-th'! 2~~" · ~~~~~~_!U~K>J!!~ ··-· 39~ • • • f P·ECANs ....... -.. : .... ~!.~·~··············· 49C LI. . ' - T·ANGIRINIS 'Yi.Msmm 2: 25c s-:.cy"N" 2 i:u 29¢ - -...._ 4a. : hire Fancy ~ -'AVOClDO Dlf!, 7• , .. .,.ii .......... . CHIEUE SPRl!AD ORANGIS ..:.. c-·-"NH ~ulcy ...... $ DO . • SOUR CHAM 8 LIS 1 e ''" llLAHD .. llll_ • .... ,....' r DRiSSING • .39c .39c .Ste I .. _.,...'°_ ........ ·\I ' . . • • -' ~Z.'i.' :;;+ ·-:··-:···· ~ ..... = e c = 4 a 4 a a a cs s a a s a a a ' . • ~: !Jf DAILY I'll.OT Wtdntsd.,-, OKtmbtr 17, 1'69 • Mon I t ......... ,., ........ ., ... .._.,_w~1w .. . • ~/[l)i'Jl:'J BAKERY HAIUR!S ! fxtrafancyfRUIT .-;%::;.;t-1,. ~-.: ~f SAVE WH Oii AU YOUI llOllDAt.'IUDITIOIW nlZE FRUIT AND GARDIJl.AllSH VEOfTAllU.AT "'"51 '. CAKES ~:,;j;$J29 2 .:, tr' ...-V-O~N·S TABLE KING Ol APPU VALLEY CAUftllHIAoaPOPP'f'11»10 4Jc I HENS .:~: ~-::.;.,. 111 I' --VouCoollles .• -65' -· ... Y'..;". Twla lolls ,;:.:. 35' -·-3' You Petite RoDs .;1'§'. ... I TOMS.~!!~~ I ·_ "4i; I 45~ - Swift Butterball ;:>::>.~~ 49~ Stuffed Turkeys «"'=• 59~ ! Tarkey Roast •W.t'f:ft.'11, s2" j ~ ............................. ..... T rk R •-· ~~"• s3t1 I u ey oast '"1}., ·~r' .. "t.A' ~ .......................... CREST T T k US>A t.iSl'ECT£0 om . ur eys fJIOZEl\~~5~~ WEIGHT 33~ 75~ 3:$1 Fancy Applesauce APPL!lANO '29' 2.c.o z. JAR TOOTH C~~·~PASTI Sll·ced Bacon llRSTQUAUTYFAllM•tJOH~ ANO VONS TABLE KING Vons · Poultry Stuffing:· 1:•i~· 33' Princella Yams ""e';if~'l'~~URKEY 21~ ~•66( Ll.nk Sausage fARMfll:JOHNPORKOR , . M<COY BEEF. 8.0l. PKG. -SR'llll '.:\""::· 62' ~ ..... llAll SPiit 1i.:-SSC 11 ....... RACia •.:..t. .. Choice Rib Roast JUl~~~~i"o 89~ Tomato Juice "~~~;:~: 46 i~ 25c ·fy/o/N/Sli iJ,fiilii1I1!1i :lll@ PUMPKIN PIES ~INCE 29c ~.....,-·-· OUll6I JUICE 2'53' ...... "°"""'""""". 0 ll.Ol.Clillll~c.eoo ••••••• -·· I JOllll'S PlllAS ;~ 79' ............... ~-=· ANCIENT AGt-Sltaigftl K•""'°Y .......... 16 PT •••• ,, , ,.~ OlO GJ:ANOAO-Stroi9ht k...t.dy J-'-. 16 pi,, • •••• ,.M ~AGRA.M'S vo-e:-...... Whisker,"''"· ·······~···Jiit (' CANADIAN ClU~ WM.loey, ... I l'r, • , ••• , • ,,.5"'9 Sf.(QlMl'S 7-CROWH-11....W Wilis!<.,., 86 Pr ••••• , ••• .5rh t• . CA.lvt.•T fllnA-lle..d.d Whill.y, '6 l'r. •··••••·•·••••·'"' II.ACK .. WHU~ Scold!. 16A h ...•. ,,,,,,,, •. $!" CH,IV.U ltlOAl-12 'I"•. lmportad Sc«d!, 16 PT., .•.••• ····"" • ~WIUllllllPlAUl-l~~IN.IP1 .. ,.~ • :.Je Cl/TTf ~ kottlo, 16 Pr., •••••• ,,,., •• , •• ,.5th 1 · C\UNY-1~ Sco1th, 86.1 Pr. , , •••• ••••, .... , ... , • .5111 • tANOUIAAY 8pot'"' Gilt. f4.6 Pr. , , • , .... , ..... , .... 5th t. Gll1El"$-(i;fi. 90 Pr ............................. ···"" WAU:fl'J.....Giit. 90 Pr, • •••·•••••••··••·•·••••••••••.}th OOIOO"fS-V.,-, IO Pt. ,, •••• ••••••.• , , , , • , , •••••• $th Gt\.tf't'S-Vedl .. IO 't'f •••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •• ,Jltl ' WOllSCliMIDT-Vodka. IO Pr .••••.•• , , ••••••• , ••••••• .- OtlltSTIAN ~.......,..IO Pr •••••••••••••••••• Ith II:~ • .,,,. .............................. &lh IACAIOI-.....,... ........ '° l't., l ... o.rit .••••••••••• '111 ltOT.AlCIUSJ llUM' &AANDY,IO l't, .................. Ml ltOYALCIE$1 TOM & Jfttr IATIH ••••· ........ 12 Or. Ci,. ••••• IOlllfl1IC W'•~ Ill 1 ••• I• ' ·--... ·--'3" .... A Sm•J• 21082 Beacll Bird., Huntill!DR Bach 17950 Mapeb, Fountain Valley EGG HOG 4t mu MCH ••• Qt. mt. 7t 75• Gree• Giant Com '":I:::-23' Plttff ORwes "':::'t:'.. 39' Swllt Plddts -::-::. 49' ······"··· "':;..-;:.-25' hit Plloappla .~-::.. 2 i 49' ... •r'• Coconut ~o;o .. 35' --&••·------··-------. DEUCATESSIN HOLIDAY SPEOAlS ••• .. ,,,.. ... _ .... nm llffCTlll llHIStU llClllll 17 n11 .... UHY llClllll 24 ..... I V_h,..,._J.Dy--.•G&.~.-.......... lc I ,,.~':~.,. I ~·-~1or.u.._ ... , ........... ~~ I M J B Coffee Onion Soup °'-'a.."*~-.-. ........... vc w..,.a.tr-& OW.Sfl'o1Dlll"""""" 10LU1t ...... _ ..... .-c . • • l'!DntM\Dl')' ............ tMIG-..~ai.. ... 6k ~ .... ~ 09tty .. a..---. .... -. ........ ,,, .... n-2... •1• 31.1. '2" = 36• ri...'•Prr•"4111MC.......•M.i ..... I Cll.,llc .......... I" .,..io.latfii11!1.-.,,,,,. .. ,,. .... -.--•... 3J79t CA"·~· CM; .. •• • Wf.-2""' ........ Dr)' ................................ 5'1 -V•C.1t1pM& ..... •c... ..... ,_ ....... 2/S5t N..Jll."-fitC"'-••.,.., ............. -.&I.If' 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beach 1011 Adams Ave., at Brookhurs~ Huntington Beach 34081 Doheny Park Drive, Ca~strano Beach ' I J : I I I I , .• ,. •• ...,. -,.· ... ·.-;-:.,-;-;y;-~:;::--.., .... -~;·,·--;r,-o;;.-;----;::-· ',., ,•"" .,. .• ~ •o:•• • •,t"*;.'.~';.~'(u,;.F.-, a;fiiP.f~t f'•• 1•,+,1,, 4 . •~&BC+~ 910.:;; 4 ,0 * eq 4 f llj A p_c 4 4¥ f ' PILOT-ADY£1tT1SE~ JJ (N) WtdMsd'1, O.C.mbe• 17, 1969 DAILV PILOT 85 •maa .... C11VI lllVRa.•SU ... HC, IWI, 1161 L•Mlll -EOI IALF fil:ESH CfNTll CUT PORK Rl8 CHOPS U.S.0.A. CHOIC! lfff TOP llllOIN BONIUSS STEAKS loU)UIU YOIKUOI! • SLICED BACON fRfSH flOZ!N U.l.0.A. INVfCTED • u.a.D.A.CHICI .... ' (LOSED (111$111.AS ~-DAY ..... llC. 25th T·Bone or Club STEAKS ............ ,11? ~;;,: OlffN LAUNDRY DITIRGINT TIDE XK INCLUDES \Oc. OFF ••-oz.49c IOX WITH THIS COP•. UMrT ONE PER COUPON ~~--.. .,H4WAllAN, DEL MONTE CORN ONE COUPON PER CU$TOMEI VALID THURS . .SUN., DEC. JS.21, 1969 =~-, ·················~···~·· ' nNCH MAGIC ClllP lllA VY DUTY ALUMINUM FOIL LIQUOR SPECIALS DELICATESSEN •1•1•CYROOM RUM·_, BRANDY .. ., ,.,_ '3'' ••Kr £22!' -•_,.s Pini! .. ___ ... CW9 IBlrnD STUIGHf, J T!AIS OU> llCMl••M-SICEY MlilOUlllTA-#tt111 ... 00lD rolYOU•11.,KT s3tt DQUILA .-....... ,_ 1M lOICANO IMPOITID V9NO IOllO ITALIAN WINI 9H 4 POOf TMl IOm.r INOMOUMl.Y IOXED WIWAMSrc>RT 27-PC. OWS PUNCH BOWL SET u•o•• VODKA PULLOUA•T ... ....,. .. '3' ...... ALPHM•LA GIN " Cut glen& d"i8" 2 punch bowl with • 99 · a footed bowl, ,,. ~ C\lpt, hook•, ond SfT 'Ill ~ladl •. .:.;::'5:51 FACIAL TISSUES s:•1 LIBBY'S PINEAPPLE • CRUalllD • SLICID •nDDITS • CllUllKS 5 151<2-es. •1 •••• " ' .G~PIFRUIT ~·-,··-6''1 LA•Gl llU8Y nD : ALL NUT YARllTllS. ':"se:'~ ' . 49!. FROZEN FOOD •u1••IAllT YEGOABLES IN SAUCE ==-rl~a:.... \'~~1 331 . • tH 1unu SMH:! 39 IN CH!l5f SAUCI • U SUlllll PUS ' CAULIFLOWD 39• val .. _ IC.&M•'S •••O's ~· -~;.. PIZZAS PIE DOUGH (16-o~ ........... 39c PUFF PASTRY DOUGH ....... 39c c~:::.1,<;:.·• 33c WHITE BREAD (I -lb.) ........ 69c u~•> CRISP CILIRY ...... , ... LMRnAUls 2: 29•_. M,USHR"MS : G·.t:J 391 ROYAL PUDDING & PIE FILLING Cllef Boy-or-Dee Pizzo M;x, Cheese, 15-oL pkg. ............... 6 lc MJB Instant Cattee.,10-oL jar ......................... , ......... $1.19 ~ Sanin Wn>p, 50-k. roll .................... !..~ ........... 39c Chef Boy-or-Dee Sausage M;x, 16-ot pkg ...................... 75c Frozen Marton Auld Fruit & Creom Pies, 18-oL Ptt ....... 7 .. 57c ~~.;;TMorga.~5,1)d•~0,~~~;.:·,·ec1"','r~:;"3c'"a"ff",'bi':~·,·a"r'r '433clt NESTLE'S QUI~ C"°'°'°11 lliiflt :! 51c Chef Boy-or-DH Pepperoni Mix, 17-oz. tiko. ................... 79c Frozen Oran9f Ju!tf SuM~est Concentrate, fi.oz. cans .. 3 for39c ANll rOWlls, -VC\.Vl... ~ ~ Bordtn's Non Such. Mincemeat, 9-oz. jar ........................ 31 c Frozen Orange Juice SUnn1est Concentrott, 12-0L :n '""'be' 25c Bttty Crocker Assorted Sauces. ~-oz. ton ...................... 39~ Rorden',s N.on Such M;ncemeot, 28-ot jar ...................... 59c P;llsbury Chocolate CMp or Sugar Coak~s in Tubt, r111 tu ~~c Reolemoo Leman Juice, 24 .. L bottlt ............................ 53c Imo lm.'Jat.'an Sour Crtam, 8·ot tub .............................. 23c Pillsbury Oran111 ,Ralls. 11-oL lube , .... ,. ............. ,:-··"""i 0e" Jiffy Popcorn, llotwol or Bolter, 5-oL pkg. ................ ,, .. 29c • Ima lmitatoon Sour Criom, 16-ot tub ........................... 31/c-,1~bory-S-tmolk or Buttorm1lk 81scu1ts. 8-ot tu........... Dennison's Chin con Cat'nt with Beans, '40-<>L con ............ 93c ·-h·V-• Oort: & SWltl Chocolott 2 =' 27c ;,r-;,, ' 2800 . BBl'ho'" Blvd. at Wilson St.. Harbor Shopping <:enter, C:osta Mesa r ,H D~Y PILOT Wtdnuday, December 17, 1969 Wedotldrt, Of<fmbff 17, 19(,q (NI J O PILOT.AOVERTl5E~. OPEN 'TI L 7 P.M. ' CHRISTMAS EVE ·we Feature Oply , IJ.S.11.A. Grade FRESHFROZEN TUR· K CALIFORNIA GRQWN RIVERSIDE AND · POPPY BRAND S S· OYIN 0 ' RIADY-' 'TOMS HENS 18·22 LBS. 10-1 4 LBS. c lb c . lb POPPY BRANO -BONELESS TU~KEY ~-s 95c R·oAS·' Las. • I~ ••••• LUER -MI NI GOURMET OR HORMEL CURE "81" BONELESS HALF . •1•9 HAMS. • • • • .LI. SEAFOOD SPECIALS FRESH WESTERN ····.···~·····················FOR THE VERY BEST ···--~-· MINCI, CHERRY, APPU, PEACH c SUNSHINE STATE ORANGE 39' JUICE "j,~z. •••• •EDDI WHl, 49c WHIPPED TOPPING °c",~~· TRY "TENDER-LEE" sis~~~~ TURKEYS For Baking SPRECKELS SUGAR 5 ·LB. PKG. _49c . ' •' • PILLSBURY BEST XX XX 5 49 FLOUR .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .~~ c Ll l BY'S ?'Ir T!N · 19' PUMPKIN .......................... .. QUAIL-301 TINS-WHOLE AND CUT 19c YAMS IN SYRUP ................ .. Household Specials 4-BAR PKG. INCL. le OFF EYERFRESH FROZEN-REG. 9 a: I a.oz. PKGS. PERSONAL 25· c· IVORY SOAP ................... . VEGETABLES ALL VARIETIES VETS' ~ 8 DOG FOOD ; TALL 151/o.QZ. C •••.•. TIN H OLD CARAVAN BRANDY !BLUE] iCHIP I liliM P_~j NEW CROP -FANCY NAYIL ORA GES JER SEYMAID EGGllOG ''· 49c CTN. . K,ARASOV $ ~ VOPKA ..... ~ l . : - SUNOERLANI) . QRY GIN ... :. ·" HILL RIVER BLEND ED ~WHISKEY .... 2701 HARBOR BLVD .. COST A MESA 5858 WARNER, ,. ' , ·3~! • GRAND PRIX ' : CREME DE ' i COCOA$2?! ! FlnHS EA. THICK MEAT BANANA SQUASH s~ . STOCKING STUFFERS SUGAR CANE OR CANDY APPLES 10! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • c LB. TEXAS RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT RICH IN VITAMIN C 10~ ICU IFFICTIVI THUU. THIU IUN .. DIC. 11, 19, 20, 21 e 13922 BROOkHURST, GARDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA HUN'flNGTON BEACH e 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO \ ; ' ' . -. .. . ,.; :.·.-.-_;.--;.-~.:-,,.--._,.....--,. •£•£ ==• Q!i02 r ... ••••¥.JL '%9'S•••• t •t • .... -ee;:;;z ... 1a:.•£ =tii •...-e au .. + 4.•&t a • LI. THE FINEST TI!RKEYS ANYWHERE , MA YFRESH TURKEYS I' U.S.D.A. GRADE" A" FRESH FROZEN YOUIG ... ~ YOUIG--s~ TOMS I... HENS.. . ll. SUCEJJ BACON ~~!~wx IL 79' SIJCEO BACON ~'t.!'' --·-·-... "· 79' SLICED BACON ~~"' lL 69" THICK SLICED BACON ='<'i.oo• -:__.LI. 1151 BREAKFAST SAUSAGE ~:"~~~·-49" LEAN PORK BUTT STEAKS ·-· .. u 79' INCWDIS ALL CUTS BEEF RIB ROAST llAYfl• IUIEllHOll •.IJ.DJ. CHOIOE ~ HAMS ~:o;~~r $149 HOffMANTAVfRNOltU.THMASTRSMOl!O, 11. Ot WllSOM ESfl'f'Al MIYflllllUfllllOI l BO-Ell STEAKS =·=98°' YOUR CHOla lb. 1-LI. ·" • BEEF RIB . WUL STEAKS ~~~~R MAYFAIR BLUE RIBBON STEER .BE£F OR U.S.DA CHOICE BONELESS ~H~~~CIOO !!lfR1!!Mo!.sDACHOICE _ ..... " PORK LINK SAUSAGE ~~.~~33' BEEF LINK SAUSAGE :~~i'iiu<G. 29' . I a 4 B ~. lb •. B~ ... l,~1~1 ·1·ttOLIDAY SPIRITS ', I ·cRANBERRYi SAUCE . O~J~~:D • I • mgyfa1r Froztn. Food · "HALF GALLON SPECIALS" ekrafOW ----·-IJfll R~l!.'lf.l!'k.~ .. UN _ .. 1g11 " Miil IOlllOI . !Ill! IOUUON' ':f~t..,. ;'I; IW.FGAL --~ sAMUll SYKU -•u ·· ~ M~!llI/'/l" __ 11411 MP~l·~~!~!."!.~--1g11 1 ~~'MEu CHAMPAGNE 1 0RCOLD$ ... 79 DUCK PIFTll •• ' MAYFAIR S EXCLU!.IVE PRIVATE LABEL~ A f SPECIAL HOLIOA V PRICES ZAIOl'SICY IO-PIOOF •IWICK'S 10..PROOF CHAICOAL FILTERED EXTRA DllY . VODKA or GIN $2 . B l ' HALF GAL. , S6.99..,H • !!tPJ>Jmi!,YM '.':"'~~···""" $]39 !'!M!.!R~El~~~~~i~~~L $ 389 !t9!~L-~~~IO~y~~~ $J" r.o~~,~~111 _ ...... --·!•~oo.'8'' •· -.ELUllllOTCM $"79 ~1 ;.=':o'::i°~W.,~ptOOF --·-"--' fW!H$~f : ,,._j 5"1MGHllL IO.flAlOU>,to.l'ROOF QU.U:TSl.tf ,.flllH ,.,. "-~ IOHLOGCAllOllOUHOI . , IJ'f ~] 10.YUIOlD,ii6-Pi06fQU.UT $4.ft -........... J..... Plrnt ", . , CMllOllNWNllKE'f ' 1"7t .. fDM UH IOH'SBO-PROQf r.-· .. -·· ...... _, 1'JfTH ~· · 40U IOllULD TUUIU . , $]'9 PfMECT kli .11\~nil:ao.noof _ .................... PITTH M:~kt\'iff,,~fMJ!Pl~~ !EC ·-• ..:-••••• """ $2'' IOYll.CIDTTOll UHIT UTTER 12·0L -PUIS 11! nc 1111LOlllDl1IOUllT "<E"'!11111 ' • llllL C.UlDllCOUNT ""'rnnm U71 l!G.Hti.P05rh ~ U71 ~JG.P!llC!Pll~ ... SEAllAM'S7 .... $5.19 SU7 IALUNTINE'SSCOTCH .... $6.99 SUI SEAQIAM'SV.O. S6.95 U.15 'II SCOTCH ...................... $7.60 U.14 "M IEAM ........ $5.29 S4.7' DEWAR'S SCOTCH l:lilf ...... $7.50 Sl.75 CANADIAN ,CLUI $6.95 U.15 CLUNYSCOTCH ..... ,_ ....... 46.29 U.H I. W. llAIPU -$6.29 UM IMllNOFFtODKA ............ $4.89 SUI lNClm AtlE .. , $5.99 SUI CROWN RUSSE VODKA ·-· $3.79 $3 .. 41 IE!FEATEI BIN $6.19 U.57 CHRISTIAN BROS. BRANDY $5.29 $4.71 QOIDON'S GIN. $4.59 S4.11 BACARDI RUM ..... _ .. _,_ $4.99 $4.41 ' s~ocx. ~ON 1laM AND IUSllCUllS llOWl'Oll ntt HOUDA YS l!'!I~~fil.M~==·••11 -----·"'°'$1ot -· OCEAN SPRA.1' NO. 3bo CAN ........................ .. Nia LITS CORN gR~~~ANT ALSO KITCHEN SLICED'BEANS NO. 303 CAN .. : PRINCELLA YAMS NO. 212 CAN ... ~ ........... -.......................... . , $ for FRUIT-COCKTAIL ~~~~i5~.--.. 5i$1 MA YFRESH ROLLS ~~~"'1_ .. 4i$1 ~lf,~0.6J¥~~·--···· ·'·Sr' I AW.~,!~~~F,~~" ,, ..... 31s1 ~~~,P[U.0 ~~~~ CAH--3i 51 ~!!.Sc5J!IJ~ .• )3.()l.S<Zf _45• .."mlUl'iir Ddi&a.lts$._.__ \ HOFFMAN llTTlllMAID oOll Ol' VIRGINIA .\ CANNED HAMS . u:·s4.B9 lJHllllJ~llnliW VandeKamps SPECIALS l'llm..S,.., DI~ 11·21 HOll OAY STAR, ... , ... 43c SHOW DROP., ••• , •••. 45c " ""'11UM' ....... 4~: Cookies FROZEN PIES JOHNSTON 9" PUMPKIN, "11NCE, APPLE AND IQYSENBEIRY EACH ~ Green Giant FROZEN VEGETABLES. LE SUEUR BABY PW v.lTH aunER SAUCE . 1ooz. Pl(<>: ' " BRocco.u sPEARs WITH •umR SAUCI! 3 gc . CAULIFLOWER WITHClftSESAUCE ..,. · 9!!~§!JJllCE . _ _· .. .: . .aLCAH4i$1 ~£Rh~mr....... . SIJc !~!!!.'·~~ 3::. 53 1 ''-' """' 49' Dmslnr; ........ 14'11: ADWllTillD PllCIS lfflCTlft 1 PULL DAYS 0,.,.. Rel 7\i«.."2'o THURSDAY, DIC. ,11, THRU WBllUDAT, :.t.24 Coff11 CH11111.11139' MAYPAIR MARKO 24 Houas llllllllllll"111J\JJ _1_1_s _1_AST_1_1_,.._. m_._m.....;.' _c_o_sT...;~_,_MESA~~~ I I.: • •= z;; F .. t • .,.iLY PILOT _ -. 1 Wodntsd'1. ""'mbor 17, 1969 IN) 1% PILOT-AOVERmtlt I COJllUOfl ~ f IGCRUM 1111111 c !:tJ .......... 1 __ _ I I f ' • .·1111Qun -DINNERS ,..... --v.-- ! 11-.. ~ .......... . c i .._ ___ _.. ....... ! SYLVAlll .. RISH -CUBES c . -. . &UNULATED: BEEC~IUT 'AISORTED I ASSORTED · ONION SUGAI . . .. BREADSiUI BABYJOODS -.CIGllmE$ ~ L ·o• ... 11 • .n.. $ c ..... c Mn. Wt111hrs ...... FruibY.toblilos Eay-Tol)peo Ailds I Elsy-Te>Qoo ....... ... J ~ lloiit Forllr. . . :. ... -..... 2111 11 , •• J , ..... r... ..... . ............. • 'l"'C. Fresh Grade 'A' SAFEWAY SELLS OJLY USDA GQDE 'A' TUUEYS .,_ z. . ~~1ll! 49 __ c MA!YJl•E.YS·l~ . . :'11o1a.7~ T' .._ _ _.. .. ,_ .......... .....__ Prll!lillil Quality C ~- H• T1rkey1 .::.0::. •. 43f lid Ot•r a ..... •i• . --Perk--Dint Toms M".:'°»~ .. 431 ·er.-d Toms St..U = ... 79' lldditional Meat Features •..... --· ... , lb. Sllcttl lacoil .;.'c::'.;.:::. :: 69' Uttlt Sausages : ::::,. ::-59' .._ __ .,. Unit Sausage ~... ;:99' S•kttl lac• ---:: ti' -.-.... -... -.-s11 .. •s laCOll ~ :: 79' g ·_ SELF.,BASTlftG TURKEYS Salilllll :.-.:,"':;;.""'...: :;.-65' (blCk: Wllno Koshtr · ·:~ ~ '1" l:j ..,69' David's Salaml ,:i i;.:19' .~? HENS --=:-TOMS TN• 55 O Sifew•y Brand ==~ •••.._ C •Pappy 49'tr ,, 1 ' ' I· ' I ' ' - I ' \ 1 I .. __ ...,. LUllch Mtats -\'.!:. '::::. :: 35' "Ml lttf Or• M ...... °""' ....... I,....., Giii f..._. .. --·---•SWitt ~ IL IUHI ITAi 1111 11 Tim rt. Ht . . f ..... ,.,. CANNED HAMS Spanrl~s • ,.,.., Royat ..,.,.. 't• 5 -~•11d E;.._7fc •Swift's Pnml1111 llam -Ca 95 -· OYSnRs _ -aouRMnaAMs '°".'0..., ...... 0,--.. ,,,. --v .. C..-i.,: Stied Quality FmltW•st•rn 79c 1kL'-r - ......... "'"'.. SJS9 • WI'-" '-Hwil . • MtitNU's Chlpf . • '-'-' .W. Tftlnll I, • Luer"a MW · , · COLDBROOK Mutiue Fa1ilJ Size I~ ''r. large lu~ue l•s 9 ! '8" ~ F ·1-Pie --3 ... s1oo ------11------~ i MARGARlllE 8 Juice ru1 . s ==-i:;.L -, -u.s.1i CIH!ke...... _ ,uui Chtlce .... . ! ~Tmn •. c ='ro!-._ 21c whip TOPPing ~-~1: 4~. Sh~:'. 101sTS aEeF sTU1s ~ ~ ... :. c. .. m.... -Liquid Bleach ~-=-•::·· 35' a9dc:.' .. 89' :::;...u .. 49' ~ ---• .. ___ .... -------.. Wright's Bjscuits~:-8' ... , cnc1i Roast-= .. w -N• steab =-~ .. w : ., -.... RHSt "== .. 11• ••• 1 •• Shub == .. w ! Stuffing Mix Beverages POfCh Dog Food U:f:F ".!.' 7_' ••• i. .. 111as1 it::: .. ~· R.-is1111c :::: --•' : l lr!Utt Roast .::'~ ,. 911 T..._ Shlb "..\l:'C:: ,. '1" : -~ 1n.w.i,.rs 45c e1c ... , C1a11 5c Aluminum Foil ~ 12 ..... 24c ·------r.,Slrlliis••..::-.. it• 11 1 I hr Pubir, 1::z. ctialca " l::' _ erott ... • FWi Ek. Asst, Fln•s -· ------------------ : ! ,.._ Ha111lhon COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES! Rour ..::.~ 5 ~ 53' Beach I r • ' I ' ! l • ' • I • ~ l t • j ' • i • I • > • • .. ' 1· ~ • •' Blender Sauce "'::' :r:-;:" ~=-25' Pu kin ,..,_ ..... 2t' mp fwPillcrtn ... Cessr .. ,._. ..... lw•t•., ........ = Y"'" ...... , .... ,,,, • ......, ::'.= Shady Lane Butter~ :: 79'0 _ Yallls ... -.... .. •• 35' W..1&1111 Or To F.,t .. , Mayonnaise Cr~ -58'0 lfr Ttrlln Jar -IL Mc. Mince Meat :.."".::. ·~· 53' c $ 88 Mild -Cheese er.=-,. 89' 0 .. Edwards Coffee ,:..~*' ~ 63' D Ba-Fncy Q1ality 11c nanas ;:;.!'t !".:::..":!. , .. C I Fns• & Crisp 2-ll 2• arro st~:::~=-~::.. --.., - Avocados~°;:" ... 29c Papayas 1a11 &tn Gih DISCOUNT PlllCU ON HIALTH It llAUTY AIDS It NON.fOODS MRYDAYI Hai Karate · Afttr ,..,, L1fl11 (II.II 99 BtCnflllHowYOIUsell! t .... I) C .. .... lttHt "" • Crest Toothpaste ::.::: :: :=-. ..... ,,, (11.Hflllo) .. Prell Concentrate ,., .... " ..... " .. In \Ml:ftlbble T.,._ (II.Hf•) ~ 84c ._ ___ ... Tampax Tampons=~ •1 11 0 , Lucerne Party log~ 139° 0 -, Yuban Coffee a::.: ~ 77'0 Lucerne Egg log::= ~97'0 ~ ;~;~ 3 .. s100 . hi:~-, .. Prell Shampoo ........, ... -.... 75 MISco>o-ll<Ollllllll-l·n. C "''"'""l .... __ Ojl*:e~ Beverages ~~~ :.18'0 .. ~ · ~~ Meat Pies 1~~::.-w -_';: 19' D -1 , ... Oil SI ::, S ~ Jtl .. , .. Pets • ... ... ,_ .. ~: .. 2k• I """' =-.-::.:--' ..... , , 1199 1•11•r r1111 ~. '1°::: ·· Photo Supply Values.' ____ ... _ .. ____ ,._ ____ ,.._ .----------· --- J ......... ~.:-.' ·= .... l -· 1 ..... ,., Filll ~-• 1t"i:.: _ ............... ~·-"· • $ilA ==-' • 1• ... Ml'fie filll::."' '2M:.l;; =-==-.::::..-=-= = ............ ,.Yim .......... ,.--. , SAFEWAY • l • 1000 Bayside llr., Newport Bea~h • 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. Laguna • 636 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach • Santa Ana Freeway at La Paz~ Mission Viejo • Wilson & Fairview, Costa ·Mesa · · ' -- Sweet ' Treals A, Sna p Sweetpolaloes and frulll :._ apples. pean, p e a c h 'e 1 , apricots, «anf!s and cranber- ries -a-. natural -10- togethtrs. And there is no better accompaniment far that bolldty bird than -sweetpotatoes. l You'll be J]ad t. lolOIV ll>al both twee~ and turke1s ... in good supply for the holiday seui/n. So, try some of these sweetpot.ato and fruit recipes. FRESH F RI E D SWEET- POTATOES wmI APPLES 3 medium aweetpot,loe• S apples %r. cup butter 113 cup brown sugar Dash salt and ciMamon: Pare and s 11 c e sweel- potatoes l/t inch tbiek. Core and thinly slice apples. Melt butler In f>ying pan; add sweetpotaioea and apples. Sprinkle with' brown sugar, •altandchuwnon. Cover Md coot over low heat uolll tender and lig!Jtly browned, a~ ~ minutes. SUr oceasionally. Make! 6 servings. CRANBERRY SCALLOPED IWEE'll'OTATOES I medium aw..q,olatoea 2 cups whole cranberry Jauce 1h <.:UP brown sugar 2 tal>lespooos butter Pare aod s I i c e sweet- potatoes Vt inch thick. Place sweetpot.atoeJ i n alternate layeri with cranbeny sauce, sugar and 1lutter in a greased casserole. Cover and bake at 350 d-!tr· about I hour ~ unUI potatoe1 are tender. Serves 6. SWEETPOTATOES A LA • ORANGE I medium sweetpotatoes, eooked Z oranges, peeled and thinly sliced % cup orange juice 1 tablespoon grataf orange rind 11~ teaapom salt lh cup sugar 2 ~cornstarch 2 tablespoons melted butter Place alienate iayers of sliced sweetpot.atoes a n d oranges in 'a greased baking dish. Mix oomslan:h, salt and augar. Stir into. orange juice and rind; bring to • boil and stir unW thick and clear. Add butter; pour sirup over sweetpota.toes. Bake 1 hour 1n 300 degree oven, basting with lirup. Makes 6 servin8'- Prepare Enough Of These ll apricots are too dry you can pl\Df!.p them in a steamer or by placing in top ol double boiler Over' hot water. APRICOT COCONUT BALLS 11h cups ground dried ap- prkots Z'ltJ cups flaked coconut 34 cup sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated) Powdered sugar. combine ground apricots and coconut Jn a mixing bowl. Blend in just enough milk so mixture can be Conned into I inch balls nicely. If you tJust your hands with powdered sugar w-hile mil.ing, it is easier, Roll lhe balls in more powdtttd 1Ugar. Place on· a baking sheet. Refrigerate till firm. Chocolate Featured By not letting the manhmallows mtlt all the ~·ay you'll 1et 1n interesUna lig!lt-and-dlrt elfe,I in lhe cut pieces. Doo'I cul tile nuts loo small or you won't have the "rocky" effect. ROCKY ROAD CANDY :I ::-.ef:"' chocolate 2 cup1 miniature marshmallows 1 cup nuts. coarttly an Melt lhe chocolate ovet bot but not bOiling wll<r. Stir till omoo\h. Tue from heal lm- .,edlattly sUr in th • marsbmallowl, then the riutl. Greut an I" cake pan or line " with foil. Pour mixture in. Let stand. until firm . Cut In MJU8rtL ,..--~--------------~· I MJB I i COFFEE ~I l ........ ~!~:.!: ................ ~--j rM'lla----~---~----~-~ I DEL MONTE M I PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT c I I' DRINK ··I I 46 Oz. Tin ~ L ......... nu.•••·~-----~-1 pil,_.MMMJU,.._.,.M~~-MM~M••i ~ DRIVE 1 I DETERGENT c I I KING SIZE · . ea I I Reg. $ 1 .45 Value i 1-----~---~-----~~---... ~ r--MMM~-----~---~~---, i LAURA SCUDDER'S ~ I Potato Chips ~ l I Reg. 73c Pkg. i L----~·••••~•••••~••••! r··;uNKi~r~i;~--m~~~----, I SHRIMP EGG ROLLS c I I AND ! i LOBSTER MEAT •• 8 I EGG ROLLS 6 Dz. Pkg. . ! ~-----~-••••~W••••J!1:$1l••~ MARKET WE DELIVER OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRIES W·HOLE OR JELLIED No. 300 TIN • ~ "SAVE AT THESE ONCE /JJii ~ A YEAR BARGAINS!" l!Jl!j THIS IS OUR . WAY 9F SAYING THANKS! r----------------,..·---i OCEAN SPRAY 1 CRANBERRY C i COCKTAIL 1 1 Quart i '----------.------~~---d ea ~ ..................... ~-------........ , I MD I I Toilet Tissue ~· 1 4 Roll Pack ·L---~··•••s.lWl••••,..•••• 6U EAST BALBQA .BLVf, . STORE HOURS ' A.M~ to 6 P!tf. -PHONI: 673-8310 . Prices Effectfn ' Dec. 1 ltfl, 1 tth, 2ofli ' r-IRACLE WHIP I SALAD ., DRESSING I ~ 1 •ull Qt. L-----------; ________ _ c II ~-;- OLIVES R 303 Tin --------IWIW·---............. ~ I All Varieties I I Reg. 59c Value &----~----------.-------" L: .... _,__ .... ~ .............. . r··-;;;:-~---................. 1 r--a.iiiiii------,-~ I Ma::~::110 ~ Marshmallows .~ 1 ... ..7.~:~~::. .................. . '· • •• , ~ r I: • TURKEYS and HAMS NOWI WALNUTS WINES U.S.D.A. CHOICE TOP-BONEL~SS FRESH / PURE Pork Sa~sage: • R·OUND . STEAK ~1-0! FILBERTS L $ 00 .... VlNYA .. ROSE,., ! ALMONDS : 5th $197 . MIXED NUTS . \ RED DELICIOUS APPLES . -NAVEL ORANGES SUNKIST LEMONS CHIQUITA BANANAS FRESH CELERY FRESH HEAD LETTUCE . . . RUSSETT ·POTATOES 10 Lit. lag L B s c c II c I I Chateau De Baby llonleaaX . . ·5th s1 .11 .... ChJian Bros. Brandy ; .. 5th . s521 " ". B·ALBOA ·I: MARKET "ON THE PENINSULA" . 608 EAST IALIOA BLVD. • IALIOA 673-8310 l - ------------·--------------~-~------------ • '- ' ·--· .... ,. r"' I ' • • . . . ·.------ •• .. . .!. , -~ . . '- ' ,, • ' '!' It's not too ea.rly · to ~td;i.··~?af~f~t~zj Jour· .. lio'liday ·feast! . . ~ . ' ·, . El Ranch'o 'knows that .... but we'll help · lpith ' ·this . week's meals, too! U.S.D.A. Choice Beef! • , • naturally better •• , tri1111ne..i to offe r the most in man-1ized satisfaction ... at a. price that affords more \"a lue! SWiss Steek ........ , ........ : ... : ...... 79~ Hearty beef f1av0r t.o tempt those appetites ! . . Rump Roast ............................ 79~ Beef that's sure lo offer a juicy hearty roast ! Game Hens Omaha Roast .......................... 18~ Thick cut (ender beef rounds~ ••. great pot roast l I Top Sirloin Steak .............. '1.79 lb. El Rancho's U.S.D.A. choice beef at its bes t! 24 OllilCES c;:i ! Compa re the size ••• and.val ue! Rock Cornish Hens are so tastefully delicious! 79~ Lobster Newburg .................. '\.49 Certifresh ••• J2.oz. package .•. heat and serve! Shrimp Newburg ..................... 98' Cla ssical cuis ine· from Ccr~;~r~Jh! Frozen. 12-oz. Shrimp Creole ............. : . : ....... 85¢ Louisiana favorite-!f?zen by Certifre!h! 12-oz. Sliced Bilt~il .. .'............. . ..... 79f.. El Rancho's ••• lea n ••• sliced a little tliicker! Super Shopper Grocery Specials! Smucker's ,~Preserves .. ~0.~~:.~~~.--49c · Apricot-Pineapple, Cherr$·, Seedless Blackberry~ Sli;a,vberry, Orange ~lar1nalad~ 01~ Grape, J cl\y! ••• Potato Chips ............. 1•2.~z:!~~· .. 49c Laura Scudder's ••• a .nante that Off era· quality yo u prefer! Regula i' or dip ••• get .Several ••• -c . -b .-c kt . ~ 48 oz. s~c ran erry oc a11 ..... ~ . . . . . . . . d Ocean Spray ••• the tangy juice of lhe holiday ber ry ••• and El n ancho prices il to offer. more value! Stewed Tomatoes .... S ~ 51 &t:W ••• Rich and red, ""ith the goodness of field ripened fruit! No. 2UJ cans. . Mince Meat ............................. 59' None Such ••• for holiday pies I ••. 28 ounce. Whole Onions ................... ., .... 29' ' Famou• York O>. Dutch Oniqns ••• No. :!03. . .. ' Onion Sou? Mi:c ................... 3 for '.1 Lipton'i ••• for aou p .•• or great dips Reg. pkgs. ' .. Jell-o ....... : ............. :: ........ : .. 2 ~. ~¢ Bic 6 ounce packages ••. fbl-holiday snlad~: ... a. r: . Del Mont~ c~;~;'.1."." .. ,.. . ...L~~ Bic 20 ounce bottle foi· a sp,:l::J rnloc ! _.ffllls ~ros. C~fi:t~.......... . ..... G~~ ho-lb. can .... 1.i7 Th1·ee-Jb. can .... 1.97 • < ' Downyil:::-;~ Wafi!es ......... 2 for 25' Pkgs. of six ••• frozen ! JI cat 'e1n in the toaster! Turnovers ................................ 49' J'epperidgc Fa rms ••• frozen ••• your choice.! . / . Plz~a r:Dlls .............................. 59¢ Jeno's ••• 6·oz. pkg .••• frozen hors d'oeuvres ! Grocc~!i s,~i)rS ....................... 39' Green Giant ••• Baby Peas, too, at tJ1is price. C~·11r~ ...... , \"·1···i Cl :--~M -· 'JI"' -.... Jf.<J .. ~· ' .. 1 ................ <J1 Green Giant. .•. frozen tot oonyenlence! M.~. Tiss~~ .................. _ ....... 3 for '1 Qualily Ute name impliCll 4·roll packs! < SZl>.'" -. r · · 1'11 Tul'/lllg fmel Be sure of having tha~ gloi;ious turkey Y.OU ' \Vant for your Chri.!tmas dinlier •.•.• order it this \\•eek! \Vt!:n have it l'e~~ in your name ••• and you'll kno'v t.flat you didn't ha\·e to settle for Jes& than you really ""anted!\' FREE TURKEYS .. 10 AT EACH EL RANCHO! Ten lucky \\'inners at each store \Viii receive the turkey of their choice •• , fresh or frozen! . • , • No purchase required! Simply fill out th'e entry form provided at your favorite El Rancho! \Vinners \Vill be notified Mon., Dec. 22nd ••. and names will be posted in stores entered! FREE Rose Parade Tickets! Fift y ,,·inners,., 50 ! •• , each get t\\·o rese rved seats •• , pl us reserved parking, .. at 320 \V. Colorado .•. right at the heart of the parade! Great seats ... and nothing to do but enter your nan1e ! \\'inners \\•ill be notified l\1on., Dec. 29 ••• names \Viii be pasted in store entered. • Gift Gpide ... sr1u LooK1NG FOR GIFT 1DEAS? Get a copy ot our gift guide for. a galaXl' of items geared for giving! For an individual gift ~I ~: •• or for gro up recipient.. ••• look to El Rancho fo1· gift.. that please! ~ ,El Rancho Produce Specials! Navel O,ran~,s ................ 8 1bs. $J Sunkist ••• for that flavor you favor! llipe, sweet and picture pretty .,. great stocking fillers ! .O' Anjou ·-¥ears ................ 6 1bs •. $1 One of the nicest things about 'vinter in California is the pleasure of eating sweet ripe pears! Deg let Noor Dates · .................. 49' Nalure"s O\Vll confec tion! 1.Y:?·lb. pkg. Delicatessen Specials Oscar Maver Bologna .............. 69' Sliced ••• all ~ef or all meat ••.•. ~-lb. ·Pkf. . . ' Cheese Spreads ....... oz. w1 ...... 45' Pen & Quill • , . Pimjento or Jalapeno-Pi mi~nto. American Slices ....................... 65' Clearfield ••. indi\'idually \\'rapped •.• 12-oz. Potato Salad ............................ 59' Nalley's •• , big 2-pound container ! Dec. 18, 19, 20. 21. l\'o sales to dcaler11. Ope1i daily 9 to 9 ••• Sunday 9:$0 to 7:00. Fresh ·carrots ........................... 10" Garden rood1\e5s . in 1-pound package ! Liquor. Vatues Holiday Times Rum ..... FIFTH ..... $199 Bottled for El Rancho I Silvery, sn1ooth ! Qt. 4.99 Harvey's Scotch ..... s1vE $1.00 ..... $11.99 B ig va lue in the half-gallon bottle! Vin Rose ........... Hlll GIUON .......... '1.49 Gallo • , • ideal tal:lle '\Vine al any meal ! Beaujolais Wine ........ FIFTH ........ $1.98 ?ilartin Leveque ••• dry and dee p flavored ! I Prices i 1L t ffec t Th urs. through, S1t11. Ask the manager-about our convenient Charge Account Service HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 New.port Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently Jqca ted store~ in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena ' I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . ....... ~~~~~·•~~~~ ... ==-•~ .... ~·~o ... O~i-•S,..,$4 ...... ~ ....... F>•>o4o•>•ocA-•.•>=oe~o-0~¥~~-... i•FF .... >•OF>••PF<~f ........... -~.&~'".~*F.*~j-O•• .... ¥...,.,>->•ou=•~>-•-•-•~,~+r..,..,•~.~·.,..,. ... , •• ,?)i~O-H~}~',-O~ • ..-~~-~W"ff~.~F,,..,,.~~-o=•,<~,=:•-'~ . ...,...-..,..-...,-~-o~,~.~·~.~-.,•.-,•,~o~'i;f'"""'itl~ l I ' l • I I ;19 PILOT-AOVERTISER ·-. •DAILY PILOT . . • 1; I•· •<I ii . . ' . •" .. . ;; : . .. ··: . ·r 1 ., • ' . . ·' Over ,\).. , • • •• . . !-\. -.• ' ... " ' • • •• t t • . ' ..... • _, ' ,. . ~:. :i •: I.\ • .. \ .• , .t ; I . . "'' '1f ,. • 1 • · CADJ LJ~,1 (,' ,' . . ~·'""'-1 ... 1.1 ' '?' , .. ' • '1 EXCELLENT SELECTION OF MODELS & 'COLORS 1\ VAILABLE FOR . , ' LEASE OR PURCHASE ' · · . . ! . , • - : ~ t. ,· ~. ' . 1 ' Even when measured by ·Cadill~ar1b ~!'~·· .· 'cellence, the 1970 Cadillac is •-Ii> exceed Y<lur greatest expectations. Let'& get.tb&ethtr I06ri for.a· demonstration drive. : .: ·: j · · ·' .. ' · .. ') . . , (1.. "" I ' ..... . .. . ' . ' . '., .. ,.i )f~, . ~t4~RGER;: ... '"'~ .. "*t,J t11;r~r'9dle end 1111t1Pr, ~· 1te&rll!t • fff:~1 ;_C'OMJ~i·, '\''~, ~ Wlt!I blldl •b\lb:fl 1Ntl. !fHX Mell. • ~ ,, , ~ l l l.. ·• I ,; ·~ ' '' ~-·'(."" ' \ i•1 . •. • ·• ~'It· . ' ' ' SALE '· PRICE . .1966 -, CADILLAC' . '. ' . $edlft DIV!111. OIY!'"Jtle brentt Will'I wtlltw .., llHll bl"lllft ·clolll 11111 llt11her lnterler. 1"1111 p0-. ft('fllry 11r, tlrt·l•ltll.COpie •-lnl wtlftl, Cl9Wlf' dlol' tocks, s/1r90 AMIFM fSVO "'71 SALE .. PRICE ' ... · , . 1968 CONTINENTAL ~'t· G!1ei.r fr~ Wi"' trMn IN!ht!!" lnt1rktr, Full 110wer. l•cl0!1' 1lr, f.Nr-FM r•Jo, ~wlr floor locks, lilt -1, •-Mely be111llflll ll:routho~I! (VWJ( "21 - -• •l('. -,-... _,,. SALE . '~:~I/ j f.' · P.RICE - 1965 CADILLAC . . 4 poor ..e.n. l"llr•I .,...., w1111 ·1111d-11>• •!'Id ''"" e101t1 11\d It• 11111" lntw-rlor. P'O)Wr ,1'-lnO• p0wer W•k•, .-wlndOwa, p0- '""· tlVr'lel •llklrif redllt: IUOS 3611 ' .-' SALE " '-· • PRICI! -! • .. I, :· . ' . . . I : . I . I " I "' • . . I . , . .• " . . .. - From!·! ... - . : . 1967 FLEJTVIOOg : . ' l ro11911t1rft .• Erl'\H•iv bl1ck ?11lh bllck ~ tl'ld ~~ .IH~)nf.,llrr~ '"II•-· fklory •Ir, ti~ WMel,,$11"'!' llNi·f'M. IP'J:'Wl!•r 'dllli~ ,ower•rrvr.-: , ....... ,, ..... lll'tmhlfn ,.,..,,Ille:-e:tc· cy~l ~)~ r ' r-. .-·.-...~· SALE L : PRICE • • :', :. 1965 CADILLAC · · ·0 , 1 I . · · , ·r , , , CMWt., 0.Vlte.I CMI~ 0.1111 wlfrt wll!I• !Ott •ntl '111111• le.t!Hlr Inter.JM. 'Full "-llQU]p"'f!ll Pllll 1lgMI ... ..,. redlll, ll'tlft • ''"·!low mum. IN~ 1111 ' • . . _ , , , . ' I ., ' SALE PRICE .: . . · ~.,,~ ... ~ADIL~~. .,'.: c.ou.,. ~ vm•~lrt;..,..ndy •lvi"w1it. bl«li L1nd111 e!'HI •lllr -.,, trim.. .Jl'Ult pewotr, fie!Gf'Y elr ~lllol'ilr.g, 1111·1111 whML llM-FJA Ndlfl, 11c. 1-1 }IM•-· fVGZ 1111 . -· r . .r-. .., ..-... ""' , --· - ' SALE ' . ' ~ .. ) ii' £1 :t/ PRICf . .· . · 1968 CADILLAC . . .. C9nVt. o. VIiie. C•shmere h,.ry wlttl wti1'. · • i.-i 1nf!que' Mild;, l"ll'Wr. lni.rllr .. FIJll ,._, l•dory elr, lilt ftl .. coplc 11Hrl111< NII-· FM redllt. IYC'T llfl • ' ( • ' J ,--..,_ ,,,-.. i'~ ·~ ' ' • . I ··-..... ~11,' SA~~-<.1. ~'! .,,.• PRICE,, kUn De VIiie. ,.epullr N1wp0rt •iv. wfdl•. 11\lerlw, h otfry ek' · 4 °"' ~•rohep. Mint .,... e.tltl'I« wll!I ~lnl 1:111111 a. ~ , coricl .. lull -ir, llgMI IHklM rHlo, "" .. ttlftCOll)t WllMJ, •H lnlt'rlw'. Full ·JtO-. l.tt"'l"f •Ir, IHI Wll,..i. ~ ..... lodui, crvlM . 1969 SEDA ' I SALE $5222 PRICE MILEAGE ; ... DI•. )(lr19. UWD :roo ' (llf'ltNI. AM·FM.·tiirUftl'lr Nt!lllltl. ('ICL. 72'1 ' ' ' ' ' ' .. SALE PRICE 1969 EL DORADO 1 _ •ex~u~ilte s1"""ir1. ltlill llP'tmlst w1111 Wllltw pllldtd 1-•N wtiltw ••1111'1" lntltf'i&r. l'edory 11r, 11111 .,._., ttlrto ,_.,,,..,., ...,. ·~L Iii 11111 l1!9tcllplc ~1111 ·wt!WI, k , llfc. (Htl01l'ft1" I .._ · . -~/lr:: .. - . · }969 JAVELIN . N•rdlltf! ~: Llme ''"" w!lh 'Mlrte ¥1nyl !.,..,.~, I.Ole, ,_.:!.;, t~flc, 'Dllelttt .•b. "" tlri• el':lll ... , C'iMltfM. ('(CH,,;,·.,~ I ~ ... ',.~ ·, .. ',_... " ' r. r.'l """ . ' • . • . . ' Se<lon Do Ville. Ermine white with exquisite quo cloth end leother Delph ine · interior. Fun power, foctory oir conditioning, AM·FM re io. (ZRF 112). SA0LE ·~ ~ b P.RICE SALE ,., ~,'J/1 .. I .• r.c.· '~ •. PRICE . - • " . ... (// ,. -~ I ·~ .. ' ' .... .. ' I ". '. • \ ' " ' • ! ~. .. ~ • ' ' '·~· -__.. ·~ ... 4 •• \ ' ' ... I J ~{ . •• j : j '"' '( 't: . f. t, - ' , ,,_. ~ .. , , .a ,. < a • t ; ~.6()0 ll'?rho,r Blvd., '"~ , · ~-, · ~GQsla Me$a: . · , ·'trt'J' ·~ ,. . ' \ \ . ' I I'. . ' t . ... ·, . , ' '. f r-,' ' . ' • ... ' . . ... ,_ .. ' . .. t SALES 'DEPARTMENT .OPEN· •30 AM to 9:00 P~i. l\Ion. fuu ·Fri •• 9:00 AM t0 6:00 1PM Sat. and Siu\. !~ --------• . ' ' . NAIERS CADILLAC LWE· .. DIRECT .. • 1 •.. ' . ' ' ' ' . . . ~ ' lm-lole Hll¥Wry-e factllont S.loctlon ... OYer four ecm of factory author· Ind totat ·Cllillllac t.Cllltles desl911= ·. ed t9 "9tter ... tllld .senlce ·-·, . u11 aed c~ ..,._"""' , . , . ' -• Al CARS S\JBJECT TO PRIOR SAL E. All SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE •THROU&H TUESDAY; DJCEMIER · 21 , 1'6' . . •• ' i I \' I --------~-----------~~-~----~--~..-~--~-----------~~~------------------··-. ""' ........ . . • . . .. . . . . . . • PILOT-ADVUTISE~ 30 1 &..,, ..... s.r.1w..w s..n-.ElitW•• .. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSIS FOR SALE -HOUSES FOR SALE • HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gener1I 1000 Gener1I I~;;;:;;;;= FOREST E. 1000 Gi1n1ra• 1000 0.... .. 1 1000 0.... .. 1 1000 Huntl"91on Baach 1400Huntlnglon BHch 1400 Laguna Beach 1705· OLSO .N Inc. Realtor~ $17,500? MUST BE YES TERDAY 'S PRICE A rcnl doll hous<'. Im· matulelc throughout. \\'all to " .. u carpeting. Freshly painted. Beautiful panrling. Huge 20 ft living room. Shake roof round only in n'Kll't' cxpensh·e hom<'s. Sulr mil your down paym<'n1. Call 0011·! &t~:: CUSTOM NEW ENGLAND FAR M At rabulou.s Ne11.'J)On Beach. ~ ma1ter size bedroomll. 2 full bath.II. Farm kitchen • punh-y • deluxe built-ins. Hug<' ::a f l. New England family roon1 with tons of old b r 1 r k fireplace. \Vindina 1'1.atrc:as<' !O uniq1Je heal")' beanied studio or • Huge 5th bcdroon1 .. -,~;% annual % ral<' loan availabll'. Un. equa.lrd at S38,9&1. Dial Noll'! &!5-0303. TRIPLEX EAST SIDE EARNS $5,800 r~mcndous vaJur! '. 3 !Mgc units. 2 bcdroon1 and 2 baths each. Delu.~r kitchen with buil1-ins. Only $6500 down and just 7 years young, LUx- ury carpeting and drapes throughout_ J.f an i cured ,roundL Enclosed garages. Priced l'IOIV 111 $36.~. Set' today. Dial 64:>0003. LEAS E -OPT ION 3 BEDROOM-POOL Cus101n <'Stalt honlf' righ1 on the \JluU8. :I Jargt bedrooms. 2 baths. Deluxr pool. Spacious ram i I y kirchen 1l'ilh all la1esl built·iiu. Huge 20 II . living room. \\'all 10 w .a I J ca.t'p!tirtjl: lhroughoul . Freshly painted. All thr chann anti privacy you could ask for. Only $31.JOO. Cs.II my,•! Ma-o303 FOREST E . OLSON Inc. Rcalton CREAM PUFF! OC'cai.lona.U y rn rei;ale ho111es one 1:on1rs along that'11 in fabulous LIKJ:: Lot Ol1'ncrs ••. A 3·B•d'09m Home · 1-'0R ONLY $10,995 BUILT ON YOUR LAND' Up Tltht?· 3 UNITS · $29,950 NEw HOME IMM'EDIATE MOVE IN -· 4 BDRMS 11/2 BATHS 1/4 MILE FROM BEACH ' JSO OEGREt: VIJ!:\I/ o[ O<."t'an & l'OOSliuir. Jin\all but bu ilcial;le Jul. l~aving &: ul11. 111 afrr1· Isl ol year. Low du. "-'/lu1v 1110. payU. 494-8100 or 49-1-1137 Apts. For Sale 1980 NE\Y CONDITION & •I'<' haV<' ll. 11 '11 a.n lf\J. l\IACULATE large 3 bdnn ho1nc in a prin1e aJ"ca. Cose to park & phzyground. Beautifully u1anicul't'd la"·n. ll'ilh spnnkl<'rll, f'nhance tht- "~trnor & inside you'll FEATURING: • IM() 11q. It. • Double ~ara.;e Then ttpread out In lhla de· Uo!>""' 5 bedroom pool bo1n. h50 on a hill. For- mal dWnc room for ere· cioua entartainife, work u.ver kitchen. Extras ga- lore, Cb:iice area 'vilh ac· ceas to freeway, /, very ex· dtinJ home a t S.t<l,900. Eastside Costa Mesa. Span. ish tile root, rentaJs on larre 'i1xl50' lot. Income $385 month. Our belt income re. turn in are1. Exclusive With Newport New VIEW Homts Dover Sbcft1 Ivan Wells' 3 bl'lllld new homes: 4 bdrm&, 3 ba, powder rm, tam. nn w/frplr. · COW1)'a1'd ))QCll1. From $100,IXXI • .Roy J. Ward Co. 1430 Galaxy Dr. 6~5-1550. $22,500. 3 BR cpts/drpa $148/ino. at 6~ %, Quick polls. Rltr. 642-9730 Eve-. ,....,,. S2Q,99Q ~ :.!·4·6-11 or ~1 units. \\'alk 1u bra<'h. ApJll'eC, iating al't'a. By Owner/ Bldr. Li11dborg Co. Q ~2fl79 e All lathe and pla.stel' • Pullman bath e Spaciou!I 11•arch"Cbes at Victori• Co1ti1 M~11 1100 HUNTINGTON BEACH Call Now 962-1353 $7000 DOWN Assumt li;! al 5~4' "· }t.1nt potential . '! Br 1-plrx apl hldg. Call 5-10-l!lla. CALL S37-03H s ............... ,.. I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! r11KI I o v f' I y {'a.L'P.,'15 1111'\lughout & dish11.·ash- f'r. SOUND NICE ? IT 'In most Orange County and other approved areas. EAST SI DE o. •• ~ ShD<Of 1227 Lido Isle 1351 IS & IT'S ONLY $2'7,900, YA BE"ITER Ii URRY~! • co:Ts WAI.LACI · ·~IALTOU .,........:5414·"4141- STANCO Builders Inc. OPEN 7 Days 10666 \Vestminster Ave. Cirden Grove Balanced Power Home11 AIR WAFTED Colesworthy & Co. "Ai:;cnt" ''For A \Vise Bey'' 642-1777 ·eo,...'I~-···""" · · .u, , .. u. ....... .., ;, SOUTH th1a one ol a kind dream . c-na Del Mar Gora:eou11 vie\V It clollf!. to beaches! Beamed . ceUi111s &: double fireplac:e Jn 4 BR . & ran1., 3 bath, 3 car gar., home. Perfect rondition • only 4 )'l"I. old. $89,500 Carol Tatum DOVER SHORES home. """'"°"' 1800 ••· 11· SANTA ANA . 3 bdr., 3 bath home-desip. Thre-e bedroom, two bath, ....... BA YFRONJ "' '" ca.:<'-""'""!"' 11.. f\JlJy ""'°"" U>4 .,.,.._ . Owner bull~ l&ri't bmpe q , Euy walkin& distance Bullt·in ki,tchen With laundry VACANT $22,950 lOo/. DOWN Cozy home on a quirt cul d~ sac. Lots ot fruit IJ'Ccs and 1·oon1 for a garden. R!'dccor- atl'd inte1ior, mov" in im· media.teb'. . 646-7171 O THI.: REAL '"" I.:STATERS • mu Bl sell \bJ.s prof~ ·to beach, eehool9, and stlCIP' Jaeilltiet. Double prage, Coldwell, Banker & Co. ly df'COrated lo: la.ndac~ ilinr· $35,000 and you can lene@d yard J,& acre ranch: 550 Newport Center Or. J bedroom, :! bath home assume t_he exi~lng FHA ero at end ~t cul. de -sac Newport Beach, Calif. EASTS I OE wirh panr led den, ii•ct bar; loan on !!us prac_ucally new, 111.reet only $22,900 _ FHA 133-0700 644-l4l0 :! s1ory CaPe CO(! sly!c l10n1f', lai'gf' niru;tcr suite ,1;th Ja-immaculate home. TERMS. "ll::=::==z=::::::=::=::=: ! \\'ell located nr.a1· shoppin.i;:. l1lZZi &. stean1 sho,ver. ,111•11•••1 • ---2 bclnns Y.'ilh large kitchen dressing room & walk.in & t"ating a1·ea. Full price closel. Today's kitch<'n 11•ith DOWNTOWN $18,950 ·submit terms. CALL eating area. Huge carpeted ORANGE COUNTY'S c .ri-1. Ooi;e 10 City Parle &. :i40-lli:il Heritage Real Es- ' I t I "' d ho · Th' 2 bd tare (op<'n l!Vl'SI \l'a tr ron erraC't Wiu• a · LARGEST s pp1ng. 15 cure 1m 1 ,..,.~~'l"!!~~~!!!!! ditionaJ cantalivcrcd l'C'd-& den home features _ lart::r I · wood deck over "·ater. Pif'r 2629 HARBOR BLVD. fenc<'d lot, hard11.·ood floor~. "" LARGEST k slip. \Vondcrful. buy a t 546--8640 Heatilalor fireplace, h-ulT PROPERTY IN $119.500. OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 Evenings Call 646--679 tre•~ et<'. Priced righ1 a t MESA DEL MAR • h b $22 ?50 By 01vncr ·1 BR, 2 BA, dbl 10 n macna COLLEGE PARK . BEACH HOME ' '"· •"''°"'" ma;o paho + (714) 642..S23S Close to beach 2 opt"n patios. Drastically re- 901 0ovC1" Driw, Suile 120 3 bdtml 2 batha, l'orner lol 2 Bedrooms A: conv. den aalduced lo Sll,000 for quick Newport Beach .. A 1 bri•k "-pl•'"' e. Call 546-3767. with ll'Oril£'e a rea or camp. ... '"" ...... z::=::=::=::=::=::=::=Sj er rte. Vacant &. ready ro limaU, private patio BY O\VNER <I Br. 2 Ba FOR LEASE move into. 2 Baths. built ins * 642•1771 Anytime* Ranch. Nu crpt k drps, $26 950 UT,500 shake rf, covered patio, *Irreplaceable Vie\v* Bay & Mountains! Regal "Old World" Contem- porary picturtsque home w/ unobstructed view • most 1ooms. :i.OOo Jq: ft . 4 Br's, 4~~ Ba + maids qtrs. ~ maint. l mmed occup. Furn- ished. $178.000. O:>naider trade/vac. klr. Auwne 6%'/W loan. f>48. 'm! Wfffcllff 1230 Unbtll1v1bly Lovely 4 Bd. 3 ba. 1vith the lollcwing extras: pan. den, marble tpl., terrav.o, brk!st. rm., 2 win(s1 circW.ar dr., elcc. gar. $69,500 R . C. GREER Realty 335.'i Via Udo 673-9300 University P1rk 1237 INTRIGUING AND PRACTICAL" . Designed !or modem-day liv· ing. Has a !ailorrd interior that will allure yOll. 0 u r Iavorilt "Jullianl Alodel" with the bonus rOom in ad· ditM:>n to 1hree bedroom!. lp $3.j,4.'iO. •·red hill · Sharp 1 + family room in Huntington Beach, west o( Nr1vland north of llamilh:ln. S220/mo. ' Llsted £).:elusively 11·ith i>prinklcrs. dsh11.·Wr. \1-ater Newport 0 D "I 1 5 softener. S3000 do111n & Hl::ALTY ,.n GI Y • assun1c 6~4 7'> VA loan. Call •t 1220 Dolphin Terr, CdM 516-iS·ll Univ. Park Center_ Tr11ioe Call Anytime 833-C82{) Fonnal dining room,:: BRs AIUST Sell J yr old-~-Br, 3 1 ";;:;~;:;:;~~;;;;;;;;~ Lrasr at $3.j() 11'i!h optton lo buy. Lo\ll"ly New?;lrt &aeh ~ + fa mily room_+ dining room \\ith vif'W" of Victoria 646-Ull (1nytim1I Back Bay. Vacant now. [ ii:'i:~~~;jiij;i::i~J• Quirk poS!it'Stiion, 2 bdnns eomplettly furnished Con- dominiucn $175/mo. Beautifully kept -quiet - We -r.tesa Verde neip- borhood. \Valk to library and school. Squraky Clean 3 bed- roo1n 2 bath home. L&rre master suite separate lrom th<' other bedrooms. I.A1v maintena~. large yard. 2 . baths, hu g<' living-room bath, cu~1on1 homr "'ith I · 'vith fireplacr + ramily pool. fll esa Veil:le, Asking room overlooking large pa. $72.~iOO -make offer, 01vner lio. 2500 sq fr living area. agl. 5-10--8381 or ~6-4141 Eastbluff 1242 EASTBLUFF-VIEW 3 BR. 1~ ba. Ntce fpl. Din. a.r'l'a. Show~ unll.!iually \\'ell. Call for pri~ &: tern1s. Lochenmyer Rc.iltor 1860 NeY.'J)Ort Blvd., CM CALL 646-3928 Eves. 6'14-1655 $26,950 5 Bednn • 3 Bath 2 BR lllit & gar. !\fodern, on l\1-1 Joi. 60xl40'. Closing Estate, bargain. 922 SUnscl Dr. 531·90!H or 646-4188. OLD style Spanish 3 Br. 1 Ba house on double lot. IIB,000. Call 546-3767 OLDER 2 BR house, 2 car gar. Lrg lot • 3Uitable-for building. ~>45--6001 CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 6!.1663 3036 E. Cout Hwy., ~M c-;;.-d';!Mar 12so ,.. ......... THE COMP HOME lOi VIA EBOLI 4000 SQ. FT. 4 BR, 3~~ BA, J car ~arage. Crpt5, drps, unu~uaJ featur- es. Built 1967. Owner C. R. G11.ngi. 213 I 244-3101; eves 213 I 246-0100, Open. BAYFRONT HOMES New or older, with piers lt slips. 3 BR. to 6 BR. RENTALS Houses Furnished 2000 FROr.1 Jan 1 to JUll(" 30, 8EiO \Vend! •rrrr .. :l BR. vie1v. $240 mo. 213: 697·3862 or see Sat, 20th lllfltr 10 a.n1. $225. 3 Br. gar, patio, 11·/111·, clrps. N<'ar ocean. Bkr. - Rent1l1 to Share 2005 R00l\1~1ATJ:: \Vantrcl: Girl Huntington Be_ac_h 14DO In sharr 1 he.Ir apt, CtlM. Call 673-118:! aft 5 &: From $149,500 Walk" Riiy. 675-5200 3366 Via Udo, NB Open Sun. CONDOMINIUM 11•kends. 3 bdrms 2 baths , :! years ~R~oo=M~,~,,~t-, "'w"a-,,"'1o<1..,-,1o-,"h-.,..- ne,v. $29, 100 -has assumable 2 BR furn beach apt. 20,;~) VA loan 651> interest, $191 28th SI. NB !rear! per month includ ing taxes. I --------- 1350 ~ ft, large-llv_ing room Room male wanted. 2 BR. witl't lireplatt, built • in fw·n apt Cdl\1. util pd. rilnge, oven, dish1vashcr. S!IO. Andy 67J..6?.J.I l8x23' patio, tile roof, block 1111.ll, landscaped. Next to a i l acre pa rk, s1vi mming pools, recreation bldg. Your 1best bet! Newport Beach 2200 TOWNHOUSE; 3 BR. 2~3' BA, lrplc. pal io, pool, 2 car p r, all bltns, cpts. drps. Liie $325. 1110, unfurn $300. Avail 12/l. 871-8811 or 642-2497 FIREPLACE. Pool. 2 bdr., 2 Priced to Sell ha.. patio, adult:-;. Bay~ide 3 bd1ms 2 baths, 1500 ioq fl. Vill.:igr. Un1i1 July 1st. $200. cpts/drps, bit-ins, boa! dOOr Call l213J 222-4309 or 673- in double gru·a~e to fenced ~19. back yard. liOxlZO' lot. Bl'-BA YFP.ONT :: & den, pirr & 101v market $26,500, Subn1it flual. i''ul'n 01· unfurn. ~ on termi;. 1110. l'o. 2 Balboa Coves Paul Jones Realty 67j..43:ll 84T-12fi6 Ev<'. j.'>,6.{i3jg OC!'.:AN h-ont house, Tops! 51;40;0 LOAN Lg2BR.2BA. Frplc,crpts, drps, yard, patio. $22~. '"in· to assume, Pymnts $167/mo. 1cr. 6m<SS 3 BR, lg fam rn1, Jg_ lot.1--------- Priced below mal'ket. Sub- mit down • 2nd TF avail. * BRASHEAR RL TY * lfi002 Beach Blvd., HB 84T·85C77 Eve's. 968·1178 Christmas Gift LARGE 4 Bedrooms Lo1v interest loan. Lci\·ely Balboa lsl1nd 2355 $37:.i n10/yl'ly. A\la i1 Jan. 3rrl. 2 BR. 2 BA. Frplc. 2 patios, dnck. Adults only. 67~7880. z::=::=::=::==zz=::=::=j R<'ady for you a t $19.950 with eai.')' termt. R1r1 Wtstcliff Condominium l::lcgant, spacious, immac- S46-2311 LARGE LOT Park-like wi lh covered patio I. brick BBQ . .S.u- tiful condition_ 4 bdnns, p!u.s den, plus lam rm. Quiet, private, but cen· tral Mes.a Verde location. Perfect for family. Big Ficfita pool. Full dining room, Rich paneling, hand· some: bar. Best buy on ro- day's market! Prime area. 54().1720 Me11 del Mar 1105 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, ( mal home in very desirable area. Dina Point 2740 New on the market at S39.9JO. , . ' I ,' .I~ ; , ' TARBELL 29SS Hnbo' dining, lamily room LUS Hun;·! SHOPPING'.' · r.n easily lncloseable b zc-HAFFOAL REAL TY Sec lhi!I B<>st Buy-4 Bclnns, way to (t1vc you an a tion· 142-4405 Pool. View-JOJS \Vhite Sails al huge plaY'l'OOnl. d a ~-------- t Br, .Fireplace. carpeting, garbage disp. $14:'1 mo. unW June 20. No l:htldrcn or pets. '196--~ ularc - 1 :)"TORY. 2 bdnns, '.! baths & separate dining BEACON BAY room. Pool, '"'h ""'"" 1-Q THE REAL \."\.. ESTATEPS ' ' 1·16 5990 A BIT OF HAWAII Tropically landscaped, 1\lil h gUest r n1. poolside. Fabu- lous vie\v (rom n1ain house! \\, 11 ho v · Hill FOR Sale by 01rncr: Near ay, ar r lC\V . $. l&rge protected pool ar a<· a I • JO PM Tu Bl"Oldway Ccntl'r. Sol Vista fl'l'!l -: . cs cess lo a P.riva.rc beac and " I I RENTALS Except1on.:illy spacious hOmr &· private patios. lmln"di-PANORAMIC VIEW 1~~'="=~7'~~- wllh 3 bedrooms • family alf' occupancy -adults. Mesa Verde • th'., ... ,, '"a t Vo•·I 4Br,hn:lwd"oo1~.al eec., ... .. -~ . .. "' a panol'am1C" vie1v. -Co-Rcaltors-67:1--2020 * $72,500 * 1 lihake roof, crpt~ & drps, rootn & fireplace plus seJr $~11,500. of Ne wport Hi1rbor 524,"SO """' '"''""'"t with , ""'· Barrell Realty ~ """'· 'h''' '""'· ,...,, ., OPEN DAILY 1-5 1121 Sabrint Terrace BEST BUY BY OWNER 67• ••so patio. 5'i % c1. $29,900. ca11 ~ • 847-2031 rooms. A wonderful loca· story 3 BR, <I BA watcri~nt 4 Bedrm + Den tion for child~n • com mun-home. Fronts on xlnt S\Vlm· . . . ily b(>arh . tcn111:o; court.~ • 1605 \Vcstclill Dr., NB ming ~ach. Newly redecor. 2 baths, ":'illt·m kitchen, rov-RC'dttorated & landstal)f'd. 4 Br, lgr din rm. 11•lk lo all pirr & noa1 ~. Th15 coukl be 642·5200 ~ $180,000. By app'L ered patio. Garage ~I-t·~r· 11. sir1;1e hon'lr ,,·11h ei1he"r I :::=cc::::::::=::=::=~1 2~1 Bi1y1ide Drive, NB :a:;·:11;:1~lps ivith fin-VIEW • T HE B~ST ~ or 6 bedl"OWJa, Si9 . .:-.00, I• Lind• Isle Dtvtlopmtnt T•RB.ELL 29S5 H bo Th hn · Cd>I · call for app't. NEEDS PAINT Bill G•undy 675-3210 "' ar r c est in i w1 .l Br., $28 00 1 -------den, Jorma! din, & f'i ba. Coron• dtl Mar DON V. FRANKLIN REALTOR • 673-2222 • ~nools $31,950. S:J.000 do1~n :-~=~~~~..'-o­ !o assumr, 51~8.li.J tra Jara:e double ea.rage. ac· • Raise your Family i1I this <I 4 Bdrm + Family Rm. view from kit., din. rm. l 17141 6424235 ccss 10 rear yard R-:l zone D1vor~1 Forces Si1I• BR. home on a large lot. Preslige. <'onvl'nient at't!a. HARBOR. HIGHLA N DS. mstr. Br. Plush c.-pts drps. Huntington Harbour 1405 BUILDERS close ou t !~ Tri· level 3 lt 4 BR hOmrs. Xlnt finaocinf;:. AlakC' reasonable oUer. Orig price $44,500. Builders Agrnt. 846--0609 iohn macnab \\.·ru built 2 bdrm homr, ":<--------MESA VERDE ,5 · Newport B11ch 1200 Has everythina;. ~Art ocean 901 Dover Drive, Suile l:!O • room to buUd si9,rJO. Lovely v1e1v home • Back ClO&f to lhops l schools. 2 ba.th.11 plus den + f.:imily Believe us, these honu~s are Beaut. lndscpg. ai for Nrwport Beach Wells-McCirdle, Rltri. Bay ar~"· 4 Ir . bedrooms. Ow~r ma~y lease option. room. All f'!rctric kitchen hardi,to rind. Bright, clean, 3 Jeisul'e. Jfave a looJ.:j you'll L19un1 Beach 1705 1810 Newport Blvd., C.~1. ram & din. rms. v.acant. Im. Askinr $28.500. ivith new dishw11sher. Elc-bdrm 2 bath home wilh cozy be heppy if you do. BEAUTIFUL BAYCREST SPECIAL t bdt·m I lom1al dinini ·I-- pool, fllo\·c-1n cond1Jion . Call us roda_"I' DAVIDSON RHlty .',46.6.160 Eves. !>K-183.1 :>i8-7729 &f4..0684 eves. med. J>O!iS. See it • AI~ke Graham Rlty. 646-2414 111nt fll'l'pl acc. :>10-1120 lireplacr, pa!io &. nicely e BILL HAVE ~ Rltr. BEACH HOME "'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!""'!your offer· Buy a barra:in. Near Newpo11 Po!lt Offic~ TARBELL 2955 Har bor I a nd1eapcd. \Valking :rut E. Ooaot, CdM ~ --1 = di t l •1 · "-hoot ,........,., in lovtly Laguna condo. com· S 0 ~ 541·SUO · $39,SOO 9 ance 0 " ann!'rs .xo · 1018 S. ltfaln, S.A. ~l-6613 munlty; fronting on magnif-23,95 (nNrcinerMU.Ql Exqui.'iitr 2 stocy home. 1-lu;e COLLEGE PARK Pritt Sl8,:iOIJ. Call 545-8424 ] leent heatt!d pooJ, 100 steps Ktrlj:: iiized bl!drooms. 2 llEGE REALTY bedrooms, J baths, banquf'I 4 BR. • 2 Biths (open <'Yell ~th Coatit . from priv. bch., tennis cts. baths. Built-in d1·ean1 kitc:h-JSOllAUN1t-,... •"•d d'•lnr ,--. "' ft . Assume 5¥4•/. Loin Real Eslatf'. Balbo1 Ptninsul 1300 -.. ... """' ,;,J etc. Comp. at1·acti\'e ru111. Houses Unfurnished General 3000 -----li\li\·IAC. Tri-level Republic hon1<' 5 Bedroo1n~. 3 ba!hs, fan1 ily room, din 'room, close lo school-; and shOJr ping. Rel<'l'f'i1Ccs S335. G-12-iii7 Agent. $22:>. 4 Br. gar. lrplc. R/0, w/Y.', drps. Chtldron & pc~ O.K. Avail l/L Bkr . """""" LARGE :.! ~tot·y J or 4 BRs l3x21 ' ru.n1pus roon1. bit-ins, ne1vly drcoraled. S2i0/mo. 557-7648 540-ll:it $130 2 Br lo~-er tri-plcx. Bltns, flllliO. 1vf111• drps, ch ild 01\. Bkr. :il1-6!lll0 VACANT S BR. .1 BA, m<'dallion. L11•. d111. lam rn1. la $300. '.'"\&-1713 evf'. rn, Cola1:ed 'IV antenna . .or. ,.,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..I f•mily room. 8,,,, "-. Price S2!1,t;o -SJ500 °'°'''n BY Owner -!lOOO. 4 Br. 3 0 · 1 I . d I. h ,... . H I k r ... "'" G w·11· M DERN Duplex .• BdnnS, tnc lid \\' I\' Cl'PI g, rps., 1g t w patK>. eavy s ia "" plaa:. 2 patio!!. j.,IO-JTlO eorQt 1 1amson Ba . .l ~'l's o (. Custon1 bit 1 '--bed 1 · roof. Mini-orchard. 5~17'JO ' $23,000 T•RBELL 29SS Harbor REALTOR hom•. 1v,·11 !rad• "·'"" v1·s1a each unit. G11ragc. Nr. bay "t>!IZ n1a.s1er ; ocar1on 196 l 8 ·' I L 9• "" ' '-""' & lib,•-N• TL c d-. :! BR~. 2 BAs, "'· · r. gar. yu, s ove, TARBEL 2:15Harbor OCEANVIEWI 673-4350 673·1564Eves. BayaCr .. N8642-6946 ~z. " ··· ""'"' w/11. child O!\. Bkr. 4 Bedrm-$24, 950 Spacious ho1n<', i bath:-;, Ap. pealing f1rt'place, secluded rear living room. Large rn- clm;ed patio. Family room. TARBELL 146-0604 1 • . Al ri 8 . . BY Owner -lrg assumable Prine. only, S O, O 00. Iv .. din. rms; l11un. wi1 h "·Id. 2 Br., 21,i ba., 5401 Los ,, ~ile 1o a ~a .. r:immina: GI loan 3 Br. 21~ ba din 3 BR. 2 BA, family room. FORECLOSURE: J BR, 21,i Olvn/bkr. 61 J..135.1_ stor., 2-car gar. 10\l'rl' ll'V· 1 ~"='--'_,98~'~---~- Lomas Street, Park Eillates "_'Ith charm & bvabiluy. Pool rm, lam rm, 1o1:alk to ~chll, prof t1«0r. 2 yr old-xlnt BA. Townhouse, frplc, pool. i el, See to appreciate. Shown $IT~. J Br. ger. y<11·U. w/11•. section ol Long Beach, (213) nzed around1.. T RBELL bch, princ. 0 n I Y. $33,500. aind. $32,::.00. 21382 Fleet Needs paint. $27,jOO. THE QUICKEH. ).'OU CALL, by owner, call for app't. Family 1relcon1c Brokrr 597-0022 IJG.6060 A ~-=::"::"'::._ ______ _,to="'=· H=•=·=o='="""='= ...... ==328='-'L=;·=;'='="=C=o=. ===.....,,==13=-'· .:THE=-=Q=U=TC=K=E=R=Y,fOU=S=E;;L=L~=· ... ="='='='='=83=7=-0lll='=· ===-"=534=-======= NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE-o<1io- 2~3 W1-1tcllff Or. at Irvine Open Evenint• FOUYER YIEW ! Catalina. and U1c Wut Paciric are at your fte-t ln the majntic gla!>s "·aJlt'd livinr:: room and ?.f&s:tt>r Suite. Spadoua, CUSTO~flZED hOme Is lmnu1c11late in rvery dt:tail. YOU 0\~":'11 ncE LAND, HO¥E ANO VIEW for Just $J7,000! IATCHST IAR~AIN I .. Out of to\.\•n own<'r i;ays: "Submit AU. otfen"! Hua• 5 bf'drOom, l-bath hor,ne ~ith IJllU'klin.r ENCLOSED POOL 122X36). BeautifUIJy landtceped rrounds 1n· (ludeti Badminton and ShufOle boerd courts s.nd PRIVACY. You O\fN the land. Terrific value at $61,500 b\11 $1Jbmlt your offer find terms! VACANT-HAUOR ISTATIS Movt> In and c:nloy this BJG" BEDR001'1 home for Chri1tmu! SpoUessly cll"itn, FUU~Y CARJ'!:ID>, dr1pn-. ELECTRIC bullt·ln kitchen, LARGE F'A?.11LY AOOl\I, COURTYARD ENTRY! LO\V, LOW F.H.A. Interest IOllll <'M be uaumt:d \VlTH· OUT Increase. TOTAL paymt>nt of S161 INCLUOE:S TAXES and lnturancc: HDUCID $1S,OOO Choice; L'Qrt11rr M·l proJX'rly. l2tS x :lOO ht the h~•rt nf lnduatrlal act..ivlty! sm tt:ntal Income wnl Mlp to ctrry until you de\•e-lop. Grr11t for boat building and otht'r manufacturing. Rtduced $1~.000 tor Immediate 1ale and owner In&)' finance far rt"tpon1dbJe p11.rty! 1000Gtner1I 1000 General 1000 Gtntral 1000 General 1000 General 1000 ADA~~: ::x!~~Fll.1 ':~44!0 c~s~ltrsi:l'-:.9& 2190 HARIOR ILYD. Opeo IY'"lot• 'tit 9 P .M. 7612 1~1.,., . o"'°'''' KVHTIHGTOll CaMtllt $300 TOTAL DOWN TO G.l.S Hert's a rea.l Jteal on a ah&rp, clean 3 bedroom homt. Added family room with beautiful red brick ftreplace and 8.B.Q. Home feature-a modem bo.tlll·ins, carpet&, drapes, double aarqe, separate laundry room and FORM.AL DL'ilNG ROO?it. \VUI sell Gl. and low dO\l•n FH.A •t apprais&J price o( $~,900. TOTAL PRICE $11,tlO FIXIR UPPER Greal J bedroom homt: will1 a.s,umab\P G.l, JOAn-111t-6~'ii annu&l 1ntere1I '"i lh total payment of $1<15 ptr rnonth. \Vhy rrnt &I that pa.yn11;<nl ~ Submit your do1\ n pa)•mrn1 Md a little spic 111nd span 1vl\l 1"l'1X"at your profit-s. .Jn STORT ELICOANCE IUDGET PRICE of only S29.9fl9 t;i "'hat. a bargain! A511um~ $1!19 monthly paymcnls includes All . 1'a.k<' ov<'r 514 ':t GI l.oAn or new GI no down or FHA tenns. 3 big hcdnx>ms A 2 pullman ba.tU. :24 X 26 FAMILY ROOl\1, C&rpets lt drapes throughout. Cozy custom fireplace! Custom covertd patio! Grca.t Buy! SUIMIT $5110 DOWN • includes <'Vt!rythln& Jo you Veta: with pa,ymrnt• like ttnt! 3 big be-drooms on deep lot \vilh room f4r boat, camper or trailer! Nice carpeta & drapes. This Costa 1.tC!lll Cutlc: Is ONLY 1,500. Don't Wall GREAT HOUSE GREAT PRICE !\to1·e In by Xma.• "th ON.LY $2,250 doY.'l'I for this clean 3 bedroom home 1l'llh HUGE Be1111tlfol S\ il1A1lNG POOL! Cnrl)f'l.8 A Dr11.pes. 1-IARD\VOOD F'LOO HS! Assunlt' Fiii\ 6";. annum lolln! Subnilt to total payment3 on ONLY $1 .'>6 \ll'r monlh. TOTAL PAYMENT $13) PH MONTH $13,000 TOTAL PllCI Bcauliful J bedroom, 2 bath horn<'. Fn.-l!lhly pflin!NI. C.I. loan of $16.00l'l. Eve-ryone Owne-r 11.·JIJ arran~ all lina:nclni; to make it EASY FOR YOU~ Tt i~n·1 much of " q11alifle9 to wumt al ~-~ii annual rate. ServlCf' A.rta. Doubll!' Cara.c;t. Forttd mansion and )'OU c do 110me \\'Ork on It.,, but It hu 2 Btdroonu, bath, range Air heaL CompJttely ttnctd. New deep pilt carpcb lhrouabout., ruu. PRICE &. oven, carport. 1larter wlU1 lolll of land value In its 140 f091. lot. $23,900. 0 STOIT ELEGANCE IUDGET PRICE WALKER 6 U:E hu l\lll'&.nl<!td a Suruhlne llome tor $2<1,MX>. Stlltr has acrttd or only S29,999 a.n 11•hat 1t barg:aln!! A!l.~Uml! S159 monthly pe,yments Includes an. Tak~ over 5~% Loan or"""-" Ct no do""'" or FliA tcmtt. 3 big bc<l roon18 &: to 1ell VA and FHA and pl.)' necelllry COstl Involved. It'• a ~al t harp3 bedroom, 2 J'Ullm11n baths. X :.!6 FAMILY f?OOAT. ~rJ><'l~ & d'rllprs throughout Cozy l!l!l~~~~.::~.,.~=:.~&~ ... ~i..~~~lll!!lll!!!!!!!!l!IBlll!lll!lll!lll!lll!lll!lll!lll!lll!~l/l~cl:;~·~·~~;~'~'L~and~~~eh:ool:ll:•·.,:•:1~~,:~~k~ll;:'t/:•"~·E:Qo:~~'f:t•~•:3:D~~~~:L:~:1~~:~:1,!~:T:od:~~~~·~':"':t:om~flt:•:Pl:•~:·1·~t:<l:~"~'•:••:,.:td~~~uo:!~G:~:•:•:D<:»!·~t :~~~~ ... ~~~l:,_~•~:~~:1~~~~~!!11~~ I ., - - 28 an "' fW A• :ns v" '"' '" VA 121 $1~ "" fw Ca LR! d~ Pr '8 yd. Av 2 E .,, "' I Mb w/ St . Mt: I E v. + 548 2 Ix "" Av: 'b F.1 '"' 127 ' Bl Av Ba 001 64:>- 3 B frp , .. w/1 del RI! LO\ la< ""' ... 646 2~ roe "" Cli Ml EX! De ""' Ca ' I To· ovo ... 2B '" Geo 673- LO\ BA m• '" No 1\~ Ba ''" w/ ·~ Un Bra 2B 3& 3 'I 3 B 3B'. e I PDI " '"" 811 EX Ba $3( 2 E Bl 24J ( ' v -----·-·;..--... --... ---.... --------·~ ...... ____ ,... ' 31 PILOT· o0V£RTISE Wed.....,, °""'"" 17, 1'6t '•Al.$~1 Hout11 U rnl shod HouH• Unlvrnl.,,.,. -""Tlmmrr----;-:,;;; ... ·TALI ltlNTAL~ A,n, fUm._ Aph. Furnished Cotta Mn.I / DESIRABLE 1100 Coron• dol -3250 O..oorot 4000 llolboo 4300 -"-------.,. P 40. 2 2 Ba, avail now. ~CHELOR APT· t.Jtll paid. NEW HOME orctd J.Br, tam rm nr bch SlllO mer. Blvd., Balboa l.a.R. pr, •pl $111 r~~;~Qllld=~wel:oome::·1,Jl80~~P'~r~mo~.~3:10~E:· :Balboa;; 1 Br., 2 ha, cptd, drpc. f bl•tno, Ml: c!Pb<, btach ·t14o .. air heat, Gvt>dlsp, frplc, patio, ,prqt, wai.r '"81'. au... -.., vu $iii c..to 4100 Lido l1lo 4351 Lux. """""""' -Ii.GOO 1.;;.;=. ='---'--'-! furn. Adult. only no RATE REASON Across from Country 275 Mesa Dr. * Ph. Very CLEAN 3 bdnn 2 tlreplace, bulll·lna, ~· Rlddlo a R•• us.nu * ~SlftlY * C ub 2 BR, So " bwJ. J'r>k. -...... -blo.. u..m * ACRES * •th. clnp. m.&80li ! fenced yard in lovely -NEWLY -· ..,.,..,. l·Br. apt. 320 Nord. $200, Incl uW. Mn. Aledc 83&-0228 or 6~72'J5 H!'_ntlngton a..ch ~ RENTALS RE NTALS Aota. Unfurnished Apt1. Onfurnlslt.M Cost• -. 5100 -port llo1eh 5200 GRACIOUS ADULT UVING MERRIMAC WOODS I e,, 2 Ba, bl·ru. bldJ . .,,,. Just completed, 1 or 2 aR. 2 etuna bo.)' a: ocnn vn. BA tum or untum with air Ja.cuui poo11 elevator s, COlld, com.pl llOUndtp)Oled, 1Ubtannnn. Ilk'&. boa t .e1J cleanhl( ownt, wood 11ips •vall for tenuits. oelllns•. dswhn', lUlb' ~ ea...Dn Wrdntsday, Dtc.tmbtt 17, 1%9 * * * DAILY '1LOT RIAL 1sm1 * Gonorol I.eh R. 6100 DOUBLE tot wftb Old -11.Y.Le tiou.e, 3 Br, 1 BL IU.000 Call 54W1"1 Cltrw-6171 TAX$$$ SAVD Qulck act'OW btJoNi '11 ift thb. 10 acre '""'9 wUh .-... eado a.nd citn&I tm&. Pricl $85.000. CALL (71 4) 112·1* ,! l ,• • .. .( '· . . . ' •• VACANT " R E A ~ •BR, l \O ~· .... Ptl bcb. * Mote.1-Apts * D y ~' frplc. J.dulta. no ptta. 1 • 1225 mo. Ill 2lllO . l ~" O.C. HUNTINGTON CAPRI 1eal)lns with rtreams I: ...,.1,...,,o.::;..,:Bl;:ulllo_-,...-,-.,..-...,-.-dls~S terf~, devatorr. B8Q9. BR 2 BA. spilt Jev, cwi:t dee. clubhi>uR, uunu, Jacu.a.I A pool. Jan s, $300. ~2039 rwtm pools, prlv ear. w/I"'==============::. storaee. Everythlnc n e w. East Bluff $242 Startlnc at $1.40. Adults1---------p1,..,, Juat Eut ot 2lllll e NEW DELUXE e Harbor mvd, next to Naben l Br, 2 Ba apt, for Jeue Cadlllac •t 425 Yerrlmac Incl. 1pac. mutr. suite, din Way. S45-63CXt rm. A: dbl. prage-, auto. Whoddy• Wont? Wheddyo Got1 SPECIAL CLASSIPICATION FOii NATURAL BORN SWAPPEltS Spoclol Ible Aak for Bruce A1uaJldao • • ; $210/mo. Rltr. S46-f14. $135. 3 BR older, near 1"th. 2 BR, --patio, refriC cardfnu. $210 montbly . s-a.·a 1, ..... For Single Adults NEW 1·2-3 BEDROOMS >mo $140, Film A Un! Tennis, .GYMS, Saunas 6200 ~ Ave., HB Bette~. "' llllt.'ION J. WERSHOW Anaheim. Range & turn. Chlldren OK. CaJI 3 to 9 PM only, t..ue. ~ ~ llA'llS 612-46911 DUPLEX • ml oq. IL f BR, ll<IJ, Woil, - door ope~ avail, Pool & 5 LI--5 tlmOI -5 ,IMlcb ltULt!I -"' MUil tMC\.UDa LRG_ Clean 2 Bdr, Crpt.1, 2\1 BA, bllnl, fn>lc. Gil'. e Kitdieno A TV'1 Ind IJ2S, $325 mo/he, 5111-'lm e ~ l<(i., hid pooj """"'846-0619 NEW APJS ~.;,,,h~ Nr. C.tholic ._....... ""' ,...,.. .. ..... ........ .. \IOU .............. ~YOUa .....,.. tlldltr .-..... ..... lllllt ti MIPWn.11& '°"'"'THINO flOI: U.L.9 -T-AOlt ONLYI Realty Oomp.,1y , 1012 s: Hill, Ocflanskta drps, pr. No pets. e ONLY $215 e Priv. Patk>. 1945 Porn ona. e Maid temct' aV&ll. BACHELOR le 1 BR turn, HunHngton llNch 3400 2J76 NIWl'OllT .. VD. $140 up. Ad ults. "" "'"· $150 & $175 PHONE 642-!671 To P lace Your Tracl1r'1 Pandlle M SSS Amigos Wll,Y', N.B. 6200 21l<droom 1!21 165 A 2ht St. C.M ~ WALK To beach. :t BR/den. ...,SI . 17301 Keelson Ln. &Q..7848 UT ILITIES PAID liC~oijro~n~oiiiido~liiiiiM~1~r-~525~01 I U.6 Acres toned l\1·1 North 3BR+den,2BA.F yd. Llke new. $240 Avail 1/10. 549-2646 2 BR, crpts, drps, New bome-'i'&CaJlt. Cpta. $25i ._.;,\AIL & U (Weat ot Beach nr Slater). N/\Y corner Sunnower &: drpl + water $225. • ..-.....-'J...a. P 1 BR, newly decorated, all 1 & 2 Bdnn, 2 p •im pools. Fairview Trade $249,~ eq. enced l.eadenhip R. & IO-M56, ~ I: 1 ara. 1111111 pool, utll. $125 mo. No children ot Adults only, no pets, Furn ~~ -oity for income property. tn0/lse, __ ,.. -.6--· ......... -" it desired, 6t2-lTll 'Ill F.d Riddl• Rltr. "'" -11 eve ~n TVWLlll ~.._.... ,e-i~• pets. Agt. 21l Main St. 3a1 A do S C 1o 'Q. ........aa · • BR ~.~•-T-•-. avail. eo l'1Ca1& CNr S36-8887 voca. t, . r. br't• washer/ ~ ,""'........_ ·-~~~)''=':.,-A~;,:' ==-::--liiACii:a,rt,;;;e;;~O.Cmi;;;: --'""'=-'""=..:o::•c.Po:""'=='".::':_ 3 B«!<lroom, 3 bath, fam rm, M Pool. b1tm., cPU. drpa. -BACH. apt, newly decorated, HARBOR GREENS ON TEN ACRES separate dining rm, l yr oJd, 40 ACl"el, So. Caltt. SZ. '5.l CAD. DeVUle, Red DOWN, $25. PER MON'lH, Jeath. upOOb~ P. R&:ll. $2,495. FULL PRICE. L. \VI.re W. Gd. ccnd. One Shewtelt, 326 W. Third St .. ownr. Exchange for gd. L.A. Phone: (213)623--5101 gentle ridfn& mare. n+ EXCELLENT opportunlt;y 10 525-1289. acres Rfoo ana. l...ap Neat cottage rear al R-2 lot lake. $25 per mo. bandies. dryer. Refs req, 169 Dr. $145. """868. esa patio. 2 ear pr $160 mo. * NASSAU 'PALMS * Ul uW $90 mo. No pets. 1 le 2 BR. Furn & Untum F.V. Trade for Condornln- Clnc dep ftQd. si6..33rt 177 E. ~2 :_a ~ _. 'M!'n: Agent, 213 ?.fain St. 536-8887 Fireplace• I priv. pa&s. I jum or mobile horn(). Prln· Qlt.1. Equity $5500, Take .894-47::.:...::..:43::_ ______ 1 clear late niodel air cond. -IMMAC1JLATE 1 BR d w/' gar. Apt B, l3l E uplex 4 LARGE BR. 2 BA. frplc, ...-.. SI'ONEHENGE APTs. 2 BR, BACHELOR unfurn tr om Pools.. Teruili. Contnt'lBJdst, clp&ls only, ~ • 21st new cpts' A drps, dbl pr, MERRIMAC WOODS 2 BA. 2:Ia1 Florida, nr $110. Also avail 1 • 2 & 3 ~ Sea Lane, CCIM M4-26U 1--------car part e<HY. tialanct $135 ---------1 per mo, 6\4 %. 673-0173 l •ke Eltlnore 6202 St. CM. 54&-8584 M••• del Mir - fencd back yd, $250, 962-899f, Furn unltl avail. See ad un. Beach &: Adami 5.16-27ll Bdrm. Heated pools, ,chlldl'!!!fM!!!!!acArlhiji!~"'~"'~·~eo.!'!!11~H!wy!!) Shoreclitts 3 Br on fee land. der dul 5100. 425 Merri· FURN. 1 &: 2 Br apts care center, adj to shoppina.r $25M eqfy + clear Sl 5M 3105 Fount•ln Valley 3410 mac Way. 5663<kl downtawn 1-1.B. No children No pe21"00' Pet·-·n W•• NI EUWNIDTULPELFETXI Glendoi-a lot w/oaiu!. Want """" ...., inc prop, trlr park or ranch inted 3 BB;: 1,. BA, Ip bonul rm. $l4S &: Up ~ ATJ'RAC'l'[VE, 1:1 :or:::'.:"':"':':s:i&-==7=396====, _ _,c,.°',.',.•.,,M,.,"'==546-03=~1=0-·ll BR. 2 Ba. {$250), P rlv. pa-nr coast, Owner 673-0176 5 units in 2 oJder homes., 3 · ADJOil'UNG llll l 1 l d e So. LagUna, combined. equ-lakeview lots, near culno ity $19,000. Trade for [n. $3,000. 536-2449 :. come property or clear lot 4 BR-2BA. Newl.y pa Vac. Lease $265. lat + $100 deposit, U3 st. . ,,.,.,,a •• -'-··houle in rear. bdr., pool, uw paid,--;prden MARTINl"'UE . d I: last ~ ._,. Well living, adults. no pets. 1800 .,. tio, cov. garage, cpl ·• drap-71~ St. Jamea Pl, N.B. 3 Clair Side yard for boat or 1 Wallace Ave CM Laguna &eac:h 4705 GARDEN APTS ed. Comp, bltns, Best'loc, Br, 2 Ba, ocean view. Own. (sl So. 0 .C. Bier, 4~1397 3 ACRES .fO miles north of 1963 Cadillac Convertible, Reno near Heney Lab at good condition, for part equ-foot of Sierru. Level, clear, 543-1505 d.&Ya. landscaped. 968-TIOO aft 5. '' · ' i07~~ ORCHID er says submit income or ity in 3 or 4 BR, GI or FHA $3,000. 536-2449 Newport Beach ADULTS ONLY 4 BR, 2 Ba, ttl>ta. drpc, nr BEAUTIFULLY FURN CHARMING 2 bdrm. unit. Excellent park-like surround-~ land for $3lli'\l equity, Mark 3200 schools"' shop'g. $250 mo. 2$1.:a;-~~~:;.;~· Newlyting re:ecd, \Y/sw ings w/heated pools. Extra l.~~·~·~~'~7UG~~0~9l Les, Rltr. 548-ml 84&-4256 or 842-1926 54• ~·1 ' · 'eo"""'mpl•t•IY furn. , ~ •,.P ::.__: parking. N ea r shoppini. -•• ;. , II.• .....,_.., ...., u""' Adults only. -·•• -Af·l Or Commercial. Va· $US VERY nice l Br apt. I.haded patio. 120 yds. from 2 & 3 BR APTS COROLIOO AP!S. 2 Br. cant, Clear. Near Bris!ol, home to $25,000, Afr. Meyer CABIN w/5 acrn $4,250. 546-5&80, 549:1366. Low low down II ea1y 40 ACRES rec: land wlttt terms. Breck Nott IUt;y • trE-es Mar new lake NE c612-:.=..::oo«:.::. __ ~-~-· I Utah. Value $100 per acre. 2 LO'l'S. Country Oub fl&bll. Trade all or part for ear, $195 each. 10% down. 2 bdrm, 2 baths. New paint, .... . 1225, new. cpts, new dra Available Jan. ht. 3 bdrm, 2 baths. split-leveL F .P., Bit-ins -2 car faces pool. Avail Jan. = _L.:1111'1:.:;nc;;•o.,:llo;:.:•.:ch;;__..;3:...705_ $145. lovely Jae 2 Br mobile Woods Cove Beach $175 mo. 1m Sant A A c M C.~I. Trade for house or du. -M'RRlo Realty 494--0731 & na ve., · · Lower levels, studios, pent-plex in this areL Call • home. 132 W. Wlllon, C.M. ~ n ~· Apt ll3 646-5542 house, Frplcs., pool, dbl . LARGE, ,_,,. ftdec. 1-Br. duplex. Ocean view. Adults, no pets. $175 mo. yearly. PLACE REALTY 6'-971N 548-9577 OiARMING Partly f u rn 615-5787. F•inu:nr Villa Apts ~"ra'· patios. 11so • mo. 1\ 1558 CORIANDER Dr· 2 BR seaside studio bungalow, .,. n .. 1 .,,,,....., * * * * * 2BA ~ •• •-...:., ~~ gan1,.. "!ting. t.. ..... 1110 R.E W ~• 6"~ mo. si,204'.t ... _ -,...,,,., inc gat, all u t 111t1 e s , Near Orange Co. Alrpoi1 & 2 BR. So. of Hwy. Yrly. I '!~!'!"'!!!!!'!!!J'.l!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!J!'!!!!'!!!!! / • e n._ -'""'~~~~-~-,.I 'I'<lo-cl•ar. Rois. 494-711S UC!. Adults only. 20122 Ulil'•· tum. $195 nwntb.1' REAL ESTATE Dff ico Ronl1I 6070 NEED MONEY7 diamonds, boa! or ! 644--085 •BC-2657* 3 BDR.i'\f, 2 baths, split-Lquna Niguel 3707 lflB.!' :,~ ~-: ~'"1~~~ ~ SEE NEW VILLAGE INN Santa Ana A~. 54p-Z196 References Required. Gtinar1I lewl. ,....., u ....... g.. ~Ir. Forney, Bkr. ~ Fo • _ Men ,,.__. view pets. 646-589:2 or ~ . Steps to beach. $3.5. 9:k G I H LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned To buy a new home!~ &&le our euaranteed bMt in plan. Let us answer '1f1G1 ·questions with no obl.lplioa! Available Dec. 31. $265 Bay &: Beach Realty, Inc. 1'6NB 8-6006 901 Dover Drive, SUlte &15-2'JOO Eves. 54 ***** 3 BR., 2 ba, family nn, ' • cul· trplcs, 3 patios. Prim de-sac neighborhood. w/playhouse that Beaut w 111 l.100. delight any little girl. RJtr. 642-4816 LOVELY Baycrest 4 bdnn family room home. Many $400 Srruth Rilr. extru. Prestige area. per mo. Jean 64&-3255 2 STORY 2 bdrm. f&mlly room, 1% bath, fireplace, large play yard. Patlo.'Near Cliff Drive. $225/mo. Rltr. MI 2--2222 EXEC. Home. 3 Br. % Ba. Den, drps, trpl, dbl a:ar, pool & Ocean Vw. $fJOO me. Call ~. 4 BR, 3 Ba, B LUFFS Townhouse. Delx 2 1tcry overlook& pool $400. Owner 644--2079 2 BR, 2 ba., den, din. room. In CJiUhaven. $300 George William~n, Realtor 673-4350 613-1564 Eves LOVELY tuwnhse 2 BR, 2 BA. Frplc, new cpts. Im· med. poss. $250. Aa:t. &16--0132 Newport Shor .. 3220 1 ~~ BLKS to beach, 3 Br. 2 Ba, 2 story A-frame, lovely residential home $ 2 8 5 w/lease. 675--0307 wkdays; anytime wkends Uni vert!._to,:.P_•_rk __ 3237 R ..,..ue, _.,-. ~ • GUNA 494:72(11 VILLA MESA APTS NICE lge 2 BR upper, New ues omes famlly room. 3 BR. 2 ~ BACHELOR, small yard f14S mo. LA 2 BR unfurn pri patios hid cpts, drps, refrig, rana:e, a:ar. PRIVATE Room & battt for 5991 patios, gardeninc aenr•ce fireplace, very quiet utll 2 BR, crpts, drps, pool, 2 car '•ncl't gar 'Chil-New dccor. Adul ts. Lae, $170 Incl •~ •-paid "~ •~ '150 · 0 N ambulatol')' pi!non. Lovely • "'-"""Kl•v ,. ......... mo. ......-.. encl. gar &. private paho. d-n w•l-me, no 'p , 1, wner 7M areissus. ON FOREST AVENUE Desk space avail&bl• in newest ollice bulldlnc at prime location in downtown Laguna Beach. Air condi- tioned, carpeted, beautiful entrances: Frontage on Forest Ave., rear lead.I to Munclpal parking Jots. $50 per mont h for apace. Desk and chair1 available for $S. Business houn answering service availab1e tor $10. All utilities paid except telephone. Fait enough? ,. '" '"" home, nice sul'J'OUndlngs, 1 BR apt. Iota of. sttnge. $155. 673-3690 please! $160. Also furn $Ul5. $195 mo., utilities paid good nutritious meah:. Costa Condominium 3950 Paol, pr. Util pd. $150. 1884 2 BR. Studio's. Nr OCC. f140 TI9 W, Wilson. 646-1251. 2 BR .• garage. Yearly. Mesa. 548--4753 -'-'---------Moorovia, 548-0336 mo. Avail now & Jan 1st. STUDIO a pt, 2 BR, l% BA. l\fr. Forney, Bkr. 540.3862 ========= -rarr ·~ ~- ! BR, 2 BL W/)N apt, 2 car 1 BR duplex. Mature adnltl, Family welcome. 63Tw2!W3 Patio, closed garage, nr $150 mo. l BR, 1 blk ro Misc. Rentals 5999 gar. Pool I: clbble avail. .no pets. $95 mo. 170-B West RENTALS shopping. Adul lB, m pets. market, avail J an 1. Adults ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST $210 mo. Avail. Jan. 17th. 5CS-6954 $1. nl t 673-8936 540-<339. l ii:<~ffirun5ii<-O~;;;;.-;~~-rtu.di;;;itil-_;A~p~ls.'.!:_:;U~n~fu~m:,:::i;::•h:::IOd:=.-:: 45. 64Z-2389. o y, nope s. SINGLE Car Garage, Corona del Mar.1$20 a mo. Call • 615-6271 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546 1640 A\.inLUV ~ ro.-ltUaert_J 2 BDR. 2 Ba. Pool, blt·ins, 1 Bdr. Apt. Unr. Stove & or retired. $85 +. '548-t'611 Generll 5000 crpts & drps. $195 a mo. re:lrig. Sun dk. $150 a mo. or &31·7ff0. Call ~ 64&-9683, Agent. Call 675--0737 RENTALS Apb. Furnished Gonorel 4000 RENTALS VEN DOME l======I 2 BR, crpts, bltlns, trplc, Lid I I 5351 patio. Adults only. No pets.1 __ 0_•_• _____ _ GARAGE For rent. Double & unattached. $25 J>t'r mo. 247 1ilh Pl., C.1\1. 548--4156 OPEN EVES :TILL l:JO LARGE houae w /mnlne tor rest home wanled In N.11., CDM, Laguna Bch or Dam Pl. ~-~ 6C-SM9 Single Adults Luxury single, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, furnished ond unfur· nished, with complete privacy and landsca~ ed country club at· mosphere Including $750,000 wo r t h of recreational facilities designed and operat- ed just for sin g l e people. RENTS FROM n45. ANAHEIM 2TI So, Brookhun;t (1 bllc. So. cf Lincoln) (nl ) m.4500 IMM.ActnJ.TE API'S! $145. 548--8882 1 BR Iov.'t'r front. Employed ADULT A: FAMILY 2 BR, $155. Crpts, drps, tldult. Utll tum. 107 Via Apts. Fumilhod Income Property 6000 NowpOrt llooch 4200 DAILY PILOT BUSINES~ .... SECTIONS AVAILABLE bltns, Pvt Mlio, encl zar. Flore~. 6Ta-1892 4 UNITS Balboa Peninsula. 2'l2 FOREST A VENUE LAGUNA BEAOI ........ NEED an Apt. for the Close to shopping, Perk Adults. ~~ . \Vinter rentals $500/mo. holidays! Baytront '2 BR (1-* Spacloua 3 Br'a, 2 Ba NEW Private Home Huntington Buch 5400 Potential summer rentals FINE STORE/OFFICE FINANCIAL Bus. Dpporfunltlos AOO * 2 .,, _ _.____ $500 per v.·eek. Owner 11'.'av-F King sz., 1-twin) Comp. ~~~ in a 4-plox. 4: 3 BR w/ 2 BORMS 2 BATH o• LHH F B nd N furn. W/linent, etc. $5SG mo *Swim Po;tl. Pul/green everything. Nr F\1.'Y, 5464016 -'. ing area. Price $45,000. Cell On Vi.t lido e~y r:O,.....,.!me (Will consider a leuel. Call * Frpl. Jnd1vllndry fac'ls Martin Rltr. S.'18-6332. "'"~ 546-'lfi02 oi' 642.--4641 1145 Anaheim Ave. $130. 2 BR upper. Bl\IU. $150/?i.fo. HEATED POOL EASTstDE 11 Units V.'/SlllO Approx. 1500 Sq. Ft. Now available Jn Costa Mffl l "'"":~~:":Tr!ffi~""'l~CO~ST~A;.,;MES;;;~A~!!!!!!~642;;;-282<;;; 1 cpts & drps, No pets. 568 W. in~. cpt1•~, Kid• OK monthly income, on 50,400 50c Per Ft. and many other loWnl in Wilson St. 545--0760 ... -u .... ..., LIDO REAL TY INC. this am. All locations are MESA MOTEL ...::.=::..;:.::,,.:_o:..:=---I DELAWARE SI't.JDJO Apts. ft. ot land. $82,000 -No 3377 Vi• lido 673--7300 commercial or factory, Very e RENT • 1 Large BR. Crpts, drps, 2620 Delaware, H.B. points, owner will caJ"r)' high earnings. No lel.lq tn· *LOW WEEKLY RATES* Kitchens, 1V'1, maid ter- Yice, He1Ced Pool. '6"'9681 3 Rooms Furniture $19.95 & UP bltns, refrig. Xlnt Joe. &I" ~21 ••• ~--••• 1816 w/low low down. Broker MODERN 3 room suite, n>M 557 • .,.. vw ... y ... uc ....-volved. To qualify you mutt • .._.50. -9io• 646-3750. cpts .• air cones, janitor Ber. "' -Uab" .~ ha·-_ NICE 2 & 3 bdrs. Crpted & vt I rk' ~" It:' ....... ... """' 3 BR, 2 BA. upstrs. New drp!?Cf. N\vly decor. 3 blks 4 UNITS -each 2 bclnns. c;e, amp e pa JJlg, hour a day spare time (d!Q'I ?:onth-To-M\ll'ltb Rent.ala shag cpl. Bl~ns. Xlnt North from bch. 3 bdr w/dbl at- Fully occupied. Near Ct\f So. Cali!. lit Nat. Bk Bldr. or eves). $125 AIODERN 1 BR ap t WIDE SELECTION C.M. Joe. S19:i l!'o. 557-6151 tachcd gar 1r; frplace. 5J6-1TI1 Goll Course. Annual income 230 E. 17th Street $16'75 'ro'I'AL betwn Ocean A Ba,y. Jan NO DEPOSIT 0 .A.C. S6240 _ Price $45,000. PETE Costa Mesa 642-1485 CASH REQUIRED 3rd til June 17th. 4405 HFRC Furniture Rentals 2ce1:m~~t, tl~:p~~te &.ga:~: CHEZ ORO APTS. sia: BARRETT REALTY 642-4353 ~IARINER'S CENTER Inquire about our "free bon-~=) Pt (Car 45lh &: 517 W. 19th, CM i48-3481 garbage disp. Afl 4. MG-9030 Cr~:."t~~·~:u~. 2\Jtll DUPLEX CD~f. 2 house•. Office In Store: Bldg. Rent or \11 l'OUle plan". Make )'Wl' • SiO. 1 Br 4-plex. Gas, water LGE. 2 a: 3 BR. Pool. O'pts rm. 536-8038 or 536-2127. $55,000, $8,000 down. Income IM. $7S-$125. Beauty lbop, Mura ~ with us. a MODERN tum. a.pt. avail. 2 pd. Avail now. Broker & drps. Kids .Ir. srnl pets ck. 2 BR duple•, cp~ •-·. $415 Mo. 675:0044 SC'me equip. 149 Riverside Dunn&: Bradst1'eet ra~-... mos. 2 BR. 2 ba. kty. 534-'980 998 M 1 A 1 ~ o:•<> ._..., " ,,.. '"l"' Ave., N.B. ~2414. tiona.l com..-v, For D*'I $250 1 ap e P .., .....,-_,.. yard_ $140, mo. (lit -~ last _..,, Owner away til March. $150. Util pd. 2 Br, gar, 2 BR duplex, freshly painted, mo rent It. cltaning dep) no ButfMU Property 6050 DJ -1000 SQ, IT. Newport Wonnatlon, tend name, ad. Mo. eronr 646--7414 bltns. Children OK. Bkr stove, no refrig. Xtra lee Oiildren. 842-7973 Beactt Clv:lc Ctr. area. drea and phone # to: 1 I: 2 BR turn .. unturn. $150 5J4..6980 2 ACRES, Co&ta P.1esa -Hi· Secretarial services. 334.s "R<Xll'E DEPARTMENT gar. No pets. 548-6355 '""" " ..._._ •· · • -I N rt Bl d N B ' #23" P 0 n •• -• f}75. Cpts. drps, blbta, • .....,. • .,,, .... ,......,m, carpeuo, n.se area. ~ng term ease. ewpo v ., • . , , , DUA ...,, pool, patio. 1525 Placentia Cotta Meu 5100 Newport Beich 5200 drapes, built-ins. Pearl Devtne, P. O. Box ~1601. -:;:;;Po;,=m:;;ona::;:;•:..:::C.::l:::it·c.•:.:1:;;1'9::.__ GARDEN GROVE 2 .BR BalJloa Apt, $160. R. I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;-;;m.;w~831>-~~1548~:;;;--;:;;;;:-l 1940, lluntington Be a c h, -~B~A~Y~LI~oo=~B~LDG=--Attiliate 13100 Chapman Ave. Adults. Yrly 1se BRAND New 1 & 2 B I• 2 BDRMS. 2 BA. pvt. patio, 92646 3700 Newport, N.B. CANDY SUPPL y c4 blks w. Santa Ana Fw}'.) * 6$-:iulo * \V/W cpts, all bltns inrJ, heated p o o I, washer & Otfl~s available. Rm 301 ROUTE (nil ~·3030 =====--.,,--:! aelt cleaning even. Patiot., SPACIOUS new 2 bdrm d...,er hook up. !J62.8994 B 0 _u .. •i .. n-'K'-•'-'-R"-e"n"t1"l __ 6060.o.;.o. ~24&1 or 541.5032 N y ......,.. WATERFRC»fr w/boa t garages. Adults. 66-2108. 2 blth Nr shopping"='='==='=====! -( o selling tnvolftd Brand new 2 Bdrm. 2 bath NEWPORT BEACH dock. Lovely 2 BR, patio, 377 w. Wilson. $240 ' • '1 · 5705 RETAIL SHOP 1~ &q It. SHARE lrg deluxe office Excellent lncome tor tn1 tnhouse $275. Avail. now mvINE AND 16th y 1 Ise 673-9000 697-5918 per mo. L1guna Be•ch Terrific Location. A Ir suite, Mutual Savings bldg houn wte.JcJr work. <o..:vt 2 BR. 2 Ba. Avail 1115 S290 CnlJ o:•c::nr:.""' r y . or LARGE 2 BR, crpts, drps, Cond., ca....,..t11. BeauUful Cmona de! Mar. Call and.Eveninll). a .... ,;111 .... ancl ~ t & I K.d k "· · Squire Apt• API'S LEASE OR RENT ·r-.__........,. 3 & Den townhouse $340 carpor poo · 1 5 0 ' m.rtner · Store Front. Ideal for Men'1 615-6171 anytime ccllecting money from coin C d I "· 4250 2214 Coll A t No 2 1244 I I A e NB New 1 or 2 bedroom, private. 3 111 f11.m rm tnhouse S325 I b orone • mt1r ege, P · · rv ne v ., · • Wear, Git.ts, S,__lalty Shop, SM o•••-operated dispeneen: in <Jr.. South Say C u 646-7095 sundeck, wall to w a I I r--ALL LU<...,. on busy cor- 3 BR. 2 Ba. house S300 LOVELY t br t. $200 a -=;;i;;,;7.c==..-.,=-;;-l !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... !J!"'~!!!!!!!!!I arpet, ocean view, kitchen etc. Hlllgren Square, 270 E. ner Costa Mesa. $55/month &nge Co. and l1UTOUl'ldl.na: 3 BR. 2 Ba. house $400 Apartments mo 547 7143 :ft IO AM 2885 MENDOZA DRIVE 4 BR •tudlo, 2" BA. Dsbwhr. furn. Underground pnrking, 17th St .. C.M. utllltles included. 64U560 area. \Ve establlah ~. • Red Hill Realty 833--0820 --oc===~~~-d ' 0r·--1 aft 1 PM 1 & 2 BR apts. 2 split-level. 111 ~~t~I ~Ol~&-:097~0~1_,,=-:-=; I========== (Handles name br~nd candy HOLIDAY PLAZA ay1 or.l'""»•.> . 1 Blk r-m •·ach. 91nn, mo. close to beach. 49-1-7447, Mr. and "·) $ POPULAR Princeton Model, · CID, bltns. No Pe I 1 • '" ""' ~ B k SI'ORE Or oUice at JS4l snac .... , 1515.00 caah 3 bdr. 2 ba, new, $135. Avail D~"!Pt s)~iol.ia:pl!s ~ ---------545-5421. See ~'!gr, Apt A Yrly. 673-2455 rr.c . Newport B I vd.' CM. Commerci•I 6085 required. For personal inlft'. now. Call 491-1642 Heated pool, ample parking. l1lboa 4300 ittNT AL:!t R E NTALS ~~ ~nt 2 BR, ~ 8~· $50/mo. incl u t l I I t I e 1 . LEASED Store• For Sale. view in Orange Co. area. No children . no pets. CLEAN Bachelor Apts. Apt.:'·:....:.F,.:uc.m:.::.:lsh.:;.;.ed,;_ ___ A.,_pl_•_·-:Furni1h1d ~l~ied & ~~;is. a~~~ ,548-0588=-~-~--~-I 19th St. Nr. Bethel Towers. ;'~ ~:ber ~=UL~ Back 81y 3240 EXECUTIVE Home 5 BR, ! Ba. Cpts, drps, elec bltna. $300. 54&-6740 2 Story Colonial -4 BR. 21Ai BA $325 mo. Ref le. deposit. 2405 Bonnie Pl. '158-m28 1965 Pomona, C.M. All util incl $85 up Newport Beach 4200Newport Bea ch 4200 no pets. Eve 538--2095 ROOM Suitable for gift shop, ~1768 or ~7414. Agent. STATE Disr., INC. 1611 w SEE NEW VILLAGE INN -~~3~15~E~.~Bal~boa~Bl~vd;·~~11r~§~~~::~~===:~~===~11 REAL ESTATE men's shop or ladles shop.I---------Broadway, Anabehn, oo: Steps to beach. $35. wk. J!AIBOA 613-9945 Genar1I Call Jim Berkshire, 673-9405 lndustri1f Rental 6090 fomia 9'280'1. (TI4) m.60IO. nlj mo LAGUNA $1201BAYVIEW2 BR. $185 Util l Grand Opening -lmmedi1te Occupancy STORES or OFflCES IS YOUR AD JN 1121. u~ pd. Batebetor owr pd. Beach, plu, ,..rlong. OAKWOOD Rent1l1 W1nted 5990 $35 to $150 ulil incl. St. ''" NEW BUILDING CLASSLi'IEDl .._ wtll pragea. W/w, c1rps, avail Adults. 303 E. Edcewater. posure. 569 W. 19th, 01 1260 Losan Ave., Costa Mesa be 1ooldtw for It. DlaJ now. Bkr. 5.14-6980 <n4J Bn-2865 6070 Each unit 1725 11q ft, 2 olf· =-=~===~=~ ... .. "' t·~ • •.' .. -• • • • ' ' ..... ~ ,. . -. : : • I • . ' • r 1 .. ' -The best of t wo wo rld s • • Office Rontil '"''· 2 "'' ......, UQ/210 ntE SUN NEVER SETS .. ~rol 4000 r,our ho me and your country club REN TAL FIND ERS ma Anah<lm, C.M. Offlce,., •l"tric. Amp!• parking. Ouli""''• action -· .'. 1· d ,,_ T• L••••,. 1'W/lobby-ground floor , $125. C. Ro~ Nattreu Realtor For an ad lo•ll around the or your home, select from sin~l a, one •n _,..•·mi. c..11 ,,,_ Sch~"Ot'Cr, 673-26S4 Colla MCN. 642:1485 clock. dial M2-$111, .) : S~'1l~1A.-""Bf/'S' two bedroom a pertments. Fu rnished er un· ~~~~1~•M!Kui11. ==~=~~~~~~~~;~;:~~~~;.;;~~~ii:===1 Gener1 I 4000Gonorol ~ J." furnished ea ch is professionelly decoreted --.,_,l 111T1ets The ,ml• wifA th• •u1"ff.f11 c•uc•1. ·~d ; •• 1u·d .. cerpet;n9, draperie .. eli-alact.i• s.,.., """ICll G. ''"""E:ft!'l<x. ·:t. II n Ill W esti'nqhouse •ppli•nces, st or • q • ipece e LANDLORDS e ·1~ ~ .. :'ft i: 1plenty ond priv•te belcony patio. FREE RENTAL SERVICE ~~!!'.L!.l!.;.:.:...--1'J'a.&.TI. 1 ~: lour x rOmbW wordt t.. low to form fOUf' 11,...,i. tllOlds. IDIRllE I I 11 I I' I IKOREP I I I r I i f & "\~~$~~$ umu lH r r ,. I' I' r I 111111 SCRAM·LETS ANSWEl IN CLASSIFICATION 8000 I d , h I id Broker 534-6982 M Your Dadr1.AdM1'~ ""-Ju1t 1tep1 rom your oor 11 • w o • wor V .Act'ONlnt·tol,,•Sfs~-.1-,- of exClu1ive country club recreetion: Rooms for Rent 5995 'ro dtwlop n-.soge for Th,:r'.: * Profe11ional silt Tennis Courts nodof~'i;.'bl~~to * Resident Tennis Profe11ionel and Shop PRIVATE Entrance; pr1v .. -nn,... .. • Ol~m(.ic 1ile Swimm ing Pool balh, nice sunny room. 12 ~-',,' ~ :l ~ Worklnc penon. 64.s..5310 .. -~· .... ..._..,._.. • W ir pool Beths 3 """ 3l v.., 63 Md • Peddla T enni1, Voll eyb•ll, Ba1~etbell LARGE Room, privatt ha.th, ~~•or ~ ~ :; :'J'h,,i :1 1y;~~,,ll Courts workln& girl. • S..W.itt 36 Te 66 ~ ~ 67>1917 IKlrrUHI 7 a.st 11 epp-. 61 • IMITTAIM And • 20,000 1qu1ra foot clubhou1e offers ffl""·" •, ~~-31" \':!'-.. ., ~ -•• u .J.~• f $15 WK & up w/ kitchen $30. .,_ .... ._ .... v-(Jfl these e1ture1: "* i;:ludlo apt, 2376 Newport JIJHlJO lO ~ ._, n. 70n ~~-til~"~tU • Saparete Men's •nd Women'• ,,._ 11 K.. "'' '-'--l· S mvc1. ~755 :v. 1111 "'-~._...... ?! ~ -10-16 Health C lubs with eun•• -·~......,. • Indoor Golf Drivi ng Range, $16 -KINGSIZE Bed. Near CAHO& 11•, .,."' ~ T.-• ?! f.n ~ Billi1rcl1 Room ._ms &fltr $PM. fh'""' v ~f :-# :::-' ~ ~ JM. 9 17tb 4 lrilne. Call • l (A)JllHt Jr 'Q 8~ - • The•tr• TV lounge, Art Studio, 1~ 11 Could 4 ~ 11 ~ S. 1.-ft. Pe...h. Rool'l\1 FURN. room. PrfVllte home. i• ii. ,. 1rt 11,....., • • 1 Neat lhOpplrc. Nr. Babr I '° o.n '° "" '° ...... Models Open 10 A.M. To I P.M. O.lly "''""'........,. :n ,_. 511'• 11 .......... F'alrv'lew. ~ eves. 21 w--. ~ s-12 a-ltlNn H OM $155 le $JIO ",_ ",_ .,,,. ,...... Trtr. Crtl. 5997 ~ ~ !; R:."' ~I::' OAKWOOD · GARDEN APARTMENTS 1700. 16th Str•et1 Nawport Be•ch Phone:· Ml·fl 70 ,.. Allow » ,_..,.. 16 ~ SANDY'S TR.Aft.ER COURT V' L* 51 NMd 11 !Iott~ SpactS •vall now. Ma:c 26'. 71 Wllh 51 ~ A~ ~'I 11.~ -~D:1•111 S9JI..._ .... ~ •1 ~ .,.......__.. » °""" '° httlf W11 WEEKLY ..... Soa wk ~Gooi ®~ ()N...i I.fotd, 2:m1 Newport-Blvd., Oolta Mesa • :-~ ~ .'=. I ··-------· i8 =,; .. 'f.ft1· ~: ...... _ ... ---I • . , ,, ... .. ' ' ' .,;..:.,,. t 1.,~, ' • . ' ·..;;_· •·r ,,.., .. : -·~-- ' -. "/' . I ~·,.. • • • :· , .. . r-, '-·' .. " ....... .! .. ,:.,f_. ' . '~ ,J'• ........ , . " ' '-'.:... :..r.:" ~.-__-.:., . . " -' .•. ' ......... -· :.~-·-' ~-: ;--'; •' . " ' ... ~' -· . .. . . . =--- ,~ ... ··~~ 1 ...... . . ' • • ,-. ' I ...,i...,.. ' . --. ,, ., .. . . ' . ' . ---,.-·---------... --"" ........ ----· ... -...---___,..,. _______ ~~------·---. ' _.. . ,.. . . . . .. ' . .. ~ ... . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . '" . . . . • ... ,f 1 .. ' : • .. . " . . . . . ... • ..,, I - • 3 LINES 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS (Any Item Priced $50 Or Less) Pineh Yourself A Pile Of Pennies (Or Even Dolla1·s) Penny Pinchers Pile Up Profits Dial Direct for Details 642-5678 North County, 540·1220, Toll Free DAILY PILOT PENNY PINCHER WANT · ADS • ' . . ' ,• ., • Wodnbd17, Oenmbtt 17, 1969 DAILY PILOT jjS :J:J PllOT-AOVERTISER Wtdn<>dl1,Dt<tmbttl7 lM ANNOUN~IMENTS ond NOTJCI S ' JOU & °"LOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOIS i ~LOYMINT JOiS & i MPLOYMllii' } ( ., I When You Wont it done 1ight ••• Co// one of tile experts listed be/owl! , .......... 6405 *Don't!. Ca.!1 UJ ii )'OU •tiU btlit.Vo in cave •ll'le dart.or. 24 Hr reconllna ORANGE <X>. M7"661 * LICENSED * Joloo Mon, Wom. 7100 BOOKKEEPING. put limt. Jmcm~edlt ol tut• helpru.J lliut not ~ .. 197..oMS IOAT CARPENTERS I XPE Jl l l NCED .,-Plritual Rtad\na, advi,1:9 , Appl> on al1 matt<n. 1.ov.. O'OA Y YACHTS Marrlaa•. 8 ......... 3U N. -PULLMAN El eam;,.., "'al, San COSTA M I SA Oemente. ~n-1136, 492-0076 _c·~------- SERVICE.DIRECTORY SERVICE DIR!CTOJIY SERVI.CE DIRECTORY , ~=~IO=AM~--1_0,,_P_M-=--~ IOYS 1,· 14 ' ~~ .. ·-'·-~. SECURITY Ava.iJ. Bach ~ ·--~ Bobytilli"t 65.50 C1rpot Laying & \---"--='---__; Rapeir 6.'126 CHILD aut1 by the "'-eek, 1-----=r.;;;o..;= fl!nced yd, hot lunch, 1,, blk FOR CARPETING from Harbor Sc hool . OR CARPET LAYING &12-5339 or su.5378 C. A. Pq:e 642-~70 P•1MrMntln9 couqe De~ wiU live in tor P'alntint 6150 your Mme. if unoccupied, lc\ana ~ So. l..qunl ' for yOur protection. DAILY PJLOT ~/EXT. A\'Cr. Ext. Rcfertnces. Reply Box SIM, ____ M2-<l21 _____ _ ~.:SO labor only. I yr, D&Uy PUot. CAHSIER It rnunter· "''Orie. PU'. painlinc avail. Abo., -~ , -r- Apta: I: Comm'I. 548-1~ AUDHOIJCS A.oonym.oua Ma.it or female owr 11. Ap- BABYSlT my home ~ttkly. '6401 ~,;;;;.,::.==-----,-,I Phone 542-1'21? °"write to ~ tn penon The ~r, " do1u,·ayb,l•.'6v;:·.,,,..1Reasonable, _E_1oc1_r_l_ca_1 ______ EX.PAINTER. now 1ch1 1.;P,:.O;:·:Box;,;===°""'::=:;":;""::::::. ~ \Y. Cout H•'Y, N.B. No '-====·~===== -ttadler will paint eves &: 1-_ pbone calls · 1• -ELECTRICAL ~rvice It w .. _._ Xlnt workman.ship, 6410 "'UL Announcementt Brick. Masonry, etc. repair. 2.j hrs. 7 d;cys. No 1'rtt est. 646-4519, 540-0062 6560 .job too small. ~model I.: FREE ballic boating course -------=~ additions. It it's electrical, HOLIDAY SPECIAL. Int. I.: oHt.re<I to nnblic by Balboa BUn.o "-.~ 1 . .., !ix ,·t•. "A" _ Ext. paintin:. Llc &: insurd. .-w • n.cn,.,._,e • l't'pall' " .,.........,... Free uta. Loci.I re.rs. 30 yn: Po\\'tt Squadron every t.ton. Brick, block, con ere te, ELECTRICIAN, licensed, t'!xper. ''Chuck" ~ nia;ht for ll \\'etiks hr-ginning carpentry, oo job too small. b d d Small · b 7 'I Jan 12 at on e . JO s, HOLIDAY SPECIAL. Int i.: pm "on. . t'OLI.EGE Student needs Tutor in PenmaN!hip and Phonics. Jn my home. 61'°<>-27&1 Days, Sf5·0946 Evenlrtes COMPANION Lie. Contr. 962-6945 ~~~~!;:~ant-e 1.: rt pa Ir, Ext. ,.tn~~-. Lie &: lnsurd. Ne\l'J)Ol'l Harbor \' a c h t ...-~ ..,._ ·Club, 720 \\', Bay Ave., 4' very l~t hOUsekttpinS Bu1ineu S•rvice 6562 ========= Frtt tsts. Loccl refs. 30 yn Ne'>''J)Ort Beach. No advance for healthy matun lady. --Floors 6665 exper."Oluck"M.5--0809 reiistration Uttded. Ll\•e in · aalary, Call be- TYPING by prof. lleerelary. PAINTING Ii: paperhanging, Rt&"ister al clus. Brin: rn·een 6 It I Pli1. 673-7365 Jollo Mon, W-. 7100 J obo Mon, Wom. 7100 J.... Mon, w ..... 7100 Jello Mon. Wom. 71.00 GIRL FRJDAY: no SH nee-* * NURSES AJ'QES * * SE.Mt Renred Man to \\'rk eN&rY for this tantutic Jff. !'.xperitnecd p/tlme 11' yd 1; ~ID.JO caie Insun.nce pakl by Co, Great Sof9.m foe' .2 horRa. ~nu. bou. Start SSSO. Call Sally Put Time DOOltStAN. Ap-SECY; Lra&J, Xlnt opty tor Hut $l().6Q5S ply PORT THEATR£, OOl, per.pn with Iota ot moxyl COASTAL AGENCY evu. 6 p.m. "'""boM. Prime loe. Start &>en"" • s..Wnr PIX IJOO. r.. .... c.n Jean TOOL & DIE MAKERS *Day Shift* 27'9o Harbor BIW, CM B~'n MM05i3. Othtr tree HAlR snusr Im.mediate 09f:ninn. Iona " feo job.I avail. Alinimtam J m. experir.nct". \V/F'ollowlnr. Exclu1fve and ahort tenns. autrn-COA$TAL AGENCY proa:msfve and aorm dies. Shop. mtntl, top benefit.!!, Ind. 2190 Hart.or Bh'CI, CM Call _ ~T / Xlnt salal')', p&id ho!Jdt¥, SECRETARY E.xcelltnt 1ruwth opportun . *•KELP \VANTED .. • pa.Id vacatJon1. I.ndl.nc bt&rU!l DW'lufac· ~s. ove.rtime, .frin;:e bm Garment ~xp., all pba.sel. VOLT turer-1 I'll• !mrried. openlna: e U . CALL 642-3412 for a. S~. 1.11.1,tt have Xlnt APPLY JN PERSON * HEAVY 'EQVJP. i1ECHS. Instan t Personnel typina: I: SH •kills w/3 yrs Oveneu lntc~ation MU C11..mpt.1s Dr, Slllte 106 cen'I ottic~' cXPft. m:&md SHUR.LOK CORP. Call fTI.tl 77f..2610 Nt\\'JIOl1 Stach ~1'.U In flnanot or aoen11 Y.'OUld HOO!E'lt!EPER, live.in, 2 Equal Opportunity.Employer be balpNL Xlnt beneUta incl protlt ahar\na. App.tr Per-tthbol.qen. 6'Ji>-0310 or ~ L A S T I C S Mmtt Drpt: ~n9'1' •Injection titoldlnr TraMport Dynamic• HOUSEKEEPER/Cook, & Exptt. OR tralnttS (feml.lel A Div. ti. Lear Sieiltr hrs' dally, % . hn Sat tor rt.ins: ~ craveyard 3131 W, Seaentiom, S.A. Do\li."ntown H.B. 5.)6..3Q11' shltt:. Over JS. App. M pm, Ju'.st ott Harbor & \\'arner JM'ITORS, \\'axers. Part .l lifon-Fri. Equal Opportunny Employer full time. Upttitnoed only. Onni:"e Coa.iit P1utic's Gcod pay k '9.'0rkini con-8aO \\I. 18th SI .• C.~f. dttiom. ;)U.939l. PRESS:\lAN 'vanted for SEC'Y: Sharp person c.an co rar in this: Co, Very plta.s- ant \\'Otldn: cond. Prime 1300 E. Normllndy l't., Santa Ana (1 'blk. N. m ~tcf'addcn, ~~ blk, W. of Grand.I TURRET LA THE -OPERATOR- DAY SHIFT e JANITOR e ?.liehle \.'ertical. A!k foi· Be?')'I M&-2011. Programmer -Anayltt Exper in COBOI..AL.G·RPG, 36Q/31).4(J Disc/tape. Joe. Xlnt OJ. benefll3. Stat1 1.Linirnurn. live yean eXrittl· iso>. Hut'!')'!_ CaU Jean ence on \S,.'arner Sivuey tur· BCC:s~AGENCY rel lathe•. llttUp a: ope~tc SWING SHIFT THE HARTLEY CO. on close tDlennce \\Wk. ?790,Harbor Blvd, CM Secretary to $700 Excellent ~\\'th opportuni· Gentra1 I.: Engr'g. Student CARPETING Old -•-· · ~ .• ratts. 962-982-4 2;; yrs exp. -cou ..... ,. notebook first rught . .., .... s· * COOK * i\l/F. Apply; 1987 Placentii r·l'f"e estimate Llc. t.'Ontr. Y.'Orkmanship, Reas. Free lions: Call 61'l-185a lluntina'ton v a I J e y Con-C.OSta !\tesa Interim Personnel Service .. Li E. 17th ~ .• C.J\1. 642-7523 l\fu!t have top skills. Fee re-ties, overtimt-, frin1e bene- imbi.rrsed. Other b-ee and tits. !tt jobs available, ABrLITIES UNLUIITED AGENCY 488 E. 17th St. Suitt Z!.t FAST eUicient bookkeepin::: 540-7262. ~18 est. 64~1322 Coln & Statnp Club valescent Hospital, 3jg2 ---'=:::.::::::::_ __ llflrvice, posltling, bil21 ~~~ ======== .. =IO= * PAINTING • Jnt./Exl. The Laguna t'Oin I: :damp Nt\vman Ave. H.B. LEGAL Secrel&!j;~-m~~. be P.t-L·s, & co ection. 96 ......, G1rdenint Loca1. references. lmmed. club illill .ncct l)e{·. 17th, ~c=oo=K"·-. -p.,-i· .. -.,.,. -.-~-.-,"·d'". -=c"w=s.. e>-i>'d, iood s......... ...ary PUNCH PRESS APPLY IN PERSON G-16--5242 646-36.i7 ...... open, Cdi\f 67;)..2677 Pl OSCAR & TONY'S gardening: ~rvice. • 7:00 p.m. at I~ Laguna. ED Aton k Tuf!s. Apply SEC'Y . LEGAL: Respected 1300 E. Normandy ·• serv. Trtt & hedge trim· For Sett~ Paintina:. Inter• Federal Savings t. Loan, 260 16947 Bushard, F.V. 962""404 UNOU:.lTht LAYER ?.Jinlmum 3 )'rs. l'XPl!'l'i· tlrm ~s person \\/gd. Santa. Ana CARPENTRY ming, hauling: &. clt an up. ior & c~1trior. acoustic ceil-Ocean Blvd. 3rd tloor. VIS. CCX>K. Ei<p'd, Apply Stir! l: CALL 6~5028 t l\(.."e. Do o\\'n setups. l'YPin: &: SH. Great potent· (1 blk N. of ?.tcFadde~ MINOR REPAIRS. Na Job Complete garden;..,,. lltl'V, \n;s. 64iH077 ITORS WELCDi\fE, FREE, r-1 :S to 7 P~I Ha\·e oi\·n tools. ial. Start •:;rn, Call Billie·• _ __;1:.'c:b.::IJ<c.l~V,O,. ,:.olc,,:_Gc.:.ac.m:.>_ H.. Sirloin, :>930 Pac. ~1. I \\'Y, r al .-r· T<X' Small. Cabinet in pr-Free est. 493-4302 PAINTIN~Ext-lnt . 18 yrs, SENSITIVITY TRAINING N.B. LVN • 1'1ale/ em e Beek~ * \VAITRESS * ages &: o I ht r cabir!ets.1 ~G-A~RD=EN=IN7'G~&~la-,,.-,..-,~in-:. Exp. Ing. Uc., !-~ est. 'VORK SHOP 3 to ll P~I shift. Excf'Ucnt '1'Q'A'th oppoiiun-COASTAL AGENCY Appl)' fo~lyina: Bu~ 545-817:i, Uno answer leave CJ Acoust. Ceilin::. :>48-532;> A oI interpen;onal DELICATESSEN hlAN 5$-3061 ities, O\'trtimt , fnnae bcn-Snellin; &: Sntllin& 673..£$1'7 -•• at ... --. H. 0. L yrs exp. e .an -up• p1:'.!1-am! all .U ... 49a E. 17ath St .• CM. MG'IT -• fi~E \\'--'' elits. 2190 H ho 81 d ~1 I ...... Vt9""V'" sprinkleninsl'd l:repaind. ~'TERJOR-n.'TERIOR exe1.....,e$ or sm se -...1· u •n.tLLn.c.: cu• ar r \', .... , WAITRESS. over 21. Appy Anderso11 -673-ll66 & l\fAINTEN~CE reeled groups, l\Unimal ==="'~·.,...r~o7M>'-'-·-~-knov.11 Co. \\ill train }:OU. APPLY IN PEF.SON SECRETARY $500 Ship Ahoy Restaurant, 4BO GEN. Repair. Add. Cab. AL'S Garoenhlr: 4 Lawn • 646-300 e ch.ari:e call &tl-8130. 10 .Uf. DELIVERY ~le~ ~ Unlimited opty, ftefl'r some Young co. nted3 a sec. for s. Coallt, ~ Bch Formica Pancllni;. ?.larlitt. ?.lain~. Cornmm:ial, ;==::;:;:;::::=:=,====I 5 Pi\I. ::Y ~~.' \\;knd~ l: :; eollei::e. FUll O>. benefit&. SHUlt.·LOK CORP. the controlltr Yiith Io o d WAITRESS. exp'd., nichts. ~~~g! Call · Dick· industrial 4 ~tiaL Plastering, Rep.1ir 6110 ========= \vkdys. Sfll-6207 ~ ~~stee.'bi~~: , skills and \\ill pay ~i the Clo8ed ~ton ~ Tue11. Apply CARPENT Ca 'ft 646--3629 * • PATCH PLASI'ERING Cemet~r.! •• L!o~l•'.__:64~1'.!I~ I iD>iEN;;;i:ilT'<AL~.U.~i.;;t;;;.,,;;t~-:--...,.;;;:;;;;;;,,:. I Othtr ff!e !: . jobs avail. l:;(X) E . Noi·mllndy Pl., ~l!e.:_Ac_a:!., ~raine, \\'est~if! 16947 Buahard, F.V. 96U«M RY' binets JAPANESE Gard e n e r' All 'YP'•· Free estimates FOR Sale by O\\ner. 6 lo• H""'· Sch. pnetice. COAST•L A ENCY Santa Ana e1-auiu1e1 ... re n c Y. ...,,,. WE ha\.'e an opening for II Rcmod. No job too small, A_. • "' (1 blk. N. or ?ok·Fadden, \\'estcli!t Dr., N.B. 6ti-27ro '--mn ...... in e ir cu I a t t o n exp'd, comp. Ycuu 11trvict. Call' 540-6825 Pacitic Vie\v cemetel')' lqts. Send inq. to; 2502a Green-Z79I) Harbor Blvd, ~I ""•--~• qual \l'OJ'k. CaJI 64&-2376 Free...estim.att. 96&-2303 Call mornln;:s 642-1323 b~· Dr. El Toro, Cal 1---'--'-'-'----~~ b\k, \\I, of Grand. I SF..c'Y: Territle opty for n1a11.1.£Cmcnt. Penn.anent REPAIR, Partitions, Small 6190 ~fGi\rT TRAINEE: Xlnl opt}' skilled P'rson; someone \\'ho llituation lor hiih llChool JJ~1'S Gardening k la1vn Plumbing JOBS & EMPLOYMENi DENTAL ASS I ST ANT f rl ht f I "' Reniodel, t"lc. Ni IE' or day. maintenance. Res !: t'Om· -?r i ~l'IOn iv -Pf'OJP'CS· Public Rtlatlons is nexiblt 'llill make the graduate ·who ha& <;omp et . Reas! Call KEN 540-4679 m·-,·a1. * o•• •837 PLUl\IBlNG REPAIR -wanted In Nel\'Pt Boh. Start Sl\'e .fl'0\\'111:; C.o. N~ exper ~ .. ho"-• day, ·, d•Y \\'etk i:radt-. Lots or vartety $55(). hill military obliption and ..... .,...,.... Jeb Want.d, Jan:?. lnh•.' no1v, 5-~ t St.&lt $5400 6: ...., -~ I kl lo bu · REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS No job tno small 7020 fll'C ssaiy. 1 • al $3 hr. + commillsion + Call Sally Han. 5.JG..605S is 00 ng r a StnHS CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST e 6f3.-3.128 e Women Dept, Store reach for the sky. C .a 11 il •~ •• .__ . ll cft•ST•·L AGENCY \vith a brla:ht future. Con. CABINET. Any size job. Mowing, edging, odd jobs. Frank Rand 54Q.SOW m ~aae. ...u"" . ~ .wt' • ~ "' 11 t the SHUR-LOK CORP. Costa l\tesa st'.!·1470 * 01y Shift * Carpenterl~,,,oc.,_ _ _;6.;.590_ • I 1-"='='-'""'=·-'=~'=P'='=· ="'="'=n='= I =="='=:'="':"';:':,'='·=,,...==g;;=·=·= Roofing 6950 H:ri~~·~=~·:~~o e J. W. ROBINSON C~SJA~ AB~~N~,r !~ma~~~~vem;~~~ 2~~~ ~~~f ~~L~n~~ i:is .~ • Cement, Concrete 6600 General Services 6612 ALL TYPES; roek, \vood &: 10f 0.C. Nurses Regi11try HAS OPENlr\G FOR ar v ' .1 Newport SERVICE STA. l\tAN. tervtew. -1 asphalt shifiiles. LEAKS 27:i:!I \V. Linzan Lant, S.A. SALESPERSON Mana1ement Trainee Par1onnel Agency E>:perienced. Full time. WO?o.1AN to cltan houa l CEMENT \\/ORK. no job too E.xperienced BARTENDERS REPAIRED. \\'ork cuar. EXP. Drapery worker, ~filltary t'Omplete. $450 to 83! 'Oovtr Dr. N.S. Top \\'&Its 1.: commission. day per week. References small, resonable, l"ec servint: all Orange C.Ounty. '"1'-UJ6 steady respons. Can uiiume WOMEN'S atart..Fee pd by employer. &t!-3870 549-:?1'43 604 s. est H\\'Y., Laa: Bch. required 645-2438 tstim. Ji. Stuflick ~8-8615 639-2233 070 Can S H.S :n,d Call Ann, '\'est-. • CONCRE.TI: FLOORS. 6960 full charge. mea!. CASUAL SHOE c1itf Pen'.onnc! A & ency. RECEPT .. i\ttd1c.al! L 11 e SERVICE Statton Attendant, School1-ln1truction 7600 6730 Sewing estimate, expedite I.: mlg. ..A. ?Ti'O bkkpg dirt.I.phone ; mar,.-el-e)!p. nee. 4671 Campus Dr .• 1;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 patios, eolc. Reasonable, Call Haiuling 646-669.:> 1'op i:omn1issions. ful l vi>-• ous Dr. to \\·ork l\ith? Start N.B. Airport Texaco _ 1eel1 I==-'"'="=· =.,=,_.,=='='===IY",-.'-'-D-'1"'c-.-,-.--c-1-.-,-""-P· e Dl'l!ssn1~ng • Alterattons _M_A_T\IR--E-,-,.,-m-.,,-~-,.,-,,-.... -i. umr. E.xcelltnt benefits. ).fALE COOK -PM. Hosp. $400. c .a 11 Billie Beck, ;';:'"';''=~--~---l l'mg, r '.l 1 , ,;I SlO/load. Salvageables free. ~pecial on L'Oal htms lion u driver/companion. e~p. pref'd. Contact Pcraon· 54G-6CO:i SERVICE STATION. Day JI Contractors 6620 Remove ivy; r:radf'. -z==*=°'="""==='=*===-Live out. O....·n car. Box p. ,\pply Pr1'lKlnncl nel ' Director. So. Coast COASTAL AGENCY man&: Part time eve man. ROO~t Additions -Patios~ 962-8i45. -6'74 -""=··_;D_,oil,:·::;y_p;~·,_,1o1=·=~--lt).J pm, l\ton. thru i-~i·i. CHomm.So H~~~ ... !111:-uC'ut. Sn~Uinc I:. Sncllina: E:\'J>'r. Neat & have haircut. TILE, Ceramic 1'"MHION ISLAND . 'II}'. • _ ....... ...,.,... 0:.'790 Harbor Bl I'd c;\f 490 E 17th SL c ~1 Block Fence~Driveways-e Hauling. Jlave i4 ton ..:.;~~---~=---DAY \\10Rh.'ER NE\\rPORT BEACH Ext. l56 -' ' . ' ·' ' Planters. 642-98a2 pickup. licensed l insured. * Verne, The Tile .. Man• Honest, dependable . . Restaurant SERVICE srA AlT. Full Add.,,,.,, * R•modclin<> 494-1003 Cust y,•ork. Install &:: repairs. Call anytime 541.2772 Equal oppoi'tUnity emplo)·er ?.fa~~J.!I . For restaur'ant po a it Ion•, ti.me eves. Exp'd. Neat in : i : : · 1 · : · · I "' '" No job too iimall. Plaster I::::::::;:::::=::=:=:=:=:: DESK CLERK. Ex Per 'd,. Position open for expenenced please contact our apP'&rance. See Jim,. 2;)90 ·,l ,i ·.l ._j ·,\ ,! '.,; .;.: ~ :,. f'l'ed H. Gerwick, Lie, CIMn Up and Haul patch. I.taking sho<A•er NCR 4200. Apply: Ben ?vU.:.:~'=1 .. ~SI'..:._~~wit bealex-* NE\V * Ne"'POrt Blvd., C.1.f. IW 673.mll * 549-2170 SlO a load. 646-2528 rep;lir. 847-1957/846-0200. Jobt-Men .. Wom. llOO Bro11n's ~totor Hotel, 3U06 J>t'TI~K.=i !"' rl'UICUl'l!S so. Reuben's & Coco's IJW~,;;;;\;;~~lttl--'j Adverti~ Aaency s. Cst.H"'Y· So J..a.runa For mterv1ew call 61'3-6961 Rivenlde, Calli. SERVICE Sta Attend. Exp'd. Cairpet Cleaning ___ 66_2_s Housaclunin11 6735 1 full full I: pt time help. 1476 · _..., \ _ • TrM Service 6tl0 Sharp Secretary or DOltIES'MC Help \\'anted. f.fEAT Cutter, or Restaurants Pl.lisades Rd. s.A. Ht.s. ~ CARPET & upholstery steam BAY & Beach Janilolial. 8. p _..... t e d fast -paced Newport Starting Dec. 26th in C.i\J, p/time. Al~. Ap!.~~!i.,<;.' ~O Central Ave, cleaned, also caJ'""t in· r~ ........ ts ~·iodows floors etc TREE ru'"'"• 0 PP • Beach •-.ncy. Typo 834-2780, uk tor ~Ir. Hoey mea~ cuttu. Cal1: ~. RETt•~~ Pn>J. En'"'. CP~I Sl'JTER For our family only, .. -....... ""' · ' ' · o cd 26 ·-cx..,...r ,..., N •1 u 21).j 61st St ·~ •· avallable when n ceded : staHaUon. Results guar. Fo1· R !: C c'l 646-1401 rem v · ~ J'" ... -• 45-70. Shorthand 100, DENTAL ASST. Exper. Chr. ,onu "ea ·· ·• 11ub conn-. Send re11ume clo 11 6'l6-59TI es omm · Aerial tower eqp'd. · f I I Ne1\'J)Orl Shores Center. NB. Box ,,.., !-"•·, Cal". """''" &ame days. i;ome evenin;:s, ftte est, ca *APT CLEANING* 494-45(),j and 638-7234 org1nl1a &. O OW aide. El Toto· Laguna Hill.! .._.. '"""' u """'" occ.aslonaJ \VEEKENDS. MEN & WOMEN\ COlt1PUTER PROGRAi\f • :P.IING IS THE KEY TO YOUR PROFITABLE FUTURE! A-Ok shampoo Christn1as l-"ast & thorough 642-8164 th r v , U n de r 35. area. ~1130. 8:.30-5:30. Medical S.creta~r RECEPT: Terrific opty for Six chlldrl!:n fare 10 and I TREE SERVICE, gen'I yard -10 415 F r,•-~-t Typ1-&:nd in !pecial $7.JO rm-less or \Villiams Cleaning S!!rv. Phone: 64J • .,., • Driver or ...,,-,~ • .. ..,, · a reaJ 10-a:eUer. \Vonderful undt-r), l!iht cooking, own I Al cleanup. S P R 1 N KL E R ............ d-·"'• ent"'-' book. ha.Is etc. so com P Windcm fin: N. Newport Blvcl. PIZZA MAN su ... ...-.., """' "" Co. beaut, lac. Xlnt bent"-traruiportation. Call tor in- housecln'g 827-3!82 Ce~~ or Com~~i. xinl REPAIRS 646-S848 ..:.::..:.:.:A:.:C:,!C;:O::.,:.U,;N~T,;S;c..-kecpinz, plus knov.'ledge ttts' to ·$423 Fee nei:. Call tervtew 673-1900 (Lido Isle). Oasses atart soon. CARPET Ir. Furn cleaning: \\'Ork Reas! Refs. 548-4111 ---cEN'E'S TREE SERV: RECEIVABLE is cominirto medical tenns. Houn: 9-5. Jt'lin Brown.~. Other STOCK Clerk: S h i PP i n1 , Pilot program oUering ~e for 1 day service & quality Trtts, shrubbery trimmed, HUNTINGTON BEACH '.t day Thurs. ott. Salary free & fee jobt avall. Recel . Fillln rd finest equipment and faell· ". 1 e \VINDOWS DIRTY! &/or removed. ~1359 ASST. BILLING l''OUNTAJN VALLEY OP'"· COASTAL AGENCY wig, :: 0 ers, Ilks avalla.ble! Real-time \\'Ork, . Call Ste. 11ng or -'-II No ~ ,,...,., •~ brightness! G42-Sa20 Free est. 15 }~ars e>-i>. CLERK DRIVERS WANTED Newpert 2790 Harbor Blvd, Ci\I ..,.. v. ...,.I"'. 5 d k compoter programmln&- JohMy Dunn 642.2364 Beach Blvd · it: yorktoo,,,,,. HB Personnel ,a.-ancy ',.;;;iiii;;iii;;i;;i;;;;;iiiii;"°'""" I per mo to start. ay 'Ii' Dianl(lnd Carpel Cleaners --Teltvi!'ion, R•jMir 691! ACCURATE TYPIST ...._ \' Chance to advance. Write ThcAcadcmy 1 21 S 0 --ta M * DlllYEllS • * 833 Do\'tr Dr., NB S.."C Betty Bruce at ""aJilleations, \\'eight &: 18 st I, .....,,, esa l_roning 6755 Ask for Dave Lindsey &r...ss'iO 5'f9-:.t74J """ Box - llomc & Apt Clcanin;; COLOR TV & STEREO N I . 'enc• m ti height .to P. o. lti, _, C·-·· m 64;)....1317 f1'Cf'! estimates IRONING In my home, $1 823 \V. 19th St., Costa :\1e.Y. 0 xpeff * ~fOTEL ?iIAID * i="°'=ta=>='I'::"'::·---,---,,-,,, W -·-·- hr. Altcratians . Also ~278 or a.'.>7-6733 l:.\'pl~~)f.~Ofl\('9 Necasseryl Put Time 0\'er 30 i :$6 . XIJC SURFER. Lq'una or S an 1WMolasr DIAL direct 6'12-:i678. Chargt babysilting. Call 54~7&\l •1,.-hav• de:M Calilomia 1----194-::..:.:;>'36:;":___ •-,,cy for .Career Girls Clemente resident. for film d ]he ., b k and ACCl\'T JR.: College prefer-~· ..,.. >""''a . " " " pho 6990 -· ....... --··-. dri"'"" ""'"'-Apply NCR lkpr $5-600 410 w _eoa..t ilwt., N.8. .,u.;,.. • "'I""'· "P'd, Jislen lo the phone ring! J11nitori1I 6790 U !lfery •'CU """ • "'" ................. " Al CO 6-3939 f F; ! to 1 hrl/d U.N•11 la11k 14pntre I'-=-'--'------Join a 0 ?'0\\'in& firm, Start YELLOW C • S95 expec pm, but \\1.ll train By appomt. ~ hon-1 · 111· leu'th Tawer NO\\'! OSKl'S ~--Uphol • m . ~ 16th St. Surfer ?o.fagazi~. •9ij..5733 SPARKLE JanltOrial I.: '\'in-CZVK ... uatm. · $S500. Xlnt benefi~. Call .....,. ~ it eXper 3CX» 9C!'ries. Heavy SALES REP· M·1-Co lulf9 40 DON'T i ive it a\vay. ..:ct do1r clea~ing Serv. \Vin· European .~amA1!shlp Frank Rand 54().60.i;j Costa P.feea job, Top.rated beach area. · ..,.,, · TEEN Dlttttor to plan k ?ranp, Callf., '2666 quick cash for it \vith a dows, resid., coml, consl. 100% fm . 64Z..1454 COASTAL AGENCY -.~E-LE=cm="'o"'m=cc:TECH==sc-. "* Co pays fee. Fee jobs &190. wants amrcssivt salesman. direct daily!: special events Cell $47-9471 Daily Pilot \\·ant Ad. Cleanup. Free esl. 968-2691 1831 Newport Blv, O.t._ f.-:.:.:'"":..:.:"::'"::'='c.· =Sc:"".:":..;"="_,_ o veneai Information J.R. Pitrce AUx Agency $8000 + car + eXJ)tnSt!. tor girls 7th thru 12th grade.l!!!~~!!!!!~~!!!!"!'!'~~I 27'00 Harbor Blvd. Ci\f Call (n4' i74-2610 1~ Nl!'~'J>Ort, ~1 64'.?-6T20 XlR. _n: .. ~!1'~~~· Call Frank 35 hrs v.·k. Prtv. youth \\IQl'k LOOKING FOR A SOLID "'"' oMY'V\HoJ desirable. Over 21. c:alJ FUTURE BU'T' GETI'ING AGE BETl\'EEN ONE ENGINEERS e e NEEDED COASTAL AGENCY Tltisa Rustenbach 646-1181 ANN. OUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ONE HUNDRED?' The ex~pllonal re~pon~ t.o Snelllna &: Snellln;: TELEPtlO>fE 1 ... etvie\\"er!. NOWHERE? SUSI NESS and Interested in cosmetics? Like our product at the Fall Joint Two Office Girla ""'90 Harbor Blvd, Ci\! "' FINANCIAL aind NOTICES •nd NOTICES "' Women earn $40-$50 per \\'k, meeUng people?' 'nten use Computer Conlerence is just illlllt be 25 and able to drivt SALES?.fAN· Natlonall rec. ........ _lime \\.°Ork from home. your spare timt sell in, one indication ot our s:ross -APPLY -· Y ,.... • """ Co ldel.I loc Prtftr no ll!llinr. houn: to 1ult your AVON COfu\fETICS. Ca11 pott-ntial. \\'e ~ ()l'Oit"ts-156 E. 16th St. C.~I. ~.. · · DO YOU \VANT TO en SOMEWHERE??? &us. Opportunities 6300 Found (frff AclsJ 6400 Lost _____ _:c'40~1 Associate ---FOUND Jn Cd.\! small stuf· LOST · ynz bJk male min Fr. w/rhinestone nose. gold poodle, fCoi!mo.) Wht a:oaiec fed S noopy dog \v/Wldtr ~ung jaw. ~-Ir. \\'/rhinestone F'IOl:ll!, 10\d Robel'tson, Cbntact Nwpt P~ nt'Cklact i. ·bracelet. blue lice Dept. or (2131 877.Jlllf S40-71Ml 546-5341 ·d•" ........... ,u ..... 1: ' 10me collea:c I: e'l>Cr. con-llChedule. Box M-1'll, Daily THEN LOOK INTO A aive, rapi v CA_. ..... ,. · NIGHT dtsk cltrk-audltor, 6 tacrtng public. Gd frinae P1lol Jnclude ph l'I). CAREER nilegown, band .aid on coll. * AIRCRAFT ~tECH. • Ovel'!l!as IntormaHon CAll (TI4) 174-2610 ASSISTANTS & RECEPTIONIST t•heek. :!96J1 J Terry Rd. LOST: Bnw .. n l: \\'hite La .. 0 -h Prepared resume must have "' ~ B<aale &: Terrier, "'"' -· • "' two yn. dental expl'~nce. YOUNG DAL.i\IATI,,,.~. fe-Gokltn \\'est &: Edinaer. ... Eve. hn. All union benefits. maJe, no tqs. vie. HaJ~ 'Vearina:: q tap. Family t'rest tract. Of 549-1994 or pet of 1' yn. Small Re\\'IJ'd. Salary $3.44 per ht, Call for 546-S146 Tag No. 09801. 8974468 appt, for intE'~. 633-T~l Assembly. need Enttlneel'3 &: Oraft5-nta:hts/Y.1k. e"per. Apply benefits. Start $7'100. Call ~-~ .. :,;: ~:::._~N;:-~.~:.c::.::,-_"-opc~,..I S men inttre~ted ·in non-de-,.,_ , 1 ,_ H t-' '~"' ~ .. uuu,.;ia A • . oo:n Brown • l\ o....-o ~. Geny \Vhtte ~ 1-needs a. bud to co. mpleie "' fen~ ~mmt!rcial ind1"'1~s. 31106 s. Qiiut.. So. Lq'una COASTAL AGENCY .. ,,'-H 01 fut-bl.........,;,. .. O>. RADIO ANNOUNCl!R Jf you at'e qualified n o,..c, .,l ....., .. _,.. a.ASSES FOR?.1rNG NOW mechanlcaJ. or l'irtult de-NURSES Rtgisten!d • even-Snelline Ir: Snelling Mee 1Urroundlnrs l people . sign, call tn4) &7J..1640. Im. ing k ni:;ht shlft!. E;:)(, 2790 Harbor Blvd, C~f to $400. ca 11 SllJy Hart . . LEARN. med\ate opel)inp include a ~ntfits. Apply Personnel $500:-iALAflY ~ in a rar:ho •tation on profes Iitnited nwnber of hi&'t! lt-v· Director. So. Coast Com-Just out or· NUll&t)' Serviot, COASTAL AGENCY ~~naJ ·~uipment from work el position fer PHO'• i.n munlty Hogp., 31812 Coa.&I train aa .avice J\fanqer $1leilil?i k Snell!~ uir O.J s. Eleetricl.I Enzinff'rinc, Com-Hwy .. _ So. Lazuna. 499-Ull. small parts Mta:. Firm. ~ 119o Harbor Blvd, O J Imti~!L! ~--: Art1 pUter Sdtnce I related ext. 356 Nfl'lodable, call Ann, \\1e11t-e TELLERS 1601 N. Bristo!, S.A. fields. Ofrice elltt Permnncl AJ:ency 2043 tud H•vt • \\-'e.ticlitt Dr'., N.B: ~ S ent Loans: ME.RY CHRIST' .. $ lnter fm t'ree Placement Servi<:e n. ~ s.u..ES: ATI'ENTION Mobile Personnel Service G1RL'S Bike, klennfy. LOST Oft Admiralty Is., Sat EXFD. ELECTRONIC Vic, lith &: Tustin, C.M. nite Dec. 13, h1.diC1!1 \YriS I \ ASSE~ffiLERS ENGINEER: Elect. Expand· • • ' l\fANUFACTU RER $17.500 Investment into the no, I Business of the day. Xi yr, hllllory of :rucce&s, ~ e.11:panding QfK'talion~ lo ~· Calif. Conlplett factory in- stalled & ready to go. 'Viii train PrinciPf.l ol ?i1iml. abililif's. Conlacl lmmed. once in a lift>time oppot". to make U\81 high income most pcoplE' rireatn of. Starting salary $12.COO + sub~tanl ial pl'Ofils. Call l<\en OiJJord !7141 77.t-TOJO &42-0>38 \\·atch en..:raved "Dorothea Wiring le P.C. Board fabrica· Ing Co1. Oeslp ~no~~e LGE '\'hite Rabbit, Bea.It-", U\\·atd phon e lion. App. In person of dla:ta.I .I: an....,.. C'u-..:u• • 9729 Poncan Avl'., :;.J5..8,ji'9, TRANSICO~f CORP. !\lust have En~. degree. and a hm. ownen. Ladles that 445 E, 17th St .. C.M. H•ppy Ntw Year \\'ant to supplement )'OUr in-.. 2.7521 * AIJILINE & ; TJIAVEL CAR!ERS * i ------:-::-6320 Money to Loin - 2nd TD loan Prompt, conMenthd .ervice 642-2111 54~11 Strrlna Harbor area :..'O Y1'I. Sattler Mortga ge Co. 331 E. 17th Strtt1 i;i;rtg1gn, T.0.'• 6345 ---.f.l•t ro·s. $:).237 MPPl"OX. bal. eafh: 8~, all due 18 m0s. I~ Di11t. 4M-lllS r,,.,.,,.,.;n Valley °'l W !Sth SI C 'I Vecy ad Co. benefits. to vw•.... LOST: 5 yr old J\la.le Altered I''=~~=~·-'--'··-·"-·_ $10,800. Call Ge11")' \Vhita BLACK&. \VHITE RABBIT, Sealpoin l Siamese . BARBER, to manaa:e new ~ vii'. Fairview & Paularino. Oecla\\'Cd, Vic. lluntinrton &.rber1hop, Sheraton Beach COASTAL AGENCY Of. 540-83l.1 H&rhour. Jtewa.rd! 1213> Inn; for details,. cal1 Lou 2190 Harl>or Blvd, CM WHITE Female cat w/whitt 592-5888 . Evans ~1421 lloretfn Car Mecftank t rhinestone collu. Vie. C>.J\fEO Blond part Peraian BABYSITTI..tt Part lime, Good oo. bentfJts, lnc1 SNlkl Dover Dr. 646-519-1 fcmalt-cat. 1 yr old. Needs reliable. CdM. Rtf's nee. wcalion, irouo ln!, unl. roUNO Racoon \\ith col· medicalion. U!tlt on A\"On Aft. 6 Pl\I PH: ~ fonns turntahed fret. Good lar-mu~t identity. Cal I ~S:,',,."=N-'.8,..~"'-1-_m;_;__· -~-BABYSITI'ER Needed • l:ive comm. schedllle, Ask for 536-!Hl4 after 5 pm, GOLD Color, prescrip1.ion in/out. Grandmother typt •• J:.:":.:,;'c:'"°;;:,";,.:,P;clt,c,i>l;..;;.G:l,:,7'=64~.~-I IR.lSU &tter. rema)e, youn;, gl~t l.ldo l:slt-I.: 2 chUdren. lttfer. 642-4386 * FULL£1t. BRUSH 'it Vir. old Newporl Blvd, churrll. l•iOO Bal~ A\'C., BAS'•smER foe occulonal 6U-)f\D 96M'll0 &TJ...64$4 ' -daya. Mesa d8I Mar arH. l~G=EN~'"°L"'O"'m;:,a:;;,:c, :,,-orn~~,.P"Y.,.. ·.I FOUND Vicinity of Victoria 51'IAU. flt~ AbbysinlM ,c.i=1cc-:.::..::::_ ___ ~ able: )Op-notch exo.ndll'W and canyon, Costa ~tna. COIJi'l.MlOlored cat, v 1 e • BARBER. Vtry Jn'OIT'C"tve <». nrtds mmeone who can One HimaJayan cat 54~1'211 Windsor Pl .• Laruna Beach. shop in beautlhl lAsuna v.wk. under ~•ure. E>:Jle'r REWARD. 491'-U1'4 Beach. ~ WI .. contrac'°1r • ~ .. IT'S \\o'ONDEnTUL t he DAIL y PILOT L I ?..f !: • A • m11ny bU)'! In q,ppl\11~ LINES. You can U9C!' them )'OU find 1n the Qq,119\f.led ror Ju1t pennies a. da,y. Dial Ads, Cheek then1 now! PILOT Cla5Sllied ad. PLEASE, ~tum Our Whlte BEAlM'Y Operator, femak, Collie, feml.lt-, OtiJd•s pet. preft'l' w/t:lienlele. ~ evtninp. Progres.sM ntw •a Ion . ~llNlATURE Male Black ~~ Jeda'r ol lle.n releuet .... 111 land )'OU Ws one. ftt re-"11-. SW1 !ISO. call BfUJe Beck 51~ COASTAL AOI NCY DIAL dlrecl ~2·5673. L'harge PLAr-."NING lo moff? You'll your ad . 1t1en sit Mek end find an amstin1 number of listen to tlte phont! rln;! I home! ITT today's Cl&111lfitd Now! Arts. a.@C':k thl'm now. 0.chsbund. 1' mo cld. Vic. i,TI!,,;,,;;,.;, ~SUN,-,,.,~N~EVER==~SE;~:rs=-on­ Ba..ker. C.?tt. Call -51t--OW. Oa.SAine<r• action power. nrE QUIO<&Jt YOU CALL.. For a.n ad to ae11 aroul\CI the TifE QUICKER YOU S.EU. dock, di.I 6'2·~18. L 27!IO .Harbor Blvd, Cf • SOCK IT TO 't:M! DAILY PILOT wwr AD~! r--· I REGISTER NO\V at rhe oHice of ~\Xlr choice tar lnttresti~, t!!mporar)' as1irnmen1.1. West ern Girl, Inc: rntcf!'lltlona! 1'emporuy Se"'1ct- come. Na phone solicitlna:. TEST TICH Do not have:. to leave Your '1m. P/tlnie \\Tk. For lnlo, $3 hr. UnuSUally aood OPf'Ot-- caU ~I. 1°" !unity y,•/ata.ble estahl, Co. Irvine e.rea, Advancement SALES: $31.(1 Yi'tek In w111: P*ntial. Top btndl!a. Call fltlhlon Otld. Netld 5 iJoha, .~10 1 a&lnpenons, po t e n t I a I JASON I I ST u n limited . Call ftln. · Emp'°""""'""'ncy ftobinaon S4M449 2'J)7 So, l.taln, Sani.. Ana SALESL.AOY, c;ic~r In CO$- me..i-tor drur atcn Im TEXAS OIL COMPANY NE\VPORT BEACH '""~ has' opmin; In 46Gi' ?ilacAtlhur Blvd. atta. Good hoUrl. 5.16-2T01 Beach ctUes utL Station Aa:ent Ticket &Jes Re11trvatl0ns Air freight • C&r:o CommurUeatlona Trevtl ~1 AlllUNE SCHOOLS PACIFIC ,w.ow _ SALES: Attcnfion Beautt. No e~rieiis.'e' ~. ~Todly clans and X.Beaulfctam ~ not important.. Good su.e96 ANAHEfilt that «'an& to wppltmettf charuter'Alr -all·. a m11st. \\'11 train. 6'10 E. 17th St., Santa An. 1714 W. Uncoln )Qd' income· to atyle 6 1eU , .. m.m&o cur f.abulaut ~le "'11• D. P. Oldtmion. Pru., AUcrtONEDUNG T,)r tilte.rvw. call 136-SMl So'UU1\\·tstttn Petroleum REGULAR 2 WED: TER." JNTEJtVl'EW HO\lRS Corp. Be. ln buslT'nl fbr )'OUl"Mlff t-11 UL 4 14 P.M. TIME FOii n . W«llt, Tuu L<am 1o be "' auctlo..;.,.. w. s.m.. AU Cj)UICK CASH TRUCR °""'· $2.SO ... "'· WESJ'-8ES'l'' S.hool ol - 01 Orait&o Cow>!7 THllOUClH ·A ™•P El~ '""· ~~~ ... ~ w. <Ut. s..ta rr·s Beach hoU9e time. 81:· DAU. y PILOT II TYPIST • f0.70 ~·inn. Bcok. SlTJ"CH"ER\~ CLASSES ... t "locllo" .,.rl Sf< •tllo • ~ ... ,,,. "'"''" h<>lplul. e.ti S.wlnl.ll•IP •itb OtriJtm" DAILY Pn.qr WAl<'J' AQSI WANT . AD ~Ir. """"'"' 17~'1. Klua. 143-141» • , _______ _ ' ' ........... ·-.. ... v' •• ' ... ' . ... . , ' . , . . . ; ' . " , .. --. • • ~ ', ~ T • •• ~ • ' ' '" 'o ' . .. . • -• • • • • • i • • I ·. • • • • • • • • • • • ii • . . • ' • ' ' • , ~t<tmbtr 17, 1"69 ~ILOT-AOV<RTISER J4 FREE TO YOU I'm •n4 LIV& RANSPOltTATION ......... r~K•"ttoN -•• "'·-.• .. _. •-!!!. .. ·. ne .,...._ ' tOlf Avie '""''- MIRCHANDISI FOil IALI ~ TltAOI MllCHANDISI POI SALi AND TllAl>I ...,. fqjl... -To holne v.1th .fe~ )'I'd_, a ''"' MOO ZE;;;;;';;;-:;:;:-:;:;;:'::;':/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:1 i.v. ,.....,, '~ w ide * HAPPY 90LUTIOI< 'ffl KOHEL HI --w/J/J -'ii~~~--iiiii~ ZENml 21" color TV with AIU\Tlftll M ~~•'.35 lbt ~""'" t.ll DOG ENJOYMENT!!• , cha.nntl11. O>st $3000. 1 yr • _.awd -· ctblntt. * Ulll-* ...... lilo lllklF>'.ri.ottJed Trabiine 11111 CM1lficalH. pld. SllOO. ldtalied "°"" Bou.abt in JU.ly, must Hll· med •iMd dol: 9 mos old Puppy c:la.¥..W!t $1S, Novtoo plete. Call • WG1 ' BEACH = $IOO. Coot $750. PltlDAY -DIC. 12th love children. MMISO i obodlence. !20. 54&$18 ,,_-7:• P.M. _. MARTINCR.ESI' KE:NNELS BNt-Yodlt IAaM &IOr TV·..-8l&ck NEw TOYS. ~,..GOOD Chrbmw 1111. -GREAT n..... "'P: ' Mo'ii, --~horton '°" i>KOIATOR GnS CAHCIUATIOll Sowlnt Mo•IMt 1120 I> \Vbl~ Optloll to"""· dloa, 1-~-· -· Gfnn, lbort halnd temalo, AKC. Silo,., m>pped, "°""" CHIJITEll .A BOAT Auto Supply W~olesalo - ' OF 11 LUXUIY APAITMINTS SINGF.R A tom.Uc &la' Free lll'Ylot. No dtpottt DIJWlc Rtt. Wile dinlzw 1~ )In old. Need& room to ed • llcerqed. Lov .... , Utd • I mot old. 'ko attach ...:i':i A.Act!vo TV Relllll. C.. tabl.. • chm, Captain's Nn, ic,,.. ch II d re n. ChUdftn. l!OO. Call fO.Sm. N•wport Cbl:la";:, Parade PriC« to All ' -~. Spanish & Me&lhwr ... fwlil•t to do ~alps. monop'l.m!, (l) 523-llSl cha!rs, DtYans, Oce chairl. Q...405.1 12/U LOV£ FOR ClllUSTMAS! Pa.rtieS or 1 _ .$20 per hr =e ~=~~P -All II.AND NEW blind hems etc.; auto bobbin 11" GENERAL EI e ctr i c ~c~~ New I..a.M cedar GIVE A -livins, lovina ,Ut -* GMt Dane Puppies '1 lnc boat. lkipptr, mlxerl !U:BUJLT ENGINES 9-~Medittrr•n•tn ledrciom Suite in Pecan \\1nder. S Year 1ua r. persona.I tortUle, like new. ~. Olcrta (If drawers, a 1 .. wt black" white puppy * ll1lniature Scbnauurs 1 1 ReservaUon,caD Gt64000 lJl5 Victoria, CM ~ (1-.g. $149.00) ..... -----·::-.:_HOW $161.to A!!aume pYmt.s cf $5.27 or ~old. '/HF i: UHF tJS. ;:~~ Plctu.rn, .. tm t6 Fed home. 3lS44 e Terms Available. e . JOIN XMAS PARADE 18361BnchBlvd, HB&l7-0091 GorQ9ous Spanish C1.1stom luilt S•f• with u.2.00 cull. S26-al.6 Of hfOt;,,,, C: llfUCH Virsf:rda Way. S c u th ll1ARTINC:., ~Nll.f Follow the boats· 12/U.-12/2l * OPEN 7 DAYS * m.tching Lov• Saat-Chel~• of b•autiful FOR S&Se:· ColllO!e Sinaer U" ReJWtte control Zenith waig'y"•s AUC' TIOH t.aaun&. 12/18 t ~es. Cutttr. 1'e protected /Orics. lR•9· $419.951 __ HOW $121.00 Sewfnc1UAdilne. XlntCond. portable ~.'/ttand, G9od ftll' ·FREE tv l'OOd home f"EMALE miniature Poo6 cockpit. Sk!pper, iee • rnbc-1 -========r Spe81dt Dining Sa+s -··-·--·-----.$15.00 CIJJ • s&mf coad. $SO. toanf. w/fenoed yard· am&Jl mixed PUJ>e:, AKC. . .n lbota •· es. Reservatkms GJ3..5252 Truck1 9500 -~----·- SoSilf'.Oak End Tablas and Coffe• Tables..$19.11 TV'i FOR SALE. S25 ~ COME ~WSE AltOtJND brted Wrrier, 0 1(1 lbs. amart WJ11 bc_ld tll ~-CHARTE.R beaut 4$' -------.c..;.~r T1D~cor1tor Tabt. lamp• Mualal In.It. 1121 y~ Black A White. can ~Newport Blvd. ,A cut~. 9 mos. old,. loves 963-024? I ScllOObeJ' Npt Xmas • CAMPER TRUCK , •• 9. $49.9SI .... -.......... -...... NOW $11.00 cAMCo dnml .. ~ .... ulyl • ~~'ti·T,.Y. Jllda ..... i. chlldron. """'' CllRI!TMAS ""'"· A~C ......... 0 12/11 ....... 12/23. ~: '!-M.c#. !< H.D. oquip., Spl.Hlh H1"9in9 Swig ~imps 1 ·yr old nalrl \\'OOd Bau ua • * ~ vlRrolis Adult cab • Dabermana. Gcod ~·· I Low rates. SU.2592. evea · Ser. 235Cfi31.. ll'o.i. $49.951 _ ...... -.... -......... NOW $U.IO anaro, i. lo .'"' tom. i Hl·FI & Storoo 1210 Ol>Eli DAILY 9 ID 4 medium ol!ed kin...,, noed =:.,_conalderatton. _m."-'2'Tl"-',=~~--UNl~~SITY A!lfeiorator dream house on disruay - 3 matched l.f'• I.: tv."O 21" ._y'"'''!ON "-SHIPWRECK SALil penn1nent homes in · time . * SHOW BOAT* OLDSMOBILE -·""--of g s Spanish fr 1· ur (IV Zllcijcn cy1'1lbals w/fioor nA.1\.0 "' 1\:ardon for Chri!tma.s. 546-7202 GIVE • BASSETJ' or Cbristmaa t i .... ts Crulu i·uwsi~ gor eou u n 8 as stands. ~. 8J3.l.040 At\t/Fl\I amp, dual tum-all ~ ~m ~ked P.C.C. aftM' 2 pm 12119 CH It t S T~I AS! I \'k;, ti1U'l.40 tor~~attcns Z850 Harbor Blvd. Sr~i.,;.2915f. ICE • • • • COi\IPLETE SET DRU?.IS, table w/rpkrt. I.: Mad· ~!ilsKi=b·l\1ut,7bapTO SAME HOi\IE 2 purebred, $35. 675 -ll~S-.L)JIEti·",,..::::;:=:::;;:::;;:::;;::;;::= ~~~~&& Jl\m • • S391 $15. :!:o~.~1-~P· •tereo for ~ ..u .hardware~' p~~': beautiful J.cnr ~ 'EJ'e)I 673-900-t Mobile Hemes 9200 -.r~ ' ~ CAU. AFTER 12 NOON _ quick sale Minney'i Ship striped .AbyJBinian kittens CHllIUAHUA Puppies For/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ CHEVY P. U. Of.luxe Cob, ·-~CREDIT AVAIL. NO MONETY DOWN &H-231r. GRUNDIG . !o(tjest Walnut, Clla.ndll!Ty,· 2537 \V, Cout ~e·~ 673-5163 daya'. your .·Chrts~u S~. MODEL SALE 11 V-3 auto trans, aMll, SH to '".:J1t PAYMENTNOTDUE 1 IL197C FENDER ECHO J\EVERB Fl\ISter,phono,sbtwave,2 Hhvay NB S48-U9'l 67~after6pm .U/19 AKC. Hold tll Chriatmu. •• appreciate. 2908 Tu.stln , :gm AJRNITURE UNIT ~OOoXlnt cond. $150/o.U. GE mdbll .~d d11hwuher fAOORABLEChrislma!kit-547-3874 NowtoJ.tn. 1st l ;;.~;-·B_.,,CHEVY===-P".-~u~.~B~.,.1 '. Like new $135. or beat otter. 2 yrs old $100. Emenon ..i; tens, Med permanent BEAUTIFUL Alu~ Husky 84'.!-5076 cooltd alt conditioner $45. 3 homes, I \\'ka. 2 beize, 1 Pupa to puD Santa. ~!Jh. Gr'8nleaf Park Enaine'. Dual Carb. Gd 1111 N Bl d · ALro Sax w/we. Tenor Tll'O R-rdlrs 1220 110ld • wht bar slools SEO. ""'· 1 . ..,.,..,,. etripped, Lov. lddA. 612-mt. n..s. 1295. Call alt 6 Ott ewport v . Horbo(:t•l·J.) Sax W/""" • nicld• trays. "~"" c 64<-12Ll, all.. . abort hail'ed. 543-4019 l2n9 TllANSl'OltTATION An Adult Print• Club wkdays,.......,, T11 Both a" .. ::11. ...,...., ·~OR assette. Almost DAVENPORT iled b ~-..;.....;...'"'-...;..·-"'-'""-;.;...-'63 FORJ) Econoline panel. " · c 0 I ex. co ..... , ~MN. Nev;• \Varranty $20 Call 6 PC MPLE bed aet ttfril: • · '° ut loil & y ... On• Mila from th1 Oct•n Coood cond. $595. Call after 6 . -osta' Mesa n y "41Hl6S ~,..;,.. • ' • mplt ...... 3 .... •Pt ..... : .... condltloo. TV, n..as "' """' 9000 PM. 673-t214 T\VO Electric GUITAJtS &nd Boston Recker, Cirl'a aml =n also old carptt. FRIE JN SMOG FREE E~ Night 'Til 9 -w.d., Sat. &. Sun. 'Til ' Ai\IPLll"IERS. call even-bicycle, ' dr \vht deak. U/l9 Buie Bot.tin& Ooune of1 ed Costa Mesa LARGE '68 CHEVY \VfN. I lngs 543-2390 Spertln9 o...ie 1500 54~ DOG • l«· mini poodle, to ''"blie by Balb>a p_:!'w_r 00\V VAN. Bl& 6, auto, xlnt l!!S! ~ male "I' ld I"· -V'"' cond., Cl!Dter seat. 643-6574 JC). ~ ~ EMPLOYMENT Furni'turo IOOO ELECT. Guitar. Xlnt (,'Ond. HEAD Skis. 205·,· i>td Nev. * * * * · ".'' yrs 0. • .... es Squadron every Mon. nirht N $1.50. value for only $j,j, Cali 'fees, Salomon heels .$80. FA.\~ILY i\t~mbe1'Ship tn cider tjtildrt:n. Lo\ able :n4 for 13 '11.'eeka berinninr 7 ewport Harbor Scheol1-lnttruction 7600 lO PC. ''MADRID'' 675-7200 210.1 liead Vectol'. Salomon Irvint Cout CoWltry Club rd. watch doe. 962-54661~/18 pm on lo.ton., Jt.n 11th a t , <J9IN THE FIELD I ::::::=======:-J del\'. heels SW. \Vood skis for aale. Pvt. pty. 673-9131 PERM. homes need~ for 2 Ne'\'POrt H&rbcl· Yacht Choose. from 2o ?.todels f\'fnr A FUTUP..E! 3 Room Group Pianos & Org1ns 1130 18:i'r, cable bindin;s $15. C~RPET Installer has one l~vable Christmu kittrr11., I Club, 721} W. Bay Ave., New. .<\g~_eC!pcation no bl'!'l'ier! }"'RQill MODEL HOMES 962-7813 l'Oa, avocado nylon carpet, '~.~. One blk., one ~·-po~ Beach. No advan~e ready to move in today! Lef ~-ht'lp you qualif)» Includes: Quilted soia and Our Christmas 6.10.. l\IOSS SURFBOAPJ) double jute-baeked. Will 1;ell \\hite. 897al61S 12/18 registration need@d. Regis- INNJ(EEPERS INSTITUTE chair -2 end tables A cot· Present To y OU Blue pia:ment on bottom and all or part SS/yard. 540--7245 MIXED Terrier, champagne, t~1· a t .clus, brlna ~ebook '2fl'ERNATJONAL fee table-2Jampa-dres.s-blue on ra~. Excellent Con. \\iOU~ You like WI to ha11i 7 mos, female, Loves first n!1ht Q~r&n.s. Call Take Harbor Blvd. to 15th St. Drive West to lT":iO \Vhittier (714) 642-1350 Mcie!fkoteII Apt Mgmt Sehl er -miITor-headboe.rd -Come in, v.Tite rour name on dltion S75. Call JA y 5'~1574 your outdoor Ch r i 1 t ma• children. Free to rood ,_rn-=JB55,,__· =,--,,.--.,.-~ :.:A DlVISlON OF quilted box sprillg I: matt· a slip or paper, put it in an LADIES Trappeur ski boots l.ia:hts'!' Li~n.sed Contractcr. home. 6'6-0434 aft 4 p.m. CORP. Executive buyina -~!'!11!!0!!""!!1!!"'"!!0!!!!!1! ANTHONY SCHOO~..S ren - 5 pc, dininc room; ornament It hang it on our .i~e 5%, Used onct, Pd. sao'. 54S.-2861 Lcr.:able YOWll' . small long deluxe cabin C1\l.lser, 30--35 :::;, Jim ::: li'l7'S. BROOKHUIU.'T table & 4 hi-baek chair!!'. ~r:i;~~ ::r::~~1.11~~ Sell for $65. Incl stand. Call GORGEOUS Fun: ffounna· haired blk mixed bree-IJ, ft. Free ware in exc~ ANA11£1M, CALIFORNIA CO~IPARE AT $7t9.95 S45-l260 line Sl'Ole. Autumo Haze 10.12 lbs, spa~ It hsbrkn, for priv. sJip & upkeep, (ex· Cooper cia.,:~ tonn .-very \veek $399 Prite11 include: Dinner Ior Coa lvs child S4fi-38lS. clush•e of ft!pain). RHONE FOR APPT. t'ro at tht Stult Shirt, ever-2 Nl!.'"W Scuba Diving Outtits. t. Priv. pty. Wk~s or · " ~Ir. Dukelow 111-7087 TRAILER SALES A11k . tor · Berty 776-5Mll WELK'$ WAREHOUSE looldf'lE' beil.Utitul Ne1vport &ck pac, tank, sin.ale •ta&e alt G pr.or. call 00~ WHrrE female Pe k a po c,i --------'---''Buy from • man Ray; DW!eyla.nd rickebri: regulator, $75 a 5et. 67l-l0i6 24" 10 apd Boys Schwinn spayed -t ~T. cld. Black 24' CHRIS Craft Lapstrake. 2 whe llv11 in onel'' ME~c3J4ANDISE FOR No do1\•11-I-m1s cnly $16 mo. brass Piano or Orpn la.mp: SKIS-RCS!ignol Strato 201, Xln't cond. $4l. 2 bench· ;;..~~ female, I mo old. ~~7";9~ad. Xlnt cond. \VE ~RVICE SM:.E AND TRADE 600 \V. 4th St., Santa Ana uphols!et'!:d Org1.n or P lano S75. Boots. S~i:i\I $70 Nordica se~ts _for car. $10 ea. NV ~. • , . WHAT wE SELL! r--,....-------1 OPM Daily S-9 bench eover. {No obli1ation) boots 9., 120 .,.o .,.,:.. 67:>-2485 FREE to respon1tible adults 2 2J OWENS b1 "'/mooring 324 So. Harbor, Santa Ana F ~ 1000 Sat. ~ · SUt1 11·6 GOULD USIC ' .:i -• ""O'""°""' · ' in Newport Bay $3950 incl's 1 Blclc ur 'fr• M GffiL'S Bicycle. N1ar Mw. NE.\V, \Vhile }~ox stole $325. mhriatureld dachshll11ds, 2 mooring:. Call.' 531--0500. So. of Botsa 531-lCliG SC . 'R.-AM·LETS PRICES ~,LASHED! 200 N, ?-.lain, S.A. 547-0081 Schwinn Fair Lady $35 value, sac. for $250. ~ 0 1 h :,A AU~;Atl~:-~e!1.,::==:;==::;z:::;;:=;:z==. BAY HARBOR up to 80~1 Savinrs . Call: lit"'~l • . Encyclopedia America.nu .......... ~·a c ..... p. ~<IQU' , Mobile Home Sa ... 8' Sola & love "'at llS9.9'1 PRE·HOUDAY SALE NEW Min 52 US o · nev<r used $14;. 5<&-35'6 MINNIE Aod Micki<. need a S1llbooto 9010 Cua Loma &II . Away• AH·. SWERS 5 Pc Span rame set $lS9.9'5 qua.Jun ..... \Vui ~c;'p't"' ~;; STENO.TYPE l\fachlne, like home. for Christmas. We are LIKE SAILING? Sheraton lll•nor. Homette. King 541'. qUilted mattress It PIANOS & ORGANS ollcr. i39-l&l9 tJt 6 nu, $70. Elec. Chord Organ. beautiful black k f ttlea. DISLIKE THESE? Ktt. Prestla'e. Sahu'a Campers 9S20 LEAN, CLEAN, ready to rotl on yow· Christmas vacati~. '6S Dodge Van Vista 'D:lp {penuanent Ii berg I a•, "bubble".you, can .@tand up inside) Range, auto cwen, bottled gas, stainless stttl 11.ink, 'vater tank, ie~ 'box, double-hid e-a-bed, \vardrobe eupboord, lots of other storage plus oul!jde luggage rack. Sleeps 5. Use as station \\"&gon between trips. Lo1v nlileage, V-S automatic. Only $3995. Pvt Party. !JliS.1891 aft 5:30, anytim'e \l·eekends. 1939 G~IC Esus Cam~. Sips 2 or more. lee hex, closets ' & storage space. En(ine runs good. $450. 646-5396 '68 OiEVY V-8 VAN, 4 trk· stereo, 4 spd, camper ~ip­ ped, v;•/\V crpt. $2200. 67>-5727 boX .!:i'Prifl.g!I •••••••• $99.!>5 So ol 1 uJ ---------1 offer. Call • 962--9892 aft 5 4%-1586 12/19 e Payml!:nts, high interest, AIL SIZES ~ • • 5 Pc BR Ki~. Span Sli9.9a me I le most pop ar NOW ON DISPLAY Birdie !"-Pok{'r -Rollin -ApprovH Furniture models including: llammond ----------1 P i\J. SIM.IESE male &.: fem. :.i depreciation. 1 Ii p rental, 1425 &'1ALL 8' Camper ~~ :4a5Ciit:-i\llRROJt 21 ~'} Ha rbor, C;\J :-~tS-%60 X77, H-100, E-100, B-:l. T-200 linoculers. Scope1 1550 ELECTRIC ·rraiu. t.'On\pl~le. yn . Sho~. li:"ed. to a ~· cleaning, insurance, ete. -~,j bl~~;s~i 1-i:::r ll~~: Cabover. Beautiful \\'ood in- .\1t::1tudio i>eent : "J i;up-elc. lo"'REF. :; DAY l-4.S J\flCROSCOPE S· z . \\"orth sevl!:ral hundred $65. hon\e. OUL' child IS allCrJ{JC. t>REFER TliESE? Costa l\Ier.. (1141 5'"~10 ter. Sleeps 3 adults. $215. ?™" ttiis i~ n1odt rn art J'1n DON'T GIVE U~ VEGAS HOWDAY ivilh put'-.. · ei.~s, ~I rd Th ·rt SI 1g~7 837-2097 12118 e Lo'v ccst, no \'70RK I.: """ ....,...... 673-9993 • !\' .I! ou 0111.y 1 t 1 crica'• cl.ase! !! Amer. Optical biMcula.r 3 fal'k, Cl\t -· K11 ~; 4 ~use (_•ats, Y~l· LIVII\G "' 9525 looki~p.t~" ,. fnd .l t Am . binocular 4 li!:nses .$350. l a an ri iop. i ~ CAREFREE SAILING! Rare oppot1unity, 1\IOBil..E -z========ol ·. 0.. 1al'i; a ;\URROR." lal'gesr. most unwuaJ un-Trad"' ins ar:etpted " term1. lenses $250. Both v.·itb case. 5 Pool table.oi 4~~9. Proff. .1 oke, t.lge~, 2 calico Cal 25 little as n4. ~~ day Limit~ ,::.,.",, .. ,".",· .. ~EAw CHad-· ..,une Buggi" I t..JIC KING SIZE tinlshtd fumitUtt ilore. Co:i: llAJ}lMOND C.U Pett 4M-I04l llite. Compl equip. $350 fema~e1• Special homes. Try Our CJub Plan .. ~...... .. "''' REDROO_ '·' SE'T, 1 ·''"'< Redhill le Santa Ana Fv.'Y: 1n CORONA DEL t fAR ,at'h. Holiday C•nt••, n .... , _54&-3566 or S4~lMS 12118 NEWPORT SAILlNG Cl..UB dilion to Driltwood Beach 'GR Stevens Dune Bugay • ·rustin 1 mi So ol N t ... :1 ,.. ,,., __ , H ,~ -30 ... .... DtlA.. • 675--nOO • Oub • l\todels on display Green metal Dake. Corvair lamJS;-(vr!Vt'T,dt't'pluf!edl · · ewpor -'"""· '-"-"' wy •~ Mi1c1ll1•-"t ••-l.:Harhor.54G--0190 BEAUT. kitten• fc"' · le tra I t d Fwy.()ptn362d1yape.ryr. Openl:.V eskSUn.afternocn ·-9WVV • *********** soon.Zl46JPacHwy HB tngme • Ill!. wcusom , hea board. sp1-ead, botidoir s.14-5470 LI\7. Rm. le bdrm. furn.; Chri!tmas. ca.ll evenings. · :>J6...7jIJ , ' ' · top lt. interior. Indy tires. chaii: I: bench. Your choice ==""'------POOL misc. Po\\'!!'l' la'vn edrer. 675-4738 12/19 Chri1tma1 IIIOBILE H \VitJl trailer. 546-1452 eves. l of c.-,19rs. Reg. $440, No'v USED 36" \val.nut desk & 5$-1357 LOVELY bro\vn tabby. 6 SABOT rune For Sale -sm chair $19.9:;. 3 used '11.'&.lnut 1968· Slightly used, like De\V. I rted A to 9600 SIEfrA SLEEP SHOP 11tudent de1:1ks $7.Sii ea. 2 us-IF you a1·e bu.,ylnr a Piano TABLES· SKIS, Head 205's Cables, $:i0. mos .. Look llke ocelots. l\·u $2$ ....... .••.••••••. 12'x40'. Forced air heat, air mpo u 1 1927 Hadxlr Blvd, Co.sta i\T~sa ffl rattan swivel bar 5tool~ or Organ this Cbri:stmas k 10 Speed Bike, $30. &laro -~.:~nLngs. 6/a-473& 12/19 ••·•·•·••· nmv P65 oompl"te cond. Adult Park, Nwpt. AUSTIN AMERICA • 64~1160 $7 ea. The 1o~actory, 1885 are inte.resttd in aorne real-Christmas SJ>ttial $2'15 up,, drum $7. 613-49'13 AI<C J)(!kinaese, n1ale, ta yr. al!O p:<1ych~ellc colon &h. A Beauty for $5300. liarbot'. 540-6842 Jy creat deals, pleatt shop CHUCK'S 8' pool table. \Vhite w/gold old, shots, ete. Adult home .I: deluxe Call -646--0752 YIOVJ,f4G. J\jui:t ~IL "'•lnut CHRl~AS Gift for that W.lRD'S BALDWIN Sl'UDIO 2750 Harbor 1t Adams. 01 felt. Brand new, $200 calh. p~ferred. 646-8662 291.2 \V, Coast H\\'Y m NE\V Moon, l()x.5j'. Ex~ dinitlJ'. tabJe 48" exlenda 10 special man. Almo.~t neo.v 1119 Newport, C.M. 64244U POOL TABLES Call 6t2-J...'m AK.C male Silky Terrier to Ne,vpoi'I Beach * 645-08l0 pando liv, rm, t4'x18'. seai-•o. -4 c:ontcmp. capt.aim lt'ather Joun.nng chair & ot. Open~ Nile ~--~Pool For Sale ,~ ....... w ......... elder_I y adu.lt! . only. LIDO 14 #50 Screened rm l'<24'. Nu Crpt. ('ht'!; .Brass if:_ nl"r• t:art, •• .&: SUnday Afternoon .x:..;llnl .. ,.. """' 531 ·~ 12 9 a *'· .. ~ .. AIVVI .-~. ""'97 _.,., 1oman to m•lch 11·,. BRUN~'"CK MF Oran-• Eu I 111 .._.,., /l ean, u)' •·•······ ·····-~:c;,:·:,,~=.:::::::..... ___ _ Blue ,·ve1vet "-·•-....m .,,,. •. o:>wi ·A!· a~ s: ca YP s ~ """""' " "' &12-1644 a~•,.,,.., ,.,.....,.,....ON' hs LlOO 1-4, New Trailer L'~-·ous oth,lfll<in. :.i occ. chl'li, 18 .. 1 ~~='-------C..'u!tom Slate Table ~·o A llll'L'-•• ATE 6 mont u ..... vn.1 a;· niobi le TV . 6U-C.)i4 GOLD Basy chair witll ot-'!!!!""!!!J!!!~!'!'!~!ll!!"'"!!I! From $219 ROilER Rlnk S1c!te1. Girl's old kitWi, female, • tiler sails, tl-y ••• •• •••• •·'' .$I09S home with cabana. Lido USED. ·5 pc. antique '11.'hile dinef1ii »et S.29.95. Used S pc. AntiqUe \\'hi1<" dint'Ue i;tt s;,9.9i: US<'d 7 pe 11.ntique 1\hi1e)lioc111· o;;et S49.95. The Fac!Orj, 1885 Harbor ~~~. !,. ~!~~ e<1nd. Askin& ost&AN SALEI! 100~0. Financi"& aize 6~1 $15. Boy's sill:e 7~~ striped. Adults. 548--0452 SOIOCK BOATS 673-2050 Park, Newport Beach ~ ~ TRE1IENDOUS SAVINGS! * SE:p.uu> POOL.S * $20. Like New. 54s..-09tt BEAUTIFULLY marked J\flNTO 10' beaut. fibergla!:l3 _6"7":h'IO=";;Z:.,<;•':="';:"';;;;";'=== La.rre 11tlection ot pre-cwned !I .532-1992 E'RMINE 11tole, 111.ze-amall. Calico kitten, ~male, 1 and antique sailboat. X1nt 911· Offic1 Furniture 1010 organs. Special discount on .. 23 S. ?-.Jam Sl Oran:e .. .,:;/!, ouh. call nios. all shots. 5'0-0904 for dinghy & sailin:. Used 1 __ •_,Y'-'-"c:... ____ 9:;2::2::::5 -summer. Orig cost $450; new models. LOCAL Man needs Santa's 6'2-St17 BOXER. A: Bcaa:le com-"ill sell for $260. 847•2042 ----· Several French PeUgeot bicycles, 10 speed, all Acee&.!., used only 5 wk!. $73 each. 714: 5'10-8814 l:l NU l''olding Chrs, padded, » ea, 1 Nu 30"x72" toldinc :-~1-0-@42 • · lbl "'/melamine top, $25. 2 GAM~ -!able. 2 French Offic..-e arn1 chrs It l exec. chaim., Englander t.1udio 2'\\ivel chr. $50. l setee, $25. , coucti . .:_ '.\111.hoi;:. ,\rniolre. All Gd. C.Ond. Rug:, rose La n1pf:. beige, 11culptured \V o c 1 4.i:; lsa.bella Terr .. Cch\I l.1~2:1o:rr. Xlnt cond. $45. Call ll~EU' ., pc l'Orne.r group, $69.~ f.ssorted used \\·al.out end k 't0c:L.1ail tbls. $4.95 f'a, A!ISOr!tlfl UM"d btdroom lttmpS "$4.9a ea. Tbe Fac- tol-y, ·iS&i lfarbor, 5tG-6S42 -646-8&12. Office Equipment IOll TYPE\\''RITER. Addi n r machine, calculator, very reasonable. Xlnt c ond, Cl!AtR -S1\'i vel Rocker, 892-2.Ul FREE * FREE Help! I \\'Ould like to buy or GREAT Gift Ne $80 Pok bination puppies. 3 mo's cld. Casst•tte player ,v/purchasc g1t ~an old SO to 45 Ft. Table, S4Q. Bio;e \Vi(, Sl'rf. Good w/children. 544-8369. **LIDO 14's * * ol any Orean. boat that floits, to fix up as S1 t car aet ff 968-llO:> FREE to cood bcme 13 mo Christmas Specl•I COAST MUSIC a live aboard for rn)'Sell. 0 . ' ' . ' tor IJ\11\'IEDIATE DELIVERY NE\VPOR'f It JV.RBOR. Please call Dick Kunze, COt.~PLETE Tn1il t et : ~: fe~ale ~ poodle. SOIOCK BOATS 673·2f.W Mini Blkll 9275 Co!ta 7'rtesa * ti-i2-2i;,"'1. 673--0900 Ext. 66 engme1~anst,.,o!:"en, traek'l·,co::_:; .. ::',~ .. ::"*;,E::.· =w..:.:=-b~b-. -~ 12' GLASS Sloop. Dae Sails, ___ ...:;:.:,: 0.y.s 1~9 Sat 10-6 Sun l~-6 Ray l"ields Vllta Je\\<elert "cars_,, 6 .-..U5 after 5 ".11'.c.<.) "'-' w te ra its .. $250. 3HP Evtnrude $150. MINI-BIKE, new 5 hp PIANO SALE' 807 \\I. 19th. Clo.sta Mesa FOUR Rose Bowl boX seats. mo . ., old. Cage included. Days 64 2 .4 S 91. Eves engltie, nutke ofer. Ou Best off I 644-1~ Call 67;).1872 WE AU W LD YOU BELl£Y£ .,,...;·' FREE ~iam•se cat. Vuy ~"'~2~·Z7-,,19c...,,. _____ M ""°1N"'1-"'s"'11""'·~Xl:,,' ,:..:,:::C.:.o-nd~iti-o-o. OVERSTOCKED• ..... 11.. HOBIE Cat-14'. like t1e\\', • 7• POOL Ta'~ •~ 2 G' I' frie,.......,. t mc'.s, 673-4895. b I llo SHP. rtlany Xtru. Call • ?.tll.!lt make room for new Values irom $1-$49 Tl'Usure . • ...,, -· ir s 12118 rn ye. iv. many xtru, 985 shipmenta a.rrivtnr da.ibi. Olest Drawing at $1 per ~1ke:, $25 each. Call ·1--------== ~ $1375. &34·3922, 6#-1 .. Po<ces wshcd on .......... draw. ~ . . l'ETS an4 LIVESTOCK 1 ..;."""~~~----1 Motorcyc!oo 9300 Spinets, Consoles, Cra.OOs SERR . .\ Etror-Lin,lted (:iGl TACO 44 1'.llni bike $150. 1T O'DAY Dayniler -•. ,,;::;;:. ___ ..:;;::: AUSTIN AMERICA Sales. Service, Parts Immediate Delivery All :ritodela J ! l' lll p 1J i I ~l 1 11 po11•, 3100 W. Cout HW)'., N.B. 642.94('6 Sf0..1764 Authorit!d 1-.IG Dealer DATSUN '67 DATSUN PICKUP Actua.1 mileage 31,000. Xlnt runnin2; cond .. dlr, ov;'Tled by little 'ole Gre)'hound bus driver. \\1il l ti ne. prvt, prty. UOl\t 8~. Call Phil 494-9773, >15-06.14. NEW! '70 PICKUP Early.Amer. $2:'1. Also, Club ~H=E=R~"'1::Ec,S_A_m_b_"" __ d_or-o!fi-.-.. chr. ~nlgold f Ab r i <" eclec. type\\ Titer. Reblt It t."OVf'red, likf-nu, s:JO. 185G refinished. Elile type. Slli. Chtistml! delivery l\W'. supply cl these "(ex.lean air French t~um_pet recono P1tt1 Gtn1r1I 1100 Demo $1595 Used $1195 'G9 HONDA 3;:.Q Scrambler COAST MUSIC mails. LA dealers Are. ask· dillonod $65. 67>3271 aft S. \VOT'S NlJ"' lf O'OAY. used "95 exct'I cond. l\lust aeU. Beat \V/eamper, 96 hp overhead NE\\'PORT It HARBOR ing Sl ea. $4 per block. \\'e l\'IODERN Blonde chin a ::Uta Oaus Spec.lal at ~ Zcne Boat Co. Ba!W ofler o~ $475. 675--5633 aft cam, 4 spd. dlr, 6 ply tires, PornMa.Ave, Apt C. C.?.t. 96.2-.'ll87 aft S USF.O. • assorted occasional I ====-~--""'==== G'.Jsta J\lesa * 643-2&51 ask SO_ ctn\~ ea. ;:.: per cabinet $20. SUrlboud 9'xi' 'TIS TROPICAL F"iru C}-JRIST!llAS Seil: Kite No. -~6~. ~~--~---back up lights, You name DQ3.•s 10-9 Sat 10-6 Sun 12.& block. 548-6449 $25. 841·2143 9080 Edinaer (at ?>taanolial 58 .in cooct condition \\i th 19()8 Yan1aha 2j()cc Enduro lt! Serial # PL.521211873. chai~ $1:.l ra. U s c d assortro lfbl lo h\·in head· boa.rd$, S:i ca. ~ 1''aclory, 1885 R&rbor. 540-W2 G•r•g• Seit I022 TIVIN BR Rt ti.'/3 chests, I EXCEPTONAL HO i\·Jodel F.V. * * 142-4530 ha.nd trailer $600. 673-3077 $.52:i. Call Tom ,vkdays Full price $2000, Take small CHR1Sl'IlfAS cifts -ltam-mm Yashica, I mm movie :Ftailroad Equip. Com pl. "'At a WET PET 101, FOR Sale: Lido 1-4. Gel Corid. ~3~.: eves le "·kenda dn or tl'ade. Call Phil, 28'.">4 CAROB St .. NB. ?oil· mond Steinway y aha Ult c· l s h . Lik N 1150 Call Sfl..3349 '""" =" Ph O:AO O•~<> ,,_....... 4!14-91"13 or S.t;"J-0634. jority new. vinyl louna:e · • am . ou . ir s c \V 1 n n t u. . · Chri.11tma.s. Rand'a Tropical ,s...,..,, one • .,.,~ or ,,.,===~------------- ch3.ir .SlZ.50. stuffed rock"fl' Newlc:uaedplf.no&ofmo.tt bicycles 2-24", 1·20''. .... Fish. 5901 We1tminsttt, 642-2649 SUZUKI 80CC. All Nu En-• USED 3 Pc Spani11h Sf't. sota, love!leal ~ rhair, Sl39.9:i. Used; 2'. pc Spanish sofa Ir cha.it; $79.95. Thf' Faeto1y, ]885 lt«tbor. 5~42 $'..>R.50, twin bed $14.50, ~~~·~t ~i~u.!re ~'. ~. , , Mist. Wanted 1610 \Vestminster lt7Mll ·u·=oo~'"14'". ~N'",-w-J'°uly,...~'6'"9.-Ra~c·· I Pie.XI expansion chamber, WJI MlSUN aviCI cou~h S6. Leather cha.Yr Efl'ATE Sale -:-.11nk Stole, tnr Gear. Cover. Hwy etc.• nt. Cornf. It Beautiful. $98.50, lamps $15 to $30. l90'l N. Atatn, Santa Ana. cost $1200, sell $500. $WE BUY$ Cata 1120 trailer. $1495. 54~743. $Ila. Call· 842·3159. GlasS'll.~ar 1: books. s to 7, •••••llO•••a 1 Nlapra eyclo-ma.ssaae, cost '64 HONDA 250 Tues thru Fri. OPIN 1 NA $!!15, sell 'J pr Both like SEALPOJNT ~iamtae kttten, Sp11~ Ski loats 9030 GOOD CONDmON BEAt.n'Il"UL Kina: bed . qui.It. ..., VENI vS new. 548--..'>381. ' $ FURNITURE $ 10 "'eekl old. Houtt trained. ---$250 * • 494-4307 ed ~Utt!$, Coniplete, un. 2c!'b~. ~::~~:~~~;~~·~~~ ~:t~ ~~~~~~! BEAUTIFUL hand painted APPLIANCES $20. s.0-0162, MM4SO GULF STREAM 1968 DESERT Ready Hodaka used: "105. "-' 0 i lb $250, Dec 21. _17775 Acacia Tret oil -portrait of yeu or ;your C•l•r TV-P1•~•i-St•r••1 ~. llU 100 cc. Great bike! $325. or W-1!6 eve" Lr. ln<ot 833-3648 aft g GOULD MUSIC chlldt<!n Iron> a phoiOK>•Ph 1 ''-•• M•-''11 ,.... 17 ft. Ski Beat "'" •U•r. 644--0266 VE ILV.2: 1 Meditrrr•nean 2045 N. Main, SA 547..Q61'1 A "''Onderf'W idea for thaf CAIN IJI II MIMUTIS PUT This pup in your Xmas !!Ollt.~ gold. lleVllC us-Appll1rw:.. 1100 special Chri!trnu ci ft . • 541..4531 • 11.tockin1! 7·\\'k male black ed $~., Alatching loveseat -''-"'-------'-VERY rare player piano. 646--S829. WILL Pay $30 for Gd ADt poodle $50. 4M-6459 19&8 TRil\lPH Bonneville, 650cc ti\1.n ctrb. Xlnt COJld. l\iust seU 847-8480 "Leader in The Beach (.'itiea" ZIMMERMAN 2145 HARBOR BL VII. S40-641D OltANGI COUNTY'S NO. I DATSUN Dl!ALER DOT DATSUN S$. m 'i'i6-0;J92 NEodll' 1 2 1dr. OE i'e!rii .. fr1•178m baby rn,nd, v.ith Ampico * ROYAL. St an4ard size ttfri"'. $25 for Gd BASSETT PUPS, AKC n\ c Kll\UJ .......... ttxp r e11lon. Hear .., lt II t .. 120 H.P. Mere. Crul11r lnboord -Outboonl Ready for the \\'ater r!iht now. All the eqUip. lncl. compass, lif! prestn.'ent It full cover. '68 Ii ARLEY Dav l d a: o n 1Ul5 Bf!acb Blvd. PRfV .... Pty Forced lo Stoll : 2 dr. Refrigerator, from·fl'IH!, Racbman1noff play hi• ,.,,ipe\vr er, ~ce en · con· ccuch. 646-3289 k t.sk for U7-S2CM eves It. \':knds · 10' kfa, Q ip 'n Dale bott •--· Sl68 I hi •-•· ditien. 'keccnt model. ~Tl. BUI. AKC D h h d p ~ om u~ •••• ·... mus e s Wlf· JUii.. l(Ue&-642 ...... . ac s un ups M • bdr se1. oon~le R ... 1ro I 38 ... ," ...,. ......... .._ ...... e .. ,.eraton .... m Uonll! 49'-62U Carpe Lo \VANTEO: u.._, ~'· * 8.fl.5.121 * 11'!\\'nfl"·Jbao.:u, t tc. 1146--0910 ,... ____ , Col TV t I"~"'t hu Hi ~ ... -....... -..e er • contemp lESTER Spinet Plano le: · ...,.~ $100· CHRlST ~I S P di .rt 6 _........,,.. .. or anytime cab., ne.w pleture tube • $348 .... h. ~-t cond. J"'l ...... nylona $1.tt yd., $'ia.zl . Call a CTS-ntt. A ~o ~ · wk<•lik: 11~11poo1 -1 50 ·~ AM• ,..,,,... from S.50 up + my Jabor, 1.linlatutt. mat., ARC, $00. ·=',,:.."'°~~----,I ·u r autowa •• ed. $400 or best otter. Eves 90c per .,ard 147.w USED ztG--ZAG SEWING f '11'ffkl cld. 96W362 SO.FA ;It chair, r!C\'tt uM"d GE \Vuher/J)eytr •••• $100 MfN9n " ' . MAOONE 540-2050 belon gl,.:.::;,,,,.;;:.:_;:;:::::::;.~-. 1100. 'h:rimp1 ._ cofftt tables. • OUNLAP1S PL.A.YER Pil!IO -Elocttlc BEAtJTJTifi: Kine ~ilt· AI\t or a.tter 7 Pl\t 6 ~IO}\jiJ-J old rnale, hill (ll ~ l8W Newport Blvd., C.U Dual/An. Nr Nu OO, call ed mattrells. CQmplel'e-un. Beaslc & hall' Poolee. Lovee 1'VlN J1«1 with box spr1ngs. 541-7711 _ 541-37CS. · used. $1C6, w •rt h $250. ehlldr1n. Free. 137""2S9 ...... "4 ... -.. """'"•"' 'M L Ch Old ,.,_ ..... FREE TO YOU SMALL breed, • ma1 ... 2 _ ....... ,.N .. ..,,,, ."1-.n1 :Si A 1...r·reeier est. er SACIUFlCE. Wurlitzer females, -·•• Chrl•tmu _....,,,.iuw• -•• .ur~ ~ ~ retric-Both-Good \\o'ESTERN SADDLE. all "" '-''Al.NUT eonttmpotary d~sk Co~ 53f;..4G5t --spinet plano.-heaut. t'Ofld. <1~$h'!!d te:atures7"hr •hows $-?1.IONnl-old male, half (ifts.. $j. ea.ch. su..stl9 I~. ... . • $i)j(I or oUtr. 6Tl--S646 or plf'ltiu-. New eond. 116 S.f.lle It half Poolee. Lo"-eii IASl•T p" Ul'S, AKC <N KEl\':\IORE AUID y,•uber, ... hlld 137-4239 12/18 .._ &12-1&17 * xlnt cand, 6 C)'cl~ UQ, TeltYillen nOi Jasmi~. 001 6T3-5741 i c ren. . . lti-tlOC eve:a A v:lmds DUN'CAJrf Phyfe table v.ith 54&-8612 • ln..CUS WANTEO: Old utUlty trail~r PET black baby bunny BEAUTIFUL Dane ftmal~ 1*b ... f cb&tn $10, •IA NORGE Auto wulltt, c.'OP-19" POlll'ABLE c:M•St• Old bM.t trailer for female 2 monthl old . tood homt important. AKC. m, !irto bod SJO. 6<MTll penont, 2 l/1't old, HU now E><colltN condition. 17' ... l 1'7-2042 '*3a7l 12/U 11M111 or !11M993 HID&:UiED lofa. aood eon-$15. 546-861t <r $11"'115 S2l 5'M10f TOYS, St:tanra Chuiat $3. ntEE: yellow kitten. PAltTY POODLE. Ake rq. dl6on.,. -• ltUsrtsT ~ in AOMJR.A1. TV, 21,. porb.b!e BJockl ft. $!\.ll1 bike $10. ~7 12/11 7-wk ftmale. 20 ounces cf !•. toivn. lfhf:-DA&~PfLOT--wt:=· ~ ...... #). ~\\•CJU1$c.Ml-3l00 _ ~-.~r hme on lo\'t.$S0.4""'42S8 GJl&Elll' 'J'M«I UIL-hadc: bed Otl'1'iM wc;doq, Save l A\\'nlnp 1'or Sale. Set at \\'iiecq;, ~·ni SAMOYED Female. 1 )'t&r l'!lvan;J.11.. .2 piec« scctionaJ moRE)". time Ir otrfort. LOok Coler fV RCA. Ml 21)10 l\Ionrovta A,•e, Cll. WHJTE: Baby pel mloe !or 6ld. papel'f.. Pet or show. ,!ll, Both Ii~ ~w.114.'.!-lttt . nowtll Call . 50-8819. Call MS--O&o9 I ChJilfrAIS 6'$:-2221 12!19 $50, 6G(l;1Sl I.;,.-"-'_.;.""'----- , l 25CC. Only 300 mi. Lota cl •runti.n;t:on Beaeh xtras. Eves 64&-4643 842-i7U or St().(LU2 NE\V '69 Ka\\'&Saki 250 ee i=========I Sld,.iodu, undtt $600. ENGLISH FORD PRIVATE PARTY 67~3144 S4~9311 14' Sid Boat. 1'1!rc 450 motor 1 ,,M,,.1,,·7..,67t=or;,;,.,3c.1~7-c.,298;.:,.7 __ _ ~ trir, new 'Nindshte.ld. uni-'61 Y A.\IAHA, 100 T\\i n $150. que-helm. ... 'A•heel. Leavtnr RUNS GOOD! ~fore 5; aratt. $450 or best otr. ~72 ~ 2.'50CC Y .UIAJfA Efldural, ·~ BELLBOY 11· HT. Leu like nu. Call after 6 P~I or than 20 hrs. 170 mercniber weekend!!. &37-..1969. inbrd. Cost $4930_. _sell tor l~BuJtac:o El~ 200 cc, SJr:.iO. 2692 IJayahOre Dr, atr/acr. Ukt ne\\·~nly 300 NB. &l~--4062 ml. Eves &4Z.l3tS Morino l!,ulp, 9035 Troller, Tro¥OI 942.I SHll'WltlCK SALii "!9 1101.IDAY Tra•-.1 'l'rlr. all star &om \\TfCked P.C.C. Comp. stU-cont tand•m «iloq\ ''Kltttn". ?ilut, 1 bQs "'hlt, 11!)! f, iu ):tru. ot aaUa. \\inchea, tulJ cover Chvner aac; mu.It stll $3100. .. all .hard\\'a~. Prtctd tor 6"-6191 quie.k sale. ~linne-y'a Ship ..;;.:..;.:;;,;. ______ • I ChandlO\'Y, 2337 IV. COUI THE QUJO<E!l YOU CAU, Jlh\'a,,f, N.8. 543-4192 THE QUJCKElt YOU SELL ORANG! COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH l'DRD DE-'LElt SALIS· SIRVICE OVER 60 LV S'l'OCK • 2 4 4 Dr. :ilodels • 2 &: 4 Dr. DeJm:,, • 2 & 4 Dr. GT Models • StaUcn \Vaions Many with tuUy automadc trans., air, radial tire. n. dkJ, v\eyJ roof, wrw ~s. BRA.VD N'E:\V STD. 2 D.R. $1il5 FUU. PntCE ORDER NOW Thoodoro llOllNS FORD l*J flarbor 81\'d, ~t& Ilteaa K'·tx>lo • 1 DAILY PILOT r· - . .t'. ,,,,, . .-• :?u .... • ~'!'"I .. '' . • "3 ' • ,,·.' ... • ·1 • l l • • • • l • • • • • • ' . • 1 II l I 1 I I II \ ',.,, ... _~., .... . ~ . , .. '• .. ' ',, . .. ' .. • • . . . • • . . . • • l U OA.JLV PILOT WfdnrSd~, D«trnlltr 17, 196q 'tVtOntsday, !IPCtmbtr 17, J'W,q r!LOT-ADVERTISER 6 :'l;':!RA"'N"'s'"""'R,..TA"'TI"'O"'N..--.-T..,""""'IWlrTii....---._,.R,.~'NSPORTATION I TRANSPOll r AT JON · TRANSPORTATION ~-SPORTATION TRANSPORTAT10·.r:=r;;:RA:rr,N,;;S;;.P;;.O.,;R;TA:..;T~1:,:,o~~r=R~N;;S;;.P;,;.,;RT.,.A"'T"10=-""'i , bnportod Autos 9tOO lmporled ~.'_•s lmpomd Autos 9600 I~ Aut.. 9600 Autos Wonted 9700 Used Ca,. 9900 UNd Core 9'00 UNd Co,. 9900 Used Cers 9900 FERRA~ MG VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN WE PAY'Wfl . IUIC:K CORVAI! FORD OLD~~BILE VW BUGS BUG, Dark G"""· "'w <or FOR YOIJR CAR '67 RIVIERA 1961 CORVAIR Statio n '67 PORO • • FERRARI MC SUie~. St-1v1c.J, Parts lnunt>d!a1c Delivery, All ~1od.ds J1rluport Jl111ports jtOO \V. Coal"! llwy. N.B. 6tl·Sl0.1 ~liS.1 Au!hortzed l\IG Dealer J11guar 3.8 Sedan. Blk cM~C~B~'61~c7•0-,.-.~,~v~,,.-,~,.,~,,,-., '/ chron1e '"'irt 1\·hls. Aufo. low 1n!lc. nc1v batlerl('S & JAGUAR ~ !5C brks, Pirelli tim;. Xlnl lirt'S. Xlnl t'Ond $2100. ',.. l"(hanical rond. ir71Xl or 5:18-6968 Aft 3 P:\I . ii"! " :st offer lhil I\' e r k, =========I 93-mJ d11y~, ~9J...~1 J r Vt'S. XKE 1.2 18.000 actual iles. New Perrille r': ~ad1als. Perttct. Urgent c ~1.s-.;.i1z ? XKE Jaguar. new eni:ine. ·""' ·~eecls paint, upholstery k : ~op. 962-l:J38 "':C ~"MA N tl GHIA • 15 KAR!\fAl\'N Ghia, xlnt ~nd. Like ne\1'. 1 !ad v ~''Tier. Jt1uz.t sell $10j{j o'r }est otr. S48-S823 '" i. '67 Dl-D -S2100 : • AJR CONDITIONrNG '! r 499--3863 or 49-1-8989 OPEL '69 OPEL GT. Red. Black In!. •I spcl. 9,000 ml. Im· maculate. to.take offer or trd. 673-GSOO PORSCHE ·;;9 Poi-.schl', $1200. Needs ~hir. 1~~:SS.16Has rebuilt PORSCHE '68 911L. 1 O\\'NER. XLNT C 0 ND. "800. C:\LL 675-4CGO ROLLS ROYCE 54 ROLLS ROYCE SILVER DA\\'N ~UN ROOF Concourse condition. This beautiful aulo 1vill be :sacri· rificcd for quick sale. 541-6609 ROLL5 ·::9, side mounts, nc1v pain1, new \Vsw tires, $4950. Prlv. prly 84~5041. 644-0j()1 a:uar. lranle1·able, undt'r Full • incllldl , . \Va.gon. Ori&inal Owner. CORTINA GT 9W> ml. auto, stick, radio, power, "i air, $245. Call 54H728 J.ltu'd Top Cpe. VS, 4 speed ,..nOi'I on/off I~. rack. Rts. CONNELL :.trato bucket,, 40,IXXI actual -trans. Runt iuper new IUld $399 !"'1.,!898_ 8"" "5-1992 · n>Uc~ COUGAR I°""'"""' Lio, VTY S21. • _ CHEYROL£1 $2'9S $1299 '62 VW Bu•. Nu Re-Bit 2828 -Bl... ~ '68 C XR7 e~i~. I-leaders, lrg wbla. --,"""'.,.,,•:;;•,,1,,--;;,.546-;iil.200.;;·~1 " ougar ~ ~-~~·.o~~;. trade ror . !>=!" ~ ~'t. , Al/~~~~':~~·~;:;," '''°" ft Ai '68 VIV .,10 .ik. Po»ch< TOP I BUYER "fl ,,,,,. .. h .np ::f~v 2:~:,~::::· ~·:l~~ ~~~ ~,~1!~~ .. •1 Q~ 15/>. Ot.I "l'o,,,,,a" GOOD SELECTION cii,~,.,.,, e~,,J'· :Jl!I. :iOOJ £.'(!, 66 Or 61 19i0 HARBOR BLVD. stove, dbl bed, comptly in-Auto L•a1in9 9110 1970 HARBOR BLVD. ,~,_ P sulatrd, I: pan'ld. OFFER. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i~~,..,;co~ST~A:,,MESA~~--A , ~l Ext. 66 01· 67 '194-7'106 • ~, ' 1970 HARBOR BLVD. LEASE · RENT '63 LE SABRE. convert, ,. OOSTA 1"1.ESA C'OSTA MESA. '62 VW. GOOD COND. fmm9diat• d•livery PIS. P/brake1, R/H, i::ood II $600. * 6*8191 • on all cond. .,..,, ~1131 Ext. 66 or -• • '6.l VW S850 or best olfcr. * c..~ "•11 * -~ "' Good condition. t~ V\V Bug. Lt blue, blk 1970 FORDS & "'""''" 1970 HARBOR BLVD. 54S-6130 int. Xlnt cord. $1700. CaU FORD TRUCKS '67 ELECTRA, 4-door, 1100 COSTA MESA Phil, 644-2430 All popui11r makes. Ford mi. one ow~r. full pcm1er,I=========~ 1970 V\V lmg 4,000 miles, 'authorized leasint· system. !:~to22cy4-:: air, all extras. DODGE private party. Best oUcr. G 1 Ou c 1·11 Rat ~ " Yo e r on1pc1 ve es --··------5'&-1&!8 VOL --'------i---___ Theodore '69 Daclge ,,.. vw . 1 '"'""'· """ "'"· VOLVO ROBINS FORD CADILLAC Char er --1 61~!~'"' 1970 HERE NO\V 2lliO Harbor Blvd. ., Doo H rdt V• ~ _,, LQ\V PRlCES ON Cosra l\lcsa. 642-0010 1968 Cad convert. 19,000 -.r a op • pc>\\'~r '66 V\Y sedan, a:ood clean REMAINING .69.5 miles. 100~ new car war-.11teenfll:'. •Po we r brakes, condition. $1100 CaU after 6, \'our Best Deals Are ::iii! At LEASE ANY MAKE ranty eooil until April 1970. automatic trans, ~ u ck e I 61~.m.i. DEAN LEWIS. OR MODEL S yr. ot' 50,000 miles. Full seats, vynl root. Absolutely GREAT BUY! Let our Jease e..xperts ihow pov.·er & air includ.es :stereo. like ~w. Lie. Y\VS-:rn '65 "'V' good cond. $1000. :l~:=;:H:;•""::;'O:"=C=·::M;;;. =='='6'93113=' =I you the best plan for your Black o,n bulac,!oP~~~!te par· $2699 * 962-1538 + -personal needs without obli· ty mus ae ~ ~ ~.66~V\=V-. -',-,-ru1~.-..,-,-Y-,-ood~I ~ntiquH, _Classics 9615 ~ation. '69 Q.lv, 15000 m1. Silver w/ concl. Lo mi, ne\v eng. Sllj(l. ,57 MORGAN + '4 UNIVERSITY blk llhr &: landau lop F1.f Q ~ '194-:l:>IO OLDSMOBILE stereo. $5.100. 6Tl-8282I ~ 0 Ne\Y T:ip, new brakes. E.x. ~ 1-larbor Blvd. 67~1829 s '62 vw Sun Roof. Con1pletely cellent con d i I io n. $1500. Costa Mesa •65 Coupe Dl!Ville. ~0 -~ re·blL llke nu, SSZ.O. Day 6.t2·l724 a.fler 6 PM. 51M&l0 Sl!IOO. ' ~I ~ 642-4391, Eves. 642-2789 ====-==== • ~ LEASE • ~ 5"'8943!<""1" '"' '68 V\V, am/fm , other ex· :A;.:u::t";:;_.;:W;,.•::.:";,.t.;:ed:;_ __ 9_7_00_ ,..-,..- tnis. BEST OF f' ER. 1~9 J\fustilll~ J.lardtop, y.g, r>-IS.3001 Cx1. fi6 or 67 <194-2208 or 615-5937 eves. \VE ppv · arr, p1vr disc: brakes, pv.T CAMARO 1970 HARBOR BLVD 1967 FORD LTD VB, automatic, factory air, power steering. poll'ct bl'ak. cs. radio & heatrr, \\'·!HI', vinyl roof, t inted glass. Real (U.'(Ul')', ffUP 61 J I $1699 •UNIVERSITY e OLDSMOBILE 2850 Harbor BJvd. C<kita tl1e!iii , .S.10-SSSI LINCOLN 196.l LINCOLN Continental. Sil\•er 4 dr, fully equip. S139a. sr,,..7807 art 5. MUSTANG 1966 OLDS TORONADO \'8, automatit', faclory air, fUll po11•er, power steerin&:, power b!'akes, po11·er win· <.lows radio heater, w-s-w, tinted ~lass.' See M> appreci· ate. 1UJ(i\f 966•. $1699 e UNIVERSITY • OLDSMOBILE 2850 Harbor BJvd. Costa 1.fesa 540-8381 '67 Old1 442 :! Dr. H.T. Radio, htr., air , t."Ond., pwr. steeriJ'li: & brak· es, landau top. XGV4:.!0, $1795 Harbour V.W. AUTHORIZED SALES &: SERVlCE 18711 BEACH BL.., 842-443:> HUNTINGTON BEACH '64 OLDS 88 convt., p\1·1· brakes, steering, c 1 ea n , S675. Days 646-5639 1 PLYMOUTH '67 PLYi\fOUTil GTX, 1ir1 cond. Buck sts, Auto. Near Nu lire~. Yel101v 11'/bU.:i vinyl Ip. \Vkends Ottly, I 5.l:>-~t 1 PONTIAC '69 V\V Panel, many xtras. CASH strg, i 79. per mo. 24 mo COSTA i\IESA ' ~ r SPRITE Stereo tape. Radial lil'es. lcasr. '68 CAi\IARO. 377. V·8 4-spdll-·=------.~ '. ... ·~ MG Call after 5. 548--0724 SOUTH COAST console, nevi tirts, excellent · ' ./'00 SPRITE. ood 11 for used can it trucks ,fust CAR LEASING shape. 496-21)9 aft 5 E. ~ Cood condition. '6:: ~V. runi; g · uiust se · t ~ \V. Cst Hwy, NB 645-2182!---------- '67 f.fUSTANG hdtp, cham· pagnc beigP, ~acldle int, 289 c.i., auto lrans, c.-onsole air cond, radio/ht.r, tin t e d glass. nr· nc1v 11•/\v tires $1800. 61J..5l67 '6.l PONTIAC GR AN DI PRIX. Air Cond . Lcattwr. ,.~ully Auto. Sl2j(), 540-82~21 days or 642-1754 evenings. I 'G.\ BONNEVTLLE. 18,000 n1i.. or·ig 01.vnr. full p11T. I fnct air, nu tires. $27j(J I 6-14-4M9 J:. to.JG-TD. Rebuilt en;;ine. Call e1•es, ~5919 ~· 289 \V. \VilSO/I, Apt. C, eallGRO"'JH""(H'"~timaROlfTe. 1966 DODGE , ~xce.11ent condition SS!l.l. ::::::::::::::::--: 1-=· ;,.·mV\\cxiirtOri;;--1 '' U19d C1rs 9900 ___ C_H_E_Y_E __ L_LE__ Coronet 4 Dr. Sedin 1967 riruSTANG H rd t p . e,· --11 ~5-5871 ·57 V\V. Xlnt orig ";;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 . AJ'lt~• ,,·. · t & t r .~NOW'S T ff E TOYOTA t-ond. Beige, radio, Ask for S3..les Mana~ • '67 1.IALIBU Chevelle l own. Automatic. P9'''<'r steering, ~u~.···~u.~·· ~1~a~:s. ~:;~ ~. N, nv tlres $U'15. 673-5620 ·-· .. n-ah Blvd. .,. ,,., --•. ,. ... ,,: -"uip. radio k Healer, This is a -............. D'll'••· ... · .... ,... " """ I •' 5 exte1·. Black iater. S199S. Ill Huntington Beach '63 SPORT Jo'ury. hdtp, exc:eL rond. lt1ust sell fl600. rea good IUy! J ll AGB) 61' 1807 ,,, 5. ~ : TIME FOR BILL 1\fAXEY BB~~ 'g!~r ~ ~~ ~i ---"'-"-"-·'-'---c~~99~~to~~r, c!;;~1 P;~~1,c:'33~-0830===~==-,c .. $899 i\f:sr Sell '66 :>itustanll'. '68 FIREBIRD, take ove1 payrnents. 4 spcf. ~>lj..694,j ITlglYIOJT@ Rivc:>rsidc. Ne\vpo1·t Bch. WE PAY TOP 515--063-l 1966 CHEVELLE SS-396. Air fastback. Xtras, xlnt tond. ~ OUICK CASH 18881 BEACH BLVD. 1~:r J~;,~~~,;.co~~ '~ ~~;:?~:=. ~· · . .,-R·AJ·,·IB·L·E·R-A·m·,·,.-hd·lp·.11"'~~";':.='=·· =~~='=~·=-'=i:=r=..,="'='.=. ""=."="··1 • ~~J~~~1~! • ,~S-:~~~r 0A: ·;,::: :: :YffROUGH A ,H~nNt. Beach 147-8:5~5h ·oo V\V Convt., n<'w top, T~cre Robin111Ford dPo;r,L9ru20"'.',"""all K~tt.•',;,._"",1129913. CHEVROLET Costa l\1esa 5-10-8881 int. 5 ne\v i\1icht?lin radial TEMPEST '68 TC'mp. R & H. std. tran~. 2j() ci 175 hp .. ORC 6, $1250. 962-302·1 ;J m1 . or Coast Hwy. on°" i·•blt ,tt ... , ~ -odltion .-wu Hat'bor B vd " ~" ----"""" • .. ..... .,; ....... -.u c.l'lt -00-0Do • • FALCON ~,......... mi. s2s5o. DAILY PILOT 1m:?i~~i~ow ·oo ~:~u~.67~e7:brakes. Will Buy [ ;:::;:::;:;:::::;::::;:::;:::;:::;! .. 61 FALCON, 2 dr Stick. Re-·55 .ri1usrANG, auto ~hi~t. l ____ T_·_B_IR_D __ _ .-WANT AD LOW PRICES ON r,,,. dock. Cd i;,,,,. $100. BUICK blt '"'""· $195. Call • raomg """"· 10<!""· will BELOW WHOLESALE ~ REJ\1AIN1NG '69's Call S31-34il, aft 6. Your Volkl\vag~ or Porsche 1967 CHEVROLET 847-1084 finance $950. Call 673-4300 -.. Your Bes! Deals At'!' Still At l ·d f . . 642-5678 DEAN LEWIS ·~~~~B.ug. reliable condition & pay top dolan. Pal or '620 BNU!l'k s,.~clalGood. \Vhile:..," Impala s.uper Sport . FOR Sale: 1964 Falcon Sta. ·55 ltlust,ang ~IP •. p/s .. aulto $1077 .,u..., or nol Call R<tlph r._ ".w 1,":s. COuu. VB. automat1~. facto1". air, \Vagori . \Vhite " dr. $6.)0. trans. o 1111, orig pn p Y ·.:..,========~l'66=~H~at~·bo~1~·,~C=·':o'"~· :064ll-=:""3=:.!...==="'"'o:-:"='·s====·"'===tm-=0900===='-'$"4=25=.=C=•=ll=P=h=tl=64=4-=2'=30==i J)Cl\'<'r steerim:. radio & Priv. Ply. G4•i...o-1lO. 510--9914 Sl27j, 646-1970, 546-7802 IDGl'r·Bird H.T. P.. H. autom. ": healf'r, 11'-S·IV, til!tecl glass. ·~. 'full f.IO\Vl'r, faclol'.V air cond. ':{~~::!:.=_ ___ _:: Drlvc it & you'll buy it. ---Lit·. PCL j!,)7 , :c.::..c...::..cc:_ ____ ...c.."-"..C...='-===== ------------------1(TRJ1711 FORD OLDSMOBILE Yo"'·""' DoaL• .\•·c Still Al • ·-•• :: :: ;-: .~ •!:' .. " •• " .. : .. · .. .. ~i •, :· ,-~ •' .. .. .. ·' ' ~ ·- OPEL & JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE Bl G SELECTION 2 DOOR SKYLARK ' f:•clorv Ord•r No. AE7 I06o JAGUAR Bl G SAYINGS One Of The Largest Selections In Sourhern California .. ' FINAL DEMONSTRATOR CLEARANCE Thes• were our executives and solesmen's personal cars. All are low milea9e and in top notch condition. tfley won't lost lon9 at these REDUCED PRICES. IETTER HURRY BIGGEST SAVINGS OF THE YEAR WE ARE COMPLETELY SWAMPED WITH TRADE·INS! '68 PONTIAC Grind Pri•. F•tlorv •i• t o"d , 110"''' 1!ttr & brtlc•s. Ont e"'ntt. IVTL 7~~! :~~~~.~~!~.~G $1381 "••'••·!SVC OO?l :~.?.~~c~~.~~~~"'· $2394 "~'"'•• sl•t• .• r1dio, lot1I••· !HOF !Sil :~!.~~~~ .. ~-ALLYE --$1-69-5 WIO O<tJ :~~--~?\~.~~,~..... $597 lo1•t1r, IQHM J1JI c1699 --DEAN LEWIS ~ BELOW wHOLESALE • • 1~ If"""'· C.'1. 64ll-93n1 e UNIVERSITY e ·57 Landau, 30,000 n1i. Air, OLDSMOBILE $899 full po11·cr, new radial tires. 2850 Harbor mvd. BRAND NEW lmmac. f'ar. \\·;i.rr. 2 yr or Costa i\fesa 540-SMI l!lfiO Ford Ctry. Squire \\'a£', 1970 OLDS 20.000 mi. fi.12-057-1 -VB, R, ~t. autom., P.S .• Fae. BELOW WHOLESALE tory air """· 19'7 T-BIRD. po.-t hol". Lie. HPN it28 SPORT COUPE i'ilu~t Sl'c to appreciate: $795 Your Best Deals Are Still Al Pully factory equipped in· $1800. 838-i67:i. DEAN LEWIS !'luding head rests, seat * '60 T-BTRD C-0nvL \\ihitc, 1965 Chev. I*1pa.la 1-1.T. V8, belts, back-up lighls, ,1·ind· all p11·r. Slcek &: Paml)C'red. R, lf, autOf!, PS, lactory 1966 Harbor, C.i\L 646-S303 shield 1vashcrs, oul.sitle niir· $j(l(). 6~4-{i~ nr &12-8215. I air cond. KOZ679 '61 Ford Fairla.nc 500, 6 ror, carpC'ts. cir. --· Your Best D<!aJ.11 Are Still Al Cylinde1'S. NE\V: Starter, $2498 TORONADO DEAN LEWIS Solmo;d S w ; t< h Carb., --· l= H bo C ,1 6.~9303 Af ast e r Cyhncler. fuel """ ar r, ·1' · ...,. Pump, Rebuilt 1 rans Order \·ou1'S To-Dav • • Pressure plate. Clutch e UNIVERSITY .• Bearin;:s. and U-joints. \Viii OLDSMOBILE trade for V\V. See at 2500 28JO Harbor Blvd . 1966 CHEV. MALIBU 396 SUPER SPORT Ne"'J)011 Blvd. No. 5, Costa C06ta i\Jesa 540.!!6-\0 1 '°"-"~'="""=~~~~~ 10LDS '68 Luxury Sedan, '6,j FAIRLANE \Va:;;. & 'SJ Landau top. Air cond. All VS, automatic, po11·cr steer· Fairlane Sedan. Sta. \Va;;. Xb·as. :':Int Cond. $2900 in;;, l'adio & heater. w-s·iv, has 289 V-8. S<'dan hes 6 cyl , Owner. 673-3872 tinted :lass, vinyl l"OOf. Both air t'Ond. \\'/s/11', I..:~=..::::..::.:.:.. __ ·=,- Drlve thi& today. tRPE8961 R&ll. $6j() t'<t. 968-7326 • $1599 '66 Falcon Futur• Fully factory equipped, Dlr. e UNIVERSITY e 169'. OLDSMOBILE Phone 642-6023 :?&;a Harbor Bh·d. 14) 1968 F'ORD Counb'Y Costa /\1elkt :j4().&S81 sedan 11·agons. Loitded. '68 t1iF:vy El Carnino. 37Zi;1 ___ $_2l~00~•-'3~4-_5290 __ _ hp. ::96 cu cng. 4: 10 ':J.1 Ranchero posilract ion. ~laG"s. Nrcd~ pain! S275 Goorlyf'Rr. 348-7883 or 646-2897 &IZ-42:>2 1----------'6.l Ford Van-Bus, radio '66 Jl\tPALA 2 dr. Air, p11T, 6: big enginf'. Pt>rfl!<'I R&H, auto. Xln'l cond. condllion. $1400. ~ $159:J.. \\.'UI take clean trans. UNITED FUND Ha tradt'. 496-Ji\41 o-496-li>O, . ..-ve Dr. \\lin<'s&p. You Contributt'd. 1967 OLDS 88 V.S, aU1o. trans.. fa c. air rond., pol\'er stect'ini;'. radio, heatel', 11·hi!(".\•al\ tires. i\l il- f'S & niilcs of driving plea:<.· Ul'C'. Lie, ,.,N :;13s $1799 e UNIVERSITY e OLDSMOBILE 2850 ~rarbor Bl\'d. O:lsta i\lf'S8 5-JO.SS.91 l~ TORONAOO, 11·hitt "ith black vinyl !OP. Top condL lion, low niileagc, equipped \\·itJ1 evecy factoi-y optional available, lncludin~ 8 track tape dl:'ck. First $3500 takes it!! 673-2212 VALIANT \\'HAT A DEAL '6(1 VA.liant Sla. \Vag. S20J. 642-:>193 or 67j..{)-131 '&\ F:I Camino. Aulo.-V.S. •I '1:ood lirt'!I. Just luned! $750. 545-8801 Imported .&11tot 9600 Imported Aut?s 9600lmported Autos 9600 '&I J\fALIBU, xlnt cond. ncv.• tire5. 1 owner ss;;o firm. 673-3663 or 548-6203 CHEVY '64 i'lallbu Hardtop. Auto. p/.11. p/b: 11('\V titts, brake!. paint. 5$-6925 'IH I~IPALA. facl. air, p1'T, slcer.. RS:lt. i\rw lil't's. :\1nt's cond. $99.). 6-ki-3Zi30. "'i31t968 CHEVY ln1pah1s, loadert! Pri('ed for quick !!Alt'? ~1775. :>J4.j2!1() ·59 Ol'EVY 2 door hardtop, 283 filandard ~hift $150. ~7862 CHEVY '6.'i 1'1alibu SS. Auto. PIS. R&ff, A·I Corid. Priv, P11rty. 646-70i6. ;,1S-7460 , CHRYSLER BRAND NEW BUGS 1970's ON DISPLAY & l!EA[t.-TO 60 ·s1 Chey. "300" 2 0r t.arn!au, CHOICE OF COLORS AND MODELS AT ... ~~;'~~~;~CHICK l:VERSON 1960 COtlfET Stltion \Varon. • ~lust ttll, gd running cond. Harbor Areas Only Auth0<11ed VW, Porsche Dealer Sl50. 673-277:5 TWO LOCATIONS TO lt•Yt YOU .CONTINENTAL 44l EAST COAST HWY. ot BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH I. 1970 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA HOME OF T>ff LOVE BUG SPEFli'tlS S0-3031 t• • r • . ·-· ..._...... .. PILOT-AJ)VERTISER FOR SAFE BUY USED CARS IUD w•m NEW CARS 540·5630 . 642'·0981 0 • 4 = p. • • • . , . "' !•· ·, '· ,. DAILY l'ILOT at Johnson .. son1 A brand new 1970 Lincoln Continental, Mark Ill, Mercury or Montego, would · make an excellent Christmas · gift for the whole family -Set yours up for delivery on Christmas Eve. For ANY Member of The Fa11aily ••• A Beautiful · 1970 . COUGAR . See One of Santa'• Little R~Jper• . . To Gilt Wrap the New or lJ•ed Car of Your Choice For Mark Ill & Li1acoln Co1ati1aental• .: FOR YdUR FAVORITE MERCURY PRODUCT . . •' MORE CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS ... We have some beautiful used cars that woll!d make wonderful Christmas presents-our prices are ricjht t-you don't ha-ve to wait for January clearance sale prices-we have them now. GIL "FHHCHY" LIUSILLI ll:USS LAY TOMM1' THOMPSON PU.NI HAYDIN Continental '68 CONTINENTAL 4·DR. SED. AHr11dive li,ht chro,,.e y1 llow with bl1c .. l11lh1r in- t1rior i nd l1nd1u 1•of. Full power equipptd, f1c;lo•'f' ,;,, 1+c. WX F J35 ·$4395 '68 CONTINENTAL COUPE Roy 1I M1100" '"'l1Uic fini1h with m1+chi"'i interior, b1c .. l1nd•11 roof. Lu1~•'1 equipped. Comp!1tely tilt 1i•erin9 wheel, f1 clor" 1ir, pow1r door lock1, e tc . VTP '" $4195 '67 CONTINENTAL 4°DR. SED. leeutiful b•11 lilite rn•t1Jlic finitl1 with ~l1hin9 le1lh· •• ;"t•ri9r0 ll•c~ lend11i 1oof, fully l.p:ur., equi pped 11'1d feeftrv •ir•celdili•11l 1. AM·FM r1dlo, 1tcreo t•P• deck. One-ew11er ci r, keutii11lly 111atntl}nH. TTN 020 $3395 "67 'C:Ofq!NENTAL Ce,,vertil:.le, Ma1Hflll . 0•••11. T1i1"i11•il• lini1h with '"'tchi1HJ i11t .. ior ind whit1 ••• ,. c.'"pltter,, lu1ury equippe,, full p•w1r, AM-,M r14i•, f1cfery eir, tilt wh11l, etc. 4 11ew tir11. UOA 114 .· $2J9' '64 CONTINENTAL 4 Joor 11tl1n. D111rt l1i4j11 f1ni1h with blo"d le1th1r int1ri•r. Full" lu•ury 1quipp1d including full pow1 r l f1c+ory ,;,, Lie. RAU 325 ·$1895 ~1erc1u·y '67 COUGAR 2·DR. Li111e f ro1t wilh '"atchi"t vin.,.I buckell, 1ulo., 219 en• t i"'· P.S., klH, new cer h ecle-in. one 0"'"'' i nd t•r~~ Iced by 011r Cl'"peny \1011; J]J $2195 , '68 COUGAR XR7 'ol•r wh a e with 1:.11.:k lendeu roof I hl•c• i,uc•1t 1eeh, 1ulo1!'11lic lren1 .• power 1l11rin9, power br1kt1. radio."'''''· 1fc. lie. WCP l1 2 $2395 '67 MERCURY MARQUIS 2-DR. Herd r.,. l1111tiful 1eld Mi9e' f i n ; I h with "'elchint interior, fully pow1r eq11ipp1d, f1 clor., 1ir, l•nd111 roof, one •"""er. Dri~tn •"'" 10,000 mite1. UZN 914 $2495 '69 MERCURY COLONY PA"K t P1111119er Ste ti•~ Wei,e11, Fully lv111ry ,q,;,,.,, fwll p•w••• fit .. ,., el1, •I• leevtlftrl '"'"'"' .. 111• wittt ,...,,hhtf' h1l•rl•r, C\~lly: .,.,111t1l"4. vwa 14) Other Make& '67 PONTIAC GTO 2·DR. H.T. Gold '"iii '"lit llic fini1h wilh bl1c• liouc•et 1e1 h , 1uto. lr1n1 .. r1dio & heeler. power 1lee<ing, f1clory eir, l11ut1lul condition. lRJ 501 $2295 '67 BUICK RIVIERA l 1111tiful l!'letatlic fini1h wiltt bl1ck l"lerior, •t11u!pp1d with 111 the lulu•" power 1tce11. E•ceptionell., cl''"· Lie. UVU 011 ' ' $3095 '67 MUSTANG 2·DR. H.T. lriti1h r1cin9 9r1en fini1h w/b11c .. buc~•I 1eeh , 719 \II •n9lne, cen1ole, rid., hlr., power lir9 .• pwr. Or~1 .. 111+0. tr1n1 ., etc. TWY 910 $1795 '69 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 DS~. 4 1pd, lr1n1., ttdio l h11l1r, while w/blec~ inlerio1, 11,000 1clu1I mil11. l11ulifu l cend. XOC 571 $1495 '68 FORD FIDO $' PICKUP Retlio, heet.r, purche1ed 111w D., John1en & Son. Eir- cell t nl condition. Lie, Q919.7 $1895 '68 CADILLAC SED. DE VILLE Mer••111 fi11i1h with bl1ct leiWI• '"' elld l:.leck l•eth· e, lr1+trf•r• ~..., -4.lp..-,.. foll ,ower, feat•ry""air 1•Mlit!o11l119, AM.fM ...-,.., .. 1 •• tttf ... erliif wlifff, Owe •Wllllt ltMi1i1ti·funy •tfllf .. 11.4, 20,000 '"ll.1. m • .,, ' .. $2195 $4195 $4595 BARGAIN CORNER In Our lartalt1 Corner, we ltawe aumerous used cars. Same clean, ..,.., Mt IO cleol. Some tMt are cfupllc.tleM# Mm• we'•• hH too -~" any nHt thne c.n are r•I bargains. LOOK 'EM OVER! '65 MUST ANG. ~975 Li11. NIH 71 2 '65 MERCURY 51275 2-Door Mo11ld 1ir H.l . POD 503 . '.65 BUICK 51375 ~t¥1ERA 511:1 l~O '66 FORD 51575 6ALAXIE 500 2·0r, He"''' S\lf 052 '66 BUICK 51675 Ei.ECTRA l ie. YPU 649 '67 CHRYSLER 51875 100 2 Or. H.T, l TX '66 T-BIRD ~075. . l.A~DAU ' lllTI 714 '69 FORQ ~295 . TORINO Co"•erllbll')(Slll: 2Jt 10·hnso .. n-so.n USID CARS 540-5635 ll.O!ro©®l!.lro ©®~1i'O~ffilro'ii'&l!. • ID.\!m~ m: · ~ffiOO©UlllffiW • ©®Ullffilb.\00 2626 HARIOR IOULIYARD, COSTA MISA I Mlle S.uth of the S.n Djn~ .FrHway Ii 11 \ I I ' . , ... • • ' • ' .. I Ciet With it!' • • • • AND HOW'S THIS FOR A STARTER: TEMPEST COUPE STOCK NUMBER T-99. GLISTENING WHITE WITH • • BLACK VINYL INTERIOR & HANDSOMELY EQUIPPED WIT)t AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, PUSH-BUTION 1 .. DIO, HEATER, FIBERGLASS BELTED TIRES & THE FULL DECOR GROUP. THE SERIAL NUMBER IS 2332702600694. YOU CAN BU Y TH IS GREAT WIDE.TRA CK FOR JUST 165 OLDS 442 I $1677 I Redio, h••f•r, •ulom•tit, pow•• 1t••,.jn9 l brek•1, f1c:lory 1ir. (ll l l 75Ml775,7) '66 GRAND PRIX I I $1777 Redio, h11t~r. •utomelit , pow•r 1'••1in'J. winyl fop. 1580472) '67 LE MANS I $2377 I 1 Door h1rdlop. Redio, h••+•r. euto1111fic, f1ctory eir, fWXGIO•I '67 CATALINA I $2477 I 6 p111. we9ofl. R•dio, ht1ler, •11+0111etic, pow•r 1l1•rifl1J, fectory eir. !TE'l'llfl '67 PONTIAC $2777 Ex•cuti~• we4on. Red io, h1el•r, •11+01111lic, powtr d••rin9, ""letfory eir. IYZKOltl '67 BONNEVILLE $2677 4 Or. H.T. Rtilio, ~••le•, 1uto1111ti t , full powe1, f1ctory eir. I UJCl4Jl '67 BONNEVILLE I $2677 4 Dr, H.T. R1 dio, het l•1, tult rri•tit , po"'' •*•er., pwr. window1 .: ftcl. 1ir, !TRH6001 , '68 FIREBIRD $2877 150. ll t dio, het+•r. •ulom1tlc, pow•r t l••r• in(I . .,;nyl roof, feclory eir. IWIC6!11 NEW '69 EXEC\lnYE l .1eel we9 on. Turbo hvdr1m•lic, push \iut"to!\ r•dio, ''"''''mirror, powt r 1ter ri~9 I d i1c bre k11, ltnted 9l1u. power window, po~•t 1•el, eir condilion in9, whi'e w1ll1, •+c. 12 S6 J69Cl2J229l NEW . 7 '''' w1,011, Turbo hv dr1111eli , push button redio, d,I J• b•lh, powtt• •'•eri~q l di1c ~reke1, ti11ted 9l11t, po r leil t•f• wi11dew, 1ir conditionin9, whit• w11ll1. 125236,C I 21 636 J NEW I BONNEVILLE H.T. c; •. Co.do•• loo, turbo hvdr1111•tlc, P111h h~tton rtilio, r1mot1 rni11or. pow•• tl••ri114, pow•r br1ke1, tinted 9leu , powt r witicl •w1, eir cenditionin9, .fronl I r11 r 1t1•h, whit• w~tl1, d uel ••heud1. f262379C l l6J4.51 NEW '69 BONNEVILLE 4 Dr. H.T, Cordew1 lop, tur bo hyilrem1lic. pU1~ button redio, du1I 1•h1u1h , pow•r windows, h11d re1ts, eir to~ditionin91 whit• w1ll1. 12•239,CI0•&.751 . . . ROY ~.2990! flLUl LIC. I: TAX '68 FIREBIRD $2677 Redio. h••l•r, 11 ulome li t , pow•r li••rin9, cu1t om trim, !V HA63 1) .. " '68 LE MANS $29 ·77 Cp1. r11dio. h111ler, eulo, P"''· tleer., .,;nyl lop, feel. 1ir. Ol~1rs lo choo1e f10111. XEW439 · P'1tCJGPtai.PJllEll • FOR ~OU!l AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS • SALES, SE RVICE, FINANC ING .•• ALL THE SERVICES YOU WOULD EXPECt FROM A TOP AUTOMOBILE DEALE RS HIP. WE ARE PROG RAMMED TO HELP YOU IN THE BEST WAY WE CA N. '68 GTQ I $297 ~1 Rtdio, h1eter, •u+o m1 lic, powor 1terrin<:1, "inyl lop, f eclory eir. (WXE175 1 '68 CA T ALINA $1877 • Dr. Seden. R1dio, h•Alnr. ~ulo,,,alic. pow• er 1if1ring, feclory t ir. (W~E910l . 4 Dr. H.T. C ordove lop, 'urbo hydre•~t lic. rernol1 m;rror, d.,al e ~h 11u1h, p•nh bul· 1011 r1dio, power t leeri"i;r power br1~e1 , f;nted 9le11, power .window1, pCw!r u1et, ei1 ton'ditioni11i;r. fr ont & rear n1eh, wh ilt wellJ. '(i t.2 l9,CIOSl65) NEW '69 GTO 2 Door H.T. Turbo hyd ramelic, pu1h bullan redio, r1m11!1 n1irro1 . de !Ul(I b•lh, wir e wh eel di1c, eon1ole, power 1'1•rin9 & br1ket, lint1d 9l1n, t ir condilionin9. 12 4217 'l!26l01 ) DEMO. '69 CATALINA ? Or. H.T. Vinyl lri""· deco• t reuo, lurbo hydrem11!c, d1lu•• helh .. poW1r tl•er· ing , br1ket, li11t1d 9!•11, eir condilioning , white w•ll1. ! 252l7'C I ]01171 . . DEMO. '69 BONNEVI LLE H.T. Cp•. C ordo"I top, t11rbo hydr1m1tic, pow1r 1nl•nn•, pu1h bullon reilio, fl · mot• mirror, d1 lux1 be lh, power 1i11rin9, power br••••· li11t•d g11u , 1ir condi· tioning, wh ite w1ll1, tilt wh•1I, d111I •xh1u1h. f2 6237,Cl2474l) I . '67 CHEVELLE WGN. I Melibu, V~. nulornelit , pow•• 1l••rin;, redio. h••ler. ~YCLl85 > '69 GTO I 1 Or. H.T. Redio, h•el•r, euto1t1etic, pow•f 1lerrin9, feclory eir. !YWFlSl l '69 PONTIAC I Exec.ufiw• 6 peu, w14on. Redio, he1f•t, eufo. me tic, power tle1rinf, fettorj eir •. IXSSl7•1 I '67 COUGAR YI . 4 IP••d, pow•r 1t••ri119, rtilio, h•eftr, while wall1. !TRH592 ) '68 FORD TORINO 7 dr. H.T., VI , 1uto111elit , pow•• 1lttrin 91 f1clory cir, whil• w1ll1. IXOE202 1 $2577 '68 BARRACUDA Converf ibl •. Redic. hr1l1<r, eulorri elic, pow•r 1leerin9, YI. IWIC0871 '68 MUSTANG , VI , 1 ulom1tic, pow1• tl•11rin9, redio, h11t1r, fe ctory t ir conditioning. !YHA 2l 4l '68 VOLKSWAGEN Aulo'll el;r. fren1rn i1sion, r_,dio •nd h11t1r. Bei91. !Wl~924l ? tee! w1gC!_ll. Oecar group, turDo hvdr1111etie, rtl!'ol• mirror, d •lu•• h•ih, pow1r 1te,•i119. PO'rfr d;1c br1k e1, li"ted gl111 .. pow•r. t,1il t•t• wi11dow, e ir to11ditionin9, whit• wall1, •+c. !252)6,Cllll l 41 DEMO. '69 GRAND PRIX . . . Cordovi l op, 428 1119., tur bo hydr1m1tic, "'''' r1dio, r•ITIOle mirror, d1lu•• ••I~, power 1te1ri11g, pow•• di1c brek11, lilt whe•I di1c1. l276579P26,t411 DEMQ. '69 CATALINA 4 Or. H.T. Vinyl h im, rl•cor 9fOup, tvrbo hyclr1melic, pu1h buttOn r1dio, 0r1111ol• mirto1, d•lu•1 btlts, power 1f1•rin9, •ir t1ndltionin9, tinl•d w1nd1h ,1td, whit• weU1. !251399C l2074J I · . DEMO. '69 BONNEVILLE H.T. Cp•. Turbe hV1fre111efic, p1r1h button r•dio, delux• b1 lt1, p•w•r 1IHri119, pow•r brtk•1, tinted 4l1u , pow•r windowt, elr conditl111in9, front I r11r mets, ..-hit• wellt, .t uel •xh1 u1h. 12•2319CI 16ll•I CARVE R PO NTIAC []] 2925 HARBOR .8LVD I COSTA MES'A • . Kl-64444 --