HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-02-13 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa, ' • • ' una FRIDAY AFTERt.iOON, FE8Rl:IARY 13, 1170 VOL ...... MO, ,,, 4 sacr10trt1. <4' , ••• , •• ' • . I ' Tbe·Orange County Coroner's O!Iice ls SeektQg~ posiUv,e identif.ic?tion of a 49: ycar"*ld man found dead, In a pre-dawn Cir. !n ~na Beach ~y. TJie. vicp~, .S!!v~ely burned, rrom the waist up, according to a coroner's. d~pu­ ty" :'!as~-!ound spr:awled over a floor fut'f\B.,ct ou the upper floor of a smoke-fill- fd ,lkirrie ,at 'lt94. Glenneyre St by firemen rcs)l9nding.to a 4:17 a.m. call. Wi.rr.t!n White,_. 'who' qccupied a dow.nstab:s ba.chelor apartmµit at !_he ad- dress .• J.old firemen be ~·as awakened ~hottly' after t a.m. by two men who said ' .. ' .. • •• • • • , smoke wa.o; pouring from he lower level , garage·or the residence. W]Ute attempted to enter the upstait!' quarters, but was drilen ~back· by heat· and smoke. He-then ran two blocks to the Coast, Inn to cill ttJe. rire department. · • Units . arriv!!CI from, au three · Laguna fire stations, Forest Aven'ue. Agate Street and Top Of the World. Engineer Jjm Boka ent~i:ed 'the house and /ound the body . lyin·g part way, ai;ross the noor furnace [rom ·.,.:hich srooke was billowing. According \o the Coroner's Ofrice. death occurred at 2 a.m. Cause Of death • . ' I • • • • ire ea White~·a(!ly · CIO:u•~ -·Tied · . , ' . ' . . . ~ • • ..,. ·-· .,, . J . • . . Base Chief ,l•?!'~t ... •• . ('ti. '·:~t .' ,' /J} BJ~ze till](s,Era~~ . ' ' ' ' ' will be .esabllsbed by JU\ autopsy. The ·o1nce~ot' ,the P,ublic A'dmlrl.fstrator has ,been asked to assist in establistllng the man•S idehtity and localing next of Kin. · Neighbors .sa.id 1the house was' occupied by .two men, one· of whom recently has · been hospitalized! Damage to the 1siructure was estimated at $i,OOO, • ril08lfy' from smoke &nd Wis contfriecl to the : interior. 1be fire · ap- parently started in the furnace are{!,· firemen said, and did not erupt ·into a hill·scale blaze. 1 To ·&mthers ., • I ' .' • -• I J ' ~ B~ ;~8<\RD •P. N,At.J, • Of .... 0.llf' '"'' ..... rCMIP• l'f/NDI,ETON -'!be ) io:how-. rklt , stagf'i1 in .a 1 barrack• by black ~ t.tarines here m.By have• been lriuerrt by r""'•al di-~·~ -'•g It to lhO~irig ·;m;;I(·;[~~ i;Orpa . commantjl~t. , • . ' I ' <. • .. ' > ·· Puss .. in . the BoX .. I • '. ' • ' -. • ; 1;, ~ ' Ma.Y..,1LOT• .............. I I / • • ~ -• t • , Blacj< cats ·Ill'! uni~eraally.,11p11~1JO!I on days like-today.:.. Friday. tho 13111 . !!'his n4'Jlel'" feline, c:QI i"!Pr •.r•sjdent ~!ht l,41111\4 Can.YCJ!I , sheller of lhe_Soclely for )be Jlrevontlon · ot Cruelty rto Anfuials (SPCA), i• hoptpg.-soin->yW..Jiave a change of heart tomorrow (Valentine's Day) and ·&l•e aim-a new home and a little Joye. r· ,.. Whites~olily L#iil!: .SfiJ~.-~ . ' ' By· (1ar:~~~1: ~~po~ted. : .. • 1: Gii:I~ 17, Killed . In Co unty Crash Second My Lai M.assacr:e Col. Rosa R. Miner, command~ of. ricer o Cthe-Staging Battalion wher'e the outbreak occurred. Wednelday~night, hall linked the fraqu to such groups as Black 1 ~n~rs1 .students·: for ,.a, Democratic Sbciety and . U\e ,Movement for a Demoorallc..MilUary. • : ~bout 30 ~arines were injured, one seriously, when· the 30 to 35 Negro Marines stormed into a two-st.ory wooden barracks "using broom bandlu to• hit everyone who· was in thtir way" and ~ea~tni windows, plunibiq1 lii::tures "ahd ),_" ·-" l ... -·t!' . . ' ' . PALM BEACH1 Fla . .( AP),-'!be deed "):Opted <from llie"reill!clloM .tfie 'Pllll ttY a ·~iece ·of prOperty ~Jd ~Y .. ~e 1iid, . ' • : :· CGurt . -1nee G. Harrold canwtlr:-mr :---orhj, .!'•Cl lnCIUiieilOIOli; Pnwlrl!nl ..._ his wife m 1966 contained a -whHffiXtlyr . cluilW: imnmerbame: litu formeiioert clause," the.1Palm Beach Post 'reported to-ol!the weal&hy Simmont family ·ancr.~ day. • . . · 30Cialite:s r of neerby lTalllha-.. •lht ' T'"'o Orange County teenagers are in eerious condition i¢!1Y in .South Coast &mmunity Hospital in South Lag-una follo"·ing a traffic accident Thursda y evening that killed a companion. Al·leged in ~ew Charges lockers. . 1 • , • The anti-Negro restriction was ap-newa,Paper sald. • . pareiiUy .tint: establiihe<r 5y Cai'sWeU's . '!be C'arllve.1111 no )(Inger own!any JWO- brother-ln-law, Jack SimlllOllS ~r .. !be , per.ty In Ille baylrool complex, a..,.;tmc Karcn.J. Susag, 17, of 13632 Haze) SL, Garden Grove died at 11 :05 p.m. iii the h<M!pltal where her two passenge rs Michelle Caron, 16, or 15590 Hortense Drive, Westminster and Norman Vought, 17,'. of 2242 Grayson Ave., Anaheim, are being treated for mulUple.iajuriea. Orange County S!ieriU's deputies said lilt accident occurred on the Ortega Hlghway two miles northeast of the ·san Diego Freeway when Miss Susag lost control of her Volkswagen bu.s on a curve. The vehicle rin off th,t road and nverturne<I, deputies rtported. • From Wire Service~ \VASHINGTON -C'hargcs Uled 'TI1urs· day .against a Purple Heart combat vet· eran alleged a~second massacre or South Vietnamese ' civilians occurred near the hamlet or My Lai ~1arch 16; 1968, it has been learned. Capt. Thomas K. Willingham . 25, Allen· hurst, N.J., was ckarged with unpre.med- italed murder of civilians et May Lai •. nal'Tjed number of civilians at My Lai. The Pentagon fs withholding the n4m- ber' of victims .set forth In I.he specifica- tions pepding a required investigation to determine if Willlngham will, like lsl Lt. William L. Calley Jr., be cou,rt,marlialed. Military sources said the specificatiorui ·New: Poli~~· Beat Band.Makes Nows as Chief Talks 1 ' f 1 .~ta 1tfesa·Po]ice Chief .l;\ogeriNeth.J*obab.ly never expected musicar · ,1cc:orn1>an1men~!de his speecfi Monday beior~ Cost:a.Mesa..JGwanis CJub ... M Neth l!f "tbe hlstory, ~osophy ·and future of the police ,fo~.- •' llieril.or citizens iazoo bahd and bass:<d(Um not door ltrUCk up a.fpasaabit • r~lion ol "Up .the La:.y River '' and other popular tunes. !J'he walls or the Costa Mesa Community .. Club .. ba!M)uet ,..oom-coul'd not 1COlllain the spirited tootinc of the •groop, ·parr-of 'Mle'Grandmothers. a local : group of elderly swingers. As Neth described the ext~ive na.r,:cotics Investigation programs being ' Ul'tdcrtaken In Costa Mesa, th«! bind playat• a ·very r.attcus vertton of "The {Monkey Wrapped His Tail Around the·r1apote.',..durlnj:twhich fillh muttered "1'11 just speak' up a little louder." When the chief tried. to speak <i lhe dtpartmCnl's phenomenal growth and how the force was activeJy seekh:1g"t0mmunlty support Lo bUild fUrther, tht kazoos drowned him out with 11 very "hip", modern presentation of "Stormy". Neth also mentioned the coat oC .equiPfli1!J: the force with such modern .. pment s-turiiius~,. tJuCkl, ear.ns>.Carrlers anctariotXle m.Kbbie"!hop. : • rtllol &St· was minimal' •cton!ing o ~clliel. but the band had dlllerenL. Ide"'.. " ·;-,· ~ ~ • :·• • , Th~y·pla)>t<t the melodious strain• or "Vonoy" and Whal aoundcit • lit\\• like /•Jhree' COlni-ln ,. Founta.tn. 0 1 1 • • • ... ., l ' . - • • I against Willingham do·not say whether he actually killed the victiJns or ordered it done by the•platoon he commanded. The alleged incident in which Willing- ham stands accused occurred about two miles from My Lai where, according to the Army, Calley killed 102 civilians March 16, · 1968: Jt.. ~ppeared the Incident bad been plan· ned. · I ·Lt. Col. Edward Schultze, base public affajr~ qfficer, said today that his office had received a call from new1 media;aslr- ing about trouble an hour bdare: the t p.m. outbreak and again as It was just under way. He said the newt IOUrce had 1 ·li!<n ·adVised o1· u;e penc11.g .~• · Post 'said, when he· obtained 131· acres to the current Wakulla County ta1 roll. fronting oa .Ochloctmee Bay;ln )163. II.· nie· ~oat atOry said purchu<n ol ,tllo aald 1Ci:rsWelJ'1r wife ,V)rglnia l fe:Qulred Canwelti lot wete·Mrs. Haniet!.N., Y•. l part of the land ;fr()(Jl1 hfr brother .the '· wife 'of Tallahiuee Poe:tmuter Peyton same year. Yonf-arid -Mn. Muie ~Mlddletoa; .a • even l.o the barracks number.. . "OWnel'Slip, occupancy and UH 11\all TaUabUsee.-wkSow. •• . . • _ be reltrlcted , ·~ mem~ of .the 1be Clttwe)lll and othln r~ ,m:. C~ucasian . race,;' sakL the· coveoaiil v~ved..in..tbe' deal were not uND.ti.abtty Wrif\trii ihCo''Uij!' de;ed recOf~ed · at ~&be ~ .. aViiliblefOf ·cOmnienL' · ::. · Wakull'a County courthouse lnJ At , Miam~ ~ .Houee 11fre-1 Both incidents ocrurred the sa me day and were part of the same U.S. military operation condu~ In the Song My area. which encompuses My ~l-and several other hamlets, . • The·Wlllingham develoP,lnent was view- ed as .significant In the.unr9141ng story of alleged atrocities against Vietnamese cl· vilians for two rea:IOn!·: ' Gen. Leonard-F. Chipman1 Jr., Marine commandant, hu been acbeduled for Several weeks l.o 'vi.lilt the bue Monday aN. Tuesday.. . CrawlordsvUlt.-... ~ -· -· ~ Riliilld L,. zteall!'·'"!'!,be bid When the Carswells ooid their lot for .no!COlllJ1leOt 'on 4he Carmll lriinnctlon abaut· l+,llllO •July -12, 1966,. the· -•· buf addecf "rlhlnlt'll yoo h>6ll -d\e specificaUy made the sale' subjed.1to the' ) countr, ai'varlous 'real estate dOtUnllhls l re.trictlve convenants in force three y~ would find th'at • ttiis "particular in-COi. Schultu said that !be Slagln( ilattallon-ls largely•made up ol M'lrin<f w•iUng for overteaa: aailnment IUCb u Vietnam or Okinawa . yean earlier. when Mrs .• Carswell got tile . ;.;.i..!l!·is not Isolated at all." , I ~y, Ille Poll said in a copyrl&llt -T . . -lt expanded the Armx Investigation of what happened at Soni 'My to Include a ~nd ln!antry company -B CC'!t1· pany, 4th BalLllioo, 3111,Infanjey~ teal Dlvllton. T)le probe had tcicuied Jlrt· vlously on Calley's unit, C Company, tst However, he.. taid that Suhunit -one (See MAIUNES, Pap I) ·:'Domestic -_ten employed b!' and · "·GraBge ; Coast resldlnl ytilh Ciucasian lamlti!" wero • Battalion, 20th lnfantr)>. • _,It was the fir'lt·time information dis- closed in testimonY bv a special Army 1 ,. - . Mesan Held.After Drivers . panel meeting at the Pentagon has been ::::~~ ~.:~ ~a;::·s:~gai~: 1 Report ~ttack 1~ith Chal.n Willlnrbamj ·the tu~\ ranking or•· 1 fleer yef eha~ in the case. At the time • 4 , hi. was a lie 8nt commanding a pla· , A YOUlll Ciita lle11 u=. wllh a ,,_polllal, "1 told Anlllll, bad been !oofl. 'lliSIGl'y ol .tolent -111 .... "'" .... .., .... ,,.. blvinl .. .-·-' 1\e Is al,. 'th• filth U.S. serviceman ltain<d ii)' Newport Beoch Polk<-y .,......,,...,,111r,.-·•-·· fonnally _ _, i connectl n with th aft.moon ati.nnotorlsU told olficen be billl lli!Ntlf In Ille chest. . oontrove~-;r;r:uon. 0 ~ !swung a 111.fdot chain al tbem u _,. "' llecqids checkl al the Mewpart ~ ... In additkln:to·C&Uey, two sergeants 11nd , drov.e.~OU&h Central Ncwpcrt. '\ J • ment ~ the· man ·bid riipUilliil to •ha~1'..;£'ecl wit~ C~pany.. 'y=s~r:p(=~~~ .Ito :: ~":;. lnr.J:~~ J:• !;;: , Army sources said they ~xpect now th At Once inskle the police department cut tllm on the face ad mm. othor lndlvlduals who oerved with Wiii· booking cage, Patrotman Vince Antlsto rollow-up tnv~Uou lhowed !hit the in2ham may be -charged. said, the man, clad In out.law motorcycle 41vkt.lm " actually bad slashed himltlf Pentqon.ilUICillJ ~·all .to~ether 37 garb and W.~11 a Mohawk bllreut. rip-repeatedly • lndJviduaJa -IS toldim and 2Z ex-tol· !ltd open a steel door and shattered a Antilla 11id he found £ht man TlMno di era '.are , now conijdered under In-heavy wlndow with his Ost. cn.y lftemoon walk in( iJlenUy towlrd vc~tlgalk>n. ' Once more ofrictn aubdued the man Newport Pier, dragging lhe cbatn behind Tr tried and convicted, Wllllftlh•m and ~ook him to or1111e County Medical him. could draw a _penalty 11 severe as life Center's mental ward wtiue docton "Jtm ping to tbe pier to jump off,'' I.be lmpNonment. ... quickft recocniied tum. man told AnU.ta, 'ibecauae·I'm DO IOQd." • ..... Weadli!r f' '" l . ~ • . ' Another Chamber ol ·llom""""' tlype weekend it in store for the Orange:COUt,1with onJ, a touch of I coatal, r,. to mar the view. nmp. ' eraturt1 remain 1n . the, cenk'll -· . INSIDE TODAY Yotcld!'9,,adUll!J ii •.l/09l!li1w· 'l";n.~-,.. ~;.n;Ouo::N.01'., Ze~ nil t~tdbot&u -. -.. ', j •o~ll910ilj.rmawm Nn>pl>rt , 1:n~~~; I l , • ._,. ,......-~ ... ...... ... ~ ............. " CMlll .. v. '., .......... ... 1 ~,... $1-;. =~ ...: I c.-.i • ..,... __ , • --. -... -'~~ .. ........ I ........ I .JMI ,..._ '""'" ~ ' =L=IT :1 ~ ....... ~ --• ;::;;r..:; .. -..-. ... -.. I • . l t MILT IUT S F-. F...,, IS, ltlll €e11•C1 Plftl Ji'alls State Board· League ·sticks Re-elect s To Harbor Stand Day· Chief .. TOii BULEY " ...... ,... .... , __ , 111p<n'ilon ... Udo""'*" -and • noisy ........ 1bundoJ .. -they tried lo pnuade Ille ar-. °""'" Cbaplu al Ibo 1-18 al California atles lo JoiD -In ... ---al tho ~ Coaal1 Barbor -Poli ... pp1a ... -tho J>leu ol tho bcmd for •!'at 11.1pUVUor'1 Ollirman AJloa E. Alim ol U.,... -callod a "united frool" on tho lhonly Issue. Ail<n. -b rQ>uat7 Col..t Adrlae Kll)'J>Or and ·CGuolJ -.. OI· ,.,.,. Robert Tbomu .. ~ .. ,. ed the dtiet' "'-'far ....-a1 u.. -DUlrld to ladode all Ille~· bee:bt•, perb and recreatioa frfltlW Alim'• board Is ... tine .ltcllllliv• baoklDI for that prvpouL ,,,. ....... tlnuP ~ Johll lldgp (M'ullmon) II Mldac II'" pron! In -al. bill tblll-put Ille ... ...,. ... __ _ bdon °"""" c.a, ,..... ,.,. a llDll Two Cyclists Hit by Car, Escape '!_eath Two Faualaln ValloJ bic7dllll -rowt, ••P94 cle.a. 'lbiiiidaJ ...,._ as an aaCoalrolled car cllppod bafb lllbo and °"" -UJroueb Ibo --nil al • lrallrr port. In~ aid.Ibo ...,., -L. -· IJ, 12111 -St., ..... Vlclor J. -...old, II, --an:le, wore alJud< bf Ille -at 1:11 p.m. near Talbort A-and Oot Street. BOlb Ql..i lojarlN to lbelr lell anm and Varioul clltl and bruJlel. Rotte WU laUo lo x.ller Jlolpltal, Foolana, for 11 .. b--,,,. -..., WU !rule! and .. -!ram. ilualb>llon .. ......,,. mumtJ liDlflta' ,,,. ..-, *'"" bf Dollra It r....-, U, al 1ml '!!:llopo Bl., mmtlnP>n ar-ta... 1wad m Tan.rt Aw -... -laol -laflowtnc .. -----11111. A!llnlPtllo ___ a tolOI .............. p-,,,,.. lered ______ _ td fnm ........ laMCA••••""r BOO(lllol lft« dl6---. _Young Sailors Paddle as Motor Goes Out Five weary f001!1 aalkn, miulnc all night llnd the object of a U.S. Q>ast Gull"d air and ... -. paddled IDlo Dana Polnl -lhb ......... ,,,. fiv<, all ....,.,. boys from Fullertoo, r<parted Ibo engine Wied on their 17.foot outhoml while c:rvatn1 from Anloa llarlJor, CataliJla, bound for Nowport llarl>or. Mn. -Mu1d!, mother al the bOl.t'a Nipper Lym Mutch, 17, Aid, ''I ru1IJ waao't loo worried. I knew they'd pt lo .... f bad all Ibo faith In Ibo world they wen comln& back.'' Mn. Mulch aid the boys lelt Avalon 'lllllndly marnln& foilowinr a akin divine trip. When the bolt wu rtported overdue by pcmts, I Cout Guard cutter WU di..,........ '1'1111raday 11lghl lo oelll"tb the " tqum'e mile lttL A helicopter Ibo joinid the .. arch befono Robert Mu1d! got • CID from hll 900 It 10:30 1.m. DAILY PILOT .. • ... .... llad:cwl• ... ---·---- 'J•c\: -, Cwt.., 'life,.,...... ... ~ .......... n.-11 l •••ll ...... 11ie11111 A. M1tr,1He1 .......... _ -....... 1 ......... ..,.... ......,.,.._z'mlw.t ..... ........., "'-9-111 .. "--·-....... ._.,WI..__,._,. .,. ... ., ......,., ..... It ~ ... ..... ,,™ ........... "' ........... . ., ..................... u..... leldt. ............. c:.11 Mew.~ ............................. ,....... ...... ~c-1~~ c....., Ill""----.. 1'11 .... .... ...... ...... -.ca. -Jiii ........... 0.-.... l 1¢1 lh 4t MMJll = S I .Wea$' S Jil•N11 ~ ... --~~ ~ ............... ..... ............ __. W ....... Ai .. .. ""' ilit 1• f I ,:r ~ ,..,. ........ ..,...... . ..... e: ............. ......,, .. ldi .............. ~ .... 1 .. 111 ... _.., .... ,,.-YI ilr 'NII &1-• -111111 _,,.~ ............... I . Police Hunt 3 In Sniping Spr ee s.m. A!!& pollce aald they pllJl!l<!I lo arm! -IUllpecia loday follcnrill1 • llllplng spree Thunday lllghl. . . Accordtna lo offk:trs no one wu in- jured by the trio wbo were spotted by two nurse's aides as they drove through South Sanla Ana lhootinc at atr..I lights wllb a .zi.callber rifle. Virginia L. Kecham, 25, and Elizabeth A. Miles, :II, bolb of Sanla Ana told patrolmen they witnesatd lhe shooting at aboul IO:lO p.m. In the ICIO block of ... 1 Central 'Street. Sis shots were fired into their car when the women attempted lo follow the suapects snd note their license number, ofDom aald. Nelthor WU Injured by lhe •hola. Whale of a Kb• Pnmwtn- SAN FRANCUICO-Polltlcalb"-· •Loac·-·.....,._.euculho .... , onl Dily -r&<lectld ..-al tloo -Bool,'d al Edi .......... ,....,, after ldl .,...,lll Gg'C'Mftt ~"'· '""' ----Ibo Int ballala -by --........... palbla4 lo lhe -pM,.~-..~·. Clay N. MJld>tD, 11, al ll Alta Mira Road, South La,ouna. Dr. 'lbomu G. Hanranl, a pliysiclan from Needles. dropped out ol contention la< Ibo pr<aideocy al,.r mnaidering the liktlibood of a S to S deadloct and the resulting mond among boanl members. Political observers said the molt im- portant consideraUon of Day's being re- elected II that Gov. Ronald ~ COllJcl ·have slepped in lo live Suoerintendent of Public E:ducallon Mu Rafferty JDUCh more power. Dr. Harward is a close friend of Raf. ferty, but the eovemor dld not erm:bc any influence in his behalf. Who could pouibly pe11 up giving pretty Melissa McCelllan a Valentine's Day kiss. Certainly not. Nemo, an t,mpound pilot wlla.Je at Galveston, Tex&&' Sea-Arama M1rineworld. Afeli1aa, a mer· maid at the park, said that the whole thJng wa1 a little fishy; but it-will be a kiss Jong remembered. The reorganlu:Uon was required u a result o! tht thl'!e new appointments. but withdrawal by Harward left him in 1 po- sition lo be qnanjm.ously elected vict president of the board. "This board's attention must be di· Egyptian Jets Strike MARINES •.. rected to the issues.which will make edu- cation pe:rtinent to the children. youth. and adults of the 21st century," Dly said alter bis election. · He said the crisis of the inadequate ur- As V engeanceDemnnded ban school is a result of. a host of IOCial ~ the rioten were hauaed, liu a evils. casual utua. He aaJ<t it -Mari--Qay issued a m-page report In which wbo m11 be waiting fer dilcbarge as con-he boasted "We have re-establllbed the ldentlous objectors « fer bardlhlp State Board of Education u a nan-polit- reasom and aim Marines waiting lo ical instrument of all the: people. Thia has -Br ne AllOdalff Pnsll Egyptian planes struck across the Suez Canal today and the Israeli military com- mand claimed QDe was shot down. (See earliu 111.orJ page 4.) 1n C&lro t.ho11unct1 of Egyptians demcnstrated demanding vengeance for the laraell air raid Thursday that bit a 5Cnlp metal ptant-l'ICl{tb 9( fPe~-~ at courts martial or who were resulted in an increased public confi. capital. killing 70 workmen. accµsect of being ab&enl without le.ave or dence in lhe board's integrity and purpose An Israeli spokesman said the Egyp. other infractions. and its dedication to quality education,'' tian plane, believed to be a fast Soviet-.5chultz.e said be was not sure H the: he said. built Sukhoi 7 fighter-bomber, went down group of rioters included any veterans of Day also noted with pride !hat the In Egyptian territory oear Ismailia, Vietnam. board has "sauarely faced the most con- about midway along the canal. Col. Miner, who helped que:U the: troY\l:rsal subj~ of sex educatlon and disturbance. by lellln& thole involved "to mOral and spiritual values, de.spite pres. The attack was mounted by six Eap-behave. like Marinfs and start cleaning sures of divergent groups eeeking oaJy to tian U.ts wh.ich pa.ired off in au-..... to pro1· ~ lb-'r -po•~-of "ow " ,~ ....... ......., up the mesa, .. aakl Marines lnsttp.ting .,... ~ ...... J.llw. VJ • Grammar School l'!i~'.1!.'".':!~m=~ U:1\t: the outbmk «<nplalned of being Jwua. 111en:"~~!"~~~0~~ lorte waterway. tbe spokesman said. No ed by two corporals and ol bdn& march-Jution asking for a study on whether a Israeli ca.sua..llies or A ....... se were eel lo the me11 hall .ti.... rti I •--of -'~"' P B Le d ---. ''Thole aren't the type of complaints .....,.,ropo ona e num,_.; "UINI .. ~ stu-Ol ust a s reported. that would provoke &uc11 • c1tsturbanc<." dents was enrolled in classes tor tbo men· By Israeli count, the. Egyptians have Miner said. He suggested some cl the ta~ relarded. lost 68 planes in combat since the 1967 men involved may have been under the e report suggested that a lack or To Boys' Capture war, contrasted with to Israeli aircrafl infiu of ~t ........ 1 Spanish-speakin11: administrators, an In· met __...JUI or drugs. appropriate definition of mental relar· Thousands of Egyptians. carrying large He Aid t>me·tnvolved w:ID be charged dation. and an un\l'illingness to bnple- Silting in front cl. a Co5ta Mesa ekme& banners and deoow>cing what they called with destroying government property or ment educational proJ?rams lo meet the Lary ICbool. allegedly stoned 00 marl-U.S.-Jsraell collabonitloo., assembled on attactin& otbt:r Marioes. needs of Spanish-speaking and minority ujana._ a teenage boy and his 11-year~ld the streets ol Cairo today. Major General Den J. Robertson. base group pupils helped cootribute to the .-.. ...... 100 told Police Thunday t be v "We avenge the blood of the martyn! commandant, 1bunday CODvened a situation. ..___...... from , " Down w I t h AmericaD-lsraeli col-f<nnal board of investigation into the boQsbt. t.be weed ooe'a uncle. Jaboralion, .. they roared. · cauae ol the disturbance. The board also passed a l't!90lution ask. He was arreskd at bis home ahortly Ing Rafferty to meet with the leadm thereafter and subtequent iaV!Stigatkm 8annen lauded Arab unity md vowed It includes Colonel Gecqe C. Kliefotb, of teachus' organizations 1n an effort al the scene led lo capture of a man to fight lo liberate Arab Janda ooaipied Lt. Colonel Charles R. P'wuiDey Jr. and to avert classroom strikes. wanted oo a similar """-e for three by Israel. Major .Robert A. Cadwelt The board has And the board agreed lo study a n!C· ......... A confidant of Nasse r and edit« of the -·•poenat pow-and,. .... i.i .... •-'--y d I f weeks, lf1er •"•--'hr -•Nl'HI in a raid. &UU ... " ~ .aa .... uvu om men at on or modifying the teacher --a ....... ,, ---.--.. Cairo newspaper Al Abram, Husanein under oath. t st t I Ronald J. LaVallty, 21, Of 121 Santi Heikal, claimed the United Slates, In a enureld 'e"rbte. t wMas_eresenl.ed by 16-•PHbel Ave .• wu booked on a •har-of year-() a ara a1;i..ument, a repre • .,... "' o-series or recent "c~ coordination 1 1· r lb s d A sale of marHuana to a minor and held Pl ed C . sen a ive o e tu ent dviaory Board, • meetings" wilb l,..aell offidals, C<>I· ann OllllllUDlly w•--mp! . ed f Ind • ~-•-ta . without ball, pe:nding issuance of a com-. ,..., ... v a1n many o ay s •wuic:n Plaint. taborated in a "loo.day blitz plan" to e1-must deal vt'itb "teachers who are not ert mu:imwn pressure on E...,... to oust Gets Federal Boost able to commu I ,,. "lb lb · t • William J . C-Onlero, :!3. of 77G W. 19th P"'aidenl Gama! Abdel N..;:.'' dtnla." "c WI ,.. '•· St., Costa Mesa, was arusted a fe" He said the United States gave the WASHINGTON (AP) -A planned The student board recommended modi· hQurl later near the Santa Isabel Avenue lsrae.lis the go-ahead lo u.se American-community near Minneapolis w • s ficalion of the present tenure Jaw to ln- bouse and booked on two felony charges. built Phantom jeta in deep penetration designated today as the first lo receive corporate the principle of~ limited rather Detective Bob Lennert &aid Cordero raids against Egypt according lo a assistance under the federal irogram to than indefinite continuing contracts. ran u be returned to the scene, but was mutually arranged progressive timetable. stimW.te deve.lopment of new cttles. Sh~ said all teachers should be given caught, questioned, and subsequently The HID days fixed for the execuUoo of Secrd.ary of Hou.ling George Romney a four.year contract after three years placed under arttSt when a record check the alleged plan. Reik.al said, was the ap-announced that the Jonatha.n Develop-tmployment an dthen reevaluited Pres- revealed a $11,500 bail warrant charging proximate time remaining before the ment Corp. will receive a federal enlly. the teacher becomes a permanent him with sale of marijuana. United States was 5Cheduled to complete guarantee of up t.o $%1 million for the cost employe after three years tn a di!trid. An additional charge of possession of its withdrawal Crom strategic Wbeelus or acquiring and developin, land for the The three-day board lneeUng concludes dangerous drugs was added. after Alr Force BIM: in Libya. project near Cha.st.a. Minn. today. Cordero allegedly tried to furtively ,~,~-;;;~i~~~~r;;~.;;::;;;;;~~:~~~-;;;;;;;;~e~~-~-~~~ diapose of m suspected benzedrine pills wrapped in paper. , Sgt. John Regan said today that ~ I w I St Cordero was named in the warrant Issued k ~ Jan. ZO by Harbor Judicial District Court • Judge Donald Dungan, following a raid in tn. a ee 0 a e "illch other arrests were made. Detective Art Courteau said he was sent lo Presidio School Thursday af· temoon and found a 14-year-old youth and the pre-teen youngster sitting on the sidewallt: in front. They wue arrested because they seem· ed lntolicated and smelled strongly of burnt marijuana. then the older one handed over a plastlc bag of the fted at pofioo beadquarten. U,ITt._..,. ' COMFORT & STYLE 'AT A PRICE CHAIR STARTS AT 5129. AVAILABL E IN A LARGE SELECTION OF COVERS AT TH E UNBEL IEVABLE PRICE OF $12'. COMMODI ON SALi AT 1159 REDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE INTERIORS Penq•in Hake• De t.uc NIWJIORT IEACH 1727 WHtclfff Dr., 642-~ OHM NIDAY' "ftL t ... I Proloufonol lnlorlor Dalgnor1•1 , Avallabl.-Alf>..t.N$1D LAGUNA l l ACH m North Cooat Hwy. 494'551 Hone•t Abe, a Humboldt peneuln , Is helped to his feet several hours after being hatched at San Diego's Sea World Thuroday, Uncoln 's birthday. Tho lour-Inch , lour-<>unce chl<k ts the first ever batched at the aguaUc park. • ""-T .. ,,_ ¥.,. .. '!!-c._ Hl·llU 1- ' -\ OH M NIDAY 'tlL t , I j I I f J.t I l ·I I • ... ' • . . • liun·1i~gton ·.B~aeh. l 1"1 I(, . ,. • • . EOITIO'N -. '' ' ORANGE CO~·CA~R~lA ' .. ' voi:. 63, Nq. 37, 4 SECTIONS,, 44 :P~G.ES > "': .. , . • • " .•. • • FRIDAY, : • t -1 l .. ' ' • . TEN CENTS • . • . .. . -~~~-.1 _,,, __ • --• 3 Trustees ~llegal? Trio Serving iin Other Sclwol Boords~ . . . By llUDl'NllillZIBLSKI u Of .... .,...., ,~ ,, ... High ld>ool Trullee Jo9eph Riha! >aid today three ol bis c0llea.gues -Matthew Weyuker, Ray SCbniltt ilil Ralph' Bauer -may be serving illegally on Uit govem- toa board ol the HunUnglDn Beach Union High School Dlslrlct. In .a letter to Adrian Ku~PF.:r, Orange Cowify Counsel, Rib'al asie,d far an opi- nion by Feb.•.24 about· the Jepllfy or the thrtt tru1tees-servtn1 on mol'fi"-Ulan one school board. "A~Uy the Loi Anaelel County' Counid hu ruled that such a pi'ldice la illegal," said Ribal dUac~tbe cue ot • man w.ho wu denied 1 aeat on the Cer· rltoa College aoyernlng boanl'becauae·he wu already a member oflbe Norwalk-LI Mirada board of truateea. Schmitt and Weyuker both aerve on lhe Westminster School [)lltrlct pvemlng , board In addiUon lo holding seats on the high school-boani Bauer .ll.pruldeal ol the Ocean View School Dlll!ri<l boud. .. It 1eem1 . to me . that there ls 'I . poaiblli_ly thal the 1Uih.1Choo! boud mt)'' be illegally cooatltuted," aaid Rlbol. · "The reautt ol the electton claartJ In- dicates that the oledorate would, Uu to aee Miine chances. It indicates OM: l'Oter• are unhapJI)' wilh1tbe board." e, referred lo TuOlday'a vole ill which residents of· lhe15i-iquare-mile dlatrict ~ ~eated a 18.S million bond oJoc. (See TRUBTDI, l'llp I) . Dr. Kaufman Won't Seek Re-eleetion Marines StiU There City Councilman Henry s. Kaufman saiOtodiy he will not be a candidate fOr re .. tecu.n ill April. Hanna ·says Mile Square Can't Become Airport Ye~ . • ' DArL l' I'll.OT W" "M:'f .BRUCE AVRAM, SEACL IFF CC ASSISTANT PRO, PRACTICES NEAR STANOARD OIL WELL In Huntington hach, A Question of Adjuatlnt to Compatible Land Uses ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cities League Still Pressfug End to Harbor . . . Huntington in Quandn:ry On Cleaning Oil B.l:ig1ht Dr. Kaufman, an optometrist, has serv- ed on the council for the past four fean. Previous!~ he served on the city Plannln& CommJsslon ror 22 years. The other three incumbent councllme:i whose seats go on the block In the April 14 election, have· intlltated they will .run. They are Alvln Coen, Ted Bartlett and Mayor Jack Green. . ' . • Bv TOM BAllL"EV . ' E" , ., l Th ' · "1 'ud • ·, i(, I -cif ~ o.ltr. '!9t:l'!ff \ • ~ . ~to: .I< l l f t :'", ;i.sJ~-. i, ~1.C~· • • -· ~,. •• 1 • ;. toi' m ·-~iq-ort~~oJ .. ff":.di!Gijno 10tth-U,.• Three new candklate1 took out nomin• lion papera ThUrsday. Tbey are. WUUam N. 'aibion, ·341· Recan 'Ave.; George Krnold, 111 lth i;t,;i jterennial'"°""ldote,. , . n If.. C. t.j~. 1010 Qlfve'AVe., an in-_;• '· •4iiii tV.-.,tor. !:;;t.r . J :'TheN 'ire ,.,,; ~it candklates ·for the folir-.nta-wlittl·Jbe de'adllM f11" ll!ln1 .nominaUon ~ts .. xt .Ttnirllit,' fY, ·~eb. 11 ' • ..,_ . . ~ f ~ .co~n ! supe'"':lS,C?"~ ~ao in . ,roug . probt.m.i itioolt:t~.in ,cUa!l.lng up oil w~t~r and a noiSY, 'meeting, Thursday .blight iti 1luntiilgtoia Btach. . nig~t when they U:ied to persuade the-B TERRY COVILLE Orange County Chapter gf the League of . . Yo. -. Dllltr ..t.. 11.., Calitornia Cities to join lhem in ufglng Will ' ofl 1nt.ere1t.s in Hwi,Ungton Beach expansion of the Orange County Harbor have to dun up-"their act, or· will the District. people have to learn .to live with oil bUaht Polite applause met the pleas of the and lump it! boafd fOr ·what supefv'isOr•S' 'ChairmM · Some city officials say tlle oil·lnteresb Alton E. Allen of Laguna Beach. called a h.irid better adjust to a changing. Hun-. • . . tmgton Beach. "united Ctont",on the thorny w ue. 'But the oil Interests ln the city Allen1 backed by County Counsel.Adrian represent a conSiderab'e investment. Kuyper and County Administrative Or-They cover a Joi of territory. And they fice4 Robert Thomas as ·c~speakers, urg-aren't going tp be pushed arund. cd the cilli..r' support for expansion of the 11)e plain facts are it_is going to take a Harl1Clr Disi.rlct to include .!ill the county's lot of cooperation by · all interested beaClleS, r arks and recreation facilities. parties to make the H.untington &ach oil Allen's board is seeking legislative field really compatible with the city 's bilc~ng for that proposal. evolving, image as a residential, ocean· The league, through Assemblyman oriented community. John Briggs (R·Fullerton) is seeking BP-One · majOr o1\ company with large proval in Sacramento of a bill, lh~t w~.1~ . hol~ ih Hun~UnB:too·~ach -St;anda~ put ihe long disputed harbor distr1cC1ssue Oil -already has started' clean1ng1 up. before· Orange County voters fo r a final largely on Its own hook and larsely determination on its dissolution or ex-.~. beca11se it is in the .company's best in· . up our environment.that the Held can be pansion. / terest!. made compatible." Lea~ members are convinced that Standard has bolated major wells In Indeed, one national ' publication bu the voti would be overwhelmingly for walled clusters. ·surrounding land then taken· note of oil blight in Huntinaton dissolution. has been cleared orr and tumed ·into the Beach. In a sped.a l Issue or Fortune . Seacliff Couniry Club and. so· far. one Magazine pubJi<=hed this month, a Hun-... ~rv1"sor David Baker, the board 's ·d " I d t' "t ' ~ ~l"v resi enua eve opme n . tinaton Beach scene i.! amona a group of •dd-man-0ul on lhe harbor issue, drew "! th" k ·11 find I th" I -~ • " m we w1 mort o is ype color photographs displayed in a the ovation of the.night for his opposition development as the pr~sure of urbaniza-photographic essay entitled "America's to the stani::e adopted by supervisors tion,increases," says Ken Reynolds, city Everyday Dreariness.'' The editors ot Allen. Robert Battin, William Hirstein planning director.. Fortune called their special Issue, "The and William Phillii>s. Reynolds said some wells in other cities Environment: National Mission for the The Second District supervisor refuted are actually beliig Placed underground . a Seventies." Kuyi>er-'s argument that absorption of the technique which opens more land for There is a large-field In Huntington ha.-hnr agency Into coqn1.y ·aovernment other uses. 8 h red Ith u l" .. ,,, · r -•· r ·~-,. wilt ~.more' -··ti·.-1.;i;on of eac cove ~ o opera ions, many, wouid1menace the aUocatK:il of u1~ or ine uc .. """" .,...., f the JI d rt d h rdoos k j U·•s In the 0•11 r1e·1• a· rid many of tlle o m qu e 1 y an_ even aza. • vitally needed beach and par pro ects .... .., So le has tiee t shed si nce, a,s Kuyper declarfd,.the hai'bor en-margln~I operaUons ·wUI be el lminated " me c anup _ • n accor:np 1 , ' tlly would be 1'ust one or many Reynoldl adcb. PoinUng to the re:aktentl~l \ Further cleanua .P·11•necesaary, l:iukt ~on t area around Main Street as an old oil come as rapi Jy u~me would U e. departments in a growing oounty budget. field th8t has been cleaned off . One day oil -m1y be ooly a memory in The county cOOnseJ al!o .warned the Some oddiUes have deve1~ In otller HunUngton Beach. 1be job right now is to meeting that such action might lead the oil fields where pu' m-have been naji\ted ma_ ke the various teCtor! of_ the city ad.'_ county board to place such · issues 'as "" ~ .ft to ach othe Tha d tment n police protection and 'welfare as priorities b~ight colors. They look like glint birds JU e r.. t • JUS .._ WI scratching worms from the gtwnd. ~rough on. both sides and probaoly wilt QVer baPly need ed recreational facilities. Cleani•• up i..11,..,,1, Well may•· gl.,.lng sel emoUonal at Umes. • "J-can't see ...that~ aruument."' said "o w '6'n , ll'll:'. _ ~-'It OVer. ~ 1'>t: near ruture. u city'bflid8J; See it. Baker· "AU we would do would be to t.fost 1nca1 oil executives give the ltun-wi~I bMng joint uaes of the oi.11 field. Oil abso,rtflhe district, personnel and all, Into . n-ch r· id UI not be limin ted 1 M .. n .. ed our county structure and I don 't think its ' ttngton oca · ie at least another SO WI e 8 • on Y .... -. · future , would be threatened at budeet 1 years of life. Sarne say more. It seems ''The oil indust.ry has to be cpmpatible lime or any otper tln;ie., . certain the oil is not going to dry up with the type of community Huntington ( I 1 tomorrow. • Beach Is now, '1 declares Mayor Jack "We have a clear warning rom s 8 e Planning Director Reynold! lnslsls, Green. · · (See HA~Ofh Page 21 "There is eoough national and state The real quC$tion-ia how lo accomplish.. •• momentum behind lhe-idta or cleaning that. -1 1 • • ~ M~tings Slated C'ar•weU Propertfi )c..,,,,... illil !llo maJqt ~· ;,Ilk~ ....,,...., tilni lo _k, •ldl!I ·Ill iii i.a .. 1 ... · "-" liCia!Md . ' ' • ~::t!llf! ~· ,._. ·i;_ prOdllOld ~ devel!>Pn!<nlaJ flluiolnl ·tnd till-' pleinentatioli than a( ID)' time in 1lhe hl1t{n'y of the: city," th9 cwnc'ltm~lll} ~d. "'The Parking A:uthori\y hu "beeil cslabltalied anil the Top \)l.lhe Pier: Plin adopted. The CIVic Center, 0~. 'fire slaUons aod other capital ~ts all have the.it sites selected and palQ for . u Although~ remains to lat done Jn the city expekenclng , suCb dynimlc growllt. the major l(Uldellnu.for bu!ldlng. nf tbe cpnunwilty have been well· cstabllahed," Kaufman added: He .pvtiu another reuon·lor not seek- ing -.. lh• tnOrUaill& cost ol campal,ns.- Personal Income Shows ·Slowdown WASHINGTON (UPI) -Perional In- 'come registered ,IL! smallest increase in alrr.ust two years last month, adding' to evidenoe that the economy is cooling, lhe a:overnment reported today. Commerce· Department figures plactd personal income a.t a seasonally adjuste;d aMual rate of~$77S billioh in January, an increase of $2.4 blJHon over ~m~r . Almolt half of .the monthly advanc~. $110Q m1n10n1 .was In transfer payments, which tnelude.1' Soclil Security, uuefn-p10)'1\>tnt compenntloo. veterans ' bene· fill. an dother 'sUch lncom,e not directly earned tbrougb:emplO)'lll<l\l. Payrolls iocre....r only 11.25 blllton and facl9<Y payrolls ·decliniil by llOO million. The Jlnuary tncrea!e In total personal .Income was the smallest since a $2.3 billion advance recorded1 In April, ltea. , Slork /llerl<et NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market was m1red in a boa,of investor dhdnterest late..lbia,aftemoon-(See quot1lio~1.l!qes 1~11). "The quesUon or an airport al Mile SqU4fe seems ta me to be a moot point at the moment," Rep. Richard T. Hanna (D- Westminster), declared Thursd,y. "As long as the Navy is there {tl'ie Beach A waiting Plea. to Ba:p.ks . Ori. ~o.n,U , Sale , COoncilmin will find out' Monday nJ•M ij thlcjb''&1hdU .. jiflll "' ... I\. · fO<Jr bank& will" n.uk Ill the ~ fl M . minion io nfunlctPa\ part< boncli. The council recently decldld ·to'i ·~ter tbO cffy's cull ac<ount lo Ult -tbJch ·~~the-.... City Flnarlce Director Ben ArpaUo · .._,'t.cl the billding pro<tdufe ill "*" to get lhe bonds IOML 'Ibey have been UllQ!lable lo date beclll.lt' ofi the ~t' money market. The cll1'• legal' limit on the•inteMt ~it c-.n pay on bondt la: S1per-. cent. ' · Argu<UO hotl<' the unique ploy wltl result in the bond 1ale. Sealed bids wlU tie openOd·Monclay nigh\. . An app0at of a zon< e1ceptlon allowing the aale 'or. trailers by Greenleaf Mobile Hornn Sales or Costa Me.a at Drift"°°°" Trailer Part on city-leued pr6perty alto Will be hem! Monday nliJIL The eicepUon was approved by tht planning commiuion,. with two~ <i0m- mlssioners voting agalnatJt becaUH, they 1aid, no hardship w11 lhown as required by ta-1. Appealing the acepli<>n is Cooncllman Jerry Matney and the California Mobilt Home Dealer's Auocl.:Uon. In other matters; the council with -Consider a request by Rer Reynolds to rent the easterly portrin of 11 acres recenUy acquired '11'/ the: city from the state for ·developmeril of lhe finl phue of Central Park. Reynolds propoies Interim use of the property for ridlr.g stables. CJ t y Admtnt51rator Doyle Miller hu approYed the r.equut with 1 renlal fee of '80 per · month. ' -Vote~on a request of Miller that the 1 city prVvlde 450 addllional tire r!np near the muni*l pier at a COit of '8,000 to be paid from Parking AuthortlJ ,...,..... or perking meters. Miller no'tes that there are only 80 rings now.and that the nearby HunU~ State Beach attracts most. of. the nlilft-:beach crowd because of numerous fire rings. Miiier estim&tes that beach parkinC revenues will be tncreased by $6,000 a week wllh the addWonal rings. He notes, however, that some people believe Utt rliigs attract undesirable people, brown baggers aild possibly affect conceaslon- aires' revenue. j'The lttite park! provide thest. !acll!Uea and have overf!oWlnl. cniwds," Milter noted. On Park Plans · "'"'ti · ln~:r.~t~ .. ,.~~,r,·n~gt:o:~~a~~ :. Laii.d ueed-1 ,Whi1J~: '.:onl~?.· .. :;. ·~m~'.Slat~". neighborbood meeunp. . , ·, .. _, i;-'J :. ... F M s To:wer Park m:httecls Doa Brinkerhoof and ... . • • ' • .. ) : .. • • Of; r •' . ~~~~will dlacuss park plans .at each~ PALM BIMJH, J1a, (.\P) -Tht-4eed_._ Jlr.t..ef the 1n!d from hef '•brothezv ~~. ~ears eardw ;;,~~t·~.w~;t;., · ~rs. 'Loie T~ of ._· oo;.._~ St, a · Marine tieUcopler facillly) an atrport can't·be," he said. 11And, If you can tell me what the Navy iJ going to do yQt; hive a good cryslal ball," said HaMa ill an interview. "And, ·u the Navy left Mile Square •It woqld probably be becauae Ila air opera· lion ceased to be compaUble with the sur~ rounding development which should wei&h heavily against placing' any other airport there." H~ru)a, the man who worked hard to help lhe CJ»Unty rtach an agreement· whh the Depa.rbntnt of Ddenst for use or part .of.· ~lie Square a.a a regional park, 11!1\d ~ would ~Ile to 1ee the recreaUonal are.a ellininated ln }avor or air facilities . "HQWever," aaid tbt c:oqrn&man, "the ,declllbn o( Where 1an dtrport gdita ii up lo the coonly l!oard ol Supervjlon. I JUI\ hopi' · I here wotild tie so m· e al~li<e lo puUing, one al Miia ~" lflima• cealirred thti ne~ witll l'ouJ\. Ulft VaD117 M17or ECfwird Jmt who 11ri lo 'WUhlqtM; D.C., Monday; at the·arf-int of residents worried-about-a county study ol. M.ile Square as a futuu airport ~la: . · Just and Hanna both teturned to Oranae Counfy Wedneldoy. lVhUe ill Washington, Jusl oatd he also talked to Assl!tant ~etary of Defense Wlllh~nt M. Point, who indicated the Marine helicopter base at Mlle Squve would pro. l>ably be there at I~ another ten years. The clty of Fountain Valley, thi Foun- 1,ain Valley School Di!trtcl ·and . many residents have recently becQme alarmed al the poulbUlly ol the county developlJll an airPorl on lhe Mlle ~ site. · Chaniher to See · . . Slides of Riviera Color plctures ol Med i ter r ant: a 1 -developmenla rurnillhed by u.- trvlne Cmlpany will be •ho'am at apecial breakfut meeting ol the Hun- tington Beach Chamber OI. Commtrc!t Wednetday, March I. The 7:30 a.m. aeuioo will be held at the Htmtinglon Seacliff Country CIOb. Aerial plclurea ol Spain. P11rtupl, France and llaly will be "'°""· · Chamber ExecuUve Manqer Ralph Klier llYI the pn>tfrlrn ahoold be of !'f"'Clal irll«eal lo llllnltnglon Beach .with Ill -. tllan ellflil mtleo · ol· polenttal oce.nlront developmenta1 ReeervaUona: at '2.!10 eath may bl made by HOdlog cbecka to. the chamber, lllC Bea"ch Blfd., Sulla 211. Oraage C:.ast Weat•er Ano\her · Chimber of Connnm:t type weekend ls ' in store f« the Ora ... Ctioal. with ooly a tou<h ol COlllal r., 1o mar. the vtew. r...,. eraturea remain in the centl'll lixtiea. INSmB TODA l' Yqchll•g tlcitvitv I.! koinlnq doacn.. wdtr -A'!Utrolio,.. N•W Zealand trncl'1hirea~t. -ac; ct/'fllnp tu W<ll-kno!Dn Newport Brae~ f/OChllm<i• alld q11o...., Rlld Lippold. Boa~no Pao• If Thellel:t session Is scheduled for Tues-o a.piece ot property 11ald by SQpreme same year. ., . , property, tht Pot ·11id ,fn,....'iOWriJh(. resident. of ... Oranae ~ty f0r·4S yeara i day at ,Lake Vlew School. On the follow-Court nominee G. Hai:rold Clrawtll and "Ownership, occupancy and se ahall ... story: il ~ • 1 rs . and ltuiitiftgJOn BeiCh-for the past 14 t::,:.!'. 'i Ing evening a meeting will be held at !ps wi~e In 1966 conlatned. I. whites-only be restricted to member1 of the ~estic wotkert emp19ftd ~ and years, died Thursd,ay. 'She wu «I. • °"'"" u. t Harbour View School. J c.la..,use, the Palm Beach Post reported to-Caucasian race," IAXI" the co'ltllifit rnJdfng wfth Callcaaian -f~'.were -'ServiCes will be held Monday st t p,m.; ~==-.,; The Hnat ptannlntseui211 qr the month da.v. wrlll•n ill)o the deoil ~ed al Ult c;cepted 11 ... the retlrlctlool,"llie .Poat at. the "Peek Family Colonial Funeral I •-\ , wlll be. heJd Feb. 28 at Olk -View School. The antJ·Negro r~lctton was ·~ Wakulla 'County e t 'u'l'lt b o u • e • sald. _ • i. .. : .._ , Home • Westmlpater, • Burial will be =.. ...._. , J ~ All:.~~slarlba~ J~~ ~:"' ror lite rr~'h'::~,.~r.~. ~~~~'11%1CaJ~:i;: Cr~~~'1Carswell•~..# .. ... \ J 1J: .. ~~~ ~~ t~llMle lloO, Rlchml ol lbt Ll~:..~~ ~~ . neighborhood park• are lel,750 for O•kt Poll 1&id, when he obtained II seres at!out 14.111111 July 12; 1•. i..... fll 'flle ~ ' oilier 1 family~:~· Reta Jonea and -• • Vtew.135,.'1<r Lat. View and ll0,000 lr011lin1 on Ochlocknee 811 In lllU. It spectflcally made.the _-. l!!''ftilt'r iioclellte" ,,,_.,.,...,._.,. · ", ti!•· Uits ~ or Ba=mi!r••' -• for · Harbour View. said Canwe11'1 wife Virginia acquired rcstricUve -comcnanll in ,...,,. t-· ( ... CANWSIL; Pqe I) irllllfClilianii and II I''" . ~·:·· L'.:'.::::....::;=:::::::::~ ..... -;J , . I ~ -.. - ' , • ·-• " • .-:-:::::,.,,-.._-........ ---• • ... • I DA1L V PILOT H • OAIL Y l'ILOT ltmff l"lleflt SMASHED BICYC LES, WAL L REMAIN AFTER ACC IDENT Police Say It All St1rtod With • Blown Tiro _Valle y Bic yclists Escape -- Death As Car Goes Wild Two Fountain Valley bicyclists .nar- rowly escaped death Thursday altetnoon as an uncontrolled car clipped both bikes .and then smashed through the concrete block waU or a trailer park. 'Investigators &ald the boys, Robert L. 'Rott.. 13, 17696 Beelk St., and Victor J. Bobrowski, 13, 9840 Swan Circle, were struck by the car at 1: 53 p.m. near Xalberl Avenue and Oak Street ·Both suffered injuries tO their left arms and various cuts and bruises. Rotte was ~en to Kaiser Hospital, Fonlana, for treatment. The other boy was treated and released from Huntington Intercom· munity Hospllal. The car, driven by Debra K. Ferguson, 16, of 18021 Newhope St., Huntington Beach. wu eastbound on Talbert Avenue when the driver lost control following an apparent blowout, officers said. Although .the vehicle wis declared a total loss by police, Miss Fr:guson suf· fered only minor injuries and was releas- ed from Huntington Intercommunlty H0&pital after emergency treatment. Radicals. Tied to Maririe Riot~ • Set;ond My Lai Massacre ' Allege1·in New Charg~s P'ml Wire llet\1<el ~ operat!oo. WASHINGTON -Chltlll filed 'Ibo,.. In lddttloa to c.tley, two UfJeanl> and day against a Purple Heart combat vet-a private who terved with C Company eran alleged a aecond massaCre of South have betJI. dwJed. Vietnamese civilians occurred near the Army IOUl"OU aald they expect now that hamlet of My Lal March 18 1968 it hi-. other lndivldUala who. terved with Will· bee 1 ed ' ' in1ham may be ch.arced. n earn · . . Pentagon officials say all together 37 Capt. 'Thomas K. W1lhngham, 25, Allen· Jndlvtduals: -15 soldien and 22 ex-eol- hurst, N.J., was charged with unpremed· dlera -are now considered under in- italed murder of civilians rt May Lai. vesdgation. '" The Pentagon is withholding the num· If tried and convicted, Willingham b r Vl'cti' s ,.. t forth · th pec 'i':ca· ~Id draw a penalty as severe as Ille er o m m e s " impri&onment lions pending a required investigation to • determine if Wllllngbam will, Uke 1st Lt. William L. Calley Jr., be court·martjaled. Military sources said the specifications again1:t Willingham do not say whether he # actually killed the victims or ~rdered it done by the platoon he commanded. The alleged incident in which Willing· ham stands accused occurred about two miles from My Lai where, according to the Army, Calley killed 102 civilians March 18, 1968. Both incidents occurred the same day and were part of the same U.S. military operation conducted in the Song My area, which encompasses My Lai and 1evera1· other hamlets. The Willingham development wu view· ed as significant in the unfoldin& •tory of alleged atrocJUes against Vietnamese ci· vilian.s for two reasons: -Tt expanded the Attny tovuliaation of what happened at Song My to include a second in!antry company -B Com· pany. 4th Battalion, 3rd •Infantry, Amer· lcal Division. The probe hid focused pre- viously on Calley's unit, C Company, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry. From Pqe 1 TRUSTEES ... . tian and a 50-cent.tu: O'Vtn'ide. JUbal, the only trwitee of the. fiv&.mem- ber board to op:po&e the election, 111<1 he intei"preta the result! aa a "manc:late for educational ·change and Improvement in district leadership." He said if the county counsel should find Bauer, Schmitt and Weyuftr to be ii· legally holding office, they would be obliged to relign from one of the two seats each now holds. "It would mean that we woold have to have a :ipeeial election. There are plenty of people around who are capable or sharing the reaponsiblltty of community leadership. J believe that these J.n. terlocldog roles art not always jn the best interest of the community," he said. Tn;istee Bauer replied, "Joe is entitled to his own opinions. Whit can I aay? Obviously I would ablae by the 'faW." aevttal w..ee.ks to visit the base Monday and Tue&day. Col. Schul1'6 llld thal the 81'\ilni 8aU1I ... !f' lafply IAllft 'IP ol !Wli*• w&itlil (al ... _ Uaipment' aucb " Vietnam or Okinawa. Ho.Wever, he sakl that Subunit One where the rioters were housed, has a casual status. He sakt it include' Marines who may be waiting for discharge as con· tdmtiQUa @j~ or for hardship reuons and al&o Marines waltlilg to teaWy at courts martial or who were accu.eed Df b!lng absent without leave or ot.her Wracti~s. Schultze said he was not sure II the group of riotus included any veteranJ of Vietnam. , Col. Min~r. who help«! quell the .~by, teli!J>i Jlldie hl"'1vl!I ''.JO b<illve nte 'M,ri"" and •tart. cltuJnt up the meSs," said Marines instigating the outbreak complained of being harass· ed by two corporals and of being march· ed to the mess hall. "Those aren't the type of cqmplal{l,U that would provoke such a di!turbance." Miner said. He suggested some of-the mep inv~ved· mli!Y haVi! bun under the influence Of alcohol or drugs. He 51id Ul05e involved will be charged with destroying goverrunent property or attacking other Marines. DAILY 'ILOT ,JIOtt llY LM 'IYM With a Little Luck Black cats are universally spurned on days like today -Friday, the 13th. This nameless feline, currently a resident of the Laguna Canyon shelter of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SP:CA), is hoping someone will have a change of heart tomorrow (Valentine's Day) and give him a new home and a little Jove. 3 Cities Appeal .to CAB ' ' ;~'I I • tro BaD.-Mor~ J~t Flights~ rlt~ was the nm time infomiation dis-. ,,-.. Jll ~ bl' o,¥!1J AfrpY <i',Jliiill .,...,ii the fen\llOD has lleen lllld u tHt ~ for c;h1tges 11aimt q,e of the men lnVolvld In the Sonc My operation. Schmitt. often a bJiter Ribal opponent lashed back at Ribal's request. sayin1, "Considering where it comt1 from, my oPinion couldn't be pool blJ put in prln~ •• "If I hove to get off-board, I .lull ~·ill. lt wouldn't bother me one bit," he added. r Fro111 Page 1 CARSWELL Attorneys tor tbe cities of Newport -· Beach, Long Beacb and Orange Courity Tbursday told the Civil Aeronauties ' . . Board (CAB) in Washington, D.C., that it 11bould refuse permission for any added !Ughta at Orange County Airport. - '.An three told the CAB that terminal 1pace at the airport would not be leased to' new airlines and that rules on the fre· queney of flights, weight limits and curfew times already are in effect. The three altorneys -Tully Seymour ol Ne~'port, Robert Nuttman of the Coon· ty of Orange and Leslie Still Jr. of Long Beach -were opposing the application for adclitjc,.n ,,of flights ln the P.acific Northwest from crowded airports in Orange ·County and Long Beach. But despite the continued local oposi· tlon to the Oights, the Idea has won the approval of one CAB examiner, who has urged that the routes be established in smaller satellite airports near San Fran· clsco and Los Angeles. All three attorneys opposed the new flighta because of excessive jet noise. ''The public will nol permit it," Stills DAILY PILOT OlllAHGE (0.UT l"UIL1M-!IH~ GOMl"Afrt't Rot1•t N, W,,4 l"ra!<l•M -l"Wli.Mr J•1:li R. C111l•v V« l"r•~IHlll '"" G-11 M-g•r Tt.o"''' "''"ii EOl!gr Tho"''' A. M11r Dhi~1 M1n1911'19 foii.r Alb•rt W. 11111 >.»«ta .. Eo11.,. H•tttl~,., IHtit Office 11•15 le11:ll loul1v11d .M•lfi"I Alidr1n : P.O. loJ 1•0, 92641 ""'"' ""'-L..-9"cl1: m 1'orn1 Aw.1111 '911• M11ti UO Wtll It~ $•"" H~I hKlll un W.I O•lllM lotulft••• told • the CAB. "It's a major urban transportation problem." Both Nuttman and Seymour uked lhe board to drop any more idea of added flights, citing the $28 million in existing claims by Harbor Area homeowners suing over jet noise. Both also cited the recent Los Angeles Superior Court d!cislon awarding '740,000 in damages to slmllaf claimants. The allied opposition to Olghts comes after Examiner ltobert L. Park and the CAB Bureau (>f Operating Rights pro- posed the new Northwest routes to aerve Long B e a -c h , Hollywood·Burbank, Ontario, and Orange County airports. 'nle plan also includes proposals to use several airporta in the San Francisco Bay area -a pr.oposal which ha& won support from jurisdictions there. ~uttman dwelled on the suits, which plalnUffa say will begin coming up for trial next summer. He $aid Orange County. the defendant in the actions, is seeking an agreement with the plaintiffs and Is pushing for a compromise -the county will authorize no new flights rrom the terminal if the suits are withdrawn. Nuttman cited last week's unanimous d~islo/1 by County Supervisors to include anU-nolse measures In a revised lease with Pacific Southwest Airlines, which will fuerge soon with Air California, an airline currently operaUng at the Orange Cou'nty terminal.· Included in the leue renewal are reatriCtions on plane wei&flt, jet aircraft nolao and filght hoiln. Hu ssein Recants Ban on Weapon s AMMA!i (UPJ ) -King Huuein has yielded to Arab guerrilla1 and tempor· ariJy suspendtd his decree to baldsh We&· PQn5 from Jordanian cities, headin1 off a po.Wble civil war. After two days of crisis mtellnp, the king and guerrilla leaders agrted Thurs- day ni&ht to i!ilop all fighting and take measures withtn their own campa to em t.he hostility toward one another. The agreement ·lollo\\'ed two days of gporadic figh.Ung In Amman between guerrll las and Jordanian army troop11. Semlofllcal oourc11 uld the Jlllerrlll.u had 1 .. t 15 dead In the 1l<lrtniohln1 • A statement issued after tht agreemtnt said King Husse:ln waa i•ttmporarUy 1ut- pendlng measures which led to the pru- ent situation.'' Those mea~ures, announced in a decrtt Tuesday, prohibited the storage, posses- • sion or firing of weapon• in Jordan'• ' cities among other things.. ill of them aimed at llmlttni Jlllertilla acUvltlea. Willingham Is the bi~ ranklni of- ficer yet charged In the cast. At the Ume h8 was a lieutenant commandlng a pla· toon. He Is aJto the fifth U.S. serviceman formally accuffd In connecllon "1th the From Pqe 1 HARBOR •.. government that there are juat too many taxing a~mclu in extJtence," Baker said. "Here is one that no longer needs to Weyuker said he aaw no conflict in one elected official serving oo two IC.boot boarda In the wne area. "It doesn't matter if I am a tru1tee for children from kindergarten through the eighth grade or through the 12th grade. It's aU \he nme thing." "If Ribal Jnt.erpreta the election as a manadate, he's mlllnterpretfna what the election is all about. '!be tupayen just uJd 'no' to the· bond iaaue and the tax override, not to the school board," he ad· ded. "This is ju&t another one or his 1111oiescreena. It must be evident by now that Joe'• role is thal of a troublemaker." ••• newspapet said. The Canwell.a no longer own any pro.. perty in the bayfront complex, according to the current Wakulla County tax roll. The Post story said purchasers of the Carswell lot were Mriil. Harriet N. Yon, wife of Tallahassee Postmaster Peyton Yon, and Mr11. Mazie Middleton, a Tallahassee widow. The Canwells and others reported in· valved in the deal were not immediately availi.ble for comment. At Miami, White House P r e s s Secretary Ronald L, Ziegler said he had no comment on the Carswell transaction but added , "I th ink if you look across the country at various real estate documents you would find Uiat this p3rlicular in· cident is not isolated at all." Ziegler, at his regular news briefinJ, took execpti on to a questioner's su1· g~tion that Carswell had insisted upon inclusion of the reslrlctlon. Responding to questions. Ziegler said President Nixon had not been aware of the transa ction when he submitted the Carswell nom ination. He said none of the Florida or California properties owned by the Chief executive carry r a c i a J covenants. exi!t and which would become mort ,~,~~;;~;~~~~~;;ii~:~;;~~~~~~~iiiii;;;;:~~~~;;~~~~~ clearly visible to a conctmed public if It w~re drawn Into county government and directly administered by county govern· ment." ~ I w IS~ Baker abo rejected the araumenta of k Kuyper and Thomas th1t "dl5'0lution of I i•na ee Q a e the Harbor District would also rtmovt the authority by which the agency pro. tects public channels and waterways along the county eo1stline. 1'1 don't see that either," Baker uld. "J just can't conceive of any city trying to take advantage of such 1 111tu1Uon and I believe myself that they would only be too willing to protect public interests within their boundaries." "From the public point of view, nothllli will change," Baker said. "The money would come from the -Ume people and the harbor district's aru of a:ovemment would receive the aame careful la'Utiny and attenUon," he said. Supervisor Robert BatUn clmY the boos of the ntght when he defied Wcue Prea:i· dent Jack Green's rullna Jbal thero woold be no rebuttal of the main ·speakers for each side of the controversy. Battin took the microphone ostensibly to answer a queation hut his comments quickly became what he had earller betn told would not be accepted - a .partial rtbuttal of B1ker'1 remarks. Leacue deteaates bellowed "sit down, sit down." And Battin finally sat down after a few more comments from Chainnan Green on the proprie'ly of the aupervtsor's attitude. Green indicated in closing the meeting that there would be no change in the league's recently expressed ret0lution in favor of cUu<iluUon. Twtnt1 four of Orange County's 25 ciUes w ere represented at the: meeunc In Orqe. l\lesa View Class P lans Car Wash The 11M1u1Una •lihth arlde clag of Mesa View 5ebool wlll hold a car waah from I a.m.• to 4 p.m. at Al's Mobil Sl1· tlon. corner Worn<r Stred and Sprinl· date Avenue, Hontlniton Beach. Proceed• of the wash will be 1pplled toward a KT•du1tlon trip to Dbneyl1nd. The donaUon Ii II. COMFORT & STYLE AT A PRICE CHAIR STARTS AT $129. AVAILABLE JN A LARGE SELECTION OF COVERS AT THE UNBELIE VAB LE PRICE OF $Ill. COMMODI ON U.1.1 AT 1159 DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE NIWl'ORT 11,t.CH 1727 W11kllfl Dr., 642·2050 OrtM H tDAT '!IL t INTllllORS Proflllloft1I .Inllrlor ~CIUNA BEACH Dll1Jgn1rs 345 Norlh Cout Hwy. Avollabf._AIO-l'ISID OPIN oaJDAT 'Tit I ,.._ T ...... M• ef 0..... c .. .,,. 140.1Jtl 494-6551 JuM,ge R~jecti : Oil Drill Ban MNTA BARBARA fUPll -A rnojor •lbocl: for -II of oil drllllnl In the S.nll Barblr• O>an-ntl wu ......-'lbundoy by a lldera=ucl&o who mUIOd to ban lllrtbor unllu pobllc h<1r· inc .,. hold . U.S. Dill. JOO,. Albol:l Leo Stepbw, Jr .• refuaed to 1alUe an lnJuncliDn p,...enUn& Jnterka" Soc- rollly Wolter J. Hickel from al· lowinl: lurtber drllUJia because he Aid evidence was tnmtflcJent to aupport a claim ol thrtats to life or property. Stephens also said he wouJd not bar further drUllng until HJckel re. leases the data on which he based his decision to resume drilling fol- lowing a blowout in January, 1969. Meanwhile1 a three-j ud1e federal court has .-.jtcled an attack on the constitutionality of federal laws under wblcb the oil drilling wu undll!:rtaken. Arabs Demand Vengeance For Air Raid By Tbe Auocllf«I Pftol I!:~ planes struck acm11 the Suez Canal tOday and the Israeli military com- mand claimed one was shot down. (See earlier story page 4.) In Cairo thousands of Egypti1ns demonstrated demanding vengeance for the braeli air raid Thursday that hit a 1en1p metal plant north of the Egyptian capital, killing 70 workmen. An Israeli spokesman said the Egyp- U.n plane, believed to be a fast Soviet· bullt Suknol 7 fighter-bomber. _,1 down in Etyptian territory near lamatUa, about midway along the canal. The altaclc was mounted by 1ix Egyp- tian jel.5 which paired off In attemptt to hit Uitee Israel empli1cements on the cen- tral and northern sectors of the lo.1·mile· long waterway, tbe spollesman ~Id. No Israeli casualties or damage were reported. By Israeli count, the Egyptians have lOJt 68 planes in combat since the 1967 war, contrasted with 10 Israeli aircraft. '"-andl of Egyptlant, canyl!!g l&rge banners and deDOWlclng who! 11,ey called u.s.,Joraell c:ollaboraµnn. Ulembled on the atreets of Cairo today. "We avenge the blood of the martyrs! Down w Ith American-Israeli col- l1boration," they roared. Banners lauded Arab unity and vowed to fi&ht to liberate Arab lands OCCQJ>led by Israel . 1 , A confidant of NaSllr; and. editor of the Cairo newspaper At Ahram. Haa&aneln Hetkal, clatmed the UnJted States. in ~ series of recent "close coordination mteli ngs'' with Israeli offtd,.ls, cgJ. la borated In a "loo-day bUti· plln" to ex· ert maximum preuure on Egypt to oust President Gamal Abdel Nasser. He said the United SLate.s gave the lsraelis the KG-ahead to uae Amerle&n· bulll Phantom Jiii In deep penttrallon ' raids a1ainst Egypt according to a mutually arranged i)rogres1lve timetable. The 100 days fixed for the exeaitlon of the alleged pltn, Helkal If.id, was the ap- pro3'im4te time remaining before the United States was scheduled to co111pl1te It.a withdrawal from strate&lc Whetlw: Air Force Base in Libya. Police Hunt 3 In Sniping Spree Santa Ana police 1Said they planned to a.rre11l lhree suspects today following .a 1nJping spree Thursday night. Accordlng to officers no one was In- jured by the trio who were spotted by two nurse's aide;; as they drove throug~ South Santa Ana ahoolin& at street J.ight1 with a . zi.<aliber rill•. Virginia L. Kecham, 25, and Eltiabttb A. MUes, 28, both of Santa Ana told ~trolmen they witnessed the sboolin1 at about !O:lO p.m. in the IOO block ol wt Centrol Street. Six shots were fired into U,eir car when the wom•n attempttd to follow the ...,pec11 and note their u ..... number, offlceni ,.id. Neither waa lnJured by the •lloll· • Jail Victim Said to Be Mentally ID lloputy Oran(• c.unty cor-.. Ronald Slal)W taotllled llld•y lbat Vernon Loulo -. William• had a ma hlal<iey of menial u. lneoo and ocufllee wllh police olllcera and had been booked In lUvemI< County oo the day or his deall> f« throwing n>ekl al a JChool hos. Stanz.ak'a testimony was offered durfn1 the opening Phases of a public inqutst In-• to thfl death of Wllll1ma, a San 'Pedro man wtto· died Jan. 21 In Orange County Jail following a struggle with depuUea. 'lb< Inquest !• the fint llUCh public In- quiry to be held In Orange County since Ill!%. It wa1 called for by Dlslrlcl Attorney Cecil HicJ<1 and Sll<rill J.,... MUl!ck when it w11 ruled ~t ~ "ctioke hold'' clamped on Williama clurlng the Jal) ocul· fie WU the direct Cl\111 of hJI dath. William•, '11, had been booked earUer tbat day for jay\r~g on the Rlvll'lide P'roll'ay In Anihelm and wu llbn to the Joli following his nluoal to algn a Cll~omla Hlghw.,, potrolm"1'• cillUon. 'lb< •D'ledly truou!Ollt N..,., clad only In purple allorll, look on his capton when they tried to book hint on !be miade- mea.ncr chlrgt. Stanzak and other wttnesaes testified that WUllams had a long history ol ar· rests dating back at leut to 1961 when he was booked five times in l.m Angeles County. Three or those arrests, it was stated, were ror narcotics vlolat.ions. Stanzak said Williams had an official record of being subject to delusion11. schirophrenia and paranoia and had received psychiatric treatment a s recenUy as 1968. ' He said Wllllam1 was committed to P.t\!Oll .~la Hoopllal af1'r ofOcer• teslllled Ula! he brob Into a Loo Anl'les mortuary wttlr the porpooe, he 10ld or. ficers, "ol reading the Bible to all thoea tho6e dead people." Stanzak said Wllllams bad been •r· rested ln San Bernardino County for sil- ting nude in a locked car and Riverside County offleers booted •him Jan. 12 for throwina: rocks at a school bus. Williams died a r., boun later In the Or1J119 County jail rracu. ' Wltne9ses read into the Inquest r.....i a tong series of aJTe1ta ranging from the· dead man's aauult on an employer ln 1962, to petty the!~ .. to burllaJ'Y and norco11c• vlolalloas. • ' ' Firemen Called .l'o. Train Blaze In Anaheim An unerplained fire in a flatcar loaded with actmUcal Wlinl material1 cau14!d a Santo F'e RaUroad frellhl train to grtnd to a halt in Anaheim Thursday. Fire Department unit.a raced to the scene, at Eut Oranpthorpe Avenue ... arid Kellau Drive; whtre the fiery bales of sqund-deadenina: panela were quickly fl:• linguished . Spokesmen for the nilroad did not of· fer a Jon esUmate on tht ClflO, which was parllally pulled orr the a.tear to . eliminate any danger frOm smoldering hotspots. Anaheim Fire Department 1n· veatlgaton could detmnint no cause for the fire. at lint BU<peCted Io be the result of a 90-Cl.lled hotbox, or burnt-out wbeel bearing encasement. They Aid the major porlioo of lbO Celotn: shipment -hole.dotted acoustical panels commonly used ln ctil· ings -was undamaged in the sudden blaze. "Maybe It was caultd by a hobo - smoking in bed?'' lheoriud one fireman, aCCUJtomed to doualng smoulderina m11t- tresse1 cauM!d by' drowsy cigarette ad· diets. • Dodge Darts Go Down DETRQIT CAP> -Ill• surprise move, Dodge Divtoloft of tlbryllar Corp. .,,. nouncecl tociay a...,.lbe-boaniprk!e cull for all or Ill comped Dari mode!JJ. 'Ibo price cull, which range from llU to $190. were bffied by Dodge u an attempt "to become more compeUUve in a price-- ~·market." Ye llo w Jacket · Pockets , • I f'rM11,·r"'""'Y iJ, 1970 H ~htalt% Sa11• So Se x Education· ~ Ahortio·n .Cause? SACll,\MENTO (UPI) -·ll·ll • pored. wUll I.Ill In Loo A.,.i. Ud Salut i John. G. Sj:hmlll Tulllal: Orinff""""llaaandl771nthes.or-· I o~d a y dltpUlld tho--..Uoo-of to Villey, (".. , Publlo Hetlth Dlnc:Ior Looi• 1'. Saylor Glrll WxUr ~ rilade up 31 percent o! tho! lllO ~ bt California abortlorur ~ --· and U-thin half the lhdlea!Aol a Med !or lmp••'fld oa educa--W1dlqOinf tlll aur1ery "'"' m>-Uon p'°"am,s. married and dilldlM. Bui 1,7111 iJt tho "It 1eem1 to rne if it (the number of women rwhole prqnandH were aborted abotljona) 15· riling, ~ has bean rlaln( I lbtce 1117, ollghUy lea lban )lall of the dur~·tlliilu.ne ••bad -education," lol&l hid ~ prqnont aovml ·-111d SclimHz. the !;gl~ature'• most prevfoualy, "Tl 0u1Jpollen opponent of family llle pro-Saylor sild most or !llo abortfilli Mre gram• In 8Cfl<>oll. · pold for by lnluranca and twmla Schmitz, ·a mombe!' of lhe JoJm Bin:h paymep!J, but !be proportion covlii-o4 by Soelaty, criUclied Sayl«'I r'.!"'rl aub-Medi-Cal rooa lrom lllJ>!rot!!t'in 1917 tD P~uln Make• De fJu t • milted to the Leglslawre Th1i1:s4~ on almoeUO ~t laal year. · .. ' abortions In California. ' . ' °"" 34 or ' the • bolpllala bf The boallb olllelal aold belllr ,.. Calllomla eµat1* to perform lap! 'abor· educaUon Jll'OIJ'lml af<-noeded to reduce lfolll oerlorined u lllOJ11 U lot ...,.11111 the r1ainf number of ·1qol 'and Ulqal abortion law went btto ett.ct. J!:IPI Honest Abe, a Humboldt penguin, is help_ed to hiJI feet several hours after being l!Jllchod at San Dte10'1 Sea World Thursday · Lincoln's birthd111. The foUl'-indl, foUN>unce chick IJ the fint ever h&iclied at the aquatic perk. aborU°"s In the atate. holpilalS, mootly In the bay area, ac-. Betw"" Jomwy and IS<plember 1aat. COOllted for IO percent of the--. yoar, Saylor aald, there -. t,111 lqal High Speed Transit Setup ' ! aborllonl In the atate..nearly ·double the number !or all of 1118. Thia brouibl Ibo total to 14,717 since 1117 -the .i.ie therapeutic abort.m law wu enacttd. '"lllae flaw',., which 1iva oome ,In; dlcallon of the -"" of .......... pr!ll!lallClea, Indicate. oubaUnU.I ln- adequaclea In wnll)I pl...un, andnlated sex educatloq lft'Vlcts in cur llate, '' Saylor •aid In the report. 'Deeply Religioru' Girl, 15, Dia;, Drugi Srupeiited Studied by Tri-county Unit Bui Schmitz said, "f coold probably SAN DIEGO (AP) -The day Ille died An inter-county group of tr11nsportation plannera Thursday ~ated a tut force ol 12 ~to study the -1J>le clavelop- ment or • fillol hlch apaed tranatt oystem betw-Loa Aqe)el, 0ranae County and Son Diogo. • Harry F'. Sebddle. San Diego 3rd Dil1rlol 811Jltrvlsor and chairman ol the State School Board Kee ps Day as Chief Newporter Inn meeUn1 in Newport came to the oppoclte conclu1ion wtth the Jonalee Fox, 15, wu lolni to walk 15 Buch, said the task foroe will conalat of same statistics." milel blrefoat tn a "march for manHnd" three memb8rs each from Los Angeles, The lawmaker from TulliUn said Saylor to raJae money for the poor tn M~ San Diea:o and Orange counties and one "ought to get *k and take a log1c 11>6. nJibt 'before, Janalee ..__ to"'dle each from the clUea ol Loa Angelel, San coorse In bog&tng tllll q-. ....,... Diego and one city In Orange County. "He II trying to prove the need !or ,.x 11 •party wllh ~ -Sbe WU The concept ol a meeting to dllcuu the edllcaUon by ay1nf we have theee R· left "" a coach to "alaep 11 oft" poajblllty of rapid, Inter-county ground leg!t!macy and ...,..ta! <!Mse pro-Tbe nm IDOl'lllnc. laal Suodq, lit. lranoportaUon de<!eloped during another bl11111 but -on educaUon 11 • and ~ lloberfFol looll the1r ......,.., meeting in Jonuary Ol'1lanized by KOGO cure !or IL You've got to prove Iba! ftnt. lo Clalmnanl ~---1 u-"·' television ltatlon ln San Diego. Thoee of Ill agalnlt .U education II)' he ~• ~ became The tran11portaUon conference, as It can't prove it." they couldn't wake her. was colltd, dlscusaed all pouible Saylor aid lq'al aborUooa made up OD· Doeton pronounced her dead lour method• of olleviaUni the crush or traffic ly 12 percent of the Iola! aborllona laat hours la1'r of undelennlned ..,_,Wbol in Southern C.llfornla. year. He based his eatlmate on atudles polsoned her blood. they aaJd, hid The San Diego County Compreheiuive showinc Cl!Uornla had oboul 81,IOO abor· gradually choked of! the now of ..,,,... Planning Organization then drafted a U°"' In 1118, ol which only 9,llOO ...,. to her brain. technical report propo1ing h1&h speed believed legal. Althoogh Janalee'a Pre 1 byte r l a a ground tranaporlltion. The abortion law allows the operalloas minister says she wu deeply r.llgloua, During 'lbunday'o meeting, II wao In CUM w!lere the mother'• Ji>ysleal cr her Pl"llll oay the )'<JUthl anJQDd her ,,.. reaolved that the task lorce would meet mental health ts In dan&tr. cr-. the ed liquor and clrup. P'f9D1 Wire SefYlcet within three weeb to begin draftlna a J'lNlll'llllCY WU cauaed by rape « lncMt. Fox, a lUe insunnoe a&enl. and bia SAN FRANCISCO_ po!Wcally.-· propoaol for auch a oyslem In !be "Loo Prior Io 11117, the law allowed abortlooa wife aid Friday lbey'll speak before ai. Long Beach Imurance miecud•'I. How· Ange1a-Oran1..San Diego Corridor." only In cam where !he molber'• life WU youlb group1 anywhere to """' aboul •nl ·Day was ?Mleclld pT9lldon\ Ill th• The proponl• or the group wm be endan&fttd. -clrup. Sla1' Boan! of Ed~ here.'l'!tulJ48Y, pmenled to appropriate IOVemJllonlal Legal abortlona In the San P'rancloco "Moybe now they'll mllze," aold For, afler his pot.nlial c>Pl>fitient Wltbaririr. --1e• for flll1hlr acllanl" I ' Bay a .... ruched uoo IHI year, <Om· "that 11,ey'ro playlnc wtlb dealb.~'· The unanimous yote included the f1rst 1--------------'--------'-------'--'-'-...0.------ baUots .caat by, three new members •l'>-l'Oinlld lo the' 111-<holr panel. 1nduding ClaJ 11· •Mll<hall, ... of 11 Alta.'"""' . llald,i 5"l1tll ._, f " • °Or. 'll!oi!iii 'G~~ml. a' pllfilclon from N°eedlts. dropped out ol ~temlon !or the pmiden<y alter eonald<rlnl the llkeHhood or a 5 to 5 deadlock and the ...Wting mood am6ni lloonl members. Polllk:ll . ..,,.,..,.,. uld the moot Im· portant conaldatatten' of D•it'a:"lng re-, elected Is !bat Gov. ft!!Mld on eOuld' h,.. otepped l~;to Vie S-U.tendenl ol· Pflbllc D!ueaunn Ma: llalforly much m~ \71:.ri~, fs a close friend of Rlf· ferty, bul the governor did not e1ercbe any inllutnce ill his behalf. nie reorganlla.Uon WJJ required as a noull of tlfe thr<e-appolnlmenll, but w\llidrawal by HarwardJeft him tn a QI>" siUon to be una.nlmou.sly elected vice president of the board. "Thi• board'• attention must be di· rectad io the Issues which ..in nlak• "1•· caUon .,.rtlnenl to !he chbdron, ""'!!'· and a&liii Of tM 2111ceil!ury,"Day111d after h1I eJectk:r1. He said the crim of the 'tnadequate Ur· ban &ChoOI ls a result or a host of aocial ev!ls. Day IQUOd a •Ix.pap ,.port In which 'he boasted ''We have reotstabllehed the State Board of EducatlOJt as a non·pOllt. te1l tnitnnnent of all the people. Thia h•s resulted In an increased public confl· dence tn the board 's integrity 1nd purpote • and Ill dedication lo quality educatloa," he Aid. Day alao noted "1th pr1de th•t the board has "sq..,..ly faced the most con- trovuoal subject( " ... education and moral Ind ophflpal valuta, deeplte pm- su,.. ol dlverleiit -... lilnfI ooiy to t ptojoel their own polnll ol view." '!be board appruved for tranamllllon to the legislature a report on a Houte i:ao-· 1ulion uklng lot I~ nn "'1eth<r &' ""''"~ .....,.. of mlnor\fY stu-, cr..11 -•lied m-lor the mm-lllly tallrded. Somel i nes we get the fee ing wr/re being followed. Everybody's getting into the act. Everybody's making o small car: air Instead ofwoter, far\tastlc. Acapulco Race Vic tor y The ._i auaeelld thal a lack of S~lllnc 8dmlnlltratoH. an In· appnJl!Tlata definition of mental relar· daUani ad 1n wtwUlingne88 to tmple· ment educational pro~ams to meet the .-of SJl'lnlsh-lpeaklng and minority ~group pupils helped oontribul• to !be llliua ... ·. Tlla Iloml alto poseecl 1 .-muon asl<· Anl'since we've made more of them than any· one else, we thought we'd pass along some things we've learned about the business over the years: , Work on Ihlngs to ;make your car 1011 longor, like· gMng 1145 pounds of polnl ta proloct Us top\ and a steel bottom to protect its bottom. lmporlont. Make sure you con servl'e Orr( yoai car you make. Thora's nolhing worse than hovlnlt someone find oul thol a port !h.y need 10 make their car go Is no longer avolloble. By ALMON LOCKABY °' "" D9lf'r ,... "'" ACAPULCO -E!Mn or the 11 llolts la the San Diego to Acapulco yacht race bad flnllhod 11111 mominfl, rnoklng II ona or the olowtst racts In the hlltory ol the evtnt. Lai.st boll to finish w11 the Cal 17 Qlluar at 7:30 a.m. today, ofi.r· lltlln( "1thfn ollht of the flnloll 11rie-10r hours. Af"8r Quasar, there were no o t h e r PST Thurtday to tr.,• the haodk:ap Ume of Ya Turko, the p~o leader. The mott dramatlC flnilh WM bttwetu Ya Turko and Bob Gitrllon'a Tronqulla II from Newport Harbor Ylthl Club Thundoy when lheY flnlslle\l wllbln lbm mtnute." of each other with Ya .Turko ln the load. Hera lo the order of fln1'b : 1. llOrolllY .. 0 , I. Ram-. S. Ya Turllo. 4. Tnmqlllla' n. 5. Bareo de Oro. I. NIM• de! Mar, 7. Yellow Jacllol. 8. Thero. t. -a, lit. Alerion, 11. Quasar. Here is the handicap arder *' of 7 a.in. ' PST: I. Yellow Jacllet, I, Ya Tmo, 3.' = AJaroln, 5. Bll'CI da Oro, I, . u, 7. Dorotlty .0,8. ~ 9' la, 10. NOY!a ~I Mir. boall in llRhl on the glauy, misty 1e1 olr the Boca Chica entrance.. Handicap leader 1mong the 11 Onl1hen was the Newport 41 YeUow Jacket aldp. pored ~y Temoii Grttne ol Call!Olllla Yacht Club. Thl:re wears to be no othtr Yldil that can beet Yellow Ji<kel'I """' RCU!d time. An lndieallon 61 -condlUOlll oil Ac1pu.Jco was teen ln Bohtmia'1 fb\tah at 3:13 a..m. PST to complete a day's run of IO mI1eo. Yfllow Jacot flnllMd 11 1:'5 p.m. Inc 111111-to -.Jlth Illa leadml of toec1Mh1 cr&mil!atfOris 1n an elfOrt lo ·-clallroOm -· . •· Ml ""' boai<I af1'Md to llUdy • ,.... ommt11dallon for rilOdlfylnf the teadler tAoure alalull-II --'*' by 11-yur.old llartle*• Manllment. a ..,.... ..,iauve of Illa -AdTllor7 Bom!, ""'°~many" leday'a oludenll n\o1t -dfil W!(1' •'telc'brrl whn Ari not able to communlcote wtth their 8\U- dcnt.s ." The sludent '*"'"' recomn\fndld 111«11· ncaUon 61 the -' tHuro ,.,. to In- corporate the ~ of 11mllad ralbtr thin lndelllllll eontinublc <*•~ecta. She Nld an taedlm obould bl atva 1 four-ytar c:ontnc:t afttr Ull'll J'Ufl emplo)'intJ1t and thlD r,-•••tlld Pru- ont!y, the Ieach<r -a penn~1i<nl emnloye aft.er three yMn In a dJltr1ct. 'ntt"~bolfd ...._ ........ . . Flnt off, !hare's no doubt oboul It, tho onlywoy to make an economy cor ts expensively. . So Rule No. 1, don't scrim,p. Go! yourself Ihe best engineers in !he business and then hire 9,CXX) or so top inspectors to keep them on their toes • Next, try to develop on enQine that's not a gas.guzzler. If you can get it to run on 'Jllnts cf oll instead of quarts, great. If you con get It to run on . . Finally, spend loss limo worrying oboul wfloi yo~r car looks like end more ttme worrying about, how llworb. Perfecting a good economy car ls a time, consuming buslna.._ So lor It has consumed 25 years of our lime, • -• NIWl'ORT llACH Chick lvonon, Inc. ... r11'.i> ~~_,,, . r SAN JUAN CAl'fSTRANO BiH Y atH Inc. 32112 Volt. llAI. HUNTINGTON llACll - Harbour 'Vohwetott 11711 -h ........... 171 4) ..,,.2M, C7141 MtUU toda~ ·-~~------------~~----~--------------------~~--------~ • • . -·-------• • DAILY Pll.OT La.ird W arn·s Reds: 'Don't Break Rules' ' ~ (~ ... °""' ... ....,, SAIGON (AP) --SeaetarJ Melvin ll Laird llDd a catuloUI warn- h>I todQ' lo Nortb Vlelnam not to vlollte the undenla"'1lq wtrlcb resulted in the Nov. t. llA. 1'omMac 1111:. At ID alrpon _. --after a ~ lmpeetlon trip to tbe war zone, Laird wu uked U the U.S. policy of otrlklng back at eoemy fateea that attack from aandnvta outalde Vietnam Jn-- duded Ille rl&blJo mab. air llldk-O!l .. 11a1rc:ra11 Poli-wbtcb could fin .. U.S. rec;opqa'•tnce planes. 11wt ~ replied, "U the North Vietnamese v!ollle the suppooed un· ~ * * Hue Attacked c1er91and1111ofmonlbuayur.,.,111e comeQutOCel ol. tbdr violation u tt relates to the u-y of protecllve .,_ Uon ls oomelhlnll that they lhould -la mind!' Laird refused In be mOre sped(lc, and lakr .. aide explained that 11.S. off1dall never disclose 11>-C&lled "'rules of engagement" oulllning mllltary aetloa In be taken in given c:1tcumsian<ft. The U.S. version of the "~ •landlnt!" with North Vietnam Is thll Washlngton made clear Americaft recon. nalsslnce fllghta over tho North wauld continue to check oo pou!ble enemy bulldupe, Hanoi denies there WU 1111 Cop Recruits Ivy Leaguers . lack al pr-lo Ille Paris peoce taJb, He wamed, boWevtr, that "lhe told to Vlellllmbatlon wW not be free of hard knocU and dlalppointmeolL" La1td termed !Ill lour lo ... how Pml· dent Nlml'a VMltumUUoo program Is wort1ag "profttable." He u1d he had "in- formaUve and rneanlngfuJI' talks with Prealdent Nguyen Van Thieu and other top South Vlelnameae and U.S. officials. But he declinOd to forecast when more U .Sdon:eo riillht be pulled out of Vie~ nam. He llid periodic 1nnodacfimenb of tl'O!JP wltlldrawala would be made by Nls· ... Laird said tho fact that l!D,000 Americans can be withdrawn by April 15 . ' Israeli Reid Kiib 70 P....• that Vle~llon Ur -ting. "Figures, .. Laird said, "speak louder than words." n. said the lhllted Stales &nd South Vietnam continued to hope for a hreokthrooih In the Porls peace tall<s. He ptd0 that in hll dilcull!OCll !'Ith South Vietnamese leaders they 1expton\d ways to encourage the ·enrmy fo be more recepliv< lo the roula ol ~ul'negotla· lions Jo Par~." · ' B<lore the news conl...nce.JAlrd took a first.hand look. at Vietnamization and 111d he wu Impressed by a Vietnamese j:eneral'• report of how he Is reducing desertions. Shelled Arabs Blame U.S. BJ UaW l'1W -three laradl poolliolls lo the central &nd Beotle John Len-bu come~ with $5,201.60 to pay lines imposed ..on 96 atudenU who interrupted a ,:Rugby game Dec. 2 with ': d~n-­ atration against South Africa 1 ra- Clal lltl?'llaUon policy. The match 'was between Scotland and· S o u t h African teams at ~berdeen. The . Bnnonncement that Lennon was 1)aying the lines was made by the ~Beaues business,organization, Ap. ..pie. Student leade~. Bill Honde..-..l!ai<! be wrote to Lennon for help, .''thfuking we might b,nefit from a .~ncert or something.' As Reds Down u.s:Copters NEW YORK (AP) -More thao 125 upperclu$men &om Ivy Lea1Ue and other. colleges have signed up to take euminailons for becomJ:ng New York City policemen, it wu reported today. '!be Arab worl<l'• pre.. and radio foday northern sectors. ' said lhe United Slates mun share lhe ff< said one S..lsl-bullt Sukbol ? blame for the llraell aJr raid on a ...1..111 __ bomber wu bit by I,sraell ground fire and !rem Egypt said the rai4en were U.S.· made Phantom jets which used napalm, bombs and rockets in ·the strike ag'"1st the Abu Zabal melaJ works, kllllng 70 and wounding 49 ol the 1,500 empJoyes. • • • .. SAIGON (UPI) • -Guerrilla tniOpo shelled the 014 Imperial capital of Hue with lpnl-<mge rockets for the llrit Ume In five months and thot down tWo American 'liellcoptm, wounding 23 ollled aoldlin, in ecUon reported today. The students were recruited by David Druk, 3f.year-old police ser- geant who hu been with the force for six years. A graduate of Am- herst., he Is now in the Ph.D ~ gram In public admlrilstraUon and sociology of New York University. llOIYWCUl seen exploding in the air. 1bere were no "· factory near Cairo 'lburldi, which tilled casualties or damages· on lhe l&raell side, 70 Egyptian workers. There were cries be said. ~ The guerrilla Voice of Arabs Radio In Cairo said : "These are American planes, these are American bombs and these may be American pilots." for revenge against Israel and the United "larael ii the tool of murder 1n Uie States. hands of the imperialist ldllen: of the At lbe aame tlo\e, Israel reported new UnJted Stat.et," Cairo Radio said in The Damascus newspaper Al Baath. publication of the rullnf Arab Socialist Baa th party, said the ' anns that have been killing women and children in Viet- nam are the same arms that are being used in killing Arabs now." Shootv Sh<ba, the drom<dary, ii "°"' jid<flt •h<'ll """" down th< Of'PO'i· ti<m in camel roct1 to be featured dailV at tht: 1970 National Datl Ftsti· vol, which OJ>"" in Indio todav. Hold- ing the reina U Pat Chfn·Hing, a mtm-- bu oj the festival'• Queen Schthera- ~court. • Mary Ann c .. wlck of Chicago Three sb<·fool roc~ela cruhed Into the western side of Hue, 'S90 mlles ·northeast of Saigon, Thunday nlghl One hit a Bud· dhlst pagoda and onother hit a house, killing two Vlelaame90 dvlllam &nd wounding four others. The third caused no casuaJUes. lt was the lint she.ling of Hue since Sept. 14., and the first of any major South Vletnameer city since Dec. 17 when guer· rillas fired a single 122mm rocket into Saigon's outakirts. Seven Americans were hurt in the hellcopter cruhe>. Military spok...... said 21 allied soldlen, including five Americans and 16 Vietnamese irregulars, were injured when a big "Sea K~ght" transport copter crashed and burned trying to avoid guerrilla ground fire near An Hoa, 360 mile.s northeast of Saigon. · Two Americans were wounded when ground ·fire downed an Army obse.rvatlon hell.copter in the M~kong Delta, 75 miles southwest of Saigon. The two crashes brought to 1,483 the number of U.S. bellcopte1-s Jost in the Vietnam war. Black Newsmen Won't Show Notes Druk said students scheduled to take the police exams come from Princetcn, Yale, Harvard, and Un- ion Theological Seminary, among others. Early thls wee.k he visited Har-yard and talked to a group cl sen- iors and juniors. "As a cop," he told tbem, "you can have a real and immediate impact on the lives af people lhat is totally unlike any other alternative before you." By the end of his 1 lh-bour speech. Druk said, 10 studenta iigned slipr saying they wanted to take the le$t. Nixon to Sidestep Mideast, Vietnam In Policy Speech KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (UPI) -Preti-den~ . Nl.zon is expected to sidestep decisions on arms to J~ael and.new troop . • withdrawals from Vietnam when be· NEW YQRX (AP) -~ bltd< dellven hlr"ilate of the -Id" ...... newsu~ MrJ they will nl!ISlt any at-to Congress next wee)f. • tempts by Investigators to see t b e J r Informed IOW'ces said be would deal in unbroadcast or unprinted notes, tapes or-Uh !IJe world's trouble spot&-the ~11;. .. llol . -··~ ,. ' :i::~.;i!i.~ .. lht bled: COiUiQiiiillty"'" they ~, •~Winesday day, "We are hlldt Joumal1llil I . --by lo -er ~ Ninn "" In& to lnlerprei, ~ aa llUI '" -Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Cb1e( While •landloi and tiUtb u ta J>Oll(ble, the Ill\" HOUie foreign policy adviser tlon'1 llOdal revotu.Uons.'' ' PresldenUal press secretarJ Ronald L raids hy Egyptian planes al0111 the Sua leading the outcry against Washington for Canal. A spokesman ln Tel Aviv said 611 supplying warplanes and bombs lo Israel. Egyptian planet penetrated Israeli-con-The United States already h a s trolled airspace this afternoon and then 1'deplored" the raid on a clvtllan factory pairediiiii' i:i.iolJiiforiiiilllmiiiiuliii-iiiiiiiii8ittiaciniiiiicmiiiiiinorlhiiiiiiiiiiol the Egyptian capital. Report.s •suRE ••• • MERCURY SAVINGS HAS ALL OF. THE N.EW HIGHER l_NTEREST .SAVIN.GS ACCOUNTS! ' will pay her debt to society in three weeks ol volunteer work. Th• 24- year-<>ld University of Dlinois hon- ors student pleaded guilty to :!Ii parking tickets accumulated . dur- ing 1969. They amounted to $875 in fines .. She iald she was 'ilnable to pay because she is working herself through mediclll school on a !Fbolanbip. "Y{• didn't want lo '" lilr ltbeol work benned;l' • opoteinnllll for the C0'1'0rlltlon counoel's offtce sald, "so the judge went ·l'long with the c;lty's recom- mendation to allow her to work It off.'' He said Miss Ca,11wick would put In about three week• working In a bosptW. , . ' . 'nlef aald 1111 ippeannee ol • ••deal" Ziegler said. Nixon bas not yet decided == =':m":J'!. lnjure their relaUOfll whether to approve an Israeli request for ,. Their statement lo be published nm purchase of • new supply of Phantom &nd *'''MAX-INT'' makes sure! --- Th< Jlo.uaduu<tll UllO"' of WOW1l1'J Voten d<>tm't ltt pol~ tics tnt.ereftrt toith itl social lift. For more than ttDo vmr• tM league hes bern conducting a tligorous armpaf~ to f'edvte the Maisachu.setti HOtUt fTom. 240 to 160 TMmbtr1. Hot0.t.0tr,_ the ltague held tu annU4l Val- entine Part.11 f<W 1tate legislo- ton right on schedule. • School Principa l Francl1 Boyle of Edinburgh, Scotland, apologized to nine boys he suspended for hav- ing long hair. "I'm sorry, I made a mistake," he said. ulf recanting is poor for the face but good for the soul, I start Lent faceless but in improved. spiritual order." Boy· le's apology followed Wlts wt t b educaUon department ofllcWs. week In the Negn; 1Mk1let The Amster-Styhawk jell. It was likely the Prealdent dani News and The New York Coorier, woukl relryforce 1Us appeal for an arms was Inspired by a 11.1bpoena WI.led to a embargo m the area and call qaln for New York Times reporter, Earl Caldwell, renewal of the cease-fire. $ a Ne(r'O:. . · A federal grand jury lrrvesUgatlng the !!tact PantheTI In .SS. Francisco fold C&ldW!JI to bring '100t1blisbed notes and t_.apti of lnterv!ews iPltb Panther leaden. Calchrtll,refuaed ~ from 1 toiin-- sel sup.elted by the 111na. The Jl1stlce De- i.-tlren ~ Caldw<ll'• •Po ,,.. ...... -,fa~ lodeflnltely. ' Trial Nears Jury CHICAGO (AP) -Alter five month!, the marathon trial ol RVen men charged witb conoptracy lo lnc:lte rlollng al the Democrat&c Nailonal Convention in 1968 b headed f0r the jury •. William M. Kunst.I«, a defense lawyer, was io conclude bil final argument today 1 follo!fed by "nlomal A. Foran, the U.S. district attorney, who had been alJoted. two houn for rebuttal. Tanker Aground; Spews Oil Slick ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. CAP) - A loaded lank,...~ ground lo Tampa·Bsy today, damaged Its hull and began pro- ducing an oil 1llck which the Coast Guard saJd "b getUng bigger all the Ume.11 • Coast Guard Lt. Dana Evans said that at the latest report the 11llck was 3bo yards wide and a half mile long. Efforts w'ere being made lo surround k with a sjyrofoam net. Evans identified the tanker u the DelJan Apollon but said its owner wu not known immediately. He saJd it went aground just south al the Gandy Bridge "between Tampa and St. Petersburg u it was en route lo the Gandy power pJanL No Spring . in N. Dakota Arctic Air' Moves Across Northern Ti.er of U.S. C-las ........... "-""" _,,... """"' "' ....... Ufllltl ....,..... ........... '"'"'in. """" ~ "" .,,,...... .. Wftt ... , • ....,. "' ,,_._. .... llW S.lllNtr. H""' _ ... c..i11 ..._..!vf91 ,..... .,_ » .. ... ......... ,_.,.,.,.. -~ ta " ......... .........,,"" .. 81111, /tlo<>n. Tide• ,.IOIAY t4Qlllll .................... l!l' ....... '·' ._.. .... ""'"" ..• J1•·-2.J IAT\llOAY • ,Int ... ··············~·''"''"' 'lttl ............... IO!M '·"'• M .kilt .... fHll/ll.11'1. hll~!M"""" MoCllt •• •ll••·ftl. ktt f161•.M. rJ .S. S11•mar11 Prkln' tfM llflrt """'" M 19 bt • Mtrr drl' "' lwttl\Mf ... ttw. Sii ... -ll'Mlllll' Ill""' -lov!MN c.llflrfll• ~ wllfl '""' ......... """ CflenM. SOfM f'llllt Ml --.. low clliudl -. ""'°'"'*' ln tMl11I ltul. AN !I'll U.L W..Thtr 9"'"_ ...... rtllf9 CIUttodl tw tl'llf ,.,... Svflcl1y "":'W"' Tllndil" u H1 fw _.. .r ttli .. ""'. Tiii .... ~ tnt ..... Wflfil'r Wlfll .. rtr ~ ...,, ~ .,.. "" -!Mf' ""'"" '1"1dk1td ll'Kft ., "" -ltltvrM1'. T ..i..v•1 C!Yk: CtntM. ftltlt """ '5, \lit twl OHFWI I.,_ ,."""""'· ,..,.""''• IW"tdl~lttl io... .. ~ ....... ,,,.,.. told forlijM, tilt .. ,,. l"Ofo t@JIDll Conlrvt 011trlct IWOl"ltd l'IO NNf Ill ... ~ AnM19 a.11t1. C•Hforttf• .. -..... Aroch0r- Atlllnl1 81ktr1lt.ld llbrn1rCk '"" 8•">fl + ' 8~1VHl1 Ctl1ctto (ll'l(lnMtl ..,_ .......... °''"'" ;:,,~ ·--,_,. "'""""' i..1v..., ..... _ ..... ,.,_.,.." "" ........ .... y .. ........... ....... Okllltclrnt Cfl'I ....... ,,Im......., , ... lobln. ·-........ ........... ••*(It'( .. """' ·-Se<:f11'Mf1to S•ll Lft,•Cltl" ,,,_ $en Fr111tltto '""" --. ..,., ... W•ltllf'kwl Hitt! Ltw ,,_, . .. " n .. ,. .... " _,, SI '1 JI " " 11 n '°' 21 1f .01 l:' 's T ., ,. .. . ,. ·1 .QJ " . " .. .. .. .01 •I n .. " . " A » " n " u II ·1 .N . " .. " u " ' '9 SS ,U U M ~ n • u ., " n n " ,, .11 u " .'1 .. . ' •• " ·'° " JI H .01 " .. .ll ., J6 .a ... '° ,M .10 SI .st JI ... ~· " " " " ' '~M~-INT'' is Mercury's . copyrighted high interest policy ••• assures the highest legal rate to Mercury'$ savers! ................................................................................... ., Transfer your savings to Mercury Savings now! ·oPEN .EVERY SATURDAY 10 A.M.-4 ·P.M. Qpen Mon.·Thurs.. 9 A.M.-4 P.M.; Friday. 9 A.M.-6 P.M. MERCURY SAVINGS EXECUTIVI! OFFICES: The Mercury sm.,. llvlldl"' 7112 ldl ..... A-"' HimtlntfOn Beoch and loan association HOME OFFICE: The Mercury Savlnga Building 1955 Valley View Stroet Buono Park I ) DAILY ;!LOT f • Nu~~~r' s v~~!omkl s .. pcrci • 45 S~tes ;~ Vp:~J!r~_ft Wife Aided Murder?. $u~fer At N ioo._ty w~NGJ.'ON, Pa. (AP) -h~bon!l Paulls flC!J'i ~ blonde rilrl. Gil~ jotned tho With ·Flu ! • wASH~llToN '(APJ , - Stepping aloq 11 th! rite ol . 30 numbq't i rnon!h. the dralt will probably can men boldlftg lottery ,num)lers. up to Ill In The wl!e Of one o1 three cherpo oJong wtth .A•br!"I olhen In i m .... nur plot 'to' ·: : • 1 ' C14vel~ men, ~led· In tho ·Mortin. It, and ,Clollde E. ktR the ~lei llJnl*I . A'IMNTk (UPI) -1'he·N• JQ!tplr A. Yablonsllt fl!lillY Ve~y. 16. ·. M)ne Wotkm illlur&tn~ ·' • 11Qo11 Collllllllnlcable DiJeala 1l1yinp haa been •barfed All {Our .,. belnll hold ,In The jury Aid the coalrolled c.ntor (N<;D.C) todoy teponed wllh lint d•ll?'9 mur<ier. Clevelond, Ohio, where a the meney used to f~ ~. tni!Uenzo "" JIJlrUd -Washington County D~ At-federal grand jufy haa In-alleged. conapirOC)'. It 'alio most of the .. lion aJid ty. Jel! eo.ta fllad-the dltted them .C!!\. :$l0111Plncy aald -•-~~ ~ h"'"·-• . ·,'March, an· informed source -. ~rges Thursd9 aga!nlt An-cl\arge1. The jury, now in buy ";,. ""';;;d·'~i"'ihe-pijCl1':til the. liUltiltU fiUlif netlc Gllll', 19..Her Sf.yeor"ld receis, said tht · aleoder, other> charged In the.olaylnp, GO!flinu• lnto April. . UptT ...... te AFTER A SKATING JAllNT, JACK·IE WON'T TALK .ABOUT L!lTTERS Mra. 0~1110, Son, John K....,..iy Ji., Looyo RD!=kofollor Contor. lco Rink Letters.Found in· Trash~ 'Recovery' of Jackie's Notes Told NEW YOllK (AP) -The inUmate letl<rs." ler reportedly 111id he had says. ~ , Although the Marth limit is sWI WlOfOclal, th• IOllft< aald • It has been 'rirtllally decided to make It nllll)ber Ill· (April II). Since Jaiiuary, dralt boards have been callini men for military 1trvice on the prlli4 clple of '. lowes\.number·fln4 accordliig to the Dec. I lottery that gave each man 1 number . from one to 386. ~ut mlll!Y low-nl!l1lbered men -orjginally counted on In Pentap calci.tlatlons - . will not rully become . available until they 1 o s e defennents later thla year, ·If · drafi • board! were no- quiied to maet iiftd quoii. before these men beeome avaUable, they m.ltht have to take hlgb-numbered men to llll the gap. · ~ the wltneuOe G01led NCDC llid ln11111111a or ill- South Lawyers Ent~r Pasadena School Case before. the jury WU Mn, flutnu.llkt · UJnes... Wtl>I Gilly'•· fa\her, Slllou Bud-repOrt.<i In 15 llot.I, a drudc dleston, 11, preatden1·of llllW ·--' the 11 ~-!Os Local 3221 in Lafollette, Tenn. ~no~• ~er -1 In Cleveland, U.S. Atty. rtportinl "the diJtaie ' w~ Rober\ Krupanaky said . the •Bo· . . ' . • _grand jury would be. -n· Th.• Faderil health lipoey, By Ualted Prest ia-tloul Three top Southern lep\ of· fieers, trJCOUi'B,ged by Presf • detit Nbon'1 call ft)r equal ap- plication of desegregation laws Uuwghout the RJ1U91>, llald they would inte"'ene today In a Ctllfomhi school case . Attorneys General Ma::Donald G I 111 o n ol Alabama, A. F. Summer ol Mi1s'l11tppi and Jack Gremllllon of LoulslM.a flew to Los Anples Thursday night to file 1 motion ln federal court ukinc for immediate desegrecatloo of the Pasadena dlstrtcl. , ve~ nm Wed".!""81': c:onduf!llnl a ipicla1 te~ The motion I• to be tht Ont Y ab ton •ti , lilS wlit · of ll ID llote heailh .,,. .... ol a naUonwlde push for Mlµ'saret and d a ii g b ter survey • . -,..,.... Charlotte -• lhot to delth departments• easller this ~ school ~e,.greg&Ulll! In hopes Ne\I' Year's eve In tlM!lr tO determine. the ntent of. the <1 gettlng Congress to approve 'Clai'Uville, Pa. borne. ·' dtJea.! 1 it d tt 'wis freedom of choice izl~tion · M~whll~1 in ~uhlnston, wide,p~ad in .the ·atatea 6r programs. :?;;;;.:;.,t ~y:, :l: LoulalW; ~ lllii>d oiwl "If the large dU• Ilka . UMW, wlio defeated Yoblonlkl Milne. Ovtr ID~t ol IAo Boaton, Philadelphia, Lo 1 for . the poet In the elecllon COW!lles ·In theli atalla .... Angelea and New Yorll 1et tho Dec.?.~ the Pl"l hu bli,by the~'llua. .j .same crder as Jacks on ; been trytna "by implication to11Jiji Mlplsalppj, they will be ju.t uaocis!e ·ma and our ·ln·jl I u vehemently opPQl8d u the teriiauonal ·:With the ~ ~ .ON cU.WJOae • people or Jackson are," s~ who now stand l.OOtcted. • , , mer said. . · He deoled tho! he or w 17171 -.,,., A federal court hu onfertd UMW pf!lclal 1>4d any .-i. Ml"""' Pasadana to dese(re1ate ~y Uon with GilJx, VeJ!ey or · September. Mortin. • ' man who tried to sell four let.. · 1be letten: were withdrawn roumt some letters and asked ters by Jacqueline Onassis to fro"!-sale Monday after Gil-for help in selling them.. The f K ed dmini. pat.rte, a former undersecre. letters subsequently arrived in enne~J , armer enn Y a stra. tary of defeme now In pPvate the mail, according to the · · lion official Roswell GUpatrlc Jaw incUce, said tbq' "'"' •IOl'Y· · • · says he got them from -~ taken .from iu. &ale. . . Thi atttney old' he had AIJNAVS l'IA8T CJUAUTV .. , one who S81d he found them In Hamilton as he had· done been unable to reach the party Gllpatrie's wastebasket, ac-earlier id~tified the would-who sent him the letters cording to autograph dealer be sell~r ooly as an attorney Hamilton said. · ' Charles Hamilton. who once worked In Gilpatric's 1be Dlstrict attorney's of. Hamilton said Thursday the firm. Hamilton quoted the at. fice conUDued ti!: investigation man told him 0 an evaneaent tomey as saying that he re-into the Jett.en' sale of£er. man whom be had never met ceived a telephone call about Mrs. Onasss, mean-While Went aent him an evanescent pack-21ix montlui: ago from someone ice skating at Rockefeller Cen- age and on this basis he came claiming to be a night steno-ter and shrugged Off newa~ in to me and consigned these grapher in the office. The cal· men'1 questions. Suspect Asks Tito 'Very Impressed' Extradition After Roaers'· Tdlk· ~-~· I . . ~ n Ta~ 'tUe iAjlDIS-... N'M.'A; F;UOOpla ..!,orellll dlp~auo " ,.., •.< "'. . ciP) -:' """""'"! Tito ~ -opl111 caP,_1111 r. e MOBILE, Ala. (UPI) -. p.,,, :,.\,.,.. •l""'-, _ _, .. wtth cojll!denUal IC&uiijii trlcta Krenw1nkel bas aaketd ~ " -~. ';T'v:f~-· An)erjcans and the to be returned to California tO'" fila diseasslon.. d the Middle ' on \fhat wls 'saf atand trial in the Sharon Tate East crtsls with Secretary of meeting. murders, a move thlt could St.ate William P. Rogen, They said Tito obtained a pass.ibly end a series of legal dlplomaUc aources reparted much clearer aoderstanding o( maneuvers aimed at blocking I today. the Ainerican pciauifi, \haft be the e:rtradilion. Rogers had asked for the .'/$-, had before and lhtenda to give ' Carl M. Booth, Mobile Coun-minute meeting In AddiJ Prtsldent Gan\al A b d e I ty district attorney, said Ababa mainly to convlpce the Nasser of Egypt a full aCJOW1t .. 'I1mnday he received a hand-Yugoslav leader of .lHe Nixon ~ it. ' , . written note ~ the ·~year-~mlnlstrat!on's amCere deslre Tito has !."as!tr:, con. . old auspect during tOe past for a Middle Eut peace set~ fidence, and tlie aources said weekend making the request. Uement. that, although be is unlikely to "I wish to sign extradition Tito is now 1n. Keny a, and ' endorte the American J>OSi· papers and return ~ Los continues his Afric•n tour neit t1on,·.h1s uplanaUon of it cotild Angeles immedl•tely," the week to Sudan1 Egypt · and go a fong way toward allaying note reacl. Libya. · Nasser's suspicions· of Booth said he would confer American of f i c a 1 s have American motives. with Miss Krenwinkel'a at· b@n_ relectant to disclose Rogers ended his two-day tomey today before taking any details of Tuesday's, meettn1. vilit to Ethiopia and departed actlon on the note, whlCh he Tito told newsmen on arrival fur NaJrobl on the fourth leg of said was written before the In Nairobi Thursday that dllt'· his 10.natlon tour. Rogen' Alabama court ol criminal ap-Ing his talk with Rogen he stay In Kenya will owrlap peaJs; upheld a lower court urged the \f,Uted Sll:tel to put Tito's, but American offlcl;ala order for her return to Lo:t pressure oi'i Israel to tab a sild there were no plans for Angeles Wednesday. less intransigent attitude. the two to meet agafil there. . .. on , . Va/enlin11s ';bag -:J.11~. I 4th · Pfea6e join ~ /or 1•11/r11shm11nls a11J lo hav11 a look arounJ OW'" n11wf 'I J11coral11J. PARK . AVENUE HQBBIES & CRAFTS 1881 PARK AVENUE COSTA MISA CHILDREN'S SHOE BIG SAVINGS ON INFANT1S SHOES • • Now I• the tlm• fl buy llliby new 1hoos • c;"-o,..,,, --ttyl11 . . • Verlou• eolen prtc.cl fl dlilr • lnfanr1 slln ·BIG SAVINGS ON BOY1S SHOES NOW • •fJ1111ihm• rtlllltyie. ......... ...._In""'._, . ., ......................... 11'4 · • lrl,. l!!ml11...tya..i_._ • ' SAVE ON GJRL1S STURDY SHOES! • • c;..._,,.m 111-.11,._,t.hlonaftn •hktn•l-1~ . •s..1"9twi-p1..,1yo1thett wlill• ~hey' .. d .... _ pricoll .' BIG.SAVINGS ON BIG BOY~S SH915 ... , •,J\9iirfllf""" '"the ..... ... a. ............. . •Ol4lf111r'11i..lrent1-.3\W • tem. iaify .... 11111 MllCfton • ,. • -· . : ' .j ' ·1 • ' I -~I t ! ' ' ' • . • • • 'DAD·Y PILOT EDITOBLll PAGE ' . " " • • • ·Election :Con-sequences · Jn im there wW be S,000 new ·students In Welt · Orange County bat no new &cbool rooma to house them, llwll<• to failure of a bond election. • · Next year teacbon, admlnlstnllon. janitors and ncrelarles wUl be looting for an ~rease .In their pay· c:blckl but may uot get It -thank• to-lhecfallure of a tBx override. . . Tuesday voters in the sprawling ~uara mile Huntington Beach Union H,l&\I School District firmly sttuek down both. mealurea,at the po)ls. It Is the third _ ~election failure of the district since 1967: . · '!'!lat In llself could bt indicative, especially when construction bonds and tax overridH have been P8,Hed in .surrounding elementary and high school districts. Could it mean lhat the l*ll'le are no longer saUsfied wjth lhe education their younpters are getting In Hunt· ln&loll Beach's high schools! · . Critics of th~ districts bave con~ that. Tbey .Ira•• dalmed that it is not progresS1ve,enough; ~t · ~·· In the operation of current fac:ililles can ol.ffft .ihe expected Increase of pupils. . Since no additional money Is available, aod since the students must by law be. educa\ed the argument I.bout 118ltematives1• to~ another comprebensjve hi~ icllool ls no longer a phllosopblcal ooe. Reality w fon:e examination of other methods to -provide quality education ' •· The burden now returns to the board. of trustees, the administration and those who opposed the election. 'l'l!<Y m11Jt find a solution. . ' • the answer might Ue In bud&el cuts and shrinking of the school day. The determination ol. whichever panacea wlll cure the ailing district Is the Immediate task of tlie trustees. Jt bad better be found quickly. Educationally crippled YOUll&alers .aie ao indicbnent of every adult. - Man, Woman of the Year Two Huntington Beach cltizeps who choose to be- clrme Involved were 'honored for their deeds by the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce Ibis month . Both Mrs. Helen Stewart, woman of the year, and Jamel' DeQ._uelle,· man of the year, are doers. Mrs. Stewart has been president of the women's division of the chamber for iwo years during which time the membership more than doubled. She has been named regional director of the stale board of oaJilomla Women in Chambers. She bu ·been dty bejtutificalion cbainnan for two years and sun holds the office . 'I1l1s active-woman also serves on the advisory council of the Communlty Congress and is a member of the underground uWilles committee. ' 1 '- Modular schedui!n'g extended school days and.year- round schools !>Ave· be~n sug~e.1ted by , Trustee Rib al an4 by Robert Gordon of the C1tu:ens OrgaDJZed to Sup- ' port.schoo!J. Board C~ainnan Matthew We~er thinks Jim DeGuelle is a hometown ,boy who was president of bis Huhtlngloll Beach High School graduating class in !IMO. Since · then, while running the DeGuelle and Sons Glass Co., he has seJ;'Ved as prestdent'of the Lions Club, been a chamber director and new treasurer, chairman of the city board of 'appe~s. a member of the chamber's civic Jegisl8tive action committee and chair· man of the Lions' plastic trash barrel sales drive. 'I~ ;you cbout Idling him atick hU MBt in tM tent!' .. Hardest Lesso~ For Us to Learn ,·~· .,.. Most -1e Joo1c upon !be Biblical ln- juncUm: "i.ove thy enemies," u either ~ Utopian or impossibly K'll- tunentaL Tbil ii because they fail to undmland the mpn1n& of appe. or love u Jesm meant iL T~ love ywr enemiee does not mean that you hive to like them. II does nol mean that they are no longer ensnies. Nobody can coimnand us t.o like what we donolllk1,for~ ~be dincl<d by -111aws. . . a contest. not 11 aoldlen in a ""'· II may ..,..,(! odd, bUt true alhletH "kwe" their enem.iea. · 'lblt la, they reaped tl1D•U ,Other periOOI ll1rlvlnC -........... pl.ADI! lheJ-lhem ..i, Wftllhi-talel lbet-llloy, .. The chamber made the go6d choices. Increasing 'Acceptance Of Marijuana ••you know, aome day there could be a reeler hour instead of a cocktail hour.'' a student forecast nearly three years aao. Thal bCMlr hasn't come despite increaalng accoplance of the UIO ol marijuana. Bui the lepl auault on anti.pot laws is moun- llni· Peoollles fO£ Its poo,...lon and use are lllcely to be roduced by Ibis iealon ol Congr ..... H Pltyrieal Maturity Earlier for Boys, Girls Social Maturity Later Now ' Every 10 years alnce the turn ol the century, the average age for the onset or memtrualion for' American girt. has decreued , by four months. ln the ·go years since 1110, tbe menstrual age hes bttn lowered by two years. A 14-year-old glrl today is blologtcally as mature as the IS.year-old of 1910. Maturity among: boys has been acceleraUn& at' the same rate. AU this can no doubt be accounted fdr by the high health and 1R11rltional standards this nation baa eJljoyed over these year1. in engineering or agriculture or literature or biology. They are not a problem. They are the delighL of their teachers -and their parents. . BUT THOUSANM are marking time and markinl time, majoring in English ooe1ear, awi\1Ctliag to IOclology the nes:t, ... Cbangiag'to art or draina. The)t are failure of parents (I refuse to join in the chorus of those who blame everything that's wrong with the younger generation on Dr. Spock) as it 1a ~ resuJt or the in· credible succtss of our economic system in making securt I.he llffii of the middle class. And ·eoemt!s mnaln ....mies il their ulthn•le Pl' confUct with oun, no .f!l&l- ter ~ n 1'Y•Jhem or pot. ,~t "Loft UlJ -·does not -ill to _,~Utopian or ,..u-w, Iha! the Winuor wins "' mtril, not on ,fouls. -:. Evtn the NiJon adminiltratlqn -the symbol of "aquaretie11"~.,. ~·atoned g-..Uon -~ supporllng lqtsl>tion to · -ulsling laws. Ally. Gen. John )I: lilllebell bu noted that preKnl f-al . mUJnc ~00 of marijuona I Blolotk:aJ maturity is com.inc eat lier. tiu\ ll tjlooo IO yeora social maturlly h11 WR &ettinC later and later. In' 1910·a boy -was at liberty to quit school and go lo work at 14. Grade achoal WP all that was es:pected of most ~. 'A minority went to blah acbool. 'A lillf minorUy of ... I mlnorlly went 14 colleg<. Thi rtst were part of. the. world ol adult work, in 'field · 1oung men and women still in search o{ an identity. MG.'L of.them are bored with Under conditions of scarcity, the strug- gle for survival absorbs most of one·s energies, so tb4t one doesn't ask lofty philosophical and ethloal quesllons about the meaning of life. These unasked ques. lions come to the fore in a time of plenty. There is: no· answering these Quest.iorul in the abstraCt. As. Impatient and militant students often tell us. the . answers can only be found in action and involvement. their' purposeless elistence ar the same so ACI'ION ANO involvement are time as they are too unsure ol wllat. lhey want m06l of ·aa, in order to WHAT IT MEANS. properly uo- derstood. q tbl& no matter what we ••feel" about another penon. or how we OppoMl bis bellef.I thert must be an acknoWl~t 1 that what binds us ~ II iruler thin what divides us. 1111 lhe "_,boocl" of the other lhlt unite. us m l(IDetbing Utat is above, and greater thin, bOtb of us; and our respect fm' thil commo0 pound of being malt take precedlnct oYer our likes and our be1Je11. Thll ii the bmleol lesson fO£ any people (and l11Y church) to learn. WE MISTAKENLY imagine that if we toUld "love" our enemies, thtn we might ~e friends or alllu; but this ls not necaary. not even possible in many cues. We would aUU be entmles :--but we would tRat our enmity as athltla in TRIS D TlllUllND of oplril JOUI -- urglnc _upon us, not a at 1.:,t1 .. -I llmenlallty that lriel lo ·••rt bumao coolllel or pret«ld thal people can like each olheT belier thin Ibey do. H• was uying that it doesn't matter if Y~ like totneone or not, it doesn't matter 1f you agree or not -the only thing ~at matters ii treating the other a~ futy and cleanly u athlete& do in a cbam- piooshlp ,_. nils Ill a union that ps beyond sym- petlly or frlendlhlp, fl< .Ibero is no merit In bebavlng nicely towml the people we llke: the only merit is acting dectnUy toward t b e people we don't 11 k e or disagree with -for thll kind of "love" is an act or the will, not an emotion or 1n intellectual convictJon. Wba\ a tragedy that we hmor It on)J in our 1ames, which wt take 10 serlous)J, but not in our lives, which we play away with such perilous fllp\>ID<Y . ' 'Often a BridesmaUl. • • Rtmarks thal a vice president pt.I lir<d ol llearini ' "Ofteo a bridesmaid -never the bride." "He'• the kind of gey who always gets !)le -best job. the second but MCftlarf, the oUI"' with the second best view. Even hil 5taSln foot.ball llckela are .. the 1$-yml tine ... "The bos1 was lied up, 1ir, to they refernd me to you." "I hear hls ton was just elected vlct president ol. bis elm in college:. It must be a fllTllly curae." after his job. The only safe time Lo have an idea Is before you become a vice president." 0 Tiawe11 looks a Uttle worried tod1y. He mWll have accidentally beaten the 1x>8s when they ployed goU ~rd1y." ''The,peper alrplanel be sails from his -soor farther than anybody else's. But. \heft, tool at all the 7ean of pradlce be'• bid." "I'm taldnc ibis cup of coffee .to the prulden~ Mr. Tllwell. Do you mind U I bring youn in a little later?" ,. -"What does he really do? We.II, ht ,. 0YOU DQN"I' RAVE to WOl'.fY ~bout 1114 to be in charge of turnlng •. pul the Mr. Tlswlll ever llyi!I( to pinch Y°"• · ~-and bu!)linC things unclet'lbfnlj.• "Mu!IY. lie'• loo'~·-He quit doing "OB, Mii-Tl8TIELL woo't. clve_ l'W &Ill' uouhle. All YCJ!l bevo·IAJ do i. "°·""' to Ofder _, {or bill wHe on her birth- day, and be IUI'< to'ge\ a new CU!hloo for 1111 mvd c:balr IYel'Y iru.e months." .. N,, be dDl:ID"t ·come up with many -~ Ila! 'lil>y should he! ,,_., aolldaC 1llll llllRs tbe pr<sldent ol a nm --,.ci than vice preslderrtl W1tb a klllf hlb ideas. He'1 sure they'rt ,..-,..-•• Geo1'9e ----. DeorGoqe: I Imo!! 11111 real goocMooklnC ltlloW lllll lllDe him but he....,. to loan a -. problem with ..._ ~ time I run Into him al I plltJ • dance he A71 Ile ..., -aocl ukl .me lo p -lllld oil In hlo .., ID lbl -----CU I do to OVer<Ollll llio WOlllllED Olar 1l'Gn1ld; Go -tDd oil ID hll car la a. -wllb bl!n. l!lflll •-t >-• .... lhlMhe day they p!l 1111 name up .., the door." "He does look aw"11 bu!Y·-lhe Wlf he •1R1• carries two ' brlefcuet when he le .... tbe ofllee for b\1010· Bui Ile jusl parks them overnight in a locker in the train terminal, and picks them up q:aln on his w1y back ·to work in the momlng." "I wouldn't•aay thlt.Tlswell is an apple poflsbtr, bUt 'l've'liolic:<d ~t when the -_,.out to 1Uend't111 'imoual cilflce ClvillmU paV. Tlowe(I• Ill lhO fin! IA> start 1tnctnc. ''For lle'a. a jolly lood relJow.' II "His htuesl decision every dq Is whelbtr to hive a lhird martlnl at lunch. and 1llne out o( IO days-he voles yes. u • ·~'M GOING TO spend ne:rt week ID nrtdl. TllwaJI, and went y<JU to Ille dwp of the olfloe for me. u aft1INnc really lmportanl comeo up my -.tary will get In -wltll .... 1• ' "Ill h11 -sayln1 yes al Ille ollke so tone that hls wife W-11 able to w-a fur coet out ol blm this yur be<al!IO he had rorpten how to aay no." "If~ hl«lfal ambiUon II to be vice pruldenl lri cbatp ol all the other vl<I pruideDIL" I Editorial Research , 1 or farm or fac~. • TODAY SOCIAL MATUJUTY continues · to c:ome lalrr delplle earlier physiql i1 maturity. Almost ~ young men and " ~--II women are under pressure to p to ool-·-lege, and if they're lucl<y they will felony provide penalties that can exceed graduate at Z2. Young mtD:. wbo go into those !IX' mamlaugbter or aabotalf.. the skilled · trades u plu:mbers . or STATE LAWS -under ·which mo st marijuana convictions are made -are particularly harsh. Attention was focused upon them rieently by the senltocing of a 21-year-old to a 50-year prison tenn in Texu for' tellinc two marijuana cigaret- tes. and the hnpOaltion of ·a.20-year term to a Virginia youtll found with 6.5 pounds of the stuff In hls poaesslon. carpenters fare little belt.er; they face apprenllctahlpa in many unions of fO\D' to seven yean. A maia tource of college problems Is the fact that hundreds of thousands who have no great desire for high education are in college simply because it Is ex· peeled of them. SeniaJly and physically mature sinct they were 14 or 15, they mark time awaiting: an e:ncounter with the Ille C)\llside of school. Most colleie students, especial)y those who know what they want to make of themselves, are not marklng time. 'Ibey are eqerly ptWling on towards degrees ' themaelves to 'decide on a purpose. experience a ·seMe. or maturity. Thls is Although dissatisfied with college, they why they want to change the world cannot make up their minds to leave it. rather than study it nrsl'to discover what lt's trom· thls group 'that troubles come. needs changing and bow It can be chang. They drop out of ~las,,es, ,although con-ed. Because they wtll ·nol study it, they U~uing to bang around the fringes of the have no .changes to suggest beyond what campus. DriV'ea . by their· internal are vaguely suggested in such ·meanP emP.linest. some of them turn on with ingle$!1 and ~etping Slogans as "f.lght drugs. Many take up revolu tionary ideas racism" ·and "smash the pig power struc· and plaster their wplls with portraits of ture." The .classic statement of the .In- Mao Tse.tung ·and pe Guevara. From • tellectual vacuity of the .New Left was this point it is but a short step to a~ made by M,rk Rudd when he said. "First tacking the uni.versity, o c c u p y i n g we'll have the revolution, lhen· we'll !ind bulldlnp., p&pellating acta of .senseless out ~·hat for." violence, destroying research files and That's what. happens when you have libraries and computers, thereby en-physical maturity without social maturi· dowing. ~ believe, their lives with ty. lt is hard not to sympathize with the heroic· mea:Dlng. · _ young people's craving for t h e rcspons.ibilit1es of maturity. But it is even harder to go along 1vith their convk:lion that American foreign policy i s something that can be worked out on a guitar. PLWE. UNDERST ANO - I am not talking about all students. I am talking only about the es:treme manilestatioM of 1 malaise that to sorne degree troubles a whole generation. One wonders what can be dQne to rel1Fve this condition -one that ls not so much the result of the 8)' S. I. Hayak1wa Pruidenl, San Fruclsco Si.ttf: College For years such severity attracted virlua!Jy no public att.ntion. p<\ulbly because the use of marijuana was Umtttd prbnarily to the ghetto and marginal society. But the Wt five years.have~ an explosive growth in the use of pot. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D. Mus.). chairman ol the Senate wbconunHtee on 1lcohollsm and narcoUcs, bu aUma~ that about 12 million Americans hive u~ ed marijuana at least once. From 30 to ·40 percent of today's college students and 20 percent oC the high school seniors have tried it. Throw-hack to 'King's Ax' • POT SMOKING by the childl'l!n of the mkkile class has iU political effects in Washington. where some offlclal familit! are tormented by the discovery of drug u.. among their cblldron. II tin led to demands for stiff penalties for the drug "pu-" -bot mon llulble, lreatmenl of mere users. . Legallu.tion of marijuana has betn propoeed by 30Me, including D r • Margaret Mead, the anthropoloetst. She .......u, told , senate commiUee lhlt "We are d'1l\l&inl ouf C<Mp'llry. our laws and tbe relaUol'll between young and old by Iii pralllblllon. Thll Is far more danproua than any overuse." Tile bill just paaod by tbe Senale - the Controlled Dang<""" Subolan<:es Act o! 1919 -does not legaliu pol II would make slmple possession Of marijuana and o th e r "dangerous" drugs a mlsd~ mesnor, subject. to a jail' term ol OM year O£ l"f but clvlng ~ l>!d&•-~ to suspeDd the Mntence (or a f.ir1t of· fender. The< alin ·of the bill Is to con· cenlrale on·proHioolonll drug,:pec141en. Jlllnois jaU sentence for pet'IORI caught with a sma11 •mount of pot baa bten pared lo the earlier tw~year mlnlmum . Nebraska sub)ecta first offenders to a seven-day bUtl tourte on the danger ot drugs. • P.ft'bepe tbe major block to 1'callallon ol marljlwiO In tbe oear future II tbe lack of &It'-~• Ill ellecls. Sdeatlsts and .. ,.... dlll!r ' If le Whelber tt 1' hlrmfal Ind Jeads to the UH of ••bMJ .. d "1gl. SUch a stud)> Is belna mado "1 the NaUooal JnaUtute or Menlll Htaltb. lL has promiled tnswm. within two Jellfl. Untll then, 11 leut, lepllzed pol will r .. mlln a pipe dreem. · ·- Which l! more lmporl.ant: lo seize a cache of narcotic• anct charge possession, or to adhere to the constituUonal pro- tection of the citizen a g • i D s t unreasonable searches and seizures? How you answer the question may de. peM on whether you believe every blathering sentence uttered by public or: fktrs about the narcotic problem, or whether )'.Oll: believe the Bill of Rights is the rowidallon of our freedom from tyranny • . Every-mature observer of the law add liberty has all his life been listening to 1 the public officers on· the narcotics ques-- tion. M~ (not all} of what they say Js designed to further their personal am· bitlons and their image, as the word aoes, and i! inaccUrate, distorted, illogical, presumptive, devious and altogether stuff and nonsaise. It does noUUng whateVer to sotve the problem. since the problem, desplte their pruentments, laws and · Dear Gloomy --Gus: Too many o( our local tfrlvera are trJtnc to swap thtir driver's Ucemea for a death certlffcate. -P. S. J. 'hit ......,. ,..,.... ........... ....... .... -1111r1r "-tlf .l'flt ••• •••r. ltN .... "' ...... ....,.., ... O.lf'r ...... practices, i. bl8;ger than ever. For fifty years these demagogues have apew..t U1 wllh 1bil de.ad\y monotony, ...i:ther hilve nothing to a)\ow ror i\ but coolusloii, itelustorund abjeet failure, nor bJve we. •· you WO\}U) TlllNK an Informed. seU..geverning ~le would . see through Uila -prodigious swlndle, and iMist the problem bt aUacked in a rational, quietly det.ennined way at its roots. But no. the cllches uttertd in . the Untted States Senate and in enforcement circles differ not one whit troni the claptrap of lht 1920s. ' The allusion here is to a rider attached to the lat.est drug bill, pennltttnc raiders to ent.(!r a home, by force U lhey 90 elect. without announcing ~mselves, to prt· vent suspect.! disposing of the ev1deoce. Hence it is called a "no-knock" law. It is bard to stt how the United States Supreme COurt coulil countenance such a Utttlw::back to_ medi~al mor\arcbits pursuing their supposed enemies. · s.ntlor Ervin, Sooth Carotina, P.."'Petly called It a resort to the 0 1tlng 1 u to tnoclt down the door and break open the window." Bui the Senate pasaed II, •~. and II ..,.. IA> !he House. AS YOU WOULD expect from long ... perlence with the public o<li«n goilJg bsck to Prohibition. the provlllon doesn't come close to tbe cenVal problem, of en- forcement. Thal ]ltOblem la lhe adier. the runner, the smuu1er. not lhe pos_... Jolt so • 1n the 19205, the public officer hauled thousands of SpeJiktasy bartenders into the courtJ with a fifth o€ booze, while the rum-boats with thousand-cUe c•ri~ wallowed off our coasts in arrogant im· munity. Ttle Fourth Amendment says si mply that ''the right of the people to be secure in their persons, hoose • . • aga Inst unreasonable searches.and seizures shall not be violated." For years the courts have held lhat a 3 a.m. crush-in on your home is "Wln!asonable." It is as likely that a vi.ndal wUh a badge smashing your door with a sledge-hammer, Is being unrealCllable, warrant or no warranl If we don 't stick with the Amendments we're in big trouble. as we were in the 19205:. Are we dumber than our fathers, who finally caught up with the phonies KtXI abolished their occupation? --·W- I Friday, February 13, 1970 Th• edl-1 Poll• Ol 1ht Daffu P4lot re1k1 to inform and '"""" 1'lcrf.e: rtodcr1 b11 pre1enting Chit nct01J)Cpcr'1 ophdonr and com- mcntarv on topic• of intnct t and 1fanffico.nce, bu provklrng a fonim ffJf' tht uprtuioo of ow ~.· opfniom, and b11 91.fStftthtf the diwr1e oftt.0-poiftu o if!f.-d ob1nwn mi4 spok'"""" °" IOplca of th< day. Robert N. Weed, Publisher • ' .... ~al.fey I EDITION ... •. lljtUCE AVRAM, SEACLJF,F CC',~SISTAN'\' PRO, f'RACTICES NEAR STANDARD '" H""''"'*' lluch,.A'Ountleil of Adju1li"1 lo Compatible L•nd Usn . . . ' OIL WELL. :·· ' .. . . Cities League S!ill Pressing End to Harbor ·ll:untington in Quandary • On .Cleaning O·il B·l,igl,,t , By TOM BARLEY ~'" J , N ,_ T·,;. · Lh I"' , I?! ;.~Dal" P.l• 5'atf ¥""'~'. '!~:! ~~,rs . ~ .c~nc au· '}1. I . ......n,boi't'tan lnlo"tugh .°'f'll!··~~~~1l (·. !lfJ!l~g ..,t~ '¥. > ,~ ·-r.-, · __ , ·~ !!!!'" 'la' ~~g "i oil wai.r ..,,. ~ ~ iriOMlili ........,ay '~llg1'i'ln' Runl ni~ lltach: . J. niG:hl when they tried to persuade Uie .. By TEMv"' COVILLE Orange County Cba~r or the. League ol 0t "" .,.,,. fin.if 1tttt c~ CIUes to jOln thern In urp.g 'will oil int.rests in IDmflnitoo Beach cx~·ol lht·Oraiige County Harbor have to clean up, their-~1 or ~lh_tbe District'. peqple fliv< to 1..,.. t~.11 ... wtth 011 blight POlitf applause. met Lht pJeas. ol the and lum~ it~ . boai-Cl::ifor wha( supefv:isOr's Chairman · Some cty o€(1cl~Js say t.Qe oil . lnteresls I P AU f ta Beacll · lied a , ~~ belter adjust .to a changing Hun-A ton ,111. en, o . .~na, ca tington Beach. "itnftc·d f1ont".on the thorny ~ue. But the ' oil 'interests In the city Allen, backed b)' COunty CQUnsel Adrian represent a C0!1tklerab~1 investment. Kny~r: and County Adpllnlstratlve Of. They co.ver ~ l~ Of territory. And they ficer J!obert Thomas as CO-spf!aker.s, urg-aren't going to be pushed 8Jllnd. ed the:' ciUt.t' support for eipinsion of the The plain f~cU· are It is going· to take A Harbor bislrict to include all lhe county's l;at' of oooPereUon by ""11 interested beactleii (•arks ·and 'recreation faci1tttes. paJ1it;S to matt: th~ Huntington Beach oil Alie,·; board jj seeking legislative fieH:I really cofupe.Uble with the city's b8cki.D2: for that propOsal. ' e~lving image ~ 1 residential. ocean- ~}.-league. Uuwgh AW!fl~yman onented ~UJlllY. . . Jqhn~iiggs (R-Fullerton) is seeking ap-One ~·Jor o~I _f<?"!pany ·with targl" p<\lv~<~n' Sacramento of 1 bill· that would holding! l1I Hunt~on Beach -Standard put. IObg disptlted 'tlarbor district-issue Oil -alrea(fy "has ·started • cleaning up. befO .Orange founty voters for a final largely ~ I~ own hook a~ larg~ly detenhinaUon on its dissolution or ex-because it is m th~ company s best m- nsidh teresl!. · pa Le~e members are convinced that Standfl:rd has isolated n;iaJor "(ells Jn .~ Id be erwhelmingly far 'valled clusters. Surrounding lanq "1cn t~e v•~ wou ov .. . has been cleared off aod turned .into the d1ssol&tion. : , . . Seacliff Country Club and. 90 rar. one. .suntbisor David Baker. -~e board 8 midential development. 1 -ndd·in~-oul on th~ harbor .issue, ~~w "I think we will find more of this type the.ov.tion of the n1~ht for his oppos_1l!on deVelopment as the pressure of urbanb:e- to th stance adopted by supe:l'\!lSOrs · tion increMes;" say1c.Ken Reynolds city AJlen. ,Robert Battin, Willlam flltstein planninr cf'Irector. · and W)lliam 'Phillips. ReyJlolds· saiil some wells In olhcr cities The fecond District supervisor refuted are adlually beigj placed underground. A KqyPer;s argumen~ that ~bsorpUon of Ow techrli~ue which opens more land for har)X>r agency into county a:overnment other uses. would Eace the allocation or funds for "There will _be ·more consolidation of vil1UY d beach and park projectJ uses in the oil . field ~nd m8:ny of th~ since., Kuyper declared.~ harbor en-margtnat operahons wdl be elnnj.nated, , tlfy wbuld be JV.si • one of many Reynold,, adds, J>C.>intiM to the residenti~l dei>artrdents In a gro-.lng county budget. a_rea around Main Street as ·an old 011 The 6Mfnty .coun~I also 1'.f:&med the field that has.beta cleaned,olf~ .. mftti~~)that such action might lead the . Some oddities tli~ "'vel~ In other county d;to place ',1¥cb Wuu·'as 011. 6~ where P'(mpe have~ 1>4lnted li · ion and weUar:e al prloriUes btfgfit ~IOfS. 'Ibey loo~ like gtanl birds II" ce . ·11on·• facilities scratching ""TTll!I f1'om the ,,,..nd. ov.~~ b l~t ri:e~h':r:ea~gu.nijnf;" 1 said ~leaning up bliibt? Well, maybe glos$lg Baker~AU we woqld. do wpuld .be ,tJJ, it~~~·! I 'I -1: • •'--H abaorb district, personnel..ahd all. into . "--oca n1 ~es_~tes give u~ un- structurt and r~dotf\ 'thlilt "' · tington Beach field 1t least another 50 our cou Y Id be threatened it ~"'"Cl ,yean_ of life .. So.me say ~re. Tl seem~ future '.L-u •'--11 ~ ~rta1n the oil 1s not going to dry up time or •1Y o .. n::r me. . \ tdmorrow "We Hive a clear warning .frbm ••la • Planning Director ReynnlClii; lnslst.1;, l \See HARBO",·Pa1e.lJ "There ls enough national 11:nd shaU: ,1 momentum behind the Idea of cleaning ' . p our-envlrorunentthat the•field can be made compatible." Indeed, one national -publicaUon has taken note of oil blight in HuntingtJJn Beach. In a special issue of Fortune Magazine published this month, a Hun- lington Beach !!Cene is among a group of color pholographs displayed In a photographic essay eliUtled "America·~ Everyday Dreariness:" The editors of 'Fortune celled their special is!llle. "The Environment: National Mission (or the Seventies."' There is a large field in Huntington Beach covered with oil operations, many or them quite dirty and even hazardous., Some cleanup has been accomplished. Further cleanup ls neces.sary, but won 't come as rapidly as some wouJd like. t One day oil may be only· a memory in Huntington Beach. 'Ibe job righl now is to make the-various ,Jeclors of tJ\e. city ad- just to e'ach other. That ~djwitment wilt be rough on both sides aod probably will get elbotionaJ at times. J'he near ruture,·as city officials see It. will brlng joint..,. of lhe •oii1field. Oil willoot'l>e.elhillnated, ohly cflaogtd. "'l'he oil industry bu to .be compatible with the type of community Huntington Beach Ls now," declares Mayor J1ck Green. The rtal question is hnw to accomplish that. M~tings . Slated Carswell Propertfl ·' , FRIDAY, FEBRl:JAlY ll, 1970 • , • • ' ' • • TEN CENTS • 3· Tru.steeS Illegal? Trio Serv,ing on Other School Boards .. flChool board. the Oceao View School District board. By RUDI NEiimELsKJ • Of ...... Jly ,. '''" • High school Trustee ,Joseph 'Ribal said today thtee\oC hb "Colleagiles -Matthew Weyuker, Ray Schrri'itt and l\alpb Bauer -may be serving Ulegally on 'the govern· lng board or the Hunllngton Beach Union High School District. "~ently the, Loo An1elu =ty Counst1l bas ruled that such a practice is illegal," said Ribal cl Ung the case of a man who was denied a aeat on the Cer- ritos College governing board becauae he was already I member of the Norwalk-La Mirada board of lruJt.ees. • "It ~ins to me that there la a -lblllty that the hilh school bliard may he illegally COn<llwted.'' said Rlbol. In a letter to Adrian Kuyper, Orange County Counsel,. Ribal as~ed for an .opi- rUon by F;.b. · 24 about the legality or ~ three lrustees serving on more than one Schmitt and Weyuker both serve on the Westminster School Dtslrict governing board In addition to holding seats Ol'J\tbe high school board. Bauer is president o! "The re.suit of the election clearly in- dk:ates Uaat the electorate would lift to see. aome chanees. It Indicates the vo&er1 are 1111happf with the board." He referred to Tueaday'1 v~e In which resld,tnts of the. 52-Squar~ mtl~ dlatrict sowlilJy defeated a II.I mllllon llond eiec- (See TRUSTEES, Pa .. I) Dr. Kaufman Marines Still There • Won't Seek Hanna Says Mile Squar.e~ Re-election City Councilman Hepry S. Kaufman i;ald today he wt.11 not be 1 candidate for re-election in April. ·Can't Become Airport Yet Dr. Kaufrti,n, an optometri!ltJ, has .scrv· ci:I on the c..-ouncil ror the past foor years. ~re.viously he.!el'Ved on Ole city' Planning Goliimlssion for .22 years, The other three incumbent councilme~ Whose seal! JIO on the block tn the April 14 election, have indicated they will run . T·hey are Alvin COen, Ted Bartlett. and 1.1ayor Jack Gree.n. ·:The que5Uon of an airport at ?ilile Square seems to me to be a moot point at the moment," Rep. Richard T. Hanna (0- \Vestminster), declared Thursd~. . "As long as the Navy is there (the Beach Awaiti~g Plea to Banks Three new candidates took out nomina- tion paper• ilnlrsday. ~Y are Wiiliam Ort Bonds · Sale N. Git>Jon, 34:3 Pecan Ave.; George A'mold 1.21 ath· St., a perennial candidate, . and A: C. Matiora, 1018 Oijve Avi:, an in-Councilmen will find out. ?vlonday night d•~~.pll ~alo,.1 • ..._ jf tho ~lty'11 ind~cem<J!!. pilln ~lo ·.,-~.1tl ~. -\anb.'wlU ~ ijl·lllt ..... .r. r~.: I"< ~ 'f!i\ri.i!~ !~1t,l million in munJci]laf p;irk liondt. -: • ij . papQ'I ne '" · -..... ' ~. Tbe· ·council recently declcttd to offer 1 ~U uid 'lhe ~~,~11 1 1'~ the city 's cash account to the ~nk which p~,iiim ~~k •. •"'1'"'.J.o.1111 bldsto.buythebonds. , _ · have lataelY beeil,f~L a~h' od ,_i..u Clly Finance. Director Ben Ar--110 ••Tbt fut our y~ s ave pr Ul.'CU , • •"""' more. developmental planniqg and . im· suggested lhc blddlng procedure Jn order plementaUon than at 1ny time in. the lo gel the bonds sold. T1ley have been hjstory of the'cify," the cpuncilman saJd. unsalable t.o date because or the lijht "The Parking Authority I'll:' been money 1narkcl. The city's legal limit on established and ~.Top of 'lh~ Pier. Plan the intere"" it can pay on bonds ls S p:ir-adopt.ed. The Civic Center, bbrary, fire l'' stations and other c8.pttal improvemei:its cent. all have their site!! selected iQP paid for . Arguello hopes the· unique ploy will "A1though much remaina,to be done !n rcsull i'l the bond aale. Sealed bids will the city ea:periencl~g such dyruu~"\JC tie opened Monday night. growth, lhe major guklelines ,for buildmg . . r lht co mwlity have been well An appeal of a :r.one es:cept10n allow1n1 :stablished, ~Kaufman .dded. the sale of. lrailer1 by Greenleaf Mobile He gave as another reltOI' for not aeek-Homes Sales of ·Costa Mesa at Or1lt.wood Ing re-election the inci~, cost of Trailer Plrk on city·leased property also campal&ns. will be heard Monday night. Persona:l Ineome Shows Slowdown WASHINGTON (UPI).-Personal in- come registered its smallest !Jtcrease in almosl two years last mon'tb; adding to evidence that the economy ii cooling, the governmenl reported today. Commerce Otpartmen£ figures placed personal lncom~ at a sea1M>nally adjl16ted aMual rate of $773 billion in January, an increas~ of $2.4 billion over Det:embcr. Almost half of the monthly ad.vancc. S900 million, was in tranffer payments, which includes Social Securtty, u~m­ ployment compensatioJJ, veterans. bene- fits, an dother such lncom_e not directly earned through employment. . . Payrollr incrused only St.25 b1l11on and factory payrolls djclined by $500 million. The January Increase In total personal Income wi.; lht smaflest aj_"ce a 12.3 billion a<!~·an;ce recorded in April, 1988. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock rnarket was mired Jn a bog of investor disinterest late this aflernoon. (See quotations, Pages 10-11). 'The e.s:cepUon was ipproved by the planning commission, with two com- mi.ss!Oflers voting against It because, they ~aid , no hardship was shown as required by law. Appeattng the exception ls Councilman .Jerry h-falney and the California Mobile Home Dealer'!! Associ11Uon. In other matte.rs, the council will : -Consider a request by Rex Reynolds to rent the easterly porlfln of 18 acres recently acquired by the city from the state for development or the first pha!le of Central Park. Reynolds proposes Interim use of the property for · ridh.g stables. CI t y Administrator Doyle Miller hu approved the request with a rental fee of StO J!Cr month. -Vote on a request of Miller that tht city provide eo additional nre rings near the municipal pier at a cost of $1,000 to be paid from Parking Authority revenues or parking meters. Miller notes that there are only 80 rings now and that the nearby Hw\Ungton State Beach attracts most or I.he night ~h crowd because of numerous fire rings. Miller estimates that beach parking revenues will be increased by ts,000 a week with the add!Uona1 rings. He notes, however', that some ·~e belleVe the rln1s attract undeslrable peaple, brown baggers and possibly affect concession-· alrcs' revenue. "The slate• parks provlCle these h1cllltlcs and have overflowlna crowds," MUler noted. · Marine helicopter faclllty) an aJri>or! can't be," he said. "And, If yoa can tell me what the Navy Is going to do yoo have a good crystal ball," said HaMattn in interview . ''And, if .the Navy left Mile Square il would pro~ably be because ill air opera· Uon ceased to .be compaUble with lhe sur- rounding development which should ~eigh-beavily against placing any other airport, there-. •I Hanna, the man who worked hard lo h'-IP the cwnty reach an agreement with the. Department of Defense for UM of part of Mlle Square 11 a regional park, said be would hate tJJ see the recreational area eliminated in favor of alr lacllities. "ttowever'" said the ~n. ~ "the decj:ston of where in afrPOM goes h1 up to the county Board of Supervisors. I just hope there would be 1 o m e altmiatlve to putting one at Mil• SQlll(e .. 8-C~a ·COftfured thi* W..k with F- ta:Jn Valley Mayo~ ~wmt Just who flew to Wash.Jngton, O.C .. Monday, at Ule urt· ing or residents worried about a county study of MJle Square as • future airport site. just and Hanna both returned to Orange County Wednesday. While In Washington, J ust said he also talked lo Assistant Secretary of De£ense WIUiam ~1. Point, who indicated the Marine hellcopter ~ase at Mlle Square wouH:I pro! bably be there at h!a.s~ 1nother ten yean. Tbe city of Fountain Valley, the Foun- tain Valley School District. and man1 residents have recently become alanned at the possibiliiy of the county developinf 8!l airport on the. Mile \Square site. Chamber to See · Slides of Riviera Color pictures of Med I terra n el n coastline developments furnished by ~ Irvine Company will be shown at a spec~l breakraSt meeting or the Hun- tington Beach Ch.amber of commerd!: Wednesday, Marth 4. The 7:30 a.m. session wJIJ . be held a,l the. Huntington Seacliff Country Club, A~ial pictures of Spain, Portu1al. France and Italy will be shown. ' Chamber Executive Manager Ratp/, Kiser says the program should be o( speci~I interest to Huntington Beach with its: more than eight mlfes or potenlla.J oc:eanCront development!. I' Reservations at $2.50 each may be made by sending checks to the cllambtr, 18582 Beach Blvd .. Suite 224. ', Orange <>•••t Weatlaer Another Chamber o( Commerce type weekend la In •tore for the Orange Coast, with only 1 touch of coastal fog to mar the·vlew. Temp- eratures remain in the central si1tie!. On Park Plans ,. Park p1'onera 'm HunliOifon BeacD are ln'ritlng fte pub Uc to 1 seriel , of nelghi>Grh&d niedlnP· · • Patk" a~ttecl5 !loo Brlnk<rhoo ,IJ!d Anocla~U dilCUIS _pafk plans 1t each - ·-.,_:l, .:~~i_d ·~·._)_:eed .. ·1W, ·hj __ ·~Only? Services Slated d~~;~7,:u.%~;;:: · --.. . Foril\lrs.. Tow zeolorul mid ·tllen~r-u -OC· '.• \0 ~ " , • • , ~ • ....... f t l t • I ~ A.. ..~.., to 19f!fknount .Nnoporl • • • meeting. -The netttsession Is 9Cheduled for Tues- rlay at Laa View School. On the 1011 ..... , Ing evenhic a meeting will be hekS at Hatbo>m View School. The final planning aesslon or the month will be hel~ Feb. 28 at Oa\ View School. All meetJnp start at 7:30 p.m. Conatrucilon b • d , • t • ror tile neighborho(ld park!! are tee1 no for Olk View. ~ •• ror Like Vfn.w and ~.ooo ior ·1:1~ Vitw,. • l'Adii -.SACll. · (0) '-;i.e.,,.... imt" <I -ui..Janll· lhlln b<r bnrtiib-·~' ,..,.. ear Ii tr when Mrs; Canwell llol the • Mr1. Lola T.;.~ ot. 7113 Gar!lild .:; a 1 ~n, ll'l~hlrlhon ond •lto"'•V ''"" pfec< of fJl'CIP.<rtY atid by supreme nm• year. • ~ ' . · property, the Poot Ni~ in a CWl'fi&ht • ,.,idenl of Oranae Cooqtf lor 141 ,,..n 11 Uppokl. Booting Pogo If. Court bomlnee>.G, RaJwld Canwell and "Ownership ~ncy and ""' si\alt '!'Ol'Y· • and. kuntin(lon Bel!>h for lb< paOI II ...,,--" -., .• his Wife 1n JM contained a whltel-Qllly be reslrlcted -lb-\ ~ of the DomesUc wor~ers , emplo)'ed by and, ye&rs, died Thurlday. She wu IO. • tMt'llt u. ~ =:..": ~I ~·~· thi Palm Beach Post reported t&-· Caucasian race.'1~'Ald the eottdtnt re~ltllng Wit!) caucasfan families were Strvicea will be held Monday 1t l p.m. ~ ii-;; cw.. c..tr • ilaJo written into \1* deed rtc0rc\ed at the 'i1:Cepted (((lfl} the restrict.loft11 lhe Poet at· the Pttk Family COJoNal Ptme:ral , 1.::1':.'"' • =:•._• t: the 1nti-Negro resltlctlon was 11p-Wakulla C0unty;• OU fl ho u I e ln 'lid. , • •lo_me , Weatminslet, Burial will bt , ~-l(;M ; -=~lilflli ll>U parently first cslabliahM by Car1well '1 CrawfordsviUeA-· 1 The tracfilncludes SO lots, provldinl' ti· private. :=: '"' it.,; ~ _,,.: brother-In.Jaw, Ja<:.k SlmmOl}J Jr .. the When the Car~~·.w their tot lor cluslv~~ mer home sitesJor member• $urvlvor1 Include a aon, r..ichartt·ot the =-r:: 1 1• §:'• ,: Post said, when be obtained 38· acrc.'I about $4,800 l'~" ., 1"8 the deed ff(~ y Slmmon.1 family ~ other atnll>: ho~daueh~ Helen Jones and 1 ::'nu.....,. 1! ...=•• '".!I fronting on Ochlocknee ~ In t98.1. IL itpetlflcally miKfl lht Je<.iufjec,~tO tbe AOCll 1 ~ .. nearb}' 'Tallahauee,' the Lo\1 Tui~~,! , of Bellflower. t e. n ~ • w1ou 1111 n-w uid Carswell'• wife--·Virglnia aequlred restrictive tolN;lnlrttl·rm orce-three -(Sti CARSWEU,'Paae'!l ' aranttchlldrtn and 15 arcat.t)'aDdchildren. · '------...... -----..J I r t , ' ..._ -~-------·--~-~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... ~~~~:.-...:....;..,~~~ .... ~~~~~-.::.:;......:"-..-'~·<-.~-~-~-------- r.:-.--- • ' H rrrdly, r1"""1J 1J, i.10 '· ' ' .-· .. PAii. Y ,ILOT Shill 'Hit • ·Radicals Tied to Marine Riot' ~ JllCll,\llD P. NALL "!~•es 514rm"I Into~ lwo-sl«)' wooden •., -r"" -Jilrrao'• "u•lnl ...,..,. h•nclles to hit CMll' P~N -1'llO 1\1-llour mry1111 who w"' hi tlielr w•y" and riot llllpd lti a ~b· llJ blldt ~ wind'!"", plum~ l!X'-4"" Mtll1MI ~ IW·'" Moo lllqlNd ~-bf ~·li!ltll-.Jlllll!ns II lo a'!~ tl!e 11Jc¥!ent had been plan- tllt pondlnJ 111'!1val el 11\t ~.!"'-.... cornmalldanl. . "'t'<I'• IA. Col. j!dwanl Sc:bultie, base public eot. Ross R. Miner, commanding of· affair• officer, aaid today that hiJ office fic1r of the Staging Battatioo wbtre ·the had t!(elved a call frtlln news media W· outbreak oceun'td Weclne"'4y·nJ"1t, bu Inc about trouble an hour before the • Jinked J.he fracal! k> 1ucb sro!JP8 as Black .p.m. outbreak and; agaln u ~t.wu JU&t Panthers, Students for a · Democratic IJDder way, He aald·the news llO!Jrte bad Society and th• Movement !0< a bMn 11MMd ol the pudlnc clill\lrbance Dern,ocraUc Military. evoo to the barrac~1 number. A1>out 30 Marines were injured, one Gtn. ~d F. Chapman, Jr., Marine -ly. wben the 30 to ~ Nqro commaodOll4 h11 been acbedull!d for Second My Lai Massacre I A·lleged in New Charges From Wire 5ervle11 WASHINGTON -Ch._ filed Thun- day a1atnat a Purple Re.art combat vtt· eran alleged a second massacre of South Vietnamese civilians occurred near the hamlet of My Lai March 16, 1968, it has been learned. Capt. Thomas K. Willinghapl, 25, Allen· burst, N.J., was charged with unpremed· itat.ed murder of civilians et May Lai . controvenial oper.ation. In addlUon to Calley, two aerceants and 1. private who strVed with C Company have been chara:ed. Army""'""' said lhey ezpocl now !hot other individuals who strved with Wlll- inlham may be char1ed. l'tntagon officials "Y all together ':Tl Individuals -15 aoldiers and 22 eJ•BOl· diers -are now considered un(fer in· vestigallon. several weeks to visit the base 1tfonday •nd Tueaday. Col. Scbulta &aid \hit the Sla&ini , Battalion 11 Jirply mod• up ol Maijna .wilUnc tor OVC'tlU 11u1cnment IUCh as Vietnam or Okinawa. However, he said. that Subunil One wher~ the rioters were housed. ha& a casual status. He said it iricludet Marines who may be waiting for dlscharae as con- sdent!OWI objectors or for hardship reasons and also Marines waiting to ttsUfy 1l courts martial or who were accwaed of being abHnt without leave or other infractloot. SChuJtie said he was not sure if the group of rioters included any Veterans of Vietnam. Col. Miner, who helped quell the dlaturllli>ce l>Y te!l!ni --· "ta behave Jlke Mlr!Ma and otar! ctullq up the mess ," said Ma~Ines ii\sUgallng the outbreak complained of beil'lg harass- ed by two corporals Jnd· of being march~ ed to !he mesa boll. "Th0$c aren't the type of complain~ that would provoke such a disturbance •.• Minor. i;ald. He suggested some -of th• mtn involved may have been under the influence of alcohol or drug s. . He Said thoee involved will be charged with destroying government property or attacking other Marines. SMASHED BICYCLES, WALL REMAIN AFTER ACCIDENT Police S•y It All Started With • Blown Tirt The Pentagon Is withholding the: num· bcr of victims set forth in the specifica· lions pending a required investigation to lf tried and convicted. Wlllin&bam could draw a penalty as severe as life imprisonmel'lt. determine if Willingham will, like 1st Lt. :Valley Bicyclists Escape Death As Car Goes Wild \Villiam L. Calley Jr., be court·martialed. Pttilitary sources said the specifications against Willlngham do not say whether he actually killed the vicl.ims or ordered it From Page 1 TRUSTEES I • I done b_y the platoon he commanded. tion and a ·so.cent tax override. The alleged incident in which Willing· RlbaJ ;tbe only trustee of the five.mento ham stands accused occurred about two her board to oppoee the election, said he miles from My Lai where, accordi.rlg to interprets the results •S a "mandate for Two Foontain Valley bicyclists nar· rowly escaped death Thursday afternoon aa an uncontrolled car clipped both bikes and then smaabed. throogh the concrete block wall of a trailer park. .1nv .. Uptor1 sald the boy!, Robert L. !IDlle. 13, 171191 Beelt St.. and Victor J . BObrowskl, 13, 9840 Swan Circle, we:re struck by the car at I:~ p.m. near Talbert Avenue and Oak Street. • ·Both suffered injuries to their left arms ind various cuts and bruises. Rotte was taken to Kai6er Hospital, Fontana. fer treatment. The other boy was treated and released from Huntington lntercom- munity Hospital. The car, driven by Debra K. Ferguson, 16, of 18021 Newhope St., Huntington Beach, was eastbound on Talbert A venue When the driver lost control following ao apparent blowout, officers said. Althoogh the vehicle was declared a total loss by police, Miss Ferguson suf- fered only minor injuries and was releas- ed from Huntington Intercommunity Hospital aft.er emergency treatmenl. educational change and improvement' in the Army, Calley killed 102 civUians district leadership." - March 16. 1968. He· t1ald if the county co1.1nsel should Both inciden ts occurred the same day find Bauer, Schmitt and Weyuker to be ii· and were part of the same U.S. m!Ulary legally holding office, they would be operation conducted in the Song My area, obliged to resign from one of the two Rats ~ach now holds. ·which encompasse! My Lai and several "lt would mean that we would have to other hamlets. The Willingham development was view-have a Jpecial election. There are plenty of people around who are capable of ed as significant in the unfolding story of sharing the responsibility of community alleged atrocities against Vietnamese ci-leader!hip. 1 believe that theat in· vilians for two reasons: -It expanded the Army investigation terlocldng roles are not always in the of what happened at Song My to include best interest of the community," he said. a second infantry company _ B Com· Trustee Bauer replied, "Joe is enUUed pany, 4th Battalion, 3rd Infantry, Amer· to his own opinions. Whal can I say? DAILY ll'ILOT ,.h ... ..,. Ltt li'•Yft• With a Little L~l' 3 Cities Appeal t?·C~B .To Ban ~More,' Je t Fligllts ical Division. The probe,had focused pre-Obviously I would abide by the Jiw," · vlously on taney's unit, c Company, 1st Schrftitt, often a Wer~R1b1.1•11pporielit Battalion, 20th Infantry. lashed back at RtbaJ'1 riquest, !l)'in1, -Tt was the first time lnform1Uon diz.. ''Considering where it comet from, my closed tn tettimoro' by a a~ Army opinion couldn't be possibly put in print.'~ )>lllOI n\etllnl 111 the P..._ '*"l!Mn "U I have to get off ooe boord, I just used as the basis for charget qalnst will. It wouldn't bother me one blt," ht one of the men involved in the Soni My added. • operation. Weyuker said be saw no conflict in one Willingham ii the highest raliktng of· elected official serving on two school Black cats.are universally spurned on days like today -Friday, the 13th. Thi5 nameless feline, currently a resident of the Laguna Canyon shel ter of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), is hoping someone will have a change of heart tomorrow (Vi.1entlne!1 .Day) and •Ive· him a new home and ·a Uttle love. '. From P09e 1 • CARSWELL I 0 I -.\ttorneys for the c1t1es of Newport Buch, Long Beach and Orange County ~uraday told the Civil Aeronautics Btan1 (CAB) in Wa!hlngton, D.C., that it slwluld refuse permission for any added rupits at Orarge C:OOnty Airport. · ~I thrff told the CAB that ttrminal SP:BCe at the airport would not be leased to1new airlines and that rules on the fre- qUency of flights , weight limits and curfew times already are in effect. Tbe three attorneys -Tully Seymour of Ne~port, Robert Nuttman of the Coun- ty of Orange and Le51ie Still Jr. of Long Beach .... were oppCll'llng the application for addition of flights to the Pacific Northwest from crowded airports in Orange County and Long Beach. But despite the continued local oposi· lion to the fllgbts, the idea has won the approval of one CAB examiner. who has urged that the routes be established in amaUer satellite airports near San Fran· claco and Los Angeles. All lhrte atto.meys opposed the new flights because of excessive jet noL!le, "The public will not permit it," Stills DAILY PILOT 011:.t.HGl CO.UT ,U.Ll$hlNG G0M'ANY ltob.1t N, Wted f'ra!otftt -ll'lolbllllllr J tc\: It. c .... ,,l v~ ll'...,io.~1 •NI to.n.,. Ml<'la;tr Tl.1;111111 k••vil 1:~11or Ti-1.111•1 A.. M11r 1:>hint M1~1"f Edlttr Al'it••I W. l•l11 ,t.>1oci.i. 1011or H1lltf .. te• tMclll Offk• .. 17t7$ f1tch lo11l•Yl ld MtiH~t Ai4•tn : P.O. 101 790, '26~1 Otkr OHk" L....,.. l1KJo: m l'or"• ..,....,,,. Gtllf MIM: lJt Wftl llY $1••1 ,.,.....,.,, '""'1 nu w.i a.1• ICl\>ll'vtr4 fleer yet charged In the cue. Ai the time boards in the same area. newapaper said. but added, "I think if you look aC1'06s the told the C:.\B, ''It's a major urban he was a lieutenant commanding a pla-•'ft doun't matter if Jam a trustee for The Carswells no longer own any pr<r country al various real estate document& transportation problem." 1 children from kindergarten throu&h the perty in the bayfront complex. according you v:ould find U1at this particular in· Both Nuttman and Seymour asked the ~~ is also the fifth U.S. serviceman eig~th grade or through the 12th gTade. to the cu1Tent Wakulla County lax roll. cidenl is not isolated at all." board to drop any more idea of added formally accused in connection with the It's all the same thing." The PMt story said purchasers of the Ziegler. at his regular news briefing, flights, ci ting the '28 million in exisUng "If Rlbat interpreb the election as a Carswell lot were 1tfrs. Harriet N. Yon, took cicecption to a quesUoner's sug. claims by Harbor Area homeowners manadate, he's miainterpretlna what the wile of Tallahassee Postmaster Peylon ge.st.ion that Carswell had insist ed upon suing over jet noise. F rom. Page J election Is all about. The tupayera just Yon, and Mrs. Maiie Middleton, a inclusion of the restricllon. Both also cited the recent Los Angeles said •no• to the bond ilsue and the 'tax Tallahassee widow. Respondlng to questions, Ziegler said Superior Court decision awarding $740,000 HARBOR override, not to the school board," he ad-The Carswells and others reported in· President Nixon had not been aware of in damages to similar claimants.. • • • ded volved in the deal were not immediately the transactW>n when he submitted the The allied opposition to fl ights comes "Thia ta just another one of his available for comment. Carswell nominati on. He said none of the after Examiner Robert L. Park and the government that there art just too many smokescreens. It must be evident by now At Miami, White House Press Florida or California properties owned by CAB Bureau of Operating Rights pro-taxin1 agencies in existence,'' Baker that Joe.'1 role ia that of a Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler 53.id he had the Chief executive carry r a c i a I posed the new Northwest routes to serve said. ''Here Is one that no longer needs: to troublemaker." no comment on the Carswell transaction covenant!. Long Be a ch, Hollywood·Burbank, exist and which would become mort l~~,~~;;i;~~~~~;;i~~:;;~~~:~~~~;;;;:~~~~;;~~~~~~ C>nl.&rlo. and Orange County airport!. clearly visible to a concerned public if it The pl":fl also ~ncludes proposa!s lo use ""ere drawn into county gov~ent and several airports In the; San Francisco Bay directly adminJstered by county govern· area '7" a Pt:OJ>?Sal which has won support ment." :;. t w I St ~ from Jur isdictions there. . . ' Baker also rejected the arguments of k ~Ullman dwelled on. the 5~1ts, which KuYJ!er and Thomas that "dissolution of • plllnlUfs say will begin coming up for the Harbor District would also remove tna ee 0 a e trial next summer· the authority by which the agency pro-He said Orange County, the defendant . in the di Is seeking an egreemont lects public channels and waterways . 3 on.s, along the county coal'ltllne. COMFORT & STYLE with the .Plamllff• and Is pushing for. 8 "f don't ,., that either" Baker .. 1d. compromise -the county will author1ie .. . . , ' · AT A PRICE no new fiightl'I from the terminal jf the I Just can t conceive of any. city trying a;ults are withdrawn. · to ta~e advantage of such a situation and Nuttman cited last week's unanimous 1 beheve myself that they w~uld. only be decision by County supervisors to Include I~ .willin~ to protect ,publtc interests anti·notse measures in a revised lease , ... 1.~h1n their bound~rles. . with Pacific Southwest Airlines, which . From lhe,publlc po!nt. of ~~ew, nothing will merge soon with Air California. an will change, Baker said. The money airline curre0tly operating at the Orange would come from the same people and County terminal. the harbor .district's are.a of govemmtnt Included in the lease renewal are would re~1ve,,the sm:ne careful scruUny re&trlctions on plane weight jet aircraft and aUenlion, he said. noise and flight hours. ' Supervisor Robert BetUn drew the boo! Hussein Recants Ban on Weapons of the night when he defied League Presi~ dent Jack Green's ruling that there would be no rebuttal or the ruain speakers for each side of the controversy. Battin took the mitrophone ostensibly to answer a question but bis comments qu ickly became what he had earlier been told would not be accepted -a partial 1 A?.1MAN (UPI> -King Hussein has rebuttal of Baker's remarks. Leaiue deleaates bellowed "sit down, yielded to Arab guerrillas and temper-~it down." And Batun finally sat down arily suspended his decree to bani1h wea. alter a few more comments from pans from Jorda nian cities, heading off Chairma n Green on the propriety of the a possible civil war . supervisor's attitude. After two days of crisis meetin&s, the Green indicated. in closing the meeting CHAIR STARTS AT 5129, AVA ILABLE IN A· LAROE SELECTION OF COV ERS AT TH E UNBE LIEVABLE PR ICE OF $1 29. COM MODI ON SALi ., '159 king and guerrilla leaders agreed Thurs· that U1cre would be no ch&nge in the league's rece:ntly expressed rtsol\JUon ln # -~ '-dmaey••~~i!~twilolhlsntothp eiarllofwnightcianms n':'tod .·~:e, fOavor of Codlssotyl~Uou2. 5TweUnty four of _.. ....... ..N .... range un s a es were DEALERS FOR: HENREDON DREXEL -HERITAGE OA•\.v ll'lLOt, w1"' w111t" " ~ ,,,. lbe hostlllty toward one another. reprefenled al the meetina tn Oranie. f+--1-!,ili.,~'!-!i: ~~~1·,,1 ~.!-.. ~,t"o .... ~:"ii .. .l:..,!/1.:-t--'l'he-11reemenH&lk>wed-two-da)'3 of--- :::' .,."';..1!;191~·~:1~~:q":l!~;:i: &poradic fighting in Amman between - ,...._, d lflDM, 0r.,,,. c_, ll'ulJ!lf"'"• guerrillas and Jordanian army troops. ~ .... W.1119 •IV>" •r. ,, 1211 Wfll ..... •'"" ...... ...., 11ett11, ...., a Semioffieal &OUretS said the guurilla11 w.t hf ""'"'' Got•• MM. ,...,.... )f14t f424JJ1 had lost 15 dead in the 1kirmlshing • ~w .. , .... ..., c:•1 14f.121t A state ment imJed· 1fttr the agreement ~rit111 ,.,.,,,, .said Klng Huuein was "lemporarily au,.. QMl\'Wot, ,..,, Crane• ~•1tt ll'llM1t.".... .... .... 1 e h' h I·• I th •~ c.n.111)'. N• IWWI 1...,~1. 111111"'"~ ~"' ng measur s w 1c t:\l o e pre..-llfl•~ ft'tmlf" M' 1•v"1l"'7'lfll1• 11tt•wt ent situation." :litt!•,/~'1 .::::.-' -*'' ,,.,. Those measures. announced In A decrtt ~~_:-~.:.:.'T.ri:~ .. ~1 .'!:,.~i:,•-;: Tuesday, prohibit ed the 5lorage, posse5> tll""" u ... """""1r1 .,,,. ..,.11 "·" -.11J1rr• 11ion or..-f1ring of weapons In Jordan's mnltttr ,..,tot,'°""' N DO ,_1"''· cities 1mong other things. all of them aimed al Utnlt!ni cuerrllla acUvlti". l\Iesa View Class P lans Car Was h • The grodu•iln& ei1hth grllde cl111 of ~1esa Vle.w School wlU hold a car wash from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Al 's f\fobll Sia· tlol'l, eorner Warner Slreet and Sprln&· dale Avenue. Huntington Belich. Proc«ds of the waah will be oppllcd to\\'ltd a graduaUon trip to Oimeylaod. The donation is JI. NIWl'O~T llACH 1727 W"tclllf Dr., 642·2050 onN P11Mr 'TIL t INTER I 0 RS . Prom.lon11 Interior ~ LAGU NA BEACH 0.1l1nor1 J 345 Norlh Coo1t Hwy. 494-6551 Avalloblo-AID-NSID O•IN "!DAY 'TtL • .. 7 " • ; ,1 :.'Ot:. 63, NO. 37, " SECTIONS, 44 PA&~ . ' ' : Beaeh EDITION • an -Today'• Pl••I . . N.Y. st.eek.I I ' FRIDA¥,,FE8RUAR¥ 13 .' 1970' .~EN CENTS " I I ' I • 1es -~ ~ . a una aze . . . G .. Coroner MarineRiot · ·et uut and Vote Blamed · Students Pusliing fo r E~ction . Se eking On Militants By RICHARD P. NALL Of .... .,..,, "'"' ,,.,, CAMP PENDLETON -The I \\'hour riot staged In a barrackf by black ' Marines here may have been triggered by radical dlssiient groupa pegging it to the pending arrival of the Marine Corps commandant. Col. RO!s R. Miner, commanding of- ficer of the Staging Battalion where the outbreak occUJTed Wednesday night, has linked t.be fracas to such groups as Black Panthers, Students for a DemocraUc Society and the Movement for a Democratic Military. A~ JO Atlrinet-. were injured, ont ser!<l<\lly. when ti)< !I 10 !JS 'Negro Mlfine:t stonnt.d1lnto I two-ctory WOIX!en barracks '~ bi:qmn handles lo hit everyone who wu In their way" and breaking windows, plumbing fixtures and lockers. It appeared the incident had been plan· ncd. Lt. Col. Edward ~ultze, base public affairs <iffi~er, said today that his office had received a c!ll from\news media ask· ing about trouble an hour before the 9 p.m. outbreak and again as tt was just under way. He sak! the new s source bad been 3dvised of the peodin~ disturbance even to the barracks number. Gen. Leonard F. Chapman, Jr., Marine commandant, has been scheduled far several weeks to visit the base Monday and Tuesday. Col. Schultte said that the Staging 'Battalion is largely made up of Marines waiting for overseas assignment such as Vietnam or Okinswa. 'However, he said that Subunit One where the -rioters were housed , has a casual status. He said it includes Marines \\'ho may be waiting for discharge as con--. scientlous objectors or for haJ'dship reasons and also Marines waiting to tesUf)' at couf\s martial . or ~ho were acCUled of being absent without leave or other infractiona. Schultze said he wa11 not 1t1re lf the group of rioter!! included any veterans of Vietnam. . Col. Miner. who helped quell tbe disturbance by telling those involved "to behave like Marines and start clesning up the mess," said Marines instigating the ootbreak complained of being hl(as&- ed by two corporals and of being march- ed to the mess hall. "Those aren't the type of complaint.1 that would provoke ·such a disturbance," Mlper said. He suggested 10me of the men involved may have been under the innuence of alcohol or drugs. He said those involved will be charged with destroying govenunenl property or attacking other Marines. Student "salesmen for democracy" will .help drum up the vote ror Laguna 's Feb. 24 school tax override and bond elect.ion with an old-fashiOned pre-election parade Monday .. round the downtown and residential arus Id t"t .. remind citiuns or the imparta•• date. .en I y On the upper deck, a group of h i 1 h school musicians, John ReynQlds and his Seeklng a big tumoul for the election "so it will ·represent the voice of I.he ma· jority of vote.rs and not jusf a small per- centage," students plan to borrow a doubte:.deck London bus and cruise a- Collapsible., Disposable Orchestra. wi.11 play old favorites while students .on the lower deck wave signs saying "Vote," "School Election, 1\tesday, Feb. 24." The young campaigners will not stump for "Yes" votes, just lots oC votes, they explain. State Board of Education Re-elects Day P resident Frem Wirt Senrtcet · S.W-F.RANCl.!lCO -Polillcally-moder- 1te Lone Beam insunra del"Utive How· ard Day was re-elected president of the State-BG¥CI ol F.ducation here Thursday. after his potential opponent withdrew. The unanimous vote Included the first baUots cast by three new memben ap-. pointed lo the 10-cli.air panel, Including Clay N. Mitchell, 58, of II Alla Mira Road, South Laguna. Dr. ·Thomas G. Harward, a physician from Neetlles, dropped out of contention for the presidency after considerinl{ the likelihood or a 5 lo 5 deadlock and the resulting mood among board members. Political observers said the most im- portant consideration of Day's being re- elected Is that Gov. Ronald Reagan could have stepped in to give Superintendent oC Public Education Max Rafferty much more -power. Dr. Harward is a close friend of Jtaf. ·tr * * Schmitz Eying T op Education Committee Post rerty. but the governor· did not exertise: BllY•lollueoce in hii l!!l>iolf. ~ • The reorganir.at.ioft: w.a ~ .. a result of the three ~ appointments. but withdrawal bY. Harwitd left him in a ~ sitioo to be ·~y .eleci.ed vice president of the board. "Th.JS board's attention' must be di· rected to the issues' wbi'Ch lfill make edu- cation pertinent -to the children, youth. and adults or the 21st century," Day said after his election. lie said the crisis or the inade:quate ur· ban school is a res'ult or a host or social evils. Day issued a six-page report In which he boasted "We have. re-established the State Board of Educaµon as a non·polit.- ical instrument of all the people. 111.is bas resulted in an incieas'ed public confi- dence in tile board's inl~grity and purpose and its dedication to quality educatioo," he said. ·· Day also noted wifh , pride thl.t the. board has "squarely raced the most COJ'I· troversal subjects ot sex eduCaUon and moral and spiritual values, despite prtS· sin-es or divergent groups seeking only to project their own points or view." The board approved for transmission to the legislature a report on a Houae reso- lution asking for a study on whether 11 disproportionate number of minority stu- dents was enrolled in classes for the men· tally retarded. Special to the DAILY PILOT The report suggested that a lack of SACRAMENTO -The scramble for Spanish·speaklng admiriistrators, an In- plums shaken down by a jarring switch In appropriate 1 derinition of mental ret.ar· the California senate power structure. is daUon, and an unwillingness to hn,ple. on tod~. with Sen. John G. Schmitz (R· ment educational pro~ams to meet the Tustin) studying cllainnanship of the needs ol Spanish·speaking and minority Senate Education Committee. group pupils helped oontribute to the The conservative. Orange Co u n t y situation. . Republican an imtructor at Santa Ana The board also passed ~ resolution uk- C Ile sa1'd •• Id not do th Ing Rarferty to meet with the leaders 0 ge, uc wou turn wn e of teachers' organizations in an effort appoin~ent if it c~e. . ...Jo avert classroom stnltes. ~1tz ls considered a potential And the board agrted lo study 1 rec· replacement for Sen. Albert S. Rodda (0 -ommendaUon for modifying the teacher Sacr~ento) a backer of ousted Senate tenure statute. Jt was omented by 16- PrC11dent Howard Way ( R· Exeter) (See STATE .BOARD Pag! !) du.rpped in a shake.up earlier this week . ' The Orange· County Coroner's Office ls seeking pogltlve JdentHicaUon of a· 49- year~ld man rqund dead in • pre-dawn tire In Laguna Beach today. The victim, severely burned from the walst up, 'according to 1 cofoner's depu- ty;, was fou~ SP!'•Wle<S over a r)oor rumac~ on the l!wer noor of 1 smoke-fitl- ed home at 1494 Glenneyre St.'by. firemen responding to a 4:17 a.m. can:·-1 · Warren White, who · 9-Ct~Pied a downstairs bachelor apartment.at tht ad· dress, told firemen he was awakened shortly after 4 a.m. by two men who said smoke wu pouring [rom he. lower level garage of the residence. With a Li ttle Euck ' ' Black cats are,.universally spurned on daf.s like today -Friday tlie 13th. This nameless felirie, curi:entJy a resident of the Laguna ca-"yon sheller of. the ~iet~ for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA ): 1~ hoping so:sru~one~.wW have a' change o't heart tomorrow (Valeot1ne s Day) and give him a new home and a little. love. ' White aUerqpted to enler ·tbl: ·upstairs e:J:~~-1:! ~Whi ~•rird~ thrUJ .Sale UnlC. amve.i,1,,......._ aQ ... UnrP1=--1i·· -/ ' Jot ; ~-t. J ; . ., _ ~ . ,,...,_._., 'I .. ' •) f ' fire. ataUona, FqAlt Avenue. ~ S l -• , . ,..__ ~ 1!111 ""·"'Ille ll,.w. :c~ • ~B , C . ' .. .. ,,, R ' . 1 · d er~~.:z::::...~~-~ . :y : arswe -~ . eporte According to the Conlner'• <Office. death .occurred at 2 a.m. Cause o{ death will be t9t.abtlshed by an aut.Opsy. "rhe orflce ot the PublJc Administrator has hetn asked lo llli~ if! esb..bliahing the .man's Identity ' and locating ne:st 'of kih, .. ' Neighbors said' the .bouse was-occupied by. two men, -One « whom recentJY"lii!" been hospitalized. Damage to the 11.ructure was eatima~ at $2.;0QO, moetly from smo~e and wu confined 10 the interior, '!be, fir• ap- parenUy started , in the furnate. area, firemen said, and -did not ,erupt ,Into a full·scale blaze~ 15 Seeking jQb As City Planner Laguna Beach has approi:~malely ·ts appllcaUons for the poll.of city planner, · City Manager James D. Wheaton said today he will beg'ln ICl'ftning•Wrltten •~ plications next week. The be•t -quall!ied of lhe lot will then go before 'In oral board for esa~ation and, Wheaton will pick his new planner. "1'lere are some good Canc\idlles;" said the city manager. "I hope we can work it out so we can have the IDln on Apoit 1 but I'm, not sure lf that will 'be pooslble." The planrier, hired al a pay range of Sl ,OM to $1,271 will replace·Clty Planner Al Autry who will have a new function with the city. PALM BEACH, •Fla. (AP) -The deed to· a piece of property .sold by Su~e Court nominee G. Hmold Caiswell and his ,wife In l!IGf contalped 'a whJles-onlj cl,.use, th'e Palm Beach POl!lt reported to- day. ' ~e .anU~~~gro restriction ~a~ · ;~ ~~ly ~rlt ~qtabllshed by' Carswell.'s brother·i,n-law., Jack Slmmc>m Jr., OJ~ Post 1ald, when he obtained ll acres fronting on Ochlocknee: Bay in 1918. It laid Carswell's wife Virginia. acquire'a . ll"'t GI the Jarid from he< brother. tlie urne 'Y.e&r ·" ,,_,•. , .... ,, "Ownel'lillp, pancy and ... llhaJI be restricted to membera of the Caucasian i:att," u.id the covenaot written .hlto the deed reCOided 1al"the Wakulla County courthOuse .,,in Crawfordavllle. When the Carswells sold their Jot for about '41800 July 12, 1966, the · deed 1pecUlcally made the sale 1Ubjed 10· the re!lrictive convenants In force thr.ee }'.ear.s earlier when·Mrs. Carswell got the property, tbe Post said in a copyright stor-y. . Domeatic · workers employed by and residing with• Caucasian families were excepted from the restrictions, the·Post said. ,· Tbe.•tract includea SO lots, providing ex~ clwlve aummer home sltea for members or the wealthy Simmons f~mily and other s.ociafites of . nearby Tallahassee., the newspaper said. Ttle Carswetls no longer own any pro- perty In the. bayrront complex, acContina: lo tht current Wakulla County tax roll. vo.lved in the deal we.re not ~iately avaiJl.ble for commenL At · Miami, White 11 Rouse P re 1 t Secre!ary RonaJi1 L, Zleiler .. Id he had no comment o.n the C,arswell transaction bu! odded, "1 lhlnk u yOO look acrot111h• country at variou• real estate documenta you woold find tltat tltla particular Jn. cidenl is"oot ·Isolated at all." . Ziegler. at his: re:gWar new1 briefing. took e:iecption to a questioner's tug· gesl""1 -that Carswell had Insisted upo• inclcaioQ ol the rotllrlction .• . ReopOnwng 10 9-. ZlOfl« Aki President Nlmn had not been aware of the transaction when he submitted the cam.ell nomination. He said none of the , flbrida or California properUa owned.by ,the Chief eJ:ecutl\te cai'ry r a c ta J covenants. ' -" Carswell, a judge of the Slit Clh:titt Court of Appea~ hat been In· Mdutlon since the Senate Judiciary CommWee last week rece:ued 'its hearings on' h1I Supreme COOrt nomlnaUon. . 1 Many of Canwell's Senate criUca have. attacked his civil •right.I rulirip durlna" the ti years ~e ha.! served on the, lederil. bench, his brier membership In an 1 alloi white Tallahaaaee country club 'ln , 1165 and a white llUjlttllllCY opeecl1 be Jllll1e as a 23-year~kl 'candidat!lfor the GeOrlla. Legi1lature in !Ml. / 1 i NEW YORK (Al') -The \l10Ck .marlcel \YI! inired in ibog of lnveslor dlain(ereA late tltla alteriioon. (Se< qUtilotion!, Pile; f0-11). • Young Sailors Sen. President Pro Tempore Jack Schrade (f\.San Diego) is expected t(> make a number of changes, beginning with Senate: Republican Floor Leader. tjo111e and Get· It The POlloll«Y oaid·purchaaers·ol lite Carswell lot were Mrs.-Harriet N. Yon, wife ot T•lla1l&aaee Postmaster Peyton Yon, and Mi's. Mazie MiddJeten, a· Tafiahauee widow. ~-~ The Carswells and others reported ilk It showed a·rnoderate:'loi& by~ avtr·, ages in a Jacbdaillcal trading. ' C:•••f • Paddle Home As Moto1· Out His apparent choi~ spilled the beans Thursday . Sen. Lou Casanovich said he will re~n his chairmanship or the Industrial Rela· lions Committee: to become Senate Republican floor leader. "I've accepted the position and it's up to the pro lem to announce It," the Van FIVe: wear, yoiini· sailors, miuing all Nuys lawmaker told 1 newsman Thurs- night anJ the. object. of 1 U.S. Coast day, Gulrd air and sea 'search, p&dciled into Sdlrade )'IS asked by a newsman to Dani Point H'1'bor this morning._ cOOfinn the.. apPoinlment. He smllat, then The five . all tetoage boys from replied:.. "You IU}'I are. iuesslng pretty FulJerton. reported the engine failed •on ·,ooct now.t' · ? • their 17·foot ooLboard whUe cro&l!ling from Culanovich will l'fl lace Sen. Geor e At ar , Calillria. bOUrid tor De\ikffiejian • 11' res Newport Harbor. . · af!ii( SCbrade'I eltdioo. · ejlan was loin: Robert Mutch, mothef -.r 'tliO a......,..., of~ Ropubllcal> SMate boat's skipper Lynn Mutch, 17, aa1d, "I leadll' RowaM Way of Exeter. t really wasn'L too worried. I knew they'd COlano*h lm'ed In tbe Assembly gel ID shore. I had all the faltb In the from 19$7 10 llM, tl>e year he wa1 elected world.they .were comlng\ack.' to the Senate. He did not support Way fl(n. Mutch said t}?e boys left Avalqn . Jast year and voted with Schrade thia Ttunday motnJng foDowlna a sldn diving se.$SioQ. trip. ; However, the tall. 1mlnbte lumber ex· · When the boat was reported ove.rd~e. by ecuuve was named by Way this year as pr.rcnta. • Coast Ou1rd culler was chairmao of the Jnd1.11trlal RelaU011s dispatched Thursday night to search the. Committee, '18 aquara mile area. A heUcopter al!o He sa1d he Intends to conduct hl11 joined the tearcll blfor. Robert Muleh leadership posl In 1 manner that will got a call from his ion at 10:30 a.m. " • (Set SCHMITZ, P11e I) ' ' ' ' I • Dumped $740 Awaits Actress ,. ' 'l • ' I Oll\.Y PILOT L • £o••t11 Plea Fails, "-Cities Ask ' League Sticks " • 1i' . -' . ,• .... .,, -'\Pol CAB Ban To· Harbor· Stand ··~ .,)' ' Bv TOM BARLEY , delennJnaUOn cm lls cftsaolutjon or tX· df !lit ~"' Plitt Slaff pansion. Four C1>unty supervbor1 ran into rough League members are convinced that water and a noisy meeling 11mrsday the vote would be overwbthnin&ly for n!lht when lhey tried lo persuade tbe dllllOluUon. Orange county Chaplet ol the Leque of Supervt.,.. . David Bater, the boord's California Cities to join them In urging odd-man'1>Ut en the harbor i.tlue, drew expansion of the Orange Cowtly Harbor the eYlllon ol tbe nlahl ror hia ojlpcio!Uon District. to lhe lllance adopted by supemaors. Polite applause met the pleas bf the Allen, Robtf't Battin, William Hinlein board lnr what supervilor's Chairman and William Phllllpa. Allon E. Allen of LaJ!UDl B<acb called a _, .......... District su-rriaor refuted "unjled front" on the tbomy iuve:. • .... ~ ,._ Allen, backed by COun\J' Counlel Adrian )(qyper'a argument lhat abaorpllcm of lhe Kuyper and Cowtty AdmlnlstraUvi Of. harbor qeney lnlo oounl)' government ficer Robert Thomas 81 CH)leaken urs-would menace· the allocalioo of funds f.,. ed tbe ctU.r' aupport rorexpallllon °' lhe vliall)' needed beach and park prnjecl.s lllibor Dblrlct lo lbclude all the COUl!iy'a _ a1nce, u Klzyper cftcJared, tbe harbor tn- beacl!es par"8 and recre•UOn faclllti.._ • 11\y -id.· be Jµst . one of . mlhY AUen•i board is ,..klni JegjilaUve departmqla In a growlq county budget. backing Jor lhal proposal . . • The COWlty COWlltl .also warned tbe The ltagne, lhrwgh Allentbb'm.. meeUnc tbat auch acUon might, lead lhe John Briggs (R·Fullerlon) ts seeklDi ip-COWJly board lo place IUch Issue~ . as proval in Sacramento of a bill that would police protection and welfare as prlontaes put lhe Jong disputed harbor dlalrlct laue over badly needed reereaUonal factllUes. before Orange County votera for a f1nal "I can't eee thlt argument," said . Baker. "AU we would do would be lo abaorb tbe dlatrtct. penonnel and all, Into Lawn Bow J -r our coun~clllre and I doo't lhlnt Its W fulure be tbrealened 11 budget time or any t time. Review Due By Planners • Laguna B<acl! planning cmunl!alooim will continue their review of plaJw for the propooed lawn bow1Jn1 dublloule at H~ler Part and tbelr study of tbe PJao. nil>& Department budget for the -mi ytar dlll'fnl the commllsiOn'I rqular , session at 7:111 p.m. Mooday In city hall council c:hamberi. The commlsslooen will meel al 1:15 p.m. to conclude their study of the general plan goala statement prior to the regular meeUng. Also on the Monday night agenda is a variance application from E. 'W. Naeu. M.D., 790 N. Coast Highway, for permission to extend a structure into the required fl'Olll yard and exceed permitted height with a six-unit apartment building In tbe C-1 ..... A request for relocation of a lot line, submitted by Carl G. Allen, 2673 Victoria. Drive and deterred from the Feb. S meeting will come up for action and, under new business, the commission will review proposed amendments to the Oran¥ Cowtb' Pllllllinl ~·~ master plan ol arterW ~·· Strike Hits Italy ROME (AP) -AulomobUe boma blast· ed from bumper-to bumper lrafflc IOOay Jn lhe wons! public transport strike lo hit Italy in a year. An eatimatecl elghl milllon Italians, mosOy workers and students, had to walk or drive their own can because of the U·hour nationwide walkout that beaan Thursday midnlghl .. We have a clear wamine from state government that there are jult too many tuing qendes in existence," Baker said. "Here is one that no longer needs to exist and which would beeome more clearly viJible to a concerned public if i~ were drawn into county eovernment and dlrectly admlnlalered by county 1o•ern· menl" .Bakei' also rejected lhe arguments: of Kuyper and 'lboma1 that "dlssolutlon of the Harbor District would also remove 1Jie authority by which the agency pro- tects public channels ilnd . waterways . along lhe county coulllne. "I don 't see that either," Baker said. "I just can't conoelve of 8flY city trying to take advantage of such a sltuaUon and I believe myself lhat lhey would only be too willing to prntec• public lnleml.s within their boundaries." "From the public point of view, nothing wtll change," Baker aald. "'Mie 'money would come from the same people and the harbor diat:rict's area or government would receive the same careful scrutiny and attenUon," he said. Supervisor Robert Battin drew the boos of the night when he defied League Presi- deat Jack Green's ruling that there would be no rebuttal of the main 1pe.aken for each side of the controversy. Battin took the microphone ostensibly y.to -er a~ but hit ~ quickly become what he had tatllel bOln lold would not be accepled -a partlal rebuttal of Baker's remarks. League delegates bellowed "sit down, ait"down." And Battin finally sat down afle:r a few more comment& from Cllatnnan Green on lhe proprtel)' of lhe 1uperviaor's attitude. Green indicated in closing the meeUn1 that there would be no change in the league'• rteenlly expressed resolution in favor of diuoluUon. Twenty four of Orange Cow:ity'a 25 cltles w er e represented at the meeting iD Orange. Second My Lai Mas sacre Alleged in New Charges From Win flmlcea WASHINGTON -Clara•• ftled Thurs- day against a Purple Heart combat vet· eran alleaed a aecond mu:sacre of South Vietnamese civiliam occurred ~ar the hamlet of My Lal March 16, 1968, it hu been learned. Capt. Thomas K. Willingham, is, Allen- hum, N.J., was charged with unpremed- itated murder of civilians tt May Lal. The PentagOn is withholding the num-- DAILY PILOT 011.AHGl COAST PUILISMIMG COMPAMY Rolioo1t N. WoM Prfl.lftnl Ollf "''*'"""' J., .. t. c ... r,,.. Vitt ~ld!111I ..... G-11 ""'"°''"' .Tho11111 K11vil U lt.tr lho"''' A. Mu~hi11• Mo""lftt Editor Richtnl '· Nill Lo_ ... ~ Clry E<ILIW t..pM .... Offk• 2JJ Ft••d ').,,_.,, M1ili111 Allllllrt111 P.O. los 666, t161J ............ C9f1 ,,,._.: IJI Wed ••Y Slrwf "-' IMCA: nu w..1 ''""' twlt\'f,. .. ~ ... di~ 11V S ••tell •OM"'4• ber or victims set forth tn the speelfica· ttons pend1ng a required Investigation to determine if Wlllina:ham will, like 1st LL William L. Calley Jr .• be court·martlaled. Miiitary sourcea nld the specifications against Willingham do not say whether he actually killed the vlctlma or ordered it done by the platoon he commanded. The alleged incident In which Willing. ham stands accused occurred about two mlles from My Lal where, according to tbe Army, Calley kllled 102 civilians March 1!, 1988. Both lncldenil occurTtd the Qme day and were part of the same U.S. mllltary operaUon conducted In the Song My area, which encompURs My Lal and several other ham.tell. The Wllllngbam developmi:.'!ll w11 view· ed u stgnlflc•nt ln the untold,;.."lg story of allepd atrocities against Vletna;:ne!e ci4 vtliana for two reaeons : =tt eXpanl!ed the Army lnvesUpUon of what h1ppened 1t Song My to include· a second infantry company -B Com- pany, 41h Battalion, 3rd Infantry, Amer· ical Dlvislon. '111e probe had focused pre· viously on C.11ey's unit. C Company, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry. -It was the first time lnfonnation dls- cloeed In lesllm<>ny by a apeclal Army panel metllng at the Pentagon has been used u the basis for charges egainst ()ht of the men Involved in the Song My opera lion. Wllllngham ts the hl"1est ranking or. "cer yet chaf'Jtd in the c1se. At the time he was a lltutenant commanding a pla· loon. t s a so e fih U.S. servleeman fonnal)y accused In connection with the controvil"Sial. operation. In addfllon toCaJler. t ... seraeants and a private who .. Md wllh C Company hive been charaed. . Ann.v '°"-said they~ now th•I other lndl•lduals .mo ltrved wllh Will· ln"11Am may be chllpl. Pent•~·· o1nct1ls a&y all W,elher 37 tndlvldulils -II soldlan and 22 tx-aol· dfer1 -11re now con.sidertd under in-- ve<1Ugallon.. • If tried and convicted . Willingh•m could drn a pen1lty u ....,re as Ufe lmpriJOOment. • ' ,~ -:: ,, ~ :~ ~ ~ --I . \ ~ ' f ' '·· ' ~ ·'' : ,. ' .. ' . .. -,:, -• .-.~ '.: .. ... < LI I ' , , • \ . ~ . ~ . ' • ' r Attbrne)'a for the clttes of Newport Beach, Long Beach and Oranae County Thunday lold tbe Civil Aenmantics Board (CAB) In Washington, D.C., lhal i' should r1fuse permission f« any added !lia:hts at Orange C.Ounty Airport. All three told the CAB that term.lnat space at the airport would not be leased to new airlines and that rults on1he fre- quency of flighta, weight limits and curfew times already are In effect. ,. • OAll'I' PILOT Sl.+t ,...,_ The three attorneys -Tully Seymour of Newport, Robert Nuttman of Ule Coun- ty of Orange and Lefllie Still Jr. of Lc,>ng Beach -were opposing the. application for ad<litlon of flights ·to the Pacif!c Northwest from crowded airports In Orange County and Long peach. HOLDIN<; SHAMROCK FOR LUCK, ,l\USJNESSMEN KICK OFF CAPO SCHOLARSHIP DRIVE W. s~ Webb, J_ohn Ser1nc11, Ed ~hathy, !Mc Machmlller (from left) Defy Friday, the 13th . -But despite the continued local oposl· lion to the flights , the ideil haa won the approval of oDe CAB examiner, who has urged that the routes be establi~bed in smaller satellite airl)Ol'tl near San Fran- cisco and Los Angeles. County Jail Victitn Said Mentally ID · Deputy Orange County Coroner Ronald Stanr.ak testified today that Vernon Louis Williams had a Jong history or mental il· Jne.ss and scuffles with police officers and had been booked in Riverside County on thEt day of hts death rcr throwing rocks at a school bus . St.anzak's testimony ~·as offered during the opening phases of a public inquest in· to the death of Williams, a San Pedro man wilo died Jan. 21 in Orana:e County Jail following a struggle with deputies. The inQuest is the first such public in· quiry to be held in Orange County since 1962. It was called for by Disbict Attorney Cecil Hicks and Sheriff James Musick w~ it was ruled that • "choke hold" clamped on Wllllams during the jail scuf· fle wu the dirett cause of his death. Williams, 27, had been booked earlier that day for jaywalking on the Riverside Freeway in Anaheim and was taken to the jail following his refusal to sign a California Hla:hway patrol man's citation. The allegedly truculent Negro, clad only in purple shorts. took on his captors when they tried to book him on the misde· meanor charge. stanzak and other witnesses testified · that Williams had a long history of ,r. rem-dating back at least. to 1961 when he was booked five thnes in Los Angeles Cou!lty. Three d -thioe .....ia. It .... stated, were tor narcotics violaU-Ons. Stanzak said Williams had an official record of being subject to delusions. l!Cbil(l9hrenla and paranoia and bad received psychiatric treatment a s recently as 1968. · He saJd Williams was committed to Patton State Hospital after officers testified that he broke into a Loi' Angeles mortuary with the purpose, he told of· ficers, "of reading the Bible to all lhose those dead people." Stanzak said Willlam11 had been ar- rested in San Bernardino County fOf' !lil- ting nude in a locked car and Riverside County offlcen booked him Jan. 12 for throwing rocks at a school bus. Williams died a few hours later ln the Orange County jail fracas. Witnesses read into the inquest record a long series of arrests ranging from the dead man's assault on an employer in 1962, to petty thelt, auto burglary and narcotics violations. Fron& Pag~ J SCHMITZ •.• reduct partisanship on the noor to main· tain "the decorum and dignity in the Senate." Cusanovich said he hoPeS to .,program thlngs" so "we'll have our arguments in advance." Meantime sen. Fred Marler said there is a "high probability" that he will be reappointed chairman of the Senate Agriculture Commlttee . Marler, a Republican from Redding. was demoted to vice chairman this session. Tuesday he voted for Schrade although last year he supported Way in his brief Senate leadership takeover. l\.lar.ler denied his defection was tempted by llis loss o( the c:hairman1hip prompted by his loss of the chairmanship. Ile said his maln criticism of Way was the scra pping of the seniority system in the selection of cbainnen. "TI1is does: not make for stability." he said. especially when the leader has been put in office on a "tenuous" coalition of liberal Democnlts and R<publlcans. He said prior to the·showdowti vote that catapulted Schrade into the top job, "both sdes" -the Way and Schrade camps - told him his demotion "was wrong" and that "they would tak~ steps to restore my chairmanshlp." Marler said he received telephone calls from "several sectors" of the Republican Pal'ly urging lUm to-remain loyal to Wny. But he said none ol his calJers were "from the Repub-Ucan State Central com· mtttoe." . Planned Community ' Gets Federal Boost WASHINGTON (AP) -A pl•nncd community near P.ilnntapoUs W a s dtslgnatM .today a1 the first to rtetfvt asaialance under the federal program to 1tfmulalt developmenl of new clUes. - < Ln~ky F u nd D ay? All three attorneys opposed the new flights because of excessive jet noise. Gra1it Group Lau11clies Drive · "The puLlic will not permit it," Stills told the CAB, "It 's a major urben transportation problem . ., It might be Friday the 13th but members of the ne\vly organ 1 z e d Scholarship Fund Assn. Serving the Capistrano Unified School District aren 't super&titious. Nevertheless they are keeping their fingers crossed today as they kick orr their charter membership campaign and fund drive. Mrs. Lyn Harris Hicks. charter presi- dent, said the group has been organizing ror a year but It is now working in e~est in hopes of raising substanUal funds' to aid graduates. of San Clemente High School as they enter college. "We want ours to be a community wide organization," 11aid Mrs. Hicks. "We'll have both individual and organizational memberships." A 36-n1ember governing council has been selected to guide the group's ac· tlvities during the ·yw. Heading the in· dustrial-commercial team will be W, s. Webb of San Juan Capistrano. Chairman of the organizational appeal will be Gary Sodlkoff allio of San Juan Capistrano. Anyone seeking m e m be r s b i p in· -formation is invited to cootact Charles Johannsen, pupil personnel director for the .Capistrano Unified School District at 496-1215 or by writing to him at the dist rict administration office, 26126 Vic· torla, Capistrano Beach. Both Nuttman and Seymour asked the board to drop any more idea of added ntght!, ciUng the $28 million in existing claims by Harbor Area homeowners suing over jet noise. Both al.so cited the recent Los Angeles Superior Court decis'ion awarding $740,000 in damages to similar claimants. The allied opposition to flights comes after Examiner Robert L. Park and the CAB Bureau of Operating Righta pro- posed tbe new Northwest routes to serve Lopg B e a c h , Hollywood·Burbank, Ontario, and Orange County airports. The plan also includes proposals to use several airports in the San Francisco Bay area -a proposal whlch has won support frOm jurisdictions there. Egyptian Jets Strike Nuttman dwelled on the suits, which plaintiffs say will begin. coming up for trial next summer. He :saJd Orange County, the defendant in the actions, is seeking an agreement with the plaintiffs and is pushing for a compromise -the county will authorize no new flights from the terminal if the suits are withdrawn. As VengeanceDemanded Nuttman cited last week's unanimous decision by County Supervisors to include anti-noise measures in a revised lease with Pacific Southwest Airlines, which will merge soon with Air Callforrrla, an airline currenOy operating at the Orange County tenninal. By 1'be Associated Press Egyptian planes struck across the Suez canal today and the lmleli miUtary com· mand claimed one was shot down. (See earlier story page.A) In Cairo thousands of Egyptians demonstrated demanding vengeance for lhe !Jrae:li air raid 'nlursday that hit a scrap metal plant north' of the EgypUan capital, killing 70 workmen. An lsraell spokesman said the Egyp- tian plane, believed to be a fast Soviet· built Sukhol 7 (lghter-bomber, went down in Egyptian territory near Ismallia, about midway along lhe canal. The attack was mounted by six Ea>'P- Uao jets which paired off in attempts to hit three Israel emplacements on the cen- tral ·and northern sectors bf lhe 103-mile- long waterway, the' spokesman said. No Israeli casualties or d.AA1a1e were reported. By Israeli count, the Egyptians have Jost 68 planes in combat since the 1967 war, contrasted wllb 10 Israeli aircraft. Thousands or EgypUans, carrying large banners and denouncing what they called U.S.-lsraeli collaboration, assembled on the streets of Cairo toda y. ''We avenge the blood of the martyrs! Down w I th Americairlsraeli col· labotation," they roared. _, Banners lauded Arab unity and vowed to fight to liberate Arab lands occupied by Israel. A confidant of Nasser and editor of the Cairo newspaper Al Abram,, Hassanein Heikal, claimed the United Slates, in a aeries or recent "close coordination meetings" with ll!l'aeli officials, col· la.borated in a "IOQ.day blitz plan" to ex- ert maximum pressure on Egypt to oust President Gama! Abdel Nasser. He said the Unlted States gave the Israelis the go-ahead to use American· built Phantom jets in deep penetration raids against Egypt according to a mutually arranged progressive timetable. The 100 days fixed for the execution of, the alleged plan, Heikal said, was the ap- proximate time remaining before the United States was scheduled to complete its withdrawal from st.ratea:lc Wheelus Air Force Base in Libya. Included in the lease renewal are restricli9fll on plane weight, jel aircraft nol1e and flight hours. Fron& Page 1 BOARD ... year-old Barbara Marshment, a repre- sentative of the Student Advisory Board. who complained many of today's students must deal with "teachers who are not able to communicate with their stu .. dents." · The student board recommended modi· ficalion of the present tenure law to in. corporate the principle or limited rather than indefinite contJnuing contracts. She said all teachers should ~ gi1Jen- a Cour-year contract after three yem employment and then reevaluated. Pres· ently, the teacher becomes a permanent employe after three years in a district. The three-day board meeting concludes today. :Jina/ W.ek o/ Safe COMFORT & STYLE AT A PRICE CHAIR STARTS AT 5129 . AVAILABLE IN A LARGE SELECTION OF COVERS AT THI UNBELIEVABLE PRICE OF $12'. COMMODI ON IALI •• s159 DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HE~ITAGE NIWllORT BEACH 1727 Wo1tcllff Dr., 642·2050 O"N P•IDAY 'TIL t INTERIORS Prel1l1ien1t Interior LAGUNA llACH Da1t1noro 345 North Co11t Hwy. Av1l11bl...-.AID-NSID °"" PllDAT '11L t Pit ... T.tf Ft.. M"' .. o,... c....., 14 .. 116) • 1 ' . ' • t ~ \ For The Record . Meetings ,IUOAY Hvntll'lltor! h«fl Rot1t'Y c I u 1J , $11tl'lltofl> •-11 '""' Hu!lllntlcoft 8MCI!, 12:!0 p,m, MtitJnlrt.,..Llol\l....Ctuti. .Stirlt Shlf't,_22.1•-w, CC*tl HllillW•Y• Ntw'°'1 kacll. fU~f jll.ft'I, • ,,.,.r V'-1• Mlltonk tlod!tt. M1'°'1lc Temple, UOl 151'11 $t., l+wlporf -..ch, 1:30 p,m. V F " f'ost ~. Americ111 L"i.. H11!, S.5 W. lllh SI .. CC.ti ~ t :oe •.m. N-t At111teur RUio Soc.Jell", Aecr111lon Bldt .. 17U 811t1M llvd.., N~ lktcll. f:OCI p.m., Or1nos Cout ill:OY.i Arch Mt!IOM No. ue, H1mll011ton Bffdl Me"'"lc T ...... ~. Lake Ind P1lm, Huntlfl9ton 9t1ch. 7:30 "·"'· 1ATURDAY Chritlltn Butlllft&rntn'• Committee, 81~ lier Cl11b, NtWllOrt lwdl,, 7:301,m. • Death Notlees GO•MLIY fftncl Gorrnlf'I', AIHI ..... of llH Br•• (1rie, Cost1 Mu.. o.i. ti 6Hlh, Feb. T2. k/nllvtd bv ll11sb.a/ld, P1trtq. ~ tn1 IOI!, ~!>Cl lhrll,tr; Nrtf1'1, Mr. 111d Mrs. 8. F. McOO!Mild Sr., S.n Ct.. rnet1llJ bro!Ml'O: 11. F. McDoNld Jr.1 .... _ Terrv .AM ThomPJOn Ind •••• N rt O. Franc11. S.rvlcts ~1119 11 e.11 Bro.dw•r Mortu•rv. I U.DlllOO Phr!ll1 Thtrt'll UdrldO. Aft II, crf lot\\ N-"'n .sr., Mon11betlo. O.te of llltlll. Flbrv•rv 1. 511rvl\led bv l11t1tr. L1rry Leodfldo. \ll1t11 moll\el', Thflm1 Lldrldo, M$1tetMllO. S1rvlcn.. I001y, ,l'ldl¥. Wt11Cl1ff Cllel>f:!, J PM, wllh F1!h•r MtEnen1¥, C1tholle Chlpi.Jn, off1ti.t1119, lnlenMn!, Good Shepherd c..nwtil"P'. Wntcllff Ch1M:l Morlu•J"P', ~ Pl- '"'~ JHY0•1t G•rY Fr1nell snvaer. m Hiii Or •• ll· 911n1 B11ch. 0.11 of Mith, Jin. It. Survlwcl by mother, Mr1. Jene JKkson, Li JOlll; l11t11r, Fr1ncl1 Sl'l'fd..-, Pt1Ctr• vl!lt. Memor111 11rv!c1n wl!I be Mid t11hll'd1Y, F1brul•V U, 1 PM, In "'9 Cllurch of OUr SrtlOt Epl1c~I Ch11rch, Pllcervllle, C1!ll, McCormick La1un1 &t1t11 Mor1111rv, O!rirc!or1. TOWllt loll T-·· T'52 G1rll•kl sr .. HunU11t110n BMeh. survived bY '°"' IUtl!.erdl two d111thlerl, Helen ,_, tnd Loli Turntr1 10 1rllldchlldren •rid 1! 1ru1..,r1rldehlf. dritn. $1rVle<K. Mond1Y. 1 PM PH« ,.,.,11, Colonlll Funeral. H-. ARBUCKLE .& SON Wtslclllf Mortuary C7 E. 11111 St., Colla Meu -· •• BALTZ MORTUARIES COcrea• del Mar · OR M411 1Col1a Mm ' Ml I-MU • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY ~ 111 Broadway, Costa Meu LI~. • DILDAY BR<Yl'llERS Hu.ntlngtoa Valley Mortuary 11111 Bea<:• Blvd. UanUngtoo Buell UZ.'17'11 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK C...elery • M>rtury Ch811<1 3500 Pacific Vlew Drl\'e N<wporl B<ocb. Clllf....U. MU7tl • • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL DOME '1111 Btln A ... "--• SllEFFEll•MORTUARY IAJ!llll• Bacio 4114-1111 Su-· , .. ,. • SMmlS' MORTUARY ll7 Mllhl SL u .. u.~ 11eac• llf4lli • New Dome tor.Engineer• Two.building; '8,1 million .engineering complex at UC Irvine iB rapidly taking shape. students Will be in the buildings rieXt fall. Lower building with facade on It (left) Will house mathematics and the computer '!aclllty. Tbe eight,story tower will pro- vide classrooms, laboratories a.nd offices· for UCl's School of Engineering. • · • Suspect Faces Fire Dea~h Trial F'rlctaY, f'tbnllf'J 13, ~970 .No Replacement · . ~ Sought by Boord ·.- • SANTA ANA -Dr. Robert Petmon, superintendent of . Petty Crime will Earn Citations Orange CowitY acbool!, Slid T~oclay IJ1' COllllly board of «lucallon, will, 11!'1 ... k a . rep1acernent-fw.-bolld pre•i· dent Clay Milcboll unUI lh<y h;IVl! recel\'«I bis resignation. Mitchell, of SOUth LoBUJ18, was app>U,ltd° Wcdne""iilay to . lbe Slate Boan! of Education by Gove·rnor. Reagan. "I. believe hls appointment must first be confirmed by the SA Coll~ge state Sen.ate," Peterson laid. A edi ed. SANTA ANA -Orange "Offlcilolly w< won't act until, CCf t Cpunty Sheriff James Musick we receive hia resignaUoo. -..........__ ~· and County Counael Adrian "His selection to serve °" sA?OA· ANA -Santa Ana ~yper aaid they would start ~ state board. ls :certalnly a College has beeil approved for study on use. of. citations for fine complement torour county a full fiv,.· year accredit.atlon misdemeanor crimes today. board," PeteraOn added. . Supervisor Robert BatUn Milchel~ ·whole terin wu by lbe accr«llling COOlllliosjon proposed m'l 1 d e l.1l ea no r due to expire ln June, has for junior colleges '!f1 the vlolatQra such as petty thieves 1erv«l..oa the.board 7l~ yean. Western Assgclation of Schools aod til09e who cause maUeioUJ Accordlq,. to depOty county • and coi1egd, • miochlel hog! ... cftail°"' like • cowisel .Ragn" Eogebretsen, ~ . · h( -•·-1 , traffic tickets rat.her than be hilJ position Will be filled by ~ •n:-eig ·menl.Ul;.r a m taken to jail. appOintment of l,he board. tf made the actreditaUon follow· HEW Jobs For Summer Due Soon Battin qgested the county there wu ·more than a year Ing on campus inspecilon of sludy the system which iS cur-left In his . tenn of office the. the 9Chool. Among the com- renUy in use in San Frand900, counsel erplaineJl. -, s~ial mlttee~s crileria were: ex· "Out of 1,02t misdemeanor election would ba've to be held . pansion or currlc.'ula, con. citations i,n sanl'ranciscoOnly · The SS-year-old' Mitchell a sistent evaluation of course Beck died in hospital a few 120 failed to show up lD court Republ,ican and retired Air objecti\'es ; ravorable repo,rts men ·indicted by the Orange Graves Jr., 24, of 12322 days after he was pulled, bad· and had to be amsted," he Force ·major succeeds of transrer student,,, active County Grand Jury for the said. Dorman L. Commons of minority recruiting a n d SANTA ANA-One of three -Jan. It along with Rohert Martha Ann Drive, L o s ly burned, from Uie blazing re-The system, he added, would. Fullerton whoee term 00 the response to community needs. murder of a Holl)'W?Od fDl1l Alamitos and an unidentllied mains of the pra~e a( help ease crowding ln the jails ,, ~·~ta~te~board~~·~'l>~~ed~. ==;:;;IE~..-~~~'::-':::'.) left manacled in a· blazing third man fot the killing of Graves' borne. Police said he while reduclnl the C<lSt of r TUSTIN -Summer m. ga-0 e has been ordered to handling minor crun· · es .. Under Well rec••.......i .. WMW · J-"-·-Bruce Beck, 30, of Los v.•as the victim of a dl').lg ring ' And • r .. temships and temporary Vl15 face Syperior Court Judge the citation system, san Fran-Y 1 run • .. nclt99p ..... .-. wrt. in the U.S. Department of James F. Judge. He Is being Angeles. Tbe grand jury added dispute aod had been man-clsco deputy aheliUs are Aslt '"Y ltld.·"Ask Andy" Is fu". .., Nm.t ti....,.. M•• .. •• Health, EducauOn and Welfare held in Oranae County Jail in charges of conspiracy• false acled to a standpipe by Graves allowed discretion in Oecldine Ste ll Saturdays 11'1 th• DAILY will be assigned 5000 and lieu of $50,000 bail. imprisonment, robbery and and otfiers pending "further whelher or not to iJsue the PILOT. 141-17ff Congressman Jamts B. uu,~~Christop~·~~he~r~w~as~~indl~cted~__!~~dn~.~ap~in~g~w~lbe~~indl~-~clm~e~nt~-~~•~cU~on~."'..._~~~~~~~ti~cke~t,~B~M~ti~-n~!ll~·d~.~~~_j,==================~~~~~~~~~~ (R-Tuslin) ls u r g Ing ap- plicants to prompUy submit their papers. Deadline for application \o the U.S. Civil Service Corb-· mission in' Washington, D.C., is Feb. 28 and the paperwork must be submitted UlrOUjh the college or university.• · Positions are open to college juniors and etnior1 with ·a 3.5 . gTade average, particularly if they have been at'tive in Blu: dent government, cam~ ar~ fairs and have. an 1nteieai: 1n government. Besides students , the specialized HEW jobs are avalla~le to graduates ana faculty members, but deadline for them ls April 15, with queries directed ·to t h e Division of Pu&0nnel ~a· tions. Extra Costs For County Jail Asked .. SANTA ·ANA ·-'Th t • neW Orange Cow'lty Jail, which cost taxpayers .s1o:zs _rqillion may· cost ,the county. an 14- dltiooal 1181!,639: The board' of supervisors set Feb. 2S at 11 a,m. for a~ ing into a claim submitted by F. E. Young Construd.i9n Co. for "extra compensaUon." The company which built the facility allege they JJert forc- ed into prolong«! COOBtruction by county "foot~agillg" oo plan changes. .':'~ A spokesman for the San Diego-based firm said delays were also caused by Jate delivery of jail drawtip and delays by the HerriCk Corp. in supplying 1151 ,000 worth ·ol hardware to the prpject. 1be Young Co. cimm fixes a $859,000 cost on th< aaaerted late dtllv<ry. '· ~!i;r.t Cancer 'Society Offers BOoklet TUSTIN -A booklet describing the waya medlca1 research i1 attempting to discover the my11tefies of the vlrua and Ila rol<1n ,Caullng cancer la hebig ofl.....t !)ff ·or • cilarg• by th< Amorlcln Cancer Socl<ly'a Or..,0 Cono- ly. Branch. "Viru!es u a CBIJlle of Cancer" Is available to county studentt and othel'll:with' an in- terest in the aubj<cl. II can be oblalned at th< Oronp Co!Jl1iy offices of the llOClety at~ 18* Irvin< Blvd. lllVITED STATES NATIONAL BANK ' SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRANCH MOW OPlll SATllllAYS - t .. 1 P.M. MON .. TNUll. tM .P.M. HIDAYI 1M P ••• f714l MNIJ1. IM: .... llt s..c..-.c..- Ne w F·310 in Chevron g;ISoline~ . d. . turt)Sll2ty;, USt mto good clean mile age. • i • l • , Now, research ecianUets at Standard Oil Company of Califomia haveacbiewd themo¢longawaiteil gasoline dMlopment in history! It's a new guoline lidllitive-FQl'lllula'F-310°-that sharply redui:ea dirty elhaust from dirty engi-. And belpa ,toward cleaner air. . Testa conduct.ed by Scott Reeearch labotalx!ries, ~ independept !~group, abawed that ChevroflgaaolhwwlthF-310reduced1111- bumedhydrocarbolland~monoxide·elhauet em•ons dramati· c:ally. Clearly, this ii a DBJOr st.ep t.oWards aolving one of t.oday's moat wpnt problema. \ F-310 ailO iinp!UWll mileage, ber:a111e dirty elhaust is really wast.ed paoline.Sol'-310litemllylreepegoodmileagefromgoiugupinamoke. car accumilla.ta m%tie. depoaita build up. The amounlll of gaaoline and air fed int.o t.tie qne get out of balam1, Thia-the engiM t.o "Jun rich", wUtiu,.gaaoline. As aJ:.8!1Wt,.-c IBiveUDbumedhYdro- carbona and carl111111 mOJ!Olide exhli .. ~ . sions go int.o the air. F-310 can correct·thia · condition. Just six tuklful can do the job. . . Formula F-310, a patented P.flOlioe additive, is now available in all three grades ,of Chevron guolines at all Chevron Dealera Standard Statiiins in the gnat.er Lori ~ area and IOUfhwud. hJ 800ll m adait.ion&l aupplies are availlble, w8'll be introducing this remarkablia Chavran How doee·an engine pri>duoe dirty elhaust in the tlnt place? Aa a cltwelopinent elsewbere fhrou&liout the W-eat. ·:: , .,.,,.,,._./_~...,,_,,.,......,,._ .J' • Chevron with F-310 . There isn't a car on the1uad that!houldn't'be llingit STANDARD OIL COM.PANY OF 'CALIFORNIA • •• ' • '" • ~r ,_.,., . ....,~. :1 (/'I i• 71» .,,. '""~ """ 'j•i " :Ill~ '1'' .. l .. ,,t .:ii ~ t 1l..i ~1> ., ;r;;: ~ •O• .,,, .'<:fl ;ll'.t: ~~ ... , -- J " j ,. • .1 ~ "I , · 1 •• • '1 ~ i !I - . ' J OAJlY mor L · '"""' ,...., IS, 1t70 LEGAL NO'l'la: LEGAL NOllCI . ~ . ( Jtlarket St1tnbols • -- !.VMrlto M l ff '·H Ind ,)t I( • 1.'f k• ,,. kilnUIJ-.tt~ keMmel .fill l(tftl'ICIOtf' '·"' kFO. Ott 10 kv unr 1 ~ I( ... , M( 1 $0 ktnl'Conlll 2 <~O L:rot k pf e' 'I"' .. ,_,o k lllJD51 .,O' ~I-·· " llnrt ,,,_,$ 1tMV Pil .lS t(lrM:fl Co 1 K\.Mlt.1.~ l(flll)tt N ,)1o tco.tlrl'IO l.10 ktllP<lfl 1.6CI kllll"•• ·1. t<°Ol'.illCOl'P ,,cj Krilll!CO 1.10 kl'Oll9• 55 .40 t(IWflltr .to• K..-1.JO ---~..---~--~~ ' /,-- • L American Stock Exchange List -' '---·· ,\-.. . , .··'""'·~- DAILY PILOT JJ • /' • ' ' " ' . . . . . ' ' . . .. 1 -• • .. • ,i HiS IS THE . GREA'f.EST • '. ,1 • 1 • .- \. . . All REMAINI NG '69's MUST GO l THERE ARE ONLY 11 '69's LEFT IN STOCK AND . T:l-!E '( ·MUS1'. .GO IMMEDIA;rELY. AL L ·ARE ~ULLY . EQUIPPED INCLUDING. AIR CONDITIONING ... ND ALL HAVE •LOW MILEAGE!· .. · · . . . •. ,,. c.~~~~~s SUPREME s2943'.18 . . l,,;,r # l~2179ZI00l'l3 . '69 .CUTLASS_· SUPREME' $_!ft,. ~43 : , 2 DR. HARDTOP 7 .1 1£ S•ri1I # 142179~100570 · · ' · '69 ~.~~~.~~s S,UPREME ·s29. 77~ . 69 c;uti:Ass"':,s.. s30· 2048 2 DR. HAR"OTOI' s..,;.1 # 33617972125 1 45'="=---~----~ '69 CUTLASS "S" $30204. 8 2 DR, HARDTOI' Stri1I # J361797Zl25250 '691 CUTLASS "S" ~30· 20·. ~: -, · 01t HA•Dro,-· ----'S""1ri1I # ·l361797Zl2Sll'· '69. COTLA$S "S" s304· 6. 48 2 Dl. HAllDTOI' ---'--'S1ri1I # l 361797,Z 111626"=----.oc-::--'-:=--=--:c= '69 CUTLASS "S" $33.2·103 "• DR. HARDTOP S1ri1I # 1421992121163 -.6-9-~~~~.~! ~9042_ 1 _.:__ _ _.;S~eri1l # J66479CllOS t7 ~ '69. ROYALE • $3866_-· 50 2 DR. HARDTOP ---~·~"~;,J~#e..,;l6M79C~l~IOl~l4-----..,----o,.---,,,_• '69 DELTA'88 . $360552 CUSTOM 2 Oil, HARDTOP Seri ti # lMl 7.ftl 11143 l ·•· ' . '62 CHEVROLET IMPALA t Dr. H~T. ~~11t." VI,, $288 .. -... ., ... '""~' '66 RAMBLER AMERICAN 440 , •• ._ •. ,:..;. '"m., ''• $78.8 t•• N V.,, ltUA 115. . '68 DODGE CORONET 500 V~ ooro. l .. M., """" ·ol• $1988' .......... ,. $13 s• 0 c;or>clllloninCI. ,.._, 1fnll!le. · radio, ,,..,.,., ...,,_~ llrf\. · · '-cyJ., 'speed, fu flll 1w11 viii'(! roof, flnlld ti.u. Pru. "1ffl OTW' 5' . ' """"f utrn..vtT -•21 ·. _ • , ,, • '65 CAD. SED. DE VILLE 4 Cf!., lhCk llllft, roe! ... "'-"!· w. RNl tood tr111tp0f'll lioo<\o FXD I.II. $198 8 '66 PLYMOUTH VALIANT '65 DODGE 2 DR. H;T. '68 OLDSMOBILE 2 DR. H.i'. f<>I., oolo, '"''• K_, $. 888 V• .... ,._., ......... ~, $1 088 y',, ........ M., IK'°'> '" $2188 wftlt_.N Urn, linlell t ll U . tonditletlllll, pow.r 11etrln!I, jll\i$ luitl,lf)ll llTT IDJ. PfA 1'1: ' powtf' Orlku. fNlo, tieetlr. • • . .WXE JIU • . . '68 OLDS 98 4 DOOR '"" .;_ ~ .. IK"" °''$2995 corodlt-.int, U Cl llMI ~~ ,.,_ IXIP2'01 .. . ' '66 CORYAJRi MONZA , '65 BUICK SKYLARK CONY. $788 ::;, ";:!.,";:~ ... .:::.:."::: ' $9:88 dlo. lldll1", wlllfntlll tit• .. lln'-1 tltn. XHM •27 '66 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE '66 FORD RANCH WAGON .......... ~ ... , .. , "' $12 88 condJtiOnllllll, rffie, llNIU, Whllew•ll 11.... ""'" , ..... SVY 115 • '67 RAMIUR 'AMBASSADOR '64 FORD PICKUP y, .. '""°· 1r..;,., fK,.;., .... · $1588 ~:=. ~ .:."'.:::! . Ille!' •fine .. VFl.'91. . · '·' : $8 88 \IL ' •PHii· am.c '67 'THUNDERBIRD '65 OLDS VISTA CRUISER ----~~~~­'67 ,INTERNATIONAL S~OUT ~tt!.1~~. ~ld~1h:;::;:$2 3 88 d11<1t t1n1<1, lrlvitltop, buck•! -~ 111'10W1'4. '62 OLDS 88 4 DOOR A<•-·•·"· ..... ...,, $388 confUltn. IPOC,711 r ' . . .. '66 OLDS 98 LUXURY SEDAN '"" -"· "' ""'""'""· $199' s You h1v1 to 1H tllb -· (1'1AKH) '67 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 Dr. H.T. ,._,, ""''"' & $1495 1u~'r.~(°'"· •H -"""· . < • • '64 OLDS f.85 Avlll.,.lk', .,._, •!n•lno. PO.,., 11tK11,, va, radiO, UtDMUS) R e me1nbe r , "W E A R E NEl't;ft. SATISFiED VNTIL Y OU A~E" , 2850 ' . . . ' . HARBOR BLVD., COSTA .MESA ·•·· G. M.·C. TRUCKS • 540-8881 . I -- I I . I I j ' • • S-ddlebaek EDI TIO N vor. 63,·NO: 37, 4"SECTIONS, ~lf'A6ES n Ma r ine Riot Blamed On Militants By RICHARD P. NALL Of "'f D11Jr '"'' 5ttff CAi\f P PENDLETON -The 11h·hour riot etaged in a barracks by black · Marines here may have been triggered by radical dissident groups pegging it to the pending arrival of the Marine Corps ctimmandant. Col. Ross R. Miner, commanding of· ficer of the Staging Battalion where the outbreak occyrred Wednesday night, has linked the fracas to sucb groups as Black Panthers, Students for a Democratic Society and the ' Movement for a Democratic Military. r ~t 3& Marines were injured. Ont ~erioUs'fy ,-wheli tfie· 30 to 35 1Netr'o htafind.stonflett info a two-story wOOden barracks "using broom handles to hit everyone. who 'fl.II· in tlielr w:l)r" and breaking windows, plumbing ftttutes Ind lockers. 11 appcareCI the incident 'hid been plan· ned. Lt. Col. Edwai:,d ~hullzt, base public affairs officer, said today that his omee had receive<! a call from news media ask- ing about trouble an hour before · the 9 p.m. outbreak and again as it was just under way. He s11id lhe 1_1ews source. had been advised of the pending disturbance even lo the barrack! number. Gen. Leonard F. ChaRfllan, Jr., Marine commandant. has been scheduled for fievera1 weeks to visit the base Monday and Tuesday. Col . Schultze said that the StaginA Battalion is largely made up of Marines \Vaiting for overseas assignment such as Vietnam or Okinawa. However, ht said that Subilnit One Wtrer, · lfle· "rioter! were· housed, has a casual status. He said it includes Marines w:ho ma:V>e .wa_i!iDg.for dlsc~ge_ as ~n· 1clentious objectors or for hardship reasons and also Marines waiting to testify at courts martial or who were accu.s'ed of being absent wilhout leave or other infractions. ' • ,. an · 1e.s ' . ' .aze Coroner Get Out and Vote · . Students Pus hi1~g f or Election Se.eking Student "salesmen for democracy" \Viii help drum up the vote for Laguna's Jo'eb. 24 school tu override and bond election with an old-fashioned pre-election parade Monday. Seeking a big turnout for the election "so it will represent the v~ce bf the ma· jority of voters and not just a small per· centage," students plan to borrow a double-deck London bus and cruise a· round the downtown and residential areas lo remind citlzerui of the important date. On lhe upper deck, a group of big h school musicians, Jol;ln Reynolds and his Collapsible, Disposable Orchestra , will play old favorites while studenls on the lower deck wave signs vying "Vote," "School Election. Tuesday, Feb. 24." The young campaigners will not stamp for "Yes" votes, just lots of votes, they explain. . State Board of Education ' Identity . . The Orange County Coroner'• Office .i11 seeking J)OSiUve identification o[ a ~ year~ld man · fciUnd dead ln a pre-dawn fire . in. La~ lteach today. The victim, aeverely burned from the waist up, according ·to a coroner's depu· ty, was found spraWled over a floor rumace on the Upper noor of·a smoke-fill· ed honle at t4M'GJenneyre St. by firemen responding to a 4:17 a.m. call. · Warren White, who occupied a 0Qwnstalrs baC}lelor apartmebt at the ad· • With a Little Luck ~ I ' ' '. Black.ca,ts are unlversjllly s11.uriled on days li~e today -Friday. Ille R I . D p • d t dr~ss, to'd firemen he w~ awakened e-e ects ay r ec,l en shOrtly aftftr. a.m. by two m~ who said 0 smoke was pouri0g !rom lie' lower lc"I 13th. This namelesscf•illl•. "'"1r.enUY:a re~identof the L8guna Cany.on shelter of 'lhe Society for:1 :tHe .Prevention of. Cruelty to Animals (SPq.A): I~ hoping .~n.!£.;~ill ha_ve a change of heart tomorrow (Valentine s Day) and give htm a new home and a little--loYe ' ' ' . . . . . From· Wirt Strw1CU• .SAN FliANclSCO;.,, POlilicallY•moder- ateton,18Uch lnlilrlnCe "'ecuUve lfow• ard Day was re-elected president or the .. a~ Bqard of. Edueatiop hl!re !hursaay, A{l."I his polenUlll Ol'll""""t withdrew. ~ ilDlailmlid V<ile lnclU\!<d'lbt Orsi ba llot.s cast by lhrtt new meipbers ap.i pointe;d to the IO-chair panel, Including . Cla'y N. Mitchell. 58, of 11 Alta Mira Road, South Laguna. Dr. Thomas G. Harward, a physician from Needles. dropped out of contention for th~ presidency alter consideri~ the likelihood of a 5 to 5 deadlock and the resulting mood among board members. POiiticai observers said lhe most im· port.ant co·ns~eration of Day's being i:e- ~lected is that G9v. JWnald Reagan could have stepped in to give Suoerintendent of Public Education Ma"t Rafferty much more power. Dr. Harward bs a close frie.nd of Raf· * * Schmitz Ey ing Top Educatwn Committee Post . · , -~'1'a~e o( the resideoct. 't' r J I • • > • • .. .d . . . White ,a~epi~ to. enter .the ups\alrs • • • ' • . ,,., , . ' . ; feriy: bu! ~e _governor ~1d '""'· e1~rt1~ rm~· 1bUl ·v(af driv~t.~ beat ·)'l'ir~~• •' 1 • ~-• ' ·J'. ~-:.)-'-~-l ~,;;,:m:::.!~;~;--~~l'ilt1~fd'"~~· :~i.,,ittB#O . 1 l fiaiw-;-ud e . re.suit of the three ~-~poin~~-e~~ bu\ · u.ml. . .m~tn .au 'Uif,-..r£qoDI -:_ . -~ .. -. ~ " J, l 1 • ,-· 1 "' • • ~1~drawal ~l)i H~~ Jeft hlm 1n a po-rtre siaUOO.rtt~· Aveooi, Aille.Sti'~ 1 " 1 " • ·'-,_ \ t i1·· r • .. ,, •• to be .unawll\OO•ly,elected'v~~ ~~~ld.Eollneitl~hii~ LD,.~··1,d.··~:,·a'.'".·. ~· -e .. ll R'epo:"tte·~·d i>m~of the' boa~; ' r. ··.-' · -:the JW\lii .;.i Joand>tl\e, bO<tY , ''ThlS boord'• attention' must be dJ.. Jying. par\ '!ff1 ....... a,. ·fioor rUrnicf rccted to tPc 1.!sues which will make edu, from wbkh;.woie1was bilJOwlng. cation pertinenl to the chila~n, •you~. Accordin& to the Grooer's Office, ·' ' and ad~lts of ~he 21st century, Day wd death occurred at 2 a.m.·Cau.ae of death PALM BEACH, Fli. (AP)--'J'he..deed volvcd ·ln the deal were not immediately ~tter hi~ electton.. will be established by an.auM>pl)'; 1 to .. a piect of property. &old by Supreme tvallible• fOr commfnl. He said t~e crisis of the Inadequate ~r· , 'Tlie Or!ice of 'the' Public Adminiltrator Cow:t1"911Unee 0. HarTOld Carswelf'l •and' ' At ' Miari:d, White Hbule P·r 111 ba!1 school .is a result of a host of social has ~n 'asked to assiit in eS&ablisflinf bis wile in 1966 contalMd ·a. WhiteHnly Sec~ary Ronald L. Ziegler aid he tild evils. th .... ,. , idenUty nd ·iocatini 'nest of eilUse, the'Palm Beath Post reported to-no comment on ~ CarsweJI trauaCtlori Day issued a six-page report In which .e mans . ~ . ,· cl1y.r •' '• but·iaded,"l ~n1'ffYou~look-.8Cl"Oathe he boasted "We have re-establishe(f the ~tn. . , -· • .' "ed The a~ro· Test.riction was aP: country at vlliOua real eatate•documentl State Board of Education as a non-pollt· N.eighboTs saicl th; ht,&e w~y!~as pertfitly first • e.s4ablia~ld by· CarsWell 's ~ w';"1ld find fhat 'this parficular' m. ical instrument of aJI the.)>eople, This has 'by~ two men •. ,oqe_ w m r brOtMt·in-'LIY(,i' J1ck Simmons Jr .• 1Uit cident IS not isolated a:t all." 1 • resulted io an Increased pu~lic confl· Peen hospital~~· , . • PoM ·II.id,• When·: be' Obtained. 3a 1 actts Ziegler, at his regular news brlefiJig, dence in the board 's integrity and pu~ Damage to the structure l'~S t.stima~ frontllt~ on Ochlocknee Bay 1n 1963. It took execption to a questioner's sug. and its dedication to quality edi.lcation," al ,$1,~, mosllf from smoke a~ was aaid ,Camrell's w~e Vl(gin{a . a~u.ired gestion .lhal ..Carswell had insisted upo1t he said. -confined to the Interior. The fire ap-part.o{ the land r~m her brother tht ~nclpslon oJ the restricUon. Day also noted wiih pride that the ~renUy started in the furnace are.a. same Y,~. ·. t • • \. .,..,. :i !'.~ ~in' to q~, Zieg]~ isaid board has "squarely fB.ced the most COil-firemen uld, and did not eJUPt into 1 "Ownmhlp, occupanc)'. 1 and use shall Prestd~t N1xnn· had not been aware of lroversal subjects· of ·sex education •and full-scale blue. be restricted to members of the the transaction when he submitted the moral and spiritual values, despite pres· CauC8'ian race," said, ~ covenant _ Carswell nomination. He said ~of the sures of divergent groups seeking onJy to b writan ioio tbe. deed . rel!orded al (t.Jie . P'lorida or California :pr~ owned by projecttheirownpointsofview." 15 Seel.!~g Jo. ~a.Jrulla County courthouse ln the Chief executJve carry r1C"ial Tht board approve(( foTtl'in~miSS:ion to ~ Crawfordsville. -_..._ · ·covenants, the lea:islaiure a report on a House re~ When the Carswells sold their Jot for Carswell, a judge of the 5th Circuit lution asking for a itudy on whelber a As Cit y Planner about 14800 July 12 1966 the . deed· Court of Appeal. has been In aecfuslon disproportionate nu.mber of minority stu-· 8pecificaiiy made the iate su'bject to the sln~e the Senate Judiciary Committet dents was enrolled m classes for the men· 't 15 restrlcUve convenant.s in force three rast week recessed Its hearings on· hls Schultze said be was not sure if the group-of rioters included any veterans ·vf Vietnam. tally retarded, La.gun~ Beach has •ppro.xima~ Y ' Years earlier wtren Mrs. Carswell got-lhe Supreme, Court nomlrlaUon. · Spe<:lal IG the DAILY PILO'f _ __Th~ .n:porL suggeste<Llilat a lack-o! -applicaliDDSJor_tli<_J>O•t olruy_planner. ~lbe p .. 1 ,18Jd Iii 1 C<>Wfi~l ~Many-of'Canwell'rkllatnrtllffibav'~•--1 SACRAMENTO -Th; s~amb!e f?r Spanish-.speakln~ .a~ministrators. an In· Cily Manager James D .. Whea~ sald Story, ' ' . attacked his civU right! rulings durill( Col. Miner. who helped quell the disturbance by telling those invOlved "to behave like Marines and start cleaning up the mess," said Marines instigating tAe outbreak complained of being harass- ed by two corporals and elf being march· ed to the mess hall . - "Those aren 'L the type of complain ls tbal would provoke such a. disturbance,'' Miner said. He suggested some ~f the men involved may have been under the infl1Jence or alcohol or dtugs. He said those involved will be charged ~dth destroying government property or attac:king other Marines. t ' "'" Young .Sailors . Paddle Home As Motor Out 1'~ive weary yOUhg sailors, missing all ni10t anJ the obJect Of • U.S. Coast Ou&td air and sel search. paddled into Dani Point Harbor this morning. ~ n,e;-all teenage boys fr.om Fulltrton, reported the englne ·fa'~led ~on their 11.foot outboard while crossing from Avalon Harbor, Cl1tallna, bound for NeWporl Harbor. Mn. Rober! Mutcb, mother or li1e boat'& skipper Lynn Mutch, 171 aakt, "l really wasn't too worried. I knew thjy'd gel to ahore. l had all the !&ilb in tbe world they were coming back.' _Mta. Mutd't said the boys left Avalon Tl:tursday morning folfowln1 I sl1h.dh1Ui1 trip. ' When th£ boat was reported overdue by parents, a Coast Ouiird QIUer was dispt1tebed fhur!iday night to search the 75 sguare~mne are1. A helicopter alto ~ Jolntd the Ma<clt befou Rober! Mutcb gOh call from blJ son ·ot tO ::IO a.m. , l pluqis shaken down by a Jarnng switch 1.n ap~ropnate def1n1t10~ . of mental .retar· today. he will begin screenmg wrltt:Jl ap-Domes lie . workers eptployecl by and t.pe 12 year1 he hai eervedton the federal, the Ca.Ufomia Senate power structure ts dat1on, and .an unw1ll1ngness to 1mple· plicalions n~t week. The ~t qu fied residing with Caucasia (al?lilies were, bench, his brief membersh{p in an ath on today, 1':ith Sen. John G. Schmitz (R· ment educatio~al proizrams to mi:et 1~ of the lot will .then go before 8~. ot~J excegted (rom the restrictionJ!, the ,p06t white, TallahaJSee country cl1:1b Iii 1165 Tustin) studying-chairmanship of the needs ol Sparush-speaklng ~d rrunonty board .for euuun1.tion and Wheaton wi saJd. · . · .,. . and a whi~te Jpprmpa~ speeclf 1~ Senate Education Committee. group pupils he1ped contribute to the pick his new planner· . The tract includes 50 loti providing ex-u a 21-year-old candidate for tbe-GeOrlia';: The conservative Orange C o u n t y situation. . '.'There .are some &O?,d ca~dates," elusive summer home sit~. fOr members Leilslature, iii· 1949. Republican, an instructor al Santa Ana The board also passed a resolution ask-s11d the czty manager.· I hope we can ot the wealthy SimmOns family' and other ' College, said he would not tum down the Ing Rafferty to m~t . with . the leaders wor~ il out so w& can ha~e the m~n .on. aoclalites of nearby Tillababte t.he. ' SCoelc M•r'lcef ,. appointment if it came. of teachers' orpruzattons 1n an effort. Ap;·1l t but I'm, not sure if that will be , rieWspaper sai.d · ' lo avert classroom strikes, gxissibJe." Th Car · 1•: · 1 ' Schmitz is considered a potenUal And the board agreed to study a rec· The· planner, hired at 1 pay rt1nge of' e. swe i.-s. no on&er own any ~ro- replacement for Sen. AltM:fl S. Rodda CD· ommendation for modifying the teacher ,t,OM to ,1.27' ·will replace City Planner, p;erty 1n the bayfront comple1, ac~r4ma: Sacramento) a backer of ousted Senate tenure statute. Tt was oresented by JS. Al Autry who< will have a new function to the current Wakul!a County ~x rol,l. • President Howard Way ( R . Exeter ) (See STATE BOARD Pase %) With the city. 1'be Po.!l story aa1d pur(!ha:sers of the dum'ped in a shakeup earlier !his week. ' Car.swell lot were •. Mrst Harriet N. Yon~, Sen. President Pro Tempore Jack WJ\e of 1'8.u'Jhassee Postmaster Peytori1 Schrade (&San Diego) is expected to Coin. e anJI·. ' G 'et-·It· Yon, and Mio: .Mazie /.f!ddletoo, .. make"" a hUmber of .changes, beginning --Tallahassee widow. • ., with -'e llOplibllOln Floor 4ader. The Carswell• and others reported in-, I NEW Y9RK (APJ -The, stock mafke 'f85 inlfled in a bog of ihvestor Clisintttesf lite.this afternoon. (8ee-.qoota_tions, Pagei lo-Ill. ' Jit ahowed a moderate. lois by the aver· ~es lo a la~kadaisical lradlrig. 1 • ' l Orange·. <: ••• , Hi1'1amaatent choice spilled the beans ~ 1 \ Th~i!.casanovichsaidoewmresign Dumped $740 Awaits Actress r-.i~l, 17, · kill~d· • • his chainnanship.of the Industrial Rela· b tJ~ tmnmlttee to become Senate ' · ' Ropubllcan noor leader, Cast yout caib before Laguna Bt.ach "But, In thla· c-.1 cIOn'I think It wm I Co . t . . ..... -h "I've accepted ,lhe position and It's up city councilmen and it will };Wait your come to that," 18id the city mana1er.' n : nn ,Y \:.d'8 S ' to the pro terri to announce It," the Van return {or at least six months. , ·~we're ,goiqt to try and get it back to, Nuys lawmaker told a newsman· Thurs· At least the government code says th~m...aomeway , ,. . aet tbll'D to come in Two Orange County · teer1a1irs are in 1 day. ' ~ unclaimed property ah all be held :or al , and, take it." 1 , s·uious condition tOday in SOuth . Coa!!t • Schrade . ~as asked by a newsman lo least six months and Laguna Buch Tilt 'fU/lds are somewhat symbolic or Community l:Jospllal I ~uth Laaul\I. w cooru+o the appolntment. He smiled, then police are sllU holding the .1740.dumped I the • dis.afieerhent ' between. the clly and t rollowing· 1 traffic . acci~l ThursdaY"' replied; "You IUYS •~ guessing pretty ccremoniOUJJy jn council chambers Feb. Mu. Saxon'••sn?UP·· 1'be city thue: tar bas evening lhll!l killed 1 companion. 1 , ~ ·good-·" ' · 4. !?al•l4liied Iha! ohe :b cO!KlllcU.1 • Karen J. Sosag. J7, of 11131 Haul .st.: ,.Cullnovlch will replace Se.n. George That was the evening London actress · bUtineA because there Is• bank accouot. ,.,_ G died ileukmejian o! Long j!eacb, ~ho resigned ·Kate s. ..... now of 1875 Ocean l\'ay. • '\'!Vertl.linf and. boCib 'tfl>t. • ~rden · rove 'al ll;Oi 'l'Jll"ln ·the alter Schrade's elecUOn. Deulanejlan was &pilled the money in one dollar bills plus 1 1 The .acton worklhop, ..... mt:in-i 11'11 ' Coant): Tnmc w 1•. a ouppor1er·ot·det>ooed R4plbllcan Senato • one ntclcel onto a l\ble and 0.. o .... o! talnl It ii no lllCh thing, llllt"llle .,..,p . JI Ilea .. Toll . JS leader ffolfard Way of Elteter. council chamben. merely meell •• • ~to critique Neb c..ano.ldl •rvOcl In the A1•mbly Sht thel), stormed out ol the meetlng each other and I.bat Iii< funds have been holpltal where '""' t.a' '.pURi!\1on · f ~ ,,.. • " ' · Anothtr..iChamber of Commtrce type weekehd JI) In store tor the ~ng. Coaat. wl\ll only 1 tmlch oJ l ••¥!al fog,19 -!be view, T..,P. • eratures remain in the central slxUes. JNSW E ToDi\ Y . '• !tom 11157 lo 1181, lbo year he was elected with tbe exlt u... '"The bome ol the tree donoled lo hi"' 1 theoter at "'I"' llllln Michelle Ceron. ti. ol llllllt ~ to the Senate. He 'did not support Way and lbe land or t.he bloody brave bec'use time. ' ' Drlite, Westminster ind N0"""1 """"""· .... "" 1• = . ,,... tut yur and VQt,ed 'f'ith SVhrade this you have ta be brave to)l•e hett.~' Wl1elton 11tlll hopes some compromise 17, of 120' Grayson Ave'., Auheb:il,' are 1 ~"'i::.,, ; .......,': .., Yatdting ocllvit~ lo b"°1nipg dOWio 'i<liiltr -"A.,trolio, N.., Ztaland cmd '"''td!>o•tt• :... GO' cordiftg lo WU.know•· Nnur»rt Beoch JIOCh""""' and al'-1! Rod Li~t>Old. Boating Prigt JS ', aesslon, City Manager James o. Wheaton said can be found . He-f\ld acheduled separate btlng t~ted for muldptt lnJuriea. • =" n.... -..... c.... •. HOwever, lbe tall, amiable lumber ex. tbe money Jell by Mrs. Saxcin. Junds meeUng& D<lt ,.,.k with 11,.. Soxoa aod .Pianp_ C4un1~· S)lerllf'~ depuUea ~aid --~-;1 E'' It: -' ecuUve wu named by Woy lbb year •• doooled by ~ Lond0n LaP.P• Acton anotllcr member of Ibo il'!"P !l.tD whicb the a<eldenl oOcvirecf on !be ()r;fiii ;;;;,.;;--"'I: chairman of the , lnduslrial RelaUoM Workshop that meetr at her hOme, l\aVe he hopes lo lake to couricllmen a rtcOm· Hif,hwa,y two mUer northeast of the Sa\n' J:::: ,.. • ::' "'': Committee. aUll not been relrlevod b1 Ille poup. mendalloo "·' Uie lul•re l1llwl anil Dl'IO "-•Y when Miss Susa&, IOll :.._ .. lj !!!!!..!':!! • It• oald Ile lntend1i lo conduct hi~ Under tbe code. oatd Wheaton, ...,.y ca~ o1 ""' ~· _.ntiop., Ile cootrol of ber Yolbl/-!>tll 001 1 Qig ,'I ;;;;;ri\.:I"' ••~ leadtrlhJp pot\ In 1 manner !bot will not ]>lcked up In .tr montlll -Id IV into 1'<iia aho tlle tjl;' can slvt .~ ti. cllrVe. Tht vthitle ·~•II o11 U. ~ ._' • ,.. (~ SCllMl'TZ, Pap I)~,. the Clfl'raL llmd o! th(.clly norlJ!!!.lY-· ~,c.ui bol~itar11!d~, ~ '~. ,., -·~' ~°",_,,•_rt~• .. ¥P""°!;~ Ci ,'.,; !",--,-:--------.-' ., 'II Li ' · '"-' -• , J J .I, jl I > • '• ' ' I -----A-.. ---~ .._ -~ ... ·-" • I ' I .. I I OU..Y PllOT L Fri.11, Ftbnwy 13, 1970 -c .. 1tt1 P"-'a Falb League Sticks • T-0 Harbor· .Stand \ - B, TOM BARLEY ck "" 0.llY ,1111 .,,., ·Four county supervisors ran into rouab water and a nol.!y meeting Thursday nllht when they tried to ~ the Orance C.OUnty Chapter or the League of ClllfomJa CHies to join them in urgin1 expensloo of the Orqe Cotmly Harbor Dl$1rlct. f'olll< applause met the plea of the bawd for what wpervi.:ir'a OWnnan Alton E. Allen of LllCUllJ Beach called a "united front" on the thorny.lslue. ~backed byCounlJCouuelAdrla!i Kuyper and Counl)' AdmhUlllraUvo Of. ficer Rob8.rt Tbomu u ~. W"f" ed tl>O clllct' support for ..-of tlw Harbor Dbtrlcl lo Include oil the County's belcbe1, parks and recruUon fecliJUa. Alleo'a boml is ,..kln1 ieplallve backina !or thal proposal. The leque, througil Autmbl;yman John Briga (R·Fullerton) ii ,..kin& 1p- proval in Sacramento of 1 bill that would pui the long dilputed harbor dlstrlcl lsaue before Orlll(e Count~ voten for a llnli Lawn Bowler Review Due By Planners .Lquoa Beach Plaonina """'1Uallonera will continue their rmew ol plaol for tho propooed la,,. bowllo& duhho1&1.. al Heilier Park and their llludy o1 lhe PJan. nlq Deparlmenl boqet for the comlnf year durlq lhe commllaloo'1 rquiar &ealon at.L!ll_p.m, l\4!PllY bLdlY-blil council dwnbera. The commltelonen will inMI al e:u· p.m. to conclude their etudy of the generi.J plan goals stattment prior to the regular meeting. Also on the Monday nl&ht qtnda 1, a ''arlance application from E,. W. Natss. M.D., 1IO N. Cout H11hway, for ~rmlasion to extend • structure lnto the roqulred front yard and excoed permitted ·height wllh 1 am-unll apartmeol hulldlnl In lbe Cl zone. determination co tta dlnoluUco or e1- pw!Qn. - - l.4ague member11 are convinced that the vote would be overwbelminclY for dilloluUoo. • SUpaniJor Qavtd l!Uer, lbe hoanl's odd-man'°ut oo lhe harbor -, drew lhe ovelloo ol the nllhl for llil oppoo!Uon to the llAnc:e adopled by IUpOrvilors Allen, Robert Batun, William lilnte!n and William Philllpa. 'Ille Second Dllllrld supanllor relul<d Kl&Yptr'a .........,1 lhat li>lorptlon ol lhe harllor qeocy Into COUlll1 10Vernmenl would -lbe allooa11oo of fl1nda for vt11ll7. -sted beach and pllt projecta ' -. u Kuyper declared, lhe harbor en- Uly wouJcl be just ooe ol maoy ~in a Jn>Wlmjr COUllly budget. The OIJlllll1 -I lilo Warned lbe ' meelln& Iba! IUch 1clloo mlgl>I lud lhe COUllly -ID place 1Uch illues as police proiecUOo and welfare•• prioritle1 over badly needed recreaUonal faclllties . 111 can't He that argument," said Bl.Ur. "All we would do would be to abaotb liie dblrlcl, penonnel alichll, Into our counly stnicture and I don't lhlnlt Its future would ht tlt(ulelled II hlld&•I lime or aey other lime. "We have a clear •amine from state government lhat thore are jUll too mony laJlnc qendOs In nlslence," Ba.lier 11.ld. "Here ii one that no Ionaer needs to exist and wblcb would become more clearly vlalble to a concerned public ll It were drawn Into county government and dlrectly admlnlstered by county a:ovem· menL" ~ Baker l1so rejected the arauments or ·Kuyper and Thomas that "dlaldluUon or ~ Harbor Dtltrlct would also remove tho authoril)' by which the 11ency pre>. tectt public cbanneta and waterways aJahc-'he CXKmtJ coa1Ulne. · ur don't see that either," Baker said. "I juat can't concefve of any city trying to take advantage of such a aJtuatlon and I believe myaeU that they would .mly be too wlDtng to protect. public fnter11ts within their boundaries." "From the public point of view, nothing will change," Baker said ''The money wouJd cmne from the same people and the harbor district's area of governmtnt would receive the same careful scruUny and attention," he said. Supervisor Robert Battin drew the boos of lbe night when he defied Le-_ Pral· deol J1ek Grem'1 ruu., thal Ibero would be no rebutt.al of the main spe.akera for each aide of the controversy. DAILY fllLDT SI.ti' ~ HOLD ING SHAMROC K FOR LUCK, BUSI NESSMEN KI CK OFF CAPO SCHOLARSHIP PRIVE . W. S. Wohb, John Sorenc11, Ed Chaffoy._ Mac Mochn)illor (from loft) Defy Friday, tho 13th County Jail Victi1n Said Mentally ID Deputy orange County C<robe.r Ronald Staniak le6tilled today that vsrnon Louis Williams had a long history ol mental ii· lness and scuffles with police offiCt'l"S arid had been booked in Riverside County on the day of his death frr throwing rocks at a school bus. Stantak'11 testimony was oflered during the opening phase5 of s public inquest in· to the death of Williams, a San Pedro man who died Jan. 21 in Orange County Jail following a slruggle with deputies. The inquest is the first such public in· quirj to be held in Orange Olunty 11ince 1962. It was caned for by Dirtrlct Attornty Cecil Hicks and Sherif! James Muflck when it was ruled that • "choke hold'" clamped on Williams during the jail acuf· fle was the direct cause of his death. Williams. 27. had been booked earlier that da y for jaywalking on the Riverside Freeway ln Anaheim and was taken lo the jail following bis refusal to sign a California Highway patrolman'• citation. The allegedly tzucuJe.nt Negro, clad only In purple shorts, took on his captors when they tried to book him on the misde- meanor chargt. Lu~ky Fund Day? Grant Group Launches Drive It might be Friday the t31h but members o! the newly o r g an l 1 e d Scholarship Fund Assn. Serving the Capltstrano Unified School District aren't superstitious. Nevertheless they are keeping their flngen crossed today as they kick off the.Ir charter membership campaign and fund drive. Mrs. Lyn Harris Hicks, charter presi· dent, said the group has been organizing for a year but It ls now working in earnest in hopes of raising substantial funds to aid graduates of San Clemente Hlgh School as they enter college. "We want ours to be a community wide organization," said Mr1. Hicka. "We'll have bolh individual aod organizational membershlpe:." A ~member governing council has been selected to guide the riroup's ac· liviUes during the ytM. Heading the in· dustrlal-commercial team will be W. S. Webb of San Juan Capistrano. Chairman of the organizational appeal will be Gary Sodikoff also of San Juan Capistrano. Anyone seeking m e m b e rs h I p in- formation is invited to contact Charles JohaMsen, pupil personnel director for the caplstrano Unified School Distrlct at 496-1215 or by writfng to him at the district adminisLraUon office, 28126 Vic· toria, Capistrano Beach. Egyptian Jets Strike As VengeanceDemanded By The Associated Preu Emtian planes sltuck across the Suez Canal today and the Israeli inllltary com- mand claimed ooe was shot down_ (See earUer story pa1e 4.) U.S.-tsraeli collaboration, assembled on the streets of Cairo today .. ''We ave111e tJi blood of the martyrs! Down w i th Ametican-lsraell col· Jaboratlon," they roared . ' L Banners lauded Arab unity and vuwed Citie~ Ask CAB Ban ,New Flights ,Attorney• ror' the cftles of Ne\tport Beach, Lrtng Beach and Orange County ~ Thursday told the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) In Washington, D.C .• that It 1hoold refuse pennlsslon for any added tllgbts at Orange County Airport .All thrte told the CAB that terminal -II the airport youid not be letse<i 'to neW ~ aod that rules on the fie- • ~ of. Dlgl>ts, weight llmlil and ciirfew Umes_ already art in effecl The three atloTfteys -Tully Seymour of Newport, Robert Nuttman of the Coun- .ty of Orange and Leslie Still Jr. or Long Beach -were opposing the appllcaUoo for addiUon or fligha to the PaclUc Northweat from crowded airports ' in Orange County and Loni Beach. Bui despite the continued klc:al opolll· tion to the flights, the Idea hl1 won the approval of one CAB eiaminer, who has urged tb,at the routes ~ e1tablished in smaller satellite airport( near San Fran· cisco and Los Angeles. All three attomeys opposed the new flights because of excessive jet noise. "The puLUc will not permit it," Stills told the CAB, "It's a major urban transportation problem." Both Nuttman and Seymour asked the board to drop any more Idea of added mpta, citing lbe 128 million in exlallng claims by Harbor Area homeowners suing over jet noise. Both also cited the r~nt Los Angeles Superior Court decision awltding $740,000 in damages to similar claimants. The allied opposition to flights comes after Examiner Robert L. Park and the CAB Bureau of Operating rught.s pro- posed the new Northwest routes to 9erve Long B e a c h • Hollywood-Burbank, Ontario, and Orange County airports. The plan also includes proposals to use several airports in the San Francisco Bay area - a proposal wtuch has won support from juri!dJctlons t})tre. · NuUman dwelled on the suits, which plalnttl!!I say will begin coming up for trial next summer. He said Orange County, the defendant in the actions, i5 seeking an _aireement with the plaintiffs and Is pushing for a compromise -the county will authorize no new flights from the tenninal if the suits are withdrawn . Nuttman cited last vteek's unanimous decision by County Supervisors to include anti-noise measures In a revised lease with Pacific Southwest Airlines, which will merge soon with Air California, an airline currenUy operating al the Oran&e County l<rmlnal' A request for relocaUon, of a lot line, 11ubmUi!_d _by Carl G~Allen, 2673 V~ctoria Drive and deferred from ihe Feb. 1· meetloa: will come up for ad.loo and, under new bua:lness, the commission will review propoSed amendments to the 'Orlll(o Cfwity Plann!n( Com~laa'• mlllet plin ol artertli hlglnr*i'•· Batun took the miO'ophone osle.nlibly to. IOIWtr a -1lo• OOI 1'11 -= qui* beeomo whal Iii hid_ told Would not be accepled -a parUli rebuttal of Baker's remarks, Stanuk aod other witnessel teltllled that WllHama had a long hdtory of ar- rests dating back at leut to 11111 when he wu booked five times in Los An1eles • County. ,,,... "' -.,,..,, ll "'" stated, were for nlU'Cftlcs violatlons. Stanzak said Williams had an offlci1I req>rd of being subject to dehis\ont. echl"'l'brenla and paranoia and had . received psychiatric trutment 1 1 recently· as 1968. In Cairo thousands of Egyptians demonstrated demandina vengeance for the Israeli air raid Thursday that hit a scrap metal plant north of the Egyptian capital, killing 70 workmen. to nght to liberate Arab lands occupied by Israel. Included in the lease renewal are restrictions on plane wei&ht. jet aircraft noise and flight hours. f'ro•n Page J Strike Hits Ita ly ROME (AP) -Automobile homa blut. ed from bumptr.to bumper b'1fHc today In the wont public transport 1lrlke to hit Italy ln a year. An eatlmated elght mUUon Italians, mostly worken and students, had to walk or drtve their own can because of tht :4-hour natlonwkle walkout that began Thursday midnight League delegates bellowed "sit down, sit down." And BatUn fin11ly sat down aft.er a few more comment.a from Chalrmao Green on the propriety ol lbe 1upervl90r's attitude. Green Indicated Jn c1oling the meelina: that there would be no change tn the league'• rec.en.Uy exprused ruoluUoo In favor of dlaaoluUon. Twenty four of Orange County'• 25 ciUes w e re rt(:l'esented at the meetin& in Oran1e. Second My Lai Massacre . Alleged in New Charges Fn>m Wire 5enotca WASHINGTON -Ch1rges filed Thun. da)' against a Purple Heart combat ve_t· eran alleaed a second massacre of South Vietnamese civilians ocazrred near the hamlet of My Lal March 18, 19&8, it has been learned. · Capt. Thomas K. Wiiiingham, 2S, ARen· hurlt, N.J., was charged with unpremed- itated murder of civilians rt May Lal. The Pentagon l.s withholding the num- DAILY PILOT 0Ml4Gl CCAJT flUIL.llHLNG CON.l't.NY l.l...t N. We14 ...... llft<lf .... fl~llMr J1c.lr a. Cw11.1 Vici ......... , tr.ll ~' MMloltf' '?11.Mts Kt1Yil lt!llr TI!e11111 A. M11r,.lii11• M111111111' l•llor Ilic.hi,. r. Nell L...,,,. ••di City l~llllr ~IMP C>Mt• 122 Fe111t A••~11• M•ill11t A44rettr P.O. lo~ •66, t2•S2 C.• Mew• )'9 WM! llJ $1'"' """"" a.dl1 m1 ""' 11111o1 11u1 .... ,.. """"1111*1·ihtclll 11'11 l4IKll ·--· -. •. -• her of victims aet forth In the specifica- tions· pending a required lnvest11aUon to determine if Willingham will , like Isl Lt. WIJll1lft L. Ciltey Jr .. be court·marUaltd. Military 80Urces said the speclflcaUona ag&lnst W\llingham do not' say whether he actually ktlled the victims or ordered It done by the platoon he commanded. The alleged lncidfnt In which Willing· ham stands accused occurred about t.o miles from My Lal where, according lo lbe Anny, Calley killed 1113 clvlllw Mardi 16, 1963. Both Incidents occurred the same day and were part of the same U.S. military operation coriducted In the Son1 My area. which encomJ)&S3eS My Lal and several other hamlets. The WiWngham development was view· ed as significant in the unfoldilll story of alleged atrociUes against Vlelnlmese cl- vlllans for two rtasons: -tt upended the Army lnvesUgaUon of what happened at Song My to Include a second Infantry company -B Ctlm· pany. 4th Battalion, 3rd Infantry, Amer· ical Dtvlsion. The probe had focu!ed pre. viouslv on Calley's unit, C Company, 1st Battalion, 20th tnfanlry. -lt was the first time ln(ormatlon Clis· closed In testimony by 1 11pecial Army panel meeting at the Pentagon has be.en used a!I the basts for char~es against one of the men involved in tht Soni My optratlon. Wlllln4ham la the hllhe•I ranking of. ncer yet chll"f9d in the case. At the time ht was 1 lleuttnant comrnandlna • pl•· toon. He Is al&0 the firth U.S. Hrvi~t1n formally 1ccused ln COMectlon with the controvenlal opt111Uon. ln addition to Cal1ey, tWG strteints and a private who oeTVed wl'L C Company have been char1ed. Armv l!OllfCf:I a&ld thty entct ~ th11t other lndMdu11J who 1erved with Wiii· lntthl"'I may he char,qed. Penta•l"lft ofOl'tlalt ltlY all l"'ether YT 11'd:IY1dual.t -IS IOldle" 11M D e:t-an1-dlm ;.-are now cons!dertd under In· vt'"tlpa1~. II tr1td and convicted, Wijl!.Nth•m C"OU!d d111w a penally u sevm as ure lmpritonln•nt. ' He said Williams was committed to Patton State H°"Pital aft.er officer• tesUfled that he broke into a Los Angeles mortuary with the pur?OSe, he told of. ficers, "of reading the Bible to all those those dead people." Stanzak said Williams had betn ar- rested In San Bemantino County for si~ ling nude in a locktd car and Riverside County officers booted him Jan. 12 for thf'Owing rocks at a !Choo! bus. Willia~ died a few hours later ln the Orange County jail fracas. Witnesses read Into the Inquest record a long series of arrests ranging from the dead man's assault on an employer in 1962, to petty 1helt, auto burglary and narcotics violations. Frotn Page J SCHMITZ ..• reduce partisanship on the noor to main· taln ''the decorum and dJgnlty In the Senate.11 Cusanovlch said he hopes lo "program things" ao "we'll have our arguments in advance." Meantime. Sen. Fred Marler said there: Is a "hl&h probability" that he will be reappointed chairman of the Senate Aarleulttue Commlttet. Marler, a Republican from Redding, w1s demoted to vice chalnnan thi1 session. Tuesday he voted for Schrade although last year he supported Way· tn his brief Senate leadership takeover. Marler denied his defect.ion was tempted by his loss of the cbalrmamhip prompted by his loos ol lbe chairmanship. He said his main criticism of Way was the scrapping of the seniority system in the selectioo of chairmen. ''This does not make for stability." he said, especlally when tlle. leader has been pµt in offlce on a "lenuo~" coalition of ,liberal Democrats and Republicans. He said prior to the showdown vote, that cei.putted SOhrade Into the top job, "both sdes1• -the Way and Schradt camps - told him his demotion •·was wrong" and that "thty would take steps to restore my chairmanship." Marler said he received telephone cal11 from "several sectors" of the Repub• Party urging him to '"'"aln loyli to Way. But he said. none of his caUers were "from the Republican Slate Cenir•I com· mlUee." P lanned Co111111unity Ge ts Federal Boost WASHINGTON (AP) -A planned community near P.Unneapoll1 w • ' dulgnated today as the first to receive ssl1t1nce -under the federal proar11m to 11imulai. devtlopmenl ol new dUt1. • An Israeli 5P0kesman said the Egyp. Uan plane, believed to be a fast Soviet· built Sukhoi 7 flghter·bomber, went down In Egyptian territory near Ismailia, about midway along the canal. The attack was mounted by six Egyp- tian jets which paired off in attempts to hit three Israel emplacements on the ten· tral and northern Hcton of the 103-mUe- long waterway, the spokesman said. No Israeli casualties or damage were reported. By lsraeU count, the Egyptians have lost 68 planes in combat since the 1967 war, contrasted with 10 Israeli aircraft. Thousands of Egyptians, careying large banners and denouncing what they called A confidant of Nasser and editor of the Cairo newspaper Al Abram, Hassanein Heikal, claimed the United Slates, in a series of recent ''close coordination meetings" wtth Israeli officials, col· laborated in 1 "JOO.day blitz plan" to ex· ert maxlmum prts!IUre. on Egypt to oust Pre:sident Gama! Abdel Nasser. He said the United States gave the Israelis the g<Mhead to use Ame.rtcan- bullt Phantom jets In deep penetration raids against Egypt aceon:llng to a mutually arranged progressive timetable. The 100 Qays fixed for the execution of the alleged plan, Helkal said, y,·as the ap- proximate lime remaining before the ~nited Slates was (cheduled to complete. its withdrawal from strategic Wheelus Air Force Bue In Ubya. BOARD • • • year-old Barbara Marshment, 1 repre- sentative of the Student Advisory Board, who complained many of today's students must deal with "teachers who are not able to communicate with their stu- dents ... The student board recommended modi· ficatlon of the pre.sent tenure law lo In- corporate lhe principle ol limited rather than Indefinite continuing contracts. She said all teachers should be given a four-year contract alter lhree years employment and then reevaluated. Prea. ently. the teacher becomell a permanent employe after three years In a district . The three-day board meeting concludes today. Jina/ W.et o/ Safe COMFORT & STYLE AT A PRICE CHAIR STARTS AT $129. AVAILABLE IN A LARGE SELECTION OF COVI ii$ AT THE UNBELIEVABLE PRICE Of $12'. COMMODI ON UU AT '159. I DEALERS FOR : HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE -'1 NIWPORT BEACH 1717 We1tcllff Dr., 642•2050 or1H PllDAY 'TU ... t INTIRIORS Prof111lon1I Interior 0.11,.. .. Aval11bl....AID-NSID • LAG UNA llACH 34S Norfh C01tt Hwy. '94-6551 ONN PllPAY 'TTL t ' 1r I I I -I I I , I • I I l ' · · '.N~~~ •aih'Qr :,--':-:'~·-.-:=-:... · • -E D I J I 0. N " . . . • • • • • • Today'll-".'flnal "j . ··.:VO~. 63 , NO. 37, 4 SECTIONS, ~ PAGES ' ( ' ' ORANG• COUNTY, CALIFORNIA '~ltJDAY, ~WAllY 13, J97.0 TEN CENTS teijU~ BnckS County, Sticks to Harb.or .Stand I . '.. . • ' 'i · By TOM'IBA&LEY "unlted_front" on th.e thorny ~ue. . · '!" • ~"-Pl_. ,,... " Allen, bl.eked by County Counsel Adrian Four C'OUJlt)' supery~ ran I~ rouih Kuyper and County Administrative Of. witu-.and • noliy mtetiq'1,.'l)Unday fleer Robert Thomas as oo-speakers, urg-nillit whtn they tr.lid lo pe~ the cd the cit~~" support for expansion or the . llianBO County Chap!<r·Ql·!he l;.e.oiue of . U.,bor l)lw;ct to inclu<I~ all t!Je <ounty's ~alifornla C1~lea to, joiq; tp&n1 .\n:W'gillg beaches, l'aris and recreaUop facilities. ~~ . .:. ns__.lo.n fJf the Orqe,Counly Harbo~. Allen's board is seeking legiStative .LIRl_Ul\." bat:klng for that ·proPosal. Polite applause . met the plus ol !he The league, through Assemblyman boJrd for what ' l!JPIFVi&Gr' Chairman John Briggs (R·Fullerton) is seeking ap- ... pul Uie loni disputed harbor district luue be!ore Orange OD1.DltY voters for a final determinatkin on Its ' dissolution or ex· panAioo. · League members •re convinced thqt the vott>< would be' overwhelmin1ly for ·dissolution. SUpervisor' David Baker, the board's odd-man-out on Uie harbor Issue. drew the ov1Uon of the nighl for his opposition to the' stance· adopted by su pervisors Allen, Robert Battin, William Hintein Altoll E.~Allen ol Lquria :Beach called a provaNrr8feramento of a bill t.hat wooJ:d l ~~~~~~~~·-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' . • • tnd Wllllam Pliilllps. Tiie Second District .,perv1.., r<luted Kuyper:.-argument thlt ab8brption ol the ha-agency Into CJJWlty JOVemmen\ Would menace the alloCIUon of funds for vitally needed beach and park projoc:Js slnce, as KuyMr,declarecl.,Uie harbor en· tll;' ., wool~ be J'1'1 -ol many d•pat1ments in a 1row1D1 county bu<i&•t. The ·-oly COW>IOI abo wam•cJ' the meellng that "'ch ldJoo might lead the couaty board to pl.Ice such issues as .. l'OlfL"e protection and weUate as prloriUes over badlv needed ~Uooal faC.iliUes. "I can;t see. that ~gumenl," u.ld Baker. "AU we. would do would be to abeorl> the district, personnel and all, into our county struclure and I don't thtnk its ruture would be Lhreatened at bud&Cl Urne or (Ul.)' other time. ·, • ''We have a clear wamln;, from atate pvemment that there are just too many t.axtng agencies In elistenoe," Baker said. ''Here is one that no k>oger needs to ' • .. exist and which would be<ome. mo,o clearly visible to ·a concerned public U lt v.·ere'drawn into county govtrnrne:rtt and 4i""IY admlniatered by county 1ovem- ~ent." · '" Baker allO rejected the ,1rgurnents (If Kuyper and Thomas. tha t. ;'lll!solution •ot the Harbor District WOUIO alto remove !he aulhottty by which the qeoc:y pro- lecta public chanMla and wakrwl)'S: (S.. HARBOR, P11• ~l White..only Land Sold Flight Curb Urged By Carswell Newport Lawyers Appeal to CAB. .. PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) -Tllo deed to a. piece ol prope"rty sold by Suprenie Court nominee 'a. ·Harrold Carswell and his wile in' 1961 contained a whites.only clause. ~e Palm Beach Post reported to. day. . The anti·Negro restrieti()n was ap. parently first established by Cars)'ell 's· brother-Jn-law. Jack Simmons Jr., the Post said, when be obtained 38 acres CrOl)ting on Ochlocknee Bay in 1963. It said Carswell's wife -Virginia acquired part .of, tlhe land from her brother the same ye,a:r. "Ownership, occupancy· and use shall be restricted to members --01 the Cauca!ian race, 1' said tbe covenant ' wri1ten·;·into the deed recorded at the Wakulla_· County c o U'l' t h o u a e in Cr~ardlville. ~-lht-C.rl'IMlll--aolcl--)lloir.JoW'.,_. -i~ •llclut lf,Q; ~uly 11, ·-IS, the doed 1pecificafi1 mlde the sa~ subject to the restrieUve' conve~ts 1 iii. force three yeu:a•W'lier w,.,'l!rs;,CarsweJi pt Che ~i1y, !he PW said in i i:oPJri&hl •Jory. • • llomeJllc worlcen employed. i., and residing with Caucasian families wert t:Ictpted from the restrictions, Utt Post said. N tract lncludea 50 Jots, providing ex-· elusive surhmer home lite.s for members ol the., wealthy Simmons family and other socialites ol nearby Tallahassee, the newspaper said. The Carswells no longer own any ~ perty in the bayfront con\plex. accordinc to the current Wakulla CoUnty tax rOll. ~ The Poat story aild · purchaser11 of the Carswell ·lot were Mrs. Harriet N. Yon, wife of Tallaha~ Postmaster Peyton Yon, and Mrs. Muie Middleton, a Tallahassee wkt01J'. The Canwells and others reported in· volved in the deal were not immediately available for comrpent. . .- At Mlaml, Whlte House P r e I s Secretary Ronald L: Ziqler .said he had no.comment on the Carswell transaction bvt added , "1 think if you look across the cou.nlry at va~ious real estate docuatents you wou ld find 1hat this particular in· cident is not ·Isolated at all.'' Ziegler, at his regular news briefing, took e:recption to a questioner's tug· geftion that Carswell had insisteC:I upon inclusion of lhe restriction. Responding to questions, Ziegler said Yresident Nlxoo had not been aware o! the transaction when be ;1ubrTiitted the o&rswell nomination. He said none of the Plbr"ida or California ~ owne.d by tbe Chief e:recul.W.11! can-y r 1 c i a I cbvenant.s. carswell. a judg-: Or \he 5th Cireuit Court of Appeal, ha.s been in seclw.ion since tht Senate JIMiiciary Committee lait week recessed Its bearinp. on his ~me Court ~tion, Orange > Ceas t W.ith a Little Luck Black cats ar e universally spurned on days like today -Friday, the 13th. This-nameless feline , currently a resident Of ·lhe Laguna Canyon shelter of the Society for lhe Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), is hoping someone will have a change of heart .tomorrow {'Valentine's Day) and give him a new'home and a little Jove. Me·san Held Af te1· Drivers Report Attack .Witl1 Chain A young Cost.J Mesa man with. a hisl(lry of violent mental illOess was de- Lained by Newport Bea.ch police Thursday afternoon.after motorisU told officers he swun1 .a six-foot chain at them as they drove through Central Newport. But pol.let loon discovered t h a t Lhe youth's sym pio'ms were only starting. Once inside the police department bookjn1 cage, Patrolman Vince Antista sakf, lhe man, clad in outlaw motorcycle garb and wearig a Mohaw.k haircut, riir- ped open· a !leel door and shat~ed. a heavy wigdow with Ills 'fist .' · Onct more oflicerr subdiled the1 man and took him to Orange-County' Medieal Center's mental ward where &ctor1 quickly recognized hlm . · The patient. they told Anlisla , had been In before for having swallowed raizor blades ind slashing his wrists and •'lllab- binl himself in the chest. Recor~s checks at the Newport depart- mcnl sOO""ed the man had reported lo police in recent months that ile.s&ian cyclists follo\\•ed him through town and cut him on the face and arm s. Follow-up investigation showed that the "victim" a<:t.ually had slashed himself repeatedly. Antista said he found the man Thurs- day afternoon walking silently toward Newport Pier, dragging lhe chain behind him. "I'm going to the pier to jump off," the man told Antista, "because I'm no &0!00·'' .S Coek /tlarket NEW YORK (AP) -The s1ock market was mired in a •bog·of investor dislnttrest late thls aflerooon. (See quotations, P1ges •0:11 1. It-showed a moderate Joss by lhe aver· ages In a lackadaisical trading. Altomey11 ror lbe cities ol Newport Beach, u.ng Beach and Orange County Thursday told" lhe C1vil Aeronautics Board .(CAB) in Was,hlngtcn, D.C., thal il should refuse. pennlsslon for any added flight.s.at Orange County Airport. All three told Ule CAB that tennlnal space at the airport would not be leased to new airlines and that niles on the (re-. quency r.I flights, wei1ht limits and curfew times already are in effect. The three attorneys -Tully Seymour of Newport. Robert Nuttman of the Coun- ·Ly of Orange and Leslie Still Jr. of Long Beach -wtre opposing the application • for addition of Bights to the Pacific Nortln\le!t from crowded airporta in Orange County and lAng Beach. But despite the continued. local oposi- tion to the flights, the idea has wpn the approval of ·Ol')e CAB examiner" who has uraed. "that ,the routes be established In . ' iwine camp • • • Riot Linked ToRadicalS By RICHARD P. NALL Of IN O•lb' l"li.t SMff CAMP PENDLETON -. 'liJe J ... hour riot stqed in a barr.ackJ by .blac) Marine he.re may have been triggered by radical dissident groups pegging It to 1hc pending arrival of the Mar_ine Corps commandant. · Col. Ross R. Miner. commandi ng of- ficer of the Sla1ing Battalion~ where the outbreak occurred Wednesday night. has linked the fracaa to such groups as Black Panthers, Students ror a Democratic Society and the Movement for • Democratic Mllllary. About · 30· Marines were Injured, one seriously , when the 30 to 35 Negro Marines stormed Into a two-story wooden barracks "using broom handles to hit everyone who' was in their way" and breaking windows, plumbing fi:rturcs and lockers. fl appeared the Incident had been plan- ned. Lt. Col. Edward Schu ltze. base public artairs officer. said today that his office hid rke.ived • caU from newa media asJt. ing about trouble an hour before the 9 p.m. outbreak and again as It Wl!S just under way. He said the news ~~e had been advised of the pending dlSturbance even to the barrack• nllmber." Oen. t..:eonard F.'Chl!Pmin; Jr., Marine commandant, his been acheduled for -seV'1al weeks to visit. the bue Monday andlTuescfay. Col. Schultze said that the Staging Baltali0t1 is largely rilade up of Marines walling for. overseas assliroment such 1s Vietnam or Okinawa.. -, However. he ·said that Subunit One (S.. MARJNES;~p II Council Race Reaches 11 AnotMr Chamber of Commerce ' type wed:end· ii lo siore for ,the • .._ I Oran·~ Cout. with only a touch of ORTUN•" ' by l . d A 'l J' out pa-r1'"~··• not yel returned "-, coastal roe to mar the vieW'. Temp. By THOMAS F "" voten ~ ecilOl'l ay pn "· ,.... lll.,...., '"'"" 1 eratures . .remain in the central ' •"" Plflf' ''"" '"" Next Thuraday abo ls the deadline for are Dr. Jtrrel Richa rds, pmident of the } aixties. With the deadline for filing papers oC re&Jltering to Wte for the council elee-Lido Isle Asloci•tlon, and Carl Kymla. I ' !fiSm"' TOD .a v candktM:y nQw ... Jess' than a week . a)Vay, Uori. Anyone who voted ln the November' manageriof i water diJUict. ' ' .-..i ,.. • 11168, -·ldtntlal elecUon and has not i only four candidates are officially in the moved~~ce. ls sUll regl.atered. City Planning Commluioner Wllter Yachting activity ii boomtpo .lists for the: Nt:wport Buch City Council , Only one ,mcvmbeot has take.n out Koc~~-~ Car,.~ ~.only one 8Ceklng down undlr -Aiutrolia, Nro r·ace. • papcts, Howard Rof:ets, o( Balboa, who 1 Grqoer,.s 1eat.rtp~U111' lhe Newpcrt J Zealand and thereaboutl -Ge-Honftr ~tn othtrs lnciOding ~ \YOuld be seek.ID1 a .econd four fear He.lglits and Wtst Blutr area. • 1. cot;ding tp tatll-knoun• N~ , r'IW' ~ _,i.~I• baKi.tei; ..ittrm. Prebably opposln« him will be Or1111e Coast. College student James: Beach va.cht1ma1t .oud ittorM ~ l. tut nomlqltlo'n' ~·P!ra and al'el Qpecied former dt7 councilman Al FOr1it, who Aypea ,ir •. ha5 filed for Shel\on's 11!,t Rod LtpPb ld. Boating· ht/f. 'Ii.-... to return them before Ult 01ing lJtrlOO was unseated by ~aid Mcinnis, of West reprtsentln1 Corona del Mar. after hfs ...,1111 ' ,. Mni.t ,,.,. ends at noon Thursday, Feb. Jt. New~ two yeani ago. A redrawing of falller, James Aynes Sr., learned he , ~== ui ; ~ '"= ~: The latest . aspirant""' Is Thomas Sta.di· coupcilmanic '.bowldarlcf hos moved hadil"t bee"}• feJIStered dtf voter Jeng t»MI,._ , ii.-. °"""" ~ ' lna:e.r, an Eastbluff resident who ls direc-F'ortlt ln wlth .Rogers. e.nough. =::..,. : • .......,.. *""' tor of public relatioas aind development --'Three other {ftcumbents ~ Mayor "BUllder Richard Crvul flltd his paptn . --. .,.... • r,:: ....._ l:n for Hoag Memorial Hoss>'tal. Doreen Ma•ll, 'Pa•I Gruber and th{.! momlna for the l>latricl Sl:ii: Cor0011 =:= ,.... : ~ v.: All JI poteaUal ,CQl9kt have !Wed-Robert Shelton -have Jlld they will oot1 de! ¥ar raet. ,1b0ae Who bft! taken out ._ 1"" :"... • .: Ole rt4)uired 1hree ·years ·within lhe city. setk rctlt<:Uon. paperS' aod a!IO ·are Jlktly to be in the .::. L,:..,. ~~ ....... """., .. ,~· When lM filing mod ends. those in Roy Wool1q ... Nl!tfport attorney. has ,contest. are:' SlMl!lrlaer. plea repreten· _=:. ,_ : :r.~, :"°' ta,1; the ftnaJ lineup wll take to the hu!tings filed for Mn~ M1rshtlJ! District Thret -• tatfve David ~~· and rttt.aurant O'WMr lo lr) 10 outdo each oth er In the. minds or scat. Probab.,· ononen~;"WI» baYt taken ' Ricl}ard l:.aw11i!11--.... I . , .. • ' smaller satellite sirports near San Fran- cisco and Los Angeles. All three atLQrneys opposed the new flights beciiuse. or excessive jet noise. · "The pulillt will nol permit it," SUUs told the CAB, "It's a major urban transportation problem." Both Nuttman and Seymour asked lhe boarl:I lo drop any more idea of added flights, dtmg the $28 million In e1:lsUng claims by Harbor Area homeowners suing over jet noise. Both also cited the recent Los Angeles Superior Court decision awardln1 $740,000 in damages to similar clJi,lmants. The allied op~iUon to fiighta comes after E:ramincr Ro~rt L: Park and the CAB Buieau of Operating Rlghta pr~ posed the new Northwest routes to serve Long B e a c h , Hollywood·Burbank, Ontario, ·and Oran11e County airports ,, The plan also includes proposals • > . • several airports In lbe San Frandtc0; ~ area -.a proposal which haa won sujJpft from jurisdJctkins there.· Nutlm1n dwell~. on the aulf,s; wht~ plainUffs u y will begin comtn1 up fot trial nen swnmer. ' . He said Orange County, the defendant in the actions, Is seeking 111 asreement with the plalnUffs and ls push.inf for a compromiae -the coonty will autborfze no new nights from the terminal if the suits are withdrawn. Nuttman cited last week'I unanlinous decision by County Supervllorr to include anti-noise measures in • revlled lea• with Pacific Southwest Airlines, which wlll mefgt IOOl'I with Air CallfonUa. an airline cum:tltly operating at the Oranje County terminal. Jnciuded In the lease renew1l ar"- rcstrlctlolUI on plane wei&ht. jel aircraft noise and fll&ht bour5. ' Bike Trails · Not Dead, 1 ·Parks DirectiJr Assureg A plan Car bicycle trails In Newport Bea.ch hasn't been shelved or forgotten. city Parks, Beaches and Recreation Di· rector Calvin Stewart said today. rt has been close to two ye.an since the city council approved a muter plan for bicycle trails crlu-crosslng the clty and no trail has yel been readied. But Stewart says the time 111 close when the first city blke trail wlll be si1ned for ..tiding -someUme before the start of summer, The first approved bike pathway Will be the oceanfront aidewalk from the Balboa Point jetty lo it.s terminus at 31th Street in West Newport. Bicycle trail sl1ns will be put In and ·a ramp added at "F'" Street, Stewart i1ald. Cost of the project authorized In this year's city budget, will be $.l,200. Stewart said he will ask for 1n added amount, possibly $3,000, in next year'! city budget. Bui he said he ham 't decided on what localionll he will ask the money be spent. The Balboa Peninsula Point Association has requested no upri1ht sjgns marking lhe oceanfront bike trail, only stencils on the sidewalk. Stewart sail the city will accommodate them to a point. but upright signs w111 be necessary to direct people on and off at "F" Street. Stewart said It Is planned the bike trai11 be !igned over a four-year period with the ocea nfront si dewalk the £1rst year'• jncrement. · One or the reasons for the delav, he said, ls that other city departments iren't enthusiastic about mixing automobile and , pedestrian traffic with bicycles. ''It's hard Cor me to convince the police . chief .and the traC!Jc englnetr that P1cUlc Coa!t Hiahway la an ideal bicycle route,,. Stewart said. Where the Santa Ana River levee lOd nooc:1 control channels can be used there is no problem. ht said, but unfortunatel1 In most ol Newport Beath !he only ·~ to set up a network of lrall1 ls to make uae of city streets. Fru"tration at the slow progresa ln get- ting bicycle trans was expressed by Mr~. Pat Demecq 1n a letter to the DAILY PILOT. She wrote: "A committee of 14 people met once. I m6nlh for Marty two yea.rs worldn& tO- gtthe.r for lhe trails. and we ~ad bi~ e hopes for the succtss of same after our city approved our master plan. So, we g,et stencils on the sidewalk. and s~ signs Ir we are lucky. However. It willl a great e1perlence riding thole two hut1· dred miles. to make the survey ..... ... Stewart said ·impetus to. the bicycle trail program should be provided by the tri.:County Coast to Crest project, whlCh would f'.stabllsh a bike trail ,from. the' P~r· ciric Ocean vla the Santa Ana River 'to the San Bernard ino Mountains. ' " The Newport Ctly Cotlnctt this w~t passed a resoluUon encyuraglng Oran1e County supervtaora to join with the coun· ties of Riverside and San Bernardino in t!Je Coal! lo Crtll"projed. , Facin g Liquid;ition .PRAGU~ (AP) ~ Tiie government Is, probably ping to liquidate tbe Ciecho- !ilovak Writers' Union bec iuse it has .,.,; fused agai n to approve the 1988 Soviet invasion, informed sources uld today~·· Ne·w Poli~e Beat Band Makes Notes as Chief Talks • • Coola Mesft Police Chief lqer Neth probably never' expeclld mustcol 1ccompanimtnt durinc his .ipeldl Monday before the Com Maa K.iwal\Ls Club. As Net!J narrated the. blolorf, 1)llil0aophy and futurt ol the police fon:o, a ..,,,.., ctUzens kuoo band and -dnlm next -lll'Uek up 1 -ble rendlUon ol "Up Ji1e Luy Rim" and other populU' lconel • • '!be walls of the. ~ .,_ Cofnmonil;' 'Club llllnquet room could not cont.in the spirited looting ol the l'<MIP, pit\ of The Gr.-im, 1 loCll group of elderly llt'lngefl.• • · A> Neth "-lb•cMhe ut ... tvo nartollca tmstlptloo pn>gr1111J being ' undertaken tn Costa Meta~ JM band pl"'1ed • Vff'f rauaas ven6oG ol ''The Monkey Wrapped Kil Tiii Anlund the f1llfJole" durtq ~ Netb muttered J "I'll just -k up a llftl• -·" • · When the chW tried to tptak of the dtpanment'a ~iomtr11l ,.,,wth I and ho1r t!Jo force •II 1!¢Jl'ely ... kin• community~ build further, !he ka200ll drowned htna oul wtlll 1 my "hlp", mcldem pmenlatloo ol "Slon)\y". Net!J ~so meotlonod the -Of eqUii>PlDI !he forco with ICICh modtrn equipment•• llll'piul ~. '\nacQ, .,...,... CllTlen ind mobile mlchlne lhop • The C05I wu mlnlm1t 1«C1nt1111 lo the chMI, but the band bid· dllfril Ideas. 1 .... , They piaYl<I lf1e •mdaillCJUI slr1ln1 of "Honey" ll!ld whit -ldetl a llttlt Ute ,,.... C.1!11 In. 1 FClllJlllJn. • • . " • • I • • ,l I • Post Eyed By Schmitz Special lo tile DAILY PILOT .. ..SACRAMENTO -1be scramble for plums shaken down by a Jarring awltch in '-'the California Senate po"'tlr '°tructqre is .,on today. vdlh Stn. John G. Schmitz CR· Tuatln) sludylng chainnanahlp of the Senate Education Commtttee. 'Mte conservative Orange C o u n t 'f · ~epublican, an instructor at Santa Ana College. said he "'Ould not turn down ibe 1ppciutment if It came. Schlnlti: is considered a ))OtenUal ·replacement for Sen. Albe.rt S. Rodd.a (D- .$acr:unento) I backer Of ~led Senate 1>re.sident Howard Way ( R • 'E Jeter) . dumped in a shakeup earlier this week. Sen. President Pro Tempore Jact );chrade (R.S.O Diego) Is expected to inake • nwnber of ch~nces. beginnlnc • With Senate Repu~llcan Floor Leader. His appirent choice spilled the beans Thursday. Sen. Lou Casanovlch said he will res:ip hil!i chairmanship of the Industrial ftela· lions Committee to become ~ Republican fioor leader. "I've accepted the position and it's up to the pro tern to announce ll," the Vin . Nuys lawmaker told a newsman Thura- day. Schrade was asked by 1 newsman to confirm the appoinunenl He smiled, then replied: "You guys are guessins ·pretty ~,iood DOW." : CUsanovicb will replace Sen. Gtor1e Deukmejian ol Lana Beach, who mlaned after Schrade's election. Oeukmejian was a supporter o/ deposed 8'pullUcan S<llate 'leader Howard Way of Ent.er. Drip, Drip, Drip, Pretty l~year..ald Laurie Oliver enjoys the overflow of water fountain at Wash1~gton_ Park as Portland and the rest of Oregon enjoy balmy weather JUSt like that along the Orange Coast. ' · ciasanovich served In tbe "-ibly from 1957 to 1981. the. year he wu elected to the Senate. He did not 11..1pport Way list year and voted with Schrade this ,Aeuion. However, the tall, amiable lumber t:t· ecuUvt: wu named by Way tbla year as -chalnnan or the Industrial Rel1Uons Commltlee. He said he inttnd!: to conduct his ~aderahlp post In a 1111Mer that will Coroner Seelcing Identity Of Laguna Blaze Victim reduce partJsanshlp on tha noor to main· The Orange County Coroner's Office ls tam "the decorum and dignity in the "Senate." seeking poait.ive Jdentlflcalion of J 49. Cusanovtch said he hoptt to 0 proiram yett~d man found dead in a prtHtawn things" ao "we'll have our arguments in fire in Laguna Beach today. .. dvance." The victim, severely burned from t~ Meantlme St:n. Fred Marler said there waist op, accordlng1 to a coroner's d'""U· Js a "high probabUlty" that be will be ty, was found sprawled over a n;;,r ruppclnted chalnnan of the senate furnace on the upper floor of a smoke-fill· .Mriculture Committee. ed home at 1494 Glenneyre St. by firemen Marler._ a Republican_f~ ~~. r_espoDd.lq: to a J:ll.a..m. call . ..._ was demoted to vice c:balrmao tbls Warnn White, who occupied a stsslon. Tuuda)' ht. voted for Scbrade down.st.afn: bachelar aparbnent at the ad· although last year he supported W11 iD dress. told firtmen he was awakened his brief Senate leadership takeover. lhorUy ~ 4 1.m. ~ two men who said 4~•,. ~'Ilia~~.:•· "'"*"a :ai~ ht !Ower lay•! ]ll'om11i %, his kW of t.111 diiinninsNp. l-~)> attempled lo enler lho vpolalrs He said hil-lnltn critldam of WI)' "" f quartm,!"but was driven back by htat ttie &crapping of the seniority sy&tem In and smakt. He.lben ran two blOcks to the tf>e selectJol!-of chairmen. Coast lni\ to call the tire department. , "1'h.ls doei not mate (or atablllty," he Unit.a: imved fnirn all three Laiuna said, especially when the leader hat been fin stations. Fortat Avenue, Ar:ate Street and Top of the World. Engineer Jim Boka entered the house and found the body lying part way across the floor furnace from which smoke wu billowing. Accord.Ing to the Coroner's Office, duth occurred at 2 a.m. Cause Of death will be established by an autopsy. The orfice of the Public Administrator has been asked to assist in establishing the man's identity and locating nut of kin. • Neiehbors said the house was occupied by two men, one or whom rectntly has -lloopilaUM, lf>irililt le Ille 1trudure w11 dllmaled ~ tt.ooo. mo&t!J from smoke And w11 confined to the interior. The fire 1p- p.arently 1tarted in the furnace area, firemen uid, and did not uupt into a full-scale blaiie. wt In office on a '•tenuous'' coalition oC liberal Democrats IJ>d Republlcono. 1 He said prior to the showdown vote that catapulted Schrade Into lht lo!' job, "both sll .... -lhe Way and Schrade i!ompo - told him his demotion "wu wron1" and that ''they would tlkt: steps to restore my dlairmamhlp." Manson's Phone Yanked Marler said he ncdved telephone calls from "several eectors" or the Republican Party urging him to remain loyal to W,1y. Bait he said none of his caUers were "i'rom th< Ropublic:an Slate Central' com· rnlUee.'' Planned Community Gets Federal Boost WASHINGTON (A Pl - A planned community near Mlnnt1poli1 w a s designated today as lhe first to rectlve assistance under the federal pro1ram to 1Umulate development or new cities. DAILY PILOT Oll:ANGE (.0Al1 li'Ulllt.HIN~ COM .. l\HY '-1N1t N. w •• ~ ,, ... tftl .... "llllh"* J1ct: It C11rl1j VU f"m ..... I ,,_. GeMrl ""-lff n ......... kttvil l•llff Th•"''' A. M11•11hi~• M•t1•11nt l•lllf' . 1'ho11111 f:1rt11"' Ntwper! 1•~11 Clh ••••O• ,...,.... ..... om. 1211 Wo1I l tlbtt lo11lt•trJ M1lll111 AJdr111 : P.O. 11:11 1171, f26•l OtW OM•n co.11 .,., ..... AC! Wn• ll•r ~""' l~uri. 1'-.ch: 111 fDl't l• AvtftlH HUll!lf!f1Clll 8..ai: 1111) 1-.11 IOOtUtV••d Cf,1LY ~II 01 , w1lfl wfrllcl'I 11 c91Mll\flf fll9 ,,, .. "" ,,.. .... M1111'ttl 11.o11, •OK.ttll •Ill' _,, !fl ...,.11 .. 11111N fw I.,._ At-<fl, fol.,._.,' " tfl, L•lt M1... "llflOtir..ltft ltlldl .... '"-tllll Vlllly. "'°"" wllll """' "'.,.1 •"-· 0r...,. c.-..1 ~kilir.. '""""""' er1110 .. , -'•"11 ••• •• n11 Wnt l119M ·~, NP',.-1 l\~fl. .,., Ut Wtll .. y &iretl, (•" M .... , ... , •••• {1141 ,., ... ,,, Ctuln.• A""'9hl .. 641·1~11 c...,,19111, '"'· °''"f': CtA'' """'(~""' """"""' ... ....... •!Mot,, lllWl1•!-, .. llt!'i.f "'litllw ftf '°'WO'l"·""'°"I' Mttlft ,,,.., .. ,.,,,....... wllllflul ttotelel .... By Sheriff's Officers LOS ANGELES (UP!) -Charles Manson. who 1llegedly masterminded the 51ayings of actress Sharop Tate and 11l:t other per&0M~ has bad his telephone privileges suspended by the sheriff's dl!partment, A spokesman for lhe department said Manson, who is defending himself, had been giv•n full proper privlleaes. in- .eluding the use or the county jail law library, mail privileges and U!lephone ""'· However, he said the phone privilege waa only to assist ritanson in preparing his defeDH. 1'be spokesman said Manson abused the privilege by calling members of the nsws media and giving out statement,. "Thtrefore," he said, "his privileges are to be swpended until they are Smog Meet Sets Film on Eagles The film ''E11les Lament'• will be shown at the March 2 meeting Of Stamp Out Smog. The iession will be held al 7:30 p.m. in Room 121 or the science building at Cal State·Fullerton. Speakers will include E d w a r d Camartna, enitneer with the Oranae c.ountJ Air PolfuUon Control District, and James Urbart. deputy c:ounty counsel who Is ,_ling lhe APCD In Public UUUUts Commission hearings on the pro- posed ·~ion ol lhe F.cltson plant In lluntjilgton Beach. The public 11 Invited to atlend . Strike Hits Italy ROM! CAP) -Automobile ho1'111 blHt· ed from bllmper·to bumper tnme today io tht •-orst publlc transport. strike to hit llaly in 1 year. . reinatated by the court." He said th< auspen~on affected only Ma"'°n's telephone prtvUege. A Los Angeles radio station (KHJ) di3Cussed today that it had interviewed l\fanson twice on Feb. S by telephone at the jail library and recorded a total of 30 minutes of conversation. · Girl, 17, Killed 111 County Crasl1 Two Orange County teenaaers are In lierious condition today in South Coaat Community Hoapilal in South W,una following a traffic accident Thundiy evening that killed a companion. Karen J. Susa&. 17. of 13632 Hazel St .. Garden Grove died at 11 :OS p.m. tn the 1970 Ceanty Trame 1Nt ZS Deatb Toll U h06pital where her two P•••eniers Michelle Caron, 16. of 1'690 Hortense Drive; Westminster and Norman Vought, 17. of 2242 Grayson Ave., Anaheim , are being treated for multiple injuries. Orapge County Sheriff's deputies said the acelde.nt occurred on the Ortea• 1'11ghWay two mlles northeast of the San Ditgo Freeway when Miss Susng lost control of her Volluwsgen bus on A curve. The vehicle ran ofI the road ind overturned, deputies nported. Organ Recital Planned Sunday A \'t,per or1an recital will be held Sun· day at 4 p.m. lft MwJc Studio One at Orange Coast College tn CMta ?.fe11. Students of JusUn P. Coly1r. aulstant profes:'IC!r of music, will perfonn :90lo numbl:r1 by Mendeluofin. Brahms, Bach and Ciullmant amOC'I& others. The finale of t.bt frtt <performanct will New My Lai Mas ·sacr:e? ' -~arges-Filetl-A-gain-s·t-Purple. Heart -Jlet - ~ """ llrVkn . •~TON -Cl!a•IOJ filed T!Nrs- W ophoat a .P!ppla Heart combat vt~ eran alleaecl a stcond massacre of Soulh Vletlla,J,e&e clvllian1 occurred near the hamlet o/ My Lal Mord! 11, 1113. It hss been learntd. Capt. ThOmaa K. Willlngham, 25, Allen- hur11t, N.J., Was chafged with unpremed· !lated murd<r o/ cMlloM rt Moy Lai. The Pentagog· ts withholding the num· her of victims set forth in the specil'Jca· tions pendlna a required investigation to detennlne If Wiilingham will, like J~ Lt. William L. Calley Jr., be court.martlaled. MWtary sources said the specifications 11alruit Wllllngham do not say whether he actually killed the victim• or ordered It done by the platoon he commanded. The alleged incident Pl which Willing· baJD ....... _... _....., Neut In nillu.-f-.My Lal -· -.. the Anny, C•ll•Y killed 10% civilians March 16, 1113. Both Jnclde11t1 occurred the tame day and were part of the same U.S. military operation conducltd In the Soni My area. whlch encompuaes Aty Lal ind several other hamlet1. The Wllllllfham developmon t was Ww· ed a1 slgnlficant ill the unfoldlna story of alleged atrocttiq q1inst Vietnamese ·ci· vllians ror two reasons : -It expanded the Army investlcation of what happened at Song Afy to include a second Infantry company -B Com· pany, 4th Battalion, Srd Infantry, Amer· ical Division. The probe had foe\Wd pre- viously on Calley's unit, C C',ompany, 1st Blttallon. 20th Infantry . -Tt was the first tlme infonnaUon dis- closed In testimony by a special .\rmy -I meeti!18 al t.111 l"'llo .. bu ..... · u..._ol..JJ1i..J>Jib tlr cibirie• aplnat one or the men invtlvtd ln the -Son, My operation. WUlln&h~m Is lhe hilh••t ranldng or. lieu yet char1ed in the caae. At the time he was a Jleutenar:it commandtnt a pla· toon. He Is also the fifU1 U.S. servletman formally accused in connection wt~ the controvtrsial oper11tioll.i In ldd!Uon to Calley, two aet1eants and a private "''ho ~n'ed with C COmpany have been cft,argetl. Army soun:ta uld they expect now thAt other iodividuals who served with Will· in1Zham may be charged. . ~entagon offlclab say all together 37 1nd1vtdual1 -15 soldiers and Z2 ex'IOl· dlers -are now conildued under in- ve111tigation. If tried and convicted, Wllllnchom could draw a penalty as severe as lilt imprisonment. · From P019e 1 ' . l'rem Poge I HARBOR DISTRICT. • • MARINES ... along the county coastline. "1 don't see that either," Baker said. ••1 just can't conceive of any city trying to take advantage of such a situation and I believe myself that they would only be loo wllllng to protect public interests within their boundaries." "From the public point of view, nothing will change," Baker llid. "The money y,·ould come from the same people and . . Power Failure Af feels 1,800 Failure of an undergr<Klnd electrical line darkened a Jara:e area of_ Cost.a Meu Ind Santa Ano Heights Thunday nlgb4 leavins telev!slon comedian Pat Paulsen apeechless. One foursome played bridge by candle.- U1ht. Spokesmen for Southern California Ed· Ison Company said today the esact cauu or the !allure can only be determined by e11mlrrlng the cable section that failed. The break came ntar a subataUoii on Bayvlew Avenue at 7:31 p.m., but most power wu restored by I o'clock and all waa bad; on at 10:41 p.m., the company said. About l.IOO eustomera were affected in an area roueJily north ol Monte Vlsta, Avenue, e11t of Santa Ana Avenue, IOUth Of Otthard Drive and west of Blyview Avenue. Family of Six, Fireman Perish MONTREAL CAP) -A family of 1ix Md a fireman perished in 1 two-alarm fire that 1wept a two-story brick house in zero temperatures early this morning in suburba n St. Henri . Dtad art Mr. and Mrs. Noel Belanger and their four children, Roger, 4, Carol, 2, Lucie. 1, and Francint, 8 months. Albert Papodela, 50, a mem ber of the city fire department. died in the ho!Jiit.al of a heart attack after collapsing while attempting to effect a rescue. the harbor district"s area 4)f g<Jvemm6nt would receive the same cartful sautiny and attenUon," he said. Supervisor Robert Battin drew the boos ot the night when he defied League Presi· dent Jack Green's n:illng that thert would be no rebuttal oC the main speakers for each side or the controversy. Battin took the microphone ostensibly to answ~r a question but his comments quickly became what he had earlier been told would not be accepted - a partial rebuttal of Baker's remarks. Leasue delegate• bellowed "sit down. lit down." And BatUn finally sat down after a few more commel'lf.S from Olatrman Green on the propriety of the aupervl10r'1 attitude. Green Indicated In closing the meeting that there would be no change in the league's recently expreued resolution in favor of dis90Jutlon. Twenty four of Orange County's 25 cities w e r e repruented at the meeUni in Orange. Young Sailors Paddle Home As Motor Out Fi"fe W'-lrJ young saJ.lors, missinJ all nigh( anJ~ the object· of Ii U.S. Coa~t Guard air and sea search, paddled into Dana Point Harbor this ITIOlTling. The five, all teeo.,e boys · from Fullerton, re))Otted tbe engine failed on their 17·foot outboard whjle croMillg from Avalon Harbor. Catalina, bound for Newport Harbor. f\.frs. Robert Mutch, mother of the boat's skipper LyM Mutch, 17, said, ''I really wasn't too worried. 1 kne" lM)"d get to shore. I had all the faith in the world they were comlna back.' Mrs. Mutch said the boy1 le.ft Avalon Thursday morning following a skin diving trip. When lhf. boat was reported overdue by puent.s. a Coa1t Guard cu tter was dispatched Thur&<lay nicht to aurcb the 75 square mile area. A helicopter also joined the search before Robert Mutch got a call from his son at 10:30 a.m. where the ·rioters were houaed, bu a casual statu1. He said it lncludea Mlrines who may be. waiting for discharge as con- scientious objectors or for hardship reaSOO! and also Marines waiUng to testify at courU martial or who "ere accused of being absent without leave or other inrractions. Schul!ze said he was not sure ir the group of rioters included any veterana or Vietnam. Col. Miner. who helped quell the disturbance by telling thoM: lnvolvfld' "lo behave like lt1arines and 1tart clunin& up the mess," said Marines insUptin& the outbreak C(llllplaifled or being haraa- ed by tv.•o corporals and of being march-- ed to the mess hall." "Those aren't the type of complaJnts that would provoke such a disturbance,•• Miner 1ald. He &ugge1tfld' llOme a( the men involved may have been under tlie Influence of alctlhol or drugs. He said those involved wlll be char1ed vdth de3troylng government property or attacking other Marines. lt1ajor General Don J. Robert.son , base commandant, Thursday convened a formal board of investigation into the cause of the disturbance. It i~udes Colonel George C. Kliefoth, Lt. Colonel Charles R. Fwuilley Jr. and rifajor Robert A. Cadwell. The board has subpcenat po"·ers and is takin& teaUmony under oath. Girl Treated For Drug Use A lt·yeaN>ld girl whose parenta found her reeling around the house bicoherently was treated for a drug overdose Thurs- day and questioned by Coa:ta Meaa pollct. The youngster said she hid swallowed an undetermined amount or vallum capsules and lnh1led aeroaol fumes from a spray can or cough medicine. Officer Bill BechteJ &a.id she refustd to say anything about the JOurce of the po- tent tranqutllz.er pills or acknowledt;e drug traffic at her junior hlsh ICbool. She wu taken to Orange County itedlcal Center, but was c:onsldertd far enough out or danger that ponce were allowed to talk to her. ~inaf W.ek o/ Safe COMFORT & STYLE AT A PRICE CHAIR STARTS AT 5129. AVAILABLE IN A LARGE SELECTION OF COVEltS AT THE UNBELIEVABLE PRICE OF $12'. COM MOH ON SAU AT 1159 DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE NIWPO•T llACH 1727 W"tcllff Dr., 642·2050 Of'IJf NIDAY 'TIL t INTllllOllS LAGUNA llACH 345 North Cooat H1fr. 4-.Sll ONW PllMY 'TIL t """'""' .. !JWY'llhl ....... a..r.1 ca.. tllMI*" ..-1111 11 NtwWI 11.-111 •l'ld Colt• Mt,U, t.ollk'll lll<l. ~41'\("ptl•" .... urrlff U.M "-'"'rf ltr "'°"It n.,. "'°"''"''' lftUI .. .., tlnl'""llfle.. J.00 "*'Mtv, An esllmited tight mllllon ll.lllaf!!I, mostly workers and iludenl.s, hid to walk or drive t.htlr own cal'A be.cause or the 24·hour natlonwlde walkout that l>egan Thul'$dlJI mldnl1ht. be llarri'1 "Fanta!y for Brus. Ora•n ,.,._ T .. ,,_ •• "'Ofiiii c...,, .... ,,.,--, and Tympani" which will be done by the l.-:.~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~;: ... ' -~ ' , OCC" lira" En;.mlile accompanied by Colyar on lht ora:an. I • r ' 11 I I I I\ I . I i I. ' ' ·Number's Vp:Draf~· .At Ninety Yar.J,otuw s..-eeei Wife Aided Murder? . ~--' .. .. blllbaciPaullslaclllf-bloade Mra. <lllly jolnad the ctwpa IJong 'wtlll Auliran· othen In a oia·moolll plol lo 45 States • Suffer I • . With Flu WASHINGTON, Pa. (AP) - Tho wtr. of one of throe WASHINGTON ' (AP) -Cleftlud --In lbe "'-l!!m·~~:o.~btph A.wY•hlmnkl · ftm!~ . . . llaylnp bu ·-char&ed · 30 numbers ' -lb. the draft with littl ·~ murder •• Marlin, II,. and C.uclt l!l. ;· kill 1be 11t-xeaM!d Unl!ed ' ATi.ANT'A (UP.I> -The N .~~~Work~·~ ' .~ble...Jlliaol~--,- All 1oUr are belar 1leld In · Tho jttty'ald i!tt controlled Centtt (llCDC) today repo~ Cleveland, Oblo, wl!en a . the mobefuaed lo llnance the lnlluenz~ 'has apread oviKetl r.cJeral lfand July bu II>-all•led' <<inlrj>lr"'1. JI , allo '· ~111 pro!>a~ly CJll men holding Wuhlqtoa'Coooly Diii. A~ lottery twnll>lrs up to to In ly. Jou eoota filed the Mardi, an lnlorJDed tource charl .. Tbundly qallllt An- • '$8ys. . , Miio GWy, :it. Hu lf.y- Altbough the Marcil limit lg dlct.d them on ~.. said oho biJJ)ed, ber llolband moat 'or the naUon • charau. The jury, !)OW In bizy *1inl and recruit the predielaci the clu1break """!cf -said tho llln\ler, othera charpd In the alaylnp. continue Into April . .Among U.. wt-au.d .NCDC said IDlluenza or In· • sun unolfidal; lbe ...,,.. said Jt hu been virtually decided to make It number to (April 11). . SinCe January, draft boards ~ liave -hftn -eallin;-men -ror military oervlce Cll the prtn. cipte of lowest-num.bet'-Drst, accordin( lo the l>ec. I lotteey -that-gave etich man a number from one.to IN. ~~ut~ _La'\Vy~rs ·Enter Pasadena School Case before the ·Jury WU Mn. flueDza.ub illnaases W er !!. GWy'a lather, Sllloua · lliid· ,_iec1 In B lllltei, i cirast( ~leslolr, II, prta1dtnt ol'UMW Local ma 1a Lafollette. TeM. lncreaae over the 11 st1td! In Cltvaland, . u.s. A)ty, "1'0f1lnr the dtJt.,. a weeltz Robtrl KtuNlllb said the .... . • 0 If and jury' ~would be recocl· ~ Federal bta}lh ~ency" -u"Te...t. APTER A SKATING JAUNT, JACKIE WON'T TALK' AIOUT. LlnlRI Mrs. Onaasla, Son, Jolin Konnody Jr., ·LHYO Rockoltllar C-r let Rink Letters Found in Trash~ 'Recovery' of Jackie's Notes Told NEW YORK (AP) -The inUmate lellm." . But .many low-nwnbered meD -t.1ifnal1y ~ OD in ·p..,tqm calculatlonl - will not really .bee om e available -qnUI Pay I o 1 t ddermenls later lhlt year. II draft boarda were re. qwred ID lllffl rtctd quotas before ~ men become available, ~ might.have to lake ~bored men lo fill • the g~. By Vtllled Preli bterutleoal Th,.. IDp Southern lepl of. Ileen, encouraged by Prell· dent Nixon's call for equal ap- pU.Olloo of dalegre&•tton lawa 'tirilghout the nauon, o,td they Would intervene todaJ bi a Callfornla school cue. Attorneys General Macl)onald Gt 11 ion ol Alabama, A. F. Summer ()f Ml11l11l.ppl and Jact Gn!mlllion of Louisiana n ... to Los Angeles Thursdliy nl&ht to file a motJon in federal court u~ for Immediate desegre11Uon of the Pasadena dlstricl. man who tried to sell frur let-The letters were withdrawn ters by Jacqueline Onassis to from sa1e Monday after Gil-patric, a former undersecr&-f~er Kennedy administra-· tary o( defeme now in private tloa official Roswtll Glipa!rlc law practice, said they wtrt 1aya he got them from some-1ateo from b1I safe. 1er reporledly Hid he bad found some lettm and 1Sked for help In selling them. The JeUers subaequently arrived in the mail, •ccordlni ..--!ht story. The •llnmey .. Id he bad been unable to reach the party who sent him Ute letttta, HamlHon said. enne~J . 'ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY one who said he found them In Hamilton, as he hfd done GUpat.ric'1 wastebasket, ac-earlier identified the woo.Id cording to autograph dtaler be ienfr only U an ·- Charle1 Hamtlton. who._ worked In GUpatrtc'1 Hamilton said Thursday the firm. Hamilton quoted · the •I· man told him "an evaneaent torne:y u saying that be re. man whom he had never met cefved a telepbqne call about HDt him an evanescent pack-1ix months ago ft.om tomeone •a:e and on this basis he came claiming to be 1 night tteno- ln to me and consigned these grapher in the office. 'Ibe cal- Tho District aUorn<y'1 of. fice continued lti tnvesU8ation into the letttra' sale offer. Mrs. Onuu, meonwhlle Wf111 let skaUng tit Rockefeller~ ter and shrugged off new• , men~a quUUons. Suspect Asks Extradition In Tiite Case ~ ' .. ... " MOBILE, Ala l llPI) ~,p,: lrtda Krenwtnliil Illa aalled ID be ..Wrned to Calllomia ID •land !rial In lbci S"'1oa 'l'a!• murders, a move that could poeslbly end a series of lq:al maneuvera aimed at blocking tlie e:rtrodiUon. Tito 'Very Impressed' After Rog~' TalJt __ _ ADDIS ABABA, E1hlopla Foreign diplomata in the (~~~t Tito v.s EtllJophtncapilllrece,Jved · • . lmpreaoed. with ""'1denllal • .,... ... j 'the . • • t · , , ' .J Amtrlcana and' UR! ·Ya law his, dis<ualoo. of the Mlddle CR\ What was said ;., Eu! dlata with Becrejary_of mt.ting. ·-_,, \! .' State William P. Rogers, They said Tito obtained a diplomatic eources reported much clearer understanding of today. the American poeltion thin he vened nut Wcdnudly. .. ... ..-.1.... ..-111 tel ..,,_ Tbtmotionlstobtyienm Yablon1tl, his . wlte .c:o ........ -.a .. r-.... · e,.._,.._ phue of a nallonwtda pwh for Marlarel . and cl.au I b ter "'"'•Y of all 50 .tale ltW Charlotte were lhol lo dealh ~earlier lhlt weo,I!; school dntgt.gollon ,In ."-New · Yur'a eve In ·llltir ID detumtne the eatent ol lhtt ol gettjng Congress to approve ClarbvUle,.Pa. home. • .dileue, 1 a1 d it ,,..; lnedom of choice inlelfatloo · Meanwhlle · tn -Wubiqlon, 'lilil!spiad bi the stale& di' profr'aJnll. D.C., W. A. "Tony" Boyle, the ~ ni...J-I __ _ "II the tarie c!Un like ~bent . prtSldent o! the Loulslms, -stand. -e.~-ltl· 1 ...,,,. · L · UMW, wbo·deltaled Yablonski Maine. Ovar 50 percent 9' th• -~.. P tide.,.._, 0 ~ for the pool In the e!<ctlon. -Ir! ~ ~ Anaelts and New York lel Ibo Dec. I, declared the 1'ftlJ llta ,bit by the fl\! q. same order as J act a on, been trying "by tmpllcatlOn tor.m;n;;n;;m;r.;;;r.;;;;;;;;iil Misalulppl, Ibey wtn bo juJI assoc:lote me and our ·m. u vehemently op~ It the ternaUonaJ with the thrt6 rftep people ()f Jacluon are," sum-who now stand:lndieted!' · mer sajd. He clenled that he or. any A federal court hu ordered UMW Ofllc!JI had any asaocla' Puadena to de.._11e by tton wllll· Giiiy, Vealey 'or September. Martlll, .. , CHILDREN'S SHOE . f ~· i I I • l , i . I ., ' • • ·1 ! ' ·' " . ., 1 ·t I . • • • • I ~; " I , . Carl M. Boolll, Mobile Coun- ty dlltrlct lttomey, saJd 'Iburlday be received a hand- ,mtten note from the ZZ.year· old llUIPOCI during the P"t weekend mating the req11e1t. . Rogtrs had uked for the '7S-had before and Intends ··to give minute maeUng in Addi• Prealdtnt G11T11l A b d·a.J Ababa mainly to conYince the ·Nauer of Egypt a fuU account ·' · Yugoslav leader of. the Nixon of It. 1dmlni!tr1tlon's lhtcer:e dealre Tito has . Nasser's. Con-., for • Middle Eut pqce Rt-fideoce, Ind the SOurcet u}d Uemenl. Iba~ although he ls tmllktly. to BIG SAVINGS ON INFANT'S SHOES SAVE 0, G.IRL'S STURDY: SHOES! · l .. I wish to sign extradition papen and ntum to Los Anfelet bnmedlately," the -road •. Booth Aid he would confer with Miii Krenwtnke1'1 at- torney today before taking any action on the note, which he 1aJd wu written before the Alabama court of criminal ap- peals upheld a lower court order for her return to Los A111ela Wednesday. Tito is now tn Kenya, and endorse the American posi- conUnues hls African tour next tJon. his expllllll.Uon of It could week lo Sudan, Egypt and go a long way toward aDaybo( Libya . · NasHr'• 1u1plc10~1 of American of r I e a 1 s have AmerlCin motives. been relectant to disclose Rogers ended his two-day clttails of Tueaday'1 meetin1. vWt to Ethiopia and departed Tito told newaman oci mtval for Nalrobl on the fourth leg of In Nlirobl Tbund11 tllat du•· h11 10.natl<in tour. Rogen' Ing his talk with Ropn he stay In Kenya will overlap urged the United Statel to put TJto11, but Amtrica~ ottldala pressure on lsriel to take 1 111d there were n9 p18Jll fer less intransigent 1tUtude. . the two to meet 1gafn thtre. on . Vaf.nlin11d ;})~'I -~e~. 14fk · . P/ea611 joi~ u6 /or n/,.116km11nf6 anJ lo k~1111 a foo£ arounJ our PARK AVENUE HOBBIES & CRAFTS 1881 PAIK AYINUI COSTA MESA " • • • N-i1 the time to buy loaby new a hon • Ch-from -rttd llyltt t • VariOUI colon prictcl to clear • lnf•nt'11i1n BIG SAVINGS ON BOY'S SHOES NOW • . . • a-. ...... -"°" llYI• • ..... .,...,.In thll(INUp • Youin1• ...,., breliln .._I~ ··-• l!fnghlmln•rlycmdMYtnew • . . ' • . •·ChoMa....., blaclr, "-• faihlon colon •lrokenllNl,IM • tee that .... hal'pleftty of ....... whlle the(N d .... .W. f'rl<~ · BIG·SAV·fNGS ON · -. ' -. - t BIG BOY'S SHOES ' • .. • Al11rttd l!yltt In IM lf9Up . "'°"' WtMfc •••• .,.. . ,,. • Ol4et lley'1 lltilcen .,_, 3"'6 • C-ecntyhrllMt HllC!lon • • ' .. .. ' • ' I .. , .. I· ' •• ..... .. -• Dm;y PlLOT EDITOlllil PAGE. I I • on -. -• Target School admlnstrators compllill fr9q11eotl7 that they and, lurther, a tool by which th• bonds can be sold on _.,_ bac~ "J-·'-Id today's market. , • 1peild 10 much time l""''l'f • °""r "'"" NNU er 'lbls should _ indeed must -mean a quickened l'H>--'---lo_cbeCk 01Lc!Uzen .. IU>Pl>n.Jhll iUY...haY.LdiUic.wtx---·pace and'awoptimlstlc look forward. Our •cllool people IDcusing on their real &oal -provldln& the belt odu-can now •lop spending their lime worrying and plotting " i .. cation possible for the children who '1"e their charges. about the nut bond issue or tax override 8nd. turn their In the Newpon.M-Unified stbool Dlrtrlct, thanks energy Into the education program. to th( outcome of Tuesday's electlca, tliey are spared Tllat really is the way the priorities' should be es-· thal..hindrance for the next_several years. _ · tabllshod -that 27,000 ~oungstera from kindergarten • . 11 was far from an overwhelming victory, but pas-tfi10iiibnljh scfiOOi->Yill liiiye-theeducationil opportuni- uce o( those tw? flnancing l&suea _-an, 17 cent tax tits to which they are entiUed. override and an 1ncrea1e in bOD:.d rates -came at a time when other couimunltlOI 111...Ugllout Call!omia • and, indeed, through 'the United States, were rejecting similar proposals ·by wide margins. , · No matter ho:W-nal'f'Ow the viCtory, Jt was a victory . /or, those wllo ·sought to improve the' financial ba•e o! ; public schools in Costa. 11\esa and Ne'<j')>Orj-Beach. · "I'he voling paUOm• showed that neither of th~ .two . cities comprismg·the Newport-Mesa district. has a sing, ular viewpoint on paying !or better schools; bOth New- port and Costs Mesa mums sb<7Wed Identical patterns .,.>I percent .of the voten-:!n each comm~nity fav.orect. ., , th' B? cent.Jax increase and·811 percent favored lncrass-ing the rate on salable bo~ from five to seveyi per· cent: ' . Obviously a lar~e number of parent. in the N.ew· port-Mesa district did not vote -a dlstre1slng perform• ·a.nee considering what was at stake. Still, with or with- out them, Uie issues paased and education in the Harbor "-today bas a new borW>n. There ii lltUe question that Harb<>r Are.a schools were beaded for troubJe. Then, a year ago, Lbe com- munity passed a bond issue to provJde some desperate. ly needed buildings for the growinJ district. No~. with Tu~y's election, voters liav.e giv~n the. dtd.rict ad- ministrators the money to provide an effective program The Good Kids in· Action . ' ]\ids. today . are cynical, 1loppy and dqn:t ~v~ ·• damn for anything but gettlilg high on drug• -ii you don't believe that, you can find someone to tell you so. You will' !I you look. Many kids m the Harbor Area do care -about many matters -and one is Justin Ogata. He is 16; the kind who would help another less fortunate. II he could. ·He, can't. • Justin is In Los Angeles'Ortbopedic Hospital, para- lyz~ from the ntck down and facing a long adjust· ment to a changed life. He was injured nine weeks ago in a practice wrestling match a~dent at Costa Me~a High School. • NOw, the kids -and th~ whole community -are helping him. MosUy, the kids are doing it, on their own -and they even started it. Campus nvalries end at a certain point in the heart. Thousands of dollars are \)e- in·g r?ised in a variety of benefits at Harbor Area schools. Somehow, it make~ you want to go down' to the comer, grab 'One of the doomsayers and tell him how wrong be is about kids in general. ·" 'l warrwi.You. 1Jbout letting him 1tick his noa• i1t tM 'wu!' <NI Hardest Lesson Increasing Acceptance Of Mq,rijuana Physical Maturity Earlier for Boys, Girls For Us to Learn Social Maturity Later Now Moot ~ took upon 1he Blblic1l ln-3uJ>cUon, ••t.ove thy enemies," aa eHher impooslbly Uloplan or Impossibly sen- timental. Thia is because tpey fail to underttand the . meaning of appe, or love~ as Jesus meant iL To Jove your enemies does not mean a contest. not u aoldler• in a war. th.at you have to like them. It doe& not It may soand odd, but tnle athletes mean that tbey are no longer enemies. ''loYe" their enemies. That is, they Nobody can command tu to like what we respect them 11 other persons striving "You know, some day there could be a reefer hour Instead of a cocktail hour," a 1tudent foreca st nearly three years ago. That hour hasn 't come despite increalliing acceptance of the use ol marijuana. But the legal assault oo ant!Pot lawt ls moun· ting. Penalties for it! po.ssa:1ioo and UH are likely to be reduced by this sessioo of Congress. Even the Nixon administration -the do not It k e, for emotions cannot be towanl'an oppootte pl. And they oppooe directed by moral Jaws. . them Ollly within rules that both obey, so symbol of ''squarene11" to the atoned And memies remain enemies if their lh'lt the "1nner •illl 00 merili aot oa aeperatlon -is supporting Jeaillatk>n to uitimite plJ conflid with ours, no ma~ fouls. loOdmte existing laws. Alty, Gtn. Jolbl ter whether we love them or not. So that N. Mitchell has noted ~at preaen~.federal ''Lovt thy lallftl•" does not_. m tt TRIS II TRI UNO ot splrit Jesus t;' ,law1 .makinc possession of manJuana .• -+mi ol1!Mr UtoplaJ or ..-..~ j lqlqi .~P"' 'us, pot a a ll!_~ 1 • ' • ., llmenle!fY_. lhsl trlei lo ..,.. a "\ ;i · , 'i WJl41' 1T MEANI, fl"'l'O'IY un-hum111 <.OonJet °'pretend thal-le can dentood ii that no matter what we like each other better than they do. He "feel" 1bc.rt anotbtr persoo, or how we was aayln& that it doesn't matter if Y°:"" oppcie:e hfl beliefs; there mu!l be an like someone or not, it doesn't matter if acknOwledgement that what blnd.5 us you agree or not -the only thing t_hat toeether iJ greater than what divides us. maUer1 is treating: the other as fairly It ls the "peraoohood" of the other that and cleanly as athletes do in a cham· unites us bl aomething that Is above. and plonshlp game. great.er than. both of ur ; and our re1P1Ct Thill ls a union tbat goes be:Yond ~- for this common ground of be.in& must patby or fritndship, for there 1s DI) merit take 1'recedencg over our likes and our in behavln& nicely toward the people we bellefs. 'ntiJ is the hardest lesson for any like; the ooiy merit Is acting decently people (and any church) to learn. toward the people we don't 11 k e or WE MISTAKENLY imagine that H we could "ktve" our enemies, then wt might become friends or allies: but this is not necessary, net even possible in many cases. We would sWI be enemies -but we would tre1l our enmlty as athletes in disagree with -for thlJ kind of ''love" is an ad ot the will, not an emotion or an JntellectUal convlctlon. Whal a tragedy that we honor. it only in our games, which we take so seriously, but not in our Jives, which we play away ~th such perilou.s flippancy, • "" Editorial Research f \ ! felony provide penalUea that can exceed those far manslaughter or sabotage. STATE LAWS -under which mo s t marijuana convictio~ are made -are particularly harsh. Attention was focused upon them recently by the sentencing of a 21-yea.r~ld to a 50-year prison tmn in Texas for selling two marijuana clgarit- tes, and the tp,P911tion of a 20-year term to a Virginia ·youth found with 6.5 pounds of the stuff In his posse!sion. Every 10 years since the turn of the century, the average age for the onset of menstruation for American girls has decreased by four months. In the 60 years since 1910, the men.strual age has been lowered by two years. A 14-year-old girt today is biologically as mature as the 1&-year-0ld of 1910. Maturity among boys has been accelerating at the same rate. All this can no dou.bt be accounted fOf' by the high health and nubitional standards this nation has enjoyed over lbese years. Biological matwity is coming earlier, but in thole eo year& social maturity bas been getting later and later. In 1910 a boy was at liberty to quit school and go to work at 14. Grade school was all that 'was eKJ>e<:ted of most people. A minority went to blgb achoo!. A tiny minority of that mlnoritt' went to colltgt. The rm were part of the world Of adult work,· in field or farm or factory. TODAY SOCIAL MATURITY cootinues to come later despite earlier physical maturity. Almost all young men and women are under pressure to go to col- lege, and if they're lucky they will graduate at 2%. Young men ~ go into the skilled trade! as .plumbers or carpenters fare little betttt; they face apprenticeships in many unions of four to :teven years. A main source of college problems Is the fact that hundreds of thousands who have no great desire for high education are In college simply because it is e1- pected of them. Sexually and physically mature since they were 14 or 15, they mark time awaiting an encounter with the life out.side of school. • Mo;st college students, especially those who know what they want to make of themselves. are not markjng time. They are eagerly pwhing on towards degrees • in engineering or agriculture or literature or biology. They are not a problem. They are the delight of their teachers -and their parents. BUT THOUSANDS att marking time and marking time, majoring in English one·year, switching to sociology the ne1t, then changing to art or drama. They are young men and women still in search of an identity. 1t1ost of them are bored with their purposeleM existence at the same time as they _ar~ too unsure of thefllselves lo decide on a purpose. Although dissatisfied with college, they cannot make up their minds to leave iL. It's from this group that troubles come. They drop out.of ct.lsses, although con- tinuing lo hang around tbe fMoges of the campus. Driven by their internal emptiness, some of them turn on with drugs. Many take up revolutionary ideas and plaster their walls wllh portraits of Mao Tse-tung and Che Guevara. From this point it is but a short step to at- tacking the university, occupying lx;Udlng.s, perpetrating act& of senseless violence, destroying research files and libraries and Computers, thereby en- dowing. they believe, their ,lives with heroic meaning. · PLEASE UNDERSTAND - 1 am not talking about all students. I am talking only about the extreme manJlestalJons of a malaise that to some degree troubles a whole generation. One wonden what can be done to relieve this condition -oi;ie. . that ' is ·not so muCh the result of the failure of parents (l refuse lo join ln the chorus of those wbo blame everything that's wrong with the younger generation on Dr. Spock) as it is the result of the in· credible success of our economic system in making secure the lives of the middle class. Under cond itions of scarcity, the strug- gle for si.:rvlva l absorbs most of one's energies, so that one doesn't ask lofty philo.sophicaJ aDd ethical questions about the meaning of life. These una5ked ques-- tions come to the fore in a time of plenty. There is no answering these questi<m in the abstract. As impatient and militant students often tell us, the answers can only be found in action and itivotvemenL SO ACTION AND involvement are what they want most or au, in order to experience a set\it of maturity. This is why they want to change the world ralher than study it first to discover wha t needs changing and how it can be chang· ed. Ber.ause they will not study it, they have no ct1anses to sugge6t beyond what are vaguely suggested in such mean. \ ingless and aweeping slogans as "fight racism" and "smash the pig power struc~ \ lure." The classic statement of the m. I 1 tellectuaJ vacuity of the New Left was made by Mark Rudd when he said, "First I we'll have the revoluUon, then we'U find out what for.'' That's what happe05 whea you have physical maturity without social maturi~ ty. It is hard not to sympathize with the young people's craving for the responsibilities of maturity. But it is even harder to go along with their conviction that American foreign policy i s J aomething that can be worked out on a guitar. By S. l. Hayakawa P~a;klent San Franchco State Collece Helping the Ogata Fund For years such severity attracted virtually no public attention, possibly because the use of marijuana was limited primarily to the ghetto and marginal §OCiety. But the last rive years have seen an explosive growth in the use of pot. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D. Mau.), chairman of the Senate subcommitl.te on To the Editor: J would like to take tl:Us opportunity lo publicly than'k all thoat people Who participated in the Just.in Ogata Fishing Trip Feb. l. ~ *.\ alcoholism and narcotb, has estimated · th at about 12 million Americans have Ull· ed marljuana at least once. From 30 to 40 percent of today's college students and JO percent ol the high school seniors have tried it. Throw-hack to 'King's Ax' t want to eJpress· my sincere thanks to Mr. Cole and Mr. 1Vaughan of my staff for their efforts in organlzaUOn and a particular thanks to three individuals who worked hard to make the trip a succe55 in the community: Mayor AJvin Pin\:~y and Councilman William St. Clair, who worked tirelessly in setting up the fishing trip and selling the tickets. And also a &pee.la! thanks to Mt. Tozer, the preslde"Jt of Davey's Locku, for providing all the facilities free of charge so that all the mooey coukl go to the Just.in Ogata Fund. ;... 'MU& 11 jusJ anol.hp' exam plt ol tbe cooperation th.al can be obtained among private enterprise, city govenment 8nd the loco! 1ehool l)'stem . Our burtfelt tbanU and gratitude to all concerned. FRANK A. LOPES Principal · c..ta Me51 Jli&h School COlto Mtaa Higll School torertler Jiutill ()oota. JS, 1001 ihe victim of a Jttoki.,,..1tUng accid.mt la&t Dtcem- bc' dUeA broke hi1 neck a:nd left him ' ...--•• Geo.-.e --. Dear Geqt: I -this r,.I fQCXl·lookinl l•llow and llke him but he teem• "' have a terrible problem with lh)'llllL £"'1 time I nt11 11'1<> him al a pmly ... Uoet he llYI be !>ala awdl IDd 110 mt to 10 oulllM ud Iii in hla car lo Ibo dart wflllbim. Whit cao t do to overcome hll awful~! WORRIED Dur Worried: Go ealoide and 1~ In hla cu In U.O dull wlllt him. - • ' ' lrtttrs fr'DIJI "*"' '" wtlCOIPMI .• .._.,..,. wrtftl"I "-Id convey l!ltf1 mtSlattl 111 XIII ~• et IHI. T~ rl9ltl i. condfll .... ,ten to flt IMtt or 1111111· n11t" 11"1 11 fett1ved. All .. n1rt1 "'"'-' lftd\ldt •It· n1fllf'C aNI m1m111 add.._, blll nef'!lff 1n1y 111 wflhneld Ol'I '""'°' " 111fflt .. nl fMIOll It 1p~1r.nt. !'ot!t1' Wiii llllf be ,wtllhld. ' probobl11 parali,ud for lilt from tlae neck dot.on. · Fellow 1tudenta 1et ·out to rofse $5 .000 to help J>Oll Juattn's mtdical bilLs. A btntjit basketball Q<Jme,. an 0U-do11 fishing trip sponsored by Dao- elf'1 Locker, Cl pop concert and a ,.uiaifflt breakjas4 plua individual det:- hations, had ra:lted, ot laat rtport, more 'than $3,000. Private donations 1Mul4 bt 1e11t to the Justin Ogata Fund, Bonlc o/ TokJIO, SlO N. Matn St., Sa.nta: Ana. -Edito.r •~ Cre•m Parlor To the Edita.: fl ls nol ""Pri•ina to me that the UP' per Boy residents ~ 1galml an- naallon to 1he city of Colla Mts1. Al a mldent of Coote Mesa for 10 ,...-.. I fool that our Ctty Council hu nol made adequate plans for tU: homeowners if they allow an kt crum parlor to come into a mldentlal zoned uu. Il la not fair to raone comm«cbl in an area when Ille people who live tllere 1r11111111hnou&-lr apll>tt such 1 movt, and apeclllly so when ...... ~,c:11 of__. prvp. trty still av fl:. Porbopl ,.. llhould peUUon to have our pnl!ltfly, wlllch borders on Newport -11, deified from the boundlries ol Coote Mua. u wr cily is Plilnc no al· tenllon "' the -who pay h!ih tu" oo lhelr 111.000 to 1411,000 horn . BAllBAllA J. HANSEN ·- Which Is more important: to seize a cache of narcotics and charge possession, or to adhere to the constitutional pro. POT Sl\.10KING by the children of the tection ot the citizen a g a i a 1 t middle class has it.a political effects in unreasonable searches and seizures? Washington, where some official families How you answer the question may de- are tormented by the discovery of drug pend on whether you believe evtry use among their children. 1t bas led 1o blathering sentence uttered by public of· demands for stiff penalties for the drug ficers about the narcotic problem, or "pusher"·-but more fle1lble lreabnent whether you believe the-Bill of Rights is Of mere mers. · the fouDdatlon of our freedom from • Legallullon of marijuana has betn tyranny. proposed by some, including D r • Every mature observer of the law and 1-targaret Mead, the anthropologist. She liberty has all his life been listening to recently told a ;enate commi~ that _ the public officers on the narcoUcs ques- "We are damaging our country, our laws tion and the relations between young and old M'ost (not all) of what they -say Is by lta · prohlbiUOn. Thill i~ far more designed to further their per90081 am· danprous t;harf' any O\'eruSill. 1 bitions and thelr image, I S the wont; gotS, The ,bUI JUSl patted by the Senile -and i!I inaccurate, distorted, iU01tcal, the Controlled Dangerous Substances Act • preswnptive, devious and altogether stuff of 1969 -does not l~galize,~: It would and nonsense. Jt does nothing whatever to make simple possession of rrfariJuana and .solve tbe problem 11ince the problem o l h e r "dangerousf' drugs a misde-despite their pre~tments, laws and meanor, subject to 1 jail term of one year or leN: but giv\rlc a judge authority to Suspend the sentence for a first of· fender. The aim of the bill is to con- centrite 00 professklnll drug peddlen. tlllnols jail sentence for penoo1 caught with a small amount ol pot hat been pared to 'the earlier two-year mintmum. Nebraska subject.! flnt offenders to a stven-d•Y blitz COW"St on the danger oi d?vcs· . Perlllpc the major bloct lo 1<1•llllUon o( manJuana hl tht our futurt ls the lac~ ol a&reemenl on Ila •rfects. Sclentlsta and l1ymen differ 11 to whether. It is harmful and leads to the use o1 "ha.rd'' drugs. Such a stuc{y Is bel"I made by tht National lnstitute o( Mental Health.. It hat promlied answers within two years. UnUI then. al least, lqallud pol will re- main a pipe drum. . - Dear Gloomy Gus: Evey evenbtJ IS I look ool ol my view -in Corona de! Mar I gm thinks to the Pavllion for the beaullful llll>ll they burn coastanl- ly. I truly llope all or 1he residents of this area appreciate what a sigh! this Is lo see, -T. C. """ .... _ ,..,,...,. ......... "'"" '* JlltnM,.., ... f/I ttw .......... IMI rtW "" -"' ... ....,., .... Olllr Plltl • praeUces,.U bigger than ever. For fifty ye.an these "demagogue! have spewed us with 1 this deadly monotony, and they have nothing to show for it but confusion, delusion and abject failure, nor have we. YOU WOULD TIDNK an informed, 6elf.goveming people 'WOl,lld· aee· through th is prodigious swindle, and insist the problem be attacked in a rational, quietly determined way at its roots. But no, the cUches ultered in the United Slatea Senate and in enforcement circles differ not one whit from the claptrap of lhe 1920s. , The allusion here is to a ridei all.ached to the latest drug bill, pennitUng raiders to enter a home, by Jorce if they so elect, without announcing themselves, to pre· vent suspect.s dlspo11lng of the evidence. Hence U Is called a ''ro-knock" law. It is hard to see how the United States Supreme: Court could COWJteoance such a throw.back to medieval monatthies pursuing their supposed enemies. Senator Ervin, South Cai-olln1, f""'P"'IY called it a resort to the "Jtlng s ~ to knock down the door and break open the window." But the Senate pa5IOd It, 4MO, and It !Of" lo 1he HOUie. AS YOU WOULD up«I lrom long •x- perlence with Ille public otnc<rs 101D1 hick lo Prolllb!Uon, tha provision doesn't C1>ltle close to tbe centraJ problem of en- f orttmenL That problem Is the seller. the runntf', the smuggler, not the posawor. Just> so In the 19208, the public officer hauled thousands of 11peakeasy bartenders into the courts w\lh a fifUl of booze, while the rum-boats with t.housand~ase Cl!goes wallowed off our coasls in arrogant iJn. munity. The Fourth Amendment says simply tha:t "the right of the people to be secure in thei r persons, house . • . against unreuonable searches and seizures shall not be violated." For years the courts have held that a 3 a.m. crush-in on your home is "unreasonable." It is as likely that a vand~I with a badge smashing your door with a sledge-hammer, is being unreasonable, warrant or no warrant. If we don't stick with the Amendments we're in big trouble, as we were in the l920s. Are we dumber than our fathers.. who fmally caught up with the phonics 11nd abolished their occuptlion? --~-- Friday, February 13, 1970 Tht tditorlal pagt of Utt Doil»' Pilot reeks io inform nnd stim- ul.a:tf readers by presenting thi.s newspaper'I opjnfo111 and com- mentaru on topicr ot fnttre1t a:nd rignificance, b11 providing 11 ftmtm /or IM uprwlon of our 1eodet1' opinions, and by presfftt!ttg tJLe diurrst tne10- p()intr of fnJonnect ob1tT'Vfr1 and cpok<....,. on lopict oJ 111< d<!V- Robert N. Weed, Publisher 17 17 I I 'I I I -, • • ---- M e sa· EDITION -. * -:--_: * VO~. 63, NO. 37, .~ SECTIONS, '44 PAGES . . By IJ'OM BARLEY di .. Dallf ..... 11aff f'Our cpuntY super~isors ran into rough wa!er and a noisy meeting Thursday night 1when thty tried to perSuade~ the Orange· County Chapter of the League ol Ca!lfornia Cities to join them ln urging ct~lOlf of th:e,.erange County· Harbor District. " · Poli~ applause met the plea.1 of the bdard I.pr What aupiervisor's Chalrtna~ Alton 'El.· Allen of Laguna Beach called a Whit e-onl y Land Sold By · Carswell~ PALM BEACH. Fla . (AP)!--The deed lo· a Piece of property sold by ~upreme Court nominee G. Harrold Carswell and his wife in 196ti cootalned a whites-only · clause, the Palm Beach Post reported to- day. · The an ti-Negro restriction was . ap- parently first established by Carswell's brother-in-law, Jack Simmons Jr., the Post said,· when he obtained 38 acres fronting on Ochlocknee Bay in 1963. 11 said Carswell's wife Virginia aetiuired part of the land rrom he.r hr.other the same year. "Ownership. occupancy and use shall ~ restricted to members of Lhe Caucasian race.'' said lhe covenant written into the deed recorded at the \Vakulla County cou r I house in Crawfordsville. Wb~n the CarsweUs sold their lot for oboot $4.100 JUiy 12, 1166, ·lbe deed specifically inade the sale subject to the restrictive convenants in force three·, years earlier when Mrs. Carswell got the pr~rty,. the Poet laid in a copyright &lofy; Domestic workers employed by and residing with Caucasian families were exce pted from the restriction!, the Post said. The tract includes 50 Jots, providing ex· elusive sufnrner hom e sites for members of the wealthy SimmOns family and other irocialites of nearby Tallahassee, lhe newspaper said. The Car.swells no longer own any prcr perly in the bayfront complex. according to the current Wakulla County tax roll. The Post story said purcha~rs of the Carswell lot were Mrs. Harriet N. Yon, w.ife of Tallahassee Postmaster Peyton Yon, and Mrs. Mazie Middleton, a ahassee widow. he Carswells ·and others reported in· ved in the deal were nut immediately ilable for comment. t Miami, White House P r e s s retary Ronald ·L. Ziegler said he ·had comment on the Carswell transaction t added, "I think if you look across the ntry at various real estate documents ~ would find that this partic~lar in· (lent is not iS<Jlated al all.'' 2iegler, at his regular news briefing, k ei:ecption to a questione r's sug · ion that Ca rswell had ·insisted upon lusion or lhe restriction. Responding to questions, Ziegler said ident Nixon had not been aware of e transaction when he submitted the ar.swell nomina;tion. }ie !SCUd none of the orida or California properties owned by Chier executive carry r a c i a I venants. Carswell, a judge ol lhe 5th Circuit urt of Appeal, has been in sec lusion tl ce the Senate Judiciary Committee st week recessed its hearings on his c preme Court nominalkm. 1J----------, Ora nge C'.oast - "Ul'lited hont" on tile thorny issue. Allen, backed by County ~nsel Adri!'ln Kuyper and C-Ounty Administrative Of· ficer·Robert Thomas as co.speakers, lp'g· ed'the.ciU1..r' support for eJr:pansion of the Harbor Dlsirlct to include !di the county's beaches, J•lirks and recreation facilities. Allen's, ~rd is seeking 'legislative backing for t~at proposal. • The league, through Assemblyman John Briggs ffi·Fullerton) is seeking ap· proval in Sacramento of a bill that would put the long disput,d harbor district iilsue be{ore Orar11e Cotml)"'rvoters for a !Jn.al delerminationr-oo Its dissoluUoo ,or ex· panslon. , • League. men1bers are convinced that the vote would be overwhelmingly for dissolution. Supervisor qavid Baker, the bqard's odd·man-out ori the harl>9r issue, drew the ovatlon or the night for his opposition to the stance adopted by supervisors Allen; ·Robert 'Battin,' William Hirstein With ·a Litt le Luck · Black cc;tJs are univers~Uy spurned on d~ys 1Ji~e today .:.. Friday, t he 13th. This nameless feline, currently a resi dent of the Laguna Canyon shelter of the Secie:ly for tbe Prevention of Cruelty to A·nimals (SPCA). is hoping someone will have a change of heart tomorrow (Valentine's Day) and give him a new home and a little love, r ' . ' .. ' Me san Held Af te1·~Brivers ' ' . .. . ' Report Attack With £h:ain A young Costa Mesa min "'ilh A history or violent mental illness was de· lained by Newport Beach police Thur$day afternoon aller motorists told officers he swung a six·foot chain at them as they drove through Central Newport But Police so6n discovered t h a l the youth's symptoms were only starling. Once inside the police department booking cage, Patrolman Vince Anllsta said, the man •. clad in oullaw wotorcycle garb and wearig a Mohawk haircut, rip- ped open il steel door and shatter~ a heavy window with hi.S fist Once inore officers subdued the man and took him to Orange County Medical Center's mental ward wher:e doctors quickly retognized him. The patient,.they told Antista. had been Jn before fat having swallowed razor blades and slashing his wrists and stab- bing hlmaeU ln-Lhe chest. "" Records checks al the .. Newport dej:>art· ment showed the man had repo rted ln police in recent, months that Hess.ian cyclists followed him. through town and cut him on the fa ce and arms. Follow-up investigation showed that:the "victim" actualJY had sla shtd himself repeatedly. Antis.ta said he found lhe man Thurs- day afternoon walking silently toWard Newport Pier, dragging the ·chain bel:ilnd him. "I'm going 1o the pie r to jump off,'' the man told'AnU!ta. ''because I'm no goOd. '' NE11V YORK CAP) -Tht stock market was' m!r~ in_ a bog .. ~r inve;itor disinta;est late this afternoon. csee quotations, Pages 10-U). -· It showed-a-.mgde!a~ loS:! by the ayJ!i'· ~~s in a lackadaislc~I lrading. . . Tothly'11 Final ' ' lEN CENTS- s to Harbor Startd and William Phillips. , The Second DiJtrlc:t supefvisor refuteCI Kuyper's argument that absorption of the harbor agency inl9 county goyemril.ent would menace the ' allocation of funds for vitally needed beach and· park projects since, u Kuyper declat'ed, the harbor en. tity would be just .one. o! , many dePtftments.J'n a 1rowin1 ~nty budget. Thi county counsel also warned · the ·m .. ltii( that such adion mlgbt lead lbe county board 1o place sutjl issues as ... police protection and weUare as priorities over badly needed' recreational facUIUH. "l canlt see tbat argumeQt," said· Baker. "A.II we ..,ould dO woukl be to a)>8orb lbe <lislrlc~ perSO!l1l<f anll, all, Into our cwnty structure: and I doa't think Its future would be threat.end _ai ~ time or any· of.her ~e. : • '1We have a clear 'Y&fJling from state g0vernment lhat ' there are »ist-too-manY taxing 'agencitS in exiStedce," Bl)cer said. "Rcre is one that no lona:er needl to , . ' exist and which would beCQme more clearly visible to ·a concerned public If It · Were drawn 'fniO county govtrnri'lent and qi~y. aclrnini~tered·'by courily 1ovem· inent... • , • • ·Baker also ·rejecl.ed 'the argument.a of Kuyper arid :Thomas that '"dluolutJun of lh6,.Harbor Disirict "ould ~ remove t~e aulhortt~ by wbicb ll/<',.agency pro- teCts. pt;blic C hannels \ and !rat.erway1 · (lite HAllBOR, hp l )o , . . . ~ .. Fis~her Sees Jh~,~~~y • ' , Me sa Tr affic Cliie f Named Police man cof Year ' • By ARTHUR R. VINSEL OI Ille Diiiy Plltf S!lfl One of lhe first things the roving eye spots on his shelf·-uncommon in a cop's office -ls a black, ltalher·bou.nd 8.ible along with the California Vehicle Code. Hal Fischer goes by both. · - The phone rang on his desk in the Trar · ric .Bureau Thursday afternoon and he was summoned before Costa Mesa Police Chief Roger E. Neth, nervous as he took lhe stairs, two at a lime. • ·"I was wondering what It could be about," he said later. ''He doesn't usually call unless it's seriou s." U. Harold A. Fischer Jr., 33, was grill· cd with a litlle genOe harassment by lhe chief and three captains present, before told he. is the department 's 1969 Policeman of The Year. "You've got go be kidding," he blurted. Six prior honorees and Mr.s. Sharon Fischer Were present today as the Costa Mesa Exchange Club awarded 'the prized plaque to highlight National Crime Prevenl.ion ·Week locally . He never thought he would see the day. Literally. Under a tragic timetable once set by . fate and a mysterious disease called keratonconus -doclors know its name, but litt~ else -he would by now have been ex-Lt. Fischer. He would have been robbed of his life's work. He would bave been sentenced Tu a future on a medical disability pension. Worst of all; perhaps, he would have been tolally blind. "The important fa ctor here," says Chief Neth, "is that because or the graveness or the situallon, he could have selected a disability retirement. He wouldn't even t'onsider it." "I lsney; ,my chances or ever ~g a tSee POUCEMAN, P11r %) . , • Radical, Group s Blame_~ ' f . • ' 11'·'...-•f:Hi'. • .... t '~ ,of I • -For P end'leton Rioting, By RICHARD P. NALL Of IMIOlllJ PIM Stltft CAMP PENobETON -The I ll·hOur riot staged in a barracks by black ~fnrines hert ma:v. have been triggered by' radical dlstid~t groups pegg ing it to the pendtng arrival of the Marine Corps commandant. 'Cot. Ross R. Miner, commanding of. ricer of the Staging Battalion where the outbreak occurred Wednesday night, has linked the fracas to such groups as Black Panthers, Stlldents for 11 Democratic Society and the Movement for a Democratic Military. About 30 Marines were injured. Oflt wiously, when the 30 lo JS Ne~o Teens in Tr ouble Over N arw tics To Help Others A group of teenagen; whose own eiperl· mentation landed them in more trouble than they could escape spoke today to science classes at Kaiser Intermediate School in Costa Mesa: The.subject: nai'coiics. Robert McCarthy. a Costa Mesa rtsi· dent' who is educational supervisor at a calitOmia Youth Authority training school in Ontario, arranged the series' 0£ talks. The program is a miniature version or the prison-prevention unit at the Califor· nia,Institute for Men at Chino, which will be featUred Feb. 28 at the Costa Mesa 'Happtning. PollCe personnel and a variety of com· munity service organizations ate involved in the ~ng.planned anti9fWcotics pro- gram from 9'.a.m, to_O p.m. al the Orange County Fairgrounds. .. -..-) ' . Morines ltormed Into a t_..., ...ocrln barracks ''using broom bandlel t.e ~t everyone who was Jn their' way" Ind breaking windows, plµmbfng nnures .and, lockers. It appeared the incident had been plan· ned. ," I ., . . ~ ' . ' WINS ANNUA L.HONOR Cl!l':'D'• L.t. F,IKhor Marijuana Bust Bri,igs 2 Arr ests Lt. Col. Edward Schultze, base public affairs officer, said today th3t his offlce had received a call from news media ask- ing about trouble an hour before the 9 p.m. outbreak and again as U was just under way. He said the news source had been advised of the pending diatutbance Sitling In rr'oni of a Costa Mm eiemeh- cvcn to the barracks number, Lary scboolt allegedly stoned on marl· Gen. t.ebnard F. Chapman, Jr., MaHne~ ujana', 1 t_tenlae boy afl!I his tl·year~ld commttndant, has been scheduled fOr several weeks to visit the base Mondly companion told police Thursday the y and Tuesda'.k'. · boUgli't the 'weed frbm oilc'a Qnc!e.t 1 • , Col. Schultze said that lhe Staging 'He was' arrested al' his horTie sMrUy ~:. Baltalion is largely made up or'Marines ui~ealter. anQ. 'subSequeµt ,inveltigailoo · • \\'ailing for overseas assignmen t such as at the scene1 led to capture of a~ man. . • Vietnam or Okinawa. · , wantetl on a1 similar char'e f0r \hf~e ·. trowevcr, ~e said that Subunit One w,eeks, after. all~gedly esq1p1ng !fl a ralij. ll'here the rioters were housed, has a ROnaJd ~ •. 1LaVa'l)ey," 21. of 126 Sitnta ' casual status. He said it lncludes Marines Isa.be.I .Ave., r as booked, on a .charge of _j who .mllY..be..w.aiUngJor..disch&rge-u,-con--~le-dt-quir~uana;to;:a-IJllhor-and-be:Jd I scientious objectors or for hardship v.;ilhout bail, pendmg ls.su~Oce of a comt reasons and also Marines waiting to pla1nt. · testify at courts ·martial or who w,ere• William J . COrdero, 23, of 770 W. ~tth accused of being absent without· leave or St, Costa Mesa, was arre$led a few other lnfractions. · houri later near.the-511.flta t~bel Av~nue Schultze said he was not sure if the house amfbooked on lw.Jl felony charges~ group or rioters included any veter am of DeteetlVe BOb ' Lennert said Corderif· Vielnam. rap as he returned to the acene,•bU't was Col. Miner, who helped quell the caUght, questioned, • and su~enll)' · I' lho I id o •placed under arrelll when a record cbeck d1sturba~ce by t~l 1ng se nvolv ~ to reve~,. ll2,500 bai l warrant char&ffig behave. like Marines and start cle'a?ln.f hiin with sale of marijuana . up the mess," said M'arines in1tiJ~finl • An additional charge , of possession of the outbreak complained of befng bar•~ daligeroua drugs W~s ad~. ?rter ed by two corpora·Js and of being march4 cdrdero allegedl,y . tried , lo furtively (See MARINES, P11e £) (See'BUS:; Page%) •• --. --... C<, 0 t A A d .. Wea the r Another Cbtimber of Commerce type weekend is in store for the Orange Coast~ ~itli only ~ 'touch•of . coastal fog to mar the v.iew. Temi>: eratures remain ii\ the central aixUes. Newport Race R r aclie·s .11· • • New PoJ1-~.e Beat ' Band Makes Note~as :(fh,ief. Tai.ks 1 INSIDE TODAY ·. Ya chting activit11 i1 boom inp do wii under -A-u1tralia, Ne'w Zeal.and rrttd tltereabou ls -ac· cOrdt11g to well·known New,fort Bloch yachtsn11n1 a11d attorney Rod Lippold. Boa.ting Page 16. '"''"'' 11 C1!lftrlllt I (l\t(.-.nt U• I titstllllOll Jl""' Ctmlc:t H CrtSI.... 1' • OUt~ Metftfl t Olftl'UJ t l:flter!ll ltlff I ,llll!ltt , .. " -" "'"' ......... ,, ·Mtol ... JI • "'"'"'"' ' By THOMAS FORTUNE Of tflt O•UY ltlkol St.ttf Wilh lbe deadline !or filing paper1 of candidacy now Jess ·than a week .away. only fou'r candidates are officially 'in' the lists for the Newpo(t Beach City Council race. Jiowever, seven others, lncludin1 one new candidate this mOnUng, have taken oul nom1n1Uon papers and are expect~ to return ~em before the filing period ends at noon 'llrursdJy, Eeb, lt. The latest aspirant Is-Thomas-Stadl· Inger, an Eastbluff resident Who is di rec· toY of ·•public relauona and development for Hoag Memorial llotpllal. All 11 potential candldi&\~s have lived the requited three years w thin the city. W]len the filing period end1. lh...._ ln lhe linal lineup 11(111 take lo !he hWlUngs lo lry lo outdo • ..,h other In lhe minds of • voters by election day, April 14c Nexl'fburaday alBO la·lhe deadline for reglltej"lng to 'vole for lhe council elec- tjon. A'9'"one Who voted ·tn·tht N'overriber, 1968,' pjesidenua.t election and has not rnoved since is stl.ll registered. Otlly one\ incumbent has takon out papers, Howard Rogers , of Balboa, Wbo 'vould be seeking a second rourr~· tenn.' Probably opposing him wil be former dty Qo1u:icilman Al li'Orgit, wflo \\'as unseated by Donald Mclnn\s, of W~ Newport, two years ag'Q,. A redra~ of councl1man1c boundarle.111 ha s m'crve<I forg lt in-with Rogeta. '• Three ot.htr iooumbe:nts ~ ~yor Doreen Marshall, Paul Gnibct and Robert' Shelton -hlv~ said they wlU not seek reelection. Roy Wool,.y, a Nf!f1>0rt otlomey, bas tiled for.. Mr:s. Mlrlhall11 Qi&tri<it ~e · S<at. Probable _..,,.,.ho -·fallen- ~,~ __ __.. _______ ,.. _ _..... ______ ~_,, ' .. out popers lhougbtnot yet relul")led O>em • are Dr. Jerrel Richards. president of the Z.:ido Isle A~sociatlon, and Carl Kyrnta, manager Of 1 water district. ,City ·Planning Comm(ssioner , w,J ter Koch, !o far, Is the ooly one seeking ' Gruber'& scat representins the 'Newport 1 Heights and West Bluff ates. :1 Orange Coast College student ·James Aynes J;. has filed for Shelton's . scat. represenllng Corona del Mar. sfter his father, Jmncs .-Aynes Sr., ·lt•rned he hadn't been a ~egl!tered City wtor loltg • enough. • Builder -Richard Crout fllred his papers ll)i$ morning ror the Qi11trlct SiJt Cor""' de! Mar race. 1'ht5e who 1l111¥e taken oul papers and also are likely to be In the contest are St.ldltoger, a&les· repraen- tatiVe David. Lewis, and re11tallranf O'l'l'M:r . Richard Lawrenct:. Co.•lll Me<~ PoUtt Ghief Roaet~· ' bab!y never e~ m118ical1 accompgnlment durlnc hla t1'00<b ¥0ilciay · on the j;qlta M .... .J(lwpqls Clu~, As Neth narrated the htltOrJ ,· and future ol the police force, a senior ~tlzens kazoo !>and and baa drUm neiEt door struck, up a passable rendllion ol,;'Up l'10 I\IJY IUnf"~ othOr popuJar tunes. • The walls of lhe Qiila Mesa Comoiuoll7•Chlb~ banquet~ could npl contain, the, s~irlted:tqotln& <If .)he if<>Up, part ol Tbe Grandnt<ithe<1, ... local grOl,lp of ~elderly s~Jng~. • · · I .. ' ·, As Neth desclibed tile ext~slte narcotics inva\lgaiion programa beinl undcrtilkcn In Costa Mesa, lf'i ~ pl•xed' a very raucus version of "'l'be Monkey, Wrapped !Us :ra11 ...,_ Jl1'i f'l...,Ole" dutb11_whlch Ndh muttered "l'U just speak up a Ultle louder/"' i , When the chlel trleil to,-k of. the ,deoaflmfnl!• 1'llen0111<l)al..,,... ..and how \l)e for~,wa• !<Ii·~ ... ~ communltr ~ lo build further' lhe kazoos diowneil mm out wllh a,.•l!l'J ·b1p•I. modern prmnhilfm ol •'Slonny". ficl h also me(ltloned lhe cost f/I equl~ lbe lorct wllh llUCh mocttrn, equlpmeht as surplus jctpsrlruf:~, weapons carriers and mobile machine aibop. The cost '"' minimal ~l!IJ to It>• chief, but !he liand bad dUfmnt ide•s· .. · • ~ Tl>eY played lhe mel0d!OU3 etr4)lna o( "Honey'' and what sounded a Uttla lik1-''Three Colns ln a Fountain." • • • . " ' I 1 l · I -..... -, • n4u;y P:u.oT EDITOBL\L PA:GE School admillltraton complilll lroquenll1 lhat Ibey 1pe!ld so mueh ttme loolln& back ov,er their shoulder to cheek oo citizen ~upport-1hlt Ibey have dlflicully locUJin& on their real .goal -providin& the best edu- calloo possible for the children who are their charges. Jn the Newport-Mesa Unified Schfi91 Dislritt, thanl« to the outcome o( Tueaday's election, they are spared that hindrance for Ute next several years. •• It was far from an overwhelmlng victory, but pas- 1a1e of · those two financing issues -·An. 87 cent tax override and an increase in ~ rates -came at. a time when other conimun!ties lbrougbaut California and, indeed, through 'the United Sta~, were rejecting similar proposals· by wide m~•· · No matter boW narrow the-viCtory 1 IL was a victocy for those Who 1 sought to .improve the financial ba&e of public schools, in Costa t,\eoa and NOll'J>Or) Beach. ·nie volinf pattern ah~ that neither Qf tll!o ·.two cities comprismg·the Newport-Mesa dlstr!~ has a sing· ular viewpoint on paying tor better schools; both New· , port and Costa Mesa returns shawed Identical patterns ~51 percent of th~ voten in each communify: favored ~ th' 87 ce.r:tt tax increase and 68 percen~ fa.'o(ored increag.. . iqg the rate on salable bonds from five to seven per~ cel!L . Obviously a large number of parents in tbe New· port-Mesa district dfd no! vote -a dlstressmg perfonn• ance considering what was at stake. StlU, WJth or wJth· out th,m, the issues passed and education In the Harbor Area today has a new horizon. There is litUe question that Harbor Area schools were beaded for trouble. Then, a rear .ago, the-com- munity passed a bond issue to provide some desperate.. ly needed buildlngs for the growinJ district. Now. with Tu-S.y's election, voters liav,e given the. district ad- miniatrators the money to provide an effective program .on Target and, fUrtber a tool by which tha bond• can be sold on today's iiWlreL .1bls should -indeed mu1t-mean a ·quietened JjaCe and an optimistic look forward. Our school people can now ·•lop 1pending lbelr time worrying and plotting about the nex-t bond issue or tax override and turn their energy into the education program. Tbat really is the way the ptiorlUes should ·b~ es., tablished -that 27,000 youngsters from kindergarten lbroUgb blJb school will have lbe educational opporluni· ties to which they are entiUed. The Good Kids in Action . ' -Kid•· tod11¥ _are (ynical sloppy an<L dqn '.t g;v~ ·• damn for anything but getii'ng hlgb on drugs -if you don't believe that, you can findSomeone to tell you so. You wilf if you look. Many kids m the Harbor Area do care ·-about many matters -and one is Justin Ogata. He ts 16; the kind who would help another less fortunate. If he could. He can't. · Justin is In Los Angeles Orthopedic Hospftal, para· lyzed from the neck cfown and facing a long adjust· ment to a changed life. He was injured nine weeks ago in a practice wresUing match accident at Costa Mesa High School. , Now, the kids -and the whole community -are helping him. Mostly, the kids are doin~ it, on their own -and they even started it. Campus nvalries end at a certain point in the heart. Thousands of dollars are be- ing r~sed in a variety of benefits at Har.bor Area schools. Somehow, it mak.es you want to go down to the comer, grab one of the doomsayers and tell him how wrong he is about kids in .general. ' r INI Hardest Lesson Increqsing Phy•ical Maturity Earlier for Boys, Git<ls ( Acceptance F-or Us to Learn OfMarijuana_ MoOt ~ took upon the Biblical ln- jw)ctlon, "Love thy enemies," as either bnpooslbly Utoplsn or impoosibly ,.._ ti-Thia II because they fail to undenitand the meaning of appe, or Jove, u Jesus meant it. To love your enemies does not mean that you have to lite them. It does not me1n that ~ are no ion,:er enemiel. Nobody can C(l"tlmand u to like whit we do not I i k e , for emotions cannot be directed by --1 ..... 1 contest, not a1 eoldiers in a war. tt may sound odd, but tnte athletts •'Jove" their enemies. That is, they respect them as other persons striving toward ... oppootte goal. Alld they oppose ~oat, wtlhl• ntlea that both obey, so that tbe Winoer Wini 00 ftMrit, D0t OD fouls. And iDemiea remain 'tnemiea if lhtir ultimate pit conflict wlth ours,. no ma~ ter whether we love them or qot. So that "Loot ll'!'-1a" ~oes not -u ta TBl8 11 TD IJND of 1P1rit J"us t; ............ u ........ Mllliatenta~ I ~ .... !IOI • 1 1 I at y . ' t y that trlei to -• .,,. WH.&T IT MEANS, properl)r ..,. humon . oo prelald thafpoople con dentood b that no matter what we like each other better than they do. He "feel" abcart another person, or how we was aaytna that It doesn't matter if you a~ bit beUela. there must bt. an like someone or not, it doesn't matter if acknOwledgem~t tha'-. what binds us you agret or not -Uie only thing that toctther li greater than what divlde.s us. matter• i• treating the other as fairly It ii the "penonhood" of the other tbat and cleanly as athletes do in a cbam- unite1 111 in aomething that ts above, and ptonship 1ame. grUlter than, both of us; and our respect Thia ls a union tbat goes beyond sym- for tbll common ground of bein& mut pathy or friendship, for there is np merit take incedence over our likes and our in behaving nicely toward the peopl' we beUeft. Tbia iJ the hardest lessOn. for any Jike ; the only merit U aclinl decently people (and any church) to learn. toward the people we don't 11 k e or ' disagree with -for this kind of ''love" is WE MISTAKENLY Imagine that If we an act ol the will, not an emotion or an could "krve" our eDemies, then we. ml&ht inteUeetUaJ convktJon. What a tragedy become friends or allies; but th1a ia not 'that we honor it cmly in our game11, which necessary, not even possible in many we take so ae.rlously, but not in our lives, cases. We would sUll be enemJea -but which We play away with such perlJoos we would treat our enmity as athletes in flippancy. Helping the Ogata Fund To thr Editor_: _______ _ 1 would like to like this opportunity to pubUcly thank all thole peopJe who parijclpated in the Justin Ogata Fishing Trip Feb. 2. t want to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Cole and Mr. •Vaughan of my 1taff for their tflorb in organh.ation and a particular thanks to three indiy,iduals who worked hard to make the trip a succeu in the community : Mayor AJvin Pinkley and Councilman Wiiiiam St. Clair. who worted Urelessly in setting up the fishing trip and seUlng the tickets. And 1llo 1 opeciol thanks to Mr. r ...... the pft$kknt of Davey's Locker, for providin& all the facilities free or charge so that all the money could go to the Justin Ogata Fund. Thls la just another example of the caoperatlcm that can be obtained omonc private enterprise, city govtnm'lent and the local school l)'sltm. Our _,,11 tbanb and &ratitude to all ~fn'M!Ct -FRANK A. LOPES Principal Colla M<sa lllgb School Cotta lltsa Hloh School wrt1tltr Jqfill ()oa'4, 15, 10CI Cht victim of 4 Jrtaktt111utlmg GCcidt'tlt llut Dtctm- bu iof1ieA broke hi1 ntck and ltft him Dw~1e: I -this real good·Jooldn& lellow 11111 Uh bJm but he see1111 to tiave a terrlblt: problem with oh-. 1!!"'1 time I l'\ID Into illm at a ,.ty or dance he uy1 he h1la m>Wdl 1Dd llkl ... to .. outafde 19d 1lt In hli cer In the dork wltb him. WNit can 1 do to ovtrCGme bll 1wful 1~! WORRIED Dur Worried' Go outside illd ~t In bis car In the dark with him. Lf'Mn ff'om !'Hdtn .,. """-·' ~ ....,,..,. llllOuW _.., tMlr mHMH1 Ill :IOI wwa• w leU. Tri. rtorrl " cGf'lllenl4 lett.<l l'O flt ~ or 1tllmi- Mil'I lllltl It rtw'llld. Al ""'*" """'' lftcllldll 11t-n1turt 1rwt m•lll111 «ldr.u. blrl 1191MI mn 119 wllhheld Oii ~U.11 H •Uffl(!enl ,.._ LI IPiJll"e!ll. Poetry wUI not 119 1•111,11-'*I. probablu poraly:ed for lift from the ntck down. · FtUow .student.s 1et out to f'Oi.se $5,000 to help pay Ju.sttn.'1 medical bills. A benefit bo.skttbcll gamt,. an all-day fi.shing trip rpon.sortd b11 Dao- ey'! Locker, a pop concert and a wcffJt brtakfa&ti,!i,"' individual do- Mtiont, had "4 _ (lf lolt report, mort than $3,000. P.,.ioote donation! 1hould bt rtn& to the J113fin Ooata F•nd, Bonk of Tokyo, SJO N. Mot.I St., Santa Ana. -Editor lee Cream Parlor Ta the Edit« ' , u IJ not surpriainc to, me that the Up- per Bay rolldenll .-ag11ntt 1n- nent1on to Ille city o/ Cotta Mesa. >.. a J<Sldent ol Costa M.,1 for 10 yem, I feel that our CRy CouncU bu not made adequate r,tana for &. homeowners if they allow an ct cream parlor to come Into 1 ,...kknllll lOl1<d areo. ll ii not folt to rezone commerclal 1n an area when the jiqie -u .. tlJe(e ... -iy' opinll IUCll I move, lncf flPOClil\y SO -Ihm lo Pl"'l)' al C>DlllllMl'.Cll ... Po erty sUIJ available. l'erl>lpo we lllould pel!Uon to hive our property, which bordm on Newport Beoch. deltted f..m the -Iii.. Of Co&ta Mesa, .11 our city b pa.ylfl& no at- tention to the homeownm who pay high tu .. on their $1%,000 to 14$,000 horn ... BARBARA J, HANSEN ''You know, some day there could be a reefer hour instead of a cacktail hour," a 1tudent forecast nearly three year1 ago. That hour hasn't come de3pite increuin& acc<ptaoce of the we ol marijuana. But the legal assault on antipot llws la moun-- ting. Penalties for ii.s possession and use are llkelj to be reduced by this .easioa of Conireu. Even the Nixon admbtlstraUon -the symbol of ''squarenesa" to the stoned aerieratlon -is suPSXM"tinc le&iaJaUon to moderate existing laws. Atty, Gen. John N. Mitchell baa noted that present federal Jaw1 makinc possession of marijuana a ,. ""·' Editorial Researet < • felony provide penalties that can exceed ~ for manslaughter or sabotage. STATE LAWS -Wider which most marijuana convictions are made -are particularly harsh. Attention was focused upon them recently by the sentencing of a 21-year-old to a 50-year prison term in Texu for selling two marijuana cigaret- t~, and the i(nposition of a 20-year term to a Virglnla 'youth found with 6.5 pounds of the stuff in his pGSSession. For years such severity attracted \'irtually no public attention, possibly because the use of marijuana was limited primarily to the ghetto and marginal society. But the last five yean have seen an oplosive growth in the use of pot. Sen . F..dward M. Kennedy (D. Mau.), chairman of the Senate subcommittee on alcohollam..iand·narcot\Cs, has estimated that about 12 million Americans have us- ed marijuana al least once. From 30 to 40 percent of today's college students and 20 percent of the high school seniora have tried it. POT SMOKING by the children of the middle class has its political effects in Washington. where some official raJ'(lilies are tormented by the discovery of drug use among their children. lt has led to demands for stiff penalties for the drug .. pusher .. -but mc;ire flexible treatment l>f mere U!ltrS. Legalization of marijuana has been proposed by some, including Dr. Margaret Mead, the anthropologist. She rectntty told a Senate committee that "We are damaging our country, our laws and the relations belween young and old by Its · prohibition. This Is far more dangerous than any overuse." The bW just passed by the Seoslt - the Conlrolled Dangerous Substances Act of 1969 -does not legalize pot. lt would make Simple possession of ;;1arljuana and o t h e r "dangerous" drugs a misde-- meanor, subjttt to 1 jell \enn of one year or lm but g1vtnc 1 jud&e authority to ·suspend the sentence for a first ol- feodl!I'. The aim of the bill iJ to con-- centrite on professional drUg peddlera. 1lllnols Jail sentence (or persms caught with a small amount ol pol has been pared to 'the earlier two-year minimum. Nebruka subjedl flrst offenders to a seven-dly blitz course on the danger or dnlp. . Ptrhlpo the m1)o< bloct to legsll~tion of marijuatt1 in tht ne:ar fulure: 11 the lack al qreement on Ill effects. Sclentbts and il)'lDtD dllfer 11 to wbether It is harmful and l~s to Uie u1e of "hard" dnig1. Su<h I llucb' 11 being n11de by the N1tlonll ln,tUlute ol Menllt H<1lth. It has prVmlied answers within two years. Unlll illfn. at least, leg1llud pot wW ,., main a pipe dr~m. Social Maturity L~ter Now Every 10 yeara since the tum · of the ctntury, the average age for the onset of menstruation for American girls ha s decreased by four months. In the 60 years since 1910, the menstrual age has been lowered by two years. A 14-year-old girl today is biologjcally as mab.lre as the 16-year-old of 1910. Maturity amohg boys tlas been acceleraUng at the same rate. All this can no doubt be accounted for by the high health and nutritional slaDdards this nation bas enjoyed over these years. BioJoP:al maturity is coming earlier, but in thole eo yean social maturity bas been getting later and laier. In 1910 a boy was at liberty to quit achool and go to work al 14. Grade achoo1 was a11 that ·was expected of most people. A minority went to bf&I! school. A Uny mlnopty of that minority. went to eOllea:e. Ttie rut were part of the world of adult work, in field or farm or fact«y. · . · · TODAY SOCIAL MAnJRJTV conUnues lo come later de.spite earlier phy.sical maturity. Almost all young men ,and .women are under pres.mre to go to col- lege, and if they're lucky they will graduate at 22. Young men who go into the skilled tndes as plumbqs . or carpenters fare little better; they face apprenticeship& in many unions or four to aeven yean. A main source of college problems Is the fact that hundreds of thousands who have no great desire for high education are in college limply because it is ex- pected of them. Sexua.Uy and pbys.ically mature lince they were 14 or 15, they .mark time awaiting an encounter with the life outside or school. Most college students, especially those who ·know what they want tp make of themselves, are not marking time. They are eagerly pushing on towards degrees • • IJa y~ki~-!l .,~ · ; ' Jn engineering or agriculture or literature or biology. 11ley are not a-problem. They are the delight or their teachers -and their parents. BUT THOUSANDS are marking time and marking time, majoring in English one·year, switching to sociology the ne1t. then changing to art or drama. They are young men and women still in Sf:Jf(:h of an identity. Most of them are bored with their purposeless existence at the same time as they are too unsure of t~selves \o decide on a purpose. Although dis!atisfied with college, they cannot make up their miods to leave iL It's from this group that troubles come. They drop out of classes, alth:>ugh con- tinuing to hang around the frioges of the campus. Driven by their internal emplinets, IOme of them turn on with drugs. Many take up revolutionary ideas and plaster their walls. with port.rails of Mao Tse.tung and Che Guevara. From this point it i~ but a short step to at.- tacking the university, occupying buildings, perpetrating acta of senseless violence, destroying research files and llbTariea and computers, thereby en- dowing, they believe, their )iVes with heroic meaning. PLEASE UNDERSTAND - 1 am not talking about all studentl. I am talking only about ttie extreme marillestalions of a ma1aise that to some degree troubles-a whole generation. One wonders what can be ~ne to relieve this condition -one thal is not so much the result of the failure of parenla Cl refuse to join In the chorus of those who blame everything that's wrong with the younger generation on Dr. Spock) U it is the result of the in- credible suceess of our ecooomlc aystem in making secure the lives or the middle class. • Under conditions of scarcity, the alrug- gle for scrvlval absorbs most of one·s energies, so th~t ont doesn 't ask lofty philosophical and ethic.aJ questions about the meaning Qf life. These unasked qUt:s- tions come to the fore in a time of plenty. There is no answering these questions in the abstract. AJ impatient and militant students often tell us, the ~rs can only be found ln actian and involvement. SO ACTION AND involvement art what they want most or all, in on:ler to experience a sense ·or maturity. This is why they want to change the world rather than study it first to discover wha t / needs changtng and how .it can be chang. ed. Ber.ause they will not study it, they I have no ct1anges to suggest beyond what are vaguely suggested in such mean-11 ingless and swee·ptng slogans as "fight racism" and "smash the pig power struc- ture." The classic .statement of the in- tellectual vacutty of the New Left was made by Mark Rudd wt.en he said, "First we'll have the revolulion, then we'll find out what for." That's wtlat happens when you have physical maturity without social maturi- ty. It is hard not to sympathize with the young people 's craving !or the responsibilities of maturity. But it is even tlarder to go along with their conviction that American foreign policy i s i90mething that can be worktd out on a guitar. By S. I. Hayakawa President, San Franclsco Stole Colle&• Throw-hack to 'King's Ax' Which ls more important: to ireize a cache of narcotics and charge possession, or to adhere to the tonst.ltutional pro- tection of the citizen a g a I n s t unreasonable searches and seizures? How you answer the question may de- pend on whether you believe every blttherln1 3entenee uttered by public af· ficers about the narcaUc problem, or whether you believe the Bill of Righta is the fouDdaUon of our freedom from tyranny. Every mature observer of the law and liberty has all tlia life been listening to Uie public officers on the narcotics ques- tion. Most (not all) of what they say ls designed to further their personal am- billons and their image, l l the wonl']oes, and ia inaccurate, distorted, illogical, presumpUve, devious and altogether stuff and nonsense. It does nothing wbatever to solve the problt:m. since the problem, despite their presentmt:nLs, Jaws and Dear Gloomy Gus: ~ evening n I look out ol my view window In Corona del Mar I give thin& to the Pavlllon lor the beoutlM lights they burn constant· ly. 1 truly hopt 1U of the residents of Uiis area apptf!ciate what a 1ight Uils is to see. -T. C. ""' .. "'" ~ ,........ .......... __..,., ..... "" ..........,., ...... ,_ ., ....... ...,,_,. .... 0.ll'r ,,.. \ practic~ •• i::;__bia:er than ever. For fifty yean these 'demagogues ha ve spewed us with this deadly monotony, and they have nothing to show for it but contusion, delusion and abject failure, nor have we. YOU WOULD TlUNK an informed, self-governing people wo9Jd see through this prodigious awindle, and insist the problem be afficked ln a ratiOnal, qu ietly determined way at il..s roots. But no, the cUclies uttered in tht Unitld State.s Senate and in enforcement circles differ not one whit from the,..claptrap or the 1920s. . , The allusion here is to a ridei attached to the latest drug bill, pennitting raiders to enter a home, by force if lhty so elect, wit.bout announcing themselves, to pre- vent suspects disposing of the evidence, Hence it is called a "no-knock" law. It is hard to see how lht:~United States Supreme Court could countenance such a Ulrow·baclt to medieval monarchies pursuing their supposed enemies. Senator Ervin, SOulh c.lotln1, ~rly called it. a ~ to the "king 1 u to knock down the door and bteak optn 'the window." But I.tie Senate passed it, 44-40, and it got1 to the H~ AS V!)U WOULD exp•cl from Ions ... perience with the public orncm going back to ProbiblUon, the provision dotsn\ come close to Uie ctntraJ problem of en-. forcemenL 'Illa! problem Is the 1t-ller, the runner, the S!11llµltr, not the pogwsor, Just so In the 19203', the public officer hauled thousands of speakeasy barteDders into the courts with a filth of booze, whl}e th• rum-boats with thoUsand-cue cargoes wallowed off oor coasts in arrogant im- munity. The Fourth Amendment Ja:ys simply that "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, house . • , against unreasonable searches and seizures ahail not be violated." For years the courts have held that-a 3 a.m. crush-in on your home is "unreasonable." It is as likely that a vand!I with a badge smashing your door wlili a sledgHiammer, is being unreasonable, warrant or no warranL If-We don't slick with the Amendments we're in big trouble, as we were in the taos. Are we du·mber Ulan our fatherll. who finally caught up with the phonics and abolished their occupation ? ---- Friday, February 13, 1970 Tht tdicorta' pa~ of the Dailv Pilot setkl to inform iind .rtim.- ulat. rradtr1 b11 prestntino th.ii MtDs-poptr'1 optnton.r and com. mentarv on topict ot inttnsi and rigni/Jcance, b11 provkUno a forvm for th• uprenlon of our reader~ opiniom, and bu prtstfltitto the ditJer1e vftto- points o/ Informed ob.serwr1 mid tpok<I ..... on lof)icl of I/if c!Op. . Ro!>ert N, Weed, Publi5her ' ! ' ' e :· • • .t ·. n • n " ' I o I s d 17 ,, :· • t " I , .t ~ l '1 • j e e e ' ' s I > ' l ' I s I ' t I ___ ,, ., .. • Costa Mesa • EDITION . * • . ..,. . m.,. ·s·..;;_ .. ,_ l'li.... -- VQt:. 63, NO. 37, ,4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE 1 cou~;-CALIFORNIA . ~ . 'MIDAY, FlilltUARY I l, 1970 ,. TEN CENT~ -. League Bucks Co~D.ty, Sticks to Harbor -Stand Br TOM BARLEY ~ .. Dal" ,!Mt 11.tt Four county supervisors ran into rough water and a noisy meeting Thursday night ,,Jhen they tried to persuade the Orange Couoty Chapter of the Leagire of Calllornia Cities lo join them in urging expansion of the Orange County· Harbor District ' " Polite applau~ met the pleas of the bOard for "What supervisor's Cbairm&r\ Allon 'E. Allen or Laguna Beach called a White-only Land Sold By · Carswell PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP ) -The deed to· a piece of property aold by Supreme Court nominee G. Harrold Carswell and his wife in 1966 contained a whites-only clause, the Palm Beach Post reported tt> day. The anti-Negro restriction was ap- parently flrst established by Carswell's brother-in-law, Jack Simmons Jr .. the Post said, when he obtained 38 acres fronting on Ochlocknee Bay in 1963. Tl said Carswell's wife Virginia acquired part or the land from her brother tht sa me year. 1 "Ownership. occupancy and use shall be restricted to members or the Caucasian race," said the covenant written into the deed recorded at the \Vakulla County courthouse in Cr _!__W'9_rdsville.. · ~ the Carswella sold their lot for tbobt fUOO July 12, 1161, the deed specifJc ally inade t.be sale 1ubjecl lo the re!trictive convenaots in fora three , years earlier when Mr11. Carswell got the j,roperiy, the Post aid ln a c<>pyrighl story. Domestic workers employed by and Tesidlng with Caucasian fa milies were excepted from the restrictions, lhe Post said. The tract includes 50 Jots. providing ex- clu&ive summer home sites for members of tlle wealthy Simmons family and other socialites or nearby Tallahassee. the newspaper said. The Carswells no longer <1wn any pro. perty in the bayfront complex. according to the current Wakulla C<lunty tax roll. The Post story said purchasers of the Carswell lot were Mrs. Harriet N. Yon. wife of Tallahassee Postmaster Peyton Yon, and Mrs. Mazie Middleton. a Tallahassee widow. The Carswtlls-and others reported in- volved in the deal were n<>t immedialely available for comment. At J\.1iami, Wh.ite House P r e s s Secretary Ronald ·L. Ziegler said he had no comn1ent on the Carswell transaction but· added. "I think i( you look across the country at various real estate documents you would rind that this particular in· cident is no!. isolated at all." Ziegler. at his regular news briefinJ:?, took exception to a questioner's sug· gestion that Carswell had Insisted upon inclusion of the restriction. ResJX>lldlng to questions, Ziegler said President Nixon had n<>t been aware of the transaction when he 1ubmllted the Carswell nomination. He said none of tile F1orida or California properties owned by I.he. Chief e1ecutive carry r a c i a 1 covenants. Carswell, a judge of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeal, has been in seclusion since the Senate Judiciary Committee last week recessed ila bearings on his Supreme Court nomination. 01•a11ge Coast Weather Another Ch81nber of Commerce type weekend Is in store for the. Orange Coas(, Willi ollly a touch•of coastal fog to mar the view. Temp- eratures remain ill the central si:.:lies. INSIDE TODA\' Yocht ing activitv i1 booming .down ·1tt1der -.4t1.ttmlia, New Zeolnnd a11d the reabout$ -(JC· cordh1Q to we Lf.knowtt Newport Beach yaclltsrnan and 11ttorne11 Rod Lippold. Boath1g Page 16. "unitedJtont" on the thorny Issue. Allen, backed by County Counsel Adrian Kuyper and Count1 Adn$li.strative Of- ficer Robert Thomas as co-speakers, urg- ed the citil..!"' support for expansion or tre Harbor DisU'lct to include •.tll tlie county's beaches, J'td'ks and recreation facilities . Allen's board Is seekin1·' legislative bac~.for that proposal. The 1ea1ue, through Assemblyman John Briggs CR-Fullerton) is seeking ap- proval in Sacramento of a bill that wouJd put the long disputed hii.r:t>or district issue - before Otange County-voters (Of a final delennilla~ on its dissolution or ex:- pan.si<ln. . League members are .convinced that the Yote would be oYerwhelmingly for dissolutioo. Su~ David »ater. the board's odd~mJn~ut •on the harl)QJ" i~e.. drew the ovation -0f the night for his 'opposition to the stance adopted by supervisors Allen; ·Robert fl$atlin, Wllllam Hiratein I With a Little Luck Slack c~~s are univers.ally spurned oil d~ys 11ike tod~y -Friday, .the 13th. This nameless feline, currently a resident of the Laguna Canyoh shelter of the SecieJy for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), is hoping someone will have a change of heart tomorrow (Valentine's Day) and give him a new home an·d a little love. ,. Mesan Held Afte1··Driver.s . ' Report Attack With _Ch11in A young Costa Mesa man with ~ history of violent' mental lllncs:s was de· tained by Newport Beach police Thur~ay afternoon after motorists told officers he swung a six-root chain at them as they drove through Central Newport. But Police soon discovered t h a t the youth's symptoms were only starling. Once inside the palice department booking cage, Patrolman Vince Antista said, the man, clad in outlaw motorcycle garb and wearig a Mohawk haircut, rip- ped open a steel door and shatte~ a heavy window with his fist. Once more officers subdued the -m·an and took him to Orange County Medical Center's mental ward whert doctors quickly rtcognized him . The patient, they told Ant l!ta, had been In before fO&' having swallowed razor blade! and slashing his wrist.a and stab- bing himself in the chest. Records checks at the Newport depart-·. mcnl showed the mari had reported ln police in recent. months that Hessian cyclists ronowed him through town .and c·ut him on the face and anns. • Follow.up invesligation showed that the "victim" actuaijy had slashed himself repeatedly. · Antista said he found Lhe man Thurs· day altemoon walking silen tly toWard Newpart Pier, dragging the chain behind him. "l'm going to the pier to jump off.'' the man teld Antilla, "because I'm no good." Stwk Market NEW YORK C Al>l -The stoet.: market was mired in a bog .of inv~tor diainter;e!t late: lhb afternoon. (Set quotations. Pages 10-ll). It ahowtd a moderate-Joss by the aver- aaes in a lackada.isical trading. ~ ,. and William .Pbililp>. Tbe Secmd District supei'vlsor ntuled Kuyper's argwnent that absorpUc:m of the harbor agency int.o county government would menace the · allocation or f\&nds for vltaDy needed beach and park projects since, a Kuyper decllred, the harbor eir tlt1 would be just ooe or many dePartmenta In a arowing county bud&et. ~ county counsel also warned the mf:l!!Uni that such action might lead lhe county board to plM:e such issues as poUce·protecuon..and welfare as pnori\ies over badlr, needed rocreaUanaJ i.cwu ... "l cant see that argumeftt," sakl Saker. "All we would do wOWd be to abaerb the dislrlct, perllOM!I and al~ lnlo . our county structure and l doa't thin): i~ · /uture woold be threalened 1t bucll<t time or any other•Urne. -"We have a clear warning from st:ate government that there are jusl too maiiy ' taxing agenciu in ,exlstence,'' ~r sald. "Rere la one that no longer needa k> exist and which would become mere clearly visible to a concerned pubUe if It Were drawit .. lntO county government and di~y administered by county llOV•'l!· ment:" . Bal:er also ~jtded lhe 1rgurnenta or Kuyper and .Thomls .thal "dlMO!utlon j>C , tpe J{arbOr Dillrict woqld a1JO remove lh< authonl); by )Vhicb ll)e apncy pro- teCt,. public -ctiannels aild ..,.aterways (Ste RA~R,' Pqe l) Fis~her Sees the Day ": ' ' r ' ' Mesa Traffic Chief Named Policeman~of Year • • f By ARTHUR R. VINSEL OI tllt 01lly l'llet SI.rt One of the flf!it things the roving eye spots on his shelf·-uncommon in a cgp's office -ls a black, leather-bound Bible along with lhe California Vehicle Code. Hal Fischer goes by both. · The phone rang on his desk in the Trar. fie Bureau Thursday afternoon and he was summoned before Costa Mesa Police Chief Roger E. Neth, nervous all he took the stairs, two at a Ume. ''I was wondering what It could be about," he said later. "He doesn't usually call unlesll it'll serious." U. Harold A. Fischer Jr .. 33, was grill - ed with a litlle genlle harassment by the chief and three captains present. before lold he is the department's 1969 Policeman or The Year . . "You've got go be kidding," he blurted. Six prior honorees and Mrs. Sharon Fischer were ptesent today a:s the Costa Mesa Exehang Club awarded the priied plaque to highlight National Crime PreYention ·week locally. He never thought he would see the day. Literally. Under a tragic timetable once set by . fate and a mysterious disease called keralonconllll -doctors know Ila name, but llttlt else -he would by now have been ex-Lt. Fischer. He would have been robbed of hia lilt's· work. He would bave been sentenced to a future on a medical disability pension. Worst or all, perhaps, he would haYe been totally blind . "The important factor here," says Chief Neth, "Is that because of the gravenesii or the situation, he could have selected a disability retirement He wouldn't even consider it." "I knell' .my chances of ever being a (Ste POLICEMAN, P11e Z) Radical Groups .Blamed For~ Pe iidkt~n Rioting By IUCRARD P. NALL Of tllitOtflr , ..... CAMP PENDLETON -The I n·h6ur riot staged in a barracks by black ~farines here may have been triggered by radical dls~lda1t groups pegging it to the pendjnf arrival of the Marine Corps cOmmandant Col. Ross R. Miner. commanding of. ficer of the Staging Battalion where the outbreak occurred Wednesday night, hai; linked the fracas to such groups as Black Panthers, StUdents for a Democratic SOclely and the Movement for a Democratic Military. About 30 Marines were injured. one seriously, when the 30 lo 35 Negro TeellS'in Trouble Over Narcotics ' To Help Others A group of teenagen whose own experl· mentation landed them in more trouble tha n they could escape spake today to science classes at Kaiser Intermediate School in C06la P.fesa .' T.be subject: narcotics. Robert McCarthy. a Costa Mesa resi- dent who Is educational supervisor at a California Youth Authority training school jn Ontario, arranged the series of talks. 1be program ill a miniature version of the prlson.prevenUon unit at the Califor- nia Institute for Men at Chino. which will he 'featoaed Feb. za at the Colla Mesa Happening. Polloe personnel and a variety or com· munity serYice otganlzatioiis are involved in the long.planned anti-narcotics pro- gram from 9 a.m. to I p.m. al the Orange County Fairgrounds. • ., Marinei Jtormed Into 1 two-ltaty ~ barracks; uuslng broom hlfldlel 1 to hit everyone who was in their· wiy" ind breaking windows, plumbing fixture~ ,An(f lockers. It appeared the Incident had been plan· ned. Lt. Col. Edward ' Schultze, base public affairs officer, said today th3t his office had received a call from news media ask· ing about trouble an hour before the 9 p.m. outbreak and again as it was just under way. He said lhe news source had been advised of the pending dlsturl>ance even to the barracks number. Gen. Ceonard F. Chapman, Jr .• Mafine commandant, has been scheduled-for several weeks to Yisit the base MoncYy and Tuesday. Col. Schultze said thal the Staging Battalion is largely made up of Martne.s . waiting for overseas assignment such as Vietnam or Okinawa. · flowevcr, he said that Subunit One "'here the rioters were housed, has a casual status. He aald it includes Mal'tnes who .may be waiting for discharge as con· scier1lioull objectors or for hardllhlp reasons ·and also Marines waiting to testify at alurts martial or who w.ere: accused of being absent without leave or other infractions. Schultze said he was not sure If the J:roilP ol rioters included any vetera111 ·of Vietnam. Col. Miner, who helped quell the diStUtlianCe by telling lhose involved "to behave like Marines and start cle'aning up the mess," said P.1arine! \nsli.aatlna · the outbreak complained of being harass- ed by two corporals and of being marth· (Set ~ARIN&, P1ge !) • I Nl(Y ''"°' tWt ..... WINS ANNUAL HONoR ' Ct,l~D'o LI. flaChtr Marijuaµ.a Bust Brings 2 Arrests Sitting in fr'onf of a Co5ta Mesa elemen- tary school, allegedly stoned on mari• ulaoA.-•.tientie boy and his_ll·~,old_­ eompanlon told police Thursday t b e y bought the 'weed frbm ohe'' Uncle. • He was1 arrested at his home 1Mrtly . :: . thereafter and subsequent inveStlgaUD.o : • al the sctne led to captur,e,..of ta. ~an._· wanted on a' similar charge far tlir!e · • w,eeks, after. allegedly, eSGBping in a r:ilil. Rbnald. .J .. 1LaVaijey1 21, _of tis Sa.nta lsibel .Ave., WIS booked 0'1 a .charge Of sale ,Of '1'arU~~na to a minor and held without ball, ·pending isaua!lce of a com· 1 plaint. William J. Cordero, 2.1, of 770 W. 18th st., Co6t'.a Mesa, was arrested a 'few • hours later near~t.he ·Santa Isabel Avenue house and ·booked on twd felony charies. 0e1ecuve B<ib • Lennert trald eoni.,;; ran aa he returned to the ~tbul wa11 caUght, quett.loned, and subsequently ·placed under 1rresl when a record check reYealed a '$11,500 bail warrant chaJ'iing him wilh sale or marijuana. An additional cbarae of possession of dahgerous drugs w'as added, after Cdrdero allegedly tried to furtively fSee ~BUST, Page 2) .. ' j. Newport Race -R~aclies J.-i--New Polwe-Deat Band Makes Note~m 'C·h,ief Talks By THOMAS FORTUNE 0( fllt h llf fillet II~ With the deadllhe !or filing papen of cancildaeynow less . than a week away, only four cindldatcs are ofOclally ;ln the lists for the Newpc(t Beach City Council race. ~ Howevef, seven olhert, includilli one new candidate thit mOmlng, have taken out nomination pipers and are e1pectcd lo return them be.fore the nnna period end• at noon 'llla:ndly, Feb. ti. The lawt aspirant Is 'rhomas Siad!· lnger, an EastblufI resident Who It di rec· tOr 0( JIUblie relations and deveJopmenl for "°'II· Memorial H08plla1. All II palential candlda~ have lived the rcqulrtd three )'ears within the city. • wi.en tbe Ollng period ends, those in U1a linal lineup will take to the hustings to try to outdo each other In the minds ol • votera by elec1ion day April 14'. ~exl 'Mnlrodoy 11!o 11·the deadllne !or reptering to vote for the council elec· Uort Anyone who voted tiftbe ltbverabtr, 1988, 1 !)residential election and haa not moved since Is :ttUI registered. Only ooe ina.lmbeot has taken out papera, Howard Rogers. of Balboa, who \vould be geekjng 1 seeond· louri'eir tcnn.' PTObably opposfng him wlD· be forgwr dt1 councilman. Al Forglt, wt» was UMeated by Donald Mcinnis. or W~ Newport, lwo years ago. A redrawtn1 or couoo1manlc "'boundaries h15 moved Por1tt la 'Wtlh Rogers. '1 Three other incltmbtnts -M yor Oorten Marshall, Paul Gruber and Robert' Shelton -h1v1 said they • .. ~II not seek reelectkln. Roy Wotloey, a Nftt>Cl!'l attorney, hu IUnd !or Mts, Maroball'• DiiJlri<I Thnc seat. Prob1ble--o~;.::who--have Uikttt ' ' Olli papers thoulh'nol )'ti rotu111Cd them, m Dr. Jerrel Richards. presktent of the lldo Isle ~atlon, and Ca~ Kymla, manager of 1 water dislrict. City Plan.ning Comm(slloner • Walter Koch, so fer, ii the ooly one seeking Gruber'• scat representing tile Newport Heighta and Wut Bluff 1rea. • Orange Coast College ttudent ·James A,.... Jr. has (lied for Sbclton's aeat representing Corona del Mar. aftet bls rather, Jame1 Aypes Sr., learned he hadn·'l been a registered city voter lotlg enough . • Builder Richard Croul fittd his papen L~i1 morning for the District Six Corona Ml Mar race. Tt!tSe who •hive taken out paper• and alJO are liktlY to be tn the contest are Stldlinger, aates repreeen-. ti live Davtd Lewis, and reatau\'ant' ow-ntr , Richard Lawrence. " - ' t Costa M"~ PoUce Chio/ ~ N~pi\iba.bl,y never, e<pected mo.lcar accompanhnenl durlnc hi• opeecb Monday on Uie Qoala M"' ~wants Clu~. As Neth narrated lhe history, phi · y •nd future of the pollce fore<, a senior clUiens kaioo ~nd and Na drilrn next door atruck up a passable rendition of "UP I.ht f.IQ" JU-ffr'' and ~ popular tunes. The walls ol the Cooia Mesa C0111111"nili Club ball!luel n>001 coold ~ contain lhe spirited lqotlq ol .lhe .....,p, pert ol Tbe Gr-1, a local eroup of tlderly awingera. , , · , As Nelh desdribed lha e~t~ narcotics ·iJ'lvestlpUon program.t· beinl undertaken in Coela Mea:a. lJNi plaJed; a V"1y r1UCUJ venion of '"(he Monkey Wrapped His Tall .v.und thi !'lll(pofe" dutlf>i whlcll Neth mllll<red 1•1•11 just sJ)l!ak up a lltUe kiuder,'-' . Wheo the chlel tried IO l{>Uk ol UJe .deplttmlintl• Jifl<nomonal '"""1., and how lb< f~ w., icllnl{ IOeklnl coriu\l!mJ\1 ~ \D )11\ild rurthe!. the kazoos drowned him OUL with a. T"J "hlp1', modern presenr.t:ion. of '1St«m.y1'. Nclh also m<nUoned the cool </f equip~ the force wllh such modem equlpmtnt es surplu1 jeeps, trucks. weapons carrier• and mobfle micbJne lbop.) The coat "" mlni111111 a<t0ii!tn1 to !he clllfl, but lbe band bad dfl!mnt ideas. • They playiod the meloctlou• !lraip• of "Honey" and what llOUllded a Utllo like. '1't'hrtt Coins In a1 Fountain." ' • ---··---~~----"':"<~-1 ' j 1 I '1 DAILY I'll OT c Education · Post Eyed By Schmitz Special to lb< DAILY PMT t SACllAMENTO -The actunble for J)fums shal<en·d_own by a ja.rrin& ~witc.b in t,he California Senate power structurt is qqtoday, with s.o: John G. Sclunill (R· Tultin) studying chairmanship or the Senate Educatk>n Committee. The consen1ative Orange County tjepublican, an inslructor at Santa Ana College, said he would not tum down the ippointment if it came. Schmitz: is cons.idered a potential feplacement for Sen. Albert S. Rodda (J>.. Sacramento) a backer or ousted Senate :f'resident Howard Way ( R· Ei:e te r ) dUmped in a shakeup.earlier this week, ·"Sen. President ~ Tempote Jack Schrade CR-San DlegQ) Ls expected to make a number of changei, beglMiDg with Senate Republican Floor Leader. .His apparent choice spilled the beans 'n'iursday. Sen. Lou Casanov1ch aald he will resign his chairmanship of the Induatrtal ftela· tions Committee to become Senate Republican floor leader. "I've accepted the position and it's up to the pro tern to announce it," the Van Nuys lawmak'r l¢ld i newsman Thurs· day. • Schrade wu uked by a newsman to c0nfirm the appointment. He smlled, Ulen replied' ''You guys are sueaalill pretty good now.'' Culanovich will replace Sen. George o<Ulan•Jian of Long Beach, who r<atgned alte'r Schraclt'a electlon. lleulanellan w11 a siq>pOl1er of clepoaed Republican Senoia leader Howard Way or Euter. Cuaanovfch .. ,.ed In the Assembly from 111117 to 1166, the )'ear ht wu elected to the Senate. He did not support W1y last ·year and voted with Schrade this ' lle!llion. However, the tall, l.ll'liable lumber ex· ecutive was named by Way thi& yw as chairman ol the ·lnd"'5tri1I RelaUons cOmmittet. i He said he intends to conduct his lcad•nhlp ~polL in. ·a ml{Ult:r that Will fi\hJCe pal)iaa_nship oo the Door to main- tain "the decorum and dlinllY In the Senate." · '(juaanovich aald he b-to "pl'OJl'lm ~Inga'' to ."we'll have our argumentl ID advance." .14eontlme Sen. Fr«! Marler said there il a "hilh probability" th&l· he will ·be reappolnlod chainnan or the Senat. AarJculture Committee. Morler. a R<publlc1111 rroll\ Reddlnc, w;. demoted to vice chaliman Wi .. e ... '~be vallcl .~1 Sc­•I Im ,W 1\1 ,._ W11 til hi rle! Smite leadenhlp W...ver. · Marler denied his delecilon w8' tetnpted by hla losa of the chairmanship prlllnpted by his 1 ... of the chairmanship. He said hl1 main criticlam of Way was thl· scrapping of the H:niority tystem in thf selection or chairmen. fThis does not make for stability," ht Bald. especlaJly when the leader has been Pi4 in office on a "tenuous" coallUon of libtral Oemocrata and Republlcans. 1 S}nog Meet Sets Film on Eag·les ' The film "Eagles Lament'' will be shown al the March i meetin1 Of Stamp 0u1 smog. The 1ts11ion will be held 1t 7:30 p.m. in Rokn 121 of the science buildin& at Cal State-Fullerton. Sptakers will include E d w a r d Camarena , engineer wlth the Or1n1e County Air Pollution Control District, al\d ,lamea Urban. deputy county counsel who is represenUng the APCD in Public UUJitie.s Commission hearings on the pro- JXISed expansion of the Edison plant in Huntington Beach . The public is inVited to attend. DAILY PILOT k1b•1I N. ""••' ~-""1>t Inf Putll•~tf' J1c~ k. Curl•v 11, • ..,,, A. Mw,.~;~, M•~ffirll Cf1,fr CHf• Mn. OHlc• )JG W11t lty St••tt Mtilt~f luldr•HI P.O. &e¥ 1&60, •162' Otllott Off!.tt ~I &Hdl: 11\L Wiii! •tUIGt '""''-"""" • L"IMt ... dt: m l"e< .. t .-..... - toltl'llll'lflM ... Cfl! 11'1S ,_.. -....i.~ • .- I Drip, Drip, Drip, Pretty 16-year-old Laurie OUver enjoys the overflow of water fountain at Washington Park as Portland and the rest of Oregon enjoy balmy weather just like that along the Orange Coast. From Pagel POLICEMAN OF YEAR. • • policeman again were probably zero," says Lt. FJscher, who chose to fight the 8Udden. rapid visual deterioration to whatever the finish might be. And an olficer should never have to fighl alone. The entire department. the city ad- ministration, the congregation of Calvary Chapel. of which he is a founding direc- t<.-. and many others backed him up. "This award belonga to hundreds:. n he says. "I was actually in retirement phase. EverybOdy got behind me. J attribute a lot t.o praytrs. My own doctor went farther Ulan many would. "A guy ~n'l looe wbon he haa lhal kind for the honor. Somebody joked thst he would buy a congratulatory drink -except that Lt. FiJCher doesn 't -and then they went back to v.•ork. "I'm not much at putting out beautiful words,•• be :said. '"But at teut I know what I reel right now." ··Does this bother you?," asked a wor· ried photographer realizin1 the camera'a strobe light v.·as flashln& directly in Lt. Fischer's beaming face . "'No .•. " he said looking up in surprise. ''No problem with my eye.s anymore." There had been -for a second thtre - but II quickly dried. of aupPor,I:'' . • .,F ' tL Fii<herj entored Mount· Zi.. ' l!oapllal i1I San Fraociaco In August, 1911, • From Pafe 1 for the fint oC t'!!, three-week 1tay1 for cornea ttansptanls by eminent eye surgeon Dr. Max Fine. Pain llld dsrJcness were his roommates. Faith and willpower were his partners. Today, with the aid ol contact letises, he again has his original 20-20 vision and the final examination and prognosis report was made less than two weeks .... The-16ng-time Harbor Area rrsldent became sn llT\bulance driver in 19M, then was drawn into the police reserve -program by offlce.n he met in the course ol thtir often·r:e1$ed work. Shifted to full-tlme7palrolman 11 years 1110. he roee thrOUlb the ranka, as detec· Uve1 f0tgery iDveitlgarot;triffic ~offiCer, uniform dlvl1lon watch commander, 1nd. v.•as promoted ln 1965 to head the traffic bureau at bis preent rank . "l enjoy working with people," he said. "that's a prerequisite in this job." Lt. Fischtr, whose father is a pro· Cessor, never finished, achieving his degree but is enrolled st Golden West Colleg~. despite demands of a family which includes Terri, 13, and five-year· old adopted twins Lynette and Lonnie. Education is Important to him. Living for a time In Garland County, Ark .• where his father taught, Fischer obtained a high school diploma by cor· respon~ence from the American School in Chicago. 'nM Garland County school distrlct hardly 5tressed the three R's, compared to agriculture and pupils got plenty of fundamental exercise on the farm, so thert was no athletic program. Ourin& his tenure as chlel of the traffic bureau, Lt. Flscher ha11 inltlated pro- gr111\ve programs ol enforcement which statistic& 5how have cut the e:eneral ao- cidetit rate as well as injuries and de.1ths. "Why would lhcy nominate me?." he 1sked. adding that he thought the officer he hid suuested would v.•in Policeman of the Vear honors without much opposition. 'lbe usual hand·5haklng and back·slap- ping followed after L1. Fischer -stari ng down at his highly polished shoe:i: and blinkinC -heard the department's choice Gn·I Treated For Drug Use .- A 14•year-old girl whose parcntli found her reeling araund the house incohertntly was treated for a drug overdo~e Thurs. day and questioned by COJta Mesa police. HARBOR ... aJona the county coastJlne. "I don 't see that either," ll•ker aaid. "I just can't conceive of any city lryin& to take advantage of such a situation and l believe myeelf that they would only be loo willing to protect public interests within their boundaries." "From the -public point of view, nolhin& will change," Baker said. ..The money would come from the same people and the harbor district's aru of government would receive the same careful scrutiny .and attenUon," he said. Supervisor Robert Battin drew the boos of the night when he defied Ltslue Prtsl- dent Jack Green's rulµig1hat there would be no rebuttal of the..m.t"ln speakera for each side of the controversy. Batun took the microphone ostensibly to answer a quesUon but his comments quickly became what he l'lad earlier been told would not be accepted -a partill rebuttal of Baker's remarks. League delegates bellowed "sit down, sit down." And Battin fintllY sat down after a few more cornmenti from Chairman Green on the propriety of the supervisor's attitude. Green indicated In closing the meeting that there would be no change tn the league's recently uprwed rboluUon in favor of dWoluUon. Twenty four Of Ortnge CoUllty'a 25 clUes we r e re~sented at the meetina: in Oranct. They'll Get Higl1 For Wedding Appmntly tnere are other ways to get high on your wedding day than al tl'le reception. Aut.onetl'e& emptoyes Paul Grumbling and Barbara Price. both of Coat& Mesa will be married Saturday thouund• of feet in the air atoard a Sin Francieco- bou.nd Air California jet. -AccordlnG to an Air c.-.li for n i a spokes.mar,, .Grumbling had a Ji\tle tl'OU• ble flndini a minister who would fly along to perform the rites. "He finally found one Thursday, thouCh." ac:conling to the spoKesman. And so the capt4ln and crew of Oighl 109 will bf> the couple's unexvected welf. ding guests. One thinl ts sure, the coupie will waste no lime between certmony and honeymoon. Planued Community .New My Lai Massac·re? Charges Filed 4gainst Purple He~rt .Vet . ~ ""' ,....i ... "W~ 'r' t;lllrges tiled Thurs-"1 -a l'lu7l<I lleart combat vet· em ill'led a ttcond masMere of 6outh ~ ct9"1Ana oCcurred near the hamlet of My L4J March 18, 1911, ii has been 1 .. ,.,.r. G1pt-Thomas K. Williogham. U, Alltn- hur'14 N.;J., was charted with unpremed-- ·itated murder of clvillana rt Nay Lai. The l>tntagon is wtthi1oldlng '!he num· ber 1of victln\s set forth Jn the speclfJca· tions pending a required investigation to dttennlne H Willingham wtll. like Isl U. William L. Calley Jr., be court-martiaJed. Miiitary """'°' said !he 1pecificaliona -.gatn1t Willingham do not say whelhtr ht actually killed the vicUms or 9rd.tred it done by the platoon ·he commanded. The alleged incident In which Willing· ham stands a«Used occurred about two miles from My Lal where, according to lhe Army, Calley killed 102 civilians March 18, !Ill. Both incidents occun-ed lhe same d'.Y and were part of lhe same U.S . mllltatf operation conducted ln the Sonc My area. which eocompasses My Lal abd several other hamlets. Tl}e Willingham development was view- ed ,. algniflclft! in t!>e omfoldl!ll etoey of alleged alrOcitles a14lttat Vietnamese CJ. vJllans for two reasou: -It e~anded the Army lnve.;Ugatlon ot what happened at Song My to Include a stoond infantrY eonlf>JTIY -B Com- pany, 4th Battalion, 31'd Infantry, Amer- ical Dlvislon. The-probe had fOCUled pre. vlousJy on Calley's unit, C C.Ompany, 1st Battalion, 20th lnfanlry. -Tt"wu the first Ume tnfonnation di,_. closed in lett.lrnooy by a special Army panel meeting 'at the Pentaaon hu been used as the ~a51s for ehartes agalnst ()fie of the men involved in the Song My operation . CofC Picks Nate Reade Willingham• is ,lhe higbtat ranking of. ficer yet charged In the cue. At tM time he wa.s a lieuteuant commanding a pla· toon. As Membership Developer He Is also the Olth U.S. serviceman formally accuaed in COMect.ion with the _controversial .C>pl!!ratlon. If\ addition to Calley. two sergeants and 111 private w~o served with C Company have been charged. Civic leader Nathan 1L. Reade, whose service predates the city's ~ation, has been chosen for the new position of membershJp developer and coordinator of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. He wUI carry responsibility for pUshlng membership over the 1,000 mark by 1970, acewding to chamber President Gordon Martin, Who annonaced the appointment today. Reade, of Z285 Cornell Drive, baa a rich field in which to labor, Martin noted, saying an average of 10 new businesses open in COsta Mesa e.very week. Martin said new serticea are. constant-. ly being developed within the chamber for U1 82S current members, making lhe ree to join modest by comparison to what ,, offered. • The chamber board of directora voted to hire Reade for. tht new past in the be· lief its goal of 1.000 new members by the · end of the year Is entirely within reach. "N1te•1 outstanding 20-year career In civic and community organlzat.iQn work, combined with his successful buainess ventures makes him one of the most widely known and respected members of our commuruty," said Executive Mana- gtr Nick Zitner. l "He i1 the mo&t likely candidate to now jotn the chamber's staff and train for a fulurt management roll." added Ziener. hlnting Reade will be his probable suc- cess01 . Reade. currently chairman of the Colta Meaa Pllnnina: Commission, went into the auto supply bUIJnets Jn tH9. A member of the commtttH wbJch or-sani'nd incorporaUon of the city, Reade Js active Jn numtl'OUS agencies, including the "°"' Clult of lhe-llari>or Area, YMCA, United' Furtd, Salvation Army, Boy Scouts, ~town Businessmen's Aa· sociattoo aiJd others. Rtcent1y elected a director of the Costa Me1a Count'y Water District. he is also 1 member o( ~ Orange Cont Col- Jeae Advisory Board and is a t.natee or Hubbr Trinity Baptist Church. Ht was the 1965 Soroptimist Club !\fan of the Year, is a director of the local chapter or the City of Hope, and was a chsmber director resipina to take the new post. Strike Hits Italy RO!\-fE (AP) -Automobile horns 'blast· ed from bumper·to bumper_..traffic today in the worst public transport strike to hit Italy Jn a year . An estimated eight million Italians. mostly workers and students:, had to walk or drive their oWn ears OAll.Y Pll.OT lllff Plltle GETS CHAMllR POST Community Leader llta•d• Girl, 17, Killed In County Criish Two Or-ans~ County teenagers are in .serious condition today in South Coa:i:t Community HoapitaJ , 1n ' South Laguna following a traffic accident Thursday evening that killed a compsnion. Karen J. Su.sag. 17. of 13632 Hazel SL, Garden Grove died at 11:05 p.m. in the 1910 Cotlnly Traffic 1H9 %3 De1lb Toll %S hospital where her two passengers Michelle Caron, 18, of 15590 Hortense Drlve, Westminster and Nonnan Vought, 17, of 2242 Grayson Ave., Anaheim, are being treated for multiple injuries. Orange County Sheriff's deputies said the accident occurred on the Orteaa Highway two miles northeast of the San Dleao Freeway when Miu Susac lost control of her Volkswagen bus on a curve. The vehicle ran off the road and averturned, deputies reported. Army source1 said they expect now that other IDdlvlduals who served with Will· intham may be charged. Pentagon officials say all together ':fl Individuals -15 soldiet'!I and Z2 ex·sol- diers -are now considered under fn. vei;tigaUon. ff tried and corivicted, Willingham could draw a penally as severe 8! lift imprisonment. From Page l MARINES .. : ed to.the mess hall. "'Those aren't the type Qf complaint~ that would provoke such a disturbanct." Miner said. He suggested &Ome of the men involved may have betn under the influence of aJcohoJ or drugs. He said tho6e Involved will be charged with destroylna government property or altacldng other Marine.s. l\1ajor General Don J. Robertson. base commandant, ThW'&day convened a formal board oC invesUi&Uon into the cause of the disturbance. lt includes Colonel George C. Klleloth, Lt. Colonel Charles R. Fwuilley Jr. and ~1ajor Robert. A. Cadwell. The board bis subpoenat powers and is taking testimony under oath. Fron• Page l BUST ... dispose of six suspected benzedrine pills wrapped ·in paper. Sgt. John Regan said today that Cordero was named in the warrant la6ued Jan. 20 by .Harbor Judicial District Cour.t Judge Donald Dungan, following a raid in which other arrests were made. . Detective Art Courteau said he was sent to Presidio School Thursday al· ternoon and found a 14·year-<ild youth and the pre·teen youngster sitting on the sid ewalk in front. ' They were arrested bec&use they seem- ed intoxicated and smelled strongly of burnt marljuaria. then the older one handed over a plasUc baa or the weed al p.: lice he.1dquarters . Facing Liquidation PRAGUE (AP) -The govemment ts probably going to liquidate the 'Crec:ho- slovak Writers' Union because it has re- fused again to approve the 1968 Soviet invasion, informed sources said today. :Jina/ W.ek o/ Safe COMFORt & STYLE AT A PRICE CH.AIR ST.ARTS .AT $129. • AVAILABLE IN A LARGE SELICTION OF COVERS AT THE UNBELIEVA~E PRICE OF $129. COMMODI ON SALi ., '159 DEALERS FOR: HENltEOON -ORE)CEL -HERITAGE ' IN:rERIOll$. The younister ''Id she l\ad swallowed an undetermined amount of vittlum capsulH and Inhaled aerosol rume3 from a spray can of cou1h medicine. OfOccr 8111 Bechtel !Ii.Rid ghe refused IG say anythlna about the source of the po. tent tranquJUzer pill1 or acknowledge dnig ttarflc at htr Junlor0hlgh school. G F'ed I D--NIWl'ORT l!ACH els ua.-.uuus..__,___.,_1n1·w111<11H Dr., u2.20so ProfM1foql lnt1r1or 0.1l1n1~1 Avalltblo-A!D-NSfD LAGUNA llACH 341 North Cotti Hwy. 4'+4551 She was taktn to Orange County ~fedlcaJ center. bul was considered fir ~nough out of dsn.ger that police wel'e allowed to talk t.o her. ( WASlllNOTON (AP ) -A pl1nned community near Mlnnt1pollt: w a g deslgn1ted today 1s lhe flt1l' to receive a!81!il3nce under tbe federal protram to ltimulale development ol new cttie1. ONN fllDAY ,.IL • ONN 'llDAY 'TIL f • ( ' ~-- Numb~r's · ·-. - flP~ .. Dr~ft .At,. Ninety 'W-ASRINGTON (AP) ~ ,. stepping .ions at the rate or 30 numbers a month, Qle drift Wi.U probably cill meD holding lottiry nwilben up to llO In .,..J~!roh1 ~---lnf~ed IOW'ce says: Altliough Ille M110h limit Is sUU Dnomclal, ·the soufce said it has been virtually decided to make ifnumber 90 (AprU 11) • ..:.· Slnct January, draft boards have been calling men for military service on the prin-"" . f ciple of lowe'st.number·Orst, ' ~ -acrording to the Dec. 1 lottery that gave tedt man a number from one to 3111. . . Ul>I TlllWMt. A~TER .A SKATING JAUNT, JACKI&. WON'T TALK ABOUT L&Til!Jtt Mrs. OM11l1, Son, John Kennody Jr., L11vo Rockifellor .Ctnlor IC9 Rink . -. . Letters Found in Trash~ 'Recovery' of Jackie's Notes Told intimate letters." ter reportedly 1ald 119· hid Tbe letters were withdrawn found some letters and Asked from sale Monday after Gil· for help In selling them. The patric, a former undersecre-letters subsequently arrived ·tn tary of defense now in private the mail, according to the law pr1ctlce, u.id they were story. taken from ·Ms safe. · 1be attomey u ld be ·had . . ·But many low-numbeud men ..... originally c:Ounted on in · Penlagoo calculations - will not rull1· b • c o 1J1 e availa~Je · until they I ~-s e detetments later thla' year. U draft boards were re- qui~ to .meet rigkl guotas before these men . become available, they ·mighl have to tak• hig)l-numbu<d men to (W th~ gap, ·South Lawyers Enter Pasadena School Case By Uall«I P.-lllenatlo..i 11!...o top Soulhem legal of- ficers, encouraged by Prtsl- dent ?ilxon's ~11 for eq\181 ip. plioltlol! of ilesqrq1llon law& throqbi>u\ the nalltll, aald Ibey would ~ today In a callfomia achool case. Attorneys Genera l Macllonald Ga 111 on ·of Alabama,. A. F. Summer of Mlsalsalppl and Jack Gro111Ullon of Ll>u!Mana flew to Loa Angeles Thursday nl&ht to file a Motion tn federal court asking · !Or immediate deaeJre1at1on of the Pasadena district. Tbe motion is to be the nn:t phue of a nationwide puah for school desegregailoa In bopo of getting Congress lo •JlllCOYi -m of choice integrallon P'Olf&ml· - "If the large ciUes Uk.• Booton, PhUld<lphla, Lo 1 Anaeles and New York pt the Mme order.as J11ick1on 1 • Mlulsslppl, Ibey wUI be J.,,t u vehemently oppoltd u the people of J1cksqn 4re,'' Swn· mer said. A federal cour\•hu orde~ Puadena ta d.,.greplp by. s.ptember. • • • ,. DAILY (!ltOT I , NEW YORK (AP) -The man wbO tried to aell rour let. ten by Jacqueline Onassis to former Kennedy adminiatra· tl<lll olllcial Roswell Gilpelrie aays he got them from aome- one who sa.id he found them in Gilpatric's wastebasket, ac· cording to autograph dealer Owles Hamilton. · HamJlton said Thursday the man told him "an evanesent man whom be had never met aent him an evanescent pack· age and on this basis he came in to me and consigned these Hamilton, as he had done been unable to reac;h the party earlier, identified the would -who sent h.lm the leU.ers, be seller onJy as an attorney . Hamilton said. who onee worked in Gllpatric'a Tt\e District-attorney'• ·of. firm. Hamllton quoted Ute at. fice continued 118 investigation torney as saying that he re-into the letters' sale Offer. ceived a telephone call about Mn. Onasss, meanwhile Went aix months ago from someone ice skating at Rockefeller cm. claiming to be a night steno-ter and shrugged olf new. grapher in the office. The 'cal-men ls quesUons. CHl.LDR.EN 1:S SHOE . \ :·, • ' Suspect Asks Tito 'Very lmpre$sed'. Extradition Af R ' T-1'-. ter ogers ~-.. - In Tate r~e J.DDIS ABABA. Elhlopl• Foreign diplomall In Ille ·. _J 4· -·i ~-Al' l>rWdtmt.Ti'° ·,.aa ~opiancaplt.al-Tecel,.,ed ,. MOBILE, AIL CUJ11J -'-Pa, • _,, ... ,.: im;:...,._. f willl eoUal ai:QNnts fz911:~ bicla Krenw1ritel bas aik . ·~ ~ ... -. . ' ' leans aM w~v.-.n to be returned ta CalilonU to h11 dls~IOll of, the Middle on· )'hat w~ ·••ld•.,it:pbe .. 1 1tand trial In the Shiton Tate Eu! ·onsis WiCI! Secr<faey ·of · 1neellhg. ., '-·-' · murdmi, a move that could state William P. Rogers, They said Tito obtained a PoUibly end a series of legal diplomatic sources reported much clearer undem&qding of _ maneuvers aimed at blocking today. the American posltlop than he ~,.- the ettradltlon. Rogers had a!ked ·for the 75-. ·ti8d before and intends to give Carl M. BooUl,.MoblleCoun· minute meeUnc 'in.. Addis President Gama! · A.bd-e J ' ty diltrlct attorney, said Ababa mainly to convince the Nasser of Egypt a run account 11iunday he reetivtd a band· Yugoslav leader of the Nixon of ll _ written note from the '2-year-admlnisl;"ation'a sln<;ere desire Tito has Nisier's ~­ old iuapect dorlng ~ put for a Mic,Wle iut peace se\-fld ence. and the sources aald weekend making the request:· Uement. tfl'at, although tie is Unlikely to "I wisti to sign ertradition Tito is now In Kenya, and endorse the American pogi- p.pers and return to Lo5 contm~ his Afrlc;:an tour next lion, his explanaUon ol It could Angeles tmmed..lately,11 tbe week to Sudan, Egypt ·and go a long way toward allaiina note read. Ubya. -Nasser's au spic I e11 a ol · Booth said he would c'Onfer American of f I c a t s have American motives. 1 wttb Miss Krenwlnkel's at-been relectant to disclose Rogen ended h.ls two-day • tomey today btfore taking any details of Tttesday's ~· visJt to EthioPla and departed ' 1 _., . action on the note, which h:e Tito told ~n on arrll'.al fof Nairobi on tlie roUnh leg.of said was written before the In Nairobi Thursday ~t dur· his 10-natlon tour. Rogm' Alabama court of criminal ap-Ing bis talk wUh Rogers he stay In Kenya will overlap ' peals upheld a lower court urged the Unltod States to put Tltp's, but American offlciall ' order for htr nturn to Los pressure on.. Israel to take a said 'there wm no plans ·ror • Angeles Wednesday. less intransigent attitude. the two to meet again there. , You are cordia//'I lnviled lo allenJ oti:r on . Vaf.nline6 _';J)a'I P/e04e joili U6 /or re/,.e6~menl6 anJ lo 'ave a foot around ou; . -·-. ~ PARK AVENUE HOBBIES & CRAFTS 1881 !'ARK .AVENUE COSTA MESA · --·----·· .. -. • BIG SAVINGS ON INFAN·T'S SHOES • Now11 the time to buy baby MW 1hott • ChO-from ·aaor1ed 111ylil t • Vailoua colon priced ta d- • tnfanr; 111• · BIG SAVINGS ON BOY'S SHOES NOW • • ''-''"""_... oty!el • alack 1r 1Mwwn In this'"""' . • Jouft..,. lle(1 Wen.._ 11\.3 • lrl111 !\Im In early ond -MW - < • • .,~ .. .,,. ' . (' ' L' • SAVE ON GIRL'.S STURDY·'.SHO!S! °' . .; ';; ' • • ; ' .. BIG SAVINGS"ON -· • l BIG BOY'S SHQE"S ~ 'a .I .. \ " • . • . . ' • ' ' • ' • ' • ) ' , . .. , " .. • ..,-"I. • 't1' -· • ' ,, ,..,'!. . ..,.~ . :~ •• -"'.'~ • "~ •:I ' ~ ,1 ~! ' I D.t\IL 'Y · PILOT EDITOBIAL J!A.G.E SSbool admlnslraton complain frequantty lll8I tliey 1pend 10 much time looking back over their 1boWder to check on citizen support that they }'av• 4lfllculty foclllinC on their real goal -provldln& 1M bell ed1r qliou poHible tor the children who ara their chlirlu. In the Newport-Mesa Unlfled School Diltriet, thanks to ihe outcome ol Tueeday's •lectlOll, they;are spared that hindrance for the neJt several year1. JI was far lrom en overwnelmfui viclor}', buf pas- sage of those two fui.ancinf issues -an '1 cent tax override and an increase in bond. rates -came at a time when other communlliea tbreugboaf California and, indeed, through the' United States, were rejoctint similar proposals by wide margins. No matter bow narrow the victory, it waa: a victory for those who sought to improve the financial base of public schools in Costa Mua and Newport Beach. · The voting pattern sbow.-1 that nalther of the two cities comprising the NewJ)Ofl-Mes~ district bas a •Ing· !JJar viewpoint on paying lor better 1choola; both New· port and Costa Mesa refuma abowed Identical patterns . -51 percent of the voters in ffeh COl)llnunity favored •the 87 cent tax inCrease. and 89 pe~cent fa\rored increas. .. tnt the rate on salable ~nda from five .to seven per· cenl Obvlouily· a large nlimber of parents in the New, port-Mesa dislrict did not vote -a ~eS1lng perform- ance considering what was al stake. Still, with or with .. 1 out them the issues passed and education in the Harbor Area tod8y has a new horizon. Tbue Is little question that Harbor Area schools were· headed far trouble. Then, a year ago, the . com· munity passed a bond issue to pr:ov1de SO!'De desper~e-. ly needed buildings for the grow111J dls tnc\; Now. with Tuesday's election, voters hav.e given the: district ad· ministrators the money to provide an -effective program on Target and,' 1Uttber a tool by wblcb the bonds can be sold on today's iiiiilr:et, Thi• should -indeed must -mean a quickened pace and an optimistic look forward. Our school people can now stop spending their time worrylni and plotting a.bout the next bond issue or lax overrlde and turn tbeir energy into the education program. That really ls lbe way the pri.oriUes should be es- tablished -=-.lllal 27;000 yo.ungsltrsJrom.Jtindergarten llir<>Ugh.hlgh school will have tbe educational opportuni· lies to which Ibey are entitied. · The Good Kids in Action ' Kids today are cynical, aloppy and don't ~ve a damn for anything but getting high on drugs -1f you don't believe UJat, you can find someone to tell you so. You will ii you look. Many kids in the Harbor Area do care -about many matters -and one ia Justin Qgata. He is 16; the kind wbo would help another less fortunate. If he could • He can't. Juslin'"ls in Los Angeles Orthopedic Hospital. para· lyzed from the neck down and lacing a long adjust- 1 ment to a changed )jJe. He was Injured nine weeks ago in a practice wresUing match accident at Costa Mesa High School. ' Now, the kids -and .the whole community -are heJi)lng him. Mostly, the kids are doing it, on their own -and they even started it. Campus nvalries end at a certain point in the heart. Thousands of dollars are be- ing raised in a variety of benefits at Harbor Area schools. Somehow, il makes you want to go down to the comer, grab one of the doort)S.ayers and tell him how wrong be.is-3bout-kids in general. • 'I warned you.· about /.etting him stick hia nose in the tent!' IC) Hardest Lesson Increasing Acceptance Of Marijuana Physical Maturity Ear lier for Boys, Girls For -Us to Learn . . Most -1e loolt upon Ille Biblical In- junction: 6'1.eve thy enemies," .as either jmpoe&lbly Utopian or impossibly sen· tlmenW. Tltlf la bt<aU!e lhey !Ill to undenland lhe meonlac ol •pp<, or Jcwe, as Jesu1 meant JL To love f1IUI" enemJt.1 does not mean that you have to like them. It does not mean that they are no longer enemies. Nobody can eommand us to UP what we j donotllke,fore.--be directed by·rilonl 1a .... And enemies Tetnain enem1e1 If thetr ulUmalA! Pia confllct wllh oun, no ma~ ter wMtber we loft them or not. So tbal ''Loft u.-.... not -.. "' oomothbw ........ Vll!Plu at --1. WHAT IT MSANB, properly un- dmt.ood, Ja that no matter what we 11reel" about aoodter penon, or how we -hla betlela, there mutt be 1n acknowJtdaemenl that what binds us logether is greater than whal dJvides us. It la the "pmoohood" ol lhe otlwr that uniter us In tomething that is above, and grealeT thin, both of us; and OUT respect for this common II"'lll<i ol belng mutt take precedmce over our likes and our beliefs. This ii the hardest les,son for any people (and any church) to learn. WE MISTAKENLY imagine that lf we could "love" our enemies, then we might become friends or allies; but th1I is not , neces.sary, not even possible in many cases. We wou1d still be enemies -but we would treat our e!Ullity u athletes in . a contest, not u aoldl.en ln 1 war. It may IOlllld odd, bu! true alhletes ••iofe" their enemies. 11\at is, they noped• -aa oilier ponorui 111rtvlng Iowan! .. _.... goal And they- -ealy within rules thal both obey, oo that the winner wlna on mutt, not. on fouls. TRIS II TRI: DND of spirit Jesus wu UJ1ll>I upon . ai, riot A I It C k Y oin-Un1ental1t7 Ulat trill to blink IWIY humao coofllct or pretond that P"'PI• can Jik• each other better than they do. He wu saying that it doesn't matt.er if you like someone or not, tt doeln"t. matter it you agree or not -the only thing that matters is truting the other as fairly and clearily u 1thlete1 do in a chlm• plonSbip , ..... Thia ts • union that goes beyond 1)'111· pathy or trle:Dds:bip, far there is m merit in beharlni ni«ly towaid the people we like ; the only merlt is acting decen\ly toward t be people we don't 1 t k e or disagree with -f<r thil kind of "love" is an act of the will, not an emotion or an tntellectu1l convicUon. What a tragedy that we honor it only in our games, which we take eo seriously, but not in our lives, which we play away with such perllo\1.s !Upponcy. Helping the Ogata Fund To the Edllor; I would like to take this opportunity lo publicly thank all iliose people who participated in the Justin Ogata Fi.shin& \, Trip Feb. 2. '"""'""'"-"·"' t.tftert f!'917'! "'""" •tll ""'-· "'""911y wrn.n 9hol,ild to!IWt~ ""-Lr ,,,__ In .. wonlt ff ltK. Tht t19ht i. nnotft"' lftl'" '9 fH *HQ .. etlml- ... ,. HNI 11 resentd. A.n i.tten mv.i lftcMI• 111-natuni tlld mt!ll"' tctdr...._ blil ntmtl m..,. be wltllllelll on •Mllfll II !W!'flt.19111 l'ffl«I b 1p,artnt. ""'ry w1LI Id tie """'Hlllld. I want to express my sineere thanks to Mr. Cole and Mr. Vaughan of my start for their efforts tn organization and a particular thanks to three individuals who wortl:ed hatd to make the trip a success ln the community: Mayor Alvin Pinkley and Councilman William St. Clair. who probabl11 paral11ztd /or lift from tile worked UTelessly In setting up the fishing neck down. · · bip and se111ng the Uci:etl. And allo a FtUoto studtnts set out to roist special thanks to ~1r. TozeT, the president $5.000 to htlJJ pay Jmtba's medical ol Davey's Locker, for provldlng all the bill!. A btnefit basketball game, an faciliUes free of charge so that all the all-doy fislling trlp sponsortd btl Dot>o money could go to the Just.In Ogata Fund. e11'1 Locker. o pop concert 011d a This ls just another-example of tJae_ waff1.e brtakfcut. plus fndividuaL do- .cooperation that can be~obtained among -Mtiont, had raised, .at ta.st re~rt. . private enterprise, city government and more . them $3,000. Pr1vaU donations ~ the local &ehool system. OUr heartfelt 1hovld bt stnt to the Justin Ogata lhankl and gratitude to all concerned. Ji'und, Bank of Tokyo, 5jo N. Main FRANK A. LOPES St., &mt4 Ana. Principal Co"8 Mesa High School Costa lltaa High School wrestler Jiutin ()ocda. 16, was the victim of 4 freak wrutUng ciccidtnt la.rt Decem- ber 1&1Mcll broM his neck and ltJt him ,___._ Bu Gieor11ie --- J)eor~: I 11Mw tlda real good·lookinl fellow ml Ulla him but he seems to have 1 tonlllle problem with ""1-. ~ tlmt I nni into him at a putJ ot dance he aay1 he ba111 crowds and NU 1111 to ge -and ell la hla car in Ille delt with bim. • Wbll can t do W ovett0me hlt awful lllJntu! WORRIEO Dur Won'led• Go ~ and lit In hla car In Iha dirt with bim. ' -~---------- • -Editor Ice Crieam Parlor To lhe Edi!..-:· It la not sw:prislng lo.JD<. tl!at Ille Up- per Bay rraklent. voted a9alnst 1n- nexatlon to the. city ol Colla Mesa. Aa a resident or Costa Mesa for 10 years, J feel that our Clly Council has DOt made adequate plln5 for lts homeowners If U')e)' allow an ice cream parlor to come into a reddenUal i.oned art.a. It Is not fair to ruone commerclal in an ane what the people -t!vt there .................. Jy qalnlt such a move, and ttrpeel1lly so .,hen there la plen(J ol comme:rcill prop- erty still 1vallable. Ptrhlpe n lllould peUUon lo hov .. our property, which ~en Oii NeWl)Ort Buch, deleltd !tom Ille boundar1<1 of Coeta Mt11. u our city ls PIY.inc no II• i.nuon to lhe homeowner• who pay bill> tazn oo the~ 131.000 to $4.1.00011om ... BARBARA J. HANSEN 6'You know, some day there could be I reefer hour in.stead of a cocktail hour," a student Jorecast nearly three years ago. That hour hasn't come despite increasing accepWlce of the use ol marijuana. But the legal auault on antipot laws .Ls moun- ting. Penalties for Ill possession and use are Ul:eiy to be rodaced by tbiJ -.. of ConlJ" .... Even the Nixon admini!tration -the symbol ol. t•aquareoeu" to the atoned geritral.ioa -is supporting Jegi.alation to moderate exiltlng laws. Atty. Ge John N. Mitchell h11 noted that present federal laWI making -ion of marijuana a F.clitorial Research ' felony pn>vldt penalties that can exceed those for manslaughter OT sabotage. STATE LAWS -under which mo I t marijuana convictions are made -are particularly harsh. Attention was focused upon them recent1 y by the sentencing of a 21·year-old to a SO.year prison tenn in Texu for selling two marijuana cigaret- tes, and the bnposition of a ~year term to a Virglnla youth found with 6.5 pounds of the stulf in his possession. For years such aeverity attracted virtually no public attention, possibly because the use of maTijuana was-limited primarily to the ghetto and marginal society. But the last five years have seen an explosive growth in fJte use of pot. Sen. Edward M. KeMedy (0. Mass.), chairman of the Senate subcommittee on alcoholism ~·· has estimated that about 12 million Americans have us- ed marijuana at least once. From 30 to 40 percent of today's college students and 20 percent of the high school seniors bavir: tried it. POT SMOKING by the children of the middle class has its polltical effecta in Washington. where some official families are tormented by the discovery of drug use among their chil4ren. It has led to demands for atlff penalties for the drug "pusher"' -btlt mort flexible treatment of mere users. Legallialion of marljusna has been proposed by some, including D r . Ptfargaret ?dead, the anthropologist. She recenUy lOkl a Senate· COOlmiltee that .. We are damaging our-country, our laws and the relalioos between young and old by its pn>hlblUon. This is far mOTe dangeroUs than any overuse." Th• blJJ jUJt pas.16! by the Senate - the Controlled Dangerous Substances Act of 1969 -does not legalJze pol It would make simple possession Of marijuana and o t h e r 6'dan&eTOU!" drugs a misde- meanor, subject to a Jail term of one year or less but giving a Jud&e authority to sl.Wpend the aentence for a flnt of. fendtt. The aim .of the blR is to con. centrate on profeaional dnil peddlers. Ulinois jail sente~ for persoos caught with a small amount of pot has been pared to the earller tw6-year minimum. Nebraska subject! llrat offeoders to a seven<ily blltl coum on the dan1er of dnitl•· Perbaps lhe m•Jor block to JecsUulion ot marljuaM ln the ne.ar future ii the lack ol ,_ment on Ill eflectl. Sc!ent~tJ and l1)'men dllfer u to whether it is hmnlul and leads to lhe ""' ol "llanl" d"'g1. Such 1 study ii belnJ made by Ille National JpUtute of ~fcntal Health. lt has prom1sed tnswera within two years. Until then. •l lust, lqaliud pot wW rt- main a pipe dream. Social Maturity Later Now Every IO years since lhe turn of the century, the average age foT ~he onset of menstnlation for Amerjcan girls has decrta.Sed by four_ months:. In the 60 years since 1910, the mensll'llal age has been lowered by two years. A l4·year~ld girl today is biologically as mature as the 16-yeaT-old of 1910. Maturity among boys has been accelerating al the same rate, All this can no doubt be accounted for by the high health and nutritional standards this nation bu tnjoyed over these years. Biological maturity is coming earlier, ~t in those IO years social maturity has been getting Jafer and.later. In 1910 a boy was at liberty to quit school and go to work at 14. Grade school was all that was expected of most people. A minority went ' to bigh tchool. A tiny mlnOfily ol that minority went to college. The rest were part of the world of ldult wort, In field or farm or factory. TODAY SOClAL MATURITY continues to come later deaplte earlier physical matuTily. Almost all young men and women are under prusure to go to col· Jege, and if they'rt lucky they wiU graduate at 22. Young men who go into the skilled trades as plumbers or carpenters fan little belter3 they face apprenticeships in many unions of four to 11even years. A m•in SOW'Ce of college problems hi the fact that hundreds of thousands who have no great desire for high education are Jn college simply because it is ex- pected or them. Sexually and physically mature since they were 14 or 15, they mark time awaiting an encounter with the life outside of school. ~fost college stud.enlS, especially those \\•ho know what they want to make of themselves, are not marking time. They are eagerly pushing on toward!; degrees • in engineering or agriculture or literature or biology. They are not a problem. They are the delight of their teachers -and their parents. BUT THOUSANDS are marki!lg time and marking time, majorin~ in English one year, switching to sociology the next. tben changing lo art or drama. They are young men aod women still in search of an identity. Most of them are bored with their purposeless existence at the same time as they are too unsure · of themselves to dectc;le on a purpose . A1lhougb dis.sallsfied with college, they cannot make up their minds to leave it. It's from this group that troubles come. They drop out of classes) although con- tmlling lo hang around the fringes of the campus. Driven by their internal emptiness, some or them tum on with drugs. Many take up revolutionary ideas and plaster their walls with portraits of Mao Tse-tung and Ole Guevara. From this point It is but a short step to at- tacking the university, o c c u p y I n g buildlngs, perpetrating acts of senseless violenct!, destroying Tesearch flle.s and libraries and computers, tbeTeby en- dowing, they believe, their lives wiLh heroic meaning. PLEASE UNDERSTAND - I am rtot talking about all students. I am talking only about the extreme manifestations o( a malaise that to some degree troubles a whole generation. One wonders what can be done to relieve this condition -one that is not 80 much the result of the failure of parent& (I refuse to join In the chorua of those who blame everything that's wrong with the youngeT generation on Dr. Spock ) as it is the TesWt af the in- credible success of our ICOnomic system in making secure the lives of the middle class. Under conditions of scarcity, the 1tru1;- gle for scrvival absorbs most of one's energies, 80 that one doesn't ask lofty philosophical and eth1cal questions about the meaning of life. These unasked ques- tions come to the foTe in a time of plenty. There is no answering these questions in the abstract. As impatient and militant students ofte n tell us, the answers can only be: found iri action and involvemenL SO ACTION AND 'involvement are what they want most pf all, jn order to experience a sense of maturity. This i~ why they want to change the world Talher than study it first•t.o discover what needs changing and how it can be chang- ed. Because they will oot study it. they have rto ctianges lo suggest beyond what are vaguely suggested. in such mean- ingless and sweeping slogans as "fight Tacism" and "smash the pig power struc· ture." The classic statement of Lhe in- tellectual vacuity o( tht New Left wa1 made by Pt-f~k Rudd when he said, "First we'll have the revolution, then we'll find out what for." That's what happens when you havt physical maturity without social matuTj.. ty. It is hard not to sympathize with the young people's craving for t h e respoDsibiliUes of maturity. But it iS even harder to go along with their conviction that American foreign policy i s something that can be worked out on a guitar. 8)' S. I. Hayakawa rresklent, Su Frucltco State Colle1e Throw-hack. to 'King's Ax' Which is more lmport.ant : to seize a cache of narcotics and charge posaesaion. or to adhere to the consUtuUonal pro- tect.ion of the citizen a g a i n 1 t UQl'easonable searches and seizures? How you an!=wer the question may de- pend on whether you believe every blathering sentence uttered by public of· ficers about the narcotic problem. or whether you believe the B.ill of Rights is the foundation of our freedom from tyranny. Every mature observtr of the law and liberty has all his life been listening to tbe public officers on the narcotics ques- tion. ~tost (not all) or what they say is designed to furt~ their personal am· bilk>n.I and their bnage, at the word goes, and is inaccurate, distorted, Illogical. preswnpUve, devious and altogether stuff and nonsense . JI "°'s nothing whatever to SOl\•e the problem, si~ the problem. despite their presentments, laws and W'f""'"'-In the 19205, tht public officer hauled ,1 thousands of speakeasy bartenders into the courts with a fifth of booze, while the rum-boata with thousand.case cargoes wallowed off our coasts In aQ"ogant im· munity. practices, is bigger than ever. For fifty years these demagogues have ~ us with this deadly monotony, and they have nothing to sho\f for it but confusion, delusion and abject failure, nor have we. YOU lVOULD THINK an informed, self-governin·g people would see through this prodigious swindle. and insist the problem be attacked in a Tational, quietly detennined way at its roots. But no. the cliches uttered tn the United States Senate and in enforcement circles differ not one whit from the claptrap of the 1920s. The allusion here is to a rider alt.ached to the latest drug bill. permitting raiders to enteT a home, by force if they so elect, The Fourth Amendment says simply that ''the right of the people lo be secure in the.ir persons. house • • • again!=t Wlf'e&90f1able searches .and seizures shall not be violated." FOT years the courts have held that a 3 a.m. crush-in on your home is "unreasonable." It is as likely that a vandal with a badge smashing your door with a sredge-hammer, is being unreasonable, wananl or oo warrant. lf·we don 't stick with the Amendment~ we're in big trouble , ·u we were in the J9'l0s. Are we dumber than our fathers, who finally ca ught up with the phonics itnd abolished their oceupetion? r7'•r,--------i _ wil!i~ aMOYJ>Cini_'.lbemseJves,_to.. pre· vent suspecla disposing of _the evidence. -----Dear Gloomy Gus: I wtlat goes on la Colla M.,.l Be<r ind pool, live eotertaJnment. 11>go girls. etc. O.K. But Ice cream par· lort, no! Doean't anyone like ice cream any more! I do! ~.w. '"" ,...,_ ntltnt """"' ........ ,.... -·'"" ...... ., ttlt ·-··"'· ..... .... "' -.... "·•lttfrlr •w. o.Jtr '"" Hence lt is called a "no-knock" law. It is hard to see how lhe United States Supreme Courl could countena~ such a throw-back to medieval mona.rcllies pursuing their supposed enemlcs. Senator Ervin, Sooth Carolina, properly called it a resort lo the "king's a1 to knock down the door and break open the window." But lhe Senate pa.ued it, 44-40, and It goe.s to the House. • AS YOU WOULD •xp<ct from long ex- perience with the public of{lctrs JOln& back to Prohlbllioo. the provision doem't come close to the central problem of en- for«ment. Tba t problem Is the teller. the runnu. lhc smuggltr, not the po~. Jw:t so Friday, February JS , 1970 The tditorkd pag1 of the Dallu Pilot 1ttk1 to Inform tmd sfim. ulat. readers b11 preren.ting thii new1paper1 oplnfo111 and com- mentorv on topiu of intere1t 011.d 1ignificancc, bt1 providing a. fon<m fo-tht --of 01'1 readns" opfniom, and bu f)t'tlt'Ming t)tf dfVfTle tritw- poifltl of injomud obte:f'Utrs and spokf"""' 01t topics o/ tht dot1. Robert N. We•d, Publisher l \ --------------------------------0-----~~~-~---------.------ ' . AN ME.IW r" r......, i....,.._,..1,--,.-1~ : • • • : t N ~. -. • ·South Count" Telephone Picture • -. ! i ' .. • '""''· • ......., "· 1970 ' OAIL Y PILOT I Selanalt% Sa11• So Sex Education Ahortio·n Cause? SACRAMENTO (UPI) St • t e Sen 1 Io r John. G. Sdtmltz TuaUo), t o d a y disputed the cotUntlon of Public Healll\ Director Loula F. Saylor that the increase tn caufomla abortions lnd!catea a need for Improved sex 'educa- tion programs. "It seema to me .if ft (the number of abortions) Is rialng, It hu been rilling during the time we bad au education/' said Schmitz, the legislature's meet outspoken opponent oC family life pro- p:raqis in schools. Schmitz, a member of the John Birch Society, criUdzed Saylor's report sub- mitted to the Legislature Thura:lay oo abQl::f;ions Jn Calilorni1 •• The beallh olllclal aaid bet!« oex educatton programs are needed to reduce the rising number of legal and illegal abor1lCN in the state. pared with I.Ml 1n Loe AnplOI ud Orange counUes and fl'l lli. the Sacrame1> to Valley. '! , Glrla under 20 made up 3,1 percent of an abortion cuel, and --than ball the ......, ilDder1<>lni lbe llUrgery "'" un- mamed and chlldlell. But 1,700 o( Ibo women whole pregna.ndes were aborted since 11117, .UghUy lea thao ball of the total had been pregnant aeveral um.. previously. Saylor llld most of the aborllom ...,.. paid 1... by lnaurlOCe and prlvale paymenlB, but the propoctlon OOV<!'8d by Medi-Cal rooe from alz perc..,t 1n 1117 to almo9120 percent last year. Only 3l of the 498 holpltals In. C&lttomlo eligible to perform legal abor-; UO!IS _perfonned u 1111ny as 11111 llDce the abcrtion law went into effect. 'Elaht1 hospitals, mostly in lbe bay area, ac- c:ounted for tll p««nl of the abortklol. · Comparative maps !how existing telephone rat.es (left) from Laguna Beacb to surrounding communities, wi th toll charges to all except New. port Harbor Area, and extension of local call area (shaded, right) as requested In a formal complaint filed with the California P ublic UlUl- tles Commission (PUC) by the Laguna Beach and Saddleback Cham- bel'I of Comm1rce. The two busineH groups are aeeklng a change In the telephone rate structure for south Orange County. They have asked PUC to retpond to their request next month and are pushing for im- plementation of new rates by the end of 1970. Between J&11uary 1nd Septemb« 1ast year, Saylor sa.id, there were 9,169 legal abc:rtions in the state, nearly double lbe number for all ol 1968. Thia brought the total to 14,717 1lnce 1967 when the atate therapeutic abortion law was enacted. Buddy and Fran . Down the Mission Trail Ne,v Elles Lodge For Saddleback SADDLEBACK VALLEY -A· new EUts Lodge is in lhe formation st.age& in the SaddJeback Valley. The new lodge will include members from Million Viejo, Lasuna Niguel. Laguna Beach, Lei.lure World and .El Toro. An orea.nfzaUonal meeting, beaded by Don Robinson of P..1isalon Viejo has betn making plians and seeking a lodge site In the Saddleback Valley. All Elks ir the area or men i.nlemted In joining may can Robert Rufile at m. 0050 ror information. e J\'lg11e l LL For1nlng SADDLEBACK VALLEY -Sianups for the cewly formed Nigue l Llt1 le League and the Saddleback Litt.le League will take place SaLurday. Niguel I.JUie League registration v.·ill begin at 9:30 a.m. al Crown Vall<'y School. Boys from the Granada Ho1ne~ in Mission Viejo also are eligible for this league. The Saddleback league will begln registralio1. al 9 a.m. at Gates School In El Toro. Boys from El Toro. Lake Forest, Aegean Hiils anti CapisLraoo •Ughlands are eligible. e I( of C Ser1Jice Set SADDLEBACK VALLEY -~tembers of the Knights of Colun1bus from five Saddleback Valley cha pters haev been in- vited to a ded ication service at the San Clemente Interfaith Se rvice men's Center. The service which will dedic11tc rhr newl y constructed barbecue pil. donatc1t by lhe Stella M1>ris Cowicil, \Viii t.ak1~ pJ1ce at 7 p.rn. Monday. Coun cil rne n1brrs arc SL Nlch•11:1'. Old ~1iasion, St. CHthe rinc of the Sc11. Our Lady or Fatima anti St. Ed"'ard 's CaUx>llc churt:bea. High Speed Transit Setup Stu~edhyTri-county Unit An inter-<auntyj.l!l;OUP of tralllPO'talton planners ThurS<l~y created a task force ol 12 people to stUdy the possible develop- ment of a pilot 1'h •Feed transit 1y1tem between l<ls Angeles, Orange County and san Diego. Harry F. Scheldle, San Dh1ao 3rd District supervisor and chairman of Jhe Newporter Inn meeting in Newport Beach; Hid the task foree wm ctinsist of three members each from Loe Angelet, San Diego and Orange counties and one each from the cities of Los Angelea, San Diego and one city in Orange County. The concept of a meeting to discuss the possibility or rapid, inter-county ground tranaportation developed during another meetlgs In JamJMf ... -by KOGO television station In San Diego. The tramportatJon coaftrence, as it was called, di...-all !*llble melbod1 of allevtalln( the cruob of tnfflc In Soutl!em Callfonila. ;be Son Diego County Comprehensive Plannlllg Organlutlon then drifted a technical roport propoeing high ape«! &roun4 transportaUon. During Thu rllday'1 -tin(. II was reaol"'1 that the lul: foroe would moot within three weeb to btgln dnftlna a propou.1 for such a IJ'~ ln the "Ins Anieleo-Orange-San Dle1<> Corridor." The proposals o{ the group will be pre>ellltd te approprlata &OV<rnm•otal aaenclea for further adlon. Yellow Jacket P ocket,s Acapulco Race Victory By AL~ION LOCKABEY Of tlltl D .. IJ f'llel Sl1ft ACAPULCO -Eleven of the 18 boats In the San Diego to Acapu lco yacht race h<1d finished this morning, making it one or the slowest races in the history of tht evl'nt. Latest boat to finish was the Cal 37 Quasar at 7:30 a.m. today. after sitting 'vithin sight of the finish lint for hours. After Quasar, there were no o t b e r Coast Painter In LA Ex11ihit Vernon Kerr. arlis l and lecturer who recently opened galleric11 In Laguna Beach :itlfl San Glc1nen te, is be.Ing rl'alurcd in a current exhibil in tile California Museum of Science and Industry. Exposition Park, Loa Angeles. I !is riainting, "Life 's Eternal forces.•· \\ill be on diaplay through March JS in !he 1'radltlonal Artists Guild collection. \Vinner of many award s for hi& marlnei, landscapes and floraJs, Kerr will be participating in exhibit& in New York and Paris later ln the year. boalB in sight oq the glusy, miaty sea off the Boca Chlca enlrlnce. Handicap le1der amonc the 11 finishers wa11 the Newport 41 Yellow Jacket sklir pered by Terrell Greene of Cali fornia Yacht Club. Tbert appears to be no other yacht that can beat Yellow Jacket's cor- rected time. An indlcaUon o( weather conditions off Acapulco was teen tn Bobemla's finllh at 3: 13 a.m. PST to complete a day's nm or JO miles. Yellow Jackel finished at 4:4$ p.m. PST Thursday to erue the handicap Ume or Ya Turko, lht previous leader. The most dramatic flnlsh was hltween Ya Turko and Bob Garrison'• Tranqulla If from Nowporl Harbor Yacht Club Thursday when they"flollhed within three minutes of each other with Ya Tutko in the lead. Here ta the order of finish: J. Dorothy 0 , 2. Rampage, J. Ya Turko, 4. Tranquil& Jf. s. Barca de Oro, 6. Novia del Mar, 7. Ye llow Jacket, 8. Thtra, 9. Bohemia, 10. A.lerton, 11. Quuar. Here is the handicap order as of 7 a.m. PST: 1. Yellow Jacket, 2, Ya Turto, 3. 'Ibera, 4. Alerotn, 5. Barca de Oro, 6. Tranqulla II, 7. Don>thJ o. I. llampogc, 9. Bohemia, JO. Novla del Mar. Changes to Rule 1970's Pollster Predicts 'Mass PQlitics' to Take Over By BARBARA KJU!:IBICll OI !lit Ot tlY ,lltl ll•lf Rapid changes in the California pollUcal scene will be the order of the decade In the 1970s, an expert pollater told a Laguna Beach audience Thurlday. Speaking before a luncheon meeting of the California Association of Chamber of Connnerce Ea:ecuUves, Don Muchmore, chairman of the board of E>plnlon Research of California, predicted that both candldateJ and iuuea will underco [requenl change as "mass politics" takes over from "machJne ponuca." "Ideas w1 have ltuck with for IS years wlll no loqer be 1ood enough," sald M'Ucluncre. "We will have to be men O•ld In ,... thinking. The lltltude ol AmericaM today ls to be oegalive to pro- 1«1 thelr a!Quent<, 14 mlai 1ny c:hanp. UsuaJly only In a depreuton will peOple 1dopt a more positive atUlude, probably bocause lhly wlll make any c:hanp to better their posltkm." · With the "mus politics ol the Nix· onltea" c:omlng to lhe fore, he oald, Ihm will be less ol 1 tendency to leave poUtJct to a Oxed group o( aceepled Jeade.ra and mort unpredictable chana:e. Many candldalel In e1ectl0n1 of tll8 701, aid Mucllmore, will· be people who never dreamtd of running for public olUce, bul who have saJ<t "the right lhlng al the right time," and been urged into the political scene. The 27 percent "awing vote" wlll con. trol many electkms, he llld. These. voter!, usuaJly in tower Income groups, are regb:tered Oemocrall w}\o ideallze tucb leadon u Kennedy and ROOHvelt, who have 8WUJ1f slowly to Uie Republican party -.. in voUng, but not tn rtgistration-but wtll "covwr" a vote for Reagan by voting for a Democrat in the next hlghest office. The I'/ percen~ liid Muobmor1, ha,. tbe grestesl fur of depr-. hs.tllc · lived throogh one. "U a receaton oceura, or If unemploy- ment climbs to five percent.•• he sald, "they will vote Re."lgan out of ofOct. Rememberinl what lbe DemocraUc par· ty aave them, theJ wlll return to voling for tt." However, he addtd, if there la no rtee11ion and unemploJJntot remains not much more than three percent, Reagan can win again by a narrow mar&tn. There wiO be predictable chongea In poIIUcl! lasua lo Ibo 70s, the 1puker said. "People will be mov1D1 !n11n lodMc!ual h<mes to multlple dwelilng until. This will mean Ieos.worry abollt property tax. ea and ~ worry about &ales tax. 1'C)'bne., .whJch now is a major tsaue, wlll become leos Important to people !Iv· Ing ln the relaUve security ol multiple dwelllnp. ''This ,..,., lt1', ~ will be • major I-for all oommuatU.. whue the problem bu not boon IOITld. But in lf'11 Ind lr721 pttki •idtio of the tn-, vlronment will become an lncnollngly Important lnue." llejeclloa of ... ~ will .... tlnuo. M..-e 11-"l1ln II a ...,.IDI _,to -'"°'le P feACl'S," be Aid. "Not b\i' qo • poU ol pa,...IB ratad 'college prof-fourth among careers they would like far their cblldre!). Now II'• down to """*-th, and still droppma:." In olhor pndlCllonl, the~ aid: ''1'mney can bell !(urplly II Roopn'I majority dropo below IOO,GllO." "It looltl Ute Mmlde .. the IV!I Democr allc ll"8lde!llW candld1to ltld II Unruh heals R<qon, he would be th• vice ll'dldenllal nominee." "Teddy K""""'1 balll~ a c:hm:e." . ------- Judge Rejects ~. Oil Drill Ban SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -A major setback for opponent.I or oil drllllna in the Santa Barbara Chan- nel was announced Thursday by a federaJ Judge who re.fused to ban further drllling unless public hear- ing are held first. U.S. Dist. Judge Albert Lee Stephens, Jr., refused to IMUe an injunction preventing Interior Sec- retary Waiter J. Hickel from al- lowlna: further dri\Ung because he 1ald evidence wall lruiufflcient to support a claim of threats to life or property. Stephens also said he would not bar further drilling until Hickel re- leases the data on which he based his decl!lon to resume drilling fol- lowing a blowout in January, 1969. Meanwhile, a three-judge federal court hu rejected an attack on the c:oollillitionallty of federal laws under which the oil drilling was undertaken. '"nlese figures, ~hich give some m. dicaUon of the number o( \Dlwanted pregnancies, indicate substanUal in- adequacies In family planning and related sex education services fn our &tale," Saylor aaid in the report. But Schmitz aald, "I could probably come to tht opposite conclusion with the same statistics." The Jawffiaker from TuaUn aald Saylor "ought to get back and take a }Ogle course in begging the queetlon. "He 11 trying to prove the need for sex education by saying we have these Il- legitimacy and veneieal dlaease pro. blems but assumes sex education Is a cure for it. You've got to. p-ove that first. Those of us against sex education say he can 'L prove It." Saylor said Ie1al abortlons made up on- ly 12 percent of the Jot.al aborUona Jut year. He hued his esUmate on studles showing California had about 81,600 abor· Uons In 1968, of which only 9,000 were believed legal. 1 The abortion law allows the operations In ca!eS where the mother's physicaJ or mental health la in danger, or where the pregnancy was caused by rape (Ir lnce!t. Prior to 11167, the law allowed abortlona only ln cas~ where the. mother's life waa endanaered. Legal abcrll.ons in the San Fnndac:o Bay area rtadled 5,800 last year, com-- ' To Lead Parade 1 Radio penonallllea Budd;y Clyde """ Fran Marioo will """ u grand' · manhala for Laguna Beldl's Palrfot'1 Day Parade Feb. 11. The dynamic duo ol Radio Station KWIZ will lead a da~lnc llTI)' of marc:bing unlls, vlolage cars daU., back· 14 1'89, equeetrillll, I double decker Lon- don bus, dOWlll and comlc -and floats. • The "~ and Fran" show format consist. of lntervlewl wffh .tan, llmner partlclpotlon, -bis chatter and music. Running fir about a year and a half, it is on the air five days a week from 6 to 10 a.m: Buddy Clyde bas been in -00o1-1lnce he wu 3, starting ln an Oltr Gang Comedy. At 15 be bad his own radio · show. Dodge Darts Go Down DETROIT (AP) -In a airprilO move, Doclge Dlvialoo of Chryller Corp. ... : nounoed today ¥'0Sl-lhe·board price culB • for all of Ila compact Dart models. The . price culs, which range from 11!5 to IJllO, were bllled by Dodge u 111 attempt ''to become more compeUUve lo a prtce. -. CODldoul market." I Sometimes W8 Set the feeing wm being folOw.d. -..... -.- • Evorybod¥'sgettlng inlo th eoct, Everybody's moking a smoll cor. ¥ And since we've mode mo re oE them than any-· one else, we thought we'd poss olOng some things we've learned about the business over the years: first off, there's no doubt about it, the only·wcy to moke on economy car is expensively. So Rule No. I, don't scrimp. Get yourself the best engineers in the busi ness and then hire 9,()X) or so to p inspectors to keep them on !heir toes. , olr lnsl1ad of wa te r, fantastic. Work on things to make your car last longer. like giving It 45 pounds of point lo protect Its top\ end o steel bottom to prolect tis bottom. Important: Make surf! you can servi~e any year cor you moke .'There's nothing worse than havtng someone flnd out thot o port they need to moke their cargo Is no longer ovai1oble. finally, spend less lime worrying about what' your car looks like and more time worrying about. how it works. Perfecting a good economy cor Is a time ... con1uming bu1ln1ss. So for It hos consumed 25 Next, try to develop on eng ine that's not o gos.guzzler. If you con get it to run on pints of oll instead of quarts, greot. If.you con get It to run on yeoro of ourtim~ iV). . \lP i NEWl'ORT llACH Chick Iverson, Inc. 415 E. Coelt Hwy. (714) 67So0900 SAN 'UAN CAl'ISTRANO BUI Y atos Inc. H IS2 V1l11 Rd. 17141 ~99-2261 .. _ -HUNTINGTON llACH Rarbour Volbwe9en· I 1711 leach lleulnard (714) 94!-+W I . ' I - I I I I I l 'I I fl ,, ,, 'I • c ' DAILY PILOT Frldaf, ftbrulrJ U, 1911.1 Laird W arris Reds: 'Don't Break Rules' ' ' SAIGON (AP) -llelenae s.cr.tary Melvin R. 'Lalrd llsued a catulous warn- ing today lo North Vietnam not lo violate the W1derslandlng which ... u1led in the Nov. l. lMI. bomblna halt At lri alrpori news coofertoce a(le.r a lbreKaY lnlpectlon trip lo the war rone, Laird was aaUd U the U.S. policy of •triking back at enemy rorces that attack from aanctuSrlea outside Vietnam in- cluded the right to make air stri.kea on aotlaln:raft poaltlons which could fire oo U.S. reconnalAance planes, dentanding oC more than a year ago, tbe consequences of their violaOon aa it relate1 to lhe theory of protective re1c- Uoo b: something that they should bear in mind." Latn! refused lo be more 1peclflc, and later an aide expla.Joed that U.S. oflk:.laJ1 never disclose so-called "rules of. e08agement" outUntni military action to be takeo in given'clrcumstaocet.. a..tle John Lennon bas come up ··•-with $3,20Ui0 to pay fines Imposed ; 'CID 96 students who interrupted a ·:·:Rugby game Dec. 2 with a demon-- iJ_.6traflon against•South Africa's rir -: "clal segregation policy. The match • Was between Scotland and S o u t h . The -.1ary ttplled, "U the North Vietnamese violate the sup.JlO'ed un- -k * * Hue Attacked The U.S. version of the "under- standing" with North Vietnam Is that Washlngtoi\ made cleat Arnericall rt«JD. nai.Baiice [lighli over the North would continue to check on possible enemy buildups. Hanoi denies there was any Cop Recruits I vy Leaguers African teams at Aberdeen. The 1?·announcement that Lennon was 1 ·~baying the fines was made by the _r;J bea.Ues business orga.nlza!ion, Ap- ; pie. Student leader 8111 Henderson j lSSid he wrote to ~nnon _for help, •• ''thinking we might benefit Crom a ~ .. concert -or something.'' " . As Reds Down U.S. Copters SAIGON (UPI) -Guerrilla tMOpg shelled the old Imperial capital of llue with long.range rockets for the first time 1n five months and shot down two American helicopters, woundin11 23 allied aolclien, in action reported today. NEW YORK (AP) -Mon than 125 upperclassmen from Ivy League and other coUeges have signed uji to take exacn1nations for becoming New York City pollcemen, it was ·reported today. - ' Shooty Sheba, th.e dromedarv, i& con- fident shc'U mow down the opposi- tion in cam.el races to be featured daily at the 1910 National Date Felri· vol, which ope11.t in Indio today, Holct. i ng the reins is Pat Ch in-Hing, a mem. ber of the festival's Queen Schehera- zade court. ~ Mary Ann Caswlck of Chicago \Vill pay her debt to society in three \\leeks of volunteer work. The 24- year-old University of lllinoi1 ... hon· ors student pleaded guilty 19 ':G pa rking . tickets accumulated dur· ing 1969. They amounted to $875 in fines. She said she 'wU unable to pay because she is working herself through medical school on .JA_ achotarsbip. "\Ve didn't want 1cF liee her school work harmed,"' a snokesman for 1 the corporation counsel's office ¥!d, ''so the judM \vent along wit~I the city's recom- m endation to allow her to work it ofC.".He said Miss C11swlck would put in abont three weeks working In a hospital. The Ma.ssachusett.s Uagut of Women Voters doe.m't lt t poti- tics inUrefere toit h its social life. FOT more than two yeaT1 the league ha3 been conducting a vifJOTout campaign to reduce the !fassnch11setts House from 240 to 160 members . H~oer. the league held its annuol Veil. entine Party /OT state leut&la· tors rlghi on schedule. • School Princlp.11 Francis Boyle of Edinburgh, Scotland, apologized to nine boys he suspended for hav~ ing Jong hair. "I'm sorry, I made a mistake," he said. 1'If recanting is poor for the face but good for the soul, I start Lent faceless but i11 improved spiritual order." Boy- le's apology followed talks w i th education department officials. 'Ibree ah:·foot rockets crashed Into the western Bide of Hue, 390 miles northeast of Salgon, Thursday night One hll a Bud· dhJ.st pagoda and another hit a house, kllllng two Vietnamese civilians and woUDding four others. The third caused no casualties. It was the first shelling of Hue since Sept, 14, and the first of any major South Vletnamest' city since Dec. 17 wben guer- rillas fired a single 122.mm rocket into Sa.Jgon's outskirts:. Seven Amerlcartlll were hurt in the helicopter crashes. 'Military spokesmen sa1d 21 allied soldiers, including live Americans and 16 Vietnamese Irregulars, were injured .when a .big "Sea Knight" transport copter ci&sbed and burned tryfng to avbid guerrilla ground fire near An Hoa, 360 miles northeast of Saigon. Two Americans were wounded when ground fire downed an Army observation helicopter in the M.!kong Delta, 75 mlles southwest of SaJgon. The two era.shes brought to 1,483 the number of U.S. helicopters lost in the Vietnam war, Black Newsmen Won't Show Notes '"NEW YORK CAP) -Seventy black neWsmtfl. Uy they will rt'Sist any at· tempts by investigators to see th e I r unbroadcast or Ulll:""led notes, tapes or 1llms • ·-' 1'W'e are not ute' white world'• spiei In the black communlfy,• they said Thu ... day. "We are black joumallsta attempt.. Ing to interpret, with as great an under· st.ending and truth as ts l)OS!l ble, the na- tion's social revolutlohs." They said any appearance of a "deal" with lawmen would injure the.ir relations with news contacts. TheJr statement, to be published next week ffi the Negro weeklies The Amster· dam News and The New York Coorier, 1was lmpired by a aubpoena issued to a New York Times reporter, Earl Caldwell, a Negro. A federal grand jury lnvt!tl-'!Rtlng the Black Panthers in San Francisco told ca.Jdwell to bring urmubU!!hed T1fltes end tapes of 1ntervfewa with Panther leaders. Caldwtll ttfused on advice from a coun- sel SLtPfllied by the Time!!. The Jutjlf'e ()e.. partment then pogtnoned Caldwell's ap- pearance date indeftnJtely. Trial Nears Jury CHICAGO (AP) -After flve months, the marathon trial of seven men charged with conspiracy to incite riotin g al the Democratic National Convention in 1968 is bel!ded for the jury. · William M. Kunstler, a defense lawyer, was to conclude his final argument todav, followed by Thomas A. Foran, the U.S. dlstrid attorney, who bad been alloted two boura for rebuttal. The students wen recrulted by David Oruk, 34-year.old police ser- geant who has been with the force for slx years. A graduate of Am- herst, he Is now in the Ph.D pr~ gram in public admlnistration and sociology of New York UnJveraity. Druk said students scheduled to take the police exams come from Princeton, Yale, Harvard, and UD- Jon Theological Seminary, among others. Early this week be vi.sited Har- vard and talked to a group of sen- iors and juniors. "A! a cop/' he told them, "you can have a real and immediate impact on the lives of ~pie th.at b totally unlike any other alternative before you." By the end bf his 1 lh-bour speech _~.said, 10 students signed ·su~ saying they wanted to take the test. Nixo~ to Sidestep Mideast, Vietnam In Policy Speech KE Y BISCAYNE, Fla. (UPI) -J>mJ. den~ Nixon is expected to side.step di:cislons on arnu to Israel and new troop withdrawals from Vietnam wllen • he delivers his "state of the world" mesaa1e to Congress next wee.It: Infonhed sources said he would deal Jn deflil wiY, the world's trouble apots-tbt MJi'dle Eilsj and Soolheas\ Asia.-In the. ~ue· bfllq. document he wl11111bm!t lo 'iawtnaken on Wednesday. f Standing 'by lo confer with Nllcon ""' Dr. Henry A. Kissingtr, chief White House foreign policy adviser. ' Presidential press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said Nixon has not yet decided whether to approve an Israeli rf9Pest for purchase of a new supply of Phantom and Skyhawk jets. It was likely the Pre!!ident would reinforce his appeal for an arms embargo In the area and call agaln for renewal of the cease·fire. Tanker Aground; Spews Oil Slick ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) -A loaded tanker ran aground In Tampa Bay today, damaged its hull and began pro- ducing an oil slick which the Coast Guard said "ls getting bigger all the tfme." Coast Guard Lt. Dana Evans said that at the latest report the slick was 300 yards wide and a half mile long. Efforts were being made to surround it with a styrofoam neL Evans identified ihe tanker as the Dclian Apollon but said Its owner was not known immediately. He said It went aground just south of the Gandy Bridge between Tampa and St. Petersburg 11 Jt was en route to the Gandy power plinL No Spring • Ill N • Dako·ta Arctic Air Moves Across Northern Tier of U.S. Temperatures SOUTHl!llN CALIFORNIA -Mo.thr 1•11' Frkl•1 •1111 Sahlnl•¥ bl.II nl•hl Ind """"''"' IOw Clouc!I or tot CH.1111 •rH•. G<!.1f'f wfnil'I mwn!1l111 •rid de> ..-fl Frld•Y· 51ltlhl!Y clldl1r """'"'•!n1 •nd cllffrtl Frklay lnCI mo1! lrNI Frkf1y ni.trt. Slklhll'I' w1rmrr s.rurdl'I' co.1111 ••Ms. LOS ANGELl!I All:EA -Mot!ly ftlr l"tld_., ftll'"Olltll ~ll' bu! low Clollcll n!ttit tlld nrl'I' mornlnt. Hltf> Frkll'I' 6J, L-l"tia.Y nltht !II. Sllthlly w1r..,.. tr 6,tlunlAy. l'OINT (OHCl!'.l"TION TO MEXICAN &CHU>E!t -LltH 111rhble wl'ldt nltnl '1W "'°""'IW llou•t Wtamlnrr soultlwet.I to wat tt le ., "'"" In ,,..,_ l"r!Ur e{'llf S.111 .... l'. Flit Wiit! 111r1-.i. c.-. ,.,...., MM! s.1 ..... .i.y blrl coe.t-f 1eow d4iUtll nlllhl Incl lllfy "'°""""'· ""°"''It le ""'"' -i..IY •Ml'I O¥tr ~al ... i... ...., fllll'I l!,N'f. SHlflllt ""'.,.... Saturci.o1. IOUTHEll.H NfVAOA -Vlf'lllll9 dolilch ,11dr/ tftll S1lllrdt•. Cti~ "' ,... llllllt ..,_,. •!Wlmd ,,. --t•IM nwwt11 'nde'I'-Gwtr wlnoh. L-.............. ,.....,,. riltfll 1J ta Q , CO..-,Mdly, H ..... J5 to U. ~TAL ANO IHTIEll:Ml!'.OIATI! VAU.!Y.S -'•It' wllfll 11,..llblt t lOWI l"r•I' lflnlu9fl S.tllrdn. Hlft Frldl¥ 41 ,....,., 1.twi Frldtr riltf'll o to n. &I~ ,,,_ S.hlf'09Y, ~l)UHTAIN Alll.AS -Ur:ll 4rlnlel aietfll 11-. V,..l•blt dludl IM lflllnl'lM lllf" f'rl*'f ll'W"outfl Jitlur• ell¥. 0\111Y wlndL COOi• Prldn tlld l'l'lda'I' """'· r IHTf.111011. ,tNO De:Sl!ll:T ltl!G/ONS -Moilll'I' 111, ,.ttll qrlebt• ci..ict• Frkl•l' 1M Sth1r0tr, Oilltl' """°' ~ ,,llttt, 1119111 ,no., In .i ...... 11HW Ytli.n '1W Nlllnflft IOwfl' llllo a.rn. c.oltr ,.,Id ... 11i.ftf, I ~· Coat.a C-*'Mlt doWIMM ~IM "*'"' _,. ..,. -· Utht .... ~ wllllll """' ..., _..,..,.. ""'" ~ '"" -!t'M91t "' -.t • " " tlllh "' •fl~ ""'' lftltl "'""*"°· Hittll ....... COMlll ..,,..,_Nrtt ,...... I,... ft to "-• .,..,.,.. .._,,, ...... ,_ tnm J2 " ... W.tw ..... ~ ... S111t, Monn. Tide• ,.IOAY lt<'Ofld llhtll ........ • •• S1t11.ni. 2.6 Stcelnd HM • S:N p,in. t,J IAT\liltOAY l'lrit flltlt .. " f\30 '-"'· '·' F!r1t low , ... lt:M 1,111, I •• Sllll ll!Ht Ir~·-Jeh j ;U '""' MoM Ill-11100 1.m. '41t It°' '""' v.s. Summarg . l'rldrf lhJ 1:1111 lurtltd aut i. bf 1 hlO;y ... , tor IG/lttlll'ld wt•lli!r. Sli:les """' _,,,. """"' _,. SClull'ltnl C.lifol'nl1 todry wllfl l!lllt l._llU"1 n..... $DOIM "1o"' •net rnomr" tow criov. ~ _,.., 111 aNotllt ''"'· ...,,, "'-U.S. Wllllltf" l we111'• lol'le nu'" 1111lool! for !lit Wkld s.vno..1 l'llrwtlll T-41r U lt• for -OI .. M_ Tlll LOI AllH!n lf'M w11 111nnY wltll H rhr "*'llw low tleudl •rid !ht -!PWr bul'MU jlAdl(tecl more al !he N~ hlu!'Oly, Tellt'l''l CftrlC Cetllet' l\lth Wll il. lltl ~ llev•ee\ frotn rhurtcttr. tonlet11•a !lffllle!H low 11 JIO. 4.ncl "'°"' 99Dd lor!une, lllt Alt Pot· kltloli COfllr'fll Ol1t•lcl tll>Ol'IHI 1'111 -In tllt Lo. Arlffltl l 11JI\, Callfo'i'ttl• Htlfl Uw ,,,_, Albu!l\l't~ ~ ~ Anc:llor111 ~ H A1!1nl1 " " e.-.,.11etd " M !llomt11:1F. " .,, 80IH .. " " Bo$l'On " " 8rownJV11t1 " " " ""'" " " JI CIMlnn11l ~ " T -.. ~ " ee,, Molnn • • Detroll " " '" l"•l~NQ " • l"orl "'°'"" " " ,_ .. • ,OI HelKI " " ...... .,. .. • ic ...... cltr • " l,.l1V-1 .. " '~-~ ., """' ., » MlnnHHlll " ., ... New Of'lelrll • " N-YMI: • .. Horifl Pl•IN .. " T OP.land ff .. ·" C*itllorN CllV " ~ -· ~ " P1tm SJOrtnw& " .. PllO 11161n " ff ·-· n ., . ........ " .. ·" Porfl•llCI .. " "' ll:IPld Clftt • " T RH 811111 .. " ... ·-.. .. .. SK,_IO " .. "' S.tl LM• Clt'I' .. .. ... ,,,_ M .. hn l"tll'ICJt«I • .. •• *'"' .. ., ... SOOltlM • " ·" Tl"""" " .. WtWl!"tfOll • u undenWldllll and M)'I American recon- nalssan<e p1-are violators ol Ill air space and liable lo be ohot down. Lain! sald 'tbe poUcy of pn>lectlve ttac- tlon gives "primarJ em~" to "the. safety and ~ty of AmtrJcan forces.11 The qumJOll WU pn>mpled by ""°"l American air auacu on antlalrcrllfl poalUoOI Inside NOrlb Vietnam which the U.S. Command llald fired on .a-lean nocoonalMance planes and lhelr armed eJCO?ts. Lainl !A\!f_earl!er !Ml "solid Pl'.llllltSS" In VletnamlzaUon <i the war will permit men Mnerican troop wlihdrawal• cJespHe a contlntllng enemy threat and lacll of Jll'lllOIS In the PariJ peace Wkl. He warned, however, Lb.at 11the road to VietnamtuUon will not be free of ban! knocks and disappointments." Laird termed his tour lo ,.. how Pres> dent Nllon'• VletnamizaUon program is -"profitable/' He said he bad "in· fonnatfve and meaningful" talkl with President Nguyen Van Th1eu and other top South Vwtnamese.and. U.S. officlals.· But he declined to forecast when more U.S. forces might be pµJled out of Viel· nam...He llald periodic anno""""'1lAAla Q[ troop withdrawab: would be made by Nix- on. Laird said the fact that 110,000 Americans· can be withdrawn by April IS Israeli Kaid ',Kills 70 • provee that VletnamlzaUon i. workln(. "Flgurtl, II Laird said, ••1peak louder than words.u He said the United Stal., and Sooth Vietnam continued to hope for a brealdbroogh in the Parll peace latk .. lie said that In his dlJcusaloos with South Vietnamese leaders they explored way1 to encourage the enemy to be more receptive to Uie route ot peaceful neeoUa- Uons in Paris." Before the news conference, Lalrd took _a fir!!l;)land log)< at Vlet .. m[zaUJ>ll .,,.i said •he 'XIS tmpresSed by a Vietnamese generlil's report of how be ls reducing deoerlloos. Shelled Arabs Blame U.S. By Uolt.d Presa laleruQllUI 1be Arab world's press and radio.. today Aid ' the United States mll!\ share tile blame for the Israeli aii raid on a civilian factory near Cairo Thursday which killed 70 Egyptian workers. There were cries for revenge against Israel and the United States. AL the same time, hrael rtpOrted new raids by Egyptian planes along the Suez Canal A .spokesman in Tel Aviv said six Egyptian planes penetrated Israeli-con· trolled airspace th1s alternoon and theo paired off for slmuJtaoeous attacks on iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiia •suRE ·. tbre Israeli positions in the central and northern sectors. He. said one Sovlet-l>ulll Sukhol 7. bomber wu hit "by Israeli ground fire and seen e..Ploding In the air. 'nlere were no casualties or damages on the lsraeli side, he sald. "Israel is the tool of murder in Uie hands of the imperialist killers of the United States," Cairo Radio said in leading the outcry against Washington for supplying warplanes and bombs to Israel. 1be United States already h a s "deplored" the raid on a civilian factory north of the Egyptian capital. Reports • • . . ' from Egypt said the raldera were U.S.- made Phanlom jets which used papalm, bombs and rockets in the strike agal.lllt the Alw Zabal metal-works, killing 70 and wounding 49 of the 1,500 Ei:mployes. The guerrilla Voice of Arabs Radio in Cairo sald : "These are Amer lean planes, these -ii.re American bombs and these may be American pilots." The Damascus newspaper Al Baath, publication of the ruling Arab Soclall5t Baath party, said the "arms that have been killing women and children in Viet· nam are the same arms that are beiog used in killing Arabs now,,,.';;;' miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MERCURY SAVINGS HAS ALL .OF . THE NEW Hl<i.HER INTEREST SAVINGS ACCOUNTS! *''MAX-INT'' makes sure! \ ''MAX-INT'' is Mercury's copyrighted high interest policy ••• assures the hig·hest legal rate to Mercury's savers! .................................................................................... Tra.nsfer your savings to Mercury Savings now! OPEN EVERY SATURDAY . . 10 A.M. -4 P.M. Open Mon.·Thurs., 9 A.M.-4 P.M.; Friday. 9 A.M.-6 P.M. ME ,RCURY SAVINGS and loan association • ' EXECUTIVE OFRCES: HOME OFFICE: -· The Mercury 5.,,1 ... lulldl"I The Menury Sovlngt Building 7812 Edl"'°r A-8955 Valley View Strffl Huntington llffch Buen• Park . . . ---. .. • ·. D.11\.Y I'll.OT I Number's Var.io...w S!!IJl!!t 45 States Up: Draft ·w ·if e Aided Murder? Suffer At Ninety wASlllNGroN, Pa. (AP>_ -...s P•ul "factoc 11n111ar -irn. aw,·,_ 111e With Flu Thi wile ol -of tlne cbarpo a!oog willl AuJnn othon In ~ olt....,111 P101 lo Cloftlaad me llCCUIOd In tht Mar11o, 11, ml a.ado E. kll1 Ille lf.,......id lJ-WASHINGTON (AP) - llepplnl aiolll al 1ho rala ol Ill llWTl!Mn a month, Iha dflll will probo~IJ call men holdlnr lottery numbera up to Ill In Mafcb, ail Informed tource uya. A1thougb Ille lllardi llmil la otUI uaollldal, 1ho """"' uld II bas Ileen v1r1ua117 dlcldld lo make 11 nmnber Ii! (April II). Slace Juuary, draft boordl hava been calllnl men for military aervlce on the prtn- JOllllb .\. Yablonlkl ' llJll!ly VelllJ, JOI. Mino Wcwkm lnlllrpnl. llulnp baa beeo charpd All loUr are bdni !Mid In Thi jury Mid obo ...,llo!W wllh 'lint ~ ulunler. Clnllud, Olllo, •lion a tht ._ -to llmnce 1ho Wublqtoa Coul\1Y ~At.-r.dorll lfand jury baa b> ailol'd ~acy., II' llao ty. Jeu Colla lllod lhe dlclld the"' '"' -"'"-7 aallf abt hlllpOd bit hulblnd <lw°l"I TJiurlday oplalt An-..... The jury, -In buJ ..... and tiiiniJt -Uii neua GlllJ', It. Her J6.7UM!d ,...., llld Ille llolxler, othon charpd tn 1ho l1ayllip. South Lawyers Enter Pasadena School Case Amonc Lbll wltn11111 caned bofGn Ille jury WU Mn, Gilly's lathlr, Slllp flud. -· 11, ... -"llldW Local -to Lalollaua, Tan. In Clntllnd, U.S. Atty. ROberl Krupaaol<J Mid Ille A11.AllTA (UPI) -The N• Uoul-Oemmalllclble -omt.. (NCDC) lodly-'"' --)Ju lprud .... -· of tho ·-and pndletad Iha -would eontblll lnlo April. ' NCDC llld lall)alnzl er ta- flulDu..llU HIMI•• we r ~ ~lnlllllla.•.._ to--Iha II -~Ille-·­.... ' ciple of lOMst-n~nnt. according to the Dec. I lottery that gave etch man a m.anber from one to M&. 11. Ullltff Plftf IDlenatlooal The motion II to bo Ibo llnt Throe top JIQutharn lep1 ol· phase ol a nsllonwido pub for ftcen, encouraged by l'nll· ochool ......,..,.u.., ID bopet ~ent Nlml'1 llJ)l lor equal Ip., ol pttlng eoa,.... lo - pllcatkwl of d111ancatkm Jan f'Nedl:u ot ~ce lntegraUon lhnlutJ>oul lhe nation, llld _..,.,, ...... jury -""""' be -vtllld ilat W-117. Yablo-a1kl , bb -Marani and d au rh tar Charlotte ...,. lbol to dc•lh New Yaar'1 eve In thllr Clarknllle, Pa. home. TblF-.illoolth-, ""Ddndlnr a special talepla9 ....., o1 an " 11a1a bultll ~-llorlhll­ la dolenalall lho -ol lhot dlllul, I 1 I d It WU t • I l;f~ , • ~. 1-. " V'1 .,_.. .. AFTER A SKATING JAUN:r, JACKIE WON'T Tt.LK AIOUT LITTIRS Mrs. Ona11l1, Son, Jahn Konnody Jr., LO'!YO Rockafollor C-r IC!' Rink ' . Letters Found in Trash? 'Recovery' of Jackie's Notes Told NEW YORK (AP) -The • intimal< letters." !er' reportodly Hid ha bad foond some letters ~ uked for help in selling them. The leUen subsequently orrlved in 1ho mail, accordinc in Ille man v.·ho tried to sell four let-The letters were withdrawn ters by Jacqueline Onassis to former Kennedy administra- lioo ·orndaJ Roswell G!Jpatric says he got them from some- one who said he found them in Gilpatric's wastebasket, ac- cording to aUtograph dealer Charles Hapiilton. Hamilton said Thursday the man told him "an evanesent man whom be had never met Bent him an evanescent pack- age and on this basis he came in to me and consigned these from sale Monday after Gil- palric, a former undersecre- tary of defense now in private law pracUc-e; said they were taken from hJs safe. Hamilton, as he had done earlier, identified the would- be seller only u an attorney who once worked in Gtlpatrlc'1 firm . Hamilton quoted the at· tomey as saying that he re- ceived a telephone cal! about sl:r months ago from someone claiming to be a night ateoo- grapber in Ille olllct. The ell· at.ary, ·.- The attomey uld be had been unable to reach the party who senl him the letten1 Hamilton llld. The llll!l1ct attorney'• ol· ftce.cOnunuad Ila ln..,llgaUon Into Ille letters' Ille Ol!rr. Mn. Onull, mNUwhlle went Ice skating al Rockelalllr C... t« ml llhruilled oil -men'• questlom. Suspect Asks Tito 'Very Impressed' Extradition After Roaers' Talk e In Tate Case MOBILE, Ala. (UPI) -P .. tricia Krenwinktl has asked to be returned to California to at.and trial in the Sharon Tate murders, a move that could possibly end a series of legal maneuvers aimed at blocking the extraditkln. Carl M. Booth, Mobile Coun- ty district attorney, said 'f1rursday he received a hand- written note from the 22-year- old suspect during the past weekend making the request. "I wish to sign extradition papers and return to Los Angeles immediately," the note read. Booth said he would confer with Miss Krenwlnkel's at- torney today before taking .any action on the note , which he said was written before the Alabama court of criminal ap. peals upheld a lower court ordtt for her return to Los Angeles Wednesday. ApDIS ABABA, Elhlopla FOnlJJJl dlplomall In the (AP) -Pmldent Tito wu Elh!opiancapllalrec•l•ed "very higjlly lmpmaed." "1th coolldentlal ......,,.. liOoi Ille Amtricam and 1ho v-. ... bis discusdoa of the Middle on what wu 11id at the East crisis with Secretary of meelin&· Slat. William P. Rogrra. 'llley Hid Tito oblalned • dlpklmaUc 1ourca reported much clearer und-lftc of today. the Amerlcu pooltlon than he Rogers had uted for the ~ had before and lillenda to 11ft minute meeting In AddJs President Gtnlal A b d e J Ababa mainly to convince the NUHl'·of Egypt a full accoant YUgoslav leader of the Nixon of It. admlnirtration's sincere detir8 Tito bu ' Naasefs .• con. for a Middle Eist peace set-fideoct, and the IOUtCel 1aJd tiement. lhat.,llthough be II unlikely to Tito is now tn Kenya, and endone tHt American poai- continues his African tour next UOn, his erplanlUon 9f It could week to Sudan, Egypt aod go a long way 'toward aD.aytnc Ubya. · Naaer'• 1u1plcton1 of American of f I c a I s have American motfvea. been relectant to disclose Ro1er1 ended his two-day details of Tueaday'• meeting. viii! to Ethiopia ml departed Tito told nenmen on arrival for Nairobi on the fourth leg Of in Nairobi 'nmrsday that dur-·his 10-naUon tour. Bogen' Ing hi! talk with Rogm he slay In Kenya will o..,.lap urged the United Stai.. to put Tito's, but American ollldlla pressure on Israel to take a aald tbfJ'e were no plau f6r less Intransigent attttude. the two to meet again there. 1}ou are corcliaf f'I invited lo al lend our I ' Vafenline6 c :JJa'I ~ :J.eL. f 4th P£a611 join U6 /or 1•s/,.116hmenl6 and lo ha1111 a foot around our new4 tkcoral11J PARK AVENUE HOBBIES & CRAFTS 1881 PARK AVENUE COSTA MESA ' Bui many 1ow .. umbtred men -od&1nallY counted OD in Pentqoa calcul1tlonl - will not rully become available until they l o 1 e deferm01Jll lalar lhll yur. U draft boarda wen ,.. quited to meet rJald quow before the:at men become available, they mJ&hl hava lo tab hlg!Hiumbered -to llD the gap. lhey would lntarv-lodly ~ "II Ibo l•~e cllllo Ilka a California IChool cue. -· · Attorn•Y• G101r1l~ ...,,, Phllldelpl\J.a, Loi Macllonald Ga 111 on ol • ~and New York pt Iha Allbama, A. F. -ol amt ordlr u Jack1on Mlululppl and Jack llllodulppi, they will bo j.;;,i Glcalllloa of Lqulalaaa Oew u vlbomenUy op"""1 u lhe to Loo An(elet Tbunday nlClrt people ol Jackaon m," s-to Ole a ..-In lecleral mer uld. court ukJac for tmmodlall A federal court baa .-1 deserroc1Uon ol lhe P11odcal P111-to --la by dlllrlcl. Septambar. • Meanwhile In Wahington, D.C., W . .\.-"Tony" Boyle, the lnc:u!nbanl '"8ldenl of the UMW, wboclelelled Y- for Ille pool In tht eltCllon · J)ec' t, daclond~hu boon lrJlnl ''by . to 1M"d1te me oar ia- teraalloaal "1th Ille --who DOW ttand lndk:ted." Ill denied that bl ar 0UJ llldW olllclal had UJ -llon with Gilly, Vealey c< lllllttn. widllprold In the -., Lou1llana, Rhode !Jim! """ ~·°"'•-tol~ _la __ _ blf,b1 lhe !Ill.bu(. lfOMfO\\Nlli'> l'OLIC\ -~-17171...,. _ .. , .... , .. CHILDREN'S SHOE BIG SAVINGS ON INFANT'S SHOES • • N-1• the tl111t1 .. ...,. Mi., MW""'9 • ci-,,..,, •1rteo1etyteo .•Vart.o .............. te .... • lnfant'•ll• BIG SAVINGS ON BOY'S SHOES NOW •et11111'-tn1rlell.i,leo ...... ., ......... "* ...... • , .. ,. ..... ..,.. ........ ltw • lll1111Mm11t...i,•-- .. SAVE Otii GIRL'S STUJDY SHOESI • ·•Q1111'-t ......... ...; ........... ......... llat,aM . •S.tlMI .... i.11••ntrtl"'- whllo ...,. .. 11122•1• ........ BIG SAVINGS · ON l BIG BOY'S SHOii • ........... ..,... "'Ille ..... .a.. .......... ... .~..,.. ......... ... • Collltl ....,,.,...., .... .... • I • • . • . . • • . • • ' 1 ' •aur..y PILOT EDITOllL\L PAGE . . . ' ~ • I ~ oo . Late : to Change • A n-lcindled opposition to sign requirem,.,11 in Lqwta Bloch became cleor this week ai!10nC at !Mst .,.... o1ementa ol th• buslnm comm~ wlt,h •P; = "!tthe.Aprll 15 deadline to brlll( doWB DO~ · Th:..!:. and the fUry appor,enUy _carno too tote. . . The city spent 2\li yean wofryln( with anil . rev!• Jna the · sign ordinance through all< dnlfta. Tho draflers included bllline!!men. It 11'.18-CQ!l~!ll,YJ!oqer than ii took to eet ~· U.S. Constilutioll both dr8f1ed. and ratl-. fled .by nine states. ... aUpt shock. . . Suuostlon that tile clty·h do!M all Ill• "giving" 11 ladlcnJjll, u 11 the 1unest1on thaC 1pect1tor1 hf.•• m IClme manlier M~ from the uea> · · 'j'he Lanna jneliJ' are unique in thllr beellt)r 11111, Uniort1111atmyi al••· unique In their tock ·of minimal faclllt111, 111<:0 ~ neorby restrooms. For years lh• creen1 have attracted,• ateody cllan- WJ_of ,Cana!IWIJ wb<t CQlll.t .dOWll with their .wives a"!! ipenc1 most bl tho winter. • ' --• . ' The ordlmDce became effective Jan •. 15, 111117, so that any sigli• puf up since then bid to cony>ly. But tho clly allowed a lhree,yeor moratorium on then-entdni signs; it ends April 15. • Maiiy toUrnanients could be played here II there were decent facilities for accommodallnt .,;est players, as in other areas. , · · 11'1 dltflcalt to ... horclty official•· could ·fail to · comprehend lhh need , especially since ·lh• bOwlers are fooling the bill. . This allowed owners ol exlttlng signs three yeors Jn which to 8J11(1rtlze the'l!. completely, which the Inter· naJ Revenue Service allows. · , . There bu been mi>re than· aniPlt ·limo to plan for and' provide for the cost of""' 11igninJ_progrlJ!Llto. ~DY, have complied. MOii are apparently prepared. ,.,.....e are not • . The city apparently will not budge metarl.IDy fri>m · Its doadljne. It should not. Compliance should .be uni· fonn ·and· total. -. · • • lawn · Bowl~rs' ClubhQuse • · The Lagnna Bea<:h PlaruiJ.ng. Commiaaion 'seems to hew repined Its reuon and come to• the brtnk. of a cloclai.., on tho lawn bowlers''long-pending clubbcM\H. , Just a couple•of w~• ago, the bafOed boWlera not enly had their latest set of plans thrown out, but heard nlumbljn(s about"'maybe we shouldn't hav,e a building then at all." 1 • Co · · and Slnce'lhey bad won both Piannmg mrru!l1on City.Council approval of the project last year, including a lean drawn up by the city attorney (the bowlers will pay for the building and deed it to the city) this came Hardest .Lesson For Us to Learµ -..... look upon Ille Biblical i.. ju11clia11/"l.oft Illy -·" u either impllllblJ 1JljpiU ... impooslbly_ .... -\al '11111 Ii ,,..,... Ibey fall lo undriad 'illo ~ al -at Jove, u J .. melnt tt. To love ,..., eoemloo -no! _,, that )'GU ha" lo Oki tllem. II -no! mean that thl7 are no klDcer enem'- NoboltJ ... _,,,,.,.i •lo like -t we do not l l k ... far ematilw ... ; bl -by-llawa. And eoemloo nmaln eoemlel II their DltlnlatopllCClllfllctwl1houn,no-. ter -wo loft them ar no!. lo Ill& .. LoftthJJI n•"._not ....... ~oilier U...,...or wlllu-1 \' ' a coolest. not• IDldlln Jn I 1'11". II may ...,.... edd, bat -alliletel •Jove" tlldr -'111al II, tbeJ' ...;ect·-... other -llrl'1DI ---•llo111J.A&ll<tbl1- tl"'llmlrdldn.ralel-that -....,, .. that Ibo winner -Ill -it, not Oii fooll. 'nllll •TRI llllDot ..... J--wllll upn ••Dll a I Ue k 1 ------.. -.... , WHAT rr MBANI, ,......1y --cenllldor~that-locn ilentood, 11 that .. motte< what wa like e1Cb other better Olin Ibey do. lie "lee!" ·-~ -· or bow we ,,.. aaylng ihat It doean1 matter H )'OU oppoet' hiJ bllllfa,, there m111t be an like 101JJtC1Pe «not, Jt doa:n't matter U ackmwleq-1 that what binds UI )'GU qr .. or not -the only tlllng that togelbor la ,.-111an wb1t divides ua. matlera. ii treating the other as fsirly It ii Ille .. ,._ .. al the other that . and ,clelilly u .llllletel do m • cbam-muta U1 la ...adni that ii lbove, and plon!hlp pme. pu1er-. bolll cj us; and our,,_t Tbll ii a Ullion \bll,IOOI beyond 11)'111- r.r tl\11 -.....,.i al belllc mmt po111y or frleodllijp,1<if ~ I! oo merit like fr~ onr our Ukes and our In behavin& ntce1J. towatil the people we lleiijfl. 'l'oll lo Ille banlest i..-rar Mr/ lite: the only merit la aclin1 d<c<olly ~ (11111 "11 dnlrch) 1o lwn. Wiranl t h • people we don1 11 t e or ' dlu&rtt with -for thil kind of "love" ii ft MllT UllNL y iml(lne that If "' an act al the will, no! on emotion « an eould "lore" _, rimles, then • mlCbt lntellectul conviction. What • tra1edy become fdmdl or Amet; but t!dl 11 ll9t tbat we honor It onl)' in our gamee, whlcb necaary, ftOt even poulble ta ' IDIQJ we 'take IO eerioully, but not in our lives, UJel, .... -llill be mtml• -but -· ... plaJ ••at with auch perlJoul '" .....id lnlL ...-enmity as 1thlotel In lliPllUC)'. 'Often a Bridesmaid ..• ' Remoru that a. vice prelldent pt& llnd al bwin(' . "Oft.'1' a bridesmaid -never the bride." . "He'11he kb.t of 'IUY who alway1 tet1 Ibo -boat job, the -beat 'Mcietary, Ille olllce. wltll Ille oecond beat new. Even bis season football ticketa are .. the ~yanl lint .• '0 Tbe boA WU tied up, air, IO they referred me to yoo." .. 1 bur bU: 9)ft wu jutt eleded Tiict .~ of bis clau in colle1e. lt mmt je • family cunt." · "rm taking this cup of collee to Ille ..-i, Mr. Tlawell. Do you mind ii l 1lrinl )'OUl"I in I llUle later?" "Wllat does he really do! Well, ht -lo be In cJwp ol tumh>i GUI Ibo liPlf..-11!4 liw)'in( tbiop lllldor. ibt ""'. "OB, Mii. TISWEU, _,, p YGll ..., -le. All you have lo do Ill bl -!O a..r ,_. for bis wile llll her -!fo1, and be""' to (ti a -c:ushlail hr WI -.int cbalr ......, three IDCllU.." . "Ht. bl ,....,, ...,,. up with many .... """" llat --he? ,,,...., ~ .. -Ibo p«lldenl ol 'a llmt .. _..i· than vice pmldents Wiiii .,.., .... _ff•'• IUl'O.tbq'~ ......--.. & ... ,.. .. ---. . 1>111r-..• : I ...., tilt real l"ocl-looklO( '-••Mmbutbo-tD- -...... .........., wl1h · • rlo...,_lnaialoblm ..... _._ ... ..,. ... ....... --... to .. ••mlllllarlalbo ...... -1 do .... _ bit ..,..,.,_, WORJUED Dllr Worr!Od: Qt tNide ... lit in bis CM In .. ""' -ldnl. • oft.,. bis Job. 'Ille only Ille tlmo to b.,. an idea ls before you become a vice president." '"ilaftll Joob a Utile worried lod1y. He must have ICddent.allJ beaten tbl -"""' ti'y plaJed pl! yeiW'dly." "'111e<j>opor ah ........ lie<..U. frorg his ----tbau I01bodY •lie'•· Jlol, llleli, loot.I" aD Ille Jut1 ol pnctico be'• hid." •'YOU OON'T HAVE to worry about Mr' Tlowell • .., t1Jinl lo plncb )'GU, Mart17. 111'1 loo caulioOi. lie qult do!O( lbot lhe"ay·they pl bis..,.. up on the .... "lfl 4ael Joot nti.J boQ -the WIJ he allrlf• carrlel tW -. whea he lea-Ibo -hr-· But bl • just parka tbern ovemi(lll In 1 locker In Ille traln tmnlnal, ind ptcb them up 111ln on hla way bid to worfl: 1n the momllle'." :•r wouidll1 '11 that Tlmtll la an opple polllber~ but rve n0iked ,1hat when the bells coma out lo lltond till mil office ,Clrilmu parjf, Tliwtll Ii -the Drat to 1t1rt Gnctna. 1For he's ·• l jolly eood fellow.',. "His biuat declalon every d11 Is whelber lo havo a lhJnl martini It hmcll, ud nine out al IO dly1 be VIiia.ya. • • '1'M GOING TO spend aut -t In 1'lorWa. ,_, 11111 -,.. .. tm c:lltrio "' ~ -... -u ... -...., ... , __ .., .,_,. wlD ... la ___ • "IJi bal -AYina )'ti II· Ula -to lone that bll wife wu able lo w- a fur coot out al him thla ye..-bec:aUIO he bad forgotitn how to aay no. 11 "His bluest 1111blllon la to be vtco pruldent In cJ\lrp al Ill ll:e <>lbcr vtco pruldonta." But then, u one 11ventylab bowler quipped while the fodylah ~'1 quibbled, "They don't know it,.but they'll be bowling before too long!" · Upgrading Pier Area Plant· for a 1upel'facellltlng of the· San. Clem.,,le pier entrance IOUJi(f liltri,uin4. · · · Tbere'a a J)artlCullr tasctnatlon ·abbut ·pietl ~ for klda arid okllten, ib'olle?1, tlsh'epnen, fresh air fiends and dedicated oceon watchers. Uiifofturiately, elderlY. piers tend to. become oye- lores an<[ wlna up . being 'condemned to demOUtlon by beautlllcat!On enthllliaat1 who can't stand the sight of lhem any longer. ' Jt's a wise community that recognizes the value of its pier, for residents and wit.ors alike, 'and decides to Invest In Its upkeep. Tho San Clemente project, which would enhance the pier entrance with a plaza, p)antlng, ramps and atalis to the beech and evan a wavO.watchlng.platform for surfers, u ambitious, but could greatly upgrade the area. $ Increasing Acceptance Of Marijuan.a Pll11rical .Maturity· Earlier for Boys, Gir'• ~·You know, IOme day there could be a reel.« hour instead" a cocklall hour," a 1tudt11t forecut nearly-three year1 •f>· '111at hour bun't come-delplie lncreulnC ~ GI Ille ,... at marijuaes. Bui the legal aaault an aqtlpot law1 ii JDOUDo ting. P-for Ill _.ton ml .,. an likely lo be -by this -al eon,r.... Even Ille Nboo --.11on -tht lylDbol flf ... ~ .. to tbt •toned 1ener1tlon -la· aupportlog legblallon lo a 1 ts• ailtia, llw1. Atty. oea. JolaD JI. ---lllat-tlederal .... Mkli:I ,_aw1on GI IDlrijllma a fe!Ooy provide genaltlea that csn exceed UJOle for mansIIUghter or sabotast-., - STolTE LA'llll -under wl:lcb m • • t marijuana convictions are made -are particularly harsh. Attention was focused upon them rec<ntly by the oenlenclng of a 21-year-okl to a 50-yeer Prison term. in , Tezu for 1elllog two marijuana. ci&aret.- tes, aiii! the linpplltlon d a 20-year tmn to I Vlrglola yoUtb Jound wftb &.5 pound! at the llull in bis paaaeaton. For years such 11Verity attracted vtrtuaDy oo public allenUon, poaalbly because the use of marijuana was Umlted primarily lo the iihfllo and morglnal soc>ety. But the last five years have seen ID exp!osJye growth in the UIO of Pol. Sen. Edwanl M. Kennedy '(D, l\fua.), chairman al the Selllto IUbcoinmlttee llll aleohollsm and narcotics, hJ1 eslimlted that about 12 mllllon Americana have u1- ed marijuana at lea.st once. From 30 to 40 pen:tnt of today's college students and 20 por<ent al the high S<bool aenlara have tried it PO'!' SMOKING by the children of the middle clas,, has its political effects in Wuhintton. where 90me officla1 families are lorment..i by the d11c:9vory of drug ""' .. tlldr cbDdm:. It has Jod lo dem::"far atll! penaltle! l0<'the drug • .,,..... -but .... llexll>le0lreotnitol ol mere mers. Legallu.tJon of marijuana ha11 been pn>pooed by aome, tnc:ludin1 D r , Marsaret Mead, the anthropoJogisl She l'<CllltlJ told a s.,.. commlttee that •iwe ere dlZDl&lal cur cauntry, our laws and the rell-between ,...., _. old by 11a pt6bibltlon. 'lllll' la for _. d-than 1111 mi'use." 'Ille ·bill Just pUsld by Iba ltilile - the Controlled Dangen>us Subalanceo Act of 1169 -doea not le(allu pol. It would make simple possession of marijuana and o th e r '1d1t1lfl'OUI" drup a nUade- meanor, subject to •· Jall term of one year or ,..,,but livll!C'a•Mu authority to IUlpend the,_~ for .a first .of· fender. 'Ille llm of the blD la lo con- centnto .en ~ • .,,,.peddlers . llllnola j1U sentence for per800I callfht wl1h a amall omount al pot bu bffn pored lo the wller two-yeor minimum. Nebrub 1ub)ecta llnt ollendm lo 1 ""''tn<llY blltll cauno ... the dan(er al ..... . . 1'1rbtps the ...,.. 1:loclr lo lopllatloo "' IDlljjrw:I • Ula·--la the lactal ... -.. Ito-. Sdent1ats and 11,_ ---to -h la bannlul Ind -lo the .... al "hlrcl" drug1. Such 1 study It being mlde by !be Nallonll lnsUtute al Mental Health. It has promiled MSWera ,_,lthin two ye1r1. UnUI then, at lwt, leaallaed pot will r .. main a pipe dream, , Soeial , Maturit:y Later ·· Now . Every JO yean since the 1\11'!1 al the centuey, the avuqe ap for the omet ·of mellllrullloo fO< American girl• ·bu· .rett.u..i· by ~·months. In the ·so ytan lince 1110; tbe menstrual ap has been lowered by'two yean. A li-ye..-.. ld girl -y la blologlcally 11 mature 11 the 11-yur-old al 1110. MllurlLy among boys has been acceler1Uac: at the same rate. All this CID no doubt be ICCOWlled fO< by Ille bilh health mid 1111r!Uooal standards. this DJtloa bal Oll)o)oed over these years, · B1o1oO:a1 maturtty II comlog W'iler, but.Ju .._ • "°" IOClll mllurlty has -pttlolf liter and Iller. In ltlO a boy WU It liberty to quit ocbool land (0 lo wort It 'lf. G~ ••.ml tblt Wu apectod of ..._people. A mlnartt,. went to blP ochooL "I tliiy,' "lim ill' of thit minority -to colletf. 'Ille mt .... part of Ibo -Id al adult wart, in fleld or 1111111 err llclory. . . in eDgineering er agriculture or Jlterature or biology. They are~ a problem. They are the delight of their teachers -and their pare:nLL BUT THOUSANDS ate mortlng time and marklnr time, majorin1 in Engllah ooe year, rwlt.ching to sockllogy the nex4 then changing to art or dramL They are )'Gtl:ll men and women still in aea.reh of an idenUty. Most of lhem are bored with tbefili pul'pOleleu eliltence at the. wne time I U ' 1hey U'e too UDIUJ'e of ~VII 1o ~ OD a ~. Although dlatltlafled· with college, they cannot make up their minds lo leave it. ,lt'11jom·thl1 poop that traublet come. TODAY IOCUL MATURITY oontlnuu Tbty drop out of claues, althou1h con- lo come later desplt& earner physic¥. .. ~ lo han1 ~ the Iring" of the maturity. A1tnolt an young men ,a:na caiN>us. Driven .by their . internal women ale under prelllUre to 10 to .coJ.. · ~neee, JOJne of ·them turn on with .Jege, and H Ibey.,. lucky they wlD drugs. ·Many late up revolutlonuy Ideas aradu11e at 22. Young men who go 'mlo • aild pluter lheli walla with JIO<lralt. of the aldlled tndel u plum~ or Mao .Tse--ttqia: .aftd Qe Guevara. From ~nlen t.re Utile better; they la<e . this point .JI la but. 1 abort step lo a:- apprtntlctshipl In many unions ol. four to ta.cklna the university, occupy t n g aeven yun. buildbags, perpetratin1 . act. of tenlt)eu A msio IOID'CI al college problems I! violence, .destroying reaeorch IJJes and the flcl that -of thouaandl who libraries and computers, thereby ... have no snit desire for high educaOoa . dowlq, they believe, • their live.a with are in college limply because it ts ex· heroic meaning. peeled al them. 8".uolly and ph)'llcally mature llnct they were 14 or 15, they mark time awaiting an encounter with the life outside of school. Most collerie atudentl, especially those. who know what they want to make 'of themselves, are not marking time. Thty are eq:er.Jy puabin&' on towards degree& . . ,PLEASE UNDERSTAND - I om not talldng 1baut sU students. I am talldng only about the e:1lreme manifeataUona of a ,malaise that t.o some deirie troublea a whole zentntlon. One wonders what can .be do,ne to relieve tbb: condlUon -one that ls not 10 mucli 'the result of the . ' . · f.uiu;. of parOnts (lrrefuae lo join In tho chOrus of those who •blame ·everything that's wrong with the younger generation on Dr. SjUk) u it ·is the result of the ifl.. credible .auccess.-0f our economic syllern in making secure the lives cl. the middle class. Under condiUona of acarcity, the 1trug- gle for survival absorbs most of one's energies, so that one doesn't ask lofty pbil<ieophlcal anil ethic1I queatlDlll about the meaning of life. These unasked ques- tiori.s come to the fore in a time of plenty. 1bere i.s no ansWeHng these qutllk>ru In the abstract. M. impatient and militant students often tell us, the aniwera can only be found i.o aclioo and inV.olvtment. ' SO ACM.ON AND involvement are -t tlley "'ot ma<t al ·au, in °* lo experience a ltD!f of. maturity. This' is 1'hy they want to change the world rather than study it ftnt'to dilcover what needs changing and how it can be cheng. ed. Because they will · noL study It, they have no dJ8D1e8 to suggest beyond what are vaguely suggested. in , such •mean- inglt!S and aweepin1 1Jogans as "fight radem" and "•!lluh the pl1 power atruc- tlft." The claasic statement at the in- tellectual vlClllLy of 1the New Left was made by Mark ~ when he aaid, "First we'll have tbe revolution, 1hen we'll flod out what for." '?bat'• -..bat happens when. you have pbylical maturity without IOCial maturi- Ly. II la hlrcl not lo l)'Dlpathbo with the yc:mg people'1 craylnt for th• respom.jblliflea ol·maturtty. But it is even harder to Co aloo( with their conviction that Americll1 f ... lgn policy i I something that can be W<ll"ked out on a guitar. . Bf S. L fllyakawa PmWent, Su J'ra.ncl1to Stlte CoUe1e Throw-hack ·to 'King's Ax' Which II more important' lo aelze 1 cache of narcolica and chara:e pc>Slellkfl, or lo adbe'o lo the conllltutlonal 'I>i:o' tecUon of the clUzen a g a l D '1 t. unreuonable lelfCbea and aeizures? How you annver the questJon may' de- pend oo • wbetbtr you belle'Ve every practices, is biger than ever. blllherln1 ltlllence uuer..r by public 'of. Far !lily Y'!lrt U-dem1goruea have Ileen about Ille lllrCOllc problem, or ..,...ed ua .with this deadly monotooy, wbolher )W believe the Bill al Righi! ;., · and they have nothlng lo abow !0< It but the lauod1tloa al our freedom from. • c<lllfuslon, delusion and object• fllluro, DOI' tyranny. have we. Eveiry mature oblerver of the law ~ liberty hal: 1U bis Ille been llatenlnl 'to, the public alllcen cn the ..-let q- ~~ . Moot (not all) al what tl!ey-ny ·la · designed lo further their ptr!Ollal .... bltioot and their lm.t(O, II the word IO'lo and is lnaccurate, diatorted, ilJoclcal, preswnpllve, devious ind a!togelber ttuff and nonaQlt. lt does nothing whatever to IOl.ve the problem, aince the· pW!em, deaplla tlldr .,.....1men11, llws and Dear . Gloomy Gm: '11:1 r-.i ti Artt decision to -...., Pi "''""" and Octet ~ 11 Ibo !nine -I this )'<IT It a --"' ... dlacrimlno-tkin. -A. J. D. ,.. """"' """" ....... '"'"" .... ........ , --. ,.. ....... ,. , .... ,_ -....... _, ... O.lff' ,,... ' YOU "ll'Ol,ILD TBINK 111 lnfmined, .. u.,..arn1ng people would see lhrouCh this prodlgloua swindle, and lnsitl the problem be attacked In a rstlonal, quleUy determined way at its root!. But no, the clicbes utter,ed in . the Uftltdl .Slates Senate and in enforcement clrcle;I differ not one whit from Lile cla.ptrap of the 1920<. ' The allusion hen Is lo 1 rider attached to the latest dnig bill, pmnltling rsiden to ent... 1 home, by (ore• Ir they to elect, . without annou ncing themselves, to pre- vent IU!ptds lclliJiosing 'al .lJie ·evld;o«. Hence it ls called a "~knock" Jaw. n Is bud lo It< how the United St>tes Supreme Court covlll COUAteoance lilJdl a thnl'll.J>oct lo· medieval modlrchla .punulq their IUppoaed enemlu. • Senotar Ervin, South Clrollna. properly called it 1 rtaert to the 11klng'1 11 '-to tr«t down the door and breal< open Ille window." But the Sen1te pused it, ff.40, ml tt .... to the House. ~ AS VOU"llOIJLll expect from ionl a - perlence with the publlc offlcen golog back 1o Prohibition, the ,proviilon doetn't come clol!e to tbe central probltm of eJlo forcement. 1'1ult probl1m1 Is the seller, the runner, the smuU)er, not the poaaeaaor. J UR-H I ln the lt:kls, the public oiflcer ·hauled ' thoussnds of tpeak'°')' barlenden lnio Ille couril With I fUth of booze; witlle the nun-boeU with thbusank1¥ cargoes wallowed off our coasts .in arras:ant im- mWlily. • 'n>e Fourth Amendment Jays simply that ''the ri1ht of the people to be secU:rr in their persons, house • • • against unrea1tm1ble 1e1rches and seizures shall not be violated." For. yean: the courts have held that a J· a.m. crush-ln on your· home is .. unrtuooable." It is as likely that a vandal with a badge emuhin, YoUr door with a sledge-bammtr, Is beinJ: unnuonable.r warrant or no wan-ant. U we don' atlc~ with the Amendmenl! we're in big trouble, as we were in the 1-. Ale we dumber than our fathers. who finally caught up wtth the phonies lll1<1 1bollahed their occupsUont Robert N. Weed, Pub!Jsher ' • . ---. -------. -_.,,..., ...... • • ly PhR-lnf...ia.icll I With Amy '"£adNaek 1 --, I . -W esty to Bu iM·_'/les~i;.v_es · Fridq, f...., 13, 1970 HA GOLD• CfRCLI SllECIALI . . . , .. NlJ ·AY~ILABLE ~ERi! ! WASlllN~TON (AP) -......-vt to _.i,c1ul 11111111. sttenalh a~ ,a>out ll0,000 but 'llh lhe • rOgulal-· Aiif& being Westinorellllll'I ~ IDO)llOraJI. in)pmq --'lllil ..::.~ II ' : ~.;ui 1~·Gen,.W1111aiii c. dum was ~.In 1a1o -~~ · ... ~, ti Ir Z75 E. 17th St.11 Coita M;...- w-.....iJJaa9j1i1-1op ll«embtr.AcopyUiliiieiiint-• . · ' · · · , •. ,_., ~ !'ii is: 0.., -to available u ---uo. 11· · Democ:rolle ~ y...i....i...-.. uz._9742 · -• oW-• th!Ok!ng'' 11111 ·being loaded .., 1 .... 1e of -o!So ....,.. IO lhe. ....,.,_.. ""'::! --••· ~ •"-rd -'• " rr GUard Ii!( .--m' , lhe , • ' --.-~'WI'!"'· .,.._.,... · .....__.... 1n °" Y-.m ~m.m·or · • •• • "~we\Jool:to 'tbe•futurt, U.S. --all"f ·111e ___. , (0-12 YMrt ofDopond1bl1•SonlMI. - we-aperlod,o(-clion in Vietnam. -,......ve geor whldli:.,.---------------------··;.., ___ _, tbe .V'r-iJI ilr'ngth ·11111 Secretary of Defmse Molv~ on,lnally-llocl-been earmarked ea~-o · -·--R:'talrdindlcated._tly .. ~-~~~=--~~p:_fo~m:•:· ~~~::::~~;::::::;;;::::::;;~§~·::· ~~~~~::~; Airi.y and a p'6riod, wherein we ' all-volunteer force - a major • - ... pliioe --.. (olianci objective of • 11te· NU:oo ad-• · c -~~~!~~ =-lhe~"~~r.:i~ Sw-·1n· -.• ··nto: '·70 -w·1·th R' A-. ,tbe chief Of staff' l)&id.'"" .. date, modem, ~Wpped , i .... In "i memo 'to the beedS ·of reeerveindNationalGuard." ,., ,..~.:...~z....;'l!"'.:...~~-~~-~~~-~~~~~~~"I ·t,. A'!"Y . ~ age·oct ... ~. The ,.gu1ar .Mny. a1ong '5" Y-'f on Cl!IHd Clrclllt TY at KIRKPATRICK'S -'' _, 'e~.~!"d sa1d Ibey. will with lhe other servl.,., is ' be '""""-to make the Army being reduced In stttngth as ·. lialiQool <lulml iod-re.me the United States withdraws • "° "ful( ~ !>D '!W'" AnTiy ~adually from Vietnam and I~~~;~~!;~·~;·~~!::~ .. ~~:::,:~· J loam~' with malBieJ,,.....,.. ,heads Into a period of pn>bablO ·•~,_....__._""-.. ....,,....__.... nel, and ;·imp.roVed'-~ di!eDgagefuent from oversial . · ~ UOn and ccioperation." • ~ · · defense commitments. ''l'.ln & lduiollelJ~·· It'• to tide meciver~-I get ' ·· Hemadecleorhe~•U By ...t June 30, the Army · a tbird job.." • · ."' 1fllis by geDeralslJlDif:lttltit is upected to be mwD to • ~ " r • • ' staffs to drOp any ,attlfude:of J,239,000 men -a drop of _I .· r • '"'•; noncooperation with lbe about ·271,000 from the ,higb .. ... ~ ·,reserves. •\ · · .. . JeveJ 1wo years earlier. PllCD STAlT1 AT RC.A SALES & SERVICE I -1. . .__plailled the rigulah··have has proposed spend1bg abobt 673-2650 • ' ' 2760 COAST HWY. e CORONA DEL MAR' -./ . ' . CHECKING •~··up· • Reserve \oflice,n ~·«~-'Ille·, Nixon 'idmlnistrat(,., " • . l<' IR' 1· PAT' RICK'S · given backup fore;e, only $2.5 billion oil the. Guard and · 1 • • Serving ·Harbei ....._.Since 1946 •.reluctant' aupport, • o ft e n reserve in ·tbe comi!lg fiscal 1i..~~--~----------....;.;. ___ ..;.;..;.;;.:...;.;..;.;..;.;.;;..;;;;.;;.;;;....;.;;.. ___ _. t rel~ ~ · gijard_.~ aod year, piainla\o\111 .llitlr '°!'I • F our.-lettei:. Words ' Shocked Suitor ',llf I. &~ BOYD CONIIDERi 11IJS -Men who marry 1hort-le11ed girt. are apl to be.·argumentaUve in a genial.sort-of way. Men who many -full-bllsted girls lend to be witty conv.ersationalists. Meo who marry Jong-legged girls are usually diplomatic pacifists. Men who marry Twiggy-type girls are Inclined to become dedicated to some philosopbical cause. Such be four more ·of those num~ o d d • unrelated. conclusioM drawn by ~ after a study of the statistics. Our ... Love and War man, who takes Leon GreenbOrt .of I he 11u1gm Center o1 Alcoholic Studies, nothing la better than a nap, oothing at all. OPEN QUl!m'IONS -L U Benjamin Franklin didn't in- vent the harmonica. who did? 2. Cao aoy binls be trained to catch things thrown to bim in flight! Look for -the Golden Circle Tags and save up tQ _/ PHONE CALLS -Another thing oldsters will recall that joungsters won'l is when you could tell by lhe ring of the telephone whether the call was local or long d.istclra. Hold on now, if you dori't belitve ·tbat ft e.itber, just listen a ~­ When Operators worked all the sWitcbboards, titer lnv~bly ertnked some' sPecial verve into lhe rings fer Joni <liltance call& You could tell, evf!rJ lime. himself •-rather:_ seriously, .has rejected tbe.ir·fmdings, bqt our oiasupefltitiom e1per1 i.-.llll intere.rtt.d. AS TO THAT question of whether Moses stulten, am c0Wl8eled to atudy Chapter 4 verse 10 of E1odus1 which in- dicates IUCh. •WUI do ..... .Jll' YOU iWJllTE 1, 2, 3 and 4 on a piece of paper and ask onJooken to circle any one of the numbers, four out of five said onloGim will circle lhe 3. Try tt. •• .sTATIS'l1CAILY chances are greater that a heroin addict will let go of his' habit than an .alcoholic will give up1 his liquor. Far greater, IF YOU. ARE to believe lhe psychologlsts, girls tend to be at Uielr most feminine in the eighth grade., men at their · rnool maacullne ill their junior year of colleg.e •••• A ClilCAGO r.\AN. who said he left hll ladyfriend because she used four-letter words, iden- tified said words as ••don'l" and "w0o't.". , •. IN COPING WJTB a hangover, say• Dr. ' CUSTOMER SERVICI!: - "Dido~ lhe old buffalo bun'"" alway_ trav.el Jr4>airs~~ They trav.eled in porlieo of, , seven. Two riflemen, roar skinners aod a dirty. ol·d cook. .. • Q. "WHAT CAN YOU DO with lhe fact lhal there are 31 pyrainjds In Egypt?" A. I'.11 file k .••. --"aD ERIE, the most · polluted of the Great LH-., '1sea·. to be mown as "The Sweet' Sea,' right?" K. Erie ii, the most polluted all.right, but it was Late Huron that once bore the melodloul mooicker of ''The Sweet Sea." Your ~mad com-ments· Ore tot~ _as 4- toill Iii! u...i .. ,......,. -.rib~ in '"Ch«ki"41 Up,• PUG&t oddrtSi waur mail to L . Ill: Boyd, in care of Daily Pilot, Boz 1875, N<topOrt • B<acll. Calif., 92163, Ni~.n Gets Library; Al'l Kinds of Books • ------------~ • , 1- -. '' ' .. • • ModelHM-865 D!dilf.,211•""~ ._._ ... .....,. '· .. •: These are not floor samples or demonstrator models, tt,.y .. e~tjtlng Color TV's and Stereos freon FICA's regular ftne. Your.once+ ye_er opportunity to get the best for less! ' Sare at JOlll' . ptirt;cipat;ng dealtrt llOIP! • I --' ,, ,_ ,.,_ . 'fi '",f: ---1 r( '-?'· ·r. .. ,: . " • •.· . ; .. -., •\ ' - ': ... • I -~ -- J I l l ' I l I I ' ( ' I • I i • I I I t l I l ' • -~ l l l • • • S'8te!!s · S m•key .J llegal )l Housewife .KidnRped; .Man Held • M,MUM • EiplOSions Hit Police ' r U.S. Claim Burns Fouom OfficUils FOl.'IOM (UPI) -The feder1l cattmmenl 11 deman- ding Iba! ocarred, •11¥ but lovable old Smokey the Bear Dodoo his name because it ~ agaiNt lhe l1w. The Smllhlonl1n lnsUtuUon 1notlll !bat by an act of Congreq It owns the only Smoltey Bear and Iba! the Clll!arnla black bear in the J'olsom City Zoo must chanae -hi.I n1m e. "The whole federal govern- ment ii pie.kin& on us," M1yor Jeck Kipp fumed Thursday. "'We'f? not going to change lhe name of our bear. They can chanee their bear'a name Or they CID sue UI in court." Offlclah of Folsom, a com- munlly ol 1.100 best imo"'1 for its prison, were told by the goverruDenl tlie "original" Smokey 11 alive in the Na· UonaJ Zoo at Wlllliz>atGo ancl , -~ to blallb by that It II U)flal to call .. , , v..-.., and • 100 at· .... other bear Smokey. iei>duta. In a Jetter. John PUT)', the 0 Re'1 aJover, a bla: daddy," . l'Hl'M'lll (AP) -A l"'Utution's wlstant director reportod ,.. 1uperintmlonl ,....:i.....,,llt -1bdudid of N1Uonal Zooloaical Parks, Cl«doa =· lie • a I d' ~ hof. Eall· Wbllllor -1114'. "Aclually, ihe 'Smollty -y down IS ,n...lday and wu bow>f and Bur name II .S..lgnal<d• by poundl ol ulmGa •"'J 1...... bul , Iii.. nltU.4 en acl of COl\l"ss for UM 00-d,oy, -- ly for lbe 'Sinokey Belf' we Kipp, who pledpl Folaom ·.Ullblrmed -her molbm', have here and .federal law would chalJellCt , Ille con-peld lbe alleieil iddmojlor stalll lbat no olber bear II ~ 1UtuUonallly o! Ille liw clear l'iOOO, poll .. ropoHld. be kl)pw11 by lbe same name. to !be IUP....., C011r1 U Ibo Qlflcon llid a man wu 1r- "'11W! 'Smokey Bear' we eoveroment trted to enfarct It · hive J>tre Is, cf eouree, the 1 1 1 d the dty ••t..i. ~ rtl&ed.. and the m o n e Y bear rucued by lbe Foreal Smolley IJ doing 11 much f.,. roc:overtcl at. !be deslJnated Service loll( l(o," Perry sold. fire !"'ev..U.. u lbe ori,maJ plclmp tp0t for lbe r._n. He propoR<I Foilom condlld one.' • Pollco, bowtver, <tecllned to a ''name the bear contest" B r o n 1 · t er me d t b e ideDW'y him peQdiqc tntemlve and rename Its Smokey, a government's attltudt ~. six-year-old bruin badly burn-'1ulnine ·aad quite petty" Officers 1ave tllil account: ed u a cub in a forest Ore. He whl.)e the mayor grumbled, Denise Arnold, 23, was taken underwem. plutic surgery for "1bls 11 about the most ter-from her home on Groveda.le repair oI his face, has only rlble thine that bu ever hap-Orlve a~t 10 a.m. She wu half an ear and was paUently pmed. tied up add gagge<I and placed • in Ille beck -1 aru. ol hlr , ' ' I ; ~ II l Coanter•coup Posslhle • car. lier abductor tbeD drove her !nm lbe ocene . The lddnaper ·lheo allepdJy =i:¥~rno°l.s·!'1= S outh Bids .for More Way Keeping Powder Dry • ll'rancella McGwynn, allO a WhlWet rtlldent, ~ancttni :::=it:....r~:w"' Gasoline Tax Dollars SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Deposed Senate I e a d e r Howard Way said today he is keeping his "powder dry" and a counter coup this legislative gessjon b "a distinct possiblli· ly." "We've IQ(\ lhis skirmish," he said, "'-et that doemt"t m<tA ,... Qi!li fllhlilt(.'' The E1eter Republican wu ousted as &mate president pro tem Tuesday by Sen. Jack Schrade (ft.San Diego). The upheaval cllmued a biller leadership filht in which the Senate "old guard" returned to power after be.Ing purged last year by Way's "young ,..,. .. refornlilll. --·-... • ~ 'r .. -·~ ---. - 1 se'e by T!Xlay's Want Ads e ALL HEART, THESE VALEN'I'lNES! Smart mlmature doxie•, I wla old, ma.lei, $20. e YELLOW JACK!.T t b 1. t really coWd be a lftirwer ••• 14' outboe.rd that needl • little ...... ., ........ ""' -.. "'"' l'lm "'""'· Way lalked aboul hit bn.I Mrs . McGwyun WU directed nine-monlh regime, whe,. he from one telephone boolb lo SActi'AMENlo (AP) -The melllB ol a lormula Iba! la ob-anolber, as Ille events A ,,1 .,.. ., __ went wroog poliUcally Ind hll trinoplred. Maantlme, ohe J •em;. Y .,onsporta-'!Jle!e, he 11ld. futuro ,durin( an latenlew In stalled for time , and nollfltd i;:inm>lllOI haa qned on a .' Asoemblyman Peter F , his auddenlJ not~ p01lot. ' -~~attempt ' to increase Scbabarum (~Ina>.-· fillh floor IUlt or Ille llale Mn. Am>ld, itlD -and ,§oullrlrn California's lhlre ol ·plalntd !bat lbe ,_ lex ~!QI, IOOD lo be occuplo4 u ::.~ w::r """"'~ slate IHOline tu revenu04,. hu lll!on a billioq iii!~ ..... "81':1 idjacql"\ · .! The c:cmmlllee approvt!I·' mon !Ml ol Loo Anplfll \hall ''I ""'t i..I W Iii~ llM 1111 , -'blll It ~ "9& 11@1 iJll IHI lil!!lllfl :t'~m~~ ::;:, 1': !Ill lnl~~ :, t , . t'l:I:. ~-:-...... · tllt ~ II ;ts-:;~·-=: ·D11te ·~ ........... -~~ .. ;/'i _:i. ' .. 1 :~l~~lt1 IO'llat\I 1""' lllell. 1 ' ,. · I' 11"1119 he d .. , .· ,J w . • "T!M -H~-il:li. .. ~ • g ,·tr q '#••, a 11--·~•• •--r -,. r~r. ll1d h:7Ui ll ~ · · • the ._. Acts on the · • · butitSthe wrong one! 1y _,._ .. to b'ansterrlng f.a n Expect creu.~ ratio. . . lbe -te Into "a more BlllJ to lncreeae Southern Sold • R • t reprwnlaUn group ..... Court Date' s Ca!Uornla'• ibare lo eo per-1ers 10 n.... cerWnly ;,. n..d for P"" fmh responsive to the :;:;:f. and in .ceot havf: paaltd t be drinking watu, but bufing it by the tune with Che Um~ Auemb~y the put two years At .F ort Ord bottle is aOOut as' primitive as using: He said tlda tort fl. "at. BEVERLY Hn.LS (AP) _ only to die Jn .the Senate an ke boX. It's n~ longer hitctsu.ry rnoepbn" Wll MaNIDd A temporary rtJtralning order Tr.:::;:::_!!!:,.~. :~rd FORT -ORD (UPI) to sacrifice Yaluable kiltheR e;pace .mrlna his admlnlltration, mid a....... certain clalml of , ·-Soldier1 COlllJned In a •peclal · lddld: ••r just cin't quit. It's , r.f~aters ia 9Dl1 tbl Barnes (ft..San Diego), author barracks at Fort Ord went on and store mipty bottles to get pure, tDo lmportanl" belinn1ne of an tnfUtl,atlaa of the bill to sbl.ft percentaiu, a rampqe during the night fresh dn"hking wal,t. Aaktd about a pos!ible ol the compute: d a t 1 n 1 ll)d It wa1 a loc1cal elt.eoakln breatln( window• and 1etunl Tht LindAy Comparry ltasdevt:1opeda unique St: If-contained wa1,r ''young Turt" counter-coup hi.tnea;, Chief riiputy State of the OOHDal, one-vote firet,,ArmJ a u lb o t I L J e 1 purification sys!tm that i1 installed out of sight beneath your kitchen lh1I lellion, Way answered: Atty. Gen. Qmlea A. O'Brien pldbopbf, dllc~ Tburlday. &ink. It utillzH ft'Vtr'St' osmOlis to remove 90% of tht impurities from "This ii 1 dL!tinct possibllity J&kl 'I'burldl1. ·. . 'Aaiem b tyman Frank MW al the 307 men being yourlapwa1,randprovidesacot1tinuous1Upplyoipurit,fm.hwa.tu -almolt Immediately." ''We have baea lllY'lltiiatinC ~r" ~ ~~Je ~f= ~ dllcharce to your kitchm f<1ucd ••• yet it c06ts only about 1/'J as zliucb as ~AllJW who wanta to bl U. computer__, bull'*" ~Wllliclellntheatate pa~ticJ t d t~ tri:! bottlfdwattt.Thereisnoi!"l5la]btion~,allyou ·r :° bai: :.:011.;.': =~ ~~Jr:.:!:,:;"'~ are loc•W ID Ibo 13 southern .._P •u: Arm~ aaid pay;. $6.50 a month 1o, lht ..,. of tlU• "'"""" For 11NO"•v \llW. ;:8',u a~ "'7 1y mu. lawyer~ "We will be counllOI. whlli • -we '11ie men m oot leclmlcally co.,plete lnfonnUon call or write Th• Lfnd,., ~· Oftl ..,. , 1ay. t&klng otbtr actions . ., in the 41 ralltm coUntiN. • prllc;an but under tpecill CompanY,474, ~ l 'l)rSt.. COita Mesa, Calif. 92627 ""der apd Los Aqeles Superior Court '"Ibis 11 oisqilj U adlul• , 0 0•1i,e1.,.i. (714) 64U&6L • , , . • , Ill . ....,,.._. TIU !Jili'I Judge Jmy Pecht alaned the ""==========="'11"":'•••.il..:!:!:~~Qllrl~:! •W!!:tlmll~::· :__, order lfalnlt Matdunalten -Wednesday • ASST. JUVENILE BOX CARDS ; a gr n q 1 1 IJ I 15 "The C<mplalnts came to 111 very slowly al first beca111e of the penona1 embarr- o! cl~ who tliGiJ&bl the)' wore l)'pj>ed hy lbilo flnu," O'Brito llld. "RecenUy, the vol!UllO 1ll c:ompla!nll bao ln- aeued IQbltanU.ally." . 'Ille~ ;..era1•1 olllco cbarlld that Matdlmilen did not provide sdtnti!lc mal- clling hy compllerL O'Br1eo Aid allldavllJ IUb- mltied tn the M1tchma1ten caoe indlcale lbat women geoerally pay more !ban 1295 while min ustlally poy 110 to .-i. 'Ille attomey _.i•o ol· floe ' llYI !bat Moldlmalton ttin-ts !bat all cllenlo pay lbe Ume pricl. Cranston'• Vote Record AnaJ yzed W ASIDNGTON (UPI) Sen. Alan cramton (~a!U.), in bll llrst year In Ille Senate, voted to auppirt President Nlxtll more ollen !ban 1mn1r Republican pre 1 l dent I a I -Barry Goldwoter ol Arillll!a did. A Ra-re1eued hy Craneton'• omce Thurld., aaid • rec;nt analyll1 hy Co~ Quorlarly bad aliOW!l he bad -to IUJll)Orl N-m... o1ten !ban ho op-, '°"" Ille Pnoldenl tlurlntl tbe )'tlf. • '!lie analJl!s, lbe olaten.it llld, .-crlilaton bad \OOlid•wllh lliJOn 47 perceil o! Ille limo and ··-him 31 per<:e6t of lbe time. '!'he ··--hy M11rn1 I. Planclor. cru.u..•1 ..... ~allo cited • mode tithe -llokots JJIYID( a II -1 "prviUITUal aupport nttnc." . A TllOllllT FOi TOllAY , .. """ -• ••ff Ill , .. ......,. ·--fl' .. UINTID Al A PUii.ft llRVICI: IVIAT ~y tV1 a... lttellnt c.. MY .... .... .... ............ w. ...nn She had to coOk With flames. You don't. Now there are Medallion Electric Homa with all-electric kitchens. • Clean. Spotle•" Flamelcsl. No more by-products of combustion. No more ocrubbms soot and srime from walls and windows. - Electric kitchens my cooler, too. Electric heat goes into the food-not up the sides of the pots and pan1. In addition to an all-tlectrli: kitchtn, a Medallion Home can mean j!amtlcu heating, flamelcu water heating andflamtless air conditioning. • I, Ele.:tric living is the trend tocl~y. ln fact, more than•half of all homes and apartmcn11 built !art year in Ediaon service territory were Medallion. If you're planning to move, wouldn't a Medallion Electric Home be yoilr best buy I It isn't out·of·datt today. And it won'rbtobsolcte in th~ all-electric future. · Medallion Homu arc available in your Olea ";;them Call;;;,i~·Ed/son sCJi. For The Record Death Netlees OOll:MUEY N1ncl Gormtw. Att '4, "' Jt'JS lr1Y .._.ne, Cotti Meu. Cele ol dffltl, ,eb, 11. Sul"YIY9d lrl' husband, Pllt1ek Gorrn-trn 1(11'1, U.ncs 111111r; per..,fl. Mr. ~ MMI. 8. F. MtDonakl tr .. S.n ci. mlftltJ bf'Olllet, B. F. MeDonald Jr.1 sll!en. T1rl"Y Mn ThomPSOl'I 111d l1r- bflr1 DI Fr1nco. Servlcn ~1119 11 11111 lniedwM' Mortu•l"Y. LADlllOO P!Wlllf T~reu i..ot'klo. A9f 11, of IOI\~ N, lll'I .St., Montebello. Dirt "' dMth, F.ii.wrv '· Survive:! lrl' f1tl11'" Urry UdridD, Vhtwi moltter, Thelma Llld;ldo. Mont..00. Stt'Vkal. todtr. FrJm, W11tcffff ChlMI, 3 PM, wlll! F1tller MtEllemY, ~lhollC CheP'11!n. '1flc:llllMI. lnltrmt1nl, GDlld $l'ltl>Mrd Cemel11"Y, WHtctlff Cllfpel Morlv1rv, ~ Of. r1<:1on. SNYD•lt Gino l"r1nc:.ls $nvcltr. '" Hiii Or .• L•· 911n1 llMdl. O.le ol d"ll!, Jin. It. Survl'(ftl 11'1' motlM'r. Mn, JaM JKkllOll, LI Joil.-J !11fltr, Frtl'ICll Snl'lNf, Pllt1r- vl111. Mttnorlll urvkP wlM be Mid S1lurd1r. Febrv""' u, 2 ,.M, In ll'lt c1111rdl of our s1vlof' Ep!KDPel Clturd'I. P11cwvm1. c1111. McConnl<k L1111111 Bt&ell Mof'MTV1 Dl...eton. TOWIR Loi• TOWtT". 76$2 G1rfleld $1,, Hunllnffotl llNtl'I. SUrvl¥tld bf ton, lllcNord; tw6 llM11tllltno Melttl Jontt Ind loll TUrMr; 10 1r1nclchlldr.n •nd IS 1rHl-1r111dchll- drtn. S1rrille1, MondlV• I l"M , .. Femltr COlorltlf Fu1Wr1l Home. AllBIJCKLE a SON WeslellflM-.ry 11'1 E. 17111 111., C4i11a M--• BALTZ MOJITIJAlllD c....·ddilllr O&Mlll c.ta Mai MI WOI • BELL BROADWAY MOJITIJARY UI BNIMlway, ~ Men uwm ·•· DILDAY BROTllEllS Bullqlw Vollor M-, 11111-Blvd. Budopolladl IG·Tl'll • PACIFICVIEW MEMORIAL PARK ee-myeM...., SlltPad~llri .. Newport -· c.lllonla -• PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL Fl1lWIAL DOME '1111 Mu Ave. Watmlrttr --• SllEl'""-P~E~R MOJITIJARY '--llf.1111 Ila Clewule llMlllt • SMITBS' MOJITIJARY --llt. e .. .......,--\ ~-------·-·-· -------------------------------------------...,--~----------·-- -- • Ftld>f, .Ftbnwl 13, 1970 No Replacement . . • Sought by Board ). SANTA ANA -Dr. Robert Oronge Counly schools, ,.id Peterson, supetintendent or Thursday the county lJOard ot education will not seek: a replacement for board presi- dent Clay Mitchell until they have received his resignation. DAILY PILOT • ) Petty Crime Will -Earn Mlt<:bell, ot South Laguna, was appointed WedncsdaY-to- thc State Boord of Education HEW Jobs For Summer Due Soon computer facility. The eighl·slo ry lower will pro- vide classrooms,. labpratories and offices for UCJ's School o! E~gineering. Suspect Faces Fire Death Trial by Governor Reagan. Citations "I" ~lleve his appointment mu.st fU'st be confirmed by the state Senate," Peterson said. SANTA ANA -Orange "Officially we won't acl unlit County Sheriff James Mus~k we receive.his reslgnatlon. and Coon~ COunsel Adrt@ni "His selection to ser"ve on Kuyper said they~u_ld-starl-the state board Is certal:ttly a study on use o~ citations tor fine complement to our county misdemeanor cnmes today. board,'' Peterson added. Supervisor Robert Battin MltcheU, -wbose term was proposed ml s demeanor due to expire In June has violators such-as P,etty thieves · str\l"ed on 'the board 714 Years, and those .Who cause malicious According to dePuty cOubty mischief be given citations like counsel Ragnar Engebrelsen, traffic Uckel.S rather than be his position will be -filled by taken to jail. appointmenl of the board. If Battin suggested the county there was more than a year study the system which is cµr-left in his tenn of office, the renlly in use in San Francieco. counsel explained, a special "Out of 1,029 misdemeanor elochon would have to be held. citations in San Francisco only The 58-year-old Mltcbe'll, a Beck died in hospilal a few 120 failed to show up in court Republican and retired Air men lndicted by the Orange Graves Jr., 24, of l~ days after he was pulled, bad-and had I.Cl be arrested," he Force major succeeds County Grand Jury for the said. Dorman L. Commons · of· SANTA ANA -One of three Jan. 19 aloog wllh Robert Martha Ann Drive, Los Jy burned, from the blazing re-The syslem, he added, would Fullerton whose term on the murder of a Hollywood man Alamitos and an unidentified malns or the garage at help ease crowding in the jalls state board expired. TUSTIN _ Summe~in-left manacled in a blazing third man for the killing or Graves' home. Poli~ said he while reducing the cost o( ;=========='=========; garage has been ordered to Bruce Beck. 30, of Los was the victim of a drug ring handling minor crimes. Undei:. Andy's Fun term.hips and temporary jobs face Superior Court Judge the citation system. San Fran-in the U.S. Department. of James F. Judge. He Is being Angeles. The grand jury added dispute and had been man-cisco deputy sherilfs are Ask any kid. "Ask ~dy'' ls fun. Health, Education and Welfare held, in orange Cotmty Jail in charges of conspiracy, false ac led to a standpipe by (',raves allowed discretion in deciding Stt It Saturdays In tht DAILY SA College Accredited SANTA ANA -Santa Ana College has been approved ror a full five-year accreditation by Ule accrediUng comml~ion ror junior-· colleges: or the Western Association of SC.hoots aqd Colleges. 'l'he eight·m0mber t ea m made the accredilation follow- ing on ca mpus lnspecllon o( the school. Among the com· mittce's criteria were : ex- pansion or curricula, con- sistent evaluation of course objectives; !avorable reports of transrer stude'l'llB, active minority recruiting a n d response to communlty needs. W .. I rft:ll>ltl---111•1 WHhl IJll• to •Klil9119* Wftli""4 w*fl 141·J7t0 will be assigned soon and lieu of $50,000 bail. imprisonment robbery and and olhers pending "further whelhcr or not to issue the PILOT. Congressman Jame& B. UU -~Christo~~~p~her'.:._.!'_w~as~~in~m~·ct~ed~_l<ki~·dn~a~p~in~g~in~t~h~e~in~d~ic:tmlll".cn~t~.~~·~c~tion"':_.'~'-.....:_~----~tic~k~e:t.~B~a~tu~·n~said~·~·---~b,,==================~~~~~~~~~~~ (R-Tustin} is u,r g i n c ap-1- plicants to promptly submit their papers. Deadline for •application to the U.S. Civil · Service Com- misslon in Washington, D..C.,_ _ is Feb. ZS and the paperwork must be submitted tllro\lgh the college· or university. Positions are open to college jurliors and seniors with a 3.5 grade average, parUcular!f if they havt been active in atu- dent governnient, cam~ af- f aira and have an intereaL in government. Besides students, PMl specjalized HEW JOO. are avililable to gradualel and faculty members, but dtadllne for them is April 15, , with queries direclltl :-to-tli e Divialon of Personnel Opera.: . tiona. ' Extra Costs l For County Jail Asked SANTA ANA The new Orange County Jail, which . cost taxpayers IJ0.26 mllllan may cost the county an ad- ditional 18&1,639. The board of supervisors lll!t Feb. 25 at 11 a.m. for a bear: ing inin a claim submitted by F. E. Young COnstrucllon Co. ·for "extra compensaUon." The company which built the facility allege they were forc- ed Into prolonged eoo1truction by county "foot-dragging" on plan cliangea:. A spokesman for the San Diege>based fl.rm said dela)'I were also caU!ed by late delivery of jail drawings and delays by the Herrick Corp, in supplyins $751,000 W<>rth of ·hardware in the project. The Young CO. claim ,flftl . a $851,000 cost on the auerted late delivery. • I 1 • • • • . • • • • • ·~ • • . ••• ! .. ; ' • ' ' • ' Cancer Society Offers Booklet , New ·F·,10 in Chevron gasolines \: · · tu1.·n$' di•·ty "·e _ust into ' TUsTIN - A booklet describing the way• medlcel -ii au.mjltinc in diJcOver the myaterles of ~ virus anit Ill rote In caualng canoer ii being oUered Im of char~ by · the American Cancer Society'• or-eoou- ty J!rli>c:h. .. , · "Virules 11 a C-ol Cancer" la available to countJ ll!Udent. and olben with on Jn. temt In the oubject. J( con·be obtained at the O<anp County omces of the 10Ciety II 113141 Irvine Blvd. IJNIJ'ED SJ',AJ'ES NAJ'IOi,'A£ BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA I RANCH NOWOPIM SAlURDAYS t .. 1r.M. MCHl.-tMUIS. IM P.M. ..... ,. . ... , ... ,,,., ..... 11 ........... , s..c.-..... c;....-.................... E. H. UVAN ·good · clean • eage.,. I Now, researeh scientists at Standard Oil Company of CalifQmia have achieved themoet long awaited gasoline development in history!· It's a new gaao1ine additive-Formula F-310*.-that sharply reduces dirty exhaust from dirty engines. And helps toward cleaner ait . cat llCtj.llllulates mileege; depoaita build up. The am,ounts of gasoline and air fed into the engine get out of belanoo. Thia causes the engine to "run rich", wastinf gaeoline. AB a result, excessive unburned hydro- carbons and carbori monoxide exhaust einis-_ ' Testa conducted by Soott Research Laboratories, an independent rlWJcli group, showed that Chevron gasolinea with F -310reduced un· bumedbydrocarllonancl carbon monoxide exhaust ernissiQDll drama ti· eally. Clearly, this iS a major step towllf!)s solving one of todlly's most mgent problems. F-310 alto imino-mileage, becalll!e dirty exhaust is really wasted paoline. So F-310 literally keeps good mileage from going up in smoke. sions go into the air. F-310 can' correet this rlaevran condition. Just six t.anksful can do the job, "'91 . Formula F-3~0, a ~tent.eel gaaoline additive, is now available in all three grades of Chevron gasolines at all Chevron Dealers Standard Stations in the g1Wter lAl8' Angeles area and southward. AB soon • additiol\ll lllPPlies are available, w'e'll be introducing this remarkable I' Haw does an engine produce dirty exhaust in the first place? AB a . development elsewhere througbqut the West. ... .,.,,, "-''-' ,_ '"'"'-........... ttUlllw. ' ' ( • ' ' Chevron with F-310. There isn't a car on the road that shouldn't be usingit STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CA• IFORNIA j • · .. • ' ' ' . i r. E .. i I ~~-----~---------~----~----~---------'•:.... _____ _:. ________ _ ...... ~ ... ~..-..-~~~~~~~~~ ..... -.~'*'-""~~~ ...... ,~~~~~ ... ;;cw ~ ~"-'"""~,--:.~.'!"::="" ............................ ..,.., ............................................................................................ "! .. Ill"""""""""""" .. • l_f . llAl\V !'!~OT 'S ,,,.,, ,..._ u, 1'70 ' LllOAL NO'l'ICE LEGAL Nlri'ki 0 York Stock List l \ , I ' • . rtiinwy .. 1970 . . OAILV PILOT • BALTIMORE (UPI) Hebert Bearman has sued the Wall Street finn of Francis I. Dupont Co. and three of its general partners for '500,000 charging he sulfered large losses because Dupont toot-II months to complete an ex- change or Jl,2"5 shares or Seeburg Corp. stock he owned for stock of Commonwealth United Corp. of Los Angeles. He said Dupont registered the Commonwealth United sha res in its name instead of delivering them, then sold them short for the account of ' another customer. TOKYO (UPI) -Nagase & Co. of Osaka, Japan, an- noonced it has oblaintd a license to make General Eltc· trlc's LeXllll polycarbonate transparent glazing sheet and structural plastic for the Japanese market CHICAGO (UPI) -Borg· Warner Corp. announced it will cease making automatic transmissions for ·American ' ~1oton Corp. after the 1971 model year. AMC has decided ' to buy automati c transmissions from another r maker after that. Borg· Warner said. Reinecke Talk Slated l.t. Governor Ed Reinecke wlll be keyno1t•spedl!r at Ille 18th annual OTlllP County Management Conference to be held S.llU'day momlng. Feb, 21 al Cal1fomla St.ate College, tullerton. JU! topie 'Ifill be built around the 1970 conlerence t hemt. ;,Keys to Achievement in Pi1nnagement. '' . The conference, sponsored by lhe Orange C o u n t y Chamber ot Commettt. will reature 10 workshops on topics related to this yeJr 's U1~me. lrviue FiJ'Ill Win Sears Joh A $1.8 mUllon dollM con· ~ tract for iMl311atlon o f hell.Ina, ventilation and fire protect.Ion systems In 016 Sein Dtpl.rtmtJ'rt S \ o r e .t -rq;o..i beodquartm under construction in Alhlm- bra, bu ~ •warded to the UoJvt~l1 litec:banicAI and Eiialneer"" Conlrlclon GI 1"111e • ' ! ' I \ I ' i 1 ' ' . TH:IS .IS . If.IE ' ALL REMAINING '69's MUST GO! I THERE ARE ONLY 11 '691'1 LEF'r IN STOCK ANO THEY MUST GO IMMEOIATEL Y. ALL ARE FULLY EQUIPPED INCLUDING AIR CONDITIONING ANO ALL HAVE LOW MfLEAGEI I 69 E.?~~t·~~~Oll~UPREME $294398 I 69 -E?~g~~ • .,~UPR-EME $2·96243 I 69 E?~~t~~~,,.~UPREME $297748 '69 CUTLASS "S" $3.02048 1 DR. HARDTOP s.,;.1 # llli1797Zl1Sl 45 '69 CUTLASS "S" _$_302· 048 1 DR. HARDTOP s.,;.1 # JJ61797Zl15150 -,--'..COTLASS •. ~'S".--$...-3---=o=-=2=-=o:-=48 '6 1 PR. HARDTOP t-• • • ~ , • s .. i1l # llb1797Il15Sl 6~~·---~"-'--~~ -,,-,-C.UTLASS-"S" s304· 648 1 DR. HARDTOP S1tri1I # llllol797Zl111i16<.,,-· ---~-'--..--,,--.... -,,-,~CUTLASS "S." $3·. ·3· 21.03 "1 DR, HARDTOP ----CS1ri1tl # l41l99Zl1211il . , '69 ROtALE $.3904·'21 1 DR. HARDTOP Seri1I-# 36fi479Cll0Sl1 ----·'69 ROYALE $386650 1 DR. HARDTOP Seri1t # l 66479CI 10214 '69 DELTA 88 $36.~o·. 5s~ CUSTOM 2 DR. HARDTOP S1ri1I # l 64J79Zlll14l '70 G.M.c. 3/4°T ON PICKUP. CAMPER EQUIPPID Radio, heater, heavy duty ·springs, stabillier, •leaf suspehsion, power- brakes, 750 x 16 8 ply tires, split rims, 350 V8,.AT400 automatic, we1:t coast mirrors, step bumper, beautiful sunlight .yellow with black d• luxe interior. Serial :tZ257014. $ 195 · 1 . ... COSTA . . ' .MESA '62 CHEVROLET IMl'ALA $288 2 Or. H.T. Alllomflk . VI, powl'I" 1lttrll\O. I T.SUHJI ' • '68 DODGE CORONET 5.00 ' V•. '"" "-· '"-"'' $1988 c-fllorti1>$1. PQMr 11ttr"'9, · re<1io, 11t11rer, wtlif1W81t tlr11o, .. 1ny1 rur1, 11n1ec1 91au . Pfl.11 m.nr 111r11. VTT 41J. ' '66 PLYMOUTH VALIANT j..C11 ~ l!,tlD .. !fin.., 9<-"'1 ~8 88 pl111 lu•~•rl RT T IOl. "68 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill v• ••• '""'· '""" "'' f 17 88 cDl'dltillnlng. """"" 1tfftlnt. · r.clio, llfftl'I", ""'11-w !Ir•, , llnltd 9la11, POWW dlK, br•k· a , (VXE olJll '66 CORVAIR MO,aA AlllD. lrlfll., 11'10I', tlr COl'I· $788 dltlonlng, r.cllo, l!fft:i; whH• -11 ,llrirs, t!n1.cl pf' . llh\'4 .... Qlnelltlen, y \": ~ ' ' '66 CADluAC·SEDAN DE VILLE V4 ·~ '"M; <K~ '{;$2588 condUIDning, 11111 po ... , PO ::'=··~~~1:::; - ..,,i., r.clfo, ""'~'· ·""'"•· • .... u ttrt'S, tlnttd 91.11 ..... 11H1 ' ' co..-eri. ROM ~ . • '65 CADILLAC CPE. DE VILLE Y• ... "'M ; <K~ •" $ 218 8 c.....in~lnQ. 11111• ~. PO"'· . "er lift!' lllf, po-(disc) bra- ka, PO••' wlncklln, PO-Stlll1 flHllo, htt!tr, ..... lttWlll tlrt1, ·tln!..i 91111, wllHI co--' 11"1. Whi't 1 b\rf! H9L '6f,, '67. RAMBLER AMBASSADOR V4 ""'° .,,,,: <k~' w . $1 s 88 condl!IDnlng. PO...,. lltt..... ' r.-lio.,hHll'I". TOP OI' tr.. R•m-'bl tr lmt; VFB" '9f. • ' 1 , 1 '67 THUNDERBiRD ' ·~ ... '""'· "'~' .. $1988 cOl!dll':tci.ng, PO""'' 1tffrin,, • "°'"' d llrtkn. rlldio, hfft. •<. ""'ll•llf•ll· u .. n. tinted 91111. wllttl COVl fl, Lv•ury pka, TYV 7.W. '66 MUSTANG. ' • V .... 11111 SPl>tl1 c••. SJY ..... $1388 ll:IGlo a, hHltr. wlll'tt •kit -11 fff••· • ' • ' '66 RAMBLER AMERICAN . 440 '65 CAD. SED. DE .VILLE $7 88 v• ••• "-· '"~"' $1988 1 Dll:. H.T. Aul• lrel\I., Blt «llldllloonlng, power •le<"ring. "' .......... 11UA ors. l)llMr fdlKl br•kn. pOWet .,.ltldOwJ, po....->ello, radto, hHter. whlttw1U tires. vlnrl roof, tlnlell gl•u. wheel co"· er1. ZAG '411 '66 JEEI' WAGONEER ' '.62 FALCON 2 DOOR 4-WH••L DlllV• . $13 50 'cyt .. 1lk.k shill, •edio, h~•l· $488 el". ll:NI 90QO l"lnU•)(".(_•hOf\, ' Cyl .• 4 •PHd, for Inc """"" FXD llO. lluffl OTW Ml . '65 DODGE 'z DR. H.T. '68 OLDSMOBILE 2 DR. H.T. VI, tv!O. trlM., redllo. htUtr, $1088 V•.•••"•"'·'•"~''" $2188 'wlllltw•ll ttr'"' llnltd gi.01. <Olldlllonlng, pcl'Wff" lte<"dng, PFA 7'2 _,_ b!'"tkn, r.oio, hNrer. WXE :W. . '68 OLDS 98 4 DOOR '67 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT '"" ~-·~ .. ,~. ''$ 2 99 5 vo .• -~ ·~· """£$2388 cooclfflllnlng, uceu.,,, c-~ -11ew1ll Urn, ~ whetil drlv llM. (XSPWll , d1>1I llnk1, lrt .. tftop, bvckel 1et1tt. /UtlG7~71 ... '65 BUICK SKYLARK CONY. · '62 OLDS 88 4 DOOR $988 $3-88 VI, 1111a. trtl'll., "°""tr llffr-A111omat1c, VI, redllo. Gol>d Ing, .,..,.., (cllocl llrlkta. r•· condlllon. (POC.671) dlo, M11tr, """1'-11 tlr .. , tlnttd 91,iu. XttM W - '66 FOltD RANCH WAGON ' '66 OLDS 98 LUXURY SEDAN .... ,. "~ <K~· ;,, $12 88 '"" ~-. "' , .. ,,~... $199 5 (OlldltlOnlng, r.cllo, ht1t1r. Wllll•-h llrn. tinted gl•11. • ' Y1111 Mvt tf •et lhf1 iii'it:-· SVY 115 , , . (797AKH) '64 FORD T -BIRD '67 CHEVROLET .IMPALA "· .,. ·-· '"~' .,, $12 88 ' ~. "·'· ....... ~~ . $149 5 COO'ldlllllnlng, powtr Httrlng, PO-(dlK) brtkft, POWU brtka .rMlll. T~p ~lion, ' .,.lnc!DWI, pOWll' nth, rl<lill. • CUOTUO htelff, wtll!IWttl tlr11, tln!td ' 1 9!1u, QXU '41 . '64 FORD l'ICKUI' '64 OLDS F-85 ..• $8 88. . $688 \IL • 1petd. J177'C Autom.tk., PO ... , •leeri1>$1, PO....,r 11r1kn, v•. r.oio, !«DMk!J . ' . . . '65· OLDS VISTA CRUISER '65 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL. -" ... "~' <K~, $168•8 \I~. 1u1o. tr•ni, ftc'°ry air $988 •Ir ~!tlonlno. r..ii., -· • ' -.;onc:tlllonlno, full _,, <I· wtllf'tw91t tlrn, tinl.-1 9l•n. • d'D. ""'"" wtt11 1 sle111 PKZ• lK • . 1 . aE 1IO. . . . ' . ;; '67 PONTIAC BONNEVll.:LE · '61 T-BIRD 2 DR. H.T . ' ~. "' v• '"" """·· $1388 $488 l1c1W, 1lr condllloonlntJ, lull , v ... , avro. lr1m .• power sterr. ,,...,... "'""' Jfff<'lng, POW-Ing, "°"''' brtkn, -r ... 1 ... tt fdltcl ... llt:a, POW wl,.. ~. red>o, l>elltt". (;HJ 111. ~. -r llUIS. rl<li._ llHI• , ti", wlllfftlf11 firn, Ylr!yt ...,., ttntw oi.H, TXU 151 Remember, "WE A R E /\'El'l"r SATISFIED fjNTIL YOU A R E" 1850 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 540-8881 • G. M. C~ TRUCKS -. • 540-8881 ------------·--------------~-----~---------, -... -------- Rqstic. a dobe veranda under .+~e shade of pepper trees bids bienvenidos. amigos. • f ' 1 DEAR. ANN LANDERS : I met a 11!!1 about a year ago. I waa 21. We fell i,n loVe ~ I asked her to marry me, 1. made ll &ar I'd' have to :riniah school f_1rsk ,She agree4 to "l•it. ·For ~o mon01s .~e bpd a beauUruJ love ''affair. • Last fall the girl enrolled jn college and now is living away from home. She says lhe'loves me and is waiUng for me -but ~exactly. By:thnt she 'means she is hav~ Ing "ftee 111ex11 withr-several .boys but lbt11S not emot1onaJly invoJved with any ol. them. When I ask) why she does this al)e~says ahe ·needs to learo jhe difference bet~~ unoommited sex and mea ningful •.11111! alao·iaoiel& the only.way ihe.<an le&111 tt Ollr loYO Is teat la l>Y comparing .. •""1• 1"1tn11n 11. Im ..... IJ ) . i ; It with other kfnd&.ol love. 11 belle.Ve it she i:;eally ·loved me 1be wauldfl't need all this e~entatlon. Furthermore, 1 don't undentand "free se.z." Please explain lt? -BIG Q bEAll' Q.: Tliereit no 11cll tblng u "lree Kt.'' Evtrytldag bu a. Price nd ,...la H e...,Uoo. n..,rlco'VOUR Jlf<l mlslll Uvt to 1'01 II !lie Ion ol I 7'"1111 • -·- . . • • • • :Days _of .. Dons Relived at Ef Toro. . ..~ -' . : ' ' , ly llAttlARA DUARTE i °' .. Dll¥ , ..... ,, , Serrano ACletJtii• · 110.year-old segment of ,.dy Calij~ history, sita atop a hillOck ov~l~ groves of eucalyptu_s anllorang~' • Locai-t "'bf.l~ BJ ~Toro Creek, it rests Jn UJt·#l'LY. -~shad! of a hill which 1' vlMble from •the covered veranda. The hill,, alOQ with much of the , Ia"nd around 1:i ~wdWtdUded th folklore as taboo · • lj' -~i indiw who believed It to be the ·' lioaie'Of tbe Gods. ' , , With. Jilatorlbal · &l.tes .rapidly· dlsap- ·pearjl)g ._ 11* ,.UJe wheels of progresst ;• ~ r-.' ,. .. ~ ownen ot lhe adobe will open the aiter(o!U[e~ptblic the' first Sunday of each ' monfJi.~g March 1 from noon until 4 p.m.: .• t. . ,. . overwhelm~ by,tht!:/"5ponse of'a re-,...,;;~ ~· which • .drew more lhan ' • --:li ., • • 850 pi;aons,· Occldental 'Petroleum Land and·,~'~ Co'fl?>raUOn, developers of ~t ~k•; F.oresl. felt the laodffiai't should, be , .vallable to those in· teresled 'ln early ~alifornia history. ,.. . .. ACcQl:ding to .James Sleeper, author and hiatofian, the adobe was constructed as one of the ·residences of Don Jose Ser· rano, an early land grant owner. A poor businessman, he lost his property as lax· ea and . interest mounted and ranch in· cOme1dWindleO. · The hoflle Was purchased by Bostonian Dwigfit ~ting at an undisclosed sum. The new °"1JerS restored its rotting rQOf and solct'the structure to the Baker fami· 1y who, fUmlsbed the adobe wl\h a eo:J- lectlon of antiques, icons. statuary~ pain- tings and furniture refletUng the past. The ·adobe•s history dates' back to days when SJn Juanenos Indiana roamed the h!lls of. El Toro: California had been in the Union for 10 years, Abraham Lincoln wu President, and the transcontinental railroad was still some nlne ye'arS away. ·, , Though the adobe ls safeguarded today by a modem burglar proof system, the grounds still retain a rustic charm rem!ru.Cent ol days past, heightened by the n"5talg!c soundl of crickets, !'hirJ>int " FORMl.R STA,LE-ln years P,.st tpis mastft bedroom ser.ved-as a- stable. . Orlglpal beam- ed ceiling still is. vis- ible. . • ' . J .. • of birds or the tone bowl of a coyote. Huge pepPE:f trees imported from Peru shade a· veranda decorated with deer antlers and potted plants. AIQllg the side or the adobe stands a huge bird of paradise plant towering to a height of 20 feet, and down the hill are· the adobe residences Of car~kers. · Three. bO<I~ house low;·~ bed• and antique varilties, ·towel racks and wooden pegs tn 11eu of .closets. The large llViftg roornJa_~ominated by the·~b'al heaUng unit a large fireplace decorated by steer hOrns~ Tc> the rear of the adobe is a formal dining room with hand-carved table and high-backed chain, and In the whlg off a new kitchen is a small room which served as the {>onts·orfice and den. The interior ot the adobe alway1 " cool by \'111U• of 18 inch l!llck walls arid the '"""'' · dlrt Doors have been .. J'.<Placed with Irregular red bricks worn by a cen- tury of footsteps. A hack porch sl0pes ~Ith· the rayaps of time, once the buslest section of the 'house where:a leah-to aet'ved as~tDe'cOok· lng area. 'Thooe Interested l•'the -moOthly _. houses should take the · Sin l>lqo ~eeway 'to the El Toro off ramp and head toward the ~ to Tra~o Road where you, turnJetl and tben \lft,a left turn at the firlll ~dnvewa)'.. • • • , I I- ~ I • ~- DAILY PILOT rtld11, FtbnwJ u, lt70 DON'T MISS THE BUS -Waiting for transporta· tion which will take them to the new Pasadena Art Museum are (left to right) Mrs. Walter Janssen, Mrs. Lyman D. LaTourrette and hirs. James R. Solum (seated). Association Members Touring New Museum lt'1 a abort month but a busy one for member1 of the HunUllgton Harbour A r t AssoclaUon. Members and guests will ho.rd a chartered bus at 10 •.m. TueJday, Feb. 17, for a trip to the Pasadena Art Museum where they will view the works or Craig Kauffman, Richard Serra and Frank Uoyd Wrlghl's J a p an e s e prlnta. _ tlnue through Friday. P.farch 8, and the winner will be An· nounei!d during a general meeting Frklay. P.tarch 13. ~ The association also Is con· ducting a silent auction of a watercolor by Roger Amutrong, Laguna Beach artist. The auction began last Sunday in the Beach Club and will continue lbrough Satur- day, Feb. 28. Parents Announce Betrothal A champap dinner party In the Balboa Bay Club was the aettln1 for the betrothal anno\1110ement of D a r I e n e Darensburg and Arthur A., C..lello. Congratulating t~ couple, who wlll be married In Sep- tember, were rtlaUvu and family friends. ~isl Dartn1bur1, daughter of Mr.. ~ Mrs. Charles W, _ ' Dartn:1bu.r1 of O own e y, gradua~ from Plus X !Ugh SCbool, I>Owney. Her fiance, aao of Mr. and l\IJ:l, ArtJwr R Costello .of . l.Jdo rtale., la an alumnus of Downey High School and wv• ."2 with tht Marine Corpa.. •Currently. he Ls completing his itudles at Orange Co.a 1 t eo11e1e. President Pays Visit . Coast Women's Club will gather at noon Tuesday, Feb. 17, for lunch in the Mesa Verde Country Club. At 11 a.m. the business por· tion ol the meeting will be handled by Mrs. Jack Hart. president Paying an ofHclal visit will be Mrs. JameJ McCalla, Or an g e District, California FederaUon of \Vomen 's Clubs presiden t Newport Roost Entertained The "Swinging D o'l 11 es'' Jamboree Band will be on hand to entertain members of the Newport Beach Nlaht Owls, Hoot 'n Holler Roost. Music will echo throughoUt the Senior Cttlzens Recreatlon Center, Newport Beach on Sunday, Feb. 15, at 2 p.m. Mrs. Clarence Rains and her committee will serve refreshments. O vereaten Guesb are welcome to at· lend Overeaten Anonymous e\'ery 1'tmday at 8 p.m. in West.minster. IT'S THEIR DISH -Politics wlQ be lbe "In" topic of lbe Huntington Beach League of \Vomen Voters. Preparing to welcome prospective members at a coffee are (left l<l right) Mrs. Richard Langley, Mrs. Richard Miller and Mrs. George Williams. • Prospectives Invited League Fills the Cup her al 847·3906 fof additional ticket informalion may be ob- infonnation. tained by calling Mn. Jooe1, Purpose Of the organize· 842-2803, Snacks and dips wlll National Chairman Jimmy 'Durante~amed Jimmy Durante bas been named national chairman cf the lll'IO Freedom Rol~ll. SpolllOred by the FreedOIII$ Foundation at VaUey Forge. Roll.Call will be observed Sunday, Feb. l5 through S.U.rday, Feb. 28, accordi\1g to Mn. Louia L. Curtis, preal· dent of the orana:e. Qgunty Women 's Chapter of Freedoms Foundation. Or. Kenneth Well&, foun- dation president. aald the purpose of the lOlb aMual Roll-Call ls "to a w a k e n Americans to the value of self- sacrifice a n d mDORlfbll personal conduct" so lhat our "democratic proctue1 thtll prevail and grow." Established 20 ye.ar1 aao. the foundation ii a noriprofll, n o n P arU.aan, non.eclarten educational or&aniJaUon dedl· cated to encourage understand- ing and supPQrt of American ideals.._ -A. -Amoog Ro_ll-wll n1Uonal chairmen were Gen. owtght Eisenhower •• Altronaut John Glenn, Walt Disney and Mias Anita Bryant. Durante also was a 1967 recipient of a Freedoms FoundaUon 1ward. Women who a"-old enough to vote also are old enough to join !:he . League of Women Voters, so Huntington Beach residents are invited to attend a membenihlp co(fee at fo a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 17, In the home of Mrs. Richard Langley. • lion ls to PfOmote poliUcal Jhe;:co;nt~ri~bu~ted~b~y~e~a~ch~le~ag~u:•L_~~~~~~~~~~!ll~~~~~=--responsibility through in· 1. member alCending the party. formed and ·active parlicipa· tion In government. League board members will be on hand to chat wltb area women who are interested in. learning more of the group's programs in legislative study and acUon. Mrs. George Wlllam1, mem- bership chainnan, stated that league activities are non- partisan and so varied that there is something or interest for everyone,· and women who are interested in attending membenhip ~fees may call Tak.Ing a champagne break In a crowded calendar, the Huntington Belch league will gather onslage al the Hun· ting ton Beach ' Playhouse Sun- day. Feb. 15, for a performance or "The Impossi· ble Years." Following the final curtain league memben and guests will toast • ' h I p p y an- niversa ry" honoring the 50th year or the national organiza- llon. Mr5. Joe Karbo and Mrs. Benjamin Jonell are i n charge of reterVations a n d !QlOW llNWOb' ' i wn:::o MW;•n• ,,,QNo"W'W\W&"' •iWi J j OPEN DAILY 10 TO 10 SUNDAY 10 TO 7 c::m .--t:" ._ .... ,,_'-' ___ .. __ ~_ ... FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY FEB.13 & 14 Artist . Demonstrating The bus will leave from the Bead1 Club ind return the traveler& thtre a t ap- proximately 2:30 p.m. Price of the excursion is $4.50, and r:eservatlons may. be made by conlacting Mr11. Robert Knauf or Mrs. Lewis Zimmerman. Entries in an emblem design contest are being accepted by Mrs. Don Reeves. Open to ·anyone, the contest will con- ~1rs. Esther Denwar will begin tapestry cl.uses between 10 a.m. and noon Tueaday, Feb. 2f, and later lo the spring there will be another series of classes conducted · by Mrs. Helen Richards. Additional In- formation regarding t h e classes may be obtained by calling Mrs. Reeves. Membership in the asaocla· Uon is open to all Huntington Harbour women interested in art Sea Moods Captuied '\ '. St. Valentine's Day Loved and Denounced By JOAN HANAUER hamper, doing the dinner NEW YORK (UPI) -One dtabes, wlpl!11 off counten and cleaning ranae and oven. ol the more subtle differences bet\\•een the sexes 11 that -Give her flowers and/or women like st. ValenUne's t•ndy -plus. Flowers and Day and men denounce it. candy alone are too obviously They say denounce, but have last minute Ile.ins .. But if ac· you ever Sttn a man renounce companied by a furmy -no~ a gaily wrapped box of fine too funny -Poem or husband- cigar&, or a new puller, or made valentine card -they whatever? sttow a pertOnal touch. And For men who have managed don't buy her candy if she is to forget that thl1 manth Fri-dieting. The technique of capt\ifing the sta on canvas will be demonstrated for members and i\]eJt.s when \he Fotmtaln Valley Art.a Associltion meets at 7:30 p.m. Moriday, Feb. 16, in the cominunity center. Miss Joyce Clark, an in- structor in the Huntington Buch Art Gallery, will paint a seucape which will be award- ed the wlnner of a drawln&. A Lljuna Beach realdeiil, Mlss Clark is a commercial artlat, mosaic muralist and batik designer. She received her trainin& at Whlttler and UCLA and wu amon1 1500 artists selected from among 6000 to be featured in the flrat anual Art USA '58 exhibit In New York. Film Benefit Her palnUnga art being reproduced.in It tho graph throughout the U.S. Among her ;works are four tower murals ilt Laguna Hills: · a mosaic facede on St. Francis Hospital; Lynwood: fo ur murall in the Laguna Beach CoogregaUanal Oturch, and a golden mosaic cross In the Kaanapall Community Center, Maul, Hawall. The meeting is open to the public and all area artists arc cond and ft:Jirth Mocday, and Mn. Bryan FlyM, 847-6935, -may be called for additional information. The chorus now is In rebeanal for a Gay Nineties Review to be presented this spring. It meets each Thurs- day at 6: IS p.m. in the high school. Anyone interested in jolnlng this group may contact llonald Sauter, 847-2389. Art for Show invited to auend and bring a painting foi judging. A cash prize will be awarded the fii'sl place winner, and addltlonal · Paintings and graphics by information may be obtained Jean Ames will be displayed by calling Mrs. Joseph Gies. r-.1ondaY> Feb. 16 through lng, 96U985. . ~1arch in the Coffee Garden SUtchery work.shops ar e Gallery in Corona de! Mar. being conducted each \Ved· The gallery. span sored by nesday al-8 p.m. by Mrs. lhe Newport llarbor Service Robert Mackie, who may be League, Is open from 10:30 dliy the 13th Is followed by ~ampape always t 1 Saturday, St. Valenllne'a Day, good, particularly from the here are some suafesUons for beer-and-prtbel1 type man last mJnute ••gifts' that may who UJUally calls it hl&h-Prlc- appease your household gOO-ed ginger ale. Harbor Reform Temple 's reached at 847-1953. The a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday educaUonal program w l l t,-,;;wr!;;;;;;ter;;;;;;s;;' ;;gro;;;;;;up;;;;m;;e;;eta;;;;t;;he;;;;sc-;;;;;;;;t;;hr;;ou;;gi;;h;;S;;a;;tu;;r;;da;iy;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I bene.nt from a premlerell dess. -Anything for the bOUJe, as perform~ o f "Mldnl&hl Cowboy" Tuaday, Feb. 17. at I p.m. in the Port ,Theater, Corona de) Mar. Tickets will be: $3.50 and may be purchased at the box office. 1'he trick Is to remember Jong as It ls impract.lcal. The that your 1tft l)ITDbollus the Jut thin& she wantt ii a year's way in which you 1181! her. If supply Of disposable vaecuum you give s o m e t h I n g cleaner bags. A crystal box, glamorous, abe feels you think for which you See n o that's wha\ 1he ll. U you give particular Ule, m!sbt be great, ofte of tholo Items thal help or a alamoroualy decorated --DG · M r wilh the houaework. she feels mi<ror. s eehng you picture her aa a Uv.e-ln Little l.hiDge mean a lot, too. dearung woman. You can wrJte her a "malih-Santa Ana-Newport Chapter -Hire a babysitter and take note" to sli p. beside her of Delta Gamma Alumnae will t.he Wife out on the town. 1'he breakfast plate. You can write gather at 8 p.rp. Tuesday, dlHlculty may be. In finding a "I Jove yeu1' on the bathroom Feb. 17, In the Newport Beach blbysUt.er, but your chances mirror -but for pity's sake, home of Mrs. Gordon Morrow are better late than early . The use something that wipes off for a general b u 1 l n -e s s teenage g I r I s In the easily. meeting. neighborhood who, two weeks jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij ago, were turning down jobs In ~· of a date, may have re- malhtd unasked -and sud- denly av1J11ble. _.Jf you manage the )lbJllUer. make a poln! ol ...,,., ..... the kind ol d!Mtl' libe U.. bdl. If Ille bu a )'tn for am-food and you h.ite It, alJ • the belter. Thttt'I ...., like sacrlOc. for """°"' oil the wllely evil ..,.. -All the teenage Cirls do fioft dalel and )'OU can't pl a .....,...WT You might offer to tab a.er all the woman'• -In tht houoe for a day, hot do It her WI,)'. That muns nol onb' dolllt the chom, bul detnl• up afklnrJrd, throw.. Ina the 'Chllclren'• cll>lhu In the ' I I. YOUNG SET NURSERY SCHOOL OPIN 7 DAYS A WEEK- 6:30 UNTIL 9 P.M. NEW CLASSES PORMING. TRANSPORTATIDN PURNISHED. Full or part lime and after o<:hool care- Planned prolesalonal supervision -n .. duced rales Jor i or more. CALL 534-1292 • • ~~ ~ ... ~~(j ~ "!" ~"' o~ ~ \ I SHAMPOO & STYLE _ .. 311a BY STYLIST ........................ :: ... 4~ COIFFEUR de LIDO -CAROL CLAIRE. MANAGER lJH VIA LIDO-NIWPORT DACH 673·6190 ,......,.. live Delplllo ••-•I " Wrinkle Resistant! Girls' Slacks In Many Colors 77c Polished cotton and Avril rayon slacks with elastic back. Colors include blue, inai ze and others. Siz~ 7-14. Charge !ti Oron,. I Wtttml".,_' I Bueno Pork I H. l••"" .. Tift h.tri M. .. Mc,.... LM..M .t V.tt.y View 11SS N. ,_... 1Sf'° ...... ....._ SllS Lift~ A--·""' ._.. .... l ....... .. , .... ... CootaM... "''*-th4. .. Wlllttl 2200 Metht MN. Sant. Ana .. ..., St, .. lthW 1400 "'""" ,,,_ Pi..t\He et Yertle UMe ttto N, """"* ,t,.., .. Ho:rC?scope: .. Rom~nti·c Eve·nin~ Prevails' SATURDAY you need. Don't be deceived which to1>e proud. Act like withmate,par1ner. prlvacy -upaodooldeu. FEBRUARY 14 by a Gloomy Gus. you know lt without being ar. SAGmARJW (i'/ov. 22. PISCES (Feb. !&-Mardi II): GEMINI I May 21.Juno 20 )1 roganl. Doc. 21): Flnd out tho'""' of SJJOl!Jibt oo ptOperly, thlnp By SYDNEY OMARR TEEN DATING lllNTSo RompUe even.Ing -St. Valentine , atmo1phe_re prevai l s, with Gemini 1poWgllted .. Continue to take inltl!Uve, VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. ;2): events. GatMr infonna~on. of value ln tbe home. Build on T&am up with Taurus in· Accent on pel'90n81 achiev~ · ~ lid bait Be ol dividual. Stress creativity, ment. You 'ye asked for cer· See.~ legal a1d If neceuary. 80 • ••art cons1ructive use o f im· t a I n o p p o r tu n i t t e 1 , Giv~ ~ult play to intellectual detaU.1, fine lJl'il'lt. Don't. sign agination. Superiors are im· responsibilities. Now yoo curtOSJty. Quiet approach gets pe~ra wrtil you Bet expert pressed and you are given receive them. Adhere to your besttresultt. opin1oo. meaningful compliment. own style for greiltest success. CAPlllCORN (Dec. ~an. ARIES tMarch 21-April 19): Short journey on behalf or family is indicated. Be con- siderate or relative who may appear to be demanding. Situation is but temporary. Strive for hannony in the home. TAURUS tApril 2Q..1.1ay 20 ): MoneY. comes your way. This is another way of say_mg funds are avall~ble. Go after what CANCER (June 21.July 22 ): LIBRA (Sept. 2U)ct, 22): .19): Give atlentlon , to you• Bchind·scenes actlvlty em· Sl.rOng accent on travel, you own well-being. Don t ,fll'mll phaslzed ; a c 1 a nd est In e can successruny d1ssemlnate ~ers to t~pass oO your meeting could be feal.ured. Views. Don't hold back. The prtv~te alfBJrs. Inc I~ des Protect your privacy, Don't sky Is the; limit if you so relatives who ins.I.st, CAJOie or tell ·all to any and all. Key is permlt it. even threaten. to be discreet. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. Zl): AQUARIUS (Jan. 21>-Feb. LEO (July 7J..Aug. 22): You You delve into matters which 11)'. Spotlight on relations with are stimul ated by new friends, _~ad' been h~etic:ally sealed, children. You can. be ~~tive cxpeMences. Stress ortainallty, Answers are forthcoming and and have fun. Avoid being tied independence. Build & e If. could prove profitable. Be down with f o o 11 ab com· esteem. You have much of perslstt!nt. Discuss money miltnenb. Get some needed .·:;~·, ~·:.· I , • 'i ,. , •'/ '. I , ·.'.<f •• , ;!' • ' • ' " "' ,. .. '.· .. -·-·;~.·;. ... • ' . ···f'"" .·· ' .. ,,-.i, ·: •. ~-" -~ .~· '\ . ·,\ . ·~ .~:-} . .., , .. - IF TODAY' IS YO U R BIRTllDAY you are dynamic, a SoOd ·rep0rter, a natural teadler 111111-attradlve to op- poo11e .... Some lmportanl cban.a:•, featuring leave.I, may be upcoming. · ------·~- frldly, FtbMrJ 13, 1970 DAILY PILOT J IS Double Ring Rites Pair Exchange Vows x.il!ryn Calabme became ~ Oumll WU uUd It the brtde el Jameo Oumll ctur• ltaiiil u lloM1iWI. u....,. . , 1111 m,mtnr, rllu· In lbe Flral • wer. ,nmmy and KIMY Folllr, Ammbly ol God Churcli,-Sao-J.Of/¥ Cid Jimmy .c:.iur.. ta Alla. , and Clwla Chop. The Rtv. H. S. Pbllllps Of· The J>ride Is a gradualo ti ficlaled during lbe double ring Santa Ana H11h School ...i nuptials. her ltU&band ti n 1•umaua ti PM'Oftb of lbe bridal couple Garden Gro .. High Sdlool. are Mr. and Mrs.' Sam The newlyftdl will relide tn Catabreoe of SaiU ·Alla .and Corona. Mnc Ernell FolllJ ol c..ta ·Mesa and Jack Durnil of Santa Ana. ·OC Single B.es MRS. JAMES DURNIL February Bride Sandy Calabrese was maid of honor and Pam and Lisa McC,all w o r e bridesmaid!. Lori Marshall · and Danny Calabrese were flower girl and rill{! bearer. The -and fourth Jl'rl.. day of tho monlh Onnae County SJll{!le Bea plber 1n Pioneer Town, Santa Ana.: AcUvtties begin at I p.m. Regular •493 SAVE $. '94! Ineludes ••• triplil dresser ha•e, framed plate g1a5, mirror and choice of 78-in. or (i(l.in. crown •pindle beadboud. • Magterf ully crafted of the finest solid oaband oakveneers blend• ed wiLh other select hardwoods. Lightly distreued, lustrous finish. Intricate carved-effect detailing. Authentic hardware • Large triple dresser bas 6 epacioug drawel'!I pins tray.iype draw· ers behind doors · $349 Urge Door Che•W299 Nig ht Stana.d----.ef89 • SAVE $100! IGng Size ' Innerspring. Sleep Set $ RePar ·•399,95 • Tbe 1111hnMe In lleeplng eomfort •Ema wide, mra 1""3 king lize illnertprillg llfMl!I set . •Ma-baa 1925 finely tempered coila.,. -bioned with Wal J>lcU ad felted eotton on· both 1idet • lmporl"'1 0.-k cover quilted to 0-_. pol,-ud poq--. (08111 p11dding, QnUhd cabiOD11lllow top puel •~-"las multi-coil ~Ill Ccnuidatioo• f .. • ' • 1 ~ .. ASK ABOUf SEARS CONVENIENT CR.EDIT PLANS Sears IUINA NH 1A ~ 121 ... SM R. MOWll • l.at11 CANOGA P.Allt "°"'°"' a u.AU GI .. , .. , a .... ,, COMPTON NC .. 7111, HI 2·J711 NCiUTWOOe NO NMI SWS,JtOEIUCKANDCO, COVINA 9 .. .ot11 ~ • INMIWOO 01 l ·t l tl Shop Nl;hr. 'Mandoy th,.09lt s.t1Wdoy 9'-10 A.M. to 9:30 P.M., ~ 12 -·to I P,M. • , - llACll ..... ,,, -· «'IWIC a IOIO M wttl ...,....,,.J,. PAIMIMA a t-attt, Ut..atl l"flDH• II& Nttl --..-l&lft-AM II 74111 IAJlll fl -M4.aG1 I ................. .,, ...... ..,, ... " I IAlnA llOIKA II 4o011 IOUtM _,, RAIA 1• ll'JI IOIUllCI Ml·1111 YMllT PO J..Mlt, •t JUI YllllOlrlJ fl ... ., • • I • J c . . llAll.V Pll.OT Frldq, F-, IJ, 197U BC:YC Serles 1Races to Horwr Famed Saiwr .Au•ie Chl~er IAl11nc hed ci~tal 11, Awtralla's challenger for the rtpt lo Tuesday. The 2-i.ton yacht is 82 feet long, 12\0'f~el meef the U.S. in this year's Ameri~a's Cqp COmpttl· Uon 11 lowered into the waters of Sydney harbor wide and ha& .a nine-foot draft. J)own Under Boo·ms Ne wport's LippoUl Seei Yacht Activity 87 AUION LOCKAIEY -·-y tclrllsli ' II me or lhe ,_ rro"1!lc oports Jn sportl-fnJnded Allllrallil, N.,. 1.ealand, FIJI llld oilier Soulh Padllc ports. 1ccordin1 to Ne..,,..WS llod llld Lorraine Uppold wbo·ncenlly 1'topned from -:-a mqtth-long v1e1Uon ~'ilownunijei." 'nle -Uppolds were cunts fer much ol lhe trip of Jock .mi Betty Sturrock o f lOlboonle; A111traU1. Stur· rOck waa·tbe Aust r a 11 an challenpr for the America'• CUp In lhe I.la llld 1167 wn- paigns. LlpPokl II a Newport Beach atlornt7 ..i nlllooally known Ludero-)1 Ailor Imm Nnrport H1rbor Yacht Club, He bu also ..Ued ln other ln- ternaUonaJ classes ind crt~d and 1klppered yacht& l n offshore ocean racing. VISITS AUSSIES Nowpo<1'1 Rod Lippold From Sydney lhe Llppolds went to Melboume where the Sturrocks make their home. Zealand was that mJny of the offshore islands are used as marks of the eourse. One race out ot Auckland is to the Bay of Islands which Is ju.st whit the name implies. '111e.re are a number of beauWul islands, moetly uninhabited and on """ or these lllincll during the SllllllMr and !prlng lhe carelaker1 will ha~e little snack shops and places where the cruising people can Co ashore and buy 1uppl.ie1. 11 Nations To Compete In Sunfish ST. THOMAS, Viflln Islands (AP) -Eleven naUmu will be represented in the inaugural Sunfiih World Salling Cham· pions!Ups this weekend at the SL Thomas Yacht Club. Jorge Bruder of. Brazil and seven Qther compeUtora have competed in the Olympics in Iarler boats. The SQnflsh ls only 13 feet, 10 inchea ~ona. four feet wide and carries 75 aquare feet of sail in a lateen rJI. . Bruder, a Pan-American Games gold medalist, and Clrl Knight of Mamaroneck, N. Y'., a Nort.b American champion, are among the favorite& Other members or the U.S. team are Telll Moore, Bln&hamtoa, N.Y.: chuck Millican, Plymouth, Mus.; Steve Cautneld, New York; .Eugene RobeN, Penn Yan, N.Y.; Richard R edfltld, Denver; Larry L t w I s , fl.fontclair, N.Y. and Dave Davies, Fl5htill, N. Y. The Llppolds' port ol entry Wll in Sydney where they 9bt<ntd yachting acUvlty bdoro going to sturrock'a home in Melbourne. • MA181VE HARBOR "Sydney ii a massive harbor ani:I much of the yachttog tikea place right In the h.Crbor," IJppcld s a I d • "Australia Is really sport.. enuy and the water aporta art aa great u any other ln the COUDU'y. We noted that many or the aaillng cluses in Olym- pic yachting were prevealanl at Sydliey Harbor. '"Ibere is a large harbor here, roughly 40 miles in each direction k:nowa as P o r t Phillips Bay. At, much yacht racing takes place i n Melbourne as It does in Sydney. They have such well known yacht Clubs aa the San- drlngham Yaclil Club, th• Royal Yacht Club of Brighton. the Royal Yacht Club of Melbourne and the Royal Yacht Club of Victoria. They lake turna almost e v e r y weekend in sponaorlng some type of regatta,'' l.Jppald said. "We alJO had the op- portunity of vlslUng Hobart where we were guest& at the J19yal Yacht CI u b of Tasmania. This • Is osae of the most beautiful harbors we have ever sten IDd' ii on the Durwent River. Hobart is w'here the SydneY-Hobart race ends. There Is approximately 20 miles from the open sea up the river to Hobart and often the race is won or l08l after the rounding of T a s m a n Island. There Is a trophy in the Sydney-Hobart race for the first yacht rounding Tasman Island. "Yachting tn Tasmania is a real popular pastime. There are a great number o( ocean racing and cruising boats that race In and around Tasmania. There are several yacht clubs in addlUon to the Royal Tasmanian whlch is one of the sponsof1 of the SydMY·Hobart race. The Olympic classes are popular In Tasmanla. Chevrolet Introduces New Camaro for 1970 "The.re are a number of )'achl clubs., 10111e oC which feature fi.5 me.ten:, Tempest.I, Flying Dutchman and Soling• are bt&lnntna to come oo lirong and !e.VeraJ yacht clubs are conducting active regattas in the class. .. With the number of yacht dubs in lhe area It Is not un- common for an Individual yadit club to hold a regatta for a specWc clus. SeveraJ S&tCh re1attas might be going Of) e1ch weakend. As a result they get a large group of ac- Uve UJppera and crews out. "It wu very lnteregthtg to note that there were many new de!lgns: in ocean racing )'achta. A number of the new boats an Sparkman & Stephens designs, some built in Australia, some built in Finland and others el5eWbert. They are dlfftt"tnt sius Md shapes and. built of various materials such as Ober1lus, aluminum and even .plywood. Many of ll)em appear very competitive. "In Australia they are prin· cipally interested in the new lntemaUonal Offshore Rule, but In addlilon they have local rules slrnllar to what we call the Pacific Handicap Rule litre ln Soulhem California. "We had the opportunity of racing on Port Phillips Bay on the ·Sturrocka' new bolt. the · Monaoon. 11Us ls a etoot bolt "We d1d find that ln Australla, New Zealand and T85Jnania that the yachting Interest is more In \he Olym. pie classes than we have here in the Unlt.ed Stat.es." Lippold said there were not many locally built boat! in the area they visited. He noted. however, that in the ocean racinJ boats there were many cases where the boats were built in the area and that the sklppera and crew• did mosl of the work -both in bu1ldlnt and maintaining. There are many instances in whlch crews have been together for two or more years, he said. "The thing we noticed in attas like Fiji, . Tahiti, the Society fJlands and other South Sta areas is that there is not a great deal of ocean raclog or large one-design rac· Ing. This largely because of the treacherous reefs and abotl water." By CARL CARSTENSEN Of .... DtltJ ..... '"" Conspicuoqs by ita 1bsence at nelf car introduction Ume last fall was Chevrolet's Camaro. Chevrolet save many reasom: for the mmowicement delay but they are sure to capitalize now on their late en- try. The 1970 Camaro and the Corvette were viewed aod test driven by newsmen today at the new Ontario M o to r Speedway . Both cars go on sale Feb. 26 and although the Corvette is new it still retains the Joni front-end sloping hood look that has become its trade mark. The Camaro is considered "lotally new" and called the "Second Stage" Camaro by Chevrnlet Division 1eneral manager John Z. Del.ore.an. 1'Jn Sydney we noted quite a bit of activity in the 12-meter c;haUenge. The America's Cup c;hallenger Is being bu1It by lhe Picker Syndicate in Sydney, and ri&bt out in front on a moorin1 ii the Dame Patty under a canvas cover. I uoderstand that she has been recently 10ld. It was prevlous- fy owned by tht Christianson Syndicate: and then was some const.truaUon in Auslralia a1 to why the Chrtstianson-Syn- dicate JOd the Packer Syn- dicate couldn't 1et together and ut.Ube the Dame Patty a a trial horse, (01' ... Ule new 12- mller wider corutructlon. after an Alan Payne design---------- DeLorean called the car "a significant second stare" in the concept of a personal, four-passenger packa1e of ex- citement that hu drawn 650,000 Camaro buyers aJ.nce .&iJssilll BEHIND .ult loob at lhls point that lt\ey'll only have the Gretel and poaibly the old Vim lo use u poeslble yardsticks in nseped lo the new boat. Tbt:re'1 a lot of fear In AU&tnlla that this wtll put tllem Ollllliderobly btblnd In JotbdcJ wtth re spec t to Ille ~· •llminatlons with 111e-. dtveloped in 1SIS3 and was the first fiberglaas boat of lls kiDd in AustrallL "While we were In the South. Paclfk: ft also bad the pleasure of being the gutsts of 111r. and Mrs. James Davern. He is the recent Ne'* ~aland y1chtsman of the year. We had an opportunity to cruise on their yacht Fidelb. Fidelia was one of eight New Zealand yachts ln the Sydney·Hobart Ra<:t. "It's interesting that they usually ktav1 Auckland about 20 days before the race and sail aome 1,200 miles to the •ut 111C1 arounc1 lhe 1op or New Zealand and on west to Sydney. Then I hey enler the Sydney-Hobart race -·some eoo miles -then after that there ls a race from Hobart back to Auckland \\'bich is about t,500 miles. ·~·n.e·1 • 1rtat deal of (ICtal'I r.-. ln Auslra11a of lhe kind we are familiar with htrt" In Southern Callforni1. Jllll)I ol lhe notl will rtart In JllrdDo1 Barilor Ind 10 out 0111ER HONORS -nol bomdnd mll,. to lftll "The Fideiis htd alao woo _,, ll'llbmM or up and down the race from Auckland to &bl coast. Of A u I & r a 11 a . SUva and had also won line .. netime• tite)' will ha-ve-h"t1rn)n from Auckland to New nca back ., tbl& tn many Caledonia. ouea you wUf have 1 .,.ttkmd "One of the things "'f! en· nee lllCh 11 our Loa1 Point Joyed In racln1 and cruillng In fact.'' both Australia and N e w .I " = A RA~LV SPORT VERSION 0 1' CHIVROLET'S CAMARO FOR 1'711 New C•meros Will 81 In Dulor Show.--n1 on Fob. 2' ' L • • • • = • . LllOAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICJ • • • ' • Frid.,, Fobrulry 1'. nio DAILV '!LOT 11. . ·, • ' ' > I' ~ ~ "' Was DreSden·'s Destructidll Necessary 25 Years Ago? • i J . DRESDEN, E11t Germany , "Around 2 in lhe morning be U1e Florence of lhc north. ed. Com1nunlil ade ~in Ea.._ Jn ·• J9G't play the West eastern front." Ue noled th.at He then noted an oaler on 1naJntne: lnduttrlal centen." (AP ). -Drlldu w11 the main •ltlck came wltb Thi.a writer last had a visa (!er.many maJ.nlains 1 par~ German wrlll"r Jtolf llochhu~ e.1tmy alt Utre11ts w t.r~·~~A~er~O~l~bar~-~r~illU!~~l~~b~o~·~·~· ~~U~w~aa~~IJ~t~c~ro~r~Dr~<>d~en~ •. dtv&ft.atld ZS )'tll'I •I<' today Ore bombs. It caucbt 1nll1)' to visit Dresden three years po.slllon that em p ha s Ii e 1 blaqted Slr Winston Churchill d1.-creaain11, and added: ln ooe or Ille --.. ,.,, ... in Ille open. Tho) il&d tn:wtrtlal bombl.np ol Wor)d come Into the city from . the ~Co· Changes are much in Drtsdeo's destr~[iQ..n by f 'for Dr6Sden's Cate. A 1968 city "I fell the tlme had ccwnc lo • GIVE YOUR War 11. ~at,~ or the 'creat trek' to evidence, and an attractlve British aflfl Ame,rican rorct:s. 1aufde makes • similar claim. rec:oruilder our poli cy of bom· VALENT IN f . • PRINCESS CR UISE More than 1 thou 11-n d the west. Many were in tenls pattern or postwar rebuilding Ignored ls the be&Y)' con· ~t conttnds a1&o that. lhe bi~ lndui;trial areas. Victory BriUth plliee-pttld the hurt or aleepiD( in the open, Tbty · hu emerged, If some or the centration or Red army forots 1 'liritish Stader ordered the was clqse and we had to jhlnk of a city famaut for IU CUiture • bad no place to hide. badJy needed post war houmng that remaiw in and aroond ·borobtng to lmPftl! Stalin ahead. 'If we come into con. and 11th •tury buildlnaa. '"I know that we Germans -41,000 unita so far -seems the city. / . ~ :wi~ Bcltlah air strength while trot of an entirely ruined Jafid.. • BttweM dawn and dark. Ftb. did many bid things in the wtlmag{nattve, lj is oot less.so No anti-Western feeUng is IJeaving "a dead city lo the I wrote on April 1. 'there will 13-14, tHS, aome. Sl,000 'pera war. But what they did to in many Western cities. Here evident amont ~e 5o4,000 peo--' Red army." The ~u$8l~ ar-be a great ~hortage or ac· IOl\S were killed. To thil Drticlen wu not nice. I Would the ~irlg is Jn the· heart of pie who live'. 10 Dresden no.w. Hved here May t lMS. --<'Ommodatlon for OUrtelves day the lblal remaioa lne11ct -not"UU to-see·n happen aratn, lh• downrown area, liiiiirmg bu) one encount.rs o!1'n the Jn h~ '·Triumph and '11d our allies. We musl see lo DINEllS NfWPOAT •EACH becaute there were no~ anywhere." that when Dresden once again question, "Why Dresden?'' ll Tragedy'' Churchill spoke of A it th8.t our attacks do nol do 201s SAN J0.4.0UIN on· perh1ps 100,000 refugees Karl Loesch, a City Council Is whole its people will be able is said again and again that heavy 1.945 raid Qn Dresden, n1ore harn1 to ourselves than FVGAZY HIL LS "OAD Who had poured into the city me m be r, give$ these t.o enjoy it"' Dresden had light air defenses "then a .. center of c9m-they do to. the imn1ediate war T HA VEL PHONE: 644-4600 M•xico, the C•rlbb1i11,, Al•1k•- C•n•d•, l & '4 Night P•rty Crwi111 ahead ot the o n c om I n r :.taitiltlcs: I -~Som~e~l'?_hin".':l~''..'ha~ve:_:"'no~1:_ch~a".':n!:g-:_:a~n".':d_:liJ11ll~It:_:sllltr~a~le'!g1':c~v~al~ue:_. _ _:_~mlllulllni':c'~t~i-O:"'n'~.?:''~~Ger~m~o".':ny~·~s _'''flff'?_or~t~.' ~"------~"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'~ R!laflan army. ,.-Of no,ooo livln1 Wills In 1 • Nizl Gtrmany wu ·on the Dre t den, 75,000 were verp ol collapse w h e n destroy9d, 11,000 h e 1 v t I y llreldu beea!n•·lhe tar1et. It dlllll(ed, 7,000 modtrol<ly was 10 week.! belore lhe end or damqed llld 11,000 lilfitly the European war, sh months-damaged. bet~ the atorruc b o m b -()f lbe JO primary hiatoric lllinll llJroahima apumc1· llld cultural places of lnlorul, Japan to 1Ue for peace. It ls . 11 were destroyed, ni()I sur~ nol """"""""' for the people ferecl,.very bel9y damqt pd nl Dmden to cl!! lhelr cl)Y . 10 heavy d~age. Sllty.qbt ll :'the <;aman Htn:iihbna.11 Qt.her such bulldin11 or lesser ... Aca>rdli>g lo clty govern-imPortanc:e were d<finl1ed. ment ltl.Uatlcs, Dresden was · -Jn the city center, eye· of S hit by ll0,000 firebombs and a the fir• stonn, co boapitW, 35 • total of 3,711 tona of fire and schools and 114 o&her public J explOllve bombs. MOii or the bulldlnp ... .,, deltroyed. bombardment came r r o m A quarter cebtury later it is 1.3!0 plant1 lhat nJcht, bul !be a-that much bu beta =l U.S. Air Force followed up done, but much n!m.alna to be '; Feb. 14-15 with daylllfit raidl. don<. \; Watkins Valentine a,art ·With Sweetheart _Doll On Top Dre.den had Ul;J41 In· Loe"'1I displays dly plans I n habitants In IMS, in addJtion ror elaborate and modern con. Mrlon to lhe Afugffs. structloo lhal will W<ave its · Plulld Hurt . "That terrible nij:ht" still way around the former Old Ci-'l Jear'! the memories ol thoee ty, a considerable part of h ;.,· ~tw. $3ts who lived to remember. already built. y · ml w ,.a. A man from SJleaia, a boy The traditional P r a f u e ;; ._colon. .. ru, .. al 1he ume, declares: Slnlet will become a.maJ for ,. R•IM 'Rid "ll ,.., an lnluoo, ,. hol lhat loot lralftc. A fJS.2 mUiioo • 11f••·-Hurt everythln,c fried. I remember glaaa ab! st.eel "c u I t u T ~ ..... seeing people rwmlng about palece' 'has been completed burn.Jng like human torchu." near the Almarket, the old An elderly woman re.calls : market place, lt bJend11 with ".Blackened bodies were lying the n!ltored and to be everywhere Some wm no· re5t.ored historical buildings biqer than. babl<s, W.nken lhat will be alone 11hal ls call· by the flrt. They Jay before ed the ~!be Terrace above the the doors of churche.s, be£ore. Elber River. . tntrance1 to cella111, al the The terrace begins at the curbs whtre they clawed with Theater Square where ~e their llna:tmails at the atone& stone state opera h:'Jllding teeklng s"'tter in the hollow stands majestically, its in. of a gutter '" terior still bumed ·out. It and · . the old royal palace, reduced . ~er worn~ 35 m 1.tts, to walls and .steeples, will be !~ved in the cll~, outski~s. restored. Loesch says, by "From our house, she said, about 1975. we,, could see. the city burn-. orr to one side is the· lng. A1 lhe sat with a v~r rtrtored z ., in re r . the r,ears lakr, ~ cried ~,am. et.borate residfnce built b.y For us old °"'5c:lenel'!I, she Ausust the Strooc prince saJd, "it will always hurt." elector of Saxony and king of A post office em~loy~, w1s a Poland, whose palronas:e . of yea('S old when ha city was the arts left his cititens broke engulrtd, says: but gave Dresden a priceless "First. CMle the Christmas heritage. trees r-i. the flara drws>ed by Nearby and also restored rtconnaillaDce planes to mark are the Roman C a t h o I i c the tarset area. Then at about Hofkirche, ·or court church, IO o'elock. 1he flm bombers. 1he king's Cha111in1 nl lhe That wu not 80 bad. They Guard Building and the Italian dropped exploei.ve b o m b s • Vlllaae. The village, directly Pe0p1e beran to move out oC above the Elbe. once housed the downtown area. Our It.reel artisans who came from Italy wu fillet with tbem. to support Dresden's claim lo Fall Campaigns DemosPlaying Wise; W on'tPush War-End By GEORGE J. MARDE R arid titular head ot the party WASfUNGTON (UPI ) _ as it,, defeated candidate for Top Democrall, putlinr Viet-president in 1968. nam on the shelf u a poliUcal POTENT ARGUA-t ENT Issue, intend to play the war In One of tht potent argumenls 1 ... key 1hlt !all. But if the war isn't over made in favor or· a befort the snaideotial elec-moratorium on V 1 e t n a m tion.s of 1'72, all stops •W be politlo wai a warning that if pulled on makloi Vl<lnam a lhe Democrats lrled lo build ii campaifn Issue. up as a major i85Ue this fall, That Ls the Political meaning Nixon could pull the rug out ol the Democratic Polk!y from under them with another counciJ ftllOlutkm putting an withdrawal just befcre elec- 1 ... month deadline on complete tion. · withdrawal of U.S. troops Humphrey felt Lbat by 11et- from Vletnam. tjna; a firm timetable that rell A top Democral confirms between the el~ions, Nj.xon the grace period given Preli-coukl be held more e.uil}' to dent Nixon to wind up the. war account by the time, as the mt&N the party plam to skip Democrats e:rpect, he will be Vietnam e a major iS1Ue in running for re-election. thia: year's congrelBiooal elec-The strategy Lo put Vietnam lions. It will ave Its fire for on the shell teemed to be ac- lhe race !or 1he White "°"" If cepled by most Democra!I, In- U.S. ftJrces are stlil In Viet-cludiJlc doves lo Coosress. But nam come 1972. there weri aome exceptions. PRACl'ICAL DECISION S<n. .Frid R. HaJT!s of it wu a pr1ct1cal u well as Oklahoma, who reaiped u 1 political ded&lon. De moc rat i c na tiona J The majority on the coonctl chaimian, intends to hit Viel· rert Nixon miaht need at )t1!f. nam hard. While be supported that much mare ti.me to pt the 11-month re90lution, Har-tllf Up!Wd Stalo out, one< riJ uld "lhe only way lo gel llld !or all. The· !eellnJ ..... .;""~t~l,;,•.;lo=l'='=out=.'=' ===J t1ie -1• mlPI not ou-11 : an earlier deadline COlllldored unrtuon1ble . • Some on tlie couocll proaed ror a 11horte.r pertc).d. of ll'ICe, .iriuing NI"°" already had hid one ,.., 16. rumn hio _,... and Iba! - )/.r WU not -le. WANTED AMS J TO .1t IOTI i.ND e lRLS -·-.. e..... c1rn11 tv ... _ ... "''" .... , .......... ·=~OHi WIU. • 1Mll Wiii . IN OU.Net COUNT,T , ..... ,,.. .. c............., ean 547·6251Nowf lltlflllan Rid Foll P•ld Hwt , "'h• s200 SJ.ts Poedle on Piiiow fl.It v.1 ... r •..... ,,, "wbau '" wi1h cnlared ban Oii 111llaw Dou•le Glo Y•:"!J~~s !'::~ 59' Vakfl· tiH on your h11 ! • Othff Pick• JI• 11 $1.00 '9" Swiss Mov•ment : Calendar Watches . A .JJ.montfl deadline -1d have put .Vlelnam rflhl In the middle of 1he Hmpal1N lhll Jail. , .. ·-u....h the Id· dJllonol sr-wouil-.... rild ltlto _ ,..,, k"""""' abundanllY clur 11Jllovnnl>or -llll!on w11-, 11, ll WU vo&.ed 4own. Arnone u.. ...,.,.. lo lioop Vlelnun out ol Ille c:am- Plilm 1hU ran wu ronner Vice Prtlldent Huber! H. H11!11plltty, head o/ 1M councll n ......... h_ c..w_., ·:::-:-~ .. $2" l'rii:e etc: ' i. fflr ~~ 111 ,.. TAlll I l'ROOUCTIONS HCK.!i YWOOD, CALIP. ' • 19\ I ,.mit. No cNr,. fet PCP• I ri ,. J ' . , Solid State '12' .Pocket Radio 21 1 ea. Penetray Light Bulb.s Ivy 4 It Save 35c, 100 or 60 Watt SllMI Grt1p ti • A1111rlca11 .!!I! SllU15 Stereo Albums • '· '· ,...._. • r....., ... • ,..,.,, :=~ :=::.: s21!e • ... IOI.I .... •l,l ,Killt .. """a....t • DIM .. •Hett~ w_.. Cliromt filltheil • i I b bl.dr; • .,iil,rf "°"ted pad.iW -md bid!. Folm -J*flr. : •1" v.i .. 1 .. ..,, .. , •• Pnzles rr ., .. Twll .... . .... ,. .. .... ... iiodl ,.. .... 97c --<llNK ~· co&or. r111~.a..,1w v.i.cr • .ir · . •• ...... 10,.. .............. 5, ~..::.-I• -· ~I i • .. ' . _ .. , • ' . . . ' ·". ' .· . •' • . . .. : I l ----------··--------~ ·--~-.....,..-------• DAILY PILOT £t\41Y, Ftbnl&rJ 13, 1970 .., ~' ' ~ ..:;;=.;.;;;;.:_ _____ __c=;,:.__""--'--'--. I i-.S) World Indoor Rec-ord~ ' .LOii ANCEL.ES (AP ) -Some "Y !ht net will be decided It the start, some. .., 11 &le. finlUL ht whea it11 over the -In froot ls likely to be the holder of a new W(ll'ld record. The race in questloo is the 600-yard run .tlicb. for the pu.rpo8el of • tonlghl's 'l'lmM Indoor Games, rls bei.Qg called a dUh. Ttiere are ~ly four entra~ta but all ·mve beft,y quallhcaUOOJ. 1 -Martin McCrady u · 'holder ' or the workl indoor record for 800 yir~. a fine time of li09~. - -Lee Evans, tlWl workt record hokier ror 400 meUn of a .a, won a p&d medal in lhal event at the 1968 Me1lco City Olym pic Games. -!WI'!! J;)c>ubell, OlYIJ!p!c gold medal winner from AU!tralia at 800 ·meters in 1968, has never I08t a race indoors. . -Len Van Hof'wepn, lormer UCLA· star, won the Pacilic-f 44' laal year, has a be$t quarter mle ol 45.8 and ran a relay leg or ~.7 last seaaon u UCLA woo the: NCAA mUe ,telay. McGrady'a worlil llandard of l :09 was Kt on an ov<niu trtct in LwilVI~ Ky., bot moot uperta -OOY one the lour is copobie'lli lndinc I GO Jt-llpl.to-0.e-mlle troct al the F....,. Evans aaYJ he'll try to.pt oft to a start and Pl' to &ood poollJon. Clarke of Australia 1411 DouboU, wbo steppinc down to run in·hlo llnl·-5' Uve IOO, 0 11 unbeatable In the Jut 1 yank." . Doubell may ha-. the ._t kle~ but the qulclceot mJ&Jit be McGn!Jy. li!>o ' 11u beaten EV1!11 1t aie -a 1 . ' Ill Jeopardy ;f oniglit mmber cl times lnctuilln1 one. in OUland~llll for the MU Indoor U\)e. . Vu eean 1eem1 wt of ~ in U>e field be hu bad -ICOllttooal -,-ond 11, physically Rr9o& ~ to ball1e It wt aa·the tuma. where the jocU· lnf·il UabJe to &el vlclous. Tbo meet ~I all -event thougb. Dlrecton cl 1fflln are expectlq ,1 -I of a I 14,000. A,C<Wey of 7 big!> jumpen is bead· ed by brllllaot ' ~ Reynaldo Brown; ClarU takol on Kary O'Brien -Id rocorcJ hokier al 1:17.2 in the two Quie alon( With Gerry Llnqrlll aod I staNtudded field. lfeoryk Sunlylrowstd of Poland and Sam Bair claah in the mile; John Cark>s 1oes llter more recon11 in , lhe. eo a ;ioo .-: Chi a.enc malces her first appearance of the ...... Lai Anj!etes oJ!d ~ An......., and Juril L\!>hii lall&le 'ln wl)at figum to be a.fut 1,000. ~ • Ctarile bas predi<led~his-bell· ...,._ petltloot• 1'111 • .,,... lroa!. COW!lrYman O'Brien in the two-mile, O'Brien baa a < be8t Indoor marl: of 1::12.1. Clarke'• 1n- Ume best. at the distance ii 1:18.8, which was once the world record. Four Poliah athletes are .teheduled lo compete in the meet along wltb 1 <:On· tinaent-from Japan. And @. one-man dele(atlon from Italy -GI-Cen- ttle, the Olympic bronze medal winner In the triple j!,llllp -Is also set to go. The meet Is dedicated to Bill Toomey, world record holder and Olympic cham· pioo. In the decathlon. Toomey will ~ in , the loog jwnp and on the Soullm'n Callf<rnia SLrlden' mlle relay team. Dundee ~oesn't Miss Trick \1 ... · .... . ~ As Ellis' Fight. Man~e_r NEW YORK (UPI ) -Angelo Dunde< .Joe Frazier in Mon~;y nighl'a t>rtlUllClw is aw : 11... l-to-1 ~In Monday lia.s some Vince Lombardi 1n him. for the world beavywetaht title at night's~ but that's tbe lut lhinc Angelo Dundee is Jimmy Ellis' Madison Square Garden. Dundee ever Jeta him t.blnk,about. manager and he's utterly devoted to the Among other things, Ellis hasn't fought "1be way ll loob to me," Ell1I U)(S job. He doesn't mi::is many tricks. He's a • in 17 months, but Dundee doem't ever when IGll'6 boor brtnp up the odds bug on complete preparation, he goes allow him to think about that. Amon& "people just take pie: wrong attl~. over films closer and longer than they do other things, Ellis doesn't have anywhere about me. 1'aef tblat I'm. not 1 m1n. In those Hollywood cutting rooms and he near the punching power Fraz.ier 'ba.s, bUt They'ft making out Frazier to be un- has Jimmy .Ellis at the point now where Dundee doesn't ever allow him to thin~ beatable. Tbil isn't a.qyt.hing' De'¥f for me. he actua lly believes he's going to beat abou t that. Among other things also, Ellis t'm very seldOm the favorite. People Gil Says P l ay Ball Gil Hodges, manager of the world champion New York Mets, gets an early start on the 1970 season with a group of heart patients. now re- covered , after he was made honorary chairman of th e 1970 New York Heart Fund. l·lodges. himselr a former heart patient. joined in the pre-season workout followi ng ceremonies at the J ewish Hospital and Med ical Center in Brooklyn. Murpl1y Ties Trevino For Tucs on Open Lead TUCSON, Ariz. CAP) -llefty Bob Mur· phy fired a late, six-u nder-par 66 ThUN· • day and tied deiendlng champion Lee Trevi no for the (irst-round lead in the • $180,00& Tucson Open Golf Tournament. Trevino, the swarthy ~f e x i c a n · American who hasn't woo since.. be..-took this tiUe a year ago, was eight·under par until he pul his tee shot In a lake on 18. 20, and 30 feet and slammed a three-wood elght feet from the pin for an eagle. Murphy, who ham't won tn"l.lmost two years, counted seve n b.irde-after bogeyln1 the nrst hole. lfe had a pair of twos, and said be just iS!ed a hole-in-ooe on each. He two-put· ted one pa r·live for a blrd , chipped up close on another and also ran in Joni putts ol is. is, and 20 feeL paint me with dtffereat namee. They ny I can't do thla aDd. can"C. do thlt but when It coma time to -out ·of lbe cilncll I'm alwaya,there." Jimmy E1lls ls saying Ill Iba~ bot it's really Angelo Dundee' talk:lit&. You can tell ea.Illy. if you've 'ever belrd Ancelo Dundee talk. ,,. No matter what happlna Monday nlcht, Dundee hu -I maaterfuJ job with Elli~ the same way he did with Caulu. Clay, for whom Ellis served u 1 1parmate, when Clay w11 preparln1 for both bis title, lighll will1 ~;,, bad Sonny Liston. I Many were awed by Li.st.on. Not Clay. Nor is Ellis awed by Frazier, thanks llrgely to what Dundee ttpeated:Jy ha• pointed out to him and to ·What he has seen OD film1 for bimaell. "Joe Frazier, when he has hi.I way, can do what be wanta to do,11 EDU say1. "But 1f he'• under preaure and be'• &ettlnc hit, he's aotta worry about 1eltlng hi~ he's gotta get outta the way, he'• got to use his legs, then it's gOllDI make a dil· ference." • 1 Dundee bu driven home to ' Ellis ex· actly what he can upect In the f1rlt eJabt oc nine minutes of the figlrt wbea Frazier generally ls moot d"lll'"""· UCI Cager~ Seek Seventh Win in Row ' I l.Jke a good ·wine, UC Irvine ba.sketball continues to improve with age. ·\ Cooch Tim Tift'• oq~ad baa -six straight victories, 12 wins in the Jut 15 games Ind 1 seuon mark cl 1%-7, in- cllJdin& four straight loues to start the aeuon against. maj<r university com- petition. Tonig'ht the Anteaters travel to Cal State (Fullerton) for the third con- frontation of the two teams with game time set for I o'clock. Seven games remain on the lrvine acbedule and an.r tonitfbt'• outing, the Anteaten return bome for lour straight belOl'e visiting San Fernando Valley State aod Col Poly (San L'1is Obispo) to c1 ... out the season. In the Ont meeting with Fullsion, !ht Anteaters won a decisive 16-a deciAion. 'lbit was a aecond round game in the holiday tournament staged at UCI's 0-awford Hall. Several weeb later, lrvtnt won 1gain but by 1 much nurower margin, M-71. Ales Omalev, coach ol the Titans, is sticking to the old ad•ge that the third time'• a charm -IDd will have a home court advantap u welL Both )ftVious duels were played at Irvine. Fullerton hai wc.1 but one 11me ln eight qalmt the Anteat<n since the leies started. Neither coocil 11 planalnc a lhakeup of · llarting per......t "We hive to go wtth oar belt lf we are to be _... _,..,. for a ....... I pJayoJt b«tJi;:' 'llft nlltel. "I tblnlt '!" can set in if wt· win ttve ol our lut tr1en. 1unee." .. 'Ibis m-that Jeff .~ Ind BUI Mo<n will Ila'\ at the for'nnJ poli- U-; Bill GeorJ< &eta the nod at center; and SW.. Sabins l1lll Mlke -open at tull'd. t Red Wing Signals Score Detroit lb:... Wing Garry Utjger (7) · raises hand• high in ~~air to si~ a goal for teammate Pete stemlc011ski (19) who bad separated the puck from a tanglli\of St. Louis Blues players and pushed it into the nets for. a score. St. Louis players incl ude defenseman Bill Plager (23), goalie Ernie Wakely (31 ) and defenseman Barclay Plager (8). Braddo·ck Favors Ellis I . EDITOR'S NOTE -This ~ the um.J of • ..,;,. of 4rlicla by James J. BracJ. dock, fannelC-kl heavywelghl dwn- pion. -lyr.ig the Joe Frazier.Jimmy .Ellis f>gbt for the -spul<d world heavyweight champlooshlp in Madiaon Square Gardin Monday evening. By JIMEs J. BRADOOCK Es·Wort.I Heovywelpt Cilamptoo NEW YORK (AP) -'lb< more I think about it, tbe more I'm amazed by the fight between Joe Frazier aM Jimmy Elli! In Madlaon Square Garden next Monday to cleu-up the heavyweight situation. It'• 80 much like my own fight for the title with Mu Baer in the Long Island -I on June 14, 1935. At the end of 11133, , T was jult another Irishman working on tbe Hoboken doc:b taking a fight here and there to make a few bucks. As far as 1 wu COheft:Ded, my career u a fighter wu overj I never thought about titles u- bir money. Just making a living and that wts tqh in dose days. Then, In 1934, I &<>I I break. The Garden put me in against Ccrn Griffin and 1 bocted him oot in three. Then they p ve me Jchn. Henry LewiJ, who la..,. became light heavywelglrt cham· pioo, and I beat him in 10. In March of 1935, lhtJ fed me to Art Lasky in a 15- round• to jirovlde a challenger for Baer and .[ 1won. I got my Daer. And I'm oaying ~ here that Jimmy Ellis will get his l'ralier. Baer was the poweriK>use, cocky, always ?OPPilll' off, · and everybody thought IJlbeatlble. Frazier ii undefeated, strong and bulliah, and llie Baer, show- ing no J".t3l)eCt for an opponent. Like Baer, he ~Pil!Nl'S to be a UUle too aure of hirmelf. Batr aDd Frazier were different in styles, d' CCIW'lt, bul if ever two fighters wen made for each other, Baer WU made f(I' tile, and Fruier i! custom- taikJtt.d for EUlt. EWs will * Frasier becalllt he's' the belt.er, smarter. more mature figbttr. He11 move in .1.nd out. keep Fruier off bl.lance w:lth a &OOd left hml ind always be ~ -lhlt .. ...._. rilbt ol bis that ls a deadly \ilndl. He -•·It beUer than I have ever 1t11D 1DC1 lt'i on target. Frazier is the !Olfecl tarpl f0< Ellis. He's '"'Y to hi~ JiartlcuJariy with right hands. He has only ... way of llglrting aod thal'• to _In,.,......,. all the time to tbe head and body. But Joe Fraz.ier 1s Dot a knockoul ptmcbt:r and he'll find a difftrent kind cl enemy in Ellis. Ellis knows what he's doing every minute and he'll take charge rig.ht away. EHis is also a litlle · 00.ngrier Utan Frazier. He hasn'-t fought in more than a year but that won't bother him at 30. He hasn't had too many fights and he hasn't taken too mucti punishment. Ellis is as much a $ to l underdog with Frazier as 1 was a 10 to 1 \llderdog with Baer. The prices are ridiculous. Ellis can win thla fight by a knockout or decision. He has tbe punch to knoc k anybody out and he can bol: beUer than anyme in the heavyweight dlvisioo today. He's a real pro. At times, Frazier fights like an amateur. Ellis fought. his way to his part of the Qtle by beating the best in a tournament. lie deserves to be cham- pion ol all the world and 1 predlct he not only can do it but will. Moats Recalls Story Wooden' s Inspiration Rubs Off on HB Coach Among the men whose lives have been Influenced by UCLA basketball coach John Wooden is a chap who, ot; all things, played baaebaU. The man, now greying at the temples and who hangs his' hat OD the hook mark- ed H}lntington Beach High AlhJetic Direct~ or, reminisces about hil first meeting with the Westwood Wl.zard. "I was down on myself right alter l 'd had a particularly bad game," recalls Ken Moala, who played catcher for the Bruins and alJO served as their t~ captain in the early 19503. "Wooden was a great bueba.11 follower -he wu out to all of our heme game.s, ju.¢ •bout. Anyhow. things w.... kind Of rough for me.· "I was carrying 11 units, w1s married and we had 1 blby 9'Jfl (wbo lf'tW up lo play foot.ball for his dad 1t Hunt:m«ton). J WU down anyway, and tben with the bad .tternoob I just Jett Uke chucking ~-j)&Cking the baga and tal;lng Off. "But then Wooden called me over. He said he'd beat 1t'atching me for 1 couple of weeb and bad decided ii wu linle lor the two of us to have a chat. ""!'~ sat down. But instead of talking specif1eally about athletics, he spoke about lift. And in the end he told me that I.be ooly time a fellow should be down on himself is when he isn't trying his harde,,t to do his best. ••After his words, I reversed my.31.and -------WH ITE WASH I . ~ ~ -------i ~INN WH ITI of being a severe sell critic and I've tried to pasa the same philosophy on to my a1hletes. Only be down oo yoursell if you didn't give your best." • • • Hutlngton Beach High bu Ht ii.ti foot- ball tcbedule for this fall and it ju1t mipt be tlae 1Uffe1t •late the OUen have undertaken lD many yean. ,. Jt cost a fum ing Trevino a • double boceY and )le said, "I'm gonna discuss aome business with my-caddie." Trevino aaid Lbe caddy handed him a driver, "l wasn't think ing,·• and used the club lnlt.ead of the three-iron he said ·would have been preferable. ~vlno and Murphy had a one.shot Jelld on veteran Billy Casper and Dudley w,.iac, who had a fi\•e under par 67 ~ 1 bright warm sun on the 7,200- ysd Tucloo National Golf Club Course. B~uins, ±-:rajans Piao/ at Home. After epeaJn1 at i. Habra, tbe on City holtl atway1 lethal Sl Paul. The-a Sunset t.e.i&e wan beghl at Loara, followed by tlff1 wllb Wts&em, Suta Ana, Analtetm, Marina, We1bnin1te.r and N e w p or 1 --Tlte Sanla Ana, Anabelm and Newport dllels are oa t.be rted. ,._ Iii& """p •I '!8 Included Fred W,.U. Tom Shaw, Juhus Boros. Mason JtatolJ'lla and Jeue Snead, a nephew of 1111 J11U1 Sim Snead . ,,._ IN.rd, 1969 leading money win· W ml C.O.dWt Al Balding were In lht .,.;.. It a U.fi. Open champion Orville lllodY boll • 11. Tntlao Ud 1 remarkable round, in· c:lll6ll aeYtn bfrdlff, an eagle, and a ....,. olalC wilh hls dooble bogey on tht n.1 ball. He 111rce-putl«I tho second, Oho -chlppod to "llhin live lttt !qr blnll, ron in otJter birdie Jlll1" of 10, 10, ' -- UCLA's conference-1,.clinl BNlns en- tertain the \\'ashl ngton State Coucani while coacl1 Bob 8-0yd's USC Trojw hoot the Washington Huskies in Pad[k:.I bu. ketbaU action tonJilll. The Bruill5, aner a scart In State.'1 Bohter gym Mooday n.igbt.i wtll not lake tile Cougan lightly in aee.klng victory No. J9 for the year. The Bruins have opened 1 two-aame advantage over the Trojans ln eonterenct. play and would Uke to lncrtue tht mArgln with a p&lr or wins agalnst the two northern schoob. · Tho Bruins and Troj1ns trade riYIL< to1norrow with the Bru1n·H\lS~ clash on tele\1akm 1t J:a XNoxvn..Li. T..,._ Olflclala of Teereaee and UCLA. llid 'l'bundl1 they .,.. ~ ......... the two achoob ' foolllllJ -)II u '11th pme herethllcomlo(-. In a jolnt •• ..._.-., atbledc direc- tors Bob Woodruff ti. TeMMMt and J. D. Mor1ao cl UCLA Nld. coalrlCil wlU be pr<pand, .. ~ to -al of the athletic CU!UlliUees cl the two ochoola. Tbt contract callo for the lint pmt to be htld Dec. 14, 1171 and • return came Sepi. 11, 1114. ' KANSAS CITY -limy Aaher oJ Costa Meaa ls in eeventh htie after three: rounda of the ltll,000 EboJw Opell bow~ lnl tGUrnlmf:nt. ~ 'l'oumey leader ~ Rit&er o I -· Wil., llred a ii pme -the l'ourtltof hla career -in._.,......,..... Tharada)'. II 1ave him I bl!iil of l ,Oll lor thell1-. 1; . Rllpr woo tlgllt PBA ~mtoll·WI ytat and bolds a acanl ut.e pin lead over Jlmn\Y Maclt of Dover, ~.J. Alher's point total ii l ,llG. • . SALISBURY, Md. -RDd \Aver of Newport Beach and Stan Smith or Pa.udena, were livttt top ltedb among lordp and d<Jmelllc -'lfllunclay I for Ille U.S. Natlooal 1-Opeo TtMJs OlampiMlhlp1. - The '60,000 toumamtnt, with a lop prize of '7,200, opens SUnd1y with a 4&- mu chw which: includes t2 national champiooa pha the IOp· 10 ranking ployen in the U.S. La ver ICOl"ed an open grind slam Jut year b)' winning the Wimbledon U.S., Australlon lnll Fru>eh uu.a. COPENHAG~ -Unbeaten T<xn Bogs, Denmark's European middleweight champion, drew wllh Don Fullmer, of Sall Ltke'''CU.y, Ulab, over 10 rounds Tblll14l1 Dl&h~ ' -. • • • Pi.lying basketball at Santa Ana Hl&h these days is a risky ventull! so it seem1 Reports have it lhal the hoor cleared •.nd. several students were ready fen: llstlcuffs Jollowing Westminster Hl&h'• 49-47 wm over the Saints. And the Huntington Beach team bus "~ bklc.ked by roaming youtha after ttie. Oilen won. SS.SS. A brick was used to •mash a bus headlight and rocks were thrown through the windows. One '!Oman said 1everal Negro boya were leaning on her car after the game A~re.ntly no police protticlion, hiia =~n the area to subdue these ,OtJt.. .,--~-oo----------··-------------- - DAILY '11.DT ' .. ' ' . ".,. * * ···;Eagl_es, Loara Duel ., In: Slinset -·',:At St~ke An ultra-c.ruclal is on tap• tonight al 8 when host Hun-sr too ,.Jl~j!Ch, and ' !.lirjna :~ ll~l~t·, teama col-;.. t ~m-: isuhaet 'teague play ,;.~re-an expected lull hou,., Both adversaries feature -basically the sm:ne style .cf of- fense and to make matlen even closer,· both quintets spart 16-7 overall marks and 7- 2 leagtie credenUa.ls. The.winner·moves1hlto a tie ,with idle Westmlnster'_fo.r·~ !'tl1ef!gue's lea(! wl}ile the loser .. ~fillS a g'ame behirid the ro- Jeil.ders. · 'besplte Marina,'s 5 8 · 51 decision over Hunt Ing ton ' • • Stllrtl1111 u-.ts Hun11"1tt• ~n ... f.3 •lwanet1 "' Cronkrlta 6.:1 S.11 Wiit I' Moll81' 6-1 6·S ·C.tlt C hlrd '"5 S-10 Moro G McGu!r• •·O 6·f Ctr!IOll G fh1I .$-t ,,.Frosh Lose UC! f'll:OSM (tfl """'' 't1'11ttn t 1 1 s ..... ' 1 ' ' J.4-* 1 t I ,1& _.fei,i.raY 1 t 1 ~ '"""" .2 s •t • , t:.•Yfl'YI< t 1 a 1 FOwllt 1 J S 17 '9 ~Olar. '1 TS 17 n f'lfll'l•DINI f'aOSM la) " " "' ~ •lf1trr1& It 4 t 21 ldt ,tlJl• 1 0 ' • -.. ~ " ".Nawto~ 1 5 l 1• W-tllll 0010 Mtlc:r•' ' e e • ·~ to t • T or.tt 3S II 1t .. .:Mf1tt1Mt! UCI l'l'lllft .U, ;.. .... rtlfl'll ... ~.-- . : .. ..- HUNTINGTON IOSS · Elmo• Cembt, (~ ...... :\""'' . ..., SOFT SILL SAM 'I ~ ... ..rc.i:*-' ' Estancia's Last ShoJ Eatancla lli&h S c h o o I ' 1 ""1f"'11 ~ .,, f- 1'illl. lnothef 1111111-wln -lion tonipt .. Loara'1 !talvt-· ltadlni 8llons Inv• lliel Ealancla COftfbltl. 'llpolf la at I t . I For coadt BID WoQll and1 his Ea11e crew, Ille fOll marb !ht pivotal~ al !bl 7t4f. ~ Win, and Ille Eqlol_"lre nof woiM than • pme beJ\lnd to. ' leader ~rona del 'fllar. i:lepe1t- dln& on what the Wier CID dt with fidln1 Colla~-t i' ·i:-, and Ellancla is , .• 11111 notcbea behind ~· at leut a game behind · del Mar. ' '& :· So, It appears that tt llnow Sea King SWimiJters Second Desert' Home Edge. 28~8 ons• Mike Reider (33). Fountain Valley tries for ill filth •\raight win tonighl at Santa Ana Valley while Costa Mesa hosts Corona de! Mar .. Irvine Biggies Set Colleg~aie Cage Scores ' . Irvine l..ea1ue a c t I o n dismal starts, clash al the lal-Four straight losses have es .I 'Ve~ r-nt tooighl .ter's gym. knocJied the Muailngs4'Mlin& resum 'J 'v while Corona del Mar'1 stakes wtiT I .. _ ' • Ude r b .~. , The other test Is a baltle to WntmOftl .. •1oi. • n r.iie reverstna o a r.~-remain hJ...+.. ed get. out Qf· the circuit cellar e" a.uT bail acUon lhat has seem ~ with Edison and Mao""lla Coach Dave Brown's Foun-Ni.,.,, n, P"oroi.rri " • k Oh. ~•j ht f •'-P>""•¥ • •'-• ho Vlllenovt !Cl, It. l"lltf'1 fl ta e ... -r st"'A' & ""1 .... e (both 2-8), clashing at taln VaUey team is ,,,,c tlest Arm~ '°· 1-:u le.aders,·,"l games are lt 8. Mag·noua. Item In the circuit currenUy, ~u'-• tt, L•t•,•tt. n ft' GN0"91!lowll t4 HYU 12' Corona del Mar, is ln a sltua--Corona dcl ~ar ·s defensive and wlll be going alter its fUth. toUtM lion' of·trekking to Costa Mesa tactics or man ~ to -ma n straight conquest at Valley. wm1mo u111 ,,,.,.., tt, t~ '" .... 1• to batUe a foe. that dumped it pressure railed to· VI 0 r k The FalCOJ\l)Were blaa:ted by 71 V!r9'nl• T~ll .. "''"'"' •11 .. "'rlol'I tn·first°'i-ound action and a win agai nst c:oaeh' Emll Neeme's Estan<:ia 1 Wednesday nllhl. c111,_,..,. ·~· ~·-i tl'11.1 • foe Ta._pdy G.,Ulia' CdM c~ew is Mesa forceS' in the-flMl round, ending a Uiree-game win 1kein. 0!'•11.t .., a'::'!T mandatory to· keep pace with but the Meuns are in the Edison's' rematdl with ClftCiMlll a.c. wic111t• 11,1, 17 the winner of the Estancia-midst or a ,. Slump and are Magnolia follows • 54-51 W!n L...,1,v1111 n. Tu!•• " Loara clash. -dec ided undi;rdqgs. over the· 8entlnell In flr!t IN.-~ :!~"":!~ u And, Fountain Valley and The Mustangs' Io rt u n e ! roUild action. • ' Tn:•·ll ...... }It. w"'"~ • Santa Ana Valley, two clubs have 1 dropped sharply since In 4t•\ ~ne, the. ~1er.11e.d .._ton 10t. Htordln-llmtrwN " that .have vlnua.lly turned the. sharltlg the ·lead with Corona by as 'many u 21,P.2ln_t.s befof_! Celor..!~':J'u~~:.!"Mui. ,, le.ague inside out ·With their de! Mar and Loara recently the lO!ef! came m rtrona in · 0,,11 n • ..,,1_ 1s surpriainl win 1treab alter, _ _:w_::llh::_:•:,:5-:::l:_::m::•::_rk::· _____ ..:t::he:...::fm::•:l..:pe:.=rind:.=.~------"'-'-vu'-'-"'-' _••_'---"-"-'-"---.•I • . Rustlers, Saddleback In Action Saddl!back College's baaket· ball team, not out of the topsy. turvy Deae·rt -conference basketball rat:e yet, traVels hi Barstow College tonlght•in one of two gamu Involving Area junior college teamS. In the other encounter, Golden West seeks its second win of the Southern Callfomla Conference campaign, hosUng Rio Hondo at Orange Coast College. BoQi games begin at 8. Sa.ddleback has compiled a 4-5 conferenee record and trailt the three circuit leaden by .two games. Imper ial Valley, Mlra Costa and Bantow an have 5-J marks. In the Jut two weeks, the Gaucl)Oll have defeated Mirli Costa and Imperial Valley. in home contesU. Barstow trl~ ped Saddleback, 81·78. earlier in the conference season, , Saddleback returni home Saturday night to host Victor Vall•y at MJ¥1on Viejo High. Mtamrvhlle, Golden ·West will Ir)' lo salvag' _IOmethinJl from a dillltnius Iosin1 aeuon ·in ttl remaining four games. The .. It's .an Old furester · kindof~ And . th 100~= ··been a lot of them. For 100 years, people who enjoy the taste of• great Kentucky Bourbon have turned to Old F- -~ - s6proor: • ~........... ' the home Ru.stlen )lave a 1-7 conference • ~.-.,.-..., mark. Rlo Honc1o· 1; u In· court odnliap In bublball $6.19'~ -· hive helniheatd for years, but clUdlng a 93-71 victory over 1 ~· COnferenoe OM<hes Golden Wm In January., will,... tblt it deftnltely ex· In another junior c:olleae uu a:ame Saturday night, Orange \ ·~ II o.art _,.. tlli• Cout travels lo Ml. San ~ lllt --hai won . Antonio~ ' ............ Ille 111110. . ,· i-~t:...~~ ·calendar nod. - ,,,. yllliJp -· ..... -ll!lill __ _.or tN' ....,._ ...... (i!ld- ~ Cli1)oGas, ML llan 1,-. 'md 'Delert) llff• fall• t!ll to win In four confennc• r.i i:oo1e111. "'r TlllNI( WE" PLA YEJl IT Rf AL an., SOSS : .. JT'LL l!>f A SN'.,f TO . J..001: ~~D 7111.S '{DR.I Tiie bolt 1-..-<I Is OWMd bJ lll>perlal Vallty (5- 1)., Mira Colla and Victor • 1•aDq' bave won an four of lhllf homo pm .. whll• Sad· dleboct. hai capturad four or "ftva. ML llan Jacinto hu the only 1oo1nJ ttC<lnl at ilome (I- , ,At86or IOOpfoof'IThert.isnothinabdwin the.llW1<tt~ ~rlfU'l';llMGm "°"""°"" .... ,,.._lf"l'M!Of'llO'ITUll "t1UNO;~•ft.!Mlf~"t*"""lil....,.t•._ • S). ~ -.. ·--.. I I l I I . . --·~---~ D/JI. Y PILOT Frld1y, Fti>Nll'Y ll, 1970 11£1 (Jager \ . Barnes Forgoes PLAY FULL SHOTS OPPOSITE u" HEn GWC Nine Opens with 9-8 Win . Bl1$eball Career Unless you are lnttnlionolty 1ttomptin1 to hit a low shot, I lldvist thot ,.,.. nol p~ your drive' •OJ !wthtr'back In yo11r stance than your left heel. Golden West began !ta t970 bueball campaJgn on a win· nln& note Thursday with a M non conference victory ove:r Ventura on the lo.sers' dia-- FULL DAY'S WORK -Emerald Bay residents Frank Forbes (Jefl), and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burt and daughter Lisa of Emerald -Say, display recent catch in MazaUan. Caught were one striped marlin, a shark, three sailfish and 13 dorado. Ruth and Doug Perrin of Mazatlan and Laguna Beach, hosted the outing. WHAT'S IN- OUTDOORS? by Jock AMho•y The poor weather during the middle of the week chased most fresh and salt water anglers off the lakes and oceans. but not before a nice weekend had rewarded fishenneri with good catch· "' ol flJh. . Along the south coast all the deep sea landings hauled passengers out lo the fishing grounds and the surface and botlOm !.ish were very cooperative. Good surface acllon on barracuda, bass and bonito. highlighted by aome good showings of white sea bass sent many anglers home with smiles. Other anglers fishing the deep holes in the ocean also found excellent fishing for rock and ling cod. Skippers and landing operators from San C1emente to Long Beach are'looklng for the good bite5 to break loose any time now. White aea bass to 45 pounds art mO!l likely to show al catalina bland first and the yellowtail will start moving around San Clemente Island. Water conditions 11tt excellent for this time of the year and the bait conditions are fair. Crappie 011ttunnber Bn«• VaU Lake continue& to give up nice catches of cr~ppie tn upn •rill weighted jig rues. Even though a fair aumber of but to 11iii pomadt are being caught, tbe crappie flahermen an welabll& ta mny mOR pound• of fltb per limit tbu are 1.ho1e dlled •&kn fitblng: for old Mr. Largemouth. * * * John McCarthy and his family from Costa ~1Ma spent lasL weekend at the Butterfield Country Recreational Vehicle spa. and reported aeelng many good calcfies•cf fish coming from Vall · Like. Harold Fuller of Pomona lead the big fish parade with a nice 41h·pound rainbow trout taken near the boat docks on a Phobe lure. McCarthy said that the: bluegil and catfish were slow, but that with the wanning water conditions the!e two warm water specie:s ahoold betome more active on li-eut and night crawlers. For advance reservations at Vail Lake or last minute fishing roporll phone 1714) 671H611. ,...,,..., No. l Trout.' Lake lrvlM Lake It stJU the number one trout lake ln tbe Sooth1atid, at upen are brillgl.Dg home limits and near limits of nice trout. S&oeked nilibowt are bltllag cb~se. salmon eggs and Oasby tares iii about 11 to 15 fttt of "atrr. lrvlDe will receive an extra large 1tocklng of trout this week hi pnpamioe for the heavy holiday crowds. __ Tlte brorrzebackt have started to mO\'e around 1 bit ·and aailen are. picking up a fair number of ba111 to tbrte pounds on rabber wwm• and Smitbwicks. A fnr• but have betn working the surf act; early In the morn- h11 and lite in lbe evening, but the best results bave been fishing flte dropotft in about%$ feet of waler. Up north, Lake Cachu m~ and Casitas have been giving l lfl tome good catches of bass to nine pounds and trout to four pounds. Marina officia\:s at these two lakes predict good fishing lo return this weekend, weather permitting. The week's rain \vas needed very badly by all the lakc:s and even though the water ma y be a bit roily. the fish could come on Pro Cage, Hockey Standings ... ... i.n. 1>+¥1''911 ,,,_ ron. MNwli*M B1ltlmon· Plllla!JtlpM1 ...... Cl11<l-ll Detroll w \. I'd .•• 11 tJ .no - '3 1t ·"' • 31U,j1J11 ~· 30 ·* 11\li • 3' .'33 tt ,. J7 .431 ~ 1l .. .us 2'1'1 Wftllrll 1>1¥1ti911 Allanlt Lm Anp!U _,,,, (hlt-St n Frltw;ltce l>e1ttlt ~tn Oleto w L. Pct .•• J6tt~-3'~ ,. .Soll '. 2't 35 -4' ,,,, 1t l.i ••• ,, 1 27 35 ,$ I J) l1 .Cl "~ " 31 .m 13'.1 T!NrtlMr't llt1UITI LOI An .. it. 1)6, A"tlllt 11' C1tlc•111 122.. Pl'lat!lllf 111 I T11111ftft O.-c•11d11net1 et lolft Frenidte0 se111rnor1 11 1e1tt1e Ntw Yori! ti Pfll!tdll!'hll Pl•o•u• ti 0.tf'B" °"'"' .. mu Khtoluled ..... ••• ,.,. Oh1""' tndltM l( ... lue),Y C1f'BllNI NfW YCM't: Pltt1bur11h Ml•mf W L ,u. e1 Al 12 .712 - ;io n . .w. tt u 71 ~ lW. H :a .... 11~• ,, 3' .lM ll 1-' ., ·"' 11\<t WIUltl'll DIYltftft N•w Ork=•"' °'"'r D1 H11 W111tln11on LOI AneeJn W L P{I. $1 :w n .m - JI 21 .SU I 11 15 .511 ,. .. 1t 21 ..J11t .J'IO ,. 71 ,.css •• ,) f1111"•11'1 llt1U!h lndl1,,. 1 lt, Pl,.,.,burth !Of D•nv.,. 11!1, IC1ntucltr 111 We111ln11lon Ill. M11ml 121 flftll~I'• ··-l <:n ..,.,.., ..... ,. C1rolln1 .tt lltlel"' Wtlhlnvtorl 11 N-Orlt- lndl•n• et Plthbur.11 ~ew YOl'IC -..,,,.., Detroit """'" fOl'OlllO Southland Trout Plant lly HOWARD. L. BANDY ot .. O.iff ,.... &ltff "hldiana -~ known u • hot· -.becl tor b(Hdln1 ootllandln& basketball lllent and lortu .. tely tor coaoh Tim Tift of UC Irvine Anteaters, YOOll& M~Baroea sroduated frbm hlgl:i ~ achOol "' In 'the Hoosier stale. · "If I had tieen nbed In CalUornia, f 'think · I would have tried to 'become -a pro. lesak>Ml b8Rb1U player," the tempo expert of thia year'• Antealtr' team gay~ In Columbia City he WU • lour·yur letterman an . the baseball team al aecond bue. Furthermore, he waa a 1egular during that Lime and didn't C9"""lt an error unlil' his senior year when he was charged with two. But &mes is not playing baseball lh~e days . "The ba1tetbal l and baseball seaaonJ overlap too much out here," he aays. At ~10, Mike is one of the smallelt men on the lrvlne squad yet he has started every game for the past two year1 along with teammate and con- stant companion Steve Sablbs. "Mike is a highly un- 'derrated. player in the amount of value be is to the team," Tilt analyus. "Many of the things he does go unnoticed. He ia a winoer au the way and.likes to see lhe team win." Tift pays him the supreme compllmtnt. "His role the past two years Is better than any other player we have had at Irvine. He Is very quick, a good ball handler and in a fast break situation, he is the one who sets the tempo of our game. •·And he is right far more lhan he is wrong even though he only has a split second to make a decision." After JlJaduation rrom high !Chool Mike made a trip to CalifonUa to visit his brother, Tom, who had spent time in San Diego with the Navy. Tom was attending R i v e r & i d e Junior College and both had trouble with a sinus condltion in Indiana. 'Ille dry climate ln Rive.nide impressed them both and Mike enrolled to play two years of basketball as wen as attend classes. He wasn't here very long. however, before he convinced someone else very near to his heart to make the transltiO'tl. Mib married his high Lightweight Basketball strong this weekend. livened up by the new water and feed washed Following, by coonty, are into the lakrs. the Southern Callfornia lakes Mild day And night lime temperatures should have very 1iWe and streams scheduled to be effect on the fffiling habits of the bas,,. lroul and crappie.. stocked this wee.k with 1-to tG- Cola de Cn.:-n Offers -JlllU!h Inch rainbow trout. LOS ANGELES -Big Tu· JIMIMll IWI CJI) SMC,_.,... WlllletM ('l F (lSJ VI,.,_ Wed 1'1 I' l•I EnW. Owll'I 061 C It) MKH-•e Ntlllllr\ Ct> Go (J) C- $1tftJ ltl G Ill SIR.,,, ~ wt1t1 F«lttllll -Ftiton I. WI> Clemenft; -AlltYN L Str<• ,._,.,. 2. Scolt Plter I. Heltt""': S.11 Ct~ 2).IS. <M '. Many nc:Mce players posiUon tht ball op~ •tanct-center ••"'--(111-nfl), school .-theart. Becky, In A....,i, 11116. Thi )'llllJll ...,. Pia la exped/n1 Ill !Int child in ~ ol this year just In time to • "Daddy" ,raduale from UC Irvine. • ~ mond. Mll:e has been ictepll!d for 'i teacfilna position at~otn Dame High School I n l\IY<l"lide In the !1U and will attend acllool on a ~­baa~. H any high ochool 9~ junior o;olleae la looldn& le< a blsket- liall coach and .. asslsllnl, It llO<d look no farther than the UCI campus. ·I This puts their hands so In forward of the etubhtad, fhtt, lhey can'"" returw ltto•11C1Uar• • • .' ·B•rne• 1od SabiM are loot~ fnl for a packaae deal wtMn they .CID teach and collCh together and H their cotchln1 9 abUity comts anYwbere near PoSition in thahittin11rea:Jhey theft . playing prowea, thef luve the face "open" (illustra' will be hard to.bell · lion #2) and hit lliced •ho~ to ~· Mike thlnk i h e tht right. . An\'!lera will &•In a opot in If you play th ... shots olf the f!CAA Weatem Regional your left heel (Ml~n #3), playo(f1 thla year? yovwill allowJOu""11.,..etimo ls h moon yellow? Is grau to square the Clubface. Straight· greerl? II the ocean blue! er shots with a'hi&hertrajeetory Certainly, he figures the will result.. 1 Anteaten will be 1n the thick • l of the l~amble. • e ...,.w.,. .._.,. But..,..,. thina he addJ is '----------------=:.=..J that be feels they must win all remaining games and close with a 19-7 aeuon record. Where will the toothest competlton be! At San Fernando Valley St.ate in the ne1.t to laMt game aga.M the ;ilayer Mike feels i1 the best he hu f1ced ln two years at UCI. Emerd Carr is the man in mention. ~e ls a super player and I think he could be starting for U<:LA right now," Mike says. · Mike, for all hit maturity as a cnllege senior, a married man for 31'2 years and an ex- pectant father, aUll bas a little of the boy Jen In him. He may have given up the game of bueball as a player but he retains gn interest in the game. Since 1955 he has collected baseball carcb and at the present time has a coUe:clion ol over 10,000. CIF Be1ths Still Open To Quintets Golf Rot1ndup Off theAreal,inks A to(al of 12 monthly win-ners met for player of the year honon at Meadowlark Coun1ry Clllb recently using fµU haodlcaps and the winner was Deno Curtis with a tow net score of 64. Hank Gowdy followed with a IS with Ed Shepherd (66) and Art Fergtl!On (68) next in line. The Meadowlark course was the scene of the aMual Long. Beach Second Guessera buebaU.tournaments.turday, Many past and present base· ball stara were on hand to IA>lmameot at Rancho Joaquin Sunday. Feb. 22. ,,,_.......,, ..... Men's Alaocl>tion slqed • Meadowlm will play a low net tournament on Saturday and Sunday, using t b ti r starling times and turnin& in scores for the competition. The. Westminster Business Men's Asaociation is staging a tournament -at Meadowlark Thursday. participate in this one. Seacliff Rancho SI Rooemary Ertckaoo had a r •-~-I low net ICOl'e ol IO to win an n a )Clwq c ub best ball of abbreviated 1adlel day tourna- foursomt competition I a s t ment at Huntington Seacl1U w .. kend et Rancho San Joa· COO.try Club Monday. qui,' Ama Shetler, Gloria Ada Barry flntabed in se- Talmadge, le.an Cottam and cond place with an 11 in the Trudy Bone came in with an first night. lJ under par xore of 62 to Olah Morgan and June Fjt--~ :ued ror the run-:Oi:i ~~ ;:" ~ nerup position al 83. Zola 77s. Bartholbme:w, Belfy' Felrsen,, -::;.;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Helen Schwella and Irene! Centerfielder Jim Hogan and hb ri&hl!ield partner, Wayne Kie.fer, provided th• bNnt of the Rustler's offensive thru!t. with three hill apiete . Hogan was al50 responsible for four runs-batted-In. Coach Fred Hoover's club aot. o!I on the right loot In the secood inning with a four-n.in rally. Ventura managed to tie the affair with three counters in the bottom or that stanza and added a run in the fourth. fourth. · However, Golden West came right back in the fifth with four more ruoa and was never headed. V e:ntilra knocked winning pitcher Greg Henry out of the box in the bottom of the ninth witb a pair of two--Ntl homers. but reliever Steve Griffilh cnme in to strike out the slde with the bsses empty and get credit for the aave. ........ , (ti .. • ••• Jllll MoHn.d ' • ' • ll111110t1.ft ' • • • .... ,. • • • • fltll'Uell,. ' • • • John HoMn, lib • • • • PM'llblrton. c ' • • • kltoftr, rf • • • • w.~.11 • • • ' ...... • • • • s...,.,.,, If ' ' • • C1rroll, rf • • • ....... ,. • • • -· • • • MllllY. • ' • • Gf"lf'lltl'!,. • • • ' Tot1l1 ~ , 11 ' V1111'1.frf Cll Tlllfferl, )b L111t. rf Melfodo:, ci HalltwlY, lb S!. c111r, e c~.n l'l,rc1. 116 ci ..... rtter, 1'b 'llllltr""I' 1> Gonullt. 11 --· TIJl1l1 .. '"'~' 5 II I I I 2 1 I ' ' • l I 1 1 I • I 2 II • 11 1 11 l I l II 5 II o • n < 2 i II 0 G 0 II o 0 G o 31 111• sun n 111ot1,,.. Goldll'I W11I O«I O«I 001 -• 11 I Vlftlure 030 100 NI -I ll I IA.SllALL Pt.ATl•S Min BOBBY KNOOP Set., February 14th 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. NEAL'S 21tl.4tt.St,.S..AM 111 ... m Mi&sion Viejo and Mater Dei, a couple. or prep quintet.I fighting for possible CIF basketball playoff bertha, are heavy favorites t.omght to stay in the runnbtg for the ellmlna- 'Jbomas . corrlpe.ted . on one team with Betty Blakemore, Vi 5axton, Bonnie Atkinson and Bev'erly Cornwell ori the other squad. THE BIG BRAKE SAFETY CENTERS -BENDIX- tions. Mater Del's Monarchs are in a tflree..w1y tie for aecond place, two games be.b1nd Angelus League pactsetter St. Anthony, and the Mooarchs play host to Servite. Misslon Viejo, meanwhile, plays bo&t to Laguna Be:ach's luckless ~. who have yet to win in Crestview League play after II outlnp. San Clemente plays host to Tustin tn the other Q-estview In a acotch twosome com- petition I.Dr the men'• c!Ub, all handicap& were .a d de d together and divided by two to determine the winners. Bill Winter and.Pat Wade came .in with a 64¥..: to gain a half lt:oke win over Gary Hanson and Abe O'Neill with a 6$. Doug Terry and Bob Mansfield fired a 6Sli2 for third plac<. Preparations are: under way for the Hal Pangle memorial College Tennis encounter involving Orange ucu JV,, Dr•-c..tt t Coa&t area fives. s1"'1e1 s. c-11 !UCLA) ""'· Cll!lnlNhlll\ All games art act f(I(' a (OCCl. "'· 6-1. o'clock. ..,~ustl~ IUCLAl def. ot1• (OCC), .. ,. Coach ~JTY Tardie'• Mater c:-c1~~~ iucLAl dft. Gecll~•n Dei group had liUle trouble Otlroff (UCLAI de!. w 1ni.,.. (OCCJ, I ... ,. '"'-w th 5mita in first round ac-Gtfrnonll (UCLA) cltf. M. ,,,,,., tlon at the latter's court and I~~), ~;;,J.'· (OCCJ WI. H11ktll aeems a prohlbiUvt favorite to (UCLA\. •1. 7·S. . _ .. TIP tht Friars again. G1rmontr -i l.rl1n fUC LA) u . Le din ·~ M -~-I °'"' ...., Wl"lfft (OCCJ ........ . a g "'"" on......... ' C\IMlntl'lem '"" Godi.lwill (OCCI dlf. forward Ralph Chandoa. T•-•NI Moll (UCLA). ~ M. Pat Roberts' Mission Viejo uc lfYIM ui''ti1'uc .. .,.,.. crew i! currenUy playing iU O'N.iH fUCll =-:, .. 1 best ball of n .... .,_,. ·--nt••g J1b1o1>11.r rucn _, '-1, 1-l u11::: ;r ~-_....., "' TNI IUClj -•t, .. , to Roberts while Laguna is ~~111':'1\\,:• ..s.~ making ill filth comeeutive outon '15co 11111'"14. w appearance aw•w from home. O'N1111 1uco '::"t11wn <ucn - M . -., .. , .... 1sston Viejo trails teeond J~' fuctl '"" ,., .. HKll .,., BRAKES! THE VERY BEST YOU CAN BUY! RIGULAR BRAKES POWER BRAKES DISC BRAKES * DOMESTIC OR FOREIGN BRAKES REUNED ON ANY CAR Snuggled back into the bills of the Santa An• Mountains. Junga Creek upper seetioo, 1n·erloM:ed by Saddleback and cooled by the: ocean bree.r:ea.. the Crystal Lake. Legg Lake, but.er ind oatdoonmn of Southern CaJllornia Clll fllcl • "" Puddingstone Reservoir, San clode.d ct111ntry club known at Coto de Ca1.a. Gab1"1 River East, North 'and This wrl•er vlAlled Lbe $.000 acre. development last week ""11 West Forks. ,,. Plact Foothill bv .... _ .. .,. IUCll Ind ... ,. ... IUCI) -.. ,...,_,(ti) t•l MerlM ·-------''=-::·=----· __ ....:.·~·::• __ • _ _:,:._ ____ j Cd!•• (201 f' (It) llH I New, 11-lw• .. • liM1tt1 -•M li11i11t i111t•tl1tl•ftt COST YOU MALF et M llAD -N• 1111ff1r whet yeu'r• drivin9 •r where it c•"'• frolft. NebMy ..... _.. th• b,1ke b11ti1111t .,.tttr the1 our ex,.rt ~.cheftict. Thet't 011r 1p1ci•+v. We 1110 HHDIX ,.EMIUM u'""''· which ill Oltf epi11ien•, .,. th. tEST YOU CAN IUY. letter tlite11 feclOfY 1teftderd1 fnr NEW cer1. w, iR1tell lft tO 1'1i11ut .. wliiile ye11 w1i!, 1"4 offer FREE ADJUSTMENTS for tfl. fife of yo11r '''· vete.ru Newport er, Ge1'.lr1te Lobaugh. SAN BERNARDINO Tie atmo1pberr which surrounds you as you enter the valley Deep Creek at Bowen Ranch. e1compa1te1 all the actlvllirt1 of the great outdoon. NaUve quail, SAN DIEGO -S a n ta dt¥t ud ducks winged overhead as we made our way from tbe Margarita River. ht.formation center down to tbe main club ~ouse. SANT A B A R B A R A -* u... Cachuma Lake. s.1111 ..... c4'1 ,,,, M•. SMcll * J{ VENTURA_ Casllls , -•e M•"'" ntJ r 1u tt11t~ow1k1 Lllllll t Mck" (t i " (13\ Ntl11 ~ {fl I' (t) Hl- O'Flltt«t'I 111 C {lfl MemMn 1'9 a• ;:;,,: ::i : ,~~:..'= DAmE oF CHAMPIONS 1 ._. lff'WP!ll1 tuei.: CUl'Wtlo!IM (I), Clart. ' .....!!!!'I (2), Llltlelofwt fl), C.ld'fllell (t). ~.._....., Helftl""': Mtrll'lll 2L H_,-t tt, ....,.--. Rcbin Moore. general man ager. Is very experienced ln oul· MatiUja Creek, Piru Creek UP" W•IM., 021 c 111 ~ IMi llAU h .. "••II iit e,.re+i111 111 Souttier11 C11ifor11i• for 0Y1r 1 Y••rt. Our 'II ,rice pre9r•M i1 I lio111ficle ... 11111 ll•••4 e11 our e1t1bllth9' br1ke li11i119 I li11i11t i11t1111•tio 11 ,,1cet. FREE LO.AN CARS .AV.AILAILE COITA MISA HUNnN•TON llACH Jiil M•rMf lwt. tHt1 ~ IM. C1141 MMm (f141 kJ..,,I CJ.et ._. tf ,_ """ !Otle llllCll ,_. .. llMt Oi.,t "'""·' .. ,..,,, ...... NOYI LON• llACH door activtUet and along wllb his business background Jays a good per secllon, Piru t.ke, Santa ::=. 1:~1 i 1~:1,.f:.= foundaUon for the club. Paula Creek, Supe Cf'tek 5co11,,, 1uei.1 Hllfttlrogb'I -111111Y•ft 1. Bob 5aoohez, the J~untmaster, is a BUperior marksman andliftlioiwieriisectiil~oni.~iiii~i~'~'"i'~i"":'~"i'i"i'"i-~'~•i•i•i"'~' i ... ~1 bu ebot in open competition all over the world. To the club Sanchez brings with him the knowledge of how to run d)re buntine activities of the club. which include flighted mallanll, pheasant and chukar hunUng, trop and •k•<t ,..,.,, a • FOR SALE/ • , .... ,......,.. ... 11'1 L.Wlt ·--."' .. cn41 ....,1 fnJ1 Jff.._ (0.. lltd: """'9 tf ··~ (Jflt .... ff l"tdlc (NII ~ Prwr.I ...,.,.I OTHO LOCATIOtfl TO lllYI YOU IN • ,..,_,, .................. LA.. w. Let 'Itel ~ ,_ ......... : ............... ""' ... quill wtUt, duck tower. gun inaa.ruct.IOlll and aafe gun handlm&, as well .. the shooti ng of nau ... aamo and [iablJI& In the duck ponda. 111, Hu.bbant. one or the best known ctoc tra1nen In the west. JIM llAM COWCTOR'S SERIES handles all ol the doas f<>< the club. Hubbml h8' trained many PONOIROIA -BING CROSBY GOLF - Held trial champions and 11 now concentraUng oo tr•ining dop . I ltAROLD'S CLUB -BASEBALL r ... club membe rs. The club oll'fl thet• l«nnels and tra!nln& 'l"9S '2' 95 llChnlqolel to be !oond •nywl!crt. .,_ TO • we moved 1n10 the ri•lds tn quest or pheJ>sant. The dog• wot'k· GENERAL U""UOR STOR. E ed the fte1d1I perfectly and Lobaugh "'turned to the cttttrhoose 'P' tritb four nice pheasant Then on to lht flighted mallards. where 1211 H•Mr 11"1. 101t N. hcll4 the 1tilll rJ Ill! shootc~ ~re put to a good test. c .. t1 Mnt An•httm lbt lelm of 11hoot ers only man"ged to bag a handtul nf Lhe 1 lat, llyJni ducU, bu! erpended more than Jwo boxes or llh•Us. " 1 I • A ' I· • . JOE FIAZIEiln.JIMllY nus w.tfQ 1fz JI WlltllClisf• $UIT"IM&•CllUll"7<GOPJL All SUlS IOllVID $7.50 AKUa COMWt1111DM cana I ndilts •Wt= An••·• Ga:•••• c.. tw, M1tw1 At••dtlr Welldl't Mnk s-tlllW cam. -1o °'-'-'Y • llOUltS Al~T,.~},~• lft, t A.M. • 6 P'.M.. ,_, It A.M. : I ,.M. "STt,..AT llO l~AXC -YOU~ LIFE'S AT 3fA<EI" • • ------------.--~.-,._- • • ,- TAR cAGERS , "Outlook Bright for OCC S~mers HOST RlY AL With live top lollermen the 400 yard medley relay water ""~' · Ul alao llool returning, O~ Coast 1eam. Ile was also an All-!rom Ne ~ ~· Con19itpce Newport Harbor. Ht ab ' 1 College begins Us 1'70 swim American at Corona del Mar Haak is ' lolL Oickerln_g ClF AMA basket,.. seuon today, racln1 Santa lllgh , High. mfftt ~ ' Frld•r, Ftbru1ry 13, 1~70 DAILY PILOT fl ' Re sorts ,, 81 -RlllWN'" bars -•·•---•-•1 an'ba'"'~'o Wedn-•:yaM'Saj u rday coodplaoeteam.i·ontbellne ' I b -• Bart ... . •.:.....i ball playoff title hopes as a se-The best ol lJur. ~· 111111.--..a UD • au._r~ • "' .. ,.·iu ,,_ ..... . "' b ,. :.,,_ 1 tcr a poo . reastst • ..,.ers. on preir rormer Costa M 1 • Confertnce ""Q'' MonJ.s:a and Citrus In the lat. Barton and Johnston are c~uld be Chrl~'"~• compete ~ ~ .. ,.,_...,_ tin• vtvlce (te....,.·••'<111) ·(telephone (714 ) li6-4MI). torua .. tw en..,e.-otry • ~ _ ' • "I"-'"l'""'""l. rebound against in v ad l n g Veterans Mike Allbright, ped at Montebello and who won All-A a ta 'tuesday'. Hu wlnhlr finllly arrived th 7d& or (714) •ti,l), Group, family, and student Western. Ti?{lff is at I o'clock. Jack Barton, Pete Haak, J6hnson, another Corona del Irvine League ™>no , , ¥ 1 to the start ot eon- Soutbem Olllfomll? It's about open ~.eUendS apd~s. rates are offered. The Tats atGpped their ~' ~ce Joh111ton and Gary Mar product, was the South Coach Jack Fullerton's cl ub rererice Jclfon at CerTjtos 'time, ~ alto time for a 90m-s.Ow s.....,jt, 7 ~ to,a,JOO 'rho official snow f9POrt lot COlld .atralpt to fall two 't\11>111pooa expect to give the COl8t Conlerence 200 brcaSI-has an atlracUve -dule \his tM'mh '•> the Plratea Jfilr • 'plet.e rufidow1fon tkJ ruort.s feet,'Jiutwo•doubleChatrU(ts, local skiing B!>0"90red by the gamesolllbispeceWednesday Pt.rat.el, anotblr ·winning stroke chamP.iQCI last year . season , culmlnaUng wiU\. the _ enter the West coast atiim-·: cloei to home. seven fOR!"Ww11, certif~rlkl Ski· Tow and Lift Operators of -nlght~to Westminster, 67..SS.::-....00. · -.'.l;bompson, a· ~l-~. 2 ct.o slate. champlon!hlp _m_eie..L.· -•pionshlps at UC S ·~ta schObt,•Clteteril and two bttl, southern ca It torn i a is Anaheim plays host tO Santa . Allbriaht was an A 11 · pounder, IS al90 " a Jaycee and hosted by OCC on 'I'l)urday. Barbara (J"eb. 2Q..20 and the In our own backyard are e1-danchii, 1 accessory shop, ski available by callina: (113) AT ~Ana · Jli· the other Suns~t American last aeuon at high schOol All-Americin and .Friday and Saijirday, April 20, Southern' C&ll!ornla Relay1 at teJlent ski resorts. All they renllls, . and night U:Ung 7~97U. League contest. or.nae Coat as a member of a •ond team conf<er~ May 1-1. -· Santa Ana {March 4). have needed b 1now. Of\-~~r-~~-=-~~-=~~~~~~~~~~~...,..;=-~~~~~~~~~-=-~~~~~~~~~-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-'~~~.,.._~~~~~ coune, cuStom snow artas, ·in· cludin« thi:S MIJOll Holiday ., Hlll,,Bhle Riclle, SnoW' Valley, · Snow Summit, and Rebel . RJdl;e, have been pumpJJll out . snow. The bl;ger portions of . the mountains have been waJtlnc ·ror the natural stuff, ·however. ~· HopeiuJly it Is about tO at· ·.rive to bring us lhtt close-to- ho'me 1kUR1 wbJch makes long trlpa ·uMtcessary . . · Mt. Pinos Wintersport.s"Area fs·ZO miles west of Gorman off the Golden state Freeway to .Bak4J'!lfield. EleVaUona are S,500 to 8,toO reet·: family snow • play, toboggaq.in&, and crou :tolllltry Ullng are available, the area open weekends and holidays. Along Angeles C r e s t Hlehway 30 to 35 miles north of La Canada on Stile Hl&bway Z are Kratka Ridge Ski Area and Mt. 'Vaterman Sil Lilla. Kralka Rid&•. 6,700 to a.ooo reet, has ont aingle chairlift, rour rope tows, certified ski school, coffee shop, beer room, ski rentals and sales !telephone (213) 7'1).4683). Mt,. Waterman, 7,200 to 8,cm feet. has two chairllrts, one rope tow, cerUOed aki achoo!, warming hut snack bar_.. ski rentals, and cross country •kllng oo top (telephone (213) 700.-). <LIFTS AT BALDY Mt. Baldy Sid Area, 13 miles north of Claremont, elevation 6,500 to 8,aoo feet, has four double chalrll!ls, certllled ak.l school, day lodge a n d restaurant, ski rentals and. ;: shops (telephone (714) 982-4208). AccommodaUom .; are available in Mt. Ba Id y, Upland; and Montclair. The Snow Valtey and Grttn Valley Ski Are&s are found bY ~ driving from the ,Alabama turnoff ln Redlancb to City i Creel: Ro.ad, w l l h ac- commodations at R up n Jn I Si>rlnai, Gteen Vllley 'LU;, and Lake Arrowhead. Snow V41ll.ey, 6,IXI to 7,800 feet, hu three d o u b I e chairlifts, rour rope tows, certified ski school, cafeleria, bar, skl, rentals, ~ shop, and a tobogan 1114 D!f~by\ . , ~· Green Villl!y,'7,,...i'io ·1,Sia • , reet has one 'Poma· Utt, oril ... rope tows, ski -scbooi snack bar, and a ski rentals ((elephooe ( 7 I 4 ) 1167-23.13). F~ for families, the arta is open weekends and holidays. WJllGHl'WOOD In tbe "is Plnes-Wrightwood area an. ):llne Ridge, Holl day Hill, and Table Mountain. The· W. coinplex i! reached frotn the-San' Fernando Valley and weatern \.OS Angeles by U.S. Highway 6 aqd Slate Hlgtlway 138; from S a n Gabriel Valley end e111.em , Loa Anjeles, by U.S. Highway 66 '1Uf--State Hwy. 138. Ac~ commodatiOOs are available ·1n Wriptwood. Blue Ridge, 6,a:>O to 8.000 reel, has one double chairlift., one tJ.ni!e chatrll!t, two rope toWa, ski schooft rtStaurant, and slct renlals (telephone (71<) 249-31311). Hollclay Hlll, 6,500 lo 8.200 feet, bas two double chairlifts, one &1n1le cbairllft, ooe platter Jifl, two rope tows, ~rUfied ski school, family snow play area, day lodge, ski rentals, and ski ship (telephone (71<) · 24.__or~.1' ~ 1 ! Table -"111. 1;il0' to t· T.3111 feet,-l!li .UDW~l'aria j· tift4, •five rope tows, ski r school, cafeteria and a&I rtn- !· tals. 'I1le area. Is o p e n 1 weekends ind holidays. • In the Big Bear Lake area, f about 40 miles northeast of , San Bernardino , are i. Moonrklle, Rebel Rid&e, Snow : F.,..\, and Snow Summit Ski ·1 Areu. 'l1te town of 811 Belr ·I Lal!< hu unlimlled I!"· ~ c ommod1atlon1 .P.f.!_s ~ rtttauranlll ~Wt, ('~-, •; • . ~ allClpl, Ice IQUnt,' ad - pl.,.. • • • §;_ ~" Moonridae, 7,141 ," -feet, bu two Poma ll!ts, thttt ., rope towai certified old och!>ol, ~ reatauraat, blr, RI and tobol· ~ gan rentall atld a mow play ~ aru OCJeratN: weekend! and jl holldaya. . -Rid&•. 1.800 to 7 ,200 ~ ,,.~ hu one lfoUb\e cllalrllft, ~ lhree rope tow1, cerllfied al<l :S ocllool, mtaurant. bar, $11-~ ciq, old "°laJs, 1ii"sbop Ind 'I ski bob and tobopan rentals • (loltphaae (VIII 11&-ms. or ".;~). .. -&now~Fort1t', 7,000 to 7/100· rcct. has one slngle chtlrlllt, one Poma lilt, (our rope tows. cerUlled ,1ki school, two !""ck. ' . (but the bargains are heavy) SIDE SWAG LITE IL•CI• DECOR TEMPERED GLISS TUB EICLOSUBE 2987 SCOTTS SUPER BM.TS : .. $2.DD OFF I ··~·-• .. :· .. -,.~ ...... '* .... ' REG. 9.95 HEDGE TllDDIEll A toGg!a··thlncJ. ._.. llf one ol Iha gOiMI na ... 1. U It loan't do Iba heclg• nlca aad ..., JOU cml coll It .. of tlte bad D-•S. F.ctory sharp !Cfsta•· 1499 u.112 414 CEDAR POSTS 99!. • la12 •• FREE ST AMDIHG ·FIREPL .. CE MALIBU LOW VOLTAGE LIGHT SYSTEM Thl1 ii • Willller for en llM youog on•• HY• ""•'Y hff\'J"'). Iii; •la: ligbl d.al. With lh• lhur ond th• ,,.....,._,, btclud" 100 fMt of outdoor wlrll)g', No hie eolldult lhbaf-, )\IN bury th wire, th1 •oltc:ig• I• ao low St won•t hurl • .Look• grfft 10 Joad.Clfl)9 with llghttav: oDd lbe extro-p~lon agalllll burglars i•'t ~lo~ Cit (Qaat'hOO). HO. 500 LI" KIT 477 Tft\1 11th• 011• you M• In th• big mo:11 '1 hook Jor o••r 1100. wllho11I h• t.-bumper thing. W• got a 11111• inon !or It. bul now it is Um• o tit. about 100m lot' new stuJL. So ii you ha•• waft1.d a tiH , •la llr•plac•, you ran pick Ud• 11p and go out to dUua.,-. ond a ho the elllra inon•y n•"· SO HAL ' OSE OUT WE'LL TEICH YOU HOW TO DO IT AID SAYE A TOR OF COIR! FREE CLASSES .. II•• were all•TKh l"d 5o:y lorget it, "'-ii roday It yo11 want nit• 1blng1 'f'Oll 1ltould toke litn• to I.am bow lo do.i1-your1ell. O\it La MIToda •lores ho"• a 1w•ll clossrrm and. people inl•r••l.d in H•inv you doa'I lolloH up tba }ob ond wo11:. your hard·~rnlld do11gh. Tak• od•anlog• ol ll. f•b. II -.. Workint with R"in1 n11d 011!.er .Hobbr ll•1¥11'' H-1 P•ar•on Company f•b. 25 -"la1tal.lotlon oJ Eleetr!c:ol Switch•• and Minor Hou1•hold Elec:trlcol ft•poir • Problem•'" Mor. f -•iftlerlar PcdoU09" Olidd•• Co.111p0Dr • Raglsl•f now. LIMIT 100 PEllllONS. LA MIRADA STOit£ ONLY. Cl1111e1 held •'l'•JY W.do•1doy from 7:30 to 1:30 P.M. Ad.,ertls.d 1p.clal1 good thn& F•bruary ll, Jt10 fu11l•1• lhe1ky fall• In and then w•'llc:illtoba' •oration) •• o REFREsBMERTS o DOOR PRIZES • SPORTS STEEBllG WHEEL 5'7 To gl.,. th• cor thol lp••dy raisMI Joor lhi• Jrtt dOff It. V•ry hiecwy duty 11 .. 1 11ult. 111 my kid doe1 l1 lo Mf car. I'll lrlll • ... ) Th\1 look• Ilk• 0111 ol 1ho1e Ofand Ptlx £ngl\1k Wh .. ls. but for fat lffcl dO\lgll. Piii on• on. your VW and mall•' Cl •latt OQ JO\lt lutur• Bnll•. ' 1Ta "tlL , TM• 6". CEDAR. GWE STIJES PIRE SBELYIJIG 9 DUWER STODGE BIR KElllEDY HO. 520 TOOL IOI 191: 110. I 411 PEGIOIBD ,~,. 111 lllCH0 9c Lill. FT. .. liaooth four aldaa. you. do tom• caret.at • nnlacr Clllli JOll C"U 9et •arr expeall" elac:rr plac.t out of It too. Plntr Jor tit.• ... 12x12 CAIPET TILE$ 29c 1•a Th• thl99 to k••f.I thing• lrom g1tllng lost. In the bobby shop or the sewing toODI It'• unJul, You con , .. what"• In. the thing 'Without pulling op111 ..,.,, d1crwer. ~>@@~.Yl~I ,_,. . SPRAY GUR ' f97 2999 . . Sp.cial b\iy. We told th• 1elH111an h• owed u• 1onwlbl!lf 11 ... Jor 011r cu110..ets. h worked. Ool ii ton ol drawar1. lllt•Up top. A rec:il professional deed. While th•y Ja1t. I'' or. •. 1 t I ·-, Ii • I I I ' ! • •• " .. 1f rtdq, febnaarr 13, 1970 • ' • I J • , . .. ,, .. 1961 FOllD T-llllD'-"'"· _ .. .,,, ... =· ~ ,. os· ·9· wlltl Ulldeu ..... -· ~ '"" .... .. 111.wrioul • -• ...... . *21. NOW ONLY-. 1966 ~ Vlll•i•r,,p. -·-..... ~ ~· m· Wilfl V .. ---~!IC~-, ""-,Al (()fol ' ' b'lf10N1r' r..n. t. =--. -~ 'cmo su> NOW oNi.Y ~ ' ~ , j. .. ,, I 969 FOO 1'0IUllO OT "'' ... ~·~ ... ··~·· ·~-·si" ·zaJS· ~-• -•1-1111 lflhlr• • :;m1::b'f: r8Gl9·.nd liM!w}. '"'"' -.,. • · •NOW •ONLY< I ., • .r ·.' . '• .. • :,.1 . i~·~~~~~~~;POLAU·. . aoDGE soPER~· stE~ ~ ... T..=~T'!tc'l!; '1288 LOW Mll:'EAfiE 'SPEIDSTIR, · • • ,• I .~ l!A • ' ~ l"-3 Y.W.,,.... I ll,41k • ...... ~ .............. .;;..Jj • .. s ·ss::J= •Id. .,.u,. twelef .... 111111' .-. ' 110CGm1. • • :· .HOW ~OH Y / f."' • r ,,., ~ . ··~. 19joi ... :.'· . · CAMPER .. ~ .. CIJltVIRSIOlt . ., ,' I • ,, .. This d1lu.:1 ·1969 y1td Dodge looks s'hoWrciom new WHh of1fy 1,000 mll11. Th11 ,,.,... ·truly the blrg•ln of ttlt'd•y 4 1p1td,1"tt br1k~,.pow1r 1t1tring. It 1vrt to tut,.' drfvt ttf11 car & bt prtpirecl to. drlvt Jt liOmt. Ont only IVC 011. t • ·A REAL$ DEAL ONLY ' . , I ' . -~·~. ., ,-; ... t • lli"Perio,,dince r,!~· A) INch City ·_'f," hlY• 1 l•rv•·st lJCt'9n to choose froJft", -440 fouH1rrtl m1gnum 1n9int, ·6 .. ptc.1, htini's .1nd lotds'of .. e~ifu\g cirs for .tfit. r1cl • ...... '-cir ·lftthusiast:" ,. 1 • .. -' ' -~o,1 '..iil/ity.:16• ·,-~ ... ~ ,,,.,._, . . . .. ''..:"~' -::::::;.. ' .. "' . . ' · 19",DQ'"51 C~Nn. 500,. ~fi-.. _ ,88 j -:1,....,,.1 .-. ar ·= ktf_ ~ t~IO ll!lf\~JW. ( • ,. " ' ' NOW ONi.Y ' ', • 1'65 CHIVROLIT llL ~IR '588 1967 CORTINA WAGON 5888 . ' .. , . 'St FORD IV• T. W/cUNI '788 l61 PLY ... •uRAcVDA . ' •• '>.,~-' ::;!• ~~ ..... ~.'1..,.oo:::r..w::: s139a· 1 411~11er.,xeu 31U. . , NOW ONLY • r ' • ; .,,. .. ·QJAIA/ITll" . c". ~ -~ ' r , ' . I • -• - All of our S-St1r ustcl c1rs c1rry 1 100% un- 'oniOtionll gij1rlnfe 1. This Stir m11n1 th1t Buch City Dodtt 9u1r1nt111 ti!• cir 100% 1gJ1lmt mteh1nicll defects for ·100 d1y1 or 4·0ab Milts, ·whichever comff flnt after pur· chae .. Tlab inch•• 111 mte:h1nic1I part1, 1t.c· • ltica\·Ol!Uipmenl, batllt"f, .,..d°""ter, rodio< -~ hNttir·"On 111 5-St1r c1r1. THfS GUARANTEE , COVIU ~ll PARTS ANO LABOR FREI TO YOUI ' " . 'r 1967 DODGE PICK·UP "!!..!• ............ """'1188 Tug"'.:O).tild. rNJo •!Id '""tu. NOW ONLY . . '65 'FORD MUSTANG '688 'M Y.W. "IUO" • 788 -·--ON ALZ NEW.i910 LEASE .CARS AU , IAA/t1.~ & ;MODEts! , . ·' ' - -- .. A, Comple ,te G,uitle , • WillterFest Opens Run Next Friday The Seventh Annual Winter Festival gels under way in Laguna B:eacb next Friday, Feb. 20 for a ten day run, closing Sunday, March I. 'to'(lf"' ~ , . r·--, &me 500 Laguna res.idenls will volunteer their services to put the annual festi.vaJ together. Over 35 evenls are ~planned with many of them free of •_charg~Some b e a nominal fet to ·, l;a~a " . Ml\)'OI",, ejepo·E: Ved- l, ~ wlll welCftlne guem to th~· tea ·~ }' ~!*'«lar~g at ) p.m.·ln $!>e pybfic · Library paUo, Park Ave. aL Glenneyre, ' . . -. CATAMARAN RACES DURING WINTER FESTIVAL SE1: FOR FEB. 21 -MARCH I Interndsslou Feb. 20 and a sidewalk art show will be held next to the Chamber of Commerce office on Park Ave. in a closed off portion o( the street. It will be a mini-show of arts and cralta shows to be held at other locations during the run. All of the schools in the arel will show the work of their student.son the Festival of Arts grounds where most of the arts and crafts shows wiU be held. other events which will claim the at- te,:itlon of visitors to the festival include a rodeo, a parade, volleyball and dart throwing tournamenls, a p a n ca k e • t?reakfast, a grape festival and wine tasting party, art shows and an art auc· lion, a shufOeboard exhibition and silent movies. A iabulou!: gounnet dinner is scheduled and there will be a 'lawn bowling tourna· ment, open house at the Laguna Beaeh Ari Mlociatloo Gallery and the School or Art ancf Design. Gatamaran races and Stifing contests, a chuck wagon barbecue and a great flea market are also on the program. Prlu5 and trophies will be awarded for many of the competilive events. A brochure JiaUng all 'ot the Winter FesUval eventa 1s available from the Chamber ol Commerce office, by mall . Write Detty M}'m, 2ISO Park Ave., Laguna Beach. CaUf. 92651. For in· fonnation pbor\e 4ff.1011. , Stllrs' Progeny C~t Together In: Vegas Revue Theaters Growing Up C<t.brity '°"' and daught•n oC llollyirood stars will present a new music By TOM 'TITUS TIDS CONmTUTF.S growing oul - and comedy revue tilled. "The Name 1s ot JM rt.itr PJi.t St•tr reaching for the new play iather than "'--"--" • Ca p I • c· , J'oday's subject may .very well (and "''"" ~1~ ut eaan a aces trcu stlcking with the safe and (mostly but riot Th probably does). fall into the category. of Mexlmus, Laa Vegas, sLartl.ng unday, wu· hful thinking.by an optimistic, aisle-always) sound. But at least. !our of these F..i:.-1.,.... -. It .,. : 0 ·-first time in c;ui u-,, 4111 u..:; sitting typewriter tapper, but there ap-th:eaters also are growing up -trying theatrical history that so.many offsprinp pears to be quite a welcome trend in the their hand at the more difficult assign. of, famoua pt,r&OOaliUes will perfonn on winds generated by Orange County's ment, risking artistic failure and au-' the same·stage togetbu. ·community theal«s. SOOw:will l'Hmite tbe nam~ or Mart.Vi With the J.96t.70 aeuon at the midway' d.ience disfavor lo tackle something .with and U!lwis: Deanna Martin and 'Gary polnt;"it begins tO lbok as thougtl'our·local a little meat lo it. Lewis-.,t/le' J>laYl>oY1. Other geoora-·play~ are bodi.,(I) growing up•aod The Col\' Mesa'Civic .Playhow< faUs tiOn• 1"Jllpp0d ·talf!lt will inc,} U d 0-(~ ~'!I OOL.' . ' Jh(O.this c.lto&ory,wjth lts\ll!>CO\D~'llfO" M'aureeo .~· 1-. daughter •o.f. What ~ptw , this ~what. Tash ductM>n of ' Edward Albee's "A Delicate llolfywood', ~ ·Wfio ,mldo 1!10J1 ., -tvft'loli? For one· thing,.a· glance 11 Balance." The Fullerton Foolllghton Gqvma, !ioo&'."Reqaii ·:)leridlth :UireoP<Otive ~n!'ol,nine·cilunty,pro-· recegtty staged Arthur Miller's "Ail My M.acRae, Pele( Lbrry, Jr" Mlc~iy d~"~ps al1il a · total ol '36 pro-sons," and tho We~r eoiiinrunlty ROoney, Ji:.. Kathryn 'Gnfa4n! '7r.~ : ·dVCUWB (wlilch they either b' ave Theater • Will be, offef1,ng · Tennessee Mtcbd.M1tt9.u,Jr.,.Jaci.:i~Coogan, Jr;.,~ prestpted,~ an: presenting or soon. wUI , WUllams' "A Streetcar Named ·Deslre," and Ted Dewts, <Tr. U well u other • ptete:nf. • both on the eztra heavy side. . oO'JPrings G( fimous entertainers. Of this thret doun, an utonishing 22 Whether these shoWS'JUcceed or fail , or abowl • Uber.....-.,._ Oranp-C o u n t y ~ aomewbere. ~-between arbitrary ~mietea"or tDIPt • wtll be -hiving Polarization which &.most often the case, . . not lhDwD up on the local boartfs. for the the theater groups must be applauded for past O\tt teasODI. Nine others hive been even attempting J)lays ol lhia magnitude • >·dime wUllln the county '!><fore, bul lid( Hopefully, they'll lland as examplel to .more~th4n once, while only the remain-other litUe •theaten seeking to Improve iC 1l•1JJ-iJesl than one-1eventb-can be their images. r. classified u .. cbndc repeaters/' AJ, lo tbe' produCtion of new allows - l Friday, F....,,. 11, 1171 . I Rain or -thore wtl be plen-• &J'#l\::=::~~ k .. ·n1· .. ht•r· a· t 'KeytliO:l Gulde to Fwi, Page H bdoc:e , • . .... .,_ ' , · _, _...... d-'""'"• • . .. . "' u--a any ~· ' I .. • Trafti Pap H Plaiuat Svitloolav 'IUCllt.,. bu returned ~ .. .'tt:n Pap U I for the thlnl !¥"•lo the,Unltaf Staleo!"" p al der •ttie S. Hurok blnner in a tnnscon. ~.r =et p::: U I • Unenlal tOOr oC ma)or American cities. . . Federico Felllal Page u He will appear In two recitals in the. o.t 'N' Abeut P•Cet JS • 11 Loa Angete1 Music <(enter'• PavUlon · J.,. c..11 Pap n Thund~y. Feb. II, at l:IO p.m. •od - "MldldPI CowtloJ" hit II dly, Mlll<il·~ at 1:10. er ... ..i PiDle """ 11 1lie utill, ,.._ bJ eriU<s and coi. Galdo 1e -Pop 11 leagues • -oC the atUlell planUts of =. " .Ilk MIDI Pap • our day, made b1s American debut 1n 191) p _. in a JO.clty tour that was completely sold ~ .r::: n " oot prior lo'hls"afri•al fu '&norica. His TV v..,.. . .P.ap It 1tcondpti tour1 1n11 111115 rec,ei•!<I. t1uh<1 sama • TelevltlOI ~ Pap p rece on o ow ng t 11 e u'I a an- nooncunent thal he was retunVng. A lllllv• of the Ukraine, Rlchler l>e1•• to c?mmand international mus~al 1t- tentlan in 1M2 wheri P.rokofleff enlruilted the world premler.e of 1 his Sixlh Piano SOnala lo ~ young artist while he was t!llll i pupil 'o{ Heinrich Neuhaus 1t the Moscow Conl<rva!«y. After hit KTadliatlon in 1944, he recelv· ed the first prize In the U.S.S.R. MU!~al CccnpeUUon and in · the ensulna yrart toured eitenslve.ly tn· the ·somt Union and ta.tern Europoan •tnes. Since his ·um American appe.aranca, Rlchlot hlli played In Great Britain, France, ltaly and Germany. utonishlng critics 11nd Ole public with virluoally ind veraallllty, o{ repertorlo. • the question ol quality asid~ for the mo- ment -the current year's !are may be broken down into three categories, as mentioned earlier. Give a star for the new or unfamillar plays, a plus (or those done but not more than once locally, and a minus for those presented for the third fourth or umpteenth Ume. USING THIS designation, the prolific Laguna Moulton Playhouse woUld earn seven stars and two pluses·: the Costa Meu Civic Playhowie rates three stars, a plUJ and a minU1; the JiunUngton Beach Playhouse ·has a perfect. record -, all stars. Jot1 down tlu'ee stars and two plusies for tbe Sanla •Aoa •Community ·Players; one oC each for the Wutmin*r tom. · munity Theater; a star and a plus· (so far) for the Rancho Community Players ; ~ stars and a plus . f« the ~llerton Fi>olligbttts;. a atar and a plui for the Lido Isle Players, and thrtt minus marb for the San Clemente Community Theater. The ae)edton of new or unfamiliar scripts, however, does not guarantee suc- .cesa in itself, as at least four local theater groupa already have learned this , seaion. While dirtcling and acting art ·two-thirda ol. the pie, the 'biggest slice is 1 play selection -, which should be done : with meticuloull care; for It i! the single largest fault tn ttlOll un11uccoes!lul ama- teur procNctionl. IT JS GRA'IVYING lo see the untr ied pla,y which meets ·wllh success.-such a..~ • Lagunl's "Tbe Owl and the Pussycal" • and "L Nem' Sanf for My Father" or Huntingtoe Beach 1 "The lmpoaalble Years" or Coll Meaa 's "Goodbye Charlie.'' Hen novelty and production ' quality provide 1 do u b I • treat for the pla~. Thi.I teaon, when thole In little lhealc:r aeem to be aaylnl: to each othtt, "Let's do aomeUUng different." is replete with fresh shows on the hOrizon. ACter years or playing "me too" games, our local playhouM!1 are startlng to say "me flr&t.' Le t'• hope it's a treod for the aevenUes. ' RODEO ON HIGH SCHOOL FIELD AT 2 P.M. FEB. 21·22 Hollywood Bacl~stage Hazelwood _ Short Texan · But He's as Rich as Any By VERNON -sCOTr ' UPI MOii~...., C•rr~lllf ''They made me cut my hair and trim my mustache," he said peavishly. 110LLYWOOD -Lee Ha1.elwood true to his naLive state, Texas. Is ·•I miss the hair because I have nothing J1e ls rich. flazelwood is also false to the Lone Star State. lie Is short. But a short, rich Texa n is probably preferable lo being a tall poor one. Cer- tainly this is the case Jn Haze/wood's non-hazel eyes. Until recently Ha· zelwood has been a song writer. singer (not a very good one), producer of televi sion specials and owner of hls own recording la· bel, LHf. LE• MAllLWOOD to hide behind. I've never been nervou~ for recording dates or television, but I was really .UP tight for that screen test. · "They let me watch the other actors test which gave me an advantage. 1 didn 't see my own test until after they told me I bad the part. "My character has an IQ or 30. But I enjoy ac:ting. They seem to like my work and are giving me co-star billing.0 U Hazelwood succeeds as a movie ac- tor it will be due in no small part to co- slar Richard Widmark of whom he says, "There!s no way you caifwork with Wid- mark .and be bad. He. won't let you look bad. You work up lo hb level or there's Lrouble.'' Hazelwood is deceptively easy-going. Beneath bis laconic manner lies a ~hrewd, tough mind. lie ha s appeared on several, television businessman," e said. "Before a!ing else I'm a shows as a guest slar and his l'Omposition For that reas Hazelwood agreed to of "Boots" -which Nancy Sinatra made make only one more picture for famous -and "Houston'' are the most Filmways Productions, although the com- memorable or the 700 songs he says he pany offered him a co,ntract for seVen a~ wrote. dftional moVies. Mustachioed. long·-h a I red and "I've produced television , shows and somewhat drOll, Hazelwood has become reCord albums," HaielWOiod said coldly. n. actor, playing a low-brow killer in ."If Filmwaya can put pictures together, "The Moonshine War" at AtGM. why can 't I? He timpressed direc~1 Richard, Quine "Maybe, I can go ahead as an actor arid producer Mart.in RansohoU suf-. bequse l'm commercially ugly.J'm.only licle!Xly for them to up· his bllling~ana , · five-feet, &even-inches Lall. And nqbody lengthen' his' role . . , , e.~er calls me .Tex because I doo'ttit the 'Deeauae· Hazelwood,; who is c;\led part.!' . ·.. .~ . neltheriSborty not Tex, •Was an ·unkl'lown 'I! H3:z.elwood prO'Vell to ~,as talented ractor as·an actor he was~askcd ~o· Su~ l'!o.actor as'he ls a businessman-and he mlt.to 'a screen test in 'competition · With is.a:se1r-admltted mllUonaire -be may seven prO!essional, seasbned perfofmers. yet.'make the world forget'T'my Tun. .. - Weekend Highlights 1 ' • 'vAi.ENTiNE PAR·TY.-Di~neyland's annual Valentine'•.· 'Party will be b•ld thi• Saturday from 8 p.m . to· I a.m. with ;<lladys Knight and the Pips, 0. C. Smith and D•nnls Yost and , the Cla!sics JV entertaining io the Tomorrowland area. Other:· music for listening and dancing will be scheduled throughout ... the, park. Tickets, if 'Purchased ln ad'vance o( t.lie evftr\rare- $6 ; at the box office on nifht of event, $7.50. ~ .i , • '1 .. f~ ' ' CHILDR~'S .EN Ef!T,.IN,¥t!N' -!:'I'll ;;And 'Ibo_ Woll'' ballet is'oein~ pros~nted by Jf>e !Jaguna Bel(;b Civic Ball•t ·co. al the Umver•ity Park'.f;lell)entary ·sttloo( for tho young set at 3 and 4:15 p.m. Saturday. ~rios ~llkets only, no, •Ingle tickets sold. The 17th Street School In Westminster wlll be the scene of:a performance of ''Alad4,in ... and' His Wonderful Lamp" put on by the Fountain Valley Commlll)ity Players>for the young people. • . MI SS ION S~N LUIS REY -Rare doclj/llenta lil•lid by Preslden~ Uncoln just be!ore bis death 'wUI be oodl1pllj l\IJ•. weekend al th e Old Mission San Luis ·Rey, thr .. miles haland Crom Oceanside on Highway 76. • . • St;• Gulde .to Fun, Page 24 • • I 1- I . I • ------...... ---·---------------. ----------------....--------------------- DAILY PILOT Guide to .Futa . ' Be a .Disneyland ·Valentine l' alentine for Minraie -. FEB. 13 JUNIOR TEEN DANCE -The Junior Teen Club of WeJl· minster will have two dances each month -on the second and fourth Fridays -'fr om 7:30 to 9:~ p.m. The second Frlday of the month aU Westminattr 7tb and 8tb grade stu~entl atteoding WestmlNter ~ools eut of Beach Blv4. may altend, and on tbe loorth Friday olglll all !tb and 8th grade students attending Westminster schools west of Beach Blvd. may attend. All schools have the new schedule. On Feb:-13 lhif "Pure JOy" grolip' will pay ror dancing and on Fe b. 27 the "Pollutions" wi.11 play. FEB. j3 -11 BOAT SHOW -Abou~ !O boa!• will be on display in I/le Mall a Fas hion Island, Newport Beach, P'eb. 13·14. Cabin crulsers up to 40 fee t and sail boats of all sizes starting with Sabots will be among the boats on view, as well as a Ira the Galleries W o_rks of Garnett Shown in. Newport LAGUNA ART GALLERY -307 Cliff Drive, ·Laauna Beach. Admission $1. Members and one guest Cree. Houn: 1 to 5 p.m. daily: docent tours Sundays at 3 p.m. Currently on . 1957 to presen t, by New York artist Robert Natkin. Now through Feb. 26. NEWPORT HARBOR ART MUSEUM -400 Main St., Bal- boa. Hours: 1 to 5 p.m. Wed. through Sun.: 6 to 9 p.m. Mon. Closed Tues. On exhibit. through Mar. 1, retrospective show of paintings and sculpture by Jlya Bolotowsky. COSTA MESA LIBRARY -566 Center St., Costa Meia. On exhibit during regular library hours through Feb, 14, oil paintings by Marjorie Ludlam. It took a bouquet of fl owers lo cinch it but !\1ickey ?..1ouse finally got Minnie . ~1ou se to be his date for Disneyland's St. Valentine's Dance this Saturday from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN -28fi7 E. Coast lll!lh- way, Corona del Mar. On exhibit during regular bustneas hours through Feb., paintings by Helen BrLsgaloll. P.fESA ART LEAGUE -513 Center Sl., Costa Mesa. Hours: Travel Warm a11d Rai.I1y h1 Soi1tl1 Pacific By STAN O E ~APLANE ' PAPEETI~. Tahiti -\Varm and rainy \\leather 1n the South P acific. Some signs the tourists are be-com i n~ disenchanted \\'i th Lhe. lovelx islands. A.nd vice versa. You can't thro\v a dozen Jets av.reek in· to the islands and keep that ,,·ar1n . e3sy feeling in the local people. * 1-"'rancc plans to explode six more nuclear bombs. Tahiti is full of 1nilitary. Nc'v hotels. but prices are about like 1-lonolulu. Tonga is having a crime increase and not enough jobs for young people coming to the capital from the outer isl ands. That's a st raight arrow kin gdom \\1here stores can't sell anything on Sunday. Thus setting up backyard boot· leg bread bakers. No sports on Sunday. Not even swimming. And no taxis. * Di ssent in FiJi. \Viii the load s or tourists take over the islandi;? .i\Jrcadv U1ey've got tours to take you into the back countrY. To· see the un spoiled na· lives and spoil then1. By 1974 the airlinei; plan to unleash the super· sonic French Concorde -the ear+shattering sonic boom - on these island s. ''People \viii get used to il." says an airy ai r bne man. Farcv.ieU to Paradi se. * "Can we travel overseas with ou r well-behaved toy poodle? 1 can't bear to leave her home." The airli nes \\'iii fly then1. but not all countries \l'ilJ take them. I::ngland is firm on a six mon ths quarantine. Even Liz and Richard Burton couJdn't bust that one. F'rance is the country that \relcomes dogs. You need a certificate that she's had rabies shots. The i\tichelin guide shO\\'S hotel -; that 1ake dogs. The r~rench are mad about do gs, and they are i;een in the be st reslauranls. I sa\I' a poodle seated in a chair, napkin tied at its neck. \vatchin g the \Vaiter prepare a small steak for him at the table. A first· class gourmet doa . No doub1 a n1ember of the Con· frerie des Chevaliers du 1'astvins. * At an elegant t 'rench lunch the Olher <lay T .~ot LI {older from the Chateaux-Ilotels ol France. Th is is a very luxurious chnin -hotel s in chateaux wi th exoensive period furnishings. A car and driver gors \vi th the packagC'. Not cheap but can be done at $35 a day by pinching a bit. A most handson1e folder \vilh prices. Since lhe lunch was in San Francisco. you'd better write there for il: French Tourist .DUicc, 173 GeAry .+San FraT); cisco. Nearlv al! l~kc dogs. 1'he raider tell s you those that.do and-those that don't * French do.g~ also i;it at sidetvalk cales. Casi ng the passin~ poodles jusl as the O\vner eyes the pass- , ing miniskirt parade. ·* Pan An1erica11 has a free folder on ho\v to fly with dogs. 1\Ve expect to ny th is year \Vith a netv Chesapeake retriever puppy. Reports on this lat· er.) I ran into a \\'Oman in l·lrt\1·aii \\'ho boarded with 4' toy poodle hidden in a h:it box . !-ilre said : "After you get by the gate and into the air. they can't thrO\Y you off." * "'The booJct sey not to eat raw food from the MtJtican market• but we hate to m iss the local food." • . The book lilso soy OK if you peel it yourself. I carry a knife wllh aU lhe odd blades-knife blade. corkscrew, screwd river. You 'U be surprised ho \V much you use th e repair blades in f\lexlco. * • Now on lh e market bu y these: Za~les. a kind of fruit -ho~ can you des.c ribe taste . Trv it. Try cblrimoya" Try jlc•mas. Peel ii. SUcc 11. f.'ix 11 lho \'I/SY you see It on Uie Atreet corner. /\ dash of salt, lime and llol sauce. A biJ: bro• n vc~clable.-.llh the texture of a turnrp. • SaL and Sun. 1 to 5 p.m. Continuous exhibit of art work in various med.Ip by Art League members. No admission charge. HUNTINGTON BEACH LIBRARY -525 Main SI., Hunt· ~1 -11 1 ington-Beach. On exhibit during regular li brary hours and+ if Sundays l ·S p.m. throug h Feb., oil paintings by Louise Live t Theater 1j " 1 Williamson. COSTA r,IES A COUNTRY CLUB -1701 Counlry Club Drive, CosLa rt1esa. 011 pai ntings by Ferne Williams will be on ex· hibit on the club's second floor during the monlh of Feb. CTVJC CENTER OAlJ..ERY -3300 West Newport Blvd., u Newport Beach. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon .• Fri. On exhibit through Feb., Calif. Institute of the arts exhibit. "Generation'' A comedy about the delivery of a-"'el1i.ld and grand child, on st.age al the San Clemente Community Theater. 2 O 2 Avcnida Cabri l l o , San Clemente, al 8:30 • p . m . , Thurs.-Sun. through Feb. It Reserva tions -J-492-0465. 0465. ··The Impossi ble Year s" A generation gap comedy wlll be on stage at the Hu n· tington Beach Theater, 2110 Main Sl., Huntington Beach. at 8:30 p.m. through Feb. 28. Fri. and Sat. Reservation - 536-8861. "Invitation lo a !.-larch" A comedy abo ut marital in· discretion on sta ge a t Westminster Comm un ity Theater, Finley School. 13521 Ed~·ards, \Vestminster, al 8:30 p 111. Fri. and SaL. thrpugh Feb. 14. Reservations -893- 5602. "Joe Egg" A comedy-dra1na of a rclarded child atJd his lantily 110\V playi ng at South Coast Hepertory, 1827 N e w p o r t Blvd ., Cos t a Mesa . Perforn1ances al 8:30 p.m., 11iurs.-Sun. through Feb. 14.. 'Reservations -646-1363. ··The Owl and Pussycat"' A comedy ab ou t a bookworm's involve1nent with a call girl, on stage at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach , al 8:30 p.m . ·rues. + Sat .. through Feb. 21. Reser\'a lions -4.94-2550. .;The Misanth rope•· A l\1oliere comedy bei ng presented at Irvine Repertory Theater in the Stud io Theater on Campus, Wed. Sat. at 8:30 p.1n., through Feb. 21. Reser· .vations -833-6617. "The Death and Lile of Larry Bensoo'' Drlima or a soldier's return from war. on stage at Rancho Com munity Theater, La Paz &hool. 25151 Pr::adera Drive, ~'li1;sion Viejo. Fri. and Sat. F1:b. 19. March 7 at 8:30 p.m. 1teservaHons -a:f7.f15:f . SO. CAUF. FIRST NAT'L BANK -171.22 Beach BI v d., HunUngton Beach. On exhibit during regular business hours, through March, paintings by Syl vla PaulUs. + NEWP ORT NATIO NAL BANK -1090 Bayside Drive, 'New- port Beach. Currently on exhibit, during regul ar business hours through Feb,, portraits by Leslie DeMllle. . CA~tERA WORK GALLERY -UOO W. C oa s t Highway, Newport Beach. Hours: Thurs. and Fri. 5 lo 9 p.m.; Sal and Sun . noon to. 9 p.m. Gallery limlled to photography, with work of William Garnett on exhibit through March 1. CORONA DEL MAR LIBRARY -420 1'.tarigold, Corona del Mar. On e.xhlbit through Feb., during reiUlat library hours, mixed media works by J. Traba11d. BOWERS MUSEUl\1 -2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana. Hours: JO a.m. · f :3b p.m. Tues. • Sat; 1 to 5 p.m. Sun.; Wed. and Thurs. eve. 7.9 p.m. No charge. On exhibit through Feb. 22, Shenadoah Valley Landmarks, a photographic ell1tiblt and sc ultpure by Robert Russin; pastels by John Journeay, Feb. 15 • March 14. A-1ESA VERDE LIBRARY -2968 Mesa Verde Drive Ea S t. Cosla f\lcsa. On e'lhibit during regular library hours through March IS, charcoaJ and ink drawings and oil paintings by f\1argaret Neal. CROCKER • CITIZENS BAN K -2300 Harbo r Bl vd., Costa Mesa. On exhibi t during regular business hours through Feb. 16, oil paintings by Louise \Villlamson. UNITED CALIF. BANK -3029 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. On exhibit, during regular business hours, through ~{arch 15, oi l painti ngs or Craig Ash.ley. J\-1ARlNE R'S LIBRARY -2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. During regular library hours. the Jr. Ebe ll Artist of the Month exhibi t featuring paintings and scultpt ure by \Vallace Parker, through Feb. SECURJTY PACIFIC BANK -196 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. On exhlbi t during regular business hours through Feb. 16, oil paintings by Clarence Sorenson. ORANGE COAST COLLEGE GAlJ..ERY -2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Hours 9 a.m .• 4 p.m. daily; 7 to 9 p.m. Wed. on exhibit through Feb. 27, contemporary prints of Japanese artists. Special showing and sale or an addition.. al 200 prints of all types of Japanese art will be held Fe b. IS from l to 4. p.m. Prices start at $9. KEN rrtERRlLL GALLERY -384 N. Coast Highway, La· guna Beach. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. dally. On exhibit through Feb., sculpture of VirGinia Yeomans and oil paint· ings by \Vade Zin t. For Adv1rti1in9 in The Weekender Phone 642 -4321 Mexican Cruises. The fiesta has gone to sea. DESERT HOTSPilINGS CALIFORNIA. . ,,, •• ,.... 1-itr hlhll fllltt We hsve enough blue eky. clean air. incredlbl• 'lliew1, and brilli1n1 stars for every• <1no •.• iilus dozens of hot mineral pools, modern mo- tels. •nd eKcenent moblfo hOrne faclliUes, o Com• 10 our he311hfut city, Desert t-101 Sprlnga -lor a wffk, tor a llfetlme-overlOoklngi Palm Springs, lht golf capt· lat of the worki {only 1 O rnlnut• aw1y). A..,.ric•11 Prftlde"' Ll11e1 hes • 14· doy Chrl1t1110J hoUdoy cr1IN tflat •Wl'"lf fro"' Collfonilo to PNth Vol· hule, Acep11lco, oltd Monllo•. Yo1 plav. Pony, SwiM, D•11eo, 01110. 411d IJ• ••hre for local color. S.. 11 for dotoll• e!ld free bNCll11ro. CrolN roto of SJtO.OO-i11cl11dot .i1perh c1islit0 e otd 01tltrteh1111011t, N11t 1olll11t Dec. ll, 19 70. ':lo wn &Counl1·11. 18512 ft 1•th l lvd. No. t Hvnri n9'fon e1i th TltAYEL t62·246S 54f·Ol-12 ' • ' Wtn-rw 1n1crt11M1i. • ...,.._ i.,-o1•--1 II' ..... ON ••· DtMrt Hot 1"'"911 eettt. ~l'MlltM! 0it 111"'11!"" ,0, l'tt•' P11111 IPl'tl'ltl. r. llOrl'I ~ -If tllr•o tllfft••f • 1• O•l•rl HOI llprl~ ' .... "'-' ,. . ... . ' "Flyloi Whale" Instant swimming pool, In the tOc'!"I an- nual Fashion la1and Boat Show. FEB. 1a-1t AFTERNOON CONlll!Jlts -~Flne Art! Bldg., Room ·111. Univ. ol. Callr. Irvine. Free Cf1DCert8 each FrL aL lJ.m. Feb. II Sohuber\ Again, Die Winterrel1e by student. ..,. cal clw; Feb. 20 Coolerv1t.ue Inalrumenlale. Wwli· by Hummel, Mozarl aild Ylteie by JllllnuneotaDsta ol Dept. of Music; F,eb. 17, Mualque Du Moye Ale, -~ bY. Mu- siclens du CoUegrum T usrcurii de'la Blbllotheque 1.otierre. FEB. H TEEN CLUB DAN~E -'l1ie W-r Recretllon and Parka Department will bold a Teen Club Dance In the corn· munity Center, 8!00 Westmlnat~ Avt., (for Wtatmlnattr t een&) l ach Sat. from I p.m. to mUJni1hL AdmJaaion. fl. for members, $1.50 for noo+membtn. The "Dtr Zeppelin" group will play for dancing Feb. 14. FD.If VALENTINE PARTY -DIJneylllld, 1111 So. fflrbat Blvd., Anaheim, will 1ll1e Us annual v.teidlne PlrtJ' ,..,,, I p.m. to l a.m., Sat., Feb, H. Pb.Ylnl ·Irr -. wlJl be Gladys 'Knflbt and tbe Pipe,-O.t . Sllllth, and DeimJa Yoot aild tbe ClwlCI IV. Tiektll bouCht In ldvlllCt I-Illa- neyland box otnce or -any braoch of .the Bink ol Ameriea, are $1. II, ~urchued 1t tbe. Part on tbe oipt of tbe puly they will be 17.IG. • • FEB.If . CIULDREN'S ENTERT~ -The Unlvmlty P1tt Elementary School PTA 11 ,..,._.,. monllilJ eollttllJ>. ment to appeal to prHChool and elementary cbilcll'lo. Feb. 14, at 3 and 4:15 p.m., "Peter and the Woll" ballet by La- guna Beach Civic Billet Co.; Feb. 21, UC! Sympliooy In Crawford Hall on UCI cami>us at 2 p.m. All but ~ l}'l'ft- phooy will be beld In tbe muJUpurpoae room of University Park School, 4l02 Sandbera, Newport Bqtb. Tlcklll "'' 15 for the aeries. No indlvkJual performance ticht.I wW be sold. Phone 833-1497 or 83S.(lOU for tickata. FEB. II CHILDREN'S THEATER -The Fountain Valli)' Comm111>- ity Play'ers will pre.sent a benefit performance of "Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp" in tbe 17th Street School, Weot- minslu, on Sat., Feb. 14. al 1 and S:JO p.m. Fundt ra1&ed will go to tbe WHtmlnster Community Thuter Bid(. Fund All tickets are 50 cents and may be purchued at the door. FEB. H ·II LINCOLN Bl.RTHDAY -San LulJ Rey Mlslioo in Sao Luis, three miles inland from Oceanside, ia holdln& an Abraham Llncoln Birthday Observance showing documents stintl:I by President Lincoln a few days before hla death, along with other rare Llncoln document!. The pqblJc ii invited free of charge. On dllplay thls Sat and Sun. ' FEB. l'-11 SOARING CHAMPIONSIUPS -'Ille 24tb anniul PIClfic Coast MJd·Winter Soaring ChampionahTp will be held at the Torrey Pines Glider Port, north of San Diego, on Feb. tf.15 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. About 30 ol the: top soaring pilots of So. Callf. will e<1mpete. To reach Gilder Port like Miramar turnoff from San Diego Freeway to Torrey Pines Road, then one-hall mile north. It is ne1t to Salk lnstltute. No Char1e except for parking. FEB. H ·II WH>.LE WATCIDNG -The genUe art of whale watchJna: off the Orange County Cout has been resumed wjth_the cruiser "Ialand Holiday" going on trip• Sat. and Sun. from the Balboa Pavilion, 400 Mein St., Balboa, throujll the month of Feb. The boat will leave at I 1.m. pd,l• p.m. A<f. ults $3 and children under 12 yean, '2. Phone 1734245. FEB. H ·II PADU.A THEATER -The winttr production, "In Mual· cal M1choacan," has opened to nm through Feb. 28 at Ute Padua Theater, al the end of Padua Ave., three mUa north of Foothill B I v d. in Claremont. S e t in a Osblng village on Lake Patzcuaro the pity's muaic dates back to the ptt· iod of Spanlah conqueot. PerformlllCtl at l :IDp.m. Wtcl. through Sat., with matinea at 2:30 p.m. Wed. and Sat. Shops and dining room are open also. RelervaUoQJ for diMer and theater, phone (714) 121-uia; FEB. II· D SUNDAY CONCER'lll -Floe Arla Bldg., Room 171, Univ. of Calif. Irvine, 8:30 p.m. No ebarte for admission. Feb. JS Die Wlnterrelle by Franz SChuberl, i*fonned by. ot\ldtn~ of vocal class, Dept. ·ot Musk. Feb. U, Murie for Plano - Four Hands .. John Wallace and ~.ct Powell IJ)OnlOred by Dept. of Music, 8:30 p.m. FEB. It · MARCH I FRll>ERICO FELLINI On Ch•nn1I 18, Fib. IS Fellini Interview. On Video Ilallln Olm director Fodtti- co Fellini is Keith Berwick'• guttt on KCET's Speculation program Sunday, Feb. 15, at 6 p.m. on Chamel ze. Among tbe w.,.ld'• moot dlltiogulshed mot!On pictule dlrectorl, Felllnl hu reoelvtd aerne JOO prlus, meUls, cupe:, plaques and other citations. Acclaimed for filml that probe coot<>mPorary tbemet, h1I pk- ture1 have been called "pure Felllnl" frcm atart to finish. The story idea II usually his, as are the eharacterlz.atiam ancf 1ymbollm u lllustrattd by "La DOlce Vita," "8~" and '1La Strada." F el!W dllCUllfS wltb Ber- wick hia I.ties! fllm, "Fa!· Uni Satyrtcon," aa well u tbe many aspecta of bis IJlm. maklnc ~phy. The Italian dlrector bu said: "The irt of movie mu. inc is an objective art. Everything hu to ho carefully chooen -a pon'cular set, a suitcase, a tie, a pair of shoes, all of which e1preu a certain idea, project a cataln ima1e, which mtllt coincide with that of the dlrtctor. 1 don't mate film s in America bec1uae I don't know America. I would be incapable of selecttnc a tit, beca111e bow would I know what kind of tJe a lawyer from Dallaa, for er.ample, wou1d wear'? And what kind of hat would a profesa:lonal man from Houstoo wear? Whal kind of ohoos would ho wear! I would feel Jolt." 'Patton' to Preview In Hollywood LAG UNA WINTER FFSrlVAL -The Winter Festival in Laguna Beach opens a ten day stand on Feb. 20 to run through March I , in various parU of tht city. 11te festival will have more than 35 events which wW Include a parade Veteran actor. Karl Malden art shows, crafts shows, dart and voUeybtll tournaments' who portrays General Omar a gourmet ~inner. ballet, a flea market. rodeo, chuck wagM N. Bradley in 20th Century. barbecue, silent movies, a surfinf contest, catamaran races Foxs roadshow production, and high school and elementary grades art& and crafts "Patton ," which will llremlere shows and demonStraUons. Much of the acUvtty is free but Feb. 18, at the P.antages there is a nominal charge for aome of the activities. For Theater, Hollywood, has never more information phone 494--1018. FEB. 11 miued a "call" in 30 pictures. DANCE CONCERT -The Bella Lewita)ty 'Dance Company During the filming of "Pat· will perform in Orange Coast Ctille1e auditorium, 2701 Fair· ton" in Spain he stre-e-e+ view Road, Costa Mesa, at 8:30 p.m. Feb. 21. Tickets, $3 tched his tuck somewhat. for reserved seats. Phone 834-6751 or ~767, Being driven from Madrid to FEB. ti • MARCH l ~ wintry Segovia, where Battle UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRA -The University or Calif. of the Bulge scenes we.re being Irvine Orchestra, directed by Pet.tr Odegard will perform shot, he \\'&1 turned back by in the Science Lecture Hall, on UCI campus at 8:30 p.m., snow-cloa:ged roads and icy Sat., Feb. 28 and Sun., March 1. No charge for admJsslon. gales. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SPECIAL PURCHASE! f ,000 a11ottod potted plants in our flower •~op end ju1t in time for Vel•ntint's Day! The1• ere florist quelity, end you .,..ould ••· poet t~om to l.e '10. lut wo •r• "po11in9 our buy" on to you. You won 't boll•v• +h• prlc•, or tho quality! Gor9eou1 mumt ' tulips, cyclamen, end I ,000 others. · ' COME SEE! COME SAVE! " P.S. W1'll Deliver & Gilt Wrap. Coll Flowero by ltbr1 675-42911 . LOOK AT THUi IUTSI ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •1 -' 8 COACHILLA ¥ALU1' 8 LAIJlel 1111 8 MAUHIUIM PAilMI • • GRAPEFRUIT • SALINAS • CELLO • • ROMAINE • CARROTS a • • • • 2 For I SC : LmUCE : .... IAH : tckh .• ISC • • LIMn-t • l!MtT-6 • \IMrT-4 1.t.•I • ~ WITH THIS COUPON • WITH THll courON • WITH THll COUPON • ···············~··~··········· -c .. ,... .. ,.,. -11, 1 "' Th••• Ro1tturtnt• Oomond The Finott f., Their Custom•'•· Th•t'1_ Why Thay Fut"'• NIWPOAT PlODUCL P1t.enb• Theml 1111111.UI IUT, Newr,ort: THI TOPl'IR, Sonlo Ano: THI V1UA61 INN, l1llioa ltl•nd; CHUCKS STIAI( HOUSL Newport Buch; WHITI HOUI INN, N•wl"rl. How obout you colli"' u11 • "ORANGE COUNTY'S YASTE$1' GllOWING PMDUCE ORGANIZATION" e NEWPORT PRODUCE ~ o,_7hysAW ... 7telp""- U1' Newport loul.,•~ oo Th ,_ -•7M711 .,...,,. "32 Year• of Produc~ .tnot0 Hoto" "w11.,, ou.mv 11 The Onf•r of t'1e Houtt" . . • C 0 UN TY,' S . . • Treat Your V.lilenfuie • Since tOm~rrow Is St. Valentine'• Day, ••oOd /bit of this wtllkond's Ollt 'n' abouting Mlds pro111!11 "•I 'liO!iig done in the coml!'lnY of Cupid. COertllfuly it's up to every couplt lo He that he's given ample opportunity to tag along. . , Time was \l'hen ,the occ~slon calltid for sending fue lovtid on.e a card or Jbiss1ve. UauallY. of an.am•· i'ory or aeritfinental natun. (.On!Y a spoilsport would send one <!f ~se with a ••!"'I~ or ln!ulting mes- sag,_) .• •' ~ • ,i ';_. * ·<Q • ~ ' / ~ l :-~ • • , -HEARTS AND FLDWlltS • Not that the custom oj sendinf.'.one's truelove a toi:en espr .. aion ¢ a!leclion Is out of favor aj!G- getber. A good old·fashloned show of hearts . and Cowers can still score points {or· ~.gallant swain. But today'~ lover shouldg't stop with the sym· bollc valentine. Not in an age when ardor flan1es highegt as t he crepes ~uzette wrap up a resplen- dent dinner treat. TAKE HIR TD DINNER So modem sophisticates can 'honor good St. Valentine and the object of their endearment by sending the traditional card. Bui they'll also take sweetheart in hand and bead for a top-notch restaur- ant to insure a lasting affalre d'amour. If yo'u don't think tournedos of beer a la bear- naise or Australian baby rock lpbster tails ca n gal· vanize greater romanc e, lead on lQ the ta.ble d'hote this weekend and see what happens. II will be Valentine's Day every day for the res\ of the year. Sea Shanty Generl\lly speakini. all seafood falls under one of several categories. Fish or sbellfi!h.-the Jatttr further ·broken down into two groups, crustace4ns and mollu•k•. • B'ranching out und er these divisions, ho\vever, llAU11PUL IUTAURANT MOUNTAIN/SIA ATMOSPHlll ' • Dt11ci .. N{ttitly TueM'•Y ttini SuMley THE NATURALS-10th Month S,..lel •• .., ...... -11:10. Jtll lllOt COAST HIGHWAY HSllYATIONS_· 5"'1!" Lato• . 4ff·HH .. . ARCADIA 4l1BBT -AIRPORT. Foaturl11t StNk • Chide .. • ttalle Cullln1 Sel'YlnCJ Lata Dinnen Doi w,~., //'' \.f!//'8rf&V.. OPENS THE CHELSEA BAR A Bit of Victorian& Comes To Orenge County UNIQUE: CHARMING . INTIMATE 1107 J1mbor11 ROid Ntwpert 8t1ch Tai. 644-1700 JOHii ~RK DUO MONDAY THRU SATURDAY · ARLENE ,$KILES i!W tho DICK PQWILL TRIO SUNDAY I " . ' DAil V l'ILOT ¥_ • ' .N I • JX·BOUT ,RE$TAl;!RANT 1 :' NIGHT CLUB 'AND ENTERTAINMENT sc~NE ' • there's a ralber amazing variety of edible marine 1creatures. A f1ct you don't ftilly aptireci1te Wllil ~'1lit a res.tauont Jl~alizlng in.Jh• briny deep'.• myriad l'Olalbilities. . ~ Such a spoi, be ii known, Is Delaney's Sea Shanty in New,port Beach. Bec1uae their bill of fore compria .. a vu1ual A to Z encyclopedia on the subject. . LOTS OF CHAMOIS In addition, the ·Shanty has undercone tjle most astoni1hinl changes during the past year of any place \lf Q\lt acquaintan~e. Sitting down to dinner about six months ago, shorUy after the completion of ~•tensive altera!ions, it was difficult to detect any trace of the orjginal establishment. ® DroppilJi in u8lrr la&t week, we were dum· founded fo enCowi!er still andµier complete rev~p­ ing of the premises. Now it's all but impo11lble to locate a recoanliable feature of the appearance it bad only last sllJIU!lor. Seems owner Fran Delaney wasn't content to rest on the innovations of one major overhaul. The dust badn't settled on the first big remodeling job before he undertook the latest modernizing effort. If you've .n~ver set foot throu&h the Sea Shanty's door its atractiveness will take an immed.Jate and firm hold. But anyone who can make comparisons with six months and a year ago will find the new scene doubly incredible. STEM TO STIRN The most recent renovation -as it would be put in maritime parlance -covers everything from stem to stern. Installation_ of addltionaJ ceiling to floor picture windows. Transfer of the bar to a wall opposite the cocktail lounge. A new piano bar in the lounge. An enlarged dining room with stylish ne\Y fixtures and furnishings. Decoration in a nautical motif that expressed refin ed taste and artistic awareness. ~~ffffa~ffffailfftiffffa~"4A ~ "W-.;,. H.itda.11 !fa1atiu Aw•,.,." ' ~ au.EltVATtONI (fl') ~N "11"141f'"11"~~"1D'tit" FLIN lNTllTAINMINT • 7 NIGHTS A WEIK DANCING ON,TUa..Wlt •. *Larry L1ke Sin ... Guitarist * HAP HALL DUO •lffl , ............ . ""'· ......... . Rtar-Mtaa Theater s:Jl:e Costa Men 141 L ltttl It. Jlllt eiff N_,ett llTII. OPINING SOON THE CELLAR A .Res+•ur•nt of Ench•nlment Unique dininc;i hi9hlic;ihtec:I by deliciously metin•ted Shrimp e1t lrochette . , • Cote d• Beef -cer•ed to your desire -with o t h er 9ourm•t touches to deli9ht tha p~l1te, I MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF WINES I 1107 J1mbor•e Road R ... rw1tlons Only Newport leach Tel. 644-1700 ·open to the Public ~ Newly .Enlarged !?W'FT= Populo r ... ~ LARK ROOM Enttrf•ll1rnent Nlt~tly WffMtd•v ttiroutti S1turd1y till PAIULOUS ' .DICK WllSTIR .. .. JANQUlT FACILITIES FOR 10 ; SIRYIN8 LUNCH ANO DINNER DAILY ME+IDOWLARK . ,., c;o'••try chi b &0!111 Sir.II. CIO!l. HOl.LIN8S'llO~T~, e..o..:u 1'712 0U.i4AM l1lllT , HUllTINeTON CH For ....,..1tltt11 C1ll 146-1116 Ot' *1416."• NEW DYSTl!R IAR And if that isn 't enough , there's the fabulous -and magnetic new oy1ter-bor. Even without-all-of ill other drawing cards, the Shanty ' could pack th• patrons in with this one feaiure alone. Sim:e the wares give sufficient cause to ask tor assignment of a permanent stool. ~· Those familiar with tbe famous old or.ster bor in New York'• Grand Central Station will try to claim t!ieir seats first. But initiates to this type of service will soon be crowding them for elbow room. Delaney has provided the kind o! place one can grab a quick snack. or muncli f6r hours. If you are · inclined toward the latter, as we our. count it as something of a miracli!:'-if you ever move into the .dining room for dinner at all. Not that you can 't mal<e a full meal out of the oyster bar's of'ferings anywhere in the house. B• cause they are also served at th e drinking bar, arid in the cocktail lounge and dining r091n. 13 ITIMS l'hirteen ite1ns are available here and the only difficulty comes in trying lo draw Ul'e cutoff point. We managed to work our way through !our before hevlng to call it quits. They were oysters on the haJC shell , $1.Ml ; scampi (s8uteed in butter sauce with a dellcloUJ· ly light touch of garlic). $2.75 ; steamed clams (a whole pot full), $1 .95; fre sh n1ushroom s, stuffed \vilh crab, $1 .95. <l '{1 (14 All were suearb and it waa a little dist1·esslng to have to leave some of the other exciting ··possi· bilities until the next time. Like oy sters Rockefeller (baited). $2.451 clams on the half shell ; $1,00i clams casino, $2.45, shrimp cocktail, ,1 .35. And lobster or crab cocktail, Sl.65 ; combination ' BALBOA BAY FRONT DINING ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY ' BOB MOLINE · Sin9tr·Guit1rist Direct .Frem T~• l iiio Show In Lis V•t•• ' Oinntr S lo 11-F,;. •nd Sit. '" 12 L111cti II to 4 Otlly -CLOSED MONDA YS 2601 W. C1Ht Hlghw1y, Nowper/ IJ••h 1'1isllYATIONI .t.CClrTID 541·1t66 .Nmtl-AND EXCl'J'lN6 IN ORANGE COVNTY DELANEY'S SIA SHANTY ·OYSTER BAR TM • ...., . .., LUNCH e DINNER e SUNDAY BRUNCH w....... ...... ., ... "'" P..nirl., ... ,....t Oyatm • c1 ..... Sliri"'' • ......., • ....,1 • Ctt.wftt 630 LIDO PARK D~IVE NIWPORT BEACH 675-GlOO JOIN US THIS WEEKEND SAT. & SUN. -FEB, 14 & 15 TO CELEBRATE THE GRAND OPENING OF OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW Ricksha Cocktail Lounge AND Piano Bar Deluxe C•ntonett Buffet Dinner TeMple Garde111 Cltlttese Resttiur.,.i 1• Mtntt (At H1rNr) CNte Meu Mi=ift7 Mto1f2J .... • MIL£ SQU4RE RESTAURANT SPECIAL lUNCllEON MENU OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SIRVINO DAILY 6 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. lltlAKFAST THROUGH DINNllt ,,. VISIT OUR COCKTAIL LOUNGE Open DaUy 9 a.ni. to 12 Milfnlght BANQUET FACILITIES • 10401 Wal'Nlr Ave .. l'euotolo Valley ca..w ... •••••~"' _. lllllM, • SIS.UH 11 • HOLi eGL, COUlU OPIN TO THI 'UILIC. -·· ' '• • on the haU shell (!1Yllel'tl and clamoJ , ~1.00 ; chilled -"afood platter, n.ao; oy1ter stew, ,1,95 ; clam chowder. n. ~ - .PILLS ~ NEED We ultlmaleJy dk!ded thal the oyster bar and ils bill of fate brings a truly riew and cosmopolitan note to the Orange County dining soane. And. will attract the a.tea's worlcUy lovers of seafood who've gone too long without such a f1clllty. . ··8 ' ,, .. ' ,. E\ltn 11 we were r~achfug' ·thOI~, ~l!llons, confirmatioo cam.e from , an Authoritative 8Ml~e that unu~tldlY.., arrived on the. scene. A ceaU.• man who can ,,peu 'with ,more Ulan ~ · pe1stn1 amount Of, espert judgment.· • · .· He was Jack· SUUifan, ~presidenfifqr,,the past ' three ynrs of tit• American Culinary -Federaijbn, ai!d exacutlve cbef o( the· Dlsneylll)d 'Hotll,•li!Ce it opened~ si.tlna il11t 'h•. ,u'su'!lly man!igel· a w"'9kly dlninf visit to the Newport.eslablls~epl'i be went on to express In ev-.n attouer endoneiJl,ent. 'ON,E 01' THE alST' "In all my travels lo the ~ fineat re1taufan6 throughout the country, Delaney's Sia SbAnty stands out as ooe of tho h!osi." he said. "And w11JI• the oyster bar is remln.isccnl of place• l'Ve enjOy- ed In New York. the view an4 1~1Ung suuest•at- mospherlc San Franci1co." -; _ And tb1t. we felt. was a testimoni•l any ru-taurant would like to have going on its bellalf. ., -· •• ' SUllivan'a Sin Francisco remark reinforced lft. other observ@tton of ours. Looking out the windows at the 1urroUJ1ding )Yharves with their multi-color- ed llsblng boatf and canneries:' o~e Immediately 1enses the view a similarlty to that at' fishennan's wharf in the bay city. Perhaps you should only hit the oyster ti.r for an appetiz,r, then move directly to a dinner station. CoritJnued on Pege 26 ~ClltG0\8' CONTINENTAL CUISINE Femeus For FLAMING DUCK · Open 11 :00 A.M. -C\011d Men~~y HUNTINliTON IEACH, CALIFO~NIA 11111 IEACH ILYD. H2.1919 NOW OPEN-lrl119 Your V.ientine THE GALLERY Dbcotheqtu• f'or Gr...,.. lips Open 6 P.M. to 2 A.M. 810 E. IALIOA ILVD., IALIOA fN .. Tlle ... Mell'nfN••I 0. •"I• C1aty'1 Ntw I""'""'' .... ~'!'fll FRENCH RESTAURANT (Formerly Garird'sl Dinner S:IO • 10:00 p.m. Tuesday thru Sund1y ~IHed fi\ond1y Cern., af ••ndafph •M' lrl.,al c .. ,. M .. • ......... R~I (1ntonese food eat 0here or l•kl heme. STAG CHIU (ASlllO 111 2111·,1., _,,. .. 1lo1Ch 011.i. 3-95'0 o,.. , ............. a.n, 11·11 -"""-' lft, 'tll I .... . MR·. MIKE'S HOUSE OF PRIME Ill erime Rib • • • ,- N19ht1, Tue. tliru Sun. ~:,:,0,~ :~r. • DloMr ,....,. S To 11 Cl-/MtldiJ• P.S. -You won't believ1 the priJts . of our attitude adjustment hour - '4 to 6 p.m. ni9htly. 209 PALM--IA ... OA !At ... -,.;jy -l RH~Rv A'IB Ns us.an~ .~ .-.. .._._ lllA•lllAC:'I PllMI •II •"'AllUlllT I • r • ·I ' • l ' ' • ( DAILY PILOT ftldlJ, fl bfu<tl I), 1910, - DON JOSE' ----Hayden ausey Trio NOW APPEARING ' • • WEEKENDER c.n11.U... from Pa,;. 11· • • Otherwise you 'll miss one of the most comprehen· sive seal~ menus on utie west coast. . DIN!!Ell OFFERINGS Scanning the offerings is a.kind Of geosrapby lesson too. With selections cooling from waters far _plld near Iii!.•. th (:alallna Chann_!!,_JOC~ th~ Bering Sea, Morro Bay, ·Na'n!Uckot SOund, Ch .. a- pealio Bay, Oregon's Columbla,River and the cout of Africa. ' All dinners are served with soup or toued green. salad -choice of dressing :-cre.amed . spinach, steamed rice or boiled potato. And in these. dishes, like the seafood entres thems_elves. master chef Bill Peters shows his unerring fiai.r·for-kitchen.artistry. A ,few of the mr!°J en tree ,choices are ied snap- per, $3.95; mabi I, $4.25; halibut filet, $4.llO ; Alaskan king crablegs, $4.75 ; salmon, $4.95;,lobstor lhermidor, $5.95; gourmet sbellfiBb dinner (lobster, crab legs, Guymas jumbo shrimp and NantQCket scallops), $6.50. · The lunch menu offers a smaller selection of seafood entrees, with prices ranging from ,1.ss to $Z and a number of appetizing sandwiches, salads and egg and omelet dishes. Delaney's· Sea Shanty, located at 630 E. Lido Park Dr., Newport Beach, is open seven days a week. Food service is !,om 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and the cocktail 1Qunge rema1ns open to 2 .a.m. Study Pays Oft At The .Fisherman Restaut"ant A! ' sidoligbt to the major story of ehez Cary winning Holiday Ma1azine's coveted restaurant award, we fourid it interestirig to glean a few facts: about the yea!s of learning tha~ led up to the honor. Because Geril Muller epitomizes the· operator of long, devoted study that-ts usually on hand when such distinction is achieved. · {it -Born-in Detimatlc, he s pent fmli' years at the renowned Hotel and Restaurant School of TBE OCEAN AT YOVR TABLE! SWOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET ENTREES · Now Appeorl"' THI tlMIATIONAL WE THREE TRIO Nightly Tuesday thru Sunday DANCING U.N9UIT PACIUTID )11 r.lfk ~ Hwy. . " ........ ..... lllMrV•tl .... : Sl6-2SSS ·Orange Connty's Better Restaurants f II' cAdvertlsllig In wttmlDER ..• Ph11111642-4321 . Are a Gordon's Enterprise NO MATTER WHERE YOU UVE IN ORANGE COUNTY YOU ARE WITHIN MINUTES OF A GORDON 'S OWNED AND OPERATED RESTAURANT, WHERE QUAUTY Of FOOD, ITS PRECISE PREPARATION, SERVICE AND ATTENTION . . TO DETAIL ARE CONSIDERED IMPORTANT AS PECTS OF A UNIQUE DINING EXPERIENCE. ............. , At 2111 l rl•+•I St., N••r th1 S•11+• A111 Ct1v11trv Club .,.d N1w,Port Fr11wl'1 ;,. COSTA MESA h th1 Po,iul•r A· Fr1m1 RIMIRANDT'S • coiy r111d11¥0111 for lv11ch or ~l11n1r. •• Any Tuesday through Sunday the lounge at the Fisherman Restaurant in Huntington Beach is full of the wi>nd.erful sound of the "We Three" groUp at work. Starting at 8:30 is Jo Ann Miller at the piano and organ. Fley Velo on a guitar or two, and Gene COpenhagen. He served royalty at the Royal Gem Club in that city before coming to the United States. POSTS HE 'S HELD In this country Mullfr's career, ba,sed on a continuing search for new ways to express dining elega.nce, carried him to poSls at the Fountainbleu in Miami, New York's Stork Cub, Ernie''s in San Francisco, Scandia of Hollywood and the Beverly Hills Hotel. AND BACK TO STUDY He lias made several trips back to Europe to study continental restaurant operations since com- ing to·the U.S. He arrived on the local scene in 1963 a nd helped to establish the Villa Fontana in Orange. In 1965 Muller helped design and decorate the Chez Cary. moving later to his present position. He says he feel she has made superb continental service. beautilully prepared gourmet cuisine and thoughtfulness the restaurant's trademarks. A loyal following of Orange County diners and lllTAUIANT AHi COCITAIL LOUNel e L.UNCHIEOff e OJHW!!• e SUNDAY llltUNCH e L.ATIE IUPPE• OIHIH~ OCEANFRONT DINING, ATOP TOWERS WING 01 :sURF.And·SAND HOTEL Now Appurlng LUNCHEON Oriqin•I •nd h••rty sandwiches th•t ar• a m•al in th•m· selve,, Exotic salads~ Ambrosi• om•letl••· Other inspired dish•s. COMPLETE from $3.95. In the grand mannu. Suoh '""'"b en!ttH u Jumbo DINNERS Shdmp In B<>u,bon Sau.,., Chick•• In Champqn<, ""'""' Lamb Shank In Burgundy Sau~, Cattleman'& Steak, LobBter PHIL DE SANTO & HIS TRIO FHturln9 Son9strns Mortho Hiii • •• • It II hW/1lllWt ll90 • • David on the drums. All three vocalize. Well worth hearing and a special delight after a fine dinner in the dining room. 'fhe Fisherma_g is under the· lights, on Ocean Ave., right at the Huntington Beach Pier. There is .dancing here nightly, too. Holiday ~agazine apparently concur. You will too, U there's ·still a ftrst-time visit in store to Chez Cary, 5~1 S. Main, Orang~. PRlftCE oi : Wh6f ES S..food-Reshlurant htelllbllff 1 f2t 1St7J HAllOI ILYD.. 83U770 , FREE I FREE! Choice of One Order 'Whe~ Excitin~ 'IJlnp ~~ . . Happenin,! The fame' "Three'• COM,_... in the Seville WIUl,e Dininv in the bef111.ti/.J. Matfllllor •"9l· GRAND· HOTEL 7 FDEDM•N WAT ANAHaM, CA.ur. 712.-1711 Contlnantal Cultlnt Cockt1111 Ta.II, $_teak alld Lobster. Broiled Ground.Sirloin, Scalloponie IScalloi:-Served Abalone Slyle.) Surprist ~&serl. Homemade Bread: # • • • • • • • • • KATE PORTER ltll .. l:JI , ... Buffet Luncheon-Mon. thrv Fri. Fashion Show-Every Tuesday • FRIJOLES. TOSTADO · Ol Serving Luncheon and DinM1' !landau through Soturdop. 'ccx:MTAJLS FAN-C:r HORS d'OEUYRES -CbMPllMINTART COUAGR IAN9UET ROOM PHONE 546-3414 Moj°' Credit Cards HHOre4 OTHER RESTAURANTS OWNED AND OPIRATID IT CM>RDON'S M-. ..... ptt. -"' 4 • • BEA.N·llU~RITO Closed Sundays ' . • t<>thf hplNl•M.clll J1, 1t7GI MURRAY'S COMING I •••• 7 7 • • • • 21112 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY-HUNTINGTON BEACH 536-1421 • ·································~ PIZZA HOME DELIVERIES HAVE CHANGED A LOT SINCE THE OLD DAYS , -UOONI POI IUDS . . "-eoop ONLY AT ~ !,~ Olll LOCATION ; qi_a looc:ft Blvd. We are locat•d Mri to tho Moy Co. ;n ~outh Coast Plt11a. lk• ~-.. ·-· ~ HWttl1"°" Beach . ' / welcome to the Wonil.rful World .t " PRESENTED AT THI EGG AND ALE CHOICE OF 30 OMELETS • ~ ................. ....... .............. ,.., ............ . ' 3101 NIWPOllT BLVD., NEWPORT llACH .................. .., .W. St .._ Mp ef THI H• ANf ALI. -M1J1te ... t ,. Plrlnt lvthr. ~ c - . '• . . . . . . . . . ... . ' • CaSh ·~t-,Folsom. . . ' ' TuMed Nation On • • ·Ill' lliUY CDIPllEtL IC) \lid -""'"""" ....... ..,. • It~•= ..,..,. ~. and "Rlng of Fire" lbd-lli "Htllo,.,)fm Johnny Calh.'' 1 Walk~ Une." Thb year, it Tha\'a ~ WfY Joh'!'1Y Caah haa'been aaicl; Caab will make 1tarted ~la '2111 p.nollar ap-13'.mlltion. ~arance lhoW1 iri 1•. ·And it "Collntry music's been ilt!M! true' ofliir new );I _on OOUClih1i'' -cas11 says~ • •1•m · , Columbia, wbldi wjQ probabl)I SIUI d9iJ1& il the 'way l'vo .,n a m1lllqn, . · ••ways done il the J>U! tt. '"" 6lc ~'Uri °"" thlt years, ~ more people' are tool< Cub ·froln ~l( •'Siar. buyln1. _ " •monc Juat coonlrJ ,IJlleoers, "I think ""' ume 1a l!l'l now ind p.lt the whole country.on a coming, · fpr countrY music. Cash kick, was "•J~ Caah Willi , the chao&lnl, lttnda In · at Fo1-om Prison." : rpusk:, I think\, .peopLe were During that album was looking for _,aomelhillg ahd I Cash'11 'own idea. ••ra .wanted think they've found ii now. It'll,• to.cl!> It ever since I pl,yechl realism and . trut(l ;' 1 tblnk Follorp the.first tiine-P,'l -1959:" that's '!'hY they'r~ puying." 1. , He 1lso sang there In lllO, 'M There's a reallsm· to Cash and "It a!lld the live album himself. He an.iwers questions was mide the' fourth time. in a siratght, ttioughUul way, ·~ ~on fl-om th e seeming to try to.push into the prMn 'I'd ~wa~s thought background · bits ol woUld mate.a.,.ery interesting nervoosness· and annoyance album. It'a worked oul all and push forward an attempl n,bt." ' ' to answer honesUy and more ·~P.Cbd the songs to ap-than sueerficially. When he pe•l tO . in.-. }'udlence. of sings, llie voice is good and priaoilerJ. F6r a: second live the timing and the guitar pri1Qn 1 a)bufu which a~ did playing an<t, the appearance, "all rlpt,"·"J<ihnny Ca.lb at but even stronger is that reel· SaQ QUedln, ... one of the 90ngs ing of realism. He really is a he picked was Shel Slivers-strong, coontz"y person, with a Lein'• "Boy Named Sue." "My coontry viewpoinl, who's brother-in-law had brought Uie known and &urvived hard song to · me, ·111en Shel came times. oul and put it on tape for ~e. Of coune, not a11 hia songs I liked It right away. But I are written enUrely from ,didn't even k1)0W the song personal experience. He says, when 1 did It at San Quentffi. 1 "J didn't 'shoot a man ln Reno bad it written on a piece of just to watch him die' " -a peper and I read 11 off." line from "Fotsoi.n Prison That single turned gold, and Bhles." . · Jhuth Coa st RepertorJ' • , • • 1 • • JON VOIGHT, RIGHT, GETS CL IPPEP BY DUSTIN HOFFMAN 'Midnight Cowboy' 1t Port fo r Benefit Tuead•y, R .. ul•r Run Wedne1d1y V.oight in . 'Cowh.oy' Finnly established a11 one or the besl contemporary stage and television talent.s, Jon Voight~makes his movie debut opposi te Irene Pappas in Playhouse and lo private "That Summer, That Fall," on classes. Broadway, V0ight also col-Jerome Hellman produced lected crilical kudos a s a'bd John Schlesinger diretj.ed Streisand Ageless · . In 'Dolly' Though ' the cMtlng ol t8 yw .. 11i, Barbta strelsand In Elnesl ~m~n's film version of "Hello DoUyJ" came as a Shock to' many ~e wQo _lbollgMJl!e l!'J! IQo )'O\llllLIO .. play_ Ille p,ri, Barbra felt olheiwlae. - "Arter all," as •he puts tt. "[)Olly is about a woman who has lost thl Sove of her Ute and has to decide· whether to live in her memories or to parUclpate in the bu.man con· dition. This ls a universal prob- lem of all aaes," she ob- serves. "The woman Is a widow, but could have t>een a 19 year-old and·marrled .only a short Ume -1 • --;-• when her. husband passes , .JUpanese Art away. Even at that age sPe . . • wou1d bave M> rur,t ~r life one . MP°' than 60 prints of contempoiaO' artista, oJ way or another. Im older than Japan: are beinfi, ~hown iri Orange Coast· College thal aod nnce I began work ;_Gallery througb f'.eb. 27. On Sunday 200 additional ~Ith.Dolly the, problem of age · prints will go on sale from 1 to 4-.m d1SS0lved." Viewus of the ' r. • · nm should heartily agree. · ''Hello, OQJly!" stars.Barbra Streisand, Walter Matthau, Michael Crawford and Lotiis Armstroog and ·was directed by Gene Kelly from Ernest Lehman's screenplay. NATION.t.lGENt:~ALCCJlltllOlllATIO~ Fiii~.!!! S...Oimle f -1stlrilW•tM-t711 .,MIDNI6HT SHOW FrldGy .... 13111 An Evening with Boris Karloff • •• •••••• •• ••••••••••••• •• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. * NEWPORT BEACH I< 644·0760 ' • 8th. WEEK CONTINUOUS MAllNIU • -:-THL UDAT-SATUU.DY~MOAY ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! T ACTRESS! BARBRA STREISAND c0lllM91A PICTUtt£S ud lt.t.SfAlt PlfOo\lcTloffl "t : Hurry! l'ina1 3 Ptrfonna-nctsl 'HELD ov•• "JOI 100'' with Peter Church Ttlurtd•y through Sunday -l :'O '·M. SCI CHILDllH'S THIAT•I-"WIN I. ... WI..._" S.-.,. et 1 ~ J:H-1127 N..,_,., C.M. -'41-1J'J • SPECl.AL PUBLIC SALE CONTEMPORARY PRINTS of JAPAN From tM Portfolio of -in-the-tiUe role or the "Mid· night Cowboy," opening Tues· day, Feb. 17 in a special benefit preview for the Harbor Reform Temple, and on Feb. 18 f<>r a regular run al the Port Theater in .corona del Mar. The preview is open to the public. Rodolfo m-thnward-winning-... MidnigbHllwboy. n __ _,._,~~------2 ............. off-Broadway production o( ''A -amMn'f·Ul'Cfi ma; t•illlt 'tfl 10 Voight in tile premiere of Harold. P i n t e r ' s • "Ibe liWtll C-tl'laJ, c.11 Mal ' 'Dwarfs.'' He played Romeo at 540-Zltl • " "Comedy of Terrors" . "The Raven" View From the Bridge." PICKWICK ~· • Televblon audience• saw BOOKSHOPS th •· DI Sh k 11u t\DllllNM·ll'ld. e .~n ego a espeare1 :"'~~:··~~~··~,..~·.!:·•~"~'---~~~~~~~~~~ Festival and has appeared on 1• many major television series. . . ,,gNiiiii'•• 1 .!-~f--4 e \:!"\.f!l.'.l T£CHNICOlCMl;9•PAHAYISION~ • : t;F, OMAR SHARIF e IOIY MEDFORD : . .. . . ......... , ............................... . M. M. Shlnno & A$$0Clates SUHDA¥.-EEB. 15. 1-4 2.M. :fl'9RANGE COAS'r -COLLEGE 1 • . ·. ART GALLERY LAGUNA MOULTON PLAYHOUSE Tickets 494·25SO 606 LAGUNA CANYON RD. e LAGUNA. BEACH COMING MARCH 3rd "Little ltl'aru Su118lal""" Directed By Kent Johnson TICKETS NOW! S. HUROK presents These Magnificent Artists A p1an111-..""""' '' ltgand Svlatoalav . RICHTER 1tera11r* M.IO(UO/UO/f,50 , °"""'''M!'I: $a.10/4.50/S.H/l .10 Prtclt: t1.71/Z.11/S. "NI •.71/L 71 ' ,,,. , __ ,,,,, Andru SEGOVIA "1clrl: P.11/Ul/4 .• , .... lhurwdaJ Fib. 21•1;30 Sunday . Mar.1•2:30 Twe different reel ta I progrlim• ..... ..,. Mar. 7 •1;30 --, Mar.I• l :IO T- dlrrer.nt rodtal progr1m1 ,~..., Mar.20 • •:ao lundu' Mer. 22 • 2:111 Two cltfferent -- < All ~LA.C°""'1tu. ....,. ftt m-1111 ,--·-=c-o MIJ'JC CENllR et:a..Cllt.;-1.e....-Ot-' c..•••111•==• ..,. PAVluoN .. Playing Joe Buck, a swag. gerlng young Texan who com· es to New York to make his fortune, Voight demonstrates the ve rsaLility and talent that won him wide acclaim. Winner 0£ a Theatre World Award for his performance m =1 A native New Yorker, Jon graduated from C a l h o \ i·c University with a fine arts degree, continuing his studies in New York, with famed ac- ting teacher Sanford Melsner both al the Neighborhood l\trf TIUTEI ~ '• . 2t i l l mt C~t H......., c.,...., M• ,., ,.,., ........ '714 260 "1fl OAUMTIANI" ,IOI C.flM' "DAftaY O'Olll ANO TMI LITTLI ,IOf'LI" (e) C"" SPECIAL NOTICE! EARLY BIRD MATINEES ~t Mt. follewhtt PllClffc Drlv•I"' ,_.,... .,.Y.n.,-o,..._t.. H .. "THE COMPUTER WORE TENNIS S!iOES" • "THE CHALLENGE OF ·ROBIN ·HOOD" 5ttew St.m et i:41 &..st Ce .. ,i.te Mlow Mery le S.... J.. lAt9 At 10:30 P.M. • " l'llcliilMI 0....,. Ce. Df'tltoe.r. ...... "flRANkENSTllN MUST II MSTltOYID" fMI Ctlfr ,.D•ACIJU.-HAI llU•M l'llOM TMI GltAV•" tO) Cltttr Atl C•llf' lllfW '1T•Jtlll (UQ(OQH (M) UMMIMlll "90QOSYa eot.UMIUI" 1a) All ONW'._ "TMI NTIC'Ttvl"' (II ,, .. """'' • HJAiNDOllaO" • . ,, .... -\r . • ~ .. : An .pie cframa.Of; ; ' adventure and·exPlorationl . ' .·• lllOM.,...•STAfllLEY KUUICl f'IOOUCTIOI ·7~ :a space odyssey ,_ •t iff SUH:lll ~JUvtSIOH •lllElltOCOl.M. CINEDOME !.-....-t='r'li • ~ -· ,.._ L.:;2.J ' . . .. ' ., . .. .. 'I • "OTOOLE•BEST ACTOR OF iHE YEAR ! •. .'Chips'0 Cte Of The Year's Ten Best!" ' . -NATIOHA.l 10MO Of.,lfEVlfW ~Coid)v)'ll·Ml)W~ An Arth11r P. J..coti.~ ·umnc Peter OiJoole ·Petula Clark "Gocidbye, Mr. Chi~" _....,flr ....... I C311t11._ •• CINEDOME AJ!:t .~ f:i!) ,' ' Starts Jdnetd1y .. tb. 11 •I ... '• ' "I'"" "' '" e JOB PRINTING , • • PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quality Printing end Oep1nd1bl1 Servic1 fot lftbre1 ttt.n 1 9u1rt1r of 1 century. ' , • • IHDS TUISDAT Colli•••• Hotidoy M9tl .... Tll.n.-Sot.-S••· A man went looking for America. And couldn't find it anywhere ... CANftfS FILM f[STIVAL WINft[R!-Besrf~m By 1 Hew Di11aor- Pi .. -Je ... Colte"" 11 "WATlltHOLI NO. J" Starts Next Wednesday-Feb. 18 Steve McQue'en "The Rei vers~ AC1ntnw Ctnier filrm Pl<e)tnl;tri'.: ' A Nacional Gtnml Pictures Rdc~ ~ HELD OVER! I r ~w"" n.-.... II f/1.1/lr '''!' l'or /?OHIN !f on ' I I , -, .. Nl).Y Pl\.OT . F,ldlr, f'tbr97 U1 _1970 ' • t • 6..ade to Movie. • 'Midnight Cowho·y'· Opens Juliet in TV 'N a·nny · Role .. "No. tl1y Darling Pauahteri. with Sir flfichael Redgrave. •dllar'1 Nor.: Thi; ,..... f1014c II prtpered h tM Ji.1"" committte: of Heritor c .. !ldl PTA. Mrr. Jolt• Clark is pn.sicUnt m Jin. William W a Te II _.u11t.1 <4¢-n. It Is tMnded aa o f'lftrence TONIGHT Sam Riddle ~~ JOHN HARTFORD Fil. 13 & 14 ~<f'e>S --··-11 -TO ··-• _TllU. ..... _ NOCOYll Coming Fob. 10-21 Uttle RlclMrd GRAND HOTEL 7-WAY -77 .. 7777 in detmmnino 11dlabU fU"" for "'"°"' a Q • groups and wiU OPJNC1 tHeklv. You,. vicui1 °"' soUdted. Mail them to Mo-vie Glddl, care of tM DAILY PILOT. * • * ADULTS T1le Detective (SM.A): Frank Sinatra plays a dedicated police officer whole lnvestl1atlon of a murder and aulcldt uncovers potlce cm"' rupUon. Lee Remick co.stars. Easy Rider (R): Peter Fon- da and Dennis Hopper portray two drcpout.s who travel the United States on mctoreycle.s. Goodbye Colulllu (R): A summe r romance between a poor Ubrariin ind a nouveau rlche colleee girl ll)>ln due to 1t\,ejr dlffetenl views. A satire on sex WtLb Richard Ben- jamin, Ali MacGraw. Jolla ud Moq (RI: Dustin Hoffman and Mia Farrow Nr in this cootempor1ry love story about the "now" We of a )IOl.4ni couple who become deeply involved ln a 24-hour period. Marlow (M ): While searching for a client'a miss· lnl brother, private eye Philip SOUTH SW lROPICAL FISH La:rg .. t Selection of Tropical Fish & Supplies in the area. ""'1l• ....... !Tl Ill', WIUON, torfA USA --1 ... ..fl ...... ~ 'M.1'lG. 11).4, llllllnld. Or. -~ loodl IW.IMI tM ,_. OHltol ..._U'll Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Show, at tht fl(t trick 'Monk1ys 1 10 stiort ract 14 Olka, ' Eunomla and lrtnt \ lS fltll'ISI 16-C111at 17 Thtaltlcal D'Oduclfon ill tarlbau'' llllllYt lt UM1n'tfl4 ZO Tht 1tnen •l1nontltt 22 Reidy "' '"' 1 24 Gut down H Ctrtlln wool1n1 Z7 ll:tn 31 lfascullnt nickname 1 32 Did onr's WOik busUy » Ptrformfd a civic: duty JS Ft1111le mil111al 311 Spllt asundff lit Title 40 A~Uonetr's •~d 41 Tlbft DX 42 Un~tt 41 Fr1g1111nt ·~ ••tfood_ 4S Thought hlghly of 47 Canadian polltlcl1n 51 Unlf'lltrtstlng 52 Without warn Int 54 Enlr1t1Ct t rM1h11tlon: Abbr. 511 Not°"' 59 Klnt;i of Judah 61 Good reason '2 Growl 63 Composition 64 Senior 65 Fish 60 Work: Ccmb . form 67 Form of trapshooting DOWN 11 M1c1w 12 Patrol car device ll Glvts atttnllon 21 High: 1 Thundfr god M1.1sic 2 Expectallon 21 Urtt 3 M1k1s 25 Ca1penter's 111g1y dtvlc • 4 Of an 'l7 Brisk exclusiv1 28 Del1nse woup lawyt r's 5 -· -concfl'n Kids": 29 Place fot 2 words skating 6 Conn1ctlve 3fl Stood word clinic 7 Kind of visitor noisr 34 Pulltd 8 Put forth 35 Col11ge 9 Long sludtnl narrow 11111 36 If ever 10 CDnQrruional l7 Tobacco: 11.rcord tr Slan11 H1ns1rd 39 Go dlfferrnt s11bjtct I ll"'"iT"Tr"'Tl,,..,,5;-.. .,........,...,,- 2/lJfiO 40 Fe1111!1 chatttt: 2 words 42 N111lh wind 43 l111posl119 dwelllnOs 44 Und•r1round condu ts 46 Kind of cOnlrctlon 47 Ftncing movt 48 Hole --: Z words 4i Dtvold of originality .SO Madagascar mammal 51 "-·Of lndla" 55 l111pollt1 Sf> "I 1111 you": 2 words 57 Surr th ing: Slang 60 Ntw; Cornb . for11 FAMILY 'ftte'"Brili (G): DiVI n engineer& a Glu,ow-London train robbery in a slap!Uck comedy with Jean-Paul Belmondo Ind Ell Wsllach. Darby O'GW ud Ille !Jtlle People (G): A reissue of Wilt Di1ney's fantasy about a com- pulsi\'e old Irish story teller who gets into a batUe of wits v;ith leprechauns. A I b e r l Sharpe, Stan Connery and Janel Mu.nro. Franken1teill Mn1t Datroyed (M): More ad- ventures of Fral'lkenstdn llar· ring Peter Cushing. • • • The l.etter im111.tdlattlt1 aftu the tiUt tndicdtes the Tating given the picture by the Mot-ion Picture Code. TM Motion Picture Code And Rating PrOQrcm ma~ be found on the motiofl picture page. Po+rt ·Theatre COIONA DIL MAt---Hll I. COAST HWY .--6n-6J60 BENEFIT PREVIEW TUESDAY NIGHT AT 8:00 ONLY e ... Show Storto 7 P .M. CONT!NUOUS SAT. And SUNDAY F~OM 2:00 P.M. FiixsouTH COAST PLAZA THIEATRE Sin Dielo ,,.._, •t lrlitol • 149·2711 lox Office Open& 6:45 -Show at 7 lt'a a switched-on laugh riot! -~ It lUlE llLE•S£D-, LINC:OLN 'S llUHDAY~1 Offl&e o,.,.. •:JO SltowtlMe -10 • .-. -c..!•1111• A" Day 2o.. -.., =t~~ -DAYID .JANUIN "GENERATION" ''" "THE BRAIN" -D.AllD. Nl~ll! CHtl'"• ~ 1:JO· THI wonoN PICTUH Jlr.:======~~ CODI AND IA nNC5 11 PltOGIAM THE WXU~IOUS J1i. M•tfH Plcfut• CM. .,., l•H•t Mllfllnlt~•ti•n •p(lll•• th• f.ll"'111t r1fl1191 to Jilm1 tUmfM._tff llf •th• U.S.A. Pie· h'1• rftetl G, M or R t11••llfy f., tfio CMo SM/. ... Plet11re1 '''-' X '• 11ot roc1lvo • s •• r. n. r1tln91 •pptyll to NEW IAllti THEATRE ="'---. NOMI O• IOCICINlll (NAii lOtU I 1M UST IM.IOA IO'D. \ v.1~LIOA Pf!llMS~LA• 173-40tl~ Now-Ends Tuosd1y JAMES .BOND 007· .. JS BACK! .. "JOURNIT TO THI ,Al Slbl 0, THI SUN" NEWPORT 8£ACH •• at tht entrance to labulou1 Lido lslt •• OR . 3·8350 E:itclu1lve Wofld Premiere Prnentatlon .RAVES •. , FOR THE YEAR'S TOP ROMANTIC HIT I "Beatty 11 superb." -L.A. Herald Examiner ''Ellubeth Taytor 11 a plNsur• to witch." -L.A. Times • •. Ask any woman. , ll"'!lltr.-i ltlllltllo~ EUzllbeda ~ Warren Beatt7 .. ll:IJIGf Sl!\llli-fll'O 11111.lllR '"''"' The Only Game 1nn.- ,.,... .. nm100. .. -.. ""°"~~ k_ .. ,""'~lil.llJI'-.. ,..., ... r-... c.-1ollllG.lll( 'li'.lltlolU.· 1.1 -=.!:-~~.,.. OP1nge County's Biggest Doubt• Attraction Includes -Golden Globe Nominee, Beat Acfrffl, Best Picture. C stereo103FM the. sounds of the harbor _bdS~--7 youve never heard it so good ' . I \' • TUMBLEWEEDS Friday, Ftbruary 13, 1970 DAIL V PILOT Jf By T-K. Ryan ·SALLY BANANAS • 000!'1... MEN 00 WE. 61t STARTED?! PERKINS _, -' , \l/l llf l ' /I\ ft-'.,.. IS THERE A.MY REA.SON FOR 'iOU TO STOP BV CARL WINTERS' >lOME WITHOUT FIRST CALL· 1.N6 M~. WINTER:S?' I MAY 5E A.Lt WIDN6, JUC>GE •• !tlT lMERE'S 50METHIN6 l00 PAT ABOGT THAT" SET·UP! I'VE IEEN THtNICIN6 IT OYEl'~lus THE 'TT'EW04HT' -~SPIEL A!OGT HIS WANT!M6 10 ourr .. MIS SIMGIN6 M~ PW5ES AS TJ.IE W)Sl'" Pe\OT'EO WIFE flOGKO/-DID 'Jt)IJ SEE THE UCE~E PLATE ;:-'THAT'S OUR m.JCk'/ Mun AND JEFF IM SICK1 Cl l ..MARCIA IS I 1 NO. Goof)! I J'/Gfff:P, , ! QoftS ...... • • Ha; B'ER' SEEN I ' l OON'T WANT ANYONE TO SEE MY FACE! • • &T,Louit,"(o&I Pfl..,l&to YO<l'o N•Vt~ ltM /'18 . By Frank la9llllld ,--PEANUTS -ly-Cllarles M. Sc~ h - • %..-13 • ~ AU. RIGHT •• LETS lOOIC AT rr F"OM MJOTHER ANGLE: IT'\' SE VErf EASV r-Oi HER TO H"VE 0.RL COMM.lfTEO! WHY POE5NT 5ME? 'T+IATS WHY! By John Mlle~ , II I •\1I1 I 1 I I I I I I II ,,, , By Harold Le DoUll l'OG ~ME TMEn. :TIJl:JIGE! MIO' A.T n.IE I kfEP ASklN6 MYSELF' n.IAT MOMENT, I OUBTION A.NP I COME 70 CA.H'r T'MINIC ... ., ___ ... TELEVUllON VIEWS Many Read, Don't Absorb 1msse!~ r ASS: M'tSEl.F ~ A.NY .• UN· 1'--------------------WHAT A~ANTA6E 'M:>IJLCJ LESS r ee--l1 NERE BE IF 51<E ~Oll"T COME VERY By RICK DU BROW :r ..... Hilo\ "'"""'mor OEV10llS! HOLLYWOOD (UPl)-Some years ago, -re ~ OM·OH! THIS 'IOU'LL. NEVER BELIEVE/-1 GOT~ LOOK ATnE ORIVER!-AWO IT "-"S ~O. wntllTIU. INTHL 8.A(.L• '"'""''·' By Al Smltli I +\E L.OOKS L.IKE YOU! It was chic to write about Negro advances in tel.-: visiOn, I did a number of articles on the subJect. 1 ~ explaining the industry and union situaUon1, -and how things were changing. ~ I ~ot two types of reader replies. One groqp wrote in sayinl, In effect, thank you for polnting up the inevitability of progre'5 on televlslOn. The other group wrote in saying, in effect, thank you for pointing up the increasing menace of Negrou in television. Botll uoups, of course, bad read exacUy the sat0e artfcle. , ' ' . ' WHEN BtRRY Goldwater r'n for!.resident, I bad a telephone chat with ... of bis al •• and waa told about the relative llmjtetlon of the candidate'& video funds. I wrote a piece about this. Some Gold· water opponents immediaUtly wrote in to say I was a press agent for him and was trying to get him sympathy. Some Goldwater admirers said I shouldn't write anything that dldn't make blm a winner. Both sides, of course, had read exactly the Wrune article. · t "'• When John Kenned)' was P"'sident, I wrote numerous pieces on how hi& adm.in.i5tration and family often used -'-and exploited -television to their advantage. Some Kennedy supporters wrote in an~rlly, saying I was being unnecessarily pro-- Vocative, but never denying the 4imple recttatJon of facts. Some Kennedy fOel wrote that I was beinf a publicity man for the adrittnl.tration. Both sidu, of course, had read exacUy the same piece. IT IS AMAZING, in short, how some pe1'IOlll will seem to read an article -.or bear a broad- cast -but not really do so. They will often juat react to their ingrown beliefs and read, or bear, only what they want to read or hear, Not all people, ot course -but enough so that I knew there would be a similar response when I did a piece several weeks ago about some major celebrities whb· were banned from talking about the peace movement on video broadcasts. I noted that you could talk about a lot of dumb and disgusting things on television, and see them too, but that peace talk was out. Most of the letters p.raia:ed the column, and some dld nol . ..... . .. DESPITE th'e praise, tj>ough; I as disappoint• ed in most of the letters because, agaio, they were political reactions. That is, they entirely missed the point, which was Cree speech -something far more important than the frequent half·balted loudmouths of all causes, who, on tal~ shows, employ their natural right that we· are compelled to defend be- cause It is an American pilnciple more slgntOc1nt than anything they have to say. Personally, politics bore me except as comedy material. I happen · to be conservative because it is my nature to oppose those who would change ~ ciety overnight; But I distfust moat poUticiaDs u much as I do.iactor1 with new~found causes. _, Dennis the Menace \, I " ' ,........__,,~ -------.,----• ·;o-,.--..,--,~-----.. - ,_ , • l ,j • . ., .,. __ ,. - .·N1~W~ 1970 . DUSTER S1ri1I # Vtf,~0122211 1 'll ford · '&5 Chevrolet '66 Pl~mouth COUNTRY SEDAN W19011. 390 VI, 111lo,.,1lic," r1di11, healer, pow1r 1l11 rin 9, pow1r br1k1•, f1ctorv 1ir c1n.ditioning.• !UOK021 1 $1595 '&6 ford CORVAll court R1'dlit, h11l1r, etc. A r111' liouv· · IZWA7Sll' $695 'IS Datsun <410 SID;,M 'VA~1AM! SIDAM · 6 1.}li!Ml1r, 111tom1tic, . .reclio, h11t- 11. tSIC.11<461 $895 '65 Chevrolet llL All ltA'flOM WA.OM fAIRLAHI 500 Sed111. 'VI, 1utom1tic, r1dic, hul· l"lmac1111!1 c.oridili on. R1dio, h11t• v.1, ,,d!o, "''''''• 11,1toll'l•ti• tr1111• 1r, etc. ;.. 1111 buv. INQA727l 111i11ion. power 1t .. rit1•· trGU6l) 11, imm1".1l 1t1 condition. !XEV,JOr -~. $895 'll Plymouth GTX 1 DOcil MAlDJOP \II, •11lol!l1tic, r1dio, h11t1r, pow•• 1t11rln 'i1, ,powlf br1k11,lvinyl top. · tTRHl96l • $1695 'It Chevrolet }.-.. h11 .. 1c11l1t1 good 10\id 111r111in9 c.1r. INIW6111 .. ( • $fa9S ~ . '6& ''ymouth f.URY II 1 01. Va. 1utom1t1c,,1tdlo, h11t1r, · · power 1te1rln9, power br1k11, 'fit· ' tory 1i1. \Wfif4]2l $1695 '&I '.Cheysler ~ --- 1owH .. eOUl(.TlY WA.ON VI, 111\01111tlc, r1dio, h11t11, p1w1• 1t11rin9·br1k11°wlndow1, f1c:tofl 1ir c1rtdilionint . WSW. t UIJl2SI --. 52795 $995 ~65 Cheysler JOO " DOOl HARDTOP \II, a 11tam1tic, r1dio, ll11t1r,' pow· ·,, 1t11rin9.br1k11-window1, f1c:torv ·1ir, p\111 much lflOr•· Exc1'11nl con· dition. (VZS117) $1195 '64 thevrolet IMPALA 1' l[)r, )-i.1. VI, 111toft1 1tic, r'tdio, h11t.r, pOWlf 1t11riftt, pf1Wl f br1k11, f1ctol'V 1ir. l1111!11c11l 1t1. IOM.Al6ll ' $995- ' • • NEW 1970 BELVEDERE COUPE "~· t.~ '"d lic.11111 NEW 1970 CHRYSLER T.OWN AND COUNTRY STATION WAGON ••• DISCOUNT $1114 • From Manufacturers List CHRYSLER PL¥MOVTH IMPERIA·L • I . TOTAL DOWft . ' PAY MINT " J . ' · IOTA&: 'MOJmtl;T .• . • ' ' . . ffiR $55 ·.·:·. ' .... 3q ;MONTHS , Oii •1111roved crlldll PA"l.JllN.T . ' . . . . 1 1'1YrMll!Y,lfld~ .-fl T•11°n lo -tot~ 1tl~. C!\.I,._ el SlM '6 tot "3' "'""'~I.' ;llltf"lrtl ctl•rl" bti$911 on A,HNUAL P•11.t1NTAG' UTI 0,. IJY. • • IDeltrr.o DIW/Mllt IH"lao « t!t'a H -.. . . .NEW ·1970 ·/;MY.l!!Wm~yl hi!J!i back bucket seats, color keyed .. cifpet, floor ~• mouiited shift lever, .. UlstrOtnent gauges &,&elted•tites. \ rlat No. n~OJLJfflJ82~ '"· • ... ~ -"''./, • ' .• . ~64 - DODIE YAN Don 't miss this one. l icense UOF 3.:16. TRIUMJ!ll ROADSTER 4 speed, radio, heater. 'license NPH -752. FALCON FUTURA HDTP •. Br~ght red finish. license. ORX 773. MUSTANG , . V-8. auto. lrans .• factory air tMclltioning, power sl eering . license OSC 100. $688 '68& ~6· ;9 FORD GAUXIE &OIJ;,HDTP. $2:'6-88 · Air cond ilioning, faclory warriinty avail lie· · · . -mm . ~66 FORD ECOIOLINE Y~. · · '$: ·a· :g, . · · Aulo. tran~" popular Van •• Lic'ense T9',7·14: . ( , .• ( I r • . ' " I .. \ I '68 !~~~,.~~~.~~~,~~~!~g. $1"8;8·-·a·· ... power steering. license YCM 243. • " . • '65 llREYROLET 1h TON Pick up truck. license R-37479. . ..,.. -·~. . .. ~788 APllNUAL "lllCINTA•lf"UTI OP , "JSY. Dettrrtd p~I prk1 of 111llO.f0. Ttt•I Cetrl ~u lnclvdtt .. ll .. 1'71 !lcltllle 11m.«1. TOUR CHOICI . SJ288 ,_69. ~a~!!A.~!.'!!~.~!~i~g. ~~ii•I ;$1· ''~8· · · decor. License YQC 285. · ':l,, ' ... ·: '69 ~ . ' . ' I 61: £~~~£> ... ~ARDTOP .. '65 THUNDERBIRD H~TP. ,$10· a· ·8 loaded includi~·factory air .• License .N•,v , , -431 • .,... -, ..,_ . . --. ' .Sf288 ' I ' • • '~ ., MOUSIS FOii SAL E HOUSES FOii SALE_ HOU$1S FOR SALE HOUSEi FOR SA~I IHOUSl l F~ll SALi HOUSEi-FOR SALi HOUlll ·~LI 1000 Oojloral 1000 ~al ·1 ~ O....ral '. I~ Oenaral 1000 I :°""";::;;ra;I=;, ;;;i::;• ;;;o;: ;.'.;~1,.~G;"';;~;'°;:'a;!~·'~' ~~·;_,~~·:';;;;IOOO;;jiiiGiiaiinaiiiraiiliiiiiiiili~ii·iiiJiiDOOMii. Goiiiil\O!iiiraiil iiiiiiiiiiiiiii' iiiiilii~iit ' Gonoral ) HOUllS F'Oll'SAL E HOUSES FOR SALE • I ' ' • l I ' READ THIS U you are in the market for a NEW home, see these out.stand- ing customlzed homes , built by Frank H. (\Yres JU!d Son, !peat· .,, , lfO~l~AND I'· • -.i so-a . L ,wJ,~Onx~~ .. ,;,: W•~t,~~ J: . ,.. ~:· ~ , Fl.NER HOM~~ ,_ bed""'"" '"" .. ,h B• the first to own this NEW boa.uUtul ·4· DOVER SHORES VllW =~~ twQ ftreP*.'" and bdrm. home . With spectacular view:. Lar~e Marvelous location. Add up these features : 2 · Wolill:l)iou like 111 overtiv family rm. with sunken wet bar, formal d • .. king·•ite rooms _ hated " Wtered ·pool _ ex.-.d 20'i»' ......,. ....,... , Ing l 3 car garage. Quality built by well , pfn•lve view of mountains & bay • 4 bed· 3, WNd >"" lllte., move j., knowo builder. OWC loan. $89,500. ' r6oms • ftlendly family, room • formal dining EAITllLUFF -PERMANINT· VllW. All '° """I"""--de. ·'IRVINE TERRACE ' room -exquisitely draped & decorated. Only the active family could wish! 5 bdrms, 3 r.:z.~~·a deli.Utful 2 Bdr~ . ., conv. d~!1 and· ~arae playrm. re-2'h years old. An exc4;1lent buy at $104,000. -bat.bar & family/dining area. tots of -space one btidroom, ·batliroom Jiv. centJy f.uusbfd,. Brifht, a 1 r y home. Pool· Owner will consider trld• for waterfront . around-Immaculate., i,...,....,........ ..... ...,. sized, loll' maintenance yard. Mally exlr~ Come lalte a l~k . Open•Sun. 1624 AnUgu a: Barrell p l'l!6en l6 VIEW HOMI~ ed in a pr!~ area ve'ry close t9_.,. ·i tJuntington State . Beacbr The ·, homes are pricecl !roll) '2'/,500 lolt33,690 and vary In ~tu from. 3 to 4 bedrooms,% lo~ ciar:gar· ages and 2 to 3 baths, with shake or mission tile ·roofs, fire- places. underg.round utilities, concrete driveways, built-ins. iM5 Bamboo SIU>. 1-.1 P.M.. -· --"""!<' A "m\l!I see.'~U,.500. .. Way. ' • ... ~LL tNG H1Li.s -*sPRIMOT1ME ;tow. ' ~O: ~~ !.:..'!!!! • •· c1 NDA' Js LE LoT .• LINDA 1s1;1 · iAYFRON'!' ~· ' "ERS. All of this trom· llviirg room:. dinirtg pornpletety fenced y;-,d;'!j... qhoice waterfro~t site a !fl on g Newport's The only oew watir£ront home io this price and c41rpeti11g. 'fbere is VA and FHA financing available. There are 6 homes available because ot' credit re)e_ctions. Occupancy by March 1, 1970 in thi,J unit. Our next unit is no w on sale for . occupancy ilt Ma~ an~ June )l'IO and lnttoducea the • ~ew · 3,000 sq, 11· "El Dorado" model (!. price4trom '34.490. · Rancho Le Cueste Homtt on B .. oo khurst at Atlanta, Huntington Beach 96'-2929 -ffl.1331 l ~--:- 1 C't lo.-------------.. . --(. •' •· ! ' rar 1~Gener•I 1000 i....:. . ' . $24900 . . ! -~r S Bet., w\th 2 patk,s on large cuJ:de-sac. ; :!r Being repainted inside. Move .ii n.ew 1 ady for you. , 1 . l .,.J ?! .. ! P.J~; ,_ I~·· I 9~, ~t.'C. ' -rarrG .;.- ORANGI! COUNTY'S LARGEST room & delightful kitchen area. ~11 we!J '. WOutd you hke b!mte 1t In-fmest hom~s. ~nme location facing lagoon. range with 52 feet of bayiront. 3 Large bed· planned 3 bdrm holl)e ~ in Luri:'•~ Hirbor oome1 Llve in eltper the°"' Le11ebold '50,000 incl. plans for 5 bedroo1n rooms , step-down Jiving ro.om with fire~lace. Vie\v !~ills -La Jolllri MOdel. '67,500 • • bedroom a,_.,I'lrnent or the home. master bath, co mpl ete with sauna . P1e_r & · , * luxurious home ahd collect slip. Ask ing $105,000. Open daily. 106 Linda ' ••-~· EAM&O SHORES B,>\YFRONT SLEEPIRll -4t"'J'T. BAY ""' rom ·~ ~•r. Isle Drive. FRONTAGE on Via Lido Nord, U clo l!l. Old-7. We have alx ot them. Each Luxurious living in this custom bUilt top er home with large, pier " slip. Se.lier will With bflaurilul eJCtrriors and quality home on larJe corner tilte. 4 Bdrm&., a 1ue1ime lhU! root. ~t-den. pool, htiie· ltna1 & 5 baths + glamorous consider trade for other beach property and/ N near Boy's .·aub, Otatc& pwdr. rm. BEAUTIFUL ll95,000. or good Trust Deeds. Asking $225,000· M~.sa. Parle and downtown. * • No loan C>art" (Point> • DOVER SHORES CLI FF HAVEN -VleW of Bay And Ocean, What's 1'1}11'!') • Bttter Hw"' Beautiful 2 story Mediterranean 4 bdrm. & xet qtzy and secluded, 2 bdrm &: den, shel· . I')'!!' family roon1 wi th wet bar. Large island kit- tered patio It 1arden. Well priced 1tt $43,500. cben & 3 car J?ara!le. Spacious rooms thru· " .._ ' * out. Superb interior deco r. $118,000. IRVINE TERRAC I -IMMACULATE Adult occupied 3 bdrm & maids quarters. POOL .. , CORONA OEL MAR VIEW. Expansive-entertainment• oriented., 5 Bdrm., 3 bath, 2 story choice location. One $88,750. block to-beach, large patio. exterior newly **** PRIME aUIL·DING SIT ES: l1ycre1t fu lat located1n finest area. $26,950 * Acrt -View & Level. Horsn OK. $22,$00 2'12 Acres -View. Small home with subdi· * . viding possibilities. Yucaipa. $26,000. Offlco Opon Satu.._.,, a Sundays PETE BARRffi REAL TY 1605 W-1111 Dr., N.I. 642-5200 ------. -----,;;;;=------· - Evenings Call 64&-2259 STRICTlY CUSTOM painted. Great for entertaining. $49,900. COASTAL VIEW White wafer splendor, plus private beach . two pools & tennis courts. Split level condo. 2 bdrm1, -den, 3 baths & enclosed panoramic view balcony .. Beautifully decorated_. $69,500. "Ou r 25th Yur" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO, Realton 2111 S•n Joaqul• Hills Rd. t:tEWPORT CENTER ~910 IDOO , · 7.50/o VIEW . Profe ssionally decorated 3 bedroom home ·with Jorge, paneled family room., 'l•I bar. formal dining room & den. 3 Forepleces; beamed ceJlings, paneled garage with c~s· tom storage cabinets. Pool sized terrace with sundeck. Asking f74,950. IRVINE TERRACE Watch the skyscrapers be ing built be.hind you '& watch the boats sail by in front of y~u from this beautiful 4 bedroom home with family room, Jiining room. sparkling heated & filtered pool. Asking $115,000. Open Sun-. 2015 Galatea Terrace. BEAUTIFUL BAYFRONT 2-Story custom built, 1 owner home , designed . by Herb Brownell. 3 Bedrooms, living room wi th marble fireplace & a den that's ~ man's' dream. A quiet air of elegance adttured ~ut difficult to achieve. 60 Fr. of bayCro nt with pier & fl tial. $139,500. Open Sat. & Sun. ·301 Evening Star Lane, Dover Shores. john mac:nab RIAL TY COM,ANY ' '2629 HARBOR BLVD. 54' -l l~======'~O~P~E~N~~~V~E7S~T~l~L~L~l~:30~=======-li ·G~a;no:;;ra;l:;:::-;:;:::-:;~1000;;:G::::or='°~'a~l~:::':'::Z';;;:1000~ i 'Ii:..,., . IDOO Gonoral IDOO PRICED TO SILL • • .' 9UICKL Y tt.&mbtina: F.ar\)' Amerk"LI} · Ranch •t)t\e hOmt', meticu. loual)' colt8lrUcted by custom bu.llder lor Ms own me-. M!a- sion Ttte Ooorl"i. beamed Cfill,.., massive used brick nRm..ACE and COURT· YARD ENTRY al't a few ol the many featurH. Carte Jot on tecluded Back 8&y iitrtet of fine home1. Merits your immediate Jnspc<:tion at $15,000. WE SELL A HOME EVERY l l MINUTES Owner will help finance. Rambling ranch home with pool. ~ Acre near back bay. Good neighborhood . $45,000 Up-grade and reap the profits. 901 Dover Or., Suite '42.ans 120 I ,i:..;,;____;;;:;=---.:....:::: I Hunt Beach near Bushard and Slarlire. 4 ' · R, It ba, lam nn. NE\VPORT· 11eighta ra.mbl-Bd., 3 Bath. dining room , buiJt~ins. Great Walker & lee I ifl PlUa area. shag i,. ranch style -3 bdrm, neighborliood and only $35,500. Sounds fishy, ~ shade trtts. S28,500. i.hake roof. lrplc. $28,900. b t II bal f b l :~ard R.E, ~fl 2-2222 Kingaard R.E. P.fl 2-2222 u 5 aw e. 0 a uy. 20l1 WencllU Dr. "6-77U 1 .r JLa Whitt ElepbanU? GIVE Now -United Fund • ' i GIMril I ;~~C Id II 1.~~,, o we , I :· 'f . : OFFERS: Banker OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 ; ~- I = :i : . IALBOA PENINSULA IDOO I :1511 MIRAMAR. Fabulous home on 3 lots. .:"! + BR's., din . rm., gourmet kitch., game . .i'Ynl . + !am. rn1. w/wet bar. Blk· to ocean bay. owe tst T.D. $115.ooo- Calhryn Tennille 1 ~ UDO ISLE ON 60 FT. LOT ~Bdrms. -office -lanai -3 bath home. Street to street to street. Lge . So. patio. Few 1leps to bathing beach. $79,500 Mary Lou 'Marion EXCEPTIONAL 4 BR. + VIEW This beautiful deluxe home \viLh formal dinihg room, separated family room with !ldirep18ce &: man y extra features. 2 Years <oold. $72,500 "Walter Haase HARBOR VIEW HILLS ~).1} 3 Bedrooms ·3 Baths. 180 Degree vie\v ' . ' ~.... Ne\v Listing $63,800 '"'Ai Fink 2·STORY DELUXE HOME Harbor View Hll\s home. Perfect for hap-MiS'y. active people -4 BR., 3 Ba .. din. rm .. &1-kflt. rm., 1ge. fam . rm. w/frp1c. Lor ail x 120. Just listed! $59,500 Mrs1 Harvey· ~\' WTILUFF OPEN SUN . 1 ·5 New listing! 2137 'Aralia . 3 BR ., 2\!z Ba . + ~IArn . ·rm. + play rm. or office space. Courtyard en lrance \V/low maint. Enjoy suh.;rview. l.53.9llO Mrs. 'Davies ·l AYCREST ·VACANT 546,500 Neat .. lnlmaculale 3 Bedrooms 2 Balh lioniO Carpeted. Family or dining room. LoveJY, professionally lnd scpd. Co urtyard tifttty. Mary Lou Marion EMERALD BAY vi ... lot 73' • 108' with gentle slope, In pri· ,,...le community with beacb, pools, park & •"9nnl1 courts. '27.500 ,:P.rol Tatum = 5 UDIOOtit IAYFR0"1' !!lBft, -J BA· FH lilllple. S~ody beach & mp at your_., Vn of enbre bay. Near 11t1y tn Corona Del Mar. Xlnt baylront· buy. JOI Clark"*' JicoLDWIL&. IANKIR & CO. SSO NIWPOllT CI NRR DR., ,.. NIWPOllT lllAOI ~ 64.4-24a0 WALK TO SCHOOL ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 1'29.HARIOR BLVD. 5411140 OPEN EVES·Tl'LL 1:30 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGIST 2629 HARIOR aLVD. 54' IMO This shitrp M t111. Del P.far home la perfectly k>cated llO )'OUt' childttn ('ii.fl walk to ..n llCbooll. It has 4 LARGE b<tnns, is fully c&rpetetl, hll.s i Gener_el 1000 Gen.r•I l ~=~ OPIN IVES-TltL-1:311--~ $750 DOWN ·.OLSON inc. Realtors LESS THAN RENT 51/4 "/. LOAN - BARGAIN Not many low. low interest loans left like thl11! 3 bed- rooms 2 baths, deluxe kitch- en wilh built-ins. Fl't'f!U!r. Carpets. Drapez. ~i mi. to !Meach and o n I y 5 years yoq. SlJ,988 ~ pa.ya all at $159 mo. at 51''% annual r,;, ratfll. SUbmrt )"Our down. Seltf!'!" anxious. PriN"d now at $29,500. Dial 645-4:nll3 · DELUXE DUPLEX ONLY $2,160 DOWN Its no mistake! Only $'2,&i<l dO\•n and you can own an unUIU&lly large duple:< thal eams $3,000 and undFm!nl· ed at thal! 2 large bedrooms each. Double dl!tached p r· q:e. lArge 1ot. Live In one and let it pay for il81?1r. Priced now at a low $:.18,500. To stt today Dial 645-0303. 645-0303 at Harbor Qntrr 2299 Harbor Wvd., c.~I. ROOM FOR BOAT OR TRAI LER, $22,500 CUte 3 bedroom California ·Rard\o wtth thick nylon carpellna and i.Jn1.1>e1. Oat«! to tchools, shOpping and all r1tt\\"l)'I. G.I. NO CASH DOWN OR W\V Fl IA. WE S!LL A HOME EVERY l l MI NUTES Walker & lee IDOO NHr Harllor HI Cons ider VA or FHA 2 home• on I lot Ea<!h have 2 bdrrn11 with hu,e Wanf. robet, 1 ba, Ir liv, rm. PRESTIGE ADDRESS ON FHA/VA TERMS lamil,y, rtlOnl & fireplace . Dover Shores. ol t.'Ourst. Look· no lc:itwel' tiec.use Brand new well desi&;ned O'Nne!r hat been tr'&ns-home9, built by Ivan Wells ferftd & 111 anxious lo & Sons, available immedi· fn9Ve . Full pr\ce $32,gj(). ately. 4 bdnn1 3 baths f80me tt, &: invitin& court yard • COAlTS wUh 3~ baths, :? tireplA.c- WALLACI pools), each oot with • 4 ldrms, 2 laths llAL TOU ••rt• t..mUy room. '""'"" NEWPORT HEIGHTS. Ntw .5464141-911 electric kitdtens, J car will bu,y this cul.e 2 bdrm & den home near city park & dor ntov.TI. •'eature~ hard· WOOd Doon, healilator lire- placr. fruit trees etc:. It's vaca nt. In1mediate poilSCS· sion. $22,950 paint &: carpets. Ready to an-.-....,.1 ) garage, carpeting, landscap. move in. Owner will ll.nance _....... "I' ing. &: inost important, a .. f i:>E ~-i::i oN 1 · n0 Joan lees. Omrider VA. I ""'!I!'~!'"'"'"-"'"""'"" I breathtaklni unobstrucltd WE'RE UPPER BAY vie\v. The ILUFFS Newpon Beach Condo. Beau. titul 3 bdrm 2 ba!h home overlooking Newport Beach. Lachenmyer ~' lit-.>! l86IJ Newport Blvd., CM CALL 646-3928 Eves. 644-16.ia COSTA MESA EASTSIDE EXCITED Ivan Wells & Sons about thi1 appealinr J ~. room., family room hornt wlth col)' fittplact', beau!t- fuUy land1C1opet.I ;;rounds with iwartdine 36' hf'atcd pool • la.T'ie covered patio . k>catecl In Newpo11, OI• 1t lovely I.rte-lined l!tl'C'I'!. As- sUll1t' 11 SJ,.1 % k>e.n .. :Total Priet' only $49,000. 546-2113 \-0 THr: HEAL ·'""-CSTl\T CRS HAPPINESS IS .. ,, . . .. ,, ... '42-t 711 Anyt im• F.H.A. PROGRAM 235 Government pays 1 portion ol your payrrttnl. on this :lharp 4 bedroom bon1r, You must havr 6 mr.n1bl'1·,11 in your family. Home bu.11 2 bath11. electric kitchen, firt'- Pll'lce, doub!e garacc anrt complt:!tel:y lenctd yard . Full price 11 $23,@. Dolvn pe.y· ment as Utt.le as $T..o0, in· eludes costs. CaU! Hert U; a beauty ~'ilh J huge btdn:>om.!J and 2 batbs. Gor- geous brick flreplact. Diiio. iRiiiii!i master kitchen \Vilh dish· ,Vlt?+WJ'• • ~'llMet. Beautilul l'll'J>els • ,.Ill and drapes. Okler couplr 1'f'- tiring say sell with Sl400 LATH I. PLAS,TER Only 6 months l)!d Golden \\'est tiome near freeway and collti::t. Large stepdown living l'OOm spanish tireplace and step up formal dining roonl. Lush aVt1Cado sheer ruft carpets lhroU&"hoUI lhi• J ~room 'doll how!t'. $3,700 ®"·n and movt in. )!YE SEL~ A HOME EVERY l l MINUTES Walker & lee 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adami ~ Open 'tU 9 P~f total down on F .H.A. 1c1m1 HOMli SITES . WE SELL A HOME EVI RY 31 MINUTES or Nn Down V .A. Call for an appointmenl. WE SELL A HOME EVERY lt MINUTE S Walker & lee 1190 Harbor Slvd. 111 Adams 5(j...!M91 Open 'til 9 P;\I 4 BDRM 2 \) BATHS + Huge Bonus Room Assume hit h FHA lo•n I\., bk>clc walk to North Co6ta Meu lhopptna. $29,500 Pril'cd Crorn $16,9.Jo, :t0n1r on thr <-'UUJ'k'! Plen1y ot buildlntr11c1h'ity in ~lei!& \'rrtlr, top localions avail· 11blc, good buys, 1'1n1r to buy? ''I' "' . " ',,,:;,1 \11,11 .1\, \:' 546 ->990 ---~- GoHer's Paradise Walker & lee SITTING PRITIY 2S212'rd ST., N.B. C)pon Housa Sat. 12·5 7&82 Edinger . On lct. corner lot, blk. from l.:M2;,;;;i-44iii:i6iioo ___ Oi54<).51""'•'° u,..r Bay. Spilt~ 3 BR/ 11 1 Bi,.,1Tx23 tt. ram. mi.-w COZY CORNER FOR view. 2 Dbl. ra", """'"°' THE HORSEY SET a ooat"' ulr. >d. O!M fflrh. If )'OU want horses )'ou muat Stt thia comfortable family 11ee. this cozy 2 BR home * home! $45,900 l bath. This home is \¥ell Roy J. Werd Co. maintained and has (oom {~ Otticel for riding in lhe rear, lt'• 1.4.lo GALAXY. 646-1500 &c.ut home on 10th ircen of llke a&tdnr tht hOuse tor SZl 950 Btnnuda Dunes • fineat de• free when you buy thb 66x , er:. coune! Roomy 3 BR, 3 300 )ol. Decorator's dream hOme. BA, Pool, furnished hoi'M. "U" shaped with beamed Incla 2 roll carts. aub men.. cein-5, brick BBQ A bub- bt-•1 ...... .1.1: ... --PAl&-WWll _,,. •M•' av~ ......... --c~a!l.lJIAN -water fafl, """ h ... • xlnt tum1. --· All electric k ............ 3 Nt a ,Al.TT 00. nwR; 7682 Edl.rwl'r w,.,.t Linda 1111 Devel,,.,.,.m bedroo'.ms. PbcJI $iled yard . 142-"55 "°"~'° , at Bill Gl'UllOly 6754211 !<*! SU.r. C.M. ""5440 54().l 'f20 Dover Shores v1ctoria TAR11LL 2'55 H ........ -11 5 b1d11111l $31,500 UNDll $30,000 4 i R. -m.m S.vo lhe coounltslon on thU , (anytlmo) hmJly ....._ --"· And, lo tlOmble N'pt ffcbll. -I N"" <..,,.U. 0np. -rt.ly ........ Br, 3 ... ' -~ -Area al ---... blttns. hdwd. On. 2 3000 tq ft home. Im~ble lllW kttc:.'hen with tlfteft bull· rrdn. I.Ct· Jot. ")'OU own Baths. O:lrner loL MY. rwim condition. !:~Ina new' IA featur«, diliwalher. 2'l. U", Attr. rxter. Rtdetorate dub. W&lk 10 all cchool1! ot flne!I '"'Ill'" Earl; .._ 5 ldrms 3 laths baths. Vocy ......... """"' inotd• • lie ..i .. """'' CORBIN · MARTI N cupaney, 112.500 Inc. land. CLl~FHAVIN on pool -lot. ~1720 Qoed '°''" avail Rcallr REALTORS ""'1682 lit! S aA 1Ia10 Dr., N.8. 7'>t charm ot counlr1 H... TAllll LL 2tS5 Harbor Nie ,,._ at .-,500, ._ !<X36 E, CoHl ll•>. ()!M -,1,,soo :;-..:~ .. ~~: HAPPINESS a look• (116«l!ltvul (0~-5) View ot hUlt. 3000 llf, ft. ol Exec. tl'l.tlllr bet• W. ~ Attracdvt 2 bedroo'm + dtn, comforttble Uv\IW. "5,l'J>. 11 hlivlnc 1 fOOJT; ot' )'O\lr OQtstandlnc 3 br, 2 t>t.. lrs c:loud tott cali>etina, bta11· Roy J Wertl Co. · vtcy o'Nn. Set lhl• 6 bdrm tam nn home. · Luxury riM p~ted dra,pcs. Built. (~It Oftlce) l b!Lttl home at ~.9JCI. crpla, drp1, \\'all pe,pet. lm· In kltchtn. 54().Jnl! l<.10 Ga!"'Y "6-l5.i0 CAU DELL llRAL TY m.c! Auume 6~% '""· TARBELL 2'55 Harbor l'!!""" ... """""'"'"""'""'""'-1-Evca. ~1S-ll!O SHOIV '°" c~r,, .. '"" m.00011921 Mui,,.,. o .. , M"'S zan-F" Tlnlf' DAILY PIWr wAAT ADSl ro<:K IT TC 'EMJ I shat'@ . N.B. C.11 646-Mtl. _m:= ----------DAILY PILOT WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Open · Houses THIS WEEKEND I(.., f'tll1 ~f 4iNCt.ry wlffl .,.. thil WMk.N • r•• t• .._... ........ All tM locetlo• llstM Wow •r• Mcribff I• t l'Ht.I' 4ettill ~, _..lf'rill"t ..... WW. I•.....,., DAILT ,.ILOT WANT ADS. htrMI 1Mwl11t .,.. IMI...,. h r ••le or te re11t ere •rtetl te ll1t MKti h1t.,_.ioo io thh cel1M1 MCI! friffy. HOUSES FOR SALE (2 Bedroom ) 716 Larkspur, Corona del Mar 673-2222 (Sa t & Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom) 3105 Roosevelt \Va y, Costa J\:lesa 546-8640 (Sa t 2-5) 412 Brisbain \Vay, Irvine 933-1247 (Sa l & Sun 10-5) 2001 E. Ocean Blvd .. Balboa Penin sula Point 673-8413 (Daily 12-5) 1519 Bonnie Ooone (Irvine Terrace) CdM 673-0145:675-6000 (Sal & Sun 1-5) **106 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Jsle) NB 642-8235 ISal & Sun) 13 Bedroom & Family or Den ) 2298 \Vaterman Way, East Cos ta Mesa 645-2000 :548-6966 Eves. (Sa l & Sun 1-5) 2137 Aralia (Easlbluff) NB 833-0700 : 644-2430 25Z'l 23rd St.. Newport Beach (Sun 1-5) 646-1550 (Sat 12-5) **301 Evening Star Lane (Dover Shores) Nll 642-8235 !Sat & Sun) (4 89droom) 21911 Starfire Lane, Huntington Beach 54&-8640 (Sun 1·5) 4726Cortland. Corona del Mar 673-= (Sal & Sun 1·5) · (4 l ti:clroom & Family or Denl ,1s11 Miramar, Balboa Peninsula 833-0700 :644-2430 (Sun 1·5) 986 SandcasUe (Harbor View Hills) CdM 673-2222 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1624 AnUgua Way (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sun) 2015 Galatea Terrace (Irvine Terrace) CdM, M:?-8235 !Sun) 1330 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642~235 (Sat & Sun) 505 Morning Star Lane (Dover Shores) NB , 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 505 Morning Star Lane (Dover Shores) NB , M2-82S5 (Sat & Sun) ,14.!0 Galazy. Drive (Dover Shores) NB , 646-1550 (Open DaUy) (5 Bedroom) 1174 Rhode• Drive. Costa Mesa . 548-1318: mm1 !s&t .. sun 10.si **a Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle.) NB 642-8235 • (Sat a. Sun) 15 Bedroom l Family or Donl 2845 Samboo (EastbluU) NB 1142-5200 (Sun 14) 1100 El Camino, Costa Mesa 548-77'19 (Sat & Sun 1·51 ..... * * w.....,;.,., • . ________ ..,.........,.._ ---,------ ' ftl"'1, ftbnl1ry U, 1970 DAILY PILOT H HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSIS FOR SALi -HOUllS FOR SALE -HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSIS 1011 SALi I RENTALS RENTALS lt l Ntm . 170.I --furnl""od Apb. Purnl"*' AplL ,_~ G-r•I !CICIO Gonorol lllCIO Newport lleoch 1200 Corono dol Mor 1150 Hunllnelon BHcl\ 1400 Loguno lleoch i 1..::;::::=---....:;===:::...---...;..... · --· Newport ....,, 2lllO C..to Mote 41otCeoto -OWNER SAYS H E t p . • .,. Dlfl'ERENT. OCIAN SIDE $135 MO. BUYS lllACH . th , lllJnd OI' HIOAWAY ' YOU A NEW CONDOMINIUM I BR eottqe b.Y""' Shore I f1~~/ii;:'3,~'f~in1:f~tt,!Bti!~t:. ~:: ~:."ti ... ~=:~~_!; Jull 11'~ "1 ebolee, "'' ' SPACIOUS•2 BR· ~t~~~~'L~'! COSTA' MIS.A"$ .:, 3311,500andtbeownerwlll)l~lp wllb flnanc!ac. ., Ol)O & ..... Ille°""'· er~~;:;~!i=:~= 4 BR HOM.E 2 BATH ~ . 2 Finest Locatfcilfl ~· I P.·5(1)· • ment-&lwtY• rertled.· $48 500 If )'OU C'artt $8,!IOO & )'Car or P'aci.nc beautiful 'Jarae . pool w Ji.TE RF R 0 NT v • • • PIER &·FLOAT'• ~ 1 ~ •• ~ !'.", 15..,~Y.m =. ~'eh.I~~~ != ~'~1 private • BR Ex". unUI~ PALM MESA APARTME . ,l>ul!Jtx .~············· ff4~500 "~·-.... 1-u 1--...,.., ........ _ -~ ... .,..,..~ n..25 -I Gr......, Riiy ~2414 .,.Y now quaJily und<r the-,.,. year round llvlnr,' Jn. ...__. .'" mo · · Next lo Ibo SIJ\la Ana CountrY Cl(\b · , • ORANGli COUNTY'S l:ARGEST 2'2' HARBOR BL VD. 541 H4' OPE~ I V .. 5 ITILL I :,_. !"('Ill' tJWport ~Office new FlV. Proo:am 235 for ve:mnent or re~tals._5ellinl 67>jl11T Just Eas t Of Santa Ana Ave. on Mesa Drivt:ji • .,.w • Bed..,.,, 2 Bath completely lum1sbed ID strik. Gorono dol Mor 2250 VILLA POMONA • ..-: 1 UPPIR IAY ---------t bor'l\t. Pf,¥ments ol Sl35 per in& locale decor. Two story • CU.t.m Sponl"" e OPIN e, • mo. 1ror . s::,.months (~ wi:.tower<a.,,....,&tol'q<. 3 )Ill:, . ., .. ldeal for 3 GARDEN APTS >'•i GeMtal 1000 Cost11 Metil c 1190 '.i ~A.Ba's. fam rm, 30' Thurt., S.t.,-SUri. 1·5 ~ca.rs· inci:>...!'~ .. taxes ~ la ry. Fulcy maintained Adultik Walk 1o belt, thopa. • ~ ; 1 ;..;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;· -,:.mu~ BR. 3 1rt>lc1, etc. 916 SANQCASTL E . IJUIUl'aflCe, • .:""" ..... ta 1n'¥. aora:eoU$ ~· include 2 s295-Mo. &C-1119 aft «i. At Pomona-and 18th Street ' . .! l• . .... ..... .,; ~ Ewry~tra H_1rbor. . Yl•w H Uia • less <k'Pt'fldmg on YoUr m· pools, -tmnia, etc.:· cl* to A ooVE_ ~ beaut ~ .a.TURIN,._ I ~ -GOlN~ TO BE GVl:l..t.o~ -~ ~S-15 . . eomc. Annual percentq'e in--sup<.T mkt:, sOOpplnf i:r -... • ~-w:-' HA'RBOR to Urid clcin & neat 4 bdrm &aut. view home. 4 Bdnn1. tetttit rate ..at 2% on a Hwy. Excellent buy: must turn 3 BR. 2 BA. $400 mo. e PATIO AREAS VIEW HILLS 2trbooalfitbc ~~ ~-~.,qu.l':~ BAYFRONT luxury (l'fld. k family rm., Ill i,.,.,, I 123.900 mortgage. .,. lo appteda!•· Shown yrty. ~ Sbell. &44-0006 • SWIMMll<lO. POOL . .. ,..,.... ..,... .. v., ,,.,... flt. Dondo. a.pt. 2 BR. 2\1 Jrplcs. Lovely patio & land· upon apptmt by owoer, nd 2• e STEAM ROOMS Popular Lusk.Built Home On lafit lot with Eastel'n exposul't!. J Bedrooms, 2li Baths :s?acioua Family Room Cbeerfitl, eltctric kitchen · A trfft home for llOlne !Ucky family $57,500 TAX REFUNDERS Pr•pare for next yr. w/good tax shelter. DUPLEX m.sco 3 UNITS $29,900 3 UNITS $-14,000 4 UNITS $46.000 Now port •• built·ihl, sunken livin&" room ba "1>1 · pool si· ite11,ping. i400 in cuh ls all unu Med phone-499-21.52 or &37"1791. B1_lbof Illa "55 • JACUZZI • 'THS , will) fireplace. I 1.>r&e ., '• P,aUO, ' Ip DON V. FRANKLIN "v - >'ail. lo 90 tt. boat. O""'' REAL TOR 10 mov, fo, wlllch Includes DIRTY FACE 1010 SO. IAYFRONT BACHELOR, I l 2 BEDR.OOMS , garaa:e. heavy shake root & w/carry 1st. $30,0CKI Down. cloeing: chaJ."Kes and im· 4 Unit apt, 120 yds, fl'Q1n 11" 10 yr. tease lor ~t loc. FumfshM & Unfumllhed • : \\'alk to scboo~s. Priced to SHORE PROPERTIES • 673-2222 • pounds. beach. Should iross $9,000.. Be11.ut. { BR. 31~ 1-th homto All El + • i :,t d~=~~ CA~ 673-9060 or 546-6618 e OPEN HOUSES •. $10,000 annual. Needf 1>1illt "2 BR. 2 bath apt. a 3 tio..1 9C MC : 54&-8424 South Cout Rt!al Westcliff • Dover •r•• Sat. &. Sun. l ·S 1 mile l.t'Oln the ocea.n &: clean·up. Price, u ia, pier & dock, Furn. $1.llO H tpo• + A' Ii Estale 4 BR~ 2~~ BA, fee land, 90' n6 LARKSPUR ln~~~~~ch $69.500. Will trade. ~r month. 0 In PP ances x ill', 5~% loan, ta:rn nn, 2 Bdrm .• Immaculatei MISSlON REALTY 4~'131 Linda ltle Oevelo~t Most R••""•ble New Rtnteft ONE BLOCK ail bit.,,, atrium, cptd & 4726 CORTLAND. . . RAR·E SAVE 11000 -View Home ' .mLL GRUNDY • 6'1SJ210 • F s12·0· u fur , ......... to \Vestdiff Shopping Center. drps, other t!.Xtl'as, 6 yra 4 Bedroom! Br, 2 &, :spacW>u11 yard. BY $.170 mo/yrly. FUrnJunfurn. ront .ft " -..... Beaut 3 Bclnn. home. w/la: old. Sell I lease, Principals Very livable ror famlfy! OPPORTUNITY OWNER, 925 Kattlla or Della'httul 2 er. 2 Ba, trpJ, 2 e From $140 Fumlshecl family rm, oversized park. only by aPPf. Owr 646-Q94, DON V. FRANKLIN Illneas catisea imm~ Jleed 494-5591 tar a:ar, 2 patio$, dock. F •ALM • MESA like yard witti camper or . REA'"" TOR to se:U 2 story 3 bC1rm ~ Adults Q;f\ly, no p eta . , Or ~ boil storsre. Beot Eastskte Nowt'!!! Hol9hlt 1210 e 67:1-2222 e. baths, tllx2l' tam rm. jmmac Lo9uno Nl9uol · 170i 6!'-1880 Call 546;.. • 9860 value, !or Wxler $26,000. SUI>. ho Tak 5v ~. FHA NEW Cu't hom.• J e~, 2 me. e ove.r "11-"N PANORAMJ. C n .. -. V'·w 2 BR, 1 -Liv. Rm w/"1>lc, mil your ttnna. ~ Heri· · · u••n ' UNEXCELLEO VIEW •---·~.. t ~111 ~ va:-, "I:' u ..... tage Real Estate M0.1151 ~·.~~:,~;=~Ana. ot H4rbor' k ocean. Attr. Th~ PR:i E1't.t:'M1rt :';.'0~is~.~h9 9~~~~ 7i!~~~~~~~~~·s~ntil for. VILLA POMONA ~(ope~· ~"~·"'::v·~·~· ~~~~ .;;;:;:=:::==:;:==! sPllt levd hom• op""'· 5100 147-1521 49'>4;19 call 642•7786 WE'VE REDUCED -Boycrost 1223 :;.~1. ~.~ ,:· !,!~ LET GEORGE DO ITI Hun)inglon BHch 2400 The price by $2000 for tnis Do You Entertain? Blvd:, OIM. By appt. only, Maintenance free . l·Bdrm. Condominium 19.50 IEXECUT!i~n:tivViE<i;ho;,m;;,;":_j,'jBiiRi •• ll!!!!!J!!J!!!ll!!!l!!!!!!•!!l•ll!!!!l!!!![!l!!ll!l!l!ll•••••I immac. 4 BR. 2 ba. "con-Sepa.rateRUMPUSROOMw/ Linda tslt Development f~rn. tow~U1e ~th all .de· VACANT, imm~ate poae .. lam room, btauWully turn. RENTALS RENTALS l troUed climate," better ~ bath & h'Plc PLUS pool, BIU.. GRUNDY 675-3210 sirable blt·.ins, incl. dish-Pool & servl~. l mi from Hou•• Unfurnlthed Hou1t1 Unfurnlshtcf • new home. Take over a%'io formal din rm, beamed ~il. -wa!fhtr, $17,500 Fllll p1ice. Irion, J BR, 2 BA, Msume betcb. Lta1e $751) mo. Evea --+ loan w/low down Red~ -Check fantutic temu;. FHA loan. $15'l P/M T.J.TJ. & wknda. Call 962-7919 Cotti Mesa 3100 Hunti_.on INch '400 · . 1ng in liv nn, 3 BR'•· Im-CAMEO SHORES Pacific Shores Realty 'vith $5900 down, "•' pn~ $2S,500. macuJate. TRADEWINDS RL TV RE. NTALS Riddle & Ross Rltrs. JHn Smo'lh Roollor CUs!om built 4 Bdrm.. " ;)36.8894 536-7327 Eves. 2 BR house. nict location, ba · ~t 147 •1111 · Hou••• Unfurnl1htd 35.35 E. Coast Hwy. 6i~12'l5 400 E. 17th St, CM 646-3255 ths . oc:ean view,...,...., un. GI N D .._ water pct. $160 mo. Avill • DRIVE By • "'"market al 1!6,500. . 0 0Wft Gon'orol -Mu 1 >lo.<334 an 4 pm FINE Baycrest Four BR 644-ll~. For app't. to view Duplextl for Sile 1975 -' · I· 460 CABRI LLO home tor sale or trade, E•stbluff R••lty * POOL '* 2 ~. 4 bdrms, 1.::==;:;;..:.:.....:.=--' VERY CLEAN 3 bdrm ,2 2 BR. $130 ~fo., 1987 Ho~ Victorfe J BR. 2 bath home. Frplc. secluded strttt, large yard. ..,~~~~~~~!!!'. 1 %, baths, hardwood firs, 2 • 2 BDRMS. Excellent H.B. bath home with built.W & A, Charle, No peta, 1 child Nice ya.rd, Quiet street, cloSt 548--0173 FURN. TRIPLEX new cpt.a, intercom. Fenc-location. Top condition. GI la~ fenced yard. Lovely OK. Call 642--2259. 2 BR, pri\t pra&t. fenctia yard, crptl, drpil. $145 m4 2416 Enaland· St.. HS. tat f: last mo'1 rent + cinc dep. i LOVELY Imperial Mod 3 bf, elec bltna, dbl .pr, $265 Mo. 546-9652 alt 7, Act. ; to shopping, Call tor appt. SOUTH OE HWY. ed, cov patio w/gu BBQ pit. or FHA terms. $26,000 Bkr. carpets &: drapes. invmo. * CO'ITAGE, 1 BR. $145. (anytime ) DON V. FRANKLIN Dover Shores 1227 Short wallc to 1>each. Neat BRASHEAR REALTY OOl-8275 eves. Agt. 546-4141 Utll pd, Adults, no peta. REALTOR I 90xl30 CORNER.View lot, prop, w/~ renta1 llistory, 847-8507 . Eves. 642~7 RENTALS LAKEFRONT Lake Forest 56-6294 or 557-3400 Laguna Beech 2705 • 67).2222 • Gala.~ I.I f.fariners $62,500 BY Owner; 6 hr. 3 ba, 6% 1,, Houses Furnished new 2 Bt', 2 Ba, plush crpts N • B h l200 BRANO new 1 Br. ~ VIEW LARGE SPANISH $3SOOO terms. . S.U:l936 Walker Rlty. 67S.5200 FHA loan. Tota.I Pmnts incl Gtnerel 2000 1: r>rpg. Rent or lse/opt: ewport uc xha: carpet, blt·ina, ·• Foreclo1ure1 endin9 $.1>,Ti!O: 3 br. 1%. ba. J900 :aq ' 3.166Via Lido, NB Open Sun. tax '260. Jt~ully crpted-&: 494-3463 8 /8 m-es. Wlk to tat beacH. 8 i & Republic Tri-level. 5 H, dt-tach dbl pr. &side. Univtrsity P•rk 1237 'BLUFFS. J bdrm 3 bath, drped. Many Xtxa.s. ·' $145 UTJL pd, 2 BR. Dupln. VERY nice 3 bdnns. 2 baths, Adults Only $285. ~13 or 4'f..34~1 bdnnt, 3 bath!, ex~llent Open Sun. 257 Sierks St. aplit·level. Grftnbelt loca· Seuom Tract, H · B · w/w drps, family, •. sm&ll drapes, patio etc. $200/mo. 3 BR,.2 bt..Ju. tpllt level $26S carpeting & many ex1ras. Owner fiTS..1827. 673-6167. Like F.rNdom, tion. New decor. colors. 962-7691. pet. Bkr. ~ Aa'I. 546-4141 2 BR, 2 ba.tha •••••••••• ms Le9una Nlputl ~ but needs aolbe >A'ork. Best ./ FOR Sa.le by Owner 3.or 4 Suns hint Some view. Spaciou.!I. Va· 2 BR. Condo. SeU By Owner $95 UTlL pd. Cozy l BR. AVAILABLE NOW EXECtJriVE home on l ~ offer! BR. Crpts. ·arps, all bltns, . ,. . cant. Owner/bkr asking low PooJ 'Facil. 1 Mi. from bell. Duplex fncd nl~ area. Cott• Meta 3100 Bay & &ach Realty, Jnc. l rd tR.i.r'Way. 4 BR, 3 11Ai owner will carTy Joan Frt.!lh aJ• r · Like rura.l Atm~ $35,950, Call Jim 546-5990 Call 962-6035 Studtni.OK.4 Bn, 334""6980 901 Dover n r. SUi!e 126 NB over -tt of 1 .. -.~--li~ 546·S!SO · phere .~n see this Turtle days, 6f:i-7973 eves. &o/c G' 4 BR 2 ha hake • · For Loo.. ~ ~w ~• ., f1111rcNnlthft) -$32;500,._ ta Ana -H·iH.-resale.-3-br--2---ba+ .. " ._, • • • 645-2()QO Eves. 54UOO& ing. $550 mo/lse. 495-4889 t UEGE REALTY ).ve., CM .. 6"12-l004 and FEE land! $49,500. . SHARP & unusual(Jujilenm -roof;-pat:lo,-$2,000-dn.-$239 -Renteli-to-Sh•r•-2005 B-eautifUJ Oe:l--certo nr. South DOVER SHORES -4A BR 2 BA, bm rm, .,1-i, l!JIO Adl!nsat tllrtlat,CM. $16,500. Ai1 New Smaller e Reel H ill Realty a. 60' lot north of hwy. Only mo. 212nd TD. 847-5384 Coast Plaza, 40• JWimmlna: Lovely l bdrm. 2~ beth Ww · ard · w! Home on Sm Eastside low Univ Paiit Center, Irvine $52,500. ~ ~oe almost • 4 BR, 3 Ba, 2 frpJcs, playrm pool, 4 spacious bdnns. The home, l ~ lease. $61S ~~ ~d. I $3!/Jnr, ~fse! 5 ldrms 3 laths SHAKE ROOF ~ Olrpeti. drapes, built • ins, fireplace, patio. Near a 11 .chool!. '37.000 best of tttln.!1 .. Wtllt-McCardle, R.ltrs. 1810 Ne-wport Blvd., C.M. 54&. 1129 6.f.4.0084 eves. Main. lot. Nr. Mesa Ctr. call Anytime !33-0820 wnrth Mk1ng price. Founte1n V•lley 1410 \\'/ bar, patio, lndry rm, $400/mo. incl. pooJ maint. i... t.fonth., including pool&: a:ar-49!}-2UO , · Your tenns. owner, h10RGAN REALTY 673-6642 fantasti c view, priv beach. 1 a:ardrner, Completely fUm. dvi maintenance. '42--05.13 LOVELY 2 Br home .,.rth or Sponish Hociondo -or 2 straight men 2>-30. ioh«I if dcail..t. Brokor OWNER Must Sell!!! J lrvint 1231 h"''Y· Re1:ently"' remodeled, $·t4,200, 4 .bdnn.!I. Co11TP.lttt· $12S. <19!}..l69l '46-1550 6734111 Evet. 4 BR. 2 BA. View Home: Crpts, drps, etc. $250 nw; can 613-9541. ',..:': BR 2 SA J iJ m ., carpeting ~.4---drapes. l..ow ly walled VI ft~:mt .c?urt-yard, WOMAN With secured in. L•••e With n...tlon 'roWNHOUSE' J BR ·~, . • '. am Y 1· • 4 OWNER: 3 br, Z1h ha. lrg 30's Open beams tn hv1n& room, come would like to ahue ... ___ M" y -... • .. ..,,. frp_lcs, blt-nts, cpts, drps. yd. Like new. Comer Seton MORGAN REALTY 67J.6642 la.f1'e ~lace. atrium with her lovely new apt w/ume. ~ly tu. erde Cam· BA, lrpic, patio, pool, 2 car Duplt11:n Unfurn. 3975 Drive by 328 Bucknlill Rd, k Bri!bain Way, Irvine. tpunta1n ott private muter Over 30, refs. 545-8129 b11da:e home,. 3· + dlnina: a:ar, all bitna. crpt,s, drpll. --~ t 1 0.1 Call 833·=1247. R-2 LOT north or hlghwii.y, I b' room I: family room• + Lee $2"/S mo. 871-8811 or i14S MO. Otan, attn.ctWt, ~ SACR1FICE! Leaving state. good locatiOn. Ollertd for ·~He, De UXe ~ kitcht~ GENTLEMAN: share 2 pool. $300/mo. 642-2497 eves or wke'nds. BR duplex on quiet •""'j1 do T . I r . ·-.ooo. Wllh top ot the line ap~li-Bdrm atud)o apt. $85 mo. ~ ••1.••10 DE"= To··n~ .. -2 Br. I Close to shoppin(. Built·iti Lo\v wn. °"'o a1na: e am1· .B:::•:::<k:;..;B::.:l;.:Y ___ ...;;12:;.;.;40 -ALTY -.. ,2 aoce. . s., lan'lily1 room wt th Coo" •1,,. nr •hopp;n., "" -~v~ ,. ,..,_ and ~ 1y horMs on corner lot. 1"!9t -?ofORGAN RE "'~ sliding: door to rear pool· cen;r, 646_0416 -.. CnlMdMmllhlMl S.. Frplc. pool. $2S O. o~n ranee, Prtstl ... Address Harbor ShopJiini Center. FOR Salt by owner: 3 br, INVFSl'OR'S Special • 2 gd We yard. La.rger rear yard OlLEGE REALTY Ba.yfront apt $350. Act clispo~. \Vall to W.~ DOVER SHORES HOMES 543-2394 after 6 pm. family room, 2 ba, 2 frple9, hses on 2 lots, s. of Hwy. in development with ttpar· GIRL To Share ~au. 1''urn. •liiidlrNatH.llrW,Clt &IS-0732 carptlin& IM d,rape~.:J~ !';>'Ivan Wells-Brand new 1 -8y-0w-.,.-r-.-,-BR~~ .. -m-•-at bJtns, crpts, drps, cul-de-0¥.-ner. $58,500. 673-4169 ' ate fenced hutch & filtered Apt. 2 br, 2 ba, 2 car p r. ed yard. G~. GIUW!llll:JI Vail immed . .( bdrms J bll, sa<:. Tea house in garden. Reas. Call .B • ~.JJAM or 3 BR, 2 Ba duplex, new cpta, and water pd. Mature adUlti 258 Sherwood St. fl'lt aalt or pool. Remainini rear yard """" drps dah hr bltnt N bch. fain. nn, (&Orne with poolal, tra.i-for 11maller house or S34.~. Open SaU&m 2304 Balboa Peninsula 1300 l"'-er than most. Tile root. 3PM·~ Daya 642-8590. DESIRABLE ...,,. : w ' • r only, no pets, pleue. ~ j car .,,..,at. UPPER BAY ue Fairhill Or. Mr, or litn:. • -b HOME . i-mo lse. 50-7573 · and Jut month's plus ~' ..... TO &t&3008 Excltaive neipborbood. \VlLL Share Apt.. w/pool, r.-be VIE\V, Roy J. \Va rd Co., ' Marvin._days_&l_5-llU, eyes -BALBOA PENtN, POINT • <1 Co.!lta MeM IJ'Pa. Days: 2 81' .• 2 ba, cptd, drpa, fon::ed * 3 BEDROOM lo J uly $240 ina: deposit ........,, 14.11) GaJaxy Dr. &16-1550. $29.900 3 BDRM, 2 Bath, 548-6683. 3 BR 2 BA home on corner • p air heat, Gart>d'8p, blt·W, mo. Frank Mar&hall Rutty. Saturdl.Y all 10 AM at '15 • ....... be oo • .....,.ui .. e .,,. 7" View of bch, ocean&: mt.II ___ _ _ .,._....__....,,. frplc, ~lio. ,rareae, water 675-4600 ~v ace. · · i •·-p I £~-·-i:.u"'-~"'' Ill ~~,!· Aft 7;3jl PM, ~~ttPI C M ' ' East51de loan. Owner 548-8451 Eastbluff 1242 Lge sunny priv patio turn. Aduhs onb' no pets, 1 BR duplex. a:rt'Und floor'; 3-bedroom family horne, 1in I zi:::='======= Low maint. yard, carpets ·-3 BORM Hu. Bal. Ia. to RATE REASONABLE Unfveralty Park 3227 yard. pado. WW lurnilb. baths, new paint through-Men Verde 1110 MOVE UP TO-lorced air, shutters, hdwd BBaY O~R dc:~e 3,Br. , !hare w/femalt. Lrg bdrm, Across trom eoun-· Club IZ!o"' F1ower, Costa Mesa ; · I~·..:_,_______ I · • Wa.u·t~w ..... , e-cc t. ""''· patio, real cute. ..~ J BR 2ba ~~ .. -Olli. new carpeting, On.~ I . THE BLUFFS n. dbl gar, b t·lll !ftereo m . Mesa Dr. * Ph. 548-6706 3 BR. ' ... ................ ~'Intl ,.. C'J.1'1 2 BR. Ml •ir Mat, 2 car garage, large PACESETl"ER S Br, 21,i; ba, "'iring & ant, 8~55 priv. kitchen. w&.11her, dryer, 673-2532 _,., ""~-~ I'd N . t"'' fenced yard_ Assumablt? G.I. professionally la.ndse yard, Save yourself the headaches bch &: boat ramp. Salt by water softener. ftp!, pa tio, MALE 20-30 to ahr 3 Br. FOR Ltaie: Mesa Verde 4 BR. 2 ba. S325: coupu: pre . o pe "" rai.!led redwood ~k. Priced • everythinf done · highly •-• 6~0.., 1,..,0001 landscaptd, corner lot BEACH APT. Paocsetter. 3 br, 2 ba, red • Red HW Realty 33.3-0320 Reu. ro ri&ht fol k.a ~· 19an , •• $22.700 takes it. :-.... la ...... , d . .,~ •..-...u.> ~ • ""' -~ I ·~ ~·· Broker 6754930. below mJ<t for qUick u.le. customu.n.i, VJ ..... y ec:or-. _;:;;o:::;.;~;:;:=_c:;i'.':::'::--$32,0CXl. U>w down. 17600 I Call G4S..l45S bnck c, -·t wab!T, enc 4 BR 2~ BA 2 ....._ ~~~~·u~~-----11 546-1318 or 673-7181. ated. Spacious mstr. auite 2 Br. 2 Ba. 2 Car Garage. Santo Domingo Cir c I e patio, fruit ireff. quiet • • ....... ., RENTALS & guest BR., 214 bat:IUJ • bay l.1artY Xtras. Appl. Only. 629-3914 Open Sat. al~n \VANTED: 2 Girls to Sha.11 3 af'ret!l. Close to San Oicgo Townhoult. Ltue $260 mo. •-a. Furnlthe4 BALBOA ISLAND MESA Verde comer 4 big & canyon vrew. Could not Principals Only. ~. br ~anfronl apt w/1 oltte:r Fwy, IChis . ihopfl&, golt .i\fU'Ch 1. 833-030f "'f"'' So. B•yfront Br's + fam rm, dee. be, replaced at $49,900. 1306 s •• 1 Be•ch 1450 until Junt. 613-!i693 <.'Otlrat etc. 54~9426 -llA General rpjtt & Float. lmmac. 4 br. drapes, etc. $28,500 with Eattblufl Realty 644-UJJ Linda Isle WANTED girl Zl-30 to •hare 4 BR, t~ BA. le !iv rm, fpi, ~orone dtl Mar .. .._ ~~~----:!::~ 3 ba + attract 2 hr apt. Min. ~~~ ;~~· S% loan. BLUFFS .. 2 BR. 2 BA. mag· OCEAN view 3 Br, 2 Ba, my home in Laguna Bea.ch. cpt.t, drps, tam rm. bit in'•· 3 BR, Split level, Ocean s· I ~iix:i ~w~ ~~~!~h niticentview on water. Sale WATERFRONT LOT 142•800• 6·6% int. or le-ue * mm9 * Fncd yd. Nr all ach13. view, Xtra ta.ra:e den, No 1ng e ~'>'. Rltr, 613-4766. Newport Be•ch 1200 or lease/option. 644-0516 Excellent 51 ft. Linda hle $380 mo. Owner Sll-4239 :>46-6401 pets. $365 J1 ~·.,.!i!-~"!!'~~~~ I Jeaseho!d lot. Xlnt buy at L•gun• Bt•ch 1705 Costa Mes• 2100 XLNT locadon, 2 BR, IBA. * SU-3293 Aft s 1• HIGH BEAMS f /B ~E.:.l ..:T.::o:cro'-----'12_44 only $35.ooo. &SIDE 3 BR. inclda coior ear. Carport. Fenced yd 2 BR + den, ct'pri::. bit.ms. J.dUlfS I Steps to OCCMI! J Bedrm.!I., J 8tLBO -=0~1 . 4 BR, 2 Ba. on 3110 AciT, Lind• Isle Deve16op7.m32on10t THREE ARCH BAY 'IV, dshwhr, wuherfdryer. $165. 374 E. 151h, Shown on sinile Jot, a:ardcner incl. M I 2, be.., Z.atoJ:y beach home. 7 us! sted! ovmg CulDeSac. Country kitch., Bill Grundy or Private Beach . Tennis Court pool wf main!: $250 mo. 10:30 AM·6 Ptr1. Adult family, yearly leue. I ~an: young, Only m.!JOO. cai:e. Two bedroom home d•hwr.·, oov. patio, aprkln. · 0cun Front Home. Asklnl Avail Feb l:).JUDf l . 2 BR Houat. Crpts, drps, $275 per mo. 6n:sf23 , Luxury 1lna:lc, 1 & 2 bed-! "° Y ovtr garage. Excellent loc:a· By owner. 837·GH!9 Lido Isle 1351 .__, · ear '""'"an roo 646-1014 tncd yrd, a:ar. Mature cpl. 4 BR. 21~ bl.. aplit leviel room ape.rtmen._., , "A WOOD REALTY plus one bedroom apartment $'~000 N ~ F t •-ra I ~ \V. Coast HW)'., NB tion! !\lust be sold to settle ;;::;::=i:::i:::====-1.:::::::.;.:::::c.. ___ ="I Lot ~(O),m.1676 * 3 BR. 2 Ba., comp. turn. $170 mo. Jnq. 384~ E. 16th Don V, Franklin. Realtor ed. and unlumiahed, Vi . I . • 541-1290 • estate. $48,500. Coron• del Mer 1250 WALK Exdurive Broker Close to beach. 1 Yr. old. SL., CM. • 673--2222 • ~:~l~!..~:i;t.tmo.4, CLIFF DRIVE ~2COJ Eve!. 5-18-6966 S265 Mo. Eves. after 8, 3 BR. 2 BA, bit-ins, cpll, 3 BR. Cameo Shol'ft view .,.... .. , . , 2 f:kirm, 1 balh bomP 4 Outatending Buys to ~e Say or relax on sunny BY Owner; Huge 2 br, 2 ha. 673-74n frplc. Fcnct.d yard. $:rxl home. Now thru July lat. phere includiftl fTSO,~ s · Sell "L'<!Ue l•land" Cbarmi.... Coron• dtl Mar pa.no. 3 Bedrms, newly Cu.!ltom Bit House. A1most lease, 96~ Don v. Franklin 673-:n22 worth of recreadonal ta · PLU view apt, { Ea-Ba·~t DU PL E.X! 2 DUPLEXES. O<Nner w<lttl!! ~ed PLUS new rrpta:. New. Crpta-, drp1, blt·ns, IMMED. Occup. 3 BR. 2 BA. -------~J;;;;,.c:;,.:.:.::::=:.__:;:;;,:;= itl.ea de:aiene~ and opeq. ' or rentl. $52,500 Fi;; ~-;;;m thrtt bath clJ.er NOW! Tile roof. Avatlahle now 1 . tr p 1 c , 2 ~ u n d k 1, Bltn1, di!hwbr, $"~5r PI s • 2 BR, Stove 1: Redtrl~. o 1 1::sr 2· BR. Fam. rm. gar, blt~irulllOO. jwit 1w ainsle people. George Wii ii amson .___ ... ,·th patio, Two bed· Jeen Smith Rta tor Unobstructed Coa.atllne Childttn OK. ,, mo. !1?J"; for o s'r a,u '· . Frplc, crpl & ·drps, REN'I'S FROM ! REALTOR ;:; ;ne bath apartment, 2 HOUSES on corhl!'l' lot 1 400 E. 17-th St, CM 646-3255 view. Fenced Yd. J.18,950. 546-0347 O'U"'OlOl alt ~ -Avocado. CdM. $145 to SSCO ;. '1)..4UO 673-l564 Eves. ten years old, Built by Own· block to ocean. 494-4446. ' 2 BR comfortable house i100 J BR. 2 Ba. frpl, wlkina AVAIL. now. Cute 2 Bdrm. NEWPORT BEA~H j SALE/RENT or . er. !First time li11ted. Ex-SPACIOUS OPEN house; uni que per mo. Adults. 340 Avocado distance to high &:: elemen. front houM. Patio I: Gar. . I' 1 1 LEASE OPTION elusive Usting. $169,000 BIG nunblinOwg family -~e Custom built family home 1tjleve1, whitewater vw, 3 St. 673-3961 schools. Lease S2lO. 548-BR119ll 2 'n:K> Mo. Ow'rM!r 540-3862 380 10 VINElllVINEANDA°f!'IJi'.': : Extra nice J bdrm 2 bath 645-2000 E"". 673-0479 on "5' lot. ner re.uy to 4 Bdrma., den. 314 baths. Bh, 2¥.. BA, tam rm, b'pl, 2 NO matter what it il!i, .YOU DELUXE Townhouse 3 °'<n'J ••• M::' •, . I Monticello Condo. CALL Bay & Be•ch Rlty, Inc. SELL! $76.500 decks. $47,500. Owner can w u it with a DAILY BA. Cl'pts, dt"PS, bltns, pool. '-ldo ltl• Jl51 ,. -, GLEN QUEEN 54<>1151 Her. 901 Dover Drive, SUite 126 NB 2 BR. c. ...... .,,,_ will LIDO ·REAL TY INC. ,,._,,.,. PILOT WANT AD!! 642-1611 $225 mo. °""Zill UDO hie, 3 s .r. l sa..... GARD~N GROVE i ~~al Eotate (open P.ves) 6~X>OO ~ finance. Lo'Nest price in 33Tl Via Lido 6'13·7300 2000 I 2000 ft---I 2000 prox 3000 Sq. tt, 4S'XMI lot. , SACRIFICE 4 Br, 2 Ba, sci' WONDERFUL CdM. l;,~B~R!","io.~n:', 'i2::i11:"j:s.i!". ~Co~n~.l~G~o~noi!-~'"~'----~~Go~no~r·~----2!':!~-~~r!•!.._ ___ ,.!'!~-l-J.;~~or~.,':~'; ~~~~:ner·--(~ &<71.Chlllimi'<)~~~;.i,, tam rm. 2 :sty. HT'd pool SEMPLE tem...--ry. Ar chitect ............,.. W/sUde &: div brd. Nr schls. R'EAL ESTATE ,...._ ' 1SOOO dn. 115·500· .,,.75'3 WEST CLIFF · io'15 E. °'""Hwy. ros.nm -=b•! ~~.!'.' ~; Ci3:ti'll-o ".il·,' -~'f.~s· •••bii "'•"" · 3355 ANAHEIM · I Cost• Moso 1100 POOL HOME BEAUTY Owner. Phone· 613-2831 fur P~ J.'4t.I ~). SAL. Jal• hie, 2 Br unturn. NOW LEASING FOR I IN THE .LUFFS appt. 11ie .P.ule with 1A• llu/11./n Clt•dl~ . ""'" 100 Y<ll lo bay. i.t!S llARCH OCCUPAN<iY l7x35 POOL Yes. a beautiful Anthony ptM>l .iheated & filtered . 11eta the ittace for ttrls J btdroom, 2 bath home. Safe, separate ptay yard for the chlldW. Pa.neled living room with brick fireplace. New gold CIJi>et. Kitchen compleite:ly redone. It's sJlillrp! can now 19 .et ••• $29.950. s.16-2313 0 TllE Rf:AL ""-LSTAT!:J<S MONTICELLO l BR. 2 BA 'l'ownboul&. BJtna, c r p t 1, drpl, d1hwhr. 2 Qlf' aar. F.·tt r n Is h ~ d '"'21.900. By awntr. 5;l&-4920 l!O pb. calls .ti. 'pm. ME StJtll NEVER SETS on dw.Y PILOT \VANT ADS! Situatt?d on one of Wcstcllif's quietest 1tref:lll, 3 bedroom•, family and 2 batba with OOV• er@d Jlll;tiO. Large pool with slide a1ld boa.rd Md Sl!'IJilZ" e1e play yarcl for ltiddies. J'mmcdiatc r>05RMi9ft, ~ bit $'17 .000 \11ilh JO% down • or possiblt' leese option. "'6.7171 See this outmndinf "CAJt.. MELITA" model. • 4 Bed· f'OOmll, J Balhft, alwaya adult occupied. dilcriminat· trc bu1t't will appreciate the immRculate oord'tion. - $6,96(). -7171 *·'7J.1550 Tlll: Rf"l\J. 0 I' "l"''l'l'fO" ,., • ) '' ~ ."'J mo. 3l4 AP.Diena. 50-42:\B m So. Broolcbunt, Bolbol lalond 1355 •"""'""'° -el tho . <1 bile. So, ol LlnooJtii); ' -.... mblod _. i... Huntl....,. loch J400 <n•> m.-, j' OPEN SAT & SUN 214 Emorold c;ha.rmizw 3 br on l~ lot. 2 Patios, btt·lfl kitchen, hill din nn. Ownr will tit)anoe. Ruth Seeley. Rltr. 6T.J.4766. '°" 00 ......, ""' _ .. _,,. South Boy Clul:i . 1 • !)>oil• .. l >Oc:anl. The OORGEOIJS Now ; IT Al ·II Kl EIS r I I' 3 BR/View • Aportmonlt i I ~':o,1R:;11y VAL D'ISERE • I i;.=:.;,;C;:.;;L,;.A::.·,....,...-1 1 I ..,oo sinri..1 11r-2 br, l'urn.-I , Huntl•tl!'! BHch 1400 [J t I I . f. Eve. Mi-1.322 ~~c:ye~ llillls!Jdl • ·IMMAC. Ex. Lrt 3 0..-2 .,_ 200J! p.,.,... 1'4. >II~ GI loan. By owner • 3 I F Ha L • I J . PuPJ<>r. Crpt, -blM,., OPEN-UT/SUN, 14 Br. 2 Ba. tam rm. 123.000. " • U 1 . ....:. '--~11 ::;· \.ri. !Ml> orJv. yud. Gfr. c .. 10 -, Trodllion &' El"llonc• 1519 '-'--N•w pal•t. nr. be.,h, ofl 1 I I I I' • Ho .'.'..':"f~·1.~-ln ~-j • ,+M_~""1<Adl'.!·. ~~·.!!-· l iiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii;ll Ondt•il'able OiltDrivt.F,or. lRVi:N"E TERRACE. Joat Brookhor•t, .22101 . _ ~ • • . ..._ ~~ '"• . "'·~KV .. ...,._, ... ma! dining TW"O, pint pen-brt.tthtaktna11 bea.trtlf'ld & Capistrano Ln. $4000 dn, ' game. Ht T9ll -the -. . 2 8R. ff/Pal~ le. _1.lrd. HAIBOI '' eJed den, brick noor '-beam· tmrrtaculatiety clMn! ExceJ. $5.000 2nd TD. $l6S mo. lm· I f 0 A L FA I •2•fJ Ora.pet. Encl. car a1e. ·t 39900 med "°"''· '92·318S. • ~-loto 11>e chidlo......, I I '" · I• t:.i·~~~~i~ &.Au oc. :::: i:'~"c::::: .:.!16M:::..:::ll:ol~--~~ r I· 1· I 1 ,..2'1.!!:.~.:!'. =.No pels. • •• TOWNHOUSE 3900 E. <;oaat Hwy. 67""4392 Oub Goll c.u... • -to Owner Anxious! r r r· I' r r I' r I 3 BR, 2 Ba. Blt·ino, trptc, ACRE ;,ui:; ~~·~;/~~.:::~~ ONLY $2',SOO • r:m!l~~.!!$ . fenced yd,"'"""........ mr-. ,_ wp.oo ·~ 5 lldrmt/2111 lolh1 ---- -1225. Mo. Call befo" IAM • 1 BR. Tow-SUI! HORSE.~ oK. '4 Btiml homt, fantlly room + ofltct. VIEW . JHn Sml!h RNltor 400 E. 17th 08'. CM 646-3255 •. ~~~ ~1:i'J.~· = Nt;'.:t,~tL"°R"'iA'LTY~ -• 6 ~~-:-'°"I I I @3 I I · I I · I ~;;: 1:!~i.:~ DfmM. : ;::ltd pool • :.i. <"1 6T.).Qt~,'-n.a1~ _ _:Wht!11!!!:.!~-~ ...... ~ .. :!!'--1_..:S::C::RA=M:::.:.:·LET=..:.S:...:A::N:.::S:.W:.:=E::R..:l::.:N:_::C..:LA.:.:' =S=Sl:.:.11.:.:IC:.:A..:.TIO:.:.:..::.N;_.;;.8.::.000:.:..._·,.~-=· os.:;;•o_AIL_v_,_nm __ wAN'l'_· ,, • ·~ -'---------------------~--'-----~-------------~--~------ Flldl1e ftbnlltf 13, 1970 RENTA ..... rALS RENTALS /lfitlo!i Pumhhod Aph. Fumlohod ~ u..tv-Al!!_1.~rnltllod _ • . .....,. '44'1 HU/ltlnfton llMd> -CM!• -" "si• Co.ta -. · i1ao ·-.. -~ . ... .... -NIW """""9TON C:APlll APAUMINn See Award Wlnnlnt ·;r,7.\ Off_.,Tnt '1'e l•test Co!\-c•pf in ~ '"!•"• f'vn li.in9 l•r Tod•'Y"-"Ctlvo Sot. MERRIMAC WOODS! IOI/~ ·~OUN~J I< PULL SOUNDPlOM!Na · , ' !racy wltK WI.moor, Ci>nvonion•• & c..,,fort ORANGE.COUNTY'S MOST IEA\lTIFUi ,JS UP CU$TOM I 2 & l IR. FURN/UNF . • 't !dJ~.+ •is. Furn., ii Apt. Sh0<•d by Ffi1nd1i • AP!-RTl.t~NT COMMUNITY aiu. A SPIC:IAL DISCOUNT NOW AYAILAILE. FEATURING A CLUB ATMOSPl-jERE -§!IN AND alti!IS lO MATCH ANT MOOD . · , ~oy • F .. t Sit •f.T•••I•, • G•m• ol luketb•li .FOR _YOlJR COMFORT AND. PLEASUR~ · 1)r l ll!ia-rds: Shape up ln I ol tha-&.yrn1 or Rtlllf Just·cemplihld· 1 .,. 2 a.droom, 2 a.1h. Air· u ___ _,1, .rr-.!!f•-Sauoa, Jac.uui or..th e __ SunAto.u11.clth•.J_o_oJ..__ -concl.; aa..m Celllne1,.dllh..w•"11r1,_luth I!~· T01'R' SOCl>:l DIRECTOR ARRANGES PlloRTIES IN ,1c:opl119 with 11raom1 & wat1rfall1, 1l1vatoro, I ' 1 t~it•bulous Ca'pr! fttiom I .Fun Trips fO,Y•9•s or 1 llQ'1, clUbhouM with socl1~ 1ctlvlt1 .. , sav-1 SH "TH~ fl,IRNISHED MODELS AT na1, Jt cuul & IWlm poah, Pt"lvoi. 11•• ' •• :EPO EOINMll AYI., HUNTINGTbN lµCH w/1i.r.,.. PROM $140. $210. Adult• p1 ..... I wuT OF HACH IUD. I THI $AN DIEGO 'RR· ,lull loit ol 2llil0 Harbor Blvd., noXI' h' N"' I WAY. Ol'IN IVl~Y DAT. PHONI 17141 146-061' !Mrs Cadillac, at 415 Moi rlmoc Woy,-Cool• : ---IMu. s4S-63oo. lv1rythlng, new. Move in ' ' . !.~· {"••• 4100 Newport 811ch SA 'i'CLIFF ~OTEL I "'* SUNNY * · ! ~i;;.. ACRES * l.'J1'."•· • ; ·* Motel-Apts * • WW wEEKL~Y RATES •/~;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;;; KJtchen, TV's, ma.id service. Heated Pool. ' GARDEN Am. 1 ~ • Conwnieptly located Close. to Shopping HARBOR GREENS · APARTME!1TS SPAOOUS LINDIORG CO. ·5~2579 ' CHARMING l B-d t rn , Air-conditio · p t fireplace • excellenf ,..,,__. ~ .. "° TOWNHOUSE LIVING Separate 4duJt a family ·coin· . ----------·--------l'•il.:. 1;1 t, l signal So. or, o.c. l'':: Fairirounds peni.i11ula location, no pell. .__, ... ,, 11 A.vail Mar 1 'W June 15 Built-W • Encloeed aaraaea munitles. Bachelor J . .Z. le 3 Newport S.ech .. .., StYdlo & 1 l111r ... ,-· :-:;s30 WK. & UP i-.~,Oay, WHk, ,....,. .•<Kitcheos .. TV's incl. -, • . 2. Bedroom!! • 1 Bath Empl d adults. ti13-.2l23 · From $1$ Month 2 BR furn & unfurn. $150 -Drive by !160 W, Wllaon $175. Cpl!, drps, bltna, pool, Stt Manqer'. Apt. 1 patio. U2S Placentia • · 1 •. ,. .... wv .. bld pool IUO LARGE l, BR . turn H,M•OR ~ W'Ylee avaU. • ~~1J NlWPORT ILVD. .• 541-9755 duplex, util paid. BalbOa,_no pets., Clean! KI 7-1155 BACHELOR apt, newly dee. $77.50. 1212 \V. Balboa Blvd, NB. Eves 675-'m6,._ ~n CASUAL California Livinr In Warm ,iMedi1erra.nean at- mosphere. SPacious r;i0 aq. TRAILER • l aenior adult. ft. color<00rdinated apt, Pool. wtr ,l. aa1 pd $100 mo, desiined & lumishe(:I for ~. 548-t724, f)tjg...{JJ40 st.fl~ 4 l'Olnfort.' * Pvt. l BEDROOM. Drapes, Yard. Patio •B-bq •Sh'.ag cptii $100 · Mo.- •Gar w/storage •Heated **fi75-7007 .Aft 6•• ='==--=---- ELEGANCE at HACIENDA HARBOR It •Hiteht111 w/ilidirtet ADULT Uving ·io a small ~ &. delu.." .o ... en & Corona HI Mir •250 community -Beautilully e. l btk to ahOpping. 1 Bdrm. $17S Incl. ut1. Adults, LRG. 1 Br. beamed cell, la.nd:teaped w ~~ ~ MW~~ NG.•pets. 365 \V, Wilson St. Swedish frplc,_ &ha& c.rpt, ranean atmosp .... re. _. .. .,; ~1971 prlmg. Util Pd. noo Per di.stance to m&Jor &hopping Cal • ~ & ""J'l'OtUltlon. ·~$ ·sus CASITAS r>.fo. I 645--l;o-.oo. Bltiils-lh.g crptg-Drapes iiil!\'. 1 BR ApU. Adul~ BACH. UNIT $75. o...,.. w/"""''· POOL o>ri: no pels, mo Newport .,,.-d•Y' on!Y. I & 2 BR'o. $1S0.$170 ~. CM. 642-92'6: ' util inclwtl!d. NO PETS ~RRIMAC WOODS .!!!!.._~ 4300 241 Avouilo • '42·2'11 ~lunita avail. See ad un. CLEAN Bachelor Apts. der claa 5100. 425 Merri-All utll incl $85 up mac Way· 545-6300 3lS E. Balboa Blvd. $Ji0..& up -ATTMCTJVE, 1 BALBOA 673-9945 Fajrway Villa lpts bd.r., pool, util paid, garden =========INear 0l'1lllae Co. Airport &: UviJ1i, aduJtJ, no pet5, 1800 Balboa Island · 4355 UCJ. Adults only. 20122 \Vallace Ave., C.M. ~·-Santa Ana Ave. &IZ4641 U.IMAC. Doll House. Close l BR upp!!r Apt. Quiet, · o •-··• d II N emply. peraon. Yrly Sl40l.:-=,.=c,--,,-,.....,,.-,-·~·-ne emp..,,,"'!. au· 0 mo /utilpd 313CoralfG. 2 BR Studio, Unf, Newly drinkC?r, ple&M. &J6..5727/ 613-7397 · decor. New crpts & drp1• 548--01<:8. Spac. grounds. Adlls, No 2 BR dUplei, crpt.s1 l .DELUXE Bayfront 2 Br, 2 Pets. $140 Mo. 2283 Fountain bltn elec S1ove, adttlls, Ba, frplc, garage. Avail Way E. (HariJsir, tlll'fl w. on pets, $175 mo. 1791 A Tust , Feb. 15-June 15. $300. Wlleon -\Vil&on Gardens 6*!8352 · 67fi..7156 or &'15-4000 , Apls,l · SUBLET compl IWTI. 2 BR H • Be ~ 4400 NEW Sln1le Story Gtrden aP;l. 4/1-9/15. Pvt patio untington a Uhlta. 2 BR, 1 BA, lh&g Mfi' be seen to· be ap-BACHELOR aptl. Retired crptl, drpa:, Clshwbr, 2 pttclated! su.-5191. men prd'd. Blk 10 pitr & patios, beam cellgs, frplc, 1 BR Apt. Gas Ii water pd. etotts $50 mo. 20S Sth St. i"!· Adult&. no pt.ta. $165. $12).1 mo. No children. no Hunt· ijch, ~ 1 ,. 2650 Elden. 537--0062 alt 7 ~,'6G-5991 NEW SOUNDPROOF PRM'i..!:p:::m:.:&::-;Suo;n;., ===-,,-- Bltrnu, furn & unlurn apts. $110. per mo1 &: pt. • Llu'J:e aa.rden patios • Open beam~ ctillna:1 e ·f'ireplP1.:ts • Rec. Roomt, • 2 pool!, N.uttas, D\ll'Ml')' .chool. IMMED. OCCUPANCY 2700 Peterson Way Cosµ. Mesa 546-0370 Nr. Harbor 4i: Adams • HARBOR tOWNHOUSE 2217 Harbor near Wll&on e 2Br1% Ba. TO\vnhouae Sl:v.i • Heated pool • Adults only e No ~b • Adj to abopping MARTINIQUE LUXURY Am ORLEANS APTS. 2 4 3 BR avail, Adults only. STUDIO APT. fum. Ulil's. 1 BRS avatfhb. 21'J't: Mal' 1 ".TIIE SE._VILLE" • ptltl -After 5 P?if call Block to ocean. Garages New 2 BR w/ pnge, $l50. 1741 Tu!tin, C.Usta Mey ~4 · 202 A 14th. '86-1319. 673-1784 Adulta.. Crpu, drJll, bltns. . t~~ASSAU PAU.15 • , 2'"BEOMOM! J.u r:n I~ bed.. ~~ta w,!.:~~e~~o.ix:: l\iar. Mrs. Carson, G4l4641 DELUXE 3 BR, 1 ,.BA. Downstairs duplex uliit, 419 38th St, Nwpt Island. $250/mo. 673-6433,' 6Ta-5161 DELUXE 2 br, . 2 ba, Townhse, new. Adult l.iving. For Appl. Call 644-4381 . ~M')'BRfurnapt.Pool Downtowc ,' ~HB. •No CM~ ,. STUDIO 1ge 2 Br, l~ii Ba, fft"ind St 642-3$45 children. No pete •. ~1396 o.),';;;'.,' ::;,.:;::;,.._,,-,.-:.-., new shag carpet, util room, FOR lease nU~y I Br apt. . , 2 BR Pool Ad··•u nl <r'lM DELUXE 2 Br. CrpU:, Drps, .::Jiii.Bachelar. Retrig. It · . · "" o Y· -blt-ns, priv patio. AdJ. clo.. patio, ad u 1 ts, nr OCC, over gar. Nr 5th & Orchid. 4 Br,. 2 Ba.· Cpts, New decorator id.rps, P&nellirJJ, Open beam ·celJlng, 'slt-inl, f.1ualc system, JA,lµld'ry rm, $29l on lease. 54s..3756 -iiot plate. Incl Utll mo util pd. Avail Feb. 15. ed gar., J>OO(; aingle story. 546-0281 CrpU:. drps\. stove, refrlg. Woman Only. 642-504Ei 17676 cameron. MT-2125 No .pets. adulll only. $1l0. NEW TOWNHOUSE $175. Avail lrumed. 548-4957, 2 BR§tudio. carpet.lj.,4tapes, Be ch 4705 Call &f6..7411 2 BR, 1% BA &: 1 &: 2 BR. ""-"'~""'~-"-5-~1-528~-· __ ~~. ~ child 9K .. No Lagun• • LUXURI===ou=5-,~,1il',_, ~11~1-B=-a, Crptd, drps, .1elt ctn1 gas $285 3 Br, 2 Ba Otiplx, dbl d&ren ages 2 Uml 8. Call TllE NEW VILLAGE INN all elec. Crpts, drps, GE ovtn.'645-21(8. 317 \V, Wlhon trpl, pr, patio, bltns, comp! MS-0496 after 6. Fonnerly Saaateback Inn. kitch., patio, encl gar, nr NEW dlx. 1 & 2 BR. Shag redee. 705 t.lari1old, BACHELOR. 1 BR apt!. Laguna, froin $28 a week. bw;. $158, adults. Mgr,. 124 crpts, drps, blttns. Immed 6'1~708 aft S O(l!>,r bltns. No pets. 28SS Lovely apU. All util's, E . 20th occupy, n&IJ.Sl80, 540-1973, UPSTAIRS 3 br, 1 ba, paneJ. MUdoza No. A. .54~5421 linens, maid, puol, laundry ;V;l;;L:;L::,A'"°"'M=E"S-'A-=A°"P~T"'s,.... 5'5-23ll. ing, drps, crpta, bit-Ins, si2*<No I.SE. Li:g I BR. rm. S;ept to beach. 696 S. 2 BR. untum, pri palloe, htd '•"°'B'°R~Du~p~le-x.-=F"ull~y-crp~t'd, laund nn. Single gar. $195 furn. No child or pel.!i. &U Coast Hwy, 49+!K36 pool. 2 car encl'I aar. 'ChU. drpd. Carport, fenced yard, Lease. 549-3756 days only. Shalimar Dr .. "A", C.l\1. BEAUTIFUL Large Ba'eh. dren welcome, no pets I child ok. No pell, Refs. CUTE 2 Br, beam ceilings, 1 ~Clean, au::. $ll0. Baby apJ. \\Calkil;lg 'dls\,anc~.-fD ploue1 $160 al.so furn $185. _4!35..,,,~mo_,. • ..,645-~-"-'.,1-_,_ upstn, pvt garagoe. Ok. -1,, lse ...... 1 or retittes. bea~ &: shops .. Ocean view. ns W. \Vil&0n 646-1251 .. , B• 2 B' •• d Call 675-7478 "' ~,. Bit.I Le nro ~2449 ·~ ""• u ... urn, rps, 2538 Newport Blvd. • ns.~ ue ' 2 BR.· 1 Ba, carpets, drapes, w/w erpta, :1tove, refrlg. Nr ::;.:.;,~'=u~a~N~-.•"p"y.--1 Ol' 494--5300 ' refrlg, bit-ins. $130. Joann shp'1 center. 820 Center St, _B_•_lbo_• ______ 5300_ 1 BR F ~ ' ,.. ' 2 BR. l ba. Nicely Furn. St, wlk to Harbor Shop'I· Apt 3, $135 mo. 2831 S. Bnstol, CM. Garagf'. Choice Loe. $190. 642-1467 after 6 pm all day ~'='==~==~~ PENINSULA Point. 2 BR,, den, 2 bath, next to bay & beach $350 mo. yify. 1359 E. Balboa Blvd, No. A aq' . NICE Call 538-2(¥15 morn. or aft 5. Sat. ' e DELUXE 1 l 2 BR Garderi \ ApU. BJt.ine, priv patio, 1 bt · Duplex. Adu ts. LOVELY new 2 BR, 2 BA heated pool, trplc. Adulls , !SUS. Ph. 54~ D•na Point CJ40 Pri rar. 1..ge yd, · bltns: $145 mo. 546-5163 e~R Apt. ~~rn. LRG attrac furn. 1 &: 2 Br. View. Nr. So. Cat Plaza. I "e"BAR==a=AIN='"--=ae-.-.~,.71u1~1g, Utll ·paid ::0~3.ture a t. Htd pool. Adults. Refs. Lie 5.f6..697~ 2 BR apt. 998 '.El Camino '""""· (2U) 164-Ul46 Huntington B9•ch 5400 m;;;r1 hoch .;; '" GRAND .{\Q v.rr _Ol'DllNG ~1: , \ IMMEDIATE ., -,c. -,. OCCIWANCY St:ii & 9185. 499-2006, 496-2409 CRPTS='=~.~.~ .... -.-.... ~,-. -.. -pe~ts Dr, C.M. Scl&-0451 4200 ---or Children. 1 BR $125 mo. 2 I =c.;,c:,;;;;,.,cc...:.c.~-~ Hotel5 4975 BR $135 mo. 325 17th Pl. BACHELOR, :! &: 3 BR'!!. ::.:.------1 Call ~ CJD, bltni. No pet!., 2885 . Lido Shortt Hotel 3·-"'B"R.~~,-BA=-,N7e-w-crp-,..t1 Mendoza, No. A. 56-5421 Bayfront kitchenette sui~s linoleum A ck..oci Freshl; LRG 2 & 3 BR. Crpt11,. drps, 1 from $255 mo. Sul\es It painted tbruout. Pn patio,. or 2 kids, ok. 2214 CoQege rooms by klday --~ wee1 k. encl pr. $195 •• 6~ Ave., Apt. 2, 64&-0627 PhoneJ, ma , rn.u.e_t, ce. ~ _ -. &IT Lido Park Dr. 673-8800 * 2 llr,-tilg cloaets, hUI'! NeWp9rt -a..~n ~5200 -patio. Adult!. No Pets. S145 I ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;, RENTALS Mo, 5.11-8400 I• · ·-Aet-· "'nfvm1111-/ , Bilnn. 0raP.., ~.... NEWPORriBEACH G1no,.1 5000 bit.,, garoge, patio, "lnCd LUXUR·Y· LMNG rear yard. No pel$. 64Z..1235 ON BEACH e SINGLES FROM Sl40 e 2 BR 111': BA FROM S22S e :: BR 2 BA FROM $260 e 3 BR 2 BA FROM $360 Carpets.drapes-dishwasher heated pool-sauna-te1111la rec toom«'t!an views- pattos-ample pai·klng, Security guart'lt VINDOME HUNTINGTON PACIFIC J,UST completed 2 BR.nlcrplll, NEW, ~aOou.:i 2 &: 3 Bed.' 7lJ oet:AN AVE., Jl.B. drps, bltns. Adulta o y,· no room, 2 Betmi. Steps 'to. t714J 536-1487 petl. $155. 642-.ll9'l .-~Vtslc\ifl .Plaza Shoppin1. PONT ALBA APTS ~~~1 2. BR apt. sans. iwlm pool. ... S.0252 * Grack>wi Living S!CI'IONS AVAJLIJJLE 2267 Canyon Or. Adu!~, no • MARINER 1117 Carlleld. H.B. Cl to hi Ing Parle pets. 646-1984 AU Eleetrlc-Spacious .. ;ctcius11 s n~ 2.8. NEW"'" 2 BR, I BA. Shag StjlUARf Am. I BR. Frplc, g.,, crpb & * 2 Bedroom. crpta, drpa. trnnied occupy. · 1244 Irvine Ave., N.B. , dt'f". Adults pleue. 962-8904 * Swlro Pool. PuVIJ'ftD $175-$180. ~1973. MS-2321 Ow..-& ma ... It OCEAN Vlew, sun deck, * n,l. lndlv/lndry tlc'lt ~G 3 Br unturn. 1rf i Br Th9 i,...,W ~~~ beach, new 11pac dl:t 2 BR. 1145 Anaheim Aw. ~rn. Pool. Kids ok. 1998 blttns, cri1s, lndtJI. Nr shops 00$T4. MESA ~ •l\ola~Je. Apl 3, 548--21108 DILUXE •pf. & pier. Select tenants. $165. ; LARGE l HR. dee builttns. ,.. Adults, baby OK:. 536-2131 • RENT • fit OCC + S. Cst Pl&u. $W CarpelJ, dral)CI, bu.ill-Ins. No 2 BR. apl. Stovt, carpetJ, 3 Reomt fi:vmlture .,; ffirl«, ft*).96SO pell. No chlld~n. \Vestclift drapes, free laundry rrn. $19.95 & UI' 2 BR, O<lux Mod<rn. 1'lol. :•2 ':i~·1\:,:. ll60/ 1125 mo. 5'.16-196.1 l~~,.,mtb IJ,ent&ll $140 Mo. 2279 Miner St. Apt Weht-McCardle, Rltri. AVAILABLE Ftb 16th. 1 & 2 WIDE SELECTION B. 642-750.!. Uto Newport Blvd., C.M. ~~~(;:: ~~ drps. ff().D£POS1T 0 .A.C. 2 BR. SUn deck. pr. &side. 548-7729 $4+-0884 eves. HntC Fumiture Rentals Adulll. $100. Call • 5f0..4431 )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'"!!!!!!!1!')3 BR duplex $180 per mo, + 511 w. 1Jt!J. CM -or 546-3116 IA YFRONT 1100 '"••\nc clep, Pt•fer 2 --. children. 8474919. BABGAJN -Dlx •ml 1 br un-2· BR. crpt.~sJlsposnJ l rari~ .• 2 ea. i BA JIJ.'Cury apts. PrL I i;i:'>,..;,:..;;:;:.;;,;,....,= f\lm, 1.1,lU pd. No Chldrn, no 132 E. Bl,y, Apt c. .im Mo. temct clmtvn. subter--ATTRAC 2 It 3 BR. Pool. J>tll. 9911 El ,CIJnlno Dr, pin 4!\t-.2792. , &'Mein' pk'J. All elec. Pool, Kid• OK. $\.36 a Sl'l'S. t740J ,_..,...,=,-,.,...=":(-:;:I DJ. 5'1)..0451. GARDEN apt. S135. 1 Br, utl1 solt wtter. boat docks. ~' Kettwon. 963--7510, 8Ci..J594 Util P&ld ....... No or "ta. ~ -\J'lf.C QVICK£R YOU CAlJ., JMld, d !'11. gutt1, mtture 11p. 3121 \V. ~t Hwy, New. GIVE Now -and taler $1...N.S. -THE QUTCKER YW SELL lidlllli. ttlf. 548"-8001 pot1, &l2-ZI02 ~ UNITED nJNO ..... __ . ......... . . . ~ ·t · . . ~lountaln lot i11 Running REAL ESTATE Spring>, val. !6500. Trode _:Geno:;::::::."::.l:._ __ ..;. __ 1up or down ror power cruls-· 5990 er, 25'·30'. Alt 6 pm wkdy~, all day Slln., 6'15-0141 Rentals W1nted -· * * lndu1trl•I · , ; P.toparty ' . ' . .. .. ., • •• ••. , '! ./ BUILDER OFFERs· NEW 21,500 sq.~ ft. :·~e ;~. Ceased, •cho!Ct ~orairt:e ' County arta. P..rOper.t y cleai:. Owne"' wJi:.a:rry ht TD, 8%%. Pil'!if int. •Ill'. 530-3645 am, S2s!--5430 pm. - NEW B!4ii . .' U;lxxr ~,ff for : sate'or 'Thue For deW1r . 1 llud~ ili at1tf 1 • 'HA VE 29 BRAND NEW , 642.6560 ; VEND I NG MAODNES. ========-I WANT FREE · &: CLEAR Commercial , 6i:lu DESERT C:.AN'D OR ~ -'-...;..=.-,..,-...-,,-"'~ O'CONNbR'::m.1948 FOR , Le&&;. -Re~tall "-fu.e '69 Imperial LeBaron, 2 dr. Loaded! Full pwr, tilt strg whl, vin ~· ·-lthr inter. Trade ror any;tping equal valu. 6~1624. eves &: wknda What do you hlive to trade! ~ It betf'1 ~ ·in On.nae County's ~ read trad- lna post -arit'make a deal * * Store, h'eart'9f COsta Mesa! • Cou1d be Used for • · 1 tncnt, bl'ake, tu1*up'or any feJated adto • rttfuir • ant>p: 1 Ideal set up for ietail tin ' operi.tlon: 6 _bays, 2 .~ plli. Ready to go! . 9>nta~ l.1. Kenney (213) 469-53?{. . 171:.o ~ewptBJvd,·t~t:. . _ FOR sale fi36.698-6l5 W. Ulb St -Bethel ToWm &tea:! ' 54&-1'1&8 .or ~7(f4, .(gt, Help! Every year about thl.s ..a. time my wile gets "Lsl&nd 1ll Fever" I&: about drives me --------------fndu1otri1I R1"f91 · 6090 out or my skull. Now I've REAL ESTATE taken her to Fashion I1l&nd, ·o.ner1I · Ch<Mon laland l if •hel-.:;.;;;;;;...;.. ____ _ doesn't qulle scream I n g Rooms for Rent 5995 about the surf belnr up, the·i--------- tradewlnds. etc, I Just $15 Per WK UP w/kitche.n m.J&ht be tempted to try $30 WK UP Apls , 2376· New. Alc.atrai. • port Blvd 548-9755. ~;"0:1' sol~~~~ ':1::t QUtEf & 0 nlce home. Room her u near to ltll! beach u for Ylorking man. possible. We have 2 hsebrkn 642--4794 old cats & 2 1ove1 y IDEAL room for employed tee.nager1 who an: also. man over 30. Private en· Have our own furnltun:; trance. ~ can't alford more than $19a. -- will lease; then someone Motels, Trlr. Crta, 5997 can enjoy our nice 4 BR home w/pool in Garden WEEJn.Y rates Sea Lark Grove. l~noUce thil dinil'IY Motel, 2301 Newport Blvd ., Haole ia becoming more Costa ~fen REAL ESTATE M·l Bldg.'11u1r.'Now B\d~ Gener1I llc a sq. ft. 1240 Logan St.. I P . ly 6000 Sp, T. Oay, 64'""33, Evu ncome roper 646-0681 · FOUR·PLEX: .$18.000, 10% I LOTS ' . 'tlOll dn. Estate starter -choice! 1 • •• All 2 BR uni~. 5.17-6151 ' ffUNJINGJON :BEACH · . . , Business Property 6050 C~l " Be•c;h Blvd. Frontage 400) 1Q-It. bldg, .4 yrs old. 50x221' lot, Gobel financing • total Ir.come $950/mo. Excel. tax 1helter., BRASHEAR''REALTY 847-8507 EVeil. 84.2-2123 ' . • 2 + 1\CRES • ZONE. C-4 \Varner Ave. hear Beach Blvd S.E;LL or EXCH..t\NGE R .. D. Slat•• R•altora 5J6.880J. ' -'. BEAUT. Ernetald . m.1 in Laguna Sch. One .Of the few lols remalnlng. ·If,e:.coruer locati911, :itlnt ~YJe'I'(, pv\. bcacll, lennls courtl, Pools. $32,fOJ. 4~77~ .'',. I . ~ violent when she n.ttles her I========= cage.so help me, call Hugh, Guest Hom11 5991 Business Rental 6060 R-1 LOT agx150!. Q>&ia. r-.tesa. Prime 1.0b-. te~ Broker -64.S.9883. Eves'. 638-2595 i.ft? pm. ALOHA! THOMAS GUEST HOME in Costa Mesa has vacancy for ambulatory lady, private nn. Ue'd, nr shops &. park. 646-SWi. 20c SQUARE FT, 600-1200-2400 sq, ft. O!llce or Retail stores •. 21l·:lll 62nd St.1 Ne~ ·· acb. -Key avaD at T~ve~:J.odge M~ tel. Owner, rm) 244-3101 5J9.:6316. • L J LOT·W!ll .take 6 ·unill. 391 E. Uth St., CM. · --8!': 5t99 or "'-s {213) 248-0700. ~~~~~~~·~·:·-~·=-=•:•1 I:.;;;.;.;.;.._ ______ STORE FOR LEASE in OWNER $2'.500 ... 642:-~ ·'. : , 132' x Joo·_ ~e; taU i . :~ ~.;ldifa $44;~ .:_ GARAGE • storage, 615 tq:. Pamric Bld&.. . next to Responsible Busln~·s Couple ft. Corona del Mar, S1bo 'pet Berk.shtrea Restaurant. Jnq. w/ret•' de~-• 3 br home. ~ ~:700Bkr; Re~lca;. ·-e!MOS Mil. Franke '20ll '" 01•....., n AC. unltnp1"0vi!d rentl.3' unf., N.B. No .pets. Approx ' ~ busi ness loc. ·sloping land 8 ml." east Of ' S250 Mo. ~l STORAOE p.rage for rent downlown Coats Mesa . Hemet with ~4a.ul'. $:aJ a month .__....,_ Call· ,,,.ft ...... or 2 BR fumi.lbed apt or houll', close to beach. Marth 22 to 646-6840 """'"" ~1 panoramlc view on Palihl 548-.UTO '' to Pines Hlghway 74. Ex· March 29. 2 adults. 4 FUU..Y enelosed pngee. teenagen. (114.l 593--8502 $2S r;ier mo. e LANDLORDS e * $4.!-'9"ll * . 11\EE RENTAL SERVICE --· -- a-. -.Income P'?t'"'!I· 60llD COl.J.EGE -Teacber Ir Wile . ..,,.. -.. Apt. '"' """· NEW INDUSTRIAL MIU'C:b 11th. ·64&-9151 7200 aq. It. bulldU. with air. NEED 3-4 ·bf.• ,2 childr\!n. conditioned offioe1: Excel· Woodland EJtnt. ·Sehl' area Jeni Oranee Q)unty loct.tioti. or + 1b sa». sU-3618 flexiblt, good terms avail· · • --able on purchase pr1ce of Rooms ·for Rent 59'5 r.85.000. For mort infonna. Hon pleue call K. W. Small. Ul':USUALLY Nict Room In Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. Prl\t. HQme In V'tf')' nitt 1818 W. 01apman Ave. netabbOthOOd. Pref. lady or • Orange, Calif. conv&Jttctnt. 2815 Andros 541·2'621, Evta-wkndt 5J3.SDTI St., C.M. R~. eTl'lpt, ""'*l'I· priv. ba, E. DUPl..EX, two 1 Br umt1. 1Coita • Ml-11. .AllO, ArUat's $140 per n10. income, mt~f'd or a!Orqt nn av ail . f.t'Ca. xlni lnve•lmenl . '646-&llo ~m. 518-U I -·~ cellenr appreel.atiOn pbttc· Office Rtnf•I 6070 tial, very kiw tM.-. ~.500. . . -...-HUNTINGTON BEACH 113 down. wm dOvid<> 39841 Air Cond:tt'°'*I Kit-, Hemet. Ph:6.13-.3996 i ON llACH\ILVD. .:t... ,_ ' t>eek '~€Yall•b!e In Resort P~!i::.rtY. ~-· Tll.'Mlt _ WlldlAa 't R.ANOIO La Coita &Oil ~ ae:: Mr !r!:ftfo':t t'OW'ZC home a\te, 12.~· lq bteutiful en~-f'ront· fl. $:1'1,000 or ~ ~or N.8. age on Beach ·~tvd., t't~r area income ~· BJ1 1 leads _ tn 1*'tv•\• parking owner ~ . 1 loL $50 ~ month for -, • ==:a:::;:: . space. Deilk ana cnain Mount & O...rt 621 I avallAblt f~ Bualnefi1 • =bl:'ror.'?"$1'~ Alise~~ 5 AC. or ltenwt; 1e1ptc ties pa.Id ex~~ telephone. hkteaway, 2100'· tl .. · wtr<., · DAIL T 'PILOT game. S5(XXI: $50 dn emo 1717$ l l ACH ILVD. S-.10 ilf.agt,' ~ . HUNTINGTON ,llACH '41.4121 LCE officeir. ·lhlo buslneu. Gd location -:~ 3111 SL. N,B, (Up.!ITI). 613-J687 • BUSIEST m~ .. l/l town. TIMI oAn.Y ~ ClaasUJro secU011.' · s a .; t money. lime " e,-tiort. ~ now11 1 • • · -. .. -.. I I , I • ,. " . '~ _, ANNOUNCIMINT I r~~ end NOTICll w 'IM1t LMI '411 ,~ ... l;;;;:;;-:---:-.;_Qll_ LOST 1P black cat v.·earina ndhamelolntbe-.. . Pkuf c&ll 6#-UQ; &It T Wh en You MANUFAt"rult&lt P 11 '415 Wont if do ne .~a=:~,;:..a; .:;:_Y~* right •.. ;tr·~ ct --~-_...-C II f :""'1>0Jnr ..... -. Jo lo, Advlou • on ,&II 1Mlten; Q one 0 pollf; O/ril•lete laC1CrY Jn. 1.ove, M~. ""'"'-h «&Jled ·• """,. ... 1vrn Coumhlp. H .. 1th, 11a.. ~cl t e experts "'1lt P,rlnclpfJ' '' •11mt. •'-• Succua. No -• /1.sled below/[ UWUts. Contact immed. __blerm .JI» 4fft ar tao!:::::!~~~~;~·~~~~~~~!!~~~;;;;;~· Onet .tn a IUetime oppor. to amall. =· lUtLP YOU. -~ --~-- make ·that blah lnconie most 1teadirlls .f-dQI a ' I ~ dnf'll ot. St&rtlnr week. . . ru· N. El SlltY Cl DlltlCTORY SEltVlc;I DlltlC-TORY $1RYICI DIR C llialan.UJ.COO + aubltintlal Camino \. Real, Saa l•ltyalttl"' 1.111a ~ricel .... Inc-Tex ~ Call Ken OUford Oemente .• ~ 4!t2-<mfj _.;.• _______ -_ - • - Frldly, Ftblwi) 1', l9lo JOIS .. IMPLOYMENT 1!J~01~1:1a.~1;M~P~Lo;Y~~~J~~ .. ;·~~~~NT~rf ~£"!~~~ .1• w.,....., Men 1000 I J11ai ,,,..., w .... 1100 ,,.... MM. w.;.. 1100 I ·"·~· ... w.m. MOTEL \\'Olk, ~time: BA.ftNAJD, Attrac.Uw, Early Q,rlc -'-FREE 1'tGs I: iiKiti:V mature '1-om&n to take 20'a. No exp. nettuuy, CUSTOMER SERVICE When you beoorne a I' •harr< or m&lcH on ~.Bead!. leMlll er RI PltESINT.t,TIVES St.Jes C-1...,_ No ::;;::~n di.)' off. Apply ~-=-=-----~· vtltlnent. u eo ~ ~ Ben Brown's Motor llote1 * B&A.trnCIAN, tor busy, Require1 l..C yn, otnce e.'tPtr. Oxnp&tte tratnlftl', Full· 1 SU06 s. Cout H.!Jhway popular price4 CJ.t. ~ (order prooe111J1: prerd.) part tbne. Call MlM LH J..aiuna Beach Paid vac. No clh!ntele req'd Tyrio at leut 45 wPM AblJ. intervMw. CTI4J ~ 1 ,.-.=~::,;:.,_:;;;:;:;;__,,..... j New pd Mlcome. Call the It• to '00ll1munlca.te* .;,1!11 1t ~ to 6 PM. Mon.Fri JAi> 1 10• YRS. exp. Skipper, Eni. l'l1a.nt.a:'er. 5'8--9919 a must! Act a.a dlrect con. GARDENER TitliNff ' Dede. hand, nee~ yacht to tact betw~n c\lltomer Ind ~nence nee.· Xlnt _;;;,7 I ' \\'Orlc on or del ivery. .._,... """ 61>-0lw. m.<'IS2 • IOOKKEEl'ER • com""" en•> 546-9085 ,. ~R 50 yra, COin• panion. Cook, Howieman. Llve-in Ql' out. * f.75-2'264 7020 FULL CHARGE M(F Five )'ears e.'l:pc1·lcnce neeeuary. R.e1ume 1-e· quired • Salary .n. Ap- ply tn pemn, and ask tor ?tlr. Grant. F.qua.l opportUnlty employer * COU NSE LING Experienced in salt$. .J'IH»11'"'°'°. *W ; ___ _:__ o , --n-•-" T' "" ' LICENSED child care, my ELECTRICIAN. licensed le: Central BUl'--u ""-rv•-a' , "'~ ~ • .......... 1rt :omen home. Monday ,c_. ~-". "" -~· Mart ot"'Costa Mesa ....... ··~ bonded . Small iobi, eTHI TAX ADVISORS ......,,.,,., .... .., ,... ..• ,j be1 uttd tor _,;_:_ • Pia,yroom I; feDCed yard maintenance lo repalra. Penn. ollice-Reao; R.at" u~\JAI, Lady, rood cook le ,,_ _... v.i tb play · • th comp. .Llv&-in. sin&:le lady GROOMfR •4!1 --F e m a I e, E.xpe1ie1lCt\4 SURl'LUS Pl•f•a ion&I ..... ,.. ..... ....... Calllocnla'o m .. GRANTS Jll!Vll. brake, ~\:IP or any START Yomt NEW YEAR eqwJ)mt!:nt. Sou :543-0>13~·==~-='-==~ 3211 No. Newport Blvd. or IV'Jt. GOod ~f. C&lJ Fri. ~ted ~ \Uto repair 1hop. \\IJTH 1'JQ; RIGHT MAN. Cout Plua an:a. 549-4.038 ANDREWS ELECTRIC Opposite Hoac HOlplt&l Sat. f\fon. )..4_pm. 613-2520 1nm Earn . top comm at beautttW pet store. IT;>O Ne~rt Blvd., C.~I. Jott~still& work in ~U. Fa.shioii ~. N.8 . BOOKKEEPER. Jan't. 09p, l\al Memorial Pule, 0\'fl(:o * HA IR s Ty L 1 s T . 1ri' tel up.for retail tif'e 547""67 TENDER Loving: Care fot Smalf Jobs WtJcome For Appl. Call 664-IOO PRIVATE duty Practical operation. C"'bay1,.2 ilil(lt. 24 -hour ft.oordin& YoUt clilld v.·hlle you "'Ork. f 642-Zl43 e H.K. Clark TAX SERVICE . J8ta,'-~ to pl Contact SING"r AOULTS !! !!!..°<'. khunt .r,; Garlie.ld. I;==:,;~~;:;;;;=::. !3 -. in·-~ nut'ff. A1IY lhift. Ref . for pe.rson with ed. work klokins Pacltic Ocean. apace. Dlx. t.quna •1 ~·<-C'"'~'"llA...lt,....... 4".co ~· F J·· ......... available. Sctlt ware. o , . e.-y, -._..,.......... Socia.I Sinales Rely on loora 6665 ~ appl. 54.3.-$13 l'.na f!wp{ Blvd,.Ot Leisure Times. Datirig Se"'r· ~ will bab~lt Mon. • your home or ottlce e COIN. laUbdrie..r'ria:ida\te vicl!'. 557-7844, i42·1701 ev,1. thru F'rl .. 3 yn 4' under, CARPET VINYL' TILE ~~~ -=~ record I: desire to sell Im-CALL DARRELL WARD Plenty of .oU-81. park. ~";:09 ~f. ~ :.~ for lnterview . 6#-0212 intervieY.'5,. John Gallep J1i1l ben'1. Gd. ref'I nee. COOK/Housekeepu: Serve. 199t Sic.at Hwy.' "rbrn t $UOO to $42,500 . A BASIC ENCOUNTER vie. Beach i Pacific _c.oas1 Free estimate Lie. Contr. lronint 6755 .,..'"'. •Anaheim. Costa !Ie•a, GROUP start.In.; tbl· ll!Ollth Hv.')'. tt1y hOme. 536-1572 540-72Gl • ~71 -;::::::::;::-:--:-=;: j_;"';;'~'"'~-~·::* __ _:"""'3~~ Buena. Park. Fullerton, .,. ... • BABYSlTITN IRONING 111 my bmte, JAPANESE \\'Oman. Day, Repllta conlldential.· p .0. ?ifll!t Dri~. Rf:Qr lteq. HAIRSTYLIST \V/Joll. Bo.'< 2040, Ne\vport Beach ~Sprlnp Winter. Beach more b)' renUna-spa.ct. J F/C BOOKKEIPRR Call ~9\'e-Jn. 2 Adulta. ~~U::.~c:'et Gar'd'en Gro.ve , Eves: 67'J..T;{i;, G, Meals, days Gardlnl"I 66IO $1 Hr. AlteraUMs It. house work. Exp'd. Own We 1,tmtnster, Huntln;tOJI ~~f:!t;.1 ,.....,,,, -~ m,.'"',. :.U e:;._7;,or information Bab)'Sitllnt:. 545-7641 tra.nsp. &f6.{J6l9 ' Baadi Santa An& Tu""' ,_ -·~ ~· * ANTHONY'S * =='=====I Al P ol: L, beach area, T.o $600 •COOK · • rot' qualified person. . -Breakfast. Ex·' HOUSEWORK, No cook. , • Mlrad• L~ ' P.O. Box U23 '-..~-M..._ RELIABLE. My home. Any p I I DES • for convaleisc:en~. ..,. .....,.,. B k , • nt n9, elderly CIU'e or family 'care. , Call ('harlle 525-1133 aae. Y \'-'ec . Newpert 'The best coats no more'' Paperhentlnt 6'50 ·Homemakei"S. Call a.IT.s&Sl lndepentlent perlel'Ctd. No S unday1. hall day1 a v .. 1c. !ton)ttied Peraonnel Atancy Good pa.,y. App in persoo, Fri. 9 to 1 pm. Rtl'•'iohlf. 1n& On.rce Ave, Suite c 512 \Y. 19th C.M. Own tra.risp. 644--0902 KS.• :rA'KE OUT A--nlt 6410 ""°' *"''· 6U-T'53 BCl<lget landscaping Beach .area takH'lt restau-SENSn'IVJ1y TRAINING BABYSITI'lNG, Me':'-Verde ~Wnte.nance. 644-4860 :X:.al~ ... · :"t ewve"""1• '· n.nt A dlJ1dy ne!A <NeT w~u O are&. Day and f!venmg. JAPANESE Gardenin& ..: · • ~~ SH P 545-4015 s · N k wknda. Xlnt workn1a111hlp, .w.cm &nd l{J'OWlnc. lnoc;lud-A JlroeNm ot inte.rpe.rsom!L-~-_:.::..::;:_ ___ 1 ervice. eat wor , ed•V:l\'· Van for only $T,5!f0 'exerclses for •snWJ. sell-di-BABYSJ'ITING My LalUna ~~p I: yard malnL ~~rt.io~E· '.·~S40-0062r'·r • dn. HW'T)'! rected ~A. Mlrrlmal Home, AllY AJ:e, Any Time. ,.,:;:,.:::;..._...:____ •• •• ~ ,nm ltSJ.!. ES1'ATERS char8' call M2-8"130. JD AK· Exper. Mother . .(94-5852. ~·s Ga.roembz ' Lawn Al'OUStiC ceillnp ptd, 12 yn .wnn -ASK FOR VAN 5 m. \o • -DAY e&re in my home, potty Ma.l.Qtena.Dce. c.nmerew. exper, State lie. Pitl!burrh i LIQUOR LICEllSE tr&lned only. Buch home, lnda!lrW A -ti&I. :pn="~·,.:$13-~I.;.:m.:_ __ _ ~ o,unty On Sale.Gen-Cemetery_L..,.. 6411 pool l planround. 646-4'124 • 64G-362t * INT• En Pn1&. l"'ree esu. ~""';;,'.~·"f.°1i LOTS Wt' ..... ..Pacific vi.w 'i-;u!.m~e"= ~: '::.~.,,~·~~: ::;.,_ rebC: S,'.,:'~ Aa~t.,C.0 L~~ E CT (~) ~o/.morial, .p~ Reduoed C&ll 8J.l.2636. Reliable, tree: est 64M389 or J'un ~. •. , tn-42 · , * 54J.9S53NE\YPORTHei&ht.area,1&:e Jlltt'S •Gardenifv ,lec lawn I PAtN:t'JNC'rINT/Ext.. 1nnt15 • ...... h d I sandbox Lunch + malntenanct. Res. I: com-Jack cc do that paintinl' . · "'~ ~-· • w 0 SACRIFICE 2" lots H y w . -mercial * 54M837 jotrtul:, clean A very reul ~ ~-Unusual --Belt~ both. snacks. Xlnl care. 64.:r2'154 ==="""""=::.:..---1 FAt. IM-3895, 847•1351 ~rtunlty for Pf"\im---~ WJLL...:B&bysl.L...IJlL__l»me, JAPANF.sE · Gardener, ~· Both . work ,toeether aiea 4 I: up. Reliabl,, up'd:--Compl:-yard servtce~ PAlNI'ING-Paptt.. Hana;lnc- Ml or pot.hme. 9q-4146 · 64:)..0573 Free estimate. 548-8255. 25 Yrs Exper. Very Rf:u. S Irr B Free Est. Rf:fer. 54G-l943 ,. ~· .. ExtraJ Income. ·, WILL Babysit, 2 home! to GEN'L yd. Clean-up, trte j few Hn. Wk. Vepdinc choo&e from. ~tl?fta del ?.;tar serv. roto-tlll. Sprlklr re-* PAINTING, Int-Ext. Local ~chlhe route. 50~ profit. ., 4. ,• i ! area. 546-1692. 549-2478 pa.Jn. HauJ • Rea.son. 6{6.5M8 =nce.s. lmmed ervice. l'@l) 181...5542. ~ ~ B CHILD· Care by He. expert. EXPER. Japanese Gardener. ==~'=~~-~- -U FOOD Stores Franchlles "Ii" .... &:. reliable. \Vk d"""· Complete Yd Service. Free PAThi'TING-Ext·lnl. ll yrs. Av'ail. Call TT&-5810 or ~r &: Fairview 51CJ..s«i estimates. Call 540--1332 exper. lnll. Lie. F"ree: eat. 14i3-15'JJ a1t 6 ~h{ Accoust. Celllnp :;u..5325 CLEAN-UP SPECIAUSl' Mowing. edging, odd jobs. PAINTING, Paperln~ 17 yra. 111 'TD 'Loan ' 'Lo\\-eat 'lnterst Available ild · TD-Loan ~enns baled on equUy. 21n • SU-1611 MN Harbor area 21 yn. SeHlor Mortw ... Co. ! "S36.E. 17th Street WE MAKE OR BUY TRUST , DEEDS 54~1 · anytime Brk. ~NOUHCEMINTS fttl NOTICIS P.~ (P'roo Atlsl 6400 JdA.LE Chihuahua found on Garfield &: Hamden, H.B. lly P-"School. C&ll ~1~eii·~ RT • Helsbtr area, ~nail white T~it;ype dOI, •blk apot on back, IJP\\'11 ear 1&: brwn eye. ~ c L A s 5 . . I Brick, Masonry. otc BltlCK le. CARPENTERY. work. planten, ~plaoea, block w&lls, cement patios, patio roots &: all types of rep&jra. 492-7928 BUILD, Remodel, ttpair Brick, block, concrete, carpentry, no job too mall. Uc. Contr 962-6945 FREE • Esl Britjs., block, atone, planters le entry '1.'a)IA. 5.11-873. State Lie'~· lu1lnn1 Servi•• 6562 ~uonable. S48-6955 in Harbor area. Lw. • bond· Y"J_l'._~HN;;:;;.,so;;.N=.::.:::;._GARD_....:-:_ .. =-ENIN=~=--c .. -1 ;~uR:;:n.e ~= 3 Ik. AIU Cll'e, .......,..,.ps, i-1·\W" u mg, ~· 962--3)35 v RM l Kitchen Painted, $50. call ~1.a638. Gener•I ~rvices * PAPERHANC.INC. I:: PAIN'ftNG. * 963-2-t25 BILL'S Land1capin11 Gardl!lning. \Vlndow Clean-Ple1t1rl..,, Pitch, ini;. General l\taintwance. Ha 11 l In C I:. Mo vi n IC . _R;;;eo,.P"!::.;l;.r __ ~_;611:;H:: Complete Clean-up. Ttee •PATQ{ PLA.frERING Trimming. &12-30.fO A~ lypel!i. Ji't'tt f!Atimate• RAJN iu«en I n 1 t a 11 e d • Call 541)..UlJ Rainey aeason almost here! Frtt eaL Ream! 968-Zll8. - DRAFTING by I.be hour or H•ullne '''° by the job. =.::.;~ ____ .:.:.::;: CUSTOM l'LUMilNG * 96J..4146 * • HAUUNG. Have %. ton pickup. licensed I: insured. • 557-8644 • =C=eb=i~n=el~m~•~k~l"'~~-='518 _<_94-~1003""~~~--- RESlDENTlAL le Comm. JACK'S PLUl\ffiING, Electrical I: Paint. General Hm Repairs. Incl. door locks. 5'MS34 eves. Custom Cabinet &: Furn. MOVING I HAULING j ram~gn..~Flllis~· ~"""~·~~~ Jteu. Frtt est. 53frl091 1: HAUUNG k ~IOVING PLUMBING REPAIR Local Medium Dial Avg. $21 No job too small a job. Ui--1091, 536-6126. e 642-lUll e Carpenterfnt YARD/ Gar. Cleanup. PLUMBING 1' REPAIRS Rt:mo\·e trees, ivy, trash. At thll lo"·e1t rate! Gnu.I'!, bl.ckhoc. 962-87(;) Call anytime 646-128' HAUU.'{G. Oeanup, lots etc. I -'~==~==;;,= ,,,. Job Wenlod, . C.?.L 642.QX?6 st.S.Oll79 Dellcateuen Man. part lime. lNspECTRF.s.S Want , ===='=-''=,,:..:;;~ eves. "-wk:--endl;-Applyi.n lit clua hotel. \Y'rite· BOOKKEEPER: P/ttme for penon. -493 E. lTtb St., c.~{. Pilot Box ~f-917 Mon a.w • .,,.. 7030 YOUNG t.'OUple avail, for all dom. v.'Ol'k Li\y-in, exptt, Reliable. (ZUn -lSG-877.t C.P.A. Salary ()pen. Call See Terry 6<,,_.TOO. l-~D~E~N"'T~A=L~A~SS=T~. - F/C BOOKKE EPER OWN"<~''· Beach ....... Throufh trl&I .......,., ledf· lrttloporttlonl JolK--Men. Wom. 7100 er. $550, can Loraine, Wett· PerllOMel ·Apncy dill Perwonnel Asency *3 1116 ~ ACCoUNTING $15,000 \Vestcliff Drive, N.B 645.rno VTlnge Ave., &11~ C Oqree, tewral yrs, exp. (Foe and 1'"" job!J) C.M. ~. i64»Tt capable o{ advancerrient DENTAL Off t ce Rttep. Beach an:a. (re.swnes held BOYS l l • 14 Uonlst. Please "rrite Ro." in confidence) c:a1J. AM, Carrier Routq Ope• STM, Daily · PUot, N.8 . Westclill Pe~ AsfftCY, ty Reprdina: Yoor Work 2oc:J Westelill Dr.. N.B. ~~ LqUAI Hlltory "-Qualif. M.>mo (tee t:. tee Pd jo&s.) tc-ml De1tintr Ai t i-,.......•-k 1---...:;:..::::._.--jGIRL with Artistic and Ct4Mln ..... "'-.. ' ~-dealan or ardiltectural . To $425 · No Fee•. Xln't Fast Growinc * * * IUSIOY .. ........., /or pcsltlon In Company. Top Benttiu. AI90 Deal&n or an4 ~r@iatlon. Fee: Jobs. EXPERIENCED ONLY 2921. S. Kilson, S.A. 540--6850 JASON IEST ""' time, nifht.. 0v .. Eqlployment Aaency 18. Apply in penon alter 2201 So. Main, Santa Ana 3 p.m. ~lD To $15,000 D.S. Acoountin&. Several F IVE ' CROWNS RESTAURANT DINING llOOM -HOSTESS- EVENING SlUFT yeara Exp. Capable ot Ad· 3801 E. o.st Hwy oot vancflTle:nt. Beach area, f'ee ., Please aPJ1ly in peraon Stvft Shirt Restaurant 22U \V. Cout Hwy .. N.B. pd. Call Ann, Wt.st.clltt Pu-CARPET aeaner • Io r 110nnel A,ency, 2043 West· helper. A&e 23-45. st@am clitt Dr. 66.2710 ?ofuter Carpet Clu.nen 1411;;;;==='=-"~--.,=~ COMMERCIAL -ARTIST- E .1Tth rear, C.M. DISHWASHER, dl.y lhitt, ;, day week, full time. See S · Wayne. RANCHO. SAN -CA Hiil-JOAQUIN GOLF COURSE. U02l CUiver Rd. llvine. Nr. Lady, 25 ar O\"tr, f'..Xperi... UCI. 11)-(11l2 enctd, bond.able. D&y I: DiabwuhH. Ni&hta. nizht shlttg available. Dick Church's Restaurant. Many company bene:titJ11, 2691 NeWJ!Oll Blvd, C.M. Apply ~n 2-1 P)J, Pl'o(ressive, O r an r .. Ask ror Mr. Lipkin. Draftlmen O>unty manufacturer ot ... &mM AN • I re r •It ccmpoo .. u., .,,... ,. needs artist for prep&ra• Please Apply W Jr Drafl'llllClll "'' .1 ,,,,. •• ,.,, .. ,.. GIANTS <t .,.n1..,1 ml """"· '"'· Some oxperi· SURPLUS e MAPPING e~ ln indlCl'trlal or me-liJO N---rt Blvd,, r.~f. e SUl-D\V PLOTTING chanica.I art work is re-~··r-( qulttd, Sala"' open, Ex· CASHIEll e S Rll NC. cdltnt compt.ny-,beneftta. Expe?Ynce r.eceuaryl Bea.ch e INKING -.,.., l!2S mo.... • Appl¥ Send JMimpl.ete resume ia-l ... pend.-.t ~ H. ~ ntoni &: clucl!ni ul.vy -.... _, ·~y 21111 =:... ~ o~LY ;<>!LOT" M .• 5'J5 17Ui Orante Aw., SUlte c _ c.ta Me... ~ C.M. 6l2-<lO'l6 5<!Ml9111==~~"----"='-~ ASST. BOOKKEEPER CASHIER/Wal~u. ~ .• ov. D~ = m:..,e~1: Some typing. niee C.li-1. ti.rm. u 21 pt-time, no 8undl.y1 or ply at 221 fi.tarine Aw. $4l3 mo. Pufer matutt. hollday1. Call tor appLl:O"°'"""~-~-'~~ Jf' J..'j ITT JAISCO · ' " ,..,, ,, •-r ••1h ha1 •n lmmedlt lti:11; epenint fer ':•'l .• I • MECHANIC/ii.~ DIAmMEtt~: :.·m Equ&J opportunilY llM~ .,..,1 14&5 Dale \Vay '""'t Costa lifl!lll, CaJlforn1ai"1I Phone: M5-3251 "/.;j Keypunch ... ' .... r, .. , OPERATORS '<I r uu. -$606. "''< .,. Nttd 2 )'e&n expe~ -\VRfl'E -.tii=-ii I '"~ Southorn Certfornii> EDISON ·' .. , .. ' '· . Employment Off'~'~ 'ii •• HARDINGE;m 1 SETUP OPERA TC)~ ~ kitten found vie. ,eanneuta l: Flora, Lquna ..... c:h. '9f-lµO or -4!K-2S36 BLACK &ftd ~hite lhort· 'tr.ired puppy. 3 mos old. ~a St. C.~I. 54s.3nl IIA ~lti:SE , M.a<le cat ~v.•Jrbinea!Gne 'Olllar. Near jl'!tll a ""%• C.111. ~136 URl:E tomal• pup. lltwtJ. F. 1· CARI' ENTRY ~IINOR REPAIRS. No Job Too Small. CllriDet in pr- qn a o t h • r cab!neta. S45--81T5, U no &rllWer' leave ~ at "'"2312. IL 0. ........... ABlt.rrIES 6'75-il!M5 t am _ 11 am I: u . DRESS Shop wants pl for ALL types rock, wood f: UNLIMITED AGENCY Kramen Colonial Kitchen. Wes I: potentlt.I manqer, Handyman anytime y o u ~int c&ll. 6<:1-3391!. Clean Up And Haul $10 a load. 646-2528 asphalt shlnites. LEAKS 488 E. 17th, &Ute 224 512 W. J.9th. C.M. Mu.st have at lea.st one yr. l'...IJ~) Experienced on ~ operation work. ?tflnlmim three )'ffn ~­ have own too I 1. .Dl;p';,. lhilt. ..... IJ~lored. vlc. Slater ~ Euclld, F.V. 54,._n43 LK. le 'Wbt. dutch · bUMY. St., NewP>rt Beach. ~Tl25cr646-<!0T ~ ........ Y...,.. .... t ·r.".· Pantry ...... lei - "' Falrvie'!" 5'6--2!11U cat fowd Fff, ~1, ' .E. .. D ' ,. GEN. repair, add., cab. Fannica. panelifw"; mulite. Anythin&! Dick, 6f3.44j9 REPAIRS * ALTERATIONS * CABINETS. Any SU. job 25 yrw eXper. 548-6113 ' CARPEN'IRY, Cabinet., Remod. No job too small. Qual work. Call 646-2576 REPAIR. Partitlonll, Small remodel. etc. Nile or day Reu! Call KEN 540-4619. REPAJR.remodl!lina:·patlos LET 1HE SWEDE 00 fr! * •4M-18S3• * REPAIRED. Work l\l&r. Costa P.fesa 642·1470 CASHIERS Wanted: Na· cwttnt exp. in boutique 1147-ll.S6 Atrro ualstant service tional Lumber SUppty, H.B. &bop. Box MlS, Daily Pilot * Rcot i..w R<P&ired • """'"'· twni ' PBX "'""· Call 962-5.illi betwn OAlll· *· DRIYllS * BAY 1' Beach JanitoriaJ All 'fype1, Guaranteed ad typist, 9-4!, S days wk. 5Pfl;t. N "---' Carpets, windows, floon, -:::::::0:;""=:":;":::"::""""=· ·== Aak For Mn. 8 rant· COASTAL AGENCY e ~.e11ce ete. Res 1' Comme 'l . -Jotwon &-Son Lincoln Profe11ieMI Neceuaryl 646--140L Sewing • •• 1.-tercury, 2626 Harbor Blvd., Employment Must have dean Call.IOmia 6735 r,c.;) Permanent em~ Elccellent company I lits, owrtirne. •"J ."l' ' . , . Apply In person 1-f -,- ' Shur·Lok Corp;-HOUSECLEANING $2.2J hr. • Oreumakini • Altcratlon.1 Bc::~=: Llve ln or A11ltt•nce drlvlna record, Apply + tranlportatlon. 8 hrs ~r Des~ to .Wt you, A member of YILLOW CAB CO. day, M2-«J90 Call O!Jt. For 2 a:mall boy~ 8.Uf· Snelling I: Snellina Inc. 116 E. 161h st. r Jo * 6f6.&Uf ·' 5PM. Own transp. Re.fer. -... 1 •• ~ Bl CM ,,__ ••-~ 1::00 E. Normandy Pl., Woman Wants 646-0951 aft s. "'"" _.uur , 5401055 ........ -San A Ho\l9CCl.eanina:. Reier. Tiie, Cer amic •'74 Harbor mvc1. at Adams ELFCJ'JWNIC Data Proce• (I blk N '"1 na .~r .,• Call 540-3143. BABYSJTJ'ER. Re.liable, in **CLERK TYPIST 11--Tennitial n.....rator. . 0 McFadqen.~ ho ,...191, .. ,. "'....-~' blk w. ot Grand) EXPERIENCED Lady 1''0Uld * Verne, Tht Tile ,Man * my me or )'OU!'I. Admittine, medlcal rec. Hl(h Sehl Gnd w/3 yn ot '""""'"!'!'!"!!!'!l'!!'!'!!'!l••I likll housework. 9Mf-4P?tf. CUst. v.'Ol'k. Install I: repain. a!ttr 6 pm or&:, per10nne1. BAY. broad clt:rlc&l l ofc work I" MANAGIR , $11.00. Call 836-3.YJ2 -No job too small. Plaster BABYSITl'ER. live-In. Llte VJE\V CONVALESCENT ~ accur. l:ypln&:-50 Over 40; •. unit~~ ~feaa Cleaninl Smlioe patio, LHJrlnc 1bawer Hlkffplrc. Sp an l 1 b Ok. HOSPITAL, 2053 Tburin W.P.M. A record kttplna. ium, No rental4. Otc I~ Ca ts w1ndo 1loo repair. 60-Jl)fl aft I C.M. St, C.M. Operate datd term.lnall on m.lnlslratlVe duties. · '-91Mftt, Cencr•' 6600 :: .• 0muxadL ~c. I =-"-":;'·.::195::1::,1-:,::.=:_-====·====:..!.=:::;;=:::;:-.,.,===~ j llne to E.D.P. Computen. viae Main. Men. Submit Re ? QUALITY CERAllUC TILE JU. Mon, w ..... 71G0Jobo --Worn. 7100 Salary ........... Apply ,. c -""-• WORK ~-ell. ,.. .. ~, O&.lalJH:d Pel'IOtlnel, 1901 !~e,:.. , T. A. No. 2, P.O. CX>N~tu:.IC. \\'Ork all types. lncomti Tax •740 61""' '"""""" -T:.io HB D:i48 CARP~Y. Repair1, Remodt~ Cabineu. No job t0o 1mall.' Call 646-4224. I ·1 1 I l Sa i. ... b ak ANY HOUR. Work · Newport Blvd., C.M. ' . '· • Skl';i.;:;u..~ u~·s.~~~ Smiley J•• SefYW.o auaranteed Auomblers' -· Clcolnr d&te 2/1!. ~ Bui>er for """ Quality. 142-tDIO II& -* '37.J941 * FEMALE FiaO!YP&Cliii· · _lbop_Coa.'""!~!"!f.--t---" B h.. ( tn 5'1" or owr{$L""f5 M. to Evans 531-1421, 2111 CUSTOM CONCRETE e Uth YEAR LOCAU.Y e Uphol -urroug 5 orp. l!Ul ............. i... l ,..~ Padllc Cout H.,,, H.B. 0 Reward. Trl-cola'r ,(l~ck. pkl, ~Pllte) female ·Cit , 1 , mo old. JtecenUy ,..;.d-Blacl< ~ ..... , .... l.,'tlite bib, bUlhY tall. 967 Ofiey•i>neSt. CM ~UBI Te.rrW Delmatian . Cat. male, "'·bite, 4 yrt., w J lei.sh. Rt:v,.aid. °"'"' fil'vlnr 1....u<• sr.utESE cat ~ed .mrn I"' Sin n.mar!Slno. N.B. ;21sno. call 541-1,t1s . l ~ard. • 5 6 7 8 J.OSr: Old En;llsh ShetP q, lhlC;)' 'Wht W/Sff.Y• , ~ ..i. 1~. Rcwm 11.-a •••••••• , " - Patlol. pool declm, tic. FrM Qualified ~ Reasonable •ffry It ral.&ei. ~ MA'n.JRE WOMAN cit. ~6 aft 6 pm \Y. A., (Bill) SMILEY ctYKOSKl'S CU.tm. Uphot flllrUlll NEWTO CC0~..,.2~ • CONCRETE floon,, pa.. Cerpfied Public AQCOunt't European Craftsm&lllhlp "-w """"'reltl (o-.ter ~Plint """"' ·~ tios, matonry. Any 11 job, 60-'111 ,~me 146-9$6$ 100% finl M).1434 "' .. .,....., "' Need a car. Sales exp •:J ·~·Den, 64USl4 &It,<. 'D!AL'd!reefl00878. QW'p U.U N•wport Blv. ell MISSION VIEJO $7n -siJ4 ~. CALL 55T-'"'• CEMENT WORK. m jcti loo )'OQI' ad. tben &It -and IT'S Beach -.r!rne. B19 , AGE•~n"' •HE!Glft'• 5'1'' MEDICAL Rtteptlc"\l~-. .r hl.11, ttuonab.e. Free Iii""-: _, the phone rl,nc:! pat .election ever! See tbl Mtnliiium WQGHT: lft p~ EQ'd, Jor GP ottice IOCkt Estlm. H. Sturuck 5'S-8615 NO\•! ' . DAILY Pll.D'I' \VAkT ADS! New takl"I appllut1eM t.r portion to Misbt PHYSIC.U.· Alary. ~ '1"1• C.ntractors 6620 Addition• .. f.tmadellnl Fred ·"· Gerwlck. Lie. 67U0(1 • 541.2110 C••e! Cleon!"' '6U CARPET STEAM CLEAN· ED No •P· no bnub!1. For Ml.~ Ao-OK ....,,.. 9peCJal IT .IO rmAlll ... hallt. etc. Ai.o --··-OrywN ·- • Ol\6oy ofywall Cc , Llc'd o:inlnctor. Larp or Small -· Pl!. MT...U 'fRE SUN NEVER SETS on DAJLY PILOT WANT AOSI 'Cluftflell .a are ..... te .... ........ .. COit. ·call usl ...... 642·5678 A. SSEMBL:ERS REQum~, "1'" -~~=~'""'ll!!itol • ocbool """ v&lld call!. op. See Bel'> 8-at tratot's lictnse, U.S. citizen, dub at our new ~lint in Minion Viejo, Cali!. Some experience prtferred. Apply ·a am • 4,30 pm Monday throuitt Friday EMl'LOYMINT OFFICE 25725 ....... '-..... Mi•... vt.j9. Calif, . mnn ' nte appllcatlon at Oty Hall, m J" I ' I m w.-i..ter A .. w..... iu C..xec , mlnoter, Calli. Bdore Maid. -.. U, lttO, S PM. Wrltte.n e:urn Aatrqo lot aar..er G~fl March "'· mo 11111 l9Mill 4111 w Cout HWy. H ...-• I~: Cer Mochon~ : ::; MAN~cL Cood ... -... Ind paid Wlal!H .. ..ioc.1e 11,.r. ... n<Otlon, -""' .... Incl • --~Cood ........... ,..._ M-, -·"-'"'f"b -. -.. •• • tn ru .. Florido •1111>4 Joo -Ph. 540-11'4. -the lop ,,,_..,; rO.sTifi · s FREEZE . In tht HoUday IM SJattm. Woman. Jin:. U am..t pm, Reswne on ~st. ~ ~ .AP!'• .. w. 1911!. °""°' -1. """ C.M. M ~ MODEL t Gulbransen 'DAILY P11.0l' D 1 M>E • A. orp.n. Stpuate Le IJNU. Y.ou can me them ..,.mr. Liia new. P\i\ ,,. ,... """""' • cloy. Diel !511-1402 "' ,_,..,.,....,.....,, MMi8TI UNITED nJNO..Comm~ •_,. __ ""!" _______ ,. __ ,111ll~l':~QIJ~lCKER~~Y20~U~CALL,~ Owst 'l'llt> c.t Ult job THE Q°'.CKER YOU , -bell ' I I I I ' I I I j I I I ~.,1 ... . ... • if~I\ ' - ---- --· " . "' ' t "'1>:.. -. \ '\..~ ' .. . ... .. ..;,.___ ... .. .. ' .,, ' •'," ,_ , l l .. . . ' ... . ...... . ......... •.. . . . . . . . . , .. · .. . ,.:,· .. . . . -.- ... . • r ,:..·· • - I ' ' • ... •l·~~ t'. -tl'li -D. f ":a 11•tt, ' • ...,_,,,r .. .,#' ~-.....-.._..,...-~---• - • • . . . .. • SO YOUR LITTLE RED -WAGON -is -REA-CEY~ DRAG-GIN' . . l\LL llLL.. ' BILL :~:,·ADD HORS .. EPO WER TO . THE FAMILY B-UDGET. --..... ~ .. . .. ' . . ... . .. -.. ~r-~ ~~.'! .. : ' ,. ,/U'1 ......... ~ ........................ . You can handle those bills. 1'11 you need are the dol· lars you'll 9et for all the still·9ood, but'~ nobody· uses. them items you'll find all over the hou5,. Make a list of th~m today and decide to turn those unwanted ar· ticles into extra cash~ It won't cost you . . . it'll p~y you. And you'll be surprised at how f~st you can sell iust about anything with a DAILY PILOT ' classified ad • Try it today. Every day is a good day to use . . ' -· --- ..... :. '-"'",. .rt.' ~ • --.".1 ,... ,;:. ' -.. Uf,,,., --.... - -,. ' . . . • DAILY PILOT WANT ADS (And You Can Charge Them) \ ' . - 642·567 - ' . • i ..,_ ______ ..,.. ______________________________________ ..,_ ____________ ~ __ _.,, . . .. -. - DAILY · PILOT 'CLASSIPIED INDIX ,IOIS a IMPLOYMINT JQIS & IMl'!-QYMINT --~ , .. , Men, Wom. 7109'9111 Men, Wtm. 7100 , Frldoy, Ft""'-11', 1970 ~ MlllC~DtSi POii MlllCHAHDISI _ ....,,. . ,,.,... .. • IALI AND· r~DI ·IALll AHD TIADI SALi 'AND TAADI SALi Jobe Mon,Wem. ,100 .... JOIS I l/ill'LOVMINT mo s....ta .. """'ttura • •!!!'!.._. -Gar~ s.i. " em -"I~ "":'" Sa/U J c PENNEY co Slla.,., )'OU"I c.. :::.'l ..... . ~ ;; . I GARAGE Salo: 7 Nefchhon SING!:R .... - -- .... • • • • • Clll Lcnlne, Wutdltt -II •W>w-Of~-..... 014 ,.. ·- ...... - -~·. • • FASHION ISLAND ~ ~""'" :lllCI \fut· I i!J I ~ '" I Incl. x....... Wubr l ,,. li&'Uc. button """' IL.-•-IAL.,....""'!'D.,....lllBc.r!!'""_.,....ca""'!'~-IW1-.~I~ !· Nit~g~~BE.\CH :' :.i~v;;_'f1'7° Uaa ao.s ~ : • IJ . ~ G~"'."';,,,~u .;::: :::n·~:; :::,r HOUSES FOil SALE :ffil~"Hal:tl'" """'" = MENS CLOntlNG SALESMEN --·· --··· -• • ~ clotbu, ttc. I03ll • ....... ........................ ~~·".., -·q .. :.. 1 t --" t tn -·"ve SICY t. Y.P. mallATilll -'='~,,_ °"""""""· 'N.s. Sal "Moi1lcal 0 Wlt t.~:..O·::::::::::::l:: iu.;J;'liu~• .r.~fi'rl'""""i p£l "an· an'd0 0":'1a~.?l4men1nc '--~.fi~~ chanc':' to Younl ............ aolt ot&rt. -11 ,...:;:: a': •ITS'""' 1un, 211'·' 15' MM518. ln•I""'*"• 11• dlA Vito• ............ ' •. tn• 'flllJ.IL~.l. " r.a.u """ ""It ' _ .. .....J vr WAVlll 141', 0000 va-.. ·-3 ... _ .. lab! L ~ •••II .. , ............. '""" • -.,......... participate In this company's expansion pro' ' •' •Ith 2 ,...,. """" ,.. $ 1111 & M .. ---~u • CONTIUO ; '•"••-'• '"',-!!...: .................. , •,.•..,'~ fAl.. ... ·.'i'i''"" ·:.. cram. penence. Proacteney MthP•1nt12 •• Fw bs11 S2. J..uaq.,rack st Ockt9 •cCOIDt-• ...,..,. .......... .... ~ ••·· HI Hlllll .-'a e-''" lk. ••~-"'-~ .,. """ SALt6l COYfl ••••••••••••• tlll COMMllC•.t.&. . ............ APPLY IN PERSON Oicta'phoae It Olk exec. ... .., ___ ....... ...... --"" -M "'-· '""' .__ wt _,,___ 11-*'"0fl:T .., .............. 1. INOUtT•IAl. •• .., ........ ••··!!! 6C41U. A d to ·-........ di I • bouda SS. -Xlnp R'*1 .....,,J', Ul.J --. th cut. . fAT'CllST ..... ; .............. ,.,. LOTI ......... : ............... i:i: 9 am to 9 pro ~ ecora r URaln ~ on IJHJIY -., m.p ~ aft . .., value + "euy ID tAiYJMO••• .................. am u1tCM11 ............. -.. ·-··" M d th Saturda rooms Ot 1Mr1eoila h '-1•h fuiniture (was , 5 pm."'."''. 541-2314 , __ .. -• ~,.. m""" oov1• ........... ~ ........ 1m CITlUI ~· ............. •Ut on ay ru y ~VICE StatioD-Grivtyard ... ......,..._., ~ _... • •1 J' ~w:1 ... u:NM":::::::.: ~a.:~~:::.:;:: J. c. PIN,.-t CO._ ' man. ' niJu ... Muat bl s"'ac· tt129151F· 1cE $425 n:B.4 .. a .10'.i p:iu.J..ot. Qf ~----m~~ .. 1i1Ntv1um PAI.It ........... 1111 ll$OIT' . .. ...... • bl I I d M&t, clean. I: op'4. 4JIClbt bnJtuft te u .. _, ftne r~ EA.'i ....v1.,u u.n1 1P•• .............. : ....... ,,. UAM• co. -...... 24 Fas on s an In ..... -~-• • • • • 1 • e • "'!""'"' $350 or 8Nt ou.r UCK IAT' ........ _ ........... 11" OUT OP IT'Afl '· .I ...... ,.. Equal opport"•'ty employer pepon .....v~vu ·~ pltcet, Ill t)'pft:. llZt ,._..,...,,.. ~~u"' ................... ~= :'P,:t:O: .~::r:.:::::;·::;: ...... HarbOr Blvd • San Di:tao •·pc. Medlt•rrtin••n IMreo"' Suit1 In ,.,,.,, · Baybtrry 'ft'~. umv. Pk., ~ After l PM ' 1•"1N• r11uc1 ............ tw t1Al. llTATll ••v.c• .... .-.J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!'"!!!!~."!i!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!.J Frwy. No phone calll. tR•t• •J4t.OOJ . ~ NOW $16&00 J'rvtne ~· ACCORDION I COIOMA DIL MA• ....... ,. •. 1• ,,L &XCHAll•I ................ Jo~ M W 7IOO Jo~ M W 7100 ~-• e>..u n---flllll< -~• ~· r.LNA 11••1111s111.A ......... 1• t. L WAllTttO ............... .--~. om. w Atn, om. SERVICE Statloa Attedarit, vertMUs SpenT1h Custom lullt Sol• with GIGANTIC 1~ SaJe -l"\411 -· .-.... ---. • "':c:..::;_,' ·:.:·:;::::.:".": .. :::: IUSIN!SS and Mo THE R s,.SUBS"ITI'l11'E Salf:a exp'd., Howty "a I e + rn•tchin9 Lev• S..t-Chtlce ef · IM•v#lfvt Now tU Feb. 2i. BDRM 1el, MAROO PoJo Elec. GW. LIOO ,,.._.,"' ................. ,.,.•• FINANCIAL -·~•. ·~-R','E, •-•e·--Wan•-, =-. Perm., ••n •-• .. 9110 fabrics IR., ••tt.911 NOW ....... ·-"·-, pool table, w/3 PJl. l Knox•-• -IAl.NA lSwr.l'ID .............. IUllWUS O"'Ol:TUNmas -,.,,.,.~ n.A'~ -u ....... ~ &ff ....,-: • • ..... > ...... ~-.-_.....•or MUtn'llle'TOM ••ACM ... -... 1 .......... -·-.. .._ Xlh't ··-· .... w~· ..... . ·-·"··-· ·-11 ...... ·-. E. O>lat Hwy, N.B. s-nlsh Olnln1 Sets --·---· "LM l&mJil, ... ~·· Yllltio rurn1:Call==-=='::;====i'cl IMfMT••TOff MAIMUl ... ,.1... -· •.. ,....... "''" ... ., ""'"'"~.-L9 .u.nu ,,,-d ., 9 ' I: 1!= 19';SlCorna 'Pr: Of .. "' ... ,,.""',.••••iv .......... ~= l:~m:t:l:iiii~o~~ . .".'':J:-Otlld o.tt Jttpe, nreded ln spedallziar in liltinc and SERVICE Sta. Attand. Ex-Solid 01k b Tebfel and COffee T1bl1s...$1t.IO e · t • • PlaftOI & O · 11 ..., -MOfillY TO LO.U a11 M>rne schl arta. For local Kie o1 undewloped acrtaa:e per. Full time. Pref Older Ttll 0.coretor Teble Ltmps MOVING: all k1ndl ot keen r91n1 • ?~:.:-:~ ... ·::::::::::::::.•';. ~::m;--L:::::::::::::a: tnttf'\IW write fWJy to R. c. for ~ilaf development man. App: 560 w. 19th, (R·i· Mt.ti) --· .NOW, ..... I·"'* ind ~ at.' SCUBA PWlOS . ORGANS ! eAIPIM 01ov1 .............. 1.,. caLu.T•uL LOit.IH ....... · · ........... p o ~-.. -c M --~ -·~-tlo ho " CM s I H I S · 1 ftlU' land a:-underwater NEW LON~M ,., ................ 1• •uLasTATll..OAJll, ............ .,,.. · .DUA.,.., • • ·~1 QIQM:K"n ua.. ne ·1~-·-·~~-~--~ P•n1 ·•ntnt w19 .,.mpa 1 1 ·~-· . . . USED .AIC ..................... ~= ~TtMU. TNt ~. ,...,. NEED SUnda)' mail earrlera full time ale.men. R.E. Llc. Sewln& MIOhlne Open1an 6-,I R•i· $49.tlJ ----NOW izuo ' came~. mlmeo ~. e Y'IJl;l.&ba Pia.no.. Oi'llM•j: )U ... couNTY ............. MONIV .,.,.,.. ........ i.: . .-'d ...._ __ ,_,__ i........t.. .,A _____ S"..o..•d 1-~-C IDIT •v•tL. NO MONIY DOWN household_ items. 2221 un11 .. • ...... ____ no.). • .,. " =~: =:r:.:·::.::·:::::: .. = ANNOUttCIM~ := ~ u;. ~ 1$1 Fo&:nc"'"';;1t=' ~~"7" ~~. ;~ II m~ ~ . Lane nr Harbor Hi. ._.., • Ki::ll Pt:;; 1 ~:.f.:stita":::::::~::;::::~l:ll ind NOTICES .. 1 , JIU opportunity. Cmtact • Available; conditiona wttb Dice ('!'>Pie FURNITURE · SOFA Bed,' leather rMwl • Kobltf I: c&ritpbreU f MIOWAV c;tTY ...... : ..... i .... N1• POUNO I,,.~ .............. ___ .. Willett ••• --...... 1-__ to handle ii~-lo work for. "'"P: . 1519 -m .._by ltem1 -c· A .. T MUSIC •A .. TA""" .................... 1 .. LO!..T ___ J: ................ , .... ;')...... ......... -~ .. U>.05 .... • -...... • ...... • . • ~ .• IAMTA AMA MllTL ............ ,. p1.-Lt , ..................... NORWF.GIAN 2 pc. ... te'rritory oonlaitrln& prime Monrovl.a, C.M. small appllanc-ea, ml1 c. NEWPOJtT .. HARBOR ! O•ANOI ...................... 1 .. AllfllOUMCUUTI ............ MM 11,nd au.it&ble for &ingle SERVICE SfATION Attndnt. 1144 N -rt II d hoUlewarta. m Dakota Cotta Pdaa + m4151'• '""'" ........................ ,' .. "' •••""n ................ -.... ~, -be4ae plald +oiled and ul" ~-" -••·n. ewpo v •Har•-~tlt·J) CM·--~--101 ~ 1•• ~-...,.:. jllo•TM TUUtM ............... """ w . ,:; ............... :tftJ tiUwood CClrDlll' tabk xlnt m .........,...y .... ....., Part time. t yn up. Neat. _... Ta. _.._ UJ"l'I' , '" ......, -n. •MAM11M .................... , .. ••10 011ru..av. ... ,. ......... ..,. • t1a1 ----• ... -· .. t uae OW" .,_ Jim. -N•-n•~. C I M , O I G•• •GE •-•-. -~--. 111.V••ADO CAlllT'OM ......... 1 .. l'Ua!IU~' OIRllC'Nlal ...... MM for den er family nn. $125. W""~ """"" ,__ .,_. utn.1 ""'"" .,...,. -" ..,,_ .. " U.OUMA tllLLS ................ H• ~Oft"11 , .................... ' .. ,_ oiled teakwood lamp eiooellent builder cootacts Colt& Meu. OS a esa n y C.M .. Sat I: s.un 10-S. l, I LMllHA tlACN ................. •o °' TMAMICI ............ '41• n-.. ·-__ ,_ -.. ·~rd but "'-'""'=~===="'" u.ouNA M1eu•1.. ........ -•• ·IN MSMOaw. ................ .ru table $30 557-T9110 ..... r -•· .......... · SHARP SECRITARY . Reccrd1, booka, 54 Okla, ._, 11ut11ow v1110 ............ 11'1 C1M11T11v L.-rl ............. "'11 • :!1! tra..,......tn otberwl5t quall-•-beauh• ~·--t 0--. 25 lvwy N'-Lt 6Tll t -Wed..1 Sat.& Sun. 'Tit i mtac lmtu. lF you &ti! b\lYinl a PllJ ' &AN CLEMl:NTI' ............ 1"1 CIMITllY c•vm ........ Mt NURSES ~ • even-uc:u ""' v ....,..,..,, ........,., l!!!!!!ll!l'!l!M..,l!'!!!!'!!!!!!li ~ .,.,. JUAM CAl'llTUNO ...... 11tl c•M•T••v CRYPT'I -....... '411 I • -·-· _....... ....... to 35, attrac well aroomed IN THE BLUFFS Ne''""bor-or ...... u thll Y1:AR __ : cA111sT•ANo 11ACM ......... 1111 c•1MAT0111s ................... re • ""6" ............ -· • Salelm&D to ban::Ue So. ,,. • ' JOBS & IMPLOYMINT hood -·•· 1:n1"""' , .'~.·-.. are Interested 1n IOme ~-IOAM" 1101NT .................. 11• Ml:MOllA~ PAPI .............. beoefita. Apply PertonneI ,_~ Qnmtv ·Northern 5 :yn: exp., lhthd 90, t;yplnt" I'll flu .... -...,_......,, ~ • 1., tAIUl.lO ..................... 114' AUCTM*S .. .... ................. ...__._ So ~--t Com vSan·~' 0'1-~.: ...... ·~m·· 'lO Exec. Mon thru Frl, • to ~;;;;;;;;;;ti;;:Jiiiiii I~~-~'"~~'"!...---~ 5Cli Lore-Tbun Fri Sat v areat dff.11, ... Jeue abl)i ' OCIANllO• ................... 1151 AVIATION llltVICI ............ .... .. -........ • .....,.., • _ .. ll..VWlv .... School•lnttruetlon ,.. " • • . WARD'S BALDWIN mmv "'" D1•• .................... 1111 Tuv•'--~:.:l.'.t'····•· .. ••• ....... muilU;y Hosp., 31872 Cout •-. ~ • .., la n.t1JW anc1 _s_,.,_.~~=.,.735===----:--:--------!QUALITY GAME TABLE. 11-t l8lll N-•N·ll!I~ •NllSIM CDUWTT' ............ At• TaA,._TATIOll ........... H So. '--·-.. &l!ll ,,_, -.. LETYPE Sf -G ·-~---... _, ~ MOUtlt TO u MOVIO ...... 1,. ""'° TuNsl'OaTATION ..... ..-wy., .._..._ sale cl.. larle. speculattw TE . ER.MAINE SCHOOL ~ of Mutlnhille. GARAGE Sale: N.me the 0ptn: l:V'tlj Hite ~ :OMOOMIMIUM · .............. -.. t..SOAl. MOTdl · .............. Gt. 35i ... -...1, .1.-.i establlshed in. OPERATOR OF MUSIC (Ro)t&l Tribune) OctQOQ&I -ce A:-tlft It .... v . Sal • a.Ma .. ,,..,.,.._ DVfl\.IXll ll'otl U.l.I ........ 1:: Ill.MAii a TVT'OlllMe ....... Mfl -..~ AllD .,., --• _....., ,.. Al'AaTMPTS Ha &Al.I·· "1 SERVICE DIRECTORY NUMING Aull. W/Lite valor cllentele pl'!i'd, but $450 up to IW't. Beautiful Piafto.oraa.n leuona Thi tlx48x25 hl&h. Finest ~ 10 'tll 4. 5111Ai Bolaa, llE''T'LS · I •-Ill -•-oil! • --• IN YOUR HOME wooda. Inla.ld I: buried ...... N.B. .. ~ 1ccouMTtM• . • .. . ... .......... Housekeepina: :1or .em ..... w U"&lll. ee, ~. · ..... ~f-Ts;n!i;;-'Pm_::J•""!""!~!'!!!''!!'!!lll~·"' HouMS fvmlshed ~~: ::r.:g, ·;Wiii· .. :m valid. Hn. 3-T pm Mon. •Salesman to handle land lndeptncleftt Al\rwhen in Orange Coonty 4 matcli din w/upld •ati S:AT I: &m lD-5 pm . e•M••.t.L ................... • All'MALT, Of-. ................ .-Thur 1 Fri 8·30 Lm. &:30 auita~ for Ccmmerclal I Penonnel A,ency Iiltructot-Mr. Jean (Jon> I: cutan. New " al q , Houaebold .tumllhlpp. 310 * PIANO RENTAL INTAU TO,,... .............. AUTO •• ,..,.. • .. ' ..... _._ .... _.. • .............. _. devel-•nL SUI c Paul. MA in mwilc. Oberlin cost. to: eow.11 a:-crystal Loma T--' .. ..:; ..... Bch. SP~·· -:i01TA MIJA .................. ,, .. AUTO,,.......,.,.,. .. ~.'* PM Slt & Sun.~· \..all u..a...u·.... In& Oranre Ave te ..._ 1 .. h -L--~-"--~·-"' ..__ ~·~ ~ ~•sA DIL. MAI .............. 11• ..-an1n1N• .. . .......... •OR • •U'I' Must b ave conaiduable C.M. · &fl.«Qi, ' 56(911 uinser.>atory -former ltu· 6 I,. t CfllUDUIU" SUO. Prtv 01-1556 ' No time lJ.mjt. Rental afPllioil MISA v••D• ................ 111• IOAT MAll"Tl~NC· ........ = . ~· experfellee in this field dent ol the Unlve lty f pty Hunt Harbour (213) ~~~:::T•,AMM ·::::::::::::~~ =~~f:e.s?::::.C·u*:.:::::,"• OLD establillhild lnsurance: and establiJbed clientele To t•rv• you b•tter Paris. Students.;' ta,uJ1 sn=.100 MISC. lttma, )'Ol.i name It. :~~~~· lllWPO•T MOTi ............... tlll IUILOl•I · .................. .wt a&'!rlCY desires secretary . I jf'1 the fundamentals of mule 11-5 Feb. U tbJii 15, CCl!IU' o•o•us. n.-.... ..__1.:. I 1WPOlT 1MOa•1 .......... mt cAt•IUI0 .. "11 di-I ~ ... _.. Sal-rrtfd. Perhaps orm nu. c< 111-• Bl··~" nu.11.n go:m~ _ ,.,,. • ., .................... c.<11•nMA••,. ............. -·-·--cleua !or Comm.reiaJIIo. , JASON llST .....,, l keyboard hannony SCRAM LETS • ~•. °"""' C'ounty. Wa -DOVI• SMOllS ............... mr C.t.•l'IHT••IM ................... a.ry oipen. ~1515 alon• with music ... • H.B. IU-175& .......... ·--·· -~ W•tTCLU"I'" ............... me c•MIEMT, c..cr.tt ................ dUltrlal Dlvlslion. E I t Atan<y ... u.u ~ .... _ -. ""1Utuv1•s1TYJAIJL ........... nv CHILD CAii; ~ ........ M11 OPERATORS, experienced DIKE AND COMPANY INC. mp oymen pttclation. The coorse of ID-ANSWERS OITJCE Reception Furn. 30 Mon 6-Fri eves, &in U IO llVlllll ........................ -CONTUCTORI '°' LljJI. &1.•1 2201 So, Main, SIJlta Ana rtructiOn ii not a -A~ Aa•--•~, •••'J •-• Uphol unmQND , IACK UT' ................... !Mt C.Ul'IT CLUNit.···: .. :::;:::.. CID ~lltl I: bildnl.I. Ap-Phone: 1714) -.-, 546-5410 .. .._.. .....,. --' _.,. --. nn.w.IJl r.·~.!"u" .................. = CA•l'IT U.YUI• ..... All ~ p11: 163 Productica Place. w11kdey1 for appt. mies, but each student ~ . . chn .. lldioa&l. 1610 w. la CORONA DEL MAR lltVIMI ,. •• ~~ .......... -_ .. ::::;:w:,. .. :::::::::::::: .. ::... N:B, PH: MMl30I ~··--, WAl'l'REM Wanted. S,Ut ltimulated ta Jelrn Ol\ hit a.Ket -Canal -nub -Coast Hwy, &rlte D, N.B. 285t E. Cout Hwy. (Ol:Oft,A Dl.l. -........... DltAP'TIN• SlllVIC8 .......... ..., ·, t ' . ~~I ' ....... ....... --n..hv .,_ own ~ Jtwl Are """'-t o---BEN"". -tnnrn.JG pool IAUOA , ........................ = 1u1cT1UCAL ..................... OPERATORS -Spectal. '( -<Do You Take ...,.. _...,, ,_ ~ .. .,,, ..._ .1 ' 4W .... -,., "II: ~ ..,..,~ vacuwn, LIPO !IL ..................... OUll'MlfllT •••TAU ....... wt . _ ___. Palla.de• Rd. s.A'. you forelnc )'OU!Wlt or )'O'U' Uoluclq footb&ll player: He pole, brush • net $3S. Mini· FINAL l'I rlDllll'rt . •Av tsu.NM ................. = 1111Nc1N• .......................... machlne -E:xpene .... ~. WAITRESS Exper only. Fri., ~~"to -~~ce!_.~ wu injured in the footb&U BUJe '90. CM-5259 ~· .._ ruw.:.~J:N.~ ... cH ':::::::::1 .. ~~d.iidi.'1iii''ft'.-.:::::: Stead.>'. llop pmy, lport!IWMt (SAWMEN .... _ ., 30 -....... re ..... y ""'V"J'"'I' w-. 1 a me He kB OFT 1bt . l'OUllTAlfll VALL•Y .......... 10• ,.UlMITUll 11iT'Oi1W mcfr. 60-3411 Sat Ir ......, .. er : p.m. -or are you watinc ~ BENOi: GARAGE SUe: Sat I: Snn. 1· All Floor Kodell Radlc,,.i t=~ ~~~~ ·:::::::::::::-:: .. ::= •.1.•~::rJ:""~ ........... : 0RTHODON'l'IC usittant, WANTEQ ADS) Maln St., Balboa. ~2850. time 1i: money? Instructor ll ~ PM. 441 E. 211t st., N.B. GOULD MUSI~\ 1t::r•• COUNTY ............. ,... ............. lllVICU ......... Mii • t'd, n:>t Will with a &nDn oi. salt? Can't WANTED: BabyAitter, 4:30 MHin& only 1erloualy in-USED portabl1 black • All nice ltnna. 0.p! ... ".!l: liiilT~l~~l!···::::::::::::::::t:~ .~~.·M--. OIKMllO ................ _ ~In· ~--u~ say that I blame you, I fol-PM to 1:30 AM. M~Fl'I. ttftlled adults or )'OUnl white TV ltll: -ell in aood FRI, Sat. a. ... iw. 540 San 2ot5 N, Mala, SA S4T~ rk.'1t:"C..":1:i0HTi '.'.'.':::::·lli: •"•M ·;:,.uu·:::::::::::::::mi u .. · pv:-RT~.TIME lowed a few myseil only to My oome. :t ChUdftn, TA 4 t*>ple • beitnning or ad-condition · While thty Wt, BHnudino,N.a 2 piece , CQUTAL v. •u" '"°"" ................ ,,..,,. " be di1appoln1ed. ~ job * 540-0l!:M * , vanced students. For your cbolce $0.50. We have tee&nal •""-'. &.dUMA ll!.t.cM .. ::::::::::::::m1 HEALTMCLUIS .............. '"' EVENING WORK !do u·~ p '" tbe •·-•·· In! . II :t aood Wied l&l ~I, ...,. HAMMOND sttinwQ, y .. . -=·· •1e.u11.. l1G MAULIM.O ................... ne M lie m ~ ~ -YOUNG Men~ who want !1&11.Qr.i" onnabOn ca _ ... ,.... .----· .i.1.... ....... aL.. New ... ~ ···--. _ .............. MOUSICLIAMIM .............. ,.-p M TO 10·'9 p • claim ·-~-•• . .~ ·-10., ... ww.. ~ ......... "" Aaalfa-1100 ... _ .......... -M IOM VllJO .............. IMT•ltO• DKOUTIM• ...... ·-• • • • I .I.II uoe . to learn a trade ill the lllOY-,.......""'• : -.I.tit nooa,,.or -"'Ae,. ~--·-....... ., .. :zr moat mak••· Bat ...... . I.AM CL•Ml.fllTI · · · ........ m l IMCOMa TAX .AJ41 bu.sine ~T pm "'"" U\&l~111t.1-. "'' ~.... ~ SdJf::~:~:-:"0 ...... :::: .. OH, 0,1• 1l•i 'ltii;':::::::..,. WE NEED tO MEN TO DO YOURSELF ~'!ct &15 ~ n If :: oven $893'. The Fldory, ntIGIDAIRE dcyer, late So. C&lU. al Scllmidt ~~ """ OtiNrr··~~::-.::::: t=~l:;..M ·::::::::;::::;::::-:= WORK PART T 1 YE IN A FAVOR•. tere tea ;.u be': i·JJ un 1885 Harbor. ~ model 550. Adm.Ira! C!o'or C.0.1901 N. Mr.in, suta 1tvaa1101 c ........ -IMSUUMCI ................... "111 •• n,...E·, NATIONAL FIRM 1 • ... u. · THEATRICAL 7l00 TV, $50, Fr1clda1re wuher ~ VACATION •INTALS ......... l!llVEITICIATlll• • .,.......,. .... 111 .-nu I: ~.30 pm 54>-·-s WllK -sUMMn aaMTAl..I ......... "'' JANtTD•IAL ................ 11'1 EXPANDING IN ORANGE AND "II• • SPECIAL THI JSO, MqnaVOJ. Hl·io• I: PJANO TUNING•~ COMOOMINIUM ................ IHI J•W•L•Y ll!:l'Al ............. = ~·~-. NO -·. EXPLORE w•urED 10 ~-~Unit AM/FM t:l:ll GE 21" ~ DllPL.altD·•UllL .......... ,.2111 1.AfllDICAPI ........ ,. ...... ., I ....... U&'1L.>; £.Ar~ Schooltolnlf~tlon JMIO __.. : r-...., '""'"'"'I' _., ' • . ..-...-rt, rtuonahlel ' ••NTALs •• _, =r..i;;;c:::::.•:::.:·::: ENCE NECE.'lSA!tY. wsr THIS ONE' _ ~ovs" 01RLs wtTH Rez:·~SlleF~· :::_~~""'!...TV.Fa.~.,..,. Aarneu • HoVMO Unfurn11--•••a.-..•, ......... -BE 2o ~-OF AGE OR • A DESIRE TO 81! ON njiiilftlU UllWlllll CM NEW l USED !••AL .................... -......... ,,., ............ , 1 I ..... .-= OLDER AND UVED IN II you .. -.. •• ,, .•• lo -·'-TILIVISION •• a ~~· ~ ~ .... • ·w· ~-. Rebuilt TA MISA .......... .,,. .... ti.. ' ...... ........ THIS AR.EA AT LEASI' wuu.i .. __ _......._ ... _...-L ......... .., IA DIEL MA• .............. lllS =~~u;.rr· ............ _ .. __ $300. per week immediately. Far n-On eam.r.. Audi-2158 Harbor 81\'d, • PM. Wllllch. C.M. 540-ml) ! llAllA v1•0• .... _, ......... 111• l'LAITPIM& .,.-;·~· .. _. ONE YEAR. FOR INTER-tion In Your ArN, Call Of. ........... M sa.. !,~!;,..==-:::--,:,::::·I==========~~ co.. ..... f'A•• ............ Jiii 'LU~·-.. ... VIEW CALL 1'RL OR SAT With an opportunity for anre County, 54T-C51. .......la HI NORGE Ref.lie sa:i. depeD-HJ.Fl & SNreo ai MIWPOIT IHIMTI. ............ ~ n•VK• ~· __.,,.,._ ... usu. _.... rWIQil N""'°•T 11ACM ............ ,..,, ,n elOOMiele"'"""""'"i' ' mueh more in the future, a-r-...... Oak foe ..... ..._ .. ,_ ---' .... ,,_ apt llaa J . :::"=.:~~ ... ::::::::::: "°,.~..,. .. ,.~!!~;;;e·;:::::: .. :. n4-7251 1 would like to (Zl.lk to you. ....... MIRCHANDJSI FOR Xlnt. cond.I Lars• ati. w/3 rafri&. ~ freezer, SI'EREO Oxnbtnation, T.~.· oov1a IHO•U • .,,._ ............... -=='~=--~,..--. llf your QUalificaUons malch I I SAL,E AND T••DI ----Jdeal ,....... liquor cab-xlnt $50. Ml)'tm& wubeT, radio, ~ player $21). WbTCLll'" ::::::::::::::: .. m~~~ ................ ·.: PAR.KING Attendant ourrequlremerrta, thia could 'I 11j j~l· . """ --. LVl" _....... cond' •M Ii> lee Dl9 N tlonal CM 1 u"iv11stTY l'Al.IC ........... mi •EMoiiELIHG a •1;.t.iii""··.,. w/drhtn lie. 3J yn I: be ,._ .,.,.., you've Men !J 11 l lnet, ittc. Must~ no room ......... · _.. . e • • · • ~ •ACIC IA"f' · .................. -1e1uoas 1u.111111 ......... AtU Y loolcma" for. Call for l""•----------~i. _.. __ ..... ,.. -·-~. C.M. Tapo Reco-'~-.... lAIT 11.Ul'I" .................... stwhM '"9 Restaurant, 2601 W, (but int~ 10 am &o 3 pm. _,_ ......___ --. UUM.,. -_. .,....... 1.;.;;,;;::'-'C:.:;;;;.,:""":::;=...,...;:-::;:1 •v1•1 ..................... -1EMOo•u••· 10TCMP11 ,.,Mtl over. Appl Dry Dock "'C' -----1 : • ·•LY{-l'umlture IOOO in Pftlent bOnle; m. Old, NlWI P5. :t114 O:mtimntal, 11 T1r9 .__ SIWIH W:C:M111ii i:111Aiiti,... H ~.s • -• •-• ..,.........,, • .., • ._ 18 CU. ft, rwtvel .._, -. u.i..wm SACR111CE ,-SONY-D ---tdio, 1..,IMI n•UCI .... -...... Sl7,li T''"'• ._.,. •IC. •. INI ,wy., a,, • , _,_,,,... n • ...i.. J y ~.-.~_4_ vr _. ~ - cot10MA DIL MA• ........... -,,," ,,.---PAii. T = It ......... ,., .r, ... ,.......,.. E\ .. /wkndl · t speed KENMORE ......... ,,., , 1 C~stuDs :::::::::::::;:::: ~~~::::::~:::: Oldtt.;,;;;:; ~in;~ ' · Dlux wuher, Older IU WE haw .. be&utltul I' l'ICf WASHER. Brand itnr, 0nl¥ " --new. : LIDO ISL• • ............... IW1 TIU. Ulll'1IM a --ffll l5 . M s.a.: dr)ler, Admiral color 'JV, -.,,.,a.. __._ ,__ ..l.... u19d. J tlmn. 'l"rllne.ndoul f'73.JIS,S ....... '""'0 ..................... ,...,.. ...... _ $1. ,,.. ,_ sr. "RANT'$ SURPLUS MIN & WOMENI ~Plece-aect Tablaa ---l -,.,..,1 ~-Dlmua ~-1125. • •IWJ>O•Tw•sT ........... ain T11..n1t• .......... :,... GoodwmRetaUS11ft590W. D COMPUTERPROORAM A lamp•, p* of with carved wood anu 6 ~.·-.. -.,._ !--'-.------_,-... . NUJfTINOTOM IUCM ........ 14• ·-·-•" -19tb. C.M JllNG 1S -·-. ._; upllolo•-• •'"-. J.JI -·•·••--• tab'·· 6 -w•~ Sj!!~l!!f A-,, flU•TllllOTON MA•IOUl -... )411 ,..., __ y '""'".~"""'" • • .a.A.a< ft.lltJi·· LV ICnilllll .,,_... ,. _ _..... ..,.., """' -'' _ .......U l'OUMTAIN ~ALLIY .......... 11111 W•LDitM ..• ,. ,,_ .............. ,,.,;iii==.-:=="'"'=· N I I • • ---1.A-" •• Lf-.11 5 "EFRIG-·TO· ~ '"'"•&AC" ................ MJI WINDOW CUAatNe .. , ......... M7•pUT.riii't Wartbouae ow n 1rv1ew1n9 YOUR PROnTAJLE lttm prloed to ..U qulclrl,y cui;;&\all. ._.., ..... pea on-"' ~ ...,....,, ...... ...,.~ MOYIR 6'6 ,. ...,.DIM .. ov1 .............. 1411 JOBS & EMkOYMINT Md. Preftr etmi-retiftd, Ft1I1JREI ID-5f10 1y $239.16. 1 Ulld ICJfa I: frolt . free, Dbl -door, Wbt, I.OHi llACM ............. ·*' JO• WlolfTIDo ,_ n11 ...._,, . a.an start IOOft. chair, Sold I: nut i5f.81S. 14 cu. ft. Opena from rl&ht. SURFBOARD ; i O•AHI!: COUNTY ....................... , ... _ .... ::.·.·:::·.... able ... bodied ID.Ill. ~ SALESMEN PU t =oft'--'--aL.-1-u.~ ued l ~-~ -~ 11-u ... ·-""" ..n1 • IAllTA AMlt .................... lfl: JOll WANTIO ~ BetWffn 9 It 4. O pro co .. ~ Ul9 SACRU'JCEI r couch, Irr ?be Factor)', .._ °"'""""' )'T. ~......, UIDi.I. "' ..... ~ WllTMINne• ................ x1, ••••••• ~ ................ tlnelt [Wpnimt Ind t•dl· ho! ._ __ .._ C&lh. ·~~ .-iMI $65 , , MIOWAY Cm' ................. a.' SCHOOi.s a :;,.UCTHNll .... , ... PIE BAKER. expe:r part or ltln av.U.blel Relll-dmt up •• chn, BJt turn., .,..,,.._.. ~ ~ SANTA AMA Kl•OHTS ......... MM Joe l'AIPAU'llOll ........... 1111 ' Full Time _.. .. ,ta' Dl'Oll'9"'m1q. U.U&IL ncllntt cbr. Mile. HOUSEJ'UL ot .Furniture, HOTPOINT AulO washer I: 675-M lit 4 pm ' COAIT'AL •··· ................. SM TM .. Ta-•L "" tull time, DO qe IJ.mjt. -------.. pre~ ~-•u •-.~•·-M"~ ·--~ by GE ..... ---~,. both In -~.. I< "'""'~ \A.UNA llACW ··•••·•····••·'* ._ .... ····•··•··-....,.l""'~""' '~ .._.........'-,,......_,... -• ,._.. ..., wa.1'll" ~ uuu u---... u1UNA t11GU•L ............. mt MERCHANDISE FOR Ben10tt'• Coffee Shop but not neceuary, Many ThcAcadcmy Mon! 231 Santa Ana Ave (ar xi.at cond., $45. •a c b . Head.I. SoMJmon b~ s'::lt'~~,:~tJ,o• ... ::'.'.7.'.::·:.:.f:. SALE AND .TRADE 133 S. Caut,-Lquna Bch company beriefttl. Apply ENTIRE h ou 1t b oJ d Pacific CtJi&lt. N .B.) 5t6-l8'lJ at M'l~ Htunanlc boots, a D. CAf'ttTUNO .............. n 11uaw1TUlt1 · ............... -PORTER· Janitorial work ln pemn only between -l.f.a!llP!a·-,,,,,,,,,,=:: ,,.-1 .. i.1 .. -))er .... sold ind &'ftt __ ,, 8f.2....3808 "·' CAPllTIANO llACM ......... 11'1 Of!l'ICI. llU•NITU•I ........ Mii ..... ~ 'b"t 1700 lSth St' W ---r: ,_,.....,..._. ..,. ..,,.,..._ . Atrro wdhfr, lood cand. ' '• • D.ulA l'OINT .. "" ........... 11• Ol"l'ICI lffll'M•fllT ........... 11 . N I u • .. 2 and 6 p .M. AM for Mr. 'Rillll ... m antiques. '31 Heliotrope, YOUR choice chair Kit, eom• $55. Gu dl)'er, llHdl aome BIKES! Sttfwray + ext.naic ~:..re~~~1=;.Hiil.''.'.':.::·: .. : ~ :~:::=., ·::::::::::J =N=.B.=Call==6'Ul,_.,70,..-=·--, lJpldn.ztl'W CdM. 673-710&. fOso $11.IX> each. 10M1 for $S3 work. frH with purdiUI o1 fork &: tu-bar, like new •: SUMMI• llMT.t.&.I .................. IDUIPMINT ... -....... 1111 p R ESSMAN Experienced QUALITY klnr bed ..... nted ea•" We haw l Placock wuher. 6'W213 Bo)-'• twl-4.lled bike SlO • RENTAL~ HOus•tt0t.o .aoos ............. ........,_ "~-17' 'TF 25., 65 PLEASE APPLY -•-~ ~- oh _ _. •A•AG• SAL• ................. vLi.Rt, ........... ft • • UM•.... mattnu. ~~te-Wftl#d .a&., 1 only $39.11&. Tbt J'aC> FJUGIDAJRE Dfc c1eyer D> -.~offer.~ • • •• ~e!t F~~~~ ... :i::. ..... -=~:~'f:t,, ".~~~-~ . .".".'.'.'.''::: Call &tttr 6 PM orily. H.B. 1100 Newport Blvd., CM s..tfl Ttww Sl'l. wortf ~. MUS38 tory, U&5 Harbor, 540-e842. V, -pb\k, xlnt cOad. no wn-SCUBA TANK • ~OITA MllA .................. 41• ::~1~·L....cM1NI '"'"'"-... ::: area, UT-!568 Sdes o,....,S.::.:~ t2Uj ' evu. VIR'nJE Brot. I>Wna: Room tlnc DIC. m. Ewa '*'6296 wrm J VALVE $45. ; ;::v.~·a.A(it'''.:;::::::::::W Mus:C..L ~:m ·:::::::;: Receptlon1tt·S.Cty WE .HAVE TWO Call 547·M71 MUST SeU: 1Jb new sota. 2 table a: 4 cbal.rl, like new. UD:D AJlllUancrl. TV'e, au * 5tMll5 * , :1_,0:~ stt~IT.' .:::::::::::: c:,r ~ ........... ::::::::::: ... Pllllb ottfee, latJ of. public OPENINGS .i.npi bdl wlbdbrda. call $50. Monday aft 4 : 00 ~ Dun!Q'e, 1115 SKIS, Ntw Heada wo. M~ WftTCLI•• ... ......... ...................... ....... $375 On .., ... •!&ht aale• ...,., -s YOUR MO""' -&U-9125 -N-c.. ... 1111 ll Clll "" • :r.• ....... ITY ....... ~·::.:·:: .. :..., ""'I ..................... nH lftde . 'ndent II ... ,. cu-M ..... 0Gold -·L HIDI •110 .... ..:.;:;::i: •• :· •. -R .. -· -~. ~ .. ~~ tr • ~ IACK IA ............................ ~~~.-...~c:11:::1~,idj.jf"' ·= ,,. Uyou&re)"]Unland .,gttl-~'"' ---.-nci -._..... -VYV\I -~ IAST 1""'" ·-............. = H011v· sv11PL1l1 ......... ::::.. Personnel Aeency li<Je and like to meet tht Ol·•ovtr a ~-t ... _ A.lmolt New, $150. CaU 7'. Coral Nauph)'de. New paint. Sl'. Call -HART Sidi, poles, boolll fc:: ~"-~~.:::::::::::4* "W=:.~Jt,is '"'""·-= 1ns <>razwe Ave, Sllite c public YoU need no previou -~ "9W 615-1915. * 66.2'14' * ~H.B.. ' alze to, men'• oner • .-aav 1tU.MDI •• , .............. Oii .•• .. -~ ..... 00·., .... -.. C.M. 6C.QDi ~ experiebe!e, Earn While wt -. . ..._,. ~~'t\C::."~sl.AND".'.'.'.'.'.',','.".:·: .. :1 M1K. WA""'NTlo ... ::::::::::::: .. • ' tmn you for unlimited earn. CarHr' With The BP'Atn'. 8' m:da and lo\'9 SAVE over PIO on near nu KDhliORE Auto Wuber 6-PIO/Bell offer. S..n4' ., NUWTIN41TOll •RAC'M ....... MACMltlUY, ltc. ............ n ......... , ...._,.,. S 1 n •-· and ....... ~ ........... r. seat, floral, pUlow back. turniturt, kdudlnc I • ~. S3S Neb. ~ SHOTGUN_ W'illcbe.ter u.-1: •CMIWTAI .. VALL.IV .:::: .. : .... 11 WM••• ....................... .,..~ .c4 ..... a eime .. _ ·-....... _..... Neuerued ·---..,..,_ -- ...... 111AcN ...................... no•A•• ...................... ans lhould.n't you be lelllnr the AIRLINES -· • ·-stereo. Aamne $31 • mo. SEARS D*fspot rdrlprator 50 auto, 12 p 21" w '-.... lllACH ................. •'•"•".,00to MAT'ltUAU ....... IHI.,,. hottest area Huntln1ton A"""" in pert0n Ol'lly S USED mt. bed A Ciba.Ir Pvt Pty. &M-&192 -. ·----~ g -· Perteet SUD. 5*-2'159 .. MAii .. COUWT"f ... "' • .... ..... _.,, -.. , -.......-r• .,.1t•11• nov• .::::'.:::::::: .... 'PETS and LIVISTOCK Btachr We "1ll tn.lrL Call to Jack Brown or • 0Dt:'a ........ a; ""GENT sell, Just the UllWll' b' DRF.XFJ,. drelle', can be ue-'fl'ltdye, an d&1 Sat• SWt. IW'£Mlllnlit ................ .wn PITS ,OIM•llAL .............. = PbU JilcNamte Vlllap Real Len Hutton r_....,_. ft lnW1 •pbl, ... 50 each, 1 ~ .. bufltt $31), pld tram-............ CIO -MIH•ll....ya 11111 •• •• '"' ................ :!:: "" .......................... Estate 1162..ffn POOLE IUICK •TICKET' SALES uaad sota l chair. danllb "' m!rTor 1311, -~ ~ Dtl ' --« ~: ::miom·~::::::: .... l:ill1i".'.'.':::::::::::::::::::·= •RESERVATIONS modern, 1or .... 125. Tba •n-• ~-D••llh ;;;;o _. .. --*-AUCTION-'l\1 •. . l¥mt;~~ii~~:::::;;:;:;J$ ~~=~;~·~~;~: REUBEN E. LEE "t.!.1Z.st. :t:~~°i.~ =· 1115 uubn, -~1.1.:..-=~,.!!?""""kfiR-.,. ••tomat1c u~':!!!!::!1.~.!:'1 : ~t:.-U:~A •••UIL ........ -... •7'1 STERN WHEELER • TRAVEL AGENT ...... -""'· .. ··-___ ..._ .. _. -~ llL ··~ ft_, _, '°" ""0 .......... .,. ••••u••• .................... , ••L S S CRl!T•RY • 7' Gold -"'° ltr11 w-. ~ -AGCllona l'rtd&I' ''"' p..,,: ""''"" .............. •n• ,.., .. ,,. POOU ............... -I! I! A •mt· lean plallorm ~-. ,-umlture IOll * MNMI * Wind•'1A .. -"--"·"" ~.l':"!r·::::::::::::::·:::: ::.i::.1··:::::::::::::::::::::: ~COOK '*' .._,, N.B. of!I<'" !><!'SO. Airline Scheol1 l'Hlllc ~~~mt. -..,..~ , """""_,, ~OOMu11uM ................... vAcaT~ ..... ·;.;.:eA"'".. to~. •10 E. 17tht s.nt1 Ana AEROSPACE pmz•srs ............ · 1111 2D™ii Ntwpoct, CM .. -tll!I~ OOT1u ....................... •11 TllANSPORTAo..,N : /'" dml<•""" AlllLl'1'1ES SIUI" IW'LE'"'t.b,uctllant ~Publlcllla = a.tdnd,.,..,.•Bldt!.Mal\~ RINTALS ... nalYACHTI ............ .-,IJNUMlTEt> Ml~ condltion.llO. Maple Od!aa ....::'PUBLIC.... Ant'--. Oak In lea_ •• a,_~~-~-_., Aot1 Unfurnl1hecf IAILIO"ft ·-· -....... , ..... -!!!! .. -.. IN --N The Newport table rt11 ... -· .iovn -.-.. .,-" __..... -_. ---.-1:"i.Ai.'.° ........................ ;::::J:~·~~\ ·::::~::::::;; ....-..-.. z. rr..nau 488 E. 11th, SWte School ef lullnetl , -_, • ~ "9tl trwfer CUii • Xlnt. cond.I ...,.. . ._ 1'11 ....., ...,. ~. MCh. Bui COtfA MUA ....... _ ........ .ilil .cM.1' TllAIUIS .............. -lS1 E. Cout H1'}', Cqlta Mta &C-1410 USED double or twin ..... 272 Steel. Wood ml81 • l5, tloun. ldnl tor tlQUclr .cab-boo bu. 4'4' ... ..,"""IJ Mtu. v••o• ... ~ .............. 1111 IOAT MAntTl•AMCI _........ Newport Beach •-•--Feal"-• w .. "',.. ........__,__ boUda. aaorted ttm••., • ...__ ~ ~-00-· ti !nit, ttt. Mtllt ..Ii, no~ -nc, J •"--ii. -• .. Jt.o llWPOftT IUCt1 ·•••••••••··-.cM.T LAUlllCM! ... ••••1••••••·,_ ~ """ "Y .-..~T iP'Vl1I ... -'----"' a-.. \:IU-=T 1111ettn .......... All MA•1111 teUtP, ., ........... ,.. ---------PWMBINC Sales p/time. ...... ... _ ln t•• .u .. 1 you ~ I: twin bole IJJlilW I: 8 Ml.c chl1n tables a cab. 111 Pf'tllDl bOml; m. Old, Jami-. cblldma'e dothbw. .. T lltOAU ............. IOAT SL.,,. MOOIM• ....... ,,.. "'·t " SUD ·~-~·-I' .. -....... '"' _.... -.. -u .... wblle ....... • . ~ .. --....... or -..... -·-IWnTC ""' ............... ·= 10AT s1•v1cn .............. ..., * SALts, Slim G""' tt ..,. · ...... ....,. .,... 1 need the Job .. _ • .,....,. • _, lnetl us... ......._ ,...... • • ,..._, ii•.vt••m p IC ........... IOAT •••TAU ................ .,..... Plumbing, ~ Newport ..... t. to pt )'OU lllt $12 •• 11t. Thi faetary, Mc._· .. _ .. a_ Blw Duk Inc. l'lrivtl' ~. ... .. lteN. ll'W'm or M'J.CIC •. woaAT .................... = .......... , ....... -..... -lotlo aoa<I. It -l It ·-· 1115 u.-1MM1U •~· h,_._,,, · 14" ll.UPI" • ................ JIMMI .. IOAfl ............... -ltlli "'-...____ In Wvd., CM. Call fB...lM ·-,..-. U(X) Newport &ltd ' .. ~ DECORATOJt. cloll!W 00 DIL Mill: ............ IOAT MOVIM ................... ...., ............. s....1-MAPLE Oofflt I: ettd tabln, Calta MIM•IG-Mllt -',.,._...."' MtdiL 1~ (M.. --1"111.1 ................... • ao.t.TSTO•M• .... -.......... bunchn:! Bta Sn1der ,....,. 1-1-n 133 DoYtr Dr., N.B. -r.. _, ... .....,...,. 1 _!tl)ck! Tbo\lla.ndl of·~j,;il •AY 11u.1tas ................... '°"" wAirr•o ................. BRANCH &l:t.38'm Boeton i;ocktr wttb ....., tury ·octaaonal carved o1 dn.puy fabric. u ''°° ''" .................. ·:lll ., .... ,. ... ,. ................ •• 5U-H9< IR •·--Sofa.~ Olli I 1-1 "" Wllmrt -tatila ""' •·-p1 of · ... '~°" isu.flll~.·1···-·00••• .. l"l.YlllluntDffl ............. t1• MA.NAG BASIC underwater .._. ........ , ce II",......... --·-' ..,_. ~ 91 -.u mak9l.: MW1't1UJTOM .R.llll; ................ e·"· MOM•• .................. -~ dan D VENO Good Nkli • _ ...... POUMT'Alt1 VAL.I.IT' -....... 1111 o• ..a .... -......... m1 Sa~ I: lAt&n A._..1 • pbotopaphy. 8 v.'b-23 hn 'l· A .. -• INTJlU(ATIONAL _,,,.,;;;;.,.~-----'I llAL ll!:ACJI ...................... ICY~ . ................... nME FOl I locl.tiad tn Newport BUth 1D ... W•d. stU11 Feb 15. famil)o IVClln,..., or belt Of. ,_,v., .. de mPJKl'C'AU.'y cl••• ADMl1tAL OOb.' TV. Walnu. ~:Im·::::::;;~;;::; •. :::::::::;:·•1 • ...., hal poattloo ... u. for No exp ,..,..d. For -!ar. -· ~=-......ai" .........., llan7 ~"' -Pld. -.1115.1.c. '"'""' ............. -<Ya ............ • ,,.ii quallfled sa-' ..,.,,_ ""''" r.M. ·-~ -'~a = •-·~• w_. -at lfa'l••lf.'!• Cdll. • ...... dttt. Dlllt ~ '"r.:: :::.:::::7.7: .. ::llll .... .... • ~-·:::; Loon ........ "'"""*"· i:.. a;;"tt DUia, ,...7c;: ~. t ~"P; c.a. R~Mwlftl, •1· ~not. , ' "''Ph. ---• -""i/li' .. ,_ ..... -.... , • -w;;:;,_,,... 9UICK CAsH-iif1J -tlal • --bon. -. ... -M .,.. -·-·· • a AN• ,.,. ............ , .. , .... , .. _ ........... --.,,.. , IDl29 1UI. ~~. . Tllo.... BABY -· !ully hi' ....................... .-TWAILllt. .._, .... ,........... efll•. Only 1ppHc:ants With BROWN=•-• ..,._ 1'0CH I) Cl ft. CIGIDl'Mldll • -1-.......a ......_, ..__ Wl"-'- 'i.iiCo";:;;;;;;;;;;;;:i; :£ .:::::::::::::::::;;:J: JHIOUGH A •min ot 2 Y<'I. S.Ylnp ••· PIANO LIAONS pndlcali7--;_":,· 145. Coll IQll'.lltit"-. -s -M -· i;."."" Ui,;"' .;,, sfi. MIOUIL ............ mt lft .. . ................... \,., per1~nce need apply. For All aps. 8'f., ID"'1'nelfli. 988--2381. ltlll Q/ fie. wumt:J". -a.ta * ··-....... . ..,,. J-:::i~n.bO·:::::::U DVM •'-'-~~AU = pe.rticUlan call Mt, •tensley atet. Tll!ORY .IKPROVJZ. ' 11e tar~ Ml .. 11" c::: qp '-· .,._....,..., · ........... --"0.::1.a ............ -DAILY PILOT (tll)-. ATION -Clll DINETl'E Ml with• -... .i-. -- -!WlW....., aw w .. ~u Uf.':'_ISTI ATI; ~"cU.liicS'::::::::::: ax:iti'l'ARY with I e 1 •I a/1'1' ' 0 pm. ~!NI l l leo!. El<ca-~ Ger··.... .. ljoalt XIV .... 4 -· 1 ..... 10". $1()(1. ! W9nllfl aACa CAIL .-S .......... , Hit exp.. fW.I time.... downtown -$35. ~ _ • 1 • --.,......... ~"'~ "'::::::::::::::: :::;.:. ':f:P.o":::::::::::::::= W .ANT AD ~· Mall ruume to nw. direct--..~ 11.mEABEDt Jani 1'1th llll; 8'tt10 detli: • Oiiifff4 ¥JCI 1 x u ,._ .._. em r.m.rl,w ................ -•twCAlll ................ & • ' P.O. a. ·-, •·"-_., -·e1111draod ·m&-l'lllawa,IJb.GrtJ ... llllol'O --· -,_ _,_.Allwooll4D• & IOI el'llT .................. a,UTO .L&lN!lf ,,. .. .,.,_,., .._ ---~-i:'f !..-'.-~ ...... --'I MAU ........ ,. .. ,.ltfll .... CMI .................... Bledl 1 -Ui&m • .. ,_...C'?! .,....... ~11 ... t• ••. _. • . UIJI ..... .,,.... f!!..!A ,:::;:::::,. ____ ..... _ - I • l .. ' ' ' • • ''*'· ,....., 13, 1970 :iJUi~(UliliiiQl~t.t-'~l!.!!_1ntl LIVllTOCK TAANtl!ORTATION TRANSl'ORTATION . TRANSl'OllTATION TRANSP0t.T~l9'1 . .tRANSl!OflTATIOll TIW!IPOATAT1QN.... SAU AND 'JUDI Pm. Gwrol -S.Ubooto MIO -Jroli.r. ·tmi MoWi. ...,_ '200 :Mo!Ni. Hemoa tJllO, t;la{o'ocycloi . t3IO T'N:b . '50I _....,,.,. -TWO buullilil ·~CLADIA'JDRl<'Mllooo." LW,l•'llM.tTrolltr *J-•-* * * +' '6>HondaScrambltr, '67 FOIDYAlif I J:XERQSE -.... Silo ..-.. 6 - ---· -· lu1b m.me -..... IVY Jim NiW ""· Webco ldl!«I 3SO. Eoonollne -.... 1>11: • CbelptB&tbella.dumbbella. cap.$Ut.c.DIM• •'t1 .. Wfl!ldlial"A;rtc-. -, • E--'-·' ... 'ri ~•, f';. 'SW: USU $215. * 962-8151 auto.nieii>,dlr,~ttr,.Ju.1 - ._ __ ....... -.. t r -· ~--~14100.' .,, • ~n.1r1n9 ""'' u I in· C '87 305 ffnNn1. ..,..,, Xlnt ~ ,...... •--1 •• """"" ~~ •• ~ -.:::'..~.~. -....__.,,, lklt SUp ....__.__ ..,. ... t<mo~Ho "'.t1to.h-•1 --r .---· -• ~"" ~ -...,...,. ~ • ..,.... AM .,_ ~ \Ai.I Cllt !! ~ ....,.. ""W .......,.. d I 0 -,i;. ..... -..-,Ca«t. Mlllt Sell. See. at 213 TaU loftlp cu-_. llflaU I 60-~ .. , ,. Ji roR'I.M· s..bdt~e lll'-••p ayed '" r•nt• TRAILER SALIS 9'l1lst.,NB. down. C4ll'J(en~~· 1 LEAVING Cl.ill: Goll aui:.. PURDRl:D .....;. 1 la• AUllORA ......A-van.~-Jllp.. ._,.;. Co•1tty'! "'•"feat adult 111uy,....,, • man 560JS4 ,, / • ! j _., fin ..,... bdrm te~ ma1!t •~"-I SHARP r~Nt """"Hwy;;IQ IMl !\''"'· · whollYOt 111-1" Trollor, Tr .. el -'425 'U FORD PICIWI' --... ~ Jum. wa.aher, clothlnc, !!'kl781""1,7 ~~~u 0 · ~-' '··-,w_1 .... rv~T~Jlil • •r&,,bSy SP4C£S -·'l'•ur cfl.;c• •f ·:.i.u~T.P~j! ...... •• 'Al''.PIN' E~ ~·K-1Ton.·..,,_,becl;-antc<lld\ 1 -~TV'.. mile. 30I ~th SL, H.B. "1.,.. ....... ....,-.... -. "''!bef'I~. ""'..... tot bol.tl·lliltlid:'for ale wllb • ·If•~•· f• •11Y .~ •.llf' .. w • "~ WE . , 3 apd., dl.1-, "'4d, blue ~t.., • 1 vT.O& Stereo, 5Jl,.Jl25. Sais: ~r A ails. $915. m.•Pbone'50-l!i91 • , ~•rk..: st .. So. Hartior, SUila Aria . black int. Take ID)fJl 1or-i • rttrewl (all fil-EtJltEKA Vacwm. Vibra n-ml (0~ Gf..93.fl I BOAT-SI b' t SALES -a.. .. Y:tlll' h.-. 1 Blck So. of Bolu, 5!1·1066 elfn car or ~ di\. WW i r.. .. t&ln'a Cha1ra. Span-Beal w-Jattachmenta 1,. HP';:'!'• 18' SLOOP lot uie.-Skep1 2. SaUOO.tB· .... ~ 2).15' ~p.sQ fr•111, •,••r 1 ~ ..._., """', 11 BAY HARBOR VACATION tin~ pn.1 prty. Fot ~ ,,._ ·· Utedf A~-•11.1.N ~n ... T dock vaJJab1 '12)(1 "''V: • r••Y •"'""'" "..., "" U.-L•i.u--ir-1.-Ce.11PbU4M-l'l73 Bar•-Oil:leeTabLu,Oft. 2 ap. motor. ~ .... ~,~~ ~ t~ _ _!.. e.-• t>er .. tt.tP•L -piatt ..,,._,~~· ~ ,,_. ''""""'9-.,;. TRAVEL CENTER • °"" • Olalnl, Firepn>OI 1<5-Coot l90. _, • no odor. aa abedd.,., ~2937 s,I0'/19" _: kM -'""" -YEAR IND -Excel...-1'•'-"2 CHEVY l;, be '"'1 Yinor1. fo"-er Mow-I WILL BUY BALBOA .no dlppl.Jw. Xlnt pets for CM. a .NM5lS , · • tlo~ett.oatum .. ••ch I•· CLEARANCE SALE _'Olympie -Alpine •~.-.ble tin.. alt\ 1 Sod8 Fountain. Uke BAY CUJB F A.11 IL Y ~·I: O.~n. from world Mo~. mttl'u ~ ~ .'9ef' R,'!'t•h.; ,. 'tal uti••· NOW ON DISPLAY ApKIM-· Wheel Camper Calnpu I', lleeps 6. Thde 1 ,,aidebyJide:Refr!&:ert.-MEMBERSHIP.·~= Cooloroo K~noell. ••mU56• * l' _.;NAHnw .. ~ 12.1c.~.Jl•30 ,Wkkt Worlds larstsit moSt COin• for VW'.$1250. 135 Joann. Stovea. ~uhera, ~ 613-&3"11 1 ' 26' 'lbumlerbird aioop. Oi!an, RENT: Race or Crube Cal PONDOOSA AfOllU Up To 68 "!'"" ~ U'lete RV v.clUcle ehopg,. .,C.Jd. 5'S-MU -. DUl!wul>en ~ LIATHIR <* Dov. Trollllnt * "N..,, beautiful. R«IU<e<I 25. Fully equip. Pl • claf, , fSlAllS . 1"5 OU.r St., Com""'" '·""""· . ·•. . '.86.""-~iilRD=~~IWl""""·'"mo-;P:-:ftJ::-:. 1',1 MORE!! Rl~LINIR Val~ Spedal:, ~ t1SO winter pri~ fi7S..1393 Conwn. lllp. 96MNO 2JO:O.~sii. Uwl• 71J-6Jl·ll01 "ii' block Eut °' 9afbor lnvd. 8353 Garde11 Grove Blvd, GG Auto,. RJH. Nu painl, ~ 1 . Uke _, ..,._ ..,...,._~·Private .... LIDO 14 Sallboa~ No. 2389, . -"COSTA MISA"-O..ta Mesa <n4l 5'0il70 534 6686 o~u. 491--1"1 o..trr,lJlll.. • : ROLLTOP desk. new~ ~-bDm~. wU,b trailer. Call 137-7039 MObite ...... '200 saEENlEAF PA~K OoMd Silt. <>Pen Sunday '&f OOOOE v..a. 8'' .bed. ' in pine 55x28dl" blcb. • aft II PM 17.10 Whittler ""'•· Mini Bibs 9!71 Duplex titt$. $B. MMl:H. j Worth $381.501 1ell ~ $2115. 2~ .:.~ ~ SABOI' with traile! $125. C"11 DELUXE 24 x 60 714·R2-IJIO BONANZA Ml¢·Bike, ~IOOSl • TRATEL l8fD Raymond Ave., C-Mf llM58S ·: . ·Utter 11 .at !\&" k · 11 673lrnt Sat .&. SUa after 10 2 B~. 2 ~ cuotoni but!~ -"HUNnNIHON . "'"'"~ '!'Ira ~ 115. J • Hll : • AREA l'UPro ~~Labrador, ns. Anytime am 'JceeDcl poreh,'mairy 'xtru. II.A.CH"-53-1963 · · t ··, , ' . •. it.•• :=Mf':<·:.:'-----=~I ...... $30, .. ...,, .,._......... SABOT No. 3064, -"'~ Pool,J&ClaZl.See .. •i>Pm: ... ,~ ,GENUINE -Mtcloov B ..• _ •••. :'9ll&li1"11 ~w 1970 ..... --12'. pow"' ed(er $15. ___,..... di-ll10. • 146-5211 • "-000 HACH CLUI V , . '.> , I_, ... ,. ...,.,. ••~., "11 ;ectional. rood 6"-4346 . AFQl\AN. km. .5 mos. ' . Ti""": 545--3995 ~ 1462 roclflc c ••• t Hw.,,, • ery _f!,w hrs. ,!!~ne~· ~ Str.."'~""' -... roMMANqo Vf 1' •• " e apricot w/tilk .rna•k • 12 WIDE l"7 , • 714-116-7111 SUO. _Cost. $185. "1""1''.., • • • rirry C E~,..-, 4 •~d..drlw .. ~"bub.. ( ~. ~~·~ &~ c:r:!.~T:! ~!=~d;t_ hlbrh. lbota. t1llO, a..m: AIR CON.Dmom.n, 211k ''JUCA•A-CAUMISA"' · . · .. ~ , • '.l~o\.,•/JWn-M•') 1 ~~· ~ .. ~ btllttr, • ~ recllninl" cb&in . ~ lnc 4 tapes. Ntvir med. $.a9R9 ,.. ' P.ow•r: Cruiatn . 9020 1 BA. VACANT ' SO'UTftWe:sr' MOBILE ~orcyct.1 ~ \ ,. ,JJ11i·Herbor .Blvd. W!O. 11.FtOl'Y· melil ~ ~ CLJc. , """~"'· wrwsht iron M0-317I MUST SELL! Old ErlelUb , \VAS StfB5 Now S3995 1106~0c~~ ... s!~~:i.J~, BMW •ri.mo Aii~"l'ft1»> · ~ .l§.BIOCQ·.No,...Ot ) --~):~ ~~ 1 . 2 end tablet I: ~ NEWPORT. Beada Te . Sheep Doc. male, 10 mos. * ' ln eaiau.. io 90 _,... 568241 Bkr. ao.J93t mU'e ~ ,.,;.. t<.r' . Cardera Onwe P'rre"" . ·~· ~~" t waaon wheel lizht ./ llDlll ShowJ:>oc. Paid $450 .. Mm . . ~NEAR' aeo ... ru better than I • 714~ 7'1-4112 i_!; ........... .:..' ;-z-.:.1'a:n l .. JIT~\t-' ·"· ~ ' ~.• ~1.~~ . • ~ barbea lilht membenhJp tor 1a1e . otter' ~or644-ll21 all, comforts of home-.. ---......, _ s•·CRIRCEI . . .... "':"" ........ WJu .t;Cf:t.T*1 •• 7 , :x~ .. 1., . !'We undentanc1' this unit ·a; $35. lar8: -, Sl5 am df: •Pera te·mu1 t aell~ • .Relax, ~ 1no work. 28' new, 20xS2 bam.ml S It K " die~., Ff.lrina. :~~.~l\P ·APACHE >~n~ ~!' .. ~ 6, ~dd orlifp&IJ.y lot 0 v • r ~ture ~ 5 ~ 54g..1333 SAMOYED ~· beayt lit· Ullifiite cntillT tnr family Mo~ Home Bniken, l%J62 1963 • 2Qx45 ·cone'!. · Orl1. owner. · ~ 3 b.orntr atOve, elec ~·Water Jt!X».,. . 6'2M6I ter SOlkl Sta ndioe ~r. for lhow or,pe,t. AKC tun. AU& yacb,.w/extru Be.adi'llvd. G.G. 6M-Ol21 low rent park 8:31M:30 wkd)'I. &n.imo pUm~ port. pol, aicte-."pir: OUR PRJ0: ktnda .-v-• ~>ba.ndltone~~.;: :r;.:• ~·1tmale. YQU wcii•t find~ LIDOPart.~rtBeach S&kMOBILE 1969 TSO NORTON COM· tam.+ JJl&ll.Yxtru$6511:'· f2'1J . POOL T~ a: $27 Boya Cowboy boott ' ~-Rea. sn-:~... u.u; Hofl)e. Sleeps 6."'New crpta: ·HOME BROKERS MANDO. Excellent con-545-2569 • ;. Seeard Pool $10 s.fs.a.u ' DALMATIANS: s.&utiful 5471091 * It drpa. ' $5,575 or otr. Pb. 11\Sl Beach Blvd., G.G. di lion. $ll75. Call M&.™8'69 ~"""N""o"MAD=~1"'911.,_,tt._tand<m~-. ~ .• UNSWIClt-AMJ'Slat.Tablrt PO~TABLE en Unit D -Heaitby PuppiH, A.Kc, -673--7331. ) • 636-0921 • &fter6p.m. Self-<0nt., refri&., elec. 0 •).O&atom me T w/Valves, Ownp. aired. 1 wb. Call MUsr SeU 24' Mitchell .cc. OWNER WANTS OUT0wNER IN ' CHICAGO '69 HONDA 350 .Sm.lpblei" br8Ha, 'J'.,mrql ... 546-'W9 ~ if , -~ ~ ' = era $45 493-l7to. ro.nt colld. Sac. S2500. eq. 10 x so n.tRNlSHED CUTS PRICE $1000 Xlnt cond, lo mileage; take' • •• .u.o.n• r<>0U * ~ ' . MINIATURE poodles, pups Make offer. 646-t61g FAMILY It PET P..\RK 1SG9, 2(1 WIDE. 2· BR 1% over payment.I. Aft , S. •• .,,. ~ ~Main~ ~ =~t=-r!t~~ tr1cka. aood watcbdo&a. Speed Ski BCNits 9030 ~ Bier 8tU939 UP TO 10 YR. FINANCE. '69 350 .C.B. C1ean $550. '70 ELGIN Boe.t" Trailer '. ' -l • SECAIU> l!e2 . • ....... l'5 -IJO. Do SANTA ANA 12995 BA; FOllLY A p~ PARK. '"'""90( . Trollliro, UHUty. ~ ., "s StlnenY bike ~" Mf.2355 60-0326 154 Fl•mlngo Tr•il•r ~ Bkr. 8c:.39:39 '350 Motocross, clean S6SQ. 'Equipped to carry 2 • • _ .. ,__ .stretch "'"" ./CHIHUAl(UAS,. 1 weeks, 3 14' Yeu-.. Ja~·et ....: .• ~ 27x8', C:all 548-9065. 5t(}4.791 ~Uboata !>r 1 ~.boat, $99. !>&JCal Ea:t. 68 or &f' .....,.... ... OUTBOARD motor 3 HP fmWe:a, AKC. $15 each. .,.. ""' vuu.ITTJ. FAMD..Y Parle, 196$. 3>x57. 6154>S:l5 • • ' $65 vaJut. psi. Sim-wffdleu. pi. 5'6--7219 after 536-.:mG Netd1 work. 40hp elec. start FURN, Vqabond tra iler Pets OK. s &. Jt Mobile '68 ..]RIUMPH 650ec, lwl.b 1910 ~BLVD, ... tµde-a-bed. 1re•n 5 PM · , · Mere le trlr. Beat ofr over 10x50, in adult J>8l'k C.M. Home Brnkera 12362 Beach carb. Xln'.t C.Ond. Best Of. Truck• .... 9500 COSfA ~ · ps Upri&ht piano 6 REGISTERED Burmese kit· $250 646-55U Good cond <Jteu 646--9056 Blvd. G-..A.:_ G fer. Call 847448o. DATSUN Pitntl '64. Nu - . -..a -SAT 1 HOOVER Upricht Vacuum tie• champkm stock ps.. ' ' • .,....,...... r 0 v e I"'====,.-..,,,--;::= · ~ ... -· Cleaner w/attacb, $75. Call .. "5-0!91 PERFECT famil,y.lki boat; 1969 BalTington MdO with ~ BRIDGESTONE 350 GTR, ' '6.1 Chev J..Lfl'-~"od--1 tt.nt, tire"° rur .. end,...bjkl, .sUN. ONLY. M8-tp2 11!.1"........ 15', 85 hp, Volvo inbrd. ._ an _ddx. . featurn, acs;osa dlO mi's. Racina ch1tch. $400 nrm etc. Many extfu. >-4'1 ION Hlltlte~ ~ COCKER'S trlr. ·Reu. 6'15-410'7 eves street from ocean. 536-M'lS tiAn.Y Pnbr WANT .¢g! · $500. Call 61J..629( S13 RAICam, C".M. $1350. 60-4227 . .,,.,, old, nady to train. HAND PailllMI oil portrait of AKC. 9 wkL Part! & .:;;=;;;;;:;;;;;;;::;=~==;;;;;,;;;;;;,;:==::_:=:======sdi=======;;=:..:.;=======":===:..:.=:=====:::::='-1 ' w/ cblldttn. GE you ot )'OUI' children from a Trl-coiol" •• Sholl. ~7635. New c.,. 9IOO New Cars ,_Nft Can 9'°'.& N9w C.rs. •.w Can 9IOO Ntiw C1n 9800 r, wed I mos. photograph. 14&-3629 LQYE for a.ale • yalerrtmel ';;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:=======~~ mnd $100. BJseiow area PERUVIAN Decor:aUve Fur puppies. Tin,y...tiny t 0 y II 12' in dia.D!ltt, creen Ru,p made from Vicuna. To poodles f75 &: $85. '615-246 . llx. $'15. 90-02lll .ee call 5C9-0lt GERM. Shep. pupt, 5% wk&; •CONSTRUCTION 3 SMALL -......., pure ,_ m $35, 1 $'5. 1n '~EQUIP. ($ALI) ---S!Seacb.TVU' V-Pl,CM.SatASu!t unaaw1 modell #n I: pertect «lftd.. $15. 66-0a eAFGHAN champ aired Very fi3> toadition. $» top blo9d line. Show/pet. ' '60 ea, 147'2684 wkndt or Misc, WantH 1611 Ph. 540-S358 r 5:30 wkdays. 1 WK ald female. V8 cocker, IDIAL W~: Clean us•d 'J/I ailver poodle, very size Kemncn wuh-furniture: and late model ap-amalI a: curly. SIS. MS-2581 11\&Chlne fl,25, Jt0 le• ~ l pc. or houletul. DACHSHUNP. ~ weekll old. COit. It It in ntW condl.. -p $50 • UICd only 3-or 4 limes. WANTED: Slip or S1ck Tie Male. apen. • near Balboa Penin. Point. KJ.ll21 · ':,.~;:'·. one family ~ ot m..~ ext OIDRTAHtlAS, AKC. pup--.. 1785. . • ele1 16 wks .• boose--tralned, .. hlp in Newport sr •• ~ .. ..._...• ............. -~-Show' quality. 547.3874 Tennis C1ub for'$525 APl£>o:J ...u"'"" ~ Ji.<i.ldino tr&Mfer :let. 'Call f\l?IUll,qe; anytbirls. Free GREAT ~ Puppies . .. !wffil C PM • 9 !lck UP· '°"""; 6'15--0210 ARC. I -old: 1 fem. A 4 _w -,bal·cy WANTED: Ueed House males. 6?5-T632 fbiUGERATORS. washer Trailer, Small. Call be:twn 1 SABLE Female, Part 'i' :..,.,., ......... !rpl ..... ... ... --· ,.,... llo(. Looldn&" ... 1fin.nn aet. coffee lbl, other SoOd hom•. $10. 648 51185. ~" Items. Call 613-1'151 F"'EE JO .VQU /CHIHUAHUAS, 1 wffb,· 3 M ,i SUn after ID a.m. :n. ·• fl!n'WH AKC. S35 each. 1G TRAILER awninc, , l--=;:;:,.-~,...,-....,.""".:-prooted. Zippered 2 2 1'ull lf'OWtl happy tiuck f MEXICAN Qtlbuabua. Pup- rabblta w/Mll bit cap, M2 plet for a.ale. shota tncl. $35 E. 11th St.. C. M • Call ~1 ..... nm 2m1 ,~,;;:,_· ;:;::,,;:::,c;"'-,-,,--.-~,.,;,;;..,,,~,,...,---..., MlNlATURE Doxiea. 6 wkl Schafner ?rlarx mens GOING 1'9 Vietnam., M:e<l old m.ies only. $25. Call -& Jiz;f:s 4t nsular beau· home for m;y 3 mo. ·oh) pop-&7s'..oso? ~ tto:; py. Habrtn. Bl 7 • 51 O ! .1,.:.;,::,.:.:;_;.-~~-=-_,,_, 11 eoadlti<>a -• ~-897-2;27 2/13 AKC Banet lloond Pl<ppln, . Ti29 NEED Gd home tor 3 month old, fw show or : POOL Table 6 Equip. adorable ~ _ mix pupa. tamlly ·f15. 5'6-12fi!f. t Cood. $95. Pine pofll Small. & wla. 546--m2 GERMAN Shep JJUPS. 5 wks s pc foJdUp, sa. eaniper betore u·• ~ 2 2114 old. AKCCbamp atk. mv.t· u 8' Cab hti&bt. in-~ 557..Qn' t.ted, $85. ~: TO aood home, S mot. old ailver, blk·brown. ET Lt.Yer hu carpet. a.m all short haired BEA\1I'lFUL PEKE, 'l wkl. 19n, Kodel. Sbai I: QdhuaJq I tenier pUppy. male AKC alao atud ~. 1. Will sell at cost 1or 646-4916 211& After 5. 646-7312 . ~1181 VALENTINl; ""pplea, 5 PART Aflhan, part Sheep ~:;:.:,==~=-=:-:::: Beqle/terT. I wn. wean-Dot pupplea. Beautiful. ed, to cood h o m e 1 . 83&qJ66 ~ 2/16 WIRE hair fox terrier, AKC, PLANTER, Stn.wbeny type, 4 )lean old, female. $25. pyramjd 3' hi, cedar, heavy~644--0524"-"------- to mow. 963-lm 2ns !--------::::II AVAILABLE SaUSUn Gu Hor1n rdrlpr&tor • stove. iu1.:.;..~.:.;.. _____ _ Onyx, Bal,. lslt. 2117 APPAIDOSA Geldlnc, FREE Ftnaale Baaett. g . beautifull~ trained $350. mo'• old to &OOd home. · l'1S-tl&I · ,...liOl . • 2113 TRANSPORTATION call after a. 6C-6!Ki' AU~G .~ ~ ... h & Yacht• 9000 • puppJeL rea ...... -c~ GERATOR. map I• and watch q. ~ 2116 SWALES.ANCHORAGE 6 4 chain,. cheats & KITI'Y, ytiung, apayed firn. Cout Hhn,y·at ~ bed. 5 pc lutchetl tet Ailee., Indoor Ptt. To KlDd Newport 8"ich since 1935 Adult Home. SJ&..4G3'7. 21U YACHT SALES l USED Lum .. , and oome 'CONSULTING fenCl:ng. 1592 Jtedlanda Pl., Boat paints ill Supplies Coot& ..... 2/lS c.n 5'8-1"tlt Doily ~ 'IWIN Siu Hoafltal Bed, 16' WHALER. 1 cuatornbled, Crank-up .;... :nM Har1>or tuu, equipped, 100 HP Blvd., Colt&. yffa. 2(1.S Johnaon. Perlec1: =· Colt FREE nbblta. 3 ~ 2 MW OYel' $$50(), $2950. females. ... ,_,,,, or .c ..... ,;.;...1935;:;,:,==-='-"..,,....,.. 8 0 4-B A Y ~ I u b •SMaa. after"3 2/12 10' , FIBERGLASS dingb,y fiOnbilP SUllD p lua FllEE ar-..a..• _.._. y with deck. ateerine wheel I: 'leea. -P-119 ,_._ "~9io -M ;' cables. Ready to '° $95. Plit · PK:a up. " OR 3-1395 ;.,;:,;:.."<O:Zi"TT.;;;;i;· c.r.t. 2/14 .~===~=~~ T ent141 RODERICK'S PRIVATE Qs1:rt11' Membmbq. HALF Beq:le, h&tt cocker YACHT SERVlCE. Clll ....-dQa OD-~ male. 5 mo. old. 64U698 after 5 • . -2/16 ,,....-o::i:;;.:;:=:,,.,-,.--;;;; GERMAN SbePhe:l'd 2 yri. 14 FOOT lkitf, 10 HP, -·-!"ti· old Btod<. To ;;;,;;;, home. J-outboard m o t o '· ... ,.:.U :111' trailer, Cout Guard eqwp- . •-ment. pa ..._= FREE -ten.Pl °' aolic1roR'iM: Sabot Rack Space mahopn)> PCl rn a r t n e Avail. Abo, 65; Slip. 3333 w: 111. IO •• -:m 2111 Cout H..,.. 642-4644 -· -Oil S HElttP~~~ lt' 1'hnl. p1,_s, Q>ralu . tlliiiiw If a ,,_. ~ ; "'"""' ....., • tauaI, Volvo e~. xlnt cood, a MO• MMlll :1116 tdr. Mob o!r. -1~ -rrALIAN ~ 2 fr· r.!·:.:-.-~:· ;.~'"' ., ~ s.-.---.. ----,.-.-,~ ~:;;~;:~~11 CUTE PUP.P1ES .aeed OOWMBJA C15 Flbefllau '.DI ciom-.-hoa>e ·-W.nt1 2/.16 llloop. c.mlortabi. Day 1.-. · .. ' 8U9JES 4 lbnl!iL You die. Saller. $150. SQ...U47 • --1<97 :111! LEm.wi 10 •Sailboat. $295. llttobttA-tW .i.. l -dop to"°"' -TrtJJet! 199. Will. oatry '""' +-........... -.--2111 bolta.CaD61M625 \. 1rs ROY CARVER'S '69 WIND-UP 'SALE. HUGE SAVINGS ON C.REAT. "69 DEMOS, • EXECUTIVE C.ARS AND I THE SMART . BIRDS ARE . 'SAVING .. BUJl.l)L~$, o.--~~69sr • .aRAND·NEW "69 WIDE·TRACKS! . ' '65 CHEVROLET f"'ftol1 . • Dr. H,T. VI, hydr1motlc, '""""' doorh19, r1dio, ho1tor, WSW, fie.tor'( 1ir, ~TXU.(tll . '68 DObGE Motor Home Ch111iod Wi1111tD090 .,,,lf homo. IZVE662) '68 "VOUCSVAIR" 1mrnoc11loto co11vor1!011. 4 1pd ., RIH, c•M· plol1ly O>'orhou1od forofo11io11olly . i111t1lloil Co••1!r 0119, IWX•tS6l ' '69 CHEV. CORVEllE fo1tb1c•. VI, oulo111otic, power 1t1•rl119 • br•••• • wiridow1, AM.FM, fo~tory oir, 1,170 "'il1•. IZRWllll '67 80-NNEVILLE - 4. Dr. H.T. H.,dr1motic, power 1toori111, po•• or bro•••· t1dio, hooter, WSW, f1tfory 1it, (TX5946l '67 FALCON Sl'T. CPE. 6 cyli11cl01, rodio,,ho1t1r, 1tolMl1r4 tr1111111i1• '11011. flTl2tA) '65 CHEV. IMPALA 2 S.ol w1ge11. VI, 1uloll'l&.Hc, power 1t1oti119, todi•, h1ot.r, WSW, 4J,674 ll'lil1s. I REH11 I> $1l77 s7450 $1977 54977 .1 • $1277 . I· > 516.77 Demo 1969 GTO H. T, c,.. Air colMI ., power di•c ltr••••, power 1toorh19, co111olo, t11rb. hr'r•molic, •+t. 242J7tZIOt067 Demo 1969 LE MANS 2 Dr. H. T. •Co"'"'" tOp, VI_, •11to~ 1if co11cl ., power 1tffrl1t9 • '"'•k•1.~ co11••lo. 12 to ch .. 10 fro191J 217l7tZllOlll . , New 1969 GTO Air coM., power 4i1c b, ..... power 1toot• 'i11f, tvr~• h.,dr1111otlc, 24217'212610 I Denio 1969 CATALINA 2 Dr. H. T. Air colMI., c•"•"'• to,..: !fOWOI 4toorh19, power tli1c •br•k•1, t11rbo hr'r•o. 191ofic, •fc. •25tJ1tCl·l271t • ' ; . ' Demo 1969 BONNEVILLE • Dr. H, T. Air •••·• jMw•r wi!Mlow1°1oof• •f••rillt ·br••••···turli. hyclr1111otic, o+..:-J•2· JttCill22J • I . I .1 · . I • I I •• $3727 ·$3977 ., . , ••• • ti $3977 . .. $4177 SAVE! THiii ·All THI USU CAI fALUO °'·""'· 'JAii l I l I ; 1 " " • . I I ' • ! I 1--- . ,• " .. • • !I ••• • " 1 fJ ..... - NINETEEN SEVENT.Y.'1 ~4 _·,.....· ·-· ' ' ·t • ; . . ,. ... , I ' ' . -' . ,. , . . . • .. . . I ' . • • • , . . • I • • OVER .80 QlJALITY· CAIJif,J,ACS--..--~( ~ TO SELECT. FROM! . " • '71 . FLEETWOOD B19tf8HAM . . . USED-VERY WW ~ Brlerwood'flremlsl brown with beige vtnyl top and bd(e W.tber terior. Dual oorilfort _seats With 'poWer 6 way indi~Wual oontrob., power ateertng~lilc brakes windowl ........Dtenna-41or JoCb-f:rWlk lock, stereo ill-fM, automaUc clJ• mate control air ~nditlonlnc. tiJ~teleaco~ Wfleel, ctutae contfol, floor mats. trunk'inat, ubclenn.I, twilllbt ientlnel, aOld A aervtCed by ua. (913AGA) 1 -• . 1969 CADIUAC SALi .l'llCI 1967 FLE~OOD Coup!! de VlJ.\e, Beautiful ErnbulY ailver $5333 with black vb'Qrl ~and black cloth and Brougham. Sherwood ereen with black lNf.be'r interior. ~ factory &Jr, top and black leather Jnterlor. Full pow- r;:er dool' locks. · radio, split er, factory air, Wt wheel, stereo AM/ FM, power door locks, rwer trunk re-, t Mt.f with tndlvidu&J. power con• ...... (J913™5J lease, etc., etc. (UPS731 19+9' CADILLAC $ALI PRICI 1967 ~ADILLAC " "SAU P.llCI -s3333 .. . . w:.-.. . , • ' -' .. . . , . EXCEIJ ~~T. SEI.ECTION ~ Sedan ~ Ville. EnnJne white with ex-~5111 . t Door 'HArdtop. ).1Jnt mien exterior with matching tj(lth A: leather Interior • s2999 • ' \-- • I I 1 I I I ' j I • I '! • • 'I " ' ""' t .. ~ • " OF MODELS & COLORS 'AVAILABUE .' FOR ' I • ' ~ -r-~~-----·­. - LEASE OR PURCHASE Even wben measured by Cadillac 1tandardl ol ex· cellence, the 19'/0 Cadlllac ·II sure ID exceed your ifUleat upeclallona. Lei'& &el tDgelher SOOD for ~ demon1tration drive. . -----~ .. ........ .'re' doth and leathe• delphlne lnkrlor:~r, fac~ condl· -ndlo.( .> 1961 CADILLAC eouP. d! Ville Gold tlttmllt with black top md b1ack iM~r Interior. Full pow• I!'!', factory air condlUonlng, stereo AMI FM ndlo, Wt.-te~c alttrlng wheel, power door locb, &bl sentinel, etc. A lovdy car .. (VGYW) ' 1'Ull power, factory air, Ult w~· er door Joc'lui, crulle control, M, twilight ienUnd. (VCL726 )' ' . ' . . • . ~1 1965 CADILLAC ~ • SALi l'llCI s4222 Sedan de Ville. Sabltt blaCk with match· $1 In& interior. Full r:•er eqWpment plus factory a.it co_ndit oninl,' AM/FM radio. New,ttru. (TBY306) -. . -NABER.s· •• / . . 260.0 ·Barbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540~9100 • . . . • SALES DE{> ARTMENT OPEN 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. thru Fri. • 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun. • ' Atl CARS SUIJECT TO PRIOR SALE. ALL SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROU&H-TUESDAY, FHRUARY IJ, 1_970 --- 1 • .. • 1111!111111 JAGUAR : · '1}f:VlCATiON CAMI& :SPECIAL ' ~ .. • ~ lNOW .1s .TH£' TIME> · ' ' ' ' . ' I• ~· TllE !!Nll!JSll GOING ' TlllNGI . AT ORANGE CDIJNTY'S VOLUME · EN~~ OVEll 60 Ndw AT a&IWICE PltlCES! Ttt11•1re ROmNS FORD ---: Cbota-.- FIRIARI . ---.... !ull· ........ ...-fllllJ equipped. Ukie new. PRlC. ED TO SELL. -· l966 MERCEDJEll 8om, %111 s. ·-·clan $2150. * Call 5"1-1'11 • . MG ' lllG --·-Jmmdatt Drlll1Nq. ... -. ,. MGB ROADSTEa • . -' 5tttl'll)1 .... ~r~.:..~.:..~.:.::-.:. ... _._Yf_•_.!_°"_. _ •• _· _-__ ~ __ s_,_4_9_s ~~l-r .... -~:: = $3,l·tl :'.? .. 1~'!.~!!~~~. $1695 ~~::."=·.::..~ $12,. _ .. _,._, .. _, ____ .;_l __, __ __;·.._ _ _,_ ......... O•K lW t ~· • • I I ' • I ·1 f ' j I I " " . . .. • .•. • " ., •. <• .. ' • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • :· • ,. ~ • • ! ,• " • • • • • :· •• • • • •• :· , ... •• • ~· :~ .... • "· ·• ,• • 'i~ ·: " " ,• ' " " :r ,• .. ,• . ... • 0 z . t \I . --· -.... ,, .. ;o;o-', •• -, ...... -. ,. I " I Ill • • i • -g· = :D = - i ! I ... , • ' . REMllNIG '89's lN mCK HUGE SAVINGS Prfce1 Siort ~Low A.1 $1·695 • , tlUI MCI} IMMEDIATE DWVE~Y .. HUGE SELECTION PEUGEOT '59. Runs Every Day. Great TtalUlp, $75. Call $.<178 PORSCHE PORSCHE '69 911:T EXECUTIVE CAR UKENEWI - Harbour V.W. AtrrHOfuzEo SALES " -VICE l87ll BEACH i!L., ~ HUNTING'l'Oll BEACH NEW e USED RECREATIONAL . VEHICLES ' •· 100% F.ctory Warr•nty Avolloblo on UHd . Toyota1 1000 )lllel or 30 D«ya • ELMORE ~OTORS TOYOTA Foctory Direct 0 .. 1 •• New C•r• Used C•r• 194-3322 "4.3321 1961 PORSCHE 911 uaoo llftch m..i. Sportamadc, c.ll Eves I: Weltlninltir Wknda. Mt . .Jamf1 173-919L ---:TO"'Y"'rtr~A-- Wlala>a Mn, 8rowD, TIUUD Mork II w_. HI Lux Pickups '64 C Ponche, Nu paint, L nd c~·• Brand nu rebuilt engine, • rvfMrs 100% .,...,._. $Z100 or 01. ~~ ltt. !WU> * 968-774' * , ,.;: ~r:r MODELs '6& 9ll T Poncho, AM·FM, YOQr B..i o..Js ~Still At stW. Blaup. .<ppr. Grp. D"' •N LEWlS ; 1500 ml. S inlt. S5DI or but 5" otter. 548-4532 19Gt: Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 ' PORSCHE 1957 356-A Gpe BIIJ.. MAXEY 21,000 ml, 1 lomlly ..,.. lmmac cond. Pvt. B:f8..3851 9-3 pm 1965 PORSCHE "C'' GOOD OlND., REBLT ENG., 1•1 llACH ILV~. AM/FM. riay1 54&-:00: -· IHch 147.USS nlte's ~7954 ·I ml N, of Qut Rwy. ae ad '67 Porsche 5 apd trans, AM/FM, ""'1li t!ttl, 37,000 TRIUMPH mi, Aga blue $3915. 497-1625 ------,,...- '59 PORSCHE. 1600 SUper ~ TR 4-A. Wire '"Whls with modllled body A map. Mlcbdlna. B.R.G.. R&H, $1650 548-3780 or 613-9688 . Tonneau. AAkin&' $1 5 5 O . 1!168 PoRSCHE Tarp 5 spd, M&--Oll4 Xlll't Ool>d." 15895. Call -=.;:;,68""Trtum=""Ph,-:TR,-"°=--i S48-3fm or 5f8.G:a I cyl. Lift new! $2500 '67 911. S" spd. alt, Webon, -==·=;:S«>=lOllll=·== P1rellla, chrome w h I a , -:-, am10n. ""°· 53M512. VOLKSWAGEN '61' PORSCHE 912: AM/FM, -------1 fol lampa, wood 1teer ~.. '68 VW BUG, per!. cood. exttane )o mi. $4,000. '1430 cull (retaill $1630.) .61S-8!12 491-4741 aft 5:30. C-fte Must Sell! VW '68 Fut ...--.,.. •~ Baclc. Clean. Lo mt. l '68 ~ ,_ ..,., tape Ownr. Prlv. Pt,o. -· deck. radio. heater 1l)ll. '61 VW Camper, '&C rebuilt -....... .,000. MUST ..UI '68 Sjw11e, J --· ro0 t1v. tape click. sar '89 vw Bug, """' xtnt con-oPTER. _, dltlon $Hl!O. 'tlO A.H, Sprite convt HT. 675-'1291 &fter 5 new paint, ed eng, ndl bead '67 VW Excellent Cond. Fac- pikf:t $400. 982-5198 tory Tape ~-A&kl.nr • "" 11300. 61>-13SJ all s. : TOYOTA '65 VW Panel Truck. New II --...::..;;;..;,.,:;..;;..;_ __ I 1rans. l'l>lf ~·· P<rtt. HARD TD GET? °""'· 11!00. -Ill 3 NO SUat THING '65 VW SQbd< -.S. $900 at 6'!!>-4958 aft 4:Jl wkday1. Marquis Mators Inc. .~:.:_~ .. , '""'"'· We have over (50) ntw int,. oew tiret a tape 1910 TOYOTA$ ta 11toclt!I deck. $i50. -..- ' CXECK OUR PR.IC&S11i ·64 VW BUa.,alUlt ldl: Mik@ MARQUIS MOTORS INC. oiler. Xlllt' cood. 2121 S. 11111 Sa, Cit H">', LIJlllla 0>oot. apt. U. LI& Bch. ~'1!41 '* 5*-!ltlO ... vw --· ""'· • l: '68 TOY<:trA Ownr .... .'Clal\ ID-1141 an L6w tnne •• factory air l 5:30 w AM wkndt. ~ ndio, Lie. YDC692. Make •$$ VW ftblt erw., xlnt for yaur delll. Phone N64C&5, dllne tiuaY. •· nc.' $l)O or BAYSIDE MOTORS bnt olter. m-1311 &It 5. UOO W. Coalt 11..,.., N.B. IQ VW . $9111. BUSIEST m&rtcttl)laee In * IG-"7ll * ....,,_ ,,,_ DAILY PD-OT _ _,.,,,~"'-,--.-- Ji.... Qusltled MOtJon, St v e VW 1118 SQ\14f'ebadc, Wl')' ...., ..,.-, u... " -. Look pd c:ondltlon. , Ml vieyl l..lllliirll•---------------·· iii· __ 11!11111 .. 1 ...;;'ia . ·Im. $U!!O-- ·-------- f .. ' OPENING . . ~ .. -:..' ·' . ,.. ~~-•u •r iwe...;GMt ,'l'MU:lt llU -BID . ._r.·te111 •ffer •tr-are steelc . . . . ··-,,. . .... .. ' 1970 PONT,IACS 1970 GMC TRUCKS AND FINE USED CARS t ' • I AT UN"eARD of· SAVINGS New 1970 PONTIACS 1970• Pontiac · Tl7 -. -~ ... _ ,,....,_ ''"" .... 523. 99 ............. J •• ._.. ....... ' fectwy~..,.....o,... .. . f!lf .,.., cMke .t color.. 1970 P.ontiac Catalina ............ .,.,., trhlt • 2 ............ ~199 ..._ ...• ., ~___,_· ,.._, . -#-1-11141 . ' .+Tu a Lk: .. 1970 Pontiac Grand Prix .... ....., .... ,.. .. ........ ~ ...... ........... c ......... # 121171 53399 '+Tu & l it. NEW 1970 GMC's M ... GMC ~ TON PICK"UP G'MC ~·TON PICK UP GMC ~ TON PICK UP • ft ............ ,.., .... $2899 .... .... 4 .,.... '""""''.. • slon. 'C::vy fluty radiator, ~I & ""'' ...... hellyY llllty •• 1 ... Dl:s: t;Jm, 2 ton. colw CMI--+ T1 &.'Lie. •1n11tlon. # 5'11t Camper .... _ ''"'VI, s3399 auto trana. power st .. rlnt, power llrakes, rHlo, cu1tom cemfert 9roup, tlnf'H 11-. ,wldo akt9 Wy hM"f duty + T• & Lie. 1prlnp front & ""'· Hrd~ ltwlhr •r•k•. 1peclal twa to,.. paint. ~ SIHJ '64 ·FORD 1 '66 OLDS STATION.W~N TOl:ONADO A"'9, tn!IJ.. ,._ ....... Sae9 l"wl', •r., ,.,,, WQ., •It' SJ488 pwt,. ~air-. l,W~ ~U9U -.. ...... tr--.. ·(TUM tn1 .. , + TIX a. Llc. + Till & l ie. '64 FORD XL I '69 FIAT • I b , .. .....,, ..... r...111., ' .,.._ 4 ..., ...... ..,,,, .. , .. ,,..,. •.u. (l'WD SJ88 !DU .,.) • • SJ 488 ... . + Ttll • UC:, -' + Tix & Lk', '64 THUNDERllRD 1· -'68 COUGAR ... .... ...... ......... ...... , ......... ,.,, ........... .., a I~ W. (Ol..U 41>) --llrtr.s.. rMlll. .....,., $1 .. LIL (PAX m1 • -+ Tu lo Lk. + Tix & Lie. '65 EL cAMiNo I '69 PplllnAc -. LI MANI Vl,.-....... .,,.,.,.tfr., ""· IN'b .. air .... #1111411288 W. '""'tr. .. ,_.., tit., '2388 ,.. • , ,,.,, ,..,.... air. -.. ctr-+ TG • Lie ...,, .... (YJID l'IQ -. ,,. ' +Tna.Lk. OPEN N1TIS 'TIL 10 P.M.--SUN. 8 P.M. • ""' --..... "lttnllty 11111., '"' . \ ; .,:=_. -- •II'!'• .. --"!"'-----""!-----... ------.... ""'-"'." .... -----------~~-~--..... ~-·--,.-,...,,......_.,----·-~~-·-. -·----~ --~ ·- Friday, Febl'ILlrY 13, 1970 DAILY PitbT T~NSPORTAJION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATI ON POR ATION TRAN 1,s.,Po"! __ . c_._,...,_~--·-·-"_11_s._.,..,_· _c .. •.._••----"-1-•.1.u_...i __ c_.,. ____ 9'00-"-u...i c,I'! .. ·CHEVROLET UMd C1r1 9900 C~l.CK IVfRSON .YOUR AUTHORIZED ~ Imp..~~ Autot 9600 Antiques, Cle11ic1 9615 VOLKSWAGEN YW BUGS FROM $399 GOOD· SELECTION W6E SELECTION ofVW CAMPl!RS '30 MODEL A Rds _ VS + acuba gear, UXXJ. Call 8-S, Randy 213/591-4481 1930 Ch~. good cond., 5.3&-8958, 803 Main St., HB. Make oUe.t, ask for Dan. Autos W•nted WE Pl..Y . -• CASH WE PAYWH FOR YOUR CAR ·CONNELL Harbour V.W. AUTHORIZED cHmOLE1' 2121 Harbor Blvd. SALES & SERVICE Costa Mesa t)l&.1200 18'lll BEACH BL., ~ HUN'nNGTON' BEACH 1 _ _.;W.:,;E;:,,.:.P,;_A:.;Y~T.:._O:::P:......_ '68 YW BUG ng;:;:< .!..~ Nev new, ho~y creme ext., TOP $ BUYER plUah blaclc illt., 4 &pd., dlr. BlLL MAXEY TOYO?A Must sacrifice! Take older 1llll Beacb Blvd. car in trade or small down. ff. Beacb.-Pll.. "7-155& VXTl.32,J Call Phil, 494.9773 · - or 545-063!.· _ Auto L111lng '62 vw auG N~ titta.· new brakn, Tl!- fflltly overhauled engine. Runa rreat. Must ~u. being divorc@d! $750 ot beat otter. Cill aft •• 839-6648. '65 YW Make your deal wt . PCR.429. Phone 64&-5055. BAYSIDE MOTORS 1200 W. Coe.st Hwy., NB. FORD AUTitORIZED . ~SING SYSTEM America's largest Ieasini system lor linanct or net leasing of all type can and trucks. • Immediate delivery lrom over 300 cars and trucks • c.ompetitive rate11 • New car dealership service • FW.I "tradein" VI.Jue-tor '69 YYI ~ h¥:k, Xlnt :your prtsent car oolld, lb mileage, Pvt pty, •All popular ~ avail- $2.150. * 648-7721 o r. able ~9 eve~ \ For Complete Details Call ¥USI' Sell by Ft-b. 23. Malcom Reid ,Europe·bound. '66VW. Xlnl. Leasing Manager ·Cond, AafDn& ~ After·6, Theodore :•l>-5.198 ROBINS FORD ~ Valkawagen Bug, 24,000 2t1iO Harbor Blvd. rmiles, Like new! U650. Cl:lsta M~ 6.tz:ootO :GtS-8383. Cal's Cameras, !!!!""'""'""!"""."~""'""'"' :i1so· N•wport Blvd., CM. ,,,., LEASE ,,,., 1 .VW $quareback, xlnt '67 Cadillac El Dorado, Jull conil., ~ air. $1475. '61 pwr, air, black wi red Jeatb-~vw Bug, great shape $525. ,.,,,, Pri·-•-P·-· 960 0176 er int. $w;:1. per mo. • vau: .... ,. ......,, '67 T-Bird lA.ndau. full pwr., '68 VW Camper air, stereo tape. $79, per mo, $2850. '69 Co"J!ar XRT, pwr, ah', • 64&-9245 • vinyl top, $105, per mo. i962 vw Bus, new eng., trans SO. COAST LEASING :1: tire11o * extras. $1000. 300 W. est Hwy., NB &G-2182 :tlJ...1455 'os""vw"""'s.~0c~k~V~an-·~.n-1.~1;oo= 1U ~.;,•td;.;;...;;C,;;•;,c••;.._ __ ....;.:.:;:. :s. ,XJ.n't .COOO. $1050. Call 14T;lW • !fi9 Bus, 1 pill:!s., xlnt cond., Lo , mlg, warT. L'O\>erage '$24&>. ~1l13 or 833-3461 ~ VW. Fair condition. ~ bl't •q ;.,,$550. Call 64~3llOll IUICK '69 ELECTRA 225 Full pwr, fact air, dlr, AM/ FM, T whetl, xlnt oond. Owl\Cd ~ little; 'o&e .ma11 tn Lacuna. Sacrifice! Take old- er car in tni.de. Will fine 1964·~ VW, 1unroof, ,radio, priv IU'fY. 88025. Call J.P. 'heater, iood cond. $725. after 10 AM. 494-9n3 ot Orig OY.'nel'. 540--0178 545-0&M. '65 JW'lBui tied.an, a'OOd con-'65 SKYLARK deluxe 2 Or. di~ thru-out. 1$ 8 7 5. Fact air. P /i: Radio. 675-'lfOl call anytime. J.'i,000 n1i. $1650, 2 5 6 3 '66 VW. Excellent condition. Fordham Dr., CM CBndy apple red n095. iss BUICK Skylark, 2 dr "64:1:®! HT, '.l!i,llXI mi. PS & radio. $1395, 675-5424 I C \! e i " 1967 VW Camper, pop-top, Sun'i only. ' fadio, 8 track tape dtclc, $2,40Q... 962--169::i LO MJ&. Joos; ~k Riviera, · c:;;;!. A-1 eond.. Must ...U. beat ofr 1915 Bc\ge· vw., xlnt runninr takes. 673--0s13 a.ft !> • . condition, low mileqc $995. --------- 142!5147 * '* '* '63 SKYLARK, V-8, .... VW Bua. l New tire9. auto, bucket teats. UJ:j, ~ 548-3281 • • * . New brk1, muUler, batt &. ft.till.....-. $500. 53&-1'63 '68 RIVIERA '3295. FUil power A air. )o miles. 8829 'ti& VW SUnroof. Good Cond. S all A F V -• =~ Beat OHer Over $1000. w aw ve., · '.,_....,,., * c.an <94-:i>40 ~ -CADILLAC '19 VW. NICE, A11 tel'\liMd, ---------'Good 1ire1, Radio. • • '19 CADILLAC Sedan De it515 * * 5"8-4532 \rllle • ..FUu power, factoty air '65. vw. ;850. conditioning, dual electric Oean. extn.t! UlO enc •• ...._ 3,400 al'tual miles. ~. 544-5153. 1 'J'ormet G.M. Executtve•a '61 VW -Jffl car. d.n Sales ?.fanaaer 548422 or 516-lm CONNELL 1-..;;...~-'-·-'-~~ CHEVROLET VOLVO XII ff.tl.bor &lvd., C.M. &48-12<)0 10 -WAOONS 164 -SEDANS All other mode.I"• now tn •tock. 4 speeds & autom.&tlcl. Your Be:st Dealt Are Sllll .\t DEAN LEWIS J186Hullot',C.M. - CADru.:AC 1969. CWpe de Vil~L tac. air,i extri1, xlnt cond . .Pvt. $5,150. 493-1824 DON'T JUST \VJSH for llOmt!thtnc to furnlll.b your lxlme • • . find 11"'111 bi.tya la 'iodoy"1 C!Wlllod Adi. CAMARO ·~ CHEV. Nomad. Xlnt -------.:.iii\! Con<i. See it! Make Oiler! '59 CHEV Mt· VI, trl- Call Sf0.-4845 stick, chrome r r qJ 1, '65 r..tAtJeu_ss 283, XLNT tlrra. xlnt co~ $ s 9 COND, Nu paint • )'ell/blk, I "'96ll-S"-::1"3=-;;;;;:::-;;:::-;d P .s. $1095. 646-0054 Eves '62 Impala Hdtg, Pwr 1t Pwr brakes. Aulo '62 CHEVY ss: 327, bucket Rad io, Nu paint. Xlnt co &eabl, recent engine &. tran:I overhaul. M&-0510 , $375 84~20! ~ '61 CAPRICE ( dr ~· '68 Chev Malibu, 1ta. wa&".. P/s, p/b, p/w A. ; VB, pwr sleeriifg, r & h, fact air7'$1695. ~1282 -$20,000-nlLBelow .blue... for quick sale! 675-1483 • 1 '64 IMPALA. air, V-3. auto, .64 OIEV II Wagon i ; 'Pwr str. $'150. rad' lr ·~ , call 494-4500 IO, a , .,._,, I 495--0329 ~; '5,j Chev. 6 cyl. eng, $25. and •59_ CHEV, Impala l ml1cellaneou1 ..... .-1 •• A to I •~ .,~., A,.,.,. r-... u ., very c ean. -· ....,._,_,., 67l.2310 ask lor Joe JOHN COHNILL "NO GIVEAWAYS NO GIMMICKS" BRAND NEW 1970 ••• J1.ttt 21 Yt1r1 of He1111t --o •• 1;119~ S1ltt111 Cft1v"'''"· --___ NOYA _ --- ' BOY!! HAVE ·wE GOT TRUCKS • • • • • • • • • • AND WE'RE ANXIOUS TO . MOVE 'EM BRAND NEW 1970 CHEVY PICKUP $ FULL PRICE 1/i ton Flnt1ide. Heavy duty springs, 9u19e1, etc. Stock # T50S ' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' BRAND NEW 1970 BRAND NEW 1970 BRAND NEW 1970 CHEVY VAN EL CAMINO 3/4 TON PICKUP · ' 7001r14-6 ply tires, tide l t••r Joor1, •ufol!'l1lis trt n1111i11ion, Cudorn. Tinted ti•••· cl/le b•1l11, J5D 1111 •• turbo hydr1J114lic, · VI '"t·• h1tVV d 11ty r11r 1prir191, •ur. 1pri1191, f11ll fo1/l'I ltthl, t ux. 1111. Stock #556 s2595 FULL PRICE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . . ' '64 FORD COUNT•Y SQUllll W19on. A11to. ~'"'·• P.S-. r1dio. h11fe•. A•••· s1tio111I lloy , ,IOTU25l) '$795 '62 CORYAIR MONZA 4 1p11d , R11111 1 1rc:.1ll1nt. $295 '68 STINGRAY CONVERTllLE 4 Sptl ., rtdio, h••t•r, AA! c.ond. P+'OU6l•~ $4295 '66 DODGE YAN CAMPER Exctption1L fully •quipp•d. IV49271)) $1995 '69 CHEVROLET Y·8 V1 TON P.U. Cu•t•m Ctb, r•tlio I: htattr. l ie. 117tSO $1795 '66 CHEVROLET YAN IOI" 111loll'ltliot tr1111., r•4i• & lto11tr. llt017 $~95 P.S., "u1lt l111tto11 rtdlo. Stock #109 9111911, tie. Stock #501 ' s3095 FULL s2595 FULL PRICE PRICE IMMEDIATE' DELIVERY IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '66 STINGRAY '67 OLDSMOBILE '64 RAMBLER FAITIACK DELMONT HARDTO' C,E. 2 Dl. <l27 '"'9· 4 1,,.I, l1dio & heet1r. Eic:1ption1I Factor.,. •ir, P.S,. A.T., redio, htr, Low '"l11e91. ~11!0. fr11'11 ., redio, h1et1r. ITVS .. 651' cir. ISUA076J IUTLIS61 $2895 . $1895 $195 '66 RAMBLER '67 CAPRICE '67 DATSUN ' CONYIRTllLI CPl. 4 DR. Aulornetic, recli•, h••f•t• v.,., ni1;•.ca1. (WIK lf6 a119. '•ct, •ir, pow, ''''"• •vto. ir1n1 •• te-R•clio, h•tl•r, lik• n•w co11J. ITNEJ'4Jl 501> clio, h••t•r. tV0£1261 --$795 $1695 $.995 . ' '64 CADILLAC '63 VOLKSWAGEN '62 DODGE CPI. DIVILLI lu9 2 o.,,,. 16ZM6171 F1111 powtr I t ir, low m!l••t•· Exl r• nic•, fJTE l 111c•• 11d111. IVHYl•tl $695 7421 $1395 $395 '67 MERCURY '64 CHEVELLE '67 CHEVROLET CALllNTI SPT. CPEo IMPALA STATION WON. f•cff•'( •ir, •utoin•tic, P.S., t•4io, h••••r, only M•llb11 tltlio11 w•9°ort. f0lW29!) f 0 P•11., Auto. fr•111., pow. 1t11r., t•dio, k11t•t. 20,000 hon•1t pric•, N.tw-'••r w•frtnty -(VOP 236) . ' (TWNlll) $1895 ' $495 $1295 ~ '68 CADILLAC "3-STINGRA Y: ~ ...'.68_0,LDSMOBILE DI VILLE CONVl•Tllll HARDTOP 442 HARDTOP full powar I: air, l•w low mila1, bti9• coler, 4 1pe.d. mtg. wh eel1, Lcttt 1h1rp. 4 Spd. lr1n1., rtdio, hetl•r1 A retl b.tuty. flltf 91111 tira1. IWSHl9111 6111 $2295 . • $4295 . .. $1695--.. '66 CAPRICE '67, PONTIAC '67 CffEV. J/4 TON HARDTOP IONNIVl.LLI H.t . . 4 WKllL DRIVI! Full power & 1ir, ••tr• hck. 1a1ts, !STF611) Full ,. ........ f1 c.fory t lr, 29,000 tciual mila_I,. Pickup, Ntw .. f.e,..•ill t-11 '1296191 $1595 $1795 . $2895 . . .-11 ' New .Cars Used Cars r 546-1200 546-1203. . ' . I· . • ; J DAILt PILOT Friday, Frbruary U. 1970 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION -TRANSl'OltT A T10N !!~~R~A~l~=:j~~A~P~O~R~T~A~T~I ~;T~R~AN5?0RTATION '90I llMd Cars 9900 lJMcl Cart -UHd Cari -'90I .Ulld Can • 9900 '90I Utad Cart '90I Ulld Con :::,,;:::;:,__~~.:.:.:::: 1 -~~~~~-~·"'-"~~~~ ~~~~ U1ed Cera ,9'00 UMll Cort "" PLYMOUTH CHIVIOLIT CHRYSLER CORYAIR CORYJJR ' COUGAR FORD FOIJD , f9RD . ----'~--* lmpresslvt Imperial * '66 CORVAIR. MONZA '62 Corvalr, ~Dr. G:iql cond~ '61 COUGAR, Lt. gm, Vinyl FORD '69 Club \V-.g. V--3 LIKE NE\V!" '69 Ford Sbpir 1967 FORD LTD~. Owl): '69 f\ny Ut' 4-Dr. Loaded! 1969 d:fRYS "LE BARON" SPT CPE, w /auto, r/h, Auto, Pvt pty, S275 646--8506 'lop, l~wntr, Lo mileage, eng. Fact· a.It.· Carefuily Van. 2,3'.M> mUea, Take over l!d • Malnlalned by Ford Pvt. Pb'~Mu-tttlll $289Sor Ltu:ury aed., onyx black, Jan. elc, Low mll ~a.ae, J_ocal 1 alt 6 E xc e Pt Ion a 11 y clean. maintained. $2'195. &C-T722 paiinenta 195 Jl'IO, or • ~ Sttvice Mer. }"act Warr ae,. take ovtr PQ'. 60-2461 dau top_, black calf~ln i11t. owllOJ'. sParklloi orlg teaJ M7-U79 '66 CDUNJ'ttk' Squire, ~ $2!1Xl.·&t6-4BT malnlnc. Alao. 1955 Ford I ---,-O'""'N~TIA--C--- E''trYlhinr from lerej(i)pllW blue w/ beaut piw;h blue CORYmE cond! I-owner, J1400 'Go Gal&xlc!, xlnt com. ll cyl, xlnt •hape. Call aft 6 --------- lilt whl!el to air coro. New vinyl Int. Proven ~my DONE • 675-1276 * mlleqoe, new tires, $10 PM wk41.y1 ~ "'' warrallly. l200 below plu• U\8t late model Contln. -----------i l'MI< ,..,~,... ••--'·'---'63 ~-G"'--'· -XL '61 Tempest ~· Men1 A fOl"i'Ous vetduro creeo with blk. landau top. Pwr. str. and fhe factory 5 )'t. warranty book. . '68 1URINO Fomlal HT. Fl '"5''· ..,,.,, ................... -..,_ ... , '"'"'"' -....A"' -• "\Vhol•'"I 0 -k" SACRI en!al styli""' for only $995. '68 CORVETTE 327 Convt. 4 .,,~ Fn'-V·'J ---Be "•" A ,,_ •· · '" e """' · · .... .... Dodge Dart G-T •• 6 cyl, pwr, air, 390 V.S, vln top. rn• ... ey. ~· auu.iw car. u ..... ,atno FICE! $4395. ~f AR QUI S ~1ARQUIS M'fRS: 900 So. new polyglas-~res. AM/FM automatic, radkl/beater. l\1uat sell 962-4041 '65 COUN-Y •·•·· 1• . tran&mls81on, etc. YHZ-558. 1'1ln: 900 So. C&l H\\'l!.y, La. Cal Hway, Laguna Beach. radio, air COnu,, auto. tra.ns. 1 75 '"' ~· agon, .... _, __ """' de·' p h guna Beach, 494·7500 or '= ... -"~'°'~·-~540-3=~'1)()0"·~~~ $3850. 830-3080 4 · 4~t2 '1965 Fard Fairlane A/C. V-8, JO l**'> r~ t1.uto1 pJ1. -~~~ .... one ~100. ~ CORVAIR ,.., ___ . 4 spd. 1966 CORVE.Tl'E Oonvertible .!61 Dodge ' Phoenix, Cood -Xlnt cond:-'S8:i0.-• Call~ pm. 646-l4G3-BAYSIO"Eh\OTC)~S~ "4-'l-transportat10n S95. 64S-ll!l6 '63 r-•-n ~-w ..... 110 hp. Good eond. Call 321, 300 H.P., Aulo, Nu top, 6T.,..s.J.70 -Good ~&n S300 13Xl Wr Cout 1-lwy., N.B, Sole! $1 H9 Sale! . 5'18-8908 aft 6'. 40,CKXI miles. 496-9627 • . l s ..j o U ll AD I N 5'M3ll . 1158 FORD Station Wgn. 352 1968 CORVETTE 3 21, DIAL direct M2-561'8, Cbari:e Q.ASSIFIEO! Someone will , ... •n• ... ....-lnferuptor eng., iood tires, COMET Mister "T' 645-1441 ~ ~~~r. line DAILY PILOT WANT automatic. loaded $3T:il. · your ad, then sft back and ~ looldna fQr u Dial Mi-66 F~~E Wq: P/S. body ii: trana. Good lttterior. ?.lake oiler! * 495--5180 ADS! 968..s3ff listen to the pb>ne rina! 5671 . PIS. auto, fact an', nu Call 646-6319 aft 4 2100 Hari:wlr Blvd., C.M. '67 'FIREBJRD, A-tOD ~ vert., ~aut rond., :S,(1(1) miles, 316 cu in., sm « best offer. Cill · --- after 5 Pl\I' i='~====='-'-_.:::~,:::::::.:.._:._:'.:::'.::::_~========'.~":'======.!.:i:====o=::~=:J,;:;;;~=====::..'._:tbu~:_· Call~~6U-~1"5~,!!aft:!.l!;·_j •69 FAIRLANE w ... AJC. ' Job.nson•s .on. ' . For a better deal on a Lincoln-Mercury product see your local dealer, AND who else can back the sale with 18 years of QuaDty Servl~e. JOHNSON & SON. Power StHrlng, Power Disc Brlkff, White Side Will Ti res, R1dto, H11t1r, Deluxe Whael Covors .•• OF91H517834. $3166 .+ TAX• LIC. ................... _.... 1970 JtlERClJRY ~CLONE 4Zt V0I , D1.. llcN•t, ~ot1 H.-.1 .. ,._..., ..... •fill wltll c,_ .... t._,.. 4•s,.H Tro111"'llM•11, '•-sr..,1 ... Po-Dbc ....._ IMJo, l•1t•••t•IH •fffP· 1 .. m.te Co11trol Side ¥1-Mirror. OHISNSZIJ7Z · 1970 COUGAR XR7 Datl' Golcl, 15 1--4, Brown Hound1tooth "it1yl 1001, emi11ion control, Sel Sf, WSW F70xl4 Belt1d tirt1, power win· d-1. power lietrin9 , power fr ont di1c br1kas, eir, AM/FM 1terao, tinl•d glan, delu•t 1111 l sho11lde r belh . Appe1r1nct protection group. OF9l - M51599t 1970 MARlj)UIS Mttf. Blue, hltclr .,;nyl roof. tmis1ion control, WSW H-11a I 5 belt•J tires, power 1idt windowi., •·way sttll, powar fro nt dhc br1kt1, tilt 1f•trin9, powtt 1lterin9, t ir, AM /FM ster•o, du1I r11r 1e1! 1p1••1r1, tinttd 9la1t, dlx . se1t I 1~ould1r belh. front & ftlt floor m•h, remote L/H mirror, power doo r loc~s, door Hgt 91111t ... I l luxury whe1I co~•rt. OZ6tKS049t I 1st DEMO SALE OF THE YEAR 4 ~r Sedan Derk Brown. Le1 ther with .,;ny1 inlttior, whi!1 "inyl roof, emi11ion co~trol. hi9her ratio r1tr txle, power lock rt - l111a 9roup, WSW 9151115 belted tir es, 6·w1y power 1111, tilt whetl, euto. temp. control, AM I FM 1ltreo, pow1r 1nttnt11. luxury -wheel co.,tn, tinted 91111. Ap. pro!. 9rp. OYl2At0)426 Broughlm 4 DoOr H1rdtopi 81&B.. <OM. bl-ck Vlil'fl rOOf, 1mlulon con- trol, WSW H1QxU W/T belled llrn, POWt<" side •lndows. rtcllnlr!g p1......,..r MAI, 6-- ••Y pa-IMt drh>1r 11411, Pl)Wll' fronl disc M<tkn, 1111 wftttl, paW9r 11-ll'IQ, ..,.m ((Hl- lrol, remole cen~ trllnl< r111 .. t , 1lr, •lie· trk rNr wllldOw dtltMl1r, POWlr 1ntenn1. AM/FM st.,..o, du.l r11r -t 1peak..,,, If>. ,.....al wlndll'lllld wlpen, llntecl g1t5'. lltlkll!e _, • .,......,., INll&. '"""' &. , .. , fl'.ltb, ,. mot. t./H _mlrrDI', power dOor 1o1:t1, dclol' ..... 9U1/'Q I. 0"'4 ..., .. c-s. 02'7H51*5 $4050 $4670 All These C1rs Ar• PRICED TO SELL Mlny with 6000 mil11 or Lns!ll VERY An.ACTIVE SAYINGS $5050 • ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST U.SED CARS JohHIOH "' son· ~as-The Reputation Of Ofterl11g The Finest SeleetloR of llsed Cars in the County/ JUST ARRIVED FROM FORD MOTOR CO. CSpeci'I Purch•se) WIDE SELECTION OF 1969 MERCURY MODELS Coug1r1 & Mercury•, convertibles, station wagons, 4 dr. hardtops, 2 door hardtops. YOUR CHOICE $2995 '69 Cou9ar Convertibles With air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, etc. 6 to 9000 miles. '69 Mercury Convertibles '61 CONTINENTAL ~ 01. 51d . At9t1n 901d finish, brown lenda11 roof, leeth1r i11t1rior. All the h1ucury ft•h1rtt incl . l1ctory eir. VT")6 $3895 '61 MERCURY Colony P1rlt St1. W1qon1. VTM 714 "''di11111 chram1 yellow fit1 i1h witlo. 111 .. invl interi or. All· torn1tic tr1n1., pow1r sl1trin9 I br1ke1. Ftt• tory eir cond. Be111tiful cond. $2995 "H MONTEGO MX 4 dr. 1td1n1 IJ to choo1t from l. All have euto, tr'"'·· rtdio, httltt, power .teer., powtr br1ke1, f1clory •ir, l1ndau roof. YWR Ott- 1,000 mila1. $2995 '6' CONTINENTAL Co11p•. Rotewoed metellic finisk witli bl1clt lttffitr I: w+.it1 l1nd11 r11of. L11a11ry eq1,1ip,ed, f1ctory air, •fc. XSR 510 $5195 '64 CONTINENTAL ~ J oor •• deft. v,1 .... hl1clt fini1h with bleclr l1tlh1r inl1rior. F11lly l11x11rv equipped includi119 full pow-er I f1ctory eir. Uc. OYS 525 $1595 '67 PONTIAC GTO 2·Dr. H.T. Gold mi1t metallic fini1h with bl1ck bucket 1a1h, euto. ht"•·• r1dio l h11t1r. pow· 1r 1+e1rin9, factory air. Bt1util11I co11dition. TRJ 501 $1995 BARGAIN CORNER In Our Bargain .Corner, we have numerous used cars. Some cleen, some not so clean. Some that are duplications, some we've had too long -in any event, these cars are reel bargains. LOOK 'EM OVER! '66 Mll.CUl.Y MOHTCLAt• 110. $1316 Lk. OClW 111. Clllll. 11M "' ltrlt· '&& 1'01.0 eAU.IUI M 4 Dr. H.T. ILW 6'I INiet Ctrl With air conditioning, power steering, power brak11, ate. '69 Montego Sedans With air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, etc. ~======.,=7=C=O=N=Tl=N=EN=T=A=L====:::~~====================:(,&& 4 Or. Std. Beeutiflfl Bermude Blue metil1ic fin-'67 MERCURY MAR9UIS Mii.CURT t-0001. Mtlltc.lllr M.T. f'OO m !HM T .. Llllt) A NICE SELECTION Of WAGONS, MARQUISES ETC .. AT ONLY $3695 ALL LIKE NEW! VERY LOW .MILES! hh with matching l1•lhtt interior. Bleck la~cl111' roof, fully lw111r., ... q11ipptd tnd factol"l' olr con- dltioni119, AM -FM r1dio, lltrto tap• deck. Ot1t· owner cir. Bta111ff11lly mtinlein1d. Lie. TIN 020 $299$ '67 CONTININTAL Con.,trtiblt. Poler wltilo with lilood 1t1ther & white top. f111/ ·powar eq11ipptcl with feel. 1ir. VGV 252 $2795 2 Or. Herdtop, leeulilul 9old beiga fi"i1h with inef.,Jii"t Interior, fij11y power 1quipp1d, fie· torv 1ir, l•..dtu roof, one owner. Drive" only 30,000 mil1s. UZN f I 4 $2395. "65 CONTINENTAL 4 door, D11erl Bel91 flni1h with blo11d l11th1r intorlor, F11llv luxury oq11ipped includi"t full power & f1clory tir. Un111u1 lly cl11"' Lie. ~w 951 $1895 l'OllD o.Al.AICll * HM'. ~ SVf' .. tHln Cltl '&& '66 aUICIC ILICTl.A COHVll.TllU $1 &1& Lk. Tf'U '411. MIC1 car. '&1 C°"TIHINTAL' • Dr, ..... " '69 • f'OltD TOIUHO ~XIII m . Cl&P. • .John.Son. son . - ~£00~ m · ~~!m©!!!JOOW • ©®!!!l@/MOO 2626 HAUOR IOULIYAID, COSTA MUA NEW CAR'S 1) Miie South of the 540•5630 642·0981 San Dl .. o Preeway \ . - -I 140-1635 llGID CARS P I s. P I B, steno n1 radio. Call 962-7974 ~s1 Ferd Ranchero * $200. 546-2420 • '61 OTO Conv. UN COLN PIS, P/B, Afr •. Au!o. trazis. 16.000 ml. Must Sell!!! ..... 739 '69 LINCOLN Mark Ill, fully equipped, 13,IOI · otil" mi. $6T:il. 64>-0410 '68 GTO, run air ena:, auto. p/s, disc brakes, landau lop. S1815. Call aft I, 613-lM2 MERCURY '66 MERCURY Caliente, 2- Dr Hdtp, RtR, Clean. Xlnt Cond 1 $t0!. 673-5008 '66 GTO, •. 4 speed Hunt; cra&"ar mags, auapenslon. Sun, Slr.W, $200, :r.o.P. 545-3192 1955 1.IERCURY Montclair, 2 dr, clean, best offer. '&4 Le Mlllll, 4 11pd, stick, 326 eng., new paint. Top shape! $900. 646-2577 549-2Xll RAMILER '66 hfustq nard top, R&H, «lr, new tlres, Wpeed. lmm· ac runner. $.1395. Aft 5 pm wk-days 567-8989 , '67 MUST.ANG. 6 cyl, rd, htr, new tires, excl cond. $1J50. 54&-9391: alter 5 PM·. OLDSMOalLE '96 RAllBLER Ambulador, · sta \\'J.i, PS, PB. new tires. $1400 or take over·pymnts ot f12 mo. 53&-782'l aft~ 6 PM. 1r "63 Rambler Ambundor PS/PB, rood eond., $450. 962-1600 1964 RM18LER Amer. Sta . '68 OLDS 442, p/s, p/b, a/c, stereo tape. Call after 6 or wkends 837-3969 ·57 OLDS 88. 70 license. ·Ca.sh $100. R54 Con;;re!!, C.M. Wq. Rieff, tl.UtO, S1$. • Cali 5o&-fl58& • T·llRD ·, &12--0238 '67 FORD T·Blrd. 4 door; _;;.:=;;,======:I landau, brome, black top; PLYMOUTH bll<-uphol., like new ...... many xtru. tact air, n.ooo * 1969 PLYMOUTH * mi. Must aell $1985 or best Roadrunner. Lo mileage. StHI offer. TI4: 540-4966 ' under lact. V."AIT. Stereo tape, ·51 T-BIRD C!.&salc, xlnt. ~ 4 1pd, poly;lai tire1. ?alust by appoint. $1950 soHil. lell immed. Ca.sh or take 54&-6567 alter 6 pm over pyrntl. can s;;7.9430 aft =:;~:=:=;;;;::;::===I • VALIANT 'fl& FURY IlI. 4 dt h.t. 383 . Pwr sts, brkl, lac air. vi.a tp, 1 Ownr. Lo bk. Days KI 7-618-1, Eve1 645-Z!21 '61 Valiant Waa9n. New. paint, Good enrtDe, Needs seat. Be!lt oHer! 96&-1669 . -lmportad ~ulot - HARBOUR VOLKSWAGEN '63 VWBUO ltNll, M .. tw. -IVl'M Qlj '68 VW BUG °"""'lelol. .. 14111, $1611 MHtlr'. WIW Tl,.._ IVAa .._., '&&VWBUG llMll, H .. llr. $1311 ' (IYL Utl '68 VW BUG AM·'"" Miiter. $1411 A'ltltnlllc. tWID NU ;&lVWBUB 11 .. r.. MHltr. $1411 (VTW WI '&IVWBUG •Kte!"f "'"· ..... ' $1611 H111W. ITC!. IUJ '64 VW BUG 11111111-. " ....... -lllMf' 1111 '&& DATSUI WABOI ~::~· :::."'· $111 '67 DATSUI ~,'!': .. ::'.'i'v:.":.''• $1111 'l&VWBUG llldiot, .... ..,. -ttru. ITIX 1111 '64 vw BUG ·-· NNM<. "'." ..,,. '&&VW BUI JIHl<t. """'" IVWl .. j '&& VW CAMPER ~::·,::·· $1111 tTWL fDI • '&OVWJUI . ._.......... . ..... """'· IOM. 1111 .... HARBOUR V.W. AUTHORIZED SALIS & SlltVICI 11711 Beach lltwl., Huntl.,i.. looch M2-44U • • .. • ,_, I ' I ht•• b6en t new ctr dealer her• ALL DAY SATURDAY AMD ' in So. Celif. for over 20 years •nd I deeply eppreciat• it when you do bu1ine1s with mt, •nd I will person- t lly m•k• •Vtty eff•rt +o 1•ti1fy you · in every way •• +hat you will b•corn• • . .. SUNDAY, FEB. 14th & 15th • 9ood fri•n-' tnd • boo1t•r for Worthington OoJge. m:;-, . 51oc•ely. Cal Woothlottoo ;_-;~YUlFltmlNYITED ____ ~ -_c_ . . -ON-OUR-ENTIRE-INV!N-TOR'Y-of-NEW & USED CA~S '70 CHARGEI V-8 . Meet ·yy. film ' & Radio Stars 1 R/T 2 O.Or H1rdtop. Light 1roup, disc br1ke1, power br1kn, console, torq~lte tr1nsmi..i.n, 440 Cl,D engine, 4-bbl. magnum. tinted 91111 111 window1, 1ir'condltlonln,, •lectric clock, hood tlo down pln1, tachornet1r w/clock, music m11t1r AM r1dlo, power lfffrlnt, spctrf1 type 1tMt• int whMI, bl1ck vinyl 'roof, ho.d pe:rform1nce p1int, b 111 ck IDn9itudln1I t1p9 stripe, r1llye , Plus 'Live .. Music· Clowns . . " J ~ ~ • • • • ·:.,.. NOTtc_I!! ':Vttit DO NOT require. a Minimum' Down Payment, like $10 down, $25 down, $99 ·down, ttc. We try to arrange down payments and month· "ly:,Oy"'9nts to suit each indlwldual customer. 'I I F' REE ELEPHANT RIDES CAMEi-RID.ES" . : . PONY RIDES FREE HELICOPTER RIDES JUICY FREE HOT DOGS * TRANSPORTATION SPECiALS * '65 PONTIAC A11lo111•+ic, r111i:o, h•1l1r, p1wt r •••••· in9, ti"''"' 91111. INQE71JI $395 '58 T·llRD •Allt-1tic; rHli•, ht1t1r, P•••• ttffr· i"', dni111• whMli, ell 1>i11yl i11r. w/ i.11c•1+ 111ft, IGWF6011 $195 '61 OLDS 4 DOOR AMl01111tic, r1dio, h11tor, pow1r 11111· 1119, w1w, tint1d 91111. IJIAtJ4) $95 '63 CHEY. IMPALA Co11 .. t. Aulo111rlic, redio, h11l1r. pow• 1r 1'11ri119, w1w, linl11I 9l1u. lOHO 1571 $295 '62 CHEV. IMPALA Aulom1tic, rt4i•, h11ltr, 'w1w, ti111tH 9l1n •• I lHFSOOI $295 '65 FORD WACiON F1ctory •ir, 111lt1111tlc, r•4fe, h••t•r, pew•r 1tt•ri"f • w1w, t1"tti t l•11, IRElltll $695 type whHl1. IMtr. No. X52'UOG125321). $732 PISCOUNT l'ttOM l'ACTORY. STICKD PllCI • ·~o NEW .DODGE MONACO .. DISCOUNT '70 NEW DODCiE DART C111tom 1 dMf" l'l1n1t.,, ll1cllo 1r11,111, tw111111111t trt1111T1IHlon, I ll CtO "'llll'lf, 1 bllt., tlnttd 911ts 111 w~, 1lr ,..,. clltlMlnt. illtrt · ';.1nvt 1 .001, P!'lltclltll l l'Wll· IM ... .-tilt . l!o!JJGOIUOMlS),~ DISCOUNT '70 Nl!W DODGE POLA.RA 3 IMI w.J;,,, df1c llrlktt, ........ ~ ... IWQvtfllUI tr1111m1M!Drt, Jlll (10 .. ...... 2 bbl., llftlllll l llh 111 w,._., '"° art- 'dlllotllllt, tlectrlc C!Kk, IWN.. rid;, l'!'lutlc ""'twr AM rHll, prNtr ,_.,,,.. OllllJLt wwntt1 ~Yttl, (Mir ""' OUM.01). 11"'90), DISCOUNT ALL PRICES EPFECT[VE' THROUGH SU.NDAY, FEBRUARY 15tli. . '61 CHARGER "68 CADILLAC '68 FORD F•ct•ry •fr, •11t•., r•cfl•, he•t•r, ,.w. s.d. De VIiie COUNTl'f' llOAN 1r 1t11riflt la br1•11, ro•i wh1•l1, Ftctory •lr cortditioflillt1 11111,, r1iii, "''""' tep, ill •iriyl i"ttri•r w/fNcket F1i1U powlf', f11-cterv l ir ce.Witie11i111, heiti r, P-•r itMtfltf Ii lift\ ... wliit. 111h. (WQ0"21tl ---l1nd111 top. fWCH611 wt ll1, lillfM tl•11. IWA7Jtl, $1895 $4095 $2295 '68 CHl!VROLIT f1clory •ir cefliitiel'lll'lf, •~fo., •1cli•, h1•t•r, pewtr 1l••rh•to wh ilt w•U1, th1tM t l•11. IVll•60I $1995 '67 FORD LTD F1ct•rv •ir ce11cliti11"i11g, 111torn1tlc, re4io1 h1•t1r, pQw l r 1!11ri11g, '"hlle w•H•, ti11!1i 9l•u . wi11yl !Qp , l UIA DtJI $1295 '66 TOYOTA CROWN I Dr. O"'•r.lri"''• r•ii1, h••ttr, whit1 w11!1, ti11t•i t l1u, ITAZ4241 $995 '69 DODGE R.T. F1ct•rv •ir ceitilli•l!Jf"t· •ttl• .. r141e, h11l1r, 111•••• tlffriflt I IM-•k ... thu1cf tliu. whlt1 w•llr, l•lltl•u te11, •II •l11yl I i11l., w/b11cket 111tt, IVM!I ), $3l95 '68 DODGE WAGON '61 VOLKSWAGIN A•lo1111tlc, rHie, h••f1r, fMWllf tt.•r• 4 t,..-4, r•cfi•, he1t .... IWYX21 I)' l11t, ti111t.4 t l11l. t WECI 161 $1395 $1595 '66 CHEVROLIT 4 Door. A11tem1tlc, r~i•, lle1t.t~ p•w1r •lffri119. whltt w1ll1, tlllf'M 1lu1. CSME7151 $895 '67 DODCiE MONACO 2 Or, H.t. f 41ct.ry •ir c•"'IH...t119f •kit•., "&H, 11•w1r •t••riltf A IH1k"r pewlr wlit41w1, l•nd111 tep, 111 ¥iityl IM. w/btc~•f ·t•th. ITUDJ4J) $1295 '66 MUSTANG A•l•1111tlo tr•11-r1.t-. r~ie, .,.,..,._ tl11t.4 tl•tt. llQCtOll $195 lllNC. THIS AD FQR THESE SPIC • • ( ' I • • • I I I • COME IN . AND TALK TO THE PRICE FIGHTIRI THIODOU ROBINS FORD FIGHTS · HIGH PWICIS WITH THE GRIAnST WHITE SALE EYER! OVER 400 NEW CARS ' AN.D TRUCKS TO CHOOSE ·FROM. " . 130 vit11 tuts In ·so. C•ll· - forni1'i first Ford diagnostic center t1kes just 30 mlnutesl . 1970 · . SUPER.'. SAYINGS!! MAV .ERIC.K s197.5. :L::E~::E:: . NEW 1970 FORD CUSTOM 500 4 1 DR. SEDAN -·----. !2895 :~~i_ NOT STRIPPED! PULL PRICE THE5! EXTRAS. lig 200 CID 6-Cyf. Eng., Auto Tron1., 6.4Sx14 W/ W Tires, Whl. Cvrt., Accent Trim, And More. ICompeny Cer lit.# YWT.,60) • OVER 40 MAVERICKS IN STOCK. . . ALL COLORS AND OPTIONS., J j17n ALL POPULAR -.·-"MAICl:S..;.MPOEt:s--- AUT.HORIZEO FORD LEASING SYSTEMS DAILY RENTALS • • ' BRAND .·NEW ENGLISH. FORD . . . 4 DOOR SID~N . s1995 ' FUU. PRICE! NOT STllPPIDI INCLUDES ALL THESE EXTRAS: Auto. Tr•n1 .. Front Disc Br•ku, Hvy. Dty. Heater, Hvy. Dty. Blttery, 6.00/13 WW Tires, Ae ro Flow, Vents, 2 Spd. Wipers With W•shers, Dix. Interior And Morel 15 To ChooH E.rom At This Price! 'r1At3Jl'612201 • OVER-60' EMG,USH FORD ,CORnNAS IN STOCiC" NOW NICED' ·yo ·CLEAR I GT's, 2 ORS., 4 ORS., STATION WAGONS • . '~ave A Nice Dayl" • s91s · 351 V-8 Eng. Auto Trans:, · Pwr. Str., R & H, Ext. Mold· ings, Fiber Gl1s1 Tires ind Mort. IE119. #OJSJF11)C)680J. COMPETITIVE RA TES \ . ·-R1nchero1, Broncos; Pickups, V•n1, Huvy Dutys. · FULL PRICE '65 ~~"~-~.~-~!,-Rf GT $ftftft- •i•eoric1 .1rEP01a1 07U -.6-7~~0?~~!.~~ LE MANS s17an RIH, P.S, IYWS04•l zu -,6-7-. ~~~!f~.~~!<!~ARK $1990 · P.S., Vi~v! ro of . .;IV'i"CL=20~ll -----,,-~---,--. 6-6-~D~~~•l•~~H. PS $1090 . AIR Cc111d. ISVY512 1 -.6-5-~~~~.~--;~-.. ~-. D~O~OR~~$6_9_0 !REPl51 l~~~~~~=~~--l66 ~.~~~-~-~~ ~~RDTOP $11·90 (585-451 1 . -.6-3-~--~~!! ... ~;~~;~....... s49· 0 IGOCOD21 I 66 ~.~~!~~~~~HT ALINA 51290 ,,---'":c--·,P.S., P.I. 15117,11 . 1 67· ~~~ .. ~!Y. SED. $1790 ITltT759l 1 66 ~~.~.~~ .. ~~.~~~ET . $890 IJCl'2041 Sfii:. 19SA. '66· ~?,~.~.~!.!:.~~UIRE $1390 IS RIC271) . c1mper ind Motorhom• Rentals By'Day, Week or Month. BEST PRICES IN THE WEST! LOOK fOR -lHE DIA'QMOSTlC .. CENJE.R 1EAL ON THE WINDsHJELD! . . . 100°/o PARTS AND LABOR WARRA.NTY 4000 MILES' OR 90 DAYS 'Coven· all mechenlcal p1rt1 lncludlnt •"line, tr1n1ml~lon drive llne, rNr end, PLUS brika1, blttery ind exh1u1t t'(ltem. All r .. p1lr work don• In our ewn MrYice cltptrtment. . -. . OVER 150 USED CARS AND TRU·CK'S IN STOCK ' . TR·UCK AND CAMPER SPECIALS '65' !e~D LONGBED sno CSSl~ltl '66 ~.~~~ .. ~-!~L DRIVE $1390 CIOSJlAI ----'62 !~,~~~ERO $690 CMDZ057,_ • '169 ~~.~!~.~.~100 l/4.fon $2390 A11!0 .. lt&H. 20.)00 11tllM. (211 21iC) , '67 '68 . ,, '69 '67 '65 .. FORD LTD FeetOl'y eir. •11to., U.H, l'.S. fUVlt6111 THEO DOH ROlllU, JL s1490· ~0~~~~1;~.~RO,NET $4090 Niwport lc,h. 0.tee+iYe ce•. (31 51711 I ~~~~.~~!CYCLONE $1590. · . P.S., l'.I. IRVJ61Zl ~~,~~" ~"'~"'~"'. !"'~"'. ~"'., .. ~, ... ~;.-, -s·1_4_9-,_r0-".--. brt Coit• .M••• Polit e e•r. 111 40111 DODGE D-AR1'~-'----..~~-2-9. -'-0 · .. ' 2 Ot. H.T., AIR, Auto .• ltlH. !VTS426 l !~!!;-..~·~,'. !"",,~--... -~~'""-T""'O_.P..-'$ .. 1-2-=--=9'-Jl=-o !WAH94JI I IMPORTED C;(RS I "67 ~.~,~~;~~~ .. 1soo s.w. s990 c--_ _..,IVTL4131 I 69 !.~~•~•~,"!~,~~~... 51690 IXTF7l I ) ~,6-7~~~.!~~.N STA. WAG. $4 090 =-=-"',--;1TWNOJ9l I "68 !.~~~~-~AGEN _$1490 feetory •i•. IWXE6221 '· ,ii