HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-02-18 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• -VOL.. U. M0..4'r4 IKTIOiUo a.J'AOIS . . Playing _Jlal-. .. • ,.. ' ...... ;,;i_ • DMl.Y ;J\.OT Del ._.. ~teque 1Jnlpire Mel Steiner, woo-called the bases In UG livine'• balpe.-~ ~. found more lli8ll the usual number ol , 111moetlons oil UCl's )leW l!!iJeball dlamon¢ Freshman Valerie Kit· .,,-·!inf. 19, is a' member of Mealer bat girt squad recruited by innova- ·tive Coach Gary Adams. A11!eaters inaugurated new field with 7.0 ;'!in over UCLA. See story, Page 16. ' lary .lndicts Ex-fireman {:n Dr.ug Smuggle Ring By ,ARTHUR R. VINSEL he was first spotted Monday night, with ot 1'11 o.itr rn.1 s11ff · o:ders to ram his car if necessary. ~ ex-fireman ,who allegedly ~e Detective Capt. Bob Green said llfrilinded 'hls'Seal Beach partner and oow Peterson -once reported to be anned co&feind&nt' ati a desert airstrip -when and dangerous due to his mental state - the Jteat was on during Operation is believed to h~ brought-a recent•ship- lntetcept -was Implicated by police to-ment o[ 501'.l'kilos ·o[ marijuana in from day in a ~a ·and air marijuana smug· Mexico. glll!.g ring. No trace of the coolraband, worth kobert R. Peterson, 36, was captured $25,000 or more t bas been found. .... 'Costa •Mesa Monday night, picked up The U.S. Attorney's Office said today JU that Peterson is believed to have been the by U.S.· Customs agents Tuesday and pilot who left Lenahan stranded at the faces arratgnment Friday In San Diego. remote desert airport last fall with a The defendant was indicted by a shipment or marijuana. feCleral grand jury and a no-bail warrant Spooked by the approach of lawmen, cKargiog him with conspiracy to smuggle the pilot of the small plane which entered and. conceal marijuana internationally from Mexico without fllghl p)an or Subsequently issued. authorlzatio:i, took off and left the second A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's suspect to be caught. Oflk:e in San Diego said today that T .-ruah•n also mad the P~-will go before U.S. Ma"' ... ate -:.-:;-: e neW> wtieo·hll '""""·~ a--mna11 bOat was overtaken off the coast of J; ):dwaru Harris on Friday to """'~ -San Diego during Operalion in!B<ept and !lit U:~sald PeterSO!l Is believed to he :!:ij.,~ ~ed.wwth of 1SD and lha i»rl"er of Willy Lenahan, 'll, of Seal The Seal Beach -waa th< Drst Bea'.!h. arrested twice last year on alleged smu41ler ... caught on the hllb 1e11 federal smuggling charges, once, at after Operation Intercept went lnlo effect rtm0tl Palomar Airport and once at aea. as an effort to--ctir6 iotematiooal narco- "Mr. Lenahan is in a bit of trouble," tics traffici . + gald the federal lawman, adding thlt he Investigators In eosta•Mtaa !sald ·Tl.aeJ. is .. Currenuy held at San Dtego County day that Peteraon,-a dt.y fireman teTeral Jail; awaiting trial on mulUple federal year11 ago, surrendered meekly when sur· diaiges. . rounded by J!olice cars. J.'tterson joined him al that facilltr, They added lhal he was IU8peCled of Tuetday r.ight. Involvement In a tn•19t ~ IJ!ltra- Trlal for both-Lenahan . and Pe~eon.. ton Crom Mexico 1jn~ the U.S., a:11 he hoWever, will be consolidated as the and hls Co-ae.feadant ract stiff•feijeral result oC the ex-city fireman's capture, prilon &e!t&enoea.if ·coavicted. W:\ih proceedings tentatl\'ely scheduled , • aome time next month. -• •POuce bac. bee1ueeking Pcter80llla llii! '" F l!>rbor ""• 1or -· 1l!no ...i-1\[1'• ' oters · avor """"""1 him withln·eight minutes lflet' .. CHICAGO SEVEN iJEAT CONSPIRACY Rea~an's W or'k SACRAMENTO'(~) 'rNearly ~ Pol'• cent oE California voters. think • Gov• Reagan rs doing a good job. according to • ClllCAGO (llP)--A•[ederallJur)I an o;iinion surveyby polfster'Mt!l'tin ·D. convicted today five men of inciting r ·eld U N I • Tlolence at tht' 1968 Democra c a· \ional Convention and acqullted all Field said 36 percent oC !hose qu.,. ~even defendants 'on Charges of con--tioned in this month'i survey think 1piracy. · • Reaganos doing a fair job a"ll ,'19 percont The ju~dellberaled 10 ~Olll.-h<·. say the gov~nor is doing a ppor'Job. fore flndlna:=P. Pf.lli{lgef, Jerry The · figures 'are about' tl1e riinle •as C, Rubin, ' ' t H~. ThOOJ8S Hayden 8"' Cr Davls'l!'lily lbooe reported last.,Aogu'\>• 1'1\lallghUy , . of ~r""*C~~-'~ lower lhan,ln-Febru~ry,1969 when.4fp<r, rlotinll. ., . · .eitque<tioned thought lleogal>" "" -.:.,...-':---~--:--:::--:-~~~·~·-~ing 1goodjob. !'.*' • • . . -· • • -' . . • . In Pot $111-agg·ling Bi:O~. . . . . . ~-- Nixon Ask s • ' Soviets Aid P,eace Quest By MEIUllMAN SMITH WASIDNGTON (UPI) -President Ni.Ion urged the Soviet Union today to joln 1n ending the cold war· by breaking through rigid hosUllly of the past 25 years into .. a new era" of realistic negotiation. In an unprecedented 40,000.word report to Congress on U.S. foreign polley for the 1970s, Nm>n suggested the SovJet Union couJd reduce ' danger of another major. war by cutting back Its apparent efforts to dominate the Middle East and by slow· ing er haJUni the flow of soviet anns to North Vietnam. The P.resident felt that 1969, the first year of his administration, saw a "good beginning'' toward improving Soviet· American. relations, but he said "our overall relationship with the USSR rema1ns far from satisfactory." For example, he said, the United States "would view any effort by the Soviet Union to seek predominance in the Mid· die East as a matter of grave concern." Further'morei be saw evidence Moscow ~as beading In that direction with con· aequen~ reaching far beyond the Arab- JJr1dl dispute. "H the AraJ>.Israeli conflict cannoi be finally ret0lved," Nil on said, "at least tu acope-must be contained and the direct eqagement or the major PoWm limited. .For this Is a second dimension of the con· Olt in the MJddle East -the riva1ries and tnterem of the major powers themselves." ·-.. ' Niaon1s view 0£ the Vietnam war ap- peared lo be slJghily more optimi!lUc than six months ago. Btjt again, as in the Middle East, he did not believe Moscow was doing what It could toward peace. 1'To the detriment of the cause of peace," he said, "the Soviet leadership ~as failed to exert a helpful influence on the North Vietnamese in Paris. The overwhelmlng majority of the war materiel that reaches North Vietnam comes from the USSR. •which thereby bean 1 heavy responsibility for the con- 1 Unualloo ol the war. This cannot help but cloud the rest of our relationship with the Sovlit"I Union." Th< Presld•nt thougill Rlwia could be!t serve its own tnte.rests and those of the World by joining the UnJted States in reducing 1lobally destructJve nuclear .. .. pons and "stop ,!tying to ·didale the fat• of other countries. "I believe the tJrne lw pu!ed In whith powerful naUons can or should dictate the future to less powerful nations," Nixon sald. He sald Uli1 cijd ' noL mean his ad· minlstraUon was leading America toward Jsolatlon. The PreaJdent ·several · times emphaalted lw.-inW.Uon to maintain all current U.S. trul1 commltmelll!. Nixon t>olnted out, howtver. tbal with ' (See NIXON ME88AOS. ...... 1 , r ' .• ., --.-~ o---'.' ~--'-- DAn.Y ,..., ... 11t....,,.,...,. ' Two Cars · • . . • I ' I Railroad• ..... u ... ,front hn> 1111~ carriers tod•y * lnveatiptlna a col lision between. ~ Santi Fe ft#t lrafa and a Union P!clflc •:1ocil:" tn ~·­man was' killed at'a·FWffrioa.~ tract Tudday night. · · A ll!!C"lld .vlclbn w11 h\Jurtd ·-tho Santa Fe freight train on tHe 'ndrd District mainline • plowed into a tfn1on' Paclfi'c' caboose ' and ' two frefcbt· car1 Which we•• sltaddllng the Santi Fe maWine near the Bula lldlng. Rail offlclJ1s aajd rtbe·UP crew w• awltclllng the Hunt, Food> complex and that the UP !ocomotlvo, wli detached from the caboose and can. · K!Oed· imtintJy When be was pinned Un- der . the · caboose was COnductOr 1 L. E. ••Ed" Roy 80 of Loe: .......... ._ H ~ ,, ni~.e reportedly was allllng In the ca- when the, Santa Fe train, powfired bJ, 1jiree ell~ looomolfvea plowod llllO Illa a'talled caboose. .·Billy J, Bogle, 40, a•br111tiJ11P ·..,the' Santa Fe, train· WU ~ -·be,wa• tliroW. • oot of . the lead iociirnOtlve. cia lm-]!8CI, • • . 'Two Other Sanls Fe·crmnen;en,slneOr i:iuueu Llnd([ulsl, sa, oe Wblttler ...r brakenian James Wateneld, S4; ;f Fm- tana were uiilnjured wben Ibey hllii«!· themoefves onto the dtct or lbe b:omotiv~. · FIREMEN l!Rll!AREcTO-P R.~&qDY FROM.UNDlll.CAIOOU Trainman Edwiircl Roy Kllltd In )ltroc:k Na,a r Hunt foods Camplex 'n\ree'-"kN::omeClTl!ll1 fhrbmeats -at lust .two ol ·-em'lod -.:hlnc!llO ~ aad a tank car were deralled. 1 Mesa Council Resolves. To Sp_lit ~11:ry Dut~s Clll1111 !JmRar'<IMalona In other atafus, the Costa M ... Cl11 Council has drafted A reoolutlon urglna I ]a .. to opllt .county grand juries Into oepante criminal and_ .ctYll cue ponell. ,,,. ~ opproved Manday night will be paol!d on to Ormp County of· lldala and the ~ Lqlolature ... r-Uon for hnP<VYemen\ or gru4 jmy •ffideocy. the -booed Cll •·reCommendatton by the ...... , .. lll'llll• County Gnod lrlrf, _., pul la a busy 1U'· U-terma of 'Ille moluliool, one 1rand .Jury would handle criminal ln- vestig4Uon and the fndlclmtnt of defen· danti. The Orange County-Grand Jury has 1dopled' I polley of lrequenUy Indicting crtmlool llllP"dl already faclllll chor1es 11 lbe munldl*I court lml· The second panel would a>nduct the mandatory auditing and review of couaty governmental agencies, lll10ther laak that seemed to grow b>the put yur, Costa Mesa'• moluUon polnlo out the workload hnpased on the OOUllly artnd Jury J.. be<om!n1 Iara~ and inoro com- plex with c:ounly growth. Many other states In America hive already adopted a spltl-p111ef sroild Jury ~l!I Mm COll!!!ih1lg qy_ · It con wort hero. Efllcltllcy of the sraod jury wtll be ,.r1ou11y lllmpered If the reopcndbllllies are not dlvlde;cl, thelr resoluUon contin- ues. and the tme Involved amounts to economic d.lacrimlnatlon. Juror• ehould represent • .,,,,.._t!Cll of 111• Orange County dtUalry, ·the re!Oluilon points ool, and the Urne re- qufred prevents rnany WogHamm from liltln8 on the panel. • ''The ~ted-;engtnes and can were (See TJWN.-J>wo I) • .. ;oi;..;.. -. We.titer Thursday's weather will be written on the' wind ljlln, with Santa Ana tyr.; rusts wblpplns up ind dowp lbe Qrl•fe Colll aad temperatura,nqlatifnlll 651to 74 de~ . ..._ .1 INSm E TODAY .. • . f ~ I • • . f I _j , ' z ~y PILOl Army P~obe-s ~uspec ts In _ Family Slaughter FT. BRAGG, N.C. (UPl)-The Anny · dbCIOeed today that "we do have suspecta" in the slaughter of • Green Beret doctor's wile aod two d.au&httn by a band of four hip-talking assailant&. Col. Robert J. Kriwuek, provost manhal of Ft, Brau, Jold a -...,_ fe,.nc< today the~ wu lollawtol a number ol le..ts In the pre.dawt\ slaylnga Tuesday of Mrs. Colette MacDonald, 26, and her daughLers, Kimberly, 8, and Kristen, 2. Capt. Jeffrey MacDonald, who survived the ice pick, knife aod club attack at hi'I apartm~t. was In fair .cond,i.Uon today at Woma<lr Anny Hospital ·IJld-was moved Peli~y Points . , By 'Ille A.-ialed Preli . . . Here are majar forti&n policy poinls made by Pre&denl Nixon today In hll lint annual Slale of the World m-lo <Ang••" &met U--The SoYiel Union ta reachJni nuclear-tipped missile pai. lty with the United Slaw, mal<ini e.panslon of Ille Safeguard ABM system oec:euary. other Soviet actions in the Middle East and Vietnam raise ques- tona about intentions ol Ruaa1an leaders. Vklnam -The key lo peace ln Vietnam )1 Hanoi's willi.J:!gness to en- -In aeriOWI nqollaUons. Nixon Aid the United Sta~ will be nexi))\e an~ aonoaJ>Ced fmtlon of 1 l!Jil>.level pollcy IJ'OllP lo evalµate U.S. opUons In Vietnam. Mldeut -•nte United States will continue to work for peace in the JI.tic!· de East, but a &tt.tlemenl will dqend on "mutual willingness to compromise" by waelis and Arabs. 'coot war -ne so-called "COld War Era" bu ended, and the United Staletl must look to negoUationl to IOJve iuuea affecting eastern and western Europe. Develefiq N1U01U -'The United States rnust 1hlft from a policy of uni· lateral aid to one of partnership ln helping developing nations In Mia, Africa. and Latin America, and In promoUng the aecurity o( Western Europe. Red Qllu -United States policy toward C.Ommunlst China will con- tinue to be one of wing reatrlctiona on contact and increasing diplomatic Wks in Warsaw. ,. 1-~-_. _ --Arms Coa1r.il : ~ &ralellc arms UUUt•Uon tal~s. begun with the Soviet Union last year In Heliliiif. wfll tie lollcwed up 'bJ' further11egotiatlons in Vitnna with "more specific posJUons" on halting nuclear arms competition. * * * * * * From Pllfle .l NIXON MESSAGE • • • w tmernltionaI Commwdlt unity lhattefed Ntxon extended his "new strategy for and the West~ ,no kmger factnc "a peace" to Commu:nlst China along with monolltbk: Conimunilt world," contiiiulni the resl of the world. He said It wou!d be the cold war makes no sense. He alw to no<ine'a advantage to try lD exploit the noted the United States no lon1tr has clash between China and the Soviet either a moriopoty or overwhelming Union. ruperiority of nuclear weapons. -'"Mle Chinese are a great and vital peo- "'Ibe postwar period In tnternallpn!_l ple 'fho 1should not remain isolated from rel1Uona bu ended," he said. 1 • tbe ~Uonll,cOmmwtlty," he. ~Id. ' "No natloo need be our permanent He doubted the relaxation of U.S. policy enemy," he said in committing U.S. in-toward China would have much impact ternaUonal energies henceforth to oo that counlry'1 ideology or behavior in bulldlq a lutinl peace baled on the nta:r future. But he aaid "It is ctr· ·~p. .. strellctJI. •• (and) • wJll. talnly In oar·tnw..i, ind In jho Jnter..i lnpell to negollale." of ~ and stablllty In Asia aod the California Geu Federal J'.'unding WASHINGTON (UPI) -The de)l"1l· ment If houling and urban development Tuesday announced a series of aranl!, Joens and fund rnervatlons. They In- cluded: Port Hueneme, Calif., $88,'59 annual reaervaUon for 90 housing units In the Port Hueneme urban renewal arta, sponsored by the Communication Worken of America Building Corp., 3810 Wllshlre Blvd.. Los Angele.s. Blythe, Calif., in Rfverskle County, $129,240 for a ·new water and sewer 1ystem for the Figueroa aMeaUon. Colton, Calif., $327,S90 increase for the i:!owntown project No. 1 to permit restructuring or financial plan for the project. Menlo Park. Calif., f;W,834 for a facili- ty In Jooeph B. !Ully Park In the ll<lle Haven arta. London, Calif., In Tulare Q:run\y, f4,000 loan to plan 10 housing unlta. Traver, Calli., In Tulare County, M,000 loon lo plan 10 housing unlll. DAILY PI LOT ...,... ..... " ....... .... --_,...., C-.M"" OltAHGf: C04Sf P'Ulll$MING alMMlfW' l*tt N. W•..I ,.,....., ... ,..,.....,. ·J.,lr ~ ~·~-; \lkt ,.,.,........ ~ n-•• K11...il l•Hw ' tll1"''' A. M1111,.h11 """':'• l~lt9!' -. c..• "-i Ja .... .., ....... . ........,~:JtU•• ...... ~ ~.-.1 ....... _ llW+1lb4ll L ltKlll l,1llJ 1wt1 _.....,. world, that we take what steps we: can toward improved pra cUcal relations with Pelting." Although he said America had no in- tenUon of "withdrawing from the world," the President stressed the need for "a mere responsible parUcipation by our foreign friends In their own defense and progress." He applied this theory or increasing sell4telp to Europe, as well as Nila. sayin1 the Unlted State1 no longer should .feel ."condemned lo a recurring cycle of cnsls anJ war In a changing setting beyond the understanding or influence on outsider!." The message. Which contained four basic sectlonsl and 20 chapter headings, could tum ou to be a handy reference ·wort fot GOP congressional candidates neJt fall. The Prtsideat's advisers also felt It would fisure promlnenUy ln con· gr~nal hearings thls year and beyond. Foot of the Cius from the intensive CIN' unit to a private' room. Krlwanek refused to answer aiiy ques- tions about the suspects, but he did say that ''we do not have any one peraon or group \\'e can say are our prime sus· pects." Krlwanek saJd that an autopsy showed that Mrs. MacDonald fought her al· tackers so sav~gely tflat both her arms were bi-oken in the struggle . .Attacked In her bed while her husband napped on the living room couch, Mrs. MaC'.Donald was clubbed on the head~ fracturing her skull, and Stabbed repeatedly. The autopsy con· firmed that she was about six monlhs p~gnant. Kimberly was ·clubbed "broadside'' several limes aDd stabbed In tbe~tbroat and chest. Her little sister was stabl:lid in the neck and upper chest.. MacDonald told Investigators that the assailants were two white men. a Negro wearing a Jacket wiVi sergeant's atrtpes, and a blonde woman wuring a floppy hat and muddy boots, carrying a candle and chanting "acid is groovy •.. kill the pigs . . . hit 'em again." "The quartet being sought as murder suspects may have been on an LSD trip,·• lhe Army said. I.SD iJ a hallucinogenic drug sometimes called "acid." MacDonald, under heavy sedation, was to be questioned again today. Kriwanek said, "we're go 1·n g systematically through the list or pa· Uents. He Is a doctor of prev~nUve medicine. MacDonald deals with people who have drug problems and are sent to him for treatment. We're looking into every patient he had." V~ters Urged To Contribute In Allen Recall Voters throughout Orange County's Fifth Supervisorial Dftitrtct are today being urged to make financial con- tributions to the "Recall Alton Allen'1 mnvemenl . Their support is belng solicited by recall organizer Anthony Tarantino in Hterature ~at includes a pre.addressed e'nvetooe'bearing.Ttrantino'S address, tsl Calle Mlguef. San Clemente. "Money is very short;" says Tarantino. "Some of our supporters have been blackjacked lnto submission an d withdrawal. Your help ls needed 11ain. Your dollar or five dollars or even more is urgently needed.•• Tarantino has also announced that his flrganlmtlon will have at least 10,500 signatures fln Its petitions when those documents are ready for submL<11lon to County Clerk William St John. "We ex- pect to file in lbe very near future," he said. Tarantino. backed by public relations advisor Paul Carpenter of Cypress, Is Urning that Uling lD ensure that the recall statement appears on the June 4 primary election ballots throughout the Fifth District. Tarantino was recently tabbed by sup. porters of the recall movement as their candidate in the campaign to end Allen's eight-year occupancy of the Filth District seat on the county Board o( Supervisors. ln a recent statement, Tarantino said: "We also need a caodldate to run In the recall. Some oLyou have asked me to run but frankly I would prefer a candidate with greater stature.' A cross secUon ol loot apparel. lncludlng bare feet. i• displayed by people attending a Colorado Senale Judiciary C\>mmltlee hearing in Denver on a 19-)'ea r-old voting law {or Colorado~ • DAILY PILOT lt1tt l'Nlt TWO OF SANTA FE FREIGHT'S THREE ENGIN ES LIE ACROSS TRACK.AF TER CRASH 'We'd_ Ju1t GOtten .the S...,_I Th•t the Tr•ck Was Cle•r and There Was That Damned Caboo11' Witness Reverses Stand At Edison Plant H_earing By JACK BROBACK ot tM DlllJ Pli.t 1111'1 Meteorologist ErwiM K. Kauper, testi· fying on proposed expailsion or the Edison Company's Huntington Beach power plant, reversed the position be had taken in teslirylng on the Scattergood power plant in Los Angeles. Kauper was questioned closely Tuesday by PUC attorney Leonard Snakier on the apparenlly contradictory positions taken by the meteorologist on the two gene.rating statio"ns. At an earlier PUC hearing, Kauper had Santa An a Man Faces Felony Beating Charge A man accused of beating.his five·year- old step.wn lo death in what investigators have descrJbed as· "a fit of rage" has been ordered to race arraignment March .f in Superior Court. Kenneth Lloyd Walkins, 23, or Santa Ana. must face charges o( murder and relony: ~ • beating. Those charges were filed after Offtcer1 discovered the naked, baUeM and blood-caked body of Watkins young s~son Iii a Santa Ana motel. Police allege that Watkins beat the boy wiLh his fista because Christopher James. Clarke ignored hb stepfather's demands to get out of the tub and stop splashing water onlD the bathroom floor . Investigators today said that Watkins wife, Linda Watk ins, 31, is now recover- ing .from an overdose ol sleeping pills taken shortly' before the alleged beating. Mrs. Watkins has told of.flcers that the overdose had no conneeUon with the fatal Dealing of her youngest son. Supply Copter Down, SAIGON (AP) -An American helicopter on a resupply mission was shot down north of SaJgon thls afternoon, and seven of the nine persons aboard were killed, field reports said . Two more Americans were wounded by enemy fire during an attempt to reach I.he helicopter on the ground. .,,, SJ2S ' been a witness for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. This time be wu a wltnes,s_ for the Orange County Air Pollution Control District. On the Los Angeles plant, Kauper had · testified that the Scattergood operation wouldn't produce measurable pollution downwind. . In the HWltingWn Beach ca:;e, Kauper has testified that all concentrations measured at-orange County Airport were from F.di.son'1 Huntington Beach plant. Kauper his attacked a report by the NUS Corp., private research firm hired by Edi.on, on the pollution effects or the local plant. He has dwelled on the "double pollu· lion" from the{ Huntington Beach plant wh.Jch he says ls carried out lo sea at night and ret'*1ied during the morning hours. Edward Camarena, associate engineer ror .the OCAPCD, aaid Tuesday that an increase in the emission of nitrogen diox- ide wu tt.e basls for h1a recommendation that the APCO refuse a permit for ex.- p1•nslon or the P.lanl "The Edison figures show that nitrogen oxides would increase from the 1968 figure and would not reach a lower plateau until 1979," Camarena stated. Camarena admitted the APCD had received other applications for Industrial plants recently and had apProved them all. "Ed!Jon is the first application that bu been del\led by the dlatrlct," be asserted. "The others did not exceed the state standards oC air pollution. n Ex plorer Scout Dies in Hills GATLINBURG. Tenn. {UPI) -An Ex· plorer Scout fascinated by the idea of wilde:rneu survival was found dead in the Great Smoky Mountains today, more than a week after he disappeared during a hike. Geoffrey Hague, 16, a slighlly built, brown·halred scout who wore horn·rim· med glasses, was found by a team of searchers about a mile and a hair from a trail junction where he dropped away from the other hikers Feb. 8. A search for the boy had proved fru itless until several days ago when Hague's knapsack, extra clothing and food were found piled on a boulder. To the girl who linows what she w•nfJ but not where to find it Matc;h your style w ith our many distinctive desigru.. And ask us about our lamous en.nae BI05SOm gu1r•n1ee. From r .,,e 1 TRAIN ... spread all over the place,'' ta.id ;i Fullerton police officer . Santa Fe and Unk>n Pacific dficials said no statement as to.the cause o( the accident would be made pending an fn. vestigation. Wakefield, lhe Sapia Fe )Jrakeman. was quoted as saying: "We haa just gotten a clear bloc~ (go ahead) indicating the line wm cleal when all or a sudden there was that damn caboose, right up the track. "There wasn't anything to do but lif down on the deck or the locomotive. Lind· quist and I did this, bur Bogle .ran to tbe rear and was thrown off.11 Bogle was treated for cuts and bruises at Anaheim Memorial Hospital. Santa Fe officials said the third district mainline at that point wm double-track- ed, but declined to state whether aignah were operated by Cen{raJized Traln Con· trol (Cl'C) or were automaUc. When a railroad main line track It blocked f(lr any reason it ls protected by a red "block signal" which requires on- coming tr~ins to stop. Before the red block, the signal is ~llow and when the line ls -:tear the s'lgnal is green. Wcation of the crash was north of Orangethorpe Avenue between Euclic and Brookhurst streets, near t b e overcrossing at Commonwealth Avepue. Two of the Santa Fe engines were derailed ahd on their skfes and the third was derailed but uprlghl The lead engjnt plowed to within 30 yards of the Hunt Foundatior. Library. Neither the crew nor Santa Fe officials would corr.ment as to 19hr:tber the Sant.t Fe tr&ln had been stopped prior to pro- cee<ldg on the mainline. Burns Consiilers California Post SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Former Senate President Pro Tr:m Hugh Bunu: said he is considering a return to the- campaign trails in an effort to win the job of California Seerctary of Sate. The Fresno Democrat earlier this yesr announced that he would er:d· his 34-year legislative career by not seeking re-elec· lion. Of the post now held by the ailing Frank Jordan, the veteran legislator said Tuesday: ''I may take it on. So far there are no Democrats with any stature in the race. "It's a pretty good little job, aod 1 think I could do it." $J6S • CONVENIENl nRMS J.C. .J.lumpfiri.t16 '.J~wefer6 24 YEARS SAME LOCATION IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE • I Ill NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA PHONE su.3401 I I I I • ' .. I. I ~j ' I, I I j , • . . . ---------------... ' . -- · .. ; s .. ORANGE COUNTY,-CAllfORl'llA • 0 -' ..... WED~OAY. •. FEllUMY II, ;1970 --- ' , " .. . T•4"Y'• Plnal- :N.1'. Steefre,-• TEN CEmS .. J;>Iarlf Idea Changes ButAll 7 " . • • • . . .. Witness' Edison, LA ·Opinions Differ · ' . CHICAGO .{UPI) -The·J1111.·ln lhe marathon and tempestuous trt.i1 Of the "Chlcaao Seven" today found all lhe dd•ndants -of • conspiring lo In- Gile riota during the 1111 DenJOC?atic N• Ilona! Cooveollon but convicted five · Iii them of crossing state lines with tnteot to lndte riots. By JACK BROBACK County Air PolluUon Control D~tricl. Of lfll ..,., '"" ttatt On the Los Angeles plant, Kauper had • Milteorologist Erwinn K. Kauper, testi-testified that the Scattergood operation fWlc on proposed expansion of the wouldn't produce measurable pollution 1 E<ll!iOn Company's Huntington Beach downwind. potrtr plant., reversed the posiUon he had In the lluntington Beach case, Kauper • has testilied that all concentrations ti~ in testifying on the Scattergood measured at Oranie County Airport were pdWer plant in Los Angeles. from Edison's Huntington Beach plant. Kauper was questioned closely Tuesday Kauper has attacked a report by lhe I by PIJC attorney .Leonard Sruiider 0;11 tl;le NUS Corp., private research finn tured appar.ent.ly contradictory posiijons taken by F.dison, on the pollution et!ects of the I by-·Ille met~gisl-oo the~ lwo · local plan!. . . generating stations. He has dwe.lkd on the ''double pollu- At an earlier PUC hearing, Kauper bid tlon" from the Hunllngt.on Beach plant been,. a wilness _ for the., Los An,celea ' which he says is carried out to sea Jt °"'"" bnenl of Water . and Power. Thia night and returned <luring lhe morning t~ wu-a wilnea-for the Orange hours. ~ .. :- :~nes Hold Fast :-= • -_:: Beach Car Wash Plea Delayed . By ALAN DIRKIN . .. Oftllt............. ; lleWport BeicJa . lll!t!'lll-JOlll Mf'llll Sbea 11 pl\lid "bll w-- ....... lluit·bo ..... ""'"'" -lo Toe!day. n!PI'• ...... ol lhe ...... 1i11GxJ Beach Planninf Coum>lulon. • liJ-pwed lhe OOIJ!!DlaloD a red brick, •·lloor·Ule and ·a 1talned '"'°4-. lul hr,$U di .. ppoini.d ll he 'lhougbl the aUddl and stones would break any zor>e!. lfeithP.r or his two car wash ap-.utatlt>o• got throogh the board. · fte first,was for a use pennis for a c:ar wash costir.g ••at leMt $250,000" at the southeast intersection Of Brookhurst street aod Adams Avenue, a community bllllln<N lan4•parcel which already had tbi iomrnilatoners -and honleowllers - in-a lather. .n-wash came up during a public hdting on twn land divisions for the ~ to allow coMlructioll o! a Hsndy· m*t: hardware store, a service statiop, ar6the ¥..ash. -.:irfte land divWons were approved and tht 1hardware store also waa recom- ~ to the city council for approval, td ,planner1 continued the car wash ap- pllmtion and the service station reque.st to·i:!meeUng of \he commission on Tues· dsy;'Msrch 3. The car wash ran into trouble when it '!"~"realized Shea, president of Beacon Enterprises, also wanted to sell gasoline there. The board felt that would even· tliilJy .make it the fifth facility selling Pllftllle 011 the corner. The service stallon hit 11 roadblock becallR lbe commission wun 't. convinced It would -the dealp l<llurea of Ibo olher ~. , Homeownera made a 11troo1 pitch for coord!nllljd ~ of tlle comer, lermecMlle -nd \Jlls!est lnlenectlon In tt>e-cllj by•Ed\rard Kerins, pruldanl ol Mendllli GardeDa Homeownen .WOO•· lion. He called pro~Js for the parcel a partJal, uncoor6inlted development. "We ·'Want tolal planning, not a hodge podge arrangement.,, . The homeowners wanted all the stt\JC· tures-for the hardware store, car wa sh ·and filling lllUon -to be coordiDated by one archlteet. The applicanta eaid they had gotten together on colors, mater\al11, and driveway accesses and claimed their building> woold blend. Potntin1 \o the building materiab ht had broupt wllhd>lm, ~hea ,aid: "Thi• will not ~ a prefabricated buJJding. The facility wnl be 50 percent more ~sive because of the materia.IJ we11 be uslng." In another applic:atlon, a request for a coocUUonal exception, Shea struck out again. This time the pitch against him was made by William Kettler, an Orange Coast Junior College District trustee, who said the proposed wash on the 60Uth side or Edinger Avenue west of Gothard Streel, would add to the traffic now around Golden w..i College. Desµile Shea's•claim that 30 percent of the wash'• business would be on Saturday and Sunday, the request wall denied. * * * * * * J.>Janners PotJr Cold·w ater . • Vn Beach Car wash Pleas . . - ::»m~ngton Beach city pllllfteii Fl· ~ fill o! csr wll!hes Tuetdsy nJ#.. 1-le·ln -llmlll In 11111 llno car ,...., appllcatlom'eame up In oM iilgbl. -uld lhef may appeal llr'llll' dly t.Wn<:ll. . Edward Camarena, associate engineer ror the OCAPCD, said 'l'llesday that an increase in the emission of nitrogen diox- ide waa lt.e basis ror hil recommendation that the APCD refuse a pennll for ex· J»"nsion of the planL "The Edbon figures show that nitrogen ox.ides would ipcreMe from the 1961 figure and would not reach a lower plateau until 1979," Camarena stated. Camarena admtti.d lhe APCD had received other appllcaUorw frir induetrlal plants recenily' and had · approved !hem all. "Erlison is the first application that has been denied by the dletrict," he ¥Sfrted. "'Ole others did .not exceed the state standards of air pollution." Alabama Street Becomes Beach Shooting l_{a_,ng_e ~ldoni; o! AJdimi. llmt, In al.t; lnglon Beach got •• nlde -.... nolq -awakening thlo ,......., u . a nelgltbor apparenlly dee!~ 10 pt oorne ahooling practict. - Police called lo .41abama lltr<et al,l ::IO a.m. found a U.yW>Ofd.11Udei11, Willllm A. TreadweD. standing In the middle of !be !'itreet cradling a. 12-gauge shotgun and a .22 caliber revolver, both wrapped in a pink towel. A wWte van, apparently owned by Treadwe11. was' full or "diet holc:J. ms house at SID Allbama St. also was shot up and the garage door wu riddled with bullet holes. Police rep«ted Treadwell 's only ,ex- planation was "I'm leavipg and all I want is my grandfather's Bible." , Treadwell was arrested and charged with possessing marijuana <lisplaying ~ firearm In a threatening manner and poMessing a loaded· concealtikl firearm . Jn addition to the two weapons Treadwell reportedly was bo1din~ in the street. of· licen also found a ."22 caliber rifle in the van . Adding to !he bizarre circumstances were tubes of medicinl!: found lying on thl!: naor throughout the house and a stereo that Treadwell had left going at full vol- ume at lhl!: early morning hour. ln the house police found several marl. juana cil!"arettes, pills, and In the garage were what appeared to be marijuana leaves and seeds. Nearly a kilo of mari- juana also was found under the residence Police said. ' Police were holding Treadwell ror furth- er queiUoning at the city jall this morn- ing. Stttrk lll•rket NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market btoke•IJ>octe With a powerful ral1y In fairly dve trading late this artemoon. (Set quolallom, Pages 20-21). Aeolywts attributed the abrupt .. lum- about .from the drifting characterbllc of reeent performances to a combination of !acton. • .. r; _.,:., 't: , •!,'i' ! 1•., ~ ·~J: .... ' ~...:, ...... ,.... Tl ':i1~f' . ;:!t!~E~~=~~j:::r,;i:,'!i~·~::~*c-. f ~·" ., 1~ F~eight · 'f tain; ·Caboose Cr~h; Condue·tor Killed . RaHtO.S ·o.ecuUves frqm two ·.major c.arrieo today were invtaU,aUng a coJ· llsion .bet.....,. •• Sanllt ·l'e·ltetg!tt train, 81ld 1 Unlon1Plciµc··"focal" in1 wtilch one · man was klPed at a. Fullman crouing: track :Tuelday nigbL ~ . . • A second vlctirri'f'W~ inj\p'idlWhen·the Sonia Fe •freight train •on the Third DiStrict ' mainline 'plowed Jllto~ a "Union Pacific caboose and twir frelgbf • cars· --Which were a:tradd.iing ·the! Santa Fe. maltµine ~ai" the :Ba.st&· a:&ung. Rail officlab said the uP~ c r e w WM swUehinl at·the Hunt FOoda complei and l!la.t the UP JocomoUve was detached rrom the caboose and . cars. KJlled inet8tli ,when he w•a pinned ·Un· dc:r the caboose wa1 Conductor L. E. "Ed" Roy; _,, of Los .Arlgeles. He reportedly waa ,siWng In the caboose when, the 8-ta Fe train, P.QWered by tl)ree dieeel locomotives ploWed lnto the 11talled c:ab9o1e, • • · Billy J, Bogle, 40, a brakeman on the Santa Fe tr1in ·was Injured ·when he waJ thrOwn ,<>lit Of .tbe.fead JoconitJve on im: pact. . i · . ho'othtr SanLa Fe ere~~· engineer , RUsielf~DiiilifUta, 52,: of ; ~tuer, ·""and brakeman Ji.met. Wa~efle)d,· .SC, of Fon- lana · ....,. ·unliQur«I w'ben 'lhey hQr!Od theinietm ' -~ «lee~ ol !he ' -u ... 1bree Jocomotlves, five bm:cars -at ' . ·~ .. leu\ two of whtCb carrJed merchandJse -Md a tant car were derAlled. . "'the wr~ed enginel and cars. were spteJd all over the ptJ¥:e,09 11akf a FullertOn Police· officer. . ~--_ 'SaMa' Fe , arid .Vnloo Pal:lllc , olflclala .ald'no •lllaleJl"'f ~ lo 11\! .~· ol the a~t woald: be'~made ~~ an in- veslfgallon. · · Waie8eld, the , Santa· ·Fe,. brakeman, WU qoo\ed •Wai}#&:-' "' . "We·hacs ·Jue~·gotten1 a.Clw b~J[ (go' ahead) lnd.ica,ting the line was clear when all o! •• mld!JI _~ .. '"' ;1hal damn caOOO.., rlgh! up·lhe lrjlck. ' . "There wasn't anythln1 to do but lie down oil u,e deck o( ttie-IOcombiive. 'Lind· qlfLll and I dJil this, bul Iiol1" rsn to the rear and was thrown off." Eogle wie treated rOr· cub.and brUJaea al Anlhelm Me~rlal HOlpital •Santa F• o!fi.<lalsoald lhe·lhlrd •dl.'llrlel malnllne al '!bat pcllpt'wis doob!Htack· ell, ·001 ded!nell IO lllalo' whtlh!l"•l&iial• were:opetlited by CtfJtril:Hied 'Train eon- ttol ( Cl'C) or were autOmattc. • - When ·a railrolld ·nUiln' Une ·track le bl"!'~ !er any . .......,1111 ~by a· red "bloc~ a~J'l-wh!c~ requir~ oh· coming"lralns 'lo '•loll=· llelm 't1!i' red b1oc1<;111e 11gna11w j1illoll1and 111*11 111o t!Jie 1Jr.1earlllt! mpar;,;pie!i ... The jury returned ils venuct after more lhan fl boon of cleliberslions 'and 71 weea to the day after the landmark lrlal bepri, cin sept.. 24 tut. ,.... Tho c;ose had beoll In !he jury'a 'haftda alnce Saturday. • The jury of 16 -...mm agi( l'l!o. men rtlurned pllly venllcla agllnlt·- dants David T. Dellinger, 13; -.i c. "Remie"•Davis, 28; ~q &-J...'Tam" Ha)'den 29; Abbott H. '.'Abbie" Hoffman,. :ii; and Jerry c. Rubin, 31. • • .. <>mred acqulu.d • we r e John II. Froines, 301 and Lee We:loer,.30. Those convicted fact PoMible aentences or five years ln prison and Sl0,000 noes. All ol the defendants sre -111· held under contempt ,.ntencea, ~ up lo almost 2\1 years, Imposed Satuiday and Sunday by U.S. ~lrlct Coull' Judge Julius J. Hoffman. . Hortman today refused to .arant ball on lhe .lrlal --lhtlllMI• Nllhte '°'I . ---........ -.,.., .... lo have •I i.ae:1-• - ~l!c..~ .tD.o.t fuevllabte lhal ~ lrfal ~•mu ·~ .. one of lhe - l!lt11ullll!llllJij U.S. ~H1talocy iifio,,ld iind Wiil! --outmako and lhi>uted t!DollolL M6mtbla aller Froines wu acquitted, 1" ~"it'• not fair, lt11 not £air." EarQU, \he wives of Rubin, Hofbnan apd Wejner were evicted s<naming from !he courlroom or. the motion ol aBllslant tl.s. al~ Rlcbard G. &;bull&, wbo aaid the trial had aeen "miniature riots." ~ Anita· HOffman as 'lhe was · ltd out screamed: "The 10 of -you (!he elghl <riglnal defendants and their two Jjwyera) wUI be aveo'ged. We'll dance on yoor grave, Julie, (the judge) aitd on the irave of your pig eJnJ>ire." Chief Def....-Attorney William M. KUMtler 1denounced Holfman'e order to clear the c:ourtroom. l1ld depJored the verdict aa a 11compfomlie." He aakt Schultz's request was "the last crowning lbdlplly_ In •. trill Iba! ba• become a shame. At th15 time, no man !Set C!IICAGO 7, l'O(e I) Ex-Chief Reddin Won't Give Talk ' • ... '1 Torn Reddin, fonner·i.or Angeles-police chief will nol .apeak Tbundsy Dllbl al Go~dee -Weit· ColJeae ae previouaJJ an- llO\lnced by !he HunUngton Beoch Ex- <il•111e.·Club: · ~ -· Colleae ol!ldala Ilic! lhll mom1ng tbeJ had ltled to coolacl Reddin, now a teleVislorr DeWIClltlr, aa well as other sPeabra fori '~crime net•: obllerv:ances. bol ,..,. unable.lo'\> .oo. , There w111-110 Iii> ·~· .. --· 11't"•nllon Thuraday nlpl - Or••t(e Alter pouring cmd waler on tWo ear waoh requests. by a Newport Beach ~ari, lhe plsnnin( ~ .i,. said no ooap 1o 1n 1ppllcatlea Ill' • I;oo •Ang•!" finn, Auto WHh Corpora· tlon. • ' Juvenile Changes . Urged Loc•llon· ol {Ni ,cfllh,wil ·Olittli of Qr""ieiborJlO Avenue bd....,. Euclid and -9r®khurst -&tree.ti, . near , t h.e oJ[ermoolng a1 ·Commoawtallh Avenne . Two o1 the 'Sirila ti enatneo were derailed aud. on·lheir ·oldel ·and the lh!nl w .. c!Oralled buf uprW;The leed' eMlno Weat•er ptowed lo wllliin 30 yanto · o( Iii" ifunl Th .. ~·y•,' woalber will be FoundlUor. lJbrary. · · "'-Net!her lbo·cmi nor Sant:a Fe olBclali written on lbe -wind aPin, wllb The board spent so much time on car . .l.uhel lhsl commi,.loner H...,, Dab ukod ij !be memben llhouldnl· -a .ructY. lo oel policy on csr wuhel ml their relaUon to gas eervice stations. '~'Ale planners didn't take up the --IUI" gesUon, bul they dented unanimoutlJ the rtquest for a coodltion1I exception hr a WMh on Brookhurst Street, 10Uth of Ad&nta Avenue. · · ,.ould con:ment., to ·•belher-tbe Sula Sonia Ana~ &Ulla Whlpplnf Valky Youth Study Gruup Telh Tioo Ideas ·~~111e~.:.Jri!r1oe"> :ci':1m:':u!1:.~S:= • 6510 74 d•- 11Je acllon had been iecommended by ~i>Janalna 11111 on the .,.....i. lhal !he _, cl.,. lo a residential dlstrlcl and lhe Plfocel wa• nol large enough. 7 ll spokesman for Auto Wash Oorpor• tloil; David tioby, alttmted lhst Ille pro.' ~I w11. fOt u "e.11.edar" wuh. ex---ptjlnina Iha\ lhl-;IMfcte ol lhe csr would not be •lesned 11"1 Iha! !he driver -Id ill ~I In tile yebiot<:., .. II went lhmlgll Ute -..lion. Purifloa ol eltlltl 11ltono· of plO!lne ~ qufify !or a free OQfllde wult -Both Doby and J°'i'! Shea, !he Neirport Beach buelneuman Who lost one wash ~ fPIUI Ind l>Od another canUnued, loll the cbobll>er lllJIDI-tbq-1lod been 1111- • ._1· -- l'wo lhoaihll lo Improve Juvtnlle rela-"Our clly poUce do an uceUenl job, giln a areal deal ofiM!jbl from lh6se . • . • I lions In Fountain Valley were oflerod to bul .becall!< of lhe size o! the youlh three." · • • · · ·' v :2 · d-'.l ·INSmE TGDA:Y !he dly·councll Tu<sday nigh! by niiiene ~:'i:~l~~r:~:=a::.i::i: If~ commerut<d the ~e~ Jolimie Times i:.xten' ~ .onma• c~I lheol<TI act VanDask, co-chairman o fProjed. CARE, ment." CNmplir, Ellil Avenue 8'pt1st Church; • 1trioui thil we1c as three 1\_e(lt1JI !he clt..J'• yoolh •ludy commlU... . Both sugg .. uons were psrl of • P\'0--Mdllllan, Il'lia:-v h 11 e' d.' ·v ni' 'Rem'litfB'Jfon. dromGI bv such nol<d d ....... Finl, VanDuk SUggC!i.d !hat betler greH report submlttod lo lhe COW>Cll al M~ ~. snd Dina 'Hawk!, ... :'!'._ . e-: . , , ll'la °' Reaf11G!4 llwe, !dtomd communicaU<fnl be -llahed between the requeot of Ma)'O',Eciwant JuA. ' Fk'lt~'Cburch. '.' · , . tuin!"""-""Beicl>r~ Wllo -A.fbH •"". l'..,.,...,.~ WllllaN lhe dty'o Park! and Recreation Depart. VanDas~ 11'0 told Ille coanciL of M ..re iJ1o held ;.lit. lchob!'of· IO ~"""" to '*In tha April open °" ioQil llo/l<I. Set i•lcl' men! and !he 9Chools and Police Depart-meetlnga with ....,.al in>uP< lmlvo<I , ~dlii, 'Ille f!urilJnclon '""ch Union ·. 1 cl CGUDCIJ ......_ ....._ 111111! tablm.ml, pr;g,,15, , ' . men!. with you!h. "W• ~ad aa outsi&ndlna -lllilfl tlcliDe(lllilirict, lllO "*'lllfl'V1l~J" J -11 ·~· ll\"t ,..,..,. c 1 " ' _, _ , ii !1 ~ ,.. ''Wt talked to ,..erat teacliors alld meel01g wtlh 23 -· !-local ~ IJl,lll1cl 1nd'!ill0 .Foon"'1 Valley· al~!!' ~!"l!!'i~ lt;y l· -" '' =.o,'I!!!. • • policemen wl)O knew nolhinf about lhe ochools wh10·1uprloecl ;u•.,J• lhelt ~ .. and,,fr}!ct ,from ~y'tl°•il!li'lial~.W~ m•T =:..":'I ': ~-~I ;ecreaty. nu.~--, . ."obm'v~ff~la-~olthe~ ~I~ .1e~l!lo:l lhe YoQlh, llid U, cliies~ iOldfV Doll. relJ)iltl' IOI' Ibo Aid ft'"'oWctloll. etty =" '"ll ...:.0 -I ~-~ -~ ..... Project """"' -· ••• wllll ~ and 'olher "'-" Paul .~-~ ll!i ai1J<o will be ~ • -'"I municsllon !hat must be oofyed;" said "In cont_nol,," Ill .... lod out, "lllo 1""'1.ll~an(l"""'n(1111nlbenear ;;;.•;..w iho· h!IUn'l>oGrdQI to -•-'l r 911' VanDaok. r-llom ~ l11clen j,11 ~11 'aji1 ,V~··w1o~bed . IW!!d\<.,.italra\lqn, ' ~-" "' :II • Second, VanDaslt ,_.mended lhe dlsaPPolnllnf. , Ir, spedan1 llChedilltd ~,.,., ~ l!l)d !urtber· n.; cllJ clert'o olllte Ill~ In lie' :i:.., , • "'! hlrlna ol o ~Ocer to work wllhln metllng wltll 10 local mlldlllm 1111 .at.-s "' 'JlOw iltt I>' ~· ' m .. lldmlnlltrpilol) 1>ldlclh)C ot t111 haD, :la': 'l =-:..::•• 841 tbepolka t.eoded by,.br-lfsw., 1Me Wt did , ~ "1" • i ''Ji 1 ,..,. lllitt!Oil~~ i..1 ... ~~ .{:_~;, "" ,, .~· ~ .J \'• J. .,., I -, I .JI ~-• .... • • • I • • M • J DAllY PILOT ' •• ¥ . · Seven Jndi,ted . ~ ·: . , . '? _., Areaj. ~e.~·~fy ~ited ' ---.--: In · Bookie. ·Raids Two Wutmmattt min were among a Jl'OUP of MYtD deftndanta awatUrig 1r- ..ntarunent todaf in Orana:e County &lperiGr Court on bookmaking cllafges. All eeven were named Tuelday iii an lnlllctmlnt Issued by the Oronge County Grind Jury. The penel endoned the f<· qua! of llepu\y Dislrlct Attornei Matlin He...,..• tllat the ,...P be named In lekJaY complaints alleging bookmaking and coOIPlr•cy. · Named in the indictment were Harry Clyde Neidlinger, 26, of 13931 Newland, and Raymond Hall Grant, 46, of 8402 Westminster Boulevard, both o f , Wtstmtauter, and Larry Riddle, 33, of 164$'1 E~ Circle. Fountain Valley . Heneghan Jdentified their c<Mh!feOOants as William Glen ·Martin, 46, ot Santa Ana, Dale Ronald SJnlth, 37, or Torrance, William Francis Horvath, 38, of Cyprw, and Robert' Danie) Earles, 40 of Wilm· ington. ' ! • Heneghan said the seven :deien<tanta were arl'Wed · ln Westmi!J.Sler following invesUgaUon of what was described as a wide-sprf;ad boQkmaking ring. Investigators said the charges against the group mainly concerned the ac· ceplance of wagers on foolball games. Jury Indicts Ex-fireman . ' In Drug Smugg'le Ring , By ARTHUR R. VINSEL '· He <II<> said Petorson is J>eUeve<I to be ot "" o.1w l'I• l ttff the partner of Willy Lenahan, 21, of Seal An ex.fireman who allegedly once Bea'.:h, arrested twice last year on stranded hla seal Beach partner and now federal amuggUng chu.rges, once at reDlClte ~alomar Airport and once at sea. co-defendi.nt at a desert airsbip-when "P.tr. Lenahan Is in a bit of trouble." the heat was on during Operation said the federal lawman , addin& t.hat he JntercePt -was implicated by police to-is currenUy held at San Diego County day in a &ea and air marijuana smug· Jail, awaiting trial on mu!Uple federal aling ring. charges. Robert R. Peterson, _16, was captured Peterson joined him at that facility In Costa Me8a Monday night, picked up · Tue!day Light. Trl&I for _both LenahAn and Peterson, however, will be consolidated as the result of ~e ~x~ty fireman's capture, with proceedings tentaUvely scheduled some tlme next month. by U.S. Cuatoma agenll< Tuesday and fa~ .arraignment Friday in Sen Diego. ~ The defendant-w~ indict~· -by a· federal grand jury and a no-bail warrant cha:r&log him with coosplracy to s:mu1gle and conceal marljuana intematlonaUy subaeqlleoily Issued. A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in San Diego said today that Pe~ will go before U.S. Magistrate J. Edwaro Harris on Fridly to an.swer the cbargea. Women's Council Of Real Estate Boards Installs E:itJyn Pappas, vice president ol the Women'1 Council or the NaUonal Asao- cillli<ln ol Real Eat.ate JlOarda will be the 111111111nl olJlcer at the Frldly chattu luncheon ol the ""'IY r9nned Himlin119n Beach-Fountain Volley Women'• Council of NAREB. The inllal11ilon Junclleon wm be held at noon at-the Sheraton Beach Inn . Officers to be lnJtalled «r• Phyllis Galldn, ~ktent~ Shirley Common:tt vice preatdent; and Dorana McLay, sec~ relary-treasurer. The first regular meeting of the coun· cit ii set for March 27 at noon at Fran· cola: Restaurant Speaker will be John Lyman, vk:e president and director of marketing · for Security TIUe whose sub- ject will be "Opportunllies in the Real Estate Profession.•• Mrs. Richards Named To Parks Commis11ion Mrs. Marsha Richards, wife of Foun- tain Valley dentist Roy Richards, has been 1ppolnted IP the cify's parks and r~ cbmmtsslon. She ftlls the unexpired tenn of Robert Tulley who is leaving the area because of business in· terutl. The clly council Tuesday night also reappointed Roy Zukerman t<. the Foun· fain Valley Improvement Authority board and added Councilman Ron Shenkman to ':he authortty board. DAILY PILOT O•ANGl COAST PUl\.!WtlHG COM,AH'Y ""~•ri N. W..d l'l'ft:.tinr •1'111 "*lllw Ju~.~ •. e.,, • ., Yiu """Nll'lt •r.f "'*"I M~ Tho111.11 ti:;,,.,il Ii~'"" T~o ... 11 A. M11rpt.int .......... .._ Ef!I.,. AlN tt W. l1t11 AM.Kiii• '""'• Ht_...11.._.0tflq 11111 .... ~ ••• 1 ••• ...i M1ilfltf M4rfllt P .0. k • 790, 9i 64t PolJC1 hac. been seeking Peterson in the Harbor Area for some time and sur· rounded him within eight minute! after he w~ first sPottecJ Monday hight, with ordera to ram his car if necesaary·: l>etect!ve Capt. Bob Green aald Peterson -once reported to be armed and dangerous due to his mental state - is believed to have brought a recent·1bip- ment .of SOO kilos ol marijuana in-from M1xtco. I No ·trace of the contrabana, worth $25,000" or more, .baa been found. ... The U.S. AUOrney'a.Of(ice -said L<tctay that Peterson is believed to have been the pilot who left Lenahan stranded at the re.mote de,<r\ airporL~ fall i"'ill/, a lhipi'nW ot mar'ijllana? ~ "• I · Spooked by lhe approach of lawmen the pilot of the small plane which entered from Melico without flight plan <>r authorJ.zaUQ!l, look off and left the &ec0nd lu.spect to be calighf. Lenahan also made the news when his •mall boa~ was overtaken olf the et1a11t tit San Diego~urlng Operation Intercept and lho1.1tand5 of· dollars worth .of LSD and marijuana confiscated. · The Seal Beach resident was the fi~st alleged smuggler caught on the high seas after QP;e ration Intercept went into effect as .an ·effort to curb International narco- tics traffic. Investigators in Costa J\.1esa said Tues· day that PeteriOn, a city fireman several yea rt ago, surrendered meekly whlin sur· rounded by police cars. , . They added that he was suspected of involvement ln a major smuggling opera. ton from .Mexico into the U.S .. and he an~ his ce><tefendant face stiff federal p.roon ~ntences if convicted. Housing Tracts· Signs Ruled Out Ther~. won't be any dJrecllonal .sign5 ad_verttsmg new housing tracts in Foun· ta.in Valley. City Councilmen decided Tuesday nisht not to amend city ordinances on signs to allow t.he smaller dlrecUonal signs often found in clusters in oU.er cities. The cOuncll, in etfecl, ruled that the directional signs are a nuisance an<I ap. patently are not really · needed bv developers. The decision came after 4o minute.a of public discussion on the mat- ter. Only Councilman John Harper' ex. pressed a desire to allow the signs, ex- plaining that he felt they would help at· tract people to Fountain Valley. • Valley Planners Meet The .FOuntain Valley Planning Com· mission wlll meet at 7:30 tonight 1-0 con· sider a rouUne 3genda . i f OAI~'( llLOT '-llH..IMI• Step Backward' I;>r. Raymon<!_ Brand~ Or~nge Coun1y _i:_onm~r-, ·•barJ>ly crltlc· ' ized Tuesday's surprise move by the county Board of Super· y~9rs . which would pomblne 4(0roi1er's Office with sheriff's office next tear when Brandt's current term expires. S e e• story, Page 11. Fro1ta Pqe l CHICAGO 7 .•. should be alone." Of the verdict, he said, "I wish it had been hung. I feel thi! is a compromise verdict." At the moment the jury reached its deciiion, the defense waa'dema_nding that the panel be dismissed and a mistri al deC!ared on-6 grounds that the jUr}. could not reaCJl a decision. But the jury djd reach a verdict and ll was one which possibly skirted the mosl controversial element of the indlctm!nl under wbich the "Chicago Seven" were tried. This element Is contained In the an- tiriot amendment to the IM3 Civil Rights Act which makee it a crime to ronspire to cross. state lines wit.h intent to incite riots. i . The. law had never been tested in ct1ufl before. some legal experts had ques- tioned the constitu tionality of· the concept of..!'cQOspiracy with intent" and pre<llt;te<I •JI oould.be bvert\in\W In 11)1 appealJ court JI the "seven" were convicted under it. But the jury's verdict appeared to erase lhi.s prospecL The convlcUons are l}ound to be appealed, however, on other ,grounds, including Hoffman's conduct of llle trial Valley Parents Ask Protection For Crosswalk Nervous Jurors ;4,mqit_rFinal-ln~trUf,tto ' · Toil i.Uuv pod onee In the ~;e caleterla. • the drug; alJes~Y louod. in Ille 1~·, -Z, • • ,... '"" . Mrs. Leary and tier-Stepson listened _ 1t.1Uon wagon and oti tile dtllils of dfui s ·A ,tense Santa Ana Superior Court jury c,reruUy ,vhlle Dr. Leary deUve~. w~t foUnd in the clOthing 'oJ the trio. -;--~W~l~ tQd.ay~tor what will.be U.aJinaLln· a~ared to_to X some ~Ylf ~~· , . . . atrucUon• while lawyers for Or. Tlmothy struCtlOns of h,is own over tile coftee Dr .. Leify ~ ~.wift!;·•Tnd IQl1 d14t nol Leary and bil family hammered out with CUJ)3.. • _ • take the stand to te•tify .in tlteir~ own . Judge Byron K. McMillan and the pto-Enrjght wlll ask tbe jury to find the defense. . , secution the form and substance of tbo6e t.euya .1uUty of, the charges rued against Enright said lhi.a. mOrning thl~:id . guidelines. ·• t.hetll"followfnl-tht!r atrelt In Laguna not""'P,lan "any elal>Ot'at'e presen ~ in They will retire to their jury room to ~ .. an tiecemWr 24, 1963. 'lbat arrest his closing argwneots1;,. "l am · ly deliberate afttr t.ho6e same three lawyers leer to U>elr iRdlctment by the Orange go\01 to recite the.fact! and let th.iij\lry and Chief Deputy DlstrJct Attorney ~ti. <lrand lury on cliiraes of ' c;iecide 'fot it.self," he -said. " ' .. James Enright offer their: closing J!Olllllflioil of m1rljua,na and IAD. • Tbe""veteran pro1eeutor addtJ41 '1I'don'I arJWMnlo in what has been an e)gbt-day 11IO ~·· lawyers off<!red lillle have.Ille $ll«htesl dqubl aboo\ .,..t'tlieir trial of Dr. Leary, so, his wtf'e .Rosemary, de1'.oae , to 1us.tained p_r o 1 e'c u ti on verdict. Is gWna to be and I,~t i• 34, and John Bush Leary, !O. argument! tn which every police officer goirig to be a fast one." ' ~· And while the jurors nervously walled involved In the ai'rest on Woodland Drive The Learys and their. lawyers no In the jury room th.ls mOnUng, the three teStifie<I at 11;Pgth on the bdlavlor of ttie comment to offer on the format for '1'.hat defendants, all outwardly composed, sip-deftndanb, on the nature and quantity or must bi the final hourS ol the frial, • Names of Irvine Students , Valley Coun~ ~ _ Okays $3_!.~ooo In GE Protest Released For Park Work: The names of e.i&ht present and former UC Irvine students accused ol disrupting General Electric 'Company recruitment interviews wer~ released today by the UCI student body government. Five or the eight· are temale9. The ac· cused students are : Dooovan Dorsey, junior soci~ science major from Newport Beach. Ann Doyle, junior American studies major from Balboa Island (a former eo.ta Mesa Zonta girl). Dianna MOier, junior dance major from Corona del Mar. · -Elste.-Newman; freshman.. English ma· jor from Santa Ana . LesUe Llocoln, graduate student from Fullerton. William WJnsfield, graduate student from Flagstaff, Ariz. And former UCI students Ken Cowan and Jane Plaldntoa. The students' names were taken Feb. 4 by Vice Olancellor for Student Affairs John Hay and Dean of Students Robert Lawrence. They sai d six other students gave them false names and have not been identified. . The list or names, subpoenaed from tloy by the student government is now in the hands of the studen t supreme cou rt. Justices are Bruce Mills and Jim Heyne, Only Nine of 19 Canflidates File I J.i: .• n: 11un.tingw1i 1With the noon, Thursday, deadline ap- proachina, only nine of l9 pot.ential can· Qid,tes in the April 14 Huntington Beach City Council race have actually filed, with one vacancy. A complaint is on file from senior mathemallcs major William Clarke of Laguna Beach. The comp\ajnt is that he was prevent.ed from having a scheduled interview with G.E. recruiters who left campus after being drowned out by shouting student demonstrators. Student Body Secretary Claude Dorais said the supreme court justices should announce their plan of action within the next couple of days. Burke Introduces Leisure W 01·ld Tax Relief Bill A bill making resident! ot Rossmoor Leisure World eligible for some forms of property tax rellef has been introduced by Huntington Beach Assemblyman Rob- ert Burke. Burke's proposed law clears up the def· lnition of what constitutes a homeowner so that retired residents could qualify under tax relief legislation enacted in the 1968 statewide election. The Burke bill would Include In the homeowner definilion persons who hold shares in corporate houaing deve}Ppment such aa ~smoor Leisure ·world . Burke submitted a similar bill last year, which won approval in the A5sem· bly. The Senate Finance Committee, how· ever, ldlled the proposal. 'Two proposals for park development ~taling $31,000 were approved Tuetday night by \he Fountain Valley City Coun· cil. Rest rooms for River Park -at a cost of $6,000 -were-wianimously appra.v· ed, but a '25,000 project for a recreation- al building at Los Alamos Park was dis-- puled by Councilman Joty1 Harper. Harper said he felt a lar&er 1building should• be designed for 1Los Alamos Park, but other councilmen said t.he buildin& was fine for the size of the park. : The Los Alamos building conta~ a mo4er~te s~ mee.Ung: toopi, rest robdis. an equipment storage room and can -Oe used for limited recreational service. ft sits on a three-acre site next to a school ground. . The River Park rest rooms will nearly con'iplete development ot Ute city's IPfC- lal camping-by-reservation park nezt,to the San Diego Freeway and Ellis Avenue. Apartment Plan:'. Wilis Approval · A plan ror a 304-unit apartment proJett In the city's westslde won the conditioi'lal approVaJ of the Huntington Beach Plin· nlng Commission Tuesday night. • Commissioners liked the M a c ti-o Corporation's proposal for the land on tilt south side of Warner Avenue, ~ast· of Edwards Street, but tied a string to thdr blessing. namely that the plans be revil- ed for later review to provide more ·O)>en space in the two·slory development and improve the walkways. '. "We would .go for tllree stories If that's whal it takes to get' nfor& open space," Roger Slates, commission chairman , commented. The other 10 have taken ~ applica· tlons, but have not returned them yet. There will be !our council seals involved Pollution Seminar Manson 'Skit' Petition Denied in the April 14 election. Three incumbents have said they will run. One, Dr. Henry LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The slate At V ll S h l More than 25 parent& uked the Foun· Kaufmann, has sald he will not seek re-co urt of appeals has denied a petition a ey C 00 tain Valley City council Tuesday night elect.ion. which accused tlle judge who \viii try to protect young childttn using the cro515 Tfie nine persons who have filed are Charles Manson for the seven Tate-La-A seminar on population as it relatell io walk in the area of Ma1110Ua Street and Mayor Jack Green, incumbent council-Blanca murders of viewing a skit Jam· envirtJnmental pollution will be open: to Ntghtingale Avenue. man Ted \V. Bartlett and chaUengers pooning the defendant. the public at 8 tonight in room 212 of tne The council approved the installation Phyllis Galkin. Roger D. Slates, Robert Without comment, the courl Tuesday scienc.e buUding at Fountain Valley Htah of traffic lights at the Intersection of C. Terry, Henry Duke, Marcus Porter, denied the habeas corpus act.lon. The School, 17816 Bushard St. ~agnolla and Ellis A_yenue and aaked lhe Willian1 N. Gibson and George E. Arnold. petition said the skil, titled-"One Ronald B. Linsky, director or mariile city traffic committee .to consider reduc-City Attorney Don Bonfa appears to Manson's Family ," reduced Manson's studies for lhe Oran1e County Depart· ing the speed Umlt along Magnolla. have no challengers for hi.selective post scheduled trial to a "farce and a sham " ment of Education, will lead tonigb\'s Some parenl3, however, were dlssatis· and City Clerk .Paul Jones is not up for and denied the defendant's right to a fair seminar. the second in a monthly setif;s fied, asking for some type of light to election this year. trial. of seminars on pollution. protect the Nighting!le cross walk it.elf. 1i====='=======================~~~;;;~~~~====i., Mayor Edward Just explained that the city plans ·to install traffic signals along half-mile intersections and to Interrupt the flow of trafrlc between those Uihts might be difficult and dangerous. Councilman John Harper said he would like to see lraffic ll~ts at "each mid· section similar to Nightingale." The council agreed to· study furlhtr proposals to correct the walk.ins ha:11ro to younc children in the area. Auto Wrecking Yard Rejected in Beach A plan for an auto wrecking yard in a liaht iQdustrial district was crushed by !he. Huntington Beach Planning Ccm· mission Tueaday night . Several area residents objected to the plan of ]tcbert and Ola,1e Morris of 6511 Crista Palma. Huntington Beach, to locc1te ,the yard on Slater Avenue, west <>f Beach .Boulevard. It was de n i e d un&nlmOusly. . . --l~ ._.. m ,., .. , •-c•"' M .... : hi w.1 , • ., s11-.1 ......,_, llKl'I, m1 w.t .. 1 ... '""'-"' Bell~lower Synapho1111 Concert at Leisure World The Bollflower Symphony Orch,.lra wiO pretent a conctrt for residents of the Stal Beach area Saturday, Ftb. 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the Seal Bead! Leisure World Clubhouse No. 2. n.e symphony performance Is gelna aponaortd by the. Seal Beach Chamber of Commer<e In cdOpttalloo with 30 Lel1ure \Vorld orpnlz1tlons. COnductor Ciilza Sul>O, formerly of Huniary, will ltad the Bellflower orthtalra of 70 volunteer mwlclans of all age.s. Thiy bave performed more than 1$ concert.a in the Lo~ Anaelts area and are . rated aa one of the b:eJt. oon·pro!essional orchtstra11 in the MJUthland·. Becau1e or the elaborate orchestraUons lo be preoenl<d !or the Stal Beach performance. the group . will b e aUjment.ed by abou t 20 prQfasafonal musician&. Accordlna tn chamber P,.ealdont Keith Hou<ty1h11l , the Feb. 23 con<ert Is ex· peeled to bt'the flr1t or a series to be of· !e.red in lhe Seal &each area. Tlctcla are IUO ~•Ch Md m•y be purchled from th• chamber olllct or from membtrs of lhe 30 1ponsortna Lel!ure World groups., I CO~NllNT TlRMS IANKAMUICARO MASUR CHARG'iE • To I~ giri who knowswh1l $he Wil'lb but l'IOt whett to find it. Matc;h your style with our m•"Y dltfinctlve desi3ns. And ask us a bout our famous Or1nte Blouom au1rantee.' 1821 NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA t t•s • . ';..-·I .... • j J ' 24 Y&A•s .. • . . ' SAMi l.Q¢,'.TION-' ~HONE • 541-HOI • I • I I • DAILY PILOt I . . ' • ·-Hi;swr_ic ·M~isage _Vrges Sov~ts End Cold War ' . . Keep Y rir Ege on ••• ·: Natiofial League Umpire Mel Steiner, who called the bases in UC , 1!"'1ne's. home opener Tuesday, found more than the usual number of distractions on UCI 's new baseball diamo~d. Freshman Valerie Kil· ~ng, 19, is a member of Anteater bat girl squad recruited by innova- tive Coach Gary Adams. Anteaters inaugurated new fie ld \Vith 7-0 win ov~r UCLA. See story, Page 16. Army_ Reveals ·suspects . Iii Massacre of Family FT. BRAGG,. !I.e. (UPl)-Tlie Anny 'disclosed todar ~~t '"we do _ have auspecta" fn Uie ter-of a Green l!oret -~· 'lfJle .lw!>,daughterl by a -band of fotfr hip-talking aull!anta. several times and stabbed In the throat and chest. Her Utile sister was stabbed In lhe neck and upper chest. By MEl\lllMAN 8MlTll • WASHINGTON (UPI) -l'rtlldenl Ntxoo ursed' the Soviet Uolon · ~ lo join In encfln& the cold war "1 J>rWlog lhrouah ricld booUUty oi the put '5 yean Into "a new era" of tuHIUc negollaUon. In an unprecedented e:odo-.ron1 reJlO!I lo Coogtm on U.S. forelp·P91ieYfcr ull •. 1970a, NflOn au_uelte:d the tiQviet Union "'· could f<duce daoger of anoi\l<l' ma)or war by cutting back Its apparent efforts to dominate the Middle East and by ~ .... Ing or halting the Oow of Soviet arma lo North Vietnam. Tbe Prealdenl felt that 11ie, the first year ol bis a!bninistraUoo, aaw a. "aood beginning" toward lmprovlog Sovie> American rtlatiorui, but he said "our overall rela.UonShlp with the USSR ~ remalrui far from aalWactory." F0r exlmpie; be aaid, the U<iited St.te1 ' "would viiw any. effort by the' Soviet Union lo teek predominance 1n the Mkl· dle Eut u a matter of grave concern." · Furthermore, be saw evidence MOICOw wu. headini in that dlrecUon wllh"con· seqUences reaching far beyond thl Arab- lsraell dispute. - "lf the Arab-Israeli conflict· CIMot be finally rt'solved," Nil'Oll aaJd, "at least Its scope must be contained and the direct engagement of the major powers limited. For this l.11 a aeeond dimension of the con'· flit in the MJddle East -the rivalries and Interests of the major powers themselves." Nixon's view of the Vietnam war ap- peared lo be allghtly more opUmlstle ~ ~ii: inaq:thl· ago. But again, as in the Middle East.• be did not believe Moscow w8' doing wbal ii could~lowanl peace. "To the detriment cf the cause of peace," he sakf, "the Soviet leajership has failed to exert a btlpful influence on the NorUi Vietnamese In Paris. The overwhelming majority of lthe war materiel that rucbe:s North Vielnam comes from the USSR, \t'hlch tbereby · bean a heavy _.ihllily for ,the COn· Unuation of the war. This canribt hele. but cloud the mt of our relaUonahJp wjtll1he Soviet Union." . '!'be Presldelll lboucbt Ruala could best ""e Ito own lolmlla and -·of-the world by jolninJ the Uniled Slaw In reduclog glohaUy dealrudive nuclear • . . wu-ud' llop "11-. lo dldalo tho PQ!!orfld naU.,. ~ .. er 1'"'1ld dlctoto the fato ol .other COllDtrloo. • flllurl 1o leu powerlUI utlona," Nixon "I beJlove the lfme llu pauod la whlcll l'lcf. -* .. ·-*. * . * * * · ~otie~ Points ~ . Jr"" _,,.. !'NI .. ~L Hn ~ ~ fonlp poUcy pointo mid• b)' Praldent Nixon today la nm .Ont...,,... St-. of the Wcrld !Dlllale lo con,reu: , . •. U.. -Tbe Sovtel Union IJ rucbiog nuclar.Upped m1al1e Pl" ·.fly wllll. ~-Uollld,Slalell, mUtng espallllon of the 511...,ard ABM l!'llem neceoaatyL fOlli'tt livlet aclfooa tn the Middle Eut and VI«nam: rafae quu. ·Iona ~~t.~ff of Ruafan teadera. Vietnam -'Jiie key to peace in V~ .!i lffnol'• wUllngne11 to en- gage in serious negotiations. Nixon oald the United SW.. will be flalble and 81ll10UllC<d lormatloa of a hiil>level policy IJ'OllP lo evaluate U.S. ·op11ona la Vietnam. ' • Mldellt -The Unlted Stites will conllnue lo work !or peace lo the Mich. de East, but a ~Llement will depend on "mut&ial wllllngneu to COIDpl'Qlnile" by Jsraelll and Araba. _ · Cold W11 -The ao<:alled "Cold War Era" hu ended, and the Unltod States muat look to necotiaUons to llO!ve ilaue1 aftecttng eastern and western Europe. ' Developia1 N11!om -The Unlted Slates mua! ahill from a policy of unJ. lateral aid lo ooe of portnenhlp In belplog developing ..u .... In Aola, Afrfca. and LaUn America, and In promoting Ille oecurtty of Western Europe. Red c.Jaa -Unlled St.Ilea pollcy !<>want Communist China will ...,. tlnue lo be one of eulog reatrU:llooa on contac:I and tnc:reulog dlplomaUe talk• in Warsaw. · • Anlll C.Olnl -The otrateglc arma limllalloo lalb, begun with the Soviet Union laal yw In llelaJnkl, wlll be followed up b)' lurther negollatiGnl in Vltnn1 with "mor-e 1peclfic poslUons" on tialtlnc nllclear anm competition. Officer's Trial Delayed Police officer Ricl\ard E. Faust today won a delay of his Superior Court trial on charges that he used excessive force to subdue 1 juvenile In his o.sstody. 1'1le Santa Ana patrolman was ordered by Prtelding Judge William C. Speirs lo appear befcre him April I for trial aet- Ung. Judge Spelro set March 17 as the date for a hearing into Faust's demand th1t Orange Cotmty Grand Jury tranacrtpts, which k\l lo hll lndlctmenl, be produced by Ille prosecution. FBU!~ fl, WU tndicled by the !Mt Grand Jury after wltoeaan l<atlfled \hit he repe1tedly struck 17 )flar qld Jesse Gilmore when the youth tried to escape from lhe officer's custody wblle belng transported lo Juvenile Hall II wu also allelt<f that the angry of. fleer struck Gilmore repeatedly as the boy lay helpless on the ground. , He ~ 11111 dl4 not ....., hll 111· -·.-lelllfnl~.­llolalloa. Thi Pl'aldellt ..n..i -emplllo!Pd hll lnlentlaD lo maintain aD cumnt U.S. ltealy oommllmentf. · Nilan polpled" oat, however, that with ll!ternatlaoal Communlet unity -and the Wal no longer f~ "a monolit,hlc Communist world," contmumi' the cold war makes no sense. He abo noted the Untied Slates no longer hu either a monopoly or overwbelrQlna superiority of nuclear weapmu. "11>• poo1w;;r period 1n 1nWmllona1 rellUooa hu ended," be aaJd. "No D.ltion need be our permanent enemy," he uld In commlltlng U.S. ln- tern&Uooal energl.. hencelortti I o building a lutlng -l>e90d on "parloenhlp .•. .U.ngth .•• (and) a w!U· ingnea to negoUate." Ntxon· e~tend~ his "new ,strate~ for peact" lo Comm!!!l)at China along wllh the-bl !lie wld. He aaJa 11 would be lo no·ooe'• ldvanla&< lo Ill' lo esploll lhe club belweeo China and the Sovtel Union.· "The Chlneae.,.. a ..-1 and vtlal0peo- ple who 1houlifnot·remaln llolat.d' from the lnlemaUonal communll)' ," he'*- He doubted the re•Uon of U.S. policy toward China would ha•e much impact on that counay•o l<!eoloo: .or .-vlor In Ibo near future. Bui he !Aid' "II II .,.... talJily. In oor tntereat, and In the lnler<!ll ol pea<e and lllabDlly In Alto and tho wcrld,Jthat we take whit ttepl we can lowant Improved pradlcal rtllllo!ul wllb Peking." Although he aald America hid no In- tention of "withdrawing from the world,•• the President streuicf lbe need for "a more ruponatble parUclpatlon b)' our f ... tgn frfeodl In their .... def-and progrtll." ~ • He applled lhla \heory ol -Ing sell-help lo Europe, u well u Alla, Slying the Uniled Stalel no 1aoi1< ,.._. , .. , "condemned lo a ncun!nc qde ol crl5ll anJ war lo a chanllnl ~ beyond the undentandlol-cr lalliilDee • outslden." • The ......... wll1cb -""" baalc -and Ill dlapler .......... could tum oat to·bo a bandy ..,._ work !<Ir GOP .,.__ ,.....,.... nelt fall. Col. .Robel'! J: Krtwanek, PIO!'llll marshal of Ft. Bragg, told a .,JleWs .Coa. ference tdday the Artny: waa:touowtng a number of'leads in lhe pre-dawn alayings Tueaday of Mrs. Colette MacDonald, 26, and her -da•~ 'Kimberly, a; and Kristen, 2. ',. ' ~ . Capt. Jeffrey MacQonald •. wbo survived the Ice pick, knife and club atlock •Pt!• aAartment, was tn fair condition~~f~at . WOJU.OCk Army HQOPltal and WU nlovtd fi:ol"ll the intensive care unit tO a 11rtVaLe MacDonald tQld investigators that the asallants were two while men, a Negro 'wearing a jacket with sergeant's stripes, and a blonde woman wearing a floppy hat and muddy boots, carrying a candle and chanting "acid is f(roovy ... kill the pigs •.. hit 'em again." ''The quartet bein.r; sought u murder suspects may have been on an LSD trip," lhe· Army said. LSD is a hallucinogenic dn.ig sometim~ c11lled "acid." For Your CoaTeDieoce . I Shop Sears Seven Days in '70 -... c~bbed on the head, lracturtni her ·atun. :.a.nd stabbed repeatedly. The autopsy ~n· tirmed th1t she was about m month• Ill"-· ·Kimberly was clubbed "broadside" MacDonald, under heavy sedation, was to be questioned again today. Krlwanek said, "~·e're go 1 n g systematically through Ille list of pa· tients: He 0 ls a doctor of preventive mediCtne: MacDonald deals with l>eOple who have drug problems and are 91!nl to him for treatment. We're looking lnto every patient he had." North American Closing Of Segundo--t'lant-£'1ue? ~ LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tbe pre~dent of North American Rockwell 's Los . Angeles di vision says the firm might -close most of its huge aircraft facillty at ·El Segundo should it fall to win the Air ·Force Bl bomber contract. Richard F. Walker said Tuesday the 'tlOntract would be worth $2 billion In lhe ·planning and development stage on five aircraft and $5 billion if 200 aircraft are built. More than half of this could be &pent ln Southern · California if North American wins the conlracl, he added. The contract on the long range bomber ls lo be awarded in May. "A contract of the Bl magnitude can mean the difference between a strong aad weakened economy," Walker said. Competing with North Amtican are Roting Aircraft Co. of Seattle and General DynainJcs C<rp. of Fort Worth, Tex . ~Walker declined to estimate how m1ny North American emjlloyes would Ion their jobs if the company talli to get the contract. North American would helve-to hire "Z2,000 to 25,000" if successful. Walker said his purpose In addressing a Town Hall meeting was "to shake people up a little bit .•• " In urging people la write their congressmen he &aid the •100- ly effective thing that can be done it through the congrest;lonaJ delegation." He pointed la Department ¢ Com- merce figures thal indicate tha.t for every ,1000 aerospace worken employed, about 1,000 others are brought on payrolls of supporting and service industries. Tarantino :~ks .Jor Help :..-.. 11':.f ' J .. • • ' • . • .. • " .J-' In Pushing-fAilen,.s. RecaII _ ' -. ,. Votan lhraughout Oraoge County't" 11 Filth ~pervlsorial Dltlrict are today • • belnr · ...,S. . .l!H m1h· !lundal con-_ • .: .• tribotlcDi •"'4•Recan '"'A.ttorr" Allen'!~ _... .... RICALL MOVEMENT CHOICE c,ndidele Teran lino movemeo.r: ~ .. ::- . nlelr 8\lppart IJ . being' 11ollcl™ b)'' • • recall orgahltlr Anthony Tar~ntlno In ' • UIOrature tha~·liicludto· ·a ~ioddreolll!d.:; ..,......., beAcloi 'J!arinll.O •)lddr'eis, 111 • CeflO. ~' Bm\.Cl~e. ...!.~ , • ~~ II .. ..,. ahort," an Tarantino. . • .. "' ""' Sllpport.ei:I !>l...-;been • blftctdBclt"1 .lalo slbmi.ston <a n d _ wlili.fu\oo~ Your ti.It> Is needed. again.' Ywr lloTI11r or nve dollars llr evtn more I$ urgently needed." TaranUno bas also announced that hit organlzaUon will have at least JO,SOO slgnaturea on ita ·petitions when tb01e documents are ready l rir submlcti!on to County Cle.rk Wiiliam St John. "We e1· pec1 to tile in .&he very near rulure~" he said. TaranUno, backed by public relali(fl1 advisor Paul Carpenter of ress, Is timing lh1t fillng-to ensure t at recan statement appears on the June 4 p ary •l<ctiOl1 ballots th,,,.gbout the District. Tarantino was recently Uibbed by mp- Porter.s of the recall movement u their candidate In the campaign to end Allen'1 e.lght·Yetir ocwpancy of the Filth District aeat oo Ille county Board of SUpervtaon. l Spectacular Diamond SAJ,E! 20%0FF every diamond in our stock LIFE'l1ME TRADE-IN Sun allowo,.,.. Call eaob price.paid (G• cloti•e t.f tu:et and CHrJinc charge) on any Tradition dia1DOnd ring. pin,eaninp in tnide for a higher priced diamond at any time. BUY SEARS DIAMONDS wrrB CONFIDENCE Beca.,. di .. mond' weightt are ee1dom identical, 1pproxi· mate c1rat weights are 1hown. Sean givea you a Cant Weight Certificate which 1tate1 the exact · weight,. to one-hundredth of a e&nt, o( eYtl'J' Tndition eenter diamond o(J/20 eant or more. J~"7~ ...... 4stail. AU About Sean Con Yemeni ~ • - Credit Plana -sears __ , . ......_ .. ,_ _ __ ....,, -----_ ............... --..-........ ---...... ... _..._u -•-·-·-•-11 --.... ----. -------IWU. .... _Aldl(O. -~I -....... , .............. ~ ....... NtAai. .. NIP.a.......,11._•lf.& -----· ..... -•1•11, ... ....,, -lit __ ... II .... . ...• , ................. --.... ,..., ........ ._ .-.... ' L -• • I I I f ·, [ -"'~"'"·· "' .. Orliltr "" , • ..,, ~ , MIDMwte Stele Son. John T, Alt- .,_ .aid he waa "giving some 'iJ.o.,pl" to ninntng for lieutenant :&ovemor,. an office that would nave been abollJbed by a bill the .Sl /'•ul Republican e<rautbored ;o !lie .11169 Legislature. Asked by · tteWnnen why he was seekJng a job "be earlier described as superfluous', CAmlenon said, "That's a good ~lion. I wish you hadn't asked 'It." /!. . •· • -· Endand housewife Eiieen. fl>obo ·callee!' the police when she , Laos .Pilam ., . .. ' ~ew.Targ~t . . - .Of 1Jombing · ' SAIGON (AP! -U.S. B":bomblng raids in South Vietnam weri! ll1iited 'ff.I'M -'-hoan·Tu...wr'and today Wtiue .....,..C.'* biggest bombers 'went illlo ~for.~ first time against North Vietnamese and Patbet Lao ir-tluutening the La .. Uan Plain <I Jars, lnlcnned aourcea reported. The U.S. Command reluaed to com- ment on the r<port, but 'It. .....,unl9"ea did not 'report any Bii ,alrlkil in Soulh Vietnam during the 31 l\oiJrs that ended at noon today. ,u"'~ P.!iNEnA QUITS · ' Too Liberti for HEW? .. Smaller American flght.er • bombera were rtported to have attacked, North Vietnomeae torcoa around tbe Pt.in o1 Ci"viJ ~his Jars on SuodaY, and the B5,2., are used lroquently Oloinat North Vietnamese aup-. ~ , .. _ ply 'depots 'larlber ~t -ln'Ui>Swlircn ·---· .-, feed !rOOfll iod • ., materials Into South Chi.ef Qui"ts Vietnam. But this was the first report of theiriuae iq dir~ support of l:..aotian P· · ·: · . - emment. forces. .. . , O p · 'The LaoUan govtrnment's forces last · · ~ summer recaptured tile Plain of Jars, a, ver ressure opp9ses :n.usiiJlg . ' ' ·says Housing ~up Should G~itk Schooli " WASHINGTON CUPO -1be.NIHn ad. m~ 1111 today It -"!'I obJict to 1 odl,oo\ ; ""8•Uon ~sul\loi, ftOm ~~\whether in lliF North or !ho ~ ~ opflOl'I! !tderally ordered busini .of ltydenll to achieve racial -in ll!lib oobqots. ~ ~ dle!Jration-wne ln a letter ~'Bryce]l•ffittow, President Niscn'1 ~-to ...... Republican Leader Ht'f!I ~·ofl'ail,ylvanla. 1Wlo,W11 Jitter .. endorsed a con-M...W 'in\~ by Scott to tbe sChoOt and bill pending in the Senate. " t '· Den came an nen tt.rmier ~ Nlm. Sen. John G. Tower (S.Tu.), Mltl . hi bad called Bryce N: llarlow, COU111elior lo t)le Pre:iJdent, and 11,.i been .told "tbla .suhsUtuto doet not have the imPC'bnltur of the White House." ., . . . Israel App~a~ to West; . ' Egypt ~ee~ Arms Block ~ cl~ql" for ,a Polft:y statement elJl<rged Tuesday' w~ Republican Leader' Hugh Scott of Peilllsylvania Qf· fered an amendment td a ma.sSlve educa· • i -. . lion bill requ:iring unlfonn naUOn'a1 ap. By Uid&ed Prn1 IMeruUoul beUeYfl part of an oraantzed ·Egyptian plication of 1Choo1 desegregation policies. Eapt and Israel lluncbed rival ~tic ofltnaive thraugbout tbe 1w«ld ScotCs ri~, was a substitute -for a -dlploriiatlo orfensles toilaY· lartel , ,.11 to Win support for a prwure camWgn more far-ru.di.lng amdnement by Sen. • seeking~mare Weetem aupport.ln the COJ\" aplDst U.S. deliveries. ~ • • John. Stenbla (n.Mlss.) ind tbe -GOB met wlih thfo Mob wOrld and Egypt·wu Itrael haa wed Wuhlngtoo !or leader said Oatly tbe NIJl>o· ad. ""ktng'to liloc) further American mm -25 F4 Pbantom jets and ~wk m'inistratloo w.., behind It. Speclficaily, supplies 'jo tbe Jewlah 11\ate. planes, in addlUon to the IO PhM!OJn! he. aaid, Secrela>y Robert H. Finch of In London, Egyptian Ambuaador AJun. and 48 Styhawto already negotiated' and •Ieatth, Education· and Wellart bad ·en-ed HUaan El·fekl <:,ailed on Prime partly delivered. . dorsed It. · Minister Baroid Wilson to press the The Egyptian campaign cohtclded willi The key difference in lhe proposals was diplomatic campaign against Israel's the major diplomatic offensive being con· w a man through the window of olothu,dryer in the local laundro-, t. ·Police utracted ·<the man. oul Kint, 25, who said•he climbed to get warm. •-comniunleations·bub north•ot Vientiane, the Laotian capltal, and Jut week' Ni>rth Vietnamese and Pathet Lao .forces open- ed an offensive to retake ll tttat Scott's substitute a9plies specifically escalating air action, UPl diplomatic cor-ducted by Israeli Foreign ~lnister Abba 'wASHINGtoN (UPI) _ Leon E. to uncoosUtuUonal conditions of racial respondent K. C. Thaler reported. Eban in talks wilh Western European segregation wfiile steMl11 rider was aim· The Egyptian view ii that·if the United leaders in their capitals. ,Israeli aclres~ Hun. Meron, ounded during a •terrorist attack El Al :._~~~·-passeng~ra ~t· The aUacking tor<e haa made steady progresa and bu recaptu~ I number oC outj>Mts aroond the plat<au. Report; (run Vientiane Tueeday salCI government troops were regrouping oo the west akle ol tbe plain while American ·m strikes were hindering the North Vielnamese ad- Panetta, for the past 11 months one of ed at both resldenUal segregation in the Statea d1d not deliver the planes llrael In the ·conflict ibelf, Egypt ·launched the NiJon adminJstratioo's top <!ivll rights Njxrtb u well u legal segregation in the could not continue tts air attacks, two air strikes today against ls:raeli enforcers, has lost his job. He sald he South. diplomatic llOW'CeS said. The move wu troops on the Suez Canal. was a victim.of~. dumped because ,--------------_.:.--------------'-----------em Airport in Munich, will n o t forned to undergo amputation her left leg .after ell, doctors ave decided. Miss Meron was ck by grenade fragments. • vance. U.S. officials in Vientiane have been telling newsmen that the Amerfcan1 are urging the government lo abandon tbe plain nther than make a detennined. at.- tempt lo hqkl It. These olllcials ~ably are setting. Ole .stage fqr .a _ r.etreat •aLi.lie-.govemnrent. forces,-but al the same time U.S. air for~ are being used in aupPort of the LaOtlan govern· mefttLforcp .. -~. Jarger aeaie:thllJl has- ·~ been repcilted bllfore. llleg~l" Killings In Vi-et 'Probed the White House gave. In to pressure for a softer approach on $Chool desegregation. The young liberal RepubJlcan lawyer accused the Nixon adminlstralion of fostering a climate where at times nothing ii being done in civil righb, and where some dedicated civil rights workers, like blrnself, are being undercut Since March 30, Panella has been chief of ciVll right& e1'fofct~ot in the Depa'.rt. ment of Health, Education and Welfare.~ One of hjJ. prime responsibilities. -the one ·which lriggered the most i-eacllon.-:- was wielding the"power to cuttoff f~al school aid to segregaled dlstilcb. tn an emotion choked voice, Panetta • told a oews conference Tuesday night he resigned because "pr~~~ ba~ been brought to bear on' my .p.:>SiUon ••. that my resignation is the inevitable result. WASffi:NGTON (0PJ) _ A -Viet· "Ttie predominant ptessures c-a m !" Damir.ation program that aet.s a i;nonthJy from congreasl~t SO"JJ'CeS, ·~ he added. quota of l,llOO terrorist.s "ne utralized" "and were rcl1ected in the whtte House. through killing, converting or capturing They were maybe equally 'divided, but came agaiq today under 1tle scruUny Of the pressures on the RepubUcan side tbe Senate Foreip RelaUona Commiltee., 1be program, which Is n a m·e d were .a Jot str'~er bee.apse It Is a "'Phoenii," was detcrlbed in bearingl Republican ~aUon." D,, Rob<rta,Romco, !O, nTtd sligh~ 'l'llesda,y by AmbMsador William C Rep... ~win J!l!wardl, 10.La'.,I said fy on cmool time for her bcbr. SA• COll>l' dllel ol tbe Vletnam!,~ll'O' Panetta'• restp~ was "llke 1 math <mbcrk<d on a flighl from 7;alt1"J,IO ,...,;, Coli!? conceded that · . ~ of f"*i ait.~'1"11! r<marb1""'"'ed up San Francdco. with three ~? eepdoD Int• It has resulted in "&Orne U. ll'!'wlnC ~'~ wWl Panet- and ar.riutd unth four. LuekQ~ IUIO-1ega1 ~· •• some aberratloni." •• · ,.. ta s poUcie(, .. ~ .. ~aDIUa said ar~11 An~e ~aue (righ&) 21_) "fO' q Colbf dressed lbaL his emphaia al on '" • brought preuare t9 ~r. ~the l>resl- foNMf midunfe in Totlntofl. dpnw~ ,j~up the disciplined appro&ch " -Gent. • . . -- 1et, E1'Qland, where 1he delttl•rtd , ind utd ·violations are "lnlrequen~· feir to ~.b:ir/8d u~'8~J1!:~:nPl.:~:!i ~~ 399 babiu. Th< Romero .6'dlll<m · ud lar bet,.een." .. · made it an tvett 400. T~ familv wiU But~lJ. William Fulbright (J).Ark.). ~~~=~rt'l!llogen, but*'lle of hts aides · trawl to Montreal, where fatMr,· Dr. the .conilllltt'ee chairman, ·said Incidents "I think the President still la, but I do Rotl Romero, ii compkting re.ride1w:V ol ci'liliiit ~ continue to be reported believe that those around the President. 1n ncuromrgnv at McGill Untoerdtv and wondered lf ."It has per~pS gotten and others, whose principal goal ls not to and Montreal General Hotpitol. beyond our capacity to control. 'brine ·us· together' but to win the next • electk>n1 are the ones that are primarily M.ry w11 .... , wife of Britain'• prime minister, was a guett disc jockey· on the British Broadcast· 1ng Corporation"'& "Open House•• radio 'record prog1'811.l. Mrs. Wil· son read request cards, recited one of her own poems and chatted about the health of her husband, Harold. She said the prime minis- ter, bruised and sl!aken up by a fall during bis visit t<> Washington, was much better: • F nnk P•ff•non of Hot Springs, Ark. said be was dropping plans to hire two topless shoeshine girls to wort at bu clothing store. He said the majority of public opinion was against the idea. Manila Rioters Enter Embassy MANILA (UPI).-Howling Filipino demonstrators smashed their w i y through two sets of steel gates lnto the U.S. embassy office building tonight in the most destrucUve anti-American riot since the Philippines gained independence from the United Slates in 1946. With. no policemen nearby the 30,000 demonstrators spent 45 minutes hurling rocks, iorehes, tear gas bombs --and molotov· cocktaus· an(I bombs at ·the darkened embosiy building. Tbey broke m<>re than 100 windows, set off deafening but harmless e:1:ploslons and started bon- fires in the courtyard. mpona&b'le for the pcllcles that hive - resulted in this area." • Costly Oregon Blaze Began in ROTC Room EUGENE, Ore. (UPI) -A member of the-ttate police afson squad aays a $2501000 fire in the physical education building at the University or Oregon Mon- day night started in two places ln the ROTC supply room on the main noor. Sgt. Lloyd Riegel said Tuesday the fire • c.ould not definlte1y be tabeletl arson "but we, do know that the flrt .started at two spots In the ROTC supply room ... " No tract of .incendiary materlal was found, but the arson squad plawted to sift through. debris . Cold -_Wave Blasts Midwest --~ Garden City, Kans. Tues™!-y'~-.W armest, Pince . . . CecaCal Sl.lflll'Y • ....,.. V1'1et>lf Wllldt I to 10 kMft ....., eM ~.,. M"" ..._., _.._ ~ """"'•tvrh r1"" '-... to .., lllltllrll ...,._,turw:a r-tr.m ., " n. Wt'-.,.,.,.,.,.,.. "' sU. """"·:Nu WltMllUO.U ._.... h'9l'I • .• ... , .•.• l :.M l.fft. l,t letllflll ""' ' • l !J(1.rn.. ... TMUUCM.Y ,Int llltfl ....... , ...... l :M '""' ._, ''"' IOw .............. 1141•~· l,f .__,. llllfl ........ , ••. M:ltl..,., 4-1 ~ ...... ' ...... 1:••·"'·'" II/It ...... f:Jl.~ ......... ....... MllM ..... l~H IMI. .... I t'll t .lm V.S. S••-r11 lit etld Wlvt MNn 1111tw11111 lnlt ... ~ ~If ttttw to.ta., tc.CO!fto "'"'" w 111'1111 -"*"" wllldl. • tlli. w11 try C011tr11t to T\ltllHY'• WM""" ...... Ul'l\MIOMlllY Mnn -"""' ~ the .,.... "' t~. "" Mfllil .. ..,.,...,. .... TllllCln •ff " ,,..,.... et 0...-Cll\I, k~. ~ ..... f'MCtltrll ,.,. Dell· °'" ......,.. WI fe _,.. lncfltt of --hell , .. \fn tlllc.e T.,_.., 11'9llJ.• Tiie iw~~ ....... lt lllto IOw ~ •I wtrlwtoll. N, O. lht ,.,. Wiit--• """'"" WllllY ,,,.i .... -.....,. ....... 11lt ,..,~ lie "'°"""""'· ~ c.llforllle .... '""""' •rid Wll"M W1tJ1 ~f'I· ~ • Temperat11rft "'"' .._ f'nc,. ~ .. • )f ti " . " .. " " ,1 n .01 •.. ,, " .. " " .. .. n " " D " " n ·• n " " " .. , " .. n " ...... .. u n ,; .. " •S ~I .. " n • ,,, Jr u .D2 n " " n " .. .... " .. .. " " "' .14 "· IS :II SS D . " ...... W 1' .II .. ~ " . .. • a .e• 4S ll .... " »~ I our lowest fp;$ NYLON CORD TIRE ·Al"'8idlier ll'f m.ACKWALL I '.soxri blackwatl tubeles~ plus Fed. Ex. Tix $1.71 per tire. No trade needed. llus S2J7 1 U.33 Fld. h. TIX. .. _ -ON£ LOW PRICE" 7.7Sll15 7.1$Xlf l .2ll ll l' lllctnn 'Miiiin · e Clean 1ldewall design, radial darts on 1houlder • Triple·tempered nylon cord con1truction • Buy now at these low prices ~OOD,riEAR SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. ISM NIWPORT BLVD. Ph. -HU COSTA MESA , YO~JfQ & LANE TIRE CO. 4fl OCEAN AVENUE LAGUNA llACH • • • 'I I • ~HEW .Bill 1 • -., ' -t Face's Fight In-Senate Russian U.N. Agent Leal'.es. NEW YORK (AP) ~ Alebiqdr V. Tikbomirov1 the Rulai1n against whom spy (barges were ma~ and later dropped, bu met • l/:S.-im- posed deadlh~ for teavq tbe United States. • • FOWLERVILLE, M I c h • tosether -!ailed to go ofC. lUPJ) -A mechanically Roddenberg, of Westland, rninded 14-year-old Wlh o Mi'-",. and hi1 t-ye1r-6!d remembered a televised lfarn-co~in Larri,'rOUnd the bomb Ing ~bouJ_ex~l~!!_es_dis~l!:._ ~I~ an g:p~y_e , pow£r _Q! eel a live time bomb "big seven dynamite slicks Sunday enough to blow up everything in an abandoned. farmhOUte tor two acres.'' _ • , v ... near here. ~ 111f I knew then What I know ~denbcrg, I hObbyi!t, now, I wouldn't have touched ordered his cou!in ool of the anylblag," Molvln Roddenberg hoo9e -then ·proceeded to 11fd.. "l would never do that separate the bomb's wires, He aaain. I'm· sUU pretty shaky." said _)le. had .aeen, a publiG Police were .Ull putiled I~ _IQtVlct; commercial ort ex- Tueaday why the bomb -four. pl011ives and walched his M>y.J.lncb bomils scnwed la\llcr dyoamile lrcc stwnPJ, Black~ , . -. .. "'Occupy . A~rst · HJ wouldn't have touched those wlrea myaelf,'" Llv- lngstoo !Jounly DetecU.. Sgt. David lfenerdlne said. "I would have cleared the area .and exploded U..bomb-11 • ---safe distance, using a rUJe. All h• hid to do Wll wlgle '"'°of thole. wirq the wronc "'"'>' ind ldio1.1' . ... • Police aald the bomb w11 among 35 stole.rr1rom 1 truc:lc last Aul\J!t, •PPll'!DtlY by schoolboys, and.i>iani.d In tllo •Id rirmhooot ;·11eca..,. O.y wanted to ice lhc old boule blow up." • W~< r,tb!ultJ IS,J910 .DAILY ,i,l,O_f ,f ___ , --. --··· ~ __ ._____ --· - suee~t ,... Seit ... ,....J-_ .. CH 'Officer Shot 1 . " "· In Bacl\J>y :Man . . ' ' . ' AUBURN (AP) -A JO.yoar-m.mltatml cllvlolan llnplo)oe 014 Pla"'I' (:owlly m., 11"'"' wil!i.•.rodio lr-il!lt Jn JU tod!ir. apparently after;""'li!I cm , lllyro•, Curl!a '!' ·~ ahot snd killed · a ·~If .mdlted "'LM• ....,..\kine !l\11~1--rill officer w~· der'~ C&L.and_wlJl!..~! father of Ov.-children. Ing n to the Folaom lab area oaic.ri say cp1 s. liliY>leo while · alerting . poll!'!, b 1. ol Foresthlll shot and killed radloteleiil\<Jc1<. • himtel! as hlgh ... y pa~"!' Curill Joit u.i s111.i<r car lb and deputy· sheriffs ~loaed ,Jn the Folaom Late area bul ol· .nn !>im. during a iunl>AtUe Deers a~:bad. lhe.,.. neor Fol"!'D Lake Tu'!Oday. sealed oil by iliat time. : Snyder-ls believed lo-~ tile· An qlf-du!Y Ya ca v 111~ 'tw'IT..._.. man who .shot-and ldllei:f paliceman .'laid be· wu dr1~ Patrolman Raymond R'. near Penryn WbeD · he·· sur Car:penler, to. by the side ol a Carpenter -!le will> Snyw Pllicer County road earlier b>t~ ·the ro:.mi.d«.~ He said Tue!day, .. Carpenter turned and wa1kql Police said they c:omered back toward b.ls cru1aer wheD Snyder itler he wu spoiled Snyder .U.W a piotol, took al1ll br aq alet,t stale com-and fired. Florida Oil Scott Urges Approval Of-Environment Plan WASHINGTON (UPI) -prdgram an urgenUy needed Senate Republican l e a d er begiJlning. Hugh Scott today appealed for "Obviou!ly, tllm billi will quick congresslOnal passage of not do all that must be done President Nii: o'o' s en· for all Ume','' Scott Slii!. vironmental package as "'.lhe "But they are a major first ztep down the Toad that beginning at a time when. a leads to conserving America." beglnnlng ia urgenUy needed," Scott said. "I urge that lh!s YOUNG sn ~NURSERY · sclfQOi OPEN '7 DAYS A WEEK-. .. 6:30 UNTIL 9 P;M. NEW CLASSES FORMING; TRANSPORTATION FURNISHID. - Full or part time and after ICbool Care:::. · · Planned professinnil supervWon· -' Jle. • du'ced rates to? 2 or mote. ·· • · CALL 534.;1292 Ill a Senate prepared speech body begin work immediately to coincide with lntrodu~on on this JegillaUoo.and that we or the enviroomental control pau them as early in thl1 the·1euion as po11~~ib~l•;'.:·"~~--~~!1!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~!1!!!!1!!!!1!!!!1!!!!1!!!!1!!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!1!!!!1!!!!! Thursdaythru Monday February19th t9 23rd ...... ...... .,, ....... , .......... ~············· . ' WASftlNGJON~S . BIRTHDAY .................... , ...•................•. : - ,..l ALL WOOL smER SPORT COATS SLACKS s33 $19.90 ! _I ' ?. • • ' ' ·-i. • -~ " • q '[ " .. T ,, " .Reg.•55Sml'22 Reg. '35 to '55 We've chOpped the prices on regular -:t10to'135 . ,. . , All poplllor 1lylM, Cualom CJILllHJ lfacb, -.. -. BeH loop & ta ..... 111 horrl.....,_ lly(eo. ........................................... -SWEATER SPECTACUW s7aa CARDIGAllS & PUllOVERS FAMOUS MAIER .. DBSIUm . AoO-tUolOim>Jong-.•- MEN'S SUITS·- Wltfi 1 '0i:.,2 pairs of pante Now s70.oo -. ' • a..orve......, ,,.d II eo gcoc1, Shop nowlllld ... ,.-, up lo $59.00 on each eultl Forwa"' Fuhlon and TradlUonal atyleo .. ,famous b,..da fnCluded. ••• ••••••••• •••••••••• ··········-·~······· i..,.. ___ _...._....,. ____ ..._ __ _, COME IN AND'Cl:LEBRA'IEWJTH SAVINGS! . ~ . .~ \ Better Nelilww ......... _ ... ___ . .'. __ . _,. :.-Famous Md111·Mea'1·Shoes Rog.ID____ . S1&88-:.t19,88 . Sllort.Slene Oress Shirts .•.• _ .... ,. .. __ .. 92.99 · Rog:izwat21.M....,11y111111c1w!l119w1nOt1pt,p1a1p-•111-_, IWl-to"'6!1 .... lcolcn,-alyf& . ' . . • . ~ Pl)lml Sarlnp. _ ............. __ .. _ ....... 1199 . . . WOMEN'S FASHION· B~SI · · -•11111""'°''-~ -r~ . Stock,.-_ ,. _ _,_ · ..t1.90.W.• · ...... , •-.i. . . o;,nul'I --..... • •••• • • .,., ~--.I ...... ~....., .... 7 ........................................ _.tw.c:lll.•.air~ .,_ '"'9-"''15_..,..,petlomo. · -. ·D~ ....:...-1'.: ·. . s1· r ·..n ...... ,, Cott 'It-I&-' ....... .,.,_ ••••••.••••••••• -~ .... ~ roll IUll&a: .. :-: • , • , • , ... , . ., •• , ••• , , , .. 11,99 ' Rog.'2Qto'40-~ondllbllol. ', • ' j R111-IW---•tyloa. Fllllld Miiler 5"rtswlll' .... : ..... U7.lllt97 ·Sport Shirts .......... I .................... '2.99 Rtg.SM19blOUlll,....wi,pMta. I Rog.-----. . Wool S-J.. ' 1o1~-1.:: • U1 ·1 .,_.. ... ...._ .... n-rmg ............. now -. 1\1111. .......... ~ •••••••••••••••.••••• '199.15.99 Aeg:.t1&f'flf.moul--~ . J Rog.$7 .. 14lalr .... -.-- FalllOUI CDllll Pants ..................... '5,99 j OP1N suND.4v •• '''· ,n. ~N To 'S ~:M. Rog.IM12"""'""!"-bolllooplltifo. ' ~ L. -------...,..---·--;;,;· ·-~---6 ~ OPIN THURSDAY-AND · FRIDAY, 'TIL f PM. -' • SOUTH •COAST PWA, Costa .--ANAHEIM, Brulway~ Centw-wiwoop; laki12llll CIHllf • '\ ,, I "' " " ;. ,, I l • I • I -.. • . . • Our Filthy Oil Fields Step.by-sltp Huntingtoo Beach is becoming a IUll· fledged city. The time Is passing when any particular specla). lnterest can be allowed to dominate city actions. 1be onJy supportable interest is in that of the cotfl.· .inu.nity as a whole. The oil industry at one time was virtually aJI there was to ,ffuntlnston Be~ch and its role as a power in the city wis It lea sf understand'able. But now lhe towq haJ 1 grown up.!f"und 11 and change In lhlhlting Is neceHa/y,; lt's:Uriie for oll·"Prodili:ers !lo beoome la co111pat1tile part olllunllngton Be.acb. Many ha'lei•lartt_d. HunUni· ton Beach Co.1 64 percent owned by standard Oil, can be commeri<l,ea for its Seacli!f golf club •ml b6usln1 de- velopment in the middle of ab oU field, and otll~o major surface developments. Including Hunliriglon Center. Signal Qil has provided plans (but so far lllUe actloo ) for much of ii• property. · · -·-But there is still a lot of room for imr.rovement. Much of H\Jlllinglon Beach still presents a bl ghted view to visitors because of filthy oil fields. The congestion in the townlot area ancl where many independent oil opera· tions are is obvious. Some of .the independent operator11 are cooperaUng with the city to clean up their wens. Many are not. It's apparenJ stiffer laws are needed to force the reluctant operators, many of them out of town (or out of state) and not even makJng money off their wells , lo clean up or get out.:'l'he cit)' is working on two such proposals now. One;·· the oil combining ordinance, would-force clean· up among all wells, active as well as inactive. Another would give some operators a chance to restart old, in- active wells, if it became desirable, but with the pro- viso that they clean up ' first. Both proposal1 are· expected to meet with some opposition frOJll Oil 9perators who claim they' )vould be forced out 'of buSlneaa because of the cost of cleanup. One can .lo&icaily ask: U they aren't making enough m<>ney to 'keep their own oper1Uon tidy, why are they in buslness?. . , . it'< time lo q'ult dodcltif the issue. If an oil well is . . . . ~ . Dear Gloomy Gus: .. Definition of A Gentleman Has Changed When, oh when. will ,the oil com- pant responsible for those grass- ,..h<>pper pumpers alone Coatt Hi&h~ , W..7 . fence them for put.lie vieW,? They ,were even pictured In For· tube magazine 's special issue on pollution as one of the nation 's Thoagbll at Llr1e: Chancing mores call for new Gelinl· tions; among today 's bell.a, a .. ge11tlem•n" is a beau whb ~·i make a 1eriou1 pass until the secend date. . . . . ' :. harJ.it8e'. q:amples of environment· al damagt. -0. s. c. 1'1!1t ~111'9 nfltCll t'taft<S' .,.....,, Mf n~ ._... et tM -•••. ''"" -"*" _..,. .. GIMl!IY Ow. Oii.., il'lllt . your il1150tnnia. The most. misunderslood Pbrut!in all Chriltendom coru:ist.s of onJY five wordt= "Love lby neighbor as lhylldl" -for the generality oC ~le misinterpret ~ ' . . ~ Men drass well to reel equal to otJ\tr mtn: women dress well to feel superior to ot!ier women. 'j meaning oC "love, ' don't know w~ their "neighbor'' is, aad fail to• gr:ap tbe reflexive nature of "thyself." • • • There Is only one respect Capart from speed) in which the computer is mperlor to the human being operating ilj ani qtat Is its ability to monitor lta own performance and know wbal it ii ~V· ing defectively. .. • • • Thooe who live by lhe rule dle by flie except.ion. • • • The rtally doncerous dichot'"11l' of our time lie• .mt in C.P·. Snow'• divis.ion between the "acitntist.a" and the "'humanist.s." but U)I!! far greater gap between the men who art power-Oriented and the men who are knowledae-oriented. • • • The mo&t that can be said for a book thlt con1eiously tries to "Improve your mind" la Iha! occuJonaUy tt m.1y cure :.: . . . Tbe" bell rea30n for letting a child aleep otefhlahl witb a friend at an early age is lhat~he soon learns other parenll get aJ'N·'nl? better than his own do \ which ~ 100ng fears and provides a more niltltiC .. fecognit.lon of the hazards of f&mlly lift. • • • Dollnltloo of birth control : '""idlng the u...ie. ) . .. . ;\t'J surpriainc haw many people in how many countries live within a !tone's throw of the American Embassy . • • • The ori&in G{ ~ old superstition must lie In the tndtrputable fact thet a catty remark has ~J.ne ti~.!· • • • Every. "esllmite" ahO\lkl be compelled by la\v to include ,• footnote estimating how much more thin Ult tsUmate the final bill Will be. . I Flnming Sex .Scandal .. '" ,.., ' . Now that Mrs. Oni!ls&ls ta being called 11 home wrecker for wrtUng four thank· you notes t.o a married genlleman, the flaming se.x !JCandal of the Calvin Coolidge Administration can no longer be: withheld from public scruti'l.Y. ( . . ... , The scandal is \li'ell documented in a hitherto-&eeret letter found in the rumble seat of a ).1odcl A Ford roadster. It 11 si(Md "Gract th1n. Calvin) Coolidge." It Is addressed to Cyrus Hockd.ln1. the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Agrlcuhure who cut a dashina: figure at The First. Presbyterian Church's &k· ed Bean Suppers 1n \Vashington durlnj: the Coolidge years. TIIE DATE Of TIOS intimate note - June 17. t92S -is considered parUcularly significant. For i1 was precisely aix>~ara. and let1 weeks after th.is -to the &ay - that Mr.s. Hockrfing ran off with a pl1no tuner from Baltimore. \Vhlle Mn. Hockdlng never publicly blamed Mrs. Coolidge for breaking up htr home, 6he oft.en confided t.o h'iend11. 1'Thert hat been no music in . my .mar· tl11e slnct June 17. 1926 .... The lint hint we have ol. Ute IClfldlil •ppean ht tbt 11lutation of the letter: "OW Mr. Hockdlll{!." 'l11e -4-"doar," Is d<lined by the dk:U(Jnll'J II "hlg'bly e s t e t m e d , chertlhld, loved." And what lrl' the ftrst three wordl Mn. ~Ud~e addr'1ses kl her -.JOYed Mr •. Hockdin&? "l ~you ..... rt ~R41p pe 1 ' ~ (. ' ' • .. l " ... Pressing girlishly on. she writes.•• .. , Jor sending me thal slim voltHne (Ah! \Ve all know what c«ne& in slim volumes, don't we~) entitled. 'A Statistical Abstract of FlBcal 1924 Map!e Syrup Production tn• Vennorll.' It brought back many pleasant memorie.lo." (~tany pleasant memories or what? We can o n I y speculate. B u t let it be remembered th1t P.trs. Coolidge'• in- timatn invariably dncrlbed her as "I ll)' and channinJ.,, "She'• a ~al sex pol,'' said one, "compared to Cal.") THE LETTER continues: "Thank you for the Inscription on the ny leaf .. :· (Whal mad, lnll:ne-words of Jove did that lnacrlption employ? We know not. The boOk is 1.mfortunately lost.) ''. , • and in rtlum aUow mt to 'convey ·my best wishes to you." (Her best wiabts for what? And how dots she plan lo convey tbtn'1 7 Ab. love's' tweet sec:rttll) But by now sht la overwrought with emotion !.ht can no Jonge.r contain. And in her two closing words she reveals all - pitdlln& that ahe b. in truth, hls wl1h all the aincertty of an impassioned heart. In an outbw'lt of inflamed ardor, she writ.ea : .. Sincerely Yours." TRE ONLY P\1ULE 11 how Mrs. Coolkl&t could have bet:n ao tndlscreeL Surety, 111 public fliures know thal every private word they write will bt ugerlf read by us mulUtud• iOOnfr or J1ttr .. ~ cen ooly lly 10 mike 1116 ,!Jest .of It. BUt. never fear, we'll mike the wotll ol ii. • worth 111 11le, ll can be cleaned up and made pleasant in tta 1urroundlngs. If it is not worth the owner's money to clean It up then it is not worth the city'• .,Wence to leave It standina around . OU Isn't goto( 14 be shoved out o! Huntington Beach, but It mus! become a part o~ the total communil'Y· f 09 ' .. ~, . , -Edison , ' ely Will Win , . . r:· . Heartnas exte Ing over three months on the' pro- posed expansion of the So!4hern Caljlorpia Edison .co. •. electric ge~erating plant lnJ!untnycum Beacll'are 'draw:· l ina to a clq_se. ~ !. A final decision by the Public Utilities mmiuiOn on the proposal is not 'expected for Hvttal·months. But testimony at the heari~gs gives an indication of lhe probable decision. Although lhe expansion of the local plant will ad-· mlttedly add more smog producing emissions to Orange County air the commisa1on probably will approve the expansion as the last oiJ-gas burning power .Plant in California. Evidence bi& 'shown that emissions throughout the South Coast .basin will be reduced as a result of the construction of the two new modern burners. 'This is because older plants in tbe basin will be used at lower capacities. The •t•U's attorney' has ruled that the PUC has final legal control over the expansion, dampening any hope that the Orange County Air Pollution Control Dis· trict might have o! winning a subsequent legal battle. And the PUC's only witnes5, an' engineer, has argu- ed that the expansion should be allowed to oUset any possible power shortage. ~ . ' ' Those who fought lhe expans ion may lose this round, but make no mistake -they have not Jost the war. Voices rai1ed againrt the Huntington Beach plant have made it clear that public tolerance of new smog- producing devices is stretched as far as it will stretch. H '~~·,,... ''THEY SENT A 60Y 10. ~o A MJ.N'! .rotJ. N · I • ) . Priv ate Planes Clutter Skies With Noise He . W o·uld Ban· Recreati~11al Flying To the Editor : nus is 1ddreSHd to au citiiena in- teteiled in lhe quality Qf our en· vlronment, and also. 11pecllically, lo all ownen ci private aircraft. Let me speak bluntly. There i3 absolutely no excuse for the recreational rlyir1g of airplanes, The right of any man to pursue hi5 private recreation has to be qualified by tonslderatlons of the direct discomfort he may cause others in so doing. Each airplane that t00ma across the sky deprives all those on the ground Wlder its wings of that most precious and sacred tonuru>dtty-siltnce. HOW MANY PEOPLE tod1y know c..-hat tMl 1llence is -whtn you can ait ·. ltill Ind peaceful and hear yow heart beat and tune in to the pure natural rhythms ci God. 'Ibis hag been a prlvlle1e available to a.JI human beln1s up unUI the laM few years. Recently, man has taken lo the air for purpo11es of transportation and 11Wp- mer1t. In view of the trtmendous functions "'hlch airplanes serve, it is Unrfal111lic to propose I.hat man ground himself. But any air flla:ht Involves some measure cit diacomfort and loss of peace to all those on the frOUnd, which might be weighed against the functions of such flights. SO~IE DEFERENCE has to be made te> productive econe>mic and social use, but I can see no justification for fligbts which serve no other funclion than the flyer's sport, especially when 11mall aircraft, with their sharp grating engines , may be-, quallLatively. the worst offenders in aerial uWe pollution. WUh 'si(ence sud! a scan:' commodity · a.s il 11, I.he right ~ clutter our skies with noise should 'be ttilder the control or the dtlzen• on the.g/ound. l propo11e so:qe kind of government regulatory mec:h.in.ism to strictly control aoc1 restrict the rjght to fly 1an airplant". and to grant Jludi rigbt_.onJy for clearly stated soclalJy.producUve use . lN CLOSING, I woukl propose a slog1n lo guide tecbnolOetcal Dobe 'rtsearch in the 70's We have Black· Power and Stu-1 dent Powtr. I propo&e the motto "Silent Power" is an important research goal: the eventual tau~t will be. silent pro- pula:i«l for au human trangportatlon. ALLAN KAMIN flgaln•f Alrparl< To the Editor: \Ye are flghUng a proposed airpark !hat will afrtct 1pproximately 400.000 people in the Garden Grove. Cosla-Mesa, Hun- tington Beach, Fountain Valley alld ltun- tington Beach areas. The Orange County Board o f Supervisors has voted twice to inchu1e '-1ile Square <bounded by Warner, Edlngl'r, Brookhurst and Euclid Street.Ii) as part of Lhe coonty meslcr airport plan. Those of you who are conctrned. please h~lp us to keep Mile Square ai; a recrea- tfonal ttnter for playfield s, picnic areas. ball parks, outdoor cooking. campina: and hiking. .---By George--~ Drear George : This fellow I hardly knew told me T had unyielding inhibitions and I slapped hlm. 1 have t\vO quctllons : {I ) Should t have glapped him and (2) \Vital does Inhibitions mean? BLONDIE Otar Blondie: Write to one of the llldy C'OI· umrU1ll. The last o"' I hod li'ke you • ?Ill me up&lde the head with • poperwollhl wbeo I tol~ her lhat tier tonYicUOns aholild be tlrmer. Letters from readers ore welcomt. Normally writers should conveu thtir messages in 300 w&rds or leis. TM right to condtrue ·letUrs to /it space. or eliminate libel is r1sero.?d., AU lit- ters mU1t include tionature and mail- Retab& l\'aturat Land after indiscrimlnate 1 bombings a. n d . ground action? Do we publl!h a list ·ct those suspected Viet Cong interned ·ut To the Editor : concentration camps all over South Vlet·1 1 Willlam ·Mason. Irvine Company pru.1~ nam ? . 1 dent, in defending the cootroversial Baclc We seem to be quick to invoke the-" bay swap, states that his compaily ti» Geneva Treaty, bu t only whea it bene:fil1 elway1 f05tered planning and l.Jnd use us. Think about it. that help men relate to and enjoy their • JOHN BULL natural environment. He called this policy ''social ecology." S/1l ple11 Prote•ted ing address, but namu may be tDith-, · held on requtit q iflt!klent reason To the Editor : How marvelous this would be if lt were only true! The thousands of acres of undeveloped hills and canyons behind Corona del Mar have always offered the perfect outlet for man to relate to his en· viconmenl: Rolling 1 r a·s s I and lll. wlldflowen. birds of all kinds. flowing stream.!, wooded gten1, footpaths ana ~ing, narrow dirt road1. Here b the answer .kl "getting away from it all" for a few houn on weekends. ; i& apparent. ~trv wlU not be pub-, At the m~lng of t~e Huntington Be~ch lished. "' 1 City Council on Feb. 2 Uier,e 'fas a THE COUNTY BOAJU> of Supervisors is now inlttJlretln& u ~k u belng recreational which would take Jway part of our potential recreational center. If you dooi Want In airpark, plta!!t contact ~ for a petition -we have almost _4,11911 sipaturts collected in two "·eeks. Our only hope ls through citiu:M becau1t all legal channels have' been closed to us! OUr organiJ.ation is r11med "Citizens Against Alrpark Plans" (CAP). Wt! have had t1A•o meetings-the first wittr over 550 lJ'J allendance and the serond was 1 town hall meeting to ask questiona of the supervisors as to 1"hy they would consider f.tile Square as an airpark. For information, contact CAP. P.O. Box 824A.- Fount.ain Valley, Calif. 92708. Our Board or Supervisors must eliminate the possibility of fixed-wing aircraft flights al Mile Square and preserve our recreational park !" MARY HIX Qi airman Citizeni Against Airpark Plan SDS n t IJC I To the Editor: This thing going betwetn the DAILY PILOT editorial page and the Yourig Republicans, really makes rny day. Your . recent comments concerning criticism or the double standards being used iD deal· Ing with the SOS at UCL indlcalet a ·lo.ss of sense of humor as well as objectivity, What's with this "tight re>pe 'ft'llking'' bit? The SOS controls the UC! press (ac· cording to the L. A. Times). the SDS haa .1 veto over terminating faculty contracts and the SOS selects the companies that are allowed to recruit on campus. True, the SOS was denied permission to hold their convention at UC!. but lhe apologies were profuse. ~ ~ !\tlKE KRIS!\IAN ha1 slilcd, "RadiCal students are out to alter lhe nature of the un ivecsily system. not to destroy lhe university. If they shut ii dtiwn in the process, that's another matter. But there hav" ~ changes end the university h1s-n't ~n shut down." What is the real reason for campus tranquility. "light-rope walking·• or ap- peasement of the New University Con- J'erence and the SOS ? ·At. Lhe root or all this controversy is a difrerenct of optnlon .over tht primary Jegitimatt ,f\lnction Of the university sys tem. ls-it sensitivity train!~ 111nd poUtlcai.:Jndoctrlnatlon or is II objective educatl~~ JOHN fl. KELLY , Gene.,a 'f'.reafy To the Editor : Refcrrina to your edltori•I on Sen • Eugene Mccarthy Feb. 10: Sure. the plight of tht Amerlcan1 POW'a families is not made easier by North Vietnam's failure to publlth 1 ll1i of their capUver, but Is anyone here crylna for the thousands of Vlttnameae wtdows, orphan,,. and POWs we are helping to crtatt daUy Jn Vl4tnam? Do we fl\lbll!h a complete list of the mluin& aod de.ad Vietnamese clVllians dlacu11X!n of the 'city park site at the cor- ner of Springdale St. ahd Heil Ave. On one side al uu.-futurt park thi!re I.a. small swamp art.a. Thi,s patch of na.turaJ en- vironment is being fl.lltd in. A number of residenis 'had contacted 1 me and compl1lned about the destruction .of this swamp. Sinoe It is ab&olutely necessary that we have ~e. places where there are some ~hing, lhat arc natural wild and free , left in the com- mimity, I became interested in this situa- tion. ST. BONA VENTURE Scjlool ~ located next to tht park site. J felt that it would be a wonderful thing to have a natural area left in the park, and that it would be or eapcclal ·interest and value t.o Iha children at the school. I asked Sister Catherine If I might Jfiention this fact at the counci.{ meetlng. Sister Catherine had not protested that .spolllng of this ~atural l!e8. I was the one who prote.stectlthe despoliation or the 11'Wamp. lbere was no intention on my part to hnp,ly th11t Sister Catherine or the St. Bonaventure School had protested the ruination of !,his small natural area. DONALD D. SHIPLEY City COOncllman (:01taeque iaee1 To the Editor: The failure of the bond and tax in- , crease elect.ion in the Huntington Btach Union High School Ol.5'rlcl raises 10n1e flfilwbing thoughts. · · 1 -ll'i would be tempting and logical to in- terpret the result.a as public. refuµtiqn. o! the current · board of trustees' Jn. lranslgcnce in obstinately pUrsuing its policy or buUding an eventual nine to 10 high schools of 3,000 students each in t.He district without giving serious con- sideration to altemaUves or improving the quality of educatioo ln thole schools. V1ewed In fhls ·Ugh!. the public rtspionse would also 1ppear to endorse the more creative and dynamic approach 'crrered ~Dr. Ribal and Mr. Gordon . HOWEVER. THIS interpretation )s not coosislent with the fAcl th1l oofy 10 months aao Ufe ftry ~me voters ovttwhelmlngly reti'ected two of tht In- cumbents who most.faithfully represented th is policy of lnlrWgence In planning for a:rowth and the educational philosophy of "lnnovaUon WlfhOOf clfange"" over can· didates "''ho advocated, 11t that llriie, serious study of the concepts presented In the balle>t arguriient agiinst the bond la.sue. I ft1r Ulat thf. only conclu1lon that·c1n be drawn from this apparent con· tradk:tion 11 the very sad one Ul1t Ute people of U\11 dl1trlct simply do not ca.re e:noujh lo spend the litUe tlmt and i!tfort neceu1ry to Ond out for whom ind for what they are voUng. but that, on the other hand . they art unwlllin'g to piy the price of lncrt111td taxei for their .tpathy. A1 usual , the tragedy Is t.111t It ls the chUdrrn who must suff!I' the COO· stqUtneta; FRED W. VOSS Foontaln V11ley .. ·HERE IS THE PLACE for naturt walks, family strolls. a few solitary houra in a very natural setting. There is only one drawback: the Irvine social ecology plan calls for complete fencing. signs that say, "NO HIKING,'' and patrolmen to oust anyone wbo sets foot on so much as a square foot of Irvine land. I recall one instance where the patrolmen ousted a section of the Audubon Socielr that was taking part in a Dationwide bird cenaus ! This. is social ecology? IN THE BRITISH lsles, country such as the Irvine Ranch is traversed b1 dedicated easemenls that serve as public footpaths where people can take long walks through the countryside and enjoy nature at its best. These strips of land .are inviolale and very jealously guarded as to the right o( access. They are na .... row, but wide enough to be a bil of coun· try landscape. One can even walk from lown to town. \Vouldn·t it be nice to be able to walk 3 country lane from Corona del Mar to Laguna ? Or to UC!? The Irvine Company has always used the pretext that this ill impOssible because of the grazing cattle .In the area. Britain has cattle, too : great. big. long-horned . long-ha ired Highland cattle -but it all works out ! I TIDNK Mr. Mason's idea of relating to the environment centers more on lawn- covered playgrounds -complete with rings and swinga and a baseball field - or putting greens. He must realize that . 'the opponents of the back bay s.wa p. are nol lighting for more dtvcloped .par\:s like school playgrounds. · We are fighting for ;the retention of natural land t.ttit suPpons wlkfilfei Ind or. rers an opportunity to observe this 'vildneu. T.hiJ kind of land carmot .be developed or replaced. 0nc·e rooe it is a:one foi'ever. Thoreau phrased It well: "In wildness Is the preservation of man ... " Now, ti1r. Mason , how aboul developing a real plan for social ecology ~ J\. J. BALL •r--iW- \Vednesday, February 181 1970 The iditorial page of the Doil11 Pilot lttks to inform nnd .!t!m.. ulote r'ader1 bt( presentino this n1w1papcr'1 opinfona and com- fltfntG"JI on topica of lnlert1£ and 1fgnf/iconce, b11 protrldtnO o fon.f1Jl for tht ecpf1uion ol our reo4fr.s" opinfona. and bV pre1enttn11 tht dfVff1t vie10- pofnts of lnf""""1 obt..,,.,. and ipokt&mtn on topics of th.t da.V· Robert N. Weed. Publisher • , I J • I I I • .. ~ Friendly Glow Sparks Festive Gathering ., Vale:ntine's Day always is a time to celebrate, but when your husband has a weekend respite lrom duties as President Nixon's special counsel and flies in from \Vashington, · D.C. it lenC:is a special reason for i~viting friends in for cocktails and buffet. That's exactly what T1111e To Gire \ There is a job for you in the Harbor Area - a position ne$Dg no other qualification but your time and willillg band<. Thtre.-s.$ lt&ousands of these openings for men and women from te~Dagers to senior citizens. Now fsi: tirDe lO get i;tvolved in your com· m\!llili~ u ., You ~BJl help a youngster to learn o~<te.,. the . ~en of Jon~e1s lor the elderly. OSITIONS PROMISED Hundred poolliorls are awaiting your tele- phone call ·Volunteer Bureau. Mrs. Linn Arkush at is the executive director and-will assist callers m 9 am\ to noon every weekday. The bu~.will custom match you and the job with )lie ti ou have to. give. It is Io,cated at 325 N. Ne vd., Nj!Wporl Beach. , . _. LL 0BABY CLINICS / For you o have wanted to work permanently or on a substi,tuf.e basis at the Well Baby Clinics there is good news. New clinics have been opened and there are babies who need to be weighed, measured and cuddled. ~frs . Barbara Bock at 644- 1182 may be reached for further information. Chapel Rites Kerry Hill S~ys Vows The chapel of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was the RlUni for the late afternoon rites uniUng Kerry Lee Hill and James Gary A'dkins. Of· ficiating was the Rev. Cecil Eanes. The bride is the daughter or Mrs. Edwin Lee Barkely of Balboa and Richard Marlon Hill of Dallas, and the bridegroom is Ute son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Adkb;l.s of Cer- ritO!, the Murray Chotiners did Saturday evening when they enlertained about 100 guests in tbefr Newport Beach home. Gathered around the 'buffet are (lefi to right) ,Judge Thurmond Clarke, the Chotiners, Mrs. 0 . W. Rich· ' aid am! Glen "Stillwell. · .• New Monarchs Reign , . MiS! Diane Marie Larzelere_ and Gary Ritchardson at- tended the couple while Bryan James Barkley carried the rings. Seating guests were Looi R. Adkins and James White. The new Mrs. Adkins is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and Coll!ornia Professional Schoo I for. Medical an d Den,al Assistants. She Is a 196\1 Empire debutante. Crowned King Komus TX by Mystick Kre,ve or Komus during the annual lltardi Gras Ball is Richard Luther. Sharing the throne is Mrs. Thomas Sllllivan, MRS. JAMES ADKINS Butna P•rk Hom• Her husband, a 1 9 8 6 graduate o'· Dominguez High School, served as a pai:atroopet ln'tbe Army. 'I'bey will, establish their home ·1n B~en~ Paik. . . VIRGINIA'S SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE queen. · .. BY.GEORGE, I I ,, JOSEPH MAGNIN is living you .. 1 ., . ' ,,. . • Wtdntldu. F1bruary 18, 19711 • ·-. D.IJLY PILl)f":lf. ·Job Seekers Advised: : . l Give . Your Ver.y -Best Gtrla plamin& a career might profit from som• tips suuesled;:t.,.~ Hall, depu· t)' cWnm . Qt the New York .111119 Woman'• Depart.. their wwk lives and marktt thelr work aerviCQ, New York State Is providinj: a how·to bootlet prepared by cosmetic upert Estee Lauder. • Mils Lauder ii a me111ber ol the• Woman's Council, in outstanding group in bu&mess. , indulley, educalkJa •·ond t1>o I proless~ ~t.d by a..: • ment ol tbe Qepartmenl or---------Nelaon Rockefeller, . . A job 'Interview II ftke I blind date, t1>o boolll<t ... plainl. Nelllier' penoo "-' what to:apect. A job may ba lt11t before an i·nterview begin! .. You •must }'l'eptr• ta b e unalftiCted, attractive, assured, friendly, neat and clean. Here art some Ups: CornmeN*J • Miiar •!!" eJl\el' the work -Id "npt after hll!! ~ -before Uiiiy'Vo, ... a' dlaDce to a..,.. out whal It , " an lbolt. • llY•· ~ * -Hall palntl oul that U'e _ _,_ tmpor(lnt n o l ta .,ok1f • a job. If 1D'I want !-,r ....... pye 11 you, very I ,. -·1 ...,. what your -II, 11'1 dllf tell .. ~,. bad completed your wvra llllpments and an tmtr&'A:J aro1e 1n you/ of. ' fkt, Would you: a) flee what job had ID be -lnddolL ' . b).O'rlanlze with others to , do Jt Jli ilae moi( efficient way. c) Not lmowlna oow to do It, do nothifll. d) Do Only the part"! It that promotes your personal am· blt!on. e) Feel no responsibility to do it, doing only what you must. , f) No\ q u I l e understand wnat needs to be done, but try to do something. g) Not see the job to be done or even feel any need to be busy', The first ~'O aWtudes are best, Good employes hop right to it when there is a job to be done, says Mis! Hall, a former newspaperwoman. In addition to advising women on ways to improve · Finances Counted SUSAN SHAFER May Bride Date Set Hair: Keep It shnplo. Don't .experiment wltb a new hairstyle or wear an evenlni slyle for Ille job ln~leW. (Thil appU.. also ta-clolbes.) Nails: Be s u r e they arc clean, modlum length UICI that the cuticles are smooth. U you wear poll!h, use a pale lblide. The night before lhe in- terview, take a Iona leisurely bath. u.. nwiaturu1n1 bath oil. Make ;sure .any fragrance used will not overpower the m. terviewer. Go to bed early. In U1e mornJng, allow plenty of· Uroe lo dress UICI apply make-up IO that you mive on Ume for your appointment. Look "with 1t.'' bu( not way out. Find a hem1int ttiat flatters your lep, but pennlll you to feel at eue. "ti'hen you ""' slttlnl, 1bo _, shoes and stocldnp for the rlallt . dress are Important. Fo' r· R"1 t• es Avoid theatrical mab-op el· . ledl (labe eyeluhes, high teased llalrdos, too moch May 8 rlt., In CbriS\ CbW'OL jewel')'),......U...e . · Ughlftig)lt by the Sea, Newport Beach foundation make-up and a are being plahned. by Susan gentle blusher of liquid .or Carol Shaler ~ Stephen Mi· b~ ~iew; Walk tall, chael Jler&. ' 111 t,oIJ. .mri wttb a -1le. Their ~ bis: been .Mind ,.... ·m:..-*'"1cl reY10aled by Mr. ·>nd Mrs. whM belnc lnb..,... ~ James L. Shaler ol Newport with --~i!loor!Y. Boacli, piieuta of Ille bride-to-Nevv pOl;Jn or e.!' be. interviewer lr·yoa~. 'al· MIS! §hater Wl\S graduated !innatlve and ~ e from Newport Harbor High friendly. J?on't.~ .. « ~ School ana _attends Orange . gum. . , · . . • ""U . \ F~c)al I!state Planning C"'9t'College. ~™: was a 1968 .,.._,._,....,._-....., has been l!electe4 " his topic 1 tn\Plre •. '1ellutiiile. • • by,' w. L, O'Mea:r8, ,ttus\ or-H.er n~r SOil Of' ~r. and L I ' T ' "l'i/(: t ' I fkero(theWellsFargoBank Mn.· MntilD Berg of et S. ·a·:·:' .... Santa Anlt Wbeiwtll· Addre~ •· Westnilmter, ls a .gradUate of ... \he meellni of Orarige Coqnty Westminster High School and . ·,..:ii., Chapter, American Sodefy of attended the University or G ' / T (k wtimen Accountants ai s · 30 Southern Callfo.rnla a n d I f Q , , · p.m. tomorrow in the Charter Golden West College. He al: , · ' ' ij-. ff!lated wilh Phi Kappa PSI ~----"--·-· 111 1 O'Meara has been ' ai:llve In fralernlly al USC. - trust admlnlstratimf for more ~ ~ • ' \ ~ ' A •alentlne party fer the Girl ,licool Troop In F~w than 25 years lq both th~.Sal' Lake City and Loi Ange.lea areas. : :Guests are .welcome at t.he tneeUng ·and add!Uonal in· fonnatlon may be obtained by calling' Miss Vlrgirua Martin, 1 53H055, • or Mrs. Thomas Balzer, 538-1659. Mrs. Mabel Beltz of Huntington Beach is in charge or the program. Ceremony Performed In Home Ga rd P,c;i;y, : , !~ie ='by~:.::,; •To · P toy.id a , · · Bead! 'l'ti>6P 11fl ': : ; ···' ~·· Enjoying, the -1ln1tng, 'Schola rsh fp gam ... r.iies6ments arid ex- , 1 • I ~ , change of caNis Wefe nee Afl• El C.mjno ~ Woman's ne Well~ Juli W~. Carrie CIUb. wil11 ho84 a funct>eon and :rorrea," Michelle Taylor,' Peil.- card part>' ior'"ihe Leadership ny Stark, De De,Sinfth, LYJ!da ,_DevetoPmel'li ·~ 'iri Com, munity HoUJe,·Dana 'Pailit, 00 Sanders, QierrlR,usso, yia,a. Friday, Feb. ·20,.8t nOon.: Ratowaki, De~e · M l·l. 'e t, The event Ii a· ways and Katie Mackly,,.Cathy t..mer, means benefit , to _-provide· a Deb~e ,J~, !_.)'l'D pP scholarshlp.f.or a lii1 to:attend Howard, Den1'e llar1til~ JdylJwUd IDit.1\ute-Fieita, Inc., Nickll Hale, Toni t o rd , a cultural center for teenqe Dorothy · Fe~/1 S • I J n a 1frls . .' ·-· . ' l ' l>avld.ton, 'Mlchen"e "CIPI» Those wlshhti lo aU"1d may ciama arid Jill Caldwell. make reaervftioos with 1Mn. Leader& are. Ura. ~ Wedding pledges were ex· John ·Renfro;-•JZ11101,Mrs. Macki)' and· M;rs:. ~ changed in the home or Mr. .Ray C;Miller"4.9N80f~ : Lauter.. ,. ' 1 and Mrs. William Brownlp;; _____ ;;iiiOiii;-;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;-iiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ LeGrande 0£ Hun tin gt on Beach by "Leslie Eugenia McDonaJd and Fred~ri ck Keith Beecher. The rites were solemnized by.the Rev . Robert Hunter. Atlendlng the bride, who ls the daughter Of M r s . LeGrande and the lale Mr. Robley Augustus McDonald, was her sister, Margliret Lee McDonald. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Beecher or Hawaii, asked Robert Lo'nderss to be best man. . ' . SATURQA Y-;-f EB~ 21si CHERRY PIE SALE! + Pl£ EATING CONTEST : The new Mrs. Beecher will 2300 HARBOR • COSTA MES~ . be graduated in June from 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"!'!~!!!!! Hunlington Beach High School.I · Her husband a4eJxied schools . in Hnail. :rhey will reside in Newport Beach. fASHJON JEWELRY HANDBAGS GIFTS - 3314 E•st C~s+ Hwy. • Coro n• def Mar ·. Phone 673 -8050 one shoe free (when you buy the other) in a special SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST SELECTION OF ACCESSORIES~- M••• th• 111e•f ef yo11r1•lf-S•w the woft4.,, ful f•1hi•1u yov'"• •dmlrM in t••dy to -•r ot o fr•tti911 of th• COit, Spr111f 111lh, t•il.,.I p•llt 1oit._ 1perl1 ottir• ond now 1tltoel 1dotfri•1 for the killl1 e11 your li1t, Check 011r """ tpriftf or• ri"ot. fOI' your 0"9f'f noed. Soo Yo1 Soon! Vlr9l11lo · 1/2 OFF SHOE SALEinaljmsliOe 'salo~. . . SPfCIAL GROUP Of DESIGMDS' SHOES that inclu4es herbert levim1, 11\MPfel jerrold, t0t1Y the shoem4!18r, cacel of paris, pllilippe, amalfi,mister ~-· ' , SPECIAL GROUP OF CASUAL SHOES that includes ainal/i, 'l'ln eli, bendollnos, caressa, sportcasters. all ule:s final. sorry, no mai11 phone or c.o.d. orders. • ' . . SHOI' JM AT IOVTM COAST l'LAU, 111\JTOt. AT J,t,H DllGO ·r1111WAY1 MONDAY, ttfull'.JOAY AJlfO "lil:IOAY IOJM TO,,,., TUIJOAY, WIOHllDAY AND SATUllDAY lt1M TO •1 .. , • ' .. ACCESSORIES SOUT.H COAST PLAZA -COSTA M~SA 'H• ......... C.-_..._,_. j_ _!IJ;i;•·~~~·X~l'ILD~. !er--.!"!--~~!l~t~~,~~-~. /:.!.'~!~to=~~t ,~~~.~1~,"'°~ --···---.. ~· P-l~ G·roap( ©j·vin·g-.B·coq$·t tq • I ... lf , ' . ' ) _,, ,... ~ ~~'"' •-.... ' ""'-'* • ' ' wllr U.,. lllmlod ._II 1we1I· blria, J peo: · ·"I. I PTO ·-· toll)NG llP: ,1,·,.,r1t1• :a. Sta.I • wt11 ..--'!?J--ucl "'-"'~ Areve 01 btrillf' _ .. 111\b !diOnlnri•Ud-1 -'lilll .. imllabJe for ~-~' -. * -11111& Igo li!'iai.1>-.· :.G(llJ'•~·· ~............. .,,.._~ .. !... ~ will te ........ -.......,,. .,. - I ii • ue Din ..._, Niii<)' -~ ••• Mn. !AW, Siad; Do'fll, Noll ilarlGo.0 DOJlon. •he 1 II b, Clilliran lld Pt11r Mal· we If 1 rt ud • safety ~.---.. 'dlllnnln, rtpor!aanallpox ~ a.-.~ Cllljal, and DP'!' lmll!lmilaUons Diana!-. Jllll CnYO were ~ h 11 8*!,LYBiao Lf 8-, -Wedoa,<fay. to 111-.;.1n .... liioi ·-· • . . tl!iderl""!'. llJ'll IDd l!llb . nJent ...... ..... for arldes ••• PrO members ltllllonts, f -•• d •u.ndlnir Su~ -wlll -_ ...... In PllOlll Cooncil me e U ii g room l II 7:a p.111. 1!'111' beard McDOweJl·a tu d e n t Maday' W ,,........,, Feb. D a v l 1 SimJ)IOtl's ~ a· and a Tlllii -· lntloo ol Ille Ple<lge o1 -.y, • ICildl, II, In A!Jeliance 'and · What It Limb Scbiohlllll"*lmu. Means to Me. • • Mro. > 11 .II: PORTS:. ·~ llooald Trowbridge, PTO tValeatlne'1'DIJ partl11 mtmber · and · school • ....,, ..,_ ljr all 'aeCrtlary, rec.nily · wa1 , • •• '11tuclen1& ia. l'rlda,: elected president of F<Rm-' . ' Music Fills the Air' •l\fllllc for Ille Gill J".l'A Foundft1 Di1..ll)"""I· will be pmenled by th•. GjJ1 ~. 80 voices strong:,, under Ille direction of 1\111.1llill l'lper.·'1'111 moollriJ to- ~ a1:80. at-ti.~111~!,,=Dt4,w.M1J .. John ~e.chalnnan, and lier committee. In a Jut,.mlriute. · la!, ..-e chofr membtti Berey Pett, Gall R.lmer .{center) 8114 Nancy E1a ~ , .. ' Horoscope •.. f THURsDAY CANCll:R1J .... 11:~ 11) , You stem !'lflbie of r to FEBRUA"kY" 19 • J>Ol*slooJi. .. "_ i.. ·to · .. ~, harm~ .• ~whlchljt. ·BJ 5YDNll:Y OMAJlll COJ)lndll'lofY. femlly backlllg -"1a ~· -alli>· 11 'l-laill: °""'11, 'It ....... """' a 11 I r • • loou .. l!»uli> you pt Ille cMt••s c:WMI. '"""' ~.! · · llir .. llllcil ~ . ~· (JUiy ,,,.""" "S2): .. Jlf""1 lift .-1.4e an nrf of·-.,.li•dna1res"'"' >J 11'0W; -wlilp t& mlla but ..ru.e. to put them Keep prcimlCU to O:O-Worl<"'-" '* et Ille ..,.. ~ ...,_ lo wrlllng. llomanUc a.t-You ,liH!e a: ·bulc ~· :to • ·plalo 114 '-wtD llld moopliei'e ·..ma11a. But don't perform. You'll f"1 _,. ......... , ....... -. ~4~'%.~J;l -~all.:i=1=1~::r. Alllll! ~ ~!·Aii!U II): lhea!.--y. . '. . • · =your owo pleuure VlllGO (All(.~. :II): IF TOD& 1 YOUR -•fuifilltbem.ll:x-Wbate ..... N·caueeforf.':loom n • -•~ • BIRTHDAY ere brJCb~ pna fttllnp. You can win could _.,...., 1oto ct ra-tndepen a unique over penan who prevlou1ly Uon. A f1ctor that wu hlddtn atylt. You are now for failed to reaponcl. Yau C111 .. n com"' to llglt. Be percePll••· wblt could flllluUc -llll1lhlnl -etpecially There Is added p-but "-tit• " lso .,_ -~ coop. •-• a . 1(1Uneu. a'° gree-"•••· TAUlllll (Avril 20-Miy 20): LIBRA (Sapt.. Uod 22): NeceiArJ' to know dlflerence A-t '"' bermon1 wttbln bttween m.,. showmanship special group. You m1y be and ectual ablllly. B e repJad!ir ·-wbo wu d I sc r Im I mllng. Applies .~~' ~. You will need .. ::;:any to evaluaUon of pro-~~f:; :,(~ youneU, but Sweit Adeline• A!,,~~=~~~ ··BrWvsco~~~~'. Ad:::.!."P!:;/;: llt1Tl to be restless impatient. our r-... ., ia 00 w111: ~·-d 1· · f tn r... f••'" · ch ' •· 1 Teim up today with Llltro. .. Olf 11 p.m. oc --~ -res. ange, ...-avt, ReaUze abUd -~ Park School. Costa =~den~bebe~ bot--~'",,.:".::.n:.Jk Meaa. ' llln Valley Scbooi DUtricf 'Fulton PTO Claulfted Employes · ~. ~. i',el,:.~.. Auodltlon. •• 1• ~ttve boutt met Jail nlPt In the° COMING .VP: ~ 11-· b«ne ol Jl!rs. Fred Ashley, toiidlng l'TO 1• n'e r a I oewly rattfled first vice mllllnC 'lllandaJ, -lJ!, praldenl. MrL JI me S '""'1 reCf*r 11 -with Actley reported on progma . Mn.·-Welch' er Jlln. o1 the block parent program 'Gftl llurm, ftc11!r1r1 • . • ud an honorary I I f e HIDdllna ·arr~ for membenbip committee was upcoming fai1i1en lllio!!' "" orglnlted. Rollnd Gilmore, eo-.,...... the jlrtnclpel, briefly ad<tressed Mma. LloJd ~ Pete the group. ~~~o!'Jt~:.: Meadow Vw. PTA ~uei, Deoiild W !"Hi 1 in•-. Mn: Coil lbrris £omws1 .-J COMING UP: Chlldien's Fair . ~~. ~:..~ci:: ' Prt~dent .• DOn McN.it;Fi'Orit'llalilb, .. ,.W .,. .. presented by · the · · Robert Weimer, Floyd Warr stud<nt& at unit me<lh1g New Fashion Dimension ; and ODe Jacobson ••• Mrs. Tuesday, March 3 , . . Eaton will conduct 1 fint Blarney Business. i'.s , tiUe of clan in cake decGratlDg at arurua1 festlv.al slated for lta.m. Slturday, Ftb. 28, in Saturdly, March 14. Final quonllt but on Newllnd arrangements for the event street hr FOUDlaln Vlllty. will be formulated at Rqiltratlon fee for tbe liz.. ~hairmen's meeting.- wttt-Ci:lurte iS $5. an(!' all REPORTS: Mofe ·than 200 PTO memtlen are eligible parents, students a n d te attend. -SU1f1equ-1nt facWty 'members attended will Late place tach the potluck dinner' and Foun- from t•to 11:30 a.m. d.,-s Di:y ptQgram. PTA : . ·11n. J-pruent.cl 1 clleck for $2(JO to ..... rllltte.ru lillnry aide the ocl>ool to ~elp ·-·an II -all+e been! mieetb1J u n d. e r around 'l'r'lnkllng .' .. ~ dtnlc -s,st.m. Funds ftre · ral.sed 1970 will be ~uned in fashion-wise Thursday. Feb. 26, when students from Edi.SQn }lig'h Sch90l moc1el.the latest from Huntington Center. Tbe 8 p.m. event ¥'-Ul take place in the school cafeteria and Miss Prim, fashioli coordin"a.tbr. for tlie center, will narrate. Dod Batman, sen·ior class president, and . Pat Thornton, son~ leader, discuss the fashion show t heme, ·Fashion Disc. ~.:. -,· ~ '·4 . .,. ···~'"-... -~,· ....... -.for. """°''*""'-by Weekly hamburger saiOL ·lits! ...i 11111> 1nilo-. Special guests were post . , ·• ; ; t1p1:al llolinl lield ptuid<nti of PTA and !' · '" -plato.llOnan In Pro l>Ooorary llle membership . . . ·• •.• •. ~ bowlloc lugue · lillndlnia, ttdpl<nti. Dan Haggerty "Ii"' ~L • fellond bJ -BIPll•. wu praented an bonorery HIP mill boners are service award for his work cle-bf. Mn .... ,P, ~ u I with ,..th In. acoulillg and · ~ lllil. i!ed Jor Jlflb: . Octan View Uttle League. -ore the -· v... NOlllln!KJni committee was t':'.n. lloN_ll' a ad ilol> IOlect.d during the business I meeting. . Herper 'PTA · ' Schroeder PTA · ' -In ._, . . Mn. Cbar!U:Spede ~,~,de;i Dey co~ ~"'!'I~: White -llld-tlGa of Slallloo" ud a Wall 'Disney · . .-.,.-·-will .abdtt· subject '.wlil ·'be . .ef·Ullit-'"1 feitllredetaPTA-..,..,...ed . Moria.will be movie program Mondiy, !iir vlewln( ·by Feb. 111, In ·tl!e; mulUpurpose · · ..,_ from ldnderprleD room. Mrs •. Robo!rt Nortoo throillb elabth ......._ IDd : )!r>I. Oliver CUmlng, ••..noweU PTO . 'l'aY' and means. ch1irm011. """"' . heve Ol)llOUllCed that <loors " " .llfl'I. J-Adler will open at 1:)10 p.m, apd " "PnAfdinl price of •dmlsako>. Is 25 COMING . ·UP:; Ge ·n er a I OODIJ. Jloft drlnQ will be on _., will .IOJ<e p1 ... In .we for five cent&, popcorn llcheel at 7:!0 p.m. Tuelday, for!O cents. Feb, 24. Propa111 .w 111 REPORTS: Sev'eral e1eCutiVe pfrfarmancle IJ( l!JliP and boll'd members have enroll- 1kiLI wttb a .American ed in a siJ-Weet Parent Htrllnp lhllne, liCCOrdJllJ . T...,iier InlormaU.on course. to Mn. .J-Lelfu, pro-. Under the din:ctlqn .ol Mi:1. arm cbelrman. rtfth lfade Donald Neugebauer; Hun- claa o1-11r1. Jabil· Scbula ttngton Union ~ PTI ~" -·-.lit ol u.. chllnnan the ~·-'is ~7. ·-them dei!giied i. proVl<l¥"i° detail: In ' racent -, alt 'to the ed picture ol paren~taacber ICbQol. , policies a n d objecUves. llROll'l'S: Mri. C.barl11 C11u meetlnp take place J1eUn. ',_ mo.tber eecb Tuesday from 9,30 to ~ .. ftiiOrti Val.,.. 11 1.m. In the borne of Mrs. tkll'• o.y putlel were David Raines. Ctrllficates .,,_.... bJ ,_ -. will be awarded to poreni. !all Frldi1 • , , kbeol complstln& the .course. Pleasure Good Students at McDowell School are cooled do\vn as fund s for eighth grade scholas .. tic · savings bonds mount up through ·a PTO-sponsored ice cream sale each Tuesday. through Friday at the school. TB.king time for a treat are Laurie Kow .. aleski (left) and Wendy Lytle (right) as Mrs. Charles LyUe, ice cream chalnnan acts as the "ice <:ream man ." 111111 ......_._, details. aware wllh<Rit beb!C hanb. ._..... SAGrrrAlllUll (Nov. :a. . • • =.v~=..:~= Area Pdlluhon Viewed Pro,b·lem' s s·ho-rt-sightedness eiqiind borlaoni. Your Jn. "' tultive intellect comes into B · U . · . w· =..v:i.=·c;i:; y n1vers1ty . omen . . . • . , Glimpse Of Paris -. . . . . Offered the faith! .•. CAPlllOO!IN> (Dec. JWan. Atoe·. l!Ollu\UIB· will . b • b!Kllillrl or atr-degree 19): Wbll 1...W. ..,.,.. is. dl11Ci1"'11 '--ra o1 tnln any.'*"* ..Uett or nOt rtally. li!eak Flnanclal the H.unt1a·1L•n :BMcii · ·~.lo Ibis .....iry nr statemenl II required. But It Is Amertc1n Aaaclatl<n of -.. ett&lneble: It-will --.- DEAR ANN LANDEJIS' l know you art not ~ miracle worker, but 1 have read your colwnn for years. If anyone ca n help me, you can. I wu boc'n Y.i th 20 percent vision. I'm sotry 1 wasn't born completely blind. Life ·· ANN LANDERS ~ ,t\ •• \.. .... An !DUllra~ l.<dure. Ports your bulc poaitloo. UnlVeril!J W"'*' -t ii I ,,....., the Al•. Arlilts' p.m. tGllllhl hi ·u.. !\I....., Vian will be p-for 5*mill ll!!.IAlln bulJiltn&. tlit Alllaia Franclile •.. Patrons Bid spe.mwmbeDr.lrvtngs. lllvllni Cil~omtenne Friday, B<mr.lltlorl, Loo A 1111 lee ""' .. 11r Dr. Lucille Golson. T O Tlma -. ec111ar. The Dr. -.. an associate 0 perii ng tapic, ~ llleas-d ll:lrth ...i-.-earne<I degrees -can Man ~~, ~ irom ' 1111 )lorbonne • D d P.allOol ol the Colla Meo. -.. ~ -~ Hatnn1 UDlv<raily and has Civic Playliouae will be emoa1 prt.., one ol the MUW 11111111 bid ..... --en!& With -attondla( the optnlDI ...... ps. the i-aod the San Fran-night performance ol "A Dr. Bengeli<IOrl Is author ol dfce ·Alt •'"10· , Dellcata BaJame'.'~bJ..Edward . ·a curnnt science news coJ.. Her -of ,ljlOClallzation Albee, Friday, Feb. II, II 1;111 -... Jlrqrbtnce art or p.m. . . the 11111 C011urJ French Followtng the performance -,., • bee llll1l0rou• the potrona wlO o4Journ lo the pibUcillll 'to lw cndlt In M-Venle couatry Club' for· lhel 111W • Wiii •In modem an afterglow party, featurtlfl ort. mullc for dancing by the Ed Followllll lllt """"°' wlllCh Grell quartet. . . wW talte ....... p.m. la.... A.opeclal IUOll will be Mrs. ~ Cb arc b GI Rlc:bard ~an of lAgunl ~ ...... a -wlD be lleaoh, aunt ol the plnywtli)1L .. Md br ........ Arlllar -Rlierlauo.. 1111)' tie made Bu1et1, 11i1J 9.1'• B. T. by calllq the Cotta M81 Llthnp ~ W...., • R • c r • 11 Io • Deportment, ... a. i:. Giii, Ill lh 7 • 0111111. 1 . . umn, 110f Atoms and MtQ ... He his rt<Olved meny ewetds lnclildtng the Jean M. Kline mtmorlel awanf ir.n the Amertcan cancer Society In ltli and the Jim.a T. Grady IWlfd from the American Cbemical Soeitty In' 1"7. He was 11nklr ltcturtt lft UCLA's depertmont ol clitmlllry, In 1M1.a. - MIJW membership Is np<n to IJU' ...... wtlb I Auditions Scheduled w(il.ild be easier. 1 wear thick glasses learn what you can do to help yourself. which are ugly. I can \magine bow I look -Tbe address is: 1850 West Roosevelt to people who see me throug these Road, Chicago, Ill. -· · ~ hideous things. They magnify my eyes and 1 must look like a rre&k. DEAR ANN LANDERS; What can be F P. 1 No one realizts bow bid my sight is un· done about my sister, Sarah, who is driv· or (1\1 Ul l walk into I Will or drop somethlng ing everyone in this house craey? I ~m 1 and ctn't pick it up without some JS. Sarah is 11. W~~. lom: --............ l'fkwinl movements .. I haV,e very few Sh ·t 1 11 h 1 · h 1 · lllft!IS\I· --·-', fritijdj , becauSe peop~. 900·~ ·want to be. . e qui 1er a er·sc oo JO wo women ot.....U.S -.,:1.· attMXl-.nyoniwho is sd clumsy. I've had months ago because her grades were· So Open iudtttons tor "Waltz of a few datei but the-bO)'I don't call bac.k. bad. !'low she thinks she should be c:t· ·the Toreadoi'I" wUJ take place I'm...., Janel)' l"J1d hav• nothing to live cused from all housework so she can In the ~ IMCh for. -' . study. Sarah practic::aJly UveS in the ~at I :'° p.m. $m4ly Pliile Hr&ive tile writing. It's the best hathroon. I can't figure out what she does and~~ p.m. ~.Nb. !;I i~ln~1i" me U !""can, -UNllAP', In there for two hOurs al a time. Area risidentl inlCtttCld In DIAJl. ~ y.., problem Isn't Every Tilght it's the same rouline. Mom working &lhlnd &hit~ a1eo 1"I' .,_ -ll-!1 JW1 rock.e.tlom opl_nloo calls 8arah to dinner five times. She "" lnYilld to · lltnd the et J'l'll'llf. MD-ol!illod·people would always anl!'j'er$, :•I'll". be rlribt down." r.eadinp. . 1 t 'e an~'° ltate zt perttnt vtalon. Finally Mom ·has·w go"gct her. Wl'leTI Her The p)Q tr0n tbi.New York ne fact JOl'd ritbtt be .. completely Royal Highness deigru: to honor us with Crttle'i Cltclt aw~ rot the: 1lp,,.. •llltlb IUt . you would her presence, she l\as a Jong face and I& bnt p11r wrttWn bf a forelln ..._ 11 uc11e to cop Out mad at the-"·orld. autMr, Jon Anodllht. It Wl1l ftere are may orpnlatioM for bllnd I usual~ end up1_ctolng1ler work and my run. five Frtday and SaturdaJ •"' partfaUy bllad peoplt. Write to the ~1om apotogh:es fOr her laziness. I'd ·Jlke Dilbla ...,..1., ID Aflll. Qk.tp YPUleue for lbe llllDd 1 D d to give lllal spoilt<! brat a gond hard ~ap -- -----·--------. ------------ and take my punishment. Any sug· ges.tioos -0n how to tmprove ,t.h'is 8-i.tua· ti0n ? -FRUSTRATE"D --• DEAR FRUsS: Sl~p~lng Her 'Majesty won 't help. My advice ls to keee dolnc y o ,u r w_,ork '"T ar;id )ten, ii .neceuary. Be thankful yoa ·are ,.-Ind not.,~-1i11ter. Tht girl Is deltliied to bi an u'nb'•ppj, un- producl!Ye persoo unless she geU somt counseling. :. 1. CONFIDENTIAL TO W AJTING TO HEAR YOU STATE YOUR l!OSJTION : I have slated . Repeatedly. Yott must be a new ttader._1 am .against, ~ agalnsJ' tile legailzlflon ·of 'm!e!Juana. I believe the Jaws for possession (not sell· ing) are unrealistic and too harsh. But in my opinion, t~e -legaliialion of .marijuana wooJd be a tragic mistake. An n Landert wlfl be 3lad to help you Vt1tb )'Ouf problefns. Send lbel'(l to bcr h• cart of lbe O.llLY P[L()T, trtclosin1 a 1t:U-addre1sed, stamped eavelopt.. -. -.:·~-... --. • • ' • ' • ' I • 1: E f b ! t a ti i t I t I • l t ; I ' I t • I • , I I • J I Fo1111iai·11 Valley VOL 63,·NO. 41, 4"SECTIONS .. 62 P~6ES ORANGE .COUNTY. CALIFORNIA ' . " -'J .• .. ' ' .....:·· ' • -. l• ,I . f : I 'f . : f . . 0 ' .-.· ., I . Plant Idea Changes '. , . Wi~ness' Edison, LA Opinions Dif~fer1 • . By JACK BROBACK CM•DlllW'"""Snff Meteorologist Erwinn K. Kauper, tesii· fy\111 on proposed expansion of the Edison Company's Huntington Beadl power plant., reversed the posillon be had token In testifying on the ScaU<rgood power plant in Los Angeles. Kauper was quesUoned closely Tueaday by PUC aUorney Leonard Soalder on !be apparently contradJctory poBitlOD& taken -by the meteorok>gist on the two g<neratlng stations. At an earlier PUC bearing, Kauper had been a wttness for the Los ~Jes Dtpartment of Water and Power. 11Us Ume be was a witness for the Orange (Mm!y· Air Pollution Control Di>trlcl . On ·!be Los Angeles plant, Kaiiper had testified, that the Scattergood operation Wouldn't produce measurable po"lJuUon downwind. In the Huntington Beach cae, Kauper has testified that all concentrations measured at Oran&e Coonty Airport were froif. F.dison'1 HunUngton Beach plant. Kauper has attacked a report by lhe NUS. Corp'f prlvai. re~cb llrm hired by EdiSOllt on the pollution effects of the local plaoL He hu dwtlled Oft the "double pollu- tion" from !be Huntington Beach plant which he aays is carded out fu aea ~t nlght and rtturned during the mornlllg hours. Zones Hold Fast ' Beach Car W ash ·.Plea I)elayed By ALAN om.KIN The service atatioo bit a roadblock ot '" D111r Pu.t si.tt because the COl1UlliJ,sion wasn't convinced Newport Beach entrepreneur John it W<jllld conUnue ,Ille design features or Edward ~amarena,.aa.wciate engineer ror-lhe OCAPCD, sa)4 ~·Y that Ill increase In the emission of nitrogen dioX· idc wu tt.e basis for his recammendaUon that the APCD refuse a permit for e1- -prnsion of the plant: · "The Edison figures show that nitrogen oxide! would increase from the 1.991 figure and would not reach a loWer plateau unW 1979," ~na st.ated. Camarena admltted.1 tile APCD had received otMr appliei'uons fol-industrlal planls recently and had approved them all. "E<llscn ls !be llrsl,appUc:atlon•lhat has been denied by the' ' dlstrlct, • · be asserted. '"Ibe others did nol exceed the slate standards of air polluUon." Alabama Street Becomes Beach Shooting Runge· •• J .. . ' '. " . . • ' . MsrtiJI Sliea Is proud of his car W1Shes'..:. !be 'other huiklingi. · Residents of Alabama Streel In 'Hun~ "° prolli tJiat he took. a piece of <0ne•to HOmeownen :made a strong pilch for ington Beach got 9 n'ide _. ana.ooi!y --, · • -, . . · ~ . Tuesday nigbt1s meeting of U'le Hun-coordinated de:v~ent ·of the corner, awakening this mdrn]ng .as ,a nelghbQr · ' / · · · , · Mn.T"PMT•.,....Wlttdl9rJlr.....,.. tln'g1onBeach·Plann!ng cwmm1ss1on. , termed !be seeniil busiest.ini.rsectlon In apparently decided· to get 1ome ahooting Fi.,.,MEN •ilRSPARE, TO;PRV'.. ~DY ·FRpM UNDI R' C~E' He lhowed llle.c:ommlasi<lo·a red hr!Ck, U.. cl!Y by Edward-Kmoa, prasldent of practice, " T•/i!'i'i1on',;,_ ~·~•f.R~Y'..K)IJ~ In'Wrf<~.'Nnl"'l'fllilt _Foqdj ',~pl•~. .-flocrtue.and a .stDined wood_~ B\i\ Merdb·Gardena Homeowr>ef'\ Assoc:ia-Police called to Alabama street a\ 1;20 · ' lie was dilajJpolnted.-if be tb:JU111t the tion. f~ • · .a"l'n. fcilnd,a U.yefr.-Olil ltwleftt, iWJUWn · , ~ • 1 ; ' ' ~·· ·. 'i ~ : ·, • " ' ~ sticksandstoneswouJdbreakany•zones. He called proposals for~ parcel a A. l'readwe~ atandl.ng'-ln•the->mJddJe:of tJ 1 ~·6 ' ~l ~ :C-{;1 ! 1 ' Nel-of hi& two """' Maah ap-partla~ uncoordinai.d d.,alopment. "We andllie 'atreet.--~!~r·n,g~-~ ·~wr'hotgunaflllil!!. ',"··· it • '°"fll,.~· --.:,,; • "' . J pllc8tiona gnt through !be he'ahl. wafi total 1)lumlng, nol a bodg~ podge -=~ ~~ ,_,. 'I<! , ~ The first wu for a use pe.rint·~ for a car arraDgednt;.,. , ' '" ht a pink towel. -;~~ ; ' ,, ,,_-:..; -> '_ 'f ~·; ... , li ; \ ... ( "' • ~ ~ " : • ~ ... wash costing "at Jeut ;250,000" 't the The bOOleuwners wanted. ~FUte struc-A whHe van, apparently owned by '" ~ • . . , . • l • , · \ ; ' •. southeast Intersection or Brookhurat tures-for i-. ~dware store, car, wash Thourea,edwaetllr.ow•As,_tu_~~. !"'let. ,.~i.o .. 1 ... ,~ ~,! c .. ho • c . nd, , I, .. In 'K -•t'fu" & Streel aJll1 Adams Avenue, a community and filYM aeuon.....1 to be cocrdinated by .,, UW4lu ~ .uu e.i-. • w business 1anc1 parcel which already bad one mddtect. The applicants-said they bu··,~™' 1v.the1•· .g. arage d~"••• nd.dled ,wtth t: .. as. ., • ,· . · o, ., ·u .Cr. . r l . ·, lhe commissioners -and homeowner• -had gotten toletber on co1on,_11l8terials, ic:~ r-. . ... I . in a lather. and driveway aecesses and claimed their PoUce report!d Treadwell's only er-· 1 ··. ·' ' The wash came up during a public buildinp would blend. . planation was "I'm Jertng'and all I want .11,a1~ '~es ~ f~i.two -.major leas£ tw9 of whl~h carried merc~se hearing on two land divis!OM for the Pointing., to the building materials he Is my grandfather's· Bible." carrlen•;Mxlar •-~hrvesti!S•u-. a'-0>l-~ ahcf 8 ~-'""'"" ......... -'-aUed. Today's Fl...i N.Y. StedJ• JEN c~s ' '.I ~ ButAll 7 Beat Rap on Conspiracy CHICAGO (UPI) -Tue jucy In !be · ~an;thon 1nd tempestuous trial ot the Chicago Seven'' today found an th& d~endahts innocent or consplrtni to ln- <1U. r!Ots dui'lng !be 1968 °"1nocraltc Na· Ilona! Convention but convlclod flVe fll them of crossing lit.ate lines with latent to tncile riots. . The Jury returned Its venllct ane. more than 41 hours of dellberatiOOI a.nd f7 weeb to the day after the 11andrDark trial began, on Sept. 14 last year. The case had been In the· jury'i hands since Saturday. The jury of JO WClll<O and two men returned IJUilty ;-qa1mt -dants David T. DelU.,.r 511· ~ c ''Rennie"• Davll, •at: ~ E. --ram•; Hayden 29; Abbott ff. "A-" Hoffman 32; and Jerry c. Rubin, Jl. ' Ordered acqulUed·., w,e re John R Frolnes, 30, and Lee Weiner,· IO. · Those convicted face poasfbJe sentences of five years in prison and flO 000 fines All of the ddendants are ....:Otb: held mder contempt: aent.ences, rMlinl 'u to almost 2'12 years, imposed Siturday ~' JSunday hy U.S. District Collrt Jµdge ullua J. Hoffman. · · Hof!"m.an today refu~ to grant bail on !be trial aentenca lbemaelvea, AY1ntJ "I have determined they are dangerous men to h~ve at large." It w11s almost 'inevitable that 1 tr1a1' whlch ranks as one of the t tumuituoui.In U.S. J\Jdiclal his\ .::i end with more outbreats and IJ»uted emottoo. , M .... al ·' omen1.a ter Froliles wU be cr)ff. t'il'a not falr,1lt's110t Elarlier, the wlvea of llollmao and Welntt were evicled mine from the courlroom or, the motion ol •Miltsnl U.S. allomey Richard G. Schuilz, who aaid·!-he trial h~ seen ':mtnlature riots." • ~>'el to ·allow constructi-·or a ffandv. had brou""L with him,-Shea ,sal,d: "This Treadwell w,as arre.sted and charged ~~ -,,~& 1.111U1. ....... ., ·~ ~1 .,...c -· # &!' US'lon, ~tw.een. ,•al!c""'a1Fe. fr,.,ght .train , '"'~e wreck~· ,•engfnea and car1 ·we·re -•-·-~·are •lore, a..aervlce -staUon.. will not l)e1a .prefa}>rlcat.ed building. Tty!; wllh ·possessing ni:artjuana. 'displaying • " -"0 1 t ~· ·f ~" 1 . • llli:lu lldJUW· facility wilt be 50'~-'eftt·more.expens!ve t1-.. _... i th.I.. and,a .UdkiO. PAqt.ic'1'IOCJll':t.tn w~one • spfead' au 0 er 'the place ., said a ari<ltbe wash. .,.... 8 -~,.. n a ._,,tening marrner and man'was kUJ~1b al.acillille<len."-·ing P'itlltt" _;,;;ll;<l..~'c. ,..! ' . '>· the taild divisions were approved and because ot·the ma~ we'll be using." posse'Ssing a loadeCI CGqCealed · lfr'earm. ,...(., __ _. ~~ ~ "' .ll:.T"±, Y 1 • the hardware store also .... recom-In another ApplicatlOn. a ~:ror a rn ad6iUon to the tWO weapms ~ell tr.Ck Jiieouay1ntgbt. I ~ • • Sa • Fei.._ano ·~ •PciclfM: oiq£lals meilded to tbe city council for approval, conditional eJ:ceptlon, Shea 1truck out reportedly was holdin~'ln tfle street.; of-A.~'viclirtt.wps :tn)ured wben.JUie old no ~t~a:. tolihe:~'cfl&e Anita Hoffman aa Jhe was Jed out ICrelllled: "'l'be 10 ol.jyoo (the afgfit orillnal defendant. ind • tbetr 'two lawyera) will ho .. eng<d. We'll dance on your grave,,Jl&He, ·(the judge.) and on fbe ;rave of your pig empire." Chld Dclense Attorney Wllliam M KunstJer d~~~j_HoUman'a order ~ .L clear the "~ and deplored the ~ r:'«mlp!'O!t(IJ!:f .. - He said Schult%'1 request wu "the last ~ ~ty. 11> I ,tHal tbal bU becorDe a ahame! At tltia: Ume, iio man . (!i« ~CAGo .7, l'qe I) but. planners conlinued the cU wull· ap-• again. This·Ume the· pit.ch aialnst him !!_cers also found '. a_:_~, .CfJIJl~r_~ rt,n.e in Sarita F.e fi'eigtit-' tra1n1 on the f'nlird accident wbUld"be m'.ade'"penctJiig' an ln- pUcatlon:and• the service station request was made b)' William KeUJer, an Orange u1e van. -Dlil1i'IC rri8.l:Dlipe \. ~,lowed.1fito . a .. Orilbrr vesUgatiOn. · ~ .J.." - to a meeting o£ the commission Qn'Tues-. Coast Jufilor College District trustee, whe , Adding to the. biti.rre clrcuflls~nces Pacific · cabOOse ~ two· freight cars WakefJefd, the Santa Fe. brake'man, da M h 3 said the proposed wash on the south side were tubes of medlcine 'found lying on the w~lch , Were ·'stiad~llng ·the • Sarita Fe was quOted·as >iaytng : ' • : , I · .fiv:.cS.:-w~h ran into trouble when il of Edinger Avenue west of Gothard noor throughout the OOuse.:and I stereo inalrillne near the'BaSta" siding... . • uwe•Hact'just gotten •'clear b~~(go was reaJized Shea, president of Beacon Street, would ad<f to the traffic now that Treadwell had 1ert going al fuU vol· Rall officia:ls, said the· UP · c r .e w was ahead) JndicaUng the line was cleai-,when Enterprises, also wanted to sell gasoline around Golden West College. ume at the early morning hour. switching at Pie Hunt Foods complex and all of 'a sudden there wu·that damn there. The board felt that would even-Desoite Shea's claim that 30 percent of Jn the house police found ,;everal mari-lhal the UP • locomollve was detached caboose, right up the track. tually make it the Of th facility selling the w8.sh'1 busineas would be on Saturday juana cl~arettes. pills, and In the garage from t~ cabOose and cars. d~n:e U:~i :C~J!>~e~~ iaollne 011 the comer. and Sunday, the request wa.s ~. w1 ere whadt apdpearNed to, be marijuana K11l~ins~nyY;when'~e was,plnned un-qulat and' l ·dld •thls, bul•llogle ·ran lo•tbe ... eaves an see s. early a kilo of mari-der the ;catiooie~ was €onductor L. E. ,. "k · "k -{:-{ "'/:r "'k * ju an a also was found•under the residence, ','Ed" 1 Roy1 91, of' Los Angeles. He rea~ and wu thrown off." , police said. l'!'pOrt!dly , 19".as ··slttlng i In the . caboose Bogle WM· treated for cui. llnd bru)ses Pl P C Id W-. t Police were holding Treadwell for furth-h the Se ta F t l ed b at Anaheim MemOrial Hospital ' anller s Our 0 a er ex qu.,Uoning at !be city jail this mom-w ~ • n ) e ran, power y , SanfJl Fe OUiclals said the third dl$trlct • • -> • / • tng, ~~ d:lc~yes ·plow~ into lhe mainline ar that' pOlnt w11s ,dou6Je..traclc:- •• Billy J. Bogle, 40, a brakeman 01, the fd,: biJt.'Ciedined to state whether s)gnsls ' ' Stnt'k n .,rJtet Santa Fe1rain~was injured1When he was were ,oPeratect"by Centralized Train eor.. 0 B h C W h. Pl thlown..OOt"of. the, 1elid· locoffiOfiye.on. lrri· trot (qtC)~or were ·automatic. n eac ar as . eas ,NEWYORK (AP)-The•tock•market pact. ' · · · " ' ., 'W11en •a 11'1lufoa<l •maln line Irick. It broke loose with a powerful rally In rairly Two other S:i.n_la Fe crc-n, en.n'ne:er. blocked.Jor'any' reaaorl lt i!l J*dtei::fea ~ / ~· ..... ~, ,•-· a red "block 'slgnal" whlc)l ~~-Q.n- lJunting{on Beach city plaMen Sol their fill of car washes Tuesd~y nl&hl Aft.er pouring cold waler on two ar wash requests by a Newport ~ buslneMlllan, the planning comm.lslion also sakl no &08P lo an appllcaUm1bJ a Los Angeles firm. Auto Wash Corpora- tion. )Ile board spent so much time on car wuhes that cmnmissiooer Henry Dun asked H the members shouldn't trdet a study to ~l policy on car washel and their ttiaUon to gas service 11!.atlons. The plaMe.n didn't take up ~ )IUl- ge5tioo, but they denlcd unanimOl.WY the request for a condlUonal exception for-a wl!Sh on Brookhurst Slreet, sou\h of At~anta Avenue. acUve tradin11; late this afternoon. (See Russell "!;~!,: ~ •. or Whittler, <arid. . tr I , top 'Tl.:L.....:Ol. ~i.1.. ~ " ~·" P Ml l br k J W ·kel'·ld 31 r 'F comUI(' a n>' to • · ~"'!" e~ "~ fortunate Jn tfM!il t1mlng In that three qu.._wons, ages -I . a em an ames a "' ' . , o .on-block-,·~ !l~ .. 1 is yellow aDd When Che 1 car ~•lvsls attributed the abrupt tum· tana were '"uninjured :when· t.hey~liurled 8'.... • ' • wllh ~came up 1n·one night. • 11bout from the drifting characteristic fir themselves J 'Ol1to. • ltie 1 • dee It rlof ·the' lihe· is:dia?'the ligriat'ls grefn. ' ' Bodi llid faey may a)?pm] Qt,the city ~performances to a comblnaUon of loconiottvt. · , . i . • •· 'n--Locat!~ .oft' the cruhhe' '"t 81 -~ ... lido! council. , raptOrs. Three locomoUVes,;tf\'e • tioxcars~-· at. 'Al•rtgew...,rpe Avenue ween · i:.uC , · . . . · ·, . , . .. . aoo· ~r;qokhurtt slret;~ ... ·near ~'he • • • • • 1 -. o~lnc;at• Commonwtaltb ;\-· Juven_ i._le ·-Cha, nges ·u r ued · ~f::g~~,:r:~:~-E " Founda.lloL Llhr..Y. • • Neither the crew nof'Santa Fe ofRclall Valle y Youth Study Group T ells Two Ideas Two tboulhts lo·lmpl'O\'e SUvenUe rela- tions in Fountain Valley were ofiered to · the cily council Tuesday ntgl!t by Eugene Vanpask, e<><;halnnan n !Project CARE, the city's youth study commltlet. ••()ur city police do an excellent job, bul because of the size of the youth population they have no specialist to hm· die juvenile problems except for ~ menl." • gilln I Ir~. deal o( Insight from tliose three." r 'I ~ He coirlmatded•the Reverencts Johnnie . ' Crumpler, Ellt. Avenue Bai>U•t Chureh ; W®kl 'C<Jfl'.men) ., to \Vhetber U. 81111& Fe train had ~n •lopped pri<1"to 'J"' ceedlng on !be' mainline. T / . • . I Time8 Extended I • F ~r 'n~gj's~ti: _ Ex-Chief Reddin Won't Give Talk Tom Reddin, former Los Aogelea ROllce chief ·w111 not spe'k TJ>ursday ntahl at Golden West College .as previousfy an- nounced hy !be Huntington Beach Ex- change Club, --"' College olftciall iatcl this -nlng they had tried to· /('On~1 Reddin, DOW a television fJ>ew.:::aster, as Wtll u other spe~ers for "crime· Week" obeervances, ~t were unaJJle to do .so. ' There will be no speaker on crime revenUon Thursday night. · eraage • , Coast Weadter , • 1' Thut'lday's weather will be written on tile wind apln, with SanfJl Ana I~ guat. whipping .I up and down tbe.Onn1e €oast •nd tempentur~s ranging from · 65 to 74 degrees. The action had been recommended by !be planning stair oo the grounda !bat the 1it.e clOM! to ·a resldl!tlllal dlstMct and the parcel was oot large enough. A gpokesroan for Auto Wash CQJin'a- Ilon, David Doby, strmed that !be pro--poul was tor an "exterior" wash, ex- plaining that lhe Inside of the car would not be cleaned aod that the driver •oWd ail Ughtin the \'ehicle as It went through the operallon. First, V anOuk SJgesi.d that hetU.r communk:aUons be establi!hed between tile dty's Parks and ii.cr.atm Depart. ment and the sc:hools and Police Depart. ment. Both suggesUons were parl of • ~ gress report suhmltled to the council at the request ol Mayor E!fward Just_ VanDask also told the council of meetJngll with several groups involved with youth. "We had an outstanJlng meeting wtth 23 teacher'1 rrom local schoot. which surprlled ua In their dedication lo belplng the yooth," 11ld !be Prnject CARE leader. Kem!etb McMluL.,; Flilll ' 'U'lffted Melhodtat .~; and ,'Dana 1lawb,' Plnt Ba~ •Chrird!. • • ' Mtetl11111i Wer.-ai8o<held.-.i~t<boolo1-' flclals of the Hunllnaton '°"' union IN#W E TODAY Orange Coast theaters get ttri6ui thb week aa three heavu dt0mG1 bu ruch .. i.d d,.._ tilts aa l!c¢1'ald llose, l:'d- 'Afbec a11C1 r .. ..,. .. Wi!Holq ,HuntlngtOn ·-h ... .-~I I -· .. loool .~ ••• Sto i:lller-to ,,..mter .In «der IO ~ In ,.,.., ·~ -.• 14 cltf _coundl election !U.Y:. until I tammcnl, Page 25. Purchue of clgbl gallon6 of gasoline wool<! qualify for a free nul<ld• wuh. Both Doby and Jnhn Shea. !be Newport Beech businessman who lost one wash re-- quest' and Jiad another conUnuea. left U>6 chlmher .aying . they had httn un- "We talked to H:veral teachers and policemen who knew nothing about the ....,..,llonal programs offered by the ci- ty. ntls shows an obvtous lack of com- munication that must be solved.'' said VanDask. Second, V{UlDask reconunended the hiring of a juvenile officer to work within the pollce departmen4 " .. ••1n contrut," be1 polnted out, "the re!J>OMe from ~Igloos leaders was dlsappolnllng. A opcc!olly scheduled meeUng with 10 local mfnl11ter11 waa at. i.nded by.oaJy ,lhree of Ibem.-We.dld IDgh School ot!lrlc~ !ht F In Valley School .Dlltrtct and, the. r~tJtm 'va!ler Police ~rtbient and I pol!Ce. ~m 11e1\mhoftnrc1ues, said V~k .. "Mfttlnp With ......... and ' other fROCI~ """1'I are "'f"I .. up 'In the ~ hl!Uf"," said -VaoDaak, j who promt.ed more.,,,,r:r.i; .. "1'!ril 'tand 1 Nrther tt<O 00 'JioY, Ille :city CH hell belp It! ~lb( 1. , 1 • . I • ~ I • I I • 10 toolght ~ Thunday,ntlhl the ell)< -• i -"'n clerk's ·o111ce. • t I ~ u :::0":!::'.r': .!I .., 'ntunday1 it the latt' d'1 olel'I 1;Y ~ ~ ..... -.., n ~~rJ:.A:J .~ ff lll ~ =-~--ff ?,,~ ... ! ~' n unUI •-· Ja•-•--•·-to -•• • --J Uf8 ....:; U\IUI.. .....,. • Id.. Al .... ,....... • die regiltfation. :=,. ~ ~.; , -, The1dfyclerk'a o!llco _ • -,. --malil ldmlri.iltratioa ' .. ,......-· • ... """ 9:: !Z· f'ecoil lAve, , , ' (, t 'I I I I . ' r I ' " I I ' j DAILY kLOI " Seve11 Indicted Area.Men· Netted I·n Bookie Raids Two W•tmlntttr mth wire am6ng i. croup Of"~ defendlnta 1wa1tlng 1r- ratpnlenl today In Oranje County Superi« cowt on bookmaking char&es. AD 11ven were named Tuesday In an 1.-...i lllSUtd by the Orange County Gl'llld Jury. Tbl panel .. doned the re- qutll of Dllilltr Dlllrict Attorney Martin Htftll)wl thal the poup be nam•d In l•loo7 C<llOpl&lnta all"'11f bookmak!Qg and eooopltacy. Named ln the l.ndictmenl were Harry Clyde Neidlinger, 25~ 13831 Newland, and Raymond Hall tiran~ 41, of 8402 w .. tm1na1er Boulevard, beth 0 f Westminster, and Wrry RJddJe, 33, of 19437 Everest Circle, Fountain Valley. Heneghan identified lhelr co-defendanls as William Glen Martin, 46, o( Santa Ana, Dale Ronald Smith, 37, of Torrance1 William Francis Horvith, 38, or Cypttss, 111d Robert Doniel Evlea, 40 of Wilm· lnatoo. Heneghan said the MVtn dlfendant1 were arruted ln We11tminlter following lnvestlgaUon or what was described as a wide-spread bookmaking ring. Investigators said the ch1rges against the group main1y concerned the ac- ceptance of wagers on football games. Jury Indicts Ex-fir.em.an ' . In Drug Smugg"le Ring 87 AJITHVll R. VINSEL 01 tM Dti11t '"" lttft An el.fireman who allegedly . once llln!1dod bll seat Beoch partner ll!d now co-defendut at a deaert alr1trip -when the beat wu on during OperaUoo lnterc<pt -was lmpllcat>d by poll« to. day ill a Ml and alr marijuana smug- 1Un1 rtn1. Robert R. Peterson, 38, wu captured in Costa Meaa Monday nlsht, picked up by U.S. Culloma a1enta Tuesday ll!d '""" vrol-ent Friday In San Diego. Tbe ddendant wu indJcted by a federal &rand jury and a no-bail wartant charl1nl him with cooaptracy to 1muute aad eia-.J nw1Ju11U1 lntem1Uonall)I ouboeqillllUy laauod. A opowman for the U.S. Attorney'& OffJoe tn San Diego said today that Pettteon will to before U.S. Maglatrate J. Edwara Harri.I on Friday to answer the-.... Women's Council Of Real Estate Boards Installs He al.lo nld Peterson la believed lo be the pvtner of Willy Lenahan, 27, of Seat Bea•!h, arrested twice laat year on federal amuuUng charger, <>nee 1t remote Palomar Airport and once at tea. "Mr. Lenahan la ln 1 bit of trouble," saJd the federlll lawman, addJni that h8 is currtntly held at San Dleg<> County Jail, awaiting trial on mulUple federal chareea. Peterton joined him at that facility Tuesdoy r.Jiht. Trial for both Lenahan and Peleraon, however, will be consolidated 11 the rellllt of the e1<1ty flreman '1 capture, with proctedln11 tentatively scheduled aome time next month. · Pollc1 hat. been nekln1 Ptteraon in the Hp-boil. Area for .some Ume and tur. · rounded blm wlthfn el1ht minutes afler he wu f.lrat spotted Monday night, with ordera to ram hla car If neceS!lary, Detective Capt. &b Green said Peterton -<>nee reported to be trmed .and danprou1 due to hla ment1l 1tate - ii believed to have brousht a recent 1hlp- ment of SOO tilOI of marljuan1 In from Mellco. No trace of lhe contr1b1no, "'orth $25,000 or m<>rt, haa bttn found. The U.S. Attorney'• Office aald today lhlt Peteraon la believed to hive been the pllol Wbe left Lenahan otrlnded ot tho remote dO$ert olrport 1ut fall with a shJpment of marijuana. -··•-p the Spookod by the approach of fowmen QI'~,. 1ppu, vice pres.ldtnt ol , the pilot of the ~mall plane which entered Women• Council ol the NaUonal ~ from Mexico without fllabt plan or datlon ol Rtal Eatato Boarda wfll be the authorlzaUoo look off and left th nd inltalUng officer at the Friday charter . .su ' e seco luncheon of the newly rormed Huntin«ton spect to be caughl Beach-Fountain Valley Women'1 COunc\l Lenahan also made the newa when his of NAREB. small boat was overtaken <>ff the roast or The lnsta1laUon luncheon wtn bt held San Diego during OperaUon Intercept and at noon at the Sheraton Beacb IM. lho~.anda of dollara worth of LSD and Officen to be lnataJled are Phyllla mar1Juana confiscated. Gllkin. preektent: Shirley CommDn1, The Seal Beach resident was the fir6t vice prealdent; and Doran1 McLly, sec· alleged smu,gler cau1ht on the high seas retlly·treuurer.. after Operat1on Intercept went Into etrect The nm rtgular metUn1 ol the coun· as tn effort to curb· International narco- dl ll aet for March 17 at noon at Fri.n-Ucs traffic. cola Relllurant. Speaker will bl John Investigators in COl'ila Mesa said Tues· Lyman, vice preddent and director <>f day that Peterson a city fireman se veral marketln.I tor Security Tttle whole sub. year• nd' J--' lt'iJf be ul'\.o,...,.. ..... ~1u . th Rtal a10, IWTe ered meekly v.·hcn It.Ir . .... L " "'w:-:' _... es in e rounded by police cars. Estate Profwlon. They added that he waa suspecled or Mrs. Richards Named To Parks Com1nission Mrs. Marsha Rich11ds, wire. of Foun- tain Valley del'lUst Roy Richards, has been appointed to the cl\y 's porks ll!d recr•-. cilmmlaslon. She Oita the 11nerpired term of Robert Tulley wl\o is Jeavlna the arta becaUM! of. business in· tereala. The clty council Tuesday nleht also reappointed Roy ZUkmrtan tc. the Foun- tain Valley Jmprovemtnt Authority board ll!d added Councilman Ron She-an to :lie authority board. DAILY PILOT OllANGI COAIT f'U•l.JIHINO CCMll"AHV ..... .,. N. We•4 """*Rt .,.. l'WlltllM' J.,1c tt. c'"''T Yk• "-*""' eN 0-~ Th.11111 JCee-.il .,llW Tf..flil11 A. Mn•loi11• ~·~Iller Alktt w. I•••• AM!Mltfltffttw " .............. Offf~• 11171 .... ~ kwl•••" M•lf/111 M.i,..,, P.O. le• 7tl>, t2MI fnvoh·ement In a m1jor smuggling opera- t.on from r.texlco Into the U.S., and he and hla: co-defendant face atilf federal priaon ~entencea ii convicted. Housing Tracts Signs Ruled Out There won·t be. anr directional signs a~vertlsing new hoos1ng tracts In f'oun· lain Valley. City Councl)men decided TueM!ay night not to amend cUy ordinances on sla:ns to allow U1e smaller dlrecUonal s/gna: often found Jn clusters In other cities. .The council, in effect. ruled that the d1rect1onal 1lgn11 are a nui1ance and ap. parently are not really needed by de't-""tlope.n. The decision came after 40 minutes of public discussion on the mat- ter . Only Councilman .John Harper ex- pressed a desire to allow the aliJls, ex- plaining that he fell they would help al· tract people to P"ountaln Valley. Valley Planners i\leet The Fountain Valley Planriln1 Com· mklaion will meet at 7:30 tonight to con- aidtir a rouUne a1enda. DAILY ,ILDT lltlf , ... 'Step Back1card' Dr. Raymond Brandt, Oran11e Coun~ coroner, 1barply crHJc- • ited '.I'Ue9d,.y'1 surprt1e moVe by the countY Board of Super- ·v11or1 which woul d combine coroner's: office with 1herJff'1 office next year when Brandt's cur:rent term exptre1. S e e story, Page 11. f'ro11a Pflfle I CHICAGO 7 .• " should be al..me. ·• Of the verdict, he said, •·1 wish It had been bung. 1 feel thls b a compromise verdict." At the moment the jury reach"2 its declslon, the defense wu demand!n1 that the panel be dismi.ued and a mi1trlal O~lared on 1round.I that the jury could not reach a decision. Bul the jW')' did reach a verdict and it was one which poa1lbly akirted the most controve.r1J1l element of the lndl,ctmenl under which the "Chicaa.o. Sey~" were tried. Thl1 elment la contained In the an- ltriol amendment to the 19!a Civil Ri1hi. Act which maketi It a crime to conspire to croas state llnes with intent to incite rloL!I. The. law bad never betn tested in court before. Some l!&al erperta had ques· tloned the comUtuUonallty of the concept of "con1plracy with intent" and predicted lt could be overturned Jn an appe41s court II the "seven" were convicted under lt. But the jury's verdict appeared to erllff this proapecL 1b1 convlctiom are bound to be appealed. however, on other grounds, Including Hoffman's conduct <>f the trial . Valley Parents Ask Protection For Crosswalk ' Leary Trial , Near End Nervoua Jurors Await final lnstriictiom 11'1'0M ~tv ......... """ '"" A ttnae Sant. Ana Superior Court j"'Y waited today for whal wW be U1 llna in- ftriJctlon• ·while lawyers for Dr. Timothy Leacy aod hla f1mily hammered' out with Judg~ Byron K. McMjllan and the pro- secution the form and substance of tho.5e guldeUnts. They will retire lo their jury room to deliberate after tho$e same three lawyera ll!d Chi•f Deputy Dl.ttrlcl Attorney Jamea Enright ofier their cl<>aln1 lf(Umtnta In whit has betn en tlght-day trial of Dr. Lury, ao. hll wlfe Role.mary, 34, Ind John Bush Leary, :!O. . And while the jurors nervoualy waited 111 the jury rOom thl.s morning, the three defendants, all outwardly composed, sip- . • ped cofree n the courthoust cafettrla. Mr1. Uary il'.MI her stepson listened earefully whlle Dr. 'IAmry delivered what 1ppearod to 16 be aome apeciflc in- stn1ction1 of hi.s own <>ver the colfee CUpJ. Enrfiht wlll ask Ute Jurr to find the Learys tfUIHY of the cbarcls !ltod aaninst them followln1 thelr arrest Jn Laguna Belch on December 18, ·1068. 1bat anest lod t~ their Indict.men! by the Oronge County <lrond Jury on c11or1es of pooae"lon of marijuana ll!d LSD. 'n\e Larys' btwyen ofltred little dele.nae to austaiDed p r o 1 e c u t i o n arguments In which evecy police officer involved tn the arrest on Wood.land Drive testified at lenrth oo the behavior of the defendants, on the nature ind quanUty of N runes of Irvine Students h1 GE P1·otest Released' The names or eight present and former UC lrvtne students accused o1 ~sruptln1 General Electrl.c C.Ompany recruitment Interviews were released today by the UCI 1tudent body government. Five of the eight are re.males. The ac- cu11td students are: I>Hovaa Doney, junior sodal science m1jor from NewPort Beach, An.a Doyle, junior American studiea major lrom Balboa Island (a former Costa ltfesa Zonta slrl). Dluna lttlller, junior dance major from Corona de! Mar. Elale Ntwmo. freshman English ma• jor from Santa Ana. Le1Ue UAe<>ln, graduate student' from Fullerton. William Winifield, graduate student from Flagsl.a!f, Ariz. And ronner UCl students Ken Cowan and Jane PhtldD'ton. The students' na1nes were taken Feb. 4 by Vice Chancellor for Student Affalrs .John Hoy and Dean of Students R<>bert Lawrence. They said six other students gave them false names and ha\'e not been identified. The II.st of names, !Ubpoenaed from Hoy by the .student goverrunent is now in the hands <>f the student supreme court. Justices are Bruce Mills and Jim Heyne., Only Nine of 19 Candidates File In Huntington, With the noon, Thursday, deadllne ap- proachlne1 only nine <>f 19 potential can· dldates In the April 14 lluntington Beach City Council race have actually flied. The other 10 have taken out applica· tlon1, but have not returned them yet. There will be. four councll seats Jnvolved in the Aprll 14 election. Thrte incumbent.s with one v1c1ncy. A complaint Is ~on file rrom senior mathematics major William Clarke of Laguna Beach. 'Mle complaint is lhat he was prevented Crom havln1 a . .scheduled interview wlth G.E. recrulteri who left campus aft.er being drowned out by lhoutlng student den1onstra10rs. Student Body Secretary Claude Dorais said the supreme court justices shoul~ announce their plan of acU<>n within the next couple of days. B11rke Introduces Leisure World Tax Relief Bill A bill making resJdenl! of Rossmoor Leisure World e\igJble for s<>me form.s or property tax relief has been introduced by Huntington Beach Assemblyman Rob- ert Burke. Burke's proposed law clears up the def· lnition <>I whit constitutes a homeawnc.r !() that retired residents c<>uld qualify under tax rel lel legislaUon enacted in the 1988 statewide election. The Burke bill would Include in the h<>meowner definition persona who hold sharea 1n corporate housing development !UC'h •• Roeamoor Leisure World. Burke aubmlt.t.ed a almllar bill l11t year, which won approval in Ula Aastm. bly. The Senate Finance Committee, how· e,·er, killed the proposal. • Manson 'Skit' Petition Denied the drugs all•godly fouod in the family's ltalioo wagon and on'tbe details ol ~s loond in the clolbllli of the trio. Dr, Leary ll!d hto wUe aiJd ooo did Ml take the stand to t"Uly In llie~ own defen~. El'ltlR:ht said thia morning ~t he did not 'plan "any tlaborale presentlUpa"~ln his cl<Wng argumenLs. "I am merely goln1 to recite the fact. and. tel this jury decide fer Jtaelf," he said. 'nle veteran pri)lecutor added, "l dorft have tho 1llgbteot doubt about '111181 their vttdlct lJ IOin( to he and I thln1t Jr lJ • going to be 1 fut one." The Learys and their lawyers have. no comment Jo offer <>n the format for what must be tbf final hours of the tria.L Valley Council Okays $31,000 For Park Work Tw<> proposalB for park developmflnt totaling '31 ,000 were approved TueJ4a y night by the Fountain Valley City Coun· cil. Rest rooms for River Park -at a cO.!lt of $6,000 -were wianimously approv· ed., but a $25,000 project for a re.crealiot1- al building al Los Alamos Park w11 dis· pute<t by Councilman John Harper. llarpet said he felt 1 larger bulldin£: llhould be designed for Los Afamoa: Park, but other councilmen said the bulldlna: v.·as fine for the slte of the park. The Los Alam<>e bulldJng conttins a m<>derate alte meetlng room, rest rooms, an equipment at<>rage room and cu bt used for limited recreaUonal aervlce:. It sits on a three-acre site next to 1 acbool ground. The River Park rest rooms wlU ntarly complete de velopment of the city's spec- ial camplng·by.reservatlon park next to the San Diego Freeway and Ellis Avenue.. Apartment Plan Wii1s Approval A plan for a 304-unlt apartment pmJec:t in the city's westslde w<>n the conditional approval of the Huntlngtpn Beach Plan· nlng Commiss.l<>n Tuesday night. Commissioner& liked the ltf 1 cc n Corporation' a propoaal for the land on lbt sou.th side of Wimer Avenue, eut of Edwards Street, but tied a string to their blesslri;, namely lha.t the plans be revi!- eCI for later review to provide more <>pen ~pace In the two-story development and improve the walkways. "We would 10 for three stories II that·~ what It takes to get more open 1pace, •• R<>ger Slates, comml1slon chalnna.n, commented. have 1aJd they will run. One, Dr. Henry LOS ANGELES CUPll -The state More than 25 parenll asked the Foon-Kaufmann, has s1ld he will not seek re-court of appeals has den.led a petition taln Valley City Council Tuesd1y night election. 11•'1.lch accused the judge who will try Pollution Se1ninar At Valley School to protect young children U!lng the cnw: The. nine persona who have tiled are Charle! Manson for the aeven Tale·La· A seminar on population as it relates to walk in the 8fea of Magnolia Street and ri.fayor Jack Green, incumbenl council-Blanca murders of vlewln1 a skit lam· environmental pollution will be <>pen to Nightingale Avenue. man Ted W. Bartlett and challenger• poonlng the defend1nt. the public at 8 tonight in room 212 of the The council approved the installation Phyllis Gali.ln, Roger D. Slat.es, Robert Without comment, the court Tuesday science building at Fountain Valley High of traffic lights at the interBe.cllon <>f C. Terry, Henry Duke, Marcua Porter, denied lhe habeas corpus action. The School, 17111 Bushard St. r.fagnolla and EIU1 Avenue and asked the William N. Gibson and George E. Amok!. peUllon said the skJt, titled "One Ronald B. Llmky, director of marin. city lrAffic committee to consider reduc--City Attorney Don Bonfa appears to Manson's Family," reduced Manson's slq_diea for the Orange County Depart- ing the 1~ limit along MagnoUa. ha \·e no challengers for his: elecllve J>Ol't scheduled tri1l to • "farce i nd a 1ham" ment or Educallon, will lead tonight's • Some parents, however, were dls11U1· and City Clerk Paul Jonea la not up for ind denied the defendant'a right to a fair seminar, the secood In a monthly series fied. asklng for aome type. of light to election this year. trial. · <>f seminars on pollution . protect the Nightingale crw walk ltseU. 1.-===========================~~~~~~~;;~===;;;;., Mayor Edward Just exp lalned that the II city plans to lnstall traffic signals along haU-miJe lntersecUons and to interrupt the flow of traffic betwun those I11hta might be dlfflcult' and dflngerous. Councilman John Harper said he would like to see trAfllc llghts 1t 1'eaC'h mid· section similar to Nightingale." The council agreed to study further proposals to correct the walking hazard to young children in the area. Auto Wrecking Yard Rejected in Beach A plan for an auto wrecking yard ln a light Industrial district w11 crushed by lhe H!1ntington Beath Plannln& Com- mission Tut8Clay night. Several ma residents objectM lo the plan of Rebert and Dla,ie 1ttorrl1 <>f ~11 Crista P..alma;· Hunlington Bt1C'h, lo locale the yard on Slater Avenue, west Of Beach Boulevard. It was d e n i e d unanimously. --~ tetc111 m ,.,...,.,....,... ,...,. ,..,_I ilt Wfll a.y 11~1 ...........,, tt.cto1 tt!I WM! """' levMrC BeUtlower Sy11ipho1iy • Co11ce1·t at Leisu1·e W 01·ld 1l>e Be!Ulo,.... S)'mphony Orcbe1tra will pretent a conct!'t for rtaldtntl of the Seal Beach arta Salurday, Feb. 20 at 7:30 p.m. 1n the Seit Beach Leisure World CtubhouaeNo. 2. The symphony performance 11 seine lpoatored by the Sc!al BeaC'h Chamber of Commtret In COO))@l'atlon wlt)I ao Ltl1ure World orpnfullon1. Conduct.or Gtza Subo, fonntrly of llun11ry, will ltad \he Dellnower orcht.1tr1 of 70 \•olunteer musicians ol 1U •ftl. They b1va performed mott thin 15 conctrts in the Los Ange.I'• 1rt1 ind are ' r1t~ u one of the btlt oon·proreulon1l on:heatns in tho toutbland. Because of the e11bor1te orchestraUon1 to be presented for the SUI Beach perfonna.nct, the aroup •Ill be augmented by about 20 proft11l<>MI mus.lc.lans. Acoonllng to chamber fl<tSldent Keith Houdyohell, the Ftb. :ti concert 11 ex· peeled to be the flrll of • aerl11 to be ol· rered In the Seat Beach area. Tickets are $1 .SO etcb and may ht purch&ed lrom the cllamber om.. 6t from members or the 30 sponsortna Lt.iaure \Vorld groups. • CONYtNIENT TlRMS IANKAMUICARO MASTER CHAR&E , To tl'le girt who knawswh•tthe W•nlJ but not where to find it. M•l<h your style with oor m1ny dlsllnctift detl,..... And 11k us •bout our farnous or.,... lfoM.om gu1r1ntee. ll!l NEWPORT AVENUE COST II MESI\ • t r•s ' - 24 YfARS SAME LOCATION ,HONE 541-1401 I • • . ' • - •• I '" lag, •••• . r ·t t;>t r I oins · . "· .. . .. ' . Cauncil -. ' . . . :."~1 • 1 ffannidates I . ·" ... 1' '' • I iMler'• ~"' qule~ the CHy Council ril<t In '.l.quna Beach pner1ted oome ACUon Ulil week. u one new CMdldate, v9cal ic\iool opponelll EdWard Lorr, took wt DOqllnalion papers and llttee. can- didates filed ~ lllcn<d_petilliW. ' , • MJi annoanced candldat., ar<hitecl ~ Ostrander, L< ezpected lo Ille lltl<re the noon·deadllne Tl\lll'!dlY· _.-:Lorr, 31, president of the Laguna Beach ~en AuocllUoo and owner of • 8iph <;oast Hlgbway beaulJ. aa1.,.. hp boen adive ln ·ftCOlll .w,.u -the Flib.1H acbool .llmf and' tu ...mde elldloo in behall c>l lbe ~yen' l'QUP. iA native o( ChJcqo, he enllal.ed In the U1.: Air Foree alter .sn$al••n from I ·hljh acboo)• and served !lne yean, i.»- ! chldtng .11' months in the Kanan war. He m0v'11· lo Callfornla In 115.!, attended ~ Aeroaautic81 . 11\Siliute. in higl<wood and' WBI eroployed Bl I flll)tt liDe mechanic' and field ·repreeentaUve !!@I North Arnerlcan A•iotlon. .;:i,; oo;L<irr acquired lbe Laguna Sea lijljlrts lldodillhlll sltop ·1n Boal .Canyon 81111 operated 11,.alollg with a s);!ndJvlng ahop In co.ta M-,until li63, when he l8ld. out to.take aver tbe-ownenhip oLU!e Twill 'n ·Pin 8Maty Saloo. A cerlllied Loi AnplOI ComilJ llCQ.inlltruct«; he ai. pve dlVlnc• lnitruclloo wlllt the LlilPJna•Bqdt P$·~1. h .,~~~~'· ',i:·~ ..... 11 N;iguel Body,~ts " . Tentative ID · ,. . ' . Tho -!or the !denlity of the Qoletnn fellnd lele tut.week In a canyoo -Lapna Nlpll <ontin\led today 11 ln-~ron COIJ!paffl' X raya ·with the -· . ~remain! were !entali\>tly lde!JllllOa u~·of Georae Eqene Hamilton, 24, ol ,sOuth Lagnna by. a nearly, lll<glble bQpking alip from Orange County Jail IGiirid Mir the body. -~Uve ldenUDcaUon baa b e e n himpered bf lack of the sftlelon's skuU anll aeverl.l large bones which deputies apiculate:ll!:ere.can1ed cff by animals. :ewtqbrt the j8w to use fer a dental ~ wt have got to go with Hamilton '• X·W to.compare with the skeleton, in- ~gmrs said. • ~Hamiltor. had a smaD deformity ln his liUbone and had &Urll<l'Y on his opine Mould· show up en the skeleton U who It is," a sheriff's deputy aald. n, who reporledly had a hl!lory F. dloordera, Is not listed as a I person. D<pnllea said· he baa not ,... br his family since mld-1111. •'llte jail booking slip was dated SOi> WU.bet of 1961. -. jt sbooddn'I be Jong before we c•'loll ' r tber ·or not ·the-body .ll 'HamlllGn11" ' ' ' mneu Mid. • We expect to have 1 deci&ioo lodQ or ..... --.. ... at the latest." ._..., " ' . ..• I -, • Gi~e~ , J~~(f• Po~-~ ..;-.,. ' Nix~n-Asks. Russ .. . ... ·~ . ... --·-. -. -. -. Join Peace Q~e~~ By· Mll3lRIMAli SMITH WASBJNGTON (UPI) -President Nixc11· urged the Soviet Union today tc join In ending lbe cold war by bttaklng through rigid bostillty of the put 25 yean intO "e new · era" ol· realistic negot111ion. In 'an unprecedented 40,(J(ll).wofd report to eongr ... nn u .s.-fnreign jiolicy for the 1971ls, Nixon suggested ihe 8<¥•1 Union could red~ danger of another major war by cutUn& back its 1ppa~nt efforts to dnmlnat. the Middle Ea5I and by slow- ing or balting'llte flo1J ol Sovld arms to NorthVtetn&n. · The Pmldenl felt lbat 1169, the first · year cf his administratlcn, l!laW a "good beginning" toward improving Soviet~ Amtrlcan retaUOns, but ,he 51lld . "cur cVetaU ~latlorajtip with the USSR remains far from.satisfactory." Fer examp1e, be.said, the United Stat.es .. wcu]d _view any e!fcrt by the Soviet Uninn lo ieet" ~·Jn the'Mtd- dle Eut·u a matter .of ll'IVt ccncem." Furthermore, he saw evJdeDCe ·MoacOw .... heading ·1n thal,dJrecllon with: ceii- sequen<ea reaCblng 'far'beyeoid the'Arib- lsraell •di51J9le. .: , • • du the Arab-larlell cooBli:t· CIMO! be finaDy resolved,'' Nixou Yid, "at 5eiat' lb llCope must be cnnlaUied Ind the dlftct engagement Qf tl)e mJjqr •Pft'etl Urni~ For Ws la a . ...,..S.!Uo\<lllWt c>l im·.,.._ mt In the .Mlddl<_ ,Eul; -:Uie-- and -.d Ute' . .niaJ9I' • ...,... . themae.lves." · . · "!!fr Nhoo's vi.w or,thl! ~ warap. pearetl lo , be slJihUy mqri • opfjtftlsllc than sis months qo .. But 1P.1n1 ai tn•tlte Middle. East, be did nol 1te&ve Moocow· was.doing whilt K eopl1Mo!Ward paoce. .. 1'o the detrhuent . of. the caUle1 of peace," be aald," "the Soviet J~enhlp bu failed to ...rt-1'belpfltl lnfl ...... oa (!lee NIXON'-~ Pqe I)· Masonic Lodge Bki~e <;~~~~~~i'l~ 1}!~s ~.~~-~;~,. ~ of the fire which 11111«1 the Laqila J!eoclt -todge -Ung boll 11!'1 threit.ned I the clown!oWn bul!nela cllllrict remained a· my1lery to- d'3'. !'ire Qilef James Latimer said natural c.me,. llich Q ~ping gu or an. elec-J!'i<al short circuit hilve been pretty well titled out in hiV<llllgaUnn or the Sunday blue. The. two-otory building la believed lo hne been -.U into. A (lass -In the front door wu broken near the door kneb. Wby remain! a mystery. Fimnen have ruled out any connecU()ll with Ute.ldldt@o1111ge, at flnt thoQaltt a poullllllly. The ._ -not on, jolt the oven beal caotrol. The fire lllarted lbout Voter s Favor Reagan's Work SACRAMENTO (AP) -Nearly CO per· cent of califcrnia voters 'think Gov. Reagan Is doing 1 good job, according to an opinion IUI'VtY by pcllster Mervin D. Field. Fi<ld aald • percent ol lboae ques- tioneil in tltil month'• survey think Reqan la dolnl a falr job and 19 perootl 111 the aovemm ii doina a poor Job. 15 feet away in a TOOm "preparatioQ nJOlll'.:., II conlalna f!qi,' robea, 1lomten and othtt .. ilpaflr "' jilt ·11 .. arOUJl!t that used the blldl.. "I llS ,_ Mei .- IAtbner 11"••W .tructuraI i!llnqe will nm abOut •c;:tJ.11 WBI ealltllaled ",:-~L>;i:. " • 1 .. that 1 ... o1 --m!iht be ~ · .•~•=u~. itlil'•~·~ liiol. ~~'' ·"· -..!" : ~:"""~·~said the bulldtng ~ --~~'· ••. ,. .~:~ ~''"!'llril·•"" Mtf .lv""f9 '.' The. fire cblel Aid . the, poalblllly ol • • ' ' · I ' • · • =~==tE:hav~ ot¥. :.:I(i~k "'.:l·J'od~~-gasoline.~t.niced at the 1potnt 11 or:ifln. 'I! t r . 1 , • , • , • •• , • • • • Twc ovm'fuffed chairs were near the \It. ~=·aa1d 0remen .....id pnbably Laguna High Jun~r : Rid.e.t_· f!lll!-J talk to.....,..,. In the lln 1"'1111' that B• ..,i..., •.~ OlllllEllL al·•·"".,.....,, .'feee~·./tm~ -.~ . ..:.lo regularly uJed -Ole ~ tif. the , ,.,,_. ~n s -"·' ._,... building. · °' ..... ., , ... ,..,. -buy:a~hcill-berd.of IUl'fboardi... . , These lricloded Maaoitte L9ille rn,_·the EY!rf· time, the topic turns to. 1porta, •1 ·met · the · ·atoot· C!inrrislor', IJ;1 R(ryal Arch Ma80n.s, two women'• iroape, Speltz "Sperkie-'''.Parker, gives forth ·'9 Johnson,, aM began to wcr• around lhe the Order cf the Eastern· sµr and the the more .atdlte:lh!ft.ng crowd •:~ ' pJ*e;~·heto:plalwt. . Order of the Anutrinth · and a youth Beadt Hlgb.ScliOOl,iiltli a lot of bull. -"Pretty • .oon, I me~.-. ..,... of the group, Job'• Daugb!ers. • L<I the·lro$1 bnard jockeys play;wlth cowboy; ind liegan "'atcllltig'-tllaftt and StoeJi llJer1'eC The bnllding. owned by lumber dealer their flbe!i!m• C!n'.lstlnas lo)<•• it' the later np I tried il for mysell' Actually,.of Richard Jabraus, was bull~ In about 1127. waves, curling 1he.lr toes ever the dege all the .rode;c> event.., bull riding i1 'the The lower floor ls occupied by the ap-and·~· that)Cie:rrln8-do. easiest ·and.there is no eguipn'.ient to ~or- pllance store of Carl Klaas. It had celling Plrker'• kick .IJ rcdeo aDd hle-i,ha:n~,, . ry. about( ei:Cept,the t>Wf,ro~'.0 water damage. not 10 bUt all Jo t6el hen tutoicrl®se , • ' . ;L.o1... ~ • , Lost mat.rials upstairs ·1ncli<led ' ' ' c'.~'..u.:·" ••-J :B ahni · ~Pflkl~wlllb<competing.uu'.weekend pltotographs of put Ma.0.IC officers • In the arepa "!",..... 4 tiuc~" ,!,~ • In .tJfe "Rodto'by the s.a:• to be hold 11 wh'ch annot be laced Bull, with etgbt """"1da.lo·alay a.,,,.._.. , Lagnna Beach Higlt Scnool. Be wiR"be 1 c rep · "l·~·Jt'.1Jup.~' .AY• ttie, ~..,_y.ear-cld cmtending fct "rodeo pojnbl" which are junior, w1!en quei\IOn<d about Wbal)l oae· giV<!I by~ Injernallonal')l<ido;o~- 'lbi flpra are about tho ..,.. u --.--'-'--. -. ------- U-. nPQrted ia.t A..,.,.i, bul allfhlli·" !IEWYORK (AP) -·'llte stock market lotoer lban In February 119 when ti per· • bnib loose with a powerful rally In fairly --iloned lltouilbl ReOpn WU ·adl'ft lradlng We thls aJternoon. (See of the1mqit:danctr~·of all rodeo ev~~~-tlon judges, who attend all rodeot: . "YMh.~,l (l!!'.t ic4U4 qnoe},n aw~le, ne ' The rider slarta wtth· 100 pain~. Then admll&; •bt!VJ'lllll••tUoY, tt. · •• depending ,on.Jtow Iona theTider stays. Qll ~''~•·Y~,bepn· three )'eart' ~~t l the•&ull, whether he "spurS" the bull; and .Rancho Nli\101 ,Slablo. t.1119· ~"1·• • 1-°"ell-l)te boll Itself •p¢onns.-potnla wlth11S PfO!•l<ma! "''"'"P.<~ . are •libtracte,!'on·lhe welt u:eas.. · dol!tr 1 pd job. ~. Pages ~21l . . • • f ' ~ :· 1 ; ' · 1 1 . Avtrage; ·atcorcffng to• ~')'Ollngttbvll '"".:~.-. h· amher.,~·Takes· No -Elec·11·on" -~s.-·~n·._, ;:.i;·~ :·~~;,~~~~~~f3! ~ _ . ~· :· ·,~· j _. , "-~" ~ •• ~~~~1 ·w~kend1.~~. tie a~t.'SIJ.: ~1 .. 1. : 1 -"" " I · 8o rar'·au baa -wei1"1.ii. tjdlng·- .. ' · ~ • • . • _ --. . • I• ' ' T J ()l".~iittn.g to rlite!.-' t.be bulls twhlCJI I 11J BAJlllll!A KREIBICH , · Pollow!nl lbe ue.:all'" -t11i1 . -.liic, anme Ill · membm ol the fn\11"~~,tluqtlh -rtnlfldlal olten"'1ilfa·tlmatidcan 'cl0ar-a'il•foot f ~-..":ri-ol~ -.tng.ChantberM-BetlJ~ 1>'"''1"11communltyheard.acltool -boud ...-ic>'*11~~1n,1111avent1< Im . . •. ~Ii iJ U.. F:_ 21 adtool bond aald lwo -. will be prepared In>''• -i... William Wtlco<en present the ~<M-U..pupll-taacli"1' l'lllo·la .• .. o.;., time 1 got preUy acare,t b>eause ~' tri1ov:rrlde eleclton, Lagnna -. DiOdJa!ll1 for ~ IO tfte pnera! ' ~·· reasons for ... klnl additional .to•""!'· "''" ,dlslrlcta; the ratio 11 as ,1~ bull ,.11• trytitg to poke •m'e With bli aiianber of Comineree dlrecton "'"' --p prior lo Jbt eled.to,t. one. :!19,.... · . .. ,blch• u • lol 1111't· ,JM M, )'Oll'. l,ilce • hnrna.: I've Had a couple of-close -eal!s, ;...,.le, ln•an eaecuUve aeuion lhls-.. 1(1\'!otr the l!l'IHDlll1ll ln ,.,... d ~.,.,.,_-Ed_.Lorr, pruldent of the Laguna ~ '""'11!>11.clau,il!te raUo la doom but I1ve never been Injured. All You bitve £to arrive al a clear cul ,_. '""':! and tu override, lbe oChlf · -Taitpayer1 Aaanclli~. whe had to.etpt,lo orie. _in-nlgbl .-·H -be lo'do 11·treep_an eye nn tbe ·biill and:be i~Uon to make tc their memblnblo. on«~c the '1ewl of &be ...-at1oo. made • presentation oppolJ.nc the .df. IS..'9 ~lt,ncta kkl·"Hhl1 ~~'9 ~ able ' to get· out of his way rut fut," l\i.i, decblon that came out iJI tfte De , 1'en to tum t\le ..-..., to the ..... at an earlier breakfast, wu:C1ven '"!II« ~-~ almeal 0110.,to ooe · s~~I< nonchalantly commenl<d. · • • 6-mlnute buddle was thel the ~..., ...-, Mn. "'1en an_ad\l!!lonal four ;:iinutea to respond.lo ·~[¥ lt.~1.~• eoot-per-<hlld Besides being • rodeo bnll-ridlng. en· cons In the controveralll maU.r aald. alter • tally or Wtttten opinion poll WU~,.,, ·~ ,. ~... . • : ' ' ' thUsl°' and while not pr~cll¢ng bnll· be provided to all Qlamber taten _.,the dlrecton failed lo pro-· ''":Q the saylttg goe1, there ara· lles, Wllcoun poln!Oil1nnl•thal•11Mt,-., riding on a metal barrel rllf<d• Jty nloi;tbera lo ·assl!l lbem In deciding hnw duc:e a clear-cul dec\slon. damn Ilea and lltaliaUca," WilCOllen told ,also •bai ·~ :~t~ and !~I · )iuiley1 and ro)les, to slmul~te the bull'i ~ -Ioli. lnlon1Md ol the reult ol the Chamber the buslneas group. "And adtool llnancltia' .-;for llbt 11rograme,•and"WO II ri11tng velocity' yo/tnl pll!'fu copecta JSlllil'<o members of the Board ol meellni, S..perb1~ of Schoo I s la• rldic1Jloaa mlattfna&h ol llatlitiCf'." )'.!llloNd•ln,tbe Al>A>~,<Wllldt!cli*1a, • m~tute llP tr'aina and'has.bnllt'~- Uredora atteiided the special meellng Wllllllm. llllom ~ "lam dllappoln!ed The allomoy aald he had--long blen ~ ~ ~ '~ty ltotll, ~ , pl"' •\ialtJ .town In hls.1aD11Jy'1 e. fillPwing the regnlar·Wedn<aday m ... Ina that Ute bus-odamwnlly saw flt nol trying lo perlll&de tbe eoomy 'ldtooll d· .,...,. . , : . 1 .' ' • , l;llf -.Jnterqta '"I ~ ..,.t dhimber brtakfaat. to come lo a d«laoa lo support Ute achool lice to break dnwn 111 dlmicl call 8-"Tiie l.liu6i, ~ ~ am.m ha ~ hl)tlall scltool. ' , • :-~month, the director• had named a i111ues. I'~e alwv11 felt that good tchooll in.a manner lha.t would provide a more f*l"1t~i,~, amqe;"'WUoi:ailn ~ '°t ~ ~1 f{I)' •jlh,fl)e1~:r1QU to< of three lo study tbe school repment a •trool eommunlty. FfOll!, truthful picture. said, •'Ud llllll)''l)lioplo bet'e1..~'lt 1 ~I ao man~ ~~·••h1111t all " and report bock, lack or dlrectJnn at bnard l<vel. ~hOpein-Oppootenll of the -ride hi•• lili>pjl -":..~ flnm In Ute Unl\&Q.Stallo: hitft 11 ~al;~ Of, .,., ~ comm-called in hill a doaen divldual memberJ will find time lo llndy u\Oir arpmenll ;.:;: • the-fll<I-_,,_ 11,....'tll01,."1!1-~~ !hpw • ev~ni -• ~ /~ ap t, ol• 'f'll'> '!ll!!r ln-"d ctttt.na, lneludlng thelauealld..,..,nlho .... lde.Andl Utat ...my n,..,..· 'Ilia 1-~ .. ~--~ .. -~ ... ' .·1ie~... . '' mi-au... of the ICbool dlllrlct, for still hope ·a.. Chamber will appoint an lle1d11cbool dlolr I/ave the hlllteat ~· 11 r.-,.'~ lo lt!!'P 1!11 ,wtlli, 1 'iar hit futuro :irlth l!OJI ~!. ._.....,...... otu41 mo)on l1ld pretented education C0111111ittee 1111-K can be beuer per pupil ct11 Jn Illa~. but<! on .._ ~ toJimi!O' • ~ • .,;,.. 3*• ~Ide. "r lhlltk 111 \iop wwt!IJll .TEN CENTS ' - Bu.t All .. 7 Beatllq,.on Conspiracy . CHICAGO (UPI) -'!'be •JioT Ill . the ina-and tempealuous lilal•of .... "Ctleago Sewn" loclly ICIUDd aD tho defendaal& -"' Clllllplrlns lo la-dle r!ola during the 1111-N• tlolllll CoovenllOn bnt convtetod S,.>or them or =alitg stat. -with -to lnCl!e riots. . The jury returned . ua" vmnti .• more-than fl bwr1 of --and 'rt weeks lo the day after the lanillllart trial' began, on Sepl. H laal. l"!" The CU4! )tad been hf the jufy'a,litiitds ilnee Sa(iiiday. . . ''!lie jury ·of 10 women aitd in men -gnllty -..--d-DoJ<id T . .Ddl!nllr, 111~.-•-c "Rennie" Davis.. •:' ftomas E. -r.n.t H~ 21; AbboU H. "Abbie"-. 32; and Jerry c. Rubin, JI. Ordered acquiUed were Jchn• R. Frpine!;, 30, a.n~-Lee W~iner, 31>., :; These ~victed face puuible-aentebs or five ye1n In prison ancf •10,000 flnrel. All Ill the defendant. are ,....,.uy· held under cont.empt sentences, ranging up to almool ZI> yui;s, hnpoaed Salurdt\r-lllld · S\tnday by ,U.l . District C<inrl Jtidge Julius J. HOffman. HOffma.n today refused to grant bail on the~Jrial aentences themaelves, 11ying ttt have·qelermlned they are dange1'11111 men to have at large." It WBI ·almoot lnevllahle that a lrlal which· ranb as ... ·cne of the moat ~~"s~...,"""1<1 . .~. ~ ... ,..,;~ MOinenb after Fmlnea """"~ ho -~t'l,not 1111', lf'l'tit ,..._,_ '· ' · . Earller, the wlve1 ol Rubia. Hoflmao , &J\Cl.-l,elporWOreevleted~·­ . Ute· ...... the~!( l!fllllitt U:s. *"'"" liic:iMini G. sdtallt ..,,. aald the,lrlaJ bad .... ''lnl!tlature rlola .• J,qlta Jfoffnian U .she WU led Olli .. (~~G(>T,hpl), 15 Candidates Going After 3 '~ . ... Clemente seats San Clemen la City . Cl<rll M11 Berg -~ seen anything Dke II In I! years wllli the city. • A> lbe 15th' candidate took oot itomJna. 11"1 papen for City Council, the raeeJor three seala beaan to look like the Oldolt<!•na land rtllh . Buairtesinnan Alvin H: Baker, ·IDS ~art\fno, 8an Clemente, was the 15th to lake out papers. Berg may get' -ulll\er w!lli • glnt _o(.lltst-mlnnte fi~ or w paper1. Only ... had returned lhelT papers l)y mnmlng . asi<I the ""1illlne Js nioon 'IbW'lday. · · · Flied "" art incumbent:! Dal) Chlhoa, Thomas O'Keele and Mayor·Wade~. alao cutt Meyers, Eugene Siitlivan and Fred Kaelber. Nine 'other';ael& of paper• are out. 1 Berg recalled handbtt oul 10 .... or nomlnl>llon papers In 1118', 'bul llWI Dll1 tum into San Clemenla'1 -~ populOua coUncl1 race. · · ... Ol'Ulfe . I , w~.._..-,__ Thursday'• •alhu will be written on Ibo wind again, with s.nta Alia•type· aiiati· Wlllwl!IC up and down Ill& Orange Cout an.d temperatareo nniglll( from fl.I lo 74 de..-..& INSWE -TGDAY Orange Coait t1tcakr1 ~t laeftom fhia met cu three htavt1 • dramcp bu aueh nottd d1'Ctnfl· tl.!ti at Reginald Roae; P:dilord Albee a!ld Telt11<Utt WillidMI opt• Oft local •&oof•. Se, l'•Wr- inmntt, Po.ot as. ... ,.., . '' --..... ~~ .I =--·= ·i: _ .. •' --,, c....,....,i· ... ,,,.. a ,..... . -..... ,.. . ,_. . ,_. ..... Ila fllldlnll to thO dln!cton. Apparently Informed th~ the year on ichool average ~wsA~ • ~ J\li; IJ!om l'· ·, • < " ,.~ .-,"~ ;.':. I 11f Wf>r "' \0 tbe-'1Jll~· ~ Ml 11\<11, wore not llllfOclenllY· ainclusl•e to maUera.• "A> pre ,• Wt~ ·, Tlj ~ ille~,lhal~,. ·trr. ~ bllilte rfdlttt, 11'1 1 ldt,_. . 'In a fllldllc -=end•Uon. At tltit' open· brt&klut meeUq \his aald, •ADA ll&unf~ "• · ~· , • -'~ ~.~.If: .' ,i, : ~.'wt 11'.• alfl', a.Joi ~ ~ •• =n:, 11 :..··== .: =.•1111:1 = !:" .::: ~ ~··;,_IT\.~~~ • ~-·- S· ' I • . , . . , r • • -f I i .... ' • •• I l • . • ' • ' I I f I I I . Z DA(lY PtlOT L Wot.....,,,......, 11, 1'10 Jf.ore Tr(lvel Pay? $ if . Planners u ·rge -.. . . Boost in .Budget . tquna Beach plannlnc commissioners revlewed a proposed budget for the city's planning departmenL . Monday night, de.clded it was 11klmpy in ICllftt anu1 and lnsfructed teCret.ary Al Autry lO; ak the , city manq~ to beef it up tn preparing his total budget for presenlaUon to the City Council. The $7llO all ocation for travel and· con· ferences for both plaMing lt&ff and \.'Om· missioners is inadequate, $aid Carl Joh~~ . ''One new and different thing for the coming year," he sugested, "migbt be the presentation of a ~per at a ma,Jor, national plaMlng coriference, maybe ~ewhere Ute New York, on Laguna's general plan. • ' -, RECALL MOVEMENT CHOICI C1ndld1!1 Tarontlne Voters Urged 'To U>ntrihute In Allen Recall Vot.n throuahout Oranp Caunty'1 rJlth Supervl!orlal Dl1trlet are todl1 belnc utied to mike financial coo- lrlbullon& to the "Re<all Alton Allen" movement. Their lllPJ>Orl It htlng oollclted by retaU '.orsllllter A!llhonY Torlllllno In litera~ !hit ln<ludes a pre·1ddre1ted !nvelope bearlna TaranUno'& addreu, 451 Calle Miguel. San C}emente .. "Money 1a·very short." says Tarantlnt'I. 11Some o' ~~r -11upporters have been blackjacked into submission a n d Withdrawal. Your help is needed again. 'four dollar or five dollan or even more !! urgently needed." Tarantino has also announced that his brganizatlon will have at lea1t 10,600 1ignature1 on lt1 petitions when tho1e documents are ready ror subml~ion to County Clerk WlWam St-John. "We ex· pect to flle In the very near future,,. he Jaid. Tarantino, backed by public relations advisor Paul Carpenter of Cypress. la Umln1 that filing to ensure that the recall 1tate:ment appears on the June 4 primary •l..Uon ballolt throu1hout the FUth District. · Tarantino was recently tabbed by lllP. porters of the recall movement as theJr eandldlte In the campalan to end Allen's !-ight-year occupancy of the Flfth District •eat on the county Board of SupervJaors. In a rteent statement, Taran Uno aald: "We alto need a c1ndldale to run In the recall. Some of you have asked me to n.in but !rankly I would prefer a candld1te with areater atature,' ' DAILY PILOT ou>l~l co.A•T l'UIM.ll+llNO f.OMPAM'f l ell•rt N. W1M l>rt:.w..,1 •ncl l"utllllhr~ J11l-I . Curr., \'1t~ ,,...,.,..,, ••.4 G...«11 Mt"4pcr TI!o"'•• IC,, .. u £f11tr Tlio,.•t A, Mu,.,f\ilft M•l\e9lftl ••ow 1Utit•r4 ft, Nill l.~ ... C';ft c11r rtitw LetiH ..... Ofiflff 111 '•••ti A•tlll(• M1111111 A44•111• P.O. It• 666, 12611 -- I "The lnaldo ato<y of preporallon of a plitn and citizen contrlbuUon in a town of this slu would ht or great Iutuesl and would attract a lot or attention to Laguna." ''The stall also learnl by tttendms Im- portant planning coalerencoo," added Commlssiont? Joeepb Tomehak. Jchnaon noted that Irvine Company represen· latives had traveled the world sttking Jdeas for their cqastline development. lie ~ropo>ed eeldn& an addlUonal $!00 for the lravel and conference item. Fellow commissioner1 agreed. The '100 allocation for books ond publloalk>na wu a1oo too ~I. the plan- nen decldad. Tt,.. rtcotnJntnlltd aaldnc for .a total ol $lllO-lor INlldlnc.up a piaJI. nlng library, .. ~ · , Without lplCUyJnc 1 monetary IDIOUlll, the commlaalon allO aaked Autry to ld- vlte the city manager they would lllreto have the llllalanl city attorney 1lt lu en all plannJor meet1np to ,.llO!ve ltlll quetUonl aod aave Ume, both for tht commlaalon and the public. Autry tuwatec! lhil pnpartUon o! scale moledo to uplaln propoead projtcti to the community and to u" In worklnf out vorlttlont of plana would be of valut. A -....prehlnalv' aurvey ol poetlblUUea ror, linder"""""1nl utlUUet throuahotJI the area would be a major atep forward, Tom• IP!. Such a 1urvey, Autry estlmalad, !n<ludlni propoaala !or Im· plementalloo, woufd car. f!0 ,000 to 115,000. Tomehak Aid be would recommend to the City Council , that co"'ldlraUon be glV<n to 1nvu11nJ part of Iha city'• 13111 fundl In a complet1 ~ludy ol un- der~ upon com1>11t1on of tbe nut proJiet, covfl'lnl Iha Holtler Par!< HCllon of Cllll Drlvo. Thue funds are monlea tet &1'49 for undorgroun~ bJ Iha uWlllt1 com· panlel, u nqutnd by Iha Public UUUlila CommlUIO.. In Lquna, they provide about $21,000 annuolly. · · "Thia block .. t.o-tlme proctduro ·It uns:iuifact'ory;'' Tomehak said. "other ciU., have found tt paid lo lnvtt! In a complete tludy. then procoed with lm· plementlnc ft In an Dr<lorly mannor." The commtlllon aireM: to mike thl1 recom: mendaUon of the ceuncll. -, Trains · Collide; Conductor Killed , . Railroad execuUv• tmn two major carrlm iodv;•roro 1-llpllt1t a col· li.slon 1>e1w.en· a Santa Te lrol(ht train and a Union Pacific 1'loc1l" ln wh1ch On& man Wll klDed at I Fullertcl\ croulna track Tutllday nlsht. · A second vtctlm was lnjured when the Santa Fe lrtllht train on the Third DisLrlct ma1nllne plowed into a Unlon Pacific caboose and two freight cars which were sltaddllng the Sanla Fe mainline nrar the Bt!la sldlna. Ran otflclall said the UP crew -wu switchln& the Hunt Foods · complu and that the UP locomotive was detached from I.he caboole and cars. Killed lnltantly when he'wa1 pinned un· der the caboose was Conductor L. E. "Ed" Roy1 60, of Los Angeles .. }{e rei>orttdly WIS sitting In the Cl~lt wl)en the Santa Fe treln, powered by Ihm dl11el locomotlve1 plowed Into th• stalled eaboole. Billy J. Bogle, 40, a brakeman on the San\I Fe train wa1 injlD'ed when he waa thrown out of the leld locomoUve on lm· pacl Two other Sant.a Fe crewmen, ena:lnttr RuHell Lindquist, &2, of WhltUer, and brakeman Jame1 Wakefield, 34, of .Fon· tana were unlnjured when they hurled themaelvea onto the deck of the locornoUvt. From Page l ELECTION ••• ol the new lntermtdltll school had pro- duced addlUonal costs becau1e f1cllltlt1 suCh 11 ecleoce labs, formerly ahlred with the hlch 11:hool acrou the 1treet, had to be provided to make ThW'1ton a HKconlllned unit. "llle board ha1 bffn trylna to cut coell since last AJ!rll. '1 he said. "we have put In Uwusandl of hours studyJnt our nttd1 and tmnc to pro)tct for tho nHI live yeor1. f hope In the f\fuire tho Cbamlier of Gorrimerce will &et up a permanent committee to study school pttblema a• chambtn have doM in other com· munltlet. Wt have fine ttaehera now. but I am ,.ally afraid we wUI nol bl able to ketp them U we ctnnol pay &mpeUUvt salaries -and we won't be ablt to without aome override. "At an attorney I repr<sent a lol ol U~ tie old lldlea and I !mow Iha problem• they havt Uvln1 on a fixed Income, but I feel the board tiled to conalder this and I think ... ,,. enUUed to the 1upporl of Ult community.'' In his rebuttal l.orr said, "W• hove ltled t• tell It u It 11. With rt1ard to Ille readln1 scores, we ftnd IAruna 11 ohOld until third crade and then la on about the 1amt level u eome other dlltrlctl - Ne,wpor!. Tlulln and Oralll•· Lquna la unlqu In that motl of .,,,. chll""n come f1""11 middle Income homt1 and have many advanta1t1 clenlad to chlldran from . pevtrll'1area1. We should expect thtm to be em ltnt." Re reiterated Ns contention that ta:t· r.•)'trl should only he allied to provide 'the bet! tht1 can afford.• DAILY ,II.OT "•" """' 'Step Backward' Dr. RAymond Brandt, Onanre County coroner, sharply critic- ized Tue1day'1 'iur.prtae mov.e by the county Board qi Super- visors wblch wcil!Jd ,cornllme. coroner's office with sheriff's office next year wben Brandl'• current term .uplr11. S •·•· : .story, P••• U.. · ~ ' Schoolmen Eye Student Grading Innovation ·pzan Lasuna Beach educalora will view the Harrlton ·System of ~ucat,IOn with fn. terut, Owen Tait, uaiataot 1uperln· tendent of the dlslrlcl, told the school board Tutoday nlgl!t. , The innovation in educaUon 4'v1Joped by a fifth f"lde teacher In Rlveraldt County operates on 1 ehect and balance ay11tm with mylhleal money itlt In the bank determ1nlnf a student'• gradu. Tall d01crlbed Ult Jon. JO pr<HntaUon, aponaored by Iha Santa Ana Board of Education, u a "flat out 11111 pltcb for the Harri• method.", "I'm wllllnc to Uaten and follow up the pilot promm beinl\conducled.by ·Santa Alla sclloo!I," Tall laid; "btll ·i niull ad- mll I folt like I wu at a 111edlcllle •how." Baalcally, !ht meillOd'.f'OOllata of a plan wbereby point valuu *"-*"lined to . evoey ac:Uvtty In Iha cWaroom. Tait uld' Polntt· .,. 1tan11tled lnte .ymbi>Uc )folltn 1'!1fcil lf0 Into a otudtnl'• bank ac• mint. Al an example, U a student earns Ill polnta, hi would 1et flO In Illa account. On Iha debit lllde, polnla *"' deduclld from Iha.account. U a tludenl ha to 1fO to the J>atllroom, for lnllUce, he mUll ·terlell flO. Ube"°""' 1 jlendl. .. be must Pl1 to obtain tt from lhe lludenl holdlnc the pencll lendln1 lranchl•e. At the end o( the term, the 1tudent's srade will cfof>end en till ~ 1>11111<0. Tait labekd aome of Hltl'l11011'1 ·claims as "outlandish" and noted 'he would "view with Interest'' results of the Santa Ana procram wl\b re1ard lo claurocirn econtimy, phenom<nal galnt In ltarnlng which should "list forever," and whether the 1ystem creates a bias toward the American way of life 11 purported. · * * * Taxpayer Group Official Riles School Trustee Ed Lorr, now e City Council candidate l\'ho 1Ul1 b!U1 hlmttll as T1xpayua' As10cl1Uon president, Tuesday night clashed again with Lillln• Beach Uni.fled School Di strict trustees. This Ume, ht ralMd lht Ire of Tru1tH Norman Browne. Lorr appe1red before the board to crlUclze: tnlltees fbr not tendln1 a reprtHnt.iUve to a· Jan. 20 mt1Un1 In San~ Ana for a presentaUon of the l•ff1r- riaon System of Education." HI• attack came despite the fact ·the board had already heard a report on the so-called system from A s 1 I s t a n t Superintendent Owen Tilt. Tai\, had itl· tended the Jan. Ill -tlnf. Lorr llrmed the 1yalem ~·widely a<· cepttble" and chided Ule board for hel being vitally interested ln the best educa. tlon available. · ••Tht1 lttttr 11 drawtnc my Ire/• Browne aald. looklna 1t 1 copy of th• Fob. a teller. He qualloned the lu· payen' lnt1rt1t In the RlrTllon Sy1tem and took 11eeptlon to tM lnferenct th• board 11 not alto lnltrt11ed In the beat melhodt of educallon. "I would like lo , .. tho ttxpay111 aa:llOclaUon become a lt&lllm1te and ruptClad part ol ·the communlly," Superintendent Wllll•m Ullom stJUt:l\td. Ht noted In 11111 the INIJP wu com-· prlted or a live-man board and q- Uoned whether It lln:I DP6•1lnl new·on the bult of a nlnHnan hoard. 11Aa a mtmbtr I havt yet to be queried on any issue," Dr. Ullom Nld. '1t have never been albd to attend a m11Una u one ot their i&O mambtr1 which aeem1 a 1tr1111e way ot Npreae.n- taUon. "Thlnklnl should come !tom the lfTIIU roott," the educator declorad 1ddln111111 unantmoua dac!Jlon1 bav.. -mNe with "nol all 'nine (board) mombere present." -· "Perhaps 'the nine or us 1t this table could -take Over the oraanl&iUOn b)' sheer numbera,11 Browne 8U.81tsted. • -· . ~etU"y Ti;ial Near En~ 'LY,~MJOl&f Juror., A~qit .. Final .l~1tructiontJ \-i-~ pod C<tlee In the ~ clletorla. the drui• allegedly ,.;.., .in the famil,y!t · '"" . Mrs. Leary and . 1111; •tef>$Ol1 listened lilllon wap and on IJ\e deltlla of ""~• ·A tuaa lllnta Ana loiperior Court jury eartfull,y while Dr. Leary d•~••red what found in the c!o•hl·• ol lhe trio -7' ,,_ todljl for what wDI be lit ftna lo-appeared to to ht !Orne ~ In-"""' · • , 1tnlctlona while llwyua for Or. Timothy ·atructloos of his own over tile cOI!ee Dr. Lell'Y and his wife and ton did not i,esrf'and Illa lamlly hammered out With cups. take the stand to testify In their <rim JudflO Byron K. McMilltn and the pro. Enright .will ui the jury to find the defense. · ~·lhe form and aibotance ol 11*9 Leity1 guilty ol lho ~· illed agalnlt Entlchl NJil this morning lhtl . .he .did p ldlltoea. them foOowlng their · m.t in Laguna not plan 'iany elabor1te presentation" Jn 'fber "UI retire to the~ jury room· to lltech on )lecember 26, 111111. '!'hat arreat bis clOling wiuments. "I am meraly dellbnte alter thOle tame tbtte lawyen lad ,lq their· indlcVnenl by; the Orange going to reclW'l!!e fads and let lhla Jury and Qllef Deputy Di'111et Attorney OCiunly Grand Jury on charges of decWe lot ltaelf,• he said. J1m9 Enright oC!er lllllr closing ~ !I .~a '1ld LSD. . The veteran ·Jl!""Culor added~!'! d~ ar,._,lt In what ha1 been an tigilt-<lay 'I'll• 1-Wyt'· ltwyen offered ti!Ue have !he slightest doubt aboot wbat their trial of Dr. Leary, 50, his Wife itoeemary, defehse to Wstatned' ll r 0 s·'e c u t'l on verdict is go1n& to be and I think. It is 34, and John Bush Leary, 20. argument. ht whlch every 1>0Uce officer going to be a fast one." And while the jurors nervously waited involved in the arrest on Woodland Drive The Learys and their lawyers have nn In the jury room tliis morning, the three teStlfled at length ori the behavior of the comment to offer on' the format for wh<iJ delendan", all outwardly ccmpooad, 1lp-d.t.ndante,..,. the naturt and quantity of mutt be .Iha final hou" ol the triaL . Names of Irvine Students , In GE Protest Released The namea of •11111 preaent and former UC Irvine lllldlnlt aceuted ol dlarui>Un( General Electric Company recruitment interviews were rel~ today by the UC! 1tudent body sovonunent. · Five ~ the eJght are fematrs. The 'ac· cu.ed studenb art: ~an Dortey. junior aoclal actence major hem Newport Beach. Ana Doyle, junior American atudJes major from Balboa I11and (a former Cotta Mesa Zonia girl). Dluaa MIDer, junior dance major from Corona del Mar. lllM Newma. lre1hman Encllah ma· jor fRllTl Santa Ana. LNUe Llac:ola. araduate atudent from Fullerton. William . Wlllfleld, sradu1te ttudent Crom Fltptaff, Ariz. And fonner UCI ltudents Xn Cowan and Jae Plaldllloo. The students' names were taken Feb. 4 by Vice Ch-llor for Studenl Alfalra John Hoy and D<1n of 6tudenlt Rohtrt Lawrence. They n!d six other atudenta gave them falae names aud have not been identified. The list of names, subpoenaed from From Pag ... 1 CANDIDATES • • Laguna Beach resident aince 1"4 and mirkea Na home at um Baj• SL with hia wifet E,llle. arld \heir two dauahters, alf:d four and e.libt:. Papers nominauna Plannh11 Com· ml-er JOHph L. 'Tomehak tor the cumail Wini !Uad Mlindljl. Sllfi>trs ot Tom:cblk11 peUtlan, Which WU circulated by A. E. '1Pat" WorthfnPJn, were WIWam M. Wilcoxen, Dean J. Wettaaard, Mot1an CUlhberllon, Corl E. John!On Jr., Donna L. Demotrlades, Dr. Robert French, Alice B. Kin(, Geollrty w. Riker, Lou!• J. Zltolk and Worthlnlton. Papen fUed for lneumbent Vice Mayor Joaeph A. 0'6ulllvan """ signed by LllOjl B. Cllllda, Lloyd s.tlaet, Joteph R. Jahraue ll, Greete G. Hay, Nita Carmen, Ruth Oqood Salyer, A n I h o n y Demetr11d,., Jeste E. Riddle, Dr. Horman Browne and WJWam D. Mart.In. lncumbtnt Richard Ooldhtr1 tued papere' signed b~ the !le•· Gerald r.toschtl, Merrill Johnaon, H a r o 1 d Coward, w1n'1am H. Lambourne, Donald M. Wllllamaon, Wllll•m D. Mll'lln, Fern Randolph, Leroy B. Child•, Lila Zall Le- vieMe arid Thomu E. Johnaton. .. ' - eotm/1100 Tllll>!$ IAN!CAMSalCAaD MASTEa eHAa6E Hoy by the atudent .aovernment ls now in the hands of the 1tudent supreme court. Justices are Bruce Mills and Jim Heyne, with one vacancy. A. complaint is on rue from senior mathematics major William Clarke" or Laguna Beach. Th< complaint ii that he wu prevented from having a scheduled interview with G.E. rterulters who left campus art.er being droWned out by shouting student demomtrators. Student Body Secretary Claude Dorais sald lhe supreme court Justices ahould announce their plan of act.ion within the next couple of days . From Pagel CHICAGO 7. •• scnamed: "The JO of You {the eight odiinal defendants and their two lawyers) will be avenged. We'll dance on your erave, Julie. (th·e judgtj and on the grave of your pig empire." Chief Defense Attorney William M. Kunstler denounced Hoffman's order to clear the courtroom and deplored the verdict aa a "compromise," He aald Schultz's request l¥ll "lhe la1t crowning Indignity in a · lrial that has become a shame. At this time, no man should be alone." Of the verdict, he said, "1 wish It had been huna:. J feel this ta • compromiae verdict." At the moment the ·jury reached \ts decl1lon, the defense was demanding that tile panel be dlamltaed and ·' '!'ia)!Jal declared on groonda that the lury co'bld not reach a decision. But the jury dJd reach a verdict ana it was one which posslbl~ skirted the meat controvenlal element of the indlct1Mnt under which the "Chicago &ven" Wen! tried. Tli!s element is contained in the an· liriot amendment to the 19611 Civil Rights Act which make e It a crime lo conspire t.o cr081 state lines with intent to incite iiots. The law had never been testtd Jn court before. Some le1al experts had ques- tioned the con1tltuUonaUty of the concept of "con.,,iracy with intent" and predicted il could be overturned In an appeals court if the "seven" were convicted under it. But the jury's verdict appeared to erase th is prospect. The convlctiom are bound to be appealed, however, on other grounds, including Hoffman's conduct of the trial. To ltlc girl who knows'Nhat•he w1nts but not where llO flM II. Matc;h your 1tyl1 wfth our many dl1flnetl'" clotlp And •ale: us •bout our famoua o,,nac ''°"°"' au•ranttto IUl NiWl'O~T AVINUE COST ... MESA Fron• Page l NIXON .•• . ' -.. the North Vietnamese in Paris. The overwhelming majority of the war materiel that rtachfll North Vletn-.m comes froin the USSR, which thereby bears a heavy responsibility for the con• tinu~tion of th! war. This cannot help bu& cloud the rat of our relaUooahlp with the Soviet Union." · The President thought Russia could best serve its own interests and those of tl}e wgrld by ' joining the United Stalea ·111 reducing globally destructive nucJW weapons and sto,p trylna: to dictate the fate of other countries. "I believe the time hu puled in whlch powerful nations can or shouJd dictate the future to leas l)Owel'ful naUons," Ntxo,n said . He said this did not mean his ad· mlnlatrailon was leadlna: America toward Jsolation. The Prt1ident several tlmt1 emphulzed his lnttnUon to maintain all current U.S. treaty commitments. Nixon polnted out, however, that with lntematJonal Communlit unity lhatte{td and tbe West no lona:er fa<:lnc '!1 monolithic Communlat world," conUnul:nf the cold war makes no sense. He allO noted the United States no tOnger hat either a monopoly or overwhelmlria superiority of nuclear weapons. "The poctwar period in inte:rnaUonil relations has ended," he said. "No nation need be our permanent enemy.'' he 11ld in commlttlna: U.S. lft.. ternatlonal energlea henceforth t.o buildln1 a lastJng peace baaed on "partnerahip ... otrtnglh ... (and) a wlD· ingneaa to negotiate." :- Nixon extended his "new stratety for peace" to Communist China along with the rest of the •tvrlo. He said Jt would be to no one's advantage to try to exploit the clash between China and .the Soviet Union. '"I'he Chlnt!e are A grut and vital peo. pie who should not nmain isolated [rom the international community/' he said. He doubted Iha ulaxatlon ol U.S.~ toward China wo~ld have much fmpKt on that: country's ideology or behavior fn the near future . But he said "It Is cer- tainly in our intere:st. and in the interl!ft of pea_ce and stability in Asia and the world, that we take what step1 we c.an toward Improved practical relations with Peklng." Althou&h he said America had no in· t~nlion or "withdrawing from the world," the Pru.Jdent 1tre11ed the nttd for "a more responsible partlclp1tlon by OQr foreign friends in thelr own defense and progfes1." · .He applied this theory or tncreaalni sclf·help to Europe, aa will as Alli , sayln(f the United Stites no longer should feel ''condemned to 1 recurring cycll or crtals anJ war in a changlna: 1ettlnl beyond the understanding or Influence on outside.rs." .... Z• YfA~S SAM( LOCATION l'HON~ J41.J401 I • I I . I • DAIL V •JLOf ~' ~ Cubs havol'\'ed 41st MUlwin l,e rs i:o~~r ' . Skippers A•nfr~~~~~,-Cnp 'eve~ Grows· ( . .. "Ficker on lntrepUl ;-Gr etel II Poses Clialler,ig e >I• Set on Weekend .di In Race ~ertca's Cup -fever is Uie new U-meter• now under and S. W. Wakeman. mounUna from Au1tral11 lo coftstntctSOn at Robt-rt Also signed 00 are H1ns tht East .Coa1to! the U.S. ~ Dtteclr.tor's yard at Mafnaro-ts brand t•s'e n ~ Sc o It + .. Two young collegiate sail-.. First and toreroost ls Ute neck; N.Y. · McCullougb, John. ,Romqna !Vt_:· boat skippers and crcWs will news ~that BUI Ficker of h1 addjtioq tp' McCUll~uah and Carl Van:DUyne. l t!.i'be 4lst •Mual Midwinter starUng Fl'Jday are Ocean be recelvln& Ute majolt' atten· . Newport Btacb has been a'(ld Synd!Cate r ~I n.11 e r· "According ~ McCullough, Reptta, sponsored by the Ractn1, A, B, · C. and D, lio h .-. Co -·•-1 selected Ill the helmsman for Ceorge R. If Inman, there are the new boatl wlU have the op- .tSou'them c;:allfomia YachUng CoZumbia'-50, Cal.-41. Cal-32, Cun w : ~io; ln ngr~Ml\Jna lnlrepid, the Olin Stephens nine veterans of the: 19"7' Cup port.unity to twit up in com - oA&sociatton, will completely K~' KCol-43, Kbl-41~.K-tOCal, ~~· uJe:r1~ay r~ir ~te~~b .<lesi1ned U.meter wbk:h sue-defense campaign -John pany with Pat Dou I an' s ~ ._, um a-, -·J. u--y h Cl b M h • cegafuJly defmd.ed the Cup ill Brownin1, R,obert A. Connell, Columbia 'from .Newport 3 pmlnat~ the .yachting sceoe 36, Ca'l.34, Rhodea-33 ; Sh1e1ds ac 1 u arc l!l-22. 1967. David Elwell Jr .. George R. Beach. Dotfil:an will 1hip the , .m San Diego to Santa and Cal.:30. Argyle Carn,pbell, t96U9 Aimost aimultaoeously with · HlnmlfiJf,. David Rockefeller boat i& lht'4:ast co81t in time arbara thlt weekend. First raceJ start at 11 a.m. AU-American collegiate uUor ·=y' be#=.~gchere'e~ the DAILY Pu.pT's lnterview Jr .. 'ilct'1' Romasna. West for the pr~llminary trials at .:!~ action will take place each day. from Balboa Yacht Club and with Ficker regarding his SaltonatalL Wallace Tobin Ill Stamford, Gann. in June1 tly in -the irreater Lo& The Midwinters was. found-USC becll[n,e th~ 1tt<1nd,y'oung YacJ;>t. · Club; Thomas K • pl•"• f-, c'am~g Int-· t.. • .• • ... Hinman re~· the wn. 21• skipper to ' quallly last Y.isber,YachlRaci.QgUnionor ...... -'" .. ....,... -t:: lea-Long Beach Harbor ed ln 1927 by tht LOii Aii1eles he G Hood pld, came_' the ne. · om Aus-• dicate has commitment• for M but a po~'on of ••· Junior Chamber of Commer"""' weekend W'hen he defeated t reat Laka: Ted , ·~ S<ri s . ..... WC .... veteran Lowell North from New York Yacht c Iµ b ; tralia that the./ aci r Syndi-9 r -ta t1ons percent-of its budget from the ilfint reptta#lilS ~n spread to "de\'elop • S o-u rb e r"ll · . · . . 'Vllliam J. lbs, New Orleans c.ate or Sydney hai laun?ted following syndl-cate 11)8Ribers: to S1nta MOnica Be;y CW the Calitomia as a winter sports s~ Dieio in a Ugbt JJve--race the new Gretel 11 which will U d G d Perry R. Bass, Ft. Worth, f I tlm lhl "'·· .. The I I t ,_ series off Newport. Yacht Club ; Patrlc;k W . e , · UBI• ll'S e s year. par!'WIK"· . rs rac-The other youni!ste.r is Buzz O'Neal, wchmont (N.Y.) compete in an ellmJnation ser-P 1• . Tex.; F. Greg Bemis, Boston, Nine yacht clubs will be In-were ~taged by tbe old 'Boettcher of California Ya.cllt Yacht Club: Ches Rickard. ieS wfth a new French yaclll ' ' ~!ass.: Thomas· W. Boynton. volved Jn•t tbe .. ~travag~ ~~w )'aclrt·Qlub and the Club who wUI have a crew of Royal vancouv.er Yacht CJLlb ; ror the right to challenge for SA,N FRANCISCO (AP) -New Canal.n, Conn.;· Hugh Including tne Htun tin Ito n only·clm W'ts\he'll-Boat. . Santa Monica Bay Finn sailors R.~. ••Ted" Turner, Atlanta the "auld mug". All ntne San Fra'llCISCO poUce CUilman. ~ew York, N.Y.: 1'1rJ. Leroy Frantz J r . , Riverside. CoM.; Frank E. Harden. Camden. N . Y , ; Stanle'y Llvj11:1•t.on , Providence, 11-f.:-·W. Ray Manny, New )'o.rk; Robert W., McCullough, ruveralde. CoM.: R. C. McCur<jy, Pplen, Conn.: Herbert-0. Merrick. Lloyd'• Neck, N.Y.; ·It J. Schaefer, New yorJi;; J•n:ies R. Shepley, New York; ~c}l,ae Sykes, New York; Giibert Vemey, BeMlngton, N'.H.; Lee Wilson, Rocky River, Ohkl; and Harry J . Zieman, Mllwauk;ee, Wisc. Launching or the new 12- meter is JChedulfd ror mid· April. McCullough , and Hin-- man have rl nallze d u. rangements for the July ind AIJIU.Sl selection trials , al Ne.wpqrt, R.l. The boat will.be berthed at Newport Shipyard and the crew will, be quartered in a large house on Gl~bs Harbour Yacht Club in Orangt . The re~atta has been .....:. most or whom are also col-(Ga.) Yacht Club; Cy OUiette . Comes now the news from stations were under guard ti>-Briggs Cunniogham,' Newport County. Ot.het clubs are Los cancelled only once because of legla°'. Hawaii Yacht Racing A!socia· New York that Robert W. day as investigators probtd Beach, Calif.; Reynolds du; Angeles. Yacht Club, Alamitos weather. In 1935 all three With the qualification of lion. Thomas E. Hazelhurst of McCullouih. head of the 12/US "the mysterious Park. Station Poot, Wilmington, 'Del.; Davld Bay Yacht Club, Cabrll)o racea ,were' cancelled, and ln Campbell, the roster of 10 .East Greenwich Yacht Club i:i 24 Syndicate, has selected the bombing which wourlded seven . Elwell Sr., Pelhllm, N·.Y.; T. Beacb · Yacht Club, Long 1968 only th~ Sunday races skippers wu complete. The tbe nr'st al~rnate. roster of men wbo will man officers;one.criUcally. · ... K. Fisher, ~troit. Mich.: , Beach Yacht Club, Seal Beach ~ere can~elle~. 'lbe rtgattasl_:·~i· iiiiii~~· ~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--;····~·-··;;;;;;;;~ Avenue. Yacht Club, Little Ships Fleet have been he)d every/ear eX·j " of Long Beach, .King Harbor cept during the Worl War II '< cbt . Club •nd California years 194.1-lHS. • ht,Club. The regatta has grown.In re- Jlhough Pie regatta lasts cent years .to the point. lbat . 1~ e days, Lo(Angeleo Yatjlt 1,000 iiaUOO.J'.s show ~P O\l, l~e · J ~Jub will ~ thf: only club t\a,t ' Starting lineJ. 1"1e evenl abo anclles racipg .on Friday 1 p~ . re a.tu res predlc.Md loC racing ding one race each day for for powerboats. ~ome IO larilil '1>oat <lasaes. With the •pi;eadlng of ,the l'f'be ottt=" clubs.have 1chedull regatta to ;Saot\ Monica , BaY. ~ two racu on Saturday and' this year It.ta predicted. tha' [eon~· as many O ·~,'100 boats mlf era ... , n cing al LA YC partlctpat~ " ' ~.,,,.,. . . ·' Really Toll;gh·. Sail.Or · Battli!t Aitss~ ' . ' . I I ~Jltoaer. Welsl:I of Yoy1gers nd Newpoit l!arbor Yacht lub is accu&tomed to com- UtiOJI. in the hia:hly com-tlti~ ·intemational-1! Clats. • he fact :that ;rte is uP. to this ~mpeUUoo ·ii tvident . in the ifact that he is the current ~acifi~ Coast aod . mallonal hampion h1 the claS5. , But Welsh's affinity for high i r formance SailbOat.s ol:eotli led him into ~ wild ~usfi'a'llah-18 dinghY in which e. found that competition and 1 physical act of sailing was trlfle more demanding. 1'><!1< ,_.,ya 111! really lb," was Welsh's awed · nt on· his ·return to 1'ue84ay •frtim the' -1! world championships <¥JI. Auatralla. S a newcomer to the class nd the fir5t American to ever pete in the 18-footers, tlsh came out of the work! hamploruship down under in a e~t.able fourth place. He 1ii1ahed second in the final ace on Sunday, and might a•e come off better in the erall 1Landings except for a izing in Saturday's race. Welsh 1nd rus Newport crew Bob Rollins, Andy Gram Jr. John Slattebo sailed the Tr1ve~1e USA-all Auaeit· . ' ~' • • • f tas,have comroerci1\ ;name~ ind ~are c o·m m eir c.i a l l y sponsore~ -.~ vt~t: amona the 13 star\trs In tM world championship. In addition to the U.S. crew; the conte3t.ant.s, included four boats pen from Queensland, New Ztaland 1nd New South Wale: 1 tdney). , "S · dowti there is out ol this world /' said Welsh. "R was blowing a good 20 knots on Saturday srjd were almost equally as good thr~bout the , regatta." , II was during tbe breezy • "i Saturday race that Welsh and his crew l\lPk • d~I. w}\en the boat lljipslzed While the ere~ ttre,irylng t0 dOUM the voluminous •R'f n nat e r . Because . of i!Ml:r tre:mendous sa1r aria 'c'il.psittJlf-·b' not : · IMUIUal for the Australian-Its. The trew of four o!ten have to take to the traPezes to keep the boats upright in 1 breeze. The wlMer of the world championship was H u I h Trehome of New South Wales in the boat Thomas Cameron. Second was Willy Ii, skJppered by Rod Zemooilek and third was ·Corrigan's Express, with Vic Robinson. All first three boats were from New South \Ylleis. Federal Boat License ~· ,. ,. . . Gets Panel Opposition The Motorboat and Yacht Advlaory Panel of the U.S. Coast Guard and the AdviJory Panel of State 0£ficial1, met· i~ Wuhlnatoi1 recently ahd pan:' on to the Coast Guard a ries of recommendatlont nctming the propose d ederal Boal Safety Act ($. Jack Baillie Win s Race In Newsbo y .Baillie's Newsboy was ttl! Cius A winner In Los Angeles.:Vacht Club's Opening Day Regatta last .weekend. Baillie safled onder the burpe of LA YC but ls also a member .11nd rear commodore o r Balboa Yacht Clu'b. Ftnal results of the regalia~ OVERALL -(I) El Tlgre. B. Petenon. Cabrillo. Beach YC: (2) Adelante, Jim Marlin, l~AYC : (3) Savita r . L. Powell. CDYC. CLASS A -(I) Newsboy : (2) JubilaUon, Harry Steward, LAYC; (S) Westward, Willard Bell, L/-. YC. SS B -Ill Sum- lnd, Richard M e J n e • ';Ill Persephone . t attmlh; LAYC: (I) · 11~r. syw.,n '. • . ~YC. * • C -(I) &olllal..,, ~·L.A~J!l lfltlm-,rf,illilcti R , t,4YC, f'il'\llS. .Y<'rfaht#< WJmlll, -. . . .. CLASS 0 -111 El Tlgre: (I) Adolanle: 13) Savltar. 3199), one of whicb was con- Hrmation of the Cotst Guard's poelUon opposlns ~pulaory federal bo8.t operatof Uceris.. in~. , . The joint session wM brief- ed on the i>n>P.OS'd ··act by Rt1r1'' Adin. ~~eph J . McClelland, chief of the Office of Boating Safety prior to sub- pl'tlel meeti.neson apecillc pro- vislom of the ptndin& safety bill. The four sub-pane.ls discuss- ed composition, or1antuUo'n, and procedures of the Boating Safety Ad visory C o u n c I l, which would act as consultani! to the commandant of the Cout Guard on boaUnJ safety nlatttri; pflnciples and p~ ceduru to implement the boat an d a.ssoclated equipment lllndal:& pro11Tam ; proce-_., coonllnate a natlorull ~tltlg safety education pri>-,,..m. and re.Yiew of:the Coast ..C-" posl~on -on I-al motorboat operator lictnsin1. Recommendations of the sub-paMls were as follows : ConllnnaUon of the Cout Guard position that U!e lede~I - govunme.nt should not at thls lime set up a compuJaory llcentlng program. · · Memberahlp on the }oallna Safety Advilory C Ou n C 11 should be drawn from th4I Advisory Panel ot Stale Of. nc111&,and the, M~I ud •· :t->Advl9iiry Panel. 1•· . Oonlln*· _, ll[ipon "' ' .: the.-&11 Boot Md YIOlll . ~--the,,,.~~ : . ~ :r= t'1rolloo! 1n -.,, education prorrlm r. to reach m<n peoplti with boM handl11l4 and stlety coor3's. OPEN DAILY 10 AM TO 10 PM llSLONE 18,,QUAIT ,,. • 43-tf~ -. r FISl IAMP IATTEIY CHAHEI .3•• J\ C!l'P' J1011 r Mt t f!l1' hi t o p eofl lfi · t iftn fnr quick 1t1rn. ,f,utom1t1e ·ri1 nrit bt'rJO k"°wf1h Joni COl'd. ~O·:IJ G~ .. ,/ -·· ·~~. . I SUN. 10 TO 7 :rz•:s CUSTOM 240 • ...,,..y N1'LON COQ wns • ITANDUD TllAD DlllGN • DIPBmAILI ·ICONOMY T•I ,,,, '-''"' .......,.,~ riuo 1.n ~ ~ 'teR ~· ui:u 1.11-11 - 1.11-11 U.11 . GOOD - 10,000 MIU GUAIANnr' arm• 20,000 MIU GUAIANTU llST 40,000 MILE GUAIANTU Ht-:RE'S '\"H:4.T Wf. DO: =· .... 1o:n 15.GO llll 11• • R l'hnt 'It four .,..h eP.1~ wit h""' lininr~ • • '[r1111111d n1•pe1·! br11kt rlrum~ • I 11~pect rn11rt h)'dn1u li\: •}'~1 rtn ~ l 11>prcL front •·hreJ 1reilff rt \1111•t r\ ......... P.TAJ. .. .. 1.11 J :':: . 2.ll • J 01pect br1kt 1hot rrl0t" 11>rintl , • .f,r!.ju•t ln 1k• on .11\ f°'~' wkHJr. hlftd brakt. ~.ii 'll'iltl•!~t • l 'i1111I ~oad fl!!it LUBE-OIL SPECIAL I .88 -' lJleJode•: Four qu&rtl of oil. 20 l ».v plu• lubrla11tlon, Pick 2 front bt11ini• m011l cart--411it tPt diaa bra kt~ -If Al'f'OfNftllNf ONLf-~ • " EXPIRES SUN. Fii. 22, '70 ---'1lkl ILfJll u.c;M . tACll . ._. Wfll'hWALLI t •. 4-ftY 'ijnON-.,. •TUtaw ... ... ,_ . LO ~ ...... --... >-M .. .-... .. SK BATTERIES ,,,c cv .... ··12• ,, ... ., .......... . ,, ........ ., ... """" IITTER "' ........... :} I 11141 ' ,,.,,... .... _ ....... ._AIA"1• 7 ' BUT • l·TIACK STEIEO TAPE PLAYER 42·•• ................... F:11citinr ntw ft-1111ck pl~ for •II l -i ... ,,,, ffhif ln. rif'livffS • hlr l ·w•ll• nr m111iie ,.,....,... t'ully 1utom11 ie J>l'011•mm1,.. •1"i ch.1,.ael ch•~· &-.. t;\tfl. Clll l'I ' • , • • • DAILY PILOT • Wed11ttdQ, Frbrtllry 18, 1970 L' Interest Cr.edit Ctfrlail~d I itt -I _.,....., 1 •••~ .•1 ~ .1 \•· ._,.,..J,,~ ...... By ni.V)A PotlTER yout lntom<. · , i .. c ··=: :"'...:a. 1• )'OU blVt bOrrowed I , ;• J.:..w.r1ng Tre.,.17 , amall I~ ""'J' •_ flnane< niU.W lilit aUOI~ a wb baslS company,. the. TrUlur1 , Is -r..to deduct illlt(ell ln ina1lnc it tougbtt !or you to rthe:-~e1r in whlclt bC pt1c1 Jt .dtdutt yolir tnteresl evt21, 'tbough the inte~st _ payments., Noi:mally . if yoor wUD't due. Thus. you could • fl.nM>oe chalJ~.\11 peretnt a reduCe • your h)con)e for a • month. you1 would asaurot that parUcular year by J?rep1J.y108, your~ item.iu¥1 i~&eresl ~uc-. say several years of f~rnt tlon is ,~pe~ a o¥mth.,But on ;our moriiage ortpenonal • tho: ~•51:'J'Y' 1..aSt year, came foat\ lhd ck<llJ<\ilng Iha Jµll ' U~'l!th lJu! l)<W req\ririipent: amount 1mmediate.ty.. . · • a blmower can <i4l~C1 only )\, lat• 1961 :the ~asury that, portion, o! h~ l•nll'Ce' Ttvo\ed . Ws. Nllng. Pi'tp.ay.: ~&fl:; whi~ .represents .ihe • men{ or interest cqve~ a pure f' { !nterest charge and period of more than J2 m<>Dths-' ~t-,ded6ct. that ~n befOnd tbe t.axabl~ year ·l.s , wbicb ~ven the lendt~ I cost NQ'rdedu~lble' in fu\J ln 'the · of.ma\jog azid-p~inl the year it 1:1 paid. 1oa.D.i ' fot the milliom of you. whO And :thr .treasury• lea\les It are ,.-catendar· year t~~ers. up µ, ?OU, th~. borrower, lo lh~~m;w rWe !lPPlia.U You ~.e..te~ .~w1 m~~ 0 t ~e paid mttrest io, )969 for some , finance i,Chacie, ls pure in· peri9'f btyond 1970. In 'Qilil ' !e"!•L , . . cue/ You can deduct lo ·each µ;y~~and I.be ~ PHO-yur only U1e amount of m.. pany,.~' at arm ~ length in te~ which yoa paid foY that ~:"'~act on~ ipuctt year. But tomorrow's column · . is•· • pure • interest, t be hu Pel news:, an i,mp>rtant '. T~ Jenerally !'Ill -l «eeption to this ·new rule that. IM' 11 .•amed· that ld!h-co~m all .cl 100 wbo1 havf' . tif~!:Dg ~e tG1J ~ance charge paid' :'P.Oint&' · to gtt a . as lpi.q~.1CBI uot JI~ if~ mortgage' 10._n. .. · '" facli stiow . th~l pa,rt ;ti( the ~VEN If yqu prepaid 1n· chprge aptuall~ w a s: at· le...;\ !or a shorter period. , trlbptal>le to !"'Yl~ P.<rl•1'll-~oo ·1~ mt ni ·c et•a.ri 1 y e<f.m ~00".lrlt/J Y.°'ilf ac· pe.nnitted to dedud it in the count. AJ a prt~Cal matter. year you pay it. Under the t.hat leaves you m a quandary new Treasury ru1'7 'an it , ~ . to ~w . ~-~, ':!f cap prepayment !or ~"-* ,~81~eilrct., . -i < period will be examiiled on a WAT TO 'htl'f" A lr~i y aut· ~Y,-c;ase basis to see ~aY. be t.o claim , ~ f~ll w~r it .'' m 1teria1'1 y finance cbarg1 Q ~rtSt ~"your income. Fer·i.D-with the clear knowkdge:tha1 ata'nct. jf !)'OU . prepaid ·your , yap rnfjy baVe to fiCht 'an. ei:·· fi~ qiiorter~l'll> mdrtl!al< m-, ~ ~t ,'!'ho challeog,. . m,;e.t ln ~r 1919 and . )'OUI' ded!Jciion. . · · d.nct. ·that dh you{ 196t A~JIO!e: U a savings return, an l!xamining agent , aql k8 u8odaUon cbarge1 could compe.I You to i*Jt oU you. m .exti:a ptemiutn. ~Y Y.r the dedUctloo qntil y00..·ffle ~nt ,per.Ylllllr, ftr giving ~r. 1970 return if ht con·:. yob a loan, the..Trea!ury "says • ' <!~cits )hat the ~repa)'lllent. Jn t!1JB b , dectudible lnferest, In -I Ut "miterially il&torts" · th(s pa~Ja~ cee, . lh e • · charge "'" Ip addition tb ~ • ! HAD INOU:g ltlited irfterfst and -.,:as 1also 00 • 1 A.. '" 1 top of · a separate Ch&lge rbr fw • M..._.. seryice~ 'l11e f;.(ct that this e1: ACCOUNT7 ' tra cbar~e Is I • tie Jed U..... I <=•.,~•· "Pmnium' · ; by the lender 1711 ••rt CHM H 1r d 'I b th •-~ ._.., ca11t. ~n ar. you1 e.uurrower, ' 11•me Crom deducting jt as interest. ~ FIN:4J.. point on Put .the 'Ax" in "TA.x,Es ' with Sylv¥J Por.teT!s ;Ne~· Book. . -. ' ' ' MAIL THIS HANDY ORflElt-)i:OfiM TODAY' Only. $1 .25 11"''6c.1or . · a , ' /1111dllng,a11tl pos/1g1 . ' ·~···--------.·--·-~----·-·· I ....... •-Tai~ .. -, · I I ·.,_Nlll•llJC.11 . . ~--.-~· I I,__ '· .,.._.,_,,.... I • •1.lrl1 1\'ceiili.. .1t~Plrtlrf•W.." I I , . . , . ! , ; .• • I ...,_. k $1.lO C$U5 .... !st fw Jllllllll ..r.lllldtltC! lo"llli I 11 ' _,,of SJIN1oo11r'a:ill0 t...ioo Ta Goldi.,._ .. w 'to "' I -, , I I , ~~ ~. ,. I • .... I ··-· I I ' I I CitJ I I 11111 ""k I I ... I I I HH·1J . . • I L ............... 111!" •. ~ ....... J ~ ' :oott1ed :W3ter · .is ~~~ primitive ·~: . : t ' ' • • .. ~ . •It, 1an age o( automalic ice: n1;tkers and ~lf<J~ning ovens, your bo1tted woHtt systcm is abo.ut ;as inod&n as an· ice box. Betides takl.ng up •aluable kitchen space, bottlt'd '1\1.ittr d is· Pt.,~n •Te unattroacti ve. unt conOm.itil and req1.1irc ,r· ; .:. . f1T11uen\ rt!ll!f!ig -----· ·, There ls a mUch bdtrrway.,. The Undsay Compiny his qeffloped ,. .unique .self-<onh>i'ntd wattt purification system ilhat is installtd ollt of :!.ight beneath .your l:.itche:n sink. It utilizrt the protts~ al teY\"t'SC osmosis lo r'1nOYC ~ Of the 1mpuritin from your fq welcr and provides a cOntinuous t \IPplyqf purr, f...&drio\ins wat<Y for aboutl/5 tbuost of b.it~ed -"'· Th<re b 'M imtallation charge -all 70!1 poy is S6.50 pu rnonlh for the ust'of lhis'modem. r J>11rifi<Jltl<111 '''""'· For full dt1an,, <>11 'or UNOSAY wnte The !llndo<ay Company, 4(11 , f. ~•th SL, ~ COiii M,... Calif, 9267.7 1714) 6«.U!Ol. ~ Inflation Top News In Busines s For Oxygen Monitor A Pulman Food Award has been presented lo Beckman lnslrurnen ts, Inc., Fullerton, ff'lr the development of ils Model 715 Process Orygcn Monitor, an ins trument used for measuring oxygen in beer. cooking oil, and other food products. In presenting the award, Putman Publitlng Co., sponsor of the competlUon, told G. Howard Teeter, Beckman vice prtsidenl, operaUom, t b a t Beckman ls the only company to receive awards from P.ul· man wtth consistent regular!· ly. ' The wlnnlng instrument was developed by a t e 1 m at Beckman headed by Ken Sawi, chemical analysis sec· restitch and development. • Se1nina r Set A jolnt aeminar on "Value Eqgineerlng In • ManufaC. lll(lnfi" by .the Orange CounlY •cba,pters or Lhc Society or Ma.nufacturin& Engineers and the Society ol American Value Eaglneen will be held Tues- day ~enlft.&, Feb. 2C, at the Old Betcturn Rutao.rant, 1126 N. Anaheim Blvd., Ana.helm, atarUng at 6 p.m. Five p.:1pers pre1Ci1lcd. City C1·edit Union Open l I ll r '" •• , t . ' .. • • L -DAILY,~T U ' . • ' I ' I .. I ' I' • DAll.V PILOT ' I TUMILIWEIDS ATl'ENTIONr tmll11NG-9~K !IOFFS!...Wll'.l CANTE:l.l. ME"THE ~WAY.TO STRING-9EAPS? I TELEVISIO)'V vmws TV Recalls Kennedys By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -This is lhe eighth year I've been reviewing television, and if an~ne asked me to name the two most memorable video events in that lime, I would have lo say they both involved !be Kennedy family. The single most overriding happening, to me, \VBS the late President Kennedy's brief television talk to the nation in which he said we were going to face down Russia in the Cuban missile crisis. Though there have been more overtly dramatic and tragic video events concerning individuals, there \vas notning to compare with tfie chilling reality of Kennedy1s speech, for be was saying that we might have to go lo war. And that meant nuclear war. NOTHING COULD compare with the impact o! that video speech because it affected every man , \voman and child in the nation. and perhaps the worJd. There have been assassinations reported on television, but at no other time was there the threat that oil Americans might be facing the possibility of death. The speech hit home 1ike a sledgehammer. I re- member that ln the apartment building in which I then lived, people rushed out to the market lo buy supplies and at.ore them in a basement apartment, harboring the absurdly naive belief that if nuclear bombs came, it mi~ht be possible to be safe -or at least survive -w a low.Jevel shelter. The build· , ing was made of stucco and wood. Some chance. THE OTHER television memory that sticks most in my mind was that horrible California night in which Robert Kennedy was shot fatally in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles moments after his speech marking victory in the slate presidential primary. In all of video's history, there never has been more purely dramatic and monumentally tragic footage. For what was happening was seen live. And even in the assassination of President Ken-- nedy, we only saw what happened after the actual event, until later reruns. I have seen the Robert Kennedy shooting fool· age several times in 'its entirety -the screaming faces, the wailing of adults and youngsters. the aw· fut breakdown or humaniJ;y -and I almost cannot be.a~ it._ It is like seeing a Breughel painting come t~ l~e in a modern hell . And that is why I really d1dn t want to 'vatch the 00.minute documentary ' 1The Journey of Robert F. KeMedy" on ABC·TV Tuesday night. The ending would have to show that footage. · IT DID, or course, and Jt was unbearable again hut something that one should always remember'. The program itself wa.s a tribute more than tough journallstn, but !bat's all right. It stuck to !ls pur- po.se arid succeeded. There was nothing espec1allv new or fr~hly illuminatin8. but a tale retold well for posterity -a tort of visual summing up or the man. And that fs a reasonable project. Den1ais the Menace l ·'lllY Gar IQOS ! l CAN see '11#1 ~s ! • ' ly TOlll K. Ryan PERKINS I JUDGE PARKER STEVE ROPER · -:>': 'WE M.ADE OUR DE.AL nL EXPLAIN TWIT WITH 7ME DOLL. LATE~, lroiOMAo! MISTER/-HOW COME YOU PAY US? I Mun AND JEFF GORDO 1 I • TH& Ti10UeLE1 IS, THE SOl'S DOl<'T REGAR.!> ~ A~ FEMININE. UNnc TMIY 00, WE'RE STUO< Will' Or<E "ANOTHER.. -1 • S~LL Y IANAN~S , By John Miies By Harold Le DOllll WI LL Q COME ev THE MOllSf, ru CA.LI. A.GAIN REAL SOON?' t Q.N'r MEl.P ¥Otl TO· air FEet. rr WOtllO HELP o.rL. TO MOIZJOW, SEE '«JI.~ A.NO Y0a PONT ~ CA.lr.\ILLE! MOW WONPEm!L rT tS FOR ME 10 MA.VE A FRIEND! By Saunders and_ OverlJClrd Y' GOOD! NOW, SE~ I TELL 'lt'llJ r r:' WKAnL KAPPEN 1tl 'lOIJ If EITHER • OF '.OJ EVE!l Of'£NS MIS MEllE·s YN> A80UT1HlS JOS... SOMETHING TO REMEMSErl ROC.ltO ROSS BY, 1Uf-·-~ WISE GUY.I o. K. NOW CET DROP '-= -n-IOSE PIU.S IN 1 DO, TOO. °™IS BIJCKET AND SQrlJ( 114AT FOOT! By Mell WEDNESDAY fUltUAlt'f 11 - ·-............ bp •""!!'· "°" ani. 111• ~ '" • GEORGE SEGAL~NNIE' * STEVENS 9,30 PM IITTY "' m a.w ,..., .. <Cl (IQ) •. ·1 Ill Tiii "' ,..., CCI !IOI .,. l!J-(30) " .... B 1ff ... ('C) (ea)...,,., Dulrplty, ~-ll•c•••• (30) D Ill•--lCJ ~O) • • 0 """ I-!Cl (Ill 1") ~OO ·' a "'"' .,, Bihl""" "''"' ot 8 MO~SANTO NIGHT prtc, a.ttlmor1. T•P«I 11m1. * sentl the excltlnc .fi D "THE VICTORS"-Parl I * GEORGE HAMILTON! D Ill O'C1od: MM: "JM Yk- tm" P1rt I (dtlll'll) '63-GIOl'll HamUton. Geor11 P99p1rd, Vincent Edward&, Albert finM)', 01 W1ll1ch, .1Nnn1 MOf'llu, El):• Sommtr. A Wjllld of Arnlrlun lnf•nlJJ 111111 111 World W1r II flitit thtlr Wllf throqh lt1lr 11111 Frtnc1 1M find loY• 1lon1 tht way. C'.o!dullDn thoWfl lomom1111 at 6 PM. 0 Did ..... Drllt (30) m"" "-!Cl (30) m ... '"' !Cl <EO> . w rn ... ·-!Cl 130) m--(11) m Wlllt'1 lhW1' (30) A rounr M•· it1t1 boy •rdltl tor ~i• p111 roet. P111d!o VIiii, wflldl w11 told bJ mlst1kl. 13 (I) ... -(C) (30) .,,_ ·-(30) G ... (C) (ea) .lid WtlltL 1:15 fl lm*t ...... (60) (R) ,,,. ......... -!Cl (30) !L'J ..... "' """ !Cl (30) m1LMLM l30l ............. tci (IOI lil ... _,._, ... (30) @())-CCI m .... , 1,., 9 (I) Trltll • C..-.-. (C) m ••""'"' (C). (30) • Cll n.t •• (C) (30) LiODll"mm "" -" Wie...,. r.u. (C) (30) "A rm. Pound Mol'lklf 011 till Stom..:h." Ecldlt'1 •• of rllfl0t111bfltty ketpt Hom!1A TlrU.tl' Ofl I dllt llt llMdS but doltn1 r11lly wtflt. m Te Tll till Trwlt (C) (30') , m-..... • .... cR> m"" ,..,,. ... clOl (II) &I on ua. (90) 1:15. Of! .. ti llll ~ (IO) (IQ Anne hncroft Sptelll Wtth auost stars too. ·c • 121 (I) ll'fllMI A"1l1, t·~ ........ Ji till I tf I MM (Cl • (60) Annt B1ncroft wltl ICt. d0'#1\/ sln1 tnd d1ra on Pttf IPICl1I, "'-vNllnt: flCfll af htf talent .... , from Afllllfrt dt1matlc •diftC. .,.. Pt•rlrfl' •Ith llM' wlll lit ....: lei 1 Cobb, Robtrt M.mll, ~ M11rtty, Dtvid Sualilld, )let C.• JldJ, Diet S11m1. .lolnt McCJver ""' Die* Stnottlm • , D KRAFT MUSIC HAU * Petul1 Cl1rk Anthony Nowley OIBCJJ ll!lnftM'*IWl cCl (60)-PdWTa Cl11~ II hottm. M~ thOny H"""1 •n4 Loa ~·--· 0--ICJ !!<It-"mi~.f ~.::--.= ind ..!wry Lii llll'll 111•st. !l!J_ ..... _ _,, m"' • ""'"' cEO> ,., . , t:15 fl) K1w To M1rfJ a MllllHl!n 130) l:lO IJ JIM (C) (30) B1llw Wri .. m 1111 w ..... (C) (30) ~ ·: , 1:00 II aw.: "'lfltti tt.r (dr11111) '~.Jolllll Dlrft. DllM !lmlt. OD-!Cl m Al-fiPPt 9'lr. "'A ¥i1B: 111 rtie Sufi," ''Thi Dvmmy Tilt._.• "Tho HNrt (If tllt M.ltttl'." ID AEtW 11MttTI: "Mluloll "' 111., ...... 1111) '4t-J1mt1 Ml:tllfl, All11 Ttdt 12:1t9"Till c.. -... -(...,._,) '31 G10111 lrtnt, 111 ... DAmME MOVIES dO-_.!.,..Oil · Or111t '!¥...... NlflcJ GllBd. -...... ·' l:IOm-•"Till,_~ (d111n1) '4~obltt Youq, 0... t1!r lllcGullt, Htthrt M1flftlll. · l. .. D -n. c._,.,..,. <._."" D lCJ "-ti .. ...,'"I ·-umm, "~ .._, · :~ " --..,, ... .., _ ,.,,. (od·'l •• -l1rton Mecl.111ti Yltllnll Gny. UOG ___ (ift. 1111) ·g~Jutfe l lft'I, Cl1udt -... 4:JO 8 (C) "1111 hrfld ~ (-) '51 -, .......... ·-"Till-W'l l""' . . I I I I I .· l • -.. . \:;. > .. ·-/ • _.~i:i 6l, NO. 41', 4 SECTIONS, 62 PA.GES • . ORAN6£..C0UNTY, .(;.A;tlFO~ -. . l --' .. I I ' . - -·· ' Lorr Joins · i €ouncil . \· • Candidates .7 ~- 1lller a period of quiet, 1he City Council riCt 'ift.Lqt.ma Beach generated some actiOn lhls week aa one new candidate. viicat school opponenl Edwanl Lorr, took out:fOOUnation_ papers and three CIR• <iJdllft flied 1helr algned petitions. A ftfth announced candldate, architect Pettt Ostrander, is e1pected to file ~ 1he noon deadline Thursday. 'i;<rr, 3'1, president ol1he Laguna l\<ach Tiipayers AssoclaUoo and owner or a SotA c:oat Highway beauty salon, has betit aet.ive in recel')t weeks opposing the J'eb., M ICboo\ bond and tax override eleCllon In behalf of the tupayers' group. A native of Chicago, be enlisted in tbe U.S. Air Force after graduatlan from hlib ochool and served three yeara, iJl. cladtng )I months in the Korean war. He moved lo California In 1953, al1eoded Nartbrlzp Aeronautical lp&tilule In ~wood and was employed as a flight UM mechanic and field representative wlU,1NarUt American AviaUon. ~.f1f .l957, Lorr acquired the Laguna Sea *" skindiving shop In ~Boat Canyon ~ operated Jt, alaag with a skindiving ~ In Colla Me&a, U!Jlil !~· wben he aol<! ou1 lo lake over.1he.0Wllel'!hip ol 1he Twtal ... , r1a Beauly/$.llQO. A cer1!Qe<I IA Anae1ea .Oounty· ICQlia ~ be a1fo ,.,. cl!rinl 1n11nx:t1"" wi11l lbe ~-Parblll!PM-L A' iDen\ber of 1he Finl Baptilt Clmrc~ of Co11a Mesa, Lorr has beeo a l1ill limo • (See CAM>IDATE8, Pap I) . . j l I ~JguelBodyGets I T~ntative ID I . I ,!l'be oe~h for the Identity of 1he lbleton !ound late last W?ek in a canyon fllu:Laguna Niguel continued today as in- .ftf.:ttJ,11tt11"11 compare X rays with the ~-- Jrne rern~s were tentatively_ idenlified i•f lboie of George Eugene Hamllloh, H, oi..'.'Sooth L&IDma by a nearly illegible ""'*1tlg •lip from Orange Coanty Jail ~ neai: jbe b<!<IY· -POilffve taenUfication has b e e n ~by lack of 1he skeleton'• •knll m:f Rveral-large bones which deputies l_PeCUlate were carried off by animals. ~'Without the jaw lo use fO!" a dental dteCt We have got to go with Hamilton'• x.:rays ta compare with the skeleton, in- veoJlgalol'I !lie!. · •,Hamlltor. had a small de(armity in hU! tallbdne and had surgery an his spine wllch should abow up an the skeleton it iiat's who it ill, 11 a sheriff's deputy said. ;Hamilton, who reportedly h9.d a history at·1MDtal di!Order&, is not listed u a _, peraon. Deputies '8ld he baa not --b; ·bis family since mid-11161. • <fte jail booking slip was daled . Sep- tember of 1"8. I ,...It shcnddn't be long before we ca tell Wltether or not the !>l;dy i1 Hamilton's," ..,akesrne11 said ;- ~ 'tWe bpect lo have a decision tOOQ or fl!l1Sd•Y al 1he latest." .,. "· . , • '.J_~_ Gives 1970'• Policy . -. r Nixori Asks Russ ·-. - Jo·in Peace Quest By. MEIUllMAN sMrrn WASIUNGTON (UPl) -President Nixon urged the Soviet Unian today to join in ending the cold war by breaking tbroogb rlgj<! hooWlty of lbe pall 25 years iffto "n new tra"· of realisUc negoUation. In an unprecedented .a,000-word report lo Congr"' on U.S. fDreign policy for the 1970s, Nixon• suggested the Soviet Union could reduct danger of another major war by cutting back it.ii apparent efforts ta do~ina~ the· Middle East and by slow- ing or' halting the flow or Saviet arms to North Vietnam. . The President felt that 1969, the first year of his al:bnini.Stratlon, aaw a "good beginning" toward improving Soviet- Amerlcan relations, but be sald "our overall relatiaruihip with the USSR remains far from sailsfactary." Far example, he said, the United States "would view any efrort by the Saviet ' Union lo seek predominance In the Mid· die East as • matter af grave concern." Furthermare, he saw evldeoce Moscow waa heading in that dlrectl.on with ·eon. sequences reaching far beyond the Ara~ Israeli dispute. .. If the Arab-Israeli coofllcl cannet be (inaUy reS<llved," Nixon a.aid, "al ieui ita scope mutt be contained and the direct engagement af the major powers liml\ed. For UVs is a ~ dimensiQn of the cm- flit in the Middle Eut -the rivalrlo and interests of the major powera themselves." Nixon's view af the Vietnam war ap- peared 10 be sligblly ._ · optimlllic than siJ" mon~ ·ago. Put again. aa. 1n the Middle Eal1, be did nol bel!<ve MOICOW was daing wba1 It could low.ant peace. "To the detriment of the came of peace," he uld, "the Soviet. leaderlhlp hu failed to ei:ert a belpfql tnfluenct oo (See NIXON MESSAGl!,,hp I) Masonic Lodge B~z.e . ' . . \ CaJl§e' Siill M y.s'te 't . ·. ~ Ol1lla of tbl ftrt whlcb gulled tht Laglml ,Beadl llla!onlc Lodge meellnf haD and th1'alened the downtown business di.strict mnained a mystery to. day. Fire Chief James Latimer said natural e&Ulel such u acaplng gas ar an elec- trical shprt circuit have been pretty well ruled oat in lnvestigaUan of the Suoday blaze. Tbe tWHtery building is believed ta have been broken lnto. A glass window in the front 4Pof' was broken near the door knob. Wh1·rgna!ns.a myatery. Fjtemen have ruled out any connectian with the k)tchen range, al first thought • possiblllly. The ·111Dge was nol on. just 1he oven heat cootrol The Dre started about Voters Favor Reagan's Work SACRAMENTO (AP) -Nearly 40 per- cent of California voters think Gov. Reagan Is doing a good job, according to an aplnion survey by pollster Mervin D. Field. Field uid 36 percent of th0&e qu"- tioned in dlil month's survey think Reagan la *'Inc a fair job and 19 percent aay 111t IOftl'llOl' la doing a poor job. Tlie ~ · are aliou1 lhe wne •• := ~~,~.~:~ ·~s:!Z cenl'liuesUoned !bought Reagan wa1 doln, • ~ JOI> .- ,. !. . 15 feet ..,.., tii l nom called 1he "preparitkln. room•·~ + , • • 1 n cootalnl flap, robtl. balll!el'I Ind other properly ol 1he fin fl'OUlll 1bat uS<d 1he building al ZIS Porel1 Avl Latimer estlma1ed l1Tuclaral damap will run about f;IO,OOI>. It was estbnited that loss of c.ontenta might be nearly another $5,000. IAtlmer ta:ld the building WU Underinsured. The fire chief said 1he poalblllty ol arson is an open queaUQn. There Is • however, no apparent motive. There have beeen no inoendiary materials, such. as gasoline, tra~ at the ,point af origin. Two overstuffed piatrs were near the ttt- chtn stove. 'Latimer said firemen woold probably talk to everyone In the five groups that regularly used the upstairs of the building. Th ... Included Masonic Lodi• !12, the Raya} Areh MallOOS, two women's ~pa, the Order or the Eutem Slal' rid the Order of Uie Amaranth and a youth group, Job's Daughters. The buUCling, owned by lumber dealer Richard Jahraus. was built in about 1927. The lower floor is ace1.1pled by the ap- pliance store of Carl Klass. Jt had celling water damage. ' Lost materials upstairs I n ct u d e d photograph! of past Masonic officers which cannot be replaced. Stoelc lllarlcet ' • • •, - < - . - Teday'IFl.al . . N.Y. SteeJY , TEN CENTS - -----·-· -, . . .. --. --. . But ,All 7 Beat Rap on Conspiracy. CHICAGO (UPI) -Tht jury In the marathon and tempestuous trial ot the "O!:lcago Seven" today found all the defendants W-.1 of conspiring 1i lft. die 'riots during 1he 11168 Democratic ~a­ tkllal Convention but convicted five-of them of crosaing stale lines with intent to incite riots. - The tury returned Its verdict after mort~ttian 41 hours-or dellberatlom and rt weeks to the day after the landmark · trial bepn, on Sept. H lal1 ,.ar. Thi case had been in the jury's band,, 1lnce SaiurdJy. The jury of 10 """'"' and iwo· -retumect guilty verdlc11J agalnol .,.,,_ danla Davld·T. Dellbiger,.13; lllaunl C. "Rmile" Davis, 29; 1boiifaa· E. ~" llafdm.•; Abbolt H. "Abbie" Haffmlil, 33; and Jerry C. Rubin, 'ti., . . <lrdered acqulUed w 1 re JOiln IL Ftoint'S, 3:1, ind Lee Weiner, 30. Those ~vlcted race. possible. sentences or five years in prison and 'Jl0,000 fines. AU of the defendants are presently held under contempt sentences, ranging up to almost 2V. years, Imposed Saturday and SUnday by U.S.• Dislrlcl Court Judge Juliua J. Hoffman. - Hoffman today refused lo grant ball on th~ trial sentences themselveti , saying "I ~ve detmni.Ded they are dangerous men to have,Jt large." Ii 'Wll alfllosl ml1able !bat a 1rlal which -ranka as one of &hf moet lumlllluolu In U.S. judJciaJ hfll«y abould -..a -..... otJ1bmb ...... -.lted t9M)tioo. ' Momo!!U after l'roines WU ac:qllfUed, tit cried "it'I QOt faJr, it'1 not falr." Earlier, the •lves of Rubin Hoffman •nd' Welner were evicted screUnint from U~ courtroom on the moUon of aul!tant U.S. a1lorney Richard G. Schul1z, ""° slid ~ trial had seen "miniature rlots." Anita ·Hoffman l!S she was led out (See CHICAGO 7, hp I) 15 Candidates Goipg After _3 /' . Oemente Seats San Clemente City Clerk Mai Berg hada~ aeen anylhing like II In IS years wlth the city. Aa 1he 15th candidal<> look·oul nornhi• Lion papen far City Council, lhe race far three seats began to look like the Oklahoma land rush. Bmineuman A1vln H. Baker, 2m Camino, Sin Clemente, was the 10th to take out papers. Berg may get mowed under with a glut Of last-minute flllnp of 1he pal"!'-0!1Jy lrill had relumed' their papers by marnfng and the deadline Js noon 1'hlll'9day. Filed are . Incumbent! Dan Chilton, Thomas O'Keefe and'Mayor Wade Lower, alao CIUf Me~, Eugene 'Sullivan· and Fred Kaelber. Nine oilier -of papen are out. B>rg recalled.Jiudlnc-""1 10 ""' or nomlni•tian ll'l*'I in 1118, but lhll may lum into San Cle.mente'a most populoua ~ii race~ Cout -----~ , ) • ' ,. • j I I 2 DAILY PILOT • M.,ore, Trcvel Pa1? Planners .Urge , . - Bo,ost in -Bud,g~t Lquna Beach Plannina commiulontra reviewed a proposed budget for the clly'a planning dtpartment Moodty nigh~ decided it WIJ! skimpy in some areaa, and Instructed secretary Al Autry to Uk the city manager lo beef il up ln preparing his total budget tor presentaUon to the City Cou:ncll. i The $700 11locatkln for travel ind con· ferences for both plaMlng Ital( and com- missioners is inadequate, said Carl Johnson. ·'One new and dllferent thln§ for the coming year," he au.nested, "mj.gbt be the presentation o( a paper at a major, national planning conference, m81be 60mewhere like New York, on Laguna's general plan. .. RECALL MOVEMENT CHOICE C•ndklate T11rantlno Voters Urged To Connihute In Allen ltecall Votm throllghool Orange C.UnlY'• Plfth Suptrvl!Oml Dl!trlct a,. tnday belni urged to -· financial ..... lrl buUons to the "Rectll Alton Allen" tnovement. , Their support la being solicited by recan organizer Anthony TaranUno in literature that includes a pre-addressed envelop'.e bearing Taranttno'a addrtss, 4S1 Calle Miguel, San Clemente. "1'1oney is very short,'' nys Taran Uno. "Some of our supporters ha\•e been blackjacked into submission a n d withdrawal. Your help is nttded again. Your dollar or five dollars or even more bi urgently needed." Tarantino has also announced that his ~rgantzaUon will hav~ al least 10,500 1ignatures on its 'Pf!tltlons when tho11e document11 are .ready (or subml~ion to County Clerk WllUam St John. "W~ ex· pecl to file in tbe very near futurt ," he said. TaranUno, backed by public relaUons advisor Paul Carpenter of Cypress. Is timing that filing to ensure that the rtca11 1tatement appears on the June 4 primary ~lection ballots throughout the Flfth District. Tarantino was reeenUy tabbed by sup. Porters of the recall movement as their candidate in the e1mpaign to end Allen 's eiaht-year occupancy of the Flflh District seat on the. county Board of Supervlsorll. In a recent statement, Taranllno said : "We also need a candidate to run In the recall. Some of you have asked me to run but frankl y I would prefer a candidate wi th greater stature." ----•• "-'' N. Weil J'rn1111111t -•Wllthtr Jee\-I!. C:wtl•y Yiu ,.rttltMI •fA ~I MlrMifr n.,. .. IC .... 11 t:••• Tio•"'•' A. M",,in1 "'"' .. .,,. .... l!Fclr•r-1 '· Nill ........... ct! cur ••1* t..t ......... Offk• 11Z F•'•" A•111tt1 M,111111 A4'1t••" r.o. ••• ''" 12•12 -. ....... c...., "'°""' • ""'"' ••~ swttt -l'kWMlf'I hkJI: mt W-..1 It ... 1t11i.111,. ,.,....~ hldl1 11u111 .. 11 1w.-... •• •"Jbe lnsldt story of prtparation of a plan and citizen contribution in a town or thla 1ize would be or great intuat and would attract · a lot of attenUon ·to Lacuna." ''"1< staff also !t ams l>y ot!Onding Im· portant planning conferencP, i• added Commissioner Joseph Tomehak. Johnlon noted that Irvine Company represen· latlves had , traveled the world seeking jdeas for their coastline developm,ent. He propo.ed seeking an addiUonal liOO for the trivet and conlerence item. Fellow commlaslooers aareed. The · '100 • allOcoUon for bool<J lind publk:allon1 wu ai.. too small, the plan· ntn decldad. 'Ibey -~nded asking for a. Iola! ol P!O.fot' building up a plan- ning llhrary. : Wltlloat l)>ectfyjng a monetary amount. the COllllllbalon alao uktd Aulry lo ad· vise the city m11111er they would llloo to have the as1frtant city attorney lit •Jn on all piann!,ng 111tttlnp to resolve !<&al questJonl IDd aave Ume, both for thf comrn."'1on and the public. Aulry 111Qtattd that preparaUon o! scale moleda lo explain proPoO<d projocta to the community and to use Jn working out varJatJoos of plans would be of value. A comprehensive survey of pouiblllUes for undergroondlng uliliUta throughout the aru wruld bt a major step forward, Tomehak said., Such a survey, Autry estimated, including proposaJs for Im· plementatlon, would cos~ $10,000 to ftS,000. Tomehak aald ht would recommtnd to the City Council that con•ldontlon be given to lnvuting part of the city'• lll09 funds ln a complete study of un- dergroundln1 upon completion of the neict project, covering the Helaler-Park· •ecllon of CIW Drive. These ·fiipds are monies set u~ for underpoundlna by the utUIUta com· panlOI, aiteqUlrtd by tJii.Publlc UUUtJ;a eommtaalon. In J.acuna; they provide about f!l,000 annually. 0 Thl• bloct..at-.tlme procedUM Is unsatlsfactOrY." Tomehak aald. "Other cJUes have found it paid to invbt ln a complete study, then proceed with lm· plementJng It In M orderly.maMer . ''..The commluJon a~ to ihakt this recom· mendaUon of the CouncU. · DAILY {'II.OT "•tf 'MM 'Step Back ward' Dr. Rl!ymond Brandt, Orange County coroner, sharply critic· ized Tuesday's surprise move by the county Board of Super- ~ viaors which would combine coroner's office with sheriff's office next year when Brandt's current term expires. S e e stocy, Page '11, Schoolmen Eye • Student Grading l1inovation Plan Laguna Beach educators will view the Harriaon Sy.rtem of Edue1Uon with ln- teresl, Owen Tait, a.ubitant superln· tendent of the district, told the school board Tutsday night. The innovation in education developed by a fifth grade teacher . ·in River11lde . County operates on a check and bal1nce system with mythical money left In the bank determining a student's gradu. Tait described the Jan. 20 presentation, spon.sorpi by the Santa Ana Board of Education, as a "fiat out aales pitch for the Harrison method." "I'm wUHng to llaten and follow up the pilot P'"ll'lm being conduettd by Santa Ana achoo!!/' Tait sat~ '1but I must ad· mil I felt~llke I was at a rhedicine show." T . ' .. ·c ll! ..J :.... . . ~al,y.,lhe ~e'Utod·consists of a plan raim o ure' •, • w11mby· Point values .,. uo1sne<1 to ' -every actMIY In the clasroam, Taft aald. , d Point! are tranalated Jnto l)'tnbolie Conductor Kill.e dollar• which go into. a1uc1.m·. ~ank •<-count. As an example, if a .1tudent earns to polnll, h•i would pt 1811 In bl! account. lllllroad aecUtlves ,from two major carrion tndly -. ln"""8tlnl a "°" litloo -a Santi Ft freight train and a Union Pacltlc "loc1l" ln wNch one man was killed at a Fullertm croaain1 track Tuaaday night. A st«md victim was injured when the Santa Fe freight train .on the Third District mainline plowed into a· Union Pacific caboose and two freight cars which were straddling the Santa Fe mainline near the Basta sidina. Rail offic,tall ·1ald the UP c few v.·as switching the Hunt Foods COJnl)leX and that the UP locOmotive was detached from the 'Caboose and can. Killed Jnstaritly when he w,as pinned un· der the caboose was Coni'luctor L. · E. "Ed" Roy, 60, ol'· Los Angeles. He reporudly wu sitUng in the e1boose when the Sant.a Fe, 'Ira.in, powered by thrte dltttl locomotives plOwed Into Ute stalled caboole, Billy J . Bo1le, 40, a brakeman on the Santa Fe train v.·as b1jured when he was thrown out or the lead locomotive on lm· pact. . Two other Senta Fe crewmen, enametr Russell Lindquist, SZ, of Whittler, and brakeman James Wakefield, 34, of Fon- tana were uni.njured when they hurled themselves oiito the deck of the locomoUve. ·' From Page 1 ELECTION ... ol the ntw tntermedi1te schoclt had pro· duced addlUonal colts bec:ause fa.cWtles such as science labs, formerly ahared with the ht1h achoo! across the street, hid t.o be .provided to make Thurston a sellcontaloed ll!Ut. .. The board ha1 been trying lo cut coet.s since lut April ," he u id, "we have put in thouunds of hours studying our needs and trying to project for the next five years. I hope In the future the Chambtr or Commerce will ~t up a permanent committee to study school problems as cllambers have . done in other com· · muniUes. We ha ve fine t.eachers now. but I am really afraid .we will not be able to keep them tr we c1nnot pay competitive .salu-ies -and v.·e won't be. able to without !Ome OVetJlde. "As an attorney I rtprttenl a lot. of lit.- tit old la&a and I know tht probl<ms they have Uvln1 on a fixed Jncome, but 1 feel the board tried to consider this and 1 think we are entitled to the support of the community.'' In his rebuttal, Lorr aald, "Wt have Lrled to tell It 11 It la. With regard lo the reading scores, we find ta;una Is ahe1d until third r•de and then is on about the same 1tvt a5 aome other distrlcta - Ntwport, Twtln and Orang•. Laaun• 11 UClqut in th1t moat ol our chlldttn """" frDm middle Income homes and have mapy adv1nt1&e1 dtnled to chlldrtn rrom poverty artas. We 1hootd expect them to be exctlJtnl." He rtlterated his contention thit t11x· payers shoqld only be "keel to provide "lh• best they ~.., •fiord/' On the dtl>it •If•, P,Olelt ""' dtduct<d from tht account U 'a student has to go to the bathroom, for instance. he must forfeit $10. U he needs a pencn, be must PIY to.obtain It from. tll!! ltudtnt holding the pencil lending franchlse. At the end of the term, the studerrt·s grade will depend on hls bank balance. Tait labeled some of Han1son'1 claims as "outlandish'' and noted he would ·'view with interest" results or tile Santa Ana proaram with regard to cluaroom ecooomy. phenomenal g.alns In learning ~·hlch·should "last forever .'' and whether ·the system .creates a bias toward the American way of life a~ p~~ted. * * * Taxpaye r Group Official Riles Sch ool Trustee Ed Lorr, now a City Council candld1te ~·ho still bills himself as Taxpayers' Association president, Tuesday nl1ht clashed agalJ1 with Laguna Beach Unlfitd School District trustees. This time, he raited the ire of Trustae Norman Bro~ne. Lorr appeared before the board to criticize trustees for not tending a repruentatlve to a Jan. 20 meeUng in Santa Ana for a presentation of the "Har· rlson System of Education." His attack came despite the fact the board had already heard a report on the so-ca lled system -from As a i st ant S~tendent Owen Tait. Tait had at- tended 1he Jan. 20 meeUng. Lon: termed the system "widely IC• ctptable" and chided the board ror not being vitally interested In the best educa· UOn available. "1'111s Jettflr is drawln& my Ire." Browne said, looking.at a copy of the Feb. 3 letter. He quetlJontd the tax· payers' Interest In the Harrison Sylltem and took exception to the Inference the board Is not also interested In the best methodl of education. "[·would like to see fhe tal'payers ailociaUon become a le&illmate and respeded part of the community," Superintendent WUllam UUom suqtlted. He noted In 1965 the (l'OUP was COin· prised of a five-man bolrd and quel" Uoned whethtr It isn't ogeratln1 now on llfe,basls of a nlne-m1n bolrd. "As a member r ha\'e yet to be queried on any issue,·• Dr. UUom 1aJd. "l have nevtr been asked to attend a meeµ.Da u one ol their 150 members whteh seem1 I llrln&e wu of rtprtseri-- taUon. , "Thinking Shoold come from the ,,.., rooU." the educator declared tddl.ng lh1t unanimou! decl!IOM have been made: wkh "not all Nm I board) members prtstnt." "Perhaps the nine of us at this lable could take over the or&J!nlz.aUon by sheer number1 ," Browne 1u.ggested. ' .. Le·ary . T~ial Near En~ . . .... ' . Nervci'IU$ J11ror1 A wait. Fina.l-Instruc ti.Qns' b 'l'Oll 'UllLEV It -""" "" ttlff' A tenM Santa An1 SUperior Court 1ury walteil today f0< whit will be II! ftna ln- 1trucUon1 while lawyers for Dr. Timothy Leary and hit family hammered out with Judge Byron K. McMillan and the pro- teeuUoo the form and aubstance ol U. guidelines. They wlll retire to their jury room lo deliberate after those same tbnt lawyers and Otlef Deputy Dlstrict "'Attorney James Enright offer tbelr closing argumtnts in what has betn an eJCht-day trial of Dr. Leary, 50, his Wife ROsemary, 34, and John Bu5h Leary. 20. And while the jyrors nervously waited fn the jury room this mcrnlng, the three defendants, 111 outwardly composed, 11~ ptd coffee 1n the coUnbouse cafeteria . Mn. Leary and her stepson listened <:artfully while Dr. teary delivered what appeared to to be aome gpeclOc lD- stn1cUons of his own over the coffee cups. . Enright wm 8'k the jury to find the Llary1 guilty o1 Uie c!iaraea flied egaln•t them {o!Jqwlng their amt! In Laguna Beach on December IS, lMI. 'I1lal arrest let! to the~ lndlclment by the Orange C.U.ly Grand Jury Oil char'es ol pmae.uiod al mal1Juana and LBll Tht tAarp' llwyero offered UtUe defeitse to ' sustained p r o s 'e.c u t I o n arguments In which every police ofricer involved in the a!Test On Woodland Drive testified at length on the behavior of. the defendant!, on-the-nature and quanUty of Names of Irvine Students In GE Protest Released 1'he names of el&ht present and former UC!rvlneswdenllaccustdofdi>ruptlng General Electric Company rtcruitment interviews were released today by the UCI atudent body government. . . Five of the eight are !emale.s. The ac· cused students are : Doaovu Dor1ey, junlor social science major from Ne\VpOl't Beach. Au Doyle, junior American studies maj9r from Balboa Island (a former Costa Meaa Zonta girtl. Dianna Milter, junior dance major from Corona del Mar. Elsie Newman. freshman Engll.sb ma- jo r from Santa Alla. Le11Je Llncola1 graduate student from Fullerton. William WlngfM:ld, graduate student from Flagstaff, Ariz. And former UCI students Kea <AJ,wu and Jue Plaklaton. · The 1tudenta' names were taken Feb. 4 by Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs John Hoy and Dean of Students Robert Lawrence. 'They said six other students gave them raise names and have not been identified . The list of names, subpoenaed fro1n f'rona Page l CANDIDATES • • Laguna Beach resident shlCe 1964 and makes his home at tci2o Baja St. with his wire, E1Ue~nj their two daughters, aged r6ur and epgm:· . ~·w• t;;;;;&nat1n1 Pllnnlng Com· ~liier _Jouph t .. Tomehak for the council wert fll~ ~onday. Signers of Tomchak's petltkm, which was circulated by A. E; "Pat'' WorthJngt.on, were Wjlllam M. Wllcolell, Dean J . Westgaard, 'MOl'lart Cuthbertson, Carl E. Johnson -Jr., Donna L. Demetrlades, Or. Robert French, Alice B. King, Geoffrey W. Riker, Louis J. Zitnlk and Worthington. Papers filed for incumbent Vice Mayor Joseph A. O'Sullivan were signed by Leroy B. O!lld1, Lloyd Sellset. Joseph R. Jahraus ti~ Greela d. Hay, Nita Carmen, Ruth Osgood Salyer, Antho ny DeroeViades, Jesse E. Riddle, Dr. HOl'q!an Browne and William D. Martin . fncumbent Richard Goldberg filed papers &igned by the Rev. Gerald Moschel, Merrill Johnson, Haro Id Coward , Wllllam H. Lambourne, Donald ~f. Williamson, Ylllilam D. Martin, Fem Randolph, Leroy B. Childs, Lila Zall Le· vitrine and Thoma• E. Johnston. ,,,5 Hoy by the student government Is now in the hand! of the student supreme court. Ju.slices are Bruce Mills and Jim Heyne, with one vacancy. A complaint is oo file from senior mathematics major William Clarke of Laguna Beach. The complaint Is that he was prevented from having a scheduled lnt.ervlew with G.E. recruiters who left campus after being drowned out by shouting student demonstrators. Student Body Secretary Claude Dorais sald lhe supreme court Justices should announce their plan of acUon within the ne.1t couple of days. f'rotn Pqe l CHICAGO 7. •• scre.amed: ''The 10 of you (the eight original defendants and their two lawyers) will be avenged. We'll dance on your grave, Julie, (the judge) and on the grave of your pig empire.'' Chief Defense Attorney \Villiam f.f. Kunsller denounced Hoffman 's order to clear the courtroom and deplored the verdict as a "compromi&e." He said Schu1tz's request was ''the last crowning indignity in a trial that has become a shame. At this lime, no man should ht alone." Of the verdict, he said, ''I wish It had been hung. I feel this ii a compromise verdict." At the moment the jury reacbed its deci•lon, the defense wu demanding that the panel be dismissed and a mistrial declared on grounds that the jury coukl not reach a decision. .. But the jury did reach a verdict and it was one which pOssibly skirted the most controversial element of the Indictment under whlc:h the "Chicago seven" were tried. Th!s element is contained In the an- 1 irlot amendment to the 196:1 Civil Rights Act ~·hich make!: it a crime to conspire lo cross state lines with intent lo incite riots. , The law had never been testro In court before. Some lea:al ell:perts had ques· tloned the constitutionality of the concept of "conspiracy with intent" and predicted it could be overturned In an appeals court if the "seven" were convicted under it. But the jury·s vqdlcl appeared to erase this prospect. 'tile-convictions are bound to be ap~aled, however. on other grounds, inclilding Hoffman's conduct of the trial. To the sit! who knows what she "'•nts but not where to flP\Cf it. M•tt;h your style with our M•ny di-'tipCtiwi d~,iaru. And a1k use a&out our f1mou .s Oran1e 8IOJsom 1uar1nt~ the drugs allegedly found i• the f~mnj·, station wagoh arid on the details of dru&s found in the clothln1 oC the trio. • ·0r. 'Leary and his wire and son dld0Mt take the stand to testify in their own defense. . • Enr!iht said this morning that hetdid not pfan "any elaborate presentation" 1n his closln& argumentl. "1 am mer\ly going to r<clte the facts lind le\ thiJ j11i'y dacide.,for ilatlf,'' he said. The veteran progecutor added, "I de1ft ... have the sliahtest doubt about what their verdict Is going to be and I think It is going lo be a fast one." The Learys and their lawyers ha ve no comment to offer on the format for wllat· must be the final hours of the trial. Frotn · Page l ' NIXO N ... the North. Vietnamese fn Paris. The O\'erwhelmini majority of the war materiel that Teaches North Vietnam co1nes from the USSR, which thereby bears a heavy responsibility for the CQn· tinuation oC the war. This cannot help but cloud the r,est of our relatioruhip with the Soviet Union." • The President thought Russia could best serve its own interests and those of the world by joining the United States. :lfl' rtducing globally destructive 1 nucM'ar "'eapons and stop trying to dictate the fate of other· countries. "! believe the lime his passed in whlch powerful nations can or should dictate 1he future to le.ss powerful nations," NIJ:On said. He said this did not mean his ad· ministration was leading America toward isolation. The President several' times emphasited his inlenUon to maintain all current U.S. treaty commitments. Nixon pointed out, however, that wi,th lntemalional Communist unity shatter:e<f and the West no longer facing :•a monolithic Communist world," continuing the cold war makes no sense. He al_so noted the United Stales no longer has either a monopoly or overwhelming superiority of nuclear weapons. "The postwar ptrlod in international relations hall ended," he said. "No nation need be our permanent enemy," he said in commlttlng U.S. in· ternational energies henceforth t o building a lasting peace based on "partnership ... strength. , .(and) a will- ingness to negotiate." . Nixon extended his "new lltrategy for peace" to Communist China along with the rest or the v•orld. He said lt would ~ to no one's advantage to try to exploit the clash • betwetn China and the Soviet Union. ''The Chinese are a great and vital~ pie who should not remain isolated from the international community," he said. He doubted the relaxation of U.S. policy toward China would have much lmptcl on that country's ideology or behavior· in the near future. But he said "It is cer· tainly in our interest. and in the lnter~St of peace and stability in Asia and the world, that we take what steps we. c1n toward improved practical relations with Peking." Although he said America had no in· lenllon of ·•withdrawing from the world;'' the President stre11sed the need for •1a more res'ponsible participation by Our foreign friend s in their own defense and progre11s." He applied this theory of increasing self-hel p to Europe, as well as Aaia, saying lhe United States no longer should fetl "condemned to a recurring cycle of crisis anJ war fn a changing seltlrig beyond the understanding or influence on outsiders." -,,,, -I • ,, .. CONVENIENT TUMS J.C. J.lumphrie6 'Je~er& 24 Yl.lRS SAMf Ll!)CATION ·\ ' IANKAM&RICARD M,o,STER CHARGE •• llll NEWPORT .AVENUE COSTA MESA P.HONE SO·l~O I • • " ' -· rt Beaeh·. . • :y~ 63 , NO. 41, 5 SECTIONS, 70 PAGES .. "' ... .. • • • EDITION . ORAN9E COUNTY, CALIFORNI~ ' ' NESO.t;Y, FBRUARY' 18, '.1970, -"' ' ' . .. • T06~1bial • . . . N.Y. sie±• . TEN C~l\IIS .• -x ! 0 ~ -.;; '! -.. --; -:--• • •. ~c,ho·ol Programs =-come Under Fire ...... . ... . ., .. .... .. . ·BY W1WAM &Clll\ElllER 1 Of fllt: 0.11, Nit Stan 5ensiUvlty training for teachers and al- leged oblcenity in instructional packets came under fire from two irate parenb during the Newport-Mesa School Board rneeUng Tuesday. 'lbe boara took no formal action on either compla1nt. but did suggest that the parents submlt their grievances in writing to school superintendent William • OJrmiolllwn. Claiming that sensitivity training is braimrrubing, Mrs. Pat Walker queston- ed ihe propriety ol allowing it to take pl!!f!e at a ~ent in-service training ae&- 1lon for. Wtchers. She. -~d the topic of the sensiUvUy sess1qn, "Expanding Human Aware- ness,. ll.. was drawn from a book enUtled "Joy" which speaks of manipulation of A:nother Dav ---~ Of Decision For Freeway .~· 1i1 THOMAS FORTUNE ot "" o.llY ~i.t Stiff 'J'.burlday will be another day ol decl- 11lan in the seven-year scrap between N~-Beacb and Costa Mesa city of- fteidls Over the routing Df the future Pa- ciffc:-Coast Freeway, Meeting in El Centro, the California Htghw11 Commission is due to nJle on Newport's request to restudy the adopted route between the Sanla Ana River and Oll! Upper Newport Bay bridge. Newport city officials lruit month ln Sacramento presented new arguments f~~ng the fr~ay route inland i.n- :!'I~ of -It hugging the bluff along Pacif- ic C~Highway, while Costa Mesa-city offiC!a}s Sternly opposed any r o u t e ~ 01><alnJI. A decbdon on those arguments is due Thursday altemoon. The state Highway Commission sup.. posedly is 'not interested in hearing any new tesUmony, alUiough it has granted Newpal:t: an opportunity lo rebut a late argumiflt presented last month by Costa )feaa City Manager Arthur McKenzie, who missed the regu)ar hearing when his plane was fogbound. Costa Mesa may also get In another lick. "If Newport gives a rebuttal 1'm sure as informal as the things are we'll be give'n a chance to answer any ques- tions,!' ·McKenzie said. A plane has been chartered for a New-mrt. city delegation of Mayor Doreen Marshall, councilmen Lindsley Parsons, Howard 'Rogers and Paul Gruber, Public Works Director Joseph Devlin and Plan- ning Director Laurence Wilson. Taking the same heading for El OenlN> oot..of Ora~e County·Alrport on theJr ~nm ~rter flight wlll be Costa Mesa o(flcials McKenzie, City Attorney Roy June,' DI· r ~or or Public Works George Matson. .and possibly some city councilmen. I Jn Sacramento last time. Newport May. II or 'Mrs. Marshall asked the corrunission to hOld off nn Its. decision <for.. a month ~ trained behavior and attitlide:!I. QuoUng psychological studies, Mrs. Walker contended that slatlsUcg prove a large percentage of people in sensitivity sessions become "psychologically dam- aged." · She concluded her presentation by de- manding a board policy statement against sensitivity training to change human al- titudes. - 'Board President hfarlan C; Bergeson said the board totally supports ID-service !raining as developed by teachers to meet their own lleeds. Mn. Bergeson said the board has faith In the good lljdll!""nt o( the teachers. but allowed th.it expanded programs In sensitivity training need _study before initiation. Dr. Nor~an Loats, assistant superin· tendent !or instruction 11ald he felt the problem was simply a definition of sen· sitivity training. "If sensitivity training means chang- ing attitudes, then more o£ it should take place in the classroom," said Loats. He said if there was "" unpatriotic boy In a class and sensitivity tr.ming could make him petrlotic Lhcn ft was valuable tn that regard. The board also r..,..i charges !nm a· n<llher -1'(rs. Athena Suniaki•, that fl'everaf Cast.I" Mesa High School instruc- tional JlltCbta cohtalned some obscene or rnisl<adlnf oto-. Mn. Sumakls. Whose dlughlcr is a stu- dent at Costa Mesa High, referred to pe&- sages from Instructional Texts 1433 and 1425. Among other thingit, she said the texts contaiQed several objectionable four-letter wt1rds, a statement that mari- juana was no worse than corree or ciga- rettes ana a quote using the slang lenn "nigger." "1 want to know what has happened to the traditional approach where the teacher wrote his own lessons," she said. The instructJona1 packets are prepared lesson.plans which have been adopted to give the teacher more time ror individual consultation wlill-st.udents. Dr. Loats aaid lhat the board could Mt J)OSSl'bly read the packets because more than 300 were in existence. He said that they are prepared by teaching specla l· ists and reviewed by department cbalr- men before adoption. Loats did say, however, that some sort of stafL review panel could be set up to provide checks and balanc~. Newport Hosts City Employes An extra 200 city employes will be in Newport Beach this weekend. Memben ol the Calif«nla League of Cities Ernployea Aasoclal.lcn will meet Jn convention Friday ind Siturday, 20 & 21, al the Newporter Inn. Coordinator of the two-day program Is Ben Londeree, plare checker ror the city of Costa Mesa Bulld-ing DepartmenL : . Among 1peaker5 Londeree has· lined up are Newport Beach CitJ Manager Harvey Hol'lburt and Huntington BeadJ Mayor Jack Green. . 0 · n v 1 c~ -e , I . . . LllEMD ~LOW l>lNSIT't llUIDu<"TIA~ 1Hmmmm:m HIC>I lll!ls!TY MatOllfT• ... ~ COM .. ~~- • r . THIS JS IRVINE COMPANY'S PROPOSAL FOR PRO,,,ONTOllY POINT 'NE,Alt llA(IOA ISLAND ~~-'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'-~-'-'~ ' . . Competition N~,lE~rtnlb~ ,~~~tC>ry· '~ite~ · · · B~:-PJans:' For All Newp0.rt .-Races Be~" Disctl88ejJ Attorney Milan Do!tal has taken out p;1pen: for the Newport.Beach City Coun· ell race and will oppose Walter Koch. Dostal live! at 1821 TradeWinds Lane. Re and any othtt City Council candid- Dredging Project In Upper Bay Wins Approval The county Board of Supervisors Tuesday approved expansion of an Upper Newport Bay dredging project to include seeding of gravel In dredged areas. Kenneth Samp&on, county director o( harbors, beaches and parks told board members the $40.tXKI gravel project was suggested by marine biologists and eng- ineers to facilitate the regeneration of life forms in the dredged areas. According to a report given Sampson by Or. Wheeler -North, professor of en- vironmental health engineering for Cal- tech. the porous materials which normal-- ly lie on the botton of he Upper Bay and provide a habitat for marine life were sealed off by silt deposited during the floods of 1969. "By depositing gravel after dredging. we will be providing the natural babital of the marine lire or the area," Samp- son explained to the board. Th'c $40,000 increase brings the total bill !or the project lo 194,000. In Decem- ber. the board awarded the dredging contract to Shellmaker, Inc. for $1~,-000. - ales have ucitu noon 11mlday to·retUm papers ~goed by five noglllend cl!Y •at· ers. 1 j With Dostal in the race there will \be competiUon .Jor' ~ch N ~.£our ~I seats to be ded<;led ·Apdl 14. · 1 Forpier clly councilman AJ For~t te- turned papers today, ·to (ffpoie ~ CouncUman l!oward Rogero. Forglt ,gjd he waited to the last to see if anyo(te else was.go_ing to run, ·then .went}IWd becausei ~e doean't -thJnk ,any ~·le •hould-be u"°-'"' , · . I H!!re ,ls how thefrace1"lOQICed1tqdaly_:j Dlstrirt One ·-:-Rogere: versua~FM:iiJ. Both have-returned papen. ~ lllaRlct Tine -cMayoc eor ... Me shall not running again.) Roy Woo has Uled. Carl Kym1a called city cler today to say he will Thursday morning. Or. Jerrel Richar4s· al5o has taken out papers. D11trtct Four -(Paul Gruber not run- ning again.) Koch has filed; Dostal tak'ert out papers. . District SI" -(R<lbert Shelton not rUrr- rUng again.) Richard ·Croul and . .James Aynes Jr. have filed . David Le,wls 1n(t Thonlas Stadlinger have taken out p&peri., Ricbard Lawrence took out paperi·;tben1 said he will not run. · . . Ne'wport llOch p I an n I~ I .,..,,_ miulanenlntl • """"°"·Com~a1411f•lll'· co n~ d~, nntndty ·on-tPlana for , !1 ttt"· w8~t coihmuf!.UJ Ind boa~g i.,..., oear PromonlDry Polo!. The' Irvine plana !or the "'"""111dty !n- clu<!e ~to reallgn Baylide brtve. dredp 6ut' a 11·•lip marina and -le a walet'fljiil ~ oh Ill land tiorthWut of the•Balljoa. Yi.<bt IWlo. The ,:Jl.l ·..,.. ol land cover the Jar" und)" ·ar• ,-..r-the point ·~ Bayslilt. Drlye •• ~ween Pacific: COit. Hl&b"1Q' .litd;Hat!M. A>ern1e; ..• The·'4eft~ould be matedc:i,·. cuttiitg8 ~ll111o.'the bay andih"'1jl· lng·out a lagol>n loland or the emting Bayside Drive. Soedll<illy, the Planmng Conuniislon wur consider the followlng Irvine re· quests Thursday: -A propbu.I to ame~ t.Qe citJ's muter street plan to allow the realign· m"'t or Bafl)dt Drive 'along 'the·b.,. ol Promontory Point blurr. The Waling Bayslde Or'lve wo"ld become a dead-end road •ndlng nn tbe westerly •left 9r q,. new· channel At·the street end a ama.n pOrlt wiuld 0 be creat..i. The channel woolil be llti'fett• wide. -A conillllorial' use permit ipplicalion to allow JI~~ of the 1lngle.!tipilly- hope, m~nUal are.1 with. ~ oommerclar and recreational · riclllu.., 1nciaWii( •·-ind yachl 'buin. ·..;A: la!ijjl\>e ~t map propoui lllb- dlvldlni file . anoa • ""' .residential, wat~ay.,conunerclaJ,, parklnt IM park uses. · T1Jel2'161J~eve1opm-ld reaemblfr the waterfront ·Jots .on Linda hie, "'pokeimen. Wei. The !own! price ti& on Uiooe pJecff' ol property wu ~ ••• 000 •. • ButAH-7 ·neatRapQn C_Qnspira~y CHICAGO (U1'1) -· The jury· In the marathon and tempestuous 1.rlal or the ''Chicago Seven" today found .all the dtrOncian~ Innocent or coosplrin( to In· cite riots durlng lhe 196S DemocraUc Na- tional Cooventlon but coOvlcled five ol them of c:rosstn1 state lines with h1tetit to incite riots. The jury returned lls 'yerdlct ·alter more than 41 hours of deliberations and 27 weeks to the day after the landmark trial beg&Rt on Septr .. 14 list .year. Thi case had:been in the 'juey'a hahdi iirice Saturday. --: The Jury or 10 woinm aiid twp men -. l(Ullty vercllc:ll qalnst delen- danta David T. Delllnger, 53: Relfnard C. ··~e" Divis, 21; Thomis E. ~1Tom• H~den 29;" AbbOlt H. "Abbie" Ho~, 32; and Jerry c. Rubin, 31. Orderec{ acquitted V: e re John R. Froinea, 3J1 Jlnd Lee Weiner, 30. . ' Tho&e convicted face possible ienttnces of Ove years in prison and •to,ooo ·fines. All or the delendanll are presently held lDlder contempt sentences, ranging up to ·a1mo1t 11> yun, impoMd Saturday·and ~· bJ u .. , OOlrlct Coilrt JU<ll•· JuUUJ.J; llollmin. . 11.nm..1~ reluJOd' to lllnl ball on the ~11~ themltlves, aayina: ... bonc'dotatt, ·l lhey an 4-rouun,. lo~atqe." . -~- !\ WU almc>al• laevllUle thal a trW '!hllll nub ., one or lhe !DOit ~6loul Iii ti ... Judlclal 1ti1torJ lhould ~ .,.,. GUthnow and ol>oUtod ·Moments lfttr FroJnes wu acquitted, be cried "It's Del fa:tr, it'• not fair." Earlier, the '!Ives or Rubin Hoffman and Web>er were evicled acrea:ntn, trorD.1 the courtroom Ofi the motion of usiatant U.S. altorney Rlchanl G. Sdlulu, wbo said the trial had seen "miniature riots." - AnJta Hoffma" as st>e was Jed out •creamed: "The IO of you (the elg~t orlglnaJ. ifefeni:lants and their two la~) will. be avenged! We'll daDce on yoor fi!liv•, Jull0, (the J~dge) and on the grite-ot. your pig emj)fu.," _ ·Chief .Dcfl"'I' AtlOriiey William ' M. Kunall<r; dtnOUl)Ced Hoffm,n'• order to clear1 the-coUrtrdom anti deplored lhe verdict as 1 "compiomlse." - He aald SChu1t!&1s request was "the last ctowliing lndlgDity In a trial that hu become a Shame. Al 'this time, no man , (See CUICAGO 1, Pap !) CdM High Frosh Plan Car Wash Coron,ocl Mar Hlgb School'• freshman elasa Will !ibid a car waah.from 10 a.m. to • p.in. Satui·daY at the parking lot of the United Cil!llOrillo ilafilt, :mJ ~ul Highway, llftport ~ Advance tl<bta ..e ft while tlckels purchued SallaUy will' oilal 11.25, ac- cording to M~lanle Salai-. vlce·pr!'l<lent 0£ the elass1 Freshmen are selling ~ts~ Fe>r lurther lnlormatmi,, call 673- Grange Coast I two new highway commissioners could reView the seven 'Years of actior:is on the route. 1 1 Acting Hjghway Commlssl~ Chair,mln Frta Jpinhtgs agreed and s~ud a deC1alon ! WotildJ>e reached in El Centro. Newport argued the case for moviOI' Ult ~freeway Inland of Hoag Memorial J:PPitaJ through the Placentia Arenue- Supufur Avenue intersection and actosl Newport Height,;. Freight Train, Caboose C·rasfi; Conductor Killed The Idea alreldy Jiu come ¥ore the City COuncll on ao lnlorma!Jol>al )!Illa, .. At tllat . time, councllmen ..... to launch coilaultant and 1111r ' atudle1 . to determine the Impact or the !'<"' dtvelop. me.of on surrounding arw, Including 1cllf-ml mate In .the Balboo Yacht ·Buln•aru. Colml)' and re.ieral . agencies alto ,.ip take pan In the city-~ abfdles:· • •• Thuraday'a , weather will· be writte~ on the wlild again, with Santa Ana type guall wblppiog up and down the Orange Coast ••4 'tempentur .. nQliol froJI! 65 to 74 degreeL ..Problems with the exJslinil'! bl\iff.sJde t;uUpg\ city officials argued, include loa fA parking al~ Mariners Mlle, lnterler. ence 1'1th Pacl!ic Coast HJihway ingru~ \ and ~· cutting oU the ~n view and brteze• for Newport Share& and taking ' Olll Wking In West Newport TTte 'l'Clty of Casi.a Mesa, which has won fflttlt ·anir battle to keep the route. where l·q; 'althoug!I Ne't\'POfl ooce got a period or .restudy. h8' lak"' the position lhal an tn1and Nlgnmertt would infringe within <b:ta Mesa by a~ ramps. , J The 'clly repealed!Y tw potnt.d out lhal n already has thret freeways scheduled to ·cou..,,.... lls lsndltapo. Tb< Newport rxtSIUon ~ tllat the prn-f>oied r"ludy does 'not a Hect Colla Meaa, t at Nrwport.'1 coooern Is not polltlcat lall pi>ctle>J and "'vlronmental within lit own boundarlOJ. -.,. ' .. -"-• Rallroed executives £rom two major carriers today ...,.. tnv.Jtlgatlng • col· JUlion between a Santa Fe frtlght train and a Union Pacific "local" in whlch one man was kilted at a Fullerton crossing track Tuesday night. A second victim Jl'al hijurtil when tbe> Santa Fe lrelgh! "8in nn the Thlrd- Oistrict maJnline plowed Jnto a UrUon Pacific caboose aod twO !rdgbt cars which were stralfdlir!g the Banta Fe mainline near lhe Bfsta tiding. Rail officials said the UP c r e w w~ awllchlng al the Hunt Foods complex and Steele M•rlce' NEW YORK CAP! -The 1lock market broke loose wtUI. a powerful rally in fairly actlve lrodinl lala lhl• allmoon. (See qu~u..,, Pqes 20-m . • . that the UP locomotive was detached from the caboose and cars. Killed instanUy when he was pinned un- der the caboose was Conductor t. E. "Ed" Roy, 60, of Los AngeJes. He reportedly was sitting in the caboo.1e when the Santa ,Fe train, i powered by three diesel locomotives pl<JtVecf in~ the llalled ca~. ~ , Billy J. Boglt, 40. a brak man on the Santatfe· fr•ln was. injured hen he was thrown out ol the ltad locoinotlve on Jm. pact. , . Two other ~Fi~ crewmen, engineer Rusoell Undquist, !IJ. or WhllUer, and brakeman James Wai:efk!Ld, tM, Of Fon- tana wtre uninjured when they hurled therhselves ooto the deck · of the- locomotive. ~,..· ; 1• Thret locomoUvts. fi ve box,c T'I -1t <Ste ~ J!al' II _ t INSmE 'I'.ODAY . Orangt Coat dtO'ttrt aet strioul Jhft IOft~ GI tllrtc Mavv di:um<u , bU IUCh flOtfd d"lll'!l• tisls ai lltQinald Rost, EdlJlGfd AJbtt and· Teltll<Ute Willla!M I opon °" local •lafl.,. S.r En..,._ ·1 1o1.,,..n1, ,Page 2.s. •• I• I • , I I , I ...... .,,,~,...... 1..., ca...,.. • -..1 ,... 11 c.w-..... '1 ....... c:. ... ' ~.,, .:. lir'i."' ~ ~ ll .,,......,.., • c_.. • ...,. -..11 Dllll ....... II Or, 1111 ... Si == ·~ .. .i l':.C:""''":!l ,__ M1 ,.....,, ,.,; 5.'7· . :: ;::.:• -_J ......... ""t.i .. • 1 l l I' I I I • ' I N •. 2 Countians_ . . Face Counts . ' As Bookies Two Westminster men were arfl:Qng a irouP of seven deftndants awi:ltlng ar- raignment today -fn Orange County Supetjor Court·oo bookmaking charges. All aeven were named Tiifsday in an indldmtni Jssu.,i br the drana< Coun\Y Grand Jury. The pooel. endo rsed the ,.... quest of Deputy District AUorney Marlin llenegban that the group be named In felony complaints alleging bookmaking and conspiracy. Named in the indictment y.•ere Harry Clyde Neid!ingtr, 25, of 13931 Newland, and Raymood · Hall Groot, 4&, ol l4tll Wes~er Boulev.ard, bQ.ih o f Weatrnlnster, and Latry Riddle, 33, of 16437 Everest Circle, FountaJn Valley. - Hene&hao lde!1t~led their co-d!'lendaots as Wllllam Glen Martin, ~ ol Santa Ana, Dale Ronald Smith, 37, of Torrance, William Francis Horvath. 38. of Cypress, aitd Ri>berl Daniel Earles, 40 of Wilm· ington. ~eahan 1ald the seven defendants were arrested in Westmlnsttr foUOwlng investigation of what was described as a wide·•Prwl boolanaklng ring. : Investigators said the charges ·qalnst the group mainly concerned the ac· c.eplaace of wagers on football games. OillLV f'ILOT S!tfl Pllolf Mesa Progress To Be Studied Over Breakfast IJls Garde1a Spr011ts Digger Pearson checks progress o! five sunflower plants which sprouted recently through a small crack in the patio cement at his home. 132 21st St., Costa ~1sea. Plants just appeared one day and no'v have reached height of four feet. Pearson, who found similar growth in his patio last year, doesn't kno'v )Vh~re the :sceds came fron1 . but he's proud of his plants, just the same. Proaress on lour important c:oata Mw front. will be reviewed by city olllci>I> 'l'buraday mornln( before the Citizens Harbor Aru Relearch Team. Name s ·of l1·vii1e Students The 7:!0 a.m. brealdul will be at Reuben's Restaurant. featuring four· nW!ule talks and quesUooa from the floor afterward. · Alslstanl City Attorney Bob Humphreys wW dilCU.ll effortl to acquire a new In GE Protest Released Harbor D~trtct Judicial Court complex &lte, at the Orange County Falrirounds-· TJ1e namu of eight presenL and former or lhe Newport Center. · l:fC lrvine studenl.ii accustd of PierupUng Parka Director Joe Joaes 1'111 outline General Electric .Company rcm1itment . ~clJY.'s muter pJan IDr psrb.... __:_ interviews were telt!a.Sed todaf by lb~ ronnauon of • City 'thamr Study UCI student f>ociy govi:rnmtrit. ..... , ,, CommiUee will be reviewed by council· f'i ve of the eight are !e1nales. The ac· men Willard T. Jordan and George A. cused 'students are: Tucker, co-chainnan Of the recently an-Donovan Dorsey, junio r social science nounced panel. major from Newport Beach. Tr~fic Enginur Jim Eldrid,e wlJl Ana. "'°°fie, junior American .,;tudl~s talk over recent develwnJentl Jn tbe rrtJjor from Balboa Island (a former '!'rllfic Operation• ""'"'m for lncr,u-Costa M"a Zpnta girl). 1., ~ty and Safety (TOPICS) Diana MDl•r,' junior dance major jl'Ojoct. . from Coioni lei Mar. f'roin P,,.e 1 TRAIN ... least two of which carried merchandise -and a tank car were de.railed. ''lbe :wrt.cked engines and cars were gprtld all over the place," said a Fullerton police ollictr. ~ta Fe and Union .Pacific official& pid no statement u to the cause of the accident would be made pending an in· vestlgatif.ln. Wakefield, the Santa Fe brakeman, was quoted as saying : "We haa just &Olten a clear bl<!c~ (a<> ahud) lndlcaung the line wu clear when all of a sudden there was that damn caboose, right up the track. "Thert wasn't anything to do but lie down on the deck of the locomotive. Lind- quist atld I did this, but Bogle ran to the nar and was thrown off." Bogle wu: treated for cUts and tiruiHs al Anabeltn Memori.1 Hospilol. Santa Fe officlals aaid the third district mainline at that pOint was double-track- ed, but dtcllned to state whether signals were. optrated by Ctntral1zed TralD Con- trol (CJ'C) or were au toiriatk. DAILY PILOT Ot ilNGf toast ,.uf,ll5MING t0M'ANT k•'9rt N, 'W11d "'""""' "'"' ,. ... lllhtt !:Ille Newman, freshman English ma- jor ll'om Santa Anf. ~ Uncoln, gia'duate student from Full.erton. • Wllllam Willgfleld, graduate student Santa Ana ~ Man Fae~ Felon y ' . Beating Charge A man accused of beating-his five-yrar· old stepson lo death in what invesli1tators have described as .. a fit of rage;' has been ordered lo face arraignment March 4 in Superior Court. Kenneth Lloyd \Va tkins, 23, of Santa Ana, n1usl face charges of n1urder and felony child. beating. Those charges were filed after officerl!I discovered the naked, baUered and blood-caked body of Watkin::; young step-son in a Saota Ana moJel. Police allege that \Vatklns beat the boy with his fi sts because Christopher James Clarke Ignored hi11 stepfather's demands to get out of the tub and stop splashing 'vater onto the bathroom floor . Investigators today .said that \Valkins wlfe. Linda ,\\'etkins, 31. is now recover· ing from an overdose or slee-ping pills ta.ken shortly before the alll!ged beaUflg. fltr1. \Vatkins has told officers that the overdose hadM connection wllh the fatal beating.of her youngest son. lron1 flagsLaff. Ariz. And forriler tJCI students Ken Ccwu ~ and1Ja.oe Plakinton . . 1_'he stu dents' nantes were takin Feb. 4 ·bytVtte Chancellor "1oF Student Alf•ira .John Hoy and Dean of Students Robert Lawrence. They said six other students ga\'.e them false names and haveJnot ~n . identified. - The list of names, "51.lbpoenaed from J Joy by the student government is now in the hs.nds of the student supreme court. Justices are Bruce Mills and Jim Heyne, with one vacancy. . 2nd Trial Due In Gun Heist l At Berksliires Robert Russell Olin was ordered today l~ face a second Superior Court trial <1n C"harge.s that he took $900 at gunpoint from Berkshire's in the Sky Restaurant al Orange County Airport. - Pttsiding Judge \Villlam C. Speirs ordered the former Orange County Direc- tor Cl! the Sevenlh Step Fot.pldation -an f\rga rtlzation decUcated to the rehabilltn- tlon of exc'onvicts .-to appear April 20 for a rt·run of the t'rial that ende<t Tues. (lay v.·ith the Jury hopelessly deadlocked. The panel had deliberated for more than 2i houfs when Judge Samuel IJreiien assessed that a verdict was im- possiblt and declared a mistrial. Olln,3 7. of J:jardenOrov ,e remains In Orange County Jal! with bail set at $12.50CL Olin, 37. of Carden Grove, remains in ~1artly-dressed bliSinessmen who sat in the bar from midnight until 2 a.m. on October 27. 1968. before robbing the bartender at gunpoint. Autl'ioi"lties disrpl8"(( !dtntical charges •;igalnst ·_Gary ~. Oecll. 12, ,of MarUnet. ,,ri.r Cecil teatlfled a&a!Oll Olin In the Superior Court trio!. J•c.t R. Curl1T Vitt l"m1~"' 11111 Gel'lf:•1I Mll'll~t' TJ.011111 K11~il Mesa Council Resolves EllllOr lh•"'-•t Jo . Mu•Jhi"• Mtfllttlilt IOl!tr 1klft11 ~ortu~• Ht-I t fflll (11'( t•Ue'I' H__,... ""' OfPN 2211 W11I 111~11 t1'1~1rif M1illllf M 4•1t1: P.O. ler 1115, t?t•J ~ -Offlo .. CO.II ~ ... : J» Wftl 1111, '\ltfff Lit~ Notcflt ·m f0t"I • ......,. M'J'lll!lll* 9fldl.: 11'11> tffCll fo<Jlf~l•ll A . -~· • To Split.Jur y Duties Glilna similar divisions ln other states. . ' the Costa Mesa City Council has drafted a rescluUon ufging a law to split county , grand juries into separate: criminal and civil case panels. Tbe resolutipn apJ>rovtd 1'tonday night "'111 be passed 01r to Orange County of· nc1,,111 and the,Californta J.agislaLUre. as a t reconfrDerldatlon for impreVi.ment of' grand jury efficiency. · . l Councilman Ctorae A. Tucker initiated the measure, based on a recommendaUOI\ by the outgoing 1989 Orance County Grand JW')', which put In a b(liy year. tJndcr ttrms of Ole re50Jution. ont- 1r1nd jury would handle criminal in· vest111tion and the indlctm1:1nt of defen· daots. The Orange Qiunty Grsnd Jur,y hali adopted a pclllcy 1>f frequently Indicting tttmlnal suspects already facing cha'tg@s at the municipal coult-Jevel. • The Hcond pan<! would condue\ the mendatory audltlJli,aod revtew of county gqv~nttr.../ltal agtnclit; anothtr I.Uk that seemed to arow in the pall year.· Colla Mesa's molutlon points out lhe workload lmpoaed "! the county 1rand j11ry ls becoming Jarger and mOre COM· pltK with county 'gro)'th. fi.t•nY other 1tates In AmtriCI have ,tl',.dy adopte<t,.• oiliilipanel tll'IOd j~ry system. and Costa Meaa councllmen II)' Jt can work here. Efficiency of the tll'and J11ry wm bo ~erloutly hampered If the responlibilltles: :~re n6t dtvtdtd, tht.ir resolution conlln· ur~. and the tme lnvelved amounta t<'I economic dlscrlmtnaUon. ,. . lurors 11hould reprt~ent a cross·section ol the Orin&!'! c;ount,y citlztnry. the rcF.QJ.utlon points oul. and the Ume re- quired prevents many wage-urnOrs from fiillint1 on the pnnt.I. • • ' I Leary Trial · Near . End ·. Nervous J·uro~~.J,wg,!t ,f i!!fjl lllS ~r~ :itl n, · By 'l'qM, a&llLEV ~,.,,~.. '" th• c~use ca/eteria. the ""'"' alle11edlx lotihd'-lhe famJly'• ...... bAlfP?lllf Slttf \ ~ -r: ~ ~ -I 'I'... ~' · -o I' atY fl)lo .steP19n I 't•ned . slotion wap an<J On !ht dei>lli ol drug• A tense Sani. Ana Superior Court jury catefu:Uy wblle Qr •. Uary dtlite~ w~al r.h.nd in the clolhini of !he t~ "1lted today for what .will be its final in· apJ>C!&!~ to to be some 1pec!fic . 11}· • • • • \. • strucUons while lawyers for Dr. Timothy .s~C'tidns of his own ClYtr the co!lce + 'JQ. Leary and \lfs. Wife ~ son.~ not Leary and his family hammered out with cupJ. . _ . lake the stand to tesU(r in thell' own Judge Byron K. McMillan and the· pro... EJiriil\1 ·W111 ask . the JUTY to find the defense. , secutlon the form and substance of those Learya 1Nllty ~ th! cpar&,. flled agajnst Enri&ht said this-motialr!~ that-, ht did guidelines. lht!ll> foll"!IDJ1\thiir Mrair ·In l,.a""1" 11111 plan "any elaborate po:.,.nla'!IJlll" in 'l'hey will retire to th~ir jury room to Beac;l\wi•a:eccm!lfr 26, 19e&. n\at ~rrest hli· closing arguments~ ''l .,,~--'.merely deliberate after those same three lawyers JCd...10. ~ir -~ent by ·Ufe"'Orange goinc to recite u;e facts aftd le , -jury and Chief Dlputy District Attorney County 1Grand"'1Jty on charges of decldo !or Itself'," he said .. James Enright oiler their clos,jng ~1on Of 2juana and 1;.SO. Thfe.!veterin ~cut-or added',.,. don't arguments in what has been an elght.<fay Ttil Learyt• lawyers offm.d little haVe.lhe ,llightelt iloubti ab!hlt what their trial of Or. Leary, 50, his wife Roaemary, deferile ·to SUI ned p.r, Ost c U ti on vtrdlct. ls'~going to be and I th1ilt It ls 3.f; and John Bush Leary, 20. argipnents tn which every police oUicer going to be a fast one." _ And whlle the jurors nervously waited involved in the 'ilrrest on WolXlland Drive The Learys and their laW)'ers have no Jn the jury r6om this morning, the three testified at lenitll on the behavior of the comment to oUer on the fo'rmat for what defendants. all outwardly composed, sip-defendants. on the nature and quantity or must be the final .boob of the trial. ·f'ro11& Page' 1 . CHICAGO 7 ... should be alone.'' Of the verdict, he said, ''I wish it had been hung. 1 feel this is a compromise verdict." At the moment the jury reached its decil!lion, the defense was demanding that lhe panel be dismissed and a mistrial declared on grounds that the jury could not reach a decision. But the jury did reach a verdict and it was one which possibly skirted the most controversial element of the indlctm~nt under which the "Chicago Seven" were tried. This' element is contained in the an· liriot amendment to lhe 196.l Civil Rights Act which make~ it a crime to conspire to cross state lines with intent to incite Ciolli. The law had never been tested in court before. some legal experts had ques· Honed the constitutionality of the concept of "conspiracy with intent" and predicted it could be overturned in an appeals cour~ if the "seven" were convicted under it. Bul the jury's verdict appeared to erase this prospect. The C()nvictlorui are bound to be appealed, however, on other grounds, including Hoffman's conduct of the trial. CSF Hecklers Face Charges Two Cal Stile Fullerton students who allegedly hee'kled Gov, Reagan with obsCenitlea on, campus last week were ar- rested late Tuesday on charges of violattni campus unrest law s. Bruce Church. 31, a long.haired pSychllogy m8jor from Fullerton, and David MacKowiak, 23, a palitical science major from Corona, were booked on charges of disturbing the peace of a col- lege campus and held In lieu of $62.5 bail apiece. Both men were arraigned today. The arrests came after police scanned video tapes of the Governor's appearan~e Feb. 9 and identified the two men as those allegedly di.srupting Reagan's talk by shouting obscenities. Supply Copter Down, SAIGON (AP) An American helicopter on a n!supply mission was shot down north of1Saigon thls altemoon, and seven of the nine persons aboard were killed. field report.a said. Two more Americans were wounded by enemy fire . -.. CONVlNIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARC MAST!R CHARGE • • --I '• ' Jury Indicts Ex-fireman . In Drug Smuggle' Ring By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Cl lftl DlllY f'llol Sllfl · An ex.fireman who allegedly once stranded his Seal Beach partner and now co-d~f~nd&at at a desert airstrip -when the heat was on during Operation Intercept -was implicated .by pOlice t<>- day ir a sea and air marijuana smug. gling ring. Robert R. Peterson, 36. was captured In Costa Mesa Monday night, picked up by U.S. Customs agents Tuesday and ra ces arraignment Friday in San Diego. The defendant wao indicted by a federal grand jury and a no-bail warrant charging him with conspiracy to smuggle and conceal marijuana internationally subsequently isSued. . A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney 's Office in San Diego said today that Peterson will go bctore U.S. MagWrate J . Edwarc Harris on Friday to answer the charges. He also &aid Peterson is oelieved to be the partner.. of Willy Lenahan. 27. of Seal Bea·.h. arrested t\vlcc last year on federal smuggling charges. once at remote Palomar Alrpart and once at ,sea. "Mr. Lenahan is In a bit of trouble ." said the federal lawman, addint. that he is currently held at San Diego County Jail. awaiting trial on multiple federal charge.s. Peterson joined tum at I.hat facility Tuesday r.ight. ' Trial for both Lenahan and PelerSon. however, will be consolidated as the resull of the ex-city fireman's capture, with pr0ct:edlngs tentatively scheduled some lime next month. Polle~ ha<'. been seeking Peterson in the llarbor Area for some time and sur- rounded him within eight minute,, after he was first spotted Monday night, with orders to ram his car if necessary. Detective Capt. Bob Green said Peterson -once reported to be armed and dang~rous due to his mental state - is believed to'have brought a recent ship- ment of 500 kilos of marijuana in from Mexico. No trace or the cont.rabana, worth $2~.ooo or more, has been· found . The U.S. Attorney's Office said today that Peterson is believed to have been the pilot who Jeft Lenahan stranded at the remote desert airport last fall with a shipment of marijuana. Spooked by the approach of lawmen, the pUot or the small plane which entered from f\.fexic:o without flight plan or To the girl who~~ wh•t she w•nts but l"IOt where to find iL '-~•tch your slyle with our many dist inctive designs. And isk us ~bout our limous Oranse 8Josso9' gu111ntee. • llll NEW~ORT AVENUE , COSTA ME~A r . •• authorizalio:1, took off and left thcfiecond suspect to be caught. Lenahan also 'made tpe news when hi~ small boat was overtaken off the coast or San Diego during Operation Intercept and lhoUEands of dollars worth o! LSD and marijuana conflscattd. The Seal Beach resident was the first alleged smuggler caught on the high seu after Operation Intercept went into effect as an effort to curb international narco- tics traffic:: Investigators in Costa Mesa said Tues- day that Peterson. a city fireman several year::.ago, surrendered meekly when sut· rounded by police cars> ".: They added that he was suspffted of involvement in a major smugglln& opera· ton from Mexico into the U.S .• and he and his co-defendant face stiff fedtl'al prlson 11entence11 if convicted . Anti-drug Gi·oup At CdM Collects Over $2,000 Stamp Out Stupidity (SOS), •· 1tudenl anti-drug group at Lincoln intermediate School in Corona del Mar. has concl:ucled ::i donation.gathering drive which Col· lecled more than $2.!)00. According to Jane Johnston, ~.adviser to the sludent group, the students. in the club canvass the neighborhoods Which feed into the school asking for donatioM in return for a bumper sticker ·and a ne\\'.!Jpaper describing the_ goats of the group_ Although some of the funds had not yet come in, the group should have well over $2,200, not counting same other dOnations prom1sed by the community. The~.S:dviser said that some of the money. about· $400, will go for ei:penses. The student teams also set up tables and posters in front of s e Ve r a J <..'QOJ)elalln~ grocery slores and increased tM collection considerably. • The money will be used to start pilot programs at olher schools. Ensign Intermediate School, Newport Beach, which already has a nucleus, wilt be the primary target,,accordlng to the Lincoln group. ~ 11•1 • Z4 YEA~S SAME LOCA'TION PHONE S41°HOI I l I I ' . . ' I • HEW Bill : . .. -. . .. . .. ~ -~ ... '\ ... Faces Fight' ~l{ic(£s . ~~ ·-f Occupy ' . ., -Jn-Senate -1.ui~r.st · -llbl:!' ~ Back .hy Man -Russian U.N. Agent Leaves NEW YO,RK (AP) Aleksandr V, Tlkhomlrov, the Russian against whom spy charges were made and later dropped, has met • u.s.~im~ posed deadline for leaviitc the United States. 2 Girls Lost 40 Hours ·uoy DJsQtantJ.,s :$omh ,_'Never 4-g~i!t~' Decla,e~ -Y'l)migsier FOWLERVILLE, Al I c h . together -failed to go off. (lJlll) - A m<ehanloally Roddenberg, of Wcllland, 'Tlinded 14-year~ld who Mich.,· and . bis •rear~ld remembtred a televiled warn-'o:kisfh it.arry; f6trnd the bomb in& about explostvea dlsmantl· with an e.tpk>slve pawer ot ed ' u~-Utn• boil\b "bit' ·ae.en i!ynam1te 11lc!ts ounday enough lo blow up everything In .,, al)end~ lannhouae fdr two acru." near· be~ • ... 111 knew then wh<I I khow -• Roddenh.rg, 1 •tiol>byi!I, now. t wouldn't have touched ordered his cousin out of the 11:nylblng," MelvJn Roddc.obcrg .house -then proceedtd to 1iiid. "I would never do that separate the bomb's wlrts. He again. I'm !!till pretty ~ said he had >teen • a pubjic Police were still pu1.zled la~ .service commercial on ex· Tuesda1 why the bomb -foi.Jr · ~ri1osiv~ and watched hla ~y.2-lncb bombs screwed lather dynamlle lree slumps. f .-• ..a. ''I wouldn't have touched th~ wires myself," Liv· lngsloa County ll<l.ctlve Sgt. Dtt11d Ttggerdlne said. "I would have cleared the are. and exploded the bomb at a safeautince, ualng a rifle. All ho bad lo do wu wlggl< one of those wlre1 lhc """" way and -~--" --~. I Police Aid the bomb WIS among '5 stolen from a lrucl< last August, apparently by 1ehoolboy1, and p\anted In the old. farmhouSe 'becaute they wanted to see the old house blow up:" . Flo1-ida Oil Spill Over r.. ,, . " . ·' ~ ~, t ! . .· -AUBURN (AP) -A ZO.Yf'r· m...,..._ <llfllliJn ""'""' old Placer County maiils \!"Id, ~lth-~';.lio tr..mutter la -todlf,•Pl)arerltJYaft~ia,~·'. dii'i' '~~:~ W, ' lhol -and: ·tilled a l#!ltay ...;lit.cl ~w;llll -~ patrol ofllcer who w;g. tile Snyiler'1 car .and wiU~ falher otfiye•chlldren. . iDgJtlo~'Fobam!Ake mu Oflii:ers ay Carl S. ~der while alerting ,P"lice b 1 o1 F.oreatblftu hol and~1t111ed ndlotelepb<Jn<. ,-·· - ' hl"""ll .. highway palrolm~ curt~ lost lhe 'l!oJder ear ... and dejiuly.lhedlls clooed In -the Folsom Lal<e area bot of. '' '\'! him. during a gilnbattle ncer; alttadY ·had ·u.e -,~r.F0~ 1,.ikeTueoday. ..aled Oil by lliat tiine. j '$0Y.d<r'!s. !>!>lieved to be the An orl-duty ·Vaca v 1 llJI . mift ~ho 51:\qt , and kflled policeman said he wu·drivfls . Palro.lman RaY.mOnd cR • near Pen!J'll when be ..,, Carpenter, lO, by 'lhe side of_ a C~rpenler aculf\e with Sayl!Or Plactt COWltY road ~ earlier by the roadside. He. aailJ Tuesdiiy... --Ca ler Wrned ind wallljll · Pollet ;said 1bey come'red ·b8~wartl'Ns crui.9el' .~ .Snyder af~r he was apotted Snyder drew a p!st.ol, took aim 1. ~-in alert , .state co~ and fired. • · Scott Urges A pproVal YOU"G :srt · NU~SERY· SCHOoL · .()f Environment Plan OPEN 7·0AYS A WEEK- ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. I 6:30 UNTIL 9 P.M. (UPI) -The r.mnanll ol a WASHINGTON (UPI) -prngram an urgenlly needed tna5$ive oil slick whlc:h defied ~te Repoblicm 1 e ad er beginning. conUot as it elid across Tam· ffUgh .Soott today appealed tor ''Obviously, these billa··will -pa-Bay-appear.d trapped· to-quick coop-..aiooal pwage of not do all that must be done day and experts set about President NI x on' s en-for all time," Scott said. .assessiJle She damage to fishes vironmental package as "lhe "But they are ci: major indbirasandbllghteabeachcs. ·first step'down 'the road that .be&inning at· a time when a and boats. 1 da to , . Am . ,, beginnir11 ls urgenUy needed," Oean-up crewa had most of ea conservmg erica. Scott said. "l urge tb&i this NEW CLASSES FORMING. , TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED. Full or part Ume and after school cale- Planned profession&l supervision. -Re- du.ced rates for 2 or more . \ thtrcrude oil ~ nered in the In a Senate prepared speech body begin work tmmedlately Coquina Key area. The slick, to coincide with introduction on' this legislation and that we wblch,at·one point spread over of the environmental control pus them as early in this' a IOkqpare mile area legislation, Scott called the session as pou~lb~le~. ·~=--=,.'.!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~f!i"llf!i"llf!i"llf!i"llf!i"lli!!!!!!!i!!!l!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' .--' Fonnooty_a_ Thursday thru Monday February 19th to 23rd -/· . ,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,, . ; WASHINGTON'S erRTHDAY ; -. - ,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ALL WOOL SPORT COATS s33 Reg.•SS Save•22 All -lar alyleo, tweeds, checkl, horr~ BITTER SLACKS s1s.eo Reg. '35 tot55 Cuatom qUilllJ -·· -·oop. io!Mn111 •IJIA .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SWEATER SPBaACULAR s7ee CARDIGANS & PUllOVERS Rag.to$flm1nyalylea,oolcn&knlla. FAMOUS MAKER . .-SHim • We've chos>Ped the prices on regular tot10 to '135 MEN~SUITS With 1 or 2 pairs of pants Now S76JJO . S8C!f11H1~iiad '11'ooaood. Sliop now in.sMV& up to $69.00 on each sultl Forward F•lon and ~"""-P!"~lonir-u...,c1aap--Traditional llYI ..... famous branda Included. ''''''''''':' .. ''~;AE'jt.'i:N[;i;EL£;RATE'WrrH -SAVINGSI .. ...... • -J • , " (! ~t " ,i " '& 'I ,., ~ ,.. ,. i " " .. <q 0 ( OJ " ,. lo la .H " r.! --., .h <-I OI •• "' •••N•w ........ : ................... 99¢ Famous -.rl1111'1·Shoes . Rag.!0"'8D-loohlonWfdltla. SJ&88.sJ.9.81 . · · ' Siiott5'""9 Dress Shirts.•• .. , ... , ..... , ·'2.91 .,. Reg.~A$28M_-llyi•illolU<!!NwqG ..... ,Pfaln""'~tl~\ , • -....... --.,...-... : ·: s -- . WoMENis FAsUION auYsl . -; . ... SMlltll ............................. ~ .. . ~-· -,. -·~·OOl!OIJ-. -' ' ·-A.....a... . -"""....,_, • ........ • • .._ . Entfi'I ~Cir "911Q.,_; ••••••• 921.., .. ..._.~ ...... -........ ........................... · ..... 15.99 Rlg.-'2ltD$SO............... . . . .? Rag.to'11_.,.._ . -· s. -. ' Cott 'Knits Dt•ses! ~·-.•...• , ....... 15.90"'2UO) • ran ...................... .-.. -... •l.99 Rag.smtof«I--""''-. -.• : ----k.-•tyloo. ., __ ...... .d; ----........... _. ' Sport Shirts ' r-__ ... ...,...uwur .......... --·· -·1 . $'1 llllMti a-~a-nr1s•z'lt-. · ' •••••••••• ' ...................... ~ ____.-,-.... • •' t -; 111g.Klllt_Shlrts_-.__ -~· Wilol ~..--.. '. ...• _.~ .••• ncnr 8.97 & ' M...... ----titi.iliiii ___ -· ~ - -... ·. ," ···················~· .... ~~ ....,..,.,..... -.... --. AI0-'7"'14 .............. ....,.,.... J ' , , ,-••" 1 ... I F111111111 Casali Patilt........ . . . . . _ .. : .. ~ ~ OPEN su~o~v; P11: 22. NOON To s ~.M. ·" · ·1 .. ' 4 AIQ. ... 1lpermwnt~blftlooplfytt. • • ~ t Ol'IN THUltSDAY AND FRIOAY, 'TIL 9 ,,M. . , SOUTH ·COAST PLAZA, Costa Mesa-ANAHEIM, Brulway:Anahlliln Center-LAKEWOOD, lake~ ·Centi' .. I • ' ' • I 'I . . 'DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE • ' Residency Requirement For a whll• It looked •• though there wouldn't be enough candidates !or the Newport Beach City Council race. Now it js assured, at least, that the council won't have to flJ1 a vacapcr by appointment. . Howeyit tliero inJghf be' more cai14llatu .runnllf1 II it wert11'I /or •couple o! requirements.In the Newpqf! Beach...,l(y tcharter. The ·charier requbei:that council· men be.elected from districts .and that t!My bav• been rea;istered voters in the city, for at least three years. Tlie ptoviilon .dividlng the cl~ into ~uncllmanlc distrl~ 1.1 .d•slgned almplf ,to insqre Iha\ lnte')'esti o! each /ire• o! ttie city wi1J lie represented p\1 the, City Coundil. · "' " • , ' The rationale for the' other requirement Is that II -lako• three years to get to kuow .the city well and. !urtb· er, that a candidate should have 1bown evidence of his interest in tbe city during that tlme ·by voting in local · elections. Newport Beach came about by the growing togetb· er of a number of separate communities -the Balboa Peninsula, West Newport. Corona del Mar. the Islands and the heights. Some separateness of identity. if not . jealousy, exists even· to this day. ' A> wllh the Newport-Mesa school district following unification. electing members o( the governing board s from districts seemM the way to assure residents or all areas tbey will noL be dominated by thoae of another. But Newport Beach, with one city government l\C)W · for quite a !ew decades, might be evolvi ng beyond that stage. We wonder If the day hasn't come when all the best candidates in the dty available each election year ts more important thin balanced area representation. The three-year re'sldency requirement e1Cktivel)! keeps oul the carpetbaggers. Newport Beach doesn t have to wOrfyiabout opportunistic candidates establish·· ina: quJc~ r.esidency. . But1rralistically _speaking. 'bei.ng a city councilm~n lm;t .nwch o! a .poUlical p!Uh'J. It ,1s a trying job requlr- lnr ••ll·.sacrifice !,or which the pay Is $200 a month. and that to cover 'tX1Jenses. ' Definition of A Gent~man Has Changed Dear Gloomy Gus: ' . Are the Balboa POlnl J)eOP:le. goin1 ? to "pot"! Little or no Interest In ·•.the.. recent election. No intereft in r Tboa,_ll al Llr1t: Cl\lnclnl mores call l« new dtfin~ lions: among todaj•s belles, a "gentlem1n" is a beau who dOesn't rt11;ke a serious pass unlil the ltCOIHI date. • • • The most misunderstood phrase ln all Christendom consists of only five word!;: · ·~'take·over of street endt by Jarge pots. !'!o interest! t -W. D. ' . 1TM fMIWt "'Utctt ,. ... ~· • ....,_ .... nmll..cb',,.'.frl'M llf '"" _.,.... ,..,, r-"1 ~ .. GI"'°'"' Giit. 0.llJ ,.llllf . . . ' your insomnia. • Me11 ·c1ress well to feel equal to other J1\tn; 'Women dress well to ftel 5Uptrlor to other women. , . With tho city 1row1Jlg as last as INa, lh'e re•ldenc;r requirement can operate to disqualify • elua~ pqr., Uon o! the potential candldates In one.dlstilcf-'-,name!1', District Seven which \alt•• in new lrvlne Compaiu:,• home devensr>ments. ·~ · .. 1' ~i,.~- '~· . . i What of the argument that j,C lakes lhr.eO 'y~ars to . know the clly?·The fallaey'1111iit no one spend•" tho11,1 years 1ludying the' operation• o!'clly govammant. R,th. er In Ibo three years l.lfey get a !eel !or city pollllcs. But Is lhat'ljecessary 1to b a 'loQll '!l'uncUm111~' . . ·~), .• ~f\: ' Might not a candidate have a g6od feel' !or1nuu that ' lnvolve{usl poop e-wllfti!! the city andibe~nd IJ\, saf, ·'-'· a year or less? . ..:i ' ' Many poUtic8t jurisdictions bdVt rtliidency require. menta of just 90 days. • 1 These are points that mi&ht be considered by the City Council and perhaps submitted to the voters !or de- cision in a future charter revision election. HonQ•~ ~of Special Meaning . Eac~ year the NewJ»rt Harbor Exchange Club puts on a 1'Crime Prevention Luncheon" ht whic h two police- men a rc honored. ~ t PlaCllle• in recognition of service are. given .lo the patrolmAn B!!d. the police supervisor of the year. This year the rec1p1ents were Patroln1an Charles \Vilkinson and Sgt. Gary Peterson. Wilkinson and Peterson \Vere selected bv their tel· lo\v police officers as lhe ones who have perl:onned the b~st and sho\vn the .n:ioM: devotion to duly. To be recog. nized for those quaht1es 1s an honor of special meaninj?. ; ~ '". . '" :'' .. ; ·. . . ! •. : ~ ! • •• •. . ' ' ' . ,. ,, \. ::" .. And as. th~ Exchange Clu b has long recognized , the community 1s honored to have police officers of the caliber of those given the annuaJ awards. _ . . ,~i·~.I N Well done Charles \VUkinson . And y_ou, Gary Peter· •on. !NI ''THEY SENT A 60Y iO ~o A MAN'! JO~." Priv ate Planes Clutter Skies ).flth Noise He Would Ba~ Rec·reational Flying To the Editor ~ · Th is is addrtued to .ti citiiens in· tertst~ in lhe quality of our en- vironment, a!M also, speclflcaJly, to all owners of prh•ale aircraft .. Let me speak bluntly. There is absolutely no excust lor the recreational nyina: of airplanes. The right of any man to pursue his private recreation has to be qualified by consi dtralions of the direct disc:omfort he may caust others in so doing. Each airplant that zooms a~ross the sky deprives all those on the ground under it~ wings of that most precious and sacrtd comm~ity-siltoce. I..etr.crs frotr1 readtT s are wclc01nc. Norrnally write rs S'!()Uld eontlefl their n1cssages i1l 300 words ..,. Leu. The · right to cmidenn lttttrs io tit !J>C3't or eliminate libe( is. rtftrffd. Afl /.it· terr must include.,)iolfatiire an(j.m'iit- ing address. bvt.~s 'mau be tGitlt.: held on Ttqueit tf ixfficitnt rtas~it ;~ apnarent. Poetr!J will not be pub· Combine .Du trlcl• , ' . . To the Edltorc ' Your edltorlal or F'tb 11 on ·u;t· 11!11.d-1 vantagts of 'tht m11n1cipal dirirlctil)fi; system for obta.lnlng a supply of good cand idalts also holds true for ·our school district which is simllarly divkl ed. A better compromise solution than the .C'Of'l'K>ltte elimination of district lines 11·19 · combine the present seven districts into three with 2. 2, and 3 members res~­ llvtly. This would also pennlt an aspirant to ;,<flee to.run tvery two years and not against the same incumbent.' · lishtd. ,. SCNc:ia OUR experience has shown Uial . a dt1rttf of candltlst.es occurs lest' ofttn , In a very .na tural setting. There ia only one drawback : the Irvine social ec<>)ogy plan calls for complete fencing , sl:that say, "NO HIKING ," and patro to oust anyone who sets foot on so -as 'a square foot of Irvine land. I recall on• instance where the patrolmen oustied a section of the Audubon Society that was taking part in a nationwidt bird census! This is social ecology~ "Love thy neighbor as thyself" -for the generaJity or people misinterpret the mwting of "lovt," don't kUOW .~bo tlltfr ... •·neighbor·· is, and fa il to lfltP ~ . . . . .. ' HOW l't1ANY PEOPLE today know what r~al ~il~e is -when you can sit «Tiil •aftd peaceful and hear your heart beat and tune in to tht pure natural rhythm11 ol God. This has been 1 pr ivilege avallablt to all human beings up until the last few years. ~na:ton Be.1th,, Founlatn Valley al)d liun· lhan OOCt every 10 years, by thus CC1m· hngton Beach:fireas. /'o bining the di1tr\C't! sUcb an eV'tnl ihould lN THE BRITISH Isles, country sucb as· the Irvine Ranch is traversed by dedicatied easements that serve as public footpaths whert people can take Ion~ walk! through the countryside and enjoy naturt at its best. Thtse strips of land art inviolate ,and very jealously guardta a1 jo Lhe right of aceess. They are ntit'· rOllt, bu t wide e{lOUgh to be a bit or coun· try landscape. One ca n even walk from town to town. reflexive nature of "thyself." , • There is -0n1Y one .. ris~t <~Ptti'rrern gpeed) in which the computer la a:vperlor to the buman being ope ra.Ung it, IP.4 th1t is ila abilily to monitor ijl '. Own perionnance and know wben it 11 beblv· Ina: defectively. • • • 1"hoR who live by the rule die by the exception. " • • • 'J'l'lt rl!ally dangerous dk:hotomy of our time lies not in C.P. Snow's division M.twten tht "scientists" and the "humanists," but. the far greater pp between the men who are power-oriented and the men who are know ledge-oriented . • • • The most that can be aaid ror a book that con9CioUSly tries to 1'Jmprove your mind" is that occalion11Jy It may curt :The best reason for letting a child alttp ·.ovemilht with a lriend at an early age 11 -."he soon learns other parents aet ~ "° better than his own do, whlch r.utVll.young fears and provides 1 mo~ ~-recognition ol lht hazards of family life. • • • Definition or birth control : avoidint: the ~ue. • • • ~ lt'1 surpri1ing how many people in how m1ny C01Jntfies live within 1 stone's throw of the American Eml>assy. , . • • • The otflfn of the old superstition must lie in the 1ndl1~table fact that ,a catty remark has nine .live&. . .. . ' . . E\'ery "utlmatc"<lhoukl be compelled by la.w to include a footno~ esijmating • how much more than. the e!liniatc the final bill will be. Flaming Sex Scandal Now ~t Mn. 0Qlssia 11 beina: called a home wreckir for )Vflilna four thank· you notes to a married gtntleman, the naming sex scand1l of the Calvin Coolidgt Administration can no lon1er be withheld from public scrutiny. The scandal is well docwnentld ln a hithtrle>-secrel lelttr found In the rumble &eat of a ~fodel A Ford roadster. It is !ligned "Grace (Mrs. Calvin) Coolidge." lt is addreMed to Cyrus Hockdlng. the Deputf Assistant SeCretary of ,Agriculture who cul a daahlng fl1Ure at Tht First Pre&byteri11.n Church'a Bak- ed Bean Supperr> in Washington during the Coolidge years. TRE DATE OF TIUS loUmale note - June 17. 1926 -is consldued partlcul1rly signUlc1nt. For it was precisely alJ years and ten weeka 1fter th is -to the day - that Mrs. HockdJo& ran orr with 1 piano tuner from BalUrflore. While Mra. Hockjllq never publicly b1ar:ntd Mr11. Coolldp for breaking up her home. 1he o/WI c:onllded IO friend" 0 'There has betn no munc 1n my mar· riage ilnce JW>e 17, 192t " The rlrat hint we b1•e· of the scandsl 1ppt111 ln the salutatbl of the letter: ··oear Mr. HOCkdlnM.'" Tht want. 1~dt1r," ii deft'*! by the dictlonlll1 ,II "'hlplf · U te e m e d , cbertlhed. Jevtll." And whit 1r1 the ftri;l tbrte wd Mt11 Ceo1'qe addrusu to lier ~, JoYed Mr. l!Dciding? "( deatre ytU ••• " PllOCIEDING 'Vl'QI, fl\llllY h~ste !""' WI ll>ockln1 dlclaratlo!I. Mn. COolidp quickly Idell. " •.• lo loloW of my araU\l.lde lG you ... " (Here, in the 111'11 two ltna. "''find Mn. Coolidge con· !lllliJll ml onb' l"1 pwlonale d<slr!I for Mr. Hockdl:nJ:'a future favon. but.her lfl.lltude for W"ho-know1·wh»t rom1nUc ltllrlud• ift tlto c:oupla'a bidden pall.) -...- .. ~ ' ., •t• A!t Hop t '-~ . ~ ' ' Pressing girlishly on, she v.·rftes, •• ... ror sending me that slim volume CAhJ we all know wha~ comes in slim volumes. don'l wt?) enlltled, 'A i Statistica l Abstract ol Fiscal 1924 M:1plt Syr:up Production In VermOnt.' It hi-ought back many pleasant memories." (Many pleasanl memories of what? Wt can on I y speCuJate. Bu l ltl It be remembered that ~1rs. Coolidge's in- timalts invariably d\!!Cribed her as "gay and cllartning;'' "She 's a real sc;i1 pol," said one, "com~al'td lo Cal.'') THE Lm'r;R continues! "Thank you for the in.~crlptlon on the fly leaf ... " CWhat mad, Insane wOll"dt of love did that inscription employ! \\'c know not. The book It unfortunateJ,y lost.) •: ..• and in rttllm allow me lo convey my kcst wishts to you.'' (Her btlf wlslies ror "·hal! And bow dots she plan lo convey thtm? Ah. love's 1wttt secret.!) But by now she is overwrought with emotion a:be can no longer contain .. And in her two closing words she rtveals all - plecf«lnl that ,,,. Is. In truth, hi1 with all the ainttrlty of an lmpauloned heart. In an aut.buttlt of Inflamed ardor, 1h1 wrlte1: "SIDcerely Youri." TRE ONLY PUZZLE lo how Mu. Coolidie could have been IO indiscreet . Surely, all public fiaurea know t}Jal t very lM'l\•ate word they "1'11t will b~ eaaerly read by us mu1tl1ude1 sooMr or later. They can only lry to make the best of ft. ~ut. ne~tr fur. we'll make the "'orst of It. Recently. man ha s taktn to the air for purposes of transportation and sh!~ 1nent. In view of the tremendous function.~ \Vhlch airplanes serve. it is unrealistic to propose that man ground himse lf. Bul any air flight invol\'Cs some measure of discomfort and loss of peact to all tho$! on the ground, which might bt weight<! against the lunclions of such flights. SOME DEFERENCE has lo bt made to productive economic and social u5t. but I ca n see no justification for flight~ which serve no other function than the flyer's sport, especially when small aircraft, with th~ir sharp grating engines. maYbt. qualitaUvely.1l1e worsl offenders in aerial noise pollution. \Vlth silence :ruch a sca rce commodity as ii is. the righ"t lo clutterrClur skies with noise shoakt be. undtr tht1t ontrol of the eilllens·on tl>e: grouiid. : I pro1195e some kind of governn1ent rtgu lalo'ry mechanism to .trlctl y cont rol and restriCt'lhe cight 'ro Of an ai rplanr, and lo grant Such rlg~t ooly for clearly st ated socially·producdve ase. . ' IN CLOSING, I would Q('9p<>St a slogan to guide lechil<>logJcal ~noi111 research in the 7D's. W1 have Blick Power apd Stu- dent Power. l propolt ~motto "Silent Power" as an wpcit.Mt .research a:oal: !ht eventual larger will be siltnl pro- pulsion for aU bum.an lransportaUon. ALLAN KAMIN Against Air1tarf< 'ro lht Editor : \Ye art fighting a propoied airpark that 1t.'ill aftrct approximately 400.000 peoplr. in tht Garden Grove. Costa ?.Jesa. llun- ~--811 George --- Dear George : This fel\(lw 1 hardly knew told me I had unyielding lnhlbltlona and I slapped him. 1 have two questions: (I) Should I have slapped htn1 and 12) What d°'s lnttlbltlons mean ? BLONDIE Otar Blondie: \\'ri te to one of the lady t;0l· un1ni.sls. The last one I had U)lc vou hit me upside 1he hean "·ith ~ p11pcrn·eighl when I told her that her e<>nvictions should be lirmer. Otar GtOree: I've heard that you've slarttd us- int: puns tn your column to 1ry to grt 111 popular 11 the lady advlt11 colwnnlsta. Is lhls tru e? PUN HATER Deir Pun Hater : Absolutely not. and you 6houldn'I liilen lo idle aonlp. r :11tc both ll11n1 lnd 1011slp°. lo fact, I've orten polntod out that a pun ls the lowe!l form or mmor. s The . Or1n1t ~otqity Boar~ o I occur Jess frequently lh~ll once In 100 • uperv1sqr1 he votid twlct to include ye ars. To most of us non-perfecllonists, t.11le Sgµare (~nd!i!J by .. Warner,. ·U\ls i!.adequate inS\Jrance .. Edlngec...:Brookhurst and Euclid st.rettsl .,, ·\Ve can even allow for the.poaslbillty of as part-.of.-the county master airport pla11. .all seven members o( our City Council Those of )'OU who art concerned, ~lease. living next door to each other on Lido tsle.i ~elp us to keep Mlle ~uare ~s a recrea. by a small gerrymandering of the dislrid 11onal centtr for playheld s, p1cnlc areas, ALLEN GEE ball parks. outdoor coo king. cam ping arid hiking. THE COUNTY BOARD of Supervi$0l'S 1, now interpreting an airpark as beini': recrealional v.·hich would take awa y part of our potential recrealiona l center. If you don't want an ::iirpark, plea~e conta ct us for a petition -we ha\'e almost 4,000 signatures colleeted in two week s. Our only hope is through citizens because all legal channels havt bten l·losed lo us ! Our organization is named "Clt!icns Against Airpark Plans·· (CAP). \Vt have had two meelings-the first y;ith over 5.50 in atte ndance and the -aeeood wos a town hell meeting to ask quations of tht supervisors as to v.•hy they would consi der P.1Ue Square as an airpark. For informa tion. contact CA P. P.O. Box 8248, Fountain Valley. Calif. 92708. 011 r Board of Supervisors must eliminate the possibility or fixed •wing aircraft fl ights at ~iile Square . and · preserve our re(:reationaJ patk !" MAR'\' 1UX Ch1irrnan Citizens Aga inst Airp.iirlc •Plan ' P rove1l tt'e CnN To the Edlto" Althou&h it w11 s a rainy day and a clost election, our recent school vote proved th1t we taft and v.·ant to conUnue the 1 fine educational faclli lies \\'e now enjoy in the Nt.,.,•port-~lcsa Unified Schoo [ Dlsl rlcl Pa ssage of both issues reaffirms the confldince that the people of our com· nu1n\~ 1ha\'e in our school bc>lrd and S<hooil<l!<~Jcl. • ' .. ANNE ~1. SORENSEN • . Ru•ter l<"a t ·To the Editor · I got hysterical and almost went Into a state or ihock ind horror when I read thal H~\\'all is tryina: to tegalit:e abor· llotis. Wbo aave them the right to cast off their'· Purltanlcal rcpressll'' measures whfch ti~ fhcm lo the past ~ \\'ho gal'c th!m Ule:powtr to rrant "·ornen a choice lo'tht matter ? Don't they realize that all ot >ul shou ld live by the standards and OO!lcl~ ti the right reli1ion. lT AU.JOST SEE~1S th11t they are !ryln g to take abortion out of the hinds of 1heolo1l11l*'and lawym, and pot it in the ha rNs c!f the women and thtir doctors. And evtrypne know1 tti11 abortion is a leaal matter, not mtdlcal. And what about the hdlsls \\'hO support abortion ? Arc they any less ignor1n1 than lhc doctors, l8"'Vers, and po\iliciAns who \1ant !his terrible, ugly. dirty ''thing:" to bQCome coinmonplace in our wonderful be11utiful, cl,iln, and ethleaJ cou:1try! ' STEVEN C. LAUBLY True Cou11111 Resid ent To the Editor : I'm sorry you feel (editorial, Feb. ll) lh1t Costa Mtsa was .shortchanged in lht rtcent appointments to the Orange Coun- ly Fair Board. AlthOugh my malling ad· drtss is Ntwport Buch. I'm actually a true county resident. My home on Donnie Road i1 ilt the uninc:or-gor11led strip betv.·een Santa Ana and ,Tustin Avenues off 22nd Street. ln terms of feet al\d inches. I lh·e e!Cl,ller to Costa ~!eu thanoio any other ci· ty. I doubt that .Qovemor Rtaaan con. sldered lhi1 fact In his decision. but it may eame the minds or any of Costa fl1esa's i7.000 reatstcrid •Republicans who may be wonderlne. . . ROBERT W. KRONE lletilh• ,Nat ural L autf To the :i!:ditOr: William Mason, lr~ine Company peeai· de'nt . Ki ~t!tndlna the coalfov~nlal '-'ck ; nii)' swap~ ttate.s that his Cbmpany }las il~ays rosttrtd plann ing lnd1 land use th8l hdp mtn relate, to and enjoy '6elr. natural environment. He c1!1ed 'his policy "social ecology ." · How marVelous thb would be if II .,ere. only tru:e! The tho!.is:arX!a or IC!'tS or unde veloped hills and canyons behind Corona de! Mar have always offered the perfeet outlet for man to rtlate to his en- \'iron1nent. Rolling g r a s s l 1 n d s , wlldfiov.·crs, birds or all kinds, flowing streams, woodtd glens, footpaths and \\'1ndlng. narrow dirt road~ Here Is the answ~r to "getting away from It all" for 11 ftw hours on v.·eekends. HERE IS mE PLACE for nAture .... ·alks, family atrolli, ' few sollitry hOurs Quotes Dr. S. J, Hay1k1n11, oo"S.F. State cant· pus vlolertct -''Protttl leader5 .. _ lfUe not Interested ln just •n improvemtM, merely ln • chana;t l"'comm1nd from the · freedom tltlbllshtd by tn1 1t1t1: to tht re volullonary le1dershfp of the masxs f0< Whom. wllhoul prior consulbUon. Lhey pruumed to rlpeak." "111lam n. Glat1tlll. stalt Of rector, Water Rttuce11 -"Now that !*Pie hare dlscov!re<I ·envlrorunenl' and 'ccololY· -Rnd J do not mean to aound facetious -let ua v.•elcomt their lntCrt1t li1 maln talnln& a proa:ram whl<'b wili allow ua to conserv~. to uu. and a:UU to prcttct all of our valuable resource.a,'' Would n't it be nice. to be able to 1valk !i country lane fr om Corona del l\1ar t~ Laguna? Or to UC!? The Irvine Compan y has always useg the pretext that this ill ·impossible because or the graltng catt1a in the area. Britain has catlle, loo: grt3t: blg, long-hornied. long-haired Highland cattle -but it all works out~ I THINK A1r. Mason 's idea of relatin g to the environment centers more on lawn- co~·~red playa:rounds -complett with rings and swings and a baseball field ·- or putting greens. He must realize that the opponents of the back bay swap are not fighting for more developed parks like school playgrounds. We are fighting: for the retention or natural laod that supports wildlife and of. fers an (lpportunity lo observe !hi~ wildness. This kind of land cannot be de veloped or replaced. Once gone it is gone forev er. Thoreau phrased it \\'CU: "In wildness is the preservation of man ... "Now, Mr. f\ofason, how about developing a real plan for social ecology·~ ll J, BALL 6e11eca Treai11 To the Editor : Referring to your edilorial on Sen. Eugene t.1c:Carthy Feb. 10: Sure. tht plight of the American POW'1 families is not made easier by North Vietnam ·s faUure to publish 1 list of lhfir captives, bUt ia any'*1e' here cryi ng for tht thousands of Vittnamf::se wldow1. · orphans, and POWs we are helping to ert1te ;daily h1 Vietnam? . Do ~·e pu'blish a· complete liil ol tht. missing and dead Vietnamtse clvllia1111 afttr . indi1crt111inate, bombioa:s 1 n d (fOUnd action? Do we pub\ilh a list nf thoae suspected Viet Cong interned In roncentralion camps all over South Viet- nam ' 1 We seem to be qu ick to invoke ~ Gene-va-treaty. bul only when it bendits us. Think about it. JOHN BULL ----- Wednesday , ~'ebruary 18, 1970 The eclitorlal poge of thf Doilr Pl!oc seek& to tnfonn a.nd ltfm. u1c1te readns bu ·rm,.,.dllg 6ds "'"'"'°"'"' ophtiolls mid ..... m1111a,,, on topics of fllln<ll and 1igMi/kanct, by provWbag • f°"'m for tho e.tprnsiOIO of our readcr11 ~. ond bf/ _,....,.tin,,., 111. d(...... ...... ~,. of itl/.,.,.d obi..,,... -114 "'"1«"""' °" lopics of Ch< U· Robert N. Weed, Publisher •• I ' 0 '1 '( 0 ' •• • .. ·f;osia Mesa . . • , • .; --! :~, 63, NO. 41 , 5 SECTIONS, 70 PAGES ·.~ . • . J • . •ORANGE .COUNJ,Y, CALIEoRNIA • . ~EONESDAY, FEIRUARY 18, 1970 ~ • () 1ca () . . -. 2 Parents Irate · Scho:ol . Programs . ·~Come Under Fire By WILIJAM SCHREIBER • • Of tllt 0.11 .. ,Llof Slttl' Sen~tivily training for teachers and al· leged obscenity in instructional packets came under fire from two irate parents during the Newport·Mesa· School Board meetinJf-Tuesday. The~bbard took no formal action on titbel complaint. but did suggest that ~-~ta submit their grievances in .... ~ school superintendent William C!/iililJii!>am. . CJ!tmlng that sensitivitY training ts •' Police Link CM Suspect To Old Case • By AR'tlflJR R. VINSEL Of IM DlllY Plllt Sfltff An ex-fireman who allegedly once otranded.l>i< Sell Beach partner and now t»<lofmiW>l al a ~ tftl!I~ ..t'"'"i!o U. heat was on d'urtng ~tkm lrilen:IPI -was implioated b7 pollc:e t .. ~lY ht a sea and air marijuana smug. 11!ri& ring. Ql;fltiit R. Peters<>n, 31, was capturt.d i> Costa Mesa Monday night, ploktd· ap by IJ,S, Customs .Ogents Tuesday and f&CtS arraignmenl Friday in San Dle:go. ,P.le defendant was indicted by a fediral grand jury and a no-bail warrant chirging blJn with conspiracy to smuggle and 'COncul marljuana internationally IOboe<fuel>Uy Issued. A. spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Olfk:& In San Diego said today that Peterson will go before U.S. Magistrate J •. Ed'tara Harris on Friday to answer t?ie• ch:!iges. ·He abO said Peterson is believed to be the·parlner of Willy Lenahan, 27, of Seal Ber.;b. arrested-· twice last year on ted~cl-smuggling charges, once at re~ Palomar Airport and once al sea. "Mr. Lenahan is in a bit of trouble," 5&id the federal lawman, addin& that he 18 currenUy held at San Diego County Jail. ._aitiD& trial on multiple federal d!lrD'-' Peterson joined him al that facili ty Tu...iay r.ight. Trial for both Lenahan and Peterson, however, will be consolidated as the result Of the ex.city fireman 's capture, Witb proceedings tentatively scheduled torfte .time next month. _-Polic<! hac. been seeking Peterson in the ttarb'or Area for some time and sur-r~ed him within eight minutes after he. was: first spotted Monday night, with ocGus to ram his car if ne<:es.sary. _ Detective Capt. Bob Green said PeterSon -once reported to be anntd anctdangerous due to his mental state - ls beKeved lo have brought a recent lhJp- ment Of 500 kilos of marijuana 1n Crom Mexico. · No -trace of the .conlrabana, worth flt,oae:or more, he! been found. -.~'U.S. Attorney's Office sahi today that Peterson is believed to have been the JilOl -;irho left t.nahan stranded at the ~ desert airport last fall with 1 lhl,pbient of marijuana. 1 S~ked by the approach of lawmen. tie )!Jot of the small plane which entered brainwashing , l'.1r11 . Pat \Valker queston· eel the propriety of allowing it to take place at a recent in-service training ses· sion for teachers. She said the topic ol the sensitivity session, "Expanding Jluman Aware- ness,') was .drawn from-a book enUUed .. Joy" whicb--speaka or manipula.Uon of trained be.hal'ior and attitudes. Quoting psychological :studies, r..tr11. Walker cmtended that staUstks prove a large perCflllage of j>eaple Jn sensiUvity sessions become ···psychologicaQ_y-dam- aged." she cvnctuded her presiniaUoo by de- manding a board policy statement again"t sensitivity training to change human al· Utudes. · Boord President Marian C. Bergeson satd the board totally supports in-service training as developed by teachers to meet theit own need\. Mr11. Bergeson ••Id the board has faith In the good judgment. of the teacher!<. but allowed that expanded programs In :sensiUvttt · training need :study before _iniiiaUor\. .: ~ _. Dr. Narmaa ~ ......... _.., tendenl for inst:ruclion !18id be felt the problem was !!:Imply a definition of sen· !l!itivity trainiJll. . "U semiUvity ·training means chang- ing atU\w!!S. 6"" mort of ll should'llke place iri the. clOuroom," tafd toils. He -said II there was an unpatriotic boy in a claa and ·semitlvity training could make him ?!lirioUc then It wa.s valuable Jn that. regird. The board also raced charges lrom a- nother partnt, Mrs. Athena Sumakis, that several Collta Mesa High School imtruc- Uonal pacltets. t90talned some obscene or misleading statements. Mrs-Sumakis. whose daughter is a stu· dent at ec.ta Mesa High, refem!d to pa&-- 11ages from Instructional Texts 1433 and 1425. Among other things, she said the texts contained • severaJ objectionable four-letter words. a statement that mari- juana was no worse than coffee or ciga- rettes and a quote using the slang term "nigger." "I want to know what has happened to the tradiUonal approach w~re the teacher wrote his own lessens." she sa id. The instruct.iona1 packets are prepared lesson plam whJcb have been adopted to give the teacher more time for individual consultation with students . Dr. Loats said that the board could not possibly nad the packets because more than 300 were in existence. He said that they are prepared by teaching speclal- -ists and nviewed by department chair- men before adoption. lMils did say, however, that some sort of staff review panel could be set up to provide check! and balances. StHk IU•rket . NEW YORK (AP) -The .tock market broke loose With a powerful rally in fairly active trading late Ihle afternoon. (See quotations, Pages 2941). ,\nalysts lltributed the abrupt tarn- li>oq1 !nm !he drilliiil ~ of recenl performances to • combln1Uon of factors. - • • ' :,. • " DAILY"PILOT Steff l'Mte TWO OF SANTA FE FREIGHT'S 'THREE ENGINES LIE ACROSS TRACK AFTER CRASH 'We'd Just Gotten the S'lgnel That the Track Was Clear and There Was That Damned Cliboo11' Trains Coll.ifl:.~ .. in Co·unty . . . . ·,. •. '. Full erton Wrec·k Pm~~~;; ~t"l¢.1 ... • • ~r.. .;; ... ._,_..._ _ __;,.~,.,~~cltiWi t • ,,,. <" '?· "'" I ,. • '• NllD'Ollll tw .r;maJOr carriers today were investlpl.inc a ~~ liSion between a · Sailtii ,Ye ·fretght~tr&Jn and ·a Union Pa~ilic1••1oca1" iq..Whlch one man wu 1tUled at a. Ftillerton crossing track Tuesday nijht. . . A &econd 'vlCthn "w11 1bijuted' Whfn ~' Santa Fe freight ttain On tlie' Third DlstrtC:t niainllne plowed into a Urtlon Pacific "cab(lo&e ..... aod two freight cars which were straddling the Santa Fe mainline near the Basta siding. Rail officials said the UP c r e WJil.1 swiiching at the Hun~ Foods comptu and that the UP Jocomouve was detached from the caboose ahd cars. Killed instantly when he was pinned un- der the caboose w111 Conductor L. E. "Ed" Roy, liO, of Los Angeles, He rePortedly was sitting in the caboose when the Santa Fe train, powered by three diesel locomotives plowed into the stalled caboose. Billy J. Bogle, 40. a brakeman oo the Santa Fe train was Jnjured when be was lhrDwn out of the lead locomotive on im- pact. Two other Santa Fe crewmen. engineer Russell Llndquist, 52, of. WhiWfl', and brakeman James Wakefield, 34, of Fon- tana were uninjured when they burled lhemselve!!: onto the deck or the locomotive. , Three locomoti ves, live boxcars -al least two or which carried mercbantlise -and a tank car we.re derailed. "The wrecked engines and cars were spread all over the place," sakt a Fullerton poUce officer. Santa Fe and Union Pacific officialll said no statement as to the cause of the accident would be made pending an in- vesUgation. Wakefield, the Santa Fe brakeman, was quoted as saying: . . l'We had just gotten a clear blqc~ (go ahead) indicating the llne was clear when an of a sudden there was that damn cabilose, right up the track. { • -.. OAl\.Y PILOT................... ' ""Ibere wasn't anything lo do but -lie fs<e TRAIN, Page I) _ FIREMEN PltlPARE fO,pltY·BOD't' J!ROM U,.DER CAliooSE-' :r.••'""1•J> :.EJiior;i, f!•Y.:!91"4:1if.Wreck.Noar Hunt· Foods Compl1x .. ---. -~ .... ' ,. • • Meany Fears :· .: (See DRUGS, P.age Z) . . '~lag' Cm·tain Freewa·y Feud Reheating Anti-Labor Mov e MIAMI BEACH (UPI) -AFi..cIO president George Jdeany ·fears opponent.!! elf' 9\'1!an""''. labor In Corigre•1 may ~ lhi,•iniu-der ti, UnftM M.i~kers of .. . Leads to Arrests ' . : An American Flag being used • a win· lowt curtain led Cooll Mesa polk:e ln!o 1 ~ Tuelday night, where they auboe- ~fleiltlt arrested two men pttatnt on mWd}IJBna charges. · • Jarrtes J. Goddard, 22, an ex-60ldier, '&Dd' Todd P. Benson, 21. a baker, gave SJnta 1 Ana addresses am! were ap- ~t:ii ly not. connected with the Flag ,d)lplay. ~J>1!teciive Sgt. John Regan, and ln- ~1ator1 Wayne. Hatber and Norm Kulcl\. went lo the residence at 8 p.m., ~ed •nd were admitted by the two men. ' A amall amount of marijulna In a Un b<JI<, plus ott.r evidence of pot·smoklng Jed 1hem to an-est Goddard and Bemon Md COl!finl< tho materials. • .. . . 87· THOMAS l'OllTIJNE .... ,..... .......... 'lbuDdly 'lrilJ be -day of de<J. 1ion in the ~ !even-year !crap between Newpcrt Btach and Coata Meza city ol· fidals OTer· lhe rouUng ol the future Pa· cific Coast Freeway. Meeting in Et C-entro, the California Highw.,-Commission Is due to rule on Newport's request to restudy the adopted route ~ween the Sant.a Ana River and the Upper Newport Bay bridge. NewPort city officials last month Jn Sacramento prestnttd new 1rgument.11 r~ JIU&hlng the freeway route inland ln- ,, .. d of ll hugging the bluff along Pllclf· le Coast Highway, while COsta Mesa city officials demJy opposed any r o u t e re- opening. A deds1bn on ~ ;lll'll\Jl!lenls Is due Thurlld17 aft<rnoon. The 11ot1 JllPway ('nnmluiM '"I" -- ' -\ posedly Is not interested in hearln& any new "Umony, although it has gral!ted Newport an opportunity to n!bot ' 18"' argument presented Ja1~ month by Costa M... City Manager Arthut . McK.nzle, wbo miMed the regular heartng'Wlleri his plane was fogbound. Costa Me&a may abo get In anothep lick. "U Newport gives a rebutta"J I'm 11ure as informal a.' the things are we'll be given a chance tn anriver any ques. I.ions,'' McKeniie slld. A plane ha~ been chartered fot a New- port city delegaUon of Mayor Doreen ~farshall, councilmen Lindsley Par.50M. Howard Rogera ;iod Paul Gn1btr. Pub Uc Works Director Joseph · Devlin_ and Plan- ning Director Laurence wn .... Taking' the 11111e he>"dlng:fot El·Centro oot ol Or@.nge County Atrport eri Lhe.ir awn chart<r Olaht will be Costa Mm offlcl•I• McKwle, Cl!¥ A114'De1 Roy.June, Ill-----· • ' ~ ' . ' ' rectar1 of PubllC Worl<$ George ~itsot!, an<!. -lbly "'!II" '.city .coun<!hi>en. • ".Jii'.Sa6'•-t<i'~1ime, Ne~~·r ·Mr ~Ji iki!d the • !ij•-· ~.i>Old'-« on 1lii (edil90.'!clr ~~~ • nm w bfg!>W"1 ~--· "' .. ..,. t(>e -· .. ~ .• or act! .. ~µit ~fl A ~"' •. "qn • ~ ¥ttii~ ij!g~~y.b\iln;lisloll' Chiilllll~ Fred Jennmp•gn<d a'"' old' rilOclilton would be reached in El• Ci!ntro. Newport. •rgued the case for moving the freeway Inland of Hoag Memotlal ltospltaJ through lhe Plac.enU1 A..,_: Superior Av,11ue Intersection and ICrosi, Newport' Heights. -• Problems with the existing b!ufi .. ld6 routlllfo. city offil:ial1 araued, Include l..i of "''~ 'alooa llarlnen Mlle, lnlerfer. enCe wiUJ Pacl!Jc. Coast Jf1&bway tngreia ind· •gre51,.cuttlnt off the 0<:epn '1elr aild (illil'l'llUW.lY,'P ... I) ¥ ·-· w I ' • • • "'"'!' •' • • I I • ffc:la\J ... pll A, Ya~O!llid:'I~ 1R Ufll"' for. tr'y!ng to. push !hrogp ·a~. ......_,.....,,. .. , ·I ·-.. ~"\""~\ -. A s.lilltt p&nd hfaded ,by Sen.' Hor: Ith'·~ 1!1~!""· 'Ol;'!i.J.· '~ 'sc~J. ed. oan ~yestlll~~oo ol.~Mi l!MWA, porllcularl¥ ti\O' Dec, • e~ In wblch :Vot>lomlii . WIB dt(tated• bi ln<:umbenl president W. ~. "T0t1y" Boyle. The labor department alio • 11 In· ~atlng the balloting to delern\lne ~ lhe elec:tion s'houkl be set a~Jde, The 9~·~•ar.old Meany, ·gie only pres!· clenl the Af!,00 bu had l~lta 11 years, told new•mtn Tuesday hit IOl!I ex- per!eii<O to1i. hii'> that lhll i,pe ol ln-"8141tloh olltn· t~lnto .. 1nU·IOor mo-. .. • • - N.V. Steek• • TEN CENTS ButAll 7 Beat Rap on Conspiracy · CHICAGO (UPI) -The jury .In the marathon and tempestuous trial of the ••Chicago Seven" today found all the dcfeni:lants Innocent of conspiring to in-- cite riots during the 1968 DemocraUc Na· tk>nal Convention but convicted five of them or crossing sfale lines with intent lo incite riots. The ·jury returned its verdict. after more than 4.1 houn o[ deliberaUoaa and 27 weeu to lhe day altor the laodmuk trial began, -.. Sept. 21 last )'Ur. Tbl case had ~n tn •the joey;, hands 1lnce Saturda)'.. The J~ -;(-10 women and two men, returned guUcy verdlcts agaln!t <Iden· dants David 'i'. Dellinger:5,1; Rennard C. "R~ll(lie". D{lyls, .29; Thomas E. ·~i:oJn .. Hayden 29; Abbott H. "Abbie" )lof!mon, 32 :-and Jerry C. Rubin, 31'. Ordered acquitted were John R. Frolnes, 30, and Lee ·Weiner, 30. Those convicted face P"Sible senttncea of five years in prison and ,St0,000 fines. All of the delendan~ are ~sently held under contempt aentenc.ea,_ ranaing up to almost 2'hi years, impo5'Pd SafurdiJ: and Sundiy by U.~. District Court Juqe JUIJul .J ~n . . . l!o1rm.n IOd'aY refused t0 &r41>t .ball mi the trial sentence~ themselves, saying ••t have·dtteimlned they are dan&eroua·JDCJ\ • to hav,e at large." It ..... llolost ·inevitable tl>at I ~ which ran.b as ooe of the most tumultuous In U.S. J•dlclal history should ead .)!Ith mon outbreaka and tho>uted tm-0\lon. Moments alt.er Frolnea was aequllted, he cried "it's not. fair, it.11 not fair." • Eartler,~the wives of Rubin, HOfCman anfJ Weiner"Wtre evicted 1CTeaming from the COUl'troo'1J ,Of, the motion of auiatlnt u.s .. attomey Richard ·a. Schultz. who eald tlle1trlal had ~n "Q1lniature rlols." ·- Aruta. Hoffman as she wu led out screamed : •"I'he to or you (tlie ~t original defendant.a and Lhelr tWo lawyers) lYill be avenged. We'U dance on your grave, Julie, (the judJe) and on the (See <;HIC4GO 7, P1ge Z) Heroin Suspects To Face Charges Chemical analy11ll or white powder a11egedty purchased from a Costa Me!a boatbUllder was conUnuing t.oa1y, lo determine if it is heroin, a! detecUves suspect. - Complainl;s cherging Ronald S . Johnson, 33, and Joyce M. Prince, 11, or 2246 Elden Ave., with gale of huotil and several oll'ler narcoUQ orfenses were to be Soug"ht lh'.111 afternoon . DetecUve Johu Stoneback gajd the alleged heroin was being tosted·by qoots at the St.ate Bureau or Narcotics Enforce- ment lo det.enntne If It is the killer-drug. A team of detOctlves iirested Jobnsoft, sus~ed to be a major Harbor Area heroih dealer, and hla girl CbmpanlOn at their apartment Monday, con&catlna other suspected drugs too. . . Coast ' - Wea l lier Thursday's weather will be written on lhe wind again. with Santa Ana type zust11 whippinf up and down, tbe"'Ofange Coast and iemperaturea nngtng frorb 651to 74 ~gi:ee11. • ' . INSWE TODAY Orange CO<Ut theater1 ,oet itrlou.s th.is' week 0¥1hree., htaVJ drapteJ bu 1uch n_oted dram(l- lilto o.c ll<ghiold Rote, Edword Albee and TenneMH William• open on tocol atage1. Set EKttr- tainment, Page 2$. • ' =· ...... ~ ti ......... ·r ~-...,I co A • trl'fM """' " ...,.. , .... °'· .,......... .. =-...:::··· .. ll --!r--~ \ ' I l ( • .1 DAJLY PILOI c 2 Countians -- ., .. Face ·Counts As Bookies Two Weslmlrfiter men were amOog a 1roup of aeven ~endants awaiUng ar. raiarunent loday in Orange COWlty Superior Court on bookmakioa charges. All seven were named Tuesday in an lndldment issued by the Orange..,County Grf"d Jury. The panel .. dorsed the re· qu .. t of Dtpuly Dlslrlcl Allorney Martin HeoeJhan that ~he lfOUP be named ln relony complaints alleging bookmaking ~d compiracy ... Named in the indiclmenl were Harry Clyde Neidlinger, 25, of 13931 Newland, arxl Raymond Hall Grant, 46, of M02 Westminster' Boulevard, hoth o r \Vestmlnster, and Larry Riddle, 33, of 16437 Everest ClrCle, Founliln Valley. Heneghan ldentllled their co-defendants as William Glen )fartin, 46, of Santa Ana, Dale Ronald Smith, 37, of Torrance, William Francis ·Horvath, 38, of Cypress, and Robert Daniel Earles, 40 of Wilm· iJlilon. Heoeghan said the seven defendants v.·ere atTested in Westmiruter followin& investigation of what was described as a wide-spread bookmaklng ring. InvesUgat.ors said the charges acainst the group mainly concerned the ac- ceptance of wagers on football 1ames. F rom Page 1 CHICAGO 7 .•. grave of your pig empire." Chief Delense Attorney Wllllam · M. Kunst]er denounctd· Hoffman 's order to clur the courtroom and deplored the verdict as a "compromise." He said Schu1tz·s request was "the last crowning indignity In a trial that has become a shame. At lhis time, no man 5hould be alone." Of the verdict, he said, "I wish it had been hung. I feel this ia a compromlse verdict." At the moment the jury reached its decision, the defense was demandin1 tbal the panel be dismissed and a ml.stria! declared on ground& that the jW'Y could DOl ruch a decision. . ..., But the JW'Y did rtach a verdict and it 'ft'as one which possibly skirted the most controversial element or the Indictment. . under whJc.b the "Chicago Seven" welre tried. This element is contained in the an· liriot amendment to the 196iJ Civil Rights Act which maket H a crime to conspire to Cf'O!J atate llntl with intent to Incite rlobl. The law had never been tested In court before. Some legal experts had qUts. tloned the constltuUonaUty of the concept ·or "conspiracy with littent" and predicted Jt could be.overturned In an appeals' court Uthe "seven" we.re convicted undG' It. But the jury's ve.rdfct appeared to erase this prospect. The convictions are bound to be appealed. however, on othe:r grounds, .including Hoffman's conduct of the trial. From Page 1 FREEWAY ... brttries for Newport Shores and taking out parking in West Ne~·port. The City of COsta Pi1esa, which has won blttle art.er battle to keep the route whtre Jt is although Newport once got a period for restudy. has taken the po.sjUon that an inland alignment would infrin1e within Costa Mesa by accm ramps. The city repeatedly has pointed out tha t ll already has three free\vays scheduled to criss-cross its landllcape. The Newport position is that the pro· J>05ed restudy does not affect Costa Mesa. that Newport's coocem is not political but practical and environmental within tts own boundaries. DAILY PILOT "•"Pi H'. w,., ,,......., ..... ,...,.,,.,. J.c~ JI. Curt.., ~ ,,.,...,.., -"*"'•' ""'~"' il>om•r IC11"il ·-fl>oMIJ A. Mu•plrit~• Mlfltllnt l.•!ltr C•1N M•1• OHica JJO W11t l1v Stroll. .M •ili~1 A4drou: ,.0 , lo,,-lflO. •:•t• on-Offk." N...,..... llKll: tJH Wnl .. ,..._ &owlof>l1f't' • lAtllftl hedl: m l'1rtt1 .,.._ J.l!i"I""_., ._,.,, INIS I.ell l.)lllf:~•"' ... ~ri .. DAILY PILOT Steff Plllto Bis Garden Sprouts Digier Pearson checks proa:ress of five sunflower plants which sprouted recenUy through a small crack in the patio cement at his home. 132 21st St., Costa Msea. Plants just appeared one day and now have reached height of four feet. Pearson. wbo found similar groM.b in his patio Jast year, doesn't know where the seeds came from, but he's proud of his pJants, just the same. . Leary Trial Nears End;, Ju1~y Await s Instruction · B~ TOM B~RLEY Of ltlf P•llY Pllsl Sltlf A tense Santa Ana Superior Court jury wait9d today for what will be its final In· slrucUons while lawyers for Dr. Timothy Lury and his family hammered out with Judge Byron K. McMUlan and the-Jlr~ secutlcri the fonn and substance or tho&e guidelines. They will retire to their jury room lo deliberate after those same three Jawyer1 and Chief Deputy Dls!Ticl Allorney James Enrilht offer their closln1 arsumtnti ht what bas bttn 11n e~t.-day trial of Dr. f.tary, 50, his wlfe Rose?nary, 34. and John Bush Leary. 20. And while the jurors "ervously walled in the jury room this morn.in(, the three \defendants, all outwardly composed. alp- Dredging Project In Upper Bay Wins App1;oval The county-Board of Supervisors Tuesday approved expansion of an Upper N•W]IOrl Bay dredging project to include seeding of gravel In dredged ateu. Kenneth Sampson, county director of hlrbora, beaches and parks told board membtra the $40~000 gravel project was suggested by marine blologista and enJ· ineers to facilitate the regeneratJon of life forms in the dredged arealli. AcCilrdlng to a report given Sampson by Dr. wtieeler North. professor of en· vironmental health engineering for Cal· tech, the porous materials: which normal- ly lie on the botton or he Upper Bay and provide a habitat for marine life were sealed off by silt deposited during the floods of 1969. "By depositing gravel alter dred&:lng, we will be provldln1 the nat11ral habitat of the marine life of the ana," Samp- 50ll explained to the board. The $40,IKX> Increase brines the total bill for the project to $94,000. In Dectm· her, the board awarded the dredging contract to Shellmaker. tnc. for 1154.· 000. Santa Ana Man Face8 Felon y Beatin g Cl1ar ge A man accused of beating his five-year· t:ild sttpson to death In what lnvesti••tors have. de.scribed M "a fit of rage" has bttn orrlererf to fa ce arraignment ~1arth 4 In Superior Court. Ktnneth Lloyd Walkins, 2.'I, of Santa Ant, mu1l face charges of mlU'der and felony child • beating. Those chargu were filed after Offictr~ dlscovertd th• naked. batttrf'd and blood-caked body of Wltklng young attp«>n In a Santa Ana motel. Police alJege that \\'atk lns beat the boy with his fists because Chrl!tnpher Jame111 Cl arke irnored his stepfath<!r's dt1mand.4 to get out of the tub and t1lop splashing 'A'aler onto the bathroom noor. tilvest igators today said that Watkins wife, Linda Watk'lns, 31, Is now recover· In& from an overdose of 1ttepln1 pills taken .shortly before the alleged beallng. Mrs. Watkins has toki ofl'Scer1 that the overdoae had no conntttion w1th the fatal ~aling.ol h!r youngest son. ped coffee in the courthouse cafeteria. Mrs. Leary and her steps6n listened carefully while Dr. Leary delivered what appeared to to be some specific in- structions or his own over the coffee cup.>. ..;.. • Enrishl will uk the jury to Ooid the LearyJ ,Wlt,y Of the cbarces filed a1ainst them followtne their am:st in Llruna Bucb on December 2', 1918. That 1rrat led to ~Ir ltldlcll!ltllt by the °''""' Couqty grand Jury on char1ea of po51t1alon Of marijuana and LSD. The Learys' lawyera offered little dereme to rusta..lned p r o a e c u t I (I n areument.s in which every P,Uce· officer involved in u,e. aJTest on Woodland Drive testified at lqtb m the behavior ol the dtfeodant.s, on the nature and cmantltv of Ille dnlts •lllfedly found in the l1mily's staUon WIJ'ln and on the details of dru1s found in the clothing of the. trio. Dr. IAary and his wlfe and son did not take the st.and to testify in thtir own defense. Enright said this morning that ht did not plan "any elaborate preseril•tian" in his closing argument$. "I am -merely gotn1 to recite the facts a1l4 let this jury decide for itself," he sak4-. Th• veler1D ""'9e<ulor added. ''I don't have the slighte&t cfo1Jbt about what their verdict is 1olng to be and I think it is goin1 to be a fut one." The Learys and their lawyers have no comment to offsr on the format for whal must be the final haurs of Utt trial. 2nd Trial Du e In Gun Heist At Berkshires Robert Rluaell Olin w11 on!ered today to face • aeeond Superior Court trial bn charaes that ht tOok $900 at tunpoint from Berk!hire's in the Sky R!fttaurant at Ora.nae County AiJix>rt .. PresidJng Judge WUUam C. Speirs nrd~red the former Orange County Dlrtt:· tor of the Seventh Step F·oundatlon -an ()rganltation dedicated to lhe rehabilita· lion of excon\•icts -t.o appe.!lr April 20 for R re·nln Of the trial that ended Tues- day with the jury hopelessly de3dlocktd. T'he panel had deliberat~d for more t.han 2( hour& When Judge• Samuel Dr~ize.n assessed that a verdict was Im· }'>06Slble and declared ·a rplstriaL O\in,3 7, of Gar!knGrov,e remains In Orange County Jail with bell set at 112.500. Olin, 37, of Gardtn Grove, rtmalni in smartly~essed buslnusmtn who 11t in the bar from midnight until 2 a.m. on 1'.>ctober 27. 1988,. betore robbln& the bartender at gllll°polnl, A11thoriUes dlstn~ identical charges a1ainst Gary A. CecU. 22. of ~tarUnei. •lier CWI 1 .. utl<d against Olin In lhe Supufor Court tr1al. Supp ly Copter Do~'D , SAIGON IAPl An American helicopter on a rtsupply rnJssion w11 ahot down north of $•Iaon thl1 aftetnQOn, and sevtn of the nine persons abaard were killed, field reports Slid. Two more Americans were wounded by enemy lltt. • Ju~Y (;ase _ Split _A_sked . . ... ·Mesa Counci l f:Irg~s;Crimirtq.l, Civil Div is ion C1U111 !IJ!llltr ~· in olber •!ates, U,. eo.11 M.,. qty Council has drtltld a reso1utton urging a law to split county ararid juries Jnto aeparete criminal and civil cue panels. The resoluUoo approved Monday night will be passed on to Orange County of· flcials and the Callfnrnia Legislature as a recommendation (or improvement ol grand jury efficiency. Councilman Georae A. Tucker iniUated the measure, ba!ed on a recommendation by the oulgoing 1969 Orance Couniy Gnind Jury, which put ip a· busy year. Under terms of the resolution, ont Mari11,e Vete ran Becomes Seve nth Council Hopeful One more oew face is In \he race for Ille Coota Mesa City Council <ltction. with the dea dline for filing nomination papers set at noon Thursday. All six prior candidates for the April 14 elecUon have returned their papers, as.rurln1 a place on the ballot, except for lhe newest campaigner. He Is Marine Corps vet.eran. Thomas A. M1nu1 Jr .. of 267 E. 11th St., a nine-year resldi?nt of the Harbor · Area, recentl y diacharaed to return to college. · Incumbent Councilman George A. Tucker handed his completed papers to City Clerk C. K. "Charlie" Priest at Mon· day's rtiular city council meeting. Prie1t paid a vtsit to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital Tuesday, where Plan· ning Commissioner Jack Hammett is convalescing from a fractured wrist. to pick up his papers. Hammett, who is buildlni a new home himself. fell off the roof over the '4'eekend and broke his left wrist. Besides lhe other incumbent candidate, Councilman \Villard T. Jordan. the field oI seven Includes Eli Kaser, Da vid Yamal and Theodore C. "Ted" Balogh. CSF Hecklers Face· Charges Two Cal State Fullerton students who alle1edly heckled Gov. Reagan with ob&ee~itifl5 on campus lad week were If· rest~ late Tuesday on charges of violating campus unrest laws. Bruce. Cburi:h. 31. a long·haired psychOloo major from Fullerton, and Da\'id P.1acKowlik, 23. a political science major from Corona, were b®.!sed on charges of disturbing the peace of a col· Je1e campw and held in lieu of $US bail apiece. Both men were arraigned today. The arrests came after police scanned video tapes of the Governor's af,pearance Feb. 9 and identified the two men as those allegedly disrupting Reagan 's talk by shouting obscenit ies. East !Uee ts West BONN. Germany fAPl -West German Chancellor Willy Brandt today accepted East German Premier Willi Staph's invitation to med him in East Berlin for talks. CONVfNllNT TERMS IANKAME~ICJ-RP MASTER CHARGE -. . II'tnd Ajury· would handle erimlna1 ln· pl~r with county growth,. vestigaUon end the UMUctrntnt ol def en· Many other slaia In Arperlca ha vt danta. already adopted a spQt•pa.nel grand jury system, .aod Costa. Mesa councilmen 1ay The Oranae County Grand Jury haa . it can wort here, . , a~pte~ a pollc;y or f~uently ~dieting Ettlciency of the grand jury wtll bt criminal suspe<:ts already fadng charge.s seriously hampered U the respon&lbilltles at the munldpal court level. are not divided, their re.solu4,ori contin· 1be seconcf ffnel woulil conduct the tlles. and the tme Involved aR\91Jnll to .mandatory a~ and review of county e~ic discfiminatlon. governmental ajencles, another ta.sk that Jurors shoilld represent a cr08S·section aeemed ld'giw in lhe past year. o! Ille Orange CoWJly citlienry, lbl Cotta ?tte11'1 re.soluUon ~ out the reaolution pointa out, and ·the' .time rt· 1 worklo.S impoll!d on the cam.I.)' grand q_Wred prevent.a.many wage-ea.q:i:rs from Jury.is becomlnf tu:pr anc1 ·more com· &tung on-the panel. ' Name s of Irvine Students In GE Protest Released The names of elght present and former UC Irvine students accused of disrupting General Electric Company recruitment interviews were released today by the f'rotn Page J TRAI N ... down on the deck of the locomotive. Lind· quisl and I diG thi.5, but Bogle ran to the rear and was thrown off." Bogle was treated for cub and bruises at Anaheim Memorial Hospital. Santa Fe officials said the third district mainline at that point was doub~trac.k· ed, but declined to state whether signals were operated by Centralized Train Con· trol (CTC) or were automatic. When a railroad main line track is blocked fer any reason It Is protected by a red "block signal" which ,requires-on· coming trains to stop. Before the red block, the signal is yellow and when the. line Is "'lear the signal Is green. LocA!lon of the crash was north or Orangethorpe Avenue between Euclid and Brookhurst slreels, near t h e overcrossing at Commonwealth Avenue. Two of the Santa Fe engines were derailed aid on their sides and the third was deraiied but upright. The lead engine plowed to within 30 yards of the Hunt Foundat.ios. Library. Neither the crew nor Santa Fe oUicial:i would corr.ment as to ~helher the Santa re train had been stopped prior to pro- ceedil!g on the mainline. F ro111 Page l DRUG S • • • fro1n ~1exico without fliillt plan or authorizallo 1, took off and left the second susvect to be caught. Lenahan also made the news ·when his small boat was overtaken off the coast of San Diego during Operation Intercept and thour1nds of dollars worth of LSD and marijuana confiscated. The Set1l Beach resident was the fir5t alleged smu,gler caught on the high seas after Operation Intercept went into l!ffect as an effort to curb internationaJ narco- tics traffic. Jn·+'estigators in Costa MC&a said Tues· day that Peterson, a city fireman several year~ ago. surrendered meekly when sur. rounded b) police Cat"3. They addOO that he "'as suspected of involvement In a major smuggling opera· ton from Mexico Into the U.S .• and he and his co-defendant face stiff federal prison J11:entences if convicted. To the ,;rl who mows -"11 she W&"b but not where to lind IL Mal~h your •tyle with our mal'ly distinctiw desil"'-And 1~1c us •bout our l•mous Or1n1e llouom 1uarante.e. llll NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESJ. ' UCI student 'body government. Fjve of the eight are females. The at· cused students are : Donovan Dorsey, junior social ·sclenc~ major from Newport Beach. Ann Doyle, junior American 1tudie : major rrom Balboa Island (a former Cost.a Mesa Zonta girl). Dianna ~tiller, junior dancr: majo: [rom Corona de! Mar. Elsie Newman, freshman English ma· jor from Santa Ana . Leslie Uncoln, graduate student from Fullerton. William Wingfield, graduate student from Flagstaff, Ariz. And former UCI :;:tudenb Ken Cowan and Jane Plaldaton. The students' names were tak~ Feb. ( by Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs John Hoy and Dean of Student.I Robert Lawrence. They said six other students gave them false names and have not been identified. The list of nan1es. subpoenaed from Hoy by the student government is now in the hands of the lludent supreme coul't. Justices are Bru ce t.1ills and Jim Heyne, \vith one vacancy. Mesa Progres s- To Be Studi.ed Over Breakfast Progress on four important Costa Mesa fronts "'ill be reviewed by city officials Thursday morninil'. before the Citizen.o; Harbor Area Research Team. The 7:30 a.m. breakfast wilt 9' aL Reuben 's Restaurant. featuring four· minute talks and questions from the noor afterward . Assist.ant City Atlorney Bob liumphreys will discuss efforts to acquire a new Harbor District Judicial Court compll!x site, at the Orange County Fairlrounds or the Newport Center. Parks Director Joe Jones will outline the city 's 1nastcr plan for parks. Formation of a City Charter Study Committee will be reviewed by council- ~en Willard T. Jordan and ~r1e A. Tucker. co-chairman of :he recently an· nounced panel . Traffic Enginttr Jim Eldridge will talk over recent developments in the Traffic Operations Program for Iacrea11· ing Capacity and Safety (TOPICS} project. 14 YEAU SAME LOCATION t· PHONE S41.J40 I r , • HEW Bill Russian U.N. Agent Leaves NEW YORK (AP) Aleksandr V. Tikhomirov, the Russian qainst whom spy charges were made and later Ill dropped, bas met a U.S.-im-- posed deadllhe ·for leaving the United Statt!. 2 Girls Lost 40 Hours Boy· Dismantles Bomb. 'N~er Again.,' Dec kwes'.-Y-oungsrer---' FOWLERVILLE, MI ch, l"l;•ther-fallod I<> go off. "I ...Wdn't have tooc:htd (UPI) -A mechanically Roddenborg, of W..Oand, thoH win" m,..u,• Uv- .;,tnded 14-year-old w Ii o Mich_, and his 9-yev-91d lng>loo County Datedlvo Sgt. ~ed I I d · ,._ r d th ~ David Teggenllne •aid. "I remem1.11:1 ate ev se warn-CO\lllA ...... 'J• oun e .uvu1b . would 'llave cleareC! I.he area in& aboot explosives dlsmantl-with an explosive Power of and exploded the bomb at a ~ a live ttme bomb hblg seven dynamtte sticks--SUl'lday 'Safe-dl!tam.-e , u.slng a rifle. All - t1nough to blow up everything in an abandoned fannhouse he had to do wu wiggle one o( for two acres.11 near here. those wires the wrong way '11{ t knew then what I know Roddenberg, a · hobbytst, and adios. 1t • now, J wouldn't have to(!ched ordered hi!' cousin OUl of the Potice said the bomb was anything," Mel'!'ln Rodden berg l]ouse -then pr~ed to among SS stolen Crom a truck said. a1 woukf never do that separale the bomb's wires. He last August, apparently . by again. I'm still pr!:~Y shaky." said be had seen a public schoolboys, and planted In the Police were still puzilea late .ser;vlce . commercial on et· old fannhaitr3e 11becau~ ~ 'llleldq 11b7 the bomb -four ' pl.,l>es and watched his "anted ta ,.. th• old "- a.l>y4<nch bombl aertwoc( lather dynamite·ltee atllmps. blow up." ... -------- WASHiNGTON ·(UPI) ii<Ocram an ur1•ntly MedOo! Senlte ReP.UbliC.in •:le~ d er beginning. , .. llugb ScoU today aPJIU!ed for "Obviously, th ... bllll, 'wtu . , qui<:k con~al paasaae o! not do all that mpst be ·done President N i z on ' 1 en-for all time," Scott said. vironmeotal package as "the "But they are a major first step down the road that bectnning st 1• time when -a leads to conserving America.,. beginning b urgenUy needed," Scott said. "I urge that lhll · In a Senate Jll'!parecl speech body begin"work immediately to coincide with Introduction M this legi.11.ation ud that we of the env.iromnental control pus them · as 11r1y in this legislation, ~ called the aeaalon u poalbte." , .. -~-- -6:30 UNTIL 9 P.M. NIW CLASSIS FOltMINCJ. t .. ', . TRANSPORTATION WRNisMID,' .... Full or part time and alter•scltool carO:- Planned profeasional supervWon -11&-. duced· rates fot 2 or more. CAL~ 534-'1292 ·I·-_-··· . . -. . . . . ... . . .... r ·-' ,. • . . Q • t i ~: l"'Q. x .,, .. ·ot '-"? ~~g !'"'~ :r,- ALL WOOL. BEi l·ER. SUCKS ~·-~ • SPORT COATS '$33: Reg. '55 Save '22 . $19.90 Cu-quolllJll..a. lell loap.l'IU n11t llylle. ~··········~···············~··~··~·····~· SWEATER SPECl~R s.7as CARDIGANS & PULLOVERS · : .. . - We've cfloPpecl . theprlcee on reguiar '110to'135 MEN'S :SUITS " With 1 or 2 pairs of pants ' ' . NOw s70.oo . . . . ,.,_ ,,, ~:1c:- • '. ·:.<{ ' · ·~nl : ol • o! : • ..:s.t ' : '!'K" • ' ., • • ' ' J . • DAILY PILOT EDITOBL\L PAGE •• Policeman of the Year The Costa Mesa Police Department baa chon n 111 1869 P~llcem111·0.f the li'.ear ~ lht fil'lr. 9041Ul¥,aur; _ prised w ... Lt. Ha11>ld /\. Fi•ciJlef ~r,, !\it' r~le.nt~ . He bo<omes, in effect, a merj)ber Of anJ.tltra;,d""rt· ~ ment Ha~ of Fame lhft reOecll not ~ftjy tliose .~ualltles lh1I make .~ &20<1 lawman:· but those that make a cpo<I men. Deep dedication lo bis chOSOJ' prole,uion; faith and courage when · faced wilh crials ('*"otiminllltnt blindness 'in his case) and concer. for . 6tbii:s. Tit ere are many n\ore., • ' Just as there are many more characteristics of -the officer chosen for the honor con.ferred eath yur by the Costa Mesa Exchange Club. there are many law· rnen who possess them. Lt. Fischer said upon receiving hi• award ltost wtelt Iha! II btlongs to hundreds of others, speakinc In terms of those who stood by him as 6e loucht to save his •ilht. The award belonit• to many other policemen whi> · simply shore lhe human characteristics that led to hi~ seltctlon as their represe!!!~tive. •, • . . ~~· - The Goat Hill Flap' Once utx>n a lime-about 110 miles nortb of rl•j• Calilprnia-lhere was a little community known o !oine as Goat Hill, when pt(>ple were i>oot. but thty still had a sense 'of hu mor. _ , The .Gr'eat :nepre·s1ion passed, how~v!r, and the nannies and. billies went on to, lhe place reserved for food 10111. Th• town lost !ts s•mey name and went on l~ • ... ' • ' lo:. t '"'' :..·1 ' • ~· J,_;.~ .... But the eftlu•DC41 of Goat Hill Unser , "ll~lt•.~, :,IJ1l~n@19-J.be 'ajr ~_t, ,..,.. : \ ..... ~ 1" &tin~ .rals~·~e'&n~ o#.r the title Qthor Ed IIJIIle~ c}\o .. for hi~ v~umf ~ pesa history ·-"G~!;~ tlW" .,-~II etteJls to thll l•cit. l'•r from judgjn(-a . li0ok by Us cover. i majority or the City Council Is · afraid·many people'i"ll Jl\dlf•<"cl!~~ ol '3,!09 ·:.i .'by Ill• ru1tlc title on \!l't.ljook CO!'•'· . , ',~. ?'. · ll'be· thn .. man majoi\ty. pll'bap1 more selJ-cOa-fi 1dooa than It Med be..,vtn!llltr'a pralerred liUe, •Im-•. ply wam. 1omelhin1t reflecttnc proper dignity on the modam. younc clly. Providence couldn't have picked a better night for th• council to dl1cus1 lhe Issue. A 300-pound hoit was rounded up by pollce nol far from the Civic Cenler the &ame evening. Anyway. the end result -at this juncture -is that lhe autho.r Will-probably stubbornly stick to his title , al the-risk of losJng the city's subsidy, lmag•conscious councilmen notwltb&1andlng. • News wire seFvices lhought enoil.gh of the. tale Of l\\'O ciUes ...... Costa Mesa and GOat HiJI -to run it na· lionally. no. mauer what local leaders thought of !>!Ill· e.r's htstorical title. 1 • • • ''A triumph of trivia," is the way one disaruntled official describes the episode. Just when one ts about to lose faith in city fathers' ability to inject a bright spot into 'I.heir deUberations. ho~tver, they break up the J'honoton y with 11ome clas_sic comic relief, like that famous Baja California land buy. , J t . . to ~'ma Costa Mo1a ,and, prosper, · .. Do the.y plan it th•t way? Or ls it a clever vehicle for publicizine the ci1y on a wlder scale than local cov- eraee~ IC) NT A SOY TO ~o A MAN '! JOIJ." Definition of A Gentleman· . . Has Changed Thougill 11t Large : Chan1ill1 mores call for new dtCW· lions; 11)10ii1 today'g belles, • "gentleman" is a beau who doesn 't mU:e a 1eriOU1 pass unUI lhe 1ecotld date. • • • The most mlsundttltOod phras.e in all Christ.ndom con>ist& of ooly five l""'do : "Love thy neighbor as thyaelf" -for the leflt'tlllty or people mlslnl.erpret the meaam1 of "love," don 't kn&w who thttr "neighbor" is, and f1IJ to ,,_ 1M ttflexJve nature of ''thyself." . • • • There h only one respect (apart \froril ispetd) in which the. computer ii aupll'lor to the human belng o~raling it, qd thlt ill IUi ability to monitor Ill OWn performance and know when ll ii beha•· ing defectively. • • • Those who live by the rule die by the u ception. • • • The ~11\y dan1trou11 dichotomy ef our 1ime flu: not ln C.P. Snow't dlvilion betwttn the "sclenllall" and the "humaniJit11 ," but the fa r greater gap bt:tween the mm whom power-orientld and the men who are inowledg«iriented. The mos! that ca~ be. ·said for a book that conaciously trlea to "Improve your mind" is that <lCCltk>naUy lt may cure Dear Gloomy Gus: The Costa Mtsa Pl1nnJn£' Com- m~i6n mull be ()Vl rlooklnj: th• 1o'ct lhal Ibey h••• pul only lhrte ,pa~tlona en the fou r-comer ln- lerec:tion of 11arbor and Gisler! , -V. G. M. t .. ~ .)" Tlllll ,..,..,. l'Wf!Kl'I rttt.f'I' vi.-, ntt Meelltf.,. ... " tM ,,....,.,_. Stlltl ,_ ..., -'If •• ._., ., .. 0.1'1 ,iti.t • ·' your intoliml•· • • • • Mea atesa well to feel ~ual to other me111 women dress well to feel auperklr to~wemen. • • • ! • ..._ J nte beat rt1son for Jett inc a chUd •lttp ~ oUrnlsht witll a friend at an early aae t1 U&l1 he IOOft learns ether parent& cet = bitter than his own do , which p.&nl fears and provides a mere I~ -l'ec0111ltion of the haiarda of 11amlfy·nt•. . . ' DefinJUon of birth control: avoidlnc the Wue. • • • It'1 aurprillng how many peoplt In ho\Y many countrtu live within a stone's throw of the American Embassy. -.. -. . 1'ht orlllft el.the old fiuperslilien mui::t lit m. u,e.,~jiputable fact that ,, catty remtrt has nine llytt. • • • Every "estilnlto" should be compelled . by law to iDclude 'a fC>Otnota tstlmatfng ' how much mort thin tbt estimate the final bill 'will be. " • . ' ' ' Private Planes Clutter Skies Witla Noise He W ou_ld Ba·n· Re .creatio1.1al Flying To Ill• l!:dilbr : Thii is ad<1re111tf lo all citiiena ln- ttmted in the q!lality of OW' en· vironmtnl, and also, apecU1cally, to 111 owners d private aircraft. " Lel me speak bluntly. There Ii; absolutely no excuse for lhe recreational nytni ()f airplane•. The right of any man le pursue his privale recreation bas lo be qullilied by considerations ol lhe direct dlscomfOr{ he m&)'. cause othm in to doing. Each alrPlant that IOOmS acroq tht sky deprtv .. all those on the grouod under ii! wlnp of that most precious and sacred connDoditl'r&Uence. . HOW MANY P!X>PL!: today know wflat nil 1ilence ia -when you ~n 1it "ttlll ind. peactftll and hear )'our heart beat and tW>e In to the pure natural rhythma ol God. Thla ha1 been a privile1e av&Jt.ble to·alJ biJm1n -Minas up unUI the laat (tw yeua. · Recently, men has taken-to the air for purpc:iges of lr1r11pc>rtatlon and ship.. ment. tn view el the tr1111tndou1 functions which airplanes strve, It is unreallalic to propoge that man ground hlmseU. But ;iny air Oight involves some measure•of ditcmnfort and loss of peace to all thole on Uie cround, which mi1ht be weighed a1ain1t the fuoctions of such flights. SOMI DEFERENCE has kt be made to productive economic and social use, but I can set no justification for flights which 'erve no olher function than the nytr'I SPorl, especially when small e!(qaft, wlU'I their sharp gralln1 engines, riittbt •. qualltatively, the worst offenders in atrlll noiR pollution. WIU,:· 1i1tne6 •ucti a scarce commodity a1 It Is, tht right to clutter qur skies with note thotlld be under tht control of the Letter! from reade r1 Ore wilcome. Nornlally writers 11Wu.1.d. "COnVty their 11iessogt1 in 300 toonfs or less. Tht riQht to co11dt"lllf.lttitrs tQ. fit ipace or elimina~c llbt~.fl~.rts(F'Wd. AU let· ter1 mrut mcludt~tllrt and mail· ing addru1, b14 ~ mau bt tnith-- ~1eld on rtquut iii '.!1flff1citnt reason r.t apncrent. P:61trt11 thW J&Ot be pub-U.h<d. ;·' : I .. ...,. . . - < fidfiton E.rp1Jttlion · . ' Te the Editor: ·Regarding the questlt:m of 1Jvin1 the ' 'E'dJson Company permls'sion to build .1. new plant In Orapge County. I'd like .to express my views as a county cititeJi. , specifically. Cosla Mesa. The amount of pollution which blow! to Cost.a Mes3 lrom lhe present plant i.s despicable. 'Ibei't ii no excuse for the · whoJeu.le ton· tarnlnaUon ol our· environment litre that. Every ti.me J drive nartb oil tht free#ay past the plant. I wonder bow "qur 1.e~Ja~ors can sleep at nllbt. • ! . . . tiniton Beach, fountain Villey and H • NOW AS I under3.land il. M'r. Fitchen lln<ton S.aCh 1tt1t. . !"' of Uoe APCD w!lt pennlt the 11\d~' Co. The °'""'. ~ Board 01 to bW\d ,the new plant U they'!'.'ll>l<eep ""·-·1-h~" ,..., ,,.,. to • I d ' the polltitlon to lhl!. -"t lev!l'O'<T • '31.!ro• ~. • , ~..,.-· W'ICe Inc u .. , 1 •• ol "U _,, I tr Mlle SQ_tre ... (b9unded by . Warner . per IA>-me...-• ·~ I vu me a .s ong Edlnger:,Jroo~f and Euclid Str .. ) (, W'lt to. scream;:however,_ r dare l1Jt take as part olfhe ceunt)' master airpori;Plln. a deep breath f.ll'st-it:i;na.y ~~last . Those of 'you whb are conce rned,,, pleue I have two maJar-r!:actl~n1. to the: whole help us to keep Mile Square 11 a recrea-concern. ' tlonal center for .playfields. picn~ lfea!!', First. !ht present level of pollution lliall park1. outdoor cooking, camping anll caused by the Edlaoo plant la cumpletely hiking. . unacceptable. And to acc~pt this !as ·TR! COUNTY BOARD of. Supervisors is now interpreting an airpark as being recreaUonal which would take away part ol ()W' potenllal repeational center. criteria to continue al lht same-level is criminal. We cannot continue to con· laminate our environment at the·present level. We must be1ln to rapidly decrease what has been. heretofore acceptable. one drawback : the 1rv!ne social ec:oleCY plan calls for complete fencing, signs that say, "NO HIKING," and patrolmtn te · oust anyone who sets foot on so much •~ a square foot of 1rvlne land . I recall one instance where lhe patrolmen ousted 11 section of the Audubon Society thal was taking part in a naUonwide bird census'. 'Ibis is social ecology? ·~ JN THE BRITISH Isles, country such as lhe Irvine Ranch is traversed by dedi cated u.sements that serve as public footpaths wile.re people can lake long walks through the countryside and mjoy nature at its be.st. Theµ strips of land ace inviolate and •ery jealoualy guarded as to ~e right of access. They are nar· row, bul wide enough to be a bit of coun· ~,.landscape. One can even walk from tQWn to lown. Wouldn't it be nice to be able lo walk " country lane from Coro na del ritar lo Laguna? Or lo UC!? The Irvine Company has always used the pretex~ th:it this I~ impossible because of the grating cattle in the area. BTitoln ha s ca ltle, too : great. bi1, long-homed, long-haired Hi&hland cattle -but il all works out ! I THINK Mr. 1'-1ason's idea of relating to the environment centers more on lawn- covered playgreunds -comt>lele with rings and swings and a baseball fleld - of putting greens. He must realize that • the opponents of the back bay swap are not fighting for more developed parks like school playgrounds. \Ve arc fighting f<>r the retention nf natural land that supports w1\dlife and of· fer! an opportunity to ebserve lhi1 v.•ildness. This kind of land cannot bf! developed or replaced . Once gone ii ill gone forever. Flaming Sex Scandal citbtnl CM;' lhe arouoo. t I propo6e some kind of' govtrnmenl regulatory mechanism to strictly control 11nd restrict th• dght to .~ an airplane. and to ar•nl such right oniy !or clearly If you don 't want an airpark. please contact us for a petitien -we have almost 4,000 signatures collected in two wetks. Our onl y hope is through citizens becauie all legal channels have been closed to us! Our organization is named "Ciliz:ens Against Airpark Plans" (CAP). We have had two me£tin1§.'!-the flr!l with over $50 in attendance and the secpnd· was a town hall metlin1 to ask quest.!Ons cf the supervisors as to why they would con11lder Mlle Square as an airpark. For lntormatlon, contact CAP, P. O. Bot 1248. fountain Vall~y. Callf. 92708. MY SECOND point is a plea as 1 citizen of Oran1t County. I would prefer in the interest. of cleen air to "U1hten my belt" In rqard to electricity con· sumption. They can ration my electricity, so that I can tnjoy my land. Then they can please rush to their laboratories and research ways to improve I h e i r -machi'nery. That we have as a society, done so much, ls only proof ·that ·we really can do what.ever la nl!Cess&"¥ lo preserve such a fabulous environment. GRETOllEN GAUTHIER Thoreau phr&sed it well : ''In wildness is the preservation of man ... '' Now. Mr. Mason, how about developina a real plan for social ecology? Now th~t Mra. On111i!!I 111 be.inc c11lld A home wrecker for writing four thank· you mies to a married gentleman. the namin& sex scandal of the Calvin Coolidge Adm inistration can no longer be withheld from public scrutiny, The scandal is \11ell documented In a hithtrt()-11ttret letter found in the rumble 5eal of a fl.1cw:lel A Ford road~ter. It Is signed ''Grace (~lrs. Calvlnl Cool~e." It la addressed to Cyrus Hockd1ng, the Deputy Auistant Secretary 0£ AgricUlturt who cut a dashin1 figure at The f'lnt Presbyterian Church's Bak· ed Bu11 Suppers in \V1 shington durtnc Utt Coolidge years. . TRI DATE OF THIS intlmatt note - J~ 11. 1926 -is constdertd particularly significant. For it was precisely sit years -~ afld ten weeks after this -to lhe da r - that ~tr1. Hockdlng ran on v.·ith a piano ltin"r from Baltimore. While Mrs. Hoctdlng never publicly blamed Mrs. Coolldce fer breaking up her home, lhe often confided lo friends. "There h•s been no mu s1c in my mar· ri11ge 1ince June 17, 1916.'' The tint bbJt 'Wt b1w of the scandal 1pptar1 In the 11lataUon of tht 1ttler: "0..r Mr. HoeP!lnl·" Tht want, •..se,r," ii defintd by the dJctiOPll'Y • ''hl&hlr." e a l e e m e d , d!<ri1l>M. lo\llld." Aod wbat '"' th< !lrst three wordl Mn. Coolldll addrts5ei to btr chel'Wled. loved Nr.'llllckdlng! "I desire you .•. " ' PltOCEEDING WITll ,,WllY h1cftt frotil W. shllckllli dfcltraU.... llfh. eoondae q"1ckly l<kll, . ._ •• 1o bow Ill my sr1Hluele to yoo ... " (Htte, In the firft two lines. we find Mr1. Coolidge co~ fe.\slng not Ol1lf her p1monote dtli~ I« Mr, Hociallnl'• Mure lavon. but lier cratJwdt for w'hc>ltnow1-.,h1t rominUc in-tn Ibo couple'• hiddeo pelt.) r -:-':""-~· ·' stated aoclallT"Productk'e uie. ti-~-',' ' · IN CLOSING, t woul1t''J)ropose a sloean to guide tecMologlc~ no111 research in · the lO's. We have BIM:k EOwtr and &tu· dtnt Ppwer. I propo11 Uie motto "Siient Powe.r'' as an important reaearch goal ; the eventual target will be silent pro- pulsion for all human tr•n!l><lrt•tion. Presslne girlishly on, she writ.es. " ... tor •enctinl me that slim vol ume (Ah! \Vt all know what come.s: in slhD volumes, don't we'?) entlUed, 'A , Statistical Abstract of Fiacal 191'4 ~taple Syrup Producuon' tn Vennont.' 11 brtiulhl back many pleaaant memorla." (Many pleaaant memories of what? We can o n I y apeculate. B u & let il b6 remembered that 111ts. Coolldgt'1 lit- timateS Invariably d'escribeil her a1 "gay and chlnnlng.•" "She'g a rtal sex pot.'' said cme, "t<lmpared lo Cal.") THE LE"M'E.1\ continues: "Thank you f<>r U1e Jnscriptlon On U1, fly \e;if . . " (What mad,'lna1M Word& of leve did that inscrlptlcm employ? We know 1101 . The boOk 11 unfM~Leb: lost.) " ... and in rttum allow" me to ronvef my besl \Ylshes to you.'' (Rtr btit wlsftes for what? And'tiow does 1he ,pJan lo convey 1Mm1' Ah, lovt'1 tweet HCf'etll) Bui by now oho 11 ... """"aht wllh emotion she can no lon&tr contain. And In her two clolln& words ahe revt1ls all -~l'<liln& Iha! she II. tn lnllh. hit wllh Iii th• sin«rlly ol an lmpuslOntd heart. In an outl>urlt ol lnflamtd ttdor. oh• writes: ''Sincerely Yours." THE ONLY PUZZLE Is how Mt1. CooJidae could hive bten IO lndlkreel. Surely, all public figures know that every privale wwd thtf Mitt wtll be e1gtrl1. l'Y.d by us munihidis OOOMT Iii lifer. . • 'Oley can only try lo make Iha boll f'I It. But, nevet tear, we'll make thl worst of II. ' ALiAN KAMIN At•hast Airpark To tht Editor: We an filhUn& a proposed airpark th1t will affect approximately 400.000 people In tht Garden Grove, Costa Mesa , Hun· ~--Bii Geor9e --~ Dear George : This fellow I hardly kn~:"w told me • T hed unyielding Inhibitions and I slapped him. I havP tv.·n quesllon11 : (1) Should f h1H't slapped him and (21 What does inhlbitlons·mean! BLONDlt; Dear Blondie: Write lo one of the lady col· um ni!IS. The last one J had like yOu hit me upside the head with a pai>erwelght \\·hen I told her that her convicUons should be firmer. Dear Georie : I've beard lhal yoq've started us-In& puns tn your column to try lo &el as popular a!i the lidy tdvl~ columnl!IS. ls this trur? PUN HATER Dear Pun Hater: Absolulcly 001, and you 1ho1tldn't lilten to id~ aoulp. I :1ate both puns 1..rao.,ip. In loot, t'Vt often ." ~tod out Iha! '11W1 'II Iha IQftlt" form of rumw. _ -. •• I Our Board of· Supervisors must eliminate the possibility of fixed•wing .aircraft flights at Mile Square and pre.serve our recreational park!" . ' True Couiarfl R eilde!il. ·To the F.dltor: ·, · R. J . BALL Ge11 eca Trea t11 MARY HlX Chairman Citizens Agaln~1 Airpark Plau I'm sorty you feel I editorial. Feb. 11) , To the ~ltor : . , that' Costa Mesa was shorlchan1ed In the Referr1n1 to your echtonal on Sen. ' ! P r o ced 1t'e Ca re r~cnt appOintmenll to the· Or~nae Coun~·. Eugene McCarthy reb. 10 : ty Fair Board. Althou1h TO,Y malling ad· Sure, the plighl of the American POW '11 Te the Editor: dress Is Newport Beach. J m actually .a ramllles is not made easier by North true county,µsldent. MY. ~t Ofl Do!lnle Vietnam's (ailure to publish 1 li!l of their Althouch it was a ra iny day and a c/ou tlectlon, our recent school \'Ott prev~ that wt care and want lo C()ntinue the fine educallonal facilitles we now enjoy In !he Newport-Mesa._ Unified S c h o o I District. Road 11 In the unl ncorpOrattd st.rip captives but is 8J'l)'One here cryln1 for bet.ween Santa Ana and Tl!•Un Avenues ·. the ~sands of Vietnamese wldoWs, off Und St~eet. . , orphans, and PO\\'s we are helping to In terma of feet and Inch ts, f · ltvt' crute dally in VielJ)am ? closer to eom-Mua thin kl any other cl· bo we publish .a complete.. Ii.st ' or Uie Passa1t er ~th isJues reaffirms the confidcnqc lhat the propla or our com- muntfy ~ave in our scliool board and ty. I doubt . th1t G<lvemor Reagan ~-mlaalng and de•d Vietnamese clvJUan~ sidered !hi! fact in h_ls decision. but 11 alter indiacrlmlnate. bombings a ri d may ,ease. the minds et any of Coat.a ground actlon'. Do wt pub!Gri a list. of ~ftla s 17,000 registered Republkans who those suspected Viet Cong Interned in $Chool district. "! may bt wondering. , . concentration camps all ovtf S<luth Viti· ROBERT W. KRONE nam? · ANNE M. SORENSEN .. ,... R11ate rlcal To the Editor : R e raln Natural Land I cot hyater ic1l and almMt ""ent into 1 To the Editor : i ....... , rtale .ef shock and horror when I read !hat Hawaii 11 trylna to leialize abor-Wllliam Mason, lrvlne C<lml)4ln~ flrti\. lions. Who p ve them tht rieht lo ca:1l iif f rienl. in derendin& the ~ntrovetslll\Baek th•~~lt ~ 1 I' Bay 'wap, atates that...hl1 comptny llas · a ca repress ve measures alwa.ys fostered f,lennl"• and land '",u,. whle e them to the past ? Who ga,·ia •oa lhtm lll•r power to arant women 1 choice lhat he.Ip men re ate to and enj()y .tbi.ir in tne· m1tter'! Don't they realize that all nalural ·environment. He called -tb,is of u1· 1tiould live by the standards and poJlcy •isoclal ecolo11." . beliefs ol'the rlaht rf-ltclon. How marvtklul thll1would be lfil'flVI~ · • , only true! The thousarld.t o1· aCf't1 of IT AlMOtt SEDts that they are undeveloped hUl&t and canyons behind lrylna to take abOrtion out ef the hands cf Ccroria del Mat havt 1twa11 offered the theologl at11 and la""Y*"· and put It In the perfeo' ouUtt for man to rtla'-le> hlJ en- hands of the women and their doclora. vlronment. Rolllna a r a 1 s I a n d 1 , And t \•teyone kno\V! that abortion is I wlldOowtr1. birds or all -kinds, flowing lcaal matter, not medical. slreams. wooded gltns, footpetll s and And what about the &adl&ls who liuppprt 1vlndln1. n•rrow dirt roada. Htre ia tht •bort\on? Are they any les~ igMr1nt tliln anawer to "1etttn1 ·~•y h'om I& all '' for !he doctors, lawyers. and politicians who , 1 few hours e>n wttktnda. Wint lhls terrible, ftilY, dirty "thtna .. t& become commonprilce In our woridertul. , htaullful. clean. 1M ethical c0untry? . STEVEN C. LAUBLY ' HERE IS TKE PLACE for n1ture w1lk1. family It.tolls. a few l<llltary Mu.rs In a very natural 1ettini. There is only - \Ve seem to be qui ck to invoke tht Geneva T'reaty. bu1 only when it bcnrfiL, us. Think about it. JOHN BULL ---iW.... ' Wednesday, February 18. 1970 The tdlrorlol page ot thr DaU11 PUot seeks ro IJJform 1tnd affm-, •date rtadtn by ;>re1fftdng Util newspaPfr't opinft:>n1 and com- mcn ta 'll on &opira of ktttrt"' and sfgnlficoncc, by provfdino o fort.Im tor !hr txprcs•i&n et our i'tndtrs' cpiuions. and b11 pnistnttngi tlit db~rrt vltw- pohlf1 ol in1orm1d ob11rver1 and rpokeamen on topic; of the day. Robert N. Weed . Publhhor ' • ...,.. the. ,, ~~Mission ~""·---'-- • ,T.-ail \ .! :Dana Unit Meets -. ~()n. ·~at~r ltates t: DANA POINT -Members cf Ule ~'J'hunderblrd Homeowners' MsoclaUon t have called a special meeting 11'1ursday ~tn dlscuss a hike in their water rates. , ~~ The meeting \_''ill be held at 7:30 p.m.i;; ~~chard llenry Daba School. f:· esldent.s hope to discuss their 50 pef .. :~nt increase in water rates with 1 :liepresentative Of the South Coast County lVater District. Rates ~ effective Dec. 1 with bills .being sent out every two months. , e Scl1ool Gets . Cable T ,V LAGUNA NIGUEL -Cable television se rvices has been approved for Crown Valley Elementary School. Trustees of the Capistrano Unified School District approved installation of the service so long as It is at no ust to the district. The cable company indicated there would be a $200 materials charge. Both the parent teacher group at the school and the Laguna Niguel CorporaUon have 5aid lhey would pick up the tab, :e Orator Gets Support CAPISTRANO VALLEY -Residents v;ho would like to cheer on Cynthia John- son in her bid lo win the American Legion Oratorical Contest will .get the chance to do so ~farch l. San Celemnte Post 423, ~ wlllch she I originally represented before wipnlnt her five-courily title, ·ba·s ahartect a 4<>- passenger bus so the· area 'residents may attend the March 1 finals in Hollywood. Reservations and .. a d d I ti o n a 1 in- form ation may be obtained by calling Lewis A. Thomas at 492-i.134. :e Viejo Get, Theater ~USSION VIEJO -The Orange County Planning Commission has approved the construction of a movie theater on the north aide of the La Paz Plaza Shopping Center in Mission Viejo. , The Mission Viejo Company will con- struct the 896-seat Cinema Viejo. Plans u·ere approved a year ago but, by law, the commission must be consulted if no action is taken on plans within a year._ .• AFS Student Specks SAN CLEMENTE -Saddleback College's first foreign exchange student . will speak al the Thursday meeting of the Rotary Club of San Clemeote. Student Antonio Paulo Ams dt Moraes, knol4'Jl on campus as Paulo .lfllll talk sbout his native Brazil. ' Pla1iners Delay Street Lighting Action for Park Laguna Beach planning commissioners Inspected photographs, slides and actual samples or decoratJve street lighting fix. furcs Monday night and decided not to be · Jmpul sive about selecting a style suitable !or the }leislcr Park area. ~i~h final plans for undergrounding utihties along Cliff Drive due before the Ci~y. Council Wednesday night, com· tn1ss1on secretary Al Autry said some guidance would be in order. At an earlier session, Commissioner Charles Johnson had suggested that the ~1arbe!itc electroliers proposed by the Edison Company to replace existing poles could perhaps be improved upon. Autry displayed sample of three colors and shapes of Marbelite standards and noted, to the amusemenl of com- missioners, "The Edison Company can, at no additional cost. allow us to use \\·ooden poles . ., One possibility, he tug· i;!csted is a specially designOO. 17-foot pole lhat .has not yet been installed elsewhere in Southern California. Johnson was relectant to mate a map decision. "This is a chance to do something really nice," he insisted. '·Maybe we should bring tn some other qualified people, a little committee that could come up with something beUer." F'cllow cqmrr..issioncn agreed thal tJ;ie matter should be given careful .. stucty. Autry was asked to advise lhe councll of the planning commis,,ion's view an6 sug.. gest lhnt the councll appoint a citizens' committee to discuss the maUer with commissioners at their Feb. 23 atud)' :sessio n. . Futlval Jtfbs Laguna Beach High School Sen- ior Debbie Goodwin will be welcoming visitors to seventh annual Laguna Winter Festival Feb. 20 through March 1. More than 35 events are scheduled during festival. Complete list js available at chamber of com- merce. Laguna Scouts Put on Feed For Hiker s To the victors belonged the drum sticks, mashed potatoes and s3lad Tuesday. It was the annual luncheon put on in Laguna Beach by Explorer Scout Post 717 to fete the fmi.shers of the SB-mile hike the post plans and stages. 11Ua year's bike, Nov. 22, started with a field of 99 and dwindlCd to 52 by 18 hours and IS minutes later as the last competitor to finish crossed the finish line. First across the line was Clifford W. "Scotty" Hepburn, 35, who described himself as a "jogging nut." Hepburn, 2302 Redlands Drive, Newport Beach, b assistaitt principal for cur- ricuhan 1t Fountain Valley High School. He 11!11"'1 Jouing more tban three yean a.go to ~ a back ailment. He clipped oU the so n1iles in eight hours and Z5 minutes, eight rn:nutes ahead Of Dave Wilson, Laguna Beach lilgh School eras,, country nnmer. · The most recent hike wos held on the sixth anniversary of the death of Presi- dent Kennedy whose concun over physical fitness had Oven Exp!Orer Scouts the Jdea for the hike atafted seven years ago. The IC.'Olrts not only plan and finance the event and the followup luncheon, they police it making swe that every entrant ii accounted for before tbt!y go home. liiayor Glenn Vedder, on band to com- mend the scouts, said, "It shows that youug peopl~ can really get things done." Joe Andros, w.ho served as adviser to the scouting group thut launched the bike. sala the mmlal ordeal is more trying than physical exhaustion. "I've seen a girl or llO)", litUe fellowa, sit down on the curb enc! start crying," said tbe long·time Lagunr.rt. AndrU.!, on a bet, tried hall the hike and completed 25 milel!I Jle &aid he \\on a malt and has all rupect for bikers that went 5C miles. TI1'lse who finished the bike will receivl! reproductions of the Amos Alonzo Stagg medal. A!Lhough the medal has b e e n di~conllnued due to c:!eo~e·1 J!l cf fund~. Explorer Post 717 is paying to have them reproduced. ~r finishers were Eduard Hino~a, Scott Peterson, Joe Rust. Mark Schilling, Bob Gamache, Josh Bright, P.1ark Reslg, RiclC Smith. Ned q:ur.;ck, Cr a i g Peterson, Leonnard Rust, John MacLeon and Frod Grigg. Al.to Bob McGinni•, Alan Shumw11, Jm-y Carrol. Glen Ward, Kenneth Miller, Bruce Rhlcehart, Mike Pearr.oa, N. L. Saunders, Dean Briggs, Bob Meads and hlike Wiison. Also Mike Dicke;;, Dan Dooley John Winiat-ld, Rocky Gulledge, Alan Glover, hon Shanktn, Kiirt Basa, AJ,q MID'•shko. James R. Wendt, iferb Coward, Dave Stock\¥•~. Johll WUC>JCk""1 , Mike Frodelr te, Rtn Jobnaon and Jim LaF!eur. Also. Peter SmAU . John Hall, Dale Holland, Dan King, Roland Zamanip1, John F.lng, Jim KJng. Mike McNair, Brad Snow, Bruce WeiSdmal aod Don CsrroL Keeping It B·us~ • Cabinet Uses W est.ern White House The Western \Vhite. House is going to Jt<'t a workout from Nixon administratJon figures even when lhe President stays ln \Ya:ihington. Secretary of Commerce r.taurice Stans TuesdaY borrowed the White House facilities in :Ian Clemente for a public relaUona session with newsmen -and in· dicated it wouJd be the rtnt of simll•r se.-;sions tu be held there. Stans said cabinet-level officials of the administration will be uUlWng olflce facllltles outside the Nixon borne com· pound to bold mcellngo wlth_caJtlornta111 t on a variety of matters. The .Nixon home presumably will remain oU I j m I t s to visitors. At Tuesday's seulon, Stans explained to Los Angeles and Orange County edltora and publishers the Departmenl ol Commerca'&. progam for a a 1 is t In, minorities in . establishing a m a I businesses. The President's miUtary aJde. Marine Maj. John BreMer, was pri!Sent to ti· plain Western White HOU8C1 operaUons to the newapapennen. The remaJnder of the bost.t were.. members of the Department Of Commerce stall. :L~g:una ~Sign . Off' Time Near~- Most M,erchants Complying V '?luntarily With ww By llARBAllA 1(1\!IBK:!! Of .. ...,,.... .... !JM t.hre.yw amarU&iUit1 Ptriod pmoiled under ~ .... Lquni lleach •ip pnUnance ad9Pled In 11187 -.plra on A_prtl 16. ' Fl'Ol11 that dal< 011, aU .....,.nlmnlng slgno In the city will be In vlotltioo ol the law:.. • !lut, city pl"Jll>inl, oonun~ were adviled M!>n\l•Y nl&ht1 lmplimenlollon Of the olp ordinance ii ,,roceediog """"' :;uccessfully'' with an tncreuing numb"r Of bllstneose1 comi>IYiol vohmtartly by replacing old, flamboyant 4lgns with new ones thal meet the 11li.e, locatic:rl. Ind height requirements Of the onUnance. Since odoplloo Of the ordlnanc<, ,after more than two yean of study. all .iew signs haYe been required to conform to its restrictiooa. Owners of elisUng, nonconforming signs were giYen Utree years to provide for replacement, writing off I.be.cost as a busineu expense. Regarding compllints of ucess.lve 1.'0St voiced by aome business people, Planning Commission Secretary Al Autry 1sld, "There are several alternatives for brinf- ing a aign into conf'ormity, sometlmea at minimal C05l There also are leaaing and renting programs. Auto dealen:, for example, have a choice of many types and size of signs that are made available to them at ,no cost. Only specially designed signs will involve ex· pense. One dealer said that by taking the smallest sign made by h.is compan), he could L'Ortfonn to the ordinance al no cost'' Commissioner J(lseph T o m c h a k queried, "Are you suggesting that a lot of the people crying 'Woll !' don't have to.'~ "Yes, I am," Autry replied. "But don"t'""' misunden:tand me. It will involve a cost for some buslne!lel." Wiiiiam C. Meyer, City housing and ronlng Inspect«, provided the com- mission with 1 sample list of various types of good, confonnlng 1igm in the ci· ty. . "Some of them m expensive,'' uya Meyer, "but in many Instances, owners have used-excellenHngenuity and have designed and Installed tbelr own oigno In excellent taste at minimum cost. Many of the smaller buslne11e1 hive demonstrated that H pootUvely doeo oot .. take I larae tdJii,. al i,.,d; to 1n1ta1J Ill ol1tlPICll -Oii I ~ -ey start.d ..ce11ent alp. ~ '-""f, 1• ondl CO'feting 411 pro- "Even women can do It." Meyer added. pertjes ln 19 1ec:Uons of the city. "A couple al ladles came In to pt 1 ToW ol noooonlonnlng signs togged ot permit far a new aicn they'd designed f'"' tba beginning Of the survey was 147, Thlo their .-. 'llley made It and put H up fibure ii down to Iii, a reductloa of 411, themse!v• and Jt'1 really nice." and 31 addilioOll properties are in the 'Ille aitcten lleJlil>t outlet oa GJen. P...,.., Of arranging with sign comj)ll1!et neyre , Sir.et bu l<l!IOVed Its non-to b!'ini their signs Into con!ormlty, confonnblc polle tip, Meyer noled. The' Meyer reports. 0Ulri111er pole slP waa replaced tblo Uattng a \?fling of confonnlng sips week with 1 Jlll'allel alp and LI Strada · ellblbl!log " wte and good btialne.. Seoteunnl ii followin& the ame pro-Judgmen~" eyer oot.,, "This list ~ by cedure no means oomplete. There are m111y Tho Bonk Of America bu contracted to -e good, conforming ~,,,. in Laguna. have lts too-hi&h aigm brought Into con-TbtM were ltlected to cover a wide fonn!ty and Laguna Federal will either variety ol .. olpt tnai.Ilallonl that are ac- replace ·or remove ill pole stin on ceptable IDd could be u:sed u ewnples. Btoad\lf8.y, cornmi.Wonera were toJd. The list includes: • The Hotel Laguna sip, Autry said, "i! De lleallli au, '!113 N, eo...t still a qu"Uoo marlt." Hlgh03: liibted pr<1jectlng alp. Meyer provided the -with 1 81 tlie Sea Mtlel a fiMpo, 476 N, Coast El Toro's 'Short Timers' Getting Civilian Training Guard duty, KP ond 11C11Jbblng ber- racks are now off limits to 1 new breed Of troopa at El Toro Marine Corpl Air Station. Jmtead, SO Leathernecks are be.Ing trained by Orange County businessmen as photojoumall.sts, stocy brokers, auto mecbanlcs, restaurant managen, morti· clans and even taxidf!flnllta. One ~1arine i.5 as far away u Glendlle at the Ferd Motor Company il'ainlng facility. It'• part Of Operation Tronatuon, a n•· Uonwlde U.S. Def'"" Department JI"" ject aimed at equipping d I 1 1 b I e d &ervicemen and those withoul 1 _high school diploma with a civilian skill. The only requirements are that 1 ~ceman have les.'1 t.han si x monthl a~ tive duty to go and bis commanding of. ficer's OK. "Often we . ocmm.lt them to the Vetenm Administration or back to the streets without so much u a grateful hand.tialte for a job well done," said 41- year~ Lt. Col. Glen Hauaer, a former combat pilot who beada the EI Toro pro. gram. Mony ct the wtbernecu live oil baoe, and cmunute to wcrk Just like civilians. "But they 're still Marines. We can draw them back whenever we want to check oo baln:uta or to ,.. that they haven't grown a beard/' aaid HaUIU. M()."!lt of them cbooee a management training job. 11Not too many of them want to work with their~," aid Hauaer •. "A \ol of them · w1nt a CQmj>fete 5Wilch." U a Marine bu an auto mechanic background he might like to try the restaurant business. Or U he has been a cook during his four years in the Marine Corps he will often ask for an ad- mlnistraUve potitlon. It's the job m 11a .... and bis Jo.man staff to match the man with the business. lllChny: pole ttcn. rool llp and penJlel lfPa.l ' • - · 111...,iat ~ :ia-'.N;"< Co a al HlilhwlJ: good erample ol tglllfonnfol roof sign. Victor Bop, 311 N. <loul -lllib*llY: good eumple Of llgjited tlote lfp; Lov'D Leatller r. TN!U Tnmlc, IOS-207 N. C....t HlilhWay: two porallel signs, one Ughted, one willghted. IJJlloo OU SteUoo, !20 N. . C..Ut llJ&hway: excellent coonilnlted lerVlce station aign program. Tiie Beach Houe, !00 S. Coul Hll!bway : pole alp. . C1rr'1 by. tlle 8el Rettaarut It Hotel, ~ s. ~t lllghwoy:_ joxcelient use of paraliel and Jl"'Jected , type alp uolng both lighted and unlli!ited olp~ Sbdfer Fimeral Home. 176 S. Coast lllgbwlll': good example ol lhort paraUel pole sip. . Jack in lbe Box, 1201 S. Cost Highway : e1celledt use of exterior lighted building and atgns , (Tblo lo an example Of a chain ouUet willcb adapted standard all(ll9 to local r.quiremt51ts, reductni me and eliminating animation uoed ot -loca- tlono). Art Center, 1400 S. O>ut Highway: ex- ample of.coordinated sign program llling unlighted :ilgru. Suri & Sand, Towers Motel & OUtrtg~ ger Re!teurant, Iii S. Coast Highway: good example of three oeparate Iii< developments, using two pole and one parallel algns. SprGaoe Reill Co,, 219 Broadway: good parallel sign. . De1n Witter & Co., 298 Broadway~ ex- Boust of Hyun, 410 Broadway : good ez. cellent W!le of lighted parallel algn. McCormick Morlalry, 1795 Laguna Canyon Road : good eumpte Of abort panllel pole oign. Gordoa1t Electric, U4I Lquna·Ceyon Road: e~cell"1t ... ol terleo Of parlllel sign. Tiie Dally Pilot, m Foreot Ave.: er- celient unlighted ·parallel atgn. Mltcllam J-·a Templelia Ilic., 195 Forest Ave,: parallel unllghted atgn. Sec:m1ty PacUlc -· 191 For..t Ave.; a complete lip program uolng aU types of signs. Nolu Reol Ealate, 11• Glenoeyre St< parallel aigns utlllztn& the ..,.eot tedml- que. In lighUng, ~:~:~:nc• I Shop Sears Seven Days in '70 ' 1/2 C....t Solitaire Regular S32S '260 Sears Spectacular Diamond SALE! 2 0 % 0 FF.,t r-" every diamond in our stock LIFETIME TRADE-IN Sora allowo :roa Call eaah price paid (n• elUU.e of lUCll and C8l'l'1iJll ebll'g•) on any Tndition di&Mond ring, pi~ e.rrinp la trade for 1 higher priced diamond at any time. BUY SEARS DIAMONDS WJl'll CONFIDENCE Becauae ell• mond weighll are seldom identi(l•l. 1pprosi- mate cant weighll ire shown. Sean giyu yo u a C1rat Weight Certificate which 1tates the ex•et weight. lo one-hnndredlh of 1 cant, of every Tndition ceDler diamond of 1}20 CU'll or more. . .,..., ............. ...a. 1358 Enpge. Ring_.S286 S25 W eddlng Baad.-..120 1328 Eapge. Ring_.S262 '6S Weddiai Ring._tS2 • 1/2 Carat Mcn'a Rini Regular 1235 1188 Aak About Sean Convenient Credit Plana . ' Sears --•MUI _ ........ _ ...... ..-. -wt---.. -ffrllll'A-•·---..._,, --------'"' _,_, ........ ",_ ·-·-· . ,____ _ ........... _ ........ ,_ ___ ,_, -..... n.•1.rtn _,. ._ --· ...,.. .. ,,_,__,,N'•._...., .... -......... ..._ -·-........ ---=----· -" -.. -· ................................... ,... .... ,J ....... , ... I ' . -' . ..,,._ . --. -· - . ' _ .. -···-· I 4 \ t l LJ\os Plain ~ N~~ Target . Of Bombing Illegal Killings In Yiei Probed • . anila Rioters Enter Embas.w • ""-"GI.A -a.-=. ntmo dlmaocwa:.... • t • • • ! ~--"-~-­l".S. •• t 4 . _. ........... l!tlt ... ~· ~not ...... ,,,.~.-............... ----~tit tlbtt&. --"* .• ~ Ill< ., .. ........ ~-.--­----.. -.. al .... , cdllill -........ .......,.,. t c·'9•Zr1 ~kW' ... --..~-.t11.•s'ninc ......... ...._ ... __ .......... __ • Cold a e Blasts Midwest Gard8 O.,· KOM.· Tuescla)?s W arnaesl Place a. .... .. ....... ~-..... -..... --.. ... ...,.. .... .. ........ ~ ...... . , .................. ... ............... ...,. ........ .. ...... ..-.-..~c.. ...... :=....._ ....... ..... .-,...., ..... .,.... =:r-::-:.-.-e-.:-:= ................... "._... f's f al _...._... ............... ............ ~-..... _ ... _ ~ ,_.....,_ ..... ..... .... ... ,...._ a . T'I s :..s. $ • .-. ........ _... __ ................ ..,~ • ~-1!11111"'"'" ____ .. ----•• w --=---· I I tr• ---·-· .. ._ --:a..n ------~ .... _ t.t - ,. " • • • • • . ~ . • • .. <t • " .. . • • ... 2 ~ " • .. I ~ ,_ • • " r .... . .. ,. . ,. .... • • .. . c • • ~ • • .. • • • ,. .. • • .. • • • ,, • • .. • • --. • ,, " ,. ., • • J l . • ' . Nix;on Oppos~s Bu·sing Says Housing Seiup Should ·Guide Schooli : I 1'bell came an even ttronger counter clalm. Seo!. John G. Tower (R-Tex.), ..id . ~ ,11ad callod Bryce N. HMlow, '*"llot to the President, and had been told "thll substitute does not have the ;j,,pi;maiur of the White House." lsr.q.el Ap~& w West; . . . Egypt Seeks. ~rms Block I I ....... priced$ 4-PlY SAYE Ill DI UY IF TIESE SIZES I· I -= . ...,, "'-b'>< ·-- I i • CORD TIRE .lllais](. OllE LOW l'IUCE l'JS1D l~a tA ~.l .. --•Clem.~ ~ ~d!al dilr.s ca s~ e ~ ?tyicn ~rd CC'a5truc~'~-r • E'try ~ .t.. ~ kw prtl;"S . 11--.a. ,,,)tJO _ ...... tl ..SR ,___ GOOD SBQt& All SOUTIBN CAllFOIHIA I lAIE TJIE k ., I ••OllTll. .... ,._ ' _.., ' .-s=:tt•·-- '-"'t--,_,1ta211 an ' . ' • HEW Bill Blacks • Fac!eSFig~t -.. Occupy In Senate A,,,,he~~t ' I Florida Oil ··Spill OVer · ST. PETEltSBURGt Fla. (UPI) -The remnants OJ" a massive oil slick which ddied control as· it slid across Tam- pa Bay appeared trapped to- day and eij)erts set-abOOt &SSeNing the damage to fishes and b' <ii .... bli""'ed ..... h~ arif ~ts:"" •.• .,._... . .,. Clean-up crews had most of tho crude oil «mered in the c:hquina Key area. The slick, which at ooe point spread over a J~ mlle area • ,: -~ '· • WldMldlf, Febr"'1 18, 1970 DAILY l'ltOT I S . •: -" ' '-*-'If.:>'•••-:-... pee.,,, ..... -t: -r .. . . • 1CIIP 0£ficel' Sh"-. ~ . \ ' . , . Scottlfrges-·Appr0,vfll ·you8~'·sn:·Nu1tsmr ~scltoot O·f~Envitonment ·Plan · WAiHING'l'ON .. (UPI)-·-· priigram an urgenOy ;;_edid ·Senate Republioaw Jiel·der begUuiing. --· H\Jgli Sco!t tiiday 'appealecf!Or "'Ob\iiously, these bUla will quick coilP.essX>naf pfssage' of not do · all that rfiust be dorie .President 'Nixon 's en-for alr 'time,'~·seott said. vfroill:nental packa&e as "lhe "But· they .. ar~ 4 maJot Iii>! aie]> down 1he road Iha! beginning at".a lbµe w~en l' I ad t • A 1A .. beginnin& is U'l'J'110Y needed," e s o conservmg metn.:a. Scolt. said. ..I ui-ie ·that th ls llra Senate prepared ~peech l:iody begin wQrk. hnmecjlately fo coincide with introduction on this legisllit1ori: and; 'that we of· the-· environmental coiltrol ' pi.ss'.therrt' Is 'ai'J1' In thil legWation, Scott called tbe &elifon as J>09:s1b~t ',' . , , . . ; . - , :oPEN 7 -D~YS A WEEK- .. 6:30 UNTIL 9 P.M. . . . )li;W IOLASSES FORMING. ' '· <I .,,. r TR~SPOR!~ 11QN . ~!.IR~IS!fJD. ; • ' I Full·o~·part time. :bid after.school cd- i,anned. j>rofe."'1anil superVL!ion -' ·ne. duced rates for 2•or more: :" . . .. .. . ' ~~ Thursday th~ MQnday Febru1uy19tti to 23r~ .,_ ' •• ,;··:t I •. ~ Yablonski · ·" · ""-'~'v ~~'Y•••••••.••••*••••••••••••••••••· ·~·-·--· ... · .......... ··---------. s~pechr ~: '·, · ·. ~WASHINGJDN'S. BIRTHDAY ,. -t .. ''1' ..... • .• ·-· Threaiened · Russian U.N. Agent Leaves NEW YORK (AP) Aleksandr V. Tikhomirov, the Russian against whom spy charges were made and later dropped, has met a U.S.·im· posed deadline for'leavlnf Ule United St.ates. ,.,.r• 2 Girls Lost 4-0 Hours CANTON, Ga. (UPI) -Two amazed at the "remarkatitr little girls mis.sing for 40 hours good condition" of the tots were foond mud-spfattered, when rescuers brought tbem wet and shivering -but not to the hospital seriously harmed -near a Nationar Guard Sgt. Leland pift-flowing creek in the BeJI, Spec. 4 Jerry Wood and densely wooded north Georgia Dean Padgett, a civilian, foothills Tuesday. round tbe gtrls in an area Bell They had been feared kid-termed "almost ina~ssible." qaped or drowned in nearby l'Tbey were under a small Lake All~toona . ., tree and it k>oked like they The girls, Teresa Epp, 3, bad spent the night there," and Brenda Lee Richardson, 2, Ben said. _ are in Jl. T. J~ Memorial,. 1Teresa stood sobbing beside HO!!lpttal todly, under observa-Brenda, who 1*y buddied on a lien and being treated for-ex-rain-soaked bed of leaves. posure .. A hospita1 spokesman Brenda wore only a slee~less aaid doctors were trying to dress and shoes. Teresa bad a prevent pnewnonia and in-light jacket over her dress. !~on ol ~ 1eratche<. !fllllll!<{1tw.s bad<lkopped to And two dlji frilhoul food, around 40 delrees Sunday aad their -.achs bad lo be . ·Monday night, and a _,. brGusl!I bOalc to norma1., too, ~ dl>wnpaur had dumped the ~ &aid. .more. lhfn' .-n11ncb of r:ain ol\> .t>oCbi said 'they were the area before Tu!:sday. • ~oy Di~_mantles Bp~h · . '}{ever Again," Declares Youngst:er FOWLERVILLE. MI ch. togelbei-!alled lo go off. "I wouidn'I have touchO (UPI) -A mechanically Roddenberg, of Westland, thole Wlr.1· myself," Liv. 'lli~ J4·year~ld w h o Mich., and his 9-year-old lngston County ~tectJve s,t. remembered a t.eJeviJed warn-COWiin 1 .. _,, found the bomb Davkl Tegerdlne said. "I r--• 7 , •ould have clelred tbe aret Ing about explosives dismantl-with an explosive power oC and ezp&oded the bomb at 1 ed a live time bomb "big seven dynamite sUcks Sunday safe distinct, ~riJle .. AJI •nouib lo blow up ... rythin( in an ab&iiC!iioed'"!annhouae • be hialo do ••• wlggli ... -., tor two acm." near here. those-wires ~ wrong WQ "!!I knew !hen what I know Roddenberg, 1 hobbyllt, and Idiot." now. I wouldn't have touched ordered ms coostn out of the Polee said tht botnb w1s anylhlng," Melvtn Roddenberg house -then proceeded to amona 36 otoi<n !rom a !nick 11k1., "I would never do that aeparale I.he bom6's wira. He last August.. 1ppmitly by again. I'm 1Ull pretty shaky." ukl he had •n a public &ehoolboys, and Planted ln the Police we~ still punled late service commerclal on e:r· o,kl r•rm.,11 ."beca111& they Tuesday why the bomti -four ploolvis and w1tc11ed hio b"~ ~ aee Jlle old )lqlJlf a.by4-illcb bombl 1crowed _ !aU>er )lyJWnlte ~ alumps, _. ~" up, • _ _ ALLWOD l : SPORT COATS :· ... _, s33 Reg. •55 Sl\fe ·~2 All popullr atylu, ,-... -. hor~~ . .. , - - - BITTER ,. SLACKS .. . . . -.. .. s1e. ·o _9. Reg.•~ tiotslS CUllomquolllJ_..t, 11111oop a ta1Mra1t1 • .. .,..,.... ·-·· .. 'f•••••••••••* ••••••••¥t1r¥••••••••••••¥.~•• ·;SWEATER SPECTACLl!.AR s7se -CARDIGANS &:PlJU.DVERS ·,. . · .... .: r' ' .. • .-, w~·Y~' ~ ;·: l c"""....1 ·, :. ,.!~.-ri--- . ~· -~ theprl~ on regular '110.to~S: ~ .•• ~. • •• • < .• ~=~:1~~-~ ,. MEN'S .SUITS .· , • 1 r • • • Wltll 1or2 .,alra ~P~l1t* .~··s79.oo ~~evoflioif1t,lo"litl¢.~now~~ up .oo:oitoach~Dfll F6rWard FulHoil Md Tradltlonal atylea ••• famous brands lncfuded. . ' . .... ' . \'. -, .,, .• ':1 ~l ··~ ,;{~ "i4 t :I <! ,,. -fetter"'~ . . . Fa ...... _.-..w .............. ,s ., .. _,... '..... -••. • ••••••.• : •••.•.....•.• --...... ·111-.::. .... .,...,.. ....... "~·--...--. , . . ----11&11-'lt.:88 -. ",. . .... Sllllt'slM.e .. Shirts .• , ............. '2,99 • . 11tg._G1Jt1'~-~~--wtiv~•-""'~~i ·· -AoiJ>to~"'il\!&ca!Dil.-llytet. . •• . .. ' . .. . . ~: ' . ' • . . WOMEN;S F'A'SHION BOYS! . ~~~~········· ..... ,: ..... '3.9! ,.:a;_s··j~"ear· ·,.~'· ...... ..,. llMi:..m-· -= ,.., Roltes ·. -..,. ...... ~ '""""··~·······-~-~.,. . ... ~·· .. ~ ..................... ., .....•.• ~-.»'50~''-..... ~1 .. ~ . ·,. . :' ~;~· ""''°'11 _,.,..,._..,.~ · : D' ·111 ~~• _,...--•1•ao------. 'Cott' ,,.,_...._ ..... - . . ' ~~I(~~·'·······......~!"" ......... ~ IOll nr.-g .......... !' ••••• ' •••••••• ~ ••••• •1.• . • ........... jllftd........ ., .•. ~ .t• .. , ""'---.-1oc1oty11o. • ' , ,. · F, __ ';...; Mer-Sportswur: utn.s••--: Sport• Shi..._ ..... 0 0 0' • •o,o ot'~!' ~·I~.!• Ila S2,99 A---....iabfolw,,aw1H1ra,pll'4I. -... • j'' .• , .., •• t • .,, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ...~. c • • • • •" ,... ""'---·--"-• · ··w~-• s ... _ PlilJI, • -&91• ;. Knit Shi ' . -. -.'.!1~ ... .,..~--.•; ••i-·········~!"!''! ~ . rts .... , .•....•.•••...... : •• ~~-fti0.t1i.41•f""°"'lnllllr4ul l ' •. -~. -~ ·.... • • Aiij.S7'4'!4-'malciir,mlf!l'etJlao. · · " " · 1 ;; Fa ... s c ... il Pants........ . . . . .. '.'.., .. -s..· :9 1. oPEtt:s_vNDA1.; ~.·-.,~ •.. ~o.'s r.M. ' . ',; fteg.....,2,., ........ UtPf19t bllttoClpltYfe. ' _, --; • ... -· • I -"" 1 •· • ""• . OPEN THUUOAY .AN6 .. ii.iJD'i.Y, "TIL. t •P:M.. "" ' ' _ • • ,: .~ . ~ ~ . . . \. ' SOUTH COAST PWA, Costa Mesa.-AllAIOI, ...., ... Iii! .•:-WEWOllll.; .~ .. , -. • • -- 1, L .. •DARY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Th~ School Electio~ t ' --• '1 .. I • '" ~ it. ' -. " ,19 Tl!•,l~b. 24-overrJ4e l\lld )x>~J~r'!Alw\& ·' .,, ~!lo.JI. tralalni;.P!l~·Jal•rtu,; !'A-fOl''W; Beach' Unlfied Schc!ll· Ql$trt~. ij ~I }'ii ii*i .ev~ • ~tt;-' ;t c'\ -'\.'. -, •• •. ounce.ol voter supJ)oi;t lt·ean m"'te.ti . ' ~I · .. :-.P~ B· ("! c ~Id 10 for tnllT:fis • ' , -•" ._ ;c·i.. . , UOti1 'nlillltenf!lce, . ...,II lllJll as cu1IJ?'!l&l II <>PP.Os.IUon to th~ •meesuf" la 9fa••• ind O!>P!ll. • .,i:.. .;e,rild.JD>elll r!l!lacemeat ' · Ilona! 1talf'lnd ar- nonll ~e ~peaking out publlcJY ~ wrtt!pt lta'\r '!!!· . ,_ ', . • . ~ ., ~ . , . In slJ1lplllti~ laabion, opp0nenti.,Of th~cr\.Jriide ~ve : ~on C, wfiafd . ~ ,ln=;n. lt,i. >. urged a llo vote on everything on the balltt1: Tlllfd..,n't \.;~~I j;'. a~ol the~)'!~ P"'Pl¥1 , , d bl\lD •'.• make' ·Sense. The school diatrict faces Ute '-ml lnfla. .."" ec ~ .. rs. ~ -ii ;. ~ t ~ ~ tionary problem we alt faco'ancl nitd1 more lwid1 jUJt ,,.. -a:b•"ID 'i PUAl' -*11 l&t l!l1. ICbOol,.411tts._ .... to stay even. must have, at the. very lee1t, the 115 cenll provided by · P"!IJO'itlon A, to contlnue-pn>Vlding a fine, well·balanc--Truotees have put in countless hours on the bud11t, ed tnslructloual program lakinf it line by line for study before reach!n( the d.. -. . · . . cUion unanimously that more mopey is needed. Propo1Jt1~n A gives priority to those very basic, fundamental items that rriake up the heart of an educ•· Voters will be asked lo decide a '400,000 bond ·111ue tional program -books, upgrading lilculty 11rlll1 and along with three override propositions. , . keeping pace with tbe Impact of both lhe knowledge ex-. Most of tile bond m0ney would go for acqulsl~· ' and development of much needed ,r.ecrea)ional land to serve the whole park·shy community. 1 ~. _ Acquis)Uon of the Jana "'.ill be a wise Investment .. It Is neede<I now and It would cost more. tater. The bond issue would add five cent• to. tM tax. rate. Howe,,rer,. •Ince the bond Interest and·redemptlon rate ii dropp!rig two cents next year, pa:isa'e of the bond issue would only add three cents to the individual tax rate. . . The DAILY PILOT strongly urges a yes vpte on the bond propo&ition~ -' The. tpree· ov,eride .Pf~itions add, up to $1.25. Eadt is earmarked (o~specWc'purposas which the school dis· trict.bu delalle4 for. vo1tr1. • , ploaion'"'and.. in:natlon. •' ~ '. . . . . '" .. ~ . We strQngly endor1e ~"Yes:• vote on Proposition A. A very strong CllJlt 1110 has :i,.m;madeiDffi• oih.-" er two pro?,?sltions. A "yes" vote on tli€m would be in ' keeping 'filh Laguna's long-establ!shed record of d .. m~a ~cellence ip.eduoati~. .. '· ~ .. ': Four years ago voters 'authorized the bond money that has since built two fine schools. They attract a stream of educators from across the country. ' P':"1'9'lt!cin A wcni!d buy ' li~rary books, classroom maljlriala, beaJth · mvu:e, additional 1taU, tut books, The district now needs the funds to keep paying good teachers !or thos~ ••d other 50hool1. lt,needs the teachers to teach 'Jn them, the boo~s to teach· theln ffom · and the buses &o carry our l.oung!tefs to 1chOOl. These' are the economic facts of 11 e, facts which have·• great : bearing on !lie future Of our youngsters and our com-munity. . s ''THEY SENT A ~y To ~o A MAN'! J'O~." Definition of :. Private Planes C:lutter Skies With Noise ; : 1 r. j: I . . -He W ould .. :Ba·n Recreational Flying .. . . na.pu 1t Laree: • <llln&lng mores call for new dcfini· lions; among today's belles, a "1entleman" is a be.au who doesn't make 1 seriOU.&: pass until the ltttlld dtte. • • • • The most misunderstood phrase In alt ··: .;' • • • Christendom consists of only five word!: ·~ dress well to fe-el equal to other ''Love tny neighbor as thyself" -for the mill:' women dress well tc feel l\lptrklr gmerallty cf people mWnlerlJf'tt the to other women. · _,.1 meani!ll of "Jove," don 't know~ taeir • • • ••neighbor'' is, and fall to ~p tbt "'ft)e best reason fer lettlna a chUd aletp reflexive nature of "thyself." ..; ' • -. ~lbt with a friend at an early a&, is • ~ • ~ soon learns ~her parenll aet There is only one respect (fpar:t from ,no better than hts cwn do, which 1;Pffd) In which the computer ii aqperior l'e~young fears and provide•• more to Lhe human being op!!:rating tt, and'that rullttic recognition of the hazards of is its ability to monitor it6.. own family life. performance and know when lt .i& bmar~ • • , ing defectively. • • DtfiniUon of birth control : avoiding the • .. • . '\ssue. 1'tlolse wbo live by the rule die by UM: .... ~ • • •• exception. lt'a 1urprislng how many people in how • • , many countrle1 li\'e ·with.In a 1tone's The rully dlJll!nUI dichotomy o! oor lhnlw o! Ille Allltrican ~'Y· lime Iles not in C.P. Snow's divi!ion. -;1 : • • between the "scientists" and t be The at:1cJn li· lhe o~ supifiut.lon must "'humanists.'' but. the far greater pp lit in Ult \nl!lispUti'ble fact thll r cajty be:tweeo the men who are power-oriented remark hN nine Uvta. ~ ' and the men who are knowledge-oriented. ..i.· • ~ · , , • , Eyery •est!mate':;ibauld be .colnpc!ied The most that cJn be said for a boot by law to tnclbde a footnote ts~ating , that cooaciou.lily tries to "improve your hew much mt¥e U:aan the estimate -the m!od" !1 that oca~Oll&lly II may cure linal biU wm tie. • ' .. HOW MANY' PEOPU: today , kn°" whit rial sUenee ia -when you ctn •It still and peaceful and bur 1 your heart beat and tune ln to the pure natural rhythm& of God.,' 'n\ls has been • privilegt evaJlable to all human belngs up unUI the lilt few ye111. Recently, man has taken to the air for purpolles of transportation and ah.I~ m.eJJt. In view of the tremendOUi funcUona whJch airplanes serve, it is unrullstl~ to propose that man gr01.Jnd himstlC. 'Bu.t any air flight involves some measure of dtlcomfort and loss of peace to all those • on the ground, which might be weighed a1alnlt tbe llmdions of such OIJhls. wUJ alfect ~ 400,GIJll fl"ll'I• In the GUl!je ~~ M..._ Hun-= ~~ ·VilJey apd~ The ~ , COW!ly ~r. o t , Su~ ~ ·~od twice lo ~~•.: Mil• ~rt (Jiounded by Warner, Edlngtr, Brooklmrst and Euclid.St,Oit.) · as part of the county master airJ!Orf' pJan. . ~ thi>slOf ycu who are concerned. pltast ~ ~Ip U8 to keep Mile Square as &'tflCre. UOnal center fct playfields, picnic m11, bin parka, outdoor cooking, camping and hlktnr. TUE COUN1'Y BOA RD of Suptrvi'°" SOME DEFERENCE has to ht made ls now lnterprt:Un1 an airpark as being to product.Ive economic and JOCial use, recrealional "'htch would take away part but I can aee no justification for n111ht.s of our potential recreatiohat center. r.111ch aerve. no other function than Uie · lf ·)'OU' don't want an airpark. please ftjeF.1 sport, especially when small contact us for a petitior. -we have afrcfat't ·wtth their sharp gratin1 engine~ almOst 4,000 slgnatAr:es collected in two · n\ay tie,' quali~vely. the worst offender~ w.eeb: Our only hope ii j.hrough clliu~ . in aerial nol.se$11hi:t1cn. ,. bec:aUBe all le1al channels have been Flaming Sex S·candal With ail~ such tit ,1~1 commodity . ckl5t:d to us! OUr org1nization is named al it 11,JtJF;d1t4,to·ciUttef r skies wilh · "Citizen• Agains\ Airpark Plan,," (€AP). naUe lhqUld ~ un(ler,.jd>:e trol of_ the • We hive had two meetfn&s-the fU'1t with ~ C1t1Rn1.on',U>t'pc~ ... Over S5o in att.endance ·and the second I pro~1 &an1,e ~ ol acvemment 'w1!1 a town hall meeting to ask q1lefti011! Now that Mrs. Onuais la being called a home wrecker I« writing f1llll' U\ank· ycu notes to a married gentleman, the naming sex scandal of the Calvin Coolidge Administration can no longer be withheld from public sc ruliny. :$1".J'Ji~~~~~l~i;'a'.1. ~n~i~e~"~~i~~.:! ~ ;):Y,;i:.:"f!~ '"""""""I'\~ and to ....ni-tar.11 ~Y for cltarly lnfonn1ticn, contact CAP, l>. O. Bol'l241, ·. stated tod¢1'11!1"1.~'.'!JW.•· Fountain Valley, caJ!I. 92708. , ., · , ..... !. • . Our Bolrd or Supervi~r• must IN CL081NJ<.t'Wf\il)\l'iriP>se a •IOlltn olimlnate Ille posslbtmy of Oa*W!nr t . . , to guid< t~.i!idili meon:h In alrcrort nights al Mlle Sqoore ond ""'-~Cl· ~ • the. 701it We 'hlve'~er .net SW· praerve our recreational parkl'.' . Pressing girlishly on she writ.es ".. de~,PoWu. I7j)roi*t1hi'lt10tto "Silent MMY .KIX . • • ' ' 1 • • Pow"1" as aa ·lmPori.nt rtsearch 1011: Chltrinln· The scandal is well document!d in a hit.htrtNCCret letter found in the rumble . ~at of a Model A Ford roadster. for sending m• thatslim volumt <M) We \ Ille• ,..,,.,IHMget will lie altenl pro-CIUzooo A1ainst Altpark Plan all know what comes in allm vol11mes. pu\skln for-ell humaI\. &r~aUon. don't · we?) entitled, 'A Statistical . · AIJ.AN KAMIN AbstraCt ol. Flsc1l 1~4 Maple Syrup • c· ' 1' SOS a~ VCI It is signed "Grace (tlfrs. Calvin) CooUdge." It b addressed to • Cyro1 ltockclin&_the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Agriculture wko cul a dashing figure 1t The P1rtl. Presbyttrlan ChurCh's Bak· ·td Bean Supp!!:rs in \Vuhinglon during lht Coolidge years. Production In Vtnnant.' tl brought back "' To the Eclltor: many pletsaut memories." {Many pleasant memories of what? We can on 1 y sprecullte. B u l let it be remembered thal Mn. Coottd1e'1 In- timate& invariably ducribed her as "gay and charmJ.na." "She·s a real sex pot," Aid cne. "compared to Cal.") THE DATE OF TIQS intlmata note· - June 17, 192fi -i1 COMldered partlcularly ilgnlHcant. For ll was precisely sh years and ten weeks after Ulla -to the day -that Mrs. Hockdlng ran off v.•lth a piano THE Lm'IR contlnues : "Thank you tuner from Baltimore. for the inscriP.f.lon on the Oy leaf ... " While Mrs. Hockdtnc , ne\•tr tMJbllcly (What mad,. lns1ne words of love did th•t blamed Mrs. Coolidge for breUln1 up inscription emplOy! We know not. The her hclne, lhe ofttn conDded to friends, book is unfortunaltiy lost.) " .•• and in '"lbert hi.a been no mllllc tn m1 mar· return allow me to eonvey my beat rl•ge since June 17. 1921.'' wishes to you/' {Her best wishes for The ftrlt hint "''hnfl1 of U1e scudal what ? And how does &he plan to con,·ey In the salutlilon of· thf:·lttlet: them? Ah, love's sweet. aecrtb!) ~Mr. Hockdlni:.'" Bui by now Ille b OVOrwn>llgbl with nie Ml'd ~·c1e.,.J1 ja defined by the emotion she ca.n no Jonaer conllin. And 1n dk:tiontr1 'u 11h/P17' e 1 le e-m e d .~ •• her two closing words •ht rt:vt1l1 111 - chtttltMld. )Oft'd.11 And wbal are the first pledging that llhe ls, In troth, h.ls with an thttt .aim Mn. COOUdfe •ddresses to the sincerity of an lmpillloned Mart. In btt d...-. !oftd Mr. Hockdilql .. oulbunt ol tnOomod tnfor. '11e "I dellre you ••. " wrilff: PROCSta>ING Wfl1I . lullty h"te from Ulla sl>ockln1 c1eclaraU111. M11. Coolidp quickly lddl, " ••• lo kno\f or my sratJtude to you .• !' (Here, In the Jlnt t-. we find Mn. Coolidge con- l•Sliftl nol only . her p"51ona\t desires for Mr. floe.....,.'• futun 11von, but~ g.Utude. for wbo-knowa•what rom•11lic -11111o1o1t1•••• ... _,.·.--pa11.1. I I "Sincerely Youn." TRE ONLY PUZZLE is how Mrs. CooJ.id&e could have bttn 50 lndiacrttt. Surely, 1U public llgw-es know th•l every prtvate'W<>rd1hey writ• wtlt-bo ta1<r1Y m -d by ua ·mu.ttltpdes SOOltft' et 1attt. '!boy e>n eqly try lo moki lhe' litot'of ft. But, never rear, we'll mW the wont ol..11. To.the Editor: ... Th!1"tll!n1 ~liJl 'l>t!wUn tile-OAIL Y PILOT edlior1al P<lt 'and the Young We art fi&hlinl a propoaed airpark that ~~, re.ally makes my d1y. Your . ents concernini,.crlUcilzn 9f the d . . atandards be.Inc 11.sed in deat. in1 wliltlihe SOS at UC!, Indicates ·a toss of se~.Df humor as wen as objectivity. ~--Bil Geo1"9e ---. ... Dear George: This fellow I hardly knelf told rne I hid unyielding lnlllblilon1 and I Slapped hlm. I have hvci questions: (I) Stw>ulcl I ha\'e slapped him and (2) Whal does lnblblt.ions mean'! BLONDIE Dear Blondie : Write le one of Ult lady col. umnist.s. The last one I had llke you hit me Ul)!lde the Mad with 111 paperweight \\i'len I !old he'r lhit her convict.funs $hou\d be firmer. Dear Geotee: I've heard lhal you '\'e stmed u• iq: puns ln your column to try to l tl II poflUlar as the lady adViet columnists. ls this true? PUN llATER Dear Pun Hater : Wh1l'st 1\'flh thl1 "Uthl rope walking'' bil? The' SOS control> the UCI preil (ac· ·cordln1 to the L. A. 11mes). the SOS has : • veto over terminatin1 faculty contract.e: . aAd, the SOS seleeb the companies that · •rt alknrt'Jd to recruit on campus. True, . Iha· = denied pcrmiosion lo hold I~ Uon ll UCJ, b\11 UIO apolofi" w#e~ . ....· J.~. IUllllAN bu staled. "ll>dlcal Ire out lo alttr the nature of the 1)11.tm, ;Ri' lo <kM>Y tht °"IViilli' If thtyut tt down In the ~Jblf1 another matter. But the.re have -· ·chlll(U and the university hasn 't lien &hut down." What ii Che rul ruaon for campus tranqul~ "LlibtofOllf walkln111 or 1p- pwemeol o! tho Ntw Unlvtrolty eon. ftrtnce ond the SDS! Absolutely not, and you shouldn't listen to HY• ·&oetllt, 1 llale beth pum and 1oa1lp. I" "1ct. l'\te ortu i )IOlnlff OJll lhal a ,.. I~ tho lowest · fonn of rumor. - At lhe root o( all thll controvtr1y 11 a difftrtlk'e of opinion over the prlm1ry l•g!ttmalt fomction o!-'Ill<-un!Ttrtlty ~item. , II Ii 1e111IUvlly trainlllJ and piUUul lndoctrtnatl<>i.or Is It obJoc!IYo education ? JOHN H, KELLY PllQ1IABL Y ~ lol ot"' ,..,....., lhe days after the war whenj\'eu oe.more ond Marjorie W)Jll"""°"' !ried lo outdo ~ch tither with a new production every four or five weeks. Now 1 would like to ue: a history of • ,"The 35 Prompters" d_one beCause that wu a \tenture that none of ua who were part of Ille!' or1aniiation will ever forg~l. J . B. WILLIAMS Comparath•e Co111 To the Editor: Well, fOlks, htre we are again -liked to die deeper into our pockets to satisfy the demands of th• most costly and in· efficiently-run unified 1c:hool district in the county. IA:t me quote facts and figures frcm the official financial report or Orange County 3Chool distt!c": Aonuml Coat, One St.dent Adn\inlstraUon Teachers' 811. Other Salaries of Instruction Other Educ. Exp. ()per. or Plant Plan! Malnten. Pupil Trahlp. Fixed Char1es Total CUrr. ··Ezpe.,. L.B. $43.36 SJ7.97 S2.21 56.31 81.39 40.96 38.17 :>4.49 $Ul.7' County Aver. s 16.!}8 428.69 !11.56 21:01 S9.l9 17.33 12.81 33.40 1621.lO . PLEA.SE C0:\1P A RE these figures and hone1tly Ilk yourself, "Should t vote them mort funds to squander?" Higher taa:ea mean higher rents, so you see it hits all of us. hcmeowner1 11'1<1 tenants. Without ·a·llmit on 111v•llable funds there "·ould be no limit on effort! to expand rt.alts and spend, spend. spend. lax, tax, ta x. \fote ~ nc, no and let them pull In Uielr belt& until the y 1et down to a size comparable to our nellbborlnl: school districts. C. J . WILLHOFF l'l•lt Sehool Tonl1l1t To th• Editor: As a flfth trade teachtr at El Morro Elementary School, one cf my responsibilities Is . the te1ching of United States history, ~ the moment, we aft ln the proceti ol studying about the Revolu- tionary Wer and the v.innint or our coun- try's indrpendonct from En1iand. 'Ille chlldren....hav....,ecdV<d.-<Opiet-of-1 DeclaraUon of Independence, lncludlng Ille deOnltlonS of tlO o! Its wordo .they mav not underat.nd. We have dlacuSHd the lnjusU~ that "'"" made •1•lnat the coJon>es by E111land, u olal'<I In the DeclaraUoa of lnd'Ptndenc:e.· Tl)rough 11u<1y1,1• tile children ~ve l't•llted how fortun1 te they are to live In a ccuntry in which they hove lho r1lltta o! llberff and Ju•Uce. THE BILL OF RJGltrS 1uarantee1 us lb< rr.odoma o! lpct<h and prus. The" rllhll do not exist In alJ countries and the children ttaliu bow precious thes• r!ahta UNFORTUNATELY, this year we ai:e not able to ba\·e the experience, as lhe school district docs not have ~ ri1oney. ll the taa: override fail!, qut cfilldren may, neves-have the chance for thei:ea:perieOce. Necessary research bool\S ·win not be purchased. either. if a ma· jority YES V()le is not .received. 1 invite you to vlsit our school the night of Feb. 18, 7: 30, so that ycu may better understand the situation at our school. We will be holding an assembly in celebrallcn of the ideals upon \vhldl our country is foonded . I hope you \vill be there to help celebrate wlill us. M'LEE TERRY Belt Tlgl•tenhog To the Editor : A campaign by lhe Laguna Beach School District to increase school tues by $1.25 override. is under way. If you feel that yoor la:{es are too low, and your pocketbook is bulging, you will ha.ve an opportunity to vote for an increase on Feb. 24. It's a privilege to vote, so be \VeU informe<I . But keep in mind the operation o( privale business is to make money . and is eotirely different than publlc 11cOOol business which is lo spend your money through taxat.ion. WE HA VE NO cr01A1ded classrooms, no double sessions. no unsafe buildings, ind no increase In !tudcnt attendance, but a decline in student attend,nce. We do have the highest cost per pupil cf all unifltd districts in Orange Ccunty. Jn 1967-63 $709 per pupil: '68-69 It soared to $889 and '69-'70 tc $926, an incre&if! of $217 per student in the past three yean. Laguna is $1W higher than Newport· tlfesa's $729. and $161 higher tban the COUJ1ty avtrage of $628 in 1969. 'Thtie facts are from Financial School Repcrt: mE FEDERAL and stat• government! are reducing SP.endin1 lO fight inflation. but not Lagllna 'School districl They want to tax you heavier and spend more o1 your money. • Ai&essed valuation since IMO haa ti&en from $36 millioo to the prestnt "1 million. giving oor school a aub.ltantlal increase in tax dollars every year. A belt llghtt!nlng is in order. A NO vote may In· duce sounder management and control of educational expenditures. CHARLES VEALE -~-- ~Wednesday,.Eobruary 18, 1970 rhe tditorial pagt Of U1e Doil~ Pilot see/q 10 inJorm a11d stfm.. .itlcte f'totkrs by J)tt1tnlino thts r&eKllJ>ttP8r'• opinions and com- mnitarv on topk1 of fnUreat and olgnfHcance. bu providing • forum for lhe it;tpf'elrion of our readtr.t' opinion.I, and by J>rfJtntina U1c diutr1t ufew- poitlu o/ informed obrtruert • Oftd tpoktHMn on. toptc, o/ lhf <1au. I I Robert N. Weed, r>u\iisber ' • • War Spray Serves As Peace Tool WASHING'!ON !AP I -A controversial and powerJul bcr,,iclde used lo defoliale the tnemy's jungle hiding place! bl Vietnam has been used eVen more exten.sl\'ely in the Un1led States to clear away brush from UM; countryside, ac- cording to the tt.gricullure Department. The spray,-2,4,~T. has been 1how.1 to cause birth defects in laboratory Animals, but ls of· llcialJy reeommendecl by the federal government to rid pastures of brush. About three million acies of U.S. crop and range land have been sprayed in each of the last eight year with 2,4,5-T. Ho'A'ever, most of thi!, more than two milUOn acres, In· ,volves range or pasturelancl - areas not d1rectly producing food crops. Government figures cited by Rep. Cleme.1t J . Zablocki tD- Wis.), whose foreign affairs subcommittee recenUy looked into chemical and biological Y.·arfare. showed more than five million acres have been sprayed with the defoliant in Vietnam since 1962. In 1968 a Ion c . the Agriculture Department paid farmers a total or $8.8 million for brush and weed control on more than 2.6 millia.1 acres. Most or it involved 2,4,5-T; ac-- cording to officials. Records show payments and acres sp rayed have increased steadily under the program during recent years, and of. Ucials say privately that needs . ll'ill ~tinue to be great. Under the program, farmers can get up to half their co!lS paid by the gove.mme.nt for carrying out 31>proved con- servatlono practices. Among Utem are two involving brush and weed coolrol, mainly by applying chemJcal herbicides. Besides 2,4,S.-T, the most frequently used herbicide is the related 2,4·D. which is 1uspect in the minds of many conservationists. The Agriculture Department appears to be in a dilemma Over polluti~ control, com- mitments ,rA'o farmers and economy measures recom. me11ded by the Nixon budget. . Last November Dr. Lee A. DuBridge, White H o u s e acience adviser, announced the Agriculture Department would outla1v 2,4,f>.T on food crops beginning last Jan. I if by-then t he Food and Dr u g Administration had not set safe tolerances for t h e chemical in food products. Pasture spraying would con- th1ue to be approved. The FDA has not announced acceptable tolerances for 2,4,5-- T and lht Agriculture Depart- n1enl says it will not ban the chemical until the agency aclS. Moreover, the Agriculture Department claimed that the laboratory testa tlial produced birth defects in rats and mice Involved 2,4,>T contaminaled by a chemical byproduct and that normally the herbicide has a much lower ca.1tent of the pollutant. The Nixon budget recom· mended phasing out the ACP next fiscal year. t h u s eliminating future payments to farmers and ranchers for spraying chemicals on their land . Atlempts have been 1nade before to kill the program, in· eluding one last year, but each time Congress has restored fund's to keep It gof.1g. President Speed Reads Nelvs Daily WASHINGTON tUPl) -A White House aide says Presi- dent Nixon is a rapid reader who goes through. several newspapers plus a digested Jlews summary every day. Patrick J. Buchanan, special assistant to the President talked about Nixon's reading habits In an Interview ai1 television staUon WTOP. Buehan1n said Nixon "'reads • acveral major Eastern papers in the morning. lie reads a JOcal paper here In the even- ing, and the Los Angeles Times. which comes in a llttle late." ln addition Nixon gets <' liewa summary made up of wire service dispatc h es 'received during the night, late news rrom five or six Ea.stem momtng papers and I h e Chicago Tribune . columns and editorials from more than 50 papers throughout the country end an analysis of the .prevloua night's cvcnt11g news shows. ~ ... • '!!t .... • " ( Ii· L • . ·---. ·- ·Special Buy! Girl talk .•. knit top,s and wildly pr.inted pants ... · Knit tops for big and little sister. short sleeve,"crew neck style in cotton/polyester. Never-iron Penn Prest-in lots of girl pleasing stripes or solid colors, 3 to 6x, 1.44 -.. _,, . 7 10 16, 1.66 Mod print ponts for mini mods. Newsy straight leg styling in crisp cotton ~CllJVOS with no--waist, front zipper styling. Just great with any or·alioH1er shirts or sweaters. In f/Very color you con think of. ·3 to'6x, 1.66 , ~-. 7 to 1.(, 2.66 Bondi?~ acrylic,_fabric for spring sewing ••. "' in .gay spring plaids Get out tho sewing niachine and stitch up a smashfng spring warcJ.. robe at a frodion of what you'd pay for all tho outfits you'll srw. 54' wide, and right for suits and sportswear. 1 "9 yd ,.., . Men '1 Penn Prest• casual jackets. Ruggedly styled poly· ester/cotton never· iron poplin .•• maize, navy, tan, powder bl"9, sizes S·M·CXL.:.... 4.99 '' .. Wotlondaf, rtbruiry 18, 1970 DAILY ,!LOT 7 Special Buy! .Boy's knjt shirt and . Penn Prest~ iean value Knit shirts of 100% polyester in handsome solid colors •.•• short sleeves, mock turtle neck, to wear with all his trousers .. .sizes 6-18. Buy him several now while you sove on Penney quality. 2.99 Foney Western. jeans of 50o/o polr.· ester/ 50% cotton ... and Penn Prest41 . . for newr-iron ease. Yoke bock, rou~d leg Western styling. Plaids, checks and stripes, sizes 1>18. reg. and slim. 2.99 LIKE IT ••• CHARGE ITI ., Toddler'• 100% cotton boxer len9lo sa•lntt nowl Stock up now on plenty of sturdy va.lue priced boxer pants in astorted c~lors. for tots I, In sius v..1.1 \(i.2-3, lorgrowing and playing. Buy shirts with your sovingal '1 Women's nylon tricot bra 9own1 .•• filmy, feminine loce covered bro lined with polyester fiberfill : •• ribbon bow ond lact hom pretty th. wholt lovely color range upl. Treat yourself lo stVtrOI and ·sleep prettyl Si<u 32-31 ......... 3.99 '' ' • • I Baby crib and mattress value ... priced for saving Crib cbnstructed ·of durable pioe enameled in avocado .:. it lias double drop sides, 4 sided 1eething rails, toe touch feltase,. 4 pol!lton spring, · 30.88 Mod lion print mattreu, fine quality 70 coil innerspring con-- struction .with wl~leon p1a,. tic cowr. 10.88 Bumper not Jnefuded ·' l. .. ' ' ,, ... .. , ' ., ., •• •• .. .. • .. .\ ., ., .. ,. . ' • . • ; .~ ,, 1 , •• .l ) ,, AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE .. ' . ·1 w ·! ~ .. r ' I I • + • • • OAIL V PILOT Wed~sday, F'tbruary 18, 1970 CHECKING •UP• Peanut Butter ' Was HealtI1 ·Fad B~ L. :\I. BOYD Rl";\1 .\ND RABBITS That rabbits do a lot of c!an\agr to crops in Australia I~ not nt'\\S. \\'h11fs r'lt'\li"S is ho"'· trappers there catch those rabbns_ Traps are baited \.\'Uh tins of rum. Ra b- bus like rum. l'be.y are_ lre- quent ty seen to )OStle one another at the trap doors to p:ct inside , in fact. They drink the rum and pass qul. The trappers lhen go 11round .,;th gr,at gunny sacks 1o f!<llittt the inebria~ bodies. Look. bclie\•e "·hat you "'ant, bul I'm telling h Ilk' it is. lf \'OU Y.'A~T to kttp the neighborhood dogs off your lawn. cooteods a veterinarian, sprinkJt a thin hne ol tobatto all the "''ay around your yard . 1llE SLIDE-RULE BOYS figur' a ~year~ man in his 1Jlet1me has 0e,·oted a lOlal of l:! eight-hour \li·orkdays to the "'lnding of his ,.,-atch . i( M bas a \liatch. Gt.:~SHOT \\'OL'SO \\"riles an Arm~ m e di l' , r~ntl)• returned from Vitt- nam · "Did \'OU know most anv bu llet "dlind doesn·1 huit much. not right a"'·ay! f\•e "'·orked with a lot of guys who have bttn shot. and none of Lhem !leemed to get as much pain as. sa). a man wilh a bad Linda Grant . Edits Paper Linda L. Grant of Orange will ser\'e this spring as editor ()f The Barnacle. Orange Coast College's "''eekly c am pus rK"\li'Sp<lpt'r. :\liss Grant. "'ho prl'viously was managmg editor of 11le Barnacle. succeeds Larry Dun- mire. of Corona del :\lar who was fall l'dHor ~tis.~ Grant lS employed on the editorial staff of lilt ~ew­ porttr. earache. Being shot US&.1a!Jy U like getting hil with a whip, at least at nrst. and then t.here'ii some numbness before ii si...rts to sting.'· CUSTOMER SERVICE ''How long is my goldfish sup-- posed to li\1e?"' A. About %5 years. Thars not. as long as your ostrich which is expected to go SO ~-ears. But Ifs longer than yoor boa coostrittor 'Atlich 1s only good for t1 years. . Q, .. WHEN WAS ''TllE WORD •J)Uttbug' in- troduced into our language!" A. All t can tell you is Cab CaUoway dltamed il u p sometime in tht '30!:. SU PPOSE IT'S ju s t nature's way, but f.iagernaib grow fastest on people wbJ hilt' lhtir ftn~mails. . . A LOS ANGELE S BADl STVUSr Wists skim milk makes an uoell~t "'a\te set ... YOU CAN FIGURE just about lhrtt out of four of tbt l1lttl wbo _go _!9._iajl today have bttn t.hue before. •. A.\l IN- FORAIED '11L\T peanut but- lt.r origlnally was regarded as one of I.hose oddbaU health foods. .• nIE FWWER EX- PBRTS say there's no such lhinc as a blac~ bJouom. ODORS -Young lady. if you go ·wilR a fellO'A' v;ho works in a ser.,.itt station. you might as well give up on the weiring ol perfume. He can't smell it The gasoline fumes he breathes every day deaden his snilfer_ Or IO it is claimed by a man of science. This han- dica p is temporary, ii shOllld be noted . RAPID R.EPLV -Yes, sir, ifs true (lne oot ot every four babies bom is Chineaie, but. no. sir. that has nothln& to do .. •nth the fact that most American couples w3ilt no more than Lhree children. )·our qu.es tionJ oud com- tnt'nts are wtlcomed a nd t1"11f ~ rutd whenever pos· sible In "Checking Up." Pleaie a.cl.dress your mail lo I .. A-1. Boyd, irt care of Daily Pilot. Ben: 1875 . Nt1.Dp0YI Beach. Calif., 92663. We'll take a large, lovely . 11x14 professional portrait of you and your child fbr a low'. low 4 95 Now's the time to have thot prteiout professional port rait ttJlien of you and your child, Our talented pflolographtr knows ;ust how to coplvre the wonnth of this wonderful time in your life. Come in now, Joke odYonloge of this specloculor low price. Remember, you con cha,ge it of Penney·sl •UWITOH HIWP'Olf IUCH HUNTIM•fON II.A.CH '" I '-.,,.., ............ l1l.e<1 .. ~r1119111o" l.l'"., u....-•t "·'-., • 01"~,.. INK""~'""'° t i f>KlU1...!MllroLJ:l}rl'J, llf\...R.~ l'•t. ( I • • .. "f.UCINATION' "GARDIN l'ATW "NEW TIJNIDAD" "SUNl'IOWH" Th.ru Sat. Only! Beautiful prints and solids . Some Penn-Prest never-iron! Our enlirt line of better quality quilted bedspreads is in · eluded in this fabulous sale , so hurry in for the best selection! What.Ver you're looking for, it will be here •.• styles for colonial, traditional, modern decor; for guest rooms, master bedrooms; tw in size, full size and some extra widths included! Acetate, cotton, rayon and polyester in the gro~p. ~ rfisNon manor "E\.AINF" AVAILABLE AT YOUR LO'CAL PENNEY STORE ----' I - - -. ... Award Needed Lyndon Johnson ·Role on TV Tops By TERRENCE O'FLABERTY When the awards are made for lhis year's 'best television acUng II will he dUlicull to oYerlook the performance Of Lyndoo Johnson Jn lhe second installment of the new CBS series "LBJ : The Decision to Halt the Bombing." Few ac- tors -aor;I very few public servants· either -are capable_ of creating such an accurate portrait .o( 1 politician who stubbornly> refuses to admit that he-could be wrong. · -like !he Fulbright Scholan thing -beca1.1ae Senator Fulbright lotroduced It wllll his knowledge, with bis a~ proval, his consent. He pasled It. lie voted for I~ a ta I . Don't tell me a Rboclel Scholer d I d n ' t understand everyth!ng in that resolution •.. " And then again he scornf1,tlly r e re r re d to . Fu\brtght as "thl& Rhodee SclJOlar. • ·'' :. ln the fint !pisode "Wht 1 Chose Nol io Run," viev;ers were given the fascina ting pic- ture of a man who was able to personally justify all the JK*l- ble reasons for back.in& out of the Pruide.ntia,J race except the one-that made the mott 11eose to eve.ryone: he knew be couldn't wtn. A$ tim~ the sc;ripl was ~t like' a Greek tragedy of betrayal. •• "Whep 1the golilg gol )lard,., when ~ road gpt ' longer and dusth~t. ·-when the casualties started coming In , w~y, there were «rtain folk 'l~o started looiJi>g for the -·1 .,. '-'l:l ar . .,\ ,. , Never;'once did 'pe suggtlt that a ~~nd ~ at .U.. d.sualties~ ob that· long~~ dus~y road ,llllil*,~auai-~ reasonable man to change his Then came the second ill-opinion. 1t was here that the slallment last week -an irnmovable 11-11'. Johnson we tqually stubborn justification have been told about by of his Vietnam policy com.. Washington reporters came to plete with some of the most the surface and stayed there. skillfUI hatcheting of political Too, I had the feeling that he foes that anyone could expect often failed to answer the to see. It is proper that more questions of CBS' Walter thoughtful observation on Mr. Cronkite. (You r emem b er Johnson's political statements Cronkite -the man who cou1d should come from experts in not be silenced even by a these fields, but it does not re-moon landing. Well, he wu quire a backB!Q_und In foreign out-talked last week!) policy to underslan(l tfie man-Yet ·..-'it--:-sh·ourd--ttoi-be ner Jn which he delivered orulooked that this four-part them. It was here that he series of "interviews" wtlh the betrayed more about his own fottner Presiddlt ill LBJ's last 1nsecuritiea than he did about public pitch ror a secure niche those he attacked. in the hall of history. Milliona For e1ample, I would cite will'·see-him in the9e films; the contempt with which he onb'. pollt,lcal scholars will held Senator W i J l i a rrt read bis memoirs. No Presi- Fulbright's i o t e 11 e c t u a 1 dent his had JUch an op- achlevemenu -namely the; por?mity. Former President d I s ti n g u I s h e d Rhodel Truman's TV serie,, was more Scholarship aa well .as hli o_.n oil,i: of reminiscence than Fulbright Scholarships: "They j u I ti fl c at i o h • Dwight called it tile Tonkin Gulf' · Eisenhower did not need 1 Resol~n· it was a shame hearing and John Kennedy. by somebody didn't think of call-a tragic act, was denied one. Ing it the u..11....;ght Resolution fC•mtttt c11,..,.1c1• ._. "'t"1' Pllllllshhtf (I. 1'1f) -. A!!.~!!!rYJ '· ~ ' . " . ' ' . ' •• t~~SE'.:: .. ' PENNEY STORES WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY ' AFTERNOONS 12 TO 5 P.M. • BUENA PARK • BURBANK • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY • FULLERTON •·GLENDALE • HUNTINGTON BEACH •INGLEWOOD •LAKEWOOD •LONG BEACH •LOS ALTOS •MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH •NORTH HOLLYWOOD •SAN FERNANDO • SANTA MONICA •TORRANCE •VENTURA •WESTCHESTE R • WEST COVIN A • WHITIWOOD , !.. I ' ' • • '~. Ftbrllary 18, 1970 OA!t.Y PR.OT f . , ... PENNCRAFT ® PAINT SALE ! (TH·RU SAT·U.RDAY ONLY) COltllfAS'l INllllOl l,Al'IX-Cll-J"',.... lalonolloolc"i.-ildoollor __ _ r-a_.,........,...,a111oorln.her..t1or ••• and ddto lo • "-fat -....... fUll 30 ·-Cllolco oi ........ ..... ' • • REG. 3.99 GAL. •• , NOW 2 , $5 ,GALS.~ TiXnJU l'INiSH IA11X-l'or paldilllg ~ ....... ;. blemlshtt, and ~ ~ C011pltl!Jly ., ... I OM CODf • o o ancf .. to a Waihahlie, ........ 1011 finish. U. It IO ..... citawatlvt tatww, tool ' REG. 5.99 GAL.,, NC1W 2 G~!8 SlllUlllM IXTlllOl IA11X-Choa J'OO .... tlful . ...its.....,llMIO-on •oof"1Wllh....,. or ...... Dllol lo• !ado -IWlh lo .... :IO min-No """"' MOdod on ,..,1ouo1y ........ ....... • SPECIAL BUY =· .~ r.: • E1-Mo -.olo bowll•I blll hi• acretdt and dust re1istlnt fi nish. In bleck, 15 ar16 lb. weight. 12,11 P•~ wlK cwtoor drill ,.. -bawltlt k l! .,.,_ __ - NOWl THESE VALUES AT ANY ONE OF THESE PENNEY STORES! Spoclal bvyl Plftncnft9 ID t•L shop YI CUUl'l'I features 14 HP motor ond 10 gallon capeclty _, drum. 19,ff Spoclol buy! Plat• lllal oloctrlc alarm dock. 3'1" x 414". Plat!lc -In beige. Hurry In todoyl 2.22 PENNCREST SUPER 8MOVIECAMBA11!"11d..i attracltVlly l.1yW. Emy ~ ust, tool Just foUow .._ lwiiallCI a, 11 i• guide ... tho~ for.boaullful ...i-.. oull!o«-~ i-.; __ .., .. n4 •• :.,..can .-1oai111'""1ht'- "8MI" ""'light~ ... tllO ..... -........ hiwc ... •111 ...... 1 bYJJ11'!la11 la ma~,!f · _ aolid rubber, lt'a "11 Iii!, chip r1t~ran1, Whllo. 4Mdf. 17~88 ftio,1.1 """ ......... ................. _bl--~ Rool fill .n matal -Ideal fot .,.. silnnora. I.ff \ CANO~A PARK DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH SHOP SUNDAY, TOO 12 to 5 P.M.I LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA J 't • • OAll.V I'll.OT • . • ' ...... Opposed BONELLI Senate ·N6: Anti-tliition ' Sr;Udent Actio~ .. . ......... ~ . . . . -· '. . IN j>LEA, Showd()W» 1~.Jc~ <AP> -~ ~~...:~i.o.,r..=.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= .. ====----··· .. '~· LOS ANGELF.S (UPI) - A ' -lioclr praldent uy1 be Aagioles c..iiy of • • ' • • former d>llrman of the •tale ud Gll;n ""' "trying to Labor, AFL-010; M i'I u •I SATURDAY FEB 21st " 'R~gan to. Fig.~t board ocequa11 .. 11oo wholled Nearm· g -· anJ,.,JDO••m•nl -·Ir.._ -of , • to Merlco nearly 14 ,_. 1go ....,, 11!1Ui.llloa -.. llle ·olait .-111 ICdllcation, to ivol4 crtmlllll ..-11oo 1iGl!I ,w!oa Unlvenlty of lljl4Joloa.P~.~oflhe -CHERR'Y PIE SALE .I . :· 'LA Sclwol Ru"le ~ " ~ Composer . Newman Dies at &8 HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Alfred Newman, a veteran musical director whole-com- positions and arrangementa for motion pictures won etpt ..Academy Awards inc1udilJI 2"'0scan ror "1be King and I" and "Love ls a 'Many Splen- dored Thing," died Tuesday night fol.lowing a short. illnes.s. He was 61. Newman, rormer musical director for Samuel Goldwyn. United Artists and 20th Cen- tury Fox, entered Cedars of Lebanon, Hospital last Friday ror treatment of an un.. disclosed ailment. He ·was 61. During his Hollywood career. he-· received nomina- tions ror 27 or hia muslcal ICOret and his composilions were heard in more then 300 films. Born in New Haven, Conn., Mardi 17, 1901 the eldeal o/ 10 children, he gave hil fint con- cert as a pianist at the age Of seven. He later appeared in vaudeville and played the piano in tbe pity "Hitchy· Koo" with Grace LaRue. His most rtcm1 wort was the musical score f o r Universal'• "Airport," which wilJ be rtk':ased next month. Funera I arransements were Incomplete. 2 Convicts Make Good In Escape SACRAKENTO (AP) Sacramento. police preued their &earch ror two escapees from Fobom Prilon today but one detective said, "I think they're tone gone." .The two men, both con- 1 id ere d dangerous, overpowered a Fresno c.ounty sheriff's deputy in Sacramento Tuesdoy ond t1<1ped will\ bil car and revolver. Folsom .PrisCll officla1a iden- tified the pair as Richard H. 1'1utch, 29, serving a term for kidnlp and robbery, and Lynn Wayne Benner, 27, also a kJd- naper. After an intensive search of Sacramento's east area, where lhe two men escaped, one detective, who said he was speakilia only for himself, sakl: t'l don't think they're even in the area any more. They had a good car and half a tank ot gas. I think. they're long gone." Police said 1'1utch and Ben- ner overwwered Fresno of- ficer R. L. Johmon, a private security: guard deputized by Fresno County to take the men from tbe prison to a court In I liquor -_,.., hu SACllAMENTo (AP) Callfoinl& ....... consider the • IJCLA Dilly llr1ilD-• petltloned lhe llate ~ llolh •arrin& flCllaN In the co n·tr o v • r 1I1 I proposal • ·Girt. ReallD lw uld tyitlon SACRAIQ!:l!JO (AP) Coor! to drop the•cborpl. -" .. "' ltrugle I« control 'l'bundo» .and Friday In San ii needed to ...... •nm•I Gov, RtAgu'~ ;l•\l.iloo 11_!"!1Di~H'!;,!:;~.· Mn~. oL the Stale Senile _.,~ ".~w · 1 crl~~in the nl....,....pua went. to wort·....,._ • b.ls .,... ..., o:-..:u . .--• e ave earned unJva .. ty. '«den In •-.i,........, ~ was Indicted tine l1mes In ~ lite 11111 ~ ~ tbll tt CID work The stole """'1d up1ort _, -San Diego County Cl'Gm Uli In blnPol on reviled CGIDlllltt<e IPlMt 'us," lllid Tom other -o/,...,... more -by-all lepl milnl -the 11151. OPipneots. Nonnlntoa, UCLA at u d e n I thoroulhlY befon impooiog -bullq of Calll«ru. ---------Seo. Jaclt 5clnde, tbe bodJ' p:mdeot, o1 demomlra· lultioo, 111d Parker • + ' . . ·PIE EA TING CONTEST ---------* HARBOR CENTER 7~.:. .. ' • school childreo... clfey, eooterV1Uv~ maverick t.ionJ. Ret:aliation against campus The sloie llosiortm<nt of 'Old Ma·n_' who ...... tod the Senate'• No. Nonnlnlon appeaftd Tue>-dilturi>ancea WU ..... im-• co· STA . uff;. -. Educ1'1lon prep1red l pool from Cellowllepubllc1n dlyl\111.-..... con-petus" for proposing witioo, ·2300 HAUOl 1 1"'~• lllernlU.t1 to eomoaloonl Howard W1Y•ilbldly1 qo, -~l~~~.,,~.,.~~wJlh~*~pn~und~~ArywlU,~~_!llo~nn~inl~111~ui~·~~::..::---__:_~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~:'!~~~~~!!!~ busing .. IChleve nodlf loolmi. D . l• ~thecl ..... he , .. 1n schools, QeClfieally ln etect.ive . anc1 b11 oldgulid -·1ec1 , .. tl!L.....,,llng .C... Anplea rules commlttoe will lllOllUllC< ---111e -·· F !J _ H ods """ c:omm1ttee llneupo. -........ . OUIJ 0 A clooe Schrade illy, Sen. ....... lepl llldeoo -Jamt11 Wbetmore (Jl..Glfden by to help lftym for lhe Loo HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - A Grove), .. Y, tomorrow 11 lhe Anaelea aa.nt of F41ntkia trio of bandits who ,,bbed a day. m>W 1111 -·· on1er by pownsbop IDd blodcufled ill Senators loyal to ·way, who SnperiQr Coor\' Jqdp Alfred own« IDd I )'1lUl1ll WO!'OID !Ollibl to CUt lobbyilt in- GIJeJaon tbll lbe .._il were foi!Od In their getaw1y nuence during bll nine months dlllrlct r a •• c b llilesrllloa attempt n-, -.... old In ............ biding "c«mler· plans 1!>11 'faD. m111" al lhe do\Jr lurlled out to coup" ellort& unlll Ibey S<e H "l1le achool bolnl Mid lhe be a police deteclMo. the -committee llst& may · crder ;orould require buiing oC Police Aki tbne men en-ham them taCllcal ammunl· pupils Uroul!houl lhe m. tered the Slate Loin Co.. llon. ._..,....1!111<.dl&trict at a cost followed closely by-1 womft Sen; Clart< Bradley, GOP ol .. mUUon in the first. year. customer carrying a baby, Senate caucus cbalnnaa undtr RNpa. told ·a newi coo-The three, police 1 a 1 d • Way, lnd:lcated no W a Y f......,. Tuadly ho questlooed handcuffed lhe ......... Barney' counter.move will come mow lhe l<gallty of lhe order under Welner, 70, ud squirted lhe Sdorade baa ralmlfled lhe the 1964 U.S. ClvD Rights Act:l~fc;;h~emJ=·~ca~l~mace~~-~l~n;bil~=f1ee~.;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11 ud Mid, "For<ed bullng Is not a promile of improved edUcatlon." "Forcing children lo be berded onto buseS and Clrtod lamiss town each dly .•. ~premtts ·a lful a n d dil!umanillnc maalpulation cl ocllool JIOlll!)otJonl." Relgu, a Repoblican, sal~ * * * Judge Gets Opposition LOS ANGELES (AP) - Letters, tel egrams and postoards to Superior Coort Judge Allred Gttelaoo mostly oppose his ruling 0<derlng In- tegration of ~ Angeles schools by Sep It'll. The reaction followed the judge's ruling, wh.ifh is being appealed by distrl4 oCClcials, that aegregatlon in 'facta exists In Loo Angel .. beclute wbltea and blacks live in different nelghborhoocls IDd lhe schools get whatever · color lives a· roond them. School officials say the answer ls to move stu- ~d<do around by bus, wbich would cost millions. SPECIALS SHRIMP SALE """"'==~""'"'.,;;;Hun. NI, "''" P1L ,, ... ., I DELANEY BROS. SEAFOOD I I Z1111 St. -0. 11oe .., -NIWl'OllT,llACH ~: 67J.34IO --: ll4t0 ltll I.All .. COOKED SHRIMP SMALL COOKED SHRIMP S2o19 LI. PllELI D & DI Yl lNID (lndtv.) SHRIMP $1 .. 50 LI . (IN J LL IAO) PllLI D ·& DllVllNI D (lrelcen} SHRIMP s 1.21 LL ~IN • LL IOX) GOUI Ml'T STUfPED--aOX Of 41 SHRIMP ~':.. ... $3.95 c• La. •ox> INOLI NOOK-NAPA VALLI Y VINTAGE BURGUNDY. ROSI CHABLIS~ ZINFa\P,~. f3.49 OPI N DAILY I A.M. • J:a P.M. UICI IT ••• CHARGE IT! Kali:•r di bMls ••. men's and ladies'.•. the !Cotnel' in black, Men's sius 8-12, ladies' sizes 6 to 10 •• -broken sizes only! A real value in.qu•lity, •• c~arence priced! Now37.48 .AteMtc~ metal 'ncen.nt' ski ••• tile only Gold Medal winning 'melal' ski in Grenoble 1968t Slats 185-210 CM • , . in red. Be sure to see the fine construction of these sk is. NOw93.;75 . . • Ski ··shop Lund 9la11 ski Nfs wit h cable binding s, Broken sizes.,. so come early fCf thi5 fanlas1ic closeout! NOW 14.99 Lehrer ski boots ••• ladies• and men's in black. Ladie5' sizes S'/2-1 0. Terrific close- out va lue! • NOW 33.11 proceed.Jog. ' Both men wore prf s on uniforms and were ma~ed when . uMiy esc aped w i t•) Johnson's revolver and blue ~Mit•'• cl•luxe ski p ants ••• 63% wool, 35% helenc:a, 2% Lycra spandex. Silk~ water repellent finish. Siles 28-38. A terr;f'tc valuel 5an Marco tkl ltoots ••• in men's sizes 8-12, ladies' ·sizes. 5~-8'12-Black. Hurry for best selection. station wagon. WANTED AGO I TO 1' IOYS I.ND e.lltLS ................ 0. t11H11 Clrwlt TY -0.-111¥ ·-........ T ........ AUDITIOllS WILi. • HILD THIS .- IN OIANGol COUNTY ..... ~ Oii ca-• ...,..,... c.u547~251 Now1 11 TlllMt ... rch ... ,.. WE CANNOT TELL A LIE ••• WE'RE, CELtBRATING GEORGE'S BIRTHDAY WITH SPECIAL SAVINGS TO YOU! oar Fine Jlftlry Dept. Is brimming over with a .special 'group of men's and ladies' watches ••• at a -, speci1l low prico! All kinds of time to ctioose frvn>-<llWM 11\y!es, lklndivers, calendlrs, chain links, ond more. A great cpportunity for some timely savings. And thafs the truth, by ONLY George! $988 CHMOI IT AT YO&ta HNNrY'S flNf JfWILllY Dl ,AllTMIHT .,. ,, .......... iii ... D'-4 .. , ...... w ..... ... .._....,_ • (INSERT ADDRESS HEH) . 1 TAD ~.;:u~ONS HOLLYWOOD. CAUf. ..I _N_,o_w ... i ... T_R ... ES ... E._V_A.-L.-.U.-ES'---AT-.._A_NY ...... oN._E--.;.O;..F ..;.TH-E;;S;.;;E;..;P..:E;:.;N;:.;N.::.EY;,..:;ST.:.:O;:;.R:::.E:::.S·:..' .....11 BEST lt. DAILY ""°' eff.n •-• W ....... t f••h:t'", lry •dv•I •IWrif ef r.-4en, .... 11.w. lit •• ., ~,., '" th. 11•tl•"· I • CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD 00~ FUU ERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH ~40NTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA SHOP SUNOAY TOO 12 to 5 P.M. ! • \ I • -21.aa ~ Wtteea :'s dalne ski ,_.. •• • 63% wool. 35% ·helenc., 2% lycr1 s,pendex • Siiicone walw repe~r finl$h . Sizes 8-16. Handsome v.luel NOw21.88 Ka••-........ fw "'911 ••• "lnnsbroclt" ••• 5n bt«k. Broken slzn only ••• &-12 _._so hurry In to ..... ney'. Sid Shop! NOW 52.48 Allnikt Miilltel 'ComW tkf features sandwich c:onatruction ••• in black.,. sizes 180..205. Tr• "'"'daus-iOQ'ontt.e..I NOW 67.50 NOW 24.H Lu"cl glass ski s•t w ll h step-in bindings and alum.- in um .ski poles ••• sizes 170 to 195 CM ••• close- out price! NOW 33.N Lwnd glass ski s•t-with step-in binding. Sizes 170 to 195. Terriftc buy, clear• , ance priced. NOW 49.11 leJ'• ski p1ntt w ith racer stripe. Black or navy, •• sizes 7-16 ••. specially cleara:nc:e priced. NOW t .I, NOW! TH ESE VALUES AT AN-,"ONE Of. • THESE PENNEY STiJ'RfS! OOWNEY ' FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH SHOP SUNDAY, TOO VENTURA ..__1_2_1_o_s_P_._M_. -' _.. LAKEWOOD M.QNTCLAIR NEWPOAT BEACH • • • • '. .tit tit l&LE ~~ Sf§. Y. -· 92 ;a YQ, .satCJt 04£1 . s ;aa: ows .. s~y ztn -" t -t•9'Ce ,,,,s s ,, 0 •• ·-·~~----·--- ~. r.-. i-. 19711 ' '~flt $!"JJ 'Baelfflrq.,r;',,-lfrilfNfl , • I i ~ • , l. C~·uµty-Comh.ines Coroner, Sheriff •. Bt.',l\i~E JIE~~ with ' Jhi ~olflct waa ·!;tile bolrd llCllon, pie ol· peo. J fool Jt'1 llil a ..,...lie ~~~.ln.'-"!oo,• ,llnaljt -...--., o...,,...;t-;;J•\-. destped 'tor ar\auer ~less fiqot~wlllesplrtwttb mow. bliti'ail ma!J'Wllneb' --.. ' ~A "¥· ... · ·In a .. .UJll!'l!t ..... u... ,. Brlllldt'• term ol olllce Jan. 1,Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;i ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii UM,.._ Vale Tueea.y, the ·~ '.'Ho' CGUnly • .the' size of 1971: · ' ' ..., Board ol llupen<lio", Or-•huatberUl-cotooer," Durtnc a 21-Y<•r caner In clocldnd te abandoa *> elec-• .. ,,~-" Uve offlle ol -r aiid '9111-• b! ~ )lllt. the ljeld, Brodt baa -ed 11 bil~HllO. lo!> with jju11,ol ·the •.1 "f rmmm<ncie<llll"kl'\11 the . Y•¥1 u COIBll¥ eoronor, and oberl/f. ,,. ~-• .. l<!b, -"1lJve, but main· u presk!!ot ol lbe State Counly ,,\dmlniat·a~ye · jl!' ' tiirilii~' tha lildepliident 4lua c.r..tr•i -lion Incl uie edllctr,~d ~ w~ ask· r.!>li."': ~'"'Bean1ll •• JoleraatJoo•\. -"-latlon ol w -y ... ~---· jallmmt-be.lllled . sa1uy. ~. ~l ~id'""°/bi.~· om o ¥ e who ts = all!I Medlw Ex· ~ ml tbe 4POve . .,.Uuit .-.~. ~ • in medJclnt .. --1 wWI~ Diab !be ciwnlf' c;o,.. lJlthor .&, !"Y pe.(,.n, I In my ~...,.,,_ wltb -aae& .. °'d&IUU4 • pUj. -'.oL.lbe •. mow ot~ho GDe 'lil.the iberitt'• other ahetlff-coroners, 1 find sherlfl'• job. • it_fice ·iiho' can meet iliO.!e they are foreed lo hire ....... Supervllcr David Baker o1 qUalifiC.llons " he cOm-o n e · · w I t b m e d l ca I Runtincton Beach, who in;-... men'ted: ,, .' . 1 knowled&e to do the work. troduced the motlon, said the ·. Brandt-1114 he felt medical :r-111100e~.,~ ~w ~ combination would "be in th~ . ~tklli . were a re-. ,... .-.. -.auwpsy rate best Interest of alt con-qulrem'ent..for lhe. job lo order beca~ they lack the w.1LYP1LOTltllf,.... cerned." . • to ' make 'detenD.lnauons 00 knowledge to make that HOMEWORK -Busily preparing courses In the nerve center of 54 000.student Oorooer . Dr. R 1.'Jforci:·n d cau.se ,of. death. ~ CO!'fHpondence school operation are (from left) pressman Dus.De Pietsch Brandt did not agree With 11The-·pa\bologists do the I.m strry1o S9-lhis hap. pnnt shop foreman Margie ;Miles and pressman Wayne Surls. r • 'B~er. work, but I am often le.ft to \ ..... -...... . i • 'Cont.acted Tues,dar .. af. m:akethedeclsionastocause. _ •. ternOon; Brandt sitCi 'b'e' was J.was the one Who made lbe .A THOUGHT FOR TODAY. 1_ l.i.0a(o1i1 : -• • J ; · .K.A .P'LA ·1 ·~s. · Rit1ta11ant, D.itcat .... li .& 1a1rMy "A Soodwich or • 'full Meol" :·=:J~ • DINNER · IAN9fm' FACIUTIES ANY OCCAS!q;t'-SERVING I,, TO 'lSO , ' , M ·· 1 s· "' h \ \ ·'1 ·: "'surprised . and ·shocked''-b,y de<:ision in the .Williams case al. .. 0· a j£l Boo · the boar~·· aCtl... . ,u.. counl}>-'Jill inlDale wbo . ~ __ .. '2':' m "~o combine the job of cor· was accidentally sti'angled in ,...., mu • "" 7£~~°l'T••dy h.as · a struggle with depuUe1J," be .,., ...,.. .,, ., • ~• • • M~AT PLAT;l'IRS-~1 .• f$ per_ponon , s1,eoo.si~nu~.{V~.Parking !~ro~~-ni'S.,'~:"'f'£!:1·k h:.~w!f.~ :~'fd~·-~~.~~ --~:~~:::~--FISH p'=:1 ... ~ . .'~~ - .! 1-'h ...___.ER'; ~ ~ ~' "'".~ :;;,.rl,:'t. ~l~ ~·· :;·:.;. ···~l. '~. ~=ardl cc!ty " ,. ~ ad-' depenhave'llonJoo'kted, ·,·aowlbe•ah"'\!Uld .~ ,UILIC$1!1lVICllVlll'l'OA'l'IY: . Pllofte ~9022 -~ ~~ of Mir """pae .. •rt:. m ' .~·,,.., or er "' ••••11-••r11AND11~.-.-C01T·M-· .. ,...., .... ,..., \, '.'1'11,r~v .r .1 .'1. i\. Brandt e1pl11•;(;.(f the havebeenrunningthelnquest L .. Roefint CO. ,.,.., .. - r ... , .. -The~ .educati<mJ in-' ' .~ .. ., ... 11 •·~·· ,JeeiPMUv~ an;ie~ which 6n the death In county jail?•" MYeinM..... • ....... "'"9i~o,,tdf:. ...,,C.. , sµtutiol ~ Orqe eountr. Ma f~~;.~ft• :=~t ea ~~the~board~!f .. '111~1~<\0~··~a~y~h<~q~u~er~ied~. ___ .:__: _ _!!~':"':;1·:·":'":.:·:-:...· -~ .. =-~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no claiirooma. no tegular at. ., ddoiniine wtief.e fbe:·:'itildeDt •~ _ ·v• ~ 1-·and .. mldent ; •.I!!il!ll!1 .. :tit -"""' .. . '11 .. '!!'OI; 'and -,ftn111er ' ~ ... :r~11;Gi, !f~~ 'eJii ~· ii :~ ~~DMaioa-'' ~ijct\lotjusroom.~ • • -...-a., com r, ~!If., ·~l fJ~">JOt ~· ··.'1 ,., • ...._ ,;;;;.:: 1'· ro:' Ii( . • .. ~i;;::;', illllf Strahlia;'" T·?\ .,>' ~ ... -'' e'J a I.~.~ '• . ~ ' -s<l!oolo, ~ e ' . :"ff!oile ·'""!Y requim, 1elf. .. • ~II llllf llG(tb• .~. ~·w!!ea· 10",&i . ~' :ri·~. ~art:~·-='.• 01:' llilC o1 ·• mll}.ha tlie · :i.,tiio~·' = II .,......,,,. --. !I . .,,...,..._ lbe r.at one; yaa ' more •'.£:!'""""' ... · .. -, ' '"lia••kll•w-·•"'"-· ~-..-.. , ,,,. -...... ...,.., ., lil Wiii Oo'l!na. ' .' dral"-• _...., ....,,_ -catcb up.~ , _.N~,~~,~£'~11 d-.~(~; . ~·,:.:.'!!•-=~"!": • y~:r ..., .. ,-).~J!llppiq . ,._ ..,.;/,i' . aded ... . 1 .'IM ~ ':led' '!lldlll• and ~ con-' riauloj! ata1t--:f11r a~ : ) .. .,.. -. -"""" of ....._ ,whleh ls· the most. belp·rtimtm.ny upon, In the [' ~ c.d)i. ' •, JIOPllot ·~ te$1nhaii field. He aaJd a """'8nt IJoiw' i · ll<ilb Amtdaut ta the ~atloo geta !be ,..: or material Is malolal....,. . ' 10! the .-II wltll jority·<!f F students because . Since paperwott . Is . the -iM ._ laldDI 't hii !.""'-..._, "'';f;' . ., keyword Jn """''espoodence .~ In all II ll!lla, 26, ' an~ -. n, .. scbOOI; Notioni/J~ sup. ll!!!'IP .,.....__ lllfl' .., Straha1r..,._ Tile . In ports i·btgh 9Jl!<d JliM -. ' , ' >irioul !hll' "'.... , !hi.I -.'.,. gi-· clwrci J>lll<r, · ertenme autedliled · . · l I \C011i4:1id..,,. ICboolt ,... · trl ~:'ibne a!1~ idbunU nu\l)ing proe.dUm ~d ap ; ' ! i:'•~=·~ ~~.!~~1, ~P;:,•::t.:.~i::J ~; ab'~lin :~. )."":~';.JlJi._ . ~ Wl>'ld. •-t!i' ,"'tf:; . , .';f!.,,,,.,... ~~ ~~·_,..i. Strabaa lndlc•led .thit ' ,_, , w.-.ni~~i~' ''!(lot 81~ j\ci'eor'd,1)0 school ldvertises Jn Ylitually ·~ , f*.6-. te Sfiolb•i. 't>e ·~:l:r~ .. ~u;:~ ~ Stasaz:ne la~.~ ,.f.i.1 b.it-.t'lbl~il-':t'lbere att no prerequisRl!i." .. "Wt sptnd ·m~ u.J-ti ', ~ ..-':s'"t.i.r: We ha•~ peoPI' right out . of million a 1.or 'Jn ~ • : ~· 1Tt••'-~ coune !btcbma high achoo~._. people with advertisiJlg, wbtCb ~tM.' · 1 ~.1: ,~, .._,.~ COii • Y colle~ ~~tatlng Mrses way we do advertise" said ~.-~ ~ up to lwo or throe Y~S lo llwjia tlrtlr ~ Many Strahan. · • depelldlng on the lbldent s . • _, \'~ ,.. nta olljudy, the enrollee may · --· ·---·~",Apparently, the messaie Is ipUd !rirm .-., •· F d OK'd · · Ung through, b e c .... To gift aome ld<a or tha un s~ " . ban said, about t5 people JJbenmnenal· growth of Na· tlll'OU in classes for every 100 t1ooa1 Systems company. the For Mur· al .w11o .,. contacted. most recent nine-tnontb state--• The growth is also mirrored . ~ meat Indicated total assets of . . bY. the fact that three ~ more than $12 million -a SANT A Al(A _ Thi. Orqe.. courses have been added in fipre almlllt three times the Cowty &mt of SuPervlsors · the last 14 months. P~~ l~~~ican'~ off-' .... • bas appnjpt11ted tU;OOO 'to "Most schools are jubilant WMI nup;a --·~ compliete a mural on the when they add one course ~diei~prile 1~ ltulllS. facade of ~ Orang,. COunty .. eyery five years,"·• 1akL. For · lees, s t u d e n l 1 airport. While the school does not ~ ,..=: 1~ Tile baU-completed project, plioce Its gradwr~ in jobs, H which contatns four paJ)lk in does keep them Informed of 90IDI of the c 0 11 r 8 e s • all, was desiened by Mlr'ijn all available posiliOlll and m;:ama:.~ soney· Rudick of Hollywood's J'lum gjves them a listing of poten-......, Company. tlal placements. lhl claa, the student receives The -mural depict. l h e Straban mentionell another ctraltlng equipment and • history of Ofal!R .. Couoty: The advantage enjoyed by · the te~•:#e';, couraes-lly ..., funds. Wiii allow Rudick te ' 64,DOO students or the NaU1111J finish the job he slorlec! mo,. . Systems schools.- malli Jn tra•el, a4v~, than a year ago. '!be tint two "They sure don't have any panels were paid fot 'bf 1 parking problems to wo ARBUCILE t S<JN WlljC(tll ~ 1r1 E. I~ Bl., c.ta Mela -• !SALTZ MORTIJARill3 '*""" "' Mir oa .- Colla -MIMIU . , UU.liROADWAY •MOllTUAllY llt Ir"' ........ ., ... Collo -UWOI • ' tnorrms ~VllloJ , llai-J ' 1'1111 .... illfd. 't ":en ... • P.&ar!CVIEW lllMOBW.PAU ,.c ,. 1 "r. •t'""7 ........ -"'""'" ...... -· ·-• .. PUlt FAMILY COLONIAL nnmw. . 1lllq . '1111-Aft, Wn• 'If -.-' e w•-.,•"D'" llOllTUARY • 1--ftl.IJll Su Qcp /I ... Jtl •• llllTlll',MOSnlilY .,_Bl. •·tloCIOo-- • private subecrlptionS. i aibout." Deatll Nodffs . · Death Nedees . " ' I• •llJm.tV .. MJY. C. Larldltllnlf', ............ .._., . . • • ' , -- • ;J , NEW ~-·~·~.·FIBER GLASS ,BELTED TIRE . "EL TIORE'' 4+~· • 12 beits 'Of fiber glass on a . '4 ~pfy polyester cord body ::.~. NeW"Ctuol;wftitewall' deliiJii 36e95 fil.W4Uil~il .... Ji)w~fid. ....... 4'1. ·a Yfllll1wA11 TUI I .. \ ___ ' sin ma · 'l'ID. TAX f7a.14 nJ.14 •••• 38.95 ••••••••• ~ G71-14 77S.14 •••• 40.95 ••••••••• 2.60 "71-14_ ~~' •••• 42.95 •••• -••••• 2.ICJ ,J11.14 ... J4 •••• 44.95 .......... 3.01 , 1 m1S-.1, •••• 38.95 ••••••••• 2.AO -_07a.1sns.U •••• .co.95,;, •••• ~.2m I ff7a..1511$.lf,,,, '2.95 ,,,',.,,,, 2.80 • ~ 900-i.5~ •.••••••• .C4.95 ' •••••••• 2.17 . • 40 MONTHS OUAlANTll WlTtf , 16 MONTHS 100" ALLOWANCI Tl!WAID. THI PUllCllASE Of A HIW 11111 , ..... ,,.. ..... ·····-VMf fMnlllt·tlN "'*'fo" ~'*1t• et!'¥tfS •II fOf'lll'IGll: ..... ....., OM!Clliatk ow .-Clal 1111""*'°'1Mttt'.urt~ ...-. •II HM ,.,.,.. •W"9&.fll...,,,_1. You '"' lt'otKttd ,fOI" tni ...,. i at.IH ,,_... ef ........ II ""'1 t1N f1lll nrinl tM .......... P«'-'t _"'*" lf\t ... .,... wlll, at•our • .., 11Hlf.'°"' tlNI. u -~.ri •1'°"'9Mt ......... ui. ertaln.I -... .. llriClo • t l:li'ifll ~ f .... ~IMJ.••,,__!ow9•d lt°!.'_Pllr~ 4 a -n.w1...., W. •HI ..... M of i'M •11111111 PUfChl9' pt"}C•, lftc~ Inf •itPllt•bl• 'ICN:hil [•C.1'9 T1•1 durinc th• JOO% •lio-ntti "'lodo TflttMllW, W Will •lklW 50 .. 'ot 25% of Ult 0111iNI "1'• C:!Utt. ,.iOt, ~l!ICll!1&. 1ptMlc111le Pe.Mn! DcM Tu, '°""',. tM lkJteNtll Of•~ llrtt• I ... Ch"1 bel.,_) ' .......... y ................ : ·-=· .flllrioll · ............. 40 ........ 100!'-,..W.:.. ••••••• , •• ,. ....... •.••••Mi•··················17-#...-.. ....... ...w .....•...... -...0 ....... ...... i"' ........... . ' ' w._ ... _,_, .. ___ ._ ......... JOU' ti" -"Ollld 1.-1'9plieu, II YOlit tlnl1...,. M (1.e,d;.,, ..._,......,.nQ" Wiii "*"'an •I~~ C11t tM .... IMI ~ lif!Nt iocl!ldi"I iptil~ ,....,.. bl~. Tu,-..... Ult ~ ot • new ti,._ WI Wiii •Uow ~ chlrlet .. .......... " ~ .. ""'"411 .. " " -.......... ... Ill:• • • . Ti.It--·· It~~······· ........ tt ""~ ................ .. .... .... -l'I?' ....,.......,.. FULLERTON • I : t - ' • "II ' ' " • , J i I ' ~ • .; . ' ' ! • on At Harbor ' .._ _BllbScbool hlll""-~ honor roll ,._., lcr lbe flrsl quarter •51<>o110r. _. hive U least I • _,IB'1m-~ ....... ID quallfy-lllr the list. Elll'I-of the ltuden!S had :~ A aver.-. They t iif:ii10RS: Sunn Currie, .llotilrta Magnuuon. Karen 'Noller. Lyun Roaener; and Jef~ lei, "lloliow. · JVNIORS: Shawn Bisson- ~. Audre Genrich, Larry GellOst. Sieve Kopuaki and Nliiey Polmer. PHOMORES: Charlottt Xarm O'Brie~ Jun I and Stepbanle M~ than 180 courses, rtP"l!mt.ina 31 d i r r e r e n t •C9delnic areas, will be of· feted Jn an eight-week sum- mer leUioa at UC Riverside this ,.,.,.. Admiuklo to the program, 'wbich' runa from June 22 to ""'" 14,.il-a oeparate 1Dd dil· • · ftrent procedure from ad- tniaicris to regular US sea-h eons.1 Aey•regulsr -iotl UC Btu· dent in 1oo<1 •landlni is eligl- blt to attend llWMler ca-. I Also quaillled sre hill> sdlool .ll'iduetes not pre v 1 o u{l,l y ....u.<t a! a UC c:ampu1 or anra over n yean or age. 'l.'be rll\81 mallln( detldllne lor '.l'i>llcallonl " 1101 25, but •pplicllionl can bit made Jn P<!."!! unUI June 12. F~ for the aununer session an fl50 1Vhicb includes lui· llott, pludent union lee and ,...... .... ... -.I!"' r. .. . • • "" ¥'ft! • • .-¥:'. p ..... _ .. -~··-" -. Wednesday, Februaty 18, 1970 JO PILOT-AOV£R!tl\'~ ... .,___ _.__.,.._ __ : AT BROOKHURST IN HUNTINGTON BEACH li!rl.ike • , • ~;1i·'i.st indt.finitc17, .a'1 stay fresh loop"'t11· w¥ srlectipa .. Of the "1· j' 10n'1rrwi$tpop ... i•( floweri ind foliqcs u in llltllral and new dtcorator colon. 9 Delldous flnon 37!. Pound Bag .Jumbo (ookies YOUR CHOICI tom.fr lllld smatt ntw styles in solid colors & prints witb smm accents, 10 to 18 •. Boy's No-Iron Dress-~p Jeans Smart fubicm hi.ck, fto11t SJfl -.. -••sulm or slims. 6-16. 1 > ·Ca!• Men's . ' :hit'_, Knit Shirts , .. s;;_;,.-,r..,;;~:u1..,,;,,,. $J tt . JDi6 jiiu1 k. Q.oi~ of .,.Jlla ""' S-M· ~-~&·)' l ' -- . ~: •3n Girls' Acrylic Sweaters Cid• 100" 1crylic knit si" I nrcUpn iweatm. full 1 fashion sizes 7-1'4. ~ ... Lace & EmbroldelJI ' Glr~,..iHpw•• 809' ~M ....... brath<d ..... ,....,. 2 • s5 1~·..t.n· .. ~~" o. '.W<Jil. I '., .,i•J ' Nylon tricot with l«'e le . '""' ... ,.,,d ii«<-· ' J1)'. Col0rs:"S.>.1·L r ·.1 .• , ., . ' ., ''llon't .Bug 111" ~PILld\PIASTIC : .. J•otted. Plants 111-tJ" call,_ ,~hoict of ~tties with • £beet. ot INt-,.~ • tqfhs bw.t--: "' in& 'round. I ., • " Medlterrania Wasll Baskets Tb< rich Joni: $' r1 ru.e 'tl'OOd. Aitru:titdr "11«1· $1 .69 Valuol Spanish -Cork Tiles w ---~ r ' ''iMl•lw·· ' j i ft '''IO. I Fl,OUWCENT . 'I 9 Pdlr Wire Sh~·~ack' ,, c\' •19'5 Yal.!·3,V2 Fi.- Table Lamps' · Exdtiag styles • ' 1 ~ _ • finishes in hish-• -" - w.~~··vc1iW1widt : -& JoQ1' Mirrfl'f _, • Choic.: of Jb48,. \ .:.. I ..Bras1tone 0Tal, 12-x'l!t" otal 'tirasstooe Or ni· ly fired slue ac .matt fini1bes, all with 3•'!<•r. sy.itdres. -~it• .~ue1.full 3*-,foot hiJ,ti .,ri,lb,.~.~ . ' ,. 1., '-Qn~lu, 'Cloor .,inirron» 1S,x24_" ... ··\)val :with _<I~ , ·gold fnme· A: t .. 1W6"' tiuoqu:e •oof-r I i:irt• ~mt. '. •210 1'i011rtdi Syringe Comlllaatla ·,,u, -~-$122 pide with st ' · ' . . . Beny'wootl1"· Foamln,9 J,.,...~JI -'i', tr I Quart 1izt:, m&IM -Uifdc, 14c J~rious foam'r!-.~ ... ~ .~ ~: • . . ~ · Xtr:p closeu ""~ 59'lhNdded : Poly ... c "°""D ' . ·B · :\. Halr·,Curler .. ••r.. "" . Ptrfctt awls i~ '1inuta 'J4f ~-tt'-:. .. :Y"' -· ,( ~-NOrihem:#"', ' ., ~ .,fCJll"l'K, t ... ~...,..L.. .>. • !" "!....'-.... ""!•,, lllCI • ,,tilt ' ' ' • • • . ~ ~ • • • ! ' I '.I I J • ' ' ' ' I ' I I • I ., I \ J fl I • ' """""""""*" .... •MUM ·• lf.'.'··· ' ' ,t I • I j ' ' .. '. ·: ~ ........ ''' / , : ... • , " I , ' . . '' • . ' ., ' ' ,, . ·'' ' . \ . , :r. •.. ' ' ~~~ .. ~·,,1·. ' ' ' " : :· . ' ' .. '1,l' •· i -. ' ,. ' ... ·'.'-.~ 1., .. ' .. . ->"• . ' .. .... ' . ', '' .... • • 't -.. ' . ' . ' . ' • ' I ' • ' . . 1:· ... ' ' ' I • • ' . ., . ' . ,., • ', • ' -! I ' ' ' .. ' I 1 'I .. jl ,. . I l ,· . ' ' . ' ' . •• . ' '" '•· ' . • -' • • f', • ' ' ' ' . • • ,1 ' • 1' 't : 1,.\;.' ..... ' ' r. .• , ,.... • • ,IJ .... •. ' ··,:..Vn .'.1~, ~ ' I, l "'C ·~ . . ' , ' ,11 ': • ' ' .l-~,·,,~· - '• ' • . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' • ' -·.-t-·--T '• . . ' ~ I , •• l I . I 1 ; I ' \ I ' I~ • fl f ,: ' ' Vanijy: Fair's tailored ·slip:· soft,: ~th. encased ~ lace • I I ' ! '·J ,. ' '' .. ' . ·~ ' • 1 ..,, •• . ,. ' ' • '·• .. • '' . ' ' ' I 1 I ·, I ' ' ' f ,... . . . • I • I ·' ' . ,, ' • ' ' A lecy, very·f•minine slip.iluxurious.Simply~~ •. Bolt-of en it's DuPont Antro1>lll nylon. rMJock . '. pormenent non-cling fiber yet: lt's·sh•J?"i V(;~ fitte~ ' ~odi~•· On• smooth line·f~nows•yourfrves;~tl!"der, .' oil the ~y~hu9gin9 clothes .you w•.•,r"'!hito-r b•i"' in 3~1hort and )<j:.4()~aver.a9e.sizes!Whi!•-or,~;•p•. , · in -32-'IO·ahort. 6.00 , I ' 'J · " I -I ;·. I I .1 ' . ' ' ..... ,; • • I-, ... ~. • • • • ' .. t: ! ; ' • .. ' :: :·. ::~ ' ' • l ," ... . -;., I • ; • . . ;(' t :"'" . . , ' ' ' ' ., I • I '' • I • J ' ' '"~"' t .. I ' "' ~! I\;,. I If • , .. ·· .. . .. ' ,• ,. ,I •' ' '' '. ' .. • " '·' '· ' ' ' ' . . . ~\ .., : ,. .• , ' l ' l I l I • , ' -• ; • ' ; ., • • • • -' ' 0 ,. .. • • ·• ·' .• • • .. -' ~· .. ' " • • ,, ,. n t l •• ., I' .. A " • ., Jl " 'I l! I t I • l ' • I ' i l I • I j • " . ... -~ ~ . . , . -------.-·.-.-.--...,....-_,-•. -,,.-.------·-.-".-.-. -.--.. -.-.-.. -._-.-=,--.. ---c--------,....----.. -.··~=--"' ;;;:,;:;...-... --- l .Mu8~ May E~e -. ... • 1 ~ GI Race Tensjon ' . . \ ~ • ' I Want Ads ., ": e OORTEZ did lt, )'Oii ~ toof DlsooYer tllis ~ ·Motor Horfte,' hu all 4!X· traa, In excellent condii tion, 1968 modtl ' '• e WANTED; LIP'ES.\VE!lo . • .... "olnr~. " hOld f Oil 8 men, women o-; <:hildre:n. J! .• Put the futishln& ~ on your hobby: CerandC1 kiln on stand, $15. .J. ., .. . I . '•t?: , ..., • . . lmqi.~ate .. C9mplbiieritary Delivery, Of Course " ,.,: GWC Slates New Events For March Golden West College an- nounces the following comin events for March. 1970: 1 FJhn -"The Razor's Edp" witfl Tyrone Power, Gene Ti<rney; GWC Fonim. I p.m., March 13. Tickets at tbe doer, 75 oents. Drama -"Spom Rfw:r Anthol<>a" by the Golden West Collellt Drama, I p.m. March ii-H, Aclor'1 Playlm. Tickets at the e o l-1 t I book!tore, 50 cents. • Exhibition -"Bellt by GWC Faculty" in the co 1 t e g e library, g a.m. to 9 p.m. lhroughout March. Ta1es -Golden W e s t College Evening L e ct u r e Series. Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in the C.Ollege Center. "Income-Tuable or Non-Taxable," ~1arch 3 . "Legal Deductions.'' March 10. "Preparation ot the Form" ?..farch 17. Free. Lecture -"Chicano and F.ducation" by SaJ Castro, the -- Los Angeles teacher involved In the 1968 walkout 111.lnoolll High School. Mardi 11, 1t II a.m .• College Center. Fret. Jau Conctrt -Don Ellls and his orchestra premiere 1'Reach," a jazz cantata with the C-olden West Colleg? Singers. Orange Coast College Auditorium, 2701 Fairview Rd., Cost.a Mesa, April 3. Concert for junior and senior high school students, 7:30 p.m .• Tickets $2. Second concert 9 p.m., Tickets $3.50. Call 892- 7711. Variety Show -''Slng. lnto Spring" with folk~. rock band and drama presen- tations. I p.m., March ». at the College Cent.er. Tickets at the door $1. Baseba11 -March 6 vs. Cypress, home ; March 13 v1. Rio Hondo, home ; March 2&-21 Casey Stengel Tournament, home; Marth 31 vs. Ventura L ~ are borne games and begin •t 2:30 p.m. at Rust1er Field, otr McFadden Street . , swlmn\ing -Home meets pt ICheduled !or March 11 vs. Cerritos and March 20 vs. Fullerton. Meets at 3 p.m. --Hew Te Hold . " \" -- ..... '. -~ ' - • :\ l'r fAlSE •1•1E~IH· · · ' .. .. • J ' • ' ' , I Sears ' C0nteml'·orary Style 5-Piece Party Se t F11nctional Wall Unit -Decoralo1· Bookcases Pedestlll style table in warm Ha~d some wall µnit book· walnui. finish. 48-in. OCCll!On· 1 .casq in disttessed fruiiwood al shaped top iii mar-resiS!an1 \ finis\ lin select hardwood and woodgrain plastic. 4 iub style oak •~neers.Cb.oiceof3 styles chairs covered in leather-look ... 2·door siomge, 5 .. helf or expanded vinyl, luxuriously desk &'}'le. Use as single uni t, foam padded. Roller casrers. pairs, trios .... or more. Sean $299 . ~ $79 Low Price SAVES20! ea. • . .. I '279.95 Trim-Line Conle1nporary Sofa Shaped channel des ign back. Reversible polyurethane foam cushions. Upholstered in long wearing Vecrra (Olefin fiber) textured rwec<l ... the fabric \vi ch built-i n stain resistance, lockcd·in color. Ball casters. SAVES-10.95! $239 . . $229.95 Demi·Sofa._Sl 99' (not ~howtt) Sl69.95 R-Divider Bookcase in Fruitwood Finisl1-Sl29 U.W, NDCO. -..., Nlthb••••., ...,...,_ s.rwa, f:3a A.M. to tao, ..... ._., 12 Mo.a••'•• ' • I ' Contemporary Style Bunching Tables Designed wi<b simpl icity for a look of quie1 elegance. Smoked place glass 1ops com· pletely framed. Dark walnut finish on hardwood ft111Des. 21 inches square, 15 inches high. Sears Low Price . .. • l> .,. '179.95 Contmiporary Man-Size Recliner Long wearing \l.ecuall !Weed cover ... !he filbric wilh built· in soif~sistallce, lod<ed. in color. Reversible poJyur• ethane fOIDI sciat cusbioa. Ad· justable att1ebed pillow; beold· rest. SAVE$C0.95 $139 ,. ' ...... ·I! 'l '• ., .. "' • ,, ... • '" 0 ' ' . .. "'-~ ... . • ,.,r ;.1 :~ < "' -1 "' • d .. • • " ... . ~· "' •• .. " --!• .. ·, ' " ' ' " '. • ,, •• -.~· • ., ... .. . ' ... ·.-.• " ,v •• ' • ·' • ' ' " ' • :• ·• .. ' " ,, •. .. • • .~ •• _, ·' " ' ~ •• ~ '" : ..... "' ' "' ~­.,, ~I • .. ~ "' .. , .... ;;~ • • Wodntsdly, fe""""1 Ill, 1970 DAILY I'll.OT JI rfheft, PiHerage · at Docks Hiking Prices of Imports NEW YORK (AP) -The maklni it thefL" It just takes for an Immediate d1sJ)OSal of oecur without the cooperation delb\ed, l1 mufti that &he ing u~ceivtl'ti and aeUera of reported aa "not landtd." tHtt of theft and pilferage on mort orcanlzatlon. the stolen ioodl," said Carl E. ol pier guards. longshoremen. merchandise ba not.arrived JtOJen toodl recenily u~ In SeaUle, a inember of the tQe natlon 'I docka i1 runWng ''Tbe,pattern of thefta on the McOowel~ ex~tlve v I c e checks, laborers and truck at th& port ot itleltiMUen, but covered a ~ eacbe of polict burglary and theft Jnt.o the tna of lnilliona of waterfront bu indiclted that praldeot of the American drivers,'' he added. in eUett me.s. that, ta. aOQds • •len dock lUlnl. Only ooe divlllon 1ald of pilferage ar· rdOnars a ytar--..and adding to eontalner btda: ..._ not It.oleo I n 1 ti\ u t e ol M a r I n e "Not lao<led" lot a favorite many tltne1· hive ...tw.ed 1n4 ltale "-' woolen pods., valued resu: .. U lbey catch two, they lhe price consumers pay for unle11 lhe thieves ban sound Underwriters. catch-all phrase used fre-have beiJn. llolen. ~ at about $2,oot. Md previoualy miss 100." I mopy Imported eroo•cls.. Mowledie ol the eornmodity' "II ls seaerally agreed thal quenUy to bide the fact that Waterfront Copimlulon In-been reporle!I .. stolen. '!'be In Chlcaao. where port oi- l 1·1rs acceP.'*I by all on the or product. and have me1n1 crm.t of this nature cannot the goods were stol~n. Strictly vestlgators IQ.Haw York, pos.. rffl ·of-the Rolln eatso w1s Uciala now Insist "there's 1.r.l:k&." d1lina~lchardMa1·l~~~~~~~~~~~-,1--1-~~~~~~~~---''--~~~~~~~~..,;;.~~-:-~~'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~ .1ye.U_,, chairman Of the transport.atioo commJttee for jbe..Amerlcan Importers ' A&SOCiatlon. 1 · "Pll!erage is something of a fringe benefit to some long- shorer;nen,'' commented Gre. gory W. Halpin, deputy dirtc· tor or the Maryland Part Authority. 1 Officials o f dockworkers / ' unions say they do everything I possible to keep pilferage to a ··minimum. They point out that \.\oder contract tenns a I \l>lgshoreman can lose his job 1 1.~With the theft of a llkent · a.rticle." Said one union oUicial in ; Seattle-: "We 're rougher than f any court, federal or local, on 1 a ·1ongshoreman caught ateal· I Dfg.~' ' ! "'Importers, wtio own the goods that are stolen. feel the I br.unt of the financial lead. They seldom complain out ! foud. however, "There are two primary I reasons you don't get backing ; from importers," said Max- ··wen. "They fear retaliation from dockworkers and an in- crease in their insurance premiums" -and maybe of being dropped as an account by an insurance company if losses are c o n t i n u,,a-1-fy reported. It is this failure to report 5tole11 items that makts it dif- ficu lt to determine the exact dollar Joss annually Lb.rough piUerage and theft. The American Institute of Marine Underwriters ~stimated that in 1968 theft and pilferage in international commerce cost U.S. industry $59 million and has been spiraling ea~h year. Spokesmen for most aaen· cies in the shipping industry, however, ~ Ul.Qt-the f5I million figure repce1t11ts ~ the value of::'. c;adS' actuaQ1· · reported stolen - a smaU part o! \h~ actuil liloles \hr""* , · then and pilferage: ... ' To ctit the losses he iOC\lf'J, an importer 'Jf)Af add to the price of an iGllnt Uw1 rriakin1 _ the ultimate COS'Mber . ¥IP • pay for the 1hievery. • Using large contalnerf fO . ship merchandise has ·:cut · pilferage. but as o n e v.'aterfrant investigator bere said, "InsLead of takin& a coo· pie of bottles or whJsky, they take the whole container, Honor Roll At Kqiser School Told The Heinz Kaiser Intermediate...Scbool of Costa tifesa has · announced scholarship and hooor roll students for the first qu~r or lhe school year. Scholarship students must have al least as many A's as B's while the honor rolt members must. have at least ·a B average. Honored students are: SEVENTH OltAOE: SCHOl.AJl.SHW (~llw C•lf!Pbtll, P•lrlc)I; C-lty, Ot<1!tl Goodwin. WINh Hot~ Clnlh' HIJ9~1, ,Joy~ M<:V•"f• JUUi! Miiier, Mlrlt MOIMr. J•c111U1U11t Mulltr, Andr.w NelUlf, An<lt Olmus. JI-~ . AIW'lltlt Pau111<1. (ynlhl1 Sllll•kl. De¥kl lkl~ oer, $,..,. Soulh-11'1. CCll'Y Wll'd. lfn. 111 Wolf1, lJnn WoHt . HON<lr:t lltOl.f: Johll Atllton, Wtnd1 !ltrr, laclMI h lhout, K•r"' lo"fdl, J1ntttr l•01.1 .. n:I, C•rol tr..wn. M.1'1111 C.trn•bfll, Clrod\' Clwtl'I. llll"I 0-.IMr, Ntl•lle Croa. Anl ... O'Amlco. Stuart Etl!, Julie FNftlllr•. (ynthll Fltdllr, Kim FIDYd, Dl1ne ~ 51¥1'1' Gfen, Jahn Gf"•l'ltnl. T,,,., JHns. 01.... K_ler, Eltlft ICnllllt, llaurwl IMr•n. V•ler\I Mell!"" ~rtt Morlll. D1vlll ,Myrrln. Tft'O' 0.boml. . -• Pam F•rrr, MWie "'•It. 11(.,.._ l!tet!J, Llw1 R.1,..Nll, K•fWI JI.Mr•. Marc $dl00Nrttr, Matt !alt, ..ie-~~·••· P11ult SUrr, t1'1•n TMrlot, ".mfl"n11 v1rc111i. J"' Vll•lkll, l1111'• ·-· SCHOlAllSHIF -EIGHTH GllADI!!: Mortien Abbott, K•th!'Yft """"· J1ne !INrd.. T1m1Y l ull.I, Deftbl. OtVrlts. Selim Frlflklln. 11obtrl'firan?d, OIYld FA<leflcklOft. Mt!Vlll Giibert, JK-'!Ulff~ Gifts, Ottlr• Glillffl,. Vldl Hinson. .Jotw1 H11TY1'1'111n, J1nle Hlr1!11, lll'T! ldt, .. _ """""'· lYnll l!:rnc:hel. Jatl'rw Krrtftl. K .... L~"lldal1, fltrl'llit ltnhof'I, Kim l11C9, Fr•llk M.1119'1U~1 "'1rnl'lll McCll"f, TIM Mc1C1J, LDl"I IYllii.r, flllna' N~. Pt!rlcJ• Otnwt. ~thllen1 Pl'*-• Mtl'"fl Poller, P•Ulli'lt Jl.ollerTI. Miki "-'"· She• S.l\fl.llJ, N 1 n c.,. 5~1. Md1W ""-"• Twtld Sl'!)ne, o .... ~ F•ll'lcl• Tlldf, Ptlrklt W1shlsled1r C.""' Wllltft. D"'1H Wel..,,.n. llwe Wl'lltl. HOl<fOlll llOl..E ,:-EIGHTH GllAOI!: 0"'°1 AHiM. S9-Allff, trltin A~ Allaoen tnw, lH-!l1r~ln'. Ltnl e.l'fllll. Mlit!Ms ~ ....,_ Ion, SlllY" (ltf1t. · ~ c-111. flll•• Dietl. Glttll dit~. ~hlrltJ Oef'ler.... lom. l!IMl't, F .. Fnll!I', Olvlll Gwlll'I" ........ Gvtllrll, Lnlle .....Wb. <len Haf\IW • Gnln Hedrick. Corllltl'I Hw)'W, C•rel tw_.,,,, Todd ,,._. llriiM J111111, DWI LltN, Gtry L-Ollfle ~'<El""tt. Y'tttlt Mt.Kll'llll, ,_. McT-. Tem N.i-.. Jllrf1 Nult"f, Col._ l'tlle11G11. Tern l'fellll", Jennl191' ,. ... ""'° ,..II, """-"'"'°"' 10lll ...... ~ "Jl.oll!MM. lMI lltoteltr"', C'"'-rlrwl it.1. Mtr9..-rl JI.-. Ml1'ci. """' S..11'1 Slrl'llll... C•ttrr Srn\111, 01r1 5mlTI!, Ann 1!\ll'd't', kin' 'l•lb\. FollJ T'*"'"' •r•11<1tt 1"""'"°"-Pll'Mlll 1~ •o II tl<1..,,.1, Mrtcllell Vwl, NMl!fll Wfh«I. ~11<• wo1i.. "•ITldt w..n. llrlllr• t1rw11tt. ., I "· ' I • ' . er1 Nation's Largest Federal . . guaranteed annual rate 90-DAY CERTIFICATE ·ACCOUNTS 110 MINIMUM BALANCE -~% ANNUAL YIBD • 'lf.U-,.panclln-,.Maln a,..,. guarafltHd annual rate 2T010YEAR CERTIFICATE ACCOUNTS $5,000 MINIMUM 6.18% ANNUAL YIBD .Ii•" IGYtn1t and Jntel'flt remain a year. .. \ • I /' I 1 lOYEAR ERJIRCATE AC¢OUNTS $1,000 MINIMUM 5.92%,ANNUAL YIBD 11.11 .......... 1.-,...., ... ,.,. I 1-YEAR CERTIFICATE ACCOUNTS ...,,_._ .... , ......... , ....... $100,000 MINIMUM 7.79% ANNUAL YIELD if •II ...tn11 ancf ln'9rNt rental• a .,_,. ••• Qnd ~ur~~ .. PGssbook !4.c~iit. ·· ·No minimum deposit. Daily compounding. lnt..t d~in to day-out. More than ever, California Federal is the place for the money you can't afford • to risk. The nation's largest federal pays you higher interest! Choose our regular passbook account -or from four new llccounts with f<lnr maximum rates of interest, compounded daily. Withdrawals before maturity per- mitted but subject to some loss of interest. Whichever account you choose, our $1.6 billion assets are behind your sav- ings. How safe it is. Califomia Fed~ral Savings • and Loan Association• Assets over $1.6 BUliorl • . ' Ncmon's Largest Federal -' . ' , COIOJA_ .... 011w ~I LMAngatot.Otangt and V11n&u11. Countita • ~wut1t1 il'IMntd up I; $20.000 by lht ~II St¥Jnat A Lotn lnaur1nce Cotpof1ti0tl, I pewt-citne)' ol h 1.1nH1M -··•: .... 111•• • I ., ' . • " ·. • ,. • • · 1 '. ' ( • . • • I ~ I • • f l • ! ) • ' • • l ' i • • . • • t, : { • I ., ' ' l . ' ; I I I \ I 11 ---------------~ ,-;( ti ~r rn.ot, w..r.,..,, Ftbrua!7 is. HID UCI Nine Clubs Bruins, 7 -0, in Home · Openelf • i GLENN WHITE Sports Ed itor Laver Wins By Def ault; " Lakers Lo8e SALISBURY, Md. -RGd Laver ol Corona del Mar. who has yet to Uft a '1lcket in the heat of batlle. will advance ·o the quarterfinals if he Wins his match oday in the U.S. National Indoor Open rennis Championships. The Austra lian pro. the world's WP· ranked player and the No. I foreign seed in the tournament, is scheduled to play · ·eteran Torben Ulrich of Denmark in a '. hree-rouncl match. Laver drew a bye in the nrst round and i hen advanced Tuesday when Canadian , .··hampion Mike Belkin defaulted because i.;f a bad back. Roy Emerson of Newport Beach became the first seeded player to be 11usled from the toumame"ht, losing Tues· ll•Y to England's Peter Curtis, 6-3, 6-4.. Emerson. ·seeded Ne. 4 among the 'oreign entries, complained of a sore hip •irlor to thejournament He didn't .seem ''J favor the injury whlle playing Curtis, 11ut he later withdrew from the doubles LDmpetitiOfl, • NEW YORK -Dave DeBussclrere and C:az.zle Russell combined talents to lead he New York Knicks on a third period :;coring spree Tuesday night as the hosts defeated the Los Angeles Lakers, 114·1l3. Playing whhout Wilt Chamberlain, Happy Harston, .Willie l\1cCarter and '.\eith Erickson, the Lakers pulled within our pGints of the Knicks early in the hird period bul an 18-4 splurge by the -.vinners put the game awa y. In the only other NBA ,game, Phoenix :-ipped SeaUle 129·118. • SAN ANTONIO, Tex. -Lee Tre\'ino, !he frolick.lng, fast talking guy who broke t long victory drought in last week's Tucgon Open. was a solid favorite to 11ake it two in a row in the $100,000 San .\ntonio Open. "I'd been too ck>se too long not to win," tile st.ocky, swarthy Trevino said. "I made a prediction to my caddy last \veek." he said. "I told him that if I didn't vln Tucson I'd ·win San Antonio. Now I inlgbl win both." l\tany of the top names in the game are 'akng the week off before the start of the iv~stop Florida tour, but a solid field ·:tiU oppoees 1Tevino in the 72-hole test :hat b:egins 'Ibursday. • LOS ANGELES -The Los Angeles Kings have allowed more goals and .cilred fewer than any other NaUonal H:octey League team -which ls why lobby Orr, Phil Esposito and the rest of lhe Boston Bruins may be smiling when they take the Forum ice tonight. Orr, only 20 years old and already in his fourth NIU.. season, and Esposito. a 27-year-old seven.year veteran, are one- lwo in the league's scoring race while the Sruins are battling New York (or the East Division lead, Final Daytona Practice 'Held DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. !AP) Dri,vert got in their final wannups al Daytona International Speedway t9day before heading into a series of races that .,..culminates internaUonal speedweeks Sun· .i.y with Jhe',12th running of the ll98.000 Daytcu 500 for stock cars. The fiek1 was practically set for a pair or 1J5.mlle events 11wrsday that will (ill la atarttng positions behind front ro1v w1mien Cale · Yarborough and Buddy BaUr. Y~gh. driving a Mercury, won the 500 PQl_e spo~ 10 days ago by ~t~ llnl' a lap record IM.015 m.p.h, Baker·s ~ waa clOaed at 192.624 m.p.h. for ihe --""' berlh. Y-p and Baker announced that Ibey' wU1 drive in Thursday's 125-milers 9'91 u.ou,b they don't have to in order lo ;:t'--•--.!o-"""' pilklos. 111 need the money," said Baker. • "AIJTtll1• J'J1l-'I pro{essional and I have neV8" tumelll' down .. • cblnce for prac- tice.. Y_,flh, badly 11\lured in • wrock last J)ecelbber, wasn't expected lo -In Um• lO make Ii lo DaylOlla. fltll, hoVlni -the pole spot ror the big 11111 be Jlld ~U dtlve in one of the 126-~ "'~Ult J nttd the work. I th ink K wUJ flllp me pt baCk into aha po." 8alb drl..., uld they expect the lap .,.... ftr Ille J.l$.mlle do&hes lO be a bout *·* m.p.b. Othtn~greed. . ' - ANTEATERS' FIRST RUN --" Mike Saska charges home with the first UC Irvine run Tuesday against.the UCLA ]jruins in first.ever game at campus field. In foregroL1.nd is Bobby Farrar (3) ready to give the Publication Links McLain f With Bookie NEW YORK (AP) -Baserni'll Com· missioner Bowie Kuhn mulled over the latest developments in the case of Denny McLain today while the Detroit pitcher's whereabouts remained a mystery. Commissiooer Kuhn's disclosure last Friday that his office was examining cer- tain of McLain's "o[f the fi eld activities." during the 1967 season was followed today by the publication by Sports Illustrated magazine of a copyrighted story whlch said Mc.Lain was a partner in a bookrnak· ing operation during that season. McLain dropped out of sight follQ">ving Kuhn's statement Friday and missed a scheduled court appearance Monday over his alleged failure lo repay a $7.000 Joan received in 1968 rrun the Citizen's Com- mercial and Savings Bank of Flint, Mich. W.illiam R. Aikens, the pitcher's lawyer, left Detrolt for New York Tues- day ·night with Comn1issioner ·Kuhn rePortedJy preparing a statement for release today. But' a spokesman for the commissioner denied that any statement would be forthcwning today . "No,.. the ~esman saict Tuesday night, ·"there 'WiU be no annquncement res arding;MCLaln -not tomorrow .'' _ Sports JUUistrated , in its copyrighted "article, charged' that McLain had put money into a boOkmaking operation head- ed by one Jigs GazeU. who operaled out of tile Short.born Sleak House in Flint, Mich. Gazell said Tuesda'y night that he knew }.1cl..ain casually while the pitcher was playing the organ at the Flint st eak house. "l said stuff like, 'Hello. How are you? }low many games are you going to win'?' " Gaze!! said. "Stuff like that. -E verybody asked stuff like that. Everybody thal came in the Shorthorn met him Utere." Gazell denied being a b i g t l m e bookmaker. ' slide sign while Bruin catcher Bill LeBlanc and Umpire Rudy Rangel watch tfie play closely. The ball hasn't arrived and Saska was able to cross the plate without sliding. Irvine w6n. 7-!J for th.ii:d straight victory. "l pl8:yed poker,'' he said. "Stuff like that, hanging oot in gambling joints but that's it. It didn't have anything to do with McLain." BRU IN ERAS ED AT SECOND -Danny Graham second base on a double play a moment later. Mike Sykora oi Irvine is pictured after tbrO\Ving to first base to complete the twin killing. (5), UCLA Bruin outfielder, garnered the first base hit in UCJ's new park Tuesday but \Yas erased at UCI Cagers Top Chapman, 74-72 RON EVANS Of ti.. 0.11' POii Sr.II UC Irvine basketball coac.h Tim Tifl is a worried man. His Anteaters posted their eighth straight ·victory Tuesday night and hav e won 14 of their last 17 outings. . But lethargy has set in and Irv ine a 1~ pears to play only well enough to win by a narrow margin. Tuesday night was no different A hot·shoot ing Chapm an C o 11 e g e quintet battled to the final buzzer before dropping a 74-72 decision in Crawford llall . Biii ?>.1oore. after u s co r e l e ss performance at Fullerton , came back in the second half tO lead lrvine to viclory. He had 26 points ror the game, 16 coming in the second half. Ironically, It was at the firee throw line that he 53Jted the victory away desplte a six for 13 trlfo rt. He _hit three o( his last four charity attempts in the final 43 seconds ~ came down with a key re- bound after three missed Chapn1an shots. Cha pntan opened the gan1e with a red· hot shooting hand, hitting 16 of 22 front the floor for a 77.2 percentage figure in th e first half. They mad e the til1al eight shots wiU1out a mlss and had opened y,•ith fi ve in a row. The lead changed hands periodically until the final minute and a hal(. Chapman held a 7Q.67 lead arter Oliver Marlin made good on a field goal and a one·and-one free thi-o\Y sih1ation for a four-polnl play .,.,.ilh 2:28 re1naining. ~ !\foore then Upped In a shot under the basket to bring it lo 70-69 wlU1 2:08 le . Jeff Cunnin gham next sto le the ball al nlideourt nnd passed to Steve Sabins who drove in for :: layup lo put UCI in front, 71·70 with 1:37 left to pi•Y· Moore then hit two free. throws to in· crease the lead to 73-70 with '13 seconds left. After Harlan Antlerson scored. the Anteaters kept the ball nenr midcuurt and !\1oore Y>'as fou led with 12 seconds re~ ma.ining, He 1nade the first and Cun· ningham garnered the rebound but miss- ed a shot under the basket. Chapman took over with fi ve seconds to play but an inbounds pass went awry and UC lrvlnt !!t i Ch••-1n1 " " .. "' It " ,r I• C 11n~t1111h1m ' I ' " 1Mrt111 "' I .. -~ " • . " Arbo!l,.11 I ' I ' GtofOI • ' ' ' lllollln$ • I I • u11r1u • I "' ··-' I ' • 81me' ' I ' Ancic•~°" • ' . " 811r1t119n1m I • I I Mlf<l(lrovc I ' ' ' Bi!lll ' ' ' • F1rwtll • ' • I (.l•~ll'IO .. l<.11 • I ' I . '" • ' ' • Tol1ls 11 J0211l lo!&ll 111•20n Irvine took over. ~iike Barnes dribbled in reverse to run out the clock for the vic- tory. ¥ li.1oore and f\.!arUn lled for scoring honors with 26 each. 1'-1oorc was also the lop UC I rebounder with JO. Percentage.wise, UCI picked up the tempo in Ole secoocl half to bring the game mark to 46.6 while Chapman cooled off to an even 50 percent. VCI F•OSH (111) C~•-• JV 1111 ,, "., ,, ... " pl ., i.i,.n,t11 ' I ' • LluN ' I I • "'" " ' I " ·-' I • • 811,k " ' ·~ Ch1Uln • • "' 1.1111rr•v ' • • ' iton • s-' ,, ~mun • • "' Trolltr • I "' L .. w•Vlt • • s " ,,._ \'\ ' ' Fowl'• • I "' Mtn~ • I ' II P•ul"n I I ' s 9oltrr • • ' • 10!1b tS 22 11 lU Totllt 11 1'l•1t 14111!""'; Oct Fl'Olll ~' Clllii>mlft IV JO .T~ird Suaight Win Posted . } Bv Anteaters • By BOWARD L. BANDY Oftlw Dtl!Y Plllt llt" " ' Dennis Niehol1!0tl mlled a lharp ~ and a sneaky fatt ball to perfection TU(! day artemOOn as UC Irvine won lta tfi~1 straight baseball game of the season., 1 The UCLA Bruin varsity, dol"1d!ill! Pacific-I champiot1, was the vlctim, ·7~. in the inaugural eYent on the new IfVi!le campus field. !:J The opener had everything. ·111 Introduction of both rosters, a first ball ceremony featuring the UCI ooa..ter groups, shapely coeds serving as ba~ ~ for both teams and a seventh mnwr rhubarb. , Nicholson completed his s e c b·D~ slraight game for coac~ Gary Ad~' crew.· The YOl.Dli right bander had PN)- poin( control all the way, striking~~.¥> batters and walking four. He also hit ~· Nicholson was in command from me outset, gi ving up three ~ttered sin~~ and nat allowing a Brum to aQvance · beyond §econd base. In fact, only W:' runners went this far, one in the seve~gi and anothei: in the nlnth. -' Threaterilng weatber Jn the mOming caused early concern for Adams but once the call to play ball sounded, NicboJiaen was in the driver's _seat to regitttrl the first Anteater shutout. UCLA start.er Gary Robson matched h!m pitch-for-pitch but left after thrttr,· rungs. • , The Anteaters jumped on first re f man Skip Junis ·for single runs in the fourth and fifth frames. .. \ Mike Saska opened 1the fwrth wiUJ.• walk and took second when the BrUin shortstop had a lapse, throwing ~an Hansen out at first as Saska took secoQcl. Mike Sheline, then singled to left to ~ the run across. Bobby Farrar was safe on an error 10 open the fifth, stDle seeond, went to ~ on an overthroW and scored on a sacri~ fly by Mike Sykora. ~t Continuing their assault on left hlrl· 'lers, the Anteaters added a third tally c1f Mike Beltega in the sixth and scored f@ times in the seventh, three of the ~ unearned. · The Bruins committed six errors whlle • the Anteaters played errorleSB ball. ~ Rocky Craig .had three base hits and SheJ\Jle had a pair to pace the winner~. 'l'bls gives Craig six for nine in the ~ 1rvine games. He also had the lone extj'jt base blow in Tuesday's action, a fifth fQ.. ning double. , The mild rhubarb came about in the seventh when Chuck' Spanska was hlt by a pitched ball and the Bruins fell he b"f' hit the ball into fair territory. Next UCI outing ls on Saturday when San ·Diego State comes here for • doubleheader begiMing at 12. , ; .. UCL A COi UC lrvlH II) ~ ••t~rM .,, ..... Puna...,, s~ t. .. ,.,.11, lb Moif!n1, 3b Grel'l,m, rf Prl(e, If Pelrtlll, cf L.-llltm;, ' Swa11..,..., lb Rob$Cll, I> Junl•, P Adem,, ph Betf@91, 11 'Tifferfnl, e Altllhuler, Ph Zait, P MDC•t, lb l-1ume. Pr TD"el' "''-" UC Irvine 3 O O 0 Flrrlr, If l I 0"0 3 a o o Svkcr1, 1b-Jll, ' l I ·.1 •O O I Crtlo,(I 3 110 2110$1>tnU.10 5 000 1 ·01os11k•.rf 3210 l O O o H1nan, 'l J I l '1 2 O O o S111nlkl, lb 1 I O'I lOOOSllel!M,t tO?'I o o o o NldlolMn." 3 • r>i oo oo Placer,1b DOO ,o 1 o O o Grttn..,1y, 211 o 0 lf'O 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I O 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 21 Q ) 0 'TOllll 31 J , i kOtl b'I' '""fflt• • • 000000000-0 3 ' 0001114 -l fl Fraiier Wants To See Clay Only in Ring NEW YORK (AP) -Joe Frasier, the undisputed heavyweight king, nm ~ nine miles away from deposed champton Cassius Clay in Philadelphia. But tJ'l)e only place Frati.er wants to see Clay is tn . . . the ring. Fra:r:ier, who gained universal recopl· tion by knocking out Jlmmy Elli! in five rounds Monday night al Madison Squft Garden, told a news conference TuetdlJ·: "l don't think nobody ln \he world ciD lick me. Clay OT anybody else." · .11 He revealed that Clay ha.d called. him earlier Tuesday. '"He told me he thauaht I pul up a good fight and so did Jimmy (Clay's former sparring partn!r)," Frazier said. 1'1 told him I'll be in the city (Phil1delphla) and he'll be living there.too and let's have~ foolishness. I told him to .stay h11 distance and I'D stay mine. As long u he does we'll get a1mg fine." ~ Yank Durham. Frazier's manat:er. said, "He (Clay) might get a license~ come back, If he does, we'll fight bim. But only in America. He can't ao ·anyplace else anyQow." ' + Clay wa1 stripped or his title .tttr being convicted of refusing to report' .l{lf' military induction. He is ap}>eall~g_ conviction, but eYen If he wins, the. · peal, he has said he will not come • 1 But Frazf•r doun't feel he must ifPt Clay to prove his rlaht to the unditpl[ed championship. ''I don 't feel I have, to whip Clay," sa\d F'razi~r. "l held one tiUe el1·state (•I*• state recognition) and Jimmy held one I the \Vorld Doting Association crown). I thought I was a cham pion. He thoustd ~ was a champion. \\1e fought it out, afld now l'm champion." Olber possible challenger11 for Frazier are Floyd Pattenon, light heavyweliht champioll Bob Fosttr. u n ~ea tift ·~!ac 1''oster and Oscar Bonavena. \ ' I • ~ u I! D, ~ I ' II .. lo • 1g ~ "' " id ,. !l " "' • • • .. :;, ·• ., ·, ' ' " ., . ' ~ .: •e it In .. In !-•• ... " m I " td .. kl cl r. .. ii' c W-sdlY, F1bM1y l8, 1970 , DAl~Y PILOT J1 1-rvine~ Sunset Cage Showdowns Set Tonight CdM, Loara Vie On Saxons' Court The formula for wlnnin& the Irvine Lell\Jt b a 8keIba11 d\lmpkwlahip ls rather simpl~ fQf the three contenders - 1wln the balance of games in tht last week of the re1ular pon. O-Thal's lhe situation for C:Orona del P.1ar, Loara and Estancia -the former two m~tlng toni&hl at 7 in the the quick Suons in first round action, 49-41. Loara present! a tough pressing dereniie and hat; two excellent players In ·De My Nicholas and Rudy Sgonti. That pair h11s averaged M.7 a game between them In Irvine play and it's Gillis' con-- :Loara gym. --,----,,.-,,..,-.._----- 1 • All three are deadlocked in LNr• c-M the lOis column with three i.2 '9Cln11 F Kill!•n •·l ._1 llotC1tnowk1 F G .. 1111 •·I ,defeats apiece . .,., w11ni.r c s.~;~ •-1 '-1 Nklwllt• G l1oll11'M1er W 1 Coach Tandy Gillis' Corona s-11 wnb G Cotln:i, "0 'i:lcl P.1ar out.Ht, upset last week. ---------- bf Costa l\1esa for the Hcond tention that Ills man-to-man 'Jjl'ne this year, travels to pressure defense must contain !toara for tts crucial with San. that pair if his Sea Kings are ~ Ana Valley and Estancia to rebound against Loara. ·i\ill to contend with on Friday ind Saturday. Physically, the Sea Kings · ~ Foremost or Gillis' pro-arc in good shape again11t t.'lcms, however, ls the Loara Loara and its 6-l·to g..2 balanC.. C6nfront.ation. ed team. , The Sea Kings slipped past "We've had trouble against 1~Thompson ,Hits 33, II ·GWC Falls . Golden West College'.1 Chris ,';fhompson pwnped in 33 poinls In ·a loeing cause Tuesday . night as the Rustler basketball ·team fell to LA Southwest, 97. .'6, in Southun California Con- ferrnce acti on on the lfiMers' court. . Thompson, hitting most or h:is shots from the outside, had 13 field 1oaJ1 and seven free throws. 'the 33 pointa ran his ,:ieason total to 621, to place him third on the all time Gold· ,en West scoring list. , The RU8tlers trailed most of ~<.tie way, but got to within six J>OinU (73-72) with five mlnu. tes to play. Southwest then hit ·three straight baskets to put .~ game put of reach . GOiden West iJ: now idle until 111e.1t Tuesday when it boats 'tA Harbor. thrMS Tl'o9m•:i.on ·-· w ... ••zll Whltf11141 !H~1U 'Gr.¥1t . Tot111 . .. lftll WMt l•O flft"'' s 0 J 10 137•» 5 , 1 ll . ' . ,. l s s n 2 1 1 ' I 1 I l • • 1. 0 :U1'ttM I.A Swtllw"' ft! I .. ""'• •<••rner S l 2 IJ ... ""°" 14 110 I """""°"' 12 • J lO ·<9tttr! J J 4 u .McK~l1ht 1 ;1 s 11 tmtt 10 •• . ·fot•I• 3f tt 20 t7 HlltT1~: SOutll-1 41. Gwt )1 ~ea.nu that ·are physical under the basket l~kc Fountain Valley and Costa ~tes1:1. Loara's not that strong but they're very quick.:' says Gillis. Corona del Mar's offense has come alive recently with Don Killian ltadlng tbe scoring parade. Klllian has tallied 22 or bet- ter in four of the Sea Kings' last six games but was held to only 14 in the last encounter with, Loara. Four times in leaeue play he has accounted for 10 or more good ones from the free throw line -making his inside play especiaUy effective. Sopbomore Mike Sevier, a 6- 3 center, will again be put on lhe spot in the rebounding department His board strength has betn instrumental in keeping the Sea Kings in contention for the league title. Basically the game shapes up as a confrontation between two widely different offensive styles. Coach Virgil Webb's Saxons tove to run andll sboot wh11e Corona del Mar tiendi to slow things down lookln1 for the good shot from. eight feet out or less. The contenders remaining league schedules: Corona del Mar (a.3) -San- ta Ana Valley (Friday); 8L Estancia (Saturday) . Estancia {a.3) -at Edison {Friday): Corona del Mar (5a~urdayl. Loara (9-3) -at 1'~ountain Valley (Friday). Eagles, Marina In Crucial Tests Estancia and Marina High's basketball quintets are In- volv ed in crucial tests tonight 1''ith victory mandatory lo ~tay In the thJck of their respective league title races. All gamu start at 7. . Coach Bjll Wetul's Estancia crew must travel to Fountain Valley in Irvine Leagu' play ~while Marina plays host to Anahe.im, a unit that clubbed the Vikings by 13 points in first rOWld Sunset competition. • The other Irvine aame on <tap is the Edison-COsta Meaa clash on the latter's court. It's 'the second game In two dliys ror Mesa after meeting Santa Ana Valley Tuesday. coach Jim Stephens' outfit, which must win tonight to keep pace in the Sunset League scramble. '.I'he Vlkes were throtlled by Anaheim in first round ac· livity by the tough Colony ?One defense. And, guard Greg Lewis countered with 26 tallies - mostly from outside against the Marina man -t•o-man defense. Kipp Baird was the only consistent scorer for Marina with his inside moves ac- counting for 22 points. The other proficient V i It i n g scorers, however. w e r e nullified by Anaheim . Rick Mosier had nine and Biii McGuire eight. Guard Bob Beal played only brtefiy and was htkl"'Scorete~. TITLE HOPEFULS -f\•larina and \Vestminster 1-ligh Schools are currently tied for the Sunset League basketball lead with 8-2 marks. Westmin- ster travels to Huntington Beach and l\1arina meets OAllY 'II.OT S!1tt '""" invading Anaheim \onight at 7 in crucials. I-I.ere Kipp Baird ( 45) of Marina battles !or rebound against Westminster's Dan Broderick (30) and Steve McLendon . Viking at rigtn. is Bill ri1cGuirc. Monarchs Fall to Pius, 52-51 ' Chances for CIF Playoff Berth Dini • By ROGER CARLSON Of HM 0.111 ,;1.i 51•11 DOWNEY -l\1ater Dci High "s Mouarchs went to the well once too often for a last- gasp attempt Tuesday night and this time came up emply handed, falling' to host Pius X . 52-51, in a crucial Angelus League contest. after seemingly blowing -the entire issue berore the half was finished . Pius led by as mu ch as 15 in the second period as.. fi.1ater Dci's offense simply could nol solve the tough Warrior 2-3 zone defense. In the first half. Mater Dci committed 15 turnovers and th e Monarchs were unable to get !he ball to forward Ralph Chandos, who had only four points throu gh the first l wo periods. • Mater Dci'8 only offensl"'e threat seemed to be in the fre- quent walks to the free throw line. However, the Monarch s came alive In the second half, pared Hie margin coosldcrably on three-pointers by Chilndos and Tom l\1CMenamin and finally tied it up at 46-46 \Yith I :54 lo go in the third period on Bob Haupert's gratis shot. from there the hosts bega11 the st.all game and finally ll worked down to 50-50 before Chandos got the Monarchs up by one with a free throw wilh 55 seconds left in the game. Bob Keller's neat 2(}.footer wllh 211 seconds lo go gave Plus ,the final advantage before Mal.er Dci began i1JI last-gasp a\lempl to pull it out with ll secon ds remaining. Steve Kemper 's I 0 ·fool Jumper with one second re- maining in the game went in· and-out. and with it probably went the MCJ11archs' chances for a CIF berth as runnerup to champion St. Anthony before an overflow crowd of 1,300. Diahlos Edge Villa Parl{ Thus the \Varriors ha\·e virtually seYlO up a bid to the playoffs by virtue or the in· and-out missed Monarch shot al the la.st moment wllh only Servit.e standing in the way of undisputed second place in the rugged Angelu s circuit. ht Double Overtime, 86-83 By CRAIG SHEFF' Of "" 0.11'1' l'li.t 11111 Coach Jerry Tardle's Pvlater Dei outfit had battled back Mission Viejo High's basket- ball team kept alive its hupes for a CIF p!ayoH berth Tues· day night with a thrilling IJ&.a3 double oYertlme win over Villa Park in Crestview League ac· lion ln the losers' gym. u -tr * M1i.r Dl'I ti!) ChllltlO' W11k..-M<~rrtll!_ "" l(lltf K"lll'" Ha\1Pt'1 Kemt>fr To!•lt MllMfll ktlltr ••• T!"er• Ftrrllo l'ln x Ull 'I " " • • • • ' • I • • • ' • ' • ' • ' ' • ' I ' • " " " 11 II '' ' ' ' ' ' • ' . ' ' 0 0 ' 0 ... ..,.,. •-1!tr T011i. 10 u ~} ifltt ,, DUMltn ~ Mtte~ ~I t 2' IJ J.-!J Pl~i X 1• 10 10 .i-..!l .. " • • " • ' " • " The win ran lhe Dlablos' record to 9·4, just one half game behind se<Xlnd place Foothlll . The Knights 19-3) lace Tustin tonight at Orange " Coast College at 7. ) In a game packed with 1~ thrills. Steve West hit a free ,: thro\Y with thre':! seconds left o to give the Dlablos an 84-83 !; lead in the second overtime. Center Dan Krca.tz added a two- pointer at the buzzer for the Cina! three point margin. Down by as much as 13 midway through the third quarLc.r. the. Diablos baltled back behind lhe play of Rudy Holmes aod RJck \Vadsley. With the score 60-51 at the end of the ttilrd quarter. Holmes hit the Dlablos' flrsl 10 points of the final quarter, cutting the deficit to just one point. 62-til. 'M1e two teams then lradelt h11skels. u n t i I 2:03 left in regulation ·wh~n the Crestview League leaders forged ahead . 75-73. Wadsley, with 1:20 re· maining. lhen fired in a 14-foot jumper to knot the score . The Dla blos got tile ball ba ck and stallec' for one shol . but it was unsuccessful. In the first overlime , \Vadsley hit on a drive shot with 42 S!conds tefl to give the Dlabl08 a 79-77 lead. but Villa Park's$tan Hein)ollowcd with a basket 20 seconds later to send the game into the second overtime . In the second overtime , Wads\ey gave the Dlablos a two.point lead (81-79), but the Spartans scored on a pair of drive shols to re;ain the ad· vantage. Then Wadslcy canned a baseline jumper from 12 feet out to tic the score and set the stage lor West's free throw. Mltlttll Vltll U" •• r ~I'll .. ; ; :11 ' ' ' : 1 I 1 V1!l1 l'lrll llJ) ~ 11 lj J Oilers to Battle Visiting Li~fifi It's a do-or-die situalion for defense y.rhlle offensively 'ft's ..ilunlln&\<l• lleM:!> !llgi\.Scbool -1h<.bith-li>!< post syste111.Jrllh __ tonight when coach Elmer Cate and Lf:e Walters I.ht key Combs' lwo-tlme s 1.1 n set to tJ\t fnaldt glme. League basketball cha1nplons Hun!ington m~st receive ~~ pla y host to In v ad in g rective outside shooting' frmTi \Vestmil\!iler . Paul l\1oro. Curt Ctrbon and Tipaff is set for 7 o'clock Garth \Vlse to or rs et following the .junior ~rsity \Veshninstcr's front· line o( Uff. Dan, Broderick and i\1cLendon " . The OilerS' are comin ff a (both 6.fi). 49-47 \osg to [\farina and musl srooerick has been n1ost ef· rebound tonight to stay in con-fcctive in leaiue play. averag· tEµllion for the Sunset tiUe and iug 25.~ per outing and, ha , a berttl ln Vie CIF AAAA shoved through 30 or more on playoffs. four occasions. We!ltminsier and Marina \Veslnl)n,sfer bas ' 1emp\oyt~ lead the seveai-team Issue with lwo sop)t'omores tnlo • i1 S s11rtl1tt1 Lltt111n starling lineup during the sec· H11"!1"1hHI W1ttnllntt1r nd h If of h · ri 6-J w1n1,. " M(L~n '"' o a, t e, loop ~~mfil& t~0,:~ ~ ~~""' t! -Terry · l\lelsenhelmer and· s.10.~ G ,....."" s.1 Gordon Blakeley -and thJ! J.t C1tl-c; 11..!l;tlr¥ 5-11 8-2 marks while Huntington is a full game behind with only one game reipaining arter tonight. Coactl Don Leavy's Lions. meanwhile:, move Into the Oller con'fines at full strength and will be seeking reven1e of a ~ puling from Hun· Ungton In (irst ·~nd action. The Ollcfs got to the Lions quickly in that one, controlled the boards, made·the good sec- ond e.rrort on missed shots and worked the inside of. fensive game to perfection. Arid, Westminster w a !l without 6-6 forward Steve McLendon. who 1o1·as sideltocd 1o1•lth an injury. Leavy terms Oiler . Tony Cate the key to tonilht's Issue • •·His improvfiment has caus· cd us concern. \Ve did a poor job aga inst their Inside low post play and we didn't 1.:on- lain their fast break. "\Ve're just going to have to keep them away lrom the boards and play in1elligent basketball tonight." i;u1nmcd up Leavy. Combs says his q u i c k quintet must stop the inside scoring game that Westmins- ter likes to employ. The Oilers will try 10 Cf)unter the Lions ' moves with their familiar 1-Z.2 z on e duo combined for 19 points in working over Newport Harbor,. reccnUy, 67·58. Cate and Walters teamed UI\ for 43 tallies in the first round victory over Westminster. The contenders' remaining schedule: •11.1nttngton Beach {7·3) -at Newport Harbor (Friday), Marina { 8·2) •I Westminster !Friday). Westminster (8-2) -Marina (Friday), Area Swim . Honor Roll Next to you I like Green Stripe best ' . EsLancia's hopes a1ainst dangerous Fountain Valley lie 1n the tandem of center Skip Williams (6-4) and forward Gary Orgill along with iU Prealnf defense. · The E11tes mU!l win to stay 1n 1 fi~place tie (in the Joss column) with the winner Of the .Corona de! Mar ~Loa ra collision. Valley Trips 73-61 Wet.zel's outfit c r 1.1 shed Fountain Valley, 74-4~. in the first round but · since then coach Dave Brown's Barons "have come on fast with four !traJght wins before Santa Ana Valley dumped them last w~ek. Williams has been especially errectlve in the scorini depart- ment lately, hlttJng for a 21.S .~verqe in the. last four 1.-. 1 A&ainlt .li'ountlln Valley, he nabliod II -· FOW!laln Valley, bowevtr, tililt<l:ttV<d aome eicellent multi from ·Ill blc man -Gary Val!Nena. J.. V1l1Mna, M. his avertaed ,Jt.o In the last four games. ~farina's showdown with An&heitn is a aevere. lest for By DAVE CEARLEY Of ftlt Ot/IY 'Ill! 1!11t A series of fourth qiiart~r fouls turned the Costa Mesa High basketball squad from a Mustang into a tame pony Tuesday night as Mesa dropped a 7S.Sl decision to Santi Ana Valley. The host Muslangs JOO from lhe opening seconds until 1:54 Jett Jn the final aUlnz.a wllen the 1Ully Falcooa puUed lo a IML edfe. u ... had led by u many as 14, polna mldw1y lhr0111h lhe second quarter, bul repealed rounns by Mualln& players and lllarp foul lhooUn& In the second Aalt by Valley plflyers whittled the lead down. The Alustangs ·held a 58.s5 edge with just over four min- utes rema ining when I h e squad's leading scorer and re- bounder Bob Austin fou led out. Valley now had a height ad- vantage but took almost two minutes lo squeak into the lead. Mesa received a pair of death blows seconds Later when Tim Salios missed a free throw in a one·and-one si tua- tion, and moments later center Pat Sweetland picked up his fillh petSOll'I. With both Austin and Sweet· laud departed, the F1llcon11' burly center, Jim Keye&, had Jlttlc dlUlculty in decimating the ~1ustancs under the boards. Keyes 1cored eight points In the final two minutes a~ Val· .Jcy out~inted Me.s;1 l!-0 in the last 3:27. The Mustangs establish«! their early lead with strong outside shooting and a tena- cious full-court press that ob- viously bothered the Falcons. vaney finally broke the press in the rinal two minutes and used fast breaks to smoth- er the Mustangs wHh field goals. · EarUer In the loop stat0n, the Falcon1 knocted Mesa OQI of tht lrvlne League lead and 1tarted the P.lusLanas Iona de- cline. The Iola gave Mm a 6-8 league mark. , The ~fuslangs were undone by the 24 fouls it committed and Valley 's completion o{ 21 of 32 free throws for a 66 per cenL mart. M""ell" hlroo-only nine of 20 from the Une. Salios, playing at reserve guard. picked up J4 pointA to lc:ad Mesa scoring, while Aus- tin was held to I I ta Illes. S1a11 Nit Vlllt7 Ott ,.. " " Ill 1 • ' It ~ ! ' u ;·;·1 li '"1• M-"II ti f, I J .. " .... ~i"' i ! Ill r:a l· ~ ,1 -· I.~ I Totth M f J1 61 k~• .. 1"li"\ lo;/: ~ V•lltr U Ii d n::li Knee Surrrerv b • For Steven8 j Saddleback College basket· C ball coach Roy Stevens is ~ recuperating In Sc. Joseph'& - Hospital in Orange following I knee surgery T u e s d a )' . a: Ste.ven1 Is expected to remain :r In th• ho!J>ltal ll>r Ille ntxl i rour days, ~ The Gaucho coach Injured JI the knee In a practice suslon Monday, . Astlstant foottNill cotch Jay RotUn wtll coach the basket• USHER'S GREEN STRIPE Since 1853 the gi)ainaJ uilit Scotch ball team In Stcvtns' absence. -----~~-------------__:_ I • • I· • -.. ' ·' • •. I I 1 I ~ • • i ; • • I I l f i • i l . l I • • • ~ • l • • • • • . l ·~' ., ' ' • ' • \ II DAILY PllOT Tritons Rout LB, 84-441 San Clemente basketball c6'k:b J~ Baker suited only e t p ayers up, but ll "'1ld not bother the Tritons, who rolled to an easy, 84-44 Crest· view League drubbing of La· auna Beach Frlday night in the winners' gym. The luckless Artists of Jer- ry Fair never saw the lead as San Clemente took the opening tipoff and fast-break· ed its way to Its sixth loop win in 13 decisions. Hea$.ly Triton playmaker Sal Lombardi triggered a first perlOO San Clemente outburst which saw the winners up by as many as 11 markers at JS.7. Alter a close first 2 ~~ of the first quarter had gone by, with San Clemente holding onty a 10-5 edge, Lombardi threw a baseline jumper in to put the count up to 12-5. Followhig a turnover by John Harbold (Laguna com· milted 13 ball control errors all nlght), Lombardi hit bac~­ court mate Rick Mason w» er the bucket for an urunolest. ed two-polhter and the Trl- tons' premium went up to 14-- 5. From that point until the end ol the half, san Clemente outscored its shorter adve r· saries 30-20 a-11d held a com· fortable 44.25 advantage go- ing Into the second half. The second haU was mere- ly consequential, with · t h e •Tri tons piling up 40 points compared to a paltry 19 for tlJe Lagunans. L ... M .. .0 { .. } ""''"' i I ~ ~ . 1 ' ' 2 2 J , ' ' l ' ' ' ' ' 2 ' 0 • e. 1 o 1 19 ~ ,1 J SM! C~ (Mt!"""' Demttllt:Nlll s l l lJ ~Cat.lln 1 1 ) lt GMllltPtl 11,IS s. L.,n,!Jt;rdl t • l ll Maw. 'J.!11 b:-remi..~1 1 • , ' MoN-1141 I f ' 1 8t_ll09 J 0 J ' Jol•ll •• '° ... I..: ... ·~ 0\11'"'1 L•_. ·~~ 11 1' • 11-u ltn CIWMnt. n 11 20 ..._... Pirate, FJC Swimmers Tie for Title Orange Coast Co1 I ege 's swim team powered ils way lo a 71-78 first. pl:lct tit with FUllenon Tuetaay in the Southern Callfomla Relays at Sanla Ana College. The Bucs, rated underdogs, topped Santa Ana, in third. with 62, and Mt. San Antonio. 36. -I Orange t:oast led ofl with a wln in the 400 medley relay in 3:52.1 with the team of Tom Reeser, Bruce Johnston. Chris Gammon and !\like Allbright. ll'ullerton w1s second and San- ta Ana third. The Dues were third in the 400 free relay behind winning Fullerton's 3:27.7. OCC took second In the 400 back behind Fullerton's 4:01.6. OCC captured the 400 but· terfly relay In 3:53.7, setUng a new school record. The old mark was 3:M.O. set In 1968. Swimming were Johnston, Paul Farr, Andy Ericson and Gammon. Fullerton wu sec- ond aqd Sanla Ana third. Fullerton captured the 800 fret In 7:11.l, with OCC second. Sanla Ana -the 400 bttastotrol<e in 4:31.7, ·with .fullertoo """'™' ' and OCC \bird. 'Ille Pirates won the 200 free relay In 1:.31.6, wllh Farr. Ertcaon, Gary Thompson and 'Allbright. - ....... ,..-. ~A~~ Prep Tennis Outlook for '76 ~ PUSH THE CLUIHEAD IACK , 1omethln• llimilar lo the lad-In lh< race fo r the learn outfit but It lsn'I sure where prospects Jransferffii t 0· E t I • Russell will fit In yet. Edison High The ·1deal/?:sltion of Im pact I UltC! a der system employed by •olf honors. Helmick feels Loara 1 1 o 11 k h h h d "coaches as a form of rot.atfon. From a group of nine Wbat's leh or coac 1 (illustration 1) as t e an 5 Coach Jim Jenner ls highly and Corona de! Mar and freshman candidates, J e fr Schinti ls only a shell or the ·leading the clubheed. This for· optlmlstlc about h1s ElitaklCla FouataiK t'aUet1 poulbiy Estancia are the Dyer Greg McCarty and Jim JV contingent thal finished se- ward positioning of the hands varsity tennis team·s chances teams lo beat with t.he relit of Torr~ appear to be on solid cond in lhc Sunset Lca~ue is set up at the start of the for an Irvine League cham· The Fountain Valley Barons the schools, c x c I u di n g footing for varsity roles. . along \\•Ith one returD1ng backswingwh.tn the hands push plonship and says he feels he finished In the middle of the Magnolia, fighting ll out for Another good prospect IS varsity letfcrm&1. theclubhead away from the ball "--l d" ·d 1 1 J Le 1 k J th f" t di 11 OJ • • C ' has the two ucsl n 1v1 ua rv ne ague tenn s pac a.st e trs vs cm. sophomore m1tr1 eorg~ The varsity monogram w1n-(illustra\ion #2). players in lhe league. sea.son, but Coach Ke ft h Helmick says, •Twe look a las. ner is Scott ~~lanagan and 1o Atlllo Rosetti, an Argenl.ine-llelmick looks for better pick· lot stronger than last year and back him up are a coup)e ;of born senior and the 1969 Jrvine ings in 1969. If these younger boys come ll1a·11ti11gto11 Beaela good prospects rro1n u,c gue singles champion, ls l·Jelmlck h as seven lei,. through, we can be expected h 1 1 . freshman team and one froi.n lo f. I h ch hi h I the Huntington Beac I{ g 1 s. _ aod the No. 2 player termen back in the fold plus tn s mu B er up 0 tlic J"u111"or varsity. ·b •· di " tennis fortunes took a sharp B b flm•""S to. be rre.sbmirn Steve a.1 enlhusiastit total· ol over 30 s ... n ngs. 1 h Up from the frosh are e-... dip lhls year after ~ar y t e hi! Mallotl, louted as one of the other boys out to help ralse Corcnia def /Jlar cnllre junior varsity al~ng Lalino. and Mike Mille r w"t'/Te ·----.-; <> Note that I emphasized the word "push" .as Opposed to "pull." In illustration #3, we see a golfer trying to pull the.clubhea.d • Q.. away from the ball. This is a bad move because it throws the · swing's proper "order of move-. ment'' out of kilter. With such a takeaw:ay, it ~' likely that the golfer will. try to· push the club· head through the hitting area with his right side, a·move that robs the swing of power· and control. Remember to. "push,' .. not "pull," the ciubhead av.:ayfrom the ball on your backsw1ng. best seven in Soul her n the Barons net status t.o higher ~·ith se\reral other outstanding Don Parker is the JV veterwi. Califomla last summer In U1e heights. A major rebuildlng job ap--~~~~~~~~~~~,.i~~------9 14-and under !]racket. ·The ~nogram winners in-pears to be In order at Coronalo HOOK UP } And, he has Steve Emery elude Im Krawczyk, Mark de.I Mar High where coach I back, who was half of the Kendall, Va1enzuela, Neil Ray Turner has only lwo With Our 'MOD' •, Emery.Jerry Winters Cet!: CrF Torr, Bob Jones, Mike and returning varsity tennis let-I doubleschamplonshipduolast MarshTopenandS!eveMiller, Jermen back. I HOOKER SHIRT year. currently a varsity cager. Tbe Sea KMgs. who've had ~ Two other varsity letter· Of the new· l> r o s Pe ct s, things their way for several Exclusively By . -.. men biick are junior Chuck Helmick lists sophomore Mark seasons, have Jost seven Masson and Monty Lew. Michelson and f.re.shrQan Joe monogram w i n n ~ r s via Up to. help out fni'1' the Shaw in the forefrooll . graduation, including Steve Hookers of the Golden West junior varsity are seniors Jones ii the only senior on Taft. . Anpy Stelnfleld, Bob, Foster Fountain Valley 's junior and Ken Neisser and Brant SSO NewPort Center Drive and .Loren Crook. ,· so phomore studded net squad. Russell, two juniors, arc t NeWport Beach e 6-i4-4633 Another out Cor the team ts only returnees. Neisser fJgures Mark Saunders, who spent last lo play singles for Tui'n er's year in Australia. swnnnnn• • g Jenner expects hls stiffest competition to come from last year's Irvine champion, "Loara. "RiJllt now I feel rather o~ Umislic but Loara will be tough and Edison C<Nld be a Area Prep V•f'lltt WH TEWALL • .. " " n I ,, ._0 ,,,.w.n.w-..,... darkhorse," says Jenner. ~:P:R:AC:T:l:C:E :P:U:T:S:PO;::W~E=R=l:NT~O:::Y:O:U:R~G~Olf~~G=.A~M~E~ll~u::rn~.P'== ... ::,=; S•~ Cltlltfftl• Cltl IA) ltMC.M Al.linnet MO Ml'Clln 1tei..-1. ll•nc:flo Altm~ IOI. Timi: 1:'2.1. • • 1· iir.clice tec;hniqu t from Arnold Palmer's bt1nd·new bootde., "Prtctice" To pt ytiur U>p:f, -'•nd 104 snd • stamP*S, re• turn envilope •rth yot1t requ11t to Arnold P1.lm1r, '/o this newsp&per. OCC Nine Loses Rustkrs Upend Gauchos, 8-7 Golden West College's baseball team recorded its third straight win or the yoong season Tuesday while Orange COast was losing its second one· run deeislon in a row. The RusUers, paced by the ba t of Wayne Kiefer, tripped Saddlebaci.., 8-7, at Golden West. OCC fell to Cypress, 6-5, in to innings. Kiefer, a second baseman. went three for three, including a double. Rex Snyder slugged a triple for the Rustlers. In the Orange Coasl loss, Cypress pushed across a nm in the 10th iMlqt on a triple and a sacrlflce Dy. The Bu cs had tied the game in the ninth ...... W.111) ,,,~,.... on a double by Mike Paul and a single by Tom Clark. Paul led the Bucs at the plate with four hits in five tries, including a double and two triples. Cypress:' Art Tor- res had a three.run homer in the seventh inning. Saddleback was scheduled to meet Cypress on the Chargers' dlamood today . The Gauchos defeated Cypress:, 6-5 on Mon· day. Bolh OCC and Golden West will compete in the Ml. San Antanio College tourney Fri- day. The Pirates meet San Bcma~ino and Golden West faces Riverside. Both games are scheduled for 10 a.m. Edison At Edi.son H1gh, tennis coach Ron .Krogh feels his learn has as good a chance aa: any to finish. in the first division in the well-baJanced 1 r v i n e League race. Krogh, who moved over from Marina, where he taught math, replaces Bob Ralston, who recenUy suffered a heart attack. Rals1.Cri1 is doing line now, but the Edison athletic depart- ment felt it would be better for Krogh to take up the duties of supervising the Charger tennis team. Krogh has a whole host of former Huntington B e a c h varsity competitors, lo gel Edison's first net season off on the right foot. Leading that aggregation are lhe Orahood brothers - Keith. Kirk and Kent. Keith and Kirk are twins and both are seniors, while junior Kent has teamed vdth Kirk in the past in doubk!s competition. Scott Lent and Jim Lynott are two other seniors who Krogh figures wlll help make up his eight man varsity. Also figuring prominently in the Edlsoh plans art junior Doug Renjl and a pair of sophomores, Rocky Whan and Chuck Price. Krogh s~ys be will ad vocate , I .. l ! : 1 1 f ' ! I J • > I j 1 0 0 0 Cage Standings t 1' g i ' ' . ' • • I ' ' ' 1 e e ' , • I ' ' . . • I • • o1t lJ I 0A8DIM GltOVI LIAOUE lttn<M Alfmltw !&Jllllt11 lolu G••nd9 G1rckn Gfcwt" Lt Olllnl1 P1cllk1 W L '" ,A &lttl SOI I I UI; "30 4SJU S1S l I a '10 l I ""5 Sl-t , ...... 511 Tw1Uy'1 kotat. ~n!I-,,, li:1ncl'lo Allmltos Sl I!~ G•u"'e ''· G1r-.., Growe J9 Lt Culnll 60, P1(1fl(1 51 , .... .,.1 01 .... 1 l!<;Lba Grinde 11 P1clfk• Gtrd"' 1Srcw1 ti Jt1ncl'lo Allmllos LI Qltlfll• Al 5-11-0µMGI Ll!AOUE WI. Pl" PA 1.01 Altmllos 13 O _. 50S Ktltlll 11 7 HOii 111 5onor1 I 6 Iii llO V11fnd1 7 I 6"6 1U ere• 5 I 74 1.cj El O..•t!lo • 9 nt '°' S-lebntl • t 531 6H Los AmltOI I n * 165 '--_,,. TvnUY'I lcor11 Tf"Dortdo $6, Lot Amleot '4 Lot Al1m!101 JS, s.tddJebtdl JI K1!elll tJ, Sonort 1) lr1• "· V1H!nc!1 •1 l"rl4tY'I 0.mlt "'" 11 k1!ell1 5'4dlttt.c• II So"°'t 1.0. Altmllo1 '' El OOrldO l"ltllEWAY l.EAGUI Surwty Hlll1 "~ F11tllrloro 1.t H1br• l.tMll l.-1 P1rk KtMedY SaVll\lll W L PP ,.A " l 1111 .~1 lO l '" 150 t 4 141 IJ6 ' • •32 930 S I IU 910 l JG 111 Ill l 10 nt ••• llD 1!J 702 r.,..,..,., •~• I.I H1br1 67. kenr>edf d 1.owo11 12. s1v1"'11 " Full..-kw! 11 , lvtM "•rk J1 Troy 11. Sunny Hiiis 11 'rN1y•1 01- S1v1n11e •' Ktnl\ldY Lt Htbrl 11 1.-H TrOY 11 Fun1rlon S11n,,., Hllh ti lut:r\11 Pt•~ ILNOt:l.U5 L!AOuli W L ,.,. ,.A St. An!lloov Plu1 X M•ltr Del Bfi.llol> Am•I St,..,.llt S!. Paul 0 I . ' ' . ' . ' . . ' T1111,1y•1 5rtf'tl Plus )I J?. Mlltr Dfl 51 St. Anthony '6, .SO.tv!to '' BlshoP Arr~! M. SI. P111l ll "•l••Y'I G•..,.s Miit' DP! ~t St. P•11I Pl\os x 11 s..-.. 111 St. Anrnon• 11 l li/IOP AITl•t CREStVlll:W LEAGUE "' "' "' ..,, »'-'II '~ .., 510 ).It .,. '" W L Pl' ,..., Villa Ptrk 11 1 981 Ill Fooltllll 9 J llQ •II Mll11on Vlrlt t ' 905 71l Or•noe 1 l tttl 121 S•n C'=mtnlt ~ 7 l?O l'l Tustin S 1 110 180 El MOdtfll l 1G 110 971 L•OUl\ll Brath 0 ll 172 IMJ TutMI••'• !ctr•• Ml1slon Vltlo ~. VIiii Ptrll tJ I Obit .. , ~n Clemtn!f IM. Lapun1 Btlcll ,4 Or1nte '2. El Modftl1 11 T-.nltlll'1 D1m1 Tus!ln"' Footll!ll 11 OCC ti p,m.J IRVJNI LIAGU'f l••• C~delM1r Ellll'ICll Cos!• Mew FOUftlllft Val~ s..,11 An1 'lllltJ 'fdl$011 MastllCllll W I. PP PA t l t1110? l lS"t?I I J 115 607 ' ' IOt '" l • 6'I 111 5 1 111 IOJ l l~J6.od J 10 '17 IOO T.,.$111,'I k~ $tMI An1 Vtlley Tl. Cosl1 Mls.t II T..i!thl't OllMI Con>N Gel Mllr at L01r1 E1l1ncl1 11 Fll\lntaln V1lllY ~~noll1 •I 5t11!1 A'1"1 Ytllt• M•onoli'1 ti !tnt1 A11e V1t1ev Mii Fr"-1. O'-i"(Jt) t. O'Ne!ll 1111 l.!wd ISi Time: 1:56.5. » FrM-1. S•Nll'I' !RI 2. tt•rrlllOl'I tltl X C.r1" (ft), Jlme1 JJ.I. 1C10 lndivid11•I Mlld!ey-1. Hlnscllet rR) J. li:oul (RD) l. 8-{RI. Time: 1:1J.2. Dlvin.-1. OIHN> (R) 2. Vkk ISi :&. Crosbr (RI. Pol(1tl: '1.JS. 100 Fl,-1. O'Neill 1111 t C)l$l)n (RI l . Moor• (llJ. Time: 1:00.$. " • 1 lCAI Frw-1 HIN(lwt (ll) 2. H1rrlwn (R) J. Stndlr tit). TlrM: S1.I. L 100 &aet-1. RD51 (RJ 2. OiltOl'I !Rl J. ~11111 (51. Tl.,..: 1:112.1. i100 Fr--l. Roni !RI 7. Smlltwr ($) J Llo\'d (S>. tr..,., •:ot.1. 100 Stu•l-1. li:OSll (RI t. 811llls {Sl :a. C1rr (JI). Time: 1:09.S. rlOO F~H ll~••-1. li:lndlo AS.mhos .. Tl..,.: 3:)1.1. C111 ) Sin Cllm1n11 !lf) OS) Jt1ncM Allmlfil 200 Medler Jtel•'I" -I. R.tl>Cho Al•· mltw. Timi: 1:5'.l. )1J(I FrH -1. T1lcott (SJ t , Wlkolt IRI 3. Med"°' (10. Tlmt: 7:12.'. 50 Free -1. McC•rlln ($) J. Mc· F.lralh (RI J. D11ebmdorltr IRI Time: u.•. 100 lndNld~•I Ml!dlty -I. l>lllSfl IR ) l . O'Neil (li:l l. Hazard S>. Tlrrle: 1:14.1 50 FIV -I D•inet II) ?. Mt:C•rlln IS) l. M(EJr1th !R). Tirne: 71.0. !DO FrH -1. Dl/fbtndorler (R) 7. Talcotl (SJ J. C•rmlc/11el tRl f lfl'f: ~.> loO l1ck -I. 8r-/lto<o tSJ l . Jor. lfn~n !Ill J. M<1d1t11 [R). Time: 30.S. loO l~t•I -1. O'Neat !RI 2. Klnst lS) l. ~ fR) Time: ~.I 1'00 Frre Rell• -l. Sin Cll!'rn<!ni1' !Vick, lulll1. Tllcott B•-h!Or>I Tlnw; l :'9.S. Area College Net Results 51"11 ~(. '· occ t NEW'71r .... _ WIDE TIRE" ' 5,... now on mis 5ft'IOOttl·ridrng luJ 4·ply rl'f'Ol'I .1. 1111 wuh the n!!W wlfl•, low look o: ll'le 10·1 I« long mii.il'jje, ·~cellent lrl<:llOl'I ard IUY ~ndlingl S!n1t1' I(---..._ ___ ,....;;;_ ___ ~ , V8n Llnot ISM) dt!. C11nnlnoh1m II ~1.>00·.'1~ $33.75 •29.50 t28.50 t 25.50 1 °6';1!' tdcct 1 der. Mortin tSMI, .. 2. R~ ~F B'liC \ l--'i.,~," .. :+-==+='-S::-O:+-:--,c-::5-::0r 2::-8:-::00c:i-:cc4 lL.41 •·7· a,15:,, 37.25 33. 3 . . Pa~oet fSM) def. Goebhlll IOCCJ. ... , 6-1. 6·!. H71·1' Wirt (!>Ml de!. Wini!" (0CC), 1·$, 1.55·1;( 6·1. F71·15 !~rg (SM) det Brl>Cll<s {OCC!, J.s, ck th . 7,75-15 40.75 36.50 34..50 30.50 33.75 29.50 28.50 25.50 uo uo "~lt1ten!1tf !OCCl dfl. L~c Che e savings G71·16 \SM!. J.1, 1·6. 1·S. • , I f-;"~·~·;•i-::.:..:=+=-::-'-t-'-:-::-::-t-:::--::::t-:-::---1 0ov.i,, on vour size. H11.1s v ... Llr191 •nd P••llet (SM) def. J, 155-15 37.25 33.50 31.50 28.00 40.75 36.50 34.50 30.50 u o uo C11n!'1\n011am Ind Oitk! COCCJ. U , &.2, .,. MMlln .,,.i Wlr• (SM) cllf. GodWll 1nd Wl.nnters IOCC I. •1. •2. LOOPtsko •nd Mutller (SMJ dlf. '"'°"' 1nc1 s11oer11111 cocci, ...... ,. uc •••1119 V\\I cn~1 Cl••-•-Mllll'I ... .. Earl O'N1!11 CUCll lie!. Oon Sroo-•e•11 ICM!. ._l. :M, 6·t. C•1l9 Ne11ao1 IUCI) def. Eric Cooltv l (CM!, 4-6, M , 6-4. G•cg J•blonskl (U(I) def. Ted Cox ICM\ •-6. "'· 6·•. Slf'Ye Teti IUC1) dei. M1•rs ICMJ.I "'· ll·t . Bob P•¥1n IUCI\ dtl. Af'lfh Cr1w·1 rord (CMI. 1-J, 6.(1, S!~t kr~eder ICM> Ml. lli<;lltrd lrlpp (UCI), 1-6. 1·5. I Doublltl o •N1lll·Ne•l•91 IUCI! ll•d Srin. .. lu· Cr•wfo<d l(Ml. ,.,, 6-1, ~II. J~b1on1k~Te11 1uco def. Cooler.Cox ICMI, d·•· 1·1. Trl1>D·P1v1n (UC\l def. Mern·Kro~ ltdt• CCM), 6·l, 1·6, 6.t. Vanauards Fall " 5oul!ltr" C11U. Clilte.1 111) 1111,11, MorOC:(O 8toe.km1n J. "'""' ltlnl<t• Sdlulh Sll~erll<'n L. Ttflor lclt 1$ O o 1 G 1 1 .s isl I ' 1 211 .! l ' I? l J l ' 4 I ' • ' I 1 U »nnn LA a1"\tl fMI Ltrd 81N<ll" -· T1y1Dr S(htlb ....... To!~lw H11111rn1:•«1-.1r. It H ,.1 ta I I 3 11 111)13 I .! 21 I l 4 11 I 1 • 1 3 ' 0 0 ' l6 ,, 11 tO All ,.;c,. plut , .... ""' Ill• otl -c.-' ID-Point BRAKE OVERHAUL : Not just a reline ... we do all this work: I. Tiepl111.-e brake linint on •ll 6. Rep~k oul.er •heel beerinp four wheels on both front wheels :!. Arc linini: for perftd contact 7. JNJpect brake. tx- with drums 8. lnsi>«l bf'llk:e Mioe ""7,,rn 3. H.ebuilt al.I 4 whef.l flllring:s cylindcn 9. Add Super Heavy Dirty ... T um and true brake drums f\ujd 5. I n!IJleCl m1u1l.er cylind<-r 10. Road lesl car • s 88 . GUARANTEED 20,000 MILES OR 2 YfAflS ~.: .. '".::.1::~":~ ----·· .... ----·------· Price for drum-type brakes On most Fords.~. Chevys, American compacts and light trvcl:.s . -·- COSTA MESA FIRESTONE STORE 475 East 17th Streat 646-2444 Mon.·Fri. I A.M.·ll :lO P.M . SA+. 8 A.M.·5 P.M. Op1n Sun. 11 le 5 Others slightly higher. HUNTINGTON BEACH FIRESTONE STORE 16171 Beach Boulevard 847-6081 Mon.·F•i.' A.M:.a l'.M. Sil. I A.M.·5 l'.M • .. C -stereo 103FM the soundS of the harbor " • ,, \ \ •, • ' • g ,. 0 )( • n -• ' 1 1 ' --------.,.------------------------------,---------------..,.--~~-------.. ---- @' Cubs I!tv•I , ed -. . 41st Midwinters Set _on; Weekend f_~uitger Skippers In Race i.· • • • • Wednesdri, hbru1u'J 18, 1970 A10~;1~a ~8.~up· Eev~l';Grow-8· ., •1 4• .. ·Ficker of!, lntrepid;~Gretel II P-oses ·'Chall~iig,e · ;·· ;, I• America's Cup ever is the· nt;w 12.-me~r ,f¥JW u.nder a11d S. \V. Wa~cinan. r.1rs. Leroy P'ranti Jr ,. n1ounting from Australia to construction Ill · Robe r -t. Aiso !ligned -0~ are Jlans Rlversld~1. CqM.: Frank E. the East Coa&t ot th& U.S. • Dtrecktor'a• yard at Mamart)-I s bran d·l .\.~l) ~-J Sc o l t llarden. Calbden, r( .. y · ; TwO young collegiate sail-First and foremost Is the neck~ f'<·.V. , McCullough, ·'~tM ·. Romagna S t an l dy ~~ rv' i:ft g 1.t-6 n • ;nu....6 4111 ·annual M"wm' ter s'·rtlng Friday are ~ean boat skippers and crews will news lhat Bil~·· Ficker of In addition to MCCullough and Carl Vaq,Dyyne . PMrovldencNe, YR.lk.: Rowbe. 1Ro1VY l 'n w wa '"' be reeelving Ule major atten· Newporl 'Beac~ has been and Syndicate M tin ager According if"jo !1.lcCuUough, nnny, ew or : r · n .. • gatta, sponsored by the Racing, A. B, C, and 0, ti h lh C 1 1 selected as the helffi.9man for Ge<lrge R. Hinman, there are the new boat 'l'-(ill have the <lP-M~ullough , ru....erslde, Conn.; •~ c 1 b' ~ c I" c 1 on wen e ongressona R C• Mc"urdy Darien ,1Jiqutherp California Yachting o um 1a • .,.,,, a""°• a -32, Intrepid, the Olin Steph~s nine veterans ef the 1967 Cup portunity to tune up in com· · · ,., , ' • 1 .... ~n...iatlon w'll m •·t 1 PCC, K-U, i<-41, K-40, Cal-40, Cup ·match racing series gets de$ianed 12.meter which suc· defense campaign -John pany with ,P;n ,Dougan's :Coon.,: Herbet~ I?•. MeJ'!'ICk, ·~~· ' 1 co "'"''1 K·38, Columbia.SS, Cal-36,,Lr under way off Long Beach ces:fully defended the Clip in Browninr;'Robert A. Connell, Columbia from Ne\vpo~t Lloyds N~~· t-f.Y.: R: J. ft aominate the yachting scene 36. Cal-34, Rhodes ·33, Shields Yachl Club March 19-22, 1967. Oavhl:tlwell Jr .. George n. Beath, Dollgan Wi,11 ship the Schaefer1 New · York: J~mes Ht'fOm San Diego . to Santa and Cal-30. Argyle Campbell, 1968-69 Almosl simultaneously ' with Hiomai\ lf.i avid Rockereller boat to the east colis.t In time . R. Shepley, New York; M.cK11e . ·~P8ra thJs weekend. First races start at II a.m. All·Amerlcan collegiate sailor olhers. besides Boettcher, are the DAILY PILOT's interview Jr .. VictOr ltomagna, \Vesl ror the prtliminarv trial$ at Sykes,. N~w york: Gilbert "' c1· 'II t·' I from Balboa Yacht Club and 'Barney Flan1, Long Bench {_ ~ v 8 to NH · w; e a _ 1011 Wt o.ae ·Pace each day. • y h Cl b Th K wilh Ficke r regardlna hi~ Saltonitalf,• \'allaaoa::il\Tobin Ill Stamford, Conn. in June. erney, enn1ng n. , .• :.-" •'ti · th I Los USO btcamethe secondyoung •.ct u : _omas . · • I w·1 •··ky Rjver OS Y m e grea er ""'-M1'dwm· ters was found-1 pl "ns for campalgru'ng lnlre-ll1'nman reports the syn· ..ee 1 son,. ·~ · .,. • "'''I Lo Be h Harbo' ed•uc -skipper lo qualify 1 a s I Fisher. Yacht Ractn& Union o " . • --·111'.se es-n& ac r In 1927 by the Los Angeles pi'd, came the news Iron\ •us-, > , dlcate has coinmitmenls for 85 01}10: and H"~rry J,. Z1e,man, b · 'of lhe weekend "'men lie defeatctl the Great Lakes; Ted Hood , n ~ M'I k w· · ~a. ut • port1<1n · · Junior Chamber of CommerC6 N y y ch c 1 b tralia u1at the Pecker Syndi· 9 SF• Stali'ol'"" percent of Its budket from the 1 wau ee: 1sc. ·~ '," giant regatta has bf'f'll -eatt .1 I "'d I S th veteran Lowell North from ew ork a 1 u : .._.., follow>'ng synd1'cate m· embers·. Launch>'ng of the new lt.-·-:;.;-1:':' i"t! • o, r ~ve op 0 u er n San Diego in a tight five·race \'Villiain J . lbs. New Orleans cate of Sydne.v has launched t? Sa_i;ita Monica Bat ~or the Callfornia as a winter sports serle"s o(f Newport. Yacht Club; Patrick \V . the new' Gretel ti which will [), j G J Perry R. Bass. Ft . 'Worth , rneter is scheduled for 1nid· first time this year. 1 paradise." The first races The h O'N 1 L h 1 IN y 1 conipete 1·0 an elimination ser-0( C l' \ta1·4 Tex.: F. Greg Bemrs, Boston, April. McCullough and Hln--N' ht 1 h<t 'II be · ot er youngster is Bu zz ea . arc 1non , , 11 d ine yac . c u'7" w1 In: -~ere sts.ged ,by the old Boettcher or California Yacht Yacht Club ; Ches Rickard, ies with a new French yacht !l.1'ass.: Thomas W. BOynton . man have fin a ~ e, ar- volved in ~,U:ft\.1tklr&fy~anza;,.1 ~ltfg-llla ,Ya_¢i~CJub and the Club who will have ii crew of Royal Vancouver Yacht Club ; for the .right to challenge for S.t\N FRANCISCO (AP) New Canaan. Conn .: Hugh range1nenl$}Or .l~e July .~d including the"H u n t n g t on on1y class was the R·Boat. . n E , Ted" T All 1 the "auld mug". All nine San Frmicisco police Cullman. ''Ne"' \'or.k. N.Y .: , August select1on · trlalS al bo Y ch Cl b · Or Santa Monica Bay Finn sailors _u , . ' urner, ·an a ~ 'II be Har . ur a t u 111 ange · The regatta has b e·i n _most of whom are also col· (Ga .) Yacht Club; Cy Gillette, Con1es now the nt\\'S from stations were ·under guard to-Briggs CUnningb~1~' Newport Ne1~1>0rt. R.I. The f>9at W1 " County. Other clubs are Los cancelled only once because of legians. , Haivaii Yacht Racing Associ3. Ne'A' York that Robert w. day as investigators probed Beach. Calif.: Reynolds du berthed al Newport Shipyard Angeles Yacht Club, AlamJt-Os weather. In 1~ all three Wilh the qualificalion of tiun. Thomas E. Hazelhurst of r.1cCullough, head of the 121u·s the inysterious Park Station Pont. Wilmington. ~j.;,'Pavid and lhe cre\t· will be quart~re<l Bay Yacht Cltib, Cabrillo ' rJices ·\vere cancelled, and in Carnpbe\J, the ros_ler of !O East Gr~nwic~ Yacht Club is 24 Syndicate. Jlas selected the bombing which wounCled seven Elwell Sr .. Pe\ham;"N:?.; T .. ln a large _1 ~ouse on Gibbs Beactf Yacht Club, Long 1968 only th! Sunday races k' 1 1 Th th r t It t roster of men -who will man officers, one critically. -K. f'ishcr. Detroit Mich.: Avenue. Beach Yacht Club, Seal Beach . were cance~. The rea:attasi...:'1'p~peirisiiiwiai' i"~m~p~eie~.iii~'iii~e~>r~s~a~e~r~n~• ~ejj. jjiijjiijjiijjii~~~~· ~~~~~~~iiiiiiii~~;jjji~jjijjiiiii;;;;;~·~· ··~·· ;;;;;;i;;;';';;~· Yacht Club, Lljtle Ships Fleet have been• held e'(ary year ex-I of Long Beach, King Harbor cept during the World War n · ' chl ·c1ub :.rid Californi& y'ears· 1943-l!M.6. achl Club. • The regatta has' grown In re. Although ttii: rega.ua las.Pf cent y$rs tor the point that three da)'.1l. Los Angeles Y;tqt)f 1,000 sailboats show up on the Club will'.~Jlle only C,ll!,b·'!'at starting• lines'.' 'I1le event also handles raclng on Friday, pro-• features prtd!Cted log racing vidl.ng qqQ race. eacb-day for for powerboats. some ~ larje·,'bo8t ~ Wl{h lhe spreading of the The ott,~clj}bs 'bave s~W-re~atta to .Sant~ ·Monica B_ay ed two l'ICel· on Satirrday'1and this yeai: 1t Is predicted tfil,f. <1ne on Suiida)\ r ' · as many as 1.100 boats may Classes ritdng at U.,c participate. BeallyTongh ' Sailnr Battles Aussies i'ioger, Wfil~ of' Voyagers l8s 1tave commercial names and Newport Harbor Yacht and 'are e o In tn e r·c Ja l l y Clu b .is accuston:ied lo CS>Dl: sponsored ....... 8nd were amon1 petition·· in the -lrigl}ly <l<'IP: the 13 s1'rf.ers in the world Pftitive;.I~e,rnatlqnal-~t Class.' • champiOnship. · ~ The rict t.h!lt be is µa~o·~' ... ; In addltio~ 19 t~e U.S. crewt . com~Ution 1:i: .. ~dent-hl·iltt'!l lhe co~testants, included four fact '~ ·he is-. th.i; cuijeni boats !1leh ~rom Queensland, PacifiC r Coast ··a~ ihatiM&t New Zealand and· New South champion f,1 the class. Wales (Sydney). ~~\\'.elsh'.t affinity for high . "S~ling ~~wn there is out .. of ~ r f.o r Ill a p·c e ·sailboats \bts world, said Welsb. It ~ecenily4ed him inltt the-wfld was blowing a good 20 knots ustra1ian·l8 dinghy in which on Saturday and wete almost C found that competition and equally as good throughout the ltt¥! J)hysicar act Of s8i1iiig Was regatta:" -;-.-: . -.- file mqre Qe,tqan~g,... .. It . V>'a_s .during the breezy fllOse r· guys · are · · reany· \1Sinutday i;ace :Utal W'e_fsb and th!'' was Welsh~s aWed rus crew ~ a dunking when !. nt-'-n~his .•return iP-1'".the~t: .Car,iaeit •while the • ~ Tuesday' ffoip fhe .tmw ~ere, trYin1 {o ~ th~ ·e-1~1WOfla tjJamplo~l;li~.i' volullllnous ,,,~ p I n n,a k e·r •. · ycbiey; Australia'. ~ecause of their trimendoos ·As a newcomer to the class sail area capslzlni 1$ not lasd Ure first American to ever imusual for the Australian-!8s. J&pipete in the 18·footers, The crew or four oft~n have tC> llVelsh came out of the world take to the trapezes to keep !championship down under in a the boats upright in a breeze. ~espe<:table fourth place. He The . winn.er of' the world riished second In the finil champ1onsh1p was H u g h ace on Sunday, and might Trehorne of New South Wales ave come off better in the in lhe boat Thomas Cameron. overall standings except for a Second was Willy &, skippered f.capsizing in Saturday's race. by Rod Zemoonek and third -Welsh and his Newport crew was Corrigan 's Express, with of Bob Rollins, Andy Gram Jr. Vic Robinson. All firs t three ~d John Slattebo sailed the boats were from Ne.w South TraveLodge 'USA-all Aussie· Wales. ' Federal Boat License Gets Panel Opposition The Motorboat and Yachl Advisory Panel o! .. Ple U.S. Coast oUard:and ,the Advisory Panel of.. State,Offlcials met .jn \\lashlng\Ol'I recently ahd }lls5- ed on to the Coast Guard 8' series of recommendations concerning the proposed Federal Boat Safety Act (5· Jack Baillie 1 Wins Race In Newsboy 3199), one of which was con- firmation of the Coast Guard's po~itiiln opp<J!ing compulsory federal boil, oj:>erator licens- ing. The joint session was brief- ed on the proposed, act by Rear Adm . JOseph J . McClelland, chief of lhe Office of Boating Safety prior to sub- pa·nel meetingson specilic pro- ylslons of the pending sa.fety bill. The four sub-panels discuss- ed composjtion, organlr:alion, and procedures of the Boating Sarcty Advisory C o u n c I I , which would act as consultants to the commandant of the =Jack Baillie's Ne'wsbby was C'oast Guard 'oriboatins safety th e Class A winner in Los matter's : principles ilnd pro- Angeles Yacht Club's Opening cedures to implement the boat Day Regattil last weekend. and .associated equipment Baillie l'ialled under the burgc e standatds program: Pf®e- of LAYC but is also a member durer lo coot.dinate a .national and rear commodore o f boetln& safety educaUon pro- llalboa. Yacht ~----· gram, and revi4w ,of the eo..st Final · results or the regatta: Guai'd l50siti0ii ·-on fedetat OVERALL - (1). El Tigre. motorboat operator licenslna. n. Peterson, Cabri Uo Beach Recommendations of the YC: (2} Ade1anle\ Jim Marlin, sub-panels were as follows : LAYC:. (3) Sa vita r , L. Confinnallon of the Coast Powell, CBYC. Guard position that.the federal CLASS A -(I) Newsboy: government should'not at this fl) Jubilation, Harry Steward . lime set up a CompulSory LAYC; (3) Westward. Willard licensing program . I, L/,YC. Membership on the 1Boating SS B -( 1 l Sum· Safety Advisory C o u n c 11 · d, Richard M e in e . should be drawn from the . ;· (2) P: • r s e p h on e . Advisory Pantl of Sfal.e, ·or- •', c)Pirtllb, l.lYC; (I) ~ 11)Cl ~l\t Motorlioa\ ang ' N!l'.!her.. l)lan • i. Yacl\f'lid~·P~nel; .: ' •• IJ>.YO .. , t;· ,f" • --COOUnued lffimc support or e ~ (ll Soll!IW.' t~-Amart~•· Ji0at ''1!!1 )'•<Ill ~. ~A \f(l, ·(J) Wlilm• ~I aa lh• biol thann11fot s JI .• 8~'11oPrl. LAVC, . "l•IY 1tandardl dev~lopnient. r '<!tltUs, WrjJb~I w,min, > ~ bQl -route fo lol)l>w Jn LA YC. an education program is to CLASS D -ti) El Tlgrc; reach more peopl~ with boat (2) AdclantC?: (3) Savilar. handling and safety courses. ' '' . . OPEN DAILY 10 AM TO 10 PM ~•x SPRINT ST . • PlllR Q:µss llLT!D WITH POLYlSTU CORD OVIR-61/s~ INCH WIDE ll• .... ! 'Wtolk-11! ., ... , ... ""'' 2 ... l!ldM RI SLONE '· •• ,f ~,~,-;: . - WIDE OVAL WMTT,W.l.ll 01'<' Plr. r.1~ 1VMlll~· .. ' I • l.l.l '"' ; ··1.1.c11 IACll 0711-1• ("'" '" ••• 110.14 •7.JJ) ... T.41 170.14 11.11 .,. "" •10-11 17,71) --r.;;-- ·•7 .. 14 !1.Ul . ?.H "' --•111.1111.u ... MJ0.14 11.JJ ' tJJ C'·" 1111141{11.J!) -.:0 .. . . - FISK IAMP IATTERY CHARGER 3•• l\<'"P' \·r.11r 1>11tt l't\' in ttJ~ f't1n11\· l'ti" lnr ')Uitk •Ultl" .\utr.m1uic Cltt~U iL ltrea.k4r "llh IOnlf l.Otd. •Hi·:!IO,J • SUN. 10 TO 7 :r!SK CUSTOM, 240 • 4-PLY NYLON COltD TUllllSS • STANDARD TRIAD DISIGN • Dll'INDAILI lCONOMY Till 4.111-IJ , • ar.,it;,..11, Totlo1lu• l'lu• 1.11 F1Hr•I l1c1>1 l•• GOOD . . 1 D,000 MIU GUARANTEE llTTIR 20,000 MILE GUARANTEE llST 40;000 MILE GUARANTEE JS~' ,,_ •• 2411 LUBE-OIL .. SPECIAL 88 !nclul1e~: Four quarts of oil 20 .l 3fhv rilu~ lubdcallAn. Pnck 2 Iron! hr Brini;:s most c1LJ•s-e;x!Jl'p\ ~J.ic b1:akrs --. IY Al'l'OINTMIHT ONLY .,,"'TIRE PUMP ff C 1'~ EXPIRES SUN. FEI. 22, '70 , 151( BAnERIES LUG-WRENCH 88C 3l·l21J ... _ -----·· ' . !HESE SPE,c.1A~S ,:.~9.0D AT THE~~E .~P~"11~.N'S ~~~v .. ,,,. .? ': ~:· Wi~TM!MS~R --~ .. 1 B~ENA. ;PAR!('~·' ·:··· ~~~~;~. ;~YQ~ff:'.~l's~J·"'.;~;~1~f!·._~~ ~~~~~ UHO lhch 11"."' Mc""tr' Slll..Llocoln An.~· ValUj ¥low Ull '~h 11,w.•.i;iu1.,1~ •f;.i1'9\ ,,, ~r W!: '!t'f,110t~ 'f. 1 .. ( 1 ,04 ,Nl~tf'.,.~ ,,(, . -••2-10.~-• 126'.sabr •. , "12:i-i0110 .\ ' · ' 541-~ · , ;1 : "'. · 546·7hi· '.' .i ••• r, -' . ·-·---~1 ' -----,_,;..."1,-1 ~\··: ~t..~ .. ·l .. ~' • • • I ' • . • ' ' • . J :1 ' J • • • 1 • • i l ! ' f l • I ' I l l • ' ·1 • ' • ' • ' l ' • ( . I ' . • ' • • • • I • ,n DAll.Y PILOT •: .. ,,. ... .. .. ., . ' . '· . .. "' ... . ' s ,., ' '.', .. '·;· . ·r. ' . ,.~ .. .. ' . ·----... "· I I w • • • ,. ! • • •• " ~~ .,. • •• l ' v ~ t • ' l ,• I l 1 • •• . • .. "' ··~:· ' ' ' • .~ f • ·A' • t • ~ • •• • ' " '• • -· ' -· • { • " • . • ' • :I :j 1 :1 l • ~ ! • l I • • • I ' I l • • ! • t • • . • • • I • l ' I • • • • • I • ' ,. ' • • .' • 22 DAILY PILOT TUMBLEWEEDS WtdntsdaJ', February 18, 1970 I By Tom K. Ryan SALLY BANANAS ' __'.P~E~A~N~U~TS~~~B~y~C~h~a~rle~slM~. ~Sc~h~ulz~~~P~LA~IN JANE AU. "THREE NE1100RK5 AflE CARRl'tN6 IT, .. IT'5 A VEIN ,l\OVI~ CER£J~ ... "THE ltlAU6llOOKIN aw/(p{ •• 5NOOl'I' 15 0EIN6 StlKlRN IN AS TiiE ~UJ II l-IEAD 6EAGLE. TELEVISION VIEWS TV Recalls Kenncdys Sy RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -This is <he eighth year I've been reviewing television, and iI anyone asked me to name the l\YO most memorable video events in that time. I \vould have to say lhey both involved the Kennedy family. The single most overriding happening, to me, was tbe la te President Kennedy's brief television talk lo the nation in which he said we were going to face dovvn Ru ssia in the Cuban missile crisis. Though there have been more overtly dramatic and tragic video events concerning individuals, there wa s nothing to compare with the chilling reality of Kennedy's speerh, for he was saying that we might have to go to war. And that meant nuclear war. NOTHING COULD compare with the impact of J.hat video .speech. because .it aUected every man, \Yoman and child in the nation. and perhaps the world. There have been assassinations reported on television, but at no other time was there the threat that all Americans might be facing the possibility o! death. The speech hit home like a sledgehammer. I re- member that in the apartment building in which I then lived, people rushed out to the market to buy supplies and store them in a basement apartment, harboring the absurdl y naive belief that if nuclear bombs came. it mi~ht be poss ible to be safe -or ?l least suryive -1n a low-level shelter. The build-1 1ng was made of stucco and wood. Some chance. THE OTHER television memory that sticks ~ost 1:n my mind 'vas that horrible California night m \Vhtch Robert Kennedy 'vas shot fatally in the Ambassador llotel in ,Los Angeles moments after his speech marking victory in the state presidential primary. Jn all ol video's history. there never has been. more purely dramatic and monumentally t~ag1c footage. For '"hat \Vas happening was seen live. And even in the assassination of President Ken- nedy, \Ve onl y saw \Vhat happened afler the actual event. until later reruns. I hflve seen the Robert Kennedy shooting foot- age several tlmes in its entirety -the Screaming faces, the \\'ailin g of adults and youngsters the aw- ful breakdo,vn o[ humanity -and I almo~t cannot bea'. it.. It is like seeing a Breughel painting come t<! lt!e 1n a modern hell. And t~at is why J really d1dn t want to \\·citch Lhc OO-m1nute documentary .. The Journey of Robert F. Kennedy" on ABC-TV Tuesday night. The ending would have to sho\v that footage. IT DID, of course. and it \vas unbearable again but something that one should al\vays remember'. 'fhe prc:>gram itsel f \Ya s a tribute 1nore than tough iourna!Li;m, but that's all right. It stuck to its pur- pose end succeeded. There '"as-noth ing espcciallv new or freshly illuminalins:. but <1 tale retold 'veil for posterity -.a so rt or visual su1nming up of the man. And that is a reasonable project. Deiinis th.e Mettace ---~---~-----------..lly....John Miles . JUDGE PARKER STEVE ROPER "'·""~ -• WE MADE OUR PE.Al. fl L e XPLAIM nw WTTli TJ.IE DOL.L, LATER, NOMAD/ MISTER/-MOW }~:Sic~;;­COME YOU PAY US'? I MUTI AND JEFF "'fMESE PIU.S wu .. LRE.UEVE -n1E PAIN/ ••• if.IE t>OclOR 115 CHECKING YOU~ X RAY'S! GORDO )IJEA.JJllJW:UL ! MIMN/Nt,/FVJ..f 7'/l'Y til!fZE O{J!RWORK. THAT WORD Tl/llSE DAYS/ fTIS ALL 1 Rl';AO r Tl/[,Y • /.PPEAJ. !'OR ~lE;J.N/}J()F<J~- t-18 MISS PEACH t i ! THE TROUlllf; IS, THE SOYS OON'T REGA~t> US AS FEMININE . UNTIL TMEY l)O, WE'RE STU<X WITH ONE ANCTHfll. 51-iE FOR.GOT TO GIVE. ME A GLASS OF WATER. TO TAKE THESE P1U.S WITH! I'LL. GET '1tllJ WATER! GULP, GU!...P.' I EViN' USE lllV MOTHER'S PEl"FUM1" ON<.& .. ,. WHILE, By Harold Le Doux -By Al Smith By MeU By Charles Barsotti e..i.~ Yo«~ f't+1 <' 0<4. ;,... ,.,p.~ I W E DN E SD .~Y RIRUARY 18 r : r •, 1 " (, ,, : m GEORGE SEGAL-CONNIE. * STEVENS 8:30 PM KTTV • m D1vW Frnt Show <ti (90) ! , IEJ 1\e Ill Y•lleJ (C) (60) llil"'-(30) " &.'111 IJ Mr ._ (t) (60) JerlY Dunplly. 1~5 G 11tncenno1 (30) ., . ._..., (C) (30) Ill-• •--CCJ-12\1-111) ----" 0. lfkn"' """""' e,11., ~ IJ MONSANfO NIGHT pre·_, B1lllmort. T•ped prnt. * 1ents the exciting D "THE VICTORS"-Part I * GEORGE HAMILTON! · a.-....... -,.,.,,,. _,,,. P11t I (d11rA1) 'ss-Gtortt H1mltton. Glofp P19p.1nl. Ylnc:tnt Edwards, Albert Rnlll!Y, a Wallacl. Ju111111 Mm111, EU Somtw. lljUld of Amtric.ln krf111t1J llllfl ii Wo11d W1r 11 flchl u.lr thflltlP t1aty Md f"nta nd rhlcl JIM ,ion, ttil .,., eo.ctllllllll #lowft IOlllOmlW It 6 ,.. 0 Diel Vu lrfli (30) m"" "-cci C30l m Star"Trft (t) (W) 1111 Cil ... -(Cl (30) fll-•-CRJ fD Wlllt'1 Ntw1 (30) A l'Dllnt: Ma- kin bof a1rthll for tilt Pll INl P1M:llo VIiii, which WIS IOld bJ '"""" GIHJl CIS -CCl (30) IE hlilll Citnl (30) Q) ..... (C) (60) Jack Whitt, ~ .. Ill I--(!OJ (RJ "'°ID""' -• !Cl 160! 0"' ..... -(C) (30) m"' , .......... <C> (30) C!Jl(J)""' -(!OJ Anne Bancroft Special With cu est stars too. ~" ID Q!ClJ 119{!&1 Aaftl1, lht: W.11111 1i U. Lilt of a Mlfl (CJ (60) Annt &nctoft will act clOWI\: lin1 ind dlnct on l'lef sped1!, flj tJ1lli11C llQlts of het lllent uldl ffOlll Jtralfht ctr.m1tic ldillJ. Aiti ' wilh lier will ba 1uall~ , r.aoD, Robfit Merrill, MINr -• ,,, D..W SUW:!nd. Jiet ca ... .W,, DIQ 91*"11, John Mt<ilv« aM. Diel SMotflm ~ .. " II KRAFT MUSIC HALL .. * Petula Clark Anthony Newley o Q:i m m "'" •"" ..,1 !Cl' CDO) Petiif1 Cl1rt b hll$teu. An:. thonJ' NIWley and to11 Rlwl1 (UIS!, OC11111plon•1p Wmtf1111 (C) (60)· o lfflm m"'"' ..,. """' if) ('ro)ViW C.11, Jimmie Rodie~~ ind .1errJ let Lewis ruest. tD Nin In l'lf'$JlldlVt ~ al lo• dt Mulcl (60) ' ' . 1:15 U) How Tl Mlr!J I M!Hloll1i11 (30)" 1!30 O 11 .. (C) (30) Balter W114. m11 n -.... (C) (3~ ... ta Cil H•~ <C> (30) 1:45 EB PSA n111 fI!l lutn Tq (30) Sum1's cir breaks down 1n~ S.rbsr1'1 p11r111 lll:tll IJ a([) Hn1il f-.0 (C) (60) b~mt1 lost. Alu IOtt on • $hop. McGarrlfl ind his te1m l~estlp ... pine S?rH. tile dbappe1r11iee of 1 tamoU1 rio 9 ([I Tlll M•stm (30) surch scltnlilt who had betn du~ QI lhtldlre 34 (C) (60) ln!1t believln1 he shot 1 min. fD DIR """ (C) (30) Ch1r1u Aldman ind Pilar Se111ti 1:45 f.B n11 •• """' tR) 7,00 D CIS ...... -CC) (3~ 0 ...... ., ""' (C) (30) m I U.. "'1 (30) Ill loot ... Clod (C) (30) fl)C1111Mdfty/Mlltall Fllld (30) C!JCiJ'"""'I CC) '""' o @rnm""""',._, (t) (60) "Tht MDUntlln. .. JamK W11itmor1 cuut• u an •rln1 •u- lllor wM turns • mounlll• dilli Into 1 comPIOOvt Miii IMtwl{li h!l!lllll •rid Bll)MOll. fEl Alloni! (30) I Qt{[) Tl'ltll •r Ctaiq11enc.11 (t) a;) W1ndtrluat (C) (.30) nm .... cci '"" o @rnm Enttfi:.t Mu•!Mf. dl114; (C) (60) Paul Ankl, PhU Sil· Vtrl. Miiiicent M1ttln, D•n• YllelJ 1111Sl • 0 Dtlltl (CJ (60) m ""7 M .. 11 (60) Q) n.t IM C<J (30) ED tto!HWOOCI (C) (30) "Porlralt. of lndl1." (R) 7:30 8 a (I) H• 11n (C) (60) Merl• QI D rlllrt Ctrnlcl (30) H1u1rd, HeftlOn C.rcill, Timmy Wynett1 auest 10-.JO ft) I lf1¢1j\~ I Sta. CllllWIM: l n ~ @m n. Ylrlfllli (C) Frend! Ltatnd 1c1 <JO) A look ., (90) "Ho w1r for tilt Wirrlor." A th~ fr1nch town of Ste. GeneviM , )'OUnl tndiln brm (Ch1r1es Rob· M111DUrt. lflll)n) t1W !l(1111 will! Shlloll m CylllMI (30') wr1nsfm whll1 nHln1 whit• 111- ttw.rttle1 ind tub$11Quentlr lnvolvn 11;0011 O DID Jltn <t> j Jim Horn in 1 -.:ind nc1pt, •n· O Tiii W......,. d1n1erln1 Jim's HFt. Henry Jones 0 Movlr. "'Drum J 1tit ind Chtrln Aldm111 1!so luesl Solllll" (;~ttnture~ .;, _ Jamt\ 0 irn {})EE Jl•llllJ' ind Hit rr. Cr1IL Guy M1dl10n. · 1 ... CCI <30l ''Th• Astronomers." ID !lutch tctld1nt1lly dbcawlrs 1 comet hfloA rl1C9 Ind becomes 1 ctltbritJ, to th1 C!J Ht 5.tld, SM Slld CC} {30) c111,..1n ot eldlr brothtr Htl, • @(])ID rn IS(})""" CCI ltfious Mtrunomw. Stm Jllfe ED Na .1ount11 (R) ''Who lrrrittcf I~ Us?'' 0 Mllllot1 $ JMM: (C) ..,. rlull· ill mm Ntw1 (C) Mrll'I" (wnttm) ·~Jeff Ct11nd· ler, Jolin Sixon. Jl:lS @(f.lC!ntm1 SMnletn: "Apart· ID Tnrtll • Cmeot111nces (C) (30) ment ror Pe110." • m M1Jor Adlm1 (60) tB Tldmlell C«1* (JO) 11:30 D a(() MWI liritnn (C) Merv £D lrfodlrll Slrplnblo11 Pnrf• ~) G1!Hl11 lllfitNiaws somt ol lht lndl· (31)) (R) 1n1 oct~Prl"I th• lsl1nd al Alt•ftft iE Cru 4I AIMil' 130) In Sin Fr111Cisc:o B,y, ,• ''"a ~m m no ...,,.,, " [ddli'l lit!Mr (C) (JO) ..... five. Poulld Monkey on His stornKh." Eddlt't sen11 of mponsillllity lietps Nomlln Tln~lf on 1 dltt lit Meds but donn't re1li, Wint m Tl Tll Hit Tf'ldl (t) (30) fl) W• .. • ,_. tM M1rbt (R) m"' ,...,.. s.p ,.., cRJ e-c30> I us mom..""'""""" c30> CRl "'° IJ !lt Cl)"" -....... {C) (lO)Sflorty Is Mllrltd -y 11'111- ltkl to Drpdtlt's btlirtlrul bln• teerltll'J (Btttln1 Brenn1), ind thl bin• 111d tt11 Cl1mpttts t1J fOt 1n 1nn111mtnt O ~@ m>ohnnr c.,.. (C) 0 MOTlt: "T1 Esch His Own-' (d11m.1) '4&-0!ivii de Havillaftdi Jof!n Lund. . Q m Dick Cmtt Show (C) m Mt'tlt: "Piner Ciive s S11ektr tll lrt11 lrt•.,. {comedy) '41-W. Q. nelds, G!ori1 Ju11, Leon Errol. m Movie: "Boolfllrlnr" (rnydery~ '47-01"1 Andrewa, J•111 Wyatt, L91 J. Cqbb. 1:00 B Movie: "Hllh Hall" (dr1m1) ·5&-.tohn Duft, Eltine Stew1rt. C!I 0 NIWI (C) tD AN.atlpt Slttr. "A Wtlk Jft th1 Sun," "The Dummy Ttlks," ''Thi HNrt of tlle Mitter." (D Actloll Thtltrt: "MISiliOI\ In Mo- rocai." Ill ........ (t) (30) o tl7J rn GD lhHI 22% (t) (3Q) 2:00 0 Comm11ntly lufletln lotrd (C) "lit!Dli:~llt Mdntyra objects wht~ R1tpll. • ll:11dlnl lit DUoa'a 1dult 2:30 tJ lkws/Qlv1 Ua This Dty (C) THURSDAY . DAYTIME MOVIES WR-"'Ii<" C-' ~ Wetltt. "'!!CJ' Gulld. I llHI) ''t-Jtme1 MISlln, -.,,~ Todd. 1%:30 0 "l'rll C.U. Ai•lnst Mta. AIMI" (mysl•ll) '36--Geotp Brent. Mtd· t11!n1 C.milt. l:JO ID Movie: "The Endl1nt.1 Cott.rt" {dr1 mt) '4>-ftobvt Vouna. Doro- thy McGuire, Htrbtrt M11111&1L , I .. • ' I • / I .. • ' • "" WHMsdQ', Ftbrua.., 18, 1970 DAILY ,fLOT ii '-'4 ~-"ilahle fnr An¥One -as--PaclLRanger_,.._. Eew • -~en-ing, • By JOYCE LAIN free career literaturt. Addreu need a Job. 1'allk 1ou." stance, West em Union, RCA While the Labor Department In eledtonlcl. Manu!1cturtr1 that specialize In repairs to a your reques& on a post card to Thanks not to me but to tbe Glob1I Communlc1Uons, ITI' hu no data to 1ubltanUate it, ol teletype equipment usually variety of compUc1ted equl~ d\tlonal ma.\ufaclurera cen be found In "Thomas ReaiJter. Volumn VJ" (In a llbrirJ) u n d e r "teletypewriter ap- paratus." "l'lelle wrt&e aMU beHm; me al tbls Dh'llplper. U.S. Depart.menl. of ·Labot'a V! or Id Com murUcaUons, it appe.f.r1 that the employ-maintain tbelr own IChools but mimt arc someUme1 used to 1111 • park rupr. 1• 6li OCcupaUoaal OUlook Service rallroada, trucking Ii rm s 1 ment ouijook for operators ls the schools ve not usually service equipment. career fPA to womeo?" ' "I woal4 like t. '"·tM for providing this ·1DS.ft:et.' alrltnel, etc. not ptrlicularly promlslng, open to tht publlc. Flnns FO R . ADDl'nONAt lN- Yes, women can beeome caretn of teltlype openttr TBLrt'YPE OPERATORS ·SI.nee teletype work ls not since maro> of these jobs are purchasln& teletype equipment FORl\olAnON -Check • park rangers ln "the National and teletype rep al rm a 1 Cwomin predomlbale) ar e always suficlent to occupy one expectid to b ·~F om e m... will uaually look to the large city's yelk>w ~ges ~Uq Lain w1leo1111t 'your Park SerVlce but few ope.nlngs dl1C1&1Nd: WW • ctmPlfla employed In a very wttle person full-time (particularly creaslnglj' automated. distributor for repair services ltilephone directory under eareer tople>-1uu-• tor are available for men or •tre tlteM ....Un? My -. variety ot I n d u at r I e s , r.1 smaller flnna ), operators TELETYPE REPAIRMEN or else send one of lhttr own "telegraph companies" aJ>d uH tn Ulla coli.nDa but recrtta women. Currently there are took tldt., ta tM Ar9J ad partJculary lri communications are often expected to handle need mechanical or electrical men to the manufacturer's "telegraph and Le.letypewriter tit.at lbe volume of.mall mMa about IOO rana:m in 278 park ~ wtJI bl N&wiabil -Md and transportalioii; for in· . other clerical jobs u well. ei:peritnce or a good apUtude school to learn. Oublde firms apparatus." Names of ad-penonal replles lmpo1slble. areas. Becauae ~ Fedefat.~'--~~~~-"--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ budget cuta, only about 30 or 40 new rangers are llkely·to be hired each year for the next few years. PARK RANGERS have the opportunity lo live and work amid Amuica's most in- spiring scenes. to take part in · the -responsible task o f preserving the Nation;s. scenic and historical resources, and to assist people h1 their use and enjoyment of our National Parks which extend from ' as a o ligin islands, and from Hawaii to Maine. A RANGER NEEDS a bachelor's degree with 24 houn of coureework in one of the following : natural science, hist.ry, archeology, police science, park and recreation riianagement, or hl areu closely related to par k managemtnt; or three years of appropriate park or con- servaUon experltnce. H e usually starts as a GA-S <'6.171 to $8.030), and can pro- gress to a GS-12 or GS-13 ($13,389 to llQ,555 ). Park superintendeol5 are generally rated GS-11 lo GS-15 ($11,233 lo 128,069). All new rangers now spend a year in Washington.. D.C. for training with special emphasis or urban activities. More openings exist for park technician s and park policemen which require only two years o( college, or ap- propriate experience. FOR M 0 R E INFOR· ~IATION: The Natio nal Park Service will send )'O\l Grief Adds To Feeling Of Guilt By Peter J. Sttlncroba, MD Two five-letter words that begin with G.: Grief and Guilt. The similarity does not end there. In my practice I have observed the two are often in- distinguishable. When a famlly member dies the grief of the survivors is intensified when gultt feelings prevail. Jt ls for this reason I tell DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE family membe ra to be patient with those who are sick. It is so easy to begin to believe t h e y are hypochondriacs "always complaining." MANY A really sick man or woman or youn11ter bu II.id to me, "I wlsh 1 could 10 off In ;i corner and mffer aklne. A dog or cat does it. Why can't It "Whenever I grunt because r'm in pain, or keep quiet because I'm nervous o r depressed, they're boWld to say, snap out of it. All you're doing is complaining lately." Dear Dr. Steincrohn: For years I called my husband a lazy lout because he wouldn't help around the house. He us- ed to do so but quit. Not until he died did I learn that he had been suHering from angina, which he kept from me so I wouldn 't worry. Losing him was bad enough. But a few years have gone-bf and T still can't live with myself because of my guUt feellnp. How I hounded !be poor man. Wby won't wives (and husbandl) realile that It's po581ble !be Other may be sick -and not Just lazy. or a com- plainer! ..... Mn:. A. DEAR DR. Sl'EINCROHN: I like my golf. I like to bowl. I like to work 1n our garden. But I 1'0!lder ii l ibould-contlnue. n.rtng a' rOUUne X-ray Jn. veatlgaUon the d o c t o r dlscovered tbit I have a small hlalal bernta. It doesn't botber me. I ha'" no iymptoms. lkit what woma ma 11 that I - alte II tarpr by uerllnc· I orgot ,to ask wr doctor. What yoti think! -Mr. G. COMMENT: Once I "'111e • k (now out ol print) ailed OUR LIFE TO ENJOY. So I y to you, ENJOY! ENJOY! I don't see how modente er&e. would In a.oy ••Y sen a h11tal hern!1. Now if went In for he1vy wellht- llna.-that would be ethln& el11 qaln.·lnciden- ' -tnlnl It tloof (With th cloaed) 11 1nothtr Jn. cUon. .. I Ill I I It I 1_ 11 ... Colgate 100. Vitalis ".).~ Dial AE1tosoL DIODOltANT Ccmscade tor · HAIRDRESSING · hr ht!\ ~II · Y1u11n1111t111 it p II w11I. 1.11 12 11. Si11 . KHJS lllr tut 111· ilJ WiliHt lfHll • 1.25 7 11. Si11 '-==i J11t '" '"" -·· r J•• 1ic1 h •• 1111" au ••r! 1.11111:si11 Sp at1111 ilih11 ev111 in bar• wat1rl t111t Sl11 "Iii Roll" ••. Starjy, S1por Abmi11t ••• As1orttd Colors and Decorated BARS AsslrtM .. ,. 31c 11111 Sill Bars . 3·:$_1. -- D1Lux1 Mixed Nuts ., llWMC. ... li&hlly Slllld Casllews, Brazils. Al•o•ds, Pecaas •~d F11bertt ,., NO Peruts! •• ,.1.11 gee 11 eL C11 79·c to!feiluw for Spring D,...,.._ ....... A. w11s· Blouse hly way you wear tilem •.• tile look of separates is "together" for Spring. Panis, sl•t~ blouses ••• we have tilem all , easy-to-<are-for Polyesters that need no ironing. Slee-eless. mock lurtle neck· 3 59 fine ••• 1n-«.aui souare cul llotlola. ~ ailorS: and . s~ Siles S-M-t. • 11. · B. uD1n· Capri , ,.11 Ass'l fashionable double lnit 51'''98 J1i11ts made for C(lmlOl'lahle fit RibbtO style material w/zip.up back & button.AS& 'I solid colors. • II. c. lADflS' Skirt I fl1ttu ywr '~ •>th 11' 4 98 llir~ ..• ZIP.Ill' bitk will! self saSll lie in frllflt or back. A!:s't ~ohd colors. Srtl!S 8·15. • •L D. LADllS' Culotte Ready lor fun & actiGA. Smartly 4 styled t<r tbe air! on-the·so. 98 Self·lll ~. liii back in fltf~· t1ve soHtl alars. Sites 8·16. • 11. E .. LAD11s•Top • l!'s ~ !ISJ to look petty in l~e ~coop aetk in ner.oulter! Slvtrt sleeYeS in~ sot1d.> •rid S\/ipes. Sizes S·M·L. 3.98, .. I '111111111 KAL KAN . Bits'o Tuna All red mut fer your cat! 5 Dl. C1ns --~ ""1111£ I B c I "Fling" suPPOtr Nylons Go' IQff!flete il'I sheer • comfort ••• !inn.support la5ls all ~Y -all e'l9· I A1ng -doesn't relai - \ bul you do. Sand ftr e.;go. 3.95 -·... -·:---· cu110L "Kindness" I H11t-ktit1llf C.liitic11r Mlde to ~ used with aa NOW ••• Pan-Stik. in two 11trioUJ •oniHI Pan-Stik 9'1 GJ•LS' Fancy Panty · 1 · "S,i1l11s"-lOO~ 1eelale. 2·· 1 00 2 way stretch, doUble l'illl!l lront 0 & back. Colors in sizes 4 to 14. .• • • GIRLS' "Puff-Kins" Panty Hero's to • Ions on4 happy lifo for you nails ... at 11 .25 SOYl,.sl "Oral-B" Toothbrushes electric hairsttter. Md$ bodr 1Rd :shi•• while tloklin& I stt. _._MIDICABD woven web el1st~ le1s 11111 o YARDLEY'S "Gentle Strength" NAIL TREATMENT l.1$ $It. Siza 1.59 Pan-Stik Plus T•1 •1st ln1ri11s c1,1r·1p i1 t~• wert•. •r MAX fACTOlt Solt abs~_ line aitlon witfl 2 , 1 00 'll'a•st Sizes 2 lo It • • © "Sat"nett " Panty . . Gt•ts· 1 e J 00~ nylon 1ricot in assorted 2 , 1 00 :solid pastel tolQIS and white. 0 •it• HDTILIN <••IJS atlJ c•IJJ lllC. c.r1ckl1r '""" uilsJ. PLUS "Gentle str,ngth" --·-..._... w ......... --· ,----.. - MATTEL "Brain Drain" 1'an-Stik_. the orl1ln1t ti ram make-ur> in • swiW!I slick. is flOW JYat13ble iD mediQbdfOflft ••• a beautifol htlp lif *liutt lkias. 11 a 111111111 ti skla \1111 •.• P11·Stlk P...SHk Piii • Sires 2 lo 11. • • uo•~s· Panty "Sld1t1n"-2barl/icota· 2'1 00 bte with elistic lef. Y1111!1 0 c.ticto CeoditiOOll W/PIGTIUI IS-Iii nf 1nn ... t c1tlcl1s). HOU51HOlD HUPlllt White Envelopes Ir IGCKMtllT ' legal sue wiffl 111nrmed 1i,ps in di~r bot. l he1're siqile wules, if )'Oii hawa all •ay. As- :.orled sets, that ·~ completed ~kt be con- 1emporary art ~ a!ld framed for hiigi~£. 1.59 ... 2.00 2.50 ::i:;.;:,'iid~~,;ii .. p~ White. 100%' ,re ~s•r~ftk 2, 1 00 tombef co~ witll elastic lqs 0 11u111 29C Re1.VolH4.25-NOWJUST 3,00 ._ ___________ , .. ______ -____ ,. and waist Sim 5 It 10. • • ., _________ _ MO LtoUOll Of MUMTUf8TOlf •IAClt ITOl:IS I! t~1•t•J :fj AND~ Wolfschmidt ~'tt ': 11111111! 41 Pr•l 8' 99 VODKA ... l\1tL , de r's WIS I.II A LIGHT Sii! lie. ~~~~~~ ........ 5.99 ggc "Flavihist P-A" --"Stri-Dex' ~•D•<ATID Pads Household Needs (P•OLOttelO..ACTION) CAPIULll -Amaling, Jollg.11st· in1 relief from told sniffles. Sftttzing, 1 98 staffed llDSe and na:>al conaestion. 1•·s • I . "Flavihist"'m"omw (Mtk ....... 1-l!Y reiof f"" 1 88 1lmple coolllls '<Olds. flL e I "f lavi~ist'·; .. NAIAL IPIUY 1 49 ,f« fast. relief af nasal congestK111illletocolds. • i "Flavihist" _.. -~,::::;;::.! .. sm 1.19 1 BARNES .& NOBLE I •r RUlllR QUEEN ftr Plm,les, Acid, Blockbtads DILUX! 1~;,;b1• mo1al•• ,,,., Bath Mat ~in blernislin, !elves no tk 4?'1 1eU·llle marks. Just wipe 5gc bsli letlured Sllrlau an1 pad over face t••ce i lmos'r 300 ' Oily. , , suc:OO. tll~S 7 7 .-.. -: 11revt11t slip-C .;·---...... ;~;.*-'{'llCIHlllllNHO•lllmnntcfllHlflllCllll , prn1. CalOfS, • uo111·"W'1 · Dish Drainer · .• . WALi.ET :-Slim, ' Dries d!slles ii\ cvsltiooed . • -1 lle~l1, n hol4J safety -llolds •II to 10 • credit cards and 1 88 11mes _ 01 119. ll'ilnty,. a!sa CalOr· I vided silver Jul desians. • cup. • ~~!l~M ~·allet = ,~1~!~~.I~~Y- 1!'*8 riewillg. llold 1 88 W~I lit l!WISl 63 -loo. ~ • •!Mldail ,,,. " c 11111 ltxture. • chtrl draMlfs. Everyday - HandlJOoks • -----"' 1.25 11 1.95 II Pltcll Pl!'IML: -.fol.I"' t;.. SaUJ. , ... 22ol ' I ~ I " " ' l 11:c111 ,.. 43c 1b-J" Sf11 "'·"' ..... . Soil CGlditioller ••• idhl for nwlcitinf and as a ptalll 1111L "'er. 99c . ft.111 ,,~,,,., ~ .. .f.!:. ~;~~~~ Hose • In ... lfeetl Jlastic wit• 3 29 lull !low heny bfass CQilpl- inp. 11 Y11r &11111t11 1 Sulphate of Ammonia ll'IOfl ICid -inprM$ 1111· C --, sm _.,.., 1011 98 llie11t 1wlilabl1ity. ll lb. GOLD ... "Yigoro" LAWN FOOD ••• IOt g1.u or dlckHttlr1. Won't burn 4 1 g whetr used is directed. - 25 IN. 1 . . "SNAROL" . •1n1 S•afls '" s111s .•. Clloost 59c trim Mui ot Pell@ts. 2}; l•s.· lu .,, S...Gloves ~·. MSS -Wlllte CDtt011! wi~ 39c ' . r-: blM -.... llrld. . S...Clms • . llSS -""""' •IJIH Ht 11111 ""'' wi~ ·~I pi.st• cottlq. ... Prs Hedi• SU t •rom• plated, Fot&d Made. tlf ,..,i;, ,;,... lrM\ _.., iSill for Ill 11&11,,...1. 111 , .. 77c 2.69 -. • • J I j l • • • • • • • :• • ' . . • • . • ' 1 1 ~ ! I ! ' l ! I ' • • 1 • I I ! i I I • i I • l ! • • • • • • . • • ' ! • • 1 II 11All V PIUlT • t.RGAL NOTlc;E . ..,,..,........,,,..,,.~ ....... -----=-----'""'!""----------------,.-----· . • LEGAL NOTICE ---U:OAt""NOTICll:-- • Playhouse, Lyrte=opera Forces Joined_ fQr ~Olioor' • 'LEGAL NOTICE ' NOW SHOWING • ·~cLiJSIVE HARBOR AREA SHOWING TOPAZ · ""°"~ FiixsouTH coasT '""" PLAZA THEATRE OOllPOflAlKJll S.n Oieco FrttWay at Britto! • 545·2711 , Box Office Open.s 6:45 -Show at 7 "'\ r ·.W!JI n-s'TO«MNI ,_..,. DISNEY iraa A BIRD?·-::.:::..--. I Eve. Show St1rts 7 p.m. , Continuous Show Sunday From 2 p.m. FREE PARKING TWO GREAT SHOWS 2 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR •• ..• JAj:K NICHOLWN BEST ORIGIN~L SCREEl'.IPLAY CANNES FILM FESTIVAL WINNER•"Besl.f~ll\.BY a New Dire~to(' Aman wen t looking for America. And cou ldn 't find it anY.Where ... \ltr'l'lftt + :JETER FONDA-DENNIS HOPPER l il!.....,,..._~.;t1-JJACK NICHOLSON•....O '-· _ ............... __ -<lliiii.-·----"-'-' RtlttWdllJCOlUM•'91CTUM.s: -----· .. -Also On The Same Progr1m !,_ BURT LANCASTIR -DEBORAH KERR . "THE GYPSY MOTHF J \A'<' \°'~ HARBOR BLVO Df< •Vl ir, -----........ -win Dl-v'• "'THE CltMPUftJt WOJ!I TlHHIS SMOlS" IGJ 11111 "WITH'1 10) OrMI "lmllY tllfttrt•lml!lll 'TU,Erj!OHl_ 541·15.5.2 EOR INEOIMATION ·9 ~(A~EMY NOMINATIONS Fo• "BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANC0E KID" BEST PICTURE -BEST DIRECTOR BEST ORIGINAL SCREEN PLAY BEST SONG -BEST SOUND BEST ORIGINAL MUSIC SCORE BE'ST CINEMATOGRAPHY For "THE PRIME OF MISS JEAN BRODIE" BEST ACTRESS •.. MAGGIE SMITH BEST SONG ••• "JEAN" ... -.,.., .• COLOR-G.P. Rating ALSO THIS FINE FEATURE PORT THEATRE COftONA DIL MAl-2tOS I. COAST HWY. -67l ·,260 7 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BEST PICTURE SEST ACTORS Dustin Hoffman and Jon Voight • BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Syfvi• Miles BEST DIRECTOR -John Schlpin9or BEST SCREEN PLAY . BEST FILM EDITING SHOW TIMU 1: i t :JO MATIMU SUNDAYS mll!I! -" ~'Jl,\.VAcCARO JOHN MoGIVER RUTH WHn'E SYLVIA MILFS BARNARD RUCH ES .,_,.,I'>' WAt.OOSJ.LT a.-r ... D\f ...i111rJAMt5Lt:O fft-Ul'rr I' ...... k'J'J£AoMg Utl..UIAJI: Di!Orild !Ji' olOffN ICM1,.1;$!>i;Ut M-~~JOH.~ llAflRY "l\'l:llVllODYS TAt.tcr~'"Mc'ir t'n.sstW l--.-ii11:ii1 """"'~ ~00111110 ..,.ll111w I @=" °tOLOR .. Oel.iae . , -----------·-------~-------------- / Theater Notes --·-- • ~~ancho~-esa, CR pen, ramas • . " t ~ ' • ' .... , /U/Jtl'll '!.,~ Sit" MCOVI_,. "THE lllYllS" ••• "DADDY'S GONE A0 HUNTINfJ .. .-lrh , ...... Wlllt• C°"TIMUOUI iUMOAY, l:JI ....... Crossword Puzzle --I Ulitdtre's · --call · --5 Octobir ~ birthstone , A. Marx · 1' Copy"t IS Golf cry lb Once mort . · 17 COnftnt ' \ 19 Voclltfous 21) Of Eire Zl Old 23 Slack 24 Ols111lss: Sl1n11 25 Alttrc:•lion 21 Ltlttrs 30 Kind of p_1int1n11 ;z Colorless poisonous ... 30 StnL l"lo tkilt 40 OtStfWtd 4 I Otsertllke 42 Lifting dt._ict 44 Kicked 45 Ctrt1in skirts: h1form1I 47 lfe1s111ts put to -.:. PoPUllr ,,volt,, 9 H1t111or1loL11 : 2jWord$ , l Giltd1d Wtongly:f' 2j~t~s r SZ Ground ,,,,., 1Si~S 54 "8osb!" 55 "Qultll" 58 OrunktR ' sPree' bl Al the ·'su 111"1ll bl Shaped ,like 15 ll'o:!h bo • --!": 2 words b7 Automobile conltsts: 2 words 70 Fem inine 10 Past name 11 Scold 71 Festive 12 City 0 11 72 Enthralled the Ar11: 73 Protective l l CtJll slle1th lng 18 Bod1 74 Qbsttved move ment 75 -wel;ht 22 Kind or leather DOWN 26 Of the ..... 1 Fund1men\1I 27 Catll eJ o 2 Armadlllo drlnt 3 Allow lo 2!f •.••• ISiand enter : 30 Order to the Z words barbecuer < D•111er 31 Make flat S 6e OW rar 33 Kihd Cl 6 food o . lactel 'rlle'fslands 34 Want 7 Region JS Norse titic I Na1f9w 36 Blan\;hes sl'ltlJ 37 E111e11td 9 Ont in Isle ,,t:fl1toe of 38 Revel l ng ' . "' • 2/18/70 43 Make over 4'& Foo,lwear item 48 Part that revolv es SO Consume 5l Resort llotel 55 Trotter's relative 56 Orflce worker : Famill1r 571nab1d mood 58 E. lnd iai coat 59 Not quite clos ed 60 Seed &2 BtseKh 64 E1~Sl•t &6 -·dela Plata 6$ Malt brvera1e 09 Miid OIUt '" 111111111 39 Postp,one ,....,,,..,.,.-.r rrr;t-nrn..-m~ ' • t " performance oo Saturday Is "TI1e A1isahtb(opC/' t 11 e seaSon ap:ening1production or th!:. Irvine flepert.ory, Theater: Herbert Ma~his .is direcllng 'the elegantly c'1l s t u m c d Moliere co1nedy. . r- Jon Law and ·Pamela Brown head the cast or" the studei1l show Ul ~e Studio Theater on lt\.o UCI .. campus, TI ck.et reservaUons are ~inc taken at .a.13-ff17. • · • • 22 . Playe.rs J;,;:'Coniedy l At 1Lidq ·rsle ' 10'tobt.EBES"f ACTOR OF THE YEAR! .. .'Chips' One Of_ The Year's Ten Best!" -NA TIONAl BOARD OF REVIEW TICKETS NOW ON SALE CHILDREN SI.SO ANYTIME ' Nominated for Two Academy Awards lncludln9 Best Actor PETER O'TOOLE ••• .;,.;'~ .. "' .,. ....... '._ ;..-. ' . "• .. ~ ' -- ~ .: .. , :-... , -;j .\lctro-lilt!rtwyn.M,;yci· Pi·t.~nts An Arthur P .. Jncnb~ Ptrwi i1"l 111n ~UtfJ'i n,: Peter O'Toole ·Petula Clark "Goodbye, Mr. Ch ips" l•! .i~11.11i:-Sir Mich1el Redgrave ~c·1'l~npl .1v hv ·r,.H •nre R.itl!J.:ltn" l)irL'C!ud by' I li!1 ?>.:rt Ros:; Protlul·1.1'1 t>y ,.\PJ,·\C Prf)(h1<.tions · ~ru ~ic attd L)rir,. hy 1 .1·~lif: Bric U!!ot' ' ,, ,,) .., t i~·:< ..... J '-:"' ., .. ,.,,.11,1i ..... , •• ,..~,....... • 1 \1·• ·~· '··· r.;i !wu•,ttd lo• ~ ,..,,,,..,.. ...t••·~ ~ ~,,.,,,,_. lft. MV+.A ~~•llflii"C''·~ •:.oit1• .... ,..M1:.u-,..,~ ¥ ._ , TONITE AT 8 • ~"· ,.,,.. . '" ,. ~-....... sT.tJlltt •u••K• l'llODIJUIOll SWI~ ~flllWlllON•· MtTIOO CINE DOMf. ~"""' EI.I " ',.., -• "' " n .. "'"' * * BEACH BLVD. AT ELLIS • HUN;rlNGTON B~AOI"! • 847-9,08 NOMINATED 2. ACADEMY FQR ' AWARDS BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR-ROBERT CROSSE · IEJT MUSICAL SCO!tE-(NON./l\USl(ALl .. ,..,,.,...,,...,~ --. \ Steve McQueen plays Boon in .. The Reivers"" 2nd TOP COMEDY alflllQM!llfll UlllfO ..-Ui 11M11 UA1U1U PMai(Jj tl,Wh,l~/~i ~ ~.C.r. HAR.BOR al ADAMS, COSTA MESA, PHONE 546·3102 OH HAllOR BlVQ. • ONl Mill SOUJH Of SAN Dl~GO FWY. NOMINATED 2 ACADEMY FOR AWARDS , e Best Actress -Lira Minn.Iii e Best Sont -"Come Saturcfay Morning" -~ ., • :i "A TRIUMPH! ONE OF 1 I THE llOST ·AJlllEAlJllG .. I , PllFllRMAJICEI llFTHE i SEASON•"-_...._.. c....,.. . 1 i ;,DIE OF T~E ;;~;;on l I u•uEllOllAIU PEIRlllllAllCH-. 1 MIUEUI UllllH Al • i -~ ~ A MAJOR ACTIIB TALEllT!" ~~····-··l>l:r\Jflhl:i~ v liZd Mnreli · Wn:lel &rt::.o · ltn fv'diie PLUS • Stanlnt e .All McGNw lllclMn-1111 le•i-i•. J•llKI..,_. -ENDS TUESDAY- All Family Show -MatlnHS - ...... _ .. ...... ll(11"11w'< /01 j?OJJIN /fOOd WflJ:I IT'S TOU= -~ ••.. I .. •STARTS 'WEDNESDAY • f . I ! , i' ' I I I • ·' .. .. •• J ' l l I l· l ! I I I . ! I ! ---o.\llY PILOT • .,.....-..~-----w......,,-18,1970 j I • I • !"-.-t-___,!_ ..,,,.., ... .,,... I • ' I ~ • \ . I ' I I I . ' r GRl.AT FASHION YALUEI IMNmD FASHION \ . ·SUNGLASSES DOUBLE KNIT PANT SET • ... • . ' 1.98 SP~ING DRESS . CLEARANCE 7.99 value 527 S••• ~•"Mlol The lot- _... _,,iog "'1f••f ~d Cela-1• a...;te. l!oct, MIV'/1 · blue ift sii:ei 3to11. BLOCKBUSTER IOYS' FIVE POCKO cono• JEANS \·I ,./ ' l0.99 value , . S.Y• 3"1"1! New IOolt Uiort tiff¥• ttriped rnini shift with" 1elf.tie belt paia _wifh.$01id. <olor 1tep•it1 ponts for a t1r- rlfic set. Washobf• cotton in ncivy, brown, hfcic~; I io 16. SEE THE LOS A•US SIA1$ PLAY THE was•llOll CDS ' STARRING .• ICK •A•Y AND TOU MAT BUT THE ADJACENT RlSERVED SEAT FOR ONLT $1.00! JUST COME TO ZODYS .SPORTING GOODS DEPT. WHILl 111ET IJISTI AllAllllM .. ULUllTOll OtANMTMO•" ar ltMON Nlllll-Y.ALUT L-NACll ._11U111•0Te11 NACll SoUITA "'"°'""'"'....... lOfcoteHt,.,.....,...... Ml-'Wftf•-....... ft'&. ., t"" '"'" r r r I ·~alues WIST COYINA ilUIA AVL Af ,,HNft ... __ ,,. GAHUl/auoec"""'· I- 110 THiii- •1110& ll'f .. Af llVONtMltf llnaAllK Uti fapl&MM ""'At lltlll.AllC . c I Yalu•• to 99< . • . .,,, • • • Hi-GI.-Kit_; Gi9rd;1 · sii• pla1tfC~ ~ obi•-for.-C0MP.91id'.I flying . Bvy nowJ "' ·79c vlltJ Du ncan Y~Yo. Baf., onced for tcp towmd-J ment performance.. of, clear acetate.. Auorted colors. 99c Yalu• c .. 0rt.1 u.,..,..,,._ PlustiC ''linyl pCtftual, In your dioic• of MIY colon. 99c ..tu• · Stock "P now at· Mo IG'lingl Olt tfiil ..rlow, smooth imported r.. ........... Cll MAWTMO•Nt l lVO. Af tO. '°'' Cewnt CAii ......... ,_...,.. Co\N'tfott II.VI. At • .... -....,.---~~------------• • I • ' Tr-ibwte for ·G~C>i g_e .. • a • men • A,BIRTHDAY jt'l·THOUT -&-CAKE IS A SCANDAL! • • c·herri~s Garnish Jubilee ·· Cake I , • t . . &-bl<!hdlJ wl~ 1 birth~ay' cake · woukt be a scandal. It's a ~ppy • Jdea to celebt;ale Washi~I @!rtllday, Ftb. =· "'1lb. a moSt, splendid cake ancr -,JWeSOr Colont.I l'u!dl· julct, egg yolks and !ll'INI rind • sau~n. Stir over medhu;Jl-befit aM bring· to '• bbil; '*-illnUo cooking l minute. ~d cream . cheeae";-sllr until melted. Fold tn marucblno cherries ind.. coconut. Chill. ·~ 1'le Father ol Our Country deserves Frt1Uac nothing but the best as a birthday salute ,11,J cupa_,ugar , .. and that's just what we've dreamed 1ti oup orange 'Wee... up. 2 qi'~tes B~gin. With·~ckaged while cake mix. . . 1,~ teafpooµ cream gt ljlrtar and reserve the frills for the filling 2!1fd l teaspoon VanlUa , I (roSting. Into lhr: cake mix a:ocs grated .iFew drops yellow-'ood·colorbl1. ~ orange rind to add UaV-Or and texture in· tronal I ' • terest. r-b'·· •~ tin!. Im -1·( th II """"'' llJC sugar, oranae ,_~, • ol .,_e two ... yen, ~' em, and Ii v.11ites and cream of tartar in top ol doll-, , "'ilb a delectable cre:Bm based ·on &of· ble boiltr. Place over b(Qllin1 •water 11111 • t~ned cream chetse, orange juice and beat constantly with rotary btattr or at . grated rind, flaked c<>conut •"'! chopped hllh optte1 of electrle miJer ~ 14> f maraschino cherr~. lnutH UI t "·· f ~"I With the cilte, a · mel!OW1N>rcot'"onllilaa1~-----;miiiJ[f.''-"°'"-""~"-!:',..,~-~ .. ~'"l"".,'f~-~::.-~---~f , j '" Jl"'U. • . Punch that combines orange ulce. cran-Stir frostinj up from boUom and sides · apple . Julee cocktail, cinnamon and occuiooaUy. Remove ~ fmn heat. Add cloves. vanllla and food coJoring; continue Hot fruit punches have been an beaUng I minute. American lradition since Washington wai To FlalA: a lad and they're most 1velcome on a chilly winter night. For grownups 80 In· Cut each cake layer in haU horizon-- clined, a lacing ol Nm also Is traditional. tally. Place I layer on serving plate and The cake and ponch combinalion is so top with one ·cup lilllnc. Repeat with delicious it will turn up for other other layers and additionaJ filling. Secure Chi d I .1 layas with food picks., if nect3Sary'. birthdays,, too. ·1 rcn especla ly wi 1 Frost caKe: garni.sh with orange slices eflioY the orange-flavored cake and it Rnd maraschino cherries, if desired. does splendidly for the youngsters' blrfu:. Yield: ll to I6 servr~.,<1. day parties. topped with the usuel selula- . tions and wiah candles. So ~PPY blrt" • day .!........George ... and otherll GEORGE WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE Cake 1 package while cake mix J tablespoon grated orange rind PreR8fe cake mix according lo package dirccUons, adding orange rind to dry mix. Divide batter equally betwten t greased and floured a.inch round cake pans. Remove from oven and cool 10 minutes ; remove from pa1111. Ft!Uni I cu~ sugar 113 cup flour V• tea.spoon 31lt 1'11 cups orange julce l egg yolks 1 teaspoon grated orange rlnd I package (3 ouncts) cream chee5t \~ cup chopf)ed maraschino cher· ries 1,, cup flaked coconut Combine sugar, flour, salt, orana• COLONIAL PUNCH t cup sugar I cup wager • lJ whole cloves 2 2-iJ\ch pieces stick clnllllirion 3 quarts orange Juice 1 quart cran-apple !12!:e cOcktall 2 oranges, sliced --w• Combine sugar, water tnd spices in , . larae saucepan ; simmer 10 minutes. Remove. cloves and cinnamon. Add fruJt juices: heat to just below bolling. Serve hot. Garnilb with or1n1e slices. Y\eld: t~i.. quarts o( 14 l~p aervnp. } i • ' ' -,~ Che.f.s ·~Needn't . Crab Pla-t.ter ~-··p·er·f ecte·d-, .. '' 'Pretty ~ 1 • ·Over -·cleaning · Fish • • . Whole crabs 'are easily cleaned if you fQllow these directions. · ' Lill of! the lop shell by pulling upward lrom lhe back ol lhe ~rab. This 1 should be done over a sink or drain board. This step exposes the viscera and gi~. Remove lhe viscera in Lhe center of 1.he crab by washing in cold run- ning \vater. The gills are easily recognJzed as feather-like, .spongy, tissue which can easily be removed with the fingers. r Break the flap on the undefside and remove 'the projecting mouth- parts on the side opposite the flap. At this point it is convenient to break the crab in half. The next step is to remove the legs. They are q'uit~ ea,.Uy pulled from lhe body, and generally the sinall ones are remov~ first. Now break the legs into segments (joints). Start at the lower end of each leg. This puJls the cartilage free from the leg meat, and helps to re· move the meat in whole pieces. Next step is removing the leg meat. Use a kitchen mallet or nut cracker to break the shell. Crack. the claws from any side, but the leg joints are cracked more easily ~ong the narrow edges. The first and second joint 1 on th'e average size crab contain little meat, and you may decide it isn't worth the effoH to remove it. AJ.so, if you are interested in large pieces of meat pull away the hinged section on tJJe claws to· remove the cartilage wllh it. ' Now remove the body meat with a cocltaiJ fork. W1Lct(carefully that all ~ieces of cartilage are removed since tlie cartilage and body meat are l similar in color: , • you may wish to keep leg and body meat separate. The leg meat show•• up better in salads, and the body meat is ideal fOT crab cakes and ; casseroles. Regardless of the recipe, be prepared to experience a highly . satisfying gastronomical delight. In Jhil sparklini luncheon . -ll~ home «000111lats of tile U.S. Depa~ ment of the Interior's Bureau of ~ m,erdal. Fiaheri,s combine co I or f u t avocado with vers8Ule crab meat le ~rform "pretty platter" ptrlecUon . Fiiied with a crab meat minure ana made eywppeallng wltb ct'Q)pped pl- mienlAJ and olive, thli ~topped avocado will rate raves for the devet • hoeless. CRAB STUFFED AVOCADOS I pound lluol'Dlll -crob meal, fresh or frozen .or ..... ~cans (IV..: ounces each) crab meat 2~-lli>llr 'A teaspoon salt Dash• ptPPO' 2 tablespoons melted fat or oil t cup milk .. Vt teaspoon WorcWerahire sauce 2 tablespoons chopped olives 2 labl.,poons chopped pimiento 3 ripe: avocados 1/4 cup grated cheese • Thaw frozen crab meat or drain canned crab meat. Remove any remai ning shell or cartilage 'from crab meat. Blend flour, salt and pepper Into fit. Add milk gradually and cook until th ick and smooth, stirring constantly. Add Worcestershire sauce, olives, pimiento Ind crab meat. cut avocadO! In hair and remove setds. l AVOCADOS 'TEAM APPEALINGLY WITH DUNGEN!SS CRAB FIJI centers with crab mixture and sprinkle cheese over top, Place in a weU· greased baking pan. Bake ·in a moderate oven, 350 degrees F ., for 20 to 2S minute.I, or .unw brown. Ser\.·ea &. ; Sweet as Sac;:charin? Sugar · Counte.racts Bitter Taste , , By JX>ROTiJY W&NCK :1: , . •OftllH C..,,.W "':!!" Ant- i 1t.W!-• conU!inln& cyclamatcs are 1't ~-brinl "'1d u a resuli of tile ~ ilj' tltmiary of lltolU!, Educotloo • f7:i ome News and' Views • ' > ' - Ind '-iveUare, Robert Finch I h • t had been P•'<x:.....i with eyct.malts eydimates be rc:m<>Yed from lhe ~ket. prior to the ban. , . ' "I,"< rtUOn for lhi,! 1ctloo Is that AY~LE TO ,80M&i ,~ l~bCl'atory studies sbowod thal rals ·fftwtwr, (9ed1 'co.&1tlb.1 ••tel , .VCloped cancer of t.bt hladdtr wh' .A fed ! cim,t ftrf Nf& 6iab wil be hi.ah dolles of cyclamatr.a. '1 ne Delaney ••alllltie Uter hP-· 1, fw ~ ... ·-••• food ....... nd --•oot --...t1M.· Amendment .., ... ,. • ..... .... a '1"tMM" qnq.~ean W• fwdl wR1 M Coometks Act pl<llllbill tht.,. ol 1 lood -11 zSlp;mi,a. ..... ud .dd.iuve lhown to cause cancer when red d9eir ...... ..t 11ate lie amont eC ...J....in ·any U>oWr-to humans or c,.m...._,.,,...,._....i Ji>imala. • Conctnlr-cy....,_. 1loo wUI be • available. undei the new labeling stan-.... , OO'ltr f~s containing eycl:>mates a&ra1 In Uqukl or tablet fonn for 'ere removed frcm lhe market by . Feb. diabetics and • olhers who n c e d 1, lrith the exception of procused fruits them. • ll1d"VQtlables, 'lbeot wlll be ollowed un· -Allhough prt1eriptions will llOl If) Sept_ I, IAJ glv~ procef...-• Ume lo ht .... ,..,.,. for lhtlr purcllllt, Se<:rc- ,JhlpOSe of thic year 1 crop, which already tary finch uraed that persons obtain a I, -# • • •• . • • • ' I ph)'11dan~ · odvlce be!,.. buying cycla· 1111te-swee&ened foods. , Cyclamatet--wiU not be alloweiil in IOfl drinks •nd other beverqes because. or the h.lgher concent.raUor1 of Cyclamates used fn lbtM producta and the large quantity of these beverages that are-con- sumed. Tbe new "low calorie," noncycJamale IOft drinks wbk.-h you have been see:lng oo the market .in the last month or so have been sweetened with a Ct>mbinatloo of 1Upr and saccharin. Saccharin is not Used alone ~use o( its blUer after• taste. MORE CALORIC! 1'Nte ..a tlrt.b Mve-cM9""rttil)' '"'°" clf«'tfe tbl cttd ltOH •wet~ wllb cycl1m1kl od ltt aot me1at for . ' . dlnbclica. Tbe •t\lerage Nit drpk matte wllh sacchert11, lla1 H c~e.1 per six. ounce bOWe -:-compared wt~ 80 le let calorie! in rec•Jar 1upr-1weetened sofl drlnkJ. . Several people ha ve exprased concern about the fact that while the: carton and the boltle cap state "no cyclamates," the soft drink bottles list cyclamate as an ln· gredlent. The re.am for thl• is that the companicii; are .sUll using lhreir old botUes ror lhe new product. So the bottle label· Ing Is out or date. ' S.cchartn -In addition to ·1u bitter navor -has another drawbaclil as a non- nutritive &wectener -ll ls not heat reals- t11nl. SO il 's not a suitable. 8\lbsUtute for crclamate. In processed f POds au ch as can- ned fruitt and jellies. _ Some other 00.MUltlllye alternatives to c1clamalcs lricludc a "debitlered'' aac· charln; a1nmonfated '81}'tYfl'flilin -a Ucorlce dedvall"• with :.,bout SO lJmea the swettneo of l!llgar, and ll'anulated 1wtetcncr1 coolainlna 1odlum a:luconat• • . . and IOdium cilrate. Pre11umably all theae product.I will undergo close 8Cl'UUny by FDA lo' assure that they _.are safe to use. QUEllTIONS WE AR& ASK&D , Q. New tlsat anKlclally 1weekaed Mft · drllb an off tie market. I'm It 1 Ion IO kaow wllat IO ,tYe my HUdrn t9 drtnk. J don't WllDl tbem to Ult d!la 1u11red drinks becau1e of the posslbtt dam•tt to tltelr &eetll . A. How about water'! I read recently of 1 :itudy that showed chUdten ot middle ..ind upper income. families seldom drink pll\in water, Instead they've gotten 1n the habh of always drinkiq flavored re,..oraaes. This can be hard on the budget as well as on their-t.eefh. One motMr told me her preachooler learned to enjoy water after 1he added a drop of Cood coloring to 111 Colored Ice cubel miltl>l be bnolher Idea to help l'l ,your: chlfdren lnto tM wat~r-dtlntlng ~•blL ¥ou might olBO _,,., \hem IAJ drtnk milk and !ruli ju1ct·-plrtlcular11 l or~e. grapch:uit, IAJmalAJ (not the !rult drloks -.. lhese are moltly suaar). ,. Q. I like to make my ewa bretd ••hi& wltok wilul n.V. lie ·U..re .., Ill· ,_la food ... -...... - •ilole wileot flllt 1111 lie .-.....,it A. No. ·The· melbod of pipdlag bu no tU~ on the nUtrltJOnal v1Jue' of 'flour, Some people pn:fer the n, ... of ...... ground flour, i><lt llour pvuod with steel rqllen has just a.a much f9Qd vaJm shn it i1 mtdt from e11ct11 the ume 'hell. Vou11 Ond tile quollly of your irbolt wheat bread ls best when It 11 m.lde from fruhly rround flour, however. Q. How I~ 11 It Ille It aloft -,....111 blttir ii ........... , >.. It would be~ to""' pucale bolo le~ wfthln ..,. or two d'1' -lllllilll ll •inc9 It could be 1 (IOOll medium tor lire. _ ll'OWllr of food po! ..... iroclorll. -ihey be prwnt. ; • 0 0 • 0 = •• =. • • • = • ' • • IMll.Y P!l.DT .. • ---• • , , . --· .. • F-r-a~C~'.S. . •·\~ rffiiiu,llJS -...-1 . .. • •• ••• ,_ ' • ' .... . .. !~ ·, ;fJ•QUtli.CN8 BIU!INING. ed lib 1 1late m......m: Ille "I'm neither hap;ji'pyf"noriiiii'--;l"l'o,;ij~ii'Ss iiii11niiWjrur -:1ieii1110i0vve<! o a fi ilttm+~.,;-~c:ln do.,woiJ&ot~111lboo---tn-mlt .. lllt••<lll!M";.·t!!--'~1i'9"~· .. -.,..-1'-- unbappy" as Firs\ Lady. d!fil ol Senegal. st. Tropez. : ..ear mini~. ·]111111-old pejpll oo.-i.i. ~ "'P.ABIS (AJ') • -Claude said. "We can nt\'tt live ' ~ mi.s fast can, her<." · Then she added. wil.h more The rather wa.5 sald to be in· · Tall, blonQe and athleUc, suiLs, Be "m u d 1 s , rfde t~ In one tq: room .•. " than • bint ol """'· "I Juot lilally againol Claw!e'• mar-wllh slriklng angular ..... I lltrscbacl!., ..C.ive lrtriim. ""t to Ibo 'United .try lo do what's expected ol r11fe becauae he was un-&hi wu • funlliar JiP1 111 Ulo ~n lo Moaar\ or Guy Burl St~ 1 wba Poti.p.!dou 1oe1 me." \~ whet!Jer_ Pompldoo ~ fl'equeoled b1 "tall t .~/ate her P~ fer a faot ~ on hll fil'll official • ,,omlli1g, good i>Ones, Aer husband decided Ibey ....,. ~ peoj>lt, pace-1<t. ·_could. 'llnafaahiaNandprivaey. ' The museum which ap- M 1"rwe's Firot ' Lady, parently p1used Yvonne de s!io)llOI otlif al home in the. ~' now is bright 111d _ pjui~Ual pala.,., whicb Ille •Uvlllle, ,.;th splubel ol color, linds "conllno1(' despite 4 .'1 · -furniture. The "of. crtsh -.tloo job whlcll ( Jldal an" .,.,old France has ~ __'~'!'_e raised s om e,:;~~ .. given •·ay to 51.!'~ paintings Daughter ot a provincial WWld ft'Cr amounl to Paris," Fl'IDCb Cite SoddJ. fun over-the twl.sUn1 country • vtllit? France. tdrlfles doctor, Claude Cabour was ~· Mini. PQmpidou ._... .. r01dl. brr. 1Alptr1Ca ,11 80 hu1e,'' given .a 1·.sttrn but sane" u~ ,The C:OUJ*: mt\'~ to • plains d I.be ld ol ..... Somttlmes, lhe muses about $he 1. " bringing by her lather. Her Maneillt, """'° Georg., had 1andt1 ill!_.i : by ollldal the public •Ide of olfldal lll• 8lie wu here alaO year• ' mother died when she was a tetch1na job. 'lbe war years life. She milela "a cert.al• and is encourased by iL ;'I'm "igq1 Wbelt ·P.olnpl~hl a 9 years old. •Ue PllMd in Paris, where forin of lndependtnce" and very anxiou1 to develop volun-dJredar ror ~t· ld Dr. Cohour 1<111 Claude to -Pompldou UIJCht In 1 high notes 5ho ~ ...., gn to 'teer hoepltal aid •. .It's an ldH ~. and .iie i'e¢111J<, "!<love ~ws in Coljl~y-1es·,' by Glacorr~ttl, Pritllakoff, De dea'E&ll-, Jlhere l h i Stael and l\laJ< Erm!, law IChool In Paris, where sbe lltiool. lbe inovt.s -w ... am.s. I'•• had f()r a loog Ume.>!lul I Ntw'Y°"' ...,,,,,...,.,. has "'J"'eviouJ t2nanl& naw live. The Despite this tranaformation. . De C•ulaa. JOU rtmllDbeT. ' she is said to pre.fer the Pom- met Georges Pompidou, a .\I lier bwd>ond began to The best 11-, • aay1, don 't know how to gn about gm{beauty.", future professor then taking a , l'DO\IW up .l!Pll. b I! c. me . are tht &mday1'1n their coun-it.'' But me ll)'t, Al doa' :bow doctorate in 'French literature. =~ ~r=:~~ :Z!°:"~ ~~:'~;!= This idea tnay have come apyene'' in America. Dii 1he Friellds say . Claude a n d ,,._, Cloude earned , at C•Jarc. not far . from Pom-from her only child, Alaln, Ill, caf9>et ~U 1nd ~"-'E« Rwc, 'lfter btr huaband w1.5 pldous ' .old apartment on the ek!cted presl.dtbt. Mme.. Porn· lie St. Louis. or the two houJeS Geora:ea were introduced by rtput.IUori u IQmdhlng of a pldou'• birthplace in ·~tral a doctor. ",Becaute o1 my aaa . ~ me, · I do knOw Mr. Leopold ~gbor. I classmate ' . mnrr. Frsnee. j .!'•• Yillted ~pltab tbal ~re Fohl." pidou toured the private they have In the country, and 1putmenta at Utt Elysee .perhaps the old , eUier style ol l ?al.ct. •Seeln1 that tbey look· ..: ;Ufe. 1'j .. 'T he-Best ol. Wha t You Have' kitch1en Artistry Executed By BARBARA DUAJITE .... Dlllfr """' ..... "Gounnel coo1t1nc b the art OI preparing the best of what you have to offer." Such is the·definiUon of the age-old execution of kitchen artistry aa given to members of Saddleback Valley Newcomers' Club by Mrs. Verita Campbell ol tbe But· tery, San Ju..n Capistrano. • A sounnet cook as well as operator of a specialty shop, Mn. Campbell teaches morn- ing and evening classes in gourmel cookery. While demon!traUng proper GOUllll\f l"·COOltl!RY DEMONSTRA TED 8Y MR S. VERITA CAMPBE LL ... f, Pledges Recited . Couple Exchange Vows In Military Ceremony M.milJn,. M>raaret Montroy In a. ~tary double _ nna. "'~= !' voirs and · ;ceremony Shorilyil D • •. ~" • . Lee WilmC(.m Mlkotajcaak became lllt'brltle a hi Perndalt .<' Qlapel~ ~ Ana. of P.tarlne Ll. Ho"·ard, Wuson Atteedin&. tbt. couple were Langdon Jr. Mrl.-.JaCt Duffoer; Miss Nan-Performing the candlelight ey Let Kr1ab: and Edwin A. nuptials In the El Toro Chapel Frilfl,..~ Xr,uu escorted was the Rev . Kennelh Carlson. cuelll'tirlbeir ~· Parenti of the bridal ~pie Tiie ~dlulftitr of ~tr. are P.trs. fi"rank E. M1kol:a· and"lfn1 "lkl8D Mont'roy of jczak of Cosla ~fesa and the Q$ ~ .S~u.ate of late litr. Alikolajcz.ai and A1r. Costa Mesa ~ and P.!rt. lloward Wilson Her...._,band, al Mr. and Langdon of Santa Ana- kitchen toolsdiij'jiiillO malle cooking easier Gd moq adap- table to today's hedJc pece; lilrs. Campbell toAed out words of wildom and en-- couragement to thole who n1ay be somewhat timid In t'be kitchen. "Cooking crepu Isn't hard," she claimed while showing how a large-size whlat can be operated with .a minimum .of Y{rist actioli) "Anyone who isn't afraircan do it." - in her kildlen, utonalb muot c be "pretty" nm; "functional" second, which makes the retu:rn t.c earthenware a delight to h~r heart. As rqr size of cook1ng a1da, "think bi_g." She explained per.sOOs who begin With small bowli and beaters -never graduate to ilnpiu pro- portlom. And 1bole who can cook in ~lJ (and hopefulb' ct.uallty) find no dll- fltuflY In reducinl recipes. PerliaPo Ille -bnportant item lo the kitchen b a good kitile. While slicing wHh a chtf'1 knife, oae dropa: the point IDd -down Into the p..-; -cllo!>Pln1. lh• Judfe is bekl level, abe ex· plalnl!I. wm., an llltulUal·tooldnc ronm, pin w!tlcb sbellld be u. ed by, nol on, -· she adYiaa dooP ii alwO)'S rolled from the center to the. outside edp. "And &oo much rollin& ~ ll toup," sbe added. MUlbrooml, a must for gounoeta. sbould be wiped clean. ncf washed, and never, never soU them. As a guide to selection ol f r e 1 h rnushrootm, the undmide shou1d be white and the edits not nuted. • wtlh thex words of wisdom tucked aw~ for future u11e, • perhapa the most .......,ging revelation for nlmble.flnl'eJ"d, frozen dinner cooks was the · parting shot •.. "wllll prac- liC<Jc .fOU can get 1ood al anyw.in1." Employers Honored By Club Bones again will be in the spotlight when lbe Newport Harbor Bu !lnesa and Pnifessional \Vomen's Club 5ponsors ii.$ 3'lnd • annual Boi!es Night Friday, feb. 20. In the Costa Meoa Country Club. A skit will be prt3ented by clWJ members under the direction of the Mmes. O. D. Boyd10..l'JI• H. Lymburn and On'11 Schlueter. Mtl. Richard~ Of' York. P.tiss P.lichaelyn Ltt Mikola· Pa., ~ :Loui.wtlle, Ky. jczak "''IS her sister's maid or schoolrmf II~ •hinJ 1n· lhe honor. •nd brtdesmakfs were Marine~ COi'ps. He · recenUy AJpb, ~Ila Pi sorority sisters o:mpldld a tour of duty io of the bride. the Misses VJttna& ~ Marlou Stockbauer, Donna T1ie ,....,.. will establish Norton and Sandie Costania • Hlghllghlln( lbe •••nine will lhelr -Jn Costa Mell. and Mr>. Todd Fel'JIU50t1. '!). ... Junior bridesmaids w e r e Pamela Sue Mikolajczak. lhe Art~11·t Shows bride'• &1ster. Evelyn Langdon, Ille bridegroom's • Ir sifter and GY.iendelyn Ofl ·Method Cauraelle. Carrying the train "' wue th.-brtde's'"tOO!ins. A.lex Arlill Mn. Mmh.n Clark snd Chris Alh. wtD praent a danonltr1tlon Alleod.ing u best man was In oU-pa.lntlna fot teUow Capt. James HaUman. and JUvierl CtU11 memben ol the ushers "'ere Capts. W. L. Qutl\·e Llvtn1 Sect.ion in her AtJlls, I. D. P..torrison, J. T. Lapn.a Beach ttudlo on SO:art and Ferguson and Lts. Wed..lUd&y, Feb. 2S, al 10 L. L. Lawson, 0. H. H1tl0n ILi!'· and George Eckhardt. Al 1J*f-is 11 m I l e d • • flit bride ls a graduate of manh.r. are ahd lo mw YOOlhlll High Sehool and ,_..llooo w!lb Mn. Jomea Or1111i01ut College and now Mortin. 414 -II a l<Dlor ind 1ilitor)' major l MRS. LANGDON JR. Me1e Home at California Sl1te Coll•ae at Fullerton. 1n 11118 she wa.s llsied In "Wbo's Who In American Junior Colleges." J:ttr husband Is a gradua le of Havelock Jflgh School in North CaroUna and attended Tampa University on a four. year footb3ll ·1cholarshlp. The newlyweds WW re>lde _In Costa ~csa. I be the announcemenl o( the .&o.<lf-tbe-ye.ar and Glrl-of· U.year awards by Mrs. Helen Cole, pruident. Amon1 bonon!d peili-wtll be 1.ut year's redpltot al tbe 8 o t s • o f • lhe·Ytar award. Schlutler. Past hooorea have been Bob Murphy, 0. W. Rlchlrd, Roy Greenleaf Jr., Mr 1 . Winitred Bacon, Ben Reddick, P. A. Palmer. Earl w. Stanley, Bill Dov•rl. Dr. A. E. Nae1ell. Herb Hotbr, Ted Hambrnok, Mia A&nes Bkm- qulst. Arthur McK'"'11, Morn 1'1olho. Donovan Southworth, Lou Donaldlon, Cllarla en .. ~le. Jaek BameU and Fr.ed Sclio<pe. ) • PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT -Wanting tn be in tune are Kim Broadhead. Camp Fire Girl and Linda Duffy, Blue Bird. They are among several groups in the Orange County Council honoring fathers at banquets. f\1rs . Paul l-lill , Camp Fire leader, offers a little melody. A Dash of Skill Demotlltrating hi• award·wl1111tng culinary 1kW1, French chol C1111d1 Swort· vailttr prepares Lamb Chops Wellln(ton In whJch meal t1 coated With palo and be lied in pull paote or paslry. I Fathers Feted Early ... •t· Falbir~ will be hmortd 4ir.; • ina several banquets staged by the Camp, Fino Girls, Orange County COuncil. ~1e:sa Verde Blue Birds and Camp Fire Glrls w:ill o!rer 1, ''feast" or run and dininc pleasurfl Wedne!day. Feb. 251: at 8:30 p.m. In Adams School{! In mriec!I lo W. trioti · moath the colors or ~r w:IJ · be rod, wblte 1nd blue. " Mrs. Jlal Broadhead is chalrm1n and reports that> each or I.ho 11.groups will offer a song, skit or dant.'e. Hlue Birds or Costa 1'1esa will tlllertlln dads Thursday, 1'1arch $, 11 1:30 p.m. in the First United M•thodisl s Church. Cosln titesa. Mrs. \Yllllam Tilly, chalnn11n, 11nnounttd an I~ dlan themt hu been selected. Mra. ll•nry Lelstakow will be "llllrtu of ctromonl• and ;.; the girls wlll ""' •nd prtaent -·I I •kl.. i V1le.ntlnci'1 Day "".as the : I the.n10 of the annual dinner of· IJ fcttd by CO.ta ttlcsa Camp : 1 011'e Girls, Pi1nt. Paul HUI w1s ~I ehalnnan and nilalress of : ! Memooklt •: J>cirrormlna w.i.rt M r 1 • : ' '1'holt11 Durham '11 a~ Tan-! ! d11i Mr1. Je>hn Zorttr'• £h1. •: w ... w,hk•: Mrs. Chet ~: U#u!lh '• \Y•·ll.i1ka. a~ Mn. : ! 11111 '1 't1nda, :: Mn .. Wllllorn M•ln. O•ld !i dl .... IOI', l't'~-.ted Ibo :1 Or•111 oun Council. Ai> ; ; r rnalrnll1ly I tlrla 1nd their tl: f11thtr1 allcndtd. : '- ' ! • ' --. -~-----------------------------.. ! F~iendly Glow _Sparks Festive Ga.the i-fr1g Valentine's Day always is a time to celebrate1 but when your hus~ has a weekend respite from duties as President Nixon's ~pecifl counsel and flies in from .... · Washington, JD.C. it lendr; a special reason for inviting friends in for coCKtails and buffet .. That's exac;tly what • t1111e To Gtre ... . ' · There is a job far,.fOU in the Harbor Area -a l!QOiU011 ~g no ·~¥; .qtialificatlon bul your wu ·an'i·~e~_. -,, , . · · · , . --~~~·Ol lllese openjngs lor men and-.'Wpmcip.Jtp_m .. t~gefs to senior citizens. / .'!lio'll'!'l; ~ 'lilnecto .gi\t iJ!volved in yo,ur com-mwdlf~· i>elldf.Yo'u caa~lp a youngster to le;>rn or~-_fl!~~uren ~f ·.~~~ess tor the elde(.ly. ... . '* . . ~ . f OSITIONS: l!ROMISED • · l JI~~! o Jl.O!'!lioni 1!1'P _awaiting your t~~ ~ ~'Calf 1o • -yoJ~r Bureau. Mrs. • Llqij 1 At1;uah at . is 4.b~ez.ecutive director and wur usi$t ~ri. 0 9 3.Ui. '4 noon every weekday. . "The bureau ~I caslqpl ma\ch you and the job wllh· ,the. lime•')'oli have~ give. It is located at 325 N. Newporl',B~vd'.), :N~i'.t Beach. WELL BABY CLINICS For you who have wanted to work permanently or on a substitu1e basis at the \Veil Baby Clinics there is good riews. New clinics have been o~ned and there are babies who rieed to be weighed, measured and cuddled . Mrs. Barbara Bock at 644- 1182 may be reached for further information. ' Chap~/ Rites Kerry Hill Says Vow.s The chapel of St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church was the aetUng for the JS:te afternoon the Murray Chotiners did Saturday evening when they entertained about 100 guests in their Newport Beach home. Gathered around th e buffet are (left to ri~ht) Judge Thurmond Clarke, the Chotiners. Mrs. 0 . W. Rich· ard and Glen SW!well. MRS. JAMES·AD KllilS &U.n• Park Home BY G~ORGE, ...... .. . J~SEP,H MAGNIN ,iS :gi~gJ.ou VIBGflWIA'S .SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE • • ' . I • .. . -.-. ., W-c!a><. r.Wuar1 18, 1970 DAILY Pl\OT %1 - Job Seekers Advised: 'I Your -Ver y Best Fin.onces Counted. . . Flnancr.I Estate Rlannlng ~ 6een selecled as hiJ topic by W. L. O'M~ra, truat of· UCer of the Wells Fargo Bank, Santa Ana, w}lo will address the meeUng or Orange County Chapter. American Society or Wo!lle;n AccOOntanta at 6::1> p.m. tomorrow in )be Cbartu H~~ hu~been ... ~e in1 tnist adminlstratJon· for more tJian 16 .yeah in boUt Ute Salt,. , • . Liik CitY .nc1 Loa Angeles Ca rd Party areas. • " Guesta are welcome al thO • T p "J meeting' and additional in-0 r.ov1,1:1e fdnnaUon·may be obtained by calling Miss Virginia Martin, 53M055, or Mrs. Thomas Balzer, 538-1659. Mrs. Mabel Bellf of Huntington Beach iJ in charge of the program. Ceremony Performed In -Home S'cholarship " SATURDAY, FEB~ 21st CHERRY PIE SALE! • + PIE £ATING CONTEST· -* HARBORCENTER~t- HANDBAGS GIFTS .. .. • • 1 l 3Jl4 Eost C..st Hwy. • !=orono dof Mor 'Phono 671-8050 one sm. free (When· you bllf the Other}-in a special I , • f SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'.S LARGEST SELECTION OF ACCESSORI ES ' ·, M••• th• moll of yovr1•lf-S1w th• wol'Ml•r• f11I f•1h:o111 yo11'11•·•dtr1 ir.d iri rtHy to wotr 1t • 4r1ctio11 of tho '''*· SfHit19 111ih, ft!lorl4 ptnt 111ih,-1port1 ottiro oMI 11ow u.hool c.lo~t for .t.o khh 011 Y6vl' lltt, Ch11dt ,., "-tpri119 or• ri111l~t.r yo.,.._....IY ....-!, S.o Y411 Soo11 I Vlr9i11it 1 1/2 OFF SHOE SALE in al Jm shoe salons. • • SP£CW. 8ROUP Of DESIGNERS' SHQES 'that incl tides Jlt!.rbert levine, mar pre! jerrold, !DQy·the shoemaker; caiel of.paris,.philippe, amalfi, mister j. , SPECIAL CROUP Of CASUAUHO~ that includes· amalfl, van eft, band~illOs, caressa, sportcasters. · ' · Ill soles fmal. sony,no ""'n, jllwnt or ~o.d. ordfrs. . SN<W Jfot AT SOllTM COAST ,LAlA, tlllSTOL AT S4H 01100 ,IU!IW4l', MONOA'I', THUllSD4'r AND ,.104'¥' lt1M TO t 1a , TUal04Y', W1Df4110AY' ANO S4TUllD4Y lt~IO TO f1 ... ' ,, I ACCESSORIES ' SOUTH COAST l'LW -COST A MiSA Hw1 ...... c...-........ ' ,, ! l \ I -· -----------------·---------------------------------------~-------------- • ..,. --"" !!'.-·---.. . --_,__ . -i:~ .:~ Adam• PTA .11n.. Pa.I 'ow.a . )•reatcltiit COl(ING UP: lleclpi111l ol tile ~.IUe ••Nd will .be --...ci .clurinl I he -Uon m,.Una lo .tllo mul~ roam 11 f :lO p.ni. tomorrow:. AlaiJll11i M1' CbarJu Scranlom. chal1lult. wjU b.e Gltl Scout • llWpo 113, t•. I06: Brownle Troop Ill; _Qlb Scout PO<l<J 117 lllCI lit -ruUail o1 lndlaa Guldet, Md ClmpOro GirlJ. • . • -, Cenyo.n PTA . ..w " • PHoldent .. COlllNG UP: H11 contest will . . • .-. plf~ F.ri~. ftb. lO .. 11Jl~:1 .,..,don DI)! ~ .. 11 •U..put PWldillll' N,.._ R. J • .ii.., 'llild w.. l>tlinls L. Miller toP.li place l11t wtak. Coutlnu1Dg stn'lce award was ~lo Mn. Bill Allollor, -llCl'llrl'· ~-lft•ldod ~ Iba !II-Yo ca I OJll!linbo, -IJie .dlJtco u.. o1 OoJO!d 011111. rour111 ..... cJw .or Mri. Troy AYlf'/ w"11 fealured. • , -. . CM· Ch'rlitian A~x. , ... Qlldf . Pre1ldenl . COMING VP: Chill, hot do( dlaner lrom I lo I p.m. t«norrow. ~cketa eo oeatl for children and II for adult. .._Ill be oold at Iba door. Ml.IJ 9el1Y T-· first grade elm will preaent "Wille Red JUd,i{)( llood:" D~play . of m.rl)uana and diugt by Mrt. Cfrl rtieloOn from Iba Cootl MM Polkle Dtperltntnt -bo Viewed, Oevia PT:.t. '- Mrt. firuJ-t , P~enf REPORTS : l'llm on •-oa1 -.... oho"1I lul ~fonday nlllht •nil wtuc be shown "laln 14aieh1 .Ior · panmls and atud<Q)f b)I tile Oranp .eou.ty . H·a a It 1' Dtprtmrnl . . . Prollto from the fashion show were . $1:!2. Uighli&hUng tile show wert: fashloas and jewelry lrom India: Jodi PallJlbliide · n•rr•ltd th<! '"°" wttll the asslllance of J~ Lou~ Modfll1 were Mary 8ehno6r, . Oi"l'e lleyooldl, C Ip ,d y· . . WltD'r. Xau., WIUo, Lia ...... loft! ...... ""'" t ~:~,.::.~ "' ...... 1J'lllJ'•11. , .. Leslie Cai;., W1114>' ~. • .. Ill Iba'*"" Ill ICn. Jlol>. Pam lJttlo, ''"" Or1111r, art r. .._. Prooldlac &hel)'I LoucU, Laulll Lom-dlM1tlfliO IOd •p1clal banll and Aller~ ·-Wiii bi,., CIM, Ensign PT A 111Dclpo1 ud tlil."' ""'° ........ Ibo ..... Loo Mrt. -..... OllHloOd •·· "--Prllldlat ,J I,_,--.... _,,... COMING UP: Poomc11n· 1l17 y.._ JllOI ffa'1 . ad program a I:• p.m. -· lllc:lmd llcNlbb. l(n.,Jq row in Ibo eolUIL Tw ltalr to dlalnna ... a bonorary ...,ieo .... -""" rr..,. Ibo dlltrlel will be pl'fl'EllCL Mn. Bclb • will attlnd. McGenley l t -· ~pW:h. drlmo... -art aid Klllybrcioke PT A r.:iedde~ Wiii ... ..... -..,,..... Harbor. Vw. PFO -~ COMING ue; Pa~c FO> Mn. CUrlal -...... It !:Ill p.m. - Pl'tlldlnt , ~:~ )~•-· allOCl- COMING UP1 P""°"' Of llilrd --.· ·-Malm craders ... tmtad to • will lead Iba liq -IDd , • honor roD aw.,.._ Wiii bo ;ndln Wiii pro' Id t · -·. ll!l'Oll11: 141'1. II ob er I Harl'• tt.11> srade uc1 w... -·11'11.-Mllldnl'1·tblrd lfada --ibo--wtnner1. • Le9une High PT A Mrw.MmlaltllJr. -t COMING UP: Mtm1>n 't!lll ·-bubecuo--ud coll olaw at lbt Pltrlota Day )111'1111 Md n>dto . al 11:111 p.m. SaJUnlay ud Bundoy, Ftb. II and :D, ntar the entrance to the rodeo IJ'OW!ds. Problem's Short-sightedness ·1 . . l DEAR ANN LANDERll: I know yoo are oot a miracle worker, but I have read 1"U' oolumn for yaan. U lllj'ODI CID help mt, you can. I WU bc:m wWI IO percent \lbtoa. I'm "'"'11 wam't born compltloly bltnd. Liia would bt auler. I wear lblck llllMI whlcb m qty. I ean lmqtno bow·! look to ·-1• wllo 111 me lhroqh -· hldeoul 1hlnp. 1lley mqnllt my .,.. Md I muot lool< Uko a frtall. . ..... wu(,.. .... do to bolp )'tlll'llll, Tllo -111 1111 Whl -Jtoad. Q!cifo, DL No oot realilll how btd my •llhl to un-til I walk lalo a waU or ctrap oome1b1q DIWI ANN LANDEllS' Wllat .ean bo and ean' pick It up without - --1111 .ltJlfr. Sarah, who ~ drl•· _amatd .........._ 1 haV. vory ''* lat ·-tn. lhll hou11 cruyl I am trlirida liicauaa -1• C!on'tw ant to-bt -Jl..larali taJI ll'OUlld -wile to" clum.ly. ""bad She quit blr alt<r-.cbool job two a ftw -bul Ult boll• doo't caU bacll. mao1111 llO baca,.. her gradn were ao I'm ..., loi"'1 llld have pothln( lo Uvt bod. Now 1i1e lblnb she llhould bt u· for. · CUled fnxn all hauHworlr: so lhe can Pleaaa forpve 1bt writtq. lt'1 tile boll lludy. Sarah prlCllcally Uva in the I can do. Htlp me ti y.,. can. -UNHAP· blthn>oo. I Olll'! llluro out w!11t lhe docs PY Fllllt:ND la tbort·for two boun at a Ume. DI.All '1UIND1 Yllil' JI'••••• W't £*Y n1attt.lt'1 the aame rouu.ne. Mom year .,.. -tr1 ,... ~ oplalta ealll· faraii · to dinner five Umea. She ti ,......u. MA"•• ti .w...,.. wtlll atw&Jt .,.e"' "I'll be rl&ht down.·• 1 I • 1 •rtldal lo IMn'o M --. Finally ~ 1'11 lo ro get her. When Her no .... ,.... ratllor .. -plolaly . Royal HtPaeoi d9""' to honor us with ~ ,_.. Giii 1• wlllli her prallllCt, lhl has a long face and is walcoma aa ,_,. lo::-. mid at Iba -Id. . ' •• • I. l • • • Au.Laaden wtu bo Ila<! to. W, yw l S#udentJ ·Compete in .Kick .t.he Can (Drive) DAILY ,II.OT l'fllh ltf ll~rll ltMfillw 1"n 1rt...,. wp 1Urnr fw Mlld I UIUlll)' end up dolnt her work and my ud parliaJlJ 1IUad poeplo. Wrill to IM Mcrn apolostooo for her l1zlnM1. I'd Ilk• -,.., """""''· .... -lo .... "' : <IN ti Gia DAILY PILOT, ~ a ; To ;balp keep ~imi.Bea~. cl~ while r11t iilit: 1 u n d s for the El Morro PTA, studenis have kicked of! a c~n drive which will,~t!nQe indefinllo- :ly. Only alwrunum cans are· 11Cceptable, and Ma cent per can will be paid. Class making lhe bigJeil con· tnbution w1U receive a prize. Kicking ofi the event are (left to right) Jeff Almon and Todd Mollett. . Pro(ecf ~iJfening Mothers ·Inaugurated tJllenilll Mother1, a project 11 Linda Vi1ta Elemen· licipaling are Richard Finley, •i•lh 1rader, ~nd llry School helllt lucrean I •a d i n & and other Mrs. Edwin Bryant Uilll lor 1tudeaC. aeedia& lndivfduai alteniUon. Par-"' -.. -T ·1 Cbkqo uplbaaoo f• 1111 1IUad a t d to pvo that opolltd brat a pid hanl 1top . . aeu-....i, lldlftC ...... , .. ". i Gli~ps~·~:··.J HoroJcope . ~ -·-···---· - Leo: Fulfill Needs . Of Paris alto lo Important. OYtraU, It Break thro•1h to -...:...i. ~ Offered ioou 11 thoUlh you 1•t Iha v «1r pr11ure ta "' tile ttno. THURSDAY F.EIRUARY 19 Br IYDNIY OMAIUI ARIES (Marth ll·AprU II): Recognize your own pleuu1t principl<S and fulfill tlltm. 11· P"" feellnp. Yoo can wlo over penon who previoully_ lalltd lo rospond. You ...,.,.JI almoot anythi111 -oaptciolly f""1<il . TAIJllUS !April :!OsMay 20): Necessary lo know dlHerence between mere showmanship and actual ablUty. Be d i s c r I m i naUng. Applies moneyl Toom up todal' with Uln. LllO (July 11-Aq. :D): Bt llealloe YflU' can moYe oh10d, wary of ono wile mllla pro-but you, need ...,.,..t. Bo miHo but NfUH1 to put lhem aware wttt>out betl!I ba..... · In wr1Uq. -· It• IAOIT?AIU\.'I (Nov. D· moophlro pr1Yallo. But don'I Dec. Ill:. Good lllllar upoct pl camed away. Auorl your today calnctdll wllb.chanee to -. Taki otapo to lulftll . expand horizonl. Your In· lhom. tulttvt InteUael comu Into V11UlO (Aq. 11-.!ept. :DI: play. You eu percelvo fUluN Wl>al •-• ....., for lloom trend. Follow tlll'O\llh. Koep could boomer1n1 lato colob.... ti!• faith! Uon. A -that wu ~ CAPlllCOllN (Dae. !Wan. ..... to lllhl. Bt pen:'l'lt... llh Whal ·-.. otrllUI " Thero to aadod _.... ""t rlQI nallJ'. blaak. Flaalldal alto lfllter roward. • ltl-l·to rtqulrwd. But It to LlllllA (Sept. ~ :DI: allatnlbk. It Wiii llren(lhoa Accent cm harmony within 10Ur ~ poaltlon. IPIClal 1ro111>. You may ba AQUANUI (Jan. SO.hb. rtpltdn& IOl11tme who was 11): Accent on rnarriqt1 Yel1 popqlar, You will net<! Pll'lnlrthJp, mutual offorte, allies. ""°"'"' youroeu. but You could t•ln pibllc roc:atnJ• uUUie soft sell. Uon for Job wbkb rtfllcta SCOllPIO (Ocl 13-Nov. 21): dodtcaUon. i>lbon do 111\ICh lalldnl. 14aintala calm, eool eapeclally to evaluatioo of pro-. ~iaum cM•y 1,.,, ..... i:~atrons Bid atUtucle. l'ISCll tfab. l,_Marth IO); K~p piomlou to ... _bro. You ha" a -tw to perform. You'll 1111 littter after you aocomplloh tt. VlrtO h!dlvl<Mi-.. ' 1l111 b c. ally. . . • •. Accent OU short jourrtl)'I. YOU \ ...., 1o be ,..u .... 11npat1tnl T o . nay, .. ,...,...._ 1r1 .. 1. O pen1ng 'urtol)<. Fl!ll to ... a~. ..,,_ 1u1 doll' bl -Polrooa. G(_Jlla c.ata M.., wtlb. "-llOI detatlt. : . !=Mc Pt.1'oiiat wtU bo amonr C.\NCll;a (Juno ai-:t,. :DI. ,thOIO ~ Ibo opening Y°"-..,.iiteol lo .nliht ............ ol "A })lllll.._ ~ . ts t o • Dl1lcate Bffance" by Edward hll'lll<lllll -la wtlloh"' I.Ible, rrtdo¥. rob. IO, at 1:30 ~. Family baUIDc· ,p.m. -Decor Hints Followtns Ult performance tho "'""" will adjourn to the -Y.,. Cotttt1rJ Club fer an alttrllow parly l!11turini -!tr ........ ., the Ed a..u qltlrlol. 4 lpteJal 111111 will bo Mrs. c • Sweet Adelinu . 'Aa llluotr•ted tooture, Pulo 1\routh the A1e1, Artinl' Views will be presented for Iha l.tliallco Francallo di la Rtvtora CalUoml-,.,..,,, Fob. IO, b)I Or. Luotllo Got-. Dr, Golton, an UIOClatt ""'-· bu llrnad dqraoa -Iha l!orbonno an d H1rvatd IJlltVmt1y and 1'11 .bad tpaclal lllllnmontl """ tho """"' and ibo flu """ cloooMMuMm. . Hor n~ IPlc!allutlon hie boll! ,_ arl ol Iha 11th Cll!!urJ Jl'rooch School ..a ""' bu -publlcatlonl to ""' cndlt ln that neld., nn u la modem art. Followlnl.lllo locturo, Which will IUI J1Aiio 'at ·l·!YL .II Ult P...i.,tor1111 C~u~~b Ill Lasuna lllOdt, I bulJol wQl bl Strved by Iba -Anbur Barlot~ lloy Holdta. H. T. Lathrop 11. " 'Wlli"1c 1Dd1ti:.o~· 1 S.rvi~m•n--, . Suggeaf items' 'I For PreSJnts · ' B1aed on tuUeltions from -...... 1tonapn_,.1 ... Y collectod m1111 ttp ror · l\lllltllf to. Mn1-In \'lol-um.-·-... ...._"' RlcllPll Koon of l.afl!lll lloub, lllit 'of Ult ~liill .. lllwYIUooa ...,. Iii """'" by c11Un1 tho Colla MOii pl~ "8tltt l.W-'11 • -.. wrap, tllaotlc bap, wllllclo!hs. IOlp, flower and vtpta~lt aetda, m a 1 I • marktrt, heavy dul)< needlts , Jw.botlllu Cbapttr, Sweat ~ tl!rucl, INlant breakfut. • dnaa.lne.s convenes every Mon-1nstent ottmtaJ, b 0 u J 11 e n aay ol I p.m. for pro(l"ama In cubes, pl.!!IUc tubes of clleeso .Reer11llOD n-.. ... _....._ llW!Ot ....... -... .,. I Oolle1e Park khool, Cool• .-. n.u11111-1ad tlN ol lltla. -. -"""' .......... flltltcUe. ---··---···~·--·--/ ' --' \, 'To avviil "l!isapix:intment, p~s~ve i Driiles ar.e ·reminded to have their Wedding • stories with black •and white ~lossy pboto-gnph> to the ~y PILOT Womcn's •De- • • ~,ent one week before the wedding,, ' : ~·.-,~ ~fc:b;lreS recetved fQJJ.owing the weClding will not be used.' , ' , For engagement announcements it is imperative that;.tbe story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy pictilre, be sub' mitted six weeks or more before the wedding . date. JI deadline is not met, only a story will b~ used. . To ~elp fjll r~quirements on both wed· ding arid engagement stories, forms -are1 available in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. · ''Further que1tiQ'11 will be answered by · Women's Section staff members at-642-4321 •.. or .494-9466. ... ' -· ---,Keefe-Perk-in---------. . ~·r~ :.., i.~ :___~tie! Rites _ Told . , . S~. Joachim's Cat 6 o 11 C were fi1rs. Scott Mather a n d 1~.was the setting for the Miss Marianne Stephens. ~mmony lDllting in marriage The bridegroom's brother. :Mn. _J\it4 May!) Perkins of Donald J. Keefe served as • • besl man and ushers Y{ere Fl Add Ff t M · M I Richard Schmidt and DoiiBld ewers avor o ex1can , e ange ' Sept.embe r.._ . . ,.Rites Set Seplo-ll·rltes Ift·SI. John llte Bapllst C1tho~ Chllrch, ~ Mesa are being planned by BarbJra Greeri and David E. Worden. 'nlelr engagement. has bee n ---1 announced by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Green of Coeta Mesa, parenta Ofilte bride'IO-be. ~ Mia Green ls 1 cr.du1te o( MaiA!r Del High School and attended Orange Co a s t College. CurrenUy ' she is a stewardess for Continental Airlines . Her Hance, son of Mr. and Mn. Reese Worden Jr. of AnabeJm, is a graduate of Buena Park High School and attended California St a t·e College at Fullerton. He now is serving with the Air Force at Beale Air For,ce. Base. Penny Pinchdl' Ads Turn Sense Into Dollers ~'1· M~ and Richard Daniel Keefe of Anaheim. The ROOJl r ries ·lrere re8d by the •Re.v.,Tbomas J. Nevin. WoOcls. Ring bearers were~ Btigh't paper flowers are fashioned by (left to right) Mrs. Allen tival event, the dinner features special enChilad as ,and a full course -• ,_.,. 1~ 'bride's sons, David and Steven Bailey and Mrs. Carl Hawkins for a Thursday, Feb. 26, Mexican meal served from 5 to 7 p.m. by menlbers of the Woman's Soclety ' • M-.r a.9-P~~ns~ew Mrs. Kee re was ~· d~i~nn~e~r:_1111·n'_th~e_:M~eth~od~i~st~C".'h~ur~c:,;h'_1":· n'_La~g~u":n~a'-Be~a~c".'h:. . .'.:A:_W_'.'..'.:ln".'t:'.:er~F~e::s·:__~o::f ~C~b::ri'.::s".'ti.'.'.an":·_::S~e::m~·::ce~·_'Co~s::t _:ls'...!:$2:_.50"".:_. __ 1 _________ __!~~21~•-~~.,~-~·~~-!!!!· !!!!!!'·~ gradualed from Pasadena City College and attended Orange ' - Parents of iPte i;:ouple are ·Mo. ~ Van Lanen of iit'NPQr't Beach and Mrs. Genevieve Keefe of UUca, .N.V. ~ the Jette Mr. William D.J<etf•.,, . . Given In · marriage <by. her atepfather\ the bride ask¢ her siaW'; Mrs. Rex ~ to be llUI~ of honor. Brlil¥maids Coast College. ~ . Her husband is a graduate <lf Syracuse University and at· tended Utica College. They will reside in Costa Mesa. Pop Generation 's Decree ~<-i .:; .. ·:: flick•1•~. "/JfJ. ' f <f.!f: ,1 .,OFFERS: N -E ·~· LQQK ,.,, TH ,E ' for a ••• NEW YOU! IN LESS THAN 30 MINUTES! "' Mallie's MIRACLE WIGS! , />.for "tntt•~+ h•ir-do'' con.-.ni•nct - I 00 % l(i,.;,k•Jon fib1r wi9t yo11 c:•n w•tt. 'n wt•r, 1fyle yourstlf for •ny oc· :, c:•1IOn! f•ckJ ew1y ne•tlv for ft•¥el too! 17'5 2295 llG. 24.tS lEG. 2t.t5 Melodi•, ·111111 , .,nd Chrh , 011r exp•rf 1ly1i1b •r• •••il•bl• fo r "iMftnl" 1tylint ,,f your 1ynth1tic wi9l .maf Ae ~ __ W_i'"g'--'&_B'-e--a .. u_t,_y_S_a_lo_n_ i 250 E. 17th St . i Costa Mesa -548-3446 D•ily.'til 5:00- • 1 Thvr:i.,& 'Fri. 'til 8:00 " . .m~.~~~@~- ' ..... 'if!> Rats •• .. . By LAURA FOREMAN NEW ORLEANS IUPll -A rUf\~by any olher name is a • bii 1titt rat. There are lots of them in lhe Louisiana swamps. A decade or so ago, a rat fur coal would have be en anathema t.o lhe chic. But wilh the rise of the pop generation, rat coats are in. Plucked nutria ha s been mildly .popular for years for use in coats and coat linings. It's \he unplucked. shaggy nqtria that promises · t o '! becOme the reigning fun fur in Colors Affect Gift Selectiol') When you select gold or silver jewelry to give as a gift, consider the personal coloring and th' color and style of cos-tume for the person for whon1 the gift is intended. Warm ye l low go l d harmonizes best with people who have warm colorings and like to wear warm colors. Silver Md white gold blend well with cool colors. ' . ~ .l="'Y•·~ ~~ SHOE TREE },fg@- • >S\~$-$ .. ... PRESENTS CHERRY TREE $12'°' Y. . ' . ·. Canvas Footwear ~$, .~ $11 s2" " Barefoot Sandals ....... . & .. ;TJtona·t s c.ron. e...,...,, !Y ..... $9 to $111 ,_ . . .ow·,o.. ·Clutches Lttlu• , .... lorly $41 . • • :--:a • • \ . ' , . ' • • ' . . " I' I I " i SOUTH COAST PLA%~ COSTA MISA'. s2so R.~ign • 1n American fashion -as it has been for years in Europe. Louisiana· is far-and away the nation's leading nutria· Producing state. ln lhe 1968-69 season, state records showed that some 1.75 million nutria produced pelts worth $3.67 million. For the same period , rival muskrat skins and meat, which once far surpassed Fur Fashions ., . . nutria as a: revenue-producer: brought in only $1.88 million. U the low)y nutria has become a success, il must be noted that his beginnings were no better than Horatio Alger's. It all started in 1937 when a man named E. A. MeIU\ennY imported 13 nulriu from South America and set up a nutria ranching experiment on Avery Island, La, D~g a hurricane, the original rats and about 300 de.scendanls escaped f r o rri their escape-proof hutch and took to lhe swamps. There lhey set about lo com· p o u n d and multiply semi~· annually, and it wisn't l<lng before farmers, trappers and the populace at large regarded them wllh the same affection they would the plague. Author Entertains Auxiliary at Lunch Nutria are "' bigger than muskrat -!Orne or them weiglilrig as much as 20 pounds. Making a virtue, o f necesslty, trappers began catching the pesky critters during the 1940s. Author Ethel Jacobson \Vil\ be lhe luncheon.speaker when U1e Women 's Auxiliary to the Orange' County Veterinary MedJcal Society meets Friday, Feb. 20, in the Revere House, Tustin. Mrs. Jacobs o n , in· trGqucUon of new officers and This season, . nutria pells dl5CUS5lon or the Help Fair In from eastern Louisiana sold Santa Ana College during for 'L.50 a pelt, while the April. western variety, considered The fair is spansored in con-superklr, brought $3 per pelt. jun.ct.ion with Ute Orange Even while nutria were County Medical Auxiliary and being ·sneered at In their home introduces high s c h o o 1 slate, they were v a I u e d students to careers available overseas. Most L o u I s I a n a in medical and velerlnary nutria were. and still are ex- rields. ported, mostly to Germany. Mrs.• George Clint.on is But a domestic market is In .... ~ pmeniing~. 3 Pk91. -$1.00 4 PACKAGE FREE fl(Ckdt1 t•!!!i SOUTH COAST P'LAZA PHONI 14Mtt1 lernationally known poel, has had verses published i n Ladies Home Journal, New York Times, and Los Angeles Times and is a newspaper columnist. Her books include "Cats" and "I'll Go QuieUy." luncheon chairman assisted by the making. N'.rs. Wayni; A·s p I~ a 11 ,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiij~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hospitality and Mrs. S,obertli Haight, reservations. Also on the agenda for tlie U:l5 p.m. meeting .is the in·\ Volley TOPS Letluce·B-TOPS convene at 7:30 p.m. each Tuesday for programs in Fountain Valley Elementary School. • How primitive can}:ou get? .. .. -· I • ~ Service Mothers Every third Thursday U.S . Air Force Mothers, Flight ·19 schedule meeting s in California Federal Sa"ings and Loan building, Costa Mesa, at 8 p.m. . ' ' In an age oE'aUtomatie ice makeri: a'J'\d, self.-clea.ning ovem, your bottled water syslem is about as modem a1 an Jee J>oJC. Besides takin,g up valuable kitchen spice, bottled water-c:I~ penser-£ are unattractive,. unecon·ol'flldl iand requir.e lrtquent ttlilling. r There is a much better ,.,,ay . , , The Lindsa;: Company .has devel oped a unique selF-containt'd Wltervurification ststem that-is installtd out of. sigJ{t beneath' YQUJ kitchen sink .... Tt utilizes the process of rev er,se .osm05it lo' rtn1.ow: ,90% or the impurities lrom your t<1p water and prcividCs a continuous supply"of P.urc, frnh drlnk.ins. water fof" about ·11s the cost-of bottled water. There ls no·inst.allaUon charge -all you p~y is 56.50 ptr month for the use of-this-modem ~ purification system. For full detail•, call or llN oav wri1e"The Lindsay Company, 474 E. 17th SI., ~ the ''SHE'' shop -o HIGH STYLE • • Discount Dress Shop ' ' Banlon DRESSES · .. -Re9. to $20.00 $599 Ban Ion PANTS e·anlon TOPS Values to J ll.06 W eshable Cott,~n " . CA PRIS· • • I Special Rack S~i~g DRESSES Reg. to $16.00 Values to • $15.00 \.\ ., V'a)iJel to , •10.00 $299 . . "$299· SPECIAL "T RUNK-F ULL" BARGAINS · • I A little of everything !)ISCOUNTEf? TO .• . • • '. • • ' . '. . $1 .00 ' • the · "S HE'' shop """m_s_co_uNT_w_o_M_ENS __ WEA_R_. 261 E. 17th St.· • Costa Mesa · CoSla M"'• Ca1il. 926;!7 (714 ) 64Z·6861. ........... ~~-~---------------,----~· ~ , ............................................ """!"'"" __________ ...,..,. • l • . p cm v PllDT • • Wed-, f"'""'7 18, 1970 • 7 .... ,.. -· _, .......... .,, . . -.. ., .. . ............................. ~.--..... .. • BIG BUY! BIG BUY! BIG BUY! BIG BUY! BIG BUY! BIG BU Y! t .. ...... Wtlr ---.....,,.. I iii~ . K1.n11 . .. • ....... ~ 1'•, .... ... ,,....... : 1·"'1~ . ... _ . • • ...... ,,-,0. < ·-····· .. I ' , ' . . Chuck Steaks-":.."'-: 5' Beef Rib Steak l::.'=98' • .. 7 Frt1• Chicken ::;2~•1" B11f Clib Steaks • lJ" • • Sliced Bacon 1~l 7'9c .......... ,_.... •ti. Porte Sausage ·=: ::33c Slicicl Ham .!-.:;~.::. :t.57' Ill-Meat Franks ~~:: 69' Lunch Meats == :tt3Sc .................. ,,.,.... .. ., ... '-- SPRING c:::::~ BOU(!UEf99 ~-tAJM8 . 't111SWllX'51UTUU ... ... ... 33c ,. COFFEE CUP "::,:C . !.:. 00 . ' ' -- USDA CHOICE . l 'P wt c..,~·· Ill .... - 1.,...i ....... ·FRESH CHOPS ....... 7 .... ..... Cid c S-' . 0 I Baby FOocl . . . ., .... ---,_ Y11r Cll1i11 • IEllll ••••••• ' •• USDA CHOICE OF LAMB . . ' ....... • c .............. lmperlllYllly . .. . Dinnen u11u1d Blee.ch ' C- .. , ... ·j•f······' BIG BUY! Cittl9I 11111• Cheese ... _ Lamb Rib a.ops .:t.:. .. •1st lamb Riad ........ -"' .. w · ::t:.'"c:' ... ....... c lamb Chops ~~ .•1st lambRiast -'1lttl .. 7f 5Dt5qlncut Lamb Chops Wl*Clll ... , .. Lamb ll'lllf ....... .. 2' ---. . ' Dnssing :.!. , 450 for So-or -llllrt Angel Ring .......... ..., 3t tt's ' '1lmwd(" ca., [lfe- tlJllJ f« "WasbilPI'• Birlt-.... "1-. 0 ..r .... Top Ganmme11t tt•des. ck.-tiiamwd top. atrti w.t~ Uocondi· ' tionallJ' paftllllled. 111111 ...ft,,....., Oar bl;Jen 111 ~-.-cttbai-'- -... , Widt.-tMadmticn.I .,_.md~W~br.m. flU.....-TI Wbat.1!lll want ia hrlft .kob, dflic:I._ .-I. dairy Jlftldoel:t, --foodll ~~th dbmat)t-Trul --. UIW, ll9 ,_, MoJ1., ... •~r priue throusbciut the .. pilll.tnt..U. in ml· \Wtimd..-. SAVE .............. Azaleas =:w. ftftc LMl1 Colen. '::' 717 - Camelias '1'' ' • • • o,.nge Juice ~ TV Dinners · -~ ·Be14ir Waffles 2 = 251 Bel1ir Peas ':.:!;:-t..:.-6 :::s1 Bel1ir Pina ~ ·::9t . Spinach ~~;~ 6~'1 Lucerne Ice Milk .=. 4t Fl .. Dlwn.c::=..::s9' a.1111 Pia= ':79' l4lffel Sappen:::::: '1" &II._ Cini.'::..::. '::37' Sour Cream ~~=-Dips. •Ill 4• --.11o. 111111 ~ . a... Yeprt::.: 5':!! 1111 Mi•l.n•--... 95' liW Cll11• ,.::;:o::."I',,. .. Ir Jack Cheese·~.~ .. ar Cram Chese '= !.--:.-39' Band-Aid Brand ~~~ .... 73• Drflhal lllual Mist '!: •1" Vlcli's "'"'II ""\:... ": •1 11 AMci• T•lets '='-.. ~-79' Vlck's.Y..,.. t::."!: 47' AMcl• T•lllets ":.."" .':'. '1" Vlckli YRporvll r..=: •:: *'' Drilltll c.ps.lu"= ~ 19' SIMKN9"!Sllf!IJ ~ •1• VOTE I VITALIS BUFFE~I ·.f@.1 fHlltpRst• I IWr Tiiiie a..i1J!lc. . .?.'! 4.1c. 790 ML ...... ·71 C T.w.ta ~. ,,._ .......... 1-tL ~ ............ I 1"'* •111•1""" Dl....i...... I 11111 .. Prtosil fJll • Wfdntsday, Ftbnu1ry 18, 1970 (N) PILOT.AOVERTISEi. 7 FULLY COOKED SHANK HALF 5 c llUTT 69~:HAM $129:1WHOU ~,¢ POlnGN . . . ! SUCIS . "· ! HAM . . U 1' WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY SPECIAL SIMPLE SIMON-LARGE H -OZ. CHERRY PIE .auo APPi.i ~ llUCH .. t ------- WESTWOOD CA TERI NG QUALITY Gal. ICE CREAM • • • • • • • ~:!'. I . ' ' .. ' ' ' ' ' ' EA. .: ' ' 57c l w.._,a..,, February 18, 1970 DAILY PILOT 3lJ 21 VOLUME SET NOW ON SALEI ILLUSTRATED )VORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA . vo1..1 49c '''""""" Not • •P'Cf•I edition, not '" 1brn:l1ed l)rintlnr, but ''" ••et1 ttl9 f\111 i nd compleUf,21·wl11m,e let! !he orl11n11 ONLY "° -~of 1ut.11ot1ty ind tcllol1r1t11111111bt"lltd. II.IV A VOl.U'-t[ A wttK IUH.D lttt: for tilt' 1pec!1t nrtdt of youn1 peoplt trom Jvnlor COMPl.ElE 11 vot.uMt Sf.T .... thtOUCh hl1h 1ctiooL. • . . .,.. . -aav1 •n.n ' • Fr11h Fil11h of P1r 11 1' DOYEi SOLi • , , • , , , , , , , lb. Fr11h Columbit 1'1r 49• lJYll SMILTS , • , ;, .... , l b. Coc;llf1il Si11 •·11. 19' COOKIO ~llMP • •·• , • • 1'11:9. BREAKFAST SPECIALS Ho""l'1 11.d l1b1I l ·I~. 69' SLICID IACON • • • • • . • • Pk1. '~' F1rm1r J•l111 l ·1t. 33• LINKS , ••••• • ·, • •••••• Pk9. lUEAT DEPT. FROZEN FOODS POPPY BRAND BONELESS TURKEY ROLL 4-Slb. 98C Site• lb C•r111tion l·1tt, 43• , PISH lflCKS ,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Pk9, 1 ' . C1r111tien 12·•· 49• 1 PISH CAKIS ,,,,,,,,,,,, ••.. , .......... Pk9, : C1rn1tio11 J.lb, ti 19 : flSH STUKS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,. Pk9, 1 . ' C•r11•tio.. I.II,, 73• ' COD PILLITS ••• , ................ , , • , , , P•t· ! Gorlo" 7-oi. 98' IC!_ALLOP CRISPS •• , ••• • .. • ·,.,, .. • • • • • P•t· God a11 l -a1. 59• FISH Clll'i •• , , , , , , , . , ...•.•...•. , .•. P•g. Mn. F-rlcl•y'' / 1-lb. $,It GOUIMn SHllMP , , •. , •.•.•.... , , ,, .. , P•t · Sll11r1-T111cl1 P•r '1 ff llEF flUTil«S .. , , , , , , , ••• , •••. , . . • . . . • . l b. THIS IS THE SEASON FOR BANQUET-BEEF, CHICKEN , TURKEY CAMPBELL'S SOUP CHICKEN NOODLE or VEGETABLE MEAT PIES a.oz . PKG. ~- WESTPAC -ALL VARIETIES VEGETABLES 2t~·· 25! Produc~ Dept. Specials NUCOA REGULAR INCL. le OFF 2 5 MARGARINE ... · i~;: c-LARGI HUD WASHINGTON STATE-EXTRA FANCY ROMAINI LEnUCE IEST OF THE SEASON NAVEL ORANGES 19~. YOUNG TENDER-"TOPS OFF" I 0 c C4RROTS • • • • • • 1b CRISP RED ;.oz.. I oc , RADISHES ••• c:;~o HAWAIIAN 39 C PINEAPPLES ••• · .. Drincaii .Hines Deluxe c SWISS CH9COLA TE, WHITE, DEVILS FOOD, \ DEEP CHOCOLATE; LEMON, SPICE, CHERRY SUPREME, .PINEAPPLE · F~E MARBLE, I I RED DELICIOUS IS c HOMAD! { .SAUERKRAUT ll·OZ. 35c PKG. - PlllSIUlY 'SUGA•, II·•'· OR CHOCOLATE CHIP, IS \\ COOKIES 45!. XL NT IEEf TAMALES IREAsr.o .cHICKEN -LIGHT 2" 9 CHUNK TUNA ... t~:· c G.l1ANT I .OLD ....... ,65c SLiCETDWHBTREAD ..... 25c , - DR.ROSS-ALLVARIETIES 8 TALL . s100 DOG FOOD.. 1~1::·. · · • i~~ CARAMEL SUPREME, YELLO'(t'. , ~ 1.oz. 2 ftC ~ :ruruRlfY 1 •LI 1tv.-oz. MIN. wr.y EA. sin 7T ~;,~ 47:. . PK •• CONTINEtiTAL GRIND • . , • "'i 3 C LEO'S BEEF, HAM, P~STRAMI, CORNED BEEF ~I. 3 5 c " MA~~INCVS CO~FEE .......... I !\ lb SLICED MEATS ....... ~':: II PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS., thnt SUN., FEI. 19, 20, 21 , 22 .270\ HAR90R BLVD., 'COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARD.EN GROVE e 1308· W; EDING.ER, SANTA ANA .' 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH e ' 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO ,, ! :14 OAll V PILOT Wednndq, Ftbr"'7 18, 1970 ~ n N.OT-AOVERTISER \.Vednrsday, FtbrU<ll'J 18, ~ • ' -- SKILLET SCALLOPS BEAT THE CLOCK 310 81.G WEEK• 97~:v~~RJHDAY CELEBRArioN l.!:::=DU=R=ING=· O:;U;R ;;;•'R;TH~O~~~~~O~F~C~OFFEE WITH us ONTH FROM I O:Oo A.tit. TO 5:00 '·tit. LARGE SUNK1ST -Time-saving Scallops , Minimize (.hef Duties Time was or little Import to ancient East.em phllosophers. However, they would have quJckJy paused i.n t b e I r meditallons to .waleb • you make good use d your time with Utis Oriental-flavored scallop specialty. SkJllet Scallops ls a one-dish meal ready In j11St a few minutes on top· or the stove , ~ ingredient.a are out of the freezer or rigbt off your pan-~ry shelf. Pea pods, soy sauce and rice provide an Oriental base to highlight the sweet scallop taste. Cook scallopi'over low heat, add' pea pods and tomatoes. and thicken. Skillet Scallops are then ready to serve, sav· ins you Ume and energy. Remember to Walch the clock. Don't overcook the scallops or vegetat>les. CareCul Umlng is an Oriental mastery In all cookery. Make It yours tool Ancient-world wise men would bow lo such out.-of·thi.s. world efficiency. SKILLET SCAUOPS ~ pounds scallops, fresh or · frozen 1 pa~kage (7 ouoces) frozen pea pods butter or margarine f toes. cut into eighths water 2 tablespoons cornstarch I tablespoon soy sauce '·Ii teaspoon salt · ~. teaspoon pepper I cupo bot cooked rice Soy sauce Thaw frozen scallops and pea pods. Rinse scallops with cold water to remove any shell particles-:-• Cut large scallops in ha lf crosswise. Oratn pea pods. Melt butter In a 10-lnch fry pan. Add scallops and cook over low heat for 3 to 4 mlnutell, stirring frequently. Add pea pods and tomatoes. Combine water, cormlarch, soy sauce, salt and pepper. Add to scallop mixture and cook until thick, stirring con· stanlly. serve in a rice ring wilh soy sau~. Makes 6 servings. 0111.Yf.fftt/:')ffAS ITf · Ralphs Has It , •• And ONLY Ralphs Has It! PRICES LOW AS DIS· COUNT on more than 5,000 of the items you buy mosl. MOST-WANTED ITEMS, like coffee, sugar, cereal, canned fruits and vege· tables. soaps and detergents; frozen foods anq juices, and many more a re priced .as low a s discount. - In addition, Ralphs has reduced the pri ce on MANUFACTURERS'l'RE·PRICED ITEMS like potato chips and snacks, health and beauty aid$ and housewares. And, for even greater saving s, Ralphs offers WEEKLY ADVERTISED SPECIALS! Come in and prove to yourself that "ONLY RALPHS HAS IT All!" NAV£l ORANGES ~tn111•1 11SC1111t11t ,....._mnm tueemtt ~·· -~~ - c-· 'IH-.S-TA-NT-CO....=FF_!!!!!.EE-~ ) ( .. PAPE~,GO()Dsf· .J \b. BUDGET SAVING FROZEN FOODS! fll:ESH.f'ACT BABY OR fORDHOOK FROZEN ~GRADE ·A ·LIMA BEANS fllOZiN ll!'f, CHtC .. tH 01 TURX[Y Stouff ers Meat Pies ll>OL 49c f"KCi. OH IO'f ROZEN 'lll'ITH CH(ESE O• WITI4 SOUR CREAM & CHIVES Stuffed Potatoes M.J.B. 10.oz. 1111 11 11 CHIFFON TOILET TISSUE 21our.« 21' 27• t TASTER'S CHOICE 'oz. 99' 99' SOFT-WEVE TOILET TISSUE 21onr.e<27' 21• FOLGER 'S 11'9 IJ41 AURORA TOILET TISSUE 2'<>llPACK 27' 271 1Q.QL NESCAFE 10-0L 1)22 1)2! ZEE TOILET TISSUE OOU PACK 38' 38' (·,.;,:~. <iJREALJ "·) CHIFFON FACIAL TISSUE 200 ~PIY 28' 28" KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE 200 '"" 28' 28' WHEATIES ll·OZ. 37' 37' POST GRAPE NUTS ii.oz 39' 39' KELLOGG'S VARIETY PACK ,;;~,49' 49' C&H GRANULATED ..... 55' 55' 1 .... 11• 11• RALSTON WHEAT CHEX ,,oz.36' 36' C&H BROWN • QUAKER OATS .,oz.55' 55' C&H POWDERED • 1.u 17' 17' HAS THEMI CHEERIOS "oL 52' 52' C&H GRANULATED '"·29' 29' 5 $1 QQ KE~L~GG 'S PRODUCT19 • ooz.37' 37' ·c ) ~~·g:: ( ~ CANNlD SOUPS j BAKING NEEDS _ .. ' -GOLD MEDAL FLOUR , .... 1111 11" 3 . $100 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO . "".oz,1 2' 12' BISQUICK MIX ·~~~ CAMPBELL'S CHICKEN·NOODLE ~i':-17' 17' CRISCO SHORTENING JO.OZ. 31' 31 j MACAAONI & CHEES{, 5'1NACH SOUFflt, l'OTATOES AU Gr,,t,Tlt-1, siouff ers"Frozen '"(iiods •:;~~ 3 9 c Hash0'8rown Potatoes 3 ,';~;, $1 °0 CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE io••oz.15' 15' WESSON OIL CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE BEEF ~~"'-19' 19' CRISCO OIL CAMPBELL'S tn•• 11 Mushroom ~,'."·17• 17' WESSON OIL O.ll. 87' 87' '"°'· 50' 50' 2<0Z. 50' 50' :ia.oL 77' 77' ' ~ suPEH 'c ATHJNG • PET RITZ FROZEN Wa•hin';ton'• Birthday Speciall I ANACIN 78 (FLAVOR OF· THE MONTH :A"Plf I ETTY V1·GAL ONLY) APf'lf, BOYSENBERRY OR PEACH ICE CREAM FRUIT PIES CHOCOLATE CHERRIES TABLETS egf~~E C COVERED . ' _PINTS 69(SAYl10c 8·1NCH 29~ CQRONfT 59c l~OZ. BROMOSRTZER lA~GI Sill 58< QUEEN ANN£ , .. .oz. 2roa39' 'h·GllL. Mlll( OR BOX SCOPE MOUTH WASH '"l'i~l'.n 99' SAYl 6c OAR< SAVI 10c alGULAll Olt SUPER PLAYTEX TAMPONS PitG. PKG. Of 1 Of to ,ACfPtC STA.CRISP 39c $)49 SODA CRACKERS Ml. 31 ' PKG. " ·Ultf!INE-•EATUR!O ON KHJ.!V ANTISEPTIC ~~~; 97' f-OIMULA SHORTENING 409 Cl.EANER ,,.oz. 89c CRISCO 3 C~H 87' ' I I ' • ( \Vtanesda)', February 18, 1970 PILOT·ADVERTISER 5 . DA.I~ Y I'll.OT ff ·It's as Simple s Pie for Actress to Wh.ip Up "Dessert ORIGIN INDELIBLE J••n S11Mrg By ,JOHNA BUNN UNIVERSAL CITY -"i· don' particularly like haute cuisine. r appreciate I~ but how can you pooalbly op. }>reclate an l~m banquet if you have to eat It every day of your life-? U It's an evening at Maxim't once a year, beautiful. , ··out it's like having to live wltti the Mona Lisa all the Ume: sooner or later, you're gonna say, 'Honey, 'your n0&e Is dripping!' 11 blonde, beautiful actress Jean Seberg sa.ld in a monologue which began with the gustatory pleasures of liv. lng. "Oue of Ille lh!ngs that shocked me alter a long period of being abroad, was seeing peanut butter and grape Jelly mixed together ln + a jor. AroFrica mnat be ~ming deeode~" llhe ,.J4 otrelchins her lq lep ..,.. the 1urquo1,. gown t h 1 t matdMd her; eyes. "To peor>hl who .,. OOlllllnl ceeoumen, r .._ !bit -ds ........ But u.... must be a Umlt to bow far you can IO in fhat I would cal11 the hyper-development of pro- ducta to coniumen ud of. making people !eel ti they don't have this, th e y ' r e faJJure •. ~. I • Jean'• a:n accrrnpllsbld pie mater,1"Iq fact, J Clfl make a pretty goOcl pumpkin pie. I never did UDt1l l WN qp in Oregan_ !Mt yeor. All kinds or W.itd tl1lnl!• hlppened to me up fl!ere amonc which I diJccwerOcl the he.irt ol a little ho}uemllt<r, which, lortunote. *LOWER THAN DISCOUNT ON THE ITEMS YOU BUY MOST! -- ly, 111n .. , bu ~. llld you bl\f a lemon pUltln bowl telllnl Oaur mixture "At the tli!M. ! wtUld rush mli, you're a phoney and a lightly with a fork od4loc jilst hoinf from Work and bop lnlo cheaL U you hove 11 cliudr.n · enough Uquld Ill fonn '• maSI. ll!Y ld!d. (she rented 1 and-hive Ill bUe Jn a h111'1'7, With fllllT,'JU!:i" clougJi lo· mall ctopbelrll -dutjng theft I undentond. But thot'I lo I balf, ho U Utile ll tlie aflootlol) and I WU llllk· reolly not cook1q It yOUl'lell. oooalblt. W,..P doulh lightly ~ ~ ~-~ ~~ You'Ve Col Ip do It the old ln iru popor: chill unW ready ,_.. -~.. •-llnU conwt&rcb-Funy Farmer way to ae. rtuibarl> p!U_ and sUr It ond stir It." Roll cruot out on t llghUy "I like Coqking, but cooldng TE A,N SE BB R G ' 8 Ooured -.! (or poalt)' cloth) u plluure not u a du~y. I MIDWESTERN 1tret.c:bJna to ID e Ye D tblak .._ -reolly hove bEMON MBillNOUE-Plll ' • ~· 9-Jnch pie di.ah with lo do . !bit °"'° Uma • ~ ,,. Ille erul ~ and bl lmaC!JaU'8 obout It, enJlt. Cut off "Ith acJ¥ors ire herilc. I neY9f Maid be ~ tu.spo«1 ult allowtna o n e • b a I f lncb ad -rd never pntmd thai ~II ,:S ~ Onur hln&9ve< I« the Cnlll. Flute I eoulcl. A l[Olld _., a Scant II Cl>P Ice water the cruot, preulng wtth the mlr1cle,'' the exclaimed. Mil ult and flour totether fingen. ·Prick crust .befqre "U JQU're aolnll to moke • J n m!Jioc bowl. Cut ahortenl!)g baking to ~US deetee pie, you''" IOI to moke It lnlo lllHIOl!f m!Jlyre will> r . oven unW lolden (about 10 from tcratch.• The"' ore jult pilley b!Onder (0< with two mfll!lles) som_e thlng1 you ran't cheat knives) uni.It even lumps the l'w ... Ulig , _ on. Now, If you)'< &olnc to aiae of peas ore formed .. II\ toblelPOOl'I ~ t1llb 1 lemta mtrilllue pl~ Graduolly odd Ice wotor to I I> to~ l1oal-' I -' Only Ralphs offers you a CHOIC::E OF BLUE.CHIP STAMPS · or an immediate 11/2% CASH DISCOUNT* (Excluding liquor, tobacco or fluid milk purchases.) So that means 5,000 items LOWER THAN DISCOUNT, when you add your choice of Blue Chip stamps or l1h % ¢ash Discount to the thou sands of ite ms priced everyday low as discount. Pinch ult 1 \ii cupa qar. 11\ <>!Pl bolilnl Wlttr •·•II yolks -I table>poo111 gtoled lemon rind • Scant II Cl>P lrelh lelll6n julco I tab~ meltod butter sm togeth .. r com.tatdl; flour, ult and ougar Jn lop o! a double boiler. Gradually stir' In bol\ing water, coo~ over du.ct beat, lllrring constanuy uqUI mlrture bolls. set over botling water, coot, cover about 20 minutes (or u.nW donllanUy. Cool, but dt DOI chill. Pour ""!l.t!!'l Into bobi! pie ahoJI. Top with_...... '"tile ..... 4 ea whites 5cont' I\ oup -piDcII aalt -eg-mlultan-UI stlll bill ao& dry, ~ly odd 1111ar, beoti"I ~. Pile meringue tJat!Ur ta mer fllllng one! ctull. Bab In ..... hea~ as degrees F. oven un- til fOlden. Cbllf well before .. l'Yin&· • thick and smooth >, stir often. 0-N THE TUBE . Beat egg )'Olb sllghlly, add lemon rind, lemon juice and Fer. tti. W.t t •14e te ... r, melted butter, 'blen<.I well. ·ti•ppt Rlttt •• TV, ree4 TY Grtdually add to sugar nUx~· WEEK -41tffllt.tN wlffi ... hire. Cook 1n doutil:e bolle.r lino-S•t11'4ey 941iffe• ef tMi DAILY w IDIOOth Ind thick, atlrrjng ,PILOT.. • . It's Ralphs way of helping you get the most 1out of your food budget! ROUND BONE SHOULDER SWISS 7 c STfAK ••. 9 0111 Y CS> .HA I.Tl nmtD ISCMtU ~: PllC( • ~Jig~,&· 'llElfEK~ ALL DETERGENT .,ANT n· 11· TIDE .DETERGENT GIANT 82' 82' DRIVE DETERGENT KING"" 11" 1111 WHITE KING D DETERGENT OIANT 68' 68' CASCADE DISKWASHER DETERGENT UOL 69' 69' DIAL DEODORANT SOAP ""' "" 20' 20' ZEST DEODORANT BAR REOUW "" 14' 14' BIZ PRE-SOAK u.oz. 68' 68' IVORY FLAKES Ol~NT 79' 79° . BABY FOODS -i · . . . GERBER STRAINED GERBER JUNIOR BEECH-NUT STRAINED BEECH-;fUJ JUNIOR cY,.oL 9' 9' •v.-oz.13' 13' .... o •. 8' 8' 7 .... L 11' 11' HUNT'S REGULAR TOMATO SAUC E..oill' 11' DEL MONTE TOMATO SAUCE •·oL 11° 11' HEINZ KETCHUP ..... 24' 24' CHIC·E CHICKEN VARIETIES PET DINNERS 10 6·~Z. $100 CANS _ SJ.VE 55< - f ..... MINUTE MAID MINUTE MAID TREESWEET TREESWEET SUNKIST "°L 28' 28' 12<>L 55' 55' '-OL 271 271 12.oz:53' 53' "°L 28' 2&' wffi CAllS CIU'Ll.11 DONUTS CNIRRYPIE GIFTS• GADGETS• VJ.LUE$ TO $2,39 , '9c SUPER SALE POT$' PANS 9 9 MUM1¥UM COOICWAlE YQUR C VE UGS f riEC $AUCI PAN SIT CHOICE 7-BONE 5nc 7-BONE 63 ~2~!~ 7te. STEAKS t~ VEAl -""''"0 "" srur ti. 8 9c P.ORK SAUSAGE I llNKS 3 =$JOO GENUINE ALASKAN Pl!CIS I TO BAXI c ::0 49• ::;45• ·-~9· • 6+ RIAL ORANGE JUICE' ·' -Qr._39c -~.o•L 69c.. . . 4PA>DAIRY CHOCOLAY~ QT. · 19c ' . ' '." .. .. SLICED LUNCH MEATS .-LONGHORN CH~j;>DAR -, OR MONTEfW{ JACK IOlOGN"-OtM LOAf, LUNCH ION klAf 6-0L ~ PICl<tf lo I PK(;. PIM!NTO LOAf "' . 39.~. CHEESECHUNK89,f XLNT BEEF JAMALES , HAUJY'S l~_i~ WITH HANS 1~NL 33c CHtU ·um CARNE SCHllllNG'S I t.ACK PEPPER I.OMA UHDA GRAVY QUIK ~·43c l'OIL 18c PKG. PU SKlft\ MILK YOUR NEAREST RALPHS .STORE I 'LOCATED AT 990l ADAMS BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH, Store Hours 9 a.m. to ·lO p.m. Daily 1 . . "I I I I . • • ' • l ' I at OAILV PILOT \VldModat, ~ • ....,, 18, 1970. , , ObM.fV•nc• of ' lnLI , ~n'• Blrthd•Y• . W•s".nt . , MAYFAIR MARKET COSTA MESA Will Clo" At Midnight, Fib. 11, And Reopen Sun., t 8 a.m. """'~'Y' .Fob. 13, A • • • BON-LESS SI EAKS U.S.D.A.<:HOICE'ORMAYfAI~ BCUE RIBBON STEER,BE~F • FAMILY, SWISS I ORCllUCK • SAVE60c WHEN YOU BUY TWO , WITH THIS COUPON ~ ·JOHNSTON CHERRY PIES RIB ST.EAKS U.S;D.A. CHOICE OR MA YfAIR'BLUE RIBBON STEER SEEF WELL AGED fOR TENDERNESS BONILE55 SH'LHI CLOD . ROAi TS OI CllUCI( U..S.D.A. Ct+OJCE 01 MAYfAJR ILUE l lMOH . -.. CHUCK WILL -STEAK n••MED U.S.OA. CHOICE 01! MAYr-'lllWE •tllON-... ~··········-~ .. lb. DOG FOOD VETS' NO. 1 TALL CAN AU FLAVORS $ • SPLfT FRYER ~~LI ·BREASTS._. LARGE EGGS POTATO CHIP51EG.C.DIP M/l.YFRESH REG. Pl<G ........... -· .. ·-· GIANT PUNCH DETERGENT GIANT PKG.-·--... lb. U.S.NO. 1 SPANISH ONIONS ·2i29' . . ! . -MA YJllUH l?o! ·-i ' ' 12.0Z. ~~ 7 .~ . 4 CAN •••••••• 3'c .;,. • ~ 6-0Z. CAN ......... ·~;, · r:fOHN'S . -~!PIZZA 1 ii~z. -~V CHEESE OR CHEESE & SAUS.4.GE .. ; . STAR USTlUNA PIES ICL>IZ>.--_Si' I ' . GORTON'S FISH & CHIPS t.u.PKo.-..............•.• 65• --·--m®(air DdiMtc.ss~--..... BUDDIG SLICED MEATS CORNEDBEEF,SMOKEOHAM, 3 $ SMOKED TURKEY.SMOKED BEEF, t SMOKED CHJCKEN & SMOKED PASTRAMI f YOUROtOtCE3.0LPKG. OP !!:.m~J.!'J!/.RANKS --·---·-5 5 c PILLSBURY BISCUITS ::ill"::~ ...... ~-6149• =::'J1i~11<-.-..... _59• · ~~~~~~.~~~ ··-9gc "•=t~J~USAGIJt)< ~f.~n~!tE~~.. .... 69' ~~_:_45' ~,:,~ ........ 69' IMITATION ICE MILK 35' llDIJl liITITIIN t\lf Ill ··- ·--mQYfiir LiqWll' ___ ...... ZAROFSKY CHARCOAL FILTERED • VODKA :::.~ $,&. 9 19 LAUDEIS .SCOTCH .... 111 • ..,-.......... _ .......... -...... . BLENDED WHISKEY laTNll'IDllCO•·nNF "---·--"·· CHAMPAGNE OAnllUftlOI •rc.NtSPMlllC.,.n.muwcs: ..... " .... ""' Mii.WAUKEE BEER IUM.,114.•TIU-WI IFU ···-·· .. "·-··" .......... _ ....... 5" ..,.2" 1!!11 179 ...... 1" 11m.111An ·ggc :::, ~·;,::•: 59c ~=~-... __,.. SrTUIJ·R.CM .llSCUTll _.,. ..... - ltED SWEET APPl£JUICE :WO:.. -----43' PACIFIC BAG COOKIES Ill ... _ 49' ORANGES EMPEROR CHIL1.11 8EANSI ~~'&/,;~~~ 39' FROZEN.STRAWBERRIES ~:m.29' IARGESUNKIST NAVEL ....... _............................... _1_=G::.:R:.::AP~--=ES'=:--lc+-----T.KR'l\<ISPY CRACKERS !\!'f:t __ 35' CINNAMON ROLLS 11:.!'11\'l..ru. 49' " .... ~ESH~l5ffl5 00.1~G~•~'!N2,u.l Sc 2tl2ftc 1M ~HEES£~'1'.l:i'2i35' BRANMUFFINS Rli!flrt. .... _ 43" ,~ _ · y-MOCHA JAVA CG FFU :lffi.1111 8~ BlUEB'RY MUFFINS l::.:l:'a.m.43' \..:.:======~=~-===~~=-:::::~=~~~~~~WHl~TE~BR~EA~o;:-~.:;,~~r .. ~· ·--49' UPTON TEA BAGS .n ···--·65' . BUTTER ... IT "~FEE SPAGllETTI TOOICHDICE ADVEllTISID PlllCIS IPPICTIVE 7 FULL D~YS :"~~~~-0•'"·-C MAYFAIR MARKO :!'~~Rs ' f'llU """"" SAllCI MIX 19 THURSDAY, FEii. 1' THRU WED., FEB. 2! Ml.ell ~ 73' w."'·--· 145 1-llW--.-.. 1!" SPA:GIETI 175 East 17th S!roet, Costa' Me11 14.8.f''-G.--- • ' • • ( ... ' -• PILOT ..AOVERTISER 9 Wtdnttday, February 18, lt70 • ~SPEC/A.LI I t SLICED l [[f SPI y BEEF lllEG,lfll.I.. U.S.'D.A.cttota'OISTATa-.OS.Cll:TIAIOlfff 59' CORN<O "" ·~ ro HAM 3 '1 BEEF ROAST ltOUND . .. "' OARK,TUR KlY SALAMI ~,,_ ·~· ............. LI. BREAST OF TURKEY "'"""· IOl!IBUSIHF,SHOll.Dlt · aftc -SLICED CHICKEN ·2;.;.89¢ ROLLED ROAST ............. LI. ... . F ... lt.IO ... ~I•• '"' U.S.D.A.CHOICfORSTAT!lltOS.ClllTIFllDlllF 83' PORI( STEAK. LI. 7· RUMP ROAST .: ................... LI. ' •• • US.D.A.Q!!)IC!Oll5TATllJlllOS,CEITIFllDlllF s 109 • GAIL V PILOT 3l -, CLU8 ' · .'. .SIEAK .. '1r..··ma ROAST -' U.S.D.Ai CHOICI OI STA nR lllOS. allTIFllD IUI' , c LI!. ' U.S.D.A: CHOICI Oil STA Tiit llOS. altTIFIED llJEF .·79~. IONIUSS.-U. 9lc 83 ROUND'SllU IONE-IN ..... LI. c us.D.A.CH01c1oisT1.tu11os.cm1F11••u• 5 I is T -BONE STEAK ........... LI. • · .ViirsriAK"Dl~.89' STEAks::~it".'.~........... "· · .. MAllllATTANIO~atu•. S"' us.D.A.CHOJa011STATUll05.~D1E1F Oftc ·--SAtAMf ~_.... 7 · RIB STEAKS ~ ..... ·····'·'···'··'·-Ll.97 "Poitiiilouii'';,IA. ! 129 ·-;o;~sii1oiiiiiji · ~· 1~7 · FllSHIXIULIAHJL\-M 8a .. · GROUND ROUND .... Li. ·. c WITH . SC Of .F ,J:~. . E PURCHASE Of 1 ()LBS. PiLtsauRY fLOUR Good ontv It ST~~~-"~'~-::;.,.,. _..... ·FOLGER'S . COFFEE ~. L f:fONEY TREAT . ,., • .&w.-.&w. ~ 9-i A«a! . ; GRAHAMS ~ 7 8 c . ioii.i0NP1Es_:_ __ .. ~s7' 1 ~ 39' :..l·t'·~~.-.. ., ... M.C.l'.IUND110l.CAN .• ,l4c 5 • 1 ~ • l ._... ••• $1.15, 'ORANGE JUICE ___ . .. ~:.i;. . .._,."" . 8ftc RSH STEAKS ----·---'... .., QiifjD/ POTATOES .,. .. 35c WoUET DINNERS _,. 37c C'HERRv.PIES ,MK &gc VEGEJAitfs :!'~'l•~t.31c ;iEJSHELLS ..... 39' DEssERTTGl;atto_,or. ar ltOUlltllf 311e flSH CAKES ·-3!1' BEEF STiW " OOL :1' ASH STICKS ..... '°~----"°'·9gc MIALflCOffU~kl ;I -7ftc 'APPLE,DANISH _ ._,.., _.., ioc.olll1' ACC JIMllU..,,.. 43 II.ICED IEEf .... 'til CHERRY PIES • ,.. c .. aiiLi&BEANS:...:_ .... 29' Oi4N6'EJu1cE -~ ... s1 "'"""-. . 311e ~·'' s141 · MORTON DINNERS-,,.., :1 LOBSTER TAIL _,...., ~PtEPIES ,,..39c LEMONADE:r:".~ -•P..11c . ' ... . PHAWAUllANN1C:; _H .. , . •E~G~:~"GI' 3 46-0L s1· LO-CAL RED ·-......... .......... CANS . . ' ' . . GOLDENGRAINMB>!UMORWIDE 4 , •1 ' EGG "OODLES ....... ',~· IARHIVARIETY , . • ' . · 2 .... 29 ° DESERT .DAIES-:. ... 1.1.101, :1 UjlY'.$ ·• -· . • . 79· Mk $•1M9N~ ...... J:t:s · · c "'"""ltE f 6-0UNa ,..:rGI SI ii.:ri. M4~5HMALtOW5 ...... :.,! ... ,: · G-RICE Gl•NTsmDEAtPACICAGt • • !"· A·6c i,3c,_1)z. THRILL ·LIQUID.:. ........ : ................. • · DETERGINTDIALPACKAGE •• ,,4 ~i JU•O DASH ....... ,, .. :.~ ........ :............ _ STEW PALMotMDEALPAC1CAGIGIANTs1n . . 5 ~ C • 63~'-0Z. LIQUID DE:rERGENJ .......... :C"'"'"~ .... . . -I TURNOVERS ~!!l¥rJ _""'_ "°'""" 59' JIUSKET B1scu1rs ·---.. '.. ,, o< 41• BORDEN'S C.HEESE ~l~ -'""" 91' RUSK ET FLAKEi ...,~ .. -=-10-oz 39' ' HUNT'S APRICOTS '--'"CAN 31' LOMA UNDA NUTEENA -· 14-0t 69' PEACHES Sfj~t't~--m 21 ' WHITE KING 'D' ~~u~s ............ 89' . H~NT'S PµR HALVES ---e'Zl 33' SNO·BOL CLEANER -·· ,.o, 33' ·BRION • c DEODHAN'f -c .PRE-IOAK _ ..... 48 DIALIO&•l ... u 37 · ~l.J-01.0M&.•AO::AGl ~ DU.&.•ACUGlllCl.Mii. -.. HUNT'S CHILI BEANS ...... 2:,'cA0 31' MARGARINE !~Vf·~~-; __ 1 l~ 39' HIJHTSTOMATO CATSUP ... o, 22' VANO FABRIC FINISH ...... :. ,;;:;., 63' HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE 3 oilt. 33' DRY TREND DETERGENT _,,.,,,45' . HUNT:STOMATOES :.:~~··-· m 25' IVORY FLAKES ., .. , __ ., ____ ,.. 82' . HUNT s TOMATOES '"'!~ .,...... i'lll 23' .IVORY SNOW GIANT ·---··~·-··-""· 82' FRUIT COCKTAIL """'··---· c'~'25' 808.'S TARTARSAUC.E __ a.oz.39' CUT GREEN BEANS ""''·-"t'J 29' PET MILK ~gJ.'rA'Y••r 4 49' LIBBYLIMllBEANS __ 120!.35' PETMILK""1 .. ,;;;;; · l ar. - RAT!:l'S SAUSAGE ....... -. l ·O< QA~ 65' •0 • '" -·'~-~ OT ••• MARGARINE !~~Pt.:'.: '·"· 39' ~ WASHINGTON HD DELICIOUS 2 2 5 C APPLES ::~v ................. L~s. REFRIED BEANS AOS"'" ...... ~?-fl~ 30' ROTAL G.El.ATIN·.,;oRrio _ 3",.oz .29' ~ll;sO DETERGENT GIANT-~~'. 72'.. ' POWDERED ALL ill.'d'~~r'i' ••. __ 11.09 MARIANI APRICOTS !Wdlt-. -, . .r,. 79' FRIED RICE·A·RONl.ili.\PJ~ ..... Jl2: 4f ROKA DRESSING "'ff__:_. 1«49' CATALINA DRESSING ... rr 11-o~&s• FRENCH DRESSING KwT -1f.oz.57' IOOOIS.DRESSINQ ,..,, _ _:..14'.H' - u.s.N0.1 -S 2 25' •v.~vnYAM ........................... _ .. LIS.,. • • U:S. NO. 1 SWHT 2 5c ·cOROTl~0~·25'0lllONl .2in. ·· . . . : . P.llCEs EFFECTIVE 7-FULL DAYS, FEB. llth-25 ' COSTAMl$A SANTAANA 2180 NEWPORT BOULEVARD 2130EDINGER AVENUE • 101 WEST!9TH STREET 2803 WEIT 17TH SlREIT • 1171 BAQll STREET , WIST-111 -~~ HUNT""1'0N lll!<OI 8522 WISlMINmR ILVD. 6802 EDINGER AVE. , WHITTIU-14212 MINE$AVE.Uil' ill' ~ • .. ' ' • I ' I I I I ' . .... . '" . . • • • • • • 3f DIJ\ V PILOT w,,,......,, ''"""'' l" 19;0 We wiU be closed Monday, February 23, for Washift9f0!''' Birthday. . . . . , ___ ... . _.,._ ,.. ' • "" T • • HORMEL SHANKLESS ' . SHANI( HALF? . ' SMOKED HAMS •• BAR lo\ WESTERN STYLE SLICED . c ~ 8"~ BACON ~..... 7 · • -..l. ·IXT~ FANCY 19~. -TOMATOES USDA CHOICE BAR M WESTERN STYLE BULK STYLE 59~. ' ROUND . STEAK . Wl.NERS .,.. · . •. -• ~ i• BAR M WESTEl_IN STYLE LB. ALL BEEF KNACKWURST ......... . HORMEL SMOKED Bun PART HAM ....... 79~· 69~ 39~ ASPARAGUS FIRST OF SEASON MELON CUT USDA CHOICE WEDGE CUT RUMP ROAST WHOLE HAMS ........... 69c lb. =~~;T ........... : .. 98~ U.S.D.A. CHOICE LB. ~~~: .................. 89~ ~g:E~~~~D ' SIRLOIN TIP $109 . FRESH LEAN BEEF ROAST . . . . . . . . . LI. ::E~~~D ........... • ..... 49~ . ~LLET OSCAR MA YER EASTERN SMALL SIZE PORK . SPARE-· . RIBS U.S.D.A. CHOICE BONELESS ROUND STEAK .................. TENDERIZED BEEF LB. CUBE STEAKS ................. R.OCK COD .......... . 98~ FILLET PERCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CORN KING 119 SLICED 79~ lb. BACON . . . . . . . . . . . . . STOUFFERS e MACARONI & CHEESE 12 oz. e . SPINACH SOUFFLE 12 oi. e POTATOES AU GRATIN 12 01. ~AULIFLOWER 10 01. /e BROCOLI AU GRATIN 10 or. 39' • CHOCOLATE •WHITE e YELLOW e SPICE DOWNYFLAKE HOT SLICES 16 oz. BOX 3f DOWNYLFAKE PIE SHELL-S--~~-GsH-~-L~--3-/SJ e LEMON • UP51DE ooWH ORE " IDA • TATER TOTS OR e FRENCH FRIES SPRINGFIELD INSTANT BREAKFAST BOX OF 6 ENV. LOOSE lEAF DEL MONTE NOTEBOOK 49' FRUIT 3/$1 . PAPER COCKTAIL 300 ShMI Pk9. L•rg• # 21/J C•n• IJBOOFFEE 11 lL C.MI 77cl r-I l•. CAN szu MJB IJl,TAIT comE 11 OJ. JAlt '1~ SUNSHINE COOLER OOOlflES ; i~~~y •• " •• ••• 39' IPRl18FIELD El BOW IACAROll I ... ... 39• Pao1F1c 111.D snEcr RIPE OLIVES •••.• "" ... 29' HtAll!l & BfAUlY n!DS ROYAL STANNOUS MISS. BRliC!C . FLORI DE 39' Hair Spray 59' TOOTHPASTE 'i::" 13 Oz. Can F•mllySln Tubo .LOTION SHAMPOO HEAD & SHOULDERS '''• PUii• $129 01. ,AMILT llD • •••• 11.61 .. ROYAL CREST MOUTHWASH & GARGLE 16 Fl. Or. PIH tlc Botti• 39' ' LIPTON TEA BAGS 100 Count ----- pUllE VEGETABLE SH0Rl£N\NG 3 \.b. can LARGE· FRESH GRADE AA . EGGS · I LB. PKGS. MIX OR MATCH ·- ~-------------. -------·---------- EXTRA FANCY LEMONS FULL OF JUICE 3~10' With thi• coupo11. no mi~imum p11rch•1• r~tr.d, Lim)! 6 per l,1 couport--On• co11po11 P•r cu1!om1t. Void 1fter S11J1y, Feb. 22. j' D ONLT AT IAllAIN IA.SK ' --· '"'''''111111011J1) S OZ. 'kG. CACHE VALl,EY BIG EYE ,• SLICED NATURAL sw1·ss .29 , CHEBE .. .. DOVE ' FULL QUART Liquid 4"C Detergent 'J R09. 89c . Witt. thl• coupon, 110 minimum purch110 rt· q11irM . Lill!lit ene bottl• p•• (.t111po~ -One coupon per c111tom1r. Void aft1r Sunday, Firbru ary 22, 1970. I; .• =-·' DOUBLE BLUE ,. • I; CHIP STAMPS : .' .' I: WITH THIS COUPON ONE ORDER ONLY ANY AMOUNT YOU CHOOSE TO IUY VOID AFTER SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 NO MINIMUM PURCHASf-NO MAXIMUM PUllCH.ASE Altol!cllc 8....,.•on. FrieMI Mii~ a"ll (lgaretta Extluded. OD ONLT AT IARGAIN IASllEI PRICIS EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY ..... 19, 20, 21, &22 WE ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOOD COUPONS PltlCll IUl.JECT TO STOCK ON HAND WI GIVE ILUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACOOIA • WE GIVE BLU& CHIP STAMPS· '19th and Placenfla 710 W. Chapman ~" f'.li \1.!fl ,. 11 ~: =11 ,1 'I ,, I I I I J1 = """"! """ . • • I I • i I -111 : 11 11, ,1 111 J!i I i I _ill ===-'' • '\ ·""'·· . .. . ~ . . . .~ . . . • -. PILOT-ADVERTISER IS N --...,.,, f'tbrlial')' 18, 1970 ' ' ' ------ . 6th "'eP-k c~u1,on VAl. ... -Y-'..._.114 l'.a. "'-' FREE? I ' EUREKA DUNGENESS ·u.s.P . .f.. CHOICE IEEf RIB or FAMILY STEAKS U.S.P.A. CHOICE lftf BONELESS RUMP RO~.$T l.EAN IEEF . . · TOP SIRLOIN: STEAK , · • LUEll QUALITY BONELESS MINI HAMS fWlfSEASONEO GROUND MEAT LOAF TASTE O' T11E SEA flENCH fllEO .• KRUNCHEE FILLTIS ' • CEf'o/TfR CUT -. j.1.s,! ···~-89.~. • $1~! sln-tLUS lfEF SAUSAGES ......_ _______ .....__,, . Mc(OY'S BEEF LINKIES SWORDFISH STEAKS , ' . " . ,_, DELICATESSEN PACIFIC-I -LB. BOX GR:AHAM CRACKERS 29c . CLING PEACHES '• fRllH KllT •• ·s· 1 HALYIS . no.2V• or ILICll · ••.~• PAPER • ' VIVA NAPKINS -:.',~D 29< FRESH lt;IST FRANKS 65~. PUBUQUE C4NlllD HAM l·L•.$449 TIN EXCEDRIN The (afro Str1:rigth Poln R,eliet•r COFFfE-All G1UNDS ' I ... BUillR-NUT 1 -1~ 77 c ~con • KRAnlLICID ·SWISS CHEESE- TOMATO SAUCE 12 ~:;;$1 . . FRESH KIST HAWAIIAN SLICED Pl.NEAP PU 5No.l'/•$1 ' cans ' ' LIQUID IVORY •·o:r.,4ftc PKG, 17 BRfAKFASTNllt•.cHoc M•11~~~·49 c ··~~~:z~•T -. _ '~'· DllHWAIHIR 49 NINE J!VES . • ... PLAITIC [ .. . .1Dc Of! !YNA _CAT FOOD lO ·~;:$l __ G~~BE A·i SPAGHETTI FRUIT COCKTAIL . 5 £o?. $1 i.,,..:~=···3 --4· 9c DEL.MONTE BEANS ~i~ 23~ ,.;:~~~···.: ~*1 . . ' -. . ~ . JERGENS RA$NOFF VODKA_ PULL QUA•T· IMP.d lTED GERMAN WINE -#Jljt 1-IEB!~~~!~~~~ '~~~·~. Cl1ff lloy-Ar·Dee Sausage Piuo Ml '16.0L pkg ............ 75C le Soetlr Smoll Peas, no. 303 con ·~·~ ........................ 37e G<ffil Gionf Whole Kernel While Shd<peg C-orn, 12-oi. can 29c Yubon Instant Coffee, 8-oL jor ······f..······· .......... f .... $1 .25 Oownyfloke Hot Sl~es Breod, 1 ~~L size ....•...•• :: ..... 53c Chef Boy·Ar-0 .. Cheese Plue Mix, l~,cz. pkg. ........... 63c CONT ADl~A SAUCTS • IJALIA.N • MfAT lOAf • SW££T & SOOR • SWJSS STMI( ·, no,Joo ,39 .. c· • can , . " lARIJI JCl•O • . LAROI ' "-.0 TA~IERlll'S~ MUS-~""' SWEET 1 tc _BROWN. ·v..,~. 39c JUlt:Y lb. STEAK • • , ' •• WN ALL ORllN .. , ONIONS , -BROCCOLI U.$. NO,, 1 All PUIPOSE' 1 : • "· 2 L 29c'· coMPAcr l 9 , _ : • HEADS lb, KAL KAN DOG FOOD Cti.l Bov·Ar-Dee Pepperoni Pizzo Mix, l~L pkg ..... , .. 79c Wl1H'cltK;O~Y , . KrofllOOOlslandDressing,lncl S<:ofl,8-oz. jor : ....... 37c 'i Ll:JZIA'NNE • I Aounds • Chickl!'t ·'-rll•• · l. . z ,.,. & ,_,,,., '""' Blue Bonnet Soh Morg?nne. l lb.,p)<g ............ : ........... ~9c COFFEE', _ • •. · Cornotion .Slender, Vonely, pl«j. of 4 envs .... , ............. ,89c 4 no, l $1 ' liplon Main Di•h<ls S..f Sirog(inoff. r19, pkg. ........ L. 75c • 1-lb. 8 7c c.ons lipton Mom Di$be.s.Chick:en Strogonoff, reg. p~g ........... 75c ' con · . 2300 Il~bor Bivd. at Wilson 'St., Barbor SlaopptDg tenie\.; C'osia Mesa . • ••• €\ .......... ...---..--·-·· .. • • Wednfldoy, Ftbruv( 18, 1970 I Homemakers Share ·Hjnts, ·_Rec_ipes _ With an · A ut ho rity~", DIAR NAN: I M&rtly flt brucUq meals'! f . U., to me. dry ~~L.-. 1=\ or slay ln place. cups. Add I pc.kq"e pn-dtiN \!Ma proceed• wlt.b the jelly. qut4t to Nan Wiley Inc~ of w1M 1.W cM Ni etbb11e-KAN8AB CITY, MO. And here is an aut.horitative Agr lfia.re: ~v_; , of DEAR NAN: 1 not yoat • ,eetia. Brhq: t6 \·boll. ,.._ t MRS. 0. M. STEELE, the DAILY PILOT. ~ WIJ l'Ye t.&edl .It wllUe Right you are. I hid said t ans\l(tlr. .. .&a~:-a .QU..er)' l made Misaouri. 1 recipe for~ Jtll)'~c. my cupa: '8pr. Bop Co&eW C ATASCADERO _ Nan Wiley regrets that she .-Vellllr la Gtrm1111. I Dow would not , buy· ready-ground wheq,so'!le oI you insisted that B!,lten egg, with~ ')ny sister wbo ruclles la Moa-11.ln11&es or dU ttltlb H. Utt Naa WJley'a recipe for corn-cannot provide per 1 on l'I -.,. NM tile dl~'wt.Gf meat for ' these pop u I a r raw ,f)eef had ·"worms" in it, water ad<kd. can be ~""ch tana. It soundt fabulous. · spooa. Remove J~m •t ... IM cob jeJf1 Is h\C]µded In her &nSWefJI t.o YO:Ul' ®Qkioi q.- k. UU abMt • ,,IMK tt•1 sandwiches but would $elecl just Qie same as pork. "Beer, of t .;ioOd thins. ~·r.~ke Now here Is ber r~cipe for add l pacbge r•1pberry l:tlokk,t -."Old Tinle PkJ}eS. lions, but quesUon1 of ge• wUl Utey ,.t la&o It U..t my own cul and then haVll the unlike.pork, does not endanger for~ gummy coaUoa:.'Wclling Beet J~ce Jelly. It iii •'Rfl packaged soft driak mtt:•~ Preserves lfXI .64acJl.".l'o · tettft will be answered fti •lteQ um tr.U me beJHd a meal department do an in· or expose a person t o a tablespopo or so of ~~for old timer. Wa1b thoroughly illllo jert aed seal. Slit ves lain your booklehma'D~is her column. Address YOW' tltde el tWI ud a Uttle or dlvlduaJ grind but the point trichli>osls." -A. J. Dyer, each egg producesjust:e~ugh and then boll beets. Wbeo tbe jWce from canaed ti. aod a long, stamped, silf-ad-questiOOs fo N'aO WlleY Incate "-t. It .Jaiit U..1 I'm not you nfention had nOt occurred Chairman of Animal Husban-stickum lo make breading tender, drain julct..&o.-make S too, untj1 sbe h•st 3 T !Gd . ~re~~ envel?pe w~th f.w.i'. re-of this newspaper. ----mJYbe jo1t t1· ....:.=-----------------------------------------"-----'"--"'....:::.~...:t..-'"-'-"---"-~-''--''------'-''---- Mrbl GLADYS CRONE, 1 .,. MAl>ISON, iKAN. Oh I wouldn't say that! lt's lost that U-mixed-together 1'avcn can be bard to ldenUfy with any i1egree of exactitude. To complicate matters, no two LETS ·4SK THE COOK by Nan,Wley Tho11lc You f0t Helping Us Grow A BRAND " NEW VONS -C!Nlff .....,, ............ c.11.sn.1a •.-.lio11 •f ..,. _. >'"· c .... eoli.ct If lol • ""' peopilo makeJL~ -' ""'--oo-tANC t---cc~g · ,Being raised on this type of TURIOT FIWTS • cooking I know pretty much what you mean. ll'i lrue Lhat, Ulce my "Johnn(-• wrlpkled green beans." the.f, ao p>ak the dayllgb\s out of that cabbage but that's what it seems to lab. Not much vi1amin con- tent left. Just great flavor! My Grandma Kunz used to make th!J dish all the lime; she never measured anything, but here's an approximate facslmUe. Perch Fillets 7 S ~ Mbut Sldt --i... ... ll.Of .... Solclil ._, ___ ·-······~:Jk hldr. w COiii ,.._ ~-..on. ........ 67c ,. .. ~~---.................. 6 ""'~-------...... ,.,. ......... -......... -....... u ... it.w GI W ~ ••-••·--$1.0f' BACON IMJlaJOHHO« 79r U.rHIU.CXHA.W(,.,,, CEDAR FARMS , .. I SUCED BACON 7,~ , ' ~ , Put about 3 ~tablespoons oI cooking oil or bacon drippings In the. pot and shred a head of ied cabbage into it. Put the lid on and smother slowly for an hour over very very low heal. Add a diced apple, skin and a.II, a sliced up onion, along tt'ilh about lh cup sugar, 4 to 5 tablespoon s vinegar (prefer.Qbly red wine t~). a teaspoon salt, a bay leaf and 2 to 3 cups water. You can add 3 or • slices diced bacon if you Uke. Mi1-a tablespoon or two Of flour with part of the water. Add that, well slirred In. Let simmer for another half hour or more , the waler about level with the cabbage. Fryws Bnasts -~ 65' Bt$r O' Fryers ::= 59•' Freslrfryer W°JllgS ~;.: 39' Badis & Neeb ~ 10•- BONELESS HAM s1•.• Choice Chuck Steaks • BLADE CUTS Sometimes Goma sprinkled 10me caraway seeds over it all. SoQ)e cooks toss in a handful of raisins. Others used nndered chicken fat in place of the oil that first goes into the pol. For an all·in-one meal you can do what they do at LuclKw(s resaurenl ln New York. Do the whole thing in a deep heavy casserole and add about four medium sized ham lmucklrl. However, I remember this being served more often at home with pot roast and some or those wonderfully thin, c r i s p German potato cakes. You might want lo add a tiltle more sugar or a bit more vinegar. Very much a matter af individual taste. ·- ·-... ' '•'· ·-· HILLS l "'"' ,;1· --~ Boneless Steaks Shoulder Clod · HILLS BROS COFFEE 'RfMIUM atJAUTY. 1-ll. CAN ••• • a,ta. <.-.M $1 Z1 • J.ll. CAN $1.ff ~ .._ i......, IO.OZ. JAi •1.it f ,AMILV STYLE JU!C'I' CUTS IONflfSS CHOICE ROtlEO ltOAST 59~ 98~ ··~ ' .. -:.1 • ' . • , ' . ' You Con Tod• f .. Dilf•-• LEGS THIGHS DRUllSTICKS . ,...,~ Fresh Leg O'Por~ Fresh Pork Roast Fresh Turkey$ 1 I I , ' ' . ' \ LEAN WTERM 69£ f\IL' SK~N< H.w' ' . ' fl.4.VORfUL 79£ BUTT PORTION FRYER ROASTERS 59, +l La. AVG. WT. \ DEAR NAN: In rtgard to die raw bttf ••iartare'' tmdwlcbel, we bave enjoyed dtae la Olll' family for gener• Ueas, 'but always grind the twnd 11e:ak ou r1e l ve1. ftemo\lt an .... aod membrant before pt.DcUq:. I bave been a melt e•111ter1 wben antomtn 1ekcltd 1ome pork nd beer• be ground tot;ether fer other dlsllet. I doubt that Ille (rinder Is cleaned more lbn once a day and It woo.Id be Iooll1h to take 1 cbance of eaUn1 raw port. NIGHRY ENTERTAINMENT ••• ~, Something else. Why Is water added to e1g1 for Snacking A Treat Plenty for an after-school tr.eat. and lor adult guests, too. ~ SPRINKLE BARS '2 cups unsifted flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 'I, pound f I slick) butter ~ cup firmly packed light brown sugar l teaspoon vanilla 11 large egg, separated 14 cup (a !~I-ounce jar) chocolate sprinkles ~~ (sometimes c.alled chocolate shot J On wax paper thoroughly lllr toeether flour and baking JDwdtt. Ii a medluin mixing bawl aum butter, sugar and .... IDa; beat In 'II yolk. Gndually and gently beat in dour rntxtutt, blending well. Spoon mb:ture over bottom of uagreased jelly-roll pon (about Ii by 10 by l inch); With I nibber spotula spread evenly. Beat 'II whlte until frothy OJtoucboUt; With I pastry 1inab IPffild over dough. 5p1okJe "1th chocolm. Bab ill 1 preheated Jlt.decretovtn ~ ..... a......,---······"" """'il'-i.. .._0000-•"""·-······ .... ~ ..UI tlcbUy brvwned -20 to Ooldtol a...."'°"" ----..... n.. .....,... ,_c_, , ........................ .,.2h """"'l .... ,_ -(lilt •• , •• _.,,_ ... .2/))f ~f ..... s.-..-.aoi .. :: ..... ! .. -... \,_,,. """"·'---'"'' ---""'"'·~H.21~ 21 mlll11&es. _.,...,...,.°""-_._..,.<ta..-... ,,. PllCt pn on Wtre rack to sw;.,a-MM -·---... a1.:rt cool partl ; wtth I mall a-... ,....._----••-... ., .... Sic ...i=.-..... ; :., 'R.'::.-;.u. ll!Jthe ~:, 34081 Doheny Park Drive, Capistrano Beach · ~ .... """ ...,.. 1111 Adallls Ave., at Brookhnrst, Huntington 8e~~h I -~----------------- Fido Dog . FoOcl lOAOUtWIJ11'olff~ 71 lAlL 16-0I. ON .Dromedary Dates PITT!O •t-Cll.PrG. 31( 16-()l,. PKO, j9t CHOPl'fD, s.OL 1':0, 3!.c Bold. Detergent l(ntt CIAJ<lT 691 l"Gl!TlNINO KG. 10......., Enriched Bread \'OMS Wttl~, WHEAT 33c Ot SANOWICM. lAllGf 11' I.I. LOA!' Golden Corn --Salads ITIUAll Sala• YOHI. a !CID _.., ·~-'"'"'~-·· 49' "°'· ,.._ nc rJ(iJl:rf'l llOUORI f!A!URES J,1.(.1( & lf...ml,1.tK 2 1 39' WH0u: Kttt«l at CfltAM ~T)U o :J0J CAN· t r1nks c MILD CHEDDAR ~F ... §vi 1'3 89: ·-COUPON-· I o-o u ll L E BLUE CHI P I nn &,SCOTT STAMP S with thi1 coupon SCOTCH I on the total amount of 1ny I ,;A.. purchase excluding liquor, ~ :!.':' • $459 I tobacco and fl uid milk prod· .I !Mla:Tt'O mt I ucts. 1 coupon per custom-I STU.IOHTKY.· DONMIGUEL er. Coupon good Thursd1y ......... WINES I !hru Sund1y, Fe~. 19 to I - .......... "' .$4ft .., ... ""'"' Feb. 22. ---SJ" ·----c--.-.. -.. -· -·-... --. - '*-01 ...," ................................. tic HWll'a IGllMf .... "'~ .. : ..................... '" ....... ~ .. ""' ... ···-·-·-·--...... ,,.,,., """"" .,,..... , ........ Ulll ·-.... -.......... ,,. ...,.,...ww., ....... -•o.o,,_,,.OH•H<»c. ~""9,...&W.--····-·•ilA .._ ...... ,...' w ... or. (,-a .............. . ,..... ........ ,...~~ ...... -.:.s1.21 ............ --·~-.-........ .,. ...._~a...._ . ., .. _········'"' , ' I DANCING IN Tl!I V,l.P. LOUNGE, WHllll IT "SWINGS", AT THI IND Of HORl CllCLI 111~~ 7flfit 1'«<44: .~ ...... * :::.... -. -: :: "-.. :I Da}'I •nd 2 Nfthb i11 l~vriow 1. '"" .. s....,.'"".:_"'f •-Acc•ml!IOdatiorts • -....,: ..., .. ..._ * o.li,htrvl .....,., fw 2 ;;, ........ -::.::: ... .... heh M.n\1119 • T)fi. f "' ...... ::?,• ..... * SupwbDl,,11111 M t1it ~ IMm •«"'"-.. -.o1._ heh Nl11it •::. ~ .......,......, * '"" ..... "'-b-... . o.trci-ll#ldlMn ™ J • .,,.., ;:::.;; .... ,,: -·-y .............. ...,_ ..... 311. tf!'I • ,..., .... , ... ............. M., ....... _, ••.•.• l' ••• ~ ••• -.-... m; ;=::·=~~·.,,. ... r~Y4~1·11·S~£.~rllllc/i~.·Sl~'r·l~f~'Jl·IW-.·.·.t·U·tAN-T·C·O·NC·E·PT-Omf ~.... 1 STAINLESS FLATWARE llSIYMAm IU'TTIR ·.~.:· 1t' CA TUM ICl CllAM r..:.iir. l t OBIT Pl flllK ~ 4l• TASTln CMOkl .~':."m.':.~ 1" IMO IMITAnotl SOCI: CIUM1 <:::! » • ' . 5922 Edinger Ave., at Sprtngdale, Huntington Beach • • • · 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Yaley • •• 21082' &'each Blvd~. Hontlngtinl • \ { I • ' I I • • t f . I ' • ,r ' Vltdnt5da,, FtbruyY 18, l97G " I PHONE 673-6360 EQR HOME !>ELIVERY < IN 'ouR DEUVE~Y AREA PRICES . EFFECTIVE FEBRUAltY 19, 20, ·21 IN.HQNOR OF WASHINGT9N'S BIRTHDAY -WE '("ILL 'BE CLOSED MON ... FEB._ 23 ~ -'3! -···· • • • • ~ ....... ,~ ..... , t • ., • . I ' / ,._ ' • ! "-· I •/{•"'r-\ !' •• . . . ' . ,, .. ·, \: • .. · j : \ ' . ' . '.. . \' . 0 '• '> •' \ I I . ·-··· ......... ,, ·"" ....... I . ... ~ . • r ,' ••• ·• ' . . ! ' ~ "' . I :. .. .. •' j .. ..... -· . . NEWPORT Bl VO. A'T THE ENTRANCE TO llOO ISL E . ""' ' . Bernice Fay ' -·----SHf PPEO BY JET, DIRECT FROM HA WAII ;·" t EX~·C FLAVORED ·~c~~! ~~:TIONI BU~R:OR $ 1 FUERTE VARIET't' ., . AVOCADOS 4 FOR $1 . ' FRESH FROM THE GARDEN , MA RSHIURN'S ·YOUNG AND TENDER · ·clRROTS rr--Q,,,,-,:J . ;~(~&t($JJ \"lt • .( \!'.'; . 14;1~s. COFFEE 1 LB. 13~ ·'!"·f·~·i COFFEE r n . 1.45 .t/l.J.B. COFFEE , L• 2.1~ YARD EN . . ... • j<lfhd)jj~ AND FOR AL L OUR CUSTOMERS AND F~IENDS BIG REMEMBRANCE MONTH DRAWING FREE PRIZES .I ; All you do to win i1 1i9n the book In the Lobby! , PRIZES EACH WEEK 4 CANDLELl&HT MEATS-Yo" choice of hof . Roul•de1, Chttetub,ltnd or StulftJ Por~ loin, Enough me•t for four people. . .. ..- 4 FRENCH JOUQUETS from our Flower Shof • 4 SWEETHE»,RT IOXU of Edy'I Clieulot.11· 'l p_eople in tht . t+or• durl"9 th~ dr1wl1]9 . ..., 2 GIFT SHOP'PRIZES ~ Youo •~ii .. ol u y thi" ~op .wtrfh ,.Jl.00. · FINAL DRAWi$ FRl.1 FEB. 20 , 4P.lt.4 . ' ' • RICHARD'S FINEST SILVER PLATTER PORK SALE . ' . FOR A &EOR81 WASHIN&TO"! IREAKFAST CHERRY DANISH ,,., 15c RiALLY; GOOD TOASTED ::OOTCl'l CRtJl'llCH BREAD 45c .. JljiT ~f THIN.& FOR DINNU . PLAIN' TWIN 'ROLLS . 6 , .. llc , .. ..Ql$C10VS WITH ICE CREAM CHERRY PIE 1.49 .-•:I .- I • • JENO'S PIZZA ROLLS 'oz. SHANGHAI ALMOND CHICKEN ' . 14 oz. SHANGHAI CHICKEN CHOW MEIN ,. oz. SHANGHAI 'M BUTTER l LI. 79c NABISCO OREp COOKIES . 47c SW~ET & SOUR PORK ,. oz. SHANGHAI · PORK LOIN ROAST Tenderloin End, Eu y to c.;ve 98~LB. ' 49c 69( 69¢ 69c 69c · 1 LI. . , -COMSTOCK APPLE .'Pie Filling ·' 39~ .. . fenv CROCKER MIX ~Pie .Crust 11 oz. · u~clE BEl'l 'S . RICE l?ILAF • oz. 4 ... '1 ' LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE . I . ...... 3,., '1 LIBBY'S CO~NED BEEF HASH 1101. 21or 89c LIBBY'S , VIEN!lil.i· SA'lJSAGES • OL ~;Q~RK~-UT : ~ ,. "' . LIBBY'S SLfC~D OR HALVU' •YELLOW CUNG 'REACH IV. LIBBf S "" •· • :PE.f,'RS • r •r. l181Y.'i • . PINEAPPLE · JlllCE . ,'$AL-l~M E>,tflM~ '11J ·. ..... -,I~ • . ' .Pir . ·FOOD · u 01• $ . 4 POR • 1.' bow OVEN CLEA~ER' 11 oz. 98c'• • l . .. • · lncli.'t.uolly wropptd In : · i l itttrswfft Cli9colot1. l. ' .. • ' . ... \ ' CENTER CUT CH OPS B<ai•e in Cider . .98~LB. Thick LOIN CHOPS Try th•" •tulled f .09Ls. Coun1ry Style SP ARE RIBS 79~LB. CHOP SUEY MEA' HomemadeChopSuey-M-~ 1.09LB. RICHAR D'S PURE FRESH . WHOLE, OR HALF Pork Sausage· 59c u,;::· :LJGS OF PORK Fresh Side Pork 89c-". Fresh Pork Hqcks Pork T enderloi11 1 J?_1.1, Ff'••h Pigs Feet /HA&;llUT STEAKS ·, 1.19 ... SWORDFISH STEAK '1.29 LL M•}U.MAHI STIAKS. 9k LI. ' . · ,coo~•d •& Pe~le~.Shrlmp 2.98 LI. S~ed AQMlcol't' · 2.19 ... • Fresh Dun9tne11 Crab 89c ,{", . -~~ MARINATED CHICKEN LIGS "~~ • ...:. ~""'"' llEF ROUUDIS ,_..., .. ,._, __ ,,, Stuffed PORK· TENDERLOIN _-.., ......... ,.,1, .. ~~111t~~~meu . " CANDLELIG!;iT MEATS • · FRENCH BOUQUETS ~rs. Je"'tJ >H. ·11omo, N. I. JLtlr• Hall )lnchin, L11un• leach Pit White, '!iu~ti ngton Be•ch . Lois S~~•r1, l•t1t.1t• Be•ch 98c LI. 59c LI. 29c "· 89C LI. 1.39 LL 1,49 IL Albertynt lto•t. IJllto1 Mrs. D. Helvt1ttfl, N. 8. Mi11 Maureen 0 Dtl)' Mr1. 0 . S. Weidt, Newport leach . . ' . • , 1 .' • .• 2 25 . , .· . , \25 GIFT SMOP PRIZE 'l bJ:..IOX1fltl0. 2.IO' 0 IOX ' ' ' ,. Betty Shllllto , h lb•.! • • ,' H. Licht, Irvine • SWEET . & SOUR BEEF . . SHANGHAI RICE & PORJ< SHANGHAI . WON TON SOUP SW>:NSON'S CHICKEN LIVERS BIRDSEYE ' TINY TENQER PEAS BIRDSEYE FRENCH FRIES , oz. 14 oz. 11 o.z. 14 oz. I OZ. 45c : 49c 45c , 1Jf>~· ..c.<. -~vu· ~ ZIPPE ALL IEEF TAMALES , oz.2,.. 45c KRAFT SLICED SWISS, JACK, MOZZARILLA NATURAL CHEESES ) or. -45c KNU DSEN'S FARMIR SJY~E COTIAGE CHEESE REESE FAt~C'I' WHOLE SMOKED OYSTERS PIN' ' - 35c 59c ~~f!/(J~·· INSTANT F\.OWER GARDEN! ARTIFICIAL . ~.~Rl"G . FLOWERS ,. fN C~A Y POTS ' ' , : 't·~ ~els ,,L~wers, ~N 1li~1, " , ~·· ~!qrs;J'.ou'll 911 'l'llCll , . ' .··2~49 - ' ·t 7 , • I 0 . 6.99 l I ~ --c/ •tldjb f.1;ssjl?b1Mfl4P\UzU¢~dZJUO?Jiil szrso d)Cd)JdalaAz«2••ansH auu1Jd4'JllZffiJH&LW '''"' SSUJzl&Si 2JCL!IU0JSJ\&'I j MlllJ!sM '2~A.-....J!-MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SH9P ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR F~OWER SHOP CLEANERS , ! c;>PEi' AI LY •-7. SUN.... OP.EN DAIL, 9.. OPEN pAILY. 9-6 DAILY •• s.io . SAl. 9.5 • OPEN DAIL~ y·• D~ILY 1>)0.6, SllT. ••l0-5 ,_ -,1 ' . l " " I l I • • • > • ' l ' • ' . ' ' ' .. I \ " . ,. .. "• -.. 'f .... •• • ,.. I ,· ',· . • • 1 t 11 • • . \" ·,\\"?~~ .. • \ ..... •• ' First Place -"' ' • ........ . ' .. • -~~ .. ,_ .., __ • • \ '" ' •• J I (• ' .J. ' \ • • I l~S • ..., ... '· . ' . • !'> ' ·FOUR MORE • Ill '• , •• • Over ',.:,,· ".·1···-·i• • • • • among the state's few newspapers consistently I . . bringing''home top awards from·, the . ' ' . . California Newspaper Publishers A5sociation Better. . 4 . ' . Newspaper Contest. This year, the DAILY PILOT proudly brought home these awards . " . .••. Jo t9 • • ..., . -- • • • Th e top awa rd pres ented to the DAILY PILOT this year was first piec e in the Best Typography category. It is for excellence of des ign and appearance of the newspaper. The award specifi. cally was give n for th e ed itions of January 22 and 23 , 1969. • • .. Merit Awards , Thi~ Merit Awe rd ts~~lf :!?lace) plaque in • I the Best Women s lntere.st <:overage cote- ) gory speciflc.a\ly honored t~fl .DAILY PILO~­ for outstanding wome n's section s published on two consecutive day• lost March 19 and 20. ' • ' ' ' .;!\ ; --... '{°•' ' • The second place plaque for B.~t Sp~efs l>age or Coverage was•p resen t ; d to th~ ' DAILY PILOT on the b'a·sis of the judges' fav- , I ' ' , orable reaction .. to. a typical sports secti.on. " ' The winner was · p~~liahed last September. • ' ' . First-time entry in this category. The DAILY PILOT won for ]ts Win YOUR Share Show . ' CommuniCarniV'llh Fotorama and ASTRO- SC~OLL events pre~~nted at .South Coast Plaza, Fashion Island and Huntington Center. , • • • • • " • -· ~~-_.,.~.~-.~ ""•'* ..... ....-._ -_..__~ 4 .;i._ ..... !.-1 ~----·--.... --. ,, __ .._. ___ --.......__ ••• ' El Ra_nch<> brrlngs Super-Shopper,s an event they'll never lo111ettwith · • • ' I • ''1 f 1 f•· .I;.---..-... .. ~, ~\ I ~ \ , ~ • _.. -·-• •. ,, ~ . \. { ~, • :!' ..... ... _ _.) ,. ' 4 "'' Super Shopper Grocery Specials! • ... ; ,,. • • • • • • • • . Betty Crocker •.• you r choi~ of 39• vametiu ! Betzy Croo\<•!'-fa'OSliDJ•··l<O. ll~. Vc.,,opecial at 20c} • ' ,, ... ' • . : ' • '\ •. 1 ..• -- ~---·-; J.A, •,., .. .: ;: -~· ....... ' .• • o ; I l ; • l/POPB .. tllllll. ... ·r,,·o-roll pack.s •• sort! •• and in decorator colors •• at a price that in"'.it.es you to save &t El Rancho! ' -. ' . . ' .. I I I . I I I I c I I I I ,: Joh nston's ... 'big 9-inch 5ize ••• pl ump with briah t red cherriM wrappeµ in a tender· flaky_ cru1t ! " ' . ~ " I .. ., -', ~ .. 1C" I ··., I 1. I • . I •' . _., ' ' > •. Tee Creilm ............................ 79¢. r.oral ~!oat ... caterinr quality. l/:?·gall on round. Hills Bros. Coffee ............... 73~ T\\'O.lb caa .... 1.4S Three-lb. Can .... 2.1 s Slender ........................ 69c Carnation Dietary .. no cyclemates ! 4-lb. ctn. " Globe A~l Noodles ............... 29'-1-- Fine, Medium or \Vide •.. 12-ounce package. 1 S&W Tuna .................... 3 "''1 I Light meat ... chunk style .• '; No. l/t cans. Dial Soap ........ 3 FO. 29c So effective .•• &o 1reat a value! Rer. aize. I I I .. • '• • ' • Proof ~ta liudgel.-minaed; al.oak talfbe@lllltY'! Compm ... and •e• thal there really ia a dillerenct. . . " ,-,. Ground"'Roamr.:-.................. ~POlt1 ............ "· '1.29 Als~ so J.~n _ •.. and ~'vays so very f1uh t ~~-and so tenderly delicious. Serve it baked f •, ' Fillet .. of. Halibut ....... .' ......... 89~ Swift's Premium Bacon ..... 79~ Use "Shake ;n' B8ke1' for Iisll ,,, no frying!' Premiurn 'i~ &ssurince of quality! Sliced. Chicken Breast ~~~gs.lE:l .29 "· :?u~~ WTIH D!WI"' 1 .29 ... r..eady to bake! Tender plump breu ts. J.'ull y O\'en-ready down t.o delicio us stu f!inr. You'll love them I ----------------~-----'---------------------- LARGE NAVEL Super Fresh · Produce Specials!· ; 5,\·eet and ripe and juicy .•• and the Iarre size offers you more of that aatisfyinl' delicious flavor? . . II. II ~"'CARTOif'OP ··'"'"" . ' ~ lo.qt .Tl.$. , · ••••••••••••••••••••• ..-1' .• ~ ~, 't t· So refreahini ••• a. bliziard of fl avor .•• now, no cfClamat.n! ow, what. & valifer Super Shopper Delicatessen Values! THIN SLICED Buddig's .•. your choice o( favorites in "·afer·Lhin sliced meab! Save lOc on each 3-or.. packare. Choose several! · I I \ •'•("I , E . B k. '. . s1ns9 . 0 zra rGO s .... llAl.f.Ql..... v-. . HolidBy.Times Vodka s399 Quality plul pHce 'eqalrla·'talue I ••. • Qua1ot. · ;. 'Sip~lllti~ootlt 1tr1ifht wbialt.il ·' ~. " . N ON llARBPUR: Warner Ave. &. Algonquin . St . ~~-----.·. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) ' . ·. A/$0 conveniently /qcated stores In Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena l ! ,.El Rancho will be .closed-in · honor of ; . « Washington's birthd,ay, Monday, February 23 . . ., -. ~ ' , I·-. , ... --... -.-... ~ . ..,.,~---·· , . ...,_.,-.. ~ ·--, ' . ' ' • l ~ ' '· • • • • • • • • ' • \ • • • I l l .. • ' . Alpha, Beta'S:· ! ~in -· ! ,. ' • I ' ·~ ' ' . . 14.B. ~ Wtdnesday, February 18, 1970 li!~S. 'AUL'I ' l._OZ. 'ACWE fAMllT • 1 Ollfll FISHSTICKS MEAT.1.RICES £FFECTIYC THURSDAY ttlr0tirh Wf.DH(SOA'I', FEB. IS.25 FIGHT Fl..U AND COi.OS WITH FRESH CITRUS .. lQ,(OfD WITH JUICE . JUICE :;.i.,.,...Q~NGES .vi,3-~'f..~:~£, ,,. 6 1...100 ·v LEMONS 'MVEL\ORANGES : . ~THIN·SKINNED . 5c -•f .. LOADEO IHDIAN IMI WM~ ' .. WfrH ~UICE " U. ·-ifiiiii ~; 6 r100 · iAMGl1.os '11at1 • JCllJ'S IAl'Olllt' 2t~' S~ET s100 111111 JUie!. 2 L TASTY 5 lllERINES ,. : . EXQTIC Lil " ' .. . " I IJI At DISCOUNTS lVlR~ DAI' 30M( •lmt. l!TA STOlt£S OISCOUNT ®I.Gt ,~IG( HO. 2 CAN • Cl\USKED, CHUNKS O~ @ ooi'.E"Plii1APPLE.A3c' 361 paJi£11c 111i1i•s"7 ..14( 121 11111181 ,_ llfNillJ IN ~ftY lAM ANGflE$, OllANGE OR RIVEllllDE COUNTY Allli.t. HT" ' --···-.................................... .; .... ,._"' __ ...... __ • • • IQ'AI OISCOl'"I T~ !~[RY [l AI l 90Mt' M111.t. •n• STOllES OllCOllNf Cit.UC[ ,_tel l[ll A• O!SCOUHTS EWERY DAY • DAl\-Y ,ILOT . - I' ~ • 4~ f ! I ~ \ .G. ' ..:. ,. f ~ , ' ' ., " • ' ' . : ' ' ,. 291 '' . ' "' " H ,~ I ' • ·' I, ' ' ' . - ' i . ,, .· - ---~-o:o._ ..... _....__."'_. -• .. • ' • .,.. • - I •• J ·--..:· J ... . ' I t t i l I ' ' I ~ ... !tf~Y-RIDAY-SATUllAY.._..~ We've chopped prices on thes• popular - linen, cotton •nd orlon.;.,yems! PARFAIT ·'°NOW . '"'·KNIT WIT~~!~. COSTA MISA MWl1Z ' . . " ••• tif9Mti119 •• , ........... ,...,..,_ ity i• • '-ri4al '"""'I.le ef lier ••• t1t•Hw . • • •• CN•tiltt "" 9ow11 witft e~.i&Jte lacee, 4-licate .,;-. •"4 t...n-fe~ ..U o .,,,~o;4.,.I ~tffe, .,... ,,. .... '"""· s.1;rli"' • · , .. .,,.ec• to ,,,..,.,., "•' 1ilti 'fr nyl.. illinion ••ii. • • • Choosi119 the f•briet end p•t· ter111 f., flit 111tire wed4'int perty . • ,I FABRICS SOUTH COAST PLAZA MALL • CAROUSEL LEVEL ' --,.._---~ .. _____ _..._ .... -..._ -~ '. . SaJe Over 528 The ,_ 0. .. M19''s ~ Dnss SWs . IEGULAIL Y TO · $41 A PAii • fnhJonell ef 79% Mtltalr: 91% Woel ....... Av....._ Ml all ... S, M. L eM XL . .. IEG •. $11 MEWS AINEL SHOil Colors cooNHn1te wfth Sa•t•r ....... $, M. L, XL i • . ., 1' . I •'· REG • 120 ... 10' '160 MtNI( TRIMMED , • $4W6-'96 • LUXURY co~n ...... I & ' ,, REG.-TO $10 ~=S~K~UfTS .................... •3999 ,. •E~ ""' TO •30 DRESSES IN 'I r'9 . $19" MV• ·ff 'I ASSORTED STYLES ~. & . REG. '36 ::::: ~=.:~~ .. ~~~~ ............... '1999 : . REG ""' TO $26 HMITIFUL ROBES, '12" 'J 5" • -'V AS50aTID STYLES , & • REG To '11 LOVELY LING!R11 NOW '5" ~ • IN ASSORTED STYLES, . . . . . . . • r • • : tJpw 519'° .2-Prs. .·$.ll 1 / ~. A ~ARRIS ~ FRANK OPEN-END ~ ACCOUNT 01 USE YO• ~RIC~1D pt MAS'-C I~ ~· ' • • arr1·s )L · ~ ' -SINCE 1856 .. ' I . i f •.. .. ,. /- . C~-~~ ...... tAMltA...-CU. ............ CHM.•I • I 6tn' WIAP-MO CMAl61 lllDM IKllllY . :~, r-GEORGE M1JRRA¥:. · t I .. t SILVH e CMll~A 'e C'llTSTAL • •VttNITVltli' .,._ leeflt C.-,,_ e ...... Stteet et S. DMte,,...., e C.... Mete ............. 146-UH -~ :f • • • Part of the "pl.atlcs expll>sion/' Contemporuy ~1~11~1 that compl•m'"t • .rooin's color, and 9iva ,, _ _.... th• ·~•ct of occ.apyS.9 no apece. ~~=-~~~ Armch•lr., aofH, huaoclr-T.i 1tool1 • • • tt111tl~eftt "••• Potato Chair $12.00 "t+iru" colora °' •t•4'MI •.. tfie pwrest of ltltc~a .,.d whites ·, • , '°"''""... witfl flerele .,. p•ttenia -New ah•pe• that 1.U f• ftle dec- er•ti119 fre9'om •-' ~e11fort of the 70'1 ••• ti liloe+ com· pleie "ltctl111 fof f111te11t hmo fur11i11\i1191. . Qeluxe Arm Chair $36.00 Presents WINDOW TREATMENTS for your home . Udoffa fMhnl the flnett In CUSTOM MADE DRA~ERIESI GORCEOUS IECOIATOR FABRICS I All EXCITll SELECTm: ~ r..,tar 1.95 to 6.50 per yard NOW· 150 .. $~99 OHL y y4. .. -.) JL A,_,_,. c ............. .._, ....... ~u ... , ... _,._...,.._. . .................................. ~ ... -Al• ............... -. ...................................... , ... ...... ......... ~ ..... cent:c..1.Cfl ............. . w• • ._.,.._ et ...._ lew llficAi*I ~USTOM ~ DRAPIRllS Mirror Sets . ....... , ... • c .... .,., .. , w.a ... • , .......... ..w 8"-. ,.., .... ., I. J ., 4 pc ....... ..._ ~ ftWI Net ell pt_.. I• ..a etvte.·'4119 ,..._ ll•l'-4 ,. atMli .. .... s... hHera. ·coronc1o. Weal -Mirror ·· 4895 . ,: i' :J~lON . ~1 ~ e OAI '• •OLD e PORTt-.he1vy textured Flbefvl11 . e ROYAL PLUSH__.lepnt nlvet look e ELEGANTE-f .depreof forever a.tin 'f e~Ml8H SOCIETY-Fully Un .. teJrture e nxrurt:LtNE--Self lintd, aunproof -· ,.,. .... fhNil .......................... ty N4Mfp1~ .. ht / ............ , ......... J ..... ,.. ,r • < • • ·--r ·~ • •• - South CoMt Plau ................ ....,. Com MeM .. • . . ... . . ;.. •• 3 -~-- CLOSING OUT Our .... .,..... Line of llU,MCM CAAAl 11/ · ~Ml 2 pttCI • BAM~ltlCARO -MASJ'IR CHAltGI SOlfTH; COAST PLAZA = =:! I ;: PHC)NI 540-3118 \I~ Men ~~ .. , "'-Woolwortli'• ~ ~,.. .... ,.,, tt t' I ttf + l Seve 0~$3 ~ thK peJ>Wtw style pla!n pump. Features tM newest toe and heel A chic little numw in rwe happy Spring co'.ors .•• . 81.ckPatent, Bone, Whit., N.vy or Red lr.d. Why not buy seV9r•I f)4Hrs. NOW! I . _;. : f ~ ·nnes S Ff o ·E -'!i .. ' .._, --· .... ----SOUTH COAST PLAZA ~' COST A MES~ -SOUTM CO~ST PLAZA ~ Costa Mesa Lower Levil Winst ead$ { • ' " It .. r f I h ·. ' , • • 1 '-':2_ / ~· CraiCJ --212 ' REC~DER~~ L I . v ' .ii .. OUTFIT t~~tS~-~~~~~~=!'?'T~~· "rt·~~·'"" .~ •. c ~ rJ ~ .... ........ ,.. ...... ~ 1 - HOSIERY .,.. . ' ,. .. ' .... ALL WORK GUARANTEED ~ llKINI PANTYHOSE • ~1 ....... ttJ/111 .Sew butlorltoles. buttons, IYeredge, men6, dim, ano monogram -all wfttlout special etllchmeots. We're selling two each day at every store. f riday ?nd Saturday only. Portflbtes....., __ p_.......;,,...._; $4.99 · Zlg-za§s -$9.99 Cabinet models :$19.99 ""9.Slnger S.W & Sff GtlerlftlM: Witfl every used sewing m~chlne,gQes . , the.SiNGER guarantee ofmoney bYck if1 not latisfied ~ith purchase1 or.full Gredit tow•rd the ptJ?chase of a neYFS1NGE~ sewingmachlne, wllhln ninety day$r .. ' ... ~ , ' - .. ·, \!i;..._. .. I • 1 . < -. I . , /J 4• . .. , . -. I . 'T ., -.::: ' .! -"\ ~· .. ~ , J . . : ... . .. ' ' -.. • ,.. • • .. .. ;> > ~ ....... _ -~-----~--~ -- ' • ' .--------.. --·--.. ----- J • . .... . •M'IV·W· ".U ,:::.. ._ . -' $688 " : • ""'"' a.11~-r.-t;. "&W1;r. ' . -· t or'· " . · flOW ONLY , . ·--------:.----.... -~-~\-.. =-__,,,_,·-~:'..:!&~~ -Wl,,,_.....,._.,,, • .....,.~ C ' ~-~---·"p-· ----~Q ~1111n~ ur wtlll"'M" economy of 1 com,.ct. fully factory eq uipped at this unbtll1v1ble prfn. Beach City Doclgt will ""' you 1 bundle. Speci1I 1llow1nc1 during Jlt~M:ill tlt~UIU!i.-=- 1966 FORD GALAXll 500 NOW ONLY s999 1967 FORD MUSTANG F.I. ~ .. ~-·a'·~--!la !?'ofYeJ."lR~-• 1\:.';11t~ -:-• ' -"""'~ :---.:::'.)..( .. ~ •. NOW OHLT 1969 DODGI R fptls lllOfty Diido. fl • T • ., ··~Ing blidiltt ••• , ,,.,.. $ ~ row· ork, 11111 t11•'""*' a.,,.:~ -. ... ""' ·~~-~-.......... ON1-f · A • 0 • ' .. ' ' .. ! ,,,...,14 .,,~ ""•.•~"'~,., ... _-:-·--.· .. ·.y·=:.·-· -• \ . --·· -. • J - • • • • 'HOUSIS FOR SAL E HOUSES FOR SALE . tiOUSES FOR SALi; HOUSU FOR SAL i ' HOUSES 'FOR SALE ·HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! I -~T. 1.000 c;e:,;rW ' -iOOO ~G~in;•;r;•';;;;;;;;;;;;;;ID;;;00·1~G;.,;•;r;•;t ~~-~·;;;·;;;~;IOOO;;;;O;n;;r;;•'~~~~=l~~·~';J;O;•;'";r;el;. ii;' ~;!~;lflll~O~•;-;'°;r•;l;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;OOO;;;; FOREST E. • • .. • n , n A urMI , wAiERfn8T APlRTlEITS SWIMMER'S DWGHT VACATION ·~ ., I- ' I ..J L -, '. L. 1· 1-: I • ! . I .. ... ' . • • h ' READ -THI$ .. If you are in the market for a NEW home, see these outstand- ing' customized homes, bunt by · Frank H. Ayres and Son, l<><;at- . ed in a prime area very close to Huntington State Beach. The .homes are priced from '27 ,550 ·· to $33,690 and vary in size !rom -a"""fOT15earooms, 2--10-3-~·ar-gar-­ ·ageJ . and 2 lo 3 baths, with shake or mission tile roots •.fire- places, undergroun<I ·utilities, concrete driveways, bullt~ins, and carpe:ting. There is VA and FHA tmaftcing availabJe. There are 6 ho"tftes available because of credit rejections. Occupancy by March I. 1970 in this unit. ' Our next unit is now on sale for occupancy in Ma}' and June 1970 and introduces the ne\\I 3,000 sq. ft. ''El Dorado" model price~ from $34,490. · Rencho t a Cuest• Homes on 8!"ookhurst at Atfant•, -· Huntift,ton BMch 96'-2929 -9"-1331 • .. -' . ~·:.~5'l2!!::============== --·------------; ' 0...ral ..1000 Geoer•I 1000 ;:~.; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;~~ !•· GOLFER'S P~RADISE "' Beautiful executive 3 Bdrm. 3 Bath home. " Tastefully carpeted, draped & furn. by dee· orator. -Loe. on the green at 10th hO!e of Ber· muda Dunes 27 bole golf coune. s(te of the Bob Hope Classics. Has 2 golf carts & 5Wllll pool. Bermuda Dunes Country Clu b member· ship .avail. Ask $95,000. Xlnt terms available. 1 Lindi Isle Development Co. "' tOIO 81vsldt Dr., N.B. BHI Grundy 675·3~1 0 ~;]!!!!!!!!!!!'!;!~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~ : ': Gen•ral 1000 General 1000 . Lot.O,rwrs·. , . A 3-Bedroom Home i" " 1~ • FOR ONLY i~ $10,995 •" BUILT ON :' YOUR LAND' 1 ! " .. FtA1'JRlNG: HIGH POTENTIAL This C-'l Pf'Ollt'rty has f rent· al hoUsea on it,_. F'n!rway will put this c.n Prime cor- ner location betwttn "on It oU" ramp• at onr of Costa Mesa ·s bur.i.est intersections. Excellent financing avail- able. Thi~ 11! a sleeper! :~ e ioeo ... £1. • COATS • ,1 • Double &~ & : ~ e All lathe and pta,tc< • WALLACl : : .• Pullman ba th RIEALTolts l e Spacious Wardrobes 546 4141- • CJ.LL 537.0380 IOpeft E"'.""1~ j •Ill most Orange County and 1 ========= , ~ other approved areas. ! • •. •• ., I 1 ' STANCO Builders Inc. WESTCL IFF VILLA A sep8.mtr bllll?alaw v.'itll all the privacy of an lndi· vidual hoffi{' and all the bend.It!! of "'private-club" living. Spacklus & beauti- fully decorated, 2 BR &: 2 BA. fonna.I dining room. Jm: maculate -ilnmediate oc- cupancy. m.::ioo. Pete Barrett l 1600 ~:~!~,. NB • 642-5200 ~ .. RE. Broker (As;oc, \Y/ Davidson Really) 5t6-5460 Eves: ~1833 Home & Duplex m.soo E-sldc 3 BR. Priv 6'7~ loan, lnde lor dear house. Leav· inR area. Ownrr/Bkr 6'&-3750 . · $200 DIPOSIT 0 L S 0 N . _;,_'ol..inda ~.6 le . PRESTIG.E WATERFRONT HO~ES 320 LIOO HOIO •. SHQYl_ N BY APPOl iilTMENT _ 6 m.autftul units. ·& Oar sarages & util\ty Inc. Realtors ·--room, With 85 ft. fro nting on excellent swlril· ming beach. 'Units are newly fln'nbhed. Ask· ing '250,~ ExCellent terms avaifable. PAY $141 MO. . 15 Lind• h it Drtve . WHY PAY MORE! New & beautiful 4 Bedroom, 5 batb horn• fl.love in and take ovq 5\li ?t witlf large sunken living room & farii. rin., aA11ual % raie min. 3 bi&: 'vet bar. Radiant etectrtc J:teaj:. Carpeted & bedrooms. 2 bath" -""'""' land1!19'jled. Priced ......... : ..... $155,000 . kit&en with built-Ins, Beau. ,1 7 / '57 Linda~ltlt' Drive ,' \'" tirul' carpets a n''d drapea. t"'lreplace. Alley acctS& !or My-st ~ee 4' Bedroom 4 Bath home·with pa.Uo Y..OUr·ea:rs;-botir-and-lraUi:....l. ---""""·-•itting_ ..room and..Jireplace~ in-master. r.fun.ltcs trom the sea . atan bedroom· .suite. FamUy room bas sunken coir air livin1,:. HUIT)' on lhla ver,sation pit and firep~ces ...... $162,000. one! Call 6t5-0.103. 80 Lindi Ill• Drive NEWPORT, BEACH DUPLEX EARNS · $6,300 At."l"OSli the ~t from the pounding '1111 •• ~-2 batl>s Up. 2 ~-dj>o<in. l.at'ii! ldJchen with deluxe ~·· Ila · each unit. :One unit yearly leased a t $300 rno. Lifetime view of the sea. Big: summer ~nta -If yuu want! Only 15% Vown. &'t!: ttlday! -Dial &G-OWJ, J'!'t completed., 5 Bedroom & m~d's, J I b~hs ~ith family room & large• rumpus ~room. 3 Fireplaces. 4,248 Sq. Ft. of living ,.area, including dock & boat slip ... $159,800 . ~ -· . 90 Linda Isl• Drive ~. l!eauti!ul' 4 Bedroom, 4 Bath home with ex· tra large living room & muter ~m. c .... pet.s . & drap~s. l,andsca~at "1Jp, Near lelil\IJ colfrt & clubhouie. . .. , . . . SISO.ooo . ' Waterfront• Lots 1 . Lot nuinber-~4 : Ei:cellent 51 ·n. L~inda ls.le leasehOld lot. Xlnt buy at ~ttly $35,000 . Lot nunlber 41 : Long· water view with 76.2 LESS THAN RENT ft. of frontage facing .Harbor ,isl~d. LIKE A MODEL Lind. tale Development Co. BcautituJ 3 bedroom '! bath 1DIO ·a.ysidl Dr.,.N.8. BllJ G~ 475-2210 home. Just like a model! De-l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~~!'!!~'!!!!!!!~~l!!:!!!!!!!I ~!t~1':.z::..=~t-!':i General 1000 Gentral 1000 carpetiJ\.e. Only 5 yean CORONA DEL MAR 1;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;,1 Y!""'I and % ml. "' lh• 5 &lrln.. ! bath, 2-sto..,. JUST, UmD beach. Your bonus fejlturt Cl'K>icc location. One block A GEM i' .._ - Is a law _ low lntere~t FHA .3-~ Lan:e patio. Ex. loan. .Pa,y leu _ than rent! terior newly painted S49 900 ProudQr Wt otftt thl.& arfut. Subinit )'Ol.ll' down. Seller . · ' ' loally decorated 3 BR. ~ &{1Xiocla1 Dial &t5-0'303. DOVER SHORES 1n well loc. atta. 115Kul. ·~ 4 Jl1.l(r, ·Bit. suite. Profeu. u:...-! Glamorou. lndr.pd. ~1A btta,thtlkinc • 645-0303 '· lanoily room wlll> view• IS2 500 at Harbor Center suitken wet bar a~ lopnaJ KairuYn iiau.Istoo ' Ullda Ille Dffeloament' Co. 1,6-B~yald& !fr., N.I\. -Bi li Gr.;ndy 675-3111 · '.'i>IFFIRltfr 3 bdrm. spic 'n' span, dlannlnr -· ,,. fect, .unique p&tio, fan. tastic home tor entertain- ifl&, peat tor everyday llviJC. See to believe! Price Jun ,..,_ SI® tD ue.soo. Anxious to aell to~~tive buyu. ·' .. 546· 599S tOOO Adult occupied 3 bftlroOm homlJ with 1af'ae family room. Beauttfully landlCl.p- ed With many rock pla.ntm, fruit &nd pine trees • li I 24 ft. covered patio with in-_,.,,tdoor ........ Fmlo- ly 119inted inside • out - warm brick ftreplaee in tlv· 1rw room -pride of owne:r- lfdp area. Fi1'1t time adver- tiled, and It won't I a It tore . . . 121,500. 546-lllJ - ;::, TllF: R[;f\I, "'-r:ST".Tl.l<S -CORNER LOT Euy Ka!Slh boat or trail- er storqe. Three bedrooms, . two baths., spacious rear liv-Ina: room, tarp patio. The in.side hb been com]>)etely redercorated thru out. vacant • Im.media~ Pcue.ion. ruu; PRICE <!NJ.Y po,500. 2299 Ha.rbor Blvd., C.M. din. rm. Owner will carry ........ ..,.....,....,.,.,.,...,.... ... 1 '°""· ss•.soo. · NEiD MONEY? Wake Up To An "Our 25th Year" T• ...,. n•w homo! Inv..._ In lov<ly WHtclilJ. 3 B:lrm • 2 bath • 1pic and apan condition. Pool wilh d. board I all~ complelely protect· ed from .eparate play ,yard. Reduced to $47,500. Phooe &1&-nn Anytime ;::, Tl![ HF.AL "'-!:STATERS MOON CHILDREN . You love yuur hOme .It lwc· .ury! Hatt bOth in th.ls mag. nlliceot -"'°"l>lace only one yeu new, n o w availal:te tor one dlscrimin- ---atinc buyer. Four-plua-bd· nm., 3 baths, formal dinina room A family room. Love at lint slihl tor only S74,950. H•I Pinchlo & Aaaoc:. REAL ESI'ATE 3900 E. OJUt Hwy. 615.4.192 B/B WESTWFF! 5%% LOAN! ~a three Mdroom. two bl.lb home, Extra Iara:e liv- ing room. Bealll'itul n e w kitchen. Small dlnina: room, covered patio, larle corner lot! ExiBling ~1 can be as- 'umed at S1.i%. Price only $48,SOJ". Exclu&ive Listing. Bay & Beach Rlty ~ Inc. 901 Dover Drive, SUitc 126.NB &ti-200:> Ewa. 548-.a966 e DUPLEX e NEAR OCEAN 3 Bdnn. & 2 Bclnn • Plus a:uest room YEAR 'ROUND 3 Bedrooms, open beam ,tell· ~I thl'OUPout. overlookir'c hllie PoOl and puttir\C ~. large private paUo, built-ins, 1pacious kitchen. Who COl.ild llSk lot mort in limuioua living. Th I 1 outstandlas home olfen a complete W.· cation 36.5 da)'s ol ~ year. All ot tbi.s tor only $42,500, 67J."60 \-0 THE R_EAI~ '"'-ESTA1 L1!:-. e OPE N .• OAILY .\-5 •. 516-516'1:1 Femloof So. side of Hwy; W.alirb!ll-dilt. to sbopplng center.-fW'n, duplex. 2 BR. ea .. · ·trp.l., blt.N ·Front house 1111-new paint: carpet A: pant.Ii•· Priced for qilick sale. DON V. FRANKLIN REALTOR' • 673-2222 • e Open 0.lly 1-5 6 716 LAR 1($PUR. lmmaculate 2 BR. boR1t Large, Coverec!, patio ' DON V. FRAN ~LIN REALTOR_ . e 673-2222 •. FURN, TRIPLEX' SOUTH OF HWY. Short walk to beech. Nea:t Prop, w/lille ?Tn(.al history. $6:1,!i(Xf ~ W•lktr Riiy. -6~200 3366 Via Lido, NB Open Sun. ONLY s;ll 500 • Graham Rlty.' 646-2414 B•lboa Penln.sul• 1300 Neat Newport Pmt Office BALBOA PENIN POINT BWFFS -S Br, 2 BA, 1 3 BR, 2 BA home on CfJ __ -intr level, corner a:reen View of bch, .ocean .&. mt&. belt/view. Cov. w a 11 ~ 1.rg sunny pnv. patio. Low patio, cus. drps 4 ahutten malnt. yard, carpe,b, t.a. -+ elrtraa, Walk to sbops, heat, &butt~, hdrwd ftn, CdM ·Hi. Ownr $32,500. dbl a:ar. bll·m Sterel? wiring 6#-4265 &: ant. Access priv. bch &: Dover Shores boat ramp. Sale by ·Owner, 1227 ($65,<00) 6lJ.8<13 Ocean View . WESL EY N. ~. c.Mw ......... & <a. .... ooi auuanteed ""'' And by'""'' a mlHlon twin!<-TAYLOR CO 550 Newport C-r Dr. In plan. Let "' """'" ,.., ===:==;:;;,= Reduc:ed $5,000 ling lights. 3000 Iii lt oI liv-"-Newport Beech, Calif. q~s:tion wit~ no obligation. Cost• Mes. 1100 liY OWNER- 2 Br, 2 Ba. 2'Car Gange. l\1any Xtras. Appl Only. Principals Only, 673-5.183. ing efeganct-. 3 bedroom 3t~ Realtor1 l3J..0700 ~2430 F-.ir enough · -------- bit.hs, formal dining room, NEWPORT CENTER ··-QUICK SALE t'our Vlew lot. Comer GaJaxy '-l ido Isle 1351 jU&t wa.shina: dishes In th\1 2111 5an Joili(IWn Hills Rd. bedroom..• two baths • all Mariners. $30,<XXI. 1,;;;;;::;;;;;;,;;;;;:;:;;;;;1 g'OU"'1'1: kitchen 1, a pure '44-4910 Move In Today built-ins • fireplace • family J <==::*=. .... ;;,;;1936::;;,,,;*;=~ I pleasure. separate 1v o r k Open HOuH 0 • , ··oE COUNTY'S room • carpets • sparklina p 237 shop and dOi run. Deaigned YOU 'LL BE GLAD KAn condltion. Good terma. 1 ,;U;n;lv;•;;";;';;ly;;;;";;k;;;;;;;l;;;;i Cu.stOm built family home with the aetive family in You called to 11ee th.ii nicely 20U.PALOMA DR. LARGEST CALL 5e5-1424 South Cout 4 Bdrma., den, 3~-:0 baths. SPACIOUS · ~Best-value at $79,500. =~~41~-;n.:u= =: = = 26?f H~~~:..~L~~· Rul Eltatt F~ .::::!:t on LIDO Rs:~ TY INC. GI loan 5% % interest $19,000 potllll!llkm to quall.tied par-OPEN EVES TILL a:'JO TO~OUSE: 2 BR, )% ba, ttd1 .spac. 1-BR .• den town-3377 Via Lido 673.7300 Colesworthy & Co. New'J)ort Beach Ofti~ 1028 Bayside Drive 67>4930 64:!-rm bl '168 h ITI ty. 3 &: Fam rm, pool sited pr1v. yard, dbl gar, pool. By paya e ... monl P . Owner $1500 down Auume "houte. Oasc, to park &: .shoi>-3 BR _ ~' Ba. ~ beautilw boat or trailer area. yarCI etc. 4 BR •· FAMIL y 5% rnA. Max. f.fo~thly eo&t plng. Priced at • • ...... n ... 711 ...,.,. C11 temporary Architect S.Cl·$UO 2 ba. 1800 ., ft. l'iS >'" )'OWic: f185. Call 54!J...3915 or $7.5,900 • Make offer! ..1-..i .... ....t '• bl' Lo Int PA.'Vt-WSlll CA.II If A.llA.1'1 ••ALTT co. -G-ERfAtt ~It al lL mi .... ocean. v-_.._..: _540-3268==-· ~-~=~ e Red Hill R•a lty .,..,.,,.,...., .. · . · :rv 7#1 •v _,, _., = Unlv °'"' ..... ,.. _ _. 1 . transferable 1 oa n. By .... ....,;CM I clean, s.n.ooo. OWNER f.lust Sell!!! 3 eait..--A~n~ne Owner. Phone. 613-2854 far ' Newport BR, 2 BA. family rm. 21 '!"~~~~~~~· "'-a"'pp"-t.'---~~~~ 1 1093 Baker, C.f..f~ ~ .5 Id _ .3 Bath trplcs. bl.t-inl, cpts, drp.s. 13 BDRM BY Q\VNER. Less 2 BR. Attract. Xlnt Cond. r-I &I DrlC'lvu by 328 Bucknell Rd, Owner will ,,,....,, "-'""k A •••• •• than 1 yr old. \Valking dist -·J ucu.: --~- SHAKE ROOF Victoria to schools .It shopping center. I.re: Mort.gage. Low. down. Cirpet.S. drapes, built. ins, SACRIFICE! Leaving st.ate. 133-2036 for appt. Bargain at $45,500. Phil •-pl&~ patio. Near a 11 '46-1111 Low down. Two aingl.e ta.mi· Sullivan -543-6761 ~· -~ ly homes on come.r lot, west 3 BR. Bonus rm. Cathedral Buys this lmmar.. 2 BR & .school!!, S37,0CO bfft oI illngs Priced f · k S5l.500 3 br, 2 ba. Open fam rm French Quarter t•rms.. (anyt ime ) Harbor St.>pplng Center. ce · or quic Thuf"!l. 14 Pi'.r 119 Via 548-2394 llfter 6 pm. : sale by owner. 833-2234 $23.500 colldomlnium &: carelre Jlv. Wells-McCardl•, Rltrs. '""'l!!!!!!!!~""l"l'l!!!!!!!!!!!"' Yella. Call S.D. 454-&148 ing. Call now fnr appt to see. l810 ~-~ Blvd c M 1• P ·1.. .. .1.....1...1 $29,900 3 BDRM. 2 Bath, l ~o·na 12-BACK BAY '"<·~· .. . . .. ...... -r•H '·-· ~1. Allum< 5" ~ '-·-·-------'--548-7729 644"0684 eVes OR.ES HOMES ...... ..--uu ""7• 1 -Huntington Be~ch 1400 AND CHERRY LAK E ~-,., . biiv: ::its-Bnnd new ~toac.,::;,•;_·awne."°"""°=541H451=-~= 3 BR. 2 BA, Ige fam rm, Zl.00 Squa.re feet of joyous 4 BR. -$25,950 Avail tmmed. 4 bdrms 3 ba, BY Owner: 4 BR home at 258 pool. tennis courts etc. llVlna: in thia 3 bedroom 2~ $Potleu! New carpeta. Dnp. fam ... rm, (aame with pools), Sherwood St. tor sale or Crpts, drps. many other ex-POOL bath-luxury bame in quiet ea. bl.tins, hdwd. Un. 2 3 tar~. UPPER BAY trade for smaller bou.M! or tru, color 1V, tape deck, 22x36 llcat<.'d & Fillettd peaceful: cul de sac, Large ~2·1771 Anytim. Batbl.O>merlot.Priv.'swlm VIEW. Roy J, Ward Co., _T;:·,:D;::·,:Call:=,64Wl58:=:0:::=== etc. $42,500. 833-2899 With sep., fenced play yard convenience" kitchen \V l t h dub. Walk to all acbOols! JG) ~ Or. 64&1550. ... for children. 3 BR ., elec. eadng area, family room GO FOR FIVE CORBfN -MARTIN Meu Verff 1110 Ea stbluff 1242 bit-ins, 2 Ba. Hdivtl. nn .. wllh fireplace -Sl~te entry Bdrm.s. 3 bath& &: f U · REALTORS 675-JG62 The Bluffs PACESETTER S Br, 2% ba, By Owner: 1st Listing w/w cpts.. drps. ~t. and &lmost "f!W roh. carpel! . • . am >'· 3006 E. Coa.!l"l Hwy, Qlfl.f Take over exiwting FHA Sprinklered landscaping _ quahly home 1vi1h cust. lea-Adu\ t occuphld. Beautiful professionally land11e yard, 4 Bdnn.s, largest mode.I. Sep. Joa S Ow ls leaving a~a and tures -111111nd kltch., shake HIGH BEAMS Home, 3 Br .. 2 Ba., La:e. din-railed redwood deck. Priced dining rm, built-ins. 2 pa-Orn, in per mo. pays &D. has ~uced· price 1 ~~ 000 root. rock frplc. Anyone can Steps to ootan! J Bedrms., lng attti. Double a:are.re. bel<M' mkt for quick ule. l~. outdoor )l&hting. Ma-. no do\\'n G.I, or min. 546--2313 * .,.:_71 Jl · assume V.A. l~n with SllDO 2 ba .. 2-story beach home. 1 Lachenmyer Re•ttor S.1313 or 673-1181. iure plantinc, nn for pool down new FHA •. Appraiaed . ck>wn. l..gc, fan11ly luxury at years young Only 126,900. ,.,,;, ~MO E . "'' 1656 ~ 3 BR 2 B lamil 2 Nr aU schools. public & at S29.$0. O Tl!r Hl./\L "'-l:ST/\Tf:RS $34.950. CALL Heritage Real CAYWOOD REAL TY ~"" ves. ........ ,, · A, y rm, priv. By awt. &W-4m8 The Real Estate Mart E .. ~-~---H NB "1>1a, "'"""'· 131,s oo.1 ,s""'::;;s:=;::::;~=I 847-83.ll """· ~~us1 <Ope" Evosl ·~ .w. ~1._ ...... $23,500 Prine o"1y. 5l6-35L! ==~~~==-1 -.,. Co,.,• d&I Mu 1250 BOUGHT ANOlHER $29,500 CLIFF DlU VE A&-5~% LNn TIME. FOJ HAVE TO MOVE $24,950 4 Bedrm, ,,.,,. hall. (uil ••~ 2 Bdm>. 2 bath home S.autllal. Hua• fAmily rm. QUICK CASH NEW ON MARKET 4 Good •ze bdrm•' tam rm. 4 Bdrm + F•mily Rm ing rm, 2 xtra baths, built· PLUS Vtt-w apt. (Sell Enlf)' hall. popular floor lmmac. J Pr &: small convt. Glen i\1ar, ow n the 1a.nd. Sharp Ir. clean. Enlr)' hall, ins, extra ealing area In or ttnl). ;52,500 plan, fmcst bui1t-irui. P&rll: THROUGH A den. Lots of cha.rm in a S27.500. 0 w n e -r Aa;ent. bua:e 1.amil)' rm. 2 pullman kitchen. Oversi.ted livinr George Wiiiiamson like yard. 54Q..~1i; H rbor DAILY PllOT •maJI pa.ckq:e. l\.fa.J we &bow 962-1002 eves & wkcnds. baths. OlnirlJ rm. 540.lTlO nn. 54().lncl REALTOR TARBELL • yuu thl:;_fnr only $31,000. TI-IE SUf\4 NEVER SID'S on TARllELL 2915 Harbor TARBELL 2955 Harbor • 673-4350 673-15'4 Eves. GIVE Now· Unlttd f\md WANT AD MORGAN REAL,·: 6"'642 DAILY PILOT WANr ADS! ebd 1100/Mo. durin& escrow r1 a.II It takes for a Vet to own thia sharp $.tarduat Jlornt. flusti &1:-t ctrpetlng OW"r HARDWOOl)...floors, bullt.-Jn-kftchen.. double pralf, wall~ Y'l'd. tor onJy $23,900 1 Act· NOW a.nd move In June 15th! . - ' . • ' :· ---. ' • ANSWIK 'IH CtASSIHCXllOlf J9W' .• ,[_v .... _:_ .. _ ... _'w:..".c"".:. ...... c..:..' __ • ,. -_283_1_8_. _a:.."':..'°'.;.:..' CM,;.__:.::-'I!&~;.., •• ·;.;.·.·-<;••;·;.,.;· ~· .. ;.•';·~·~";' --·· ~·-...;i1 r s;er.: .. ~ -:-··~""""I ,stS-%191:.. .. :..~::;:;·:..--·-----I· - • ' • • JIS PllOT·AOVUTISU Wolnt>dlY, F•brv11Y l8, 1970 ~&l:Jfi'flioln:ii:r11R1Nfirr::.:..:..:.::.:::.:-:_:;T.j Wolntld.lf, fobfu.vr 18, 1970 IMllY '1lOT 41 • I l'u1< .,..E RaNTALS RINTALS , • RINTALS • RENTAl:S--ltlNTALS RENTALS RENTAL l ' RENTALS - Hou1H Furnished u-.. Uni l-L-• h+L: Funllihecl Apta. Furnlahed AplL Furnished Apta. Furnish·' •• Uni 1~-· •~ 0 ~-I lftlhln Buch 1400 "''--------I ·-"""-'-"-u"' ..._ • 1-=-..;==7-·-'.;.==~~~=::....:=.:.:::.::.::.-~ 1-_:;;~:..:.;::;.:::::.:;=.. __ ::i:;:!:_::.!!!'.!!~-~-.,,..a. urn --= """''" lhM I j _R_ent_1_1,_1_o_S_h_1_re;,._.;:,2005:...;:, Generol .-0.nerol -Oen.rel -COiie MelO 4100Coate -4100 Costa Mou 5100 C:ooto Me10 Jltl .2 HOUSES on LOT .. -. f\-3. 130 x 280' lot. 2 bdnn PEMALE To share tarre apt ra.ncti houae with bir fam; w/2 'l\'Ol'king 1irls, priv rm, ~-~·-11epe.rale 1ervice all uliJ pd. Furn. $65 nlO. porch. l&J.'le kitchen with 117~ Dianiood, Balboa electronic oven. 3 buiJt.ln Island, 67;)...7709 ovens. t:oaater, range & W 0 ?11 AN w/securtd ln· VERY nlct 3 bdrm$,.j baths, drape• • .:..11o,,~i:OO' .... JUST Costa M11a 3100 more. 3 car prage. Separ. come: wants to ,;hare • her DESIRABLE ate bunk hoUSe with tire-Jove:ty new 2 bdnn a.pl JiOME SINGLE place, kitctk!n, bi.a. b~, bM. w/s&me. Over lO, refs. 2 ~I'., 1 ha, cpld, drps, roroed .. room. Ord\ard. Roon1 for MS-8729 air heat, JJi&rb-<llsp, bll-ln1, many more t1nita. 148,IXK>. 'E;oMO;Pi;LO:;c.,Y'°E"D,.-M""oJ~,~,~,~.33 Jrplc, patio, S::l~. "-'Bier FOR--- PEOPLE Your tennL Sha.re Beacb front .apA.i1. rum. Adults only no pct.,;, The SouUt Bay Club Apts. a.re an apartment/ • ment with same. ca 11 .RA.TE REASONABLE · resort built just for single adults. the apart. ~ 6.37-800:; • .\cross rrom O:iunlry Club ments are single, one and lwo bedrooms. nt!flilm 'ROO="'M"•~IA"T"E~to-,-3~BR~-,-pt. 275 tilcsa Dr. * Ph, 54&6706 Furnished and unfurnished. Professionally GI No Down near ocran. 'Y 1Ne\vport. FOR LEASE decorated \Vith air con ditionini: available. StraighL ~1~58 .,_ .;1 1 0 _1 ,.._ Autom~tic fireplaces available in selected 0<:&Uu ti ......, .....,rTO, Near apls WANTED:..2.Qim •n Sblt(.-3 -~-~-~• .. -ti --·-·---· COST A MESA'S 2 . Finest . Locations . • PALM MESA APARTMENTS Next to the Santa Ana Country Club Jusl East of ~nta Ana Ave. on Mesa Drlvc. VILLA POMONA GARDEN APTS. At Pomona and 18th Street FEATURING: e PATIO AREAS e SWIMMING POOL e STEAM ROOMS e JACUZZI BATHS BACHELOR, I lo 2 BEDROOMS Furnithed & Unfurnished a SN Aword Wlnnl119 - MERRIMAC WOODS! Orant;1e County's MOit lea.utlful ' Apartment Community FEATURING A CLUB ATMOSPHERE FOR YOUR COMFORT AND PLEASURE Just completed 1 or 2 a.clroom. 2 iath. Furnl1hed or Unfurnished. Alr-cond,, beam ceilings, dishwathert, lush landsuplnt with 1tream1 & w1terf1lls, elev1tor1, llQ'1, club- hous. with soclll 1ctlvitl .. , 11una1, Jacuul & swim pools, private 911r1.. w/1tor19t. FROM $140. $210. Aclult1 pluM; Just hst of 2600 Herbor lllvd., ..Xt to Nebora Ctdll· lac, 1t 425 Merrhnac Way, Cotta .. Mnt . 545--• 6300. E.vervthing new. Mo.e in nowl -• EXTRA SHARP. 3 Bdrrii, '.? br oceanfront apt wn olher swmunin& pool. ·I i;pacious Sa., Patio Jritcberi. CM:rsz. untl1Jt111e. 6'l3-5j93 bedrooms. $.'rn lncludr:s pool ~c lot. ].'..a 1 k to I ,t.A,=;;D;;Y:;,;W;;ll;:l .:sha:::.:.,,~3'=mt="too,---me •nd gardener. Fum\sbed i! ..,.....,';:, achools. ~;&r,9j(l. y,•/ pool. ~f. lady 35-4J. desired. Bkr. 5.16-5880. BRASHEAR REAL TY Roi's, &12-!«5 .it;. I '!'.!!!!!~~----•I 84?-iSO'l' ~ Exes. 642-0!27 I~==:=-~==::~==: F'INEZbr. 2 ba home in betil 51,4 % GI k>an. By owner • 3 Costa Mtt• 2100 aJ near \Vcstclin Plaza & Br. 2 Ba, lam rm. $28.950 . .:.;c:.:.;:..:;c.::=---_;:,;;:::. schls. LI'£ fam mi w/frplc. New paint, nr. bea~h. off 1 BR duplex, some yard. 2 car &ar, fenced yd. Avail Tha rtsort Is $7$0,000 worth of rtcr11tion1I f1cilities fe1turing: Night Lightd Tetinis, Volle yball .& 8askatbell Courts Tennis Pro & Pro Shop Olympic Si1e Swimming Pool and Heated Whlrlpool Men's & Women's He1lth Clubs with S1un1 Baths lndOor~Golf Drlving-R1ngt Billiard, C1rd, and Conference Rooms . All Electri~ ~ Ho,point Api:iliance =s __ l.G;;e;:••;;'";;' ;;;;;;sooo;~j·c-"iti.i•AMeiii~iNiliiii"s1-;-00Lf--1J -Moat Ruaonoble New R1ntalo I• MAltTINlljlUE , Brookht1r st, 22101 Carpets, drape5. f\farch lJ. LR S2j() Mo. Call Capistrano Ln. ~<KXI dn, 6n.&143 &16-4711 or 83.1-022S -$5;000 lnd TD. $168 mo. hn· ="""°'~""'~=== 4 BEDR00!'¥1, 3 Bath1-partl)! med possu. 492-3285, University Park 2237 furnished, Vacant and 968-4l32 TEMPORARY? ready! S3:iO per nlO. A.gt. $4550. DOWN '"""'"' \l,'e have a like new, 2 bdrm. ASSUrtlE 1.0/lNT. LOAN ., a.~ ho il tiJ 3 BR. 2 BA, bll-ins, cpl>, ~~ TOTA ER MO ~ ,,,., rown ·1se ava . un .....,..., L P · 9/1. Only $275 per mo. fl'JllC. Fenced yard. $200 Sharp 3 bdrm. Hurry on this e Red Hill Realty leaM:. 962-6365 """HA.FFDAL REAL TY Univ. Park Center. Irvine 2 BR, stove &: rerrig., older Call Anytime 833.o320 hon1e 114;) mo. Older adults 342M«i preferred. 642-8101 DOWNTOWN Corona del Mar 2250 DELUXE Townhoui;e 3 BR 2 N°"-? Lake Park 2 Br., 2 Ba . .=::~:.::..:::::...::.::.:....._::.:::: BA. Crpts. drps, blln1, pool. home. l..al'le kit $28,500. Ex-3 Bdrms. 'l a.. Block to the S225 mo. 545-5270 cellent te.rms. beach. Ne'lv carpe\J. Fenced ,:.,,',-'=.;..:.:..::o:... __ _ R. D. Slates, Realtors yard, $325 Month. 3 BR. 2 BA, mvered patio. 5J6.88a1 • :iJO.Z129 Family ()nJ.y, $225 mo. Agt 2' Bd1·~. 2 Ba. Community --=='='===· ===~\ pool. Westtliff uea.1240 Mo. ¥ Party Room With D1n<.t Are• Buffet ind Wet Bir Cofqr TV & Flrtpl1ce Lounges Luxury Elev1tor Buildings W ith Sec.urity Gu1rd Service And Ample P1rking Models Open Until 8 p.m. Daily Rents from $145 to $300 lmmedi1te Occuptncy Month to Month Le•sts Avail1ble • From $120 Unfurnished VENDOME Spacious ......... wl ...... e From $140 Furnished . like _;,,., wt •ri· F P IMMACULATE API'S! vacy. Patioe & pools. Nr. or ALM MESA ADULT k FAMILY •hopptna. Adult. ooly. . -SECTIONS AVAILABLE QUIET DELUXE .wr'S call 546·9860 ClolO to..._. ... Pork 'BACH.;,_, & 3 BR" For VILLA POMO.NA : ;~:,!.'""'"a. .~;!'.:''tu .-A'"~ *Swim Pool, PuV~n call 642-n86 • .... ,1. 1nc1wtmd>'y ,..,." lMS Anaheim Ave. 1.c;:.°'='•:..c;.M::"':::•:_ __ 4;:1.:.:00 Bolbo,•~----4;:300;: CASUAL Ca1ifornia Llvl11& in BALBOA Peninsula n65 mo. \Var m Meditenanean at. Larae 2 BR wflireplaoe. niosphere. SPaciot1s 'T"J(I sq. Apt. A. 132.( Balboa Bl\'d . fl. mlor-coordinated apt, New carpels " drapes. In· designed &: furnished for quire premises or &12-6481 &tyle &: comfort. * Pvt. 2 'BR Oceanfront, Penin. 1.~ OOSTA MESA Sfl·.2824 • RENT • 3 Rooms Furniture $19.95 & UP I:O~To-f.fmth Rent.all WIDE SELEcnON ,liO DEPOsrr O.A.C. Hl'RC Fttrniture Rent~s ORWH.S APTS. ~ lt: 3 BR avail. Adults Mb'. 17.U Tustin, Coat.a Mesa ...... Mn. canon, - Fairway Villa ·Apts Riddle & Ross Rltrs. Newport' Beach Patio •B-bq •Shag cpls blk to bay. 1129 E. Balboa . BI B SOUTH/ BAY CLUB •G" w/stocage *""'"" 1150 ,.,.1y, 67f>-'11J< 3200 1405 517 W. 19th, CM ~ Near Orange Co. Alrport k ucr. AduJ.ts onJ,y. 20122 Santa Ana Ave·. M2441 3535 E. Coo.st Hwy. 615-ttl5 UQOlDATION·New 3 BR 2 Br furn. house, yrly. 1 or 2 pool *Kitchens w/inclirect ==''="=='""====== • Adults Only li&hlln.-& delt1x oven &: ~. lsl•nd 4355 Costa Mesa ~ 5100 l BR, 2 ba..h • split level S26;J range. I blk lo tihOpping, 1 I ;;--o;.-'O::cc;,---:=-:,..-, homes. 4191 Branford St. d 1 ~ a t1 ts.. no peti.1. ,. , .,I, patio. 2 BR.'"''" .......... szi;; APARTMENTS Bdnn. 1115 loci. uU. Adull" DELUXE a,;;,-,,,-.,-,-,-.-,,--, HARBOR GREENS 2 BR Studio, Un!. N•wly Just 135,500! ! ! Bldn/ Agt, $190 mo. 673-5822 M6--0609. eves 557-6151 ;;';;7,;,;",""';.;.=,.,---,.-AVAILABLE NO\V No pets. 365 \V. \Vilson St. decor. New crpts & drpti. CHJNA COVE, view, beaut furn 3 BR, 2 BA, ;400 mo. yrly. ms Shell. 644-11.0i Bay & Beach Really, Inc. 612-t9n Ea, lrpli:, gar8.l:c, A\lail Spec. P"OOnds. Adlta. No 901 [)()ver n r. Suite 126 NB l-"eb. !:).:June l::i. $300. APARTMENTS Peta. $140 Mo. 2'l83 Fountain N L I 67:)..7156 or 67!>-4000 \\' E (H bo •·- TUSflN r.teadows: 4 Dr, 3 645-200) ~Ve&. 54ii·6'J66 • O\V casing n SPACIOUS ay " ar r, """" W. on B HARBOR TO\VNHOUSE LIVING WU80n -'''il50n Ganlem ba, 1hake root. ALL rooms alboa l1l1nd 2355 TO\VNHOUSE: 3 BR, 21,;; NEWPORT BEACH Huntington Be1ch 4400 ApU.\ crpted. drps, washr .t dry,, -10_1_0_50...;.;.c,B;..,;_•y_f_R_Oc,N;;;T;,; BA, frplc, palio, pool, 2 car 880 Irvin. &!pa.rate adnlt I family com· " THE SEV"'" " Tustin 1640 land9C. w/aub-tropical fnlit " gar, all blln!I, crpts. rit-ps. TO NH s NE\V SOUNDPROOF PRIVT munltiet. Bachelor 1·2-& 3 ..........;. trees. r.tany xtras. Rear Yd 1to10 yr. lease for best Joe. Lse $27;1 nlO. 87l-88ll or Orvina ind 16th St.) W OU E l BR! avaU t"eb. 20 k !\tar 1 Bdrms, furn & unfurn apta_ New 2 BR ·w/ PRl:e. flljO. faces Irvine Ranch. 6~~'% Be'l.ut. 4 BR. 3~ bath hon1e 642-2491 eves or "1'ends. • ~· .17,,_1.4) 645..0SSO B;ocY 10 ocean. Garages SllO. ~r mo. & "'" Adults. ()opts, drJM, bltns~ Joan. By Owner. 838-7129 or &. 2 BR. 2 bath apt,&: 2 boal DELUXE Townhouse 2 Br. 2 • 2Z17 Harbor near \\'ilSon 202 A 14th. ;;a&.1319, 613-1784 Fncd yn:t_ \Y( patio. Wtr pd. 544-5470 pier '-dock. FUrn. $1200 B r I e l BR. Townhouse $120 2 BR. Pool Ad I e l.arie &&l'dtn patios 2619 ~t& Ana Aw.. No. I, per month. a. rpc. pool. S:2'3 0 . GARDEN GROVE '. H 1 · · u isonly.S200 e Open beamed i11ngs 01.636-4120 L B --L Linda Isle Develop-nt Bayfront apt ~. A&t 13100 Ch1~ma,..'Avenue • eated poo • Adult only mo util pd, 17676 C&meron. ce aguna e~ ..... &16--0732 • 'G pets • Adj to shopping 347·212:; • Firepll'.1.'es • Rec. Rooms DELUXE 2 Sr. Crpta, Drpl, SIU. GRUNDY fiTh.J210 --------(4 blks. w. nt1 An• Fwy.} bl HANDYMAN 3 BR,:! Ba duplex, ne1v cpts. (7141 636-3030 1-BDRM .. ne\\'ly clccoraled. • 2 pools, saunas, nunery t-na, priv patio. Adj. clos- SPECIAL $v~11-':."'11'u1yrl2yB. •,fu2 ~!.",".'.';"", ,· ~~s;modsh1:'.:". ' .... :.~111";'1'3Nr heh. LRG Bachelor apt, nicely $135 Per n"IO. incl. ulil . school. edNo '.::~. ~ul .. ~inonl•ley.'toryll!O·. Here's & real buy, Cha.nnuig ;r ftl~ar. 2 ·pa~ ~k. =~==~-=~~=~== =· :i~::d ;~ul~ptrii~~ Tradewinds Realty 847-1;)11 lhlr.fED. OCCUPANCY Ca115i&.7:U .. mnch st)ie home, SITUAT· Adults only, no pets. ANAHEIM S.1~21 or 540-6338 2 BEDROOf\'f. f t1 r n Is he d. Z70o Peterson \Vay ED ON LGE. LDT. NESTI.,. 67>-7880 • ~-rt Shores 3220 ~'-'..;.~ ... -.Naw;-1..,.tng-for M1rch occup1ncy TRAILER-Bach. 01. ~turl-'''· Downtown, HB. No Costa.N·MI~~._ • .... ~70 VILLA MESA APTS. ED BENEATH TO\VERING zn 5 8 kh S ' chlidrcn. No pels. 536-7396 '• '"'uur nuiams '.? 5n unfum, p• pa"·o, hbl NEAR beach, :l i;tDry 3 BR , 1 '. ';, • • roo urst t . • l • 1 BR. $SO.Sl20. Call Days '"' " '"" SHADE TREES. WHERE Duplexes Furn. 2975 BA, vacant, no lease, 12'2.J (1 blk. So. of Ll.n'°lnl 00-3375, eves, 838-7140. GAR pool. 2 car encl'l aar. Chil· THE C.OOL GREEN or NA· ;;.;===-· . ..=;::__.:;:.:I mo. 2j!] \Valnut St. Open (7141 n2-4500 L1gun• Beath 4705 DEN APTS. drcn welcome. no p et. TURE ABOUNDS JN A 1 BR furn Duplex in Costa Con•,.•n'-nUy 1-·1~ p~-·-' 1160 ..... •·-11• sun pm 962-1176 or !168-4004 ~ Newport llo•ch 4200 TH•' NE\V VI" ·GE INN ... .... ........ ~ ....... ..... ......... 9'1'. QUIET AlR OF SECLUS. Mesa. Qui<"l. No dogs. ' . ' ...... -., ......,, Close to Shopping 719 \V. \Vilaon 646-1231 O N walk 548-2721) Fo1mcrly Saddle.back Inn, I . A pleasant from University Pirk 3237 RENTALS 1 NEW 3 &. ~ br, 2 l»t. frplc, 11; Laguna, from $2S a \~~,k. Alr-conditioninz • Pool BARGAIN. Dix aml t br UJ,.. ~beach. RENTALS Cost• Mesa 4100 blk fronl bay & ocean, furn t..ovcly apt&. All utll's, Carl)eta & Drapes turn, util pd. No chldi'n, no .µIde fsshioned pa1ior type Houses Unfurnished LEASES AVAi ir-ABLE Houses Unfurnished ---------or unr. ~275 & S300. rifo. Call linens, maid. pool. laundry Built·in! • Enclosed &lll'qes pe~. !l98 El Camino Dr. liv. rm. HA S OAKEN All have frplcs., bH·inS & U y 673--93;)2 rm. S:cps to beach. 696 s. 2 Bedrobms • 1 Bath CM. 637-9585 PLANK FLOORS. \VOOD Gener!!_ _____ 3000 at least 2 bathll. ' Fountain V1lley 3410 * S NN *• ~O,A"CH~EL;:.O~R~,-,~,,-.. -w~ly-d~ec. Coast Hwy, 494-9436 From Sl5.l r.tonth 3 BR 2 Ba. New crp~. PANELED WALL. COZY ·----Drive by 160 \V. Wiltion •r LOG B U RN TN G FIR& FREE RENT BR.AND NEW 3 Br. &>p. din. 4 Br, 21: Ba, Family rm ~ * ACRES * ~~~l.121, ~AB.pl.E:,c w, · ~~-,18boa76. BEAUTIFUL l..aJte Bach. See Manq:er, Apt. 1 linoleum I; drapes. ~ Pt.ACE IN ANT IQ U ED kl~e • / b kl i.~ ., • ..,,,.. apt. \\lalkin"'• dl&tance to pafnted thruout Prt patv. VACANT _ lease it today, rm. Imm~. possess. r-1 $315 '""' n w rea Rlt .,..r, 494-!H71 cl ~M --.,... DESIGN e. I h II "' "'""' 0"'" D s h ·=~~=~----beach & shop11, Ot..-ean view. H'A"•'OR en pr. -.111~ I . .._..n er a opens move in tomorrow a.ad en-ti1o. • ........... , . • , w s r' .--to the 2 bdrms .. serviced by . FR Loads ef beautiful cabinets, * Mouel Apts * 1 Br f\1obile Home, furn. All Blt·lns. Lease $170. 494--2449 NEW TOWNHOUSE'... )Oy EE ·.Er..'T to 3-1-70. • 1·1 'd 1 4"' ""' ---• 4 F!XTIJRE BATll. Cpts, D ..... s. Block wall, tJ I pa1 , ,.xcept e cc. $14JM ·07.;o~"7-~"°"=--:= t BR. !" B• • l • 2 -. t.Tr•lilLI Modern home, built·ln~. 2 4 BR. & fam. nn. ln1mac. ·" ;; .,. ~ • • ..,. KOPPER KETT1..!; f\1TO~· baths, carpet and drapes. cond. f.1ove in. TODAY @ mo. * 893-4526 Bkr. 1 aiinal So. ol O.C. ~~kc~1.o. Call 6 4 6-8 81 1 PANORAl\fJC View overlook· COMPANY Crptd, drps. l'tll dna: p1 EN WITH ELEC. RANGE BIG walle<: yard, children $350 rno. 1-~airgroundg ~~.;.:..______ ing Aliso Beach. 2 Br, turn. oven. 66-21(1. 3n W. Wllaon &: OVEN, CERAMIC TILE, v.·elcome, $27'5 includes wa-Lagune Beech 3705 Sttdlo Ir 1 leclrooms 2 BR furn & unfurn. 1!50 -All elcc. l\faturc 1dult1. no REAL TORS NEW db:, I It 2 BR. ~ ETC. OPENS TO SEPAR-tcr. 3 BR. + din. rrn. -1. ~RGE ~ Mont-rery 0r;ve: :? BR, $30 WK. & UP $17j. Cpts, rirps, bltns, pool, children, no pclJ. 119:> nlO. 673-4400 crpts, dt'PI. bl Uns. lmm'ed ATE BR.KFST. ru.t. WE SELL A HOME :sep. rtt. room. Avail . ap-den l:ii BA 2-cargar rum Day, Week, Mom patio. 1525 Placentia ;:E:;v~cs:....::•90-:;:.,;37~5"=-_,,,....,,.-,.--\""!"~~~~·~~~·\ oectW. $160-$180. stO-tm, The IP&cious rear grouncis EVERY 31 MINUTES prox. l\1a1'Ch 15th @ $360 mo. or ~nturn. Avail. Ap;, Ma; • Kitchens .. TV'a incl. PLUSH Secluded Bach Apt. 2 BR, 2 BA. Nicely furn. LUXURIOUS-NEW ~mt. hav~ itiel"'~ arbor type Walke & L & Ju~ (ow:ier occupies •Phone strv., htd poo1 al the heh. $125 r.10. yrly. GaraJtt>. Choice Joe. sw.e '"D"E"LUXE""'"· "l"""A~J~B"R~Gvoe~~. patio, lerra ... ~ prden. pick-r e·e 3 BR . .l. din. r m. Oto1ce rnr. I J ly . • f\faid i;ervlce av.all . By appL 673-22j6 Call :i38-20$ or aft :>. Ap". "II·•·-, pn·· paUo, et ,, .... ,, THAT LOOKS TO I A il ronl u thru Aug\· avail. 2376 N~oar ILVD $150 & $170 ... ,p '"' • THE'Wooos & OLD WOOD· 2™3 \Vestciil:f Dr. @r 13;:· tilo~·a · !\!arch 20th for winter rental from Sept. r;,~r975 • Sl'UDIO Apl. Priv. Patio. SEPARATE room art·lltudio, heated pool, fr'plc. Adults EN BRIDGE BELO\V. Thill 1).)6.mt PETTIT REALTY CO. on. Call coUect after 6: 213: ~ S Avail 'Ul June. Beaoon Bay. kit. privUe;es. 1 blk heh. All Utilities Paid $145 mo. 546-5163 •. cha . old "'~=="--.;;c.~--27j.3069 CASA d ORO Sl60 Ph 673-6137 Rt Young person. 491-3!00 1 & 2 BR, 2 o;wlrn pools 2 BR. bltns, crpta, doled nn1ng er home n~s $1TJ. CLEAN 2 Br house, 2172 DuPont. N.B. ' • ' : ' ' ""==°=======I AdullB on.I pets 11. litt'le touch up here&. there. Jenced yard, child .l pet ok. 833-0101 BRAND fie\\' 2 Br. Beal':'ti;, Casual Calif. Uvina In warm l BR apt lrom March I lo H I 4975 307 A y, 110 · 1a.rq:e. l'tfiture adults. i130 1705 ti's an oul8tanding Duy !or * * * * 1'=========::. I i;hag carfl('l. bH ·lns, frpl , l\ff'd. atn106f1herc . Spaciou11 July I. Patio & all elec ol• S vocado St .. C.M. mo. 54M573 or 54g..21S4 : $25,9$0 FULL PRICE $140. 2 BR duplex. atDve & Huntington Beach 3400 trees. \Vlk to bes! l)Cllch. 750 gq . rt. c..-olor co.ordinated kill:hen. 67>3526 Lido Shores Hotel CBeS:l'ld.M~~~:rt~!fm~s::bor BACHELOR, 2 & 3 BR.la. LOWER ON . P''MT. O.K. refrig .. near stores $285. 673-3l'13 or 494-3470 apl. Designed & fui·n. for 2 BDR.i\1. $225 mo yeRTly Bayfront kitchenette st1lte1 at mrner Rutiers & Avocado) C/D, bltna. No pets. 2US • _.,,. MISSION REAL TY * • * * IJ\lti!AC. Ex. L1-g 3 br, 2 ba NE\V 2 Br. 2 Ba, blt·lns. 8.tylP. &:. comfo11· * Pvt pa. lease. Owner/agent. Mr. from S'1;,5 mo. Suites & Da) 642-353i;, eve. 645-0'l&l Mendola, No. A. M5-M21{· 985 So. Coa.crt. Hwy .. l.olgunt $150. COZY 2 Br, stove, Duplex. Crpt, d1•p,g, blt-ns. dr8pe!i, shag carpel, view, ho * S.S.Q * Shag cpts Gundersen, 673-6210 roon1 s by rlay or week iiliijpjiiiij(iji!ii!iiii!iiiii ILRG 2 ~ 3 BR. Crpts, drps,· l Phone (714) 494-0731 garage, children ok. Lr&. IO\lely prlv. yard. Gar. 1250. 109a Oro SI. oi!M-8200 ... Gar wJ 11ora.ge • Hpated l========= Phones, 1na1d, mflee. ice HARa·o· e· . or 2 kids ok. 2214 Collep + huge park'g:. SJ!)j. JU. 1"""1~ * Kitchen w/ in81rect Coron• del M•r 4250 617 LUio Park Dr. 67J.8800 Ave., Apt. 2, 64&-0m' L19una Niguel 1707 Blue Beacon 645-0111 spon.MarriedA<ilts.8~2-3%76 Laguna Niguel 3707 t;"u"'. dclllXe oven&.-------.;.,; rilnge. l Blk to.shopping. J 3 BR. r.targueritc. So. of .tci~ 1 AL) > TOWNHOUS'E LRC 3 Br'unfllrn, lrz 2 Br FREE RENTAL BOOK 2 BR. w/patio & yard, 4 BR 2 BA, fam rm. w/w BDR?t-1. tITh Incl. t11U. AduJts, Hwy, $200. No chl1dren. Apts. UnfurnlthM. furn. Pool. Kida: ok. 1991 PANORAMIC Ocean View cor. Jot. Pvt bcl\. rtfonarch Bay. 125.950. 4951-1344, """'519 Condom~:.:lu;;.m;,.__;;.19..:.:50 VACANT. Immediate po~ slon, 3 BR. 2 BA, aJtllUmC F'HA loan. $141 PIM P.1.T.I. with $5!kJO dO\Yn. TRADEWINDS RL TY· Drop In and Bro\v11oe. There Drapes. Encl. lit a r age . cpl, dr(>ll, giirdnr, Vlt!w, no pets. 365 W. WiJ10n Sl. * 642-7898 * ~faple, Apt S. 5'3-2808 are several homes for rent ~.~ti~~~ .. No pet1. I 14 S. ','.;..""" 2110 yd. $350 n"IO!IM!. 642.1971. IT'S WONDER-" ,;:-, General 5000 2217 Harbor near Wilaon LARGE 1 BR, elec bullttu available. immediately. ..-~ ;,..--ir ..,... " e 2 Br 1~ Ba. QCC \VALKER. & LEE ========= HOUDA Y PLAZA many buy!.! In appliance11 $125 • CLEAN 2 Br 4-plex, nr .. S. Cit .,,au, $133 2790 Harbor Blvd at Adama; 3 f ~ 2 d Ba, B~·1ins, frplc. Ml • Vi , 3 DI 01-;LUXB. Spacious 1 Bdrm )'OU find in the Clas!illed stove, w/v.', drp1:, gar, kkls • Hu.'!°:'11poolhouse ~~~-.. i.. w/ ttfril. 5tQ..86M e Y • nr sc &: shopng. lltOn •to 1 f'urn apt 11'' pl"• ulll.l•=A~L;,;~;;~,;'~;:::-;.:"'·==:_;;,;;;"=B=kr=·;;··= -== · .:a o • ...,. 1 BR apt untum. No chUd-n LAREf'RONT Lake ForTsl $22S. Mo. Call before 8Ai\f 1 ""' '"" '"'"' peu.. · ~"""" • No peta • Adj to shoppinz ''" new 2 Br, 2 Sa. plush crpls, or aft ?PM. "94-2936. LOVELY, Like new, 2 BR, leated pool, ample parldni. at pelJ. G.raa:e. Utd ~ &. drps. Rent or lse/opt. LOVELY 1 -rial Mod 3 1~ BA home: Drps, bltns. No chlldren -no pelil. Newport Blach 4200 Newport Beach 4200 $143 MO. Clean, attractive :l Cn>ta. drp1. 642-«>C2 ' 494-8463 m,... . br, patio. fe~ ).Td. ~t & 1965 Pomona. C.f\t. BR d pl 1 BR unfum, 1to\-e & ---. ·""~-,,=~~~~-I clec bltns, rib! a:111r, S:?6;i Mo. ~lld k 11~ 831_1141 ti ex on quret 8treeL ......... $14J • NlCE 2 Br home, 54&-~2 aft 7. Agt. ~6-4~ · . :i.>. or $~40 PER mo. Dix Mobile Grand Openint-lmmedl1te Occupancy Close to shopping. Bullt·in stna:le ad~ta. I "'/\\'. drps, slovt. fhcd, gar. _I 2 BDRM H C ·loml' cod ml pl. furn. Hid • OAKWOOD oven and range. a:a.tbaie: Ridi.1 &: pets. Bltt. 5.14-6980_ • ousc. rpts, SPAR1'."LING La Pai home 2 poo • a 11 ts. 4 Seai;on's • dl.!1pogl. \Vall to w a I I e BARGAIN -Beau.tiftd,. fe~ yard. Nr shopp1nr. Br .r. n..n. cpt$, Drps, \Valk l\fob. E.1t. 2359 Npt Blvd. carpeUn1 and drapes, Fenc-2 BR apt. 998 El Camino ID~A;IL::Y:P:ILOT;==w=•=NT==·~DS~'~;O~NE="':··~-,;mAllY;o;="'°""==:;'"';;;~s~u~'~"'°S"·~ea~·~·~'7;-J83J~~==:l~--~~,_.....~1~--~·-~1~.~~~-~1~·~= '";;;....,,,~;.,~~~=~~ -· ~ G . w """....., ., _: Th b f ' " Id ~"' )'&n,1, an.gt, Gardener Or, C.ht. 631·958S . 000 I CHATEAU LA POINTE e est o two wor S • • • ond wator pd. MallU< &dultt 2 R. Del Gonor.i 2 ~,. 1000 ~""'"1 2000 COftdomlnium :1950 "'""IY 2 BR .... wt poo1, • r,our home and· your country club ,,,"""1y. 00 pelt, ,1.,.... 111 B "' Modern. Pool. ,_:;;;::.:;;.;;. ____ ...:::.;:.:.."";:;::.;,;:;:.....,,... __ .,..:.::;;;;:::.::.::.... ___ _::::::::,,,1~~~~~~--~~ carports. Walk lo .:llhop'a:. •and la1t month's plus clean-~~'~f~2'179 Miner st. -'Pt 147"511 FOR leaae. Dlxe. Condon\, 3 Adul UI, no peta.. $1SO.Sl60 ' or your home, salect from sin9le, one and tni dtpostr. 753 seott Place, ---.·~ , , ti BR. 2·1, nR c,. p t two b•droom ap1rtm•nt1. Furnit hed or un· c M u.11 .,,..,.. 2 BR 2 bi. deluxe apL ~- •7 on., • I! s • J)Cl' n10. J!Kl Pomona, Ot. ' · ,,,,__ ' ...,..,_, , dra pc1, ,vasher/dryer, MER furnished, each !• proftsiionally diicor1tad ELEGA:NCE a' drpa, blt~lna, lrplc, piatio. dlahwaihcr. Prtv. ptlo. Rec. · RIM.AC 'WOODS and includes ctrpating, drtparie1, 111-elactric $17b. ~ • &· pool . prf\ljl. Cloae to F'um u~lts avail. Se.e &d t1n.. Westinghouse 1pplianca1, 1 tor• g • space Hacienda HGrbor 2 NEW J..ra: Apta.·2 br, :J:" 1ehool & 11'-.pping <:e!Oler. dcr clus 3100. U5 J\.1erri-aplanty ond private b1lconv. petio. I Ir. 2 BR. lllll'Lfl"" .. 1 b Bil I mac Way. S6-6.100 ,, • .,...~.,.., "" r. • na, crpts, -Oho110• ""'1 of ft. No pcta. $240 Month .·1.;.::::-;;;'ii:;;;;;;:;..,~-Just 1tep1 ~from your door it a whole world Util included. NO PF:t'S S.155 • S115. $49..3793. .,,_kNrfotf/C/G~ ~ .,'dt i ) ""' 968-l58CI SUS CASITAS of exclutiva country club racrtafion: . Adult Uvlng in• MESA DEL MAR Dt1f1x '° "' limp ~ • ~ ~ • ' J RENTALS rum. 1 BR Apts. Adult.I • Professional site f ennls Courts rtfediterranean Atmosphere Stuclk>. 2 br. l\' bl, djt. $@~~~-/££~s· The /'un/e with . the Built-In Chudle • I NI D 0 IE , • A r '.':-'\ ~ Apia. Furnis hed ooly, no pelt. 2llO .Ncwpo11 • R 'd T • p I I d 'h Bll·lns. lllai <11>ls, ...... d...,, blt·lJW. IHO. '" -. . .. .,:_.'t:J \J.,;J..J Blvd, Of. &42.J.1286 e11 ent enn11 ro t11ion1 en oJ op a•"ie wl ttora,-e, POOL ..,.......rv. I I I I I• I'!.~ 1 -•-Olymr,lc 1i11 Swimmin9 Pool 2 .. 1 A d ••2 2•25 ' j ~ ;::rM'! 2_ BR Stl¢iQ, C~l"p(!!J, drapes, • Whir pool Betha. 'IGCI 0 -• .., ... .,...., leach 59 Pool. J child OK. No • p ddl b t 1 BR;-Stcwe .-f'ttria. drpg;' ~,\oO.o.;;.. ,;._;.;;;;_....;:;:;;:;I-- I I The GORGEOUS New chlldttn a&e• 2 thtu g, Call 1 t Tennis, Vollty 11, 8askttb1ll util pd $1.20. DELUXE 3 BR, 2 BA. BLYE L j fr VAL D'ISERE 646-0l9ll '"" s. Courh • + + 0.-ta!n duplex unit, ~ Ii I I I j 1 · · Single-1 bt-2 br, F'um.-unt. ?tlONTICELLO Townhouse 3 And • 20,000 a.quire foot clubhoust off,,, Bacbtklr apt.-&ovt It reftlc 38th St, Mwpt J s I and. . . . . J. f: Satllla, Act'y Rm, 8Ull;ttd1 Br. 2'BI.. 3 pool.I, pvt paUo, these featur11: parUalJy tum. UtU pd $105: $2SO/mo. ITW433. m-s111 I t. ~· Thtnpy I: 45' JX>ol. BBQs sm mo. 833-3649 • S1p1r1te Mtn'• end Women's 648-6j(l6., ~ NEW 2 Bdrm 2 bl.th lrWMI I GI R R 0 r , __ ,..,..::_,.-°"' 2001 PaMIOll!I Rd. 612&70 1 BR. Apt. fUl1)i .pool . W/W Hetlth Clubs with S1un11 WXURIOUS 2 Br. 1~ Ba, Conilomlnhnn. ~ .m • ~_.~,~Tt-J~~J-1 i Iv If you '!'•nl to oet 0 you~ 1:::..i~;,,i~ ::. ~·~·· pallo, ~~i':'w'."~~.bdnn. • ~~~~~d.<>:~.~rivin9 R•n91, , ~~:'.'°;.~~·nc1d':.,, G! ~ ~~- t......L-L--'--'.....J • I figure, oak, o wornon -81¢ 53,f~ BACHELOR. l BR aptl. " Theetr• TV lounqe, Art Studio, bu&. S156, adults. MJr, 124 BRAND New 2 b!', 2 1111, l ltllr F E ' --P1rty f\:oams &. 20lh to bcb. Yrl)i. ~..:N:..;.Ec.:,V.:....:A;.:.:H~-,.--1 G Coint>l.it ,., ""'"' •.;!.f Coate MolO , 4100 ~{!'nd,,~1"~~. ~'. J"~21!1885 Mod1h Opto i O A.M. To 1 -P.M. Deily I 2 BR. Iii Bath. Poot. Call l~ .. I. f' I I . . by 111""° "!ht mlMfOOO -.i. -.-N-A_SSA_U_P_AU_f_S_.= i $125 NO I.SE. Lri t BR, RINTS FROM $115 N PIO Aduli.. $ID.SO ullltu .. paid. OCEAN vi.w, 4 'IM'. 2 "'· ... ~ dtvtlop lr•• No. 3 b.hwi<. 1 BR turn apt. Pool tum. No.child or pe11. &U I JJl.f l\Jorff'O"la. ~ pr, bh.fN. "100 1f'b', C.U • HIN! N\JMl!RED lfJT!RS IN -· I' r m 22nd SL 61J.l1i45 Shallm8' Dr ........ C.M. OA' KWOQD iliitouplex. "''ly crpl'd, ~!IQ.:::,.®;:;: ____ _ ,fHtSf SQUAtfS• ) $15 Bacbetor. Rf.b'IJ. & ~. INCL t1lll. Small a.pt1 'l drpd. Carport. (tncid ,»rd, 2 BR VWR ll't SlM mo.. • IJNSCIAMelf bot plat.. Incl UIU malo adulL Nr J3tll •a j or 2 cludm ok. N•'\iet>. · 120I Sfflhoi.e Dr.I , ;;:,1 .w .. --1mus. '_:> _ _ ,;;~,l~-;;,-L~-,,··tL-=::::--::-~-::;:::j;~-~~~~~-~-~~1:::J·~"~·w~-~-~-~~:::t:n:::Jl..:.·~iG~AJ~~D£E~N~A~~:A~R:· TM~~E~NT1'~S~~·~"~·~ne~t·~· ~1l3l~mo..~s~4l41~_~11~~=~c.t~1~5*-ita111~~:J-j ~ m..t-~di • aR.....J!• 1700 • J 6th Str•it , N..,norl ••'!h IU~ cmhpleted'l "Bil. e_rpta. I Y!P'. .,.._ ..... eaUll _, . -- • l ' ' -~----'--'....:;....:·.;., =-..:::::::::;;;::::o:::=:.;::==r.::::------............... r."::-=.:~~-::.:-:::..:-:=::-:=:-:::r•:::=:::·:·;.;· ;.;:.::..·:.·::-:.-:-.:-:·· ... =======================--------------- • ' I PILOT-~DVERTlSU J8 " 4i1 i\ILY PILOT • Wrdntsd11, r•~•UllY lll, 1970 JOBS & E"'PLOYMENT ~iKllilfijjHf~AVLsr::._--..,.,,.._iiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiilmliaii*--.·.*·.• .• -1!*!9/REGA~ ES, TATE . A!!INOUNCE/i\ENTS Job Wonttd, Mtn 7000 l' " ,.. . ' ' tntra end NOTlCIS' '<> Apto. Ullfvml· ....... ~ " ....,..,...c...,___ ·---'--l MOrEL "wotk. part-tlmO: 'i:Off~l:;:C.::'..:R:o•::•;;.l•:;;~:....--'°=70 ;ij;~;u;;;-Ad•-l 6400 1 mature woman to take 1:Ne::,:W:.1"°'::;.:rt:..:•=:•;:ch::___;5;:200::; '" 1 IAYRONT • t BR, 2 BA Ju.xury •Pll. )>ri. tf!l'race, e.tevawr., sub1er- ranean ¥k't. All eteC. P<iot, solt wate-r. bOlt dOckL-$3.50.· \IP. 3121. \V; Cout 1-tl'°Y, New. port. 00.zlt:rl ,,... + ljHI Bluff 5{42 li~EW DELUXE e 3".fir. 213 ~ at)I. for lease loci. spae. mute; au1te.. ~In rm ' dbl Pl'lt(le. au10 doot· opener avail. Pool & rec ..... • ..... ONCY ~ e I 865 AmltlOS Way, N.B. ~oron1 d~ Mtr ' S250 .. ; !' ¥ .. .. ... ~ ! ' ' Wlllddy1. Want?, Whldd.~• GGI.?. s~~c~~~':!~~~1cs~!P.~E~~R Special Rott S Lines -5 t imes' -S buck• ltlULI$ -!O MUST INCLUCE I-Wiit! .,..,, 'WY• Te 1rfft. s-wi,,1 yav w•nt Ir> ,, .. , ...Y0011l IHIOllt AllOI ... MICll"'tU.. ta$ tlM1 fll .... .rtl•lnt. ~HING FOltl SALi! -ltt>OES ONLY+ To Place Your:. trader's , Paradise Ad PHONE 642·5671 LOI: .omce: .WO .bllllnlss. When You ,...... ol maids · ... Gd· tocauon .; 425 !tit $t., FOUND: Cat, black, lona; hoUsekeepen; day otr'. A~ , 1 • N.B. (upltn). 673-lll87 halr<d malo, v;/tan colla[.' Want it done In ....... ,, 8a.)'sidc Villap. Call Ben Brown's Motor llotel 3345 NEWP,ORT BLVD. m-n;, · ht moos. Co•st Highway XO.OOO~oftP'Opbol!it~New· _Sli:;,:.EL;,:T::l:,E_o_,-1-oy~C~ol-lie-.~blk TIQ • • • Lakuna Bea.ch port City )lall. frS.1601 w/bt•n ·1• \\'hi. ntal'kingJJ, c II e of *'*: FOREMAN, nu.le. ex- fndu1trlaf Chun!<Y &' homesick. Vic: 0 On per. 3d ih1It·U;l5 PM to • """oo' & Balser. '1'""'522 the e_xperfs ''"AM. App."' I"'"°" .,it ' Property f<tALE min. Scbnauttt vie. 17 Ah1, 1631 Pla'centla, C:l'it Huntlncton lnien:ommunlly /isfe below!! 10 YRS. exp. Sl<\pper. Eng. -~ -. . .. -I BUILDER 0FFER3 NEW !:1,Dl sq. lt.· delu.'l:e bWi. Leued, c:holCe 0 r ~ n g e C.OUU1y' area. Property clear. Owner W/Cf&tr'J lit To 8J,i1~. Prep(!· ~lnl ok. 5J0..3645 am. 82S-54lJ pm. NEW Bldg., . .U.000 sq rt fol' saJe or lease, For details Biitti!I •ratty ~ .. &12~0 l-lose. & .. Hunt. To1>.'Crs. "Deck hand, need yacht , lo Iden tit)'. ~ , v:ol'k on or de 11 very . TRANSISTOR • radio on SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE !?I.RECTORY ·!SE~R~V'.!l::_CE~ . .:::.::~::.:..:=-t~trr::;f>.-0445:;;::,;:::.·,:.m-<:::::;"2;;:,· =-= beacq .• at CdM. ~wner -• • · ~ 10 YRS. exp. Skipper, Eng. pie ... kientlty 615-.5.104 I T 6740 Deck t}arid, iletd yacht to · · · Bobyslttln• · "50 Drywoll "'"'"8 ncorne a x G»L'y KiU~l'l. Vic. 52nd & ---• -_.;_ ______ .___ Y.'Ork •on or delivery • • .., , 'w -67" IUA• 6'7Jl.4752 Seuhore Dr., N.B. 2/7110. NURSE ill baby11it l\1on. e DUDDY Dryy,·all co, Central Business Servi~' 1..:::.:~.:::::"c..::.:.c=--~ Call 642-$19 thru Fl'l., 3 yt'l!i 0:. ww:ler, Lic~d Contractor. Large or eTHE TAX ADVISORS BA~ELOR ~ yrs. Com· vie. Beach &: Pacific Coast 1 Ra "'~K Houseman. Bl.ACK & wh.ilc •puppy, SmAU Job3.. ?h. 847-9:>8 Penn. ottice-Rea'l tea panion, "-"" • female. Vic. Santa Alla l~"''Y· My honie. 536-1572 328 No. Newport Blvd. L1ve-ln or out. * 6'15-72&1 Big Bear lot hk•l' Snow Summit. Value ssr..o or Helghti. $43-3193 RELIABLE. My hOme. Any Electrical 6640 Oppogite Hoag Hospital llAVE 2!J BRAND NE\V , I 60l5 Sl"-11.'...,"~ kitten .found vie. age. By week. Newport For Appt. Call fulj.{)-100 Job Wanted, V"' 1'l O I NG l\IACH.MS .. Coinmercie "'~"' u-a ,,,_a. ""14'"' ...,, ""''"•'"'ICIAN. licensed & W tn 7020 "''' Carmelita & 1'~lota,'1.aguha i .:'~:!::~:..:-=·::..::00"-c.:.::-=...~-.........,,.,.,.. ~ H.K. Clark TAX SERVICE om \VANT F'JtEE & CLEAR AM ,1Qtl A"A ,.,,..., >IY Ho 1 5 all ~·Id bonded . 'Small. jobs, · . DBSFJRT-t:-ANO~. . roR--~...19Ut b_ ..... --....... °" --.....w me. m '-'11 · maintenance &. ,repairs. 23 yrs .• in area ~tAi'Uim--Woman, frei O'CONNOR 499-1948 St. Bctllel TQ"°i!rs' area. TAME black rabbit. vie. F/time. Turtle Rock Area. 548--5203 5'13·~ appl. . daytime hou.l'S !4, Type. ----1-L.(-~::!~•-~rcu:,....-..j De:1e11 »lew 101 near P.S. -ror--sall bor:-or -toeal~Pf'Op.- ON Tfli~ AatES e11y. 6~1319 .. , 1· & 2: Bl{.; Furn &. Urtrurn Exchange 2 Br. 2 ,ha 'Con- Fireplaoea-/ Priv. patlcs I do, frple, dbl gar-FOR Apts. Pools. Tennis. Contnt'I Bkfst, Fo11in Co. 9!'.11> Sta Lane, CdM &14,..."Sl l 1701·A Wesldi.U Dr .. Na lMacArthut nt. Co»st Hwyl &12-5000 •Have: 41' Great Chria Con. t'OR lease nlfly l Br &pt. querer. f.xch. flge e<JUily & over gar. Nr 5111 & Orchid. "'l'll located sJip FOR pai·t P-P~ drpi;, stove. rcfrig. use & I.ravel bua. 642.:l(J2() SM. Avaii""lmmed. 5'$49j7, O!' 548-1347 11 no ans 615-7a28 ©RoLIOO APTS. 2 BR. Mowitain lot in Ronning Ura·cr levels, s t u d I o s. Springs, val, S6500. Trade ~Jes, pool, dbl carports. up o1· down Cor power Cl'\lis- P.auos. $l75-$220. 673-3378 er. 15'-30'." Ait'G pm \\1ftd)'s, all day Sun., 675-01 41 QtiAINT-prlv 1 B1·. beam LOOK! '5 ,anon el~tro . )Jigs, 1Vtl J)(lfl'ls-, shg l.'pti!. plating ouUil. Ti'lU!e for ;\duJt, no petl. Sl60 yrly. good 3().-06 or long be.J"rcl 673-7629 lugt'r. 6;EAN 2 BR, crpts, dr°Ps: Cal.I ~0,.1008 Jl9'5 incl ulil. Aval! ~larch ·1,~-,-,-"c=ou..:ntc.•:..'Y:_;::,£8;..I_•_"_· ~4 1· 61a-6737 mi's fro1n 0.C.C. 3 br, 2.ba, i1oVELY Apt. !% blks to !8x36 pool, horse~ units OK:: )>ch. StO\·e & refrlg. Lse Trtl. lSl\f eQ. for h<>t!X'. ln- J185. Adults. Ph. 67H!Ol corne prop or ? 01\•ri 531·7636 t•lboo S300 ~ENINSULA Point. 2 BR., de1t, 2 bath, next to bay & bee.eh $350 mo, yrly. 1359 E. Blllboa Bh•d. No. A 1175-6952, (213} 864-1846 llluntlngton Buch S400 Ne1vport Bay Mobile I-Jome & cabana, \'Ory (.liflerehl. \Vant hom J j11 ..beach ~. E11 i. S12f\f. 6T.l-3324. \\'hat do .)'OU ha.Ye lO tI-dde ? Lisl It here -io Orange County'• W;::est read .trad· in: post -ar1 make •,deal '* * * NE ED ~1~68 or 64()...7i14, Aict. . WU.&0n ~ Pp!ll2na. 646-38Sj; CAll 833-2626. • your ho1ne 01· office • e:..p. telephone trained PBX. , WILL Babysit, 2 homes to flooit 6665 or what have you? No units, land, ro·s, ror cX· fncfustriaf Rtntaf 6090 Lott ,, 6401 choose from. Mesa de! Marl~..;.;""--------Ironing 6755 y,·eek-ends. MS-2466 cJmngc.11ave clicuts. Reill· ~ · · -· area. 546-1692, 549-2478 r.&RDET V.INYL TlLE :.:;:::.:;~----- ' 10)' 642'.9730, eves ~S-072Q. SPACE ror rent w/boat SMALL black female dog F);'~stlmale Lie. Contr. ·IRONI~!J iH my horn~ MATURE Woman.-lte~ t d. 20 .__ facllilies Alao boat storage. ,with wblte markings. Wear-BABYSITflNG By The MO-n&2 S46..f47B $1 Hr. Alleratlons & daylime hours ~3 'Y.'ill &i\'f' n1p1'0\'l' acre uurse ~2005 • l •Wte riea collar. Lost Week.'You tum. transp. No Babysittin". 54~7641 'rte to pre-schooler. No rl!.nch. Nor.lhcrl'l'Calli., for , . v~i~~Y Alpha Beta at 17th live-ln, Call 642-1407. Gardening 6680 IRONING in my home , $1 \11eekends. 645-2466 yac~il, llOuse or apt S·i6,000 LOTS . , 6100 SL C.M. Saturday 1-4, Nam-CHILD CARE, fenced yd, ;;..::::..:::::.:;~---....:::.: hour. Bring hang c rs . GERi\:IAN Lady, good cook & tqtuty. Q\vner. ed Jihi l!1ease return we lwichea. Vic Warner & Spr· NE\Y lawru;, re -seedlng. 5"{}-2241 coinp. Llve-in, single lady _ ITI4) 675'°259 • BFfAUT. ~ncrald Bay in rectliy l~ve ~r! aG-n.00 ingdaJe. Weekly. 846--0839. Con1pletc ' lawn care. Clean ~::;;:~====== or gent. Good rer. Call Fri. \Vurlitl-Ot' ,electric organ, ·Lf!gunp. 8?'1: One of lhe le.w wsr· l% f:ro St Be.ma.rd Babysitting in my hoinc, up by job or month. F'~ Painting, Sal. Mon. 2--4 pm. 673-2520 u:;cd very little, value $1795. lots l'i!roaining. l.ge corner ·. ..,,_· · ' k I o""S only Westakle CM estimate11. For info call p-·~an•o·~ "SO · D Wanl )967 or 1968 Pont;iac JocatJon, ·xl.ol view, pvt. f'1PP~" RAUl:~av'i 0 •1600 5 •· "'V • 1 897_2417 or 84~32 ITI • •• .., vo JAPANESE woman. ay, • · J. ·, be tr l • urta, pools i.arge C\V11.1u c • 646-0788 • · .:..:...::?::;.:.::;.~2--"':.:.C I house \vork. Exp'd. Qy,·n or Buick 4 ~ l!CCIM. ac ' e~.:.r~ · Block of Old Newp:>;·t Rd, BABYSl'ITING In my home, * ANTHONY'S * AVERAGE 1 story .ex!er~or transp. 64&-0619 6-l.>-0.\20 ~.500. 4 63 ~ , 675-7068. 1662 Old Newport days only, north Costa Mesa $259. 2 story exterior $359. 11AVE: 100 n1pb tl8 cu, i~h GORGEOUS View • ~sert Rd, C.M. area. 5'1~2201 '•'J'ho. best costs no rnorc" Bonus 5000 Slue Chips. THORO?CH CI,£ANING. _. floor '" Mowitns 4 mi s E l t · p•·l•c.• a ya i 1 , \Veekly JOb preferred. GoOO. inboai~ Racing l;lyqro, mo-""" · ' SMALL Te11·ier Dabnati.11.n Babysitting in n1y home. Budget lanciacaping 11 ertor .. ·' rcf<'rences.* 6494383 !or needs 10 be a.Ssetnhled. P a l m Springs. Improve· 1 · dog al Red J\1aintenance. 644-4860 .63::7:.:-6::1~19;.,,~~~~,--TRADE ·. fo· moto•·oy,I•. 1ne11ts in. Residential acre. blk & "'' ulc • m e. By day. C.J'tl. atca .., AIDES fo convalescence ' " 71,1~ Ilea collar & beaded ooUar. e &i&-a464 • J\'1JRSERYftlAN • SUBURBAN Palnting/Decor. • r . • 6.ffi.3829 i,;. dO\lln, carry bal. , '" Reward! 5f&..7370 . LANDSCAPER Expert Guaranteed \Vork eldet·ly care or !am!ly care. Loi 80'xl2Zi' in Porl Char-· $lJ,000. Call 642-16'11 , SlAMESE !•male, wht * BABYSITTING * . ., . I al '.,......, Free est· No }Ob too large Ho1nemakers. Call 5-17-6681 132, """'' .. ~srn• t k 26 Harbor View home, ~%5 ... yni oc exp . ._..1> ... or · lotte, Florida, 2nd lot hvm x """'s b"' ..... ~· :,Ae'""'"" y,·/silver point, declawed, small jobs. 536-1225 . or too small. 494-3190 J b· u W 71 00 Wa1e1""''ciy, value $3500, Will units. u . a'llLll.•C'. .....,.,,...... albe.rt ., Ollk FV --I I i' E t . • o -·•en, om. "•d· 10,. 2 8 • t-ilcr or Agent 646-3750 ~i~w'Td . ...,.,·"""" • · • BrJCk, M'i'iiinry,-JAPANEsg--carae·n i-ng ... -nter o • x er1or .. "' ' ' ... n.c ~uv , etc 6560 Service. Neal \V(ll'k. Acoustic ceilings ptd, 12 yrs ACCOUNTANT $12,000 cquily he.re. 64&l 4.j7 .;;;.;;,-:&. Desert 6210 LOST: Aiale Reddi!ih Blonde ;.;:.:.:.....: ____ ....,:= Clean-up & yal'd maint. ,exper, Stale lie. Pittsburgh Degree + min. 3 yn mfg ENGLISH TODOR Toy Pomeranian. Vic. BRJCK It cARPENTERY 968-2303 pn~. 54~1787 exp. Cspab!e or growth to "High On Hill" ARRO\VHEAD lux. 3 Br. 2 Green Valley. Sun. Mom. \\'Otk . planters, fireplaces, AL'S GaroetW:lg & Lawn INT & Ext Pntg. Free esls. t•ontrollel' responsibility, , Ii 1uon11, beaut, 5. min. Pa;. Ba home, go}f .ooul'Se view. Reward! Call· 96S-2"12l block \Valli" .ce~~nlt patios,. !\laintenance. Cornmm:laJ, Loe refs. 30 yrs exp. Lie. & SERVICE C.£NTER adenu , Trd NB/CM 5'18-8532 Own. sac. S:W.poo. 646-7994 ?i1EN'S Bl'O\vn Le at her patio roo s · au ypes .. 0 industrial • ~enUa.t. · lnsrd. Call Chuck 643--0809 Employment Agency F"REE & Clear Loi s. BUSINESS· •nd Shaving kit W I elee razbr, repairs. 492-7'928 * 646-3629 * or Jim~. • -,. 500 Ne\vpon Center Dr, NB Flag Slaff. Arlmnd; FINANCIAL .... Vie. lat & Carnation, Cd1.I. BUILD, Remodel, repajr JAPANESE Gardener, EX-PAINTER, no\v sch\ Suite 200 By appt 644-4981 $3000 Value ea. for· ljarbor 675-6577 Brick, block, .. concrete· exp'd. Country yard service. teacher \\ill paint eves & Free/also Fee positions avail. Al'Cft. Bu1inaa1,, OULD'S pre6Criptio. n g!assf!s carpentry, no JOb too ~mall. Rella~le, free eSt. 642-4389 \vknds. Xlnt 'l'Orkmansltip, Ac:cnt. Clerk Oppo I ·1· .t-Uc Contr 962-6945 · t ooo ··19 o.o -2 r uni •el ._ 10111 vie Marine View Sehl. · ,, JIM'S Gardening & lawn Fl.'ee I'S · ~:i • ~ Knol'.' accn\!. payable, re-'* Assoclafe 846-0839 FREE. Est BJ:lck, bloc\:.: maintenanCe. Re11. &: con1· • PAINTING, Jnt·Exl. Local cent \\"Ork c:..p, bt>ach area, * 611-6~88 * * LT, iYIANUFACTURlN.G PERSIAN Cat, nia.le, "'hile, atorw:, planlers & entry merclal • 5-10-4837 rercrcnces. lmrned service. call l.Qraine, \Vestcliil Per. ! • ~ 4 ·yrs., ·"" / Jeash. Rewa.i'CI. :w;:"";:;,;";,:m.-t91~.;;;;i,;s;;ta;le~L=ic=:'.d:,., /JAPANESE Garden e r \ 646-52.12 sonnel Agency, 2Ch \Vest· •,..SINGLES FROM $1·JO RF.AL ESTATE , ... RGEAtnLt rEalSTAT& Active"''/ $17,300 produclnz Owner grieving. 499-4349 B I e• •-rvicts 6562 exp'd. Compl. yard service. PAINTING-Ext-Int. 18 yni. c,111,ro:·e .. N~~·,64'".>-'.!nOFee ON BEACH ----·--------------- • 2 BR 11,s BA FRO!o.t $225 Ge"!rlJ auto .parts ~ d~stribution •. BLACK h1\Aiafure Io.tale foo. UI n ""1 .-Free estimal'e. 54g..m, ,exper. Ins. t.oic. Free esL · ee 1"'· JPu:o. •-.~BR 2 BA FROM $200 s-s 8usln•11 Rental t.960 Tops~ ll~Clai field ~or 25 d4e.,Ve1-y,shaggy, Braid l'Oi· Profess. Typing at Reas. GEN.L yd. Cl.can·up, tree. Aoooust. Ceilings 548+5325 ADM IN. TRAlNE;E • 3. BJ!. 2 ~ FR~~ f360 .R:.:oo:.::;mc.:•::..:.:f•::•..ccR.:•;;nt.....:....:..:.":.: . yetU'J! .. $12;~ . 'salary + lal'. Reward. 673-7436 pl'iccs. 'Pick Up & deliv. ~iv. roto-till, Sprlklr re· Panering & Painting Nat'! Co looking ror tigers p..i'pfts-drapes-diahwasher -470 ·NORTH Newport. N,B. share tn prof1ta: 1'1Ullt have · . h Call j.36.712.i 4 H uJ R 646-SS-18 Free ~;1 5'16-60'n, S40-i57S 11·/lots of pote..jial. Xlnt IJ\t<'i1AC.. h'urn., ilOO' ft·otn Any business. tou or park· manage.rial ab.illly. Call im-BLACK Dane puppy wit ==='=o:.-o=:.====c [ pa ·s. a • euon. training Pl'Ogtam. Earn as : 1:~e;i:~::az~s QCi!an, 1il July.~. r.:tatu:c ing, \l'ill !'(!model. ~2.-~t meJ •.• (7141 114-10~ ·. ~~<'!134·':,u!!~ -..,.,,r;ewARD. Cat•rina EXPER. J11..p!inese Gardener. PAINTING, Papering 17 yrs. you learn~ SJ:art at S5400. : ·pallos-ainple park.in:;. adult only. $&'> nto.,· u111, · . FOR Ll!ase . Relail Tire .,,....., ,. ~ .. ...., .;.;c..:;;.;.!""•"---·;,.·.;_· _·_6..::U:...5 Complete Yd Seivice. Free in Harbor artt. Li<' & bond· Call Joan iltarlin 5'1()..6C.;s. ; security guards ~d. ll2 l~U1 Sl., N.B. I Office Rental . 6070 stOre, .heart of Cosla t'1esa. LOST: Old Englhh Sheep ENJOY a fabulou:o1 gou11net e.stinlates. Call ~13.12 e ·.Refs. rum. 642·2:'.S6 COASTAL .AGENCY . HUNTINGTON 1i7~2473 . ' ' Could be used tor align.. dog, shaggy wht w/grey, dinner. Impress you r larnily CLEAN-UP SPECIALJsr I*" PAPERHANGING" zmo lfarbor Blvd,, C.f\f. ~ Si\1.. r urn , room/priv(l,tc LA~UNA B~A~H. 'men\, bi:ake1 tune-up or any· vlc$al. Lg), ReY.'lll'd 6T;>$l68 or fricndil with fine f\19wi11g. edgill£ odd jobs. & PAINTING. * 968-2·125 To $) 5 , 000 ;: PACIRC homt'. 1\lt priv. Laundcy Atr CondltlOn~ related <tUlo repair shop. LOST: 216 Young Whl Cat, festivities. Prcpt1.l'l'<I in Your R('asonable,' 548-6955 ; 711 OC.LAN AVE., H.B. lac. i\teaa Vei'de. l.ady pref. ON FOR£ST AVVNUE Ideal ~t up for retaU lire P/Slaiiie-. -w/ioM s{rlped o"".n home ~re a .son a~ le JOHNSON'S GARDENING Plasterin9, Petch, B.S. Accounting, Seve r a I <n4> aJG.l<lSi $·10 mo. 549:-1827 Desk !!pac: · evall.t.?le In .oQCri.tiOIJ._6 b~i. 2 align, tall. .l blue eye1. 546--01~ · priet") For 1 n f o rm a 11 ~ n Yarti c.are, Cle.JA-uj)6, fnm.. Repair 6880 years E.xp, Capable of Ad- SlS Per WK UP w/kitchen newest oflice building at pi~. Ready to go! Contact · Ora · lge IJ1ped 494-~7 aft 4PA1 ing, planting. 9fi2..3'.135 vancen1en1. ~Ach area, Fee PONTALBA APTS $.'JO \VK UP Apts. 2376 Nc\\o. prlnle location In downtown M. t<«!ilney, (213) 469-5.154.. i:;:~c oa~e ~1es! 'verdc JOFI Corn1trilction Co. •PATCH PLAS'l'ERfNG pd. Call Ann, We5tcliU Per· * Gracious Living port Blvd, 54S-975j. Laguna BeaC'h, Atr condl· ITlli Ne1vpt Blvd, Ot arta. C&ll ~1898 illedallion Builder, Ne\vpo1·t General Services 668f At types, Frtt P.stimates sonnel Agency, 2043 \Yest· 8177 Garfield, H.B. tlonecl, carpe:e<f; ·beautlful COIN , ... _. 1"-'gld Ire Bch. Call 613-9352 ==:..;;...c..;..,..;.;.;.;;.... __ '~==~Ca~l~I ~-~~::O:=oolii!.clijllf,f~DJ."·~6~1~~f"~70j;;;-r;;:-r:u, t\u Electrlc.Spo.cious $150. KITCHEN -privg11, man only. entrances: Frontage on .aw ..... ~., .. , 8 · · .~ BAB''SI-R 1: BR. Frplc, gar. crpls & $35 1110. 80.1 Go<loernor sr, Forest Ave., ttari eaifs 'tOf'h)m 16,500 (o $-42,500 . P•rson•11 6405 BILL'S Landscaping, ·''"'.Live fn. Lite ~rps. AduJts please. 962-.'1904 tiluncJn"I parking lots $50 Ahehelm, Costa Mesa. ::.;.:;.;.:;o ____ ;.;.;c Cabinetmaking __ ~580 Gardening. Window Clean· .P.:;lu:::m.:::b:::ln3g!..,_ ___ .:.68:.:90;:I hskeepng Spaaish OK. Call I C.f\l. G4S-. 5 2S 9 per m:;';;u1 for space. besll Buena Park, Fu llerton, *FULLY LICENSED* -~-~-ing. General f\1ainlenanee. -PLUMBING REPAIR 612-3041atlcr6 Pi'lt. C.l\l '.} BR Apt. Carpels, b t·ins, IDEAL room for employed .. ,; G d G e Reoow-' HI n du Spirit· RESIDENTIAL & Coi:run. Hau Ii n g & Mo v Ing, * BEAUTICIAN I l".aslK'r/Drycr sn"'t'C. $140 30 P:ti t and t'halrs available for...-. ar en r ov '. -"'"¥ C F No job too small . or busy, ~. """ man over · ·vae en· Bu,siness hours answering Westminster, Huntington ualist Ad vl1es on all Custom abinet & urn. Complete Clean-up. Tree • 642-ll28 • po~ular priced .C.i\I. :alon. inc. Call 962-8578 trance. 646-·iJ68P service available for $10. Beach.' Santa Ana, Tustin, matters; Lov~. l\larriage, Furn Re-Finishing. 64;).-0991 Trimming. 6-12-3010 Paid vac. No chentele req'd ~ BD~S. 2 BA. pvt. patio, S!'dALL Sleeping ft09m . ~st AU utllifies paid excepl La M1rada. r..,,,_...,~.. Business, Courtship, Health, GARAGE CABINETS. SUNGUARD Window & glass Custom Plumbing New grad welcome. Call the Jjealed pool, washer & dryer rnt. lucll. Close in. $G0 :\1o. telephone. l'.Cal:'.!'.!l_:C~barl:'..'.lc::'.. __ ..;-:c.:'=-Happiness 4 SUcceSs. No Lo1v as $1 per sq. ft. lio ling 1''n:e estima_tc. • 557 -9644 . • i\1anagt>r. 54&-9!ll!I hook up. 962-8994 Call 646-8>164 DAILY PILOT MAMMA MIA probltril.s too large or too l===•::=:;:"!l-0908.;;;;_::::;•'=:= * 536-6154 .-BEAUTICIAN, exp'd. ,,,.11h 2' BR. triplex, near beach, QUIET And nice ho1ne. 2'!2 FOJtEST AVENUE small . I CAN HELP YOU. RAIN gutJen install ed. PLUMBING & REPAIRS sonte follo\i'i(l;:. C. f\t . shop, ~' arag<', Yard $123, wtr. pd, Roon1 f01· working ntan, l.AGUNA BEACH Owner wants 10 retire! NI~ Readfng11 given 1 days a Carpentering 6590 Rainey season .almost here! At the lowest rate? Prestige clientelc. 548-j{J6J Harli "' 96" "7-." E °'" •1•• * 49• ••66 Costa il1esa restaurant. Will \vcek. 9AM·9PM 312 N. El Call .11.nytlme 64&-1286 01 "' ~ ..... ve. *~.,.. .... .,., d I I . Fll Camino R e al, San CARPENTRY Fttees1.Reasn!968-220S. BOAT CARPENTERS "'M'RAC 2 & 3 BR. Pool. PRIVATE Roon1 \V/Kltchen HUNTINGTON BEACH coru.i er ease option. u y · 6 E ~, , • equipped Ready to cook: Clemente . 492-9136, MINOR REPAIRS. No Job 6730 R_oofl .. ::nJ!:g ____ ....;.9;:;50 xpericnced. l..arge custom ~vail now. $130 &. Sl69. 17401 Privll. Priv. Entrance. Cull A ir Conditjoned f\fake ouer. Agent. 675-4W. 492--0076, Tor Small. Cabinet ln pl'-1 '-Hc;•c;u.;.li_ng.;:....______ --construction. Top wages. kl'l'hion. 968-7510, 847-159·1 &12-8989 ON BEACH ILVD. b'-age• • 0 I be r -blzMi•· 11. * Roof Lealu Repaired * \VILLARD BOAT \VORKS __ Dct k· space available in 7-U FOOD Stores Franc ""'' * w • .... ... e HAULING. Have ,. Ion All Type G tttd lfE\V . 1 BR, &: 2 BR, \1'/ t I T I C t 5997 newest olflce bujl4Jng at Avail. Call 778-5810 or om· en 545-8175, U no answer leave pickup. licensed & insured. s, uaran 1~>$ Baker St., C.M. Jrplc. Crpl'I, drps. Llndborg Mo••, r r. r 1• 1. pr'lme location In llunting-493-1572 aJt 6 PM msg at 646-2372. ll O. 494-1003 one year 6424~ BOAT PAINTER f:o. 536-25i!l \VEEKLY rafes Sea 1.ark ton Beach. Air conditioned, Andtnon JACK'S Sew ing 6960 Experienced. Large custom ~lotel, 2301 Neiviv.r\ Blvd .. beautiful entrance. Front-Investment START YOUR NEW YEAR GEN. repair, add., cab. MOVING &: HAULI.NG :.:::..::.:!.----~·.;.;.;.; ronstruction. Top wages. llf -nt• Ana 5620 ··~ ai:e OD Beach Blvd.; rear 0 I Ill '°10 nIE RIGHT MAN F . ling li \VILLARD BO 1""i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;,,;;;;;;:;, I ~Co~'"'~'~"~"~====:c j lead,!> to p1·ivate parking ppor un ti -WITH · onnica, pane • mar le. Reas. Free est. 536-1091 • Dre'lllmaking. Alterations AT \VORKS I• lot.· $50 r.~r month tor FOR Inve1t01'8 able to risk 547-6667 . Anything! Dick. 673-4459 YARD/ Gar. Cleanup. Designed to suit you. 1.295 Baker St., C.i\J. ~ILLA MARSEILLES Guest Homes. 5998 apace. Desk llna cna1ni II I . t le 24 hour recording REPAIRS• ALTERATIONS Remove tree1>, ivy, trash. Call Jo * 6.J6.6.146 BOOKKEEPER: P/lime for ; BRAND NEW ;;..::;::;:~:.::;;:::.c.__..:;.:;:l available fo1· $5. Business $_nui QSS ngatn.s po "' SINGLE People who like lo •CABINETS. Any size job Grade. backhoe, 962-8745 C.P.A. Salary Open. Call • SPACIOUS THOMAS GUESf H0~1E in hours • answering 1;ervlce llally very high returns. 1 .,~ o:•o ""13 Tll C I 6974 64°'100 " Costa i\lesa h.u vacancy Jor available for $10. All uUli· Field of major league ml> mttl & dance "·ith Poop~. ., yrs exper • ....,,....,,, ::..:.::•::., ..:::•::'.:•;;m.:;:< __ .:.:,.;.; ~ . ; 1 & 2 Bdrm. Aptl. ambulatory lady. private tics pal~ <>xccpt telephone. tion picture packaging &: Eve1~ Wed 8:~to 12· CARPENTRY, Cabinets Hou1ecle1ning 6735 * VCl'TlC:, The Tile l\fan * BOYS 10· l4 i Adult Living rm. Llc'd, nr shops ,., ruirk.. ·DAILY PILOT sll~nt interest-requltts $5000 Pi1eadowl.11.rk Cntry Club, Remod. No job too small. ;.;..:,;;.:.;.,;. . .;.;.;.;..;;.::.... ___ CusL work. Install &:. repairs. carrier Rout~s Open ; Furn. & U'nfurn. ....,,~ 1717$ IEACH ILVD. In 2 incremeots. latter' halt H.B. 3 ml. W. of Beach oU/ Qual work. Call 646--2576 BAY & Beach Janl!Drial No job too small. P laster lir I)l.sh111'a!!her. color cooniina[.64 .~&-<ill~=·====== HUNTINGTON l l ACH optional No other partie11 or Warner. Ad1.·1 $2.00 REPAIR. PartHions, Small carpet11. \vlndows. floors, l.azuna Beach, So, Lam ..... ~appliances :•plush !ihag '"'. ~J_-· lillblltt!es, EXcelltnt local ALCOHOU CS ADOn.)'mOUS etc. Res & 'Commc'l. patio. Leaking shower DAILY PILOT •-. 1 2 1 Misc. Rentals 5999 rem.ode!, etc. Nile or day 646-ltlOl. repair . carpet • choice o co or :.:.:.;.:;;c..:;:.::;;;;:;.:__...;:......:. r oR , _ ,.._, baCkgrouhd. CAii 675-75.19 Phone so.m7 o.· write to Reu! Ca.II KEN 540-4679. 847·19S7/84S-0206 642-C2J, iicheni.es • 2 00.lhs • suiU _.-ase: LNJUXe Su.il.f?S P.O. Box 1223 OJsta Mesa. l\feaa Cleaning Si:rVlce t;howen • niiri"Ored W!ll'tl· FULLY enclosed garages. til ulual Bldg, Corona del M '320 REPAIR-remodeling-patios Carpets, windoWi. floors, etc. BUS Driver for Private ~'Obe doo1~ . indirect light-$2.j per n10. i\1a r_, Fron1 500' cW 4000· sq oney to LNn Announcementt 6410 LET nIE S\VEDE DO IT! Res. &«Comme'l. 5484lll :U:!ph::.:::•:;;l•:;l.:•~ry!.....--.....:'.;.!'ID;,.:I Christian school. Short hn. 'r" in kitchen • break!ast 2135 Eklen, Apt «i, C.ilf. Jt au.i!es avail 48c ~r sq rt. 1 t . TD L **4~7853•* Will train, Gd driving ~-h I f d DOUBLE garqc $30. Cam· S oan Spagh•ttl Plate 7Sc CARPENTRY, R•pn,lrs. Income Tax 6740 C'lYi\OSKrS Cugtm. Up~L record req. Apply, 16835 ,....r • uge J'll' vate ence • · ~ N t wpo"rl 1.c=.;..._______ European Craftsmanship Brookhll1'5t St F V palo'o plo•I• '·nd•caplng • n1ercial are11. 411 N · "lic .. e_1~b Beer on'T•P 25C R.emodelin... cabi.nets. No T S • 100~ •n• 64"i•~• ·• • · brick Bar-B-Q·:'. targc heat-.N;;';; ...... =;,' ~..,..,..~==== ··' Lol'.1?St lnten!ll Available ~I .;ro~ 34143 ())a.st lf"'Y· job toO 11~~1:. Call 646-t224. Smiley ax 8rYIC8 j831 N:~ eiv:"""a.1 962:-3312 ~ pools&: lanai. .; 2nd TD Loan Dan;! Po!nt .. Business lntervlews : 3101 So. Bristol St. Busint11 Property .aso Vlctorl• · ' Open 7 a.m. tm.8 p.m. Ctmiont, Concrete 6600 e 12th YEAR ,LOCALLY e TIM~. ·FOR GIRLS (1,1 Ml. N. ol So. Coa:1t Plu:a) HARBOR Ternu; bllsed on equity, (.loi;M TueSdaya Qualified • Iteisonable . nu1cK CASH HELP S A 64; ""11 1 CONCRETE ·work all ty;pe1. W A (Bili) SMILEY 'I' . •nte no .... 642'2 71 54>0611 R • d •·w;"•· break;ng, hauling·. . . THROUGH A • PHONE •. SS7 •200 °· 1 11 bo 21 ea .,.. ~rtllied Public A.ocount"t assl1tina young executives ~ (anytime) .x:rv ng ar I' an:a yrs. Sklpload•'ng· Lie .. __ .. _ •· . ' BLVD , Sattler Mort9•ne Co. ' -'>;><:.&vh ... • 642·22'11 anytime 646-9666 DAILY PILOT 'busy bulldingnewcomriany. S)Ofi to SUS. URGE 1 & 2 Br. studio Ap\!. ltrl·plexl. ~ta. drpg, frplc, IC! faml· {y ldtchen \v/bltns. 1 child bk, oo pet.s. Nr schools, 2230 QJ. Center St. (Nr \Var11er). JlEAL ESTATE '011Mr•I Renttl• Wtn'9cf sm 336 E. 17th S~t Quality. S42-lOlO TA.'< ' SERVteE in )'Our $540 pt:r mo sal.afy Modern Qfflces WE MAKE OR .BUY The r.tORE concrete patio for home. Fast & eniC1ent! WANT AD Conductior lfusines.s 1ntf'r· COMMERCIAL BLOG. sra single. $175 2 ~ suile. TRUST DE£DS lesa money. Artistic i;etting * 531~ * ' DlAL d~t "2-6678, Charge views,. \Ve .Jli't'.!ler singlt', al· ' Air cond, Scet'y scivict, M3-8381 anytinle Brk. & linilblng. 644-0081 nfE QUICKER YOU CALL, 'yam· ad, tbln 11it back and 'tractive girls who arc sick For Sale or l.aaH ea. ricing_, ccntraUy located. ANNOUNCEMENTS CUSTOM CONCRE1l'E THE Ql.llCKEFt. YOU ~ t ~~n·to lhe phone ring~ ~ tired of 11 day to da y, hun\. 0• C I f N Bk "Id · Patios. poof decks. etc. Free 1 ti.rum type or job. U you ·d 7360 Sq. Ft. ~taati~c~l ' at. · M2~4gs end NOTICES 1 Al LY est. 675-5516 rather talk than lYPe & en· Ler.ne Bldn New Front ' · * CONCR.t.i'E Doors, pa. joy action, YoU may be our Walk~r & i..':,' "" Levin<,' CORONA DEL MAR Found (Frff Ado) 6400 ,_ / Job If d 't 't • girl. Cali 213 l35-24l)t Long 54'9451 . J ~ Prlvote Office. Avail. UR.GENT \\'Ill Ule mu Who k~:-S. ~~:n&t2.85~ J; 4. . VO• Otl "'e " ,.; Beach. Only those who can ~ • ii' ~ ~; ..;• .U11n1!0Jlatl" Q rOO!'ri $uil:c. el '1ned bl ck at with , ' ' tell l~ toftfa atart Immediately can be Prlv111c bath. Ground floor, nt 11 e p I LOT CEMENT WORK. no job too consldc1'ed. , _ i•irltin...-ti-.... m . UtJI ... ~·h/pa1\·s &. cll(Sl Wt .)ve.ek. • ·, Small. reuof\lble. Free , r ' ~ ' •• .,, . '"' n; · from SA l'...,.1ntry Oub come JI Stufl1.1. o:.tlLftlt::: a. elu.tlfle• CARPET Cttantr & I or IENTAL flNDERS BuslnMI' R9Jtfat-F 6060 "'nc.r £i3-6717~ & get hlhi"'or call MW021 Eslim. . ...,. _.....,-helper. Agt 73-45. Steam ,._ T• .._.,,. 20c 'SQUARE FT.' NEAR C.M. City Hall. 3 Rn1. Fri. 12:30-6 pn1 othcnvlso Contr•ctori '620 Glf~ Muter Carpet Cleaners 141 • •·,,., ~ ,,.,_ 600-l~2400 $t'J. ft. OUlcc or OUlcea. Paneled, carpeu. lo.•e hl.m. ,. E.17th rear. C.til. l -~~·,,..~~'4M~..,~',.,~1 ~~··~""~'"~1111. netall ii:om . 211-713 62nd dra;.::.2o~j0. Call &t2-GSOO GcR:::E:.Y=&:::.-•• -,-.,-,.-,,.-1,..-d-kH~ ORANGE . A6dlUon11: • ::'.f.modl'llif'li CIVIL •u.ut Jm!tn !it., Nt-wporl Bc11ch. l<ey OI' eves. len, 6 mo1 old, w/Dea coJ, rred ll. GerwJck, Lie. ENGINE ER ;ivaU at. Travel ~ Mo-Best Location in CdM lar. Vic Goldenrod & 6i.l-604t * M9.2:1j0 To be ln ClkrJJ:c of neiv ofc , .. LANDLORDS e t~L Owner. ··21s1 •2#.3101 000 .~ 1000 *'· 11, deluxe t"cmlenf. CdM. ldenUty. , h;a.ttd ncv~o.c. Alrrort. tREE RENTAL SERVI~ o~ t YCl· 1·213) l•IG-;0700, orria: $[W.t.'l:S. Avitll imnic(I. c':;;''>-4::.·::235::=-----~ COAST'. s Carpet Cl•anint 661S It'$ easyl Must he eJ(per> in S11b Divis. ~ ~ h'TOR.E i>"OR. LEl\S'.B ln l;hOttt':'01~ocr, 612·00'30. FOUND Vic. Coall Mtaa St. CAnr£T SfEA?il CL.£4N. ton 4 land dtvel. tn Orang, cpLµXI& TCM:her dcs.h'e.!1 Pcunr\c U~.. nkxt to ~fARlNER'~ CENTElt 211110. Rcddlah brown A Ell No aoap, no bnahc&. 0.. Send ReMime 'l'o Wa1$1\. ~ i bt in CdM b)' April lleMhlrcA R411:taurant luq. Office or Store Wdg. ncnt or black long ho.Ired, )'Ol,ln&' Feil' b:t. 6'6-$tt 1 .. Forket Civil En,ginr.e.ni, Joe. lift.!!:_:6~'~' ~fS~0_!6U-O&~!!l5!:·:.._~. I ~m.~940.;~-C!-~·:..;Fran~~k~•_:·:.· ~ be. 149 Rlveriklt Ave. NB. fcnl,ale eat. AbOul 5 mo's · 1eac1· · 1600 \V. Cameron Ave Wesi n.nF.RJ,y Lady lo PRl <\IE bu11lnes~ toc.,_!·1&--1111 . old. C1U .. Ms..U76 •1ng A-OX Sbalnpoo Specie! $7,SO ... 2 "s6·7a' tov1na •• Caiu.. " 1;di~1 aJ)I. ~~ .:;,,.:; dowi_no¥+-ll Oosta r-f't'l'll . OOSTA til;?ta offices, AIC. SJAi\1.ESE kitten, 11bou1 6 ~~-ar.:~m~·~· ;:~ao • PltMe V• 11!1 C~PANION JurnlJbed, ""'*· ~ J)di'. C..11 lta.J«)l or[ c:ri11s. 'drpt.. P~r1<1oi:. ·1G.'j5 mo!. oltl •. Sealpoiol qwte. For M:al~ft> ,HeaJthy Lady, IY».i·1f JUrt' WISH foi-~ ~kl"r, ~ot 54M'ra1', vtn. \Vitaon & Ha1&r. C:ltE Now -and later. •~ :-:...... ... V~ li&Q1.~1\lk~Plf11; Uve. 1;~}llQC. lo rumw. )'OUf LS& R e nl•I w'Optlon SAtAt.I~ iS'ttJce 'On 6\14y cor. 66-IOC' ~ Mar· ke .. -plac·e·' . tnfm;[) FUND ~~·CaU6"1PP.t0nty, JtOl"M ••• ftnd peat bu)'I bi tklehborhood ~fkt BltJa. 40l n<r• Co.ta Me,_ '~/11Jo111h THE QUICKER YOU CALL. JI '""""' ....... .,..~Atta. _ ra•lod 11._Jl.JI lf"....M'IA .. bllllll..• i. ... 1..,1..t ir..•.ltl\llO l'Ufi' l\ltff'"IV-_, _. •• ' • Wodnadq, '""-U, 1'1W • Wtdnt>dq, '''"""' U. 1'70 DMLY Pl~_j/ . , a fty ~ & IMl'l.OVMINl'JOIS a IMl'LOYMINT JOU & IMl'LOYMINT JOU B llMPl.OY JOU & IMPLOY " , 'r..,R, rf,1Cn,...D1•a ~- -7~~~-noo~~-~~~~noo~~-7~~~-n~~~-h~~·~~ ~~~ ,""""""9 -.. ,umltu,. -~ ... J7 PILOT ·ADVERTISER ·• CLERK TYPIST •COOK ---.,.,._ 1( NEED Sundq mall c&rrlen SALES REP TRAINEE 1....i;:::;;; -'i i.~~;~::~~" ~:_0_u:;:t:::7yem* ~t:;~~Is~~y~~~~~ _lijl]:Jl[l?t•}itil ·~! "'1 °"""CITY or IXlSTA Hotch -_.. In l d ...... ~ ... line tlderl1 lady, t1 1bt u. -.. :1413<. --·n11 -, ......... TIOH I I MESA ex,....on.. mlth ne ID -m.., s. -to< 2 adult., ii"' CQASTAL AGENCY .........,. -•• ~..,. rr F&ir Dr, ln41 -DINING ROOM Degree preferred'bol not noceuary. In. Reh. •• ,,. f!M.1111 :mo -Bl>d., C.M. SERVICE StalloMlnveyard OF 18 UIXUIY APAITMENTS I Clerk Typist _HOSTESS -** 1 .,. * SALES. Stim Gym. It ~an.at ,~~~lei•-~~· 'dMu.AI "'1 SvnWt & .... ., .... f·-:..-t -· ...... rtlng pot. Load· DESIGNIRS ' newport . "'" Uk< bananu 1 n In penon Chevron Station, ALL la.AND NEW IBM execu:ive exp. Hee.vy • AA Jeth IO(ld, It worka,-& it ·~ · .., ... ., • -.p · PPY ,.... ••n. , j lQI' Architect EVENING StttrT __ . ___ , bunc:he•! Bea Snyd e r Harbor ll.lvd I: San Dieio A decorator dream house on display -3 , . Toob, Molds and .lllcblnes. PllllU!lllm ...... 1491 Frwy. No -calla. rooms ol aoraeous Spanish furniture (was : MISS EXEC. AGENCY PJ...,. oPOly In -' , * • onN Sal" SHARP SECRETARY ' re1. fl295. ' 1' (Jf) W. °'8>1 Hwy. Stull Shirt MOLD MAKOS 1Q~w1 SACI I S4 Newport Beach 646-39'39 Re1t•urent -Profe11lwl Service P~~. s:i~ P=~ lo~ =~1!J'~t ~ If CE • • • • • • ; • CONSCIENTIOUS lady for 2'lt1 W. 01Ut HW)'., N.B. To $6.00 Hour for tM emp'--r s -exp ·"thd 90 .~ , ' . l' 1 * _,. Plumbln&:, l5l6 Ne'ft"PClff. Cl"" ., ... , .., ... nc 9 M · 'II I d S 'I • p ' part-time 1te c caning for ~and th• •~leant 70 Exec Mon lhru Frt 9 ID ..pc. Ml .,.,eftffn • room u1 •.•~ •c•n ..,.,...,id•nl homo. 511·'*'6 DENTAL O!flc• Rece~ MACHINISTS -TOOL MAKERS ••• Dovtr r NB Blvd .. C.>t. Call 64>-t'IS3 5,30_ .,; ·~-' ' IR••· '349.oorc;;;.··--····.._ ___ NOW $1't.OG : •'-• -• '' ' ' SALES "SLIM GYM" ~·~ "--• S I h I 'It S I It h · Consumer A~ptance uonlsl Please Write Box To $5.50 per hr. StHdy overtime 642-3170 set-27431 * S"J'. PAT. MGMT -"•ou1 pen• tem u1 o • w ' UNFORTUNATEL y SlM, Dally Pilot, N.8. * Easl"' way to'""""· sdll TRAINEE SPECIAL * m•lchinv Lo•• S..i-ch; oic• of bHutllul : THE Regarding Your Work * ~ =t~ e;, on tlahl. TV leads. A ~prechaWI t.old me Just fabrics, IR91. $419. I) _' NOW $US.GO ; History ' Qualif. These are permanent positions for our benefits. Apply Perionpel * 833-0150 • yesrercta¥ s,.nlih Dinlnt Sets · __.$15.00 : DRAFT Dral"""n now, air-<0nd plant in a rural community oo.ctor, So. Cnul Com· SALES ADMIN. G"'n'• •' cn1or tb&t p&VOI Solid Ook End Tobi•• and Coll•• Tabl•S-$19.50 >' II aoi:nc to tak,. 6 or our key DRAmMAN in Geor~a. munlty fbp., nm Cout Min. 3 yn. related e.XP. In ~way. Taft O.corafor Table L..mp• ~ . ·-' ,: men. or Jr D_.._man '* Hwy .. So. Lagum.. 499-llll lnsld< ..,., ,,,...n1 or cus-So a11 ,.. beli.ven c'lnon IR•9. $49.9fl ___ NOW $11.uv : W NMCI ruJn ext. 356 kmler aervice. Technical/ &: before you know It Y\>U'b Spanish H1n9Tn• Swag L.tmp• , : E s.e · (5 openlnts In) · * NURSE AIDE: Central 1up. Precision Sales. be In clowr. SCarl $5400. ,IRe~. $4,,95) -··------··--·NOW "'"2.50 ! X· rvicemen e MAPPING Company pays relocation expenses for the SERVICE CENTER Call p O'B"'-... _ c E ""' .. 1 ""'° """ 1 ted °"" ply rtoriliu ..,.1,ment. In· " ·~n ·~ DIT AVAIL. NO M'f',EY DOWN , mlli""> '00:,:'/!t; &<in e~U8'Dlv-Ptary4NG·~ entire family. -. . • qu~e P.....Mel °'"'-Hoaa -Eilfploy-nt-Agtncy--COAS'l'AL...AGENCL 1llfl.t · · : ~mim~~ ~~:~~:::~HG For d ... llJ an/ local intemew o:~r:~ -spec1a1 :', .:pd;,"°/Aln8~1 :;:~ ... · T~;_:~w~~;1.11t-· RJRNIJURC ·1 paid managemont ,...;tiono Apply II 96Z 7643 · machlno -ExperlencOil. '" · "' " """ ov · tor !mm 2-5 PM ochl. day.. ' , : ~-$ p .. ,',''w"'"· k •-tary H. au.~~-" * _ca • . -'* Steady, top pay, sportswear Sales . Mesa Verde area. Call 1844 Newpo· rt Blvd ' . (at • '1 .. s121 ~ ----<JC• mcfr. 642-3472 WHO IS AN AVON 54~9 aft 5 PM. ' •Harbor Blvd.)~ ' For penonal interviflv, call 2952 Ctntlll')' P1ace ''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!~'!!!!!!~'!I!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need REPRESEITTATIVE ! c M o 'I I' • 2l3 IJS.24()1 Long Boacl!. Coota MHL Sl<M<8I 1• ••• OPERA1"RS. oxperlo Someone llko '°"Who Hk•t . osta esa • y " ,; -Jobs Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Worn. 7100 on dresses &. blkinia. Apply, ~P, hat some spare time Tlll£R .. , ~= r!:: ~':; --------== P~Uon Place, N.B. A Hkes to earn money. Be lv:ry N!aht .'Tll 9-Wed., s.t. l Sun. 'Til 6 ' SAYB £ASH! plyat221MarineAw. F/C Bookkeeper 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,i an AVON Representative. SAVINGS encl LOAN !!!!!1!!!1!!!!! !!!!!!m ' """"'*,......,D"'R"'IY£"'=R"'t5.-*::-Coaotr. bl<gnl, &mil ..,...U. SIMOO !>!6-0341 EXPERIENCE JOIS lo EMPLOYMENT -. · p " L & 11non. ota-KftP.UNCH PLAN CHECKING SALES NECESSARY ·Furniture """"' .,_ E--' By Oranoe Co. Ai,.,.11. ENGINEER E Schools-Instruction • --------1·: ,_ -·-MISS EXEC. AGENCY '$nt. to $1141. por mo. xporltncod Apply In ponon to Mrs. 1 PIECE Spanioh living rnonl : N--t 410 w. CoutH-. OPERATOR COOd OppoMunity For Right B-· ..,._ group. .. .,.;," of, Red...,i • --J -, ,. A.• Salewnan. Mens turnbhinp ·~ -• •··-2 ; i Kast baVll dean CIJdomla Newport Beach 1)46..3939 -C TY Ur -& 1 a IUvt< seat, end, 1 -_· . -.. fMnt dl>erience h ttqUtr.-NEWPORT BEACH Sportswear. s day wk. MARINERS SAVINGS cocktail table, 2 lamps, Al ·. ~ ~L~c1'f1co. Fo,..ign Cer Mtchenkl ed. Ea-ellent opportunity. Pleasant Y.'orking rimd, Co. for $189.95. 2 pi~ Spanish : .Good. c:o. beneftta. 1nd pakl Call ar spply: New ....,..lion In Ute build-benP11ts. Call S40-47111. ANO LOAN llOfa 4 cbalr, a ~ 19' E. 16th BL vaeatSon, ll'OUP Ins, um. ....-SARAH COVENTRY hu 151.S WeatclW Dr. $69.95. 8' Mediterra.ne-" j Colta u.a tarm1 bzrniahtd frft Good In& ~r.t requlttt Newport Bet.ch I~=~=~~,-,.,--I · CLA VAL CO d in etvU trehltect opening1 for full or part Green.gold tuxedo a o ta; ,: DONUT SHOP Work. No ex· ccmm. schedule. Ask tot , • • egtte r.I • tln1e sales. No invesbnent, * TELLER * ii 1 1 , $59.95. The Factory, : pe"r neoeu. Night lhllL 25. Joe Moore Pb. 540-1764. ~ ·:::ru one · ~ no dellverlei. For intenriew, Fa'*'1ic opb'. awaits an ex:. 111 1 ! ·i Harbor-, 540-6842 • 45. Apply Mr. Donut 135 E. ••FOREMAN, male, exptt 17th I Placemla of exiierience checldna * 540--0614-* trovert. Tbk Ir·a O>. on the • i; 1 1 KING •Ile 5 pl~ Span1ati ; 17th st, C.M. 3d. shift-ll:lS PM to 6:4.) Costa Mesa buildings pla,._ WUI per. Savinp & Loan move. Great benfll! Ideal Oak Bedroom set, ~ 1 • Exec. SKty A?\f. App In pe:non art 7 541-2201 torm impection work in-BRANCH klc! Fun people! To $600. ~ ~.;;!;ol~ Musive Spanish 4 dool , Responsible po~tion tor a A.\f, 1631 Placentia.. C.M. voi.ving checldn& plant MANAGER Call selly Hart 54IM056 • • Credenza $69.95. Spant1h 3'. : qualified individual wi t.op * FRIDAY GAL * An equal opportunity , , for rffidendal Ii: multf. Savina;s &: Loan &aoclation, COASTAL AGENCY ~ 2 door credenzas 1 avocado, ' akUls, S/11 &: typing. Abll· Young progressive finn l, employer pal unit d~ltings and located in Newport 8*b 2790 Harbor Blvd., C.M. MEN & WOMEN I 1 antique white, $29.95 each,._ .: ity to orpniie work • flow looking for you 1f you have ~~~~~~~~~I commprdaJ & lndurtrlal area, bu positi9n avail. f« * TRAINEES * COt.fPt.rl'ER. PROGRAM· The Factory, 18&.'i Harbor; ~: &: think ort Mr feet. Pm. sparkle! Good loc! Nice ofc. •• buildings includinJ hl&h-a MB qualltlfld Savina. 6 23 Yt old Promot'1. Adv, MING IS THE KEY TO 540-6842 ' ~ ·bqmct, in front o1c. poll· Great people! Start $400. • rise construcUon to iO-Loan Bnnch Man&PrJ, ... ftnn, rieed1 Yt>WW men. Co YOUR-PROFITABLE 1 tion. Call Sally Ha.rt 54()..6005. wre structural aoundnea . ceJ,. jotpntial It frihp bdL lilted on 2 stock och's, FUTURE! George Wubllwton's • ; Office S.rvlcts COASTAL AGENCY MACHINISTS and confonntty ol PK'-l!flts. Only appUcanta with Nat'l TV. U you ffm Jeu Cluln start soon. Blrthda.)' Sale! 1 Day onlY.r • Cl k ~-nt ~"'dina ...... ...... ~--11~ 11 ~ lnlo al Pilot prop-am offering the re~-·--· 23rd, between 10 ; er Zi90 Harbor Blvd., C.M. •u"" uuu -.. ..... ... a min of 2 yrs; Savinp: eX· u ... , JU. ca •UT t flnlst equlpnent and facil · ... ua..i,,-1 Genl. ottioe I clerk typist. GARDENER TRAINEE ty regulations. , · perie~ need apply. For 6 PM: 544-0094. ltle'I available! Real-Ume am • 4 pm. Headboe.rd" i• Spot for outgoing individual, -r;o-·n·e--. Xlnt opp. DAY & SWING SHIFT ··-•· p,--~ n••~. 3300 partf~3)iculan call Mr. HcnsJey TYPIST TO $ii5 • computer proanmmlna. double or twin, whlle lhl!)J : will train tor PBX rel.lef. ,..,.I'<' '"'" '""° vrv 1'80Jll._ ..._...,., ... 869-05!2 F ,...... .'11...-Jut! Sl each. The t"actory, 1 SERVICE CENTER * G:} ~~ * e DRJU. PRESS OPERS. N"'1Kirt Blvd., Newport S.Cty/.Recept i: :nds:::'~-~· -r• &_I., Atwlcetlf _='!"l'!!!!H!!!'"~"°'~· ~54~Q..684~~·~~[: Ernployrntnt At-Y • PUNrn !'RESS OPERs. ~ Cal1lomlo 92600· m 4> 2 "1rl ot.c. Typing, ""°"'· SH ABILmES af ~ ~ SPECIAL THIS WEEK :t:~rt B~.:t.~ ~ mt!':e~ ~ ~ 9 HARDINGE LATHE" P/T Gen. 'Office gOOd but not nee. By Qr. ~ :~~ i;....m 5 Pc. Kg-&Ue Bedroom Sd: unlimilftl potentiaL FI n e second operation work Lowly N.B. Oles. Very pleas-~S ~x~"AGENCY Oosta Mesa 6b-1f70 ' Reg. $199.95'~ Price n49.9 ' I l c L A 5 5 Exp. Uphotslertr oo... xint ""· s1ar1 $400. ... .~ ... -·· " ··-u ,.. - -Appra•ed Furniture · · Call Joan Brown..,.__ ""'""" c~~-n -410 W. Clout Hwy. TYPIST, experl""""-tut ' ' l _ Salary open COASTAL AGENC¥ DAYS ONLY ~P1:i~~'tyfle~~=. Ne~~~/~IN $500'46-3939 ~m~~':.!:n·,:~~in: -';:.'':;" 2159 HarborBlvd. Bf.Ii , I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 • IEST 1111! Collector 2790 Harbor Blvd., C.M. e TURR~ LA-~ • ..__IV'V 230 w Wamer • ·'"'·w. -·IN71 · c.tH., t2'66 Costa Mesa 548- ..... inL n&"·~.... • ' 1""' pogltions avail. Both re-v"' ._. Call 141·M71 $400. to start. Retail phone GlRL Friday, 1 Girl owce. Warnpr SWasey SUite m . ~ta Ana, quire top lkflll. SH . t;yplnc *TYPISTS* REDECORATING: Lovely • collectJn& exp. Tn>< 50 pl... = ~ 1:::r=. ........... -PORTER' Jonlloriaf ...nr. & -ok exp, Salxr> nego ITS YOUR MOYE Quilled flonl w ID I b •• Secretary All around girl. SH & typln;. $450 to "'111. F /C BookkHpor ktall experience, Exp. Wtld•r ·-to $4.50 per hr. • HANDYMAN • Utility, M :30 a6Ut. 1700 1'th st, for rl"1t pl. I feoe pd/1 nqo. R.ellater for aofa, $125. 2 matchln& PftD ~~!'~.h.ie:msw_nting " truck driver, cleanup N.B. C.U64UJ.10 SERVICE CENTER a temportcy Job DiteOYer a GNaf New :ie~s '; ~ c~~ =· , PURCHASING A traff ic Employment At~ loday GROOMER trainee. staft $500. Good ad-500 Newpcrt Center o;:,-Ns Carnr With The New Home wrt. llC!:wlnr: F e ma I e, ,E....,.rienctd all • 1 iblllty Ove W ft GI I I mach. '25. Call 548--0192. : • -~ vancom•n pou . r SuJte :ioo By appt . ......,,! ff rn r nc. AIRl.INES ' b""''· Callfomia's most .,, h-1 ~-"th Permanent PTnployment Excellent co. benefits ave-. ., """' ~• ng, •-•• Othor '" & ""' po&illona "61 MacArthur Bl>d. c..,... w I beautiful pet store. #58 _ figui:es. Only perm. need avail Newport Beach uh ngton's • , Fashion Island, N.B. 644-0080 apply_. Coul Catamaran, MO.ro25 A natural for young people Birthday Sale! 1 Day on1r1 HAIRSTYLIST PERSONAL lNT'ERVIEWS 33012 CaJle Perfecto, San * SECRETARY (hospital who want excitement plus• February 2.'lrd, between ll X1nt "-wtdnc coMltions, rop U PM DAILY Juan Capistrano -. ad mJniatn.UonJ. llolpUal * TY P l ST. Experienced. ncket aatnt? A.tr freight? am· 4 pm, 1 Only-Sola ~ --="""===,..---exp. required, know medical Gtneftl offtce. Part time? Sta don apntt Rese~· .~ chair set Ull.95. The fac> PE~~:=~~:~1cy ::'."'~~"" ,.,,, .. ,... Shur-Lok Corp. ••. /1U~~~,,::O,.,._ :;..,';~~·.~ .. :;,~~ ·w=~~i:.,. ~ uons:, :J!i'IP...f:: "':';:. ;"'· 111S11or~,., ........ l 1716 Orange Ave, smte c HAIRSTYLlsr w/foll. ~ Min. 4 yn, pu!'ChUinc exp. mature and well sroomed. Ro1tesaes' Apply In ~n ~ .. W '11 mo,..; day Of' 5 pJE&f Pecan dlnl.ng room C.M. &t2,0026 54~ ..more by renUng space. Jim l300 E. Normandy Pl.. precision twe product. Westminster Com· Delaneys' Sea Shanty, 630 :1acmie~; ~?:'~~~ ~': set, $12!t95. l Spanls' •' _,. Sco1t'11 Hair Design, CdM. Santa Ana SERVICE CENTER muntty I Hunllneton Lldo Park, N.B. with .ecurlty; get away walnut drum table 129.95.1 , FIREMAN 675-7321 day11/8J3.0350 eves (1 blk N. ol McFadden, Employment Agency Jntercommunlty Hospitals. WAIT~ W led S lit from dull routine. Travel beautiful red oventuUecl HOUSEKPR/Sitter, Jive in • ~i blk \V, of Grand) 500 Newport Ctntf't Dr., NB Apply P!'t10nnel Ofc. 214 h_lft nJ The a~rby ~2 paues tor you and family. chair $49.95. The Factory, •· or out, 4~ daya: wk. Will e Suite 21'.Xl ) By a.ppt. 644-4981 ~~~~Ci.re., Westminster. ~al~de~·Rd. S.A. • Est. 21 yn:. Approved for 1885 Harbor, 540-6842 i : $732 -$874 MO. consider pt-time coll~ M II GI I Feoe pd./ Alao lee Jobi av&il. _.,...,.,.,. WANTED 1 reliabl Veterans. Ellldble lnatitu· NORWEGIAN 2 pc. KO> , AGE: Zl·30 HEIGHT: 5'8" student.Owntn.na:p.lboy8 1 r REAL Estate Salesmen Secretary ' ma ure ! e Uon uQf!er the federally tional, beige plaid + oiled , Minimum WEIGHT: in pro-yrs old. Call after 6 pm, $375 + ExpenHI lhouldn't Yoll be tellilW u,. 1 gtrt ofc. SH, tYPlng, travel woman to take care 0 2 inaured student loan pro· teakwood oorner taWe, xlnJ ': portion to Mia.ht PHYSICAL m.-aT31 San Oemente Unusual "PPty. Pleua.nt. fun hottest uu Hu 11tt111ton arrangements. No bkkpr. ho'hmll',""·ee'!'..,','n & 7sAMtn ~ gram, for den or family rm. Sl.25; • REQUIREMENTS: HI 1 b H 0 USEKEEPER·. •'·-In iob. Lovely N.B. ofcs. Call Beach• W Ul trai Call . ,,. • Al,lo oUed teakwood lam BChool vad, valid Calif op-. . ......... Mist Mary. 557~ Abi.rall · e w n. Fashion Isle. 4PM References 644-2fiOS Phone now for details. "1 ra ..... r lJ S. _. .. __ for §in&le Bus1nesJ Man. Abbot Peraonnd ..__......,, 230 Phil McNamee VjJJ.ap Real MISS EXEC. AGENCY . . table $30. 5.57-7980 • • e ...,. • .1ctnse, • ...,..._... Call l:Or appt betwn 1.g PM, "l!."·-.r Eltate '91J..4.m ~ • .... 410 W. Coast Hwy. YOUNG Pt'Ian U or over for Airline Schools Pacific 'IWIN beds, dual headboa.~ File lpphcation at dty Hall, 847-3ll5 W. Warner, SUite 211. Santa Real Flitate Newport Beach 646-3939 ~ter Week. Phone evtn-610 E. 17th, S1nt1 Ant new bedspread, comp S150. ; 8200 Westminster Ave We-+ Ana ..,. 1n,... only 548-4038 , · "" · Xlnt 0ppo~-11y _ .. e¥ • ••• LSff Mqnavox stereo ·$75. Pl~ " minster, Calif. Before Mu& HOUSEKEEPER • live-In. r ""' Seer f --" V'· horn , ·-· n .c For 2 ,,-. -·• -te -'-• ery form rocker $35. Hide-a. " 13, 1970, 5 PM. Wrl~n @nm '"'" e, ~ .. na -P<,:O, MAJTRE D' FOR LUXURY ....,. ~ ...._ Top ~" for "ght al •-· to Scnaol .. ln1tructlon 7600 ' "·-f 2 id ••• ·~· ~l•, "men p-femd." ,.,., '' i • ~. sr. GERMAINE SCHOOL $25. 431 HeUotrnpe CdM. " March 28, 19'10 cnt) 893-4Sll ....... or yr 0 • .. ~ HOTEL. TOP EXP. REF'. .-¥.. ... prutdent, excellent 1kill11, ext. 205. INSPECTR&SS \Vanted for REQ. PERM. IUGHLANDS Long di., hiahlY reprded call Loraine, Westcll.H Per-OF MUSIC MAPLE Hutch, $75, Oroplea lJt c1au hotel. c ALL INN, CARMEL. flnn, eemnt Ole "hartr:lr sonnel A&ency, 2M1 \VPsl· The Newport Plano-organ lesaons maple tbl, S50. sofa m . patf &u.lTOO Ext. 5;-5, area Eoc<e l!M9. Pleasant, cliff DrlvP, N.C. &4>277'0 School of Butlntll IN YOUR HOME of accent chi's, $60. 72x3' friendly atmosphere. Inter-Fee &: fee P<I. Jobs. Anywhere in Orange County 1lldlng wtndow .compl $U. town. The DAD.,Y PILOT J A NITOR--Apply ew:ninp MALE, Over 2 4, or vie'ft ~ntlal. Call Features wef'kly rebfthtt Instructor -Mr. Jean (Jon) Call 546-8370 • after C:-Jl't)rt T b e a tr e , aeml-retlrtd to work ~ ~SMJ'M{ Sewing Machine Operators a: courses tn tbe ak\J11 )'OU Paul • MA In music • Oberlin K'7:I "'N~G"S"t"Z"E""'B<d,.,.,.-w..,/"•iec.~· 1 Oulllled section. Sa Ve Corona del Mar. woodworking in You th Bay " Beach Rl!alty Seamatresaea. Exp'd., ladlea need to pt the job )'Oll Conservatory • former atu-b I a n ke t, $40 , 1961 l money, time 4 effort. Look LVN .• '1to 3 PM Shift. .\(ency, Full time. fi4.2..8372 67'°:>-3000 ~Eves. 1portawear. Top pay, \deal wanli dent or the Unlwralty of Westinghouse 'C'lilor TV\ 4 now!!! ' 549-3076 $650.00 R.E. SALES. Mew homn. ~I~ 1111, th n!Ace people 833 ~-~ NB !;!~· ~tuden~ ant taugrt $150. Metal bunk beds, i2tJ, Dia.I 642-5618 for RESULTS Managem.!rrt trainee, local, Pt~llme on top KUatanletd o "'u•.. or. pp: 1S89 &.IVV"r ...,,., . . u amen B o mus c 646-12>l i , J;::::;'=======_;.;~==:--,===='='· good v.wk background, call SALARY + Establ1ab@d P.fonrovta, C.M. 642-3870 theory & keyboard hannony J.L -M.11n,· w-7100 •ob. Mon. w ...... 7100 Ann. Wntclltt PtnKlnoe.l Of ._..__ along wilh mu 1 I c IP-~FA 8', ne\leT used, = l;;;-;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•;;;•;;;;;;:;;;~;~~~I ~-1 3 -Jobs Me_n, Worn. 7100Jobt Men, Worn. 7100 preelaUon. The coune of L'l-8ible tWmons, 9'::0tchatla A&encY, :aMJ: WPstclW Dr., '114: 87W1ll strucUon 11 not a ..... AM ed. $135. Matchi.rw low N.B. 645-7nO Fee & ftt paid 11otaun."' -ns.«m jobs. Recpt/Gen, Ofc. SALES aerlea, but each student b ff'M, L , As Mm biers Burroughs Corp. • New C-i'cial Compuhr l'lont " ~~!~~~~~ ASSEMBLERS at our new plant In Mission Viejo, Calif. Some experience preferred. Apply a am • 4:30 pm Monday through Frti1ay -----EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 2.1711 Jttenm. .... t.llstlon Viele, Collf. uo.3222 ................... ~~~~~=--$.l.50 an hr. Xlnt lmerestine stimulated to learn on his QUALITY king bed • qulltee • MANAGEMENT Op-Co, Tnp "'""· Ever. th1"nL you'd ownpaycholoalcall ... l.Aro mat ..... Compl• ... unu.Oi • por1unlty. Full or Pltlm•. JASON BEST ---~ ,... '°"Ing ,..,..u"' your $1211, worth 12t1>.' ~ Car Neeeu. 20 hrs wk. $68 Employment A&tney he ooc1· llin chlldnn to practice? Are ewa. • : wkly. &16-4302. rX!1 So. Main, Santa Ana g at se g you really ~mule MUST Id! by Sa~ . ; Medical ~··• / or are yoo ~ )'OUr • • PART TIME · l T lif • ? »roe At.mooexf ~la dresstt w/mlrror $'15.-: RECEPTIIST:•......,.,.,, · • ..._ msurance. ieoalar only .. ..._,. '"' Relfi• "°' So!&.$50. ~ ·: Typlst-Mtdlc•I fn1. wanted. GoodJ '"w/pbont.. v-temttd ailult;"r)'OUng 64&-7983 t "i lxporlencN. -J '°" o( ""~ .• -Mutu'al· Funds?· . ,....,. . -... •d· SELLING Compl HoUJ<holllj : Melik:ll, f,...t Office Ahorthand. Inlt4'41111 wart'. mad 1tl.ldentl. F or All XJnt! 916 Almond P\acttj • Local, aood salary tor alert 54Q.656'7 tor appt. l!)qual Op,. ' further lnJonnaUon ca I I N.B. 644-0l..58. l : m&nu. perlOn, oall AM, portun;ty Empio>u lnvesbnent -~ 10, .. • !.I noon °' MOVING, m"'t "11 compiell r Westclltt Pel'llOOtld Al'ency, * REX!EPJ10NISI' * 5-7 pm houlebold, -1l zood ;I ; 20<3 Wntcll!f Dr.. N.B. Wont 1rl -\'"•·• ~ I lin ? dillon, 51$-rnl ...:._ • 6'5-2TJO ;-.., t lee pd Jobi, for t ' real l!l'O'll' ·b o •'1 C01ID8e g • • THEATRICAL 7900 TWIN bed" box oprtnp ' , e MOTEL MAIDS e Med I. be .. t"'lo Ott ell. ! AJ!~1• :~os~~1 ~:: ;:e~:~c;~c;,:; Or ·did you eVer wish SCR,AM-LETS :~~ioS:ioo.0~ °1 l South Laau .. -~-,...,.:.· -· • ...., · uld sell ANSWERS i:·c=.. ~;·sir : MOTH.E.RS,"SUBSTITUTE COASTAL .. o ... ~. yo.u_co -..mr-: TEACHERs. REi'lREES-'"1'190"J-fut:lor'8J'9d:;:C;.... ' Xln't Hmlngs. World llool<. • y• all tL---?. • lodlnt, -Belly -Riior -DBL. recUnor. """'lDlia : OlJld 0-. ....red RElllEN I. LEE µ!~ ........ -HER AGE eho~. new, gold vhtyl 1& : IOltlt tchl"•'::!:: For loc~ ,, ,. ........ Wt'N0.. oitlle !w wJlo II now In Ill tbrtt. IWll ,..~. """ •• ! "'.: ·--~ prlce. 893-M9B : °! 1n1 ...... wrtta f\1111 "' n. c. STIRN wn LEI •-• · "' ... ·~· ---51 -"""' W•·N na.., ouer "'" man mi HER. . E. • . Offlct Fumlturo IOll ·,, Potty, P. 0. Box 7JS. C.M. ~.._ ··•u -•lfv b1014 =;..;,o;;;,.,.,,,.. =-- * ,,_ J. ~-w•• -""'"'' __ .,. -. WANTED: . 1 llOIHElt'S hflper -..,, ..,-.,,. .,. • ~ 11n-m1 ,._.,, to Vldulll IOYS B GIRLS WITH AEROSl!ACE JlEl:EA -. :.:."l.~:z; ':":'~ ~ Needed,.,.·-Ind buslrie11es. RepnHftllnf.• llrtt..rate p. A DISIRE TO BE ON • ~:pl~~ cl!ldm. Prv nn l b&. 150 APPLY IN PEIOON ~o~ ":,~~pj~lho;~~nlfi::1r:; :s~ TILIVISION • • • m Stttll Wood-· -1 wk. Rift p~ue. Lldo 'IJ!e. U1 E, CoOal H"I>, ti I In Anud t hlf.h In the For Free On Clmer> Audi-~Dra-leg&!Jlle ctbl~ m.-038'1 N-Beach . ona come. r,rospec s 110o·1n Ynur ~c.u o.. .... ·-~.. flveollgure range. We U train qua! (led men. • Ml1ecbaln. tabl"A"'° SERVICE Stitlon AJ_ttmlfU, , . •!'!St County, Mt · lne1t. .. ,~1 up'd,, Hourly wa 1 • + SAU::S: M/f, £00klna for I •. Beach houMI tbM. m,.. McMabln B1'0t Desk tr». ' . • ... -~2-M23 ext 321 or wrile Box M-577 Dally ·~1oo comm. P.nn., full Ume. 990 thrtt aalamen. VW"'VoJIJ., DQnL W Uld .,,_ •· b fro Pit ae._. ever! See the 11» Newport Blvd '-----=~--11•1!", mj'•• .. ii-•-•••••• '••' i:. eo..t u..,., H.B. Y c.u btl. ! AM & l l'lll , 1 n_,....·..;.. '""-..:'-"'-o_:..• .... __ w __ w __ "'-1...:;..o._u. __ _.._,DA"'n."'.Y-.PU.crr=-.."'"'Al!'I'.;;:;;..;;,;.-;= -·.!!::!!!!I... . :: 1 • •• C' , .... ., .,., i., .... 1 •;. i. 11,:,1111 •1111111 1 1 .. 1, \,1,1 1 16 11 1r «1 a ~ I . , .· •• • ·: :· • I ' ... ~t'""". ··-~· -· -· ,.,., ·~<!.., ":':i C{. • '" • ·~~ •if"t'!~·~ p • .J ·~ ~t"•tr' !J .'.. --·-~ 1 •• ~· ' ....• J • ••• 1,"! t •. , ~ '11'1 ·- .... " •• J -·-·-··--·-·· --. ~·-~ .... t" -:.·., ,,. ! ,.,._ ---~ ...... ~. '· ! • • • .. ' ·1 • ' • .,. I\ • • 1 .J ,.•-'• r 'I r.,.t. ti! • ., ·. . . .: i;: ~ ~: .. ~-~- • • 1 • • .. '· .:. ,, . , .. . " " • ' l I 1 t '-1 . .. '· , ' -·~ . -r . •, •r ' ... ,,. .:-' .,. 'Lt l.1-\i'lA .... -~-,._. ... . ' . . ' . . . ~' . , t1•.:-IM •1 A· . ..., ,•, •~I ·'; J •' , I ', r ,:.:.._ ' ,, " 1· ·, ' I .. ~' ',! "\:. -. ' ..... ... ' . : ~ :.,· :..: :•'i-. . ' . . . ~-0 ' ·,.., I f" !.. • I·•• ~~--'='r. .,. .. ' ·;.. '-::·; ....... ' .. . \' ' --· -. -• ,t ;,' ~ .. .- (. .... . . . .. :-... -·-.. '. --~· --·· ·.-· . -. " ~ •' . . ---· -.... . . '. " . . . " • ,. I.' ' .. -""' " - . '" ... .. , . ;• ~J ... ::; .: . ~' ., ;y · .. ' ~-~--~:- 11 . ...---'. ··--· ' . . . .. -~:; J ... ..;·---,:.- ' ; ·.}-\ t -: ·.::~r . . ! .. ' . ' . ' •... -. ·-r-; 1:-.. . ~ J ~--~J: ..... o. .:1 • '• ;..'":.~ . . -·~··------- ~ 1 ;' ,.·J::~ ...... -~.-~· ·--. i • •-... ~ ... --. --~--,: --.. -' ·-. ' . ... ' : -,_. . "~ : . ::-;; ·-· .• i t -. ' . ,. r : ;.;.. .. :·1 •. :::::.•:;;-. ·.·7.- ~c :.. •. ·.~ ·: r-... ~ ._ , ..=--=-. ..:.. • ' .. .. , I ' •' I ; ! • t . - I A·.DD . ' "'' • • -· ............ . ' ' ~ , • , . '! ~ ' ... ... "' , .. .· .. ·--·--. ! ... ~ . .. --,. • .. -~ ., ~\~ •. 'i• ., ... • ~ ' .... . ': . . ~"'., - . , r.' .. '· ' ··-· -'r.'i-:. ~-~ .. ~:. 1 .. ,~ ..... . .... . . '·'· .... . ' ·-. •' .... .. ' ... . . ... '.·.": .. · '!•. • I~ ' I ' .. --· -· --·--·. -- -. \ ., ... . ' ... . ... . "' .. . . -. ~-·· . . ' " I ' ...... . .. .. ' ' ' ., .,, ' I J . • .. . ' . .. " . \ . . .. • i• ' .. • '. ' ' I . ·'' ... , . -- '· . . . /,,• : . . • .. ' ... . ' . : .. \ , • ·I ... -' .... : ,1..~ ~ .. .t i·4 J "'"l~"~ .· ·11\~1 • ·~ -' . ' , .. .' ' -.. ..... , " ... ' . . ·' I I ~· -• l ~ . ' ,, . . ' ... ... ·-. .. ' ';-'.' . " ·. . ' . ., ' .<.~ .- -. '· .• ~ , ... '. t!O ~ .. : . ·-~ . " , ' .. ,: ' ,, ' ' • S.l~L . . .. ' Bill 811.L i .. , ,, , ., .. THE FAMIL .. Y B>UDGE T .. •. . You ,C:an.. ~andl~.,,fhqse bills. All you need are · the dol· :lars .·-Y.~~11. get ·'to~ all the still-good, but. nobody. uses • ~thi°.:it it,m~ yo"'ll find all over the house. Make a list ·".of" t~em~ fC)day ·_and ' decide to fur" those unwanted ar· · · · ticle$' info~ extra ·.'cash. It won't . ~o~t you· . . . it'R pay -. . .. --·-. . .. . ..... -. . vo.u. ·And yq~'ll ~~; su_r.prised at how fast ·you can sell iust abO~l anything .with a DAl~YPILOT classified ad. . .. t'ry .~f-,t:oc1ay. Every day is ·a. good aay to .use .. • • '·-~ I , : '. • •• • • • ·-· ~ I 1· .• ' ,_ .. . . ·: • J,•/1' • !; . • • ~ ~-~ •• '.• • •!'\/. ~: .-·· ·-~ -'• -: ., .. • { •1 .. , .. ,. ~ ' " " • ;; ··-·'. -' ....... ".·1:•~ ·a··:· ...... :--·.:1 .. L··y'! ·, ... ,,,',;_L··a·"~ .. , "W' ., ·A·: "'NT " I •• "1 •• • " " °I;' I · -~· . . .. ~--. . , ;: • .... .. ~ • ·~ . . .. .. ' . "" • . ...~,, : I • • :>: . ... . ,. ' ... .. '. .'I"\ • • :/(~fad Yott~ Charge Them) ,.. .. " • I ·•' '!: . i-:.:-. ,. ' •' .• -....r., ··--'-·:.t - ,. • • • ' ~ .. '.... .. ' t•· ·-l , ·-· "--J.l · 1 " -1 ·:-" -.... ..... ~. •.. • i I J, ' '. . t l .• •'q 1".· • .:.... ;,•, J :1J . , ; : .l ... •• " \, -· .. ( I. I . i ,f•. ~.. -1 ·-...... ·-.· ' ' ~56 .. .... -. ' ' r • • -~---' I t'. · .. , ~~ .. I ' ·-.. ' ., . ' ·- ' ·' •., . \ . - , I . ' l-. . lri! -~·~ i .•. , ! •• ·.:...r ·"' .. "· ... I ... . ., !"' • ' . ··-..... .. .. ~ l t.!' -, 'I\ ' ~·· n ·I· '.! t ,., ·-· ~:Ji J: ' ,,,i ., . . . ,,. I ' ·; f ... ' ,__, !':1 ' . " ·--I --1 .i)!; :(! : I -! _. I ~-J ". ... -·l " '· . I I ~ IMi -Off -OF! dOJ lE Off $100 1 ~ '"' I 6'2 = Ga COJ I Pr 1111 ' "' I •I• .. MO Se Do cb at Mc r~ c Hi "' ·f De d< .ta " N .. .. c " 9 w ~ c Kl 11 • 0 5 Fi t n u: • > " • 6 * • ' I ( 9 1 5 s ; I Your UNITED FUND Needs Your Dollars • I " ' ~· • •• -.... , • ~ j. " • .• • "' ·V " ~ .. f .:. i' .; . ~ ( • • . . ·-- '61 SIPA" DI VI".. . ' SAliE lUCI' ........ 9.ai. H,.,,)11 tit Will'* .... ~ ;,_""! ~,..~~, I·' dlld ,., • jllllt ct.11'1 • IMIM lnl. f•ct: •Ir, . R CEa· 11111 ......... 111!·11,. wheel, ,,..,., tl(U, D I 1fe!'.O Ntt~M. • W/,._.,.I~ • lltW WI IJ IWICtlfl ' •, ' " '' -• It • :u CAPILU.C . , IALI '""" fol,, .. , ..... ••m•M "'"" ,.,. "'"' '5111 t ltti ... Cloffi I~ lfell'ltr felplllnll '"""""· • .... , pow1r, f1c111ry 11r' UN!ftloi.1111. 14M/,M t.if1co. 1 l lltl'IUI , ' •• .:~ • .. i! , .. ·:· :· ••• . . •• •• :· .:{ ALPINE .~: '66 lrittmational .Scout j tlf• Vtcy ,aharp. "Prictd fo ..0. ~ .. ~ rrs Bead! boUle. ttme. a:~st. atl~ ""fl Set DAILY PILOT "•1.+flitd MCtion MOW! line DAll.Y' PILOr W ADS! - •· t ,..... . "'<'~. • • , ~I ' . ' • . ~ . .. f • 1 ' ' 8:30 AM fto 9:00 PM Mon. thro Fii. e 9:00 AM tq 6:® PM' ~~L.' ancl S"°'. _All CARS SUBJECT TO 'RIO~ SALE. All SAU 'RICES EFFECTIVE Tt!ROU6H FRIDAY, FHRUARY 10, 1'70 . l • • I I ........ .,l!l!' ..... ~ .. -.,...,., •• """"""""_""_~ ___ .,.....,..'""'_""'""'-----....-""M""·~•'" •.···<i''·••..,,....,,_,,.,,.,.,, __ u.,;...,cs"'"'·',....'"'"'~" .. *"'""'""'",..."'"""'-"'-.=..,.......=.,.un ......... ,.... ... .___.....,_,.,,. .. .._ ..... _ ' ... ~ . . ; • • t . • INTERNAT'L Metro ,Camper. Stow. rttria:I' sink ~tc. $995 .ot best ofr. '.m-1342 oUno BUV11IH 9525 J1rtu po n JIInp Ll rt s · METAL Dake atu&bodled ,VW Dunebuggy. New wide tlrel. chrome & access. Good condition. lookl lke MOO W. Coast Hwy• N.B. Bargain $995. Stt all &e.!HC15 540-1764 =·~ & wkdys. After Authl:n'1ttd MG Dealer S:JJ p.m. at 234 Albert Pl., '57 MGA. Body A Seats in gd CM. cond. Wire wblJ, eng needs •Tk, make ofr. 642-0395. . .Imported Autos 9600 · AUSTIN AMERICA AUSTIN AME RICA '64 MGB. Lt blue. Wr. whls. $1100 5.1&9492 MGB Salt1, Sentce, Patti !------.-:.:;;;;;;: Immectlate Delivery '66 MGB. .Ip ·~~ .... AU Modell All xtru. incl. $1775. -Priv. J ~ L'lll p Ll l I 3\tll LlriS : • noo w. Cout Hwy., N.B. -5'<>1764 Authorizrd MG Dealer .' AUSTIN HQLEY pty.51>.6466 '66 MGB Roadster w/hartitop. $1575. Call 548.1531. 1967 MGB. Blue. Xln'l Cond. Sl8)0, Call -s= PORSCHE ':nt. ~ ~1~":; tr':i~ 196& PORS.CHE 911 ~ van./cani.per. ~1350 eves. SporWna.tic. Call Eve1 & ~ W1mdJ. Mr. Jamffi 673-919L BMW -Mn, Brown, 77UllO -BAYSIDE MOTORS 1J» W. Coast Hwy., N.B. e BMW e 1970 Model.I in Stock ~ for Immediate Delivery . JAl,Es..;..-SE~YJCE . PARTS Tr.M MQ,ORS, INC, 8CJll Garden Grove Blvd. 534-2284 Open Sunday 892-S5Sl T DATSUN -$- "Leader in The 1'ea<'b Otiea" . ZIMMERMAN ·2MS HARBOR BLVD. • 540-6410 DOT DATSUN OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS 18835 Beach Blvd. H1mtl.ngtoo Beach 8(2.m:J. or :wo.6442 NEW '70 '.DATSUN PICKUP /camper, 96 bp O\lerbead Cam. 4 IPd. dlr, 6 ply tires, l:tack tip Light.I. You name lt! Serial. # Pl.52l.211187J. J\&JI price flOOB. Take small ):in or trade. Call PhD. . of'4-9713 or 56-0634, : 67 Datsun WCllJ. · !Im 4 Door. 4 spd, dlr, Excel. ' ~ conditlmi, Slllall down. .:wm finance prvt. ply. Call ~ ~ 10:00 am 5C5-003C or . -"7'13. .. DATSUN convertible, '.XI.at rond. S2300 Or best of. 'JU· 615-<m i.INGUSH FORD ~ THE ENGLISH • • GOING • ntING! . AT . ORANGE COUNTY 'S . . VOUThfE •, • ENGLISH FORD ; . • DEALER • OVEh. 60 • . NOW AT . CLEARANCE :· ?. PRICES! Theodora ~·ROllNS FORD ~ 2060 Harbor BJvd, M.,. &1>«110 FERRARI '64 C Ponebe, Nu paint, Brand nu rebnllt engine, 100~ ~· $2100 or Of. fer. * 968-n44 * '67 Porache 5 spd tranA, AM/FM, Pirelli tires, 37,ro:I ml, Ap.. blue $3975. 497-1625 1968 PORSCHE Targa 5 11pd, Xln't Cond. $5895. Call ... 548-3652 <Ir 5t8-62C6 TOYOTA TOYOTA SALE $1399.00 1969 r.,.,.. e»rolla Cpe H. I """1. A1N 3.13 $1699.00 1969 Toyota Cm'ona HT RIH. 4 ~ed. YWran $1699.00 l9E& Toyoia Cbrona Sed. R./H, 4 s(>C'ed. YCN 670 $1399.00 1968 TO)W CoroM. Sed. H. Autorii11.tic. vrr 31ll S1499.00 1968 Toyota CoroM Serl. R/H, automatic. WXY 536 $1499.00 ~ Corona irr R/lt. I ....... VHL 47S $1099.00 ll67 Tu,,;& C»rooa Sed. R/H, automatic. 'rRH 521 $999.00 1967 Toyo<a Hi Lux. P.U. R/H, 4 q>eed. TXU 004 $1199.00 198'1 -()own 2000, St. Waeon. H. Ovl?tdrtw.. VELl93 $899.00 ia;g -""""' Sed, R/I{, otld<. 'mil Oil Your ~I Oeala Are Stru At DEAN LEWIS 1966 1-larbor, CM. 646-9303 TIME FOR .9UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD • JOHN COHMIU "NO GIVE>.WAYS 1)10 GIMMICKS" ••• Just 11 Y 11r1 of Ho111ri De1!l119, S1llfiii Chi'tfl:!itf;-. BRAND NEW '70 NOVA BRAND NEW .. ,70 MALIBU Emi11io11 co11trt1l,.a t• ¥111!., hiG1 --f!wip~te:w•ll-tlwoc--;; 2 BRAND NEW $ -129 -'JO ·NOVA 140 H.P. 6 cyl., 111tomtlic tr1111., ORDIR YOUU TODAY $2597 oa)llll YOUIJ TODAY h••ftr, th1tM ti•••, Mlt.d tlr11, ._1..,1 trlM, lt1clu1p llthh. BRAND NEW '70 ·IMPALA E111iqie11 coltffol, cloth trim , tdro • 1w1w wiw t.----- HURRY, WE STILL HAVE A.:_ LARGE SELECTION .OF TRUCKS! > ' ' ' BRAND NEW · 1970 3fil TON PICKUP VI •111 .. htl"Y duty tllt 1prh~91, IUX. 1pri119 .. full fot M Hlh , 1111911, etc. Stock #SOI ORDIR YOUll TODAY $2697 ORDIR YOURS TODAY ------ NEW '70 PICKUP s2595 FULL PRICE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NEW 70 El CAMINO llz Ton Floofsido. Heavy duty springs, guoges, etc. BRAND NEW 1970 CHEVY VAN Custom, power steering, white wall tirws, fully lac· tory equipped. Stock Number 307T. Stock Number TSOS. , ' '61 ·CADILLAC CONYllTllLI Mech•nic' 1ptci•I. CZU760) $295 '65 IMPALA HAIDTOP COUPI VI, 111!0., r•d!o, h1al1r, I owt11r, low miltagi. \MPUl21 $995 '68 CHEV. 112 TON FLIETSIDI V11 hyclr•mt tlc, radio, h1at1r, cr1•111 puff. I 154· 04AI $2295 '66 DODGE VAN CAMPER Exc1ptio11•I. Fully equipp1d. IV49277l. $1995 '62 CORYAIR MONZA $295 '66 CHEVROLET VAN 101" 1ulom1flc tr•111., r•di1 I ht•t•'· 111017 $695 ~ ·I I $ s2595 FULL PRICE IMMEDIATE 'DELIVERY '66 STINGRAY ,ASTIACK 427 1119. 4 1pd. RMli1 It 11. ... ,. bc1plio111I ctr. ISUA076 ) $2895 '66 RAMBLER CONVIRTllLI Auto111•tic, r•dlo, h••tt r, Vtry "ice &.t r. CWIK 501 1 $795 '63 VOLKSWAGEN l ug 2 Door. IGZM6171 $695 '67 MERCURY CALllNTI 5)T, CPL F•ctory tlr, •uto1111tlc, P.S., rtdl .. ho1t1r, onlv 10,000 hon .. t pritt . Ntw ctr w1rt111ty IVOP 116) $1895 '68 CADILLAC DI VI LLI COHVIRTllLI ptl! pow1r I t lr, low low f!lilt ,, b.it• c1lor, gl11' tirt1. lWSHl911 $4295 '66 CAPRICE HARDTOP Full pow1r & •ir, ollro t.uc•. 11th. ISTF6tl) $1595 '64 FORD COUNTRY IQUUll W•gon. Au+.. tr11u., P.S., r•tllo, h••t.r. A 1•11· 1•tion•t buy. (0TU25l ) -$795 '67 OLDSMOBILE DELMONT HARDTOP CPL Ftcfory elr, P.5., A.T,1 reclle, htr. Low 11111••9•· IUTL1561 · $1895 '67 CAPRICE CPI.· 396 '"'' fact. tir, pow. 1to1r., auto. fNn1., r•· dio, h11ter. IVOEl261 $1695 ' '68 STINGRAY CONVIRTllLI 4 Spd., rttiio, lt.a .. r, AAI c ...... IVQU6Jt) $4295 '61 VAUANT Y-200. llHDIO IJ $195 '67 PONTIAC · ' IONNIVILLI H.T. Full power, f1c:tory olr, 29,000 1ch11/ 111!1". $1795 ' • '60 FALCON 2 Doer. NMCl1 e1t9in•. lfWN7011 $75 '67 MALIBU HAIDTOP COUPl l •p•ed, YI, ltlH, powtr 1t11rh1g. IUW7JI: $1695 '62 DODGE $395 '63 IMPALA 4 Door. VI, •ir coMI .. aulo1111lic. M1cht 11!u ,,_ci•I. 160J7JI) $295 '68 OLDSMOllLE 442 HARDTOP 4 Sptl. tftitt., radii , h1•f1rl"A rttl M11ty. ITlf 1111 , . $2295 '61 MERCURY 4 0.., SM111. I lkVitll $195 New Cars Used Cars 546-1200 546-1203 l ..... . .. --" i --~Pll.Ol'~~'-'11~~~~~1!!~!!!-·;1 ·~· !"!MJ~,~~ ... !!!:-:'~U.~1'1~70~~~!!.<:!!!.._/ ,~Wl~M=•i:1M!•~;~p~·~-!..,~'~l~~~-1~flt~~:r!!!~~~~f!!!~~ ~ l'OITATION TRANSPOllTATION , TllANSPOllTATION TllANSPOllTATION TllANIPOllTATI~ T . -~·L"·='in;-=· --"=10 U1od Cui 9900 U1ld Col'I 9900 U1ocl Col'I 9900 CIMd Cll'I 9900 UMd Cora ";900 U1od Col'I 9900 UMd Cori .,. ·VOLKSWAGEN "' LEASE "' i--FOl--D--'MUSTANG MUSTANG -,-L-YM_O_UTH ___ -i--PO-NTIA_C __ ...,...... --,-0-~-..,..-C..,.,-RAMIL.ER : ,I '61 Cadillac El Dorado, full ----· -'----_2POVW_,ComTir1PWSlth pwr, air, black \://te_d leath-1965 FALCON 2 dr auto 1 1967 RED Mwsl&na ag, R&H, ·~~~8, Au·Pwr •leer, ROlsc/H '66 FURY UI. 4 dt b.t. 383. '61 Tempott Lt M•ns '68 Tempest Le Mlrt1 l·,,-1-RA_M_B_l.E_R,_3_•~--•. ·-"'·." .: er Int $139 e&r ftio ' ' ' · .;..,..,,, to trans. , a.ir in A t"'""' .·n< ,61 T·Bird i.anp full cyl, xlnl ccnd. Own:e<i by vi";>'-top, new tires, Lo ReuonabJe. 5'M-8l50 Pwr sta. brkl, lac • v '61 GTO Canv. aoraeoJs verduro green good S90 or best offer. :.•} air" 1_••179 pwr., elderly man. New ores It mla. Xlnt cond. flOO down---'-----tp, 1 Ownr. Lo bk. Day1 PIS, P/B, Air., Auto. traftl. with blk. landau top. Pwr. 60-0628 .,;.~ Aho one '67 VW Camper wllh ,69 • ereo ...... T · per mo. battuy. $800. S»-0818 &. T.O.P. 493-4677 OLDSMOllLE KI 7-6184, E\11!1 66-2221 16,00o mL Mu 11 st 1 l'!!! au. and thc!f ts;cwry S yr. 1967 REBEL SST 343 cti• ~ tent, Priced at ,$2299. No. ~::r ~ ~ ':'• a.II, 1963 FORD .Galaxle f door V-"9 MUS'fN'fG, xlnt cand. 1 _ . '6.l Pl,ymouth Fury 4 Dr. ~'739 w__uranty book. tact a/c, many extru, .i1ft 'loo3591. See At $0 CWT LliASiNG 8, _, 1trr, ndlo, -...,.,, IOw <Olr. Musi -to '16 OLDS Cull"' Hol. Cp<, Hrdtp. Xlnt rond. S32 P"1' l'l~968=ro=l<T=IA~C~,_=.~-rd-, -, .. -, Safe! $\999 Sale! rond. 111'Al. 53&-83112 • ; KUSTOM MOTORS 300 W. Crt Hwy NB 6'$.2:182 ~a. tuna good: 1 pwper. apprec. Pvf. ply. S139S. Seip. $100 below low book. mo. Bud 96J-1347 days over paymen1a, best oUer. Mister ''T'' . 8" Bak.,, C.M. ~ ·• ' Alk to. P,uc:k -1'35· • ""'43119 8 Tr. '''"'>. 612-SOH Alt" :;, 1'l06 Oc-eanlroot, 64 •. 1441 T•llRD : l R SaJNS69 vw eaa,p.,. uaoc1 .c.,. ,,... roao '69 CIUb wir. v-1 ·• --· btk. !WI, .... """'""· , PONTIAC N.e. . • ,.. Ordered In Europe, com· ~ •. Fact a& •• Cardully Munis Stereo. U.S. mus-'53 OLDSMOBILE, 1 ownr:r,1---------l•ss GBAND Prix Pontiac. 1100 Harber Blvd., C.M. FdR Sale: '57-T·BIJU>. v'~ plete! All extras, low BIJICK maintat.ned. $2195. SO..T'l22 Jardine bdrs. SUo tacll. ucdl!.nl condition. '69 CATALllfA Convertible Good Mecblnlcal Con d. '66 PON'l'lAC WaKQn Fact.. Oearl il CJria. w/2 • =· $3300 or best offer. 19&C FORD Falcon .wqon, SZIXI. 56-5266 -====645-=JM2==== I :~~r.~U: aacrifice!S3'1~ UH. $450: 642-841'5, betv.'11 air, p.s., p.b., S:seattt, Can Ma &1.>-5;013 . '69 · Rtvlora. Fully equip. R/H, l o'NnCr, $495. Good '67 MUSI'ANG, 6 eyl, rd, htr, -8 & .f PM. recently overhauled, Xlnt ·~ T·BIRD. Full power, "t• '68 VolksWB,ien Bug, 24,(0') Pwdr blue w/wht vinyl top. cond! 6t4--0410 new tires, excl cond. ~. PLYMOUTH ~1 Pontiac Starchler, very ~.65~GT0=~339~-c-u.~tn-. -T-rl· cond, Pvt p}'y .. ,Ml9dl~ b(ue sle.reo. Sll7S • milea. Llkc , new! Sl.495. "500 Daya 6 .f: 4-f o 7 o, ,64 FORD XL, radk>, beater, 546-9394 after S PM. --aood runnin&' car; $125 or poo.w:r, Close ratio 4-specd. , "'boo=k.,.,l.,.161i0_._m-_m;.,.,..,,.,-,,--By owner 96Z~ , 646-9.183. Cal s Cameras. ~1289 aft & auto trans po~w buckrt Pledge Enough -Give 'li9 Fury Ill 4-Dr. 1.Dalkd! ,beat ofter. 546-l43T WW ~ motorcycle trade-1 CITE Now -and latet ; SHOW )'OU ca~lve a ialt 1180 NeWftl"lrt mvd O.t · · • Pvt. Pty. Must sell! $2895 or ... tftnr.n'T ,__ unJ ~-~ In ••-....... ...,., · 1 , ~...-" .' '64. BUICK Special Wagon aeats $950. 5'8-209.1 Your "Fair Sha.re" take over pay. 642-2461 ;lVrrvn. \..Qlum ty o...uo;a• <!." ~· .......-u... UNl'I'ED FUND sharr: . ~ 1969 BLUE VW, radial tires, Radio/tieater pv.T steering l""'========-!========::.!.-=:::..:::.::._::::;::..;:::.:;:.::: _ _:.======:==~========~===:=====:i!..:========:-. N.crirlce sale! transl of eq. Good oond! sfioo. M:>-7495 ' New C•rt 9IOGNew C,1r1 9IOONew Ca,... 9100New Cars 9IOO New Cari · MOo New. Ca.rs HOON" Cars 9'00 .. :: considered. Days 642-1660, BIJICK . -'-=c.;::::;::_ __ ;.;..:.::.:;.:;;c;:..=:::..---==.:.;;...;;;:_:;.==--.:..;..=....;..-""-;_--...;..:.o.;c...;=,;...;=;:_--.....:=;....;~c..;;.o;_;.... __ _.,===·.=.:=.,--..,.-..;.;;.=.:;&< eves. 54S-0158 sta~ Wag. '63. PIS. I""~=:-;;;;:-===:-: 1 P/B, 1U¥ rk. Must 5ell. 1965 Betge vw, ~ nmntne 1.fake OHer. 968-%198 CQndltion, low mileage P95.j;;::::;:::;:::;:====: f4Z-514'l CADILLAC . ti,fuJ\1Soll! VW '68 Fast ·: BadrJ Clean. Lo ml. I ; ... -o.-,,.;-Prtv. -:,-. 1-c~o-'u"'P"'E DEV~IL~L~E~ •. ' •· :: -· , vw SALE $1195.00 .>1966 Volks Squa.ttback RIH,< ....... :: I -1 ., . .• " -· . • SOP 527 .. $1695.00 J9tl9 volk.. l3tlO RIH. a'utomatic. XYE 693 1'119. ~~ Soll lmmod. , • -tire ID Europe. Pwt, fuJb' eq\llp, all I le-attier, Xln't Cond, .$5600. Call (TI4) -CAMARO , 1961. Mmt Seil lmmed. , • J\Olocatl"f to ""-· -· air', fully equip. $1100. Call (TI4) S44-3586. '67 CAMARO SS 350. 4 1pd, ~ xlnt oond. Best ofter . 646-$03 or 548--1784. -.-.., : --.5;1:1'_&.,...,.__-!'.UI-CAM ARP 11.S...DtAllU ~, 1968 Vollcl. 1300 350 V:I. PI S, !'IE, ali', aut.o .~ R/H, 4 ~. trans.-.15,000 mi's. msst1 -; vrs 765 ·: . .• $1495.00 :oo Karman Ghia Cpe. • lJ. 4 speed, Sharp. . ; TYU 4t8 ' • $1195.00 ; 1967 Vollll. Fastback RflJ, 4 speed, VOP 785 " 1 • .; • . • • • • • • $1095.00 1966 Volks. 1300 R/H, ....... SVD"" $895.00 196,l Volk!!. Bug R/H, 4 speed, 1J8 193 CHMOLET '56 O:IEVY 283 auto, bkt. scata, just had valy~ job, tuneup. New baft,'o/. tires IC starter. Xlnt (IO!)(L Must 5ell, eoi. !rt I e l'V J c e. 54> l50ll be.f 5 1970 EL CAMINO. AIC. PIS, P/B, auto trans 350-300hp en&. Pay oU $3500 + older car for flll'. eQUit~r. CaU~a.ft5, 51 OIEV. New engine il trans. Great condition! Goifll: into servtCe: Must Sen. 5.17--6.Stl '59 Chevy Wag. Stick, w/Overdrive. New eng., paint. reuphol, alt oond. &48-5022 '59 CHEVY Station wagoo, """ good. $250 • *962-81.Sl• ~ $699 ,QO 1$1 Cbovelle Malibu, air, ::'60 Volkx. Dune B~ p/a. vinyl top. Will opnlider ,.. _:-__ 1 any reu. offer. 61>3589 !J R/H, 4 ..,..,._ i' LYJ 248 '66 Impala. Low ~- L · Clean. Sl450. * 675-SSJ& * , Bm Deak Are $lill At ~~--~--- 1~ DEAN LE'WIS :':°l::;t';:,· ~nf:"1' m1 lia6 H.-, C.M, Glt>93tll '68 CHEV Malibu. Sta. Wq. VOLVO V8, pwr slce.rlng, r&h, fact air. Sl.tiSO/ofr. 833-12.82 CHEVEW '65 OIEVEU.E SS. pcrfonn. 327. New Muncie close ratio 4 spd. 4.ll Poll rear end. Buck st.s &: _ oon- 90le. New inter, tach, Litts &: mag whls. Perf rond. $1595 or tn.de for CDrvette Stingray. ~ 6'13-3239. ;; WE PAY WH 1969 CHEVELLE SS 396, p/s, p/b. turbo-hydro , fathorn green, xlnt. colld. 5500 ml. $2800 or best offtt. 549-2157 '. :ltoR YOUR ·W CONTINENTAL '65 Continental. lmmac, fuJI powr. fac air. Vinyl top. $1695. 642-4391 CONNELL CHEVIOLEt : imeoa1i.111"1. .'1,;.~0RVAIR '." • /0oi1a -546-ml • ... ·:,.ft PAY TOP • '66 MONZA J. IMf(JJlft WAl'f"J'm Sport ~ Mlh automatk, • ~$ = One ownet', loc&lly ownod. 'U.a.Vll'V TOY.O?A GOddess gold exterior. plush lllii8:d. Blvd. cream:tnterior. $799 full price ...._ PL Ml-8 ,amall down. Call JP. %::: MmJ or~. ~tl~ ·~ B\\01N ORANGE Gtltf.tl ohnsOn .on. LINCOLN • MIRCURY • IS having a . . •• GOLD • AQUA .. \4~\\00 No matter what color you , w.ant to call it ••• it's a Bonafide sale that will SAVE you plenty ·of 1 the right color ••. Green like in money ••• don't wait, hurry in as choice is good .but limited. w. "" 1970 COUGAR XR7 0 • • p Gold, 351.-4, irow~ Houndstooth vinyl roof1 erfiii .. sion control, S•I Sf, WSW· F70x 1 • S•lt•d fir•s, pow1r win- dows, · pow1r 1t••tin9, power front disc br1k•s, •it AM/FM. st1r•o, tint•d 9l•is, d•lu1te s4•t & shoulder b.fn-. Appe•r•n"ce prot1c:tion group. OF93M515- 999 $4050 JUST · ARR.~D FJIOM PORD MOTOJI CO. (S'9Cl•I Purdtul) WW• W.Ctloo Of 196'. Mll'Clll'Y Modtk c-..n & Mtrc:vry.; cennrtl-W-. .,.,.... ........ 4 tit. hlirdto,., 2 tloor M,...,... YOUR CHf:!ICl $2995 'ff COUGAR CONVll.TllLIS Wlth eir colldltiofti119, pow•r st.er• 1119, JIOW•r lir••••· 1tc. ' lo •OOO 111il11 . ., MllCUIY CONVlutlLIS With efr cotMlltlo11.i119, pow1r 9f1•r• 1119, pow~r br1k11t •le, • '6t MONT,llGO SIDANS Wit~ e.ir c:oftdltlotii11f, pow1• 1t11r· 1119, powt r ltr1k•11 1fc. 1970. MARQUIS • ~.cl. llu•, bl•ck vinyl roof, •mission control, WSW H-78x 15 belted tires, power side win· clows, 6-w•y seats, power front • cHsc br•k•s, tilt st1•rin9, po~•r 1teerin9, •ir, AM/FM stereo, clU1I re1t se1t spe••.,,, tint•d 9les1, cllx. se•t &: shoulder belts, front &: re1r floor m•f1, remot• l /H mirror, pow1r:..d_oOr. loc~s, door •dge 9u1rcls & luxury wheel cov.n. OZ68K150498 I $467-0-~ 1st DEMO SALE OF THE YEAR ALL THESE CARS ARE PRICED ;TO SELL Many with -6000-riiiles or less!! 1970 LINCOLN 4 DOOR SIDAN 0.rk Brown. L .. th1r with vinyl inferior, whit• vinyl roof, emis~ sled' control, hi9h1r ratio re•r •1de, P.Ower Ioele rele•s• group. WSW .• 111115 belt1d tir••, 6~ w•y power se•t, t ilt whe•I, 11.1~ to. temp. control, AM/FM st•r- eo, power •nt•nn•, lu xury wh•el covers. Ap. prot. grp. OY82A· 1DlAZ6 VERY AnRA~TIVE SAVINGS '"PONTIAC CATALINA $2895 2 Dr. Hardtop. Automatic tranamlulon, radio, heater, power steering, power brake&. Lie. XXA--668 '61 MIRCURY s2995 Cotony Park Sta. Warons. VTM-7~ " medium chrome yellow tlnlah witti all vinyl lhterlor. Automatic trane., power 1teerlng & brakes:. Factory air cond. Beautifu1 cond. ''1 CADILLAC COUl'E DIYILLI Fully luxury equipped lncludln1 factory air, 34,000 original owner miles. Uc. UVE-616 '65 T lllD Full J)O">Wr lncl. factory air. Lie. OSE-645 '64 T lllD Full power Incl factory alr. Li e. IEW-178 '6' l'ORD TORINO •T Convet,t. Automatic tram., pqwer 1lttr• Ina" r&a!o, heater, etc. Lie. XXR-231 '6~ IUICK LI SAIU Coov. Full power lneludinr factory I.Jr. Uc. TMH-472 53495 5159S 51295 $2195 51795 4 ,door sedan. Velvet black Hnh:1h With ' '64 CONTININTAL n395. black leather lnterlor. Fully luxury equJpc/cd Including tun pgwer • fact.or.Y alrl '/ . Lie. OYS·525 ' f Dr. Seel. ·~uutul Bermuda Blue me· '67 CONTININTAL s2995 talllc llnlth with matching le•ther Interior. Black landau root, full)' luxury equlpPed and factory air conditioning, AM·FM radio, alereo tape dtck. OnM>WnCr car. Beautifully matnWOO:L !Jc. TJ'N.()2(1 'U CONTININTAL I s1695. 4 door. Deser! Beige finish with blond lea~ lnteribr. Fully 1UXUl'1 ~pped In• eluding full powu • fadocy air. Um11ually eftan"!;'•· OUW-9"3 . , ''1 CONTININTAL s2795 Convertible. Polar white with blood ~J,";~ :/:~'f..~~~~kr."" oqulppod '67 PONTIAC •TO 51995 2·Dr. H.T. Gold mist metallic tlnlah with black bucket aeata. auto. trans., radio A heeter, power atee.rtng, t1ctory alr. BeautJ .. ful condition. U c. TRJ-503 4 ' -1970 MARQUIS IROU•HAM 4 DOOR HAllDTOP ll•ck. 42•...C blo1ck viii.YI tNf, -if1io11 co11frol. WSW H70xlS W/T li1ltM tir11, power 11d1 window1, r1c//11i.tl p111o1n91r 11o1t, •·w1y powor 111t tlrl"'-•r lld1, pow1r front-ditc. br1kn, titt wh11I, p"ow1r 1!11ri119, 1~.0 co11trol, r1"1ot1 co11h'ol ttu11• r1J11101 1ir. 1l1c• Irie t••• wi11dow d1fT11t1r1 pow11 ••· 111111•, AM /FM 1tor10, du1l r11r 11ot 1p11k1t•. i11f1rv1I wind1ioli1ld •l,.r1, ti11t1d 91111, d1lux1 1111 I 1ho111dor -belh .-frottt I -r••r tnttso ,.,,, ... , l/H· mimir, powor door lock1, floor .... 9u1rd1 I ft;J, whl. cov1r1. OZ67HllJ• "' $5050 BARGAIN CORNER 111 Our l1r91i11 Cor111r, w1 h•v• 11u1111tou1 u11cl c1t1. Som1 cl110. 101111 11of 10 cl1111. Somo lh1t .,,.. duplic•lio111. 90"11 w1'•• ft14 too 10119 -i11 111y 1•111t, #t111 c•r• •1'9 r1•I b•r91i111, LOOK 'EM qVEltl '88M~•O'( _.,. S"( •. J.-1C:. uew 111. CllO, 11141 "' llfle. ' '88' ....... ~ ..... Mt 4 Of'. H.T. ILW 4U INiet ~r) '88 :=.:v .... '1471 ·u-·-•. ,....,... ortwt.--. --'-k. ltcT 741 .s.o · ll.000~®1!.00 , ©®~''ii'llOO~~'ir&ll. -l~lm©MlmW • ©®MffiJ&IRl · 1.. 2626 llDIOR ~IYAU COITA Ml~ ---=N=1w=-:CJ:;;;&;;:;1o.;1;-------1::::.» ltlll8 1,,.h of .... 540-1630 642-0911 . • ... Dl•1• .... ,,., I .,. 140-1631 UllD CARI ' ' •• . ' I,. • : ' . l '. .. . . . . . ./ 1 ' l , ' . ' I IF YOU: CAN · BU¥~ 11~~· <_ r ' • FOR ~LESS , : .. 1 •. :"·IT ·.,M·AY ·LOOK , llKE THIS-~ .. · coME 1N AND 'TALK To '"• PRICE FIGHTERr THEODOIP ROBINS FORD FIGHTS HIGH .PRICES .WITH THE GREATEST WHITE ~ALE EVER! OVU. ~ 1'4EW:C~· ~. . . TRUCKS· IQ CHOOSE .FRO,M. , _ .. ·New 101/1 Ft. Eldorado Camper . . . LIST t'lil·• 4 !f'.ully Equipped and NICI ._, Ready for Your SALi 'l """S Plckup or • New '70. PRICI ~., • • OVER 40 •o.1m ''619 CAMPERS IN STOCKI JllSCOUN'I' ·-·-· . 1 1970 ·· r'· .::, ~$UPER·:·SAYINGS!! "MAVERICK ·s1 -9;7· s· ~·· NOT ·S~IP~ED!. • . · · "' . 'INCLUDES ALL OF FULL PRICE THESE EXTRAS. Big 200 CID 6-Cyl. Eng., Auto Trans., 6.4.Sxl4 W/ W~'tlret, -Whl. Cvrs.~ l,\ccent Trim, And More. -f'Comp•ny Cir U1. # YWT-9601 ' OVER 40 MAVERICKS IN STPCK. ~LL ~OLORS AND OPTIONS, • , . I , - . . .. . . ................. --. ............ ...-.. . QJlAND .NEW . ENGLIStf 'FORD . '. ' ' ' !t.JIQOR-SEDAN-_. I ' s1 ·99· 5· · · FULL ,.,CEI , · . . · NOT STRll'P!D. • INCLUDES ALL 'THESE ·EXTRAS: · ~Auto.; Trans., Front Disc 8 r1kes, Hvy. Dty. Huter, Hvy. Oty. \ Blttlfy, 6.00/13 WW Tires, Atiro Flow Vents, 2 Spd. Wipers :.i~"(:~~::~· Dix. Interior .Abd 'Miorel 15 _To Choose From flA9JJP612?0t .. OVER 60 ENGUSH FORD CORTINAS\ IN ST NOW l'ltlCED TO CLEAR ! . , 4 DRS., STATION WAGONS. -----' ---, --- LEASE 'A NEW · "Have A Nice Day!" . · TRU:~.-~ .-:130 vltlf' tfflf in So. ·cili· fornl1 '1 first Ford diagnostic: center t1k11 just 30 minutest NOT STRIPPEDI ,· ' 351 V-8 'Eng. Autt Tr1ft1., Pwr. Str., R & H, lxt. Mot•' FULL PRICE · lngs;·Fltior Gla11 Tlros. ind , Moro. !E,,. #OJ5if1006l0~ '65 CAD. Cpe. D, Ville $1·990 F11ll p.owtt, ftr.f.orv elr, le1thtr, , . l•nd11t top. l,JEOl~ll-.-.-=-~=,.....-----,-167 ~~~~!.~!LE MAN$_$4790 llH, P.S. (YWS04'1 --· 1 _ '67 ~~!~~.;~~~ARK $4990 P,S., Yiriyt toof, (VCL20ll I _._66 · ~o~~~,,~~H. ''" $4090 ' . AIR Coftd. 1SVY512) I . ·l66 ~D~H~d;~!:~:Pl , s149· o· __ ._. ~· _...,;llYi'ol roof, r•dio, ht1f1r. IRRD600) ·'64 !~~!~~'10"~.'.T. 51090 IHSY6011 .~ i6s·. !~~~~~~ ... ~ .... " ... ;.. ~.to h11f•r, ftcfory 1ir. f PBF6211 7-.- ~~.~~ u~'f!· SED. s7·90 INl.86291 ~ . . ..t.'l..,7w0- AL't: . .!'OPULAR ~-"""'Mll:K'!S=<M,OOK$-== AUTHORIZED FORD LEASING SYSTEMS . - DAILY RENTALS . -19l.tmv ~1-970~iNrsTOCK : . . . COMPETITIVE-'.RAT~--f--r9~l'OI, Bronc,l Pickups, Vans, t1alvy Duty1. Camper and ftliilorhome Rentals ~ \l(M!< · or ~ ·_ • . BEST PRlCJS IN THE WEST! LOOK FOR THE DIAGKOSTIC CENTER.SEAL ON THE WINDSHIELD! ... 100o/~'-PARTS AND LABOR WARRANTY 4000 ·MU;~S .OR 90 DAYS Covers 111 meth!,nical JMrfl Including engine, tr1mmluion d rive llne, fHr end, PLUS brak .. , blttei'y ... ancl' exhlvst system. All r• -p1:lr work done in our own service department. OVER 150 USED CARS AND .TRUCKS .IN :STOCK lRUCK AND CAMPER SPECIALS '65 '!,~~D· lONGBED 15525191 '65 ·59 '64 ECQNOLINE 8US With •II 1t1h, Auto., ht1fitr, (NHYOl7l FORD '!2 TON Pickup. VII, ! tp1•d, lon9b1d. fH26 161 I ECONOLINE Sf 90 '68 DODGE D·100 3/4.fon $2390 Truck I c1mp1r 'hill. A~to,, R&H, 20,300 fl'lil11. 12112•Cl '67 '68 F~~I) LTD F1r.to'v eir, 1uto., klH, ,,S. IUVR61'f) , DODGE COROHET <t Dr. VI, 111to., ~11ter: Ntwport lc:h. O.t9Ct1" cir. (l 1517 l) I 66 ~.~~.~~~!. CYCtONE $1590 P.S., P,8. CRVJ6121 . 65 ·!,~~!~~ .. !:!~.~~Tor s1·2on_ fWAH9'41l ··~ I IMPORTED CARS · 1 ' '67 ~~.~!!~~ .. 1soo s.w. s990 CVTL41l),. '6"7 ~~.!~!N STA. WAG. $1.090 !TWN0791 '68 !?,~~~.!AGEN s149· o· f1ctory 1ir. IWXE622l 'Ill ~D~~!~~'~ ,, 54'9" IVTL50ll _u ~ -· -~...__..________ ~""""' ....... --------· -~~-~· -·------- 7