HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-05-02 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa·~ .. . • --..... , .... ""·· ~ -, ,, Weekead ':.-~-----:; ... ...::::---·~-- :.o r.:. .3. No_. :10s, 5 SECTIO~S. 7f PAGES • 1rs- ' . -. s • -le Harbor Yaeh1s Finish Ne.wsboy, Dorothy 0 Lead Pack in Ensenada Race Two Harbor Area sloops, Newsboy and Dorothy o. followed a lamed catamaran, Sea Smoke, ·across ·the fini!b line at En- ftnada early.Friday afternoon as the first finishers in the 23rd annual Newport to Ensenada yacht race. Sea Smote, - a 58-footer now sailing !or the Boy Scouts of America, but boot bown when it was skippered by TV's • Jim Arness-crossed the line at 1:10 p.m. F)'iday, leading a pack of some 175 sail- ing craU--Whlch bad repoited in to ·race headquarters at the Bahia Hotel in En- llellada by midnight Friday, Jack Baille's Newsboy, a sloop from Newport Beach and Dorothy o, skippered by R. F. Beauchamp of Costa Mesa, crogs.. the finish line about 3" half hour apart, but'some two hours behind Sea Smoke. Race headquarters in Ensenada gave an unofficial finish time of 3:30 p.m. for Newsboy and 4 p.m. for Dorotby' 0. Another Harbor Area boat, tncore, Fred McDonald's sloop out of Newport Beach. led a pack of six rnore boats wbicb finished in the next 45 minutes, according to Mexico race 1officials. They were Rascil, wmwn WilsOn's yawl from Santa Barbara, Brushfire, Gene Trepte'1 sl«*>p flom San Diego; a.nother catamaran, Malami, out of New- pori Beacll, Uippered by J ack Swart, Su·rfer Carroll Suffets 'Wipe Out' for Language Sptclal to Ille DAILY PILOT BELL'S BAY, Australia -Apparmtly exhilarated by Aussie waves and foam, U.S. surf champion Corty Carroll suf- fered a temporary wipeout in the World Surfing Championships here Friday, in oome choppy speech. He was .suspended for intemperate comments. Carroll, 23, of Dana Poiril, aJJegedly used tnsulllilg and indecent laona~ to Ule proprietors of a hotel and ... to tificili!<. o1 the A~ajian Surf ~trf Aasociation,' . "Tbal ~ just like Corl<J~~~ ""'ge i.i<C1ell1111, <>! I.quaa · whose hUSbaDtt Brennan ' 1 H e s 1 MCCl.ellan is manager of the 15-membet American surfin' team. "Poor ~' he must have his hands full down there," she added when told o! the glngerly-cooducted \'ank-Aus- sle negotiations to get America's fowth· ranked boardsman reinstated. Competition was tentatively scheduled to begin today if surf at this picturesque spot near Lome, 86 miles southwest of. Melbwme, picked up to satisfactory beig1rt. Weather, however, wasn't the only whether involved. ,_ The entire American delegation decid8' to drop out il Carroll, defending U.S. champion -but fourth-ranked ® tbl team -was refused permisSlon to com• pete too. A three·hour conference between the American team and Australian officials led to agreement that C a r r o 1 l ' • Identity Found For Dead Girl IdenWlcation or the body of a yoong woman foond near the Marine Corps Ai-Facility early Friday morning was made by Orange County coroners late Friday. suspension would be reconsidered if he adequately apologized. The precise remarks involved wett not available for quotation, nor what constitute(! adequate remorse. Mrs. McClellan, however, hinted that surfiag is not Carroll's only talent. "Every sport bu one," sbe said, "ours is ~ky." . Temmates, including Brad MCCall of Ne'1fpql't Belich · and Miss Jeri Peppler of Jiong )leaclit,iaid Friday they expected . ~.to ~ bjl !e!Q31'ill in order to»~ 't "-• -' He, m,;...;.., branded the penalty far too severe .to Wm;!'~~-'118~°" frotJl tilt .~ tm;penuim °" ..... hesi-tant to apofoghe at all. Carroll finally agreed to w "11 e apologies to the hotel proprietors and surfirig association officials who took umbrage at bis verbiage, according to word filtering out to Melbourne. He did so -·under protest -after a third conference with his manager and the other team members. (S.. SURFER, Page I). Burke Sawyer's sloop Attorante from Torrance, and MakaJ, Conrad Bank's catamaran from Long Beach. Only mlshap reported at the finish line was an overturned catamaran accoin· panying the neet. whose crew was res- cued by John PurceU's Patty Cat, which was cndited for the time s-pent in the res- cue. The name of the sunken "cat" was not available. The flee(, which left NeWJ!O!'I Beach beginning-at~ nOOn Tmirsday, ·Wis liiing up off Point Loma ovemigbt 'nlursday and battled light winds from the Corona- dos Islands to Ensenada for the rest of the race. 'Splinter' Group • Mars Peaceful Panther Rally NEW HAVEN, Conn. (uPI) -'nlous· ands of young people staged a peaceful May Day rally for Black Panther leader Bobby Seale Friday but four boun: later a splinter group was d~persed by ~tear gas after throwing bottles at police. The roll on Ne:w Haven Green drew a crowd of 10,000 _; smaller than· antictpat· ed but still the largest· ever held for th~ Black Pantheis -and broke up an hoW' earlier than scheduled. Most of the throng went to the nearby· Yale Universitycc:am ... !!'!'.for ~~Tt;sess~, . ~to hck #J ~ {~v· However, ·one group 'O about re- turned to the southern edle of the ...,. tanp18t ~ am! begoh;tauntliif .IWI• dozen riot c1ad police acros1 the StretL After botUes were thrown, Police moved across the street toward the crowd, firing at least siX cannisters of tear gas and "pepper gas," a smoke-like irritant. The crowd dispersed onto the green and re• grouped again. Police formed two ranks on the street and held firm. Several ranks of National.Guard tn;ops, carrying rifles with bayonets unsheathed, Jined a street edging the campus. ·•' --·--. -. •• Ill U,I TtltJolteM • ... Your Hometown Dally Paper JEN CENTS • Ia '-, 2 Rt:ported Dead; Units At Red .Site SAIGON (APl -The U.S. Command said today that two American soldiers had been killed in ground fighting in cam. bodia. They were the first U.S. battfe deaths reported-in Cambodia, although Americans have been killed in air~aft shot down over Cambodian soil. The command gave no immediate de- tails. The fatalities were announced as American troops reached the headquart· ers zone of the supreme Communist com· mand for South Vietnam in a deep thrust Into Cambodia . The Americans, spearheaded by a cot· umn of tanks, overran Several North Vietnamese and Viet Cong base camps with little resistance and seized tons of rice. But they were still sear~hing Jor the underground command posts of the Cen- tral Office for South Vietnam -COSVN -which controls all military and politi- cal operations against the southern half cl South Vietnam. ~ WOUNDED CAMBODIANS .AWAIT LIFT TO AID STATION At th•"Front,· C•1ualtie1, But Mov1ng Ahead Eight thousand American and 2,000 South Vietnamese troops moved Friday into the headquarters zone, located, 30 miles inside Cambodia In an area known By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Students cpwsea' to President NiJon's decision to send American troops into CambodiJ have ,staged protests across the natiari. .The President ~as burned in effigy 'at one t ampus. ROTC offices were firebdmbed' at two'·colleges, and students clasbed1 witb ~pdlice.·d&ewhere. as the Fishhook, some 70 miles northwest of Saigon. More than 100 U.S. B52 raids dropped · i .. ::: more than five million·pounds of, bombs • :..i& -r on. the area before the ground sweep be· r r '4 • ,..,. gan. Some l,SOO rock-throwing students fought with police at the University of Maryland ·in College Park, Md., early to- day. Earlier, 300 National Guard troops were summoned to back up police when the students sacked tbe Air Force ROTC armory buildings, burning ROTC uniforms and papen. The university has «,876 stu. dents. . An effigy qf Nixon was burn;ed at Un~n College in Schenectady, N. Y. Later, Union students blocked downtown traffic and marched to a local General Motors Co. plant, to denounce it as part of the· "war machine." Firebombs were thrown through a eel· lar•wtndow of the note headquarters al Hobart College in Geneva, N. Y., and a firebomb was hurled through the window of the ROTC armory at Oregon State- University. At §.tanford---Uni.versit)', police_ used a helico~er with a bright light In an at· tempt to break up a camp~ rock.throw· ing disturbance involving about 100 to 300 demonstrators: after an anti-ROTC "party." . Later, three shots were fired at the Los Altos home of Col. Stanley Ramey, Army ROTC conunander at Stanford,: a univer- sity spokesman said. The shots struck the house but no injuries were reparted. The ground troops are part of a 25,000- man force of U.S. and South Vietnamese forces sweeping a 200-mile stretch of eastern Cambodia in the joint invasion President NJ~on ordered Thursdat against North Vietnamese and Viet Cong sanctuaries across the Cambodian bor· der from South Vietnam. Four other South Vietnamese task rorc- t'S with America n advisers have invaded the area known as the Parrot's: Beak SS miles to the southwest, and have ~­ trated some 30 miles into Carnbodlan territory. The U.S. Command has reported 194 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops killed i~ the operation so far, 161 of them by tactical fighter-bombers and helicop. ter gunships. American spckesmen have (See CAMBODIA, Page 3) * * -ti ' LBJ 'Praying,' ~aclillig. Nixon • CHICAGO (UPI) -Former President Lyndon B. Johnson in his first public ad. dress since leaving the White House Fri· day .~ight o(fe~ed bis ."prayers and sup- port to President Nixon in the United States' search for peace. Speaking to 7,000 Democrats at a $100 a plate fund-raisJng dinner. Johnson said "~ know from personal experience that his problem and our problem is united getting Hanoi to listen." \ ' Coroner's deputies said she waa Carol Sawicki. 18, of 2457 W. Glenoab Ave., Anaheim, daughter of Robert L. Blanton of the same address. About 500 Kent State University stu •. denb broke windows, set fires and dam· aged cars during a mile-loilg march early today from the center of Kent, Ohio, lo the 19,000.student campus. They shouted, "Down with Nixon.'' Earlier. they had burned a copy of the U.S. Constitution saying, "President NiXon has murdered the Constitution." Johnson , without specifically mention-. Ing the new Cambodian campaign of the prolonged struggle in Vietnam. said peace remains the No. 1 priority for the nation as it was in 1968 when he stepped down from office in the interest of national unity. She had been dead about. five hours when her body was discovered, covered with a blanket, by a deputy sheriff. A woman's handbag found nearby led 1 to idenWication. Coroners deputies said there was no evidence of foul play and tha\ she may have died of an overdose of dru gs. An autopsy was to be completed later. Ramblers T eam P rincipals Face Suit The now-defunct Oran~. Co u n t Y Rambkri football club wu sued' Friday I~ Superior Court at S..ta Alla for '5,391 on an alleged ove~ payment. Lqal acliOD was filed by Farmers nd MO!Chanla Ban~ of Lo11 Beach In seeitng the sum. Named as defendants are principals of the lll-faled ball club, Clwlea G. and Mary Lou Schlegel. $45 Stolen From Desk Of Clemente Teacher Money estimated at about $45 lo be med for purchase of indu.strlal art.a ma- terlal was .stolen Jrom a shop teacber't desk at san Clemente High School, the Instructor told police Tbur!day. Robert Vara:o the teacher, told officers the call wu tiken ffom a 1mall wooden bOx kept In a clesi IOIDethne during the •eek. i ' ' '-DAILY PILOT 11.tf f'tMlt· . ' .. 'RIGHT.WINGED RABBLE ROUSER : FEMALE OF THE SPECll,S WEARS T.ENNIS SHOES' With Help· from Student Sondy Chrisley, Condldeto Knight Spoofs Educetlon Ainu With Caricatures Knight 'Blasts 'Who's-Zoo·'· . An :issblant superintendent for the Placentia Unified School District Friday a8ked . for the extinction of the l<WJlo'• 1.o<J in Public Education:" Armed with· a packet of caricatures, Vick Knight, ctirrently seeki6g fhe Orange County Superintendent of School's office, told Golden West College studenls: "some of the people in.education .exlilbit tbe cbaracterlstiC3 and feeding habils: ol aalmilb" al!d should be eliminaled. A> eumples lie )Isled the folJowing: T1i.E YACl!ETY·Y~"These only le'""'1 bf leclwinf. Tlielr i\outhJ are atwayi ~·They never-close it•because they might deviate from the text. Their lattn name is ·~oratorius on-aodo()Oabus ... THE COMPULSIVI> INNOVA· ' TOR -"They're always looklnl for a dilferent way to dp thin,s-not better. This is the "pllatua etperimentus." 'qlE XEROX-"He wants lo aee what works elsewhere and traMfer thit , to his school· districL You can see that e as no mar flifhOOrpi'lfiU.- THE GREAT WESTERN GIRAF' FERTY-"His silver tongue is always flapping in the breese and he's got his heBd in the clouds. He's also known as the "mazimus califorNus." THE RIGlfi·WINGED RABBLE ROUSE!t-"You can aee he· 1111 only cne wing, the ript wing. He rests in the birch trees" ind lhO female ol Uii species wears tennis shob." THE LEFT-WINGED LOONEY B!Rll-"He'a &ol 1111 eahead 111111 all be Iii< .. to do~•-pniiert." . THE MIDDLE OFITJIE llOAD RUN· NER-"He'a the wdtlt at-all. He refuses to involve himself. ·He won't even vote in eltctlOM because .someone told him ~~!_~ do by vQtlng is ~age ei>liti· Clan~. THE LOUNGE LIZARD-"He spends all his time. aitting in the lounge. We have the tenure system in public schools and these peoplt bave·dtscove·red that." THE CO,MPUTER TAPIR-"He'• always loaklnc arouiid lor 1 method lo mechanlle education. His toeoalli are deslfl*I for keypunching." THE GREEN11ACKED P E·N N Y PCNCllER-11~ never wards to spend "11 ·-11111 """ 'cbeap. cheap' all Ibo Uml." In Pasadena, some 250 demonstrators at. California Institute of Technology car- ried signs reading: "The king is a fink." "Nixon kills," and ''Stay out of Camf>o. dia." "Hell no, we won't go~· 30 students shouted as: they marched ·to the ROTC headquarters at the Univ:ersUy ot Tulsa In Tulsa, Okla. Earlier,· 200 students heard Dr. 'lbomu F. Staley, dean•ol·the university graduate school, tell u anti- war rally, "1be President has commit~ ted us to war and to annihilation. I sense a feeling of despair." · In Washington, the Swclenl ·Moblliza. tion Committee .to End the1War in ~Vlet-1 nam announced mass demomtratios were planned for several :ctdes.1 ~esmen (See PRon:sis, P ... ll. . 7 Indicted in Plan To P ass DefecTP arts FORT WORTll, Tex. (AP) -Seven men have been indlcteei by a federal grand jury on charges that they con· spired' to pus defective pa,rts for UJe . con\fOvenlal Fill Oght.r piane. There was no menUon in the 2G-cc;lunt lndl<bnent ol ao Fill crash which killed two crewmen tut Dec:. st near Las Ve. gas,. Nev:• nor the subseque!lt a:ro~ndlng of mort than 225 of &be planes dehv.ered to the .Air Force. Orange Coast l1'eather Fair through Sw!day is the weekend forecast along the Orange Coast. But early morning fog or low clouds are also expected. Slightly warmer today. INSIDE TODAY Ltgs, tove and a "doctor" made of metal and plastic? You'll find them all h' Family W eekllJ -a. cover feat·ure on new leg cover- fng.f, a per.so:nalitv profi~ 01t Jo A ntte \Vorley, Laug1l-in loud- mouth who says au she wants is to be loved, and computers which are ta.k ing on more and morr im· portant jobs and medtcfne. _ """ \......,, ' l11Ni1•"'-I • CllW'dl lrttW1 .. "'"'"""' I Cltltlllltl ••• MM!lflll .. C•Mkl • RNt lll•lt 1~11 , ........ • ...... • .. lt Dtltll M1ttoti ' Stldl Mfflltll ,.,, lfitt!'lll ,.,. • Uricll L• , 1 ' I I I ; ~ s · ·oAt~y PllOT • Sue~es8 ·!Step·· Teach er Stresses "Positive'· llT ,ll1JDI NlJ:DZ1l:Slll ..... , "*"' ... " tn 1 small, white trailer di~ly behind a claMroom wlng at the ~iarina High School campus, Dr. William Woolbright teaches a special class for very special people. --i by their.~ "'Ibey ~ 'baV. the meiitat 1bµltJ 11\it ~ Ii~ ing diS1bllltlts overcome ll Once their. pc:_oblerm are ICNv· ed, the collea:e possibi!Wes art a.s good for this kind of stu· dent as for any oUler kind." "In a seMe this iB a transl· tional program,'' said Woolbright. "Our goal is to integrate these tlds with the I - • ' It's about the only class \.I here coffte and hot dlocolate are served regularly and v.ilert very few rules or restrictions are placed on the pupils. And the stu dent- teacher ~atie is very low , ~th only eight desks in the tlassroom. others as"""' .. possible." SPECIAL Funded by the sta.te, Dr. . W o o lbrisht's edll<:ationally hand!capped program handles PRICES FOR SUNDAY, .MAY .3 BOMBSHEl:L 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M. While Quantities Last . . . Dr. Woolbright'• class would seem to be ideal, except that all of his students are problem children. They are the educa- tionally handu:apped. only 17 lll\J!lents oo the Marlm campus. ' ·' --• ... ·'The state ooly allowa us to place up to two percent ri our stlld<:Dta in the c1 ..... But the oeOd Js far l1'!0ler than lhat. At the mioimum we should double or triple the protram." " • • Many of them rate high on . 'iptclligence tests but they may ·have emotimal problems manife&ted In truancy or delinquency. Others h a v e learning problems. "J.ust get- ting a sentence oot of them is a hassle,'.' according to Dr. Woolbright. Scarming a Ij;t Of otudenb with multipte F's or D'1 behind their names, he charg. ed. "This is the greate1t111 ~--~'L.,~~~~ human waste that's available and it's human salvage that w,e should be wo r king ",My students do 8().. percent of thetr work very suc- cegsfully, but it's the other ~ percent that \ve're in- ~ ln," he said. ~'All of them need to be sakcesslul but they need to hCv'r it demonsft ated to them more than others." And ln teadllng the students Dr. Woolbrigbl applieo the ...,.,.., system liberally. Thus a note on a student's lesson may read: An outstanding job, but your penmanship is lousy." "We like to approach things in a positive and affirmative way," said Dr. Woolbright. "We want them to do well · rather than demonstrate to : them what they can't do with ' a bad grade." .J Some of his pupils, he says are-definitely int e 11 i gent enough to go on to college, but they are temporarily stall- toward." Allhough his program has only been in operaUon for one year, Dr. Woolbright says he has bttfl unusually successful, especially in d..tlng with truancy and discipline pro- ·blems. The lessms. them&elves are prtsaiptjve, v.tidl m ea n 1 that they are directed toward particular delldenci~ ralher than accwnulatklll of gener.Jf knowledge. "After receiving the tests, I like to sit down with the student and point out his strong and his weak areas. Then we begin work oo the strong areas to insure im- med iate successes, gradirally increasing the level of dif- ficulty. Finally we get started on getting a years JX'Ofl:ress in a year's time, wbkh is what we're nally after," be explained. MMtl-«M·)t 19" POWER MOWER ' 36.96 San Juan's Matriarch Mrs. Olivares Buried Has ID" staggered wheels .. 3 HP Briggs & Stratton • reeoil-slart engine. 7" poly wheels. U·type handle. FD·130 Gr•11 Ca tcher ...•.••••• ,, •••••..... 5.37 ''Grandma" Olivares, 88, San Juan Capistrano's official matriarch and oldest native wu laid to rest in the Old Mission Cemetery FriQay. Mrs. Vivian Olivares, who ~ived her title or the hi!toric mission t o w n ' s matriarch. from the California Historical Society, was the oldest longtlme member of the mksim community and highly active in }Ocal and state !llftarical groups for many years. Dana-Capo Set to File Joining Bid The intent to incorporate Dana .Pojnt-Capistrano Beach "'ill be officially filed Monday according to Scott Raymond, attorney for the incorporation commltl<e. All the doc:tnnents including the economic feasibility report and ~ city boundaries will be filed with U.. Local Agency Formation Com- mission which turned down the cdmmittee's previous at· tempt "without prejudice," giving them the green light for another try without having to wait anothrc~ear. Raymond o the com· mtttee Thursday that the feasibility report, 27 pages in length is the best of its type ht hds ever seen. "It tells in layman's language e'laclly how a city Is run," said Raymond. "It would be an e'l~llent docu· mmt for a high school civics dass." He &aid the report would be made available to any in- . t~&ted citizen free of matge afl<r Monday. The report will be presented to presidents and v i c e presidents ot organizaliotl.s in the Dana Point.Capistrano Beach area at a .special meeting May 21 In the home of Dr. Roger Sandt~. rom- ml~ chairman. Prwnt to an.sw~r queaUons will be city otfidals from Los Atamlt., who belptd prepare the "l'Orl. BOAT BU FFS ... ,...... Lock....... 1. th• •"'' fwll•tifll• M•tittt e41tor w_..iftf ... ...., """''r.'' 111 °'''"'' c.i,,....,. H11 ••c 1n1-c•••r•t• •f h 1H119 •PHI y1elrlff119 11.w1 I• • dilly k•tvr• •f tft1 DAILY PILOT. Mrs. Olivµ-es, the mother pf nine . children, Was a grandmother 32 times And a great-grandmother to 42. She died Tues4':Y ·in her. ·11ome at 3'1921 Rloi ·St: w!'lere ·she had lived fof decades. Mrs. Olivares remained ac· live In sewing the altar' clothJ for Mission San J u an Capistrano up to recent week.! when she injured her hip In a faU. Grandma Olivares, a native ol San JIJ'1l, was schooled at Mis&on San_ Dieio lf. it.s convent there. ln later years her interest In history 1"d to ber mem- bership in the San Juan Capistrano. Orange County and California hi1torical AGILON® PANTY HOsE socieUes. She leaves three sons. Louis Sun. Only and John of San Juan and . . Robert of Dana Point; six Fashion coloNJ, smooth fit daughters Esther McKlnn of AgUon® hose of stretch ny- El Toro, Lorraine EITo of San Jon. Small, liied., lited. Tall, Juan, Clara Host1er of Tall. Oceanside, ~earl Morrissey of Long Bead!, Adele Valezuela or Long Beach and June Ramos d. San Juan. Other survivon in c I u d e three brothen and the many grand an d grea t · grandchildren. Mass was celebrattd at the mission chapel Friday morn- Jng. Rosary was red.led there Thursday night. f16 Vi ejo Slates 'Cin co' Fest S.C.M. flGUREMATJC MISSION VIEJO -The en- tire community will be going all out Sunday for the third annual Cinco de M a y o FesUval. Thirty-five booths offering tripi, food. beveraget1, games and exhibits will be enticlni 1.lission Viejo residents from noon to I p.m. on the M1ssion Viejo High School grounds. The event ls spotl!Oftd by the a:chool's Parent-Teachu Organization to rabe funds for scholonltips lltd equip- ment. Cliff Boehmer, presfdtn t or the organjiation, is a:eneral chairman of the ·e v e n t . Everyone is Invited to participate in the ftativlUea which v.·111 Include a dec«aled bike parade at 2:30 p.m., strolling mariachi muli~. t variety talent show and a bind concert. Hlghtlghta o1 tho .... t wm be the .. 1ec11oo ol U>ll )'Cat'• CIDco de Mayo _. ot 5 p.m. Vying for the tHle m five high achoo! buutl.,, K1thy Jenkins, Patti Opp, Jen· ny Roblr1'0n, Pew Schadftr and I.Ind.I Short. .. ADDING MACHINE • 5 -888 S-CUP PERCOLATOR 5a1 The rasy·pour, \\'est Bl:nd® fully automatic percol1tor. Pol· l3hed aluminum "'Ith cool,. black plastic trim. Sill ADHESIVE COVERING. BOYS' WALKING SHORTS " Sunda11 Onl11! J\ly and contll'll!!ntal models. All with permanent press. Machine wuhable. Sizes 8· lt;. J33 •• , CROSS OVER I ~ .. p. - NYLON MINI SETS WITH PANTIES Sainday Only: An array of styles, lace and braid-trimmed. Some waltz Jength, some with all·lace contrasts. Pastels an d bright shades .. Petite, small, medium, large. Peach Liiac P~!~r Blue M111e Hot Pink White ATTRACTIVE POLE LAMP 144 H Ena~:n::t~r 0:,:11~'"" I brass finish, metal !>h&dl'~ _ _ _ Flnilh plated knobs. Charge ........... ____________ ~ "· CrOM over to the smooth, nat· terlng styling of this vinyl crossband.. Dress slide "•Ith gold keeper. In assorted colon;. Women·s and teens' sizes 5-10. 688 . STACK STORE SHOE BOX 3i 5l Conve(l,ien t 0 see·thru" plastic keeps your footwear clean & neat -lets you select your shoes without opening box. Buy several and just say "Charge-it." COLEMAN FUEL a2~ . [ Tor camp slovet and lant.-rns. Triple filter4'd. Contalnt a rust inhibitor. Li mit: 1 11lltn. • STURDY 20 GALLON STEEL TRASH CANS Sunday Only! Very strong. galvanized steel trash cans ll.'ith light· ly fitting metal cover. Exµ-a-sanitary trash removal. ' r • ---.....----~.----------------------·--------.. """' r.,e l PJtOOESJs ;.•. . . . • l , llld! 1"?1l. so.call.S Vletna.miution policy b nothing but a cruel hoax," and predict- ed that "campwes will be closed down mund the country." . 'Ille N.W MobiU..lion Committet anot1> tt antiwar org1nlutlor\. aai4 it "w'outd ' 1~r mass demonstrations in Washing. ton, J:!,C .• and jllsew~en oo 1+'Y 9. MiChaet nompson, the naUonaJ vtce president of the Young Americans for Freedom. hailed the President's deciSion as "a welcome moVe in direction of last._ ing peace in Southeast A.sla. \ He called! fqr defeat of '"Communist atres90rl" ln a statement issued in Columbia, Mo. The U.S. and state nags we.rt lowered to hall staff at the Unlvenity'OI Maine in Portland. Then, in 1 rapid sequence, cqstodians raised the. flags, students low· ered them again, custodians ~ved the flags, and students raised a United Nations flag to half staff. About 14& peace demonstrators were .ar. rested when about 1,000 University of Cin- ciMati students conducted a sit-in at a downtown Cincinnati lnler~tion. At Princeton Urtlvenity 1'I Princeton, N .. J., a strike voted bf 2;300 stud~ts and faculty members continued. The uniyersi· ty has 3,300 undergraduate students. Strikes were also called at Stanford Uni• versity, Rut'ters .University in New Brunswick, N.J., and elsewhere. 1 The impeachment of Nl'lon was ~p­ ported in a petition adopted by 61 mem- bers of the Cornell University facultj-; It. said. "We believe that the President's un- constitutional action suggests that the ap- propriate congressional resolution is one of impeachment." From Page 1 CAMBODIA ..• reported sii: Ame~ans wounded ln ad· dition to the two killed. u s -officers said observation and gun· shlP helicopters had been given cJeai;-; ance to "fife on anything that mov~s in an al't!a extending about three ~1les north and west of the ground operations in the Fishhook zone . . Participatin~ in the maislve assault. dubbed Operation Total Victory. are,hlln· dreds of tanks, armored per90nne1 car. riers. planes and hel\copters. . The c~ntral Office for South Vietnam . or COSVN, is the target of the troops op- eralinli! in the Fishhook area. COSVN is a mobile headquarters an~ is ooly sometimes in the area.-lntell1· gence sources sald Friday that 1t moved north tv;o days before Operation T~tal Victory began. But U.S. and South \".tel· name!le troops found a oomplex of Unck- walled concrete bunkers linked by a maze of tunnels. and allied officers said this was the evacuated headquartm compound. BS2s pummelled the area and ground troops then began a massive search for the compout1d's~ormer oceupants, Sourt:•\ e~ s8.id it was ,unllkely that any top.rank· ing Commun'ist officials would be cap. tu red and that the main mission ,now w~s to search out and destrO:V lhe communi- cations centers and installations used ~y the Communist command. Even this, the sources said, may take some lime. The allied force has met little resis- tance since it drove into the Fishhook area Friday behind a massive air and artillery barrage. But helicopters ran in. to heavy antiaircraft fire as thty shuttled in elements of the U.S. Isl Air Cavalry Diviiion. Twenty were reported hit and fJve were shot down. The Americans and South Vietnamese Immediately began constructing wniper· manent as.!ault bases, iTidicating they plan a long stay in Cambodia. White House sources have indicated that the allied troops planned to stay six weeks to two mon~. Nixons at Ca1np David THURMONT, ~1d. (UPI) -President Nixon: visibly weary arter the crisis or the past few days, is spending the week- end al Camp David with his famtly . . Nixon took his wife , his daughters Tri- cia and Julie; and her husband, David Eisenhower. and his cl0&e friend, ·c. G. "Bebe'' Rebozo, to the presidential ;e- treat Friday afternoon. They planned to return to the White House Sunday. · I DAILY PILOT Hewp•rt le•ll l•t•t1• ... , .. C•1te M11• H••tl .. t111 h•• '•111tel1 ,...., 1• Cl-911te Robort N. Weed P•u odc"I •1>11 Pul>ll•"-' J.,. R. Cw•l•v V•!t ~•C•"'"'' •1>11 Gt-•1 Mt"f9t' Tllo ... •• x, •• ;1 EdllOr Tho,..•• A. Mwrphi~• MeMllft9 (dlltr Rich1rtl '· Nill ~'" o •• ..,. c-•1 E411•• t)fflc" COiie Mn1: »G WO! •iv Sftftl 1'!e-1 ''""': :1211 WU! .... , kilk'lfrf U9<IM lt«fo: m forHI ..,_ 1-l""!lnttoft lfKfl: INIJ ltKll ,..,._.., ion tkfMllll: JIU Horlfo (l c-ir.. Jtt•I • S1wrdaJ, M11 2, 1970 _ VAil Y ~ILOI' Makes Nesi Aboard •oove" Solo -Sailor ;_ Wife Readyin g .for Cros s-country Tr ip. ' By STEVE MITCHELL Of t111 O.lfr ,lltt Sttff Robin Lee Graham, woo rtlUrfted Thlir'sday from ~ solo round-the-World vO,.as~.vla SlOQe. and 'hiS' wife Patti, have decided to Uve ne'll door to Patty's -parents., u The · address ls' Gangway 12, Lc:ing Beacb Marina.' That's right. The .. Grahams are going to live, at least tempararily. aboard the 33--foot sloop, "Return of the Dove," which was Robin 's home for half of his 33.,000 mile voyage. PattrS parents live next door -in a 36 foot cabin cruiser. The 21-year old marlller and hls ex. pectant wife began spring cleaning aboard their "home" Friday. Robin hopes to ha\'e the sloop "shipshape" by next week when he and his wife leave for Washington, D.C. Robin will be writing a third arUcle lor National Geographic MagWne in Washington and . begin work on a book about his voyages. The Grahams held· an informal "Open House" in the cabin of the sloop, Friday for Mwsmen and interested boaters. Books with authors ranging from Charles Dicken to Ayn Rand lined the cabin \valls. A shelf near the ship's stove held an array of tape decks, a recorder, radios and a model ship that Robin bulU while at sea. A small wooden table in the center <J[ the cabin has the names of the many friends Robin made, carved into the finish ... The table served as a kind ROBIN AND PATTI TIDY UP THEIR FLOATING HOME After Spring HouHCltanir19, A Cross-country Trip by Train <Jf guest book ,": e:rplained the blond sailor: Graham sald he had plenty oLlime to read at night but was kept pretty busy during the day, School Chief Candidate Says Radicals 'Bana.nas' Qv.·ayne T. Canon , canctidale. for the office of state superintendent of public instruction, told Golden West College students Friday that "campus violence is conducted by a certain segment of people who are totally bananas." "Violence , I personally abhor it," he said. "And those who commit it should be punished for any crime lhars com· mitt ed. Clemente Pair Win Court Fight; Back on Team Two San Clemente High School athletts \vllo were suspended by Capistrai;o Unified School District authorities fol\oW· ing their alleged participation.in a driii.k- illg ~rty .w~~e ord_ered reirrtated to alhletic activ1t1es Friday by a Superior Court judge. Jucfge Raymond Vincent granl.ed the wril of prohibition filed by Laguna Niguel atloi"ney Tom Keenaa and ordered both .. sides in the dispute to appear May 15 before Judge Robert S. Corfman. · Jud:e Vincent 's ruling puts Ruben ParailO, 17, of 32211 Los A·migos, San Juan Capistrano back on the baseball team from which he wa s ejected. by Assistant Principal Fred Pasquale la;it April 20. JuC!ge Vincerit's decision will also allow Arithony W. Hoffman, 111, of 35821 ·Beach Road, Capistran() Beach, to go back to pole vaulting on the track team from which he was dismissed by Pasquale on the same day. Keenan'i lawsuit notes lhat Pas(ju3Je anCI schooi district authorities took action against the two studenls after they We.re accused <Jf ~onsuming alcohol at a neigtlborhood party last April 18. • He points out that both studenls are highly regarded by their respective coaches and that the school district's decision, if allowed, would ha v~ prevented Hoffman's participation in the CIF finals scheduled for May 8. School district authorities 'Ind Pasquale were not available for comment on the issue late Friday. Newport Firm Builds in Hawaii Macco Corporation of Newport Beach has aigned an agreement to develop homes, resorts and recreational projecL! on 285,080 acres of the Hawaiian Islands. The· long·term agreement was signed with C. Brewer and Company, the 50!.h state's largest corp<>rate landholder with acreage on the islands of Hawaii, ~1aul and Kauai. C. Brewt.r operates eight sugar plan. tations and macadamia nut tree orchards bµt they will not be taken by the new developments. a Maceo spokesman said. "It 's our goal lo preserve and enhance tht unique qualities of culture and , ecology of llawail," Macco Vi c a Chainnan H. L. "Jaek" Caldwell said. The agreement with C. Brewer is 11 20.year e1clusive partnership for Macco to do the rlll!!KlenUal. resort and recrea· tional de.velepment. Eiact proJtcts have not yel bced specified. "Student violence is stupid, really stupid. There are other ways and other channels i.o which we can bring about change. Responsive and responsible leadership will bring change ." Canon, who resigne~ a teaching posi- tion at Ml. San Antonio College to cam- paign for the post currently held by Dr. Max Rafferty, also told the students he supports the teachers' strike in Los Angeles Sthools. "For 10 years they have tried lo negotiate with the board but the ad· ministrative control was so tight and rigid they never got anywhere. The educational 'situation in Los Angeles Schools is deplorable .'' Taking quest.ions from approximately 200 students and faculty members gathered ii• the Golden West "free speech arta," the 30-year old Ontarian alao told them education should be financed through corporate and stale income taxes rather than property taxes. Regarding busing, he said, "I support voluntary busing but am against man· dated programs." State . Assembly Jesse Unruh. a gubernatorial candidate who was t.o ap- pear at the same rally, canceled tus ·Speaking date Without reason . Summer Jobs Set For Poor Youths Summer employment possibilities for Y.Oung people from low income families in the Capistrano Unified School District are being explored by the Neighborhood Youth Corps. Students from -low-income ramiliu may contact a school -counselor lo obtain additional information. , To be eligible, a student must be from a home in which the annual income level is no more than $3 600 for a family of four. The ceiling . incteases ~for each additional family membe~. One busy day recalled by the Newport Beach youth occurred on the Indian Ocean be.tween Cocos Island and the Mauritius Jslan~. ''I was 18 hours out of Cocos when the main mast on my fi rst sloop broke," he recalled. ''The strong trade winds prevented me from turning back, so I set up a temporary jury rig made out of an. old awning and continued to Mauritius." Graham traveled 2.400 miles with the make-shift rig . He replaced his Hrsl .sloop "which had begun to leak bad ly" at St. Thomas in the Vlrgin ls~ands, and purchased !he 33-foot sloop in which he sailed . into the Long Beach Marina last week. He -nlet Patti, who was also traveling Capo, Bay CofCs' Vo ya ge Aimed At Unification A renewal of efrorta to nnify the Capistrano Bay area's four Chamber& of Commerce will have a glamorous selling tonight aboard the Nesco I on a voyage to vi ew the bay coa stline and sunset at sea. Leaders of the Capistrano Beach, Dana Point. San • Clemente and San Juan Capistrano Chambers will enjoy a bufet supper aboard ship in the Dana Harbor before departure. Robert Simley. a Capistraoo Beach Chamber director and host of the cruise, will welcome the Chamber officers aboard between 5 and 5:30 p.m. The Bay area's fou r Chambers of Commerce will have a glamorous setting tonight aboard the Nesco I on a voyage to view the bav coasUine and sunset at sea . Capistfano Chambers will enjoy a buffet party will end al sunset. San Clementean Bruce Winton, presi- dent of the San Juan Capistrano Chamber , said formation of area Chamber is a goal of many bay leaders. "We koow we-can accomplish mor~ for our· total e<>mmunily if we work together, yet maintain our separate Chamber identities for local promotion.·~ Simley will also host, to lunch tomor· row, dignitaries attending the dedication ceremonies of the Dana Marine Studies Institute :site. · · around Ute world, In the Fiji Islands in July Jll:f. They met agahi In Au.stralia and began_ to corrspond after that. They werl mJtried lil Durbin, South Africa in Janual'J..1968. The yoUlg couple 41pe.nt nine months In South Africa, touring the wild life compi>un~ via motor bike. "'Jt was kind of txcill"C sharing the road with rlllnbceroats and Ilona, 11 Patti re lated. They p8rted again that summer. Robin headed for South America aJJd Patti headed to Europe. Patti didn't sail with Robil\ }teca.use "he started alone and he .. wanted to finish the trip solo," abe Wife, Tots Dead said. They met apln 11 Surin1m, South America, for a month. '"'ThJt wu a month too Jong," Robin 1tated. "We ju.st sat around and rwtated for the entire time we were there." Graham and bis wife-have 10 definite plans after the Washington trip. The)' may go back to school, buy a diesel salvage rig, or go into oceaROgraphy. And how does the young couple plan to travel to Washington! "Probably b1 train,'' stated Robin. "We may want to travel arouod a bit before we a:et there." Deaths Tied to LSD Cult I Now Blamed on Beret MD IT. BRAGG, N.C. (AP) -A Green Beret captain who blamed the murder of hls pregnant wife and two young daugh. ters on hippie-like intruders has himself been charged with the crime. CaPt. Jeffrey R. MacDonald, 26, of Patchogue, N.Y., a doctor of preventive medicine at Ft. Bragg, was formally charged by Army investigators Friday with premedlta!ed murder of his family. , MacDonald earlier ~ad told the invest!· gators the fatal stabbings occurred when three men and a blonde wnman in hippie.- type garb entered his home in the pre. dawn hours of Feb. 17. }fe also was sta~ bed. MacDonald said he. heard the woman say, "Acid is groovy, kill the pl.gs," be- fore he passed out under their blows. The Army. in a terse statement, said murder charges against him "ould be re- ferred to an invesUgaling o!ficer who would review the evidence to determine whether a court-martial was warranted. An Army sp<>kesman s8id the proced· ure was comparable lo a preliminary hearing in civilian courts. He said the investigating officer would decide on a reCQmmendalion and forwa rd his deci- sion to MacDonald's commanders, who have the final authority lo convene a court-marlial . The doctor called a telephone operator the night of the killings and asked that police and an ambu~ance rush to his on- base aparlment. Military policemen found the bodies of Colette MacDonald, 26, and tllost of the coople's two children, Kimberly. 6, and Kristen Jean, 2. The officers &hid they saw the word "pig'' writltn in blood on the headboar.d. _ of the young couple's btd. The two girls were found dead In their separate bed· rooms. MacDonald was found on the bedroom noor beside his slain wi{e. He had Rtib wounds that included a punctured lung. MacDonald was described by?'"' 11' lawyers i s "utterly bewildered'' thl charges. Theaters Jarred . By Small Bombs NEW YORK (UPI) -Al least 17 per· sons were Injured -ten seriously enough to be hospitalized -when ~mall explosive devices went off almost s1mul· taneously Friday night at two Bronx mo- vie houses. Two devices. which police de.scribed as "concussion bombs", exploded at the Dale Theater al about 6:30 p.m. (PDTJ minutes later. another bomb of the same type exploded at the Loews Paradise Theater a few blocks away. No one was injured at the l..oe:W's bot of Uie 17 people injured at the Dale Thea· ter. IO required hospit.allzation. Police said those inJured were hit by flying bits of bomb casings. The devices were constructed of brass pipes filled with pawder. police said. OAIL Y PILOT Sltlf .... ""' ftlt"'91e HELD IN DEATHS OF KIN Grffn Beret MacDontld Havana Officials Thwart Hijackers NEW YORK !UP() -CUhan officials at Havana Airport thwarted efforta Fri· daf.' of an unl!;nmm number of hijacken to hy a British West Indian Airlines pas- senger jet to Africa. The hijackers divi:rted the Boeing 727 jet with 68 persons aboard to Havana on ll flight from Kingston, Jamaica, to Mi- ami , fben demanded it be Oown with the pa!sengers to Africa . Cuban airport of. ficials said tfle trip would be dangerous and refuSed to refuel the plane, a BWIA spokesman said. The passengers, who spend about seven hours aboard lhe jet at the airpart be- fore deplaning, were. put up in a llavana hotel. the spakesman said. He. said he believed the plane would be flown ID Mi· ami later today. "ThJs has bttn the prac· lice in past hijackings,'' he said. From Pagel SURFER ... Apolo,ies made In writing, Carroll's suspension was lifted, but it was still uncertain whether the Warld Surfing Championships would get under way on schedule. The competitors are In Australia until May 15, hoping for Bell's Bay combers to hit 15 feet. but Mrs. McClellan said Friday that five to Si'I feet WOUid suffice. She ooted that the roles were reversed last year, when Aussie surfer Nat Young was embroiled in a controvery over foul languge at the world championstllps held in Puerto Rico. "It's always somebody," she said. "they·re very competitive, high-strung kids." Carroll. formerly .ot Surfside, last year won the U.S. Surfing Championsh.lpa at Huntington Beach aod has held nearly every title bestowed In sur£dom. , Get Knotted Up For Mental Peace ~ Begi111ing May II, Mrs. Madeline Nelson will lie you up in kl'IOts and lead you to mental peace at the same Uroe. She is the new. Yoglnl -a sort or physical fitneu guru -who wUI ltacb an eight week yoga course at the Hun- tington Beach YMCA two days a week . A 10.year practitioner Of yoga. she will teach from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Mondays. and from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Thurscla)'I at the: YMCA. 17931 Beach Blvd .• Suite R. The course fee is $IS for Y merrrDera and $20 for non·members. "'You don't have to be •lim or partlcuJarly young to slarl the courat. '' said Mrs. Nelson. who claims ahe can h'im off the fat by teaching propu brtathing. Macco, rtal estate aubsldlary of Great Southwest f.Orpor111tio11, prod\1ced tf'ore than 9,000 1houiiing vnit. in 1969 and iubootlni f« 11,000 lhl1.7<1r. JOHN .NELSON (LE~T ), SYLVIA l'REJEAN, GREG HALL DEMONSTRATE YOGA Fram Left, •a Full Latus~ an'Ov1rtl11CI Squat and 'I Locust ~ "Age doesn't matter either. t have 1 70-year old woman in one of m1 classes and the JOUD&est Ls only three." • ( \ \ \ I I 1 ' I I II 4 DAii. Y 'llOT S.luNay, "'' 2, 1970 -Pu-I pit Sandl]I through Saturday Is Ou1stJaa Jl'amlly Week and a 1pecial mes.sage, "The Dimensions of the Family" will be given by Rev, Willis J. Loar, pastor of the Flnt llap&t a.reh or u .. tlllg!Ga Beac... It will also be Com- munion Sunday. Familie:s are urged to worship together on this day. Services are at 9:30 a.m. at Peek! Chapel, '7!01 Bolsa Ave ., W~inster and 11 :00 a.m . at the Huntington Beach Church, fith a n d Orange. On Sunday at 9 and 11 a.m., the Reverend Dr, Henry Gerhard, minister of the Clw.rcb of ReUgloul Science o1 ulna llea<h, 200&2 i... guna canyon Road, will speak on the subj!Ct "What is En- lightenment?" "The Will to Meaning" Is the tiUe of the sermon selected by Rev. DiProlio for his sennon at Cbri1t Cburcb by the s... 1100 w. Balboa Blvd., Htmilngton Beach: He will also tell a children's story during the service which is at 9:30 a.m. Dr. Orrin Moen, ad- ministrator or educaUon. in- tern a tional headquarters, United Church of Rellglous • Sdeact, Lot An11Ie1, wUI be the gue1t speaker Sunday at the 11 a.m. 5trvtee of llua.- tlllgtoa S..cla Ulllled t 'htu<h of ReUstoco Stleace. 420 Tenth St. Or. Moren's subject tor dlscuuion will be "Science of Mind in Yoqr Ute". Morning worship with Holy Communion is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. at ReliUTttthm Lutberaa C h a r c Ill , tall Hamilton Ave .. ResurTection Oturdt Is affiliated with the Lutheran Church in America. Art.bur R. Tingley, Pastor; will speak on: "U Anyone 'lbJ.nks He Is Regll.gious .•• ", "Bouquet for Mothers'' Is the theme for the Mother- Daugtller T~turoay af. temoon from to 4 p.m. at Gloria Del Lu an Cburcb, 33501 Stooehlll Drive, Dana Point. Mothers and daughters in the community are iilvited to attend this tea honoring mothers. Tickets are 50 cents per person, and may be pun:bued al the door. The sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated at the 10 a.m. worship service it Gloria Del L,a tberan Churcll, 33501 StonehUl Drive, Dana Point. FoJlowtng fellowship and coffee, classes tor all ages meet at 11: 10 a.m., with Pastor DonaJd Banllon leading the adults in a study of the Book cl Acts. An installaUoo servlce for Rev, Fred R. Morse will be held at Ceatral Bible Cburdl, 23rd and Orange Ave., Costa Mesa, Sunday at J p.m.. Dr. J. Vernon McGee, pastor of the Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles, and w.11-known Bible expositor, will be the guest speaker. The sermon subject for Sun- day at the Corona del rtfar (Ste PULPIT, Page 5) l'Vatlt>e Speclu Pastor Yoane Akudri, missionary to tbe Bang- ala tribe in the Congo, will speak in his native tongue about his mis. sionary work. The na- ~ive missionary worked with Pastor Miller of the Evangelical Free Church of HuntinRton Beach while in the Con- go. Elder' Dedleatn Elder David B. Haight, assistant to the Twelve Apostles and General Authority of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Sairits will dedicate a new build- ing a 333 Merrim~c \Vay, Costa Mesa, Sun- day at 1:30 P.·m. Prior to that be will address the Newport Beach Stake at 10 a m. I Life Reverence Eco"logy Theology Makes Big Gains NEW YORK (AP )-"Eartn Mother," the ancient mystery religions caller it. St. Rrapcis of Assisi ei:pressed mAn's Identity with nature io terms such as "Brother Ant" and 11Sirter Water." The late theologlan-miulonary Albert SChweitur summed up the same atUtude in the phrase, "reverence for Ufe." Sl>Ch recurring intimations of the lnt.errelation!hJp of all creaUon, great and small, and bllD'UllUty's stake In carin& for it, 11 moving to the forefront of theology today in Ule awakened anxiety about en- vlronmental abuse. "The earth is the Lord · s and the fullness thereof," said the Psalms, adding that so are the mountains, stars, seas, rivers and "every beast of the field. , .Uie cattle on a thousand tUlls .•. all the birds of the air. • .1nxl all that rooves in the field., ... • It is divine property that men occupy, not theirs, and not to be ravaged by their tenancy of it, rellglous scholars are empha!iziog in- creasingly. bolstering th e modem church accent on God's involvement in the material affairs of this world. "Eco-theology,'' it ha.s been called. a theology of ecology, of land, of c:ooservation, of er>- vironment. of nature, an "ecological ethics." A headline in the JesU:lt weekly, America. read: "Ecology -the new religlori'!" ' For "too long Christians have interpreted the Genesis {See ECOLOGY, P1a:e I) ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY c-.... ~I swur S~l 11 A..M. W.... M -,... lllll111te .,_ Wlllllll ,... ftir .... ....... .,.. .,_...,.,..,. ........... Mwllt•llwll .... " llllow« ... rwfflll rMr' W ...... 111 S•lf H ......... '-ti U•ltW 0..n;ti M RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 420T-'St•••• ..... IJ6-2121 .FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 6H HAMILTON, COSTA MU.A. •l:V. J. D. WAL.LACa Su11d•v Sc.hoof ••• , , • , • 9:45 Tr•l11i11g Union ••••••• , 5:00 MoMliflg Worsliip ••••• 11 ~00Ev,11i11g Wonhip • •••,. 6:00 W,d11.1d•v Pr•v•r M••thtt for •II •9•t ••• , , ••••••••• 7:JO ,.._ ~2·9111 N.,,.., Alwop A."'1.W• UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2212 S. L PA.USA.DIS IOAD SANTA ANA HllGHTS IUllDAY SCMOOt.. ·•-·········•······•····•··--f:'9' A.M. MO•NIMO wo•SMI.-•·•·•············-··•••·••·•···11 A.M. l!VINlllG WO•SHI.-•·················---•·--··· 1 .-.M. MIDWllEK S.f•VICI Wl!DNE5DAT 1:• .-.M. WllW.111 S. Ac-. l'fSM C'lltfdil ...._. JU..)t11 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH .,,..ldltlil•Y.t~ , ................. ,11 17411M ........ Y. I I FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH I Victoria & Placentia Ave. Costa MOia CHRISTIAN SCIENCE· CHURCHES llANCHD OP THI MOTHll CHDICH THI PlllST CHUICH OP CHllST, SCllNTllT IN IOSTON, MASSACHUlml "Everlasting Punishment" Sunday, May 3rd Costa Min-First Church of Christ, Scientist ' 2110 Men Verde Dr., C.... M .. .._. S•11d.., Scltool-•:15 A.M. CMrc:• s.ntu -11 A.M. 1-41"1 tto..., 2150 M .. ,_,. Dr. Huntington Beach-First Church of Chrl1t, Scientist 110 011 .. s-.., Sclloof -9:10 & 11 :DO c•mll-11 A.M. Senk• ....... IM-221 M9'• St, Newport Beach-Fint Church of Christ, Scientist lJOJ Ylo Udo Cll•rc.• I S111My Scltool-9:15 & 11 :00 IM4111111 IM•, JJ1,I ~ Ulle Newport Beach-Second Church of Christ, Scientist 3100 Pee.Ifie. YJew Dr .. c ........ M• Chrc• I S111dcry Scltool-10 A.M. hcicllitt loe111 -116J L Comt Hwy. lw. hM H..U.. Mbllmt M•r11l llf Worthi, 1:10 l 11 •1'1 ! Sul\Cl•y School • , • , • , •:10 •m Yo11th M••ling • , •••• lii :JO P'" .. ,,,. .. """' ............• , •.. ~. I , AU are cordially invited to attend the church services and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Rooms 1111111 kllMf ··········-···••• '·"" ,I, ·· Mienlfllt w.,.. ····---·'•:• &,Ill. ,,, T-.111 Gl'WU,. ••• ,.,, ••••• ,., ••• f '·'"' I Vftll'llB •••.••••••••••.•..•••••. 1 fl."'- • il'r•v•r Strflc.e ••••• •• 6:JO P"' E.,..,,.;llf S•rvic• •• , ••• 7:00 P"' ....., .............. ...-...c. NurSery Care Provided 14M771 14M341 c•nd Core Pr9Yidolcl AT A.LL SEIYICU 142·2421 ARST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Cloarc.h of th• D•ily Word 1 CENlTtAL NEWPORT UNITY •i BIBI£ CHURCH ISi~ ::=~~~~=Ion~ ~ ' • Huntington Beech tStnkH' Cl!~ •ulldlnt) Main & Adams Streets ' I Mo111i.nt Wot.hip ••• , • • • •• • • • 1 , ••••••••• t :JOl ll:OOA,M., li~I• Sc.hool , •••••• , 9:4S AM I Youth Gr•11p1 •••••. 6:00 PM •:45 A.M. Suricl•y Sc.hool tf n!m::,.u:,i'lod IO:OOA.M. Devotional S•rvic• ,) The Penon of Chti51 OFF ICE: :JOO w. Coe1! HIQll••Y· •••• Ii'" The PoWtt of tfte Holy Spirit Phc:IM: '*-5111 Ew•ning Wor1hip ••• , 7:00 PM I Simdl'f School 9 AM Hurwry car• Provldtd 11 111 1trvke1 I I liiomiflJ Woohip g and 10:30 Ml onic..: SJl.tsff 011I DIWllOn-W.WO DIAL·A·PRAYll-646.06Jt EV!'nln11 Service 1 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!/ wmnnc1 • ., Bible stud., CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE -' """'" ._.. M~ 0.rdl Ill U~llM Cllordl •t11t_,. Sc\t!ICt,, Lii ,.,..._ SUNDAY JlllVICa ., • lt AM M1ni11.,,,. Albe•! ll!ln.1, R.S.~.F. THI lllU. CLU• Cl' NIWl'OllT llEACM IU l•IMa llWI .. 111Dto• alld p,.~, 1 PM Nursery during 5f!lvicn A full Youth Program On. of Onngt ;11KI 23rd. St.. Cosl;i Meu. I Ullftff c•wc• ., I RELIGIOUS SCIENCE I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;~11420 10th St., Hunti119to11 l••\li Pho11• 516-2120 Adult I Yoirth s., .... 1c.••· 11 •.m. I l•f Ye•r Cl•11, Wed., 7:15 p.t11. PLEASE DON'T COME TO CALVARY CHAPEL DNHT PATI, MINISOI I COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • 611 HELIOTROPE Wol'llllp-10 A.M. Cllerc• Sckol-10 A.M. DI'. Plllll P G. Mu .... r, Mlnl•ltr Miu $hltlrf Sl!blol, D.c .e. 67:MOOO If you 1r• loolr:i11g for 111 el1bor•t• pro9r•1'I, or •od•t pr••fit•· luf ii Y•• •t• loolr:int for in.cl•plh l ib1• iludi•t, Chrhtl111 f,I. l•wthlp, •11d in1pi ri119 1pirit•d wo,.hip, you'll lov• 1111 To •c.com• I 111otl•t• our 9rowi119 church f•l'llly w• n11w "•"• two Sirml•y "'ol'?ling ••rvic.•1, 9:JO •IKI I l :00. Nun•rv c•r•. Corn•r of Gr••ll• •ill• l Su11flow•r. MARINERS CHURCH r.lpft Ml1iltw, Dr ....... O'NMI P'11ffll<I• •t T•lt•ot TMOIG!lluol $tmlM•Y· L• Mir.cl• Wortl'llP St,....k• .......................... 10 a.m. Sund•Y Scllool •.•. , .................. ., .... t t .ll). E.....,1119 Sffvl(1 ......... ,. .. ,, ......... 1 P.lft. 2200 l•t Cemt Hwr.. c., ........ M• THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You • ST. JAM.IS, 1209 YJ9 lklo, Newpert IHdi 7:JO •.in-Holy EK._..t ' 9:00 e.111-Mentl .. Prwyer 11t & Jnll s. .. Hety IKl!arilt 211d & 4tli S.... 9:00 e . ......C-.U kti..1 11 :00 O.M.-ftofy lecHrkt 1st & Jr.IS... Meral .. r,..,., JM l 4tli h11. ClllW C.. ot t :OO 0.111 . TM ln. Jolnl P • ....., II, lector ~ \V Tlte In. DnW A. CrMlp Allod ... bctor l'MIM: 671·0210 ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS - il'octflc. YW# Drlwe ot Morguerltl', CorOH HI Mar Selldoy: 1:00, t :JO oed 11 :Oo-clllld care 11t •:JD H•ly D9Y1 °' A1 .. 11KH All I-W•lc- lectOr, n. In. Jo•• lepn D..-11 -Pk• 644·046J ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. S.IMIOf'I 7:JO & •:30 Cll1rc• Scllool -9:JO 11i1rMar1: 6:10 & I 0 •. -.: Holy hp GI __ ... Yker, Delle'f.JoMW.D••• .. •-f'lloN 14Ml26 ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH HIMlll\PM l .. dl. C .. lfenli. T"-• ..,. ol-C. C.W,, l'UIW Sundey Services l :tt AM. Mllf' CM!--I:• A.M, f'llfnllY Sln'lct & Cllllrdl 1:tt P.M. IVlll-1 ScfMOls 1:• P.M. eplleejNll tl:tt A.M. M41Mllnt W.""111 TIWll a-m-Nun•rv Clrt l'l'O'l'llW 11~~~~~~~""""""=1 You are invited to the First Assembly of God Church 140 E. 22nd St., Costa Mei• 548-3761 • Morninv Glory , .. , 8:30 AM . , . , Rev. Gollnick Family Worship •... 10:50 Al\.f . , •• Pastor Cronic Subject: "Obedience or Pleasure" Revival Time . . . . . 7:00 P~t ..... Pastor Cronic Subject: "The Man That Wasn't There" Wednesday . . . . 7,30 PM .... Bible Study ... , Pastor Cronic Subject: "The Seven Churches of Revelation" GLAD TIDINGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 15TH & MONIOYIA, NEWPOIT II.A.CH 646-6620 O't Bite* Wnl M tlNw ""-'1•11 Tho"'•• lenv•nuti, '••for S•"' Mill•r, Mu1ic.•I Oir•c.fot •:45 A.M. -S.lldcrr Sclio.i-N•nery AtMdot 10:10 A..M.-"The hnil"f IUlli hporlMce ef M-" 7:00 P.M.-.. A S.CNd Teocll" Dr. hlMI k•n MIWl'OllT llACH CHllllTIAM ICHOOl. "lllt·SC~ & KIMDIEllGARrlN ALIO 5UMMI• IEHlllCNMINT l'ROOllAM Klll,,..,.rten 111r1 4111 Gr•ol• J11<11 22 llln,i Jply lhl ,,.... Cell: 5Jl-1tJO er 546°7166 \~lj} SABBATH SERVICES RELIGIOUS SCHOOL harbor reform temple ~;;;;~~~~14~s.2~1J~l~~~;;~~ .. ~·~·t~5~1~1~~;;;;~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I RABBtBERNARDP.KING .... ~ mtetiog;it St. James Episcopal Church a 3209 Via l ido, Newport Btach "'-h Day I f or lnform1tlon: C.11 675-7230 .... vent· =~~~~1~~~~~~~~~11 .JJartor C/iridlian Church 0, NrwPOIT IUCH-IDIKlpletl Mll'tt"f .... 1.ty H_,., ll••••l•t klMI' 4211. lflft St. c.... M ... Church School -9:30 A.M. Worship -10:4.1 A.M. H""*? C... .-iellM Phone: 675-3985 Minister: Dr. D. W. McElroy CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WILSON ST, COST A MESA llTWllN HAllOI ..; fA.flnlW SUNDAY MOANING. llllf ST\JDY ............... •i4S A.M. SUNDAY MOANING WOllSHlil' & COMMUNION •• 10:45 A.M. SUNDAY EVENING WOISHlil' ••••••••••• ••••••. 6r00 ,,M, WEDNESOA'( EVENING t lllE STUDY • • • • • • •• • •• • 7:10 11'1.M, MUllSllY' C.t.11 rtOYIDlD D-O. M~ D. •· Hlll'lt ,.,,.,., AlaMI ... Ml1htw ""-' 54J.5711 D•v or Night ) Adventist Church .,,.,.M•Tto• 271 AftHH St,, C"'9 M.. LUTHIUN CHURCH Jeflll ~-•-. "••!tr I • ..,. ••Y' A. ChllM """'; .....,,. SVIMI.., Sc,..._,,. A.M. M-lllf ..,,......,.,. a 11 A.M. hWMttt lci...I •,,, 9:Jt AM L•t. 5wvk-WW., 11• ,.M. M.,.,.. WenM, •• 11 :00 AM ll~='="="=M=-=="=' :_:<,_C::::w=::!ll PTo,« M.ttl.. Wecf .. 7:JO PM FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH •04t T .. btrt ""· IT ...... & M .... llel, FOUNTAIN YALLIY UN IFIED SERVICE· SuM•y School •:JO -WOllSHlil' • IO:JO Wonllip I Yo11tll &roupt -6:]0 p.1'1. H11"'..., ,,...,....,, •I •" ~ A CO!Tlf'l\ll'll!y ~-. Vltl!Or'I "" AwtYI w.ic:o- EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH .. ''•"•ti• .... tttJ ..... .... 116-7911 11 .... AJPf1ill L. MlrlM', """' •1• A.M, -S...., kM11 -All ...... l h• A..M, -MMlllllll ~. ,.M. -., ...... ,..,. ,,. ,. ... -, ... ...,. same. 1 '.M. ..... •IMI .,...,. ( HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wilson, Costa Mesa Y. L HllTWICI, POiter 14M7M llO!lll•T •• SllTl9 Mllll1lwtf ....... C.l•L .,,.,...,. Mlnlll., iM M1tt11 SUNDAY SERVICES 10:10 A.M.-"I PNJ Net" s.r'"'" bv '••+or 7:00 P.M.-"Th• G-4 111ctt AM•M ., flN" Ser111on by Pallor COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL l"..sc:Mol -kllld .... ,,_ -llllMlll•ry -Cllll• C•,. * TEMPLE SHARON All J•wl1li f•111AJ" ,,. l11wlfM to Jol11 n !11 tr11ly m•enln9ful MllATH MNIN• SDYICH NIDAT ot 1:11 P.M. Splrtt..I ~ -.............. ...... '46·1152 T11'lpl• Sli•r•R Choi, -011•9 Sh•~•t 141·14J1 • NEWPORT HARBOR 1! LUTHERAN CHURCH 2501 Cliff Dr. lJ 8-4293 I Tiie In.,,_ G ..... P•ot l"I,,' Th .......... td .,.,,., "•I 'ml Petor F•111llr Wontllp t :DD 1'0 10:31 1.m. li Sul!ISIY sctioDI ':'° to IO::IO •.rn. I Wor'llllp 5ank• ll:DD to ll:DD Nursery care available at all services WELCOME LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER 2900 Pacific View Dr. Corona del Mar DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Mrs. w.i .. Cll•••rilht P.-fdi Worift' Phone 644-7664 •:OO A.M, Fa.fly w.m.rp 1D:OOA.M. S.llffrCMrc.11 ...... 11 :00 A.M. hstfft WonMp Nllf'MIY Prft'IMd CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Mi1to11ri Synod 760 Ylctorfo St., CCKte Men Lothor Y. Toniow, Pmtor 541°5404 Wortll!D St,....k;u; l :U & ti A.M. Sundty ~1: 9:30 A.M. Aoutt !l lbl• c1111: t :1' ~ CHRISTIAN lllMINTAlY SCHOOL 5414166 PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Mncr Verde Drift & Wer Street, Coste MtH. Calif, ANOltf\¥ C, ANOEllSON, Pulor Sund•Y $Choo!:. J:OD, t :JO •nd II :CIO-Mornlnt Wonhlp: t :OO, 9:30 •l!CI ll:ot il'r inc.• of '••c.• l utli•r•11 Sc.hool -Mi11 E1th•r 0110", PriMfp•I Offic• Pho ne: 549-052 1 Sc.hool Pho11•: 549-0562 . ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH 18182 Culver Dr ive University Park, Irvine In. HlrMrt N. Nien9be S••dor School-9:15 A.M. FCl1111ly W•rtlilp 10:JO A.M. IJJ·1211 N1rwry Co,_ 1Jl.J246 . A Cordie! Welcomo from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l•lbo• hl1nd THI UNITID COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH llSA91t• 675 ·0950 9:10 ind I I :Ob •.rn. Tr•dition•I Worihi p I Su11d•v Sc.hool Coit• M•1• FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19111 St. I H•rbor Blwd. Cfturc.h Wonhip -9:10 I 11 Church School -9:l0 541-7727 Cott• M•t• Nortti MESA VEROE METHOOIST CHURCH M•t• V,rd• & l•~•r St. 549-2719 Wo.,,htp I Chirrch School 9:00 I 10:]0 A.M. Hunli"gto" l••ch FIRST UNITEO METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St. liil 6-l5l7 S..,vic.•1 ....... 9 :JO I I I A.M. Nur••IY thr11 l11d t r•dt • I I Churc.h Sc.hool -9:1 0 A.M. Hunfin9to11 l1•ch -North COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6662 H•il Ave. 842-4461 Wo r1hip & Ch urch School 9 & 10 :30 A.M. lrvi"' -Ea1! Bluff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH 83l ·llll t 142 2 Culver Road •t Un iveriily Drive Wonhip & Church School 9 I 10:]0 A.M. La9 un• l••c.h LAGUNA BEACH METHODIST CHURCH 21612 W•1l•y Drive in So. l19un• Wonhip t I A.M. Chirrch School 9:30 A.M, 499.1011 N•wport •••ch CHRIST CHURCH BY · THE SEA 1400 W. 81lbo1 Blvd, 67 J.]805 Worship-9:10 A.M. Cllurch Sc.hool- 9:30 & 11 A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas ~~~~~~--~~~~~, Christ Church Presbyterian 20112 Mopoffe IN•r Ad-I Hntl ..... hecll Irr. DNOld L ......... httM S...,. W ...... : 9:JI A.M. Cll.O kllMt: 10:41 A..M. Offlu: 2011 Z M .... 11. St. ,. ... : 961-4940 Church of the Covenant 2110 sr.rmew l...t, Cllt9 Mn• l ruc• A. Kurde, P•1lor s....,w.n111,: 9:30 & 11 -Chllfdl Sch..a: 9:Jo "'°"': S45°4J04 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 600 St. A.11,,._. lood, N•wport lffclil CHA.IL.IS HllllllT DllalNPllLD, PIJTOI W.,...,, & Chfdi SdtHI: I, 91JO & 11 A.M. 644-7147 St. Mark ~resbyterian Church C.rMt' Jnt•otM & lfottltlllff Dl1,._, C...11• .... M• JOIMI ..... llrl, P81tot won'i, • Clitirc• kfloel -'I I D:Ja A.M. '44-1J41 Attend the Church of Your Choice on Sunday .. ------------------------------------------------·--·· \ Saturdu . M1y 2. 1970 DAILY PILOT I" r.s-----=-="'"'"-""-=":r'"I!.-:.,·· c::--. r------,::..--------Your Boreseope Pulpit and Pew' •• MUM Scorpio: Heed Spiritunl Counsel ~Coolinued i''rom Pace f.) Cooir"gatJ011al, 611 lleUolrop Ave., will be entitled "The God Who Makes Us 11nd the iodl We Makt," To be presented by Dr. Philip G. 1t1urray . Worship is at 10 a.m. with child~are provided. On Sw1day. May 3, at Com· munlty United l'ilctbodl~t Church, 6662 Heil Ave., llun· tlnglon Bl'!ach. an All.Church Festival will be ltlking place. The community is invited to share in this festival. The morning "'orship will be a service of celebration on the theme "Happiness I! ... " The church school classes will participate in !lie services a~ both the 9 and 10:30 a.in. hour. Lutheran Church Of The , l'i1aster. 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona del fo.1ar offers !11•0 hours of worship at 9 and l I a.m. The Lord's Supper will be offered this Sunday, ihc Senior High officers will be installed at 9 a.m . Dr . Wn1 . R. Eller y,•jl] deliver th e mcs!age "A Relationship Of llope". Pathways to God is lh e sermoo topic <Jf the Rev. Norman L. Brown on Sunday at the Plymouth Congre1•· tH>nal Church of Newport ,.. Harbor, 3262 Broad Street, Newport Beach, at IO . a.m. worship service. Ladd Thomas, c o n c e r t (lrganisl. "'iii present a Dedication Recit.al, Sunday, at 4 p.m. on the new 83 rank Schlicker Pipe Organ in the s:inctuary of the First Bapllst Chutth of Santa Ana . This .... -nt be the fourth and con- cludin~ program in the series or· dedication events for the Memorial Organ donated by ~rs. John Jay Hopkins. The church is located at 1010 West 17th Street, Santa Ana. From T.V. to Bibles is one of the latest turns in the varied career of Mary Dorr, noted West Coast television and radio personality who will speak at the Community Prelbyterlu Church, 4 1 5 Forest Ave., Laguna Beach ""· ':":ednesday, in Fellowship }fall, follo\\1ing dinner at 6:30 p.m. >Uetier Cbriatian Education wlll be the emPtiasls o( lhe sermon by Dr. Roy R. a ulloclt of Chapman College, who will be the pulpit guest at Harbor Cbrl1tlan Church (Disciples of Christl. The members of the congregation meet each Sun- day at Harper Elementary School, 425 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. Worship is at 10:45. Dr. D. \V. McE\roy is the minister. On Friday evening at 8: 15 In St. James Ep isco pal Church, ;r.!09 Via Lido, Harbor lteform Temple will hold its regular Sabbath services. This service will be in the form of the popular study se rvice in \\'hich an import anl theme is discussed by the Rabbi and cnngregrants. Holy Communion will be celebrated at both the 8: 15 and 11 a.m. services on Sun- day al Chrltt Lutheran Church, 760 Victoria, Costa Mesa. The Rev , Lothar Tornow .,..;11 bring a message on the theme, "Love and Pray," at both services. The Rev. Andrew C . Anderson , Pastor of Prince tif Peace Lutheran Church, ~a Mesa, and Mr. Paul Gordon, lay delegate. will represent their congregation at the Tenth Annual Corr venlion of the South Pacific District of The Ameriacn Lutheran Church, May 5·8, at the (;onvention C e n t e r , Fresno. J • the Otvioe Episcopal Church, 2643 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. Tht 1 ~t~ Verde Unlled Melb.MIU Church. 1701 Baker. Street. Costa Mesa, will have two Sunday morning Worslllp Se rvices at 9 and 10:30 a.m. Rev. Pti ul C. Bitsemeyer h11.s selected as his sermon topic "When You Want To Be Somebody". Clive \Yilllams, associate or the r arly founders of the Church of the Nazarene and fontl('r pastar d the Co1ta ~1eu Church of Ute Naiarene, wW ,return as pastor to the church on May 10. JUR'i ROOM \ • • SUNDAY MAY 3 By SYDNEY O!IARR Tbt Placet woman cea take almost anythlaJ etoept not being told lhe truth. She can 11ee tbroua:b falsehood, and some refer io her 11 i human lie detector. Arnone famous 'wome. bol'll under this sign are. Anals Nin, Elhabetlt Taylor a.ad Cyd Charisse. ARIES (March 21-April 19): loose ends. GEMINI (May 21.June 2tl): Emphasis is on fulfillnlent of desltts. New approach ls re. quired. Obtain · hint from Taurus mesiage. F,.ntertainlng special people will require c;roulivc th_ought. Keynote is pleasure through good work. CANCER (Jun< II.July 221: Be rectpUve. Make con- cessions to persons who really care for you. Especially good !or entertainlne thDse In posi· tiw or authority. dl!play your special abUities. There is room at the t.Op. • LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Or. Charles H. Dierenfield, "f~. pest.or of St. Andrew '• l Prt1bytt:rian Church. 600 St • 1 11 Andrew's Road . Newport Beach, will preacfl a sennon L..:':...11,;.i~ ______________ ,;:;,;: Cycle high; take irUUatlve. UUliz.e assets In Meaningful manner. Thls is no day to hold back; let go with haymakers. Older Individual r is willing to give you ad· dltlonal responsibility. TAURUS (April 2G-May 20): Good lunar aspect today coin- cides with journey•, added knowledge, the opening of door• previously closed to you. Splrlfual resurgence also in· dicatecl. You become aware, vital and alive. entitltd "A Matter of Priorities' at the 8, 9:30 Bnd ll <i.m. services or the church.~--------------------~ Accent on how you prepare, plan for special occasion. Much attention will be ctn- tered on your errort.s. Get Aries individual to be your VIRGO (Aug. ~pt. 22): ~1oney which is not your own has direct effect on activities. F11ln•itw 8 a p t ft1 t Churcb, Fairview and Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, will hold woiShip serv:ces. at 10:15 a.m . Sunday. The1 sermoo by Rev. Mel Taylor l\'111 be '"Jesus and the Expert Theologian ". A special Sunday night service is being planned by the ,vouth of Christ United Presbyterian Church, 20112 Magnolia St.,H u nti n gt on Beach . The program btgins with a potluck supper at 6 p.m. followed by a dialog with six teenagers. Mrs. Don Wallace Austin, veteran Sul'lday S c h o o I teacher, will be lhe guest speaker at the Wamer A\•enue Baptist Cb11tth \V o m e n ' s Missionary Society Mother· Daughter Banquet Friday at 6:30 p.m. in the Villa Sweden, Huntingion Beach. For further information call Jud y Gray at ~39. The importance of guarding thcllght against the influence of' evil will be stressed in the lesson sennon at all Chris· tlan Science Churches Sunday. Churches and service times are : First Church ol Christ, Scientist. 2880 Mesa Verde Drive, Costa. Mesa, 11 a.m.; Fim aiurch of Christ, Sc:ien· tist, '303 Via Lido, Newport Beach. 9: 15 and 11 a.m. and Second Church of Christ, Scientistt.. 3100 Paciric View Drive. t;orona del Mar, 10 a.m. Holy communion will be celebrated at the 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. services ol the St. Michael's and All Angels' Episcopal Church, 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. The sermon, "'The Christians and Creation" will be given by the rec\Qr, Rev. John Rogers Davis. Confirmation will be held 'nlursday at 7:30 p.m. Sunday ·11trvices -of the Newport Unity Churth will be held at 10 a.m. in the Senior Citizens Building. 15th and Irvine, Newport Beach. Rev Loren Dale Flickinger will ~peak. on "The Subtle Sense Co nsciousne ss '', A Singspiralion \V iii be held Wednesday al 7 ~30 p.nl. Morning worship will be held at the Finl Bapt11t Ch urch and Day School, 301 Magnolia St., Costa Mesa, at II a.m. The sermon topic of Pastor P. G. Neumann will be "There's Room at the CT'03s,,.for You". At the 7 p.m. se;:.vfc~, hi! topic \\'ill be "How to be Free From the Clutches or Sinful Nah:re", 'lnstitutio11al' Church Facing V ~ied Attacl{s By LOUIS CASSELS U,l llELIGION WlllTER Tliere was a time, not so long ago, when the church \Va.s in alm°'t unlversaJ favor. Even thos.e. who ,did 11't _at- tend felt constrained to put in a good word for it. Today, the situation is reversed. The "institutional church," as it usually is designated by its detractors, ls under attack from all sides. Even those who continue to serve and su pport it feel called upon to apologize (or it. This reversal of fortunes can be attributed in part to the propensity of Ameri cans for being governed by fad s, in what they think as well as in what they wear, eat a~d read. It is fashionable currently to scorn institutions. part~c­ ularly institution~ such as the church and the un iversity "1hich previously enJ Oyed gee.at prestige. P.toreover, the church is, at any season, ~n eas~ target for criticism. There always and inevitably 1!> a wide gap between the performance of human beings who compr!se congregalions and 1he Christian ideal of selfless love which the church espouses. But to acknowledge that the church has many shortcom· ings is not the same as saying that it is ~ ~vii or ex.pend· able institution, as some of its harsher critics seem to be suggesting these days. The most savage attacks on the ~hurch see_m. to com~ from people who profess to gtand wi~hi~ the Chrat1an trad1· tion and to judge the church by Christian :standards. To such persons, U not to outsiders, it shoul~ be. g~r­ mane to note that the church is not a human invention which men may feel Cree to dismantle at will. It is a fellow- shi p called into being by Jes~s ~st_ himself, and the Ne~ Teslament clearly indicates 1t IS an integral part o( God S continuing effort to achieve reconciliation with an alienat.l'd . world. Tbe New Tutament employ s some. 30 different Images, or figu:rea or speec.b, In attempting to defiile the role and significB.nce of the churCh. The most meaningful for our lime. perhap~. is Sl. Paul's metaphor of the church as "the body of chrisL" Paul meant, the context makes clear, that the church Is a physical extension in time and space of the resurrectect Christ. It is the "body" -the hands, feet. eyes, ears and brains -through which the work or Christ is supposed to be done in the world. The church. being cnmposed or sinful and fallible hu· man person s, fre<1uently fail s, and sometimes fails spectac· ularly, to live up to thii high call ing. But whenever it does, the spirit of christ finds ways to rebuke, reform and renew its wayward body. Obviously the church is now going through a period In which it is being confronted vo'itb its ~urts and called back to its true mission. It is not the first such period or course-correction , and It probably won't be the la st. It wlll be a traumatic experience for members of the body -it always is. But those who predict its demise are ignoring the testi· mon~ of 2.000 years or hi story as well as the Bible 's firm promise that the church will endure, because it belongs nol to men but to Goel. Relevant Church Series Set at Chapman College ally. Finish project. Tit up Cl1u1•el1 Polities Religion in, Poiver Struggle .. Although few clerics or pro- fessional churchmen wlll ad· mil it publicly, the church is very much a polilical in-- stitution, From the smallest con- gregations to the largest Ecumenical institutions, that essential political ingredient - the struggle 'for power -is alive and kicking . But most clergy and laity still consider Uie fine art of wheeling and dealing out of place in the church. "Candidates should b e evaluated on the basis of the record each has w r i l t e n through his previous work," Schiotz said. What Brldston's c111didacy means for t h e 2.5 milllon member American Lutheran Church or for other church bodies is slill unclear. ECOLOGY ... In an effort to clear away (Continued from Page 4) lhl.s "religious mystique," a theology professor within the command to e'x'erclse domi· American Luthe ran Church nlon over the earth as a man- has taken the unprecedented date to conquer and exploit step of declaring hi s can-nature ," says Dr. Richard A. didacy fo r the nation a I Baer Jr., a New Testament p;eaidency of his denomina· scholar of Earlham College, tion. Richmond , Ind., now serving "The time has come," Dr. on a new Environmental Keith Bridston said, "for the Stewardship Team of t.he Na.- church to conduct It! polltical tional Council ol Churches. affairs in an open and honest He adds that the utiUtarlan a way as possible." attitude, coupled with modem Bridston, 46, is a professor technological capabilities and a t Pacific Lutheran America's cons tant urge to 'l'heological Seminary i n boost industrial produ cllon, Berkeley, Calif., and the threaten the survival of life aulhor ·of a new book : on the planet. "Church Politics." "Failure to fulfill our obliga- 'ln this book, Bridston main· tioRS as faithful trustees of tains that clergy and laymen creation will inevitably bring engage in polilics but refuse God's judgment upon us," he to admJt it. And because such behavior is considered out of sayll. place "the poUUcs nectssary The Rev. Or. Joseph Sittler, for organizing promoting and of the University of Chicago developing the life of the Divinity School. who has Jong church creates deep miiJt feel· stressed the unity of the divine. e~ with the . material cosmos, ings," he says. Bridston considers himself says the present de.spoiling of land , air aTKI water not only in his own political venture is idiotic, "it is bluphemous." a "dark horse." He ha& invited others tG declare the l r "We have fashioned a socle- availabillly for the top office ty and Industrial order at a and to speak out on issues cost and tht: bill Is now due confronting the church. and payable," he says. Bridstcm's candidacy is Some of the experts ma in- being welcomed i~ other tafn th at efforts to stop pollu· quarters as anoth~ step in lion and protect nature are opening up chun;_h politics. only !lop-gap holding action~, The ecumenical w e e k 1 y and that the only real solution magazine, •'The Christian lies in curbillg the population Century," commenting on explosion , and decelerating Bridston'1 move, said "There Western emphasis on ever are-aome s.igns lha1 the. {og greater production and con· or phoniness is be.ginning to aumptlon. lift a btt. 'Ille emergence af More than 800 churchmen minority cauCtJses -black, are expected to participate in female, youth and others -a major interdenomJnational has helped to clear the air conference Oct. lS..18 in and to e1poee the reallUes Washin gton on the topic, under of power and priorities in the titlte, "Human Survival church governance." and Quality or Life." Most Christian denomina• Some .scholars have claimed tions do elect their leaders that the problem stems partly ~-. 1 1 d but candidates rerrain rrom f-m dualistic ·Influences in '"" commuruty s nvitc is head or t~ Department 00 • ..i .. ht Jobbyl•g for the ......... ~. "' I rt! · · · of Soc' I d p f I ... 16 ...,;o.., Christianity. &eparati.ng spirit o pa cipate m a series on 10 ogy an ro essor o There is still widespread belier "The Relevant Chur ch" cur-Sociology and Anthropoloi)' at that "the office seeks the from nature., and from con-Chapm ceptions of God as utterly renlly underway Tues d a y an. man" and many fee.I that the tran••endant spirit. The May 12 meeting will t p · f I 111· -evenings at Chapman Colleoc, I ra pings 0 seQl ar JlO ics However, theologians pain! " eature The Rev. John Cof· -speeches, planks and but-333 N. Glassel!. rlel<l, pastor of Our Lady of tons _ would be 1 mixed out that the P&alms, prophets Mate or partner Sa involved In queallon coocernlni In· vtslmtnt. Be thorough : check apparent minor matters. have had a pod ride. NoW, begin headJo8 ltJQtd l>aaio goals. l o tlrod out wllo'• lwck¥ for ¥'1!111 IJBRA (•• 23 Qc ..., 1n _.,. •Ml ...,,., OJcltf '"~ .x:pt. • t. "" : Om••r'• boakltt, .. s.t:ret Hll'llJ ..,, Btst to permit one close to :.:S" //'",e::ni-;·N~s~f .t:~ You. to bask In spotlight. You Stcrtll, lt!I DAILV ILO, eov '24 Gfllld Ct"lr1I l!tl H... YO<'ko can cemenl relationships by1..:".::·..:v·..:'=~.::":..· ------- doing plenty of listening. Stress on legal t l e 1 , partnerships and marriage. SCORPIO fOct. 23·Nov. 21): You are able to reestebllsh contact with one who shares your interests. Fine for rtu· nlon. G~ far shop talk In relaied atmoephere. H e e d spiritual counsel. SAGmARIUS (No,, 22- Dec. 21): Keep parmtsea to children. You can create aura of love ir you make special effort. Evening favors re.crea· tJon which enables you to relax -phyalcally ·and mentally. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Stick close to home base. If practical. Factors previous- ly hidden are revealed. Deal firmly with .me who would threaten security. AQUAR!US (Ja n. 20-Feb. JS): Get together with relative who feels neglected. Short journey, act of consider a lion pays dividends. Finish what you start. Obtain valid hint from Sagittarius message. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20 )' You can find something of value while browsing. Give yourself time to catch up on hobby, spec I a I collection. Adhere to principles. Seek quality-odds are you will receive it. IF TODAV IS 'YOUR BIRntDAY you must be1tin to outline work program. The fun, speculation and ron1ance f CJkre'sa · &ohr/ul JlitPf!etJ111i' &di~ ~~ r:Mir:/ 7tlt! fl> 'We ... j>ldel ID t ~tbo-1111 oE oat DeW'..., 19<1>""' Hadioc !hi. cSinc!air Paints 'Wal/!,;ngr S...iDB tllf Sollh r.- <XJOlnn!•lriel Uh lllo fin<o<itlboaie &sxadag fDhm. -m•> 6'2-9972 Men"s aind Women's HONG KONG CUSTOM MADE CLOTHES ~---~M;_AOE TO YOUR MEASUREMENT Suits • .. .............. _._ from $48.00 SAYE $100 port Coalo ............... -from $32.00 " Custom-Made Shirt. from $ 3.50 $200 l •cl••I'• w.rkmllllflll U.I. Cu11tm1 OulY Jiff l'"I ...... Gu•r•nl• 4 1111 6 W..U DethttrY Brlll•ll Wool«11, Siik Moh1lr1, Tr°"lc1I ~alm lletdl -All Ytlf 'Rovnd -Mlny M0t1, lllC.ludllfll -tn'1 b4fded twtltl!'t, d,.. .. ... ~"" 1u!i., l'Ytfl111g big• Ind 0Hiw1, J,000 l•MPI .. to Ol9oM Fritrtl, All Lalett (ollttl -Any Stvlt ol YCKlr Chokl. 111 Nowpert IMctl 1 hp Oily ••• Moy 1-4. C.tl Mr. Pit.r M~l, •71•1700, NewP1rter Ith!, 1107 ,,_..,.. ... Writ.: Met-rr ef tM l•r, 1 ... 1171 lf'M4_.,, h.,_ 1101, N,Y',. N.Y'. WANTED! Men And Women With A Dfllre To Be On Television. ARE YOU OVER 21? CAN YOU TAKE DIRECTIONS? Taki 1 Productlont, Inc., It Proud To AnnoUllce The Opening Of Our New HOLLYWOOD TALENT POOL for ADULTS TO AUDITION ON.CAMERA CALL 714-547·6251 TAKE ·"l" PRODUCTIONS, INC. HOLL YWOOO, CALIF. P.lt, Compny M .... "'°huloMI COflhKtl fM Now•"*9 COSTA MESA GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB ALL FACILITIES OPEN TO PUBLIC Now A,,..,111 VIC GARCIA L TO; Voc•I• By GERMAINE INTlltTAINMINT e DANCINQ. Tli1rs., •rt., S.t. t p.111. te 1 ::10 •·"· I __ ,._ ----... • St. Andrew1s Sets Concert n'rt of a ro• J G d I I h Tu 1· h and many other Scriptures I" "u ar course ua a upe pars . & In, w 0 blessing tor church elections. N s . D' ln Sociology of Reli~ion con· wlll speak on "The Church Or. Fredrik Schlotr., retiring emphasiz God's close affinity OW 8rY1nl Inner d I d b P I S Del d " F h with nature, as does his In· uc r y au . p, an Social Change. al er president of the ALC, •"'d ' t 10 -.. s.t A 1 •• s d · 1~ r r Colli 1 ... carnation in the nesh through '-1 P·•· -,.,.,,., "'" · t :,)\/ p.m.. un ay C\t'n· as~oc1:i "" pro e s s o r o e d is active in socia l lhat basing consideration or Pho•• •••7- ' ~ • Fir1t Chri&llan Church, 792 Victoria, Costa Mesa. will observe Natiooal Family Week M Sunday, !he minister, Jan1es E. Piercy, will speak on the subject, "Whal the Bi- ble Says about the Christian llome" during both of the morning worship houra. 8:30 and 10:40 a.m. His message riurlng the Vesper Hour Is "\Vh1U Love ls". 3 · hi II 11 h'I ph ,.. · ._ __ · Jesus. And Paul, in Romans ~ .-..... l·n· "ay tn Fellows p n P 1 o~o y,uie sessions are causes such as O""' 1rvus1ng. a cand1'da•· on h'· pl8tform H"" ....... •-· H•••· M-,._ ~•-, •,. • at·S~~· Andrew's Presbyterian hl'fd from 7 to IO p.m. in labor unioru and tl;'problt!ms night obsc';e his ~tber qua}. ;::~8,~so~w~sa~l~'~'l~io~n~a~s~ln:':01:':1n:g~~g~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~··~~~~~~~~~ Church, 6(l!J" St. Andre..,·s \Vllklnson Hall, Room 122. confronting migrant workers. ities. the whole creaUon. Lane, Newport Beach, the Scheduled for the May 5ilriiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiioiiiiii;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;iiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii0i Bible Thoughtir combined Sanctuary and session ls Or. DcsmoDd Bit- Westminster choirs w 111 Unger who will discuss the zesent a gpring con<:ert relationship of \Vorld religions Ueaturlng a contemporary to social change, using as a SALVATION: God PLANNED Ch,lttl•" ·-rk ol a ~odualo of " e theme his p e r s o n a l ex-~v 11• Lll 1•l.,,.t;o11 I EFOltf h• c'••f•ll th• f•,fhl University of S o u t h t r n periences during a n in-Califomla. t er n a tional, interrellgious Eph. I :l . .f, I '•'· 1 :1t.20, litut 1 :2. Go::M · • .,...,ce convention held last cr••l•d •II thin'' for Hi1 pl•••u••, 11,.,,, "The Day of Re1urrcct1on ' r-ls an Easter cantata for yt!ar in India. Or. Bittinger ):l I fKln9 J.1. l lltlt). Thi1 It l061CAL: -•-· b I nd th at one weuld cre•I• 9ood th in91 fer hit Gul"·rs and vocal llC-"llU•uS, rass, percusson a co mp;imtnt wlll be used at inc.ludes areas where the con-Gloomy Gus Is OWN pl1••u''· G.,.. 1:ll. a s~lal celebration of the 1regaUon actually becomes in· God "'"'' i"tendecl ANY cr11tu'• I• Di· lloly Comm union ~crvice, Sun· volvtd in the concert prt!Jen-Your Kinda Guy com• EV!L. but h• t••• hit cr••lurt1 thl1 CHOICE. H•w •'•• tatlon. d<1y <ii 7 p.m. at St. W\Urld'1 l~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili;;;9;~~ri~F~=====,011 tould God h•w1 PLEASURE 111 th• OIEDI ENCE of hit cr••tur•• ~:pl~copal Church, Ch a pc lj . ~ lf'{ t;f OfSOIEDIENCE w1r1 IMPOSSIBLEl t S1l•n •11111 t 1rlal11 •11· l.ane et Ellis Ave., Huntington 111!1 b1t1m1 EVIL 1nd clitobeyid '" H1•~1n, r1b1IU"9 •••Intl • n,ach. Sunday is Rot;ation God. lt1w, 12:7·t , Ju d• 6. Sunday when St. Wilfrid's will flein I p dt pray a blessing on UJe fields a·-orin Q Goel KNEW r1b1Uion would 11~1 'pl•t• •mo119 mtn. Hit tr••· and on the sowing. Al 11 :30 Vl.11 lu rtt on Etrlh ltlnc• lh1y w•r• fltEE to rt b11l , Henc•, H1 a.m. !ht Flowe1'fn« of the pl1nt11d in •cl•111c1 • Chrlttl •n w•y of ••lw•lio111 H • .,,, yeu c ross wll\ be done by children Tht So111b/aP1d,s Afost Bt1111ti/ul l11rntd ef Gocl'1 pl111n•ll w•y of ••'••lio117 ;., • .,.11 • ,.,t under the dirtcUon of Bill Mtmoriah of H7 Wr!I• or pho111 fo , FltEE ltookl1t ftllltt ef $ocl'1 ••Y Hewett, Church School Super. MAUIOU\IM • COlU/llJAllU"4 • CtMltll'f of Jl •l lion. Ch~rth ef Chri 1t, 217 W, Wi11ow St., Coit• M111 , inlendenl. C1lff. t2627, Phone S .. l .$711, VISIT 111 111d 1t114y WI• llbl1, lioly (;ommunion will be by tJw l\.C, Q t e Tu1td1yt 10100 A.M., W1ll1111d1y1 7:3 0' P.M. Al l AltE Wf l · P er Annum- Paid Quarterly 0. $l0,000, -ye1r, Fvl P•id i....f. -1 ThrKt Cem!Kot.., wt.oo hold to ... lorify. ,_ .. "'• ..... g.,. , ... , .. ,oe: . CALIFORNIA. 2'HIUl7.~~ 470 ..-... s ....... -'•'-...... 721 St•tw Str-M4 -Stlllf• l•rtt.r. JG41 s.-..;.,, lt...t -0...'4 21tl4 Sdt.eflbo,,. -c.,..., Perl 6111 WUehlre.JI.,,;. -lo• A1191! .. 170 blf 11tlll Str..t-c..+.. ..._. sbdtuedl rn ~ES f h WORLD God'1 word wit~"'· Sulld1yt. 9·45 A.M .. 10141 A.M., •100 P.M. C!!lebrated at both the 7:30 and ....... ..;;-:.:__ o .. '•frho•111 Ar•nu. COME i f 1119 TY Ch•i...r t, l•d1p. 71JO A.M. 1:30 a.m. services at St. Jobo ~•ttw• .. 5-tt Ano tnf Orttt,. •:..--------------------"' ~================================= ' I • . • • • • \ .. .. -. .. ~ ' . •• . 'ii . -THE B1 SP/I DENNIS M. OOl>GE Feeling ia Vietnam b that most backtlomtts, inchldlng I a w m a k e r s , neither understand nor accept the truth that the conruct in Vietnam ls war. The bulk or America considers Southeast As1' with coofusioa aod contempt. A soldier retU{ftlng home Crom Vletnam finds that people can't point out the country °" a map, can't guess the weekly casualtles there, can't figure out who tbe enemy Is. can't understand what It's all about. except that they guess ~Sit:*"fi"'J¥ft"'4 f' +JllCI@; ........ '*""" 4 fQ T>L s; 4()0 m se"'-"'" ' Comment Page • He -Has .Wept in P.-,,,blic and in Prit?ate, .and .~hµme s of Ne ither • • GI Dennis /If. Dodge had .some though.ts about Vittrunn afkr $pend· ing a 11eOr there. He .shared them wttli 11i1 brother and .Ukr·in-law, /.tr. and Mrs. Harry Oocf{Je O/ HunUttQtOfi Beach, who in turn ·share thtm with DAILY PILOT rtade,.. living with a possible. tu increase. Of. ficials worry about Jiving with world opinion. The GI worriea only. about liv· init .••• In the newapapen. Moreover, he ts usuaUy a· very young American citlz.en In a hell of a fix. The average age o! a combat Cl in VJetnam in 191h, but what a man he is. A pink cheeked, tousle haired fellow who under normal clrcumstances would be conskler.ed by society a hall man, not yet dry behind the ears, ud a pain in the tmployment chart. hlm when. he wtnt overseas because a Year U too lo~ lo wait. Too big 1 sacriface to make. lie bas learned to like beer now because it Is cold, and because "jt helps." He never cared for v.·ork. Preferred waxiftg his own car to washing his father 's. J{e's now ·10 or 20 pounds lighter or heavier becaUSe he ls worklng or fighting from dawn till dark, often longer. and is not ashamed Jn either place, because h1a pals have fallen in battle, and he has come close to joining them. He has become more sell sufficient. Jf he is fortunate enough lo .have two pairs of fatigues to ca11 his own, he wears one, and v.1ashe the other. He sometimes forgets to brush hi' teeth but not his rUle. He keeps his cutee.I!. full but has almost given up trylng to keep his socks dry. , .. ,.y as .. ~ freedom ii: luvolvtd.· HIS WORK there ia nightly blackouts and mortar lrafiic.,. It's occupied with an enemy and an ally that look exactly alike. He would give a month's pay for sound sleep and ten years of his life for a night at home with the ones he Jov~s. But rlgh~ now, be Ls the hope ror free man. lie Is for the most part unmarried aftd wilhout material possesalon, except for possibly an old car at home. and a transistor radio here. He listens to whate·r'er Is on the radio. lie can now brea k a rifle down in 30 seconds. and put it b a c k together in 29. He can describe the nomenclature of a fragmentation grenade, explain how a machine gun <>peratts, and use either if the need arises. HE CAN COOK his own meals, fit his own hurts, and mend his own rips-material and mental. He will share his water with you if you are thirsty, break his rations in half if you are hungry . split •his amm unitlon with you if you Me lighting fOr your U!e. •• You think Vietnam ls bad! }i stalesidcr will grin. "Brother, you should have been ia lht New York Blackout". "Too bad you're home," aJIOlher one adds grimly, ·•traffic's tenible." A third will say, "Tbls Is nothing, you ·should have seen the Battle of the Bulge ; now that was a real war." Vietnam is itill pop art, 12:,(81 miles away. Tbe public worries more about The GI in Vietnam is not a bit player In a comic opera conCict, and not the trump in a.JI International card game that is not 12,000 miles away, but as near as the muddy and bloody pictures ..-----Our /ti•" '" Sen f'raneilco ------. A Smoker's De-light .. By HERB CAEN SAN FRA NCISCO -Kon! Goeldlin. boss of Freight Forwarder!, waa driv- ing out Third SI. on hls way to Candle- stick when all sorts or odd things hap- pened. Cigarette between lips, he punched the ciga rette lighter on the dash, extracted same and dropped ii, whereupon it rolled under the front seat and set it ablaze {hey -I'll bet even Ralph Nader doesn't know THAT!) Smoke rising about him , Koni raei!d to the nearby Bluxome St. Fire station, where the crew put out the flames. "Sorry to have caused so mucb trouble," apologized Koni. ... Forget it," fflMed a fireman. "If everybody dehvered their fires to. w. thi! jOb'd be a cinch! .. J dBN WALKER·• co •• the elegant .. "1fte Jnd spi rits 1tore'on"Monteomery, his been displaying a Sr30 jeroboam (four fjfths) oC '61 Chateau Lafite wtth no takeTs: a bit too rich even for the bankers and brokers who frequent the place. ·Then. the other day. in walked a veritable hippie -long hair, dirty jeans and a1l ~ who bought it without a moment's hesitaUon, cash 00 the lint. ADD NOTABLE QUcrfF..S: At an open forum of teen-agers and parents in a MiUbrae school, It was a 14·year· old girl who said to the bristling grownups. "If you can remember llilat it was like to be a teen-ager, then it should be easy for you to have an open mind about us. We've never been adults, so you have the advantage." OUR OWN INTERNATIONAL IN· CIDENT: You may have been wonder· Ing how Dr. Jerome \Vestln of Pied- mont aOO Student Ken Schechter of Berkeley managed to commandeer a boat, row alongside lhe Soviet freighter Ostrogozhsk (tied up al Pier 9) and daub her sides with a Star of David. It wasn't difficult: After being rebuffed by the Soviet skipper in a confroot.ation about the plight of the Jews in the USSR, they went to the Bar Pilot's office nearby, where Dr. Westin said to Capt. George MelanJOn : ''Say, I just lost my watch off the pier. Can l borrow your skiff to locate It?" "Sure," said the captain. '[be J)f;ir then rowed alongside the Soyiet ship .and painted on the star. Try1Dg to add: "Let the Jews Out,'' SChecbler painted "Lett," explalnlng, ''J'm nervous with all those people looking over mtshoutder!" Whe.n they r med the skiff, Capt. MelaoSOn, hav observed the opera· lion, was pretty damn sore. "As a matt.er or fact.'' he sayt, "I was all for kicking .the carp out of 'em -but then l figured what the hell. I'm not pro or anti anything but I guess you could say I'm pro-guest and it shouldn't have been done." The Russian ship left port unsullied : the Coast Guard removed the inscription with paint thinner. Quote: "Maybe the Russians should have paid t.h09e guys for putting <>n some paint. Boy, that's <>ne rusty bucket!" HUBERT 11UM°PBREY. lunching u·ith Ben Swig and Adolph Schuman at the Fairmont. revealed that he has again changed his nexib!e mind: he v•itl not run for the U.S. Senate in f\.1innesola, preferring l<> stay with his teaching chores ("I owe it to my studen ts"). Hea ~ing, Takes Peopl e Now, ln 1970, v.·e have created an almoSt iocredlble stockpile of medical kJtowledge. We know how to prevent diphtheria, typhoid fever , polio. ~nd th_e ot~r plagues that once cripp!M or killed v1c· Ums by the millions. We know how to overcome the diseases caused by vitamin and hormone defi· ciencies. We know how to forer;tall many types <>I birth defects. We are able lo transplant replacements for damaged kidney& and other vital organs. We know how to C'.lnlrol and even to cute many types of cancer. BUT WE ARE failing to apply all the medical know·how we possess. Our IO-(':alled &)'Item for Ute de.livery of health care ta breaking down: it is fl serious trouble nationwide , and lflOtably here in C.Womla. A IJ'l&jor reason ls the steadily rising demand for health cace, along with a crowing inability or health manpo~ and health services to meet lhe demand. ! . ' Saturday, May 2, 1970 Tb' Comment Page of the Dally Piloi seek• to lrllorm and stimUlate readera by presentln( a varlet)' of com- mentary on topjCJ of inter· est and slgnl.!lcance fnlm Informed obHMrS • n d spok .. men. Robert N. WHd, Pvbllohor 1 • \Ve don't have eftOUgh dentists here in California. As ma11y of us know only too well, it may take weeks or 501TleUmes months to get a dental appointment. With the inevitable development of widespread dental insurance, this situa~ tion seems destined to become more serious. We don't have enough nurses. Hospital officials tell us" there are now more lhan 6,000 vacancier; in California hospitals for registered nur1;es -not because there isn 'l enough money to pa y for them. but because theN! aren't enough Murses in active practice. We don't have enough pharmacists, or optometrisls, or public health experts, or veterinarians. Bul above all, we don't have enough physicians .•• OUR EXJSTING health professional schools are unable to accept 'more students and turn out more graduates. Last year, fo r example, the five medical schools of the University of California -at Los Angeles, Sa11 Fran- cisco, San Diego, lrvlne ud Davis - reeelvcd a total of about 9,500 ap- Pncatibns. More thllln 95 percent· of those apphcatlon!i had to be rejected -not beciuse the candidates were-unquallOed. not beciuse they were: undedicated, 1'°' because they rould not Pl.Y tUIUoa. but becau~ "'e didn't have enough lr'lillioc facilities ror them. ~ The 11tu3llon ir; almost 1,1 ehoeldnC for Uit other hea lth pro!ealoas. Last year, tbe University of C•lifornJa dental ochoob could accept Olify about 12 per. cent-ol all 1pplicaUou for enlerinC r;tode111s. The school. or ... veteriDlrY m<dicine could a<:eepl oaJy 17 pemnL Th< ochool or pharmoey GI San Frandlco could accept ooly 33 percenL -Dr. Nip R. Lee, tllncellor, UC-SU P'ntldl<O I And to the howitzers. HE HAS JUST gotten out of high school within the past ear, reee.ived so-so grades, played a ittle footba11, and had a girt who ke up with llE OBEYS now wilhout hesitation, but is not broken. He has stood amon.i hllls ot bodies, and has helped construct these hills. He has seen more suffering than he should have in his short life . lie has wept in public, and in private, He ca111 do the work of two civilians, draw half the pay of one, and find ironic humor in It all. He has learned to use his hands as a weaPon. and his weapon as his hands. He can save a life, and most assuredly take one. Thls yc<:r has been a long and painful one, and has cost in many tea rshed v.1ays , but I am proud to have bcC"n here. and to have helped in any "ay I <.'OU!d. Prison System Doe·sn't W orl{ • Getting at Cause Only Crime-S topper, Judg e Says By JUDGE WILLIAM T. GRAY The rece nt merciless Slaying of four Ca.lifornla Highway Patrolmen is a dramatic example <>f violent crime. The rapid increase in crime is one of the most serious problems our society faces. The problem is complex but I have some suggestions. First, we are never going to solve lhe crime problem until we recognize and remove the causes of crime. One cause of crime is urbanizatioft. We Jive In such close pro1imlty with one another that it is easy to Interfere wlth each other 's rights. Deprived, underprivileged members of ~iety, especially the youthful ones, see how well many other people are living and their discontent drives them to "equalize" the situation. This usually lea4s to crime. EDUCATION is an important variable here. ?t1osl criminals lack a high school educat.ion . The drop.out problem has to be res<>lved before crime can be con· trolled. Also. being able to get and hold a decent job seems to be a prere. qulsite lo riormal social behavior. Very litUe crime ls committed by people who have goo4 jobs. Another cause of crime is lack of parental Jove, affection, and discipline. Everyone needs the feeling that someone else gives a damft abouJ what happens to him . Broken families do not provide an adequate environmen t and lack of parental supervision is a preface tG trouble. M01St criminals show a boyhood deficiency such as this. A crlmin~I tends to lack a sense or belonging: he does ftot feel that he is part of a group in which he can take pride. A person Meeds to feel that he should not err and disappoint his fellow group members. The f a m i I y is one example of such a group. Schools, clubs, and teams are other examples. ANOTHER CAUSE of crime is facial Jntoler~, a 300-year-0\d byproduct of American history. If an ethnlcal minority person fails to make the grade. it is easy for him to blrl°e his failure on white society. Raclo.1 mlnoriti~ must be made to feel that they are integral members of the whole of society. This presents a tremendous job for the police, and a real challenge for a judge. The Supreme Court is not responsible for the! rise in crime .. although some think it is. All the · Court is t r y i n g to do Is to prest!!rve the institutions of freedom defined in our Bill of Rights. Some lawmakers Insist that we should repeal the Miranda decision and modify the privilege against self-l nctimination. Others want preventive detention-jailing · people who have not even been accused or convicted or crime. Some would have the Supreme Courl adopl the so-<:alled "'no-knock principle". thus easing pro- vtsklnl restricting searches artd seizures. 'Ibis con]uN!s up n:mlniscences of mid· night raid!! in Natl Germany. ff the rights parant.eed · by tho Con1Utution were denied, liber\Y, not crime, would dllapp.,r. If a~rson knows .he can CQnlJnit crime wtth little rf:ik of apprehelllion or ~t. he often will eommit the qff-nae. So will others who see him get away ' with It. Thererore. "to Im· mediately begin eurtaiUng crime, we must make sure that cdmlnals ttrt!! ap· prehended. conv~ted, and then punished. The laws on the boob mGst be e.nlorocd. . APPREHENSION Is the policem :'l n's job and It Is an extremely dangerous one. By and large,· the poll<!t!! are: doing a good job in this area. But ln order to attract better peno11nel, the salarie..'I mua be lntrt"ased. They need mOre -equlpmen~ tr aining, ud pallllc .......... Punishment. of c o u r 1 e , Ls the rupOOSlblllt)' of lhe judge. tntereslin,ly, punishment attracts Jillie publ\c at· tentlo•, even though It Is the result toward which all ellorta ol apprehellsloo\ From a11 cddress delivered to Los A11geles Town Hall. Ju.dye Gray sits on tile bench of the U.S. District Court, Central Dis!rict of California. and conviction are directed. What should be done with the persoa who commit! a crime? In sentencing the C<>nvicted individual, a judge must balance the protectioa of the public against the fact that he is dealing with a human being. We must give a lot more attention to jails and prisoris, to what we ·are doing to convicts while they are there, and to what kind of people they are I i k e I y lo be when they come out. \\'henever a j u d g e ientences--Som~ne .. to prison, he · ~oes so 'with the un-' comfortable feeling that there is a very good chance the convict will be a worse person, perhaJ>:i a greeter dan~r to society, hen Ii: con:ies .out~ than . 'Whe.a ~ he Went in! ~ " .~ • Prisons are cheerless, fo rbidding plaei!S that have failed in their intended purpose. Their fai!Ure is emphasized by the returnees. Our prisons now have a 6S pe rcent recidivism rate. These in· stltutions are starved for funds. The jal( in the Los Angeles Hall of Justice is ao example. Three thousand men are imprisoned in this jail built to hold J,700. The tiny cells are only •~ feet by 9 feet and were designed to aC· commodate 2 prisoners. IN l\10ST of them 6 men are crowded together. Men are living there mo1th lfter month while awaiting trial. If I were kept in such surroundings for a month, I am afraid <>f what it might do to me. I just .visited Sa.i Quentin, and it ts not much better. The whole place is i:iermeated by an atmosphere of monotoay \ind !utility. ?tt.ost prilOntrs are. to 5'me degree. mentally un· balanced. Yet there is no psychiatric help, worthy of the name. available lo them. And, it ·is these very men who are most in flied ol counseling, guid11nce, 1 citid enooliraie.ment. Th~ repressive regimenta.lion and COO• trolled prison routine tends to break down whatever sense of dignity a n d self-respect a man 'once may have had. I am not "criticizing Sheriff Pltcht!!ss of Los Angeles County or Warden Nelson at San Quentin. These afe dedicated men doing lhe best they can with what they "have. Bui . obviously I here ts somef11ing drastically wrong with our penal syste m if 65 out or every 100 men released eventually return. Therefore. if a judge thinks that a p;!I'!10n is nol a real do.nger to society, Uiere is much to be said for placi ng him on probation, so that he can li\'e a reasonably nornial existence. A spcci11I committee of the American Bar Associa- tion recently urged that, C"Xcept Jn unusual cases, people convicted of crime be sentenced to probation rather tha11 prison. But to do this. probation depart- ment staffs will have lo be in· frell$ed-and that requi res a lot of ~O'fY · \Ve Simply cannot put a man out on the streets 1,1•ilhout proper supervision and control. Are we per!nilting our society lo create a "criminal class.'' a group to which a person once convklcd of crin10 permanently belongs;.As thln gs stand today, the released 4Jl\'icl is a social outcast It is difficult for an ex.conv ict to get a decent job and be accepted by the community within which he li\leS. He almost is channeled back I n to a life or crime be.cause of his inablh1 v to cope with the odds thal society throu:s him against. Btit a Co1aflict B1·ews It's Your Right to Kno w By RA\'~IOND L. SPANGLER Chairman, Ca!Hornla Freedom of Information Committee There is a conflict between fair trial and free press, and this becomes a con· fronlatlon whenever special privilege is involved. The basic problem ls to balance an in- dividual's right to fair trial against the public's right to know. At the outset let me ask: Does the public hav~ a right to know? ls this right spelled out in the Constitu- tion? If there is such a right. did anyone ever entrust it to lhe press? And if we fi ght or fail to fight for your right to know, does it make any difference to you? TllE PHRASE ••right to kno\I"" \\'SS coined by the late Kent Cooper. one of tlie archlleets of the Associated Press v.·hom 1 came to know during my 10 years on the AP board. He wrote a book on the subject in 1956. and he explained what the phrase. "the right to kno1v ," meant lo him. Since he coined it, his interpretation is significant : " •.• (The right to knowl represents the people's right, as it actually· ls, and not merely a selfish right of printers alone, as it is ROt. ll mians that the government and the newspapert and broadcasters should nol, by any method whatever. curb delivery of any in- formation esseoUal lo public welfare and enlightenment ... " The recent hl11lorv of the confl ict M:tween the couru 8.nd the press goes back to a spcelal privilege cnse in Cleveland, Ohio. in 1954. Dr. Sam Sheppard. a 1''eallhy osleop:ith In a Cleveland r;uburb, went Into seclusion after the murder or his wife. Ttie press, partlcularly the Cleveland pres.~. was in- fluential in bringi11g Dr. Sam to trial. TUEl!E ARE FIVE volumes of pres,, clippings In this caM!, and after a dttade <>r so in jail and after death of t~ trial judge, Or. Sam appealed for a new trial. Th~ was grflnted by the!: district court, denied by the appc!llate court, and Onally ordered by the! U.S. Supreme Court Dur· ln1 the seeond trial the press Will carefully 'controlled . Dr. Sam was ae. quitted, and the culprit was "pervasive publicity," supposedly guilty of bringing about the initi al conviction. There was one more significant dif· fei'ence between the first and second trials: In the tirst Dr. Sheppard took the stand in his own defense. The prosecution nailed him on a falsehood .about his reta. tionshlps with a pretty nurse. It is just possible that the jury, seeing his falsehood about this one facet of the case, considered hls denial of guilt to be equally fal se. In the second trial Dr. Sheppard did not lttke the stand. THIS AND other niatters resultC'd 111 the creation or thC American Bar Association Project on Minimum Slall- dards for Criminal Justice, a study of fair trial and free pre.<;&. It was ac· complishe<I by a commiUee of 10 headed by the Hon . Paul C. Reardon ol-Boston. It drafted a tentat ive code in .1966 and in 1968 the final draft was approved by the American Bar Association. In summa ry it ·would close many sources of pre·trial information to the public tb ensure a fair i • ' .. '· ·. ~.· ·~ . . , . ' trial. It is a basic concept of 1he P11 b!ic·s Righi to Know that full inforn1alion is eSsentlal to allow the people to govern themselves . Give lhe1n the facls and let them form the ir o}_Vn opinions is the doc- trine. It see ms lo me that when you have hea, d a presidential address. you ha\ e had it all. You have the facts. Enough? ' BUT YOU FORGET. You fors rt words like these : ''MY f'ELLO.W Al\1ERICANS ! I hold here in my hand the nan1cs of 700 fellow travelers in the State Department , Remember Senator Joe l\lcCa rth)'? He changed the whole course of journalisnl. Afte r l\1cCarlhy it wasn't enough 1G rePorl what the offir.ia ls h3ct lo sa~. You haa to follow through, before thr tedious legal process. lo note 1,1•hal \vtlsn'! said and ,.,.hat had happened before. This is not editorializing, though by the very nature of the process it nlay be sub· jecUvc. But it is esi:enlia l, for you can't, as Winston Churchill once said . unring a ,,,._ bell. I don't link hfcCarthy and Nixon in ... ' any way l!.xcept lo explain how .and why the commentator evolved. a "Hello Bank. Freeze my account ! My wife ;. ahowlna withdrawal 17mp1om1 again l" DAILY Pil af 7 . ...__ .... --. -· .. • • • '· • \ ./ ' . ··" v. .5. ___ .L ' . ; l .. I r \ \' ·-. l(\~ l •• l 4 • . • ( 1 Good morning, boys 11nd . -- -girJs and weJcome to. anoJber ----· ·satUrda)i or · fun. and games -___.,.;.-~ with Uncle· Len and his lriehds ~. / ;.,., • \\,, . CaroJ: Ind Andy~ • Uncle Len 1s very pleased this week with . the great :~::::~:::::::-:-iL--~~~~f2:Sj~: turnout ol. pie:ces in all three ,.. . areas -j>oetry; riddles a-nd · -::::::::---------i:=::::::: drawinas, 'Ibis Week, it was .• ----- particularly hard to chbose , __ ...,,...,. ________ ..,_-1~---===j wiooers ~awe of lhe large~ - numbersof entrie\. . :::::~~~:=:!::;:~~~~:::::::~~::::====="'";;;;;:::::~ But it sure was· fun l~klng ~ •;,,1------ al all the hari:I Work you aff.-¥ put into your thinq. ~ Kecpupthesoodwork,kids. ,\V 'i..\L\l/ · .:._, . ·. llncle Len is happiest when \I .... -.....,--:!S · ~ . -BELLE pF LOUISVILLE (REAR) BEATS OUT DELTA QUEEN Belle Beats Quee11 the old mall sack is really •. y bulging-. Besides, ~hat \vay. I }? t y get ·to know• my lit lie friends .. better each v.•eek. Did you know th at just a week from Su nday is Mother's .----------------------------------~ Steamboats Race Again on Ohio River LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP ) -fett away from a barge as year and the third time ln Belching black smoke from passengers on bo:trd clung to seven tries. Day~ This . Is a special day that held between the 1 w 0 was invented in the United -~ sternwheelers. States in 1907. The Cincinnati boat does not It began ag a big festival meet standards set in the Sea honoring all mothers in the Law of 1966 and may be whole country. Bu t today. demoted from itS present each famil)l-honor.& its mO(.bet ~ ·overnight .cruise status to a in a special persona) way. . dayttme e1cursion craft. as is Tbe ~ress or the United the Belle. St&teS "even re c o g n i z e.d * PRIZE WINNER * D.ian e JoJ#i son, 10. 9616 Nightingale, .Fountain Valley ' Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Conlest. Here 's all you do: l lJ Draw picture on piece o( plain, white paper 51.'t inches wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and m~ke line~ black. (!) Do not copy or-trace: !JICture; It·must be yolir dwn· work. (3)1Put your name, age and addr!Sll on back of drawing. ~tail it to Uncle Len 's Ari Contest, Box 1560 DAILY PILOI', Costa ?i.tesa. Winner will r~ve Kennedy half dollar. ' her twin stacks and churning the railings. The Delta Queen took the the Ohio River with her stern "Every.body up to the bow lead in the slretch after the paddlewheel, the Bel~ 0£..-and lean," bellowed Delta f.ir!t turn dut to a eust. o[ Louisville outdistanced the Queen Capt. Emi~ wa·gner. wind which caught the smaller Cincinnati's Delta Queen by He said the'queen bad plan· steamboat. causing , it to half-a-length Thursday to win ned to take' on extra fuel reverse its paddlewlleel and the seventh annual Kentucky before the race to better trim execute a near double tum Derby F e s t i v a I steamboat the craft and al!Ow the pad· wllen the swift current pushed race. dlewh_eel to take a shallower the stern downstream . orficials say tn~ boat may ?i.tother's. Day as a special need specia l permission for !estlval 1n a decree issued "---------~------------------------.J lr , -··· ·u 1 h 1n 1914. Steamboat buffs aboard the bite 1n the water for more • Th Q 1 h d 1 · · aJ\h ldth · b th l peed e ueen aso a o .,...1nn1ngcr e :?Ir rea · ,s · h dd l ' t b t in the second turn of the ten· The Delta Queen spent msot reverse ~r pa . ewuee · u mile roursc ·when Capt. of its years churning up and the Belle.s lurning pr~.blem Charles Brasher executed a down California's Sacramento :llow~1 :J;e dla~gcr ~tja~er sha rp aboutfacc . m_aneuver Ri~er before be_ing moved to 0 pu . ea Y a ~ .1 ~e that nearly ended 1n disaster. Ohio a short while ago. ~ngths ~n th~d~iddle strf t~ · The boat narrowly missed The Queen was late arriving th secon P3 11 ' d'"1'h"'B 1°1' ·· 'db I h w ·d e Qu ecnao\ve e cc hitting a row of tie arges or t e race, so agner sa1 1 1. k th . · 1 d ··th on the Indiana side of U1e he would use the passengers ho a e e winni~g eat '\1h river after a tugboat captai n to help trim the boat. b er manuever c ose o e moved his boat hurriedly to The effort was fruitless and arg~s: "' avoid a collision. Backwash the ·much smaller Belle kept OffiC1als counted some ~ from the tug's propeller kept her lead to the finish Jine persons aboard each boat. the Belle not more than five to Win for the second straight The race may be the last a Ip tD J..NUISV• e or t e . . _ . . race if bill.Ii pendin~. in both ~ E~n thOugh M:<'ther ~ Day houses of Congress-tot an ex-ls ~rl American invention. 1t emption of the Queen under has grown arou~d the world. lhe act fail to be enacted. In n~any coun.tr1es. _there are The win allowed Brasher to S~C'Jal days bkc UUs o~; l.11 keep -the gilded anUers on the th_Ls country , ho\vever, ll i_s bow f h. boat mbol celebrated onl y on the second . 0 IS ' a sy Su nday in May. of riverboat supremacy. • · I Th Delta Qt'.ee did not f.tolher s D_ay is a specia e n . . Uay because 11 honors a very come out of the competit1on spe • 1 perso l tl r empty handed. Judges award· c1a n n a o our d th C. · 1. bo l 1. 1 lives -our mothers. It was e ~ incinna 1 a irs our mothers ·who helpetl us ~lace in ~e annual ~t~m cal· when we Were·babies and who liope-play1ng competition. are helping us as we grow up to do the besl things with our Jives. f.1others \vork loug· hours somelimes tC> please us and IG. make Uiings <1 little less hard for us. Sometimes they even risk .hurting themselves so that we will not be hurt. Although there is orily onr day · 011 whic~ we h_onor our mothers formally ; it is im· portant to be kind atwf helpfu l to Ulem all year atO\lnd. Even f. Atita Landers MAN The sun rose high over the hill s .Just as it had for long : For the Dissoltatiotis of Marriage ARBUCKLE & SON \VestcUrr f.fortuary 4%1 E. 17th St .. Costa ttfesa 646-4888 • BALTZ MORTUARIF.S Corona dc l f.lar OR 3-9tSO Costa l\1esa l\11 6-Wf 0 BELL BROADWAY f.IORTUARY 110 Broadway, CMla !\tesa LI S-l43l • DILDAY BROTHERS JlunUngton VaUcy Mortuary 17911 Beach Blvd. Jluntlngton Beach l!<Z-7T71 . • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARR Cemetery e l\1ortuary Cha~I 3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach, CaUforni1 64-l·tTOO • PF.EK FA ~111.V COLONIAi. FUNERAL llOltE 71101 l}Qli;a Avt.- '\'cstmin1ttr 193.J5!5 • SHEFFER MORTUARY l..agun111 Btaeh 49~·1535 San Clemente 49!.0100 • SMITHS' MORTUARY U'J ~1aln SL UunUn1ton Beach 13MS31 Record ~ Distance Dooms Alfon!.G, ~lllrley A. tnol ill-IO E. Colaorou.. Jasepl\ It. Incl Ctrolvn •• Young Lad's Love · INTEillLOCl.ITOllY DfiCle.-S A'l~\"'' 00rN Mtrl1 Ir.cl Willotm Grt•n. M1r\ar A. Incl Edwlrd C. erow.i. 01u,. Die •nd ROOert Ir• 5•wtll. MtrQ•••I P,_1no J1mn H. M?:;~~ICtlnv ,.,1e tnd Ro..-ld co•. K111111r1111 1™1 Jond D1~1c1 L DEAR ANN LANDERS: Last month our son wen t ~ .. kq•,::.~~~';!;'~':n!Si~•t0,. with a group of kids and a leader to Little Rock . We Jive v:~ii~;8W.N~ s J.'00 .... l'" Ellfn in Forth Smith. Harold is 17 and has not traveled much. N!w~~. s~aro~ ~ 0auo••• oua..e He had the most wonderful time of his entire life. 'r!1~:"ti1~"U:u~:"!n:i°':i~L.':"' The problem part of this letter comes now. 1iarold .~•ol'd•, Pe1r1tT• Aim 1oc1 01~1d met a girl in Little Rock and he fell in Jove. He walks G1H.:1=-. Jose"" A. 11111 P•ull"' c. inlo doors talks in his sleep ________ ,c:. __ _ McCtrlhy, Cl1rence >;. ll"IO Ct!herlne d . . ' d d · I E. an is lll a aze ur1ng mea s. Gig:~111 °1~ne c~1tn• •nd wime.rn They exchanged addresses and Martl..ez. L•nd• A. 1nd Aflt""lc' ll~mia . . . Mver•, J1co11e<ilne ~ •nd Robert fle has written her nine letters. lliclclltY . I McF1r11nd. w111Yim H. '"" Jui;, G. She has oot ans"'ered a sing e and thfrc is oo escaping her. I'd like Just once to let he r know I don't believe · a Yet llle Animals felt thtoagh unknown skt11s That somfthing, there.-\\.'as Wrong. · · ' The river; lhe rores~:·tbe fair hill!ride. The field. "the meadO\v, the mountBiri slfon~. All these were there,as they espied . But they sensed th·at st>·met'fiihg wes \\'\01.l~· \ · ··oh, look. at the beau¥£ul 1;1ew cre'atltrc' \Vit~ ~IJt l~UJe· hai r.1 • _ ~ , • Exqu1s1t~ 1n every {eatufek,' . !~~~ .i:kk~t t~~e3~~~1r0:.~tf~t,, The stones in his closed pav•!''. The lf9pard spoke; a~~Y he dtd flick . Subdued hi s fang and -clav." · The zebras still run the. groufl$1 , Tl_te birds still sing their song, The chattering monkeys still abound, But something's ne\Y , bu.t so mething's strange, and somethine;'s \Vf.OD_2'.. A K•1tnt<!Y htll de lltr IM.S k-SltP~ ... l!ltbb, II, U07 YI• M1rln1, Mt'""" a••C~. Mr I~• wlnnln<r fftlr1 lft ll'lt ::r::a,~'.:.~·~~eo:~ JW~~ One. Now Har.old wants to H~En':~llfEU1tbllh M•rH .tnd Lloyd i:o t-a Little Rock -he ha' .~:rr:rtl!Jrtn c. 1nd M11<1•e0 iaved his own money .and in· T•r::~n Rtd\ard LIOyd and Mirian sists that if he can Sef? the M~~~:::,,•n. Ann c.1or11 •nd Alie" girl again everything will be ~~~~~~· 'i.a~n~· 1~,.:••i:,!j· L1nnv fine . word she says. She makes ~----------------------' Ko~:l~toi BarWr1 Liu Ind Tauno SHOULD \VE LET 1~1~[ Htnfi~. Joon MlrllY~ •nd T"°""'~ GO? The boy has never been As~°wrn, LllM OHi> trtd P1u4 Llovll OUl Of town alone. f am afraid -i~~,~-~~i1-~~~-o11111 w. he'JJ get Jost. \Yhat do you ~~· .. ~,,, . .,:_.nd,;WJiar1., 1 say? -H'S MOM K'r'fliih11~ P.1ull"j•nd ~Id L. · DEAR ttfOM· Let him go. Al>rtml, lchtrd 11<16rt end Jffne!le • e~~'I;,,, ustn Gr•" 11111 J1 mo A high school senior should wusm<,Mlct••~ s. •l'ICI MJrtr111t1 o, . be •hie to fhtd his way to PDPQe. Ille T. •l'ld 111r.i1 J. Little Rock rrom Fort Smith. 1'CorM, N~" Oltno •!'!!! Cllarlt1 lle11 . •ty!.1!'".!• '''11 E•IPll• •nd J•mt• I SU!I cl lhe lrl is not wrtHf;,, M1nMrt1 tnd Phll!o Jton1 ~ pe g . P11m"ulst, s1nd,. L111111e ••nd G1r11d ~alkin1t Into doors or talking L:::::::'Gioria R. ifl!I 110v s. In HER sleep, however. Some E•""'· 11onn11 L. 1nd Gf'IH"<M H. .....,.pie have to get tbetr Jump• LCN"h111, C1rot111e Loul .. fnd' Ger1ld .,~-~~lk.,~~: }citi~"!...S 1!~~ L. the hard way and Harold Is J•"""""· L11lle 1nc1 Michl•t s. no doubt one or these ~pie. FIMAL DECl!EES" f P.S. Do bim a favo r and l\rmit~ge. Arie"' Marlt •nd OUo111e don't ask him a single que stion M~~c7ro1 Jt1n •rel eo'lj•nl E1r1 1''ben be returns.) s-m. Marlin I nd T11<>m1 sJ. T~ne. Parrltt A1111 1nd EYtrert L. RowndtM. M•rii•rel JIM • n d L•-tM~ l'Ollen , Pe!"')(llln, Adrienne G. Ind Don.1111 C••I 1t11lt,. Patric!~ Ann ~fftf Rav 11-ara Fosl11, Jftjie w. Ind R-rl H•vtY &lr~nd. ~r!rude Mule Ind 11....-Cltrtnct Whipple, Elvin Leon and Oe~ f: L.-, Pedro Pll1clo. 1/'ld-Alice M!r1n-J~. Jtl\e K. •nO George DIYiol Mallltnv, Cori• H. 11111 How~rll C. 1-le!ler, Dlluol1s Wllltra and Ji.-111.n Clements, !.andr• S. Ind Oonlkl A. Death No'tiee• KATHLEEN MILLER IC1,,,1e.i Miller -~V 1, lt10 In C.D.M. 3110 lrd Ave. C.O.M. Diii cf blr!ll No'<'. l, 1191 In l•el•nd Incl Ii now 11 vrs. old. Survlvl'd bV cl1uttllt" MM"llrtt Miiier ot IN! home IMI 1nor11er dolu9P!le1" AN1tll1sl1 Gl1tnt11t,,o of P-•·• 7 tr1fldellllclrftt, 2 ••••' 9l'trlllclrlldr11n. S1rvlttli -ll:OllrY $1/n. MliY J. lf~ ti l:CIO 11.m. Ol.ll" LllO'f Ou9t" of tlle A. .... 1$ -/Aus 11 MOl'I. Mir '· ltl'O '\i lf"t.0 1.m. Alllc11r1! IS: Fr. 11•1""' . ''""'V w!~I lnllf'"'"I ti S.n FtrMnflf Mlt• tlffl c-~rv. ,, AN1110SY WILCOX A•tttonv W1•11' Wlkoll. At 1 "9, ol lOJ 0-.JDft, Berktln"• D1te Gt Of-111>, AP•lt 1•. SurvlYl'd IW 11l1'11r. Jtc:l<IOll H, Wllcoo; 11tPmOtt>tr, MtrvutrlM Wit· ~:11:'~~ :,-w~iM~'h.r511fo';::: ~'""' Sw~v, ~f'\WOl"I *"I <tftltClmoltMI". M'1. Miieir.,. 11«111. Cooll .t.W-1"1, M-111 "'vk)il -d rr, Me~ ~. II loM, Wltlilllt 1'19"1" Prlvdt ln!1r"""I' Wl)(llf !wry.,. Dlrt<:ICN"S, I. VIOLA MACDONALD Vlol1 H. MtcDOf'l.fld. 11» S1flll ,1\1>1 Atf., Carlllt _,,,_, DtN"'Of dl11t1, Mt"I" ctdldr-Jtobert Jl""ll 11tC11WIUlam OONkt, COi"-dl!t Mtrf ,..... frll'ICI• 1. lurvlvtd bV --. II:°""' IC, · Mtc4onl1d. F-••I Mr•kfl /tolld 111-lf!"mtnl, Yol'li:en. New Yor~. lfimll"I" IU99fSl1 lllOM 'ljllfl!t'lt to moll-I ""' morl1I cwrtrlbutlont 1ft 11¥ trt_,.,• 9ttllit contrlW,. tt' WllM •1•¥11'111 dl.,llV. teru CMI• Mm Mortutrr, """•rdlnt *Wtorl. II DEAR ANN LANDERS ' I've been reading your col - umns ever since I y,•as 111 junior high . I used to wonder why anyone would write lo you. It seemed to me thal people were awfu lly dumb if they couldn 't work thin gs out themselves. I know now why the-y write because I am faced with a problem I can't haadle and J have an idea you can help. I met this groovy guy during Christm1µ1 vacation. We wor1t- ed in the same department store . He seemed to like me 1but he never asked me out. We go lo different high schools but every now and then ·some- one from his school gi ves me the following message 1o "Lennie says hi -a,, he wants you to call him.' l i:ot thi s mes.sage for tll r. fourth time yesterday. If Len· ni~ like11 me. why doesn't he male. a move? Why dot! be se11d messages \\'ilh other pt0pJe! Shoul,d I swallow mv pride and call him ? -•IALF· tt1AST OEAR MAST: Don't ca ll hlm. Let blm call you. DEAR AN N LANDERS : Whnl can be done about a girl who lies conti nually? Don't say "find olhe.r friends" because l work with this liar 4P fantast.Je stories about who she: knows, 'vhere she goes and how she spends her \\'eekends. \Vould it help if T told her off? Please say yes because I\·e taken just abol:: all I can stand. -" HIP I N .MART!N 'S.EERRY I . . DEAR HrP: Telling her of might help you feel belier but later you 'd probably regret it. The girl sounds ler rlbly La.secure. She probably has deep emotional problems People Who lie conllnually and ma.nufacinre stories to nu:ike themselves ap~ar glamorous need more than a "telling off." CONFIDENT IAL TO \\'HERE'S THE Llf.-11T? You just passed it. A dog lhat doesn't behave any better than that should be kept on thl' linoleum when brought to your home to visit. Better the dog should be crying in the kitchen than you should cry in tnc Jiving room. H-l•r sllo111cl 1 lffftlVt ca<ipll 10? I Can n«tlftll H wfe1 When GrM• II be· comt loo !IOI lo htnclie1 Sl!ld for Ann Lu1der1' bOOklll. "Nectlnt 1i>d Po•· 11111 -Wl11I Art the Llm1!1?" Mil vwr rlt<IUtltl It A"" Land•r1 In •••• of vour n....,IPH•• 111tlo1lng lll!V c~t• ln col" trtd • long, 1t1mPl(I, 11lf-H · drlfH .. ~~tlopt. Average Income Up t1> $3,680 WASHINGTON (UPI) The average annual ineome for Americans rose by 7 .6 per- cent last year, to a new high of $3,680. according to the Commerce Department. · Ali 50 stales established records for per capita Income during lhe year, but inllallon eroded away much of the in· crease -paring it down to an average advance of~ onl y l.3 percent. Jn twti slate1, Louisiana and Washington, in· creases In income failed to keep pace wilh rise! Jn the cost or living. , ' a1•0 6 01·1u11• RIDDLES and JOKES * Que£lion; \Vhy do birds !ly soulli for the \vintcr ? '>ti'"~ Of Jef oo, S! ",tsne::tag :JeMSLrd PRIZE LYnn &rt!1m1rklt, I, 1U4 '11111 L1rtde • N"'llOrl llttcl! WINNER · . . ' Question: What did lhe toothbr.ush say to the tooth- paste ? ·e11enbs 6!q e noA. •A!6 11,f 'a&p!Jq 'll' lV no.4., •••w f u'llM :JtMSU'f P1rrki. """'!lo~ .. FMlnl ... VtlleY Question : ·What is O\le.r your head and ui+Ber your hat '! 0 J!e1.f JnOA :JtMSUV L""' art1em1rtl1, I. N1w"•I ••••It CJu estion: What time is it ·when a n elephant sits on your fence? '8::JUtJ M8U e Jt6 Ol fW!.1. : J;lMSU\f LY~h arottmtrt11, I. N1"'"'1 ••••" Question: It has a head li.b.--e a ca:t. feet like a cat and a tail like a 'cal but it is not a cat. What is' it? ' • 'lidl1!}1 V :J<JMS U\{ L1n11 l1"11tm111111, t. N•-r1 a11elt ' . 'GRAfflTI .. .. ·' when they seem angry "'ilh us. they still love us dearly and . would probably d o cr.1ything. fi:lr us-. So it is up to us, then to be kipd and t:enerous in return. not only on Mother's Day but on all 364 othe r day s of the year. T~is week's.topic, kid~. will be Mother's Day. Draw pic- tures and write pretty poeins ati:out your Moms and fill .the -0ld mail sack with love this week. Why can't all birds fly "! , The r e are about 8.600 species of birds in the world -and most of them can fly . But a few of them can'~ fly any better lha·11 we can. One of these is the ostricb. who happens to be thl'.? largest bird in the world. He can never get off the ground - Dut he is a very fast runner. The handsome penguin cannot fly cilher--but in the water he is a champion swimmer and diver. The proud ostrich stands eigtlt feet tall. and "'eighs .about 300 pounds. He can race along at 35 miles an hour . much faster than any man can run. But, as everybody knows. lhe ostrich cannot' fly like most birds. Perhaps he is just too heavy to lift his body off the ground. This has something to do with ii, but there are 0U1er reasons whY 1he ostrich and ce rtain other birds cannol fly. Remember . too, that you can enter your fa vorite riddle in Carol's corner each week and win a prize if yours is the best. Honorable me,1tions In this week's art contest arc Kathy Bru now, 8, UunUngton Beach; Duane Wiernlez, Costa Mesa: Peggy Wiernicz, 81h: Kate McGo~agle, Huntlngto11 Beach; Mike; K"llf, 6, Mission Viejo; Diaoe Jones, a Y.t I Newport Beach; Joe. Knowl· the ratites are large bird~. although not quite as .large as the oslrich. One is the emu (five feet tall) who live' in Australla. The big bad· tempered cassowary also lives in Australia. Both ol these birds are good swi nimer$. The long·legged rhea is a smaller ostrich cousin who lives in South America. None ol these birds can fly , but all of them are excellent runners. Some birds cannot fly, even though they have keel bone1 and plenty of chest muscles. One of !hem is the cheerful blac k·a nd-"•hite penguin. lfis wings are too sma ll for flylng , sa instead, he uses ttlem as flippers to swim and dive io the water. Some birds must give up flying because they get too heavy for their wings. Thi!l is why fat chickens are poor fliers. The chic ken-sized kiwt bird of New Zealand has very liny wings, But he is a ratite bird -so he could oot fly even if his wings were bigger.' lla11 tht planet Vulcan been littn sin<'e llli8? To be able to fly, a bird niu&t have a very special body str1fcturl'. He must be strong and very light with hollow bo,1es. lnside his body there rrust be empty pockets called In the 1800s, c e r la In air sacs, which fill up with astronomers were sure that air to nlake h!m \igtlter . His another planet existed in our wings must bave extra strong, sola r system betw.een Mercury stiff feathers with similar tail· 11nd the sun. This posslbility feathers. And a bird needs was suggested by the F'renclt one more thing to take him astrooorner Leverrier. On up into the air -very strong March 2tl, 1659. an amateur chest muscles to pOw~r his a s t ro no n1 e r n am cd win gs. Lescarba"Ull observed a ·dark His body needs a. vel')'. dot passing· across the sun. special· bone to fix and hold From this ddla · Leverrler . his ex tra strong ' ' f I y in g calculateq its orbit and nimed muscles" In place. This booe it the planet Vulcan. He. bOped is called the keel because it . lo verily his theory during is shc}ped somewhat like .the an eclipse in 1860 -but curved ,keel at th~ fro;nt ~· Vulcan did .not appear. a ship. U ls located at the AsironomerJ .bea:an to ctoUbt front or tiis chesl.. and it is its existence. ,But two more commo.1ly known to us as flurries of excitement oc- ll1e wishbone. · . ·---curred. On April" 4, 1675, '11io o~lrich l'~rs huge nut .. ·• Helori~h, Weber of Germany fy plumes but has no s1ifr wns v1~int_ an ttlipse in flying feat~r~ on his win~:. China. ~f :COO saw a dark or· 1iaJI. , Ills , bones and his dot. but the observatories of thJci leg muscl~s are loo Grtenwirh 11nd r.t ad r I d heavY for him to Ifft himself assu-re<t e.verybcldy that It wa1' w\lb hJs y,·e&J W1flgs. But mOst merely a s111u pot. During an lmJ)qrtant, he has no kee.l bohf eclipse Oii July 211. 1171, all t~ ~iS ·breast,. \Vltholit this obstr\ler in Wyoming • · 1od he cannot have ttlc Ch!st a~ther on Pike' Pe1k saw mUsClei thal ~vi!t.)' blrd needs what ihey thought wu Vulcan . lo fly. The OISlrkh's che&l The object proved to be • bone$ ara sha-ptd like. a rritt ~tar. Sjnce thnt lime ·no more An ol.d~f ~l?rd tor raft was Vulcan sig~tlnp have bttn used to name birds tha t have reported -and mo 4 er" ;iucb choa;t bones. The y are astronomers ert almost sure calll'<i ratlto birds. Most of lhat no i;uch planet ezlsl5. • • • . I DAILY PILOT DICK Tl.ACY TUMBLEWEEDS HOl'v'S -rnE SAND BUSINESS, LIMPID LIZARD? IT AINT! I 91N WIPEP OUT! • \ TIMKV5 SITUATION 1'5 V!RY Se.RtOUS, rr,.,.-ISl!r'---TWO--,ll,...e_a>_V __ -,-.,., ly Chest Gould IMJO(SMC71"'WERI NEVeR lkTENO!O A'S A. Ml!AL.TW TA!ATM!HT. ,,,,.,,, -rnA1' LAS' SANDSTORM DONE IT: Bl.ONE!' AWA¥ ALL. /If ASSETS! IM IN A STA'fE O' SANDRUPTcY!: SANS 1 5mD1 S'INS EVEOHING. I Al/'IT. .. A FELLER JIS' Cl>/'IT BUR'/ HIS HEAD IN THE SAND! 'Sl'fCIAUY lf'N HEAIN'TliOft-0 SAND1'W~ITIN! . ... ,::.,...._. .. ~·2 MUTI AND JEFF POP NOW Sot: Ht:RE, BUTCH SON, IT'S ABOUT 15 'TIME\l:lU LEARNE FACE YOUR PROBLEMS AND FIGHT YOUR WAY THROUGH LIFE • • • FEAR NOTHING.' AFTER 'TO FACE LIFE ME! ALONE! PLAIN JANE ACROSS I Small piece Ii Festive 10 Makt a gul p!ng sound 14 Auto ~ody stylt 15 Ont h.11v 1ng •egrt ts lb Routine 17 Room at thr top IS Auslfalla Ne.w Zealand '" 20 Brvrragr 21 Miik Pre li~ 23 Prrfor111rr Z4 Kind of , grrrtinl 25 Stair o lgllallon 211 Made less vaQu' Z wo1ds JO SoundS" ot !am,ntJl•o n )~ Bank for on' 35 Volum' 37 Fa1my11d sound l l lns,c!s 39 ---voct 41 Ea rth 42 Saint' f.bb1 4} StronQbO~ S!Jn<i 44 Tht Cltilltd WOl'ld ' . • • • 4b Ra1t ouds 48 Valutd hlgh!y 50 Rtd A •11nt 52 Madt ii ~ol' in-ont SJ Samu,\ --· US utllitu!s financitr Sb On top of 57 Otr1 slv' t xclamallon bO Formt1 US party Z words !i2 Anlc lt bont Coriib foflll b4 Small ciuantily 2 words bS Collin bli State 117 Malt anlrnals liB Murdtf lilJ Iii adt ftarl ul OOl'M l "G•l go11191• 2 Tab le d ' ··- 3 11trb 9rr1U5 4 Upon Prrli• 5 State & Embel lished 7 Rtlat1~r 8 Allow 9 Aclvoct lt 5ullt• 10 RtCtS5 In a c avt 11 Callf0tnl1 wine city 12 A11tnca1r Ind~ 13 Th' Top~ 19 · tim t 22 0 1st11chntd 24 Lumps 25 Notice 211 Group ol studenls 27 Musical d1rtct1on 28 Go i11 29 Slate 31 Lov e a ff a 1r 32 Bett -~- 8 ugb r11 33 Did a shot repa ir job 3b Ra in1rr 's rtal m 40 Man's ,,_ 41 C•·~ 9'''" 5 •2 '70 43 Ho ly song 45 Not 41volvmg lnl ecl lon 47 Grown-1.1ps 49 C1ft\tr!a lnfOl'tllill 51 Small d1ops 53 St,11clural stetl p!ect 2 WOl'lls 54 liltmbtr o· a Sud an trlbt 55 Ma n's nlcknamt Sli On th t OCtlU 57 iiandso~t Scot 58 US OI Vl l Cuppt r ~IJ Ortgon rno11nt1 111 bl Fuel b) Troublt NOW, SEE WHO'S A'T THE DOOR. \F ITS BUTCH FACE UPTO HIM! PER!<l""S ly Al· Smith I 'M FROM THE , INTERNAL REVENUE p ~ SERVICE!I'M LOOKING ~ FOR MR. MUTI! !Jy? -~\.,,J.•:,...<:.......-'-j ly Frank Baginski MISS PEACH STEVE ROPER PEANUTS '· !>HE .JUST PUN::HEO HIM VICIOUSLY, WtTHOUf ANY W-'RNING ! U'L ABNER GORDO ·..-----... ~--... IV/:=11<E ctn-TA O()A11 8E OLIVES! SO e.ANIT DRINk. FAST/D- A MAl<TINI IOV.S, , 171Ci_IT )vJ POIZFllZJQ. OL NE r IWUGH . ,.,, • MOON MULLINS BoY! ON.A CAt.M DAY "THoSf' THINGS C/.N Bo WORK! ANIMAL CRACKERS VJl-11111 ~· ··---..... MA~IA, VDU SHOULD BE ~Sl<AMEDI By John Miles ~AT'S TrlE SIG DEl\l.1 c By Mell ·'THIS tSN'T Tl-£ Fll:ST T~ 1: EVER l'U'ICHW HIM VIC!CUSLV. .. A..l.f\A. l.Jl.1"'~ By Saunden and , Overgard A!VfJ AT THIS MOMEl.fr-a&:lLIDATfD PUBLICATIONS~ FELLA ~EP ROP OUT -THfY MJ "FASHION TH~RE !-··F~M CONSOLIDAiED FIRST"' MAGAZltr.IE / PUBLICATIOMS.1-601 REAl •·im!MG HIM I"'! TOUGH wt-lEM 1 TOlD IM )CU PllOS'l Y ll(llJ!.C>tT , SEE HIM/ • By Charles M. Schulz 1 14).TE PEOPLE Wt;O S:NG IN THE .MalNING ~ __ .,. ... ~ ..... , • f ,,.. ·-••'--•'•· ... . \''I ' . • "" •'• ,. ' ' I F'Ol'GOT EMMY1s HO Mo TOD,A y ! g' ASK -,A,.;o VE Si/Al.l RE- CEIVE/ -• I• By Al Capp By Charles Barsotti ..t].ak~~; .goo,. """ ~ I By Gus Arriola By Ferd Johnson By R04iet' BoU.v -·~· t• * ·~ .~ . . By Phil lnterlandl: · i <OL .. ,• ' ' .. ::r \ ,• '" ·:" . .· ,• . :~11 ::C4 ... . " '.' I . I J 'ta;'r ~. l'U.llOit:''fM SOW: l'!.la:: . __ __,__. .._.. ___ _..___. L....f:=ll==;;;l......::J WHENE~ N{Yecrtf 114.S lO ~A 041H ! • ~" ·"' S.-1 1.a • I I - m 1 nlq al> mo ing s aw• CO' CO! prt °"' POI .. , iJ Sw Sec <lot 11'1 : I ~· ak 2J.; wa '"' I I I F c a b ~ • ! , I O~~ar •Frightening ~ ' . Schlesinger Under Extra Pressure By GRANVILLE WAT!S LONDON (AP) -"It was nice to 'wln an Oscar, but a!JO frighteraoc," says Brtu.h movie· director John Schles-1 inger. Schlesinltr, who won the award for ''Mldnlgbt Cowboy," uptalned: "I'm conscious of the e 1 t r a pressure. After 'wimUng an Oscar it't understandable that m1e will look more closely at your next film." 'lbe bald, . thick-set Briton Is currenlly maklng ""Bloody SUnday," a modem lovestory Set in London about an older <tJuple who are both in love Witha~man. : British ·actress G 1 e n d a Jaebon and P<ler Finch star, along with a young newcomer, 21-)rear..pld Murray Head, who was spotted by Schlesinger in tfie sta_ge musical "Hair." "It is a story of people sharing.· compromising and of :.isking · themselves whether partial emotlOnal involvement is better than none. It ex· 'llflineS the nature of what it is, like to be in love ·and ljang oo mist;ikenly," Schles- ipger commented. • making a blue movie. I'm '1ellghted !hat It was the human <thlnp in the film that reached people. That's the best reward we could have. "But ao many people were against us that I thint we d<JUV$d Ille Oscar. I'm only interested in one thing. That is toleranct, I'm terribly con- cerned abc>ut people and the limitation of freedom. It's im- portant to get people to care a little for someone else. That's why l'm more in- terested in the failures: of this world than tbe successes.'' • couple ol weeks finally gets you down. Af1tr all tllose straight otreeu, tan buildings, people livio1 oo top of each other, It'• great to get back to the CUN(et and circles of London. "But when you are not working you cah have a very good time ln New York. More so than In London. It's more swinging than I showed. Some pretty wild parties go on there. The way~t one I show- ed in Cowboy was based on true fact." Schlesinger said as far as be. was concerned there was litUe to choose between the perlorpurnces ol Dustin Ho!· fman and Jon Voight. C.. "I'd be hard pressed to say tMo wa, best. Both are very, very good." Would' Schlesinger make a film showing London i11 the harsh light that jle turned on New York? "Not this movie. It Is not an exposure like ~·lidnighl Cowboy. But if one was look· ing for cert.ain areas . . . a walk around Soho and the figures lurking in the doorway, a young girl I saw obviously on drugs, the winos . . . one Tight Sqiiee%e Harvey Kahn (left) and Heath Park help "visitor" Sandy ~1arino in through a s1nall window during a \\'ild scene from ... One Flew Over the Cuckoo·s Nest," now on stage at South Coast Repertory in Costa Mesa. Saturday, May 2, 1970 What, No La,ss ie In Patsy ·Award s? By VERNON SCOl'1' HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -An lnvesllbUoo, ol Ille· entU-e awardi structure for television ls in order because of in- e xcusable behlnd-the«enes politics, back-biting a n d jealousy. Fo11< the l\fsl time In memory, Lassie has failed to be nominated for a Patsy award. Patsys -an acronym for perfonning animal television star or the year, and picture anima1 top star of the year -are presentations made to the best quadru~. featured , scaled or fUTT)' performances or the year. ("The Brady Bunch"). Servi· fy ("The Ghost aDd Mis. Mui~') and Chipper ("!Alao of the Giants"). All three, If the truth were known, merely are 1Uj,po~ng players. Lassie Is a dog star, not to be confused with the dog slar Sirius in the COO· atellatlon Canis Mayor. If Sharkey, the camel, from "'lbe High Chaparral," falls to win it will be as great an injustice as the Lassie oversight. • But he may expect he>t challenges from Algae, the seal in "The Gbost and Mrs. Muir"; Babe, a mindless raven in .. Land or the Giants"; Bill. a lackluster bear in "Petticoat Junction"; Candy the chimp (just another ingenue) in "Land of the Giants":. ancl Custt>r, a dog in "\Vonderful World of Color." How tile Anierican Humane Association, which supervises this animal \'ersion of the Oscar and Emmys combined, could have overlooked the faith ful collie Is mystifying, t;11r;:::::Jc:::::::;;;11 It is a clear case of discrimination . Perhaps La ssie has y.·on too frequently in the past. Cer- tainly the do1fs acting hasn't NOW PLAYING DAILY PILOT f . PLUS I DT AC'TRUS WINNll I 'll.e:11rime"' I 'it&f~ l~SmJdJI s ---IUl .. N(IOOUll•Ulllll'• • S;chlesiilger, 43, says the AlrD. will be "totally different" ~"Midnight Cowboy," his 1!1cture ol two underdogs in NeW Yor""k. Schlesinger expressed •. love-hate feeling for New York City, where be worked on locatioo for CowbGy. keeps one's eyes open for--------------------tailed off. : "Cowboy ts over but the OOouting ha! gone on. I'm delighted," Ille director said ift an interview. "There was a· lot of advice, from friends and professional p e o pl e , against making Cowboy. P~ pie were convinced we were "Of course we-were only showing a certain area. the Wlderl>elly nf Ille place," he said. "'It's grim and it's more grim than we were able to show. It's an ,maordinarily lively, ei:citing city-for a while. 'Ille pressure and the pace whlch people like for ' Top Drum Beater Jiandall Wollz of Newport Beach displays the per· cussion talent which. won him the John Philip Sousa a:ward at the recent spring concert at Newport Har· bor High School. Randy also plays piano and organ a'.nd hopes to become a professional organist. ORANGE COUNTY'S INDOOR MONTHI. Y MARKET of ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES • , • OVER $1,000,000.00 WORTlt OF ANTIQUES Ora11ge Counry's Most Unique Anrilf" Dow • J'oln the fan • SATURDAY and SUNDAY .11 A.JI. TO 9 PA 11 A.& tO S P.JL MAY2&3 at -Exhibit lullcllng Orange County Fairgrounds, Costa Meta An holwlWIW le~ I• C...-·-....... I IYUTOllE COMEI soc ' 25C Af 11'rd- 9 Academy Nom inations - lHI l 1'H001 HO!l1'1 ,.,, DO~'l JH[l!' -i11 Colc:ir-Sl1rri11'11- • J1nt Fonda • Suunna York ((\'1,trf ~ TRJITH -~) 671-4261 2905 East Coost Hwy. Corona del Mir ITS HERE! ONE OF THE BIG COMEDY DRAMAS OF THE YEAR "Jenny" wl .. M•rlo n.- e Gig Young 1 Wl11111r l ed Svpporti11g Atlor .. Int Picture •f tltt Y_ .. -N•jjo11•I lo11cl of Rt•i••- • f1111°FlllMI C•·Hlt e Morlo11 HMlrr lllt•IMftl WllMll Y111e .. t hftlll• , I THE GREAT :BANK 1'.0DUI:!'..\' [~ :: .,,,,.,, n'"' 't/l AU O l"LAYINI ---- "' .... "'""'"• ...ot•rl .... °'""'' ... ,,. "Changes" .... .... ._ M....._ c.rty ' --------- drama or the tragic. The way one looks at life everything is grist to the mill." Schlesinger said he has ooe or two plans for future films in the works, but is looking forward to a break. "Right now I want to travel the world. I want to look at places before I'm too old. I want recharging." Cast Listed For Comed y At Rancho Tbe Ra,ncho Community Players have announced the cast for their fwl production of the season, the Orange County premiere or "Love in E·Flat." Judy Deltenreider \Viii play the Jeadi~ role or Amy, a young teacher trying to get her boyfriend , who lives upstairs. to propose. The role of the suitor will be played by Tim Adam s. Michael \Villis heads the supporting cast as the young man's roommate, while other roles will be taken by Richard Springer, Frank Dettenreider and Linda Ryan. Clark Farrell is making his directorial debut with the Norman Krasna co m e d y , ~1tich will open Ma y 28 for a three-weekend run at the Irvine School on Sand Canyon Road off the Santa Ana Freeway. Reservations are being taken at 837-17S:l. NA"nCINAI. GlNlAM. C()APCMATION Fiiiiimt.E!!! Safi Dlrft9F.-rM lrkW• 516-1711 7:JD-10:00 12:JO·l:OO S:JO·l:OO-IO :JO ENOS TUESDAY BEST ACTOR JOHN 6UN KIM WAYNE • CAMPllU • DAMY t ;.f.,;,' " 1f()ffCQ.Ofil' • A PAAAMOUNT ~ AU0 -11" u .. M""-fll "The Sterile Cuckoo" '"· Sltew Stet1tr 7 P·"'· CNt. SGT. & s ... Ft-I Hell.er Taking Look At 'Catch-22' Movie Four other dogs are com- peting in the television category this year:... 'Ilger • By BOB TH0~1AS journals greeted i t en- thusiastically, but most of the HOLLYWOOD (AP} reviews were apathetic or Novelist Joseph Heller was in hoslile. !~(~~cl~o~~· look at his baby, "The book never made tilt best seller list," Heller reealJ. That's the wild, wonderful ed. V.'orld War IL novel which -===========.II has become a modern classic r- -3Y.: million copies sold . Heller remained absent while Mike Nichols filmed the $14.7 million movie version which will premiere in June. Nor was Heller included in the script writing, which was the work of Buck Henry - "The Graduate." This would seem tO indicate remarkable forebeatance for a man whol:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~~=========~ devoted seven years of bis life to writing a novel. "When J speak at universities. I'm always asked if I had worked on the script," Heller said. "When I say no, there is always a shuffling or feel. indicating the students felt this was wrong. But then l explain to them that novelists do not · necessarily make good script writers, especially of their o w n material. Nor do playwrights. tjf-; J'outh Coast Repcrtur)' THURSDAY -"Excellent" ••. L. A. TIMES "WE IOMIED IN NEW HA VEN" Fritlty/S•lurd•y/Su11d •y thru Mty 10 "ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST" A Theat rical Shock Treatmeni" ... Doilt1 Pilot 1'011: llES£111:VAT IONI: CALL W.l»l 1121 N .... pOrt •lff., Cotti MK11 "Somewhere along about thel'==•··~~\ii!lmrw~~"!P,!P,tiffti!W~ll~='I third rewrite, Mike and Buck I Henry showed me the script. I must say 1 thought it was fine. They had lert in scenes that I relt wou ld have lo come out of the movie script." "Catch 22" has had a curious history. lieller wrote the novel at night while he was writing advertising copy for a li ving. "But even though it took me seven years, I probably couldnl have written it faster if t had been a full-time author," he added. "I can only write about two hours a day." "Catch 22" was finally published in 1961, three years after his deadline with Simon and Schuster. A few small lido ,,.~ COit» n ~­ -ALSO- MAQGll SMITH CJ. I". aATING \ WMt DtJYS h 1r Office o,_. 7:00 e S•ow Startt ot Dwst Frl .• Sot .• $1111. lor Offlc• Ope1t5 6:lD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. . 11;1a !@[ii •I il 111 :0 If Ii: I}:§ iii iJ Shows Slul •t Dusk• Children undor 12 frHI li•clutlvt Or1111• Cnnty Drlv•l11 Sloewlllf "Zotl. 1 S..-c.• Ot1ya11r" CGJ C•llr .... "lllft 1"9 Hlf~ WI,.,.' IG} Ctltor ~$,] E•ch,.lv• Or•1111 c.u11t1 Orlv•·lll S~tWlllf "The f lv1 Min Armt" COP') CtlM" -lltfutl Wtk~ Ill "l'l1reu1" IOP') Ctllr All Ctlt r lhew Mari. ffttmtt 11 "J.,,111" IOP'I .... "Me. fUllllt" IOP'I li•<hrtl'f't OrtMti C-tr Orht•l11 1"9wt.., ''T"" .... ...,. .... 111;1 c ..... "••"'" ,,,. J11t11f'' tGI C.ltr Un•tl' 11 m111t M wllll ,arent All (llff S.._ "Tiit Dirty Dt1""" IG'"I C.lrtr ... ....,.._ lltltl 0.tt'' 101"1 Ctllf" PACIFIC WALK-IN THEATRES Aff C.lw ...... ..... , ....... ,., "' '"L6' l•mrMr'' 1111 UMW tr MWlf .. *ti!! I"~ I CIARK"fu\BLE VMEN LF1GH LESLIE HOWARD UVIAdellAVILLAND ·~11!t1WtM.PEll.W ·iii'• . -· ' .. , •11£111iitiii'IWLI~-- ' CINF.DOME ' ............... t='E1 ~~ ... -· L::aJ ·• ... " .. ' .. . ... . . • Now Playing ,..., ... of ....... -. ·.~ ~-w~ _ ... ~. . .. SHOW TI MI! SAT. I-SUN. 1:20-1:40-6-1-1 0 ·---lU.IBlll llRI 11111 IU I • ·11 .... 1 II ll111l1R IMll~llr ~ IMlll lll~IS PUiiW!Slr• CllCI ®- •• ·--·"' _ ...... lli>' 7.iHE. :& 'YEAR'S .<Ad BEST ~c~~~J" ftJ . .....,...,_ W-.0 rOll eol.URlll . f!wjlU. llfW.N {!)eo 1ST AAIA AUN • YOUR EYIS WON 1 llLllYI ~U YOU HUR IN * * BEACH BLVD. AT ELLIS * * HUNTINGTON BEACH * 847·9608 Direct from Its Roadshow Run 2nd Week-Now at Popular Prices An epic drama of adventure and ex !oration! SUPH PAftA~SIOll' • METIIOCOLOR • L -. JO D~LY PILDI SalUfday, May 2, 1970 Lakers Hang Tough, By GLENN WIUTE DI' ,... DtilfJ ~ lt•tt INGLEWOOD -U-alded John Tres- \tant came olf the bench Jn the overtime to combine talents with veterans Jerry West and Elgin S..Vlor and that trio pac- ed the Los Angeles bkers to a 121-IJS conquest of the New York Knickerbock- ers Friday night before 17,509 at the Forum . Tresvant hadn't seen a minute's action In the NBA championship series, which is now squal'ftl 2-2 with battle resunting Monday at Madison Square Garden. But he was the shot. in the arm his tir- ing mates needed in that five-minute ov- ertime. He made two steals, a rebound and three clutch rree throws to keep the Knicks under fire. Baylor threw in eight point.! while Wesl potted sil in the over- time. For the game the LA 11uperstars nailed 30 and 37. J.,akers coach Joe Mullaney said after- ward he had inserted Tresvant In the lineup to strenghten the defense. and the move worked beautifully. Tresvant's first steal came I :40 into the overtime with Los Angeles nursing a 105· J.ol lead. He was fouled after lhe theft and subsequenlly potted both free throws to up the edge to four. His rebound set up the bucket that shoved the Lakers ahead by eight. then another steal and ensuing pass to Baylor put it on ice as the hosts look a 118·109 lead with -46 seconds left. West, a questionable player until f'ri· day morning because of a severely bruis· 1ed left hand, said the only lime it bother· ed him during lhe game was when he tried to work from the le(! side and when officials threw the ball to him"'lor tree throws. West also noted that the 14 Umeouta: called (13 by the teams, one by national TV ) was a great assist to the weary Laker11, who had talJen In overtime Wed· nesday when they ran out of gas late in ~h going. aj)peared that the KrUcks were going blow the Lakers off the noor u they med to a 20-11 lead, hitting nlne of r first tl shots from the noor. Buffie Lakers fought back and went up with 5:51 remaining in the half. 38-37, and never trailed again until the final 48 seconds of the last quarter. They were down, 99-97 with 23 seconds left in regulation but Baylor ch.ipped in ll\'O free throws to tie it. However, the Knicks had the ball and when they took a timeout with nine seconds left, you got 17 Horses, Woman Rider Run for the Roses Today • UPI T111,110lo DIANE FATHOMS DERBY -Jockey Diane Crump gently strokes the nose of Fathom. the horse she'll ride in tOday's Kentucky Derby. It will take a dry track for Fathom to run with Diane the fir st won1an to compe te in America's most famou s race. Sports in Brief Bruin, SC Spikers Mix; Rams , Denve1· in Swap . Southern California and UCLA collide tn their annual track and field showdown today at the Los Angeles Coliseum. Action gets under way at 1 :30. Lang was with Los Angeles Jn 1969 and was with the Philadelphia Eagles the five previous seasons. LOJ.!tSVILLE f AP) -Mint juleps, traf. fie jams. elbows in the ribs and every. where you look people. people, people. It's the city's most famous holiday even though-It's not marked on anyone'! cal· endar. Today is Derby Day. The 96th running of the Kentucky Der· by past the twin spires at Churchhill Downs has brought a crowd or more than 100,IXXI, plus all those folk.s standing to- gether, jammed in the infield. A total of 17 horses and one woman rider are sure to make racing history. The race begins at 2:4D p.m, POT. Prot.anto was scratched from the Der· by Friday with an ailing ankle. thus JO starters will move a notch closer to the starling gate, giving a little better posi· ion to such fa vorities as My Dad George. TerlagP and Personalit y. It also moves Fathom and Diane ,..,rump, the first woman to ride In the rlerby or any race of $100.000 or more, rne slot nearer the inside of the Church· ii! Downs track. Protanto had the No. 8 position in the gale and was listed in the protiable odds at ZO..l, the highest odds on the list made up by the track handicapper. Meantime, Trainer Jim Conway an-· nounced he had engaged Church Baltazar to ride Dr. "Behnnan, and Milo Valen- zuela, wh<R last derby finish i! still a question mark, was put aboard Native Royalty for the 211, mile American claS!ic. Valenzuela, who won his first derby start with Tim Tam in lllaB. rode second rihlih'ir----ror-Wara PUs 1n the 1968 con· troversial finish with Dancers Image that still is bouncing around the courtroom. Most of the derby candidates had thei r final spin around the track Friday and one. Silent Screen, ran into trouble in the process. Breezing for Trainer J. Bowes Bond . the juvenile champion of last yea r found himself alongside another e-0lt and, as in a race, stepped up the pace far more than Bond had planned. He was Limed Jn :34 2-5 for three furlongs . "We don·t know who the other horse was or where he came from," owner Sonny Werblin said later. "He just seem· ed to come from nowhere.'' Hero 11 ll>t lleld for the Miii IC..,luckv Duby, wu11 pent oosnio.... rld1r1 '"" problbJt odd.: 1. G90fgo Lewis tHorlack) 1t.1 7. Dust Commencltr' !M.,111ontllol 70.1 J, f.Df, Bltlrm1n IBol1111r) U·l ~. HOIV Und (Pl11r) IS·I J, Paocllo Ltl01 4Clmtiasl u .1 6. Siient Scrn-n Ul:oh'l l·I 7, l·llOflln'l" Bug !Moyers\ 1s.t I. l·HlllYt lloy11ty lV1lt111u-tl1J 15.1 t. l·Acllon Gtlflf' IVene1ll) lS·I lo. f,Fatllom (Crump! 1s.1 11. a.High Ech110n CA.d•msr j.1 12. My 0.d Geor9t !BrOllUlrGI •·I ll. Tt<"lago {$1'tO&mektr) 1.7 u . N11kra lBltU) 12·1 H. Admlrll'I Shit~ !Hlchof1) l'O·l l~. 1·Ptr1o~ll!V (Btl,,..,,,!fl 5·1 11. Cor~ 01! lllt Cob 4CGrdtro Jr) J·I •. Mrs, Elhtl o . JICOll5 ..... y. t-MlllYtl llt ld. " . 121-115 that fetUnl. die Liken wue doomed. But Walt J'rUr mWtd a Jast-gup shot and overtUDe It wu. WUt Cbaml>«lain did a "'perb job agalnat rival «11ter Wlllla lletd, domlnl- Ung the boardl and the e<nter jumpa. Al)d he toesed in 11 poillts. ' The Lf.kers actually won the game at the (reo throw line, outscoring the loser1 by 10 from that station. MIW YOltll LOS ANOl!LES • ' ' • ' ' lrlCIJnr • • •• ' l1vlor " ., " DBkni • ,_, " '"'"' • ,_, " . ... " •• .. Ct."'bln ' ., " llrMtl .. ,_, " G1,,elt • ,_, ' l'r•1l9!' ' 14-IJ " Wtll " 11·12 " ·-• .. • H1lrstn ' ••• • >111wr111 ' ·-· " Eton • .. • llllutll • .. • llo0tr111 ' ••• • ......., • .. • TrosY1nl • •• ' Tot1b • 1'·26 JU Tot1I • 'l't-J7 121 H ... Y11'1i u " " n " -'" ·I.a ""9olls 14•172tD -121 Foulld toll! -Htw v--. 0.Buadltni. Brldllr. Tot1I loul1 -M-Y°"' 21. Loa AnNla J.( Boston Slugs 4HomeRuns; Angels Fall, 8-3 BOSTON (AP) -Carl Yastrezemski hit two homers and George Scott and Reggie Smith contributed one each Fri- day night as the Bo.t_t.on Red Sox overpowered the Califorif\-Ang_els, 8-3, for their filth straight victory. Yastremski, who has been taking extra batUng practice to break out or a slump hit a two-run homer off starter Toni Murphy io the first inning and then coimected for his third homer of the Angel Slate AH flMll • KMl'C (111) Mar ' Antel1 ot &otton M1v l Anvi ls 11 Bo•loft M1v s A1111ol1 YI. W1shl1111ton M•Y ' An,111 YI. Wl1hlnt1011 Mtiy 1 A1111el1 YI. W1•t.ln11ton Mor • "'"'lfll YI. Hew Yeortr; 10.SS 1.m. 10:55 1.m. 7:51 p.m. 1:55 P.m. 1;3S 1>.m. 1.55 ""1. season against Eddie F'isher in the fifth. Scott, "'·ho has been on a week·loog batting spree. hit his fourth homer leading off the second. Then he helped shell Murphy with a run-scoring double in the third. Scott also had a single. Smith, who singled ahead o r Yastrezemskl 's fi rst homer, lined a shot into the right field st8Jlds in the seventh for his fourth homer. The victim was Wally Wolf, the third California pitcher. Ray Culp turned in his second route· going performance in earning h.is second vict.ory in five deci.!riollS, The Angels picked up two unearl\ed runs in the third on an error, a walk, an infield hit by Jim Frtgosi and Alex Johnson's bases-loaded single off third base'!lan ~is Alvarado's glove. Cahforn1a added another rul!. in the fourth when Ken McMullen doubled moved to third on an infield out and scored on Joe Azcue's sacrifice fl y. After McMullen's hit, Culp was in ~omplete command. retiring 17 batters 1n a row before McMullen singled with two out in the ninlh . -er -er tr (ALtFOllHll IOSTOH •• , ~ Ill •• r ~ ~• Alomlf ?b • ' ' • .t.ndrew. ?b • • • • fluoot cl ' ' • • R Smith tt • ' , ' Fre101l u • , • V•lrrmkl ' ' ' , , A John&0n " • • ' ' Conigliaro " ' ' ' • s ... ncer lb • • • • PRll"IKelJi » ' ' ' McM11llln 3b ' ' ' • Scot! lb ' ' , Vou vt • • • • A!vartdo Jb ' . ' • Azcue c , • • • "'''" • • • • M11rl'l!v • ' • • • Culo p • • ' ' """-' " • • • • Joll""IGtlc ~ ' • • • Wot! o • • • • To!lll " ' • ' Tololl ~ . " • S~ofl •1 lmin11 c1111.,.nt• 0 01100000--l 6o1ton 110\!0lOx-t OP-Ctlllorn11 1. L!<:t•ton I. LOB -(1lilunlt •, 6oston •. IB -Alv1r1doo, McMulltn. Petroctlli ?. Scon. Hi:! -Y•1tr1tm1ki 2 J, Scoll •. i:i. Smith • 511 -Alomtr, '! Smll~. Y•,ifltm•~I. SF _ Att;11• The Trojans of Southern Cal go into the meet as decided underdogs to the undefeated Bruins without standout Herman Franklin. Franklin. in1ured , was a leading figure in the high hurdles, the intermediate hurdles and the long jump. The host Trojans, also unbeaten but tied once in Pac-3 conflict, have beaten the Bruins for the past. two seasons and hold a commanding 35·2 edge over their cross-town rivals. His last year was 1967 when he carried the ball 101 times far Lhe Eagles for 336 yards. averaging 4.3 yards per carry. He scored hvo touchdowns on carries and three by pass reception . • . NE\V YORK -With Coogress looming in the background. a federal judge in- dicated Friday he would grant a preliminary injunctiun p r o h i b i t i n g merger talks between the National and American basketball a~iaUons. Pal1ner Regains Touch, Takes Lead With 66 UCLA ·s forte is in the sprinlS, long jump, h.igh jump and triple jump, • DENVER -The Denver Br~ncos an· nounced Friday the trade of linebacker Frank Richter to the ~ Angeles Rams for Izzy Lang, a 6-foot-1 230-pound run· ning back. Bloom New Coach For El Camino Judge Charles H. Tenn ey, with lawyers ror both leagues in agreement that such an injunction be granted, asked lawyers of the le3gues and the NBA players to work out the language for the in· junction. The judge recessed the hearin~ on the motion for the injunction until Mon- day "'hile the l:iwyers put their heads t.ogether. He also extended a temporary restraining order to Wednesday, pro- hibiling merger discussions. • tNDlANAPOLlS, Ind. -A gas turbine car, supposedly legislated out of ex- istence, was the first racer on the track Friday at the opening of Indianapolis Bill Bloom, former varsity ba&kSchooetba11 1 Motor Speedway practice for the 54th 500 coach \ Corona del Mar High mile race May 30. ha• ac!epted a position as head cage Rich Mtither of L3guna Beach who tutor ror El tamino College, the DAILY ..,, will make his fourth attempt to qualify PILOT learned exclusively today . for the SB00,000 auto classic. fired up Bloom 1 two-&ime capt.ala at USC , hi.s AIU9on %50 and beat vete ran Art !~ Georll Stanich who ruigned Pollard of Medford , Ore .. who had hoped to coactl ltit Yiilol.lavian Olympic ftam . to be first out in !I conventional lurOO. The new Warrior bolS will play in charged. the rough and" tumble Metro Conference with such powers 11 Bakersfield. LA Valley, Pitrce.. SaDt.I Monk:a. Pasadena andLooCBuch-EI camtoo WU i.• !Ml ytar. Bloom'• rorcn open their 1970 homt campalp qallllt er..,. C...1 Colle&« lfe wu out ot eoeehlOc for • year. giv1n,-privtie bullMU a whirl before. decidin& that tbe rormer •as his cup or tea. "I'm ,..ny p1 .. ...i -uclled to bt back In colCbfnl,'' the Newport ~eh-lllYL • Rick Woods of Huntington Beach won the scratcb main eve nl Friday night at Oran.cc County Fairground! Ji\ speedway rttcln& bC!!fort an ove:rflow crowd. Second in the four-lap trst was Mike Konle' of Granada flills followed by Gardth Q:rove's Bill Cody. The .Nndlcap mmpanlon feature was won by Denni Glldehaus of Canoga Park 11lllowed by Larry ~•mart ol Inglewood, K<>nle and Cody. ' DALLAS (AP) -Indomitable Arnold Palmer refOund his l~t putting touch and bolted into the first round lead in the $100.000 Byron Nelson Golf Classic with a four-under·par 66 Friday. "I guess I just got damn tired of pulling so bad," the fabled Charger said after taking only 26 putts on the wet, soggy greens at the weathered Prest.on Trail golf club course. "rm putting now like I was a few years back," he said after taking a one st.roke lead over Jack Nicklaus. the man who has mounted the biggest challenge to Arnold's golfing tltrone. Nicklaus had a 67. Both played in the morning chill and then sat back and watched their scores ~land up to the challenge offered by the afternoon starters. The first round originally was scheduJ. eel for Thursday, but was postponed by rain that left the course wet and heavy and forced officials to make 90me rl'vlslons. playing the 10th as a sho rt par five Instead of ll Jong par four and cutting the 17th from a par four to a 180-yard par three . Tied at 68, two under per. was the ouarti:t of National Amateur champion Steve Pitelnyk, %$-year-old Pete r Townsend of England, Joe Carr and' Bill Bruk. Jerry Abbott and John Jacob'> had 69'1 while South African Gary Player finished bogey-bOgey to take a 70. Defending champion Bruce Devlin had 1 72, Lee Trevino took 1 74 and U.S. Open champion Orville l\1oody stumbled in \Yith a fal 78. Billy Casper, the only other $1 million winner beSides ~ickl.aus and Palmer . is nol rompcting 1n this event. Palmer, who scored consecutive vjc· tories in the last two events of 1969 hut a non·"·inner this year. had six birdies and t"·o bogeys in his round. "I think I've found son1ething in n1y stroke, something that puls me back lo "·here I was years ago.'' the 40-year old millionaire said. Palmer had a little trouble with his Irons, finding tour traps and missing !wo . other greens. But be made up for tl with the puller, coon Ung eight one-putt greens and once chipping in. Frklll>' Ill 1111 Slll0,000 BvrDl'I J • DAl\.Y I'll.OT 1'11119..,. llld1111f KW!Mf :· STRETCHING IT OUT -New York's Willis Reed goes high in at-:~ tempt to block ~ shot_ by the Lakers' Keith Erickson (right) in NBA playoff game Friday night at the Forum. The Lakers won in overtime, 121·115, to knot the world title series at two games each. Weekettd Menta ... Derby , SC-Bruin Meet, • A11gels, Lakers on Tube -.• " ·-· Racing fans will have their hands fu ll switching channels this afternoon as the 96\h running of the Kentucky Derby is brought here live ar.d in color on Channel 2 al 2 o'clock at the same hour the annual USC.UCLA track and field meet is ttlecast on Channel 11. Terlago. the Santa Anita Derby winner, heads a field of outslanding three.year- olds in the Run for the Roses. Post time for the race is at 2:38. Close individual duels are expected in the Bruin· Trojan meet. UCLA's John Smith an ti Wayne Collett face USC's Edesel Garrison in the 440. Dave Murphy of USC and Mark Ost.oich of UCLA vie in the shot put. Top hurdlers are Tyrone Dutton of the Trojans and UCLA's Jean Pierre Corval and Duane Johnson . When the Lakers and New York Knicks switch to 1'.fadison Square Garden for lhe fifth game of the NBA playoffs l\1onday night, Channel 5 "'ill air the action beginning at 5:30. The major league baseball game of the week today pits Minnesota and Baltimore t.ogether in the Oriole park. The Angels and Boston will be seen on Channel 5 Sunday at 10:30. Final round of the Byron Nelson Golf Classic from Dallas, Texas will be aired on Channel 7 Sunday aftcrnoOn at 2. Hockey fans will be able to witness lhe first game of the final Stanley Cup TOOAY MONDAY J;JO 1>.m lJl~l. .J Lo~..,,~kwt oi.v "" Hew Yon. 11l(kl Ill tdlllltft •• G•rftfl lt:i fifth tlmt M 9A tr1tm11 hi• "' t. ' .. playoff series Sunday on Channel 2 al:' 11 o'clock when the Boston Bru~ plaf .. Lhe Blues in St Louis. · Dodgers Drop :. 3-1 Decision To Montreal ,• ··ws ANGELES (AP) -Right·handtr' Carl Morton, a one-time outfielder. bar~ fled Los Angeles on three hits FridaY: night as he pitched the Montreal Expos lo a 3-J victory before 32,929 Cap NIJ~· fans at Dodger Stadium. ~ Morton, an outfielder in the AUanta- organi.zaUon until three years ago, posted:'" Dodger Slate ,,•:1 ·~ . •·irt..: P.m. ·~· hi~ second straight victory and bar_ elf'_ missed a shutout. ~ta~k Jones.dro~e In both of Pl-1ontreal's ~ins J~ the first inning folowing an lrij' field single by Ron Brand an error by J\1aury Wills and a walk l~ Jack Hiati Jones then delivered a bases·loaded double to center off Don Sutton. . Rt.1sty Sta~b singled home an insurance run in the nrnth . ,. Th~ only Los Angeles run in lhe ~.:... : ond · • · ' .......... C a .111ning, also w11s unearned. ·Wiiii~ r l\ford reached base on a two-out , by shortstop Bobby Wine look ~rr9r:, a. passed ball and scored 'on Bill Sudakf;. single. ,. Morion. who defeated San Francj • ~~~ Sunday f!>'" hl1 first major lea:: tim:1'' was lit trouble only one other LOS ANGILIS 1e r • Ill NIOHtlll.IL w.11, H J 0 • OH•lwi (f ., r S!ll!<n0r1 1b f o t t B••~d JI> I I w, °""" (f • • • 011411111 ,, t 1, Ol<O rl j 0 1 0 I'll rt~ JO W B1rl1r lb • 0 O OHLftt c J f (r•wrtwf I' • I I IM J01111 H 1 I SYCll-!1 f I 0 I tkth!flnCI 10 t "''*w\!' :111 l • 0 owi... " o Sutton o J O o OMorion p 0 ·~--"1000 0 Horl'N!11 P f •O O t G~11ri.1tn p11 1 o o o " ••• ' ,, •• ' ' • • • 'o' I t '. • • •• •• Ttlll JllflTtt.i Xf Montre.11 100 000 00 'J LOSA11'}11J9' ...... Dlt .,, ootf E-Wllll, Wino, Hit!!. L09-MonlrNI 11 L Ano-tin I. 21 -Jont1, '"'""I"'° 1C111co H ~ $9 -$IAK1t. P1lrfr, W, Ptr-tf", 5 _ 1,',,,.~ II' ftl II 111 11 to tllO)j $\ltlOt'IL,S.J ., 1, f 9 J J H.,mm ' f f 1 I 1 WP-Nor111111.Pl -Hl1ro ·-···'. n.m. · .... - ( ' ~· , • J ( J I an< tht 1 Gi of·• t •Pf: Da Re to On Pm for del -A or to qu: Hi! cu· ga• 1 gr< cor or for I sin ~ di\ ,fii bal I pn of hao th< qu del Ire: lo• bi1 th• '"' cit by ·, 1;, wi &,i 1" (& ( ] ' ( cc ~ c u: II ol h E • n " 0 t I ' 1- ' • ' ' ' ' , Now • •. STEVE REECE (LEFT) AND DAVE PENHALL GO FOR BEARS • . ' Former Area ' '. ' Gridders Seek Jobs at Cal BERKELEY -Two returning veterans and two junior college transfers from lhe Huntingto11 Beacb area are scheduled loj play a big role for the University ot·Califonia in the 1970 football season . .._. .f.s tbe Bears go Uu'ough thoir anmm r:;j:dng dii.lb, TIDW uµtil May 16, seniors Dave Penhall at quarterback. and Steve Reec8 at defensive e•d are erpected lo maintain their starting roles and Orange Coast c.n.ge trusfen steve Purnell and Rick White are both flgbtlng for starUDg berths at cent.er and defensive end, respectively. ·After his great fWSb at the tail end or his junior year. Penhall is going to be a hard man to beat out at quarterback. The fonner Westmtn.m.r l·llgh star will be challenged by Steve Curtis, whos, mid~a¥.>nrlnjury la~ year 1:ave Penhalf hlY bi~ Chance. · ; ~ .1 tn the Seasori finate. Penlian haa ~a great day and convincingly displayed confidence and poise. Dave hit on 23 or 36 passes and ."321 yards, passing for one scOre ind ~· ror J\fO o)llfrs. In that gaml! be cracked Cia.11: Morton single game l1!COrds for most yards ~ and total offense yards. h ad· dl'tion to goOd stat!:, Penball's consistency '"'"1Id rate him the edge In the QB batUe. Reece .. the other Huntington Beach product m a starting role, has one ~ o( startiaJ e'"°ie•ce •. .and at·g..1,. 205, has the .quicldids agililJ, lllld size that the well-respected California defense re· quires. Assuming ~ holds On tq 9oe !lefensh·e end spot, Orange Coast transfer Rick White will be battling for the remaining erid poslti~. White's biggest asset iS his site. At 6-3, he is by far the largest o( the five or six players vying for the rOte, and lhought to have .an outside chance or landing the starting berth b)' opening game. ·Mother big OCC transfer, Bob Purnell, IS··'rated al least an eve.. chance at winaing the starting role at center. The 6.1, 225. all.state JC perfonner will be Ial;tling BW Jobnaon from Napa JC {~ 230). GWC Rallies Late For 4-0 Victory Over Rio Hondo . Golden West College broke up a 0.0 coOt.est with four runs in the bottom °''_Ute seventh m.ing to overcome Rio l-loodo, 4-0. in Southern California CQaference baseball action Friday on Uj# winnen' diamond. . ~teve GrWllh went the distance 01 t.6e motmd for the Rustler•, lhutting oil the v!>lllng Roadrunners on ,tbr<e hi'fs, two waltl and siX Jtrikeouls. Ia the productive aeventb, Mike ~mberton ltd off for the boats with a 'llingl~ and Tom Cornell'• sacr11ice n\Ovtd pinchnmner Steve Johnson down lo lleCOlld with the Rio Hondo pllcher throwing wide al first. Johnson scored from lhlrd o• a passed ball whtte·two more runs tallied on Bill f'iissell's single. '1im Hogan singled RuSAe.11 home with t)lc final Rustler tally af~r. lhe latter had stolen sccood. :. o.N .. Wnl U I "''"" l I I ) 1 e 7 1 J 0 0 0 I I 0 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 I 0 • 1 •• I I I 0 J I 1 I J I I I 4 I I I •J • 1 • 11 .. ~(I! ••• ,1'111 Ntr1e.d ~••o At1llc.tn. < ' e I o '"'''"toot Giillottl, .. ' 0 ' 0 &Hrt.21 )11 0 fffltl, II 4 0 0 I Htf11Hmr, I• I 0 I 0 -~,,..,. t••• I UllM11tf, II J t I 0 at • J • tJ 4 I J Tt111t ._.. .. 111111• OIO oot D-4 It ti ............ ··-~w ... t I Marina Wiils, 2·1 NewportHarbor's White Tosses No-hitter ; 4-0 That loud ROise heard around Orange County twice weekly is not ax aU>mic bomb test but a succession of Sunset League baseball Jead~s falling from the top posiUoo,one after lhe other. Friday afternoon, Alvin White of Newport Harbor shocked Westminster by borliug a no-hit, no-ru1, f.-0 triumph over the host team. The loss dropped the u-1rom a-. of the lead. Marina's Vikings remained one-half game off the pace of Western High with a pair of unearned runs to defeat Santa Ana, 2-1, on tbe ~ianers' diamond. It was a case or home run or ..0 count as ·western•s Pioneers defeated host Huntington Beach, $-2, to bounce ba¢k frnm • Tuesday defeat al the habds of Marina. Anaheim drew a bye iR the tight league scramble with only two games separating the first six teams. Wh.ile's ma ster pjece against West.miaster narrowly missed befug a perfect game. He gave up one walk as the Sailors played errorless ball. The Tar hurler was staked to an unearned run in the first innl1g as Jell MaUnoff reached first on an error and scored on two additional miscues. Tbe other three markers were also tailted. Every run scorett at Hunti11gton Beach Wesftm ISi H11n!1111r.n f2) •••hDI l'l r ltrbl Huit, Oe1n ?b J 1 1 O Cl'lurchwtl!. •• 1 o o o Hun, DIVt •s ' ] 2 0 MurPl\1, 2b ' 0 I 0 l.1Merodol1, If 4 I 1 2 svmon1, 1 b 1 o o o Wll»n, c J 1 1 J C.tnlrtll, rl J O I O Arl11, cl l o r o Btn1g11. " 1 o o o l.lnclry, Jb l 0 0 0 Dl!et•r, Jb I I O O Gr1qn1no, rl J O 1 o Moth, < J 1 1 2 Emdt,111 JOIOSllubln,H JOOO Ootero11rcl. P I o o o ~ro, ct 1 o o o BCIOfltr, P 1 O o o Fu1111m. 111'1 a o o o Tot111 2t J • s Tor111 2J 2 J l su,. •v ll'lflln11 Wes tun HWlllnfllOn Steel! . " ' JOO 020 0-$ ' 0 010 000 0-2 2 2 San!• AM fl) M1rl ... UI •••llrlll •-rllrbf 8"'1tmln, :II 2 0 0 0 F1'11nk, If 2 O O O 84ilvollngh, ... 2 0 0 0 C.!l'!Pbell 2tl l 0 1 0 McGutln. < a o • o CfKl, Jb, 3 0 o o 1.-rd. 11-111 J 0 I I A,.._,, c 2 o O O f'_,lb J01 0 Mur1Jlo,p JOOO 'li..ct 11 0 01e1u1111~r poooo Mc:l(tlth9ni. H 0 0 I 0 illePtr, r1' 2 O 1 o kr.nio.rt !Ollkutma,pr 01 0 0 WVr~ 2b J I 1 t Mlllo!r, •• l 1 o o ,,..,.....,,. IOOIS.sntn,d l010 ~ ph 1 0 D O PemberlOf\o lb J O O o Tof1t1 2J I l 0 Tottll 2' 2 J I) SUr1 •r 111nln11 Ntw"'I H1'111r U) •• r II rW E11IWlll'>fl, ll 4 1 2 0 Fa.ltr, ltt ' o O _JI '-l1Unoff, 1b l l I o '-ltriln. c J 0 0 0 Pnlns,ib Jooo 111..-.:fllr<il, cf l 0 2 0 .... l!llt, p J I 0 0 Hedrick. u 1 o e o Nf'edn, •II 1 o a o Y.tneff, rl l 1 1 0 Ernv,111'1 1010 . " . DOI ODO 0-1 J S 010 OOJ J.-.1 l 0 Wt1lml11Utr !I) .. r II •ltl Prlct,11 JOOG OoOll, 111-rf l 0 0 0 ~rltk, 7b l 0 0 0 C~tnlnt, ltt l O o o lltne,<l·P 2001 Mllnt,< 2 000 ludtltrwl. ,.,.._, I 0 O O 5.Mtl11ML ti 1 0 0 0 J.S.ncMt, P.1~ 2 0 0 0 Tolall JG ' 1 O Tot•ll 70 0 0 0 kWf't .., llMl111t1 NtWllOrt H1rbDr W"""!Mllr . " . 100 000 3-1 ' 0 GOO 000 0-0 0 $ BRODERICK OUT OF STATE GA.ME Westminster High'• Dan Broderkk has pasled up Ule invit.aUon to partlcipate in the first annu.l North.SOUth All-St.ar basketball game at OaklaDd in July. I) The 6-8 Llons ace told the DAILY PILOT, "I think I'd rather work during the summer and I don't want to \Ike the chance or lo.ting a Job because of the ttme required out of the area. "I'll be phoning the Mllllkan coach (ltowie Lyon) Monday to tell him personally. "The Orana:e county game is the one I'd rather play ln anyway because I know quite a lot of the. kids on the 1quad and evM on the opposing side .•• ll!ld I think 111 •nJoy ll a lot more," said Broderi~k. came on home runs. Western opeoed the scoring when Dean and Dave Huss singled to get the game under way. Craig LaMendola struck out before Dale Wilsoa unloaded a three-rua homer. Dan Moats put the Oiiers back in contention in Ule second after Steve Deeter walked when he blasted one over the left field fence. · LaMendola then\ put the game out or the Oilers reaCh in the. fifth with- two away after Dave Huss singled with the Utird four-ply blast or the game. Santa Au's Saints played a game of giveaway at Marina by committing five errors and contributing a pair or unearned runs. First score came in the second inniJ1g when Sleve Miller was safe 011 a throwing eJTor and moved to second on Rick Saeman's single to left field. Brock Pemberton forced Saeman at second and a belated throw to first was bobbled. Miller kept running and a bad throw allowed him to score. Santa Au came back with a single marker in the third on singles by Jerry Kuno and Jerry Wyrick a•d a wild pitch. Len Beller, right fielder for Marina 'made the fielding play of the day, ~ diving catch of Jell Jiles' sinking liner in the seco1d. He also walked in the seventh, stole second and pi.1ch runner Wally Kuzma scored the winning r.un on another Saint throwing error. Saddleback Qualifies 26 For Finals Saddleback College will send 26 qualifiers into today's Desert Conference track and field finals at Victor Valley College in Victorville. Field events were scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. with the first running event set for noo1 . Topping the list of Sa ddleback qualifiers is Paul Cox, who will compete in four field events and the 100-yard dnsh. He placed first in the discus and ja.velin throw in Friday's pre\ims at Victor Valley . -eox had a toss or 142-51-2 in the" discus and a throw or 1734 in the javelia. He also had the fourth best effort or the day in the Jong jump (22-3o/,) alld the seventh top performance in the shot put (41-411). He was also !!eeond in his heat of the 100, clocking 10.2. Saddleback's John Williams won his heat of the 440 intermediate hurdles In 59.8 ud also finished fifth in the hJ&h jump altd third in oae heat of the 120 high hurdles. Prelims were not held In the milt two-mile or relay events. ' IO~J 11'!'1 )I -), Wlllll !MCI 1R.O 2 W•llO'I "'l' yt'"! 1.-VJ 4. Brown ~Vt "r,, .J.1 J~1jr~s iVv! 4.J= 1~v~ · '·' 2. co~ HH M«.t I! -1. JohnKln !MCI 11 • l~1n.'""'"' lMC) 1•.I '· Dtnnls !VV> •. COK ll'D HH iH .. ! 21-I, HY'dtr !VVl U 1 1 ~fV1'r. 11v J u.• J, w11111rm 1s11 '· cv''" 440 111 IHMI 1j -I. H\'<ilf< IVVI Jt J 1 rk~~ CCtnl 1:01. J. Honneo ~ t511 4. C•ilrci l~u IH{J~"~,J'l. ~· Wilt!lm5 1$11} l•.• , Vm:i . 1rd111 UVCJ 4, Urru1hdet (I ; ~Jtl ~l,-;~·,J~"lO!J (MC) 11~~ 1, lut•fr wr' 21-1i:w1111, ~ Jtr 1 •... ~f' "~v '.lt4.= ,~· -T~ l~~rv~t.:'A~ Md IO It J sr. I I J/u.r ( a 1 ':."11~ Wi:1 2· CWIOO.ll -t Hoilll'lt (MCI ~ 1 ~ /'f1"'1t . fVVI ti j''-~'"..:-1c'~'l {.,)-'f!il I !i. '· "''"~ ~ -I . w::1.., '°''' I~ . .,., .J1Y<1 t a, ~~ti 2 J" '· Wlfll•""' II tor I flatJr • G ~~ f. c' ~I j.'f~l '4<111 ... S. Mlll'llltN (1•1 ,f..::...1.U ,, TH,·1\.\ s. Mllr'NH Ul .. a..,. . .., -1. IJ. 17~4.. ' - Saturday, May t. 1970 DAILY PILOT J1_ De · Anza ~Holds Swim Lead; I ' ' • • National JC Record Set By CRAIG SHEFF 01 ftle O.llY P01t •11t1 Byron Reidenbaugh or Fullerlon Junior College eclipsed a national junior college record in the . 100..yard backstroke lo highlight second day activity in the 22nd aMual state junior college swimming and diving champion9hips at Orange Coast College Friday. Re.idenbaugh 'clocked 54.S to erase the old mark of S4.7 set in 1966 by Footttill's John Leasure. The record-breaking perfonnance was a comeback of a sort for the Hornet rreslunan, wbo was upset by Foothill's Ken Gampbell in the 200 ind!vldual medley Thuraday. De Anza College of Cupertino (near San Jose) beld the lead in the team standings with 134 polnl!i, just one and a third points ahead o.f LA Valley. Golden West, with another day of Eagles, Barons Fall Edison, Sea Kings Post ' ' Irvine Loop_ Victories Estancia l!igh School dropped its sec- ond straight lrv!ne 'League baseball decision lo fall into a second-place tic with Santa Ana Valley Friday afternoon to highlight area action . toara dropped the Eagles for a ~-1 count at the losers' diamond. Jn other lests, invading Edison whitewashed Magnall~ 9--0, while Corona del Mar was outsluggi1g host Costa Mesa, 11·7, and Santa. Ana Valley outscored visiting Fountain Valley, 12-11. Loara's easy win was paced by the nifty fwo.hjt pitching of rlghthander rucbard Vince. Vince laced 011ly 23 batters, struck. out 13, walked no1e and had little trouble with enemy bats. Dave Bowen spoiled Vince's bid for a shutout with a home run in the bollom or the seventh inning. The ball skipped under the rightfielder's diving attempt and Bowen raced aro und the bags ror !he solo homer. Estancia pitching held up through three innings with starter Jim Wat.son retiring the first nine Saxon batters. But Loara broke the ice with a fly ball double a'ccounting for the first run -then added another 01 Don Sta•dley ·s single. Loara added another pair of ta1\ie!I in the sixth when Clay Westlake smacked a two-out single with the basa loaded. Greg Powers was~e onl other Estan· cia hitter to hit l galast Vince, wi.th a clean single in e· Initial frame. The Saxoas played under the cloud of possible disaster with Monday's league meeting scheduled. The Saxons ha~ been nccused or using an ineligible player in seve n of their loop games. That span of games, incidentally, does not include the first round Saxon win over Estancia, but dOfs include Loar a ".s 4-0 decision of Santa Ana Valley. Edison, meanwhile. made shambles of the Magnolia pitching staff, raking the Sentinels for II hits. RaAdy Tyler got coach Bill Morri.s' Chargers off and running early with a two-run 390-foot homer in the first inning. Pitcher Ed Winn, in his first start, limited the SeotiJlels to five hits en route lo the shutout, strikiJlg out three and walking three. lfe also had three hits, including a double and scored twice. Tyler had three RBI to lead the Chargers in that department. Fountain Valley and Corqna de\ ti.1ar \1•ere involved In slugfests, with the latter <'?ming out on top of Costa Mesa by virtue of back-to-back lour-ru n inning!I. Leading the Sea Kings offensively was junior Keith Samuels, who was four-for- lour and had four JIB!. Mate Stu Karl also had four hits - in f.ive appearances at the plale, in · eludmg a homer and triple. Mesan Dave Edwards was the leadblg figure in· the losen' cause wUh a three. riln homer in the sixth ianlng. '· Fountain Valley had Santa Ana Valley on the ropes early, but let the F3lcons off the ,hook when the hosts came UP, with six ru ns I" the third Inning to lie it, U . The Barons of Fountain Valley scored seven times in the second on six hits and a walk but were ·unable to hold ofr the host:s. And, the -sUll led going Into • the bottom of the seventh be.fore the wi8ners came up with a pair or acoru on a walk 8Jld single alter loading the bases. Bl~~IW. IS Rull, 2b Wlnl'h 11 e.1"" 1b Tvltr, c McN1y, t i lo;lp1>1r, cl Jlf~lfy, 111 Alb9, 11 •• r It rlll •Ol~Wllkfr,H • o o I "•11klu1, 11 ' t S o Clllrk, ltl j t l l Klrlsnl1n, 11 •t2l Gf"N!\.7b ltlOMl,kt,c I o o $mll!I, cl I I I KIHl~r. )II 0 J I P1rrl1n. •I Rtlnno. pp Wtllln111, I ~ r 11 I To11I\ k•rt llr l11nl1111 ., ...... .. ,.,.. 0 0 0 • 4 ••• ( 0 0 • l 0 1 0 • 0 0 • l 0 I o 1 I I o l I 0 0 l 0 J 0 I 0 I 0 I o 11 o JI 0 5 0 Wtnlllk.._, ff I ! 1 1 M6rtln. .. HI•, ti .5 I I,. 1 Whitt, IH"I Rollfm, a, S 1 1 I B .. M, rk: :IA V•llrf (QI N r ll rtl J I J I .I J I I J 2 J 0 4 1 2 I 4 1 J 2 4 2 2 0 Mllc:htll. 'lb ' t 2 1 G'"°"', 11 M•.,.~. d' 4 0 I 2 T""1lllthlft. cf Oolitrty, ,, 4 2 1 • 0111rs. :tb Shlrntll. •• ' I I 0 9o1Mt'!. lb Oulf1itttt, < 4 2 I :I CilllUIJt, )II l.Yftd'I, ,, 2 0 I I K1ll'f", C Fo~. " 1 0 0 0 RIMle, p To!1l1 )I 11 1110 Tot1/I Sctre lty lftftlntl • 1 J 1 • J 1 a 1 ••• 1 a o o 1'1216 1 . " . Foun111n \l•Uev ~1n1t ""' V111ev G11 001 0-11 11 I 106 020 t-11 16 I CUit M111 Ill 1brhr~i 1DrhrDl Kid, :lb ' • • • K11bel111, ' ' • ' • 51muel1, " • ' • • Ar!hur. c ' • • • Pll!Nr. er • ' I l Mcl(ln!tJ. II ' ' I ' CrlP1>1n. " ' • ' 2 Flelcl''• Jb • • • • 5nYdlr, c • • I o earton, ct ' • • ' MIYI', 2b ' • • OMorrow,11·• • ' ' • Dinn«, .. ' ' ' ' EOW4r,,I, lb • I I ' G1rcl1, 11 • ' ' ' Nell!, rl • ' ' • II.dims, " • • • • Etnbrt'r. lb ' ' I ' \11111. '" I • • • OUll<!flbe,,-y, p 7 • ' • Llrwler, P I ' . ' Plummef", pr • ' . ' SamPIGfl, Pr ' ' ' ' Tot1ls ~l11 1S11 Talll1 ~ ' " ' • • • Co-ent d'' Mtr ... ... ~" " ' Co111 Mtw "' , .. I-, " • * * * IM1ncJ1 !11 Lllfl UI IOrhrDI '''"''' Jovcf, cl ' • • • Wolvetton, It • ' ' • Bowin, ,, ' I ' ' r<1m. 2b ' ' I • Power1. ( ' ' I • Soonu. lb • ' • ' MllW>n•r, If ' • • • Sl-ltJ. H ' I I I Ztlldorl, lb ' • • ' Avtr!U. " ' • • I ttm•t, lb ' • ' • Nlchol11. c ' ' ' ' Wt!Kltl, p .. 1 ' ' ' ' c. Wat11k1, •I J • • ' V1lltr1, lb ' ' • • Nicholl.on, lb ' • ' • Lowin, 11 ' • • ' Vinet, • ' ' ' • Shorts. p ' • ' ' Tot1l1 II ' • ' To1111 " • • • kin " lnnlrltl • " • '"'" ... "' ·~ • ' E~t1nd1 ... ... 1-1 • • Major League Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division Chicago Pittsburgh Ne\Y York St. Louis Philadelphia ~fontrtal w I. 13 6 II 9 II 9 ' 8 10 10 6 13 \Yest Division Cincinnati Atlanta San Francisco Dodgers Houston San Diego 17 ' II II l l 12 10 11 8 14 7 15 Pct. .684 .550 .550 .529 .500 .316 .739 .500 .478 .476 .3M .318 GB 2·~ 2v, 3 3h 7 51: ' 6 81\ 9VJ Al\IERICAN LEAGUE Eaat Division IV L Pc~. Baltimore ,. 6 .100 Detroit .... "" 12 7 .632 Boston .......... 12 8 .600 Washington ...... II ' .550 New York ...... 10 12 .455 Cleveland ........ 8 II ,421 Weit Olvl1lon Minnesota ...... 12 7 .632 Angels ..... " ... II I .6lt Oakland .......... 9 12 .439 Chicago ...••••••• 8 12 .400 . Kansas City • . • • • 7 1J .350 MilwaUkee ........ s JI .238 DIAN i;EWIS ' GB I*/:. 2 3 5 51,~ • <II Ill a 1966 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 646·9103 Service and P1 rt1 for All Imported C1rs Modarn Body Shop f~r All Ca rs Orange County's Largest and Most Modern Toyota and Volvo Dealer splendid swimming, was a surprising third with ltK Points while Ora°'e Coast was eighth with 74 2t3. Orange Coast's best perrormance lhus rar in the meet eame from butterfller Chris Gammon, who finished second in the 200. Called the machine by teammates af:d friends, Gamnlon bad a life time best of 1:57.9. Carter Loven of Pasadena won the event in I :_56.2. Golden West's Don Lippoldt, Kri! Swenson and Greg Feinberg also came through with brilUant performances. Lippoldt finished second In the 200 free in another llle time best ol 1:48.0. Allen Plnoon ol LA Valley caplind the event in 1:45.4. Swenson placed third bth1nd Cam.men In the 200 Oy, with a Ume of 1:01.2: ~bile Feinberg had Jn all time hlgh in the 100 back (56.0) finishing third in back of Reidenbaugh's record-shat~ tering pace. The Golden West 800-yard rree relay team of Feinber~. Bruce Gardner Keith Donaldson and Lippold\ finished' fourth \Yilh a time or 7:19.0, nearly 10 seconds better than the previous season best. FeinberJ logged 1:48.9 for his 200 yards, followed b' a 1:54.6 for Gardner, 1:49.5 for Donaldson and 1:46.0 fGr Lip- poldt. Prelims started· at 10 a.m. today in the l,!50-tr.., JOO I~, :ZOO bacblnllle, :zoo br<aststrolte, 100 butterfly, 400 free relay ll!ld tlneineler diving competition with !be finaJa aet ior 5. The other two winners In Friday'11 affair lnclUded Dave Mayekawa of El Camino in' the 100 breut.stroke (1 :00.2) and Ken Campbell of Foothlll in the 400 Inda lndividuaJ·medley (4:21.3). It was Carripbell's second win or the meet, having captured the 200 lndo on Thursday. 100 Ncbtl'l<li./ c~1a•1on1-• 0ur1"'1' !E• C11nlno).I SI .• I. . llo#I" CF'oo!hlll). :!f,71 JUll'f ii.A V1!11v), s .IL 4.. ellytr lCtHllOI), ~ti 5. i n !America~ Rlw r .. "·'' '· ltlchmond {(ltrusl. •• •~kUr'*' IC~~-·~M~IDl-1. illfklf!I~' (I ""'On), Y.S: 2. rch I" !Stn M1tr,::1 , · ), l'"rlnMrq (Golden nt , !4.01 "-S1t 111lr Cl. i:·~Ucl ~C~f~$V). fr.:-(Pf.aQl\I), S1.rl '· "l'J"!· """· 1~1iollt-I, KttltFICWt CCJ11r111o), 1:itA,. I "~"'"'" o '°~'"' , , .... 1,. 1. Mtrll11d l\.A •• ler , •: _,. ' H r LA V•lin1. ' ,_., ''oi::;'l ''°" (~tblo lllt'r , •=•·'' 6. otlv1r Hrl' · 4:44.S. 40I , l'Md CCh11n,lonthlPl -I.' Ctl!IRe!I 1·~~111no, '''l~~.l;.,~'t~~./S•n~~i~"l~ic.~·\'. tf~ 1 Morrl1 1~f1nn);' 4~.Ji 1. ,...II W. ~ . :.I·~·~.,,_,, '" l!:J:".l:,,'I,!• ,. ei-·~ 9lif Cif.n:;; f1Jt:1: t ?"11r~ "Y'JUi ~•• )''"-~' 1. ~~ l';lUJ 1, :1'.t; ) V'1 1: •·ti 4 ~::;.i::·tiv l:[~1~1ll ... , ·:::_N: :~',· ~r.f.1"'7. ft1 : • TOHr \tltk.,_, ) 2· : J F Ill • 2:!Mi~'kih~"IJ""•~ .7~Saft t.il, : 1,0J 11 , :17 ' ' ' I. IT!IMI. LA ' )iil1. ~ c (Chlrl'fDIO!lllllP)-1. Lovin ("ntcl-l, .. I .. 'fo-/Or-C011tl, l :t1.t1 1: s......... fGolclll'I w .. 11. 2:01.1: '· v-. D'flla '~~.t'\f~r ttW:ii' J~ffJ\ ~~~~ ID Afllll, iiiO 1.-(r;0n1011tron) -1. MCM~fler>lton. ltKlll 1:•.ir· 2. A11ur111 rJ"'' Monie.ti, i :tt.11 :s. ... ~ l'•Jl(lf ... I. l: 'fl ' GrlMbl IEI C1.1t1lnoJ. 1:tt.·: • "'"""'J.c v1lltYJ, ·1:Jl.01 6.·kllwer (Ot~nQ~ CotsH, 1 .. 0. 11111 ''" Ctr.itlO". lo)-1. Pinson 11.A Valltvl, 'i!5:': t. u.-1c11 ,Gold.,~ W111), 1: .... 0: J. H11t11nn r nG~teoJ. l:d , I 'j !""" (FllllHl'Onl, 1:4 '' j.: ii 'T:'G !DI Am• , :n.J; '· s-r !Pt 1~ D,:~!i!"trOkt l~/~llll'!l-1( JOl't ... IOn (01•M• f.,,,11), 1:04,l; f ~, nk A""'rl(ln A wrL '' ·CM.21 11. z1111n b11 .11.11, 1:°"·'' '· "'" h1bo1 , 1: 4.J; $. Utn !'" JOit). • 1:04.41 6. Wllion !S.n Btrn-nllnol 1:05. 100 ~r11i.t1ll'Dll• 1ctwimalon1hlpf...-I. M•l'llklw• !El C.1ut1lnol, 1:00.11 /.· O'•llttll JO ArutJ, 1:02.•• l. Smlllo IEJ C..m nol. 1 :03.~: • OIHCM'I (CNobotl. ~'J.-1ieose'r:1J~ IEI C1m no), l :!M.li 6. Mtvrtt ~"Y._m 1corlno -DI An11 ,,._ LA V1ll1}' 1n 2/l. Goldt11 Wesr 104, P111d911t 101, IEI Cimino tS, Faoflolll A 2-l.1 $tn Ml!tcl IO Or•l'llt CNlf 15 2/3. Fullerton 61, Lont holch sf, S1nt1 Monlct ii'. ~~~ -g;'.'Ct'i11;Xo ~~bo~•nn'1 ~G.t!?~1'&~! 7, Amtrrc'an Rtvar t c:m'1o1 SZ. Mi~n Antonio Jl/l. Santi Ant 1 211. kn hnllnllno.1. SI X OCC ENTRIES JN CIR CU11' MEET Orange Coast College \\•ill send six entries to today's South Coast Conference track and field finals at Balboa Stadium in San Diego. The meet begins at 1 :30. Thi! Pirates' George Barnett will com- pete in the high jump and the. triple jump. Other OCC qualifiers include Fred Skirde (mile), Kurt Clemens (javelin) Kevin Manix (pole vault) and the mil; relay team. Mt San Antonio College is a m, favorite to capture team honors. DEAN LEWIS ArllL SNCIAL$ (T][QJ(Y l!O~Tl!Al/ COROLLA 1970 $1853 + Taw a Uc. AN °""" ........ Stect M.t 11-Hllaa ,,...,_ ~c.-•-· c ..... VOLVO 1970 DEMO SAVE $570 142 2 ~b .. •1dl1, 11.a •ftr, 4·1po1.I. !Se1. •4140J Ull D CAI l 'ICIAL ,,., TOYOTA c n1• c ... lbllllt. J\Nltr, ........ Ol'ld: Ill" ...k .. fXIN441J $!Zn ' r ! . i.i DAIL v flllor) Spikers., Fiftl1 By CRAIG SHEFF ot .. Odr ,..... ll•tf 'lbe Sou t be r 11 California c.aleronct cnct IUld field meet was supposed to be a wide open affair, but·someone- torgot &o tell LACC. The ·cubs ran· away with the circuit Cr'OW'n i n·tbe finals at Golden Wett Friday, piling up J 12 points lo outdistance S«OOd place LA Harbor by ll. Golden West had a disap- pointing day and finished in fifth spot wilh 60 points. LACC was sparked b y sprinter' Willie Deckard. wtio fou ght off an upset b>d by East LA's David Gilliard lo win both the 100 and 220. Both s p rinters "·ere clocked in 9.5 for the ca1tury while Deckard had a tenth of a second edge on Gilliard in the 220 with a time af 20.1. • S.tutday, Ma1 2. 1970 • A~J:.~ Trito~ns Alone Atop UkTtl"tCATI w au111111Jt NOflCI °" ....... ., -· , ··--IU,11.IOlt Wl$fEJIJt (O#lll, r=-: ........ -• C:••lf ........ Jtty....,, . 9'19 voo....., ._ .-fif'lr lie .. ..._ • m _.lldllll • ......_. ti W h ~.-... Ill M ~ ......... 911 , LEGAL NC71'1CE PIAY SffOl!T OF.ftAGSTICI( WllUI llRfEN IS SOAltED /./. , NonmallJ, -Ibo greens ""' wet. almost rrrt type of weU-stnd shot .w~I settle dqwn relat'-'ely fasL Y<MI can IMan 1o carry your shots an the way ID the bole with li(tfe le., of bouncing far _past. Howewer, this is not atways the case wften' 'the grMftS really are soaked to the point where they .,. starting to puddle. When this situation ocaus, it is best to play your approach shots 1o land short of the hofe just as you would Yoder nor.mal dry conditions. The reason for this is becatJSe water. at rest on the green, does not a"ltoW the ball to bite into the turf. Instead the haft ••skips. .. just like a ,flat stooe skips across a body of water, Remember lo hit for the fiagstick when the ' f!THM are .,..e1y ,..~ bet to allow for al least -big i.oo--they ..... - Crestview • ......_. COlll .... C...,.,_i.. .... """° IS. 1'1' .... .,_ Ml.lftklM' (.wt1. ,,_ fldl1'-flml MIM {II MAltCUI CMtrlf OrtMt C-.fy Judldel = S d . MOTOllS end lfllol Mia lll'l'ft It ~ ~ f//f Or•""' Stltw: o# C:.llfwft • tan Ing. s: ~ :!i'"~";,~.,:= .:'': Cri:,. ~"i::'c1:':. ."'cJ,";w..,: ...... ! --Jlldtmtfll CNllllW ..... ...""' Wlfllem I!. M~ w.n lfM I.lilt, l.n!Ml'ld t . TillamllOlll al kidilM"1 Hue1i..-llMctt. C.llfonlla. oebliet t "-lllf • "".......-,,. .,,,,,. .. San Clemence 1Wept to Its fourtb win ID a row and took over sole })086e55lon of the Crtstview Wgue baseba ll lead Friday via a .U shutout win OVff Foothill on the losers' diamond, The 'J'ritoo N~, ""'pied witl1 mbsl<ia+ Viejo t H se• back at Tustln, moved San Clemente one game ahead of Mission Viejo with just three games left In the torrid C restview race. In anotber Crestview con- fl ict. 1nvolving .an area nine, hustling Laguna poMed its se- cond loop win of the season with a 2.-1 decision over vi~fing-Orange. At Foothill, San Clemet1te righthander Glen Tsuma went lhe r oute on the hill for Marshall Adair's 1 e a g u e leaders and relinquis hed just one hit to the Knights' normally potent offense , The winners picked up a pair on runs in Lhe first and c ame back in the third to score an insurance taJly. 0..... AMI ft. I~ Kt\1911" eie.. t11 .. Id .......... 911 9M w. I!. "'-'-.... ., "" ._ " .... ~ tl1te ti 0.Ulemla. orw.. CMllY: I f'lW liMfld _,,.. 111 .. ,.... II. ~-U-•·• Joaded •~ ••••• M<llfl)M VIUO (II Oii ~II tt. lt'JI, ...... ""'• t 11111 illlerftt Ill Miii ,_......, ..,W U._.IU'lll '""' ....,.;; YtuA ....,., l'\ltllc; i.i ... lllr MW S tlf, ill 11'11 ..,...,,,. IJI ,.... ~ ti Or...-. on • ..... ;·,. of wtt1'"-and a # • t.,,,.. ...,,...., __,... wttti-'· Mwcw .,.,. "c~ . ...,.,.. .• ...,.i_ ~ ~ Ho'"* ct • ' I t t II-.·-1'f M tN --"'-.. ut • In llodf " ,,.., f1, "' bit batsman. ...~, .. 2 , 1 1 ... '"' i. ~ "' N wlttllrl ... City tt-N--1 ...._ ~_,., The JOSI 8vt(lged ID Ci.rlltt :_IY.$ .. •, : ~ ~ r~.ancl ~llOold ... ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~r i .. , 1 t 'o IO~ICIAL SEALI 2' of M~ """" tne 7--2 aetbact Tustin IUffeted at t::'; r1 , 0 ~ 0 """' K. HttltY Olflu of 111e COUt1tY ti I.he Diab!W hailds and put• ounc11 • • 1 • • t Nottrv l'llblk<tlllornl• Mid c-tt w -IY 11:-•i ••• T;u.-m' •••• for third CIT~ • ,J • 1 0 PrfnclHI ~ In .... Nortl'I N--ort I • u I•". r'. WI un;:iit I.I Bot"U I 2 • 0 f Ori-c-t\' ......_, lffdl, (lllfornlo. with Foothill, tbrte games win• ,,.. I • 0 • M, CoiM\hMll EQ11'1'1 NOTl(I IS HEREIY GIVEN c:: behind San Cle.meiite. Tot•1• "•1 • 1 ~·":"~ ~ °"'"' f'1W, :'.M.~.::' "22.c!:"~~:~ w..t TlllTIW CU ....SI ts. Mw 1. t, W. lf?I ~ ltltt u.. Cll'I ol CMfo M1M. (OWltY Berce struck out four Tillers • , -~ .-o,.,... SJ•'-" e.111omi., 1 w111 _... --1 ~U.Oher, rt ~ 2 1 0 ,_.&1" NOTllWI Mii ot ,wile ouctlon .... l!Wllft -11111..1 gave up vwY•two walkS. Uk.~" , • 0 1 ~ .__ b&ddifr. fror """ "' 111wrv1 rr.eo1t¥ t1 Laguna sco~ •;ngle runs .s1mc.nrn, • 2 o t t ""' Unlltd "'""' •• ..,. r1111t, '«'119 '<IQ '"' ROC«I. M J 0 1 I ToUIU ond Int.,_, of Mid l\lldlrfMflt ...,..,,_ in the first and second 1 .... :.: .. p Wllllaml, (' l 0 • • MOTtc• TO CJl.IDITOIS In ... •bo'll MW!bfd jWOP111Y, or• .,.,..,~ lurt1. 111 2 t • D • mudl ltlfftof M _., "' _....,, enroute to its upSet wln over .Shllw", JD , 0 , 0 SUl'IRIOI: COll•T 011 TMI lo Miit,, r.tllll _....,.. """ aw-VIII Or Hldl,,..,. 2ll 1 • o • ST4jl CH' CAl..l'°kNIA ll'OR lnttrwt ... tom.. ange. BW!Jltt, cf ' • • • TM COUNTY otr OIAM• o.ted •I c.11 Mela. <•-'''" .... A.uln a-g K···'er's tw~-·t solo T11t111 1• 2 a 1 ••-_ ••• ,, ·•••· -n. 1m. • ... ~ Y"V\I kWI ~· , • .,. Naf1CE 1s'HERiev Gt~N .. tbe Ffl:ANC1S L. OLASElt home run over the right field • H • cr.irton of tho .-. __,''*-*ill =:.r <:ourT fence got the victorious Artists M'"*' v1it1o 100 ooe ..._, ' 1 ""' 1n -Mlltn9 c1a1tn1 ... 1 ... 1 ..___, ,_,......, H---·T11111n lCI OOI •-2 i, '1 !ht uld MeDent ll't l'tCIUlrof to 1111 J".'!.·;,1 Qki~:t .,...., their inttlal tally in lhe first. lj;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~\lllMI. Wltll ttw __,... \IOllChlrs, 1n "" • Kessler's outfield m a t e "'° vHk:I "' ""' ~ien " -. •boYe e ... e. J. Post.I =l~.:V or ~to "*l;. w~: ,.ID r.r:,;'~l!TT, JR. Sheldon Berman ignited things .,...._. .. w.' emc:e" t..r iftomiY•. l'lllolMlfh-A...,..., .. fo r the winners In the second I Bel KHMEHR ANO EDWARDS, ..... wu11 .. u. s. N1t1Ht1 ... 11n. W'"" a leadoff walk. T.,,,.. $trfft. SMNo .,,., c.111en11&-'1JG:l; so. o...._ c.1"'* n 1t1 ...... UI whldl Is ff1ir .i1<1 "' Mi-of tho l'UllH~ <W•ntie c-t D11f'"t I',,.., lie moved to second on a fielder's choi<:i! and came home on Chuck Corwin's two- bagger. OaAHGE Ill Y llndll"lleNd lrt oll 1t11ttwl ptr111ft11111 APl'll 2J;f'f f, t, lt:l8 m-19 Ou to l'lle ~1te of ukl llecldotnl, wlltlln fouf ""°""" '""" ""' nm M lk11111n LEGAL NOTICE D"d 't 111 !Ills nollce. , I n 01tt11 ~H u , 1m. ,.mu FLOY LCWl!L..ACE IEAUDllY CllTl,ICAYI OP •USINIU Adrnlnl11 .. tr11 wlftl the Know wlll lllMXed of tfl9 ftllll P"ICTITIOUS NA.Ml ~ of tlM lblln nolMd deeldlllt, TM Utllltr~ned dlleJ etrTI,, hi, It S(HMl!H• AND JDW.t.llDS conduc.111111 • bonlness It '"1 ....... ''' Mll'tllll I . llfW.,. Hunllltfton Btldl, Calllllrllio, IJl!dff1fllll Mii w"' y ..... SIY'tll Plctltlout nnn -f/lf YES ONE HOU.It t1•1 • .ll\I, C.Ulf. nn:t CLEANERS ..W 1t11t ulll llrm II _,.. The only other double win- ner in the m eet was hurdler Lance Babb of LACC. He easi· Jy won the 120 highs in 14.3 and captured ihe 440 j~ ""e ,., -.. -""-termediat. huroles by about L-------------"'====~ C raig Anderson led off the first for the Tritons with a walk and then stole second. 81rti.t1. rf Salooclo. 11 Smoltrlltl, cf Sdlrodtr, II S.ndlord, c KCPlllllr, lit Lobl!c, 2b lrw lne, 2b 81k<1r, lb Ha111tr, Ill! Llvlneston, P Sh1r1,.,. 1> Tot1ls " 1b r II rlll 4 0 I 0 l o o a 1 1 • 0 2 0 0 0 l 0 2 l J 0 1 G 1 0 0 11 I 0 0 0 z o o a I 0 0 0 C C 0 G 1 o a o 15 1 4 I Hlf'1"'1 -If ftMtt QllN'h .,,.1111$ tHl'1 """' ...... ""'" -ftl 11'1 ''" , _, , 1')11 "8'!1 lhll -'"" ic ... tlKll ... o.rtt ... llf ltll, lroll.l!'l·Tlp,•llr°""i, fMlllh, hid ....... -I rKI ..,....,11111 " "" Deny, ... -Ir -I rHI .tlll" 11'1111 Ttl!' tn4l ~ pOSM o1 Ille lllllllwl1111 --..... A~ fw A ....... dr.M1 -Ill Ill" Ind .. Joa of ·~ Pllltllt.lted o~-C&ut 011!'f Pilot. 11 II ~llowl: • 30 yards, clocking 53.7. · Golden W e s t ' s Doug Schmenk captured lhe mile in 4:21.7 with teammate Terry McKeon winning the twcrmile in 9:38.i. McKeoo was secood in the mile (4:24;5) while Schmenk placed sixth in the eight-lap event (10:27.1). The Rustlers' Phil Age and Dennis ~laas had a pair o( thlrds. Maas ck>cked 50.0 in the -440 and Age had• a time ot 21 .6 in the 220, Other highlighta of the meet included a 4g.a1~ triple jump by East LA1s James Butts and a 3:19.5 mile relay by LACC. Golden West finished second in the mile relay with a clocking of 3:22.0. S1utMr1 callflrlN c.....,._, Tndl .... f'ltlll 111111• f.40 ~11 ... -1, LACC, •1.1; 1, LA HortlOr. •l.I; I, E.:st LA. 0 .4; •• 11111 HondO. c:.s. Miii -I. Scllnllll'* CGilldtlt Wntl, •:11.11 1. McK-!Go'*" W11U, •.11..S; I, Licit CH1,._J, •:l2.1; ._ YIM'Mr (LA.CC I, l ::M.2: 5.. PllllllPI C~l. ''J5·'' '-k'tller (Golden Wetll. ~:U.S. 120 H1911 HUf'dles - 1. l tbb (L\[C1 11.J; 1. wm1-1Souttwo•tl. 14.Jr ~' ~... '-"• 1i8l'ltltl\. J~; ~ ..... _,,. IHMtiirt.-"lf.4'' S , w1i.111netcn CU.CC), u ,s1 •· John"'" ILACC), lS.t . 1ftt01 _..t -1, \/'11111•11 tH•fborl, SWY.: 2. 1.ncl11'1on !IOl.ltl'fwfttl.t~lV.: l. Fort1!1r CCrPl'IUl. Jl ... y,o: '· JIClbsol'I (fast LAI, 51, ..... ; P-11 CEl'lt W. M.,j'H~ ,....,_ IGlllO!l't WntJ, 4'·%\lo. ._ -I. Pf'llton CU.CC>. 51-'t 1. Nldl...-4LACC), M.1; ). MllM fGGldtl'I WQ•J. JIJ.l : '· Gf"'1 ISllUlllW1!$l), 51.31 5. 11"-(t-11•borl, .50.f J 6. McMll\Olt IGckllfl Wfftl, 51.l. DlllCllS -1. Fornier (CVP!eU), 1~1 2. Mllo"11n (Ille Honcllll. 155·3: 3. JKCbson CE11! L.t.I, 1(1 .. ; '· \lr.hlkl1(t11'11orl,14(1.lOV.: S. Pt14!,_ /Octdln Wtt.I:, 1lM; 6. aoc1r1auel CENI LAl, 1»-IO'A. L-1..rN> -I. 8uHf !E1st LA I, 2:MI""; 1. L-hrldtt ILACCI, :l-6; l. Fry (£111 L.AJ, 2Ml': '· Jel'tl't!"111 1H1fborl, n-.... : 5. A-llln (E11I LAI. n -HV.; '· HI/It (L.ACCJ, n-v.. 100 -1. Oec:Ji;1ro ILACC !. J,~; 7, Gllll1rd fEo•I l.A), t.$: 3. JOfll!'I fH1fbor), t.S1 .. Wlllrn !Rio Hondo!, 10.G; 5. MOcll fE•1t LA), 10.D; I . K1m1> {(;(!Iden WHO, no !lm1. 110 -I, Couch {Sflull\Wtlll, l :~l.I: 1. Hif"flll'Cltl !Rio l"lonclol, 1:51.11 '· Ao<lrli:i""l IE.111 LAI 1:51.6: •. Putr11 (IU,._l, !:SI.I; 5. G1tfney ~Golelell wnn. 2:06,J: 6. ~ !Gold~ WIS!). 1:11.l. 4-IO lnl. hu,Oll!i -I. ll1tlb (LI.CC!, 5l.J: 2. H.....,.. 411:10 t1cnclal. Sli.O: J. Wlllilm1 fSoutnwr111. M.2; '· W11hintlon {L.ACCJ. 51.J; '· Gr•• (t11rbor), 57.,; I. P1te ILACCl, Sii.i . Tripi• lump -1. Buftl CE11t LA ). n .JU,: 1. JtrH'lln91 !H1rtior ), 11·1''>: l . lausihrlcl91 IL.ACC), ~; '· Mort•~ !H1rbot), 0-11 \lo; S. J-• (Soulllwt10, 13-1114: 6. l'OW'! ILACC I, "3-3\'l. 2'0 -f. Dtdl..,.d {LA.CC), 10.7: '· Gil111,d (E11I LAI, :ro.•; J . ._,, 1Ga1c1e<n we,u. ''"'' 4. Nldi:Hoor. CL.A.CCI, 11.11 $, J-1 (H1rllor), 21.1; I. 8t•1!tt (H1rbor), 2t .I. Hitll lumt -I. Pith fCY'llrt!l-'1, &-21 2. Emflr>gfr (ll lo Hol'tda), &-1: t.J"' 'it':~): ~~1..-d ,'.LA~~!~= ICJl>f1"UJ. 6-0; 6. s11rt1.1 {Sflulllw1:11J, ... 2-mlle -1. Mclt"ton IGcJdoen Wesll. t:•.$1 t. Bell IH~). t :ft-'' J. Miier iE11t LAI, f!'».•1 4.. PhllllPS l~ll. 10:1111.11 5. Glu 11\lo 1Hlftlol"1, 10:11.1; 6. Scllmenlt (Gokllll w ... 11. 10:11.•. "1111 "Vllllt -l. $!martt f(\lllfil'Ul, 14-1; 2. Gr•nvlllt Ja lo Hancllll, 13-6: J. Slncl•M (Rio Hondo), 1l-CI; '· Wold (H1rbor), ll-CI. Mii' rtltY -I. LACC. 3,1t.s: 1. Gcldtn Well, J:n .o: J. Sol.lll'lwtll, J,n .I: (. L!:11t LA. ):2•.t: $. H1rbor, J:?J.D: '· Rla Honllel, J:JS I. Flfwll Kori"' -1.ACC IU, LA M1fbor II, E151 LA 7', Alo Hondo '1, Gclden Wtsl 60, SoulhWUt 51, t TI1rn1 ll. Prep, JC Golf Scores For Coast Area Tennis Ro~dup ·-........ IHl'IJ IU"') Et11ncl1 SlnolH M11kttt (El oet Su1dorl !L I 6-l: de! T•nt CL) 6-G; dlll Frellr Ill 1~ dlll Zurek Ill 6-1. S1tlnll1lll lco•t 1.f: won 1·J1 Iott l.f; 0-4. Monarchs Drop 2-0 Decision LONG BEACH -Mater Dei's ltfonarchs out-hit host St. Anlhony Friday afternoon at Wardlow Park but two "er- r ors following a pair of singles and a sacrifice gave the Saints two unearned runs and a Z-0 victory in Angelus League baseball action. Chuck Adams, the Monarch hurler, was a victim of his team's defensive letdown. He gave up five hits in four in- Qings. Neilher Saint tally wa~ earned. • MA111t Ofl Ctl H1111>erl, t C11tt1oe. 111 ,... ....... ]ti Munir, Ht Gtnll~. H S.l111r, II Bl'Old, t i H111tr, 11 c1ou11n. •• Ao1>i.ton, r1 SllnPM)l't, r1 Ad1m1, I> ShtlOOlt, 1111 M1rmaud, I> Witt, ph ' FounUlft llltl•V IH'NJ !l\'ol SA \/'1lllf 1111111s Shaw IFl def. G~nil,ld CV) '-'· oet. Nord1trom 6-0. d~. $m!1 h '"'· de!. Fern•llder 64. Mike TOQl>ln !Fl ""1lA 6-J, won 6-2: ID1! 2.f: -6-.1. T111d&I CF) won '-JI lied H ; WOlt ....... 6-1 \11ilnnlll• !F) WOOi t,.7, ...... •·1, ., _,., Kr•wctrk and Mll~r (Fl SPiii wllll Hollm1n Ind K11m1r !VI ,.,, 6-61 def, 8onll1c1 end Durart 4-3, •-o. M1 ... 11 TCPPln Ind Torr (Fl 1111! , .... 1 .. 1 lot! .1-7, 1-6, J11Nw •.;tr111r Fllllllllll Vllltr ,,, IOI s.t. V•l1"' Slllllltlc $chlldh1Ulf" ... !Fl oet, Pike !VI 6-1, C""'° (F) dtl. Pell l""ICl't (VI 1-3, .... t{eid ff') Clef. Ontiv1••1 IVI 60, .. Clllel!WI" !FJ del ........ lohl !V> 6°0, ••• Paul (F) de/. Oli.on !VJ 1-1. 6-4, Dot.Illes ~lier t l'CI MlktlMWI I Fl d~. M~lhew\ • ..., HIMI !V) .. C, .1-7, •·I, Morrl1 and Vam1ok1 (Fl d•I Burll.l!llll 6nd Meli.on {VI 6-1. 1·1. 1-$. Fretl"SIPh Fl\lfl!•lft Vlllty C1tl Cl) SA VllllV Dan Cludy moved him to third on a sacrifl~ bunt. Alter Robifl Reschan duplicated Anderson's feat b y . walking and stealing second, Mike Kiernan knocked in both of the_m with · a base hit to. right center. In Uie Ullrd Anderson staited it off with a double and came home when the Foothill catdler overthrew the first baseman on an attempted sacrifice bunt by Bru<:i! Jones. N i fty M issio fl Viejo righlhandf:r T om Berce allow- e d only three Tustin hits but received only three-hit support from h is teammates as the unfortunate Diablos dropped into second place. Alter the Diablos jumped· bfr to a J.-0 edge in the top of the first, Tustin r e turned the favor with a run in the bottom of that frame. 'The Tillers added the win- ning margin in the third on a triple and ·a sacrifice fly. Mission Viejo got its only run on a sacrifice fly by Rick;. Wadsley, sending Rud y ..Jl,Qll:nes llf-....u.e., LAGUNA IEACH (llfWln. ?b Scnmnz, ss ktnltr, It McElllol't,, lb Held. lb 8toolli, ,, SPIMtr. 1> B1rm1n. d Nel•wendl!r, e To1111 "' 1br~rbl J 0 2 I 3 G 0 G l I 1 1 J O I O J 0 0 0 l a o o , 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 • " 2 4 ! Scor-t br ln!Olntt Qr•"9• Cl(IO c;o1 L~Ul'tll Btith 110 000 SAN CLEMENTE Ande•.a~. SI Jones, lb Cll/dy, II 0. Lomtl.lrdl, ti Ractlrn, 1 b Klt•"lln, ct-rt Slelntr, 1b S.Lll"' rf S. Lombltdl, ct Wf~hl. c Tsum•. p TO!ol1 FOOTH ILL !ll J1ck1Dfl, .. Mltl1n, d C1r11enter, It VlnDordrK!ll. a B16dll0ff, 1> SclWldJI, 11 l.d1mf. c: Tewn, lb (11111, ?to Tol1l1 'HE 6-1 • 0 •-1 4 J "' •Ir 11 1111 1 1 1 0 l 0 0 0 l 0 I 0 c c 0 0 I I C 0 • 0 1 2 I I I 0 ) c 0 0 0 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 11 l 5 2 ID•hrlll J 0 0 0 l 0 0 11 ) 0 0 0 l 0 0 c l 0 0 • ) 0 0 • 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 O I O 24 0 1 0 t HE 101 000 0-.J 5 • 000 000 0-4 1 ' Baseball Stru1dings SOUTMEaN CAL CONFEllENCE LACC •lo Hondo LA Harbor CYPress E•51 L,t. Golden WtJI W L GI " ' . ' ' ' ' . .. ' ' . . 'JO I ANGELUS LEAGUE WI.. GI M ' . ' ' .. ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' * Mtre'I 11 9ddlty lbilvl flll mlllll" 1i1ew IN111Nll i-.etf'll tor _, __ ....... llt-.... - ,Wr1r In -.. -• • • TIMI rt<ff1I w11 Mt woy Ne-lft 1'14 "' ""' lltNmlt'r If tlll C1f'lli w11111 ho Ntttof Ill 11 1"11111ln-t1,,..-1Mtc1111, IMU9fl Ill -1111 -..... 1111 II "' 11111 • , , Y111"' llllnli t.I Ill tfl9 T"" filKI lfllll, llMI Will! Ill 1111 ~If lluttlf'I ldl... "' f!lt .. st 4" 111111tt. ""'-_.. IN Ible 11 ~ lelltn1t1J'1 llC· lfd 1HJ1 Ill IM l'Ytf hll. * W .... 1 •II llllklll 11 I 111111< ball 1111111 ,11111 l!lltldrtd1 If tlmlt -bvl -.! ,..,..., tor Wlltt fllMft, mltl Ifill " ...... 11111 • • • C111 rn ,_,,...,., If 1111 '°""' 9t llolTll ,Wit toclt !WI !llkltr" ... "" tlkhl!'f ' •• Tiii flllnl fKff tlM Clkl!tr". * I Ml Yft1 .idft'I ~llfw 11111 Tl"' 0·1~1ni.r, "ftlt Wllftr'• Sctlcll". .. MW l111porlecl Mr ,.. II I lrllly '"""illl lf'ICI "" , .... , Sctldt "'91111 "' Clttfe,...11. TAM O'SHANTER Scotch Whisk)' $56! .. 4Prll 2S, Mll\I t. ,, U, 1t10 714-'10 K111t K. lttntl"orn, 2IOI Dnlur,. c.ii1 -'-'-":':O:::'::C-:::=:::;:----Men, C111forn11 · I.EGAL N<mCE -, D1t111 ....,,11 :rt. 1"° ':1------;;::;;;;-----"'--I Ken! K. eer.ttrom ~ ,._171M STAT!!" 011' CALIFORNIA. ORANGE COUNTY: ClltTllllCATI! 01" •USIN•ss Ott Aprl! 2t, 1t10. Mlw9 '"'· • FtcYITIOUS NAMI Noll"' Publk In and fir .. fl! .Sflh, Tiii ~ llllltJ urTlf-.. ho Is ...,_..,,... IPfl'elfed I(""' IC. hr91'"'"' mnc1uct11-. • tiv11,_-'' m w .. t '"" knllwrt 111 ..... "' .,. "" ""°" ....,. St., Coll• l'MM. C•llfornt.. u...i.r "" -11 ""'"'lbMI Ill "" wltl'llli '"' lkltlloln firm lllml! of GENl!'S IEAUTY W-I A ~-... ~ SALON Ind tlllt 61111 11mf II c _.,i:I l!lt ""'' at tllt-to,__-_._,, Wlal-111mt i-F Cl . SE"I In lull '"" pla(t II( ftlldlllCI 11 ., ..... l AL ,. .. follows· Nikki S. Sp!etr Ctlifon:r E11119\'ll Bur.:ren, 1' 1 1 2 Notarr Public • O lllwnl• Sfl"'r• ... Line. Hunnnston 8NCll. c1111. Prlt>e:l1111 Olrlc:r In Dtolld Api-U 7t 1t1'1t Or11111 CounlY c1~ E...-llufdtn ,,.,, convri1 .. 1on Eulra STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Jan. 11. 1tn ORANGE COUNTY: Publli.lllG Or1...,e C1111t Dtoltt l'llot, On 1.1>1"11 2t, H'IO, betofl ~ 1 Mllr L '· H, U. 1'10 ll7•1t Nc!lrr Public l'I ..., for H1d State, pOrlONll!r ·~ Cllllard E-LEGAL NOTICE • Burden known 111 m1 to be tlle __, --------------who-. !Wlmt 11 tublcrlbtd to 1111 wltll!n SUltEIUOR COURT Of' YM8 Instrument end 1cio-ltdeeo /It l"let.Uled STATE 01" C.t.L.IFORNIA P"OR ~:rc:~L SEAL) TttE COUNTY OJI" ou•• N1, A""51ft , Me"' IC. HenrY °NOTICE OF NEARINO Olt Pl!TfTION Not1rr Public • Calllornla FOa ll'ft09ATI! 01" WILL. AND POil Prlf'ICINI . Offltl In 1..I TTl!llS TESTAMINTARY Or11>111 Count1 Ell"ltt 9f $1.MUEL. M. klHWA.L D, M, C11m111lulon Exoirts O.U.Md. NOY. 24, l•n NOTICE IS HEREIY CIYEJf !hot l'ublisl'ltd Or111t1e C111.t !>toll ... 11'11111, Dtllld J.rllml k l11W11cf IM• fllld ,..... Mir 2, t, 16, 23, 1'7'11 ~10 1 l!lflt1on for Problto of WHI ... SI--"-':-::::':-::--:::::::::=-,--"'. lllr l1W1nce ct l,t'fTers Tnllmtnlll'Y LEGAL NOTICE • "' "'' P1111r-r. ,.,.f.. to wllfdl , , II ll'IM!e IOI' tvrther .-rflcvlll'"I, anil 1'47llS that the tlm1 ind plac1 (If hu"*'* lhe NIM hu bftn Ml for M.., 12, CEITl,ICATE 0,. SUSIN'liSS )•10. i i t :30 1.m .. 1n tti. court,...., PICTtTIOlll N""".t of DfJl'fTmellt Ho. l GI ~ eMlf'I, T1'll ww;Rfslened -e11111"t Pie 11 11 11111 c..,1, c..,ter Dr'IW w..a. Ir! Cllndudl"' • buslltftl •f 2051 N"""'1 tM CllY ct Sin!• Ana. C1rttwflllo. IMI, (.SUlle 12), Cotto Miii ("'27), Dilld April :If, 1'10 C1llP01nll, undff Ille lldl~ llfm lllmt W E ST J()tlN, of llESTOll!AAl)..VNITl!D Wiii "''' told cOuntV Clff1c firm ls ~of flll f'Dllowitlt "1'Htl, MUR .. AY M. CMOTINI• a wllo&I n•me In !UH t nd e\let"' rRlcltnct "· H. Rl!ISMAM 11 11 fotfowt: UI °"""or., 5111111 I . Devlll J . Kl1111, 301 AYklclo, Sulq NtWHl"t Idell. C.llf, ,_.. 1. cost• Meu, c1111. Ttl: tr1'J -.ru1 i>tol.il l.prll 30, ltJO AltlrM'I ... ltlllt ..... r Otvld J. 11:1111 Pv~lllled °"'"" CO.If Dt.Hr 1'1!c4 STATE OF CAl.IFOaNIA. Mn. 1. t. J, 1•111 m.~ OllANGE COIJNTY: On ..._.,rll 30, lt7tl. hlor1 me, • LEGAL NOTJCE ~ Not1rv Public /fl ind for s.11d Sllte •• , _____________ _. PffSlllllllY 1-l'ed DIYlll J, Kl1111 k"l'wnt IAI --1<1 me IO be llle pt,_ wllow Mme ,._, Is IUbl(rlbed "' "" wltlll~ lnllf"\l!Tlllll SU1t1!•10• cou•Y 0, TMll Ind Kk"-'""1ed ht t•ICll!ed Ille Yl'lle. STAT! OF CALIP'OlllUA 1"011: {OFFICIAL SEAL) TMI! COUNTY 01" OllAN•I Mer'f K. Henl'\I HI, A '1'"' No11rv Public • C1!llcrnl1 NOTICI!" OP SALi! OP" llllAL Piii• Prlnc!1>1l Office tn l'EaTY AT l'•IVATI SAL• J Or11191 Cou~tr E1!1!1 of ffATHANAEL W1LLAll.' Mr C11mmlulort Elllllllll WALKER, 1~1 NATHANAEL. W 1 NoY. 14. 1t7' WALKER, HcullCI. _ ~ Publl1tled Or-e Co.ts! O.ilr Piiot NOTICE 1$ HEREBY CIYl!N '""' .. ' ' '. n '''. •' ...: tfl9 unOt,,..nld. 11 Admlnlrtr•"h' fl llriel1'1 SCll'"M Golden Wnl '· ll lo HondQ o LI.CC 11, E11t LA 0 Ffl .. ,.1 SClfn St. l\nlho!w 1, Miter Oel Bli.lloll "11111 I, St. Poul 1 Plus X 6, ~rvlle O r ' ' ' ' .. .w the Ufllt cl lllt lbovt! llllt!fd ~ 1---:-::c:-c:--:cc::::-:::::----1---LE:-::cGcALc:-cN:::OTJ-::cCE=---l,,.111 1111 •t ~1v1t1 11 .. ,.. .... ,......., ""' best bld<lor _.. Ille '-""' ~ ------;,co-=::::------l------:-:::-:::::------lconc11r1an1 1>~11n1"-r .....,.,onld end 1lllflJ '-A H1rbo;.:s.~~r.r-a~~ Golden W"I 11 E11! LI\ Rio Hol\Clo 11 CYPrt! .. LA Ha fbof 11 LACC SUNSET LEAGUE WQtern M1rln1 Watmlnl!er Anaheim N-POfl Harbor Sa<1!1 ""' Huntln1uon Beech W L GI . ' j 1 " ' ' ' ' .. 1•,, . ' ' 4 !• ? 1 ft l'·• Fflll1r1 Scor•~ Newl>Orl H•rbOr ,, Wts!mln'I~• o W1Slern 1, Huntlnglon l tlch l M1rl1111 1, S.nl1 l.111 I Mitldl\"1 GlmtS t-lunrlnirton Beach 11 Santa l\na &n1lleim el We1!mlnsrer M111na 11 Ntwpar"I Hetbor CllESTVIEW 1.."E.t.QUE lttVINE LEAGUE W LG• ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' . ' ' ' . ' ' . . ' . . ' . ' \llt io Tu•1d1y•s G1mt' Servlr1 at Mtttt 0,1 SI. Anlllo1w ., BIS/>011 Amt! SI. PtYI II PIV$ l( GAttDEN GROVE ll:AOUi. Garden c;,.,.,, LI Do,iln!I Bol•• Gr1nae P1cmca S•nrl1110 R1n<:l'IO Al1mllc1 WI.. GI • • . ' ' ' . ' ' . ' ' . . ) 10 • Frio.~" Scofn G1rd'n Gro~e J. Sanli100 O Bclsa Grand~ 1, La Quinta J P1c!lfc1 4, Rancho l\lamllo~ ! Mond•Y'I G1m11 le 0Uln!8 at ~nllaoo BPlll Grande ar PKlflca G1rden f.ir-ov. el Rencl'>O "l1m1~1 OllANGE LEAf.iUE Los Alt mil.l! K11tll1 W 1.. GI " ' """' Seddleback Vlll!fl(I~ El Dof1clo ''" l ei l.,.,!oos FrldlY'I $Ctrff Lo5 l\l•mltos 1, $11(1d'--"1ct I El Oc11!.; 2, I re• 1 K1!ttl1 ,, Vl"1l(l1 0 Sanor1 6. LOI •mltm 1 Moftdlr's 1<11111t1 Vall M.11 1! 8"1 El OGrldo 11 Slddltto1ck lot l.lt mllal 11 SOl\Or1 Los Amloos 11 Ka!flla ' ' 1 ' ' ' . ' . ' ' . ~ • f ' ' . IAR 2411 IA• "9t IKI to conl'lrm111on lw 11ld s,_lof! NOTICE TO CltEOITORS SU1tE•10• COUllT 01' 'TMI Court. on Ffld1y, Ml .... 29. lt7d, .. SU,.ERIOlt COURT OF THE STAE 0,. C.t,Lfl"Oa NOA ll'Olt '"' hour of 11 :15 1.m .• or 1111rllftwf STATE DI" CALIFORNIA FOR THI! COUNTY OF OUNQ.. wltllln ltil tlm1 lllowtd b'fl 11\11, •. If THE COUNTY OF ORANG E .... A.u.ts '"' Dlfke of ""' ol'k>l"M'f'S fO!' ~ Nt. Mm' NOTICE OF SALi 01" RIAL l'RO ... Ackl\lnl1lr1lrb, JU Wut Tlllfd Sfr'M'lt Esrare Ill Ml.XJMINO SIFUENTES, laTY AT l'IUVA'T• SAL.I! S.n" AN, C1Uloml1, l h •19111, Ill~ Dect•ltd. • Ellale Ill HOLL.ANO LEI.CH WALKER. lnltrnt Ind Hiiie of 11kt doc~ NOTICE 11 HEREBY GIVEN to ll'le lkl Holland 1.. Wtllnr tkl Hollencl •! Ille llmt ol' hll dHltl, Md crldllorl ot 1ne 1bovt namf(I (ltetdnor Wiiker, dKeised. ' r111M, title Ind l~ler .. I 11111 hit tlll 111at I ll 1>er1111" hiving Clllm• 1g1l11st NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhll "'" PllW tCCIUif"l!d C., -lllart . lflw. or c111-1se. 1l11Ct 1111 dHltl. lit lht NKI decl!d*"! art re<Nlrl'd lo till rtie u-rslvned. 11 Admlnl11r1lrlx "4 -lo ll>e ~llowlftll dtKrllled rnl: r~, will! lht M<:est.trv \IOl.ICl'lefl, In ltlt 11lllt ol' mo 1bave n11T11<1 dect<lftll. 11,._rtY, • II>' cHii:e c• th1 clerk 111 lllt 1tiovt wll1 11111 1! grlvt le u~ to the llt9'1est l'AllCi:L ONE• I e<ilifll!<I coor!, or to P•6tnl !hem, Wiii! •nd bftl bidder ""°" 1111 ltrm1 11\d An undlvldt<d on.hilt lnteruf 1f11 11>e oect~ .. N vouche rf. le 1111 un-concHllon1 llereln10er men1~ 1"'1 sub-the E•il 26 1~1 of 11\t Wtil '611 ot .. ionm •I th' ot!lce of her attome,: lid tc conlfrmellon b, Mid SUi>trlor '"' 111 "'' Sou!ll 100 1..,1 cl tt.r PATitlCK E. DUGGAN, I~ Ea11 T7tti Cour1, on FfJdlY. Mf' 29, lt10, II North no fNt of ttl9 1:111 " ll4*hlfiS S!rHt, s1nl1 ""'· C1ll~rn11, Wl!lch " h l>Ol.lr of ~1,1s 1.m., or llltirutlllr of ll'MI Northf!lst Ou.rlllr ., th&. Ille pllce ct bu11neu 111 ""' i.mc1en.lo;1111<1 \filltllln the flrne 1tlowed tw i.w, 11 SoutllWHT Qutrtw of section 16 ··w In all rn.111e .. P1r11!nlng IC ltltc Hiiie ll'MI lll'flt t of lfle lllomtYI for 1111 Tow..91111> $ South Rlnte IT W~ 111 M!d _,, wl!hln tour montllll lnlstrelrh<. ~11 Wat Tlhfd Street, Rindlo LI 101111 'chkl, lrt h Cl , all..,. 1111 flr.1 Plltlllc:llO"I of !Ills nat!c1. $1nl1 I.Ill, C11!tornl1, 111 r)9hl, 11119, of t-luntl"'""' Inell, Counf'f' of Or• Dated Aprll J , 1t7& lnttr11t and fl11te of 111d declldtnl Still of Clllfornii 11 iMwn~ GOMESINO" SIFUENTES If ll'lt lime of ll!t cle111!. Mid "I nflll !,,.,IOI ~did Ill l oat • E•ecvlrlz ol tlle Wiii of l111ht, Hile Ind lnte,.11 ""' hl1 11l1tt Piiie lJ Ml1Ctlkll'M!GV$ ,,.,.... ;I Ill• 1boYt "llmld dKecllnl m1y hive IC<l~lfld lw -•111011 Ill of P.!:I' t'r•l'llliir 'C.t#r..rt (~ l'l,Ta lCI( I!. DUGGAN l1w, Of all'le!'Wl&fl, 1lnc1 ~ tte1tt;, ffl Lot 17 of .. IMUot"I M.lp '11) U05 Eal ~nll Sl•MI •nd lo t:;e l11llOWl111 OIK•lbe4 reel l'ARClil.. TWO· • 111111 An•, C1l'ltn1l1 P•-rtv: All undlwlc!eCr one-1\111 lrtft!'"' fa. T•I; Sl~47 PAaCEI.. CNt:: t111 E11! 2' Peet of ll'MI W11t ~·"' Al!OrMJ -l l l<CMlrtl l\n uncll'llded OM-tlllf !Merest hi '"' Ill ll'MI Swttl IOO "'' • PutlUll!ed Oran91 Collf Dilly Pllo1, fflt E11f N '"' of llHI Well W Norft1 120 Itel t1I It'll Eiit -"' M1t 2, t, 16, 21. 1tJD t:U-10 lttl of Jlle $ovlll IDO Ifft of ,.... tit tfl9 Nortl'lffd Qlll<"lt'r l1f tt. Nerti! 12G fie! llf tM E11! -.M" Sou""""' Qulrfff el Sec!lon .,. 1 .. of tt101 Norllle11t O....rter llf the T ••• 5outllwttf Qlllrlff" of Secllort 26, CWMlllP S SGl.rtll. RlnH 11 W9'f~ Townsfl(1 s Soulll. •e1111e 11 West Rll'l(!'lo LI 8o1M Ciika, In ""' cl"' NOTICE TO CalDtTORS Ral'cllo LI 801M Clllcl In tti c1..'. of HunH"'ton 8e1cti, Count"( of Or1"""J ' .... ,,,, CO"IT '' '"' • • .. Slell of C1llloml1. II s"°"" Olt • LEGAL NOTICE Lea•• E•1encla " " ol Hunl!ltQlton Bta(I!, Couflfr of Orenee, map triereo1, recorded 1rt &llok s~ STATE OF CALIPO•NIA FOR St1to of C1llfornl1, 11 shown on I Pl'I IJ, MlKtlloneou,. Ml1>1, rlCGI" W L Gt THE COUNTY OF ORANGE m1p ""'"°' r1eorffcl ln Scok 51, of llld Ortllllf County. (Kl"IOW'l'I 11 10 I w L T GI NI. A "1Jut '"" ll, Mlsc:.1U1neou• M1p1, R~rd• Lot 1t of ....... ,,.Of'. MIP 13) FaEEWAY I.Bl.GUI! 51n11 l.nl V1llt¥ Fountain Val~~ Corona Otl Ml' (O•I• MIU M~ono111 : ! J ~~~vn• p..... l ~ ~ 1"• p::~~· ti!c:.t;.,~R.EO OELPHV HEP-t'oi ~1ttoff::,r::...c~:~:u.(kfl0Wft II "•,•cE:..T,H}_!I= ...... , ,·, ' '. 5 6 .S F11lltr1on S S 0 111 NOTIC E IS HEll EBY GIUEN to ll'lt ,AaCEl TWO· n u .. uv......, "'~"' n1r11 n S 6 .S 511nnv Hllll 5 S 0 1'1? trHl/lon QI ll'le 1~ ,..tned d«Hltnt "n U!>dl .. ldld . ont-hlH lnter"-I In tt.. EMI 1f ""' Of the Wiii MJ j ' t k~e'!!.e ~ i : ~~ IPYI Ill _._ PYvl"'I ~lalm1 IOllM! Ille East 1f ~! 111 ""' Well ,,, ~rt!> llf1 ~ sou,.111 IOO lttt of lllo; l I , LI t11b•• ~ • 0 JO.-i !hf 51/d decedent 1rr l"fflllrtd "' flit •fNI cl ttie Sculll ·100 lttl cf lllf 0 10 ""'' ""' E11t ~" l"f14ar'1 Snrtl Kr.....,,v 1 1 1 ~ tlMm, wtlll th• nKftHl'Y YOUCIMlfl, Jn Norltl 120 fttl of lht Eall onH\111 of tlM Nor!hell! Qu1t1er of tr.." S& Vllln 1?, Foun11ln Vllln' 11 Frldllf'I kif" !hf ofllct Ill !lie clel"ll of ll!t' •llD¥1 of tlle Norffleo~t Qlllrler o1 !he ~lhWflt Ou1~r llf Srctllln U. Edl111n La Ar1 J, E1!1ncl1 I l a H1br1 l, S~nnv Hllll O el'llitlt<! court. or to Pf".....,! lhtrll, with Soull'IWl!sl auerter cl s.tctlon "M In own.till! S Soul!!, R•fl\ll 11 Wat. To1111 Sf. ANfHDNT Ill •~r h AI l e o • l c e o 3 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 I G O o 7 11 1 0 J • 1 0 l • 0 0 1 0 0 c o a a o t 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 I 0 I G 0 0 0 0 1 0 ' 0 )l G 1 o -(Of"Of'I <kl Mer IT, Co1t1 M .. u ~·V•nne n. Fullerton ~ lh.. M'CtSll,., vouthll'S •. i. tllo Un· TownVtlp s Sou!ll, R1111t II Wat, ~IMP!OI LI lojt& Cll!CI. 111 .... Cito( •) f (' h 1 Tro, 9, KenMOV ' dersilloed •I 4lt E. 11th Slrtef, Cotti lll n<llo La BOIWI Chic• 1,. Ille err~ 11 Hunllft1ton l ffth, es •!!own ott.: ... 01· ' , a llC OS EdlS'lln ··M'!.s:::i~· i.,.,., 1owe!! l.TBuo~• Pirk ' ..... ,,.., C1lllor11!1 '2621. 'Milch ~ lhe ol Hunll119tcn Beach, Cow~!y o! Orlntf, • ma11 IMrfQf recorded tn Book Jl, •• r II r~I 11e1d1r•1 G1m11 oiact cl builneu of lllt Undtf111oned S!•I• cl Cllllornll 11 shewn "" 1 lllefJ<>I rtcordld In BOOk 51 , 019;.l Mtl1n1ot11 r1 ? o 1 o J:!:":i ~1C:~~ !;"'~:.,, ~n:;',lb~~;•.rt:.:,1)•'~ In 111 mirtt,. ~r111n1no ta ""' ,1,,19 map tt.er~ •KC~ect In look 51 IS. MIKe!I•-M•P1. rteerdt MtnOOa, Ph O O O G Saddleb&Ck C 0 J J e g e ' S "'"E1!1fl(l1 11 ,1111nt1ln V1ltoov Krnned1 al Fullerton of Miit i:IKedfr>I. wlll'lln 1!• 1'IOlllll1 "'" 11. Ml~ellon-Mfft ~ Orl "lle Counh, Sflttt of C1lll11"nl1 Mwllt nl, .. ' I • O Mltnol11 11 $1nl1 ..... V1llrY Trow 11 S1YlrH'll •llef" 1!1ti flrll Pllbllc1ll01t ol tftl1 natk1. of 111d O•l"IM C1111ni'/. (l('ftOWTI 11 (Known ti Lot 1• ti AsltlSll"'1 Ml• Ci tic.. 11 3 0 1 0 baseball team picks up a pair 1----------------------------I D1tfd AP'"ll JO, 1'10 Lot ,, of Asstuor'1 M11:1 1i1. ~l•c•r.. ,.ouo· E1!111t, lb J I 1 0 Willer LOUii H-•lt ltA .. CEL TM .. ll!f• • U.Wmin. d J 1 1 ° of easy wiM today, bagging e~ecvtor d the w 111 of Thi E111 ~ itti of "" W•I m 1.n unalwlded °"'"""" of --"' 0t"'lt e-.t ~If Ut) Ml. SAC Cn)lty, 1b 1 0 0 0 lllf 1bovt nlf'nltl dKtOcnt lett of "" 5out11 106 ttet 111 tt>t lllltrtil In tt>I E1tt :M tett 91 1119'1 9,._,. (0 11 lost 0-4 Llncll"I, 311 1 • I 0 forfeits from Palo Verde l"AUL A. HANHA North lft IMT 111 ""' E.W -'till W•t M7 !Ht llf lfll IDUlll lOI *'It •Ml'lr 10) 1i. wdll ..a. M<Cor. c J c 0 0 AHwM ...... LIW of fht Norlhq1t Quer11r of "" of '~ ~r1h l:!O IHI of "" £ut kolf to> 11. won. $.1, Ellill!ll~•· 11 I • 1 o College when the latter in-•If I'. 17tl st. South-If Ouarter o1 5ectlon 24, 1n """•II ol •Ill Nort11t11t oua111r °'' Mt!1tr! (0) ... 1C1I J-'. lll'llKli1n. II ••• 0 Cffll l'M ... Cllli.t'"nll T_,.hlp s SOUf!I,. •lltf't II WMf, ·"" loult!wnt au.rrer llf llttltn "-· 1"*"'"' U>> •. lri•I M. TOlllll » ! ' a (Qrmed the Gauc hos it .. could Ttl! S.IM1 •-1111 L• ~'" Chlt1 Ill "" Cltr In TOWlllll!fi s '°""'· ..... II W"I, tc::;,101 .... -mt·~,i1 u. "........ Sc..-.,, lltlllnt• llllttllr for 1!11Cvllr of Hunt11111ton BN(I!, •• ,,_,. .,,., :.1ncM~ lo1M Cl'lkl, In .... CllY ~ · I M • not fif.Jd 8 full team due to lack "uJ>"Jfted °'""' C-' 0.1" l'Hllf, • m11 the.-~orlMll 1n Boole 1 Hvn"""""' lllCh,. (O\nltr _, Or11tt .. ,. ,:a_,..... fGI clef. Hlnlllhltll IH) Mtter Ct! oao .. D-4 J J ol p•···-. MfliY 2. '· 16. J:I, 1'11 111·10 -I 12. MltttlllnlOUI M•lll. ncrCKlf !51•1• ti ClllfWttlo. ... ~ " ,.,..,. Nldltits (G1 -.!. Wllitlfltlln CH) -SI, AlllllO!W 000 IOO ,._, f 1 _, ...... .., of lht C1111n1Y of en-Stoi. fl! ~-=lt(ll"'= ~ ,..:;.-:: $. ""'· jr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;I ••sy·c•r• •ctiv1-w•1r LEOAL NOTICE C•11flll"rt11. "'"' Or•-c_,,. '"-., Let , Sto!IN (&I e.#. Wrfetll {H) J>.1', f 81111 or lllftn 111" lnt11tM Par Mid 17 ti ........ , Miit IJ) ..,_ tGl -'· II~ tMl or NOT1c• TO Cltl!OITO•s POrnl• of ""'""'"" lltd/\lldu.llY or •• 11111 w ...,.. ••• lriwiftd .., .. ,. -· Cha-plonshlp Wre-lin9 men and boyl SUltEIUOt. COU•T Of' TN• • 111111• AH ludt bldt """' be In N•ctlt of ...,_,,... lndlt11dut1tw ., II ~ ~ (Gl clef. M!th\11-1 {Ml 1M1. ••• •• STATt 01" CALlll'OllNIA l"Oll WTll1"'• Ind Wlll be IWftlftd b'I' fflOI I 11111f. AN tlldt b1cb -I bl ht1 ~ CGI 411. Wld1 (H) IMI. ORANGE COONTY FAIRGROUN' D THI COUMTT OF Olhl.llfGI Mrnlni.tr1trl1 It "'-ottkl of y.,,_ wrtttite. tnd Will bt rl!Ctl"'4 b"t' ~ ... Cn:!J.~ t-n~ ".f.'Mtl NI. .l-6Mn Prennot Ind Hftft. SIS Wnl Tlllf'll l.d1t1llll1lntrl1 1t t!11 offlci 111 YOUNG •~..,.!!. 1 ~,· tr. \ti 111;,. IFI COSTA MESA E1t11e cl M.Altl1'N w, "El£ASON, '1""'· Senti Ant, C.llromti, G<' mry PltENNEft & HEWS. TU W"t TM..f ~ . 0.CMi.ed. Ill lltod 1¥1111 tfl9 Cllrtl. of llll 1bllwe Alme4' Sir"', 111'1!1 Ano. C.Olwlll•, If" ""' ~ CSI .. Otf, C-tt (ll"} NOTICE IS HEAE8Y GlVEH hi ftll ~ COUrT, 11r '""' ... dtMt1..W bf t11illlfffd ~ 1110 ldmlft1'lfltrl11 ~ ' J. GRAND OPENING t~ crKlitoo of ""' ebo\19 "'"*' dtcedent 111 11111 IClmll'tl•lr•h1• HrHMl!'f. •• lltl"IOlllli,, fl'" '"' ... bf flled Wlllt "'-: .. -",'11,,A '",.·. '"''l:" ,',", t o a surf1r it's "'•' alt --11tt11111 cl•ln'I• "''"'' "" ,..., Hmt '"'' nf'tf Mll<:•lllln "' tllll Cll!rtr If fht Hew """*' S\il'trlor MON Y u ay ' .... •.c1ent 1"' '""Ired to Hit 1Mtn, no!k t ..W llefllf'9 W... mlt.lltf of Mid COIJrt, It '""' "'"-•fief nttt ou&llutlaoo fl., """!I DA , """ '1th 1:30 P.M. "birt:Jw1 1l beach britches" ..,11n ""'nec1tt.a•r _,,.,., r.. ""offk• M{'ER~-OF SALE:• :; J: Nfk:r• . ·11111' ~ "" m1t1r11 • ........ Ml fl• .U. ..a (IAl 16. of nv eltf'lf ol IM lilllYe tl't!ltltd court, 11r ....... ....... • .SI • 14 ' * T •• TUM. BAnLE ·~ ..,..sertt 111em .. ,,, ""' nec:tu•rr ........ -·vi _., fll "" u11111o Tl.lllll.!i °" u.t.1: Ctsll. ltw!vf "*'" J,...,111 Cll'I ,, .... It ......... ISA), -. 'IOU(l\tfl, •o"" ..,,:,.,~ .. ""'° 1t l!ljl cHleft Sl•!fll.. Tfl't Hretl'tl flt•U of tlll ol tllt Unlltf Sllllt. Tl!! ~'"' '""'·' p~, lo$ or 1111 ''""""""· WALLACE. aaOWN l lltCIUnf otftrlld 11'111" ICCl:llltll•nr ltl<t llf Tiie •-' ol'lfl'CI 1J>wt ICCMn11n' ~fll.11 IM) n Rf, ~ !$Al I' •••y vs .<.NO CRAIN, UI DoYrr Drltt, S~ll• U. wrllfln bid Pr" otter, Wiii ftlt bll#l'ICI fht writ!., •Ill llr lltftr, t!W ll!e bll•"'• "\:" ;)o ( PUDl,1 --IOCltf JOHNSON Nf'#POl't l!lttth, CllllO•nlt m60, wh~ II m..,.t bf Hid -1!1t ~tlrnwtlolt lt'llltl bf HICI -ft1t 01nllim1ticiii ... (M) 71 .... ~ $Al U.IL HDltN... • ANO '"'' IAYA.lltlAN tn11i.(1 ol Wt•""•I of tl>e U!W!""lttllf<I In ~ "':ur 11e"'~~ c~"· ~ :!1t M~mw tt. ... '° ~-· Coull, $1JC <t l'l*ftH (Ml Jt *'f. °""' CSA.I h Other Outs: .. ...fl-(g 111 "'°""' 11trt1ln!rw te lr\t ""'' o1 1110 •ICt"• """' ~ '-""' m llllOA "" vtuof ·--·•. -.a•••"' 'cu.l PIUJ T rw t--"' Mein Events @) ~@@§@ ~~.-~!!'-"'.-r "*'..!!" .nw-w. c.TN#~• ;,, 1,... O.ttd; ,.,. ,,, ,.,. ~" ~MISS COSTA MESA'S FIRST -._ tint ........... I_, "'' 1111·-~I, U.fOll VICIU II, Ul'TON • m) (IQ .... 11 .... lw """'" I 0.tld WI I .. int. AdlltlnllfTll'11 AOrfliftlsfrtlftjl cl !II "' ""' " ElllMll WRESTLING SPECTACULAR 1i 1 wo1t'" 'NOOOWA•o IARLfY. ~""' """""' r.111tt .. NATltA:l::n .. -~ tw• '" lft"rici nl • '111111' c:h1r91 ::::::-~w~:.,,,, HIOllttlcf Llldt W1 .. tr, WILU.110 WALICllt.. lliettwtl ' IOX OfflCI OHMS J P.M. MON, PHOHI II S.11J1 1 fiihitlll lil1111"• 11-porf b.i1c:h 644·5070 WA LUC•. 1tC:WN •MO CllAtt1" YOU1tt~'r.t.1t AMD MIWI =.~'~la a "IWI i. .. .., .,_., .. "• -W. 11 JI I .. ll........a.I .... U.... S W 0..-Dffft, 111111 II Jll w.t ~ ltnlt JU WM! ""'"' Sin.I t4 ··g.°'' ~ ............ CW! ,.,,..._ .1•1 . 12 I .OD ... ...,.,, ... oca.t1ll1trlll•ftUI hn11A11 .. C.lfllrllll•n1't llllllAlll ~""' .. ·-• ..,, ... -......, "!!"lllllld• ...... Cll...,,. 111 .. AtllllitlC .,,,, 01~1 '*"11 T~ •(n41 $Cl"'41t' T.-....i Cn'I ..,...,. T • OC1 11111 N ..,... (WI ,~ Atl""'71 ftr •1111MW Atllnlffs tw ·Mi111Mfrltl11 Aflrlrnl\lt fw "*"illhtrltrb 9' Publlll* Or"-Co.ti 0.llY l'\ltl, fll,lfllt~ ()rWIH C:W.t C1l1¥ Pllol Pl.lblli.lltd OrM01 !;Mil O.r• .. a."""" Ott "· ..e. Stillnd• fWl•11.., ... .-................ ._ ............ .-............. _..._ .. ._ ... J'l----------------------------i'~':'~'-'~·:_:"':..:"':::'_':·~':· ~":::," __ _:•~••:":' ~t l , I llff t, 1'11 11•79111,tT 1, Lt. tm .~~~ ti.M. -• • i ) . ' • ' . ' ' • • • .. COSTA MESA-NEWPORT BEACH EXECUTIVE NEWPORT BEACH Large lovely 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with huge separate family room with fabulous wet bar. Near Mariners Park \vhere the children play safely. Plush shag carpeting. Re cently redecorated. Excellent ex- isting apr loan can be assumed with 5% o/o interest & payments including everything of $175 month ~ Pric· ed below replacement as $45,950. 540-1720. MESA DEL MAR BEAUTY Spacious 3 bedroom, ?'"baths home. Covered big·big patio. Huge pool sized yard. Room for boat· & trailer. Home .with elegant fireplace, family room. Terrific floor plan-elegant carpeting, drapes. Block from · tennis J.>layground, e.lementary, Jr. High & O.C. Col-. lege. A steal at $31,500-10% down.. 540-1720 . $'14,950 • f .H.A. or G.I. TERMS! Here's a large lovely 3 bedroom & den home with spacious family room, 23 ft. living room with invit· ing fireplace. Built-in range & oven. Large breeze. way connected to double garage. Near schools. A real "Buy"! (7954) 540-1720. ONLY $19,500-SEE THIS One of the nicest "To\vnhouses".in Costa Mesa for the money. Sharp thruout with large master bed· room, den. ~uality carpeting. Beautiful pleated drapes. Built-in range. oven & dishwasher. Large garage & short walk to beautiful clubhouse and 2 , swim pools. Owner nnxious • must sell! He will help w11n Jmancing too! 540-1720. NEWPORT-SPLIT LEVEL POOL HOME A gorgeous home in an area of prestige living! ~µtiful swtm pool with dressing· roqnis adjacent. Firepit. Lovely atrium entry. Formal -. informal en-- teitaining ideal here. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, lov.ely view. Full dining room, Ju~yrious built.in· kitchen. Patio. L~sh J~dscaping. Th'.is is orle yOu'll have tO see & priced far below replacement at $76~950. (8602) 540-1720. i~ .. LOVELY POOL HOME-$2~500 Spacious home with a lovely swim pool that is heated & ,filtered for year .round fun. Covered patio. BBQ--0utd90r living & entertaining perfect ·here! Built-ins. Gorgeous fireplace. Quiet cul-de-sac street. ( 8563) 540' 1720. 3 BEORMS. -$22,500 -5\i % LOAN Best terms available on today's market -there's a SY-1 % A.P .R. loan on property \vhich may be assum- ed-payments less than rent! Water softener, new plush deep pile carpeting. Reflects pride of owner- ship inside & out.. Patio. Pool sized yard. Near Es· tancia lligh & \Vilson elementary schools. (7578). 540-17'20. PRffiY HOME · PRETTY POOL· $21 ,500 FHA or G.J. terms too! LitLle money down will move you into this delightful 3 bedroom. 2 bath home. Blue Haven pool. dream kitcheb-handy work features. Lush Jand_scaped low maintenance care yard. Ex.eel· lent IQcat1on near everything! (7576).540-1720. LOOKS LIKE A MODEL HOME-$34,950 An exceptional home in a prestige area of Costa Me~a. V~ry Sf!acious r~ms thruout! Deep pile car- peting • 1ust like walking on a cloud. Master 'sized bedroon1s, 2 baths, family room. Dream of a kitchen "-'ith finest built-ins, dishwasher. Owner will consider lease with option. See this heavy shake roof ·beauty today! (8590) 540-1720. "EASTSIOE'' POOL HOME-$28,750-G.I. or FHA terms -means almost nothing down to G.l.'s & very low down all others! Spacious bedrooms 2 ba_ths, !Iii eleCtric "A~ard" kitchen. Gorgeous white bnck fireplace. B~autiful nylo-'_l carpeting, dishwash· er. Separate service porch with extra baths. 26 ft. co".'ered patio. Circular driveway & an exquisite swlm pool. First time adyertised .. better hurry on this one ! (8598) 540-1720. IEAL ISTATE SALIS TAR BELL OFFERS You MORE in 1970 e f'ilew er eyerMwced -a.11 • co111pe1y tfwlt't •• ~ ,,..,. • . , 4 !MW officH .,..i .. Molil. e F,11 , ... N•11r1,.,_, Aftorrhl .. ...,., weft. • I ,.._. r,.1-... C••l'lft. 1 .... wt.ii. ye• '"''· • C..,."Y ewllff MortlJ.,• Co, ...... HOfllllO FilllHChlf ....... e • .,.,,... tyt,. .. of,..,_~ • .,, JO offhft 1111 I..,,..,.._ •o.-..c......... . e llM 0... '"".., c...., fer .., Lhtl ... I•-*'· • ,,.......,_ c ........ -"-........,. ....... e \0 Dll"ICt M.tl '"""'"" fo ...... JM wit11 ..._ ..... 1 e PLIASI CAll IOI YOST, 141..Jlh SEE THIS! $29,500 Owner will help with the financing; too! 3 generous sized bedrooms, 2 separate baths, full dining room, den-farm style kitchen with "Top Of The Line" built-in features. Elegant fireplace sets off charm of · livin• room. Double garage. J..arge-well sculptured manicured yard-stately shade trees & nice land- scaping! 540--1720 .. 4 BEORM. · $29,950 -LOW DOWN! Very sp.acious family home with mariy luxury added 1eatures. 2 pullman baths. used brick fireplace. all electric "Award" push button built-in kitchen. Plush carpeting. custom decorator drapes & shades. heavy shake roof. Very lo\v dO\\'ll pay1nent. Q\vner desper· ate! 540-1720. START PACKIN' • $28,950 · 4 BEDRM! Owner moving to Oregon & will give immediate pos- session ! Name your own terms! 4 bedroom, conver-- tible den, 3 separate baths, elegant fireplace, full dining room. Heavy shake roof. Pool sized grounds. Only 5 yrs. new with .all the most modern luxury features! (8123 ) 540-1720. '111.A.t: .. ....: y EXQUISITE "IRVINE" $35,200! Prestige location -executive home with 4 bed- rooms, 3 separate baths. large family room. Only 31f.1 years new -looks like a model home! All elec· tric "Award"' kitchen. fulJ dining room. Inviting fireplace. University Park -exceptional planned community with pools, tennis etc. Patio. (6445) 540-1720. SHARP MESA VEROE-$28,500-5 1i% Excellent residential area on quiet cul-de-sac street. Generous sized bedrooms, 2 baths, nice familr. - or dining room, very handy to the luxurious built-in 'kitchen with a new dishwashei. 2 attractive fire- places. Patio. Carpeting, drapes. Easy care dichon- dra lawns. As sume 51A VA loan subject to approval. \(8460) 540-1720 ' • SUPER SHARP! $26,950 GI! Almost no down plus small closing costs-your pay· ments less than rent. Queen sized bedrooms, 2 baths, family room. Park-like landscaping. 1\IL the fine features, built-ins, elegant fireplace, secluded Jivin g room. Near beach. scho ols & all shopping! 18041) 540-1720. OWNER DESPERATE· $26,950 -F.H.A.·G.I. TERMS Try any kind of financing ! Very artistic 3 bedroom, 2 bath, family room home. Gorgeous kitchen with all the efficiency built.--in features. Nice patio for out· door events. Neatly manicured lawns. Walk to all conveniences! 10% down. 54().1720. LIKE LIVING ON THE RIVIERA! $19,500 f\1onticello Townhouse -adult occupied. Possible 2 bedroom or convertible den. Wall to ¥.'all carpet- ing, super custom drapeii . Built-in luxury kitchen. Nice patio. Near club house & s\vim pool ! (7621) 540-1720 ALMOST NO DOWN G.I. • 5 BEORM. Localed near the great Pacific ocean! 3 separate baths, 2300 sq. ft. of sheer luxury ! Ro1nantic fire· place, finest kitchen with gleaming coordinated built. in features. Large family room. Sculptured green lawns, gorgeolls landscaping. Fine location. Owner very anxious-submit your terms; 54().1720. COUNTRY CLUB -MESA VERDE Owner's excellent taste reflected thruout! Generous sized bedrooms, 2 baths, family room. Most func· tionaJ floor plan. Executive area-Mesa Verde. Near Club House. Golf Course & schools. $49,500. 540-1720. , WE "RECOMMEND" THIS! ALMOST NO DOWN -$24,950 to G.J.'s--all others very low down payment. Large home in tine area. 3 bedrooms, separate den and a separate famlly room with a 15 x 25 ft. covered breezeway connecting this lovely home to large double garage. Excellent value-hurry! 540-1720. 2955 'HarbOr Blvd., Costa Mesa , _ · I 540·1720 HUNTINGTON BEACH~FOUNlA.IN VALLEY EXECUTIVE ·MEDITERRANEAN + POOL In prestige area "Huntington Crest''. Jr. estate grounds -landscaped to perfection -lush tropical surround the pretty pool, decking, boat door for your camp~r . .1\trium ho1ne with cloud soft plush carpet Austrian custom drapes. 2 · baths. Only 2 yrs. new. \Ve invi te your inspection ! 842·6691 HUNTINGTO"N CREST-6 HOMES OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 (Bt•ch Blvd. &. G•rfit ld) S•lespeopl• •t Gates to 9uidt you. 1. 4 bedroom, central air cond. View or moun· tains, lites & coast. Former model home. Vacant -immediate possession. 2. 6o/o Loan subject to assumption? .o\trium • 3 bed1001n. Pool. Boat fate. 3. 4 bedr1n-huge "rec" rn1 . Spanish beauty! 4. Mediterranean Ranch style -Sunken living r1n .. full dining room & family rm. 5. Large 4 bedroo1n 2 si_pry with 2 fireplaces, family rm., private den. f car garage. 6. Owner transferred. 4 bedroom, sunken living rm., formal dining. Backs to park. Wood decked patio. 842-6691 • 161!1 BEACH BLVD ...... , ..... 142-6691 582! EDINGER .........•...... ~0694 HUNTINGTON BEACH CORONA-NORCO H9RSE RANCHES AND HOMES LUXURY HORSE RANCH-$33,950 2167 sq. ft. of living at Its greatest! 4 bedrooms, 2 baths and huge famil:)" room with a fireplace for all to admire. Luxurious built-in kitchen. Choose your carpeting & color schemes. 1h acre. It's truly a beauty! Call collect or (1) 735-1077 A TT ENT ION 6.1.-FHA BUYERS Here's a buy of a lifetime. Almost nothing down to G.I. 's low-low down FHA. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath home on 1h acre or land. Extra storage, barn, tack room & corrals. etc. Lovely view home! Priced at $27,500~ Call collect or (1 l 735-!0n BARGAIN HUNTERS HORSE RANCH ! 3 bellroom. 2 bath on 1h acre of green & beautiful grounds. Finest built·in kitchen. Choose your O\Vn carpeting. $25 ,500 with 15% down. Call collect or (1) 735-1077 BRANO NEW CUSTOM RANCHO! on 1h acre of serenity. 1900 sq. ft. home with heavy open beamed ceilings, large family room with mas- sive stone fireplace. All lu.xury features. Prestige area. $30,950. Call collect or (1) 735-lOn LOW INTEREST LOAN-$18 ,750 Assumption. Very spacious home with a Jo\v·low down payment & 1nonth.ly payments less than rent. ~ bedroom, 2 ba~s, built-in dream kitchen. carpet· 1ng, drapes. Priced far below replacement at $18,750. Call collect or (1) 735-1077 2 HOMES-3 Yi ACRES! B-:ir.ns, storage sh .. eds, large \\'Orkshop, \Vater & elec- tr1c1ty, corrals. Completely fenced & cross fenced. 2 nice homes. Adjacent vacant parcel included . $49,500. Commercial potential. Call collect or (1) 735-1077 INVESTOR'S DREAM!! 5 • 2 bedroom home Plus 1 • 1 bedroom cottage. All with an unsurpassed view. Completely rented. Huge frounds .. plus vacant view lot. All this for $49,500. 0% down payment. Call collect or (1) 735-lOn 2429 Hamner. NORCO · c.11 collect or 01 73S.10n GREAT ANO! 4 ·aEDRM $19,850 ;~: There's an existing loan that is subject lo assum~ tipn. pr wijl sell with option to buy on a lease. 1 baths, c_ute cheerful ~tchen with built-in range I& oven. Fireplace. Heavy shake roof beauty. Better hurry & see this one now -it won't last! (85SS) 84!>0604. 1500 SQ. FT. OF VALUE! $23,50HI TERMS or FHA • means almost nothing down to Vet~ -low down all others. Living rm. 26 ft. can easily be divided to make 4th bedroom if desired. Covered & enclosed patio 28xlt ,ft. Massive Ooor to ceiling fireplaoe . Freshly painted inside & out. Priced $1500 below market. Must sell • bought larger home. 9ti2·1373 OWNER LEAVING STATE ! $24,500-G.l.-TERMS·. Hurry and .see this one first~ 3 spacious bedrooma, bright cheerful kitchen JA•ith all the 20th century· mtracle built-ins. New dish\vasher. Lovely patio &1 l~rge well manicured grounds. Sharp home inside & out! Almost nothing down G.J. : low down FHA!, ( 8584) 840-0604. VERY PLUSH POOL HOME-$33,950-5* % · : G.I. loan! 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, secluded rear living· room with elegant fireplace overlooks the. lovely7 patio and pool. Dream kitchen ·with antiqued kitchen: cabinets & built-ins. Lush landscaping -loads of : decking. G.l. 5~90 subject to assumption! (8100): M6-0604 • SPLIT RAIL FENCE-PROVINCIAL-+ POOL!~ $28,500-G.I. FHA TERMS! :; Heavy shake roof. scalloped roof lines, pretty shut-: ters -it's a darling! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Natural: red brick fireplace sets off living room. Ex.tensive.: decking with shuffleboard. decorative planters, flag~~ stone patio. BBQ. Built-in stereo. Gorgeous pool;, Carpets, drapes -See thi s now. 962-1373 .: 5' BEDRM-$32,500-53~ % G.I. LOAN ~ to be assumed sub1ect to approval! 2 baths, deep;._ pile thick carpeting thruout. A unique used brici"..i. firerlace. large family room. dream kitchen. Largr,. poo sized yard -access for boat or trailer. Yout . own private mmi~rchard . Large covered P.atio. Near schools & major shopping! (8475) 962-1373 . . .. I EL toio. a11 tan1+ .1.: • MISSION VllJO - POOL HOMES "' Fine selectfon·ell sizes, all areai. From $31,900. Pleas• cell 830-6060 MISSION VIEJO BEAUTY! VIEW! Only 21f.i yrs. ne"'· Owner leaving area. Unsurpa~· sed view. Most distinctive kitchen with fines,t bulltin;~ features. King sized bedrooms, 2 baths, large tam.-: ily room with a ;fireplace, Formal entertaining ideal: i in the lar8e living room with additional fireplace~· Large patio. Large pool sized grounds. (8558) 830-': 6060. ~ YOUNG-BIG & BEAUTIFUL-$27,500 Very spacious. 4 bedroom. 2 bath, home with full dining i"oon1, exquisite fireplace enhances large st-- eluded rear living room . Dream kitchen -finest 1 bu ilt-in features. AttraCtive entry hall. Large utili· 1 ty room. Plush carpeting, drapes. Pool siz.ed, grounds! !8406 ) 830-0060. EXQUISITE ESTATE-OCEAN FRONT Extraordinary Spanish tiled roof beauty with a spec-. tacular ocean view. Oak~ cedar. redwood-& mahog- any used profusely thruout this residence. King sized bedrooms, huge den plus a libr.ary retreat.. Beautifully landscaped exterior (117 ft. frontage - huge -huge rear grounds), lush tropical patio with fireplace, formatJard~.n patio at entry and terraced• lawns all overl~~e Blue Pacific. $125,000. Ex- cellent terms. 83()..6060 ASSUME 6 % G.I. LOAN Spacious 4 bedroon1. majestic 2 story home. Dutch clean with beautiful wall to JA•all carpeting & drapes. Covered patio. Pool sized fenced yard. School ·& shopping close by. Owner 'viii help with financing too! Asking $34.500 . 830-6060 WALK TO BEACH & SCHOOLS!-$26,950 Oversized bedrms. 2 baths. massive stone fireplace , sets~~! charm of living room. Full dining room awa1t1ng those gou rmet meals prepared in the .wife-- saver built-in kitchen. Near Capistrano Beach grade schools. Patio. Pool sized grounds. (8447) 830-6060. ~ POOL HOME WITH GORGEOUS VIEW! , Very spaCious hOin~e deSigne(l for tonnal & informal entertaining. Subjec! t~ 6'14 % G.I. Ioan assumption- just like paying -rent! all the luxury features. Mas- sive fireplace, exquisite ca~Ung & drapes. Se.ren1 country view~aeritle rolling hills & blue skies above! OOI\ C1W1n. r: ~ ,;. 4n331 El Toro Road 830·6060 ~ •• ' ' I L i"~4. pAILV PILQr Ma cco Firm Gets Land For Offiee A one and one-halt acre parctl at the northweet corner of Seventeenth and Mabury in Santa Ana has Wfn ac- quired by MCI, Mac«> Com- mercial-Industrial. I~ West-rn Commercial lndusfiial Di- ·ision of Great Soulhwtst Cor- poraUon IOTC). acrording to uss R. ~iacQuiddy, president f MCI. ' This will be the sfte of a three.story, ·~,000 square-foot ffiet building. The total cost of the project is estimated at one and one-quarter: million ollars, and construction is planned to start in 'June of his year. Occuparicy i s 1cheduled for early_ 1971 . 'Ibe lacUilies will be located Just east of the Sarila Ana retway o n Sev~nth, S~turll•1· May 2, 197-0 ' Top Producer Arby Disbrow of Tar- bell Realtors' Costa Mesa office, has Teceiv- ed a "Gold Key" award for having sold over $200,000 in residential r e s a I e s quring the monlll of Mareh . willtln ~ .. " ~ a '' Ana Cii!Cceiiler ."!..off~ com'ns '& Associates, Los ,,..ngeles ---------- ~ architects, have been by Barry Williams or MCI ired to desiin these ·p1anned from their Newport Beach aciHHes. ~. headquarter offices at 3848 ~ All leasing will led Campus Drive. GlenOak Hills· Opens Second Tract-Unit The second unit of GlenOak Hills, 1,300-acre residential- agricultural development at Rancho California, Kaiser Aet- na's vast multi-purpose land project in southwest Riverside county. will be opened this weekend. This will make a total of 150 parcels ranging in size frm 21h to 10 acres. More than 5 percent or the 100 parcels in the first increment of the avocado project have been sold since GlenOak Hi lls <1pened last moolh. A 3,100 square-foot three- bedroom county home w i I l be open to demonstrate one approach to utilizallon o{ a typical GlenOak home site. The S{>rawling ranch style model has large glassed areas providing spectacular view of the surrounding gently rolling hills. -Decorated in a con- temporary mode by Di· versified D e s i g n s, Corona del Mar and O~an1e, furilishings combine luxurious country living and modem elegance. The model aiso features two fireplaces, aD all· electric kitchen and air<On- ditioning. GlenOak Hills property own- ers will have private paved slreets, with water, power and telephone service eJ- tended to each parcel. The -main entrance to the area is guarded with controlled ac- cess. Olher GlenOak ementieis in- clude a 25-acre recreation area featuring tennis courts, a picnic area. training area, corral and a 12-stall barn. The largest project among holdings of Kaiser Aetna,.the part..1ership of K a i s e r Aluminum & Chemical Corp. and Aetna Life & Casualty, Rancho Califbrnia has been developed with substantial acreage devoled to recreation, agriculture, commerce and light industry in addition to homes. GlenOak Hills may b e reached by driVing e a s t ol Highway 395 at R a n c h o California Road and following the directional signs. But- terfield Land Corporalion, a subsidiary of Coldwell , Banker & Company, is the exclusive sales agent for GlenOak Hills. " A BAKER'S DOZEN A Modern Real Estate Test 1-Do you rHlly unde rstand tho tu advantages of Rtal Estate ? (or <lid you p1y tuos in '697j 2-<Do ·you reelly unde rstand what is lllNnt Dy "pyramiding your ostate"7 ~ . t 3-Do you really undorstend why your sovlnJll account is going Clown in Purch1s.in9 power? , 4-Ara you r real 1c~uisitjons ? esta te ho ldirt91 "programmed " or just spur of the moment > 5-Do ·you own property that "bothers you 117 • Do ' you ever 'tf&nder why you wonder why you work so herd and t~ert is nothing left at.the end of tho year7 7-Do you have adeq uate security for retireme"t 7 8-Do you ho vo ".tock market bl uos"7 9-Do you have a me jor equity and can't 111m to fin<-J t me rktt for it ? I 0-Ar• you so busy in your own job care of your investments 1 or business that you Clon't properly toke I 1-Do you nood reel estoto but aro short of c11h7 12-Do yo u understand -exchange and buy back, cruling • leasehold, life est,te, mortgage relief, multiple exchange, how to use part of your existin g eqUity to acquire mO~e real e1t1ti , etc? Pe(sonali1ed counseli ng is t he answer at it is to the hundreds of other prob. !e m~ th1t face the investor, trader, or develo,,.r in todays market. 13-Do. you know where to start? .. • • . .. ~ • ., ' • Robert. W. Steele Company 4001 B Birch Street Newport Beach, CaRfornia (714) 546-8450 Come along to ~ ome find your family's future at CnlverDale! ~ Here are 8 freeh new door plans ••• 20 brilliantly. deBigned erlariors .•• idea-packed model homes that will start your day with a whole new outlook! CulverDale ... a 450- home community surrounding an imaginative private recre- ational park .•• and adjacent to another, completely separate "get-away-from,it-all" park! A big, lush clubhouse that you -or your active teens -can reserve for your private parties. Your CulverDale home .makes it all yours -and it makes your way of living about a hundred times more fun! l:llbVER ':B.ftEE ! I :j:: Country Club living for the whole family «:· ~:.__,. • .. ~ ountry Club living ~ a t Culver Dale mean! private tennis and badminkm courts ... miles of jogging paths ... a party.size barbecue pit, and picnic tables. It means re· laxation under the shade of a tree, a place to meet friends, b""'the ocean-fresh air, and get to know your kids. ., . . ~ . ~r whole famil y will enjoy the huge, 8'-'f ::ne competition-size pool .•. and there's a special wading pool, too, for the little guys. I n CulverPale park, there's a big open game field and a'ctivity for all ages; volleyball, basket- ball, and t etherball courts; "tot lots" with plenty equipmen t for healt hy exercise; there's the ' oocl ship Culver Dale" -a real boat-and " rt CulverDale" where anything goes from In to Paul Revere. ' . -. . . . ··e··· . ) ulverDak i1 in the heart of l ruine, th« "city oi, tom01'• roip", •• AmPrifa'• finest mcuter-planntd com'munity. You're· minutes to 5 shcppint center•, including fabul.oua Etuh;ort Jallind ..• 280 modern new industrie1 in Irvine itael/ .•. t~ Univer .. 1ity of California, Irvine ... a 280-acre regional park ... ezcitl:n1 nflp "Lio n Coun trr; Sa/nri/' cotfWJg soon ... an.d ideally coruienient . tg the San DleRo, Sa*ta Apa, ·q!WI Newport freewa y•. Th4 is lh• boom-area of lrviM. -. and ~ou.:rii_jnon the ground floor , in a co1n- ni1111itl!_ rvhe:e yo1i 'oMi;yorU1tJM~01 w.U as 2.priuate park, tJt&d your ·, OwrJMtcotw~_ centtr .•• wMre iCtf" get quality 011ured b1 the repu-.. totion-'of (he'Gr.anf. Cbrnpany u"iNIU 01 the ri1id requvemen.t1 of 'l'llA and VA fkaoncint. Com• aio,., ~· CulV<rDale ... today! Singl,.family 2 to S bedroom homeo $24,995 lo $37,S9S •FHA/VA 1 (and the price includes the land !) • Open IO a.m. to 7 pm. every day• Phone (714)833-0910 • > i ~ ....... I ~o •• - • ...., ' • ............................ """" ________________ ,.......,.............,~~--~-~~ ....... ---------:---·~---•. ) J . ' ;;:Sa:::"!dlJ=•...;"'c:":...I,;.• .:.19"-70'-------'D.lll-'-Y-'Pll-0...;T ;..,J,.,.I' County Enjoys Apartment ... Boom VISTA HOME -PRETTY AS A PICTUR'E Model Living Room in San Clemente Tract i Vis ta Verde Offers I r Lower Interest Rate t • . I I ~ i ,f I flome buyer reaction to Vista Verde Homes' current mortgage interest rate of 7.9 percent has been extremely gratifying, c J aim s Bob Ostengaard, vice-pres. o f Coast Con struction Company, builders or the San Clemente de\•elopment. "ll enables us to oHer a Noise Lack ' Offered at I f Troy Homes ~ E f . . scape rom noise 1s one ol the benefits of li ving in fi Troy Homes by the Sea in -S;rn Juan Capistrano rated ,, high by buyers or homes in I the McCarth y Company development in the past year, reports Roy Roman, sub- division sales manager. f Country living y,•jfb an or its rewards is a feature of real importance to buye rs at Troy Homes by the Sea. They ! report I.hat lhi~ kind <>f living is remarkable, too. becau se of the closeness of major in- dustrial and commercial areas <>f the Southland where they work. "Coin ing back to San .Juan Capistrano after a day of y,·ork and freey,•ay travel is just like moving into a new y,·orld and your home becomes y<>ur own quiet "country estate," says <>ne buyer. There is practically no noise In Troy homes by the Sea. The special arrangement of hills which surround this pie· turesque valley siphons oH the freev.·ay noise so that buye rs forget that il is there. ''Scientists tell us that any noise buil ds up tc,1sion and that a mulliplicity of noises increases that IPnsion.°' said Mr. Ron1an. "Naturally, \VC try to escape or avoid noise. When we have a tot al home environ1nent y,·ithout noise, we have the ullimate in tensi on reduction with i t s com· plementing increases i",1 en. joymenl <>f family activities. our food, oor hobbies, our recreation hours.'' Troy Home s by the Sea dre priced from $27.950 to $3~,950. Five furnished mod els are <>pen daily from 10 a.m. to dusk. They c:a n he reached by turning off Santa Ana-S an Diego Freeway at San Ju an Capi strano <ind proceeding west to Del Obispo Street to Camino del Avicr.1. and then east to the development. loan commitment on our homes below the prevailing (VA-FI-IA rate. As a result, our homebuyers save a large amount <>f m<>ney over the years due lo the lower interest rate. "The difterence on a monthly payment basis might not seem too overwhelming. HO\\'ever, when it's multiplied uver the years it makes an astoundin g difference." •·To fully apri reclate the ~uµerior value of a Vista Verde home . ' ' added Ostengaa rd , ··we urge our homebuyers to compare their purchasing power on a ·Vista Verde home with homes cos· ting much more." Located at the corner of Camino De Los Mares and Vaquero in San Clemente, buyers may ch~ from two- three-four bedroom models with two-three baths priced from $31.950. Each Vista. Verde home pro-- vides a full fairway view. All utili~ have been placed underground to maintain the ma1goi f ice n t' v~~s1 of ShoreCliff Counky tlub's roll- ing greens. Kitchen5 utilize sliding glass doors and windows that open from the kitchen side unto a food service counter area un the patio side to provide practical indoor-outdoor living. Features include bu i l l · i n range . self cleaning <>ven , dishwasher. disposal a n d luminous ceilings that keep the kitchen bright day and nig_ht. Other amenities i n c I u d e wood burning l'iteplaces, wall to wall carpeting, step-down living rooms and formal din-- ing area!:. Exteriors provide generous use of masonry and stone. Homes offer two-three car garages. To reoeh Vista Verde in San Clemente, take San ta Ana or San Diego freeY:a y lo Camino Estrella l u r no ff . Follow signs to ~ully furnished models. • Coast Realtor In U.S. Group Don Voronaerr, president of Voronaeff Realt.y Company <>f Newport Beach, has been ad- mitted to membership in the International Real E s t ate Federation, through it s American Chapter. an affiliate of the National Association of Real Estate Boards. This is an elite professi<>nal groop and only 900 mem· berships have been awarded in the American chapler. Pacesetter Weed Patch No'\v a Park A great example or "''hat real community togetherness can accomplish is seen amid 1he homes and manicured lawns of the Pacesetter Com· munity of Laguna Niguel. Several years ago, when the homes were first built, a patch of land on La Hermosa Avenue was deeded to the Orange County Department ol Parks and Recreation for use later as a small RMk. ''At the start, Jl was mosUy us~ as a dog run and garbage dump,'' said Mrs. Pat Weber, an active member ol. .several Laguna Niguel groups such as the Coordinating Cotrocil and the Woman's Club of Laguna Niguel. So the Woman's Club asked for, and reoceived hlep from the community to tum the weed patcti into a park, she said. "When we first orgarUzed the Woman's Club we discuss-- ed the need foe parka and recreation facilities, so this was really our first overt ef. fort," said Mrs. Weber. With donations from sup- pliers 1n the form o( material! needed to make the one-. quarter C\Cre gretn belt into a park and from others in the Corm of cash contributions, the community donated its time and labor <>n two con. sec uUve \veekends. cleared the land, and installed t h e equipment. "I think the most valuable result of the effort ls the knowledge that we a s residents can improve oor community ourselves and not have to wait for a nebulous 'somebody' to decide what shoold be done and do it for us. It just t akes com- munication, cooperation and some positive idea! to ste the eff<>rt throogh to Its con- clusion," Mrs. Weber said. Now almost any day, one can drive along La Hermosa Avenue near ~faltaso Place er.id see the children or the community wea ving through the climbing bars. sliding down the shiny aluminum board or imagining rocket ships and <>ther fantasies among the discarded utility poles planted around the park for that reason. Appraisers Open Office The Orange County Chapter 132 of the Society of Real Eslate Appraisers announces the opening of its new Chapter <>frice in Santa Ana at 1450 East 17th Street, Suite 212. The telephone number is 835-4507 with <>ffice hours from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. VISTll VERDE San Clemente ... Each VI STA VERDE Home provides a FULL fa irway view ! One and two story models with 2-3-4 bedrpoms, 2-3 baths, and 2-3 car garages are priced from $31 ,950 . • . -· ~ I . ; { ' r •. \ .. (()()f ... • • " .. ~· . I .. Tibu.IUI @()l.,llel 111()wing his .laln1. , There's plenty of lush rreen lawns throughout our Tiburon rommunity. Including youn. But you'll never h&ve to mow it. Or clip a hedge. Or paint a fence. All ext.erior maintenance is done by profe"8ionels. You'll h&ve bett.erthin~s w do with your time. Fun things. Like plunging inw the iunior Olympic swimining pools. Safe separate wading pools for the young splashers. Sliuftleboard. Badmint.on. Ping Pong. Croquet. Volleyball. It's all here. Including a putti1lg gieen t<J,heJp you Bhilve oft.strokes. And 'The Tiburon Club.' You and~ family belong-the ~you mim; in. Socials. Family barbecues. . Arlll and ci'aflB for aJl.age& .. Dancing· 11l14er,lfmlit'llkie& Teenage get-togetbelw.. . '. And. It's all 0DJ,y ' inmutes . from the fun:toVin"iP8citic. S-wi'm. Water-eki. SUrf. Silil: . : Tiburon. Big exciting one and · two story liomes. Great new floorpll!JI& Individually air- ronditiabed at no extra c:oet.· We suggest you rome down ·rlght away. see all the fun things&· Tiburon homeowner has to do. Beside8 mow his lawn. • By the developers of worl d fam~us T,ang_lewood .. · 1·.-. " • L --;--.~-,-.---;---·O";.~.~-;-;~-cc.~.~ .... ~....,,---.,,.,,::-c.,;-c:: .. c="'.::----:-~-:-..,.--,.,,,-,,,,.,..,.-,...,,...,,,,, ....... ~~-~-~-"'"'""""""""""'""'"'""""'"""' ............ ~ ............... ~ ................................ ..,.~~.~-~-~~-~ ....... - ' '· Real Estate Questions and Comment By Rt•llor Randall MoCardle · I have been In th• re•I estate business for over •• yNr now, and th• thing I find th• most diffi cult to :do I• closing • sale. • I h11¥• talked with 11 lot of other people In th• :rffl estate buslM•• and In selling In general, and they tell me that "closing" is the mo1t difficult step of the selling process. ... Many of th• old.timers in our office have trouble c)o.lng the ule. Can you give me 1ny advice that ~Ill be helpful to me In the closing process? .: R. B. -Huntington Beach Ther'e are no "secrets" or gimmiCks that really Work in the selling process: however, here are a few thoughts to keep in mind : IO 1. 1\'leet the client's desires \Vhenever possible • . . If the main point is at stake and minor concessions and other devices do not succeed -delay the issue. . 2. This gives yo ur client a chance to r~cons1d· er. It gives you a chance to reorganize your thoughts. perhaps to obtain more fact s. You must illustrate to your client that.you res- pect him. 3. Most people hate to yield under pressure. So. if you cannot win. at the moment. don 't Jose heart (time alone bas won many batUes). 4. Don 't make an enemy by wounding the other man's vanity. Protect your clients from your desire to feel imPortant. Seek a common ground of interest. Let your client do the ;.-. strutting. S. FinaUy, do what is sincerely best for your .... clients. Do not think about your own self-in- r.-terest. , . .Do these things and you will find that closing the Sa.le is not nearly ao difficult. It isn't difficult be- cau5e you are working with your client and for your client. You are helping a friend make an intelligent _.tcision . . How much should I pay for a home? What are :th.• rules of thumb which apply to my situation? As- :Suming that we earn approximately $14,000 • year, :how should we budget? What percentage of our mon- :thly Income should wt pay for housing? D. C. -Costa Mesa There \i:ould be many personal factors in deter- ~ining the amount any individual would want to :,Pend on hou sing; however. you are right, there ~re rules of thumb, '\\•hich are helpful in keeping a ;family within limits. ~ It is recommended that a family not exceed 21h limes their income when considerin_g the purchase :Price of a home. Assuming a $14,000 annual income, :this would indicate a $35,000 home. : Monthly, the average California family spends :.approximate1y-25 ·percent of their monthly income ;for housing; or, in your case. $290 per month. which ~hould include principal. interest. taxes and insuf- :ance. (Incidentally, satisticians figure that another ~ percent of our income is spent for the purchase :DI food). · : . Many families pay significantly more than 25 '..1)ercent and are quite happy to do so. Many feel that ~percent is too much to spend on housing and are ~ifling to get alon~ in a less-expensive d\velling. ~· I.believe the first question you have to ask your- ;!elf and yo ur family is. How important is a home to "US, and then correlate it "'ith your total nfi!ds and ~ course, "'ilh your budget. ' Editor's Note. Randall R. fffcCardlc is an investment a90l yrt, president of the Real Estaters, a director of the Notional A..ssociaUon of Real E.sta!e Teacher&, a: college lee· tifre"r, author of "Real Estate in California.'' Send your corn- mtnU and qu.e1tioM to Randall R. McCa:rd~, c/o the DAILY PfWT, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mua, 92~26 . . [Store .Slwivs Model !Of Park Apartments ' :· Management al Robinson's tuhion Island sLore i n Newport Beach est imates that lbout 600 visitors a week in· llP"Ct the giant model of Park Newport Apartm en t s, kllsplayed on the main level. l 'Ibe 9'xl2' architects' model tbows in complete detail the landscaped parks, p o o I s , 1ardens, recreational amen. Wes and l,JOZ apartments bOw under construction on a JO-acre site near Fashion Applications for rental ation are also available the model. !' Roblitson 's is decorating five ptOdel apartments, which will apen at Park Newport about June J~lh. liome furnishings P:ior'dinator for Robinsorfs. Cal Pet.er!ion, is supervising f. learn of deeorators from ~ Fashion Island slOre. 1 f'"Park Newport is so com· ly different from the lnary apartment lopment," says Peterson, 'th•t the selection of aUve elemmt.s also had different. For example. voided the templ.ation to Mediterranean. It would been appropriate to Park ewport·a t.He roofs, flo~'ers trtes and ocean view set· q , but we felt that it has me too famil ia r a ~eme. tht developer, Genon r. is a man who voices •' strong prefertnce I rt r • plk:lly and honesty ol gn. This J1 clearly shown ·'"Ute archilecture of Park e'fl'J)Orl, and we carried oul : · same idea In t ht malerials -._,quare. massive natural wood furniture, con- temporary with a touch of art nou veau, from such makers as O::es:el and Pacific. In contrast, such as stainless steel, b;ass and glass. Anti· ques. decoralive accessories ai1d modern and Oriental art complete the basic interior scheme. An unusual feature of one model is an interior wall storage syst.em from West Gennany, Jnterlubke, wtllch includes a pull~wn dining table. The finish. a new pla stic process, is a brilliant white. as are pieces of occasional furniture in the apartmenls. • ' T h e environment sur· rounding the f~ents is so lnteme in color," says Petereon. "that ft deslined I.he inte,rion to harmonize but not to conlpete with it. Colors are ligbl and fresh bul not dominant. Eadl pat.io is done in a d1fftttnt collection of outdoor furniture from Brown-- Jordan to harmonize with the nearb)" landscaping. The design of these apartments ts lruly coordinated to the parks and gardens out.side." Tenant& of Park Newpon Apartmentl will have U..~ choice of oever1l oarpet colort iTI the brigbt :;.llo•lim&<>Uve · range, and ~ORI ·of Yi'allpaper for kJtchem and baths. Homes in Cou~try . Bid Outdoorsmen Young executive families seeking to escape the crush of city living whlle still en- joying the conveniences af. lorded by nearby u r b a n centers, can take advantage of the excellent values at the Buccolla Company's Country Estates in Orange. T h e s e equestrlan~rlented homes inside a walled rural community are ideal for the busy executive who likes his recreation alter work and nearby, said George BucCola. president of the building cam· pany. mlles or ridllll trills adjacent la the community, whldl wlDd through the more than MlO acres of hills overlookinJ Coontry Estates. "I think we have succeeded Jn providing these people with a rural atmosphere; rree from smog, but cl0&e enough when it counts," Buccola said. Duffers who want to put in a quick round berore dinner can drive Jess than a mile to a nine·hole public course, and of course, I.here are established 9Chools for the children of the new development: i Priced from SJJ.350, buyers have a choice oC ·three or four bedroom and two or three: baths. and can take advantage of the new low interest rates recently introduced by Buc- cnla. In addition to con- ventional financing. Country Estates offers both VA and FHA financing as welt. These homes, which are nestled in picturesque hills less than two ITIHes fro m ac- tive cities, all ar e built on extra.large lots, with the smallest hav ing an 8().foot frontage. Less than two miles away rrom Country Estates is the Newport Freeway, and the jundlon ol the Newport and Garden Grove Freeway ls only four miles distant, so com· muling rteed never be a pro- blem. The ciUes of Fullerton, Anaheim , Sant.a Ana and the con1mercial dislrict of Orange are all a short drive. SINCL.AI .. ,..AINTli MIRRORS ADO SPACIOUSNESS TO COUNTRY ESTATES BEDROOM -~ Sunlen LMng Room Families who enjoy riding , can take advantage of the Ir vine Park and Lake with all of iL~ attendant recrea· llona1 facilities is about a five· minute drive from the homes, \lo"hich incorporate all or the late11t Innovations the building ind ustry has to offer. ~-._..,. ··--· ....., -. . ·~· .. ! Centurg Park Homes I - are Bettec .. Inside or Out Century Park is the exciting new private community designed with )'Ollf family in mind. For outdoor l!virig indoors. A com- munity that includes its own ~hool site and a park for the youngsters. Take time to look at Century Park homes .... inside and out .•.. (it'll be worth your while). lNSK>E: k'lside, Century Park homes are comfort and conve- ntence. Comfort in wood ·burning fireplaces and attractive, higfl· beamed ceilings. Comfort in c°'or coordinated, wall·lo·wall car· peting. Comfort in the luxury of sunken H'llng rooms. and in the security of lo>Ming lhe children are enjoying their "Cali- 1omia Basenient. .. And c:oovenience. Con'l'enience in e1ficient design, floor plans thet aUow you the most livable space, Jotchens with built·in accessories, and a ~ of your private yard from the famity room, kttchen, and ma-bedroom. CorwenM!nce >!so in the (714) 962-5559 ' leisure time provtded by labor·saving dishwashers and «lfloo tinuous cleaning ove ns. Plus generous c!oset and storage space throughout. OUTSID E: Century Park homes have space aroond lhem. as well as in them. Each home is on one side of its Jot . leaving fun.use.. bonus yard space. Complete privacy and security are benefits of maintenance free, decorative masoory walls. And iifetime cooaeh! driveway$ need no m. Heavy shal<e cedor roofs pn>o tect ard conl!lietrll!Pt elegant entries to Centwy Par1< btlmes. Of course, _,.uuod utilities are included. ~ Tal<e !!mo to bJk at Cenmry Pin. (1t wl!1 be ""'111.,.... ... le.) Financing is oasy -8'4 ')(,, ............... r11L c.rm.y Park bollles are 3 lo 5 bedloaono, 2 batbL Come -us. l in FoontailiValley from $28,950 rlV On Bushard St., between Garfield Ave. and Ell is Ave.. Office hours: 10 a.m. 'ti.16 p.m. later 6y appointment. , -w~ 19th and Hubor lllv.!. Cott&Meo& Pho<te (714) 642-9972 llllnp u '"11." teter1Gn'1 sWr have com-bh.id....,.. 11111111J colors wllli The motlel 11 displayed on the main noor o{ the store. and will remain there until ~ ln!ormalion ceoi.r opens 1tP1aN.wporl. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • -·-... ·-------,,_, ··--~ S!!lnof• ... 1, lt70 GAILY PILOT Jl, Why Couples Buy? Last Chance Buy ·· Ranc h Owners Find I t's Ch eaper ' Why are Youn& apartment.-es. flre insur•nce and In- creased uUllties were added -another $79 a month - tl'le dtfferenCe appeared to be a total of $114.20 per month. rates to go down they mght wind up paying the diffettnce in overall hlgher cost ol a home. At Rancho Capo . . dwelling couples conUnutna: to buy new homes when higher lntertlt rates are the tO{>ic cl convtraation everywhere?~ FOr Olvld and Ann Breen of the Ranch by Pacesetter, their deci sion to buy came only after compar ing dolli.rs- and-cents differences between apartmenl renting and home ownership. The Ranch. an East On:nge County communJty surroutded by an agricultural preserVe, ls located just off Valencia Road near Jeffrey Road and halfway between the Santa Ana and San Diego Freeways. Model homes are loc1ted just three-quarters of a mile north at the Jeffrey Road turnoff of the Sanla Ana Freeway. Homes are priced I r o m $21,450. "If interest ra tes were not such a big issue. we probably would have bought our home with a Jot less forethought ," admits David, a f o rm er elemenUlry school teacher whose wife describes him as "analytical by nature." Pace&elter H o m e s in- terviewed lhe Breens after a survey by !he firn1 indicated 48 percent of its recent homebuyers Y.'ere r 0 r m e r apaf!ment dwellers. The Breens most closely resembled the group's typical family with respect to income. age. education, number or children and amou nt of rent previously paid. On the surface the dif- ference between their rental payment of Sl70 and house payment of $205 was $35 a month. When the property tax- What surprised the Breens was that arter adding the homeownership pluses such as deductible property t a x e s . $11.20: deductible interest. $31 : appreciation. $50. and equity. $15. they v .. r-e actually living in a new home for no more than it cost to live In an apartment. _ft "If we hadn't1alked to some pretty knowledgeable._ people, we might not have cons idered all of the pluses in own ing versus tenting," Breen says. Breen 'fas recently employ ed by A. M. 1'~ood Service, Inc .. a wholly-owned subsidiary of Arden-Mayfair. He is setting up training pro- grams for Farrell's lee Cream Parlor Reslaurant franchises throughout Sou\hern Califor- nia. A! he puts it. he's still teaching. but gttting •·more Immediate resul ts. "I talked to three key peoplr about lhe pros and cons of buying. 1'hey wert' the real estate manager. director of ~research and developmtnt of Ard en -1\1 a y fa i rand my father ." The researc_li and develop- ment, director stressed the ad- vanli~es c,f tax deductions and the buHding up of equity. The real estate expert pointed out that intere!t rates would not likely drop much in the immediate future, but that the cost of homes in general would very likely go up. He sugie.sted that If the Breens waited for inlert"st "My own strong feelln1 Is that the Ranch's cloe prox· imlty to UC Irvine will make the area the Westwood of the fut ure. which convinced me that in the lon g run we would be better off buying now." Breen txplalned. "My Dad agreed with this and pre~ented othtr homeownership advan- tages, as "'ell.·· Ann. who is expecting their second baby in J une, em- phasized the fact they would have had-to·move into a larger apa rtm!flt if they hadn't purchased their home. The larger apartment would have been about '200 a month. There were other reasons besides anticipated land value appreciatlon that sold tll<. BR ICK FIREPLACE MAKES ATTRACTIVE FAMILY ROOM AT LA CUESTA Breens on the Ranch. "The home offered everything y,·e wanted. The good-&lzed family room and three bedrooms will take care of our grOY.'ing family tor srvP ral years." f\irs. Breen sa id. Sht is parlicularly delighttd with the miles or tree-lined paseos that are right outside her patio door and the fact that there is no assessment ·fee to homeowners. . "Tracy, our 2 -y e a r -o I d daughter. IO\'es to p I a y outside. She picks an oran1e every morning. And, we enjoy the country feeling and the view," she said. She already has a baby sit- ter lined up -a teenage girl who liver directly acros s the street. Huntington Beach jlf ove Right 111 at Cuesta Im n1ediate occupancy i! of- fered in four Monterey models at Rancho La Cuesta, Don Ayres Jr.'s residential com- munity located at Brookhurst St. and Atlanta Ave. in Hun- tington Beach. The Monterey, which sells for as low as $30,290. is a single story home with three bedrooms. two bathrooms and a famil y room. In ad dition lo those Mon- tereys now availa ble in the current unit Six, there are more being buill in unit Seven. according to sales mana.1er Bud Fricker. Other homes at Rancho La Cuesta have one and two story plans and sell for $25,990 to 134.490. Ayres u s e s roua:h·hewn. heavy stained beams, stucco and Mexican bric k exterior to creatr a Spanish ap· pearance with contemporary Southern California style. Inside there are h I g h cathedral ceilings, sctme with heavy beams. Big firepla ces are detailed in Mexican brick. Ayres makes extensive use of wood to decorate the in- teriors of his homes. free decorator service Is offered to buyers of · Ayres' homes. Because of overwhelming buyer re1porae, R a n c b o Caplatrano developers, Dick Beambh and Ron Dlqlns, ha ve decided to olfer their Jaat remalnlfll h o m e s it e s directly to Lhe public. 45 of the 2 1~-s acre rancho sites were sold the first week and now only nine selec1 parcels remaJn. the number ol rancho sites al Rancho Capistrano i s limited by the orl11lnal land grant to 133 so this will be lhe last chance for Southern Californians Lo p u r c b a s e recre1lional land in t h e coastal area. Horse lovers, prolessiona\ people lookln11 for a weekend hideaway and people who simply enjoy nature's wispoll- ed beauty have flocked to the development.. Pre>f:ected on all sides by the Cleveland Na- Uonal Forni, R a n c h o Caplatrano's early California charm is preserved Jn Jts 1u1tural form. Ancient Spanish Oaks atlll caat gr a c Io If s shadows over 70 percent of !he sites, deplctln9 the charm Ind ir~ndeur which e1l.Jted 100 years ago. The rolling ler· rain is covered in heavy pa1lllre grasa, provldlnj: ex - cellent rra:dn& areu and many view homealtts. Located just 23 miles Inland from San Juan Capistrano, the Rancho is at a dell&blful, smoa-free 3,!00 foot tlevatlon. Rancho ownen enjoy com- plete privacy and stcluslon. The property la secured by locked entry aatu and deed- rtsU'icted to prevent unsl&htly com me rci a llzallon and rtdlv~IOll of the land. 'Ille : future devtlopmtnt a n d • governmtnt of R a nch•: Capistrano 'lflll become Ute function of the R1 nch o · Capistrano· ~y· Owners • Al10Clatlon. whose board tr ; directors will be empower«I to maintain detd reltt1dioa5 and archttectural controla. ~ · The Raocho's faclUties ate available only to rancho owners and their llJCStl. The recreation building h11 kitchen facll!Ues and flreplace for ift. door plcnk:kera, aqd the s~.r· roundina: area has numerous outdoor picnic are11. 'ltle• are supplemented by a weafth of natural wildlife and 1arrte in the surrounc.tins forest. Unlimited milts of honeblCk riding trails and attractive stabi'9ior rldlnjj and boarding are available to bor1e owners and lovers. There are two stream-fed laket, and salloril can enjoy the peaceful water i.1 Rancho's OY.1' aa.llbolt. Water Ir avaJlable to thf. lncUvldual r1ncho alte1 through the Metropolitan Wa t e r District and a recently com- pleted 100,000 gallon reservoir 1ssures an ample 1upply. Drive east on lilJhway 74 from San Juan C1plstrano, about l3 m.Ues. Juat past El Carlso Ranger Statton sip s will dittc\ vWtor1 to tbe rl&ht for about fwr miles to the g1te1 ot Rancho Capistrano. A fret color brochure may be obtained by contactlng Rancho Cap!Jtrano at 2111 Du- pont Drive, S•lte I, Newport Beach, or call a.ss.ma and ask for Dick Beatnllh or Ron D11glns. ---::::::::=========================~===-=;....;;·_=;;;;;;...;;;;;;;:-"· _, .. is G/s Our onterrey . .· . .;; 3 {jreat CExteriors % (§oose 'Prom. . >~ •' . ·-~·\" ,. :.<~ ..... ;·l ..• -... ·.' ~-. ,., .. . . ·.. .... . --. _, .. ~ •• .,,.f--.... ·A. ... .: . - ' .. '·• ... aATH -1: 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths Prices from $30,29·0 Phone (714) 968·2929 (714) 986· 1338 VA, FHA. Conventional terms available ~ve near the oeean in Huntington Beach, Enjoy the clean, c risp offshore reeze. At Rancho La Cueata you 'll find homes to complement this f ine . environment. These are ler~e comfortable family homes designed with flair and imagination. Come out today and inspect our models ••• we else have a lerge selection of other fine-homes. IOTC~[lf " ATLANTA ' Ju1t t•ke a look at these quallty feature1 : ----------------------• • 2-CAR GARAGES ( • OULlUft!D MAULE PULLMAN TOl'S : ==N~NQ FOPICiD ARI HIATING • ALLElICTlllC P41)0 KITCHENS ·. • IUILT-1N RANCE ANO OVlN WITH STYUSH DAAK GWS DOOfl • IUILT·IN DISHWAIHDI • HEAVY DUTY DllPOllll . • PULL WIDTH PLATl QU.SI """"°"' JN All. BATHS • ITAfHL!ll ITllL KTTCHEN SINKS • OOLD ANODlllD ALUMINUM KITCHEH WINDOWS • TIMPDED OLA88 8UDINQ WALLS • CUST0f.4 DUIGNED H•ND F'lNllHlO HAPIOWc>OO KtTCHI N CAllNtTS • MAST!ft llDfllOOM VANmES AND war ~OUTS • CUSTOM UQKTINC flXruRES 11i00UOHOUT • FA9HIONAILI OVAL IASINS IN ALL aATHS • 'MP~ID '°" All CONDITlONINO • fUll.Y INSUUTID MINtllAI. IATT ClllJNCS • SHOWEN Ovat ALL TUU • COHCMTI DflHVU • VINYL AllUTOS FlOO~ Till IN ICJ!CHEll. AND • UNDP'IGRC>UNO um.ma FAMILY ROOM • ¢ATH£0PIAL CllUNl.iS • ACOUSTIC CllUNGS • ...,_ °""CIOUI INTlllU • H~D TEXTURED WALLS • 2 BATHS • 12-QALlON WA.Tift HEAT!JtS • Sf,llVE-THllOUCH •ATIO-ICITCHIN .WINOOW WITH IEIMNQ 1W! • Wl4THEJtPlloo; WCTlllCAI. 0\111.rr AT •ATIO' • no.VOLT Wl'"NQ TO DRYlfl lOCAnON ' . • LAROE KITCHEN PANTPUt S • WOOO-I UftN INO ,IRrPl.ACEa WITH OAS LOO LIOHTDI, • APICHITECTURALLY COORDtNAflO EXTUUOfllS • TASttruL US! OF MASONftY . • 8HAf(E ..oora • BUILT·IN TV ANO TELEPHONE OUT\.IT& • LOW MAINTINANCI lXTlftlOllS flATUft lNQ SfAINED ftOUCH ltAMS AND &!DINO, WITH COLO"-COA.T STUCCO • OESIONlft SELlCTED HAftDWAft[ 1 ftAI SED PANll ENTJllV DOORS • m RANGHO hA GUESTA tiu8PifiN6toN eeAcH ' • ' • ' • • - ,.. I t ~= , . • l ' .. DMLY '1tOT S.wn!11 M•r t lllD ;NEw .YORK STOCK-EXCHANGE ' ---------------------------------------------~------~ ·-··-. ·-· ... ~ S..umy, Moy 1, 1970 •i. ..... ,_ m" T~L lftt 11 IJp Pt~P l• j'li U!t h 51.d ·,. \'t Utll Ind 1' 1' VI I lO •h J'l Vina 51 7t :JO Vl1tron II 11't W1d1w P 4 4'W Wt fll &II 1' 1'\.'I W Re1de 1 11~ W1•1t1w I l it WI Sf! N~ >f'rt 11 Wl i.11 ll"f 4 4) W11 lr OAJLY '1LOT J9 I ' • I • t •• !0 D(JLY PILOT ~~eetings Along th~. Orang~ C~~st Area ... ::· MOHOAY ! • ~--C.lt\ttfll _ _c)I\ f1' Hlllttlllflon a • gj' l!'•f'k :;:. ,OK!Nlloft Jtlll,. l.: _ .. It.::. =-;~ ..... "'" •, ,_.,. Gltl-( tt. lWI ,,...., , • u lrvlM A¥-., N_. tllldl, : : N~ll'I. cm..-'KlilltHI• c11.o11. J-"• •: •·1-.,,.i, 'IOI IE. CNll HltllWfY, . c:.r-.. , Miit: ~: N"""'1 H•fb:ir lru 'I'') Mtft'I Ck*. • • ~~CA. noo Uflh'efftt't D r.J y I . • • _ _, .. ec:h. , ....... •, Enlof9r kouta. 9"cedi: Elecl~ : • I••'-'~ JIN, Ull Htftor 91\Jd • • • __ ~I• MeNO,"f.lS 9,m. • .-l)9flllalllv, O•""" Cotlt Cftl!pler, ' ~k: Templll, 15111 Slrtoet tnd : SI, And,_. ,..8", Nr#POrt kath, ~.~ ~ H~i'ltMWIY lod9e tf. OOd • F••IOWI ~u. !'" """°"' arvo .. Co.ti IM• .. I "'-111· • De"'°WIY~ H11nr1Mton Btadl Cll•-· , ...,,._,., Templt, ~ L#t Aft., -i.tuntlnQh>ll a ... m. J:JO ,.., •. f-ltln Vtlfi J1.1lllor C...,,,beor DI c.mmerc1, t>Mrd ITIMl1""' 5Kurfh' First Nttlonllt a.-.. "'-"'"' SI'"' Md Ttlbert ",.._, Faunllln VtllrJr, J:Ja ...... Lions Form Youth Ouh The Harbor Area Leo Club, fiponsored by !he Costa Mesa, Newport Harbor Lions Club, held an organizational meeling recently and elected ils first officers. President of the newJy.form- e<l club is Paul }lorn.sveld. Mike Sketch was elected vice. president: Lee Dicke ns, se- cond vice-president and Jan Yantorn, secretary. The teenage Uons a n d lionesses will sell Fish Fry Uckels in Costa Mesa as the first fund-raising project of the club. The_ Leos will work at the Costa :fi.1esa Fish f'ry "'ilh their parent organization later this year. Teen agers interested In jainlng the Leos should call Lew Simon at 546-9458 for further infonnation. 5b:lair Paints . & . WJllaM.iiiros ls proud toannouncethe optnin& of our STORE ~.-7111. \'111: ... ~ .. io.. ....... ,...... ...,ICtlQll ~_._. ..... ..... --. mlorM ........... .. ..... .cthr9 *"""-.. .... 'ewt:OOU ftW • !llNC:L.AIR F"AINTS ....,w......,.._ 19th end HtrbO, -(71') 642-9972 . The QAJL Y PILOT- The One That C.r• • 99c Maxfield's CHOCOLATES A k~t1ag ho.i el r.hcim- • "Fancy Box" rates _toP11e4 '#\tb detor· 3 75 • atrK 1ibbon botJ. Jlh I~. 811 • • "Gll!Bex · Milk and dark chocolales 1 95 in pink or blue gift box. ........ 1111•••• w~~~111U:.u• LADT SCHICK Electric Razor FLEUR DE-LITE Night Lights Rt1. Z.lil Adi1 a !ouch ot beauty lo your bathroom, OOU®r1, hall- way, livin2 room or jll!t aor. ....... 2.39 Great Body INSJANT COMDITIOIHI 11y.c111,.1 ... r11e Body S'uilder for aft rypei ol lla1r. You can almcist feet ~our 1 39 II.Ji~ growing luller. mJ)re 'l!.,.,;;!!...-~';;;.esiliMI. l~ II. • __ .. ,, ___ . .;. ____ , ... __... ... --"Clairol" SHAMPOO Tne color1otSI I01mu!a .•• blut for ligll!ened and toned hair -green loc tint and la'iting rinse users. . I If. Sill ... 1• ....... 99c ----------------DE~UXE Bed Rest Pillow large size lor CQZy·C:Omfort. As,501ted ~olorlu1 flo1al 3 99 prints to hnghten ywr de-- cor. Rea.4.H • { ARE AT. , StmHH li11lly rn • IUI •tst w1m11 lave soill lllJ slin. "Skin Balance~' ~y l!El!NA IUllNITEIN ~ Balaoce is fir )OI ii YOil are troubled with oili- ness OR any part of your ~e -nose, lo1ehead, cl!in - 'o/i' 1 -r .,,_ t wherever. Come set the ~1( llJ {./It/, for HER · Skin Balance discoveries de· sigried to bring oily skin to T•• hivaoce """'"·1i. i•l"i"' · '"'""' °'''~' iOd charm of Paris,, E d C ·I Pre-Makeap au e o ogne · Normalizer Heady as cllampap!, 3 50 yet cllalmin& as spring-, \!rr.e. 2 IL Slz1 • To help DJl!'t'ent oil from seeping through and spoHinr your nmeup .. Listerine 4.00 Spray ~st .. A-Hngerillz llagral(e 2 DO -Not just colOifle·· Real ptJfume ••• made. liottled, sealed irt Fraoce. A glrf can'! get loo ITlllCh of ttle IQI thillg. )'Salvo" POWER TAltm "Dixie'' CUP DtSPINSIR that J<tSts and lasts. _ . 2 oz. SI.II_ • Bath-oil Mist Delii;htfuny fragrant' ... 2 DO le.aves entire body satin smooth. I tt. .Sb.I, • Dusling Powder ~ .. ..,. In de<:ilratorwhlte 3 50 · ·~;;.-~ plashc bo~ w/c:ol· orful ~uff. I tr. • HOUBIGAllT Chantilly . Cream Sachet ' Ner1111izl1r c1111w (111• 3 DO Wa~)-Latllers ""'/oil, sail, makeup. • M1r111Hzi11 T11tr-to refresh and ~ skin look sllllOttl, jlOl'etleeltight. Htrf1lbi11 M1s.1t -Ten- mir\Ute SyPef facial ta help com· llat Gilines.s. 3.00 3.00 JUr11n liztq Gra1111s -~ic~ . foaming frict10~ wash lo clean 3 00 ci<lgged pore$. 1 Mormallzi11 Sbam,H -l61~· er lo!IOll !flat counte~ts 0111· 2.50· ness and dandruff flaking. MAX FACTOR CU1tes 111w sbimmr . 1Dr ttll Soft l.l•k Mak,.., 7.50 " 17.50 ,. ~•r11lisi1 • W1t•lln • Ti1rcu • Fla11~t11 • Kik• Spray Colognes Av11litllle 1 .. the fol· Jow1n1 lo•ely Ira· gral'ICti. • ...,llr1•isi1 • l11•11Yt . • Ti1res1 • Fla••e•• 3.50 ,;-5.50 Dt 1i11•ll ~· Wlr II tllllllf ... 24 ,.,. '1111 Sizt Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young oe ia vu OHU On tbe All.,tic lalel ••• 3 98 Featuring "Carry 011" and "Woodstock". • FOi THE KITCHEi Wit~ 3S 5.fL c.,s lP Record Albums Campbell, Mills Brnltlefs. Nat Kmr; Choose hom farmus label'> fea!uring we~ retarding a!f. 1sts as: Buck Owens. Peggy l~e. 1 49 Dean Mari1ft. flan~ Sinai/a, Glen Cale, 101 Strmgs. & U.i"g Strings. • n. --·---JUMBO , COLOR ENLARGEMEllT ~de frorn your Kodi!colot ~ga!i•e l 11 ~~-~l'/ Qv•lity Proce11U.9 •r II~ lie ••• Relish Tray ., -..... _ .. _ ~fUSSY PllNCt:SS CHAIMEEN Col gne A.neN h1gil-somted scent Panty ff. ose D th.;1 reflect~ fhe etcitement Spray of the '70s Sheer ••• tool 100% stretch 3 Do ftylon lt>r a more shapely lit. 3 5 oz. Dustint Powder taaitt s1les aod ~hades for . 2.50 11• t .:~03:oo~~3:'5o .~::·;:::_-- -r lCllHlltllKJIJHlllltlllDllllMHlllDIMltMlllDIUJHJHIHDI, r•11111101111nlnlll01lltl~llJUIDHllJIJIHllDlllllll!Tl1JDIAIM~ lADIES' Aprons ILADIES'JEWELRYBoxes1= I ONEIDA !!.~!~.~~I~~. I r~:~;.::~~!:f,1~,::1 98 -7 Drawers I "["1'"' i.•• I i •••. ... • I " w/MlllOIE • i ~ -•T -- 'M""'" .. -h ~ 24 Piece Set ~ ~ 1 ~ '"'"" Coto""' 18 95 • ;; Service I• 4 "'~"" of, ! li .-. I De.s11n with \'l'~I· • ! : le.spoons. 4 ~nrves, C dilll'ler ! GllLITIE PLATINUM PLUS ""'""""· 11 '°"~ • ""' sirooos '"'.a ln1·ector Blades V si•d '""· I i II•••• s~ape Silk hrtrait Antique ~1i. i: • Ristlnlt • Plaitititl ::c Mow i"1ecior users can also en-77 I Italia• fiRiS-.VII~•• ''" lir111!-f1111 I I I ioY ttie ultimate irt shaving C -Ft1lsO ~~ a Q '"'"''· le~ !le T's ·11.i11·• 150 Piece~~~. 9~95 sot=-::~:··-:;.-:=:·~ ~"""' ""'· •fdaoo•1 loll i I Sena f~ 8 """"" of, 16 .... y.., CltiU 320 Camera 1~ollra""9·5· 3""""'99'' 5""' "'gerrrt. I ~ r:o~ ::~s 8u~~~~t 19 95 ~~~fi~~: ~44· d<l"'9"9"'' • • • • lts1n• • P1Mt11i11 Set ~ Whit!. lq. 4l 95 • '" --r ~·--- · J I tab~~ • I « ~1ctures and blac~ & 111DJJt11111JJot111111mt11J111AM111D1nm111t11c111111"'"'a" . 111111101n1n1nmonnnmmc1111mm11011t1111111110111m11~ .......... ___ .. _ ,. • -- CAHISTEI SET .. Today's loo~ is wood! 16 Ol .• 32 01~ 48 OZ., alld 80 01 .• COt1t11ners add a 7 95 aecorator touch w~1!e keep1ng toods lrt1h. Set , • 3-Pc. Mixing Bowl Set . bake ••• s«ve,afld store i~ I~ ~t.. ~ .... d 21> qi.,''"'· 2 77 -kto Dois~ Verde .. HoN:ol !lie Clln.· Sit • Utit5<om..itm..t illy w/llaOflis:rriii 1 29 design~ eld'ied Ill bottom, Colors. 11. • "'Pmtl" -nemiostafic CO.• trol maintJins amct lleltauto- matkaUy. 6 ft dtllckatlle aird' l I stainltss Sled l'OllClw foAs intluded. 11 l't~IS PltYIJG S1lll1r. IUJ Jr• Ur• WN111U1r. Mar''~ 8 Pc. Snack Set ) NFC1Pl8.39 VIRTICALBroiler NPr1st1'" -Works hk1a1mt ti ... btoilS botll S1de$ at Olltt! It's tie• and $8)keleu! Two posihon 'rolltr qck is Sttl· lld111Sting kl btoll ttiict ste~ks Oo"tt11n~. 11111 21.88 wESr1NGHous1 Baconer OiM tM crispness you 111"iflt. It works 11lo111alic1fly. Cooks bot~ sides .i OR«-lm ott -.:~·1·9~·n R:~ .. ·'.., .. -, OPEN I AM 11 11 PM 1 D!YS I W[[K NI WftORT llACH 1121 lll'llN• 1111 W"k111f P'Wl1• HUNTINGTON llACH AD.\MI ilMD lllOO .. HUlllT HUNTINGTON llACH t l'IUNOD,t.L• ilNO •OINOll' ,, _____ .. , I -----------------~ ~~__......,..._ ......... -~···-··--------~-·--· ... ·- Saturday, M01 2, 1970 DAILY PILOT0 21 . -i ' I ' ' -':l . ' • .. . . . ......._ ~ .. ~. -• '. ·l. ' ' ' . VOLUME DEALER N0.1: IN ORANGE COUNTY ~~\)"'1 N"o~ ., : . . .. . . . . . . . . -~ . ~ --' ' 5·2·n11 . ~ ~ ·;.t. ' . , . " . . YEAR ... .,1., O,.•I• C...ty . 6 H u 6. .E 0-. E Pt -1-·js • llEW CARS" ••• POii, CARS e USED CARS e LEASE-RENT e e TRUCKS e SERVICE-PARTS ' . WITH · A DEMONSTRATOR ·RIDE • • THIS WEEK END ONL ti • '· •, . .. " FRID~Y -SATURDAY -SUNDAY '· ,,_ -. . .OF CARS & TRUCK$'·. NEW CARS ~ USED CARS :: NEW TRUCKS :: USED TRUCKS BRAND NEW 1910 SAVE HUNDREDS BRAND NEW 1910 FORD L.T.D. . 6000 MILE · · 1/2 TON 2 DOOR HARDTOP · F-100 PICKUP 1970 DEMONSTRATOR SALE ' · All 1970 ' D-•dnlhln ere .· ~ re111evecl fro111 • ...,Ice at aP- prex. 6000 11111••· Th-. 1970 Fortis...,-. h..I their 6000111lie 351 C.I. V-8, cruise, power stetri~r check-up all6.ire ready·for 1- cond., radio, tinted glass, wheel covers, dual ....... cl lfv speakers, whitewalls, elc. (0J62H145349). 111 • • .•rt• . . $3·743· AllModelsToChooseFrom ·· · . Most Cars Fully .lci•~PP•• ·· · . • T·llNls • Torlaos •-M• ...... •· plus tax & licen.. •Galaxies • Fo.Nl,LTD'• . V-8 plus t11t1& .lictnlt · ' ' ' . IMMEDIATE ONE Gl ·ANT LOCA·TION ' DftlVERY 2240 5~ MAIN· at 1 WARNER USED CAR & TRUCK . SUPERMARKET '63 ·Chevy II l sat ...._.., 14'1or trtnt., '""°" hfft .... Meet!. 1ptc:l.ol. IFXCWJ) . '65 Falcon '1189 '62Comet · . ' '395 '64 Comet '789 ---· -I"""\"-· ---. '67 Cadillac -. .-°'67 Pontiac · '67 Buick '68 Camaro '65 Mustang . 3997 '66 Ford S..lli•• W1ton. v.a. 1uto. tr1n1., 1~· '"'"" 1lr t:OllllUlonlitt, _, ttHr ,,., r..i1., -!""" w~Ji,w.11 llrK. lr.lff· '"rick. 1.-x 1n1. • '1789 '59 V2 Ton . SERVICE nm: PARTS DEPT. · · OPEi . Zlf. V.f, I iPffd, .-Ir condltlor>I"', ,,.,._. (disc! brlklt, radio. CWYD J77J. - '65 Falcon ' Dool'. ' cvr.1 stick illllf!, rl<!kt, htl"'· wt.1!~11 fir", !N&i: lJI). '693 · '67 f airlane '1383 '64 Y2 Ton SANTA ANA 54 6-7070 Mon.'ti19p.m. OVER &GO CARS · Tuts. thru Fri. ALSO LONG TERM ' TO CHOOSE FROI ' . '. .. . . ' , 'Iii 6 p.m. LEASING AVAILABIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!ml!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!iiiiiiiiili • • I . • 110Uil!S FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ! HOUSES fOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAL!_ I HOUSES FOR SALE G-r•I 1100 0.-•I ID Gononl 1000 General IO!IO Genor•I 1000 Goner•I 1000 Genor•I loot '-{arr.,. · OU.NGE COUNTT·s LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BOUlIYARD 546-8640 Opeohm op ril l:JO 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths--$18,950 SlOO tolal du"n !Mi}'· mcnt to non-,·::-ts. lbat means an' body. :XewJy painted ilis1de. Built-in kitchen. \\'asht>r an d dryer inC luded. TlUi one ~·on't la.st. Mesa Verde raer ~r This ls a real sleeper lo- cated in the ~t Costa J.Jesa ar~. 3 bt'drooms. oflnJa J,,/, PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES OPEN SUNDA'r 11 • 5 . 15 Lind. lila.Dri•• New-& beautiful 4 ~m, 5 bath home with large IUDken living room & fam. rm., wot bar. Radiant electric beat. carpeted & landicaped. Priced ................ $155,000. 16 Linda Iii• Driw New 5 bedroom, 5 bath home with upstairs view of Corona d-1 Mar bills. 3 Fireplaces & BBQ. Luxuri-OUs carpeting &.panelling. Land· scaped. With dock ................ $145,000. n linU Isl• Drive New 5 Br., 5 bath hdme on lagoon. ~1arble entry, wet bar, AM/Fltf lntercom,. ltf&tr. Br. has beam cell. & O'A'll frplc. Large family room w/fireplace . _....... . .. $185,000 80 Linet. lilt Drive 5 Bedroom & maid's, 5 baths with family room & large rumpus room. Carpeting. 3 Fireplaces. 4,246 Sq. FL . . . . . . $169.~00 W1 .. rf,..,t Lots No. 4: Escellent 51 tt. Linda Ille leasehold Jot. Plans avail. Consider trade ..... $35,000 No. 41: Long wa~r view facing Harbor 1 .. land w /76.2 ft. of frontage. Plans avail. No. 88: Point lot with 118 ft. of frontage. Long watt.r view. Plans available. BILL GRUNDY, REAt TOR 133 0..er Dr., Suite 3, N.B. 642-4620 2 baths. Builtins. Brina: 'I!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~~ your paint brush and I I sa~ yourself som,. mon· Gentr1I 1000 ! General e>'· Full prico> SZl,300. Pink up the phone and <all. Fixer Upper On Lats of Land 1000 CONDOMINIUMS Low Int. G.1. Loan * SUBURSIA. 2 Bcdrm .!. 3 Bedrm, 2 BA, bltn rani;e lam. Like nf'\\' cond . As-I.: own, diabwulK.'1'. fire. I 1 1 S20 000 p!Bcc. crpu, drp1, shake 1 SUffi(' ow nt . oan. • roof etc. $28.767. "''ith a.uum. * LA BONNIE \'.IE. Prime loc • frplc & comp! crptd. ableloG.I. Joan, Quick pos. \\'ill trade. ubrnU S22 900 sess n~ * CAPE ~Gri:>N 2 or ·W1ll1-McC1rdle, Rltrs. 3 Bednn, spotless ~ncl. r:.}!1.!!,!ewport ..,~~~~ CE.M. !.fay lease/option. $26,995 .....,..., ,~ ........._. ws. Call "4>8424 LIDO SANDS 3 Bedrooms 2 Battw. built·iM 1'11.500 George Wllll1mson REALroR White elepbanta! Dtme-e·Une 673-4350 64>1564 Ens. L.oceted in the Back Bay area of Newport Bea.Ch on ~ of an acre. Featuring 2 hone cor· rals, enclosed I a n a I ove-rloolcing beautiful ~immlng pooL The 2000 square fL 3 bed· room residenol! nffdl paint and elbow grease, but What a ~· Own· f'T" 'vill fi11ance at 7.S%. Genel"il 1000 tGener1I 1000 can l<>day. l:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~iiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii What A Mess 3 Bedrooms- $20,350 In e.ost.a J.1esa um 1bome needs help. But sa.ve lots of mobe'Y at this price. You have to Stt It to believe it. $500 mo~s )Ol.l in, Vets. Full price UJ,l:D. \\'on't la.st. 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths Assume 4.5% Loan $117.00 per Month No qualifying necessary to take over payments on this existing VA loan with annual pereentage rate of 1.5% Jt has hard'WOOd Doon built-ins, Pa Io s Verde stone fireplace, big reu yard, completely re. painted in best Costa J\1esa area. Owner asking $25,500. Ca.II no"·· S;.'Xl moves Vets in. $900.00 down To Anybody ti!OVE INTO nns 3 BEDROOM HOME TODAY. AJ.J... YOU NEED is a. paint brush and a scrub ·bucket. tt•a in Cotta Mtsa aDd tf1 priced to 8dl at UJ,350. Call. U it hasn't ao14. •"e'll lhJw it to )'OU. ORANGE COUNTY'S I.Al GUT 2629 ~ARBOf BOULEVARD 546-8640 o,.1-111p Ill l<JO BAYCREST 4 Mrm., 3 bath + bonus rm . Comer lot. 2 rpls .. eating area in' kitchen. Excel. financ· Ing by owner. S65,000. • CAMPER or BOAT SHELTER!! Two dbl. garages + great 3 Bdrm .• 1 % bath den w/!pl., panelling, borne. FHA -VA. $33,500. • OCEANFRONT! WHITE WATER VIEW LOT In Malibu Coves. Will trade for Npt. B./C.M. area. Submit. • WESTCUFF BARGAIN • • • $40,000 Sparkling clean in design w/open floor plan; 3 Bdrm., 1 ;~ baths. Db. fpl., expo6ed beam I • ceilings. Take title ~ubject to existing 6% financing. • CAMPER or BOAT PARKING AREA on large easy· access lot. Fruit trees + « Bdrm .• l "' bath home. FHA·VA. $23,500. • MINI RANCH 1h acre zoned for horses and plenty of room for kids. Solidly built 2 Bdrm. w/oversized dbl. garage. CdM Hi School DisL $28,500 ••• and hurry! • . WESTCUFF CONDO for lease or lease/opt. (No children under 16.l 2 Bdrm .. 2.., baths. Close to shopping. • HARBOR LIGHTS & OCEAN VIEWS •.. CdM I 3 lg . Bdrm .. 31,,:.! batl1s, formal dining, ram . rm. \\'/fpl. & wet bar .. sweeping yi~w from gourmet kitchen. SubJect to existing 6 17"0 loan. Asking $79 .500' • COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE! Rustic 4 Bdrm., fain., 1'1< baths. BeauUlul condition. Nice Cpl. $34,500. FHA financing available. • ESTATE SE1TL£MENT Exel. Baycrest area. 5 Bdrm., fam. nn .. pool & 121:24 cabana ... over SOOO sq. fl OPEN SAT. & SUN. I lo 5:00. , . e 1 ·coleswofthy & Co. REALTOR Newport llNch Office 1021 BAYSIDE DRIVE &75-4930 MACNAB -IRVINE FINER HOMES LIN DA ISLE No cost bas been spared in this Linda Isle home, decorated in gorgeous taste. Elegant drapes &: wallpapers. Exceptionally fme cabi· net wort & paneling. Beautiful, carved wood· en courtyard gates enter into patio of gra· cious charm. Sunken living room overlooks terrace & Bayfront Master bedroom excep- tionally large, with beautiful master bath. Dining room, 3 fireplaces; large guest or maid's room downstairs &: 4 bedrooms up- stairs. Quality thruout. $165.000. Open Sun, 95 Linda Isle. DOVE~ SHORES Gated entry leads to this well dl!signed 4 bed- room home overlooking the entire bay. Large Iivint room & djninJ? room: marble fireplace; 4 baths: all electric kitchen & over 3,000 sq. ft. add to the charm of this borne that is readx fo r immediate occupancy. $89,500. Open daily. 1130 Santiago Drive. BAYFRONT A "Cream Puff" on Balboa Peninsula. Mod- ernized & decorated to !.he Jtlh degree. Pri- vate pier & slip. $175,000. Call for details. BAYCREST Quiet luxury & tasteful decorating In this spacious 4 bed.room home adjacent to Dover Shores. Lar1e muter suite with oitling room. Spacious family room overlooking beautiluJ· ly landscaped patio. Formal dining room, fire- place. S81.500. LIDO ISLE Just reduced 52,000. Sunsbiney south patio & colorful garden atmo&pbere furnish ideal back~round ror this 4 bedroom home. 3 baths. Family room & bonus room for off ice or se'4·- ing. Breakfast area in bright\ spacious kit· chen. \rith ne'4' ice-maker refrigerator. Near tennis & .private beach. $74.500. IRVINE TERRACE Breathtaking vie\v of the Bay from this love· Iy 4 bedroom, family or dining room home; stunning decor. Sparkling heated & filtered pool. Electric garage door opener. Lovely home in excellent condition, located in t he heart of Irvine Terrace. Open Mon. & Wed. 2015 Galatea Terrace. (Or •.• call for app't.I WESTCLIFF Gracious indoor-outdoor living in one,.ot the best landscaped hom es available. 4.· Jf:d- rooms; convertible den: family rootrl; 41'tilt'fis. Large pool&: completely bililt•ill. kitchen. The most elegant home on Anita Lane.""174,000. By appointment. -OCEAN & BAY VIEW A!ost beautiful Luak built home in Eastbluff. OWner custom finished & professionally dec- orated the entire home. Truly sumP.tious California living with handsome billiard room. $72,500. Open Sat. & Sun. 2221 Alta Vista. BAYCREST An immaculate 4 bedroom home in a lush, park-like setting ~th ample roo~ fo_r a pool. Dining room, family room combination; sun- ny breakfast area in kitchen. I-Bedroom & 'bath has a separate entry. Adult occupied home in beautiful condition. $65,000. MACNAB-IRVINE Realty Company 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 1080 Bayside Drive Newport Beach 6-42·8235 67S·3210 Pete Barrell Reaft'J pre~nls Udo Isle Best Buys! Unusually charming 4 Bedroom & 3 Bath bome; lots ol special features. Rulisticaily priced, loo, at just $63,500. Call for appoint· ment to see. See Ibis cu~ 3 Bedroom and 2 Bath home Ibis weekend. It's extra-n .. t and clean and ready for imm~ate occupancy. AW!lg $56,· 500. Ken Brittingham. 119 Via Y•ll• Open Sit & Sun 2·S Hes EverythinlJ s~f f?ebind the garden barrier. i,nto a tran· qtii ~fiing. Thj.S ;lovely 4 Bed.room. dining rm and family r.m ls built around a beautiful patio ~ilh filtered sunlight and spl~ng fountain. Panelling, dark oak floors, wet bar, built·ins thruout. 3 car garage with additional space for dune buggy or boat. Automatic sprinklers, basement. and storage. This cu .. tom home was built by architect for his own family. Baycrest. 1334 H•mpshire Cl. Open Sit A Sun 2-5 Lar99 Reduction Cllffh....,-Vlew ExclUJively ours, this 2 Bedroom, den home has lovely View of Bay and Ocean. Enclosed patio and garden. NOW $39,500 Offi;;e Open S.turct.y1 It Sunday1 PETE BARRETI REALTY 1605 w .. tcllff D• .• N.8. 642-5200. General 1000 fGentral GRAND OPENING HOME ·AND INCOME 1000 CUSTOM BUJL T 1900 sq. ft. spacious three bedroom, two bath elegant home offering: * Beautiful entry, new carpeting tbnH>ut * Large pullnian baths with marblene tops. * Large built-in electric 20'x29' country kitchen-family room combination. The ideal multi-purpose room. * Two fireplaces, quiet forced air heat. * Elegant separate dining room with built· in buffet and china closet. * Quality finish thru-out - shake roof. * Large double garage \rlth utilities and wasf:iing facilities. * Spacious grape stake fenced rear yard . INCOME UNl1' offers large living room, bedrOom, bath, built-in kitchen, dining area, fireplace, forced air heat and its own garage with utilities and washing facilities. Priced to sell at only $48,000. Existing $37,· 600-8% % Joan-Assumable. No Points or Joan charges. Rent the home to make your payments in full or enjoy its comfort and collect income from the smaller unit. These six (6) beautiful duplexes are located near the Boys Club. Costa Mesa Park· and Down- town. Se• 630, 634, 631, 642 ·c.nttr St. MODELS OPEN ~~~~~~~1 M. M. LABORDE, REALTOR 1000 J Gene••I 1000 '46.()555 The P 'bl D LOVELY oss1 e ream LOVELY l-======E=v=•=ni=n9;•=646.==~ns=='="'==u=1=45=7='====== A beautifully decorated 3 G.n.ral 1000 Gener•I bedroom 2 bath home ON A roomy 45 foot lot IN One of Corona de1 l\1ar's most desirable south of the high\\'ilY location. YOU Desia;ned to take advantage of the View. Ivan Wells' new 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath + pow- der room home in Dover Shores. Richly panelled fam. ily room with fireplace & wet bar. sunken living room, Large kitche·n ~ith break- fut area. Secluded swim· ming pool in \valled-in gar-will love the _private court- den. A combination of beau. yard, handsome panelling. ly, quaJ.ity and practicality n1odern kitchen and family J.o make y0ur dream comt' room Y:ith fireplace. I ONLY Ivan wens & son 1 · 'i2N5~ I O\l'lll'r \\'ill finance with only Roy J. Wa rd Co. IS% Down. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 1430 Galaxy Drive 646-1550 ; 324 POINSEnlA COpen Daily) I 67J.l550 'O THI: RI:AL '"\. l:STATfRS WALK TO BEACH FOREST E. =~~~1~0 LS 0 N 'home & 2 Bed.rm renW + 2 car garage. Center patio w!.th BBQ. B!tina:, ttttplace, Inc, Realtors downtown'• beat buy. $87.500, s.n ... will can)' looo. NO DOWN GI I ' , MESA ARIA 1 1r you u5"\d your C.t .• only •U2M7l(::;:JH6-llOJI l8lO down TIIAT'S ALLI! 3 l<lrgc bf!droomii, 2 full MESA VERDE ba"'" ••'~' •1""""· ""'" 32~8 COLORADO LN . bullt·I"!,,. hu\l.•.00 Don $)0 950 '"d f1..,pla0!. SELLER ' DISAPPEA.RED! Priced now lnlmaculate 4 Br. ram1Jy at S23.950 hard to find bar· room, 2 nreplaces, cal'J)Clted. «'lln! ! Better hun')'~ J Call drape& Ir abulltn. Covm!d now: patlo, built·lnll, lovely llnd· llCIJling wtth dwa.rf ff'\111 trff1. Assume 5~ 'X> VA or 645-0303 Lot Owners A 3 BR. HOME FOR ONLY $10,995 Buill on your land• FEATURING ./ 1080 sq. fl, I Double gar~c: ., All lath and plaster ./ Pullman bath ./ Spacious \l'ardrobcs CALL $37-0JIO •in most Orange Count)" arxl othtr awr-ovl'd areu. STANCO BUILDERS, INC. ao...iswm,.. 10686 Wutmioster Avt. Gu.len GMe 8---~---- 5%0/o Loan of SlT,483 ill Usumable at this low 1'8.h~ when yau bu)' this SllARP, SHARP 3 Bed· r1n & 2 Bath luxury homr. brick fireplace, near -new crpti1, d~ & bltn kitchen. \·our 10!111 payments ,,.111 ix' S142. 1110. Jncb1ding taxes. \\'hy .... '&111 Call rcw: Newport •• Fairview 646-1111 (lnyti1111) 1000 A ·sTOUT HOME On COUNTRY CLUB_ BEER in mind that this is a cus. tom home, Golfers le e.ttcu. lives this ""ill curt' "''hat \ Al.E'S you, Some LUCKY family '"'ill HOP in lheir car I and'''-' lhis BLUE RfBBON 1 I custorn , Enjoy HIGH LIFE , rit for prince RAlNIER . Don't PABST this one up. Full price S76,500. <Our ol!. ice is full of HM:l~f'S that I "'Tile ads like this! I. co:Ts I · WALLACE REALTORS _ _,5'414'M4141- (QptnEWllitlf$) Baycmt 4 BMrooms, 251 baths In thiB well locaNd home and fOr only ~.SOO. Home & Income 3 Bedroon1 home in front. ' 2 ~droon1 houSC! in ~ar. 1 Plenty ol ~pa~ lo build I morr on lhi!! hugr lot. $37.0Xl tak<'I il! · JERRY FREUD CHAS. ARNOLD 388 E. 11'1.h St .. C.~f. 646.nss S.A. HEIGHTS Ute )'Olll' G.I. on this. 3· Bedrm, $23,500. Let yard, 2 car pr. HOUSES FOR SALE I HOU51!5. FOR SALE General 1000 Gt!!!,"_11 t. 1800 REDUCED $9550 ! Q1A•ner .sactificing for Quick sale. Have bought home out of the area. 4 Bedrm, 31h baths, family rm & bonus roo1n. Quarry tile atrium \vith 14' retractable roof. View of Upper Bay. Open Sunday 1-5. 1836 Santi.ago Drive. GALAXY DRIVE Best location in Dover Shores, 7 months new. 4 Bedroom, 3 baths, inner courtyard pool Landscaped to the Bay. PRIME VIEW 5 Bedroom, 3'h Baths, formal dining room. Large, carpeted family room with fireplace, island kitchen. 2 Separate Bedroom wings. Price $95,000. ' ROY J. WARD CO., Raalton BA '!'cREST OFFICE 1430 G1i•xy Drive, N.B. 646-1550 General ---• Coldwell.Banker OFFERS: ~ OCEAN FRONT Corona del Mar -3 Bedrooms, 2 ball\'!, family room -space for another VIEw home on R·2 lot. 1110,000 Carol Tatum WATERRtONT 4 BR. + SLll' Owner Hewaii·Bound .. Sacrifice lovely 3 bath. 3 garage, formal din. rn1. home y.iith bayside patio. Slip for large cruiser. ~5.000 \Valter Haase LOOK TWICE!! TWO HOMES EXCLUSIVE HARBOR VIEW HI LLS Both in Broadmoor -both 4 BR. -21h ba., both w/fam. rm. -both w/formal din. rm. - both w/views -both under $70 ,000 Bud Austin BROADMOOR OCEAN VIEW Very rare buy in exclusive CdM area; this immac. h·ome has 4 BR. 21/2 ha., !am. rm. & di.n. rm. & many upgrades -extras. \\'on't last -better call now! $67,500 . 1\·Jarion C. Buie MODEL HOME LUSK HARBOR VIEW HILLS No\\' vacant -4 BR. -3 ba. -Cam . rm. - Prestige area -has many fine features - 3 car garage -air cond. -beaut. decor - profess. lndscpd -pries includes land. $66.500 NEW LISTING Executive with a growing family \vill find this 4 bdrm. 3 bath home in an ideal lo- cation: only a short distance to best schools. markets & shopping area. $59,950 Kathryn Raulston GREAT LIFE ON LIDO ISLE Boating -swimming -tennis -play· grounds -club life -nice people! Area's !inest buy on 60' lot \\'/3 bdrn1s. & fam. rm. )'ou'll be glad you invested in this rare location. $59.500 il1ary Harve>: HARBOR VIEW HILLS Great vie\v fron1 this 4 BR. 2 Ba., !am. room, Lusk built home, includin8 the twinkling night lights of the pavilion & Balboa Bay. $58,800 Al Fink LUSK HARBOR VIEW 4 BR. 3 Ba. split level, wet bar ... $57,500 4 BR. 3 Ba. Owner transferred .. $53,500 Wonderful area -let us sbo~v you! LaVera Burns WESTCLIFF-OPEN SUN. 1-5 1310 Estelle Lane. Drop by this 4 Br. home located in Harbor 11i District. Fam. rm . Vacant. Q\\1ner moved. $52.750 Cathryn Tennille OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1-5 2137 .'\ralia. Lu sk home. 3 BR . 21/i. Ba., fam. rm. + play rn1. Bike to tennis club. Price reduced. Good financing. Owner anxious, make offer. $51~500 Harriett Davies LIDO BEACH HOME Four bedroom two ·bath home with com· pletely modern kitchen. Ready for imme. diate occupancy. Close to Lido Club & beaches. $50,000 E. M. Vreeland EMERALD BAY Almost ocean front. Few steps to beach. 3 Bedroom. formal dining rJn . Lge. family rm. One bedroom divided into 3 bedrooms. Priced for fast sal' ! i\·lar,v Lou 'r.-tarion 133-0700 644-2430 ntW VA or F1IA ok. aw-54M399 at Harbor Center 2299 Harbar Blvd., C.At. tCJrtpard, J\,J,;:, MJ ,..2222 r ·' •• " • ! . .. -------------------------------------------------~--------_,...-------.--·-.......... -.. · .... . . . . ' ' • • ; • !ltll!ft7, "'1 !. 1970 DAn V Jlll.llT :3 HO~S_FOR SALE -I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSES FOR SALi! I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAL E HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR UCI'. Gener•• 1000 c..n•ra1 1.a ;0oo;1•;••;·~·;~f;t~~,ooo~:l~~~~;;;;;;;;;~ooo·~.1~o~·~""~'~"i'iii7'~1ooor~o.~-f,"?'i];~;'r~·~·~ooo~IJ0o:;;;"";;;';;";;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;;1000;;;;;ioii .. iii'";;':";;' ... ---·'•ooo•o•-•'•"•1--· __ .;.1•~l 0-rol l - LIOO WATERFRONT APARTMOOS Eastside TIH'lex W SL!! N. TAYLOR CO -· Wostcllff ' ' Tif'f RUf'PS -$16.s'oo , 320 LIDO NORD "'~. ~w~AVA 3M<= ... ~~~t ,':; 3 Bedroom, 2 St or Tucol)dominium In the Call tor tnrorn .. uon. lined 1treet. Ss.clowl livlnii: "Plu•u section. Built· n hnle & oven & prl· . NOW Roducod to $175,000. Xlnt ltrm• DeL··e Four-Ple•es nn has musl" bri<k ..... vale paUo. Thrifty ll• g In •UDDY Newport. 6 Beautiful unit.. 6 ~.. garages & uWJty lllA A p1a...., BBQ Jn family rm ""' Xlnt :, __ ~~•-on ... ·. LINDA ISlli -$1••-. ' room, with 80 ft. fronting on excellent swim-... _ --.-..... ._,_.,, ming beach. Units are newly furnished. 3 Br• t11ree 2 Br, 2 Ba""'"· god ~. $39.SOO. See BEST buy on beautillil Linda Isle! Owner BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR Cupe:u, draJies. bll -im, II now! moving to another... state. Spacious 5 bdrm. 133 Dov.r Dr., SuJte 3, Newport a.Kit '42-4620 choice Newport Sch. b:a-No On Veta Lo On FHA home designed for the ultimate in living on llon. 8'itt financing •vaU. I.er&& lot, fncd front ' rear this exclusive island of boating & fun. Pier $12,0QO,down. ll~ return oo for Jiriwicy A 111fe~ . .J Bed-&. slip. The most ror the least! General 1000 $31,350 APPRAISAL $31,350 PRICE THE EVERYTHING HOUSE The C.R.V. issued by VA is 1. Lo&n aasumable at 6%% in and ready to go on this 2. 4 Bedroom1 3 baths 2-alory beauty! 4 BIG BEO. 3: Family ~ with \lo'tl bar ROOMS. 2~· bath&. Large and fireplace~ COVERED PATIO enclo&td 4 Formal .:11 .. 1-on 2 skies opens to v.-ell • ....... '6 room landscaped, wa.lled yard. S. Top p-ade carpets and CUI- Family neighborhood con. tom draperies venient to scbools and shop. 6. Separate breakfut nook ping. Won't last al this real-1. Elect. garage doot opener i.<iliC' priC{! with VA a n d 8. Quiet cul-de-sac strttt FHA finan('ing avallabll?! PLUS WE SSJ..L A HOME 9. Washer and dl')'t'r l.l'f: In. EVERY 31 MINUTES cluded For more Information alx>ut Wa Iker & lee w. """"'""'"' •U'""" 673-8550 646-7171 • Realtor 2043 \Vcslclill Do. 646-TIU Open 'lil 9:00 Pti1 \0 T HE REAL ·'."\... ESTATERS . . Open Houses THIS WEEKEND • .., tlill ..., ...... , .... ,.. ........... . ,.. ................ AJI .......... lhtM ....... _ ...................... ~~ .... .t.t. I•.._., •• DAILY PILOT WANT ADS., ....... ........ , .,.. k.-. ,., ........ '"' -..... te "" ute• .., ............ di•• ... "'"'' • HOUSES FOR SALE (2 Bedrooml 283 Del Mar. (Eastside) Costa. ~lesa 646-3928: 545-2300 Eves.. (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1437 Bonnie Doone (Irvine Terrace) CdM 675-3000 (Sun 1-5) *1100 While Sails Way (H. V. H.) CdM 675-3000 (Sun 1-4) (2 Bedroom & Family or Den) 2936 Cliff Drive (Newport Heights) NB 645-2414 (Sllll 1-5) 13 Bedroom) 228 Hazel Drive, Corona del Mar 673-= (Daily 2·5) 620 Seaward 'Road (Corona Highlands) CdM 673-6510 (Sun 1·5) 4j3 Tuslin A venue, Newport Beach 642-2033 (Sat & Sun 10-4) **106 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isfe) NB 642-8235; 675-3210 (Sat & Sun ) 609 Vista Bonita lthe Bluffs) Newport Beach 675-5930 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2150 Vista Dorado (lhe Bluffs) NB 645-3928 : 644-1655 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2351 Westminster Ave .. Costa Mesa 644-1102 (Sat & Sun 10-4) (3 Bedroom & Family or Den) l&l30 Dana Circle, \Vestminster 847-2678 (all day Sat & Sun) 17872 Mann St. (University Park) Irvine 833--0160 (Sat 10-4:30 ) 2221 Alta Vi sta (Eastbluff) NB 642-8235 ; 675-3210 (Sat ·& Sun) 4600 Cortland (Cameo Highlands) CdM 642-8235; 675-3210 (Sat & Sun) **433 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 ; 675-3210 (Sat & Sun) 2137 Aralia fEastbluff) Newport Beach 644-2430: 833--0700 (Sun 1-5) 119 Via Vella (Lido Isle) Newport Beach 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 2-5) 2501 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 644-4910 (Sat & Sun 1-5:30) 1927 Santiago (Baycresl) NB 644-49IO (Sat & Sun 1-5:30) *362 Magnolia, Costa Mesa 540-1720 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 8402 Talbert, Huntington Beach 845-0604 (Sat & Sun 1·51 5901 Blue jay, Huntington Beach 84&-0604 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *269 Monie Vista, (Eastside) Costa Mesa 645-3928: 644-1655 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1-5) 405 Holmwood (Newport Heights) NB 645-3928: 548-6769 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1-5) 482 Estller (nr Westcliff} Costa Mesa 545-5580 (Sat & Sun from 2) 2443 Bamboo, ( Eastbiuff) NB 645-7711 (Sun 1-5) '*124 Evening Canyon Road (Shore Cliffs) CdM, 838-1345 (Sun 1-5 ) *2048 Commodore Road (Baycrest) NB 645-3255 (Sat & Sun 2-5 ) 2223 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach 545-2313 (Sun 1-5) 324 Pointsetlia, Corona de\ Mar 673-8550 (Sun 1-5) (4 Bedrooms} **11 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB 642-8235: 675-3210 (Sat & Sun)· 1130 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235: 675-3210 (Sat & Sun) 13100 Estelle Lane (Westcliff) Newport Beach 833-0700 ; 644-2430 (Sun l~) 223 Via Ithaca (Lido Isle) NB 675-1662 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *1038 While Sails Way (Harbor View Hillsl 673-2020 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2515 \Vindover, CdM (Broadmoor Harbor Vie w! (Sun 1-5 ) *342 Vista Bayo (C. M.) 645-0303 !Sun 1-51 investment. rrn, 111 BA, &hake roof, dble 101 Linda Isle Open SaVSun 1·5:30 $75,000 e.1ch aar. Call now~ $23,950. •, -(6) t 'BR Un~•· w/Pool BLUe LAGOON VltlAS-$64,900 ·;aatJde . sharp. Crpts. dips, Gorgeous view of $Ur( & sand from elegant 'P E RRON patloa, '15.000. llurry!! split level condo. 2 Bdrm, Cam rm . 'vet bar, BOii OLSON 3 bas, 2 pools & sec. guards. By appt. •;, "' •. ~ .. "'""' ... ,." .. 642-1771 Anytime REALTOR .~-. HARBOR view HILLS •I ;:::;;~ Sharp. near new 4 bedroom Lusk built home 'I for a fastidious buyer. Family rm, dining rm & 2'h baths. Pool size yard. $54,500. SCENIC VIEWS $29,950 Of Bay ' Ckean NewlY decorated lnoome $GI. a month - Eu:tsiile Costa 1.-tesa near go11 course, 77 x 150 Lot. Spanish style with court-1 yard & patlo & a bltin BBQ. Call to see: 4 Bedroom ttsidence in F&.sh!anable ln.rine Ten-ace Sparldln& blue pool beautifully manicured •'""""' redue@d in price to S&l.000. Newport •• 646-1111 (anytime; 1300 Estelle (Westcliff) NB 642-8235; 675-3210 (Sat & Sun) *1930 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8i3.I; 675-3210 (Sat & Sun) 1334 Hampshire Circle (Baycresl) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 2-lil 877 Sandcaslle (Harbor View Hills) CdM 644-4910 !Sun 1-5:30) 1430 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 645-1550 (Open Daily) 1836 Santiago, (Dover Shores) NB 645-1550 (Sun 1-5) 1607 Santiago Drive, Newport Beach 646--0555: 531-5570 (Sun 1-51 *501 Kings_J'lace (Newpon Heights) NB 645-3928 : 548-6769 Eves. !Sat & Sun 1·5) 21921 Starfire Lane, Huntington Beach 545-8424 : 9611-1097 Eves. (Sun 11-5) 2848 Carob (Easlbluff) NB 675-3000 (Sat & Sun 1-51 **15 Linda Isl e Drive (Linda Isle) NB 642-4620 (Sun 11-5) *1015 Goldenrod (Harbor Vie\Y Hills) CdM, 675-2101 (S un 12-5:30) 2827 Alta Vi sta, Corona del Mar 675-5726 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1527 Anita Lane, (Baycrest) NB 546-5440 (S un 12-5:30) 3248 Colorado Lane (Mesa Verde) CM 546-4399 (Sat & Sun 10-5) 9450 El Camino, Fountain Valley 1162-5869 (All day, daily) 227 Coral Ave. (Balboa Isle) NB 675-2916 (Sat & Sun) 1878 Rhodes Drive, Costa Mesa 546-2313 (Sat & Sun I-61 3007 Java Road, Costa 1'-·Iesa 546-2313 (Sun 2-6) 2501 Bamboo St., (Eastbluff) NB • 644-I450 (Sat & Sun afternoon) 6681 Christa Palma, Huntington Beach 84&-0604 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 21512 Trabuco Oaks, Trabuco Canyon 830<i060 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 3061 Carob (Eastbluff) NB 645-3928 : 644-0345 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1-5 ) *536 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Beach 546-2313 . (Sal 1-5) 309 Narcissus, Corona del Mar 67}8550 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (5 Bedrooml **95 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB 642-8235 : 675-3210 (Sun) **16 Linda Isle Drive !Linda Isle) NB 642-4620 (Sun 11-5) (S Bedroom & Family or Den ) *1536 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 : 675-3210 (Sal & Sun ) **80 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB 644-4910 (Sat & Sun 1-5 :30 ) **101 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle ) NB 644-4910 (Sat & Sun 1-5 :3j)) 1000 Mariners Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 548-7249 (Sat & Sun 10-5) **80 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB 642-4620 (Sun 11-5) **77 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB 642-4620 (Sun 11-5) 17442 Encino Circle. Huntington Beach 84&-0604 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 617 S. Golden \Ve st, Santa Ana 84&-0604 (Sal & Sun 1-5\ 2384 Redlands. Newport Beach 540-1720 (Sat & Sun 1·5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE (1-3 Bdrm: 1-2 Bdrm) 320 8th St., Huntington Beach 536-2579 (Sun 1-5) (2 Bedroom) 11 Marine Ave., Balboa Island 642-1771 : 673-8217 Eves. !Sun 1·5) (2 & 3 Bedroom) 'tt4010 River Ave .. Newport Beach 645-2414 (Sun 1-5) (2 & 4 Bedroom! 2511 Seaview, Corona del Mar 644,4910 (Sun l·S) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE (2 Bedroom & Den) 14M Deauville. (French Quarter) Costa Mesa 642-1771 !Sal & Sun 1-5) 511 Avenida Campana llhe Bluffs) NB 844-2867 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 877 Sandcaslle Open Sun 1-5:30 LINDA ISLE See this gracious new home with 5 bdnns .. maid's rm & 5 baths. Spacious living & dining rms open to patio deek facing l a~oon . Fam- ily rm + rumpus rm, wet bar. $169,300. 80 Linda Isle ' ·Open Sat/Sun 1·5:30 BAYCREST-$11,.100 Fine quality & loads of glamOr In this 3 bdrm home with Cam rm. 2'h: baths & formal din- ing. Perfect U shaped kitchen w/electric blt· ins & char broil. Rear yard is a picture. 1927 Sanliago Open Sat/Sun 1-5:30 CORONA oeL MAR On the blufr overlooking harbor entrance, bay & ocean. Split level w/3 spac bclrms. 31h baths. den & family rm . Million $ view. 2501 Ocean Blvd. Open Sat/Sun 1-5:30 CORONA Del MAR DUPLEX Nice corner duplex so. of hwy near harbor entrance. View of bay & ocean boating ac· tivity. 4 Bdrms up, 2 dn. Many xtra features. 2511 Seavie\v Open Sun 1-5:00 ISLAND HOME -$52,500 Sparkling heated pool! 3 Bdrms & fam . rm. Soaring cathedral ceilings. Close to beac~ & boats in great Huntington Harbor location . DUPLEXES & TRIPLEXES Ca ll us for details on our fine selectio n. $43,500 to $115 .000 R· I LOTS \Ve have 4 fine \vaterfront lots. $68 ,500 to $150,000 OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 10 · 5:30 110ur 25th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO .. Realtors 2111 San Joaquin Hills Road NEWPORT CENTER 644-4910 1000 General 1000 ~LLEGE '°REALTY OPEN HOUSES THIS WEEKEND SAT /SUN f"ROP.f I: 00 Fabulous View 3061 CAROB ST. '"High on a Hill" O\'erlook· ing lhe proposed U.C.f. row- ing course. mountairn; and lhe UniV'l'rsity. Lo\vesl pric- ed 4 & family in Eastblu!!. Greenbelt Beauty 4102 BRISBANE \VAY Thi? tops in Universily PRrk for a clean & neat 3 & lam/ din tiorne. Priced right, bu! llexible too. You Won't Believe It 2949 PEtifBA \VO\V • !his ot1<""s decoratl'd \\'ay oul _ in f\lesa Verde Camb1•iclge 3 Sr fanuly & detached garage room. P1·ic· ed to allow for fixing up. Country Club Area J0.12 COUNTRY CLL:B DR. BeautitUI, new 4 & lamily rm \ii;!lng • modern. sp&C· ious. Room for JMXll . Walk to clubhoullC, tennil'i etc. Adult Occupied 3230 OREGON AVE. YIPEE!! PERRY ZIMMERMAN Top salesman again for C'OATS &-\VALLACE during month o( April was Pt>rry Zimmerman but really, we all did great. Over 1·~ J\1il- Jion Dollarir; in residential sales in April alon<• .• 011r volun1ne is ahe11d of last year at !hill rin1e, and \\"e need anothl'r salesman! \\'hat a IOl'l'n, \1·ha! a good business _ can we help you! A Mesa Meadows home fre1h- Jy painted with new crpts &- drps. Simply immaculatr-3 & family, occupied by one adult only, "'!~"!"~"'"!!!!!~~"'II Total Poymont $145- SUNDAY ONLY 4,000 Sq Ft Custom 1816 JAMAICA RD. On the golC course -a greal custom home with gam<', f11mily & dining r ms all black w11.lnul panelled, etc. Really tremendou~, OPEN Housr SUNDAY 1·l 405 Holmwood Newport HelghtJ Cuslom bu ilt S BR, 2 BA home, hU¥t living rm with 3tone fireplace &: dining room. hltllUl, crpl3, drp3. dblc gar., 2 patl<>ft. Lachenmyer Realtor 186() Newport Blvd., 0 1 <;ALL, 646..1928 Ew11, !148-6769 Per Month Real sharp J bedroom, 2 bllth home. Freshly paintl'd, GI loan of S15,800 Al 5% 7.. an- nual interest. You can't bl'at ii! Servltt porch. Double Garage. Forced a Ir heat. Completely fent.'Cd. Sprink- lC'rs. Carpel5 ;i.ni1 drapes throughout. Family room. Let WI show it to )'OU!! GI or FHA lemlS avallahlr . WE SELL I\ HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES . Walker & lee Rell ton 2790 HArbor Blvd, at Adami M.>0465 Open 'Ill 9 P~t 2 GREAT BUYS "* 4-PLEX • corner location ptide or ownership • Fenc- ed patio5 • Out or town cwncr. Live In one, let rental1 pay experu;ef; - $59,950 • only Sl2,00 down. 1824 Hi ghland (Harbor Hi ghland s\ NB 675-5726 . (Sat & Sun I-51 HOME P US RTMENT -lt5110lJ'rice St .. Huntington Beach L APA 4 BR EASTSIDE * 5 SEPARATE •ldUSES In top klcit.Uon -Income S76!> month. A re1\I buy 111 ~.500 -o~·ntr leaving town, wlll l)l?lp finanro,. 64(1...7171 846-06o4 (Sun 11·4) (3 lklr. & 1 Bdr.) Mwmc J-l!A loan on lhi.15 ~ Center St .. Costa Mesa ••• • •• ,..,. ho (4 9 ·droom & Family or Dan) ...... rp ~ 1~ me, Laryr. 28ll1Clubi!ouse Road, (Mesa Verde) CM 646--0555 (Sat & Sun,1~) """"" lot, in1trlor -•ilY 'O THE REAL '"-ESTATERS 642 ••16 (Sat l-4) , Mlec:oratf!d , Total pymnta ~ * ..., S206 mo. ""'"" 2 DBL. OARAOESI 1330 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB '** w•~•"'"""h'"'ot $27,950 lmmac. 3 hr + ram., ""' 642-8235; 675-3210 (Sat & Sun) *** l'MI _. Wotwhot PERRON 642•1771 place, cul<le·uc. 1:13,SOO. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:11~:;::~:::: ... ..,.,;;~:1~v~A~·F'H~A~.~A&I.~~~~~·== , 24 YEARS OF . REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE It 's the SOLD SIGN - that counts WE SELL 100 HOMES PER MONTH LET YOURS BE NEXT JUST REDUCED to $19,900. An excellent 1tar1er home. A reaJ cozy 3 Bdrm beauty in apple pie order. Good financing available and It beat1 ren. Ung. Call now for further d<!tail.s. ~5440 IET YOUR SWUT •• THIS WON;T LAlTlll anyone tan afford thl:; rule 3 bedroo1n it ra m· Jly in ?.1esa Verde at $27,800. 10% Dn terms are avallablr. Home ha.'I been freshly painted within last 10 months so JI is in move-in con- dition. i\11 bltins. Call nou1 for complete de- taJll. 546...5440 BEAT YOUR RENT Call now and \\"'" l'l'ill !ell you niort about this love- ly 3 BR condominium that )'OU can move Into tor Sl8Zi dn. !he monthly payment will be leu than renting and you \\'ill have fl.IANY more bellelits. J-'ull price $18,250. :>46-5440 IARLT llRD get.a the \\"Orm, bu t the <'arly buyer 1-''ilt gt'I this lovely .1 BR plus convc~t den PLUS a formal din- In~ room. Unheard of! Ne\vly painted end rea· dy to move in. Located closr lo schools & shops. $35,950. 546-5440 IDLE MONEY GATHERS No Income. This prime tri-plrx invites your In- spection. The oprralion shrrl. will bear your elm.est scrutin)'. \Vith 11ropcr do\\·n, gel tax shcltl'r and spendable. Asking $35.950. 546-5440 PAUL • WHITE • CARNAHA" REALTY CO. HONORS TOP SALESMAN P.·lr. Art Gordon, Sales associate fro1n the Costa t.1e611 otflcc \\'all honored with the sales- man uC the month plaque for the month ol March. The award was made at the Company's monthly meeting. Art Gordon ll!!ted and sold over $163,000 in Real Estate volume fo r the one month. Gordon has been \\'llh P-W-C 19 yl'ars aQd reside& v.•lth his rnmlly in l"l"'\\'port Beach. START YOUR SUNDAY drive al 1527 ANITA LANI In llAUTl- FUL IAYCll!ST. If you \\'BOt custom rea- tures and good fi- nancing, chf'ck this gorgt"'oufl 4 BR-J Bath plus large den & liv- 1ng room that Is load- ed with charm. at $54,750 \\'Ith large 5%<:{, a ss umable loan. You had lx>tler hurry • it won'L last. 546-5440 OPEN SUNDAY 12 t o 5:10 IEAT HIGH INTEREST Tak• •vor GI •1d1t 1 .. n LOAN COSTS. N01 QUALlFYING, NO! POINTS. NO ! Just movl' Into this sparkling J bedroom, large FR plus bonus room, 3 bath.~. Jn good location! Only $35,900 full prlcl'. ~-5440 CDIY CORNER FOR THE HORSEY SET U you want horses you nius t see this coi.y 2 BR home + 1 bath. This homt' Is well maintained and has room for riding In th<' rear, u·~ like Ret- ting the l'fbu11? for l rf'I' \\"hen you buy this 66x 300 lot. S31.MO. ' ~'16-5440 HOUSING SHORTAliE7 Then pun::hase t h I 1 choice piece of R-2 land In heart of Costa ~1esa. 1~.280 sq. ft. Owner ask· !rig $<13,000 with liberal terms. Present Income $260 pt'r month. Strong pos~lbility l hat It can bi-rl'zonr<I R-·1. 5-16-5440 VA NO DOWN Good carpels living room A hall, 4 Bednn, close to ,.chools, $26,• 950 full price. Family room Is large • rear yard completely fenced. cau now for details. 546-5440 THI RARE ONI 5 bedroorn , 3 bath5, for- mal dining room. Cl~ets galore. Plush cpts. °"-'"· l'r l'i&ys must sell so re• ducx-d the price $1500. Good location close to all ~chools. now only $37.000. 546-5440 * EYE Al'l'IAL * PURSE Al'l'EAL Bl'autirul quality 3 BR & FR homl' \\•ith great functional n oor plan. Real pride ot ownership in choice fl.lesa Verde location. 22x14 Sl?par· all' livi ng room 'vi th fi rl'plaC'r. cpt & drll[ll'I. Outi;tandinp: rea.r yard. Prict'd at $27,950. 546-5440 lllO HOUSI Small price Gor:;t"'oUll 4 Bedroom charmer. Entertainers Jiving room \\'ith cell- ing h l g h fireplace. Large me11ler bedroom. all bit-In wifesaver k I I C' h e n . Desireablc f\1esn dt"'I f\lar location, 1valk to &)J schoo11. Hurry ll"i1 too shar11 to la~I. al $31.950. 546-5440 ALL OUR SALES PEOPLE ARE TRAINED TO , SERVE YOU IN OUR SPECIAL THREE WEEK R. E. TIAINING SCHOOL TWO OPENINGS CALL NOW! I CLASSES STARTING IN THREE WEEKS PA.UL-WHITE- CARN:AHAN ReaJt11 Co. 1093 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA 546-5440 -------·------------------· .. --- .......... ., z. 1170 HOUSES FOR SAiE ;,;HOU=;;Sl!:.:f~P'~Oll=SA=t:.:l!~l~HOU=.:;SE::;lt~PO::;ll:::..;:IA::L:.:I;:._ !HOUSES FOil SALi HOUSES FOR SAL£ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS Gwr1I .• 1• Gwr1l • 1• C..11 -II 0.... ...,_ ID7 -lhwOo · 1227 a.-............ 1• ~ 11Nc11 140l ,.Ll::i:J;;llnl:=,.;;Bl::od!=--1;,;.7,;.;0.S _.4p1...._ .. __ F_v_m_l.i...1 __ _ •t '.;;~;;~~~;i ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.! * BY OWllER * DOVER -SHOR-ES w1 .... IAv AVE. • BEDAOOM11 'IA:cHELOR'S s.1i-"''"" ms ';" llr 0.ULY fl'ILOf sis l'Oii SA LE ,-TllE WllTE 1111$( SEEB.JllUSE ' BR.. ' BA., ..... ..... • ' OcmJ;;{ -s -' .... s -T• IMdo OIARMINO ' ......... , 2 SwilQ."""' imi -..., ~~-~ -....., """,,,... -· ..,,.,... ROOST """' -. m -· dolirlc cmt1.. Pl.l:iO totlll. ~ • ,_. wi&h lolM2I ol room. Ridl!a'ft.l' cottap ui qualnt Swnmer ~ per 'll''fltk Stpt. On CAPITA.I.. tu jaa btiPlt SN: Orr .Home und rtlld;)' tor ocmpuc:J. ~ tram ocaa 6 ~· BuUdtr' puqvct entry. brWbt.-ld&ch-•nine juat aw IWPI Uom yearly lf&M $350 per mo. list"',.._..,.,....,""' .,..., ..., """ ....... 1.QT-LOCAnON ....,, .. -· .., with ... ..,,,,.,.,...• the...,..""""' p1nt ,. .. _,,~ "'""' 1amu, ~.,. ..,. """' """'.-.,""" 1':'" ..':'"'w~':":l C:O.-of i:...1-ond M.riMr 11111 Gnnly, ~llw drapn. Priced" •ll .;th ...... -•""' -· v~. ='=n="=-==·====I :1 =· ~ ~"\' ~~ ~ :: ~: e:ftdmtd prq.. Prbd •I _, m no.e.-er .. NB VA er FHA tmns avalla.ble from the front porch. SZ.750. sulb )'l)Q~ \\'OOd tloan. car. Ste Drr °"'Pfll am !!'~rs~ aft 5:30 '31,000 VACANT -Nr. Tena1a dub, ~~· $24,950 'f" U LL Terms are~~· Summo r llent1la 2910 - p:ti1. dta.P"nn. 4 8rdnns.. ~On-Fire~ und I . 3 .... , fhwwllll .. ail•blt w boat ramp. swtm.'1 bch. 4 WE s· ELL A HOME Ta.kr m"'r ~ ~t;e SttDrrBleBtdrmlVlld GORCEXlUS .tbi-.1900'.fltt 1--BJl S BA. dt frlpt FHA Jwn . \\'O\\"!' 0oc·1 Stt Dt.r Price:_____ kit din/~~ tiled ba. tr.de llp for lnconw pr.,..ty. 4Cldm' Jot. J;G.~ 1'lu.k EVERY JI MINUTES 1 T Hf: RJ::AL ~ l:S'!'ATE ~S F11hionl~le Bkrfn 3 BR. 2 balb Townhousl! Avail., "'urn., Junc 1st to Stpl. kt. S4SO Pu Month. ~~:;_.a~':;uT~ s..~~"~'t..1 ::",,,.i'j,,~""~rm l'lto• 548-193',,.. 644-4614 ~Rnli;,...._. Walkllr ii Lee your appoill1ment ,..g 11 COATS Th'll. l br. 21~ ba, a.JI eJec. --·· _ LW. Isle 1351 Rnlton I Lagun• Niguel 1707 f poce •• ..SS4.•~. I JCa... & I ~~ = ;:::;oo'.'""C:. Newpert Buch 1• ... a.y 1241 oECOUTOlt'S ~ i682 Edlnaer $C0-6lt0 4 BR executive ho111t {iut .'PJJ' REALTORS tsDUS. 2 b< hm. ""' patio You """' the -""""' for Slucco l ,,,...., 3 BR, oak -H~ ~ Bdnm. DELUXE DUPLIX """"'· 2 BA, Hv rm w/"pl, .• CO&ATS ·~WALLACE ....,.,., WESTCLIFF - -IF BACK BAY $<11>1 A,... Sharp •·/pool, Is• """'"' "" ~T WALLACE I S46 4141-•hit lrH!I. $21.991. Fra.nk )'OW' dollan, 3 Bedrooms. ft. Ftp. tbmno hmt. kit. Famibt ft8. Xlat atrftt 10 OPEN SUN l-5 din rm, kit bltim, cplg & W4 Villa Del Oro ~~~RS (Open EwnMp> M&nhaD RMJty. 615-461l'.). :m~~::O ~ !!:: •:,-e· •rm~ ': Reel Cl ~ WW:~ ~·a~i.2 BR. ~L Beaut. J~pd Newport Beach 644-1133 (Open EYWUntsJ Mn. Del Mir 1115 av."lltt will bdp ~-.Wcr new in • ou1 U'IO', LIDO REAL TY INC. ~. cui-t'c • drap. ~-~~ri:·~~576.·ner ~~Yi blt;r:? bc:1 ~ LEASE OP110N ASSUME ,.,. LOAN u.:::...s:~ ~ = ... ~ :: = mr Yll Liiio m.m t ... bull>IDI. Ill b1k lo Ml11ian Vl•I• 170I ' .. Pool Jwy l3lO ""' FOIEST E. OR SALl 3 BR, 2 BA. lam. rm. po EASTBLUFF wall + 3 car pr . ...., LOTS OF LIGHT bead>! """"· Ml 3250 wk. 51115 """' Slarp, rrwty p&intrd, 3 bed-I &: pool 4. fencftf play )Id. set~ tor dilcrtmlnltin&: 111 Uiil OXI~. 3 Br. It 1.JNDOORG CO. GOLF C.OW-: lol by OWIW'r, CttSCenl. 5'&8-MJC Ntwp0r1 room. 2 bath home-bJ.a.nd K"'1Y painted. O w 11 e r -Owner· 4 Br, 2~ Ba. tam. ktYer to ltftlarp. • 111¥. dra lone. %%. Ba. 536.2519 Beautilul 2 stru')', 4 br & Bell.. • 0 L S 0 N tatcben. ~ f:a.mib, room.. I 5-11)..UM_ rm w/trple. ~· BNt LYTLE RLTY 513 W. 19th. New llltim in kit.chm. All llH. 2 frpk'1, oompl crpted, a;-cao.'ft'rd patio .. itb brick ' n.OJ:AC. 4 er. crpu, dr'J». ~: s':"soo~~t ~ 5t&-2S"2 this lor S8!1.SOO: RARE OPPORTUNITY protes.s.. decor inside, pro- BBQ Jar outdoor ~I idea! la11d1eapin1 I OpenS•t&SunAftn !!I~ Rtty. '7>S100-t Bectnn,2baOt.AsmmeS1' ~~-~.~ •.• :_k,~er'~~: I DELUXE 2 BR. Apt. 6/lS-9/15. $375 mo. We1tcliU area. Ml-6274 COU.EGE PARK NO DOWN GI!! .Eas:1 ~ yard. $29..m dttonlin&:-SC3 Sonora, C.M. Zitl'1 Bamboo Sl. E•stbluff 1142 ;,,,_ ..... Lido. NB ()pm Sun. CJ. kJan ' ~ per mo. v,...,.,. • ...., ua: ..... HA.' s.t&-Znl 64f.1450 wX.dys HOME + STUDIO pe,ys all or 1ow dn. &: m."Mr ht l61h bole. Auu~e ?% % 0 THE REAL "'\. ESTATERS MH• Verde I 1 JO , 1'tuter BR. w/Roman bath "111 help fil'lanct". Ne.,.,1y dee-loaA.. $50,9!ll, 83l-0359. ecome S.. & Com1Nr• A New W•y ~Life + 2 BR'• a. 2 baths! ArtislJ orated lniudt' It out. Only HOUSES FOR SALE OPEN SAT ,.. '°' v1sTA BONITA Relax '" ""' ,,,,..,.. 'BR ,...,.,_ J"'" """"".,. m..... I -- A Ran Und. llvlne Terr. 3 Br. 3 Ba. Avail. Junt' 24lh on, Boyd Rlty 6T:>-5930 AiillllR ICltard Clll barpin m C ...... P¢. 3 ..... BR'~ .__iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... ' ruu a.'.. °"""" · !! TRUE GRIT !! 2ll9'l aub Hoose P..d. Open S.t. & Sun. 1.5 Euthlutt Cbxio. Oirntt des. .m.;;oo The Real Eslate Mart S.n Clementa 1710 Proft>SSionally Jandsl"aped, J Bdnnl:· 21,s baths. A tiop, pera~. bu booaht &n0~her 147-&531 tamily home, patio, shu!Of'. slclp ir: )Ump \o the pool. ~me. Stt._ to &IJPrMl&te ~TQ" • WVELY Beach Residtnce, NE\VPORT Island • 2 Br, ~!t'l'pini:: porch, priv. dock. $2'2:> per wk. CaJI 879-2081 kJtdi .. .a!? Otb\ • bh·im. bncil:'~. mn raat:. i..o. • low OOir.i fllA or fli..\. Yf't. On!J.· S1 doll"ft. SefleT ~ :\ow Dilly S26.%IO So HlaT) ! ! C a I J &l.><Oll. 645.0303 al Fb:rbnr Cnt1f'I' ZB!I Harbor Blvd., C.ll HOME & BUSINESS board. 4 BR, 3 BA. family+ BOYD REALTY Vin·. DJ.950. t. Bmcada Coi 8 :t-MAft'nN;l Tf'CIC)eCly Strilcff 2 Story, 4 Br. 2 full 2 Duplexes Furn. formal din., 2 lrplcs. 3629 E. Coast H~')'., CdM R.t'ahy, IJS..1234. 24 ht ser-111·1111 ~ J\1UJI all l year old J 8e<inn, half baths, Pvt. ae<:e~s ---------1 Pa..tnl &: polish DN'ded herr Broktr 6-124816 e 67.S..5930 e vU. l't Ba. U x 17 enclORd ,.. beach. J\lag. view. S69•500. $90 • Ui.il pd. 1 Br. nr. for a 'u"" home, : Bedrm a.~ 1714J sn-9300 by 1c tamil>'. 2 patios, and txiai NEW HOUSE rnE BLUITS 3 iklrm. 3 BLUFFS &-PLAN SEE our "UDO ISi.£. tio. Ddx custom drpl, ~ts, appt. ocean. Avail now. Active, «!am". tinplatt, crpU le drpl. tt"' BY OWNER bath. tplit I eve I, an ~~titul ereen belt vk'w; BUYS!" in oar ma.in ad. ~VA mayTL ,.._~_ov:!..,, ex:: 2 STORY 4 br master 13' Bkr. 534-6980 ~location Now l BR 2 BA. Thans:f«T"ed cre e nbelt . C u sto m .c.llUCondo,ltw•dtn.23 P.te Blirrett Re•lty ing ,,,., NOU•._..._,..... , RENTALS redut.'ed to $29.90) fur ta.st I $33 sOO Assume flt.A soi decma.tld ... immaculate. ha. By 0.'?JU • 6"-2290. -642-5200 ta! monthly. No qualifying. x 28 w/dreu i:m & frpl. _Hou••• Unfurnish .. sa!o!o Call Sf0."!1S1 tt aJl ~ .lm Calllam1a st. Large kitcbm l l7 ,9DO. BRASHEAR REAL TY l _ ba, entry, bv, d~~ & debib_ H.mt:a&ie Rul Es-• ~75 aft S pm~ W-8501 , Evea: 642-(M2'T din nn •. bltns, mag~icent G•neral · I s.;.7..Qlll c.,.... clel Mar 1250 laO... falenll llSS ocun view, spotle.u 1111 &: ""· 1cozy • a.an 4 BR. 1._ DON'T MISS BLUFFS EXECUTIVE ESTATE out. ...... .,..,,.,"'-""· -------- ba. $24,7UO. ~7DI. Pnnc. ~ 3 Br,,.2% ha. ftt IY OWNER 5uJlt'1' aMrp 2.n 9e1. foot SHARP, C It a r, Freabb" VA LOAN on! ...i .. ~-· ba.r dbl OYen&. aulel'n&tic VIEW beauty .,;th 3 KING SIZE C · trino •·ich 1730 painted. Rent at $18S. Coda l Bedrm, 2 bath&, 17xl7 brat-Y .....--.._ ... ~ IOftentt, By °"1nu . Liv. Rent F,.... bedrooms, 2 baths, 18 X 26 apis,"-='-"-==-';..:. f\fesa area. Walk to shap- ed & filteml pool SJlOO Ne.,,orf Be.di l200 $45,<0>, Ph. ~. ~1·ci.Du:Nn: fSl..A.'lD Custom 4 Br, l bl hDml! w/2 Rparale Family Room. Quirt a.rt"a nr nu f.tarina ping. Check our RENTAL 2975 3000 mows )"OU in. Sdler pay~ I •BWFf'S ~ Choice CClr'll. br 1 ba apl Wet ba.r, frplc. built·lm, dishwasher. Cool Custm 3 8d 3 Ba+ guest BOOK. ~u:paraa::a~~ ~ ~~:-:..: ;:1 CLIFF OR.~ VIEW view loL 3 Bl. 2 Ba. l le\-ti ro~: ." :ifr~G::tn~ ~·t ~nc. %17 Coral ~~.~ _P8tio,:f~1 rm& .. ~t~~~!?,,' EWVEERSYEL3L1 MAIHNOUMTEES • ..-• · Vny nice 2 BR. I: DEN + 'ol-alled pe.tio, cua. extru 4 Bedrooms, I famll · ' ..._....._pltlf, . ~· · ..,..,""" ... ~,}.,) of c.2 k>t. Proft'S!k>nal off"ice tun. BJtin raage/~-en •·/w GUEST rm. 2 Baths, large Sa\"11! SS • $31,950. 644-4265. mom, O\'e'!'Siud -=.re 11,'jJ BLOCK TO BEACH f.IOP.E. $33,350 9.lth er or Wa Iker & Lee in front. Ont.()f·•·ldnd. f'ulJ crpls & drpl:, PallO. block dining rm. Court yard pa. StL•' L 'ol'ell lighted v.·ort area. EJrganl 4 Br, :: Ba w/2 }ow F'H.A Tem'IJ'. Dana Point 1740 prit? S!l..500. CaIJ: "·all, landsca 0 ped, vaant. ti~. t.o\·f'I~· BAY 1: OCEAN Assume nA °"" . ON Br, 1 Ba apt. step do"'-n WE SELL A HOME ----------~'°''""in toda,)". \"IE\\" s:B900 Custom 3 Br T Pool. Lanai, One of E:ut.blutrs IO\"t"lieit frplc, bltlll By 0.,-ner zn EVERY 31 MINUTES I OPEN SAT /SUN Realtor. 2i00 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 5-15-9491 Open 'lil 9 Pt.1 Newpo•• 11y HOME "ati 2 LOTS Frpk. 1-16 • ..,. 548-0355. pride of""""""'' ..... ~. C<>nl. ,,.~;,,. . Walker • Lee . . . •I Extra largo llv. rm. 3 BR BY O\\.,IER' BMb Coodo. e -G J 0 A.M. • 5 P.M. 962 .... 71 ( =) 546-1101 & DEN, formal dlrnni nn. 2 2 Br. den, 2'.: ba. luxury A REAL ESTATER.S Huntl"9fon Beach 1400 R.t-altors 33190 Alcaur Dr. $17.'i Comp!. redec 3 br, r/o, F.1irvie w b8ths, trplc.. kit. bit.ins. ~ · 511 Avenida Campana, EXCLUSIVE 76.32 "'";~-r Lest new 2 fami111 refrig. nu w/w & dri>s. ,. I .,,., 1'i B E\'H &W-2867 ~..... 1 Chldrn ok. AcliVf', Bia. v.6-811 Beaulitul decor. f"l•,500. · · · . EXCLUSIVE OWNER ANXIOUS 142-44;n 540-51.W Studio Dupl•x 53~980 (.1nytim el Cost• M.I• 1100 DUPLEX . VIEW Newport Heights 1210 ONLY $47,950 5V.. G.I. LOAN!I \\'ith 2 bedroon1.l!. LIVE ON =~-=----~ lot from Ocean I lrith 67l-&55D You can buy thia dream mt. Fountain V•lley 1410 ONE SIDE, RE'I\'T THE $l85 • J BR, 2 BA, new i""""'~~!!"'!~~..,,.. I $121 PER MONTH Octtn View. 2 BR Ir 3 BR tage subject to ~ existing · OTIIER SIDE. PRlCED cpts, bllns, faro. welcomed.. EASTSIDE wtth fam. nn. PLUS l BR BY OWNER. 3 Br ' den, s~ GI kl&n and only S134 NEW 501 DN I RIGHT! 90'/ii F1NANCING Blue Beacon, 64>-0lll Bier. TOTAL &:bathgi..estnn.Looksnew. 2 Ba. crpts, drps, l'le'l\1y per month. 4 ~ bed--10 •• AVAILABLE. l BEDROOM $22,000 With a substantial dmrn )'00 C.ood rental ana. SSl.SDO. red« .. ftrx:ed bac:kyd rooms, 2 baths. FIRE-3 • 4 BR. Custom Innes Or C•ll Mike Bayer Cost• Mes• 3100 B:mr i~nia;hr A ~t~~ can takr ovtt this great v:-DUPLEX ON CANAL w/a«na boat « _trtr. Stt PLACE, tmilt-inl, and spac. ready for occupancy. Loaded <213) Si&.-2.)33 ---------1 Cana Mesa, al x 135 fl lot, I.sting fliA loan at 51;4 % ~ 2 BR I< l BR duplex« use ~PPftC-$24,500. -45.l OPEN SUN. 12-5:» iow patio and BBQ f« SU}'n· w/ extru! f'nlm $ll.D>. DUPLEX, E-sidc, 2 BR. Jae large dou~ car p.rqe. No nual ratr and kttp the same as 5 BR lam.ily home; 2 1015 GOLDENROD mtt parties. aD on u.RCE Deal w/ buildu • &a\"e! Condomin ium 1950 yard "'/trlr access , do'l\•n. VA or Small Do'l\-n LOW payment which IN· baths, otfia., patio&: IUDoNEWPORT HEIGHTS Harbor V5ew Hiiis OVt:rsittlot. C«.Las Flotts&:Pbeuant Stove/Ref incl $1.f 5, flIA. Call l"'O'ill'! 546-Illl CLUDES taxes a.nd insUJ'. deck. Canel n.tt'rlront .,;tb n.mbUll& n.nch at)'le l THIS IS THE PLACE!! WE SELL A HOME Aw:. Call 537..QJSS. 642-2171, 613-1865 o THE REAL "\.. ESTATERS a.nee OR fill!1ltt .,ill pay dock tor your 00.1. $7UOD. Bed.mt. abate roof. ftplc. Most fabulou.I view of bay & EVERY JI MINUTES A-FRAME W/BONUS 4.~~· ~~-e,&:n!~k s110. 1 BR Duplex. Frplc, points for your new VA or $28.950. Ki 111 a a rd, R.E. ocean. 4 BR, 2% ti&., HIF w lk & L Huge unfinished updn: rm 4-facil. Call 546-9529. stovr, relrig, lovely yard. f1{A loan. SharJ! 3 bt'droom. MI 2-2222. pooJ, cov. patio. Ow..-ma.y a er ee 3 Br, 2 Ba, tam rm, lie yd. -=========:=I Blur Beacon, 64.;>-0111 Bier. 2 bath home •ilh bt'aulitul -1 carry 1st tnm deed. Re 1 ''lk to 9Chcds. ~900 or i Duplexes for S.le 1975 EASTSlDE 2 Br trpl beam FHA VA COll'"f':red patio in quiet C.OSta &.ye-rest ltll J REl~M/s~~TE •• ., AA~ 7682 ~ ~·"~,.,,.~mo. teaR. 96:J..5869 1---------~~~~·. i;:;~i~io, ~dull~ only. :1i~ Y=~=tiRR~: Newport HeiC)hts BAYCllEST. Not lt'a1ed 2.l13 E. Coast H11.')'. i75-2lat ....-......... ,,........., ..., W•slminsler 1612 1 Cd1't, 2 hou5es, g a r dt n · I WE SELL A HOME , _ _.. 3 BR, 2" Ba"· LR. FOR WEEKENDS $5.3.000. $1000 down. 4 BR. 2 Ba. home: w i 11 . . NEAR CUFF DRIVE. On ...,,... ·1 .. _, 1 HOME' Bia = =u "' ~• I · Spa .... ,;,.,,. ~ D-"-t:'•sr. EVERY 31 MINUTES Xtra ·--, __ ;,., nn. DR. st -:;;,.,;;;"',;,"~.;;c~·'---~~==·~ ease/option. Ov.'ller/agt, '"'-~ ~ ~"' """' doublelot~·ilh !argegreem, -..gt' ...... ,...., or for r\'"tt)'day living. th~ • OPEN Howir by owner Sa.I = 6iJ...8800 499--1990 Eves SIDE home \\ilh fie"\\' CJllll I Walker & Lee large landscaped private Breakfast. large kitchen. 1-Bdrrn. + small conv. den, & Sun. 3 Br. lam nn. lge RENTALS •-. •-·"y ,.,,.. 1_ •. , .. r,...:. '""'' 60-Im---·' 1 , u.-. · N-• ,..dy ... , ___ _, Houses Furnished I $225 • 3 BR. Condo. 2 "'"'!"' u"""" cu .~......,. pool. 2640 &q. fl. 4 big Bfod. ~ nwu.;wae ....... v SllrpnR .... IUllDCU OC· covered patio, playgrnd j _ _:.o:;:::::..:...::.:::.::=.:._ & ouL Fi.rm price $23.950.j 3M3 '''estcl.iU Dr. room, J Balh.s, Form&l Din· B.AYCREST 4 BR features. Lot 20brd for~ cupancy. 4 Br, 2 ha. bit-in area, big lot, close to IChool. General 2000 BA. Shag crpts. Dr,>s. bltns. Call SG.M:Z.t 648-mt ing: Room, Break!ul room, (utfom Bultt Home other unit. Priced in lo~· 1'l1ie I: oven, di.ahwuber, !: .shop'g. $28,900. 16Ul lmn1ed. Occup. 546-ill9·t Ope_n 'tll 9:111 P.!it Laundry room, J.car med Y.'W trade. J...&tse beaut. $30'1. w/w crpt, drpg. rur yd fenc. Dana Circlt'. 847·26'78. ---------$145 • 2 BR Home. R/0, N gang!' "ith pov1er opener, yard. Secluded St. 5U-077l. MORGAN REAL TY ing, front yd landscaping. $110 • util Pa id. Co z Y fncd )'I'd for children, gar. Brand ew-pane.ling dt'COrator wall pa-34U E. Cou1 Hwy., Cd'.\I S2l,.'i00 FHA & ?.fin. dawn. Santa Ana 1620 Ba.cbeior apt nr Frwy. Blue Beacon, 645-0111 Bk:r. COUNTRY CLUB VIEW prr .•. Luxurious Uving on Dover $hons ln.7 613-6642 6"7S.M59 VA $400 total dov.'11. Call Active, Bkr. SJ4..6980. /1~1.MAC. 3 BR. hse, bltJl!I, Builder 'l\"aJlts offer on thiJI a Shady, 'J'ree.-Llned Street. * TRIPLEX * 962-ll53. DRIVE BY ;nu \Y . $130 • UTIL pd. l BR duplrx. crpls, drps, nr schls. $190 POSSESSION A PROBLlM MOVE RIGHT IN ~~~ ~:e~: ~ =~~~l!i! for $49,950. *IA Y-MOUNT Al N5* <RARE OPPORTUNITY) An. I OPEN HOUSE ~V ~nd Sf~ S ~ N ~~ ~~'!!. :;·.· ~9so ocean. mo. 548--3.151 or 646-9434. recreation room plus ~ 54'-2313 646-7171 ~ .. ~ .. ~~~ C: nual income $5.'100. 2 Lee. The yard'• a mess but the '"cream-putt'", 3 Bedrm , 1~ $1.J>. 2 BR Triplex, a\•ail ~n!~~ .. ~~-.1 :~: family room. Exquisite Az. dotu; / trium hedlUOml EACH, fully~ inside is likr new 4 Bednn BA, heavy shake root. huge I ~· kids & ~ti \Oo'elcomed. ~S-66M. lee gokl carpets in every pan.ry, spa w a ~m. no \"ae&ncy. Jd~al loc. 3 b&tb w/forma.l 0dining ~ kitchen, crpts, drps hd•·d Act1\"ll!, Bkt. 534-6980. =~==~----n ns Back Ba.y Bargain. 0.'n. er ha.s rTlO\?d an<! .,.,·an11 1 a fMI sale . 3 St'drooms, 2 baths • Custon1 q u a I 1 t y throughout. room .. 2 Campletr baths • 6 l'OUrt. S Br's expandahle, tn ~.ta Mt'U.. Try $.'iiOO On. il lamily room All this fo HALECRESI' • 3 Br, lien, and a real cou.ntry atmos. 51'.klO 8q tt. 4\i Ba, hi<"eilinp, Sacrifice $36.900. • · r fin, 20x25 K~-1...ge I Sh 2 Ba. cpts, dps, bltns. S22:i he SJ.11500 10'"' 00.... 4 car pr., accommodates Call Pal 'Vood 54:'>-2300 Jlfi,500. yard. Bet.-n Edi nger "I Rent• I to are 2005 mo. fll 1J.>.!H32, 812·71.'il P rt".· 646.11 71 '' -n. * Ol'EN HOUSE 1ge groups. Furn. opl Price e Bill Haven, Rltr. Open Sun 11 -5 \\"amer off Fairview. $23,!al ____ _ 1124 HIGHLAND ki9.-ered to $169,1'.XXl. Ownt'r rut E. Coast, Cd.\! 67J.J211 21921 Starfu"ll! Lane 5-l~JG.12· I E~tPLOYED lady "'ishes to Newport B•ac:h I Sat •. & Sun. 1-5 5'S-7'249. I BEACH HIOEAWA_Y_ So"l'lhu~~~tooRell<ala_:~tale share 2 bedroom Costa 3200 For Details -&;o. 71 ii IRTHEREAV ........., c... Laguna H ills 1700 ~leaa apartment "'·ith saint". ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! lfarbor Highlanch. 4 Bdrms. -Fh~ bednxuns1 Three baths' !K>3C24 • -21~ baths. '''alk to Marinen Univ•r slty P•rk 1227 Fre land! One block t~ I Ont child OK. 557-9796 alter DOVER SHORES 4 BORMS •• 2V4 BATHS School. $39,000 ocean! Rwitic chann in , $21,950 LEISURE World Con-6 p.m. Enjoy a n1ountain Vieri t: Bii-in kitch. +lg, !lt'l"Vice SCENIC PROPERTIES 15 FT. X 30 FT. CdM's best location. $49,000 eCLOSE TO BEACH• dominium. Beaut. prden l\\'ORKJNG girl wishes to l 'd I ~ ESTATERS '~ '•' ·. . '' 2 BEDR~I. hrd"d floors, frplc, xl.nl cond. Ea.at C:'lf. R·2 $19,500. Kingaard. RE * 67.S..5726 * 3 ~-•·-a .. rm, 1._, Villa ready late ltfay. 2 BR. 1 shart' Bay View apt. l~'ilh poo 51 e iving in !his spa.c-porch & \\'Ork area. Dbl. gar. .,.. STER BEDROOM OPEN SUN. 1·5 '""""""'" .... ,...., ~ I ious 5 bedroom home. All Comer Iol $25,950. ltlay BY O"'NER, bea.ulitully kept mA JJ3) SEAVIE\V bath!, ~lace. New paint 2 BA. Special low price. Amt. $31 monthly. G?S--4399 electric radiant heat: J1Ai trade for Eutside. ,;tw. J Br. 2 ba, tam nn. Low down paymenl Deel. Hal Pindtln & Assoc. inslde &: out Boet door, )&e S37-3937 -1 .~: ~ .. __ :.,_ m..i •-•'-~-bathti. \Valk.in wt"!t bar. 3 F&rel \\0alker Rea.Jtor 646-7'14 SJ3,9";i.). Good Joan. 646-6185 Jent financtna:, 7% % anmW ~REALTORS patio. &aume low interest n tu'• ....... u•5 ... • w ,...,..,, Car electric garage. All on 1000 General 1000 General \ 1000 ~= :te~~ :!; _!,.___Hwy. 615-4.192 ~~EAR REAL TY L•guna Beach 1705 ~~ aJ,.ai;: ~.with ;!i'~ =~~t=~= shopping. Beautiful loca.tiotl. NEXCELLEO VIEW 147.aso7 Eves: 642-04:17 ROOMMATE lstraigb.tJ to Avail June 151h on an an. MI 2-2222 General · S@V..4)}\.-/tt.trs • Tho Punle with tho Built-In Chuckle 0 ll:tc1n-onqe ~ 6 11:rcmbled "'°"di t>.bw 10 mok• i6 .,'l'lple wordi.. Print lett..-t of 90Ch in in 11119 cl IQllOr~ I BOYMER I I I I' DAFCEA I' I I I' I I FEZHOR I I I I r J · .. 1 _",_oe_n,_"__,___,___.__.I I I .I I' I I HICPAL l I I I It seems no one 11 ....,. aot.. f sf itd. Poor m.n wrsh tt.y were rich; rich men wish they. ~re kondsome; bachelors wish tliey Wffe married· ond married meri wilh -'were -. • r::~:.~~.ES I' r r t r r r 1· 1 •tr.u:r I I I I jwm I I I I I SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIRCATION 7600 Only $38,995"" .... 2 ....... or -• ,.,..... Attr. NEAR TIIE BEACH OLDER '""" 3 BR 2 BA. ,...,,, ., .. '"""'' 1700 Momh • bdrm. lam, rm. -·· oplit "'''home'" R-3, 5!00 ESTATE K .. 'port Bch. 61>-1458 MACNAS.IRVINE Aif:nl: Phone {n4) m.aJ00 ,q, ft. lot. Ideal for 4 ApL .....__ -·-• ,___ BACHELOR will share 1_ Realty C.Ompany uni bl. $2'15.000. 2501 Ocean New 2 story. 4 Bedroom. 'roe most unu~wu '""'°" •~ .. ., 1714) 642 "235 .LARGE BONUS ROOM OVER GARAGE E.xct"llent financlnt: and ~ cation, 7•• * &Mual pttt't'nt- qe rate. \\'/w carprt, 2 Story. l bdnn. home for only $34.~. Ar'ent: .... Phone 1n41 333-0300. Irvine lnl Bl ~ ~.. Ex---•-, •.. --•. 1.~. have seen in y··-. • ~1rc:1 attrac. ~ 111rith vltl\•. -v \'u., ....... ~ By annl. 0~1·" .-'"""" ·-~"'" "·"" ,......, ....,.,... I Ml Do Dri • · 1lO •• ·~ '" APPROX .• ~· ACRE ~fust see to appree. 646--6112 ;JI.I Vt"r vc, "Ulle Bill Grundy, ReattCH' acaping Ir 1prinklers. Cor-u~ {7141 67' -ner lot, blot;k v.-all ft'n<'l!<I OF GROUND, in the Mart -r.J..110 1133 Dover Dr .• h"B &U-4620 2 Blocks from new High of Laguna'g Rh·il'ra rout. I Costa Mes• 2100 1080 Baysldr Drh'I! OPEN DAILY 2..J School. A real valut' al \\' r TH OUTSTA,\"Dl'.\"G , , Xe"l!Ort 8C'ach 221 HAZEL OR. I $37.iOO. OCEA.N' \'J~r. ~fa~k·t' 9 JI,;:\"£ to Nov. Furn. house. I VIEW OF - Fnjoy tht' aur'f at Littlt' Cot. 546-53.al ROIDI l!Ot:SE, "-l'l"\"tced by '.\"o prl.5 or chi Id r r n , lloml' For HARBOR tro his buil TRA.l " 3 BATIIS. I Appro\-ed references only I.La!'(' 2 Sr + OM m I cusl, I ~SF. bes! To"-nbouse Stately entry Jover&· 11,. nn S3XI 2146 Coll C\! den fir sc"ini:: mt l Ba. 2 ham(', lh'ifV. close to beach. 4 APPROX 5(1 fT LO!\G U:· mo. t"gE", ' car &&r. lmm11c. ldt'al for DON V. FRANKLIN BR. 21:' ba. Din .. rm. All trnslve ·~ of ~uxi ~1.1 2 BJ_t .. gar.: patio. Quiet ""~pie. Open Sat & Sun. 3001 REAL TOR elec. Dish•·ahr. ~1 car gar. I 1 OVERPOYlER L"iG tropical setting for adults. Cliff Dr., N.B. Call 6T">4925 • 67).mt • FUily ~t'd . "draped. Lo\-e-s~& \\'ALL • FIRE-1 blk shops. $185. 5-J4....0.62. TO\\"NHOUSE· 3 BR '. -:--===o-====· I lY patio Sacrifice -$25 9lO • . 2 ~ * OPEN HOUSE Low .. .: °""" o;o.1"9. . PLACE .• BDR.\f. FLOOR 1 BDRll. fumiohed, Eri;do, BA, """· ... ~. pool, 2 NOSTALGIC S..t. & Sun. 1.J 2 Br cottage, ?ttai.a St., 6 ~y ~!:~ ~:=. >"9f1!·q~~~ ai~~ :;s.g~ ~ ~~s·s;~ ~~ ~ 2127 ALTA VISTA blb from beach. Owner bullt-tni. ope1111 to LARGE Wt'Stminster, evn & wlmd&, or 642-2-197 e\'el or.\\·lmds. Com& see the ftCl'eational 4 Bdrm. + famlJy room must sell tlrl1 week. $15.500. FAM. RM. Unique 10larlwn, EASTBLUFF tadlltiel ~ you and )Qll' Fabuloua Vkw! M7,5CO 536--2>68 or 53&-7625 APPROX. 40 FT, LONG, N•wport 'BHcfl 2200 1..ovely 4-BR l & de 2 famib'.lthoola,abopping .•• 57'':,n;r.~n 31JBR:·\\~~t~~1: ~CK~~~~ I S BR. 2 BA F\lmished BA.Lrgta~~SeeS:iA ewrythina to )'O'.a' 2~ OCl!AN VIEW HOME A s'--'1. Auome FHA at BEAM CEILING i ALL \\'alerfront home, $400 rno. Sun. 2826 Catalpa,. 644-1437. This apacioul 4 br, ,. bl 511.4 'iJ GLASS WALL. LOOKING 536-3743. Ch111er. on the Pf'rferl lot cat1 be J..arse 3 Br. 2 ba. Quality 1.950. 842-2691.. TO TIIE OCEAN. RE.VT Al..S-p 0 0 13 t d • or youn for only S3'7.000. P.S. cpts. • drlil .. l-way trpl. Honeymoon Cott91e Th1s bettl!r ...... ijty home, OF Lido Isle 2351 Baytrnnt. 2 & 3 BR ap~ Jt bas central a.Ir condition-All bit-in kite'" • mott $16 500 F fl p I •-< a. • U r ct: APPROX. 3100 SQ. M'., has · l~nltM!, Sl50 up. Alt. Ing. EXTRM, ~tol' Terms. Jdtal for a a&aner home for bttn grHtly restored. Still LtD..\JRJOUSLY furn, Ex· _&16-0il2 e Reel Hiii Re•lty Open Sal i Sun. ncv•lyv."eds.' n1t\), pay rent t'CUtive 2 BR, 2 BA, dress. '°'""""'=="""'=-~ Univ, Pan: Cnltf'T, Irvine 1014 SEAL.AN£ Bkr, 67.xiQI \\i>f:n you can Q\\"N your ~. so~.. ~I J N 0 R nn., So. p1.tio, t\r. Ik1'C'h I $lTJ BAYSIDE VIiiaire No. Call A-· .. 1me S33-0ll20 I \\" TOUCH UP • HERE &· • Adults 1 Yr l~t" $3"'' 81. 2 Br. 2 &. Qlrpcita, ''¥" l BR, 2 Ba. Jri tam. nn, own, asher, dryer and re-TiiERE. Offtrr-d, as t~ tor 6 __ ~. · · 1.il Sl!\\"l', rcrri; Adu I 1 ,,.,..,..,.....,_...,.,.,... 2 trplc'1, pool. 1 Blk from trigl!~1.or &l'l' Included, be~ $67,500 FULL PRICE nlO. ,..,,.,~t 613-079$. · l BR. 2 Bl. frpl, family prlv, bch In Shol'f' Cliffs. lievt 11 or not, and onb' :> ou·xER \\lU. TR.ADF: I rm, % blk pool il tennis. l':~ Joen. WW W:e back year1 old. Call t'JO\\" befl::irt MISSION REAL r( l,;B;;•;'bo;;:•;;;:h;l•;nd;:;;;;;;;2;;35;;;:5 13 BR . 21 1 bas, lam. nn. ~tan olltr. ~160. ltc 2nd. $59,SOO. SJPrtl45 1t'11 Cont. LOW 00\VN FHA 98S So C.out H La 2 f'rplt11. Gn'al loc S295 ltnn!I avall11blc . wy., J(Unl ftALBOA ISLAN I ~lo. Bede Bay 1240 ~p~ ~~es.~~~ . wE SELL A HOME Phon. 1714 ) 494-0731 . D Yearly Lease D Jea.n Sm11h Realtor ~ 1.BY::.:;:;OWNt:R:..:;;::,._J_Bt-_.-1~..:.:;Ba;:: Harbor View Hills. Vop\ EVERY l l MINUTES NEW 2 BR. 1 BA + Ahlill 4 &drm home, just itepg to FOR Lt'llSe. Nrw NorthbluU houe. Oner wUI fU\IJIQt (:G, RJtn. '1)...2020 Walker & Lee -"""'"Bl . ~It: walt'f South Bay, tumlshfd, Con. ~~minium. 3 BR. 2'i Ba \'le'A•,. t ·1 n O\'en, tact Jean Rlllrr. Peter Bar. -.iv. Nr llChoot mkl. Pool, : ~ =r. :~ i!:'~':°" 'hw~~~ rangr---<mhwuher. Bala!K"Pd rett Realty, 160S \fet11difi tennis ca. ~ ~ Wettmlntb!r al Wiison. 4 bdrm 3 BA, Gd ftnance ~~?"9 ~·Do~~,950. Or .. N.B. 60-5200. Evn: '2 BR. New J)*lnt, crpta, Open Sat .l sun IM %ll5 Windom' Open SUn 1-5 M).Slt) 1llift' ~ .;..,... wn. or 543-41&4. dl'p!I, l"ffr1g aVlf!. Nr. boeh. ------'""-';..;.'..;;;:-"'"------1 ... -!l!!!,,..,,....,..,...,.1 ,... mt1 = ,.,,....,,, • ' ' • ·--------------· (.. Sowrday, M1y 2, 1'170 DAILY l'llOT llENTALS 'Rl!NTALS RENTALS I RENTALS ~· Unfurn~-Apia. Unfumlohtd Apts. Unfurnished _Aph. Unfumlohoil Coat• Met • 5100 Cotta Mt11 5100 Huntington Bt1ch 5400. Huntington BHch 5400 RENTALS Apts. Unfurnllhed i..,u... llffd> ~ --* * * .. REAL ESl ATE BUSINE~S ont1 _G_!'1!!_a.!_ _____ 1._F;..l:.;N;::;ANC_l_A_L ___ 1 * Lota 6100 Money 19 Loan Elegant living . .. "0••"'' Ceu11tv'• Me•l le1u• tilul A,1111111n1 Co111111unllv" -Pr01111!tnlil l!~lldtrt Ml9.Ulnt • merr1mac woods l u1h l•nd1capin9 wf. 15' Pin• tr•••· 1parklin9 w1terf•ll1, bubbling 1tream1 & ierene ponds mike Mtrrim•c Wood• th• pl•c.1 to live, These I & 2 BR, 2 BA, furn, or unfurn. lpt' fe•fure •ir-cond, self-cle•ning OYen1, beam ceilings, di1hwe1her1, priY. garac;e w/storage, alavetor1, I oa • therapeutic pool, 1wirn pool, BBQ's, saunas & a loYtly clubhouse ....,/soci•I activitie1. Adult, please. Frorn $145-$1 IO. ol • M 'l.''"1 ~t •• l•' SI ~'IS • ' . ' •••••••••••••••••••• NEW APARTMENTS FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN Wiii Consider A Pet $190 Large Luxury 2 Bedroom. l 'h Baths • Enclosed Pat!o:i e EIN'tric Dli;hy,·ashers • Large \Valk-In CI011el:i e Carpets & Drnpcs • Range &: Oven • 'Prlv11te Laundry Room 6462 Warner Ave., Huntlntton 8e•ch " OCEAN V n; W.. IJI, Ba~ 1 ~ 2 'Im. apts. f\U'ft er unturn. erptA, crp.. bltns. R&tlol, w a I k I ll a; diltanet to town. 100 CUU Driw, Lq. Bch. 1 or 2 BR for rut or Jae, w/w eptg, d?"pl, oce-an ~w. underamd pkg:, elo.w to vtry nice be•eh. 494·9633 or 494-1447 !\fr, Brach. REAL P S T"TE Uener•t ~--~-----r 1MPaono LOTS 1st TD loan •·or Sile 6 fl.Ill¥ bnprovOO , -·-lot:: In prime Joe of Cerrttos. ....,...,.t lnttrttt A~ 0 "" to Mt .... ""'. Car-fnd TD loan monita, AOO, 3 Improved Individual lob In 11.8. AU in Terms but!d on t'Q'UltY.. ~·ell de\!~\tlped areas. $8350 642-2171 JU.0611 p;t !fit • tcmt11. By Owner. Servin& Harbor area 21 yn. C 11 11_ P.1r. Graham 71-i: S1 ttl,r Mort,.1e c .. M 902-lli3. 3.16 E. 17th Street Whoddye Want? Whaddya Got? ANNOUNCIM!NTS SPICIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR AcrHge 6200 and NOTICES Renlols Wanted 5990 NATURAL SORN SWAPP!RS 0-;;::-E'R. -·--'-----·I • • • • • • • a • a a a • • a a ·~ ---------' <-I I R "''~ t'OrCl·\! to sell Found (FrH Ads) UGO ~-__ ....,.c • •f• beaut. 20 J.c. At Rancool --...;.. ST. GEORGE APTS. * Mgr. 8424127 ~i.D. l•nl\J.y \Vtnli 2 or l S LIMS -5 tlm•• -5 buck a Callfnrr1iu. Only ;noo per F o u No L r NG . swttl, ~ac~~a~t_;'P;, ;~ ~~ >-Wtltt .,.., ,..!V'j.1'.,;., AO Musi.:,.~"':! .. m 111 fr•-. Ac.: w/$5000 do\vn take lovable. rned-u::, need• Jov. LOVELY ~. J Br, Crpts, t-vou111 .-..•lllll'f 1-.a. •..f 11,., ti -.fftlt... over Uu&ncing Ing home, wqutd love d bl!' Adu! ON BEACH! nlay buyand/oroption.2 ~THIHGl'OllllAll -""Dl!SONl Y• F' !\"!'-1 -"lid 1.,. 1 rps, -ins .. aar. ls, . • school chlldn!n, do(. P.O. To Pl1c1 Yeur Tr1der't P1r1dlM M are '¥a "~·r Rea tor 6'6-7414 "" ren 10 P ~' "' 1 h • no pets, $l35 mo . 646-l?S2. Do)( 3125 Napa, Cal. lT07> PHONE 642-5671 2"' Aaea by Owner, Utilities-Healthy & happy, S4:-MS22 ** 1 BDRJ.t , mkidle aa:ed, e SINGLES FROM $140 ~-BEAUTIFUL ENGWSlt 6 3 Bedroom h:une I Redon. near t1.1nni~ \\'1t1cr & Colt FEl\fALE German Shepherd. re.ftttncts required. 2320 e 2 BR l~~ BA FRO~I ~iz RESPONSIBLE couple •••till RM Home near P1111idena do Beach wlll\ vie.'; of L A Cnune. $950 dn. ll<l,900, ~r may clalm by klen- Elden Ave. e 2 BR :? BA FROi•! $260 ttnt furnished house or fOr N.B., Cd:'\f, C.M. Dupl~ aN>a "'il l TRADE tor ~ai C2l3\ 'm-2'm tl(ying • brln:' paptrt, 2 BR APT. ~need ytl. trplc:, • 3 BR 2 BA FROM $360 apartmant ,,_,ith 2 or inore or uni11. Hom~ valt $29.500 propE_.ny In Oran&e Cow1ty, St~7B37 a!ttt 3 crpt, drps. S150 mo. Call Carpets-drapes-d~wuher bedrooms., c:lcse lo ocean clear. Call 548-8532. !-"ul11.'r RC'ally 54&-0814. Resort Property 6205 BLACK & white mutt! part I R!!lfrlluF=====~~~~~~~~~~:I 831...o289 heated pooJ.-sauna.teMis ...,.,_,ii .. u red 1 Rl!NTALS rec room-0eean views-trom July !5th 10 Aug. 31. Sl,000. Fibrea;las Dune Bug. 2 Nt'"·rr duplexes, sjde by BEAUT, 3 ltvel Lake Ar-_. e.. v.·e • . ' v c. Apts. FurniiMd Co1t11 Mes• 5100 Newport Beach 5200 patios.ample park.int,. G. Davli P.O. Box l021, IY, street legal. big lires, side: 3 Br. 2 Ba. ert., fpJcs; rc:iw~ad home, .i Br, 3 Ba. ~~ t.. Victoria, -* ' ' ' ' . " . " . ' '.. . Security guard.i. Beverly Hills. niaey extras. Trade for late nr. beach. Equi1y appro.'<. Tiled kit. l: baths. Oltnf;:;==-·~~--~~- Huntington ~e11cti '400 BR·AND-NEW e NOW. RENTING e FURN. also Avail, :l. 3 or 4 CAR Gara.re y,•anted m<Xk'l V\V or !! Capo Bch $17,000. Trncli.' for lnnd or vacuun1 t'l<'anrr systeni, FOUND black poodle. In. 1---------Beaut. ne1\' 2 Br. 2 h!tth units HUNTINGTON tor sto~. Newpon Beach, 49&5572. indust. flt>;t!to1· 673-43.""iO. crpt:::, {!rps, f)('W Rock jurcd on Irvine /\ft. about STONEHENGE ms \V/qual, cpts. & drps. Pinn. Coata. MKa area. \\'Ill leate. ~1 Acre Country EsUlte 3 I lave-commei'Glal Jibe wa. lo1aple d1n·g set, new llving 8 mos old. 5-18-1389. 2 Br, :.! Ba, dshwhr, pool. APT HOMES ned for p_rlvacy pJui; outside PACIFIC ~Ill Patton .• day~ 5"1&-3107, Br, 2 00. 18x3G' pool, ,m., l<"r soHcner, used t yelll', rm furn. fmst-frtt· ttfrig., Prt»er!ptk>n 1lU11es on Cen- billia.rcho. Furn, or un lurn. • !iv. areas. pool & f'l'C'. facil. 711 OCEAN AVE .. 11.B. ves 5'18-33.JJ I es OK or un111 L11 rear. Gi•111 1011, 1ransportaUon ~h\\ilr. self-cleaning O\'t•n , ter St., La&una Beach, Ira>' $1;; • $lo'. 23~_ Flo·,·da. Dbl . c;arag:es. Jn 1h<' hcarl tn41 SJG..1487 cc:;?LE wishes to 1'1!nt $20,000 equity, \Vanl incoml· C'ar. \\"1111( 11~rd cainpcr ar · ouse I!!~~ thfln 2 YI~ (lid . frame w/ gold. 494~ "" OJ .<11 • Ne\-er before lived in. P ri· t N 1 Bch / , ,...,..,..,.,._..,,....,.,.. ! cl /k"t . p 1 ~ Cllll 531 7636 \'\ 141, 1 Lived in 2 11·kod5 only, &11 . . "c"36-=27_30~·=~-----1 vate patio living. N car o P. . w easy access I' ean room w t . pnv. or l'OJM'I' Y ot· , . . . \'. &I'.,::! !()r OOrt:'!id••rt1bly lcs~ thnn BU<:. ~hort hall' dor. Jge. 1 NEW 1 BR·blk 10 beach. beach & shopping. All llC\V lo shopping. beach, frv>ys. NEAil lluntington llarbor. [ housclreeping room. Mr. Ne\\'J>Ort Be11.ch rull f'amily !st REAL F:STATE eon· rosi lit S·I~ GOO Call ~14• mttlc, young. nr La Pa:r: Rd. bu,.11.,.",, .,.,,,,,.,., ••• , ,,1,, S250 to $300. T1·lplexe1. Quiet area. Lrg I Vrce1nan 642-4408, Bo x. Tennls Club tltt>nt '"--. ,.,p. 1 •.. 17111-, b la •.""lo'" , .. ,·,1·,,. 'aw-·. 4 • \!.'ell bl!huved, Eve. 495.(1262 ~l~: sin~lc ~~\~s. ·co~~!~~! carpe;;ng, <lra~s.'"~rivate BOYD REAL TY l & 3 BR. $140 & llp. Pl'ts, Pto;,, Daily Pilot \\1111 trude for motorc";~Jo or ;~ents $.i(tn~ua"1·t~~(;; ...,.,... ""' ~ "'" BLACI< &: ..._,hlte Bunny, 202 A 14th. 536-1319• 673.178' living. 644-1617 675-5930 ~~~~~re~(21 31 592~2623, RENTAL SERVICE land. $700 vnlu~. final Apr '711'rade lute n10. R. E . Wanted 6240 Corona de-I ~1ar area. e 3 BR·2 BA-frplc., plus YEARLY. 3 BR. 2 BA. un-Free to L•ndlord1 Call 546-0357 del car/truck !! 67~1lM7 613-093.l Lagun• B•ach 4705 e 2 Bft..2 BA.patios furn: c1·pts. drps. dshy,•hr, CHEZ ORO Apts. 8234 Atlan· Blur. Beacon, M$-OlB3 0.f \Vant 1n1all rc1note conll'OI 1if DodCf! 6 cyl. Jlonlcy-tonk Sl50,000 CASH on hand HALI'~ grown part Genna.n all elec, patio, gar. Call ta Neiv 1·2·3-BR. pri·;. e LANDLORDS e TV, \Vill exchangP $300 piano \v /Uuor. keys. Tapt For lelll!cd conimerciaJ Shephud temal~. VI c . 1 BR Apt; also sleeping mu. • 1 BR-l BA-deJuxe 50ina:le alt 6 pm, 673-6011. garages. Pool. U ti 1i 1 Y FREE PENT AL SERVICE t"QUity In 114 acres n~ar rerordcrs &: waJkJe.talldes, or mlg prop, Preler good Harbor Hiah Sehl. 642-32Tf Util pd. Free TV & radk>. Corsican Apt. Homts rooms. .._.,,,,,.,.,.., Broker 534-6982 Palm Spr!ngs. Bal. payable tradt! lor \1·hat have you!? Leaseback S.10 yrs. \Ve Newport Shores 5220 536-8038 or ....,.,....,., .. , $15 mo. 536-1131 645-0077 Pay all Ins in ~rmv. LARGE. honey colored pu.p. 2200 So~C.OUt Hv.')'. SUNFLOWER AVE. HUNTINGTON Bay Col'Mlo. Rooms for .Rent Can add clear $45000 mfg. C~ & ldenttty. 60-2869 Bachelor or Single apts, La· Btwn S. 1tiain & Bristol 2 BR, 2 BA Duplex IU" ocean, Adults. J BR. \Vshr/dryr. ·-'-"'-"--~599;..:.;;5 '63 Ramhler O>nv 6-OD Have 196:1 Jeep FC-170 4 Net.net 8r:t. * Lessee AAA 1-="===;:i::====· I EIJM Bch. Low \\'eekly Rat-Located ~2 mile E . of South w/1v crptg, drps, bltllli, Pool. S185. 5 36-2 212, OIEERFUL Room le bath floor shltt !or travel lrlr, wheel dnv~ P.U. S7SO Val-L.ytle Rlty 583 W 19th Lost '401 "· From $23 wk. 494.7201 Coast CPlalul 5~plp91ng73Centu $185-Yrly lse. 218 Cedar 61:r6806. overlooking ocean $20/wk. boat &t ~~on trlr, P$4·':'· ue. \\'ant \\1dc bed P.U. 54<>S-~9493~'_~~~,.0'":!!S-~· !:""~'~I ;;;;;::--;;:::::=:;--:;~:: LARGE single, view, near • """ Nicely deoorat~t bldg, car au 0 ..,....,.., camper, :JQ ot' van. -R lbl p LOST: Oepllrtment ol the Eves. 545-2321 East Bluff 5241 N~V l Bft..blk to beach. sundeclc" k&"n. Dprtrtv. 1289 value, trd up/dwn. 642·2098 494-0386 alter 6 P!'>f espons • 1rty Army shield--bad&• lo beac:h & bll!lness. util. pd., I ---~===~--Sl::O. Pr\ pa.Tio • QUIET! W•nts to Buy v~ 1 or 2 mature adults. $150 FAIRWAY ---Gar, si ngle adlts, couple. S. Coast Hwy, La I u n a 3 units equity $9000. Ofc. \\'ILL TRADE 10 irrli:ated . bro1Po·n Je::ither cue, in vie lse only. 494-TIIS. PRESTIGE LOCATION 202 A 14th. 5.36.:l.'ll9, 673.1784 Beach, 4!W-9017 wiled lot, clear. Va l. S401't. ~("rei; in Hemet \\'/3 rentals llou~ or iocome property c:! \Vt'Stmlnster Blvd bt,,_,'Tl For lease. deluxe 1888 Sil. ft. LARGE • Clean. Priv. Ba, JI acres. equity $35..\1. Trft.de for OralJie Counly int.'Ome . On or near 1to•atrr Rancho SI &: Golden Weit. OCEAN lront tilodlo apt. 1 VILLA APJS. 4 BR, 21.;; BA apt, Frplc, 2 BR apl., carpets. drapes, Clo5t' 10 bch. Respectable tor t,ioat /R.E. DarUni; Rily. property I-or 10\V dt'l1to•n paymt Plca&e call 892-7906 artult. Avail. until JU.ly 1. drapes, crpls, Y.1?l bar, pri dishwashf'r. ac1'QS.S from in:>I"'' g<"I. SlO "'' 714/ 68&.-"iltil. Ctlll (Tl.(l 9ti2·2!!61 fl"Om OT.Tter LO S T L d ' Id Utlls. Refs. No gar. $1Qj balconies,dblgaroUkltchen 1':urdy park. Sl~:J 1110. " " " ' .* * Cell: 675-8575, ; a !ell go me. 1746 Octan Way Priva te palio, pool • 'ihdiv. dSh\vhr, dbl oven. Pool. Conv 816-5377 9G2-40~ aft 5. 'i * * '* BUSINES~ •nd 11,.Jstwatcll. vie Sea Shanty 2 BA laundry fat". to 1 . hlil & tio $15 PER wk up \\'/kitchen or Reuben E. Lee, ND. BR. l h do1to·ntown Near Ora11ge Co. Airport & st00''1 "'$350 recrea n. ULTRA private 'l Br. 2 Ba ~ wk up apts. SS per REAL ESrATE RF.AL ES'fAT! FINANCIAL Re\v11rd ! :i36-2;)l9 or l.a~na Bene · Gorreow UCL ·Adults only. n Y mo. deluxe apt Pv1. patio, night le up. 1>1otel. 5'18-97~ General _G•_n_era.l:_ _____ \-----~----i-"~'~-~'°"-' -"-'-'·. -----vie\1·. $200 010. lease . 835 Amigos Way, NB singlf' ~•ory. s11;,, 5:\6-8W9 1-';;_::.:.;cc.:.;______ _ _ 494-16"2 r.f t d 865 Am' --~ COLLEGE or v.'Orklng: girl. WST Mon 4/27 al So. Coa1l J 2Q122 Santa Ana Ave. gr. nex oor igos. 2 BR. Sl.55 "'' 1 yr lease Bal. Isle. Kil & TV rm. Buslne11 Rent•I 6060 Office Rental 6070 Bu1lne11 Plaza: ladles Bucherer SMALL l BR, util pd, bar, J\lgl'. ?\Jrs. Bruce 545-3894 TO\VNHOU SE -Ntw !.rt. Sl50. Patio, pool. JI,~ ba . · I ... ~ ~ .,,,13 0 Calen<I t h Id • ., t'lo!h band. Se nti mental val. Pvt, 2 min to bch. $16 I 'BR, 2',', Baths, f ...... lc, •ncl sun Garfield. 962-899~ inc· ...., mo.~ .. ........., · * OFFICE SUITE pportunltles 6300 o.r wa t' ; 1° cue, mo. Avail 5/3. 497-1153 Vacant & Clean gar. patio. 6T:r5033 HUNTINGTON Bay Condo. BR in fWf'"' Cold Medallion Mod Off' Bid For l~a8e 2600 sq, 11. Tden l R.ewarn. 54~: 645-1274 pVt. borne. SfiO mo or $lj ern ice I · locahon, downtown Lnguo• • CAMERA SHOP, ~,·me·':c.===~,_,--,~~ RENTALS 2 BR. lrplc. Access lo pool . Adults. 3 BR. \Vshrl dryr. ........ 600 S f ..-. 1S1AMESE rnal ~ A U f JlhH I Adult!!. $200 mo. M8-MTl or p 1 S1S5 ~2212 5-;;,-6806 """-646-<llJ'U. 2 q. t. Reach. Crptd, air • eond. Newport Beach shopping fe e, collar. . pts. " um • Spacious l Bednn, 2 bath 64 4-5:1, 6 00 ' • ' ' LARGE nn ln Mesa Ve.rde • 2 Slnry, F\IU y Occupied. Janitor. UUI . Priv dual res!. l~nter. Eitt, 5 yrs • xlnt Vic. Seaview t.. Poinsettia, GeMrll 5000 apt., with all modern appli. =========::. 2 BDR~1· Apt. carpels, built· home. pr!v bani, ptttio. e + 2 Retldenlial Income rm fac. -64-9481 Income, sr.ooo + inventory, CdM. 4 Unhappy children, ~ll +fireplace. !l's Uke lCorona del Mir 5150 ins. ~rage. no pets. Call Semi·priv, entr. 56(1138 Units, • AUTO?ofATIC LAUNDRQ. NoqUestlonsaaked.Reward. VEN DOME IWitACULATE .i\PI'S! ADULT & FAMILY SECTIONS AVAILABLE Close to shopping, Pirie * Spacklus 3 Br'1, 2 S. * 2 Bedroom.t • Swim Pool, PuVl?'t'fn • Frpl, Jndlv/lndry fac'ls 1145 Anaheim Ave. O'.lST A MESA 642-2824 Coit• Me1A 5100 • MARTINIQUE • P11rk-Llke Surroundings DELUXE 1-:2 ': l BR AP'I'S. ALSO.FURN. BACHELOR Prv patios e lltd Pools Nr shop'g e Adults only lm Santa Ana Ave., Cl\t J\lgr Apt 113 e &46-5542 * STUDIO APT. * • 2 Bedroom e 11, Bath • Adults only • Heated Pool 102~ t-.1isslon Dr., Cl\! S40<ltiOtl 540-1559 VILLA MESA APTS. 2 Bit. Prlv patio, Htd pool. 2 car encl'd aar. Children welcome, no pets please! $165 n10. TI9 \V. Wilson, "2-1251. IMMACULATE 2 BR duplex. Bll·in oven and ran.a:e. Dri>a, ntw cpts. Garap. Fenced yd. Gardener &: water pd. Adul ts, no pets. Sl6 mo + security deposit. Avail May 1st. 54&-3036 a.ft :;. BR.k~D Nr1v • Excitlng 2 Br, beam ceila-s, ~hg crptg, pan'lg, priv patio, pool, rec. bldg, sand \'Olleyball crt. Adu lls, no pe11i. SJ&j'., 387 \V. Bay. 6~&-0173, 673-7629 $170 3 Br. 11; BB, patio. bit-ins. crpts. rlrps. Ask about our di1rount plan. 880 Center St. 642-SJ.10. A 111UCTfVE 2 BR, crpts. drps. Pvt palio. N ice nelthborhood. $145. 2 2 71 Pomona Ave. 96Ui721 for appt. 2 BR. 1 '1 Ba Studio. Crpl3, &rps. \llHns. $175 mo. Mar. 339-A Cabrillo. 54M*l3 or ....,.., L BR. E-s1de, prof land, vinyl floors. encl rear yd &: ga r, I adult. no peU, $1Q(l + ull. $35 dep. !)$0-8600 BACH ELOR hide-4lway, ne~ &: benutifully lurn ls hed, SllO, ulllltles In c I u de d , Adult!. no pet.Ii. 54S-109S • 2 BR. New paint, crpts, drps, refr11 avi.ll . Nr. beach. yr ml. 1225. 557~400 2 BR. unfurn. S\30 mo. Infant ·o1t. No pcl&. Joann St. CM. C1ll 5-.l!h3437 LC 2 Or. crpll. drpt. csrport. pool, child ok. 2214 Colleae. M&-0627 SlfiIDJO 2 Br. crpta. drp11, pool. \Vorklnii: t'OUple pnit. No children. 2-13. 646-(M!IG. hav1nt; your O\\'n home! Call iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 962-8578. * ROOM for nnt, re.liable • Prime Cortw<r Location. DESK SPACE f.tAT. FuUy equip • n1in ~Ca=ll-613-~="~'~'·~~--~· I for details. 5464141 - 5610 non-dri1'Lkirl&' man. $l5 wk . ss.l.® 17875 Be~ch 81..,d. lime investment High GER. SHEP. I em a I e, Santa An1 646-60IO tra.llic Joe. SU.500 blklsil\'er, 8 mo&. old Vic The Fox Company Huntington Bectch * OPERATING LAUNDRY. Falrvie"' & S. D. free"'Y· NEW Single sty Garden Uniu . 2 BR, 1 BA, shq: crpts, drpa, d1hwhr. 2 pi.tios, beam ceilings, frpk:, &epftl'afe garage. Adults, no pets. $16j. 2650 Elden, 537-0062 aft 7 pm & Sun, (only 1 apt. left). EL CORDOVA Brand new delux apll, SJ)ae· ious, 1 & 2 Br, awimming pool, J>..bque, rec ball. These are the best in the area. S@e them at 2077 Clarie, manaa-- er John &: Louise Sellen:, &IS-2118. BAYf1tONT 2 BR, 2 BA Luxury Apts. Priv. terrace, elevators, nJ>.. terranean pk'g. All elec. Pool, sofl water, docks. 3121 W. Coast Hwy, Newport. 642·2202 2 BR. Unturn. Newly dee. Ne1v crpts &: drps. Spac grounds. Adlts. no pets. Sl40 mo. 2283 Fountain \Vay t . (Harbor turn. \V. on \Vllson). \\'UJKln Gardena Apta. BRAND ne"' • exciUn& 1 Br. beam ceilp, •hlt crptg, pe.nl 'g, frplc, priv patio, pool, ttc. bldg, sand volleyball crt. Adults, no pets, $140. 387 W, Bay, 64fHX)T3. 673-7629 HARBOR GREE"S GARDEN & STUDIO .APTS Bach. 1, 2, 3 BR's, from $1111, 2700 Peler90ll \Vay, C.M. 546-0370 BEAUI. 3 Br, 2~~ Ba studio. Bltns, ne1v crtp&, drps Ii pa.int . Absolute bargain! 1180. 998 El Camino Dr. j46-l}[il • BARGAL~. Beaut. 2 Br. J~; ba Studio apt. Dl!ns, ne1v crpl~. drp11. locked gate !or 1ecurity. 998 El Camino Dr. 54(;..-0.151 2 BR. StudW> apt. 1\) b1 . Encl pr, patio, New erpll, drps, bltns. $163. Days 542.-3524, eves 546-0689. 1 BR, pri patio. all et«. crpts. drps, carport. No pets or children, re&pon11lble ad\llts only. $U5. 548--132:l. · * DELUXE 1 & 2 BR. Gs.men Apts. Bit-Ina, priv. pallo. heated pool. lrplc. Adults. Sl45 mo. 546-5163 I NE\V l. 2 SR, $1.50 .l Sl70. UUI incl. ~1 A "Q!::ado * 646-0979 NEW Dix 1 &: 2 Br. Shi crpt. drps. bltru, lmmed. "ICcp. Fron1 l\j(]. 540-1973. 54.>2321 * LRG 2 .l 3 BR. 2 Bath&, frplc, bltM. crpts, drpa. Encl gar., p1!.11o. ~1~~ 3 BDR..\f, 2 bath apt built· Ins, cpu, drps, Sl60. 2a15 Oranrt A\'e. 2 BR. Apt. Bltn raJtte, w/w' crpts, garb. dlspl. No pelt. $1'5. 646-2181. 2 BR unfum. apt,, pat;o A built·IN. 2658 Ora,nJ\!! Avt .. c .111. ~ ..... ::_ .. ~. ON TEN ACRES 1 & 2 BR. Furn Ii: Untum nI1!1>l11c:e1 I prlv. patlcs I Pooh. Tennls • Contnfl Bkfst.. 900 Sea Lane I CdM 644-..?fill <MacArthur nr. Cot.et Hwy) -----·---- VILLA MARS,l'ILLES BRAND' .N'EW \ PRIVATE room k bath, en- tr. patio, $6j mo.· * Ma-2'186 C.M. * SPACIOUS Empl ~fal'\o-Slttplng: Rm. 1 & 2. Bdrm. Apts. SLJ, 1\·k. In Qule_t Hom~. Adult Living 54&-0ln, C.01ta ?>.iesa Furn. A Unfurn. FURN. Room for l"t"nt. D!1hwasher. color coonijnal· retrig., hotplaltt, clc. Clrl ed appliances • plush shag pref. S7S mo. 673-093L carpet • choice of 2 color LP~R~N=A~T~E~~R~OO=M.,...~w~/~ba-t~h. schemes • 2 baths • stall Private Entrance, H.B. Call showers • mirrored ward· (Re•ltors} 642-432.1, Ext 276 1-fusband/W:fc bwiiness • 54&-MS.1 3810 E. Ca.it Hwy CORONA DEL MAR lugh incom!!, 1-tealth fott·1SIL'=vm=· ="'bn-,,,~,,~,-,.-,.-m7b~I,. Corona del Mar rlcl!i!t -oiaC'C' '!lpl'Cf', 2 Rnn:. f's We.. . Sl0,900 bl1clded strap, vier Ba)'llde • 6U.9'1!}J • ;~Grou"4..p .. Pfiv baq,_ •.Nt>\v *TACO SI. H1$:h volume. Dr .. Cd~t. rewan\: Cad col-~~~~~~~~~~ I crpt, Part"&:. Utlf pd, $13:i fant~s.tlc loc. Min, do>;rn to lcct Corona. 134---0326 = 0 . 673-6757 quahhed buyer. ns.ooo co . HILLGREN SQUARE nio. l'o nl'r. *LUNCH STAN D. Eas op. VINA ll.S. clus rUJi lost • , $1 :i0 i\10. 900 sq ft, air con<l.. cration • waterfronl y !O(' betw. ToY>er 2 & 4, Hun- 2 stores avail. !·: 1m~ed. ~20 Npt. Blvd., C ~1. 0 ill . C · l!ngton City Bch. Reward, least" in one of city's busiest S4&-2'T6 wncr w tram. 0 0 d (2131 337-400:2 "-. 8......, lermK S~!r;J()'"'="'"'~~--~~-s11upp1ng centers. App, "" Ca11 545-842" 'RWD! Sm. bm, sht·halml sq. ft. ea. lndustrl•I dachshun<l·t{'rrier, mal e . A'ITRACTIVE 2 brm apt. delightful quiet 11 et ting, Clo&e to beach. built·IM and ttf. Adults, no pell $190. Ca.II Atrs. Casey A::t. 613-4841 • 673-8550 2"JO E.17th St., Costa Mt!AA Proptirty 6080 ''Skas h i'', ;i4 5-S696 ===-=~-======[Cal! Mr. Bram (213) OL 1·2700 Paularino & Bilker. robe doors • indirect light-962-8578· ing in kitchen • breakfast bar • huge private fenced patio • plu&h lanuscaping • SUPER PAD! Plush, cozy 1 BR apt nr beach. Crpts, lrplc .• balcony, stv I ttlr. S200 mo. utll pd, 673-1963 brick Bar-B.Q's. larfe heat- ed pools &: !anal. * l Bdnn unfurn apt. SIOO mo. Call btwn 9 am-1 pm, 673-3240 3101 So. Bdstol St. (~I Ml. N. of So. Coa:1 Pl!lU) S•nt• Ana PHONE' 557-1100 5300 CAN'T BE BEAT Single Story UNFURN.-BALBOA Ne11', Lo11·er duplex. 2 BR. 2 ba. & den. Neer ocean. S350 Month Bay & Beach Realty lnc. 901 Dover Dr .. Suite l26 NB 645---2000 Eve11. 64&-6001 DELUXE duplex. 3 BR, 2 BA. 2 Br. J ~li Ba. Garage, frplc. All appliances. Year leue. 838.-4949. South Sclil. /\Unosphen.o 2 Dcdroom 2 Baths C3rpets & Drapes Ai r Conclilioned Private Patios • .5620 I Santa An1 0 !Ar,1,,,.,.1, Spaniah Style Lusury 1 A % 1Je4roo'"' 11UJtiJ.8 •"' Vttftmt-i•W Ale.It Urh•r Qutlif1 Sltq C.rJliftt-Pall P-.lll11r ix1:i1i111 1,.1.,..;.-D1:ri111 JP' .llt-41t l'CJtl.T'f &: Clotl'I ,,,,,.,. n.ch ••' D.Mc""l Air C..114ltiunH E•m J'c•r °"'" Prie•t• Sf, 11-.a1e4 r..i--.€o/.o' 1Y A11ff'1t1t• Now Rentinr-From $140 J•"' N.,1r. •I So•'" c .. ,, rt .. 100() W, /llac.4rthur Bled. 1 W«1r Km •I Brim.I Santa A..ur 540.8497 , 5620 Motels, Tr•ller 3 000 SQ -· • · r •· NEW Bldg., 11,000 aq fl for LOST vie.17th St. l.~ewport _C~ou:;:;r~t~•-----=5~99.:.:.7 r Corner store down1own..Santa sale or leue. For deta.lls Blvtl. Slamete cat wta.rln&: ./ WEEKLY rain. SE A LARK MOTEL, 2301 Ne\\'J)Ort Blvd, Co.!ita 1tfesa. Ana, Xlnt busy Joe. Fro1n Affiliate flea collar. Reward ., '"' "' ti. 206 w. 4th SI. ilania ltralty CANDY SUPPL y ,.,_1877 S.A. 541-5lll &12-6560 ROUTE G~O~L~D-,-,-mn&a7. -~V~lc-. 71!~u~bor-I STORE OR OFFICE (No selling involved) & ~dam1. C.?>f. ~ward. ~.~ecn~te~l~•--..:.5~999C: 1800 or 1200 sq. fl . Parking. Commerci•I 60l5 ~cellent :o~ kfor fe\v ~tn~menlal valu. 540-9677 NE\V Garage. lGx20 for Reasonahll'. &l&-2414 ____ urs Y.'et y wor , (Day1 =c--·=-~-=----- 12S 2630 Avon St., Newport .1 BUILDER OFFERS NEW and Evenings). Refilling and Si\f. Female Burmese cat, storage only, E-ilde. • l"Ollecling money from coin w/flea coUar, vie : Tustin a n10. n,500 sq, fl. deluxe bldg. operated dlspPnsers In Qr. & Bay, C.M. Rwd! 6~2-5107 * 642-26j7 • Office Rent1I 6070 Leased. choice O r ani::e GARAGE S20 mo. Nr. 0.C. I\ i r port • Palisades Rd. !>48-5044 Storage only. Income PrOperty 2043 Wc~cllff Dr • 64G-17ll Open ·u1 9: 00 PM USE YOUR STOCK 6000 As Down Payment on lhHe 9 Deluxe Garden Apaitriienta, $49,500 EqtJlty. our ot town owner 1.11ldou•. · ~&-2313 646.Tln 'O THr. RrAI , '~ CS'fATl:R:J E-SIDE 3 Br $27,0tlO-eSllume Inc. S370 mo. ""'3To0 + 2 Aptt. 6Sii Joe.n. Owner/bkr. IT'S WONDFJlf'UL th e many bttys In awllanctll you find In the CluslDed Ads. Check them nowl I S YOUR AD lN CLASSlf'lEDT Someone will b4t lookinc for IL t>1aJ 64~ ~,, .. ------- $75 single, $175 2 rm suite. Air cond. Sect'y service, parking, centrally locatf'd. So. Calif lst Nat. Bk. Bldg. 230 E. 17th Strc~t Costa i\1esa &l:Z.148:i DESK SPACE 222 Fore5t A"'enue L~e 18eoc h ......... Free Conference Rm. Modernized. offices, furn or unf. from US. Air.conrl. daily janitor, uUl pd, T min S.A. Frwy. 206 W. 4lh SI., S.A. 54.1-5lli OFFICE OR STORE 15 x 35' or 30 x 3S' otl st pking &: ulil furn Newport & Bay Center. Cl\f 2052 Newport Blvd 646-1252 1200 1q. ft. Office In Clvle Center, Santa Ana. Parking, crptl. waler incl. From 29c 11q tt. 541-Slll EXEC ofc 1uile • 1100 gq, ft, crptt/drps. 444 Npt Blvd. Cn.ll llfl 7 pm w k dys 675-4644 Best Loc1tlon in cdM 800 to 1400 sq. II. Deluxe Off. IC<! Spnees. Avail Tmmed. Phone Owner. G(Z.99j(} DESK SPACE 305 No. El Cemino Real Sin Clemente 492-<<m FOR rent offices or stonl 130 E. 17th SL, Cr.1. $85 & up. 64&4181 NO. C.M. oUlce, nice. Prof. AIN:rond. cpt1, dPI, f79 ea.. 1141J..4RSS: att 5, S4T-4'r.!iT County area. Pro perty ang.: Co. and surrounding LOST l\lale Basset. 9 mo'& clear. Owner y,·/c:arry l!il Arca. \l.'e ~stablish route. blk. broivn. white. Rev.·a.rd! TD ll~tk. Prepd Int. ok. Oiandlrs name brand candy Call 536-6803. !°l.1Ch'l6 lj am, 828-5130 pn1. and snack!), $l62S.OO cash GIRL'S S"tini;,--,-,~.~lk-,-. ~Pu~~-I -FORlfue83011q. fl-. -~l~.Forpcraonallnter. pie V.'fl'·hilc bas k ~t. view tn Orange Co. area, Reward! 67i>.5!>""' Downtown H11.rbor Blvll .. CM send name, addre!lll and ""' Good parking -air/cond. phone number to lffULTI· LOST: Shepherd & part Call 642.sofiO, LI S.2698 STATE DIST., J.NC., 1681 W. C~ll ie. femalt. Grty color. MARINA In Newpart Beach. Brond\\·ay, Anaheim, Cali· Vic. 16th SI., C.l\f. 548-6215 Prime Joe. F'tt $315.000 fornla 92802 (71<1) Tf8.5060. LOST: SiUMse ma.le. Vic. ~'~ ~· n •• ., '· R E. Beauty Supp~ Shop ~{,5 ~ Holliday. Call • FOR Sale, lftorc building. 686-698 \V. 191h st. Bethel ExceUent H.untlngton Beach Person•ls 6405 Towers area. !)18-1768 Agt. area in good shopping cen- te.r. Sell beauty supplies. Tom Gawne Jr. lndustri•I Rental 6090 'vigs & do re-styling. Real Sell ' good busineBS. All you need New 8' usN . 11~ & tnicks ----------1 ls $2,000 down & owner will t C "' · * * * * * • take equity of in~ntory in a onnell Chevrolet Ne\\' JWO sq IL $383 mo. manthJy paynients. 2828 Harbor: C.f,,1. 546-~ Nc11·port Beach 6,12-1<18.) The preceed1ng wag a paid I' salesman survi1•ai. adverti!lt!· 6100 rnenl. 962M71 ( :::.J 546.1103 ShiaJe.\Vidoy,'@d.DIYOl'Ced 2'h TO 3 ACRES COIN LA UNDRIES * WOMEN * lots R•ncho Capi1tr1no • . • Is nn1v offeri ng fabulou11, oak Frip1de1re • Everyone'& lookine lor Ilic ~luddC'd, ranch size spN'ad1. From $6500 lo $37,500 right one. \Ve have a "'llY·IO Tiic only ooo11 ol their kind •Buena Park • ~erton • call us S.. Ix-gin to live! in the Cypresa e \Vcstm1nster • 5'7~7 Booming S<lutn COllllt Area Huntington Beach • Garden 24 hr. rocordlng Hlgh above the smog belt. Grove e Twitin e Santa A L COHO LI CS Anonymous Private road8 and locked ~ •. CJ'.:taMr: • Ana. Phone SU-1217 or write to gate guarantee the nntural C~ OIARL~ . 525-7B33 P.O. Box.1223 Costa J\tesa. beauty or UUll former Span· UP TIGHT? Need tomeane lsh Grant suITOutxied by * DANA POI NT * to talk to• Dllll·A·Frlend beautiful Cleveland NaOonal Restaurant • l\1oney maker! &1.T-1293 ~ recording ' Forest. All ut!lltles avail-$12,000 Year • Onl.)' $9.000 \.;:=='=' ======\ able!. Owner will carry, Seats <10 Announcements PRICED FROr.1 $10.Ck).'I Beer & beer take-out lie. 6410 LOW 00\\'N • EZ TERi\iS THE HUNTS~1AN 496-1268 J & J UPHOLSTERY r or true country i\Vll¥l. re-OREAT food & nialt shop me1&ns quality, Lntegrlty 5U· th-en1ent or Just plain ln~st. operaUon lor sale to r ight vlCl', cr&ftsm1&nsl\lp. \Ve 1c. m(!nt at • bargain price. party. UCI Ca.mpu~. Good ctpt challengc-s. \Vt! 11\.;r Call or write fur eompltte bUtilncu now . fantastic bcoul\lul fumltuff'. detail!! and fn-c eolor bro-l?l"O\Vth. S.'\000 dn. Contact '42-5176 & 646-&0SI churc11, Dan. 833-2470 RANCHO CAPISTRANO L I N 2!72 DuPont Dr. Rtn. s FANTASTIC Bas. Oppor. 6 _!9• otlces 6450 Newport Bench. !)200.t .yr mrdium siwl rcstaurt.nl AS -o'l7n4t70 t will t 3 In N .B. that must be sold , • no 13~321 due to l°"1 of mgr. lOM dO\Yn ~ re1poo1lble for any debt8 CdM C.11 Gille Pike • 494-6373 for but my own. 1~ l31k. Beach. 2 1dj, R.-1 appt tn see. Shlrlty Lou Cl'tf'I Gibson lot:: -I· o.n tnc. h.~. Ai:t· l\fANUFACTURER h<1s Inn-T t in '4t0 675-898.IJ. tu tic bshld i n v en t lo n . -"-°'-~''-----'-""'I VIEW Lot R-l ~una Bell.Ch ?>.t11.rket est. Bank fine. eit. TEACHER Will Tu to r 8200 sq. ft., paved street, Sell p&.rt lnt. for Sl0,000. ReW'ded ChOdren. A!to, AU i.11 u111 . Irie. xl nt bldf, 1ltr:. Jtl lnoome. C&ll 327-6193 IU&htchOOI Subjects, Ca 11 Only S9:.oll. 642-illJS. Palm Sprlnp Ens. 53M7fT RlNfALS • ; Apia. , ........... , RENTALS Apia. Fumlshecl 11 NTALS · -UnlunUslled , ;;;;;;; Buch H Cotta "'9s• 41io I BR. 2% lta. town home. l•S..tm\n\ni po<)I. $300 '"°"th Hal· Pinchin Realtor fl'>-092 LOVELY Sfllr ,,.,,,. "llP" Back. Say. 2 Ba.. car-Peli, dJlll, ftnced, Ip kitc:Oen. Shown sun. only. lmlllt<l occup. $26.) mo 64&-2147, PARK AVENUE -, & lllN'JAl.S ·. • • 1-~.~,... -,t..-N..,..,....,.._~--.1 ;• Aplo. f~!!.hffc.:;....,._1·--"",..v0 • VJ,_"!JC F•f1'M ..... I M!r 41?' "°;/i;.~uott~~ ---~ 1 ~~~ • citfllae:l NI BACHELOR ·~· all utU Ttl l COUHfT 0, OIANO• paid, $65 mo. 673--Jllj, 317 1,111, ,1 ~:.U:..oU4~t1 i:t.. 11 .. Larklpur, cdM. kno-fl AOl!:LINl'"i 1'1, 01!' tOM· IA.LI... •IMI llnown o • KlmWll •r·• FURN bach. apt, lemalc 'on· •• Mc11' '"· Klll'INI~ D«NM'd. ly, ~ u~ • ...po cmkifti. ~~~~.!J:f!..:M~ 61~·~ I ' lill~~~l,llllllltfll ... " dfcedt<l1 .,.. ,_,,.m to ni. t'*'i. l BR. Blk Ooca.n-Bay. Frpl, wlltl llN llfUtwrr ._,,.,. In 11'1<1 ottlc1 llo I lid.... t adlllt no '11 '"" ,.,.... of the •~ e11thltd court, "' Newport Heights 3210 NEW 2 Bi', 2 Ba, tam, bltns, re f. $215. .pa • I ·~· • 11 .,tlll!nl lllM\, wllfl tf\e _,.,.,., VILLA POMONA 11'r.:,:,!~c1',.·:'";'~~"'1·:~~:· ~ ~~~~·~::~l~ ,_ ,,,.. """ Itri Mrlllnlnt to flit tlltle Of "Id dtcit- T •s FINEST 11en1. wnhln lou• '"°""" '''-' "" 11,., COS A MESA B Ibo•'" ··1·. 4300 ·~~i'l\.11 \'}\:,;'''!· •• ''NEAR THE BEACH'' ...! ~.~u~~11t,~1'i'ir.11 213: 400.1400 colle<:I. 3137 4 BR E:Xec. hOme • • • • $575 4 BR. tov.·nhouse ...... SMO l BR. townhouse .. -. • • 128$ 2 BR. townhouse ••••• , .u7G 3 Bdrm_ houR •••••••••• $300 Bachelor, 1 & 2 Btd(ooms Completely Furnished from $140 I olso unfurnished cnallable I BAYFRONT: 1 BR & Lrg o1 ~~lltYtl 'Ill,.. "ceotnl Bachelor. ~lnturc Adults. .....,. L.. .. ...,."'-" $250 ",$235. 507 f;. Baltioa =·~= ~t~"=~*' BJvd. 67l-688D, Rea1tor Tei: 111~, ~,. A,..,_ ,.,. ... _., l BR •• ,., pd "1 '>~ -PubllSIM<I ,Or• ... '°"''' Dlllt' Pilet , • Ul • .,.._.~ ""'' Aprll 11, II, ,J atllll MM1 t,. lt11 "3-1' Adults, no pets. 310 E. 3 BR. townhouM! •••••• $375 e Red Hill _RHlty Univ. Park Center, Irvine c au Anytime ~ Adults only. no pets , Balboa Blvd., Balboa. LEGAL NOTICE Irvine 3231 • Luxurlously Furnish~ • All El•ctric Apartments • Prlv1te G1r1g•• • 2 Swimming Pools (heated) • lndlviduil Patio• Lido Isl• '"1 1 BR. Util paid. G!frage. 1 · adUlf. No pets. St75 n10, yearly. 673--0837 eves. NO'fltf TO C•IDITOllS SUPlltlOll cou•t OF T)ll STAT• OP CALIPOllNIA l"Oll THI CCWNTY. (>11' OllANGI, ,~ r I ·N~ A.asu-: ,r ' Esttlt of EL IZAll!'TH O. McOUUlf, Occ:ttJKI. NOTICE IS HERElY GIVEN lo lfl1 -55 crwUADr1 .-., 1111' .-Vt MlMll ~enl •• !!lat 1n ~ fl.l~lM dlh:ns.•••IMI lf!e FOR Lease by ()y.ner. Ne\V ,home. 4 BR. 2 EL\. f'am rin. Cpt:;, drps. lrplc. XU'a large g&rage. Landscaped. Pool. rec I: clubhouse priv. s:n:> 1no. \Vattr pd. 833-2317 aft a y,·kdy1, anytime y,•knds. ....... '.PLUS . . . : * NO RATE INCREASE for Summ•r * Generous MOVE-IN Allowanc• 1-----------·1 uld ,dtcil'dtnt •r• rM!.llr1d 10 111e tf!em, , · ,:_, · wUh !he llllCf!tHft . .....ers, i'I tl>e oHlce NICELY furn. bacnaor apt. ol,..,.. O!ric or IM 1-e entffled cwrt, or )'l"round $&"> ulil pd.• LI 111 , "'~' '"'*"'• Wlrl'I -i~ !*nurv * Sp.cial - 1 Month's FREE RENT BEAUT. i.,ic. 3 Br. 3 Ba. 180 Degree ocean view. Yrly. ise. S::.00 l\lo. Agt. 67N930 ...... COf-1E SEE ... 1760 Pomona, Costa (W•st of Newport, between 17th & Corona dtl Mar 3250 ~ · ···· 1-----------1 Generel 4000,1 Costa Mesa Mesa 11th St.I ,100 LARGE l Br, 2 Ba South --oUlwy. A\:a.il...Ma,y...JSt. S325 REMARKABLY ,/ I BR new, beau!. tum. mo lease 6T;>J595 UNBELIEVABLY ~fo. to mo. Adults only. . , . EXTRAORDINARILY m:I Elden, 646-9Z'l8,ev~i;. Huntington B•ach 3400 BEAUTIFUL 1 BR. v.·/v.·. drps, el~ stove, -Val O'ls•r• Garden Apt• 1 refrig. Nr shopg center. MODER..'l l Br ?ouse Putting green, waterfall Ii $135. 820 Center St. wouthl!h, lo tlll' ul'dfn'9,....,'\t l~t olfk• cniploycd adult over 27. Qf ~ff ~lloff"IVS. Hyrwln, tiurwlll tncf non-smoker. No hippie or l Rtm1r. ui · 't1NI Slr'1!t, Nl!WPOrt Be•<~. , I ('!' 28! ...,., •. -.,, ~ ·C•llfd'nll wlllC:h Is Ill<! oltce of bu$lneu slue cnt. -.. 1 ~ ....,....,,, .,.,.... o1 ti'>!! uf>d11*11,,,.d 1n •II m111tt1 1>••· Apolena Ave . 111n1119 to 111e Hll'1! ol st!d decl'd~nt, _ _ ---------within four monltl1 11ter ti>& llrtl pubhCI• BOAT slip & 2 Bdm1. tloQ of !1111 no11,t. ~~ 011111 -""11 10, 1'10. Garage Apt. l Bath. S::50 O•vl<I 1<1rreu Bill Grundy Realtor 642-t&20 E•tcytor of lhe E5ta!t •1 1111 lbo'11! nlme<I drceaenl - -__,., · • "U"'#ITZ, MUltWITZ & •EME" Huntington B•act. 4400 --·---·-2 BR.' Adults only. Util Pd. Beaut. -Qqiel $200. 11676 Cameron. W-fil21 SAYE · ~ASH! 4)t • !2'141 Slr•I • N...-f ·IM~. C11i'W 1'111 Tth OM') •1J.•H .IJl-YI fw li•l'C""' Pulllflllld OrMM C1l11I D111v flllol. AMI II, If, Ji'tncf MIY 2, lf10 "6o70 LEGAL NCYrlCE •• "'#·~ ... -... P•Jttn• - CEltTIPICAT• 01!, •USUl•SS PICTITfous HAM• \~/crpl, drps &: dilposa.I. !l:t'!eam, fl owers every\\•herc, J BR, crpts, ga:r. Priv. yard. \1ialk to bch. Adults only, <()' pot>I, rec. room. billiards. I Al.so, Bachelor Apl. 174 no ~ts. Sl2S mo. can BBQ·s. Sauna, furn.-unfurn. ~Ton1c Vista. c.:-.t. I ~ aJG.261;, . 1 1: 2 Br. also Singles from 1 -Sill See it~ 2lXXJ PanKJns I BR. apt. Gas & .'\'&ter 2 bl~!. ~~. C"~~i~~.. Rd . 642·8670 St'l\Vttn IL1.r· pd. 5120 -"..1°~ No ch1ldttn, ':j I bo ... N· . rt. 'Blk N IO•h no P"-"~"~"'~~:..::99=.1 ~c~·'~'~· ~-Palio. Pool. Adults. 17111 r · e11po · 1. ---- 962 ••28 (2131 31' ,.~ ---,/ BAOIEUJR Apl, furn. .....,.,.. ' .......,.._u ·-2 BR • 2 BA I Crpl!!, d~. SllO mo. incl. 'l'lle onder1r11M<1' d~ rirtlly they· 1r1 qindt.dlntilt bullilru •t lZI M1ln 51rfft, Hll"!llllOlotl 9t1dl, C1lllcrnl1, 11nder 1119 lldlttDltl tlr m n1nie ol STRICTLY POSTERS 1111\ l/\al Wld flo-M i, CCMUIP~ or !he follpw l"' ""~'°"'· w11a .. n1.,,t1 I" 1\111 •1111 Plac.'1 It! rnlGence ••e u foUowJ· Ll...S. LN P11llP\&rl, 2026 E. Stnlt c1 ..... s1n11 Ana. - Ktll\Y Gttll Fowler, 'OS 1)111 St , Hunlll'ltlon l itcll. 0•11'd .... 11 u. 1970 K•!fly c;. Fottler L111<11 l. P/1111\trl 1Y~~g~1:~r~~~74~Li~con~IJ-:um-Unfurn. lllt·ins i~lu~~ _ii.iii._ &12..S,icx>. --- Near Sl11!('r & Ed\vards ing d1sh\\•asher & rc.f.ri.,. ~11 $90 INCL util. Sn1all apt. S350 847-6&51 · cond. Dining rn1. S1\·1mmtn~ ni'. 1.Jth & Newpor1. Singll~ · . pool. Pool 1abl('. Only 8 apls adult. 642.:M3 ~ BR, 3 BA home-. Bit 111~. in comp)ex. Nr. Disneyland. ---.-------$22:> mo. Call ~7 or ro.is Sprague, l\li;r. Apl 4. 1 BR. Spac. Ideal for 53&-3192 ~ bachelor. pool •. adult. 1993 · Church. $12:>. 54S.9633 ~tMEOIATE occupnncy. 2 lfOLIDAY PLAZA 1 BR. Clean. Attrac. Furn. $UO. • I,ea!IC. Rel-;. · Cpl or rrlired. 2538 Newp<irt Blvd. Br. 11; Ba. $225 mo. DELUXE. Spack>us 1 Bdmt 842-44j5 or 1147""992 furl'I apt $13.J plus util. 3 BR. twnhsc, elee "'shr I Heat~ pool, ample parkin;. dryr I refr I stove. Crpts, No children -no ~l\. drps, pool Jae. $180. 962-4167 l!l&:i Pomona, C,i\J. Newport Blach ,200 CHATEAU LA POINTE Fountain V11l~y 3410 Lo\'e\y 2 Br furn Apt. Pool 1----------1 & carport. Adults. DO pets. lMl PonlOna, C.fl.1. Newport Be1ch GRAND .i Br, 2 Ba, fan1. rm. Frplc, crpl, blti~. Lrg yd. $26.1 1\lo. Kitl1 OK. 4»-Ul9, 59"..-5625. 812-2Ul. Lrg selection of Apt~. 1'"\Jrn &. Unf. f'rom $7j Bloc &aeon, 64}..()111 Bkr. OPENING 4100 ! l~~~liiiiiiiil!i!iiiiiiPii. p;;;;', I ~ .. ~R. 2 Ba. l yrs old, built- ~~;i~• draix-s. $29j. HARBOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY L1guna Niguel 3707 TOWNHOUSE t uxury 1:arden apar tment.~ VJE\V Of golf COWY, 3 Br. 2 2217 Hatbor J:Yvd. offerine; complete privecy, Ba. 2 yr 1east. References or 535 w. \VDson beautiful landscaping I: req'd. Owne r 1'96-3~9i eves e 1 BR. t Adult. No pets unparalle1f'd rPcreationaJ or ~Tite P.O. Box 427 Dana e Jleated pool. Near sbop'g facilities in a country Point. Cal. 92629 'l!~"'i!!i"~"ii'~·!!!l!llll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I club atmo.spherE". No\v NE\V 3 BR-2-~8°,--,,-m~i\yll leasing in Ne\vport Bea ch. $6 NIGHT & UP I home, frpl, 1\'/I\' cplg, drp.~. ?-.Iodels of)('n 10 am to 8 pm builtin kitchen, dinette, $30 WEEK & UP Rents from S13;i.$310 heaut. landscaped, J a r ~ e STIJDIO & 1 BEDROOi\IS I fcncl!d yard. Avail. J ul'lt' 15. ·rv & Kllchcncttes incl. 1 Furnl~hed or unfurnished S2.)() mo. yr l!<t. 49-1-{:9&1 Linens & n111id scr avail j RENTAL!t Child~n~ & pct i;cc1io11 Oakwood 2376 NEWPORT BLVD. ~· FurnishM 541-9755 Garden Apartments 1700 16th St<eet General ---4000 SPAC. Altrac. 7ool. Util Pd. Single Adults Lu.xury si~e. 1 I: 2 l:ltod· room apartment~. fumi!h- t'd and unfurnished, \\ith complete privacy and land- scaped country club atmos- phere including STJ0,000 \1"011h oJ l'l'Cft'alional facil· ities designed an operated j usr for sin;le people. Renh From $145 to $300 lmmcdia1c Ot.'Cupnncy Mo. to lilo. Lea: e Avail. ANAHEIM 277 so. Brookhurst (1 blk. So .. of Lincoln) (n-t> 772-4500 GARDEN ·GROVE 13100 Chapman A\·e. (' blks \V. &nl:l Ana 1'"'\\'Y.) (714) G36-3030 NEWPORT BEACH 8E1U IRVINE AVE. IRVINE AND 16th 1114) ~JO Carden Living , 1 Br. Sl4:i & up, adults, no pets, 2 BR. $11~. cpl or parent w/ yni;: adult ok. 1800 "'a.llace A\'e ,, 7'10 \V, 18th St .. Cl\!. 2 BEDROQ;\1S. Spacious 714: 64~-8170 roomB. New furniture . BAOIELOR l &: 2 BR 1 Carpet. Bl'ick i:nack b3r. I 11nfurn) ei'.pts drps • 1~ Beautiful kitchen. Childf'.:n pool, bJtns. $ t :i o-'$ ~a8 ;: &:_small pels ~1'1romc. 111 Scaclllf l\lanor 'Apts. 1az Victoria. Apt. N~. 1 i PlRcentia, NB. * \''EEKL\" * ---c _c_ ___ _ Lovely apt. Bachelors nr MESA MOTEL cpll1. Furnishings rompl. I * LOW \l/EEKLY RATI::S * Kitchrnelte..;. S:l."1 "'k·pays 5'il<'hrn, TV·"· maid l>Crvicc 11!1. !!!Ill !'.:I Can1ino Dr. llcat<'d Pon!. :~IG--O·l}I 616-96.,1 srAc:-2-Br, w/1\'-crpts. FURN a111---Steps 1rofl1 ne1\'ly pnint<.'<I. ~lod . f11rn. beach or bay. I BR. l adult. bal', 1\'Blk to storrs. 1 child On yf'arly basis. 1129 \\". ok. No Pf''"· S\34 .:•0. Bay.11 :3011n1.:1pn1.Sat. :1 1~31H3, 6~1 e \\'TNTER RENTAL.5e- 78~2Ba. sunken livin.t: ABBE\' REALTY room, fflll, ba.lcon.v. no sml e &12-38.l0e ehlldren $180 rno. AV3il ?o.tay LARGE 1 Bdrm near Ocean. ls\. 12:>5 &ker. 5.o--0896 SlSO n»yearly. Student! evrR & 14•1mds. OK. ~73-8088. ClTTE 1 BR. Newly ·palnted. O~N~B=A~Y~-~N~,-,-,~Lkl-o-.-1 Attrac.. furn. 'Walk to BR. priva~e pntio. $J8a. 11arbor Shpg center. Adults. moorinic avail. 6'73--6~50. No peis. St24.50. 5C~l64), 2 RR furn, l blk lo beach. 64&-S96l • See Sun. 1t 128 40th or 1 $30 PER WK. & .UP 892-<936 SIG; mo. BaclM!lor & 1 BFt. hid pool, CLEAN l le 2 BR ' -k"t maid !lef'\>icf. JOtcbens "I · ... e: 1 • TV av11.il. 4SO Vktoria (Nr. Adults, no pl'b. S13}4:Jj(), lliU'borl. . !!_21 E. 161h St., S46-UJ01. _ FURN. AptJ1. Bachelors $115.1 2 .BR. lrplc, pool, prd.!!n I BR'~ $120 -$1:!0. 2135 ~\IX'. Sl9:>. no l~;'lsC req d. El, A. C'l 0 _, ,1,... :>'I~~ or 6~4--0JO~. u('n VC'., •. .:JO;l 11 0 •• ~ ,._ - c L A · 5 s I • F I E D ·~ .. c.· ·-• Apt. 6. DF.l~UXE 2 Br. \\'es1clin loc. --SUS CASITAS Pool & 1>1111~. Adults $21~ 1191•••••••". 11\0-1'(1 !!;(' 642-6274 Furn. 1 BR Apts. Ad1111ll' · I RDf T F11iff IJURE only, no J>l'lS. :?ttO NC\\'pDl'l DAILY Pnm DI ~I E . A Blvd, CM. 00-928Ci LINES. You CAii use t.hem J RoolM fl"Qm Sl.9.95 BEAU'IVFULL V FURN. for ju111 pennies a day. Dial j t.lonth to month J\ebtalt 2 Br. 11111 Pool. Sl s:i + Ulll. GU-5671 Mlle $eJeclion AduJr~. no peu. 2272 t.faple ; ----------'1 ON St. :14lJ..-01!>7 I 100<,t, PURO:IASE OPTI -TT'S Beach house time. Big· JC hr. Dt:livel')' BACllF.LOR ApL $67.50 1 1ffi ~lection ever! Stt the Cufl:lOOI Furnlturt B.t!rtW • 2 BR. Trlni. S90 & up. DAILY PILOT Ou.~ffied il7 "'' jJtb, CM. $4MSI MM677 or 642-1~ '.!3:1 &. ~k)n NO\V! 1568 \Y Lincoln. .Anhm n"'1BI» 16!h St., C~I. ' ' I llES1' llH\'S! t' _ r I ltfl• of C1lllornl1, Or1119t Counfy· o~ April \6, 111c, !!•le<• '"e. , llo!•,..,. PY!lllc In 1"'1 tor Uld Sl1te, P'!f'IOnallv •PH~t.cf· IC•lllv G. Fqwlet t rlCI 1.111<11 L, PMlll•rf -now~ !e m! !O ~ Ille per~o~s w1'<11e 11""" ••e 1ubtc•t~ to '"' wlt~'n !nstryme11t •NI _.ckrlowteageo fNY t•· KU1e<I n.! U~. . ' , R. D. WtQd N11!1rv P~!llk<1Ufor/\t1 . °'"'"" Ca. M~ Commls,lol! Extt!rts Jlllv . 1, 911 . ' Puell~ Ol'lflHI C.O.st l.D•ltr Pllo!, A!H'll II, 1.5, Mlv 1 yid ,, lf1' }01'·1'0 fl-i4.tlt ·-c•llfl"IC.\.Ta OP . lUSIN1!5S . PICTlflOW6 ~""Ml Ttlt undtr'SI•.,.~ ,Clplts Utlil'(' l\! It COl'l• dutlll\f • !lu1!M•I II llJllG Wllll'tle' "'vi., Coll• Mtf.1, '•IMml1. ull<lff •l·e lie· llllqj;I fll'fl'l,na,,._ al FpltMA-l.EVEL tlld 11\11 11111 firm. IS: ~ .of !I'll! follow· l11t ~•son, . ....._e nlfl'\.e ;.. fu11 ·11ld pl1ct of reSIOIMC.e It .. 191,teM: Ntl'Ol'l. A,. Qljfe, 3tt_; .. l l_rth, S1n!1 ARI. Ciitrf&'li1•; ,- O•lfll .... ,II 10, nM. NeltM A. a•,,., Sllle of C•llfornlt. 0•1"9!!. Cg.urilv: CM Attrll II. lt1t, !l!'tort ,....., • tlott ('I Pulllk 111 11N1 tor" uld Stile, ..ersontll¥ 1p~1recr Nel!I011 A, Ci.rt known lo tn• Ito l)e lf!e Por'°" w~ 'rillm• I• tut>sc•lbed 10 the w11111n rn1t,,.,..@"' 11111 •cltn<lwec:t~ecl lie e•~tulllll !fie' ''me. tOl'l'ICIAL SEAL)' -Mery K, He~rv · Nlllarv flYhH<·Ctlifo.nl1 PrlN:l~ll 011ltR it!·· Ortn1e Cilu111Y Mv COl'\\f'l'llt•lon E11plru No~~hlf' 2~. nn PublltMd Orll'\lle Co.t$1 01l1Y P!lol. APrll 11, 11, f5 Incl MIY f, 1t7'11 Ul•1' LEGAL NOTICE ... , .• CfltTlfllCATe Of' <.OllPO,llAflGM FOlt TltANSACTIGN. GF a us1Ness UNOl!lt .PICYITIOll1,MAMIE' THi:: UNOERSIGNED CORPORAT ION doe~ h!r-.b¥ c•rlllv rh~I It I• cenllue11np 1 ll<1lll'tllS1 locl,leO ·•I ••I E. ·11!h Sl .. Co•!• Mes•, C~IJfarn!A. und..,. lflt lf(lllln"I 11"1' ~•n>e of MEYl!RHOl''S l'ld th!I 1•'~ r:rm I~ Cfln'1>!11ie<I ol th"! •ollo"'""" <O•· no••11on, wllotr prlnclPll Pli<• M tlu•fr•.,, I« fl f.,llow• • roA'T cnMMHN!TY ~IORVICl"S. INC.. U9•S (•mlno lie E 'Ire I I •• r•n!••ra~o !IJe•cfl. Cll!f. \ .. ITNE$5 llt hi nd 11\it l•d OIV of A,pr;t, 1110. ('OlSr COMMUNITY SERVICES. INC. , , H. fl O'loll, Pr.... .• tCoriw,.11t Se•ll STAT"' DI' C"LlfDANI .. , COUNTY OF 01t>iN.GE, st, On 11111 lfd dll' 'of Aprll, A.O. 1•70. l!elPft me M,lrv IC. H..,rv •. Not1rv Pu!lll< 111 1nd for '11li!I CoYnlT 1NI Stal•, .._lldlng lfl•rtln, dulf C9m'l"~tiont<:I 111a '"""""' •l!'ffn•llf 1-•rH Hfl'l:Ol<:I l!osott known la mt to be !tit 'Ptttldent ol !flt ccroor1t111n IQ1! \M:r\llld lf\1 wltflln In· strumenl "" btf!~ !If !tie <PfJ>O•lllon llltreln n1meO, Ind 1tk!IOWllcl<ttd lo mt !1'\111 lllCfl Ul(POl'tllolJ. IJtlQlle<I !IV 11me. rn Wltfltt1 Wlie~. I "•~• t.e,..unto •ti .. w fl•~d 11111 11n•f'll m¥ ollld•l 1e11 !flt d•¥ 11111 '"' ln,l~li «rfll!Cllt ilr1I 1bove v-r!tte ... (Ol'FICl,.L SF,.LI MflfV IC. He11rv N~t1rv Put11lc~t1 lifort1!• PrlncJPll Offlu In n.,,.....a CGl!n!v Mv ,.,,.,..,1~.1~ E~pire' Now. ii , 1''2 Pu!lll~llrl! Orano~ Co•~' 0111¥ 1t•1~1. "'prl! II. 11, 1S and M~V '· 1t70 111·10 I LEGAL NOTICE , "' )0 I o D A ·I _ L y p I L 0 T c l A < s s I F I E D 6 ~ 4 2 -s 6 7 8 6 4 2 -· 5 6 7 8 . ' ' . ' ,1 ...., t ' Aftreotblrt ...,~,.au, fti•ir .... '1 ffl.,.._. "Phones Are Open 8:00 a.m. •· 5:30 p.m. 9 to ·tol~n S1tu•d1y -Closed Sun&1y DIAL .DIRECT ••• 642-5678 I WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL· FREE 540-1220 Huntington leach: 540-1220 Le9un1 le1ch: 494-9466 San Cl1M1nlr. 492-4420 Hours-Regulations-Deadlines l•RPU; Mvertt..,.. llhwW check thtlr H• daily •Ml rtpert. lmmMllt.tj •rrol') or rnl•,l••tlffuflen .. THI DAILY ,ILOT •uumt1 lltt!Ulty f•r orrora only tit • tM •at9nt ef pHll1hlni tM •llvwtlNm•nt corr.ctly on• tlm .. ' DiADLINI POI CO,Y AND KILLS : 5:)1 ,.M. tht 4•Y lttftr• pullillc•tion, 1u.t f•rM.nllay 141tllft whoft deHlht• 11 S.turdoy, 12 neen. YOU MUST' HAVI KILL NUMllal wi.n klllln11•l'I N Mcaut0 .A ~ulck rtMiltt. ' M tvl'9 te make • rec"4 fJf th• kill numMr t lYett• t" liiJ Jtur H t•kw a vwffkett.. ., ywr c•IL' 1 ' ltttr'f effwt It MH• t• kill tr c•rr..:t I now •II tMt 1\81 Mee tr4trlllf. ltut W9 ca~ nM 1u.ranfte t• "• .. Vftfll th• a4 hes .,,..,.... In the ,.,.,.. · DIMl~A-LIHI Ml .... 1lrlctty cnfrl tn Mvtnct ..,. mall •r •t •nr eno .t •ur •fflc ... • NO ,tten. !lt'd•rt. TM DAILY PILOT...,.,., .. tt.. right t• claulty, Hit, ctn1or ,, rtfu1a •"Y •lfve,... · tls'"*'t, aM. t• ch•"f'. lb ratu aM n1ul•tlon1 wlttt.ut '''°' notlc .. M•li Addrff1: ·1,11: 1175, Nawport lo1ch, (alifernl• CLASSl,llD COUHTEaS •r• lec:atH u follow1: COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH 330 W. BAY 2211 W. BALBOA HUNTINGTON BEACH LAGUNA BEACH 17175 BEACH BLVO. 222 FOREST AVE. SAN CLEMENTE -305 N. EL CAMINO REAL Daily Pilot Classified CLASSlflED INDEX HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS "M•NT. ...._ - 1• Apta. Furni1hed ~~~;o.,.ctT~1is Lk_, :.! o_. .. , ... L COSTA MeSA M.ISA O&L: MAil '-'•SA v••o• COLL•G• PAllk 11•WP'Ollt •l'.-.CH lllWl"GllT He IOHTI IALIOA covn NeWPOllT SHGtlll!S IAVClllST IATSMOlllllES OOYElt SMOl!lt we11CLlf'P HAlllOll MIOMLANDI 'JNIV•llSITY PAltK lltlllHI ' tACk Uf IASTa lUFfl fl ,. ••• ~~~·~:A·'::~-;:. aALIOA PEHINSUl..lo l fli"ON aA1 LINOA IS~I UY .ISLANOI LIOO ISLI .IALIOA ISLAND =E~~!=E .. ?t:::u. S•AL. llACH IUNll!T •IACM jl:AltpEN GltO'll, LONI 1•.teH U.KIWOOO OltANOl•'°WHT'I' OUT OP COUMTV Dlf1' OP 11'AT• lTAf'ITOM ~ Wl!STMINSTl!ll MIOW.tt CIT'f SANT• AMA SA.NTA .A ~,1 llOTJ, llltANO• rUITll~ "l«lllT'M fUlflJI t.NAMEIM \llV"'•AOO C•.HYOH HAllASU U.I(• U.OUNA HILLS lAOUNA ~IACti lAf;Ull• Nl(IUPl MIUIOH YllJO ~~<rt ,.. ""l~·•lf .. SAN JUAN CAlllSTl!•NG CA111$TllANG alACM OANA "OINT OCIANSIDI. JAN DlliGO , ltl'lllllllDIE COUNTT HGUSl!S TO•• MG'taO CONDGMINIUM OUl"LIXll 'O• IALI' APAllTM1!NT1 POii Pl• RENTALS Hous•s Furn ish.d 11111!1! .. L, ENTALS TO SMAltl COSTA M!SA M.ISA Ol!L MAit M.ISA VEltDIE CGLLllEGE l"AllK N!Wl"OltT l!ACM N!Wl"OltT HGTS. HEWl"OltT SHOR ES I AVSllOl!l!S OOYllll Sl'OltE~ WES1'CLl'F UNIVE•SITT PAl!I lll'tllrfl: IA:Cll lAf 1-'ST &LUllP S:I TtN lllYIHll Tlltl!ACI! COllONA OIL MAtll IALaOA · IA'f Ill.ANOS LIDO llLI! aALIOA ISL .. HG MUNTINGTON llACM POUNTAIN VALLl'f llAL t•ACM LGNO all.ACM Dll:~Cilll COUNTY 1.ll4TA ANA NESTMINSTlll MIOWlf (lfT SANTA ANA MllGMTS CO•SlA'\. LAGUNA l l AC" i..AOIJN• NIGUIL MISSION VllJO IAN CLIEMINlE I-It JUAM CAlllSTllANO ;,t,'p1JTll:AHO l lACH t>ANA POl"IT lllVlllllOE (0UNf 1 ~ACATtoN ltliNTAlS :ONOGMINIUM lUPLllllil FUllN. RENTALS 1111 GIH•lllAt.' .... · '--~1' r1 IAHllrfG! MH llll COITA MtSA •1tl CAll .. l!T LAVING I ll:EPAll UM M•I• "11110• Ull. OllAPkllll:~ 6'JI llH NtW1'011T .... Cl>I ._ OIMOLITIOM ~ :::: MIWl"GllT llllOH1'1 411' ,.~.~liNCJ SllllYICe ~I lfll NIW,.GltT IHtlltlS ,,,. DllYWALL "11 WllTCLIP1' 4n l kl.&L llU'-AL tlM nu UNIYllllSITT •AIU( ,,,, EOUIP ... l!NT l!INTALI "5~ lttl IACK I.IV 4UI FENCIN• "61 ltU IAST aLUPfl 4U P:LXllll ~ ::, COllQNA OIL 1111.A• ~ JUllNACI! lt l:fl•l l~. ll!l't-Ul~ lt=lt IALIOA •Jet FUl!NITUtlll llESTGlllHCi ll;t IAV ISLANOS •;.st 6 IEFINISHING t4U LIDO !SLI! 4lSI OAltdl!MINCJ .. II ~: IALI0.1 ISL.AMO Wl Ol!Nl!ltAL IEltlllCll Ut7 lfll MUNTINGTON &IACti ""°' GllAO ING, GISCING 'UJ no FOUNTAIN VALLIY .. 1. OLASI '4't !1-M SIAL IEACM 4-Uf CJllll N TMUMa '7'1 LONO llACM 41111 GUN SHOii' 1111 :~ Oll:ANO• COUNTY ''" M•ALTN 'CLUIS tnt 1311 GAl!Dl:N OllOV• 4'11 HAULING '"' Ill! Wll'TMINl1'elt .i1J HOUSICLIANIMO fllS llN MIDW .. Y ctr¥ 41>1' INTe111011 DICOltATIN• t m IANTA AMA .. ,. INCOMI TAll 17•t :: SANTA ANA Mll•HTI .ut UtON, OrMIMllllL llC. •rJt 1UI TUSTIN. qtt lllONIHO •1" 1 CO.\ITN. 011 INS\.U.TIHO 11 .. 1.: U.G\fll:°A a•ACH 11'5 iNfUllANCli •nt 1411 LAGUNA NISUIL OtJ IHYESTIGATINO. DttlCtl.,. t f• I.. MISSION YllJO 41tl J.U.ITOlll&L •nt ,.. IAN CL•MIP4T• •n • JIWILltT 11e,All. llt. .... 1-0S SAiii JUAN CAPISTllANG •1U LANOSCAlllNG 1101 1s• CAl"llTllAl!IO 1eACH .,,. LOCXSllUTM ..,. lut GANA flOINT 47'1 MAIO SlllVICI .............. "" U• Tlll'flt.lX, flt. 4'tl MASONltV, •R1Ck U» IHI COMDOMllHUM t tSt MOVING a STOllAGI "4t 1611 HOT•LS ........ -.. -··-··-· 4'1J "AINTINO, P-U•1lft• UH ,,II RENTALS ,AIMTIN.. ...... Im 1 It PATIOS ~ ,:" Apts. lJnfurnish•d PMOT0011Al"HT 1111 141'1 OlrNlllAL Ult flLASTl!l!IN G. Ptlcfl. lltlllr 6flt ,,,. C:QnA MIESA 11M PLUMalPfO lttt "" MlSA ., ... oe 1111 ... T Ol:OOMINli .... u•t MIWl"OllT lllrtN l:tl POOL ll!lllllCI! 61lf 16U Nl!Wl"OtlT Ml!IOHTS n11 lflOWlill sw••l"1N• "11 let Nl!W.-OllT SHORES SHI flUMfl SlltYICli •nt UH WISTCLIFF I'll llOOlllNG HSI 1m UNIVEl!~ITf PAl!t{ nn ltAO IO, II••""' ''" '"' UM ••e x IAT . Utt ltlMOOCLtNll • Jllfl•lll ,,. na lf:An •LUI',. n•1 111:/.-IOOELIN•. IUTCHi:NI , .. , lltJ COllOMA Oil 11\All 'lSI Sm,... Sii.,._ ffSJ "" IALIOA "" seWINO '"' "" IAY Ill.ANOS llSI tlfWIMO MACMINll lll PA tl!S ffl'. 1725 t.IGO ISLI! SHl Sl:l"TIC T .. HKI, kftA. llt. 1'1'! 11JCI 1'1UNTINOTOM l l!ACM S•N TAILOlllHCI ft1t 1140 FOUNTAIN YALLIY Ult Tl!ltMIYIE CONTltOL ''n 11'1 llL.IOA Ill.ANO S3H TILE, Cw•mlc ''" 1ns taAL aliilCH J.151 TILE, Li11Mtv111 • M•f!jol 4'1$ , .. LONCll ll:liACM UM TllEE SlllYICI •ta , .. OllANllli CGUNTY UM TILliY!SION, 111••1111, lie. 4tf' !Kt GAltGIN OltOVI Ult UPHOLSTE•'f fM HH WllT~INITEll HU '#ELOINO tm '"' MIDWAY CIT'f Ull WINDOW CLIANtNG -..,. "'1 SANTA 'AMA MH SANTA ANA MIJOKTS 54:11 fUITIN SUI COASTAL S7ot LAGUNA I EA(H J1H LAO'UNA NIGU~L J7tl HM MISSION YllJO J101 211U S.114 CLIMliNtll '111 ,, .. SAM JUAN CAfltST••NO sns IHS CAPISTltAMO IEACH J7l0 1111 OAN ... POINT 51q tin REAL ESTATE, ml General "" '"' "" "" "" "'' "" nu "" n• "" "" "" USI '"' 1lJJ "" Jilt ... "" .... ,.. 1111 ... "" "" "" 1117 ,,. 1111 YllllPLEX, tic. COtlOOMINIUM ltl'NTALS WAN ffD IOOMS FOii l!INT "" '"' '"' .... mo ltOOM & IOAl!D MGTIELS. TllAILlll •UllST HOMIS MISC. llNTALS COUllT$ S"J .... .... INCOMe PllOfllllTY IUSINl:SS Plt:OfllllTY Tll .. .ILlll PAltkS IUllM•SS lll:NTAL Ol!PICl!'tlllHTAL IMDUITlllAL Pl!Ol"llt'fY COMMltllCfAL INGUITlllAL RINTAL LOTS tll:ANCHll CITltlll GlllOYIS AC•IAGI LAK• aUIMOlll :::~~~ ~:~·~~:i~llT'f GUT Of' STATe PllOfl. MOUNTAIN & OISl!•T SUID/YlllOM U.NO ltEAL liSTATI SE l!VICI lt.e. EICCtiANOl It. I . WAMlliO -... •HS ... "" ... ... -... "H "" ... "" .... ••• ... nit ~'" ''IS .,. .,. 17n BUSINES~ and ?1ll n•• FINANCIAL !ICI ... "" ... "" "" "" "" ~.,, . ., ... JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JGa WANTeG, Miii , ... JO• WANTED, Wtl'l'll• 1"I JOI W .. MTEO, MEN I WGMliN rt'9 SCHOOU & INITllUCTION 1'~ JOI Plt•PAllATIOH 1"0 THEATlllCAL n• MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE ,URNIT'Jltli l)l'l"ICE l'UltNITUll:I OFFICE EOUlllMl:NT STOllE eOUll"MeNT CAFE, llESTAU1tl1'1T IA.I! eOUll'MINT MOUSeMOLD GOCIOS GAl!AGe SALE PUltNITUlt.1! AUCTION Al'l"LIANCEI AHTIOUIS SIWING MACMIMEI MUSICAL IM$TllUM•MT l"IAHOS & OllGANI lt:AOIO Tl:LEYIStOH l/U·FI & STl:IEO IAPI lllCOll:Ol:llS CAMlltAI & l'OUIPMliHT HG&&T SUP,LIES SPOllTINO GOOOS alMOCUU.111, ICOl'lll MISCELLANIOUS MISC. WANTliO MACMINllT, Ef>I. t.UMI EI STOl!AOE •UtLDINO MITElllALI SWAPS ... "" ... "" ... 11!5 •• "" "" ... ., .. ... ... ... ... ,,. no• "" "" •• "" "'' -... ... ... om "' "" PETS and LIVESTOCK PE1'1, OINl1t•L - CATS H1t OOCI IHJ tiOltU!S IUI LIYEITOCIC IMI CALIFORNIA NUllS•JltEI SWIMMIN• PGGLS flATIOS Ll':iNG "" •• HU Houstt Ul'lfurnished I USINFSS W•HTID tNVISTMfNT O~•t111111ti" IUSIN!SI Ofll'OltTUNlflliJ INVl!ITMl'NT WANTl!O MONIT TO L0'14 "llltlONAL LOANI JIWILllY LOANS COLLATlllAL LOAMS ll•AL •STAT• LOANS MOllT~Oll, T"'9f Diltf1 MC*l't WANTIO "" ... AWNINGS Y~TIONS .... ... llNl:llAL COSTA MllA MISA O•L MAii MISA v••o• COLLIOll l"A•ll NIW,.Otll:T llACM NIW'POllT HeTI, NIWl"OltT•INOlt!IS IAYSMOltll DOYllt IMOlllit WlnCLlf'f' UNIYl!lr:SIT'f l"All! 111111114 .. IACk .. , lilt.Sf llUflP II T.,.. tltYINI Tlllt.A(I t Otll:OllA DIL. MAii IALIQ.ri IAY IM..ANDI ~100 ISLI tALIOA ISLllfG NIWH•T walT • !fl 'lfON ~toACM HUNTINOTON HAltlGll* ~AL~:t l tllAl 'lfACM. OA•OP GllOYl LONIJ alACH 011: .. llG• COUlltT MM'fil ANA WllTMIHIT•ll 11110\llAT CITY lAMTA ANA MlilGMT, COi.iT•' ..... OWNA &IA.CM LAOUNA MIOUll MISllOtil vtllO \Alt Cll!MJ<rt~ll !Alf JUAlll lCAPIJTIANO • A. "TlltMO •t.Alll OANA POINT COMDOMIMIUM llf"'"9Xll UH,.U•M. -~· ... "" '"' -"" "" = "" "" .... -"" ... ... "" -.... "" "" "" .,. , .. ,,,. >l!I Mn m• •• •• ... ... "" ... .... "" .... mo ... "" .... -.... .... "" ANNOUNCEMENTS ind NOTICES l"OUHO f~ ..... , f.ltf LOST +111 P•lllONALI . , .. AHNOUN<IM•NTJ •ut l!llTM 1111 l'UN•llALI '411 l"AIO oarTUAllV .. " ,UNl•AL Ollll:CTOlll ''" P\.OlllSTS 1411 CAllO 011 TIIANlll .-l• IH MIMOlllAM "'11 Cl!MITll!f LOJ S t-411 CIMITlltT Cl!Tfln t41f Cll..V.TGltlll •41'1 Ml!MOlllAl flAltlCS IU1 AIJCTIONS MJt AYl.t.rlQN llltlltC• .. ., JllAVI\. t4JS Allt: fllj1,l'flPOltT.ITtON Mii AUTO TIAMllt(ltT•flCIH 6441 l'!fl•t NOTKI.\ M!t TUTOltlN.G • .,.. ~t:R VICE DIRECTORY ACCOUNTIN• Ult AHIWllUN$ •••VICI U• Afll"l ... 14r"' •l,.Alll). l"1m ••14 A,,•AlllM• ffU ASPN•lf. OttJ l$1f illlCNITICTVltAL Slilt:VICe ms All!O •&PA .. ) d:ll AUTO, hi! llfll. f._., l!IC. Utt ., .. l fUTttfllO ..sH IOAT MAlfllTl!M,llCI 1,US llllC:I(. MASOHll:Y, ik. 6UI &USINIU ll&YJtl'I tMt IUl\.01111 UM CAtl•IN• ................. , .. ,. Ul.lllUfi\AlllMa 1Mt CAal"llilTI• .. • .,,. TRANSPORTATION IOATS & YACNTS $AIL•OATS l"OWllt CllUKlll Sl"•IO--SKI aQATS IOA'f TllAILlllS ao .. T MAIN.Tl:NANCI IOAT U.UHCNINO MMlll• l!QUlP. aOAT SLIP, MOOltlN• '°"' •••v1c11 aOAT lllNT•LS IOAT CHA'IT'flt PISHINS IG~TS aOAT MOVINO IOAT ITOllAlll I OITS WANTIO AlltCll~flT "'LV!NO Ll lJONI M_, • ., I! lt""•S MOTOlt HOMl l •ILTllf.• ll!Lf(1 P •• '-Alll MINI l tK SS .,.._, -"• MC1oOllL1tLaS "'"'T C"lt'(C!)T~lll AUtO SlllVICl:S & flAl!TI AUTG TOOLS l COU IP, lltA!Llill, lllAlll:L llt•ILlllS. lllHil• llllKkS ..... , CAMl"lllt CAMl"911 llfNlAt..t DUNe IUO••l.S IMl"Oll11.0 .. lolfOS U'Gltf CAIS ANflOUll. CL-Sll(I IAC• CAlt, ltOOI AUTII IYCHTI AUTC>I WA.NTIO NIW (AllS AUT• LIAllH• lfllO CAlll -"" -•• =· "" •• -... -... ---.... ... tllt .,. "" '"' "" "" t lU '"' .... ••• •• ... ... ,.It •• "" ... .. ... '"• ... •• .... -'"' ... • Saturday, May '2. 1970 DAILY PILOT' ,IOIS a EMPLOYMINT' Jots. fl IMl'l;2Yl!llNT I Joas a IMP~Ovti • 101s a EMPLOY I ~o• . MPL N I JOBS • EMP r 1 Job wanhtl, M• 70IO ~·~· ¥.!t!1·~ 7l00 J11~ Mtft, wom.' f 10Q "°'= ·,M.r.,·W1/'"; 71~, Join MM, w~ 1100 J~ Men, w~ 7100 . ·Whitt You WCJflf it clone right>., •• ~flt~ tu.IJExp, r!!tn~":'~ ·~ ' l '\,I : I I• t ' } ' 'AJ ~ I 1 l. ~ -f• • ...._ r"-... I ~;;~ ~:n::-"" CC1111p11ters . • ~'fHE ".AIRPORWt .INN · HOTEL ' Jobw • ...;i;-SENIOR INSTRUCTOR Calf•one of the experts listed· below!! ' ' Womeft 7020 ~ATURE "':Oman, f'mplo~ nltea 3:~tW &Ive tender loving day can: to your elderly or ' Ud, for roon1 I.:. board & small wage. •••••tlll•"'!"••O.m .. l.•• .. IJ!l•~-IJl!!~"!iil1'' i; Permanent. ~o weekends. SERVICE DIRECTORY I SERVICE DiREC.TORY SERVICE Dl'REctoRY ~"" · ~ • EXP 19 yr ~Id studenl at B41bx,sittinp 6550 Floors , 666$ J1ntf~rl1I . 6790 Casilllejo..iG!ps Sch Palo AREA <lf Brookhurst &: • CARl'ET VINYL TILE . CLEAR;Vu Mali'lten&ncc. \Ve Alto wantst)afnmer ~illon Atlanta, Fenced yd. equip, Fl'l!'e estimate Uc. Omtr. do eve:rythin&"! Special.Wni: taklrtr ~ or children. playmates. Hot Junches, 540:rl62 t ~ W apt cleanup_ Jo"'ree·est,:24 ~~1iss'n, !ravel an,ywbere, recs. 96S--G!ll9. hr sel'Y, 64&:!Ji98; . . .1 .. One day Instructor .1 .. One part0 tlme ni!lht Instructor. For compuler programming school. Mltl llDoW Fortrin, Cobel, RPG and Assembly language' 11\M 360; Also knowledge ol Univac 9200: 1. fl ! ' • • !··.<~·-1. 18~ 1MacArthur Blvd . ·-,, f ~ewpprt , Beac;h . '. (bppJ sild· Ora'4~ .~un~y-.Airport) ,• . . ' .. •. 'IS NOW INTERVIEWING ALL H01EL AND RESTAURANT PERSONNEL ., ' . TENDER Loving ca~ Jot _G_a_r_d•_n_i_ng,,_ ____ 6680_ Infant my home. C. M. area. \Veekday! only, J\e as, NEW Lawns , re«'l!ding. •Complete lawn ~-Clean up by job or month. Free estimale&. For ill.10 call 897-2417 or 846--0932 · AIDES • for convalescence, L•_ndsc•ping 6110 elderly care or family care. Excellent working conditions. Salary ....:......:'----Homemakers. 547~ based. on experience. .•. ~obs-Men, Worn. 7100 Job~;,-w;,;-71Qo ! Jobi Men, Wom. 7100 HOUSEl{EEPER or h('lpe.r * MECliANIC-llle duty, for fo1· wido~·er. 'Call mornlngs serv sta. Good pay for · 817-2-129 exp\!. 111an. t'ull time, days. . 645-2541. NEW !.'l"W'n s, ~g. v . Complete tawn =· CJoan Jobs-Mo"' Wom. 71 oo Pho. ne·. Mr. Fisher LI~SEO OULO CAR!:: Newport Hcighl.'i 548--60-16 BABYSITTING niy home, Lindberg Schl area. f::ii:per . mother. Fenced yd. 016-ti669 BABYSJ'M'ING ~1y hon1<', J\Iesa de! J\tar. Any age v.·clcome. Call 546-3003. ---BABYSIITlNG • good rates • refs. $12.50 per child by \Vk. 1'"enced yd. 5'18-2.137 DAY carc. my hon1r, licens- ed, to '.! children (prC'ler infant & child). &12-9:-,40, BABYSJTI1NG my hotnc Costa Mesa Uf'a. Day or night. :Fcnced yd, 642-5299 up by1 job 'or month. Free i:• 'f estimates. For inlo call LA\'IN Maintenance. Once a .""""-="=1='=0'=MIHl932===· ==I 'L' -..... gononl up-kt<p -abi it1es lawfl.'l, flower beds. shrub's. Moving a Storage 6840 anlire~ iteO Ci;Lll anytime before 9 pm, LOCAL &; lol'I& dist. moving. C v 5'16-6bi8 ask for Tint . Reu. storage. Frre Est. Q CO '7 AL'S GaroelUll&; &; Lawn 831--0WI, 0 .K. Van & il htaintenance. <.ommercial, s1ora.ze. • TRISH HOPKINS ln<iustrial &: residential. f==~======'l488 E. 17th:·Suite 224 c.~f. * 646-3629 '* Painting, ':4Z~1~70 Al..'$ Landscaping. Tree,, ·P•ptrhanging 61SO l~'l"'~:"i'""~""""""" Removal. Yard Remodeling, • "T'-A Advertisl09 Agency Haul trash. Clean.ups, CUSTOM Painting "'' ·Repair sprnklra, 673-1166 Extcrtor-Interior Spcclalisl" Experienced,produclion art. ROTOTILLING Residential ~ Comnten::ial. i!Vproductioo manager, for No job too largc er too Newport 8 •. a ch ...... ncy. New I awns, landscaping. small Lie. Bond. Ins. Won't Know t.,.,.. ,-, p'ri~ting, Shrubs &: tttes reJI>Oved. .._ .... A,. .• , .. ~.. ........ . .. ~ ......... FrJe esl sta-I7d ...,.. U•""'" 1 ' ""'v-""'" pasteup, inking for collateral BABYSITTING my hoot~.. '* PAINTING INT &. EXT. and ads, Send resume to So. Coast Plaza area. Call Ne,,, 1~:.~~rlll.ar. Aveorg, l sty $280. 2 sty Box M-590 Daily Pilot. ~ 54{)-8870 $3511. Incl alt material ' &: Ad rt' • A Shrubs & trees1 remqved. :prepan.tion. $l8. per·nn + ve 1s1ng gency , Brick, Masonry, Frec"est. 548-1742 J)aint. Local refs. Call :Jack * SEC!lETAR"'. * etc 6560 CLEAN-UP SPEClALIST 8!W--J89:i or 837-692,j · Ne-..vport ~ Expenenced. I-""'-'-------Mowing, edging, odd jo_bg. · &:cell. typinJ'&: shorthand, BUILD R "' . od I I I \VILL paint a 3 bdrm •"'m• b\Ui_. "--'-r 30. p,.~ , e f', r cpa r Reasonable. 548-69:l:i house for $U(I, ll\CI trim, -·-""""'""'" #'" Br'ick. block, conc re te, sure pace. X1nt. beneu . Z & i\t Lawn !\taint. .Prep. stucco, labor -& nlatrrial. ~ ,.,,......,ntrv, no ,.. b t<>o small. . Call (114} 3910 ....... ,..,... • ., Renovation, cleanino, haul-· Ca.II Gene 5.>7-1<>43 · · Lie. Contr 962.$15 .... • M • ing. Reasonable. ~ INT & EXT. Painting. Free Anc1entJ an"er Carpentering 6S90 E.'>p. Japanese landscape, cst<s. Loe rtls. Noat & I--'---~---cleanup, mainte.~nce. Honest. Call Ctwck 64.j..bsog -~~S - CARPENTRY !11ack 8'1.z..84iµ or Jim 548--0-105 •MY • MINOR REPAIRS. No Job I Jl~l'S Gardening &. lawn METICULOUS PAINT DISHWASHER Too Small. Cabinet In gar-maintenance. Res. & · com· ~-DOCKS-houses, int~xt. , , ages &: o I he r cabinetl'. merclal * 540-4831· INS. col. studenl~. 675-5812 • 568175 H no answer leaVf: APPLY~'iN° PERSOl'I msg a't 646-2372. IL 0. JOHNSON'S GARDENING EXTER. ~Vg 1 Story $250. i 2007 \V. 'to°AsT H\VY, Andenon Yard care,_ Clean.o!J}ls,~ ~run; St~ry $350. Comp! ~/good NEWPORJ' BEACH ing, planUng. 962-Zl35 , painL Inter. Rm's $25 paint · QUALITY \\'oodcraH, sml gen 'l constr. & (.11.rpentry. Free consultation &; quote. Cali l<en 645-0044, •5484235 CARPENTRY-Cabinel.$-Room Add., PatiOll. J.ny size job. ,Mike 673-1166 & 646-2576. JAPANESE Gardenin1 incl. Roy-847-13.58 . Apt. Mgn;. $400-$700 Service. Neat wor.k,..Ot3ani.ip INTER or Ext. PAINTING, Small Ir. lge'~s. ~ Asst. yd. malnt. $8-2303 IMMED. SERVJCE. "Local M gr s. .Ir. ma.m.tenance LAWN A10WING SERVICE rel. FREE est. 548-162'# couple.f>ACESE'ITER Neat, c.lepend<.ble. ~ Plt.INTING-Ict.J;EXt. E~fPLOYhliNf AGENCY able. Free est M&<l95Ei • · Highest ~allty. Lowi!st 2229 s. !llain, Santa Ana JAPANESE Gardener .aerv• Prices. Fully exp. 1111-John s&~ GEN. repe.ir, "add., cab. jng F. Valley, H.. Bch. Costa GU-116& ~ Formica, paneling, marlite.. liotesa, Npt Bch. &G--0345 1 PA}NTING _~I-Int. 1g Yrs;. Asst P~a:i t>li:~ to $900 Anything! Dick, 6'73-M59. JAP~ESE Gardener, 30 yrs exper. 1 1nc'· ·-~1c, ~.:;:t; Background ,in qualily con- REP.(1R§ *ALTERATIONS ex"P. Comp!. yd s erv. A~us. e1 · ~·· trol ,r. lab. Also fee: jobs. 1t -CABINETS. Any $tize. job Q:lmml. Reliable:. ~~~ NJIBD a Painter! tntttidr PACE&E'ITER ~J yn exper. MS.:o71~ ~ 1.1.•2 tr.. exterior. Experienced. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY C•ment, Concrete 6600 . General Servic•s -557-8638 2229 s. M~Sanla Ana PROFESSIONAL R¥J1RED Painter: ~ ~ --~~· ~=--;-;.,-: CONCRETE, all types. Free APT. CL.EANING exper. Ncat ~honest'. Non BABY S I#R. l it e estin1atc. Sawin".: breaking, dnnker Call 536--6801 h k 5 "'ltl am 3·30 ~cial Unit Rate 646-2698· · ousewor · :"" • · hauling & sk i plondin g . o"=r=,.;:.:.::;.c=.:---* PA'l'CH PLASfERlNG· pm, 2 schoof'·~hildren. S30 Service & quality. 5-18-8668 Verne C. Hunt }\II types. Fr~e·es!hriates,. "·k, nr ~-ftiints, H.B. Bob 'Licensed Land Surveyor ·. Call 546--6825 847-4984 ' ..... ~ l::vl'nlngs call 540-89i1 · EXPERT ccn1cnt w o rk. Patios, \valk.s, brick 6' block walls. lS yrs. exp. Yancey. 642-1403 " AA BABYSITTER, live-in, need· HANDYMAN · Plumbing YV ed immed. 2 children. Call Get"IE'!al 671i°~e1 R:pajr , • PbJJMBINC. ~teratlons A: eve=, 646-11852 C.M .. repairs. Special on waler BABYSITTER for inf. Yng CEMENT \\'ork: \\i'alks & HOUSE calls. Gen.er al htrs k disposals 646-1286 girl ov 18. Reliable. Lte patios. '''ha.lever you need l:rtgine Repair. SpeocWizing anytinlC, bskpg. j da, wk,' my hm in concretc the price ls in lune-ups. Reas. 642-3122 PLUMBING REPAlR on bch N.B. 67H2Gl ,;ght! Call Bob 642-9187 alt 5. DON 'T De · Repa;., ~ CED spall' • " "· Ni> job too sn1all BAKER -. ERIEN CONCRETE work all types. Chet \\'inc"s Repair Servit:e • 642-3128 e , Hand shop. 492-5922 or Sawing, bre11.king, "hauling, °";;;1~&~9&t~l~w~"~k~d:;j•Y~'=o...!:;'==;=;:'~:;==== 492--7£146 San Clemente, Cal. Skiploading: Lie. Servi.cl! &. ::: I od r & Quality. 842--1010 Hauling 6730 ~em ~ ing 6940 ~· " * coNcRETE wo'" Repair Bankers Liccnscd. Pati06 I dl'V\vys, I i\tOVING, garage clean-up ROO:\f ADDITIONS. J.. .. T. "';· etc. Phillips Ce n1 ., n t. & lite hauling_ Reasonable. Co n s tr u c 11 o n , 1'"an1lly \ 543-6380 !-~f"('e estimates. 66-1602. j rooms, single or 2 story. A.LL DEPARTMENTS DECORATIVE CONCRETE YARD/ Gar. C 1, an up .. ~stim~tes. plans, laycut &. DRIVES-WALKS-PATIOS Rcmove lrce"s, ivy, trash. ilnancing. Call 847-15ll. CENTINELA BANK 642-8514 Grade, backhoe, 962-8745 * IF you need remodeling, MORE Concretr. patio for HAULING no A_ LOAD painting, or .re.Pairs,· CaU * OPEl\'1i'4G SOON * less rr:oncy. Arti5tic se..lting Clean up. Tree Setv. Gen. Dick 642--1791 . &: tini,;hing. 64~ , Pruning 64.6-2528, 543-8043 6950 lnt•rviewtrig Mey 9th, CE.iVIENTWORK. no job too HAOLJNG &. Clean-up. R""-"ool"in"g'------1 •·12A.M.end2-4P.M. Small, rea.sonablc. Free Trees removed. Rea.~nable.· GUTIERS &: DownspOUts Estim. H. Stuf!ick 543-8615 ~ cstimatc. 548-1742 · Iostalled ReUonable . San 3333 West "Coast Hwy. DECORATIVE CONCRETE -Clemente TI4: 492-3706 · Newpe'tt' Be•ch DRIVES.WALKS-PATIO Housecleaning 6735 642--8:jl4 Child Care, Licensed MIO BA'{ & Bea.eh Janitorial Carper~. \vindows, noon, elc. Res & Commc'I, 64~1401 CHILD Care my home. days \\1JNDO\V \\'ASHING Sewing 6960 l:ZlJ), fj(,8-32Gl SEWING &. A1tcralions. Ex:l=-=====;:;;;;-;;:;:-- p(!rt Service. Reas. prices: BAR l\IAID \VA.NTED Ior Ca.II J~41 · • nlce bar. Call ---~-* &12-tMZ .. 17141 547-9471 Draftsman JolN -· Wom. 7100 I Jobs-Mon, Wom. 7100 Minimum 2 fears experl- e.nt.-e in layout l taping o( art wurk for printed circuit boards. Call Personnel Dopt • (714) 494-940 1 for appointment COOKS Broiler· Grill TELONIC to open NEW COLONY KITCHEN RES ·TAURANT .. ln!lustries Laguna Beo ch , Equal oppcdunity wnployer 3211 H•rllor Blvd., Costa M.11 (•t San Dleto FrMweyl DRAFTSMAN De1l9n •nd l•yout ex- , periM\ce r9t1ulred in rot• tl"f m•chlnery with empha•ls oft CAif· ings •nd pref•rably ••ptrle.nc-In centrlfu· g•I pumps. --·------------ Jobi Mon, Wom. 7100 Bkkpr F/C to $650 "Exciililg l 1timulating" this Is what !his co·s secy says. We placed her the!2 last wk & now they 1vant a bkkpr. \Ve are proud to represent this fine firm • they are stable, pay top benfs, &: the "'Orking c:onds. are: v e r y pleasant. Call !lfiss Pat, 557-6122. Abigail Abbot Per- sonnel Agency, 230 \V. \Var. ncr, Sult* 211, Santa Ana. BOOKKEEPER $575 Employer _paid fee. J\.lo\ling: to ne\v facilities. Other Ice & free job&, ~ASON BEST Employment Agel'IC)' 2207'50, Mi.in: S&nta Ana 9264 \V. Kate.Ila, Anaheim 546-5410 .• or 821-1220 .llOT$ lt.• 14 Curter ....... Opo• IN Lquna S.0<0, So. Lquna bAil.Y P.n.at oc:en BUSBOYS k DISHWASHERS O"·er 18. Part time. Apply in per90n, COCO'S 73 Fa,;hlon lslanc.I Newport Beach, CaJif ** IUSBOYS *Jr (Days Only) The Fisherman Restaurant 317 Pac. Coaiit Hwy. ·Hunt. Beach CAR WASH HELP Perm. Position, l'l1any open- ingtr. 3 LDcatioN; Orange Co. 29M1 ·1:farbor Bl"':!., C_.M, GULP CARE: Need loving lady to care fOJl 6. mo old girl It 4 yr old boy, light hoii.se.woi-k 9-7 J\.fon-Fri, S-5 Sat. Needs own transp. $2.50 mo. MUST be dependable ir. permanent. 494-5834 CLERK TYPIST M•rketing Dept. Accurate typi!I. 60 lvpm electric typewriter. One year experience. Coll Personnel Dept. (714) 494-940 I for appointment --·----::--:-: Job• Men, Wom. ·'7100 -COASTAL· AGENc;Y A member "of Snelling & Snelling Tnc. Th• World's L•rgest -Prot.u~nal Employmen.t Servic• 2790 Harbor 61, j:M ~llll;i.;, ·HarbOr Blvd, at A'dams COrt1PANION I Housekeeper, matw-e wonian, exper., Uve- in. , PROFIT SHARING J . C. CARTER CO. 671 W. 171h .StrHI Costa Mesa (714) 548-3421 Call ' 64~1316 ===-cc-cTC=c:--:::1 Equlll opportunity employE'I' CQUlt:i:, se.mi·Ntired orl-'-7-;~,;;;;;:';;p-::~ "'""" roe .. ,, , , ., 1 * DRIVERS * manacer• or new apartrpe.nt No E"--. ience complex. ; Apartment + ~~·· li&lfll'Y. No pets or .children. Neceuary! 'Vtlte reply to Box 1'.I <US Must bave c1ean Ca.Worn!• Daily Pilot · tfrMns. record. Appb' COUF.LE w ·aD ted for YELLOW CAB CO. J anilorial work, part time. . . l86 E. l~tb St. · erts. Mwt be exp'd. Ap· Ql5ta 'Mesa · prox. $400 mo. Call collect I=======;;;:;;= (ZlJ) ~-7!r.(l \\'kdays 9 EXPERIENCED \VAITRESS am-5:30 ;mil.>~-\ and SALAD MAKER. Call ~tr. Ande~n 548-6414 COUPLE for r \\'tit~ s"·edi.!Lh Sm~st>Ord. C.M. exp'd only., pay . \\'Orking co 1ions. Call FRY Cook, exper or trainees alter 1 pm . 543-9393 "'/some reSlallrant exper. • •COOK-Relieffl"ttiok for Abov~ avg'' pay. I n~· · \'-r · -· benelils. Apply Denny s, lin1all nurs1.ng ~· Institu-12924 Be h Blvd G. G. Uonal cooking etPU. prefer-___ '-'--·------:.. _ red. Apply: ·~ Beach Girl Friday To V. P . Nursing Home 494-8076. V.P. Director of Franchising •COSMETICIAN-Drug sales lor Nat'I O?'l°'m. S.H . nol Experie~.i·only req'd but mU&b be telephone *~ quallfied to arrange confi- ~ dentilil appt't w/(lf!rl!pcclive * CUSTOD~~-for buslnessmea lor V.P to in. qua 11 fi e d v.•ho ~njoy terview. • challenging v.·ork. Large, MUST BE new apartment& complex, Newport Beacfl. 'J'1P wage.!L, e Pet110nablc xlnt fringe :bcnibts, ins.. • \Veil Groomed med. vatatKir.1 Wt.ite: Box e Attractive M-048 The Dai:JS-Pilot. • Able to n1N't & converse DELIVERY Man/Warehouse-with top busine111 1nen. man. Salary~ on abil-Prefer Age X>-35, with guar- ities· & exper, ~t ins. & anteed salary of $·100 per other benelits, Pn!r. age 21-,mo. + perrentagc of ~sl- 45. Contact Univenlly OUice ness generated thal should Equipment, C.l\1 . S.1&8981. br1ng avg. income !rom $000 to $800 ~r mo. D!_~'fER n:A~spap~n',',· Call 1'.tr". 1'.lyer11 642-9470 , , w<.J> req. Ulll"lY morn1 . ,. 1 1 knd • ~ Call or nterv ew \\" s or w_ays. 540-6207 GIRi... "'anted, Shop Work, DENTAL Se t.. Reeep. interesting &. different. art . -ere ary • & era.ft& background helpful, lion1st-Bookk.eeper. Dental must be neat, ""illlng to rxper pref. U noi:ie, mu~I work &: learn. Apply 1639 have exper in aim,ilar posi-Monrovia Ave., C.M. 10 Uon. Mwt be J)!at, well AA1-12ooon. groomed Ir. abll\ to meet . . public, No smoking during GOOD Chri11tian homr with ollice hrs. Send complete blind man, needs com· typewritten resume to Daily panion, wages ope n , P1lot, N.B. Box ~1-67 1~548-5002==~· -c-===="°' DENT AL ASS'T. Front desk H 0 TEL * I NSPECTRESS only. ?i.fust haV9 exper. as (Female) V~ry plea.,ant rccept. in dental oUice. \lo"Orking conditions In flr!ll- Beach area. 846-3540 8 am· class hOtel. Call 644-1700 9 pm . Ext. J7a 1--------- App: BrQ!o\•n"11 Shell Serv, 900 £, Coasl llwy, N.IJ . '*•JANITOR with exp. 1\llle Squarci Golf CouL'bC •J.lhn.6• 1 NURSES INC0i\1t: "TOO S f.1 ALL ! Coll.'lldrr fl.Ill ttr pur1 tiinr RAW\eigh Honie Sl'rvlce Plan. l\lariy r.i11·n $3 ho11t!)' and up. Opr.niOJ.: In Capi1lrano Uc a ch or ntarby. \\'rite, Ra\vlC'lgh, Dept T. lOlD:i Orange Ave, So. Ga!C', C&.I . 00280. *KEYPUNCH *OPERATOR 1'.1inlmum one year keypunch experience required. COLLINS RADIO 19700 Jamboree Rd. Ne\.\•port Beach F,qual opportunity employer LARGE Land Devf'lnprnent Co In S'n. Orn11c1• Co. ;ir('i\, ha5 an irnnu.•d. opening for an engineering L'Olllruct nd- m!nls1ra!or. A Jl p Ii cant 11hould ha,ve an i'l!gin('cring & englnel'rln::; pUn:h11.sin~ bkgrnd . PosirJon ofter r, challc:ngc and futur<' for the r ight pcrson. Send resun1C! to Box M-767 Daily Pllol * LADIES * 18-60, show SARAH COVENTRY Spring & all season j~welry .. Absolutely .no inyest'mt. \Ve train. 531-8631 or 962-5988 . ' . ' PrivalC duty . c~'('ry type 11u1·se. an shifls. Lcscoulle. Nul'Sf'~ Re1:islry. lat HOf.pital Rd.. N c 1\" fl or t Bcach. 6-12~ P ho n c at1ytln1e. J11 t<'rvic1vi n g hours: 11 11n1 to •I pm, Monday thru •'riday. NURSES Live-in. $400. 6 day Wl'f'k.· NO fre. Ref's req'd, Uscoulic N~ses Regl1try 642-99:i5. Nursing LVN -6:30 om· 3 pm, 2 days per wk. Relief med. nurse. BAoH AIDE • I AM·· 1 PM. 4 days per wk, Will train. NURSES AIDE 11 pm-7:3G am. E xp'd. preferred. PARK LIDO CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL . (714) 642·2410 NUnSE AIDES-011.y shift. Ex~rlenccd. App: Per!IOn- nel .Dept. Hoog 1-lt>Sp. N.B. PART Tl~fE mornings: Young gi 0ri" to do tC'lephone v.-ork. NO cxpcr. nee. Call LADIES Be Independent '* 5J&.7j2J * \York own hrs. doing in---=,=== ~-'-- tcresling ""'Ork . CaU 968-~1 . PERSONNEL Loc•I Office Jobi No Ch•rge ,100°/o frff Please caU lot apfit. ~1pc:i-i01" Agency &12-7141 1157 Harbor. Costa !llcsa CLERK \Vil! •lancll(' t\11 J>"al'rt11 of Personnel Ofc Admini..!ih'a· l\<>n Including ron exempl interviewing. Approx. 5 y1'!I cxpcr 1n pcM10nnrl ofc + typing req. S.H, preferred. P-fust be able lo ""Ork with- olJt close 11u1>l'rvisiot1, For Interview ~fAN to a.ssilt Mgr.', locii.l ai)pl!anai' l!!Qft. _ Mu~t. ·be Call Mrs. Edwards neat ap-_,el~na. ~all 9-.AM * 546-2551 * to IO AM o'rOy:' 496.-73Sl • PHYSICIAN, n1cd. raTnily MAN'A'GEQm; Oji P'OR · pr~clicc, seeks fron t office: ! Jo'ull Of pt. 'ifn'C. Car rite, 20 girl cu or bcfo1'l' July 1. ! hr wk. ~ Only expel'ienced or wiUing • ! * MA IDS -Pem1. for to complclr ml'd. assi11t. q u' a Ii fi e d who en)oy school. R~umf' wi1h pho!D. challrnging v.·ark. Lan;e. Bo.x M106, Daily Pilot new apartmcnts complex, PR.oDUCTJON. E:.:Jl('r. nee. Newpottt Beach. TOP'Wa~es. (~'eina lel Oi'pendabll'. llr.r;: xlnt rringe benetlts. ins., 7:30-:IPM. B1'ov.'Ttini; l\lfg. med, '\'acaOon. \Vrlte : •Box Co. 1919 PlaCC'nt1a, C.M. i\1--548 The Daily P ilol. 5•8·1171 * rt!A1DS • Experienced. --Re,•I Estate over 21. Apply Ben Brnii·n·i; Land Investment ~1otor Hotel. 31106 S. Coast Hwy, South Laguna Now In Oran_ge County For The First T ime l\1ALE -Tclet>hone ~aler--rrrc Tht' U.S. Land Plan t1cal. Paid daily. Phone !'l:lr. l\lanagC'rs with or wilhout Ryan 836-4?.67 their own 51\lcs sralf lll"JJenl~ MALLIE'S ty needed for UM! following &'!auty &. Wig Salon has Of)Cn· areas: ing for Hair-stylist \vilh e Santa Ana e CoslA. r-.1c5l1 i;ome roUowing, Salary plus e Hunt. Bch. e Newpor! c:omni & paid vacation, Beach e Garden Gt"ovri • Call 54&-3446 ... Orange e Buena Park • M•int. Mech•nic Fullerton • Norwalk • La-guna Beach. Gell('ral Bldg. & OUiCC' fl.fa in. Full training provided by nur tenance I.: upkeep. Also, facully at lhc U.S. Land De. minor maC'hincry main!. vclopment College o r Land Mect\anical background Investment Coun!lelini:. pref. Apply In person, J\rm. alile, Inc .. 118 E. Uith St., Classes Begin C.M. Sat., Moy 1 9, 1970 or nilcs. '.! rhn.1 :1 yrs. :'llo. CO:O.lt.IERCIAL ·HOME Tile, Cir.tmic 69?4 BAR~lAID. atb\, bikini, top C.M. area. ;,ol.9-00 • .,;c.·..;'°---"·'l p 1 •9, 1207 -,.1 l · pay. Apply ·..&ssy Lassy, .. :. ~· ... _,~ 011,·,... ex--......, e e -.. -* Vr rnc. The • e l\ an .* 2901 Harbor C.~l. 4!J,.;-4900 .., v• ......... ., ., .... DENTAL ASSISTANT. Ol.'er TELONIC lndustrie1 Lagun• Beach Equal opportunity «:mployer * * HOSTESSES Enrol!n1ent lin1 t<.'d 10 educ<tl· i\fATUR E salcslady lo aMiS\ "" SUCCCl'i5ful li<X'n!IC'<t rt'lll our customers with e111ate sales1nrn & women \\•allpaper sell'ction & color who wish Lo earn ... co-ord inatin:::. Somc l d . b I $25,000 to ~.000 Contractors 6620 l\1esa Cleaning Sei'\lice -• Cust. work. Install &: repatn~ \ CLEAN=IN~G~~,~Vo_m_•_n_~I o-,-i per. P-1~1 ta-e & l'Cl:l.d ::,::;;.:.;:.::;;;;.;:...____ C.i:u·pers. windows. floon, etc. No job too small. Plulef , c':.:v::,• ==""~-;:::-;= M~ home a In Laguna X-Ra.y1. ~7719 Addition,; * RC'1nodel lng Res. & Contmc'l. ~lll patio, llaklng shower .. BEAUTJCJA}(, for busy, Niguel ar.ea. Full time. $2. DAILY Pll.Ur WANT ADS! business ex p. es1 ra e . ta year or tnoi-c) Jo'lt"xible hrs. Vista Paint i\lanagement ExP'?r Helpful Corp. 827-2111 -t\pply Today 710 No. Euclid Jo~red H. Grnvlck. Lie. ~~""~,--==· repair . popular priced C.M. salon. hr Own tral'lll 49&--1243 PILOT WANT .ADf! 64.Z-5678 673-6041 • 5-19-2170 EXJ>ERlENCEO cleaning 847-1957/846-0206 Paid vac. No clientele l:'=·====·====..!.:======:p==.1 lady would liltc housework ....... d. New '-ad welcome. 11 ; DAY or J\1ATIIRE couplc to manage tSUl tc 12-IJ Anaheim . 20-30 units, H.B. Adult bldg, I R=E=A7L~E~ST=A=T=E~S~A~LE=s~>t=AN no pets. Rent plus. 846-3927 wanted expcrienced, ActiV1! ~ MEOIANIC-Clau "A" ~tablishaf orr1~. · choice ' license, own tools, Pern1. location. Advertising, park· pot1;ition forre.spon s iblt ing, refen'als. Call collect rnan. Top wages, bonw; plan for apopintment , 49'J..6145. .., •17 .,...,,,, .. , •• J.-Mon, Wom. 7100 I Jobs Men, W•m. 7100 C•rpet Cl•aning 6625 1 • TOPSOIL '9 .call the Ma~. 548-9919 JOE'S CLEAN SERV. , tt BROILER COOK Wc do Everything • Res, I < · Con1. Free Est. 549-:3126 TOPSOIL. Ni~!'en fortified EXPERIENCED. Perm. Sor ··~ P ··v HOUSECLEANING ~:: addet.. 8J7.700Q 6 day "<ttk. night shift, lD- CARPET E?CP. Reas. Re.f. 638-235( , -quire bet. 11 AM-5 PM. STEAM CLEANED , ... SQ FT ·~ss TrH Service nv Th Fl C 1 Oc • •. Ironing ., e v• rowns Also carpet tn.~tallatlon Rest•ur•nt 646-5971 TR.EE SERVICE All ·type 3801 E Paclf.it!.. Coast }fwy. DISCOUNT Carpct Ocancr~. I~:~~~ce~~~ w~ ii Lfsc k Ins. }"'rec Eltint.,tes' Coro~·del 11bi? No ph, calls Expert-Later;! f.qulp. used. · 1ll'r hr. Yl)u deliver and GU-5584 . 91L(NcH Credit cards $6. Rm .M&--1254 pick up. N<"wport, aiata T&EES. Hedges, trim, cwt. llOME & APT Clcaning ~lci;a A~a. 6~ . shunp!, remov~. hauled, , ' MANA.GER BY DIA~tOND 1ilONING In m)' h01nc. Sl ' yn exp. Fully lllli, 642-4~ Will accept ~,.Yeaf"ll bank. 187 21st St., Cost~ ~ten Hr. Drcssn1aking ir. Ntera· ·u:..a. I t 6990 ing rxpericnc#.' Call Ann. 64:>-1317 Frtt est. tions. ID7641 1""'0 s try ' &t:>-mo \\'t'!tcllff Pen;onnel RE'l'RC "-' 3 rooms --ho ,...,_,_ . Alt('ncy, 204j,~stclill Dr .. ~· n .-..:rv ces. IRONfNG Jn my ~t, ~ ctYKOSKJ'S custom. Uptwil. N-B SZtJ.0. run ruaran. Cred it r11ch for most piecer:. [ !:,lll'Opean Craftsmaf\lhip · · _,. card~ OK. 847.fi&M. 646-1234 646-7082 art 1 pm. .100,.. II , 642-l<t;H BRO\VN Ii Sha.rp Man. Set -,.. :o n. Up A: ()per\.M! E.'l:pel' tt- Carpet L•ying & NO ,natl.er what lt-ls. rou ' 1831 Newport Blvd ., C.M. quired. llJlA.~ Chestnut. Repmir 6626 cM sell It with a DAILY 1PLA.NNING to move? Yoo'U .;8~·•:.;·.__,,.,.,i~= ... ...-* EXPERT CARPET CLASSIFIED! Someone Will find an amait11c number ·of Exp'd. Large cuslom con- ln1tall1t ion & Rep•ir . ....aA ... Cl&llned atruction. Top wages . l BOAT CARPENTER N<. job too small, 64&$11 be looldn: for· It. Dial GQ. home• Jn ........,. a l Wl~RD BOAT 'VOftKS CARPET LAYING 56'11 · A!fo. Cb<ck \hem now. · 1.100 Log'" Avo,, C.M. C.A PAGE 642-2070 ----. -CHARGE IT! • .. • Assemtllera - ·Burroughs ;~orp. · ~. Now Commolclol Co'l'fll!ff ~l•nt 1 c . MISSION VIEJO ~:'.;~ . . . . ' I Has openlngs for ASSEMBLERS at our new plant in rt'lission Viejo, Cali!. Some experienc~ prtiferr'ea! .. · Apply 8 a.m. -f :30 p.m. • Monday lhrouo Friday . ; EMPLOYMENT/ QFFICE 25725 Joronl'.1 RNd ·Ml!;hln .V~e~ Calif. , IJO.n32. , . , ... ' Equal oppbrtunlty etnplo~ 1 .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!l!!! ..... 1!1!!!!1!!!!!!!!11!1!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!1 NIGHT 13 YEARS OR OLDER APPLY IN PERSON *IMMEDIATELY* Reuben E. Lee 151 E. COAST H\'IY. NEWPORT BEAC~I & profit sharing. Under T'tt'OIUih\lction. Will te-Open May 8th. Write or call Ray Carey. 494-5&1. 604 S. COa!lf lflvy. Laguna. Bl!ech; Calif: Men ""1lnte0 CUSTODIAN * REAL ESTATE SALES. PERSON'. Expericncc:d or Inexperienced. Top c:ommi1Jo slon. For confidential inter. view call 817.8586. Relllilurant HOUSEKEEPER, 11ve-1 ,-i, Imm~l . opening for reliable BUSBOYS • COOKS e:tper girl only. Prlv. nn. man with prevk>u11ndu.,trtnl DSH\VJIRS . \VAtTRESSES Top salary. r-.1u~I 11pcak janltorlal expcricnco, Xlnt. AU Shifts, Jn!crvit'wlns; \Vt(!., English. Ja7-7045 or]3t-9j73 l\o'Orklng condltkirui, good pay F'ri .. ,t· Sal. No phollt' c111ts. and all fringe bet'IC'tlli: incl. Jl~180'~ co r;·iw: Sl''0P 11 OUSEKEF:PER/Child \ cart, fntant. Live-In. Good profil shari~. 30~'E, Coasl 'n \\")', OOf ~ Perm. Hunt. Harbour. Calif. lnjecfioli f.lllldlng· RN't1·lCU:' All s~Jlh1 awn . ,..,.. 200 nrlSR'lt Ave., C.~1. XI I kl 00. Co .,,,...,. a46-4460 n v.-or ng co s. 1 n- t«>USEKEEPER • Spanb;h ~~-------!act O!rJ ol Ntl1'sln11 C..'1. • N E-'"' ov Nursll'\$; i\temOn ;'ll l!o.~fl. IN1-27l-1 -· 0 · "~" '" REGISTERED-NURSE !~ 1 child. Own room SIOO a irlonth. 644--0581 l.C • .C.C.U. See Betty Br\il"O 111 Expandll'lf tll'llt. Challcngint m 6 HSKPRS Emplyr pays fee opportunitins, continuing ed-, • Gltorge Allen BY\Md Agt:ncy uoatJon Pf'Oll'at 1. Conti.let t,:j~ , Xl!C Ul6-B F.. 16th. S.A. 5'17-0395 per1oru·1~l SO. CoMt Com. A~ency tor Cat'ffr GlrlJ , llOUSEKF.:iPER-rnunlt)' HotP. 31S72 COnst UO W. Coasl •twy., N.8.' Fbr Convtlctct:nt Hol!p. Ml lhV)!, So. l.Rauna (71•) 499. R:v al'iJUl:it, G45"39l& " I time, fl).3505 llll Exl. 336 i I I' I ' ' '.) SALES ORDER • CLERK Exptriellelld. lo l&le. or. der ~ rfWata.Jn. tna: ordtol' kip " rtCOrdl. Type 60 wpm on elM:t.. C..11 P•'1onnel ·oapl. {714) 494-940 I ~ for appointment TELONIC Industries Laguna Beach Equal opportunity emplo)'t'r SALES $-MXl io $3.000. No sa.les exp. ne-eded to lake orders & cover leads for \\'Orld·s tutest aiellina: home tx· erclRr. I t Ritt l l k e bananu, in bw>c:bes. for $103.50, with 100% fimnc. cin&:. Call: 897-1986 Ol' 547-1100. bctwttn 12 Ii: 7 pm. SAL ES LADY, curtain, drapery It 1llts. UdoH's Home Furnishingl!i, So. Coast Plaza. SALES: Joln QUE EN 'S WAY'S highest paid fashion counsekln. Receive to $.500 free wardrobe. No. IJ1vnl. No collecting. No deliv. ~21!1 or 536-7257. SAL.E5-Servlce Eatab. Fuller Brush route, ~ a \\.1c, guaranteed to start. Call ~745 SALES LADY. Muri be personable & expe:r ~. Virginia'!! Snip &: Stitch. 33.34 E. Cout. CdM. Savings Ir Loan MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Dynamic Savlnp and Loan As!loda.tion is seeking col· lege graduates for their management training pro-,...m. This position of!en1 chaJ. -----------------·~-,-~~·~-~~·----------·~-.... --- $.llahlq, .... 2. 1910 J & £MPLOTMIN1 M HAHDISI 'OR MIRCHANDISI 'OR Ml•CHANDISI FOR MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISI FOR -SALE AHQ TRAiii SALE ANO TRAiii ~· ~D TRADE ~L~D TRADE SALE AND TllADI! FREE TO YOU FREE TO YOU Jollo Nw. Wom. 7100 • • • _, • .:;;;:;:· c~. ··--~ ~'""'~~l-~---~IO~·~o•'~ll'l!~l·""".:;iiiiiiliiiiiiiilliil>~~ij]iAntlil~ ..... ifil98;;1'•"•0 :>Spo!!!!ri!!!IM!!!,.~G~l~f·!!_•..,....'~·~SOO!!JM~l .. ~co!!ll!!•!!M~ .. !!'"~-~Nl!!ll!J SKITrD!SS!am<te moth<r, oYl.Am.l"VV ui ..... 15KU ~ -~ WE tittle ldtitm ba.vt loft TT father. Lltte.r tra.lned, Contessa llalr t"'Uhions • • S • • W • • • I '~AGLE'' riD.e amimmidaa ORDER. NOW out mltltl!S Ii now niust atnmtly Ml..lthy, v.·til fed . m3385 G••ND loadu. 210 It 50/116 at l'OR MOTHllU DAY find• aood mnv. We.,. s wu old, all w/b!ue ,,.. SM.ALL CD. w/cr-t f\IM'e ft.II' comp. $4.\.. 561-4693 Mothers rhip wltb ~ 2 bl.i w/wht·pawt I: oollan. 545-0'122. V.. bu<luml&lll,..,.._dlo, •.'THE USED • OPENING GOLF cl"""· DoQr 7ont -. -. """"" 1 °"U..ra 1 part mu. LABRADOR I G<rm•• bdltve needs IOl'JW pUti.me · R~btm!d, matched tel 2 tude rinp, nteklAce• 6 Ruulan ll"IY· H * e b r kn · ~pbetd, male, l \-1-,mos. help. 1-tllfl ~well, make • S.t! Mey ~ thn:. 9 lron $45. ~ eminra Mt."'1tb .opah. ru-5tM'1S2 aft I pm 512 Miniature shephenl, female, aood eoHff. i.3 hn d.,. FUR·NIJURE FACTORY IDAM-S PM OtOSMA" u99•"i5iti1t. 22 W..,aquamarlnH upphlr-FOUNDLING, .-t 7mo.64S-'""' 5/1 ?oi1a.y thf'U June lncrcui~ CaJ Ptll Gun. $50 or 't tli JW, etc. fDr lb.; SP£C k>va~. ined. u, nttda lov-9 MONTI! old bl k &nd 10 hill lime with any luck Auth•ntlc Imported C&Jl 968-fiOU '' lAL .Pt10THER. Lapidary Inc home. would love ac: at 1.ll. Call Ron or Dan Seftlrtt. II•• 11ew fundture, ret•med from epMf• Antlqu•• equip,. rouah A: cut 1tonM, chlldrtn to p1l.y wt th . brown pUppy, loves children 171-1) 54&-J&ID. mMt rttttch l model ho"'" at prices below From Hollind Mlictllineeus l600 tooi. tor ~he rockhou.nd, all Health)' I: h'appy . :'; • back Y•~4 WAITRESSES & wltolnolel r · Jewt-try m&k.lna auppllca. .~,.....~·;:;,o:;n~~~-~-''~"~lin~;;;;;n:i\iirni'Oi5 CAR HOSTESSES ~a u;:~~·11~:S~Sp~:,S; PAIPO knee machine, 54 gold, silver, Undln&t, toola NEED pxt homes for 2 PITS and LIVESTOCK r n t ti Altractive 3 ROOM.S: lh•ing room-Dinette Ir Bedroom. .... Inch. good condition $30. & eutLric auppllea. Jo f Jo balr u orpar me. THE $160 G I & '. I u950 Bl Wheel1,Copperlc8ras5.,, Electric gullar ml11ln1 Open1'Ue1thr\IS..t U v. )'OUna: e. lll Pet1,Gener1I 1100 with happy tacea. • rttn $0 • cne1r-1 ••ptr ~ • • u• Old World Antiques Swiday lO.C closed Mon. call, 1 w 0 hlte/eray mrka:s.1;...;=...,;c.;... _____ .I ZOO, E. Coa.,t Hwy, at sof• & ch1ir $59.50. 4 Sp1ni1h sof•s & lov• strlnp & 4.S watt amp. $15. 1-~IVE f.f GEMS 1 1 blk/wht. & 3 ador. kit· FOR Sale PET chlc:ktrui, McArthur Newpt Bch. 1eat1-w11 $30 I, now $129 ptr 1tt. I 9old soft 141 W. S1nt1 Fe St. Bolt acUon 22 excellent SIS. LAPIDARY SUPPLY • tera:, 1 blk. 1 tl1er. l cal. duckS, itt!ie', C8it'S Ir: fertile •\VAITRESS. Part time. 20 & ch1ir, w11 $279, now $119. Single or double Pl1centl1, Callf. ~t1!~ug;~~~ ~ Rear of College Center 54S--0813 5/2 ens, manx cat 5f0..2333 to 30 hrs a v.1t. Olrer 25. mattress & springs, wa1 $l5, now $12.10 each. (714) 528.003 after :5:30. 2145 Bl.Yport Shoppln& Center 6 mo. old fem ale Apply in pcMiOn F · W · 2 red & qreen 9old Spanish sofas & love seats, (1 B1k W, Of Santa re Wa,v, Newpart Beach 7l50 Harbor mvd., ll·A Welmaranu/Whippet mix. C•ta N20 "'OOL\VORTH, 2302 Harbor was $34'8, now $169. I high back 9old velvet Statlonl COMPLETE fumb.hirtgs a: Coata Mesa * 5C9-2m JfealthJr, tritndly, ndl lov~REGISTERED Siamese kit· Blvd. C.M. chair, $79. I high back green velvet chair $5f. bu Ant.lq clocke --i .. ,36 FORD wllhbone franl· home w/lge yud. Eves. ten with cham p i on WAI'IRESS: 6 nl&ht:s a wk. IZ ft. Admiral white refrigerator, left hand • • •••••••I wat~r co.,;;eby ~';'"1~ end, completely rebuilt, ~or 64&--181D 511 back&found, with shots, $2). 7PM-2AM. (n-26 yn:) 'IHE door, like new $109. Big selection tablas & ANTIQUE SHOW kirc bedrm suite by with Wbeeb $75. Almost like LOVABLE yr old Brindle 549-1314 AITIC. ~aft i. hanging limps, $3.95 to $29.95. Heavy black IO Antique 0.1l1r1 American; new color TV, new coovertlble 10fa sleeper male oo~de m!x, hsbrlm, B"L"UEP0='=1,~.T~'""""'~. --71ti~.,,..~ I **WAITRESS (Food) Erp'd Spenish bedroom 1at, f600-now $TH. Light ANAHEIM OONVENTlON custom cabintt, rar e $'15. Twin nbullt carba for lovea children, needi sood $li.. Mile Squm! Golf COQr9e o•k bedroom set, $139. Welnut bedroom 1•ts CENTER Chinese cbelt •hall con-Corvalr $10, 4xl wtndow horn" w/fenced y&rd . 894--54Sl •54~* from $79 to $99. I avocado bedroom sat $139. 800 W. K&tella, An&reim sol", many misc. items. 1100 ctMment complete witb win. 6l3-G5M 5/4 ===-=====~~~I WANT TO EARN IN YOUR Ovarst11ffed c:heirs $9. MAY l,2-3 Ru.Uand Rd, apt 3, N.8 . dow $5. Stl-7219. PERSIAN lOTTENS ·Loving SPARE TIME! BE A Fri ._ Sal 1·10, SUn 12.S 645-1119Z. TRAILER ax1e-3 wheeli It 7 Lovable mLoo:ed brffd PUP.' Vft for 1'fother'11 D a)'', FREDRIC'S WIG ' ER Y 1185 H•bor llvd., at 1ftll St., Sewfni ~chin• 1120 8 Fl. sofa 4 love seat. white. good tires, 15". Datk room ~l~ need rd iood ma11:m~s~ SCaEpAl•L.,...PO !.,,NT•· 5 49&<i5391 GIRL. WRITE P.O. BOX $~. Chandeliers, lamps, equipment, complete . e ya · amt•• 30. LAKES OF FOUR Costa Mno • 548-9457 SINGER Auto zig-zai;:, 6 furn.. antiqueg, ?11 in k Camera, Argus 35mm e-«. female. M8-0813 5/4 Female 7 weekll old $20, SEASONS, CROWN POINT, mos. old. No attach needed Autumn Haze stole. pd. 15' Sall Star 68.il boat, com-FREE kitten•. adorable cali-cCafi=~"=""='='=====I IND. 463'.17 Open: Weekdays 9-S:30, Sllturdays 9•5• Closed Sund.ays for zig-zag, button holes·, $1500, sell $850. 2 Cashmere plete \Yith tn.iler &: motor. co, black, black &: white. - WO?ttAN To work Jn Donut designs etc. Guar. $.17 cash swelters. fur co 11ar11. Band saw, car r ad Io a, Male &: female. Pis ca 11 Dogs 1125 shcp, over 2t No phone or ama11 payrnents. 526-6616 Aquarium. All xlnt. f\lilcell. 54S--O:X.O. 644--0688 5/~ sr. BERNARD, AKC. 5 call Plea 11 e. \Vlnchell'11 644-4018 ROCK HOUNDS-FR!E AFFECTIONATE young mo·s. ?tlust Sacrtl!ce. Paid Donut Houte, 29C7 HarborF ,_u_m_l_tu_re ______ aooo __ 1Garage Sale I022 Muslc•I FARBERWARE Rotisserie, Polishing unit & tumbler. male cat. Lona:-halre-d $350. Sell $150. Lovable, Blvd, COO& Mesa WAREHOUSE FULL GARAGE SALE Instruments 812.S ne\v ~. 19" port. TV, good Comp~te new rock &hop. Siamese 11 think) needs shots. Ca.ti 646-22n WOMEN, ll a.nd over. Part Sofa's, Cbaln,.Bdnn'a. Your cond $25. Sunbeam mixer, Come in It reg'later for dtaw. a:ood home.. 846-2506 511 MALE Chihuahua. A KC, time. Good working cond's. Oioice ~ $69. Sola:s & Love. 2924 Catalpa St. P.A. System. 2 columns, 200 chrome-w/stalnless st I. ina:. Open 7 dAYI 10 am-6 pm . .UI eolna to Europe must housebroken lovable oldH Apply 325 N. Broadway, seat, Kn« St Bdrm'a Your EASTBLUFF :U 8:p, ~i':idu~ik~he~e~'. 00;!· new $35.11So50pr:' S.::. Mid 8101 0Bolu. Av89•·71970 ciw away my siame'se cat, per'90ns p.:efen"ed.' $50. Rm. 410, S.A. from U PM Cholce-$139, Refrlg's, slove11, TrinketJ & Trivia, Oothta 5.16-t706 anytime op ne, new · ny way ty • • to cood home. Btwn U :30 547..J874 YOUNG MEN (6) washers, dr)'e~. SS9. Guar-and stull!! DlcludH awe.at· GWTARS: Oasslcal ~/ ~21~· new $90. Call D'."NlSH Modttn, 91,i ft. aec-l aft 9:30 pm. 8J6....8495 SlllA''°K"c"0o=b<-nnc-an.-"1,-.,-.,.,,-,"b"'lk antetd.! Sacrltlce HousefuJls en, dreal!'t, caprk, boy'• otter F1&m flVlll/ U t:ioJlaJ, Bei&:e couch with 2 Beautiful lol\l'-haittd kit· &: tan, show Cfllal \ey, xlnt 2'0 to 25, lo work u field rep. ftlr nat 'l C'OOOU11. Re- sponsible and have an auto. No exp. nee. Prefer to train. Fer interview caI.1 Tues. & \Ved. 9 am·T pm, Phone: Mr. Goodwin. From Ectate5, A Model p&ntsa.ndahou,sportcoats, · enco ......,o er. DE CORATOR Area curv~ end, rever1 l b le tena, 1 black & silver, 1 pet. Ean & shots done. Homes, Terms! pUrSeS. nin coats. Alao Both brand new, Both Mar. rugs-long shq: w/hand tied cusluona, good condition $54, black .t white. 'l wk:s 2l3: 597_1169 Reposnssktn Canter mena &lacks, •port roata:; cdllno Lopez. Ca1J 96l-5470. fringe. Gold, Orange , double bed wllh Walnut ~ 5/5 SHELTIE PUPPIES-TR.[ 547.S721 etc. Over 75 clothing items; LUDWIG anart drum I atand Green. Plnkll, St r i pea. bookcase headboard, Newl,==~·~~--~.,-- 619 E . 4th St.. S.A. all in fine condltion. Other Zlldjlan 1&" cymbal &. Sac:riflce oh'l $35, 5x7 $43. Englander Red Llne mat· ~~y 0~ ~s 1~V· Reg. AK~~eeks old. BARGAINS! Blonde twin items Include new records, 11tand. Good oor\dlUon $80 Other sizes &: colors, treu &: box 1prtnp (tall .. .., me: w o , ~ow bdrm set comp \\'/Cbesl, cigarette ll&hlers, lanterns, for both. Sf6...0573 aft 5 PM 54&-465-t. boy length) good c:o~tion ~ h al red ki t t e s";2 GER.i\IAN Shepherd Pups, 2 nite tbls $150. Sofa. bed ~ter's pool table and BASS Rig, 400 \V, 6-15" ORA.PERY SALE $65, 833-1350. AKC 337 Aiagnolla Ave., Jenging and rewarding ca-~y=o~u~N=G'"M",.-,1"8-25-=-w7ho-,.,,wan<=· reer to the; right pcrion. to le-arn a . trade in the Call - $25, carpeting $15 a rm. many other good.JM priced speakers, mu&t sell cheap. Fabric.s from $1.98 & UP. * AUCTION * 2 DARLING kittens, 6 wks C.~I. 612-8310 after 3 PM. Rat ... d. !bl 6 ,__ •oo from ,25 to $10. C.Ome be· 5.16-87D6 an"time: 72" Minimum length, labor old female, malt, and short SCHNAUZER '"''· male at ....,, m. • C•u· .. , ...,.,. " U you~ .. , ... "buy 1a11·• b 2 Rattan lou~ ch ra: $30 tween 9 and 5 Saturday and incl. Lrg selection o r w ... ~ ~ manx mot et · stud. Groom!!!i. Ca 11 ; ea. work bel"ICh $5, dropleaJ Sunday, Use; Cac:ao SI. en. Martin O.l5 Gult•r fabrics. Frtt est. tt-taster stve Windy a try &12-tl48 5/S 213-~. ~1r. Hensley 1213) 861-5713 rnovi~ l storag-e buslnes1. Need 15--31 men. lf i"'" lerested, c.alJ betw 8:30 am &. 4:30 pm. 54~7159 •-· ff "--<bluU r... $1l5. Paul • 644-004S Ch • Bank A Ca d Auctlons Friday ?:30 p.m. 5 PRETTY PUPS 6 k ;;;=c-o=-;,...,~-;,--lbl S20, corner tbl $10. Pie· ......... ee-0 ......... ........ arge... mer. r . w· d ' A ... B . w s WIRE Fox Terrier f'llp.s tures & lamps $2 ea. 319 •SALE Sat,&: Sun. 11.5 • SOPRANO Saxophone, new. 540-9122 in y I u IOn ern old, med. lll!e mixed bret'd, AKC, male. ' Margueri!e, Apt A, Cd.i'd 503 Aventda Laden., The-For Quick Sale -FuU price. I ·G_R_A_N-,D~-0,.-,7iog-, -N~e-,v '°75'1» Newport, CM '46-8686 need 1 ood homes· 842-1376 May 4, 5 &: 6. Blulli. N'pt. Bch, Medit. $150. Call 646--217-t. J\1ardan Thrift Sho p. All Behind Tony'• Blda. Mat'!. 5*-7202 S/ll--,c•oc""k-,-,..,,.p-.-n"i1"1"1"$"2"5~ SchoolWnstructfon 7600 FURNITURE fttumed from style room divider; Contour UPRIGHT PIANO $125 new merchandise. ?tlonday, PIAPO knee machine 54" RANGER STATION f o r * 847-6425 * display studios, model horn -lounP chair; Staui'!t't'--llke Good condition. MS.9611 May 4. 1810 Park Ave., rood condition S30. Electric backyard tun. for kidsl--,=~===~-* SECRETARY * Land development executive in South La.guna ottie@, re- qUitts attractive and upe_r. ienc:ed IStctt:W'y with cood pencinal.ity A top akllla In typing Md SH. 9 lo 5:30. Tel: Miss Ha.no for info. 499-1344 sc1.n'1 IT'S YOUR MOVE AIRLINE & TRAYR INDUSTRY CAREERS e OPERATIONS AGllll' e TICKET .SALES S.Crat•ry/M•rktitint e RESERVATIONS • POLY OPl'JCS, the manuf.ac. e AIR FREIGHT-CAltGO turer of the fascinating dee-e COMM\Thi'lCATIONS oratlft Ugbt&:, "POLY OP-e TRAVEL AGENT TICALS" is localed in the Irvine Indwstrlal complex. a1 I' School p 'I' This &e:cretarial opening is ,... r IM I •cl IC for our markettng director. 610 E. 17th, S•nt• Ana Secretarial skfib m"'t b< .,..._;;o.;$4;;;.3-6i;;;5il96o;;;;;;;;;;;;;; top.notch. S.H. 100+, t;ypini ......-.~wpo*'rtt"' &I+. Must be intelllgent, per- sonabll?, neat and able to • School of Business • crow with a Cftatlve, rap. Idly growing company. SaJ... ary &nd benefits are excel- t.nl APPLY POLY OPTICS, INC. l&lS E. CARNEGIE AVE. SANTA ANA 546.2250 Secretary to $600 Exciting opty, You wW v.vrk in lovely new ore. In Irvine area for a wonderful boss. The co. is estbl'd I: stable. Yours \\.ill be a pos. w/ln- finite variety &: lnlere1t. Send tt!sume or call Miss EIU:abeth, &17~122 Abigail Abbot Pl!rsonnel Agency, 2ll W, Warner, Suite 211, Santa Ana. Secreti1ry·Glrl Friday Successfu.J .&: Busy Adverti&- lng Agency Needs Extnor. dlna.ry girl Friday. Rigid qualifications Incl appear. ance & a sense of humor. Prefer 21~. $.500 mo start. Rei·IY resume In confidence, P.O. Box 1547. N.B. 92663. Secy/L19•I TrnH $450 Exciting oply lo atart In lt1al field. Very pleasant law ofcs., good benfs. Call MW Elizabeth, 557-61.22, Abl&:ail Abbot ~nonnel Apnc:y, 230 W, Warnu, SUl!e 211, Santa Ana. Features weekly mre.she:r COW'lf!I 1n the akilh: )'OU need to set the ;ob you W&J\l e 133 Dover Dr., N.B. e . ...._ . .... ..-.....-....-.----~-- AIRLINE SCHOOLS PACIFIC Day & Night Clasllc:s 543-6596 610 E. 17th SL, Santa .Ana SPEED l't'ading class starts Tues, May 25th. 7 to 9 pm. Increase your spttd comprehtnslon Ir: en- joyment. Tustin Rf!adlng Center, 130 H St. Tustin. 544-4400. Cottage Art Shoppe Art leaaons, land & lituc:&~ es, algna It truck lettering. Emma Blankinship &: Joyce Sisler, 690 W. l9tb fAt ~ mona) &12-1689 or 836-6455. MASTER ARTIST will teach pa.inting, Apply in penon 2912 W. Coast Hwy, SpaC'I! No. 3, Newport Beac:h. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Furniture IOOO ===ru=TY°'"'G""" .. -"'"•-.""N"•-.-~'"t. lJVING, Din., Bdrm, Fum. el"N.. Call 633-362{1 0 r Stereo, Color 'IV, dresser, ~f!T-3070 lG-5 P?.1. chesl, bed, hutch, desk. hunp1. e:od tl:lls A misc. * SERVICE STATION ATT. 5t84611 • S&ln. F\,111 & part time =':.,:..:"'--~~~~~ poeiUon for ft:.'ponslble. STAR moving to Contint!nl neat apptarin( man. TOp Holllltful of beaut 1 f u I ..,..,.... boflua pl.an & profit decorator furniture. thar'lnl· Under reconatruc:-548-0362. Uon. Will n -0pen May 8th. HOUSEFUL Of new model Write or call Ray Carey. home fumlt.ure. Rq-. ;683. ~. 604 S. C:OOst Hwy. now Sl.97. DM-07 or es, de-con.ton cancellation. reducer/relaxor; 3-way Costa Mesa.. Ac:rou lrom guitar&!. 45 watt amplWer partially a11 sembled. DALMATIANS Span1ab ol Mediterranean vanity mirror: Waterford Pi1nos & Or11ns 1130 Park. Open Monday· Satur· SlS. 2 fllhing rod!i &>reels, 1144-5859 5/4 AKC, Ch. stk .• 642-1931 RD FURNITURE tumblers, dishes, ru1s , daylDAM·3PM. best offer. Sea""5Ult with SIAMESE KITI'ENS. pun!-Cockapooa, Tarripoos 1844 Newport 81., C.M. misc. p~~ : ~~~ANS UPRJGJIT Piano, antiqued, anns • Vf!ry eood $15. 21'5 bred, 2 female, 1 male, & Peekapoos. 847.84.25 every nite • til 9 HARBOR View Hills • Lusk e Yamaha Pianos ()rpm 1961 Rambler w a a: on , Bayfront Way, N.B. 536-4016 between 6: 3()..7; 30 MALE Chihuahue all ahots Wed., Sat,&: Sun, 'Iii 6 1014 Sandc:utle Dr. c:dM. •Thomas (')rpna; Normandie, 5 profeu ional LADIES diamond d i nner pm 511 Widow lady pr;fe rr ~d . WROUGHT IRON 644--0581. Blue-green tWftd • Kimball Pianos Clarinet, all reasonable. ring, set with 1% karat 4 UVELY 1 'l\'k old kittens Lo\•able pet. $25. 5t6-874G Coin& F.aa Unusual wrough c:oucti. ?o.tinolta camera • •Kohler I: Campbell 8471 Lomand Dr. H.B., nr. cenitr diamond, 2 diamonds .1:; 1 black 3 mo old short ./SILKY . AKC . iron ~ table, n>und~ haby Jtems • odds A: ends. COAST MUSIC Nf!wman &: Hamilton -i,~ k&nl.t on each aide. hair kitten all box-trained c:ha:m ~pp1e1, ~ •ir: with ~ pla'---laas top Sat. onJ.y 9-5. NEWPORT &. HARBOR FOR Sale -Family Mem· Brilliant cut Sacrlt:ice! Rep-& ·w-eaned ~alt 5 5/2 t , ~.,, ~::.?11e see-o . ~-. ~ ly lo Box P360. Daily Pilot. · '. er. V'fY"W'I and foor rnatchlrc chain. I SAT, Sailing dinghy S200. Costa Meu * 642-2851 bership, Irvine Coast Coun. CONVERTIBLE . BEAtrr. black male Persian, *,.-,*""°D"A~CH~SHU=°'N°'D~P"-P~P~~ •• $$.00. 71&-A Joann St., C.M. Dining chaln, exec. Open 10.S Frl 11).9 Sun 12-5 try Club. Can be purchued • sota, white altered, 1 yr. llhots. Ideal AKC tt!gill reds & blacks ~ partners desk $27'5. Re trig. SAVE by 6% note, i1 qualified. naug~yde $50. Tv.·ln swivel pet far single 1 ad y . after 5 m; 6Th--359C ' 8~.~So-r~.-.. -"'-,-"-,..~.-.-"~"'-"'"' s20. Sol& bed, misc:. 2220 Call 545-2337 10 am·S pm. chairs, s addle-color 4!M-lS86 5151,_.=.,...o'-=--c---= nora..1, sc:otchguarded ;125. Vllila Dorado, (Blut!s) NB. HUNDREDS FOR MOTHER'S DAY naugahyde S7J each. GE ., . SILKY Tenien • AKC r-.tatch. I 0 ve•ea1 $75. ~2989, ~1529 Pair Diamond earrings. 1/3 freeztl"-top refrigerator $40. 2 COCK· A -POOi · puppies, c:hamp stock. small. beaut On New Conn Organ1 carat each. Sl50. Private 830-4596 & weeks. 4!H-5887 after 6. coal!. Stud afaU. M&-7335 m.-0591. COMPLETE ahell camper, All Mod•ls 20& Canyon A c re s Dr .. -======== '.4 hp pool pump, 8 mm GOULDS SANTA ANA party. 549-0674 ELEC. stow, wheel chair, Laiuna. Beach 514 I \VHITE Toy Poodle Stud Offlc• Furnftur• 8010 proj., ~ mm alide proj.. 2045 N M · 547.()681. DIAMOND Ring, ladies, (4) add'g macb., 26" bike, Kiln, Service, AKC. misc. household Items. 10238 • ai n 1A. Karat diamonds set ln molds, blocks. 5 Packard KITI'ENS • Male &: female, 847-TI76 .· USED steel desk! $39.50 • Posture chair5 $12.50 & up • Uled 2 &: 4 drawer filing cabinets e Ulll!d wood desks ifcMahan Bros Desk Inc. 1800 Newport mvd. C.Osta f\.1e!!ll • 642-8450 2 OFFICE desk.!:, black metal w/chnn trim, 2 chain:, Xlnt cond. 642.-9730, M!l-0120 Offic1 Equipment 1011 IBl\1 Selectric typewriter, hardly uted: 2 type balls. $350. !ir.>4422, 833-2950 Garage Sile 8022 Robin, F.V. 545-4940. 5/2 & We ar-e having a platinum. Prlv. pty. $250. ui:s &: wheels. rroner. 6 weeks, ""t~ned.C 2334 Jll"Yorkie F•male Pups 5/3 Whale of • Sala 611 ooNI 545-6001. Weetmlnater S .• . M. Tl AKC "·" -• . · ~-=,-=,,--=-c:---1 646-lm 512 ny, . n.cuu ......... pncr GARAGE Sale May 2nd, all on Pianos and Ofians. LADIES Hum.a.rile Dyna.Ilt FOR Sale: Family mem-to good homes. 646-5226 You better come on down! be DARK German Shepherd day. 69) Lombardy Lane, WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO while boots 6~N. New this t11hlp lo Newport Beach rnal all FEMALE poodlt AKC x. Laiuna Bch. Dining set, year. Best otter! 675--4399 Tennil club by lndlvtdual fe e, a mo., •hots. land Sas8atras b kgnnmd hide-a-bed, fabric., dbl bed, ll19 Newpart, C.M. 642-3484 aft 6 Pf\1 Contact Mn. Ru a: s e 11 . Good dlspo&iUon. &ood wilh -ac • all hiih quality, much mott. Open Every Niie 540-1620 • c:hildttn. 962-2ln 5/2 5 mos. $35. Ph. 557..Ql38 GAR AGE Sa I e : 312 & SUnday Afternoon P/~~T!:. ~=~ ==: WESTERN G 0 UR MET BEAUTIFUL ~> Siamese kit· ADORABLE blac:k Miniature Magnolia. C.M. Sat. May HAMMOND St . y ground rovers 35c·U. 291 FOODS can help you fill tens, pure white 7 wk.I old !iK~ i::if1;451~=2 Prlc· 2, (12-4) Household ittms , e1nway, am. E. 23rd St. CM. your freezer I: Uw. For need 1ood homes . . . & toys. aha. New &: uttd pianos of into call ?.i::i. S pe ar, M>7978 512 GER:\fAN Shepherd puppies, mes! makes. Best buys in NE\VPORT Beach TtMis 831)...5189 GOO purebred beaut f\fale $to GARAGE Sale: r.1 o vi n r . So. Calif. at Schmklt Music Club family membership. · TO D home. 2 kittens, l•m•i• ,;, &I" ~.16 ' Bookc&..Wl! s;; ea, Sofa bed Co. 1907 N. Main, Santa Ana Qu ick salf!. best otter. Cllll ZENint stem> S65 Baby I \\"etks, 1 gray, 1 black. ~. ,._.,.. · SlO, Dinette aet & Upright 53I-U50 crib fl.50. \\1ood1anci antlq. 548-7237 5/2 e AKC TOY POODLES e freezer. 914 Cedar Pl , C.M. 1-IAi\f~fOND SPrNET CLOSEOUT: Stitchery k.its. furniture, desk S20. Nlte 3 BLACK kittens. 2 gray, Sjl) i\kALE PUPS LIGHT fixtures. paintings, Jlook &. Needle, 131)64.A stand $10. 2 headbrds ;7.50 2 atrlped, need a:ood ho~&. AOI 842-4742 small appllanc:es, clothing, r:~~ r:;i~~:,~!f~ .H~i~; Century. 1 blk s. G. G. ea, 549--0695 543.-1'26. 515 AFGHAN PUPS, AKC & misc, Sat only. 503~S: nt'W • dark cherry, model Blvd. '60 CAO Engine: $85, 'liO FREE German Shepherd 11 \Vks. Terms. 846-!1452 ?o.farigo\d CdM. L, and bench $850.00. ?tlay * * PHOTOS oil painted, Volvo eng. $7S. 41G-Wl00 pupa, 8 "-'ks. 646-ti289 att 6 2 Pekingese P 1: p p i e s. THURS., FRI., SAT & SUN. Appliances tlOO a.rranae tt'rms. expert colors. li!e·like color. ~~-~~r machine ;75. pm, 5/5 purebred, ti \\'ks. n1alea:. Hard to find garaae. but ---------718-A Joann St., C.i\i, 64:>-0865 Preseives & Enhances. 8:<10 > GER/SHEP 1 yr, old, $30/oUer. Call 549-4012. lots of i(lodles. Both old MOVING must sell, upright ----$4. 962--0665. CARPET Left from Comm'l. gentle. needs Iota: of lovt. ADORABLE purebred Dach. &: near new, Clothing: freezer, •68 G.E. ].4 cu. ft. Television 8205 'TOP quality, 2 sets twin contracts, $1.98, $:11.18, &bar 546-4564 aft S 5/1 shund puppies, 6 wk:s, $25.. ladles sz 8, 10 & 12, shoes frost tree xlnt cond. $200. TV Stereo_Co_n.,-,,-, -0-,.-,,-h mattresses &: boJC" springs Sl.99 sq. yd. Drakes Clrpet FREE Hone fertilizer, Pick 548-4911 T% &: 8· men's 42 long. SEARS wlndow fan 24" r.1od. Packard Bell Call , -'~'-'""-'-18'1=·=962-8446~~-·~~ 17206 Beach Blvd ., H.B. up at 20.lll Cypttss, Santa AKC Yorkahlre Tenier 1 lrg Chinese lacquer tray thennostatl-'J" controll..,, , . 842-511' •--5/2 Mal 1 th !nl Id I t"· I "'"'" ~ 847-5810 a.ft 6. REVERSIBLE bikinis by C. "',. e, mon s a w copper, mo no:r o 1,·~ -w •~. 847 .. 03 I-''-======== ** WELDING TANKS & $150 ** "'>-Ill< pearl & pewter w/stand, "" "" oJMJ -o.x> t· CUstom made $10. Try our TORCHES SlOO, *CUTE mixed b~ dog, 8 ....., wood cat"Y"lngs, brase: pc:'i, SO. COASf KIRBY HI-Fl & Star.o 1210 _samples. 53&--8661 PORSCHE ROLL BAR mos. old. bu all 1hots. l. .. Alt RET. Pups. A.KC 1 lrgClol8onne vue, .!ieveral has cmllt TO's & demo 1---------VARDEMAN su rt board . NEVER USED .$40. 646-S:ri 968-5&12 5/2 Show·Field Cl\llmps·Ptts amaller ones. Japanese silk model.a ot new '70 Kirby SONY HP • S80 STEREO 9'7", \Vood tail block. Fiber NEW HU..-, 2~·· GIRLS BROKEN, PILES of con-Blond &: black. ti73--tl771 foldtni acreen. Imari bowls Classics, 25% oft. Far.t. S)•stem, w/du1l turntable, akeg, S20. 546-0:lll aft 5 PM BICYC~~'". SPY DER c:Nte. You haul, free. • pla'·s. V•-1--'l•ct. warrn't. PH: 536-ml/2U AM/F'f ·-~~. I ••0 •••• 5/1 Horses ••30 °' "' . ., ·• -..vi 5 · i• • ...... ""',."' a J'l e ./ Sliding g:lus doorg, 15x8' ~10DEL, S40, '""""'.J<W --~-----o.-= Of Early "'"''· glass ....... ·s, th St/ H.B. d k 4 •·-X · "" ec · sp ...... new • mas & 6:<8._ Used, ~I price. 642-1724 EVENINGS 2 LONELY rabbib v.'&flt * Btaiit. 3 '"'· Chtatnut greatly reduced. Slq berry LADY Ke nm o r e auto 496-2896 set, elec. coff~ grindrr. wuht'r, like new $150. Al!O ==~~--~=~ 1 5i J..'1923, FIRE extlnguishtr $45. Cash ~.....,. ho1 me, free 10 Y?U· Mare. Excrllent condition elec knife. Hard to find older model Kenmore:. xlnt STEREO Components \Veb-\\'HEELCIWR S35. f ull si~c dl"awer & Mle slip dlrpe n5er "i""""1 ~fl $475. 714/646-2661 tr;: mahoa: piann degk, con d $40. 847..fil.15 or ror.BSR. ,._1n't cond. SlOO bed SI5, comer table's $.ti 5-16--4196 5 RABBITS & 1 chicken, PINTO Gelding, S yri;, very worth $500, sell $350. bran !i-16-8672 Call 833-1521. St2.j() eaC'h. 536-1507. =========\ no c:age. 904 Arbor St.. c.;o.r, aound. GenUf!. S27J. Call \'ale!. Kola \\"OOd cocktail HAVE Moved must S"ell: 12 6 IT. \\'alnut console stereo. RErRIGERATOR, Cl'06S lop Misc. W•ntecl 1610 S.13.3637. 5/5 642...WSO tbl 6'4" long. 1 man's 111 cu. ft. HOTPOINT uprlghl Nearly fll!\'o' $400. Private S4J. Gas kitchen range S3S. \~'ANTED! Couple raising 7 FRE.F,; killenr, 2 blk & "'hi. APPALOOSA Gelding. \Ve.II je\\1!!1 Audemar&-Plqu€'t lSK freezer, fd. cond, $85. part)'. Call : 828-8316 2U4 ContlMnlAI, C~J. hild f the'-do 1 blk, 1 strfped. All long· trained, gentle but spirited \\Ti~t watch w/14K !'urrrit 673-S561 PORTABLE TV $50, baby c ren ° ". O'Ain, a pt haired. 545-2969 517 ;325. 675-40j9 ' band. (l) 17 JtMI Eterna l ,;====---,~ Ctm1r•1 & 6 glrlll frtlm widowed .,. =~-~~-~~-1 ;;,...,.o;i'°"===- l4K -Id sl-o walch. lSth KENMORE wash in g Eq"I t llDO crib $20, utllity table $2. mother '\'hoM 7th hu tn-FREt puppies. Part Poodle. TRANSPORTATION Cen~ yell~w &. rose rold machine. used 6 mo, xlnt -''-""=pm=•;;n.;_ ____ 1 _;c..,aJ_f~64~>-380=='=....,=~-cu.table disease "-Ould ap-About 6 week! old . ---------1 ladleti neck chain, Vf!ry old. cond. flOO. Knitting mach. "SUPER 8" movie ou tfit, ORIENTAL RUGS precla.te any children 's 646-079& 511 Boats & Yachts 9000 35K Australian opal pendant $35. 962.-2113 complete, cost $159, sell $75, Various slZJeS. ?-.lust aell clothe11. 549-2581 aft 5, WW LOVABLE young cat, 15• SportJine ti h-tikl., 4 • + ope.I ring to match & NORGE ras drye:r . 557..f.693 =='"""°"613-5822,0--,~---I pick up! ~~ fl'te lo &ood hom51•1· horsepo\\.'tr 't.fer~, r:x·~ 2 bn~let11. Gold belt buckle Frigidaln! eleet. dryer. both BALBOA Bay Club mem-* PRIVATE party want. .....,...,.,... eves. tra.s, $875. Mark 55 Thundtr· w/yacht club ~rgles. Gold xlnt cond. $5S ea, 847..Sll5 Sporting Goods 8500 bct1hlp for sale at discount. aocxl used 12'x20' carptt; GOOD home for lolling 1\~ bolt Mercury ;:;m, 89Z.2'123 & sterling wlrub le s or M6-8672 STORE WIDE SALE \VeekdayJt (213) 879-1520. gold, avocedo, or btllf!. yr old tlutfy male c:at, XLNT 10 11 Ru bot l" Westem belt buckle. Plu!i: Lw=E=rn=N=G=n=o=u=SE=-"1roo--t"·f-1"tt l0% DISCOUNT ON FIRM·Line~r ~xceUent c:on-1 =64$-""'1=79'°1"°"'=-~--~~ 675-4829 aft.. 5. 5/1 H.P. Evi~dc. ~~a r 1'f': r ~ SERVICE Sta. Pu.mp Isl. COMP. walnut btMnn. Dbl all kinds of thli & that n!lrig, very clft.n. Call ALL MXRCHANDISE dltioo S50. Mna Verde ua.. WANT!:D: Two fumished of. HORSE F£RTILIZER YoU m.ny ~x1ru. i~:>. 673-2517 too numerow to lt<'mlic in S4' ~·3. M"I-., 11 1•··1 I ,. .....,, "-..,__ """" Lquna Beach. CallL 631-62'.0 Sttleaman. Exp'd pre.I'd. bro, 2 1tttl exec. desks, tht 25c: to $5 brar.ket o-_.. Costa M111 Gun Room •~=~~~~·--~~~--~ uc:e . su ~ka ~u h:n or Pc up. _.._. .....,.,reu, .,.,,. _o;:;' ,.o","',,""00'""'"=,-.,..,--~I Over 20. mt E. Cout Hwy misc:. office tum. Mll!lt Mil. Apt No. 3, \VestclUf Vill11.'~. USED ApplillJ'IC'('& &: TV'a, 2J.4G-4 Nt"''POrt Blvd., CM INT'!... Royal Danish Sterlin1 marlJ)C, • c A ta Ane 5/2 l7l;' FYBE'RGLAS.S Inboard at Goldenrod. Corona. de! 5tt).8914 or 6"-0504 (On \Veslcllff t. t1r l llh· all r{l.111ranlttd. Dunlap·a:, • 646-1933 • SilWt"l\'U'e. Ten S pc. place tables. 646--9647 or Mi--T;ii?. KITTENS. ftte. After 6 pm. Gam1fi1her, xlnt cond., sea- Mar. 61>-0533 MUSf sell bousebold furn, be!wn Dover & Buckir¢am 1815 Newport, C.?t.1. m-1188 EL PIAPO, }{n(:(: ~1a<'hine, lit>ttlng1 iMIO. 644-2160 Machlntry, !tc. 1700 M2-2UO Sil "''orthy S117j_ 6'1"3-9361 SERVJCE Station At~ndailt. Some new Ii beautiful, &Ome -acrou trom Newport Nat'I BAR Refrigerator, bI'IJl::I M", ~cellent condl!lon, (!) 7xl4 titt• & rims, Sil --·-· PART Pt.nlan male kitten, 'VAN"TED! full I pert Ome. Apply tn oldies hut gOodics. Somt old Bank. new. $jQ. '$40. Gllry 615--1392. ea~h. Lui;~ rack SIS. MAotINISl" tools, (2) boxts 5 \\'ks old. 897""'37 5/1 10 10 14 n aluminum boat penon Airport Texaco. 4618 & heal-up. &l.6-Ul2 5 APTS of F\Jrn. 1 King CIJI 6'6--0114 NE\VPORT Pillpo, Excellent Call M?-5.902. CO$I T 58.U all for SJOO. rR.EE Kt'M'ENS. call after R.euonable prlet. 673-9029 Campw, Dr., N.B. J\TOVING •vt"rything muat sz bro. J\farblt" top tb\1. 17 a.J. f'T. Uprl&ht tittzer, for kntt riding. Exctllent GUITAR An1pllfier. Tttmo\o 55'f...fi6S3 8. 642-2570 5/4 1'6" PENN YANG SKIFF SE'\\'INO Machine OperatM, RO. Dinetta Ht. Bdrm Suite. 26S8 Ora~ Ave. C.l\1. like nf'w, Sl75. condition. S30. 67.>-1392. S·IO. Kt.nt pic:k-up Sts. FREE TO YOU ~'Rit . 1 wk mixed Temtr light v.'tl&:hl . S.iO. ' l'XJ)Ulencod, APP1Y 7l5 S. Earl)' Amerlcan Stereo, ttc. f URN rruRE. Fllntrldce Gtl-0045, 64U065 SURFBOARD JtJt'y Cabtll, Stingray blk-c SlO. 644-649'. pUppln. -492-1513 S/" *496-219'l• C.0.11 Rwy .. ~ Beach. 557~38 china. mllc:. ltems. 1'36 '\°EOGI:.1VOOD GAS RANGE 9· 10". Excellent condition. 100 Feet, 4' hi&:h Redwood 4 SNOW white: ktt1tM 1 MALE Guin.A Pirs & 11' Cihris Ctaft Jnbrd. 'l"lltl-rrt, 12..S. Oinetie Set, likt new Pert Bannoutt\, N. B. $25. f75. 540-1375 Pickel FCenclal! , .. , ... ~~~,· manx, 9SUI021 , 'st• Hampeters. 4!M.l3l2 aft a. ,,~maC', Just Like Ne w! _ BUSIEST manwtpa&cl in 6 chain $:i1 $44-4-t95 * 6(.2..59-M * _.,... ~ ._,.,,,, c II 61, . * 54M769 * WORN once. Le Tnppeur I ,.,-=~_,-,.-~---, KiftENS, & wkl, nttd soocf 5/4 · a .r-375:1 1'.:lwn. Thi DAILY PD.OT DIVAN • -·•·b. ·•-~. ~·-GARAGE s.?e: f'urn. & G E Rt>lrlg. ~· High. Slalom ski boo111, !uze 101.~. It.ANO painted oil po11ralt home 5t9-2l06 514 ~fOYAN _Collie, 6 mo·s. ID FT. Glaupar boat. Xlnl .. _.... ..uau ... , Mlsc. 16351 HoUyv;ood Ln, Ciood shape-., 3 yrs, <lid. $3(1, 675-4455 of you or yaur chl4h1ln lrQm • Lowa children a.;.oao2 514 condlUon, 'll'ilh 1 HP motor Caatned ltcUon. Sava Miii"• .. xlnl aind. A buy, ll.8. $ll I: sun.~•-S&I rn,...7099 biAL dtr.et G42-S6711. Charc• a pho torra.ph. 646-3629 FREE kitten•. wbitie irtY · $100. Call: S4~73.5 · s1Z. S1$-4422; 83$-.2951) SAT Till 451 16th Pl., CM. CAS rangt! $25, KM re:frig. ·""'''" ad, then sit hll clt 11nd SILVER ?llJ.nk stole nooo &: black. 346-.\177 H.B. 5/4 KtTI'ENS, 6 wki. old, black GRANO BANKS 32· mcmt')', ttml A dfl'.111.. Lodi 1, ~--.. Sz. HldNL> ,~ CUT=~=-~---1 w/whlte. 548""6&42 5/4 1 11 • )T old, VV9 -Portable dlshwuher, couple s1:,. 3l9 ?t.tarruerUe, Apt A, listen to lht pbone rlnll tt!tall . You makr otter. Call E Kltt~ns. I wkl old. u y eqp'd. 1ale by owner tJOWfll $'15 ~ mbc houce:bold Hems. c.di\1. fo.lt.,y 4, ~A 6. N<-wl M4--8867. H.B. aftL UMIUIS 514 puppltJ. $6..2$77 514 $22,5t.Q. 613-SSJI aft 6 pm c I I ' I E •I c c H c I' ' I 11 < I ' • < ' • ' ' I ( ' ' ' ' ' ' ' { • • I • t s ( ' ' 22 ' { w • ' ( o: t I l I • I t ' ' I I I s. t i l c Here's How You Ca11 Use Our Famous Dime • A • Unes e lrl"I thtm or m•IJ thtm •Ith cor...c:t uM to one of our• convenl.m offices. e No Uve1tock, produce or plants. • No commerci•l •d• 41low~. • EKI> ltom must be priced with no lltm ovtr $15. c •• ., 21 .....,. _, .,... ,. ..... CONTEMPORARY king headboarit $15. Boy'11 °21l" bike $15, Hamp11tu cq:e. $1. Greek bust $25. Some &Jlvtlr Items SlO • $25. ~ ft rolls, red and aold flocked wallpnper $5 roll, BBQ tools li'lcludin;: shish-k<'babs $:-.. Colored Italian long.stem glasses Sl each. Colu1nn pedestal ' S20, F' ram e d ca.na!etto prinls S20. Yellow velvet and iron stool $10. Samsonite o'niter $12. High chair SS. New AM-FM radio $20. 2 baby car se.ats $5 and $6. UnUliued wallle maker $12.50. Rolling 1V 11tand S5. New bathinette $1Z.50. Babytenda $10 . ..... 589 BARGAINS: 9 x 12 good v.lXll rugs S20 each. Cib'°n re.frigernlor $2j. Baby clothes 25c each High Chair S5 Rocking horse S 4 1 Humidifier $1 \Valker $2. all in good condition. Son1e new size 12 dresses $1·$5. New 53 p'it'ce China $10. New air cooler $1. Good .gold drapes Sl. 645--2037. 26.)3 Orange, No. 3. C.r.1 . CAS S!o\lt' S2S. 646-~09. CHILDREN'S Table r w o chain $5. Electric mounted train set $8. Studio couch $Ul. 2 iton6 S2.SO each. Iron· Ing board $1.50. Shopping cart $1.50. Sun umbrella St China coUee set for 12 $20. Patio chaise SJ. Patio chair $1.50. Flower an-artgements $3 each. Toys 1D c-S4. 54~2037. HI-FI parts monaural rard turnlablf' Pacemaker <'1Yltrol11 SpeakPr $20 . .'146-0329 Car. $20. 120 CRAFT supplies: Leather. copper c>name!ing, mosaic, rerumic $2 to $5. box. Large dropleaf dining .table with 4 chairs. makes excellent craft ..... ork table $25. 7103 D San1a Ana Ave .. C.M. Sat-Sun. 1()...6 only. WHITE electric Frigidaire stove. Extra lara:e oven. Automatic 2tlings $20. 54;..,50'37 INl..AID mahogany side chair S25 Sota. needs clean- ing S~ Black Chinese modern dininF: table with 4 chairs S2:l. Heavy f\.1aple 4 poster bed $20 Pair walnut end tables, IOJ'I n f' e d II refinishing $Ji 2 lamps s~ and SS. Chandelier S25 Stanley hand rouler $25. ?.tillers Falls heavy duly hand sanrler $15. 3 drawer chest 'A'ilh matching hutch lop S25. Beer st1>ins $3 each. Maple km-ebole desk and chair S25. Apt. s I z e refrigerator. U-Unit. $12. Stanley y,."OO<f platM:"! }I. -Pair unfinished. cabinets vi'ith orange tile tops Slj each. Old classicaJ 78 ~cord albums 50c-S2 Mono 33 .1-3 albums, all types 25c each. Pa ir small end tables $5 ench. Very old small Royal fyJ'ICv.Titer S7 6 string guitar SIO 3 chairs for re- AIR dra~. 82'" long, olf. S\VlVEL rocker and ottoman -'P tor both, 54~1314 white, ••• condition $ll), 548-5985 ~IAGNIN'S Silk sult SlO. Bedspreads $5. lnlert.'Om SZ5 PLAY pen needs repalni, 111erillztr with bottles, baby plastlc tub. tlll $5. 646-7624 REF'RJGERA1'0RS20 Dining chalr11 $26 Toys, rJothings 20c-10c Pictum $1 P Dlshes lOc-$1 Baby clothing 50c~ Needlepoint $5. Vaaes 25c F10"\.\'er · pota l()c.$1. Saturday. 23> Vista e-ach. Electric rooster SIS. 673-592A. ORSCHE: S.00 pistons sn. Speedster tonneau cover $5. Ford: 3ll hi-performant'e Jahn• pistons, starter. generator. rebuilt Holly • Don.do.NB UNFINISHED Jrrctty piM night stand $5. 3 0 4 6 Killybrook. C.M. BABY rocktt $4, Desk $25, Electric shoe polisher $5. knife sharpener $5, Can opener S2. Wooden bucket $3. BinoculAn $3. English miners safety I.amp old brass $2.J, Record albun1s f1'0111 the swinging forll<'"' S2. Carv<'d .. vooc1 bed hrads $10: 1tallnn bfod hcadti SS. \\'ooden shutters $1, m11ny sizes, Aquacat Mil mvs SJ. Car Jack $2, Football helmet $1, Antique mirror with em. broidered tapestry $25, An. tiquea from England, !'ltick pins, button hooks, pewter teapot, china grave bo"'I. cut glass, silver match box. pens, silver iipoons, cower kettle, clocks, French militacy bugle, brass platet: + wall plaque&, china figures from Sl to S25. AJso l6mm magic eye movie can1era SZi, 1'.i gallon fish I tank With pump filter & fish SJ j, 1 antique side tables SlO, old chest carved "'ocxl $25, J\tovie flood lights S5, Kerosene camping stove S:i. HO Train layout $15, Louvred windows $2.50,•Bird cages S2, 10 SJ'ICcd bike SlO. Girl's Stingray Schwinn $15. 227 Cot·al Ave.. Balboa Island. F0Ju.11CA dinette table $20. 6 chain $20. Stulfed sea tu.Mies S25 . $20. 54!1-7543 WHITE antiqued vanity a J..way make-ap miJTOr $25. Size 8 gold band ring S20. 67>-8238 LAWN mowPr, rotary, good condition $18. Slidf' p~ jector, like new S10. 543--0555 26" Z..fAN 'S bike .$25. Left. hanc!M ma.n's bowling ball S5. Cas logs S2J. Shopsmitb attachments SlO each. El~ Irie ice crusher ;i &!es bedspread S.J. Booster chair I $4. Cosoo playpen S2. al6I) Phalarop, i'.lesa Verde. 519-0684 AUTO;\:IATIC v.'8.&ber $25. LA wn moy,.•er SS. Go--Kart fran1e $5. Electric , motor. ~•. S2. Lun1ber rack f or pickup S25. Trailer hitch S2. Tit-rs 7 x 15 and 6-70 x 15 $2. 769~• or 771 W. 20th St. off P lacentia Ave. C.M. YELLO\V canary cage $:I.SO .. J\11lk glass bedroom lamps $4.50. Standing ash tray $1. 67~39 CHILD'S golf clubs and bag S12. 546-6347 bbl manlfold, all $20. Zenith """'°"""'" •fw rad io leather ""' $ll). 3 good VW tires $1 each. Custom wood fl leering wheel $7. Flood lamps S2 et;ch. 1500 Conica Pl., C.M. 54&-5889. ANTIQUE Zlether $25. An- tique l'f'llCUlf! $20. Aat)que fo n S12.50. Bamboo f<'ncing and shades $1 .25 lo SJ. HNI SIO. Porcelain tub a11d fit- ling~ i:;, Electric 1notors s:1. Li fr preservrri; $2-St !er. bucket 7.)(:. Electric rof· ff'e po! Sj, Electric brollt-r 12. Electric shaver SI.SO. Revere movie camera $3.30. Brass chafing dish S4. Tahlc S.i. Naugahyde "'" 125. Floral containers lOc-51){'. Lamp $3. Syphon S5. FIOor Hies Sc each. Book:s 1Ck>-S5. G!ass\\iare, dlshts, serving piC'CeS, \\'OOden bo .. vls &-SJ. Toys and _ .. lOo-11. Hardwood shutten 9~~x4.2, $2.50. 26.57 RiVl!rside De. oU M"" Dr. Co<ta Mesa. COFFEE Table, Rock t.!aple 2 dra"\.\-er S25. Oval an!ique ..,1. lomp ta bit-S7.50. Unfinished full size vanity with draw·ers $15. 644--29~1 ?.1AYTAG Automatic Y.'8.she.r $25. Kenmore gas stove SIO. Good condition. 894-3629. 370 Old bricks 15e each. 2; clay pols .'le earh. Bicyel1> S;), Books l Oc, Clothes 5Ck:- S3, Some furniture $5 each, S!ainle&.'I £feel plaeesetting !Oc each. 2 Ukeles ""' each. Lamps 50c eac:h, 32 piece dish set $5. 002 9th SI, off Bay, N.B. FIREPLACE "'"'n $2. Overhead track for 2 garage -.. $5, Various '""" marine plywood scraps, also oolid m<Itopny. teak, fir. .... 10c-1i Various '""" fiberglass mat!, cloth, roof· Ing, about 200 pounds S20~ Book cabine1 v.·!1h gl'-'S sliding doors S25. &4&-2379 2 Dinette "" S1·S15, 1.Iaternity -· 16 1vorn \\\ice, Baby girls clothes slze l).g months 50c·$1 , Boys shoes size 6-7. like !1l'W $1. 3 Curtain "" $1 .51J.S2.00. ..... 1861 DELUXE Pete1'SOn ""'11.c \.\-ith acce!l30ries SlO. N•w foothrill Nunes shoes, size 78 S7. Bathinctte $6. Baby scales $4. Mesa Verde, 1658 Minorca Dr., C.M. 546-1081 ROUND table 48" wit h leaf 56", three chairs $10, TY..'O nevermar end tables $12, 9Xl2 Beige carpet $25, bra."IS & English plaque birds $4.50. SUnday only U. upholslery S5 each. Oil pain-MINOLTA minox camera tings S10-S2:i. Pols, fl1IOS, Sl2.50. J..ay,.·n mo\.\'f!r Sl.50. ceramicA, glasses 10c-S.i. Baby bicyC'le seat S 2, 21030 Santa Ana A\'e., C.M. \Valker 1;1e. Brand ntiv.• GE FO Sot-Sun 10·6 onlJ•, feeding dish s I er i I i z l' r. 4Pi\f. 54>2240 RD \vagon pans. prl\\'l'r steering complete s 10. Gen1>rator S2.50, l\1 o Io r 220 K-:--1---~~-never used S.t Hanson baby itc ien ran11c $ 2 5 scale $4.50. CoHee pols l:x: ,._1ay1a.11: \\'asher $25. 2114 Continental, C.J\.f. • Sl. Ne"' lad ies shoes, size 9. $2. Picture frame SI. WATER ski S5 Small round Z..fen's boots, 101 ~ St.!XJ. Foot end table SS Large off-v.•hlte locke1· $1. Briefcai<e 75c. naugahyde looSC" pillow back }·oam mattress SL Speaker chair $2i 646-2105 $3. 1014 Sandcastle Dr. OLD trun~ S20 each Beam Cdi\f. Sat. only 9.5 bottle S 5-S25 Early SEARS hair drytt $10. American pull lamp $ID Bedspread, double bed $5. Early American scales $5. Meat grinder $4. Rudy Fem 1tand S7.SO Fireplace Robot }I. Rookie cake set e q u Ip men t $1 each. $3. Chev. rear ends SlO. Figurines Sl.$5, Oak framed Ford 1'N1' ends ~$10. Chev. beveled mirror $10 Wall manifolds a n d crossover mirrors $1·$4 Spanish style pipe 283 $.'l. Leaf springs wall mirror $10 Oval picture for trailer $3. 40 Ford rtar frames SZi. Pictures .e.nd fipring S3. Truck axle Ford frames 50c-S2. Poloroid S\\·· $2.;,o. Che,._ 14 tire and rim ingt>r $.i. 201 Cecil Pl. C.~t. $1.50. Ford gentrator $3. 642--$1:) Buick starter $1. Corvair SAT-SU~-;\fQ~·. Crih m11I-11hocks. pair S2. Early Ford tress. ~he<'1 ~ $~.i. r.E \111nn-clutch, pressure p I ate, Ing rl i~h St. Fl',..fiin~ table llf\\·herl SJ. 642-9008. ~1-C $5, '''ondrr ho~l' s2: Bo;11's Santa Ana. C.M. cloth<'s. llitr. 2 anfl 3 10c 1 3~s=P=E=.E=D~-,-1k-,-, -c=.=M-.~120". • SOc. Tyke blke SL Girl's .'14>-7478 tie\\' tap shoe11:, 12, $3. Ballt>t SOi\.IE antiques, Bed, 3 mir- ror dre9sing table and bench $10. Tablet and cha.its 50c • $l5. Bathroom space AVtt $4, Jlke new. fE. 21st and Orange) 2IX2 Marian Wa,y. C.M. iihoes, 12% Sl. CompreMOr SlD. FM·MI car radio $1D. c.amper 11heU, unfinished $10, Men's clothes XL. 35c · st. Blue velvet kingsize bedspread S25. 409 W&lnut Pl. C.M. 646--0346 WALNUT crib S2S Large car COLLEGIATE dotheil, alus bed $6 548-45l6 8. lD, 12. 1n lf3'le1. Ditsae• . 50c • $4. 3 pleat IUitl $3.50, SURFBOARD, e:<celle11l con-~kirti; fl· S , Blouses 50c. dition $25. 646-27.19 Coots Sl • S·I. S\.\-eaters !lOc. 3 Piece tv.·eed gectJonal $25. Purses 50c • SI . Belts lOc. 673-7020 l\fen's shirts and bermudas, LIKE l'lf'w man'!'l blttck Shoe!! SS f'ach. llr,ly'11 clothC's and shoes '50r-S2.50 Youth bed. new mAflre~~. sheet'!. in. cludt'd $20 Evaporator cooler S:i. 300 VIst1t &ya, c .r.1. s ize medium 11.nd large 50c • Sl. LA1it:c s elec t i on . fi.1~1997. 710 JA'™'g SL Apt (.", lx>t\~·ccn Pomona and -~\'a.llacl'. Sa.turday only 19Zl Dodgr touring c.ir, bo<ly and framr sz:.. 413 Co.5ta BEAUTIFUL new dintttc ?.1csa St_ 642-4""6 And/or cocktall tel, Sold ?i10TOR bike helmtl btll-UJ, perfect cond.jtion S2.l, Cll'an :i<eat + bed SlO. car radio $10, Windshield SlO. Outsidf' mirror \vlth spot li.11:hts $;, Fnm air conditioner S25. Ms.6997, 1969 Pomona Ave., C.M. 3 )"l)Uth beds complete $15 each, Heathkit wireleM in. '""°m 125. Gold !ram• plate gl"" mim>r $15, Heathkit oscilloscope 125. Boys Schwinn Stingray $15, lteatbldt voltage calibrator $10, Old style tuxedo with ""'' $10, Philro radio $5, Rabbit cage sz.:io, Cub scout leaders uniform '" Ex· plorer ""'"' unifonn 13. Upholstered chair S15. Two white n&ugahyde cha.in $20 9eh, Electric fan $1 .50. Toys 10c·$1. New electronic air purifier Sl5. 3 Til'r table "'"' lamp 13, Cos tu mt j(tY..-elry 25c, Ice crusher $2, Boob 25c. Clothes $3. Glassware $1., Lionel l't!COrd player $2.50. Ja.me,11 Bond race tnck SS, Slzl' 5 i;hoeg S3. Water tki belt S3. Extra miall duck feet swim fins 12. ]818 B<ryl Lane, Newport Beach. 646-1535 I.DERING iron "'"" 11 each. 207 Cecil Pl. 642-SStS O wagon p11rt11, """"" ..-.. comJ'lletf' Sl 0. FOR ~rs.tor S2.50. \\f o Io r, l)et'fect t"Ondilion S2:J, Cl1"9n "'' + l){-d 110. Cstr radio 110. '\'lndshleld ito. 82:>.14 Tttts l 5-S10, Oul!!.id" mirror ~th spot lliht .S:i. Ford nir l:()nd!t~r $25. 54s-.6997, 1969 Pomona AvC!., C.:\t. v ICTO-R. Red &!:ti 1~ .RP~f J'l'mrdll 2jc ('llCh , r.lt>ii.t k ,·rgetablf' ilici~ n1arhlne S.1. l dozen ~rving trays $1.50. PMi9 n;ellnrr \, 2 doztin jelly j;tn: $1. 5'13-~S for S239 six month!! ago. Girl hPlmet SlZ French ?ifarble-look brown .tone Provincial stde chair, oval If peidt!*i.I Ulblc $ZS. Round, back. gtten velvet. $25. F.N'S <UIU 18-112 Slacks 1:1-J;. ,,.... COil .. 15-$10 3 fl!+t tn d iamc1nr. ohlonf.!, Small Spanish coUtt tnble, e:ttends to 4 ft. f"oor JfOld marble top $23. SJ)flnish uphol11t~ swiV<'I chain .,.rvttl headboM:I, double SI> esch. 644-28i'3 bed S2S. ~ ------- Shirt!! "°"· TIK 10c Siit "· tUUJn.r. F.xetlltnl con- dition. Rr1L110nablf! ,,..,... 5$-009 GIRL'S bike 20" wnetl wl1h USED Brick Sc ear.h, 1120 training wheels $10. 540--0329 w. Oce<n Front Nt\.\'Porl BEU.Y """"' 2 '"""· 00 Bettch dlngs $2j, ~78 01-~r1CE Dfsk. 1 .... "'""" vw hood, deck, !endrn; $5 po.Jnted $25. 54~2329 each. Go-Kart !ram• Sl. 10" Port.&ble TV $25 1vorks Washing machint> 115. 23" ..... M>-<529 Black and while TV $25. a.!APL.E Finish conunocle $11, Sewirtg machine, need£ 220 V bathroom y,•AJI heater ""PAir $25. Bicyclt' exen:lzt'r :4. Suitcaset1 $2. Seoul E:-=.· $5. Car radios. 6V, $8. UV, plorer shirt $15. Panis 32-30 SIS. U~ tires. all sitt11, $6. 546-8376. Sl.50 ~ $4.50. Sturdy play BLACK Evening dress $5. pen S9. High ~hait $4. Movie camera $20, Fire 11lace Sequinned evening maxi screen SS. Air cooler $20. dress SW. Bvenlng sport High grad<' plywood, 4 wear $4. Capris S1 Better sht.-etll $10. New ladles ek-c-dtt"St;es $5. House dress $2. tric shavt>r S7. Lizard shoes. Evening maxi skirts S25. size 51,1 AA and hand bag All bE'tter quality stylish, slie 10. 540-R.11ii. $10. 546-7308. 3137 Barbados PL C.J\f. Sat·Sun, 10-5 CUSTO~f Built "Balatl('ing 11 x 11 TENT S2S. IC'C c/1est Boards'' set of 4. recom· $3. Slttplng bag Sl. J\f('ut n1ended for e h i 1 d • \1·ith smoker $5. Camp po11y $1 . coordination problems Sl:i, Fl~sc1wn. hras.~ $5. Sta!lon Lime i:t'el'n q u l I t e d \\'agon pads .'lOc each, 3 llt'I\' herlspreafl for studio be<l bamboo fish poles 50c each. s1.;X1. \romcn·s b Inc k Large 40 lb. roil ctllophane leather satin li)l('d hoJi:I hai;i. $5. Portable folding clolhl's fX'rlect condition $7.50. Pool cue JX>vcr ust'<l $5. Dennison rack $2. BBQ rnotor SL buttoneer >second button Pots, pans. coffee pots, Clttg, lift' jackets, games 2jc • attache1· + doztns or uses, . $1. 646-0304 ··-""'1 S15. Six foot heavy duly ax $4. Sleeping BAB'{ blankets, ne.vt>r usrd 11. Baby boggy $!. bag, excellent condition $5. ncl Ba.by Line lnfant seat, Jikr Under shirts and diapers, new $-1. 642-5007. like new lOe • SI. Vanity minor tray $2. Roto-broil RATTAN Couch, chair, 2 !ables SlO. Car top carrier, $3. Glasses 50c a SE"t. Jigsa1v vinyl enclosed $JO. Plcni<' puzzles and lxloks Sc. 2 table. 2 benches $7. Chaise beautiful formals. ''"' o r n lounjj!"t>. \\'ebbed $2. $-18-8439, once. sizt-10-12 $.) each. 1030 Linden Pl .. C.~1. Short \.\"hlle coat, like new $:f. Boot lights II , $3. ROBERT Woods "Horst' arid S<lQ..-0684 Buw Days" 1naple fra1ne THREE piec(' s e c li o nal SlO. 1.a.,,, antiqoo franil' brown twetd, nauKahydr picturt 17. Glr!s kidney cushions in exC<lllent shaped vanity and slOI'(.> $10. N"· Kenmot'f' delux<' • '8 O O ' ' dltion $15 .. Z<'ni!h 21" 'TV, good cond i tion S2:J. \Vasher S5. 1\.111ple cahlrw.t T o a s l n1a s ler f"ll'c!rlc TV doesn't v.·ork $5. J\lapll' bathroom heater, hardly us-rocker S2j. 833-2948. --ed S5. \Vhile and go!d HADERER Ski boots, rormica table and 2 chairs "'omen's size 81r,?.f S20. Vic- good condition $ 5. Bar Dells torian arm chair red velvet and preu-bench Sl5. 814·8 upholster S25. Caml'l back \V. 18th, C~ mantle clock $20. Portable 2 Sets twin mattresses and sewing machine $10. Coucb S10. ~5~. '°' springs $10 each ~\. 646.-2095 TRAILER ax" 125. c B. super nJag $25. New double SOFA Bed slipcovered $25. Chair matching SlO. 642-1091 electric blanket, 5 yeac 890 \V, l:>th St. Sp 22 NB guarantee $20. Dishes and gl~vatt 5e • Sl.50. Floot' EX CELLEN T Uiied ill!flp $5. 1.099 National Ave. carpeting 10 x 14, '1 -'" 1 I. C.M. 9 x 12, 10c square foot. 284 Knox St., C.?.f. after 2 DOOR rchi gerator S25. 5 evenings. Ne1v dog house $5. Portable USED Girls atid leC'n::ige Zenith TV S20. 5 gallon aquarium with motor $~. girls C'lothl's. Lo"' price Electric dryer SID. Large S2-$:"i Ca.II 10 am to 3 pm BBQ $2. Green rouch and 64f ... 57S7 chair $10. Chairs $2. Tables '66 V\V Parts: Tnink lid SI2. $2. Pans, disbes. games 50c. 1'"ront left fender $15. Rear 894-4393 lei! fender $15. Tail lights SCRAM-LETS $7.50 pair. Headlights $10 pair. Turn signals S7.50 pair, Ltfl dooe 125. Most ANSWERS gla&11. 673-0357 673-3758 61hx13 Cosmic mog wheels Embryo -Facade -Froz· S20 each. 962.o63S en -Bonnet -Caliph -Ad- 60" Dinette table $20. 4 1-ligh just -THEY were DEAD It seems no one i!'l ever sal· back dinette chairs SS each. isfied. Poor men wish they Ne\v Mustang "\\'httl covers SI2.50 each. Custom light,; y,·ere rich; rich m•n wish for boat trailer SlO. 2 Wire they were handsome; bache- "'hei>I CO<'vrs 14" $3 ea<'h. Jors wish they v.·e1'C married; Ne1v \\'heel and 7.7Jxlj tlt'f' and nlarried mC'n wish THEY S25. Ne111 whee! and 8.251<75 Wt're DEAD. lire $25, Both foe Ford. COSCO play pen $12. Early 516-39Z2 AnH·rican ct'iling lamp $'1, l\fOVING. !\Just ttll: B!eaeh-27 brass cuphoard fixtur1•s ed maple coffee table legs $4. Chron1e bathroon1 rauttt Italian like "'w $20. Un-including 5 pieces chrome painted fiXlllfi'S $10. 9 X 12 OVA! 4--0ra ..... er ch es! SJ.50. Sturdy redwood table avocado accent rug: S20. and benches $10. Beautiful Willie-Standard 36 width door knobs and key $10. mirrored what-not shell $8, Birch standard JO Inch Bedside table $4. Two serv· width include knob and key ing ""' S5 each. Spring cushioned palio chair 120. $10. P-onnica drainboard, Oblong hook«! \l'ith twin top. no Finks $20, 2225 "'' non-slip pad 72"x50" pastel Anaheim Ave., C.\1 colon $15. Mahogany rottee 56 CHEV • dooo Bel-Air, lable $15. CoYered granite V8 auto transmission, till turtrey pan 13. PromaI parts Sl· S?>. 642-9261 table $8. Brun!'lwick man's 4 MAPLE tables. 1 t.-offee bowling ball aI1d bag like table S25. 3 step tables $15 llf'\v Sl.2. Philco radio in each. 546-S.'i40 cabinet good wriling con-- dition excelle1,1t spcaki?r Sl:i. HTDE-A·BED Sl5. 5-15-8891 &au!!fvf lamps. glass base O'KEEF'E & t.Territt apart- Sl.'i each. Ceramic lamps m1>nt gizi' stove $2j, Dinette decorated "'ith handson1e set by Baum!!ltter. Dani11h green arid gold design SIO \Valnut tabl1> S25. 4 chairs eat h. Graceful two-drawer Sl2.50 each, exeellt'nl con· l'nd table exceUent piecf! fli1 16n. T"•i n mattm11 S5. of furni!urr $15. BeaulifuJ T\\•in box spring S5. Ol11he11, O\'al hooked n1g w i t h Johnson Bros. "Friendly non-slip pad 67"x52" $20. Village·· 25c • SI each. Bar- Saturday and Sunday b-que wlth hood $5. 642-7984. 534-1.284 12152 9th s I..' ALL iretns need work, paint. Gfll'den Grove. Chest $5. Tabl4'8 $S • s;-11. 20 Oil painUngs $5 to $25. Picnic table $1!1. Power All are original. Sizes mower $5. Boy's clothing, 8" x 10" to 24" x 48"', 3 16-tB Sc • SJ. Ladies 8-10, Land sea pea, l l flefl.r.&pes. "'"' • I~ c.rp,t1ng 125. ] sallbott 4 other!. Worth ~18 a lot more. Saturday and COSCO mesh playpen S;i. Sunday 531-3793 Baby crib and mattress SlO. 20 Kodak Carousel 80 alide Twin headboards a n d trii.,ys SI.SO each. Sight ond Jramcs $l. klrtgJlze gr«>n Sound Cintmu $25. laogo and pink bcd~p~nd $4. h:uidstitched OO"-"<'r picture~ Bl~sell swt"l'per $1.50. 3206 S2~ •nd $15. 642,..m '190 Dllk(lht, Costa Mts a . E . 19th St.. C.:·1L 540.2055 WOOt>GRAIN Form ic a ELECTRIC ru11s111riP and kitcht'n table. >I rhnlrK $10. brollrr-grill SID. L11n11>er 2" 3 Walnut ladderback dininR: X 4" X 12' 50c i'ach. 540-4479 ch11lrs with "\\·OVt'n Chiari LIKE new. Amts-Alr JtlA~ SfflJI S2.50 each. Metal ear IOP dining tablp S' ii: 3~ top rack SJ. UHJo·;;rn ••• $2!;. 6 malehlng ehaiD S1S of TV antenna S5. ~528 each. Eureka upright '62 VW rear 8t'8tt suitable vacuum clefl!N!T" $25. 302 lor car or dune buggy, Fll:I Morning Canyon Rd. moet yearg. $10. 87WSST. Sherrecllffs, Corona. dd Mar. GOOD outside door 3!P'X80" 19" Portable TV S)lvanla 15. Chain ~>$$. -88 125. 673<1910 , DANISH modern dawno $10, &16-6138 KEN~lORE St>wing machiTlC', ht'nd, bultonholl!r, l\g ug S2j. National Goographlcs Sc. lW0-8698. ' F'olc!l111r doors. 16 eacb. Sli< French winJoWll. •• ' ' 18", S·I each. Smllllf1r win. do"\\'S also S2 each. Modt•rn painting 4'x·t' on "\.\'OOd SlO, M!crophonr $4 . Tape recorder $8. Old fashioned gramaphone $8. 494-4200, BEDSPREAD $5, N;;-box· sprints and manress Sl:J each. Blond t'nd and corr;cr tables $3 each. Chrlstnuu; I~ $$. Decorations $1. CloU1ir11i: $1 to Sj. Hamper I s.uur!Uy, M11y 2, 1970 DAILY PILOT FOUR CONVENIENT OFFICES • TO SERVE YOU e NEWPORT BEACH ...... 2211 81lbN Blvd. e COSTA MESA ................ 330W11tllly e HUNTINGTON BEACH .. 17171 Blach Blvd. e LAGUNA BEACH ....... 222 F1rtlt A- DOUBLE lteadboard, -bjrc:h sut IW Early American bench ~15. ~"2 UNDER\VOOD Type'>l.riter clc1lnl'<I CJUcd ndjU1'!ed A·l rond lllon 125. Royal portable with case A-l con· dlt\on $>). IO koy adding machine A..:1 condition $25. Regina eltt1.rlc broom, llke new $10. 548-7165. i'.lAPLE Table wilh cblllrs 125. ;\laple YoUth bed $25. Cuitfll' SlO. Back pack SL Girl's dl't'f>Af!ll ""'. La~ rlre:i~ n1edlun\ SL Bird cage $1 .50. Type"\.\'rller table $.1. Boy's Perma press ahirts $14-$16. Cha.rUt• nrov.·n book~ Ge. j.!~1827, :1077 BOOKS 10c t11.ch. Popular WALL hut.er, 33 BTU Dual, J\1echanlcs, Reader's Digest like new S~. 60--3221 5r ei..ch. \\'orld Atlas and MISCELLANEOUS Honda. book of h('alth $2. Aquarium parts .Ml to $25. Motorcycle ac«1~ric1 l;)c..$1. 5, 10 and bumper clirler N.ttltice 2l gallon aquarium $3--.$15. su;.95 never used, 96MUS. Hamp!ter cage SI . 4 wooden J ~ 'f 1 ha'-BOY'S Choppee bil<a $2$ . l'g!I -.;. 1" ape c u • Bunk bed1t, cOmplete $25. $3.50 each. Ott white rug Auto Urt chains S7.50. Foot· 6' x 6' ne\v $4. Whit• rug ball '· size IO~ $3. All S.'i. 3 tone shag rug $4. Carpet sweeper SI. '•""''"-G; baskelball board, rifla, rack 25c. Iron board co~rs t S4. hi> pelr boxing 25c. New telescope Sl.SO. glove,, $3.~ • pe.lr, Boy Tool!t ~. 25c. t.1eta1 Scout Haversack $5. magazine rack 50c. Carving Medicine chest, bulletin board 35c. TeMl! shoea S~S board!!, Hibachi. blankets, il{irl's~ ruedium J:ic. T-ape TV stand, end table $1 eaeh. label n1arker 25c. Twin Dog door 50e. Miseella.neous 1~1d blue bedspreads St household Items 5c each. New t\\i n size bolster!! and Phone 962-6501. t.folokal, C.J\f. $1,50, 893-5916 l. .~ • t":iror \ bl / .1 d TRAVEL Air co nd1tio11C'r car matching gold apread S13. NEW And near new shoel Ceiling pole lamp SID. 2 and dresses S2 to $15, sizes - Metal camri <'01.s $5. Patio '1-12. A p ri \ i an c e • and umbrella S2.50. Bi c y <'le furniture S5 lo $23. lfardy hasket 25c. Glrl'll trtkl' Boy book.I 13<' e •ch, s2.;i0, 16" boy'11 bike S5. 962-5624. • / ue green, qui te chintz. slighUy worn s2:.. 962~796 J\fOVING J\lust ~ell b«r stool~ $7 rach. Pvlc lan1p $10 Tabl1• la1np S7. '.'lloderu bf>droom ~1 drt"Sser $10. Parsons table S.i. S1en-o am-fm tapr phono S?:i. St>aUess 20" bikr $ 5 , Sl ingray bike pa.rts all for $2. Irr skatt's men's $5. women's $2. S c uba back-pak $7. ri1ask II. 3 Chev! Nomad 14" hubcaps $1 each. Ammo cans $1. reloaders brass .223 le t'ACh . .45 caliber, .38. 3!).-06 k Toys 007 race s-et $2. Cn-e. pie People '" II. Book> 5c-25c. Puz:t!~ 25<:. Sec 1hru model engine $1. 16532 Ket- tl cr, 847---0356. 17'' Portable TV, 11'0rks good S15. Portable Singer sewing n1achine Sl5. 847-7017 BARGAlN!~toving, dineuc sci $2:>. \Valnul con,;olt• Si nger sewing machint• $23. Uphol~lered modern chair S20. ?.fa gnavox stereos S25 each. Bookcase ""'· com· pletc S25. D(.>ecwator·s roll(.'(' table $8.50, unique. Tenon skillet. new S5. Beach um· hrella $5. Kit chen or laun· dey table Si.5(1. Linens 25c-$4. Thennol glasl«'s S3. \Vine glassea S2.SO. Lamps SJ-$10. Dl'tlpl'S, CUrlllin~ $2 pair. Pictures $2-$:1. Golf pullers S4. 1..adies OOv.·ling t'QUlpment $8.50. Books 15c...XX-. Carden tonls Sl-$5, Clothing 25c-S15. Bath ·~ ressories Slk--$a. \ValJWI.. case "" SlO. Slean1 iron $2.50. Throw pillo1.,•s S2.50. Chf'st drawers $8-Sl:i. Blue salin bcdspN'ad SlO. 321 Cleveland De. off Hun- ting ton between J'i"th and Clay. 536--001:) CODD TV 11t-I S25. Au1omatic portable record player $20. Tv,rin bookcase headboard and frame. mirror, vanity and 2 nlte stands, painted "'hill', idt>nl for girls room, •" for S25. Sears electric ~uitar "'ith e11Case amplifier $25. 893-7479 North H.B. 18 Old 78 RPM records l!lf! lo 30!'. \Vhitt' curtains 36" x 42 .. "'' pair. I baby boos1<'r st-al 12. " \V o rkba11ket Needlecralt ln!l)l"flZincs 1:x• cHch. or 10 for SJ. (datrs 1952 to 19GRl , 1 TV dOl.'sn'I work SJ, Se11'- i 11~ machill{', need'> 1i111in1t $.\.9:1. 1 ho< qu ilt i<rr;in.~ Sl. !w.11 Ne,vman /Ive, H.R .. RCl'O~S frn111 Hospital oil &a.eh Blvd. -----BABY Crib (Slorklincf mri;h play ~n. stroller, po11y chair, bathinettr, 2 car beds, 2 basl!inet. traininR chair. tricycle, \Vonder Horse on springs, baby lamps, baby bottl~ and many baby clothel!, 2Sc to Sl.'l. 847-8383 BABY JI ems 25c lo St 2 ste<>I "''' with springs, great for l!Umm<'r coHa.11:e $2 C'ach. M11ny hou~hold items 50c to S5. 847-41383. FORMAL Size 8 C'mJ'liN' styl<' pink and cranbt'rr y peau rle soie, like ne"' bOul!:h! al Broadwav for S.i:l sell for $15. 847-3.183. ----Bll<E. ~spec<{, eood con- diti<ln, S2.l. 494-8442 BACK Pack fr11n1e and ba.11: S1 J. ~lac Jj chain l'iaW $25. Chain and bar $15. 543-368.1 CARTOP Carrier S5. PatiO umbrella $10. 32''" 8q\18re !ables SS <'ach, Se 1 i g armctwr S .'l. Hand lawn mower $5. Gold armchair $5. Inf.anl seat S2. Barbecue with motor $3. 548--0903 POWER Mowers $15 and $20. Upright vacuum S10. Man's 26" hikes SlO and S15. l!and mower SJ. Bar-b-ques S..1 C'11.rr1er SJ n 11 d S12, Nl'w inirror 20"x60" $R. J.F.. hn lr dlj'f'r $5. PiclUN'!i $1, L .. idil'!! th'Csst's. s 11 l I~, 1·n11l"is. S.· shor!~ st. :).10, l:'ic· S'l. Shot's • '"'"" 25<-11. 549:1821, 30n t.lolokai, C.M. UN ICYCLE. Likf' "'w 11. Electric train 13. La\.\·n sweeotr fl. Bowling ahoes IL Bathrooni cabinet Sl. Double ""' \Vlth rail~ Sl. Toy-games 25e-Sl. '"nlot-dresses, '"' 5 and 7, sweaters, skirts 25c-S2. 968-3450. BABY Te n da S4 .SO . Typewrlll'r.table (mttal) $4. Beginner's goll c!Ub!t encl h'8 $10. r~ord '" radio Si 548-6842. LAnGr Oval "'' 18, &12-&i5S, -'TV \\/orb yood $2S. Vacuum r!eaocr 1vi1h a!laC'hmenls $14. !"l'rlilizer sprcad<'r $3. &l&-\j2j. ' BRO\VN Sofl'I. e:•a .. 'Cllent t.'On- dllion $20 . .'l4tH3299. -------FREEZER. Upright •$25. PO\\'C'r lawn mowers S>S25. 642-6!l8!1, ELECTRIC Light firtplace Jogs S2.50. 81.'lx15 full tread Firestone deluxe titt $5. Crock cookie jar 50 c . Aluminum bun warmer 75c. 2 Table lamp $1.50 each. 96:Z...76a3. ANTIQUE Solid stcrli n allwr bracelet charms ' 25' , 1>ach. 4 swiVI'\ 16 each. ' GE ~aC'h. Portable bae ' tooJa 13 lrons oven 115 Electric phonogrnph S 2 . 1tE-D-JU_M_s=u-,-ba~b-y-,-n=.,-11~0. Boy's and gil'fll loy~ and Regular aizc baby crib $1D. games IOc·Sl. 9352 Tahiti C11r J<l'at $5. &thlne:tt~ Clrcll', 1-l. B. S2.50. Olal)flr pall$'!. Child's \VAll Paneling, grade A. rocking chair $5. Hand lawn 2:> sheets 4x8 sheets, $3.50 mower with catcher $10. a ishect, Saturday until 4 962-8069. p.m. and all day Sanday 9• 6" Surfboard tor sale $25, and t.londay. 1951 Tustin 1008 Georgia St .. Apt. A. Ave .. C.J\l. S48-&IJ4. 20 and 24 lnch bikes SJ.2.$10. BATTERY Powered car, Good full size mattrns and rechargte.ble battery and box spring $20. Pa.ir of bot· charger, will run 6 to 8 tle lamps $5. 536-0206. hours, fun lor kids 2-12, $5. 54S-50:W, 1951 Tulitln 4 Bar stools. contemporary style, beige, bronze c.nd 0A~"'=··~C=·'~'-·~-~-~-I chrome S7.50 eac h . srrNGRA Y Type boy's bike, Complett 25 volume set new seat $10. 646-4569. Unl~nal st and a rd tn- USED Frigidaire washer -cyclopedia Sl5. 962-91J5. runs SIO. 847-2224 PROM Formals brand inew 18" Portable TV needs work $20. 3 Dishmasters good Sta.-S22. Chicago sink double faucet $10, Firescrcen and tools 19. · RCA -43 record player $6. 3 Clock r'1ldios S>-$8. 6 sbO\\'l"r heads $144. 3 TV stands $2-$5. 3910',ii Channel Pl., N.8. 673-1603. FOUR WaJnut ... bar stools s5 each. Queen alze bed with mattresl! and springs S25. Stove S25. Rcingerator $25. Large chest of drawers Sl8, l'·our drawer chest $9.50. 5 dra111!1'S cMst $12.50. Set of walnut beds, twin beds $18. 2 Night stands both SIO. Vanity drHSer Sl.'l. Pride a utomatic 1 wing $4.50. Child's pedal car and like riew slzes 9 to 11 Sl0-$15. Convet'Mtlon pieces. con1edy and tmitedy. hand carved mas~$10 ptr pair. Antique hand carved dtsk flf't SIO. Woockn hand S2. 968--6572. 26" Man'1 bike $15. ~" ladies blke SlS. Spare front wheel 26" SS. Stt of bf.r bells and wel&hts $7.50. BrullS\\'ick bowling ball, bag and m.an's shoes $8. 650 x 13 wfw tire a.nd whffl 1 Sl2.50. 845x15 W/W tltt $10. Umbrella tent S 5. Set of golf dubs and bac $10. 847-9501. ~ Vacuun1 cll'!aners $10 each rs $4.50. Wonder Hon&, large $6. Large lawn sweeper $6. 3 Vacuums "\\'i t h at· l11 l'hn1enti; $8.50 each. Porta Crih $10. Dinette set four Drsk SJ. 3 Record playto !i rach. 2 TV consoles lOc $JO. Ford "''heel co\lf'rs S5 F'ord air conditioner 110 Box or sewing machine at UMRBELLA Type clothes pole-and hAR $5. Color TV antenna SS.SO. 30 l!Jlrink:ler head~ some new 20c each. 962-7593. ANTIQUE"""'C'°loe-o-k,-0$25~-~. -946= lllh SI., H.B .. ~7698 ---~~ SNOW Ski's $20. Boots 8~ SS. Poles .$5. 4 Firestone tires 800-16.5 S8 each. 2 Ford 8 hole rim11 $10 each, C. B antenna, mal!t, guy lines, 100 feet cable S20. 8381 Arnett Drive. H.B .. 842-1777. tachmen!S $2. Pink i n g chair5 $25. Toys 5c-$1. t.a.rgc desk $15. Bunk beds 32 $12.50. Clothl'S J 5 c -$ 4 . sht'ars $2. \Vomen'!'l clothes uniforms 50c-S2 . I Virginia Pl .. C.t.1 .. &ti-2243. Bassinet $6.50. Portahle dishv.·asher $25. 1 4 111 s Barber St., \\lestminster, ---COFFEE Or cocktail table S:Z...$3. I dinet!e table 13 4 Kitchen chairs 75c Pach Snow skiis 6'6" S5. 4 foo near Ranch St. and Westmin!'lter Blvd. SJ. Electric f.ry pan $2.50 IJ"p frye, 12. Food • '"" \varmer with m• 20" Girl's Stingray hike nd 2-.spttd overdrive S 2 2. tat Maple rocking chair and side table $10 eac·h . rs 646-3680. dome OOW'e 12. Magazi "''' ""'. ' Patio chai $2 each. Small round tabl e ?.t:AHOCANY End table $10. ne Table Jamri S5. New r.vim suit, Sl1.e 16 S7. Typewriter 25c table $5. 214 Knox Place, C.M. "°"· I Largr pil!Ce of Ii St. Carpet pl<'CC?S SI eac~. Und1>rfelt for ('arpl'I srrun rc yn rd. Odd kitchen waN' •nrl nic-nac 5c-Sl. Book" .'lc-25<'. Jigsaw puzzles "'· Balhlnet!e 12. Sn1ell movir t<rn>en :inc. 5-!~903, 94; Vic1oria St.. c.~1. CUCKOO Clock S.i Battery "\.\'all clock $3. Electric percolator $.i. Tooster $4. Electric can opener •nd knife sharpener $. 543-9870. CIITLD'S Cupboard $6. Desk S10. Corner vanity dret&er $8. Vanity dresser S8. Chest of drawers $10. Twin bed s:i. Power .. w 125. 933 Evergreen, C.M. 548-0968. J Met11I chAirs 2 patio tables $\:'i. 2 twin beds, t.'Omplete Sli. :1 end tabl~ S3. DisheR and nick nacks i10. Eltcltic ironer $j. EJec ric antique sewing machinr $10. ' thair11 do yourself $20. 1V SIJ. RI' cord player, radio $15. Snia!I oldt'r cabl ~t $8. P.ollawny bc<I SlO. Kilchen labl<' $1. ' pit>l'C lugga2e .,, $8. MetaJ bench 13. Children rocker SJ. 2 head lxlards & frames $5. 540.1769 EARLY American sofa SlS. Electr[e """"' $5. vw bucket ..... $10 each. 6 G""'n upholstered choln !lt'8tS only good condl""" S2 each. Reel type flO\\'tJ' mo~r. ''" pulling 125. 20272 Spru"" Ave .. ...... from alrport. 540-4323. NEW Stock 'l'Ort• we1tr, ~-~------BOY 'S 20" Sting r a y Rcncgalle. almost ne\v tires S15. Call Mike 962-598j. ------PTNE -b .q and 8' Jbn~ 65c each. C.M. 1951 Tustin Ave .. C.M. 548-5034. HO.Slot car set ~"tih 50' of track SlO. .'l4R-5034, 1951 Tuittln Ave .• C.M. REFRIGERATOR ns. Reel power lawn mower $25. Olympus Pen camera fully automatic, 1.11 frame 35mm S25. JohnllOn CB oower mip. ply 12 volt Sal. Turner plu., 2 mikt>s S19 and $20. LAmJ'I S3. New JohnMn walkie talkie $22. 541?-285.J. ENGINE Only oO(i-gc~3'6~V~8 $2:>. 548-8642. DOUBLE Bed mattreYt"box 11prifllt 1\l'ld bookca11e ~flrl· bonrd $20. 2 Twin Md framrs -l\'OOded S-1 eaeh. 1 twin mattre9!t And box· i;orin.I!' $5. Round rna'>le drop leaf coffee lahlt> S18. r.taple fnmed land.!lcape pil'ture SS. Dark brown hide---a-bt'd $15, Map I e knick·kneck abtlt $7. Skit. tic Bowl ga~ Sl. 2 WtUte twin bedspreadA: $1 each. Books 10c each. 260 Nauau Rd., C.M. 545-0ll82. BURROUGHS A ddin g machine on stand $15. 2 TVs RCA 17", Hoffman 21" needs adjustment both $10. 962-962-4nt. NEW Plywood * x 4 x 8 SlS $5 each. take all 5 for $20. Vitrul ch in a lavatory $3. 106 lh. nails. misCf'llaneou11 6-6-16 box and common lake all $12.SG. 962-4219. l\TOTORCYCLE H e I me t 1 . factory second5 ltalt price S16. !162--0661. GOOD Afsple bed. mattn-ss &: box ~rings $25. 536.2934. 8' Dark avocado twet'd couch, perfect lor den. 3 zippered foam 11et1.t covtn r'lt'ed ttpair $10. New bdant weat T;,c. 1..1.m tle>ldom used barbecue with w a rm I n 1 ove~Hlbachi frte w 1th barbecue S2. Child'• 20" Huffy convertible bike with hi-risen $7.SO. 999 Hartford Way, C.M. fNorth Of Jet. fmion and Cheyenne). ?.lEN'S Clathing. aJ!likt new, blue blaur .sitt 36 10, "-'Orn twict. Collon water repelling jacket 1ize 36 SJ. Dreu sh\rls l!itt 15. St ee.ch, Dres1 s~ll size 10 $2, 2 Bowling lhoe!t S!Zf! 10, $2. Spefli lee skater, size 10, $2. 545--1331. LADIES-Uniform white and l pink me 16, like new S2 ffch. Rubberlmt J'a1~t with hood &be 16. ..... $3. Elgin wrkt watch $10. Bonded knit dl'ffS eizc 16 ss. 54>-Ull. tuxi S5. Car top Cl\trit>r Sa. filacks 13 •nd $5. Shnrts, LOVELY Old 1l1Vt'l'Waf't, 9011le sterling $5 eftch.. Silvtr che!lt SJO . Toe..,tnwiter $7 . .'lO. Portable cl~rlc siewh'llt m11.cblne $25. Antique silver hair and C'lothes brush ~t $10. Pic- tures and palntlnp m ench. \Jnu~ual stttl porch rhalr $15. Two l\nlique oak dinln1t cheinl $15, H!!llvy bniss noor l11mp $15. Oek rolfet !Ahle s10. ~ f'Old lnc chaiMJ S5 each. One box sprina and mattress atl $25, Steel dolly $8. Hair d~r St Baml--cMlt'-witb-down cushion $25. Buy chair with ELECTRIC Bfd shttt dlaJ c:ontrota SS. Ont pa.ir tin 1mw cbalm tltJs 900x14 or BOOxl5 uted once $10. llrus pole lal'nfl SJ. Btoch back rest. new $1. 811 u.tin floor pllk>w S2. Fold up pla1n sU\tCUfl $7. 545-1331. • La.\vn spreadf!r $2. 9'!:12 ru1t b]OU8t'S and tops SJ 1•a<'h. and pnd S5. JfoUywood bt-d Swim i;uit!I. nam~ brand s.;. trame1 S2.SO. Oval braided o~~"r sto. n>on., 12. 2 rug $5. C onlempor a r y d!11pla y muntt>r 11lldln1: door $?;), \\'11frlt' irori 13. 1701 Ovl'Nlu ffed c h a Ir SI. ""· ~helton SL, S.A. Bathroom 11lt1k, '" 1!11in~ 5'1f...419K $0. Laundry tub S.1. ~I:tple --.--. lounge i.:hair $4, 5 Gallt1t1~ 1 6 Dra\\•1·r dresser sz.,. Sohd lacquer thinrlf'r $5. I.ill Airch dlnlni: tablf' Ilk<' ~w On1ngc Avr .. C.J\l 642-00&G S25. ri:faple end tahle~ $1 2.!iO 1 T · box Nch. Lamp! $25. 0 Id win 11prln1VJ and m11.I· fashioned knlttlnit bo"·J $:ii. tn!A11 Sl(I. 1 Dresser e~t. Twin box 11prln~ and mat· Vt".IY rood ma~ny stained tms11 $20, Nl&hl stand S15. waJnut , aprox S8 long, have CIM!st drawtni $20. Maplt mvd & mu11t sell $20. 673-5.567 mirror S20. ~e 111.mp $10. V"Y Cl<ao % lnnenpring fl.tal)le table $2:i. 2 m;1tchlrti Jn&lltt'Y $10. MS--0061. chllrs $25. !i4S-8611 , . V /\CU\Jl\t C17,-,.,-'-'-,-~$~2~5 . lloover electric Door "'uher $20. Movie projector ex· ttllent condition $23. Pro- jector earT)>ing ca.\I! .. 1th built in Vil'!Wer $25. Diedrich wa!t r color orlrlnal S25. Chlneaie teak and l'OMwood •mall.fn!L~~~'t­ Chl-bowl 112. -- down tlllhlon $25, Oriental G.E. Automatic dryu, loob r1.11t $25. ONntal 1'111 !xlO like MW S2S. 673-4174. IZ. Rug pod new $25. 1961 PiJ;nOUU. Valiant port. Deoontlw IYtt&lwn trtc: $1425. aocxl condition . llO. 7JW. Joom SL, C.M. W-8937 Ill do> S&lurday ' M~ l.lld Swlcla)<:, -------·· • ' . ...... -~·----------·~ ----------~~ -·-----·---~-------·- " OAllV PllOT Sat11rd11, May 2. lq7o RAN ATJOll T SPORT ATION : TRANSPORTAT ION TRANSPORT-ATION TRANSPOR.J'ATIOl:I -TRANSPORTAT ION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION !~ ~'!·& YKhts '90! Spood-Skl Boats--~~~-mo ~ l9' '!1<0MPSON. Lap Strab 16' Glupar AvNon • .!l hV THIS WEEKS BEST ;. CabSn. a*'5 2. Depth Evinrude wJAmcric&n trlr: USED BUYS ALPINE 9425 Roc rNl'n Vohlcln 9$15 o .... Bug'glos '5"' )ll!...,,.,. Allfoi: , 9400 tmportocl faltoo MOO 1969 CHEYROLET DUNE lllaY. Glua Top. DATSUN _JA"'UAR New ...... A rad!~. "'!' lmportocl •utoo -MG ~ finder. tluih 'tolkt. J.)j pl "like nf'W, mal\Y xtru. l0x5S Vikinc 1 Br H.B. $4500 I ,p'.I tlldu. ttJdem trailu, 6'l5--3216 J1bl55 2 Br, Anaheint •• $5395 VACATION CUSTOM CAMPER ~ETALI;IC ~ ----- ~ rinu, $950. Call • '63 MK-~~~ 48,.000 mi. Xlnt cond. l"WJ pwr. 4 dr. All teat.bu. New dlte brakes & radial ovals, Stereo Ai\1:· '69 MGB, 2700 mi's radial&, radio tonneau. Yellow, bll< uphol. Eves: 528-2468 : •· no motor. $750 or take c.>YU SKI Boat 1r tihtra:lasa. Pon-10xS6 Ex:pando, H.B ••• ~ 1 $S(.O&'per mo/968-15d. tiae Jn. a. Out $1300. l2x58 l Br Roadllntt, mAVEL CENTER I ' : ~ zr CbN ~ Cra.ft Express 549-2lil0. Gankn Grove •• • ••. $69!15 ' cntiler, elec. anchor. :rlxST 3 Br Family Park Exe.I ... Goldin Falcon TudJoll)'dramaUe trane:mi.. s.ndWiader. , 5000 ml. A I aion, 350 ene:tne. J)OWel" steer. chrome accear. Ex. cond: .. ud., ta The fAM:b Otlei" Olympl1 -Alpln0 Ing, op111 """' heavy duty S36-%J2'/ ZIMMERMAN ~~~~=new, sacrifice NSU ' ' • ' ! I I I : I wtncUaa. bait bq, ou.t·ria· M.rine Equip.; 903.5 H~tington Beach •• $8t95 etrs. awtm tl~. Bendix :r:lxfil 2 Br 2 Sa G.G. p0,995 m&r'\ne radio. '3850. See 301 BOAT Trailer for cal .., 20x57 2 Br, 2 Ba. E. 1:'"'-water, Balboa U4: Family park •• • ••• $12,500 ~" at Columbia 22. New tires. 24x56 '68 Aurora, ,_.. GI..ASTRON 1967 Qi..N. $195. Call S32-0396. lfuntlngton Beach •• $16,500 ....... . 160 HP mere. cruiser. - -Set up in parks. Skirt.s, awn-._., Bolit Slip Mooring 9036 ings, all extras. Many mort Capacity 10. Lots of extru. to cboo_se from. Xlnt cond. Must sacrillce. S & K MOBILE $4 495 C 11 TRADE 22' altp &I Isl for Belt over • ' ~ occas. wknd USe of boat. HOME · BROKERS &M-2876. Will ma.Int. Cle&ll pwr boat 12362 Beach Blvd., G.G. '59 TWIN Screw Exprffs only. 673--7475 eves & • 636-0921 or 893-2445 • Qillser. Cbris Craft 28'. wkend.s. Sacrilict. 54G-5656 days. ------~-Bl I Eves 675-4'159. 3>' SAILBOAT slip, side tie eye es 9225 24' T Cruisl!r. Beautiful throughout, 2 hn on new 185 Interceptor:. $3195 •644-1368• FOR sale: 17%' Birch Craft outbrd 40HP: trailer, long range tank, bait tank, com· pass. $500. Call 642-4480 9010 -------LIKE SAILING? DISLIKE THESE ? $l foot. Main bay.N ·-EW-'--HUF--F-Y-24-.-. -G-IRLS- t94-391& .. BICYCLE. SPYDER lt1ooring w~· Sloop $2500 * 673-3833 :r.tOOEL. $40. 642-lT.24 EVENINGS. Aircra ft 9100 M ini Bih s 9275 CESSNA 150, new paint &. windshield & annual. 850 S.M.0. Sac. $3500. 5'15--25.16 Mobile Homes 9200 Bonanza 3lh HP. Exce°Mht condition. SUIO. Call 83Q..3738 after 5 MIN I-BIKE • Cat 400X HP.4 good cond. Aft 3 p.m. >18'-0341 •-·die• Wheol C1mper """'with OPEN ROAD uu ..,... • '10 DUNE B...,.. Show car, 2••• u•R'""'R 6LVD. Worlds largeat most unn. fl sell oontaintd camper. top, map. '69 engine. c\U ._ ""' DU plete RV vehicle &Mpplna Full bath facillti.ea lncludln& 6"15-1153 after 6 540-6410 '''"'" lho ... r. """" '· ""' <V<I')' vw DUNE BUGGY. DOT DATSUN 8352 Garden Gnwe mvd, GG possib~ feature you would Fiberglass lbiy $650. 534·6686 want. C..t migina!ty ISOOO, e 545-5441 e OPEN DAILY Now Onl,y $5599 AND , Oosed Sat. Open Sunday '68 Street 'Buggy. Radical SONDAY$ UNIVERSITY "'"' de•lgn. Corvair •ng. 18835 Beach Blvd. 537""401 I OLDSMOBILE auto trans. '"95· 496-2500. Huntington Beach Stream Line '70 Ter ry•Nomad•Oasls 2850 Harbor m., Costa Me.S. 842-7781 or S.!0-0442 -Imported Autos 9600 -,-6-5-D_A_TS_U_N_ ALFA ROMEO 952Q Big Sedan, 4 spd, rebuilt ,ngine, Good runnln&' rond1. '64.AJphA Roineo Sprint. New tl~n. Ftlll price $686 or ta,.ke TRATEL SELF-CONTAINED Cainper. trans, ra4W tires, Cltch, small dowp ... <Ncc:m> dlr, Holiday 1969, Mo,,...homkal hr ... "4-Ifi10 alt C L.B. Call Ph~ alter 10, am E~lor.er Motor 'Homes Campers Fourwinds*WHkender 1--------- TRAILER SALES "'""· Sho ..... ""'°"'·hot l ':~===".':~::::-1~54Q.Jl~~OO~o~r,;491-~1029~. ==- 131n Ha rbor Blvd. G.G. ""t" "'"""""" • """"' 1AUSnN HEALEY 1% Bl°""' No, ol "°"· oveo, luroaco . ENGUSH FORD Garden Grm·e Freeway refrigerator, (gas & elec.. 537-4011 tric). 28 gal water 1torag:e AUSTIN Healey '6~3000.1;;;;;;;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;;;;;;;;; tank. Lightll are ;.iattery, Wire whls, roll • up wind., All New En&l1ah KENSKILL MARK ll, 1968. gas & electric. 10' retuae OD, xlnt ccnd. $11 0 O. Fords In our Big 23~1' Twin beds, tub & dump hose for se":er con-546-6498 art 4 pm. Stock l'iow At sho"·er. -70 license. New """'""-n. Self~o•·'··• gu ,,.., .. uu -...v ....,,~ 1965 SPRITE. looks ........i, }~ACTORY cond. in Ir. out. Would con· tank, crawl·through boot. "'""" sider trade tor 17' or 18' sleeps 4• White/brown trim runs aocxt. $900. 493-3248 INVOICE! in top cond. 96S-3259. enamel. TRUCK: 1 9 6 9 after 5 or weekends. Pofutively No Added ·-===-~~--• Dealer Charges! KARMANN GHIA '61 Kannann Ghia', reblt eng. New clutch. Very .clean. $7'""'1. Call 87J-.9008 aft 6 . LOTUS '69 Lotus..E.la.n. blue, lo ,mi's. f.flnt ccnd. Owne.r forced to sell. '3995. 548-5323. MG MG SALE OF THE YEAR BRAND NE\V 1970 NSU 13lO C SEDANS 70 ll.P. 3S MILES PER GAL. SOLD AT INVOICE. SEE AT Kustom Motors 845 Bak.fr, C.M. 54Q.5915 OPEL SACRIFICE! '68 Opel Kadetl LS. Xln 't cond. Best oir takes. &14-5289. PORSCHE !63 Porsche Super Cpe. Balero red; full vinyl Interior. Every possible ac- cessory on this unbelievable Porsche. See and drive to appreCiate. J1rwµort 31Inµorts e Paymenls, !ilgh interest, depreciation, s I i p J'(!ntal, cleaning, insurance, etc. fREFER THESE? * Newport Harbor * Motorcycles 24' NASHUA, elect brakes, GMC, % T. 8 cyl. Custom Ch<me From A few remaining mobile home % bath, xlnt cond., sips camper model, 814' bed. Air AUSTIN AMERICA Sed Sta w 3100 \V , Coast Hwy .• N.8. spaces in one of Calit's fast. 4 +. $800, See at Lakeview cond. P/S-P/B. RI H. GT~At OUt 8:t &12-9'10.) 54().1764 Sales, Servit..!, Pan.. Immediate Delivery, All Modell 9300 Iii Low cost, no WORK & CAREFREE SAILING! Cal 25 little as $14; % day Try OUr •Club Plan NEWPORT SAlLING CLUB • 675-noo • Immediate Delivery e 26' SOLINGS e New hi-Door., ........ $4695 Used, 3 sails .......... $3995 e 22' TEMPEST e .......... $3500 Pacific Yacht ~ 673-1570 e SAil.INC CLUB e 22 to 25 foot raoer.cruisers. $1.50 per day. Newport area. Sailing exp not nee SOUTH COAST SAIUNG CLUB (TI4) 547-9400. NEW CAT TRAILER •• $100 SABOT DINGHY . , ...... S50 U FT. SLOOP •.•••••... $240 TOMCAT BOATS 2&l2 Newpt Bl, NB li'TS-2400 CORONADO. 25 Full Race. erwe Gear, radio. Slip Avail. Call -833-0815. ir SLOOP. f lb.ergla••; sleeps 2. trailer, $1700. * 546-8ll4 * CHINESE JUNK, 30 ft. Good cond. Best offer (213) ~ 23' SlD09 Albal:roMi, free~slip thru May. 645-1028 16' CHRYSLER 'Sailboat & trailer, xlnt condition. $1000 or·best otter. 968-1337. SABOT. Equipped For Rae· ing, Fiberglass. Dolly & xtras. Sl50. can 675-2623 SbOck Racing Sabot No. 45ll Reasonable * 549--0229 * SABOT And all equipment. $140.00 or best o J f er. 646-6811. ~7. eves. • LIDO 14-COMPLETE - Good Condition. $650 675-seoo 675--3325 Em Power Cruisers 9020 est gro'4ing resort areal!. Pines Trlr Court, Big Bear Tirited windshield, spare While Overstocks Authorized MG Dealer MOBILE HOMES Lake. Can be moved. rim, tire & tube, mounted, AUSTIN AMERICA Lat PORSCHE ,64 "C" AM/FM. are on display, these homes =========! auto. trans. Bright yellow, Sales, Service, Pans Theod~re Ne\v Cont'! tires, chrm are fully equipped at prices T railers , Utility 9450 with tailgate & back gial!s Immediate Delivery O INS ORD wh.ls, rac, clutch. Great Yt'U 1Aun't want to pass up! ---'---'---1 Jor truck & front window All Models R B F 3100 W. Coe.at Hwy . N.B. perform. Priv. pty. ~. EXAMPLE: , _ TRAILER Ford box 4x7' for camper. $6500. Kl :r386B 2060 Harbor mvd, &42·94n5 , &40-l'IG4 "~A .n705 New 20x4" w/awrdnp., skirt, heavy $45. '5.5 Ford !mt axle alt 5 PM Costa Mesa , '64U010 Autborl?ed MG Dealer ~ 12 5 pd etc, $9180 ccmplete Incl. tax a: whls $12. 837-&868. SPECIAL 1969 MGC-GT, 6 cyl, 4 spd, 'ur PORSCHE 9 ' 5 ' Off OD, -ll/blk int, wire whls. All Xtras. Citrus Yellow & lie. Many ready !or IM· Trucks 9500 Introductory er FERRARI .1~ wtblk inter. Call 544-07'16 MEDIATE OCCUPANCY! 8' sleeps 6 $1095 RIH. 12,000 mi. Like new. GREENLEAF PARK ;::;:::::::;:;;::::;:;:;::=== 1----------19' with 'toilet room 11445 3lOO W. ~--H-. N n Must sell $3000 or best oJ!cr. '62 PORSCHE, beaut shape, ~· ., ~ 1----------1 ,.,_1997 · see to apprec. AM/FM, An adult prl""te dub GMC TRUCKS ll' with "'"" room 11545 &12...a; '5«>1164 FERRARI 1750 Whittler Ave., Here now. Offer expires May 5th Authorlied MG Dealer Newport Imports Ltd. Qr. '69""'°7M'°G"B"1"GT=-"G_ree_o_w_/°"b""lk . .:':::hnn=.:rm=,'·~64:,::,"'.:.1982"""~---, Colsta Mesa Immediate Delivery Scotts, 914 N. Harbor. S.A. anie c.ount)''• only author-12.000 mi. OD. Chrm spoke POR. '58 S lfrOO. 11.T. convt. Ph 714/642-1350 BMW whls, radial tires. 49f..6892 Am-Fm. Reblt _eng. New T-•-·8.~. B.lvd t '57 GMC, 1 ton, 4 wheel dr, ized dealer. •·-. i•t•'· Must ,.11. "'8-4M2 ""'e wvur • 0 Southern Orange County's 10%' camper. Butane retrlg, SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 1..;,:":==·=======.:.=="==:===~=== I9th St.. then west HONDA '70~~. CB3511. 2 "-'ks only Authorized GMC Dealer stove w/oven. 100 -•. aas 3100 W. Coal' Rwy. 9600 to Whittier Ave. S "'"' BMW'S #1 Newport Beach Imported Autos 9600 imported Autos JOMICRA, INC. ~d· 3501 mi. Pd $800. MuV\Vst OULNDIVSMEROBllTLYE cap. 35 "''ater, khydttra~tich 642·9405 540-17&t i f~i;ii~;iii~;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "" e or van or . trans, power ta e-o wine Authorized Fl!rrarl Dealer 11 SPACES 492-95n 2850 IWbor Blvd. • more. 126IXI. 543-0012 or DEALER IN Available in Huntington -19-1-0--H-O_N_D~A-S-L---3-0-0· Cosla l\Iesa 54().9640 see at Mesa Union, Newport FIAT Beach & Costa f.1esa's nic. Motosport. l600 miles. Xlnt 1970 XLT half • ton Ford Blvd at Fairview CALIFORNIA ANO est parks. cond. Custom extras $650. pickup, like new, V-8, CAMPER: '64 Ford Van w/ ORANGE COUNTY'S l--------- MOBILE HOMES Steve 545-2647 power steering, custom cab, s!and up extension It all '69 Fiat 850 America's finest, available TRAILER-LABAJA radio, heater. utility box, bit-in equip. lee box. stove, LARGEST in every size & price range. .~.._, ·~·t ts l fl~ m •us Motorcycle / utility 3 ramp, etc.. 8000 miles. """"""· .... 1 e , e c. •uvu· .,..,..,,. 1970's Imme<i. Delivery JOMICRA, INC. l4" whls. 54&-5889 494-'T'";iOS or 644-5086 eves. 25 New It Used in Stock 19261 Beacb mvd. ==~=--=,..-= Huntington. Beu~:, 536-6511 '67 HONDA oo. CUstom tank. '66 CHEVROLET SAVE $1200. • .1969 VW T&M MOTORS X\n't cood. $200 ~ Ton Pickup. Long bed -camper, fully fac. eqp'd 8081 Garden Grov• Bl. G.G. BAY HARBOR Call 673-4923 Very clean. T44721. w/AM/FM rad, free stand. 534-2284 Open Sunday 892-5551 Mobile Home Sales KA WASAKl Bushwhacker $1395 tent. ;3200. 675-4832 '69 BMW 2,002 Sunroof, FM ALL NEW '70 MODELS 175, brand new, less than VILLA FORD '69 VOLK.S "Ad~enture" lltereo, red, lo mi's. Priv. NOW ON DISPLAY 20 ., Sa $41' ~,,981 ~~ N T . A 0 Camper, 18,500 m1 9 mo. Pty. Call 675-8839 20' Wkles as low as $5995 mies. c. a . ..,........ · ~ · u63st•7n.,.,.,.,ve., range old. Loaded w/xtraa. l-"=========- 12' Wido• to 34' WldH '66 HARLEY CRS 250CC, I ~~~=-~=·o-== ~. CORTINA Spyder, only 7.~ miles on thill local one owner gem, ermine White ,' black inter. ior, fully equipped, Hurry on this one. J1 l'l t1 po1 t 31111p Ll rt~, 3100-W. Co&St Hwy .... N.B. Park Spacea AV&ilable factory racer. Will take '68 DODGE P.U. u"o~u'=SE'=CA=R-.-22=.-F=ag~.1-v=.-,, 1425 Baker St., Costa Mesa trade. Call 642-1137. % block Eutol Harbor Blvd . w/camper shell For general sleeps 6+. New Olds eng. ----t&U-94-0S 541)..1764 '67 CORTINA GT Authorized MG Dealer SUZUKI 80. just re bored, work & fun it """'S well . hydramatic. Ex c e 11 en t Colla Mesa (714) 540-9470 t' 1100 •-new rear tre. · 16,000 mi. isn't bad, at Kus. mechanical $3000. 545-5441 BEACH VIEW PARK * 496-2192 * 10~ Motors, it's here to be ALUM. CamPer. Pump sink, neor8.Hx35u~tiExog1opandn ~acb Yamaha 55 Dirt Bike xlnt had. ice box, stove area, nook, cond, expan. chamber. Many Kustom Motors picture \vindow. Ash inter. 8xl5 screened porch xtras. $200. 675-1497 · k.s 1275 Call 549-0120 2 Br, family pet park 845 Baker, C.M. 540-5..':ilS Jae · a. . TRIUMPH '67 Bonneville Space rent $45. $1950 'very good cond. SOcc SUzuki BOBTAIL Dump truck, 6 '68 SUNDIAL V\V camper. A.M.S. 842·3939 good cond. !l62-4l56 aft 4 yard, '&I Chevy, 2-speed ax· Has it all! Rl!frig, AM/FM • ·-· ld~o) b•ak•.•. radio, '67 FIAT 850 healer. A very nice car. UDZ884. 2 Door Coupe, lamp while ex· $1095 terior w/wine interior. 4 spd. VILLA FORD $1086 full price or small :z5j() N. Tuslin Ave., Orange 6.11.8222 '69 CORTINA GT down. (VVP033l dlr. Call Phil af!er 10 am, 54().3100 or 494-1029. TRAILER Cabana Bayfront, le. Xlnt cond. $199 5 . rad, tape deck, side lent. '70 HONDA 175 K 3, nearly 494-7008, \ 8 to s, )fon to $2850 or best offer: 646-8226 4 speed, (disc) brakes, radio, JAGUAR many · xtras, adult pk. new lo mi's 1550 Call heater , Gold with black in-1----------0wner leaving area. $12,50'.I. ' · · Fri. '67 CHEVY Van Camper. ,. L'do T (Lido Trl 548-1618, 1815 Tustin, C.M. . terlor. Remaining factory JAGUAR .Lo) 1 eq, r '65 DODGE 1h ton Pickup, Long. V-8, auto,. r/b, 23,000 Pkl N.B. 67~2SCJ. '67 TRIUMPH Bonneville, s· bed, MH. Heavy duty, mi's. Xln't cond. 673-4!}23. warranty. ;r:s·· HEADQUARTERS BEAUT. 2 Br, 2 Ba, frpl, ~;=;!~lean. Mak! offer. clean S9'J5. 968-4560 aft 5 8' Full cal><>Ver camper, VILLA FORD The only authorized JAGUAR lovely patio. in Newpt. pm fact, discontinued model. . dealer in the ~ntire Harbor Beach's mol!lt exclusive '69 HONDA 175 Trail Bike . '68 Chevy Van At Complete. $895. 869 West 2550 N, Tustin Ave., .Prange Are park. Penn. &pace. Vacallt! Like new. $490. Call 646-7481 1699.00 is all Step in 18th St. Costa Mesa. 6.37-8222 a. vw DOMESTIC TRADE INS AT NEAR WHOLESALE VOLKSWAGEN BUGS $399 Good Selection of CAMPERS, BUSES, PORSCHES '68 MGB-"C" GT CIM. Automa!ic tr1"1m1 .. alon, r..tlo, wlrt WllH!s. 27.· 000 miles. (TXF·J20 $24~ '66 T-BIRD TOWfl cou,,_, Full po-, elf", run. Ilk• l\IW. (RPK 4.r.11 '65 PORSCHE Cpe. ll:Mllo, chrome whtti.. SPKlt! $200 pal"f job. Efl9111t! r.cenlly aVf!rNluled, Ml"! corir:H!lo". (P'GX21'9J $3499 '67 'Dune Buggy' Sac. for cash! Owner ,,,.,.,,07-"°·='~"'='-"'-·~7-87l~6S~~-a t Kustom & have a CAi\fPER $350. Good cond. '69 LUHRS 28' Cabin 549-4241 1963 HONDA S 90. big bore, ball. Slpi; 2., closets, ice box, Cruiser, 300hp Ciuy.;;ler eng. REDUCED price! Viking ~~ ~,· Dirt bike. $125. Kustom Motors tits ~~ T PU. 54&-2G44 DATSUN Complelt SALES SERVICE PARTS $1599 $1599 CruiRH 20 knots, Tadio, Scand! 21}x6)' Ex CCnd o.....-.:;:iu telephone, anchor, winch, a, · · 8-4. 4 · 845 Baker, c.r.t. 540-5915 1964 V\V Camper, fully equip. 1968 Datsun-owner left other xtras. Xlnt cone!. 5 Star Adult Pk. 54 12 '68 Yamaha 100 T rail ,58 Chevy 6 Pickup, 8. bed. xi:as .. Sharp! $1475. Call to1A7l. 4 Dr. Xlnt cond. $1250. ru.soo. 644-5983 latto· "x6 .• ,,. 1 BDRM l $250. Call 64&-2105 runs good $350. Call 548-8115 54:'>-496.'>. ~54~7~-88~'°=~=~~-_.c,.;~==~~-~= I • "" ·• g. '68 ?v10NTESSA 250 cc La afle• G '60 DIVCO Van Walk-in. '69 DATSUN 2000 Rdstr. 5 36' DIESEL Cruiser. Dbl I sed tio turn· hed cabin. Fly-bridge. Sleeps 6. ew"'rwo pa ·, ", • Crosse $400. 646-6659 '64 RANCllERO. N •ed s Eoquuipt ~~-'01r"o'!n1ping. Make spd. 135 hp. ~l.000 mi. Eve carpi., mmacu ate, er VJ -u<>.}O & wk.ends 893-7198 234 E. 17th Street Fully equlp. Xln't cond. by pv1. pty. $3.000. 531-0541 Auto Service fencler \vork. OK otherwise . · 548-7765 Rttdy to go. $9500. (714) 9400 Make o!rer. Call 962-1782. 1963 VW Camper. xlnt cone!. 1965 DATSUN 4 Or. R&H,1~==-~=~-= 962-3597eves or\\·knds. WELL built 12x55, porch, & Parts ,64 Ford P.U. for Eng reblt, refrig, slOW! & xlnt condition. $475. Call JAGUAR. FANS! 1956 Beaut. 43' Matthews :1~~g~~:· f:W~io;. 899.00. At th is rate heater. 4~3618, 548-9236 9SS-6187 ;,~;~oul~n~. !.";· ~:U~ $44,000. 894-4094 pet. Reas. Owner 839-7241. '67 FALCON It's mighty fine. Imported Autos 9600 I Imported Ca rs 9600 tires, pert body. $800 firm. H.B. """"' from ""'"· 2 WINDOW VAN Kustom Motors Day• ~ Evu. Bdrm, 2 ha, deluxe, all ex-Automatic, big 6. dlr. Low 845 Baker, CM 540-59t5 i'1 ·=>--4=7="=======-C ---------i tras. Adults. 536-6478 ·1 W'll "'· •-d - SpHcl-Skl Boats 9030 Poole BUICK IN COSTA MESA Ext. 66 or 67 1970 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 549·3031 m1 es. 1 lllJ\e u .. e or •54 GMC 1,~ T. Auto. Clean 20x43 MOBILE Home for finance private party, (YLT $27- sale. Beach location. After 665). 494-9773, 546-4052. Runs c:asG.~ * :-' 19' Fibera;lass Californian. ' I n b rd/outbnf, Sacrifi~! ... $2300. 675-2374, 830--0713. THREE Ski Boats 16' &: 21' :-Sloop, all like new. Going ~-chee.p. Want oUers. 645--0295 4 pm. 536-4845 WilL trade 2 Br, 1 Ba hrn. S. Broadway, S.A. for mobile home. AH 6, 5#-2441 Trailer, Travel 9425 '51 Aljoa 15'. xtras. Good '64 FORD Pickup. xlnt SIOOO.' '69 Cab-Over camper shell $550. 962--0492 THE MOST! '68 DATSUN '66 PONTIAC 4.ctOOe: llDAN : .. rond. Must ~ 1o apprec, 1_c;a;m;;pe;;;;";;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;95;2;0;;1 C;•;m~pe;';;";;,;;;,;;;,;;;;9;;5;2Q~ I ·$395. May 2. 3 & 4 Only. Recreat'n Vehlcln 9515 ladio, heol<llr, (WSltlztt w .. $1117 \/ .•. -· , ........ ......., ...... . fllleii"", --·~·· .... 11 •• Priced for ACTION ::. II 396 w. Bay St .• C.J\t . f~ VISIT DUR VOLUME NEl~~ON~~~it ,,;,. * LOOK * ·~ •• I• ·: .. I: .. ·-I· ·: .. '· !• -•• '· '· ,_ I: '· :-1; !: ~ ,. ,. •• ,. ,. ' ,. .; '-.. • ) CAMPER CENTER 18' Fully Self-Contained Scott',, 914 N. ll"hor, S.A. Brand new 1970 Scout, v .s 4 speed, pov.·er lock. dual lanks, radio, etc. # 388974. Only ALWAYS A ·PULL SILECTIONI AUTHORIZI D SALIS ~OR 12 TOP IAAND NAMIS. FEATURING THE IAUOA MOTOR HOMl t CAMPER SPECIAL New 101/2 Ft. Edorado Camper ...... '" k1, 4111etts, .................. ·....,,, .... 11th ..... LIST '2014 HICI u~:c1 '1395 #'1S24C '619 DISCOUNT .... , for Your Plt kup .,. • New 71 ,.,,,, c..,.. ...i Mo!or Homo R"ll*-lftorvo ~ fer -•· RtcrSOftable Rotes.. , TERRY 1r 1967 comp. self· cont'd. Sips 6. Very clean $1975. 54()..7023 eves & wlmd• TRAILER-sleeps 4, stove, Hink. 75 lb ice chest, easy to pull . $70 0. 548-248'1 l&l2-0506 * $3499 * Ku5tom Motors AUTHORIZED INTERNATIONAL DEALER 845 Baker. C.l\t. 51().5915 9'00 1 lmeer:t~ Ca rs Good Selection of USED .CAMPERS To Clioo~ From SEE AT Authorized Sales & Service 18711 llffch Blvo., Huntington BHch 842-4435 5976 '65 PLYMOUTH PUlT WAGOtt V·I, ...... 1,,....., ..,_, "'-""•· '9111•, -'""· O...'t -11. tRn'• 01~) w .. $114S $976 --_11, .... -· .. ~,. l""'n'MI w .. $159$ 5976 '66 TOYOTA CORONA 4•l>OOI SEDAN A•l<t. ,,..,,, •Odle, ""'"''· jlVf. "" w .. $117• 5976 ANY o• Of THI ABOVI CAU '41~ '41!! .., ........ '"" ....... ~. '41.JI .... Mt.I _1111, ,..,..... fAc!HI• t.a, u-... "" _..,i..s dterwM • ..... k -••*II ....... ... ..,1, 30 -o.i.-. --~k>I lo 11160 h•dwii,.. ... & I'-. ..._.. ,.._i ...... ll.05~"~· ------,.,..,------ '63 lllNAULT CARAVEUE hdJo. "°"''°' _. '°" top. """'" .,..cW. llcfflte HMk3A.5. '64 FORD WGN. CntTy. Sq. v.1. ovtomotic n-tu1e11, '°"""Y olr ~ dllictlllttf, ,._ •'"""'· radio, ti.att., ~ --.. °'!II '"' ~ low .u ••. We h ave a large +•ion of Coug1ri. 91 models; XR 7's & conver· t lbles with prlc .S ·t?"'ll like. "The good ole days a re back 191inl" ~~~·"·'~!~ .. ·~~~~~~ .. "" ,...... $3-066 clth••• wh•tt ca~1n. •le, Na. OF91H5t7tl4 Plut T~• & l ic1n11 -Joh-nson,.._son LDHDLI CC~Yl~UT&l • lllHlll · ti HHiY•iHI£ .. t• ' N• • •• ' ' .,. .. " " = I , • • • • • 4 h• j ( , 3 ' " 5aw...,., M" 2, 1970 R DAILY"LOT :Jl TR>:NSPORTATION I TRANS_POi!i'ATION TRANSPORTA1'10N TRANS~~~N-~-SPORTATION_ !~NSp0RTAT~ON T~N~PORTATIO'.!f.:i~~~. ~~!!.ll~=l~~~~~~~~ Imported Autoa 9600 Import~ Autos 9600 l_m~rt~ Autot 9600 New C•·ra 9800 Utect C•ra • __ 9tOO Uted C•rt 9900 Ust d Cart 9900 U;;.;.se;.;d;...;;C;c•r;.;•;... __ _.:.9900;.;c Used CaN 9900 __ P_ORSCHE TOtoTA VO~SWAGEN OLDSMOBILE n,,~J~~..:. CHEVROLET DODGE MERCURY OLDSMOBILE '65 Porsche. beaD:t 1hape, see to appree. AM/FM, cllrm rim!!. $3575. SU.103T '65 Porsche c. $29ll. N~ clutch, Piftllis, chrm whls. Ex. Cond. 542-5195 1967 POR.SCHl: 912 All Xtrq, 28,000 ?t1i 'ft $4125. * 499-1 ·162 '68 TARGA 912 1Uver, 5 spd, Al\1/Jo'l\1 shorhvave. Above average. $539:>. 51&-3652 -RENAULT '69 Renault R-16, perf. $1800 ·or makl! ofter. Call 54H063 '70 TOYOTA'S In •tock, lmmef'llatl! ckllvery. llirl 11•f\•lis ~tnet~ Laguna Beach 90G So. Cst. Highway 494-7503 * -3100 BILL l\fAXEY IJJOllYIQl!@ 18811 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. S.1ch 147..8555 I mi N. of Out Hwy, on Bcll SUBARU 1969 TOYOTA Corolla St•"°" 1----------1 Wagon, Uke Mw. 96s-.4o76 * '70 SUBARl,I att" 6 - Here Now • ·~ TOYOTA ~ 4 Dr. Immediate Delivery Auto.; 11,000 Mi. Clean. e 90 MPH Capability $1595. 644-XIXI Aft. 1 PM e 35 Miles Per Gallon • Beautiful Styling Test Drive Today At Kustom Motors MS Baker, CM ,TOYOTA -- ITJOMOITIAI Mark 11 Wagons Hi Lux Pickups Land Cruisers Wagons DEAN LEWIS 196f. Jlarbor, C.M. TOYOTA TOYOTA TRIUMPH WHY? MORE TRIUMPHS ARE SOLD SY P'RlTZ WARREN SPORT CAR .· <;ENTER AO Jt. l•l S.A, 547..()764 TRTI.JM.PH TR ' 3 '99,-r/h. good uphol, 4 spd synchro, rec<'nl val~ job & tune-up. 3 Tops. S950/bst of r. 968-3525 '64 TR-4. Re-bit E41._gine, lilack • Sharp looking. $1100. r.all 49'M341. VOLKSWAGEN • c.._,. W inner • 1970 OLOSMOJIL.E ti 1"ad<d .............. 12'1'5 '69 EL CAMINO '68 DOOCE RT conv.rt. 44<1 SP,ECI AL SLACK PAINT, TOWN SiOAN Cl),~;f'ordM~taic ;. tt)lmllt 1 orde n1.agnum, torque Hite, p/1, STR:IPINO -& LACE e Factary -.. ~T -c:ondtdotlinl, l.Oldod ••• , • '. '• • • • • • ;miO to':ow It -=~ be n 1een r p/b, diacs on front, R&H , VINYL .WP. & DECK uo automa"'" ndio (re a r *~ .. · l owner, ltlnt cond. !.-tu.st ...... VI, auto, alr cond, sell, new car on order. O ANSQiS·• ~DUTS .pedtt), heater, JlO"<'V powt:r. $2400. 49&-6312 ~A~~~~~w•d'R"-~ :,t:..~r ~r=: IUJCK Kintom Moton SACR1''ICE. 169 t:lod&• w • .i. ON DISPLAY AT ""· tlnlod !llUI, w+w. •tt-•-n ·~-W..k '62 14! Babr, CM '""'5915 Sprt, &<>Id w/wht. IL"'1au PLYMOUTH AM&s Jr'"''"'' .,,. ....... 2550 N, ~!in Ave., Orange J l TO Strlal No. S84890M77f391. Slcy!ani. xtnt trtnSp. t.fe~b. '66 CHEV roof, auto tran11. n.&H, p/b, 637.8222 lnterw1ti~al ~otorlOJ: $46D4 -good. Vtey clean, itlek, t./8. p/~. belo\v b I u e book. ~69 Pl YMOUTH Aect!ssorit'9 if > Fint $3'1$ takes. 545-208.l. WAGON ~6-'1320. 1966 l\IERC. Parklanc. See Valiant 2 Door Stdan. At1lo. 1584 Old Newport Blvd., C'I • . 646-'J'r, di I ~·:;i;=oo=oc="""o----it lo belic\'C it. Full UNIVERrt'l'V Btl Air. 6 pa.wna:tr. r. Ar * E \\lagon • runs CVf'rythlng. Bc:;t buy a t trans., radio, heater. Leu '67 FASTBACK ' ~l:-'· BUICK' Skylark, '6!J, t dr conditioning, l\1ust sell, WJll good, V8, Rad & hc'ultr. than IG,l))O 1nlle1. StUI like OLDSMO_Blll. hdtp, r/tl.' utlt. fact air. finance private-party. (OY· 1030 Llndtn Pl, C , r.t . $l600. &l'5-679ii. new. YVU438. ~lack, beaut·y .. 4 ipd., whlt' 2850 Harbor Bl.,.CO!illl Mesa $1295. Call ti7J..9266. 8276) Call 494-ml, 546-4052. 5-ls-s-t39 · $1795 '"'· Xlnt ""'"'"' """· s.mau OPEN 7 DAYS . 541)-9640 --·-. ·--· 100'"1'"'0"""1'"'v"'.s""""1--,1r--, MUSTANG VILLA FORD down. Will lloanco ..... ,. . c· &DILLAC '69 CHEVY z 28 . Ar • "·-· ''~" J>Qrty. ·<XlH&TTJ dlr. Ca1J A L I tf10 "' RH 4 ----'PS PB \Vhat bani .. p/s, Am-Fm. $9:icl. '67 MUSTANGS 2500 N. -Tustin Ave., Oran&:e Phil alter 10 .... ~ •100 or ~~ nt~· ---~-· · 11""" ... • · ., ' · ~~ day1 or 49a-0138 -· ~ -· -~·-· do )IOU think ol that, Kustom eve•• w"-'L 4 lo choose from. AU have 637-8222 4~·1"""'. _ '61.CAD El Dorado, full pWt, .. "'.,,. ""9 V.S """ ?\1otors that's where it's at. ,68 DOOCE Cb "" ~n1., autQ. tram., !67 PLY. Fu..., 3,· 4 Dr. , , FORD AUTHORIZED air. vinyl roof, Ult st~ring, ........ ,, vi• ••·fl hl ., V\VVan !i9 r•e .......... camp. K t Mot -· ' ... ·-' w ttwalla, ac-· hdlp. "'fl , Fae• a l•,-· ........... ~. LEASING" SYSTEM . Al\1/Tht & stereo tape. us om ors top. Xlnt O>nd. Sacrillee, . nd UOP838 .... , AW .. • ..... er untt, \Vl)rk done on tr&n1, America's · 111.Qttst: ·le-a.sing $3,350. 645-2,182: alt 5 pm 845 Baker, C.M. 54D-59l5 mu.st eel!. 557~. 546-5745 ~ir co · 'Otbus u ·tires: lmmac. SlS OO . com?lcte new brake 5)'&tem system for ftnsnce o·r net & "'irnds 642-4011 ---ow as -Sll-1457 eves. & """· Good "'""· 1"'11. leulni o1 all type ws.,,., '59 Cad Sedan 0. Villa '63 CHEVY II FALCON VILLA$169FOS R 196> PLY. Fur; II Ex.'°""· 530-1708 Btwn 5 pm & 9 pm tn.icltl. 2 door sedan. Loaded. dlr.,_________ D New tins &: brakes, .,,.. For Immediate Sale r ,,_. '69 SQUARE back, radials, e Immediate dell"MJ from ALL or PARTS tun price $299. (KlH952) ,68 FALCON 2550 N, TuAtJn Ave,, Orange tuned sroo. 642-6315 A~1/fl.I. Suptr clean. ottr 300 can and trucb Call afte 5 p M. 54J..l12D _C"all=•-94,,'"1'13.=_54o.41l52-,,=.-:::tt.IF\Ltura 4-Door Sedan, 200 eu. 637-8222 '64 VALIANT. stick, new 15,000 mi's. Make o!ter. • Competitive rates r ' ;-;; ,..~•1 '! t u• '65 ST I t b "· •· tllr '~ -66 "-~·u. Sed ~V'"-AR.i'ifY ........ s .. ·"us se · in. 6 eyl. f!""'·, auto. trans., Ml,I ANG eng., pan , r...,. "' mu . ,.......,33 or 846-4748 • New car delle-'-l.-. !l!l'Vloe ' ......,1 c an """ u.oo:, d ·~ "~ ~ -·1 6~11~ ...... ., '69 Chev. 8 Malibu, h tp, radio, heater, whitewalls, ~. u,......,.. or ,,,. .KJ. '68 vw Sqbck, -w· 11-,, e Full "tradeln" valu. for full powu, a/c, near new 1 / Hardtop, 3 speed, cana...., ·~ •• 1 307, auto, a r, \V w tinted glass, pov.·er steering. ·~ rad·, •. Xl·t ~-'. ll6DO. "·" >~ur present car tlttl. Immac. cond. Bk vlrL 1 .. 11 , yellow, xlnt. cond. in and PONTIAC .., " ....., .. u '-&I.I Polyglas, o m1 s. urry. An exceptional l owner car. 494 "",..,.. • All ...... 1 ... makes avafi. top. Prlv. owner. $2200. Call 6 out. 1 owner. Woulc: like ~" •--• ••"! 67;Hi38'7 afl · 1'-1ust see to appreciate. ---able ~ · foreiln car In trade or amall '65 V\V. E~1PI eng, nlag!l, .For Com ple!e Uelaila; call '69 Cad El Dorado, 6,000 '65 CHEV. Impala 2 dr. V-8. V\VR65S. down, Will finance private 1968 PONT Exec. Sta. WP, glv;s. fildrs, must sell $1000 f<.falcom Reid mi 's. Exctiplional C 0 n d . auto, p/1, N.d . !'ilereo t~.1 L S179f05 RD paM,y, IRHE626l dlr. Call &ir, AM/FM radio.2 8pwr or best ofler. 673-2546 Leasing ~1ana.gcr Every a.ccesa, Air. 5'5-8036 Spotless cond. $1000. ......., VI LA Phil after 10 At.l 54(hll00 or windows I: llf:ata $ 0 0, ·55 VW bug, sunroor, xlnt Theod9 r• dayi:. !>45--l394 111;\'ts. 644-2760 ~· ~ N. Tuslln Ave., Orange 494.l<m, · 64>.2182; aft 5 pm & wknd!I cood, chrom• wh"1'· tuood ROBINS FORD '68 EL DORADO. only 9000 '63 IMPALA 2 d'hdlop l· 637.S220 '61 MUSTANG I ~"-"""=11~~~~~- exhauit. $995 .. 400.2144 2060 1-lai-bor Blvd. ml. facl atr, vinyl roof. lthr owner. Auto tra~s PIS P/B '66 F.ALCON 2 Door Hardtop. 289 V-8, auto '68 PONT. GTO, Ex Cond. '69 VW Squareback Costa Mesa 6UOOIO uphol., full pv.T, stereo. ~~~1,',,,..~e~nt hrcs. $1200. CLUB COUPE. Radio, heat-trans .• powe-r iteering, ra· Air, r l h, sacrifice Sl750. Under Wa1Tanty. ,.,,..,..,,,..,,..,,.....,..,,,..~I $5250. Pvt pty. 64f>..-0797 '"~=u~~~--,--,,,--,;ol er. Priced to sell at a u.crl-dlo, heater, tinted glass. '68 V\V ~ X tr a a, $1190. $2000 Cash. &l&-7607 I' * '65 Chev. Impala. air Vl!L7CM. 89-1-2001 eves., 646-01&2 ~ '~ "~ITE V\V Bug. 33,000 -fll" LEA$E ..,.., 19&5 Calais, full pwr, a/c, !ice, SZM531$;7.95 &12-544.3 wknds. .>.;JUo> "" 9-ord V8 FIDO Piclru xtra cl!!&n, top me-ch cond. cond, low ml's, JM>W trans. $1795 mi. Like new! !Ugh back 1 10 F -P New car on order. Will ac-Fantastic cond. Best ollr. VILLA FORD VILLA FORD '68 GTO, vinyl top, 4 Qd. seats. $14.50. 5&-5'137 w/camper, air, p/11, •auto ~. mags, ate~. ?.lust .U.. , tram, 3900 ml. $109 pet mo. cepl 10 boQk; Sl700. 495-4539 1965 Chev JI Nova, 4 dr. 2550 N. Tustin Ave., Orange 2550 N. Tuslin Ave., Oranae sacrifice $300 & assume-bill. 67 _ vw ~bk. Clean. Low SOUTH COAST '69 CAD C.D.V. 7.000 mi'a, ood . good nd 637-82Z2 637..azlO 64&-5.196 ~~tN~~~ It. batt. 300 w ~: LE~~ :ca etc. $5~ ~ dow;. ::::· o~fer. t~ ~ a 1969 Futura W~n, 6 cyl, su""P"~"R,...,ct"•"•"•-. -,.,.,..--,ll>-,.-ru-.. -l "',68"""'PO=N~TI=A=c'""eo"'o_v_. ""c"'ro=. m9 V\V Bus, 40 llP • · WJ, ' 837_51~· ' v P · sun, v.·kdays aft 5 auto, radio, htr, lug rack. ning, '66 ?t1ust, wkle oval Air cond, p/1, p/b, stereo., •AM •56 CHEVY V-8, 3 s..-..l all Xlnt cone!, $2195. 495-4345 tires, auto, p/s, r/h. See am/fm, new lil"e!I. Xln't --- BIG ~ u-·· ,.,. -""Chtvy•-··'a 2dr•-'tnn r"'"" H-then let'g ""-ain, I'm .......... •'UM 67' -'66 vw Sunroof. new clutch. 548-52&3 -... ~ .. ..,...... '""' vr-, 1 au Ke I, mags. $32&.00. • FORD ....... ~ ...... A.I • .,.....,... ~ ... Xln't cond. $950. Call • .,,. VW l6DO MH, PIS, P/B, clean, pxl ~ after 5 pm. euy. 673-a735 '65 PONTIAC Tempest 6, 548-964:>. ~ lillllll ... 11111 ... ,. ..... ,. .. 1 cood. ~or beat o~. MUSTANG '65 GT Coupe. rl h, auto. l Owner. 30,000 SAVINGS NOW Or besl ottrr 6*-1153 '8.2 CHINY SS. 327, p/i, 289 Auto, air, i;;te~. disc · eQN'I Call """' 1162 '66 VW, CLEAN. Lo Mi 's. 53-7391 after I pm '62 cad E:Xoep~y clean p/b, r&i:h, now tire1. $45(1, '67 l'ORD Oo1l•xlt JOO brks, loaded, clean, Orig. mi·s . .,.,vu. u.Jor · !\lust sell. l\1o.ke ollu. · 01,JR CARS · · 961-2014 2 lJoor 11 ~ Bl I h SHARP '65 GTO, yellow 962-1782 'fi6 yW. ~US. Split frnt 1eat, New tires, bra5M1. Me-107S ="'"~~-~----! a .... top. ue wt ownr. $1200. 644--0705 1 . 4 pd SU.95 .=-coc--c.,-,.--c-:;c=t r~dlo, 1ltrt0, wood pWJei· ARE CHEAPER itft e pm, 'M ?o1allbu 11&.tlon wqon. blue vinyl, auto, trans., R& MUSTANG 1966, 289, R&H, :/~st~~~:~: 6~719 eves. I '69 V\\I, black, AL'1·F~. Inf, Call 67W77t ,65 COUPE OE: VILLE All Clea~, pd~ tlrt1, power It, P.S., 390 V.a, air cond . ..,... :t i;;pd. i\fust sell SIOCXJ or chrome rims, v•ood extras. • --" ~ · 1teer1ng $795 968-7322 VEN67'1. Sat·r1fl1"'('. Only -best offrr. 675-5936 am or '61 PONTIAC Tempe:st. auto, ON ALL NEW, * 673-2098 * VOLVO '64 XKE SUNROOF x11'?,,~. ~~,',~· Xlnt cond. 5-I CHE~. 6 · cyl. auto. 2 $1395 aftrr 5 pm R&:J-f. Gd cond thruout. $195. 1970 COR~NAS Wir1 Wli11l1 ind A;r Cond. " .,:ru-""""' VILLA FORD 540-0062 l '69 V\V So& Su,,rool. Many ---Only $1998 '"'· Sl20 °' "'"1 '""· A•k 1966 MUSTANG Co n v l.1 =~=----~ • '.to CHOO.I OM xtral. f;fust SC'll. $1550 or WHY? CAD '65 Cp. de Ville S1995· foi-Bob. 5-19-1690 "~'.n N T I A n.. '65 PONT. Catalina 4 Dr. I \Vl;t;le/blk leather int. Full ===~c-;c=-:;7 ....w . u~t n vc., v1ange Lotlded! Deluxe wood grain •e ALLL CMOOLOOERLSS bsl OJr. 57:>-3l 7S. • '65 VW ••• $998 pow. Air. M4-l!Ml. 1966 NOVA, 8 cylinder, stick, 637-822() , Int. \Vire whl&. V-8. All ;<~~\ 1'°00~~-·F,~~~ .. fu&lll., P.,.'!'.;~ A L '66 V\V Bu•. "·dlo, 7 R&H $100 do ' I ~ x't ·' "0 '"20 """"" '0 '"'"'"· ..... ,~,,. n.a. MORE VOL VOS wn"' 11; .. ,,. over •67 Ford Wag. Falrla,ne. power. nt CO•iu • ..,o-w · • ALL 19UIPMENT passenger. $13jlJ. ARE SOLD BY '65 RAMBLER AMER. '68 EL DORADO, fuUy equip. pmnll. 54>-7910 PIS, P/B, auto. O eanl '65 t.fUSTANG 2 + 2 '6& LeMans. Air-cond., new IXECUTIVE DEMO'S AT * 962-3602 * FRITZ WARREN Autorn 1tic • .fin• Sma ll Cir $5400. Call 642-0900 ·oo MALIBU, brand nu tires, $1395. Day M6-77tl, Ew1. fastback. mint cond ., new lires. Sell low whlse blut BIGGER '6' VW w/'63 '""""' cl""· SPORT CAR $888 ' <hromo rims. Good Cood! 646-4568. ""'· m4"1 x..,, 1200. bk, Priv ply. 8J8.-063l\. _,. •Z::VI 1!70 CADILLAC Coupe de """ ~ 962-6945 SAVINGS good body, runt •-· -VW•, tully -'d, Ilk• now. $900. -•w, . '62 FORD Fa;rl.,., 500 2 49«£111 RAMBLER o• ""'" 494-957' CENTER '67 FORD "" ., I Good • ==;===== , 4 DeM-~ ssa:o. 675.2030 19a5 CHEVY 2 dr, V8, dr, V , p 1. transp. O . EXAM,LE1 1t70 4 DOOR SEDAN ·59 :v\V, xlnt cone!., radio, 710 E. 111, s -··· 547-0'i&t Low Mil11, Auh>Tn1tic. Pow1r 196'7 CADILLAC Sedan De autom11tic, wry clean $17~ $21S. Call 536-4418. LDSMOBILE '65 RAMBLER wht walls, must sell immed. 14f.L-WAGONS St11ri119 I Br1k11. b c.1 llt"t Ville sbarp! Private party. 2286 Elden, C.M . ~ 1960 Ford Station Wagon, 440 2 Door llardtoP. Auto. ' speed, rad.lo, ,,.../walls, heater, console. Ser. • 3<17584 •. $160(). 5r:i-l :>70 ·. 1H -SEDANS l 11v it only $6 .. 98. ill Via. Lido Soud. 6Th-3678 CONTINENTAL Good co nd. Air . Rffi. $295. 1970 OlDS trans., radio, heater, LoW 1"' v .w . -.,;th ,,,!i'nche .;_.·VOLVO . '56 C•d 4 d' $200 lc'4s.~9'=11=~~~~ SPOJIT CPE. mllug•. E>coUont tranlpOr-~~ne~~285 s, ~-Im~;1~~ ':n~ry '66 MUSTANG Lo mi's Runa Good 67~93.tll. I966 Continental. lo ml't. full ':ir.s.~. tl~~L~~:~ talion. RE$~S .62 V\V '5 ~ ·t80o£ SpOrt Coupe A11to1T11ticsf•~i11dom lop pov.·ei. air, Immaculate. Europe S2IXXl 494.7763 $2498 h VILCA FORD WAS $2'.241.75 NOW i560 or make offer. GOocl DEAN •LEWIS , CAMARO "'"="5·='=7""'999=="====l ·s2 Fal~n St~. \V1n. ~ stan. 177.89 MO..,,_.LY PAYMENT coll<!. l\Iust sell 67~74 C --•~•n 2550 N, Tustin Ave., Orange ==,--=-ccc-:=· 19'6 Harbor, .M. 646.9'03 '69 vw SUS r CORVAIR ri"d. A-1, n•H. 1200 .• ,. 1299 I.a th• tot.al down ?"Y· 631-8220 $1890;0 196-1 VV..' Can1per, fully equip. I ===""·"====== lJ P111t1u11r, 11 .000 M+lei '6 CAl'ilARO convt. Al cond, &12-0717 mcnt. $71.69 i' tM total I =~=~-.,.,..,_.,== ~. ~~~=.Sharp! $L17::i. Call Anflquel, Classics 9615 $2598 au 10 · 01 a r \\'he e J s . ~CORVATR l-:1on7.a. 34,000 '63 1''ALCON Fu!ura, 2 dr, monthly. payn1ent including ~:~~~i~r~~top llLL MAXEY TOYOTA ,,.......,"°" $1550/-be•t offer. Pvt pt)·. tn!le~-Neiv paint. Xl nt 6 cy!, g!ick iihlft. Except. taxes. Ucenge and all carry. *6"1>-5207* 546-723!, 835-0346 cond. Call art 5, 642--0962, clean, S49S. 67>-0367 Ing charges on approval of VILLAGE AUTO SALES 465 E. 17th Str .. t Costa Mesa . 'Sci CAMARO $1700 like new. 1 dayi 5"5-947:i · Bank credit tor 36 months. T llRD '65 HOnd• 31» Scrombl" I ;;'"===~~~-='== MERCURY Oc, ;r ,Ou would.•"'''~ to 1 ____ • ____ _ 121i. Good cood. 675-1601 CORVETIE pay'"'''"" lull ·cuh prlco '61 T·81RD $495 aft 5 Is only·S2667:90 Including all Call 662159 •i9 CAA1ARO Z28 h i. 1 ----~----'67 C.Olo.ny Park, 10 pass taxes and 1'970 liCerise trans- perfonnance, fully equip-SELLING a 1967 Fastback wag, ~U ~tras. Priv. ply. · fer. NotlJil'lg mo~ to pa,y. 1968 T·BIRD, Landau. 11'1111: 645-0410 645.0411 SHOPPING FOR LOW PRICES? for used can A: trocb jult call us for free estlmale. GROTH CHEVROLET \Ve finance anyorw; v.'ho is Married Oivon:ed p:Af. $2800. 1538-8429 Corveltc, t owner, under $195ll (21.1) 592-2344 Deferrec!•Pli;yfutnt price is ~ ~ .. a;i;;,,,,1mmac. collL ,.. ··-warTS.nty, must sell-moving. '65 MERCURY Comet Call. f3095.M Including all cany. ofMIWo ~ CHEVROLET 'G:i U.fP~I.A Wai. Full powtr. Xln't co nd . $1195/ best offer. Prlv. pty . '3&-1351. Call aft 5:30. 675-2054. enle 3 dr. R/H, 4 ~pd Jlllt re-ing c~•. taxes and 1970 '65 T-8 1.Jd, J mm at: u J a ti , '64 C.Orvette Fastback. 4 spd, bit. New lhocka $750. 56-5378 liceng transfer. $1495-firm. Or~nal owner. 2425 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE 536-6016 a.ir, 32,000 mi. Pvt. S . '65 Mercury Montclair. RATE IS ONLY ll% 646-7800 4 dr. P/S, PfB. New pain t CORV '67 F"bk A/Tran uk, $850. 545-5441 UNIVERSITY -TORINO '68 CHIV. Imp. Spt. Sdn. v .1, euto. 1t•n• .• p0wer •'"•'nt· ••I la, ht11u . Un ltd 1l4IM, wMll C:OYl!<"I. A g.ood .... 1..-r Tr..ild In on 1970 Ct>evraldl lklfllt XSl.01. 51499 Ask for S3les ?tfanager 18211 Beach Blvd. Huntlng1011 Beach KI "'1331 l\"ew reslden! ia Cahl. Bankruptcy Bc!c11usc \\"e Carry Our Ov.·n Contracts or-•rurn Oo"'•m O.A.C. ,\)J Your Ti·ansportallon Nt•e<ls 196-i L\tpALA, 4j,000 ml. good clean cond., nev.· tires. 673-4962 pv.T win I brk I str. pr/pty. '67 CO.UGAR 390 Eng. Full OLDSMOBILE Immaculate S3095. 546-4429 po11o1er, a ir cond .. vinyl roof. 2850 Harbor Bl., Costa r.tesa Clean! Call 646-4763. OPEN 1 DAYS ---'69 TORINO 2 Door Formal Hardtop. Vtry sharp, Aulo. tram., RAH, P.S., fact. air cond ., P.O. brakes. Sacrlfic" -XJC56.'5. '67 CHf'IELLE So4an ' cyl • •UIO. "'"'·· "°"'er 11e1r• lnQ. r1dio. ftN1tr, tlnled 9!111. Wlleel <O•l'S. "0.K." In e...rv wovt Tr1dtd In "" 1'70 Cllevroltl, 1.ICe!l•t UJC40. ''9 RAMBLER American 2 Coor Cou111. 6 cyl., auto. t"n1 .. rtdio, ne1Jtr, whlttwl\I !lr11, tinted Ol&U, wlleel t0Vff1. "0.K ... In .... 1ryw1yl New cir lrldt 111! 1.ltim•t YQU6PI. • '64 CORVEm H.T. Cpa. V·•· I UIO. l••n• .. pewtr •!""""''· r1(1Jo. heller, whi1tw1!1 I r11, llnltd 111111, .,..,,..1 co ..... 1. New ti~ t~Mlel E•c•ll•nl conc:UUon. Lltena.e OWllf.17. ~BE-KA~O·~~' ~ I' I I' I . 1 t--HO,_RH_,O_,,.~-il f I I I· ·1 . I RUTHEN I I I I I I I COUGAR ·c;1 Monte~y. t Or .. radio, heater, pD\ver, $400 cash. CALL 54()..9640 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR -62 (~h,-,-.. ~N"',,-a""1"°V"'•oo-,- 6 cyl. R/H. Auto. 7 XI 'I C d I" 494-Zl.57 '68 XR . . n on . ...., '6i OLDS Cutlus. $350. Re. bit trans. Orig. ow n r . 542-9!161 day1, 646-8607, eves & wknds. $2495 VILLA FORD C1\RS fROM $!l!I C!2an $275. 642-1813 -,.-, Nova 5.S. 350. n1i"s, fn1 stereo. $2100, 843 I S Y 0 UR A D IN Sonora Rd., C.ll'I. CLASSIFIED? Someone will TIIE SUN NEVER SETS on DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! 2550 N. Tu5tln Ave., Orarwe 637-8222 CONNELL CHEVROLn 2828 Harbor Blvd. Blue Chip Auto Sales 2143 S. Harbor, Co•ta Mtsa 540-4392 . SC.9700 Costa ~fesa 54f,.1200 BUSl.ESI' mar11.etplace tn -~IMPO=°"'a;TS~W~ANTE'°"'""o,..-town. The: DAILY PILOT Qr.anae Countie;s CJ11111fled asection. -Sa v • TOP $ BUYER money, time & eUort. Look BDL MAXEY TOYOTA nowt! 1' S2200 * 546-0388 TIME FOR Ql,llCK CASH THROl,IGH A DAILY PILOT WANT ADS -···-COUGAR (5) 1970 COUGARS, loaded, low mileage. $3000 each. * 63>5480 * 18881 Beach Blvd. H. Beac1L Ph. Ml-Ell .l"m;po;;;;;rt;ad;;;Auto;:;.';;;;;;;-;;;;' t;;m;;;";;;·::;rtad;;;;;;;A;;u;;rlo;;•;;;;;;;';;600;;;;;11;;m;;;po;;;rt;;ad;;;;C;;a;;rs;;;;;;;;;;; WE PAY TOP DOLLAR P FOR TOP USED CARS U )"'IV!' car ta extra clean, see UI first. POOLE l!UICK • 234 E. 17th St. Cofl .. a: ritesa 543-7i65 THt: QUICKER YO~ CALL, 't'HE QUICKER YOU SELL Confucius soy: "U you sleep like boby, xou don't --." ....... - >··J. O Com~lel• tile <hvc~I• qvcted by lolling '" l~e mlM!ng wordi you devtl~ from ll•P No. 3 below. MAY SPECIALS $1995 1967 Alf• 11.•"'" Spri nt •T. bocly by Bir• lone. Rtdio, h11f11, 5· 1p11d, 11ic.• l$1r. #]Jb9) $1395 ' 1t6S M•I iMhtf. R1clio, h••1•r, 4·1 p1td. Sht'P· IZWCllll $2595 1962 PemM-C.,. . ..., .. Rtclio, h1 1lt r, 4-1pe1/. reel finith. Shtrp. IKDl l 24 1 $1295 $895 19tJ ICerM9119 Giii• c,,. ll1tllo, he1t1r, '4·1pt ed , T.T. fini1k. !WAL260 l $2995 1 tll 'IW C..nper 11.f.dlt, h1tftr, 4·1pttd. Reedy for th• rotJ. IVWU ,19) $995 l!U Yelff 1n.s :t ~.. rtclit , httt..-, 4. 1P1tcl. Sh•rp. IJWVl29l $2195 1961 YM" 144 W . RMio, httltt. 11110.. 1!r c.o"tl., low mile1,e. !WEI Ob9 1 $1095 1••1 T•Y-'• c.,. .. Seel. R1dio, hitter, 1ulo. Pric.•d t• 1ell. (VOK.671) $1295 196t Tey.te C..oll• c,., , ll.1tlle, h1tf1r, 4·1pt1d. IXIN446) $1095 1tl7 T•pt• Cr.wit 2000 Sl11lon W19011 "filh 0¥1ttl tl•t. IVEll9JI $1395 1911 1 • .,. .. c.,... w . H11+er. 1uto. Si lt prict6. !VTTJ71 ) $1495 1961 ,,... TJ-4 ! 1195 1 1961 Tty•t• CoreH H,T. Rocl1tr, l\Mlt , hto4t,, 4,. • 19 1•"'-tlf'.... Cpt ,. r1cli1, hitter, •· e,.M,. ""''• ""~ INMJ Orh ltt41e, ht•ter,· .... ,. 1p1-.il, L1THl1irt•P· ht 11J ! '''"'· 11111 ,.;,,, 1$1,901 ) !XOFJJ)) , .................................... .. be looking far II. Dial 642· 5678 Priced for ACTION We hlVI COUpel, sedant, a Jolt of .. , ... VI Wlgoftl It the HtoOCf old dayt'' pri ces. Come lri and ... why MontolSJO ta the be•t Inter· mediate buy In America:. NEW 1970 MONTEGO 1 cir. 111,cltop. Equip. •Ith deful't -wh11I COlltrt, whit• 11clt wi ll tire1, c1rpelinq, •ulo111ttic. t11n1111l11!011, ~w1r 1f1tring, AM r1dio, tint1Cf 9!1n. No. OHOIL16J9$4 l'lu1 l •• a Lic1111• """~"' LllHll CH TIIHTU • llUJll • llUCHY •HIUI . -. Jo-ii-n·su •SOD·· t.tl• ~ IOUUYAD, Cllll"A 8111rA • 141·1111 DE.AN LEWIS e PRINT NUMBERED lETIEllS I I 4 IN lHESE SQUARES I I ·I 1966 HAUOR ILYD., eostA MISA 646-9303 New It tM .... TIIM lit ttf -n_ .. "7: • U.C•M.,..,-,..._, . ' ---------- l - ,,..--..,.--,...,,..-,·~=------~-·~ ---- l ~ " -· • DAll.Y PILOT CADILLAC NINETEEN SEVENTY Yovr , Factory f.ufhoriz_ed -Cadil(a~ D'eaJer Serving -the -Oran ge Coast Harbor Area ~ . ·~ CADILLAC NINETEEN SEVENTY EXCELLENT SELECTION OF MODELS & COLORS FOR LEASE OR P URCHASE Even when measured by Cadillac standards of excellence, the 1970 Cadi.µac is sure to exceed your greatest expectations. Let's get together soon f9r a demonstration drive. ' Buy or Lease Today. Choo~' From Our Record Inventory • • I FACTORY EXECUTIVE CAR 1970 SEDAN DE VILLE CLEARANCE SALE Th is gor9•ous 1970 Cedillec hes full leath•r & cloth interior, vinyl roof, full Cedill.c power eccessories plus of course fac- tory e ir conditioning, AM -FM stereo multiple x rad io, power door locks, tilt-telescopic steff'ing wheel, reer window defog·. ger, twilight sentinel , plus .much more. Th is cer hes hardly beetf driven, le11 th•n 6700 mi!•s. Serii11I numb•r 12074471. -' 1964 CADILLAC CLEARANCE ULE ·-·-·~,-· - ,.-~---· --J . -• ••• • ' $1333 2 door hardtop. Full power equipment plus factory air conditioning, cloth &: leather OVER 80 QUAtllfY CADIIL...\CS interior, AM-FM radio. CQZV181J 1968 CADILLAC Coupe DtVille. Vinyl top, clolh &: leather interior, full power, factory alr AM-FM radio, rear window defogger. (YJT078) 1968 CADILLAC Convt. DeVllle. Leather interior, full pow· er, factory air, stereo AM-FM multiplex, tllt-tele wheel, twilight sentinel. radial tires. (XJA187J 1966 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Padded top, cloth &: leath- er Interior, full power, factory air, Ah1- FM radlo, Wt-telescopic wheel etc. (SJL- 13') 1969 CADILLAC Eldorado. Vinyl t op, cloth &:: leather in· terior, full power, factory air, stereo AM- FM multiplex, power door locks. tllt teJe- scopic steering wheel, cruise control. twi- light sentinel, etc. Low mileage. (H9135715) 1965 CADILLAC fleetwood sedan. Full power, factory air, AP.t-fhf, cloth & leather interior~ tilt teJe- ACOPic wh@tl, power door locks. CHFA306) PRICE ' CLEARANCE SALE $3888 PllCI CLEARANCE SALE ' s3444 PRICE CLIAlANCE SALE $2222 PRICE CLEARANCE SALE s5999 PRICE CUARAWCE SAU s1999 Pl I Cl AND OTHEl FINE CARS TO SELECT FROM LARGEST SELE€TION IN ORANGE COUNTY! • --UNU~JJ-ALL ¥-I~lll.\{;:ULATE AUTO}IOBiLES 1·969 Thunderb ird Landau With Electric Sun Roof ' A very-rare -ear with only 6:500 ·miles. Full power . .factory air, tilt wheel, stereo AM·FM multlple.x. Local 1 owner gem. (100028) Tfl7 OLDS DELMONT II 2 DOOft HARDTOP 21,000 MILES <ULN518) 1f66 OLDS VISTA CRUISER t PASS WAGON 26,000 MILES (114807) ltH PONTIAC GT0,..HARDTOP 1t,OOD MILIS fWIA868) 1967 iHiiND.ERllRD (.AN DAU ':IG,OOI MIL~S . ·--1U?XG50l 1t67 ME.R(£DE$ 230 S.L. COUPJ: Jl,000 MILES fTUZ186l -'-. ,,. ... CADlL"l.l'C SEDAK DE ·vrtLt 19;000 "MILIS -. .. (WlA614-). -~ • . ... .. -NABERS $ ' 2.600 Harbor Blvd., .. ·· -Costa ·Mesa -~-·'--·· 540~9100 SALES-BEPARTMENT OPEN • PRICE 1966 QD_ILIJlC CLLOANCE ·sAU $2333 r • Sedan De Ville. Vinyl top, leather Interior, (ull po\i:er, factory air, Ah1-fl\I radio, etc. Local 1 O\vner. (\VXE473) PRIC! 1970 CPE. DE VILLE CLEAlANCE SALE -fACTORYEXECUTIYI CAR 55999 Full po\ver. full Ieii..thet lnt~rlor, vinyl ronf. A1'.1-Fi\'I stereof door locks, tilt & tele- i;~opic steering, twilight sentinel, every extra & Jess than 4000 mile&. (Ser. 34333) PRICE .. ' CADILLAC ctEARANCE SALE 1965 $1666 Coupe Deville. Leather interior, full pl)\\"· er, factory air .. coodltioning, signal-seeking radio, ne\v radia1 tires. (l'\108465) PRICE CLEARANCE SALE 1967 EL DORADO s3999 Full power, factory air, Vinyl top. all leath- er interior, tilt &. teleticopic wheel, i\l'reo AM·f"p.f, cruise control, every extra & lo\\' mileage. <UZF004J PRICE 1968 CADILLAC CLEARANCE SALE 54999 Eldorad6. Fi remlst pa.I nt, vinyl top, lenther interior, full l>O\\'er, factory air condition- ing, sterw AM-FM, tilt-tele wheel, po\ver door Jocks, etc. Local 1 owner, low miles. PRICE <VFL238) CLEARANCE SALE 1967 CADILLAC 53111 Seda.n ·~Vll\e, Vinyl top, leather lnterlor. f'P, F ;\., tilt tele, AM·fM, power door locks. po"·er vent \Vindows.:OX!to 1 owner. (UJH591J P~ICE LEASE SPECIALS 1970 Cpe. De Ville s174 mo. 1970 El Dorado 5199 mo. Immediate Delivtry on •ny ,.r In stKk fully equipped \\oith air conditioning. stctt'O, full leather, landau top. All J>O" er extnui, t'tc. etc. 24 Montll Open End Leen~ LM•• offor expiru M•J 17th, 1970 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. thru Fri. e 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun . .;.LL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE . .;.LL SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUG;H TUESDAY,, M.;.Y I , 1970 -----·~-----------------------~------~- DAILY PILOT . ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MAY 2, 1970 t • i • POa UY. JOB'f'I GILES MILBAYEN, ~ U...opd•rwd~e /«' ,,,.._,.. T~-D. ll., N;.1.,.. ,,.,,.,. 'f'l;Y. • I have aaid that in thnie years tllett will be option.a.I marriage. FOR IU.YllOND BUD of •1rouiJe .. Do,.. .. .,. ..... Ut-,,,..llG_..,.. •I ...... ~ ,,,.,.,,,,. _.. ... ,.-, ..w. -,.... ,,,.y crlbh••• 1-C11rloH• ..... y....,..., Cal.. e AIAy of tbe be Mexican d.iabea suit my tute .bacla. and ru drop aoything rm doiag to play a good game of cribbage. POR FERJllREIC YO'f'I BIU.U'f'I, NASA I.....,.....,..,,.._,_..., •eteora, •re qaiie ...... .... ~. c..u . IMy lie •I .,..., ,. • ...,. .,,,.:e&r•/f.1--llrs. a.r...oe B. •ce..., ltos6oro, 'f'l.C. • The spacecraft are protect.ed agaimt damage from small meteorites by pro- t.ec:tiYe ehielcling oo both lhe outside and inside of the capsule. The odda again.It an Apollo spacecraft being stJuck by a Jarse meteorite are about the same as thoee aga.imt being .mack by light:ni.q here Oil earth. roa Gfl'f'llLLA K..'f'IUl'SON, ,.,$ "T.Jrc Ii or Fl Bo• •re ree•-•••r• 1e1Mrally rre•te.l i• ~U.1--M•reU. •eat, llda&, 'f'l.l'. • Oar JOWl« people a.re g:iTen a great deal of penooal freedom. They a.re will· ing to accept responsibility of their par- ent.a' trust. This responsibility keep. them &om abuaiq that freedom. POa BOFIE If.URN, C~MT o/ &Mball Flao ••••• ap r•e ,......, ___ ,,, ,.,. dMo H••41•1-Jlr•. Marie S.._r,C~OW. e Harry Simmons of my ot6oe, with the help of representatives of the National and A.mcYic:an Leagues. makes up the echedule lthich must be presented to the leagues no later than September. What Int.he Worldl Look for Survival .. People look at what interests them most-and that's ~., OOID'De"ltl 8Cicnoe writer Isaac Aaimo'f, who's scripted bis 6rst " special. "'ne Umeen World." to be eeen tonight on ABC. .. Few people look at the world arouad them." But now they mta&t 9'a.rt gdtinc iaterested in the ameen w~ld-life in a chop of water, or beneath the aea-1IO they learn to care about our urpnt problea of ..ani .. I, enough lo do ~iq about it. .. If we don't IO~ the problems of increasiq popu• latioa ud polla•ion.," warns ANmo•. ~ will be nothiq left 10 10J.e. .. High He.ls vs. Low Now that higher heels are back in fuhion, the American Medical Auoc:iation wams that the &oks of women's feet may 11ting when they tt· Yert . to 1h.cee ahoe8. Because the old mide is too long for the new heels the wca.re1"11 bala.oce is impaired. This long step. which oonawitly forces a rcg.ajning of balaMe, ca~ pressure on the bal~ of the fef't-bence, the stinging. Solution: take 11hor .. , strides. walk more slowly, keep t<>eb 111 raight ahead, and feet clo!ler together ;l .... 1 when wearing ftate. Uttle Cty Slktlers The .. Farm It Ranch Vaeation Guide" hu been in oper- ation for about 20 yean, listing farm City lcm lindpigs 0 d101199 Pglrt. funil.ie8 who take in paying gue9U from I.be city. Maor of the h08ta b&Ye kept crourself FOR ROBERT Fl'f'ICR, S«.re ""1 o I R etll ill. EUl:oliMl & rel/ore Flay IMu ...i o reliAJ/ ••' /iraeraci•f pl•• ... U-.,iael/l Co pro- WNU 11ao ... ,.,,. of el.- urfy ~,., llOIC' e•hrrllUfUI _.,. ;,.~,..,., lou of N111U..•, llt.e opporfrueily Co eo11eert iMiT froaert eq•iiy Udo iacomae, -.a. reeoU.U., • life ~,..11eyf-llOWH1rJ ..4. /rdi.e, R .. broolc HeiKlal.a, N.J. • Thu matter wu studied jointly by Oeputment of Health, Education & Wel- fare and Housing & Urban Development. but it baa not been possible to convert the basic proposal into a workable plan . The major difticultiea arise in ecttiag a nloe upon deteriorated property which may hue littJe. if any, current m.uket nlue yet is important to the individual; the maintenance responsibility for the acquired property; bow to 9Ct a price on property wb0&e fulure value is un- certain and may thus greatly increase or decrease after a value bu been act. FOR NANCf lJICKEltSON, NBC coTTapo#l,tttt I N!fld yo• lta~ fi-oe .:laildre11. Are daeH yoar 0111r1 or edopted? -Mr•. Keftnetla Bro11111, ffrul.ore., IV.ff. • When I got married. I wu luuy enough to inherit three !llep-daughters. I gave birth lo two boys. FOR COY. R.4ROLD LeY.4NlJER, 1tlilutuo1a F #&al U MU., floM ••••I llae liueri"f problea U. yoar I•· mo.a ,._ ,,..,.,,.,.,_ .. Mn. y-., Jeeb, H ... - INUi, s.Jc.., c • ..- • Both public ud private organization are working to help keep Minnesota beau- tiful-the Nation.al Forcsl Service, St&te Conaerva tion Department, highway-main· teoance crews, and the Clean Air-Clean Water Committee. Many private busi- nesses distribute free IHter bags for u&e in automobiles . W'-.. ..II a 1-~ • .-.-..? Y-c:aa .......... daM -a-.. ... we'D .. tile -f.-tk ,.._._. ~ ,._ ..... te. Sa.I .. I U... ....,.._...,. -a '"'9l C'.M'Ci. to A.It n.e. Y-lf, Faaily Weekly, 641 Le.met-A.e., ~ Y.tl. ".Y. lOOU. 1Ve ---..._le4p: ~a-. .... t s wiD M .... ,_ -5 -..... notes of youngsters' reactions lhe first time they visit the b.myard. Some sam- ples: (From Stephenson. Mich.): "Mom- my, a cow just escaped from the zoo." (From Medford, Wi!.): "That chicken laid an egg. and be'11 laughing about it." (From Middlehury, Ind.) : "I A111cli ele- phant.." (From New York slate a reply of farmer to a child worried which pig" will go lo marke1): .. Only volunteer~ arc considered." I Watc.h and Warn With the tornado llCAllOn beginning this month, there's one sure way to survive one. ac<'ording 10 1he Environmental Science Scrvil'e!' Ad· mini&tration of the U.S. Department of Commerce: .. Be on watch, be warned, and be gone!"' Operation Skywam is a community tornado-prepared~!' pro- gram. Volunlecr11 watch the newspapenr. and IV, and listen lo the radio for .. sevcrr 11tono warnings." Then they follow events to 11ce if the 11lonn develops into a tor· nado. If it does_ they warn the com mu· nity. The advance notice bas meant the Tomodo bits Tracy, Minn., 1968. difference between life and death. Fatal tornadoes occur in all SO states. To join Skywam, contact your local weather bureau. Family~ , .. Newspcper Ma;c..._ llor $, U 10 llONAID S. DAV.OW Pv •• ..., ~ RnGll90N uu.r.....C.w/ MOITON RA* ~ NIAL ASlllY Ila~ B4ii- MAllUI M. TlllMQUI A f'C l)i...,c- MBANll DI f'ltOfT ,_, BMIM IJon1 let another year go by. Ltls assumt you've wanted a Cadillac for ytars. Youvt admired its btauty ... its continuity of stylt that so rtadily idtntifies a Cad~llac. Youve long respected it for its many availablt comforts, convtniences and advanced enginuring achievements. Also, you've bun impressed by Cadillac5 remarkably solid repu- tation ... unmatched by any other fint car ... for value al resalt time. Wtll, this is the ideal limt to discover what makes Cadillac for 1970 the most successful of the wqrlds luxury automobiles. Your authorized dealer is ready lo make this your Cadillac ytar. Do ii loJay ... not 'Somalay~ 8dr't&te ··-"' STANDARD OF THE WORLD - I I f I I FASHIONS ew By ROSALYN ABREVAYA Amid the controversy raging here and across the Atlantic .t\. for lengthened hems, leg wat.chers are charging that a conspiracy's afoot to hide the American woman's greatest assetr-her gams! Whether women will succumb to the diet.ates of the fashion high priests remains speculative. When she has to clad those gorgeous legs, she'll experience a greater freedom of choice. Leg coverings this season come in all variations, for bpld exposure under the mini 0r peeking from beneath the midi. You can choose sheer or opaque pantyhose in rich colorings that include pumpkin, turquoise, lilac, or canary yellow. You can select. a sleek, subtle texture in herringbone, for example, or brilliant water-color print stockin~ven hoee with a racing stripe that runs provocatively down the side. For those who fancy a minimum of underpinnings, there is pantyhose all grown up into a body stocking or choose a short leotard, from a nude shade to a Peter Max inspiration (as seen on our cover) to go under just about anything! Whether you're for more leg exposure or less, coordinating clothes with the proper hose still is the name of the fashion game in 1970-the mark of the well-put-together woman. • 4 F•.ulr/ w.-., ll•ll 6 , 1110 l'liJln, fe/liag MUMootu are tlu ff&Otif of I.AU Peter JI~. •treU1' opaq1U paty1'oH to aoeor tnMI# tlu •Mrt •lcirt. Dru• bf Crazr Hone; •lou /NIM ~. A ,.iette t>f fn.1' i4«U nur11e lere (L to r.J: ,.,atrlote U. 4 Pl'•J>ki•-.colored, nbth lurrittgbmae tuf•re; tlu otl&er t wo, •Mer MUA •tockdo• u. 4 delicate tnaeerr of lo1'dr •t&ted paatm . , IAkl °" to •lur dretcA ~rlote toitl& a naci110 •tri,,e- i• 11&.o4u /rwrc boM to block. DreH: Mr. Mort. S1'.ou : Tl&orer McNeil. '· I. --------~-----------------------------~---~ 10 PlUMl\16 DOES COAf PlE IE SERVICE FOR 6IN10 AflNUTES! Now even if you have the smallest kitchen. you can enjoy an automatic dishwasher that works just like bit', apensive electric models-but requiree abeo- lutely no plµmbing, no installation. No extra pre- rinsing or 8Cl"aping, either, not even for egg and milk di.sheet Washes. rin5M, dries crystal-clear without spotting ... and you never put your hands to water. Amazing speed-does complete service for &-din- ner plates, salads, desserts, cups, glaaeee, silver, the worb-in 10-minutes ftal HOMEMAKERS, SEND YOUR DISHPAN TO THE SMITHSONIAN! Join the thousands of deli1hted women (and men/) who've already purd:lased this little miracle worker since it first bwat upon the ecene a few abort months ago! The first machine of its talent, ever! 100% safe even for your best, most delicate crystal, even for plastic ware! Gentle, yet thoroufh. Even gets rid of persistent food odors. Even waah pota and pans. Uti- lizes wilt.er hotter than the hands can stand to free atubbom food particles. And hear thi&-you don't hear this! Operates in complete, blissful silence. BE A GUEST AT YOUR OWN PARTIES I TAKE ALONG ON VACATION-LIVE! Unit stands on countertop, is ingeniously designed to store right in dish cabinet. Stacking ia at fingertip- level ... no stooping to load, unload. Automatic deter- gent dispeD&er. Costa lees than 2¢ a waah to operate. So handy, eo economical, many folb with big ma- chines prefer the countertop. Leta you be a guest at your own parties. See-thru dome. 20~" 1' 20~" x 18~ ". Unit ia completely portable-take it along anywhere, and really have a vacation! Precision man- ufactured in U.S.A. for years of top-quality perform- ance. Full-year guarantee on all parts. FREE 10-DAY HOME TRIAL -SEE FOR YOURSELF Wash 10 day's worth· of dishes entirely at our risk. Give a party. Do all your best chin.a. Then. if you are not thrilled and delighted, return for refund of every penny of your purchase price. MAisofit o0o Michll. 1'4. Dept. PW· 50 lllcMt Bldg., New Hrcle P•rl. N.Y.11040 1111 llW $3 I 98 llTlllllCTllY PlllCE: Ill I r --M•i.on Michel, Ltd., Dept. PW· 50 Michel aldg .. New HJ• hrtl. N.Y.11040 Gentlemen: KiDdly l'Ulh --Automatic Countertop DiahwMhen at $39.98 Neb, ph11 e11prem charr• collect. U I am not del~hted, I may return for full refund or cancellation of complete purchMe price. N Y. raill'Pll•, °"'Mia l4lr 0 ~ 0 M~ Ont. .ecloMd. 0 Cha,.. my Dhwra Club City Stat• Zip __ _ L------------------~ l I f r I i f • . I • j • I I • . . ,. ,. , -------- I l-Iow Computers Ar } They won't replace th blood pressure, fluid drainage from the cheat, urinary output, and their temperature. The computer controls the monitor- ing and determines whether the pa- tient needs inf uaions of blood or other special solution.a or medication&- tben it automatically start.a the infu.:. sion and at.ope them when it should. Abudy entl'U8ted with patients who have undergone the moet complex open-heart surgery (multiple valve replacement, artery and heart re- pairs). it can also be applied follow- ing other forms of surgery and for serious medical conditions. n.. U.S. Public Health Servioe is ao confident of the importanoe of medical computers that it bu autho- rized some $10 million a year for research into their \18e8. At the Uni- versity of Southern California, too, automatic infusion of fluids and med- ications, regulation of reapiration, control of heating and cooling devices, even the control of heart pacemakers will be triggered by computers. COfllrol ata.tiMt tJl KetteriAg Ro8J)ital i" Dart<nt rdara MedU:al. data. to IBM COM~. At the University of Calif oruia at Loe Angeles' Brain Reeearch Ioatitute one da.y recently, a telephone rang. The caller waa Elliott Sparrow, who ia subject to epileptic aeisures. His doctor had bad difficulty recently in keeping these under control so be turned to a product of our space effort. a devioe which ae.nds medical information on astronauta back to NASA from space. About the size of a transistor radio with litt&e wires attached to the head, the electronic device wu booked to Elliott's head as he worked in his garden. The device broadcast electrical signals from his brain to a special radio receiver, which sent them by phone to a UCLA lAbora- tory for recording and computer analyais. AMEDICAL-EQUIPMENT company engineer, Will Young, recently visited a tiny hospital in West Virginia to check its X-ray machines. After a dinner meeting with the physician in charge, he complained of severe "indi- gestion," but an examination showed nothing. An electrocardiograph exam (ECG) wu called for, but in remote arus it's often nece88ary to mail the result of these tO large cities for a special- ist's diqnoeis. This can take a week or more. But something new bad been instaDed in several cities in West Vir- ginia-a two-and-a-half-foot-square machine which transmitted the ECG to New York City's Mou~t Sinai Hos- • pital by telephone lipe. Here Dr. Leon Pordy's computer took the call Within minutes Will Young's host, still sit- ting by his bedside. had the computer diagnosis (some say more accurate than a doctor's) . Will didn't leave that hospital for several week&-he had had a serious heart attaclc and the computer's diag- nosis probably saved his life. Truly, there is a vast change coming in American medicine. "Quick. Doctor, the Computer" may soon be heard echoing through hospi- tal corridon. True, computers can never provide the warmth and under- standing of the old-time family doctor, but they provide a level of medical care the old "Doc" never dreamed of. TbHe electronic marvels alttady per- f onn mus ecreeninr of vast numbers of people with 15-eecond electrocar- diogram8, b.ke charge of the post- operative care of open-heart surgery patient8, diagnose eye diseases and some 263 others, including 78 mental or emotional disturbances. Computers can be depended on, for t hey now fix themselves: these self-repairing com- puters can operate perfectly without care or maintenance for well over a year-if serviced regularly, they would average about 1,000 years be- tween repairs! Dr. Cesar J. Caceres (the planner and first chief of the instrumentation field station of the U.S. Public Health Servic~·s heart-disease control pro- " gram) speab of the computer as help- inl' "create a revolution in medicine." During the past three years at the University of Alabama Hospital in Birmingham, a computer has been in charge of approximately 400 patients following open-heart surgery : it keeps tabe on their heart rate and All 1111ott had to do wu dial a special telephone number and leave the phone off its book while be went about his gardening. The computer analysis of the information made it pouible for Elliott's doctors to do a great deal more· for bim--and for m.any others with this and other neur- olocical diaturbances. And all this is not limited to the United Stat.ea. The medical records of a million-and-a-half Swedes are now eecurely registered in a computer's J r r ·, 1, I, 8 .t e ' ,. 0 a n <(! .e \} 0 ,f :8 c :e is h l· !T a re at !T it a >r r· '11 evolutionizing Medical Care amily doctor, but they are dramatically changing the course of modern medicine By Dr. AR.THUlt S. FREESE memory. The in.formation ia filed in the memory buk in lQen, each with more detailed information-three left18 DOW bot thia can be expanded to 60. The first left! baa buie iden- tification; the eecond. such critical medical data u drug allerriee, ~ cinationa, and put illneeaea. The third Jarer coven hoepital visits and X-ray information. AlllNlw ... everyone baa an identi- fication number, the penon's record can mu be found from hia name or even just his physical description in an emel"l'eney. Only hospital staff members with a "need-to-know,. status have keys that can turn on the display terminals which in turn are coded to the computer by locations. The X-ray department. for example, can get only X-ray information. In MJdition, auch ultrapenonal in- formation aa psychiatric or venereaJ- diaease treatments can only be ob- tained by certain pbysiciana who must insert a special code number into the machine. The computer also keepe track of thoee who requested such c0nfidential displays. But the really major vital changes introduced by the med.ical computers are in the area of patient diagnosis and treatment. An IBM computer ia now being u.sed to detect abnormal- i~• in the human brain at the Michl- • pn Department of Mental Health's Lafayette Clinic in Detroit. The com- puter tracb injeCted ndio.ctive sub- atancea. atudiee the human bee re- flex and the chaqee in the heart ~ breathing rate under different emo- tional conditiona, 8COl"e8 and inter- prets psycbolo«ical te.ta. It will SOOD be running the laboratory equipment to study cloee)y the effects of differ- ent drup on behavior. It can even aample the e1ectrical chanpe iD 16 areu of the brain every five milli- aeconda ( thouaandtha of a second), providing 1,600 aamplee every b.alf- aecond. .. flak same area, Dr. AU'01l Paley, Denver• National Jewish Hospital chief of psychiatry, baa used peyc• lotical tests to predict in 24 of 2'l heart-aurgery patients whether the patient would survive surwery ! In Paley's own words, "In thia kind of study the computer ia indiapena.. able •.• tbere's no other way of find- ing how 60 or 60 or 70 differe:nt vari- ablee relate to each other or to the problem at hand ... Others have used computerised monitoring SJ'lttema to protect vulner- able newborn inf ants by helping the hospital head off outbreaks of inf ec- tion. Computers have made it poe- A HOUVtDell "°"''*"" GCC11&•t"4tu "414 eOM-pil«l "'r tlau .tei•tileoAMr at Lo-Ao l•lawd J.Wla Borpital, N .Y., allowrifao cloeton aeamatdr to ~ tw•on. Fi.U.-of-rifttnt tat at Uait1enitr of T1ZG1 Soatl10at.,... Jl«lioal Selool m Dal- la ua dalo fed fN>M rnnred tv act to /Bil eOMpestw to tl.uet -r• du..,a. aible to dip your f inpra into two tiny cups of ..it water and get your elec- trocardiogram read by a computer with a better than 95% accuracy- and in 15 seconds. They can spot tumors by teaming a Honeywell com- puter with a device which apota radio- active aubstances in the body. A medical team at the University of Texu Southweatem Medical School. Dallaa, uses a computer to carry out special eye teeta (a "visual field": the apace you can see while loolrina at a fixed object). The results are better than a well-t r ained technician or doctor can obtain with standard man- ual~. Id .._ recent 118th annual meet- ing of the American Medical A.uo- ciation, computers demonstrated their skill at diapoeing 800\e 263 di.eeaae9, including 78 mental and emotional dilordera. Oftr 1,760 different symp- toms of gaatrointemnal, urinary, and emotional diMMee were handled by the computer, providing almoet in- stantaneously a diffenntial diapoeia beMd on the varioua combinationa fed in by the participatinr phyaiciana. The syatem bu been :.ompared to an encyclopedia of medical lmowledce which opena itself at the appropriate pare. I saw one psychiatrist walk awq from the ma.chine, shaking bis bead in sheer amuement at the way the machine bad flawleub' fieaded a aeries of problem.....,.ome of which were phony-that be bad thrown at it! The ~t uae of computen baa been for matching available tnna- plantation orl'an• to patienta. In Europe. a book the aise of a large city telephone directory list.a some SOO potential recipients for kidney tnna- planta. Their tiaaue type, aae. eex. addreu, blood type and reactiona, and diaeue atat~ are all fed into a com- puter. At 1eaat once a month. the com- puter prints an updated readout of the recipient Jiat, which ia then dis- tributed to the Netbe.rlanda, Bellium, Luxemburw. Switzerland, and Weal Germany. Hen in the United State. various veniou of the same •18tem are beins carried oul Dr. a. Odo I www", director of the laboratory of computer Kience at the lluaacbuaetta General Hoepital, after pointing out the imJ)Kt of com- puten on commercial and industrial activities, ea.id : "The modem hoepital with ita diverrent function.a ia bllllll1 in need of ita own revolution in automation." Dr. Caciere1' worda clearb' aum up the whole matter: "Automation of medical and laboratory teeta ... can cbanp the coune of modern medicine. It ia inevitable in the lon•' run, it ia faaiblenow ... • • ' l l • ~ I I I • I I . I I ·1 .. l JulesJUrgensen. Not just another pretty face. Ours has been a great name in watchmaking for 2 30 years. • So you kn ow we haven't been getting by on looks alone. Our Swiss artisans would rather turn in their eyepieces than tum out a jeweled movement that's anything less than the ultimate in precision. Every part is triple-checked before it goes into the a.sc . .And double-checked after it's in. .A Jules Jurgensen is never rushed through an assembly line. We choose our inspectors for their toughness, not their speed. Wh)' do we spend so much time on our watches? So they'll spend a lot of time with )'OU. This $1 ,000 handcrafteJ man's wristband watch is called Eduardo. One piece Continental styling incorporates a t 4K gold case and l 4K Florentine band. The sleek wide oval case contains a magnificent I 7 jewel movement. Other Jules Jurgensen watches from $80 to S 10,000 at fine stores e,·erywhere. Write for an illustrated brochure and name of your nearest authorized dealer. Jules Jurgensen Corp. Since 1740, makers of superlative watches and chronometers. U.S. Offices: ;\52 Park Avenue South, New Yodc. ----· JUNIOR REASURE CHEST Riddle Me'l'lds How can you keel> someone from pottina' eomethinl' YOQ don't want into your hand 7 (SuAVtDw Bos) ................ Joan, Betty, and Jane have rot bold of their bir 11.sten' jump ropes. And what a me11 t Can you untanrle them? Out for• Jor Ride BJ Bt1u KrN Find a shovel, an u~ and a dog. AllSWIDI 80X ~ tD!1{ P'9( pa. .q&1J'll ioa 1,aq aid!.il : 1 l~S .tq.IJJ Olll'! tpnq ~no1 q:>uat~ 'lllf'U ~It awl'IB 'Z pa'> a~ ·paoo91 inds :a1 ~ .., .x Fafflilr Wnklr, Mor I, 1110 • ~s•aw•Slulte-....... RW• BwA-~ What bu two feet. 0 fomwbeela, andrliCS.? -r Thia boy that OD a ebt+boant rictea r During May Only: Slllyll If you lead a bone to water and he won't drink. what ebould you do? (SHAtlnHrB•) ....... Without lookinr, what two Jetten of. the alpha.bet an not ued OD JOU.I' telephone dial? (Sa AUtHr Bos) Stock up on travelers checks at special pre-vacation savings. Up to $5000 worth for a fee of just $2.00 at banks everywhere. Opportunity to aa-.e up to $48. Because we want you to discover the advantagM of First National City Trav· elers Checks, we're offering you the opportunity again this year -during the month of May-to buy up to $5,000 worth for a fee of only $2. (Plus the face value of the checks, of course.) The normal fee for travelen checks is a penny per dollar. But now. just in time for your summet' vacation, you can save up to $48 (check the chart) during this unparalteted offer. (less than $200 worth will still cost you less than $2.) So, don't miss this ~ only opportunity! Usual May YOU Amount fee fee SAVE $ 300 $ 3.00 $2.00 $ 1.00 500 5.00 2.00 3.00 1,000 10.00 2.00 8.00 1,500 15.00 2.00 13.00 2,000 20 .00 2.00 18.00 3,000 30.00 2.00 28.00 4,000 40.00 2.00 38.00 5,000 50.00 2.00 48.00 Welcomed E'ftl7wbere.. First National City Bank has been in the travelers check business for over 65 years. Our checks are known and accepted in more than a million places around the globe. You can spend them as easity in Madagascar as in Massa· chusetts. As easity in Copenhagen as in CleYetand. And , by the way, they're just as convenient on a weekend out· ing as on a worldwide tour. Refunded E+a7where.. When money is lost or stolen, it's eone fonNer. If First National City Tnwelers Checks are lost or stoten. you can get your money back fast. We have OYef 28,000 refund points worldwide- thousands more than any other trav· eters check. That's why our checks are like cash. Onty better. To locate our nearest refund office !!!Y.Where abroad (P.lus Alaska and Hawaii), just call or visit any principal hotel. They're all reaularty supplied with an updated list of all First Na- tional City Travelers Check re- fund points in their area. To locate our nearest re-., 1 t ~-•9T~ ..,._ fund office an~ere in the Continental U.S.A., dial Western Union Operator 25. Or call, toll-free, to: acx>-243-6000. Bay now. Trawd later. EYen if you're not plannin& a trip be- fore May 31st. you owe it to yourself to buy First National City Travelers Checks now at these substantial sav- . ings. Many peopte, in fact. keep our travelers checks on hand all year long against the time when they may need cash for an emergency. Offer~ on!Y. in the United States ancf"PueriORico ... ends May...1!.!!. 12.ZQ. So, act now to protect your cash from loss or theft. Get your supply of First National City Travefers Checks at banks eYefYWhere. And save! Note to all banb and ......... imtitutioaa: During the month of May, we're mak· ing this unusual introductory offer to your customers at no cost to you . Your customers get the savings, but you earn the commis· sions you would normally ·have received. If you don't have our checks, pt in touch with First National City T~· ers Checks, 399 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10022. Phone col· led to: (212) 559-0542. Finl National Qty liarelen Oiedo (The &erywhere Oleek) -~ ---_______ , __________________________ _ Look into Contadina for a rich, delicately seasoned toDJ.ato sauce HOT ZIPPITTY DIP! •I We take 8 great Contadina Tomatoes. Simmer them till they're rich. Then season ever gp lightly to give you a sauce that's a perfect djp straight from the can. Or, you can add a few more ingredients for a Hot Zippitty Dip. I cup (8-ounce can) CONT ADINA• Tsnato Sauce 2 tablcapoom gnted Parmesan c.beac f ~ teaspoon rarlic uh ~ teaspoon crumbled basil leaves Combine tomato sauce, cheese, garlic salt and basil leaves in small saucepan. Heat, stirring until m06t of cheese is melted. Serve hot with cooked frank- furter slices, Vienna sausages, pepperoni slices or meat balls. FROM THE 8 GREAT TOMATO FOLKS !!! -aw CONf401N4 rooos OIV.O"CAUfAflC)r't ':~. '-0' AMOIL(l,CAlf'- QUIZ What Do You Know About Money? By John E. Gibson T OVE MAY make the world LJ go around, but what oils the wheels and lubri- cates the gears is money. And a happy man is one who has love in his heart and money in his pocket. But whatever your finan- cial status, you may be interested to learn in the following true-false quiz w hat the experts have found out about money. 1. Women are more likely to lose money than men are. 2 . Most workers would rather have an increase in pay than an extra vacation. 3. The fundamental Cl\use of most marital disputes is disagree- ment over money. 4. A compulsive spender will be much happier if he is forced to save some of his money. 5. The tightwad who is miserly with his money is trying to punish himself. 6. Husbands il.eldom spend as much money on clothes as their wives do. 7. Carrying more money about increases self-confidence. ANSWERS 1. True. A nationwide survey has shown that women are twice a.~ likely a.~ men to lose money-to mislay it and forget where it is. 2 . False. According to a Uni- versity of Illinois survey of indus- trial workers, extra vacation time got the most votes. 3. False. One leading l\uthority observes if is generally agreed that quarrels over money are just symp- toms of some other con flict such ns 10 f'nmily Weekly, Moy 3, 1Y7tJ jealousy or in-law irritations. 4. False. Dr. James A. Knight, Professor of Psychiatry at Tulane University, says that regardless of how much he earns, the compulsive spender can never get as much money as he feels the need to spend. 5. True. The penny t>incher, Dr. Knight's studies s how, "is self- punitive, depri~ing himself of things he needs or would enjoy even when adequate money is available for those things." Everything in the miser's life-even his own pleasure-is subordinated to money. He worships money. 6 . False. Cornell University studies show that in moderate-in- come families, it's often the l111s- ba11d who spends the most on clothes. However, with families in the higher income brackets, the sit- uation reverses itself, with the wife being the one who spends the most on herself for clothing. 7. True. Many people who feel socially insecure are made to feel much more comfortable and at ease with a large amount of money in their wallet. With many individ- uals, a $60 or $100 bill in their wal- let makes all the difference in their self-confidence. • See Your Income Go Far1her R ead.era u:a11ti11g guidanu 0 11 l11rn to acquire more of thr things llt1 t/ really tl'ant, gtt out of df'bt, 11rot•11/1 for college e:i,,.,1•t•, trip1-all 1C'ilh - 01et ean1it1g a pent111 m01't-arr 111·1vrl lo 1e11d for Arthur Millo1L'1 hrlp/11/, up-to-date book, "H ow to Get a Dol- lar'• Valtce for a Dollar Spn1t." Moil 011111 14.95 to 50603 "DOLLAR'S VALUE,'' t057 Book Bldg., 45<W N . W . 135 S t., Miami, Fla. 3.fflH. :z \ rht. ane ~of 1ive JCh md. Dr. ~If- of ven tble in •WJl to ity -in- /l!i- on • in sit- 1ife aost reel feel ase · in lid- val- 1eir li o11 hl'y t•idr ifh· ·gcd •f11l. Doi· ll<1il R·s .5(1(/ .U i .. : PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS Open Mon., Thun. & Fri. Eve1. 3 Piece Group Choose from 3 elegant styles ... all with top construction features and rich, warm finishes. All three group· ings include: Triple dresser, framed plate mirror and your choi(fe of full or queen si11c headboard. See the m today and Kave! Matching Chest. ............. SALE $159 Matching Night Stand ...... SALE $79 2215 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646-0275 646-0276 L ~---~~--------------------------------............. .. . . Test your talent! .You may win a $795.00 commercial art • • 1p 1n Draw the boxer any size you want except like a tracing. Use pencil. Every qualified entrant gets a professional estimate of talent. Winner receives a complete home study course in com- mercial art. Students are taught, individually, by professional artists on the staff of Art Instruction Schools, one of America's leading home study art schools. Purpose of contest is to un- cover hidden talent. Entries for the contest must be received by June 30, 1970. No entries can be returned. Our students and professional artists not eligible. Contest winner will be notified. Mail your drawing today. llAIL Tta COUPON lO BITER CONTEST ---------------------------------------&a/Arn' INSTRUCTION SCHOOLS Studio OY-5010 500 South Fourth Street. Mlnneapofia. Minn. 56415 Please enter my drawing In your contMt. (P\..EAR PRINT) N..ne'---~~~~--------------~~- Occupetton_~~-~~--------~Aoe~---~- Addrea __________ ~----~Apt.-----~ City County ____ _ 518~ npCode ____ _ Telephone Number __________ _ Accfedlted by tr. Ac:cl'9dll.lfta C--. IHI IM'I Of tlle NetlOMI H-Study C-11. ~tofVM9rw.T,......._ • n. Patter of Feet '111» is a le.et of........_. &ore, Fro• whidl a t.w iii drawa: Tlte worW will beat• pathway .. yo..-...... A. .... -,.. plaat ...... --Ge.rgie Starb.elL Gallwaitla QUIPS AND QUOTES A woman called an airlines office and asked hurriedly if the flight from Chicago had anived. The agent checked and inf onned ber that the flight had just arrived. -rhanb very much," the caller said .. 11y husband is comilll' home on that ru.bt, and I juat want.eel to know if it were time to put the biacuita in the oven." -Ber11t Albriglat NO'IDG.day• tlure u "° nbatilwta for ed1'C4timt--uJtlu1, of co1n·ie, it'• leaniAg. Durina-a phy8ical examination, the doctor noticed that the patient's hand shook. "You drink a lot, don't you 1" h#' asked. "N ope" replied the patient. "Spill moet of it." -Lucille S. Hc'f"/H'f CO'lfl.edr 'Writer"• Meetiag: c~ "11tioft. -Fnutk Twgtw "How come you always keep a bowl of goldfish on your desk?" a curious caller uk'ed an executive. "It's like this," replied the busi- nessman. "It's relaxing to have something around here that doesn't complain or ask for a raise when it opens it.a mouth." -GertnllU Oli1'gMue MtltriMOAv: OM atate that pn- Mita a womma to work 18 hot.ir1 a dav. -Lwcill~ I . Good11ear Fa•il11 Wuklr, Mar 3, 1110 AdYlce to a New ...... ...,. A word of wi9dom la adY&~ WWda woa't eoet yott a pe-y: 'l'laeee tweaty-foar &omalo plaata Are lweaty-two too....,.. -Betty Blllipp AA opti•i.t i• a Mi44le-a.ge4 "'°"'°" 10lo belU"e• tl&.e cUoMr u •l&ri"'""t1 Mr elotl&u. -Job Slwttoell "Mr. Forbes cannot aee you," said the secretary. "He baa a atrained back." "Look. lliaa," said the visitor, "I didn't come to wrestle with him. I just want to talk to him.'' -Dorothea Knt A traveling salesman arrived in a town and went to one of his chief customers. The customer said there wu a telegram waiting for hie. When the salesman read it. be frowned. '4lly wife baa just pre8ent.ed me with tijl>leta !" be announced grimly. "Well." said the customer, Now you know how it feels to get more goods than you ordered." -Jack KeAt F'1ne l•'t D-~ Speecl-re..U.g .. aaut.ered Qglae qaickly, it'• arae. All il takee ia a library Book that is dae. -Riduanl Armoar Creative Stitchery, Dept. mo 4500 N.W. 135th St., Miami, F1a.33054 Fiii out CCM.lpon and encloM check or money order. Florida rnldents plHM add 4% uln tu. Allow 4 -U for handllns and malllns. (Sorry, -are unable to handle Canedlan, forelen or C.O.D. orders.) To avOld delaY9, plHM Indicate zip code. Clleck Items desired: _ffl,063 Sinai• o.., Piltll ltost, IU&tll ........................ $2.11 ti. $ __ _Hl,064 Sinai• Pink Rost, lottOlll ···-·····-···········---2.11 ... __111,0IS Sf"'lt lled lloff, ltft ............. ·--····-····--· 2.H ti: _fll.OM llOM 5'1ny, ToP .................................... 2.11 ti. _#11,067 $tllellf, I ll • 11osa <£mtwolclerJ Ollly) 10.• Ht _#11,0ll Ont frtlllt ······•· 2.111 ... __iHl,014 Calllol of otfltr lllb .......................... .25 n . (Add 25' post. acfl lltt) Postqe _ Tolll l"'IOMd $ __ llMl1tr---~~-~~~-----­ Allllll·---~---------- ITAT ________ nr _____ _ ___ _J • !· ------------------------------------------....... ~ MEN -WOMEN -COUPLES MOTEL CAREERS AVAILABLE Would you 11"-a new exciting carMr ln the growing motel Industry? We can ~ train you tor a stimulating, well-paying position as Motel Managers. Auis*ant Managers, Cleft(a, HouMkeepera and •' Hoatesaes. Meet famous and Interest· .... Ing people: trawl It you want to; joln In ~I actlviUea; llw In pleasant aurroundlnga. Apertment usually fumished. Age no barrier-maturity an ueet. • Keep pre9ent job while training at home in spare time foflowed by pt'actal training at one of our training motels.. Nationwide place- ment aaalstance. For FREE ink>rmelion fill out and mail coupon rf Accredited Member N.H.S.C. !!!!!!:_.....WWIM'&MRR .,-----------------~------------, I UNIVERSAL MOTEL SCHOOLS, Dept. F W I I 1901 N.W. 7 SL. ..... Floltda 33125 I ' "'(AS( NllfT I ' N--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MdNM I '• City Sl•t• Zip I PtlOfte Ao-I '------------------------------~ Acid lndiges:tion is through, by gum! cH ooz ANIAC'D For a woman's intimate deodorant problems II END DENTURE MISERY Hice ""illll • tiwy, Ml· ii~..._. WM .. tllt -· ~Illas * '"1 _.ta.. lltw SfilC9 llt ..... .,, • 1;., ... "" ctll-1 ~,.. cllsftt ,,,..,. .., -....... la. F'IU HOME lllAL. .. ... ,.,. .......... $10 ........ ....., '°'"' ..... ". °'*" .im.t ...... Writ• ..... fw fnt ~ .. MMJet. PIUTICI:, Diil. D-MO . Ill JOM7 ......... Ta. 11111. When You Order By Mall Fn1111 Family Weekly •. ;... ........................... ___ ,....,.,,....... ......... ..................... ~ ..................... .. ............................. ii.+:= • .__ ............ ~ -,., &'f. --- The Fine Art of Marital Fighting By COLTER. RULE, M.D. r.,ct ·ars W. aMI _.._ ef .. M.d J .... Now Y-': MPdl W) .. --- As told lo Jeanne Toomey SOME MAB.Rim couples admit that they actua1ly like t.o fight oc- casionally because it's so much fun making up. But the st.ory doesn't end there. In fact, it could be just the beginning. If bitter and ugly accusations are made, they can cause irreparable damage and eve.ntually lead to a divorce court. There is at least one indisputable fact governing marital aquabbling: couples should be able to diacu.88 real pievancee without attacks on one another's character or personality. Anything le:s8 than this can usually be reconciled. Analysis and criticism. of a mate's be- havior are often used to maak represeed hostility. Examples: .. You don't seem at ease with people." "Where'a your aelf-con- f idence !" "Must you wear those awful hats?" "Did you have to tell all those dumb jokes to the company tonight!" Another wa:r of ••cetting ar one.'a mate ia by presenting an image of depnuion, illneu, and au ff ering. The household martyr is a familiar figure. It can be either a man or a woman, and it doesn't take long before the individual bu the whole bouae feeling guilty or irritated about the martyr's woee. the three main teats for marital survival are: (1) Can you fight and atilt remain friends! (2) Can you fight and still be part.. nen? (S) Can you fight and reeume court- ship behavior and a happy love lite! When these three ahipe of marriage- f riendahip, partnenhip, and courtahip a.re Bailing smoothly, it may be the time for family formation. Thia could be the bifteet teat of all. If a marriage ia not solidly grou.nded in theae three esaentiall, the chil- dren suffer the most. Oftentimes, a good old-fubiooed squab- ble is needed to clear the air. For instance. a cood·natured man turned over most of his salary to his wife. He observed her conduct and thought she was extremely atina. l'O- ing blocb for a can of coffee that cost a few eents less, and economising very closely in other WaJ'S. He said nothing for a long time, being-rather stoic by nature. Finally, be could stand it no longer and blew up. She. in tum, blurted out that she bad been equeesing every eentao they could have enough money saved to go on a second honeymoon together. She said that she ac- tually enjoyed g-oing to great lengths to con- se.l"Ve money. Once the matter wu out in the open, the man wu gl.d to help economize to m•lce possible the trip she bad planned. 4I'he wife, on the other hand, learned to talk things over more with her taciturn but observing husband. Sometimes .at fighting can bring serious diacord into a marriage. Sonle years ago a pair of avant-garde intellectuals in the Greenwich Village section of New York City decided to follow the plan of a writer who advocated separate a~ments. Soon the wife began dating other men. Her husband, proud, senaitive, and sopb.i&- ticated, took no obvious notice of this and never mentioned hia concern. The wife, talt- ing hia attitude for indifference, finally divorced him and remarried. If we can realise that most of the ac- tions which come acroas aa hateful and angry a.re caused by inaecurity or defen. siveneee, then half the battle will be over because we can then be compassionate or undenrtanding. Quite often, outside influencea-euch aa in-laws-are the cause of marital squab- bling. Perhaps the wife wants to invite her family over for a holiday dinner. The hus- band had planned to invite hu family. What can they do 1 Well, they might ask a few from each family, or take turns-hers this year and his next year. CoHlktual criticism ia very likely to kill affection. And there's a big difference ~ tween coutrnctive criticiam and constant ~. picki~ away at sma.11 weak:nesaes and tearin1 away &lf>ther's self-confidence. WhiJie it ill imporfant to know feelin1s of anpr and at times to express them, if too fnquent or too intenee anger raps, it be- comes apparent that they are out to destroy each other. Sometimes the damage ia 80 great that professional help must be &ought, but the trauma may be too great to save the relationship. If something is bothering you, say 80. Try to remain polite. to let a little love shine through., and try to maintain a sense of humor. • ~~---------------------------.................... ..... FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK inner to on or MELANIE DE PROFf Food Editor A ~ • .ulic&U cak roU toitA •er_., ~.,.,.,. ~"' w G tkuwt eerWA to fll.iae JlotA# °" lo-qeci.al "4w. Sn'11-tlie" of tlia ~ c:oh wit/a frulU'* lwe10U. tea or bla.ck eo6u. • ETerJ day may he the clay .. ...._ Mod.er, bet wlaat a ~ le 4lo M•rt•'-« extra lped.91 for laer -laer 'ffer/ cnra day! Wida ardal plall- ..... t1aeee ndpa will go ~ euily for lite eatire dJaaer meawa. Wida die saw. ....., ..... eake ~ die ,..en-. day, jwl~fore-eeniag taeka .. be eempleae.I ...W he -oldmg lite ..W, reltealbag die..._, ...t '1l.hlg aad rerolliag die cake. Happy 11.clter'• D.y! Zest4-Lemon Cab Roll l ..... (18~ -.) -.. 4~­ cab alb. a te • taWeo,.... craw~--pee1 <Aafedi•en' •car l CUI (l&~ te J8 ft.) reMJ- t.eer'ffe --.. N ... , cldJW % at• mt~ ciqer 1. Line two 15x10xl-in. jelly-roll pans with ahmiaaa foil. allowing foil to extend about 1 in. beyond end.a of pans. Set aside. l. Prepare cake mix f ollowin&' pack- age directions and increaain&' lemon peel to amount listed above.. Turn an equal amount of batter into each pan : spread to eiQea. 3. Bake at 350•F. about 20 min_, or until top of cake aprinp back when lia'htly touched. Remove from oven to wire cool iilg racb and allow cake to stand 10 min. 4. Meanwhile, spread out 2 clean towels and sift conf ectionen' aopr generously over each. 5. Loosen cakes f1'01ll ed.sea of pans ; invert each onto a sapr<oated towel. Remove foil and trim off any crisp edges of cake. Besin.ni.QI' with a abort aide, roll up each wum cake along with towel: set the cake rolls on wire racb to cool. I . When ready to ftll cake rolls, mix the pudding and finser tosether. Carefully unroll eacb cooled cake and spread with half of the pud- ding; reroll. If desired, l~htly sift additional confectioners' sugar ov- ~r the cake rolls. 7. Tran.afer ea.eh cake. roll to-an a~ tractive serving board or plate. Gar- n iah with wltole atrawberrie& Slice and serve. Tt00 ~ cab 'N>lJf Almond Buns Tlue btau, l>ia.b4 tOitA a• aZMOtlld puu ~o. r~., of tJu ...,,erb SCIUl4"'41'iaa Setttlor, to~A an U.- allr .,,ut, IJl«l toitl clM01Ml ,..,_ caad 1111aippe4 er_., tAea n!pfaced witA tMir "lib" -4 .,wiUltwl toitA rof&fectWMra> ngu for• cUliciou tluam. l .q. edin 4ry yeut % cw•.,.,. water (1t1•F.-tt5•F.) y, at• MU.er--••rsariae % te.11111• ...._. edrad Y, teas .... nailla extract % c::9p•pr J taWm....-bely eMtit.- W..W al· rr # Jen I te 1% m,. all-... 11111 ! ... r % ..... oak Yi atp Ma'rf creaa % ~water y, cw•<•-..) ala_. _... 1 tMle .. I la c:naa t. Sprinkle the yeaat o-ver warm wa- ~r and stir until diuolved; eet the diuotved :reut aside. l. Cream butter or marwarine with the extracts onW softened: add the 1upr and almonds and beat thor- oughly. Add the qg and beat until the mixture is fluffy. S. Stir in a blend of 1 cup of the floor and salt. then the % cup crum with the water ; beat vigorously un- til smooth.Add the yeast.continuing to beat vi&'orously. 4. Beat in enough remaining flour to make a soft (not sticky) dough . 5. Tum dough onto a floured aur- fatt., cover, and &et it rest 6to10 min. Then knead until satiny and elastic. Form into a ball and put into a greased bowl ; tu-na to Wint' rreaeed surface to top. Cover; let rise in a warm place until the doqh i.s dou- bled, about 1 hr. I . Meanwhile, mix almond pa.ate with 1 tablespoon cream and blend until paste is ali&'htly softened. Set aside. 7. Punch down dourh, turn out. and divide into 18 equal portiou for buns. Flatten dough. Place 1 very generous t.eupoonful of the almond paste in center. brinl' dool'h op over filling, and seal in ftllinl'. 8. Shape them into round, smooth buns and place, sealed aide down, 2 in. apart on greued balting aheet. Cover: let riae in a warm place until light, 35 to 45 min. '· Brush tops of buns l~htly with batea eg. 10. Bake at .coo•F. 12 to 15 min. Serve warm or cooled. 18 Wl«fitttlHised AlMOtld 8t"1U Neite: To reheat buns, tear otr squartJs of heavy-duty aluminum foil, wrap about 6 buns in each square, and place in o•en. Standing Rib Rout of Beef A •t4""""1 rib rout of bu/ nqriMa UtUe ti_. fOf' ,,.,.~ To .au lut.wlitttae ~ ,,.,.eparc&tiou, a.c-- eowtpculr tO'itA (/f'G4#f froffl& G tRU, ~ "tat-.t•W .... " 7>0t.o.tou. GU G .,.,...,. of fH"fectlw •~OMd ated •'"*' l>oiH~o •egdcbla. Place a roast, fat aide up, on a nck in a shallow routiDI' pan. Roast uncovered at aoo•F. to a25•F. al- lowing 28 minutes per pound for rare. 'Z'1 to SO min. per pound for medium, and 83 to 36 min. per pound for well-done meat. Rout will be easier to carve 11 allowed to eet 15 or 20 min. after removinl' from the ovell.-Auompany with a sauce boat of cravy. - Perfection Salad de Luxe t pkc. CJ ea.) ae.....a. .... celata l aip IMNU.C wet.er % 4:9'• eeW water Yi tear1 ••ult I u.•1eo,11a-..JDeie I tar.leQ••• wltite wirle .t.ecar 1 teaa ......... w..- % teH1111 •• W wc:eshrllllire .. .,. 8 betie TU..C. I ai• belJ _.,...... caW.a~ y, ai• bely ........ e.arne. % cw• heb' ~ l1'eell fleffer % atll •• ., ........... ee&ery z tar.lea~ cMlt,.. ••te % te Y, ~ celery Mei Y, mp teuted aliYerel al• w #1 I. Pour boiling water over gelatin in a bowl; stir until gelatin ia dis- solved completely. Stir in next seven ingredient. until blended. l. Chill gelatin mixture until it ia slightly thicker than consistency of thick, unbeaten err white. If chilled over ice and water, stir frequently; if chilled in refrigerator, stir the mixture occasionally. S. Blend in remaining inp-edienta. Spoon into lightly oiled and drained individual aalad molds. Chill until aalad is ftrm. " 4. Unmold onto crisp uJad ~ on chilled salad plates. Place a rad- U.h nee at the aide of each mold . Blend may•-* with 1lUWeet· med ptae.pple juice to desired con. aiatency, and spoon over aalada. ' to 8 lertnflO• -. . THIS IS A Genuine DIAMOND In L.ook• Only ••• F!0~':x. 50e A S~;at Fool Friends-Fool Experts Lool'. Prosperous Without Risl'. Wu1 rout lalle di1111ond "The Princeu" Solll1lre rln1. In Its Tiffany.Ilk• wttinc and en)oy 111 the thtllls of wurln1 the ru l tltln1. Look like 1 million ... ful like 1 million .•• so upertly and ln11nlously dots It resemble at least • $1,000 diamond rin1 you wlll be Htonlslted how It twins with a rul mined ston. In brllllanct ..• yet It tosts only 1 small floll&liOft of Its npenslve counterpart . . . yei, 11 surprlsln&IY low •P•. SOc a tarat size. Set In ad.Juatable rhodium plated bond. (platlnun.-llkt). f«tttd 3 C111t Size that Is dlzzlln1. lustrow and s~rkllnc. No umou· flll• bottOm. Crystal clur .•. 01111 you~lll know It's riot tul and tltt low. low price m1h1 It • "must" for diamond lover1.. lrre-slstlbltl Don't risk wearlnl your upenslwe di.ll!Ofld rlncs tlltM days. t sale Order 11 least one today et our lntrodUttory price of $1 .69 plus 25( for post111 and handlln1. $1.!M complete In 1tlraet1w1 111t boa. ll•sll CMptll .. 11 uy •-r Mell 1wa111tff. SOllY MO C.O.•.'a ,-------------------------' TEUY lLUO" CO., ll'1'. "71 I ,.0 ... I 1ttl I lfllMI C.tHI stL, M.Y.C. 1•11 Entlosed find $1.69 plus 2S<' post. a hells. In full P"11Mnt for "lite Prlncns." Adjust.Ole· size. It Is understood 11 I am no 100')(. delllhltd I will ret11rn within 10 days for promc>t refund. .... -~~~~~--~-- AMm ~ -, City State IL --: --------------------------- LEARN TAX PREPARATION AT HOME WITH H R : -> -I -cv ~ .. < -~--~ ~-.L EARN UP TO 5700 PER MONTH Me. • 9&.9C• fAX TU*t .. 105-50 1..-mun '410 Mein, ic-~.Mo. .. lU ,.... ..................... ......................... ...... (9WM. .. I How A 150 Vear Old Turtle Can Help Make Your Skin ---~ Look 7-15 Years Younger ~ ..... , ... , .. n. .... Ovtltlll..W.1 Slh1 .. autllyl•I Dl-.ryla TM '''* 2S Yeusl ••• Without expensive fadals. eierd•, macNnery, medicated lotions or pfloMy lookJ111 mlk•upf The T11ttle IOIMll-arows up to 15q Jtln old lo1111CO 11eUwes ,,_ tht lsllMs cti-.rtd 11111111117 ~I -ct.Jived frM lllb noUc ti.It utw11I Utlltllrt. To41y tllllllb to .a.tllcallr ~oil lrOM Ute 1»tt1o Nd ~ witll e01tr -.itiien CllllUIMd ill S1Ml4lc ~I--TUnll Oil Ski• Ct•• fof_.., It Is ..-Miit llt lltlp r- hu-aci1111 IPtlff'lllCe caused l>J ski111 ~ llMI restore 1 -look of JOlltll, es IOll& • you use it. Tit• altc1 is at.et 1111.t a f-1111 IMtt wilflout till pal• 11141 1--illKI. W.-lS. '5. SS 0t Mil '5 11111 of Ill 1111r look 7-IS rtll' rHllltf. It ,._.,.t.s Nd llolps IOlt11t wrl11~tes -lid ,,... and -tll. flabby sk.111 and IMl•- look tlfhlef 1nd more firm. Skin is Klldlly enc:ourattcl to acquire Utt n1tura clear '"'°°"' ltdurt and &low of youth t111t la every wolftM's dr111111. So take • tip ,,_ UloM lsllM lltlUU. wllo alwars -to look JOUflCe' thM thtil yetrt.. Otd« $prillt Acaill TURTll Oil tocleJ. On 1u11111IM of satlslactlon 0t _,back. Only $3.00 ~. C.O.D.'s post111 t it,. ($1.00 deposit). W1i11: The fl££TWOOO-COMPANY, Dept.AH.4Z1 W. Randolph St, Chfcaeo, Ill. a05 Whit ~ to • per'IOn the nut moment after the hHrt stops belti,_7 In the went the deceased WIS not 1 Christian, 11 he rml fC>teftr lost? Wiii we .,,_ see our beloved deed apin? The Bible answers these questions! NEW PROTEIN RINSE Safely CURLS, WAVES HAii ...... .... ,.1 ....... So _II., ._. 1trall!M &J>d hard le ntrl ,..,.., Mtt I•. lwl •"r ,_ ,_,,,,. -db· _..,. lll:'\'11.A IC.AMA l'M>· T&IS KISlllC ta 1 &Iott et Wllfr. C'_,. lhlWllall Mir . ""' up °" tttular t11rl•n or plN. O.nalalll llalr I.Illa • ..rt tllOI--· WUH I MI Nrla b 19\'dJ .. Mtlthl •orT hair ... ,. rw all ,,..... hair nm dJ..t Mir. AMI M .... u., -daap or rolllU' th.• wuthff. ,....., ... Ir HIJ'• •• ~11 1NI •.,1 llw Tiil dia7 ... tlw .,., f'ea· ollll-.. ,,. belr fl'• UU&lll&. 11 ... ,..,, ... <alh• r.n,_ ... _, '*'· .....,.. •11 a.ao rw ""°"•" KINICA II.AMA ...._,,.,. i. ...a•~ ..'""'" 11 1·.o.n. ,,. .. ,.,. '"'"· ".,,,. rM flf'l(ICA tu)fA. F-.-C..Oofl ""174Z1 W ...... 0..lll.- Leuthan 24 LARGE 5' ·---.... ~ I::,~~=:- 1 ,.,....__._ ..... ~ .. .-2 .. I P•I• booklet, ullf• Altat OMl ll," I wtthoYt *'111110n· I HelM...~~~~~~~~~ I °" I ,.,..--------Zip---I ·--------------' rl:Ls u. UNWOVEH COTTON AND RAYON n..n rtrhtr TWo «loun larce tonll f« onl1 U oo lphu Ille for nlra -!&ft and handllrun. Thlnl< or 11-LAJICB-SJD uo· woven Cotton and RIJ'on towels few lea lh•n a nldltl apl~! Ttnlf~ value JOll'Yf cot to -to bell~n. we had to lKIJ more BLOW YOUR.ELF than a hundred thousand to i et th.I• IP«· ctal low pr1~-Ho• wt'tt pua1rur thla aann11 on to JOii, our cual.olnen. All ,,. .. UP dt rt on a FlRST COME, FIR.'JT SERVBD TO POIYll SJZI basla. oo be sure •n4 or<kr 111 JCMl'U Med 2 X 3 ,'wt. It.ten -1o-;·11 111re ..... 10 '°"'" b11,._Dd 1011·11 ~ ntYtr .-et a b\11 llke lhl• •Jain. Than); JOU ORDSR HOW! MOl'<"J:Y·BACK CUAR· 3•4 Ft.-$7.50 ":11:.tAY HIU HOUSE Dept. T-679 1 ~ •2 A.--$3.50 ,.0. lu 2M ,.,. .. , .... , l.I., IU. 11111 Send 1111 blec• and EYE6lASSES 1w MAIL as lolr as $1.95 white or color pllOto, "1 polarold print or ma1· .-Write fer ulne photo. A 1111t Clft Idea . • • A F It ( ( ~lendld Cle . . ldul room decoration ... perfect for parties. Po$ltr rolled 11\d C•t•l•I mailed In 1t11rdy M1e. •ltll 14 Your orlcln11 returned 11ndama11d. Add SOc 1 •l•'1 • . ,,---......~./ ,.,,, r,,,,.,.. 'I 1' for post111 and h1111dlln1 for EACH ltt'" '"' ordered. Send clleca, or M.O. <No C.OJ>.) QualkJ REAIMNG ., ••FOCAL •- To: Dtpt. IWSJ tw F•r and .._, PHOTO POSTER INC. a1,•. ~11211,n.. Umit9d to folu .,.iroxim1te1y 40 ye1n °' ~-------..... ~---ill older who do not t11111 1sti1matlsm or dittnl of Ult 1'9. and who MYI difficulty rudin1 °' •in& fer. W• sell in intem.te r----• commerce uduslwly. Est 1939 CWIJ _ __,_.._ -~-"'-'"'"" ...... ue.-.MC..C.. .. •..-_.. ~ .... -.-' .... •• ...... -_,/.. ...... .__.. --°""··-..... -........ ..-..... ,_ ___ .... _ ... ,__,_.,. ......... --...... i--..... '-Y·--·'-...... _, MAn MUlllllS,o.1-f.U,l'lllthl M-l..l.C.. ll.V.11101 'T11maau11• .................. «*Illa.-,,_,,. ..... ......... _-=,~,;;·-~:.. u:o':.~1r. FALll TllTH KLUTCH holds ...._ tlglalw KLUTCH .._ • eaallllt emWaa: ._.... .......................... .._,.._ ........... ~ ~-.-.itJ;·~-· ...... .. -11 ••ltll ............... ID .... ._ .. ~._ ... ~. ='ZI..!·{~~ D.!:!f :i; ~ -... Ill ........ -1tf --.m-u,.. • .--.... .... .11na1, .. 111E ,....., .. ,. um Thousands of Cu1tom.,s M:NtltCS. SP£CTMU co .• MIC. fW·S 537 s. Dur'1ln St., Qla&e. Ill. 60505 LIVE· CATCH TRAPS ..... ·~ -~::::~ 'i!IJIJmfJJJJ'J"'.~ ''"'' ('at.t.\OC 'fr.t" •UIH>41l )njHr)' "Qult•th. tl1lunrnnkf, n l1· hth. 1111n•. rll$. r...,·oon•. •troy •nlMoh. "'" nr 141ut 10< t•ff> nH<I. Ahe tr-•P. lot ll•h tP&tf"1W•. plaMnt. turtl-tt. au•lt. f"tf' ~l\t °'' ""' .... ltrt0f7 "'''" 14md ne l!IOntf Writ• r ... ''" ••toleoe an1I tnwtnl '"'"''" )JI I' TA~O )0'0. (.0 . Dtpt .• X·~I . 119.r , .... lloo•IOlt. Tn . ?TOI" • I I I I I I MONTGOMERY WARD CATALOG ~ :" -1.$4.95 ..~~ .. +• 4'.. ... ...... .. _... I ~ .. """'·"-~ ...... .. ....,1n'ln.1Nt ......... IOI Gilflt uz.i IVl•ilt t • 1111"-lea l .. Welps 3111. Tilousands ol ltMs ..... • sold 111 ttle lltD's by Amerka'a first 11111 stlll 1re1t !NII ontor ttc.se. Described clNr· ly, lllustr1tM, priced;"' fUrnltute, fann IJll.. pllflltftts. llllclic.lnes, p1tont lutllef pu111p1. IHlstlts.= b whips Incl mo<e. Ewryttilns tflt weh-nttd home or farm needed. In tfll 1 'S I tvlttcl COllCh WIS $10.00, two Parlor Chllrs $7.I01.. Clllld's Crtdl• $1.25, Pllckat Plstol ~-"rlect conwers.-tlOft piece. Htul &lft for 111. Send check or M.O. No C.O.D.'s. Sltls. Gulf. J. W. HOLST~ I&. O.pt. ••• 1005 uJf .. Sf., ult T•wu. Mlcli. CJO ----------------· Kodacolor Film lJ r n. I {) p LI l .•. p RI\ I l. !J ...... Cllllr,.... ~ r..-.. ...1a1...,... 121.ca ...... ~ ..... , ..... e...... ._ ........ °"' .................. u..tttNC,_-. Olltr uplreo, Mey I, 1171. SKRUDUND PHOTO ... N ,&.m---. ... Ul47 I ··----------------SIPllCTANIW NOa11IBL ......... ... W'Ol1la '° ..... ~ * ... ~ ClllllPOOI dlm.A.----- cntnte-..... •• .... ~--­............... ................... .,....._CMaft ~ ........ ... ..... ....., .... *1 ............... ........... No.11h ...... ~ J'lc ~--....-ot•W••6w• ....... .....,, .,_,,, -,... ,_ .. .....,, ..., 17.00, ...., I C MOma......,.....FWS P.o .... n-.m s ·.-. ... ~~-~~~~~ U.S. Hearing Aids * * SAVE up to 673 IUY ID AMEllCM..aoE AIDS dirtd from ftdoty. Behind·tht·EM, All·in·ttle· Ear, Eyt Class Aids. Ont of America's largest selections of top quality 1ids. 20 days fR[[ HOME TRIAL. No deposit-No money down . Easy payments. Ho intmst. FR£E Ear Molds. New littin1Pl1n.POWERfUL BOOYAIDS $29 : Ho salesm1n will call. Write: LLOYD COii' Dept. fWS , 905 9tfl St., Rockford, Ill. 61108 )IOTORLXNI 11rEJIDT t>llAINr:R ctnh•t Nll•n . -I•. boei.. 1111 flood<od ., .. _ Juu rouplt lblt h•nd1 aldlrt\ het•MG 1 .. lnc11lt et pnln hot• •l'ld lllMll """ I• h-. "'Mo! JOe tam m tlM h-. DM1111I waur PftU•r• aolrn tlM dn lntr '"''· N• -••• peru to I•• • wear ""'· OntJ '1.tl pl111 "f elllpplns '"'' hA!l!IUn1. )l«W,.J bldt .JIUranlff. LM•. 0.,t, II I· Mt_~ 111 I-.. _. 9bli., 11.Y •• 11.Y. 1- SPANISH MAINLY -Wrought iron candelabrum designed and inspired by the romantic beau- ty of Spanish styling goes with any setting. In matte black, it's a graceful decoration. 12% .. tall. $3.98 plus 65¢ postage. Harriet Carter, Dept. FAW, Plymouth Meeting, Pa. 19462. DRESSY, TO BOOT! Crafted to his own specifications, the "Arnold PaJmer" dress boot is in black grained glove leather or burnt chestnut leather with brass buckle. Leather lined; soles; rubber heels. In D 7-12 ; EE S-11. $29.96. Chu. Ches~r, FW, Brockton, Mua. ouos3 FREE SAMPl~E Montgomery Wards new 126 color print film for Instamatic and other car- tridge snapshot cameras. Reg. 99¢ in catalog. Send 25¢ post- age and handling with self- addressed slip of paper to the Wardway Film Offer, P.O. Box 821, Rosemount, Minn. 56068. 1964 U.S. COIN SET. 1964 was the la.st year silver coins were minted. These Brilliant Uncir- culated Sets in plastic holders make fine gifts, and will in- crease in value. $2.95 each. In- cludes catalog. Robert Harris, Dept. 2A, 2373 Pruneridge, Sant.a Clara. Calif. 95050 . " .,. IN A JAii! Burriu-p.roof door jam keeps intruders out. Just prop the fork end under the door knob and pugb the floor pad end toward the door. Ad- juata from 26 to 38 in. Made of steel with chrome finiah. Tele- Scopes into suit.cue for travel. $6.95 plus 7~ post. 2 for $10.96 plus $1. J . W. Holst. FW10, 1006 E. Bay St., East Tawu, Mich. 48730. Weekend -shopper By SUSAN PAINE COOD MfD TOUCH! "N ailette" ia a great nail toughener that takes only 3 days to aee 4ftd f ul the results. Who knows, you may even be able to pull tacks without breaking a nail! Nail trouble~ You'll want to try "Nailette." $3. Fleetwood. Dept. xx~o. 427 w. Randolph. Chicago, ru. 60606. LOOIUJ'tC AHEAD to an airline career! Airlines want men and women for good-paying poei- tions in ticketing, paMenger service. etc. High achool grads, 17-38, write Weaver Airline Personnel School, DepL FWS, 3621 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. 64111. "'HOY 10" Booklet describes I many ways to raise money, how to run your fund raising campaign and lists items available on a trial basis. Ideal for members of church, acbool, youth or f raternaJ orp.nisationa. Free booklet from Collingwood Fund Raising, Dept. 31-E, 44 Warren SL, Provide.nee, R.I. 02901. rrs EASY to entertain friends or enjoy leiaure hours by playing the gui- tar. Learn to play a aong the 1st day; any by ear or note in 7. 64;.pg. system with photos, cbarts., <!hord finder, aonp, guitar book. $2.98. Ed Sale, Studio FW-5, Avon by the Sea. N.J. 07717. .. SCRIPT Pm personalized with S.initial monogram is lovely as a pin or use as scarf bolder. 18k gold plated. About 2x2". Grace- ful script letters suit any fashion scene. Underline initial of last name. $5.95 plus 50¢ postage. The Martin Co., Dept. FW, P.O. Box 314, Roslyn, N.Y. 11576. PlnTING OFF ta.lm&g off be- cause you like to eat! Well. Meno Peso combines vitamins, mineraJs and a bulk producing agent to cora.t1·ol tlf11'etite! An easy way to loee weighl 17-day supply, $6; 34, $9; 51, $13; 68, $16.50. Bellido Prod., Dept. FW-5, 414 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10013. Decorator's Full Color Wall Grouping • Five ornate antique gold baroque ~raJDCS with glass. _., s2 98 • Su perb reproductions of the world's greatat masttrpieces I";; I • color c.oordinattd to enbantt any decor. n- AAy ftl in your home can oow be P.ified by a dcoonlor's ~ al famous worts al Europe's moll mt0wecd 16th, 17th. 11th and 19th caMury masten. Flawlesa ~ al ~ artist's ftneSI canvues have ~ carefully auemblcd, color coordinaaed and fr8111Cd 11tul~r wlo#. Included ~ die mid oik ol Leourdo da Y--2. Remblmdl. Gais..,,o;cto. M1llld. Renoir, Cttanne, Vandyke. 16ares and Van Gotf'i. The black 6: white illus- tnliOD above cannot bqin to do than ;mbce. The9c f "'1 color ~ each eua duplicaks al the on.inals oa display in mmeums and pUeries thr'OQlhout the wortd. have lost none al their aacon' technique. infinite detail, vibnnc colors and subtle hues. Each is cr•npianmted by a mapificendy ICUipeured baroque frame finished in aaique Sold. The four smallec' pic:lura mcasurc 1 • Jt 4 ~ •. the l&l'fC 4 ~ .. x 1•. They can be~ in numerous dqa• patterns to beautify your liviQI. dining or bedroom ... even a hallway or llaircue. nu. or•-c.a ... ae L9 ._. nu. s.... Nnet" before have groupincs coatainiaa frames and prints al this quality been available al anywbcft near our low price. And never previously at any price has an interior decorator been oommiuioncd in such a comultant capaaty. Thcte picoes are imponed and because o( limited suppiy. we ~rgc you order immediately. ~Beek if Nee ~eel Our guaramec clearly indi<:alcs the confidence we have in our products. We want you to be d~light~d with your purcha1e ooc me.rely satisfied or pleased. If you arc not 1Mi,ltt~d your money will be prompdy refunded - no qoestioos asled. ~----MoiJ Molwy lock~ CcM4IOft TodD,, ---- MAHJIT CAaTa. Olpt. fW.SJ ~ Me.ting, Po. l'U62 ,.._ wid me the ~ f'°""9d 0.00.0IOl't F"'I Co6or Woll Groupinoa OS indic:otwd betow; 0 I wt, S2.M plus ~ pcl!ltoge 0 2 Wb, '5.75 plus~ postage 0 £octi t .... .. -• °"'Y $2.91. poetpoid I endow d'9Ck Cf _., ord9r tor and urldll'- stand that my moowy will be ~ rwfundld If I om not ~~ ...... "-ort ..,_.... 1 Crty State Zip __ _ I ·~---------------------~ READ tiny print with ~1:?-fn.me mag- nifying glasses. "Look over" normal viewing. Men's or women's black with silver thread ; brown with gold ; black or brown tortoise. Be sure to specify. $6.95 each ppd. Send your order to Joy Optical, Dept. 895, 84 Fifth Avenue, New York. N.Y. 1001 l. L£ARN UPllOL'tTERINC at home with a new c.ourae that offers spare time in- come. A great way to add to the family funds or just enjoy a helpful hobby. Low tuition and terms. Free illustrated book explain.a steps. Free sample lesaon in· eluded. Modem Upholstery, P .O. Box 899-CXB, Orange, Calif. 92669. Jo Anne Worley Says: "I Why isn't the affection of millions of viewers enough for this queen ATTACHED to J 0 Anne Wor- ley's telephone is a sign which boldly proclaims "I AM LOVED !"-almost as if she were trying to convince her- self. And therein lies the struggle of tv's "Laugh-In" star, famous for her loud, raucous laughter, feathers and fringes, and exaggerated style of comedy. From the very be1inninr of ''Laurh-In," which made ita debut in January of 1968, Jo Anne Worley haa capitalised on her special brand of camp. Her now familiar off-stare whoop, heralds an on-camera perf or- mance in which Jo Anne mup, hup, sings, dances, makea rootrle eyea, and casually tosaea off throaty comic lines. In private life, however, Jo Anne ia shy and introverted, particularly where men are concerned. She baa a down-to-earth Midwestern attitude, a relllioua background that causes her much con.atemation over today's f aa~hanling mores, and a yeaminr to be loved. Thia wanting to be loved datea back to her early school d.,a in Lowell, Ind., when she towered head and shoulders over her claaamatea. "It wa.a impossible to find a boy who could get enthused about that t" she ex- claimed .. (Today she stands 6'8~" and weighs 186-"l'd like 10 pounds leas!") Yet when she did eta.rt to date, Jo Anne's strict upbringing ("I wu brought up under the commandment 'Thou shalt not touch' ") caused her to be painf ulty in.aecure. Jo Anne's childhood prepari!d her for bard work alt right, but not neces- sarily theatric.al work. She was one of five children who lived on a farm. She learned the meaning of taking one'a•reaponsibility seriously. As aoon as Jo Anne was old enough, she had to help with the farm chorea-milking cows and !eedin&' the livestock. She vividly remembers her f irat date, on which her older sister and some of her friends went alona-. "When the boy I waa paired off with did this big yawn-and-.stretcb routine, so that hil arm came down around my should- ers, I hauled off and socked him fH It waa not, as the others in the ·group thought, an act. Instead, it wu the reaction of a girl who waa so scared she didn't know what else to do. Thia insecurity forced Jo Anne into many extroverted acts, which eventually de- veloped into a type of character role in which she felt comfortable in front of people. "It became my means of communication," Jo Anne admits today. It alao became her p&88port to eventual stardom. It wcu not until Jo Anne began to feel something of a misfit in school because of her height that she stru8'- rled for acceptance through other means. She soon discovered that a 8'ay, loud, and outwardly aaaured man- ner could cover up a lot of inner in- securities. Before lon.r, Jo Anne be- came the "star'' entertainer of her Now get TWO full-size Kodacolor ·pictures for less than the .price of one! . WITH EXCLUSIVE Twin DD Print~ 24 photos from 12 exposures 40 photoa from 20 exposures Now wlCh ucluMie MW "lWin Print" you get two ldenttGll color pholoe lnelNd of OM from each · ......-. tc.-p one l9t ot plcturw for yourself, UM 1M an Mt tor~ or frienda. •Both pictures .,. lull aln ... ft8llllble from alt Kodac:ok>r tHm siz•. Even al lhe regul• price, "TWtn Print" la leu than the Uny, mlni-llled multiple prints you ... around these d8ya. •And now-• a apectal, lim~time lntroductOfy offer-.-ww 17 .00 o" the regular ''1Wln Print" price. Just clip the coupon, and tau It to one ot the bet* drug or photo *"- In your~. · WI Guarantee 17 A.I II. 1, ·WI Use Onty IUIWIA chemicals, paper and film te assure you of the finest color pictures possible. ,,,.... ...,._of~ • SAVE $1°0 On Exclusive TwinOOPrint: .. Developing AVAILABLE FROM~POPULAR KOOACOLOR FltM SIZES P:Oft VtAWLE: 1~1:1 KOOAPAA I REG PRICE l1m<1 °"" Aoll 01 f ,t.., "-' ~ ()It., 9QOd •n>ltt No¥ 30 1910 Oood only woth '""''""'"' °'°"' OI S2 00 INoi .... t-on ,_ints l ThtS coupe>n II Vl hd '°' TWtf'I Print photo ptOC't'UfnQ Or'tty Any 011\ef uM c.,...htvi.s ltavCI Co.ipott muot M:COf'IP'l"l TW>n p,..,, o•O.• Fof ~me 1nd eddresa ot neatest l wtn Print drelte-f' Mite 10 Want to Be Loved!" of tv comedy? By PEEK J. OPPENHEIMER hiP achool The f.ct that ahewu noteut u a romantic tJpe bothered her, but abe .kept that tact aecnt. ()penl:y, abe .... a-laua'h- a-minot.e.. And very PoPU)ar. In her eenior year, abe did l'O st.eady with a boy, but her very active life left little time for the romance to bbleam into a lutinc atf air,. and by tbe time Pe'd ataahed aw-.y ~b money, lhe went to New York to punoe a tbeatrica1 career. Jo a-joined a nonpa.Ji.nc company, and althoarh the cl.nmatic experience wu helpful, tbe f inanciaJ curtain aoon came down. She hid wnqied • 8Cbolarahip at .llidW'eltenl Uni"19ity in Wichita FaJJa, Tex., in the memtime.. But even then 1he had to work in ber spare time to aupple- ment the ecbolanhip autticlently to com- plete two years of atod7 in dramatic.a. A&'aill preHed for money, Jo Anne headed for Lo. Anp)ea and moved in with her Bister who WM liviq there. Jo Anne plann.ecf to attend City Collep there and ret • eecretariaJ job OD the aide. But IOOD abe got wind of aome auditions, tumed up for them. and before long had been aimed for a spot with the "Billy Barnes People" revue which went on tour and ended up back in New Tort. Finding benelf .pin out of work. Jo Anne bea'an making the New York audi .. tion acene and found that her old Hooeier luck had not left her completely. She fo\lnd work in a number of small nicht-club revues, which opened the door to some tv talk abowa, particularly )(en Griffin's. on which ahe ~ dos.em of timea. A m.;or bnak came when abe understudied Carol Channing on Broadwq in "lleDo, Do1l7." She then went to Lu Vesu to ap. pear OD the "Bill Dana Show" and ultim- ately lan•ect a repl&r 1pot with Joey Bi.abop'a, ""Son of a GD.D VaDey PIQera." Dilling thia period, Jo Anne wu in a rood position to bear of anythiq that wu hap. pening Oil tv. And by DOW abe had de"1oped her comic penonality more than ever. So it wun•t IJUJ'priliq when a friend told her about auditiona for"Laua'b-ln" and tboua'bt ahe woold be perfect for it. Eucutive pro- ducer Georp Schlatter tboqbt ahe wu perfect, too, and hired her for the ahow, which baa become a phenomenal aucce11. It bu kept Jo Anne buy eftl' ai.nce. And Jo Anne bu aJw.,a eQjoyed beiq buy. It has pl'eftllted loae1inem and left little time to think of &aJ' romance abe im.ht be miallinr. Even now, wbeneftl' abe set. a break from "Laua'b-In." abe rusbee · off to do SUJlllM1' stock. She mabe numer- oua rUMt &ppeal"&DClel on other tv ahowl. and abe does club d.atea, all with prof .. aional declication. WY.--.. ... ~ hu made Jo Anne ftlT eohent, with an apartment Oft!' tbe Sun.et Strip, a bouaeboy who comes in five d.,. a week to tab ca.re of it for her. and a buainea manapr who loob after her oil inftBtmenta, Jo Anne has 1o8t none of her basic llidweatem attitude•. ("But l'•e amed to love cbampqne !") Jo Anne ii the only one of her family never to have married. Some da7 ahe would like to-very much. And have a ooople of children. She stem.a fnn a belief in mar- riaa'e, a home. a life shared. Aa a child abe went to the Church of Christ, and .-ravi~ at.eel a-.y from reaular attendanee only after ebe began working. She ia concerned.. and decisive about the rapidly chanainr ltyle of life in toda.Y'• aociety ... I don't ap. prove of wb.at'a b.appeninr on the stage or in fibna today becaUle that affecta me and my buainea and I wou1d not be thrilled or delil'hted to be a naked lady! In real life. I aimp)y don't know. It ia kind of a healthy tb..ing to be that free. but I can't really un- dentand whether they are beinl' open and marveloua about it all. or whether it ii a kind of h.aqup." C•rre.tly tt._.. la a man in her life. Ropr Perry, a long-time friend whom 1be met when ahe tint went to Lo. Aqele8 and worked at the lluie Box Theatre. •-nat wu the first place Iner aang," recalled Jo Anne. "He wu doiq a 1bow at the Box, and I'd be back atase. waitiq to ro on, and rd watch him. Or we'd meet at nheanala. But we n9'el' reallJ t.albd or anything. We were juat aware of one another." Now they are a ,rather steady, and comfortable, two- aome. Time will tell whether Jo Anne has finally overcome her ah.Jneu and inaecurity enoqb to really •bare her wbole life and allow benelf to be loved and love in retum. Sirbed Jo Anne. ''It would be Joorely to pt married-if it worbd out. I am really a Yery normal human being! Otberwiee I'd be In a nuthou9e." F•.W11 W..Jd11,Jl•11I,1110 " ,. , ,....,., •• " 'C••&tilm.•w'· 'Alff r ~Ridluhgs of EXcess Mucus _ ........... , •. , ....... ,... ..... ,.,., .. _ nlHI mtnss ... CI ...... •11zill This clinic49sted ~ is called BRONKAJ~. fn one tab- let. Bronbid combines an ex· ~ and broedtodilators .tt.ck the two l'Rljor CMlteS of ~ and wheezif111. Bronlcatd Tablets quiddy stmt acti• to soften and loosen ex- cess phlelrft. This direct ection helps rid ycM# air P"• ze I of sticky. stnrv phle8m. the ...,. time. Bronlcaid helps re- lmc t..,.._-.d bronchial muscles and .... the distress ttwt .. suits from ~ air ~ in the~ from b9lhrooma. ~~~·.:i 8'nka,oerwnic tile ftoorl, cNome ~!a!!!~ a*> bumpera. aluminum storm doors. wtiMSowa & glw -.t'Am N10DUC1W. Fek "-.. N • .1. DoY ... FALSE IEEIH Drop,SlporFal7 0-'t... xi• rt IR n Jlll9 ............ _. ....... ..... -. .. -..-... .... ~,_. ............ •MW-=._. ...... PMIWIB D ¥" SN ..... ............................ ......._ .... ___ .. _ _._ ... , ---~ ....... . ............. Dwl .... .. ... .... ......... _,.. .............. a..~ ............... f'HOTO caEDITS c-. Nol°"-· ,... 2. bk ~ft; ........ a.dwedt; Wolowt~-(Mh111.) Jri'"'-. , .... ,& 7, tlM.. ,...7:Hw, ..... ,... 10. 0...... ........ ,. f., Of'I. ,._.•••MIC. evenforthouaanda who perspire heavily A~.,.. fonnula be bem load to keep uaderanm abeoluteb' dry -nea lot tJtoemncla who Dllllllire heavily. A formula eo dit"erait it bu far more anti-~ .,_t tUn it ia po9lible to put in a.QY aeroeol can. Bt a.Md.. Afw dee-- Mies ol CIOllllDOll r.deOdorant..'' it took a clMmical invmdon to make t.h1a truly tdectiYe protectioa poe.- lible -with the ume ..t«y to dothiq-the a.me akin mDd.M9 .. popular "deodonmta." OaDed Mitchum Anti-Penpinnt.. It la tlM product of a ~ 61-year. old laboratory and pa.rantlled by Good H~. By the tbcN- sanda. women Wit.ti Droblem _,. · tioa are fladiDc tlMi prot.etioa ~ need-ud DeYer eould tlbcl before. Aad full7 effe«ive u a deodorant. too. "' coune. u 70U penpire more than a...,e-nen hearil7 -set the Politive proteo. tiOD ol MitdnUD Anti-P.,..mut. Your c hoice, liquid or cream. Ninety-day aupply, each $3.00. Available at your favorite dnc or toOetry eouter. .Af t/J:luun ANTl·PERSPIRANT 1 ~Enjoy Advanced Stereophonic Sound Reprodu~tlon I Take this $79.95 value~ -Stereo Cassette Deck for just s 95 ea e apeclel Introduction to the new Cepltol Stereo Tepe Club ••• .,.,..... ,ou purcheae Juet two weeltea now and .. ,... • buy u few u 12 "'°" during the next 12 lftOftehe. Join Cepltol Stereo Tepe Club Tocley •.. lncreaae your llatenlng enjoyment with your own Stereo Ceuette Deckl Aa a apeclal Introduction to the excltlngly new C.pltol Stereo Tape Club, enjoy the luxury of t.oday'a moat advanced ~le sound reproduction av-tem In your home. And your Stereo Caaaette Deck la engineered to the exacting _..,.. of ''The Moet Honored Name In Muelc." Y•. Longlnee Symphonette haa designed your handsomely · compect unit for outstanding prayeblllty and durability. Requir- ing no apecial lnetllllatlon ... pluge right Into your amplifier « ei.reo phono ... your S tereo Caefftte Deck feature• aolld- atate circuitry ... fut-forward and reveree control• ... and r1ch ~In ftnlah with alffk, modem, amoked-acryllc cover. Your l.onglnee Symphonette CaHette Deck allowa you to explore the weve of the future In top quality recorded music. Stereo CUHttM are eeey•to-atore, encloaed, high-perfonn- ence tapes, meaaurlng 4• x 2Yz•. Trouble-f,.., long-wurlng *"*> caaeett" never acretch ... there la no tape to touch ... no bulky c:artndgea to handle ... almply anap caeaette tapes Into the top of your at.reo deck. And •• a member of Capitol Stereo Tape Club-The Only C1ub Offerint a Truly Completi9 Salactla.. of Steno C....... Ta,..-you enjoy the apeclel adventllgM of a club created to give you prompt. lndMduel end courteous attention. With heedquartera In the heart of the entertainment world, C.pltol Stereo Tepe Club wea created to help you build the ftneet atereo caeaette-tape library poaalble. Each month you receive PLAYBACK, the Club'• unique mag- azine llatlng the aelectlon in your own mualcal dlvlalon, ea well ea an array of other top ceaaette album• from which you may chooee. If you went only the regular aelectlon of your mualcal.dlvlalon, ea offered In P\.AYBACK. you need do noth- ing-It wlll be shipped eutornetlcally. Or you may order any of the other caeaettea offered ... or take no caaaette at all ... juat by returning the convenient aelectlon notice by the date apeclfled. You elwav-chooee your caHette album• from all the top labela, by ell the top artlata ... even from other cluba. Your cu .. tte library will feature auch greet artlata •• Tom Mra.--------------------§ Mf. WI• Addr9M-------------------- Cl'Y-----------SI•---------- Zlp, ________ Telephone......,..--------- APO, FPO eddre-: Wrtt. '°' eddlllonal lfllor111 .. lon. TIZO Jonea. The Beattea. Johnny C.ah, Dionne Warwick. Glen C.mpbell, The lettermen, Engelbert Humperdlnck, 8111 Coeby, Buck Owena, Deen Martin, Petula Clerk and Mentovenl. Aa a member of Capitol Stereo Tepe Club you are not obli- gated to pay a membership fee or purcheae • caaeette every month. You may, however, charge ell your Club purche ... to your Club account and, not only that, you may take advantage of exceptional money-eavlng offers avellable only to Club membera. In addition, to help you build your atereo ca ... tte llbrery ••quickly aa poealble. C.pltol Stereo Tape Club gives you FREE one atereo caaaette album for every two you pur- chaae et regular Club price, once your enrollment agree- ment la fuHtlled. Add to your llatanlng enjoyment ... take thla $79.95 value longlnea Symphonette Stereo Caaaette Deck for juat $9.95 todayl Don't mlaa the limited Introductory opportunity! Sim- ply fill In end mall the coupon on the leftl Begin now to enjoy the moet advanced end convenient mualc avallable anywhere! ' .. ~----· COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH FOUNTAIN VAUEY LAGUNA BEACH SADDLEBACK till HOLDER hy Dick WUIOD WILSON FORD HutlnPNI Beacla EGADS ... the computers have come to the used car business. That's right! Word has come from France where over 2.5 million used cars are marketed each year that "match-making" car to buyer. buyer to car is the new thing. Seller and buyer alike fill out forms Indicating all the pertinent data concerning type, model, colors, prices, etc. This information is transfered to punch cards and fed into the computer which in turn seeks to match seller to buyer. It rounds like a great idea but I d<M't think it will catch on very soon here at Wilson Ford Sales in Huntington Beach. We feel that an automobile is a very personal thing. . .be it new or usecLAnd when you·~ deal- ing wlt.b people about something personal we think it should be done personally. That's why we have a iJ'OUP of ge.-ltlemen who are knoWledgeable, courteous and efficient. Their job is to makh "buyer-t<H:ar". Not onty C:•o they have an excellent selec- tion of quality used Fords for you to select from, but many other fine makes of automobiles. If you ar~ · ii'.' Ute Jl\lrket for a used car and want lo "shop" at one location where you can see one of the most represen- tatlve aelection to be found anywhere. drop in to 18255 Beach Blvd. If you have a particular make, model, year or choice of eaulpment in mind, and we don't have it. . .ask one of our • • m a t c h - maker s" ... we'll do our damdest to locate it for you. And at the price you want to pay. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MAY 2, 1970 DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES 18255 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH I FOR~ .................................................................. See a 'll the Q- newest ones for JORINO BROUGHAM 2-DR. HARDTOP TEST·DRIVE THE ONE OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH ILVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD . HUNTINGTON BEACH 842-6611 t ~~~::... T.es ... ~~~!.•::~.~~·•· 592-5511 11:00 AM II OAl\f Fenwa: 1:00 0 ()1) $100,C in Dal yard c 5:00@m Int• Editor's fl Channel ! that far. · ll:OOAM 1J Baske· final c the E< of se\ O QJ New • 1:00 0 (il round Club time t 1:30 0UC Relay: use. 2:3om u! Red i traini1 3:00@m To tillo ( (6th . !5:00 0 (i1 7:30 9 ~: 8:00 11 9:00 7 17 10:30 11 .. 11:30 2 ( 7 ( 6:00 7 ( 7:30 9 ( 8:30 7 l) ( 9:00 4 22 11:00 9 ( 11 . 6:00 1 c 7:30 9 c 1 l i 11:00 9 . 11 . 6:00 7 7:30 9 11:00 9 11 6:00 7 I 7:30 9 I 9:00 2 2' 11:00 9 6:00 7 7:30 9 9:00 2 2' 11:00 ' 11 11:30 5 7:30 5 ' ~00 11 9:00 4 2 10:30 11 11:00 ' 11:15 2 7 ·-rv !PORT! H/tJH/ltJ/IT!. SUNDAY, MAY 3 11:00 AM fJ 9 (j) NHL Hockey (C) Stanley Cup Playoff. O Angels Baseball (C) Calif. Angels vs. Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park in Boston, Mass. 1:00 fJ @ Cl) Byron Nelson Golf Classic (C) Final round of the f!00.000 tournament, llve from the Preston Tr3il Golf Club In Dallas, Texas. Last year's winner at the par·70, 7,086· yard course was Australia's Bruce Devlin. 5:00 ti) International Futbol·Soccer (C) Mexico vs. Peru. Editor's Note: Laker basketball games may be aired by KTLA, Channel 5, on Monday and Friday, If NBA playoffs continue that far. Times to be announced. SATURDAY, MAY 9 11:00 AM fJ 9 ()) ABA Buketball (C) Final games in the American Basketball playoffs. Don Criqui calls the play-by-play. The final championship series pits the West Division winner against the East Division winner. Each playoff series is the best four of seven games. O fD 00 Major League Baseball (C) San Francisco Giants vs. New York Mets at New York. 1:00 0 @@ Houston Champions International Golf (C) Final rounds of the $115,000 tournament from the Champions Golf Club (Cypress Creek course) in Houston. In 1968, the last time the tourney was held, Roberto De Vicenzo took first prize. 1:30 O UCLA Spring Sports (C) "Track: Pacific 8 Southern Division Relays." UCLA defends its title against relay teams from " USC, Cal and Stanford. 2:30 m USC Spring football (C) USC gridironers have an all-out Red and White squad game to conclude the 2l·day spring training session. Tom Kelly is mikeside. 3:00 ti) Toros: Bullfights from Mexico. Matadores Manuel Cape· tillo (4th Toro), Manolo Espinosa (5th Toro), Alfonso Ramirez (6th Toro). 5:00 fJ @ @ ABC's Wide World of Spor1s (C) ~ ....... s· ~. -~~ 7 ·"' * 00 .~ L~ir Evening Movies ,.·'.~ " "" .. ·,,, ... : 7:30 1:00 9:00 10:30 11:30 6:00 7:30 1:30 9:00 11:00 6:00 7:30 11:00 6:00 7:30 11:00 6:00 7:30 9:00 11:00 6:00 7:30 9:00 11:00 11:30 7:30 1:00 9!00 10:30 11:00 11:15 SUNDAY, MAY 3 9 (C) "The Actventures of Don Ju•n" (adventure) '49-£rrol Flynn. 11 ''The u1t ""If'>' Man" (drama) '59-Paul Munl. David Wayne 7 17 3 (C) "R•ce (drama) '66-Glenn Ford, Stella Stevens. 11 "8o•n To Je Bad" (drama) "5()--Jo3n Fonlaln.. Zachary Scott. 2 CC) "Or. Terror"• House of HorTort" (horror) '65-Peter Cushing. 7 (C) "Hlfh Tkne" (comedy) '60--Blng Crosby. Fabian. MONDAY, MAY 4 7 (C) "Youns Guns of T• .. •" (western) '62-Jlm Mitchum 9 (C) "Moulln Rouse" (drama) '52-Jose Ferrer, Colette Marchand. 7 17 3 (C) "A Hl-"t Wind In Jamaica" <adventure) '65 -Anthony Quinn, James "Coburn, Liia KeJrova. 4 23 6 36 (C) "Kid Galahad" (drama-musical) '62-Elvis Presley. 9 (C) "Blood Alley" (adventure) '55-John Wayne, Lauren Bacall. 11 "His Kind of Woman" (drama) '51 -Robert Mitchum, Jane Russell. TUESDAY, MAY 5 7 (C) "Beau JamH" (drema) '57-Bob Hope, Vera Moln. 9 (C) ''The u1t Hunt" (adventure) '56 -Robert Taylor 7 17 3 (C) "The Youns uwyert" (drama) '69-Jason Evers. 9 "Red River"' (western) '48--John Wayne, Montgomery Clift. 11 "Bitter VlctOtY" (drama) '58--Richard Burton, Curt Jersens WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 7 (C) "8erabbH" Part I (religious drama) '62-Anthony Quinn 9 (C) ''The Kentuckian" (adventure) '55 -Burt Lancaster 9 (C) "Lesend of the lost" (adventure) '57-John Wayne 11 "Hlstier and Hljltter" (musical comedy) '43 -Frank Sinatra THURSDAY, MAY 7 7 (C) "BerabbH" Part II (rellcious·drama) "62-Anthony Quinn. 9 (C) "Mr. Moses" (comedy) '65-Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker. 2 29 I (C) "Three BltH of the Apple" (comedy) '67-David McCallum. 9 "Operation Pacific" (drama) '51-John Wayne. Patricia Neal. FRIDAY, MAY 8 7 "Oetectlv. Story" (drama) '51-Klrk Ooualas, Ele1nor Parker, 9 "flve Mllea to llotldnlsht" (mystery) '63--:-Sophia Loran 2 29 I ''The C.-ooked Road" (suspense) '6-4-Robert Ryan. 9 "Big Jim McClain" (drama) '52-John ·Wayne, Nancy Ol1on 11 ''TtM Blc Street" (comedy) '42-Henry Fonda, Lucille Ball 5 (C) "Hlsti S.Hon for SplH" (drama) '67-Peter Van Eyck. SATURDAY MAY 9 5 "Th• Unlnvlffd" (mystery) 144-Ray Milland. Ruth Huuey. 9 (C) "It lt.,ted With a Klsa" (comedy) '59-Debble Reynolds. l1 (C) "OrMn flre'' (romanc•adventure) '55-Stewart Granier. 4 23 6 CC) "C.Unterpolnt" (drama) '68--Char1ton H"ton. 11 "Go for • ..,,.... (comedy) '51-Van Johnson. 9 (C~ "But of EnemlH" (comedy-drama) '62-David N iven, 2 (C "Thia Earth la Mine" (drama) '59-Rock Hudson. 7 (C "A Certain Smile" (drama) '58--Ronano Brazzi. Joan Fontaine. SPECIALIZING IN STRETCH & KNIT FABRICS and LINGERIE WE H• YE THI !llNl~T SELECTION OF KNIT FAIRIC~ ON THI ORANGE co~~T. 2199 FAIRVIEW ROAD COSTA MESA 540-3268 TIRED OF HOUSEWORK? Maid-A-Minute Dependable & Experienced Maids For General HouHwork ALL ENGLISH SPEAKING We Prflde Transportation CALL 836-4272 (For the Best in Orenge Countyf) PRE-SUMMER SALE! ALUMINUM PA TIO COVERS Cal us: 540-0491 SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING ZZOJ S. MAIN SANTA ANA Page 3 Fantasy World Turns 'Real Jeannie C. Riley, who saog of hypocrisy in her Grammy -award winning "Harper Valley PTA" song, is a romantic at heart. "I love love songs and love stories," she said. "I can't enjoy a movie unless there is some love in it. Possibly because I'm a Libra. We're dreamers.•· She used to live in a fan- tasy world, dreaming of stardom, such as is now happening to her in reality, as evidenced by her four- miUion best-selling record, and her upcoming musical comedy special (based on that record) Harper Valley • U.S.A .. set in the fictitious hometown. and airing on NBC, Saturday, May 9 at 7: 30 PM. '"'- Jeannie is a native of Anson, Texas. "Anson has a population of 2500," she said, "but I <onnl• C. °""· •• .,, 0'H°'"' ,,J., PT A" 1on1 brou11tr hu Jame, say1 1he l(Ud ro live in a fantasy world. Country-Western vocalist Jerry Rud helps bring the hyper-hypocriflcal ham· /er of Harper Valley ro life in Harper Valley U.S.A. didn't allow myself to get bored. I lived in a fantasy world. School, I pretended, was a big organization that I worked for, and the themes we had to write were top secret documents. Everything was always a game with me. I'd go round and round the block on my bicycle, but it was a 2500-mile journey in my mind. I'd make up stories and act out scenes in my room. and I was the hero- ine. I'd pack a suitcase and wander off into the pasture, without any intention of running away from home, just for the reaction. All my life I wanted to be a star very badly, so much so that I dreamed my life away." Her former fantasy life and the current reality of her fame shed light on her strange fascination with buildings. "Buildings used to have a very strange effect on me." said Jeannie. "At one time I mentioned this only to friends I could trust. Buildings ... like Nashville's Capitol and replica of the Parthenon. or the Washington Monument. After seeing the Par- thenon. I dreamed about it all night. The next day I called to fi nd out all about it. The buildings caused certain feelings. The! frightened me and drew me." The buildings were of a special kind. "They did not have to be taJJ, but they had to be something special," said Jeannie. "The ones that affected me always stood alone or on a hill. and they were always lighted. A church steeple could give me this feeling. especially if the church stood away from other buildings. "Buildings still affect me to some extent." she said. "but not as strongly. Besides, I don't spend time dreaming any more. I'm living in reality. for the ftrst time in my life." I Where To Write Herbert s. Schlosser Vice President NBC 3000 W. Alameda Burbank, Callfornl1 TH 5·7000 Mr. John McMahon Vice PrHldent ABC 4151 Prospect Holl)'WOOd, Callf. 90027 NO 3·3311 Mr, Perry Lafferty Vice PrHldent CBS 7800 Beverly Boulw1rd Los An1e111. Callt. 90036 OL J -2345 Loul Sutlons Chennel 2 (CBS) Mr. Ray L. Belndorf Vice President & Genef'al Mana1er 6121 Sunset Boulevard Hollywood, Callf. 90028 HO C).1212 Channel 4 CN•C) Mr. Robert Howard Vice President & General Mana1er KNBC 3000 W. Alam9da Boulevard Burbank. Callfomla VI 9·3911 Chennel 5 (Independent) Mr. Dou1las Finley General Mana1er KTLA 5800 Sunset Boulevard Hollywood, Callt. 90028 HO ~·3 181 Chllnn•I 7 <A•C> Mr. John McMahon Vlce President & General Manaser KABC·lV 4151 Prospect Hollywood, C11if. 90027 NO 3·3311 ChanMI I (lndefMndent) Mr. Charles P. Dwyer Generel M1na1er KHJ·lV 5515 Melrose Hollywood, Cellf. 90028 462-2133 Channel 11 (Independent) Mr. Charin D. Youna Vice PrHident & General Manasar KTTV 5746 Sunset Boulevard Hollywood. C1llf. 90028 HO 2·7111 Ct\anMI U (Ind 1 p 1 "4eftt) Mr. John Hopkins President & General Manaaer l(COP 915 N. LaBre1 Hollywood, Callf. 90038 OL 6-6050 Channel 22 (Independent) Mr. Fredrick 0. Custer Generel Men11•r KWHY·lV 5565 Sunset Boulevard Hollywood-l Calif. 90021 HO 6-7751 Channel 28 (N.-c.mmerctel) Dr. JemH Loper General Man11er KCET 1313 N, Vine Hollywood. C1lif. 90028 HO 6-4212 ChanMI S4 ($tNnlsh La~,.> Mr. Joseph Rank General Mat111.,. KMEX 721 N. Bronson Hollywood, Ctllf. 90028 HO 6-8131 THE DAILY PILOT, lV WEEK, MAY 2, 1970 SATURDA Y MAY 2 5:00 D Ifs Acadetmlc (C) St Bernard (Playa del Rey), Centennial (Comp. ton) and Aviation (Redondo Buch) Hiah School compete. ' Dr. 1u1c1 ... , <rn (I) !ED AIC'a Wlcle Wlftd Spefts (C) . fJ T1M Awnpra (C) m llMI: (C) '11M Lat AnflY Man" (dram•) '59--feul Munl. l a.t&tn (C) @ Hip C...,_"11 (C) Joyce Clltn C..b (R) "Winter Melon." Qj Ci) Ila Show: "Perfect Str•n· gers." Gingers Roge11, Dennis Mor- &•n. I Ciat .. 11 r.,. Sports ~rs (C) T..tr. de la E$tlla 5:30 DIC N1w•Mcie (C) Gordon Graham. I Clltlpn's Island (C) Yow De!Ws Wri (C) (R) Rlflelu11 1:00 l it ..... (C) (60) Clet1 Rob· erts. D @ (j) m H•ntltf-l rinkler (C) ,,.ad • °'"' (C) (30) iO) " lea aty (C) (30) With The R11I Don Steele. m Al.. Action Ind Adwelltwt (C) (30) "Devll Mountain." John Goddard travels to Devil Mountain In Venezuela, source of the world's highest fells. 6:301 DIC News Cotrference (C) (30) II.., bndl (C) (60) ....., Crl« (C) (30) Robert Wagner end UCLA psychiatrist Dr. Joel Hockm1n p1niclp1te in 1 n•r· cotics discussion. &J RM f., YMr ut. (C) (60) @ CV Here eo... ttM 1r1c1a <C> (60) I C6'l u•·•n (C) (60) twin Ctrde HNdtlnes (C) (30) Eda• ef Eternity (C) (30) Al• feetwe (C) (30) 7:00 II fa Cl) CIS &tt1m1 News (C) (30) Roser Mudd. 0 " ..• AND WHO IS MY * BROTHER?"-The Tony Hart Story. The true story of a young man dedi· cated to helping others. 0 KNIC Survey (C) (30) (R) "And Who Is My Brother?" Story of a youna man who dedicated him· self to other$--Who Is still helpln1. ~ Allnfvtrslry SI•• (C) (30) Did ValleJ Days (C) (30) e Restless Man." m MttrHMdt. rr..m <C> <60) "A N1tion of Immigrants." ltlchlrd Baseh1rt nmates the story of im· mirratlon to America, based on the boolt of the same name by the lite President John F. Kennedy. I llld JMrul (C) (60) (R) E Inn ._ de Olp l llltt ( 0) M uslcal variety. m lat Pw.I (C) (30) 6) Triipt lt11t (30) - • • SATURDAY ~·£9f l alrls compete In 1 beeuty contest. 7:30 8 Qt LIJ.: Trq· D TM Sq.,... World of E.d lrlllr ldy and ra (C) (60) Third ("l} (30) "Addiction Re'olOlutlon- ln 1 series devoted to former Presl· Part I." Dr. Edw1rd Bloomqulat, dent Johnson's story of the tumul· Police Lt. Jim Miiier, Robert Bl1tle tuous years of his Presidtncy. W•I· and Jeck Hum diacu• the forms, ter Cronkite will r.onverse with Mr. the reasons end the cures lor id· Johnson at tha LBJ Ranch. diction. 0 Warm, emoti onal story 0 Ull (1)1BJ Jl•.:-nte rr.. * f ded h'ld-1tnb TIM U..not1 (C) (60) O a retar C I (R) Leslie uu1ms, Vic Damone end TEACHER, TEACHER Arte JohnSCN'I auest. Hallmark Hall of Fame I Ntw1 <C) (30) tiny Burrell. 0 el) @ m I iflc!A I H1lhna.-Stln Httdacoct (C> (30) Hall of F11tt (C) (90) "T11eher, 10:00 ~Cl) M1nnil (t) (60) (R) Teacher." David McC11tum, Biiiy Menn1x sets out to locate the Schulm1n, OSSie Divis and Georae missina victim In 1 hit·•nd·run Griuard st1r in this Emmy Anrd· acicldent end winds up In the mid· winnina drama about the efforts die of a feud between two w1rrlna to te1ch a 13-yetr·old retarded families of the nortorlous "broth· Younaster to read. write ind to erhood." IHm self·relial!Qt. Im ..... (C) (30) 9 SltwdaJ Nlpt MOWW. (C) • Sl'iit·Monc With Mltdl (C) (60) "Stl"Mts of Uredo" (western) '49 c..fttry MM (C) (30) -Wiiiiam Holden, Mon• Freemen. • Tiit Tor TNt lrw U11 (60) D (ill ma> Lil'• ... _ I Deal "An Hour With Ch1rtlt Ch•plln." A (CJ (30) Monty Hell hosts. proenim of four film..,._.•'The Round· O Mltllon $ Movie: "Adioft In UM eri" (1914); ''The Tramp" (1915); Nec1tl Atlaltlc" (dr1m1) '4~Ull"I· "Tht V111bond" (1916) 1nd "Elly f>hrtY Bo1art, Riymond Mnaey. Street'' (1917}. Q) WOftdtrs of UM Woftcl (C) (30) 1P:30 D Robert ( 'Dom1n Sllow (C) "Mid About Madtlr1." M) Im Sytvil J Enrt41M (60) News (C) (30) GI!) Matrf.onlo J Alp Ma (60) Movie: "I Wu e Milt War 1:00 lrtde" (comedy) '4~ry Gr1nt. B David McCallum in m TY hrtJt"':.:le.(30) * the Emmy-winning ~>()) ~. n stJt• <C> TEACHER, TEACHER I hllpOft to Trmt (C) (30) o @@ a>Nt•l)tNd c1 .. cc> 11:00 oomm ..... <C> (30) Bob Eub1nks hosts. Mew* (C) "flit fow ....-. m Movie Creats: (C) "Tiit Liit Mlft of tllt Apocl.,_. (dram1) Anl'J M1n.. (drama) '59 -Paul '62 -Glenn Ford, lnarid Thulin, Munl. Ch1tles Boyer. (!) DEIUT lob Let's Open Rold OJ Cosptl MUlk T11111 (C) (C) (30) "Return lo The Superstl-Q) Spotllpt Thtatrt (C) "A tlons." Bob and his friends drive Time To love, A Time To Dlt." to the base of The Superstition John Gavin, lllo Pulver, ' Mountains ot Atizon• lo watch the ED NET reatiVal (C) (60) (R) annual trek. oi people who seek the "Leopold Stollowskl." Interviews Lost Outchm1n Mine. with the maestro and sequencea ED NET rt1yhouae (2 hr) (R) "Trail with the London Symphony and the ot Turs," with Johnny Cash and Americen Symphony orchestru are Jack Palanct. featured. U!) Holly.ood LIUno (60) tteman ~ Cf) Tiiis W• In Rwttw (C) Qumda hosts. 11:15 I) Flbulous 52: "lut Not For Mt" 1:30 IJ ~ Ci) MJ Tllrtt Soni (C) (30) (comedy) '59-Clirk G1ble, Carroll (R) Steve's family tries to con· Biker, lee J, Cobb, Liiii P1lmer. vlnce him that talklna about soil A mlddl•11ed Broadw•y producer erosion end drlvln1 h•bits In Ena· encounters prOblems u he weakens land Is not the accepted m1nner to the temptations of his cute of ciourtship. younc secretary. 0 (ii) CI) Q) Uwrtfl(.t Wtl~ (C) 0 Satunlay NIPt M.wlt: (C) "An (60) hibute is paid to the Ken· A'Rlir To Remembtt" (dram•) '57 lucky Derby 1nd special auest is -Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr. A Rose M1rie Klespitz, Miss American handsome playboy fills in love on Teeneaer and the national teen shipboard, but traaedy mus the spokeswoman lor the American Can· romance. cer Society. la (j) Awerd ThHtre: "White I ludl Owtns (C) (30) Heat." Muhwililno J C.rlota (30) 11 :30 Q m JollnnJ C.non (C) (R) H1nkKimb1ll prepares to merry (1) Tht 111 Pl•r I Judy L1nn 9:00 9 m Grttn Acres (C) (30) I Newa (C) Ralph Monroe (Miry Grace Can· 11:45 Movie: "ludJ Stiff" (mystery) field), the lady carpenter. ' ~~Dorothy Lamour, Brien Doti· D @@mNec s.turd., Mov· ~. it: (C) "Nobodyts rlf1tct" (com· 12:00 9 Movie: "Lost Wtellend" (dre· tdy) 168 -Dour McClure, Nancy ma) '4~Ray Milland, Jane Wym1n. Kwan, J1mes Whitmore. David Hirt· 12:30 m All•Nlpt Show: "The Hippiest men, Jamu Shiaeta. A Chief Petty Days of Your Life," "The Cr1wllna Offic.er 1ttempts to return a Bud· Hand." "The Blue Lamp.'' dh1 to its shrine because the vii· 1:00 II Movft: "Tnn bnllf'I'' (west· la1ers have had bad luck since his ern) 'Sl-Geor1e Mont1omery, Gale men stole It. Storm. 11111 Andtnon (C) (30) A Neo.s (C) Nocflt de Eltreno (2 hr) 1:15 (!) Movl1: '15prtnstlm1 In ttlt 9:30 QI Ci) Pettkolt Junction (C) Roc•lu'' (musical) '42-Betty Grl· ( 0) (R) Dr. Janet Cr•ia 1nd the ble. John P1yne. Carmen tarrand1. ,... 5 'BEST ON RECORD' 'THE UISEEN WORLD' Professor Isaac Asimov (with gl;:isses) discusses with documen· tarian producer Jules Power, the script for "The Unseen World," a 3M special airing in c'Olor Sun· day, May 3, at 8 PM op ABC . On the right are two film strips taken from the production. A jumping spider has been captured on the strip at left while on the right a chameleon catches a housefly in close-up. The script for the spe- cial was written by Prof. Asimov. With the aid of high speed and time lapse photography, the pro· gram focuses on man's constant search and probing as he seeks new ways to see more than his eyes alone can show, to bring new dimension to his perception. The winner of the "Record of the Year" Grammy Award for 1969, to be presented by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, will be revealed for the first time dur· · g "The Best on Record: The Grammy Awards Show," a one-hour special on NBC, Thurs- day at 10 PM. In addition to the "Record of the Year" announcement, the special will offer prize-winning performances by winners in other major categories. Miss Peggy Lee {pictured here) is in contention for "Record of the Year" with "Is That All There ts?" 'ONCE BEFORE I DIE' A suspenseful film adventure about six amateur mountain climbers who set out to conquer one of the world's tallest peaks, airs as a GE Mono- gram special, "Once Before I Die," on NBC. Tuesday at 7:30 PM . The special follows the amateur mountaineers - a judge, lawyer, court reporter. electrical engineer, college student and skier-as they pursue a life-long dream of climbing the Koh -1-Tunday. a 20,000 foot peak deep in the Hindu Kush of Af · ghanistan's Himalayan Mountains. A· T • T -E·N· T ·l·O·N . IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU'VE Al W ~ YS WANTED• IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on The New 1970 DATSUN EXCELLENT SELECTION 2 Door e 4 boor e w...-e IH•tft• & Pk•• DOT DATSUN 18835 a .. ch Blvd. Huntinqton Beach 842.-7781or540-0442 OPEN SUNDAYS 1971 Th~ blq sexy ur from Europe with the price o• • ~ub comp•ct SANTA AfolA UNCOLJol-Ut::pruRY lJOl NO. TUSTIN SANTA ANA 547-9183 Open until t p.m., Mon.-Frl. I p.m. S•I. & Sun. ORANGE COUNTY'S [!][Q]00[QJ[]~ DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS 1966 Harbor, C.M. &4&-930~ HEADQUARTERS " ... ..., .... ., -& .... ... ctltlv• & --•tr•IW ,,.... .. "1cM IW '"'"*"•te Hftvwy. OPELS GALORE! H ... l•Yettt9ry ef N-6 Uted Opeh .,. ,riced te Nit 1.-......ey TERRY BUICK BILL MAXEY TOYOTA, INC. 18981 BEACH BOULEVARD HUNTINGTON BEACH 847-8555 GUARANTY IMPORT ~R CENTER ~-~ ........... .... ,......._ Trl1.,.., M••a, S.1· ..... etc. w ............ .. ., ........ m. L...-s.mc. Dept •• ..,.....,.. Authorized. SAAi Dealer Sain S.mce Part• • ......, ,.,... c. c.... 1st & Main StrHts Santa Ana 541 -6608 CHICK IVERSON Your Authorized VW OHier in.the H•@H Home of ttie Love Bug Specl•I 445 E. c .. t Hwy. .t hJsl• Drl", N.I. 61l·Ot00 S4t·HJ1 en. SJ ut. S4 & H SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport I mport1 It Your kind of pl•ce. Your Auttiori1ed • Austin America , L•rge stock of used Porsche• J•g1, MG'1, Austin HHleys, etc. J1t'Wport 3Hn µ o rt ~' 100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B 642-9405, 540-1764 In the Marbor Area the Eco•y line for the Quality millled. 2145 H•rbor, Cott• MeH 540-6410 P11e 7 - THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEE.K, MAY 2, 197 I Station te Statioa tC) O A .. ~GC:_$ GO AH ER ~,: =" <C> * P.ED SOX WITH B~TS Sospe.I MllSic (C) I Allgels Warm.Up (C) ':.i) Kattwyw Kuldun (C) @ ~ {l) Sprder-Man (C) (j) To• and Jerry (C) FaiUt tor (~ (C) Panoram1 Lltinc1 en O.ahigo 125. A five-h~ur re~lay of last SUNDAY MAY 3 r.~ 0 R r-.. I N G I Aurma Sesa:r.e Stteet (C) (R) = 121. Acriallture Report W6ek2.._ ~grams. ~15 IB Tiit Qristopllen --1 r~-R-'" . ,. 11:00 B '-! ... a~ NHL Hoctey (C) Stan· 5:30 n.. l iblt A11HNft 7 ·-~1 s "''"!>" ( ... ) ley Cup Fiayoft. · Tins Is tlile life (C) O M:Yie: "The Success" (drama) ':551J Sift lb Dis 0., (C) Hos~~ (C) ...... n·.-,,.,, '65 -Vittorio Gass:rian, Anouk 7:CIOI To• and Jerry {C) ~ 1.1.i ;;.v ..-ley --·~·· ,.,, ~imee. Mr. W-llllboae (C) 6 Or.I it.be'1s (C) Q Aniets Baseball (C) Calif. An· s.aed Hurt (C) I latal• (C) I gels vs. Beston Red Sox at fem.ay 7:15 IE) l1'e C.rist.Dt*rs (C) lO:tO fJ.. St.,. te larwin& (C) Park in Boston. Mass. Mak and UM Spoken Word (C) Alvin Rudisill, Chaplain of Univef· T\e F111~tmna (C) 7:30 I a.bun (C) 0 llJ FIMl'itt se,_ (C) Dr. I CfiHI) (i)Bllltwinklt (C) • Kerlld of ltd (C) sity of Southern California is giJest CllllTd m tile Ho-. (C) Revival r .. es (C) Sl)aktr. ' @ f"ll'St a.ptist atwdl (C) 00 DaYeJ altd Cold (C) 8 cm Cl) a> fantastic v.,.,. (C) , Cine_ en s. ~: "~ventur~s1 1:00 Lamp uato MJ Feet (C) • iiiOVie: '1told lack tile Niitrr del Lahgo Nevo. stamng Juho n.. Qristopllltn (C) (drama) '56-John Payne Mona Ale-na,, and Pancho Cordoba. I CatMdral of TollMKTOW (C) Freeman. • tiI1) Tele-RtYista Maical ' Day of DisaMry.· (C) m MAURICE STEWART ll:30 ° (it .rn m Diseftefy (q .ILUIFSJ StrEWART W.nderau (C) 0 Mev1t: "Tbt Sie1Yt EnomJ" All• ReviYaJ Hour (C) * Where is Heaven? (drama) '58 -Laurence Harvey, ~ ReviYll f'ns I This Is Your Bible (C) Dawn Addams. I fied Is tile bswtf (C) 00 FaiUI for Toct.J (C) m Gipntor (C) Town HID Medine (C) (j) Camera Tltree (C) AFTERNOON MR. HOllM TAKES A VACATION l:JO II I.AIM Up and U.t (C) 10:30 fJ ~ Ci) Fact Hie Nation (C) 8, ~~bi~plY& Hi!!l (~) 0 ~ 0C m.1t•ideline (C) Fim lZ:OO 0 MOYie: (C) "Pride of tM Blut ".. .., part of five oonversaoon programs Mowie: (C) ''TN Adwenbns of explorina the role of leadership' S.rau " fdrama) '54--Uoyd Bridges, Hajji lab•'" (adventure) '54-in our society. Guest is Dr. William' Vera Miles. Margaret Sheridan. John Derek, Elaine Stewart. McGill. who is currently Chancellor &J lntelliceat Paret1t (C) IE KATHRYN KUHLMAN ol the University of ~lifornra (San @ @ F~• F~11rn <C) ·~e * AND GUESTS, IN COLOR! Oieao) and who is 300n to become Debt Set' and ~anama Canal. President of Columbia UnivlfSity.1 ~en .. Do•inic&l &J a.t11rJn hlllaan (C) Prof. Charles Riker of Purdue Uni·j m lldipt (C) QI CiJ Flltl COIPll lewtwal (C) vertity is moderator. Telecast is live 12:30 Qt My Fnorite Martian (C) ! ~~~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~ 9:'00 II ea.era Tine (C) from San Diego. , m ORAL ROBERTS With ;-•~-------------------I * ORU SINGERS i COLOR that the Earth is a planet wort n returning to. Burt Brinckerhoff co m Oral Roberts (C) stars. • I I I I ------... ae '• > . ,r ' Fine Quality PRIKTING 642-4321 .._._ -------~ I I I I I G) htt.em fw LMnc (C) 0 Million $ Movie: (C) "Maya' 1:00 0@ ~ m Meet tM Press (C) (adventure) '6&--Cllnt Wilker, Ja 0 @ (i) Byron Netson Qolf ~ North, Sajid Kahn. aassic ( ) Final round of thej ~; Country llusic (C) $100.000 tournament, live from the 00 In Whldl Wt live (C) Preston Trail Golf Club in Dallas, 00 Double future: "Return o Texu. The Fly" and "The Best Thlnas in 0 Sher1odl Holmes life Are free." m Tiie Wotld Beyond: "Production El) Cruz dt Amor I and Decay of Strange Particles'•' 3:001J lnsidtr/Oatsldor (C) "Workfare and "The Chameleon." and Welfare.'' Truman J1cques 1s m hblic Service Fil• (C) host. I Ell festival en Madrid Im Diradions (C) 1:301 Tiie New Socitty (C) Chiller: "The Witdl's Mirror.'' 1 • YouUI and Ule Police (C) 1 @ future: "Kentucky." I Movie: "The Heims" (drama) 00 You •nd tM Law (C) '49 -Oliv~a de Havilland, Mont· 3:30 fJ Viewpoint (C) gome~ Chft. D m PREMIERE In Wlllch W &J Yoa of Calvary (C) live (C) A new weekly series de· ~~Feature r11111 (C) "Chel voted to eooloo. The proarams will lenge. report the present concern o I ~ Future f"ll•s (C) Americans with the state of their Am~ el Norte , environment. Edwin Newman is Prof1la of Procms (C) host. Today's program is a compre· 2:00 f) Conversations W'ittl a PsJdlil· hensive report on DDT. trist (C) Dr. Edward Stainbrook. O @ @ G) lssuu an d An· • Aoicutblre USA (C) swers (C) 4:: 5:1 I " 5:.. 1:1 "A Complete Printing Service" Free Estimates Bltd Owens Show (C) Q) TY Partytine (C) . 001111 I.opt Opposffion (C) @ 00 Film Feature (C) "The Timid 6.~ • Musica y Palabras Tourist." • Aoktltblra USA (C) m Mlstaroprs' Nti~ 2:30 Public Strtice Fi1111s 4:00 f) KNXT Reports (C) (R) "The $33 ' m i l!lclAL I H1'1 Got tbt1 Sp11llplur." A Iona. herd look a Whole World (C) An oriainal drama! the automobile repair business In by f1t~er James S. Conlan. A space Southern California. Cleta Robert reologist (Anthony Georae). part of reports. a two·man team canyi nr out u · I On Campus (C) periments on the surface of the Or. Klldlre moon. dl1ll1n1es NASA. the U.S. Prta Confwtnce (C) Government ind the people of tht Dtllars l s.n. (C) / rass world to offer him oonvincina proof to Profit (C) PILOT PRINTING 2211 W. B•lboe Blvd. -fffwport Beach ,.... I ~~~:·.:. at Molt Wodd WW'a Newt (R) ~ a.ttq T1IMtre (C) 4:301...._.ller1 (C) Spee• "' {C) II .._.. (C} (R) ''V•lley ol th• Aftlazon." fJ Ski"' (C) m Abbott ' eo.te11e I s...... (C) .... hit (C) (R) Adetlnt. COft In £.ICHla TU Colclte Yu,. (C) 5:00 I ml Nnn (C) Clett Roberts. lnqukJ (C) Mlstef M•roo (C) U "MR. HOBBS TAKES A * VACATION " -COLOR! JAMES STEWART! D Movi.: (C) uMr. Hobbs Td .. a Vacation" (comedy) '62-James Stew1rt, M1ureen O'Hara, Lauri Peters. Fabien. Mldleel Burns. A tanker and his f1mily try to enjoy a va:atiln In a run -down beech house. I I Spy (C) Dllrtlti (C) Patty Ddt Cil fNhre: "Centennl•I Sum- mer." 9 00 My World (C) EE) Tiie Show (C) Guests Include Father Daniel [Jen, known u "the Junkie prleJt," ind musitian John M1yall 0) lnt11nltio111I futbof·Secctr (C) M11x1co vs. Peru. I Httt Co• • St.era (C) Do•h1ps Slpntn Man fro111 UNCLE (C) S:lO tJ Qt (j) Autm How (C) Tll· ent from louisi1na, Arkansu end T exes Is spotlifhted. 0 llNIC NtWS Conftrtnce (C) II) Mdtale'a Navy @ 00 World TtlllOfTOW <C) F V r N I N t . &:GO I) QI (jJ CIS Evenln& ..... (C) B @ 00 €r:'l fnink Mc:Ctt R.,ort (Cj (30) 0 ,.,., Parade (C) (60) The Polka Paraders loin our Mexican friends in their celebr1tlon of "Cln· co de M1yo." 0 TM Croowy Sllow (C) (60) m Morie: "Blood on at S4ut,. (•dventure) '45 -James C.1ney. SyM1 Sidney, Wallace Ford, m Anl•als, Action and Mvtnturt ~ (30) "Sea Crutures." Str1n1e "nliht creatures" of the tea are discovered on a unique noctum•I exploration in the C.ribbe1n, @) Spec11lation (C) (60) (R) G) Run for Your Life (C) (60) 6:30 6 Rod Sertln(1 Wot!CltffuJ Wor1d Of ... Sllvltion (C) (30) The col· Of and style or the ev1n1elist-from Aimee Semple McPhenon to Rev. A. C. Valdez-who S111tchu souls from the j1ws of th• devil will be eumlnld. a @Cl) m Q.. E. Colltfe .... (C) (30) II) Star Trtk (C) (60) ta Ci) Sllfppy (C) (30) 7:00 I) 9 Ci) LaAie (C) (30) (R) lassie aoes to the •id of 1 devoted wolf f1mily ftctd with extinction . a 9 oo m.., K111,-. cc> {JO) (R) "Arctic Adventure." In the remote realons Mar the Atct1c Cir- de, c•meras "capture" pol1r bears. w1lruses. muskox, caribou and •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ,. • •••••••• wolves. 0 sa...ca. S (C) (60) "The Vikki Carr Show." Special 1uests ar1 The New Christy Minstrels and Bobby Vee . a cm cv m und °' • s1anta (C) (60) "Giants ind All That Jazz." A 1iant named Biff (Su11r R1y Roblnaon) captures the Earthlinrs end promises to free them if Oan te1ehes him how to play the trumpet. Gue.stln1 are Mike Muur- kl. William Bramley and Dl1n1 Chesney. 0 Tiie Rat Patrol (C) (30) Im Tiie Achoatn (C) (60) "Should We Outlaw Sidearms for All But Po· lice. licensed Gu1rds, and Proprie· tou ol Small Businesses?" @I) Ttltr• Fantntieo (C) (60) al) DEBUT Diil 'Italia Cetl A!Hrt (60) Italian news. aports, dram1ti- 1ations, music and dance by the Piccolo Teatro rroup. 7:30 tJ ~ Ci) Te .._, Wttll LAM (C) (30) Mike Is hired as technical •d· viser on a Western movie belnf lllmed in Rome where Penny falls In love with the star. flbrizio Mloni 1uests. • • • •• • • • • • • • PHONE: 776-6160 Get the whole story today now . from Orange County's own world famous Innkeepers Institute International. Learn the fast streamlined modern way that makes Triple I grads prized and well-paid throughout the giant U.S. motel industry . Anyone of 1ny 11e. (includlna . retirement 11es) m1rried couples. s1nrlc men ind women, m1y 1pply . (APPROVED f OR VETERANS) Or drop 1 cud ukina for Innkeepers I nform1tion pack11e INNKEEPERS INSTITUTE JNTERNATIONAL (DIVISION OF ANTHONY SCHOOLS I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 @ Ci) m Wondefflll W0tld of DilMf (t) {6o) (R) "Min Is His Own Worst Enemy.'' Prof. ludwi1 Von Drake 1ives a lecture on the tu1·ol·w1r between reason 1nd emotion in man, using his Reflhew • 1717 South Brookhurst. An1 hei m. C1 llf. 9280• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Doneld es a bad wmple. fl) Mul111111a,.. y c.rtota (30) I Lit Me Talk To ••• (C) (60) 0 Mill Ion $ Movlt: (C) "'The Ad· 9:00 6 9 Ci) Cltft CaMpblfl (C) (60) Lat1or Report (C) (30) ventures of Don Juan" (•dventure) (lij Sheeley Greene. Bobble Gentry, Manion foru111 '49-Errof Flynn, Vlveca Lindfors. B. J. Thomas. and Skiles •nd Hen. Stoll (C) (60) Folk slnrer Len The Sp•nlsh lover earns 1 pl1ee as derson iuest. Ch•ndler ls host to The SwHt In· • fencln1 mister in the British D Qt (6) m lonlnta (C) (60) splratlons. poet Gyl1n Kain, m1&l· court. (R) "A T ewman's lot la Not 1 clan Frank Brents. Charles Hodfes ~e:~lrl~ . .,Tmtl (C) (30) Hippy One." When the sheriff (Rey and Yvette Leroy. ~· Teal) of Vlr1lnl1 City is ulled out fm Cran Ttetro (60) 1:00 I) Qt Ci) Ed Slllllvan (C) (60) of town, Hoss reluctlntly 11reea to 10:30 IJ Tlle World TolMfTOW (C) (30) (R) Connie Francis and Scoey substitute for him. Tom Bosley and ''The Answers to Youth Problems." Mitchlll 1uest. Robert Emhardt 1uest. m Movi.:."lom To Be lad" (dr•· 0 n7} Cil al AIC Sunday Movie: m•) 'SG-Joln Font•lne, Zachary 0 ROLLER GAMES-Live (C) ~ "iaat" (dram•) '66 _ Glenn Scott, Robert Ry1n. * T·BIRDS vs. TEXAS Ford, Stelle Stevena. Story of a Cl) KatlNJn Kulll•an <C> <30) 11 Relltr aa... (C) (2 hr) L.A. doctor burdened by crushln1 1ullt 11:00 9 (I) Ntws (C) f-Blrda vs. Teus Outlaws.. until an Itinerant (irl entertainer Qj Ci) N.., (C) 0 @ (I)!&) ! 18c"'t1 TIM Un. ruw1kens his will to sul\'lve. (R) CIUMdrll of TOtl!OfTOW (C) ...,. World (C) (60) it Albert I News (C) (30) ' @(I)&)""" (C) nerntes 1 probe ol the inflnitetlm1I ..... .,. Mevte (60) • Wlttla• f . ludley (C) written by noted sclenc. author H .. 1...oct (C) (30) It Is Wrttbn (C) Isaac Asimov. With the aid of ~e-TV Mlfllal OSUrt (C) (30) : I lflCW, 1 Up A&alnat tllt WaN cialized microscopes and hi1h·speed 9•30 I N c (3 (C) The 2 -y11r-old cluslcal Pl· ind time lapse photoiraphy the . • : ..J ) 30)0) Dour Dudley. 1nlst, Lorin Hollander. la f11tur1d. world is seen In a new perspective : ~ l.1c9nd .t • llrds 11:15, m Tiiis la tflt life (C) •nd the veil of mystery surround· ( ) 'cfo)rftfm on the native birds 11:30 Morie:, (C) "Or. T~rror'a Ho .. in1 the wonders of life is lifted. of New Zul•nd. HorrCNI' <!°rror) 65 -Peter CD Movie GrHts: "Tiit Lnt AllVJ 0) CorHnbrlts J Celebrldacla (C) Cushln1. Chrl •• opher Let. Man" (drama) '59 -Paul Muni, 8 Loftman & la,_.., (C) David Wayne, Betsy Palmer. 10:00 tJ QI (I) M'-'on: llft,...blt (C) Morie: (C) "Hi&tl TIM" (com· I Ht Seid, Sitt Said (C) (30) (60) (R) To Ir" 1n lmprleoned edY) '60 -Blnf Crotby, f1bl1n. Man Fre• ~lM (30) priest who11 life Is at st1ke, Jim Tuesd•Y Weld, Nlcolt M•urey, Rich· The forsyte Sap (60) Phelps poses as • mlsslon1ry, Paris •rd Beymer. Camuset Ma1lc.lno (30) becomes a Chineso renml and ID ~ lnlltfrt (C) 1:30 D 9 00 €!':'8111 c .. by Shw B•m..!!. builds a helicopter. IZ:GO m lttllll Sanday: .. G. Men ... 3 R D 121@ m The Bold Onta (C) J1mes Ca111ey. Uoyd Nol•n. ( 0) ( ) "Brotherly love." Chet's (60) (R) "The Rebellion of the 12:30 0 ,,_.ins frMly (C) happy bachelor existence Is dis-Bocty." Piul Hunter receives a 1:00 II Mowtt: "Tancter" (mystery) '46 rupted. lff Weaver 1uests. lethal-size nuclear radiation dose. -Marla Montez, Sabu. Kent Tlylor. m World Adnnbn (C) (30) Eiieen Bml. Edward F•ulkner, Loi• 1:30 D ..... (C) fB World To1Mrrow (30) "Europe Muon, Cliff Potter •nd William llJ Mtwtt: "TM Alltttor'' (drama) Looks East" Exclusive interview Smithers 1uelt. '4S-Willl1m H1rtntll. Mery Monts. with Frenz Josef Strauss. IJ CD Nnn (C) (30) 2:30 fJ New1 / Slwt Us Tllia Dey (C) Pat• 9 THE DAILY PILOT, 1V WEEK, MAY 2, 1970 REGULAR DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY ID Gu111bJ (C) 10:15 Et) CHdms'a Shows, Fri. (llJ rn Jadl la lannt (C) 10:30 I ~ (j) Love of Uf1 (C) M 0 HNI N c; 1:25 1J Community £ullltln Board (C) · @ @ 5E Hollywood Squ1rt1 55 Glv n.1 D (C) • ( ) Guesb ue Harvey Korman, S: e Us '"1 1' 1.301 Mr .. M•eoo 1 (C) Henry Gibson, Su11nne Pleshette 6:00 Sunrise Sllftelter (C) Mov!1: See Daytime Movies. and Stu Gilliam. Peter Marshall Cisco llkl, Wed., Thurs .• Fri. Minne Boy (C) hosts 6:25 £duution Elldl1n1e (C) Spidtr·Mln (C) 0 Tht G lopi ,. (C) 6:30 ""--(C) IT\ Quee.I for 1 ,...., (C) al n1 woumilt .,..,_, l.lf..J ' .,., Graham Kerr hosts. History of the Wort4. Tllutr1 9:00 IJ ~ (j) Tht Lucy si-ow (C) I Tmel Films (C) Rudin& W'rth Your ~hlld 0 @ Ci) m It Telles Two (C) 11:00 ~(])Where 1111 H11rt la (C) • law for the liym1n (C) Wed. Vin Scully hosts., Gail Asher and . @ @ m Jeo1>1rdy (C) Art 6:45 Commodity Report husband, John levy; Biii Bixby and Fleming. 6:55 0 KNBC Ne~fc1 (C) date, Brenda Benet; and Bob Clay· 8 (i1) (]) lewitcfled (C) 7:00 IJ fij (j) CBS NIWI (C) Joseph ton and date, Jo Ann Phlug, 1uest. • Tempo (C) Bob Grant and Benti. I Movie: See Daytime Movies. Jeanne Baird co.host. 0 @ @ m Tiie Today Show (C) Jldl la lanne (C) I!) Ro111per Room (C) 0 The His ind Her of It (C) Su· UndenSot (C) 11:25 ft ~~ CBS News (C) zanne and Geoff Edwards. (I) Hayden's H1ppenln1 11:301J (it Se1rdi for To"'°''°" (C) I Mr. Wistibont (C) Office of tlte President 0 @ 6 m Tiie WM, Whit ind lom tltt Clown (C) Tiie Forsyte Sap (R) Thurs. Whtrt C1111t (C) Art J1mes hosts. News/Stodl M1rllet 9:25 0 @ Ci) g;, NBC News (C) A Pontiac "Fireblrd" will be the Stume Strfft (C) # 126-130. . prize of 1 special contest launched 7:30 O. From tllt Ground Up (C) Mon.; 9:301-~ Beverly Hlll.brlllea· (C) this week-the panelist earning the Geometry: From Point to Prism, · 6 ~ Conctt1t~tton (C) highest total of prize money during Tues.; Davey l Coliltll (C) Wed.; • OVll! See Daytime Movtes. the next eight weeks will be the Puent·Youtll Foru11 (C) Thurs.: Re-Clrtoona and FNturu (C) winner. sovrces for Youth (C) fri . S~ M,1rllet/Ntw1 I Mr. M1ioo II (C) I Piunne C.rtoons (C) : Children • Shon (ll) (}) That Girl (C) Snuffy Smith (C) 10:00 1J 9 (j) AndJ Griffith (C) LA. City Schools (1) Rocky ind His Friends (C) 0 m Sale of tit• t.ntury (C) World of Womtn (C) Mon .. 1:00 IJ ~ (j) Captain Kan11roo (C) Jack Kelly hosts. Tues .. Fri.; Periptdin/Stretdl end O Morning W1tth (C) Ted Meyers. @ @ Sunny TodlJ (C) Slw (C) Fed.; Pltrrt Show (C) Thurs. EE Sesl"'e Strttt (C) (R) #126· 130. IS YOUR CAR READY FOR SUMMER? 11:55 0 QJ @ m NBC News (C) PRE-VACATION SPECIAL! 1 30 ELECTRONIC TESTS Pase 10 IN OUR $100,000 DIAGNOSTIC CENTER REGULAR $9.95 --s79s WITH THIS AD Yo11r ur 9en 130 vital teth for safety, perforMOKt a.ct retlo· bllity at 011chor9d 1p..ds •P to 70 M.P'.H., whll~ yo11 watch 011 your ow• dlol1 a•d llMllcaton 111 our olr co11dltio11ed obMrver's 9ollery. Your lteml..ct wrltm '"' report tolln tile 9111H worli o•t of your cor'1 cot1dltfo• 10 you may k SURE yo11 ore r-dy for 1of1, cer-"1• drlvl ... THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HARBOR Bl VO., COSTA MESA 642.0010 ArTrRNOON 12:00 1J Bouti11111 (C) 0 @ @ m Ufe With linkl1tttr (C) Jack ind Art Unkletter. Three thriving heart transpl!ntees are in· terviewed on Thursday. O Gir1 Talk (C) Betsy Palmer is hostess. 0 (ll) (}) Q) Tht Int of [Wry· thin& (C) I Sheriff John (C) 9 Ci) Ntw1 (C) Stock M1rtcet/Ntws 12:05 Ci) Ann Gutd'ler Si-ow (C) 12:30 I Qj (j) As tlte World Turns (C) · @ @ m Days of Our Liv11 ( ) M1edon1ld Carey stars. I llup's Sl'low (C} @ (}) Q) A World Apar1 (C) Dilling for Dollen (C) l:DO a Qj (j) love la I Many Spl•n· dored Thine (C) I @ @ m The Doctors (C) Movie: See Dayti~ Movies. (i1) (}) El) All My Clllldrtn (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. Clollnr Prices/Comlftodity R•· port EE Futures/ Education1I Shon 1:30 1J '1 (j) The Culdln1 Upt (C) 0 @ m Another Worl6-8ay City~) 0 (ll') rn (iB Lera M11l1 a DNI (~ Monty Hall hosts. EE Cll1rtin1 the M1rtet 1:50 ID ftahlons in Sewln1 (C) 1:55 O P1ul Harvey Comments (C) Z:OO if~ ~i:'~!~i.e (C) ~ Ci)&) Newlywed Ci• (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. Your N1111t'1 1 Wlnntr (C) 2:30 ~ (j) Edge of Nl&tlt (C) · @@ m Another Wtfld - Somerset (C) 1J Coollin1 Atound tlle Wotld (C} Wed. only With Bee Beyer. O (ll) (})al Datlne G1.. (C) Elena Verduio Is a contestant o" Monday. ID Rendezvou& W'IUI Adventure (C) Mon., Wed., Fri.; Travtt With Ota ind Bettina (C) Tues., Thu rs. 3:00 Qt; Ci) Co•tr Pyle (C) It's Your Bet (C) l!!Jhny Patrol @ (3) Q) Gener1I HolClltll (C) Haul Bozo's lit Top Show (C) CJ) MatlnM: Don Rodewald. • Movie Matinee 3:30 IJ ludJ Pair (C) Richard 01wson hosts. I Mille Oou&ils (C) father Knows But (U)(l) G> Ont life To Live (C) QuHn for 1 Day Hobo Kelly (C) (j) Pope,. C.trtoons (C) 3:45 @!) Futures (C) 4:001J Mr. Ed; Movie: See Daytime Movies. Fri. only. I Divorce Court (C) (ll) (]) (£) Dart Shldowa (C) Mah ROOlll for Dlddy Ctore1 Pvtnlnt Newt (C) 4!15 EID Tiie friendly Glint ai) Al11 Nervo Show (C) 4:30 IJ Movitt: See Daytime Movies. IJ Stump tlM Stars (C) Mille Sto· key hosts. Guesb Robert Clary, Will Hutchins. and Stefani1nna Christo· pherson witb Deanna Lund, Kurt Kasznar and Dicll Patterson. I ONews (C) The Munsters (]) Mille Douatn (C) Sesame Street (C) (R) # 126- 130. I Ci) Tiit flinbtonts ·(C) ObMSion Features ltwitchtd (C) 5:00 • KNIC NeWMl'Yict (C) News (C) Tom Reddin. The Lone Rineer (C) PoPIJ• and Friends Bat11an (C) @ JI"'"'' Tho"'alOfl (C) (j) McH11t's Navy · Dos Calloa "' hlenq11t • Gllllpn's ls!lnd (C) · • Notld1s/DIPortff · Galloplnr Gourmet (C) 5:30 0 Q)"AIC News (C) Frank Rey· nolds, Howard It Smith. • C.tndld C.t1111r1 Abbott ind Costeflo CJ) Thia D1y 1970 (C) : Mlsttrorm' Neictlbor"-f CJ) News (C) Mike Foley • Comlcos y C.tnclonu • Town Telll (C) MONDAY MAY 4 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 8:30 0 (C) ''The Rtdh•d From W,O. min(' (western) '53 -Maureen O'Hara, Alex Nicol, Robert Strauss. 9:00 O "Junate lioddess" (adventure) '48-George Reeves. Wanda McKay. "Waco" (western) '52-William El· liott, Pamela Blake. 9:30 fJ ''Th• Bi& Caper" (mystery) '57 -Rory Calhoun, Mary Costa. m "Diamond City" (drama) '48- David Farrar, Diana Dors. 1:00 O "Th• More the Merrier'' (com· edy) '43 -Jean Arthur, Joel Mc· Crea. Charles Coburn. . m "Mary of ScoU1nd" (drama) '36 -Katharine Hepburn, Fredric March, John Carradine. 2:00 B "Bript leaf" (drama) '50 - Gary Cooper, Lauren Bacall. 4:30 fJ (C) "O.neerous Miuion" (dra· ma) '54 -Victor Mature, Piper Laurie. EVENING Editor's Nott: Game five of NBA playoffs (bt· twHn LA. lalcers and Ntw York Knlcb) will be aired ton!itrt bJ KTLA, Ch. 5., providln& the bot· of-seven series continues this far. Time to be announced. 6:00 I Bl& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. m Huntley·Brinlllty (C) (30) Can You Top This? (C) (30) Wink Martindale hosts. Panelista are Red Buttons, Stu G.iUiam.... and Morey Amsterdam. O Six O'Clock Movie: (C) ''Youn& Suns of Teua" (western) '62-Jim Mitchum, Alan Ladd, Jody McCrea, Chill Wiiis, Gary Conway. Three young men and a girl fight among themselves while racing against Apaches to capture gold from a Confederate patrol. • Dick Van ~e (30) The Alntitones (C) (30) Star Trell (C) (60) 1 (])ABC Evenin& Newa (C) (30) : Wh.rs New7 (C) (30) "Skiing l." (j) CBS Newt (C) (30) ' A(ueda (30) • • El Clnlllita (30) • ftews In the Round (C) (60) Jack White, Alex Dreier, Gloria Greer, Patti Beebe. 6:30 0 KNBC Newaervict (C) (60) O Steve Allen ihow (C) (90) Anna Maria Alba, Marlene Ver Planck. Pamela Mason and London Lee g~~ . fJ Tha Game Game (C) (30) Jim MecKrell hosts. Pamela Mason, Phil Ford and Mimi Hines answer the question. "How Much Qf a Loner Are You7" m Mr f1vorltt Martian (30) I ~PerTJ Meson (60) 6 Huntlty·lrlnkltJ (C) (30) D UT On C.mpus (C) (30) "12,000 Feet High and Rising." A film follows the assembly end flight of the Astreus rocket built by University of Redlands engineer- i·n students. Ci) The Munsters (30) Noticiero 34 (C) (60) KMIR Desert Report (C) (30) Jack Latham. ~ Dime la Verclad (30) 7:00 f) CBS Evtnin& Ntwa (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I What's My line? (C) (30) I love Lucy (30) Beat Ult Clock (C) (30) @ Mond., Show (C) (2 hr) "Stranger on the Run." Henry Fonda, Anne Baxter. fil) DEBUT Legacy (30) "The Stones of Amlens." First In this 10-part series of studies of some of the forces that have influenced the de· velopment and shape of Western civilization. I Ci) TNth or Consequen~s (C) ct11r's Wortd (C) (30) Simpfementt Maria (55) That Girt (C) (30) 7;30 ~ (j) Qunamollt (C) (60) (R) "The Devil's Outpost." A gang of seasoned renegades pursue Marshal Dillon. Robert unalng and Jonathan Lippe guut. 0 m My World ind Welcome to It (C) (30) (R) "Seal in the Bed· room." Henry Morgan plays a writer to whom cartoonist John Monroe tums when he has seal trouble. Betty Kean guests.. 0 @ (])(El It Takes a Thief (C) (60) (R) "The Old Who Came in from the Spy." Elsa Lanchester iUtsts ·aa a vague British aient who Is to help Al recover a micro- dot. fJ Miiiion $ Movie: (C) "Moulin Rou1e" (drama) '52-Jose Ferrer. Colette Marchand, Zsa Zsa Gabor. Story based on the life. loves and disasters of Toulouse Lautrec. I TNth or Consequences (C) (30) Ptt'ry Muon (60) f,.nch Clltf (30) "Veal for a Kini." I Cruz de Amor (30) 7:55 Cuestlon dt Sepndos 8:00 m Llup·ln (C) (30) (R) Carol Channing iUests as half of the world's richest couple, and as a former child star now at the U.N. O Movie G1me (C) (30) Larry Bly- den hosts. Gloria Swanson, Hugh O'Brien. Selma Diamond. Donald O'Connor, Shirley Jones and Mel Torme guest. I To Tell Utt Truth (C) (30) World Prns (C) (60) Pandor1m1 (30) 8:05 GE Aqul Trts Pltinta (25) l :lO fJ tit (j) Here's Lucy (C) (30) (R) Harry decides to make Lucy'a life usler by hiring another secre· tary (Wanda Ctar11) to assist her, but Lucy thinks she's due to be r~laced. II lint Grey Theatre (30) ''The Unrelenting Sky." Lew Ayres guests. Dick Powell Is host. fJ (iJ) (])al ABC Monday Movie: (C} "A Hip Wind In Jamaica" (ad· venture) '6 5 -Anthony Quinn. James Coburn, Ula Kedrova. Flvt children are captured by pirates (Continued) ' 1000 BEAUTIFUL ., STICK-ON LABELS .. $1.00 ......... ~ Moy b.e used on envelopes os return oddress 1obefs. Also very handy as ideniificotion lobels for marking personal items such os books , records, photos, etc. Lobels stick on gloss ond moy be used for morking home conned food items. An lobels ore printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quol ity white gummed paper. Mrs. CMsm. aro,.,. "9 Pott Ro.cl Co.ta Meu, C.lif. 92626 r--------------, I I I I I I I I I Flll ht tlila co•p•11. 11lf11 ancl mall wltfl $1 .00 t.t PUet "'""11 .. laltel Div., le• I 171, Hew,.,t leach, Callf. tlHJ· -·-···~---······-·····································- ···--·~·····················-·-············--··-----··· . . .................... -...... -· ........ ,. ..... ··•-•19•••······. h ,.,,. to ... yevr Zlp C.4• I I I I I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ----' L ------------FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LAIELS WE WILL INCLUDE ... SET 05 ,ACKA6E MAILING LABELS. ,. .................. _,J hp 11 WANTED IOYS & GIRLS AGES J TO 19 to Audition on CIOMCI Circuit Televi1ion and Qualify for HOLLYWOOD TALENT POOL ••ANDON cauz Brandon Crut joined th .. ta'8nt pool, and five months later signed a five year contract with M-G-M. Now he can be seen each week ei 8:00 W ednesd•y eve- nings on "Cournhip of Eddie's Father.'• Hollywood T•lent Coordinator will be in Orange County this week for your on-camera audition CALL (714) 547-6251 Talent Search Bel ng Conducted by -TAKE 1 PRODUalONS HOLLYWOOD, CALIF . ..... 12 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEJ<, MAY 2, 1970 MONDAY (Continued) I Billy De Wolfe 1uests as the man·1ll:OOl 9ft!IE ..... (C) 1nd soon are terrorizina the p.ltalu aaer of the electric . compa~y who @ • m "... (C) with their made1p pranks. hts an 1raument wrth Doris over1 OM -..,.., I Dllwicl fmt Sllow (C} (90) Whether or not she's paid her bill. @(f)Q) N ... (C} Tiit a., Yan., (C) (60) • ...... (C) (30) Suter Ward. • '-'" WIJM WMll: (C) ... 1-1 El sa.w de lh•ridt Sarca (C) g News (C) (30) Bill JohllJ. AlllJ" (dram•> '55 -John Wayne, (60) 15 Rtwista MllllCll (30) uuren B•call. mH.streflu 1t1 Mil•i (C) (30) 10:00 tJ9(i) c.r.i a...u Sllew (C)I m lhwit: "His KJnd If Woun" t:OO 11 9 (I) lhytleny l.fJ). . (C) • (60) {R) Lucille Ball and Georre' (drema) '51-Robe!1 Mitchum, Jane (30) (R) Sam and his companions C.rfin ruest Russell, Vincent Pnc:e. arrive In Palm Sprlnp for I desert I m Nm (C) (60) I m Ht Said, Slit Said (C) vautlon. • I s,, (C) (60) Ell) World l'rtu (C) {R) D ~ 00 @r;,.llC Monday M~: Twehe O'Qoci Hip (60) 11:15@ (1) CiM .. Stw1t1tetn ~ lid. ~ {~rema-mUSIUI) : f"trill& UM (C) (60) Willi1m F. ll:lO I Qt(!) Mtf'Y Criffia (C) 62~1vis Presley, Gr& Youn&. Lola Buckley. "The National Review on · Qj 00 m JolNlny Ca,.. (C) Albn&ht. Joan Bla~man. An u -GI the Firinf line." Gums include Hipny htrol becomes a professional boxer. nme Magazine W1shinrton oorre-a)Oicl Cavttt (C) 0 The Great Tony Martin SDOndent l. Clayton DuBois and Movie: "Last Staa~ Wat'' * & Funny Jack Carter' Hew Yor\ nmes book reviewer Johnl (western) '57-Jim Davis. 0 F..Uidtt fM (C) (60) Tony ~~ (30 12:00 0 Cota.aunity lldletia loard (C) Martin and Jack Carter star. ) 1:00 11 lhvle: (C) "Chrp 9f tM Lan· fl\) NU Jotnal (60) ''The Con· 10:30 fJ @ CV (I) Now (C) (30) "Black C9f'S" (drama) '54-Paulette God· servative Viewpoint." A panel dis· Mayor i_n Dixie." William H. Law-I dard, Jean-Pierre Aumont. cussion which features Milton Fried· rence interviews Ma}Of Ch1rfes D fJ NIWI (C) man, William Rusher, M. Stanton Evers, the only black to displace 1 aJ Action Tllubt: 'The Wicked Evins and Russell Kirt. white mayor in Mississippi durina 1 City." Ma_ri~ Montez, Jtan-Pierre a!) Ttlt-ti111•1 ArptltiM (2 hr) I the past century. Aumont, Lillr P1lmer. 9:3011 9 CV Doris 0., (C) (30) {R) ii) Allrtlia (30) 2:30 II News/Qin Ua Thia 0., (C) How 10--break the channel 2 habit. The easiest way to break any news habit is to replace it with someth ing better. We suggest our ne}VS. Because we're trying to make our channel seven Eyewitness News the best news in the world. (A far cry from the positive "best news broadcast on Los Angeles television" position taken by channel two.) We have a better attitude about news . It shows. Bill Bonds sums it up when he says: "Telling the wh ole story is more than just telling the who, what , where and when. It's telling the why." That's what the ''best" news is all about. We wouldn't have it any other way even if there weren't a channel two. We want to bring you the best news In Ille world. > Eyewitness News • ICABC-TV Bonds/Lawrence/Nahan/Sloane · 4·30 and 11:00 pm I TUESDAY MAY 5 morning and afternoon ings, please see DAY· ~E PROGRAMS. Below, your convenience, are ! day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES D "Youni ind Willlnt' (comedy) •42-Willlam Holden, Susan Hay· ward, Martha Driscoll. D "Arise My love'' (r.omedy) '40 --Claudette Colbert, Ray Milland. 6 "Anrlf1 With Dirty Faces':_ Cdra. ma) '38-James Cagney, Pat O'Brien. m "The Min Inside" (adventure) '53-Jack Palance. D "The Ellle" (drama) '48- Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Maria Mon· tez. m "Desert W1r" (drama) '60- Peter Baldwin, Chelo Alonso. 6 "The Dam Suiters" (drama) '55--Richard Todd. Michael Red· grave. 1J (C) "Thunder11ead" (drama) '45 -Roddy McDowall, Preston Foster. fVfNINr. I ~ News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. @I:} Hunttey-Brinkley (C) (30) c.n You Tor This? (C) (30) Panel is made o Red Buttons, Stu Gilliam and Morey Amsterdam. fJ Six O'Clock Movit: (C) ''Beau J1mes" (drama) '57 -Bob Hope, Vera Miles, Paul Douglas, Alexis Smith. When an investigation rocks city hall, New York Mayor James J. Walker's political career is threat· ened by his love for a night club entertainer. I Dick Vin Dyb (30) The RinUtones (C) (30) Star Trell (C) (60) Whirs New? (C) (30) ''Skiing 2." Ski instructor Cyrus Smythe shows skiing at various levels of experience and skill. I A1ued1 (30) El Clnillitl (30) News Jn the Round (C) (60)1 Jack White, Alet Dreier, Gloria Greer, Patti Beebe. 0 llNIC Newsmict (C) (60) D Steve Allen Show (~) (90) The Happenings, ~rey Amsterdam, Richard Deacon and Paul Norris guest. 6 The G1me Game (C) (30) Pame- la Mason, Phil Ford and Mimi Hines guest to answer the question of the day: "How Lazy Are You?'' m MJ favorite M1rtian (30) @1) llleb1n1 (30) ''Throw·in Style." Shi.Shi demonstrates one ol Iha classical Japanese arrangements. 1 fi!) Noticlero 34 (C) (60) m KMIR Desert Report (C) (30) Jack Latham. mJ Dime 11 Verd1d (30) 11) CBS £vtnlnr News (C) C30)1 Walter Cronkite. I What's M; l int? (C) (30) I lovt lucy (30) Bt1t the Clodl (C) (30) I RETURN Yop for Hulth (30) Yoga expert Richard Hittlemanl teaches the techniques related to BOB HOPE IElU JUIES TUESDAY II COLOR IAIC-TV wei1ht control. streamlininl! the figure, relaxation, relief from ten· sion and maintenance ol youthful vigor and beauty. The first lesson: Scientific stretching-the way to lifelong flexibility. I Islands In tht Sun (C) (30) Simplemente M1ria (55) Th1t Girl (C) (30) ' 7:30 IJ ~ Ci) Lancer (C) (60) (R) Murdoch Lancer's longtime friend· ship with attractive widow Agatha Conway is threatened when she •n· nounces her intention of marrying Buck Addison, a ruthless landgrab· ber who is pressuring Murdoch tol sell the Lancer ranch. 0 Ii) ~ m I IJlcilL I Once B•·1 fore I Die (C) (60) A GE Mono· ' gram Serles special documenting the true·life adventure story of sev· en amateur mountain climbers who struggle lo scale the 20,000-foot Koh·l·Tunday in the Hindu Kush range in Afghanistan. Ross Martin narrates. fJ @ (I) l(iE Mod Squad (C) (60) (R) "Willie Poor Boy." Pete be· friends a young man who is caught in a robbery attempt. Joe Don Baker guests. 6 Miiiion $ Movie: (C) "The Last Hunr• (adventure) '56 -Roberti Taylor. Stewart Granaer. Conflict· ing interests separate two hunting partners: one is a rancher, the other a sadistic killer. I Truth or Consequences (C) (30) l'erry M11on (60) 1 RETURN The Film Generation! (C) (60) Firlt se(ITlent of an eight· part series euminin11 the personal' vision of the independent film maker. 7:55 Cuntlon dt S.aundot ler of hou1ekeeper S1r1 (Hora Mar· I Cruz dt Amor (30) I Marcy (Darlene Darr), 1r1ndd1uah· 8:00 The Movie &1mt (C) (30) lowe). proves emberrasslna to the Guests are Gloria Swa:ison, Hugh entire Drinkwater cl1n when it IP· O'Brian, Selma Diamond, Donald1 pears that the tune. "H1n1 It, O'Connor, Shirley Jones and Met 1 Governor," wn pointed 1t Gov. Torme Drinkwater. m To' 1•11 t1le Truth (C) (30) I News (C) (30) Baxter ward. El) Chudlo Avtll111et (C) (30) News (C) (30) Bill Johns. · . to (60) Mll.$lca 1 Estrell~ (C) (30) 8:05 CiI1) Hit del Momen l O·OO KNXT Riports (C} (30) "The 8:30 IJ ~ (j) Red Sll11ton (C) (60) ' Troubled Canyon." A look 1t the (R) Audrey Meadows, Three Do1 colorful past, present ind uncertain Night, and Edgar Bergen and future of historic M1llbu creek. the Charlie McCarthy guest. I last year·round wild creek In South. 0 0 (]) m Jul~1 (C~. (3~) (R) ern California. "A Tale of Two Sitters. Julta has ~ m News (C) (60) a babysitting problems at h~me atl @ CI)@ M1rcua Welby, M.D. the same time Dr. Che~ley s 92· ( ) (60) (R) "Sil"en Threads and year·old uncle replaces htm st the Silver Hooks." Lucas Cabot $!arts office. I filming a TV documentary on his D On!"Man .s~~ (C) (30). Com-1 actres.s-wlte's recovery from a poser-s1nger-v1oltntst·saxophontst Ir· I strolle despite Dr. Welby's warn· wln "Doc" C. Watson Is featured. Ing that her working so soon may fJ @(3)(E) ABC Movie of th! be dangerous. Week: (C) "The Young Lawye11 I ' St>J (C) (60) (drama) '69 -Jason Evers, Judy Major ~1111 (60) Pa~e. Tom Fielding, Michael Parks, : Sptculition (C) (60) "A Con· An1anette . Comer: Keenan Wy~n. versation With Anthony Quinn." The James Shigeta •. Richard Pryor. D1~k actor discusses his early days in Ba:s.s. Story ts set l.n Boston' films. his consuming interest in Ne!ghborhood Law Of!•ce throu1hl architecture and friendship with which, law students g11n courtroom Frank Lloyd Wright, and America's expe11ence on actual cases. ( R) belated discovery of seK. I D1vld Frost Show (C) (90) I Rubi (30) Th1 Bia Valley (C) (60) 1 , festival Mexlc.tno (60) DEBUT The Conservative. Yitw·l10:30 CBS News S,.clal (C) (30) pol~t (C) (30) Fou.r·part senes eK· "California Impressions by Henri am1nlng the ~lewpo1nt and ~ttltud.es cartier·Bresson." Impressions of a of the Amer .• can conservative. Std· section or American life by the ney Hyman is host famous French photographer Henri fi!) l1 Constltuclon (60) Cartier·Bresson. 9:00 0 Q) (6) m first Tuesd., (C) I 00 Feature (C) (30) (2 hr) Lt. Col. Mike Hoare tells . Aurelia (30) what makes the mercenary tick. A 11:00 0 D mm m News (C) report on Macumba, a group of One Step Beyond magical cults that flourishes in • John Wayne WHk: "R~d Rlvlf" Brazil; and a feature on an ancient (western) '48-John Wayne. Mont· Roman catapult contest, re·created gomery Clift. by Latin students from Park School m Movie: "Bitter Victory'' (dra· (Indianapolis) and Culver (Ind.) ma) '58 -Richard Burton. Curt Military Academy. Jergens. Ruth Roman. D Pl1yboy After 01111 (C) (60) m He Said, Sii• Said (C) Guests include composers Michael EID Under 30 (C) "Underground Legrand and Marilyn and Alan Films." This documenta~ explores Bergman; Frankie Randall, Rich the entire un~erground him mo~e· little, Shari Lewis and puppet ment-from ftlm maker to dlstnb· Lambchop, and Tommy Oliver. utor to audience. @1) NET FestiVll (C) (60) "Roberta 11:301J ~ (i) Mm Griffin (C) ' Peters." Opera star Roberta Peters! Q @@ m Johnny Clnon (C) performs some of her favorite se· B Hlf11w11 Patrol IKlions at a concert in Hershey.I al Didi Clvttt (C) Pa. G) Movie: "Blue, Wtllte ind l'er· ([;) F11ture (60) I fed" (mystery) '42 -Mary Beth 9:30 1J ~ (j) The Governor and JJ. Hughes, Lloyd Nolan. (C) (30) (R) A protest soog by 12:00 D Coinmunlty Bulletin Board (C) ~-A&A ENGINt KtHUILUtK) ~ Brake Jobs • Tune-Ups, • Maior Minor • Complet• • Machine Shop •~~ ... ~ ~ .• ,lo•, • SHORT BLOCKS ·""" ~ 139qs :•-i~ • VALVE JOBS . .. s 59 q', 9 MOTOR ...... ,,,. .. , ~109.95 OVERHAUL ...... ·· . _ S 149.95 (1 lf'T'1 ' f. I-,., ~· i•, f '•t• tr'l1 , 'l\J 1 • .. 2037 HARBOR BLVO . COSTA MESA . :·. , ... 1 <t,. •J l ..._, n I~ n 0 o I· t f \ \, r ., 1 < , • At I ._,. •l I•· ( ' ' f". '1 1 l\ I '• i WEDNESDAY MAY 6 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 8:3o 0 "Wo•111 in Hiding" (drama) '50-ldt Lupino. Howard Dutt 9:00 O "Wtlls Farao" (wester"' ''39- Joel McCrea. Frances Dee, Lloyd Nolan. 9:30 O "Riders to the Stars" (sci-fi)1 '54 -William Lundigan, Herbert1 Marshall. m "The Bllt Gener1tion" (dr1ma)I '59 -Mamie Van Doren, Steve Cochran, Louis Almstron1 1~ 0 "Ain't No nme for Glory" (dra· ma) '57 -Barry Sullivan, Gene Barry. m "E.ISJ Money'' (comedy) '49- Greta Gynt. Dennis Price. 2:00 O "No Time For ~rgeants" (com· edy) '58 -Andy Griffith, Nick Adams. 4:30 IJ "Htr Husband's AH1lrs" (com· edy) '47 -Lucille Ball, Franchot1 Tone, Gene Lockhart. f V f ~ I ~-I. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. MAY 2. 1970 0 C.n You Top This? (C) (30) 7:001J CBS Ennln& Ntwi (C) (30) fE News In Ptrspectlyt (C) (60) Wink Martindale hosts. Red But· Walter Cronkite. "East-We.st Di1lo1ue." tons. Stu Gilliam and Morey Am· OWtiat's Mr Lint? (C) (30) , ... dt Mtm (60) sterdam are panelists. I ' Love Luer (30) • Tt'9-Cin .. 1 Espanol (2 hr) 0 Six O'aod Movie: (C) "Btrtb· But Ult Clodt (C) (30) 9:30 • News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. bu" Part I (rell1ious drama) '62-00 AMerica! (C) (30) Ntws _jC) (30) Bill Johns. Anthony Quinn. Silvana Man1ano, : DEBUT lnttrftct (C) (30) 'The 10:00 Qi (j) Hawaii f"rw.O (C) (60) Arthur Kennedy. The story of the Paris Air Show-1969 (Part l)." (R) Chin Ho Kelly (Kam Fong), one thief who was freed so that Christ I (j) Truth or Conaequencu (C) of Steve McCarrett's (Jack Lord) could be crucified. Conclu3ion will Wanderlust (C) (30) • trusted lnvestlaators, is accused of be shown tomorrow at thls time. Slmpletntntt Maril (55) takin1 a bribe by a narcotics deal· I OiQ Yan Dyllt (30) That Girt (C) (30) er. McGarrett has no alternative but Tiit Flintitvnes (C) (30) 7:30 IJ tjj (j) Hff Haw (C) (60) (R) to suspend ~hin Ho until. he finds Star Trell (C) (60) Jerry Lee lewis and Ferlin Husky the mastermind behind this plot to @ ABC Evenin1 News (C) (30) auest. discredit his orpnization. Wh1t'1 New? (30) "Science 0 @ 00 m Tiit Yir&iniat1 (C) 0 @ @ m Then C.ntt Bron•n 1Fare(j)#Cl8$4." N-(C) (30) (90) (R) "It Tolls for Thee." Leel (C) .<60)11 (Rd). "Thrbeed Runboner.(" An ••• Marvin stars as a killer who ab· emotion• Y 1stu Y Mtrk Aaved• (30) ducts Judie Girth. played by Lee J. Lester) has self·destructi~ habits El C.nillitt (30) Cobb, and submits him to humil· and a penchant for running away. News in the Round (C) (60) iation. Jack Klugman auests as Edward J1ck White, Alex Dreier. Gloria 0 @ i (D Ntt1ny and tht py0• Hanrahan, the head of. a summer Greer, Petti Beebe. fessor ( (30) (R) Nanny arrives cemp for disturbed children, who 6:30 D IC.NBC Newservlce (C) (60) from Ena and to become the Ever· disagrees with Bronson about how O Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Pat etts' sixth housekeeper of the year. to handle the case. Harrington, Pacific Gu and Elec· 0 Million $ Movie; (C) "The Ken· 8 m News (C) (60) tric, Steve Rossi and Sleppy White. tudil11" (1dventure) '55 -Burt @ Cl) al En~lbert HumptJ· and Debbie Drake KUest. Lancaster, Dianne Foster, Watter! d111dl (C) (60) Shirley Bassey and O Tiie G11ae Game (C) (30) Jim Matthau. Diana Lynn. B1e Eli and Vince Edwards 1uest. Macl<rell hosts. Pamela Mason, Phil his son fi&ht their way across the! I ' S91 (C) (60) . Ford and Mimi Hines answer the Kentuck~ fr?ntier or the l820's to . Twtlvt O'Clodl Hip (~) question. "How Grind Ale Your• I a new hfe in Texas · H.om~ (C) (~) ~leman I My favorite Marti1n (C) (30) I Trut"" Consequences (C) (30) Aud1!!ons National Winne~ in Con· (J) Perry M1son (60) I Perry Mason (60) cert. @ Huntler·Brlnkt., (C) (30) : Joyce C11en Coota (30) "ffoo· @I> Rubi . (30) feature Film (30) "leeend of! dies." Mrs. Chen shows how to 10:30 em Aurtl11 (30) Qj (j) Tht Munsttn (30) fry crisp noodles for authentic · @ (i) m News (C) Chow Mein. Ont Step Beyond em Noticitro 34 (C) (60) I ~ Cruz de Amor (30) @ Cil m News (C) the Birds." make noodles at home and how to 11:00 I Cit([) tJi) News (C) m KMIR Desert Report (C) (30) J:SS a;, ~tstion dt StaUndos • Jolln Wayne Week: (C) "lt&end 6:001J Bi& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. Jack Latham . of ttlt lost'' (1dventure) ·57 -0 m Hunttty.Brinkley (C) (30) CiI!) Dime La Verdad (30) 3:oo IJ The Mcme Citlfte (C) (~) Host John W1yne. Sophia Loren. Rossano --------------------------Larry Blyden. w~lcomes Glori~ Swan· Brazzi. Two men and a eirt search son. Hue~ 0 Bnan, s.elma D19mond, lor treasure and a lost city 1n the ANTHONY QUINN Pep 14 BARABBAS t> ()'Cl()CI\ M()Vll WBDNBIDAY-PABT I TBUBIDAY-PABT D BABC-TV IN COLOR Donald 0 Connor. Shirley Jones and Sahara. Mel Torme. . m Movie: "Hiptr and Hiper" 0 llP Cil al Tiit Coumtl~~ of (musical comedy) '43-Frank Sina· Eddies fattier (~) <.~0) (~) Mem· tra, Michele Morgan. Victor Borge, ber ol the Weddina. Eddie .Is con· Barbara Hale. An hilarious financial c~rned when Norman and Tina de· plan Is worked out when a man. c1de to marry b~cause they. e11Joy unable to pay his servants. forms discotheque danc1qa every n11ht. a corporation with them. I To Tell the Trutll (C) (30) II) Ht Stiel Siie Said (C) The F~rsyte .Stfl (60) (R) fE NET Jou~1I (R) '1"he Conserva- Lt Cl .. da Bien Crl1d1 (C) (30) live Viewpoint." A panel discussion 8:05 ml El Tomlllo (55) by Milton Friedman, Russell Kirk. 8:30 IJ ~ (j) lllt lntrly Hillbillies M. Stanton Evans and William (C) (30) ( R) Phil Silvers auests as Rusher. a con man who sells the Clampetts 11:15 @ CI) Cine111a SeventHn Central Park. U ·301J Qj (j) Merv Griffin (C) 0 Cht"!l!_ionslllp Wrutlln& (C) (90) • 0 Q) @ m JollnnJ C.rson (C) fJ o;i'J (.1J (D R~m 222 (~) (30) Jack Benny, Roberta Peters, and (R) 'Triple Dale. Jason IS hurt Millon Macklin (editor or Areosy w.hen h~ P!Oves unacceptable . to Magazine) are scheduled 1uests. his date s middle class conserval1ve 0 Hlrhwij Patrol father. . O a> Didi Cavett (C) Scheduled I David .Frost Show (C) (90) ruests: Actor-producer Jonathan The ~11 Valley (C) (60) Miller; Hu(h Hefner. publisher of Sonn111 (C) (30) Playboy; Miry Calderone, family 9:00 IJ Qi (j) Medical Centtf (C) (60) plannina expert. (R) Guest lee Grant Portrays a II) Movie; "Mlulon to MOf'OCCO" wealthy widow who beeins to feel (dram•) '59 -Les Bartter Juli involvement with people 11ain Redina. ' when she becom.es attached to a 12:001J Community Bulletin Board (C) l0-ye1r·old hospital patient (Fab· 1 00 _ M le ''"" J l • , i•n Gregory), : ~ ov : int oe ou11 StOJJ' 0 @ (i) m Kr1rt Music Hill (C) (bioeraphy) '53 -Coley Wallace. (60) "Phif Harris Presents Bobbie Paul Stewart, James Edwards. Gentry." The second of two pro· 0 0 News (C) • arams starring Phil Harris with m.~ctlon Thtttre: 1"ry end Get sineer Bobbie Gentry, Roy Clark, Me. Frank Lovejoy, Bernadette Peters 1nd John Hirt· 2:00 m All·Nlpt Show: "Nyoka and ford are guests. the Lost Secrets of HIPPoCrates," 0 @ Cl) Q) Johnny Caal! S11ow "Remember Pun H1rbor." "St1ae Ce) (60) Guests are Merle H1111rd, Door." Charlie Pride and Brenda Let. 2:30 II Ntwa/81n Ua Thia Dir (C) WHEN YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT • • • CALL ONE OF THE exPE·RTS LISTED BELOW! MANNING'S Collector's 5laop Old dolls. miniatures, old guns It Wells Fargo. etc. IUY, SILL Oil TRADI 1421 Newpert 11..t., C.M. '42-9251 (Tuet thrv Sat.) ,,. '-" \ ~ ,,, ~( I ·.:s '( ~ ~, ~~CARPET=~~ STEAM CLEANED 1'· 10c SQ. FT. Also carpel installation ~ DfAMOND 'vf//I/ Car,.1 c1 .. n1ng "Champtor." M<'thod ! • Sot! n•tardl'nt _o Shamp<>c.'s dc·<'p " Ex()('rt and guarantl'<'<! Free e1tlm•t• MS-1317 CLEAR VU CLEANING SERVICE WALLS-,LOORS-WINOOWS •RUGS • ~h. are eur apeclalty • Pltll ESTIMATU 646-2698 Cl.UNING & DYING ow , -........ ,.,... .... .I WAI ....... Y'9llf' W,,..... Mtllfact•. 2 aver... ala• rooms ...... $11.SO P-''s c.p.t, Upltolltery c1 ... & Dyer 534-15'0 er 140 HM SPECIALISTS IN WOOD FENCING N!W-01 IEPAll No Job too small Fr~ Est. Call anytime 645-2343 or 646-7328 THE REMODELERS COMPLm llMODILIN& * 642·3660 * Key to Better Living" D'AMBRA Construction Co. "Room Addition Specialists" Build Now and Save $$$ • F•mily Room1 • Bedrooms • Bathroom1 • 2nd Story Rm. CaH Today ... 846-2780 FrH Estimates • 6V2°/o Bank Flnancin9 Le S.lon • Traltments SAUNA· MASSAGE WHIRLRPOOL 2tJO W. CN1t Hwy., N.a. O.lly 11 •m • 1 ..,. M2-J1S4 .__...-~K...e e LIVING SOUNOe HEARING AIDS Proper F itting Assured 3409 E. Coast Hwy. New L•wn1-R•S..din9 Complete L•wn C•re Clean up by job or month. Free estimates For information call 897-2417 or 846-0932 PIANO TUNING & REPAIR ALIO SALIS EXPllT & UASONAILll I Cal Mr. A ..... ~~· 675-6967 or 673-IHO PAPER HANGING 20 yHrs exp. Fr" Est. Call Keith &Anytl"'• 642-2509 WALL PAPER HUNG S24.00 • ANY sm IOOM • A retail MOHY ICIYerll 893-4472 SIWfNG/VACUUM SllYICI Domestic Commercial Actv.nt-..s of low O¥tmeld p .. Md •!Ono to )IOll. Work guaranteed. Free est.s. Call SJ .. JOU A9ythe ENCH & SPANISH TUTORING nnar Jlf...ACH11 $5.,., ... 492-8202 lllAN n Service Call & Half Heur Law 16.SO Trvat tM ~" wlltl .., atectt'Oftla Detrff. • W•rtt 1uer111t..i. :1a AMhelnt Ave. Coeta M ... 541•1 ' ...... ,. ' , ..... - 7 Dept NEWPORT -COSTA MESA DENTAL CLINIC I > I{ . \\ C ) I J : f r I" I' ALL UNION PLANS HONORED [ I l I '... I~! ' I ' . \ I\ I I \ I ' I \ I I\ \ < I I < , '-, ' 1 I I I I I '... ( . ' \ . ,, \ 'l " i I f\ I I : ( I I \ \ ( I 1.. t-.... I . I -----·--·-I S34 W.19th ST ., COSTA MESA , Ph ou642 -8814 ..... 15 I THURSDAY MAY 7 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 1:30 D "It H•pptMCI 111 lrMklp" (mualc•l·comtdy) '47-frank Sf111. tra, Jimmy Durante, Kathryn Gray· IOn, Peter Lawford. t :OO D "So M My Low" (mystery) '48-Ray Mill1nd. t:30 B (C) ''Alr.,lptn" (drama) ·~Victor Mature, Karen Steele. m .,fak W• I fllflbacll" (COf1'1· eay) '49-fred MacMurray, MIU· reen O'Har1. Natalie Wood. 1:00 D "T1le Lldy Vanlslla" (mystery) ·~lchatl Red1rave, P1ul Lukas. m "T1le ....... .,,. (dram•) ·~ne Barry, B1rblra Hale, Edward Arnold. 2:00 c:J (C) "11'e McConlMtl Sl:ofy" (dr1m1) 'SS-Alan Ladd, June Al· lyson. up of Red Buttons. Stu Cinlam and Mo,.y Amst1rd1m. D Sil ~ llltvlt: (C) .... ralto bit" Pert II (reli1ious·dr1m1) '62 -Anthony Quinn, Sllvn'-Man· 11no, Arthur Kennedy, Vittorio'Gass man, Jlck P1lance. story of the th ief who was freed io that Christ could be crucified. I Diet Ya11 ~ (30) T1le fliftt*MS (C) (30) Star Tr.II (60) Cl) AIC ~111 Ntws (C) (30) W11at's New? (30) "Science Fare # 15." Second prviram In a thrte·plrt series deslrned to stlm· ul1te ycun1 viewers to undertake science projecls of their own. I Cl) CIS News (C) \JO) Apeda (30) 0 CaaUllta (30) Ntwt In tile ltouncl (C) (60~ J1ek White, Alex Dreier, Gloria Greer. P1ttl Beebe. &:lOl llNIC NwM1wlce (C) (60) Sttw Alten Show (C) (90) Guests are Scoey Mltdllll, Vim• Lili, The Hew £st1bllsl'lmtnt and Jacll De Leon. fJ Tiie Cl• C.• (C) (30) Pt· mela Muon, Phil ford ind Mimi Hines ruest to answer the ques· tlon of the day: "How Wh1c!ly Are Your• Jim M1cKrtll hosts. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. MAY 2, 1970 I (I) Tiie Mllftttln (30) II) Tiie lie V.., (C) (60) Nitidefe 34 (C) (60) Ill) NU ,..,.._. (90) (R) '-C.thy Diii Dtllft lt.,.rt (C) (30) Come Home." Carol (Poot Cow) Jack Latham. White stari in a document1ry •bout I Di• la Yerdld (30) 1 ycun1 Bri\lah family Involved in 7:00 CIS Evt11ln1 Nm (C) (30) • deaperate struate to find 1dt· lter Cronkite. quat• houslnf in O'ltftfOWdtcf' I net's 111, U1t? (C) (30) London. I LON lJKJ (30) t :C» IJ tJt Cl) CIS n.-, M .. : ltlt U.. Clecl (C) (30) (C) "Bl-.. llta tf .. _,. .. Cl) 11le A.erlcaa Welt (C) (comedy) '67 -David lllcClllum, (30) "lllont1n1's Glteltf Country." SylVI Kolcina, Tammy Grtmea. fli) llUU'"' """91 tile Celbt Harvey Korman, Domet1lco Modupo, (30) In the openln1 111ment, "Buy. Aldo Fabrizi. All Enctlah tour svldt Ina • Guitar.'' dassical 1uit1rlst on the 1t1liln Riviera dlxovm Frederick Noad compares the mer· that 1 pred1tory splnstlf h11 Ml Its of various types of 1uit1rs. her cap for him. I m Trlltli er Coaecat11tta1 CC> O ~ Cl) Q) r .. *• (C) (60) frW Adwntwe (C) (30) (R) Sfmmy Davis Jr. Ind Jo Annt Si•plt_. MIN (55) Wor1ey &Utst. 1'lt 1111 (C) (30) I~ Tres PltiMI (30) 7:10 Qt Ci) F••IJ Artair (C) (30) 9:l0 · (6) ~ DracJMt (C) (30) ( ) Jody is accused of br11kin1 1 " an>fee. • Sat. Friday and Of. window In his school's c1fettri1 fleer Gannon lnvesti11te 1 14·yetr· ind is suspended. old crime committed by 1 Color.· D 9 00 m Da"ltil loHt (C) do convict. (60) (R) "Israel and LOYe." lllffl I """ (C) (30) Baxter Ward. aufferi the p1nrs of 1rowlnc up ..._ (C) (30) l!llU Joflna. wtlen he fills for 1 1lr1 his own . ...,,....,. et11 Pftf. ......,.. 11e. nm O'Connor 1uests. 10:00 Q @ 00 a;, i 18c!Al 1\t htt U KAL KAN PET FOODS .a 1ttcen1: Th ,,. • ., _.. (C) PR NTS (60) Featured are performances by * ESE 1969 winneri of awards presented ANIMAL WORLD by the N1tion1I Academy of Rt· 4:30 II (C) "Taru11 Hit Macnlfleeof' (1dventure) '60-Gordon Scott, JOtk Mahoney. P'"f M1se11 (60) I~ Favorite Mlfttln (30)) , 6 H•tley·lrtn•ltJ (C) (30) m I #He@ I "Peter Incl Ute Welt" (lO) (R) A dr1m1tlzed version of Prokofiev's popular symphonic fairy tale performed by the Ch1r1es Play· house Musical Theatre for Chil- dren In Boston. "The Great Red Apes-II" cordin1 Arts end Sciences ind by O @(J)ia> Anlul Wtfid (C) nominees for the "Record of the {30) "The Great Red Apes." Part Ynr." They include The 5th DI· II. Film showin1 or1n1ut1ns of mension. Johnny Cuti, Pem Lee, r v 1 ·.,·~<. &:00 I 'JI News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. · m Hu..U.,.lrln~ty (C) (30) Can You Ttp Tllis? (C) (30) Th s week's comedy panel is made c..,.t. •-...,... .._ u.• ... _..,_ c.,1. r-tt.-.._.,. _ • .......-... -.. ......--. n...., _ ......, .............. ..,... ... __ .......,..., ... _.,., -_...,. _ ... ·-· Alt4j-.. ....... _ .... ....,_ ................ ~ .............. _ -........... c.p.t. C.,t. y.., Ct111 S.. And Orlw CAP•tl New At GAIDEN GIOVE LINCOLN-MEICUIY "Tiae Men Vaa.ew A.t.-.•lle A~cy" SUDO GIOft IL YD. AT llOOIHUIST 536-2911 ..... 16 Borneo 1t 1 rehabilitation camp Henry M1ncin!, and Blood, S~ut where they are beinf t1u1ht to re-ind Tears. Dionne Warwlelc s1n1s join the jungle world. two Burt B1ch1r1ch winners. S•.m· c:J Milllon $ Mowte: (C) "Mr. my Divis Jr. hosts the pre11nt1tion Mosas" (comedy) '65 -Robert of the "Record of the Y11(' award. Mitchum, Carroll Biker. An Ameri· B m "'"' (C) (60) can ex·clrcus man becomes In· @Cl) al PArls 7000 (C) (60) valved with 1n Afric1n tribe. (R) "Ordeal." Brenn1n becomes 1 I Trvtll or CoMIClfftl<tl (C) (30) suspect in 1 p1ot t_o steal top se· '9ny Mnett (60) cret pipers for delivery lo 1n un· T1ltltrt lat (C) (30) "Wait· friendly pow_er. Wiifred Hyde·White ing for Godot," prOduced by the 1uests is Str Malcolm. Century City Playhouse, Is spot· I ' Spy (C) (60) lh~hted. Major Ml•• (60) ti) Cr1a de AIHr (30) : Tiit Advocates (C) (60) (R) 7:55 GI!) C...tiotl dt SefttlMSol • R•bl (30) 1:00 II tB ~ JI• NaMn (C) (60) • Los C.•tdlanta (60) @ Bobbie Gentry is special ruest. 10:3011> Alrrella (30) U Mowie Ca.. (C) (30) Gloria ll:C» I tjj Cl) g) Newa (C) SW1nson, Hu1h O'Bri1n, Stlma Dia· · QJ Ci) a;, N... (C) mond, Don1ld O'ConllOf, Shirley Ont step S.,.nd Jones, Mel Torme 1utst. @ (3) fl) Ntn (C) D cm Cl) (f) Tllat Clrl (C) (30) • Jolla WaJM Wiik: ''Operation (lij "That Meterm1id." Ann recalls Pacific" (dr1m1) '51-John Wayne, her experiences n 1 metenn1id Patricia Neal. who fou1ht city hill In Fenwick. m Movie: "f1n11y b, Catlipt" Dennis Weaver 1uests. (dram1) '48-Jimes Muon, Phyllis m To Tell tlle Trvtll (C) (30) Calvert, Stew1rt Granier. fm WIS.init-n WHk In Review 0) Ht Said, SIM Said (C) ~) (30) fD Waslllnattn Wnl In Rnltw (C) €E) .~rlfftl« (C) (2 hr) "Cristo Ne· 11:15@ Cl) Cine.. Seventeen: "Clash rro. Rent Munoz. of steel." 1:05 a!) T•lntsta Muskal (55) 11:30 I tlJ) Cl) Merv Griffin (C) l :lO 0 ~ 00 m lrouidt (C) (60) • ~ 00 m Joltnny ea,.,. (C) (R) "Poole's Paradise." Set. HlpwlJ Patrol Brown's life is thrutened when In m Dkt Cnett (C) eac1ped prisoner kidnaps him. lllO'lit: "hr*, Inc." (dr1ma) II lortn1 (C) (90) Tentatively '49-Michtel O'Shea. scheduled card !Hlures Rodolfo 12:00 0 eo11111111nity Bulletin loard (C) Gonzales n . Fermin Soto In 1 10· . .. round l!l!il'#el1ht bout 1:00 II i110V11: (C) Htll 111 rr1~ lay" O @c..v m ltwltdMi.t (C) (30) (dt1.m1) '55-Alin Ladd. Edwud G. (R) "Samantha's Caesar Salad." Robinson, Joanne Dru. S1m1nth1 finds herself stutk with 0 0 NIWI (C) the rul Julius Cte&1r when she 0) Actlotl TllNtrt: "Barricade." .. asb Esmeralda to mike 1 Ciwr Alice F1ye, Warner Baxter. salad. Jay Robinson fUests H 2:00 m All·Nlpt S.ow: "Enchanted Is· C1estr. land ," "Monsfer Demolisher," ind m Dnid frftt Show (C) (90) "First Yank in Tokyo." I T cure A T. as ,. ring Doo sum son. F that Mar ~ the Tur· the ably film Mai whe epis s the tear Per: Girl I\ loyl pre• cate that you trar ily Sint her just ~ add Ani an)' 1 the tha a y be a c wit WO' biH I ual tha lea her ma cor dee 'Ne 1 rea in · in POI rer she an• TO WED OR NOT TO WED There's a dla.mond rang in the near fu- ture of That Girl. And marriage? Mmmm. The ABC series, starring Marlo Thomas .as Ann Marie in the title role and co-star~ ring Ted Bessell as her long-time boyfriend Don Hollinger, a news magazine writer, re- sumed production recently for its fifth sea- son. Filming began with the engagement show that has a working title of "Will You Marry Mc?" While not ready to dl¥ulge the plot of the teleplay that they wrote, producers Saul Turteltaub and Bernie Orenstein, termed the show that Turtehaub will direct, "prob- ably the most unusual engagement put on film because nothing comes easy to Ann Marie and everything she did not dream of when she was a little girl happens." The episode is planned to open the new season. Series marriage has been on and off in the thinking of Marlo and her creative team headed by executive producers Bill Persky and Sam DeJoff, creators of That Girl. Marlo, Jotelllgent 111 she is talented, and loyal to her huge following of televiewers, predominantly in the 18 to 35 year age category and female, initially felt strongly that the series "is the story of a single young girl in New York. with Ann in the transitional period between leaving her fam- ily home and establishing one of her own. Since she is just discovering life. to have her marry now would turn the series into just another situation comedy." More recently, the vivacious brunelte added, "If we changed the premise to have Ann Marie marry, it wouldn't be That Girl anymore." Tbe young star attributes the success of the series through four seasons to the fact that it is highly identifiable. "It is about a young girl who wants something-first to be a person in her own right and second, a career. Viewers of any age can identify with that, the wanting something," she said. But then, marriage in the fifth season would open up so many new story possi- bilities ..... In fact, Marlo recently mentioned--<:as- ually-before a teenage audience of more than 5000 at a telethon held at New Or- leans fo r St. )ude's Hospital at Memphis, her father's favorite charity project, that matrimony for Ann and Don was being considered. As she related, "There was dead silence and then they all screamed 'Nol'" In the interim, she has gained further reaction nationally while promoting "Jenny." in which she made her motion picture debut in the title role for the ABC Pictures Cor- poration. Although Marlo was looking for a role remote from the Ann Marie image when she chose to play Jenny, young, pregnant and unmarried, she notes that both char- acters share a common bond in !hat they refuse to accept defeat. "In her own optimistic way, Ann. the series character I play, reflects the spiril of today's young generation. She is nor fear-. less. but goes ahead even when she is ap· prehensive and I think this generation is like that," Marlo stated. Repntin1 her 1oals in life. she said, "I never want to be uninvolved. I could never live on a hilhnd say 'I don't care what happens to others.' .. "Some people are always caught in a phase of waiting for somelhing to happen. I'm living now," In addition to her work for St. Jude's. Marlo is an ac1ive board member of both the Inner-City Cultural Center. an organi- zation beaded by Gregory Peck, an inter- racial, non-profit professional theater de- voted to bringing live drama to high school students of Los Angeles. particularly to un- derprivileged areas, and to the public. and the "Neighbors o f Walts" dedicated to building child care centers in that Los An- geles neighborhood. Her attitude while campaigning actively for the late Senator Robert Kennedy was that "I wasn't jus1 a television performer but a young American woman with feelings and a voice and I strongly defend lhe righl of performers to speak out on public issues and become involved in public life." Of her professional life, she states 'T m a dyed-in-the-wool actress. I'm not obsessed but I love my work both in comedy and drama." Her That Girl performance has already won for Marlo five of the industry's high- est honors: two Emmy nominations, 1he Hollywood Foreign Press Assoc1a11on's Golden Globe and Most Popular Female Television personality, Fame Magazine's "Most Promising New Star" award and a place among tht publication's "Top Ten of T elevision.'' and lhe Photoplay Award 'as the year's "Most Promising New Star." Like mosi serious performers, Ma rlo's success followed a long apprenticeship in the theater and television. Following graduarion from rhe Univer· sity o f Southern California with a Bachelor of Arts degree in education, she went to New York to study with drama coach San· ford Meisner. returning home two months later when Meisner moved to the West Coast. She studied with him for two years. She made her professional debut in 77 Sunset Strip on ABC. and later appeared with Fay Bainter in a summer stock pro-, duction of "Black. Chiffon" at Santa Bar· bara, Following a number of further theater performances and television guest-starring roles in major series including The Alfred Hitc hcock Show. The Virginian. Ben Casey, Mr. Novak. Arrest and Trial and Bonanza. Marlo was selected by director Mike Nichols to star in the London production of "Bare-- foot in 1he Park" along with London's Dan- iel Massey. and Kurt Kaznar and Mildred Natwick. from the original New York pro· duction H er performance won rave re-~ views from staid London critics. Turning her talent and energy to series production at the beginning of That Girl, she commented on why she drove herself so hard on the set. "When the camera ls turning, you have to be good. The people I work wilh are great. Since I can'I possibly please the whole world. J trust them-their judgment. Jn 'Barefoot,' people would come backstage to say 'You were wo nderful' and if I hadn't been and knew it, it would disturb mt so much I could hardly answer. But if they came back and were lukewarm in 1heir praise it didn't matter if I knew it had been a good performance." Anc.I on what s he wanted out of the series: "What I want to happen is chat I really love it. I go to d:iily rushes like it was a class so I can learn more. . . '' Marlo has learned well and her knowl- <;.,dge of productio n details ("like a piece oi music can hurt a joke") and her dedi- cation to her work has given the series an excellence-through four seasons. Although she has joked that "doing a series is like entering a convent, .. she adds, "I am not a quitter. A series is very hard work and there arc a lot of things I want to do. I signed for five years. I made a commitment and I am commilted while on." And about to becln a fifth grueling sea- son of That Girl produclion. she smiled. "If all the television series in the world were laid end to end, I'd still choose to play Ann Marie." ,.,. 17 FRIDA Y MAY 8 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies, DAYTIME MOVIES 8:30 0 (C) "Wilt 'tll Hit SI.In Shinn, Nttllt" (drama) '52-David Wayne, Jean Peters, Hugh M111owe. t :OO 8 "Tiie U.ts or a lenp l Lancer" (dr1ma) '35 -Gary Cooper, Fran· chot Tone. 9:30 0 "Tiit Pttrlfitd Forwst'' (drarna) ·~umphrey Bo11rt. Bette Davis. m (C) "Oper1tion Atlantis" (dra· ma)-John Ericson. 1:00 8 "Ride tlle l'ink HorN" (mys- tery) '47 -Robert Montgomery, Thomas Gomez. m 11Atf1ir WIUI 1 StrHrtf'' (dra- m1) '54 -Jean Simmons, Vlctor Mature, Monica Lewis. 2:00 0 "The Wronr Man" (drama) '57 -Henry Fonda, Vera Miies. 4:00 I) "Tiie Lusty M•n" (drama) '52 -Susan Hayward, Robert Mitchum. fVENING Ca111t MMn of NBA pllJOffa wfll bt prt11nttd bJ KTlA, CIL 5, .t 1 ti•• to bt 1nnounctd, if tflt l.llltrs/ llnidla btat-of·M¥tn ltfita continues. 6:00 I ~ Nftl (C) (60.) Jerry Dunphy. • m HUfttSty·Brillklty (C) (30) Can Yo. Top Thia? (C) (30) Si1 O'Clodl Movlt: "Detective 5tGfy" (drama) '51-Kirk Douglas, El11nor Parker, William Bendix, Cathy O'Donnell. Police Detective Jim McLeod's exauerated ideas of riaht and wrona boomerana. ~ • Diet Yu Dpt (30) l\t FllnUtonet (C) (30) SC.r Trel (C) (60) '(}) AIC Evenln& Ntwa (C) (30) · WMt's NtW? (C) (30) Ci) CBS Newa (C) (30) ~· (30) • El C.nHlit.a (30) Ntwa In tl1t Round (C) (60) 5:30 CJ KNIC Newsesvlu (C) (60) 8 StM Alltn lttow (C) (90) Guests are Pat H1niniton Jr .. Allan Sherman, Stu Giiiiam, Frank Cali· brese and The Tokyo Happy Coats. I Tltt '-•• 81ntt (C) (30) ~ fftOflte Martian (30) l'tny Mason (60) H11a1M,·l rink1ey (C) (30) 11t11rt fit• (C) {30) "West to the Mountains." Burl Ives narrates this hiatory of Alberta. I (j) Tht MHltttl (30) Ntffdtro 34 (C) (60) UllR 0...rt Report (C) (30) Df•1 La Vtrdatl (30) 7:001 CIS Evtnlnr Nfft (C) (30) • Wllat'a MJ Unt? (C) (30) I U.. leq (30) l•t lilt ~ (C) (30) (1) c..... SllowQw (C) (90) "Bullet for 1 B1dm1n." Audie Murphy, Ruta Lee. ,... 18 THE DAILY P'ILOT, TV WEEK, MAY 2, 1970 ED Booll Beat (C) (30) "A Beg.gar destroy the didator of a small 1 in Jerusalem.'' by Elle Wl9'el. a Balkan country. uries or tales told by 1 variety O Tiit PritoMr (C) (60) "H•m· of ch1raders at the Wallln1 Wall mer Into Anvll.'' short~after the Six·D•y War 0 I -hour Special I Truth or C.n1tqutncea (C) mtrican Wut (C) (30) * Fascinating stories Sh11plemtntt Mirta (55) of 8 gifted craftsmen SATURDA Y MAY 9 MORNING T1lat Gir1 (C) (30) WITH THESE HANDS 7:301JQj(j)Cet Smart (C) (30) (R) DEE) li!Jc!AL1 With Tlltst 6:55 IJClvt Ut Thlt Day (C) Max acc:ldentally locks the Chief HUcii (C) (60) "The Rebirth of 7:00 I Sunriat StMtttlr (C) and Larabee In a bank vault. the Ame(ican Craftsman.'' David . I (i) I Hecklt I Jedle (C) CJ m Hip Chlp1rr1f (C) (60) (R) w m I'" 11· (C) "Alliince... The C.nnon Ranch is ayne narrates the story of el&ht Wli · .u tvtr in the pa th of a threatened Indian lndividuals--youna and old, from Mt. Mbofl1 (C) varyln1 backgrounds and widely· uprising. separated reaions of this country-7:301 D~a Trnhouse (C) 0 (i1) (V 'a) Thi AJinf Nun (C) who represent the movement to-1 li1J (}) (D SMollty tht B•r (C) (30) (R) "Marcello's Idol.'' A young · orphan at the Convent decides tha ward personal •~istlc uprealon. 1:001J ~~ n.. J9boM (C) C.r1os would make a perfect adop· (})Friday Nipt Movlt (2 hr) 0 @ 6 a;, Hert C.IMI tilt live father. Manuel Padilla guests : David Sussllind Sflow (C) (2 hr) &ru@ ( ) ' "°' (30) I r.-i ft:\ ........ & #Oa (C O Mllllon $' Movir. "Flv• Miits tD . , Tete-Cinema 40 (2 hr) • -..::£.."t'Tl'::~ .. nooa• will ) Mldnlpl" (mystery) '63 -Sophia 9 30 N c .. , ... .,...,.,,. ·-Lore~. Anthony Perki~s. A~ unstable : • N= ~C~ g~~ :~~t~~h~:rd. T1lt1 of Willa F1rao Amertcan, believed killed '" I plane • Noclltt T1.,.U.1 (30) a 30 -ilMi, Cf) 8 ~ns~. forces his wife to collect his lO:OO , @ OO m Brackin'• World (C) : ~ '14!1 up Bunn, I Road Run· hie insurance. (60) (R) "All the Beautiful Youn1 Iner ~u~l,,_ Pl " P ..... C I Trvth or Consequences (C) (30) Glr1$." Llura Deane suffers heart· CT.~~-cc>""ntl' ( ) !teny Muon (60) , ache when an old love (Arthur Hill) M..it: "Craahouf' (mystery) fr~ Clltf (30) (R) 'Veau shows up but still casts an eye to· 'SS-William Bendix, Gene Evans. Sylvie. ward younger girls. m Cltc:o ltld ii) Cruz dt Amor (30) 8 m News (C) (60) m Movlt: "itfundtrtr1 of italnttd 7:55 ml Cutatlon de Stgundos O a> lovt, American Style (C) Fllta" (western) '59-Corinne Cal· 1:00 I) t.if) (j) TiM C.nw11 (C) (30) A (60) "Love and the D1tin1 Com· vet, Skip Homeier. producer of television commercials pu1er," with Herb Edelm1n and aarees lo audition Spud and Her-Broderick Cr1wford: "Love and the bert as stunt flyers. Busy Husband," wi1h Dick Patter· 8 Tiit Movie &aN (C) (30) Gloria son and Emmaline Henry; "Love Swanson. Hufh O'Brien and Selma and the Watchdoa.'' with Penny Diamond compete against Donald Fuller and Michael Callan. O'Connor, Shirley Jones and Mel 0 l'tlllbln'a Ptople (C) (60) Torme. Larry Blyden hosts. m I lflc!A( I The Slnalta Scm D (i1) (ID al Tht Br1dy Bunch (C) (60) Host Biii Burrud Interviews (lj (30) TR) "Mike's Horror-Scope," the editor of a "slngle.s" m1r11ine, 9:oo n @ oo m H. R. flutnstut cc> 8 Movlt: "llut Blood" (western) '5\-Bill Williams. Jane Nigh. 0 @ CI) Q) Hot Wltttla (C) m Movit: '1J·Z38 and Tht W"itdl Doctor" (adventure) '66-Clayton Moore, Phyllis Coates. &I) C.ndones J MutiCI ml PlnotlMI Latino Abbe lane guests as a 1l1morous visits 1 typical :'slnales only" 1part. cosmetics executive who becomes ment hou~e. and examines the 20th 9:lOl(itmOutlfdly l MuttltJ (C) the s1range woman in Mike's life. Century bachelor's leisure time IC· • ~ 6 m Banana Splits (C) m To Ttll the Trvltl (C) (30) tivitles. @ al Tiit HlfdJ lop (C) fii) Tht Rt1I Revolution (30) "Liv· @I) Rubi (3()) ' Cutt 1 Gultlrm Ing and Death.'' Talk$ with the ln-10:30g)Aurell1 (30) 10001 ~~ dian spiritual leader, Krishnamurtl. ll:OOl gftE Nrwa (C) : Wldly Races (C) (D 5'y Hnb (C) ii) Luctcit.a (C) (30) ' 6 m News (C) • Movit: (C) "CunM!Ole In Tuc- 1:05 ml lvch1 Libre (55) Ont Step llJ'Olld son" (western) '53-Mark Stevens, 1·30 -,,,.. Ci) 1 @ (}) Q) Newa (C) F T . ~ ~ Hopn s Htrot1 (C) • Jolln Wayne w.... ..BIJ Jim arrest ucker. (30) (R) Major Hochstetter sus, MtC&lin" (drama) '52-.iohn Wayne m M0¥1t: "Hydt Part Corntf'' peels .that there I~ an espionage Hiney Olson, Jim Arness. ' (mystery) '40-Gordon Harker, Eric ~erat1on aolng on 1n Stalag 13. m MIVll: ''Tht Bir Strnt" (tom· Portman. 0 @ 00 m N1.111t of tht '•m~ edy) '42-Henry Fonda, Lucille 8111, fl> Acutd1 (C) (90) (R) 'The Emissary. Sam Levene Guests C~arles Boyer and Craig m Ht s.1ct,' Sht Said (C) 10:30 I)~ Cf) Scoob1·Doo (C) Stevens Join ~ene Bury and Susan fE Tile forsrte Sap (R) "A Man 0 @ 00 m Tht Fllnb1Dnes (C) Saint J~mes m a drama of Com· or Property ,. -Mov' • ''l\ h lo · .. (d ) munist intrigue ~ "· • 1111no rama g Dr. luter's. Adventures (C) (30) ail Eatl Noelle a las Once 'SO-Jerome Courtland. "Ride the Wild River.'' A aroup of 11:15 li1J ()) ClneN Sftent•n 0 cm (I)GUMtf t of Ult Jun· men build small one-ind-two-men, 11:3019 ()) Mtl'f Griffin (C) If• CC> wood-and-fiberglass boats and trav-• tU 00 m Jolln111 C.r10n (C) . .. " el down the Grand Canyon on the Movlt : (C) "Hlah Season for to.45 m Movit: (~) Hontychllt (musf· Colorado River. Spin " (drama) '67 -Peter Van cal comedy) SI-Judy Canova, Ed· 0 (i1) (I) G) Tiit Glloat ind Mra. Ei k. dy Foy Jr. Muir (C) (30) (R) "Medium Well Im~ C..V.tt (C) 11:00 I) t8 Cf) W B111btball (C) A· Done." Shirley Booth auests IS a Mnlt: (C) "Elf9hant 5un" (•d· nal 11mes of the American Buket- medium who claims she can rid venture) '59-Bellnda lee, Anna ball Association Playoffs. Gull Cottage of the captain's ahost. G1ylor, Michael Cr1lr. -eiJ Ci1 ~ M . I && I I Dmd F'roat Show (C) (90) ii) Notldtro 34 (C) ~ ~l Sa 1:.i.;1 1!0' .... aue Ill· Th• 111 Vallty (C) (60) 1:00 6 Mowlt: •• 3:lO to Yuma" (west· ball ( ) an Franc1aco at New York. Mtllinr Tlllnp &row (C) (30) em) '57-Glenn Ford, van Heflin, 0 @(l)Q) '-1 It Tottttltr (C) "Questions and Answeri." Felicia Farr. ml F1"t1. Mnlan1 @I) lot lltfftly dt Per11willo (30) 0 0 News (C) • .. .. ll:30 0 @ m a> M triun Bancbtlnd 9:00 1J 9 m CBS F'rldty Movit: ''Tbe &) Adktn ThNtrt: Red Light. (Cj Dlclt Clark ls host Cr1'0ttd Toad" (suspense) '64 _ Geor1e Raft. Vir1ln1a MayQ. · Robert Ryan, Stewart Granier, Na-1:1511 C.m•unltJ Bulletin lotrd (C) B ~ (C) "lllff•lo l ltr' (west· die Gray, Marius Gorint. The pho· 2:00 m AH-Nlpt S1tow: ''SWamp w1. ~~l 44-Joel McCrea, Linda Dir· tostats. which an American news· ter.'' (C) "Ride Loouome.'' ''Tht ' • ., , paper reporter needs to break the Vampire's Coffin." ''Track the Men l!)tMovl) ~~" A,.ann Quest' (ad-blrpst story of his ctreer, would Down." ven ure -.-To m "ea l. I 12:00, I 12:30 I v. g c u c ~ 1:00, It le • Ii ti 11' b 0 T I ' g I 1:15 . 1:30 i n ( i: • • r AFTERNOON DO U Movie: ..... Dul" (mystery) '48-0ennls O'Keefe. @II Tutro F111tlliar ml D111u de la ~••u 30 O T.H.E. Cit (C) "Lisa." Diana Van Der Vlis and Victor Buono guest. m Movie: (C) "From the £art.II to the Moon" (sci·fi) '58 -Joseph Cotten. @ @ Sup« Session Q} V'1111al Cirl (C) DO I)~ Cl) Suptnnan (C) o @ @ m Houston e1t111191oM lntemation1I Coif (C) Comment•· tors Chris Schenkel, Bud Palmer and Keith Jackson will describe the live coverage of five holes In the third and final round of the tourn•· ment. Among the p1rticlpants will be Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Orville Moody, Frank Beard, Lee Trevino and Billy Casper. O Movie: (C) ''The left Hind of God" (dram•) '56-Humphrey Bo· gart, Gene Tierney. I!) Publie Service Fiim (C) @II Rubi :15 I!) International Trade11 (C) :30 B.~ Ci) Jonny .Quest (C) 0 Double Feature (C) ''Cihldr1h, the Tllree-H91ded Monster" (hor· ror) '65--Yosuki N1tsuki. "Tulsa" (western) '49 -Susan Hayward, Robert Preston. U One Step Btyond ID Movie: "Hell's frvt Hou11" (dra· ma) '58--Stephen McNally. THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, MAY 2, 1970 2:00 I Archie Comedy Hour (C) I R1wllldt I l!lc!AC I UCLA Sprlnr Sports • I Spy (C) ( ) Track: Pacific 8 Southern DI· He Slid, Slit Said (C) vision Relays. UCLA defends its DEBUT Why/Kids? Live chll· title 111lnst relay teams from USC, dren's show for aaes three to seven. Cal and Stanford. m Sllverwinrs O Movie: "Kiiier Shirk" (drama) . '56-Roddy McDowell. 4:30 I Cbampionsldp Bowhna (C) Ii) CJ) School D1ys (C) Tft Visual Girl (C) Qj Ci) Double Feature: "Babe Ruthi lonr John Sliver (C) Story" and "Cry of Battle." • Travel the World (C) m See the USA (C) 5:00 0 It's Academic (C) P1sadena. 1(1) Armed Forces Hirllli&hts (C) Santa Monica and Fairf1x High Schools compete. 2:30 0 W1pn Tr1ln (C) m USC Sprin& Footb1ll (C) Tom Kelly will be mikeside when the SC gridironers play an all-out Red and White squad game to ell· max the spring tralnlna session. I CI) firm Show (C) Infinite Horizons (C) Varledades Musicales u I $Plct1L I Hiall Sdlool Debate Championship (C) Debate Teams from Loyola High School and Tift High School debate "Resolved: That Congress Should Prohibit Unllate111I Military Intervention In Foreian Countries." IJ @ (1) ta) ABC's Wide World of Sports (C) The Rebel '400' Stock 3:00 I) The Monkees (C) Car Race is scheduled. ID Movie: "Air Strike" (drama) '55 0 The Avenrers (C) -Richard Denning. m Movie Greats: (C) ''Green fire" I ~ Volee of Aarlculture (C) (romance-adventure) '55 -Stewart oros • Granger, Grace Kelly. Bir Picture (C) ml Cine del Sabado I!) Bitman (C) .G) Sterlin& Theatre (C) ti) DEBUT Why/Kids? @II Cine en 11 Tarde 3:30 I) Penelope Pitstop (C) I m Sports Spectacul111 (C) O Movie: (C) "Ent of Sum1tr1" (adventure) '53 -Jeff Chandler, ml Teatro de las Estrellas Anthony Quinn, Suzan Ball. I 5:30 I) Rod Serlin(s Wonderful World Q}@ Feature Film (C) "A Man of ••• Salvation (C) (R) Alone." Ray Milland, Mary Murphy. D KNBC Newservict (C) Gordon I m Winrs to Adventure (C) Grah1m. NO WAY OUT-Cbarfton Beston pb11 an lntemadonally-renowued ' coaductor, on a USO tour with bk 70-pltte symphony In 1944 Be~ slum, who Is captured by the Gtt· mam la lilt Wortd War II sus- peDR drama .. Counterpoint," on the NBC Saturday Nlaht Movie (May 9) at 9 PM. l G) Stertinr Theatre (C) I!) Gilli11n's lsl1nd (C) 4:00 I) Movie: ''Great Guns" (comedy) Ell) News in Perspective (C) (R) '41-laurel & Hardy. I m Riflemen 12" c....tol 50-14,000 C.P .I. .,....,. I• '-tcl- rww.d oHocl wol••t c• ..... , ~EG. $59.00 SONY Model ST.R.222 'T1le Sotty,STI 222 AM/'M s..r.. lecel.., -COMPLETE s..y. ,.__. • • ........ ,. priu. W1tti ,..., SYSTEM - , •• 2· ...... ...,.. .... .,. • "'" , ...... hll c..,tl .. llf of •c .... ,, • .., ... -4 ..... , .... SAVE $53.50 I ye.r w..,..ty •• traMhton. INl•dot ollod wol••t c... TM ,...tect •100,oo 1t•"9r for • beddhit 1toroo ........ :~. $149.50 TERMS NEW SONY CASSETTE-CORDER JUST IN! 1 NO LOWER PRICE . ANYWHERE! •49so THE SONY TC 18 SOLID STATE AC/DC CASSETTE RECORDER ·..# A recording instrument that works so easily you can operate it with your eyes closed. Snap in a tape cas· sette, press ·3 button and you're ready for business or pleasure. Operated from batteries or built in adapter for household current. The Sony TC 18 comes complete with batteries, remote control dynamic microphone, leather carrying case and personal earphone. Sony quality plus ease of operation are yours with the model TC 18 ... for under $50.00! j fl b d fc Q ti q