HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-06-22 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa7 • . . . . • '?.' •• T -, ,. -.. . . . WOn18n R -;--~ ..:.:... ._.. eseu~ , --_,_ ____ -· ' . .• .. .. After .Sea .. ·Traps . . ~ a.r~u~~~s---S~~~p·-_ Nets BJ ·S•spe.~~ • ' .. Ber in Laguna • In Bnn4ing~n t • • • . . -.· .. I' ~ ---~·--'..:..--• . . ' • '. Young Boys ~N.rt ~ !••! .. •··~ _...., • . . Drown· 1 81 R d d U Resident' ·' . ' Body Found n arco ounts llyAllTllVllR.VINSEL or ... ....,._ '"'"' ,..,, ' . A NewP;ort Beach.man who, had been By JOHN VALTERZA u-••-·~· ·~ -"'V< week· ...... ---II Bellfl Of ._ Dlltr '"" lllfr ~--. ~ u•u ~'llr.& ~1 riwu-••Y, , . ower. The search continued today for ,the end sweep, ~ Beach police Darrell Qroots, 11, Bellflower. body ol 9-year-old Frederick Montoya rounded up tl .-peeled narcoticl often-Robert · Aguirre, 20. 19154 setn talking animatedly in Hawaiian with another ~rty · pest · was found dying Beach outside a Costa Mesa apartment early Sunday, the appar!nt victim bf a murder. of C1ipslrano Beach who apparently den, diadalinC todly that one l1Rll in-·ou5evard, HunUngton Bttoti. drowned with his brother late Saturday volved gunfae and 8 rmuned Police car. Jamet Jotmaon, 33, 205 14th st., llun· in a dirty lagoon at Doheny Beach. · Albert Kamas, ZI of Anaheim·, was . Frederick's Cub Scout broth e r c a p tu rid d bJ otOowa from the ngton. Beach. Lawrence, I, drowned In the brackish deportment'• Special Enl«eement ·Detail ~ Edeny IJpp' 1~ 1:, ~-Mirada. backwater of San Juan Creek while both (SED) about one mUe down Pacific ., boys played late Saturday afternoon. Coat fflclnray from where he struck Kathleen Hu*, 24, BeUOower. The boys' father, Doheny Vohmt'S!r, a pGlioe car. ~~am~ ~hBeach. · Fireman Lawrence Montoya of SG6 Karnu wat -booked on chirps or Cyntbil ~ ac · Camino El Molino, found his youncer pclllll*m·of mwijuana and IUaWl with John Weill 24 tr1:n Beach. aon dead Sunday mornin1 as a nctor a cleadl,. _ Weapon Remmblg from the ~ ~ L cut through 1 sand bar lo allow Ille --~·y •'""' , ~~· wbich SEO • ZI; lranoient. I led br. lo to · 111w--. ...,... _._ Lupe Moreno, 11, West Covina. accumu a 1ne eacape: .a. autboriUel dilCkJ8ed Coday. · Orange County Sberllf'1 lnftlliplon .~ Wendy Cook, 11, Santi Ana. iaid the elder son's body probably ~ Iriveltilltan Aki Katnaa 1111U betn Mictlael.HamJHon. 11, 9342 El Camino ou1 10 ,., unooli«d, beeaule n1 Ille stopi>ed, then IUddenly backed hil car St .. Founllln Valley. murkiness and *ilril In the 1-lnlo the '"* ...i bJ ollloen Arden Token into ..-Y oo charges of being Investigalon •id 111ey ,,_ d«klnc Beown ud ·0. W. Lockbarl ud then ~ wt.... marijuana was being report! that nelgbbm:1 ol. the victim'• ro.raJ off. llDOted wtre: grandmother toot I!'< brothen to Dobony • Pa-.n Beavm dove !0< the -dirt, ' Mike Conley, 19, La Puente. Be•><h, then-lelt-tbem ...._....., ID . wlll1o Loc$lll!'I fired a shot at the Ur05 Cbriltopber Stolle. 11, Long Beach. the lagooo, a constant lrouble IPOI for nl.Kornal' lfl""(ln& !<hlCle In anlltempt -Ph!IHp Leeoete.-11, Lone Beadt ata.tt belch per10DDel. ·.a. halt die ptanr, officers said. Mart Mantano, 11, Buena Park. The muddy bott<xn and dark ,....,. -ot Cbo II naroolicl violalaca eombine to crea~ a dang~r spat for which tncluded 41 juveni)a,. were ar: · children, who frolic In the quiet-water. reoted by SED ·alflcen who .,..,. the A helicopter fnm the El TGro Marine pall: three weeks statbd belches and Air Slalion 1'tlCUe unit ~ an ·muled in a total o1. more Ulan m air teardl Sunday for the nussmt boy (See DROWNING, POie Z_) ___ ~·..,...Bel by_ the l(>edal !oree 1.ow clwda and c:oas111 roe . ..,. main on the harill:lt fer Tuelday . bot hazy ~ llbou1d (Jlftlil In the aflemqon, wjth Iemr>eratures rangillg from • to 15 d-: INSIDE TODAY ~ \VindJ undn 10 rcnot.s Me Jim for tot«kt'nd cruiling, ht "°' for · record breoking~in a lotig distance race lo Tahiti. See boat· ing, Paoe 25. · · · · · · · · · ·--,_.. nec.llli U• ----- • n • ' .... .... hnin • • ,. -' ....... ,1t ................ , ..... c ..... ' ..... '1·111 .... .,,.... .. ., ,_ " --• • ' • -"" .. :It I ·------" •n " " • -. ........... 11 ._. ...... ,,." .......... I was Richard A. P'nmco, 21, of Pico Rivera who wu char1ecl wMh interfering with a police officer when he tried lo enlisl help In taking .... priaonerl from cullocb', affan reported. The adul ......... lnclul!i"i nine perlOIJSJJfro!n the Orange Coast area, .... liiteCI bf charf"' . PoAlliliGn ol. marijuana ot daneerou! drup: . . Dnnp Wood, 21, Santa Clara. Marlt Ralel, II,' eypre.. ~ Janovt~ ,II, Lynwood. • JGlepit Fllrfaro; 11, Cypress. RGoda lfaddlealon, II,. La Habra ... Alhert Kamat, •• , Anaheim Jalto UAUk with a"deadJy weapon). Sanlanio s,.duo, 11, •Covfna. Donny Dellnlyn, 25. Oran ... Bran -· II, Westmlnlter. · · · K~vin ·Youna;1t, WestmiMter. lJ!lllio\ P\l<!d, II._ ~~· Doyle Hannon, II, w"!mlnoier. Dercy ·llotchlda,.11, Lokewoocl. RJchord Irvin, II, 113 Hollywood Sl., Huntinatoo Beach. Jolin Olll, 19. lllOI Sfwlnl'laie St., H ......... Beaeh. • Duny Arttur, II, Anelia. Mlchatl McKinney, ZI, Anaheim . Perry ChrllUan, 2CI, Iowa. RAybw'll Adlml, JI, Ohio. ' N eivport' s Coast Sa.id 'All Clear' From Slick Peril Newpon Beach now has an "all clear" from the threat of oil slick that began l.ut Thrwlday ni&ht and lasted sev'eral days. ~ __ _ ft. U.S. Coast Guard plane.~rlU~osstd the ocean to · three. miies ool Sunday and tbe 'pllot,lichtod no oil. · As it "tumed out .the ooly heavy coo- miitration of the IOO was that that : bit 11:1unday nlcht and blatjiened a 20-1 foot wide strip of beach . frqrn Newport : Pier lo •13th Slreet. • • · Small dnipi of oil came. In in the Balboa area Friday and it was feared there •• more to follow, but there wurl1t much. Some oil was deposited ·on tbe rooks ll t¥ HAl'bor entrance jelly Situn!ay and oome heavy tar wash-, ed in on jhe Corona dtl Mar Main Besch Sunday. But none o( It Wll· particularly I troublesome or required city crews to shovel and tiller the beach as they f had Friday momlns after the first oil intrusion. . ' The IOUl'tt of the oil still WIS un- d<lmnlned tod1y by lhe U.S. Coast Guard. OU , samples were taken for r analysis. Ronald V. Block, 36,, of 105 lllh St.; died ' within momenls after arriving at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital, delpite efforts by a police officer to . revive him with moutMi>t00ulh resuscitation: No immediate determinaUon was made about the precise caUse ol death.- Block, reportedly wealthy, atffered·m iiljury to the left temple but also had a chunk of meat stuek in hiS · throat: according" to Orange County coroner'• deputies. Detectives theorized today that Block was struck _by someone Q\ltlide 1ht residence at 279 . CabriUo St.. but co~ sidered the possibility -admittedly far· fetched -that his death could be ac· cidentaJ._!.. ! . "He could possibly.have been chokln& and struck:his head falllnc down;" ukf Detective Capt. Bob Green .. "We've got a kit of people to question,'' he added. . . Police said Block, a bacheklr. who' was eng~ged to marry .soon, was taken. to tile party by an · acquaintance and seemed . io be enj~ hhnseu in the: group.· · The party included .... a number ·of Hawaiians and ·Block tpOke th e'i r lan~ge. accord.J.N tq inve:stilat«s. One acquiintance whose name wa!. not disclosed ·said ht ·was talking animatedly witb.._~1 party peat• abortly before midnight, possibly arguini. . "~t,. we don't know,1 because they, were speaking Bawa.jiu," Capt, Grem1 upWIJed .loday · ln ye!lllJlton ~ ·the party· broke up at one main point, . with1 most · of 'the1 IU~ all leaving.the apartmel)l ·at the 14me time, shortJy after\ midnight. · Not long' iifierwaid~ Bloc~ was foWd lying in the !ront )'8rd, barely bttatlllnl, aconling to Patrolman Tom Boylan,. who was the Qrpt lliwman .to arrive •It ·I ~" , _..,. ! < \' •• • ' Hi! efforts to revive the .vkUm were fvllle1 however, and Bioct nccumbed llMlrtly afler onivillg ot !he hoopilll. • The body •11 reinoved io the Wellcliff MorlUBfY after Block's mother ud fiance arrived folJowina 'notlflcaUon oC bi s apparent murder. . • • P'UMral oervleos will be held Thunday at J p.m., In Waverly Qaapel, with Rev. Bruce Kun le officlldng and in- \erment will follow a\ F 1 l r b.a v en Memorial Park in Santa Anl. 1 • ~ b' ·~·~· .. MONDAY AFTERNOON, . .JUNE-·22, )910-I • I .. • . ' •• He!ls Pr~pared · '. Herbert ·ff .. Cur~,.71, s;tt.ply ~n;t :w~·)o ·~ ~~~~'. · likes' pncatllinns.-·viith 16adecl gll\llll'f .. l!llSO·aDd. n10l,dJt ~ -as.he 'dtecks the actiOn•al Dajitona Beadt;IFlaJ SUC!J •p~ . mes.urea are liar\lly :~ei!il.lf!!' IJ\ese . days ~dli( -th•" ~·. €iint:, ·. wttere, '\"M'~r .bl!•· aniv~, •• usual-, iJr ~ "*,ldl~ ¥;Ille June'blaljs. '" ' I . ·'· Black :PTA,Merges . ' ATLANTA (UPI)'-· 'Ille N...;.I: Qqrou "' Color<d p...,.. and Teachen meo'I• I lonlallt WJlh t\le pndomlnantl)' "'""' M-1 -Conareu ol PIRllll and T-._ . , r .. \ • I DAil y l'llOT 1 s Needy Must Get ·tawyer .Says Court • • WASHINGTON (UPI) -,,,. .,,....,. 0-rt declar~ J.oday· that stiles must provide indlaent defendants with a 1""ytr at the. prellniinary 1fearina level In all criminal cues. · At the nme time ·in 1 leJl(lr1te decision, the court held that state laws allowing eonvletiOns by juries of Jess. than 12 members are conatitulional Ind lbat defendants may, be ciJmpeDed to oupply the pr-.ition of aljbj wi- in advance of their trial. .... The ruling on the lepl ript of needy defendants ..... _ from .. oppeal by two Alabama Negroes, Their convict.ions were set. aside and the case sent b1ck to st.ale couru for furtbet conaider1Uon ..-die -.,....i rule laid down by die liuprea .Court Ill a divided d-Jllllkle WUUam J. Braman Jr .• in • JnYaUina oplnlilo .,pponed by foor oditr juatcto; IWllllllrlled' "Plainly the IUiJdlDa hand of COUllll!I al the ~ll'y heartoc lo -to in-tact ,die i.ri,..t· -..-.. emmeaui or improper ]ll'alltCUlion." .. • -.. """' 22. 1'70 • CdM €~--ott~· . I • • Red St1P,J!ll Line• ' U.S. Planes Hit . ~. Beyo~d Set Limit; ' SAIGON (UPI)· -U' S. warplJ,,.. have ,begun .. bombil'l& Communist land and river supply lines in C1mbod la beyond the 21.7 mile limit ~t for American lf'9Und forces, I Pentaaon 1pokesman said today1' Jerry W. Frtedhetm, deputy wol@l defense secretary for public affairs, issued 1 Pent11on atatement to follow up an ann~t by Gen. Creishton W. Abrlflll., American commuder in Saip. Friedhelm said the attacks beaan "within the last week" when it became clear the Communists hid moved well beyond the aanct'Utry uni 1ttacked by AJlied forces . • He said 1*1ere was a limit on the dePth of the raids but would not say wtlat it was. ' TM announcement In Seip by an Abrams spokesmu Aid dnly· th1t U.' S. planes would bt used to attacik njw Conimunlst supply . lines deep In Cam· bodia "as required." ptrsoiW:l In South Vietnam." .. Spokesmen in Washinaton said earlier th1t American air strikes' in Cambodia woukl continue after the · June 30 withdrawal 'date. Allied intellil;ence. reports have-said North Vietnainese commanders have eslablished new· supply lines on a system ' or wsterways deeper in Cambodia. TM line connects with the so-called Ho Chi Minh trail in Laos. The supply routes are ' much deeper than~the 21.7 mile limit for American troop penetration and mlliJ.ary sourcu said American aircraft already have been .attackinl the route in northeastern Cam• . bodia. • . Other military sources said today American commanders have accelera~ the withdrawal of U. S. troops from Cambodia, mOving BOO men of the c~ack tst Air Cavalry Division ba~ to SOU:tb Vietnam. Another 10,000 rt~ in Cam· bodia. Prellmlnery bOrinp are ....,lllY bold by 1 judp ar mqiltrato to -.. -• -llllouJd ... bound over io 1 grand jupry for .Indict· LeediJlt lbe Corou del Mar Cliamber of Commerce Ibis year are newly lnatalled officers (from left) Carl Kegley, president; Robert Aston , treasurer, and Stuart Towne, s~ond vice president .. President Nixon hid· tel a 21.7 mile limit on the diJtance Jnside Cambodia American ground forcel would operate bef0re their schedu led withdrawll by June 30 .. The spokesman said continued air strikes iilto Cambodia would b • necessary because the Allied drive into the neighborinc country had ~orced ~­ munist forees to move their supply line• to the ftst, deepei in cambodia. ' # Candy Sa~esmen warring in Mesa A clash between competing door-to- door candy sellers utiliting black youngsters from the Los Angeles .~to Jed to a series of strongarm robber1et and a rar.or 1SS11Jlt reported to Costa ment. . . ' 1be vote WU 5 lo J to Bet aside tbe conVictionl of Henry ColeD'181 and 00s s...._ orBlrmlngh&m who...,, ~to• Ylin in pr lso" on dlarps of ohootlng a couple durin( a Senate Cambodia Talks robbery attempt. • v 1 w k J~:: ~=ceMW~a~· ~ ~ E riding,· . ote in ee. J><rt from the ma)orfty finding. "Justice Potter Stewart dissented completely. r- 'Ibe Jury case involved a Florida law WASHINGTON (AP)' -The lix-weel 1ppM!ed by Johnny Williams who wa1 Senate debate on U.S. policy in C.f!bodi1 .........,. lo life hnprtlonment a/ttt' a la nelring ila end amid s1nJni dillgreeo &ii-member Miami Jury convicted him ment over whether lb ultimltl imp1cl of robbery. He also protested the Florida will be more symbolic than retl. -rule t1Jat requlrll a -dlfeiidant lo ,ive Evtr')' indication 11 that the Cooper· the lta&e tbe MIMI al ablU wttDwel Olurch amendment to rtlbict future the -of -at • fhlJJi>Inery U.S. -la -for apprvvll once prior to hlo trial oblbl In -actlw: die court' ~permit the finll -. pr y -&id a · llato may deoy Jur)' trial -:~u.. Hou" defeats the meuur• to a dlflndant if tbl m11rtmwn -menc.. u.re a widMpread iareement on both tenn for -111 la obi -or lidn that the le!IJllhy Stnate debate Iaa.Rejooled ~ ,.;.. a .......... Will Influence l'r1oidenl Nison If he fHIJ by ~---tt -..ry lo take -atop ouch a ·~ l mayor, 1"uls C. 11 the attack lnlo Clmbodlll. ~WU coo91cWd 111 c:barl'I ·s.n. -J. Dole (R·Kan.), a leadJni -Relmal a beariM lo Carlo Gamlino _..lioo oupporter who btlitvt1 an alloied New York 'Malla 11pro. • baa -ordlnd dapor1od lo Italy -41 ,_. If .-In die u---l)Wn' !d ID appeal by Comedlcut's ---who•ufoond In -ix for , -I'll weJ1an PQWJli to die -If .. Tu,.i11nsate cblJd In -of a court order. In die . indlpit We, the Alabama CGOUta wre «dertd to -.., JI lht -.J,lf ·........C at a~ heartlw" wu. • "harmlea emir" and ~ ... --lilould bt ...... led« a ... trial ordered. Mesa Youth Hurt As Car Hits Bike A Coota Mesa boy sulfered major injurit.s Saturday in a 'traffic collls:ion that fl""i his biey<:le 11 feet from the point of impad, bn!aldng Jt In half. Jerald D. Gladltone, Jf, o( 2174 Placen- tia Ave., waa l\lted: In aalilfaetory con- . dition today 1t Calta Meaa Memorial Hospital where he wu admitted with a fractured pelvis. Police aiid young. Gladstone wall i-iding IOUth on Wilson Street at Wallace Avenue, when he collided with a ca.r driveri by Jane E. Shelden, 33, of 2423 Andover Place, Cosla Mesa. She 'ifas not cited, actOrding lo Pall'OOnan Jolin C. White. DAILY PILOT .....,.,, ...... " ......... .... ~ ..... : ......... ..... C......... S. Cls11111 °OlAJtH CO.UT l"UILl~tNG COMl>ANY 1•9•rl N. We.4 ~'"""'' -1"111111"'91" J1c.k I. C11rl1v Ylrt ~1:..0.1 -"" C.-•I M-..r lhe11111 IC11•il lfii.r t\11111t A. MMt,111111 M ..... lnl lllt., l ith1rtil '· Nill ..... Or ..... (_,, ldl• Offkft C. .. M .. : UI Wu! .. ., ,,,_, ti ...... / .. a.;11, Jtll Wnl ..... , leltlt¥1~ W9llN -...Cll: :m ll'ornt "-...,,....,..... -..ct!: 1'1J'J .. Kii ........ ~ a.11 CJMwM!f' al ...,,II (I ( ........ ll:MI IMILV l'ILOT'. ~ ~ It ,_.,,... lie ........ """ It ........,_. 111111¥ ••tll!ll ....... .. , "' ·-·"' .. " ....... utuM le.;Cft. ,..._, a.tdl. c...tti Mm.a, ...... ....... '-tll -,, ........ "'•""'· ......... ,_ --· dill .... ~ '-' ~""'"" c-v iD'"lftl1"' ,....., ... ., ttn ._, ...... a1¥11 • ~ MKl!I, ... -W.I ..,. Strwl, C.i. -· -,.,.... 17141 , .... !11 ~..._, ~41.un S-Chn file All 1 •• ;1111,,_.1 ,...,.._ 4fl-44H ~. 1"'-O<~ CMll ,,_.,...... °"'"""· .._ -'"'~' lllw" .. ..,., •""""-' """"" ., •~11-t• ....... "''' .. ,...-...c.. •11""" ..... ,.,.. "''"'"" .. """'""' -· . l«o,.. ti• •'• N" •t ,.~ a.-dl .... c. ...... C.11 .. tt•lt, '-·· .... .,. ~ ...... .........,, .., ..... t •••• _,_.,., 1111-.,. 9-!IMt ...... SJ• ,._,ltltf. '\ Brave Lir;tle Boy Dies-But Some Dreams-Relllized DETROIT (AP) -UtUe Will Ca~ell, whoae dream of meeting Prmdent Nixon and other n1tional flguies came true during his nine-mooth fight With cancft', has died at aae I. "He was the bravest little boy that ever lived." said his father, Herbert. Dreith came 1t the C1ldweU home Sund1y. etlklwell, a l!rvice .st.Ilion operator, Aid he decided to mike every day a Christmas for Will when doctors am· putated the boy's right lea Jut October because of bone cancer. . · "I figured that wt would give hbn O\ristmas before Christmas 1ot here. The doctors said Will would be de1d by then. The bravest kid you cookl imagine stretched it out to air -mort months." Will got to meet many. ~Vef'!'O"S, mayors, senators and 1stron1ub. He al.so got to ride a (lant 747 jet ind to go to Disneyland and Enaland, the father said. The Caldwells took Will to lhe While House Nov. 16 to meet President Nildft. ''Mr. Nixon called ua on .. the phone and i.nvited Will to the White HOUie, '" recalled Caldwell. "l don't know how he knew about Will. I'd like to ha.ve t-ad a fit when I Wwtted the phone. I, started crying." C.Jcr...11 said from Jul September, when they learned Will h..t cancer, until his death the boy's .wellht dropped from II lo 40 poundJ ancl ,llhorlly before he died Will aaid be wu very tired. Survivors ~Jude the ~ts: two brothers, Herbert Jr.1 7, Fnb:, 4; and a ti.st«, Sharan I. Briggs Supports Stiff Drug Raps - A,...blyman Jolin V. Brigg• (R-Or· ange and Sin Bernardino Counties), ha1 announced his support of a citizens' group petition which favors maximum penalties for those dealing in drugs. "l am convinced that every means fll>S&ible musL be utilized to educ1te our youna people to the dangers of dru& abuse, and severe penalties. must be imposed on thole who are aelllnc narcoLic.s -to our youlh," Brigs uid when makin& the announcemuit. The petition is direeted to both the Oraiige County District Altorney'1 office and the offices of the county Jud1e1. 11 recommends muimum penaJUes, under ei:isling law, to those pei:aons enaaaed in the illeg1l sale ol nareotic1. It ahto rte0inmeods that those 1rre1ted for drug 11fes in Oranae County ·be bouJlll for trial In Oranre County Superior Cow'\. ~i.atements in debale and amendments reasserting the President's constitutional authority have weakened the original propoaal, ~verthelesa told a reporter, "It's still 1n indic1Uon that Congreu hu-----.ome-definite rt1ponsibilitiea and ,...,. willing lo aNOrt them.'' - Democratic Leider M I k e Manafie1d, I leadJnl "-<.chureh llJPporW, said approval would mean "there will hive been • ei:prtuion ol its feellnc on the port of the Senate •hif:h any.._;- dent will take into considerltion " But the substantive impict of the amendment produced diveraent views. Sen. Jolin Shennan Cooper <R-Ky.), and Frank <llurch (D-Idaho), have made clear they feel their amewtment. while permiUing cert.tin limited tmerlfl>CY steps as hot pursuit into Cambodia. air strikes at Communist sanctuaries there and even In 1ttack lo· forestall an im- minent lnv11ion of South Vietnam, would norm1lly have time to consult w I th without conaressional approval. They were joined by Sen. Robert C. Byr(l CD-W. Va'.), author of an amend- ment whi,ch said the president'i con.. stitutional authority includes protection or American for~ wherever deployed. , In an exchange last. Thursday with Cooper. Byrd said "the president would normally have time to coiisult with Conaress," addinc ,''there can be, however, emerpncy situ1tions where in the president mipt have to take action very, very quickJy wherein there might be the element of time and/or the element of surprise, which might have a bearing upon the suecess of whatever tactical operation might be involved, and when the president might not be able to immediately consult with congrepional leaders. "ParentheticAlly," Byrd added, "I do not think that was the case in the · lnsllnce of April 30. I think lhat some conaressional leaders could have bte1 consulted." . Dole, however, disagreed. "I assume" he said, ."you could do everything und~r the Cooper-Church resolution acepl. take up residence (in Caml>Odia) if you're in uniform." He added he was su~ tile amendment would not bar a repet.i· tion of the April 30 attack without con- Jll'Ollional ·C<lllMlllalioo. l'roM P .. e 1 . ' DROWNING .•• -an effort coordinated with 1 ground and surface search by Sin Clemente llferu1rds and sheriff's deputies. . Fellow volunt.eet firemen also are usislinl the f1ther in the Je&rch. The brothers first were reported miu- ing late Slturtlay after they f1iled to retlrri from the popular bathing ipOt. The bc>ys were last seen al about 5 p.m. On Sunday momin11 a bulldo7.el' punch· ed through the natural sandbar trapping the la1oon water and as tbe water rushtd oul to eea 1 speclltcr saw the Dody of young Llwrence . The lapn was !Jescribed as ei:tremely f\.111 of w1ter after severe hilh tides e1rlier in the week. It is unpilrolled by lifeguards, bul poa;ted u unsafe for entry becallll of the pollution. Spokesmen 1t the be.ch said acOres of yow111tert played in the bnckilh w1ter 'O\ler the weekend. The lagoon's muddy boUom and debris mike ft very danief'ous . One San Clemente lifeguard tod1y uid J)le double drowning probably oc<:urr<d when one bOy ran Into trouble Jn the w1ter ind his brother tried to 11ve him. Funer1l services for young tprence are pendlna 1t Shefftt Mortuat)i Jn Sin Clemente. where the family wn ei:p!Cted to complete dtt1ll1 sometime tod1y. Tht boys iuYI One broiher and two ailters. Huge DynMiite Cache Seized Near Montreal MONTREAL (AP) -Police seized more thin • pounds of dynamite atid arrested six perlOlls Sund1y in the Mon-· trtll suburb Of Laval 111d the Laurentian city of Prevost, 30 miles north of Mon· treal. Police said lhe caches indicated that those arrested were members of the terrorist Front de Liberation Quebecois, which .' seeks an indepenc;lent Quebec through violence. ne terrkiri~t ·-groop his· claimed responsibility for a number of bombings since Jut year, and police uy it was also behind a series o( tm'led holdups in Montreal. "Al 1 result of successful 1ttacU made by U. S. and government of Viet· nun forces qaiml the base nncl\lfJ'les along the border between Cambodia ind South Vietnam, the enemy's. llnes of &uJ>P.IY and commun ic1tlons hive been disl'Upted Ind he is now attemptina to expand them into areas fart~er west in Cambodia," the statement said. "As has been previously 1tated, air interdiction will be pursued as appropri· ·ate against enemy troops or materiel which could tlv'eaten American and other frte-wor:'kl liv•-ln South Vietnam. We • ytill not, of course, discuss specific rules of ~gement e1cept to state th1t ttreir · interdictioo will continue 11 required in order to protect the lives of mllllary Mesa polici' over the weekend. . One tJ.year-okt bO} told investiaatorl he was threatened with a straight razor and-forced tO hand over $20 to the manaaer of. a competin& candy salea team . . Richard R~ Kearse told pohce the lncidenl occUrred, in the 500 block ot West 19th Street, while Ronald L. Scott, also 13, said he was forced to hand over his tl3-at Tustin Avenue and Walnut SJ«<!. -• Uo--• lnvestigators said they ques 1-.. I competing coi:npany's manaa:er, but be was released Pendin1 further developments in the case. ' I FINE HOME FURNISHINGS e ll'ITERIOR DESIGN • Simmons' 100th Anniversary Specials SPECIAL AT ALL T1IRfE J. H. BIGGAR STORES Now you can buy the btsl at a dreom price. Twin ·or full for only $119.90. You 'l l slHp beoutifully on tkii. extra·keovy comforttx·cushioned maftress ••. for years to come be~ cause of on exclusive and special Simmons 'desiQn tkat prevents sagging edges."' c'O ;;;5 with the unique San i-Seal cover, chemicolly treated to guard against odor, mildew, boc- te rio. The mattress features Simmon's famous Adjusto-Rest, With special innerspring niu1tf. coil construction for added support a.nd longer life. ' Simmons-Makers of the famous Beautyrest TWIN OR FULL SIZE mattreu & box spring ...•. , ...•.....•. : .•• ,, ...... $119.90 --QUEEN-SIZE matlreu & box spring .....•••. ,,, .. ,,,, ....... , ..... ,,,, .$169.95 KING-Sin matlreu & box 'spring (Shown), ............ ,, .. , ..••.•.. ,, ... $249.95 • PASADINA' POMONA SANTA ANA -Main at Elewen.th 547· 1621 -Santa Ana Store 0,... Monday henlnv1 • ' I I I •• - I . " .. hi le In [, It fa pl ll I b c f h ti h d • p • b I I ' I , I i . . --~-· --. ·--- -- .. • ' --T ... y'• Flaal L N.Y. Steek.8 4"--Voe. 63, NO. "148, l SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ,. MONDAY, JUNE 22, '1970 ·JEN CENTS ' .. . . Mayor Heads .f 'Wil,d . ·Life' • ID Australia By &LAN DIRKIN CM .. a.ifJ Plllf ltMf . Mayor Donald Ship1ey b for the birds. He's also for the bees, fish, insects and all other . life forms. Wil~life is his bac. . · ,, Ript now lhe HunUngt.oo Beach civic leader is packing his baca tor a vacation in Australia. He .wW leave Tue.lday from Lo,, Angeks Harbor on· tM' 40;000-k>n British Uner--Orwva and will be iWay for nearly lwo months. "If you're interested in blolo&Y, you plan all your life 'to go to Australia," the 56-year"!ld blologyl!rof~ a& Cal State. Long Beach said. "Species !her< are found nowhert"elle In the world." · As mayor or Huntington Beach -It's tiis third term -Sftipley also will visit the city governments in Austra11a, in· speet, tbeii parks 'and open 1f!1tCf: pro- grams and the libraries. -The ·mayor was a major• force in jetting HWltlnlf.On Beach's extensl\'e ·pna pnigri\n-lailnched.la~ year. Shipley bJs .inVit.ations to visit 'the" town halls of Sydney and Canberra but he also plans, to watch the ~ils of Adelaide, Brisbane Jud Perth In .. ac· Uoti, ... I All told, he hopes to ;-,pend 1 month in Amtralia, spending the rest of • his vacation on the cruise, stopping at itawall, American Samoa, Fiji and New 1.ealand. ' Have ~. will· tr11tvel tial' long wen the motto of the mayor.~ · Previous overseas eipeditions h a V e taken him all over Elirope except Roinania, Finland, Bulglr1a 'l!nd Albani•. He has ' YliMtd EW-ope ·five Uinb and once went on a bus trip from Poland' to Moscow. . ~ ' He has· toured 'North Africa, all · of North Ar.nerlca, inclodlag Canada-nd ~- Jn a scene r.erniniscent of~ wars. since wars began. Cambodian refugees, carrying their belongings, flee Kompong Speu. Communist and allied forces were · still battling for the lo\vn t9day. Jt lies 25 miles southwest of the Cambodian capital oI Phnom Penh. See story, page 3. ' Officers Probe . Shooting Death Of Family Dog Deputies from the Or4fllt Cotmty Sheriff'-s-Departffient 'Ire lnveatigating the shooting of a family pitt in Sunset Beach. The one-year-old Labrador-We imaraner was killed June 14, but todS¥ the family or Dr. Robert ~Soules, ,1-Bay View Drive, Sll11set Beach, i~ ·1 plea for witnesses to -Ule-ahootillg to ~notify ·the sheriff's deparlmefll. .. ~ • • · , · · "Shad was pl1ylul, never growled, or barked and we can't understand~ how anyone could kill ~ a _blrynless ptJ,',' Dr. Soules said: The dog was. found paralyud In 1 vacant lot off .Bayview J>rlVt, a .21 caliber bullet In his neck. Jfe •• tUen to a Huntington Harbour veterinarian wher< he had to be kilkd, llO!d polic<. Investigation ol the-!hoOtirtC has failtd to tum up any witnesses, according to sheriff's depUties. "The ®I was still a pup, and harmless," said Mrs. Soule!. Black PT A Merges ATLANTA (UPI) -The Nallooal Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers merges tooight with the predominantly white National Congress of Parents and Teachers. Huntington 'Spacemen' -----------·- 1 n Second Week of Test .lour C'feWJ11en wbo today entered their seCond week of a 90<lay space sim- ulation test at McDonnell Douglas Astro- nautics Corpotatiori, Huntinflon Beach, are '.'doing a great job."' That wls tbe"ol>Servatioil -of Dr. Karl Pot Destruction <;ampaig~ Slated WASHINGTON (AP) -The federal ge9erreenl hu announced a program to wipe ·out" wild marij..., during lhe C111rmit sn:>wing season. before traf· Ucters in qie weed can harvut it. Atty. Gen. J(iin, N. Mitchell said Sun- day the Justice Department would seek voluntary \cooperation from land owners and agricultural ora:aniiations. Marijuana grows wild in parts ol the nation, particularly the Midwest. The problem ·date& back .to worki , War 11 when the pllnt was cultivated 1s 1 substitute for manila hemp. Hougbtoo1 head of a team or physicians Ind scie'nli.sls in the observation of the four men who ar~ engaged in an extend- ed experiment of 'life-support systems . ' which may ultimately be used in outer space. He said that John G. Hall. 25; Stephen G. Dennis, 22; Wiison ·Wong, 23, and Terry Donlon, 31. are in good physical cO'ndition, sleeping nonnally ·and eating well. The report on tbe-lirst . week of the ex· perimeot. also ,contains a notation that two al the crewmen-in a complete 'teveral ol current men's hair fashions · -have shaved the.Ir heads. ' Wong and DonloA decided to do this to ease the task of attaching electrodes lo their heads for brain wave readl ngs durina: s'teP periods. France, Spain Meet MADRID (UPI ) -Spain and France drew up a military cooper ation treaty today amid indications from Secretary or Defense Melvin R. Laird an agree- ment to extend leases of U.S. bises in this country was imminent. . every stale In lhl uaion, and northern n1tlonl In South AmericJ. · "I 'like to IO by ~ whentver ·1 can," be .ad. 0Tbe best ....,.. lo pt the feel of a city ii to come in,-·by Ma."~ • ·: In Allllrllla, Shlj)ley will ·Audy the li>anupiU, poucl¥ mllllmlla me the kuproo 11111 dllelc blD plllypul thll are lndlpooas lo Aullrllla. . . "'lile bird life II -fuct•1llog la Aultrllla,'' he aplllMd. '"There are mono plriots Ulm -l10 speciel - than anyftere elie In.the world." · A r....er mtrlne bio .. !he m•Y'!" . ' 1i1o pllm to ,.. the Great Barrier Reel, "!he llrpll aanl lormltlon in the world~ OD the Mil cOul, HJPll&hla of bll HCllian wlll be a. fivHl1 paddle boll lrtp vp the Murr1y Ilinr ..... -11111 .• lhne<lay lnnlociatinonta -ride lo Perth, pios: ... tbrou&b the -and"aulbld<. "Pri bu • fine clima&a,!' be aaid. '"llley pl . • Indies 'al . "in -- llma u much u .... pl_ here -and .they ... • bla11111111, clan modem 'city."' Mayor Sbfple,'1 • lnlenlt In wildlife .... blck lNc befai'e !he prelHI con- -, . servation -movement. His doc:loral lhesis lroni Carnell In 1953 was based on ·11A Study. ol the Conlerv11ion Philooapbies and . Con· lribullons of Some Impa111Dt c-rv1· tioti' Leaders.,, "'nle aa1y thing !hit warr1ea me - lhe curreqt en¥irorJneotal ~vemmt ii that II DJ&Y not lall," Shipley eom- mented. "We clllllOI let It beCame jull a onHhot deal" · Durlq the mayol's 1boence 11111"< ·pro-.tem-.-JeJTY ·Matney will t1h over as civic leader. , - 3rd Narco Sweep Huntington Raid Neis 81 Sltspects Making their third ·con&eeutive week- end sweep, HunUn"°" Beach Police rounded up 81 suspected narcotics offen- ders, disclosing today that one atTest in~ volved gunfire and a rammed police car. Albert Karnas , 28 of Anaheim, ·Was c a pt u r ed d by officers from the department's Special Enforcement Detail (SEO) about one mile down Pacific Coast Highway from where he struck a _police car. Karnas was booked on charges of possession or marijuana and assault with Valley Woman ' 'Rescued. From· Pouhdittg Surf · A Fount.ain Valley woman Was J'Cicued , from the rock.s at the base of a Laguna Beach cliff Sat4.r4ay evening after lhe was ~apped by 1rlsing tides and hea¥f surf while fishing at Abalone Point. Laguna Beach lifeguards iden tified the rescu.ed. \\'OITI "n DS M·rs. _sher r i 11 ~1Anko\vn. 22 of 1;344 Sa11 Luis St. Li fe~a rd$ sai.fl~t11aLdue to fading' -Jighf:maffie rugged terrain, police · and fire rescue units were havin« difficulty finding a means of hoisting lhe tripped wo r:nan safely up the cliff. •Lifeguard.. swam from the, beach at El Morro Trailer Park to the rocks v,:here Pt1rs. Mankowa was. stranded. ·An Orange Coupty Harbor-Department boat stood by off the rocks. Lifeguards Jim Herdman and Mike Contino. climbed up on the rocks between sets of crashing waves. Gontino tied a buoy around Mrs. Mankowa and handed her down on the rocks lo Herdman below. lierdman re-entered the water and flirs. Mankowa jumped in also, lifeguards said ._ Herdman -tllcn to Wed hCr to the boat y,•hich transported her to the Newport Harbor. Earlie'I" Saturday evening the two guarfds had rolled the emergency truck to Victoria Beach after a call that a swimmer was hav ing trouble making it to shore against a rip tide. Kent State Resumes Classes Under Guard KENT, Ohio (UPI) -·students return· · ed. lo classes at Kent State-University today for the first time since May 4 when four students were killed by Ohio National Guard bullets. The summer "quarter started under the gaU of a seemingly omriipi-esent security force. The cost of extra secudty since the killings was estimated at !110re than '252.000 by campus security director Chester Williams. a deadly,. wea-pon stemming from the Thunday night iipient, which SEO authorities, disclosed today. lnvesllgators uid Karnas hid been stopped, then suddenly· backed hil car into the unit use.d by offl~ Arden Beavers and O. w. ~khart _and then roare<11 off, , , Patrolman Beavers dove for the dirt, while Lockhart fired a shot at the Ure.s of Kamas' 1~ing vehlcle_in an 1t~mpt to halt the getaway, ofHcera ~d. · Most of the II nan:otics violators, ' which included · 41 juveniles, were Ir· rested by SEO otncen; who over the paJI three w.eks llalked -· and hauled in a· total of more than 220 persons. . . Also arrested by the apecill force was Richard A. Fra:cnco, 21, of Pico Rivera who was charged' with · intefrering with a police officer 'When he tried to enllsi help in taking two prt.>ners from custody, officers reported. ' The adult arrestees, including nine '(See ROIJNDUP, hp I) Huntington Colllslon Funeral Rites Slated For Two Crash ViCti:ms l • f • ' ' • Funelal sekice~ '!Or two victim• of an autbmt'lbfle cOlll1Jon w~ich claimed three lives at a Huntlnj:ton Beach in- lereecllon last Thursday are sctieduled I . ' < Newport-Backs Laws to CoJJtrol 'Marginal' Well~ By THOMAS FORTIJNE 01 1119 D•llY 1'1191 Stiff Legislation to prevent owners of margiqal oil , wells' •fr:>"! tying up developable land' Is being supported by the City Council of Newport Beach and may have lhe backing soon .of Huntington Beach councilmen as well. The proposed legislation is of particular Interest to Huntington Beach which h~s a downtown area that Is ¥1rtually a holding zone because of unrelinquished oil interests. A hearing before the judicial· com· mlttee of the state Senate is to be held in Sacramento Tuesday. NeWport Beach. City C o u n c 11 m 1 n Lindsley Parsons wu present to testify when the , hearing was first scheduled last week but consideration ot Go~v. · Reagan's budget forced post-men!. · Two bills are under consid•ation; numbers 'tee and t87, spansored by George Deukmejlan (ft.Long Beach). The biUs we:re written throu1h _efforts ~r a League ·ot C•llfomla Cjtles ad hoc committee or whi.ch Par9Clll Js a member. The bills call for term~n of. subsurface oil Jea1es when on extraction is 'not profitable en<Mq:h to a' least pay for the. PfOperty taz aueued 11ainst the.owner or the land. for Tuesday .and Wedrfesday at Dlldly's Chapel, HwtUnit!>JI Beach. The · third pel'IOll tO die !rt the c!l'ash, Jamil! S. M~in, 21, ·of 2I05 Jacanmda AVe., Costa Mesa, Wis tiuried •ter private · serVices Saturd.,-at 6ood Sheiihenl Cemetery,. H~ Bolch. S..Vkn for Everett Freedle, 22, o! 5iQ Chinook Driye, HuntlJ!llon Beach, have been scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Tues- day at St. Luke's Lutheran Olurch, Hun· 11"""'1 Beach, With lllterment to follow at Good ShePherd Cemetery. Freedle, who was identified by police as the driVer ·of one of the vehicles, is su'rvived by his mother; Mrs. Dorothy Clark:, Huntington Beach, and his wife, Marilyg. Miss Donna Sargent. 20, ol 9831 Con· Unental Drive. Huntington Beach, a passeager in tJie car which repoi'tedly ran a stop sigw at the busy Talbert Avenue and Gothard Street ln'lertection artd struck Freedle~s car, will be buried' We<J~ay ,at Good Shepherd Cemetery. Her fUtlj!:rat servic.e Is scheduled for IO a.m. Wednesday at pilday's Cha]!:.CI. ~ The survivors include her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Sargent, Huntington Beach ; two br<ithers, Doll ud David, and one sister, Mrs. Margo Vorhees. Jiogers Meets Soviet , W.ASIBNGTON CUP!) .! Secretary of St.ale William P, Rogers met. for an hour during the weekend with Soviet Ambassador· Analoly F. Dobrynin for talks belie~ccncern a. U.S. dedston lo sell more warplanes to Israel · Oraage Cea1t Crash Victim Tells of-Ditch Ordeal As Councilman Parsons put it, the value of some land has iccreased a Jnmdredfold Since the oil . rights were Ji!ranted aod some oil right owners are "blackmailing" t~ land owner, hangina: on while the land value 1oes up. Huntington Beach city spakesman Bill Reed aakt. "Oil pumpers have turned from oil prodUcers in many ca111 lo land specu l11tors." 1---"'.._clouda ' and coa1t11 IOI _re-_ main on the horizon for Tueld1y but hazy sunshine should prevail ln the afternoon, with temper1tures ranging from ao (o ".de.,..es. From his:holpilal bed, 1 driver today told of his lhree-&our ordeal after his car ran 50 feet olt the San Diep Freeway In Fountain Valley and left him lying semt-paraJyzei:l 'In a culvert. Unable to walk or .craw~ Gary . Pal-. lerson, 37, lay ori bis ba ck and pushed himself with his feet out of 1 live-foot. deep cement-lined' aqueduct and then rolled the 50 feet back to the freeway where his limp body was spotted by pantna motorists. "One of three women who stopped said she thought that it was just a bundle of raa:s lylna by the freeway," PaUtrlOD Hid. -~ • Pattt:rson, who works as 1n II>' plkations engineer at Hughes Aircraft Compony, Newport Beach, WU listed in satisfactory condition today at Hun- tincton lntert"Otnmunity Hospital. Of.ficials said ht had a frad.ured pelvis bone. Patterson's Voibwagen ran off the freeway at about 11 pm. Thursday night, 200 feet north of the Talbert Avenue overcrosstng in Fountatn V1ltty. The California Highway Pall'OI received 1 call nn the accident; but the In· vest111lh11 officer cou'kt not find Pat- terson or his car. They were both In the aqueduct, 50 feet from the road. -"" • • Patterson was tn an l n s I d e lane, heading north to his home at 13204 SuUon St., Cerritos, when the accident occurred. "A car pulled in. front of me 11ld 1 swerved and tut tOC curb,·• Patterson_ recalled. • "l don:t remember what happened-next -whether the car overturned, or rolled down the embankment W' what. When I came to, 1 found myself In the aqeduct with tM-car also in the ditch 1bout 30 feet away. "My first thought was to aet out ol lhert. f stood up but puled out from the pain r felt In my chest 1nd Dack. 1 tried to cr"wl but coWdo'L - the pai'11 was too much," Patterson ctin- linued. · +IJ turned on my ·back 'and pushed "ilh my feet and sklwly manqed to aet out or that ditch. It seemed like It tooll: houra." Once out of the culvert, Patterson rolled back to the freeway. 111 just helded lowlfd !he llchU." ' He pt io the side of the freeway and was spotted by motor11u at 2:10 .a.m. Patterson does not know wl\en he will be Ible to 1 .. ve the holpllal · but he is making pror-e11. "I man•pd to walk a few 1teps this mornb11," be u ld. l· The problem Is Utt landowner can't obtain a I01n to build on the property until he owns the SUbsurf•ce rights: Herb D1y, HunUnitoo BOich dty oil field tuperintendent, Aid: • "We have mariy leues 1round here where lhe royalties received ire not equal to the tax on the property. I C"OUldn't even guess how manr. I can think of hair a dozen off hand." . -Ht slid there Is one flve--acre parctl that ,,.OOucet three barre~ of oil per day and the oil rJght owner want.I $.10.000 to get olJ ... Another 40-•cre property haa five wells that prodUce 12 bemls a (See OIL BIWI, Pip I) ' t· INSIDE TODi\Y \Vinds under 10 knoll nrr: /h1r: • for weeke-nd cruising. bvt Mt Jo-r TfCOTd breakino in a long di.stance race to Tahiti. See boat- ing, PQll.1 25, -• -·-• -n -• ..._. ' -" _ .. ' _,_ .. -.. ~ .. __ • ~ " -tl•H -• --.. .. _ ...... • Te...i.• " ........ ,.'" • -" '""""""""' " -• "-.... --~ -" --, .. ., _.__. " --.•I ·-• .. .j -------. --·----- - ..... . .. . . : : ' . ~: ' . Maiiw;.3 , ·Others .Hurt " . --A: ttPo<ar collision early Sunday neat er..,. COOnty -Aitpart · ll>ok t11e--m• .. ' . M-,Juoo?f.1'7o of a Marine sergeant from Santa Ana and seriously injured thr~e other persons, incl~inl hla wife. Slaff Sit-Richard E. Johnson, . 31, .. ;· of 1393¥1 Wake Ave .. Santa AM , was ' dead on arrival •t Costa Meia Memori_!} .., Hosp~ •• wtte!'8;tht '!!iui'ed victlmit·W~re • i ~ a1so1tU!n.~' -----. • ... Mtt. Laurie Johnson, 27, was driving the*touple's car when it collided with • r the tecabd vehide_at Jted_ Hill Avenue ·-_, t lind lib• Stred,~ l~e Costa~Mfla •• ' llm, ... _ .. •• .. city ""'· ~ -· Mn. ·Johnsm suffered ~major tnjuri~, u ·did the .other motorist ~od . h11 .. ..... -DR,•but' all 'were1 in aatis!aclorY ~·:·-.--..... to hoq>ital • -... --· ... .,,.,...... . officiall. • • • -• I , < • Police Identified the . other mOtilrisl u Walter R. ·Andrlon,·31·, of 62tl2 Sequoia DriVe, Weitmlnltir and said -h i 9 ~ ·wu ·Gordon · H. Phelps, st, Of Looi Bead>. . • . . • s,t. J«mion was stationed 1t E1 Toro Mlrin• Corps Air Station, . 1ccordinl to investlgat.On. . CircUmst1nees MlmW!d1ng ~ fatal accldeiit · were being probed tciday to determine who wu at f1ult, police utd. Wrapping the Earth . . . . ~ .. -..,-. I ) ,; .. •' Fro• P,,.e l ROUNDUP.·.· .~, - Farm bands, taking care not to get wrapped up in their work, lay giant: plast:ic: cover over tomato field on inland side of Pacific Coast Highway near Laguna's El Morro School. Purpose of the work on truck farm between Corona det· Mar and Laguna. Beach is to fumi. gate the tomato patch. ~from the.-Oran&• Cout .,. .. .,.. lilted by c!wp:.. • . . . . From p .. .., J OIL BILLS APPROVED ••• P-•· of marljuana or dlnpnlUI drugs:. ; ··::· -. :"J1"" ~~.~Claro. d~y fiid the oil right owner i• ,..kini StepbftJ Jonovic_i , -II, Lynwood. 1 for $.100,000. Jdlepb. Flirfaro; 11, Cypress. · At Parion's.urging, the NewpQrt Beach Ronda Huddleston. 18, La Habra. Ciiy Council. adopted a resolution au,.. Altieit JWnu, 111; ;Anaheim · (al!o r IDIUlt With a· deadly "Weapon). · · porting the .bills. Day has recommended ·5aDWii0"SpadlN,~11,'CoVina. -·· · · the Huntington Beach council do the . . "betfruYR;:ts. 'Oiahie. -:. ·~.. iime .. Clt_·y .Ati«ney Don BM!a. curfent1y =HBDIOll, 11;·Weitmlniter.' · ~ .. ~ying 'the Deukmejian biljs and Kevin Young, 19, Westminater. Reed· said he believes the council will Dlniei Dodd, 18, Westmlnotor. to -• •-·•• xt ·Doyle Hannim •. 19,¥\festminlt.er. be as~ed.. ~one tu~111 at 1..., ne lle~~·~;L!l<ewood .. _, •• , .•• '!'ee?ng.~ o!,. .•t . Rlchrt~.1Ji .. l.63.___B:cllyw'Pl;1""·,• : , ~,city Newport Beach's 1n eresl Hufttingt.ori Belch. . ln the legislation is not too great. It John Gill, 19. 11702 Springdale St., owna a 2'11..acre former water .well site Huntlnlton Bead!-• · •·• -· ;"'~.~tf:'~!jfd ;ii i ..•. ; Piir}' chrfltion, 10:1owa. · · • · died · CalJJron RaybUrn Adams, 21, Ohio. ' , _,, ~eo:i· )B.~::t'''" S¢ · SI ted · Domll · -.'It. .-'"!;" •. ~ i·vtces· a ·. · B<ilii-\ '-Aguhe\ · IO; . 191M llUch .. · · • ' lloul .. ri. Hlintington Biach. ' rU..nl ;.rioli:es will be held Tuesday James· Johnlon, 33, 208 -i4th st.; Hun· tor the wife of Samuel A. cameron, .... .;. Beach: -•-· · .-Puente ~-• · m•nqef of the Long Beach Foy'Eden; IS, -. ...~- !WldfLlppinColt; 11, La Mirad1:. newffe!iero; .-died Soblrday al her ~IOen.Hunter, 21;l!ellflower. home •. RabOrt Bubam, ~. Jpngl!each. · Besides her hus~and, Mrs: Mildred · Vlay, 21, Long Beech. · Ar.. Oameron .. · 56, leavl!S relatives ln a Carwee, Long Beach . .' Weiss, 24; tiandenl · · · Orange Coast Ccmmunities. Kenneth stnaer, 22, translenl · Oiangt Coi,i complUnities. 'Lupe MOft:rio', i~. Will Covina. . Rites for ,Mrs. ~;:imeron , who was ac· Wendy c:oot,, 19, Santi Ana . live In a number ol Long Beach organi- Michiel ·:H:Unillon, 11, 9342 El Camino zatlons, will be at 10 a.m. in Our Savior st.,',Fo-in~ifl. V~eY,. '.· . · · · . Luth,eran Church, ~70 Junipero Ave., Long Taken lnto custody on charges of be.Ing Jk:JCh . . . . present where marijuana was being She !~aves her father, Julius E. Linde, in Huntington Beach that · lied up bY oil rijtlta, and that is all. But Parsons is working on the~·t·dgiie of Cities committee because the city dais have an interest that will be the subject of seetind ph ase proposed legisla- tion. The cOrnmittee wiU next study the problem. of_ forci ng unitiuilion of oil fields, Parsons said. This means the oil for an entire field is slant drilled from one central site. That drilling site can be screened or requi red to be underground so devel~ ment can proceed arou.nd it. The city of Newport has the 6QO.acre Banning property on the west end that it would like to aMex and bring into residential use. Oil rights are owned by G. E, Kidane and Company which has 150 wells on the property. Panons,said it is not generally known that, there 111, centralized oil drillin1 On the '°°1 Century Fox lot, at Hillcrest Country Club and behind building facadet at several sites in downtown Los Angeles. He said the unltization ·legislation pro- bably will take some time to draft. The committee spent ts months on the unproductive oil lease blllJ now authored by ~ukmejian. Reed gave the countering argument of the oil lease owners -that the hn~o_wm!r was happy enough to get their income when the leases were granted in the 20's and that now they need a large rettirn because of the costs of abandonment (there is a legal procedure and wells must be sealed). Reed said that when most of the leases were · signed in the early 20's Huntington Beach wasn't much more ~tlwrfarmland9 and IWlmp. -oked we.re · --~Ot~..-..-...W..Mar; .an al&ll~ Mrs. Arne _,Mute Conlef, 11, LtJ,J!uente. :" ·::-;-·" ~ih[~~;,_'E;ftg' .. Beach, !iSters· Mrs. Christopher S~.JIJ ~g ~· Thomas Crosby, of Long Beac~. Mrs...... .._ Phillip Leeceoe,)jS,7-·Buch,.' Mu Boyer J_r.~ of San 'Pedro. Mrs. . G . db d Boxes Mori Magiono, 180 Buena Part' William Wes(ty.-of Huntingtoo Beacp, :_qr_ oar · -• • Mrs. Frank C ... Hoyt, of Colli. ~ • ~ ~ '... • :· ... •• : ...... Alex, ol SOraloga, and a ·d·~·· 0 s'•r.~. s rk Nixon:s ~iB~on :µpe· ~!~h.Gregory 1.aW.... o1 :.Manhauan . fl . r,vCJe pa On ·~w.~~·. V!>~e Age . • , . 'Hoiise Warming' wASlii11Q~l>.-'.Pres~Nfic-: Cyclist Struck .· · an is 11pe<:ted .1o ,announce a decisiop , • • • this,.. llll.legilllUoo.to extend YD.Ilni John F. Gr'aham wishes he had never heard ol cardboard boxes. rilbll .~lll'yeaMlclsr • · A b!Jl:Carry!Ag thf "pl"Ovl.slon to ·Jower the votbag 1ge fron'i 21 ~ltar!d Cooaress last Wfd1esday. By Officer's ca~· ' .... While moving into his new Huntington Beach house Saturday afternoon, he tern· . pci.:arily placed a stack of them on A 4()..year~d biCyclist was hoepiWiled the stove, this morning When ·he waa strud by a · It was a inove that cost htin $16,000. DAILY PILOT Hichway Pa~I vehicle and pjtchi!d .into The boxes were ignited and the flames ..... a busy Huntington.B~b intfl'9eClien. spread rapldly'U'lrough the house, gutting :-:-;Walter ~JY~, 17551 San. Jloque the ltitchen, living room and dining room c~1 co.11sT.'u1L 1•~111G COM~"-'!.".· . :;=1=~~c:~~: ~~ and:Caus.ifig extensive heat and smoke • :;. Roiert N. Wied , , -. -"\.;tilt... ';Arm iod leg ·bJ·doctors at damqe throughout the building . .. , Prn1c1'"1 •11t1 1"110.,.~... "'"' ~ ~~ •••• 8,,..,..,,;;._ ,· ... .;__-unit!.'. Hospilal Firemen were summoned to the blaze J•tk R. Cu1!1v ' ,_ .. .....,...._. -"'""""' v , • · t "'"I Edgemont Otiv at 3·42 pm Yi.""9lltlt!'••""""'"""'"1 M4....;,.~ .. • Tbe ,acrt...,•~aboutlO:JOa .m.·-a -e · · · -ThtMll Ket•il • .. L a1 the bnedliCtllll, . al s.prittgdale Street and douled the blaze within 11 milutes, -· "''.,,~ . , .. aDIL:Wltlllf'.~~vtaue:. Driver of the CHP investigator• teported . 1ftort1ii ;... M urp~;"' • : ~ ·: Yehlelt '.wU ... Offic!tr E. L. Win~, 29. ' Graham eecaped uahurt . ., M l l'llQl"ll Eo.fW ·~ ·:-·:-.J: , , • ~ ·:-~:§:~~!:.::'"· ~-~--~·: .. Dov .Loses "Fi .. _h1 ·=lt•INfl" IHocll Office , ~ 8 :: 11175 leach le11le•11cl Cancer Takes Life at Age 6 l•,_.. tftdl: m Forni .11-ue, Manlflt Atld ren1 P.O. l olf 790, 9l 641 ·:. OtHr Offk.. , Cate M_, J3D Wut t11 Strttt ....... I ttJdl: 2111 W•I l•!tlCll l~l .... 1'111 k11 Cllmerlte: al Ntt!ll El Ct ml,_ ll:NI • DETROIT (AP ) -LitUe Will Caldwell, whose dream of meeting President Nixon ·Ind other national figures came true .: ... A, .. d4ring.,hii nlne:mof!tb fight with c~ncer, ': ha5 died at age e. . .. C&.ll'!:Ptlor, .:111 ~ • e.om~1""11 ,... -"He'was the bravest little .boy. lhJ1l N ........ -. II llfflWI<• 1111v O clfll $~ .. ··~ ' .,. ••v ·• ..,,,,,.., "'u'-,.,.. 1.1i110M ••"'· ever lived," said hil lather, Hetbert-. :!.~1N1·~:;:1e~~J:u.~1~~19M::i::i:" ; 'Death···Catne at ·the Caldwell home , .. ..., e11111o .... °'""''' '°'" 11..e:11~i11t • Sunday • C..,.,.... prlftll"t ~!11111 ltl If 271-1 W'1! • • , 111111::.11 .... H"PO'' 1ut11, ••·• uo ,W••• : Caldwell. a service staY<tn ;·operator, .. , -..,..i, '"" Mtt•. L ·d h d "ded .... make .v .. ..., d•" t.te•••• 11141 642·4Jll sai . ,e eci ..,. ~· .. v-.,, ...,, ,,.. w ... 1 .... r c.ii 141.1121 ,. a Chr1st.m~s for, ~II when Cloctors am· c._... ''"""""' 641•1611 putaled ltie boys righ t tea lut c;>ctober = 1'1'1. o•••K1t c~lu .. .,.11,111111 because o~ bone cancer. . "." • ""' ,, .... ·11 .. .,., 111 .. ".-.•1 l•t •figured that we would &1¥t1 hun Id Mf'W -lier or l.clv..-flu<"-..!1 lltl'tll'I • 1.-f c•M••-t 0 • MY • ...,.11eu1 wnllt<lt ''*111 11tr· ·Chrutmas ~ore u1 ....... ual 10 1ic;te. 11 *"'""' ··"'.wr· The doctors said Will would be dead .... "''-" N lf •1 NtweiOrl •••th h T"· br ' kid Id t1llf0"1!1, ~·111ti..i ev by t en. •~. aves~ )'.QU cou .t:f,i""'_:;,~ ~r: ~ *1elchlcl ii ou1 .IO • .111...mor:e months." • Will got to meet many eovernors, mayon, senator1 and astronauts. He also got to ride a giant 747 jet and to go to Disneyland and England, Lhe father said .. -~ ·- The Caldwclls took Will to the White , House Nov. 16 to meet Presiden\ Nixon. ' "Mr1 Nixon called US on· the phone i nd invited 'will to the While-llouSe," ~111lled , Caldwell. "I don.,t know how he kn.ew about Will. I'd like to have ~~-a fit when I an!'P!red the phone. I atar.ted crying." Caldwell .. Id from wt September. •hen they llearned Will had ~er:, unUI his dea th the boy's we ight dropped from 80 to ~ pounds and shortly before he died Will said ht was very tired. Survivora includ, the paren'!;. two brothers, Herbert Jr., T, Fritz, 1; and a sister, Sharon 5. ' • T at.e Suipect Atkins ... • 't~ial"by .Ju'ry \Yaivetl , . ' . . . : " ~ ....... ,.. . . . • • ..... -I' .LOI AllGll:IAJAP) -A llatuuque bn&iilit. -· (l«y '!( the Shuin Tllf murderl led to lie'-ol-memben- ol a hippl~stf.1• Cfanr said todar. Ille would wilve hei rill!t to •jury tril . . The attorney for Susan· Atkifts, 21, . made a 1110Uon' for: a trial ·by judce u court convened in Iba trial of Milo PSA Ads Rapped . In -Air Cal Plea . . Aif·CJlll/omla hu flied 1 charp with Ute c.lifomia Public Utilities ·Com- mlsa<a tliat 1 .,..peUb>r'1 ldvertilini c&pJpalp in the San Franclsco. Bay u11 II milltading IDd ahould, be cor· rected. ·nie • complaint allegei P a c l f I c -Airlin .. f PSA) Ul'Jlff Or1n1• ComltJ-bouo<i travelers to fly to Loi Aniol• ond ~ Ulke the bu• the mt of the"way; ~uirinl onl)'. a few -millutes. Air Calif°"'1a Vice 'President and General Manager Robert W. Clifford maintainl -contrary to the PSA ad -that Orange County is Mt just minutes from Los Angeles by freeway, except at 4 a.m., perhaps. Hl.s le~r to the PUC asks the aaency t.o review the PSA advertilina campalin ud I.lie whatever 1Ction ii considered appropriate. Judy Garland's Death Marked ~LEY, N.y . (UPI) -The first anniverury of Judy Garlind'• death WU marked today by her fans with vlaitl to her tempor~ resUng place in a mausolND crypt and floral tributes. ~The temporary crypt at Femcllff Cemetery was filled with several score fioral arrangemenll by midday and at least 50 fans had made the pilgrlmaae. Most stood in silence a moment before the marble sl.ib "behind which Miss Garland 's coffin re1ts . The only inscription is a three-:inch plastic namepl1te reading "Judy Garland Deans." At.kins Charlts MllllOn, 35, Leslie Van aervf rio pUrpioR." ,HQuteii, 20, and P1trtcia Krenw~el, The judge denied tbe motitm. adding ~ 11.cwld be renewed later. ~d Kanarek Superior Court Judge Charles Older said he will offer expert testimony in sa id he would rule on the matter connect~on With the move. _ later. He "'said jurors who might be fair , DaVe Shinn, Miss AUdlls' JaW)'er, told and impartial Were .being· es-cused newsmen: "Ev~ybody has heard about because ·of the hardship of bein1 away.r· "thiS cUe anyway. Where are you going , 'from home· for six months: -. to 1et.1J jurors?" .. "I'd have to weigh that against. the Al court opened, and the judge quizzed possible adverae effect Of ;. publicily," prospective jurors on whether they Older said . ... ~ -, wanted to be locked up for six months -The judge said he would rule in the during tbe llial; Manson's attorney ob-afternoon on a motion to allow Mlu jec.ted. ' Atkins' attorney to interview Linda Kasa- "Your honor, ori behalf of Mr_ Manson bian; 21. I make the motion tha~ • there be no It was Miss Atkins, pa lice sajd, ~hose 1eqUesterln1 of the jury.'' tale or the s~yin& of Mills Tate and Irviai Kanarek said MllllOn' felt six others last August, led to the arrests publicity in the caae~ Jiu been ~ 'so and indicPnenta of Manson and members pe<Vuivi lhll "the a<quemrin(_wollld . of.his ~loo . ... New Trial Date_5lated For Ex-Fullerton Prof A new trial dote !or Dr. Slulrl Silvers, the recenuY fired a550Clate .philosophy • prolesw from Col Slit. Fullerton, "" scheduled to be set today in municipal court. Silvers' new· trial will be on misde- meanor charses1 of refusal to <ijsperse and· interferinc with the ,law:ful business _d. a college. · The profeS110r was convl~ted May 29 on mlsdemeanOr charges of disturbing the peace and unlawful Qlembly. Friday, Municipal Court Judge · James Cook sentenced Silvers to 60 'days in jail and ordered him· to stay off the campua: for 90 day,s. The judge delayed execution al the jail sentenct pending the outcome of an appeal to be filed by Silvers' attorney, William Goldstein. The professor's ban from Campu1 wu ordered to belin July L . , · Silvers, who wu fired from his position at the college earlier this month, was tried on .1ix misdemeanor char1es in May stemming from a violent con· fronlatlon on camJ>l!S March 3. • The seven-women, five-man jury found him innocent of charges of assault and battery and resisting arrest. The jury was unable to reach a verdict on the two additional charges of refusal tc> disperse and interfering with college business. · In addition to the pendlnc Municipal Court proceedinp and "his appeal, Slivers faces a SUperior Court hearing on a contempt" charge. He is accuse'.I of , vlolatin1 a ~t order issued op behllf of tbe collige to prevent sit-ins and other disruptive actions on campus. • Student FoUnd Dead· AMARILLO {UPI} -A student at Long Beach State College died Sunday niJbt after he was found unconscious inside a locked restaurant, which was on fire. ' Warren Rivera, 25, wa s pronounced dead on arrival at -John's Hospital. FINE HOME FURNISHl~GS • INTERIOR DESIGN . ~ . . . -· • Sinmons' 100th Annirenary Specials -" SPECIAL AT ALL THREE J. ff. BIGGAR STORES Now you con buy the.best at o dream price. Twin or full for only $119.90;-You'll sftep beautifully on th is extra-heavy comfort11X-cushioned mattress ~ •• for years to come be- cause af an exclusive and .s~cial Simmons 'dt'sign that prevents sagging tdg;.~ Co m t ~ with the unique Soni-Seal cover, chemically ti-eottd to guard Ogainst odo'r, rTii1d1w1 bac- teria. T'1t mattress features Simmpn 's famous Adjusto·Rest, with special innerspring multi~ coil construction·fof added 1uppo'rt and longer life. · ·• ... ..,... •· ' ~ " .... ~ -' ·-:-... Simmons -Makers of the famous Beautyrest' -~ TWIN OR FUU SIZE moitress I, bo• spring .,, •• , ...•..•.•..••.•••.•• ,", .$119.C/O QUEEN-SIZE mattress & box spring ................... .' .. , ..... , ....... $169.95 KING-SIZE mattress & b~x spcing (S hown), ............ , ................ ,. $249,95 -.. ' PASADENA POMONA SANTA ANA .J Main at Eleventh 547·1'21 -S..11 ,lno Storo.Clpen Mond1y lvonln11 J • ~' ] ] ~ I• fo o . .. 0 a (: o: n ~ s a " n •\\ w d• " fr po w di " " ,, " ti· (I m ye w eC v. pc C< "Ft ... ur so ra .. ar ed I, I ' . I I • I ' I .. I I \ t ' ,_ Anti-busing . . Bill P.as_sed~ ------• • ' By AsselJlh~y SACRAMENTO (.UPI)~ -"T h e ~ssembly after an impassioned debate today pa~sed a bill prohibiting a school from busing a chlld for racial integration or ~y other purpoSe without pare'f't&I consent. ''This Is 8 bigoled, damnable bill," ariued Assemblyman William T. Bagley (R-8an Rafael ). "Do we have to stand on: th.i~ assembly noor and' slap the m1n9r1Ues or our state in lhe face ?'' The measure by N;semblyrnan Floyd WH:efield, (R.S0Uth Gate}. went to the Senate on a vote of 46-16. Il needed ~t )fast 41 votes. The Senate, at previous seuloru, has endorsed similar bills. 'J'.he measure was harshly denounrect, mo11iy by Democrats. Wakefield and •W. Don MacGillivray (R..santa Barbara), were the only defenders of the bill during debate. The mea,ure makes no ~ference lo race but would forbid a school dlalrict from transporting a fil.udeol. "{or any purpose or for, any'fe"ason" Witfiout the written permission of his parent or guar- dian. I Originally, It banried busing for purposes of achieving racial integration and ethnic balance in the classroom. That provision was removed on ground such a provision iiiiiht be ullConstitu- Uonal. ~mblywofnan Yvonne Brathwaite CD.Los Angeles), a Negro, said the measure had the effect or telling minority youngsters, "We don't want you here . We believe you are a threat to our educational system." Another Democrat, Assemblyman John Vaaconcellos (D-San Jose), said the pro- posal would "destroy" the highly suc- cessful busing program in Berkeley. Assemblyman John Burton (D-6an · Francisco), charged that the legislation would '.'do more· to bring about racial unrest than any -of the speeches by so-called radicals on our campuses." "We wonder why the riots, why Jhe rad al unr_est, why the violence," he said. "'f'h!! reaso n is in the ghettoes and the -barrios, there is a laCk of educational opportunity to move ahead." 'lQ's the Thing In Picking Pigs .- ' . • • MoM>y, Juot 22, 1970 H Dlfl Y PILOT 3 - Bombers S·tretcli Lillllt . . . Planes Hit · Redt. Deeper in~-Cambodia ' SAIGON (UPI) -U. S. warjlanes -U.S. NIYJ ·lflPI!-.... m rl- hove becun bomhlnl Comm1JJ11st land boall -lie -red tu lhe 9oulb and · -·-' •~--· c--~• Vl-·Ol9J T1i<ldlJ Jn lhe ~ river .,...,.y """ m .uHIUl.U• turnover el n•val equipment ol the war. beyond lhe 11.7 mile llmll 5el f0< The turnater 11 part ot lhe NOvy Viet· -American-~ forces, •· Pen\agon ·namiqdon procrMn .i wl:ll put • •spokea1nan aali:rtbday.\ percent ol the navy boats· Gpll'•ti111 ln Saulh Vlelum in Saulh V-... --c-m11111....,.i tin lbal.-two U.S. Arn17 hellcopten Sunday, 1110 in lhe ~ Doha ud lhe -in lho -u..rD quarter ol lloulh Vlelnllil. Two erewmen were wounded. " ... '. ~Ol'l'Y w.~edhelm. deputy assbtan.t . ' . ' ' • . - defenie secrelary f°' pub11e · a/fair•. 'B~the.o.. Die ·In· Sea· . . Issued a Pentqm statement to follow a p • 119 up an ~t by Ge:i. Creighton W. Abrlm!, American commander 'in · T · £{ B D ~;.ii;.r.n iaJd ~ ·~ttacks began wo. ·t..i.~apo. o_ ys . r_own; 0 withm the tut week" when it· became cleir Uie ·Communists hid moved we ll . : . · 1 • beyond the sanctuary areas attacked s · h" s k 1 Bod byuZ":lr::~ wa• • um1t on lh• ea_ re ers ee . · y Burn ·Pre.,ention Herbert H. Curry, 78, simply doesn't want to get sunburned. So he takes precautions -with shaded glasses. nose and moUlh protectors · -as he checks the action at Daytona Beach, Fla. Such precautionary measures are hardly needed these days along the Orange Coast, where summer has arrived, as uSual, in the middle of the June blahs. Needy Must Get Lawyer . From States, Court Says depth of ·the raids but would not say whit it was. · .. ' The annourtc:ement In Saigon ·by-an By IORN· V ALTUZA. Ahia.ms Spc>l:eiman saiCI only that U. Of .... Dlllr '"' ,..,. S. planes would be used to attack new, The search continued today ror the eommUnist· supply lines deep in Cam-body of t-yea.r-old .Frederick Montoya bodia "as required ." . ot Capistrano Bemch who apparently President Nixon ,had set a 21.7 mile drowned with his broaler late Saturday limit orLJhe_d\Jtl.n~ ins~L Cambodi~ a dirty, tqpon.at DQfttny ·Be9Ch. · Americ.an._m>t1nd forces would operate: -~FredUICi'ICub ........ SCOOt.,...· -ti r o t h t r before their scheduled withdrawal by Lawrence, ,I, drowned in the. 'brackish June 30-. backwater of San Juan Creek while both The s~kesman said, continued air boys played late Salurday afternoon. . strikes into Cambodia would -b e Th bo ., , 1 lhe. """-· v 1 •-·• Allied d · "t e ys ·a r, .........,.,,. oun-. nece~r-r-·~cause the . rive In ° Fireman Lawrence Monloy:a of 34M the ne1gtibortng country h~d for~ ~-Camino El Molino foiiDd his ·younger munisl forces to m?ve their s~pp Y nes son dead Sunday ~orning as ·a ,tr;aetor to the west,. deeper tn Cambodia. cul through a und bar to alhi,i :he ·'As a result of successful attacks 1 ted br' made by U. S. and government of Vi~t-accuOrmu 8 Co 1 1n<Sheto e~ff~pe .to •1 0·. ;,. ... nam forces agai nst the base sanctuaries . ange un Y, n J 1nves ga-!I along the border between Cambodia a~· 1a1d the elder sons. body F,Obably drifted South Vietnam, the eneniy's Jines of out t.o sea unnotic~. because of the supply and communications have .been murkiness and debris tn the lagoon. disrupted and he ls now attempt ing to Investigators ~id they were ch;ec~ expand them into areas farther west reports· that neighbors of. lhe victim 1 in Cambodia " the statement said. grandmother took the brothers to Doheny "As has been previously staled, air Beac.~. then left them ~ittended in Interdiction will be pursued as apptopri· the lagoon, a conslant troub1e IPot for ate against enemy troops or materiel state beach personnel. which could threaten American and other The muddy bottom ind dark water W ASHINdTON (UPI) -The Supreme Otis Stephens of Birmingham who were free world lives in South Vietnam. We combine to create a dana:er spot for C I d I d tod th t I I sentenced to 20 years in pr i s 0 n on will not, of -course. discu~s spe~if\C rUles children, who frolic in the quiet water. our ec are ay a s a es must of engagement except to state that th. eir A heli ....... ter from the El Toro Marine. 'd ·nd· 1 d f da 1 'th charges of shooting a couple during a d '"" prov1 e 1 1gen e en n s w1 a obbe interdiction will continu_e as req_ u.1r~ Air Station rescue unit cOnduc .. ted Jon, r ry attempt lawyer at the preliminary hearing level in order to protect the lives of military air search Suriday for the miallng boy in all criminal cases. thief Justice Warren E. Burger and personnel in South Vie_tnam ." . . -an effort coordinated with a around Justice John M. Harlan dissented in w sh t d I h b s Cl t At the same time in a separate f h Spokesmen in a 1ng on sa1 ear 1er and surface stare y an emen t part rom t e majority finding . Justice that American ·air strikes in Cambodia decision, the court held that state laws Potter Stewart dissented completely. would continue after the June 30 allowing convictions by juries of less withdrawal date. than 12 ·inembcrs are constitutional and Br1·ggs Sup.po· rts Allied iritelligence reports have said that defendants may be compelled to North Vietnamese commanders have supply the prosecution-of-alibi-witnesses .J established · new supply lines on a system lileiuuds ud 1berilf'1 deputla. Fellow volunlftT r1NCDlft lllo .. .-q lhe falher in lhe INl<h. The brolbero lint wue repgrlod - lng late Salunlay alter Ibey fallad lo retum from lhe popular balhb!i opot, TM boyt ·were last seen .ai: •bOUi I p.m. ' . • ,Cln Sunday m<>rning a bulldoler punch. ed lhrollgb lhe natural Nlldbar ~ the Jacoon W•ltr and u tbe w.ter naabed out to lea a spectator NW tbt hodJ of YOUlll Lawrence. • 1be Jqoon was described as e~ly full of water after severe hich ti1111 earlier in the week. It ls unpalrolled by lifeguards. but po1ted 11 UDll!e 'for entry . became ol the pollution. _; Spokesmen •t the bach aaid scores of youngsters played in the brKkilh water offt' the weekend. The Jagoon'1 m!1dd7. boltorn and dll>ril mat.e it vuy dln&"'fOl.ll. Clne San Clemen!A! llfeluanl loday Mid lhe doubl< drvwnln1 ·probably 0«w1td when one bo)' ran into trouble in the water and his brother tried ' to aave him. -Funeral ae:rvioes for YOWll Llwrence a.re pending at Sheffer ~ortuary' in San Cleinente, where the family was ~ to complete delaill sometime today. 1be boys leave one brother and two listers. · St . ff n-R -of waterways deeper ln Cambodia. The WASHINGTON (AP) -The in advance of their trial. l t•ug apS line connects with the so-called Ho Chi Agriculture Department says 1 The ruling on the le1al right of needy Minh 'trait in Laos. Victim of Clement~ Killing Buried in Michigan Town University of Kentucky study of defen~ants stemmt)d from, an .appeal by Assemblym;an John Y. ,Briggs (R-Or-The supply ioute1 are • much deeper the intelligence of pigs could mean two Alabama Negroes. Their convictions ange and San Bernardino Counties), has than the 21.7 mile limit for American extra dollars to farmers if they were set aside and the cue sent back announced his support of a citizens' troop -penetration and military JOUrces choose hogs \\'ith the highest 1.Q.s. ,, , group petition which favors maximum I said American aircraft already have bieeri The JOUl'.'J~~u.seWile mu,...,. kl Sift blocka from .. aan aemMt..p&er-. i., The Kentucky researchers, the to state courts for further consideration penalties for those dealing in drugs. attacking the route In northeastern Carn• Clemente tasl Tuesday wi) laid to test One· couple UvinC nearby bu i'eparted department reports, found the top-under the new' ground rule laid down "I am convinced that every means bodla. in her tiorrletown in Mlchigln todJiy, that they both •woke 1imulteeou1Jy Jut ranked swine students to be Duroc by. the Supreme Court in a divided possible must be utilized to . educate Other military sources said today while detectives here continued their ~•Y morning at S 1.m. but cmmot breeds. / decision our young people to the dangers of American commanders have accelerated search for her killer. remember uiy particular IOUftdl. "Hampshire porkers, in eonttast, Justice ·wUllam J . Brennan Jr .. -in drug abillle, and severe penaltieS inust the withdraw81 of U. S. troops from Mrs. Connie Lynn Johnaon, ZO, of 411 UnfortunateJY, poUce: havi uWf, tba were the most thick:headed ," the _a prevailing opillion 1upported by four be impose<l on those who are selling Cambodia , moving 800 men of the crack C Monterey Lane, was burled in neighborhood, Jlned wltb well maintained depar:tment said. Also, Officials othq;justces, iummartzed ~ "Plainly _the ~ na fcotics .to·.our youth," Briggs said Isl Air Cavalry Division back to South Coopersville, Mich., in servlce.s •ttended apartnieDU, ii ·aubjected lo -~ said, younger pig!· uS'ilally learned guJldftif han{J Or ·counsel'" at the -when making tQe announcement. Vietnam. Another 10,000 remain in Carn· by her parents, friends·and young Marine ahouta; tcreams •ad oiher noisa dHft1l)I more rapidly than their elders, preliminary hearing is essential to pro-The petition is directed to both the bodia. husband Mark, .19, who dlacovered her up from the bowl Ind be.cb area. · J and heavier animals were more tect the indigent accused against an Orange County District Attorney's office Jn other Indochina deve lopments : beaten and stabbed body last Wednesday Few sound.s go noticed or ' re~ • I , intelligent than leaner models. erroneous or improper prosecution." and the offices of the county judges. -Phnom Penh dispatches reported the noon. . to police beciiule of tbeir ffequijey, -+--•'The-smarter-your-swine-are","'-1--,-~~W.n,, •. h~e!Jann!ic'ii!&.s are ,)'eoerally It reco~~nds maximum penaltie~. Cambodians with the aid .ol C~mbodian No suspects and few cluea are what neighbors have· said. -: , I the department commented, "the held by a J\Jdge or magistrate £0>-~\lnder-ex1stmg-law;-to--those-per-iOllS---and-South-Y.iebwne! air atr1kes had detecU es Sgt. Robert Muon and A motive Jn the klWn, of tbe·bnmette I~ ... ' better they are going to bi at determine whether a ' pfrson should M engaged in the illegal sale of narcotics. 1umed back a Communist attac on Leonard QOOGWii1Jiave-lO 10 WIUlitill~ifil.liOie8ns-tnlulng. ~ --- u sing self-feeders, temperature bound oVir to a .grand jupry for indict-It also recommends that those arrested Koinpong Thom, 90 miles north of Phnom week in the brutal killing. Coroner's aides have ~ "no controls in housing units and other · rnent. _ for drug sales 1 in Orange County be Penh. But they said the highway leading Goodw1n said the investigation is foe~ evidence of violent Hxuil mcUvlty" and devices you install for them." The , v04e was 5 to 3 to set aside bOund for.Lml in Ormfae,.County Superior to the deep water port and oil refinery ed on possible observances of ne(&hbor1 coukl only determine a .atneral time ~================:=::::::::=·:::'===lh;::•~co:=:::n~w~eu:·ons:::::~o=f~H~:tllr!':::_~Co;::;a~m:""::.:•~nd::.,._~Court.:;::::__:..:..,~,;..,..:,..:.!.1 ______ ~0~1~s;:h:•no:::::•:k•~i:lle~sl:il:l~w:•:•:ou:l~. ____ _:,ln'.'.,,,tht'.'.:::,,;apa~rtm;::•~n~t~n<~ighborhood~~::::::~thr::::,:"=::::~"~dfa~lh.~==r·_..:··~·~:~._..:-..,......:,-'~ El Ra.nch-0 has the hottest price in town! . PIUSBIMY'S OR-· BALLARD'S . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . .pkg • This Week-bake a b.tc:h W biacuit.s the easy way, •• popl tll_e....package .. opens-.-.• quick as a wink they!rc in the P.&in ••• slide Lhem in Lhe....,. ••• iii minlltal, Lhey're ,olden brown ••• ..Iilfh~.Iluf!y, delicious I-And only 5c-&-tobe. .. ... • ~ • .1 Fresh-Butter--.... ~.~:·~~ ... 7 9~ J une is Dairy Month! Cclebra~ by sen·ing hot biscuits, dripping ,,·ith pure fn!sh Dari Gold Butt.er! Welch's Preserves ................ 39' \\'elch's Jelly, Jam or Pi-eserves • , • 20 oz. jH r s~ Bee Honey ...... 1~.~ ... ~~ ....... 49' Clover or Oranre .•• delicious on hot biscuit..s '. J-1-esh-Gr-een-Beans:-:-:~-~~~ .. 25~ Our Garden Patch department is full ol natun's bounty at this "·ondcrful time of the year! Menu mak~rs from our Butch.er Shop! I·..:. b Ch URGE $149 SMALL -$179 I Lam ops.~~-. u ;~~--., u Sprina Li.mb I Fresh and lean ••• serve them broiled for. all the flavor and all the nutrition! ' . Pepper Steak .............. Sll?, El Rancho's better bee! , • , ready to broil ! Sausage ........................ 59~ El Rancho's Country Strle . , • truly fresh! Prices i11 effect Mon., Tau:&., Wed., June ti 23 24 . No 8ake to dea1era. ' .. .. ' I ' • . . .. ,:. . DA!lY PILOT --.-.-.-·-ttc1'10 ' " :·AUh Hint.s ; 0.£. Le•1N.ilon More Drug «.aw Set U.S.· ·crime Rate Rises 13 Pe.rcen-t I~ W "" Dtll' f'llll IMfH A radiirtelevision tower in Mos- cow known for the sturdiness of its lattiCA1work was inspired by the in- venlor's metal wutebuket, the newspaper Buj.lder's Gazette said today. • WASHINGT01' ·(AP) -Ally. Gen John N: MltChell, elated by mass ,mesll stemn\ini from. what he called "the bigal '1fJOl'l!lon of Ill kind," hinll federal qetlts are plam)lng more attacks on organized trafficking in narcotics. Mitchell indicated nwe ia to· come In 11111CM111Ci111 Sgnday Ula! ItO penoos, mostly Cubai'I refugees , had been named In complaints or warrant.I u part of -I olfldals, llid was 1 rinc coolivlllng moot ol the coc:aine llld I larp shire of the berohi trafflc in the United &ates. ·· The Justice Department Aid early today • !17 ,_ bl4 -..,.sled in IO cities as part ol Opet-Eqle, the code name for 1 siJ:-monlh un- dercover !nwlti(atlon Ulat culminated In weekend raids acrou the naUOn. · =-~~~~ _!J!'lsereakl'l'elledf.. . wer~ .~U'!llY . woumK1U by agents -one in N .. York, the other in Miami. lt'1 hen a long, time bet\Deen bites and WaM Rittf.t'S appear1 to be _dozing ai he ji&Ms off a do~lc along the De· trait Ritlff. It is chfllt1 do1D7I bv the river, too,, which explaini Wade 's htmlf· coat in aummer time. ·• T,,_ vicar of Ill< St EU""" Cmhcdrat in Tot&ioUle, France, fo1'fld • pared -the itatU< of Sl:<l.ntllollu of Paduo oddreu- ed to the Baroness of Fin. RI dlUofred U io her and tmide was a jointing wh~h had been 1tokn -frqm the b0f'OR11s' caatle laat . v.W, fl.I,. Awthonu ii .,,. patron ofLolt Object... Wh ile p ers onally dtsclosing: developments at a swiftly called news cool~ Sunday, Mitchell raVe much ·of the credit for Operation Ea1le to legal wire tap provisions. !fe, ~lso pointed to Ille shoolini In- cidents as fresh support for bit atlnd Ula! Cooiir-ohouJd poss Pr<lidenl Nix· on's anticrime proposal providing n<>- knock entry. 0 1t would have been a great help to us," be said. 'nle ltt.orney Pnor•I aald the ·two wounded men were amon, three men --when lienll lllllOWICed tbe!r in-e." AP>ts lhol 'I"' Diii> in bU .hople after ,they Aid be aimed his Wlpon It the!Q. 'Ibe other "tn.ID was shot in a car by an acent who reported bein( IJ'lbbed on an arm and dragpd about 75 feet after the cor which Ii-forced lo I curb be11n pulJlDg away again. Meanwhile, Milehell told reporter> ".quite 1 few" operations of the;ac:ope ol .the ""' Cllmaud during the -d e cao ~ laqnched within a year. Aned-U-tbere are more comlJla, he· Weldon Ohn of Reno, Nev. has replied w:lth one word: "Undoubtadly." learned the Bible is not a safe place When quesuoned if lbey would t.eomil'll to hide money. Obn told police _,, Ile l<pOllded Win wllll j\111 one someone .broke into his home and wordi 0 HopefuJJ)'." ' stole,"73 ... which was stashed in the ~ The attorney .. g:efteral s&Jd Operation Bible in· bis ~oom desk. Eagle -: aUne,I at diminishin1 '1be :.... e l . . !~ of. hal;d narcotics Into and wiUlin ~ FNd.-o(.Greet the~ Sllles." Yl&oulb~ Eqlalll won't '*" · · "llJ .,.........., Ule1 ~ '°' trouble getting bait for the nnt few foc oonent ~ 0-: ~rces -thlt .1s. day1. While fishing for shrimp re-who!:1ers and distri!Jutors ol narcot&: ceiilJ, be cnat •tM worm olPI , --~ :: ad. and om ha!Hiel·loile· • diCtloft Jijttlculorly miooi our yuunc," be Slid. • Tblrty members of the Grim Mitchen 'lqaioled Operation El&le Reapers, a Pekin, DI, rnotortj<:Je "~ hlve_been lmpoosible" without cJub,··rode in the Jead of a funeraJ the provisions ror co u r t • a ppr o v e d procession through Bloomington wln!tappin& as contained in tile I968 . Tuesday for L. W•yne M•rtln, Crime Control Act. He said auch "court- 24, a cyclist killed In a collJsion lait approved electronic surveillances" were weekend. At the request of Martin's on •telepbopes in Miami, C'hlCig:o and father, members of the club also New Yori<''.' served as pallbearers. They wore :'we ~eve that this aperation is a white shirts and sleeveless denim pnme example," he said, ••ot how we jackets bearing their club insignia. have been able to make use ot this • tool that has betn given to 1.11 by the Cc:in&rns." The 26 pens at !he new, JI50,. 000 Y onkers, N.Y., Animal Shel,. ter art empty and cit11 ofjiciall are invt.stiaoting thtir conitruc- tion. Dukt, a '110-pound blo¢- hound., ;umped agail'llt a fiw· foot-high, four·inch-thtck cindtr'· block wall of his outdoor coge Sufldov, ttft.ding it cnuhfnQ into another, sohich in turn tumbled to the ground. · - • .A. Paris appeals court recenUy suspended IS.month jail aen~ce of 20-year-old Frerlque Delanee, ar~ restad last month during a raid on a grocery store in which Jeftwing &ludents stole bags of food and dis- ~ lributad them to slum dwellers. Raging Refinery Fire Claims Three Lives . FRANKLIN, Pa. (AP) - A weekend fire at the Witco Chemical Co.'1 Amllie refinery raged more than 30 hours, killed three men and destroyed more than a million gallons of fuel and lubricants Refinery Manager L. C. Birrell hid about 20 to 40 percent of the multimUlion- dollar facility's production capacity was d"troyed by Ille lire, which began alter a series of expbjons Friday. By the time the flames were extlnlullbed Satur- day, crumpled hunks ii blackened ateel were all that rtm11ned ol about 40 storage tanks. 'Ibey hllt conta1ned Oil, 1uoline and hl&hly ..i.tile ~ WASHING TON (UPI) -Serious crime Jn the United S&atea 1ncruaed 13 percent durinl ·Ille first quarter ol tbil year deapite Ille NW>n Admlnlltrltlon 's heavy emphuis on "11• and order.". · 'nle FBl's unllonn crime ._ts allow· ed that the beclmUoc ii I decline which marked the tint year of President Nix- on's tenn in olftce reversed itlelt In I970. Much hid bem mode ol the lie! crime . ,_ only II perm< in I•, compuod with 17 per<ent durillC the Jut year of u...·J-adminlslrlllm· Altomey General Jolm N. Mitchell ooughl to put the bat loce !mrard on the latest crime statilticl ill a newi release~ the_r1te ol increase ol violent crlmel -by 7 perc<nt tn the natiGa's. 51 .___ cities and by J per«nl tn Ille natJoo fl I wboie lJ .S. -Airliner_ Hijacked, Lands At Cairo Airport '-CAIRO (UPI) ->.; Pan American Boeing 7rrli with 134 pasiengers aboard landed at Cairo airport today after diverting: on a flight from Beirut, Lebanon, to R«ne, the Middle East Neea""""' (MENA) t-led. The F.aPtll:n ap~ gave no rtuJn for the dlWniorl. An offtclaJ It Rome'I Jnternatkmal AJrport and 1 spokesman lor Ille llrllne In t.ndon Mid the pi--lly was hljl<ked, bat neitlt<r bad any detalla. The llrllner, on 1 !IICbl from Beirut to New Y or!< willl stops tn llome ind Paris, left Beirut at 1!41 a;m. PDT. One hour later Ille pllot, Capt. Jay Bum, called the control tower at Nicosia, CyPfUS, airport and said ... WIS diverting the ·night to Calro. He gave no reason for the dllnge. Jn additlcm to the 134 passengers, In- cluding one infant, the aircraft was car- rying nine or 10 crtw members, Pan -Am said. . . (Jn Beirut, 1 spokesman for the POIJUlar Front for the. Liberation of Palestine (Pn.J') said, "We have nolblq lo do willl thlo kllld ci amateur lllin&. We could do Ulil -hijlckln& ...._ tllliDI oil from .. Mob ~ -<very d1y.'' In !be put, the PFLP baa ·--8bilily '"' aevtrll , -..... ) F•,., ~ . • ... \ ~ -, . Marine Cries Over 1st Verdict DA NANG, South Vielaam (UPI) - When a Marine Corys court~Ual sentenced Pvt. Michael -A. Schwatz:, 21, to life imprisolment for the murder or Vietnamese: womea and children, Pfc. Thoma.t R. Boyd burstinto tears. Boyd, 19, of Evansville, Ind., Is the next 'to ~ tried on the same charges. His trial ns scheduled to begin Tuesday following a pretrial hearing. ' The sevea-man military court con- victed Schwarz on 12 of 11 counts of premeditated murder Sunday in the deaths of five women and 11 childre• during a night patrol Feb. 19 in a hlmlet or Uie village cf Son Thang, 27 miles south cf this northern' ccastal city. Schwan, a four-year Marine ve teran from Weirton , W. Va., was sentenced to life tmprllomnent, d i s h o 11 o r ab I e discharge and foreiture or all pay allowuces. When Boyd was told of the verdict outside Uie courtroom, he wept. "We salute Uie flag and we're out there flghUng for it and they put him in jail for llfe," Boyd said. "They don't care.'' · Under milltlry law. Schwarz' sentence . will be automaUcaUy appealed. Hailstorm Socks South Hi gh Win ds Wreak $100,000 Damage· in Norfolk. C•llfor.al• lolllMrll C:elilGf'l'llf 11111 !1lr Wttlhtr tedt' ..,... "°'"9 ftrl\I mornln• low <lovdl Mid foe ln the <oe1t11 •1<:!Jon1, wltll -•fl-clovd!na1 I" !he _....... f nd c11-t1. ·'"""" .... lltllt llm-•kll't ~"'""'· W1lt1 .. Niii 11 LOI AntelN CIYIC CWI"' _," lo be IO, '"' Wmt IS SllllCllY. Overn!thl low w11 t•PICll'd '*" •. T,,. Alf 'o11vll«1 Control Dl1!rkl •r911~ rnodff•tt ""°' ln lht 1,,. lffld vellns. liel!I t lllWMrt loct11. -I MILD \ .. , ...... ,.,. •\\. HOT 1'et1111ft"41tures Ml1ll ltw '"'c. "'llMIUINVI .. " A!1C,...._• .. " Alltl'IM ., .. ... .......... ... " ''""•"* • " ... " " ... ... " " ·" •-Hit " " ·" Chic-.. " ·" Clrclnnt" " " ..._ ~ " ... _ " " betw-Jamwy and Mirth. lndlvid111! !fiur11 !or II IHI\ three· of the Dlljor clues ind Ille natloll'a capital. however , lbowed · ~ime con- tlnuinc to rile jn almost every one of the •iolent catecoriel: murder, forci- ble ~pe. robbery and aur1vated aasauJt~ In the Dlsirlct ol Columbia, mmden roae !rum a to 14, lortlble ropes !ell from 77 to U, robberies were up from 2,711 to 3,07t and agranted •IUU'ts .... !rum 7'11 lo IU. Munlen in Ollcqo limoot doubled from m durlnc Ille lint --Iba ol -to JOI thlo yur, wb!1e rope WU up frcm 211 to Dt, robbery Up !tom 4,J'lf lo S,Jlt and -1vllod -11 up from 2,1111 to 2,'123. Jn New York City, inurden rote from 237 tb Jlt, rlpel .,fell Irion 531 lo $05, robberies were uP. lrom 15,832 to 11,506, and agravated l.aaulta climbed from 6,147 lo 1,721. -. .-Munlors dropped in Los Angeles lr.qm- 93 to 1969 to 18 this year, and rapes were off from 491 to 493, but burglaries l'O!e from 3,160 to 3,247 and aggravated assault went from 3,352 to 3,565. A statement accompanying the report, usually prepared by the FBI, was handl- ed this time by the office of the attorney general. Dictator Reigns At ·Ecuador Helm QUITO, F.cuador. (AP) -:-President Jooe vew. ~ took dictatorial powers SUnday night after .1 week or street fighting between students of. Quito·s Cen'tral Unlvenity and police. Some fighting was reported on the campus early today, and shooting could be beard there Utiough Ille night. The official reason for the takeover was an imminent Supreme Court ruijng declaring presidential Jax decrees Un- constitut.ional. But observers believed Y1e real reason was the student "rebellion" aga.IDst the government, Velasco lbarra's assumption of die· tatarial powers was said to have the full support of the military, and it was believed the real strongman in the new dicta\orial regime is the president's nephew, nerense Minister Jorge Acosta V.eluco • 8Mdl -· -· Cioud'f In 1111 ............. With ,..rtl"I' wnny lt.i11 fn ,,,. ..,.,_ ffld I Iii.fl llllf Q. w!!h .. _ ... ...... u " ·" MGIMflllrtl tnd dtH.11 llt;1' IU!>fblnt, wttll ,.. 111 ""' ICll tnl lawtr f01 II ~In rHOrtt. SOUf .. l:N CALIFOl:NIA -Moll!l\I ft !r """"' Tlltlda, bvl nltfll 1id "'Or11l.. loll' ClouOI I ncl foll COHiii 1«1'-eM -tit-clolHl1 ''""""".,. .... deMrtl. Lint. ·ltmPll'- l lvnl ClltnH·~ LOI ANGEL(l-Nlthl 11'111 l!IONll,.. l°"" t ..... ..,. "'" "'"'"'"-In ltlff· ._,, ..,..,... Tw-•. Llttl1 ltft'IPl•t· ,,,.. cNMt. o..t....ltllt IDwl _, "· 11111111 .. c_.,., Htry """""" ,...,... Lltllt v1rllllll w1,.,,, "'-"" Mid ""'rtlrlt !lours .,.. coml"' .ultlwl!lf lo ...-SI II lo II )....tt In ,...,._ "'"' I nd T""'° ..... """ ~ •. V .S. S1111t-r • °""""""' llwml Wlfll llltfl Wlftclt1 th~ Ind 11111 Nlttred IM lwtll -rv ..,.., 111w 1 nlfttl of -.... ... 1'•1rMt'lltl "" -·-H91tnt k1,..1 Clrt L• "-· Lot A-'tl M O""' M~lt Ntw O!'lttM Ntw Viwt! Hortll '""• 011t11ncl Ol1Jt'*!ll (tty .... .. '•lftl wi- n .. ... u .. , .. • "· .. " .. "' • • .. • • " .. .. • .. " ,, n " .. .. " .. " " '" .. BUR IAL PLANNED ex.president Suk•rno Deferments Assured By Delays WASHING TON (UPI) -White House indifference and CongresslO!l&l lpOUlY • have-virtually assured -coJtep frtlbmen of s~ent draft defe-rments th.JI. ,fall. • But the ·8eleelivt. Service Sysfem aays the deJays CO\lld turn out to be ahortlivtd. With the start ol the new academic year only three months away, eoncress has not taken even the amallelt step toward· ending college deferments that President Nlson asked !or April 23._ The Senate, where Ille propolal -the best chance ol passace, WIS thrown • far behind in di""6inl ol ill regular worlt by protracted debates o ~ e r Supreme Caurt nominal~ and the U.S. venture into Cambodiri. Plenty of Legllla· lion willl a higher priority· Ulan atudenl de!ennenll Iles -d. · · The Hoose has the time but a~ly not the incltnaUon. 'lhe key maft is: Suk.arno Mourn:..-:J . 1.o-MendeI-Rl•er~-<o.s.c.>. c:hllnmn or al the House Anned Services Committee, - who has been publicly Wavering between positions for and aginst student de fer· In-Indonesia; F1meral Planned JAKARTA (UPI) -Thousands "r Indonesians stood slloulder to shoulder today for a last gfiiripse of the coffin of former president Sukarno as it was borne in a scarred army van from the home of his third wife lo Halim Ai~rt five miles away. The body of Sukarno, who died Sunday at 69, was sealed in the teak coffin at midnight Sunday and flown today to the family cemetery at Blilar bl East Java.--:- The burial site was decided by Presi- dent Suharto and his cabinet, which rejected a tearful appeal from two of Sukarno's wives, Japanese-born Madame Ratna Sari Dewi and Madame Hartini. They had asked Suka1110 be buried beneath a shade tree of his home in Batu Tulis, 40 miles sooth of Jakarta. M_adathe DeWi 1ltw here from Paris Saturday with her daughter 6y Sukarno, Kartika Sari, 3. Madame Dewi said Sukarno, the architect of Indonesia's in- dependence. had e.zpressed the wish to be buried at Batu TUiis. All eight of· Sukarno's childen sat beside the coffin while thousands filed by Uie · body lying in state in Madame Dewi's suburban home. men ts. So far Rivers has not even promised he will hold fuU t>eartngs -on Nlxoit's bill to eliminate tl)at provision of the draft Jaw which g\fll!'anteet a four-)'Hr deferment to any student satisfactorily pursuing a course of liigher instruction. (About 1.8 million·young men currently hold such defennents). But it woukl be in accurate to tab Rivers as the obstacle. 'Ibe President'• principal lieutenant in the house, GOP leader GfTald R. Ford of Michipn, Jet it be knowll recently be favors ltodent deferments ind until it is proved otherwise, opposes the admlniatr1tlon bll1 th1t would do nay with them Ford's second-In-command, Republican whip i..slie Arends ol Illlnol&, AJI! ho goes along with the '~nt ,on 'tht issue )>ut admits he has not done much lo posh Ille pcoposal. Arends, rankinc Republican on the Armed Services Com- mittee, said ~ecentlY. he had not aH.ed Rivers whether he intended to-bold itrati hearings. Arends said he had not beea asked by the White House to press Rlvel'!'I for action --a-situation-which bothers some GOP draft reform advocates. "I would say that the chances for a draft bill this year are doubtful unless the President indicated strongly ha wan~ some action," said Rep. Robert Staflord, (R.Vt.). Stafford indicated he would like to see Nixon "e.zert some muscle" on the Issue. -- • • POINT CDl'<ICE,TtON TO MEXICAN l04tDl"""4.\tihl •ff/tb~ wlncl1 n11ttt •nd ll'lf"ll1'19 '*'" llKOl'l\1119 .... , ... ....,, " -' " It ,, ltnt!I In l tlt •· ._ IJlnluolll T"'°"'. Nlthl 1M .,_,,lllt .. ci-i bvl 111rll1 IUl!n'I titer-. Llttlt IWl'IJlll'llVf'I 011,,.., C~STAL A'40 INTElllME0 1 ... re c .. 1111 '-"f•hlra ''"" .....,. a !fl 70. lnlt nd twm-•tvre1 r-lrCll!I a M n. Wtftf' tem-•lvrt u . Su-. "'""• '.l'lfle• Willcll VII -• mlltl Ill l\o;lr lt li'ltd Httfllk ffld N-r N...._ V1., Iv,.. e.1, c1,.irl ... 'flll!I Mtt1 Ind knectl• 11111 "'' ltflllt'I ..,....1c.. c-1 Gvenl ~111......_lt\,_,.. rK -'Yll'lt .. •l1t,..11 Cl ltl $H'l11t !Ill Uttm Ind 1114 lo df)ltll(!I IWo IVI lilOttl It frM Ille libffO, I COl•I Gu.rd """I ltfcH 11rovna. , ........ "' -· '" l'lll•bl."lfl • .. " n "u There is now only one airline serving Orange County. And they've just j n-~1 1 • II creasel:I their fares. Now, if you want to save $1 0.50 round trip, we suggest ... J:: 'IAU.IYl-lA'9 1'1111'11 tncl .. 1'11 """""'° Int llW ....... .ild IM1 OlfittwlM lltly lll'ltlllne ~ T~t,, Lim. i.n.. fff"l lltl'I ~. O'i'tm!lt!I '9Wt It lt 6'. 111111' Jrttn IO lllU ftlt 'Ollt i.tt 11t11M t rt11, • _ ... . 1«W tt1911 ............ n ;ot t ,fll, S.t Sten lftl , .. •:M 11.m. ,,4 TUISOAY l'lrtl ttlttll ............ ';" •. ,.,, • l F!rlf low , • ., .. ,,f,-. ... 7:1• 1,191,.t,f '"61\d ·11111\ •• ;-•• : .... : ............ • ~ Jew ............. 1:11.,.m. 1.4 . " ·s~~ l:ltt• J;~1 •.m. s.11 t;,tJ •.m. MIR 1:r ... lt:U '·""· Sttt f;01 1.11'1. Tiit l'IOf tf I Mfltl In Norlolk Wt l ,_.,. ltt tf 111111 wll'ld1. c1u1t111 ""'' ... llltlrMtld II 111D.GIO, '"'"'" "'"' ... It tMllllr 1H1lidl111 In Pllt'lll\tl'I, 1"'11 le m!ln IOVlh of IU<ll"Wlfld, Wll 1bolil S11S.OOO. . ( l"orllll'llll • .. " l:N l lvlf ... " ·-" " S.cr•"""'' " .. S.tt Lilt Clt'I " ~ Stn DI'" • ... Sin ' l'rtr1el1U " • $otlllt •• .. you fly PSA from LA instead. The PSA air fare from LA to San Francisco is ~ ... ~ still $15.75, including tax. · ...,._,.. ... S1M1111119 " .. Thtrmtl ... .. Wt t,fllntlOll p .. .11 I 1 I vc M "' and his r Ri lead In A Loi Brit for 1 "I plan the ' . • t ! I R J ( I 0 s 0 [ Sht the Be. 1 wa. or Dri wit sh• ba• an! Dr 1 Va< cal lo wh I lo lo hao B J Coo Te pr< or ~ tol Cll F' tlir I (Cl hir de. rol •·h pa. ' •al bu' Po .. ' • • • .. --; ... voe. 63 ,NO. 14.,lsECTIONS, 34-PAGES .. ORAN6E · COONTY, CALIFORNIA" MONDAY, :JUNE 22, '!970 ··JEN CENTS . . ' . -' ' . • M~yor for 'Wild L•f ' · I e • ln Austt.alia By ALAN DIRKIN State, Long Beach _Sail:I. "Species thert °' '".0.1,., '11tt '"'" are found nowhere else in the world." Mayor Donald Shipley is for the birds. As mayor' of HuntingtOn Beach -it's He's also for the bees ,. fish, ins·ecu his third term :......-&ipley also will visit aod ~II other life forms. Wildlife '-is · the city gove:riunents in· All.!lralia, in-- his bag. " • sped their par)ls and ·open st11ae pro- Riebl ·now the '1-1.untingtoo Beacn civic granls Ind the libiarles. · leader Is packing his bag.I for a YacaUon The mayOr was a major force in I~ Australia. H~ will Juve Tuesday fram # ,cefttna; ..... Huntington: :ee.cq•s estenSiv~ Los Angeles Harbor an tbe ,40,000-ton parb-procrlllll~•UQcfieiJ last year. British liner. Orsov · and will be away Shipley Has invitations to visit the for ne arly' two. mdnths. town halls of 'sydney and Can~rra but "If you're inte r:ested bi qiotogy, ou--he ~ilio plaos . to watc!i _'tbe-C()Wl,cils plan all your life to ·IO to Australia," ·of Adelaide,..Bris bane and 'Perth in aer· the 56-year'..old biOlogy-proteN at Cai tion.: --: • ._.. ·-, ' .. -~ All told. he hopes to spend a month in Australia, spending the rest, of his vacatibn on the · ,cruise, ¥opping at Hawaii, American Samoe ;.Fiji and New Zealand. , · ··-ruve camera, will' travel• has ' long : been the motio ot the tnayOr. · · ·' · PrevioUS · over9NI expeditions) h av. e _taken J!im all over ' EUl'OPf! !!xcept Romanla, Finland, Buliaria and Albania. He has ·visited Eliro)e ·five 'times and once went on a bw ·trip from Poland to M09COW. .. • ~ . He has · toured :North Africa, ~all of' North America, incl~illg Canada and every state in the uaion.~and northern · atao piam .to aee &be Great Barrier nations in South Amerka. Reef, the larpst',coraJ .formation in "J like to go by ~ whenever J the WWkl, on the eu& cout. can ," he said •. '"!be belt way lo P,t Higblqbta of hla v-.=atiOn will .be a the feel 'of a dty la to come In by fivMly poddie ~t lrtl> up the !ofurray sea." · • lllvtr wr Adelaidl! ..i ·a tlne-dly In Auotralia, ShlpfeJ will atudi the __ U ... tal tnlio ride to Perth, pua· manupi8Ja, Pouche<! mommals lite the !DI lhriiaah Ilia delertl ..i oUtbock. k&111tl1'00 anti duct bill piolypul that "Pwtb bu • flDO cllnWe," be· •id. are fntllceltouJ ID AualraliL .......,. pt • ·lnabils of . rain -One "'111e •• bird Ill~ la &loo falc:l"'1iol • l!mea .... All "' pl here -Mid i• Allllralia," he uplahwt. ''Tjlere ·are they· -8 -.i, dun modern more piiTotJ there -a ipeciel -city." • than·~ el1t Jn the world.'' lla)'Cll' Sblpley'i Jnterut in Wildlife f. r...m<r marine biologist, the may,.. goes ~ loq belora ·lbe pmmt car ~ .. servation movement. His. doctoral thesla from' c'onieu In 1'953 WU based on "A Study . of ~the Col!Jervoiion Plilloiophiea ind Con· . . tribullon& . of Some Important Ctililirv .. tioa Le..:lers. •• • . ~ -• ''Tiie ooly lhlni that· Wonle. me about the ~~"~ env~tal moyenat ii that it, may not fut,". Sldplq-com- m•nt•C "\Ve cOMOt let It boc:itine 11111 a onNbot de4! " . ' . ' . Duttq the mayar's ablenc!! nflyor . pro tem JerrJ -Matney -~u tlte---f'over ii civic leader. -. . 3rd Narco SWeep Huntington ·Ra~ Nets 81 ·Suspect;S Making their third consecutive week-J end sweep, Huntington~ Bea'ch Police· rounded up 81 suspe<:ted.'narcoUcs offen- den:, disclosing today that one arrest in- . voJved gunfire and a rammed,palice car. Albert Kamaa, 28 of Anaheim, was c a .P t I,! r ed. d b)'. officers frOm the department's Special Enforcement Detail (SED) about one mile -down Pacific. a deadly weapon atemming· •from the Thuildiy ' night ihddent,1 which SEO authorities ~losed today. Investigators said Karnaa-had been $lopped, then sudd;enly backed bis car into the unit used by officers Afden Befvers and O. W. Lockhurt ~and then roareH 'off. ' • • which ·included 41 . juveni.le9, wae &r· rested by SEP officers, who ~ the past three weeks stalked beac¥s and hauled in a total of, more than. 220 persons. _C.oast Highway-1rom where.., he atruck Ii. police car. Patrolman Beav'ers dove -for,• th&.. dirt, while.:.Lockbar:t fired a shot at the tires ,C l{amu' ~ii\& vehicJe ii] an atliinpt so bait tbe getaw13, of(icers, 14id. Also ·arrested by the special force was Richard A. Frcrnco, 11 . of Pico Rivera who WU• charged with interfering with a police: office!"' when be tried to enlist help in' taking. two prisoners from cu1t0dy ,-officers reparted. I . Ref-.gees Flee ' ' Jn a scen·e reminiscent' of_ wars since wars began, Ca1n bodian refugees, carrying their belongings, ltee Kompong Speu. Communist and allied forces were still battling for the tov11n today. Jt lies 25 miles soathwest·of the Cambodian capital of Phno111 Penh. See story, page 3. c Officers Probe Shooting DeatJ1 -' Of Family Dog ~Hunlington 'Spac·emen ln Second Week·of .Test Deputies fro m the Orange County ~heriff's Department are investiga_ting the shooting of a fainily pet ln Sunset ' Beach . The one-yea r-old Labra,dor-Weimaraner was killed June 14, bu t todax the. tarOily of Or . Robert Soules, 1686:0 Bay View Drive. Sunset Beach, issued a pita: for witnesses to the shooting to notify the Four crewmen who today entered their second week of-a 96-day space sim- ulation lest at McDonnelt DOuglaS: Astro- nautics Corporation, Huntington Beach, are "doing a great job." That was the ol>Sirvation of Dr. Karl sheriff's department. • "Shad was playful, never grO)'led, or Pot . Destruction . ba rked and we can't understand how anyone could kill s~ a, harmJess pet," , 11~h~~~~ ·~~; ·found paralyzed tn • Camp~ign . ~~aJed vacant lot' of( Bayvltw\ Dtive, a .Z'l caliber bullet in his neck., He was •llbn .-WASHINGTON (Ae) -The feder1l to a Huntington Harbour veterinarian 1overnment has apnounced a program where he had to be killed, said police. to wipe out wild ·marijua~ during the Investigation-~shooting.Jw..fa.~ile-d._,,~current-growing-season.--before-kab. lo turn up any witnesses, according to sheriff's deputies. ficken in the weed can harvest It. "The dog was still a pup, i nd Atty. Gtn. Johi:i N. MitChell said.Sun- harmless,'' said Mrs. SouleS. · day the JuStice Department would seek HoughlOll. head of .a learn or Physicians and scientists in the observalion of the four men who are engaged in an extend- ed !xperiment of life-support syste1ns which may ultimately be used in outer space. He said 'that John·G. Hall, 25 : Ste phen G. Dennis, 22 ; Wilson Wong, 23, and Terry Donlon, 3t, are in good physical condition. sleeping nortnally and eating well. . ' . Tlie repOrt on the first week of the ex- periment aJso contains a. notation that two of the crewmen-Jn a complete reversal ' of current men's hair fashibrus -have shaved t~ir heids. Wong and Donlon decided to do this to ease the t.ask of attaching electrodes· to the{r 'tieads for brain wave readings during sleep periods. ' Karnas was booked oo charges ot . possession of marij111n1 and llllWt ~db Valley W,om•n . Res~ueti ·Frobl · ... . Potindibg Surf · A Foun tain Valley wo man was rescued from the rocks at the base of a .Laguna Beach, cliff Saturday evening artu-she was trapped by rising tidc:r-and bea!l surf while fishing at Abalone Point. - Laguna Beach lifegua rds JdentiCied the rc~ued 'l'OJTil'n as tlfrs. Sh err i.1 1 llfan~o\va. 22 of li.344 San LuiS.St. · Lifegua rrts said that due fo tading light and lhc ~rugged terrain , police and fi re rc~cue units we re havin~ dJ,f!iculty -finding-a-means~Lhoisting_th~tr.llRPJ'~d. woma n safely up the cliff. · L,ifeguards swam from the .beac~. at El Morro Trailer Pa rk to the , rocks where Mrs. Mankowa was stranded. An Orange Cou'!tY Harbor Department boat stood by off the rocks. Lifeguards J im Herdman and Mike Contino climbed ·up on the rocks between sets of crashing waves., Contino tied a buoy around Mrs. Mankowa and handed her down on the rocks to Herdman be lo"'. -l Herdman re-entered the water and . 'fl1rs. Manko\va jumped in also, lif~guards said. J-lerdman lh en towed her to the boat which transported her to the Newport Harbor. Earlier Saturday evening the two guarfds had rolled the emergency truck to Victoria Beach after a call that a swimmer was having trouble (Ilaking it to shore against a rip tide. Kent State Re_sumes Classes Under Guard Moot of" the 11· narcotiCS vic>lflors, The adult arresteea,. includiilg nine (See llOlJN1lUP,.Pap II ·-·lagte• ~ltu•Q~ · · F-uM.i:a,J,t,es ·Slated . For Ti,,;,i trash Victims " , -·. ' . Flmeral-serVices'. 'for two Victims ol an autotni>bile cdll.Liion wtych claimed three lives at a HuntJngtem Beach ht- tersection last Thursday , are scheduled ' ' Newport B,.c~s Laws to .COnttol . ' ' 'Marginal' Wells By .THC)MAli FORTUNE 01 rM Dilly f'li.t Stiff Legislation to prevent · owners of marginal oiJ wells rm tying up developable land is being suppor ted by the City Council of Newport Beach and may have the b2cking soon or Hun,tiogton Beach co uncilmen as well . The proposed legisla~ion Is of particular interest to Huntington ~ch which has a downtown area that Is vi(tually a holding zone because of unrelinquished oil interests. A hearing before the judic ial com· mittee of the state Senate is to be held in Sacramento Tuesday. Newport Beach City Co u n c 11 m a·n Lindsley Part011s was ptesent lo testify when the hearing was first scheduled last week but consideration of Gov. Reagan 's budget forced poatponement. • for Tuesday and Wednesday at DiJday'1 Chipel, HW1tiD1l01 Beach. The third pel'90ll to die ht the' eruh, Jamie ' S. Martin, 21, of 2905 Jacaranda Ave., Costa Mesa, was buried titer private services · Saturday at Good Shepherd Cemet.ry, i!unthigton liMth. ~r\.ices for Everett Freedle, 22, ot 5~ Chinook · Drive. Huntington Beich, have been scheduled for 7~S;; p.m. Tues- day at St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Hun- tinafun · Beach, with ifitmnent to follow at Good Shepherd Cemetery. · Freed!~. who was ide11tlfied by police as the driVer Of OOe 'of the vehicle5. is sufvived by his mother, Mn. Dorothy Clark, HutttJngton Beach, and ·lils wife, Marilyn. Miss Donna Sargent, ~ of 9831 Con· tinental Dt;ve. Huntin8:lQ.n Beach, a passenger in ·the car which repOrtedly ran a stop sign at the busy Talbert ~venue and · Gothard Street intersection altd struclc Freedle's car, will. be buried Wednesday at Good Shepherd Cemetery. Her' funerill service is scheduled for 10 a.m. Wednesday at Dilday's Chapel. The survivors include her parents, Mr. . and , Mrs. Don ·Sargent, Hut!:tlntton Be~ch: two brothers, Do11 •~. t>avld, and Olle sister. Mrs. Margo V9fhees. . Hogers Meets Soviet WASHINGTON (UPI) -S<cretary ol State William P .. RqPts met for an hour during lhe weekend with Soviet Ambassadoi: ·Al}atoly F. Dobrynln t0r talks believed to COfl(!ern a U.S. ,decision to sell more wirplanes to .Israel. · ----------------~otunt:a:ry~atkin from land owners Black PT A Merges and agricultural organizations. France, Spain-Meet KENT, Ohio (UPI),-Students return- ed io classes at Kent State University today tor the fi rst time SlnCe May 4 'vhen 10tirstudentrwere -killed by Qt!io National Guard bullets. Two bilJs are under consideration. numbers 966 and 161; Sponsored. bY George Deukmejian (R-Long Belch). The bills were written through • efforts of a [;eague or California Cities' ad hoc committee -of-which Paisons is a member. \ 1 ATLANTA {UPI ) _ Tht National Marijuana grows wild in parts o£ the Congress of ·colored Parents and nation, particularly the Midwe st. The Teachers merges tonight with the problem dales ba ck. to world War 11 predominanUy white National Congreq w~n the plant was cultiNal.ed as 1 of Parents Jrld Teachers. ·aubstitute for manila hemp. --- MADRID (UPI ) -Spain and France drew up a military coopera tion treaty today amid indications from Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird an agree· ment to extend leases of U.S. bases in this country was imminent. The summer quarter started under the gaze of a seemingly omnipresent security force . The cost or e:it:tra security since the killings was estlihated at more than $2$2,000 by campus security director Chester Williams. The bills ·call for termination ol subsurface oil leases when oil otractiOn · i! not profitable enough to at least pay for the Pf9perty tu ti•UJd gainst th e owner of the land. As Councilman Parsons put it, the value of· some laM-fiu-;-}Ccreise<l-a f hundredfold sihce' '-the' oil rlghLI were Crash Victim ·Tells of Ditch . 0 -d 1-.l!ranted anti some oil right owners are r ea "blac~ailin~". l1:'e la~ ~er, hang~ng 1 on while the land v1lue;.goes up . , HunUngton Beach city spakesman Bill ' • Reed said_, ."Oil pumpers have Fned t,rom oij pioducen in m1riy .ca• to From hi~ hospital bed, a driver tOday PaUerson •. who works as· an a~ PaU:ersoh was ini an ;.tn.s ldt .lane, the pai\l was too much," Patierson·con-. land speculators." . told of his three-bOOr ordeal after bis plicat,ions engineer at Hughes ~Aircraft heading north to his hame at 1~ unued: ' · ' . The PfOblem ,is the landowner can't car r11n 50 feet• off the San Dtego Company, Newport Beach, wu ·listed Sutton St., Cerritos, when the accident ' ••t turned on my back ·and pushed obtain a loan to build_ on the property occurred. ' · until ·he owns the subsurface twhts.. . ' F.reeway in Fountain Valley and ll ft . in satWactory corxlitJon today al.1{un-"A (!a,;-pulled in frqnf.: ,or me and ,with niy feet anct slowly manqed to Herb' Day, HunUngtan.JBeaCh. city-oil him lying semi-paralyzed in a culvert. -ti111tori· Jntertommunlty Hospital. -.--r swerYed and hit the curb'," Pattel'80'll get ou of that ditch. It tee!Jied· :)l~e field superintendent, said: . Unable to walk or crawl, Gary Pat-. OfCiciala said ht had a fractured pelvis recalled. it took hours." • · "We hate rriany 1ea111 .around here tcrson, 37, lay on his back and pushed bone. "I do111t remember what happened-next Once out of the culvert, ·Pattel'SQI} where. the royalties received are not himself with his feet ou1. of a fi ve-foot PattersOn's Volkswagen ran off the -whether the car overturoed or rolled rolled ba~ to the freewa y •. "J · just equal to the tax an the property. J deep cement-lined aqueduct and then freeway at about 11 pm. ThurSdey niaht, down the embankment or what. When headed toward the lighU1" 1 roukln't evtn guetS how many.' I can rolled lhe SO feet back to the freewa y 200 feet north of the Talbert Avenue I came lb, I found myselt in the aqeduct He . got to the side ol tbl. freeway think of half a dozen (Jff hind." . "·here his limp body was spotted by overcr'ossi ng in Fountain Valley. with .the car also in, the ditch about and was spotlld by motorilta a\ 2:.10 He·sakl tfJere ii one Uvwcre par'cel passi ng motorists. The California Highway Patrol received 30 feet K"way. ., a.m. t))lt produces three banel1 of oil per "One of three women who stopped a call on the accident. but the in· "My fi rst thought wa s to ·get out ! Patterson i:toell not know wheh he wil l day and the oil right ow,ner waotl '30.000 iaid she thought that it was just 1 vestlp ttng officer could not find Pal· of there. l stood up but p.asRd out be able to leave the ho&pital but he to get off. ~notbtr .. 48-lcre property has bundle of rags lying by the treeway," lel'90JI or his caf.TheJ were-both in from the pain I felt in my chest -and ~· b ·m1tina progress;."J m1naaed to walk five wells that-produce 11 ·barrels· a Patt erson said. \be aqueduct, 50 reet Jrom the road. back. 1 tried to crawl but J:OUldn'L -•• I few steps thls morniil&," be said. .-(See on. mu.a. P11e I) ... ' / Oraal(e Caut Low. clouds and coastal !og-re- main on the horizon for Tlieaday buL hazy. aunlblne ll>ould prevail iii the afternoon, wt th· temperatures ranging from to lo 80 degree1. INSml!: .TODAY . - \Vinds iindtr 10-:knota~OT't fine /Or weekend cruising, b•t ·not /Of record breaking, in o long diatance rn_pe: to Tahiti. Sec bOat· inp, Paae: 25. .. . , .... .... ~ ·--· ,_ .. ·-...... c. ..... --" ........... ·--...... ----- - • •• • • ... ~ • • • • , .. ... .. " " • • =~---· ·': -" ........ .......... --. .... ,,,,. . ........... .,. -. -" -. --n ..... -.. .... ,, --.. . ' I I DAU. y PILOT H L Crash Kills ----· .•.. ~. ~-··-· .... Marine;.3 . . . ' Other8 .Huri A two-c.at collision early Sunday ntar OrlJlll County Airport took tho life d. a Marine sergeant from Sanla Ana and seriO!Jlly Jnjured three other persons. includint hit wife. Stoll Srt. Richan! E. Jahnlon, 111 of 1313~ Wake Ave., S.nta. Ana, wu dead on arrival at Costa Meaa Memorial Hospital, where the injured victims wert1 also taken. " Mrs. Laurie Johnson, 27, was driving the couple's car when it collided wtth the lfC(l)d vehlde .at f\ed Hill Avenue and BU~ S~t; jllll inlide Coata M ... city lbnlta. • ' Mn. Johnson suffered ma)or lnjur~, u did the other motorist and h!S paaenger but all were in utiiftclorY oond!Uoa 'toc1ay, •cc:mlinc to hoopital olf=· ldOntuled th< other motorul .. . ' . . • --· "'"""""It mo Tai.e · Suipect Atkiru " Trial ~y . :Jury 1 Waiv~d W AJIGILll (AP) -A otaiu:iciue tAIJWIJI, Chari• M-. !IS, Lealie Van aarvt n0 purpoae." .,...... ......... .,, of the Sharon Tate Houten, 20, and P~la. Krenwlnkel. The judge denied the motion. adding 1nmderll led 1o the arrests of members-' U. it could be renewed later, and Kanarek ~ 1 blppie-.atyle . clan said today she Superior Court. Judie Charles Older uld · • will oiler expert testimony in would wafve Mr. rltht to~a jury trial._ said _ he WO\lld rule on the matter · eoonecUon with. the tn(lve. • 1bl iltorne~ for Su~an Atkin~. 21, later. He said juiors wi)o mi1ht be fair made & mol)on lot a, trial by JUdie Dave Siti'hn: Mis"s Atk ins' lawyer, told , and ·impartial' were· being excused u _court ecmveoed in the trial of Miss newsmen: "Everybc>dy has heard about becaU6e of the hardship of ,bein1, flW•Y this case anyway . Where are yoq I~ from home for six months. PSA Ads Rapped In Air. Cal Plea Air CaWom1a hu fUed a charge with the California Public Utilities Com· rnlalom that a competitor's ldvertising campalp. In the Sin Francisco Bay area 1 Ls misleaM and abould be cor· rect.ed. . • to set It juron?" '.'I'd ha."'.e to weigh that against the As coort opened, and lhe iudl;e guiu.ed passible adver• effect of ~pubUclty," prG&pective jurors on whether they Older said. wanted to be. locked up for ai1 months 1be judge said he would rule in the during the trial, Manson'• attorney ob-afternoon on a motion to allow Miss jected. Atkins' attorney to interview Linda Kasa· "Your hGnor, on behaU of Mr. Manson blah, 2t. · t make the rnotlon th•t there be no It was Mi:" Atkins, polict said, whose sequesterin1 of the jury." tale of •the slaying of Miss. Tate and Irving Kanarek II.id MIDIOn fell aiJ others last August, Jed to the aqesta publicity in the caae: bu been '• and indietmenta of MllllOn l1ld members pervasive that "the aequesterin& ~ of his clan .. _ • . . New Trial Date Slated 11 Walter R Andrion. 31, of S2U Sequoll~ DrlVe ·weitmlnster and ·said h t • ,....,;,.. .... u -Gordon.-1Ll'help1, II, ... 'l'ht complaint allecea P a c i ! i c "Southwest AJrlines (PSA) urjll!I Orange CalatJ-liound travelen to ny to Los Anpl• and then take the bua the rest ~ lhl way, requirin• only.a rew mi.!lutes. -A1r-C1Ufornl1 -v1ce--Prtsident-··and· .... -·-· ·--·· ··-···· .... ---------·- General Manager Robert vi. Clifford F E F ll p f of Lon( Beach. . Sgt Johnson was stationed al El Toro Mari~' Corps Air Station, according to jnvestlgatnn. 1 CircW'MtancU 1Urrounding the fat.a • acdil"'t ,..,. beini probed tooay to detenDine who wu at fault, Polioe aa1d. 'f'rolll P,..e l ROUNDUP.·· persons from the Oru!P ~-am, .,. !lated by chatp' . . Poaeesioo of marijuUa• °' dang«oUS cjrug5' . Doullu Wood, 21 , Santa Clara. Mui< Hale!, 18, Cypreaa. si.pben Janovlck, 18. Lynwood. Jneepb ·Furforo, 18, Cypr..s. Ronda Huddleston, 18, La Habra. Albert K.arnu, 21i 'Anaheim (also usault with a 'deadly weapon). saritmio' SpedarO, 18, Covl!\a. DonnidleBniyn, :Iii. 0r1111e. Bran Harilon, u~; Weitmlnlter. Kevin Youn&, 19, Westminater. Den1e1 Dodd, 18, Weotmlnllt<r. Dnyle HaMDll, II, Weetmllllter. Derry llol<hkiJI. 19;Lapwood. . Richafd Irvin,. 18, 113 Hollywood Sl, Huntlniton Beach. John Gill, 19. 16702 Spr;n,dale Sl, Huntington Beach. DllllllY Arlhur, 19, Artala. ~ .. McJl .. y.•.1!"1"" t perry·ChrtaitJ.an, 20, toi1 . Rayburn Adams, 21 , Ohio. suun Pharney, 19, Bell Bower. Demi -II, Be1111ower., ·' "llol>Ort . Agum. 20, 191M - Boulevard, Huntlnaton Beach. James Johnson, 33, 206 14th St., Hun· tinrton Beach. ·- . Foy Eden, 18, La Puente. RaJldy Lipp-It, La Mirada, Kathleen Hunter, 24, Bellnower. Rd>ert Bulwn, 25; Loni Beach. John Way, 21, Long Beach. Cynthia Carne, Long Beach. JOhn Weiss, 24, transitnt. Ktnneth Singer, 22. transient. . lAlpe Moreno, 18, West Covina. Wendy Cook, 19, Santa Ana. MicllAtl Hamilton, 18, llMI El Camino 61., Fountain Valley. Taken into CUJtody on char1es of being pretent where marijuana wu beinl smoked were: Mike Conley, 19, La Puente. ChrilUJ!lher Stalle. II, Lol11 Beach. Phillip Lee<ae, 18, Lons Beach. Mark Maaiano, ti, Buena Park. Nixon's D~ision J)ue ()n Lower vote Age WASlllNGToN (UPll -·Preald<mt Nix- on is eipect.ed to announce a decision this week on JegislatW. to e1tend voting rights tq 18-year-olds. . A bill,.carryiq: the provi.s.i.on to lower the voUDr: age from 21 clured Congress last Wecblesday. DAILY PILOT OttA"91 COAlT l"UILliHH<lll COMPAN'f' •·· ••li•tt N. W11d Wrappingtlae Eartla Farm ·hands~ taking care not to get wr~pped up in their-w?rk, lay. giant plastic cover over tomato field on inland -side of PacUic Coast Highway near Laguna's El Morro School. Purpose of the work 9n , truck farm between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach is to fwni- gate the tomato patch. · ,..,...._r,..e J OIL BILLS APPROVED . •• day and the oil risht owner Is aeekin1 In Hunllnlton Beach that ii lied up for $300,000. by oil ri&tlll, and that i! all. At Par9Gn.'1 urging file Newport Beach But Parsons 11 working on the ~ Cit Council · • .1.-..;. 1 retOlutlon auri:. · of Cities committee because the city Y. ""'"'I'""' r doe1 have an interest that will be. the porting the billt. ·Day hat recommended iubject of second ph11se proposed leaiala· the HUntirigtOn Beach council do the Uori. The committee Will nest study aame. City Attorney Don Bonfa currently the problem Qf farcing unltization of _ -b stOOyfng the Deukmejlan billl ~and oil fields, PatSGns said_ Rffd 1aid he believes the council will This means the oil for an entire field be asked to endarse them at its next II slant ~rilled_ fram one cl!rltral lite. meeUng. The city of Newpart Beach's Interest In the t.gillation ta not too ll'eat. It owns a 21iWcrt f~ water well lite Services· Slated ' . "" FUneral 1ervlce1 will be held Tuesday for the wife of Samuel A. Cameron, ..,ieiaJ manqer of the Long Beach newspapers, who died Saturday at her borne. · • Besides her husband·, Mrs. Mildred A.. ·Cameron, 56, leaves relatives in Orange Coast Qmrnunities. . Orange Coast communities. Rites for Mrs. Cameron, \\'ho was ac· tive in a nilmber of Long Beach or&:ani· zations, will be at 10 a.m. in Our Savior Lutheran Church, 370 Junipero Ave., Loo& Beach . • She leaves her father, Julius E. Linde, of Coro11a de! Mar, an aunt; Mrs. Arne Zahl. -of I.Ong liOioch, alstm Mrs. Thomas Crosby, of Long Beach. Mrs. Max Boyer Jr., of, San Pedro, Mrs. William Wesley, ol Huntm,ton Beach. Mrs. Frank C. Hoyt, of Costa, Mesa, a :son, Alex, of Saratoga, and a dauahter, Mrs. Gregory Lawtol, of. Manhattan Beach. Cyclist .Struck By Officer's ·Car A 40--year-old bicyclist w1s hoepitaliried this mornin1 when he wn sVUck by a Highway Patrol vehicle ind pitched lnto a busy Huntingtm Beach intersection. That drilling 11te can be screened or required to be underground so develop- ment can proceed around it. The city of Newpart has the IOO-acre Banning property on the west end that it would like to annex and bring inlo residential use. Oil rights are owned by G. E. Kadane ud Company 1'hicll ti,is 150 "ells on the property. Pfl'SOOS' said it is not generally known tha't. tp"°e JI .ff~traJ.~ oil drf!lil)I on the ZOth Cenwy F01: lot, ·at Hillcrt1t C.OUntry Club and behind building f1cade1 at several sites in downtown Los Angeles. He said the unitization legilllation pr~ bably will take some time to draft, Ttle committee spent 13 months on the unproductive oil lease bills ·now authored by Deukmejian. · Reed gave the countering argQment of the oil lease owners -that the landowner was happy enouah to get their income When the leases were granted In the 20's and that now they need a large return because of the costs of aband~t (there is a legal procedure and wells must be sealed). Reed uid that when most of the leases were signed in the early 20'1 Huntington Beat'h wasn 't mucb mort than farmland• and twamp. Cardboard Boxes On Stove ··Spark 'House Warming' John F. Gr Sham wishes he had never heard of cardboard boxes. · While moving iJito hi! new Huntington Beach Muse Saturday afternoon, he tem· pcrarily placed a &ta.ck of them Oil the stove. It wa s a move that cost hiin $16,000. Tbe boxes were ignited and the flames spread rapidly through the house, guttinc the kJtchen, living room and dining room ind causing extensive heat a11d &mGke damap throughout the building. Wa1ter R. rWUMrode. 17$$1 SlJI Roque Lane. lf:uotillltoD Beach, was treated for .cuts on 'tbe bead and eumlned for pain !jl> Ille left -·IJl()· Jeg by doctors at ,,..ldeol, w '1191"-• H 'tal J k a c 1 ..,, rffuntlngton~lntm'commurutY os111 . firemen were summoned to the blaze at &581 Edgemont Drive at 3:42 p.m. and doosed the blue wiltlin 11 tnlllutes, tnvesUgaton reported. ~ ,.,.,;;,. .~ G4'":,i M•""IW · The accident occurred abooi 10:10 a.m. " . at the lntenectilln II Spr!nidale Street ---t-~;.·_JTil•"'r~ro~''"'1 -------.and-Warner-Avenue Driver-:of_the_CHP l h•Mll A. M11rphin1 vehicle was omcer E. L. Winsor, 29 . Grabiln escaptilliihurt. MINIDlnt l oofllr Al1n Dir.in W•t o,,,... C-!r ldl!or Alb1rt W. 11111 · H-""'"' IMcll Ofl'IM 17175 l11th lo11lt.,1rd Mtilll!f Adll r•u: P.O. lo.-790, t~641 , .:. 0tll9P Offluil u ...... •••di: 222 "-' ·-· (all M .. 1: .nt ~I l1y ,,,_,,.. ......... ...U.; '211 Wt1! lt!llOI I~ lfll ~M: *"' frl9'111 I I C1t11ln9 llt1I Dl !LV .. ILOT, •,!II "'"''"' • ~~lflfll !tit N1..,.,.,_., Is PllMltfltt d1!1'f ''"""' """ ••¥ t, ..-rn c•IT""' "' Le.-· t•dl. Nt-1 h )Cfl. Ctltt M1$eo H11ftt ... :H ... c~ .... ,_,.Ill v11i..,, 1!r.it witll t ... ·eo-•1 Mlllt~I. Ot.... tl!lt Pllfl:khlnf c-Mt' ,...,.,o,,. pN1111 l tt I f 1J11 Wftl atJlto SJ.,.,. M.....,, INt.11, l r:il 1;.)11 111·111 lty lt•wt, c..M M .... Tll et • 17141 14J04JJ1 _ ff.-W••l111,_ c.tl 141·1UI Claelfiell .W1u:1W11 441·&111 co.,,.. ... 11, ,.,.. Ottllll (IHI ,.,.n1~l ... C-\f, NI -·· ~llt. Ulllt!rllltnf, ftl!lrlotl ,...,..... .. '"""'..,,,.,,'' lw••lfl .,.,., it ~· w!!llfvt -(II ..... '"~ -c.wt'fllhl --· 1«t!1t CS-...... ,.141 11 N.-"r.ert t t1cll .,.:ti e... ,._, G1U11r11M. ~r!,i,.,, at t ••t'W a• ,...,!Ml'/ tv _II _IL• ,_tlllr) ,,,111i...,. ,...._...., ca · ""'Pf'· ~ • .-. Boy· Loses Fight C0:ncer Takes Life at Age 6. DETROIT (AP) -Uttle Will Cald'lf'ell, Will 1ot lo meet many aovernora, whose dream of meetln1-President Nil:on mayors. senators an<f~ astronauts. He a\:so got to ride a 1iant 741 jet and and other national fiaures came true lo go 10 Dis neyland and England, the duriitg bis nine-month fight With cancer, father said. * , hal-died at age 6. The Caldwells took Will to the White · "He wu the bcavest little boy thal House Nov. II tO meet P.reskient Nixon. tverltved;" Nid•hl1 l1lher, Henert.--~''Mr:--NiJ:On called m on UI!! phone Death c1me at the Caldwell home and invited Will to the White ..Houae. '' St.Ulday. recalled Caldwell . "I .don't know hdw . CakJwell , a service station operator, he knew about-Will. rd like to hive u ld he decided te ft'lake 1very day ~ri a fit wbtn 1 answ«ed the phoM .. a Christmas for Will when doc\Ors am-I started cryLn1." putat.d IM hoy 's right le1 lalt October Caldwell said from laat Sel!lomber, becausa of bone cancer. ~ when they leamtd...Wi!I had caocer .. until "I fisured that we would 11ve him hi• death the boy's wtl!lht dropped from Christmas before Chrlatm11 got here. 80 lo 40 pounds and shortly be.tore he The doctors said Will would be dead died Will said he. was very tired. by then . Tlfe bravest kid YO:U could Survivors include the parent.a: l•o trnapne .. l&re\cMd U. II.It ~-Ill mort brothers, Her,bert Jr., 7, Frita, 4; .and months." -· 1 slater, Sharon J. • ' maintains -contrary ta the f'.SA ad or X· u er*""'n ro -thet Orange County is not just minutes . UJ from Los A11geles by freeway, e1:cept at 4 a.m., perhaps. Hit letter to the PUC asks the agency to revie" the PSA advertillng campaign ud take whatever action ii considered appropriate. Judy ~arland's Death Mark-ed A new trial date for Dr. Stuart. Sllvm, the recenUy fired auoclate philoaophy profess«. from Cal St.Ile Fullerton, was ICheduled to be aet today in muilicipal court. 1 Silvers' new trial will be on misde-- meanor charges of. refusal to disperse: and interferiq with the lawful business of a collige. ~ The professor was convicted May 29 • on misdemeanor chuaes of disturbin& ARSDLEY. N.Y. (UPI)· -TM first" the peace and unlawful auembly. Friday, annlv<nary II Judy Clarlaed'1 deatli wu Munl<lpaf Cour\ Judge James Cook marked today by her fans with viSta sentenced Silvers to 60 days in jail to her temporary resting place ln a and ordered him to 1tay of.f the c1mpus maUIOIN'n crypt and floral tributes. for !Kl days. The temporary crypt at Femcliff ' The ju<fle delayed e1ecution of the Cemeter)t was filled with several score jail ~ntence pending the outcome of floral arransements by midday and at_ an appeal to be filed1by Silvera' attorney, least 50 fans had made the pilgrimage . William Goldstein. The _P..rofessC!_r's ba!! Most stood in-allence -11'i\Oi'n£nt""""before-. from campus wu ordered to begin July the marble slab behind which Miss I. Garland'• coffin rests. Silvers, Who was fired from his positi Gn 1be only , Inscription ts a three-inch at the colleae earlier this month, was plutic nameplate readJ.na: ''Judy Garland tried on 1i1 miademeanor charges in Deans." May atemminl from a violent con· frontatl~ on campus March 3. The seven-women, five-ml!l jury found him innpeent of charges _of assault and battery and resisting arrest., The jury was unable to reach a, verdict on the two additional char1es of refusal to disperse and interfering with college business. In· additicri to the pending Municipal( Court proceedinp and his appeal, Silvers facts a Superior Court hearing on a contempt charge. He b accused of violating a court order issued on behalf of the college to pretJent sit-ins and other disruptive actions on campus. Student Found Dead --- AMARILLO (UPI) '-A student at -uing,each~StatCGollege <lied-Sunday nij:ht alter he was found unconscious inside a locked restaurant, which was ' on fire . Warren Rivera, 25, was pronounced dead -on arrival at John'a Hospital. . ,, 'flNE HOME FURNISHINGS • INTUIOR DESIGN • ' .-__ .__ Simmons' 100th Annivenary Specials ,i SPECIAL AT AU THREE J. H. BIGGAR STORES Now you con buy tho best Of 0 oroom price. Twin or. lull for on ly $119.90. You'll sloep beautifully on this 1.11.tro-h90vy comforhtx-cushlontd mattress ••• for years to come be- cause of an exclusive and sp9cial Simmons C:l1sipn that prevents sagging edQis: C o-;p with the unique Soni-Seal· cover, i:htm icollY ''toted to guard against odor, mildew, bac- teria. Thi mattress features Simmon's famous Ad justo -Rest, with specia l innerspring muhi .. . ' coil construction for added supporf and longer life. . ~ -~ . .Simmon1-Ma~t11 of the famous !aautyrest TWIN OR FUl.l SIZI mottron & box •P.ring ....................... , ... , .$119.90 OUHN;SIZE ·mottross & box sp;ing .................................... $169.95 KING-SIZE mottros.' & box 1pring (Shown} ............... , ................ $249.95 . - • PASAOINA POMONA SANT A 'ANA -Mtln 11t ll•v•nth 547·1621 .,.. S.nta 4na. $tore Open Mondoy 1¥1nln11 .. • 7 N~wport Beaeh EDITION Today'• n.al .N.Y. Steeb l VOL:. 63, NO. 141, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES -ORANGE couNTY-:-cALlFORNIA MONDAY •. JUNE 22, '1970 TEN CENTS Rigid Stitndards Set on R.i&MJ standards have been set to pro- tect. ocean .life and water quality from sewap disposal at Crystal Cove midway between Newport Beach •rxl Laguna ,Beach, • The Santa Ana kgional Water-Quality • Control Boord adopied the slalldards FridaJ far a aew ... dllposit pipeline stretching · almost a mile out to sea. despite tht city of Newport Beach's requ'5t ror a »-<ta, delay to cansidtr possible effects of kelp beds, marine preserves aOO the waters ot ·Newport Harbof. Richard A. Butennan, ueculive of. rw _for the. in¥d, said board member$ felt the city W()!Jkl be adequately pro- tcted Jn· its areas ol concern by the ~set. . The Irvine Ranch Water Diml.ct, which The line is proposed by the Irvine Ranch will need U.S. Anny c.orpa of Engineers -·---\Vater-Diabict.--:· ----.L-IP.Pl'QY~comtructiC}n. proposes to The Water Quality Control Board acted buiJd a sewage-outfall .6,00Q. feet out Oil_Control_ Plan Backed By Newport • By THOMAS FORTIJNE OI !IM n.llY llfl9f Sten Le&i!Jatlon lD prevent owners or marginal oil wells from tying up developable land is being sU"pported by the City Council of Newport Beach and to sea #thtO'• water 190 feet deep •. The Jona pipeline would have holes. aJong it· to diffuse the sewaee. ~ It is being designed'to serve the.needs until 19MI of U., Irviht coastaJ property between Newport Beach and ........ Beach and inland portions of · the ranch to be ~ of the lllture city of Irvine. Standanh set by the board include. · :.. The baeteriotoC;cal couhl lhall re- main safe for s~ and skin diving. -SetUeabk solids shall not :be IO"'COftoo centrated as to adversely, 1lterthe-1eom- position of the bo~tom ~flora and fauna --maY have the backing soon or Huntington Beach councilmen as well. 7 The proposed legislation Is of particular interest to Huntington Beach which has 1 downtown area that ls virtually a holding: zone because or unrtlinquished oil Interests. A hearing before the· judicial co'm- mittee or the state Senate ls to be held ln Sacramento Tuiilday. Newport Beach City C o u n t! 11 m a n Lindlley Parsons was present to testify when the hearing was first scheduled last week but, coruiideration ol Gov. Reagan's budget forced postponement. Two bills are under consideration, numbers 966 and 967, s~Mored by O..rge Deukmejlan (ll-1.ooR Beach). The . bills w,re written through efforts of . a Le,gue of California Cities ad hoc committee of which Parsons Is a member. The bills call for1 termination of subsurface oil leases when oil extraction i~ not profitable enough to at least H---PayJoz:.Jhe...propu.t.y_tax a19essecl-against the owner of the land. As Councilman Parsons put it, the value of some land has iccreased a hundredfold since the oil rights were ,RTanted and some oil right owners are "blackmailing" the land owner, hanging on while the land value goes up. Huntington Beach city spokesman Bill Reed said, "Oil pumpers have turned from oil producers in many cases to land speculators." . The problem is the landowner can't obtain a loan to build on the property until he owns the su bsurface rights. HerQ. D1y, Huntington Beach city oil field superintendent, said: "We ·have many leases 1round here where the royalties received are not e<[ual to the tax on the property, I couldn't eve n guess how many . 1 can think ol half a doaen aff hand." He s8id there is one five-acre parcel Sile's Jli•s Newport • ~ ' 1,1 -• -' !lee °'"-Pennington bangs onto her>-"Cl'OWll llflerbeln1·name1f Miss Newport Beacb durlnf! annual Newport llarbO~ Cbatiltier of 'Com- merce Commodore&' Ball Frida)' evening. The 16-year-old coed at- tends Corona del Mar High School, whtre she will be a senior next fall She likes to 'sing, play the guitar and swim -not necessarily at the same time. .. · Air California Purchased In $31h Million Stock Deal that produces three barrels of oil ~ Orange County.based Air California day and the oil ri&ht owDer w,anta '30,008 airline has been purchaled by Westg1t.e to get off. Another 40-lcre.property bu California Corporation, it was· announced five wells that produce 1J barrels • today. martetin,g. Miller quit his Post to join Goklen West Alrllnes in April. (See OIL IOU, l'.8P l ) C. Arnold Smith, president and '+-'----------~ctii Of-lhe---oo&fd of Westgate, In addition to Miller and. Smith, new ly appointed . directors' include P. A. Toft, who will be executive vice president ; C. Hugh Freidman ; Robert .Clifford, who will retain his posjtion as vice president and general manager ; Carol Smith Shan· non: Donald C. Heffner, who will be assistant' secretary, Ronald Su tter : b' 6 said -his company will pay ID estimated Iris Hig IC, 9, 13.5. million tor the airline stock in • deal set .to close Friday. N · Ci • "We are taking over 35 to 40 percent _ewport VIC of the stoc~ today for about II million ---~on~a•tr Offer-forthe whole stock-issue 11 r --d s umh which expires on Friday," he said. ~ Cr' Uee S Smith, who has been elecled president Norman B. Foster. and-C. L. Banks who will retain his position as vice president in charge of governmental affairs. ~ • Cove · Sewage Disposal or tnterr ... with fbh _.iton. -Waate dl!cbarpd lhall not alter Ille natural appearance of the ocean aa &o turbidity or color. . -The dllcbar1e lhall not contain toxls matertals in -deleterious to fllb or 1quatic planti. -Waste dllcbar&e shall pot contain suspended 10tids of more than 100 mllllgrama per liter. -lllaclw'aO lllall not depna the ... nu1I diaoJved oiryptf content below· seven m.tlUgams per liter. -Discharae ,abaD not • lower the pH of the ocean wller below 7.0 or raile The city of Newport Be1eh del1y re. it above a.•. ' qued, authored by CooncUman Llnds)ey -RiMuoacuvity in the w1ate dilcblrp Panons, asked for complete study d shall not uoeed preaeribed llmlts. elledl on' -Trea-and dlopoial _.Uon . -Kelp beds' in the Corona del Mar, shill not mlie a nulsuce. · . A~ Point and.Llpna Beach ll'NI. Tbe hearinl l'rlday was In San ~-preserves establlahed by the -Tbe Santa Ana Rqlonat . slate •Leglalaua. in Corona del ---w-'Quality Qnlrol Boanl, bHcf.' and•Lquna Beach. . quarleNd In Riverside, 11m1 the whole -l!entblc communitleo (ocean botlom Santa Ana Rlwr watmhed from Bis · life) and the man,. babllal tlley supPart. Bear Lah to the cout between the ~nie waten ol'Newport Harbor. 'Sin Gabriel River tn Seal Beaob to The city did not have 1 reprwntattve • point J~ south of Cryst1l COve. p~nt at the hearfn&. • . HarhorCurhs.,Due .? Neivport Council Studies Measure N~ Beach city councUmea tanicht will c:cmkler a propoeed ordinance reg. ulating commercial acUvity e11 boat, in the harbor. 1be ordinance, drafted by City Attor. ney Tully Seymour, would require coun- cil approv1l of any water tuLaervice, sjghtseefng tour, serving cl food or drink, dancing, entertainment, sale of mer- chandise or 1dvertlsing aboard moving vessels. Specifically etempted would be vessels in 1 nxed location such u the Reuben E. Lee riverboat reslauranl, and boats ch.artered to private individuals or groups not gener1Uy available for use . by the public, Seymour, 1t the req1:1est al. IOIDf: city Cult Member Waives Right .To Jury Trial LOS ANGELES (AP) -A'stalue9que brunette whole story of the Sharon Tate murders led to the arrests of member• o( I hippiNtyJe clan said today lhe would waive her fight to a jury trial. The attorney for Susan Atkins, 21, m1de 1 motion !Or a trial by judge as court convened in the tri1l of Miss Alkins, Charles Manson,. 35, Leslie Vin Houten, 20, and Patricia Krenwtnkel, 22. ' Superior Court Judge Charles Older said he would rule on the matler later. . Dave Sh.inn. Miss Atkins' lawyer. told newsmen : "Everybody has heard alJ?ul this case anyway. Where are you g01ng to get 12 jurors?" . AS court opened, and the judge quizzed prospective jurors on whether they wanted to be locked up for six months during the trial, Manson's attorney ob- jected. . "Your honor, on behalf of Mr. Manson J make the motion th.at there be no !equestering of the jury.'' Irving Kanarek said Manson felt publicity in the case has beeit . so pervaaive that "the sequ~ering would serve no purpose." The judp denied the motion, adding it could be renewed later, IJld Kanarek said he will offer expert tettimol;ly 'in connection with the move. He said jurors who might be fair and. impartial were beln& excused becauae ol the hardship of bein&~ awaf rrom home for sit months. • "I'd have to weigh th.ill against the pbssible adverse effeet ol publicity," Older said. The judge said he would rule ln-the afternoon on a rnoUon to anow Miss Atkins' attorney to interview Linda K- blan, 21. · planninc couun.luioners, alao hla pre.- pared 8lt alternate · ordiDance which would flatly JrOhiblt commerci1I dining, drinking or entertainment operaUOnl on boats moving about the fubor rather than making them subjeet to CltJ Coun- cil approval. · . Seymour advises counc:i.lmen that If they adopt lbe ordinance they mue 111ch use1 111bjeel to lhelr discreUon inltead of ou11a .. ec1 .. the city woiJld Ii< In a l!rvni· er Polilion to reaist a court teat. He says it is uncertain whether the cltJ hu the power ~~ prohibit llfch ..Uvttits. The ordinance speclfies con- sideraUom e i t y counclhnm ahould weigh In deciding wlMlher to permit uses under the: ordinance. They are : ~'l'eri . -Whether the pr_..i -activity i& compatible wllh the pncJam, inantly recreational-character .. of N...:. port Harbcw. -Whether the propoeed comnierclal actlvtty la likely to crate an unreuon. ~ble level of noise. -'-Wb-r 'the propoHd commercW activity will have an 1dverw effect Gii the effOris to keep !be ba1 !tee at pol. Julian and litter. . _ -Whether the veuel or w1tercraft ii sea•Cll'lllJ and aclequ1te11 equipped -safelyctmces. The ordinance p ... idel that Ille appll. cant lball pay a r111n1 fae the -at whi<b Seymour Iolt blant far dlJ oonncthneu to no tn. • Ne~1'~acb ·ManS~ • At Party in Costa Mesa t ·-· ....__. ~ By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of IN Ofitr l"I ... IMll A Newport Beach ' man wflo bad been seen ·talking animat.e(uy In H.W11ian with another -party iuut wu found dyJng outside a Costa Mesa apartment early Su'nday, the 1pparenl vlctim1of 1 murder.· Ronald V. Block, II, ol 11111 11th St .. died within momentl art.er arrivinc at Costa Meu Memorial Hospital, despite efforts by a police Officer to revive him with mouth-to-mouth resulclt&Uon. · . ' ' . . No immediate determinatlon was mlde about the precise caUBe of death . Block, reportedly wealthy, suffered an injury to the left temple but also had ·a chunk of meat stuck in hia throat,· accOrding to· Orange ·Coun,ty coroner's deputies. . Detectives theorized today that BloCk was struck by someone outside the residence it 279 Cabrillo St., but con- sidered the posai611iti ..:.. admittec:llY fa i'· fetched -that his · death could be ac- cidental. . , · "He could possibly filve been choking and struck his' head falling ' down," 11id Di!tective C1pt. Bob Green. "We've tot a M>t of people to question,'' he edded. . • Police aaid Block,. a blchek>!" who was engaged to marry soon, was liken to the 'party b)' in acquaintance ind sttmed to be enJOJln1 himself· in the · Bl'OllP· , The party included 1 ftWJ\ber .. of 1 Hawaii1ns and Block spoke t h e i r language, according to invullgators. One acquaintlnce whale name w11 no1 disckleed aaid he -wu ·-ta1~1 animatedly with another party guest sl!ortly tiefore mlcntlli~ poaolbly •'1Uin1. · "But ... don't -. -they ' were speaking Hawaiian,,. .. Capt. Green explained today lnveatipton uld the party ' broke up 1t one main paint, wttb mo1t of ~ gueats all leaving the apartment 1t the same time, shortly after midnight. Not' Jong afterward, Block was fcmd lying in the front yard , bar~ly bruthin&. aeconlng to Patrolmlll Tom Boylan, who was the first lawman to arrlw aJ the scene. Hj! efforts to revive the victim Wert futile, however, and Block' 1sue:cumtJid, shortly after aniving at the holpllll. 1be body was removed to the'-Weatcliff Mortuary after Block's moOter and fjance arrived folloWing notincation of his ·apparerit murder, / · Funeral servites will ht held Thursday,. at • 3 p.n;.. in .Wayerly Chapel, with Rev. -'Bruce Kurrie offlflating ·and .Jn~ tennent ·will follow at Fa l r haven Memorial Park in Santa Ana. Survivors include the vlCUm'1 mother, Mn. E~lth Block, of El Monte, listers Mrs. Betty Rossner, of Baldwin Park. Pamela and Tetll Block, of SIDU Ana,. two aunls, a niece and nephew. France, Spain Meet ' ' MADRID (UP[) -Spain and Franco dmJ ·up a military QOOPtrltion tl'Nty t0da1 amid · indicatioils from Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird 1n agree-.• ment to .extend lease.s or U.S. ~ in this country . was imminent. of the airline's directors, said the parent Mrs. lris Higbie, well-known Harbor corporation will try to strengthen the Area civic leader, died Sunday In her line 's ties to Orange County. borne a.1Jhe_,aet_Q( U. "The parent company has a very A 20-year resident or Balboa Jsland, definileintet-est in Orange ·c ounty and she was active in numerous civic ind looks forward with gfeat interest to charity organizations. the grow.th and development of the area," lfGI Device Gives _Ho.pe_ ,We•tller ' . Low clotKU and ·COUtal fOf-re---i-el--~ main · on • &he horiloo for Tuead1y Mrs. Higbie served as eieculive secre· ' he said. tary of the Newport Harbor United Fund ~mith said they would begin taking and Red Cross and was one or the action to have the airline's maintenance rounders of lbe Newport'• Women 's Civic operation moved from San Francisco League. to Orange County, pending approval of She was al90 formerly active in Harbor county officials. 1rea PTA. "We intend to keep this an Orange She ls survived by her husband. former County-based airline," he said, "and add d9' councilman Clannce A. "Odd" wbate.vet...muscle...and strength to it here Higbie, . and ... Richlrd A. who have -that we can.'' a Jaw prlctlce on Ba1boa Island. He also noted the airline would be Mn. Hlgbie 1llo leaves her dlQ&hter •. teking ·delivery ·on·two new ·Boeing 737's Mrs. Ira F.nptnlnd of San Oleto and in A~ and September. AA soon u a brother Edward · Kaskell of Amity • possible: dle 'air)iiie WUJ be using the Harbor, Long Island. new routes to San Otego and Long Beach Private lu~ral servic~ w.ere hekl for ~ recenUy tJ'arited tbem, Smith ... added. her this monunc at Pacific View Olapel. • Smith emphasized that there are no The family has suuest.ed that friends -changes-planned for the rank and rue wishing to do so, contribute in her Air Cal em_ployes. memory 1o the Newpoi;f. Harbor United One change In the directorship of the Fund, 32$ N. NewP.Q11 Boulevard, company he noted is the ret~rn of Dudley Newport Bead!. Miller as vice president in charae or Monitor .Aids P lie mature Infants' Breathing Struggle By JOANNE REYNOLDS Of .. ....,. f'lll Iliff • A new electronic system, designed to save the Jives of prematur~ infanls with ~reathing diffjcul~-~-~ devetoi>ecI at the UC Irvine ~ of MedlClne, it WU announced todaJ, , ' &r. Margaret J . Ingma:n, a pediatrics . lecturer, said preeadei have irregular breathing which is characterized by rap(d breathing alternating with brief periods o!. non-breathing. 1"11!.is 'periodic breathing' is considered to be a harmless phenomenon prov)~ the infant resumes brealhing on his own and does not develop cyanosis (turo- ing blue due to lack ol oiygen)." Or. lnsman 11id tbat ii' UM non·' brtalbirig phase Is accompanied by cyanosls, or a slowing ol the infant's helrt rate, he will not usually resume breathing automallcally. "If this P<Obtein ii not -and, he 11 not IUmutaled to -reoptr•· tlon, he may die er suffer ~ damaCt due to lick of 0171en;" she nplatnred. Tllo ..,. system developed at UC! I! ldJvated by a hnrt rllt monitor whlcll mponds 'automaticall1 -... the infant'• ,)lurt rate falls~ 90 beats per ml1111te, !'!"!" IO lo II tielis below normal. ' · The syltem sounds 1n alann ·to alert nlftfel and giver the b.iby a.mlUI electric shock to ll~ulaW lnlDfng. When• the lnfont. ltlltl to brtllllt .J again, h.is heart rate riltl above IO Iieall' per mlmite, 1utomallcal11 Olmlng oil the alarin and Ult· -llln111tator.' Jf brelthing is not raamed,' naraa· can · .ratore braatblnc by arllllcJal .......... 4""· _, ' . • Dr. [ .......... Ille foell Ille ..... system ts better !ban currently llled systems Wbk:b ire r adiv8tid bly raplratory monitan becallle hurt rate ii i more · deplndable lodJClllan ol Ibo · baby'• phyllc1l C<lllditlon. ''!be r'iaptra!"'Y rilohlton coufd be activated .by on bilant's nqrmal periodic bJHthl!ti,". she ukl, "IO there WU I greather possibility Of falle alarms which Could JLtliiU.lltf tbe. illWll UDDeCUlll'ily, II . } ' but hazy st1111hine lhouJd prevail in the afternoon, wi&h·&emperatures ranging from Ill to • c1et1Jeea. INSIDE TOD-' 'Y . • Windl Mndn 10 knot.I OTl fine for wttknd cradling, bu.t not for rt'cord breaking in a long dirtcmcc 10ce--to Tahiti. Su boat· iRQ, Poat 25. -• -·-• ...... • -• ·-,. -" ....... ' --.. ·-... --• -• -II· .. -• ·--.... --• -• -· ... I -" ·--" -• ·-""' --" -.. --,.,, .... -.. --N .... _ I • • ----"--... -.----.'"~~-~-----·-~·~ ' ' ' I DAIL y l'ILOT N New Trinl ' , _Fair. Oato Sand ue ' . . · F-Or 'S,ilve.rs Texan, 17, Hurt : ,. ln ·Surf Accident: I DAILY PILOT Plleflll h" Pllrld: 0'.,_..11 Sign listing _ n~no's stands at entrance to Balboa Pier. laq~,pho!O&r11Ph .. foQll4 the no-no!llar• pretty , much ignored during a typical Sunday in Newport Beach. Say,,like about 3 p.m. yesterday •. '' 'lihe Iii'! mar, aay .,....,.,.. but the lolk1 who use the pier say 'yes.yes." Newport Gets 'All -Clear' , . I - From Pqe J OIL BILLS. •• From Threat of Oil Slick day and the oil right owner ls aeekina for $300,000. At Parson's urging, tlii"NeWjiirt Beach City Council adopted a resol_)ltion su~ portfng the bills. Day has recommended the Huntington Beach council do the same. City Attorney Don Bonfa currently Is studying the Deukmejian bills and Reed said he believes the council will be· 1sked to endorse them It its ilext meeting. Newport Beach now has an "all clear" from the threat of oil slick that began last Thrusday night and lasted several days. ' A U.S. Coast Guard plane criss~ossed the ocean \o three miles out Sunday and the pilot sighted no oil. AtJ it turned out the only heavy con· centration cf. the 100 was that that hit Thursday night and blackened a 20- foot wide strip of beach froin Newport Pier to 13th Street. Small drops -of oil came 'in in the BalOOa area Friday .and it was ,feared there was more to follow, but there wasn 't m.uch. Some <>ii was deposited on the rOcks al the Harbor entrance jetty >Saturday and some heavy tar wash· ed in on the Corona del Mar Milin Beach Sunday. · · But nol'le of It was particularly DAILY PILOT troublesome or required city crew! to shovel and tiller the beach as they had · Friday mornin& after the first oil intrusion. The source or the oil still was un- detmnlned ,; loday . by the U,S. Cout . Gulrd. Oil aamp1e& were taken for analysis. Money Talk Set For Coast Y,MCA .The city of Newport Beach's Interest In the ~gislatioo is not too great. It owns a 2"1-acre f~er water well site in Jiuntinpm Beach· that is tied up by oil rights, and that Is all. But Parsons is. working on the League of Cities committee because the citY .Capital needs .of· the Orange Coast d0es 'have an interest that will be the Family YMCA will be. discµssed at 1 dinner hosted by John MacLeod •. former:, subject.of second phase proposed legisla- owner of Macco Corporation, ·Wednuday lion. The committee will nex t study at the Irvine Coast Country Club. the problem of forclng unitizallon of MacLecd is assistina: the YMCA in oil fields, Parsons said. it,, current $597 ,000 fund r1iling cam· ·Thi~ ?neaMs the oil fer an entire field paign. The money will be ·used to pay · is sl1nt driiltd fi'om one central site.· off Its mortgaae arid 'build additional That drillins· site can be screened er facilities. required, 19 , ~ ·underground so develcp- Victor C. Andrews; U.S. Expo '7' am-tiient Can ~ around it. oll.&.NO-E '°-'ST ..u1L1sw1NG <OM,ANY bu&ador~to Jipan, 1".ill serve as dinner , 'nte, city of N~wport has the 600-acre lob.rt N. w... 'chairman. 'speaker will be Judge Robert Bannlhl property on the west end that · Pm....,,_. hlll1&11tr ~l!dnlfr1 president of ·Amiiot 'Viejoa. it would like ·to annex ' and brtng lnto J1clr a. CM•l•y residential use. Oil rights are bwn~ ' A new trial ·date for Dr. Stuart Silvers, the recently 1 flted aaoclate .philosophy prof~sor from Ca( State Fullerton, WI! scheduled to be set' today ·I,n munici'pal court. . SUVm' new trial will t;e on mis~ meanoi-charges, ol refusal to dispersa and interfering with the lawful. business or a coliege. The professor was convicted May 29 on · misdemeanor charles of dliturblng the peace and unlawful assembly. Friday, Municipal Court ·Judge James Cook sentenced Silver-! to 60 days in jail and ordered' him to •taY' off the Cainpus for 90 'days. ' • • Tb! judj:e delayed execution of the jail ientence pending ' the outcome of an appeal to be filed by Silvers' attorney, William Goldltein. Tbe professor's ban from campus wu ordered to begin July I. Silvers, who was fired from his position at the college earlier this month, was tried on ail: misdemeanor charges in May 1temmift1 from a violent con- frontaUon on campus March 3. 'lbe: seven-women, five.man jury found him l.nnoce:nt of. ch_,ges o( aaault and battery and reslsUng arrest. The jury was un1ble to re1ch a verdict on the two 1ddilioftal charges of refusal to disperse and interferina with college busineu.' Jn lddition tO the pending Municipal Court proceedinp and his appeal, Silvers faca 1 SUP'f.ior Court hearing en a contempt charge. He is ICCUsed ()f viollUna 1 court 9fder lasued en behalf of the college to prevent sit-inl and other dilruplive &cUom on campus. Student Found Dead - A Texas youth who didn't know how to ride a wave and went over the falls head· first into the sand in Balboa on Saturday suffered a 'serious n~k injury, Newport ' Beach Jffeguards said. John Redinan, 17, Dallas, was reported in serious condltion. but imp,-oving in the intensive cari! wao:I today at Hoag Me· morial Hospital. A hospital spokesman said he was' able _ to move his fingers and toes. , In anolher Saturday accident, Johnnie Manick, 50, Bell (;arderui, slipped on the rocks downcoast from Corona del Mar near the horse r1nch. Mrs. Manlck in- jured her . bac~ and lifegu~rd~ ~led her by stretcher to the top DI the beach bluff. She was sent on by H6ag to Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Bellflower. No word was available on her condition., Newport lifeguards reported. w~kend beach crowds were somewhat smaller than usual~,000 penons on Siturday and 75.000 on Sunday-becauae of ever· cal t skies.• ~ • Thirty-five rescues were performed Saturday and 15 Sunday plus almost 500 preventative actions in which lifeguards warned swimmers or danger without going into the water after them. Capt. Bud Belshe said the, surf was three to four feet with some small rip- tides. Bo! Loses Fig_ht_ Cancer Takes Life ~t Age 6 · DETROIT (AP) -Little Witt Caldwell, whose dream of mfftlng Pruldent Nison and other · naUonal fltureJ _canie true durfng his nine-month fight with cancer, . -. has died at.age 6. "He was the "bravest little boy that ever lived," said his father, Herbert. Deal~ came at the Cak:l~ell home Sunday. Caldwell, 1 1trvice statiqn• operator, said be decided to make every day a Christmas for Will when doctors Im· putated th~ boy'• right leg lut Octol>er because of bone cancer. ' . . "I figured that we "'.OUld &ive him Christmas before Christ.mu got here. The doctori gaid Will would be dead by ther:1. The bravest kid you could imagine stretched it out to •iJ: more months." "Mr. NixOn called us en the Phone and invited Will to the White Houae," recalled Caldwe~I dgn't }qlow how he knew about Will. I'd like to have ' ~-:1 a fit when I answered the phone. I started crying." Caldwell said from last Septenlber, when they learned Will had cancer, ,until his death the boy's weight dropped from 80 to 40 pounds an~ shortly before ht died Will said he was very tired. Survivors include the parents; brothers, Herbert Jr., 7, Fritz, 4; a sister; Sharon 5. two Ind Nixon's Decision Due On Lower Vote Age AMARILLO (UPI) .._ A student at ....... Will got to me,et many governors, WASHINGTON (UPI)-PresldentNiJ:· L-Ong Beach State COiiege died Sunday mayors, sena~ors and astrona~t... He on is expected to announce a decision night lfter · he ·was found unconscious also got to nde a giant 747 Jet and this week on legislatioa to extend voting inside a locked restaurant, which was to go to Disneyland and England, the: rights to l8-year-0lds. , on fire. _, father u,kl. ~ ------. --A bill carrying th e provision to lower·· Warren Rivera, 1.S. was pronounced The Caldwi!lls took Will . to the. White the voting age from 21 cleared Congress dead en arrival 1t John 's Hospital._ Hou2 Nov. 16 to mee~ President Nu:on. Jasj Wednesday. FINE HOME FURNISHINGS e INTERIOR DESIGN Simmons' IOOth -AtJltiren., Spetit/s . • Vies PNI*"'.,... CMMnil Mlftlttl' } by' G. E. Kadane and Company which 1~---.,,.,;;HKrnll----1-Jewel-BUrg· ars1-,--h,a1-150-W'"1-<>1Lthe_properiy.~---l l--- E"ter Parsons sai4 it is not generally known Tl101111t A. M11r,hi11t Mant1lntl lll11or I d Tho111tt Fort1111t Nt.....,, lttd! Cl1y Edller N..,..t ..... Offtu 2211 Weit l~ll••• ,,.,, • ..,,,, M1tli119 Acldreu: P.O. 101 1171, f2661 Otlirom-: c.tt """"' llt W•I ,,., Sll'elt L .. ui1• lffdl: m .,.,., ""tti"' Mui111,.1on 1ue11: 1117J .. Kil llDllltll9"9 .... c.IMllllttl; J0$ N«l'-II c.IM ._. CAlLY ~l\.OT, wltll w11lcl! h ""°"'111111 "'9 NtWl·~rtMo 11 fllllll~d dtl1Y .. '"' ~ d•V 111 ..,trtlc tOllitln& flir L"""' ... di. Nt-1 .. Kii, Co.tt ,.,._., H11~!1fW!t11 a1·r~ tnl Fount1tn \/'Hey, •!0'11 wll~ •-noaioflll .. lf.0111-0•...,C Cout "ij'\lllllllf ..:t"'IMl~Y ~r;,,tif19 ,i.n1s •'• •t nn Wal a t100 ' •:'11 •• '""""°"! ltJcil, 11\111 UI W•t ••Y ltrW., ~ Mtsl. , ........ f714) 141~3 11 c....,.......,...... .. ,41·••1• C""'•ltll!, 1~... V..,,.. CDJll ~...-11111i.,. ~.,. ,.. -••'-· ui.1111M. 1•11.,111 .... ...,. er 1dvt<"ll-11 "'''"' "''t lie ttl'f'lfuttf wllllol,ll ..-er.I """ "'"'Ion .. cwrrllM ....... ._.,.. clMI .... ,.u I t Ne.._t ltldl .,.,. Ctal1 ...., Ct01'!1n1i1. Swo.r.,;ttlo!I llY C:f((W UM ......,..,.,! 1tY "''!! n.• -ftl1J Wiii!'-"' ""'--. """" 1M111111v. • ' Loo tltaL there Is centralized oil drllling on Get $4,000 t · the 20th" Century Fox lot. at Hlltcrest Country Club and behind building facades at several sites in downtown Lo~ Angeles. Newport Beach police today are seek· ing suspects In the $4,0QO iew~l burglary of a Bayside Drive home · Corine Franklin, 68,· told pc lice suspects efltmd__he_rJoil_ed home al 1209 Bayslde Drive while She was out and took-tile jewels from three locations in the home. Detective Thom Shearn Slid there were no signs of forced entry into the borne when Mrs. Franklin reported the burglary· Friday night. · The sutpects took jewelry from jewel 'bow ia the WOIJllll'S bedroom, bltl)room. 1nd a eloaet. " CONTEST 'BUSTED' LONDON (UPI) ~ l<>ndoo'• Lyceum Ballroom canceled a ""1cerl booked by a progressive IN IJl"OUP Fndly when they round out part or the night's festivities would be 1 com~lltion for . lbe sexjest girl under six.teen. The prize • lo be l iven in ffCret after the concert -one ounee ot mart.Juana. He sai<l lhe }.ll'!iliza tion legislalion pro· ba!>ly wlll take som~ time to draf t. 'nle cmimlttee spent ti months on the unproductive oil lease bills now authored by Deukmejlan. .. Reed gave the countering argument of the cil lease cwners -that the landowner was happy enough to get their income when the leases were iJ'1nted in the 20's and that now they need a larae return because of the costs of abandonment (there is a le1al procedure and wells must. be sealed ), . Reed said that when most of the J~ were aiinecf ln the early 20'.s Huntington Beach W)Sn't-much more than farmlands Ind swamp. Soviets Offer Loan LONDON (UPI) -The Soviet Union has offered Communist China 1 loan In the blllion~oll1r range in an apparent attempt lo repair the Sil'IO-Soviet rill. authoritative diplom1tic toW'Cft 11id ~ d1y. Bui PeklOI 1111 rtjected ,the offer. ' , .. -. SPECIAL AT ALL THRfE J. H. BIGGAR STORES " Now you can buy th'e lies! at a dream price. Twin or full for on!yJJ:l 9J O. You'll deep -beautifully o!L.f__his extrb·h•a:tY comfort,,x.cushion.O mattress ...... _._for_year.s-to-come-be,_' ----1---- cau11 of an exclusive and special Simmons Clesign that prevents sagging edOi's • ._ Co m e 1 with the unique Soni-Seal cover, chemically treated to guard against odor, mildew, bac- teria. The mattress features ~imm,on's famous Adjusto-Rest, with special innersPrin9 mu11{. coll construction for odde1d support and longer life. · -• ' . Simmons-Makers of the famous Beautyrest TWIN OR FUU. SIZE mattress & box spring .• ~.~: •. ~ .••......• , ...•.... $119.90 OUEEN·SIZE mattress & box spring. , • , •... , . , . , ..... , ..•.............. $169.95 ICING-SIZE mattre11 & box tpring (Shown) ...•..•.... , •........ ,, ••...... $249.95 . . ' PASADENA ·POMONA SANTA ANA -Main at Eleventh 547· 1621 -Santa Ana Store OP!n Mond1y Evenln11 t'· ' J I 7 .. I 7 .. J ' I <!osta; Mesa -· Tetfay~ ..... ,. voe. 63, NO. 148, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES -~ -l -_.___ --~-ORANGE 'COUNTY, CAtlFORNIA MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1970 TEN CENTS SEAN McCARTHY, 12. COSTA MESA.·LEARNS·OF ERROR OF HIS WAYS FROM SERGEANT St.tt Sgt. George Zipet• DilCUIMs.Disclpline With Youngster in N•vy League Boot·Progr11m A Taste_of Marine 50 Boys From County Try Boot Camp on for By FRED SCHOEMEBL OI .. _.., n. lllff For 50 y.ouna: men ln Orange Cowity, military duty later in life may be just 1 bit euier. 'Ibey are participating in a Naval League Boot Camp for boys u '° 16, which will ocquaint --miHtory di . llDe rille bandl'-pb~-· fitnea 9Clp • ... • .r--• history o! lhe Flag, the military servlca and drue abuse. '!be Navy~. which is...,.,..... the boot camp, is a dvillan arm of the United. States Navy. 'lbe Orange County Cllapter is holdin& the camp at the Marine Helicopter StatiOn in Santa Ana, starting today and running throuib Size Party Guest Dies Possible Argument Seen iri Mesa · ' . By AllTllllR R. VINSEL • Of 111e D1i1tr , .... S'-':f . A N<Wport Beoch m1n who had .been • seen talking animatedly in HawaiJan wlth another party guest was found . dying og~ a Costa Mesa apart,ment early Sunday, the apparent victim of a murder. Ronald V. Block, 36, of 105 lath st., died within .moments "after arriving at Com Mesa Memorial Hospital, despite efforts by a police officer to revive him with mouth-t~mooth•resuscitation. No immediate determinatiOn was made about the precise cause of death. Block,'ieportedly wealthy, suffered an injury to lhe left temple but also had a chunk of meat. stuck In his throat, according to Orange County col'ooer's depuUes. , Detectives theorized today that Block wu struck by some4)ne outside the midence at 279 Cabrillo St.. but .con- liidered the possibility ~ admittedly fir· Mesa Boy, 8, Saved in eool By Big Brother !etched -that his de1th could ·be·..,. cidental. . "He cauld P*!bly ha•e been cboklnJ · IJld lllntcl: his bud !ailing down," 11id Dotecti•e Clpt. Bob Green. "We've aot·a )ot ofipeop&e to question,' .. he added. Police uJd Block, 1 il>achelo< who wu enaqed to marry soon, was taken to the party by an acquaintance and seemed lo be. enjoying him><!! in the group. • 'Ibe perty included ·a tlUD)ber , of Hawaiians and Block: spoke t h e i r language, according to investlgators. One acquaintance · whnle name wa1. not disclosed said he was t&lking animatedly with a~r party guest shortly be!or< mldnlght, pooslbly argul~: uBut we doo't knOw, J>ecaule' ·~ were speaking Hawallan," Capt.. Green . ex plained today Investigators said the party broke up at one main point, witlf, most of.· U. flUOSb 11t" ~ the .,,uu...i ·Ill llle ..... time, y -mldnlpt. Nol . Joioi Qlerurd. Blild< --lying In the r.-yon!, birdy bralblac. -I to P1trolmln T'"" BoJlu, Who WU• the flnt lawman to arrift at·tbe ,IC'elll!. · His efforts .to nvlve the~ victim•wre futile, however, and Block auceumbed lhortlr offer urMna 11 the boopllll. The body WU rernoved·to tbe'Wntaltff Mortauy alter ·Block's -· IJld flance, urhed lollowio(, -al his apparent murder. .. · • Flmiral -lcea will be beld -., 1t 3 p.m., In Wawrly Chapel, wtu, Rev. Bruce Kurrie offielatiae and m. terment will follow at F al r h 1 v e • Memorial Pork In S.nll Ana •. · Suniyon. include the "rictim'a motber. Mn •. Edith Bloct, al El -.. - Mrs. Bell)'. -· " Baldwtn P.n. Panell IJld Teen BIOdt, al SIJ!I& Am, lwollll!b.1-IOdmpbow. .Help . Co11les, Frist ' • , , L • Mothers · Plea .Brings Resulu Who says the pubUe ta ·1patbellc? A, pltlnr c:oU. ITGm hooi1owtve"11id iieol'lo recent •1rticleln the DAILY PIWl' call-Who -t lo belp 1n Jeffrey'• po11mt1nc ing for vohmtell'I to. help • Colta lieu ·. exerdlel. , " lbe. l;lid. ",Some p9ople Aid . olde ---e -lier brall>4mqed child Fut action by. ID r Y -·•'-' In 1 !lood J . telepbmoe · 'alb . th!)' Vied !or two cllya to 'fldl ·mo -.. -vec1 the w.-~ ·~-·-oid David .Ger-·--~ • -u:i. ... ,...... f{'Ol'I\ concefnecfHa:rbor Ara realilenta. before the line wu·opeo.." fa rd of Costa Mesa. "'M>e 1tfPOlllt w11 trtmendous." stated ·Jeffrey requlrel twe paUmDi n· Costa Mesa firemen said Norman Ger· Mn. Robert Hull, mother ~of daee.,ar . erclw a day and four people·arenllldld: rint, IO, looked out the window al the old Joftrey Hull 'who· bu 1 c:ongenlllll . lo he.Ip Mn: Hull mimpa!Jte hfl ·- (amll• home 'al -Cardinal Drive brain c:ondition'which r<qulrel J'GUild.tl>e. · and lop 6nlc the -· "We -' ,,_ cloc:k tralnJng to correct. · • . ' ha,. ......_, -lg> lllroulll> mid- about 11 :40 a.m. and spotted hil' little More than ·lOD calla -were · aineed · July, and muj of iMa hlve·apa111rill brother 1t the bottom of the !amily by Jeffrey's ~ !oOowlng a Moiie lo '>i"'~ . .-lbll, "' .... swimming pool... I\ publicatiaa .of tbe .ltt1cle.1''T(e .. are ~ laicL · . ·, l · '. ,,,. youth rull1ed ou1sid~~1ec1-h;. , •' •. r , , ) ,1 1 ' , · , · ... ·r:~~~"?E!:'"tale Mur1e~ Defendant·: rescue unit arrived at the ecene, David ... .. brathinl -IJld crylnff --. said. \Vai.v~s Tri~ by Jury . ' .. ' . from home !or llz ...,llol. H ---J_une_27, when gracl111tic:m uercises-w:· be beld. Mesa Planners Face Apartment Zoiiing Requests 'LOS· ANGELES ·(AP)'-· A·lll~ue, bnmetle whole lktr')'·of the Sharon Tate qouroer• Jed to · u.e ......ia . ., ...mliers. of a hippie-style clan laid today .ft would waive her rtghrto a jary'•trlal · "I'd ha•e to welch that .,.ni the poalble """""' -ellect " pullllctlJ,. Okler said. I 'I On the first day's agenda is orientatK>n at the base, and a Marine haircut for .an the participants. Cadets will then receive instruction in military courtesy, uniform regulations and inspection. The second day will includt training In chemical warfare, a gas chamber exercise and marksmanship training. On the third and fourth days, the young cadets will view films on the American Flag and the use of. narcotics, especially LSD. They will a1Jo pnCtice with small bore Dreanm eel study Marine Aviation. Concluding the boot camp .-ion will be a program eva luation and cadets will go through rradu!ltion .-_:._ receiving awards for their participation f and conduct. Printers R~tify New NY Contract EW YORK (UPI) -1be prilllen union Sunday ratified new contracts with the city's fatr major newspapers, the New York Times, the Daily News, the New . Y~rk Post and the Long Island Press. __, Be r l r a m Powen, president ol TypogrB!lhlcal Union 6, oaid the vol< WU 2tJ to 8. He atrribut.d lhe omall turnout o! the union's 4,000 members to their pl!!laure with the terms d. the · agree. merrt. 1t provided a 41.1 percent wq• hiie over three years. STAFF SGT. KEN USELTON CHECKS LENGTH OF HAIR C~11 .M.u'a G11ry Knox, 12, Begin~ Boot C11mp in 811rber Ch11lr N,ewport . Gets 'All Clear' Newport Bead\ now hlS an "all clear" · from the threat of oil slick that began last Tbrulday nip.t and lasted several days. A U.S. Cout Guard plane criS&<Tossed the ocean to three miles out Sunday and lhe pilot sighted m oil. M it turned. out the only htavy con- centration of \he· goo was that that hit Tbunday nipt IJld blackened. 1 al- foot wide strip of· beach 'from Newport Pier to J3lh Street. Small drops of oil came In in the Balboa area Friday and it was feared there was more to follow, but there wasn 't much. Some oil was deposited on the rocks at the Harbor entrance jetty Saturday. and.some heavylar wa11h· ed in on the Corona del Mar 'Mlin Beach Sunday. Zone exception permits for apartment devel~ts totaling nearly .1440 units are scheduled to go before the Costa Mesa Planning Comm il!ion tonight, but only one seems likely to win app!'.Oval. 't1ie Don Koll Company, ot Irvine, has already received permission rrom the City Council for a 301~nit complex at the southwest corner of Baker Street and what will be the Newport Freeway !rmt· age road. An additional live units, howevu, Is being. sought in the resubmitted plan for the three=story development and the planning staff recommends approval. A second zone exception permit is be-- lng sought by L. B. Fredericks and Lisle C. MUler, lo be located at 140 W. Wilson St., in an area zoned.for commercial and duplex development. Planning technicians say additional work needs to 'be done before the pack· age is ready for commisllonen' consi<f.. eration and recommends taking no I C. -tion at tonight's meeting. .. A third zone exception permit sought by the Fuller-Smilh Investmenj; Com· pany, 3471 Via Lido, Newport Beach, woold allow a °""lt project at 311 to Yl1 Hamilton St., in a duplex zone. The plarmlng commiulon is being. urged to recommend city council denial by lhe city ataU, wtUch says the denaity is too high, the design bnft good enough and several park.tng problems would result 'Mle attorney for' Susan Atkinl; 11, made · a motion , for" a trial by 1 judje, as court convened Jn the trill . of Mias Al.kins. Charles Man11011, ·31i, Leslie Van Houten, 20, and Patricia Krehwinkel, 22. Superior Court Judge Olarlel • Older said he would rule on the m.aUer later. , Dave Shinn, Miu Atkins• law}ter, told newsmen: "Everybody has ~ about this case anyway. Where Ire you 1oint &o gel 12 jurors?" : As court" opened, and the judge quizzed prospective . jurors. on whether they wanted to be locked up for six montltl during the trial, Manson's attorney ~ jected. "Your honor, on behalf of Mr. ManlOft I make the motion that there be no sequestering of the jury." Irving Kanarek said Mansc:m fell publicity in the case hu-been so pervulve ,that "the teqt1estering woukl serve no purpose." 1be judge denied the motion, ·lddini It could be renewed later. and ~anarek said he will offer expert testimony ·in connection with the move. He said jurors who might be .ra;r and impartial were· belq UCIUlld becauae Of the hardship of. being away Franc;e, Spain Meet MADRID (UPI) -Spajn llld Fronce d...,. up 1 mllitlll'y cooperation U..ty tod1y amid indlCl\iOM . from Secretary or Defense Melvin R. Laird an agree· ment to .e11lend ,,.,.. or: U.S •. buel In tlib COWJtry .... Imminent. . 'Job · Applicant' Robs -Gas Station A~ 1'iio ffnt 1pplied 1or 1 job UCI, Device ·.Aids : Infants' ]Jreathi~g pulled a footr1onc knife on a Costa Meu IJ JOANNE REYNOLDS 1o be a. harmless phenomenon provided temce station attendart late• ~· · · ' · • ' °' .. ·Dllr "" "'" 1 tbt infant resume! bruthing vn his nipt and-robbed him of •; . . . A new e~ ~·~,. deslped to own and does not deve)op·cyanosis (turTh ukl today. , ave the lives or premature inlants with Robert A. Smith, on ,dllty at Art's, • athing dlffk:ulUea hu been dtveklpe(t ing blue due to lack of orygen).'' Enco Service, 2IOI> Newport Boulevard, ' Dr~ 1ngman said that if the non· 11td he told the young man the station ~t the UC Irvine College of Medicine, brtathing phase is accompanied by was changing hands and employment 1l wu announced today. cyanosis, or a slowing of the Jnfant's was uncertain when he uked for work. Or. Marpret J. lngman, a pe(l]atrlcs heart rate, he will not usually reNne The victim said al that point tht lec.'tl:lrel', 111d pnemiet blVf: bT'qular breathing automatically. blndlt bnlndilhed lhe serrated bllde breollling whidl b cblnc:terized by rapid "II this proi>lem i9 not detected Ind ind demanded monty, onlerin( him to breatlliJ>C 1ltemot111e wlth brle! 11<riodl. he .ti DOI sijmul1teil to ruume res,!ra- walt at least five minutes before calllna ol ~lftathing. tion , fie may die or surfer brain damiige polk:t. "'Jllis 'perlOillc breathinc' la conalilereil ·-due to·11ck or oiygen," lite apla!ned. • ' The new system deveklped at UCI ii aclivated by a heart rate monitor which responds automatically whenever \be infant's heart ' rate falls below llO beat.I per minute, 90l'De IO to 70 beall below normal. The 1y1tem twndt an alann to alert nurses and gives the baby a mild electric -to lllllntlllta tnatblng. When the lnlllll 111111 to • breathe lpill,· llis beart. · rate rbe9 aboW! It beats per minule;'"1u10mlllc1ny;um1n1 oil Hie 1fam1 11\itthe eleclrlc 1tlmulator. U breathing b not reswned, n.utau can • restore bre:athln1 by artificial mpira- tion. Dr. lncman uid lfle feels the-new aystem· ii better ·than curmttly used •YBtemi · which aft ldivated b y reapiratory monlton becaue heart. rate .. I ...... depenaible' llldlc:otlon ol u,, baby'• ph)'llcal c:ondltlon. . . "'llie. mpritory monltorl l"'lld "' acllvoted by 1n 1n1;n1•1 nonna1 ·p<ljodk: brtllhln&," llbt said~ I .. ., thefe ... a grealher posslbillty·or 11r.. 1llnnl which ~ ltimulale the infant11DDeCeaUily.'' • '!be .Judie 11kl he would rUJe In the aftlmoOn: on a motJon to aDOw Mia Alklnl' altome)"to lntervJew·Lloda n... bian, 21~ · It .... Milo Atldnl, police -· -Ille of the lllytng o! MJa TBIAI ad •Ix others Jut Aucust. led to the -and' indictmenb ft MIMOD IDd maria.a o! his ciln. Mesa · Youth ·Hurt As Car Hit.s Bike A Coote M... boy suffered ...tor injuries' Saturday in a . traffic colllabt tllat !luna llis bicycle IO !eet fJom the point " Impact, breaking It In hall. JerUl.D. Glldatone, 11,.af Zl'/4 "'-i- tia Ave., WU listed tn aatidactory ean- dltloo tooay at Colla ·11 ... Memorlll Hosplllt where he WM lldmJttOd -a fractured pelvis. · rolic:e said Y"'"'i Glldllooe WU ridlnc south oa . WU.On ·street at Wallam Avenue, when be collided wJth a car driven by Jane E. Shelden, 33, al. Jal Andover PlaCe, Co.sta MW. · She WU nnt cited, accordln& lo Patrolmao John C. Whlte. ..... •. w .. dter . i.-clouds lllld -, for r .. main on the borbon l<r ~ but buy llUlllblne -·pm.n In the .-. with temperaturea ringing !ram IO to • ..,_. INSIDE TOD~ Y Wincb v!ldn JO kiao~""'•/IM for weknd cMtirmg, 1>1<1 ""' for "con! l>mrkill(I in a lonf diaenct f'DCI to TaMti. Ser bocli- ing, l'<IOf JS. ..... ' _ .. ..,.... ~ .. ':'=" Clllidtllll --, .............. ~ .... Or-.o-t., --. -ouaaal • .... _...,. .-........ 's ........ , ... •. ............. ,. " . ) ,,_ 11 .. P ·-~ ...._ M _....._ .-.&.-. M ---. I I DAIL y PILOT c ·' Cambodian Debate End Gets Nearer WWllNGTOK (AP) -Th< 111--~ Senale deblle on U.S. policy In Cambodia Is nearin& Ill •nd amid atroni dla.,..._ • menl over whether its ulilmat.e impict will be more symbolic than m l. Every ,indicltion 11 that ~ ·eooper. Church amendment to· restrict future -U.S. aetionl is heeded for appl'O\lal once ........... permil Ille flllal ..... problbly next week. . Eveo lf the House defuts the musun thr:rt is widespread qreemenl on both aide& thlll the 1..,U.y Senalt debolt will influence PrelideDL Ni.ion if he feels k necaury to' ia-.e another step IUch as tht attack into Cambodia. Sen. Robert J. Dole tR·Kan.), a \eadina odmin\Jlralion supporter who beU.V.. Qtemenllin•~teaMamendmenU ftuaert1na the President'• CGl'lltttuUonaJ =:r. have 1"1teoed 1fte aric(nal • neverthtl• told a reporter. "ll'• still an indiCllUon lhll eoncress bu som& definite responaibilltles and 0 ft'n willinc to_alfl!!"t them." .. rrouble• Ov er: Air Cal Bought In Stock Deal • Orange County·ba11ed Air califarnia airline has been purchased by We1t11te California CorporaUon, lt ·was announced today. • C. Arnold Smith, President and .,chairman of ~ bnard of West.g•t.e, said ·his compMy will pay an estim•ted $3.5 million for the airline st.oci In a deal .et to cloee Friday. "We •re takln1 ·over S5 to 40 percent of the stock today for 1bout SI million on an offer for the whole llock in~ which espire1 on Friday," he said. Smtih. who has been elected pNJSidenl ot the airline's directors, said the parent e«par1linn will try to ttren,then the line's tie• to Oranae County. "i'he parent company h11 • very ~lnit.e inleresl in Oranae County and looks forward with great Interest to the growth •nd development ol the 1re1," he said. "smith said they would be1in taking act.ion to have the atrUne's malnlen1nce operation moved f~ S~ Fr:'llCllCO to Orange Colinty, pending approval of county offic\111. Norman B. Y.'oster, and C. L. Banlu: who will retain his po1itinn as· vice pres.ideot in charge of 1overnmental affairs .. Iris Higbie, 69, Newport Civic Leader, Succ umbs ' . Mrs. Iris: Higbie, well-known Harbor Aret civic leader, died Sunday in her home al the a.ge of 69. A 20-yel~ resident of Balboa lsl1nd, she was ·1ct.ive JIJ nwnerolJJ civic 'and charity organiiatio.is. Mrs. Hi1bie served as P,.Seculive 1ecre· tary of the Newport Harbor United Fund Md Red Crou Md was one of the founders ol the Newport 's Women's Civic League. -attc LNdOr M I k • Manlfield, a leadlnc Cooper.<Jnm:h 1upporter, uld apProvaJ would mean "there will have been 111 opreaion d lti feellnc on the.part of the Senile which any presi- dent will take into consideration " Refugee• Ji'lee In 1 scene reminiscent of wars since wan be&an , Cambodian refugees. carrying their belonr!ngs, ftee Kom pong Speu. Communist and allied forces were still battling for. the town tod1y. It lies 25 miles 10Uthwe1t of the Cambodian capital of Phl'.!om Penh. See story, page 3. '' "We inteocl to keep thl1 an Orange She was •lso formerly active In Harbor area PTA. She Is survived by her husband, former city councilman Clarence A. "Chick" Higbie, and llOfl Richard A. who have a law practice on Balboa .Island. But the 111bltanttve impact of tht ameadment Jll'Oduced djveraent view.. , S.n. Jabot Sherman Cooper IR-Ky.), and Prut Ol.irch CD-Idaho), Uve made c)ur ·they feel their amendment, while pmnlttinc certain limited emerseney - u bot punull Into Cambodia. air Funera'l Rites Slated -al Oommunilt aaoctuarleo there and ,even an aU.Ck to forestall an im- minent invulon ol. South Vielnlm, would narmally hive time to consult w i t h without cmgreuional •pprov•I. For Two Crash Victims They ..... joined by Sen. R-Obert °' Byrd (l).W. Va.), authOr ol ail amend- m!nt which aakJ Ute preeidenl'• con. Funer•l .ervlcu for two victim• or ltitutiona:I •ulhority includes prot.ectian .an automobile colllstpn • which claimed of Amerian farces wherever deployed. thrM lJves at a HUnt.initon Beach Jn. In an esehanse last Thund1y wi th Cooper, Byrd siid ''the president would tersectinn last Thursday are 1cheduled normally . hive time lB consult wi th for Tuesday Mid Wednesday at Dilday's ConlfeU,'' adding ''there can be. Ch•pel, HuaUngtml Be1ch. however, emerpncy aituatl«11 where in Thi third pel'IOJI to die in the crash, tbe president mlchl have to take acUon Jamie S. Martin, 21 , of ~ Jacaranda Freedle, who WU ide11Ufied by 'f)Oliet as the driver of one of the vehJcle11, is survived by his mother, Mrs. Dorothy Clark. Ht111lington Beach, and hiJ wife, Marilyn. Judy Garland's Death Ma rked ARSDLEY, N.Y. CUP.I) -The first anniversary of Judy Garland 's diiffi was marked today l;>Y. her fans with viliLs to her temporary resting pl11ce in 1 mausoleum crypt and floral tributes. The temporary crypt at Femclirr Cemetery was filled wilh several llCQre floral arrangemenLs by midday and at least 51'1 fa ns had made the pilgrimage. MMt stood in silence 11 moment before I.he marble slab bf!hind wh ich Miss Garland '11 cof fin restl. County-blsed airline," he sakl, "and add whatever fnuscle and strength lo It here that we c8n." He also noted the airline would be taking delivery on two new) Boeln1 737'1 in August. and September A1 IOOn as pogsible, the airline will be using the new routes lo San Diego and Long Beach recently granted them. Smith addM. Smith emphasized that there are no changes planned for the ank and file -Air Cal employes. . One change In the directnrship of the ·company he noted is the return.or Outley Miller as vice pre3ident in charge of marketing. Miiier quit his post to join Golden West Airlines in l\pril . Mrs. Higbie also leaves her daught6, Mrs. Ira' Engstrand M San Die10 and a bmther Edward Kaskell of Amity Harbor. Long Island. Piivate funeral services were held for her this morning at Pacific View Olape.1. Ttie family has suggested that friendl wishing to do so, contrtbule in her memory to the Newport •Harbor United Fund, 32S N. Newport Boulevard, Ne~ Bead!. Student }'ound Dead AMARILLO (lJPI) -A 11ludent 8l- l1>ng Beach State College died Sunday night after he was found unconscinu~ inside a loc ked restaurant, wh ich was on fire. very, verY quickly wherein there Jnilbt-A ., caita--veu;wa115Un~-atter _be the element ol-timt.--.nif!or the private aervices Saturday at Good •-ol airprile, which mlchl ha" Sheph<rd C.meltry, Huntlnaton Beach. Miss Donna Sargent, 20. ol 98.11 Con· tinental Drive, Huntina:ton Beach, a paueacer in the c•r which reportedly ran a &top aip at the busy Talbert Avenue amt Gothard Street~intersectlon altd ~truck Freedle's car. will be buried Wednesday at Good Shepherd Cemelery. The only inscriptkln 11 a three-inch plastic nameplate reading ''Judy Garland Deans.'' In &ddit,iqn.lo Miller llnd §n;iiU\.,_newly appointed dfreCtors lnclude P. A. Toft, who will be ·executive vice president; C. Hugh ~'reid man; Robert Clifford, whn will retain his position as vice president a.nd general manager; Carol Smith Shan· non : Dona.kt C. Heffner: who -.111 be aMis~nt secret11ry, Ronald Sutte r ; Warren .Rive.ra . 2.'i. was pronounced dead on arrival 11t John's Hospiu1 -. ----! a beariq upon the aucc• ol whatever Services for Everett Freedle, %2, or tactical operation miaht be B!YOlved, and 5112 Chinook Drive, HunUngton Beach, when the president mfCht not be a ble have been acheduled for 7::W. p.m. Tuta· to immediMaly CGlllUlt with eoqreaional day at St. lAJke'1 lAJtheran Oiurch. Hun· -. tin.,.. Beach. with i•ltrmenl lo follow "P-y." Byrd added, "I do at Good Sbepbetd C.mel<ry. not dint that w• the cue in ·ttte Her funeral llll!rvlce is ICheduled for IO a.m. Wednesday atDilday's Chapel. The survivors include her parent!, Mr. Md Mrs. Dpn Sartent. Huntington Beach ; two brothers. Doll ud David, and one sister. Mn. Marso Vorhees. 1n!t.anCe ti. April 31. I think tmt aome ~ leaden could have been consulted." Dole. bowtver, ....... ';I uannt,'• he aaid, """I eoultl ...... 11hbw -the~ --aeept lake up rnidence (In Cambodia) if )'(IU're in uniform." He added he WU IUrt Ille --· -Id not bar a repeli· tJoo al Ibo Apr!Ht, attack 1 Judge Sets Prison Aside For Timothy Leary's Son · Cand y Salesmen Warring in M~ . A cluh botw... eornpetlng door..,_ door candy aeUer1 utiliztnc black younpl<r1 from the Loa Ang•ltt pett.o led io I leries of ltrongarm robberies and a ruor uuult reported to Colla Meaa police O"f!t the weekend. One 13-yuM)ld boy told inve1tl1alors he was threatened with a atrai&hL ruor .and for«d to hand over 120 to the manaser of a compet.in1 catndy 11les t<am. lUctwd R. Kearlt told lJOUce the .incident occurred in tht MD bloc::k or West ltlh Sir.,!, while Rooald L. fir>'!, at. 13, hid ht wa1 fftf'Ced to ti1nd over his $13 1t Tuatin Avenue and Walnut Street. lnve11.igalor1 said they ~ue11tioned t. competing compiny '1 mqqer, but hl wu released pendin1 f u rt h e r deveJoswnent.a iJI the case. DAILY PILOT OltANGI CC.UT ..,.LISl41MG CCIM'ANY _ Jle~ N. W..4 f'Tfti..wt ............ J •c.• I. Curl•v Vlc:t ~..__,~•I .........,. lll•Ml l l'.11..;1 ...... Tli.1..,11 A. M,.,,~t"t M ........ llJMr ea.t. M .. OMu JJO Witt l1y Sttttl M1rll1t M4r .. n P.O. l1r 11•0. •2626 _..._ H""9"'1 IMdlt ftll -.1 11-.._1 le\lttv1rlll ~ --~l "' ,..,.., ,,_ ~ 9-dlr OWJ lucll .,.. .... ,oil ,.. C---: • .....,.. l! C-lllt llHI • •\ ' John BU!h Leary wu today placed nn ttiree years' probation i,n Superior Oourt •ction In Sonia An• detigned "' help the aon of Dr. Tbnothy Leary put a background ol druc addiction behind him forever, Judg• Byron K. McMU!an lie\ aside what could hive been a Malt prilOft tirm for the 21-year~d defendant. He accepted probation d!plrtment recom· mendatlons that willstart off by putting yooog Leary in a San Clemente program aimed al lhe rehabilitation oC drug ~­ dicta. Le1ry, who rel.Urned today from a 90-day d\agno!Uc study al the ltate's Chino facility, left the courl.mom with the Rev. Max Rapaport, d\rl!Cf.or of the 01urch o! San Clemente. Rev. RaflOPOl1. said Leary will be initially em"Joyed in field work "11ind will be working entirely on his own responstbillt.y. '' .Judge McMillan also noted Le1ry's 'ilatement that he intends kl enter I.he health food business In th e San FrMciM:o area immedialely following hit aojourn al the San Clemente facility. Leary was arrested Dec. 241, 19M, by Laguna Be~~e ~ found mari· -juana .. -;nct-UD 1n iii car Ottuiiled by Dr. Leary, his wli• Jlooemary, J4 . and John. Dr. Leery la now c:onlined al Loo Money Talk Set For Coast YMCA Capital naed• al the Orana< Cout Fmily YMCA will be di.scussed at a dinner hotted by Jotm M1cLeod, former owner ol Macc~~atinn,~~JY. -arttre lrvin't COul .. COtlntry Club. J Macl...eod is auilting the YMCA ll'f J111 current ~7,000 fund raising c11m~ paign. Ttle money will be used tn pay off ill morta11e ud build addllion1l facilitiea. Victor C. Andrew1, U.S. E1p1t '70 am- bnaadOr' to Japan, w\11 !M!rvt •• dinner d'lainnan. Spe:aker will be Judae Robert. Gardner, president of Ami.IOI Viejol. Ni1on's Decision Due- On Low er Vole Age WASHINGTON !UPI) -Pr.,Jilent Nil· nn ill erpected to 1nnounce • declsinn thia week on legi1l1tlo1 to estend voUnc rlthll lo ti-year-old,. A btK carrybo(" !ht priMitkll! 1-r the vnUnc. 11e from 11 cleared Concrt11 i,.1 W-ay, Padres Men '!! Colony Jn San Lu ls Ob.. He wa" .sen~ed to two to 10 years folltJwina: e Orana:e County Superior-€ourt-lrial-. ----~--t Mni. Leary, wM was sentenced to a llO-day Orange County J1il term. i1 c"urrently free nn appeal bond. She was not present in the courtroom today. The 1lender, clean-shaven Leary went unrecognized by the public and press 11" he entered Judge Mc M i 11 • n ' s courtroom. HiJ )mg hair and pictureMlue hippie-type 11rb have been replaced by a short haircut, clean sport ehirt, 4nd slack:!. "Hey, man, that isn't Jack." a bearded onlooker commented. "See what ha1)Pefl! when the FAtablbhment gets to you?" Brave Liule Boy Dies-But Some , Dreams Realized DETROIT (AP) -LitUe Will Caldwell. whue dream of meeting President Nixon and other national figures came trot durt111 his nine-month flsht with cancer. l\a• died at a1e I. ''He 111'AS the bravest little boy that ritr llved," said his father, Herbert. Oe1lh came at the . Caldwell home Sunday. . caldweU, a aervict station opt.rat.or, said he decided lo make every day ,. Christmas for Will when doctor1 am· put.-led the boy 's rilht lea la.st October bec•UJe t1f bone cancer. "l figured that we Would give him Chriltma1 before Chrillmas got htre. The doctors Mid Will would be dead y-then:-The bf'avfllt. kid you could lm11gtne stretched it out to sir more months." Wiii 1ot tn meet many Jtovernors. mayon, senator• and aslrnna\Jt!'I. He 11l1t1 tot to ride • 1lant 741 jet and tn gn tn Dlmeyland and Engllnd, the father !18kl. The Caktwells took Will lo the White • 'Rouse Nov. ti to m@el Pmtdenl Nl1on. "Mr. Nixon called U1 on the phoM and invited Will to the While HouH ," rtell*I C.lclw.elJ. "I dm'L know how he knew •boul Will. l 'd llke to have "d a nt wt.en 1 •n1WUed u-e phone. J in.arted crying .'' · Caldwell said fmm lut September. when they learned Wll1 had c1ncer, until his death: the bny's weight dropped from M to 40 pounds and lhorlly before he died Will 11id ht was very urea. SurvlYOr!I Jnelude ·lhe pertnls: t-. brothers, Herbert Jr,, 7, Frill, 4: and I litter I ShlJ'OO 5. I • FINE HOME FURNISH INGS .. INTERIOR DESIGN Simmons' IOOtll Anniversary SJ11til/s • ~ SPECIAL AT AU TilllfE J. H. BIGGAR STORES Now you can buy the best at a dream price. Twin or ful l for only Sl 19'.90. You'll 1!1ep beautifu lly on this extro-heovy com fo rt1,x-cu1hloned mattress • , . for years to come be~ cause of on exclusi ve and special Simmons design that prevent1 -1ogging ~dg;;~ Co m e 1 with th e unique Soni-Stal cover, chemicall y treotad to gua rd ·against odor, mildew, boc· teria. T~e mattress features Simmon '• famou s Adjusto-Rest, with special innerspring multf- coil construction for added su~port a nd longer life. Simmons-Makers of the famous Beautyrest · TWlN OR FULL SIZE mottreu & box 1pring ............................. $1 19.90 OUHN-SIZE mot1reu & box spring ........ ,, •• 1 ••• ,. •• ,, .... ,.,,, •• ,, .$169.95 KING-SIZE mottrus & box spri ng {Show~).,. •• , •.••. , •• ,,,,, •• ,.,., •• , •• $249.95 • .- PAS ADENA POMONA SANTA ANA·-Main at Elev.,.lh 547-1621 -Slftlt An• Sltro 0,.n Moft4ay 1...,lnp • I ' I • • -I ' I ] •• se b< II< c. F st :J1 w . • h e • • b n 0 • n a , f % s I: n v ~ ~ • d i• l • ~ I ' t • ' ' t I I ( ' • • ' I .. ' . . Saddlehaek . -. • • -. voe. 63, ·NO. '148, l SECTIONS, 34 PAGES 0~6E COUNTY, CAllfORNIA MONDAY, JUNE 22, '197(! '• . ., Rigid Standards Set on Cove Sewage Di~poslll . By THOMAS FORlrtJNE OI llllt Olllr 1"1111 Sl•ff Rigid sla]ldard s have betn set to pl-G- teet ocean life and water quality from sewage disposal at Crystal Cove midway between Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. , 'The Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Cootrol Board adopted the standards Friday for a ·sewage disposal pipeline stretching almost a mile out to sea . .The line ii propaeed by the-lrvlne Ranch Wat.er District The Water Quality Control Board acted despite the city of Newport Btacb's requfft for a 30-da, delay to consider possible effects ol ,kelp beds, marine preserves and Jhe waters of Newport Harbor. · Richard A. Bueerman, executive of- ficer for the board . said board members felt the city would-be adequately pr_o. tected in its areas of concern by the. standards set. The Irvine Ranch Water District, which will n«d U.S. Army Corpe ol Erilt*n approval for construction, propoee! to build a sewage outfall 5,000 fie& out 0 0 • • to sea Into water 190 feet ·deep. The Jong pipeline would hive bolea alone it to diffuse the sewaae. It 11 being designed to aerve the needa until UllO of the. Irvine eoaital property between Newport Beac~ and Lapni Beach and Inland f>Ol'!iOnl of the rlllCb to. be part ol the future city ol Irvine. Standanb ... by.the ·board 1.c1uc1e. -'!lie blcterloJoslcal count shall ... main safe for swimming and skin diving. -&ltleable IOllds lhall not be .. con- centrated ~ to adversely alter the com- posiUon of the bottom ~or~ and fauna s ' .. . Cliff 11id.e Dranaa Last Rites W ~man Trapp-e-d-For Miirde.r or -wtlb fish ~Ilion. .,-W-dilcblfpd shall DOI alter the Nturll appearance or the ocean as to llll'blclly or colol. .,_,,_ -.O shall not cootaln lolil ..-.i.1n·--toflab or -Uc plull. -.w-. -.... shall not cootaJn suspe11ded IOlkla ol more than 100 mlll111'11D1S per liter, -~ lhall not depma the .... nual dlllOlved oxypn content below seven milligrams per liter. • -Dlacharp lhall not lower the pH ' an ol --Wiier below 7.0 or ..... ,, .......... ~ty In tbe waste dildlirae lhall nat -prescribed limits. _,.,...._ and ~ oper~ lhall nat...... ......... . Tbe ~ Friday was ln .is.n -The Santa'< Ana fllllonal w-QaaJily Control -· bead-q-1ered la Riverside, servflis the whole · Sa.. Ana River watenbed from Blc Bear-LUe to the-cout between the San Qalariel River in Seal BelCb 1o a point jUll IOUllt of Cl')'llal Co,,., ' .· '1111 city, Gf Newport lludl ~ re- quest, lutl!<nd by Coone-l.lnillleY Panom, un.f .for c:onipletl. l!adJ ol effects on : · -Kelp·beda 'JD lbe eor.. del Mu, Abalone Paint" and Lquna --· -Marine priatrvea ... .._ by lht state , Lqlaloiln _ID Cor.a del -and·-·-· ' -----• ··1 t --·-C-.-lileJ and lbe DW1ne babltal.llllJ .pi. -n. waterrof Newport...,_ 1 ~ The city did not hi ... ~ prueol at Ille burin&· · · · · . . " . ' ·' row.n , . .~. t Siill Seek • IT----IJL Sl!rf, Save«;l Victim H~ld . On.;C·. ;IT~~~.~~: . • • . r ., ,..ii;..,...,,;.,· ~ ' .,. ;'~t 0jilUI ' • -·· '' · • '· • ~ • rr:'to : ~ '\• I • . ' -~·VALTllllL\•'·" ' . . .................. ' -' Tba .-<;on11nuac1 today rw !Iii ~ body ol t.yur<>ld F-iloata,a ol Capistrano Beach wbO ~ drown«! with hla . ~ ~ s.t.ntaJ; A Fountain Valley woman was rescued rrom lhe rocks at the base of a Lat;una Beach cliff Saturday evening after she was trapped by rising tide~ a~ heavy surf while fishing at Abalone Point . ' Lquna Beach lifeauards identified the I Cult Member . ' Waives Right To Jury Trial rescued woman as Mrs. s·h err l 11 Mankowa, 22 of 17344 San Luis St. Lifeguards said tt\at due to fading light and the rugged tenaia, pqlice and fire rescue unil! were havtng difficulty findinc .a means of boistlai the trapped _....,_tho_. l.Jfeguarm 1W1m tram the 'beach at El Marro Trailer Park ti the rocks where Mrs. Mankowa was st.randed. An Onni• c.unty B•-l>epartment boat llood by olf the rvcl<s. Lifeguards Jim Herdman and Mike Contino climbed up Oii the rocks between aetS of crashlJlc WIVel. CooUno tied a buoy around Mrs. Mankow1 and banded her down 011 the rocks ·to Herdman below. Herdman re-entered the water ud . LOS__MGELES (AP ) -A .statuesque Mrs. Mankowa jumped in also, lifeguardl __.__brunette whose story of-the ShifOl'f"Tate said. murders Jed to the arrests of members Herdman theft towed her to the boat The young houseWife murdered In San CiemCnte I.St Tuesday was laid to rest in her hometown in P.11chigan toda"'y'-, _ __,, while detectlve1 here co ntinued their search for her killer. Mrs. Connie Lynn Johnson , 20, of 416 C Moawey 1-,. w~s 1iUflec Ip Cooperritfle, Mlch!,_hl •vices ittlnaell· by her parents; friendl!l llld youni Marine husband Mark, Jt, who discovered her beaten and· slabbed. body last Wednesday noon. No suspects and few clues are what detectives Sgt. Robert Mason and Ltepnord Goodwin ha ve to go with Ulb week in the brutal killing. _ GQC;>dwin said the inves tigation Is focus· ed on possible observaryces of neighbors in ·the apartment neig hborhood three blocks from the San Clemente pier. , ln•dlrQ.~~ .• ~ J"tttmicJl:•a ~ Scout bro&ber ·~ ·~~U...l.1: ' . ...,. ,...i... _.,. -- """ ,.i.. n.., v--· ' 1--..... .,, ... Omdno El Mollno, ,_ I* ---Slblq ......... -·-<111 lllroolh : a: -bu lo allow tho ........ialed brine to wape to'•· ·~· County awur • ..._....., uldlle·elderaoli'•body ~­out lo ,.. unnoticed, -.... al tllo mur-an118btit1nlbe..,.,. ' · lnveitJPtors iald tbe)o of a hippie--style. clan ~id today she which transported her to the Newport would waive her right to a Jury trial . -Harbor. \ . One couple living nearby_has_rcported that they bot h awoke simultaneously last TueSday moml"ng at $ a.m. but'canl'@!_ remember any particular sounds. Unfortunately, p:Jlice have said. !he nei1hborhood, lined with well maintained apartment!, Is subjected to constant abouts, screams and other noises drifting up from the bowl and beach ar ea. reports lhal nelfl!dion a1."'J! = ...-.... lbe brolhen lo~ Beadl, then left lbem ... ~ Ill ---.~---i.,-.-·----n-lbloljiiil~---, -'beach pmmmel The attorney for Suu~ Alkins: 21. EarUer Saturday evening lhe two mad. a motl·on for 8 trial. by iud.«e guarfds had rolled the erneraency truck to Victoria Beach after a e1ll that a as court convened · in the trlll 0~ Miss swimmer was h.ayln& trouble making Atkins Charles Manson,. 35, Leslie Van Jt to shore .agaiDSt a rip tide. l~outer1. 20, and Patricia Krenwlnkel , 22$uperior Court Judge Charles Older said ht would rule on the matter later. . , Dave Shinn. Miss Atkins lawyer. told newsmen: "Everybody has heard about thb case anyway. Where are you 1oiae to get 12 jurors?" . . As cou rt opened, and the 1udge qui.ued prospective jurors on whether they wanted to be loc ked up for lb. "'911thl during the trial, Manaon's aUqmey 0 jected. "Your honor. on behalf of Mr. Manson 1 make the motktn that lhere be no 1equesterlng of the jury." · Irving Kanarek said Manson felt publicity in the . case hu bem IO pervasive that "~~ sequesterin& woukt serve no purpose. . The judge denied the motion, addin& lt could be renewed later, llKI Kanarek said he will offer ezpqt testimony ln connection with the move. . . He said jurors who might be faw and impartial were being excUJed becau&e of the hardship of being away from home for six months. "I'd have . to weigh that agalnst the possible adverse effect of pubUclty," Older said. . • IQ's the Thing. In Picking Pigs WASHINGTON (AP) -· The Agriculture Department 11ys a Univenlt)' of Kent.ucty study ol the inteUigence of ptas could m~n ' extra dollar• to farmers If they c'-e botP will> the tqhe1t l.Q.1. The Kentucky reaeardier,-the depor1ment ftporla, found the rop. ranked swine students to be Duroc breeds. "Hampshire purken, in contrur. ,.,.,. tbe -1 tl>fek-headed," tbe department aaid. AWo, Officials .. r.i. )'Wllfef pip usuaUy lwned more raprcuy than their elders, and heavier • animals ftJ'e more intelligent than leaner models. "'nle amarter your 1wlne are;" the depertment commented, "the better they are eotnc to be a& u 1 i n g selr.feeden, ~per1hn conlrolt in hoo1in1 untti i9d other devices you inltall for them ," Few 10Und1 go noUced o.r reported lo police because of their frequency, nelchbors have said. • A motive in the killing of the brunette housewife also seems mlsaing . Coroner'• aider have reported "no evidence of vtoleot sexual .activity" •and could only detemynt a general time of death. Ir robbery were the moti ve in the pr.edawn kllllnc. it yielded little but the victim'•. wallet contalnina: only a small amount pf money, police aaid. A couple reported lo be resi ding In an upstairs fiat of the three-leve l apart- mehl building have ~n gone, reportedl y on a trip t6 Hawlii, since about the -ol lbe munter. . Police were attempting to conta ct them to determine ir the r!lidents noliced anyth1111 unusual before lhelr departur~. ' Goodwin 11ld the invutlgaUon now Is lnvol vinp; contacts with nei1hbors and friend• ol the J ohnsons. ' .BJa~k PTA Merges ATLANTA (UPI) -The National Conp!:ss or Colored Parents and Te.lchers merges tonight with the predominanlly whi te Natklnal Congresa of Parenla and Teachers. ' . ' Burn Prevention " Herb~tt H. C~rry , 78, simply doesn'l·want tog~\ •unbuJ'!led. So .he ,. lakes precaut10TII -With shaded glBHOI; ,TIOll'OTI~ mouth protectors , . -as he checks the action al Daytona Beach, FU!. Such pn!Cautl9nary. . me·asures are hardly needed these days along the Orange Coast, where summer has arrived, as usuaJ , in the middle of the June blahs. 'ftiO muddy bollam and dirt water combine to create a danpl' spiit for children, who llolfe In ilie Q111i1 _, A bellcopter, , ..... pie El' Tin Marmo Air St.lion _.. , untt """'1lc!l4d an air oeaich Silnday for lbe mllllill b1J -an effort coonllnated w1111 a .,- and llW'face searcb bf San ~ JWeguanll and lllertll'a depullel. . Fellow volunteer firemen lllo ... · aalallng the father In the -· · • '· " 1be brothers flnt wen ,..,.,.... mlle- L T . .. M 1n, late Saturday· -llley failed .. aguna rustees . t~ .~~t ~t~n'b:U:~i:~.f!boul . On Sunday momtnc 1 bulldo11r Panch-o M 0 T h · ' F" o ' ed through the natural HllClbar b'applnJ n us1c eac .e1· s. 1ripg· .;rr'i~:~u.~u:.n:: A meeting ol the Laguna Beach Board of Education to take final action in the proposed dismJual of high school· music director Jack Krertina: has been scheduled fo.r 7:30 p.m. Wednelday in the district offices, $S0 Blumont St. The meeting orlgnally was announced for Tuetday evenin1. Al Kreftlng'1 request, the session will be cloied to the public, a , district spokesman said today. . Additional te&Umony will be taken from Krelling, 1ccordfni ' to Superln,tendenl ' ' ' Wiiiiam Ullom , "in or"'r to clarify IOmt oft.he Inconsistenc ies in the record :" · . Raoul · Teilhelt. presklerit or '. the California Federation of Teachen: •ho represented Kreftlng at his hearln1 before a state offlcef lasf month, allo will be given 15 minutes IO make 1 fln11I argument, as will as repretentattve or the county coun1el_'1 offk:e. '· Kr<!Ung 'ond Mn. Donna Lynde, high school art teacher.-~~ested. hear- ings when lhey were idvllllid they .wou)d • not 'be 'rehired for the next 'llCbool ')'fir. TbeJ._. wu clelerlbed u extnmely full ol water alter ....,. hlJb tidoo earlier in tbe week. It b unpeln>lled bi' ~ •. bu! poated as unufe for 1fttr7 became of the poUu1i9n. , , Spokumen al the beach uld """" of yOUllillel'•· played In Illa 'JncllaJt water over the weekend; , • - Tl10 lagoon11 mudcly liOttoai and debria !See DROWNING, P ... 11 • The judge said he would rule ln the afternoon on a motion to •Bow Miss Atkins'attomey tointerviewLind1kas1-UCI D e Ge H blan, ZI. . ev-1ce-J c1v.:es ope It was Miss Atkins, police said, whose t.le or the 1iaylngof""NlirTlle anc11-~ - --- - 1'te state offlctt, in ·a 'wrltteft .kin. 1 found "'niJ rea90l'l not to rehire' .. the niuslc lnstrUctor. 'Mle 'sChool. bolrd'then requested a continuance' tn the ·cue to permit study. of tile full transcript , or his hearln1. This study wa• comJ!le~ )l(lt Wlfk, r I Low ·-and -,.. ... main .., the hori-. 111< '->' six others last August, led to the amsts , ~ , and indictments of Manson and members of his clan. Lola B. W resche Succumbs at 90 Monitor Aids Premature Infants' Breathin.g Struggle . . . After the Wedne9day session, lite board will make a M final decilion to retain or releaae Xrefllng, It was announced. Mn . Lynde's dllmiSIMI was confirmed • by lrultea last month. · Kent St~te Resumes Classes Uiider . Gn?,rd· • \l • • ' I ~ 'KENT, o1iJo (UPIJ -s1""'"1ta N!Uri> ed to -at Kent SC.le' UnJ..r.tQ' today for the ftn t till!' olnet 'May I' when four students were killed by <>No National Guard bullets. The summer q\llrter started undlr tbe ,.,. ol • ...,.111111 omolpment -rlty for<e . '1111 OOll al extra -11 lince the kll1lnc1 wu OU.mated at. more than SIU.Oii by oampua -"I)' dll'ICtol' a.tor Willllml. • but hazy -lhould pmolJ in the afternoon, wtth tempenbnl ...... from • lo .......... INllDB TOD~l' ~ ' . ' Windl ndtr 10 lcaOta orir /1JN /or wt~nd cndlhig, b•t l!Ot for ncord · breaklno in a lono tHltaftN ra:ce to TahiU, S11 boaC:' lflfl, Pad• 15. .... , .. ~~. ::::... . , ......... ' ,......... .,.. ·-. OM••• a --' ....... ,. ' l•l T I 19 ,.... .." -.. ==--': • I DAILY I'll.OT SC Woman's " • Death Probe • • C:Oiitinuing A ...i.am. -o1 mur1 in. -lpP .. --painolakUia in...ilptlon in1o 'the butcher death of Mlalaoi Viejo teacher Mn. P'1cnnoe -lllll -· but admlited their leodl ON alim II bat. -..(lap!. J--~ head ol the involllptloo! detail, uld llll'men'• wort now trivol\'ft Portnc ovtr "every ecrap of information we have on the e&ae and trying to put it all in place," -U. lu!Hcale -<q !or Mn .. Brown's e1r, iDvtltlpton are talkin.g with le\W~ poalble j Witne.e& 1"io m1y have 89en the St-year~ brunette last J""' I belore she d"-ued· . H• muUllt«f bOdY wU foon4 early lut week in a maketblft, two-week.old ......... on.p ~Wly. -" -K uld tlldaj he and two of hil top inv181tipttn tptnt two days late lut wee} revilftln& the 1rave 11ie- and ._..,.... the P.,.leal evidence with -~ in Rl"""ide cwnty. · . u .. 1r,...,...11 ' Red S•ppl1 Linea 1 U.s~ 'Planes ff .it .... . . . Bey~nd Set Linlit SAIGON (UPI) -U. S.' warplamt have betun bombin1 CemmUnllt lahd and river supply _Jines in Cambodia beyond the . 21:7 mile liml~ aet for Americu . Jround foreea:, a Penlqon spokesman 1aki today. Jerry 11. Friedhelm, deputy Uotolant delenae oacrelary !Of public allaln, Issued a Penta1t1n statement lo follow up an announcement by Gen. Creighton W. , Abrams, Ainerlcan commander in Saiaon. Friedbelm ujd the attacks be1an "within the tut week" when It became clear the C.ornmunl&tl hid moved .wen beyond the unctuary · 1rta1 attacked by Alllad 1 ....... He uid there wai a limit on the dept.a ol tht rakl1 but would not 1ay what It w ... The annowtcement In S1i1on by an AbramJ spok-.rtiaD said only that U. S. pll.aea would be \lied to attack new Communllt supply line• deep in Cam- bodia ••u rtquittd.u that Americu air strik1111 la Cambodia would continue after"" the June 30 withdrawal date. Allled intelligence reports have sa id North Vietnamese commanders ha ve eallblllhed new supply lines on a aystem of w1terways deeper l'n \Cambodia. The line connect.I wlUI the BO-Called Ho Chi Minh trail in Lao1. The aupply routes are much deeper than the Jt.7 mllt limit for American troop penetration and military .soµrces said Anrerlcan aircraft already have been attackin& the route in northeutern Cam• bol:lla. other military tources ~ uld today American commandef11 have accelerated the withdrawal of U. S .. troops from ·Cambodia, movJng ~men of the crack , 1st Air Cavalry ·Dlvl11on back to South Vietnam. Another 10,000 remain ln Cam· bodla. "We're just tryiftc to eome up with 60ln«hlng we may have missed in· ilially ," be said. Cont.acts early this weU will Include speakiq' with a Capistrano waitrea who cla.ima to Uve ._,,,the. mtlfder victim CARRYINO BELONOINOS, CAMBODIANS FROM VILLAOE OF KOMPONO SPEU SEEK SAFETY R""-floa as Communlllls, Allloa llattlo for Town 25 MllH South-t ol Camloodlan Capital. Presldeii.t Nixon had set ·a 21 .7 mile ' limit on the distance Jnakle Cambodia A.merlW around forces would operate before their ~,,,.., withdrawal by lh ot.her Indochina developments : -Phnom Penh dlapatches nported the Cambodians with tbe aid of Cambodian and• South Vittnarhese Air strikes had turned back a Communist allack on Kompong Thom, AO miles north of Phnom Penh." But they said the highway leadihg to the deep water port and oif refinery of Sihanoukville still was out. June 30. oo .l'UDI J U Mn. ltown entered :._~,.. ... .,_to buy a Students Given -..1ie ~ ,...,. valuable · Womanin'WrongHome' Case Still Depressed 'lbe s~an ·•aid continued air ltrii.11 into Cambodia would b e neceaary becaue tbe Allied drive Jnto the neigbborinc coootry had fotced Com- munist f~ to move their supply Jines to the west, deeper in Cambodia . still bu not -dttormined. · • ., ' -bi' -·-alanolherco!lee•ho!> nterns p HW' the Bron woman at 2:"5 p.n:i. __ . June I · u the victim paid a lab lo< J /:" -. l "Al a result of successful attac ks made by U. S. and government of Viet- nam forces 11sinat the base sanctuaries along the border between Cambodia and a load>er'• meetint held earlier that n '70Vernmen week. The waitrea took the money. then 11w the woman leave the coffee shop at t.be slime time 11 a couple in their 30s. 1be couple oltll has not -. found. Investigators mllbl be -to det«mlne Mn. -·, dlnction of trawl H Ibey can rind the .man ud woman. E.i&bt colle&e lludenlJ, three of them South Vietnam, the enemy's lines of from lbe Oraqe Cout area, today were By,!:'~~ cwraaement. One •anti 1 wall built 5upply and communications have been enrolled in an Oraap CoWlty ad· 0 Jt's _,,_.,thrown aw1v. I'll _ .... &~•-to keep cU mud lrOm the conatruction disrupted and he ia now attempting lo ,.,_,,. I ...... uy site. and "another ii: eoncerned T beca\JM:" minlltrat.ion lJMrnahjp procram to pro-~never tee it-« the hotlle acaln." expand them Into areas fa~er We!t vlde them with practicll esperlenoe polo-Mrs. Allee CUt -of Dana Point .. the view znilhl be CJ.it off U the houaa in Cambodia," the statement u1d . •--al is moved. I la ed I tin& toward 1 career In mi permnent. deprw=d. "Al hu been previou1 Y 1 l , a r Included are Jamel DuUUe, Hun-~--Jy ~ y--qo _...._ .. 1-----.a ''Aren't there any lood people left interdiction will be punued as appropri-1~· •WV -• -~ in I tbt world!'' aka the M.u.ar~ 1-tiqton Beach, USC; and Norman Ewers. that her retirement heme wu belnf 1 -ate 11ainlt enemy troopl or matert11I -U. S. Navj spok1Mnei1 said 273 river boats would be tranaferrecl to the South Vietna~ navy Tuesday in the l1r1ett turnover' of naval equipment or the war. The turnover Is part of the Navy Viet· namiz8tion program and will put 80 perce nt or the navy boats operati ng In South Vietnam in South Vietnamese hands. -Comm unis t ,1tto\,lnd fire shot down two U.S. Ariny helicopters Sunday, one in the Mekon1 Delta and the other in the northern quarter of South Vietnam. Two crewmen were wounded. Student Found Dead 1be balllin( cue Includes the diup-pear&nce ol Mrs.. Brown'1 ltation WAIOO, her punt, jewelry, -and the lar&• buJllin( lml!e « boyonel lllOd In her I-"--,_.. 1:11..i..a-i 1 -1 _ • .,_. 1... .. a ....,_ lot widow. which could threaten American and other nu~; --· .....,..., ,__ -1 ""-~• ' "· C . lo I and f 'd f AMARILLO UPI A td •--~ botb of~-• s•J· r··n~--·-nus. ase JS ne Y a rll o free world lives in South Vietnam . We · ( ) -s u ent at --· ~ ---:'.';"'•, Tho ""'tracl« and the county Build;•• the !utu H h band and I cblld I I Lon B h S Coll d'ed daqhler. . TIMlday I.be croup will m1e11a and Deputmeat were infGnned, but ~ re. tt us on Y will not. of course, discuss speci ic ru es g eac tale ege 1 Sunday be ,~.~ to .... A _,...,\Baud el 1111 both deld -IDd lhe hu no clote of engagement except to stale that their night aft.er he wu found uncontciou1 Deteetives allo an working at finding a pouib~ murder ICtftt, convtnced that the sravestte wu not where Mrs. Brown'• killer performed the crime. UJUUUUUN ""' ...,,..,., wu· dant and tbe house •lta todly, rtlaUv•. interdiction wUl-conUnue as required -. inside a JOl;ked restaurant, which was Supervtaon al Iha boud'• ...,..iar llllU'iy_!l!!I!!~ at -Viola Verde, _ 8bt_blf only her ..U rtspecl and In order to protect the liv• of 111llllary on fire. sesaion. ,, C•N•trano Beach. · · •1..-• I h .. " ...-· a sp1r1l 1.1aa.t wun t et er 1 .ve up personnel ln SOut.h Vietnam . Warren ruvera, 25, was pronounced Thi CJdenta were "cholen OD I mm· Mn. CaM uya lhe wu promised. her fight for her home. Spokesmen in· Washinaton said earlier dead on arrival at John 's Hopsital pellllva bull lollowlq noommendalllllll the -· bul tod•y ... -~ even rr:============;;;;;;===:::::::::=====::::::::::::::::::::::===::::;-from their colle11s and penoanel in-hive a hlDdful of eu1b to call her . San Clemente's Solo Sailor Ge~ Towed to Port 1 r o rm• r ,Su Cllme.U dty attarnty Gi.. Lue, wbo Ie!t la< a IOio ullJq trip around the wwkl one month qo is beiQs towed to Hawaii today, where hll aloap Modrii•I will underlO repoln for a brolDen rudder. Line, wtio set sail from Ocunlldt oo Memorial Dey !or the aolo clrcum- navtpllon, bo1 received aid from the mile& aut of Hawall. Cout Guanl taakw U Texaco California about 300 ..,.._n uld the ..Wan.Ail<!!: would aloo git help from the c:utt.r Cape Newapn, which will tow the Columbia 26 u.ilbolt to Hilo. Lane, ..... celebrllad 1111 llal birlhdllj' 1l ,.. oricin1lly planned the Morq.,... I1ilndt .. "" lint landfill. But frl<nds in San Clenente uid today the 1kipptr ellhlr drifted huncltoda qi milet of! COW'le becauee of tha breakdown or jury-rigged 1111 craf\ and beaded liir IOU( hait>or in Hawaii. ten1ews, , ICCOl'di.nl to William Hart, own. ....ay .,.._J dlractor. S11a lakes liUla comloct In the Itel 1beJ have been Ull&nad to varlout that CharlH Larraw1y, the Neorport ......,, ...,._, W«IdnJ lull llma --wbo bulk the boult tn D'IJI oM b!&.-n pltlMhlM, ........,. 1'Ul 1011D bl facinl dw'C-befon. tbt 011 .. Zinke. ·.......,.i lliaJylat. ~actan· Slaio L1cenoe Board. Their ............ may IncJ..ie ...... "Tho. CUI II in the hands of Iha munity r1s11 m 1119jlctl, ..,.. .. tn AltorDt)' Gentrll," aeid ~flrbOtt Sf.4plty, prapartac --"· ~ reporll ouperylafq deputy " the boanl ..• .,,,. and loallltl; -in oblainlnl and alletallonl Include 1bandoM>att of a p11:11 e11dnc federal arllU and prepara· conltrucUon •It• and failure to ccmplU lion rJ reporta Chat will IUide future cxmtruction." ttrYlct _... plannlnr. Tho cua II ICheduled lot July and "Thay .,..,•t J>a· pven clarieal joba," the -l&y could be 1 lool ol l""-. Mn. Zlnlie uld. "Thi counlJ II ..... Mn. Cue'• 11,..,,.Uvea appaar to ba to offer u much pracUcal ezperience to move the holJle onto her lot, Cl' u poat!Me tbia m1mnw ..,. t.bey lrt to trade kit.I with the woman who ownl inleraltad In a.,.,_ in ID-the -lot. But lbe -·1 bovo adminiltrailon." the money to move the houle and Mn. Otherw enllllad indudt John Iqjlan, Stolle Randall of La Habra who own1 411 ~ea. USC; Charla O'Brien, the lot the house wu buili on wanta Pomona; J(anley--,.-;-Lon(-s-Iit--16,000-ln..addlllon...lo_Mn. Cue'• lot William Toner, Garden Grove and Fran-to make t.bt nit.ch. cine Van Uden, Santa Ana, all Of Cal Her would-be neichbors on Via Verde State Fullerton. have elven Mra. CUe Hu.le en· ' Music Teacher Protesting Before. Seavin1 on the IOlo voyqe, Ch f the burdad liwyer..,....Uctod. r-y-arges 0 ull around the ww!d. Illa aut .lllop 11 • Incompetency TlhiU. · Nixon'• Decision Due WAlill!NGTON (UP!) -Pnsidonl NiI- <m ii apeded to announce a decision tlU week on legislatiOI to eat.end VOtinc Jilh&I to 11-year;()Jdl. · DAILY PILOT A music teacher in the Clpiatrano Unified School District today vowed to contest charges ol incompetency made by the Board of Truatees. John V. Robbins of S&n Clemente, a teacher at Marco Forster Junior Hlih in San Juan Capistrano, Indicated that he will not re&ilfl from hia poaition. "If they think I "" Incompelenl they'll have to prove it," hf Wet H• ll&id he WU in the -of ....,_ .._. H_...,.. .._. conllcUng formB 1tudenll who will ...... .._ .. -... ,..., teatify in hil behalf. He ii alto rneetma c... .._. a. a.1111s an 1ttorney from the C,} 11 f o.r n I a oaANH COAST f'UILllHtNG CGMPAlfY Teacherl' A.uocilUon thiReek. ··~rt N. W1.4 "I've ~ teachinc ln lhe -diltrict Pruw.t lfllll "*lllMI for 14 yun/' Mid Robbin1. ''for nine If the comicUons are m.te the action stopi. If they are not madt in the opinion ol the Board of TrJstees, he could receive a· notice d di.-nlaaal. Since he bu tenure, be would then have » days to pn>duce avldence and ,,;- and like hil ca1e to superior court. Matlock Named La·guna Lions Ouh President "NE HOME fURNlsHINGS e INTERIO. DESIGN s;,,,,,,.' 100tll Aairenary -Spttia/s ..W~....,.----1 WIU'l--i WM M!e ady-mlllic telC'blr Yk9 ~:-1 •NII Gefler1I MMltlt ~ -tbli hia:b IChool. t1 Geald-A:-M'atloch>!--Marilyn--1---;! Tli•111:;1._~••vil Ont of hil 1tudenl1 at the old Tl.•1111• A. Mwr11hi111 c:apilb"ano Hich ScJlooJ Mid he WU _.,.... 1 .. 1.,. a competent music teacher, who had · t; .. MI '· Nill a p-eM. du.I d patience. "He l'Dlde , -~-----_.,..-__ ,_"_;*---! leamin1 to pl1y the U'tll'nbone tun," aid •· -the -otUdenJ..-- I Clll9 .._., DI Wu! ''" '"•' n-bb'-· ho ff' . II ad 'lh ..,.._t ludl: •11 Wnl .... , IO\llli•P'lll nu ui.., W Wll 0 ICla )' lerY WI ._.., • ,_., •-the incompetency notice ju.s t before ...,., 1"71 .. 1(.11 ..,..,..,... -•..., 11 (efll111111:.1 IChool ended, h.ls 90 diys of IChool • • time to come to term• with the .Uted area1 of incompetency, accordJ.na to Dr. Jobn Crain, diatrlcl personnel direcl«. f'ro"' P .. e I DROWNING. •• make it very dancerous. One San Cltmenle Ufepanf today II.Id the double drnwnlnc prnllably occumd •htn one boy ran inle troubla In Lbe waler and hil brother tried to uve him. P'uner1l servlce1 tor youn1 Lawrence art pendina at Sheffw Mortuary-in San Clemenle, where the family wu e1pec\ld to complete dtt1ll1 10metlm. today. Thi boys le1vt ont brother and two •i,lers. < Drive, South. Lquna, was elected preal· dont of the Lal(Ull• Beach Li..,. Club durillj a recent Insta llation dinner held at the Outriaer Restaurant Jn Laguna. Other officers installed Al the meetng Include vice pesidenta: Gordon Kenl, Lou Zllltlk, and-Tom-Slielloiio-The-- aecrelary·lreUurer la Gene Wilbur. Other officer• lnalalled Include Myron Miller, lion tamer, and Bill llansen , tailtwllter. Newly a p p o I n l e d ad· minlstraUve chllrmen inclllde Geor1e Hudson, Gene Wilbur. Pat Cory , Gordon Kent, Don Wilbur, Bill HlllHn and Jerry Ll.nenk111el. Activities Jl'OOPI wUJ be headed .by Loo tllltik, Gerry MaUock, .(I Licon, Dr. Lion Axtlrud, Col. Dave Flournoy, Bob llchmldl, Myron Mlllar. Ted ~ynolds, Tom Skelton and Dr. Erv Walkins. Soviet• Offer, Loan · LONDON IUPfl -Tho So\111 Union hu ... offered Communist China • Joan In the billion-dollar ranae In ID apparent .. 1ttempt to repair the Sino-Sovttt rift, authorllltlve dipkJmaUc IOW'Cfll ukl to- day. But PUlq bu rajoctod lhe ollar. • SPECIAL AT All TlllEE J. H. BIGGAR STORES Now you con buy tho bo&t al a dream price. Twin or lull for only $·119.90. You'll 1loap beautifully on this extra .h eavy comfort,lx·cushioned mattress • , • fo r years to come-be. cause of an exclu1iv1 and special Simmon1 design th at prevents sagging edges. Co m e "; with the unique Sanl-S.al cover, chemicall y treated to guard against odor,:mildew1 boc· terio. The mottres1 feo t.ur11 Simmon '1 famous Ad ju1to·Rest1 with special innerspring multi~ coil COftltructlon for added support and loftger lift. ' Simmons-Makin of the famous B1autyrest TWIN OI PUU. SIZI mattron & box spring ....... , .. , .... , ...... ,, ..... $11,.90 OUllM·SIZI mattran & box spring ....... , .. , , .... , .. , , .... , .. , .. : .. , . $169. 95 ICINO.SIZI mattrou & box spring !Shown) ... , , : , .................. , .. , .. $249.95 'ASADINA l'OMONA SANTA ANA -Mt!IR Cit EleveRlll 147-1621 -Santa Ana ltera 0,.,. Maod1y lwonlnp VO Rii <eel • ••• bl!lw Ilea< ; 'ni .Coot Frid -1be W1b Tb Cl - A fron Ilea was JUrf Li 1 IJ ·~"' 1111'1 pl ~ WOl T m~ as All l~O\ 22. ·s sai1 latl • n nev thif to t l pro w• du\ 1ec " I I ,, pul P'\ .. , 1 tt ' &al cot I po o~ ' aft __ ,.;J bl• 1 !al siJ '" of d1 th M Ci iU bi II c ~ \ ' · Lag1111·a Beaeh . . EDITION • VOL 63, NO. ~ ~ SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFQRNIA ~ r t.IONDA.Y, JUNE 22. 1970 > ' Rigid Standai-ds Set on Cove S·ewage · Disposal By THOMAS FORTUNE ., .... Delly """ '"'" Rigid standards have been ie t -to pro- . tect ·ocean life and water quality from 1ewap disposal at Crystal Cove midway ~ween Newport Beach and !Aluna )l<ach. , 'lbe Sali.a Ana Realonal Waler Quality ,Control Board adopted the standards Friday for a sewage ditposal pipeline ltretching almost 1 mUe out lo tea. Tbt line ia proposed by the Irvine Ranch Water t;)latrict. The W1ter Qliallcy Control Board acted despite the city of Newport Beach's to se1 Jn&o waler 190 feet ~ The request for 1 30-da) delay lo conalder lone pipeline would hive holes lkllc pajble effects cl kelp beds, marine it to dlffule the tewqe. pre1erves and the wllera of Newport · It is being d~ to wve Ute need1 Harbor. until 1• ol the Irvine coutal prgperty Richard A. Bueerman, executive of-between Newport Beacb 'UICI Llpnl fiCer for the board, uid board members ·aeacb and inland portioM 'of the ranch fell the c"y would be l<!oquotety Pf1>' lo be port of tbe future ""1 of Irvine. tected in U.s areas of concern by! the standard! aet by the board include. standards ae1: · -The bac:lerlolotlcal c:ount ahall ~· The Irvine Ranch-WM DiltfiCt, Which-main We for·awimmlng and akin diO-inl:. will need O.S. Army Corpe of Erci.neers --Settleable .. Uda shall not 'be .O•too- approval for CMltruction, propmea to centrated ai to adversely alter the com· build a sewa1e outfall 5,000 feet out position Of lhe bottom flora and faWll . or -... rib fllh ~1Uon. -W-dlacblrsed ahlll ool alter lite uluril appearance of the ocuil as to lllrbldlcy ... ... -. • ,.. Tito diachlrp ahlll oo1 contain Ioli$ ..-tall la ....... deleterious lo fllh or~plam. · -Wiiie -.. ahlll ·ool C>IOiain suspended IOlida ol more than 100 milligrams per liter. -llilchlrse Iha!! ool depress tbe an- nuiJ diaolved oxy1en content below aeven mlllilram• per liter. -llbchlrl< ahall not lower Iha pH of Im -wal.<r below T.O or llae M-LL :-Rlidlol<ll•lly ln ·llte waste~ ahlU 11111 .-prel<Jibed limits. --ud disposal oiler1tion lhaJJ --a nullance. Tito ......... Friday WU In • San -Tito Santa -~ w-~ Conlnll Doud, 1-1- qUll'lerld In lllYenlde, aerveo tbe - Santa AD& River watenbed from It, Bear L4ke lo .tlte couf --tbe San Gobrlel River in Seal" -lo a point jlllt IOUtb of Cry"otal Cove~ 1"" =~;wpor1 Beacb dOlaJ ,.. queat, l>J ~ 1 bfS''y PITIOOI, for complela study of effeda on: :..Ko!P· bedl In tbe c.._ el Mar, Ababte Point and Lquna Beodt-. -Marine=· ell1bll1t-d by Ibo ..... ' I.qi In eor.oa dtl -and ........ Beach. -Berttbic -(--life) ud tbe. martue hlbllal tbeJ,'"PP!"l- -Tbe ......... of .Newport-· The city did no& have a reprMlllAllM pmeot.1t 1111 bellinll, 0 0 an ' rown· Last Rites ~ Woman Trapped For Murtkr Cliffside Dratna ' . ~- By Surf, Saved Victim Held A Fountain Valley woman was rescued re scued woman as Mrs. Sherr 111 'Mle young-housewife-murdered In San Clemente last Tuelday wu laid to rest in her hometown ln Michl&an today, . while detectives here continued their search for 1ler killer. - from the rocks at the base of a Laguna-' Mankowa, 22 o( l7344·6an Luis St. Beach cliff Saturday evening after she Lifeguards Wd that due to fading was trapped by rising tides and heavy light and the rugged terraia. police and surf while fishini at Abal<* Point. fire TtSCUe units we.re bavtq: diffiOJltY ~ llUc:h lilquardl ldealified Ille tiaditt&,a -., III' .... trNJ,..i ~ w ..... 1&1111 up ilia elll!. !In. !;Ganie Lyna ~,.,.... II. of tit C Monterey Lalie, "ll burl_., 111 Coopersvllle, Mich., In MrYlcu attended by ber si.rents, friends and youn1 Martne - hlllband Mark, II, who dlacovered her beaten ud 1labbed body 111! Wednetd1y noOn.' Cult Member . Waives _ Right To Jury Trial . LOS ANGELES (AP) -A statuesque ·):>runette whose story of the Sharon Tate JTiurders led to the arrests of members of-a-hippi~sty.le_cJ.M ~d today she Would waive her right to a Jury trial. The attorney for Susa'! Atkins .• 11 , made a motion · for a trial by Judge as court cooveoed in the trial of Miss Atkins Charles Manson, 35, Lesli~ Van llouterl, 20, and Patricia Krenw1nkel, 22. . Superior Court Judge Charles Older said he Would rule on the matter la~~e Shinn, Miss Atkins' lawyer, told Tievismen: "Everybody has heard a~ut this case anyway. Where are you lorn& to get 12 jurors?" .zzed As_court opened, and the judge qw rospe<:live jurors on )Ybether they Panted to be locked ug (or sis months :uring the trial, Manaofi'a at.tome)' • jected. M ''Your honor on behalf of Mr. anson ~ 1 make the ~ that there be no aequ~stering of the juryld." uanaoo felt Wecurdl anm ff'Dnl thl be·ach at El Men. Trllllt Part( .. lo 1he roekl where Mn. Mankowa Wll struded. An Orup C<llnty Harbor Depariment boat stood by off the rocks . Lifeguards Jim Herdman and Mike ConUno climbed up Oii the rocb between sets of craahin& waves. Contino .lied 1 ~y •round Mn. Mlnkow• and handed • her down OI .the rocks to lferdman bel ow., Herdman ~nlered the Water ud Mrs. Mankowa jumped in 1JJO; lifeguards said. ' Herdman thea towed her lo the boat which transported her to the Newport Harbor.~-'-~-- Earlier S&turday eventnc the two &UIJ'fda had rolled the erner,eney truck to Victoria Beach after a call that a swimmer wu havinl trouble making it to short a1ainlt a rip tide. No suspects and few clues are wlult det~tives Sgt. Robert Muon and Leonard Goodwin have lo 10 with this week In the brutal killing. Goodwin aid the investiption is focus- ed on possible oblervances of neishbors in the apartment nei&hborhood three blocks from the San Clemente pier. One couple llvl.q nearby has rtported that they both awoke simultaneously last Tuesday momina at 5 a.m. but cannot rtmember_any parllcular .....,,..,_____ Unlortunatoly, police hive aald, the nei&flborbood, lined with well maintained apartmenll, Is oubjocled to constont shoull, ICl'e&DlJ and other noises driftinc up fran the bowl and beach area. Few aaunds ao noticed or reported lo police becauae of their frequency, IQ ' I Th• neighbors have said. S t ie ing A mollve In the kllllng or the brunelle bouleWife also aeem1 milling. I P • k • p • Coroner's aides have reported "iio~ n IC ing igs evidencJ of vtotent sexual activity" and could only detennine 1 general time WASHINGTON (AP) -The ol death. Alricuilure Department aay.-a If l'Qbbery nre ~ moUve in the Un.ivenity of Kentucky ltudy of predawn klllln&, Jt yielded little but the the inlellllence of pip couJd mean vlcUm's wallet containing cnly a small extra doilari to fanners if they a111oUnt of money, Police said. choose hop with the hi8helt t.Q.1. A couple reported to be residing tn · The Kentucky reaeardlen, the an upetaira Oat of the three-level apart· department report.I, found the top. ment building have been 1one, reportedly ranked swine studentl to be Duroc on a trtp to H1wali, since about the bneds. Ume of tbe murder. Burn Prevention Herbert ·H. Curry, 78, •imply doesn't want to pt lllllha_rl!*I. :SO. b,e . _ takes precaution• -with 1haded glaH!'I , nooe•ahillmou\11 P.l'C!le<L~rs 1 -as he check4 lhe lictlon at Daytona.Beach, Fla .. Stich iJ~pary, . measures are hardly needed these days along the Orance Coast, where summer has arrived, a1 ·usual,. in the middle of the June' blahs. Laguna Trustees, to . l\le~t·: . ' On Music Teacher's Firfug · ' ( ~ Irving Kanarek sa "'t puPllcity in the cue bas ~ ao pervasive thai "!he sequestertn& would "llamPlhlre porllen, la CGOtrast, Police were llllmptlllg to contact them A meeting of the Lacuna Beach Board were the molt thick-headed," the to dttertnlne If the residenll noticed of F.duc1tion to tlke n.1 action' in Wil~am Ullom, "in-order to clarifY-IDIM - of the inconaistencies in the record!" ' - aerve no purpose." -add' The judge denied the moUon, tDg department said. Also, officials anythlnc un~al bef«e their departure. the propoaed dlmliual of hllh IChool said, )'OUnler pigs usually learned Goodwin said the invesUgatlon now mere rapklty than their elden, is lnvolving contacts with neighbors and music director Jack Kreftinl hu been and heavier animall wrere more friendl of the Johnsons. scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Wedneljlay in Searchers ·Still Seek. One Victim By J011!i V,ll.TBlllA ... Deir ........ Tbe aeardt continued lodq fer tile boey al 11-year-olcl Frederick MClllloya al Caplllrano Beach who a[>p&rell~llJ drowned witb his "'-lole "aturUr in a dirty,'-al ~ lloadL. ' ~k'! Qlb -h~lb1r ....... ,,,, --·lq .... ~ blc!kwojet., Jiii ,_ ~ ...... - ""' (!la1ed late Satunlay alilrnoiin.' 'l1to boJ•' -· ~ YIMt't .... ,..__, 1Aw1 .. Jtr ,.,_. ti , - Camlitn El Molino, loand b11 -·--Sundq .......... ·11a-atl tltnJuih a -bar .. -,allow tbe .......iatod ltrille lo llC.lpe lo ... Oran&• Counly -·· lnYalJiatar1 llid tbe elcler -··body Jllllbablf drillod ou_l _ to 1U unnoticed, becauae fl Ull -ud dilir'll Jn tile lqoia. · In...U,11ort' llid Ibey ~-~ Jfelpbon o1"': = ............... -lite brotben lo Dpltony l!eldl, then left lliein 1111&tlandld ID the 1-. a ..... trouble -for le 'bNdi............ ....==---t Tho' muddJ botlam .and dark water COfllblnf !o -le -a · dancer IPOI for dlllclren, who troUc Jn tbe qUlel w-. A hol!copter I-tbe El Toro Marino ~ Station retcue unit conducted aq a11 oelTCh Sundoy for tbe mlalnc boy -an effort C90<dlnlted witb 1 ~ and IUl'face aeorcb by San ctemonto Ill ....... ud lher111'1 deputlei, l'lllow )'Ol!mlo« firemen alao an aalllin( Uio ,,_ Jn tile Hll'tb 1lio brotbe11 flnt were nporQ.i mlsl· lnt! late ' S.tuntay after Ibey failed lo rttum from the -tar bltbin( opot. The boy• wore last .... al aboul I p.m. . . On Sunday rnonalntt a bullclooer puch- ed througb the nalural llndbar Irapt11n1 the 1-w11or and aa tile water ..-i DUI lo ... I ~-llW 1111 bod7 of yoqq Lawreaoe. The lqoon WU -.tbed U Olllrernely rult ~ water 1rter ,._ blA - earlier in the week. II Is unpatrolled by IUopanll, but pooled U wtAll for entry liecaUH of lite ,-11111ipn. /. tt could be renewed later, and. Kanar~k said he will offer, espert testunony m connection with the move. . . He said jurors who m1ghL be fair nd impartial were being escused -:ecauae-et-Ule-.har:dship of bein away from homt: for six months. . intelliaent than leaner models. ' the district offices, 5IO Blmnant It. "The omarter your "''"' an," Black PT A Merges '!'he meeting orlgnally wu announced the department oommented, "the for . Tuelday evenlftl. better they a~-&~Y> be at ATLANTA (UPI) -The National At Krefting's request, the aaaion will u s J n I ielf.fiidel'l~temperatani l 'Qijjl'f1..-ot"-Colored-P'ar.ents_and_ be....,.!=loaed to . the public , a . dlslrict . Raoul Tellbelf, ' ·!>Nlldeiit ef ' the. California Fmeta11Gn1 of' TeicMn, ?ho reiir-led KllrtJac · at llis ' hoa1nl before a 1tate offlcer lat mimth; aa. will be given J5 mlndtel lo mate I final argument ,•as wll' a1 rtprelentatlve ol the county counael'a ofllct. • Kreftlnc 'and .Mn. Domul'LJncie, hilh. S(joUln(on at lite beach Ilic! -.. of .~ played In tiio bnqi111 water over the weekend. > Thi Jasoon's muddy botlom IDd dibria (fioo .DROWNING, P• 11 "I'd have to weigh that against the plllible adverse effect of pubUcity," Older llid. The jud&e aakl he would rule ln ~ afwnoon on a motion to allow Miu l---AtkiDS~l~ to interview Linda Kasa- I -'· bian, 21. · 1. Id ~-IL was Miss Atkinl, po a sa • w ...... tale of the slaying of Mias Tate and Iii others last August, led to the arrest.I and indictments of MMM>n and member.• of his clan. Lola B. W resche Succumbs at 90. Mrs. Lolo B. Wmche, a ~"" resi- dent of San ca.nente ~led &mdly at the 11e of Ill. MrL Wreocht died aL Ih< Beverly Manor Convalescent Holpttal I n C1piati'ano Beach following 1 lengthy iltnas. Private funeral services for her will be held Tueoday. She leaves her hu sband, Au1ustus H. Wrache ol the family home, 105 S. Cal le Sevlll! and a silt.er, Mrs. 8. R. M"'111 ol Palo Alto. controls jn housing unltl and other Teacher• mergu tonight with the spokesman Wdl Oday. devkes you install for them." predomlnanUy white N1lional Congress AddiUooal tutlmony will be taken from school lrl loadllr, balb ...-..i bear· -1.....,C""=====~~~i--., ir;ip when they were .._.. they' wau)cl. of P11enls and Teachers. Kreltin(, acconllq · to Buporlntandent 0r .... mt~ Z'::n~~n~·=; .. .fourMI "no reuon not ti l'lllire" uie ' mulic lftstructor. The ldlOOI bom'd 'then -tJ eI-Device-:6 ives-Hope--t;.eqoksted,..,.~ ..... ~:-~~~~!~-.... ~ ... tpllpl-·---•·•-r __ ,~ Jaat "eek. Low cbldl and CGll&aJ f01 ·re. After the Wedneaday 1e1skln1 the bolnf main on &be borilan for Tuemtly · will mike a final decllhm to refain but hazy 1unlbine lhouJd prevail Mon'' tor Aids Premat11 re Inf ants' Breathing Strugule or release Krdlhti. It WU ..-.ioed: in Ih< 1rternoon, with temper-~ ~ Mrs. Lynde'• dllllUual was confirmed · ranctna from • to • dtireea. By JOANNE REYNOLDS 'Ol M CtellY .......... A new electronic oyllem, dest.,ed lo aave the li\191 ol premature lnlanll with brealhin( dllfk:ultles, baa been *'"loped at tbe UC !rvtne CoUep of Midldne, • )I, Wiil! ~ lo!l&Yf , ._ •. Dr. Mar1aret J. ,,..,.., a podta1rtCI tecwrer , laid pieemla -b ....... breathing which is t'haracteriled by rapid breathing 1lternatlng with brief periodl or .... brullltna. • "This .-periodic brealhina' Is considered to be a lwmim phenomenon provided the in/ant resumes breathing on his own and does not develap cyanosia (tum· in( blue due lo lack of ooypn)." Dr. lnlJJ'lln said thlt If the non- . . brUthin( phloe 11 accompanied by cy"'inolla, or a 1lmrin1 ol the infant's heart rate, be will not usually resume lnltblnc eutomatlcally. "U tbla problem ii not detected and he 11 not tUmula&ld to reawne respirl· Uon, he may cMe or.1uffer brain damap due lo lack of OS)'lert,""'" uplalned. no -IY--loped at UCI iJ ICU•a&ed by 1 bUrt rate monitor which f'illkll'd• automatic~llJ ~"' I.he infaat•a heart rite falls be.low IO beall per minute, 10me IO to 70 buts bolow nannal. The 1J1tem IOUIJds an alarm to 1lert nunetud atves the blby 1 mild electrlc •hock .. -·late lnllhin(. Whoa 1111 itllll ...... lo - aaaln, his heart rate riles above to beall per minute, automatJ.cAJly turning off tbe 11ann ud lite t!ectrlc 1Umulator. Jf bnl&hina ii not raumed, DUl'lll CIR -lnatltlnr by artlllclal mpira· lion •. Dr. lncman llid lhe reell tbe new IY-II. bettor than =-ty Uled SyNrm wlllclt at1 "'!lYIIed b J reeptralaey monlton beclUH btart rate \s a mort dependabla Indlc1tlon of the baby'1 phyllcal ocn!IUoo. "1'be rtlpiratory monilora could be activated by an infant's normal periodic breatbln&," abe ll1d "ao there was a -tblr pou1b111t1 OI f11ae 11anna which coald lllmulata lbl lnlant-ilJ." l j by trustees lat.month, Kent State Reaiumea Cla~s Under Guiu:d. ' KENT, Ohio (UPI) --ntum- ed lo -It ((IOI lllale Unl""1ty lnd•y for tho nrot 1"tlO llnce May 4 -lliur students ...,. killed by Ohio National Guard bullets. 11te IUl1UJltr cjU&rter stattad under the .... of a -.,Iy onutlpn- tel'U ritJ force. The <Wt ~ 111ra MCUrtly since thl ldlllnp wu nttmamd at more tban 118.11118 lly --Y dlroctor Cheater Wllllams . • \ INSIDB TODAY Wiftdl tattdt!r 10 ""°"are,_ to~ IOetknd miili"ll. b111 .. 1 ,., record llnaki"ll m • """ tliltonu ,... 1o TalliU. sn -mg, PQ(lt 25. -=. a.t;lltl9"' ii . .... a ·--_._. - J I , ... • -·--·---=-, ~:=-. -" -...,, ...... M --14 ---• • , " •• ' . ... -• " • • ,.,, .. .. J DAILY '11.0T SC ~) .......... 22.1911 W-0man~s . Death Probe . Continuing A ~ fan! ol llMrill'I In-~-.... continued tbei' P'iml•lring ~ illlo tliO -~th ol N-Viejo -Mn.-Fl~ -.... -· but admitted their ' -... lllm al boot. Sl!lrlll'I t#v'-·~1~ btld of till In 'mt cW.eJI, 8lid bltimen11 __ 1n_...,.__ .... ery ICtap tJI. informltioa wt haw on the cue ~ 1tyiq; to put it all in place." -·lho Nll«alo Mardi for Mn. ~Jl'cor, ~ are ·Wkina ~ .....,.. ,.,.,.. wit iues who 111.1y ha .. -die 11.,_ .... brunet.It wt June.I ~ ... d/IJllll>e...i. . ffor D!llliJallll bOclJ WU found W"iy 1111 -In a ..-ut, -•eet<lld- gr,ave Um& O!Up, lfliliway. ' -~ aald tOdiY . he and 1..,; ol his lop . lnvesllr,l«I · "'°"t two .dayi i.te lair w..t ttYt.itlnr Ille grave lite and· ne,am•ntnc tbe 11bYtksJ evidence --couoterporta In RJ>enlde county. . U"ITe......_ Red Sappl1 Uaes i, • • U.S. Planes Hit Beyond Set Limit I \ ' SAIGON (UPI) -U. S .. warplanel have begun bombing Communist land and rlve.r supply lines ln Cambod.11 beyond the 21.~· mile limit ael • for, American ground forces., a Pe_ptagon spokesman said today. Jerry W. Fr1edheim, deP41ty aMtatant defense secretary for publ ic affaln, iuued a Penta,gc>n slltement to follow up an announcement by Gen. Creighton . W. Abrams, American commander in Saigoo. Friedhelm aai.d the· attack• beaan "within the last week" when It became clear the Communists had .moved weU. beyond the aanctuary areu attacked by Allied forca. He said there WU a limit OSI the depth· of the raids but would nett uy what.Jt Wal. The announcement In Saison by an Abrams 1poketman aid only that U. S. planes would be used to attack new Communist supply llnea deep in Cam- bodia "as required." lhar American alr llrilt11 In Cam hodl1 would conUnut after the -June 30 1 withdrawal date. . l: Allted inte1U1ence reports haVe uMt ;. North Vietnmnese commariders blYe i: eStablilhed new supply ~s on a syatem 1' of waterways deeper in Cambodia. The line connecla with the lo-called Ho Chi Minh trail in Laos. The supply routes are much deeper than the 21.7 mile limit for American troop penetration and military sources ,. uk:I American aitcralt alreacly have been attacking the route in northeastern Cam• bod la. Other milltaF-y sources said today 1 American commanders have acceler•ted j, the withdrawal of U. S. troops from , Cambodia, movln1 .aoo men of the crack i: tst Alr Cavalry Division back to, South Vietnam. AnOther 10,000 temain ln Cam· r· bod la. "We're juat tryina to come up with something we may have missed in- itially," he &aid. Conlllctl early thi1 week will include 1peakinc with a C.ptatrano waitress who ~ to ba.ve Men ~ murder victim CARRYING Ill LONGINGS, CAMBODIAN[ FROM VILLAGE DF KDMPONG SPEU SEEK SAFETY R ..... FIH •• Comm~l1tt, Alli•• Battle for Town 25 MU11 Southw .. t of C1mbodlen C1plt1I; President Ni'xoil baa set a 21.7 mlle limit on the distance inside Cambodia American ground foreta would operate before their tcbeduled withdrawal by . June 30. In other Indochina developments : , -Phnom Penh dispatchet reported the , Cambodians with the aid of Cambodian and . South Vietnamese air strikes had turned back a Communist attack on Kompong Thom, Ml miles north of Ph!lom Penh. But they said the highway Jeadint to the deep water port and oil refinery1 on June J u Mn. Brown ' entered tll9 ,alfe near the million to buy a .-...n. -tbe r~ prov" valuable still bu not been determined. Another waitress at another coffee 1hop aaw the) Brown woman at 2:4S p.m. June 3/1! the victim paid a tab for a tea¢'er'• meetin1 held earlier that week. · Students Given Internship In ,_Goverllnient Womanin'WrongHome' Case Still Depressed The spokesman sUt . continutd air atrikea into Cambodia would b e necessary becau&e the Allied drive into the neigbborin& co_untry had ~ced Com- munist forces to move their supply lines to the west, dee.per In Cambodia. "As a result of succ~ssful attacks made by U. S. and goverhment of Viet- nam forces against the base sanctuaries along the border between Cambodia and South V~tnam, the enemy's lines ol supply and communications have been disrupted and he is now attempting to expand them into . areas farther west in Cambodia," the statement said. of Slhanoukville ~till was out. ., ~. -U. S. Navy apokllmen said 273 river boats woold be tranafmed to the South Vietnamese navy Tueaday in the lar1est turnover ol naval equlP.mf:nt of the war. The turnover ,ii• part of the Navy Viet· namizaUon program and will put 80 · -Percent of the navy boats operating in South Vietnam in South Vietnamese hands-;' - The w1itrea took the money, then 11• the woman leave the coffee shop at the same time 11 a couple in their 30s. 'Jbe couple still has not been feund. 1n ... tiga ... mlFI he Mii• to -Mn. Brown'• dlrodion of travel H they can find the man and woman. 'J1>e baffling case includes the disap- pearance ol Mn. Brown's 1tatlon wqm, her -· jewelry, -and tile !arle huntilW lmlf•--• hayooet uaed In he< slaughter. · Detectives also are working 1t find illl 1 ·possible murder tcene, convinced that the aftvesite w11 not. where Mn. Bnmi'• ~ ~ ftirmed the crime. San Oemente's ' Solo Sailor Gets Towed to Port Ei1b1 collep -ta, three of them By PAMELA HALLAN from tbe Or .. Cout area, today were °' ... ..., ,... 1..., e0f'9lled m an a-ance. County ad· ~·1t•1 money thrown away. I'll probabl.y mililltration hMmahlp Jll'OIP'&m to pr~ never eee It or tbe ~ qaln.'' vide them with P'ldic:al expert...,. pob>-Mn. Allee cu. of Dana Point II line towanl 1 career In local aovemment-depnuod. lachwJod -Jamee Duk&Ue, Hun-Nearly two yean qo llhe dilcovettd tlnpln lladl, \IS(:; llld Norman Ewen, tllat her retlranent home wu heinl Irvine; and llidw'd Leppar, Lqlm built on tile WJ'Oftl lot. · o .. cb, both o1 c.1 stale P'ullortGo. -,,,. ... troctor and the couAty Buildln& 'I'Ueldl1 tbl -wjll ~ llld ~ .... Informed, but ll<llhinc be -to tile oowiy Board ol ... done and the -Itta today, Supervilor1 at the bowel'• rqular nearly compietfi at SM Viata Verde, .. 111oa. Capistrano Beach. The Pudentli were -dtmen cm a com-Mrt. Cale 11y1 abe was promlled petldve bull followlnc ,..,,.,,...,.i1t1on1 tbl mooo, but· today lhe _, even from their c:ollepl and. permnnel in-hive a hlndful of earth to call · her tervllwl, llCC<ll'dlnl to Wlllilm Hart, own. oowiy -1 dlnc:tar. She tak" liltle comfort In the fact Tl!oJ have -olOlaned to vlqioul that Chlriel Larr1wiy, the Newport oodlilt ' .....-: .. '"""'.full ---who bulk tile -In ...._t 1-.i ~ nportl will _. 1lo fadq cblr1ee befor< the Olive Zinke, -1 anWlll· • Contndon' stall Llcenoe Board. ~ ..,.._, may IDcludl • _. "The cue II In the hlnda ol tho mumt)i' r,1111'th snjeetl, .,...."'! ln Attorney General," llid Vernon Stamey, preJIOl'lnl llllUal ._a, ..iaJ reporll ...,....,..., deputy ol the board. ''Tllo F o rm er San Cl-'* dty .-.ey and lealltU; reoeon:h In ohWlnln& and allepUonl include ablndonment of a Glen Lane, who left for a .olo uIUnc Pf'O'!'Fri'll federal IP'utl and PflPll'• conttruction alte IDd failure to complete trip around the world one month qo -tlon ol reporil that will --future coutrucUon." ia· beJns towed to Hawali today, wtiere aervlc:e _.., plamlnc. · The • .,.-lrlcheduled ·for -July and hfo 111oop Mldri(al wili underp repaitl ''111ey woil't be liven clerlcil Jobi," tho penalty muld be a i-,of llceOIO. for a broken rudder. Mn. Zinke uJd, ''The county la pm, Mrt. CaH'I altemat.fves lppMr to be We, who .et u.il from Oceanside to offer u mUch pnctlca1 eqmience lo move the houle onto her lot, ar oa Manorial Day for t.be solo cittum-aa po11ibJe tilil summer llnce they are • to trade lots wltb the woman who owna na~, baa received aid from dte iU atted in a CU'IS' 1n aov.-nment -U:, other lot. But she doesn't havt miles "eut <I. Hawaii. Cout Gtmd admlnW.raUon." the money to move the houae and Mrl. tanker SS Teaaco California about 3lO Olborw eolllfed lacludl John 1'Jjian, Stella Randall of Le Hahn who OW1ll --u!!l..~eet'!!""'WOuld LOI Anplee, US(;; Cliir1ii O'Bilen, -:ii;e1ot-tli0houae wu built' on wanll allO &et help from tile cutter Cape P-; Nlllley l'<lukle, 1-8-11; li,000 In llddltlon to Nra. C11e'1 lot Newqen, which will tow the Columbia wwtam Toner Garden Grove ud Fran-to make tbe switch. 21 11ilbolt to Hilo. . . cine Van Ud~n, Sant.a Ana. all Of Cal Her woUld·be nellhbor• on Via Verde Lane, ~ celebrated his 61st birthday State ·Fullerton. have liven Mrs. Cue Utile •· at sea orlglftally planned the Marqutllt'l Islands as hiJ firat landfall. But friends in San Clemente uid today he Hipper either drifted hundreds of miles off course because of the bru.kdown or · jury-rigged his <:raft ind· headed f« anuc harbor in Ha"'aii. Before leavfna: on the IQrlo voyqe, the bearded lawyf!' predicted a lelaurely uil INIWld tile -world. lfil llUt atop ;, TlhlU. Music Teacher ' Protesting Charges of Incompetency ' Nixon's Decision Due WASHINGTON (UPI) -Prealdent NII· oo is apected to announce a decision thia week on legisl1U01 to ertend voting rl&tlta to ti-year-olds. DAILY PILOT A music teacher" in the Capistrano Unified School District today . vowed to contest charte& d. incompetency made by Iha ll<Nlrd of Trulteel. Jolin V, Robbliis of .Sao qemen&e, a teecher at Marco Forster Junior HIP in San Juan Capiltrano, Indicated that he will not retlgn from hia poaij.*'· · " If they think I am tncompatant they'll have to prove it," he ·Akl. He ukl he was' in the proceu of NewfllWt .._. H .. ....,_ .._. contaqinc ff)l"O'ler atuderU who will ._.. -,__ ,.., ltltifr.'la bit heh.~. He II 1lao meelin( c-t1i M.. s. Ck 11,tw ID ratt«ney, from the. C • 11 f o r n I a OlllANGI COAST PUILISHIHG COMl'AH't Teact.n' Alaociation lhil week. ••"'* N. ""•-' "I've been llachinc ln the diatrlct If h' correclion1 are made the action stOps. Jf they are not made in the .Pinion of the Board of Trustee•. he could receive a'notice of "di1mlssal. Sinot he hu teoon, he wOuld then hive 3t days to pn)duce evidence and witnenes and take his cast to superior court. MatlQCk Named Laguna Lions Oub' President '"",..... ...,, !'WI..,,.. for 14 years." aid Robbiu. "For nine --t----;t,·1rt:-eurt1...-::----t--i,..,,,,-1-w11-the---Gnl)'-music.-1eacber. -' -- \'k• l'rti.-.1 •IWll ~''' M•,,.... al the hish echool " . aid A. MsUock Of 20la """Mii'ilyn - T~o ... •1 Ke1•il One of hl.i itudent.s 'It the 'old~ Drive, Soulh La1un11 was elected presl-111'°~ c.platnno Htp School laid hi wu dent ol &he 41\lnl Beach Uom Club T•0.:::.a1",. ~;.~:,.~•111 1 eompeCatt music teaclwt, who , had· durina a r~t Installation dinner held l ic••rtl r. Nell 1 • lftM deal of pat.ietJc:i.' ou.. made •at the Outrigger Restaurant in lApna. ...,.11 .,..,... cw.1., '""' learnln& 'to pla the tram~ tun," aid · Other f!l'ticers. installect al the meetng eouragement. One wanta a will built to keep out mud from the conatruction site and another ill concerned becauae the view might be cut Off if the house Ls moved. "Aren't there any 1ood people left in-tbe world!" ufa the ~year-old widow. · Mrs. Case is lonely and afraid of the future. Her huaband and only child are both dead and ahe t)u no cl051 relaUves. She has only her aelf respect and a spirit that woo't let her eive up her fitbt for her home. ' "As has been previou&ly stated, air lnt-erdiction will be pursued as approprJ. ate 11ainst tnemy troopa or materiel which could threaten American and other free world lives in South Vietnam. We will not, of COW"3e, discuss specific rule.s of engagement except to state that their int~rdiction will continue as required in order to protect the lives of military personnel in South Vietnam .". Spokesmen in Washington said earlier -Communist Ji:round fire shot down two U.S. Anny helicopters Sunday, one in the Mekon1 Delta and the Olher in the northern q~arter of South Vietnam. Two crewmen were wounded. Siud(lnt found Dead AMARILLO (UPI) -A student at Long Beacb State College died -Sunday nltht after he waa k>und unconacloua inside a· locked restaurant, which was on fire . Warren Rlvera , 25, was pronounced dead on arrival at John's Hopsital FINE HOME FURNISHINGS • INTERIOR DESIGN --Simmons' TOOtll Anniversary Specials SPECIAL AT AU TIIREE J. H. BIGGAR STORES ----tM-fonner-lt~t.--lnc!~!_!lce pe.sidents Gordon tce..,n~. Loo c.i. MIN• llO Wu t •• ., Sit.. 1::1~~1--, ·wi.A ... olflclally .e:rved •ith ZitnllC, a.nd--Tom-Sttttan. ~-----........, a.a.c11: nn w.,., 11"'91 ..., ..... ,. nuvuu• "" ta tre is r...-... WUbur ...,.. ._,., m ,...,..., ,.,_ the Incompetency notice just before secre ry-. asurer vc•--:: . . Now you con· buy tli1 ·bast ol a draam prici. Twin or full for only $119.90. You'll sl.tp beautifully on thla 1xtro·h1avy comfort11x-cushlon1d mattress ••• for years to come b1 ~ cou11 of an exclusive and special Simmons desig n that prevents sagging edges. Come 1 with the unique Soni-Seal caver, chemically treated to guard agGinst odor, mildew, bac- teria. The mattress features Simmon's fomou1 Adjusto·Rest, with special innerspring multi°- • =--a:,.;...~~'!:,~ 1:1"f--:i--= IChool ended, his to da)'I of school ~ther ~ff1cers Installed 1nc!ude Myron time to come to term• with the •lated M~ller, lion lamer, and Bill Han~n , ' . ,.J. ... ~. . . I areu of incompetency, aceordin& to Dr. lalltwllter. Newly 1 pp n In te d id· John Qain dlatrM:t perlDMlil director. mlnlltratlve cha_lrmen include Georae ' Hudson, Gene Wilbur. Pat Cory, Gordon ;· Fro"' P .. e 1 DROWNING. •• make ll very dan1erous. One Sin Clem<ote llfe111anl today lald the double drownlnt probably ocxumd when OM boy ran irite trouble in the w1ttr and hll brother tried te uve him . fune:ral serviet1 for YOWll Lawrence.' are pendln& at Sbeffer Mortu1ry in San Clemente, whert the lamlly wu e1peded to complete dttalll aomeUmt today. _ The bo11 luva one brotblr and two liatera • l Kent, Don WU bur, Bill Hanstn and Jerry Uneniugel. AcUvlties groups will be headed by Lou Zltnlk , GerTy N1tfock, Al U<on, Dr. 1-Arelrnd, Col. Dov• rlournoy, Bob Sdlnldt, ~yron Miller. Ted R<ynolds, Tom Skelton and Dr. Erv Walkinl. Soviets Offer Loan ' LONIJON ruPI) -Thi !ovtet Union bu dfered r.ommunlJt OUna • ioan in the bDlion-Oollar ranee in an apparent attempt to repeir the Sino-Soviet rift , authoritative diplom•.'!t_~cea uid to- day. But Peklq baa • W the offer. ' coil conatruction for added support a.,d longer life. -Simmons-Maken 'of the ,famous Beautyrest TWIN OI l'IJU $Ill mottrau & box spring ............................. $119.90 , OUHN-SIZE mottra11 & box spring .................... ,, ... , .... , .. , .. $169.95 KING-SIU mattrau & box spring (Shown) ...................... , ..... , .. $249.95 \ . ' . ,ASAD~NA l'OMONA SANTA ANA -Main .t -lleventh 147·1621 -Santo A•• Sttr• Open Moft41y 1v .. 1n11 • l II 1 J ~ u ri 1 ~ h Ii • a e s h ~ b ( • a • ! I ' I 'I 1 , I I I • •, • Councilman Asks· ' . I .. . ,......_ ____ __ '-----<--. . . ' By BARBARA IUIEllllCH .................... . A plan lo -ganlte the 1.a....,. Beach buildiq IRd plannina deputrnenla Ind expand the duties ol the Board of Ad- justment was outlined by Councilman P'l"'. Ostrander at the lut Plannlnl Commlaalao atudy -"*"· Ostrander -Iha! the th,..._ member Board ol Adjustment, estabJish. ed three yean ip to meet weekly to take care of minor variance requests th!il had been cluttering Planning Com- mllaion qendaii, be increased to fiVe members, includina prolesaionals, such as architects. It then could relieve the commission of a vai:tety qi duties including tedlnical matters such as site plan review. arehitect.urJI rev~. ~ ~pe mat- ters, ai well as handling variancH regardin& parking, signs, sideyard set- backs and the like. •• "Remember when we could hear the ocun •• well •• ... it?" Dlscuuin1 the proposal Thursday, planners appeared to agree that the board could uaefully handle more duties, but some doubt w1s eapreued with Laguna Student Hurt regard to "telling tomeOM else how to design his building." WEI.COME GUIDANCE Ostrander sakl that many building permit applicants are attemptin1 to do their own deslping, without architectural assistance and would welcome some guidance. ' In Bike-Car Collision 'f1\e Board of Adjustment. he sakl , "should be an aesthetics board." Laguna Beach student Michael Totten, 20, home for the swnmer from Yale Univetsity, was injured Saturday while ridln& his bicycle on North O:>ut Niguel Attorney Wins State Tax Highway shortly before noOn. Commlaion chairman William Lam- Totten, a JMI Lquna Beach Hiah •bourne said he did not feel variance School graduate, t.okt police he TOdf: applications were "too mw.ch of a pro- ! S bl--, .... us ... into the Myrt e treet tntenecUon ~.. - without realizing the light had cb1n1ed Ostrander's plan for reor1anilinr; the and collided · with a car crossin1 the building and planninc departments, he highway. sakl, is aimed at "giving the public Driver of the car, Clffford Tliii~m.,as~belter se:rvJce JO they don't have to run around 10 much." Corwin, 71, of 631 Cliff Drive, wu unhurt. ph · , off' It woukl set up a central Department Totten was taken to a ystcian 1 tee ot Development Services, to which ,....rmit by friends for treatments of cuts on ,... his left leg. applicants would address their requests, ~~~""'-"-''-"''-and which would Cootdinate the work Appraiser Post In a second traffic misfiap at-12"13 of three 1uboidlory iliviSloM~the-Divlsion p.m. Stmdly, driver Joseph Edward of Code Enforcement, the Division of Wood, 44, of 1395 Temple Hills Drive, PlaMinfJ and the DiviSion of Public Attorney Gerold G. Williams of Laguna was taken tci Orana:e County Medical Works Ena:ineering. Niguel has been appointed a state in-Center for treatment of facial cull after heritance ta1 appraiser by State Con-his car plowed into the back of vehicle REORGANIZING STAFF troller Houston, I. Flournoy. at South Coast Hijhway and Ruby Street. Englnetrlnt:. he said, could rtmain Williams, 29, of 24101 La Hermosa Driver Richard Albert Gi&nac, 51 , of unch•na:ed until after adoption of the was an · Orange CoUJ1ty deputy district Livonia, Mich. told police he had s_~pped general plan, but the other two division~ attorney from 1965 to 1967 when he to wait for a car mall.inc a left turn could be set up immediately, at no established a private law practice in onto the highway from R®Y. $treet when P.dditlonal cost to the city, by reorganiz.,. Santa Ana . the WOod Vebicle rammed him f from ing 'present staff. - He serves as treasurer of an advisory h rear. • _,! The Dlviaion of Code Enforcement board to South Coast Community .The imprict ltnl the 01,..c car. a would handle matters pertaining to IJospital and was instrumental in drafli•J . d1st~e of a feet ac~u the tnterledMM'I bulldlna: code enforcemen1, plan check· bylaws for the Laguna B e a c h and mto ~ th~ vehicle, which wu Ing, mini and inspections. Coordhiating Council while 1 resident parked, police ukl. The Dtvilioo of Plannina; woukl lake Of Laguna Beach. · care of pllDllinl .tudies, precile plans Williams did his undera:raduate work and preparation of lltaff reporta to U~ at lhe University of California, Berkeley, Board of. Adjultment and Planninc COm· and attended Haati1gs Law School in IT'S FREE. CA.LL milsfon on requesta for C<Jnditional use San Francisco. permlt1, ordJnance matters and the like. A coordinltin& central department, Oltrander Aid, would eliminite lhe pruent confusion that finds applicants TO SA.DDLEBA.CK A Lal\Ull Beach aru toll free number taking their •papen from one department has been added to Saddieback: Colle(e, to uother an«I never beinl quite 1ure, ~1embers of the High Twelve Club~o,_f_4"-99-'-'Zl=ll ------unleaa-they-•~ profeslieaal builders. Laguna Hills w\11"1ietiWilialOu1401t at· Dr. Fred H. Bremer, auperinlendent-developu1 or architects, that they have Your Community College" when Saddle· president ol Saddleback, laid the coile1e compUad wbh all city requirements. back College President Fred H. Bremer re~ ~need for the service with 11ddresses their June 29 meeting at the ' the move to Its permanent campua. The OONPlJSING l!:TUP Miss ion Viejo Inn. number ii now in 1ervlce. "Tbe averqe perm It College Talk Set 0.lrandet said, ''is comt.w to tht city lot the first time to aeek • permission to build or remodel a boule and he' probably will do it only ooce. ni bi.!, lile so he needs all Ille help he can get. The ~line tetup is IO confusing and fruatralinfl a lot of people just &ive up. It's a mess." The .. ..-tioaal l)'Slem, he proposes, he wd; is limilar 1o thooe uae<1 by the county. and ln Anaheim and Newport Bead!. The councilman siid he hfld discussed hi$ plan It · Wnath with City Manaeer James Wheaton, Buikllnc Director Clyde Spriqe and planner AJ Autrj. · At the cklae o! the informal study chairman Lambourne commented "Y~ people (referrinl lo Ostrander .and Corii- rui.ssioner Jim Schmitz, a builder) who du.I with these city departments pro- ~bly know a lot. more about this thaa the rest of us." Officers End Ski.nny Dips Off Laguna Four· Lona: Beach Youths ·h'tading for a refreshing 5 a.m. swi m ·orf Llguna's Maln Beach Saturday were frustrated when headlighl! of a police squad car revealed more than swimmers are sup- posed to reveal, even at 5 a.m. Swinging their 1quad car into a parking spat at .the f~ of. Broadway preparatory to beg111 their foot patrol stint two officers •potted the delegation of ~wim­ mers heading for the surf, minUs even the hint o! swimming apparel. .As the offjcer1 approached, the nude quartet, all 18 years old, hurried back to tht-sa1KLand began to dress. They were cited for "dresaing on the beach," -since nude swimming· is not an official violation o! the law unless it can be classified as "indecent ex- posure.'' ''Thert wasn't another soul on the' beach," ei:plained the police, "so the incident didn't e1actly quallfy under that settion." 'AFS Students To Vis.l.t Coast A r;roup ol st American Field sUvice students en route lo their v a r I o u s homeland,, will spend five days at homes in San Clemente and Laguna Beach. Mrs. Jan Dusek, president of the AFS adult chapter for San Clemente High School, said the youngsters who ·have been living and attending school in the Sacramento area will arrive at the beach cities June 29 along with two chaperones. They . will be divided among homes In Laguna and San Clemente wtule they are entertained and tour points of inerest such as "'the Mission at San Juan Capistrano and Disneyland. There will probably be JOme beaching done also. ' El Rancho has the hottest price in town! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t pkg • This v.:eek-bake• batch of bi11t:uita tt.e euy 'Vay ..• pop! t.he packase open1 ••. quick as & wink they're in the Pan ••. slide them in the °'en •• , in minutes, they're rolden brown ••• lirht, fluff)', delicious ! And only Sc a tube. Fresh ·· Butter .... ~.~ ."~· .... 7 9~ June is Dairy Month I Celebrate by aen•in1 hot biecuils, drippinr with pure freah. Dtiri Gold Butter! Welch's Presenes ................ 3r \Velch'11 J elly, Jam or Presen 1es. , • 20 ~· jar Sue Bee Honey ...... '~.~.~ ....... 49• Clover or Oranre •• , delicious on hot bi.scuilA ! • -Fresh-Green Beans;-;;~·~~.~ .-ls~ Our Garden Pat.ch d e partme~t is .full of nature's bounty at this wonderful time of the year ! DA!LY ,ILOi :' ' • ' Wrapping tlae Earth Farm hands, taking care not to get wrapped up in their work, Jay giant plastic cover over tomato field on Uiland side of Pacific Coast Highway near Laguna's El Morro School. Purpose of the work on truck farm between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach is to fumi. gate the tomato patch. ... ~ Less Than Half Laguna Grads Going to C~llege .. Somewhat less than half the members of Laguna Beach High School's l!r70 graduatina: class plan to ,continue their education at junior colleges an d universities, assistant superintendent Dr. Rqbert Reeves has told trustees. A survey ~ 2.Y sen~ brought respon9e1 I~ ~II, BeeVes said, and ol this number 107 .had plal\I to r;o Truck . an Tracks Sm~h:ed by T.rain · An Anaheim man ba~'ely e~ with hi1 Ufe ear~ this morn(n& when his pickup tru'cl' slalled on the San.la Fe Rai!roff iracks, ponce reported. .Officers 1aid Richard S .. Jurido, JI was d~lvin1 the trijck wes{bound •Joni Miller Street, J>41rallel to the tracks when a Ur~ blew out and veJiiclt 1weried onto l~e raOroad. Th,e lower part of. t~· t~k becamt. lodKi!d on IM rails ~· u Jurado wu tryfng to frff· it he' heard a waml!lg whisUe . from aa apprptchin1 freisht' train.' . , . He leape4 from the ~ab injuring his ankle •as he tumbled down an em· bankmeflt; police said. The truck was demolished . · Jurado was taken to ,\ n a he Im Memorial H011pita1, aiid r~leased after treatment." on to college. Twenty-seven ~f the graduating. seniors • plcinned to go l-0 work ' .immediately, the survey showed, and another Zl sa,id · they would be going into military service, getting married or were undecided about their future plans. · Of those planning to continue-their . education 21 said tpey would attend Saddleback College and nine planned - 1o 10 lo Orange Coast Colleje. University of California c~mpu.aes~were the goal of several top studentl!i, with 17 planning to .enter UC Irvine, two going· to the Santa Barbara campus and one·to Sania Cruz. . F.Oor senio.rs . plan tO attend . the University of Nevada, thr~ eru:tt wilt attend San · Dlego State, Cal· state Fullerton, Northern Arizona University an~ art school , two each are headed for Long Beich State, USC ·a'nd_ San Luis Obispo and other lnslitutiom at. lracting ooe student apiece inlcude Stan- ford , the University ol Hawaii, the Uni versity of the Paci.fie, Humboldt State College, ScrJppe College'. Biola College, !lie University of Portland . and the University of Wyoming . . ~Jobs landed by the 27 who plan to go to work immediately ranged from Lion Country Safari to Albe'rtlon '1 Market and included restaurants, the Canyon Animal Shelter, a nul'ling home, the.. Lifeguard Department, the city R~reation Department and asaorted stores. -' · f t our del icatersen. ! Menu ·makers f'°im our Butcher Shop! Lamb Chops'.;.. 51 ~9 .;.'. 51 ~? Price• ift efff't;t Mo11.,. T1~1 .. Wed., Juu 1.l iS 24.' AICADIA: Su•t and Hunlinj\,. Dr. (ti' Rine"' Cftlll1) PASADEHA: Sprillf Lamb ! 1'-Te&h and lean .•• aerve them b roiled for' all the fla•or and an the nutrition ! Pepper Steak .............. S1J? El RMncho'1 bctU:r beef ••• ready to broil! Sausage ....................... :,59~ El ll&Atho'a Country Style .•• Inly !re•h I ,, \ . • lii'o 1ale1 to dea.U.r1 . 320 '(ll!f C9I011do Blvd • ... _. ·•• .SOUTH PASADENA: r..-1 11d· Hlllltinif" Dr. HUNTINGTON BEACH:. WIUllf Ind Al zonquin (801rdw1l• C~~l !I ) NEWPOIT BEACH: .. 2111 "'"Port Bfv~ ond 2115 ilst~uU Dr. (Elllblull ~11111 c..Itr) I • DAILY I'll.OT -.,, ,,_ 22, 1970 Awe Hints D.C. Letab Nation More Drug ·Raids Set U.S. Crime Rate Rises 13 Percent Cc-llMI ... Dlllr ~ ...... A radio-television tower in Mos. cOw known for the sturdiness of its latticework was inspired by the in- ventor's metaJ wastebasket, the newspaper Builder'• Gazette said todly. • . Jt'1 ben a long time betlDttn bite.s an4 Wade Rivers apptars to bt' dozing a& he fi&lus off a dock along the De· troit River. It is chitly down by the river, too, which explains \Vade's heavy coot in summer time. • The vicar of the St. itienM Cathl!'drat in Toulouse , France, fotmd a parcel tolder the statue· of St. AntMny of Padua addresa- ed to the BarOfleu of ·Fin. He dtlivtnd it to her and insidir: toa1 a painting which had betn rtolt3 from tM barOMss' ca1tle la.It fltar, St. Anthony is the patron of Lost Objecu.- • Weldon Ohn of Reno, Nev. has learned the Bible is not a safe pJac! to hide money. Obn told police someone broke into his home and stole '673 which wu stashed in the Bible in bis bedroom desk. FiJherman F;! Simons of Greot Yarmouth, England won't bave trouble .getting bait for the next few d.lys, While fllhing for shrimp re- ~enUJ, be cauOt 1 sea wortn eight and one half feet long. • Thirty members of the Grim WASHINGTON (AP) -Atty, Gen John N. M1tdieU, ellted by 111&11 llTllll fMmmlng from what he called ''the bigel . --of Ill kind," blals !eden! qeoll are plamiac mar. otl>cb on cirpoired trol!ickln{ io norcotlcs. Mitchtll iodicoted ._. Is to come in ·-· Sunday that tlO penaas, mostly CUilon refugees, had been Mmed 1n complablta or warrants u pert ol n.1 olfic!ohi Aid ,.., • mg controflioJ most of tbe cocaioe and a lar1e lhare ol the benlin tromc io the United Slota. Tbe Jmti<e ~1 Aid early "loclly 117 _. bad been om!sted io 10 l:llies u port <i Operation Eqle, the code name for a siz.-month un- dercover .ln...U,lllon that culrnioated in weekend raids across the nation. ho of 'thole arrested Were critically wounded by feder'al agents -one In New York, the other in Miami. While per sonally discloaine developments at a swiftly called news coofereoce Sunday, Mitchell gave much of the credit for Operation Eagle to legal wire lap provisions. He alao pointed to the shoot.inc in- cideota as frdl aupport for .. his 1tand that Congress should pass President Nix- on's anticrime proposal providing no- knock entry. "It would have been a great help to, us," be said. ·The attorney getleral .said the two wounded men were amona three men ~·ho ••resisted whep agents-announced their presence." Agents shot one man in his home aft.er they said he aimed his weapon at tbem. 'lbe other man wu shot in a car by an qent who reported being grabbed on an ann and dragged about 75 ·feet after the e&r whidl agenti lon:ed to • curb be1an pullinc away again. Meanwhile, Mitchell told reportera "quite a few" operations of the scope o! the one climued durinJ the --can be launched within a year. ' Asked U tbere are more ccrnloi, he replied wlth one WO£d, "Uncloulqdly." When questioned if they would be o:iming soon, he reponded again with just one word : "Hopefully." 'Ibe attorney general said Operation Eacte -aimed ot climiolslOnt "the flow of hard narcotics into and within the United Stales." "llJ~thof-.I ... f~ on tbe IOW'CeS -that is. wlloiellllin llncl dilllrlbuton GI norcot1cs -we .,,..... .. can llllemlpl the •uooly hoes lll!llclently to curtoll od- didlon particularly •monc our Youn&." he aaid. ~tcbell lnsiated Operation Eagle "would have been lmpoaible" without the provisions for court-approved wiretapping as contained Jn the 11161 Crime Control Act. He said 8!.lch "court- W ASllINGTON (UPI) -Seriowl crime In the United States iol;roued IS porcent dirlnC the fint· quorter <i this yeor delpite the Nixon MminWi'ation's heavy 'empbuia on ''law and order.'' 1be FBI'• uniiorm crime reports show- ed that the be&innina at a decline wtrlch marlced the flnt yeor ol Pretident Nix- on's lmn In office reversed itself In lt70. Much bad been made of the fact crime rose only 10 percent in ltlll, • comptred wiUl 17 percent chrini tbe luty .. <itheJGlmoon~. Attomey General _John N. Mitchell sought to put the beat . lace fonrord on the latest crime statistic:I in a news release ltresain&: tbe ·rate of increase o1 · violeal <rimes slowed by 7 porcent . In the -·• 51 .lorgeot Cities and by S percent in the nation u a whoie U.S. Airliner Hijacked, Lands At Cairo Airport CAIRO (UPI) -A Pan American Boeing 707 with 134 puseoger1 aboard landed at Cairo airport today •fter diverting on a flight from Beirut, Lebanon, to Rome, the Middle East News Agency (MENA) reported. The Egyptian agency gave no reason for the diversion. An official •l Rome's International Airport and a 1Jl0btman for the airline ;n London said the plane opparently WIS" hijQed, but neither ~ad •Ry details. The airliner, on • flight from Beirut to New York with stops in Roirne and Paril. left Beirut at 1:46 a.m. Pm. One hour 1oter the pilot, Capt. Jay Bum, called the control tower •t Nicolia, Cyprus, oitpor1 and Aid he was diverting the flight to Cairo. He gave no reason ror the chance . In addition to the 134 pas11engers, In- cluding ·one infant, the aircraft was car- rying nine or 10 crew members, Pan Am said. {Jn Beirut, a spokesman for the Popular Front fOr the Liberation of Palestine (PF1..P) said, .. We have nothing to do with this kind of amateur thing. We could do .tbis -hijacking planes Liking oil ll'Olll an Arab country -ev.ry cloy," In 'the put, the PFLP hll clUrned respr:mibility for lem'al oln:Talt bijock!ng). Marine Cries Over 1st Verdict approved electronic surveillances" were DA NANG, South Vietnam (UPI) - on telephones in. Mlam.i, Chicago and When a Marine Corps court.martial N~ York . . . sentenced Pvt. Michael A. Schwatz, 21, between January and Marth. lncllvlduol llpreo far ol lust tbree GI. the major cities and .the . nstloo's Clllilol, however, -Crime CO!i-tlnuina to rile Jn almost every one d. the violent categoriet: murder, forch ble rape, robbery ud aqr•vatm lhauJt: In the District of Columbia, murders role from 13 to 64, fortible rapes fell from Tl to 53, robberies were up from 2,7U to 3,07& &nd •ggravated. assauJts rose from 7rf1 to 952. Murders in tbicaa:o almost doubled from 121 durin& the first three months ci i• to 201 this year, while rape was up frorg 291 to 339, robbtry up from "374 to 5,389 and •uravated assault up from 2,50 to 2,723, In NP. York City, murders rose from 231 to 251, rapes fell from 531, to 595, robberies were up from 15,132 to 16,SOS, and aggravated assault! climbed from 6,347 to &,721. Murden dropped in LoJ Angeles from 93 to 19119 to 18 this year, and rapes were off from 491 to 493, but bllrglarie!I rose from 3,180 to 3,247 and aggravated assault went from 3,352 to 3,585. • A statement accmnpanying the report, _ usually prepared by the FBI, was handl- ed UUs time by the offk:e of the •tl.orney general. Dictator Reigns At Ecuador Helm QUITO, F.cuador (AP) -President Jose Veluo Ibarra took dictatorial powers Sunday night alter • week of street fighting between students ol Quito· s Central Univmity •nd pcliCe. Some flgllUng was reported on the campus early today, and shooting could be heard there through the night. . The official ..reason for the takeover was an Imminent Supreme Court ruling declaring presidential tax decrees un- constitutional. But observers believed the real reason was the student "rebellion" against the government. Velasco Ibarra's assumption o( die· tatorial powers was said to have the full support of the military, and it was believed the real strongman tn the new dictatorial regime is the president's nephew, DefenSt Minister Jorge Acosta Veluco. Reapen, a Pekin, Ill., motorcycle club, rode in the lead of a funeral procession through Bloomington Tuesday for L. W11yne Martin, 24, a cyclist killed in a collision last weekend. At the request of Martin's father, members of the club also served as pallbearers. They wore white shirts and sleeveless denim jackets bearing their club insignia. _ We beileve that this operation 1s a to life lmpriaollment for the__..lDUrder... prune ~RI~" he said, ~r how we-or-VJetntmese womea and""""clifldren Pfc •--- have wen able to !Mie use oC this Thomas R. Boyd bunt into tears. ' · • tool that ,!W ~ 11ven .to us by the Boyd, 19, of Evansville, Ind., Is the Congress. next to be tried on the same charges. The 26 pe111 at tht ntw, $150,· 000 Yonktri, N.Y., An1mal Shel- ter are empty and city officials are inve1tiQOti'ng thtir conatnw- tion. Dukt, a JJ().pound blood- hound, ;umped again1t a fivt· foot-high, four-inch.·thiek cinda- block wall of his outdoor cage Sunday, tending it cra1htng tnto another, 10hich in turn tumbled to tM: ground. • A Paris appeals court--recently suspended l~month jail sentence of 20-year-old Frerique Delange, ar- , -rested last month during a raid on a grocery store in which leftwing students sfole bags ol lood and dis· tributed tll em to slum dwellers. Raging Refinery Fire Claims Three Lives . FRANKLIN, Pa. (AP) -A weekend f11e at the WJtco Chemical Co. '1 AmUie refinery raged more than 30 hours, killed three men and destroyed more than a million gallons of fuel and lubricanl.8. Refinery Manager L. C. Birrell said about 20 to 40 pereent of the mulUmlllion· dollar facility's production capacity wa1 destroyed by the fire, which bepn alter a series <lf erpl09lon1 Frklay, By the time the names were extinguished S•tur- day, crumpled hqnks of blackened •Jffl were all that remained of •bout 40 storage tanks. They had contained oil, gasoline and hlahJy volatile naphtha. His trial was scheduled to begin Tuesday following a pretrial hearing. ' The sevea-man military court con- victed Schwarz on 12 of 16 counts of Prtmeditated murder Wnday h1 the deaths of five women and 11 childrew during a night patrol Feb. 19 in a hamlet or the village <lf S<ln Thang, rr miles south of this northern coastal city. Schwarz, • foor-yea r Marine veteran from Weirton, W. Va., was sentericOO lo life Imprisonment, d i s ho ri o r a b 1 e discharge and foreiture of all pay allowa1ees. When-Boyd-was-told-of-the-1-- verdlct outside the courtroom, he wept , "We salute the flag and we're oul there fighting for it and they put him in jail for llfe," Boyd said. "They don't care." Under military law, Schwan' sentence will be automatically appealed. Hailstorm Socks ·South Higli Winds Wreak $100,QOO Damage in Norfolk .C'9llterala ..........,. C..lllor111• hid l1lr WHlher ....., lll'ltr •-Hrlr mort1!n1 low d ... ~ fOll In Ille eot1t1I 111:tlo<!1, wltfil i9nM lllWMllll! t:IO!JdllltU 111 lht · ,,_.._ •nd cltNrtt, n.r. w•1 111111 l1mP1r1h.r1 th1n11, wltll ltll hlth 11 LOI A""el11 Civic ("""' e!IPICltd IO bl eo, Ille 1 .. Tlt •t SlllllltY. Or1rnl1ht low w11 ~•l'l(!td ---e-:;;,,,="· A1r -.. ollvtfon COfltrol Dls!rkt lrMldM ll'IOCltrllt' """°' 111 Ille 1,.. 11 .... W1lltYl, 11.i'll .. _.,, IOd1r. 8"al ,, .. , ""''' <loudr 111 the ..,,.,,..,.., Wllh Nr1,., 111ftftr M!ft "' llw .,.....,_ Ind I 1111~ llllt ... wl!h tlle .. .., 61. Mlwfltl .... 1M .... rll Nd IUftth!111, wlfto ........ lit "" .. •nd 1o .... , "' It ....... 111 ~. IOUTHE.tllf CAl.l,OflNIA -Mol!IY fllr ... Tl,lllldll"I" but 11lehl Ind fMrflill9 low c:lifuft 11111 ,.. (Oll!ll ...._. lflll -•fl•-clouds '"-"llM -'"' dlleth. Lflt'9 t.m_.. --LOI ANGELl5-NltM ll'lf '"°'"It'll -.,.. cllWt llvf ._rr -thine Ir! 1t11t- ,._ fflrwefl , .... ,. Llltle I-••· "",. ~. °""""""' iow. ntlr M, Hltllleo. M!Lb ~. s••""""' . \\' c-•.i Hirt NMflN ...... Lltlll wtlMM ...... lllrlM ""' -111111 ._,. .. c-lrlt -"""'' 1-Wftl 10 ti 11 kMfl Ill •""-toMr 1!'11111 Tllll- .. ~. HllJI .... ., .. 11.s. s •• _..., OWWllllJll •MnM wlllt l'tltfl WllWI, """*'"'-•' INll hill Mltlf'N 1M hvlfl _,, ,...., ll!lt I llllllf ft _,.,_ A!.,.,.utrQ1t1 ""',,.,'" Atl1m1 ....... ,""' 8!111T11rtk ...... '°"°" 8row11M1tll Chic ... C1"ch1111tl """"' Oft M.t!Mt .,. ... I'll ...... ·~M· ' . .,._ k•-(ll'f L•·'l-LMA_... ,.,_ .. _. HN .._ _ , ... ........ l'ltltll ....... Olt l"*M CltJ ..,_ ,. n ... " .. 11• 71 . " " ., 7) • 5f ~ -.. ,, .. " .. " ... ·" ... . .. " " " " n 50 . .07 " .. • " IM " .. " .. .. " .. .. " ... ~ ... .. " ~~ .. • • " .. u .. • " .. . .. .. BURIAL PLANNED Ex.pre11dent Sukarno Sukarno Mourned In Indonesia; Funer~l Planned JAK.AR~A {UPI) -Thousands o C Indones ians stood shoulder lo shouldef' today for a last glimpse of the coffin of former president Sukarno as it was borne in a scarred army van from the home of his third wife to Halim Airport five miles away. The body of Sukarno, who died Sunday at 69, wa s sealed in the teak coffin at midnlght Suiiday and flown today to the family cemetery at Blitar in East Java. The burial site wa.o; decided by Presi. dent Suharto and his cabinet, which rejected a tearful appeal from two of Sukarno 's wives, Japanese-born Madame Ratna Sari Dewl and Madame Hart.ini. They had asked Sukarno be burled beneath a shade tree of his home in Batu Tulis, 40 miles sooth of Jakarta. Madame Dewl flew here from Paris Saturday with her daughter by Sukarno, Kartika Sari, 3. Madame Dewi said Sukarno, ·the architect of Indonesia's i n· dependence, had expressed the wish to be buried at Batu Tulis. All eight of Sukarno's chi lden sat beside the coffin while thousands filed by the body lying in state in Madame Dewi's suburban home. Deferments Assured By Delays WASHINGTON (UPI) -White House lndlllereoce and Caqressional apothy have virtually uaured college frelhmen oC student draft deferments: this fall. But ttie Selective Service System says "lhe delays could tum out to be lbortlived. With the start ol tbe new academic year only three month& away, Coniress has not taken even the smallest step toward ending college deferments tha t Presidenl Nixon asked for April 23. The Senate, where the proposal stands the besf chance of passage, was thrown far behind in disposing of Its regular work by . protracted debates o v e r Supreme Court nominations and the U.S. venture into Cambodla. Plenty of Ltgisla· tion with a higher priority than student defennenls lies ahead. . The House has the_time but •ppatently not the inclination. 1be key man is ~. Mendel RiVers, (0.S.C.), ... chainnan of the House Armed Services Conmtittee, who has been publicly wavering between positions for and agill!lt student defer- ments. So far Rivers has not even promised he will hold full hearings on Nixon's bill to elimiiiate that provisi on of the drart law which guarantees • four-year deferment to any student satisfactorily pursuing a course of hi&her instruction. (About I.I million young men currently hold such deferments). But it would be in accurate to tab Rivers as the' obstacle. 1be Presidett's principal lieutenant in the house, GOP leader Gerald R. Ford ot Michigan, let it be known recently he favors student deferments and u.1tll it is pr.ovect <1therwise, opposes the administration bill that would do away with them Ford 's siecond-in-command, Republican whip Leslie Arends qt Illinoi1, saya hi goes along with the President on the issue but admits he has not done much to push the proposal. Arencb, rankin1 Republican on the Anned Service1 Com· mittee, said recently he had not uked Rivers whether he intended to hold ctr.ft hearings. Arends said he had not been Jasked by the \\'h.ite House to press Rivers for action - a situa tion which bothers some GOP draft reform advocates. •·1 would say that the chances for a dran-b"ill lhis year ·are doubtful unless the President indicated strongly he wanted some action," said Rep. Robert Stafford, (R-Vt.). . Stafford indicated he would likt to see Ni:lon "exert some muscle" on tht Issue. • ~NT CONCl"IOJll TO MllCICAN BOllD1•~1 ,,....111119 wlnd1 1111111 •IMI m«ftl"' '*I•• "«omlrtt '°"'h• wnf lit ,....,, II .. II kllOll Ir! 1Ner• -lhrowh Tvnur, H11ht 1111 ,_.lftt .... cloWI Wt Hl'I,., .-v '"""-'· LH1i. IM'IWlllH't ClllllM, COi.iTAL AND IHtl!!ll:Ml!DIATf eo.1111 ,.,..,..IWll ··-"'-'° fo 7CI. l11l1N lefl'IW•l"m r1- I•-• ti 17. Wtltf 191"1'1WltllN U. S•11, M-. l'l4e1 MOfllDAY St<lll'ld """ ,.,. •.• , ••• ll:N 1,m, S.t lt!;Oftf tow . • • .,oo '·"'· ,,. 'UISOAY ,.,,,, fllt ll ,, "" ... 1;U •·"'· t,~ WI,... ""' II • ml1et 111 "°"'" t11111d NortlliC lnl N-i N .... , V1~ Slil\o Mr, c-ltlllt -u .,..,, 1111 knet.11· .... wt llfltltr ""'"'· c.... o.., •• ,_...,.,_,. Ill "°"'""°"'"' r-r!9CI """'"'9 61 •111rn1 c1111 ..,,1111 th4 ''°'"' lflll N4 It fl ... ldl ..... '"' llOl!a It I~ !ht StlMto, 1 Co.II G~·· Vtthi lo<Ctd • ., ......... "•lillr-8w«JMI .......... -· '°I"..,,"' "ll'l11M lie.I lluff ·-~ltflm«ill ~Ill Like Clll' ~." Dllol• '" ... c "' " II .. • " .n l..tS " " .. • The re is now on[y one airline serving Orange Counly. And they've jus~ In· =~I creased I heir fares . Now, if you want to save $10.50 round trip, we suggest you fly PSA from LA instead. The PSA air fare from LA lo San Francisco is _a,,, still $15.75,.inc luding lax. r-P.Jlll VALL&Y'-l.tt9 flltfll 1M .. rtr mor11 .. 1111 '-d9\lft llfll foe, lllWfWIM Mil' Mllllllh• ""°""' ,._.......,, Ltni. ft!fl· _.... ....... 0....1111! '-• ......... ,,_ • -.... ftlll .. .......... _ ,-1,·,1 low ........... 1;1~ 1,m • .Ot S..C:Ofld flltfl . • • • • . $1c.OIMI low ••• , .... " ... 7.U ,.m,'f.11 ... lllMt lld '""· .... l :lf 1.1!'1. --..... 11;\J ''"'' ""1111 1..ffl. TM """ 11 • IM!tl 111 Nortelk •WI\ rltlltd otl Ill' ~Ith Wll'llh, J:IUllM ~~l'ft- 111 lt!lll'WlltO .. "00.00ll. lltf"ll'I Cit~ ... " ...... ""'"'',.. 111 , ... , ...... ''*'' a ,.,r"' '°"'" 11 111 1cM1oM, w11 1Dou l l lU.000. /, SI" Fr•ft(IKo i Mttl9 -OM Tl'ltrmtl W111'1ft'"le11 " " .. " '" .. " • " .. .. •llft .. .. .w 7 7 ,I • San Clemente ! Ca . EDITION • • 1strano· o I VOt.:. 63, NO. 148, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PASES ORANSE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • · · TEN CENTS - Rigid Standards Set On CoVe Sewage Disposal By THOMAS FOll'l'\JNE --~ .......... fti&kl !4.andards have been sel to iro-- tect ocean life and water QU&litY. from sewace ,disposal al Crystal Cove midway between Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. The Santa Ana Be&ionaJ walei Quality <;ootrol Board adopl<cl the standards , Friday for 1 oewace dilposal pipeline · &tretching almost a mile out to aea. ~ line,il.""""""' ..,,Ille Irvine 11...:h ,Water District. The Water Quality Control Board a<ted deoplte the city al Newport Beadl'a to ,.. Into wate. 110 !<et deep. Tllo -fer I ~ dally to ·-Jone pipeline WGiJd baft -..... poooible ellecU al kelp beds, Dllrine It to dllfuae Ille ...... pnaerves and the waten al Newport 11 ll·betoc dMllned to aerve tbe-. Harbnr. unW 1• al the lnlne -~ty Richard A. Bueerman, uecutive of. t>et-een Newport BeN and Ltcma • fi«r for the board. s$d board members Beach and Inland partlom al the rancb fett the cily would be lldoqullOly ·pro-' to be part al the future city al Irvine. tected in its areas or concern by the Standards let by the boll'd include. standards aet. -The ~· count aball' re- The Irvine~ W-·QllUlcl,,whi<h main Ale fer ~llid akin diving. will need U.S. Army Corpa nl Eqlneers --&Weable solida shall not be ao ...,. approval for construction, propoee1 to • centrated u to advenely alter the com· build a 1ewa1e ouUall 5,000 feet iilt position or tbe boUom flora and fauna 0 .. Cli.ll•lde fhoanaa Last Rites Wo~an Trapped Fo;·Murder By Surf, Saved'-L-~·rictim_Held_ A Fountain Valley woman was rescued from the rocks at lhe base or a Laguna Beach cliff Saturday evening after' she was trapped by rising tides and heavy surf While fishing at AbalMe Point. rescued womU u Mrs. Sh e r r 111 The YOUJl& housewife murdered ln San . Clemente last Tue9d1y was .laid lo rest Mankowa, 22 of 17344 San Luis St. in her hometown in Midligan iodaJ, Lifeguards said that due to fading whlle detectives here cootinued their • light and the rugged terTaia., police and search for her tiller, .. --flah--. ---I'd llhaJI not oiler the nnu,1-mcenltheoceanuto lm'llldllJ er. color. -'111e dllcblrp &hall not con\lill IOXis ~ ID -delelerious to fllh .. oquatlc ........ . · -Wiile -.. ahaU not coolain suspended I IOlkls of DIOft than 100 mlWIP'lml per lilor. -Dllldllrp -not deprets the ... nual dlllolvod oxy,.. eonlenl below teven milllarlDl• per liter. -Dlacbarle &bill not loWer lht pH Lquna -lilepanla ~ lht fire rescue units were ba'flDI difficulty Mrs. Connie Lynn Jobmon, •, of u-_ findbJ a -nl llo!C!af tlio trapped c lhnlln1 LIM, -ma'led ., -ulelt ap llltdlll. . ' ~Jn --all--w.umi. -,,_.tie -0t bJ lier ......... -and )'OUlll M!'flne ' El Morro ~r Partr lo the rocb ..,._ Mark, 11, wbo -lier wllere Mn. Mankowa WU struded. An bea!H and stabbed ......_ IMt -..9CfaJ Cult Member · ~e County Harbor D;epertment boat noon: . _, R • h stood by off the rocks. No aispects and few clues art what Wa ;VeS -.g t Lil_eguarns Jim Herdman and Mike detectives 811• Robert Muon •nd 11 II Conti® chmbed up OI the rocks between Leonard Goodwin have to 10 with tb1a · sets of crashing waves. Conti.no tied J T • l a buoy aiound Mn. Manlrowa and ballled -In the brutal klWnc. To . ury "'-'la _-her down oo the rocb "ID Herdman Goodwln .111d the ln...tiption·ls focus-1 11 _ ed on 'poujbJe observancs of nellhlJors , · ~~~man ~ntered the water •Id j!'l the •partment· netpborhood three LOS ANGELES (AP) -A statuesque Mrs Mankowa jumped in also Ufecuards bl0ck8 fnm the San Clemente pier. . · • One couple living nearby has reported • ' ' I nl 1111 --. WM beJoW 7.t er ralll Tbo city nl Newport Beadl delq r. K .-LL q-, aulllored by Codndlmu ~ -RdoocliYlty In the w-dJscbuse PU-, aaked fer ...,,plole lludJ fl oball not -pmcribed llmlll. ell'eda ·an: • _,.,.._ ~ d.._i ---,Kolp, beda In lhe CGrona del Mor, oball DOI -a nul.._. Ablbw Pofnl,and Lqimo Beadl ..... The baorq Friday wu In San -lllrine · preaervea ntahllahod bJ Illa -The Santa ·Ana Regjonal 9late Lqjllllure In c.r.na del liar Wiiier . QDolll, Conlrol Boanl, bead-and Lqim Beach. · ' quarlmd.lnltlv<nile,eerves the-le . -~.<OIDll!unltiel (O<OID-., Sanla Ana River watenbed flom ·Bil llfe) and the Dllrine flU!llt U,., ~ Beu Like to the coal belween the -Tbe watera nl Newport ff!a'lior. San Gallrfel River In Seal . lleacb to The city 'did l10I ha .. a ~ a point Jiiii -of Cry1lal Cove. .,._i,at Ibo ll!Nrlnl·. ' rown Searchers . . . Still · 8eek one Victim • By JOHN VALTUZA --~.c: .... _ ........... 'The -rdi -lo!IOJ !or Ibo body OI 1-year>old Jl'r-= <l Capistrano Beach wbo . cfrownedwlthbll--ln a cfiltJ ._al-Dair...... ' ,_., ·CUI> -bron·u Lim'llp. 1l\t ca 11 .11 r~ " '-Wa ---.. _Cl.ii __ ...,....,.. pt '*'* •••. .. ..,,.. ....... ~ , ...... . nw Lftrw ....,.. 11 • Camlm !I Malbio, !Guild' Ida )I i/ilr --.Bundlr ~ u .a......,. cul lh"'!IP a -bir lo allow Ibo aocumulited ~lne to acape io1... • 'OrllJlle County' -.. ~ Ille! lie 'elder ..... body ~ drqiad out to IN unnoti~, i.:.uN of .-tm m-and dlbrfa In tbe ~. · . l...,.iJptora· lild u,., .... -.. np>rts lhal .....,..,.. nl the Yldlia'• brunette whose story of the Sharon Tate said. that &hey both awoke ~_Jut +--murders led to the -arrests of membe"-~rdman--&he. .... towed-her-lo the-boat .... ~.....a -'°"" 1 5 but cannot-•'~ 'd •'-' h which lrlOlported her to the Newport .aUCDUIY mom ... a •.m. of a hippie-style clan 111 wuay 11 e Harbor. rem~ber any~ 10Unds .. -. -...--·looklfle·-·to Dollmlr Beacb, then left tbem --lll tbe ~. a --apol lor would waive her right to a jury trial. Earlier Saturday evenlzW the two ~nf~, ~ have said, the The attorney for Sunn Alkins .• '21, guarfds had rolled the emercency truck neilfJborboOcl, lined with well maintained made a motion for • trial by Judge to Victoria Be.ch after 1 catl that 1 •partmenta, ii subjected to constant 1s court coovened In the trial of Miss swimmer-was havtnc trouble makinc abouts, ICftlml and o&ber noises drifting Alkins Charles Manson, 35, Leslie Van it to shore qainst a rip tide. up from tbe bowl ud beach area. Houteii, 20, and Patricia Krenwinkel, Few IOUndl 80 noticed or reported 22. to pollco becauao-ol tlleir frequency, Superior Court Judge Charles Older JQ' J Th• nei&hbor1 have uid. said he would rule on the matter S t ie ing A motive In the killing of the brunetl• . later. houaewUe ~ 1eem1 milling. Bara Prevention I Herbert H. Curry, 78, slq>ply doesn'l want lo· set sunburned. So. be takes precautlcins -with abaded gla11ea, noH.lind mouth·prot~ , -as he checks the 'action al Daytima !leach, ,F1a . Such precauUon~I')' measures are hardly needed these days along · tile Orange Coasl; where summer has arrived, as usual, in the middle of the June blab1. Dave Shinn , Miss AtklM' lawyer, told J p, k, p, Coroner's •kles have reported "no newsmen : "Everybody bas heard about n IC ing igs evkleqce ol. violent sexual activity" and this case anyway. Where are you going could only determine a general time ·,-,, to get 12 jurors?" WASHINGTON (AP) -The of death. L T ~ . M. . J ' As l'CUrt opened, and the judge quizzed Agriculture Departmeqt says a If robbery Wert the motive in the agun· a . r· ustees to eet prospective jurnrs on whether Ibey-_ University of Keotudly llludy of predawn k!!ltni; tt yielded.little but lhe , . , . , • . , • , . . ·' wanted to be locked up for lix months the intelligence of pip could mean victJm'1 wallet containing only a small .... durin g the trial, Man10n'1 aUomey ob-extra dollan to farmers Jf.tbey amount of ll'tOlfey, police aakl. ' . ' • .. ! jec ted. choose hop with the highest l.Q.1. A couple reported to be residing 1n 0 M . r · h. ' F" .. "Your honor, on behalf of Mr. Man""' Tile Kentucky reaearchen, the an upetafn Oat d the thre<-l"el apart· n us'1c ·. eac . er S. 'I ""Ill.· g 1 make the motion that there be no department reporta, found the top. ment buildtnc have been gone, reportedlt ...U. sequestering of the jury·" ranked 1wine 1tudenta to .be Duroc on a trip to HawaU, 1lnce •bout the , , Irving Kanarek aaid Manson felt breeds. .1 time of the murder. . . l 1 • , : publicity in the cue has been so "Hampshire p:>rkers, In contrut, Police were attempting to contact them A meetinl ol the IAIUDI Beach Board William Ullom,·"ln order to clarify IOfDI pervasive that "the teq\ltlterinl woo.kl were the 1'0lt thick-beaded," the to dNirmlne if the midenlll noticed of Edacatlon to toe nnal , action in of the inconilstencies in the irecord."· • serve no~purpoae." deputment said. Allo, Offtd1Ja: -anfthirw mnmal befare their departure. the nropoMCI d llmi.ull of hiab IChool Raoul . Tellhelt, ~pretident 0[1 the The judge denied Ult moUon, eddlng aafd, )'OUfller pigs UIUl.lly learned Goachrfn Aki the lnvesU&ation now ,.. ·Ca!Uomia Federation ofi T•ctMn •.• It could be renewed later, and Kanar~k more rap6dly than their eklers, ll 1nvolvlng contacts with neighbors and mmlc director Jack Jtrefting hu been repre!tlited Krefting at hll hlariaf, aaid he will ofter expert testimony m and heavier animals were more frieqds of •the Johnlonl. acheduled for 1:30 p.m. Wednellday In before a · state offlc« Jut ;J1'18)fltt; mp connection with the move. intelli&ent thll'l leaner models. ~ the diltricl offktis, UO Blumaat st. will be given IS minutes to m.Qe ·• He 11kf jUNn who might be fa~ "The amarter yOllt swine are," Black PTA Merges ~ medlnl ortlllllly w11 lllllOW1Ced fin al argument, u will u -~ve and Impartial were belnc exCUJed the department commented, "the for Tuaoday evening. o1 ·the county counael's olllco 1 • • • because of the hard!lhip of being away bell<f Ibey are IDinc to be al ATLANTA CUP.I) ....: "nle Natlooal At Krlfltol'a NqUlll, the ......, will Krefllng and Mn. Donna Lynde • hiflh fr.om home for si.1. month.I. u s I n I sell-I~, temperature o.a,rtu-ol-O*tred-Parents •nd be cl~ . &o • the:-publ1~;-:·-;--~-sch001 art teacher, ~ re'1u-ted" hear· ·"I'd -have to weigh that agalmt-tht-controll in hoUling unJtl IDd other Teac:hers merges tonight with the 1pokesman laid todiy. ings when they were 'ldvt.l tbey waukl' possible adverse effect of publicity," devices you install tor them:" predominantly white National Congret11 AddlUooal \elUmoaJ wUl be taken from nOt be tthirtd fctr \be rtezt IChool yur,, ' Older aaid. of Parenti and Teacbon. Krlltlng, aceordlq to Superintendent The•stata o1ncer;1n 1 ·wrttten opinion, n.e judge sakl he would rule In the " found 1 "no , rtllOl'I not· to rehire'' the 1fternoon on a motion to •11ow Mill muak: Instructor. ne ltjlool bl:N!rd then Atkins' attorney to interview~· Kasa· lJJCLD • g_(;i _ff' reque!Jted • 1 cont.'1uanoe in the Clle bian 21. O 'T'I O 'TO Q np ·e to permit study a1 Ille 1u11 ·lr•naerlpt It ~as Miss Atkins, police uid, whose ~~--b--~-tra ~ ' . ---of-bii.be.arinl...ntll ltudy wu comple&ed 1-t-""'-1ale-oHhe-.l...._~of-Mlss-'1'1te-ond---I t k ' • ,.... 11 wee • 11• othen last Aupl, led to Ibo arrem After the Wednead11 .... Ion, Ille board and indicbnenb of MllllDn and member• will make 11 final dec116an to , retain 01 hil clan. M oniwr Aids Premature Infants' Breat~ing Struggle °' =~,.~~:: ::;~, Loi B W h · By JOANNE REYNOLDll brealllln& pbue I• aooompanled by a • resc e .... - - -cyanoala, or a ~ nl the lnlanl'• ' umhs 90 A new electroolc aylllem, deafpod to lloart rate, he will not .....Uy ,_me ! Snee at save the u ... nl prenature lnlanll wtth .... thl .. automatlcalfy. I bnathlnc dllf....-, 11aa been -"'°" "U '* problem 11 not detocled aac1 Mrs. Lnio B. WNICht, .1. S1ear .m l ••. at. the. UC Imne. ~ « Miil'eM; ~ Mal_• ....,...1 to.,....,. rmpin-' dent or San Clemenle died Sunday at it was announced today. · tkin, 'he may die-or lllfiet l:lrain damqe ~ lg< of IO. Dr. Marg8"t J. lftl!llOn, I pedlalrict due to lack nl .. ,...;-,. Hplolnod. Mrs. Wreeche died •I the BeYIFly lectur ... , 11id pr<emlea have lrnplat Tile new ayatan tloN!Jlped al IJ!;I Manor Convalelcent Hospital i n breaUlin& which i1 chlracterlled by rapid 11 .ct.iv1ted by a liutt' 'rite monitor Caplllrano 8eOch followln1 a ienrthy bffilthlnc 1lternatin1 with brief perioda whlcb reai-1• 1.-ity whene"" Illness. ol non-breathing. lht infant'• heart rile f1lla: below IO Prlv1te funeral serv ices for her will "This •pertocUc brtalhln&' ls.considered be1ll per minute, lorM • to 70 beab be held 'l'ue.odoy. lo be a llormless phenomenmi provided below normal. I She leaves her hutband , Aug~t.u11 H. the infan{ resumes bruthln1 on hl1 The 1ytt.em aoul1Cls ., allm ~· Wresche of the family home. 105 S. own and doet nol develop cy1no1ill (turn-nurtes and 1lve1 the bf:,Y a mUcl ' Calle Seville Ind a lister I Mrs. e. R. ing blue due to Jack of oxyaen)." a hock to ltlmulltt lrild&lne. Mess ing of Palo Allo. Dr. ln1P111n aakf that il the non· When Ille IDllDI l4arll to brulht. apln, hb heart rite r1lel •bovt to bllta ·1111' .m~, automatlcaDy turrun1 GI! ute alaim ind 111e· eleclrlc 1Um\111toi:, . ' . . ' )I -.. II ft!ll reuood,. nunea con ...... 'in.thin& by arllflcial i;espjr .. '•1:....-•• ' I ' . I ~. . Dr. Incman llld lhe feels iM ·new aystom la beUer ' lban cumntly used ·~ wllfch -acUvaltd by r;,p\ratory mooflan becauae heart ra~ Is a..,in.,.. depencfoble lndlcallon of the blllr'• plifafca1 ciindlUon. "'l'lli ~·larl' mon!ton could· bi 'l<ll!Yllld 'ill' lll·lnf•l'I normal perlodlC ·~1." lht 11kl; "ID lhtre "" 1 (ll<llther -""Illy n1 filae allnna wt11cb could atlmulata Ibo lolant -IJ." by ~ last month, . I. , , • • Kent ,State .Reiillµef . I ' • I Clas8es Unfl~r· Cuard ' . •' I ' KElNTo'Oblo·(UPf) --_,,,, ed. to -al Kai llata 1UnlQrllO today 10<. the flnl Ume alnce 141' t -fnOr'-..... klllld ..,. .Olllo Natlooal Guard bullet.. , The ldmmer t1uarter Nrted under the' pae nl a .,mlnglY OOllllpftoent -rtty -·'Ille -i( --ty •In« the kUllnp -:elllmolld al_. U..n 1162.0ltl by cam,.. ooeurllJ·dlrector Cheater Wllll1m1. I -~•bead! permatel. . Tbe muddy -and dark w-combhle to c:reata a ~ apol lor childl'eil, wbo ll'nliC la.lie_ w_. A belkopter' I-the El Tm> Marim Air s-,_,., unit --.. air ...... SundQ' for 1111 mlaaq 1lnr -ID iffort -led wflll a,_.i. m:l 1aurf1et1 1earCb by -San Cmrl· lileguarda and -· det>ull& Fellow volunleet flnmen lllo .. uailllng Ibo falber In Ibo -· 'l1le brothers nm were reported milf.. Ing late, Sal'!"laY afte. .they failed • lo return from the popular bathlni llPll· The boy1 were lailt HID at aboU S p.m. On Sunday nionilng a ~ puocli. ed through the naturol lllndbor' lraJIPfnc the ilgooo Wlte. and U lbe·Wller -out to aea , a spectalor uw Ibo body of young Lawrence. The I ...... was described .u tl\l1tJMIY full ol Wiler after leVWI hia1l Udll earlier in the week. It 11 IJllllllrOlled by IHquardl, but pneted .. unAfe for .uy l>oca-nl the polluUOn. SPotemen II the beacb llld _..,,_ of ,..mriters played In Ibo bncldlll water over the weekend. ' • The llgoon'• m\l<fdy botlonl and _.., (See.DllOWJllNCI, •• •> . ' . . 0ru1• Ce•• w ....... Low clouda nd eoiatal !Ge .... m&la ... the -for ,.,,....., bUt baay -lfiould rftnlf In the·-· with~· ranclnl from • lo ....... INSIDE TODA 'l' Wind.I Ulld<r ·10 knoll art 1iM for IDf<k,,.,i cnotaiwf, hi oot far . "cont .brn1.i•i1>t..• .i-I dlalan0e.r.au ·1o·'l'Wd.,..-. I lllfl, ""411 "· -:::::... ,_ .. -c,. ----ll*ib!I J ·--.. .._ - • • • ' .,. • • • • " .... M M • -·----------=-------- • • " .. • . ... "l: " • " .. ,, N l' • ' I J DAil v "1.0T · SC Woman's Death Probe Co . . ntinu1ng A lull-llmo leam of sher~rs ln- vertlcaton c:ontlojled their palnllaJdnc . lnve:R'ption into the butcher death of . Mllsion Vjejo teacher Mn. Florence Brown this week, but itdmitted 'lhelr ,Jeadl are ilim .. at best. · SGaill's Capt. James llroadbe!~ bold of tho lnwstlgation deta!I, aald hla men'1 work now involves poring <>vtr "every acrap of information we have on the case and trying to put it all in place ." Beaides the full-sc~e aearc)I for\ Mrs! ·Brown'• car, inv..O,.ton .,. tal~ with teveral poesible wi~ who may have 1ee11 the 31-year-old brunette Jut June I bdoro she disappeared. Her mutilat.ed body wu found early laal week In a_.makahlll, two-week-old . grave •Ion& Orteaa Hlcb••Y· , !lr1><dbolt Hid today he and ~ of his top invesUcaton ·spent 1 two . days late luf. WMk revial.tlnc tbe lf•Ye l\te and l'ff'llmlnlna the pbyak:al e,vidence with tneir ~ in JUverskli county. • "We're just tryirlg to come up with 5011'1ethinl we may have missed in· - ' - ---, ltially ," be said. Contacta euly this week will include speakinl with a Capilltano waitress who claiim to hl.ve 11en th1 murder victim tll'I Tl ..... CARRYING BELONGINGS, CAMBOOIANS FROM VILLAGE 'OF KOMPONG SPEU SEEK SAFETY Refugeu. Fl• •• Comm""l1tt, Alli• a.tfla for Town 25 Miles Southweat ti Cembodlen ~epltel. on June J u Mn. Brown entered the eale -tbo miltlOn lo b\ly_ a -n>ll, Whelbor ·the rep>rl proves vliuable sWI bu not been determined. Another traltrels at another coffee shop saw. the Brown woman at 2:4S p.m. . June 3 u the victim paid a tab f<?" a teacher'• meetlnl ,held, earl!er that Students Given . . Internship In Government week. • - .. Womanin'WrongHome' Case Still Depressed The waitress took the money, then uw Eicbt college l&uderita, tbrf!f: of them the woman leave the coffee shop at the from the Orll)lt Cout area, today were same time· as a couple in their 30s. " enrolled tn /.e Oran&e County •d· The couple still has not been found. minlltr•Uon lnlemah!p procram to. pro- Investigatorl Jlliaht be •ble to det.ermlnt vide them with )X'Ktal expertence pJln- Mrs. Brown's dfttdlon of travel U ·they tin& toward a cm-eer in local aovemment. can find the man and woman. lni:Juded are Jamea Dukette, Hun. The baffiing case Includes the dlsap-tin;tair Belch. USC; ud Norman Ewers, pearance ol Mrt. Br0wn'1 station wqon,. , ·--· her pone. jewelry, tl)OOI and the Iara• Irvtne; and JUcbard Lopper, -- hunUng lmlle or bayonet used In her e..cb, both of Cal Stale Fullerl4ll. slaughter. Tueoday lhe poup will aileD! and Detectives also are working at finding be 1ntroduced to the county Board of. a possible murder scene, conv~ that Supervban at the board'• reaWar the eraveslte wu not where Mn. ae•ioif. -. -~ Brown'• killer performed the crime. The ttudlnta were cholen on a com- peUUve bull lollowln& ~allonl San Oemente's Solo · Sailor Gets Towed to Port from their collepa and penoMel In- terviews, aeccrdlq to William Hart, county ;per......i dlreclor. They have been uilped lo various county deportmenll, •ortl!J lull limo In manqemmit lnlem pWtkm, reporll Olive Zllllle, penoonel ~lot. Tbelr ~ may Include .-. munll)' wtb ... Jodi, , ..... _ In 87 PAMELA BALLAN -°' ... ...., ...... ..., ''It'• money thrown away. I'D pfDbably never tee it or the houle qain." ' Mn. Alice CUt of Dana Point II d~. · NeuV two years aeo she dllcoYued tbal her reUrement home wu be1nl bulll .............. Joi. - The ... -and Ibo county Bulldlnc ~ ..... Informed, but llOlhlq WU dpne ·and the houN tits: today, nearly complete at U!ll Villa v-. Capta1ralio1!eadl. -- Mfl, Ctle. Uyl the WU ~ the JIKIOI, but tod•y lhe doesn't even ha.ve a hmdful of earth to call her ..... She lakes lillle comfort lo the fact tut Charles: Lan•w•y. the Newport --who bulk ll)e -will ...,. be ladnc dlara• before Ille ~acton· Stale u.--· couragement One wants a wall built to keep out mud frun the comtru~tion site and UlOther lJ concerned beealist the view might be cut off if the house .i!i moved. ,- "Aren't there any &ood people left. in the W'Ofld?" uU the II-year-old widow. Mrs. Cue ii lonely ud afraid of the future. Her husband and only child are both dead and she bu no clou rell:tives. She has o.nly her self respect and a spirit that wori't let her give up her fight for her home. UeS: Planes Hit . , ~~Bey~nd Set Limit . SAIGON (UPI) -U. S. w~i have besun bombinJ c.ommuntst land and river supply lines in Cambodia " tlwt American air ttrikea ia Cambodia would continue after the June 30 withdrawal date . Allied intelll&enct reports have nid North Vietrwneae commanders h•ve · ~yond the %1.7 mile limit set .for American lfOund forces,. •. Penta1on ipDkesman said today.... · • ' Jerry W. Friadl!eim, deputy aulltanl def..,. aacrelary . (or public allaln, issued a Pentagon statement to follow up an announcement by Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, American commander in Saip. • estabJ.iJhed Q,w supply lines on a syst'em ol waterway• deeper ia Cambodia. The line connects with the so-called Hri Chi Minh trail in Laos. Frledhelm uid the 1ttacks be1an 11within the lat week" when it became ' clear the Communists had moved well beyond the aanctuary areaa attacked by Allied forces. . Jte nld there was a ilmlt on the depth . of the · raid1 bUt woukt t\ot say what it WIS. The announcement In Sa.lion by an Abrams spokesman uJd only that U. S. planes would be used to attack new Communist 1upply lines deep in Cam- bodia "aa required ." _ President Nixon had set a 21.7 mile limit on the distance inside Cambodia American ground forces would operate before their sched\ll~ withdrawal by June 30. The spokesman said continued air strikes into Cambodia would 'b e necessary beauae the Allied drive into the neighborlnc country had forced Com· munist forces to move their supply llr!es to the west, deeper in Ciµnbodia: "As a result of successful attacks made by U. S. and government of Viel· uam forces against the base sanctuaries along the border between Cambodia and South V~tnam, the enemy's lines of 1upply and communications have been disrupted and he is now attempting to expand them into areas farther west . in Cambodia," the statement said. "As his been previou1ly stated, air Interdiction will be pursued as appropri· ate again.st. enemy troops or materiel which could threaten American and other The supply routes are much deeper than the 21.7 mile limit for American troop penetration and military source• said American •irqa.ft airudy have been attackin& the route in~northeutern Cam• bodla. Other nillilary sources said'. today American commanders have accelerated the withdrawal of U. S. troops from Cambodia, moving 800 men of the crack !st Air Cavalry Oiviiion back 19 S<luth Vietnam. Another 10,000""""Temain in Cam· bod la. In other Indochina developments: -Phnom Penh dlapatches reported the Cambodians with the aid of Cambodian and South Vietnamese air strikes had turned back a Communist attack on Kompong Thom, 80 miles north of Phnom Penh. But they sal~ the highway leading to the deep water port and oil refinery oC SihanoukvWe 1till was out. -U. S. Navy spck11men 1aid 273 river boat.a would be tr•mferred to the Soulh Vietnamese M'lY Tuesday in the largest turnover of naval equipment of the war. The turnover is part of the Navy Viet· namization pt01ram and will put 80 percent of the nayy boats ot>erating in South Vietnam In South Vietnamese hands. ~munist ~round fire shot down two U.S'. Army helicopters Sunday, one in the Mekong Delta and the other in the northern quarter of South Vietnam. Two crewmen were wounded. Student Found Dead free world Jivel in South Vietnam. We AMARILLO (UPI) -A student at will not, of course, discuss specific rules Long Beach State College died Sunday of engagement eicept to state that tlleir nia:ht alter he was found uoctlnscious interdiction will continue u required inside a locked restaurant, which waa in <>rder to protect the .lives of milltarY._on fire. _ __ _ _ personnel in South Vietnam ." Warren Rivera, 25, was pronounced Spckesmen in Washington said earlier dead on arrival at John's Hopsital F o r m e r San Clemente dty 1tt«ney Glen Une, wbO left for a IOio Alline trip around the world one month qo iJ boU,, towed to Hawiil today, "'1ett biJ 11oop Madrliii will underao repa1n for a broRn rudder. preporlna annual reporV, -1al reporV and leollela; -In oblalnlnl and proc sRna ff;deral grarN IDd prepar•· Uoa of roporla that will sulde 1utura oervice ..... .., plaminf. '"The Cue ii in the ha.ndl ol the A~ Genenl," Aid Vemon l&anley, 111pervlalq dopuly of the board. "'Ibo allqatlonl Include abandonment of a -Uon lite and !allure lo comPiele construction." FTNE . HOME FURNISHINGS e INTERIOR DESIGN Lane, who .. 1 ull from Oceanside on Memorial Day for the IOlo circum- navi&aUon, bas received aid from the miles eut of Hawaii. Coast Guard tanker SS Teuco California about Q opcll<esmen uid the veteran Wior would al8o gel help frmt the cutter Cape Newagen, which will tow the Columbia 28 11llboat to Hilo. "11Jey won't be liven clerical jot.," Mn. Zllllle aaJd. "The cowlly II aolnc lo ofler u much pracUc:al uperlellco •• -8>1e' ~ -alnce they aro lntawted in • cal"B' tn eov.-nment ~·"~-u. .. -· awUIUIMJ.• n. • Otliers enlllled Include John JacJlan, Loi Anplel, USC; Cbarlu O'Brien, Pomona; Manley Pouloe, Looi Beoch; William Toner, Garden Grove and Fran- cine Van Uden, Santa Ana, all ol Cal State Fullerton. The cue II ICheduled for July and the ROnalty could bo i !oM of ll'°""'. Mil. CUe'• altel'TUltlv• appal-to bl to move the hol.ale onto her lot. « to tr•de lots with the woman wbo ownt the other lot. But ahe doemlt have the mqney to move the hoUle and Mra. Stella Randall of La Habra who OWD1 the Jot the bcluse wu built on wuts 16,000 In addlUoo to' Mn. CUe'1 lot to make the switch. Her would« neilhbor• on Via Verde Mve liven Mrs. CUe lltUe • Lane, who celebraUJd biJ l!st birthday at sea or!Jlnally piaMecl the Marque,.. Islanda 11 his fint landfall But friends. in San Clemente uld today the skipper. either drirt.d hundn!da of mU.. off CXIW'le becaua cit the breakdown or jury<iQed biJ croft and boaded for snug harbor ln Hawaii. Before leavin1 on the eolo voyage, the bean!ecl lawyer pr«llcted a lebure!y sail ammd tile world...HiJ 1IOJt ltOp 11 TahlU. Music Teacher Protesting Charges of Incompetency Nixon's Decision Due w ASllJNGTOfi CUP!) -""81dtnl Nix- m ii expected to announce a decl.sion this week on legialatiol to enend voUng rtahll lo ll-year<0lds. DAILY PILOT ...,_ .............. .... .......... ,. .. ....... ..., c-tW ..... a.a •• Ql:ANOI COAST ..UILllHING COMNJl't A music teacher in the~pistrano Unified School District today wed to contest charge1 ol incompe y made by the Board of Trustees. John V. Robbins of San Clemente, a teacher at Marco Forster Junior High in San Juan Capistrano, indicated that he •ill not resign from his p:tlitlon. "If they think I •m incompetent they'll have to prove it," he said. He said he was in the proeesa cl • contacting former students wt» wUl !atlfy tn hit behalf. He is also meetin& an 'attorney froD\ the C•llf ornla Teachen' "-l•Uon tbiJ ... k. ' ••Mr+ N. WoM "I've been teaching in the diltrlc~ l"Niltlftt .... ,.,,.1""" for 14 years." uid Robbins. "For nine J1" 1. Ct;tl1y years t •u the only music teacher Vlt9 ,,.,.:..,t Mid ~••I Mt11419i' It the high id1ool," Tlto111:;1.!,1•vll One of his students •t the okl Ttto111u A. M11tpltilll• c.p&atnno Hip School Uid he WU M-elill ••;i.r a competent muaic teacher, who Ud li1lri1r4 '· Nill a sreM deal of pilienct. "He made 11ut11 o...... c-iy '""" learning to play the trombone tun," aid ---i--,....,...,""':;;'1-ffin'"'...---1 tho lonner llludtnl II the correcµons are made the actkm stops. If they are not made in the opinion of the Board of Trust.... he could rectivt a notice of dilmissal. Since M hu tenure, he would then have 30 days to produce evktence and witneues and take hla cue to IUperior' court. · Matlock Named Laguna Lions ' I . Ouh President . G<rald A. Matlock of :IO!a Marilyn Drive, South Lacuna, wu elected pretl· "'°l of Ibo t.a,una Beach Liem Club durin1 a rectnl lnata.llation· dinner held at the Outrtger Restaurant ln Laguna. Simmons' IOOth Annirersary Specials • -SPECIAL AT All. 11lllEE J. H. BIGGAR STORES \ ,.....,,, ~"~n,1:9 w':: .. ~, ._...,. --Rotititnr.Wtf1rwu·officl•lly·terted·with-- L"""" a.di: m -..... ,,.,.. the incompetency notice just before " .......... IMcft: '"" ~ ......... 11111 Cllmtni.: at frMt1fl 11 c.• ••I IChaol ended, hail IO days of IChOOI time to come to term• with the stiled 8JUI of tncomp!tency. •coordin& to Or .. Jolm Q<alo, dlllrlct _. .. 1 dlrector .. other officers installed at the meetng include vice petkieotl Gordon Kent, lAu Zitnik1 •nd_ TO!_n Shlton. The D1W aecretary-treaurefla Geiii·wtl . Other officers Installed include Myron Miller. lion . tamer, •nd Bill Hansen, lailtwilter. Newly •ppolnted ~­ miniltratlve chairmen include Geor .. Hudson, Gene Wilbur. Pat"Cory, Gordon Kent, Don Wilbur, Bill Han.en and Jerry Now you can buy fhTl>iital'"tielrfllftrpllcr.Twiirorfull"for on f"$ n 9. 9 • ou'I.-., "' .. -P----1----l- beautifully on this extro-~eovy comfort11;1{-cushioned mattress ••• for years to comt be~ DAILV •11.or ..... •:Jldt II UlftlllllM .... .....,._,._i., II ........... ll•lly ..._ llM> ..,.~ ............ ~-~ktlto ..._., ._,., c.lt ._., MUlllll'lt"-.......... ~ ... V...,. ....... 1111"-, ..... 1 .. 11-.. Or ... c-t ~illllfll ~ ... """"_....,..,:ttn ._. ...... 11 ......... ..,.,. ~ -~ .... .. ~ ,,_, c... ,.,,.,.., , ........ 1114t 641-4Jll . CtwlW A'-01t•t I '41·'671 S. Cl II Al .,,.., 1 .. 1 , ........ 4fto44Jt ~ ..... Or ..... 'c-t~ C-W, ... ..... ........ '"""" .... td-IM Mlllll' ., ltw"._. ..... -W M •• 5 IP "'""-" -... ~-........,-· ..... ._ _ _,,... .. ........,. ..... .... °"" ..... c. .. i.. ,.. ~ .., _,.., •• •111WY1 .., ...i• n.• ,_...,. .....,_._ ..... .,_ .. _,_.,., -' FremPqeJ DROWNING • • • make lt very danaerous . One San Clemente lllelJIW'( today lliJd tbo double drownlns probeblJ omirred when <lDI boy ran into trouble ta the water and bll brother triad to .... him. Funeral oervlcea kl< y""" Lawrence are pmdl111 al Sheller Monu1ry In San Clemente, where Utt fun\Jy wu expedld to complete detaU. aametlme today. The bay• 1u ..... -and to lloten, \ Linenku1el. \ , Activities aroups will be headed by Lou Zltnik, Gerry Mlllock, Al Ucon, Dr. Leon Attlrod, Col. Dove Flournoy, Bob Sd!mldt, Myron llJl!or, T • d Reynolds, Tom Skelton and Dr. _Erv Walkins. Soviets Offet Loan LONDON CUPO -The Soviet Ullioa haJ · offerad c.ommunist China a loan tn the blllionenu raqe in 1n"1pparent atlampl to ropalr the Sl,,..SO.lel rill, aulhortlallvo diplomatic IOUrctl uid fo. da)I. Bui Ptiiq bu rtj-tho oiler. { couie of on exclu•ive and sptciol Simmons 'dtsign that prev.tnts sagging edges : Co m e s with the unique Soni-Seal cover, chemically trtated to guard against odor, mildew, boc· t1rio. The mo ttrtss ftalures Simmon 's fom~us Adjusto·Rest, with special innerspring mult(- coil construction for added support and longer Hft. Simmons -Makers of the famous Bealltyrest TWIN OI l'ULL SIZI mattrt1s & bo• spring.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, •• ,, ........ $119.90 OUllN-SIZI mattress & bo• spring .. ,,,, .. ,,,,,, •• ,,, ... ,.'. ........... $169.95 lllNG-SIZI mattress & bO• spring {Shown),, .. ,, •••• ., ,, ,, • ,, • ,, ,, ,, •• ,, . ~249.95 • ,ASADINA l'OMONA SANTA ANA -Main et Eleventh 147-1621 -Santa Ana ltoro 0,.. Monday l•anlnp ' • • -----~=--:---------------- I ,. Huge 'Fleet Ott to Bennllda • This is the Class D division of the 149-boat fleet which set sail Saturday from Newport, R.I., to Ber· muda on the biennial dash to the .. onion patch." The Lion Wins " 679-mile race is expected to end by Tuesday. Al Cassel's Warrior is the only local entry. Augitst Sea Festival Incfiiaes 17 Events ' Monday, Ju" 22, 1970 Winds Calm Blackfin Leads Race to Tahiti By ALMON LOCKABEY ... • · ... u"' ••••r because only two yachts in Eight to 10 knot winds are Class A had been Issued great tor day sailing or· rating certificates prior to the WCfkend cruising, but t h e Y start of the race. They were do~'J. do much for breaking Widgeon and Aries, a n d recOrds in a Jo~g distance Widgeon was leading on cor- ocean race. reeled time based on Sµnday's · That's what the 14 entries report.. in the 3,571.mile Tahiti race The Class B handicap stan- are finding out after sjx days dings , were Misty, Spirit, of sailing across the Pacific. Quasar. Numse II, Simoon, Ken OeMeuse's 7 3 • f o o t Blackfin r'rom San Francisco Jubilation, V I S·i o n and rangen.t. is living up to pre-race prog· nisticalions for fist to finish There was still no report with a 58-mile lead over her fron1 Eric Tabarly's Pen nearest competitor, George Duick III, another French en- O'Britin's 78·foot ketch Mir try in the race .. from Vancouver. Following are the lalitude "'~·""' But the t,135 miles she had !!-nd longitude positions of the covered Sunda'Y was not in-fleet with mileages from l;os dicalive of a new elapsed lime ftngeles: record. Blackfin's mileage AR IE S t!l:SSN-121 :47W , 963 plaCed her a little less than B LA CKFIN 16 :~N-128:12 a third of~ the course distance --w·. 1135 since the start last Monday JUBILATION 21 :15N-129:09 al noon .' W. 942 1'-1ir had logged 1,072 miles MIR and the French entry. Nar· MISTY 20 :33N-127:21W, 918 ragansett. .had\ moved into ·NARRAGANSE'M'I, 18:28N - third place ··with 985 mUes. 125: 35W, 985 In fourth place was Norman NUMSE ll 21 :21N-128:41\Y, Bacon's Morgan-M Widgeon 920 -from San ta-Barbara, 970 QUASAR 21 :14N-128:25W, 917 DAil Y i'll.OT :& miles, and the Columbia·57 SIMOON 20:29N-l28:16W, 949 ONE-THIRD OF :rHE WAY-Ken DeMeu'se's Blac~­Aries, skippered by Dan SPIRIT 21 :08N-121:39W, 893 Dana Point Yacht Race Elliott of Newport Harbor 'fANGENT 21 :20N -125:48W, fi n, shown soon after the June 15 start, was one A comprehensive schedule lion Western Regional cham-Yacht Club was in fifth place, 833 third of the ,vay to Tahiti today in the 3,571-mile of 17 evel)lS co.vering the fu ll pionships, Aug. lf>.16; and the 963 miles. VISION 20:30N-l28:08\V. 943 Transpacific race. Light winds still prevailed for Jell Barber's Laughing Lion from Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club was the winner of the Pacific Handicap Racing Fleet division in Voyagers Yacht Club's Dana Point race Satur- day. rai:ige of water sports and . world's biggest salt water There have been no reports WIDGEON 19:48N -127:53W, most of the 14.boat fleet. recreation has been announced c'~w~;~m'...m~e~et:!.' !.A~u!g.'-2=·----~o~n~h~a~n~d;~c~ap~st~a~nd~;~ng!:s':., ~Ja~r~ge:'.ty~_..:9'..'.7'.'..0 _________ :.::.:===::..:....:_:_:_ ___________ _ Winner in · the combined Midget Ocean Racing Fleet and Small Yacht Racing Fleet division was Bebo JI, skip- pered by Bob Darnell of VYC. The PHRF -race was part of the Massey Series. Final results: PHRF {25) -(l) Laughing Lion, Jeff Barber, CBYC; (2} Niki 11, John Kinkel, BCYC; f3) Twinkle, Frank White, BYC ; (4) Laniru, Griffies & Harvey, BYC; (S) Wind Child, Lee Armstrong, VYC. lltORF.SYRF tIJJ -0) Bebo II. Bob Darnell , VYC; (2) Ventolero. Bill Kitchens, SSSC; (3) Viking, Dan Pike, vvc. Two Firsts By Alamitos Coast Coed Beats Se ve11 Male Sailors for Long Beach's 5th ann ual California International Sea Festival, Aug. 1-16. Halt a million spectators and approximately S , O O O participants will see and take part in the two-weelt program, predicted Alexander N. (San- dy) Kemp, Sea Festival direc~ tor. Thirteen events, includihg the Aug. 1 Sea Festival Spec· tacular and parade or lights~ have no admission charges. The spectacular will tum Long Beach's shoreline into a huge Marilee Allan, l~ear old ampitheater for an anticipated coed from Corona de! lo.far 350,000 spectators. High School, won both legs Innovations from pa st Sea of the 32-mile ocean race from Festivals include a $2,500 Newport to Dana Point and photography contest open to return SJXlnsored by UC Irvine all amateur camera fans dur- in Shields Class sloops. ing the entire scheduJe : the Miss •AllaD scored her im· Powerboat Magazine World repessive win over seven col· Jnvitalional Marathon; Aug. 2: Jegiate skippers, all male. She ·the world's first water ski is the sister of Skip and Scott ~rag race, Aug. 8: a sand Allan, b Gt. h internationally scul pturing co nt est on the known yacht racers.,_ . s hor-e and a major Her crew in the Dana Point spearfishing competition for race were Bob White and Di ck skindivers, Aug. 9. ~lamitos Bay Ya~ht Club -Cummings. Traditional m ,a j 9 r in- sk1ppers. took the _first two Runner-up ~as Jeff Justice ternalional events will include places . 1n !Jle ~1or Sabot of UCI: third was Gary the 6th annual Long Beach chamP1mshipssB.1ledSaturday Larson, UCJ: fourth was the Hennessy Cup Offsho r ~ and Sunday al Bal60a YaC.hr--defeoder:;-UEl--sailin~-coach...........Powerboa Race,..Aug.J}Jhe _ Club. Carl Reinhart, and hfth was National Drag Boal Associa-·1--- Winner of the five-race Rick Evans, UCL series was Henry Schofield, The Dana Point race is the and runner-up wa s Chuck only ocean race for the :JO.foot ~1errill, both of ABYC. Shields Class. Yachters • ID Tie McCare,Co11gdon Take Lead Lanct McCabe of Balboa during August. Saturday and Yacht Club and Ted Qmgdon. Sunday's races were the first Newport Harbor Yacht Club three of a six. race elimination wound up in a tie Sunday series 'il'hich will be concluded afler the first three races of nex.t weekend. the PC elimination series Standings after three races: sponsored by Newport Harbor PC -Tit between L a n c e Yacht Club. There were five r>.1cCabe, BYC. and T e d entries on the line. Congdon. NHYC; 2~~. Leroy Sutherland of NHYC l.UDERS-16 -Le ro y was the winner in the Luders· Sutherland, NHYC. 2=!-4; (2) 16 eliminations which qualify Ben Hromadka , Lahaina YC, for the Jntemational cham-3~: (3) Bill Fundenburg, poinship regatta in Chicago NHYC, 5. Finn Class Title Won By Sprague Henry Sprague Ill of Newport Harbor Yacht Club found the winds on Vail Lake to his liking Saturday and Sunday and sailed away with the Finn Class district cham- pionship. Spra'gue scored 91/ .. points with finishes Of 1-3·1·1-4·4 In the six race series. A seventh race was sailed, whic h Sprague also won, but was thrown out because of a con- fusion in the course. Tt was the third straight year· that Sprague has picked up the district championship. Runner-up with t4:Y .. points was Dave Iddings or Santa · Barbara Yacht Club. A I Ne lson cl nd Fred Miller Jr .. both of South Shore Sai ling Club .. were third and fourth VACATION VALUE si:re 7.00·13 bltckvrdll w ith trad•·ln. plua t1d1r1I ••titl l•X of ... :90 P.•r tire • Rugged 4-ply nylon card lmoat alzeal • Good mil••t• ••• Economy pric:e• e E1ceed• ell gaverttment requirement• for: Strength. Endurenc11 High Speed Performance Fed•r•I Si11s E11cl1• Tex Bl1ckw1ll Whit.will 7.00-13 $1 .90 $10.95 $13.95 7.75"14 2.17 14.75 17.25 8.25-14 2.33 16.95 19.45 5.60-15 1.58 13.75 16.25 7.75-15 2.19 14.75 17.25 . 8.25-·15 . 2.36 16.95 19.45 -r.e.spµ_~y,~i&__?e!e r _ 1 __ _ Parker of Newport Harbor 8.55-1 4 2.53 21.25 8.55-15 2.57 21.25 I I -- Queen of Water Sf~iers ~ Jta,vaiian-born Stardet Kaaua shapes up (a master· piece of understatement) as queen of the National Water Ski Speed Championships held at Lake ~!av· asu City on the Colorado River over the 'veekC nd. !fhe shapely queen can also water i ki. Yacht Club 1was fifth. Race Taken By Twichel Chad Twichell was the win· ner of the combined Lido-14 _A and_B_classes r,, Lido Isle Yacht Club's Small Boal Regatta Saturday a!}d Sunday. Following are trophy win· ners in the four classes: LID0-14 A & B -(t) Chad Twichell , LIYC; l2) Don Bradbury, VYC ; (3) Jack f\1cClarty, BYC; (4) Fred Toepel. VYC : (S) Cha rles Babcock, St BYC. KITE -(I) C.E. Wiiiiams. BCYC; (2) Tom Willson, BYC ; (3) R;ngo Wagner, NHYC. SABOT A & B -(t) Mark Gaudio, NHYC. SABOT C -(1) Jennifer ~Ioran, Ll:te - USE OUR "AIN CHECK PROGRAM, 8.F.Goodrkh wttl Get you 1h1 ti11 you w1nt. Should WI 1un CM.It ol your 1iz• dµring Jhil offer, we will be hippy 10 it1u1you1 rain ch.:k Ind order your ti1111 the advertised p!'ite for lu1ur1 delivery. -------------· .e..;,,. AND •Av••------------------,----.,., _,... ~ 1, BRAKE E INE $249 ·· '" WHEEL zso 1 1 40,000 MILE GUARANTEE ·~~;;. I e Export Workm•nsh;p e JN•Uty __.a. ALIGNMENT Any I I Replacement Parts • Special ~ow Pr ices • Car I II GUAllAMJll fJM ..-1111 D11l1 1t111np 1t11i.UH INI )'lllr cir WI pu1111ff111 f« ,000 111111 •t11 ltltt • •) 1 1 1 Ill --C91111Mn:!91 ,..''"'"ctr-·· SlleuHI ... ljlllllp 1•11 tr'Wuf Mt fllrl•I tllll '"I .. !flt}' •Ill llGULAI VALUE UP TO 12.so I : ;~':, '!1~1 '""J:..I: ~ =-·==~" • ... u ''""' ,h.,11 ,., 11111i.u1U1N1. Wln'MIJ hllltt.,. ,,,.. CALL FOi APPOINTM ENT ""·-------------------'OFFER l NDS JUNE 30, 1170--------------=·=--=-..1• JONES TIRE SERVICE 2049 HARBOR BLVD. IAt lay! COSTA MESA PHONE 646·4421 • 540-4343 ' • AL( MAJOR CREDIT CARDS HONORED KJOtlt ~lliA:rrttrp M 13-15 B.FGoodrich El "1•~1~501 ._,ti RI LIPISAVlll llADIAL TllllS •·rou.-r L.IFE SHO IJtO •E ltlOINO °"'THIM" . -... 21 DAILY PILOT SC Yo un gsters face • • Summer Pr oblem • • ~Mergers Busi11e.ss Solution NEW YORK •(AP) -One solution to the rickety fln.an- llY SYLVIA PORTER cial underpinnings ol many \,.. remarkabJv low oe . no cost securi~ firms -may be to i n s t itutions offer at It your. son or daughter " "pump two or three revenue from remedial reading to typ. •monc the hundreds o f ing, forejgn l~guqes. art producihg µ!lits lhrOQlh tile thousands ol teen-agers who history and investments. same siperational pipelint." · failed to· line~ up a 'summer In other wor.ds, to merge job tus year or whOse job (2) "rra~et ~ln··the· ·U.S. or . ·l the businesSes of two or 'more hu faUm tb.roulh because or • abroad. Are · yoq aw'aie ·that . fuins, eliminating lo the pro- tlle di<peniag 1970 rec<silon? today )'OU ell Oy Wider ..... Japa,ri '.Gets. c•!Ss .. much fliid ovel1lead Are )'OU _ or your kids ~ lain circumstlnces from 'New and duplication as possible. now 'wondering what you York to Irelmd ad Net for K k It. fmeans layoffs, of coone, shouki D!Q? as little ·as $M5?· Or that yoU -entu. c y an<l lhe closing of some fancy With the teenage unemploy-can spend two week& tourinc branch offices. mHlt rate easily triple today's £~~Or just $?50 or'so! Chick.en Such lhinkl.og was involved jobless rate of·5 percent, this A ST1.ID~n 1 in the reeentJy announced L.1"1 1 , dentity card, plan! hf the nation'! th ird is '"-dilemma I a c i n g a ai·labl f A · • t'-v e rom m e r 1" a n Jar1est brokerage firm , Fran-'7ftb":r:Ui:.J.J!:'1 m!;'k~t Youth Hostels. Jnc.,.1 in New TOJ:CYO -The peOple who cis I. duPont, and the big York wiU get yoU big ditcounts made ·the Mitsubishi Zero investment ·banking firm or admitUn&lY lhe~ tightest in t st d t umons esta ts. year., It'• likely that it least a u en ' r uran fighter plane in World War Glare Forgan Staats, Inc. museums, ~le.. throughout 11 • b . . K Archie Albright, who as '700,000 d the 2 , 7 O 0 , O O O Europe.'. "nte bar&ains' go• 00 . are r1ngin1 -eotucky Frjed pltiident of GFS initiated ·Amerieans age 1' to 2l seek• and on.. . . i • chlcten ·to Jap&fl. talks with the tinancially . ;..., J1Jmnter ~ this year Th nJ'• I b' 1· ;.-:O't find ~ And . with (3) Get·tnto a poUUcal cam-e u iae Y com Jna ion distressed duPont f ir m1, highi -•·-•-• coll ~igrt. YN• may not yet have was announced r~enuy by believes more such con· ·many y ~11\;•i.cu ege ,,_ ..,. l'da ·u be · araduates really sweating it .a vat~ bUt yOur Volunteer: time Kentocky Fried. Ch I c k en so I tion,, w1 announced ·oui riibt now and .. layoffs ·and ,~ents could ~··even Corporation, the American soon as Wa!l Street reacts .belnc annouoced by one com-more impor(ant to a polll:kil food . chain and Mitsubishi ~~~::i-~~ to a sharp drop in , pany ' after another, I h e ~a~!~ of ~our choice than • Shoji Kaisha, one of the The process already is well :::"'1 e re1e.ss, r":U::S. ~e~ . I worJd!s J~gest trading firms. under way. Nearly 40 member 1 .. ___.,_~••"-. • (4) Try your band .at. fa.rm M't b' h' handlin li -!inns of the N.Y. Stock Ex- -ClK.UUAUUUll v.'Ork, as an edUcaticaal."swltch 1 su 15 1' g 8 ·ne Change either closed down or The NaUonal Alliance of from whatever you have been ol goods from lead pencils merged last year. The rate Busioeasmen hiis announced·a doing. The ~y . is low, but to dynamos and su~r tankers, has accelerated this yefr, with :iew record goal of ~200,000 probably: Jll)t iS l lOW as y~ apd 1be''Loulsville, ,Ky ... firm 20 finns merged or closed summer jobs for needy youth.· think. And'Ydu migtit use your ~igned a contract under which through April. 1 FIRST ASK .yourself this creativity to help alleviate the as many as 400 Kentucky The financial problems of pti1ht of • the : migrant these firms olten...are carefully :quest.kin and answer it with harvester during the summer "Fried Ch.icken shops will be buried fnim Sigh{. but gossi p utter honesty : Can Y o u months. built in the land of sushi and and rumor sprout everywhere. possibility"afford to·invest hie next eight to 12 weeks in l5) Take a trip in the U.S. sake (raw (isl! and white rice "If you believe them," says a ·project which doesn 't pay -camping, ·biking, driving, wine). Albright, "you'd have believed ... t..ltV? If flyiha:. Wilb today'..$ youth Mitsubishi Sojt Aisha (Shoji that half the financial houses ~Ol.lan• .. ~·A•ye~~~~~ fares, you .can .. reach your KiSla mean,s trading finn) is ~ou~d h~v~ ~ '!';It or just • rrw of the valuable destiba~ ~ ofte.ba:I( t6 two-a branch or • lhe h u g e • usiness six wee ago. pomibilitiel It.ill open: / th.irds lhe fegular c."¢ • .flnd Mitsubiihi Zalbet.su hou se He maintiinS that most and take courses,. wiJichwill !f you hive. the courage, try which manufutUred the Zero, houses fit into one or four • ~ working 'your way to your' one of the fastest, Jigbtest categories t«lay, none of, them (1) Go to summer school and ri1 0 s'l maneuverable really profitable. "A relative ,and take courses whlch will goa l. . . fighter plaries to tan11e With. few .are staying ev~n; some ,putyaullbeaddwingihecom· (6) Use .1his summer .to the AmericlllS over the are losing a· little; some are "in afWure job or which siJnp-culUvate a 'llobbY· Cl>eck: with Pacilic :t•lands in World War losing a Jot.!' . Jing fall temel&er, belp you your sc:hool on •tutoring pro-II. 1! such an analy~is is e<>r· .In a futur'e job or which simp-grams in 1which you may Mitsublshj . is moving into rect. then !ew. ftr~ can ly appeal to you. Community enroll to tutor students who the K~ntock,f Fried Ch~ken esc~pe the gossip. Shi!, you hi&h IChoo1s and many other need your skills. business in Japin as 8 result cant _be sure. Some are clear· p;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijl o( Jap~'s gradual removal ly being nursed along by the of renr..ictions against foreign Stock E_xchange, ~ut othe~s PILOT PETE • It's DAILY:.- PILO.T 2 ~for -·1 Rite OUT AT THE 'OLD \ BALL 'GAME INVITES EYERY9NE to SEE THE ANGELS PLAY KANSAS CITY WEDNESDA Y, JULY 8, AT HALF PRICE Gtt two tt11n•td 111! tic.th for 011 W1d111,d1v "i,ht, Julv I, A119t l1 'vt. Roy1l1 91mt •I A111htim St1diu m for lh1 11orm1I prit.t ef efl1.:.ticket. lluy 011e: lh1-DAllY PILOT 1Jh·t1 you 0111.I 2-$3.50 2-$2.50 TICllnS FOR TICllnS FOR $3.50 $2.50 investrrients in Nippon. keep ~Jr secrets. ,,You c~n t 'Ibe restaurant business is get a fix on them, Albright one of~ iatest to be ~ed · .5l~,~~y smile and remai n op- to fore1en money by Ptune timistic but based m publish.- Minilter . Ei.satu S a to ' • ed figlaes and major staff '· ~alive government. . reductions it ~ms cJear that While most: ol. the l~g a nuiriber ol finns are labor· restaurant mam h:8ve applied ing under real proble.ms." for approva.1 sux:e t h e The basic problem, as r_estaurant industry w .as Albright sees It, is that many hberaliud ,bY the Japa~ finns used the wild trading governmen~. Kentucky Fried volume oC 1!MI as a base Chicken is tl}e first ~~rican frQJTI which to project thei r'" company actually to gain a~ futjJl'e. They assumed there proval," !J\by • S. Weston , would ·be 15 millon and 20 ma~ging direct.or ~f · the . million ·share. ~ys. They plan-Japan~ °'.JN!ra~. aaul_ ned for nothing Jess. The. ,sen.ior Vice . prestdent Th!_ !'...es~ It: overhiring, of · Mitsubishi trading -com-numerous liranch o l f i c e s , pan)'., Mototaka Akamura, has elaborate' office equipment, been selected as president oC posh furnitUre. The same Kentucky Fried C h i c k e n bullish view p e r ni i t t e d Japan.· man a g e'in en t and ad- 'Ibe new linn plans to open ministrative lapses to go 100 to 200 comp.any . <1wned undet~ted. Poor accounting fried chicken shops throughout practices were common. Japan 'I.alder the rompany's When _ trading-v o I um e trademark of "the Kentucky slackened, the old practice Colcriel. of la yoffs no longer was suf- If these shops a(e ·sue-ficien t. The payroll could be cessful, an equal number of cut. but it was more difficult franchised outlets will be lo cut down on the fixed established, the comf)any said. overhead. How do you fire Food c"apital is flowin1 both the computer? ways across the .Paci/ic. One Albright claims to• know of· of Japan's largest Chinese what he speaks. He became -restaurant chains -announced president Of GFS last year a few weeks ago that it will and within weeks had cut build a million-dollar Chinese personoel by roughly 10 pe.r- rcstau rant in Day(on, Ohio, cent. This put the firm in ai; the base' for further ex-the black for the fina l three pansiOC'l ln the United States, months of the year,, You c111 r111r\'t 111 t nlire 11ctie11 er )u1t + .. o 111h. l ul 91! vour p1rly f .. tlh•r 11ow 11td 111eil i11 ~. erd1r b1 111lr ,below with Check, At lllOllt Y order (1\1 1111r\1 pl1111 ) 1114 huny. 0 11dli111 for tick1i er41r1 f1 Ju111 2•- 111 Hi gh. Gear New Trucks E•rl11 Bird Bon•,. Optll to H y1 111d 9lrl1 16 v••n old 1114 youn't•'· l11clud1 with t it.•1t order I 1!1lt,..111I •' 100 word1 or{.,., ''My f1-..orli1 An· wilh CARL CARST,ENSEN -,.l~it *''".._ . .::......Eiitci.._.ust.bt....c.ui.1...0_ by 11ee11 111 Jun1 21t. Winntr will 111111 hit for ... trl •f1-..or it• An- 911, wlll r1c"i-..1 four lit.lr1h for 1 fulV11 AIUJll hom1 911111 11\d will rtceiw1 1 ,b1,1b1ll 1uto91 1pl!M Aly th• A1191lli Th..-1'11 h1 u111n•l•11p pri11 wi11111r1, loo! . ., "New trucks you see 0-.1 the high1vay today are quite different from those of a few years ago," was the l!nder· _c-----statement made by Lee Grey 71_ in a recenl ·interview. Grey, 11-""--"DJ.e.L . tric1 al managtr for Ford Division 1 en, ...i tneH, witti &lied: ., ~ 9'4tt, .. : 2-·lA .... hr I I 0....,. ~ ~If Pllet C/O ,,.. Sentu Dept. lf'LUSI ,llNTI I truck design has made light tru~ks popular "secynd cars·• ' for many families'. J The sleek styling, stereo radios, carpeted no0rs and air ( conditioning are· just a few of <the popular features which I N-•••••••·•·•····················· •·. 1' •• •• '' more realistic. I now make truck driving seen1 ............................. ············ ....... . I ::-~:::::~:::::::::::::.~::::.~··~~·:::::-::: I IWllll•lllelfAl.&.l.a.Mttlrd9-ll"Wf .. ...._ ................. ," ...... _, '""""' ... h, ••. --.. .....-. If .. ,.., t ....... n. "-City """ II AMWlll I ttet-. l"lr .......... , ... , I Will rMel-... Ml Mlec• -l'" ,_ .. NIL.Y Pu.ot, I Wiii! ~ .. /IJ.M !Clrcll -· lkt:il't .. I.,.,. It I ..... ,. •.... l!o Jf'fll\lftf "'"fl IM..,,..,. I If llcll"' I M9t I .............. llcl;el1 Wiii M ..... 1119 "' _II, I ¢ 111'9 ........... Ufl • M UdMlltl I I ...., .. Actually the reasons behind I aU • the palatable eil:tras are not complex. 1he era or the family recteallon vehicle is htre and m~JOr auto manufae-1 tucers )now from experience that comfort and,-convenieT1ce I are of prlritary concern for anyone' con_templatlng a rec vehtcle purchase. J Secondly, because of cost moat bu)·ers al so must u&e I[ ... ·-~-·-... .. L __ _ --_J · the. vehicle for "·orlt or a second ecr. "Op!lens like po"·cr steering, power brakes, and automatic transmission, fo rmerly o(fered just Oil pas!enger·cars;-make-lhe-light truck perfectly suitable for meeting Ute needs of everyday transportation," Grey said. Grey idded that ,;one out of every five families in tile U.S. ow ns a light truck and ourteen-,,ercen rt suburban families now own a truck.·' He added \,hat ~ percent or all lighl trucks are so ld for personal or recreational activities. 20 percent are bought exclusivel y for business purposes and the re- 1nalning 15 percent for a com- bination of both. Grey also noted that light trucks are becoming io- creoslngly popular w i t h women With-Wer 700,000 regislered female ownen In the U.S. , What he •ctually meant was that today light trucks wllh. their automotive slyllng •ind a~ssories haive become all purpose vehicles ani:I arc just as easily spotted going to the supermarket. TnC1vics an d hairdresser ai; they are head- ed for lhe beach, mountalrn1 J , • - GIVEN POST Cl arence LaNier W 01·k Starts . On . Building ~ ~ ~ ~ b L " ~ ' t l t L • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • f t • • • • • • • • : ~ t • • ~ • • • ~ • t • • t • • •• • • • • t • "N • • z t • • • • • N z • " • • " • •• •• " :e • • z ., • •• z ,. • • ·• N H H H • ~ " N N ·~ • • N " .. N N ~ e H • ~ N N N N N • N N .~ ~ • .. • • • • ----....,. ---~ ---,--·----------------------·--------------· ' ' \ - .... DAIC'I '1LQT U .. _ .. ·Growers I .. I 21 DAILY PILOT ! DICK 11ACY j ·. TUMBLEWEEDS HELLO, CONWf. •• Rf'ME'MBS{ ME?.- MUn AND JIFF·· .• . ~~I A FLY JUST .. Fl. .. EW ooWfll MY11!RMr- ' ' • • JUDGE PARKER I TIIOIGITT I rnoGllZIP VOii FROM '4. PIC.TUeE, Mts. ._LEXAWC'ER'! AREN'T YOU LOVE ALFll.MPER's llOllQ? PLAIN JANE I DAILY CROSSWORD ••• by R. A. POWER I I A.CROSS l Draw 4 Wiid. , : j 1nim1I s trait 9 Former Turkish coin ~ 14 Ordinal I numbtc oililtt• suffix 15 Pe rmission 10 Slow and I stately : Music 17 Pla ce for Investing: 2 words 1' Fai!hrul 20 Etec lrical device Zl Drop an easy ground er : 22 Plus : 23 Pis tol s and , rlfle s ' 1 24 Smiller ma p within l119er ~ ... , , 20 Novice 2' Weigh t Jl Part of the head 32 Flat bottomed boil .. ,,,,, j ! , •• l .. I' • JJ Pour oil upon )0 Greenland commun ity 31 Container I '2 l . " 20 lJ • .. 3' Musltiil illfa1r 41 Ctrlain Asians 4) Ang'r 44 Fo;im 4b Buyer i!Ud st I I tr 47 Ffsh 49 •• ..,, 50 Unt\ltn 51 lr1nlin I i lit 5Z An ima l hand!tr 54 Ptndltlon or Borden 58 Reached bO Aunt : Sp. bl Outdoor Art a b2 Panaltlil b4 Put betwee n b& Whitt t1tt b7 River of Europe (,8 After all dtduttions 69 Of a Sti!nd i- n1vl1n.; country 70 Low ly Anglo· Saxons 71 81\ltr vt!ch C:OWN l Numerical pttf!x 2 AddHionad 3 EnguH 4 Kill s v~ 1i or • ce1taln .... 7 Superintend 8 Hideaways 9 ···-breve; 2/2 time 10 "When the ····-Come March· Ing In" 11 Forelold 12 Germ ce ll 13 Ofer 18 Klrid or cement 24 Hold -·····: 2 words 25 Betrayer 27 Waken 28 One having clear titl e 30 Per sons 33 Chemical compounds 34 Fe minine name 0/22/70 35 Hit 37 Tou9h 40 l iteriry work 42 Screwba ll 15 Acute food scarcitlfS 48 Sha llow places 53 Dlneat home : 2 words 55 Mike rep1rallon 56 Covetous PffSOll 57 Certain authors 5' Plant 61 Nixo11's lille: Abbr. 62 Dismiss: Slang ft) Nigerian n1liwe ft5 Comp11s point: Abbf. . " • • " By Al Smith OPEN WIDE, MUTT! By Harold Le Doux MISS PEACH lllA 15 'l'Mi ONLY PUPIL WHO 1>10•"1 WIN A Pl.AQUI" THl5 YEA/ti -- STEVE ROPER PEANUTS ·---"' ···~ • • • • • " ~, . ,~ ' • By Frank Baginski I FINAlLV fOOND OIJT ~T 1HAT 51\lf'IO Ml15 NMIE 15 •• I, LI'~ AINER GORDO MOON MULLINS No,-ni1s ISN'T 132S WUMP 'ST~~i;f. I '.ANIMAL CRACKERS ~IJ6HT"­ sr~~16Hr., Flm-STAI!' z. '5Ef. 1t:IJI GHr.. AA w ·. : .. By Mell OJ<,, 9UT 010 l ISET A Pl.AQ~ TO "'«CIV9 · IT? . i I 1 I By Saunden and Overgard By Cliarles M. ScW. -WOOOSTtx:I< ! -• ' ly Al Capp By Chi Anlola By Ferd Johnson MR.MUM ~) DENNIS THE MENACE . • ·~1MREMlt4lSMa. I~~ JDafM1lf/IHls'~,", . . <._. ,, ' Monday. Junt 22, ~970 s -. PJLOT-ADVtRTISEr. :J .. .. . Down. the ._Sµmmer • Ill Switzerland Mission Trail ,,-.J .'AFS Picks San (;le nie ntean--A fter1 9-year Wait F ree Bus Rid es Dile for Families MIS~ION VIEJO -Free bus service for . the 800 families who are recreation center members will begiii in July. The service will cover ·the Seville, Granada . Eldorado. La Paz. Deane, Missiop Ridge, Coronado, and Monterey sections of "Mission Viejo's community. The bus pick up schedule, which .will transport residents lo tht fl.1ontanoso and Sierra recre:at ion centers at various times during the da y, will be mailed lo each participant. It will beg.in July 1. e No Cookha' LAKE FOREST -Fishing season is open at Lake Forest and there are already a few fish .stories floating around. Eight year old Mike Santobianco holds the sea.son's record -so far. He caught an 18-inch catfish weighing about five pounds and was rather proud of his aceomplishment. Bot Rodder s Other young fishermen made good , hauls at the Beach" and Tennis Club and Were eager to show off their catches at the office. . The staff wa s pleased but drew -the line at one very common request "•vill you cook these for me." Bob Aldrich helps his sons Gregg, 4. (left) and Jef!. 6. prepare their entry in Orange Crate Derby planned. for this year's Fourth of July celebration in Mission Viejo. Picnic area has been set aside at l\1ission Viejo Golf Course driving range and residents are invited to bring their picnic baskets to enjoy music at 5 p.m.· followed by fireworks e M•lh Boost er s al 8:30 p.m. • SADDLEBACK VALLEY -Teachers in the San Joaq_uin Elementary School District will have the opportunity to improve their math teaching techniques this summer. ' Trustees of the district approved an In-service math proposal Wednesday \11hich would permit teachers to attend a credit course at a cost to the district ol 1375. Capo School Head Start Project Funds Eliminated The-· course will-be offered at one ~ nf the San Joaquih schools and will be set up by San Joaquin administrators, gearing it to district needs. Credit will be sanctioned by Cal Stale Fullerton. Approximately 40 teachers are ea-- pected to enroll. Forster Students Win Ma y· Honors Pre-school children in the Capistrano Unified School Districl won't have a Head Start program· this yea r. Jeff Olson , directer of projecLc;, S!!id the appropriation bas been cut ()ff even though_.the district's program had been rated as one of the finest in the aiunty. A summer Head Start program for 60 children had /been in operation for four years. This year the district applied fcir· a full year program ror IS children at the request or the program's citizen advisory committee. Student-of-the month awards for .May "Our application had been accepted" at Marco Forster Junior High School and we had been told we would get l\'ere announced this week ror students the appropriation,,. said Olsen. "But for excelling in physical education, history, some reason, it was taken away." math, science and other studies. OJsrn said the Community Action Coun· The winners include seventh and eighth cil of Orange County usually determines grade students DoMa Hawkins, Ann who will receive Head Start funds on Borton, Donna Harris, Dale Howmann, the basis or need. He said granlS were Debbie Goodwin, ~ohn Ashbrook. Wnda given to Santa Ana, Garden Grove, Volga , David Sands, Deborah Barnett, Anaheim. and to a church group in Jim Snow. Stephanie Williams, Eric tile Huntington Beach-Fountain Valley --Lucha . ..Dara..Cole,..David-Earl~y.,.Rebec.~~•~re~•~· ------- ca Stein, Michalee Ethington, Geoff "I think one reason we were penalized J\forgan, Lisa FassolQ, Larry Poncino, Is because we are one ·or three districts Roberta Olsen. Craig Greenlaw, Hobie in the county which has applied for Alter , Marcia Bentley, John Broadbent. and received state funds for a pre-school Shawn Gaines and Art Reyes. · program," said Olsen. ' This program wi1! Cilnlinue lo operate in conjunction with the ieiu1ar SChoo1 year. It accommodates 30 children and this y"ear, because there will not be a summer Head Start, it will be extended for 15 children into the summer. Olsen said lhe district was never told exactly why their appropriation was removed. He said, however, that Com· munity Action Council meetings are open lo the public and a district representcltive could have attended their meetings. "'But it's lhe children who will suffer." said Olsen. "We've already received 25 to 30 calls from parents who wanted to enroll their children in the Head Start program." Olsen said the district never spent more than $22.000 in appropriations for 11.ead Start. He said they had applied for the longer program to provide a more meaningful experience for the children involved. '"Also, the Heallh. Education and Welfare department had hinted they would pJ:efer having !heir money spent for longer programs, said Olsen. Ray Oliver, assistant superintenden.t f9r lnstn1ction, said the decision would be appealed. • By LYN HICKS .. ... Dtlly ~1111 ..... San ~Clemente Hi&:h School funior .. r-Charies Senge today is preparing to become the nrst-ever student from the -Trit'.on campus selected for the-A·merican Field Service summer program as u American. AbrO&d. Senge, 17, will leave far a summer Jtudy tour of Switierland. And .for the: Amerk:in Field SerVict CommiUee .jn lhe Capislraoo .Bay area. ;t was a lo~ wait before Senge's selec· Uon finally came in New York .. The committee has ·been wailing nine Jong years for a San Clemente Hi&h stuClent to be selectecf·!or the Aniericans Abroad program. OTHERS HOSTED "We weye be&iMing to wonder," ~id Preskient Jan Duse k:,, explainine th.at the Capistrano Bay area people Md hosted many students from other lands during ttie · nine yehrs· but none of !he loca l students were selected · for,; Ult overseas program. . Mrs. Dusek credited the victory this year to Senge. son ol ~ and Mrs, Mrs. Elena Ferrari, chairman o( the students abroad committee ' of tht Capistrano AFS. .,It was through her efforts and those of her committee that we were successful this year." Young Senge, the real wiMer of this nine-year contest, 'is a teen of a variety of talents. He is enrolled in an academic course al the high school, but is also much interested in sports, drama and international affairs. President of the Triton Dramatic Club, Senge was tapped for membership in Thespiafls, drama honorary society. He was a lead of the spring higlt school production ''The Little Prince." VOCAL SPOKESMAN Senge played a role in Operation Make. O\•er, school' improvement project, last year. As a delegate to the. ·orange County · ~fodel United Nations at Oiapman College, Senge was a vocal spokesman as head of the Norwegian delegation. Beginning his flight from Los Angeles Jntemalional Airport June 25. Senge wUI fly to Brussels from New York, after an overnight stopover in the international citY:-----· From BrusseLs, he will travel by train to Basal, Switzerland, an Alpine resort. training before joining his Swiss family July I in Wint.erl.hur, 30 miles north of Zurich. Swiss AFS brother of Charles will be 16 year .old Martin, son of Or. and Mrs. Herbert. Bruet.sch. · Marlin has three older sisters, Qnt a physician, one a teacher and ont a student of psychotherapy. ENTllUAIASTIC MOM Nan Senge, ...Charles' mother, is en· thusiaslic in eX,Presiing her pleasure in the choice ol Charles' Swiss family . "Martin is learning Greek, out or school, in preparation for a trip to Greece. }le is interested in politics and history, mountain cli{'flbing · ;a n d handball," sald Mrs. Senge, and added. ··and handball is one of Charle'!' favorilt sports." A letter · from-Lhe Bruetsch family told Cbarlcs he would be we lcomed to gymnasium (school) with Martin, and . that the summer plans of the family . ir.clude mountain climbing and a week or t~o at ·Lake Constance wher.e the El Rancho has the hottest price in town! PILLS8URY'S l.i BALLARD'S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . pkg . 1'his "'eek-bake a balch of biM:uits the easy way •.. pop! Ute packag~ opens •.. quick u a \\•ink they're in the .Pan ••• slide them in the oven • , , in minutes, they·re golden bro~·n ••• hght, fluffy, delicious ! And only r>c a tube. . Fresh Butter .... ~.A~:·~· .... 7 9~ June is Dai_rr Month J Celebrate by se rv ing hot biscu its, dr·i pp ing "·ith pure fresh Dari Gold Bulter! Welch's Preserves ................ 39¢ \\'elch's Jelly, J<4m or Preserves ••• 20 oz. jar Sue Bee Honey ..... .11 .~.~'.' ....... 49¢ Clover or Orange .• , delicious on hot biscuits: ~s~Cireen-Beans ... s~:~;N: ~~: .. 25f..._ Our Garden Patch department is full ol nature's bounty at th is Y.'Ond crful ti me of the year! • • · ~fl 'I PIL.01 ·-· ""9 SAN CLEMENTE HIGH'S SENGE: HEADING FOR EUROPE Youth 11. F.ir1t From Triton ·C1mpu1 to M.ke AFS Progr1".".1 family has a &ailing boat · Mrs. Senge said Charles was willing to go to any country AfS designated, but he is very ezcited about his plans ror 10 w~eks with his new family in Switzerland. *..,...-* * AFS . Students To Visi.t Coast A· iroop .ot 39 American r1eld Service students en route to their v a r i 0 u s homelands will ·sptnd Hve days at homes in San Clemeiite and ·Laguna Beach . "1rs. ian Dusek, · p~esldenl of the AFS. adult chapter for San ·Clemente Higlt School, saKf the .YoW'lgsters •who have been living and attending schQol in the Sacramento 1,1rea will arrive at the beach cilics June Z9 along with two chapt!rones. They will b;e' divided amOng' hpmes ln Laguna and San Clemente while they are entertained and tour points of iner;est such as the tttission at San Juan Capistrano ·and Disneyland. There will probably be some beaching done also. Mrs. Dusek said the group wlll le.ave July 3 for Denver and then be on their way home after their American experi. ence. Missio.n Viejo's ArtistS Invited · 1'_o_51&.op Cours~"'-----'-1 Artists .and .crafts men of Mlsslon Viejo. botQ children and cidu1ts, are Invited lo paf!icipate in summer workshops plan- ned by the Mission Viejo ~ or Artists· and Craftsmen. Jack . Taylor of Laguna Beach will Instruct a children's workshop in .ceramics at the Unda Vista School lor · ~ix Mondays begiming July 13, from ·1 to.3 p.m. Workshop !ee is $10. A multi-craft workshop for chiklren will be held at the school fn:ml 1 to 3 .p.m. on Thursdays for aix weeks beginning Jul)' 16. Fee will be P . · Noted Laguna artist Roger Anmtfooc v.·ill c.onduct a mixed media pajntjnc workshop for adults for six weeks begin- ning Wednesday, July 2%, Crom 1:30 to 4:30 p.m·. · College. Talk Se t ~1embtrs of the-High Twelve Club of ·Laguna HJlls wil l be invited to "LoOk at Your Community College" when Saddle· back College President Fred H. Bremer adJireues. their June 29 meetilll •t the Mbsion Viejo Inn. ' «.l our dclit.a tc~~t!'lt t· ~--Menu . makers from our Butcher Shop! Lamb Chops .i;. $1~9 .5Wt. $1 1! 1 Pri.tcs itt cff,,cl Alon ., Tw:s., ltr'cd., J lll'IC t2 JJ t 4, ARCADIA: Sunset and Hunliniton Dr. (El !1,,.ho Cltmr) PASADENA: · /\'o sales to dealers . Sprinr Lamb l Fresh and lean ..• :serve them broiled for all the navor and all Lhe nulrilionl Pepper Steak .............. S13? El Rancho'a bct~r ~r , , . ready lo btoil: Sausage ................... : .... 59~ El Rancho's Country Style .•. trul y fresh! . . 320 Wost C>lorado Blvd . . SOUTH PASADENA: ~rtmonl ~nd Huntin?tcn Or. HUNTINGTON BEACH: W1rner 1itd AljonquiR (Bolfd'tl'1!~ c~~i!I) NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 "ewpon Blvd. snd 2SS5 Easlblull Dr. (bstblutt l ill111 Cellti) •• . , " 4 DAILY PILOT ·~ .................. A radie>-teleVtsion tower in Mos-- cow known 'tor Uie sturdiness of its latticework was inspired by the in- ventor's metal wastebasket, the newspaper Builder's Gazette said today. • MondlJ, June 22, l'.170 Aide Hints -_More -Drug Raids Set D.C. LeflU Nation ·u .S. Crime Rate Rises 13 Percent , I . ' I Deferments Assured By Delays . WASHINGTON !UPI) -White Hou,. WASHINGTON (AP) -Atly. Gen WASHINGTON (UPI)_ Serloua crime between J .. ..., and Mardi. indifference and Congressional apathy JoqD N. M~lchell, elated l>Y 1mau arrut.s Jn the United St.ates increued 13 ~t Indlvklutl ftaurm for at 1euC three have virtually assured coUege freshmen stemming from what he Called "the during the first quarter of this ytar of tbe ~ cltlel and the naUon'a of student draft deferments this fall. 'biggest O)Jefation of Its kind," hin't.S daptte tb:e Nixon Adminlltratloa's beav1 ·capital, however, showed crime ~ But the Selectiv~ Service System .says federal aaefata are pJ.am1nc more attacks empbaala on "llw and ordfr." Unulric to rile in almolt every one OJe dela)'ll could tum out to be shortllved. on ·organized iratffc""; ..... in • ......... n-a. The FBl's unlfoi-m crime reports show-ol tbe riolent catqorifl; JD\11'der, fOfd. With the start ol ' the new academic --a ...... v~ eel tha. t the '---1-of a decline which ble rape, ral:ibery and aaravated uaault. year only thrff months away, Con,ress ~titchell indicated more la to come marked the ~ ... Y:,. of Presklent Nix-In the DUtrlct of. CoJumbia, murders has not taken even the smallest step In announcing Sunday that JIO pertons, on's tenn in office rtvened itself ln . roll frtm a to 14, forcible rapa fell toward ending college deferment.. that mostly Cuban refuiees. Md been named 1970. Much bad been made of the fact !run 7'1 to . 53, robberies were up ftom Prealdent Nis:on asked for April 23. z.711 to s -and The Senate, where lbe proposal stands 1n complaints or wartanla u pert of crime rose only 10 percent in 1119, ,v•• aaravated anaidta the best chance of passage, was thrown what officials sak1 wu a rinl oootrolling compared with 17 percent durin& lhe '!M fnm 7fTI to 162. far behind in disposing of Its regular most of the alne and I last year o( the Johnson admlnlstrlltion. Murden in Cbicqo almost doubled work by protracted debates o v er coc . a arge llhare Atlomey Geoeral John N. Mitdlell lnim W durlna the first lllne manths Supreme Court nominations and the U.S. of the heroin traffic in the United states. 90Ught to put the belt face forward ~ 119 to 201 this year, while' rape ""' T.....,. venture into Cambodia. Plenly ol Lelfsla-[-...,.,,The~~J~u.stJ!f'~C.t.J!!!!!~~~IJ!W!i'd!L!•!!&r!tl!L~on the latest crime atatiJtics in a news wu up from 211 to a, robbery up, ----BURIAL PLAN_N,_E~D;.-__ _,;t;;ion with a higher priority than student today 137 -· heel been arrested re .... ijmj"" !l1erl ~-,,.,,.,_.,11 __ ., _____ ,__ e -r•=.--... =1~i h , r-·--of violent crimes slow. ed by 7 ~at uuuJt up from 2,5'3 to 2,723. x.prn"""" ~u arno eaennen s 'e -e-au. It'.s bem a lono time bettoten bitts and Wadt RiVtri opptars to bt doting as M fi.shts off a dock alona the'"De· troit Riwr. It is chilly down b11 the Tit1er,' too, which explains Wade's· hfftltl coat in summu time. • The .vicor of the St. Etienne Cath«tral in. Toulouse, F-rance, foti.nd a parcel undtr the statue of ~t. AnthO'llll of Padua addreu-_ ed to the Baroness of Fin. He delivered it to her and inside toa.$ a painting which h:ad been-1toUn from the baroness' castle last year. St. Anthony is the patron. of Loit Object&. • --~~ .. -Ohn-of Reno, _Ney. ~ ln 10 cities as part of OperatkM Eaele, • r-· --In N y 1.. CJW -·--'-The House has the time but apparently the code name tor a ais:-montb un-ln the natlbn's 51 lar"gest cities and ew or.. •J• lllm'1A"ll l'Ole from , not the . inclination. The Jity man Js d by 3 percent In the nauon as • wholt 137 to 151, npes !ell from 5111 to ll05; Sukarno Mourned L. Mendel n,·vers, (~ .. c.J. chairman ol ercover lnmtJcatlon that culminated robberiel ...,. up rr.m 15,llD to Jl,ll05, · •--• -••-the and ••-vated ---··"· climbed from the House Armed Servlet!S Committee, tn wee-.euu r-.m.acrou nation. 'If 1 ... 7-to 1• 721 -v.•bo has been publicly wavering bet.ween Two of those arrested were criticllly U S Air' Jin M~ d.;....._. In , -s •"'-e•-from positions for and aginst student deler-woonded by federal eg•nta -... in • • . , er . .,....... ~ ..... = In· Indonesia; ments. New York, the other in Miami. 13 to 1119 to • thil year, and rapes So far Rivers has not even promi!ed While personaJJy discloal'ne Hi" k d La ds wereoflfromMtofP,butburglaries } d he will hold full hearings on Nl:1on's developments •t a ... uuy ca11ec1 news J ac e , n -1rom 1•111 to ,~., anc1 aur•vated Fun era Planne bill to elimin•t• that pro•i•ion or th• ·conlerence Sunday, Mitchell oave much uuult went· from S,352 to S,5'5. dr ft I wh. h I -A ltatement accompiitying -the report, a aw 1e guarantees a our-.ye1r ol the credit for Op.ration Eagle to At Carr' 0 Ai rnort ly ed b h FBI h I JAKARTA (UPI) -Thou8ands 0 r deferment to any student satisfactorily legal wire tap provisions. --. C _.. usual prepar Y t e ' was and • pursuing a course of higher instrucilon. He also pointed to the lhooUng in-ed this lime by the office of the attorney Indonesians stood shoulder to shoulder (About l.S million young me'tl currently eidenta aa fresh support for his stand CAIRO (UPI) - A Pan American general. today for a last glimpse of the coffjn hold such deferments). that Congress llhould pus President Nix-Boeing 7fll with 134 passengers aboard of fonner presklent Sukarno as it was But.-ii would be in accurate lo tab on's anticrime propoul provJding no-landed at Cairo-airport today after • 'home in a scarred army van from Rivers as the obstacle. The President's knock entry. "It would bave been .a diverting on a flight from Beirut, Dictator Reigns the home of his third wife to Halim P.rincipal lieutenant in the house, GOP ereat help to us," he said. Lebanon, to Rom~, the Middle East leader Gerald R. Ford of Michi&an. let The attorney 1eoeraI said the two News Agency (MENA) reported. Airport fi ve miles away. it be known .recently he favors 1tudent wounded men were among three men The Egyptian agency eave no reuon At Ecuador Helm The body of Sukarno, who died Sunday defennents an~ 1L1UI it is proved who "resisted when qents announced for the diversion.· at 69, was seal~ in lhe teak coffi n otherwise, opposes the administration bill their presence." Agents shot one man An official at Rome's International at midnight Sunday and flown today that would d,o away with them in his home alter they said he aimed Airport and a spokesman for the airline QUM'O, Ecuador (AP) -President 1 Ford's second-in-command; Republican his weapon at them. The other man in London said the plane apparently Jose Velaso Ibarra took dictatorial to the family cemetery at B itar in whip Leslie Arends of Illinois, says he was shot in a car by an agent who was hijacked, but neither had any details. powers Sunday nipt after a week Df East Java. goes along with the ·President on th• reported being grabbed on an ann and The airliner, on a night from Beirut street fighting between students of Quito's The burial site was decided by Presi· issue but admits he has not done much dragged about 75 feet after the- ·car to New York with stops in Rome and Central Univenlty and Police. Some dent Suharto and his cabiilet, which to push the proposal. Arends, ranking which agents forced to a curb began Paris, left Beirut at 1:41 a.m. PM'. fighting was reported on the campus rejected a tearful appeal from two of Republican· on the Armed Services Com- pullinJ away again. One -hour later the pilot, Capt. Jay W ly loday, and shooUng could be heard Sukamo'.s wives, Japanese-born Madame mittee, said recently he had not uked Melnwhile, Mitc&ll told reporters Bum, called the ~1 tower at Nicosia, there through the night. Ratna Sari Dewi and Madame Hartini. Rivers whether he intended to hold draft "quite a few" operations of the scope Cyprus, airport and said he was diverting · The official reason for the takeover They had asked Sukarno be burled hearings. of the one clima:1ed during the weekend the fiight to Cairo. He gave no reason was an imminent Supreme Court ruling beneath a shade tree of his home in Arends said he had not been asked can be launched withln a year. for the change. declaring presidential tax dec;ees un-Batu TUiis, 40 miles south of Jakarta. by the \Vhite House lo press Rivers A~ked i~ there are more comin,, he Jn addition to the 134 paJseDl'rs, In· constitutional. But observers ~beved. th~. Madame Dewl flew here from Paris for action - a situation which bothers replied-with-one-word: !!Undoubtedly.-"-cluding-one infant.---the~aircraft--wu car-_reaLreuon J!U the studen_t rebellion Saturday with her daughter by Sukarno. so me GOP draft reform advocatt1. When'questi<ined if they would be coming · rylng nine or JO crew members, Pan ~ainst the eove~t. . . · Kartlka-Sari;-!. Madame -Oewi-sakl--"1--would-say-that-the· ch8nca-for_ learned the Bible is not a safe place to liide money. Ohn-told-police someone broke into bis home and stole ~ which was stashed in the Bible m bis bedroom desk. soon, he reponded again with just me Am said. Velasco Ibarra 1 assumption of die· Sukarno, the architect of Indonesia's in-a draft bill thJs year are doubtful unless word: "Hopefully.!' (In Beirut a spokesman fM the tatorlal powers was said to have the dependence, had expressed the wish to the President indicated strongly he ~· The attorney general said Operation Popular ~t for the Liberation of full support or the military, and it was · be buried at Batu !J'ulis. wanted some action," said Rep. Robert • Eagle was aimed at diminishing. "the Palestine (PFLP) said "We have believed the real ltrongman ln the new All eight of Sukarno's ehilden sat Stafford, (R-Vt.) . flow of hard narcotics into and wilhin nothing to do with this tkwf Of amateur dictatorial regime is the president's beside the coffin while thousands filed Stafford indicated he would like to Fi!herman Fred Simon1 of Great Yarmouth, England won't have trouble getWlg b811 for the next few days. While fish!·ng for shrimp J't-- cently, he ca ugh a sea wonn eight and one half feet long. th~ United States.'~ thing. We could do this ....:. hijaclJng nephew, Defense M'milter Jorge Acosta by the body . lying in state in Madame see Nixon "exert some m11SC!e'~ on the By concentrating the !~era! en-planes taking off from an Arab country Veluco. Dewl's suburban h<rne. issue. forcement on the ,IOW'ces -that is, -every day." Jn the put, the PFLP ------------------------------------------- wholesalers. and distributors of narcotics has claimed respoosibility for aeveral • Thirty members of the Grim Reepers. a Pekin, IJI., motorcycle -club, rode in the lead of a funeral procession through Bloomington Tuesday for L. W•yne Martin, 24, a _cyclist killed in a collision last weekend. At the request of Martin's father, members of the club also served as pallbearers. They wore white shirts and sleeveless denim jickets bearing thfir club insignia. • The 26 pem at the new, $150,· 000 Yonkers, N.Y., Animal Shel· ttr art empty and city officialJ art investigattno their comtruc· tion. Duke, a 110-pound blood· hound, jumped against a fivt· foot-high, four-inch.-thick cindtt· block welt of his outdoor cage Sunda11, sending it cra1hing into anothlr, which in turn tumbled to the ground, • .A. Paris appeal~ court rece~nuy suspended IS.month jail sentence of 2Q..year-o1d Frerlque Delange, ar- rested last month during a raid on a grocery store in which leltwing 1tudents stole bags of food and dis- tributed them to slum dwellers. -we believe we can interrupt the aircraft hijactlng) supply lines sufficiently to curtail ad-' diet~ particu]Jrly amone our younc," he said. Mitchen insisted Operation Eagle "wookl have been Impossible" wilhout th.e provisions for court-a ppr ov e d wiretapping as contained in the 1968 Crime Control Act. He said such "'court- approved electronic sufveillances" were on telephones in Miami, Chicago and New York :·we believe that this Of)eralion is a prime example, .. he said, "of how ll'e have been able lo make use o( this lool that has been given to us by the Congress." Raging Refinery Fire Claims Tiu·ee-Lil'ei; . FRANKLIN, Pa. (AP) - A weekend f1r~ at the Witco Chemical Co.'s Amllie refinery raged more than 30 hours, killed three men and destroyed more than a mi!Lion gallons of fuel and lubricants Refinery Manager L. C. Birrell ~id aboul 20 to 40 percent of the mu!Umllllon- dollpr facility's production capacity was destroyed by the fire,· which began after a series of e:1plosions Friday. By the time the flames were extinguished Satur- day, crumpled hunks of blackened 1teel v.•ere all that remained of 1bout 40 s torage tanks. They had contained oil, gasoline and highly volatile naphlha. Marine Cries Over 1st :Verdict DA NANG, South Vieblam (UPI) - When a Marine Corps cour\·martial sentenced Pvt. Michael A. Schwatz. 21, to life imprisoament for the murder of Vietnamese wo01e11 and children. Pre. Thomas R. Boyd burst into tears. Boyd, 19, of Evansville, Ind., Is the next to be tried on the same charges. His trial was scheduled to begin Tuesday following a pretrial hearing. ' The seve•man military court con- victed Schwan: on 12 of 16 counts of premeditated murder Sunday Jn the dealhl-of-five---women-and-1-1-childrn during a night patrol Feb. 19 in a hamlet of the village of Son Thang, 27 miles south of this northern coastal city. Schwarz. a four·year Marine veteran from Weirton, W. Va., was sentenced to life imprisonment, d i s h o • o r a b I e discharge and foreilure of all pay all~wa•ces. \'(hen Boyd was told of the verdict outside the courtroom, he wept. "We salute the flag and we're out there fighting for it and they put him iit jail for life," Boyd said. "They don't care." Under -military law, Schwarz' sentence will be automatically appealed. Hailstorm Socks South High Winds Wreak $100,000 Damage in Norfolk .....,... Qlllftwftlll f!H flfr w11!l'ler ....., ..,.... '°""' Mrlll mor11!n1 low ~ O!ld '°' lft the CNllll a.<llot>1. wl9' -•"*'-cloudlllht 1 ... th• 11W1119IM •lld ..... ,.. "*9 .. , 11111• '""""''11•1 cht!lff. Wlllt lfll hi.it 11 LOI A"'9111 Civic ~ •MC:fld fo bl IO, 11'11 Mml 11 ,_.,,, Clwrftl.rtt low Wll l~llk!l'<I """"· Ttl9 Air ,. .. l11llotl Control Dl1lrk1 ~ moder•.. ''"°' In 1111 1 ... 111111111 lfalll¥1. 11 ... t 1lllWltefw IOl!er. ei.tll 1rM1 -• clolldll In the """*"• wltll Hrflr ...,,,.,, s.liltl 111 ,,. .,..,._ .,,,, I 111911 nHr ... wflh tlw ...... ts. -....1111 11'1111 *-tf l'ltcl 11,111~lnt. .... ,..... .. "" .. .,.. .....,. '°" .. --"' -11. IOUTHl!aN CALll'OflNIA -MOtltll ,..,. I'll'.... T""'°'ll llllt 1'119111 I nd ~ .... tilllck• 11111 fOI CNlll l ..,..... 1/ld -,,,.,_ cllllilll ........ IM .,_. .,._,.,., Llllll r.n-r· --· LOI AHGELES-N .. 111 •lllf mornlnt i.. dtlldl 11111 her• 11111111\lnt lft 1tt.r· -"'"""" TuetdlY. Ll"ll mnw .. ._ cf••-· OYlmll!lf ............. H ...... ll'CMHT COMCE,.TIOH TO Ml!XICAH IOllOl:tlt-t..""1 .,..,lffle w!Nt 11ffhl lflf ,.,.,,.,1,.,. '*1rt IMcflr!\1111 _,. ..... 1111 WUI II to 11 ~llltt In eftlt• .....,. lllrawll Tu.dlf. Nl9M l l'ld "*"'1111 low CIGWll 11111 H rll., 111/llllr 1ff•n10C1'"· Lllll1 19"'1-1111r1 WllM. ----':.c .... t NO INl.llMlil»Af \!A,LLEV~IM nltM l lld 11rlr ll'lOI',.. 1111.._a.. .................. Mry MllflfM ....... ..., ...... .,. Llftl9 tlmo _,"',. "'-· °""'"'"""" ·-jt 1• ... " ..... ,...,.. .. flHt 1!'11 (fli l "' .. 11111111 .,.. ••• IPI Wl&TWll IOTOtASl® c ...... Hitt 11,11\$11lnt fOIMly, Ll9hl ¥1rl1blt win.1 n.lt fll I Nf mcwftlnt l'looi~ ,_. comltlt 1011ttrwnt to wnt 10 to 11 k""' lft 1li.rnooftl lodtY 1"'41 Tllft. d.lr. Hltll fodtr ... C.1111 1-11r11ru '"1" from • to ... lnlt/1111 ""'-•tuf'ft , ...... lrtim 60 t. 11, Wtttr lftrlptrl!\lr'I '5. s... llfoon. rues MOHOAY SfCOl'>d l\ltll , ....... 1':°' P.m. 5.t ffCO!ld ~" , t:OO P.m. 2.• 'Ul $0AY f._lc&r_hlaa :i.;.ll.t.m,..4,.l l'lrll low •.• ··••••• ... 7:t• '·'"· .(l,f lft..W Mtll .................... . Stailllll ................. 7:11 '·'"· 2.• ""' •1-•:4 1.111. '''' 1:011.m. ,.._ ..... 101111•1'1'1· Slit 1:01 1.m. CW.f'!'lltlll 1lormt wllll 111111 •1rldl. !flv+411tMo•ll" erMI lteM blltwld "" s.utll .-rty ,..., '""' • nllllt o1 Ollll'\ICllon. • Allllllavtnn.11 A11Chor- All1n!1 fl11<1r.f11ld fllsm1rtk '"" flollon llrttWlllVlltt Chlt•llO ClflcllVllll o.n ... , Des Moina Dttroit l'1!rt1tnk1 For1 Worth ' ' • . . ~ank Car. Blast Ruins Small Town CRES<;ENT CITY, lll. (AP) -Two tu.k cars containing propane gas still were aflame today, but officials were allowing reskients to filter back into this small town which was nearly destroyed by a series of explosions after a train derailment. Fjve explosloas spread walls or flames through the town arter a freigtt train carrying 15 iank cars filled with liquid propaae gas derailed in the center or town just before sunrise Sunday, state poli9t' said. Ul"I T...,...M Ahh-Ooo-Eee Hog fa rmer, H. ff. Oli· ver, lets loose with his Riot Spark Investigated -yell-resembling-a cross between Tarzan's and a • ~ fast freight train. Oli- ver's call won the 1970 National Ho 11 er i n ' championship at Spiv- ey's Comer. N.C. Free and • now., 1 For a limited time you I I can become a Charter Member of Centinela Bank's 1 new regional office in · Newport Beach, and get . , a free personal checking account for your entire life! You'll even get a free order of personalized scenic checks! Charter Business Accounts get a free order of regular checks and endorsement stamp. All accounts insured to $20,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Services of Centinela Bank o Drive-in TV Teller Banking o Boat-in Banking at our 65-foot dock o Dock-to-Dock Bank Customer Pickup and Delivery Service o 24-Hour Local Yacht Race Results and Daily Fishing Repbrts' oExtended banking hours: 8:30-Spm Monday- Thursday, until 6pm Fridays o Free Bank-by-Mail Service . . . ' . llJ Cenli :ela Ba :1c:· Newpor I Bead: Speoulsts in Mai :e Bm:kii:g Services 3333....., Coait ~(cl Nowpcrt BcJ..ad)No•part Boad\Cdib1.U 921tiO Fl1on1d1,j6.7121 _J • Monday, Jllftl 22, 1970 DAILY l'lllf J Arabs Warn U.S. I Israel Continues Atiackl on Egyp~ lift by the departure from commandoo fired machloe Jordan of King Huaeln'• guns and hurled hand uncle, Lt. Gen. 6h'9' )l•llft' grenades at a tourist bus in Bin Jamil. The guerrillas the lsr,.H«eupied city ol regard him as their . arcb I Hebron and rocketed the city enemy and said his departure of Beisaa and three other for London l)ad contributed -to a significant llghtenlni ol laraeU communities. tension bl Jordan. ...n.ere wu , ~ i'!Jmediate In Jordan an Arab m.-fri!la port ~y Israeli officials .on • . •-~ the 'Arab clalnu. spokesman said Al Fatab ()(ficlals at the fiv&naUon Trio Hijack h·an Plane Arab summit in Qie Llbyan capital of Tripoli sakl the leaders hlSI agreed on a "specific ·rorm of reaction" If the United States decided to sell more warplanes to Israel, u the government of premier Golda Meir repNied. ly has requetted. WEIGHT•· WATCHERS. • Somt l•lklng, '°"" lilftning •nil"· 1 progr1m thlt works. ,. I Piil llOCHUll-CAll US.5505 Judge a Mercedes-~~ mlles of twisting back roads.- Not"once around the block in light traftlc!' W E IUJLD our automobiles to perform under stress. To take on roads that have-pot- hOles for pavement and elbows for curves. The kind of roads that can be fo und in Germany's Black Forest where we test our cars. But' you can probably find a road like that near ypu. And that's where you should head if you really want ·to find out what a Mercedes-Benz is all about. Independent ...... mlon You'll find our fully independent racing-type suspension lets you fi· nesse your .V/aY through those tricky bends and switchbacks. Not plow throuah them. Our rear axle is articulated. It f]Qes so each rear wheel can move up and down independently of the other-just as I.he front wheels do. Soaks up the bumps and dampens the bouncing. Taut steering Our optional power stccrin1 is very polite. It lets you drive. it doesn't drive you. It's taut and responsive. without the usual inch or two of sloppy play. You can feel the whcdl trac.kina:, even at hia:h speeds. Yet, when you're tryina: to squeeze into a ti&hi parkina: spot, you can 1pin the wheel 1round, Jock-to-lock, in lhree turns effortlessly. Our engincen call this "progres- sive assistance."The more power you need in the steerina:, the more you get. But we don't overdo it. You'll aever get the feeling that you're twirling a telephone dial iDstcad of steering a.car. Four disc bnku The brakes are built to give you a controlled, straight stop instead of that other kind. Even when you stop short from high speed (a nice way tq say''panic stop"), We put four massive disc brakes on every Mercedes·Bcnz. Standard cquip.D}cnt. No options. Only one American car provides four disc brakes asstandarG--.nd that's a two passenger m9del, not a full-sized sedan. Engine: fnglle u •rock. Our overhead cam engine can cruise at RPM levels that leave com· pctitors floating their valves in dis· belief. · Bearings are delicately machined to within 4/10,000ths of an inch. Pis- tons and connectina: rods are pain· stakingly matched and balanced. And each engine is bench-tested for at least 60 minutes. Car & Driver claims that a Mer- cedes.Benz "will whistle across coun- try at average speeds simply beyond the realm of comprehension for the average American driver.~ Mtr<Wlts-l«lt 2'o SE.• S.,..JAIU• l""-i11l«l4d """'"""" udM, Whkh ckieln~ IUrprioe .... ""' We don't build can for. tbe "'aftllo age" American drivir. ... Ask your dealer-for-.a-teat ddw. Judge for yourself. New brochurea You can set a brochure tb:at wftl a:ivc you more details about Merce- des-Benz automobiles. Just send in this coupon. If you're planning a European trip, check the box to sec bow much you can save with our oveneas de- livery plan. But the best thina: you can do is visit one of our showrooms. Our representative will be a:lad to tell you about any of our sixteen modelt. And be sure to take that testdlive. ~ 1no, --"'-'--. i... r--------------, I @ Jim lltmOM tmporta. Inc. I 120 W. WilfMf Ave. I Santa Ana, Calif. '2717 I I l'lua and me ,our rllll-color bf'DCbl&n ol I I the Muoedes-Beni lllOIM can. I I a Plea• lnc:ludc IM Merades·leu Cilikle I co European Ddlwry. _. I ' I I I I....,_ I lc11y r .... I I 21, Tdlpbonc I L---------------..J Jim Siemens Imports, Inc. 120 W. Warner A venue, Santa Ana. Californ1t 9i707 Phont: n4-546-4Il( . . . . • • 8AILY PU..OT EDITOBIAL PAGE1 Whole New Ball -Came Beach acc111 or lack ol It ha1 become a whole city pl'CIYides liflpll'd and beacll cleaaup aervic• for new ball game .; the result of lhe Califonn Supreme the company'• beach. Court's upholding of a SUperlor Court ded1lon. The city recently flied a complalnl against the cor· '!be lower and hif,ber courll held that 11 people have poraUon seeking to ·eslahlllb recreaUonaJ public ease-, been using 1 beach reety without sllbillcant objecUon menll over the beach. from the beach owner over a period al years. an Implied 'Ibo stakes are;. If the dty I0111 Ila accesa case. dedlcatioo of land t~ the public bu. btel) made. 'flje ll could wind up pa g MO mllllon for the 2~ mlleo ol owner cannot even build on 1Ucb a beach. ·. beach. This could a · result from "inv1r1e cooclemna. 'Ibis is the beglnnlnK of what likely will be a classic lion'~ wherein the dty limply "'°"" in and takes full court battle to give californians something at least close possesston. Tbe corporatioa. could then sue for payment to what the public In Oregon and j{ewaii, for esemple, of the land's martet value, wblch Ibo dty attorney at hu loog been guaranteed _ free access to ~U beeches. one. point estimMed might be MO million. By compariaon, about half bf Orange County s shoreline In the case of Salt Creek Beach, the county counsel ts in public ownership. . . . has been seeking evidence of th~ public'• previous use of the beach and the abendoned Salt Creet acces1 toad. Repercussions from the far-leaching decis1C?D5 are The beach Is about a mile ton1. Advertiltnr for such already being' 1,11 on the Orange Coast. especially In . testimony, the county bas already received hundreds of Huntington Belich and at Salt Creek Beach between letters In.support of Ibo public's "prescriptive rights" to Monarch Bay and Dana Point. u. -mil; beach access I ----"--.;~~~-~°'!;!~~~-Mbds..strelcbini~-<~-es · · :.. norlbwt1! from the mun!dpal pier are owned by lb;;ec-----"'l'li~t)'11arbeguirslmllaradvar!lsing-.ppeals Huntington Pac:lflc Corporation. (Ownenhlp goes bade In connection with Upper Newport Bay. Whether suits about 1 ball ce!l!ury and tnvolvei Huntintrton Beech will be brought In court Temaim to be seef!. Company, which is 64 percent owned by Sla"."™'d Oil Clear'ly, "beach access" is.no longer just a plaintive Company of California, and the Southern Pacific Com· cry. Positive action ii in the Works. pany which owned Pacific Electric. PE operated Ibo famed Big Red Cars which ran down the beech to ~­ boa fl>r many years.) The HunlillJ{lon Pacific beach has always been open to the publlc. Wben Ibo company built an aparlment house on the beach near the pier, a strong point was made of Ibo fact the building wu designed_ !o avoid denial of public acceis to the beach In front of 11. Now as a result of the court decision, the city of. Hunttngion Beach bas bllllJed issuance. of '"'I' more building pelTl)its on the Huntington Pacific oc-rnnt land. And the ·cdmpany is asking the City Council ~beth· er it wants to rlinew the $46,251 contract under which the The Abortion Decisions Tbet the state cannot legislate morality and that abortion 'should be a personal decision between patient and physician has grown rapidly as a public issue. Sur .. pri.singly for conservative Orange County, two recent court decisions here have moved in this direction. Cases are now moving toward U.S. Sup!lme Court decision, which should come prDl)lpUy to end the uncer-tainty. . • ----• -7 'Here is the hatulyl/!Ork of ;your heroea.~ Our Basic Words • • Can't Be Defined: Escape From Red Cuba ls ·conflict_With the Senate SCIENCE JS BY no means free ol m a dlfinlttan of "normality." And "bap- plnm" II a word that eluded even Arllflllle; II bell, be cllrlfled !O< • -~ iJ .... aod bow tt dlllen -..... pltuure ... -ldloq • ~ 11 _. to me lhlt Ibo bumln ,_ -11 """""""" lo -ma1 be_~ ·--Uve __..In ---tm 'Ille moot ft can do II collect ....:.......· lo ......... of lift llld .... ..i liberty aod jUlllce aod hap-. plneas. By trial and experience, we can learn whh:h paths are dead-ends or which lead us around in circles. .Complicated ~ I .WASlilNGTON -'Ibo tbouahi bu oc- tm'red to varloul White Houee staffers WASlllllGTON -Sonni lumdred that Ibero are oven-of Woodrow ~ c:IUuns stnnded in Cube are Wlllon's claaic coafJicl with the U.S. being oupportad by the U.S. Government ~_!g_fraideot.N-'a pr"'°t rell· lhnlugb mnaJI lllOlllblJ •illlislenoe loaaa.(tlOiiiliip with Congrea. NIJon 1eem1 to Tlie Jollll oH --and -be nare of the -'ble pll'IUel. and tD Pt a moatb for bxlt9lduals IDd $109 IO be must allo be awtre that Wil90n r... flllllllies. Recipi81 sip J1IOllllaory "u crushed in bta collision with the notos to r<pay Ille _,. alter Ibey S-te an ratilicatlon of Ibo Covenant ntum lo Iha U.S. 'Ille fmlds are polcl of Ille Loque of Nallolll nearly 50 out in CUboD _, by Ibo -ye111 .1go. embuly-wlllch bu talcfn core of 'Ibo lalue todly is neither IO dramatic Amartcan --CUtro ltiJed nor "' spedfic but c:anlnlt. Ibo ..... of Nboa'1 ,,_ recelvtq ---... -with ea.. -.... 7111 _..., cllboM sr• fl wider, Jn. wiltmc lo pl oat of Cabe ... Ibo -_.,, domestic af. fli.,..._.,U. pi.. for tbat pur-loin llao. N-is , being tempted lo Ip. peol lo Ille people, u did Wilson with. dis- asterous rtllllts both ,, for the League of ~-'""''"'' _ _."'""""""""'';; Nations and for "'""'---· himself. Wilson suffered 1 stroke while lo Meslco. 'l!Ils lrl!llpO<I, arreced by touring the nation lo fin public support the Mtlican government in February for his concepts or world order. With ( • lUchard W .... 197%, and that could, in fact, prove }. to be the case. THERE IS NO PROBLEM for Ainew . •.:.,.,. Ht can campeign at will because the ...,_...,,._...J""l~=~~:"..~-klea ia-generally ccepted-that •-Vice 13 antl~rime billa he has requested. The DemocraUc leadership has ttacled aharply. A kind of confrontation Is therefore building up between the Pres!. dmt and Congress whk:h bas · 11>me similariUes in tone to Wi\Jon's conflict. In these circumstances it would be very 1urprislng Jf President Nixon did not rise to the issue with • vigorous attempt lo wln addIUona\ Republican seats in Congress. The Democrats, in effect, are inviUng him to do so. l LETl'ER TO NEW voters over the signature of Democratic N at Ion a I Chainnan Lorence F. O'Brien 11y1: "I coulil give YoU many rtUOlll why you should (help the Democrats), but I have answered the party's call because president can be partisan without of. fending political morals. A preskient i1 jn a somewhat different category 11 president or all the people and ii ex. pected to tread more lightly in the fields · of partisanship. Franklin D. Roosevelt surmounted this obstacle even in wartime bv tours or defense plants. Dwight D. Eisenhower was Jess suc· cessful touring airports. If the issue is to be Nixon, as O'Brien suggests, the President's way can be made easier. He can expose himself· this fall by cl'OSS-COWty tours and by television appearlllC!:S and get his points acf'Oll without clamortn1 for the election 9f a RepubUcal) Congress in a spirit of partisanship. of mainly hft: One ls President Nb:on. AN EFFORT OF THAT kind is bound The other iJ Vice Presid<nt Agnew. lo be .....,.bat tra_....1 and how this problem. Wt uae the term "life" every day, and we can all rouchl1 agree on what it means. But to a bWopt tt iJ lmpoolihle lo agne oa~ satlslldory definition_of "life." 'Ibere..are blurrinp, and gradations, and IOnletimes even con- tradiction as to what is a "living" WE CANNOT DD'JNI "liberty'" fer a social order, but we can l.g:ree that certain SJllems will only produce non- llberty. We do not know What "IOVi" is between persons, but we can see how certain ltts of attitudes create only conflict aod dlaonance. History iJ the art ol. collecting non-an!IWt!rs, and ~y Is the art of avoiding the same mlltakes th.It have been made in the past. 1911,-bas so far eoaNed around MlO a new Republican president in 1920 the Americans to flee the Commllnist·ifiled--,,;.eague QieGiiI'"iiflSS isbnd. O'Brien plead! for help in winning "this much a president can influence the ou t. year's all important elections." '"n1e c;ome of. a congressional election is open;~-----future-of-Ri~-Nizcm deptncU-on--to·question:-But1hmnalie qultTfOffign creature and what is not. • And real education consists not ao much in "knowing'' a subject 11 In understanding the limitaUons of our koowledge -not limitations because we are still Ignorant, and will learn more,· but beeau1t of the futlte mode and capablUUes of our own minds. "lf no one uks me what 'time' b," said St. ~Au,..tine:7''r know wtiat it Is; but U -e alb me, I do not know what Umt is." LAWYEllS, OR philosophers, cannot really deOne tbe eaence of "justice" any lllOA -l")'Cbialrills can qrte But it seemi to be an intxtrie.tble port of the tunan conditloa that the mon deeply .,. dell'<, -1!1< lea "!"' we become oC what we are talking about. nus is not an argument for mnaining lporant -but 1... ualnfr all the knowledge we can get u humbly u wt know how. Maybe thls, finally, is wbal all BibleJ are lrylna lo tell ... Favors;. Beilenson Bills To !be Editor; After •tudylnC Senator 11<-·· biDs and J(l.11' editorial and Jett.era to the editor coacerntng them, I am now even more firmly convinced that IDCiety can- not and Mluld not legislate morality. Same of -bills clearly would restrict tbe doclor from using his modlcal JudlDienl In deciding the welfare of hls polient. aod yet, the C.lifomia Medical -iJ lllPPortloi them. OoWd tt be that ·-. who ... in a Po'ltloa lo view dally the human milery made worse by law, fee.I they moil do IOUlethiJ!(! IT 11 EASY FOR U1 lo judp, llld lo talk ailout In in the C<Wnfort and -1 of our lfllutnt IUburbs. Bui thale who mne face to face daliy with 1fM ignorance, poverty and unen-- durable sufferfnc come more readily lo reaUze 1ha~ when deoilng with the humu condition, mercy must be the bqq of jmtk:e if we are to retain our bmnanlly. Perhaps I ~Toolllh but I still !>elleve -Jn -·· lnhemit desitt lo iw-rve and llUl'lln life, and I do not lhlnt ,...---•• Ge•"9e ---. • Deer Georst; I bull! a bin! bath for my porrot 11111 the MfCN>or•a do( liel In II 11111 ,.CS It ftlthy. My neighbor just ilUlhs wbat I complain. What can I do! ANNOYED Dur Annoyed: ,_ ,_ lllnOI lo bark all .. Then ..hen your ncl1hbor .... o!m, IMke 0 borglin. there II'! many d 111 who consider prepaney a light matter. NOR DO I BELIEVE lborUon It a good IOtuUon. But, until information about and means for birth control or even sterllizaUon is made available to every woman , regardless or age or marital status, abortion (legal or Illegal) will continue to be a solution for many desperate women. Sex ·u here to stay, and url1ess thtte ts mass, malt sterlllution -an unlikely situation -women will continue to pay the price for It, especially the poor and the ignorant. For, in this case, as in mcart others, the rich will continue to buy &heir way through and the poor will bear the bn!nL 90, DESPITE the fact that some may take advanta1e of lhe new laws, t sttll agree with the CMA and favor llberallu· tion. At leut •lil 1bese matten are put where they boloni -into the bands o/ the potltnt and doctor • JOA!iN Df:VEIIE ' 1bla OOCH·month Mexican plane is bt no way .. totad lo the twtce.dally plane tramporling to the U.S. Cuban nationals who want to escape the Castro dictatorship. 11IE SUBSISTENCE loam are granted under 1 lllw whicll .UO... the government to lend money to cit.lzens abroad who want to return home. The funds include lnlllportltion costs. A stale Department oHiclal esUmated several hundred other American ciUzens are registered with the Swiss emba1sy but have not sought repetriation. In lddHion, It is belleved lnolher 200 U.S • citirens are in CUba who have not registered -for varioua: reasons. It was pointed out thait American citiJtns who sign up to leavt are im- mediately fired from tbelr jobs a n d their posseuiOM marked for coofiscaUon when they deport. The Castro rtsimt pumitl foreipen lo hold good positions if they ~gnify wilUncn1&1 to 1tay. U.S. authorities believe there are several hW>dred Americans in that category, THINGS WENT smoothly for a few months after the once-a-month Mexican Dilbt for U.S. nationals was launched, but then a complication arose. "Wt ran into · difficulty with children w1th dual cltizenshtp," explain-ed the Slata Depa-oHictal. .. CUban la" requirel that a penon must be 21 to renounce hil cklRnlhlp, IO minon were trapped. In IOlnt instances we have been able to IOlvt this problem, in others we are stiD working on it. "Of late, the Castro regime has gotten very aUcky about rqulaUons, and is in no hurry to make· thin1s easier. It's ta'king lime to overcome the obstacles," The U.S. finances the dailY escape flights for Cubans, and the Castro govemment flatly refuses to Jet anyone not wholly ~uban use them. By Robert S. Allee llld Joa A. GoldsaJtll Quotes llolu Lereer, pnfeaor, Br a 1deI1 Unlvtl'lllJ 1Dd 1)11dleoled oe-pn co~ umaltt -110ur teachers, administraton and school board members are under the necessity or stretchln1 themeelves as never before. ThiJ ls how the educa- tional system hu aJweys grown in American his'°1y. ll ha1 arown through criais. It has crown by hlvlng burdens put upoa IL" NIXON HAS BEEN wrestling wiUt a Democratic leadership or the Senate which wishes to limit the presidential power in fighting undeclared wars. He previOW1ly has accmed the Senate of trying to deny him his rightful power to appoint Supreme Court jusOces. The general ccnflict has been carried a step farther by NiJ:on's criticism of Congress for falling to act in the housing "crisis", and for failure to C'CllJlplete action on . it!" ht concluded. to Ni1cm's nature to let the election If this means that the main Democratic go by without sophisticated 1Uempts Issue in the congressional elections this to influence the outcome. fall. is to be Nixon and Agnew they The risks Ile would take are probably both seem prepared to accept the minimal There is a good prospect now challenge, as they muat unless they of sufficient Republican gains in the are willing to have a Congress even Senate so that presidential intervention more difficult to handle. wouJd not seem to be a bad reversal. O'Brien'.s fervor apparently arises from 'J'be oUtlook ln the House is somewhat his conviction. that Democratic caim: this different but if the Republicans make fall would be .lhe curtain raiser for any gains at all it would be against making Nixon a one-tenn President in the historical trend and thus look 1ood. Dream ·Become · Nightmare One day not too b!I ago, Richard A. Lis went to a real estate office in a Chicago suburb and listed his plac& of business for sale. It was a real estate office. "It a:ot to be too much for me/' ht said. Worsening inflaUon, tighter money and higher interest rates are turning . the American dream of evtryone owning his own home in1o a nightmare. '·Vi rt ua It y all moderate-income families have been priced out of the housing market," says Rep. Wright Pat·· man (D-Texas), chainnan o(' the House Banking and Currency Committee. A recent staff study by his committee showed that 21.f million households could not afford the payments on I $20,000 ·house loan -the typk:al fin1ncing on hOUlel sold under 1overnment mort1ages. Housing starts have been declining sinc:e laJl summer, reports the National Association of Home Bullder1. Nathan H. Rogg, its vice president, states that . Dear Gloomy Gus: I •onder If the "New Left" ruilizes that to be succesaful under c1pltal· ian one has to 'havt a few thlngs &oinl for him--obilily. intaillgence. courage, individualism, creaUve-- neu and perseverance, for ex· ample. Under dictatorships, the masses do just wha t the planner1 tell them. -II. T. S. ""'...,... .................... ... -..urtry ...... .. ... -."". • .... ,..r Mt "'" "' ........, .... o.ltJ """· • , r during the f~st four months of the year. conslruction fell 21.6 percent from tbe 496,JOO unitl beiun during the same period in 1969. New starts totaled 1.4 million last· year and government economists have predicted that even with an upturn, producUm will be no hlcher this year. SINGLE F MUL Y homes have suffered the most during the current crunch. The NAHB estimates that 730,000 single family homes will be built this year, almost 50,000 fewer than In 11199, when lhe last. crisis occW'J'ed in the housing market. Many bulldtn are loslna: interest in single family hcnpes llld want to concentnte on apertmerQ: a n d developments. Michael Sumlchrast, the group's chief economist, e i p I a Ins : "Builders, due to lhe shortage of hmds, are now putting up larger and more costly units, since It is .easier to get financing on this type of unit." Less costly · new home1 can l1ill be found in metropolitan areas, but m•nY are far from the city. Mainly, they are homes insured by the FederaJ Houl· Ing Administration or guaranleld by Ibo Veterans AdmJnislrat.ion. EYen tbete have gone up sharply In price. The only ')ow COl!lt housing available Jn many mas Is mobile boml5. An estimated 400.IOO were IOJd Jut year. Hauling c:<llla llfe being pushed upward ·11y the "four t'1'1 -laod, llbor, loins aod. lumber and other bulkllnc materials. TO STIMULATK the -inC market, the Senate has approved an ad· ministraUoo·spon.sored plan a1!thorbtnc • the Federal Home 1-Bank lo subsidize loans lo the notion's ssvings aod Joan aaaoclaUoru, the largelt · einllt source of credit for home construction. The bill perm.lb states to chtrge lower interest rates than required by federal law for urben renewal or public housing projects. Plana are allo under discussion to lnsuiate mortgage financing from the effects of restrlctivt monetary practices aimed at res!r1lnlng inllation. One idea calls for flexible interest rates on housing that ID up and down along with other interest ~ts. Supporters say it would attract more money into the mortgage market. "Impatlence for quicker resolu~ 1kln ol. tlisUng housing deficiencies is predictable," says the Morgan Guaranty Survey of the prospecta for approval of such proposals. But even if you can find your dream house and have the money to pay for it, your troubles are not over. Main~ tenance cosl3, utilities and taxes art ltill on lhelr WIY up. ----- Monday, June 22, 1970 The tdiCorial pooe of the Daily Pilot 1eekl to inform and 1tim.- Mla:tt readcrr bw pt"t1enting thi.I nN.rpaper'1 opiniom and com- mntorv OK topics o/ inttrese and rigni/kance. bw providing a forum for the • .,,..,_ of .. , ,...,.,,. opl-• ..i br presneino Che dlwru vitw- pointt of inform1d ob1erver1 ond apok<1111<n °" topicl of th< dau. Robert N. Weed, PubU~ , . • • . •• ' ... J • • • . . -----·-) -· :iu.. "· tm D.111. V 1'11.0'1 1 --- CHECKiNG . Congressional Record Still-· a Bargain -e • UP e WASHINGTON (AP) -It $4.SO. representative 70 names on into print. Moreover, /,illy Jn a single recent lssue, J. Rooney , D-N .Y .. and a will IOOl1! coli more to The Record cosls between the subscription lilt. That ac-eenator or rtpruentaUve can picked at random , a devoted lribute to the basketball COICQ aublcrlbeio thlt Unique com· $3.5 million and $4.5 million counts for t0,450 copies. 'Iben, put anythinc be pleaes into reader coukl enjoy -beside o( LaSalle High Sc hool, } ' P""''"" ol offlclal actions and annually to publish -at $116 all the Ub~aries across the the Record by ancUng up the ofUcill proceedinp -~ Philadelphia, Charles O'Brien, widH'ancirll opJnioos, The a page -depending largely country des 11 n ate d u and sayinc, "I uk 1n1nimous quW.tionl on aucb 1Ubjectl u retirlnt: after 38 years on tbe 'John' Not the Most ~ Record. on the length of the con-depositories of ,ovemment consent to revtle and extend the site or the forthcomlna job. . But kwen. ol p r J n t e d gressiona1 1 e s s I o n , and documents get free cople&. my remarks and insert ex-Olympic games, the length of Thll is bj no means a com- Arnmiclna Will ltill find It Cori&J'elS ur.derwrites most of Tboee who pay for the traneous matter." government contrldl f o r plete liJt of the contents ol a blqaln -all the more the cost. Even with the in-Record, mOltly lawyers and 'No one is ever cad enough trub removal, and Romanian a single grayish, .amall·type if, like moet of its Jll'CIMl'll crease, subscription income businessmen with a special to object. independence day: issue of lhe1 Record, which readers, they can wancle a will not amount to more than interest in 1e1lllaUon, get far, AcCOrdi.ncly, some fairly He could, If he Uked, read averaces more than 200 pages. free subacription. 10 percent of the coat. far more for their money than 11.1IJllM'oua exchanges Of\ oc-the full tezts ol the three Unlell-the Senate or HOUR President Nlxoft Jias Q>ed A spokesman for l he · the account of Concnu' ~ casioo .. llJPear in the record wiMing !fpeeehes 1n a fifth sits really late -well beyond legisl11Jon permitUn1 an 1n-Govenunen& Printing Office, eeedinp -of Miich . the ttlDllDated mto IOl;Uething grade oratorical contest 1n nlidnight -GOP hi.a the surch ~eall such a man crease in the . subeeMPtion which prod~ the Record, Record, moft or lets, consllLs. like, "I think '4be pnUeman Tuscaloosa County Ala. ' Record, revl9ed, extended and works ai ,,._ before be rate, 9et in llMI at $1.50 a said 90 percent ' of its 49,000 · More or leas, becw every' wu m•a""" " If he was interested in · trimmed by its $35 con- .-Popular of Names By L. M. BOYD CIJITOMER SERVICE "Moat popular man's name in the United Slates ia John, :?rrect?" A. Not anymore. Michael now is No. 1. Next eight in . order are John, Robert, David, S t e v e ~ , Anthony, WWlam; Jooepb ond Christopher. Names that used to be la the 1op.10 but .... 1 anymore "are Charle!, Georae .. · Edward, James, Lewis, n-. cis and Samuel. ' J--JDOl)lh. WhUe the new amount clrculaUon. ls free. member bu tbe prlvUqe of And much. much, that was personaliUes, he coukl peruse gressiooal edit.on:, complete runs the place. Now that is 1 1w not been settled, it is EICb senator is alk>wed to rtwritiJ'lc, or even delltlna never aid ·at all on the floor an account, favorable, of the and ready for dlatribution the man with 81 apecial connec-likely to be between ft and put 100 names and each bis remarks before the)' aei ol either houle pta In. voting record of Rep. John foJlowlng morning. tianl.Relearcbturther~veaJs,1_~-~-~--~--------------~~------'-------------------'-------'----~~ NO WONDER cockroaches look 80 peculiar. Their noses are on their legs ••• FAVOR- ITE DINNER entree in EthJ~ pia is raw beef ••• NOTE A SAN FRANCISCO service sta- tion thal sells nylon stockirigs orfers free installation ... AM TOLD THERE'S no record any rtal pirate ever wore a ring in his ear •.. WHAT DO the home gardeners spend the most money on? Gras~ seed. PROGRE&ll -Sa;y you're a good man who joins a com- pany ·at the bottom with am- bition to go to the lop. How Jong does it take you to get there? On the average, re- Top Speech Prize Won Business students fr o m Westminster High School aced out ·students-from -rour-other high schools to win the sweepstakes trophy in the se- cond annuaJ Kiwanis Business Skills Tournament. Division winners in the tourney held at Edison Hi1h School are : Mindy Willingham, Marina High S ch o o I , bookkeeping; lneta Rocers, Wettmluter High SchoOI, advanced shorthllnd: Cynthia Garrett, thlt such a man, who marries · the boss's daughter, finally takes charge 73 days sooner . lhln the ordinary fellow. Only '7S days IOODll'-?-Jt!s-not worth it. NOT COIJNTING "CARS, what "'" of transportation ·travels farthest each year? So inquires a cliellt. How .about elevators? Altogether they go far enough unually to equal about 300 round trips lo the moon ... NOW THIS ONE is a little hard to swallow, but Ult' I e g a I reaearchen say ·it's a n aboolute fact. In Puodena, Calli., it's against the law for a bmlnela man to remain In a room, alone with his lldy secretary. , Pt!."T NOTE - A veterin- arian tens me that best thing yo,i can do for your cat, if any, is add"'a little chopped celery to its food about oooe a week. EDITORS AND WRITERS -That large: literary light named Thomas Wolle always wanted to · write a pl.ay. He didn't make it, lhough. It wasn't until 20 years after hi~ death that a swift citlien named Ketti Frings turned his novel "Look Homeward, Angel" into a dandy drama. This Illustrates the litt.le- understood _fact _thaLa !a)ent for writing and a talent for editing ll'f: two diffeftnt thinp. Writers who can edit occask>nally aop up. But mostly writers and editors are s e pa r a t e d professionals, natural e a em i e s , like IDOJt800l8:I and cobras, who need one another to. maintain the balance of thin&•· I RAPID REPLY -Yes, Mrs. H., we're spending about $250 milllon a year on tran- quilizers, ud g e i t i n g nervouser ud nervOURr. " Wesbninster HiCh S c boo I , beginning shorthand; Gary Spirito, Westminster H i g h School. advanced eledric typ.. ing: Mary Hoffman, Marina High School, advanced manual typb1g; Brenda Burke, F.diaon Ym.r llt"ltioftl and com- High School, Jntermedlato typ-,..,.ta are IDllcomed and Ing and Art Olguin, Huatington will bt wed ift Checking Beach m,ti School, novice Up wherever pouible. Act. typing. dreu le'"" lo L. M. BOJ!d. •• .. PENNCREST® REFRIGERATOR SALE! SALE PilCES EFFE~IVE THRU SATURDAY Special luy on a Pen•cre1t 15' upright fNezerl 5• 1 lb, capacity and 'even' cold throu9houtl .· ----More-than·489-studenta.com~ _B__Q.% 1B?5_,_ Naopor1 Beach.J --J --~5>-!d!!oo~r ,!'g!.helves, die cast chrome handle ""ith peted in the various contests. Cali/. 92660. name pat• lnsert;-white-acrylic-enam•l-lin•r._. --1-l-f'!t;;;~~.,.:.J, • ' Q...!!!!vlf• fo•iihe • ltfma.1se In ous-to:wn -tbl loel< • .,...,. °"""' -···""" .... ...,., ..... 1, .......... ,.. .......... WaO-D carpotlftg. -""""' "'-le, sllf> -~ ... .., .. .aa1-.. ,-, ........ -...... « ·- ,, , fiberg\au insulation, •adjustable leveling leg1. ·'ii' In white, • BURBANK CANOGA PARK CARLSBAD COLLEGE GROVE CHULA VISTA • CAt.L .. (714) 52H401 DOWNEY FULLERTON GRANADA HILLS HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON PARK ' Save 21.951Penncra1t14' refrl11rator•free11r that neff1 Ito defro1tin1 it• real Yaluel Reg. 259.95 NOW $238 ' Our all ftoltl .. 1 ,.fri9eralar0 freer:e' features: IOIY.a lb. freezer capadty, twin pon:elain crisper-21.7 qf. capacity, 21 .3 sq. h. 1ftelf ar'90, full w;dt" egg 1torag• insert and dairy 5torage, 3door shelve., 4 rollers-front, adjust· able. Avoilable in white or avocado with wh ite porceloh1 liner. s.,.. • 1.95 ••• terrific ••"I•• •n • Pe•llCNlt 17' refrl9erotor-freezer wltlo Ice Maker ••• I Reg. 339.95 $ 2 9 8 NOW features: 4' rollers, front set odjusfablt; twin porctlol11 crii.pers with f•ll fronb, 21 .1 qt. capacity; porcelain meat pan wfth Y2 sh.Hi full width dairy and egg storage insefl; 139 lb. lreear <.apetity; •II frmtlns; a"fOiloble itt white, copperfone or avocado. LAKEWOOD LONG BEACH LOS ALTOS MONTCLAIR USE PENNEYS TIME PAYMENT PLAN NEWPOllT BEACH NORTH HOU YWOOD ORANGE "THE CITY" SAN FERNANDO . TORIAN CE VAN NUYS YENTUIA WESTCHESTER • ~· DAILY "LOT -· -22, 1970 . ' 5 Busted in LA · ln Big Crackdo~ L06 ANGELES (AP) .=-part ol a nallonwidt .ftderal agents say they havt. crackdown <11 narcotics ped- •rrest.ed rive perSons here and dlers. OM in Las Vegas, Nev., as In addition, 1 man identified Fund Panel ' ' Slates Stud)' Of Boards as Esteban Mendon Orama of· the Loa Ancelea: sUburb of Lomita was woonded in a gunfight · during the New York City part of the opera- tion. He was hospitalized in critical condiUon. Daniel .P. Casey, western regiooaJ. director of. t be SACRAMENTO (AP) _The Federal Buuau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, said the six arrested Saturday night and early Sunday are 1 ly l'hll lnterlancll •' .l\'"4'1S 'Liberated' "' I ~ 1 Pageant Winner . Relishes Victory SANTA CRUZ (AP) -School 0c Music, ll a member Shapely, blonde Kar I n of the Hayward Symphony Kascher, newly crowned Miss Orchestra and )laa toured California for 1970, was Europa with a state youth I chamber mlliic group, re ishlng. her victory and was With -her crown, Mi 11 ' not about to have it diminish-Kascher, who alsO ho)dJ the ed. Miss Hayward Utle, receives "I look upon this as free. a Sl,000 acbolar'lhlp, a chance choice an<I at the moment to urn $1,000-$11,000 i n I feel very liberated,'' saJd personal appearances and a the 36-21-36 winner in response 1r· A !anti c·1 NJ lo , ·· fl IP to t C I y, .. , a reporter s question a er for the national Mias America her coronation Saturday nigh\. pageant in September. Her remarks were in Her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. legislature's joint budget com- mittee today took a close cost- cutting look at something the accused in warrants with sell-"'-l.:X-ing-heroht·or-cocaine..!!in-large-t~~~~~~i~~:;!~~~£~:.=d:::::sJ reference t o anti.pageant HermaM Kaacher of Cutro literature that women's libera· Valley, came to ttµ1 country lion advocates had distributed in 1950 fr 0 m. Austria after at the ~inals. fleeing war-tom Rumanla in --~tate-hara-lot-ot-w:--stu cO'mmissions and a d v _i so r J boards. -The six·member commilltt 1 -lhrtt senators and thn:e assemblymen -met behind closed doors for the third day in an attempt to break a legislative deadlock over Gov. Reagan's $6.47 billion budget for fiscal 1970-71. The 308 commissions and boards are targets this year for legislators who don't want cutbacks in oost~f-livirlg pay raises for state workers or in welfare and education pro.. grams. - Democrats have · another goal in cutting down on the number of commissions. Of the 2,663 state commission members, 1,939 are app<l:inted by the governor. And the Democrats wouldn't mind slic- ing the political patronage this allows the Republican gover- nor. , amounts -on the kilogram level." · · •1 wu listening to a political apeecli and'it·audderuy A kilogram of e It h e r eeemed to fill up with bot air." The .1!7-pound , •·foot· 9 l'44. ,Jler father is a ·tool freshman a&. Hayward State firm IJIPft"\'ilor liege. won her title partly • • · narcotic sells for about----------'---------- $25,000, Casey s8id. on strength of her first· place finish in E'riday night's talent competition with a violin solo. Unruh Son A!Tested in Los Angeles flere Reylialtlo 'Rapparct, 44; Antonio Castillo Caffigny, 38, and Carlos Adolfo Lago, 22, and Arcadio 'G. Batista, 31, all of L<:ls Angeles: James Saville, 29, of s uburban C.rsoo. Arrested in Las Vegas was David Robert Alvarez. Agents said they aeiz.ed two ·weapons and five srama of cocaine during a raid on Alvarez, home. 'Volunteers'· -. Oaim Bank Tons of Peru Supplies Await Transportation Miss Kascher, 18, who hopes lo study music at the Juilliard Rock Fest , ' Gets Busted On Pot Rap LOS ANGELES (AP) -this coold be a source of LOS ANGELES (AP) -The "It's critical," s a i d one transportation funds. An OAS Really Ro. Us 1Pryear-old 900 of Democratic volunteer worker viewing representative, Louis D. Fife, gubernatorial candlate Jess more than 110 tons of relief headed for Los Angeles to Unruh is to be arraigned aid donated for Peruvian survey the situation and /rt Ventura Thursday in Compton earthquake victims, "this stuff decide what materials should . Municipal Court an charges is· sitting here while people be airlifted and what should of possessing marijuana. are dying." .be sent by ship. VENTURA (AP) -A group Randall Brook Unruh was Besides the supplies or non· Alberto H. MacLean, Peru-of 400-500 gate-crashers threw released on $1,250 bail Sunday ·~·bl food 1 thin nd · I rocks and bottles at officers en:n.. e , co g a v1an consu general here, said after being arrested Saturday medicine sitting in a Los the Peruvian ambassador in Sunday night after they tried night. Sheriff's deputies said Angeles International Airport Washington had received no to enter a rock music festival they saw a car speeding hangar today, another 30 tons reply to a request for two at the VeRtura C 0 u n t Y across a vacant field in waited in storage on the San Air Force car8(1 planes lo Fairgrowxls, police .said. suburban Canon and saw . ToO·ma1ayhllls? use our money! We"d like to ~elp you pay_lett-over_ bills, emer• gehcy expenses, home and car repairs. oi buy a new appliance. On approval you can borrow from $100 to $5,000, or more, and have your money the day you appty, We'll schedule pay_• rnents to fit your income. When you need money for any good re ason, see Morris Plan. We like to make loans. Morris Plan ·, 673-3700 Newport Beach -3700 Newport Boulevard · ~r offices throughout Celifomia SF Police E I • Fernando Valley State College make the airlift. About 30 Ventura County someone throw a package xp OSIODS campus in s uburban Hundreds of thousands of sheriff's deputies and highway rfam a passenger side window. ____ .;_ ______________ _ Northrldge. And relief workers Peruvians were left injured patrolmen were called in to The package contained eight SAN FRANCISCO (AP) said they expected 400 tons and without shelter and an aid the 30 city policeman on grams of matijuana, deputies A mysterious group calling more by the end ol. the month. estimated 50,000 died in a May duty at the festival attended said. They said young Unruh it.self "Volwiteen of America'' The 0 r g an i z a t i o n of 31 earthquake, by about 7,000 peaceful young was a passenger in the right Patrols tw claimed Cl"!dlt for the American States, it now ap-"Only a trickle" of about people, police said. front seat. lal.elt. bombings in Berkeley. pears, will have a principal 9,000 pounds of supplies wa s Officers said they arrested The other youths, boys a~d Increased The group earlier said it role on moving the supplies. shipped ~to the stricken coon-15 of tbe gate crashers, one 16 and 17, were ' held as wu responsible for eiploaions The OAS recently set $50,000 try from here during the past for investigation of assault juveniles and later released .. ,A .... u .... 1-1 .J!'o>I" aside for Peruvian relief and week on available cargo space with a deadly weapon, a rock. to their parents. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -~;rii\;';;:.j":;,. •ci::.a cre':-----------------"---'----------------------1 Police Chief Al Nelder has for blut.s which hit two e.ted one-man trafftc auto brancbes CJf the Bank of paln>1s in tho wake ol the America early iasl Friday sniper-slayblg of o ff i e e r morntn•. No arresta have been William Radetich. .... Nelder said SUnday at least m:9~ left outside the San two men will be in efteh patrol Fnncilco c b 1 0 n i e I e , 1p- car from now on. The traffac di'visioo b8d been ~ after closing time Friday, claiml ••we bombed the ooly one in w b I ch ---.. of ~ Bank ol policemeo did nol travtl wllh :..!:ca"""': e.!btey last partners, night." -"We have to provide backup "We are openin& a new ac- protect:io• for all men oo the count,'' warned the letter, beat," Nelder said., wNch wu addressed to the Radetich, 25, was alone in Bank of America and blamed his patrol car when be Was tt far "reprmsicm 8 n d killed early Friday as ht venceance" against_ yo u n I checked the license of an auto ......... 1 .. ut I 1•--in the Haighl,Ashbury dislricl radlcall, ,.... -ar Y ·-who bombed a branch at the Supervisor Dorothy v o n Be Id. ,....,.. . Santa Barbara branch in the ro mgen, a ........ mayor m atudenl community of Iala the abeence on a European VN•~----- vacaU6n of Mayor JQiePh-i::-"Ou. bo ~ · ••· f"rst Alioto, said the city "will find r m-. are u~ 1 the motteY ·someplace" to pay depoelL We will continue . to !or the additional two-man attack and harass Yow;, kind d ta'I until oppression ceases, said eThi s. ff' 1 bod 1 1 the letter, which made four e . 0 teer s Y--ay . 1 demanM on the bank: state 1n the rotunda of City _ Drop all charges against Hall . Sunday a~ a rosary pe.r90M accused o{ bombing serv1ce was held in the even-the Isla Vista branch. ing. -Remove the branch from Last rites were scheduled lsla Vista and Ulose in at Sl. Joseph's church today Southeast Asia. with interment following at _ start./a bank program Holy Cross Cemetery. agaiMt ••repression of the U.N .. Marks 25th Year In SF Week SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Flags or 132 nations were un- (urled here: today and the tlnited NatiOns Charter went on display as the UN 's silver armiversary week began. Black Panther Party." -Start a bonk program lo "place your investment portfolio under public control. "Your AmeriKKKa is a weak and pitiful giant against \he spirit of the people," uid the letter. "Oul ol the Bankruptcy of AmerlKKKa will grow a new country and a new people," it concluded. "Volunteers of America" also is a currently popular rock song :.ith veraes abo\it "gutter revolution ••• chaos and anarchy." A fou r-hour observance of signi'ng of the charter J.;r~=======:;;;~ 260 1M5, wiH be hekt Frida in the War Memorial Opera -adjacenl lo lh Veterans Building, where th international organization w founded. Speaken Will include U 1'hlnl, UN 1«relary general, and two signers of the Outrter, Gen. cariol p . Romulo, Phillppioes secr<la of foreign aflaln and Feridun Cemal Ertin, rormer foreign minilter o/TurUy, I Muaq HAL AllllCHD HEARING AIDS c.. ... ~:.J::-Mw :S-I. COAST HWY. COllONA OIL MAii .. ,=·· I enne~J --FIRST GUAUrY PEN NC REST SEW 'N' SAVE SALE --f'riceniffecti'i'e-,tn··SSutnto&nda,i.,.7~!---- Pl 1a1rest 24 ...... Zl9 Z-. S..e ~I ;951 Siiilplify yowr a.wing pn:iblems and "°"" ti1M and -.oMY· TI.is compott, efficient wt0chi,.. lek yo.J P9'rf0f.n al"'°'t ony MWing job witt. ease. N-Y'°" '°" do zig zag sti khes; make b(lt. ~h;oles; 'elastic' stitch f« stretch fabric• and jeney. The Pennc:resl zig :tog CCNI "'°k• 2, d"igM in all. And the cambi1tation of avfo.. l'tatic and .my·to-ola features ..Xe ,...;ng • »t of fwn. 11 ... 119.95 $88 NOW ' UR f'INNITS-PA'llllNT PLAN ... •• •• •• ,a ... ._u .... ....... ._ ....... ,__ lightweight COMfnldion, 3 po1ition ... ec11e, '' b.ilt-itl co• and deco- n:rti.. dnig11 Mt.drir, built-i n betfon.holer, t.nsion dial, awfo.. •otic. bobbin winder, bwilt-in light ewer needle. Sews forward and ,...,.., zig 209, bli"d stitch helnllling, TI.ii faRfaltic lftOC~ine dw prodkolt, llNfythiftg b.t talk • •• a..dit'1•1ale...t 11 ... 149.95 NOW NOWI TillSI VALUU AT ANT ONI OF TillSI PINNIT STOllS CANOGA PARK CARLSBAD DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD LONG BEACH MONTClAlli NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "THE CITY" VENTURA SHO" SUNDAY TOO 12 to 5 .. .M.I l\~'!!t'#I ENTER NOW! Your chilils plwtogtJZph am, m a spectacular ~,500.00 SHOPPING SPREE IN OUR S'l'OID And tliaf1 ju.st one of the h""'1ndl of wluabk pri..-es and gifu totalling •2s,ooo.oo in iM3(jtA Natwnal Chil.dren:s PHOTOGRAPH CONTEST! IOI CM Wll OllE GF TIDE llATIOIW. l'llUS: rn PtVe ••• •2,soo.00 Shopping Spree &co.d PtVe •• •1,S00.00 Shopping Spree 2'Ainl PtVe , • •1,000.00 Shoppings'"" F_,,.l'Ne ••• •500.00 Shopping Spree sori/IAPriitm,111.•100.oo&opy;,,,s'"" • -W ••IDS OFILS.SAWW- AI llONDI••• MllmOll PmlDI llaa ,,_a Shoppµ,g S-... ,.., I paid. .,.....,_IliatW.JOOloaJwLolo•erl"" -1:&'11_ ... __ _, ......... Lot. lfli•w¥1,......,..-1...,.._•¥• '111t1ior-11 .. -.m....0•1;'•• tallo 11111 "1loo llt _ PM,..aplt St.1io -Bit! W-d .. ,,_ .. _, __ __ ._ ______ .. _ ,,.._, z a n •I tarp • .... ra .z-• 5 11 2 _,., 7 . 4•s O..!lrl0-.,1111AL1 poilldila ...... _ __ ,_Mi.,,. _ _,, .......... "' _ ......... BEST Th• DAILY 'ILOT offer• •oine ef the .best fe•turet, b'( •c.lu1I turvey •f r•.dert, •••ll•bl• '" •riy ri•w•p•p•r 11 th• "•11011. J ----=-===r= For the SARGENT Donna M1rle S.,_,, tu! ConltM(ll1I 0.-hle, Hunllrllton kKh. SUnolved W f1!Mr, Don 1111"°"' S.r.-nh mothlt, Ftlld1 S.rNnt; 2 tl!'all'lefs. Don Nldl-ol1s s.,..,,t •nd Ollvld Ell~ 51"9etll/ 1l1tw, DllM Mtl'M V-- hffl. s.tvkn 11 DlldlV Chet>el, Wld- nnd1v, 10 AM. llurl1I, Good S....,..rcl Ctm1!1N. WRESCHE Loll II. Wruclle, 105 So\ltfl Srvi11, S." Cltmlnt1. 01t1 of dHlll. JllM 21 11 C11>l1tr1no 11Md1. Sur'llYecl br hut- blllCI. A11t1111tu1 H.; 1btw, Mn. I . II. MHlillll, Pita Alto. Prlvlll ...... kn wilt bl held 11 TM Bell lrMdWey Chll'll TuHd1r, II AM. DUFF Jofl11 Ewl11t DUtt;-.fOl lldao~. lido hie. 0.11 of dulh, Ju111 21 111 Hiio, Htwt!l, &or11 Htw Yorll: City, Flbru· 1ry '· Im. Vtter1n of World W1r I 1nd ti. SurvJm bY wlfl, Autlu '°"'· Johll Jr., H-YOl'k CllYI Wlllltm Lft, H1w1ll; Mu9ht.,1, H1rocy Auth Dull, Sin Frtn<lsco; Je111 Duff, LI Joll11 ' tr1nddlllclrtn. 51nrlcu wlll bt hllcl Ill Hiio, HIWtll. KAPS Or. Cl1Yt011 S.muef ICIPt. 112A ltll Slretf, LlfUlll BMCll. SUrvl~ICI bY wlft, 519111 MIY. Aoury kwllthl If 1:» PM 11 t1M Shefltr l_... '-di M«· tutfY Ch.el. £Hu Slrvlct 1t t AM ti 1'hl Sheffer Ll11U11t ltiKll C"-'1 Tllftd•'t'· Ju.,. 2J with Mtu to f9'1ow 11 10 AM t i $1, CllhtrlM'I Ctfl'lolk Chu...::11 In Lt1...,... Burltl 11 Holy S.PUICllW c-·'" In Ort l*. ARBUCllLI!: a SON WalcWI Man111r1 417 E. 17111 SL, c.la M ... -• BALTZ MORTIIAIUES Corona del Mar OR Miii Ceola M,.. Ml MCI • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Cotta Mell LI MGI • DILDAY BROl'lll!:RS B ......... YlllleJ M-.,. 17911Budl -. Had•itoo-IG-77'11 • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1 it5 [;apllll Cuyoa Rd. llM-MIS • PACIFIC VIEW MEMOlllAL PARK ee-,.•_..,. --~Drift N ....... -. Collltnll -· • PE1!:11: FAMILY COLONIAL FUNl!:llAL llOlll!: 7111-An. w--• SHEFFER MORTUARY Record Bl rtlis Airpor t Cab Contract To Be Given SANTA ANA . -Coonly supervisors will awarcf a new three-year corm-act for ex· elusive tulcab service to the Orange County_ Airport June 30. Apparent best bid of JOur is .yellow Cab of Newport Beach-Costa Meaa which ot. rered a surprisingly hlgh 4.8 cents per deplaning passen1er a month, nearly three Umes more than the rate paid by the present franchise holder, Tustin Cab Company. Tustin Cab bid 3 cents. The finn had held a 12-month.!ran· chi.se at 1.15 cents sinct last July,.: Other bids included 4.1 cents by Yellow Cab of Santa Ana and 3.4 cents by Yellow Cab of North Orange County. The county has realized an income of about $640 a month under the present Tustin Cab contract. The firm awarded t h e franchise June 30 will have the exclusive righl to pick up passengers at the airport, but other firms may deliver fares to the facility. 7 From Coast Receive P ins Mon., Tues., Wed. only! Treat yourself to our 'Indian Summer' frostlngl only 12.88 W• speciali ze In 1he•ro of,_. .... wie• USI YOUR -NIY' CHAlOI CARD- NO APPOINTMENT ""'51&1\' • Lapn• Bed 414-1131 Su a.-le In.ti• 11 .-----------------, • S~llTll8' MORTUARY In M• 81. RuU•&M-- •UlllltTOtl °"""''" , .. ,.. ~ l!lld ''°"· 111-00 MllNflMtTON l llACM Hl.tnflrlflton C111!H w noor, m.nn NIWl'Olt1' l lACN """''°" 111111111 tM noor, '4+mt - j . , MOlldaJ, Jvnt 22, 1910 DAILY PILOT 9 ~ ·County Fair Sets Spe~ial Kid"~ Day Children will have lhelr own special day durin&: the 1'70 Orange County Fair and EJ:po July 14-19 in Costa Mesa. 'lbunday, July I, has been set aside as the ( Ir 1 l "Children's Day" at the 1170 Far and E>po, and childrtn 12 1nd under will be admitted free oo that day,_In acldlUon to free admission to the tbouaaods of regular exhibits and features, the y o·u n g fairgoers will, be treated to a number or special events arranged especially for them. Anlong these events will be a pet parade and contest. Young pet awners will have an ~unity to vi! for awards based on the largest pet, smallest pet, most ool· orful pet, most obedient pet, and other c{iteria. · Another hi1hl l ght of Children's Dly will be a youth pentaWon, which o I I e r 1 youngsters six to eilbteen ytars old the cpportunity to teat their pby1ic1I condltioD ·and ithletic Hilb. Thil event .. Is desisned to meuute a youagste:r's ,speed, strmcth, abUlty , qility, and en- .durance. It COMists ol five activities -two required events, and three electives. 1 Certifte1tea of parUcipaUon Takeoff time: Summer '70 Right on schedule-a handful of . "bikini·s in vibran t, pulsating colors that .will stay c_olorful, because they're 100% acrylic. Tie a few up and take off. Junior sizes 5 to 13. •11 wlll be awarded to each boy and girl who enters the pen- tathlon. In 1ddltlon to the cer- tificate, each entr1nt will re· cei.v'e fne exercise equipment and other souvenirs. Plans also are in the WJ>rb fOr a number ol 1ddiUonal Olildren's Day fe1tures, IC- cordinl to Fa i rgro u nds_ general ma.nqer Alfred C. Lutjeans. 'Jbe.te Will . be an- nounced II • llt.r dllte. -, a.tldren's Day Is one of a number of special features planned for tbe Jl'•ir and El:Po, for Lbe first Ume this year. -· Among oLber new features are championKhl p motorcycle rac· ing on Friday fll&ht aod a giant Appalooaa horse a h o w all day and eveoln& on SalUr· day and Sunday. Theme of the 1970 Oranae ~ly Feir u d ~ la "Country Fun." Gal.et open at 10 a.m. dally, and all Fair 1.ttractions with the uCepUoa of the .rodeo, motorcycle races, 111d midway ridei are ftte to fai'rgoers 11tcr. they have paid a I ad- mission. Regu r admiukm prices 1re, 1~ ts, '1: juniorl JO to JI , IO ctnts; and childrto s to 10, 30 cents. Gra nt Okayed SANTA ANA -An •P' plicaUon for 1 '34,000 annual tralninc 1r1nt for Community Mentll Health Services has been opprovod by the Orona• Colimy Board ot Supervteors at the request of Dr. E, W. Kl•Ue, procram dltel. 1be training pnlll'lm will be funded with federal money at no coat 1o the county, Dr. Klatle e:rplalnecl. .. JUST SAT CllAllOI m . I ' • ~ I ' - • . " ' ' • • • I '· ,. , > , t. ' .,;.. :r ~ • I 'l >t, ·' ,. ~tr .\'; '1;, ,. j ~~ ,;~ : .. . 4 1.' . \ . ' ... /"""" • ... ~. ~-,.-,.---'..: :' . \ . ' :.. . " ~~· .... '; . ; ) .:-. . ....)': .. ~1 .. ~ •• . ' • FASHION PLACE . . I "* } ·' : ' • ' • .. ' .. . • MOlldi;t, Junt 22, 1970 . . TICONOEROGA, ~ONG BEACH'S \A.ST AIRCRAFT CARRIER, ENDS AN ERA .. Coast Carrier Era Ended Ticonderoga Leaves, ' Last Fourteen years ago, the first aircraft carrier came to Long Beach and today the last one will depart. That carrier. USS Ticon· deroga.f left for San Diego. )ler ne.w homcport, this morn. lng from the Naval Base's Pier E on Terminal Island. She will be the last of a long line of carriers. During t h e intervening years, six other earriers mad e Long Beach their home and all have lert. Of the seven anti· 1;ubmarine and helicopter car· riers, only h\'O remain in com· mission, the USS Yorktown and-the USS Ticonderoga, "Tico." The carrier era in Long Beach began December 1956, with the arrival of the helicopter c a r r i e r USS Princeton. This 7 8 6 • f o o t behemoth was sc rapped !his year in an economy move. Her time was up and she was unable to handle the ac- celerated tasks presented her. But during her time she as the pride of Long Beach. FAMOUS NAMES The names of the past flat· tops to reside here evoke memories of limes long gone. Princeton, Valley Forg e , Yorktown. Kearsarge, Ben· nington. Hornet and finally Ticonderoga are veterans of at least two wars. All but two served in World War II. Yorktown , for example, is perhaps one of the more distinguished ships to ha ve been qomeported in Long Beach. Known as ' ' T h e Fighting Lady," she was heralded in books, magazir1es, and even motion pictures. During World War 11, her crews launched thousands of raids against the Japanese. She took part in t h e ··Marianas Turkey Shool" and was v•ounded by Japanese bomb-attac ks. When the smoke had cleared, the men of "The Fighting Lady " had sunk 113 ships, damaged 329 more. and destroyed' or damaged more than 2,353 enemy aircrah Perhnps lhe most dislingui s he d ac· complishment was the sinking of the gian~ battleship Yamalo by her pilots and those of the carrier Hornet. The Valley Forge was a little yoonger and did nc>t make her name in the Seccmd World War - she missed it by two years. But she was the first carrier in action off the coast of Korea and her planes flew the first mission of that war when she launched her jets on July 3, 1950. KEARSARGE ARRIVF.s The USS Kearsarge arrived in Long Beach in 1962. She. LOO had missed lhe war but tasled combat in 1952 with Task Force 77 orr the roast of Korea. She gained world recognitioo as the recovery of Long Line of Ships shi p for \Vally Schirra·s epic Signia Seven six-orbil flighl around the earth in October 1962. Six months later, she repeated this letter.perfect recovery by r et ri eving astronaut Gordon Cooper after his 22-orbil flight. The Benni ngton arrived in LOng Beach in 1963 . She had participated in raids ao the Japanese homeland a n d Okinawa du ring WW II. Bui when she was 25 yean old with her age and size working against her, she was decom- missioned in Bremerton, Washington in 1969. DISTINGUISHED SHIP Although the Hornet, wh ich left Long Beach in March 1970, Hornet are gone. Three are in the reserve fleets. Two sit · in Long Beach harbor waiting for bi<!s so that they may be sold for scrap. They went out graciously and with pride. 11ad they been sailors. they would have retired with a -· pension after twenty-years. Bul they were .ships and they served long after their 20th year or service The Yorktown carries on a fine heritage in her homeport of Norfolk, Virginia, "'hile the Ticonderoga, here for only nine months, sails down to San Diegc> to be near her air groops .and t r'a in in g facilities. NO ATTACK CARRIER ror decommissioning. was not Ticonderoga has a e r v e d the one that originally entered most of her time in Long the war in 1942, sh e Beach in the Naval Shipyard distinguished herself in three \vhere she has unde rgone ex- wars. When her.namesake was tensive transformations. No scutlled after one year and longer is she an attack car· five days of life in the begin· rier. Now her role is that ning of the war,Long Beach's of an anli·submafine warfare Hornet was commissioned in carrier. Now she will hunt, lime to partici pate in raids track and kill the submarines on Palau. Yap, 'l'ruk, the ca~ lying in wait. She has been lure and occupation of Saipa n. given a reprieve . As an attack and the battles of Surigao carrier, she was becomi11g Strait , Northern Luuin and rapidly outdated. Bul as an Formosa. ASW carrier she has extended She Is probably b e t t e r her life-span, been revitalized. known for her activitY in the Her wrinkles are covered with Apollo moonshot programs in new paint, her muscles have which she recovered the been re.toned, and the fleet Apollo 11 Command Module has received a vital shot in and lhe all·Navy Apollo 12 the arm . crew of "moon-walkers.·· But those who· worked on Hornet was the host to her ·will lose her. Like a television cameras w h i ch masterpiece slaved over by T S t F • allowed the world lo view the a fiercely devoted artist she WO ena ors ac111a pcpr~"',·nc'e'lecoon,'"v'.·11ey Forge. has been gi,.n aw ay -but {..l , nol forgotten . No Navy ship .Fi ht US Jnde ende1·1 tsJ. dK~··~"~"~,g~··~s.~.,~nt~ng~to~n.~an~dd:"~·~u~·'-~;::;:;;;;~"-1 WASM~TON <UPI ) who P..ould welcome a WHAT HAPPENS IF I DIE Having defected from the Republican endorsement 1 Democ ratic party, Sens. Har· Dodd has gone_a,1ly hallway. WITHOUT-A WILL?.?. ry F. Byrd Jr. of Virg inia •le announced last week he and Thomas J . Dodd of Con· would neilher seek nor accept necticut mu st overcome a 34· the Democratic nomination for Th• co11rt. in eff•cl, writ•• vou• will fo• you. If yo11 h•w• minor childrtn year precedent to remain in his seat. He has continued th. co11rl d1cide1 which r1l1tiw-t1 l91111di1n•I will ,,;,, your childr1n. the Senale. ca mpaigning and his on ly Whe11 no will i1 l,ft, c_h1ckin9 i nd 1 1 1vi1191 •ccounli •r• of11n imm1d;. Not since 1939. when Sen. recourse, if he seeks another •1•lv fro l•n · · · m111v '""'' for Y••r•. George W. Nc>rris of Nebraska term is to run as an in· Exp•n1iv1 courl co•h . 11911 fe•• ~nd •••rni119ly 11111ndin9 lrip1 to I d h d ·d t 1courl. Slock1, prop1rly, 111lom obil1 litl 11 -111 ti1d up! The probl1m1 \\'as e ecte , as a senator epen en Se J ·S Th d f 1r1 too 1111rn1 rou1 to list h1r1. left his party and won re.elec· n. . trom urmon ' o I . tion as an indepe ndent. South Carolina and formerl 475,000 HAYE MADE THEIR OWN WILLS Elected LO the Sena te for Se n. Wayne ~iorse or Oregon !he first time in 191.2, Norri s left their parties in rece nt An~on• c•n do ii, Am1ric1n Will Forrn1 h1Y1 publi1h1d 1 1irn pl1 but won four six·lear terms as years but neither ran as an lbi11din9 , 1191) wilt lorrn +hit c•n b1 cornpl•l•d in mirut11. (\11lid in a Rep u b I ic an . Norris independe.11. 50 1t11e1 I. consi dered turn j n g In 1964, Thurmond an-Self •xpl•n1tory in1lr uction1, 9•n1 r•t i11form1tio11 i11dud1d . Sit ri9"il Independent in 1924 and in nounced he "'as leaving the ldow11 thi.• ~•rv minu+• i nd ··~d $2.~0 tod1v. If 11ot 100 % ,,i;,f;~d, 1930, and In !936 he ran and De OC ls d be . r•t11r11 w1th111 10 dey1 fo r •n 1mrn1d11t1 11fund . If vou h1Y1 1l•iedy R m bl~a aHn coming. a rn1d 1 , will why no t orde r 1om1 formt for vour clo11 r1l•liw11 1 "'on as an Independent Repub.. epu 1can. e was handily Hean . re..,1ee1e<1 that year. AMERICAN WILL FORMS Earlier this year, Byrd an· Morse was elected as a nounced he would not run as Republi can in 1944 and 1950. • Democrat and since has but in 1952, withdrew rrom declared as an independent . the GOP. Att11.: W,. 1. c..,.. 2616 s..ttt ..... ti Ho•tea. TH• 11006 You Work Less Keeps things cleaner without effort, eliminates .bath tub rings You Save Money ~T Soap and clothing la st longer . Y~I t're ll and Cleu Ask About Sea rs Convenient Cred it l >Jan s I<'REE Estimatt:s! Phone Sc ars Today! !Sears) .._...._ __ • So. Coa ;t PIM.a . 3333 Bristol 12 Phone i) 10-3333 - SHOP SEARS SUND AV 1% Novn to 5 p.m. . . Mo.Uy,.,. S.tonlty ''"" 1.m. tt t:lll p.m. Sears 36 Month Guaranteed High Voltage Battery Regular Trade-in Price $19.99 • High-Voltage batteries give 50% faster slarls than slandard-design batteries • Fits 90% of all 12-volt American.made cars FREE Battery Installation Car Floor !\'lat :\ylon Slip Covers Regular M.99 3 '!.I /16jl ~ • f·ine quality. plia ble rubhrr • Built·in •ripper to prc\·cnt slidinc. Latest colors SAVE ~2! Fire Extinguislu .. · Regular $11.99 9~w! • t"ighls gas , electrical. grca~1· and oil Fires • For heme. car, boat. c1mpcr SAVE ~20! R c~u la r lt.99 • .\ylon Stretch fabric • Bonded pol~•foam ba tki ~- • Assor1td rolors . S lalion Wagon Pad 4~ .. ! • 41 .1:;2.in. single mat \l'ilh \in~ I plaid top, solid bollom • Folds for easy storage BATTERY GUARANTEE Free replacement v•ithin 90 dars of purchatt if bat tery proves defttti\'e After 90 days. we r~lace lhe bat· ltl')', if defecti\·e. and charce you only for the period or ownership, based on the regular price les~ trJde in at the lime fH return, prorated over number of l'JOl!lhs of 1uaranttt \\.ith Trade-in 1'01 .1316, 4393, 1309, 4332 4309,43a5;4362, 4388 Top Carrier Bar Re~ular SI0.99 897 • M·in. long. Fits al' cars, ~l. , , 'racons • \\"ood·bars, \\"th 5traps Tun Value! Coo l Ca r Cushion LA~~r~ct 99 ~,.,, • Inner-coil steel spri111s • Mulli<:elored p111cm • Porous mesh fiber co\·cri11 Econorny Au lo .\ir Conditioners , Reiularl49 9 3 Slit.Ii ,_MO<•" t.t .. 1 ·11111 . S' -· .... " ,_._ ........ . -.. ...... \ ··-· .... ~...... .._ ..... ··-·. ...... .._ . -........ ........ .. ......... ...... --.. ...... ..._ ....... -.... ~............... . .. ,,., ........ --.. ...... . .... -.............. , .. ... ., ...... --.... , f1tl 1,,.., .. f1JI ···~ _, II -.. I •A .... I--_., _ _, .. .. • It costs less 1han )Ou im1gh1e to kttp )Ollr car cool this summer • T"·o 4·v.1y 1djustable lo11\'cr1 , .• lv. o dtflttt1r1 for cool summer comfon F.xpcrt installlltion av111:ihlr •-•-•·!'" _., ...... ·-···· .. _. ... .. ·-................ .. ,_,_. ...... .. ' I ·-.......... _ .. ..... "' ....... .. ..,_.,,," . ··~ ................ . _,,_, --.. .. • .. -• .. ·' . ' ,. •• " " •• H " M " .. .. " '" '" "' " •• " •.. .. w N " " .. .. •· m K .. '" ff " w .. m " " '" "' " w • " .. .. Cl " '" ,, ' Ii' '" .. " m .. • .,. MA '" "' co• "' '· ... '"' . .. • ~ ... "' "" " "" N .. .... ""' Sl1· " • E lk d•t •• c" , ""' •• '" • ·~= •M ... '"' M• o" ' ~ '" '" •• " ' '" " Pl: I •• •• " .. ' '" I " " " ' ,, •• . ' " O• •• ~ • •• '"· "' " .. .. " o• " " ,, " ,, LEGAL NOTICE. LEGAL NOTICE LEG.U, NOTICE •1'°"-UTIOlll MO. -MOTICI 0, TllUSTll'l U.ll 1tEKJlUTIOM 01' THI! CIT'f COUNCIL CITY OP COSTA MhA Ne. >118 }. f THE Cl.TY Of' ll'OOlrliTAI.. Ol.A•I COJ.tMTY, CALllllOl.Nll-O'! JvJ1 t, '''°• •1 ll:Of otlodr VALLEY DECLAllNG ITS IN· MOTICI UIVITIN9 llOS A.M., •I 1M Sooilh mo!n ftltrfrQ .., TENTIOM TO AIANDOM ... POltTl(»I NOTICf: IS HEREllY GIVEN tilt! WK! .... Sir•• ., Ille Old c-~ OF AN EASEMENT FOil SEWEii -led ..,_ .. wlH IM rtc9'11«1 llY Court'*tw, 1111 1he (tty DI S.nl1 ....... ANQ WATER tilNI!! 'VRPO$E$1 I'll(· ft!e. Cfl\I ol Coalt ~ 11 Ille olflct C11Uornl1 WESTElllN MUTUAL COii· ING A TIME AMO '"LACE FOlt DI rr. Cltt Cl«k II ,.,. CU¥ Holt, POllATION, 1 C1tlfernla C.,_.lllol\. PUll:IC HEAltfitGI .U.D PIOVIOllllG 11 l'alr Orlw. C01t1 Mfs1, C1lllornlo, 11 1r111teo, ""6tr 11141 OM 91 lflltl FOlt PO$TIMG OF NOTICES CW ""°'II Ille .....,, of 11 :00 1.111, Oii J-~ tw 0 . I I' CO«POll._ATIOl\I, I HEA••HG •.1~ lOT •• T•ACT... "· 1'l'l. II wtlldl llm• """' W'IH bf ClllJwllll c .. _..'*' ... ,_..., WHe•IAS P'1rt 1 Div ' TH.. ' ..... ..uDllch' Ind '""' ...... '" .,. Ft~,., 1•. 1"5. Ill ... , .... _ ., "" Gcl¥m..,.I c ... ·..n.1-I Cou"'ll c~ tor FU.NliHING All.. Ml. ot OHINI l:.c.ordl ot Or-Covnl'f', (ltv ...... ,.o~ ..,.,. i. V.Ult •II .. L.t..O•. MATEl:IALS. EOOIP'MENT, C1lltornl1 t lwn •• MCll•I ... ~ldilt!Hd:llU rt 01 .. .-i ltttr ..... 11uc lw1rlna T•ANIPOllTATI~ AND &IKH OTHEll In ''"°'" ol 04NIEl J. •IKHEll Ind f:...-1 ...,.. l"ACILITIES AS MAV IE llEOUtl:ED DAWN I. FISCHEi:, hul.Nllll Ind wlftl Hl!l:fAii. 11111 !Ian It 1"011: THE COSTA MESA ,.OllCE 11 lolnl l1t11nts ,_ o-nec1 1nd Mild ,,.w,,.._t .; ...::: '"°' :1., 11,.. Df,.AlllTMENT HEllPOl:T ,.AD AND 1W JOHN L. JEFFll:l!SS -"" OES$11E -Lot I Trict .... II INCLOftll:f. A. JEFFllES.S. hu....,. 11111 wlftl ff ~r~H ...Cfti ... , '1o 11\9 CJlv' fw ,. Ml ol Pllnl, ...-Clflutl-Mid feint t.lllMI tw rffMn of llw bf.-dl ~ m11,.1-rw:1 of 1tiowt llMI °'"*' conlrict !low-~ ,.,..., lie pt.. of c.rt1ln oblltlll-ltCUf'M flltr.W. NOW THlllEFOll:& IE IT 1iESOLYEO t1lntd II the Dfflc1 ·D1 ll'wl City Clttk nolkt of wll!ch w11 ~Ol"ded Mirth CJ C II .i Ille Cl .; n F1lr Ori,,., Cost1 Meosl, C111"""-1 1t10 111 ... HJil, !'-"'' of 1~11 "'1 1 V "t,_ °"'-~ .. ., 1 IY Miii uoon I cit-II of ~SU.Oii. A th1r11 1~ltl Otilcl1I ltt'atn, wnl tall 11 public Fovn11 n '''"""'. m 111 or tl.• will be mtdl II "-rldlfd b~ •ucllon '° !ht hltl\ISI b._r "" c•ll'li lll'M-r •1 foliow.C_ • C II hlflb ""I ~II. Pl EASE MAIL I E P A It A T E P•v•bll In 11..tul _... fl( 1111 IJnllM l. Th• '", OllllC Y trft CHECKS. Slt!H •I lh1 !lml of wit, WI ........ 111 •• ltltfll ~ v1e111 : portl_~_.!! E1eh bid ..,.,11 bl ,.,.. .., llw P•-1 wirrintv 11 to 11111. --Ion CM" ,,... · I H-• ''"' Wlttr l'9 .. _,_,,, form •nd In tlll m1-r -!tied In (llfllbr•nc•i 1111 1n1..-•1 conttYld lo Mor•lro1rltr dttcrll)ld, ' 1111 contrtct doc-~ •1'111 lhlll be •nd nf1/ll ~ltl b'I 111d TNtlff undo!• 1. Tht C!IY (oul>Cll d«.!1r11 111 ICc-nltod bv I t'l'11tled CW" <111111('1 uld ~ o1 Tr111!, In 1nd1 to 11•1 fll!'<llan 10 PrOCllCI UNiit" lhl -Isler. ched: or 1 bid bond fef "°' len to-1-1,.. -ulbed pr-"t, io.wll' o• Artlcl1 5, Cll1Ptfr '· P1r1 1, 1!11n 1.-. _of fllt 1mo11n1 of 1111 bid, Lot l ol Trict N~. :itn, 11 "' 0 1-1. I, "'fllll J ol 1111 C•lllornl• ..,,. 1•Y•bll to the Cllv of Co.11 m.i• rtc.Onled In Mok 114. - GoYtrl'lmltlll c~ cc:mmtnelntl wllll M-. • ,. lo •1 of MIK•ll•-MIP&, rl(Ol"n Soectlon JOO). NOTICE lS FUllTHEll: GIVEN ' llWll of uld Orint1t Counlv, C1IHort1l1 l . TM llMR'fllt Which 11 It'll Ml.c.1 tftl City Council "' Mid City hll tor IM ""'-ill ""in. oe1ie.tllftl o1 1n11 llesolutlon II Ofterlblld .. Mttlofer1 ut~Ullled 1 Pt'~1Ufnt1 rile wcurl!d by wld Pell! lnc:ludl.. '-· totio..1: •nd IClll ol w ..... · In ICCOfdlMI W!ll'I chArlft i nd ··-ol Ille Tt'lni.. T~ll -•Ian 6f IM '11.M • 1'5.U W , lo be Nici In the to111lrucllon •ncl ol 1111 ""°' comblnitlon 1t11rm llf1ln, -· If IM •bovl itntltled lrm>rov-11. Dllld: J;,,.. J, lt1t. w1~t llM Ind -ll'IKY ""'Ide In-TM! ~Id rile 11'111 Kiie Wll ldallttd WESTEll:N MUTUAL irtli Ind 1'¥1H tl~I IVlntl by ltWI CllY COUOltll by lltsaluHan No. CORPOlllATION, Tru1tw pirt!lllv wllhln Loi • tnd Hf"tllltY ff.U an 1111 1,th. U v of 0..CH:>blr, By Cllirlff "· c-..r, within Lal "' el TrlCI No. "" 11 1,.., •ftd 11 .., l oll In 1111 office ol p>ri sldlflt Pl• mio """'°'' recordef In ... the City c11rk ol wld Cltv. T"-1 uld r1t1 lrllt 1.5t , -I ttorOUlll ~ of Ml1t1ll-ll'ld K iii II lllr1ln reftrrld IO ltwl Putlllohld Ortr1" (;NII D•llY P'll9t, MIP~. rK«OI •• °''"" coun1v, llloPIM In 1111 .. notlc1 n ltloulll t1111y JUM u. n, 1'. 1t1t 1•J11 c1n1orn11, more perllcu!Arly dlltrill9d ,,.. «N"l'IOlllllY wt forln lllreln, ,,_ LEGAL NOTICE •s 1o1-1· • 11111 ukl Ktle. n adoPltd bY 11kl comm1..:C1111 ,, lht l'MH"lllllll cornet" 1taoi...11on, 11 midi 1 P•rt ol ttols'l----=:.;:c,0,>0""""""i--'-----·I el Tritt No. Hal~ 111Mc1 South °"' ,., nollc1 bV ~lertnee. 11 ••• .. 1.,. Well t'··-1111 llllHIY llDu-'I.... Thi Contr1t!or IJl11t.. In· I 11 t NOTIC I Of' T•UtT• ' -' • ,...,.. '"' "' Plrlo:"mltlCI ot Ille Wotk •nd Im-Ml. 1•N llrw ol 1110 TrlC! l!I llw Nini of lfOYllNll~, cll!'lform lo tllt l•bor CoOI On Th11r1d1v, JulY J, lt11, _., 11111 l"t1rMC:llon IMrlol Wllh !fie IOll!llirlY of lhl Slllt of Cilltornlt •IHI olh1r A.M.. T, 0 . Sll:tl:VICE COMPANY, rfglll-ol·WIY llM OI Dur1MO lllv1r l.IWI of the Sllll !)( CllllO!"nll '"'°lk1bl1 t COl"POO"lllon, 11 duly •-'n*' Tr.utNI CaurJ; tlltnct, •I-1110 tool!hl<'IV ltlereto wltll flit t •CfPlio<o onlv or 111H1er 1110 1><1•1U111t lo Dllll ft/I Tl'\lll rl•hl-Ol•WIY llnt North 12" :M' .15" West such ~trlttloni IS • mtV be rMulrtd d1ted June 16, lfff, e•eculld li'I t41!N•Y 15.37 IHI tncl NOl"th IO' 27' U" West 11n6tr Ille lPl!Cl•l 1t•tutei P<Jr.Uln! 10 F. lUKE a. lllOSE ,\NN LUKE ....... nd •.M !eel lo lht POlnl ol lnterMCHon whldl protffdlntt llilreurldtr 1,1 tik1t1 tf'ld Wiit, tnd recorded June », 1Mt, ot 11111 •l!l"l-111-wav ti~• w1111 '"' 1rld which 111ve not blef'I 1uoened!d 11 l1111r, ~o, nou, In boolr., MOii, Piii westerly line ol the 1/ortmentlorled by ?ti• PfO'llJlon1 or 11wr L•bor Codt. ~lf, ot · Ofl!clal Record• 111 lllt et!IC<! 1!<'1SOme<1I; ll'lenc:t, South 06° lli' 12" WaJ1 P•tltrence lo ltbor •11111 be t lU•n only or th1 Count~ RKordt r of Or1ntt (oun1Y, 2~.Jn feel 1lont 11\d WCSllflV 11,.. In 1111 m1nner orovldl<I bV 11w, C•lllorn!•1 Will SELL AT PUallC to lftl Tlll UE ,.OINT 01" IEGINNING, Tiii Cantr1tlor .n:&ll use onlv 11n-AUCTION TO HIGHEST l lODE• FOlll 11ld paint btllll 1111 on 1111t partlon m1nul1ttvrpd m•le•l•lt produc~ 1" 11}1 CASH !01r1blt 11 tlnw ol "I' In ul the bound1ry 111'111 cot L .. IJ, l'rK't Unlltd Stitei •lf!ll 'Oi'11Y m11,.Ul1<tu•ed llW1ul ' ,,,_., ot 11'11 Unit• lltl•) No. ''°' lllown on th• 1lore!Tlflltl11Md mtlertll1· rntnul•cWrld In th• Unllltd •I lht Soul~ ll•OO'ltl llllr9ncl ,to fllt map 11 ~•vl111 1 be1rlnt ot Norlh s11m , wbst1nt111!v 111 trom fTl•ler l•I• CounlY111':"'"';°"':' ": ·~.;::,11151":~ IO" 21' 14" Wtll Ind I O!lllnct ol pn>dl,lc;..,:I ln the Unl!M Slllet,· 111 !hi ~~I 1J1~ ,: '!nl:_:., <91'1.....,.;, to s.so .11111 ll\lflCI, conllnvl119 110ntr PO<fonn•net: ot ·1h1 conlrld. • ind '"°w r..ld ,w 11 vncter wld DtN lllf wesl•IY llDu1'1111rY llnt of 11kl N• llld 1M1I lie c11111hl•red unltu ol Tri/II In ff1e o.--lv 11111111 .. In elteml'nl, Soutn CNO 3'' 11" Wnl Jt..W 11 11 mtclt on • bl111k lorm tumlllled Mid County Ind $Ille dncrlbed 11 : !NI la I POlnl an I tine Ollrlllll by !he Cllv of Colli Mlsf, 1nd II Loi 10 of Trtd No. t•, In ll'll with 1nd dl111nl 111tHIY, ...-sured midi" In 1<«1r0111C1 wllh Ille P•ll'l'llloni city ol Newoort lluc~ 11 s/'IOWn on 11 rlehl '"'lei, 2.25 tftt from 1111 ol tile pr_,I re!l:Ulrements. 1 ,,.... m1rl01 recOl"dld In aool< :Jll, moll •ttHIY llnt ol 111d Lot 47, E-c:h bldcl•• mu1t Ill Hcemed ,,.,.. P19U ' 1nd J, MIKtlll neoUI MIPI. 1111n<1, Mort~ Ot'J:2''4" E•ll st.M IHI •Ito P•t11,..llfltd 11 •e<111lred by law. r.c.ordt of .. Id Or_, County. •lollll uld POr1llll 11111 lo I Pfilnl "" Thi City Councll of lht City of Cosll Slld .. 11 wlM bl m-. but wl"""11 1~, .. si1rtr prot-•llon or 1..,1 _..Mesi •Httvu Ille rl1M to rtled 1nr cown•nl or wirr,nty, t•1><nlor lrnpllld, Jlon o1 It'll boundlrY llM of L.11t .,. ill b~. t rn1rdl"' !Hie, POHl!tslon, or - 41 l\IVl.,·t bllrlnt ol NOf'lfl ID" 1r l•" 0.lld. June l, 1 Ml. cvmbr1nc:n, to ••~ It'll r1m1lnl1'11 prln--llV ORDElll OF THE !NI '"'"' o1 tto.e note MCured IW WHI 11'111 I dl111:w:•, ol JJO ltlt1 CITY COUNCIL OF THE ~Id Died of Trv1I, to-wit: U..61J.11, lll1nt1, Mor1ll Ill" '1 U' W•1t 3.llO !Mt CITY OF COSTA MESA, wllh lnlt•f-ll !<om Alltllll 30. 1Mf, •'-••Id prolclntl1llon lo the Point CALIFORNIA 11 In uld noli provided, ..iv1ncn , of ll"lnnlnt. . lllEEN P, PHINNEY, 11 i nv under ttw terms ot u ld OHO '-llltlerenc:e 11 mlOe to • m•• CllY (ll'rk iii Tr~sl fttl chl fll!"> 11'111 '""""' on Ull In IM olllc1 of 1111 City Publl1hed O••no• Coast OailY Pllol, o1 tM T;ll91M '1nc1 of lllt 1ru111 tr11i.ct Cltrk lor 11/rtr..r P1rtlcul1r1 11 .. Ju11t II, :n. 111t 1113-70 IW w ld Dlld of Tl'l/ll. the P<'OPOHd •••• of v1t1r1on. LEGAL N CE The b!ntfkl1ry uncltr u ld tlMd of s. Thi 1th div of Julv, Im, 11 . OTI Trull. b'I' rttMl:'I o1 1 br11tll or ot1111" l~t hour of 1:00 11.m. II It'll City O ca O• '""''' s· LI ln Ille obll11tlon1 i.ecurtd lt\"1b'f, Cov~cll C1>1m1N'ra, 102<J0 Sliter Awn~. M Tl I 'S A MrelofDrt r•ecullld 1nd dellwerl'd to Founllln V11~. C11itornl1, 11. fl .. •ibY "-· 1191 lllf urldersl1"td 1 wrllltn Dect1rtllan flied IOI" h11rlnO •H l'tr$Ol>I lnle-resltd On· JulY 16• 1'IO, 11 ll:llll A.M., .... D•iult 1!'1od Otm1nd for S.11', 11'111 Sl1n-Sh1w CorPO<lllon, • C1Hlornr1 v• In. or ob)ectln1 to, ti... P•-Md CorPO<lllon 11 dulv •PPDlnted Trut!H wtll!lll noll<I of bre.cl'I 1nd of ellctlan Vlt•tlan nd t to ' T I to CIVit It\• 11ndenltntd 10 1111 1110 '· Thi Cllv Clwk 11 lw!•tlw dl~ttd ~= :eat1::_';'1~ 1961°~.:"uted '':,. 11r0Pt•IY to wtlsty wld obll1t1lon1, 1nd to POii CDllSPlcUOUllv noHcu ol ..... CAlllL G. llADElll, 'JR. A.No NAOlNE lhl•••"•'· "" M1rch 1. 1t70, !I'll un· ment VICltlO~ 1lonl !hi lint of tllt G. BADEll, hus"-nd •nd wilt 1nd record• ::,•loi;o tel~':! w: :llai~~M~~ 11serr1tnt P•-KI lo ba ¥1c1ttd. td Oclol3er· u. 1941, ts l~1tr. ND. booll. t12t 11,;1 131 of 11111 Oftlclll A~IMI IMI l6J.tl ~"'-°' "'"'· t11. !_Jjl7...Jn.. boolt-1ll1. ~S71 al Olllcl•I it.ea~ ' ' EOWAlllO E. JV$T lllfCOfdl In Ille olll~ of-fhfo-Ceun1y D I .• J J:-lt70 MIVOI", CllY of llllCOl"cler o/ Or•ntt Counlv, C1lll01"n11, II.Tur;; 'sE1tVICE COM,.ANV .,,,..".1111nllln V1tlly WlLl SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO 1~ u id trus!f>t, , "' " E HIGHEST lllDOElll FOR CASH CP1¥1blt BY Wtldo Ill . Hluo, MARY E. COL 11 l"""" of ule tn )i.wtul montY ol Vl«-Prt1lcltnl Cllv Cltrll lt\1 Unllfd SlllH) 1r 1'h• front 111lr1nc:1 Publlsl'ltd N._1 Hi rDM Ntwl·PrtSI STATE OF CALIFO•NIA , of .Slt...S"-w CorlOf•llon, 160) E11I cemt>ll'lld wit~ Oillv PllDI, Nl!WPOrl COUNTY OF OlllANGI! I u . Ml'Yll lr Av1 .• Orenoe, C•tllornll Ill lltl:Ch, C1tltomla, JUIWI •• 15. 11. CITV OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY ) rllflt, l!tle incl lnllrHI ton._.ed '°Ult llQl.7' LEGAL NOTICE I, MA lllY E. COLE, Clty Clerk of INI MW Mid by 11 under u ld 0..0 Ille (llv ol F.,n11'n ll1t~. do l'lereby ol Trust 111 tt-.e 11roHrtY sll111led ln cert!"' th1I 1111 1or...in1 R-"'llon 11>1 tinlnc:01"_.11ed 1rff, ·In uld Counlv w11 rnularlv lnfrmluced to uld Counc:h 11111 S11te llHUllled 1s: 1---.-,,,-IC~.~,~,~,"•-•"•"'"•"•"·•-SA=L-1~-I .. 1n Ad!Ollr'Md RHultr Mitt!"' lllld TNI C<!rlt ln lelHl'lold know'ft 111 it.. >tl7 .,.. the 16111 lier of Junf, lt10, Incl Loi 1'2 or Tr1ct S711, II sllow" On JUI-I lo. 1t1CI, •• ll:IO A.M .. wll " 11kl meellnt rl9Ul1rlv Pl llld an 1 MIP recorded In llooli 216, COLONIAL MORTGAGE SE RVICE CO. •nd ""°"'ted by Ille !ollow!nt volti 1'19" It IO 11 lnclUliv1 of OF CALIFORNIA 11 dulv 1-lnt ... AYES: COUNCILMEN: H1rp1r, Ml1<1lllllfCllll M,....., retorlls ol uld Tr111lf' Uf'l<ler llM wrw1nl lo Ototd tiolllndtn. Ju11, Sllenl<ml"' Scoll C111,1rolY, cr11ted by lh1t cert1!n ltlM of Tr111I Qeed A....,.I J]. IHI ewtcultd N,\YES: COUHCILMEN: N-d1ltd AUIUll I, lffl bttwren 11)1 IW Alln E.. Lin.It Ind Tullle M. ASSENT: COUNCILMEN: ,._ Irvine C9., 11 l~ lrld Sw1rll-U•ttll, ll111ri9n:I 1nd Wll• Ind •Kordtd MA"Y E. COLE Llnklltltr Co., I •-••I 1>1rtner•hkl, Stt>ttmlllr 6, lHI. •• ln•lr., No. JS., Cltv Clerk I t • lelMt, rKOl"1k!d t-1..U In 9ooll 111 boC 171), Pl" J ll. o/ Ottkl1I Publ!llled 0•111ff COftl D1ljy "llol, IOll, P•H 411 of Offlci.11 llKOrd•. ll:ecOl"dS In !he ofl l(I of !hi Counlv JuM n, 2f, 1'MI .. 11J1·11 S1ld, wit Wiii be midt. but wlllloul 111ecor01r or Or1 ... 1 Counlv, C1tllornl1, ---------------·ICO\lllllnl or w1rr1nlv, t•11r•ss or lmPll.0, WILL SE~L AT PUllLIC AUCTION JO ' LEGAJ; NOTICE ~rctl"9 11111, POSllHlon, or ff>' HIGHEST llDOElll FOR CASH {PIVtbfe c11mbr1nc:n, lo PIY lht ,.m1lnl"' pr_I.,. 11 llmt of ult In l1wlul monev ol tl111I 11/m ol llw note secured Jw 1111 United 511te1) 11 lh• Soulll lronl H id Offd of Tru1I, lo-wit: $.l.5J0,14, 1ntr•nc• to tlle Old Ortnot Counlv -------c;;:;:------· Jwllh lnttn!ll from J1nu1ry 15,. 1910, C1111rtl\oulf, CllY Cl! S1nl1 ,\n1, $let1 •Ul •• 111 Mid flDll provided, a11v1n<:n, of c11Uornl1, 111 rllihl 1111• ~nd lnt1r1.i NOTICI TO C•IDITO•S If anv, under the terms nf 11111 Dffd U>rWtVtd lo and llO'I" htld by It und•r OF IULK T•ANll'Elll of Tru1t. It'll, ch1r111 1!'1od IXPlllSH u !d Offd 0r Trull 1n lllf pfoo>trlY IS1e1. •111...1111 U.t .C.J of the Tru1tet0 and of l'°'t' lru1ls created 1ltu1h1d In th• (HY ot Cot11 . Mt••· NDtlct ls h1r1bv 1tv.n lo lt\I Crldtfon bV u ld Deed ol Trutl. · 1,., sild Countr 1nd State de•,•1- ef ltobt-11 o. Wh ltllntt•. Tr1n1ltr01", Th" Wnellcl1ry uncle, w !d Dffd DI 11~ w11011 bu1!11111 1ddr11s Is 1'°"2 M11notl1, TN1!, bl' '"IOOl of • brtK.11 or defaull Lot ~l· ol 0Tr1el No . .,;n, ln Ille Huntlntlon &ftth, Counlv ol Or1np, In llM obll1itlon1 wcured lhtrtb'I', CllY of Cotti Me11, ts shown an $1118 al C1lll01"nl1, 11111 I bulk tr1r.l1r M .. tofort necutld 1rld dellv1rftl N 1 _, ,tllerHI n!<<>rdtd In book 141, Is 1boul to bf m1oe lo G-•• W. the UndersfgnM I wr!llrn Declar1llon Pitts 1f ind :n, Ml1c1!l•n..,..1 MIPI, E lkln1, Tr1111l1rN, wl'IOH bu1fnet1 1111-of Del•ull 11111 Dim•nd tor Slit, Ind recor~ of .. 10 0•-f Counlv. oreu 11 19001 M1eno111. HunUnt1fon wr!tlen noo lte of b"'"' 1nd ol ~IKl!on Slkl ult will be mid•. but wfl'-1 l!eltll, Covntv ol Drlntt . Sllll of to tlUM "'" lmdtrstgned -10 ••II 11ld coV-nt Of w~rr•ntv, ewo•PH OI" 1..,.Hfd, C•lllflr11l1. pr-riv N 111111¥ u ld ollll11!1oni, and r1111•dl1111 !Ille, -1tHlon. Of •n· Th1 Ol"OPtrlv to bl lrtMltrrtd 1J fht•t•ller, an Mirth t , ltMI, Ille un. c1>mbr1ncn , lo PtV Ille •ffnt lnl"' orln- loc•ttd 11 190!» M11noU1, H11nll1111lon dlfllgned c1u<ftl w!d notice of bread'! clo1l sum of 11\9 not• llClll'td by II••"'· Counl'I' ol Or1nt1•• St1!1 of ind ot tlecllan to be recOO"detl In w ld Oeed ol Tr1111. to.wit: s'•MS.Oll, C1!U01"nl1. booll: t11'1, P11e 114. of .. 111 Offlcl1I with 1nt1rtsl '""" A1111191 1, 1..,, H S•kl pr-rtY II dftc,rlDtd In !lfl'llrll II-di, In 111"' no!• 10rll'l'ldotd, ldv1nu1, II i s· AU 1llcll l11 lr1dl, fhrtw ... ""-t Ot~: Jlflle 16, tt70. '""· under 1111 tttm• 9' uld Oftd ind t lOd will el trlll G1toll111 Slrvla! Sl1n·Sll•w Co,_1t!OPI. ct 1'1'\11!, tee1, di•••" 11M HIMMS $11tlllll-llllllt!nl k-'H W~lillntl< --I Cll11ornl• COrPO(l!io:t cl lt\t Trll91H llld ot fht trultt <•••!" Sht11 Service 1nd loc111d •t 1'907 •• 11lcl Tr111lee. Irr ••Id OH<I of Tr"Ull. M.....,.I,, Hunllntlon ... , ... Cwnlv of llY Don K1111ntbMk, An'! Sft"ll. Tl\9 bel'lllltll ,., 11n0tr H id Deed (If or1,.,.,, St1te ot C11llflrnl1. SI'S J•1ll Trus!, by '''""' of I bftidl or dtt~ull l'hl bull! 1r ... 1tpr will be <Of'llll!l'lll'llit!d l'ubllthlld Or1n0t Co11t 011"-' Piiot, In IM obll11!lont MCurtd !hereby, en or •!•er lllP 1Cllh div of Julr JUlll ,1, ?t 1nd JulY 6. 1fl'O 11:11·1'0 he~llfor• tXKUled Ind df!llverfll lo 1970 1t lD:OO A.M. II E . C. H1m•ton LEG 'L NO'l1CE 11'11 undlnl1ntd • Wrlit.., O.Cl1r1llcwo cc Int 1112 No Hottvwood W•v. " or Oet1utt incl Dern1nd for s111, 1nd B~tllnk ·• coiJrty of . Lo. A ... ele1, Sll!e (ITV OI' COSTA Ml•A W'rllllll nollc1 ol bfe1th tnd ol •ltcllon I c 1110rn11 lo clllst Ille llndet1l1ned to ult u ld ... ·, •. ~-to Ille Tr1n1IP.•••· o•ANOE COUNTY, CALll'OllNIA "'-""' "' llllllv llld obl!tlllons. •ncl ,, s ldd Ill.cl NOTICE INVITING 1 101 !Mfl!lll~r. on Feb•Ul•Y ,., 1'70. '"' .,11 ~,1ne,n n~•·,~··M"''"·-::;, 1111 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th•• UftCliflftMd Cllllld u ld O'IOllC• ol br11ch v •''"' eror "" Milici ·or-11· will be rtctlvlld try i ncl of elrctlon to bf recorded lft "o''· 11'11: ,t•mt1·0 19.,,. !hi Cllv of Cos!1 Mell 11 lt\e alllc1 book t1U, Pitt 1J5, of 11!d OH!c11I 1!fd: ~vrw ' 'V· of !hi (II)' 'Cllrk II It'll Cl!Y. Hiii, lllecordl. Georte W, Elkln1, 11 F•lr Drive, CO$lt M..,, C1l!h1N1l1. D1lt: M•v ?I, 1'70. Tran~~'"' until lhl hour of' 11:00 1.m, an June Colonlll Mor!la•• Service 1!. C. M1m••"" 19, 1t7fl, 1t whld! llml-tht¥' w!H-Dt Ca.-ot c1111or1111 f'. 0 . h• 111' -nfll •Ublldy ind rtad •lovll In the 11 u ld Tru1tt1. •~rHllll, (1111. f15N COUll<ll cll1'1"bf•1 tor FUlllNISHING' ALL l!Y GllldYI Zumw•ll, E1cnrrw Ne. J77M I L.AllOlll, MATEllALS, __ EQUJl'MENT, Fortclo1111r1 M1~111r Publl!Jltd Or1ne1 C011! tll11Y ,r,~ ~ TlllAN&f'Olll TATION •AHO SUCH OTHER ,\urllorl!ld Slpnllurt J uM 11, I070 • FACILITIES AS MAY llE Rl!OU!ll:ED SPS 24115 FOi THE tNST,\LLATION OF .COSTA Publlllltd 0•111Wt COllt D1lfV Piiot. LEG 'L NO""""• MESA POLICE D E P A R T M E NT J\1111! I. 15, n, 1t70 1002·7' " 11-HELIPORT FUEl STORAGE AND -·'-'-;;_;"---------'-! __ ...:==-~=,..------!DISPENSING FACILITIES. LEGAL NOTICE T·•n A set of oi..n1, 1PKlflc1!ten1 11111 SUP'SllO• COUlllT 9P Tl:!• o!hlr cotil•ICI 11otumenr1 'fTllV bl oll----,-.•,-1-0-1-0-0-,·0cU-,~,-.~.~,c,c1~-·I IT;~: g~u~~~1~~·=~~"':: ~1~11,'" o'::' .... a~:,.of ~.c1t"111~~~~ s;AT1cg~::~1;~"o'::: .. ~°.• N .. 4"'"" -I "'-II of 115.IO. A ch•••t H• ' •l:ING OF "ETITION cl 11.N will bl mlld1 11 h1!Wli..t bY MO. 1<111"4 NOTICE OF H NO F IVI ..,,11. PLEASE MA IL ~I! p A." T f NOTICI 01' CONS•ll:VATOl'S SALi FOii: Pl:Ol!ATE OF WIL,L A9 I a• CHECKS OP. ll:IAL. P'•OPllllTY AT l'l:IV,\TI C001C1LS AND FOlll LE ' T f1<h bid !Jlt11 bemrit 1111 !ht pr11oos1I SAL• TESTAMENTARY ferm incl In It'll minner PfOll'ldiO In In lllt Miller ol the Conservt lor .... 11 E1l1l1 OI J1Hll $. A••••n. .... 11"11 contr1tl dot11men~. '"" 111111 bl or MILOIED I, TENN'( 10 N ' Jeni• SHIV A¥tllon. 11<1. Mrs. Gusl1Vl9 1(.(-ni.., 11'1 I Cltllflld or C8!Jll1r'1 Cont1rv1tt1. A. "•tl!OO'I. Dectalf'd. (~k or I bid band for not less NOTICE IS Hfll:l!llY GIVEH lhtt NOTICE tS HEREllV GIVEN lhll llltn le<olo of ~ 1..,_t of Ille ltrd. (AI OI. CllllSl'tN, 11 ccwoserv1IOI" of Tl'IDl'nll o. R1U*Cltlt\ Ind E. Llo!wtll'/'ll m.-P&Ylbl1 lo Ille CllY ol Cotti 1111! P•rion And ,,,,,.. ol MILOlllEO Ovarholl lllYI flied ...... tin I Hllll• ~ I TENNYSON I conMrvllH , wlll NII IOI" oroDllt ol wlll I ncl llv• (Odlclll NOTICE IS F'Ull:THEI: GIVl!N 11'1ll .. , prfv1I• •;It le Ille 11111\nl 11\d ltnd tor IHul ll(t ol l.tltli'I Tft""'9111.,., f11t (11'1" (ounc:ll of said Cllv "-s 11111! blMer 11'111 w"°" bid will ¥11111 IO !hi oetili-•I rtflftrot• 111 wllldl htrt!OIOO"f t$11bllll!JG 8 P•Nllllnt rill tt-.e lllt hcsl net fl!l11rn, uncltr the lll"ml Is mtdl tor lurllltr P1 rtlc11!1r1, tillll Ind Kiit cl w"d' In iccortlll'ICI wlltl 1nd tond!tlont ftlr1!1W11!1r m111tlonld, tnd lh•I !ht time 111d 11t.ao of llHrl,,. liw, to be Plld !n 1111! canilrlidlon tublecl lo conllrm1tlan 11'1 Superior tour!, ~ 11m• h11 bffn Ml !or J111V I& ot !hi l boVll enliltl!d lmorovtmenl•. an Jun• 1~. 1'70, or th1<t.tlttr within lt10, 11 t :)O 1,m., In tr.. court•-Tllil u ld r•te tncl t<•lt Wft ldophld llwr Hme 1llOWld bv !1w, 11 lh• O"fce cl Dlfllr1mtnl No. J ol Nici cMWt. bV 1111 Cllv Counc:ll by lllesolulkln No. of HURWITZ, HURWITZ a. ll:EMfll:, el 700 Civic Cl'!\ler Dr!.,. wuf, • 6' .. • an lhe U!h d•v 01 oecemw, 111-y1 fer u !d conurv11or. 11 OO·J1ntr tlWI Cltv or Slnt1 A"'' C1lltarnle. '"'· •nd 11 on ni1 In !llt o!llc• 111 1111 SI•"'• NtwPorl teach, C1!11ornlt , •11 Dated June 11, 1970. Cltv Cllrt ol wld Cllv. Tlltt wld ''" lht rlthls, title, !nlt11111 •nd est1tf W. E. $f JOHN. 111c1 Kiit It fllril" referred le •nd ol u ld canserv1t11 In Incl le !ht C01111tY Ctertl tdoo!ed In tllft llOllct 81 ltlou1lh ...,11., '"I prOP1rty 11!111led In Int City ol OVlllHOLT I OV•I HOLT Ind c-letelv wt lorlt\ her•ln, •nd Cosll Mt••· Countv ol Ortl'llt. C11U01"nl1, 168 Wll1~1 .. llvtl., S.11• ,,.. ,~., 111d ..c1i.. It •<k:Pttd bv Hid clnc:r[bfd II lollcws: LM Ane1111. C•Hflr:tl•... •tlO!Utlon. lJ mtde· I ••rt ol lhls Lot -• of T•1cl 11GI. fl JhoWI' Tt11 ltUI >M·U&I notice bv rerer1nee. an 1 M111 •ttorded In llaoi; JS, AltonllYI tor P'oll_.. Thi contratler shill In 1 h t ""' fl ol MIKelt1neou1 Ml-t. llecard1 Publl!Jltd O•l rlff c .. 11 DlllY P'lllL 11'-flo•..,.nce of t'1e -~• Mid Im· Ill O•lf'lllt Covntv, C1lll01"nl1. J11n1 10, n, 17, lt70 1H1·l'O •-ti. canlor"' to !ht L•bcr c:ooe &IWI r111 or-riv 11 commcwolv k-"' ol th• s111to of C1lll01"nl1 1nd o!hlr 6" fllt 1lrl'tt ieldre.-of m E11t LEG AL NOTICE 11•1 ol 1111 s111e or C•llforn11 -llc•bte ltlt'r SIT"'· Co1l1 Mn1. C"'lll01"n!1. lt\trlla. with 11'11 litcs tlon tnlv ol Jubllct lo: turrenl '''-"' co\lft11nls. 1ucll y1rl1lloru. 11 mi v bl "r1t11ltld Cll!'ldltltMt rntrl1;tlon1. rntrv1t1on1 -----~-~~~~,_,,,,,,--· u"°"'r llW! ~l•I sli!vt" Dllt~inl hi rlel'lh of w1v, Hlen'lfftll Ind t•l1tln1 tvP11t1011 cou•rOP TM• Miid\ ~.ntrliii'ivndi!r ... 1 11~'" ~ .. ·,~o..s of 111e ,,1, STAtl 01' CALIPO•MtA POI: Incl Miid! f'llW not been IUPll"oeded ,..,. ''"''"' "'~ THI COUNf'Y OP 0....... b'f m.-11rO'<'lllonl (II 11'11 Llbor Codi. -1 C-" 1'n l1wtul "'°""' Ill llWI • ,.....,. P~e I• llMr IJllll be 1IV111 onlY Uni"" S..lft of Amerlc•. len 11°'"1 lolOTICI OF HIA•IN9 OP P'ITITION In 11'11 m1nner -lcltd by l1w. Oll"Uftf II 1111 l mol/lll b!d IO ltCllll'IOlnY POI ,.09.TI OP ••LL AMO ,0111 TM contrlttor llfllll lrH ...... """ "" """" Ind Ille b.tl•n.ct ,, bol Hiii LITTl•S TllTAM•MTAlllY mlllvl1etured llWlllO'il ll produced In 1111 on ctnflrlftlllllfl of ult. E1l•lt. of JOHN c. O'lAVGHllN, Unlltd Sl•lt!. •nd °""' mlnUfl(.IUrtd "" ltllfl .not oHH'I Milli be In wrlflnti Dect1sld. ,.,..llrlllt 11\Jnullctured In Ille, Unlltd •nd wltl bl nl(elvld 11 1111 llfflct NOTICE IS HE•EIY GIVEN nwit '"'"' wti.i.ntl1llv 111 ''""' "''"'l•K or HU•WITI:, HURWITZ .. lllEMElll, HAZl!L A. 0 '1...AUGl"t.tN 1111 111111 herein ltt"OdU(ld In the UnHect Sl1lt1, In 1111 •llOl'"lllJI l'lr .. 111 Clil"M"ltor, II~ 1 "'lllon IOr 1rolllte of wffl 1i1111 """°""In« ol 1111 canlr1C1, Sfl"eel, ~ .,1tli, C1ll"'rnl1, .i lilt l1W1rw:t ot l tlllf1 T11t1mP:'ll1r1 No bid slilM bl comldf>l"@O "'"leu tnY lime •"•' "" llr11 Pllblltl11on to Pe!lll(leler, rel,rf'rw:t It wltkh 11 II 11 "'HI 11n 1 bl"'k fOflTI !lwfllllled af ml, Netltl 1nd belort !ht m1klr11 midi tor t11rt ...... paflkMllr•, lrld 11111 .,,. !flt Cl!V of Cosla MtMlo tnd I, of Ille 1111. tilt ''-..... ol1c1 of lle•rln• , ... mid• In ICCO•dantl )"ilh , ........... 1on. Tiit •lfhl " '"""" It; r•IKI .,..,. um, Mt btln "' lor J11lv ), 1'70. et ""' ...._,, re<tUl•fm~nts. _ _ _ Ind 111 bids. i t ,1,. •·"'·· In thll courtr_,, 6f 11<11 blddu mliit bl fl(ffttft_ trld OATED: J-f, lt)'I. DePOrlmer'll No. l ol Mid (Ollrl, ., Ille Olfe-1!1111""1 ., '"""" ..... tfow, CA•Ol. ClltltP'JN, 10C1 Cl¥k Ctnfff" Drl.., Wed, lft !ht TI'll (Jty Counc:ll o1 ltll' Cltv of Coslt (_,,,.,,,. of ""' l1!11f Cltv QI 5-lfl!t A,.., C11!lorft!., Mt11 rel<'f\lfl !he rl1~t lo r1lKI 1r:v Inf,..,._ ol MILDRID I, DelKI J~n~ !1, ltlQ o• 111 bid~. TENNVION, C~tltt w. Ii, sr JOHN. D•lect! JUIW! '· 19Jlll. NU•w•n. MU•WITI . ••M•• Cnunlv Cl~r~, llV Olll DElll OF l>I! ••tnrnnt I I Law W11twe1111 ..... S.llfll, (l~Y COUNCii. o~ THE •l• -1"'41 ,,, ... 1411 Wttttllfl Orhrt, CITY OF COST,\ M!SA, N-rt l11dl, C11tf1r11 .. tu&I N .. "" ... c~, C1llltt~l• CALIFOl:NIP fth 11111 41>-'"' Tt11 111•1 t41·~ EILEEN P. PHINNEY. ''' 111 ...... 1 II:, Mvf"WIU "'"""'' .... !'11111...... City Clertr A"-'' IOI" c_ ..... 11r P'!.iblltftloll °''"" c-• c.11, fl'ltet. ,l.lblli,.,. 01u1111 Co.,, D•+IV fl'lltrt, P11D1l1htd O•lllfHI CMtl Jvftl I .. 11, ft, !tN tl0,-19 JUrll U, 12, lt1t lll:t-l'O JI/Ill IJ, I., tt. 1t711 • I J M;,,i11, Juna 22, 1970 DAILY PILOT JI Enlistee DrQp Perils praft ·Cuts WASHINGTON (AP) -An .... pected drop In . Army enlistments last monlh could herald trouble ror Pa1tagon hopes ol cutting the draft to as low as 150,000 men thiJ year. The ArmY said enllltmeots In May totaled '1,121 -nearly S,IOG t.elow the month's ob- jective, Officials ~re unable to ex- pllin the 'drop, except .to no ta 1 sQarp upturn in antiwar demonltratian during May as a -result of the U.S. drive tnlo Camboclia. Deferm olficial1 indicated they will PIY clole attention to the trend la enJl1tmenls th.11 month and next -when tho end ol tchool tndJU..,.Jly brin1a more voluNeers -Ii\. hopes the 1itu.tion ri1htJ itself. , Any deficit ln enlistmenls Is made qp by lnqeasing draft calla In future m«lths. The Pentaaon Thursday an- nounc:ed a July draft call ol 15,00lf )'OWIC men fOl' the Army. Sources laid tf'lil call would have 'been kMer were It not lot tho .... ~led lilt oil in last month'• tnliltmenll.' Secretary of Defense Melvi n R. Laird has said dra(t in- ductions this year hopefully will fall as !Ow as 150.000 men, compared with nearly double that, 290,000, in 1969. Defense authorities are now 1 ;=t1yt~11:t7.!t d~~~~ t~~=: low and the Pentaaon has 1tarted hedaina tomeWhat on .Laird's forecast, u1in1 an es- pected r11 nge or' belween 150,000 and l«l,000. If tne enlistment situation aet.s back on the predicted tr&ek, draft calls could go down si1nificantly In the last fi ve month! of 1970. Quotas already announced !or the first seven months ol the 1ear total 114,500. This Jeavn a balance or less than 36,000 to reach the 150,000 mark and nearly 66,000 If total Inductions for the year climb to 180,000, Th is would work oot to monthly draft quotas as low as 7,000 plus from August ·thTough December -unleu voluntary enlislmenlS fajl' to recover th eir momenlum. ·Wit~ eleetions this fall , lhe Nixon administralion would like to repeal its action of Jast year when ll eliminated aU drafting In November and December and concentrall!d the allotmen~ for the last three months of 1969 in October. The general level or draft calls this year is ruMing well below those In most of 1181 because the administration has been cutting the size of tbe U.S. armed forces . !fotal U.S. armed atren1th now stand.!l at a little over 3, l million men, some 400,000 , men below the Vietnam war peak reached two years ago. Laird hopes to cut _ th1 forces by another I00,000 _men. ~ Pays Only,'Sunday, Mon~ay, Tues~!ll! l ' ,. .. - ,. ' ,. ,. -Seats II-Inch Diagonal Measur~ Pict~r~ Color Portable TV's· • Solid State Signal Circuits for Reliability and Longer Life • Automatic Co~r Purifier for More Natural-Loo g Color Viewing i • .. " • Keyed Automatic Gain Control • Automatic C a Control keeps "1---'-Maintains-ROOi-Steady:Pictures--Colors Bold and Bright Model 4008 1.,/ f'I I '· " ; Also A•ailable al Sean Appliance and Catalog Sales Store• Sear• Con Senice protecta the value of your TV. ~ hirhly-tnined technic:iam ..ae you ot-aervice eatid'action with per90naliud, Pi:c>f•joMJ care. We M"rice what. we 1111, wherever you live or move in tb8 U.S.A. Sears --··...-.··-.. -·-" ----· --· .. -·-· ---···...... ____ ..... , ...... -• to. --II ___ ... , ...................... -.... -............... .... --·-" __ , __ ....,. ---·--.,, .. n, '"""'' • Use Se ar• &uy Payment Plan _ ........ ---__ .,.., .. -·---·· .............. ·-·-·_.,, __ ..._ __ ---"' y_ .. ___ -·- • • ' • JI Oo\llY PILOT -.-tt, 1970 . • .. --- We guarantee it. In writing. Give Ull'a youitpter who finds reading a "drag," a struggle, even a threat We'll change· his mind about reading-maybe even about life in general We combine three rare ingredients: Individual instruction, fun and success. If you're troubled because your child isn't doing as well as he might ' . in school, the reason may be as simple and as serious as a Jack of basic reading skill. If that's his problem, he's not alone. The United States Commissioner of 'Education reports that one out of every four students • ' . ,. ' . . l . .. Johltny can read. ' . 'Your youngster's irst contact .with The Reading -- · Game will be a series of individual diagnostic tests that identify his reading strengths and weaknesses (vocabulary, word sounds, comprehension, reading . speed, etc.). From ~hese tests, we·work out hi s · reading prescription and begin individual ' instruction·in,each of those reading skills · needing improvement. • To teachers, principal_• and school physicians: . The R9acling Game require1 lh1t The reading materials and sys· each chi.Id-prior to enroll ment-tems UtilizedJn The Reading rec.ive;both reeding diagnOstic Game include: · testing and screening.for hearing, BRL Sulliv1n P1ogr;mmtd sigh't, social and menti l,maturity. Rtlfd.,s Wh ile P.rticuler rtiading tests for f ilmsltips ind Tt{J*S each child vary, the following tre Bcxg-W•rntr System ao among those used: Btll & Howell Un11u1gt M1sltr -~in~this_CQuntn' has a significan=t'------' reading deficiency. ---1-~G6'•,,.te.s-M«-.Ginilie-RtMling_lesls __ ~oc.¢Jl!llY. A ind Phonics B ·Durrell-Sullivan DJ111nostic and Electronic Fulurt s Inc. Auil10 ln·California the f11cts are even more disturbing. Recent tests placed .more than half the California school districts below the national average in reading skills. No· one has to tell you that the ability to read is a fundamental need in today's compli- cated and competitive society. It's.the key to success or failure in school, in work and-..reall:l'c::: in life. What ·one educator is doing1 about the problem:. . He has devel.oped Tl)e Reacl!ng G11111e. His name is Dr. Kenneth Martyn and· his special field is the evaluation.of various 'teacnil\g systems and methods; dete1mining whether' or not, they' work, how they .RNding Capacity Tests Fl1shc11ds ind T1pes Qoten Oi111noslic RNding Ttsts Educ1lion1I O.vtlopment L•bor•- 1.orrt-ThorndiM Multi.Level !Orits System M1ttri1ls lntel/itlfnCt Tests ScienctRtstarch Associ1tts Californi• Test of M1nt1I M1tu1ily, R11ding L1boratorits and Synchro and thf 1Nding tthitvemtnt Teach Ttptt, i nd ltsts us«/ by tht loc1I school Mtrrill RNding districts. Skilltext i nd SkillllptS. . . ' I ' • • • - • • . . • ·Is this a "rem~ial" reading program! No. The Reading Game is designed to help children at all levels of reading ability. The child 'who has been making nornial reading progress can improve his skills. The child who is achievfng below grade level can be hr.ought to grade level P!lrformance. The child who has fallen far behind can be given the oppo rtunity to catch up with his peers. What guarantee do I have that this program will work? ' You have two. First, the educators who conceived, developed and manage this program have distilled and te.sted the most effective reading teaching methods available today. They are not going to experiment.on your child with any new educational tneories. Nor ao tlley. n"'av"'e'a"'n"'y,,-v;;:e="°'---111t-- interest' in any particular method or machine o,r ' text. Second, following the diagnostic" test, - The Reading Game .makes this written guarantee: The Reading Game guaranten to raiae-jour child'•• reading lovol by ono academic grade or return all feel for in1truction. In 1peclal lnatance1 where grade level Improvement cannot be guarante'ed, 1 Tho Reading Game will guarani•• lmprovomont I . in opticiflod reading 1klll1. ~ · ,, We feel ·very strongly about the need for acctn~ntabi)ity in education. Therefore,.The Reading Game will eithersucceed with your child or return your money. ·You have a commitment to make, too. might be improved. During his 22. years'in · ''" education, Dr. Martyn1las been anrelementarf Wbat does the child actually-cl'o? ,lfyou·decide"-after attending one of the several ~scn oolreacner, a j)l'irrcipat'and a-director of·~----~~-------.....,....-~~-----·---sessions.lfsted below~ that you.'d iike programs for gifted children. He is presently· on He'.!Jcome·to our'learning center three or' four times ·to give ,your. child The-Reading-Gam-e;- leave as Director of Los Angeles'State-College's a week. If.he's quite youn g, the actual· learn ing yo u'Jl. be asked to pay $25 for the diagnostic tests, Center for the Study of Special EducatiQn. session mi~t be no more than 20 or 25 minutes. The and $250 for the instruction. That's Dr. Martyn doesn't think The Rea,ding Game is a. older youi&ers.can plan on sessi9ns up to an .hour. · a ,lot of'moriey, but that's the easy pa'rt. iniracle cure fo1"every youngster's reading difficulty. Working~!rom each child's individual prescription, For the next three or four months, your big job Rather, he sees it as a specific answer to a deep need the .director will supervise hi s selection of the mate-· will be your paitnership·with US' and' with your parents and teachers have known about for yea:rs: rials he needs for the day : l'ecords, tapes, fi lmstrips, child. You'H..be bringing him to the learning center audio fla shcards, pamphlets and , of course, books. three or four times a week. He needs to ·be there · Some kids need more time Then the youngster will go to an ind ividu al on time, ready to go. If you make it a drudgery, to learn to t.ead. • learning station and begin1a session so will he. If you make it an adventure, so will he. on vocabulary ou comprehen sion or wol'd attack We're going to do the rest. We're going to help Some kids need more · ,. · · · · · skills or improved readmg speed. It might yo ur child succeed in reading, and we're going to Jet specialized, individualized • . be several of these. In every instance him know he's succeeded, and'we're going to instruction in · he works at hi s own speed make it fun. reading than they with materials can get in the school designed to classroom. That's tell the what we give them. As . youngster a matter of fact, if it were ·and the di rector how he is progressing. possible for your child's teachers Each child works on a to spend the ti.me and money and to devote the "learn-check-reward" basis, so that individual attention we 're going to spend on him , he can quickly gauge his own progress. This apparent they could make the same guarantee of success "self-teaching" is carefully supervised at all times. that we make. As an integral part of the process, eve ry young-Ster is rewarded with tim e in a Is The Reading Game a "school"? game room, which is actually a continuation of the reading and Absolutely not. Although we maintain close learning experience. Reward and contact with your youngster's school and anticipate ' reinforcement are absolutely consultation with his teacher or school principal, central to The Reading Game. we are not any s01t of substitute for or competition - with your youngster's school experience. In fact, · ou r fi rst sign of success will be his success in school. · Let us answer all your questions. Right now, Dr. Kenneth Martyn, President of the American Learning Corporation, is meeting with grou1111 of interested parents iust like 11ou. Please iain . us. Evenin111 at 7:30 PM Huntington Beach Sheraton June 29 June 30 Julg 2 Plfliu make 11our reaervation bg calling (714) 842-0606. -The Reading Game:18782 Main Street, Huntington Beach, C.alifornia BARBARA DUARTE, 494-9466 ,,..,.....,, ,,_ n. 1m ••" u RECEIVING. LINE-Greebng gu~sts as they ar;jve at the sixth annuaf Empire Debulante l3all a re (left t.o right) .lljrs .. ljllrry Kemp , ball chairman and Mrs. Mu rray Cbatiner, · debutante chairman. ' , ' N.ILYJPl~OT""" ~.Llit ·P..,.., , . ' ' ' '1970 EMPIRE DEBUTANTES -Presented. to so-. ciety Friday evening were (above, foreground, left' to right) the Mis.ses Susan Joan Shaw, Gail Jane Caras and Diane Louise Duffie; (second row) Nancy Ann Newbrolllh 8nd Susan Mary Hammersleg, and (back row)~ CyBth.ia Louise" Donaldson, Christine Marie Dixon; Linda Marie Fox, Diane Marie Rivera, · Mary T1teresa Sullivan and Barba t a Anne Baile)'., . and (below, right, foregrqund) Vab_ner~ Lyrme Kas-: ala, Theresa. Loi.J.iSe Blalack and Cynthia Pens; fsec·. 1 ~ ond row,)1 Melpdie Ann Keller and Brr.n Bernai-d; (back row) Renee Louise Gould, Cynthiate1g11·we1;.. er, Jennifer: Jea:n ·wittwer, Maney Sue Winfield and Deborah:June< Metzteur. · : t • ' 1 • • ' • • • • • • ' ' . ' A feeling of pride was evident among fathers last weekend, es· pecially for those receiving a pre-Father's Day gift when the)' present· ed their daughters to society during the sixth annual Empire Debutan· te Bait Friday evening. A Victorian setting was created in the Newporter Inn. The balJ,. room entrapce was flanked by large white bird caJi!:eS which were filled witb fresh flowers and accented with band.crafted jewel~ butterflies. Three stages were joined to accomodate the 21 presentees. Two. foot 1eweled. silk butterflies anchored the swagged red velvet back· dt;op, and' several bird batlis, hOlaihg tall floi-al arrangements which , also were accented with butterflies, -were placed on both sides of the stage. ' Entering on the arm of their fathers, debutantes walked through a white wrought iron pergola. which was festooned with ivy, flowers and more butterflies. They proceeded (town a White carpeted aisle, lined with hurricane lamps with pink. ~pers and praped with ribbon and flowers. • Dressed in a traditional white gown, each debut'ante cilrried an old-fashioned npsegay of pink rose~, rosebuds and pink satin streamers·. ' • "EMPIRE DEBUTANTES " Debutantes, their parents. aOO escons ar~ Miss Barbara Anne Balley, Mrs. Berton EltonElson and. the late .Mr. George Nelson Bailey II; presOJ!ted by Dr. E;)son, Donald Anthony Dietz ; Miss Bryn 8'rnard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beecher Bernard, Bradley Masters J~IQl1 ; Miss Theresa Louise Blalack, Mr. and Mrs. David Eugene BJafack, Kenneth Eugene Stoltz,lk. ar.d Mi~s_Gail Jane· Caras, Mrs: Klin-.Jackson, presenteiloy-Glenn i'irtfiur Kline, Raooy Da1e\Vli'"it"' .. -- sides. · More are Miss Christine Marie Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Franklin Dixon, Steven Court Jones; Miss Cynthia Louise Donaldson, Mrs. Tim,othY Peter Macres, pre,!!.ented by Macres, Jack JosePh Rae· ciatti; ·fdiss Diane Louise -Duffie, ?vJr. and M.rs. Henry Charles Duffie.· Robert£J_Us Jenness ... and Mis.s Linda Marie Fox, Mr. and Mrs. DaVid • Willialr\S.'Eox, Kurt Michael Andress. · · · ; · · I . ~ ' ' .; Otlie~s presented, their parents .and escort's are Miss Renee Lol/#e 'G<ruld, Mr. and Mrs: 'Jay Harold Gould, William Lawrence -Berg; Miss .Susan Mary Ha'mmersla~. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Geor.~e Hamrri.~J'islag, Kent Miles Scudder; Miss Valmere Lynne Ka~ala, Mr; and Mr~ .. Frank Kasala of Hong Kon g, presented by Marine Lt. Col~ (ret.) James PauJ Aynes, James Aynes Jr .. and Miss Melodie Ann Keller, Mr. aod Mn. ·Glen Marshall Keller, Stephen Mark Skacevic .. . , ' . MORE CURTSIES 'MADE Stilll otQers.~are-Miss Deborah June Metzleu·r . Mrs. Robtin Metz· leur, pre.$ented by Benjamin Metzleur, Jakob Vilhelm Christensen ; Miss Nancy Ann Newbrough. Mr. and Mrs. John ·Ne,vbrofigh. Jeffery Knight Hillman; Miss Cynthia PelJs, Mr. and Mrs. William Franklin Pells,.Jonathan Clark .Garner; Miss Diane Marie Rivera. Mrs. Michael River-a. and the1Iate Mr. Rivera, presented by Joseph Gonzalez, Rock· ~lin Cody C@ll!!, ~·Mias SUsan Joan Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. William Hollis Shaw, Dare! Malcolm Blood. . Concl~ltlf the' list are· Mi si. Mary Ther.esa •Sullivan, Mr. -and ·Mrs. La¥i'l'~e.~;:{ain~s 1 Sullivan; Stanle:v Lestei:· Hon;i :· Miss Cynt~ia Leigh Weber:, -M;r., and Mrs.-Edwarcl • EU~worth ,Weber: John , ~uis .arl\On·, Mi~cy-Sue-Winfield;:"M . an<j-7Mrs:-€harte.-Winfielct,,,., -- Richard ;B.: Tob;.a&;, ;and Miss Jennifer J~an '.Wittwer, Dr. and Mrs. , , J.ean Richard :Wi)tw.er, Stephen Douglas SHrengel. · · ~ ~ ' ' . '. 1. FAMILIES·A.SSl!MBLED . . AsSen)bled-tamilies and 'friends Watched the presentation fror;n tables covered *Jtb\Jiink linen and' lighted by tall pink candles in buni· ' cane lamps·.,w~· i\'.ere surrounded by floral arrangeinent!j. The de. :. butantes' taibl~:were dressed in white with an overdraping of pink' · • · 1 chiffon. Pink li)li!olntments w~re selected. . ·•. · " , . _., . . .. ' HosC 'Biibert )'I. Weed, 19711 Guardian Angel, was introduced by Mrs. J . O'Hara Smith, immediate past preeident of the sp,onsoring or·. gaD;ization, Harbior· Key. Presentor was Judge Logan ?wj09re. '. . . •· Ball,ptoeeeds_benefit the Child_ Guidance Center oiOrange Coun.:. ty. Dr. Leonart11 I;~ser, center dire:ctor,-spOke briefly. .-- Bail chairman w.as Mrs. Harry V. Kemp and debutante chaiflo ritan wa1-M~s:. Mun:ay •Chotiner. Guests were welcomed by the Mmes. William' steyenson, ·Allan Heim es ,and Eyan Prichard. ' ; Pu t Another Candle in the Birtday Cake Celebrating the sixth anniversary of the Fountain Valley Woman's Club are (left to right) Mandy Ryder, Richard Stewmon and Shawn Sullivan, Wllose mothers will be attending the birthday !~eon taking place at 12 :30 p.m. Tllursday, June :15, in the Fisherman restaurant Five.year mtimbers will be honored along with the Mmes. Robert Sullivan, Robert Moss, Dale Mowery, Richard Gillum, Wil- liam Pulford, William Ballard and I.ewrence Erwin, past· presidents. Arranging the party are the Mmes. Norman Nieberlein, chairman; Ronald Murphy, El- don Haskell and Stanley Stafford. Keeping Friendship's a Labor DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'll call her Mrs. A. We grew up in the same town -wenl to sdlool together, were good friends. When we married we werit our separate ways but kept in touch. Three years ago we moved to the city where she and her husband had settled. 'Ibey ANN LANDERS lped d . th<l neighborbood. Our babies were born the same month. We helped each other out by sitting for one anolher in emergencies. Problem: Mrs. A's iaa!band is a factory employe. My husband is in managemmt. The factory workers Went. u:i strike last week. My baiband bad to mm the picket liDe to go . to wort.. The union men call. peapJe who crver picket .lion: ''Scabs.'' I felt sorry about Uris but . 111e...-wu mtlllnc ~could do. . That Ame weet I sen{ an invHation to their · little girl to come to our daughter's birtbday ·party, (Three years okl.) The invitation was returned wilh the following mesaage scrawled across it: Sorry Cannot A ltend B irthday party l am deeply hurt. My husband feels teni.ble. Shoukl l remain silent and Jet a km1y friend.!bip die? We need your balanced COWlld. -STRUCK DOWN Mad Fashions Worn By i urrior-Mem ..... b....,e-r• ---- A Mad Fashion Show will earlier this month. entertain members of the South Coast Junior Woman's Club, Fountain Valley when they meet at '7:30 p.m, Wednesday, June 24, in the community center. Mad fashions will consist of old dresses, hats and jewelry purchased during a grab bag sale at the philan- thropy committee's meeting Mrs. 'Larry U:>ng, ways and !!leans chairman, and Mrs. Hilbert Somma, philanthropy director, will present projects for the next year during the business meeting conducted by Mrs. Robert E. Marten, presi· dent. Mrs. Carlton Heinz, director of Jobs for Teens, will speak on ways the membership can help with the employment service , and the budget will Be . otha I be p<esenred 1., vote. During the summer the club ----~'-'--"'-'-'-""'-'--~m ChaJ>erone-IOOtsewtilll Revealed and e!lhth grade dances in the high school gym in cooper. tion with tbe city's Parks and During a family gathering, · Recreation Departme~L ' Have a beautiful , ' • Your Ho roscope 'Tomorrow • • . . . . Aquarius:-Accent on Finances - n.JllDA Y, JUNE D II)' SYDNEY OMARR nere are apprnim•tely 1.-pracUcill pnlndoul utrolqen la Ute Ulllted ltaieL MlllilDs m...e •• -plNsllft frem utnloO u • _, __ plknlllflll ti tbls U llf colamp. Some 1.-. frleoU 11 utn11cY IKklde Heuy Miiier, Klm Novak, Jeuifer J • • e s , M1rieot Dlelrlc• ud Welter -· . ARIES (March 21-April 11): Some 1ctlvlllel an .... Md. y<Unell 11 top. reslrlc1eil. Be wtIIJlll lo 10 CANCll (JW>O II.July II): aloog wUll rulol, ,.., • ..._. Aceeot .., bow you relate to Member of ort:uiuUoa ts on u..e at a dillamce. Keep~ com· your · side. Ultimale bmeftt munlcatlon ilnel open. Main- due il you ""'_atl... taUa principles, but be wllllng TAURUS (April 111-lby 11): to llllen to vllllou1 viewpoints. Good lunar 1poect _, coin-Fine far wrttlq, advertlsing. cldes with increafed aoclal ac. LEO (July· 23-Aus. 22); tivity, p~ throucb · ac.. Iuuea wbicb had been compUabmenla of obfldren. · oboalr«j CID be clarllied. Gel Withes CM be ftllized. aid from famlly member. One GEMINI (May 11.June 20): cloae to yo.a. may be having You break through red t.pe Investment problem. You can to progre15. Deal will> -beJp lluuu&h diplomatic •P- in posllionl of euthority. · Be proech. ' detennilled without belq It· VIRGO (Aug. %3-Sepl. 22): rogut. Mike rm lo r Spolllpt o a· (>ll'lnershil", Newpo rt Beach Ceremony • ·Janel Frederick ·wed Card Play To Follow Business The newly-formed South Coast Chapter of Women's American ORT (Organit.at.ion for llA!habililation '1'hroogh Traininc) wW meet in the Ageen Hllls reS!dcnce of Mrs. Wlllie Goodman at 7:30 tomor- Hypnos is Reviewed . !::.' , I ·SAVE ON SUMMER FABRICS Mr. and Mrs. E. B . Dance· cards 'Wlil b e Petherbridge of Whittier an· ::nssawfu :e ~soct!t!:: nounced the engag~meot d 7 and l :IO .m. four Fridlys, their ~ughter Miss ' Jean June 26, JJy lO July 2t and P!tberbridge of N e w p o r t A 7 ' 8" x 10" pidui'e of your child l Bead! to James Randall Goff. ufdmi.uion will be 25 cents, son of M~. Bertha Gorr of according to Mrs. o an Huntington Bea~ and James Gordon youth chairman. M. Golf of Slm1. 11~;,ii;,' i;i;;iii;;;.iii;;;iii;_.,;; Miss Petherbridge, an elementary school teacher in Costa Mesa, is a graduate o( Fullerton Junior College and hoids a BS dcrgee in education from the University of Soothtm California . Her fiance hokls BA and tLB degrees from USC where he wa:s affdlated \\'ith Phi Alpha Delta , He iJ currently a public defender for Orqe eounty. • ne wedding will take place Aue. ·15 in the East WhitUer United Presbyterian Oturcb. Youngland HARBOR CENTER IN COSTA MESA Wiii be clOHd on T .... d1y & Wldnoodl'f, Juno 23 • 24, to ......... fer our ANNUAL $200.000 CLEARANCE SALE. fl&AClt'-AMD-Wtml) onlr 38~:-G.~ • All •ps -l1mlly (111ups, toa -one fl" x 10" black..&·White finished picture of chikl taken singly, 38¢. One 8" x 10" group picture, only $1 per child. • Select from finished pictur1s, not proofs, of the cutest poses captured by our artist-photos· rapher -kids love her! . • Flnilhtd 5" 1 l "1nd w1lllt·size pictu res will also be shown and offered at unbelievably low prices. • Sit them In 'ltvin1 Color' too ! ......... onlr $2.15 Finished color photos -one 5" x 7" or four wallet-size pictures -will be offered you 1t this very special price, at no oblia:ation to you. ~ ..... , ....... , .... 2 ........ .... ....., .. ,.., ... _,.,,,.., ..... ..... ·~ ........ _..,..; thh .... ......, .. .., ..... IRING A FRIEIDI Dull? Faded? Mou sey? Trust your hair to OUR IN$TANT COLOR SERVICE ' ~~";~:~~:~; u':"no.,. . ROIJX peroxide, nftds no efttr· rinu. It PfOVidn ridl, n•tural lookin1 COkM' for 1r1.1 or dull ti.tr, towty pa1tel tonin1 color ror ll&htened hair. And It Just rinses in, shampoos out-tht IOvtly finish to )'Ot.lr MW lowly dO! C....M ... ,C .. lf. in 1. ""' .,,... MlyflW ( ...... --· 11!1 75c --.... 45" wide c YD. HOUSEoFF•BRICS • • '3 ~ .. t c • d • t a ti ( I ~ J l I • Ii F • l f I \ s h c I I l I r f J Co-uple-Repeat ---~ ...... edding Vows Aftsnoon oupliab In Our Lady of Ml Carmel Catholic Church, Newport Beach, link· ed D e b o r a h Mergenthaler, daughter of Mr•. Leo Gogerty of N'l"JIOl'I Beach, a n d Doualas Sanderson Smith, son of Mr~ llory« Wilton and ·--MRS. D. S. SMITH Newport l!rlde Methodist Church Chosen Lorelie Poteet Wed ----..uwt.ei'fiOOfi rites react ln the Finl United Methodist Omdl, Costa M... by the Rev. Dr. RichJl'd ~J1 Dunlap link~ in marrlage i«elle Alltn< Poteet and Alvin J am!a Miller Jr. • nie bride, dl\llllti\r of M<. and Mn. LlwnmceJ'oteet S{. of Fountain Valley, aned Mn. lid B,....,., and ~rs. Larry Poteet to be her honor at~ temanta. BridesmUls were ·Mill Inar1 P,Ju111 .111d Mill Kelly Hun!. 1be bridegroom, ton of Mra. Ruth Dearing of Hlll_l{lton, Va., and Alvin James f.\iller Sr. d. Baltlmore, Wll attended by Brewer as best man. t Guests were suted ,by John Ryan, Mike M"11en and Gary Poteel Mike Poteet was ring beaf!r. ¥ ' 1be new Mrs. Miller Ls a ~ of <JOola M ... High smGol '81 lier husband recei...i-1111 ~BSEE ilegree·~~-~­ mxn tbi un1....,;1y o I They Will Allblma. Mesa. .·introductory off~r . helene cuttis perm plus exciting new cu t 17.50 "TAKE 3" permanent wave by Helene Curtit • has special cood.ilioners that &iYe YoU • bom>Y, nafural-loaldng cirls. It 1ives ireat body for· the new suninei hair styles. a.u11 SllOft BuffumS· •• • - -Misses Pati'k:ia D-• n e 11 n, Diane Frizier, Cindy Y ackey, 'Sue Lopizich 11111 Diane Orr. ing marriage of t h e i r daughter, Susan Berger. Her fiance is Guenther H. The bride~r ton of Mrs. Curtis DeBoYoton of Corona del Mar and Omar Orr of Newport Beach, choae his brother Dan Orr as best man. -....Tony Finley, Chris Wall, Doug Orr, Tom Westgate and Steve Leech were ushen. The couple were graduated from Corona del ¥ar Hi(h School and attended-Orange Coast College. Following a Hawaiian honeymooq, "they will llve in Corona del Mar. . Hofen, the son of Mi:s.~Paul Wagner of San Francisco and the late Mr. Hennan Hofen. Miss Berger is a graduate of Costa Mesa High School 1 and Orange Coast Collelile where she was a bu.sioess ma- jor. _.A.graduate of Lowell High &hool, San Francisco,' the bridegroom-elect attended San Francisco City College and is servinc wilh the Air Force. --$USAH BERGER Woddl!lt Plon1 • The New AJl91W!lc. Church, Anabebn has been selected for Sept, I ceremooy. This Summer, when you walk on the beach, you should feel like you belong there ••• And the-less-there is-to-the suit,-'-- the less there should be of the girl • "Ten 111 tho m-.... ,... -to WMr, and we'll tell you Dow man;r t'illtl it will take md suarantee jn writ.ins lhllt ~will.reach your. p>a]. ln fact, ao at..lutelY politive are we that YoU will.cbtain 70Uf' objective, that e1 ltated in our suarantee. we will even let 10U ._.. PllEE OF CHARGE, 1111Y·and all further visit•, antD you reach your ,mt The time it takes for each· person to achieve her 1<ial may "ary, however WE GUARANTEE RESULTS for everyone. _Sullivans Gaucho pant.s are riding hi I h into fashion's front rants for fall and winter. Most are matched with over the.hip veita and long.sleeVfld crepe or saUn bklllsea for , atoond-the,clock ,....,1ng. Fpr d.aytime,, there's .wool Jersey, for eveniQg, velvet. • 1 ' . . Court Stella I "'-· Junt 22, 1970 .DAILY l'llOT IS St. Jomes Setting • -Vows '-R-ecited ' • $J25 , ONLT NI TllATMINT 11\RS. IOtlNA Recites P ....... • • SChool IJ1d he is an· ilumnus or Newport Harbor HJp School'. MRS• DONALD FOX T 1hltl•n Honey..-• Wlrlf! ........... *lb .... _Dlll ... 121 IN .... II Catllr.• •.. fttii1111l tlo!ll'IBOL SALONS M&T.N.l&N•IFFF , .. u • -----Clllli ..... NEWPORT BEACH, 430 PACIFIC COAST HWY. • , ALIO ttl A ••"'4 ~ C.z• a,.....,, ahr~rlto lll a , .. &... (2 ILOCKI IAIT M IALIOA IAY CLUI) 642-3630 - SANTA ANA, 1840 W. 17th ST. 543.9457 ..... L-.1;•'• ~ ...... ti. H•t ,, • ......_ ,_. _ ........ -.... 1--·-T--.WllHI•; . · ' ' . • I • _, JI DAILY l'ILDT . ~ Kathleen Ann Tornow -Weds Ronald Baxter 'l1le Rev. LGlhar V. Tornow ol"deW at the afternoon I marrtop a1 h~ dougbtu ~ htlal11n Ann Tcrnow and ; ~ Carl Baxter, IOD of llr. """ ¥n. Carl Buter etllaulhG11<. Costa Mesa Rites Kathleen Feely Weds SL Jahn the J!lplilt Calhollc Church, Costa Meu WU the leUiDI for the ceremony ~ in maniare Kathleen Anne Fe<ly l!ld Michad P1trlck .lloclde. "!be Rev. Anlhooy McGowan read the double rilll nuplills for the dauillter of Mr. and Mn. Robert Feely al ea.ta Meu and the eon ol Mr. end Mn. FranclJ -of Santa ADii. Atlndlng her sister as maid of honor was Miu Patricia Feely, whlle briclelmalds.,,.... the Mlatts Kathl .. n Finley •and Judith Morkel. Best man wu Timothy -. brother ol the bridegroom, and ushers were T......,. llodde and Mlchltl Feely. '.j . ' MRS. M. P. MODDE Rocl ... Ploclteo!,. OC Single Bees ,,,. ltCOOd and fourth Fri· day of the montb Orange Count)' 51Dlle -··-in -Town, Santa Ana. Ac;tl..-begin at I p.m. ..... ' Janet Parkhouse .Wed • • To Gary , Randall Carr . Mesa Rites Link Pair Mldaft.ernooa riles in the Flnt United Methodist Fo1llpwlns I -.. trip in V..llan, ....... 1ywe& will .-1n llunlin&Uiri B-1L fte bride, • ll'llduale of Maier Del H1lh Sdlool, It• -MCUlt SL Mary's Cdllp and eamed her RN dep'ee at · Or1n1e C o a 1 t eollqe. Her hulband, allo a 1r1dulte ol Mater Del, et· tended Santa Ana Colle1e and the Uolvenlly al Sou I h Ceremony Performed In Lutheran Church ... _ MRS. JAMES RILEY MothoollatRltes ' • ' • - Vows Read In Newport The Newport Buch home ~ Mr. and Mn. Lewis R. Buch WU the ltttinc for tbe marrtago of their daughtu, Maslnt Blach, and Robert Maron Marctllin, ,.. of Mn. Roat Marcellln of Bishop. Performing the double ring ceremony wu the Rev. Roger T. Walke. The newlyweds will reside at Mammoth Lakes, where the bridegroom 111pe.rvlses a ski equipment shop and the bride will teach speech therapy. Amoog optclal guuta was Nancy Ann Evans became the bride of Gary Brent Moore in the Newport H a r b or Llltheran ~ during a Mn. A. L. Syverod, the MRS. GARY MOORE Aller,_, Rites brkle'1 grandmother. ======================c--1 --·---""'". ~ ........ tr.a.H MEDICAL AND- O ENT AL' ASSISTANTS ....... '-'91111": -,...,, --'1'1 .,.. •. • Aolstllftl IR it.. ollltlo .t • ~W... "' hlltlat." -'h "°911111 for Dtifti.I ...... . Mdllllt w Meclltol Olllc• s.c.,.1iofll11. 7 .... ,,_.,. ... tor MHk•I Auble!!!. 0.., .. -1"' d•IMI, Lll111... pl«t11911t .......... ,.. ocldlt1-11 ... ,. Southtm C.lilornl1 CoU191 ·•f . Mldlcll 1nd Dent1I Asslst1nts ......., Lei ....... Cellott) 1. ~IBi] ti, thl Ac:ctldHif'lt Commission of ftit Nat'L-. of Trd. ind l:tdlnk1r Schl1. """ .......... '"' .,....,. 1717 lelllh lrookhurlt AMhelm ,,._ ~5-3450 •• -mony olflclated by the Rev. M. C. CronJc, uncle of the brktqroom, and the Rev. James G. BlaJn. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Evans of Costa Mesa, asked her staer, Mrs. Stanley Frisbee . tG be matron or honor. desmalda were-M r • , Chriltopher Hardy, Mn. Mar· ty llront<, Mw Carolyn HeyW!s and Mw Debbie Evans, 1ilter of. the bride. Alan Dale Moore served his brother u 6est man and guests were 1eated by Bill Van Note, Frisbee, Hronec and Wayne Chrllltnltn. The newlyweds, who will make their bmne in Santa Ana HelglU, both w e r e graduated from Q:rona del Mor 1118h School. The new Mrs. Moore ls a graduate of the Golden West Collq:e School of Nursing. Her husband, aon of Mr. arxl. Mrs. Derrell Alfred Moore of Costa Mesa, lJ a sraduate of Orana:e Cout College. He will auend Clllforoll State C011t1e at Long Buch In the fall. Brewsters Tell News Of Troth THE BIGGEST SHOW.OF rTS KIND WEST OF·THE MISSISSIPPI' THE OHL Y HOME & GARDEll.SHOW IN CAl.IFORlllA! ..e PNJllD wmt MCI! fa. 1...s fOll KTT1I UVl5 fW: M. fllS1' TM' •.• SBIA..Wll,._,_. --sm coWtm "l.USUt:i. LMNll" 111..itctfk --SlllT•~· ........ --$!ll fti• ·11111111i. .. M1" wnac•.,. ka ..... k*- IHI S,ace ... • lllC1l'tllk 20111 C111t~ry , .. killt .. ..... , 1 JiUn TOP D1$10NllS IN na ML $lZI CICOM-tm _,, A NAHUM CONVlNTION CtNltl ·--•• 11 .... ......... I•••• I I .... l111rf"' a l'i:th ........ , .... , ..... " ....... , ... ~ ........... u''"~ A GEORGE COLOURIS PRODUCTION Spon1ored by.. Tha: Orona• Covnfy Bu ilders Assn. and The Orange County Chapler of th• Building Industry AMn. BE FREE ... OF P'ACIAL HAI ft FO .. EVE ... LET UI SHOW YOU HOW EASY IT II TO RIMOVE EXCESS HAJA WITH MODPH . ll:LICTROLYSIS, MIDICAU.Y APPROVED.•• IAP'I, FAIT, Gll:NTLE. CONSULT WITH OUR· L.1CDtllD TECHNICIAN IH OUR llAUTY IALDH 0 ROBINSON'S ·• ' 70790 Mole Eye ' Appeoseq BEAUTY'S NOT A SOMETIME THING ... IT'S A WAY'OF LIFE IN OUR SALON IN THIS HU .. RY, SCURRY, HA.VEN1T GOT A MINUTE WORLD, A. WOMA.N SHOULD TAKE ONE DAY OR EVEN A FEW HOURS TO RE'u x AND ENJOY BEING PAMPl. .. ED FROM TOP-TO-TOE, JUST THIN)( HOW GOOD A NEW HAIRDO AND MANICURE WOULD MAKE YOU P'EIL~ AND A PEDICURE? SHEER LUXURY. WE HAVE EVERYTHING TO MA.KE YOU LOOK AND FEEL LOVELIER, LIVELIER EVERY. SEASON OF EVE .. Y BEAUTIFUL . YEA .. , .CONSULTATIONS WITH EXPERTS ARE ~LWAYS COMPLIMENTARY, <:;A.LL FOft YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW~ HA.IR CUT.S FROM 4.00•7,90. P~RMS, F .. OM 12.!10-90.00 •. IN o,UR1 BEAUTY SAL.ON , SUMMER SUN-VALUE! FROSTING sPECIAL, REG. 30.00, NOW 19.90 CQM'PLETE. PLUS F .. EE FANCl-P'ULL. RINSE AS f'OLL.OW-UP GIFT WITH YOUR NEXT APPOINTMENT. ROB NSON~S Today's Stoeks Today NEWPORT -ROBNSONS NEwroRT • I t I ' ' • ., , •• "' ... _ Texas Dow-McNeil Ceremon y Performed in Newport In • double rin1 ceremony Juel llelelle lolcNeil al Hun· tington Beach became the bride of Rlchord -1low Ji. ol -Beoch. • St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach was the setting, and performing the rites was the Rev. Dr. Charles Diereofield. Pattnts ol the tridal couple are Mr. and Mn. Edwin F. McNeil of Corona ~I Mar mw:I Mr. and Mrs. Richord B. Dow ol Cleveland, Tenn: Serving as maid "or honor was Miss Robin Louise Dow, the bridegroom's sllter, and best man was Roser Jam'tl. Guests ·were ushered to theil seats by Ronald McBride and Larry Sch!>eneck. The bride is a graduate o( the George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville and now is ccmpleting work for her masters degree a t Callfornla Stale College al ~ Long Beach. Her husband_ ii --MRS. R. I . DOW JR. Haw1 ll1n -yinMn Couple To Reside In Redding ~ will be ·home !or newlywed Mr. and M r 1 • Donald Schrader, who ex- clwtled vows durina: •. a graduate of the University ol Tennessee and is working for his masters at Loyola Unlvenity. Follawin( 1 honeymoon In Hawaii the newlyweds will reaide In Hunling10o Belch •. ~-~ceretnOriy-l'e•_d_by_the_Rev. Anlhony McGowen tn St John the Blpllst C1thollc Church, Colt.a Mesa. 'Ibt bride, the lo rm e r Colleen Denlult. is l h e daupter ol Mrs. Dln!el P. Donahue of Colla Mela and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mri. Otto Schrader ol ortnda. Mias Birdie Denault at- tended her sister as maid of honor and Kirk Marten served as best mr11. The new Mrs. "'Schrader ls a graduate of Coata Mesa High MRS. SCHRADER Catholic Rites School and attended Orange Coast College. Her husband 1s a graduate of Campolinda High School, Orinda. Both wll\ attend Sbasta College, Stoles Passe Says Furrier Stoles are pa~, says fur· rier Jacques K•Jll&ni whose new collection included midi coat.a, short jackeb a n d ponchoo. Kaplan, who is an active conservationist, uses o n I y white ranch-bred mink and discourages the use of pelts from wlkl animalt considered -.,.red -·· . Hla midis are aMared and Utbotnpbec!, the I ho r I jacketa atriped In m a n y unusual pastel combinations, and several ponchos have vague tie-dyed paUerns. ' Choral Group Every Mooday at 7:30 p.'m. members of the Prospective AlllO Valley Chlpter o1 Sweet Adellnes convene lo Mildon V!tjo lllF Sdlool. I See by Today's Want Ads e Have )'OU ewr wan~ to tntvel to tbe Riviera! Now! Hue'• )'0\11' chance to travel all yoU want in yuur own TT? for just 'ii "" price. . e t know )'OU've alwa)'I v.uted to boocie. So bu)' thll lf'OOVY booc1e ma- dllnr A do it on the road! See cars. · • e Sometime or anott~: • Gal's, )'(XI "-I both know~ there's a burnirc desire to be on 11age with bright UghtJ. \Veil don't nit erauod.~Check Help Want. ad()lle • -I .. ... Monday, JuM 22, 1970 DAILY PILOT IZ Spot • World of Darknes.s New Non -Cling Peticoats ~o::;;'·· $1 .47--1 00 Only ! ' L Get the look of permanen~press fabrics! Nylon satin, all nylon or poly~ster & cotton in white or colors. There's trim or lacy styles. Mini, short, av. S-XXX. TRAVEL-CASE HAIR DRYER Our R19ular $11.57 2 Days Only! . , 9_.,77 • . Dacron Polyester DOUBLE KNITS Values to $7.98 Yard Bright aeasonal colors in exciting weaves, 00" width. Hair_ dryer, bonnet and hose in a compact travel case of high impact pla1tic with a large mirror inside. Case resists scuffs and wipes off with .. ·d..,amup•ci•oth ... _, ..... _,.,.. _____ _, KNJJ JERSEY, 60" Width .••... $1.87 Yd. K MART'S FAMOUS 1-GAL DECANTER RED lABll lATEX I~\ I . FOR PICNICS AND WALL PAINT I SUMMER OUTINGS 1! Rav. 38¢ $2.11-. ·!·1 ,. " 2 ll Days r I I· •• 'Jbere are manr beautiful ii I ' .,., Break·resislant elastic In ' I d~ralor co or 1 plus ~· ' lt>mon, lime, c erry or -white! Dries lo a Oat \~ blut'. Jo"or all summer out- matte finish in one hour. :--·I-door parties. Snug, snap Tools wash clean. fit top. Charge it! ·~ • e-'1 1.1 _ ....... ,.. .... ,... 2.99. lnslallatlon lvall•ble St&ridlrd Duty~S~hoc-ko-~~{:"".° ., I ~ . 5 PC." KITCHEN SINK SET DllCOUlll Price 2 Days Only\ 2~ 17 DOZ. Autograph golf balls have solid centen plu~ a tough, durable covering. Great for the ave.r-age gol11>r. Limit dosen. •. 1.21 !'I Jllett pla ~tlc ktlchrn sink set. Includes d l ~ h drainer, silver· ware c_µp . di:ain tray, dish mop and soeP dish. Asst. colon. ~ SALE ON SWEA'l'.SHIRTS DurRog.$1 .11 1 '22 ' ~n'::r ' Men's short sleeved sweatshirts have reinforced neckbands for non-sagging wear. Soft fleecy lin· ing for comfortable wear. Select your favorite color. ln sizes ~M-L-XL. Our Rav. $2.96 2 Days . Only! ' ' :-.. K SANDALS l l.88 . Here are well heeled sandals with strong 3-ring bands. A·lade of leather·like vinyl with cushioned innersoles. Mu · , white, blue or white. S-10 • FOR DARKER TANS USE COPPERTONE® DARK TANNl~G OIL Rav. 97¢ $1.42 2 D•ys Coppcrlonc dark tanning oil protects you from burning as you get a dark rich tan. 4-oi. • unbreak- able bottle. Charge it. L""n. o..mr N-..... 0-t.l'S ULTRA BRITE® HAS ExTRA STRENGTH 2 D,:;.s 5· 7¢ Only! Brightr.n!! toolh 11~ It brightens your breath. Family stzc. 6.75 oz. Charge it ! ------------------- 1 4 1 DAllY, PllDT " i: U.S. Likes _Stanf ord_Succeed:s • ... • . ; .. Even More . • . • . . • • ' ' ' ( . , . - ' NYC Subway Blossoms Out With Color NEW YORK (AP) -"It's jUIC. the moat wonderful, beautiful, exciting Idea," said Helen Shapiro u she peused to look at an exhibit of pain- tings in the new subway sta- • · lion at 57lh Streel and Sixth Avenue. ••Just think of what we could do with 111 the other stations in New York," ahe added. "We might. have some public pride in our subways." There are 112 works of art by 31 Transit Author i ty anployes hung in the neon and ltainJeu steel freshness ol lhe .Utlon. The art gallery sprung up when the Transit Worker Amateur Art Club's regular edrlbtion room at TA head- quarters was converted to of- fft lpact. Officials agreed ;• to let the painters use the ~ atation. '; '"l'his Is the perfect place ':; ·.for tbe show," said H. Robert Leon, the club's pr~klent who .: ltudied art in Vienna, ·: Florence and Budapest and ;. contributed five of his own .. :: work1 to the exhibition. •' "The lighting is perfect,'' 11~ he said .• "The space is Ideal -plain walls, floors . and ~ panels. And the location ii ~ the portal to the art world. : You •rt just steps from the · ~ flnt s t museums •nd ~ p.Ueries." ~ The paintings I n c I u d e " landlcapes. I J_o_ w e r. U· : ran1ement.s . geornetirc liglares and the cubistlc nudes. Moet of the •rtists are am•teun, but some hive art deJrMs or teach art in their ~pare lime. • ' " • . • . One work, "The Junkie " by Horace Hall, is fashioned with cll.y Ofl canvas and painted over with acrylic. It depict.a 1 Horlem dope lddict slumped owr • 111'bqt can out.aide 1 dlfll)', brick tenement. l ' ••we've Md quite a crowd,'' aaid ~eanu Bright, a token 1eUer tn the .. lion. She 11id "!hit -~,_just ; ... .. ... 111111111, 11(1( .. ... ' • 1111 lillwq • • ' . . eeting • ( • -. Get· the · BIG 6% at the . BIG · M ' ' .I Everybody knows ·ttiat NOBODY TOPS THE BIG M -Mutual Savings, In ~ng the most in earnings to savers. MUTU'A W 1% 2 y.ar tenn account, with $5,000 mlnlml.Wll a... 5~% 1 yaar tenn account, with $1,000 nilnh111.W11 I! A'lft-NGS 5~ % a..months bonus account, with $500 minimum ilft W & 7~% cerlllicata of depoelt n1Hable, with $100,000 minimum · -······••i:iatin 11 you ..... Mutual SIM!f, ndw I! tho ttmo to 1,,_t·addjtlonal funds Int-..w. . hlo--ounts. (Insurance has been Increased 10 $20.,<XIO.) If you '"' not• CORONA DEL MAR Mutual Saver now is the· time to open your account at The Big M-Mutual Savings. 2187 Enl·Cont Hlfhway ' ' TelephOMl7S-SOtO ACcOUNTS NOW INSURED TO $20,0001 w•n AlllCADIA •w.tOulrt.RoN T...,_.+.G11f • • COVINA 200 North CMrw A...,.,. •· T1l•phOM 331<5411 ' OL•NDAl.9 338---nl TNphone 241-414' PASAD•NA --315 ~tCotamdo8'loo .. uli.11111rornl• Tefepftone44 .. 2345 ' ,• • ,,, ,,.._ .. _ ....... .. DQl(j)ID--(C) • Te Tll ... Trltll (C) (30) llDW.W -(C) jiO) e ·P11d1rw (30) ........ ,,. -12') """"· ,. l;JI··~= ..., (C) (30) 12:111• ~: "'1·111111" (dfllftl) "?-(I) llltY tM lfttir• flmi Denn11 O llltf•, J11n1 LaUllltt. _ ~::r~l Hie npid1 at IN Cos. l. B~tw!f: ~~lie ....,. (lrl!N) .tm-W.W IM1 ..... 11 1u:::Gl11111 FM, ltt M11W!, Qltri1 P CC) (30) '1h• M1lln1 Dance." 111'11''"· 1DCllJll "-· Wll'llt lJdit dlta a 1111lly, .lolln Mon· ' DD..._ (C) ,_ .,.Hsts llb 1r1ndf1t1Mr to prow m a.a IW that fitht ii mi1ht-sollllllmes. m Mlwll: '111dM "9lllcW (lllp-Dolltl•• Fowley IVllU. , ' ltq) '~riftith ...... ht?ti;i1 a Z.. '"' Tlllltrl (30) "Thmt Liff In. Ol'"Vloltnca." C.Ur Aomtro ll:ars. G lllH1llrlAIC -·-.... ._..., ·--fCl 11· (Q 1Miiir' (Mwll'!tun) '67-~ ~ Y• T111i, AIM11· Z:JOa ,._/1111 • IWl'llr A TUESDAY DAmME MOVIES -. . . • . " • FOR ADVERTISING IN THE · WEEKENDER PHONE 642-4321 -~ - • --.. i ' . ' ' . i . I 'I • ,j t j ( ( ( • ( 'l ~t ·. ' .. .. '. . ' " ... " • , ' , ; ' l ' -------------- Mood>I, J""' 22, 1970 OAll. v PILOT J 8. • Stlnanaer· Mtufcal • r vine. Ct!'llf!l'.UniJYT1iea -·cc-sees "LaManc out Offers Nei-l Simon Comedy Oran&• Coast Colle&• of. ficialJ, erpecttn,.-a seUout for • this summer's product.ion or '1The Man of La Mancha," announced today that mail orders for tickets will be: ac· cepted starting July t. By JOANNE REYNOLDS Of ._ DMJf', Pl6't SI ... The Orange Coast is u area that literally briltles •with community theat~s, and' F_fi· . day nigl}t another ~lldified • itself in ·the ranks. . , _ ·· The JrvineCommun.ity Theater haS' established itself 1 "COJM' ILOW YOUR HORN'' " ~ bY Helt Simon. d!•tdtd •llCI ae1l1"9CI br Hell l..ouv, •11l1ti!'d IW P•UI• 1..-. "•" ,,, __ cnuctc B..,.on.. J!•-1911 bY tlM Irvine Com-' "'1,tnlh< Thellltl' F•ld•Y 11\d sahlrd•Y T~' rM Corwi1 Ott Mu ·11i.-SchDol ---------.I!~ thQtir,"l'iflCAsT ...,._ Attn 81k... Tom Tltu1 BuddV 81k1r .. , .. ·, ... _,Jim Tr,1111\tllr c-r• D1vt0<1 .......... Tt111 01r1tmut Mr. Bakltl' .............. :foam l•lnclon Biiier ........... Fr111CK M~C1nn 1Ev1ns •.••••. ., .• :.,oell9 a .. ih• Guule .• .......... ,. • .J'1Uf1 J,O<lft '. . " -. -, By popular requett, the Soa11d Cmention has re- turned IO Knott'• Berry Farm. Thfi 2' tilented mu. 1ici&1t1, aill1n1 ud dancen from John Bro1nt Uni.er.it)' 'Will be performing ior your enjoyment ' Mond1y tluouP Thurtd1y all eummer "811 · l!OAIS PASlEJIW(So DOCJOR . ZHIVAGO 1n1..a..o,...,. c....,. ... ., ..... 1 T011i'9 ... 1:00 ..... --• -·r.:11 I STADIUM •I :,',' .. .-..U.'1~ . "" "llLL THIM ALL & COMI IACI ALIYr ... and a cledlcllejl swtnger. )le l1irnl In a credible and polllh· Id pt!_fc;NUllDCe -thooC'l knowing Tilus the way. we do, it ,Js somewhit difficult to believe the Casanova. bit. ' -Paired with . Titus, as his younger brother Buddy, is Jim Traughber. For the bulk of the play his performance as an emerging swinger is very good and he contributes some o( the best c<1nedy. His ... ' rance-b -somewbat-marrecf._ however:, by an overp>Weriag ati{fness and one wooden 'Whether It was a case of open-- Ing night jltten or overplaying the part of an awkward young _ DAll.'W f'IL01 staH "- brother. DOWN,. BOY -Tina Dirkmaat uses a hBtbox to _ The show will be staged in the OCC AOd.ilori.um July -":19-Aia,. l··at 1,15 p.m. All • seats will be res,erve-d. ., Adl'Jli.ssiOn will be $1.50 per penon. . ''La Mancha," one o I Broadway.'s biggest hits in re- cent years, will be directed 'by OCC drama inst.ructor William Purkiss. P~rsons Wishing to buy ad--~,~a'°n"°ce fiCket!b)' mail should make 'their checks payabl~ to OCC and , address them to the OCC Evening COiiege, 2701 Fairvi"ew Road, Costa Mesa. The two parents, Sam Bratt-ward off the romantic advances of Tom Titus in this .don and Fraocea McCano. scene from 11Com1 Blow Your Horn," being staged = ::::,r ir.:v:~h~ by the Irvine Community 'Tlleater at Corona de! cents which gave a light touch _;M.;;•::r;..;;.H;;:ig,;h:.;:Sc::h::oo.;;::I. _________ , ___ _ The auditorium box office will. begin selling tickets July 22·23 at 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., U p.m., and 1,»1,111 p.m. It will be open July 24 and 27·28 from 2-6 p.m., and will open on performance nights to their otherwise dreary demands of their sons. It's difficult to say which M T M B k of the two was.hetter.-·the ary ·. oore ac . father who thinks any un- married y01.D1g man is a bum · -r~;:-~;-;~ -~"'i:.,':h On-T-elevision -Skow added· enormously to the play. from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tina Dirkmaat, who pla)'..d By VERNON SOOTI' off-screen " the part ol Connie, Alan's gjrl · . . The Scheherazade Players, friend, did an adequate job. HOLLYWOOD (UPI) And therein Ues the best a touring group speclallzlr_.. Hel"'part is not one of Simon's They're going to call it "Mary hope. tor Mia Moore's new irt'l children's productions, will more outstanding characters, Tyler Moore.'' Or ""The Mary CBS series. present their adaptation of and she is not called upon 'tyler Moore Show." She is a low-pressure, low-"The Wizard of Oi·" July I, for a.Qy particularly strenuous "The second title sounds as key performer who is not loo 2 and 3 in the mall of Hun-work ·r · h 1 tington Center. J~lle Basin plays Peggy 1 it s ou d be aa:ompanied pretty nor too animated for Three performances will be Evans, the dumb brold who by 8 blare of trumpets and ' the living room audien;ce. 1£ given daily, at, 11 a.m., 3 is trying to break Into the a long drum roll,'' said the the show Is a success it will p.m. and 7 p.m. The play _ _ntovies. Like Mi? 'Dirkmaat_, _peli,.bnure_tte.~mean it etves be becallll!: viewers are able is being directed by Don ~he also does an aaeijuate the impression of a grelt bit: to Identify wltti Mary. ------z:rayes, who also wUl portray JOb. · Mary is well aware that lhe cowardly lion. Probably the only real blight deal. no matter how good -or Others in the-. c:ast are en the whole pnxluction was "ll's larger than We, and bad -the series, she must Ca rolyn Crabb as Dorothy, a simple ca.se ,r opening night I'm not." wjn a layal aad~, on the Paul McKay as U>e scarecrow, mechanical j.ltt.ers. Some of Next season Miss Moore will strencth of her own personali· Gary Bassin as the tin man the cues got dosledt doorbells star in her own weekly half-ty. and Kelly M~terS as the were ringing when th e·y hour television show after Such other televiaion stars wizard. Kim Cole and Terrie weren't supposed to and peo-.. _ · k aa Raymond Burr Lucille Baker will alternate as Glinda, Pie had to answer. tel_._, 11av1ng la en several years off • th ood . ch h'I Dt .,.--f l the · A.1.a~ Ball ·Jim "'-· and Jim e g wit , w 1 e ane that didn't rina. By Saturilay or a go a movies. -' · 11.1uo::.. B t d Debb' C I ~·• from "ThorOughly Modern ·Nabon PQ&Sesa an 'indefinable a Yan . le ai:mack wl I night, . the ;problems were Millie," her films were 'bombs. . q u a 11 t Y which transcends enact the wicked witch. hope£ully worked ~· It w6uld appear television scripts, characteriialions and -;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;,II The Orange Coalt's newest Ir theater has established itself is Mary's milieu. For five overexposure. BALBOA by giving us a solid comedy years she combined sex ap-She is weighing whether this 673 AIUI ~production which closes wJth. .peal and chunky ho m.e quaJity exilts within herseU -nrt final perfomt~ next· goodnets ·as Laura Petrie on or w~ biftlt into her character ONN 'Weekend. Hopef'ully it will con-''The Dick Van Dyke Show" as LB;ura Petrie. 6:41 tribute more ,fine dramatic ef. (let'• }lJ!ar that drum roll). ~ ... · COAIT iw·a.,. n . =.:. =..,,. l1?fis to the area. . V~ Dyke, too, -attempted _ !!------.--=::: m~ ltardom and fell abort lbcl...., .._ a..111 ot, aay,.Mic~ey Rooney. j HELD OYER M lodr Mary is some what In· . e . 3ID3 timld1ted in the knowledge Co!umbial>lcl• ... ,....... ANTONIONI$ that she must carTY the ~lrvingAUiid;e"'"" • •1a·1 .Tryo· u•o Set burden of the show wu11.u1 · t: . m11111 iu _ Le the strong comedic talent of ·' Van Dyke for support. II &.e:' IDDE · At Rancho "I'm going lo be leaning T....,_, -!!] . I Auditions have been an- 11ounced by the Rancho Com· munity Players of Mission Viejo for a summer musical melodrama entitled ' 'Th e St.reetl of New York/' to be presented In Aogust. Director Ann Vener, who has a number o( musical pr~ ductions to her credit, will be seeking • a cast of nine men and nine Women fof the show. Tryouts will be held Tuesday and ,Wednesday;' at 7:30 p.m. at the Ollvewl)Od Elementary School in El Toro. An ac- companist will be provided. ''The Streets of New York" Will l;ie pi-esented at. the OliveWood Sc ho o I, opening Aug. 8 for a three-weekend run. Further Information may be acquired by call.inl players president Marge Rushforth at '830-2915. on six wonderful members or A. the cast," she said. "But I'm --~.a.---p.,,amnr still nervous about hAving my ~= name in the title. Hu "My son, Richard, said It sounds conceited, and I guess ftthe - d -··· ii oes. He tried to come UJn.+.6•~ IWI up with some other names -·~ l!!J for the show, but none of them were sUitable." Mary will play an associate producer of a television news show on a fictitious station in Minneapolis-St. Paul who gets the job· by agreeint to take a $15 weekly pay• cut when she falls to land a -ste~grapher job. "I'll be actlng naturally and instinctively in the role,'' the vivacious, leggy actreu said: "just as I did ori · the Van Dyke show. I reacted on situ.· lions and people aa I would RICHARD BUl\TON GENEVIEVE B.UJOLD TIECHNICDLDR m •· ~. ALSO 'A WALK IN THE .um~---SPRING.RAIN'·iiJ ~ Anthony Quinn '°'" . -....::.. OO lngricl S.rgm.!n"" . lllllYlll·m-. II~~~~~~ -'LIO-• f IOCK HUDSON ...... "ICE STATION ZEBRA" rJr.• , ~: T .. ~!ff.1 Z'los last c .... Hwy. Corona del Mir EXCLUSIVE AREA ...... ...,,. 111ln1ecc_,.w .,_ SHOWING RECOMMENOEO ' FOR AOULTS "Did The Sur.-n's Knife Mike A Mitt•~•" "Don't tell me aboutdyln' THE FIRST MAN TO BECOME A WOMAN El1NNID~'"THE · - . and goln' to hell! Clir.istine 1 ~!HG~~~. SJ9fil" I -Dyln' II how W9 git out of It." "OUT OF IT" I 1111 •Ill n ""' -...11111 !Ill mllll • llCl!f llROW · llllO hf I Uni • JO•.lllt Ml11tsOM • k_.J ''DOM MU!llt.lY 1M J.lMfS IOlflm' _ • Nr1k •r Ull'I C.lN!llCK.ltl • 11"'114 '1 tOll NUlfl.lY • Pr*t4 ~t llCl AOSS ~ "" Tf.Cl'll4l!XllOll I .............. _ lilllE ILAWYIER !!lo•- HELD OVER 4th AND FINAL WEEK Spend d fT'o3rVeb.is evening with eight cf the 00,,. Mart Crovvley's "lttl: 13Vri. INTttl: ~ .. •• is not d musicdl AC-C-fk~·ANlarJc-.lft...fl.i..·VDbro.l.9~ . STARTS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th ht AREA SHOWING Both Shows Rated "G"-"IT'S FOR EVERYBODY"' ~C&PD'N' .Ala:>TllE'IJJU>l:llWATEaetr&· l111plr1ll bf JULll V11tN1 STARTS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th . . c.,. -C• (:, "-' "THE DIRTY DOZEN" •• •••CH • AT •LLll •• PLUS TOP ACTION IN •UNTIN~TON 81ACH • •47-Ho• HELD .OVER! 9th EXCITING WEEK ---------------------=·~. ---- .. DAD. Y I'll.OT -Men -in · SerVice I A1rmlD Dl\'W A. 0eut, llOft ti llr. and Mn. Eric D. Doane ti 210!1 Shacltlelonl, H ... ~ Beach, his compltled bmc training al Lackland AFB, Tex. He has been uaigned to Chanute AFB, JU., lor training in the armament aystems field. Airman Do;pne Is a 11811 graduate .of TulUn llllh School and attended Orange ~ Junior College, Qlllo Mesa. ·Airman 'n.aglat W. Slw'p, ooii al !In. Richard C. Sharp of 11! E. Zlnd SI., Costa Mesa, · • .... completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Tei. He --been-assigned lo ehanute AF.B, Ill., for training as a ·r1r e protection specialist. Airman Sharp ls 1 1966 graduate of Newport Ha~ lftgh -· Newport Beach, and attended Calirornla Slate College at Fullerton. · Ainnan Riclaard J. S.ppe, IOfl of Mr. Mnd Mrs. Abraham Suppe of 3209 New York Ave., Costa Mesa, has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. He has been1 a&signed to Lowry AFB, Colo., for tra~_ in the munitions and w e a p o n s maintenance field. Ainn.an Suppe Is a 1961 graduate of Estancia High School and attended Pierce J1.mior College, Reseda. Coast Guard Seaman Ap- pttlllice -R. earr-o, llOll of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Carrasco of 4231 Patrice Ave., Newport Beach, was graduated from r e c r u I t training at the Coast Guard Training Center, Alameda. Di.Iring his eight-week . • training period he received in· . struction in military customs and trlditions, eeamanah.ip, military drill, owlmming and weapona training. · Air Force Airman First Class a.bert Dreelrelll1, Son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. DeCurellis, 311 Bucknell Road, COlta Mesa, is on duty at Bien ROI AB, Vietnam. Airman DeCurelli1 is a leClD'ity policeman in a unit al the Pacific Air Forces, beadquarten tor air opera- tiom in Southeast Asia, the For East and Pacific area. · He .,.-.viously """1 a t Hamilton AFB. Merine Corporal Job E. 1-r. or 1005 Summit Drive, Lquna Beach, Is now serving at the Martne Corp11 Air Sta· tion, Iwakwil, Japan. . Navy Constructlonman Ap- prentice Mlcbel A. Cra1er, son of ·Mr.' and Mrs. John A. Crager-0r lll11J2 Egert Lane, Jjuntington Beach, returned to Point Mugu, Calif., with Naval Mobile Conltructlon Battalton Three (MCB-3) after an eight· momh deployment to Okinawa. Alsigned u "alert" bat- talion for lhe Pacifk: Fleet, MCB-3 carried out an ex- tensive construct.lob program at Camp Kinser and other military installations on the island. Marine Corporal Davkl K. Baller, son or Mr. and Mrs. Robert BuUer of 223 Grand Canal, Balboa Island, Balboa, was promoted to his present rank while serving at Marine Corps Base, Parris Island, s.c. • His promotion was based on time in service and rank, military appearance, and his knowledge or sele<:ted military subjects. Navy Petty Officer Third .Clul h..., R. Parker, aon or Mr. and Mn. Robert E. 'Parker of 21151 Newland, Hun- tington Beach, is now serving at the U.S. Naval Air Facility, Naha , Okinaw1. ·New Officers For Teachers Four members of the 1000. member Newport·Mesa F.ducatlon Aasoclallon have been -u ol!lcers al 111e.....-r..-1m-11. Brod 'lllarrnan, ocience In· lllructar at ear-del Mai Kilb Sdlool will -the -• ..-. He will .. akled by Jack Evam1 arr- rlculam development atarr member at Ealtbluff School wllo wlll be lbe president· elect; Janie Pawlik, school poy""'1o1Jst, -will serve • ""'11ery, and Karl Stal, IOclal llludla lucher at Lin· <Oln Sdlool who will be .,_..,., 1be new officers were lft. lllalled Jime I at I_.. ..... al ........... • -· i .... 22. 19111 ---: ' .· ' l -. -LAST TWO DAYS TO SAVE, SHOP TODAY, SUNDAY, lZ N'OON TO ·S P.M. . . I . - • ' SHOP TOMORR0W, MONDAY,' 10:00· ~;M .. ~o~~:30 PA'1~'.-,' \. . . .. ---- MacPhergus men's Fairway jacket . Water repellent; machine washable Dacron• poly~ter and cotton. For golf, leisure. Many colors. 38 to 46. r~.15.00 11. 99 men's 5P'.0'15wear4S ' solid and plaid fame make skirts Slimming A·line skirts in cool, crisp cotton and polyester. Some pocket· ed slyles. In sizes 8 to 16. were11.00-15.00 7 • 99 skirts & coonlinates I 01 • .. " ~ r -< ' • .. . ann1 . sar: ,·Sa e • '·' ; • .• I ' . . " . A MESSAGE TO OUR~: ---For 46 ~ the May Co AnnlwnalY·Sale has affmd SOudiem Qllfamia.·our lowest price of "the year .. 1970 hn-!IUStmllllll.this-tradilion.~-)IDUI' concm1 .tiout.JiSlng ptices,..-haw: ,promised yo1nhe best ~.,vafues ti>.be'.blrid anyNhere .In Soulhem California. Monday is the last day ·of !fie_ 47th Annlwrsary:S;i~ We V'8_1! ')'Oli not !O miss this peat savings opportunity. --~·· ... I • • ~ ' . '. I red and green plaid . girl's all-weather coat All-weather coat with zip-out lin• ing. Red and green plaid with black coliar. Sizes4-6x, reg. 14.00 10.99 sizes7-14, 12 99 · reg. 16.00 . • girl s' dresses 56 MacPhergus knits in bdght colors / . Machine washable and dryable. Moc-turtleneck or collar styles. Stripes or solids. Sizes S to XL ftl. 5.00-6.00 3 . 9 9 men's spt. lum. a+ . ' •• ! •• '..' ... . . . I I I. ' • '1 '' • , , , •, .' _ • ., 1 ••• • •• _ ..... ·~ t "·~·· ; . . ·' ·~ .. ... fabric glove group in cotton or nylon CllOqlll the fabric gloves )'Oii lilce best: Cotton or nylon, plain or de- tailed. White, blaCk, bone, brown. ' ftl. 3;0CMi.OO 1 • 9 9 ...... l firm mattress or box : . . springs · from Simmons . ' Adjusto-Rest unit, twin or full si~. Deep ·quilted ' floral tidcing 'wiih matchlrig ·box ~ ~ ,..· 54:99 44. 90 - ' ' ' cab'ecl .cardigan in four ·colors , - Snug 'little cardigan of easy<are acrylic. White, pink, . yellow, or navy. For sizes 3-6x, reg. 6.00 4.59 sizes7-14, reg.S:OO 5. 5 9 ,, . . ·girls':!lpOllMear 77 .. -·' rustic ironstone 47 pc •. service for 8 3 panerns, each with 8 dinners, salads,.saucers; 10 CU115; 1 P-t. vept.able, creamer and sugar. reg. 34.99 24. 99 -. may co · south coast plaza, 1an diego fwy. ~· bristol, coif• mese, H6-fl2 I' shop ·monday thru seturday I 0 e.m. to 9:30 p.m., 11111dey noon 'tfl Ii p.m. .. • MAVCO ·I ' • .• • , • ~- I - .. t • • - - ] j LI ill m fo' In ---...;_cb .. wl dr. a . lb I .. .., ba lo. • th! wa ~ ow J Ca .. I c. wh ! lea ry1 .. baJ J cat pin on f sea I 11111 ere SjJC 1 I=' In _c:lo, G bet fan ... .. s lbe Ids al ., eltt .... "'" y ma .. ~ It l)JO A bet I ( A onlj tllo T C1n tile ma, We A Los ..,; In I Al ... u ,,. the ... SI ~ ... lot "'" --· :.: , ... .... ..... ••• .... -'"'' c,.,, = •• L ' c ..... ~. Atmosphere MEXICO CITY -'lllil mqn1llceol Latia metropoUs ... wtually wlthoui ileep · Sunday nlght as c:amlval at· mosphm ripped ' the -.... following Brazil's 4-1 vlct<ity. over Ualy , In the finals of the World Cup . .,..... --d>ampioolhipo~ It was a scene mot IOOll ;lo bi!: fcqottn1 ~ ~lebrania Ignored the ,ll\MCly rain whldt feD to release their julJllance. · Mexico City's main IJld -1 beautiful drag ..... Pueo de la ~ -wu a sight to behold as'' festivities ran inlo the earlj, boon of UU. momlng •. People were· dariCJ.ag in the atreets ,. ' •• • ' ' M-, Juot 22, 1970 DAILY ,tLDT :!J Tide of Battle in Finale ' BJ GLENN: WIUTE then Pele, a great chant ol 11afuera!'~ • .. _.., Plltt Staff (throw him out!) rq out. .. MEXICO CITY .-Firecrackers ex· As time be1an to expire, fans bef:an ....... owr. the Aztec Stadium's k>wer to repeal the yell "Br1:aeal! er.teal!" deck. Qllhlom Dew through the air. When the final whiltJe hid Wowa 8razD a cloudbunt of CQOfetti covered those into permanent poll 111ian of. tlie Jules fortuDllle enoup to have been there. Rimet CUp u the fint trkbaml*ln Wttb 112,GDO fans singing words to of the World Cup, fans lltonned on the ,,..•Ilk IOl'I Las Golondrinas, the to the field , leaping info the moat IUr· ftnU or the ll'lO World Cup soccer rounding the field and !JCUl'TYi"4I up tem- cblmpkwblp became history here Sun· porary steps that carried binds on to da,Y afternoon. the tur.r. And wlth the conclusion of the tourna· Bratdian flags .were ev~ and ·me. _ Brull'• 4-1 bombardment of Mexica~ near where I WIS ~lted belrut HaJY _ came to a temporary halt the to. yell, ltallano1 t 11.allanos. Then they beliel that s<.--an style .soccer is .. gave the thu~bs down gesture. . ~"I"" . . The Brazilian · coach wu carried Jl.lperior &o that of the Lahn nalK?ns. • around the field on !hqulden of jubilant. Jn Europe .the mode of play 1s bard; pporten and IJ'OU i:A aficionados defemtve but tel~ sensation~!. . . ~ed to tear the °jeney ~f Jtir. • 'lbe LIUn way IS ·lots of individual , Then the momunental crowd teWed ~ wM.b the NII '-:-'. !"'Ovement that down for a tearful singing of w Goll:& occuionaUy draws cr1t1c1sm from those drinas before it began the hectic (and who do not care for a lo~ of showmanship_. _rain-batter.edf:triP-bact to the citJ-PfOo•--1r-·I --IJ'he Latin manner-ls-also-generally r devoid of severe physical contact -P,eThere could be no doubt about which .-... --"-=--" WHITE JJ'-ASH ..... WMITa ) u:t oa the lidewalb, oblivious to trafilc and ra'Jn . Others were d~ at the base of EI Angel -Mexico's inooumenl lo Independence. . • A mob of aficionados par.ided '.around the monument whi~! me ahirUest fellow waved a Mea:ican flag while , seated on top of one of the lioM adorning the -. Soll another chap wi!hout shirt rac<d out with a burning torch. A yellow c"ar moved by with 11Bra.sil Campean" (Brni.I, ·champiol) painted Oii the doors. Hornl honked out a cheerful bleep. Cara fame by with people hanging out windows, seated on hoodi and trunta. • • Some CUT~ huge Brazilhm or Mea:· lean flaas. A Volkswagen full of mer- rymaker!: had two ,,girls on its hood ud they were waving greea and yellow balloons (Brazil's colors). •KING OF SOCCEll -Brazil's Pele, the .king o! SOC• cer, triumphantly holds up the Jules Rimet cup, emblematic of triumph in the World Cup Soccer championships. Brazil won the cup for the third time by defeating Italy, 4-1, Sunday, and according to the rules, will retire it •. . . ' A few were beating on the roofs of cars while others pounded out their hap- pioeu over a Latin triwnph by thumping on bongos or fiv&-gallon cans. . People were chaMiag Bfa·seal! Br• seal! Mly-be-co! May·he-co! PedBatrianl were dre8led e9ery· way lmagiuble. Some hod green anif Sold crepe paper ner· their ·clothing. Other sported terapes, blankets or robes. Mo~ey No ... Wo~rry to Ja.cklin • 4-> -, l . . . . • • h • -• They croaed the blisy Reform• w!Lhout .;.fbsence· 'of· Finan¢Yfl'.'f?~ure ~ to Open Win . nprd for ..n trying Lo !!l!irt hf. C1W1D, Mlnn. fAP) -TGll)' Jici!ln -i..' I k-'1hii -might be worth a In tome cuea the ptbering of people Ion-bend:I ovf/l 1 putt and worries· -million dollars to me. in the l'Gld WU '° heavy the tr.Uk: na •-· · '[ >l!llJ1 nd bu _____clog_was.)>ackM .UpJcrNock1 , -~-~home·thesrocery..,money. ~;:a1evLit.~ Ya new car Girl• carryln& umhrellaa Hipped 'Ille zs-Ye.r...ld W-0 .. Id Ille' between moving cars, Tuts full ol a•--of financilI --helped tmn ~ .. Open title was worth $.10,000 in 1.m11an."TO r--prize "'tnl>DeY and Mark McCormack, families moved through il Ill while the wln the 'lOtb U.S. Open Golf Quun. Jacklin'• mana1er, ellirnates the cham- ,...agers chanj!!d various PIP\l!ar ,.U, piomlilp ~-wllb tu flludb..llr>ijllt -JllonlhllrJ~:::_<>lln111:_-~11on. ..~oot, s.putt· ·-- 00 • """"lal«f with sports In thi! ~. mbp<r mmd, a _...... 7' for 'ISl>ole -Allef-, ~~ -· ~· sun another group dared can with tcare ~ m. ,, . ... final •-•-to · h" ~-IHI their coats -Jike a matador wa"'"'• ... "In ~ 11117 ....._ ...... ,_ ,...._ wd Wl'l:I i.uoe give un u..:; e, • 111& -_.._,_.. ~ be remembered bow it used to be. lis cape at an enraged bulL A few JactllD, "I Wll two ttrokel behind Billy "I've found that I'm ab1e to play of lhe 'WOOld-be bull flghten ant their Calper IJld .tarted' thlnklne about that bettor nat ~Ing about dollara," he bumpo from irate motoriita. .' '30,000. l ant tlMtlol dollars oli ·'"9' .. Id. "K'w difl&eni wilen you bend over 1111'1 were nat without -· l!hll. I !Olt." to.·putt and think •bout that week's either. In fact, ., ~ ·o! J~ did not.,.,. ..-y \11 •liil .....,_. , • Jlcohalk: beverqe 11181 have beln· • 11)lnd 'wbl!1 he wtnl lnlO the U.S:. Open! Jacklin, ihe firot Englishman to rljae. W«ld record. , -1 J!!UDd over die )II< 12, 7,tll-·Yanl' the 1J11ion jack °"" the U.S. Open alnce Yet Mexlcanf 'W~ have ~ here ~ National 'Golf Course. 1t,tth 1 Ted Ray in Int, credited his deadly many years aaid jt was o•ly a mild four.....,.e lead OVll' cm&roverllal Daw: pu&U!r with !iettling him down on the c:elebr1Uon -mut.termg something about Hill. 1 ninth ~of sUnday•11 round after bogey,• It beillg toa bJd jt had lo rain lo .. _ I won the Brltsh Open last , aa -and eight He toot a binll< fJ'am spoil a real festival year,"· aid the dirt-haired Bri~n, ''I No. t with a 25-foot putt. At any rate. lht•pnst.pme -wu becanlo financ!a11y secure far life. -! "I daa~. know [IO'.!f In the world 'tt better then tlll ma1n .-1i 1111--~ ·-.ii much aboul -• tlU went bi," lie ufd.,''11 oeemed to bit -:-~ the bact.-of 1:he cup, jump out and Dodge~s .. Fac~ Atlanta;' ... • ..J. • Gain· ~~lit, With Reds . '? ; t ( (~, ATLANTA . (AP) -"The Reda aro Mlaoia bolds a ....iii!f--~-- only ......... lllef• !boy .... ori i.;. Anpla ..... ~·..nei they are dlmned IOOlf!" •. , , lllarll. The Doclili'I, •·!i.i.e taken They are ·-· The DDlllll'I'-lour of lils -rr.ioi ·lhi Braves ClnclMall "1daj nialil """"" -... Ilda ........ will ..i AJillY-. S-7 tile Reds thot .... ~•I JI lo ·-but u qlimt the BraYel, lo make a -of Ille nodora' 1-11 -P1!0 Nleln, M, ln the-· West r--11 In Ibo -In -11 of ~·1 -the final And the -,,_ GUt to -to ' _. ,_ N. '1lll Doqors -Ille Los Aalelel lbat even ~ -llnl -1"llnl tile raulf·lolnl ...n.ldnr them 11111,.... 11 •-clle .,....,,_iii Dan-. tllinc!i_.i In fullllty. lhe ......... .,... -· Jalln!>J Bench Arter rQllr game11 in three days, clim••-anif Hal McRae .er acted homeri. ed by Sunday'• doubleheader. ~ oeemed jUmp rlaht back -In. That kind of held me lotdber.•• Jacklin ltil~. wu nol convinced that !Dll, who bolled In e<iotroveny when he -Abe llaRitlne c:ouroe and ""'-~ Tniit'J-ear1ler In the-.-all lie way GUt of it. Bui 1!111 boprOd two of :111e laat -holle ~ ... / rw.e.ct-awn , strokes bKk an« hllo 'II, ~ -fllO for his ~-'!"!"' fll,li)O, ' -J . lliib·----....... left. haJ\Hr, lfN uie ·-record with a flv......,,.,.11 and1'1Md!ocked Bob Lunn. ·w\IO llad 70, al •• ~ -11.000. ' Kllr 8111111 n g.Ve 1Urn 291, Miller Barber WU 'at S and Gay Brewer 111. Lao ,....!no llld BIDy c._ were ._ ... _ . Golf's bis tine of Gory Pllytr, Arnold P•bner· IDl:I Jack. Nickl.awl were never ,..!IJ In tt after · the flrat nund IJld ~a~ ~of ~·:ey driver - in Scunthorpe, Linoolnlhire, laid his championihlp Joundatlon In the flrll round with the day's onJy subpar round, 71, fr:om 1 wlntkisturbecf field ol. 150. ·Ben Hogan was the last player, in 195r3, to lead every round. Jacklin joined Trevino as the only Open-ploytra to heft par OI! every nund. He mo became the tint man since Jack Nid<blul In 1• IJld 11187 to bold lht British and U.S. Open 00.S simultaneously. Jacklla't martin of victory was the biggest •luoe Jim Bomes beat Walter Hagen and. Fred McLeod in a 1921 playoff. And Jacklin said putting was the ....,. fol< ~ all. He U.-putted only three times in tbe tournament. .. _.I worked In the pro lhop of the local club at Scunthorpe,'' said Jadllln, •1 spent,bundndl ol hours put. ting. The l'"•t leveler In ,.if ii pulilng. · ll you mlu two · sil..footen a round, It mlgllt be wWtb •l&hL shots and tbaL'• · lhe differ~ between ftrot place IJld ' finllhing an allo-rah." f'irllr 'KVrn and _.,. wll!l'll~ Slllldew In ""' 10ftl UrtlMd S'-Ml 01*1 Gelf Cll1~lp: r...,v Jadllln, uuoo 11.JD.Jt.11-•1 oa,,. Hiii, 115.oot 7,.....1J • .,,_.. ... Lum, Sf.oot 11·72·JID.,........ ' .. Olar... .... , .. 11.7MJ-- 1(911 lffH, '7• 11-71.Jlon-M Miiar ........ W• lJ.lS.72-1'-m Ga., anw.r, '5AOI 7S.11·11·16-2n a11iv '"""'· u.»s 1s.n.11.1J-2'4 Larry Z ... lar. U.JU 7S.7).7J.7>-a. 9l'llC8 °""''"· u.m n.1s.11-n-.4t• Les Trwlrto, u,m n.,,., .. ...._,,,. J_. ..,_, 12,UO 7J.7J.Jl.11-2'f GW ,l.lttlfl', 12,150 17.,,_71·7S-2tJ .-V Mlld1aO, U ,150 T•1'-7...,_2tS "'"" """'-i, U.UD 7S.72·7J.7:t-JH laOlrf (oll;, 12,Ut Jl.7J.7!·11-2tS .... l•ldlftt, tl.67J 7S.7 .. 7J.72-2H Jon MllW:1'A7S 1J.7J.7.J.71-1ff 11:1..,,, w.lff, 11"75 Jl.41·1 .. 15-M P...i Han.y. llA1$ 1J..1J.7J.,._,.. l"rlnll .. rd, 11,62 IJ.71-l'f.,.._,,,. ••w "•· 11,112 n.1:a.Jt.16-m ll«t YarteaV, 11,"'2 11-l'J.lJ.71-"1 T• Ha.,., 11,,W l'f.7).1).72--1'1 Diel Ct..-., Sl • .S! 1 .. 11.1 .. 16-2'1 J-~,...,_, 11.-7J.n-7J.7J-M ~ ll:udai,fl, SI,• 1l-1J.1J.11-M Oao'I u.-. .,.. ,,..,..,,.,._1911 w: ...... 11.1. Jl.7J.7J.7>-4'tt G_,. ArCMr, 11.1• , .. ,,.n.11-m T"" w.1111 .... , t1,1• , .. ,.,_,..,,_,,. ••11e• era~. 11.u• n .11.1•1s-m o.w-Matr, 11,ue ,, . .,., .. ,.......,.. 1ur11t-f "-Y. 11,1• 11.1s.1•n-m u tt they hadn't roally ·played at all. The Dodgen Cllne Into lht ~ lraillnl the Red! by 10 games and lei\ the aame way. So tonighl In AUanta. lht Dodgen .. l down lo the -.. 1mportanl business of bltWn& widl the Bn.ftl over which team will It. leut be cmr to lhe nmaw1y Reds In lht d!villon. Laver Roufs· Foe in I Hour --LOI &lllO•Lll Cllt(IMMATI •r11rw "•f11r91 Wllll,M t !O lt-,lf •4t1t luHld1, lll t I 0 WOlftlerJI, Ml I 1 I I '-'••If 1 I PtNl,• 1111 w.P1111;er, 111 J o '-"• rt 5 t 1 ' ic.c., rt • 1 l..*r. 111 s • • • L.rtbltrt1, Jll 1 2 Mc:llt .. , If J 1 I 1 Gr1INl"k'Wlll. a I I S.....,,, If I I t t Mllltf'. c: 1 t c;.r• c: 4 1 J I lhn.Mll, cl I I ~i.., M I 1 1 I °''""·• '1 ~· Jiit ~. 11 I I uon11.11 •' I Crtwtord, 111'1 I I ..... _ ... . hillrle'-· ... 1 0 1ol1lt »Iii .J .... _. , (liKINwN' ' ' WIMBLEIJ!>ll, Easiand (AP) -Red Laver, the Con:m del Mar pro a:tar trying for his third !!lnlCht Wlmblodon title, took jUBt one hour to eliminate Geor,e "Butch" Setwqn of. Bl)'lide, N.Y. Moodly In a f1nt-rvurid match 1-Z. "°· 1-1. A crowd of 15,000 applauded Lav«11 maatery an the center court and ralled 1 cheer for the Amert••'• occuianal. IUCCt:SIU!I , '"1e iop.IMfded pro hid been a heavy f1YOrtte over lhe U.S. amateur chimp of two yun •ID· The nm lflt wenl to 2.2 before Laver -Ht ahclut demollshlDI hl1 ·•-with 01m1na 11rvk:t nturu dOwn tbt line. He won iJie dll·---- flully -.·-.,ii i.· m• Ii 1-1 In the lh1rd Ht, -LaV11' lapled Into a couple o! ~ eiTor1. Seen1ea . htt two ~ wtmer'1 to pl<k up uother , ... al s-4 but Laver lhen reei.t off the lut two pme1 to love. Laver -at Wimbledon In 1111, 1111, l• llld 1•. Clark Graebmr of ""' York. IOOded .Unth in the inen'1 singlea, Ofttt1me • lapse ln concentraUol to defe1l Oerm•ny'1 Hmld l!!beftbrok:h ~. 1-2. U, 1-1. 1lle !Dllldl ... ~ed In brllllant ' iunabute on an outer court but 1 stiff breae hod lhe ball pl!ll'bis lrlcka. Laver, 31, his been lhlrpening up his 1ame-• Eqlllh .... c:ourll ·durin1 the lut two weeka. He worked up towltdl peil form by wlnnii,. lht Lon-. dQn Grau CGurt Clio~ II ~·· Club lall week. defntJnc fellow AUllrallln Jofln 11.......,be M, ._, In !he OoaL 1be Auatr1llan ~l-hander ii out to wt• Wimbledon for the rlhh time In ten years -a feat 1chleved by no other player since H. L. Daherty aL lhe !!lart ol thla ceotury. - in contrut to the Europe!lJl way. was the better team Sunday. Sunday ll was the ~n ball movement of the Brazilians that turned the tide of battle. 'Ibey were meeting the btsl defensive side in the t.ou~l -a team which had surrendered only three 1oals in regulation play of five game11. Yet time and again they worked the ball down, then across the field, passing back and forth until· the befuddlecf and frustrated Italians began to spread their defense. Then when the inevitable openings came, the magnificent forward wall would unload. Brazil eontrolled the game, especially during play In the final hall . Jtl.Jy manqed to eQualiU Pete's initill 1oal - a classy bea~er 17 minutes irio the game -when the Brazilians fail~ to get back on defense and the latt«'s goalie was under attack by two open men. Rober;to Bohninsegna ~banged in the lliot. with elgbt minutes to go in the hltf IMI It was 1-1. However, the 1okl and blue-<: lid cham- pions were not to be contained. After two near-misses -one Roberto Riw:llno's rlcocbet off the goal's Cl'Ollbar -Ollvt:ir1 Ger'IOO blasted one In from right outside the penalty area to make it 2·1. Twenty.four minutes remained in the struggle but Instead of settling down 'to a slower tempo· to nin out time, Brull kept up the attack at an n:ploslve clip. Ventura Jair rlf~ in the nett tally with 211 minutes to p. 'n.t final acore came with three minutes Wt u captain Carlos Torres chal'Jed In from the rigiit IJld drove In lht !!hot. There were a ntlmber oi almosts and molt ol them were by the Braz.lllans as Pele came within a whisker ol one and a fine play by the goalie saved another. And Pele pumped one in just as time had e!Qlfred In lht first hall -his perfecto came 1 aplit aecond after the releree 'a whistle blew the half to its concluaton. The rugedneM of Italy's European way or play brought many fouls - and subsequent whiltles of disapproval • from the Brazi~portlal throng. Shout. of "Italian usasainl.11 echoed around the great structure and when Luilf Riva rouahed up Rivellno and lolautoae Bero Italy'SCOach Lauds Brazilian Style of Play Special tJ Ille DAILY ,f'wrr MEXICO err\' -.Forruocio ValcJn!g· gi -the looeT -me! Mario Zapllo -the winMr -took a brief moment to .chat with the pttSS following Sunday'• Hnale to the World Cup toecer dwn· pionlhipo at the Aztec Stadlmn. Valcareggi -whose Itallan forces had thrown pack~ts of red rose11 to [an.\ before the game -was much Ute a man who had been lluck by a thorn. Referring to Brazil's 4-1 triumph, he saiifo "When they got their oecond goal it seemed like they had more players than we did. They have a beautlftll style of play and they are undoubtedly the best team in the world." Asked why be wailed until the closing moments 19 bring in Gianni Rivera (top player, in Europe last yew), Valcareut replied : ''We were losing but we weren't playln1 poorly. "But when it got so desperate in the ck>sing moments I hid to sere tf he coukin 't do 90methin1 to set '-ck into the game." Zagallo, a wise-acre at ilmel, noted. I.hat he ea:pected the I talims to be tired from overtlme play with West Gennany Wednelday becau1e of:the lat- ter's 1--0 conquest oC Uruguay S8turday (for third place), the Germans aeemed very weary. Asked if he was worried about the outcome when Italy tied the acore at 1-1, ZagaUo replied, "No, that was a pl that should never have happened. "We were on the •Mack all the lime and I . fell we hid the game under control." Zagallo, who caJled u.ei 1-0 win over England his team's toughelt contest of the Cup, violated a peraonaJ code of! not singling out indivtdualt for pr1iae and said Pele was the main rellOd ror Brazil's ascent to the throne o( world soccer, . A~gels Back 011 Tra~ · After Dramatic 6-5 'Win Jay Johnat.one Is a left-handed hitter who delpi.., le/I-handed pik:hers. "When they 're on the mound, I'm USU1lly on the bench," the California Angels' outfielder explai(>ed. . Fortunately for Johnttone ·-and , as It turned out. the ,Angets as well - the Milwaukee Brewers threw nothing but right-hander• SUnday. Joflnstone reacted by doublln& home A .. el Slate All ,_. • KMPC m1) ......... 'ti tfllmw ""'"" " CMc ... Ill A-" n Cll._ 71U •·"'· l 1U 11.111. ,, ........ the tying and 'lftnnlng nm• Jn the toth inning, liflln1 the Angels to a dramatic f.S come-from-behind victory. It wa1 their seventh win In eight meetings with the Brewen. this season and kept them within four games of the Mlnnelotl Twins in the American Lesgue West. The Anpls were rewarded · with a dlly off today bilt ope11 a four-came 1tties against the Chicago White Sor Tueed1y night with Andy Meaaer1mith , M, facln1 Chlc110'1 Jerry JanetJd, 1-4. "I thlnk we're act on Ute rieht track ," Ancels manaJier Lefly Phillips annOUnctd wtth 1 11Ulfted 1mile. "We were fol'tu:nate lllt while we were playing to poorly we dktn't lole thtl much ground. When you"r< goilll IOOlf It doe111't malt.er who you play.'' The l!COnd·ytllr Brewers gave the Angela u much as they could handle. They carried a 4-1 letd Into t.he aevenU1 bul Calilornla, with 1in1IJ runs In 1ht seventh, eight and ninth, tent the pme into overtime. The hit that made it 4-3 ln the eiehth was Jim Fregoal's 12th homer 0( tbe seaaon, his seventh in 12 aames aod the looth of his career. Sandy Alomar's two-out single lo left tied it in the: ninth. Alomar coUec1ed lwo hits and ran hb conseculive llllMI hitting s!reak lo JI, second longest In Angels hUtdry and two shy o( Bob .Rodl;ers' club mark. Miiwaukee imrRediately took the lead agaJnst eventual winner Ken Tatum in the 10th. Mike Hegan looped a pop-Oy double to left and rode home on pineMUt .. ter Bob Burda'• alncle. "I just want to play every day,11 said Joh-. who has been In me! out of the lineup all aeuon under Phlllips' platoooln& prolf&DI. "lt's IOOgh to get adjusted when you sit on the bench for a couple of days • Then you. tend to _preu jult to lmP.""' the manaier. '!bit's the '°'1'h part. • MILWAU1118 CALIPOllU,t, •rllrtll •''""" Har..,, lO · 4 t I I A!Onlllr, 211 J I I 1 HflNl",lb " Slllll:.,,ff JOIO Haf'lhbtrw. rl • 1 1 • E.FWlff, II 0 • 0 • •lll'da, 11) l I 1 I • .,......,.. 1111 I I I • O,M1y, ti 4 I I 0 K.Tatwm, p I I I I Mc Nar .... w, c 4 • • • ,,..,..1, H 4 I t I PIN, U ' I 1 I "·"°"'"""' It S I I t W•tllllft,11 lllts-ie.,11 Jttt """°"'' II l I I I Je!IM .... , cf .I t 1 1 Ku.lalll;, ~ S I l t A1cw, c l I 2 I l.actt. ...... p I I I I J,Tatvln, -' I I t I GtlMr, • I I I I E .... , t t I t I S.l'ld9t1, 11 I I I t ll:lllt, 1111 I I I I HIH'IP'WtVt. I I I I I Jt,M1w, 1 I I I t Kaal•'f· 11 I I t I to11i.. d.. J II Ml ... lllltM C.llfornll G1rta11. 11 I I I I c-.,1 it•• .I Ta!ah :M IM t .... , .. ,_, ODI .. 111 l-1 •' • ' " DAILY PILOT M....,, JuM 22, 197~ ' 8pl'Ul•.Brlef ' Dl!rw~ue Posts ,____.___· · ~1'am--A-m-Wi-n1~ Free Throws Earn ,\ ' • ' , ~ M1rk Donohue, one of Amer-1 lca's premier road racers, ~ finally aot hill new race car : untracked Sundaiy and put : hlmletr blck Into contention : for. a third driving title in a : row· in the 1978 Trans-America : eerte1. • "ll't a ntw bill aame," the : 31-ye.v-dd mechanical engl. • neeriq graduate from Media, : Pa .. 11id after wiMing the S rain.drenched Marlboro 200 at ~. Bridttha.mpton, N. Y., fifth • stop on the 14-event' circuit , for Detroit's powerful pony ~ cart. • "All ~ work we have put · in over I.he lut five monthll ls beginninf; to P'Y off," he added. . · :-,,We have been coming along 1lowly with the new can, but we 're on the way "°"· \\'e're going to win a few more." Donohue, whose blue ind gold Camaros were the scourge of the Trans-Am in 1961 and 19", drove an.Mer- ican Motors Javelio to a con- 11ln:cing tw~lap triumph over the Mustangs of George Full- mer and .Parnelli Jones in a driving rain storm before a crowd estimated at ZZ,CNXI. It was his first victory of the .season. • SALT LAKE CITY -J•lf Borowiak ol UCLA says IU1 victory ttlis weekend over Stanford's Roscoe Tanner for the aingles title wasn't his most im·portant victory of the NCAA Tennis tournament. "I felt my semifinal match Friday wn more important,•• Borowiak told newsmen Sat- urday after winning the sin- gles crown, .:_ The reason : the semifinaJ victory over Mike Estep of Rice assured UCLA of the team title. ~Big Three Ham It Up· In Open --UCLA-finished-with 25 po;nts CHASKA. Mirm. (AP ) while 1\.ict and Trinity, !who By ROGER GARLION °' ,.. D.iti ""' ,..., The rilth IMUal Nortb-8ot.lth Orange C.Ounty A 11 • S t a r ballketba.11 game la in the book•, slpd, Maled and stashed away for another year. ' And summarizin& Saturday ni1hl'.1 clash between the cream of the graduating seniors l r o•m Orange County, one would conclude that there were no losers -especially when e1· . amining the rival coaches' con- flicting points ol view. ' ' Coach Pat Adams of. the Nqrlh had tho philooophy that the idea of the pme ,.as . lo win -and win hill Yan1tee quintet did with a duzlinc faSt break offense, 108-103, before l,&50 at Or1111e Coallt College. Coa<;h Don lavey ol ""' Sooth considered his main ob- jective to eet every one ol~ his squad .of JO in the game -with as }egual playing time IS poss.Ible. And he did~ , Cold at.atbtics reflect the difference in the outcome - the wiMing North CIMing 30 free throws while the Rebels Cormecttd <111-lS-triell. eel out with t :tt to IO in the third perWxl. '1The 1ame plan ran juat like we wanted. Every time they 0(the South) ran with Ull we plnect' 1on them," said Adams in aarveying hill vie· tory: Lt:1Yey'1 ·' after · game remarU were geare:d towards his ialidtction with h i ll team's total playing time. "This is the: culmination of · it all -and that inc.ludeA their Bee and junior varllity experience in high 1Chool basketball. "l'm happy about Our balan- ced playlnc time. To me, this la important," said Leavey. M for Wllliims' early departure, Lavey said , "They played Willia~ very wel~ defensively. They seemed to know h!f. moves and positioned · themselvea well a1airut his drives." Re1ardtni: the falal 20-2 North apurt late in the first period that carried the Vanis to ultimate victory, Leavey remarked, "We 1tarted atu- ding." Aberegg accoUnted for~ pair of ACOC'iq record!, ting the most poin"5 in a 1a , (37) and free throwll (It). The ·South lltt a uniq• record considerin1 Ill, circumstances .!.. canrdn1 4f shots from the field (five mon: than the v~tors) -but the 30 gra\ill shQts by the North turned It ·around. NdA•I ..... Olfl " ' .. " .... ~ :i:i~ Mlt~ 11 s 1 II ~·· t (: : 1' ~~~ i rlf't i:!.~ i li I 11 Dell~ J 11 J It Tol1l1 ~ Afl.Jtww jfi:)~ 1~ ~ ~"!': ''~' ••11 !'•l'. C1rl'°" Lelo\l1ter t ' d fr~"'mk 1e 1' I K1lcll l H•Vtft 1 l tJ Wllll1m1 t j I 12 Totals U 1 2f IOI Swt "' Clllll1WI Horth All si.r• • » 22 1 .. 1• Soult! All-Sltrt 1f » D .... 111 ' Southern Section -both had a shot at a tie for Jack Nicklaus al'ld Arnold the team tit1e before the 1emi- PalmK hammed it up all the finals, trailed with 2Z each. way around their fin.ti r<Uld Sunday .or the U.S. Open golf Miami plactd fourth with ti h · h' nd •L.A· I 1 points after the second-suded c ampions lp 1 un::lr oya team of Pal Cramtt and Luis fans -still turning out by Garcia ~eated Tanner and the thousand.! -loved every minute and forgave their Rob Rippntt Jn, the doubles heroes ' miserablt scores. finals. ~ , Gary Player, another low e .. ; . Leading •the winnerll wall Rick Aberegg, as expected, with 37 points, a record for the five-year old classic. !-Included in hill bag ol tricks •ere 19 good ones out of 2:0 attempt.s from the gratis line and coupled with running mate Pete Miller (25), the pair ol guards accounted for 62 of the North's total. Whips City, 90-28 Steve Olrisliano, Fou.nta.in Valley middle distance stan- dout, was the lone Orange Gout area athlete to figure in the tc0ring at the second annual Su na lT Invitational track and field l_Tleet Saturday night at Cerritos College. the triple jump (a non-ICOrinc event ). 100 -Wll'I ISSJ l·I J. WIN,_ CSS) t.t J, otlH ! ) 10.t f-' "g°d~ W~lff CS5l 2!1 .1 1. McGl1I CClforl :JI.I J .. K. Jol'lnM!! IUI 12.3. finisher, also 1ot in1'> the corn· edy act. "I can't remember when Jack arid l played 1uch a relaxed round," Palmer aaid of the head-to-head mat.ch which had little meanin1. "We were boUl 17 strokea- olf the lead," said Nicklaus ''What do you want? We both were playing miserable." Palmer 11id he was not so Intent on having fun at the lllrt of tMir round. ''Starting out, l WIS lerioul aboUt my round," 1 a i d Palmer. "I was worried about having to qualify nut. year. But it became very remote when I three-putted no. I." Nicklaus even broke inlo fiules when his final putt clune to the edge ol the cup. Palmer had juAt. Ulret-put- ted, and big Jack had called Cllll to him, "want me to Jay up thb five-looter!" While Nicklaus atlll at· tempted to control h I 1 .Jauehter at the scoring table, Player sauntered up in the next twosome with Fnnk Beard and cat.called : "You fellows want a puttina JeSIOfl!" The litUe Sooth African uld he was not as relaxed as Palmer and Nicklaus. "I always try my belt," Player said. "I'm never satisfied with my !C(lre." So, goll's big Lhret closed out their 1970 open far down the list. Player salvaged a 74 Sunday and finished with 302 . Nicklaull carded 76 for 304 and Palmer'll three-putt sent him home in 305. Par was 238. • Four hourll before th ird round leader Tony Jacklin of Eng!Jnd teed off, thou1'ands squeezed against restraining ropes to watch Nlcklaus and Palmer. They really swung Into high gear on the H)lh tee when Nicklaus stopped in t h e clubhouse and kept Palmer waiting for five minutes. "Come on, Jack," Palmer 11'0Wled. The crowd laughed. •·Shau I play through ?" Nicklaus said Ill he joined his partner, bringing on more llughter. When they were fin ished, It took them more than 20 minutes to get through ad- mJfen in&o the clubhouse. Polo League Rescheduled Prtp water polo, ala tum· mu league lltyle at Orange Coast College, has b e e n PoltPoned for one w e e k becauae of sched uling dlf· flcu~IS at the Pirate pool. '!'h! AAA league, which in- cludes teams from Coroaa ctel Mar, Cost.a Men, Eslanciai, Newport Harbor, Sunny HiUs, Garden Grove, LakewOod and Lona: Beach WllJOn , w\11 begin June 29, a WHk later than oriciully planned. And, the A "'""· played \\'edne9day •l&htl 1t Oran1_1e Coa.'lt, will move to Estancia High for Ila fita wee1t of play. The AA le11ue Is tel fnr £At.ancj1 HJah with tonl1ht DPtnin& up lfle action. · LAKE l!AVASU·CTTY, Ariz. -The leadtt1 in the women'• bpen literally fell 111 over themtelves to Jive Sa I I y' Younger the championship. Tim Gucl<es didn't need that TWO FOR THE SOUTH -Lee Haven (34) puts the ball up and in !or a field kind ol help to retain his goal iri the South's 108-103 loss Saturday night at Orange Coast College. Mat._e_ men's--open title In the Na-Jack Kelch (32} is up in air with Haven while Steve McLendon (24) and Yankee lional Water Ski Speed Cham· Dan Philli'ps (15) look on. The North's win narrowed the South's overall advan-pionship. Miss Younger, 17, of Haci-_·_1a_g_e_t_o_lhree ___ g_am_e_s_'t_o_t_w_o_. _________________ ~--- enda Heighlll and Guckes, 1 fellow Californian from Gar- dena brttttd to victory in Sun- day'• champiooships-but the six-member California squad barely_ managed to 911ueae p1st the Ariaona. team in the 4>mile challenge rel-.y . Eight Records Established Unda Martini ol Upland, was Jeadin& the field in the sevm.lap race around the %.S- mile course wheft &he look a tumble and fell out JA. conten- tion. As Cal Wins Spike Title ·wrestling Program Set A aimmer wrestling . pr~ gram, geared towards the formation of an AAU ~try for summer com°petition, is available al Orange Coast College every Tuesday and Thursday nights. The program. 'headed by Oran1e Coallt wrestling coach Jack Fair, is •n to 111 high school and junior COilege grap- plers widl no ree required. Lockers. In the field house, are also available at no cost. Included in the stable al the moment are .ex- Westminster High standouts Nerio Kalllugi and Terry and Paul Robinson alone with l!I· Costa Meun Gabe Ruz Hoors are 7 to t each Tues- day and Thursday evening throughout t~e summtr. DES WINES, Iowa (AP) - A worid, an Amertcan; a collegt.te and five m e e t records, plus a professiOnal basketball Clfffr were toppled in tht 411th NCAA Track and Field Champic:ftthlP5J which ended ere Saturday. Brigham :Young's Ra l·p h Mann ran· a sizzling 41.8 446- yard intennediatt! hurdles to port • workt record and help tie Brigt\am Young for !econd place in the naUonal team championships with Oregon and Kansall. Caircrrua. who last yea r failed· to acore 1 Point In the NCAA t e a m championship, capt,ured the tiUe this ,year with· 40 p<tntA, five mort than the three ~ace teams. It was the first. time siocr 1922 that palifornia pad won a lNm tiUe. Manrt's 440 mark. which also Stands as an American, a co(. · Je1iate and a metl mark, erMed die old standard of 49.3 ~t by Bert Potgieter of South Africa in 1960. Ohio Unive~ity's Bob Bertelsen hoofed to a 27.57.5 collegiate and meet record in the •ix-mile run, shaving t.7 seconds off the old mark set by Doug ' Brown of Mon- tana in 1965, but Van Nelson of st. Cloud State· has a record of 27:56.8 pending since 1968. Drake UniVttllity's R'I c k Wanamaker, who was to have reported to the training camp of the Natiooal Basketball Association's new Cleveland Cavaliers Sunday, won the first national decathlon cham- piomtlip and called off his basketball career at the la st minute. Wanamaker's'7,406 points in the decathlon will go down as an NCAA meet record since it was the first lime in the history of the national cham· pionships the event had been held . TlllPL• JUMP -I. Glll CCII Pol'I SLOI, Sl ·f\01 ), 0..M (C1mor11l1). »-m; J, SlllH (P!t1Jbur9!!), 50-4\i ; I, McClur, IMkldlt T•nna11•!tl, 50-l"I J, \11111!.Y {Tt•ll El P1sc». 50-Hll 6, l111IH {Clnt1M1lll, ff .. V,. Otll1r1 -7. Mtrl!Clllll !S!1111fordJ, •t·!•S: I. Fr111r (C11Uornf1), ... 10ll. l"OL• VAULT -1. Jol!nlOft IK.,.w1I, 17·11 2. Al1rol11 18VUI. 17.fr l. Mnl<lr CTtlll 1!1 PIM!. 17.fl; I. l!t belw-C1rrltl•11 ($!11'fordl Ind S11<111 (UCLA), 1-..0; '· lloberll !Rlc1J. 11.0. 01lltr1 -1. Erna1! rw11111ne10t> s11tel. 16-0: s1""'...,, CUCLA) tnd Smith IUSCJ, did not ti~•· llelflll, .. -1. J1mtl !Ylll1nc>111). 15.5; 1. T11rner (Mu•r•Y St1'11), .U.IJ l . C. MHl1 flt•ll A&M), 15.11 I, Smill'I (UCLAt, .... e1 5. Ul1n I R111ve;11, "6.01 I, G1rr!SC1<1 (USC). 16.1. Oll'ltrl - I. P1!mtr1 !Ci t St1t11 L8 ), 47.J. MILi -l. LI-I rvm1nov41\, l :!t,t1 2. Wottl<I t8ow11.,. Grffftl, 1:1111.11 '· Mldlftl [Wllllt m " Mtrvl, 4:01.f ; 1. S.""' !Wtlltnon!>, 1:02.11 J. Sm1rt CW11lllnetonJ, 1;07.7; 6. Mosser (Wtll Vlrtlnliil. 1.03.S. 01ller1 -0!"1111 C0.'9011) Ohill not 11111111. DllCUl -I. Vtn Rre 11 en tW11llintl0t> Sltlt)l lftl.f; 2 . CHc8trnar01 fTtlll El Pt.ct), llt_.l J. Seib flC111u1). llf·S; I. IC!tOP llC111n 1), u s-11 5. Woll !Or"°"!. ln·•1 I. M11r1>11v CUSC I. ln-7. OtMrt -I. Str1uh lOrt11onl, Ul-G. JAYl.LIN -1. Sklnntf (T......uttl. 110-I: J. 5clltnlctl CNor111 Te••• 5t1!el, UJ·11; J, Fel0rn1n (W1\llh\ftonl. 161·5; '· Colllnt (~lemlOl'll. 1~5: S. ICO!ltlolo ll'llt\blt~ll), 1Sl·1; 6 W•llll 4Arrny), J-. Otlltr1 -10. Willtl11t (Or-), 21'-1 1 n . Rltbv 40•-s11t•I. 127-h It. KtM«!Y (C1!Hor11111. 12?·•. J ... MITIR ITlEPLECHAll - 1. 5J11k 01-•ine Grftftl, 1:00.t imHI rKol'O, otd m1rk, l :.U.I, Jim 8erklt.,, O•tvOl't 5•1te. lf•t); 1. Lltbt11btr1 cWnt.,,, Mlc11lo111), 1:61.)J J. 1tv1111 10<-t. l :IS I; I. SUvlou1 (l!t•ltrn IC"'llKkY), 1,50.6; 5. Hindle¥ {I YU), l :SJ.11 I. 81vll1m !Ml1m1, Olllol. 1:5'1.•. Otllt,_ -11. Tl!Om11 1511111ofd), •:11.J; 11. Jo11..;.o11 (W1111!,,,.tonl. •::it.O. 4-ll lllLAV -1, C1lllorni1 {C0111er, Curt!t, M1•ttr1. Hortl, .o.l; 1, use, «1.11 3. !Nll1n1, .io.11 •. Okl1ll""'1 See RECORDS, ragt %3 Major l.;eagire Standings DEAN LEWIS AMERICAN LEAGUE Eat lllvlofoo Baltimore New York Del roil Booton Cleveland Washington Minnesota ANGELS Oakland Kansas City Chicago Milwaukee W L Pd. 43 23 .m • 40 28 .1116 33 30 .524 30 JZ .414 21 3< .480 . 29 S7 .431 Wetl lllvlofoo • :19 21 .650 37 27 .57! S7 30 .552 23 40 .:!&$ 24 42 .384 21 43 .3311 ........... ·-"'· GB 3 !~ II 12 \\ 14 DttnH1 7.f, ClewllNI 1_., ~ ti"" !1 l""i"''' Ntw Vlll'lr J ~. h:lllrt 10. 11 l1111l111t •.i11mor1 .. w_.,~ t Ooklo...i .. 5, C~k• .. J.I Mlllnnol• 11, IC111111 Clll' t (11lf9r11I• " M11wtukee S. 10 "'"""' T......,.._._ Mif!MWlt (KM! S-5) •I Mllwtult• ll ro~ :Ml. nloht 1111'""°" ft'i.Hu1 .J.41 11 l oslefl !l rttt l•ll· .,..,,t l(_.1 City (,!Mr ....... t·21 It Oolll•lld l llalt ... .. 11. """' °""' ·-tellttlultof T.-..11"19- K-• Clh' t i Oal<lllnll. nlohl Cllk -11 C1!1Nllr11!., 1119111 M'-"911 11 Mlhllwk ... 11'9f1t 0.troll 11 WMlllllti.n. 111tlll 8tlt1'roor<I " .............. 1 OM\' ,_ tdwlll\11111 NATIONAL LEAGUE Ea1l Division W L Pel. 35 27 .565 32 31 .508 GB 3'\ Chicago New York Pitts burgh St. Louis Philadelphia Monlreal J.1 34 .'193 ' 4!'1: 31 32 .492 411 7 12 28 34 .452 24 40 .375 Wesl Division Cinci nnati Atlanta JlODGERS San Fr11ncillco Sfln Diego Houston 47 20 .701 36 23 .S63 :n :lll .5!i2 JI :lS .470 ;!fl 41 .42.1 28 40 .417 5undt~'t lhtulll M'1111tr••I. J l'llhbll••~ l l"~lllllfl•llll •t New Vorli. r1l11 St. Loul1 J.J, Clllc8to O.J All•"ll ,, ._llOft ' Los "'""'·"'° t.J, CllOCimlt!I J.• St11 '••nclla 1, S.11 Cl"" J Ttol•Y'I 0 .... H i:IV1 JO 151\ t• 19\\ l.l\olllr .. I llt•llllo l.J -Stoll<!'tno11 ••l l •I P~lll• lfel ... 11 CG. Jltl!Mll'I 1.S Ind l"rvl"llll ).JI, J, twf.11i1111 N<tW Yor11 CG..,.11"'/ ••I It Clllc:H!I (Jfl\l\1111 •Pl SI. Loutt /lltut1 M '"° T0trtr S.Jl 11 1"J1tlbli .. ll IN«!-1 .. Ind (!Wt S-11 J, 1wl-11>tM .Lii Ar\nh>I (Fottf<' J"'I t t Alllf'lll (Niel .. •I), ,.. Sell l"r•rw;ltco !llobtf1-~I It Clr!C"""-11 CGu+· ~" , ... ,, 1119111 1.., Olno ll:obfrll W I •I Holtlton !Wlbe!I 1·11, ..... DEAN ·LEWIS l966 HARBOR ILVD., COSTA MESA Service and P1rt1 for All Imported Cari Modern lody Shop for All C1r1 646°9303 Orange County'11 largest and Most Modern Toyota and Volvo Dealer ANNIYllSAIT SALi ... $1~97 +Tu & Lie. All Ott..r M..W. h1 St.c• Mork II-Hit•• rkll•,_ L...; Cr•bert-C-. .. VOLVO 1'70 DEMO $2759 14Z 1 dr., rtdio, ht•lor, •·•P••d, IS•r. ••140) ' ULI PllCID '69 Toyota $1695 • "° -1. Jtck!Oll (Cltvl 11.t S. Fllhtr /City ) ... 1 J, Hicks fS51 4'.J. NO -1. Se~lor /U l 1:53.1 t. 81•1>er IC11\11 l :il.t J, ,,,,.. !UI 1'ti~ -I. R1tttrtv (SS\ l:U.6 2. P111ertc1<1 !SS! l :U,l S. Khuolln (Clll'I •:lt ,1 (Metl rtcorol. Christiano WIS arnMI• a 1·Ml!t -l. M1cPlltrSC111 CSSl •:11.6 What had appeared to be a blitz by halftirrie (the North led by 15), turned into a gutty performance by· the underdog .Southemerll as they played catch-up for the balance of the game -coming within 1ive on the North with-57 seconds lo go. But that was all close as the margin would get. ... Y•oe t. 81blr1ckl !Cltv) t :l1• l. Jllll- (jUar:tet !rom the ~IF Southern tS~~ ·=~~·· -l, Cook CSSI U.J t. Section 1n the mile-relay-that -wa.r.1Mton-1c11v, 1•.2-1 01v1.-1u1- swept to a meet record of . 1~i~ LH -.1. 0 ... 11 1~s1 11.1 1. 3: 14.7 83 the Southern Section ~I~~~ .J:l re!:!.!.i1.l. lllon CSSI d , •• A el C'I "° Roll• -I. Soull'I Soc:niiii° swampe Mm ng es 1 Y 1M<:~U1ttr, c1o11es, 01•t1. Whit•! 11.s. Early in ttle test , the South led by a 17·11 counl, but a spurt Jed by Aberegg and Miller turned it around and ~,hen Kim Swaim turned in a three-point pla y at the outset of the second period, the North had a 31·19 lead. ln tJ:iat llpan the Sotith wu guilty of several ball-control infractiollll, aiding the North cause. And, the end was In sight early in the seCond halr when Rebel Skip Williamll (6-7) foul· hlgh h I !hi le -23 Mlle lltt11 -1. Soutlltr~ lftllof! SC 00 a e S, ..,.. ' CMosn. CllrlllloNI, 8111111, H1dll) before a crowd ol 3.500. 3':1rk t"=;tc~'/. 81111" 1551 f,"' Track athlete of the meet 1. W•llll,,.,Oll 1c1f'r1 1•.• J. MIN• went to Jackie White of Santa 15~~·•.Jum• _ 1. "''All•••• 1ss1 Ana who captured the JOO and n.11.., 1. Jldl'°" 1c11~1 n.10\-J >. • Mor9111 CClh'I n-.iv.. Im ... rt<Onll. 220. clocking t .6 a~ 21.7. '· ~~ iisl:J$~19J. 1i~t"c'~ The century lime was a Pt~ v1uu -'· H-1ss1 ""' meet record and he was also t. Tuck•• 1ss1 iu J. ,.1 .. c. css1 a member* of the 440 relay 1~4'r1~':°"J~:'111i.-KOr1ft,1 -1. team that won in 41 .5. ~~"'f ~;~ 1frt J:. M"'111 cu1 Field athlete of the meet 330 1111M'Mcl111e Hurd1et 1-ww· 1 ... 1 -I. Odttl fCltvl lt.t t. Oovll honors· went to Sa n ta 1CUY1JtJ1. t• 1ss1 •.J. '°°° Metwrs t,,.,,..KKlnQI - 1 Sol Barbara'll Dave Hamer, who 1ss1 14:l0.J J. s1r11dlm.111 (U J 1i:M.I pol JI·• I" I t l, FrHtch !SSl 1$:2'.I. e vau i:u "*11 or a mee s .. 1111 Mt01e1 ll•l•v ''*'"Kl'IMI record and fini!hed third in '· 5o1ii111rn Soctlon 1~· K. JsM-M. Roblll10fl. H1rm1lr) l .21.7. Opel, Toyota, AenauU, Datsun, Volvo, BMW.-you name lt-tt'ltrt'a The one that'• b::~::=~-- 1ervlce good at 5.000 Mark. II/ Service · a Mark II/ Heat Beater npec:.!Jlly designed to cool each of the popular lmpons ... better. Beat lhe heal this summer with the air conditioni ng brand 'that each yeir provu II cal'! outcool !he competilion-l1e1ory air included -in le&ts supervised by th• U. S. Auto Club. Cenlers lrom coast to coast. Q1her,Un1ts As t ow As $169.95 plus ins1allallon EASY TEAMI AVAILAILI [MA .. K IVJ A llV9aN Cll .IOHN L ~ CIOf'JJaN'f ... OM of our 11r condltl~no 1pee1111111 todlJ: HUNTINGTON IEACH '"" ...... "" ..,.,... 16t41 .... II .... ...,. •• ,..... 147·1111 ' • I t " J ....: -1 A' ht at UI ·i1 , :i: ... rflit " '"' •• -·~ i:. " • • ' • L Monday, June n , 1'70 OAO.Y PILOT 2.'J • Spikefest Chi Spar~le.s • Ill ' . ~,CRAIG SHEFF bolh world record holder Lee ,.. In!. f\uroln -I, WllllM'I --t. Tou1.-1tlf l"'-rM TC), IS!rlelr1I, JI.I/ 2, 5ttf'le l"'M Attlot t :11.'I t. Hllll (l(llOl!~IOt TC ), J:U.11 ot "" a.itr ,.... '""' f1v aas__ and Marty McGrady T•.c.!I tlll11\, J1..J1 :>. V•l!lltN'OCl l. Slf••M '~"'• ~ ...,..,, t :11.J1 dropped ~·• after both started 1u.s. "''"'~ , su1 '· lcrw 1wn1 C1N u;-IUCll c-rs1, 2;21.a. She has been bWed as the ....... COJSI Jtll), JJ.S. .,;;;;i;;;;!;;;!;~~~~~~~f-~J IJ'Uttsr""wom.---nmner1nthfi he-ra:ce. -M11e-n1rt-=-r:-u :r.-i."" FT'ft'•n I I ... ~. Of • -'dkln1, S!ln1«1, JOll'nt.on). l:11.Ji ?. .A.. ATHLETE OF MEET -Chi Cheng (left) skims over hurdle on the way to victory in the 100.meter event at Orange Co unty track and field Invitational Sat· urday at El Modena High. Chi also won the 100.yard ·Metro Pla11 Saddlehack Falls To La Fonda, 9-1 : A two-run first inning was '" the acoring the La FOIKla ~union needed Sunday in roll- Jng to a 9-1 victory over Red E ll Realty ( Sadd l ebac k liege) in Orange County ctropollta1 League baseball ~n at Memorial Park in 'llnta Ana. -i,'l'1le winriers tallied a pair pl -nms in the first and third frames and added four more Jn the fifth 8Jld 01e in the luth. Saddlebac.k gol Its lone run ln the sixth when Eric 'bir1stensen smgled, stole se. cond and scored on Brian Holmes' one-bagger. ' Extra base hits for Sad· f leback included a first h111ing Eble by $colt Longnecker Gary , J~nsoo's' third in· g triple. . La Fonda outhit Saddlcback, lJ.1. l , Saddleblck returns l o >.ielropolilan hlop play Friday · ght, facing the U>rig Beach ets ( l.Ollg Beach C i t y * * * College) al La Palma Park in Anaheim. Game time is a,:io, RECORDS .• !~timed from Page ZZI Stitt, 't·l; 5. Car Sl1tt (LI), 41-51 6, T1•11 A&M, '2.1. '4t IH -I. Mann fBYUI, 4 .1 I-kl, Am1ri(an. ea11e11l11te 1n0 ""'' racord, old World rn1rk, At.J, Gre11 Pattlltrr. 5au!ll "'"lea. INOI aid All'l«l<ln n>arll, (f,6, II.ti< CIWleY, use, INl: old co111111~ and metl l'Konl. "·'· Cawitr. 19'l, Ind M1M. 1'6f); :t Collell IUCLAI, 'f.l / l. WllH1rns (San o"'° St1!1J, 50.l; 4. Whlrton Udlho 511h!), 50 .. 1 S. A:onOe1" !TH•• El P&tDI, 511.71 '· ~mollr (W1slll"9lan), !11.2. ' .. -I . SWfnlll'I (Kl-511fe), 1:46.J; 2. Callin• (~ S11lel, 1:.aii.J1 l. S.ndlsan IW•~lfllll!n Stale), 1:47,0: •. Wlnz,nrltd IWllCOflllnJ, 1:"1.l; !. Mlcllael (Cll Pol~ SLD), 1:•7.f/ '· 1(1aJ1;1 (South Ciir0Un1l, 1;4 .•. MILi! llt:UY -1. UCLA IL1n..•lon, 4.11 Smith, 45.6; l Yrnll\, (7,51 Collet!, ••.IJ, l:Dol.I; 2. RIC1!, 3:01.f; 3. Tt,,.. l'etllf!, l :G7.I; '· Oretan, 3;Cll.T: S. Al>lleone Cllrl;tl1n. J:Ol.J; '-MurrJy 51111, l :Ol.9, TltR•t: Milt' -l , Prefant1Jne !Ort11on), 11::12.0 (mNI •KOl'd, Ola mart, U:J:l.I, Gtrrv LI 11d11 re n , W11hh101on State, 1966); 2. Blortr.lund IMlnnewl1J, 13:1S.S; 3, B u tr k I' !\llll1110V1J, ll:27.I; I. K11rdoog (511,,._ tora), 1l:ll.O; s. Frederick• CPl!'lln s11111, U::J0.01 6. Robb (Pl'Ovldencel, 13:3'.0. Otllers -ll. Oleson (USCJ, IJ:S1.01 1'. Lau11ll !Cal Sl1!1'l BJ, 1•:21.21 11. Adkln1 IW111'\lnth:lnl, lJ:Sl.61 WlnlOr (Sin Dleto 51•1•1. did no! 11nlsh. D•C ... THLON CONTESTANTS world and a ter cone.._,.. McGrady dropped out after SDo•t1 '"*""'.,.'· l:11 .. 1 l . Sa•·~ ' ()r C \ C11llornl1 TC, J;1•.t 1 no fou•lt\. .... uay 1 ance o u n Y one lap while Evans pulled 111-mll• w1111 -1. L11n1 C"-s avtt10on1I_ track aod fieki York Athletle C1~b. Jf.JJ: L H111t11 meet at Fred Kelly Stadium up when passed by Gerald !S1r1c1er11, «1.011 l. w11kti'~<sttld.rsJ. • ill Orange, there wa~ littfe Conley or the Pacific Coast -~i.. vault -1, A;11!$0Klt ISl•f0M1l, doubl Club with 50 , ya.eds to go. n .11 '· C1ru1h1rs 1S.•1T11n'•!, 11·•1 SAFECO Co I locked ~ t . . . 3. s1e1n11o11 !5lr111e111. 1M 1 •· Crydtt INSURANCE n ey c --1n wmn1ng. cPcc1, 1'-4. Chi Cheng, a native of the In the mile, another race H1mm~r lt!l'Ow -1. P•no~r" Republic of China and a stu 1s1rtde .. t. tw·Or 2. canno11y 1s1rld1rs,, • with a lot ol billing, Italy's 202-111 ), HI•! (U.S. Armvl. lff.\Ojl dent at Cal Poly (Pomona), . Francesco Arese !i"O• in a ~7t~~rkW(lkl IL-a11cM Trick c111b>, walked away wlth athlete ol modest Ume of 4:02.2. Chuck J•v111" -1. covam tPCCJ. 211.J; the meet honors Saturday LaBe••, the · Ari·zona Stale 2. stu•r1 1s1rkleri>. 260.51 1. lino""' ...., !U.S. °"""Yl, 25'-I; •. Mortland {U.S. after capturing 1 • trio of · -~-..i · • 02 6 °"'"'YL ''~-"' • . d senwr, was~ .... in ,: · · s11o1 11111 _ '· ,,..~,-IT•x•u eventa, before 3,-._.. a.L S1rns.r11. ''·5Vt; '· w1J11t1m IA"""' onJooken. A A J.. TCI, "-7\~1 l. F-rblcll tSlrlcltr1J, H H H '4·H\i •. WOOdl !PCC J, .,_IOV.. ()n ID aftenlOOI , When DIOSl Hlflll !"""' -1, Burrell {$trlder1), ol the perfomwteel by the 100 -1, c::•,:..~n'1 IMlll\IMI. ~~IH~f r~:s~l~erl~~j~· .. ~::rn:.1·.,~: men W-IU~" Chi was H; 1. Dedr.1rd {C1llt.rnll lr1<t 11'd IC1llforr1ll ITC). M . '"" .,._.I litld Club); l. Bwt .... !Pec:lfk CCIII! l-J"""' -I. kl""'" (Sllrnln'll, a 9'nlltion. C.Jllll), '.J; I. A:inffll (C1llfornll TC>. 7•-11.tl 1. Hop11.ln1 CPCCI, 2•lYlt l. t... Wllltl91 IS_.11 ln11r1111110f\ll), JM; She equalled her American "' _ 1, conleY 1Pcc1, ... t i '· •. Rori"' 1.t.111Ptt TC!. !J.7Vr. k Of S Z . the burdl Ward fS61dal'S), "·'' J, •• ....,, ..... n D!KVI -'· 511 .... lltf' l1111•1t~ked1, mar I • 1D es, !Olllo T•ldl Clllb). '· 5c.o11 {C1lllarnl1 l'Of.f: t. Votim.r CU.S, Annr), 20ll-61 set lut week ln Portland to Tei. e .1. • l. ore .... ¥ l5tr10.u1, 1t11t!I; '- al "' 1 1-c1 , ' Drftscl>er !5oorll 1n1ern111eMU, \tS-2. open the day's activities, ter -· Von ltllden ..... • '"· 1 Tr1oi. 111 ..... -1. sm1n. (PCCI, which -·-c1oc•ec1 10 3 m· the '· J. , ... .., (U,S. M•rlnnJ, l:lt.); 51.ev.1 2. flllrQ!wf !L-l1llfld. NY ), .xllll:' • : J, Gol!irnln CSlrldln). l:'ltA1 '· D. 50-!I; J. a urti !Slrlclfl'i). 49-1~1 •. 100, Wlnaing by a iood five P..-rv CPCCJo l:.,.I, Pr1rt CUrlMn), 4 .7, _ _, Mlle -1. Al"li.t 11111Yl. •:cn.11 w_.1 ..,..h yaiuS. t. L•l•tu: (P(:CJ. 4:02,,J J. Notion 100 -_,, Chi c~. R...WllC of ' In the 440, she missed the IPCCl o •:CW.!11 •. Sdllbr1m (U.S. c~r .... 10,J; 2. F.rrt!ll IL°' Mt1el11 e BUSINESS e HOM E e AUTO , e BQAT. e LIFE AnnrJ, 4:0$.1. Me<'c11r1llfl t, 10.1; J. MOrrl1 !LOI world record by one-te1th or T-11• lwc:tlon ll -Cln'I• A11111i.1 Tr1tk Clubi. 10.11 '· lllntl B b p I a second, cJoclring 52.5, but (StrldenJ, l :Ol'.J; 2. Wllm~r (U.S. CPhOtnlw Trick Cl;ib), 10.t. • 0 a ey '° Mlrlnesl, t:l7.•1 l. K111r cu.s. 100 rntlu llllra111 -1. Chi c,,.... smashed the American mark. M1rlne1), ,,21.•1 •-Hirte<"' CS.ni. !R~ubl!t of Chln11, 13.7 (eciu•ll anil A11ocl•tes • J did 'l b ·d I Monlc1 Ml, f:!ll.t . Arntrl(ln •e<:Ol'd bY Ml11 Chenll. H1'0J; • n ave any 1 ea ·-r-rnlle Caectlon 21 -I . D'B•le" 1. A;11Un1 (MIYO• 0 1le1 Youth FOii,._ INSURANCE WIS that cJose to the i-ecord," IAll!itr1lllJ, 1:'1.t i 2. Ll""'9r1r1 !CMl9M' <lal!on, Chk111ol, 13.S: J, <Haller . T~1ck Club), t :•1.2; J, Sha•~r !Florkla IPflolnl~ Trick CklbJ , l•.21 ~. H1wkll'IS Chi commented. "I was wob. Trick Club). 1:'2.01 •. !11c/lsltr jAdam• Trtck (l11bl. 1~.•-Phone 642-6.SOO bit do the I '"h bee tFlorlfH TC), 1:(7.(. UG -1. CM Ch~ !Rl!Oubllc of th Sf ng wn s re~ ause ·1:111 hl•ll 1Hinlle1 -1. w1111,· Chl111!, 12.1; t. l111111 CPllalnl• Tc1, 474 E. 17 . I was so tired." ISll'ldeti). ll.t; t . PfYile• cs1rkltr1), s..11 J, Morrll !LOI Anttles TC), COSTA MESA u .01 l. 'B11ti.r fPCC!, 14.21 '· lf~t... .u.•1 '· Scon lloa Ane1i.s M1re11!"ll- The two-mile run was ex·l-~"~'~-'.'.'.~·~c~1.=•~·~·'·C::.::.=.:.:...:.:..:=.:__;:•u~1~. ~"~··~ . .::___:::::_.::_.::..:_:::_.::_::_i~~~~~~~~~~~~~ peeled to be a one-man show alter Australia's Roi Clarke dropped out because o f business reasons. But COWi· tryman Kerry O'Brien had all he could handle from Gerry Lindgren. Undgren matched O'Brien stride ror stride in the fmal lap, be!Ore the f a v o r e d O'Brie1 pulled away i1 the lot 50 yards. Both were clock· ed in 1:41.2, aMhougb O'Brien had a three-yard edge at the _....,..._ ~nne111 AUTOC..,.R ~------- DAILY PILDT ..... k l.911 P•-finish. 4PLY POLYESTER CORD TIRE CLOSEOUT! dash and the 440 to earn athlete of the meet honors. At the right is Mamie Rallins, who fini shed second in the event. The only double winner in the meet was former San Jose State star John Carlos, who captured the sprints in 9.3 and :I0.4. The top disappointment or the day cmne i• 440 where ~nne111 AUTO Catrnll Major surgery or just an aspirin? There's !!2 guesswork at Penneys Auto Diagnostic Center. Either there is or ther~ isn't something wrong with your car ... and we'll find ~t scientifically! · less thin qne hou r, we put car through a series of sci- entific , .... (21 2 Of ll•n. to be exact} that pinpoint any exbting problems-and w1m of potential ones. Steering. Engine. Brakes. Transmission. Eleclrltal and cooling and fuet Md exh1ust systems. Expert an1 ly1i1 of everything .from headlights to tailpipe. You watch the results come • oUt on an electronic typewriter. -A skilled <liagnosliclari goes • over the report with you. It you • wi$h, he'll give yau an eslimate of any necessary repairs. You'll be able to take care of sm1ll PfObfem• now, belore they d ... velop in::» btg Ptob'ems costing big~ney. - ' FOREMOST' GP Nowl7.44 pl ~• fetl. •••••ti e lll tire al•ckwell tvltele11 fell. Si•• l epl•c•• Orl1. ••• 6.50-13 19.4.S 1.78 JOQ.13 21 .4S 1.96 C78·14 695·1"4 21 .-45 2.17 560-1 s 21.-45 '.75 NOW20.44 plu1 fetl. •••••ti elll tir• ll•ckw•ll tubeless fefl. Sise l •pla ce1 Ori1. t•X E7-·1"4 735.14 23 ,45 2.25 f78.)"4 775-14 25.-45 2.44 f78·15 775·15 25.4S 2.40 NOW23.44 plus fed. tax ••" e l4 tire l l•ckwell tulMI••• fff. Sia• l •pl•c•• Ori9. l•r G78·14 825-14 27.AS 2.60 G7B-1!i s1s.1.s 27.-45 2.60 NOW26.44 plus fff. t •x •nll eld tire ll•ckw•ll t•bele1& fH. Size l•place1 Ori9. t•X H78-14 8.5.5·1"4 29.-45 2.80 H78-15 8-4.S.15 79,-45 2.80 J7B-14 aa.s.14 31.-45 3.00 Sir• Ori9 . Whit•wall 900-15 34 .-45 NOW feel. T•x. 29.44 7.87 L S....llNdl Ill -lb ,.,. Chr1111n11n. 15 ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • • ' • ANO FINAL POINT TDT ... lS -l, W-m•kf:I" COrekel, 1..«1'1 2. Vtsei. (Cit St1t1 LAJ, 1,1,,; J, Wldmlon IColorllkll. 1.0U; '· Dillon lCll Stare lA\, 6.15-1: !. Wells fUl1hl, 6.1171 6. B1ltm1 {Sin Dltlo 511"1' 6,t\!. ,t• 0!~1 -'· Lont {Cll St1!1 lB), ,,,,,, And, ff you wlsll, Pemeya will make tho~Iy ..... curately, ecanom;c.Jly. Repairs that could pl'l¥lf1t a need!M& 33MONTHS GUAI ANTll WITH 10 MONTHS 100,_ ALLOWANC l F..-..nl Plltati.ll C.1111111 •111'1 .... fttf ftlf.,\lt 1fli.it b1l1Jt "'''' "'"""'*"ltf'· d l 0 Halma. d 1 0 .... ltll,c 1 o lt11r1no 1.., l • 'Stvbbt. tb ' • "tadll. If l 0 """""· "' I ' ' ~-lrd, 11 I I 0 Scott, • 1 0 Tot111 1' I ..,_ ,., , E"'' .. • • " • ' .. ' ' ~u"'lr, lb • " u•tk, d ' ' t1ld1rsan, rt ·' • ((Ill, rt ' • ,111 .. rti.an. If ' ' (Mllrlllo, ti ' • lltoat, II ' • Tate ls • ' " lcwe 'J IMl"1rl 511tdletNict 0000011 -1 • ' • ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' • • • • ' " ' ~ LI Fond• :I02CMI •-tll • • • • • • ' ... • • • ' • • • • • ' ' ' ' HG-METE R; HH _ 1. W11>11rn.ker. 1•.t. Dlllers -; Dixon, l!.•1 B1Jem., 15.S; Vnall. 15,,; L-. 16.t . DISCUS -I. K-rd (Colorackll, 161-2. O!htn -L-. llJ.11 \1"'919, 17J.'1 Diiion. 12•111 B•I-. IOM. POLE VAULT -1, Wedrn1n, 1'-2. Dllltri; -l ont, ll·l1 \let1J1 IN B11ern1, l7-t1 Ohon, 11~\~. JA\IEllN -I.• Kint (ft t w H1m111111~1. 1G"11. ot11t .. -or.on, 201'61 81larn1, l&S-l1 \let1t1. !6«11 L_, ,,,_., 1,500 Ml!TEllll -1, G1Uown IF'kl!'lcl1 Slll'tl. •:n.1. oth'" -v~111, •::u.01 l.,...., •:Q.4: a11ern1, •:oM,4; Ol1on, •:51,,, l"IH°"l TEAM SCORE C1!1kN',,l1 Ml, Ort11cin, IYU ~nd 1'::1n11) l!, W1,hl1111lon Slaff. 31, D•t<IO" Slife :JO, Te••• !El Pai.al 21. UCLA "· 'tlilt1nav1 26, USC 22, Bf¥ill1"9 Grttn II, San Dltuo 111te 17, Te,._ ntute 16, W11C011Sln and Colorldo ••• lndl1n• 13, (II Slltr (LA) 17. O!l!o U,. K1n11s 511!1, Or1ke and O.tr•"'Cllltll 10. 0111e .. -W1S11lnllo" f, Sl1nford I, Rtdl•nik t. Cal 5t1te ILBJ l. Nott: Palnll i.tortd by ealltH dl-!llon 11to11111 not e011nltd In xarlnt. DELTA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost Less • ' Cornp ltl• LiFI• or F1h1r9l•11 lelted Tir11 _Av1il1hl1 Prkn Stwt., S11 .tl ..... F.l.T, Fib1r9l11t W idt 0 "111 -Sup1• Pr1rni11rn - R1d i1I -Sporh -Sancl l u99y - I 111 Si111 Truck Tir11 BERG'S DELTA TIRES · 141 E. 17th St. • Costa Mesa • 645°2010 l1n•A1tte1ic1~ (°"911,. .... llt leyl Me1l•t Ck1t91 2001 WIST)J .. , SANTA ANA -1414'04 highway-. It you pretw, you can take the report ano;whera you like. n.. -n °"" 9.88 Pretty reasonable lor a doctor, theae dlya. /I Penneys Autd Diagnostic Center Th1 SCientffic Troublnhooln I AVAI LA BLE AT ANY ONE or; THESE PENN EY AUTO CENTERS I BUENA. PARK• HUNTINGTON BEACH CARLSBAD DOWNEY FUUERTON MONl):LAIR NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "THE CITY" r Y• IOJtr!IO!it tn 111tt«ch111 tu'Jrilt!I' r.ooei, lll r~t to ~~I lll'M ielCfll{ .. •f«YI fltll ~OllllMCt lllf\) ~all •illf tt.111111 W i6ele(;t ll:lilr.I. , .. lllt ll'Olec!M i., "* •'lllfe ·"''~ ~11; 111 , .... tee. II 'IC* rn lo11lo; t:ii.q !If\ 111111.illtl"' ,.. r'1111111t lo l'I .M "' inl 111 Oii llP!llll. (11.Jd J11W lilt, II!...-.. au~• t• 111- tuw! ~ l'flCr, lllCW<lll IQOl!r• r"°'" I«~ 111. row .. a r-1 pg11:111iset!, _ lllf. Wt 1111~ •1r;w 100~ ol lt.c111111tlli ,.rtM..e""'-'· ll!CfWdj<ll IPOI~ li1Mll lx•'lt l.u,..,,Jl(!lw! 100'=-lllol!W! ,,~. llleltilttr, ~ .... llli!ll 311'1 " r.i~ ~1 lht or11N PWWA proc:r, ... clllll•a! ..apl\abtt fl'd'l!oll b tM II•, '°"" t~ plll't .. \t ol t 111'« \.,t, This 111111rn!!t 1; !1111 lrt1tsl11.tbtt:. Jt ii {111(1 JOI' DI"* ~;o-Mlf.1 c•• ti' 11>11Srf11ef SLtl!OPI Ill.fl~>. (•lirl tllllllH ,tr1t• • • , , , , • , , , ., • , , ., , , •• U ••Its 100·. •b11ttt<t-"'4 ••..•••.•••••.••••••••. 1 1or.1111\ol •i0·; ~-.w..~terl!A ......................... li l,"ll)llltlo, :~· .. llQ"•olllt~ P'f<d ••••••• ' .. '.' ........... .20 jJ "'°"'~3 Tt tH l1t1 ,rllttti11 VI~ t.W '"'' t¥'!IY for"l!(' r t•, 111• lr.-;.1•1 ...._llllt~ 11•/ '.it~ ,.!\Ml Jllill l•lt ~ii" t•N II 'lflU' l•t ~·!!M'S 1181 !tlCepl l0t 1111'.tr· "'' ;i11g!mO!llU •t 11~! !N~t 111.111~~.i1v ll.1..l!G (Ill 11M1 eirir;IUI ~· • ~·1e,, w.1~0111 ilC)lllnlije ttdi.'1..C r 1.1:11• I·~ 11;·qrt !b!lHtt'-i11f, t1t11 I"~· W-. 11111 ...... l/l ltlrrlllg I~ llflt f\fll If J/4 4url!ll 1ht iecoM 11111 nl lltl ~t.lled ri!OlllMlll ,,.,01.,., TUNE-UP SPECIAL · MON., TUES., WED. ONLY 12.88 . 16.88 19.88 4CYL. 6 CYL. 8 CYL. VOLKSWAGENS AMERICAN CARS Includes new plugs, po,ints, rotor, cond-enser ond d i5tri butor. cop; com-dwell, timing ond co.rburetor adjustment. D•IYI IN .,. CHAI GI IT! AVAILAIU AT ANY ONI O f ·THESE PENNEY AUTO CENTllSI I BUENA P,A.R K 0 (,A.NQG,A. l'ARK CARlSBA[) CHULA VISTA DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT IEACH ORANGE ''THE CITY" VENTURA ·0o--~·"'""••rv1 ... (CtDM!lsY,.Oo11~ll SHOP SUNDAY, roo, 12 •• s P.M.1 I • -r 14 DAll.Y PllDT Bowling Tourney Resun1es- .. MoMIY, JuM 22, l97tl START DOWN WITH THE-SHOULDERS "SQUARE" .. ASher 2nd · ~ast Dominates' Spike.fest;- ln Tourney Top Ten Base))all'8 REDWOOD crrv' Calif. ••Md f!!'I uo •• ball. 7 •• • • · Two Records Equalled ,., * ._ ...... ,._, (AP) -A radical Jwllch to - -• • • · ,.,.,.. ~"'°'"t"::": i M. a three-st-de}tverv has c,,_ tMI~ • * 11s 21 11 .mi ~r ',; • A.JOlwllOll Cel U 2M J4 • ;M ....,,..,, •--·· ~·-·-Fll•m•"•a--1&<.,.teRAMliHIO-fAP)"'= II and 1hr~~': · ,,.,,,--,;-•..--fo.tN!tl. 11lii""'M-u-"157-u--,. Mi---.,...~'----------f--------------------:----1_.......,..._..--.. 1;57.71 1. Fllcft (New Yorit), t :03.0. F.Rot>inlM .. I ~ JM )f f116 '.JP lion Alike Durbin back to the tbe eastem United States 30.7. Robimon was named 1JtHH-1. """"""' 1""-' ..,.,._,, ic....., Kc se 1s1 u u .»1 After four -.·ttk:s ol action Jn the.Jttb ~-\\:est~t Match Games Eliminations-at l\ona ~ts in Costa ~tesa. only two bow;Jm ha\·e Mid the No. I pos~lion. First it was Tony Grinct.ri o(.()ntarM> -.-'ho bt}d the Elims advantage for the first \'AiO weeks. •Then came Doug Johnson .'ol l...oog Beach ~-ho Jw ~d t.ht lolly spot for the last t•·o Mondays. The fifth round of the toi.imey reSumes tonight at 9. 0 .- ~-new spo--'-_,_. of N.v.1. 1in1 1 ... , tOdHH. •1x.1. w.Horion 0e1 u 24 ll 11 .m top of the heap in profellional u~ .......... ....._ the meet's OL.-ttf•rwling alhlete. 11.•1 J. T11rnw 1c..""'*'1,·o.klalldl. Ho.kills c111 4t 1n '' ,, ..m .~ .. --. -track star&? ... _ r-1-of New v--~ IJ.6. .... Oli~Mln -,._,., __ JI ol1 t -IU· 'lbe West Coast .... bel!ll , ......... ~ -· llll.K-1, SINll'*' (Ml, v1,.,_, F.Alov o... " '" ... .J1l ~. •·JI -·'d • .,.. Cit the -"· Jn I -0 111,Y.), 11,..1· 2. lurnff' !C••1'-tJ5.Smllll •1,. JI 2lt » • .an i•"' ..... ~y.ear-w tom· al the lorefl'(ll't in p;oetucing Y ran muc =-· • Otlli.ndl, 11.11 1. lelll 10.n" 111C1.1. .._.. •- pelilor from Dayton, Ohio -cil)der path ICintillMGn. But the futest prep time Gt the 11.1. 1<.How1rd, wi>11lftt*, "' J."- • hi"" lml.K-1. SlntletM !Ml. Vtf'llOll, t ll, 81111ml0'1, 111 l(lllW.W, Mlnflt. rookie of the year in 1967 eastern "'6'' school ath1etes year. tr1.v .1, 11.Jw1 t. TM,,_ fC1'11otmc1ntl. 101.1. 111 Y•1trilflllkt. ...,,.., lh _ .l. • ..i ..___ wirUets since ihe took· i2 ol 11 .eveds fnxn Other standouts' were Jesat o .. ...,.,. 1t.11 .a. Llllr tG1orv. 1nc1.,. Mlndwf'. Oeklllld. l•. '1.-U ~ ·•---'• • Sa,.,.._, th · 11.1. ._ Blttloll Ill El Paso T · -. t• •-..::men m -.-~ a 11 . Stuart ol Glaqow Ky who m1K-~ 9119111 (Now H~• "'"'· . . ex.,.openm . annual Golden Welt lnvita-, ·• •. · 111.v .,, u,11 '· w .. , iOdtul. T .... i; w.Hor';' ::r:;11,NY1 J;~~ .. ~-"So I -ent.off to"'----• .___, . put the shot 71 feet,·t'4· 1n-Sl'.ti J. "*..., IGrent11 c1..,, im.1. JI.I, i1i ... 1. i , tw , ; , .. u-c .,.,..,.., ~ LOMG JUM .. -1. Wiiii. 1Brl1tol, Howt rd, W1lllllntte11, 11; Bt/IOo, Olk· a!'·ys and started worw.... it ..._ ....... --'--··--..i I ' dies; Mike Keoat!_ Of Newark, ,._,1, 11-114: 2. l'111M 1u.. .... 1<11.1, 11nc1. 11; Kii....,., M1ov1tto11. ~ •. f'e' ...,15 ..--•11111 were tiu1mu n N·.J wtn won the two-mile 2•11°"'1 .a., .. ,.. ,swr1. Stn Mel.01. oUt,'' he said Sunday. "'11\e by Fred --..w-of Mt. Jn 1·• .. s7.7., ... K-'-R-·"-t•M. 111AT1otu.L L•AOU• • ._.,.._, ..... ,. • .,, c-..11: JAVIELllll -1. H•!I, IN-Brlltln. , Jl'MI,., C... e A• • M .. d . result was tl"9t simple three Vemm. N.Y., and Ray of Waterford, Mich., who won c -.1, ,,,.,.1 t. otlt9 f1C1nu1 City, c irtt ..,,1 u n1 g ,1 ,JM t bef I )el " Robinson of Lakeland Fl · 1(.,.,), 7»-h J. Hunrilcun !llOHbul"I• P1r11 Cln '' 253 57 n .»oi $ ep5 Ott go. S' 1_._ 1 f , the llO in 1:50.6. Orr .), MU. .. '(I-le Pllh 52 1 .. tt '1 .J3l 1be result. S.twday night lng~wu . equalled national SHOT .. ur -1, $l111rt (GI•-· Giiion 5D '5 Ml ,. .. .m was a victo"' and a M,000 records in the 120-yanl l.l .. h 100-1. •lllbkuM U.llc941nd. Fle.l. ~.'.!:,1~.f.\lw',2~-W,,!!_tirow1•-·',.".-..~_,•1,· Gr1ur111wnr LA '" ~ n • • 'J ~"15 t.h>); l. L-(St. LM.ilsJ, t.J1 Litolni ....-._ ·-'-•• "" ._.. Hlckm11n Chi JI 1• 11 61 .-fir:st prize in the •.ooo hurdles in 13.4 and the lows '"'"*"•>·-.... u.11. ,..... Hm .. ,,. u ... »• · n...-T · I) but offidat .,..,...1.1 .. ., 210-1.-...,.._ (LttNNI, l<l1.J, HIGH JUM .. -1. C~lto !OcN ntlde), '" Sl'ltmokv N'I' S) 110 21 JS .»' Joh"ISon OOlds a 7t1;piri lead orer Grinceri "''ith 3.319 total , pins. Grinreri has 3.24-9 '~tr The accuracy of •ny given shot is arutly d1tlr. mined by the position of the 1Qff1r'$ ·shoulders. •t the s."tart of the backswi na. for example, if • line across the shoulders points 1o the left of the t1r1et· (illustration #1), the clubhtad wiU pr~bably enter; the hitti nc area from out1id1 the t.raet line. Cuttinc across in this manner will cause.either• pun.slice. pull or pull -hook. In any Case, the ball will likely Bellows-Valvau vyg• ourna-in, l . , ... -... '6s :ie.r.1 1. Lull. llllKhlllMr, MIM.).10.11 It\:.; 1. 11e ..,._. "*"' IS.llfll. To1111 cin " m • n ..tit • ment. · were ruled out because of a i. ,_ ,J_._ CitYl. •·•· Ore.I 11111 sw.t <Coif•~. 111.1. ••· H.Mro.. A " n1 .u n ..DI. • ' .... 11 .._I, 90!0ll fl(~. T-.J, a .Ii DISCUS-I. Mlom• (LOI .\llCJI, 1'2·11 .._ ·---p- In third. and fourth spots are 1111·0 bo\l•lers that· are ne•' to the top 10. Dort·NorQslrom of Anahfim. vi'ith ah 831 ~rles last \ol'tek, "aulted from 12th to th ird spot a:ld Jack Kinsley of Santa Ana picked up 17 places,_molli! !r6m 'list lo fourth . He had a four game block of 862 last \ol·eek. Top area bowle.r is Costa l\iesa's Nick · Stigailo. "'ho mo\:ed into the eighth posiLion .,·ith an 86B series . the top --~set· of last \\'eek. Sti ailo \\'as pre\iously I.I\ ~ p act. Other area ™"'·lers in the lop 20 ioclude \\'estminster's Jerry Brennan <IOlh) and Cost a ;\l e sa 's L ar r y Schoenfelder \)3th). l'cp 10: • ,OL BNler Ci1"f .. in1 l. Qau9 J-. Leno l••C/; 1.31• !. Tanr Grinc;.,.I, O,.i.tlo l.J~ .l. Don NCl"OllrtWf!, ~'" l.lll 4. JIOC'.-l(,,..ler. Sl,.!1 ""' l,Jl1 5. lltrlnr 8tcltfl', G.IWN 3.~ a. Will Riede, ClrM>n l.115 start its fli&ht to .the left .of tar1et. • To hit slrai&~t shots,, it is trelP.ful to s ta'f! the · doWnswing with the shoulders ••square." That is, the .shou lder and tara:et lines should be aliened. Try to picture ~ourself in this position before you .ctually 5Win&. Then ~ H thi~ pr•conditiontd mental ima&• doesn't result 1n str111hter ahots. -----....... ~ .......... -- PUT POWER BACK INTO YOUR IWING!-Wittl h ..... of Arnow P1lm1r'1 iUustT'n.d ·~let. "T .. Shot& and f1irny WOOdl:." s.tid 20t •nd • lltf·lddrlllMCI, BDmpell ...... DP• to 4t ...... P1t1Mr, in t1r1 of this n...,.per • LBCC Leagae Bue, El Camino Cagers C"lash '· J1r ll:atll_,, Senti 511w111 l,211 I. Nict· Sli09ilo. Cot.11 .w.u 3,111 1l: ']:,':., G~l.,.".'w~~ii.r i;:; Orange Coast Co l J e I e ' I ' Tuuday night for I e v e n "'~ f'l'trtnts: 1a. L1•rv khl>f'l'i.10f'r basketball •-----.. play weeks. A .i ...... t.. elimination fCCJltl Noni), l.IM; 11. Bob Pr~ K4fll .,,.--~ b:;~ (~1·M~f.1 3~1~7, Fr::, in the Loni:r Beach City College tournamen1 irwolvq the eight Rud 11: .. 1......,,1ncr1on Be1c111. i.1m1 summer JC••ne Tuesday, fac~ tams in 118 league will be lot. Fred Jll«llll IWestminsi.ri, l.IOJ1---held .& ... 11 IJ Durbin's averlee for the strong ...uWind. 2. o.wi. fJtnnl ''"''· .-..s: .a. Merrlll 2. Sct.tllltf O'll!!f"b•I· 1~11 i. Al)dtf'· BIO'ell. ctncin,..11, 241 ,._, ~ meet's 40 games was a ~-~ g~ wm· 7.1. miles. (l>r1IQ9 viii-. Ktll.1. •-'· -·11"orttrvn1t1. 1"'3· c11111111, 1,1 H.A1ron. All11111. 221 lldl I .. • h ,~ hou d the allo abl .._I ...... tW1t:Wtwd, Mldl.J, 'l'OLE VAULT -I. Crill fGrN<'I· Alftft, SI. Louli, "; Mcc-y, S.ft tacu ar %lS CUIU e ~ JO ~· r an ... e .1:JDA1 f, *•• !lt-.!lt. NJ.), wtl(ld, llld.l. IM1 1. (UtJ'IOW (Mldlil\d. Fr111Cl1Co. It, of tiis 16 match games in U little more than four. 1:s1.11 s. ....,.. 1c.1n-1, Olkl1nc11. T .... i. 1u1 .a. ••-INlm !Kokomo, 11 ... h HM 111 ttie finals to win by ·157 pins Similarly, .Robimon ran' the 1'!:itE-1. c ... IHlw Yark}, ,, .... l 'n;!~·.p~s:· J UMP..:.1. G•IMS !CMMI· Ptrez, ClllClnntH, n: H. A•root;·'•t· .l..>.-,..__._ ia-HI °'l :l. l!IMI. v •. i. It-IV.; 2. w~n1 (Brl1101, l1nt1, 6'1; lt11CI'!, Clnc:lnn~l. '41 I'll'> over Barry .IUlf'e'r, ........,UI 100 in a den.,. t.J seconds ~(L=ui::-:..1: .~'o;.i.1 Pt.I. IJ.l\>i; '· Glllllm (Unlendtlt •• All'"· St. LDull. J7J C1rtv, Alltftll, Mes1, • two time tiUist. with the wind at his back TWO MILi -1. KIOllll CN••l'L N.Y.J .... ,.,.. 56. SHOP SEARS SUNDAY 12 Noon.to 5 P.M. ' • • \ Sears OUr Lowes~ Tire and.Auto Center · ~ ~~tices for Tir.es1 41, Jc. o.•i.i-1cosia Mcstl, l.otS; ing Et Camino at 6:45 in the ~ • · . s1. Eddlt Blma cwon1m111111«J. l A111 LBCC men's ovmnaa.ium. Olber --~ DI...,. ·-es -~ Dldt lrM$C.li 1w .. 11ml11111er1, :l.CM1; --· ....... ,... ...,. ' !6. Gino ""'u"'111 1w..stm"'''-"i• -· p· nd ---.-&: lr>clude Cerrilos VI tbe LBCC 3.0ll: '5. L•• ... l(tnt-• 1wn1T111mlt'r , 111o: rrates, u er \.v;n.-i1 . . · l.A14: 61. lltn 011f'iclen (Foun111n Herb Liv_.,. will plav each VJlainp It l :JO; LA Harbor i;;'~'~"~'~l.~>.~M~'·OiiiOiiOiiOiiOi~'OiiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOi-;;;i;'i;' OiiiOiiiO~·--. against Santa MODica at 8; ·and the I.JKx: Nonemen vs. ey,,r... at t : IS. It's DAILY PILOT 2 • for -1 Nite OUT AT THE OLD BALL GAME PILOT PETE INVITES EVERYONE TO SEE THE ANGRS PLAY KANSAS CITY WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, AT HALF PRICE Git h•o t111rv1d 1••f tic~•h fot lt•1 Wedn1wl1v ni9llt, July I , An91l1 "''· Roy1l1 91m• 1t A .. ell1im St1di11m for tlle nofP"ll pri<o of 0111 tic~1t. l l uy 0111; tllt DAILY PILOT 9iw11 you on1.I 2-$3.50 2-$2.50 TICMm fOl TIClm FOl $3.50 $2.50 You Cl,. r111rv1 In 1ntir1 11clion or iu1! lwo tllh, But 91t .. our p1rtv tc9etll1r now i nd m1il in tll1 ord1r b11n• b1low wiill.cll1c\: or "'on1y ord1r (no c •1h, pl1e11J ind llvrry, 011dli111 for tickot ord1r1 it Jun1 29. E•rl1 Bird Bonus Op111 to boy1 i nd 9irl1 16 v••fl old ind youn91r. lnclud• with tic••t ord1r I 1!1t1m1nl o( I 00 word1 or !111: "My f1.,.orit1 An· 911 it b1c110 1 ." Entri11 mu1! bt r1c1iw1d Dy 110011 on Jun1 26. Winner will "'111 ,1'ii1 !or 1'.t rl f1woril1 A,.- 5111, will r1c1iw1 four ti c~1h for I fulurt An91I hom1 9•m1 111d wtH r1ceive I b111b1ll 111lo9repll1d by t~• An,1l1! Th1re'll bo rurmtr·11 p pri1t wi11n1r1, loo! ,--_----- ' en,. eitd t11t1il,'witlri check~,......,""'-'· hi: 2.fef·l A..-t D.., Or .... C:._t DeHy "'°' I C/O r.w1c s.rric• o.,t. I JJO w . .., "'"'· C"t. M ... C:.tff. 91621 I ,LEA.SI PRINT) -, I I I I "-.......................................... . Sttwt .•• , , ••• , •• , • , , • , , , •• , , ••• , • , • , , , • , ••• , , , , •• I ~ ······•············· o .................... . Cffy •••••••••••••••••••••••• : ••••• Zl1t ••••••• , I I' wall! • .. 111 el 1. ~ '· t, 11 tc1rtl1 tnt or -if• ...,..... ll•r. ........... ,, I'" _. """91 --· ...... , .... """"· It .... J•"r' I A ... n. ·-City ...... 11 -Ill I 11........ l<er ff(ll tk~ .... , ..... , I WIM ,_.,.. M .. IK-' Milf ffW ,_ lllt DAILY' .. ILOT. I •-IJ,.llt.Jt tC~lt _, tic-•h •• II< ..... 11 ' ................ """"""' ,.,. ....... _,.,.,. I I I I I ., 11c11m I l\lvt ............ 1 ~--fid!ttt wm .. -' " I -... -II, t _..,II ... """ tllll ...... ,....,. 11 I .. .., .. L'."'..:::. :::_ - - --_J F~ ia the balance .of the -.ie: J-.• 5:30 -NOlmnen n . El Camino t :t5 -LA Harbor YI. Vik· lnp I -Santa Monka VI . Oran&• Coast. t : 15 -Cerrltol VI. CYP"US Jiiiy 1 5:30 -<>ranee Gout \'s .. Cerritol 1:45 -Cyprta VI. El Camino I -Santa Monica vp. Vik-intIS . 9:15 -Norsemen \11. LA Hamor July 15 s: 3lt Norsemen v s . °""'° Coast 6: 4S -Cypress VI. LA Harbor a -El Camino w. Vikings 1:15 -Santa Monkl CelTitos Jafy 21 5:30 -Orange Coast \'S. Cyprus 1:45 -LA Harbor vs. Cer· Titos a -Norsemen vs. Vikings 9:15 -Santa Monica vs. Et Camino July ZI 5:30 -El Camino vs. Cer· • rilos &:45--Vik:ings-vs. Gypress I -LA. Harbor vs. Orange Coast 9:15 -Santa Monica \'S. Norsemen 5,30 Norsemen AUi. i Cerritos 6:43 -Vikings vs. Orange Coast a -Santa Monica \'$. C~1press '9 : IS -LA Harbor vs. El Camino Au~. 11-13 Sing l e Eliminati.o n Tournament Deep Sea Fish Report ~ SliM CLEMENTE -;.i .... trl; '" beJI, 47, bl"'K""'f, 4 banlltl. J h•Jitlll!, ' ""'lie ~~ blu. l Yf'llow11il, SE•L BEACl4-IH lft91t<S: •'1 111•0 btu , II btrrtc:VClt, U "8!ib&JI, Jt "'tc· ~rttl. Bt'W-1!1 t"'len; ll btH, ll lltlil>l/I. 11 bttrt(:-. . , Nl:WPO•T !0."1''1 Lldc.,)-3Dll - g!l"'ll J,Jn bts., JJl blr<IC\l<M, 3' b> ~11o. 1 .,,.ll-1111, .U No lltllll. !Ar"I ~1-1• 1,,.._1 '6.t btrrltC'.\lcM. 7 llClftilO• 2$5 t.\I, ' !'!•lib.II, 111 midi· .,,1. OCIEliMllOIE-Jl)I 11"1.i-1: 2'1 blrr8· C\Odt.' llS boftli., "' .,. ... l wNlt .... bllu.. J INll!flul, S4N Oll!GO IM11llld• .. Piwl-11' I.,,_ 9if,r,; 1 ~In IUl'll. lClt "tl-111, I wflllt Sl!I btU. tll btfftc:\1111, 21 b> nfio. Ill mu. Lotto a111ic11 !"""'°"'' t...-..l-m ..,~; 19t bltrltC'.W., tOS .-Ike _,,_ 1 wf>flt XI btu. '" tllUf' bin. l .... ltbut, °' 9'0d< (Od, ,,._ll'k s-1· fftl'.ill91 -711 -11•·11 • W"°""t U, st blrr.iiOiei, fftiilll!wl, 1,,.1 Ullcl WIS, l:it blw t.u, Ill l'O(:li; C'Clll, I"'-' ".itrl -"' 111111,rs: 11 btff•c-. &I bill• J ll•liWf, atr-'O lfl9lef'l.I ,0 blrtKldl. lo r.u.. !C fllt>Ckt<et "'•MOS• ,,,.c_n '"'""; .,n tw•, JI ,_.!'.NI. l1r0t-1t lnitltrJI I ..... ••OOlfDO-JJ'I •tttll"I 1,IM5 bt1t. ,1 -1f0,, • MllOUT, 1.111 ..i... bl\~, &i"llt -D 11'! .. tf~l SJ be.u. llS l't'llO;ret. :• 111lit..l't. J M .f.'<TATE 11..\SS E~ G t-.:R • TIRE GUARANTEE. <:u.ramttd Api•I: All fir;, f.Ulurc-s !rot11 11 ona1t ro1d hanrJJ or dcft"Cts in mau.•ri•I °' ...,'()f"lr; mansh i p. for How IA)RJ: fO(' 1ie life .of tbr urig.i.W 1rt:iid. '&'h•t ~;t"' •'ill DD: Jn r:r- ' ha~ for 1br dtt, replac'r it (h"8in& (or rhr proponion of carrenr K llU"« pnt:c plus Fr.:krJ.1 fairi$C Tn U.11 n •p- rr:sc-nrs ntad ukd. Jl;rp;air mail puMn>ttS al no ch;ug<'. I :uar1nlt'C'd Ag1in!'l; Tre.d "''t'lr~t. for How I...,.: 1lw: .umlxr -ni mon1hs sprcir>C"d. '\\!lat So-an \\'ill l)o: In CS• chan,!lr fOf' 1hc 1itt, ttpl..:e ir rhatAing 1M cun-eni ~llillf!; price plus F~ Enisc Tu: l<'u the follo•illJ allo•aocc; "tnn1hlr 'f Go11'11nt.-e ~ .l8 ro 24 . 27 to }~ •• Alln ... 1nee 10% ~~ ·--.. -·1----__ ._.., . .,_ ·um.----_., with. B·elted Fiber GlaS~1 50 6.50xl3 Tubeless Blackwall Pl11~ 11.0.; F.E.T. .lnd Old Tire What's So Good About Fibec Gia" Comtructio n Crealer Safe1,· -Twin fifx.r glass ~hs rei~force 1he tread ••. cr"re an added barrier 1ha1 helps reduce punctures, impact damasc. Better Tniction -You ,get more rubber o n the pavem.ent. You. get greater traction 1n all kinds ofv.uther. 7.75x14 8.25x l4 24.50 2.17 'i.60xl5 15.'iO 158 Tullel.-ss White"·all 6.50x I :l 18.50 1.65 6.95x l4 20.50 1.81 7 .:J.J.x I 4 22.50 1.84 7.75x14 24.50 1.97 2i.50 2. 17 8.55xl4 :J0.511 2.45 :l.60x 1 ;) 18.50 1.0>8 7.75x l ~ 24.50 2.04 8.25x 1 ~ 2i.50 2.23 8.55x 15 30.90 2.47 _.\,k About Scars t:o1tveni enl Credil Plans Express Highway Hauler Sears Ln" Price 2495 6.~0x1~ Tu.be·Type Plus :!.40 F.E.T. SIZE f't111~~ F.E.T. T UBE-TYPE 6.7llx l:i 24.95 2.40 ~7~.0~0·~·1~•-t-~3~4"'.9"'!;-+-~2.8.5. NO TRADE-JN REQ UJRED _ 1>.Sllx lo 26.9!i • 2.li I 3.00 e 6-ply rated n ylon coed constcuction for 7.IMl' 16 34 ,95· strength and lo ng mileage T UBELESS • Wnp around tccad e nable• bc tt ec cornering 6.70x 15 I 26.95 j 2.70 and moce slabilit ~ ~q.fu~tlo)\<q11fred ·-·-· ----" --~-·-· -·---II ____ , _ .. , .. _ -• _,1 -.., .. " .• , ..... _ ...... , .......... --·-_ ....... _.l ------1111 --- ...... -. .... NIAA•Mlt.a. ..... 1.1-•I .... ............. _., ...... -.. ...... --· .... "~---1.-­.._ ...... , --~ -.. . ... ~. . ---~ ' IJ Th \Vh m1 l I J, fror Clu' Pac di vi Clu· day II Mid "1d diyJ lie" T of res1 .~ L1~ Nil <3[ ~"' Hal L'ee M Bet 12 ) SSS VY> I ' ' ' 1 ~ ,,. ! ~ '\1 Sef' anC Me ' •L Ya1 Ne> "!01 aft( I.he Spo y., ""' L wa~ !' for pii -r fj lh piE \V; as• Th Huge Fleet Off to Bernauda This Js the Class D division of the 14g.boat fleet \Vhich set sail Saturday from Newport, R.I., to Ber· muda on the biennial dash to the "onion patch. u The . 67g.miJe race is expected to end by Tuesday . Al Cassel'& \Varrior is the only local entry. ., Winds Ca I Blackfin Leads By ALl\.10N LOCKABEY ... u .... 1111 .... Eight lo 10 knot l,,.inds are great for day sailing or weekend cruising, but t h e y don 't do much for breaking records In a lpng distance ocean ras:e. that's what the 14 ent ries In the 3,571-mlle Tahiti race are finding out aflAf' six days of sailing across U\t Pat ific. Ken DeMeuse's 7 3 -f o o t Blackfin rrom San Francisco is living up to pre-race prog- ·nisticalions for fist to tinlsh with a 511-mile lead over her nearest competitor. George O'Brien's 78-fool ketch !\fir from Vancouver. U,ut the t.,135 miles she had covered 'Sunday was not 1n- di'Cative of a Oew elapsed time rbCord . BlackOn's • mileage placed her a little less than a third of the course distance since the start last Monday at noon . .. because only two yachts in Class A had been issued rating certificates prior to the start oC the raCf:, They were Widgeon and Aries, a n d Widgeon was leading on cor· re~ted time based on Sunday's report. The Class B handicap stan· dings were Misty, Spirit, Quasar. Numse JI , Simoon, Jubilation, Vision and Tangent. . There was still no report from Eric Tabarly's Pen Duick 111, another French en- try in the race. Following are the latitude and loflgitude positions of the fleet with mileages from Les Angeles: AR IE S 19:55N-l27:47W, 9&3 B LA CK.FIN 16:55N-128 :12 W, 1135 JUBILATION 21 : !SN-129:09 W. 942 \ Monday, Ju~e '22, 1970 DAit. V l'llOT ;5 Lion Wins 7 -Dana-Point ·Yacht Race !\1ir had logged l,071 miles and the French entry, Nar. raganseit, had moved into .. A t Sea Fest ·val third plac• with 985 miles. ugus l In rourth place was Nor1nan f\11R 17:18-126:40, 1072 MISTY 20 :33N-127 :21W, 918 NARRAGANSETTI, J8 :28N - .)Zfi : 35\\•, ?85 . NUMSE 11 "21 :21N-128:41\V, Bacon's Morgan -54 Widgeon 920 ~ Includes 17 Events ------rron1 Sanla Barbara, 9'71J miles, and the Columbia-57 Aries, skippered by Dan Elliott or Newport Harbor Yacht Club was in fifth place, 96.1 miles. QUASAR 2U4N-J28,25W, 917 SIMOON 20 :29N-128 :16W, 949 SPIRIT 21 :08N-127 :39\V, 895 'fANGENT 21 :20N -125:48W, 833 ONE.THIRD OF THE WAY-Ken DeMeuse's Black- fln , shown soon after the June 15 start.· was one third of the \va Y to Tahiti today in the 3,571-mile Transpacific race. Light \Yinds still prevailed for most of the 14-boat fleet. Jell Barber's Laughing Lion fro!Jl Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club was the winner or the Pacific Handicap Racing Fleet division in Voyagers Yacht Ctub's Dana Point race Satur· day. \Vinner in the combined Midget 0Cf:an Racing Fleet tfi4'Small Yacht Racing Fleet diylsion was Bebo II, skip. peI'ed by ~b Darnell of VYC. The PHRF race was part ()f the Massey Series. Final results: J:HRF (25) -(I) Laughing ~i, Jeff Barber, CBYC: (2) Ni II. John Kinkel. BCYC ; 13 \Twinkle, Frank White. &'IC; (4) Laniru, Grirfies & Hai-yey, BYC; (5) Wind Child, Lee Armstrong, VYC. MORF.SYRF (13) -(1) Bebo 11. Bob Darnell, VYC; f2) Venlolero. Bill Kitchens, SSSC; {3) Viking, Dan Pike, vvc. f ' . . Two Firsts· py Alamitos i:~ilos Bay Yacht Club pers took the first two in the Senior Sabol ~piooships sailed Saturday arid Sunday at Balboa Yacht Clll1i. "Winner or the five-race series was flenry Schorield. and runner·UP was Chuck Merrill, both of ABYC. Coast Coed Beats Se·ven Ma le Sailors l\1arilee Allan. 15--yea r old coed from Corona del l\1ar High School. won both legs of the 32-mile ocean race from NewpOrt to Dana PoinL and return sponsored by UC Irvine in Shields Class sloops. Miss Allan scored her im- 'l'tpessive win over seven .col- legiate skippers, all male, She is the sister. of Skip and Scntt Allan, bot h internationally .known yacht racers. Her ~rew in the Dana Point race were B9b White . .and Dick Cummings. Runncr·up was Jeff Justice or UCI: thiid was Gary Larson, UCI : fourth was the defender, UCI sailing coach Carl Reinhart, ilnd fifth was Rick Evans, UCI. The Dana Point race is the only ocean race for the JO.foot Shields Class. Ya~hters • ID Tie ' M cCar e, Corigdon Take Lead :Lance l\1cCabe of Balboa during Augu st. Saturda"y and Yacht Club and Ted Congdon . Sunday's races were the first Newport Harbor Yacht Club three of a six race elimination ~ound up in a tie Sunday series which will be concluded arter the fi rst three races of next weekend. the PC elimination series Standings after three races : Sponsored by Newport Harbor PC -Tit between L a n cc Yacht Club. There were five f\1cCabe , BYC. and T e d entries on the line. Congdon, NHYC : 23,4. Leroy Sutherland of NHYC LUDERS -16 -Leroy 1'as the winner in the Luders· Sutherland, NHYC. 2~~: 121 16 eliminations which qualify Ben Hromadka , Lahaina YC, for the international cham-3~4; (3) BiU Fundenburg, J{oinship regatta In Chicago NHYC, 5. •• A comprehensive schedule of 17 events covering the full range of water sports and recreation has been announced for Long Beach's 5th annual Californi!l International Sea Festival, Aug. 1·16. Half a million spectators and approximately 5 , 0 0 0 ·participants will see and take part in the two-week program, predicted Al~xander N. (San· dy) Kemp, Spa Festival dircc~ tor. Thirteen events, including the Aug. I Sea Festival Spec- tacular and parade or lights, have no admission charges. The spectacular will turn Long Beach's shoreline into a huge ampitheater for an anticipated 3511,000 spectators. Innovations from past Sea Festivals include a $2 ,500 photography contest open to all amateur camera fans dur· ing the entire · schedule ; the Powerboat Magazine World lnvllaliQnal Marathon , Aug. 2: the world's first water ski drag race, Aug. 8: a sand sculpturing c 0 n t e s t on the sh ore and a major spearfishing competition for skindivers, Aug. 9. Traditional n1 a j or in· ternalional events will include the 6th annual Long Beach Hennessy Cup OffShore Powerboat Race. Aug. 15 : the National Drag Boat Associa· . Finn Oass Title Won By Sprag ue flenry Sprague 111 of Newport Harbor Yacht Club found the winds on Vail Lake to his liking Saturday and Sunday and salled away with • the Finn Class district cham· pionship. Sprague scored 9V4 points with finishes of 1·3·1-1-4-4 in the six race series. A seventh race was sailed, w h i ch Sprague also won, but was thrown out because of a con· fusion in the course. It was the thi rd straight year that Sprague has picked up the district-Championship. Runner.up with 14~4 points was Dave Iddings of Santa " Barbara Yacht Club. A I Nelson and Fred Miller Jr., both oC South Shore Sailing Club, were third and fourth .respectively, and Peter Parker of Newport Harbor Yacht Club was fifth. ; -• Race Taken By Twichell Chad 1'wichell was ·the win· ncr of the combined Lido-14 A and B classes t.1 Lido Isle Yacht Club's Small Boat Regatta Saturday and Sunday. Following are trophy win- nerS in the lour classes: lion Western Regional cham· pionships, Aug. lS-16 : and the world's biggest salt water swim meet. Aug. 2. There have been no reports on handicap standings. largely VISION 20:30N-128 :08\V, 943 \V IDGEON 19:48N -127 :53W, 970 JONES TIRE SERVICE 2049 HARBOR BLVD~ (At Bay) '"·"" COST A MESA 14M l4l ~·'!111 . ..-• ,..;;:~-'. ..,,. ....... 'Tiff .. VACATION VALUE with trMle-ln,, p lus feder•I ••c;.. l•llf of t1.9q P.flf tire • Rugged 4·ply nylon cotd lmost olH1l • Good mll••I• ••• Economy prices e E1ceed• all gov•rnm•nt requi ... ments for: Swength, Endurance, High S~eed Performance Federal Siz1a Excise Tix Blackwall Whit.w•ll 7.00-13 $1.90 $10195 S13.95 7.75-14 2.17 14.75 17.25 8.25-1 4 2.33 16.95 19.45 5.60-15 1.58 13.75 16.25 7.75-15 2.19 14.75 17.25 8.25-15 2.36 16.95 19.45 8.55-14 2.53 -21 .25 8.55 -15 2.57 -21.25 USE OUR RAIN CHECK PROGR AM . B.F.Goodrich will gel 'f'Oll th• 1i11 you w1n1. Should w1 run out of your s111 du1ing thia oll1r, we will be happ'f' to issu1 yoo 1 rain ch&ek and orde1 your lire 11the1dv111is1d p1ic1 lo1 futu11 de!iv1r'f', ... r~·~r:~~NT~ f24AND95·~~~--~~~~~-$2 ___ 5ol l e Exp0 rt Workmon1h;p • Ou•lity . _.A. ALIGNMENT Any f I Repl11cement Part1 e Specia l Low P rices • Car I l · .., ... .., .. '" "'"" ""' ""::f: """'" '"!:' "'n P"'"'"' 1• "·"' """ ... -' · .. :/ •£GU' •• v•LUE ur TO 12 so I I Ill -~ Nllllllf' Ctf .. •. "'9ttl• .... ifllftS-l•lt " -lilt """"'• 11111 ,., .... 11111 •Ill " -" " • I .1 : :::::"'.,'!:. '=r:J:. 1:1c1~r· ... "::c:~11 • ""'" -· '"''" ,., 1Aii.1~'1o11. w"":"' 11911.. ,.,:. 1• cALL Fo• APPOINTMENT J J..-__ ._ ______ ...,.,OFFER ENDS JUNE JO, 1970------------------LIDQ.14 A & B -(I) Chad TwiChell, LTYC; 12) Don Bradbury, VYC; (3l Jack fl.1cClarty, BYC; (4) Fred ~----~!toepel VYG , $)-Charles -JONES-TIRE SERVICi Queen of Water Skiers awallan-born Stardct Kaaua shapes up (a master- piece of understatement) as queen of the National \Valer Ski Speed Championships held at Wike Hav· asu City on the Colorado River over the weekend., - The shapely queen can also \vater ski. /. ' • Babcock, SI BYC. KITE -(I) C.E. Willlams, scvc, t2) Tom Willson. B\'C; (3) Rl!lio Wagner, NllVC. SABOT A & B -(I) Mark Gaudio, NHYC. SABOT C -Cl) Jennifer Moran, LIYC - 2049 HARBOR BLVD . !At Boyl COSTA MESA PHONE 646·4421 • 540-4343 • • ·,I' I U OAllV PILOT $ Monday, Junt 22, 1970 'l'our /Jf0•9'• Worth Youngste1·s Face umme1~ -·~--~· ---":"" .. ,. ..,..,. Mergers Busi11ess By SYUVIA PORTER NEW YORK (AP) -O!le solutiOn to the rickety. finan- cial • underplnnincs ol many remarkably low, or no cost . sicurilies firms may be to Is your son or daughter from remedial reading to typ.. "pump two or three revenue among the hundreds o f iog, foreign languages, art . producing. unit.a through the thous.ands· or teel).agers \\'ho · d · t same oPeraUonal pipeline." . history an mves men Jn other Words, ·to merge tailed to line up a summer job this year or ll'hose job (2) Travel in· the U.S. or the businesses of two or more has fallen ttirough because or abroad. Are you aware that 1. · Ge; firms, eliminating Jn the pro-, the deepening 1970 recession ? today yOu Can fly under cer· apan · ts cess as much fii:ed overhead Are you _ or your kids _ tain circumstances from New and duplication as possible. now \\'ondering v.·hat you York to Ireland and back for K k rt mea~ layoffs, Of course, should 00? · as little as $245? Or that you ellhlC y and the closillg or some fancy can spend two weeks' touring branch offices. · · With the teenage unemp!oy. meni rate easily triple today 's. Europe for just $350 or so ? Chi k Such thinlcing was involved C en in the recently arroounced jobless rate or 5 percent, this A STUDENT Identity card, planS of the ,nation's third is the dilemma f a c i n g available Crom A m e r i c an largest brokerage firm, Fran- yaungsters the nation over. Youth Hostels, Inc., in New TOKYO -The people who cis 'I. duPont, and the big With the swnmtr job market Yorkwillgetyoubigdiscounls .made the Mitsubishi Zero investment banking firm ·or admittingly the tightest in at student wlions, restaurants, fighter plane in World War Glare Forgan Staats, Inc. years, jt's likely that at least n1useums. etc., • ttlroughout Archie _Albright,• who as • 700 ooo ~ th 2 7 O o ob o JI are bringing Kentucky Fried . ; w e · • • Europe. The bargains go on president of GFS in.ltiated GIVE~ POST ClarenCe LaNI•,. ' Centinela Bank Picks I LaNier Head Americam age 16 to 21 seek-and on. ch.icken to Japan. talks with the/ financially ing summer }obs this year' (J) Get into a political cam-The wtlikely combination distressed duPonl Ii rm, Clarence v. LaNier has been won't find them. And with •· ed I b be-I. h " paign. You may oot yet have was aMounc recent y y 1ev~s more s u c con.. selected to manage Centine1a many highly educated college K 't k F 'ed h Udat· ·11 be nnou ced a vote but your volunteer time __ e:11_uc Y_ rJ Qi c.k..e " so ions w1 a n Bank's n.ew regional head_oI·_ griauateS really swealiiig it ,... :;;----,.1r."r s•~i ts and talents """•Id be even Corporation_ the AmeJcan soon as nai 1.iee eac r1·ce 1·n Newport Beach. out right now and layoffs ... .,.. · 11 bel led! t -• dro · being announced by one com· more important to~lit!:! food chain, and ·Milsubistii bus~ss~ 0 8 311arp p in The first Centinela Bank h1 pany after anolher, the candidate of your ·ce t Shoji Kaisha, one of the The process already ls well Orange County, to become the teenage jobless figu~ well · 3 vote., v.·orld's largest tradlng "finns. under way .. Nearly 40 member regional head bank .. f 0 r may be gro s s un (l ) Try · hand ( r 1 the NY S k E branches to be opened later, . . -your . a ~rm Mitsubishi handling a line irms of , · · toe X· ned ·is doo t the public dere&timahons. "·ork, as an educational switch ' . change either closed down or ope .1 rs . 0 ---The NifiOna1->JliancfCr from Whatever yoo-have-been_ol-goods 1rom lead. peools erge<tlast ye;tr:-1lle--rate_ last.J'r1day. It .1s located at Businessmen has announced a dOihg~ The pay is low, but. to dynamos and super tankers, has accelerated this year with 3333 W, Coast Highway on ~he • d th Lou. ·11 K i . · ' ground floor of the high-rise new record goal of 200,~ probably not as low. as you an e isv1 e, y., inn 20 f~ merged or closed Centinela Bank buildi'itg. summer jobs for needy yooth. think. And you might use yoor signed a contract under which through April. 1 dd' . be. d cr.eativity to help allc.viate the as many as 400 Kentucky The financial problems or n a Ilion t~ mg name FIRST ASK yoo rself this plight of the m 1 g r a n t . . . these firms often are carefully ma~ager, _La.Nier ~as elected :question and answe r it wit h harvester during the summer Fried Chicken shops will be buried from sight, but gossip regional_ vice president of the utter honesty: Can-you months. built in the land of susfli and and rumor sprout everywhere. ba.n~ with resources of $16.8 possibility afford to invest the . sake (raw fish and white rice "If you believe them," says milhon. l ·ghl 1 12 ek · (5) 1'ake a trip in the U.S. r I ·d l nex ei o we s in "'ine). Albright, "you'd have believed He ormer y was pres1 en a project which doesn't pay - camping, biking, driving, h If r· ial hous of Boulder National Bank in ny'"g. wi·th today's youth Mitsubishi Soji Aisha (Sboji t at ha the inane· es you a salary?rlf your answer "' Kisha .,_ 1. ) Id h 1 or Coloradoafterearlierassocia- fares. You Can -·ch your means tra ..... <& tnn is cou ave gooe ou is an honest "yes," here are ,.,.. b -~ 1 h h b · · ks " tion with United California destination for one-half to two-a ra1a.·u o t e u g e usmess six wee ago. just a few of the valuable Mitsubishi Zaibatsu h 0 use He maintains that most Bank and Union Bank, bOth -"'bil1·•;es still open :. thirds the regular cost. And h I r 1·n Los Angeles LaN1'er has ~ ., which manufactured the Zero, ouses fit nto one o four · and take courses whichwill if you have the courage, try ~ of the fastest, lightest categories today, none of them been in the banking field 16 (1) Go to summer school working your way to your and mo s t maneuverable really profitable. "A relative years. and take· courses which will goal. fiflhter planes to tangle with few ar' staying even: some He is a past president <J[ put you ahead during the com· (61 Use this summer 'to the Americans over the are losing a little; some are the Kiwanis Club of Boulder. in aCutur~ job or wtUdl simp-cultivate a hobby. Check with Pacific islands in World war losing a Jot." He and hJs wife, Mary, and ing f I semester~-help you your school on tutoring pro-11. If such an analysis is cor· children, Cynthia, 18, and in a future job or which simp.. grams in which you may Mitsubishi is moving into-reel, then few, fir~s can Clarence. 15, make their new ly appeal to you . Community enroll to tutor students ~ihO the Kentucky Fried Chicken esc~pe the go.ss1p. Still, you home on Lido Isle. • high schools and many other need your skills. pusiness in Japan ·as a result cant .be sure. Some are clear- (){ Japan's gradu'l TtlJIOval ly being nursed along by the of re.strictions agamst. foreign Stock E.xchange, ~ut other:s investments in Nippon. keep ~1r secrets, ,,You c~n t It's DAILY PILOT 2 -for -1 Nile OUT AT THE OLD BALL GAME PILOT PETE INVITES EVERYONE TO SEE THE ANGELS PLAY KANSAS CITY WEDNESDAY, ~ULY 8, AT HALF PRICE Gel lwo l•••rv•cl 1••1 fick•h for th• Wedn•1cley ni9ht, July II, An9•l1 "'· Royel1 9eme el Aneheim Sl11diurn for the norme! prit• ef one ticket, IB11y one : th• DAILY PILOT givei yo11 on•.I 2-$3.50 2-$2.50 TICKETS FOR TICKETS FO• $3.50 $2.50 The restaurant business is get a fix on them, Albnght one of the latest to be opened s~.tes. . , to foreign money by Prime . ~y. srrule and remain .op. Minister E·sak sat , tlR'l~lC but based on. publish· s rv ·v 1 u 0 1 ed .figures and J1l8JOr staf( ~Whi• .1ati e government. . reductions it seems clear that e most_ of the lea~ng a number .oC firms are labor~ resta~ranl. cha111s ~ve applied Ing under reaJ problems.'' for approva_l since t h e The basic problem, as r.estau~<lnl industry w a s Albright sees it, is that many liberalized by the Japanese firms used the wild trading . g~ernm~l, K~tucky F_ried volume oC 1968 as a base Chicken is the first Amencan 1 from which to project their compa~ actually to gain ap-future. They asmJmed there proval, Roy S. W e s to n , would be 15 millon and 20 managing dir~or ~f the million share days. They plan- Japanese ~rati.on, said.. ned for nothing less. The. sen!Or. vice . president The res u It : overhiriilg, of Mitsub1.sru trading com· numerous branch o f J i c e s pany, Mototaka Akam~ra, has elaborate office equipment: been selected as president U PQ-$h furniture. The same Kentucky Fried C h i c k e n bullish view p e r m I t t e d Japan. management and ad- The new finn plans to open ministralive lapses to go 100 to 200 company owned undetected. Poor accounting fried chicken shops throughout practices were common. Japan under .the company's When trading v o I u m e trademark of the Kentucky slackened, the old practice Colooel. of layoffs no longer was suf. If these shops are sue-ficient. The payroll could be cessfu\, an equal number of cut, but it was more difficult franchised outlets will be to cut down on the fixed establishetl, the company said. overhead. How do you fire Food capital is flowing bolJ'J the computer? ways across ttie Pacific. One Albright Claims to know of of Japan's largest Chinese what he speaks. He became r estaurant chains announced president of GFS last year a few weeks ago that it will and within weeks had cut build a million-dollar Chinese personnel by roogtily 10 per- restaurant in Dayton, Ohio, cent. This put the fi rm in as the base for further ex· the black for the final three pansion' in the UniU!d States. months of the year, l1a High Gear Work Starts . On Building Firs.t-pha se construe. tion has begun on a 30,000 square-foot addition to the $7 million, 24-acre A 11 e r g a n Pharmaceutical loc. research and manufacturing center in the Irvine Industrial Complex. Bircher Pacific is the general contractor. The project will provide warehousing, shipping, and new analytical lab space ~for Allergan, a leader in the highly specialized ophthalmic {eye) field. The firm is also engaged i n manufacturing operations in dermatology and diagnostic medicine. Allergan's headquarters are now split between its Santa Ana a'l<l Irvine operations. Workinf drawings h a v e recently been completed on a new 72,000 square·foot , five- story headquarters building for the Irvine facilit y. Red Sales Rise HONG KONG (UPI) -Com- . munis.t China sold 960 million Hong Kong dollars ($160 million U.S.) worth of goods, mainly medicines, to Na· tionalist China during 1969 through the free port of Hong Kong. You c.en reierv• t n •nlire 1•clion or iu\I two 1••h. l ul get yo11r perty toia1th•r now end rneil in the order blenk b1low with clie ~k or mon•v ord1r !no ce1h, pie•••) end hurry, D•ecl lin1 for titk•t e rd•rs ;, June 2'1 . Earl" Bird Bon11• New Trucks Differ Op111 lo boys and girls 16 Y••r, old e nd youn91r. l.ndudt with tick•I ord1r a 1ltl.•m•nl a f 190 ward1 or leu: "My levorite An· 9el it bec<1Ull ." Entri 11 muit be rtc•iYtd by noon on Jun1 26. Winner will me•I h;1 !ar herl f1vorile An· 911, will rtctiYt lour tick1h for • future An91I "o"'' ia•rnt end will 1eceivt I b11tb•ll t ulogrtphed by lht Ang•lil lhtrt'll b1 runntr•up priu winn1t1; tao! I I -----, Cll11 tMtd moll, with cltKk er _ ... , •r4er, to: ...... , ........ I o,.... c ... Deily Pi1e1 C/0 Pllltlk S..ic.e hpt. I I . I I I I 330 W. hf Sttttt, Colle Me11, Colif. 92,%7 f PllASl PRINT! Heme ·••••••f"••·····················•·•·•••••••\ StrHt •••• , • , , • , •• , •••.••••• , , •• , •• ,, • , , •• , , ••••• . rtiOM ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ••••. ,, Dcrtt ··········••••••·• City ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ••••.•. ,., •• ,, •• Zll' ····•••• I Wllll I Jettl .. i, 4, 4, I, 11 tdl't.11 -Ir Wflft 11 ....... , ne,.. , •••., " ", II .,.. w1nt mttU ,_.,... twit, 111 _... t. '" ..... • " "" Jt l' I Antti. ¥1, ~ll'IM• ClfJ , • .,,. ., Anlllllfl'I ~!Hlllfft. hr "'" lidllf ~...... ' wm fKllYt IN Hfl<flll 1 .. l '"" l,.,.. ltM OAILY lllLOt, I WIM 1:1.H/lt.Sfl CClr<lt tlltl lil;k•h, lllCiMM It 1 •... , ... ,., •~ 1eyrn111t "' ~•It -. ...,,,..... Of lic.kett I ...... ""_! .. , I .... 4•llttlf litMfll will llt NWt H t,.• " llYrclltM """ tlcl1h, I I I I I I I I L ___ _ ____ _J I with CARL CARSTENSEN and automatic transmission, 0t 1111 01;1, 1'11.i s1111 formerly offered just on passenger cars, make the light "Nev; trucks you see Oil truck perfecUy suitable for the highway today are quite meeting the needs of everyday different from those of a few transportation," Grey said. years ago,'' was the under· , Grey .added that "one out statement made by Lee Grey of every five families in the in a recent interview. Grey. U.S. owns a light truck and Los Angeles district sales fourteen percent of a 11 manager for Jo'ord Division suburban families no'v own. truck design has made light a truck." trucks popular "second cars" He added that 6S percent for many lamilies. or all light trucks are sold The sleek styling, stereo for personal or recreational radios, carpeted floors and air activities,· 20 percent are conditioning •are just a few bought e x c 1 u s i v e I y for of the popular features which business purposes and the re- now make truck driving seem maining 15 percenl for a com· more realistic. bination of both. Actually the ·reaSons behind Grey al90 noted that light ·all the palatable extras are trucks are b cc om in g in- not complex. The era of the creasi ngly popular 'v i t h family recreation vehicle is women with over 700,000 here and major auto manufac-registered female owners in turers know from experience the U.S. . that comfort and cenvenience Wh at he actually mea'rll was are of primary concern for that today light trucks with anyone <.'Ontcmplaling a rec their automotive styling and vehicle purchase. accessories have become all Secondly, because of cost purpose vehicles and are just most buyers also must use as easily spotted going to the the vehicle for work or a supermarket. movies a n d s<!cond 11cr. "Options like · hairdresser as they are head· power steering, power brakes, cd for the beach, mountains and desert. Expanded use of trucks has doubled truck sales in the last 10 years. Sales reached more than 1,970,000 units in 1969. They totaled 951,000 in 1960. As for Ford, Grey said: -Ford Division was first again f,1 truck sales during 1969. with more than 700,000 units sold. -Truck sales at Ford Division during the 1969 model year set a new record, surpassing the previous record year of 1968 by more than 145,000 units. -Ford dealers in the Los Angeles d i s t r i c t increased sales almost 16 percent in 1969, to 4-1 ,284 uni ts, and 38 percent Or all trucks sold were Fords. -During the first five months of 1970, Ford dealers In the Los Angeles district have increa~d sales by two percent over a year ago. Sale! in the district through May 31 totaled 18,046. "In the last live years, car sales have j rown 18 percent nationally .while truck sales increast.'tt 65 percent," Grey said. •----··-·· -· .,...---r Growers In Cou.n.ty THE NEEDLE Boo . g.,.1-1---------r.- 'lbe future ol Sou&hem ~ornia's <>ranee County as a major fresh jX'Oduce grow. ing district is currently rec:eiv· ing a substantial sOOt iii the arm from the creation ol Irvine Growers -{l new cooperative beinc f 0 rm 'd from among Irvine -farm tenants· to• peck and market the preient production of some l,500 acres of asparagus, cauliflower, sweet com. celery, poled tomatoes, and strawberri-...s. As subslailtial as this cur- rent product.ion is, i t represents . but a fraction of what Irvine G~en expects to be marketing-io the nert few years. lrvlne Company Agricul- tural · Vi c e President & General M a)l ager Bill Williams poirits out that the Irvine Ranch has a total of 50,000 acres set aside ,as an agricultural preserve, and that among this-total are several thousand acres e m i n e n t I y suitable to produce fanning. "To make this land pay for our tenants .and ourselves, · however, with our taxes and urban development pressures, we simply have to turn to s pecialized corps that offer high-yield a n d ~igh_-pr~it potential, such as those we are now growing," he says. And to make these high-cost, high·labor·requirement crops a paying proposition for its tenant farmers, Irvine is look- ing at new fanning ap- proaches. "We figure on dou~ ble and trlv!e cropping )and that has never before pro- duced more titan one annual crop," Williams points out. The projected result or this expansion, in Williams' opi· nion, may weH yield annual shipments ir1 excess of 1,000 carlot equivalents within the next five years. One of these tenants. who is already producing substan- tial yields of asparagus, is Jack Hubbard. For the current season, he expects to pack approximately 125,000 cr~tes from 1,000 acres~of relatively new plantings by The Irvine Company, Hubbard and other tenanls on the Irvine Ranch. Hubbard, a longtime Orange County produce farmer and packer. has been growing a variety of crops. including spinach, tOmatoes, peppers, and beans, on the Irvine Ranch over the past 10 years. His start with asparagus oc- curred some six Years ago, "'ith the planting of M acres. Since then. he has· increased steadily. bringing his total asparagus planting up to 420 acres. In additior1, Hubbard Is cur· rently packing the production of another 550 acres for other Irvine Ranch grower s. growers who are expected to growers who are expected to make up the nucleus of the n ew Irvine Grower s cooperative. The present plant, which is located on the Irvine Ranch betv.•een the Santa Ana and San Diego Freeways, is ex· peeled to give way shortly to a new. lilrger plant to be built by Irvine-Growers. But in the meantime, It is doing an admirable job of handling a 100 percent in· crease in asparagus-packlrtg over the preceding year , dur- ing a fresh marketing season that extends from e a r I y February through June. With its previous, modest volume, the plant shipped all its asparagus to the Los Aneeles market. This year, with the· Cx· panded volume, the plant has initiated inter -state move- ment, and in fact has even made numerous air freight s hipments to Europe. These sales are being handled by Mendelson.Zeller Co., Inc. To date, Hubbard has mark~ted the majority or asparagus under his "P & H" label. However, with the formation of Irvine Growers, an additional top label will be adde6 to the cooperalive's new "Big I" label. Irvine Growers plans to ship only one grade,, and ac~ cordingJy all asparagus will be marketed under .the ''Big I" and "P & H" brands, All other commodities are also to be marketed under this brand name. The plant packs f I v e separate asparagus sizes under these labels -jumbo, Large XXX, Large XX, Stan· dard, and Small . Williams says that Irvine Growers is already looking forward to a s paragu s shipments in the neighborhood of 200,000 crates in 1971. "The Irvine Company has planted another 200 acres this past winter, and with additional plantings now being con· sidered we may well be up to 2,000 acres in t b e next couple' years, which could mean lOlal asparagus shipments or 400,000 crates IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN . - And th• "'a t1 who know• jut how to "'"' .,,. phl'Olt lo fl<f .,,. molt 9•1 of U.. baTb u DAILY PILOT c0I...,. iii S~ntW HtmU. Ht hal bem called CM modem -·c1a11 Hen rw lfenc~en, If rov'r•. read11 for his "'' o/ Utt Odd adjectiot ad i h o u o h t • provoking proae to giOt vou the needle .•. if 11ou '°°"' to ftnd •omething to think about in whai VoU retii:l ••• i/ vou---naue a 1tm1 of humor, you b e l o ft. fl with reodtrs whD delight in telling • others what •si14 said'" in, one of the ncZ.i9ft's · fl'lOlt • qMOUd co!um.u. Some Sample Barbs Retent/y Thrown By Sydney Harris: "On1 of th1 'highlit paid jobs In Am1rie1· con1l1t1 of standing Up in front of a mic~ 1'ophon•, Mparatlng th1 food ntcorcf• from the bad ones -•nd pl•yln9 the bad ones." '1t's sad but true that \vhile alcoholics are the best argument for abstinence, 10 many abltainers are equally effective ar- cument for a litUe drink now and then.• "Moat of the to-e1lled 'incompatibility' In m1rrilfl 1prln91 from the fact tfi•t to most men, 11x 11 1n •ct; while to all women, tt It •n emotion. And this differ· ence in attitude can be bridged only by love.'" "The sole difference between a 'dedica. led crusader' and a 'nosy reformer' con- sists in our agreement or disagreement with his objectives.'' ''The most explosive combination In the ~orld con1i1t1 of 1lncerity •ddtd to Ignorance." "Whenever I am the recipient of an H· cessively hearty handshake, I suspect Mr. Muscles is lryllig1 let sell something. hide e:omethlng, or ptove somethina." , Ch.eek Th·e E•itorial Pare For This Signature \ . " • _,_, ' >; .. ' '. ' • It'll Help You Find Th·e Latest Q1otables Created By 'The Nee•ler' For His Col· umn, A Reg1lar Feature ·or the DAILY PILOT Your Hometown Delly Nowspopor • <o> -> r >" • WRESTLING IS MANY THINGS -INCLUDING PAIN, COMPLAINS GARDEN GROVEIS ART MAHALIK TO RllFEREE, MR. MOTO Grapplers ,Going to Mat • ID ' IN WRESTLING, YOU DON'T HAVE TO FOOL WITH MIDDLE MAN Matches at Fairgrounds As Real as Easter Bunn~ Whoa Nellie ! Championsh.ip wrestling has come to Orange County with the grunt and groaners doing their thing every Monday night al the fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Fake? Who said fake? Wrestling is as real as the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus and if you don 't believe it just talk to some or the fans who, for the most part, take the whole thing seriously. A Costa Mesa police officer sa id that al a reCent malch he had lo re- strain a 60-year-old grandmcther from throwing obje<:ts at one of the wrestlers. "She was getting ready to enter the ring and get one ot: those guys. 1 was a little 1ashamed to ask her to leave, but if I don't let the kids get out of band 1 can't let Ult adults go too far either," the cop said . But, it's pretty hard not to lose your cool at the matches. becaus~ the bad g_uys are really bad. In fact they are downright evil. · · The Great ·Kojika , for example, is particularly mean. He uses every foul lactic in th e book and even threw salt into the face of Mr. Moto, a special ref- eree. * * * Moto didn't like that at all and promptly came out of reUremeot lo challenge Kojika . Another regular at the fairgrounds is Art (Boom-Boom) Mahalik. In ad- dition to being Kojika 's partner in tag-team matches, Mahalik Js head f&ilbllll coa~h at Pacifica High School in Garden Grove. If Mahalik 's footballers are as tough as he is they should be ready to take on the Los Angeles Rams. Even though the good guys get most of the app lause some folks prefer he villians. A large group of Costa Mesa High students scream their approvaJ .._very time the bad guys score. But then , maybe, the high school kids no longer believe in Santa . • STORY AND PHOTOS by PATRICK O'DONNELL -t1AtlV PT\.OT ~METIMES, WRESTLING IS A PAIN FOR THE FANS, TOO Costa. Mesa • • THE LONG ARM OF THE LAW REACHES BEYOND THE RING WRESTLt'NG IS APPREHENSION IT IS AN ILLEGAL CHOKE HOLD WRESTLING IS INNOCENCE LOST AND IT IS VENTING YOUR SPLEEN • ,, • I • • Q DAILY PILOT ~ DICK TRACY HELLO, ((}//~'(. .. ~EM~ ME? .• ~ Mun AND JEFF Mclncky, June 22, 1970 '· ~~,.~.:ru5T ·mcoWN MY~ JUDGE PARKER PLAIN JANI .. ·' " " n1vi1n COllnlr)' ...... 70 Lo•ly J An91o· Saxons 71 Bflttr Vt lth DOll'H 1 Num,rlc1I pr,fiK 2 Addition1I J [~gulf 4 Kill 5 ·~ TIE lliCEPQOlllSr YIP tel WA.llTEP TO tal:K 'ID A §OON. tanCER! rM ~W6NEP 1D UR 50trl's CASE! MN PON'f we GO ... SIPE WHERE 1li£ Oii TALK? MISS PEACH Ii Of I ctr1aln wood 7 Supfrinltnd 8 Hldt1w1ys ' ··-bftvt: J,/22/70 35 Hit 37 Tough ~O l ittr1ry work tif. If "TM~ ONLY PUPIL WHO Pfo.i'T WIN A Pl.AQUii" THl5 Y&AA·1 2/2 ti111t 10 "Whtn tht ···-COM March· ing 111" 11 Fottlold 12 Ger11 ctlt ll Ottr 18 Kind or Ctll!Pnl 24 Hold ---·: 2 words 25 Bttrayet 27 ••• ," 28 Ont hiving clear Utlt JO"Ptrsons JJ Cht111ic1I compo11nds 34 Ftmlnint lll lllt 42 Scttwb1 ll 45 Acute foad SC itrCilit S 41 Shallow placn SJ Dint at homt : 2 word s SS Makt r1~11tton Sil Covtlous ptrson S1 Certa in authors !9 Pl1n1 •l Nixon's tltlt: Abbr. ft2 Ol1111lss: Sling •l Nlgtrl1n n1tlv' •S (OlllpllS point: Abbr, I ROOliMATE I PREPARES 70 CJIECI( QJT, CL)"CE MO#IDOVI, A ""'61ANO CHIEF/S wsmNG HIS WIFE IN 2'f6.I -- PEANUTS • • . . . ···~ . ; ,~ ~---- • • cPEJll WICE, MUTT! By Frank lacJlnski E . FUNNY! '{ U'L ·AINIR . MOON MUWNS ~NIMAL CRACKERS sr.IR IJ6HT:. sr~ ~16flr.. Fnr STAf.J:. "5EE ~t&f-lr., • iy Mel ly Cllart.1 M. Scl1b -v ly Al Ctlpp By _Ferd Johnson MR •. MUM ~) DENNIS THE MENACE • • . . .. . · .. . • . r-f ' ' I· f I I ' • :t I ,. , . . '.· • ' • l • I ' • I • ' • . .. • f \. • • -I ' ' I- ! • r ' • t i • ' l ' • l ' I . i . I ' • " . • ' • ! • ! • ' • Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See __ If You Have . Any . · Of These Thi.ngs A .DAILY PILOT WANT-AD ' . - I. Stove 2. Gultor 3. leby Crib 4. !lectric S..w S. C1mer• 6. Wisher 1. Outboard -a. s11 .... Sot 9. Couch 10. Clorlnet II. Rlfrlgor1tor 12. Pickup Truck 13. Sewing Machine 14. Surfboord IS. Mochlne Tools 16. Dishwasher 17. Puppy 11. Cabin CruiHr 19. Golf Cort 20. B1romet1r 21. Stamp Coll1etion 22. Dln11te Set 23. ·~1oy Pen 24. Bowling lall 25. Wall< 51<11 26.F ....... 27. Sult- 21. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Blcycle 30. Typowrlllr 31. lar St0ol1 32. Encyclopadl1 33. V1cuum CIHntr 34. TNlplcol Fish 3S .. Hot Rod Equlpm't 36. Filo Cabinet 37. Golf Clubs . - 38. Starlint Sllvor " . 39. Victorian Mirror : . 40. Bedroom Set 41. Slide Proj1<tor • 42. L1wn Mower • 43. Pool Tablo 44. Tlr11 45. Plano 46. Fur Co.t 47. Drapes 41. Linens 49. HorH SO. Airplane 51 . Orgon 52. Ex1rcycl• S3. Roro Books 54. Ski - SS. 'Hlfh Chair 56. Coins 57. ll1<trlc Troln • 51.ll Klllln 59. Cla11lc Auto 60. CoffM T1lllo 61. Motorcycle 62. Accordion ~Skis 1, 64. TV S.t 65. Workbanch 66. Diamond Welch 67. -Ort • 61. Ironer 69. Comping Trailor 7~ Antlqua Fumltun 71 . Tope Roconlor • 7i Sailboat 7~ Sports Car 74. Mott.-loxSpt1 75. Inboard Spoodboot · i 7 6. Shotgun n. Saddlo 71. Dart Gome 179. Punchlnt ... • iao. laby Co ...... II. Drumt i2. Rlflo 13. DMk 14. SCUIA Goor n... or any otlier extra thl1191 around the ho- ba turned Into cash with a t: D:AILY PILO.T WA'N'T.j\D • ~ so Don't Just Sit There! • • DIAL DIRICT 642-5678 • , - < ' . ' IMLY- Too Late to Classify -=---_-~ ... HDUSll POil WI ;iaal &-..itO\'IMN't ~0;•:-~ .. ~-;;;;;1;;• Corw .. -1111 ~·· . ~.!!"-7100 HOUSll POR SALi HOUlll POil SALi "i!Jf,tp~F :i:=.Ol.l:...YI~"' ~ o-i 1• ~"'. •• -'"°' """· 3 1r. '.... 5 II • p.a .... LY LOOKING? --.--.._ · Wouldn't )QI lllre to lln4 a mine bwb. Nftl)' ndleDr. Pr• Redu,1d <"bdrm. ""-..... bile IJ'IS;OI) llHOWN BY AWr. ~'ila~~ hr qulolc ulo homo, tn xtnt ....i .• with a 1111 Grundy, RMllw M;Oi· , to $33,500 3 car..,... l °""' < ,_. 131 no... Dr., N.B, ..,... old? We i.ve it!· On 11 I !!!!!!.1!1!!!!1!!!!1-~---·------·· Luse t~ hame in No. · 1«.!l!IO. IUSINlll _. Tr. °""' - -aD blt-IM -PINANC.1,A;.;;L:;...__ IEE OVR Ml UN1>ER 1'*'"llnl ..... --· -IUSINlll Quldrl'mo.--...,_ OPPORTUNmll rnA laao. a..,. 13.lllO down. . Oppertunltlos -"A ONE'.MAN llllSINESS l.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioo;-•IAoNll-MAN IUSINlll """" INVD!l'MENT" VACANT Auumalllo Loon $2,000 INVISTMINT ICAN START PART TDIEl $26,500 • 10% ell Near So. CDut PWa : a Sales Love a t.uU1u1 prdmf neot • • lam/din nn with ICan Stlri Part Tlmol DOUBLE * N...t a _.ate -1<r a 51'% rnA loan to tU. ov. Lllbt. -EX'nlEME. PRESENT -.. .,. .. _, Coma er. Shows ~ model. Alli:-LY momAau: BUSI· . -um tmmecalate J Bed- ""llll.500. NESS.-local.-, * EARNINGS rm,.2..., ...... · ....... etc. with . a NATIONALLY & --. FAMOUS Ill YEAR OLD MS ~~~~ u.!!~~,.;-,....._,Park WORD IN AMERICA., ii -we can tbDw -· how vnn ~ l . SHORES conoumed by ... mou. .,.. make ~.ooo. 'ii~ 4 letm; WDOell !_U_ , ~'--SANDS DAILY ht this -. • stmmt<loa. You'll be llackod $l 59. per _.,.. """ .,_.....,...., munity, and enjoys LIFE-· by a multi-mUUan dollar DIUllUI home~ the entlft: TIME REPEAT BUSJNgg. public co. with ~ &elver. You betltt hurry on .. .-.. ouilet COUllTn LAllOllT 2129 ilAB!I a.DA!ID 546-86411 Optlm ........ ........ ----------= -_...., - -f.-.,-,.~ »i-• ~ --- PERRON '..I~ • ....... ., •• Sq· Lorp llvtnr "'°"' l · •·•---"-It' oh ' ( dinh. ioom: marble t~ NO SILLINGI w-;;.;;;;,teDyoubDw, Wiih 1:~~ tanill; ~: place. C Bathl, All electric AS PRODUCT _(BIGGEST wben and w~ you mQ rear llvtn1 room with ldtmm.-Rwly fDr immedi. -NAME IN-n>OD JNDUS. besfn mak1q1 tt111 money-1Udln1 doors to beauU· ASSUME FHA 61-1% -~ ate occupancy, 119,500 TRY) JS PRE-SOLD 111RU the reall)' J:Ma man9Y! Our !'::°bac~All ~ EXTENSIVE AND CONTJ:N. people .. tnl1 earn up to trlc bulll·ln kitchen with UOUS ADVER'l'ISlNG ON . Slm.000 a ,....__n, woril: breaktut bar. Belt ,.et, Macnab-Irvine ite.lty Company TV, RADIO, lllA.GAZINES, no mere than H bou:ra a take over IUbJect to ex· '42"'"5 675-DIO NEWSPAPERS, ETC., -· Is~ 5-%% 7IL\ loOn. =--= - -_. -. fCOllPANY PR 0 DUCT * Cadll11c car p&an at 9ftCll, ~ .ta~:sl.~ SALES IN EXCESS OF l'iii + U.oar)CllWD'bmlllaA month. Ownft'' uldng E&attldo Spaci.I BIUJON DOUARS .\N. -,.....U 2 oolea ·$211,900 • Malle offer. Worbhnp 18 .x 32, .. _,..Pine_ I NU ALLY)'. CONSim OF Jiff manth, t ....,.ll x 19, pluo 2 8adrmo OOLLECT!NG FOR MER-+ c._ Health lmunnce-·3·•-• 2 .._ l dlntnr rm. SUopt1oaa1 ClWIDISE SOLD AND RE-IZ.OI)--Ille __ I.., .. at $Z.500. PLENlllllJNG JNVEN1oRY. ml -· Paal -$2&,700 * Al an umciafe of, Lid &·-REQUIREMEN'l'S: .-, the -ol ........ 1190.00 Including tuei. .... ._ MUlt upln to a6onal _.....,,n and ~ ~ this to believe iL ..J~ INCOME Of andal tycoon H. W. kf:~!"on~ 'i::: I I !ll'!!!!'!'!l"'!!'!'!~!!'l"• $300 WEEK UP ~~ at....< It'o ht. beauutul ''THE BLUFFS'' haw lel'Vk:eable car START leader and entrepreneur, =-~:}~~ Owner hu 2 • MUil 1tD•ont. IMMEDIATELY U 8eeep1ec1 )QI will le&m how )'OU heat, double prage. 3 BR. 2'i9 ba'1. Comer lot, and HAVE the neCftUr')' mQ' in1ta11117 .aemed. Corner lot add& privacy, Back Bay vWw! Priced at S2,IXIO tar inYtntoey NOW + Pl' ' d ml 1ra1ntns )WO-boat or trailer accna. only Sf0,000. in the bank. pam euy tD )Um. Step Saving built-In MM.'l'Olt * Pn • qn•ltfted -pcw_..., .... ,..,11 kltcllen. What e ... can 1 ~r•:;:.:-U r::uio:.:ewtbn.~ =~tWaarad-we say. See It. l"I ......_ hoonl NOW Got Tllo ,._ ~' Herl it Is I-availabae to .me. ae-11r. ltuley (ftt) m-3233 N-port leech -"""""· ml -mnnber. 0pon 7 Daya 3 ...... falnly "°" M1ll02. eeePART TIMI -$24,mn •u~-c•u•NTS t.rp comp&!!)' In Amlwlm •-il9U IMlant Funt -~n """"' hla part -_.,ii> In Coot& M-.... 1ub-OCEANFRONT "an;;,;Ml;...o.;NOTl=..;;c•;;;;s;;._ __ I l<r • -. a.n. -/::,. "' ......... VA ~ = p...,... -" .. -,Hn .. l :llN,30 ..... cludln&fTo~t t No exper, nee. For penonal ...... -month See am or Milrcia Bents 1alariew call Man. ,. on.. .... -.-· · Open dally ,,30 .. ,,30 * Alone? m., n•:12u ~R!"'~ ~ e.n.tt --==::;;;;;;.;;==:.ll::dii:i double .......... Yet, tt'1 )'OQI' fault. Far n. p.rap. Great acceu fot .,.,...,_,_.., .. _. corded m1 19 h.t will School..rnstructlen 7600 boat or trailer. Owner -~-.-.-life -11 uys .ell · • Full prlce THE SUN NEVER. SETS on ..... .,.. ,,.,_ -• DllCIOYW • 0rMt New '2-'.500. Btrr MAKE 01'- 54T.aT FER • CALL NOW! I iD:;AIL;;~;;P;;ILOT::;;W;,:ANT;;::,;:AD:;;;Sl...-:::==2':0Hr;:.;,:· Re<ol===·=""== Co,..r Whh The AQES ,\----wbo 'wut exc:Hement plus! ._._Al<_? ltatlaa a 1 e D tT n-... --.. --We'D train JGll tar .._ IUld ...... 4a, ........ ,,. lnchm .-•n•• llllld--· Hns 4 1111111111 ... 1 /3 acre -$26,1111 • dnn tt nts Wm1t wide open 11*·- HT Well, brre It is on full third ot an acre where bones are per- mitted. Only ttn min-~ 21 -fer ulet from downtown -'-yn. Cotta Meta. 4 larse v-Ellllble lmtl-2 .. __._ ..__ ---tnmred bedrooml, thl. Car--u• _....., peted throusttout. You11 staillnt Jae snr;ram. redy like trail ane. Lots Bir home, .,.. tmO .. ft. 3 8ednnl. ~-lamllJ' ....... -.......... ....,, • nil 10 wall CU'Pttinl ttnout. Pliymenll: on nil&- .. loan cmly l190 per -lndadtnr ...... ANan!ER BRAND NEW EXQ.USIVE. BE l'lRSI'! ! co: rs WAL LACI REALTORS --15141t61o44141-.1~ 1-1ngs1 A llT OF OLD SPAIN Nev NEWPORT'S BACK BAY! Cullom bullt In tbl Gnml~ ... thmQ ROOMS, 11.\SSlVE .J"lllE. PLACE with ""°t-tn -box! AatbmllC •ANISB m.E' root BASDENT ... _ __,,,, __ bw ••pnten ·and on:blfd" lot -.. 0.-... cary LOW Interest lou and NO LOAN teo. SES NO.wl Walker & Lee Rell .... 200 w-Dr. Ml-nil Open 'Ill 9,11) N Colle1e Park $26,950 EXCITING conm" loeatlan with decorative bloct wd. Famous "m" DOre " eni. puye Award Wimlr, CIJl now-u.. .. nn1P Extn ...... -EXQ.USIVE wml: ~ .. , ........ 6461111 l••rthnol WHAT of tall .trttt. All for AlrttnO ScMol1 Poclflc only 12'1.000 plus no 111 I. t71h, Senta Ana money down to wtl. --~14!:!3 "!"'~--~ HURRY! NEWPORT IT IS ••• YOU CAN Read SILL .IT WITH A The DAILY PILOT DAILY WANT A'D ' • For F..t Serrico " 'PILOT Expert Asoist .... DIAL ORANGE 642-5678 DIRECT COAST'S lemling Marketplace llllni 1111111-i~~HEl&HTS nu.r--Brand new 3 Bedroom home. 4 Bedrms 2 ba • d>annlnc .....,. Id-. , $133 per month :: .'=... "":"'....:. ~ Take over. With J191-dowa ·bride flftplace •wall menll like thil you to wall carpedrw -ucdeat can't afford to rent. tl:nandq •vllllatile. ...._ Extra 1harp 4 bedroom M6-UIJ home in Costa Mesa. -subject ID -PHA loon. Annual _per· centaae rate 5-"%· Built-In ldtchen. double prqe. Block wall fence, carpetlna: throqhout. See It and ..... Seclll'•' Clllltry "Flnr. Locakd In the back'-7 arN ol Nnrport Beach on ~ actt. l'Nturin& 2 hone corrall, encloted lanai overlooking beau- Uful owlmml"' pol. 'lbe 2000 •q. n . raklence needl paint and el- ~ue. but what a price owner will ftnanc9 at 7·\1%. ' OIAN• COlllfTY'S WeuT ~······ ...tlO •nywne can •tlVfM nu. lftDUll % rate Joml, BeautUul fftate 11 I e d -·-.. · ..... hall, central 9oor plan, Primo location. 121.lllO. 54().1 '!30. TAllllLL 1'lf tt.rlior 2 HOMO "-+I-on one lot with ....-•. A -"'1 with -... _ . Clll-'-· . Lac •••• ,. Illy Illar. --.. - ' . »-DAii.¥ •ILOT ......... 22. 19711 -• • iH«ISISl'OISALI IHOUSIS POR liLI HOUSIS POR SALi HOUSES ,OR SALi HOUSIS ,OR SALi HOUSISPOltSALE HOUSISPOltWI ltlMTALS . . . --Unlvml"*' -•I 1• -•I 1• 0-rol 1000 G-r•I 1000 Nowport llMch 120I C-o dol Mor 1250 Dono Point 1740 -·--·----I -;;~;;;;;:;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;~ I:::-::--:--:--:---Gonorol -FIXER.UPPER Al,,...t 1------ S wUh a GI kJan cl $U.«l0 al'I)'• OCEANFRONT --em8t'YJ'Nc0M $30,000 -S New homH jUlt READ THI cne qualiftts. 4 tiuee bed. DUPLEX $51,511 Exceptlonal S BR, den + L'Otripleted near new Dana NE\V lNDJVIDUAL HO,_IES. · ~ rooms, two baths, Cornet Just A ·rew steps 10 bra.ch. 2 Income apt., Below mkt. P.olnt Harbor. 3 BR ~ ba, $179.!iO; dupltxH, $169.50. ' FH a YA lot on a.ii~. l...argHt.Jot BR. A 3 BR. with lam rm. $49,9,j(I Open HOUICl Own-153l sq ft, Octan wws. ATI'RACI'IVE c pt Id r p , l--~-~f"'"==-~========t----1~·;.;_~ .. ;.,.·.,•..,,j, Jn tract, Play hOwie lor kidl PLUS 1 ,BR A Ba suet! rm. er, n0 Narcltaus, ' Sm kit&. MOOl AurdXJ Dr. beam celttnp; patloe, Adlts $23,500 • If you ere in th• m•rket for e NEW hom•, ••• th•t• outst1hcf· in9 ' customizefi, home1, bui~ by Frenlt H. Ayres end Son, loc•t•cl in • prim• •r•• in C•ntrel Irvin•· The homes •r• priced from '29,990 to '40,400, •nd very in size from l to 7 bedroom1o 2 ei:id l c•r 9•i'•9•1 end 2 to 4 beths, with 1h1ke or mi11 ion t ile roofs, firepl1e•s, ''und•r9round utiliti••, concreta drive..;1y1, •II b"!iltin11 end b•1ic: cerpetin9. Th•r• i1· VA, FHA end Conv•nfiontl finencing •veiltbl•. ~ Dccapancy by August 1, 1970 ' Tho RANCH-Ayres HomH Since 1905 Modelt at Jeffery Road &. Santi Ana Fwy. 714-838-5136 714-838-5120 11 :00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. . 0.-rel 1000General 1000 PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES CUSTOM 4 TO 7 BEDROOM HOMES FROM $135,0IO TO $500,000 PRIME BUILDING LOTS FROM $40.000 TO $175,000 For Appointment Coll ' BILL GRUNDY, REAL TOR l3J Do¥or Dr., Su~o 3, N.B. 642-4620 A._.._ lidt»dtd. ' A~ ~ nona Aw"·, c;;.~~12-. ~ Fffi\, Vl!'ry nice 2 ti.th menll or 1152 total at 6% an.. • 4 BR 7',t bath, with OCf&ll home in Con Mesa, 2 b1ocka nuat ra~. "Meacer" doWD View. Decorated and fully RENTALS ;°''....~~:=::-·.,,=~~.,..,,~ to school With the a:reatHI paymt:nl is required. Call landlcaped. $58,(l!O. Ownu · HeuMI Futnl""' $91 ]'lice 1 BR dpbc, bltns, =.e.:i• 1~~°:w ~ue! Walker & Lee 114 ! ~ S:.rioo~2:' o.n.r11 2000 =~~~·64f>-Om ~ money maker. ReaUon FOR Sale or lea1e Charmin&: duplex, South or $200 s BR: f~ yd, pr, Nichols Real Estate • ·2?90 Harbor Blvd. at Adams ~~1.-n;:;!·· ~nbims.!s~ hlghw~. m.«M4 Bachtkir mJ.:, avail now. ::.. :,1o~ pd, avail ~5-0465 Open 'Iii 9 PM Villa~ (p:>Ol .& beach) lalboe Penlnsul• 1. Broker ' SJ4.6980 546-9511 · TOTAL PAYMENT $127.00 PER MONTH Real sharp 3 bedroom home, tuxurioos bath. F r e II h I y painted in and out. FHA lotn cf $15,400 at 5* ~~ an. nua·. lntett:lll rate. You can 't be' .I it! Separate .ervke •.~a. Dbl. garage, Forced .Ur heal. Compk!teJy fenced. Drep -pile carpets with matching drapes. New terinl available. CALL Walker & Lee Realtors 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adami 54~0peif 't11 9 PM FHA-YA 3 Bedl'OQm, 2 Bath, beautiful gas built.ins, comer lot, large patio with custom built BBQ. Double car garage • new carpeting • in Costa Mesa, for only $24,950. CaU Now! 546-2313 O THE REAL "\.. ESTATERS -$13,500 'l(ac.! :Pt1ult sell. $1fl).. Nr oce"1!. 2 BR triplex. $150. 2 BR houle. yr, R.0., Cost1 Mete •100 S&.cr. for cash. Adults, no BY Owner: DuplQ on Penin. cpl/drp. chil· ok. Chldrn. pell 'wetcome. --pets. Ope.n house No. 95. Pt. 2 Br, 1 ba, lower. 1 Blue Bl!'acon, Bkr, te-OW Blue BMcon. Bier. 645-0ID 6ra-42I4. er, 1 ba uppl!'t'. EL bu 3 • ~ .... MUST SELL !rplc, pal~ 4 sun · dk. R""•l1 to Shore 2005 Coot•-· l J;,;;;,..1 WILL TRADE ~ J5IO o.ea. 81""· 2 2 8'. Gor, polio, apb. -HOME & INCOME Beautiful. Roomy Baycmt · FEMALE •tudmh wilh 1tow, nfris. Bamboo Beautilul 3 Bedim home, custom built .f. Bdrm hOme l.lclo tilt lUt :._1o w~ 2 d:":::. Vlllap hu prtvacy 1 qui;et gleaming hardwood Doors & en a large lovely kit on • b' matun adul ts cnly. 2i,ii car garage. La~. easy duded atrect. Xlnt iou pm. DECORATOR'S $33 mo. 548-1193 Dwntwn, CM. $180. 5"-0C52. to rent 2 Bednn with hard-vi1ion. 548-0773 MIDDL&-Ap man w/I yr. ;"'°';;TU4.;;:;;..,~~~-.,.- wood IJoo Ing! HOME old ICth will !hare their 3 , "" .... 'Y 3 br 2 bo, --. -.!! & 5 e W · -DUPLEX Beautifully done. 5 Bdrms. bnn 'home N.W. Co9ta '""' .. -.. ' ...... Full price on. this outstand· lofove-in cond. (1) 2 BR, (ll Family nn Xlnt ttreet b:I M ,._2JllD rm. + crptl, drp1, bltnl. Ing property ts o~y $35.9?0. 1 BR, Terrific Joe. Co"""r· • ea ........, · .Adults P65 incl prdnr V I ( t ....... 11treet 45 ft$911. 1o 500 t. FEMALE. _,..,.. .. ,_ ._ , .. __ .,,, ....,.,.,._ ' acan or. your 1nspec 101! plumbing lhn.iout. O n I y ............ _.., "' ,,....., ....,.. .. ,;i... today. Call 540-ll.51. $39,950. • LIDO REAL TY INC. 2!.._apt. I'S mo. Beach 3 Bedrms, 2 8+o recently MORGAN REAL TY 3331' Via Lido 673-tD> 61S-l385. decorated Mesa del Mar. 673-fi642 67f>.6t59 . LARG LIDO LOT WrLL thare Ip 4 br hse $235 per mo. Available July * CHARM: muaa Town-S8x88' 206 .:ia Lorca, Tmm. ma~ )'(Mll'JC man. pool, ht Apnt sta.d41. ~=~iiiiiiiii:I house, 3 BR, pool, le maint, (n4) 548-6913,.346-3256. $65 utU. 548..0308 $185 Oen, l"''ba. 3 BR, dbl ii $6,000 dn. Vac July 1. Rent Stable )'OW'll woman tc pr, w-clde, Fix Thlt One Upl $325. 675-6044 . Hu...tl-ton_ Beach 1400 shatt condominium . . * 146-2984' * :J"' ··• . $100 mo. se78TI Needs paint It some carpet-e 4 BRJ\f. 4 bath houae JUNE BRIDES 3 BR, cpb/drpll, patio, tncd ing, but the price ean take tor sale. Baycrest. $89,500 BAOIELOR will shaft at-.~. 1988 Pomona. care. cf it all _ and then 646-<MlB Young and shiny like utin tri.ctive Newport HeilbU * 540-9110l * so~e1_ Great locatio~ . in 2 BR TOWNHOUSE. Must lace • 3 bl!'droom dreamer, home. 646-Qll_ 2 BR, fenced yd $150, Water Mesa Verdi'. Good 3 +din/ · . doll hoose kitchen with SHARE mx ete1ant 219" M -•-s I Let. ·1 . hi sell. All otters considered. v.·ork -saving dishwasher, t .....__., ....___ cd, pt. n a-t. am. s go see 1 ng Owner. 644-648S. wa e.-.. ..,.,. ,.,,°"" w/man ~ 60-7651 now! ~~~~~~~ 60 yrs. $150 me. m-a:n _ ·--\. -5:.';:"8-.. Newport Helghtt. 1210 at only $23,700 GI or FHA Costi Mesi 2100 Mne Verde· 3t1D ~ 'tenns availabll!' or a.ssume 3 BR. 2 B• -->-··bl OUEGE ,.REAl:o ' * REMODELED * .ub;.ct 10 51' annual .,,. ~ -·" rm. ~ • ,... tlifW.CM Older 3 Br. 2 ba. heme. Good centage rate VA loan, $129 3 yd.~ cpt.Po~Uo, food tirepl., carpets, drp&., fncd. -=z=z=z=z==:l 'oc. w/alley entrance. Close all y&rd. $225. m.5flC» ii to everything: among more PAY1 · . * st0-900l * 3 B~\~~~b1!2!,~ ..... ;;r,:1 .. hom ... """"'Walker & Lee -part ... "' 2200 :::,~BR, '1: roof, h~ yard (fenced MORGAN REAL TY ReaJ";'rs W~TERFRONT 4 Bednn, BA, trpl.c, pa.Ho, pool, 2 front If rear). Quiet street 673-6642 675.&&59 1682 EdiJl&er J>ler A slip, $1500 monthly, car pr an bltns, _. .. with curb! a: sideY.'8.1.ks. 0 •" "•55 ~-~.. A .,_ ' "'t""'• Gener el 2 HOMES ONE LOT BOB OLSON REAL TOR By ,<>wner-Auume S% ?'o VA Ct'U<""l'I ~... · \IE\llt -2lSl9M-4!m drpl. IM $275 mo. m-mI 1000 ~~. bl~naoon., ••o"' .. 's."""p. 546-5580 "-1:!i:.h' CB~~.,"""'. ~ed,500. DOWNTOWN or 2T0-45f7. or 60-Ml7 nu_. wtndL ... ~ .... ~ u na ~·..,, , .... ,., .-Price reduced, CUat bit 5 BR. UNUSUAL· eantemp l brm., "The Blutts" Condo, 2 BR. ---------1 arate gaJ'8gl!'S & yard1. Near $ O 64>1446; U no ans. 642-00lD fam, 2'Ai ba, I& kit w/bltm:, 3 pool, grdnr, $390/mO. Yr 2 BL Cpts, Drpl. O'tile 1000 0-rol * TAYLOR FOR'EST~.-~ shoppnig, $28,500 Wilh an 22,95 ask_ fer Paul Herrick car gar/alley. Prof. Jndscpd. leaae. Avail. 1/10. 642-2753 patio. Choice view of Bade assumable low interest loan. 6~•/-$141 mo. P.l.T.I. . Sell GI or FHA. Owner tranlf. * OCEANFRONT cider 4 Br Bay. $425 Yearb' lease 0 L S 0 N Wel11-McCardle, Rltr1. Assumable. s Be,<!nn. large Newport Shares 1220 847-850'7 Eves: 642.ot27 house, front )'I'd. $300 mo. Salilbury Realty 673--6900 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. fenced yard. RoOrn !or boat 4 BDRM 2 t 2'Ai b th m yrly, 673-&188.' . * CHARM· New Bluffs v~~~~ =~~. Inc. Realton : 548-7729 Eve11. 6.f.4.0084 ' or ~ui(E'NNEDY Club:. ~11,s~~ni~. ;a~~: J:l.t:1i1 .. f"ltl h.fa1Uff -~·~VJ l~y ~~ Walk to hl!'ach & shopping. NEED FOUR WALLS 642-9730 Eves· S48-0720 ~.950 or lease optM>n. Pr1n--••..,.... • • -Space for beat. $41.~ WITH A DOOR? . . ciples only. 646-561& For Ll!'UI!': Au1 4th-Jan 2nd. LR/opt. 615-«144. to LINDA ISLE COrolMI Clel Mar we have more than that. A 4 B1m. family nn. w/w 911 HOMES 4 BR, 3 BA, lg detached mtu-3 Br, 21ii ba tcwnhoUM. Pool, See this new 5 & maids' nn. Duplex gorgeous 4 bedroom tn Mesa f::~~ =.1As~'3;:1~~ ~er Shores l22~ Li1walted wilhi~ the P8;5t 30Wba~ !>i_~undBayeck, !.'_yd, view or ~':,~ ~~· fam. rm + RR, 5 ba.tha. 'J'Y,'C loll! Units view seclud-Verde, just off the golf Mesa de! Mar. 56--0938 er *UNIQUE-SCENIC* a t your inspecticln. .. aao.:A 'nr .,.,;ache• A: ten. ~daily $169,300. ganJ course. Huge olympic pool 9755 . al v · .... • ever ycur needs, terma, or nil dub. JileaJ. fDr family. THE BLUFFS Jowly 3 BR, ''Our 25th Year'' ed en. Invest now! Call for Calilomla patio living. 546-• Unriv ed icw of ~ • locaticn. we have the RIGHT U50 mo, util's incl. PH: den, pools, tennis ete, $315. WESLEY N. 66-0303. 3 BR 2 BA Patic Dbl P.Itns. w/privacy. Spacious, HOME for your family. ll '44-2239 adult&,. ·514-123', 675-ttJJ Vacant and waiting for a ''' Mi,""" ·Tak,• ........ ~ nearly new "Old World" ha •1 1 ., ·r not TAYLOR Co N Golf C ""' family. S4tlOO Dowo "'11 •-.~. ··-Co / rt & "' """ KO '' ' ' 1400 SQ, FT, 3 BR II> ba, • 9Cll' . OUrst take it. n....n Sunday for 5%,. loan 6 4 2 -0 3 9 8 ntemporaiy w cou available! 8-lboa 2JOI dbl ...... bltno, ~. ~·-v"" 833-M.23 • I atrium. 5 Br·s l'Xpandable, & L ·-""I"' -... -9~;~ =~o=: ia'ike~°"&tee 3 •• ~R·siO:."T~·~· ~~; ~: ~.~:~:~·~J[~ Walk~~"" ee pr:::~~~~ ~3':i1.es:.= Realtors NEWPORT CENTER 2111 San JOllfNln Hilla Road 644-4910 T.N.T. TERRIFIC NICE TRIPLl!iX Oa1e to all lhoppine In a n excellent rental area. Two 2 btdroo111s one 3 bedroom PLUS 2 units with fireplaces Clflbt $M.500 and OW'm!r will htlp """""· Call now LIDO ISLE Immaculate and charm.Ina: home, 3 Bedrooms .&: 2 bath& down, + huge "muJti:pur. JIO!'!" room and bath up. Sepuate dining room, all kitchen appliances includ- ed.. $63.500. View · exotic prden from Realtors 5" % Joan. 6 4 2 • O 3 9 8 • or vacant land area. Owner 7682 F.l:lin&er er (213) ~1642 eves. Frank Manhall Rlty 67?-4600 ycur living room~ stu-2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 833-5423. 548--1249. 842-4455 540-5140 ..==::=;:::;:::;:=:;:::::=I dlo-family room w;th sky· !>J5.otQ; °'"" 'tll 9 PM I By ownu, 3 BR, 2 ba.l-='="======I PATIO PATIO Lido Isl• 2351 WMtcllff ___ _:32=30:: light. 3 comfy bedrooms. Buyl ... iiii;Oii'-iii'-iiiiiiiiiiii• I comer lot, lo interest Gl University P1rk 1"7 -- cf v.-eek. call 645-0303 now! * * * * l.~Joan~6~%~,~$26~,1'tl~.~54&.~7952~-~.l~~=*-~~::;;;;;;;;;;,1 16x32 Covel'l!'d patio. l .Bed-LDVELY Lido Ille 3 BEAtn'IFUL inodml home, 645.0303 2299 Harbor Blvd .. C.M. at Harbor C.enter $1.00 ONE DOLLAR MOVES YOU IN NO DOWN. TO G.l.'s- NO COSTS NEEDED Great 6 bedf'OOOUI with 2~~ baths. Room for ewryone, Separate family room with bl!'amed Cl'ilin& and huie fireplace. Huge modern Prestige hidden 2 slOry ttome, large Iamlly rm w/ lire· place. formal dining: rm, 3 sparkling baths & fantasti- cally landlcaped. Before you purchase p This is a must iiee at $51,500. CALL 568424 \ou_th. (-oast kitche~ with lots of eating LIDO WATERFRONT ::.,~f:~=~ APTS.-320 LIDO NORD PRICE $25,1'11, CALLI NOW REDUCED TO W lk & L $175,000-Xlnt Torma a er-ee 6 Boautiful unlu .• Car ••• rage1 & utility room, with Realtors 80 ft. frooting on excellent 2790 Harbor mvd. at Adams swimming beach Units are rm, 2 bath, $27,fiOO ex1sti111 'bedroo home fer ll!'ue 3 BR 2 bll., prdener Inc. LOOK I NG FOR • • • -s~ % loan. Large spacK>ul A ailam 1 1 . $375 mo S43-11517 Mese Del Mar 1105 An assumable loan! We have living rm, big kitc~n with 1:. ~J~t: ~to Sept. ,::=;;;:· "'==""'===- FOR Sale by , owner, xlnt t\VO! Low int. rates en both. l!'ating area, over-sized pr. ' University Park . 3237 Joe, clote to acboOls, 4 :QR 5 BR., 2~ ba. homes: prlc. age with largl!' work bench. VecetHwl Rentals 2900 ----- er 3 & den, l%. BA, crpts. ed at $35.950 &. $36,750. Call Freshly painted inside • 2 BR. 2 Datha ••••••••••• $273 drps, bltns, frplc, fain din us for detalls. out. Enormous back yard. BIG Bear very nice houle, 2 BR. 2 Baths ••••••••••• $300 rm, cov patio, dichondra e Red Hill Re1lty I' nr Li.ke, bltns. $14 day, 3 BR. 2 ha. new home ••• $323 lawn, sprnkler frnt/rear, Univ. Park Center, Irvine $40 wknd, $90 wk. (tt{) eRed Hill Realty very clean, well kept. ·call anytime 833-0820 f 6z..44JJ ( :J 54WlU 521-8672 Un~P:u~nt~rvint 545-7090 !~~~~.'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!~~!! NEW, Mountain houlekttp-SELLING tng oabln, ldyllwUd, .,,... c ........ dol Mor J2JO BY °"""· 3 BR. 2 ba, Eostblull 1242 Fam rm, cov pat, delux1 ::.:.::==---....;= plete, modern w/bltn1, 546-7285 eves. wl•vecything, $>1,<m 1oan PANORAMIC YOUR HOME assumable at 5%. %, $33,900. e WE BUY EQUITIES 905 Junl.,ro, SJ9-<1504. OCEAN VIEW • FREE APPRAISALS Summer -•Is 2910 CHARMING 2 BR, So of H"''Y, frplc, newly decor, bltns, $250 lie. &T:>-4401. Lightt By Night e 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE BAYSIDE Dr., Lido, Linda Mesa V1rd1 1110 S\\·e<>ping view trom moun-847-8507 Eves. 642-0427 lale I: ~nln. waterfronts !!!"..!!_"f"O" Beech 3400 ta.ins to sea. 4 Bedrooms, 2 ~ ! oif.wattr Lido homes SAYE $1750 baths, '"""' family room • , ,14jlf.:Jt) ~!!! ~."""" R"llor BY OWNER ~":.':';:::;;-~,!~ • ,fp .. :;.~'W - B I $27 •--. In ...,..__in ,,..,_ .. ,_ BEACH Home, neat I: dean. •rt• n •t ,000 """6" ........ -....,,,... slttp1 4 Sl!!'duded area. ~5-0465 Open 'tll 9 PM newly furnished.· Assume 5Vc% &.oan Hon. MEREDltH GARDENS private 'beach, S200 wk. HUNTINGTON Ccntinental of! Bus~ A Adams. 4 BR 2 ha, drp/cpt, elec stv, Grbg dlsp. 4 play yd, clubhee A: pool. $200 mo -+ cine dep. Phone evl!'!S tor appt ~1907. PETE . BA.RRETT IDLE MONEY o"' 2000 ... ft. Channing $48,500 -Pho"' 646-7tn :20052 Colgat< Cl"''' 774-6400, .... , 49'-0DU Interior, like new. 3 BR, 1% lluntlnglon Beach aft g l GATHERS 4 Br. Split Level House Sep. er · CONDOMINIU~f Adams & Bill Grundy, R.eallor 833 Dever Dr., N.B. 64246:?1) REALTY · No Tncome. This prime tri. EW 0 BA, Large L.R. open to din. arate din. rm .• lam, rm. SUMMER Rental apt, 1letp11 Brkhrst 3 BR 1% ba, I . . · . N P RT ""'· Cathodral e<ilings, • On •-·~ t Lido 1~1 N I"' 1'81 'WISTCLlff DR. p ex inVltes your u15pect1on. liUGE 40 x 15 fam. rm.1-:::==:;=::=:=:=:=:=;: $40,000. No money down to :;.,._, ~36.._lh .. nSl~ """" 96w .... o~.;., o pets. ...,.., "IWPO.T -••H t The cperation she1't will HEIGHTS 1-responsible .... -.. Jmtned. """"t' I·....., 11•,,....., .. ;111. ~"' ·-... be cl t · plumbed fer wet bar. Utility · ..-.•J 6'4Z·$i<MJ "' ar your oses scrulJny. Just cne lot oH fashionable mt&: loads of extra storage, Irvine Terrace 1245 occupancy. P. D. Colburn, $295 Mo./etr bnt ofter. Furn 2 BR. l~~ BA. Conde. Patio, 1~!'!~!'='~'!"l~~~~I With proper down, get tax CliHDr.-3Bdrms,2bathl Newwaterheater&:allcop. 644-4327 Pacific Sands homt, near pool. Drps, crpt1, ap. 1: TENDER LOVING sheller a~ spendable. Aak:-and dining room -Covered per piping. Kitchen wiU1 cus-VIEW. $9000 Reduction 4 Bedroom -2 bath, all beach, 536-1951. pllance1, (213) 373-3320 col· CARE ing $35,950. ~ patio -$36,000. Easily fin. tom walnut cabinets, dsb-1n1 Galatea types financing avail. incl RENTALS ~''~'~1.,_..,.,-,-,--,-,,..,-- at S16.500 thil home hu ,, · I anced. V.'Shr, new garbage disp. Spacious 4 Bedrn1 dining nn. IBA, GI, lease option near Houw Unfumllhed 3 BR pa.tic drp/cpt, 2 ba P~WBllZ 646.7171 / Principals only. pool. Open dallY 1 10 ~. 5 pis incl. exterior & in-I& fncd )'d: 2 car 1ar, $225 ::::·c:.u:etta=:: Cila rJ.•lf. Below Market Pete Barrett Reilty terior, painting chcloge own General 3000 :'"";;,· =536-4634======:::: with Ira I boa au-...• Owner Will Fin.nee 642·5200 cc!ors. Owner. 847-0932. OCEANFRONT -qe I er er t ac-Fount I V lie 3410 cet11. All electric ldtchen for 1093 Baker, C.M, ~ 546-3330 ?ttEREOITH Gardens, S Bft, ~2 BR apt. PaHo. BBQ, a!!_.! y mom with dlAhwasher. Nice 3 be. din, rm, fam, rm, Chi&d ok. Bkr. 534-'98(1 FOR Ltut 3 br, lrg bonus carpet. and dnpes. Submit e LAKE ARROWHEAD e MESA DEL MAR 3 BR condo, pool, clbbse Corona del Mir 1250 Cul-de-sac cpts, drps. shut-$125-2 BR 4-Plex, Children rm. blk walled yd, bltnl, your down to payments of $8500 mcrYes you in 10 Three txlrm. fam. rm. l 'M. Monticello lJO BrookJine 2 ---lt'rs, lge, patio. Owner, ck. Cpt/drp. stove. I dshwuhr. 531-1779. . I $134.00.per mo. to beautilul 4 BR, 3 BA bath. fireplace, bl.1111 -in blkl De Coll .It all schls. CHINA COVE 962-3400 SIYB £111? • c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 IBST 1111! .. W lk & L tri4evfl home v.·/ al 1 kitchen, new w/w carpet City Hall. Owner shew FANTASTIC VIEW LF°'RAN'""'7.c=J~SC· "'AN=~ro=UNT=~Al=N~4 I Blue en.con. Bkr, 660111 S.turdQ" -DIME-A-UNES! a er ee ~ern oonwniences, incl thru-oot. LAundry and dbl. 6/22-28 daily 1-5, 7-8 N!. OverlookJng harbor, jelly &: BR 2 Ba Assume 6"-~ $5000 worth el new turn garagt', el«'llic door open. is $18,600. Blue Pacific, a pleasant A rnA, i:w.sOO. 847-UJ&. ' Generel JOCIO 0....rel 3'000enerel -· Real ton 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adami 54>9491 Open 'Ill 9 PJ\f JUST REDUCED Fam1er model home in Wl!'St· diff, with 5%% anumable loan. 4 B& 2~ betha, for- mal living rm .• family rm. w/frplc. Proteas. landscap- ing. Now just $52,500. BROKER UJ.4700 *2430 ~U II ,\ Ill \f II Ill 1111 1\4 $24,500 owner M1perete . l bdrm + fomlly rm. Ahnogi no dmm G.l. er nlA terma! Entry hall, hug'e fam. ily rm, ovtnli,.ed liwtn1 nn, luxuriQU• kite~. 51).JnD. TARliELL· 2"5 Horller &. atapes. AllO dishwashe-r. er, l8'x20' detached rumpus BY OWNER. 4 Bednn., fam. exclusive community, 3 BR. .==,;;;;;:=:=:,,;;= dispcsal, bltn v a e u um , roon1, two palios. $30,950 -rm. On the 17th faiN'ay large liv. rm. U:>la or glass, Fountain Valley 1410 AM-FM tnt~m in ea. 0\1•ncr will carry 1st T.0. of Mesa Verde Counlry Vie\v ba1cony, 3 garages. rm . Call 540-11167 or 548-6703 M . M. LABORDE, Rltr. Oub. 3036 Java Rd. 6~~~ Prlcc reduced lrom $67,500 eves. _ 646.Qj5,'j Eves. 6464j79 Ins, loan. $67 ,900. 5'40-4095. to $64,900. S@~~lA-~t.~s· Tb<t Prml• with the luilt-ln Chucll• ELBOW ROOM • FOR SALE BY OWNER. 4 Bedroom 3 + p11t'dr room Lido Isle Investment Jmmcd i:ms 4 BR. lg lan1 0hcwronge t.Mrs el the baths, Jv8.n Wells home, 3 Bcaul . !ltud let unlls near rm, man y x tras . four actolllbled worcb ti. BY Owner-Assuml!' 5~ % loan 3 brm, 2 ba, unf. bonus rm. $30,500. Pmt $182. Try $6,000 dn. 1664.f Bushard 839-2314 0.1,...,.blb /~ll fJ'f'E-4LTY i .' ' Dever Shorei. Formal din beach. 3 BR. 2 Ba, • 2 BR. 5''6--0313/64>3148. Tustin 1640 low to f«m four 11mpi. WOl'dt. nn kltchen w/brldst area. w/(rplc. & l-2 BR. All have 4 BRM . home in Mesa Vetde IRVINE-TERRACE-N I M R I f I Pa~lled family rm w/wet South patios. Xlnt condition. North. "-sume 5~ ·~ loan 3 Bd-·. 2 Batl·-. ~1. "--. .,. ~ LG 3 BR 2 •-$ll9 !00 '~ " ... _ • ·~ ~ -·~ -~. I I I I 1 I 1. bar Sparklinc pool in Jand. · · or ? Owner 831-0679 &fl. ~!Pd Ir: comp. furniihcd. ash pnld lam nn, lovely sea~ ccurtyard, Roy J . BROKER 6 E · ,.,_ kit v.·/top line bltns, "''lk·in w-~ .•--• .... 10> GaJ•rv IU.0700 644-2430 . Xi!lt1ng transrcmible 6l~,. u-u _ --..; loan. f'\Jll price . $47,500, pantry. W/\V c:rpt, exquisite N I L A F I J Dr. &tl-1550. -~~-Newport leech 1200 drps. Used brk ftpl, lg clsts. j I I'. { ESTATE SALE·-* G.': OR . FHA *· --Coe Jot, det pr,""'""'"'"· I Back Bay New England cot. Pttfect• f ather • Dfty gift. * OCE .. NFRONT * Top custom neighborhoOd , • 3 B'R l3A. BA hn:tv.'d ~ely J & conv. den, 2 ba. "' Can assume 5% k>an. H T 11 tage, • • . Blnn1, Room for boat & ESTATE SALE, 40' Ccrncr 838-l304 A l E · llrt, shake roof. "''Clod s1dlng trailer Asking $26 750 1o1, 3 Bednns, 2 BA, modern 315 lolARlNE AV.I:: 67J.G900 ,:=::,====== I 1 • I I Ctuel tque.lch: "If I hod '"''·"' bricll J'ronl. f1lA ap. MOR'G•N RE,·L·TY homo oo'" 3 ~old G,...at BALBOA I AN. D L Be--• f "'""'7:41 "' "' • v ~-~ · · · SL _a-~a _.. 1705 • your ace, Id pay o pick· praised & terrn11. .-.. • ..N• 673-6642 675-6459 ~an virw & sandy bcach.l=-=~T.,,;;.:::::.:.._ --~ c.;:.:;;;;;;. _ _:..:,:: Vacant. South Cout Real • Stressed for 2nd story. R·2 LIFE . e HANOYltfAN SPECIAL. e T A Y F I R I pocket to --. • '·ll ' Esla1t, 545.M24. BEACH HOME $26,SOO lot. Attorney says sell! Tr)' Ubtrty, pursuit ol happiness 4 UNIT apt., ~an side cf I 1• I I' I -·--~-.:-...... ~No:lle .. -i:"·-"'-OPEN DAIL y 2 Br., conv. den. 8 )'I'S, youna:. $65.00>, All offers subjett t.o & lntine Terrace cnn be hwy. approx. l~ yds. from . _ _ No. 3 _ Jt02 W . Oceen Front \\'alk to beach, tennis, JlOOI•. coua·t approval. Appt. cnb'. )'OIJl'!l for a !IOng & less than btach. Grossed $9,000 lut Owne WHI Flnance CPL'. drpg, bltn!!, lOS' down Call 5-15-8424 $50,000. 0\l'l~r moving ' yr. Ndz, paint &. cltoanup A "',",,.' SNUMBEE ~sllTTt1$ .. I' r 1• I' 1· r: I r -CALI. 1'00A Y! mui;t 1'tll, Let !I look! ol lntl'r. PriCI' 169,SOO WILL V ~ • _ • • 2 Units • $67.500 CAYWOOD REAL TY Bill JIAven, rtllr. 673-3211 TRADE Geor .. W!lll1mton 6ll6 \V, Coast llwy,, ND "Al 111t' Jam11lca Inn" ~llSSION REALTY 4.!»--0in • g'EF!=~ lE~IS 10 I I f I • I I R11ltor • 543-1290 • NO mttfler what tt 1$, ycu Sffii'ON'l Somecne 11 - -• • " · · • 67MJ50 64J.l5'4 Ewl nlE QUICKER YOU CAJ~L. can £ell ii with a DAlLY watching ror it. D fal Of ' Dl&l ftG.5611 rod<ESUL'J'S T11E QUJCJ<ER you SELL PILOT -WANT Ao1 &<""671 .!:w.osn~!!!....,,~'......:;_,_,,L_:S~C::iR,RA~M=·LETS~~A~N~SW!!!a~!!IN~C~Li~A~S!:S~l!!Fl~C~A~TI~O~N~9000~~ ~l~R ''l!l'iPOHl PO~l 11tflCf f ' --------·---~------. -··---------------------=--------~-~ RIMTAU -• RINTALS -RINTALS RINTALS Hu-Ulllurnlshtd 1 __ Apts......_;.....P.,..urn_l.;;ol-.;;;ltd_· ~-i ~ U""'rnloh..i _Aph. U~rnl,,,... L-... ch . 1715 Coran• dtl Mor 425o Coste Men 5100 Holnt ...... luch 5400 FOR ·Leuti New-3 Br 2W --.LK--T.-... -•• -. -.... -... -,i -V-IL_L_A-'--M...,E~5A_A_P_T_S_. l;;;;;;O;;;N;;;;;;;;;B;;;;;;E;;;A;;;;;;C;;;H;;;;.!I bl. l(lllt-lewl .homr. View BR. frpl. $18S. 2 BR. Priv patio. lltd pool, ol .-..out. Huae llv rm, Hal Pinchln, Rltr, 675-4392 2 car encl'd pr. Children drp1, frpl. SDI mo, 4!M-5320 "'"lcome, no pelll pleue! e 2 BR 1~ BA FROM $225 "494-6932. l•lb6. GOI-$165 mo. "119 W. Wilson. e 2 BR 2·& FROX-AQ 64&-lZl. e 3 BR 2 BA FROl4 S31iO ,· ----'""Y·ll'e<_IH"l'-Yrly;-qe+Bft-1-==:;STUiTiiii' Diii1iCos;s::==+'7.,."".', .. ~poo1':'! ... ~-~ .... ~ •• ~ .... ~'-1-4 1--.... ----~....,,,..... Pvt patio_} w/w sMa: cpl. l furnlsbed a vailable. 2 rec room-ocean views fOR t.: Oen.ti Vw, lovely $180 Incl utll. 675-2591 brms., crpts, drps, pool, no ., __ --.. i-..i~- 3·br, l~ ba. trplc, 2 car children undtl' 10. Wcrklna: pauu•·•i.u..-pt • .._., gar. crpts, d:l"pll. In t X· Bey l1l_ends use clean.cut'a.ingle1 with refer. ~ty l\l&fda. * * * * * clusiw neighbrhd $250 mo. ---~-,,,__,._ FURN, a1IO Avail. W=• Wallf? =:.~ .... ., ~~ HUNTINGTON -· 4217 Calle Abril, Sall, Clom. ATTR. 1 8R, al .. ps 4; by Sl'ICIA CLASSIPICATI l'OR Call tll<l ...,_35ll0 s.~;.m. ~;,:,~i !, .. ~~.;,_~ • Newport Beech 5200 PACIFIC NATURAL IORN SWAl'l'llS SIRVICE DIRICTORY ---711 OCEAN AVE., H.B. Sptclel .... Huntl-ton Btodo' 4400 *OPENDAILY1·5* . (7141536-1487. S Ll--5 tl--.5 llucb ' ---··=-·--'-'---m· •u1GOS WAY 0 10 .. -""11" •· ."" .. -AD MUIT wte\.UDI YOUNG SET 3 B~ 21.i . BA , Spanish S """ k:. ogen &rn pm ~ ........, ,.. flMtrt lit -. ..,... ,.. ..,. "' .._. ,,_.,. .,_.OOL. -Capistrano 3725 ~bytlttlng . When You Want if done light ••• the experts 'listed below/I SIRVICI DIRICTORY SIRVICI DIRICTORY -· Centrectors 6735 ToWl\houle, pool &: ~xtru. ...,SOLTEROS APT • 2 BR. 2 be. units, unfllrn. Managed by ._.YOU. ..... .......,.-... •• .., 11111.t __...... .... "•10~.7 ~-C·.-T·.llll -o:: ._, """'t "4GM lllYJ Bachelor .r. l BR's. Pool.· ........... : .. _ llvt~ • ...,u ""d Wll.LIAM, WALTERS CO. ...._.,..,,.. JIOtl MLl-TUDll O*.YI·. r .....,., .- .-... ·~ ' ~ · Adu!'· ta ~ $140 d~-b ...... "'""' ··o Te ,.._ Veur Tr..,,1, PendlN M Hour • .1-·· or week. 1'UlJ ENTALS .,,,, no pe .. .civm ou le prage1. -10 : . ....., 1 __ .u.•.1: R · · "" 17301 KeetsOn Ln, H.B. BOYD REALTY *BEACH BLUFF-PHONI '4U671 • .r. p/ ..... lOc por hr • Cerpat c-nlng -AplL Fumlshtd fl blk w. o! B<ach, on * 675-5930 * APT * I child. 'l5c ... 2. Sl.00 ----- Addlilonl * Remodtllnc Fred H. Oerwldt, Uc. 673-fiMl * se.nTO Mesa Cleaninc 8arYb • C....11. --~le. Iles. 4 Commc'I, 5tM1ll * APT Q.EANING • Fut A thoraulh IU-llM Slater.) 842-7848. Clean 2 Bt Townhc:lue, Cl, R-3 property, Downey, tar 3 In Pe family. William> Claonll>r --' 4000 MODERN 2 br Upper. Blk New 2 BR, pool, view, patio, Nwpt Bch trade low equity free 1-clear-for hie, or ~ 8lieCial SWnmer Prosram O."" Q -----~---OCEANFRONT view. sndk. to bch. crpls,, drpe:, self dahwashr, rl31 Ellis Ave •. for othtr So Calli propert)' Its In Newport, preferahbt tor ~lD )'Ml' °'d1. All • M: ,......,., beach. Newer, sp.ac. dlx 2 .dean. elec rarise. refrig, 842-8477 or M7.J!i)7 or ,!, • · Udo hie.~ 5 p.m. 213. QUillitied tw:hen. 15Z5 s.n. .._. .• · u1e 118W ,.,.._ BR' ........ bltno, patio, ..,. dk. RHponslbl• ad,lts, HERITAGE APTS. °""'' ...__ ......., ownor. 1a..,,. A .. , <;.M. -o. CARPET lllONING la my '-· II 2 lndry, nr shops " pie.r. $225, no pets. PlO rno. 643-3666 $149 Attractive 2 BR, opW ~·-ft. Lot ~--Pl.~ WW ~ .. ~ -·1ru in M&-m. STEAM CLEANED Hr. Dmamakinc 6 altaa· 1 &: BDRM Apls Adults. baby OK. 53&-2131 ··-n.-.-.._... .... .... .._.. ~ .... ..,. ·1,;:;::,;~=--::::=:::;--::::: R1••~•11LE RATES tionl. 5'5-1Ml. '755 for Adulls. From·,$150 * EA S TBLUFF * Delux 2 drps, bltns, pool. Kids ok. Golden Lantt:,;, for lnoome dtlux 2l'x60' mobile lmne, PARENTS: weekend vaa· ~ TIJSTIN . RENTALS BR, (rp)c, c!V:ilce of cpt1g, .Avail now. 1740l·A Keelaon property or ~t have you. adlt pk acroa trom..~an, tiof11 without children. Ex· Abo carpet imt&Uatioa • IRONING IN MY HOME 15497 \Yilliams sf:rttt Aph. Unfumll!ft• pool, Adults. 848 Amlgog Ln. 847-74"46, 847-0325, $50(M) eq, tot home or un.IJ. Beach ptr, reJia. coUep a\rl. 1 _ _,'..,-,!'~-=~1==-!---I " Jl,25 b(. • (714) '83.>533s. • General 5000 Way, , from $23). 4~2354 l Bdrm, 2 Bath •. ahag cpl, Call 835-Qm area. 536.6478 Traiilp. A-refer. &M-0'39 LANDLORD SPECIAL ===Cal=•==~====~ I -GARDEN GROVE ---------flr '44-0906. oven/range, .garage, I bl)f: OCEANFRONT corne:r du., Trade ~ eq 3 BR cohio ;doYS~~-...,.-...:......,--,-, 500 sq. ft. $20. Diamond Movl"I & Stor... 614Q 1l2U MqnoHa Street LARGE 3 Bednn, 2 BA, C-lo 5 Pts. stores, see to plex $69 500 F.qulty WANT C.M. FOR l2x60 Mobile CHilJ> ct.n!, 6 )Tl top exp~ Carpet Cleaners. 187 2llt ' (TI.4) 537-8500· plex, 2 fireplaces, great appreciate, '1721 Ellis-2 blks • 0~~ area ~-home or Iarpr Jn C.M. or Live-in prefd. c.n drive. St. Colla Mtsa, 6fS..Ul7 , FQUNTAIN VALLEY location, ·S260 per mo., W. of &each $180. Owner Balboa Bay Pmpertiu; Newport aru, Will add cub Hard worbr, ilexible. l'iii REMARC ~rvices. 3 rooms LOCAL A lone dist. movlnc. 17060 San Bruno .s'trttt ... ,_ T• L•tllirft children OK. Jean Smith, 847~ 2309 W Balboa NB m 1oi tf needed. 54.>3C25 yn coUeae. Rel'•. 536-1301 $21.50. Fu.Uy · pranteed.' Reu. 1torqe: 1'rM ~ 1 (TI 4> 968-2500 ··• ~u w. ltlh. etti. "'-Rltr. 64&-3255 NEA'ft Huntington ~arbour 9 M .... ," 1 u~lta Park lJ. Sundrie1 vendlnc mach'1 CARE For 1eh00l aat child, Credit cards OK. 841~ 831-CMOl, O.K. Van I-S REMARKABLY ~ ·.,,•,~1~;~,~~5~,1111uiul OCEANFRONT l BR. Lo"'-.r -New Triplexes. Quiet area. do 30M re · • Rancho in ~im. Trade my eq, Calit teacher, rud'1, STEAM Jet carpet cleaninc. UNBELIEVABJ.Y ~~~~~g·~·-~· ~"~"~"~'"~' I $250 yrly, · bltns, will redec Lrg 1 &. 3 BR's. OishwuM-r. ca"rr oo'fi :.icre~:n,tg YuC: in~. wortb ~tor R. •wim'l· arts Ir. cratta. C!arKare n at lon-wi~ e Painting~ EXTRAORDINARILY 5009~S Seuhore, Patio, rar. $150. Pet ok. (213) 592-262.1 ca .\;y, Exch all/part for Eltaie or ? Ml-3541. 1trvice. Fl'ff est. 6G-a5 PeperHenelftl BEAUTIFUt; . 5100 Avail 6/14. 213: 248-192l. flr (n4J 846-3559. . ,. .. ,_ w . 11025 Buttonwood, F.V. DEPENDABLE Child care, . ---------1 Cott• Mesa ' DUPLEX 2 b all de tnc. prop, """ e ' F'··· .,,. PROFESfilONAL P i..t1-Vel D'isere Garden Apts 1.:.::.:..;_..:.;;_____ ~ r, •m n, * 2 BR 1% ba, petio, pool , 4 BR. 3 Ba. pool home. wkly, hrly, nUe or day, Call _..-1 -a .. ._ •• Puttinc green, watetfall I Sfv Ir. ref, sm Yd • Sl~ mo. Mota Kai Apts. $6000 Equily, 3 BR home Hup pat)O, Exchanp for M&-4MM. -CARPET---'<llffl.-......,,,TILE,..----Neat work. Fine p&lnta. - stfeam, fioWttS. e~, d r ps/ritsd 1 W~1daZer, 'Eut of Beach Bl, ~ blk CoBta Mesa&"' Auurnablt ~I 3 Br. home or • t WILL Cl.ft for your children IJC CONTR. FREE EST. Roller, bnalh, a Ir-~• 45' ~rec. room, bllllards, -aar. it a. a u ts. · flfr Gerfield. iOan. FOR Mobile Home, Fortin Co. Rltn 642-5000 -tn-my-Lagura Beach home. * stl).'1262 * sprayinc, &CCOUI. ce __ ; BBQ's, Sauna, turn...unfum, Lush landscaping w/35' JUST step1•·-to Pa c If I e. 2 BR. Adults. Util pd. Cc>sta Mua, Newport, TUI-lnl.C Westclitt Dr, NB ICall!:!;~-~l~l82~. ---,=::--/:==:;:;:=:==:==:=== l«&I ter1. Low r--· 1 &: 2 Br. also Sindh from p 1 n e trees, S""'"kling ,DfJuxe 3 br. 2 ba. $300 BeautJ'lo•iet. Pool. pr Iv tin. ~. &12-9130, * * * * I· Roy 847-1351.· · ~ -~ I m ~75 ...... Babyalttine, my home. l'umhure Rntw'"" -S13.S. See 11! 21XX>·ranons waterfalls, bubbl i ng ·tn0 year se . ..-.-~ · patio. Beam clnp, 17616 List It bera _In °"lWll TradeSU,OOOequib'inl.on& Monday thru Friday S *PAINTING INT A.-~. Rd., 642-8610. Between Har. strell.mll &: serene ponds u-lgh 5210 Cameron. ~121 Wbotdo-•~ .... -.. -T Beaichl2-untt•ptftrmobile * 61s-t663 * & Reflnlthl,, '67 Avel'I. 1 1ty $31). 2 sl:1 bor a. N--..... 2 Blk N. 19th make .Merrimac \Yoods the u...wport n. ti · 1 h 1 _,_ .. ~ r .... _ _.. $360. incl all ma ten.I A • ..... _., place to live. 'Mlese 1 a:-2 • .,... $25(1. Mon -e a &e or 0iwrty•1 lupst a.d tnd-home In Huntlncton .--W1U. babysit, my home FURNl11JRE StrippiJl& I-. R£NJ fURNIJUR, £ BR., 2 Ba., !urn or unfum, NICE 2 Br. pool, sundeck, lease/option 4 Bdrm, 2 lnepo1t-udmDladlll. area. 846-~ evenirwl nr BftlOkhunt 6 re:Hniabing, rea1onable ~r!:;, ~.~n;.: apts. feature air-cond,, gar bit-Ins ·cpl!., d ...... , bath. near 5 Pts. Owner . * * * Adami. 5tl)..46Sf arttt 5. n.tes. Call 642-9575 __,, • .....,or 96S--'l911D. self-cleaning owns, beam · ' ·r-841-0932 .&. * * anytime. ............... l Rtioms from $19.95 Month to month Renlalt • Wide Selection 1009' PURCHASE: OPTION 24 hr. De1ive);'Y' Culiitom Furniture Rental 517 W. I!tth, CM. 548-3481 1568 w Lincoln, Anhm 17f.2800 ceilings, dishwashers, priv. adltll, no pets. $160. 'Jiii .. YOUNG Mom will b&byalt, l STORY stucco 1-owrtianc garage w I s to r a g e. 642--8001/ 64z.8006. * 2 BR, l ~ BA, patio, pool. my home, CdM. Furniture I: Antique:s $99. 2 atory 1 tu cc 0 A e I e vat o.r s, l<B d~ ======== $100 mo. 8181 Garfield. Call RENTALS REAL ESTATE can ns..ms Relinllhing ~ Restorin&. overbanz Sl4.9. Acst. ctll!ns ~L·a=!~. =8.s &'~ East Bluff 5242 ·96=~M~UM Apt. 3 Ae!t• Unfumlthtd Offl°:"Rrttlnltl DEPENDABLE Motherl-::==*=MS--0991===*::;=::. $13. per nn. Min. J nu. lovely clubhouse w/soclal PRESTIGE LOCATION BR fo• loue. Appliances L .. une h•ch 5705 .... 6070 dffirtl to bl.b)'lit child In G•rclenl-'6IO M&--OSn le 637-6119. activities.. Adults please. • ""--~-· Call 54S-Q77 ··• METICULOUS PAINT From $140. Just East of For leue, delqxe ¥188 sq. ft. &:: bltins. $180 mo. ~2285 ,_-,.,. .. "'. • 2600 l:larbor Blvd.. near 4 BR, 2~ BA apt. Frplc, ~~~~~~~~~l oe~oc~·CiEAN<Ai<-VJEWvnOiV:.-iL~r::::: SUPER-DELUXE QUAUTY LOVING can )'OW' chlldren AL'S GARDENING BLUE CHIP STAMPS. INS. Naber's Cadillac at 425 drapes; crpti, V.'Ct bar, prl Senta An• 5620 Bachelor, 1 I: 2 BR apta. l·2-3 room up to 3,CO> sq ft my Mme. H.B. By hr4ay· for Profeaional Gwdtnlna: crew col. 1tudtnta. Int.at Merrimac Way. 545-6300 balconies, dbl gar oil kitchen I ;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~I Fum or unfurn. Crpll, drps, flffice lul~ lmmed m wk. 969.&'146 • tma1J. 1 and.cap In I bo111e1. Exp, Dockl. &'J5.5l12 nDMP.1 I '.IDT Everything new . . dshwhr, dbl oven. Pool. Conv 11 VILLA MARSEILLES bltns, patiol, walkJn1 J*DCY. Oranie Cnty,Airpon BABYsmING My home aervices call Mll-3829. Ser\t. ''2" Exp painten-nlMd U ~ Move in today. to shop'g'achb: le recreation, BRAND NEW distance to town. 100 Clitt Irvine Cornmere, C-omplex, ec.ta Mesa area. Day or 1111 Newport, CdM, C:C.ta work Will ·work by hr fll' APARTMENT' BAY MEADOW APTS Onl $350 ••• ••90 -.~ tlli-5299 M ... , llowr ShorH, W,,.._ job. u~--'l moot ..b.n. FINDERS -. y mo. SPACIOUS Dr., LaJ, Bch. ~ odl. Afrporttt Hotel I< RetL nl&ht. >'• ,.. . clll!, -·2181·-.... New exciting I BR, $140, ·~"' •-•-Way NB a•--' ._ __ ,_ '"'·~ N-- -~·•·-' 1 & 2 Bdrm Apt1 -~... --. ---· "55 S PING * -.:.:--"-'~-=-.,.---Hundred~ of Apartments 2 BR. $165. Beam ceilings. Mgr~· next door 865 ArnJ.iol. • ' REAL ESTATI: IE N'pt. Fwys, BHt Metnten.nc1 -* LAND CA -No Wutins Listl'fl Now Wood pan'Jg, shag crptg,· Mana.aed .by Adult Living Genlril UNCROWDED PARKING New Lawns 17~ 1q ft. Frft '* WALLPAPIR * Cell 642-4656 priv. patio, some w/ frplcB WU..LJAM WALTERS CO. Furn. & Unfurn. LOWUl' RATES Enloy your IHt deslp. Do all or part )'OW'· When you call "Mac" l•!l!!"'!!~~~"'""""I Pool, sand volley ball crt, •NEW DELUXE e Dlsh~r.cob'coordinat. Rentals W•nted 5990 Owntt/mcr.21720uPontDr., ~mp\ete Marine Servi~ 1tlf. Rototllling. Lie. con-541-1"4 MM032 L~H:~~:~E ' • :f.; ~,."'.:'~ul~~~ ,!~: 3 BR, 2 BA Apt '" ''""'· ::.;.,""~~ i:-: :!: e LANDLORDS .-~· ~~ ~ Mecbankal·Eloctrical ;r::;._ 12 yn local exp. TWO UCLA , .. .., mod 387 w. Bay. Open House Incl. spac. muter suite, din llCbemn: • 2 b&thl • stall FREE RENTAL SERVICE ........... ~,-Bottoms-in or out watu money Exp'd houie Uwely 2 BR turn apt, Pool, 12-7 pm daily. 646--0073. rm &: dbl garage, auto door ahower1 • mirrored ward· Bn>lm' S3U982 * Pre1t·1ge Office Fiber&Wa BuffirlC, NEW Lawn•' re-eet&ac· pe.inte~. Fl'ft est. Ken carport. walk to shop'g. opener avail. Pool &: Rec. indirect liEbt.. Flbersf,ua Reflnilhtrw. Complete lawn cue. Oean 5ff.!07t Ad"'"· "' "'"· • MARTINl9UI; • area "'"' "°""' · hruldut "ON THE BAY" Call Jim. ..._'I02l oft T up by job or month. FrM ==~=-=-=,..-,-·I 194. 1 Pnrnona.,,C.l!I. •. FROM $255 e ing in kitchen. Roomo for-R9ftf 59'5 At Lido Yacht_,,____ t1Umate1 For jnfo call PAINTJNG-lffT .• Ext. Park-Like Surroundi-s .. __ h --1 1.-~ ---· · H'~t ~ ... uru • --1 ··• uo.c • ure v•••• e .... "CQ Growtd 1klor 1S& ,. It M 197-3417 or N&--0932 >&•"'• .,.......,.. .........,. ... , · 4100 DELUXE 1·2 ': 3 BR APJ'S. 865 Amip Way, NB patio • plush Jandscapirw',. 1 __. ,....... ,._.., Irick, •Mnry, Pricn Fully exp laa. John Cosfe Mesa -ALSO !"URN. BAt'HEIX>R · ' ·Managed by · briclt Bar-B.Q'i. Iarp beat· MAN fln1Y. Nice rm, semi· .:.: =.z:_;-,v u ... tit ...... ~ etc .. '560 COLLI GE STUDENTS 67~llf.. ' $35 WEEK & UP Prv patios e Htd Pools WJUJAM WALTERS ..E9.:. ed pOo!S a: lanaJ.• pvt bath, $12.!iO wk. 1789 _..... _... Year ArooM Protea. Lawn Nr shop'g e Adults only 2 BR. 2 be, fupstairsl 3101•So. Bristol St. Crestmount, CM 5"48-ill9 717 • S~ perp•~DtbltlVE , CUSTOM MASONRY ~ Yd clean.Up weedillC PAINTING. Ext.-lnt. 11 yn. STUDIO &: 1 BEDROOMS Im ·-.. Ana A CM •-LoLUV Af\A • ·~-.:.2237 exper. IN. Ue. Free at. TV &: Kitchenettes incl. ~n ve., powder rm, liv'r rm & ('iii Ml. N. of S« Cot.Ft PSua) noon • eves. Newport Beach rf3..108o Spinilb brlCk • Wl'OUlht iron, •pee., ·-vns . .,_. Accou1t. Celllnp. 59-5325. Lirrna &: maid 1tr avail Mgr Apt ll3 • 646-5542 frpl c, Kit w/bltfll'I, 2-car 5.nt• AM * $15 per Week-up w/ • . · c.ment block, stone, patio *ALLEN BROTHERS INT. 1 Ex!. Palntins. Local CiµJdrens & ~t ~lion 2 BR Unlurn apt. Blt-iM, gar. 1 yr Jae, $245 mo, PHONE: 557"'200 kitchtn. $35 per Week-up DELUXE 1-2 or 3 nn. llllte cawn 5U-321I Call us tor comglele yard ref's, lic'd, ins., free •t. 237'· NEWPORT BLVD. w/w c""'ls. Infant flk. No Immediate o c c u Pan c Y • 1 ... ~~~~~~~!!!!'l~A~p"'~· M~ot!!•l~-~54&-9'155~~~· =cc nr. Oran,. County Airport , •-mod I I Mrvlce at •----nlnl "" • ,. 644-2492 I-Irvine I n du 1 tr i a I BUILD, no111 t • re pa r ":"""' -caII Chuck, ~. -' 541- 9755 "::· u~~~ fpp~~lJ~6!i=T c:.:N:...HSE=,'-,~8~R-2~11~ba-, ""'fpl, -CAN1 8£ 8£AJ PRIV Rm &: ba, kit'"privt, Complex. Carpet, drapn, ~rick, block, cancrete, =~~~540-~IT&~O---l~*~P~AiiPPEEliRj:HUAi!NfcOiiliiNfcGi" f ** WEEKLY-.Lovely apt, for wrnkg lady, rels., CM, m--~c "'" _,._ •· csrpentry, DO job llOo small. GEN'L Clean Up, tree serv., • PAn ........ G 1r gg.JC15 Bach, or .cpts. Furnlshg's Pl., C.M. mgr upstairs apt patio, enc gar, 752 Amigos Single Story no pets. Sf6-l300. ~.:ff~ia1-;;;;;, •Lie. Con~ 962-85 weed kill, roto-tlll, ·=--~-'"-'-·~-~--• comp!. KHch. S35 wk-pays or-call (2t3J 69J...&IJ39. Wy.Apt!J,$Dl.675--5033. * Gan.p.1ton.ae only, $20 ' ,,....AVAILABLE NOW 1prlnkler1 repaired. Pelntlftt-Decor.tlna ~IL,,,998 El c~m"!> Dr. HARBOR GREENS Co-o dolMoT 5250 So"th S.a Atmo•p"''" month. 19th~ Pomo,,. Ave, Co""""' to."'*" Bulldero '57t tl4'-6MI. Uc'd, h<nxt.d. 5ll'3911 !l46-0451 ·' GARDEN & SfUtllO,APTS ·-· 2 Bedroom 2 Baths CM.* 1191-MSS. BOB PETTIT, Realtor •AL'S Lindtcaplnc. Tree 1 BR dplx $95, olde? unit, Bach. 1. 2, 3 BR's. 'from sllo. •. 133-(1101 • removal. Yard remodelq. Photatrephy "10 lmmac. Beaut .....in sur-2700 Peterson Way, C.M. Carpets • Drapes: Misc. R1ntel1 59" OFOCE ... f I" 4 ADDmONs And iJtttatlom Tn.ah hauling k>t clealiup. rndgs, Single occup, perm, ......,.,,, · 4 Air Qmditionied * GARAGE-Stora&'f t1 n I y . pvt ottict1 + lit rttpt lictmed bonded I: insured _.. .., .......... • ••• ••• •370 ~-----IW or ease, Res. -Comm . contractor Re"""I· -"'';., 673-ll&& older ter.nt only. No pets -SP_A_C_l_O_U_S-_D_E_L_UXE=~2-Br, \ $20 m<>nth. 19th le-Pomona room. air eond., amp I e free esdmatei, (linancln&) JAPANES!; • LANDSCAPE or c;hildren. 548-6920 l '.'J ha. studio, bltn range • Privale Patios Ave, CM. * 897-cMS. park'g 1pt.tt. xlnt Jocation. 536-2110 ~ Oean..up Maintenance SUS CASITAS & dshwa.shr, new crpts It ON TEN ACRES Healed Pool Lacberunytt Realtor MACK * 842-M-f.2 CUm:>M PHOTOGRAPHY Rtuonable -Phone GordoD * MT-f'f45 1r Furn. 1 BR Apls. Adults drpg, redec., huge closets, 1 I: 2 BR. Furn I: Unfurn Income Property 6000 &f&.3928, nn; 613-1489 JOHNSON'S GARDENING only, 00 pets:. 2110 Newport pa.ti<>, gar.· pool. E-side. Fireplaces I prlv, pattcs I Plenty of·lawn DESK SPACE C1rptnterl"1 l5fO Yard care, Oean--upa, ~ Plest.rlne, P•tch, -~!.!!!'' -* PATCH PLA.STEIUNG All lypl!I. })ft atlmaW Blvd, CM. 64z.9286 $180, adults, no pet 1. Pooll. Temds. Contnl'l Bkflt. Attefttion tiJ:w, sprinlders. 962--2035. ....w11 900 s.. w.., CdM """''ll ca,,... & storaao Investors! 222 Forest Avonu• CARPINTRY G~RD . IAnd-0 ........ LG. Furn 1 BR &pt. Sll.'i. (MacArthur nr. Cc».st. H'tfYI . }~or 1 or 2 &dlls. only. No NEW attractive 2 BR in-lUODEN VU.LAGE Laguna 8each MINOR. REPAIJtS. No J.. Spla m. roto-cement wk. ..... ~ dividual units, Fr p I, GARDEN APJ'S For Sale, approximately % Te lrnall. Calltalt ID ..,. y .. -.. 646-5860. pets, See M~ Apt 6, .. .w;.i .___ 11. 2 brm, trplc, dishwasher. no pnm' lW --· .,._---• Eld." CM. cpt/drp, ....,..m ce 1ngs, ZiOO South Salt.a acre c r••r-•...,. ..._ ..., 6 other caWnet&. Call54Mll25 patios. Adult'! flnly. no pets. pet1. $200 including utillties. santa Ana * 546-1525 Situated on htP bluff, ()Vtt, DESK SPACE 561115. u no annV ..... EXPERT Japt.n1M prd•n· NICE l BR dplx. Qt.1.iet. Refll. 2354· Santa Ana Ave.1 ,;•;;'"";;~73~7~=====~ l nof::-tito:>&R.'Siiid> Jookinc lJdo Ialand, New· ftlll at ...W. IL O. Ina. Frtt est. C.mplete Separated by garages. 1 548-9472 flr 673--0395 $160 -LRG 2 BR. Studio port Beach, etc. Adjacent to a 7875 Beach Blvd. Anderioa "y;;OU'd::.:..:"7"'.:,':::"':;·,;-:,=,'i"i<,'-=• adult over 30. No pets. Balboa 5300 Apt, {Triplex). Family size Hota Memorial H01Pltal, h -:,;;..~~-o--~ Compl1t1 Y•rd C1r:el Plum bing --PLUMBING REPAIR No job too unall 54S-102l. 1 BR dplxBe$90t. ~r unit, ·oN 2 BR·.-u-kitch. w/bltns, crplll, drpl, llllrTOUnded by Medical Huntington Beac QUALITY Woodcraft, 1inl Jim Sf0....413 7 lm mac. · au 6'"n AUr· OCEANFR T pp!!r. frplc., encl gar, 1 or 2 Bulldl-•nd a lovely hi~ fl42.021, Ext 276 gen'l cOntb-. Ir. carpentry, GEN'L Relialn: Water l BR. Large clflSat&, pool, rnc!gs. Si ngle occup. perm New carpet·&: paint. Yearly. children ok. (Nr 1ehll) No .. '6.. 1 pl Free coftlu1tatlon &; quote. YARb ·Landscape, cle&nup, heaten-DiaporHrs, etc. $7.50 • 612-3121 • adults, no pet!. UUI. pd. older le.na.nt onJy~ No p@I& 67::-5729. pets. 22.W s. Center st., rise, apartmen com ex. DESK SPACE Call Ken 645-«Mt, 54M23S 1pkr systems, roto, cement per hr. 641-2755, 642-0506. * 548--0336 * or children. 548-6920 ~-"'"........,., Excellent flnanclnc avail. worir. Yance. y 6*-5l8l S.A. Nr Warner. ~. able. $190,000. Write or call 305 No. El C•mino Reel Jiti>AUtS 1r ALTERATIONS -I BR. Furn. Util pd. Frplc. LARGE Unf 2 BR aptis, Balboa Island 5355 TIRED ol that old furniture? Petrie Upton, (nC) 1'9.l-2Ml. S•n Cl•m•nt• * CABINETS. Any ilze job CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST S.WJ~ .... ~;~1:ir.·2~~ivSt.1Ct~: ~~dr~apre°l.Ap~id; ~1;t DELUXE 2 BR ."LHtle It's really ,"''t thatth~ T~Dev,Corp,1W73, 49J..HlO 2Syn;esper,StS-.6713 Mo~~b~·~bl. QUALlTY you've alWl)'I 642-8520. • • ' Balboa". Boat dock-tic up to replace. u1 wa c WI' Sta!e St., Redlands, Ca. 923 APPROX. 600 sq. ft, $13) GEN. Repair, ada, cab. · wanted. t>Na.maklfll 548-280S. priv1 No pets, no childrtn. furniture &: .~lscellanecJUs 21 UNITS mo. All utll'1 tncl., except Fcnnk:a, panelln& marUte. GWi-•I S.rvlctl '6a al~tionl. Key Say, 11&3 ~~~t~ a~C::O~~..:;; NEW Dix 1 k .2 Br. Shg UlO lJl()-yearly leue only. columns in """ Classified By Builder. 2 1 3 Br's, Walle phone. Ntxt ID S.C. Pacific .AP:Ylhinll Dick, 61MOll. _ On.nee Ave. C.M MS-1292 • 3 crpt, drps, bltrui, .Im~. 673--0m? Sectiqn. to -·-. ••••,ooo. Aloo, Bank, 1811 E. 17th St, C.M. _ APT CLEANING -Paint1.... ,.,.,..,.TIVE N~ONS 425 l'i(errimac Way, 545-6300 ottp. From $150. 540-1973, ... ......, ., .. ., -o. .,. . .... ..,~ r~i. ,.,. ,,.., 5100 ,.. An 56.. new 4-6-8 ""'" nr heh. Call Ample _..,_ -~--~i C ~ --Rua: Shampooq A i;t• ily Donna llff ~56-=2.'!21==-:--:-;cc;;;>--;::= S.nt• Ana 5'HS.nte e IN 847-3957. YOU Won't believe 250 aq ~, one,.,. Repairs. REMA.RC For the lbtil In CUiiom EASfSIDE: Studio, 2 BR 11Ai •Dt LUXE 1 & 2 BR.Garden --4 UNITS ft, crpla, drpl, furn'd, air, SERVICES. Ml.a made tuhklnl. S.18M ~~,:'_!1...i:._'~t~fri.&:. Apts. Blt·lns, priv. patio, LO DOWN FHA mutlc A ·utll's, Wfftd.Uf, ~.~:i ... cRPa~E, .a-~· CLEAfi:Vu~albteriance.We ""-'°'-•·='-;;:.:;c __ ;:_~==== ,... heated pool, frplc. AdulUi. All 2 BR. lnc:orne $480 mo for on!y STS. ·So uk • ~· "" ...,.c" -·-,,·' do ~thine! Free eat, JC Tiie C1remtc "74 * # 2 ·BR }'\lrn: Apts. $145 mo. 546-5163 54S-3i52 • why. IU-38}.1. etc. rnuup1 Im• n • hr lft'V • .__ _ -··'-_... -"-----1 Pool. 177 2'100 St, CM. SPACIOUS· 2 BR. bll, bltm, Asent, eves. · NEWPORT Beach Deluxe 5t8-&1Ml. • Ed's Oeaninc Sirvice * VerneJ The TUe Man * NASSAU PALMS. 642-3645 cpta' & drps, fncd hack yd. CM; below mkt, priced to Offtces. Air-cond, hill.' w/ CONCRiTE, All types. Free Carpetl. U~ry. WI~ CUit. work.)Mtall l:np&ln. 1 Bft. Mul1111. Pool. Ideal 770 W, 18th St., C.M. 1tU. $1800 mo, Income, 12 prlv. ba. 2400 w. Cout est. Sawinf, brtaldna., Mui-dowl • FloOr 'Cue. 545-0UT No job too small. Pluter ~~~~~~~n~~: ·~125• 364B2-890Rllt7~minium-Access ~~~n~~.~UW Hwy. . • ~~:.=·S:,~ce MAINT=llirldyman, •pee p&tio. i:_ lhonr NEWPORT Beach suites &ii tn1Jeri 1: mobile homes. T ·~ -LARGE 2 BR, near shop-t<> pool & c\ubhOU"'. Mon· DUPLEX 2 ~·· bl~·lnB, x llXiO aq. ft. ale SIM N. Block W.U.Driwwa)'l-o Ekp. reliable &16-9900 147.195 1-pinJlj. Adult!!, no pets. ln· Hccllo." liiquirr: 133 Mor-m 'U pr. enc1 pahfll. $31,000 An N wport WW t'llllec O'Dal)o Pi.lk>l-sidewalk. Lie. · -qui~ 179~ Rochester. rilltown Ln.1 CM .. 545-0T12 A I ' ,, gr $3e00. St800 dn, 2244A ~ · ' &U-8llS2 miitn or eve H.ull- 6 7Ji Trw S.rvfce ... * l BR. Pool Quiet. NASSAU 2 BR .Duplex, trpJc, cpls, a.c-""'lrlhu.r lCtar State, C.M. &G-7472 1 NR ~ewport P.O. a., CEMENT WORK, no job too ... Boe·s TREE SURGERY PALMS 177 E. 22nd Sl. Adul l'f only, Rel"1 1pleue, MUsr . .etl,. by own el': G~hound Depot. Office 16 smau, reUonable. Free UTE ff4Wlns A P.1'lt ill back fltterins the IUJI 642..3&45. $150. "499-3667. -4parl'"•"" Dupltx w/atijolnlng vacant x 19, $1~125 mo. ~'414. Etfim. H. Stuftlclr: 5tMSlS cluJMlp. Mon thru S&t. Fine Quality Tree Servica. LRG. 3 Br. crpl.&, drp&, 2 lot. $29,500. 6*-39S9 MORE Concrete paUo tor }'ree estimate~ * 541).3118 * kids ,ok, $1® + dep. 2214 Spani1h S1yZ. Luxury a;.-P......,rty 6ISO C1mm1h:l1I "'5 leu money. Artlrtlc RttU.S. HAUUNG' $10 A LOAD TREES Hedpt trim cut Newport Beech 4200 MESA MOTEL • UJW WEEKLY RATES 1r Kitcben, TY's, maid ~rvice:. Heated Pool. 646-9681 WKLY Rentals, 1·2 Br. from $100. Near Betich I Bay. Call (1) 683-8247 e WINTER RJ..:NT.US e e AVAILABLE NOW! e Abbey Realty 642--3850 corOne del Me~ I Bdrm, G•r•1• * 675-4952 4250 1"un1 lhose White Elephan!J Into cuh thru a Dally PUot DlmH-111'!1 ad!! 'College Ave. ,646--062'1 J • z s..i,~ '""1 • •'..,.... Uc., call Mu at &M-0687 Clean up, Tree Snv. Gen. stumps' mnowd, baulid. ,j I LRG 2 &: 3 B'R, 2 &ths P11n1NW •M Vrtflarrtl.tW C.2 )ot, 50 x 2IO with 2 WOULD !Ike to lell!' 1 to bECORATIVE CONCRETE Pruntrw IM&-2521. 5Q..I0'3 Y'1 eQ. FUily ~ MJ....m. ·Frplc, bltns. crpts, drpg, AJalt U..... BR bollll! on rear, near ~ aCNI 111itUly 2IOnfd kit DJUn:S..WAUCs..PATIO YARD I Gv. Cleanup. DON'S TREE SERVICE AD e:ncl. gar. patjp. 5t&-1rot Qselll1' !Ma c.,._ • .a ,.....,,,.. E . 11th, Owner. &li-4563, *'liP of veNdel. Vk. CALL DON, &0-1514 Remon tnn. tvy, truh. typn. Lile 1-·li'll. hie ~ * 2 BR. Crpta:, ~ pr 1: .. clil11t l1tr.lor .0.Rp 673--1413 ~.8. lt7·1C GNde, ~. 9D-IM5 timatn. 642-5614. + .,..,... $15!1. 'Adult>, "' .,,.._,. '""'"" 0 _ llutlnos• Rtntel -1110... iil'ORE 1"11ldi,.. TIME FOR MOVING, Garap c1o.;...,p =---- pels. '5r57-8400. rn..,. lhd •"' 8111~ .,..... w. lJth St. Bethel &: lite" haull1W. ltfUonable. Wlndew (IHhl"I "'7 EASTSIDE: Stud io, 2 BR l~ Alt C-'ilio-' COSTA MKI! 600 lq. ft. TOftn area, ~1111 Alt. F1ft estimates. &e;.lfo2. Ba. Cpts/drps, bltns, refrig. E1tJot four aw. prf..,• sa. oruce, 600 sq. ft. •lo~~ •IOI fUICK CASH pool. N1> pets. 646-6610. • ..... Poel-C.,,,,. ,,.. A1t'rM sq. n. 'shop. * VWllD Lob SPtJT t.ev.1 3 BR 211 ha. Now Renting 616-23!0. THROUG;H A N ts 918 " fiORE • 340 Pl>lwttla, Co-y •c'-u of ln-cpt/drp. bltns. o I>' · 1 ... ,,_,,.•I S..tA ,.., rr.. lF ou an uun ... ,.: ~fission Or No. 1 ~24. rona de! Mar, Le1.1e $125 to vntlna: bi llnd, nr wattr 113' -Crpl" .,.... elcc kl• 1000 IF'. /llaeArlltur Bl•tl· start. 14'. -<:re 173-1119 • ,...... .,,..,, wt4t Adults, no pets. Royal Palm l Mod £••I Brillol ~ 54J..48J1. varitty ol pme A leN: thih o " >104;10 s-,,.. 540-11497 IT'S B<acb house ttmo. Bia· 1 hr tnm • maJor cltr. .. -~ ewr! See the pltue ct.II IJr.'ve ._, O.Yl'1 Lg J BR 2 BA, cptg, drpe, ...... It .,.....-,.. Oooda. m.ea,t bll·lna, children OK. Xlnt/ J~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~I ~D;Al~L~Y~Pl~LOT=~Cl:••:•1;fled: _ .... llJ'Ctl, $lT.'i mo, M?-6151 I. .ecHon now! .,._, • - ~---------~-- DAILY PILOT WAtlf ADS WINDOWS Wuhld, hoflll or --•1111 67J5 -~ Call "" lido --SU-4400, ~ JOl'S CLIAN SIRV. Did,... ...t tbtOlii ot - W• do Evitythlnr •• Ra. A i,. Illa! Whlto -ID Comm, f'1'" Eat. $f9.3lJI the attic for ....U.lnc '8'i BAY A &aeh Jani.W can u•7 Tf7 thl Tradtri eu,.11, wt--., Puod* o:olumn la Ibo DtlJ. ... Rao' Comme'l ... 1«11 " Ptfol w ... -• ':"'"~-~-~--··---~-----------------------~-----------------------,, -- .MILY Jin.OT • M-1 JuM 22, 1970 • • 0 ll,.r.1 11 mm1--n,,,..iHRNOTIKllli1c:l 1 iiii5ilii'i'isl"J 1 ili,,..IA6NOT1Ulilc:rl't""'1 Joes a IMJILOYMINT JOU....! IMPLOYMIN! JOBS _a EMPLOY MINT JOBS .a EMPLOYMINT I JOBS a EMPLOY MINT Joas 1 EMPLOYMINT IUll...;;.::;:;.:::_ ___ 6l_Ol_l~--=;,.,:,;==;,;;,.--64-11-'_=~=.;,;-=-,--64-1-0• 1-<ll•th.,._..,Mlll•..,-~ W-.-1100 _Jo.. -· W-. 7100 Jo.. Min, Wom. 7iOQ Jobi -· W1111. 7100 Jo.. Mon, Wom. 7100 j;b. "iii;,,. Wom. 7100 i, ARE YOU COOK. """"· txpoc. Lunch -Sales -• -• l'A · _ il'SECREiARY* Al'AllTMI NT WANTED IEAUTIFUL7? ~~.~..Jn day•. ~ .. jo~ ~;;:.~1 GOOD opportunity for al•rt SITI It'• all In ll>e,.. of lho .,_ DENTAi. Aul • chalraldo , TRAINEE ...,.w,, 10 •~"' ;n 1 " 1 ClvttSAcca OVERWEIGHT LADIES holdtt.ClleckO.'lVcom. Elq>'d.~--~du"-llB l<eypunch{)pr. A ' pac<dN.B.advectl•l•r }'~nc.BoG~.~.•... -1~ .• )'OU ,watch ·and u 1CMa ofc. ,_ ~-._. Clerk wltlnance ex-... way for a high school graduate .,ency. All lkills incl. , ~ ..... .-,..,., _, ~ -.. • .,. ....,._,,.. _.,._ to enter the newspaper business Ahorthand req'.d Xlnlaal.ar1 - Prl , )"DUJ'e 111 Pf"tty u D~QIT"' ~•N"'D~ Exper. Rale Cleric -• be ••· Und. ., Pb - .... '"' we .• ". ---Ctng l"ufTllD lo . esllblish CALilr'.'CAs~~Q.' ~~PH• 'i:k..,.., "'' D.M.V. DAltY-Pl-tOT -~"~ " , : ' stltisttcs for rapid permanent weight loss, bi condnulnc it'• iM1'Cb tar 847~2507 exper, • SECRETARY wanted fM 5 conducted by qualified /'bysical culturists. everyday people who haw* DENTAL SEX:R.ETARY * Trainee: H01te111 Ca.t;hier Thi h' hi afternoon work week, In Must be a minimum o 20 pounds over· • desire to work on TV or ~ fOr c..ta Mesa Exper, Escrow Sccretacy 5 .1& Y auccessful local newspaper has rnsurance oUlce. No ex· weight. have transportation and not cur· modellne jobs. $75 to $125 orr1ce. PH: 548-MBS Polley Typist an opening for a trainee in the circulation perience necessaiw. Mi.~ Rfflton rently under doctor's care. All inquiries com· per day, No fee to you ever. * DRIVERS .,.. Girl for Codin& Dept. ~ales area. ~lected applicant will receive a **SECRETARY-GIRL FRI "'Our 25th Ye11r" pletely confidential. * FOR ON CAMERA "' NCR Bkkpna: Machine liberal startmg ·salary, regularly sch eduled Full time. Apply at · 673-4400 AUDITION * No Experience Operator raise~, bonus op portunities, and many fringe ~lacCregor Yacht Corp, . A$K FOR MISS POWELL ~537-5412 c~;i-.Mmto<l 6 835-8282PM NKfllCIPV! ~!:m~l~i-· ~:ef1ts su~hdas padld1 va~ations, paid group 1631 Placentia, C.M. ·, . urance an a ere 1 union . He ~ill also. be · * SEAMSTRESS • s.uma11. Acre1ige 6200 BABYSI'ITER For Church Hut lay.. dNn C:allfonlia Secreta~. top l'lklU. pr~~lded a c om pa ny car with personal use ing in · pleasant sUl'fOUl'ld. 1--...::;·------1BUSINESS' 11nd '4IO nursery 9:~11:15 Cvery ~EL•~ Appl1 Clerk typist, Rcrttary pr1v1leges. , ings.-CALL 540.3684. 5 ACRES, leVi!'I, XL.NT vu, FINANCIAL Announcements sun. ,St. 'John Epilcope.l ,,;flW CAI CO. Typlst, fiQ w.p.m. nr Roy Roger's Apple --:-Church Bay 1;·0nnge, C.M. UI~ ~~-~ Salesmen for paint store • Applicant s .must be 18, have a clean driv- vall.y lM • N•w Sp"ng Bu11ne11 NEW Chiropractic Houn. t:.AD --. • ....... ... -=-mg record have a high school d 1'pl and • " 0ppo~-1tlt •-1"""1 De. °"" A. fleld, ~~==-----D INDEPENDENT · h ul ' oma Valley Lake. $6375 FP rrun 1 -DC. 44;; E. '17th St. CM BABYSI'ITER For 7 mo boy RESSMAKER, experienced ~ O d be reasonably clear of military ser v· w /terms. Other &:d inwst -· ~8• 5:30 pm _ 3:30 am apply &: reliable, ueeded fl.all time. PERSONNEL AGENCY ice dr~. Hours are g~nerally 11 A..M. to 9 acreage & cabin 1ite1 AAA 2267 P!.acenUa. No. A,'CM 673-8591 lTI6 Orange Ave., Suite' C P.M. with some Saturday rovertime. "'/XI.NT temu;, Bkr. ADDITIONAL INCOME WRIBMIT!Ntypc;."'K_ "'.""Fuiti:"~~.~11&1,· BARMAlD EXPERlENCED E;;;N;rG;;-JJ;;SH.,--S;:pe::a"k"i•-·-1"'1v-,-ln C·.M. 642-0026, 560978 644-4670 .. ......... .... . If ~ou are qualified and a re interested in Let me prove $275!f inactive St'l'Vice for lettens, 1"e!<lQnel, 21-JJ. AJJPiy 2 pitr10 3 pm housekeeper for l&e fantlly. HELP YOUR learn10g-m ore about w he re this train~·n Out f St p 6208 assessment will return up to reports, scripts, etc. 646-5445 at Th!'. flame Room, 1880 $140 mo. ~ HUSBAND Jead s, com e to the DAIILY PILOT office ___!_ ite rop. 13511 month. ly, •--~ with Monrovia, C.111. Experienced K1t1:hon H·'p • W t Ba S ' ~ ... cu '=" • You can eern up to $12.50 es Y treet and ask for M r Williams in </ Beautiful 75% financing available. For Cemetery Lott 6411 e BEAUTICIAN e Wai~aes. Apply In pc"'°'1 In an hr. tak~ orders from the Circulation Department ' SHELTERED ISLAND personal, confidential inter. at LOVE 'S B-BQ 3046 B~ your friends, neighbors ~nd • in the San Juan blands, view at 00! Santa Ana Head. g PACD1C View Memorial Learn wig and hairpiece tol St C.~t. relatives for Studio 'Girl•r 'Jolls Men, Wom. 7100 Jolls Men, Wom. 7100 Wuh., In tho heart o! tho qtn. Phono llJ>.2541 10 AM P&rlt comelecy lo!& l>lO '"""' •'¥! .. u wblle you I 'f"Aa;;T;--;;&;-,U=G"L"Y=c?"'?"'?"' beaut. Good Hoo"kffi>;ng boating paradise of the to 6 PM. each. &42-1.323 earn, Salary It comm. approved WIGS, WIGLETS, Pacific Coast. W 0 0 de d. _ MALLIE'S WIG & ll you are, \\'e probably can't FALLS & cosmetics! Natural cove for dock aite. Moner te Loen -'320 6 PACIFIC View Memorial BEAT.n'Y SALON use .)'OU. TOp prof.it!. NG tenitory Nice beach. Close to shore · Park lots. $200 each. 646-:m& CALIF. CASTING CO. restrictions. Also sell where MAIDS, Mature, 25 or over Good salary for dependable woman. Apply 3151 Harbor Blvd, C.M. 11-foderat~ climate .• clean air, 1 I TD L 642-l323 or 642.4084. •• BANK TELLER. ex· Is continuing it'& aeareh in you work. Fl time or spare clear walen. This Island S oan perlenced, Full time. Please Orange Qi, for a variety o! hours. Side line OK. Ph MAINTENANCE I DISH. Is definitely unique. For full JOBS I EMPLOYMENT call 714: 536-9371 types, for worK in mag. mo. toll free 800-621-4005. or WASHER, n time exp. information ·write; P. 0 39' INTEREST deling, TV comml's. & Ind. write S1'lJDIO G I RL BENTON'S .COFFEE SHOP ~ !1·C:~~)e,.;:i 2nd TD Loan· ~:LO::~:ipM::: w~G~~~t~d~t~oti:: ~~1t~~D, ~r.· N~!1: ~33M~cc:~ ~::~:1·~ -----,---NURSES Needed tor private duty -every type. RN'a LVN'-s Prac. -Aides. All shifts. Call any hour, Lesooulle Nurses Registry 642--9955. ' . e e NEEDED Two Office Girls 11!ust be 25 and able to drive SERVICE CENTER Employ,...;nt Agonc:y Free & Fee Poaitions * G.n'I Ole $450 Diversified position I accur. j ypl1.t/id GD. phones, * Sec'y $500 3 Career positions / l diver. , sified I l Jeiat or R. F.atafe documentation I 1 resident. ial conatr. '" • * Exec. Sec'y to $600 Mgmt level resJ)On!I. Top skills, SH & typing / record of stability, * P·Tlmt Aftn1 $3 hr. ,. 2 Opening& avail I 1 req'1 accur. tigUre ,typist I the ot.her a knowledge ot elec- b'Onics, 500 Newport Center Dr, NB • Suite 200 By Appt, 644...f911 _ e\'e". Terms based on equity. desires all-around maln-Bankers Nol a school. Hollywood, Ca. 91605, for backzrourid·nttdedfor£lut --642 2171 545-061 1 tenaoce Jl()Sition..on priv&te FREE _full }nio & free ~mp~ _and cl_ay mfg, Pay rate -APPLY -, • ... l ..... E ..... 1 .. •o;th .. -sii'ii".icii.Miiii;-. ;;1·~v Sia-Attendant, pL MoUnteln & Dnert 6210 Se~ing Harbor area 21 ~ -Chris-Craft or! 545-7011 TELLERS -TV SCREEN TEST by mall. N.o one will call (l'epends on -prev. exp. ih CABIN-Mammoth Lak!I in S11tt'9r Morf911ge Co. PH: (714) 835-8282 o~ Yo\l. All replies con. both low & high fired pot. High Sienu. Furn. 7 nites 336 E. 17th Street Job W11nted, EXPERIENCED 10 AM to 6 PM fidential. Pti today. tery. Full time permanent $95. ~rve now 531-3374 ANNOUNCEMENTS Womlft 7020 FRY COOK & COUNTER HO?l-1EWORKERS (envelope employee. '492-1472. ~s ~7· 1 11nd NO,TICES SECRE'l'AkY Wantt'd or 5 NEW ACCOUNTS GIRL. part time. Apply 2-.c =::")sei~~: ::~ ~w!e U:~~-~·~1~ • · a.ftemoon v.wk week, In EXPERIENCED PM only. 899 ~·19th. C.M. R. E. Wtnltd 6240 FkMf (FrM Ads) '400 lnsuranco oH\co, No ex· FIBERGLASS I a y• =~·G,!'~: eaBo,;,...~· :a1 1 o 'f:=· ~,i, AM perience nece11ary, Top salary & benefits di & l~==~-~---'--l 4 to 3 aCl't'S for apts. 25 FOUND -Sm. pugnos~d 842--2508. For-men & Y.'Olllen Up, SGn ftCJ de• HOUSEKEEPER & ·Child MA'nJRE Sall'51ady. Exp Wlill per acre zoning. female dog, sandy color, HIGHLY ~xp. lady seeks day Jnte~ted in. joining a fast taiDng ewft9r. Ap-cate. Live in, a~ days. Pvt. .with paint & wallpaper OrangeCounty.Nobroken. short haired, wearing \\'Odclam-4pm$2.50hr.·FOWllll~bank. lyl -r• ED rm.&bath.Ref's.$50wk. helpful but l1Qt nee.~ &Th-nDO or 713/697..0010. orange collar ' w/bell. on Eve. $3 hr, Info, and phone p n person. • Call 540-9212. than full time, Vista Paint ~ ~t ~~1;8"~~: ~:~If~:· c.M. c.an ~·27~ P.O. Box 513 C.M. Centinela lank LER INDUSTRIES 1~0~~~~t!:i:t-i!!e~s!i M':;~~ 8~-='d, own valu $44,000. $10,000 eq. Ph. KEYS Found on beach vie. • INC. 2101 Dover op, exp, ref'.s req'd, 673-1887 tools. Ford truck exp. 844-2873. l•'·nd • Balboa. T-.;-AIDES -for convalescence, 3333 West C0111t Hwy. preferred. lllOO N'"'""' Blvd., ._ .,. .... "I .... '<' Id ri fa 11 N St N B HOUSEKEEPER for all girl ...... BUSINESS nd at front _,, .. ter o .. n.. e e Y C&IT or m Y ca.re. ewport Beech •t • • f ·1 •· th PH C.M • • .......,, • "'l'Y Homemaken. 5f7-6681. am1 y . .x:p. gues se. : FINANCIAL ;~D~ngs::::-~:~ nc:w~wo[!,.~1:tlec~f1.n~~~ t714) 646-n21 ~~K·~~~nccs1top Ha;~:sp;~:;2:s fee :~CAix:.~cep~~~'.st ;;;i ButlMll dog-4ll'OUnd Coe.st Hwy. &: S4l.J524, ~. 562 W, 19th St .. CM George Allen Byland Agency ti~. DI'!!. Longley & Opportunities '3ioo Main St., H. Bch. 846-4748 * BEAUTICIAN, for busy, ruu. PART 106-B E . 16th, S.A. 547-0395 Rosenberg. 644-2922. -~ newport . personnel agency. 833 Dover Drive Newport Beach 642-3870 F/C Bkkpr. $600 Thru financial statements for land developer. 111ust en.. jcJy working on her own in- itiative, Lagal Sec'y to $551 Mln.J yr Calif. law, probate, bankruptcy, civil for busy fine young att'y who needs a good right arm. time, exp'd only. See Jerr,, ~ 2590 Newpt, C.'ltl. I \VEEKEND SITTER; 1924 Temple Hills. t..aauna Bch, xlnt PAY· 494-7690. SITI'ER: Come to 1924 Temple flills, Ug Bch. Greatsittfr j()b, xlnt pay. · STIJD~! 11 Yrr i: Up , to sell candy. 1.1ake ~ . money in spare time & helP: • r needy school. No cash re- quired. &t2--0803 . 9-5 PM, ' 6#-2159 6-9 Pi'of It Sat. ' * STUDENTS * , Summer work for college stu. dents. Sales & marketbic sales positions. $532 per mo (as per agreement). Call 111Gn. & Tues., s.5 pm. Hunl Bch. branch • 5.36. 7521. I·,-•A"'"------'-' 10:00 ).M . .fi:OO PM. P~gi~Ul"RA·-·,.~~ in. popular priced C.M. Won. or TIME. ~ HOUSEKEEPING DE p T •. MEDICAL secretary, female, ftA ncl .... ..-.~ ·---Paid vac. No cllentele req'd up to $5. per hr. FULLER CANDY SUPPL y f'.O,.°':~aPuofppydo~-"-b!Hk, 893-2561 New grad welcome. Call~ BRUSH. 5*-5745 Part time. Bayview Con-' exp, 645--0460 Call 9 to 1 & 'J'HE BLUE BEEi' .... ~ ........... ., M valescent Hosp. 642-3505 2 to a wkdays. Acct. Clerk to $525 673-9904 -DINNER COOK ROUTE Bch haa Utile red collar. Woman \\ilhes day "Wk anager. 54&--7186• Exper. + some bi."""" Start $30. per shift CNO SELLING INVOLVED) ~12-ts. . Good and reliable BEAUTY operator "«:anted • HOMEWORKEJi.S WANTED schooling. Will train u~~ THREE Weeks v a cat i 0 I\ Plan one ........ $325.00 FoUND Wbt toy male Poo-References 835-5159 m clientel necessary. (EnvelopeAddrtssen). m 6 CPA. Constr. bkgrnd help-relief. Urologic back offiet!. Plan two •••••••• $975.00 die area lndlarmpolil & BOOKKEEPING-Gen1 of· Guarantee. 60 % com--Gales -Rush stamped, se l f -ad-•.:1.:1 ful. Start July 6th. Expo". Planthree •••••• $1625.00 N,.•-~ H Bch .~2158 !lee. Exp'd, want ._......., miuion. New graduate dre111.ed envelope . t ~eC d ,_ .. ...__ ,.....,.,_ .. r Inquire about all Ex lie t UUIU, • JiR" ..... u• o""'·'. Neu-Area. Pho-LANG D 0 N w 0 R L D A f ef\Ul::U. U I '" ....,.,...,y -income for a 'few~ Ladies prescri~ glaues. pos.ltlon 646-2134 after 5 PM ~ ......... ~ . .... Learjet TRADERS. P .O. Box 1127. gency or s.1., Sec'y $450 Rosenberg. 644-292'.2. weekl,y work. (Days 1 Intenect Dover 1; Cst Hwy DENTAL HYGIENIST BOO A21. Redondo Bea.ch. Calit Career Girls For attracL Ne\vport Beach WAITRESSES Eveningl). Refilling and .NB, 323 Marine Dr •• Bal Lil. Avail Miur 11·26. 540-1481 loca~:o~~tJn~an':Y: Corporation's 90278 linn. Attracti~. experienced, Full • collecting money from coin GOLD Bracetet )'OUth center OOMESTIC work wantt'd by needs full chg. thru TB. HOTEL Front Desk Cashier. EXEC. SEC'Y PBX-60ID $47S time. New nautical ttrtau. opn"&ted dispcnaen in New. t.ennil courtll CdM. -day, It interested pl.east call Gd. pay. Resume to: P.O. A200 NCR eXper. req'd. Del Good skills, mlnu1es of board Lile t,yp. needed. This is 8JI 1'811L Exceedingly high tips port Beach and surroundine -673-1071 543-1139 Box 8325 F .V., Cal. 92708. Static Power \Vebb'1 Newporter Inn. N.B. meeUng, public contact. Top outstanding company for the '+ salary. Interviews ·9 Aln· area. We e1tablish route. FOUND Sm loviJW: grey ========= CARPET MAN wanted. for 644--1700 . level position. Aeeurlt,y minded, 12 pm daily. (Handles name brand candy Siamese l CdM. Jobs Men, Worn. 7100 small shop. Contract labGr. Division INDIVIDUAL ,vith ma i I BALBOA BAY CLUB and snacks. For permnal ca ~7262 order exper. Box 111-1014 SEC'Y LEGAL Order Clerk ••-Cat.ring Dept. interview in Newport Beach . 675--54()6 ....... , p ·1 t -· w Balboa Outstanding !•gal -·p. ~op --1221 W. C:>ast Hwy • ...... ..... nam~ addrep FOUND Kitty cat Im -y ~ a'bfl1't1·es CHEVRON STA Service at. I.ltd y IO. u.u . • ••VM ,. OppGrtunity for unnappable Ne·~ "·ach ' •" h h I llo • N B skills, beautiful 0Uicc1. / -~· • ~ and p h 0 n e numbe1" to &: wht looks like she's been tendant. 'ltfust have neat ap-al t • o wing · · young woman w some order MULTI-STATEOISTRIBUT. recent mother. &tZ-3444. [Jr.Jlimifeb pearance. Apply: 3 0 48 iob opportunities INHALATION THERAPIST desk exper. Heavy phone & " ING, INC. 1681 Broadway, AT Laguna Main Beach, aet ageflCV Bristol, C.M. A.R.l.T. re<fllired. App I y SEC'Y customer contact. Anaheim, Calif, 92802 cnu of keya, Identify, '7 ............................ 1 Personnel (U4) 499-1311, So. For 2 men. sales bkgrd good, 778-5060. , 4 gg.1132 Clerical ELECTRO· Coast Community Hosp. Xln't typing & SI-I, Summer ofc iob $1.75 hr Intelligent, \\'ell &'.l'OOmed, ** WAITRESSES Experienced Apply to J\lr, Hyde or Mn. Koox SECRETARY 31872 Coast Hwy, So. * FAMOUS BRAND 2 FEMALE kltt•na. 1 blk, Ant. to Exoc. S.C'y & 3 Nies RUTH RYAN MECHANICAi. Laguno, 92677 NAME * l calico. 54&-5245 M•n. SH 111, 1ccucole typ;ng AGENCY * LAB TECHNICIAN CANDY & SNACK ROUTE & dictaphono. CongoruaJ SPECJALJZJNG ASSEMBLERS (PART OR FULL TIME} Lott 6401 pleaaant atmosphere, IN ~~i:·= r::~~:~1ik· VERY HIGH INCOME . PLEASE· Loki'1 ma~ . OFF1CE PERSONNEL ?i-1ust l!Jve expcr, In E/11t es. camparators, calibrate We need a distributor in this . • e . LEGAL SEC'Y i-No-~ Blvd., CM assembly \\'Ork, preferably s · & mlm.... a: she ts haVJng •:>,) .. ...,.,, gages, etc. Wlflg gl'll\'e area for our candy (Nestles. • ~ breakdGwn Her Well groomed sharp girt for 6f6.4854 pciwer supply type equip. shift. $2.25 per hr + lOo/o. Planters Tootsie Rolls Milk ' young attorney. Skills must 17931 Beach Blvd., HD App in person. Duds, eic:.), No eeuuig in. mate, a male AlaskB:n be tops, Dictaphone~ MTST 847-9617 UCTS 'Volved We furnish all ac-Malamute (sled dog), ir 2005 S. RITCHEY ST. Z.D. PROD counts: You must have 2 to blk/wht/tan, IA?st vie Back exper. l """"'""'""""'""'""'""'""'"ISANTA ANA, CALIF. 3190 Pullman, Costa 111esa 8 hn. per week ~ .... lime Ba 4 Y substantial rev.'8J'd. -CLERK-Equal opportunity employer ·~· 92-3573 ASST. BKKPER (days or evn). ~~,.:...-______ Bright girl w/guod gen'l PRODUCTION EqUal opJl()rlunily employer LADIES 2540,-11 ~m·2 pm $1150 TO $1950 WHITE female whippet, acclng. exper. \Vill train lo CONTROL or later. Boys, 18 yrs & CASH REQUJRED looks 1ike small Greyhound. be F /C Bkkper. LOOKING for bright girl who up-day or nite sh if t s . For more infonnaUon write Vic Balboa Blvd A 2kh likes working wtlh figures.l"""!!""'!l"'!!'l"""'~~""'• I 111alntenance man 6 am·l ''DISTRIBUTOR DIVISION St. 540-8308 alter 3PM. ACCTS, PAY AILE Will ~ invoices, process 0.n'I Ofc to $JOO pm. Apply MacDGnald's, 635 •23", P.O. Box 1739, Po-=H=eart~b_ro_k,e•.,.n_! ~--~ Type SO, good A/P back· purchase orders, use car· Interesting, varied \\'Orie In 'V. lSlh St. C.l\l. m~ Callf,_91722 . Include FEM. ca.~ Shy,_aentit. ground, Postin1t, process\11£ dex, add, ,mach, & calc. pleuant Newport. Beach *LADIES* 18-60, show phone number. Brown I gray I ye11ow, Vic, etc. 10 Key by touch. Pn> Exp. rqd, Good oppty, fGr medical olficcs. Top bene. SARAH COVENTRY Spring Dlsttlbutors Nwpl Riviera Condo . gressive:young company, advancement, $400/mo, to flt~. Call Miss Verna, & all season jewelry. 100-/. PROFIT 642.-7540/Rew. Fa.mi vecy start. 557-6122, Abigail AbbGl Per. Absolutely no invest'ml. We Route Sal:s Co. Contracted lt)~atta=c~hed===--~~-MTSC/MTST OPR sonnel Agency, 230 W War. train. 53J.-863l or 962-5988 ApJ>l'()Wd acct's, J ust Ser. * MISTAKE-Wong no. Call Exper, w/composer required, XLNT. \\'Orking cond._ all ner, Suite 211, Santa Ana. * Mgr Mfg Engrg 20M vice. No Selllng required. Back please. Tan terrier; Koow K-Pack & coding for ~i~ benefib incl. profit GardeTl(!I' BSl\IE Rcq. Recent Demon. Investment security. May preg._ No. Seu.bore Dr. composer. Xln't salary, (eilfornlll ft\AINTENANCE !1l'Bblc cxper, in tooling & finance to qualified. i,64=.2·.:35::19:;:·.,,.---.,,,--,..,. I . ion Mold' PERSONNE:L tooJlng methods, cost tt.· (C11ll Collect) Lost; Seiko man's v;atcb. REC PT /GEN'L OFC n1ect 1"1 NDVPORT BEACll duction,. etc. Hydraulic Davkl Moore, U.P.S. Stainleu stttl, auto, Lost BeauWul Laguna unn needl 2:M> Briggs Ave., C.l\.1· c cl b kl valvP & !>)'Stems bckgmd (213) 461·75lt Canyon Elementry, Reward. attractive, very \\'ell groom. (Irvine Industrial Complex} ::;~en~ O:ra1:::~ helpful. Aerospace exptt. (l\fin, ln\.UI. S995. Rcq.)· 64&6646 aft 3:30 ed pleasant lady, able 10 COASTAL AGENCY chanic to a~ist in the de-not applicable. Company SECURED Fem, med 1iz: dog, blk w/v.•h meet the public. Gd jen'l ofc A member of vrlopmenl and mai ntenace pays fee, r ce j<>bs also. Con. Qiffee Distributor frosted back, tan I~a & muz skills, Snelling &: Snelling Inc. ot an exchWve golf course. tact or submit resunie to ()ppbrtWJlty for rellablc per. 615-3827 The World's Lerge1t ' This is an excellent oppor. ANGUS GORDON. son 10 deliwr coUee to Ind.l 'SM=ALL=~m=-a~ck~dog-.~(~1-moo~J ESCROW OFFICEft Profe11lonal tunily for someone interest. J. R. Pierce Com I k I~ f FHA E I t St ' ·" · t J 1 t A~"IOCiatcs Agency, lnc. plants, Ofc, Bldp &: other vie, s. A. Jfghts, Very P r.:iw cuge o re-mp oymen rvte• '-"'-' 1n u. • nta n ena ncc. IGC, E>o:cept. high earnings, friendly_ !'J46.,196a quired. Previou11 exp in S.v. 2790 Harbor Bl, CM 540-605S Plelllle sehd l"f!sume or brief l88:i NPwport, CM 642-6720 ln~tmenl of $1995 to~· PART Persian &: p/Siamese ing.! &: Loan helpful. l.Dvely Harbor Blvd. at Adams letler outlining your quali-i\tAIDS Wrlte for more Info., giving Lite gray. Vic. Irvine & aurroundlnp &: collcarues. ficatlon11. and wage history LIKE 1-1 0 USE W 0 R K? address &'. ph, no. 10 QutCK 20th. 6'!2-8659. ***.COOKS to Box 11-!·lOlS Daily Pilot. Permanent resident Laguna KUP D~I. Co., llll Rob;n-1:;:=,.;;;;:;;:==== TRISH HOPKINS Bo"h want<d foe maM hood Stockron CaJ 95207 ~-E , ____ , I GUARDS \\'Ork 6 days/\\·eek. 494-1196 • • · · Personals 6405 -E, 17th, Sutt, 224 C.M, xpar~-on y • • • * Locel Opportunity* 642-1470 8 APPLY e Immediate 0 &. pt tlmr posi. ?1-1A1DS y,·anled Tull tinte or Employment Agency mainly * FULLY LICENSED * The F ive Crowns tion11 avail, San Juan Ca p!~ just Sun1mcr "·ork. Exper salaried pocltkml. Estab, 20 Renowned Hindu Spiritualist. Account• P 1iy1ible $450 Ret t1iur1int tranG IU't'R. Unlfornig & not rJC'C, Ken Niles 111arlna yrs., k>w over hf'ad. profit. Advice on. all matt~. Beach area. Call Loraine, tbel. 3-5 p.m. only) equip furnished. Fringe hen. J\1otel 1021 Bayside Dr, N.B. able Can train Investigate Love, Mamaae. BuSJness Westcliff Pt'.ncinoel Agency, S801 E. Pacific CoMt H\\'V. efirs, Co.r & telephone req'd. NO matter what 1t Is, yoo .I: ~ offe.r • O\\ncr hu Readingll given 7 days a 2043 \\'estcliU Drive N.B. O:lrona <lrl Mar No ph. cails Apply at: 13912 t:>condcrosa can ~II It with a DAILY other busincU intuerts. week, 9~M~9PM 312 N. El &if>.2770 ' COOK * * * ~f-', S.A, 'PILOI' \VANT AD! 642-5678 l."ves, 673-0372, Clc.:;anl"",,'°!~"!16!;, Sa4~ -1& ADULT Babysiller, my hse, FULL OR Pl' T"!E WOULD )QI like a builnesr "~ -w~ "" :o.-..i 5 day1 $25. Newpor1 Shores. No Phone Call; "'' Jebs-..Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs Men, Wom. 7100 of your own! You don't need * Newporter S11un1i * Rd's req'd. 646-1":34 Apply In Person • an office IG 1tart. Begin at For .Men A Women ~1/Eve1. Sat " Sun. * SURF ~ SIRLOIN * Mme tuii of-part time ~ Profer&Klnal Female Sta!t 646-3698 a930 Pacific O>ast Hwy, for htaband A. Wife f-« I"' Newporter Inn Hohl APPLIANCE: ?i-18f'Tied, )Wirt· NeWJl(ll't Beach formation cal.I 4~ No 1107 Jamboree Rd. N.B. . Six - Uon, : 6«.Q960 time c~. ~·r reslde ll-* COOK -Da,ys, relier shift , cy ·ttq. d. Apphance sa)('fl 5 days wk. El(Jler'd,, for ATTENTION. Party GfVttl. FOR A~ n:nnywcll • Happy ~ &el'V!«. $3.50 per ht lo i convale5etnl hosp, Apply in La.trst WbkMll In costume Father 11 Da.y, Daddy. "!• ;:'m?° A1r James C714) penion: l10 Vlctotia. C.i\f, rings, trom Europe. Call think you:'re the greateet.1 -'"'=;.;:===~=~ COOK : Evening shif t. l\.t11~t an. ': p.m. n~7699. Your lovtnc fa.mlly. ATTE NTION BOYSI know ell <lh.••s. UAi\1-7:30 PRE·SCl:fOOLS: Escondido SWINGERS Orange . County Summl'.r work. You can make P~I. rall 638-Sl;.Q, Engineer Design Engineer Electronics \VI' t re fl fut-gro"'ing AnRhelm·be.!ed organin· tlGn t hat need a gr&.dua1e EE "·Uh flvr yea~ e)(· pt>rlcnce In po\\·er eontrol utilizi ng hlch treQucncy po\\·~ tr&m i1tor1 &nd SCR'a:. Our grot111 1s 11.mtll but our exJlftnslon proi;i·111n \Vill ~h1e you evtry Oflport.unty for p1·orcstlon11I, personal and Untincl&.I gt'O\Vlh. Wr\tt' today dc:5crJbln~ \VOrk hl~tory and salary 1·t>qulrcn1cnt1 to Box 1-t -592 Dally Piiot. • CLERK TYPIST Accuracy, gd head for lig· ures, \Vlll train on books. GEN'L OFFICE Relieve on switchboard mall deliveries. diversified lilt typina:. SEC'Y Assisting pre1idenl11J sec'y. Top skills, xln't potential I benefits. sharp young lady to v."Ork in Van de Kamp Coffee Sbop bu11y ofc. doing relief PBX, 3099 Bristol, C.11f. '' ' running errands etc Must have-own cRr 40 hr ·k WAITRESS wanted, apply ,iq · " · person Mesa ~ 17a'l Plea1e, call before comina Supe~ Ave. Costa J\ieu. in. This Is a partial listing ol our job opportunities at thil time. For further lnfmna- tion, please call or come in, USEL Car salesman app!Y, a1 1'1arcus Moton, 2026 Harbor, C.M. WAITRESSES*** EXPERIENCED No Phone Cab OUR Credit union needs a Apply In Person . part.time exper he Ip er. SURF & SIRLOIN , A/PAYABLE Phone Mr. Johnson 8.14-5227 5930 Pacific Coast HW)'. ' 2 Yrs exp. Typing & 10 key or a:l8-0739 NN1>0rt Beach adding, New &: beautiful fa· P0AR"'T"·"T"-IM"E".-..v'='e-=-=-accu=,::a7t•' I ·-,,~,A-'l::::~'..'..C=::'.'..--1 ill . • J * TRESSES * Expr'd. c hes, at simple math, copying ASST. BKPER Eves. Casa Garcia, 1712 figures a.nd using e.dding Place ntia, c .t-.1 . machine, Need car. NB ti73-3863 WOMEN, Lite delivery work. ;;,;,;.;==.--,--:--.,..--1 ••1ust have own car. Apply: Accts Rettivable, voucher· ~ng, figure typing, Great people! Purchasing Agent 325 N. Broadway, Room 410, A11 l1tant Santa Ana. 410 W. Coest Hwy. Newport Be11ch 646-3939 ' 11-luRt type and have some buying experience. $2.50 'VOl\.IAN fGr drug store wortr · min. hrly, salary, Apply in in C.r.1. Apply to Box Pl042, Daily Pilot. MTSC /MTST OPI Hrs. 8:00-4:30, !!Omelimes 5:00 lor good Cmla Mesa linn. $521).$5.10 mo. Exp, re. qu ired. Newport Personnel Agency 13.1 Dova r Dr., N.8. 642.3170 l\10DEL needed for p/time work. caJl 646-6896, If no ans. 549'-3108. """°" Z.D. PRODUCTS 3190 Pullman, Costa l\tesa *PERSONNEL CLERK* l\1\n. 2 )'l'll. cxper, Dulles in. cl'd screening, interviewing applicants, handle group in. 1urance. accident reports, maintain personl'K'J records & related corn!sponden<.'e. Kno"•ledge nf Spanish help.. !ul. $2.50 min. hrly salary. Nursing Apply in pc.non REGISTERED NURSE Z.D. PRODUCTS r.c . .c.c.u. 3\9() Pullman, Costa 1.1('88. Expanding unit. Challenging Equal opportunity employer oppo.rtunlties, continuing ed. REsrAURANT l\1/1-' lull or u~ation program .. Contact part time. $1.75 hr. + DIM!Ctor of Nuns1ng, Miss 5-1-1686 bet l·S • Irene Snyder So. Coo i!it Con1. .>-· pm. munity liosp, 31 i2 OJa;I f!B ~IA1'URE, exper'd, pn> Jlwy, So, Laguna. Cn4J frMiona.I salesmen. A 11 499-1311 Ext. 356, oreas of Orange Co. open. Income ovtr $1000 n10, 1st. mo. Evet • 962.-4981 Nun.In~ RN • Calif. II ctn st 12 Pl\.! lo 8 Al\.t shift APPLY in pe1'fl011! HUNTINGTON BEACH CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 187!n l>tJa\VfU'e, Jl,8. NURSF.~: RN'.,11 to 7:30 llm !!hit!. lull time. Relict R.~-3 IG 11 :30 pm. Xlnt 10Ia r y & h e n e f t t1. \Jndt'.r ~w O\\'nel"!lhfJI, P a I m c r e • l Convalescent llGSpltal, 13075 Blackbird St. GRNlen Gro\'t', Sal" 1'~11 tilrn! flf' Pan timt EXPEnrENC'ED SALESGIRL E:iccellcnt 5tdary, coinm. & benefits. Call for i.ppt: !'i4().~ Ext, .sn JOSEPH MAGNIN r.q llR.J oppor1unlty employe r YOUNG Lady over 2 5 , Steady jof, Mle11 wort. Anthony's Shoe Service . 673-8041 .. YOUNG Lady over 2·5. Steady job. Power sewill(( machine exper. Anthony's ' Shoe Service. 673-8341. Schools-lnotruction 7600 ---TEACHER \\'ill tutor durirc • 1illmmer months. Fount.In Valley. 540-593.1 Theetrlc•f ACTING Do ynu \\'ant to be a full time '''Orking profesl'llonal1 Do - you hti\'e lhe 8t'Jf di11elplll'ili · IG l'IUbject )'OUrsell to a ri1- id British training couf'IM!'I; the arlil'llic humility to ac- cept minor roles until the · training period 11 compleleT It llO Til"E LONOON LA· CUNA A C T0R S WORK. SJ.IOP mlghl be able to help you, No previous experience ncteMary, oo age bal'Tler. i\tembt'rs of this e:'l'.cllllliw group \\i ll only be accepted • upon a satisfaclory pc.iwnal inte.rvit'W with !he dl.r«tor. Call 49-i-44£1.1 for &(lpt. 0 RA1''GE County's Profes. 6: CM. )Jc 30 l SO. •ne&A, Guidi!. Free info wnt~ P .O. SJ>+ per wk·pt lime. llclp dn. ct WUHam1, rutr. Box 2111 Anabe.lm S280f us gel new customer• for a ~166 ALCOHOUCS Anonymous great MWRpa.ptr. Must be OAtLY Pllm DIME .. A Phone SU-721T or write to 12-lfi..yrs, Coll ?I-tr, Gonnl)', • LINES -,.. juot -P.O. Box 1233 Coeta M-S<S-1930 nowt mes a df•• Dial IOa1I b' RESULTS DJal 80-$18 A ch&J'&t It. BUSIEST mA rkt tplace in tov.'fl. The DAILY PlLOT ClassUied sect.Ion. Sa v ci money, time .I: t.Uor1 by •hoppln' from your annr hair. EquAf'" OPl)f)l'IUl'lily employl'l' Dial 64_2--5618 for RESULTS =-'--'-'--~-I~~--~--~~~~:.!'.:!~~~.- SALESLADY • Sunda y s . Rional ftcpc:r1ory Thealrt. , Gourmet ACCf"llsoriPs Sho11. So. Co a 1 t Rcpe:11.<>ry Nt"1\'J>t. Sch. ti73-5.123 1~ of(crin; iu 1111 public SALESGIRL. exp'd.-f-o r Summer workllhop. cal ·,.. b«ktry. 819 \V. l9tb St. 6-j6-0.1&!, betwn 10 -ti. eo.;;::;::"':.:::M.:""=-· -----DAILY PIWr-wi Nr-AD§! ' ~-----------~~~-~~~~~ -- • ·---,---·~------• >;• • ' · '!~~!!!!M"""'=·~·~J~uot..~22~.~~~'llO~~~=m ~1Lft:~~ :~'l~~D~uc:· :~~'l~~~s:.3-=~~::= FREE TO YOU ITllANSPOltTATIOH ' TlANJ"OlTA F~lure IOOO Oorqe Salo 1822 Toltvlalon • l20S Ml...U-S.llMl!t tell MIMle H9nea ftOll Trucb ,... Cornptr1 - ---............ with_,,, 2!1' -Ill ~ CiiiHOI cOUlifY" LEASl-A-TlUCK r J'uJJ .................. tJ'#C. KING Slll CLOSING Cabinet Shop GIANT 1970 Ztn1tb Color TV ~1~1:~'*'xln~= =·~ =·r::. au<c motor, head,. hinaed Exclualvt.o.itr For '70Oodl8CSOO.VI,21p. XI ~ple~~~l88~i ! · llDROOM Tools. hnl~. many ml.tc. Sate. Ever)'thlnc must eo. $3)(1/btt ofr -= Shell devilhb' • enertatrw,. wuti mut torward. tent C(Mll', LA PAZ hl Vait .•.••• Ne:.19 per mo 18th St eo.t;" 1tilL 1..aCetdrawerdnuer,mft. bargains. 1621 Superior dlM! to Jeue. Dive'• TV. Stat.km oo.~~tla wryloudmoton.Will• ?Min. jib, pnoa .•..... '10ChtvC1'0-Vl.21P'2>-.;=='"""'=====I ror:~-= stand., Ki"' C.M. lllO s. El Cami"' Real, Son P'ENDU a.. plllle "taClllt;"Olcoune 516o1811S •ktr. Xlnt qotlll. -· Cuoi.n lullt Coochoo hi Vian ... '. •• Sl!8.ltpermo i);;... lutllH '521 ~.. ~·quot. Appll Qemfnte, 492-Gll. ..L.I •1-~ .... ~ ........ ~ anytime . (n4\ ~DO~ Clll sa: IT TODAY! ·n Dodct Van ~~Vl~·~"'~ID/;l.t:'.i:.J~~~~~4-~ Jiii••-· -~ .• b -•nce1 11W • , 1 , • -i\il~ ~·...........--'f'N 'b~ 21S/312--4B radio -·oo -* , tar .•. ..,..,_.. :n...-. ·1 t •• •••• · · -· ..... mo et~,~~~ ot Spanieh NoRGE Auto wuhf!r, ·~; Hl-1'1 .& Ste.... 1210 * l7M4IM * male ~~e rr._:,:S CAL 151 t mo old, t.1 «it· Guaran • 0 UOdii Prcit: au • 80 hp .vw. lJcerwed. Needs . I ·or Modeni St:vle model. xJn't <'Ond. ~ lll·Fl AM:·FM •te:teO·Dulilh retil Loves chltdrll ix.rd, bow • ..,, pulpita. in 'NIUn ramU¥. Adult ~~~~.::;!'·~~ work/mike oaer. B ill, r 1 l'l•LL l'OR $249 pertont, $7S. AllO, Norp n'lOdent. 1 foot $1110. Auto Mlec. W•nW 1610 ~-bttwn 10 I: ti ttow. tnnllted back •taf, Park. Buy )'otll' Coach from ........ ,,... ..,,.-... m.-86!i1 • . t'" ga:; "'-·er, late--"-!, v•n't -"'lo ,.,.._,.,., ............ wa·-AM g••u etc. Muat .U, trandlrred, US and •ve on factory di-John Davia .. I evw ~--•· ~ t<Jo dQwn pmt•. only $9 mn. ...,,. u........:: "" ~--~·· ""' ........ .., • • '"' rra. 73 Linda Ille N.B rect ~ Over 100 mo-9 to 6 daily _ M7..860Q ~ ~ ... ~---. 1 1 WILK'S WAREHOUSE conJ, white, a;. Will d~Uv. $50. st~ Wanted Ba~arian chi' mla. Sa\'e us tram the pound 6 ~ • . dt1t to cbooee ~ Leo Ltmtr r•-r..-• 1iOO W. 4th St, Santa Ana 347-aus or 546-8672. RCA -Stmo Conde et.ll pleoet, EJectra pattern wk old KittMt, blk A :.rt, NEW Fibu&lw Naplta ~OIILEU= SALES 1 to { eva. -213-TR 3-1095 ~· Dlil.Yl-9Sat9-6Sunll-6 PERLICK52 cuinreach-i~ beautifUI _ SISS. 505 SUnunerVine.Phalt~PM: blk&srey.194-M , Saboti-Rec . $319 , 237So.Tultln,~ GMC.i..TRUCKS TRA ... SPOJiTATION .. ur;-JU.TON Bdrm Rt Dbl rtfrlgen.tor. 3 glus ·sl.k:U':'& Fullerton Ave. NB 604125 Doc: Bi& Gtrman cii...-i.o, ci-~ ·wetk -1.._....,. •. 633-2981 633-2914 63frl446 ""~,---· doors. Self cont:Jl Md urut. 1WIN r---._.. -~ Here tmportelf C1r1 NOi dreaer, cheat of dra~eni, Like new $650, M&-5644 , Slze Canopy Bed in lave• Kida, tiefd• ~home complete w/sail A all ac-now. -·'-"';;...;;::~_...;..;;;; ""' ,1anc1, HI , poet" ""1· Sporllftl Oooda UGO aood cond. , .Hu lie. S4UIU · -· J430 w. c-1 THE rlADOW$ hM>edlata Dollve'1 AU5'11N H•ALIY ~lliO freeJlt.'r , & ,Refri1.1 USED Appliances I: TV'.1• GO CIJl !Wl'.MT25 8 Kitte111, adorable 4 malel, Hwy, N.B. ..., Other tierM. J004 Hawn Pl. a1l ruaranteed. Oun!l.P•· .,.YM~:..:1 u!:f· !': illT TANK&. PUMP 4 Females 1 •RH=o°"OES'=""'33~ .. =HAN=AllOU'==· (Irvine) Soutb@rn Orana-Coontt• AUSTIN AMERICA NB 64$-0175, 646:-3130 ~~7188~ e wpor t • C.M. & 4 wooda-\Wdp. Very nice • 548-T218 • ~ . Beautifully equipped and only Authorized GMC Dealer . FOR Ila.le: Beautiful love bq: with blpod. All for only CUTE tuc"k 6: white female maintained. ldtal W raciZ1c Rnmladom 11'9 mw beln& UNIVERSITY sei.tinaatingold&lul)hol. KENMORE automat i c $35i·Sf6-2050 , MKfsl-.ry, ltc • .,. klttf!n. uveJY penomHty. arcrulsin&. taken in OnJiie <:.ounty'a OLDSMOBILE 1 cu4~ arm chr. Re.as, wuhtt in xlnt eond $45. --~1345 6123 "600'-TE!lMS flnrtlt~mMteampletepulr 21SOH&rbo(..Blvd. 64&-1775 ' \l.'ill deliver. 546~8612, Mia II l600 e MFGR MOVING See at 19 Bay llJ.and at 14851 Jeffery Road (Sur-Co.ta Mt!&& 5t0-9640 LOVELY Floral mfa, never 847-8U5 ca aneout Alr mm.pn9)p_. •pray ClNCOdt'.M~kltterw. CUte 673--1232 J()llndeef b)' <>ranee Groves) New '70 Datsun u~ $125. Match. love seat •Maytag deluxe washer $90 Gll!':J'S boothl, 'lftY l\IDl,_paintl, without taili. MZ-<ll54 8123 22' ENSIGN Sloop, In lrvlnt, For Information, 1800 OHC, Pickup with camp.. s1s.-Pvt pty. 530-8337. Maytag'1et, cu dryer $200 ri mda.I cablnets, -furnace, ALL White lo\lable llii yr. tiblqlua main jib A call 1113-51», 5ll-85'n or er. Sale price OJ99 dlr. 20 'PC. •'MADRID" Othtrs from S2S UI) 531-8637 Custom Made R.irial, Tie = ~dt.:I ~~~ JoldMOMutt. s.16-mT 6/22 _.,._ oul'ttmrd ~otor.' Sail 531.&105, C• 6iJ98) Will finance prt ~:RO'OM GROUP GE late model washer,~ perl. Taca, cutt Links 6 Other frames, sta~. uh tnys, -old black 6 wh.la A ~ ~ ~vers. $2'150. vate party. Call, 54S<t052 or "'QM MODEL HOMES co67~~·..,!60: See It run. Call Uem1 For . . etc. &tJ...1218 5'9-21111 l)Uppy. 5e-;363' 6122 dAlaol•,.;.,, 101100, 2 .. ~luapu -IA"( HARIOR c494-,_.,9'17""3.==~~-.-- Incl1fdea: • ·Quilted ' tofa & ,}""Ml,r,I • Fathet'I Day " G~lluatlon ~ • ' --' GOLDEN IAb, mixed, all ''6'Y• • 0 "1"'.LDCll Moblle Heme ..... ·so GMC . icku % T ~ ~liair,.2endtables l.colfee SEAESCountryKltchen.eltc eFu11LineCastineSupplie1, FREE TO YOU thoti-$t5o.5lllll 1122 27' FEATHER •1'1°P-ALLNEW'70MODILS tire&, en:ine p-·.::. tabie. 2 lamp11. dresser, mir-range, like new, cost SDI, Waxes I. Machil)el')'. Ewl'y--6 KITJ'ENS. 5 blk &: 1 calico. fi~clu over wood. Gd NOW ON DISPLAY $100 or beat. ~ aftu rnr, hei.dboard, 'quilted box sell for~ cash. 49,l..3650 thing For The ~HourxU. HELP! Mom, Mom to Be. 162::;59! , 6/22 cond. $1795. S31..&6.1 att. 4; 20' Wides u low u $599$ 4 si:tfnra -' mattress, s pc O'KEEFE & Me rr 1 t t Open sun., C!Ol!led Mon. I: S kiuerw. Sm brd. thrt APT. •lie ref. Id runnlnr; ~1393 12' WidN to 3'' f'1clel '··:;o--C-h<-vy--1-to-,-9-.-, .... - dir!l'!I' room; table 1: 4 hi· w/griU, 6 yn old, $70. 5 M GEMS hr, all blk w(wbt mkp., cond. 673-«151 6122 BOSTON Whaler Squall, 9 ·Park Spaces Available truck $795. 646--02lll or bacli' chaini. * 646-8564 * 2750 HarbQr Blvd, 11-A Good wttn tm. children. mo old, Ori1 eo9t rroo, uk-1'25 Baker St .• Costa Mep. 962-7ll3. \::oMPARE AT $749.95 Costa Meu. * Sf9.3J39 ~7112 612.1 ON~ white • nt w/cap. inc m . ~Linda l&le, N.8, ~ blockEutOIHuborBlvd,I.::~:::;.--~-'-- ' $399 S_ewln9 MlchlMI 1120 Rur Of. College Center ADORABLE CUddly kittens, 8l7 l . 6120 ~ CDlta Meaa .(n4) StO-N'ltl 'M CheVY Plcku'O. rblt No. down Pmt.$. Only $16 mo , . 9 wkl Gld, trained. btk-1: TREE wbt. kitte• ~ LOA-17' C'BD, Sloop, Fbt1a 2 BR. $1500 Choice e1)K I: tram. AM/FM. w~'tK!S WAREHOUSE 1970 SINGF;R T~h-O ldat!C Wh<, pearl lrtY "• white home. 846-Ml'r 6120 u rig daca. alum. mast on .aoll ~. 11' blk.':: ... ~ * &73-37'5 * l~1111p~111 .H 11 1 111 11 I ' &100 W. Clout Hwy., N.B. • &C-MCll IMN1U Autbortzed MG_ DMlll' 'll) ROADSTER 1.003~ lair cond, Pvt pty. $400. \, *962-754.1* BMW BMW SALE!!! GOO· W. '4th s t:, Santa Ana · :w •. lng, ""z~ne in \\'8.lb"'!t KlnPr I: wht. 96J..8&47 6/Z 4 Kittenl. I wks, dartirw ~. mtr, tlr, xtru'. beach. Htg. Bch. 536-6921 ;; Chevy ~'ton plclcu~Y.8. NEW .l DEMOS _ ult!. 1g-zaca, u.-J"'·~ ,,,,,,,_ 61-Xlnt ll600' ...... -... -8' ate;> aide S'150 Phone L 1•-1ectl S ~, Extra firm, tonholes, etc. Guaranteed. KITI'EN desperately need.a .,...,..,...,., -., -· .-.-.-2 BR. $7500. <.'hoice IJ*ct ~ -' er... -Oft Q ~t·e_n~•.i..z_e_bea;?J:iii}i::Eiy_:off_tiiJiiiCi.:OCS38.:n -~-~-~~ ~~all!1. ldttenl-··-17! .robBOT~-KQU. all on ColJ ,cotJl'9e_ ~ blk. from 64 '~U4S. Of _All ~BMW Mod•lt ~!)rings, mattress & frame. or $5 per mo. Call 54J...9335 ~e. blue crey-nwt. s-wu. 9D4211-8111 -equ1p-&:~aai1,;----Xlnt cond, :,,..=:ch:;. :;H;J&;:·;;Bch;c;.,._:;;;;:::· :o-1 Recrut'n VihiCIH 9511· -3-Bt•ncl-New '0 1m,nwculate, new condition. anytime. ) SJ&..4493 6/2'J · no. Mi-1712 .. ::;;;::..::::.;::..;:..:;::.::c;.:..;.:..:.: I -2000'1 Gg1i!anttt. $120. 642-1724 . SINGER Auto zig-mg 6 mot'. KITI'ENS 3 Jons: balttd, t PITS and LIVISTOCK ,;Fl,;;be::.r.::1;taaa:::.:.:.::..,t._""Ge"""lcoa~t Motor Homes '215 TRAVEL Bui, -se f r-%°on-All Automatic', 4-oi!. Sedanl CUSTOM Wood bar with old. No attach needed for CftY : 1 amber -1 ~ Peta Genarel UOO * * 1te'pairl * * FOR Sal -tained. Ve~ Jood cond. with Radial tires, etc, b·-,t orange leather hand zig"''"' button h 0 le 1 , I: wht. I W,ka,' o I'd . ' · Fret btimatH · 548-1~ . e: Motor home, 1968 New motor. Sl 49.5. 6f6-838S List $5100 ' Now $1"t "'"! •--675-8299 6/22 FOR ··•-PET h Wtnnepqo $7900. 54M158 Aft 6· JO PM ' -• • n4l : & 3 uou atooJ1, $150. de&igns, etc. Guar. $39 cash -• c lckena, 5.\BC)T .. ·racirw cond. Gd., aft 6s>m or 541-8304. · · - Cfll-l'I0-1337. or small payments. 526-6616 894"'2312 . LABRADOR. 9 mo. okl ducks, cqft, Jertil'e tat. M.il1, dolly &: cover. $290. '65 Econoline, rebuilt engine, 3 Brand New 'ff UNpSUi\L, l.Dng/low sturdy . F:emalt do(, Needa pocl Marne cat. 540-2.1.13 67S-29W675-f613 Mini Bikes 9275 autopiatic, fop open&~ to -25Go'1 IAlif•. Re~n top, AtJrac., • Mu•lul AIR COMPRESSOR home~ lo.., ldoh. 897-54!0: !'a1·2S Full ri«! eqp. . o!And Joe box, ,...,. $1650, All ••tomatic 4 0... Sedam gclJ!!'.for tape or" TV, etc. lnstniment1 1125 ~2.179 6/22 Dogs 1125 SIS, rad. 9i,s Evinnld• BONANZA .. 4 h.p. Ha 1 962-1026. with Power Sir., XAS Radial $8,11t4Z-1724. _ TI? good horlw: 5 loWly lipr MrxED, 'duiU. puppies, 513 * 646-8558 -* c~me fenden and li&.hll .• ~69:;,,;00::C:00C,E-V-&n-. CU.~-10-m-in-Tires, etc. ffOlJCC"11'1'TL or new model F.or Mle: l aet RDren drums, Excellent condition. 5hp elec. kittens, 1 calico, 1 · wkl. wkl. weaned, $5.00. Biluft COLUMBIA 22, -•~y, out· Like new. nso. Everunas ter. Elec. -t..i ... , new titts. Lilt $6557 SALE $52tf , ~ "'· Incl 2 ml!d tomtoms, 1 flam tric motor, DeVtlbiaa com-Full _,_...... ,...., • ......., artl!:r S 54M1.M) •-=.... ----hdme fumitutt. Reg. $683, to nare b&M&: bot ,,,... Y ~EQ A htbrk . .....-IUqllel 646·0356 or boanl. Xiru-.1.ip avail. ' Tapedeck.Bob673-2098. ,_,,.,._'CSAC-~ $19?. $44l7 0 r, m, s , sym s, pressor, ,U\I gallon tank :100 ~9166 6/20 642--585.1 842-59l6 '"* -, i;:.;,-6200 seat & stand for symbol.I & lh ratina:. $300. See Monday I--=,,-===,--Motorcycles 9300 C 9 Demo with lather int., AIR/ ""-' -" anare. 675-7913 througlt Friday at Daily YNG l..e.bn.dor ft'We needa e Gl'fft Dane Puppy e DEL REY 24 ·-' 1:::•:.:m::i:Pl::;'c.:1~-~---....:::520:: CONO., Tint. oo1 .. -, Blau-w.,~~ ~ d"k Pil I 330 W lovlnr; home Jr ·-...a I:~ u .. ..i-..1 .. ""'<:' Sall~· 4 •--• --· - - ---""1'...... .... ... ;, ' SOLID State fender twin ot Pant, est Bay tive childftrt • .,.};; thats s:fj. .... _ ..... ., .ftn.o;. ...... t..teep1 , -.u, aiok. L ... -... --• punkt AM/FM Radio, etc. w/j:ftum Vay rood cond. reverb am!) with heavy duiy StreetA ·Costa Mesa. For Ir 11 Call &M-.U 6/2'J * 13!11 alt S::W. pm * Xlnt cond. M4-0735. THINI ' SAVE $1000 ~,.!> .. writ F new, $50. sl)t!alten $250.-56.2193 'aft further information, ca 11 censse. ecC>LlJES -AKC. born 1969 16' c.at. Cott $2IXI> ""'· HO' NJlA --e-~ a 6PM. 642-4321, exitn&ion 276, 2 BLK/WHT ldtterw, one April 7. ~ect mw. $50 taeritice $lOOO. Call 76-''2IOO"' Autorn.tlc 9' . IVORY Satin Brocade .J part Persian, one short Shobi. 491-2974 548-2181. · ~· .. Antiqued iolid oak FENDER.BASS AMPLIFIER ~ElLDQM.USE~ lJ v ~l. 'haired. Box trnd. · -==-'""""'~~~-1 .-:c-;,.-,--~-~~ -De1.10 with Leather int., Air difl.'g, sel, All for SlOO. DELUXE RICKENBACHER Enc ydopedlli. AmericaM. 8364493 6123 ~C .!'.hi~~-ale Peke 12' FJeety _ aloop rllP<I ~'FRIEDLANDER~ Cond., power atr., AM/FM BASS GUITAR complete Boo k or ~..,... w/~ller, CUlbiont, peddle. OPEN ROAD •t~o multiplex, tint clua. 6~ Wknds. * 675--6404 * KnoWledge. c.oi,._ $250, sell ALBINO rat rnaJe, • mo . fi.U..4812 alter 5 $l50 673--3229. , .. •IACM nfW'I', .,, etc., etc, SPANJSH aofa love-aeat Walnut Spinet $UO noo. Walnut exeeutive desk old with cage -very ar-ST. Benwdt .. AKC ch. Sabot . rigged SAVE $154 cha\f, eoffree I. 2 end f:abJes, 646-5651 after 6 PM $40. Norge gaa dryer $50. !~ .. c !,!.! n ate• I 4 2-2.111, aind puP1 to ahow I: breed. x:1::!t ~ • .'...e-, Ian\i!. Will n ot separate, 2 kids dnks, corner &: 4. """""' '" •123 Terms. 83()..57'3, 495--5165 · · .... ., '70-"2002"' Automat1e S<i!\'Cuh. 962-4988 eves ELECTRIC Guitar, re !i shelf bookcues, $10 ea. WHITE J>en)&n fem . ce.t MIN, SCHNAUZER AKC &73-~ Demo with Mich XAS Radial EXTRA Lona: twin bed, oof· hollow body, dual pick-ups, 962-4979 with orange It grey mark-MOVING: Sabot, like new '70 HONDA Mint -Tra il ti?'l!t, AM/FM Stereo Multi.. lee 'table. end table, TV $100. Dave, 673-9729 before 5 ADMIRAL refrig, atandud mp, Allll'> 1% YJ', Calico ~:,:.;!e~~z~~~~~np. gla, uil A: flttlnp. Colt cu1tom ror racin(. Muat aee plex, etc .. ~~' couclt, etc. 2144 Orana:e I i. O 8130 sz. xlnt cond $50. Attract. fem. cat. 546-7202 6/21 $400 SAC. $225. 646-6783 .to apprec. 642-3892 SAVI! $360 A"f., No. C, C.M. ·"·;";;"°';;;;;;;;;;;'l;•;n;•;;;;;;;;;,1dinet1e aet, oval table DOG -% Cocker% [)Qlrle. SILKYA TERRIER .PUPS lJOO 14 -New cover ._l ,,;,,65~650,;...TRIU:;,,,,:.MPH=,....,,Roa~d~o,I---...,-..;=:.----e-G~ table, n.ibbftl witlnut • \\'/leaf & 8 chairs $55, Hon-6 wlm. Male. 836-4493, ff:~ xt11~ = ttUer Hiway trailer I: xtru. dirt. Jmmac. cond. $900. '70-"2002" S-unroof fioilb. Opens to·seat 8, $3S. THE BIGGESTI da 305 W/extras, ~ 821~ 6123 e • $695. 6.f4..0U9 673--9801 aH. g Demo wtth c.ont. IWllal ttres, • 1 ~-645-2204 Piano & Organ S•le cond $300. Mornings beJcire TO. RTOISE eett -.....1 kit-IRISH Setter pl)plriet, ct.fn-H-O~N-O_A_d_u-t-.,,-,,,..._--t.-Pri-c-.1 AM/FM 1tereo Multiples, • T llam 546--5449 ·~ pion stGck, Wflbltne and Power Crul1er1 to2o LRG ;atn. tbl, 3 Jee.ve1. ·ex-1n own MET ten 10 mo. I: 11utt)'. ~ Varqon. $252'1 ed Jicht! Call Joe: 540-8232 $795 etc. r+<ta to 96", 6 chrs. $15(1. is going on AL ironing~· new, male kitterf. ~ 1122 19' GI..ASSPAR cabi n dayt, 557-3211 eve•. SAVE $260 -·-~Abbie Wy, C.M. · right now at w/cover & J*d, hghtweight. 1 BLACK kitten, 3 JM'• old. Puples, eoc.a.poo'a Browns crul.er, twin Johmorl M HP '62 PORSCHE '.'S" Full Price 1 50tA & chair SSO; 2 end WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO ~uat.~$5.3!"1·.iAJ ltalrabl'· 1dnk l striped ~ toed eat. Both A:,.,"6 1•7;"'57•83 1 wka, M/F $1~ outboards. aleept 2. head, $1275 or BES"I' OFFER. s·-~-~ model tnctudei cab c. Bob Autrey Motars e· '& lamp $15; gd cond. 1819 Newport, ~.M. ~ ~mpb:·ll· multi<Olor!t amp very triendJy, 642--0176 •12> "' ll pJ wt.ter tank, Johnlon. e 675-296.5 e ......... ~ aft 3, 536-2185 Ope n Every Nlte wifoe.m becklna:. $5. ~ ODDLY mai'lll'd"ki"""° one ./ AKC IRISH Setter pup. C.B. radio, klt9 of extraa, '69 HUSKY 250c:c, runs ~ :~t!ne~~ "0VEa.5EAS DELIVERY c AMON Maple 4 J>C)llller 1 :ZIZl&:=ISU=:ind=:iay Afternoon 64Z-1724.. wh i le, al 1 1e ma le. l'~ ~y=~ow! =bJ~ ~er~ XI.NT, never raced. $775, lite:, Be1t value in' town_ SPF.CIALISTS" bed~ iii. & her che!lts, mir-11 VTDBY all t 536--0136 6/20 Pri •&U-5014• Ku...._ ,Moton· • Authorized Sales • °*· ftitntand. 642-7318 b ... .,.. vacuum w/ 8 -AFGHANS " AKC vate party_ •1 "' 11 • Service '-Parta e H. M. Ca le tachmenls including handy Pr. Persian ldttfn 6 wks. SACRIF ''10 KAWASAKI TraU Bou 845 Baker CM 54()..591" *t _,~EDm. gtyle 10la, 40" Con1oie Plano butler. Take over payments old. Gray "' wblt.e, very 4 montM * * 146-5'52 ICE 20' Cbn Cnr. Perfect cond, under 800 · ' · · " 1360 LONG BEAOI BLVD. pn.Ciically new. $95. Walnut Demo w/new war· ol $4.50 per mo . or pey pretty. 8371384 6/20 AKC German Shep. Pups, Wood, bead, <21 SO hp mi's, $425. 644.-4295 'mE SUN NEVER SETS on Lq BeMh 5914721 •~ . I 't blood i · Johnaon eleca. Gd cond. DAILY Pil:.DT WANT ADS• SALES OP"'., SUNDAYS --* 548-3797 * ranty. New ..,,.,,,. $599. thlt oil for only $32.50. Call GREY kl~n w/cat p09t 'I: x n ines, •hola, $1000/beat tier 962-M42 HODAKA 100 cc. ExceptionAl1 =========·J..;=:=:=::=~:=':;=::=:::f e CHESTS, matching \\'eek. 543-93.lS anytime. •nd box. Pleaee take it. wormed. 54!)-1296 alt 6. , . 0 · eond. Many xtru f.or desert, I"' Riibbed walnut. 3-drawer GOULD MUSIC CO. MOVlE Camera 8 mm outfit 642-6848 6/20 25 hl Cbria Craft OYerniahter, $.100. 6.f4..5346 .l'T~ru~c~k~aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~'~500~T~ruc~ikiaiii'iiiiii $25 each. 645-2204 2 •• , NSinceM19lll SA compl. $75. custom drps, l mack kitten. g wkl, box HorHI IUD :.UP-~~~,:, 0~~ HODAKA 100..Detlert ready. I - I.ARCE ·MATCHING LAMPS vw' O. a n,. • • \\•bite 1W-x8' $60, lampt1, broken. From the beat GELDING $250 Incl tack. Gabriel 91775. $1000 lnveaft!d. Many Xtru. -~ ·AYOC&do green * 547-0681 * bedspreads etc. Like neighborhood. 644-1400 6/20 Exp. rider. Mlllt tell to $.WI. 4K-5'ffi2 _izt each 645-2204 '!!!~~':!'l'""'"!!!'~~-J new, 2077 Charle St, apt 27, .f..All black. Mother ii dwarf aood home. Stacey 642--1909. lo•t M•lnten•nce toU -•70 K1weseki 350 A7SS PIANOS & ORGANS C.M. 548--1919. cat, ~y should ttmain TRANSPORTATION --900 mi. 642-6123 BOX 1prinp & mattf'eg E:i!cellent condition, twin, $25. 645-n:M NEW lr. USED LADIES diamond dinner amaU. 675-8344 6/2) BOAT PAINTING .. Quality 65 YAMAHA 250 e Yamaha Pianos Oreana ring, set with 1'4 karat loet1 & Y•chtt 9000 ~ done richt at )l.'Ot1t' NEEDS WORK 1150 • Thomas Organs center iliamond, 2 diamond• LOVABLE Pt. Beqle pul)JI)' · -&hi) 543-MS.2 • Ktm. •·•J Pia-· · 4 mo okt -all shots· house. PRICED FOR QUICK.,,.<£" . lSK FOR D.t."' 541-5293 Office Furn. lture IOIO uu ,_, -1-' karat on each side. broke 645-0873 6/:KI ~ Comm or pleuure bol.t constr ""' -e Kohler & Campbell Brilliant cut Sacrifice! Re~ n. ' 16 ft. Gluapar. 75 H.P. t"/G repair, palntirw, finiih HONDA-VAN TECH TT COAST MUSIC ly to Box P3611, Daily Pilot._ TWO 1m. friaky mixed bt«d Johnlorl Eleciromatlc, full carpentry. ~ 968-5124 .Racer 103 cc. Full race Usµ>; ateel desks $39.50 • Poature chain $12.50 Ir UI) e , 'tised 2 &: .f draWer filing cabi~ts •Used wood desks McMahan Bt'OI Desk Inc, ·2800 Newport Blvd. a.ta Me~a * 642-M50 --:----- Olflii !!qulpment IOll THiRMOF AX model 47DG 11tatement machine, ufled 1 mo.: New $509, w\11 sell $.150 w/mfiJ):ilit"!I. 540-1530 NEWPORT & HARBOR. PROFESSIONAL STYLING pupl)iet, male A: fe:m . dlllVU includiJw tonneau _ $.100. 644--6367 aft TPM Ccsla Mesa.* 642-2851 Human hair wigi;;·$7.50, Syn-'" 546-7202 -• 6/23 ,coy-er, built-In pt~ (24 Marine Equip. fOlS· 'A I •-I . --. 01)Cn 10-6 Fri 10..9 Sun 12-5 thetiCll, $3. Cascades, $4. ADORABLE wht & bJk I: aallon ce.pacity) New • ·--~· ·~ ---.-U o -rv M ........................... 1 Cal t _,. upholstery, built~n po le e 6 HP Johmon, 2 bn on & P'art1 9400 ORGAN CLASS.FREE l 549-0670 or 53 -5807. white klttent. to au•homet, holders, bait tank and large _;;;,,_;..;:.;"::..----'-0:.: WIG SALES male &: fem. 893--2117 8/23 _ ... __ , ........... _ .. trall-wltn moror $250. 73 Linda Isle, Wholo••lo ~ Public Every Mon. Nile 7:30 PM ( I w· p · )' ,..~"I"'"'....,, .,. N 8 675-8J20 -'"' Best Tea cher In O.C. A so, ig arties CUTE heakhy terr\er mixed new 12 to 1 winch. Must -' · COMPu:TE ENGINES e All Makes SAWZALL elec. saw, draf~ l)Ul)ples, male .l fem · llH to appreciate. Relldy Boat Sllp Moorlni 903' SHORT BLOCKS e No SClling tire ·table & d r 1 w i n c 847-2340, 1197-.5480 6/23 lor fish.I,., l)CIW'el'ful enouzh _..;.._"'-;.;;.;.;c;..C'-"~:.::; Motor M•n 6otJ.0204 e No Obligation machine, Head 1ki1, 16 lb. LONG haired kMte:M. RaiMld for water aiding. Call n4: BQA.' Slips for rent Newport 'vw E"llM, Good Cond. GOULD MUSIC CO. bowling ball: 546-t5489 with a dor A: loves ti.em . 673-32>4 tor appointment. Beach. 4 1llP11 tor sailboata Since 1911 ' FARBERWARE rotiuerie, Ve:ry cute, 548-59'11 6/23 $1400.00 plUll hydraulic 20' .. 22' clau. $2.SO per e &42-0M3 • 2045 No. Main, S.A. used once $30. SOny ~ COCKER rt'd male A: a mndoto,r ....... tt1.,1. Alttru· 1970 licen1t1 ft. 642-9201. . ~ ..... ~~tovwr $30, ,ll\IJldl~trlolbduto~ * 547.o611 * 12" TV, never uaed $225. chihuahua mix spayed .fem. • IV,. ex · *WANTED to Rent or ...... "'~ "' • 1....,...., ...... ..,,.;,;,...,.1646-21]1 83&-4493 or 197-Mlll 6122 SCRAM LETS p h M I 115. &G-3396 "-3629. C1fe, Re1t•urent 1814 1'= • urc a1e : o.or n1. OHV • cycl ~ UNUSUAL. Long/low sturdy FREE ldtwlm I: eat. Calico, Newport Bay 545--3112. · · · e F"tr q , HAbF-iound booths w/table• HAMMOND,,Stelnway, Yam· table. Remn to!). Attn.c., greys, 4 red ttrlp1d . ANSWERS rad~tor complete. S25 . .,per l!eL Al80 6, 8, _ aha. New .I: used pianos or good for b.pe or TV, etc. 546-4298 6/22 ~·~':!'!.' !C:!:h'~":'.:":JI'.!:'----~~ [:;;;--;;;;,*;;i,..._,,,_::;;;;*;;;;--;;:;; 10' Jong sefleet at $2.50 per most makt1. Best buys in S8 642-1724. MIXED cut.e puppies take (:-;· 283 CHEVY e:nctne Call fopt;;:3333 w. Coe.at Hwy, So Calif._ at Schmidt Mualc SEARS model 6590, 28.000 your pk:k of s friaky pupa. Inftnn -Final -Lathe -FOR RARTER ~ 6/15 NJt.(buemenl), C.o.1907 N, Main, Santa Ane B.T.U. 230 volt air oond . 548-343.f 6122 Ratify -LIFT IT 42 ft ca.bin cna.llf:r •. 5*pl I Used 2 hrs. 548-1021 aft t'ftEE 2 ,_ •-•-p/PmJlan Cruel lqUt!:lch: ''.ff t had For pvt. cndaea tluouchoUt Tr•ller, Tr•vef Hl.u-16hold Goods 8020 WUR LITZER 0 7 rn ..... ,. ,..,. )'OUl'·race I'd pay a pick-Southern calif. ·Daib' ~ r & an • • kitte1111, box trained Ac darl· l)OCke:t m 'LIFT IT.'" Weekly ra~•. t'or '"· eall AlJO 18'. X!nt cond. All NfW Admiral Frlgi~ ~l~m~n, C:yth~1 u '4~· CABIN · Mammoth Lakes in ing . 646-1142 6/22 BERTRAM Bahl M 6t2-5m. extru. Bock bitch, awning. matoblng Magic Chef stove, 4~TI6 ' ' · High Sierras. Furn. 7 nitea. 6 CUTE 11'1)' kittena 2 . 1 a ar, 25' 11' noi .... fly Briel .. Sed'""' $111:1>. 1923, Fullerton, C.M. ~ 1 lg Iced $95, Reserve now 531-3374 t wkl. 0•1 d . twin 20 hp ens., top oond. ,,.,... .,, MJ..&C56 · 'tug .;1 ~~~ hou~td HAMMOND Organ with Eves 540-0617. ~·18 6/22 UM» Dtctromc equip incl, ful. eq11Jp. lllpt 6· ~· WANTEO-UtJUty trailer, · t s-aker C-2. two manual. Ma~··· -bl• .a--· Auto fire equll) I: many U50 wk. &l&-9000. 1 e:ms. Be rt offer!ll . ,... .r'"'& ...,.... ..,,,...,,. 3 MANX 1c1-t. al' UnderS75 67 Like new, 27 ped.1.1. $900. like new $7j, ·;; ""'• • c ICO extru. lo hn oo erw. 1961 ~5.592 I !ill PoinseHa, CdM 64&-2562. 6464225 ~ cat With thou. Mode4. C&h be 1een at Mobile Homes 9200 546-&\'Jl ~al•@• Salo I022 lM\l PUA Dr. Hunt. Bch., nr ... Brookhunt .l Garfield . 91?2-4596, 20th. 21st. 22d .. 9-5 PM. 2 Band saws heavy tlu!Y m & $100, auorted miset:ll, tool•, clothe! • line pcl!lf8;, ~ATJQ Ir ~r. Sale; June ()th._ 'W. Tool1. f Is hi n I la£k1e:. ·silver, chlna . clothe• Sl 10-12-14. Comer }3!b 6: BaJboa Blvd . 10AM-7PM. Ptc:Iim.E trms, tole bgt. mus:. box, clothe!!, misc. furn.,-jewelr,i, Kennedy tool box ewa. 2223' Meyer Pl, CM.-flf.18 'til !Wiid . PtLO't-WANT AD!! 5U-S611 PIANO, Upright, xJn't oond. Encyclopedia. Americana 548--08ll 6122 BaJboa Bay Oub. Days -* New-rt Herber * Tr11'en, UttUty N50 Furniture lor aale.' Call Complel.e set. $150 BLACK&: white twins. Ma.le Mi;..Z331 or s.»-:i8l0, eve.: A1ew~i.ncmobilebome -"'-=='--;.::; 892-.f5"T. 9fi!l...'llS9 Ir. fem~~~1!'.:!'· Sorn April m.om iipu'ft' In oae o1 CalU.'a fut.. tJ'l'IlJ'l'Y Trailer-all metal Fool'fl:, .,_-.-. 6/22 TRADE For your lan:t e:q, at ~ ... -'"" jeep. .Gooa c:ond. $125 STEINWAY GralKI Piano, NEWPORT Beach tt nnia 35• ~•---" J •'""' ,_, • FEMALE Gmnan """'"°"'· v-• ~·s ,. •. SIPI MOBILE HOMES. -644-1058. xln't cond. $ta."il. club membe:nhil). Beat of. s bd ... 11... .. •• I -• I===,.--,-.,,..-,,--., 548!-8617 fer. PH: 675--5592. Need a 1ood home . • • _,, ,..,y -· are on d1IPJay theH homes TRAILER: 4xfl' all metal :K2-4873 6/22 714/985-1111 da·y•, are1ullyequlj,pmet-icea box trtr. Alldrc SJOO, Call WANTED: U5ed spinet piano 21" Admiral Color T.V. with Kfl"J'ENS, 5 "'-ha.Ired, g 7141982-41.12. _,won't __ to_ ..... , SU-7021aft1 PM. in good eond1tton. u.ndeT new e.nlenna and 'Picture ...... SPECIAL Cua 13' l ,,~-....... ~ · '"'"°'======= S150. 494-9466, -494'.-21-16. tube. '3>0, Call 67J...331B wkl, trained. 2170 Rural J?I. tnm n. EXAMPLE: . 1 • c~1 . ~ 8/22 bolrd aklboat. $1500,orbnt .New20x44w 'awn•·--~. Trucks t500 --afi.r I pm.... on S3&-3891 '' .. _ .air\ Tel1vl1ion 8205 .f x 8 REGULATIO, N pool BLK male codttr lpl.niel p , tr. . et~. $9l8D cmn.p&ete incl, tax '67 FORD luper Van. Good bl pl . h With kkll. 11 outdoor dog, L~....... ti a lie. Many ready far IM· cond a.r aa1t or tradt Aft MOVING SALE 1970 TV'• la e com ete Wi t au AC• S40--9542 6123 s.11...... 10 MEDlATE OCCUPANCY! ' ...... . Zenilh color, blk A wht. cesme.. Xlnl cond. $300. ~_...,...-ORllNLEAF PARK 1 ~·~~------ save up to $ll5. Dtlves TV 646--D alter 6 pm SMALL blk &. whit. mixed * Hobie Cet * All adult privat.: club GMC. '85 % ton pldrup, RA 810 -S. El Camino Re.1.1 San SWIMMING l.ftlOOl priv or II ~ old dos--Ud hoU9e 1. yr old. SeldGm ueed. 1150 Whittler Ave., H, ~ lpcl V-1, Very det.n. Clemenl e. 492-6291. group, certified Red Croa1 'fret.1 962,..7636 6121 67'-7160 Co.ta Mela $1195:ta-4$68 21 .. COLOR Admir&I TV, water aalety lnatr. 675--22$7. 2 LOVELY nutty fem . 8 wtc. * * CAL 21 • * Ph. 714/642-1350 '86 P"ORD Econoline, Xlnt. \Y11Jnul Con50le alto 21", WHEELCHAIR -prialrle kltteni • 1 crtY A whl . Many Extru · Taka Harbor Blvd. to cond. T• Nit or trade. black & wtlltt. with Ira)' -sn . 505 &:: 1 tjgt.r. 548-0ll.3 6/:13 .... 6"-1156 * * 19th St., then welt Aft •• ---* ._rl'er 5:00 ~-• ru.Uerton Ave. NB Al'"RABLE ldttena with or KITE No. 229, tood eond., tl'I Whittier Aw. e '51 FORD 10..Whl .DUMP Pl:lILCO OONSOLE VW PARTS, Everythin1 wtthoutmothtr.540-233.16/23 ,Dolly I: OMf • ..0 flnn, JOMICRA, tNC. +•SJ'JQO ++ Black 1: WhUf. US. from tendel'I to Dywhttl1. 1RE SUN NEVER a:r5 Ol!I 981-1900 a.It. 5 pm. 1111: QUICKER YOU CAIL. 131·1~ or .... 9469 .....,n aJte.r 5 pm, 3623 W. Wa.mer. Sailta Ana. DAll.Y PILOT WANT ADS! Dill ta-G71 t:riiSlJLTS no: QUICKER YOU~ PILOT WANT ADii '4J..S61I . ' I MRYBODY NEEDS A '61 FORD I l'T. fl1etticl1 'rck Up $799 •ULL PllCI •4JJltJ '67 CHEVY I FT. Fl11hicl1 'i'k Up $1499 PULL PllCI #Y4IOJ6 '69 CHIVY I FT. Fl1.+1icl1 ,i,k Up $1995 PULL "!Cl a11116C '67 CHIVY ~ .. STAKE, L:IFT &ATE $1995 •ULL PIJCI ... ,,, IOt VAN' ,,,..,. Con9. w}.;1. $1699 ., ..... \11ry Cltll'I, GfHll $1299 •OutJI '64. PORD VAN ll1built E11ti"• $999 A STIAC •nn1• '62 OODGE St.p V•n Aulom•+i, $1099 '"" PllCI •ntl71 '67 JEEP CJS \1-6 Soft Top $2200 OON'T WAIT •TTXMf , 6-PACK CAl-OVll CAMPllt SJ,.k, Ste.., •te . $795 :.~~ ' '64 fORD PICKU, '"" SIMpw C1111,,., ... $1099 ••• ~;:' NEW 70 SCOUT \If -Lo1tl1tl $600 0., LllT •4Mm MANY MOii TO CMOOll PIOM KUSTOM MOTORS ' . liL • AUTHORIZED INTERNATIONAL TRUCK DIA~IR 145 BAKER ST., COSTA M1SA , __ .. _.,...., . 540.5915 I \ I - ---" -~ ........ ... -.. BMW '"'· Sl'Q'lU:SS * - W.: COllTINA w..-. Auto. .trua., rwHo. beater, wttl~ wan tlftt. bucket .. ts. virQil interior, '1JC'tlea. Lie. YQC"' 110. $1Jll5.. Jim llemol'9 Imports. 120 W. I . .,w<' . . ,. .. -.. 'TRAHSPOltTATION • TllANSl'ORTATION TUNsl'OITATION TRANSPORTATION.... TRANll'OllTATIOH ' -1.1...i Cora ""' NGO .....,_, CIMoloo •11 u...i Con u...i Con -UM Cora ·--- 1--~------~~~~-- l_tsl' ____ D_, ... -... -1uic1. I __ oo_D_G_E--l::::·OLD::-::::s-.:MOllLE::::-'.:-:::::1 a ~, o k o.. $121l · 1-wow1 ... ·°'"' ,. "'''" DUNT. ON IC-1124• .-I wti' 'G llKYLARJt 2 Dr. bdtop. '61 DART-< cir, •/h. auto .,_~ • .... Alr-cond pwr steer ~ traDl,Jll,'fiW.$llXtornear 2 noar-ncr.n.ilop. vs, TOYOTA -'='"'=======· -ek. xmt C'Olxl:·,_,.., oner. 6f4...l251 automatic lran&miuion, --factory air conditioning, full CM nt ,,....... power ,_....,.~l.aa-.Jt--F •. owner, JIOWft' bratts, power wi~ . 1• BU.CH BLW. MUST SILLll 5"hl511. llM-0114 -.,, nc11o: hntor. w~i,. . Hpnt. -141 .... 19!8 -......, 4 ....,i 4 CADIUAC · DO rr IN. THE ROAD wall -· vU>yl 1'001, """" ·• ..... " ..... ~·. 8do .... cub. .,,.,,;-cOOcii. ''9 llodgo. -...... -""""· XBJ 1969 TOYOfA crow. ....... -Privlle --. 546a2 19" CADILLAC PARTS1-==="'""""'==·=673--33=="== 098 i2!95 -=====·=-v===-1 FOR QUICK SALE I• ' Jlm SlemON imports, w/&it cond. $1800 or offer. -120 W. Warner, Santa Ana. 2240 S. Mallr SANTA AN~ 546-7076 .. - , .. ,._ ...,, ., 833-2018 ~ 1 pm · ··~-w--~ -Battery FALCON ~ Sun ~ .,25 . ""'._ SPrwv YtW "'"od•bleld an-~ .. evet, It , ........... NIW-IUY. °''5TOYOTA.TIARA -· -----"' .. _. '66MUSTANG•. -· --"""' ~ " Sun. 546--025 ~ 1525. .., 962-2113 ~-..... FALCON, ..... 289, '66 CUTLA$S r...-... 4 a~ radio beat ..._...._.._...~~~~~~~~~!~======== WI PAY TOP "~ maas. hi-rile, new Holley Air----·~-• . 1 H1rcltOp.' cyl., •utO~N' ;r.~ .... _. ~s: Ac\."'~~·~:: TRIUMPH . CASH ... "==" ~i621."" clutch. 1600 =~==;,,a_: ~;~:·~;t::!.:::r-.~~::: ~ Fm.coM.$21lO •Calllam '12Tlt-4-lnterlor,...,.. And~11,.,,,. --RD ar flnanc:. priva,. party. $1~ , Harbour V.W. ·=~=.~~ .-. """"·-. .... !;':' ... "":..".=..~· ~liCl=:"::llD:,,: ....... ~~·=-::P.M.~....,1:::-:::::"=11:::::-11::--:r--:::: .~::"an"U:.9:':.11------~ : DA1SUN .~. BEA~ BL., ·-• .:.. black inta. Xlat Cand. ......, IO,OOO • mL •ro • GROTH CHEYlll£T 1•7 CADILLAC '-'68 FIREB!RD Pootiac, 350. aw.. 1 ,......., u1.u '-" OU"ft.lill -.,..,, -BeautifUI. '850. 9118-2317 doVlH--11__ auto -vt""' clean grea • nu • HUNTINGTON BEACH ..,_,, """"""'' ..._ --m-,' ' .---· ., ' batt I: uphobL $250. •:=~ = Ask tr..,., u._ ~ :t...= ':l"" :::"' oell, il195. M&-2'18 644-0718. '66 FALCON '.2 Or., ., cyt., 1uto. ti•H .. . rlclio, h••t.r, New 'llint ftl,Motll • ·DOT DA1SUN . OPIN DAILY ,\ND SUNOAYS lM35 ne.c.11 Blvd. Hunttactoa Beacb IG-mlor~ '&8 DATSllf 9625 Garden Grow 81\'d. s:rl-Tm . m."SS '69 nAT Spyder 850 $1IXl or offer. Very clean, ' 833-3ll6 after 6 pm JAGUAR > JAGUAR · dition, CWQD2T.ll Will .... HEA'"''"AR1BS trade or finance private .,..,. :f Qoor Sedan. Excelli!nt ~ party. Call d1r 548-02 er 'lbeonly·aaa..biedJtpJ!Jf. 494-97'13 dealft bt ·tbt mttn'But. '. -' ..... ---' - '68 DATSON f...Dr. SlD Model. ~ 4 Spmt. ndlo, hnler, SALES ~~11,_;::~ SERVICE 1m-. 120 w. w.,,,... PARTS Santa Am. Open eves. A BAUER ,..._......us IUICK '69 Datsun 2 dr like new AM • FM, ndlalo, cmpeO.. 11100 .-~ .. ENGLISH FORD AIL N>;W ENGLI811 rollbs NOW IN STOCK DR.Vl'ICALLY llEDUCED TG CLEAR LARGE Sll:u:CTtON TO CHOOSE FROM -.. ROllNS FORD .... -8""1. °""'-......, FIAT '68 ·FIAT 121 ..... Coupe. New Mlchellnt, ch·rome rlma. 1ow mn-. all aerv'ice: recordl. ' 2 5 0 0 • 714f5.12..ST31 FlAT 1969 121 SP, 5 opd w/tQe. Xlnt aond. $2100. - -·NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT- IN COSTA MESA 2M E. 17th street ... -'67 Jaguar 420 41 Dr Sedan. • Automatic, fact. alr cond., AM/FM, lmded • Excellent condltio.o. Low, low m!leap'. Mmt aell, Small -wilt finance pr!. Yale party. "(WAUll8), Call 'dtr·lft lO am PbiU, t9f..1029 or s.naD. '611 JAG E-bpt, 2+2, ttd W/ID leather, chrm wire nu.. .. .• w rad, 14,IQI mi'•· Will consid. trade It.Irr "-"cl.:. $,;llO. (714) -....m eve or (213) -ext:m JAGUAR Repairr .,.....!wt. ll5 JL•' rtrr, Cit oft Nwpt .. Fire $(ation. "2-5133. '17 MERCEDES 300SEL. LmmrJ' ~~ lu II power, JnObair Jn ter ior, motor · No. CXXl6'l6. Jim Sltmons lmpcrll, lJI W. Warner, Santa AM. Open eves. A sun. 5t6-illS '68 MER.CEDES 200D, 4 speed. ndio, beater. MaroorH1lee car. VVA 6.13, ;299'5. Jim Slemons Imports, 120 W. Warner, Santa Ana. Open ems. I: SUn. 546-4125 MG J~l'lUJILll I _1\111p u11 •, • $21Xl1 er betl. ofter. 673-4362 l82ll Beach Blvd. t • -~ "-~ * '18 PONTIAC Fitebird 350 e '62 OLDS e eur • ~..,-_.. $1900 • NU ENG ' TRANS • sn..:.un-"";g' Mm Hwy., N.B. 64' ?IOJ Mic . m3692 * ......., * $994 Green w.lblack tntmor, AM/ FM,dlr,._.......,...,.. VOLKSWAGEN LARGE SELECTION far Tony. -WE PAY CASH •rr C1dllfMc El qon.to, ,..,. FORD PLYMOUTH '64 CHEVllOLIT ' ' • eO, viD;Yt top, air, loeded, .:;,,.__~-'----------~--11.IM,ALA 2 Deot Her4fe,. -· Jtoal ...... CU,OVMfll WIU talle "'4tt ... finance . el vw CAMPERS . FOR .YOUR CAI 29.®e.nalles. $3750. Pvt pty. A WINNER! '(19 Torlm • MUST SELL V-1, ................ f••fil!f; 494-311!4. ~-~•-9 ~ ~• 1-' Cou cir, pew•r 1t••rl1MJ, r..tipt .............. Call- or. 49M7'13; ""'"v~uuu:. ,auu "'<a.,_, '""'Plym. Fury Spt.. pe h ~ II CONNELL' 1967 CAD. El DoJ'ado • mllta, au l 0 ma l i ctn,,._ Bladt vinyl top, • Interior. ••ler. ,,..nltew• tirM, till'f· Harbour V.W. ft..i.,.1.e ft .. -. u-··tllul M 11•1• COSIJttl, ; :-.., .... __..,,..~ car, miu.kJn, power steer. Pwr. steering, braktll, . .fact. CHnROLET Dari< blue/vinyl top. 1"'1l Ing. ndlo, heater, etc. Lie. air !llH. new ""'" new $10~9 ; ~~ 2828 HarbCr Blvd. wheel coven. $3900. 6Af-2647 No. ZZR 912, $2295. Jim trans., exc. cond. $875, 44,(0) ' .. AU'ftlORIZED 1957 MORGAN, now tap . SALES & SERVICE & brokoa, $la C..11 11111 BEACll J!L, - 642-1724 eves I WMk· , HUNTINGTON BEACH Costa Mesa !Wf;.121) '69 CAD Convert, leatbel' int, Siemon. Importa, 120 W. ml. 213: 430-0742 eves, -TOP llOWR AM/FM nillo, full ...... w........ ...... Ana. °"'" -...... '67 CUSTOM tact air. tilt tele •trz.· pwr ew11. I: SUn. 5t6-(125 2 ·0•0, s.&.. v.1, ,.,.;:-..... WAN1ED for door locb etc. 6f4..58S9 • 156 FORD1 PONTIAC , · tr1111., f•cf9ry~lr colMll• 19119 CAD. El Dorf.do ------...,;-.I tiot1i111. ,.wer 1tH1i!tf, res CLEAN USED CARS I'D pay tup .dollc far your See .Georie Ray VOLKSWAGEN fodar. Call THEODORE and uk 'for Ron Pincbot. om 1-owner ~loaded.~ Automatic, orillnal' dlr. '62 PONTIAC, Xlnt trans. lfio, lt••f•r. IUYW•71l./ _, .... 673-5551. ................ -......... perlttl, ...... $1389 ''.. ======;;;;;;:=I ..u. -oller.,(PLOll5) """" body """' $200. CAMARO Call_ '*"'II!"" 4Mm3. ~-------_ _:~~~~'.--ll1·Ai:""'i· QHTRm;;;yy"--s;iu0;"9..,.;;.. "64 GRAND Prix, full power. '65 MIRC. 1967 Camuo HT 1 Coiipe, .a q . F11D. pwr, U', XlDt Xlnl cond. $9SO •• ... '69 OPEL RAWY 549-:mi Ext. ""'· moooo. ROBINS FORD c.oupe • Loaded. Xlnt, corv:ti. '69 vw Bus sundial Camper, DO Harber Blvd. tlon. Gokl flnilh w/bl&ck 4 I: 8 track stere6, AMfFM, ~~ •· Jeathtt interior. CXTJDO. coco mall I: cptg, tuned I-:===='"°"='°"'" Small down can finance pri. exh&ust. $2700. 675-8954 aft WE PAY TOP DOLLAR. firehouse red. X1i1t cond. cond. $1500. 5.Yrl'ZU3 536-9782 COMET -' Dr., v.1, •rie. 31 lnl L mi' All xtru -----~~~"II tr1111., pewor 1h1ri1MJ, ro• • ac a. · 'M MACH J, fUlly equip, 'ti6 Le Mans. 2 DR Irr, llio, h•• .... l•PSOlOI. Pvt ply. tm-1851 eves. air cood. auto. V_. R/H. PS/PB, good $989 * stB-29118 * tirew, aean. $1600. 6G-9'768. vate pe.ny. Call dlr aft 10 Spm. · FOR TOP USED CARS am t!M-1029, aft 6:30 p.m: ~ ... '"""vw~Bug~.~Ex~._..~u~,-,,-..,~"kl. If your car ii extra c:led. .... Sf0.3100. New clutch, tune-up, Beige, 11!1U U1 lint '10 OPELGT, XLNT cood. no dents $995. Call Steve POOLE BUICK $100 &: take owr pmta. Mitchell. 5CS.Z72. %W E. 17th St. . 54IMi8J9 1967 VW-Sunroof, white. Calta Mesa 5U--T'l65 xrot '°""· $11DO WE PAY .....,.. TOP DOLLAR PORSCHE '66 VW. SUNROOF . For clean, used cars ''2 PORS.CHI NEW ENGINE. BLUE. JOHNSON I SON AM·FM. Chrome rims, new ~7670 or 64Z-0350 LINCOLN li'ERCURY CHEYEW '66 FORD station w...,ri ---------1 Country &a. 9 pus. Xlht DRAITED! ! Cond. SUXI. 96J-Wi6 '68 Chevelle SS 395. 450 hp.J=:=========:::. Hunt clutch, l.t<y "'""'· MUCURY · · Ex. cond. 548-7983. ______ _,. '68 Malibu 327 Air, 4 IPd., '65 WHITE Mercedes DI SL bucket seats, 25,000 mi. Coupe, Lo mileage, new Xtru. $2600/oUer. 494-8975 tires. Priced to sell. paint, reblt erwtne. Super '6l vw good running cond 2626 Harbor mw., C.M. CHEVROLET Clean. Make "'''"' See at 121> ., . ..,I otter. 962-1182 o; IMPORTS WANTED ' MUSTANG 675-7tll6, 540-8620, Ext 20. :89 ~ Blofvd.A c,,.~ 5f5..6.;19 . Oranp Counliel '64 CHEVY V-8, ,uto trans,1------....:. ouae m rear ER , __ '69 to "ck TOP I BUYER _,. '-I F '66 MUSTANG full . Poracbe Repair. SUP 1,_,., ~ st! • atwJO, ..... a er. our new , pwr, &II', 1hlft VW. :14,000 ml. Xtru. BILL MAXEY 'IOYOTA tires, new carb and intericr Y-8, new brakes and tlrfl. '66 Por 912, 26 M mi., never $1615. 5t8-488S l!ll8l 8Mdl Blvd. mechamcally excellent in A· &tS.0356 or 6Q.58S3 abmed. Cocoa brown, b1k ="'-:.:.ss~vw"""=BU~S~--R. Beuh. Ph. IM7-8555 1 shape! 962-6278 '99 3'>~ auto. AM/FM, deluxe inL Make offer. 830-624l. Excellent condition SUK) '68 IMPALA, 12,000 mi. orig. interior. T.O.P. plus. '57 Spdstr, new clutch, Rd 548--6757 atter 6 Auto Leasing 9110 Forced to sell; School. PIS. 6f6...0679 after ·s:n eng. Xln't cond. NUil 1et.1 -~ • ..,=-"vw='="SUNROO===F=-PIB, Air. BM OffT. "65 MUSTANGV8 $2195. 675.193'1. b4ial. tires. Emu. fl,'150 67l--lO'l3: Kttit Calling 'ti! P/S.P/S..R/H .· RAMILER -------• '64· V.W. CPI. •.71 &..;... .. ...;.,. SST , 4' •p•MI, r•llio, heeter, NW .... ~ p1i11t, fONHtlJ), , 5,54171 Achlol Mlloa 2 Door Hardtop, loaded, air cond • ., Your last chance to really aave. · $895 ~. _,. , '67 FORD . . ~ntom Motors Cu.toll'! 2 cloor tM011. .. Vl, 1uto111•tic tr1111., f•cfory 845 Baker, C.M. 1ir, pow•r 1fHri11f, rlMll•, '62~AM~BA~SSD~R-.,--whl--llh••t•r. IUVW 4751) ·:~ .~•. ... ' $1389 ·-=· R/H, nds tune up. ~. 54().3916 VAUANT ·~ WAGON DI 9l!l'in. New titts, rum pod. Make otter: 54>0041 aft. 6 '64 FORD ,J' cir. H.T. v.1,-oir clMlll· tio11i11t, power 1l••ri119o ..,,. llio, heotw IOSKtSOI. $1093 '63 PORSCHE, amllm, o>I ..,_1341 "' LEASE "' 11 PM. 642-0350 & .... ,.,. '64 Valiant 2 cir Signet. Auto • rack. chrm rim.I, re~t. VW •15 Red w/wbite int. '69 ~ El .Dun.do, ~ '64 OIEVY 4-dr, Bel Air, '65 MUSI'ANG • Xlnt cond., steering. air, R&H. $600.11-------- Must .U. $2350. 541-9586. Xlnt rond $815 eqwpt incl air. 13..CKXI mi s. ioocl cond. 6 eyt, auto. New brakea, 673-8512 191D lJllT white, Tarp., 9ll-S =~Her. 545-5239 or Gokl w/aolcf Inter. $197 pet Call l!93-48S) IOQd ttres. $925. ~Tr DAILY PILOT DIME _ A 'ff PLYMOUTH ." whttla. Tinted al&u. kpd. bf 2 '"°s·OUTH cftaaT '60 CHEVY 2 Dff; Excellent 'lHE QUICKER YOO CALL, _ UNES COit ,.. ... " pen-Fury 111, 2 cloer hef'llt.,., -....sen. 'fill VW, re t eng, new v.-w Tramp. new paint ,\ seat "'IHE QUlCKER YOU SELL r-~ VI, 1uto11t•tic tr11tL, ,,,.·. '-=-~-,-..,mi='°'Super,---.90=-·1 tires-Best offer 642-5748 CAR LIASING coven. $290. Call 833-2925 nin a day. ....., •ir, ,._, stMlbif, Rum 'Mil. Sl800 ''5 Volbw..-n $73Q. 300 W. Cat Hwy, HD. MW1a '!18 CHEVY conv. 26.l eng. Ua.I Cara tfOO Uaed C•rs t900 ~~ ,~:::rix.::·i:;~;.rtt.. 43:1-5l89 Ewa. 546-92.15 R.unl wen. $125. 222 l.Otb 1jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilll --.,lt'2=-cS"'U"'PE=R~-I Uaod Cora "711 St. II.JI..,,_ 11 $2189 $7.lfll. SUIARU -......:=..-.. I • '' f 1IA\!J' • ..'r!."~~r"- ---------ANYONE * '70 ·SUIARU 1H!NI '&:!Fon! CUiiom. Fully lac-CHRYSUR r....=1a~~ ~ 'YOl..VQ! ...,. .;:+!PC--05Cll.1954 --c-----.. -N-.'-,.-Y-or1<-er. e 90 MPH Capability ~ Xlnt cood. Rum rood-$125. • 3S """ Per Gallmt • "rnmll HIDER" '66 ~-~'!" -""'=!=""====== e 8eautlluf S'Yllng rlllWUln . F""' ~na G.T. 2 cir. _ Teat Drive """" At H.T. 4 '""' bucket _.._ CONTINENTAL. K111tom Molan 2.;·uri:n;· <TAB-195> $299 845 Baker, C.M. 51)..5915 '64 Buick Skylark. V8, 6 paa, '67 4-4r, .. ~ .. l' ., tires .. brakes. 42,000 mi'•, 1 OWM!', Like new1 $2615 at otfB. TOYOTA ANNIVERSARY SALE 1970 DEMO $1697 • 1'27 DEAN LEWIS t99 aua ann • ., Wqon. :ruu power, air coDCI. NIW-11__.. IOOT-344J ~ VOLVO ANNIVERSARY SALE· S399 ·-· CREDIT AUTO SALES =-.c=o=R=v=a=.R== 10292 Garden Grove Blvd. lllll 530-2092 530-&160 •••••••••• 1970 DEMO IUICI ''lC2'' . '' ." .. ' .... $27St '65 SKYLARK V-8 PIS ' - '65 CORVAm $225. needs work, reblt motor needs completion: '63 Corvair, nu bearings, valves haw bttn -----~~.,..1 ......... 646-41n 4 1peed, radio & heater, • f740. 1800 E Cpe. for deliv· bucket seats-new tires cry. Overseas del Specialist. & shockt, Xlnt cond. $990 • 83>-292.5 '62 CORV Affi...clean, new tires need1 brakel, ~2115 or 6'7>TT76, SPECIAIJZING IN QUAI,ITY • IMPORT DEPARTMENT • '70 OPEL GT Stlll urtlfer w•rr•11ty: Sunburtt y•llow with bl•ck in1•t· ior. ,. '61 FORD • Cou11try 5•4•11 St •• ,Wff. 011. v.1, •u•o •• , ...... ••Ii pow•r tl1•ri111, f•cfory •It c:oncl., WSW; ti11te4 ti•· IVHlltOI. -~ $2695 ' ~.p-.H.-,.. ...... r ...... i!tf, , .. clio, he•f•r, Vi11yl roof, tiir+- M tl•11, "'"••I '''"' l·VJY062 l. $1189 '61 CORTINA . 2 dr. 6 .T., • 1p1.d, rM'ia;, h • • t • r, whit•w•ll tlrft IXJ017l). 'I $1395 '63 1/J TON WANT AD 642-5618 DEAN LEWIS '68 RIVIERA Sedao Coupe 3100 W. O:iut Rw7 • N.&. ,1981 Hart>tr, C.H. &M-9303 19116 Harbor, C.?.f, 646-9303 2-dr, bucket Beatl, full pwr, "':::-MG 0:181 ~~~· '69 Volvo 144A :.,~~"! ~'~ CORVEllE $3295 F•rlf 'ic:kup, ' cylil'llf•r, ft. Mii. I 11 IOIDIJ lmpomd Cora OurCaPSAre WORTH FIGHTING FOR! 0 ._ 6'f)j ~'!.~!;. .. ·-..... . $795 fN.Jtly p1i11t.4, very ,.ry clo•11 '''·Our 1pocl1I t.w, lew OUR SPECIAL '&8 Canetta - priu. fOZNOlOI '"' v.w. $1595 'f:' .. ~':!. ,,,: .... •· $1095 /tato.etlc .tic• 11Hft, •Pl•lf, ••c•ptio11•Uy cl1ot1 ,-... Me..,, '-eh•"' ttr, ISSF6271 .... _'""I,......,.... . I ·,"'67.:__K--. __ Gh_I __ $ ___ _ ; f~;-·· . $1695 :::.~.::5Z·~:c•r 1495 loll;e, r...t.r, ... .,t1... thi1 worl41 Her•'•.,.., ......... ..," 1-...n..;.. th111eo ! Thi1 litffe INeuty ~., rfflo, h11l1r, Sllaa11i• .... fff .. ,., wr.I white••"• 1Mwt1•111 •~lffH. ITU7161 . . ... -,. • T&M MOTORS ,_ ...... ,., IOll •AIDIN •10¥1 ILYD. % Ille. L ti -11..r. 114 aM m.1111 I , " 12,(0) A~! miles. Automa· J.968 SPORTS Wqon too g.. tic, radJO. heater, etc. OWn-pus. All power, new tim , ed by little old lady from perfect cOnd. $21160. 6'4-3l69 .N•wport Beach. <ZLK123>. TIME FOR Take trade or small down ~ ~ :'..:~ 9UICK CASH att ''"' pm 541hlloo. THROU5H A DIAL dine!~. Chure DAIL y PILOT ,.., ... .,.. '" back and WANT .aD Uattn to the phone rirwf fll' < "' • '64 SIDE pipes. 327 kpd. Jmmac. cond. 1209 W, Balboa, Apt. 1, N • B • 673-9801 afL 6 '62 VETIE Hd. top, orig ttd paint. 283 HI perf eng, 4-sp, SHARP $1595. 67}-6945 '65 FSrBK • red w/blk int, 327, kpd, map. $2300/best otter. 494-4048 THE SUN NEVER SETS on DAILY PILOT WANT AD. '68 JAGUAR XIE Coup•. • tp•.d tr•11P11l1tio11, chr•m• wiN wh1•l1, redio encl h11t•r, I oWMr loc•llv owllM cer. h111tifii l Arctic wt.ite •llf•ri•r with bl1c• full l••tft•r interiM. IXOA77•1 $3995 '68 Ol'EL LS F•1fL1c•. loc•lly 0W11M I 11"ic.d. cir with ''prolri• 1r11tely 2t,500 "'ii••· Ju1t ,,.11.11. IWIC197) $1395 '66 JAGUAR 2 pin 2 Air c1MliH011l111. wir• wh••I•, Llock'with Ll1ck •i11yl itto t.rlor. A ll'•ry h•f'll te fllMI 111CHl•I. fXER069) $3395 '69 OPEL G.T. 4 1p1H tr1111111l11lo11, r•4lo, h••hr, lo"' mil11, 9or1•0111 outem~le. 12Cl2121 $2991 '67 OPEL Sport CIUIJI• • 111'•-' tr•11tMi1tio11. TJ.i1 few 111il•1g1 local c•r, -'Y 10,000 111fl•1, i1 i11 f•bvl•11• coJMlifi•11. W111't l11f 11"'1 et ffli1 ptice. ITXUOll I $1191 ·-·. UICK In STA. MESA .... ,, .... $897 .. ' ..... '64 1/J TON f.orcl w/c•111,.r. 1Ell"OfJ1 $1073 . r \ ·+· \ 1979 Dlnlrisblllr SALi .. AD 1171 Da:O&Mtr1...i ............ ,,_..,.. fCii •t .,,...L 6 I I I ,... .... n.e 1'71 , .. MIN hM their,.. mite checlr..., Mll.,. fMCly ................... 11.,..,. All Modola To ci-. ,,..,,, Melt Cw. Pulty .... _ > '· . ' e T-llm e T-, ·--..... -e ·Panl LTD'I DUNTON ·FORD .2240. s ........ SANTA ANA ' 546-7076 l\i= 17 r 1 • c a ~ L c d ~ y I J ' l I I l I • I ' I I 7 ( ' l