HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-06-25 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• • • • • l . • .. ~ .. . . I" ·DA -Seeks· .Nurse .-;l ' -• • -· • .• .-• • • • '. {Mesa Offieer· Burt ' . . .. ' ' . ' ' . . . . . . . ' . ·.·. J ·: ·,, .. ·.· .. · ~ In 3-ye .. n-old ..M .ter Ch·ase!) ·Arrest . . . ' . .. . ' ' . :nest .Do1ne Slaying ' ' :Of 'Drug. Sllspeets • • . ' '.THURSDAY ·AFTERNOON, -JUNE 25,-1970 .. .. ~,ft,MO.f1n..41.ICTtoM.,;M PAM$., . .. 0 . ' • I ' , .n • • ' ' \, ·e., as . . . .. "" • .. ,9 :: ·l • • ' . ' • ' Tumh,led L4tl.y~ · · --· -____,·· -~'..---:--.. ------ .. ·' ' ... · ..... "· · · :D~~'.~eeki~1g; ·l ·.~ -"'.;. •a•~IP·~~ • . , ,. •,"'P, r",."· ' , ,t· '=~ ·. FIREM&N SURvn' DAMAGE TO COSTA MISA .l.AUNDR~T • Myrleiy· lxpl'!'lon Rocb WHt Side N~........- ~· . ; ' ' Mystery Figure_· Hunted · By Police· in Mesa . B~t By Al\TllUR It. VINSEL Of ... -,., """ A short, stocky man wbo trilled 1 . . . ' > "9'-·:.,.. ··· Suspect in Th~e tJVtiJibefl: :on ~r:Ug ~ha.~g~ ,1, . , · A trioo! ~ • ..n.1-.s .-·o.;. :~t.l(oer .Oljtoritie4;·w•YOl\'ll~ I 1966 n .·ea' t' h •a·-palienl: -Wa ~·in . ·.=. ~ ='." ~•When II)" A murftr complaint 1nvotving the straage ·kiUing of an IM-year-old woman . thr~ and one-half years ago in an Orange sui~ium was filed in Central · Orange COUnty Mullicipal Court Thursday .by the District Attorney'• Office. District Attorney Cecil Hicks said Jeananne Balch,· also knOWJt as J. Patricia Best Is alleged to have killed Margaret Tagliabu~ ~ov .. 7, 1966. · Coroner's medical officer Dr. David M. Katsuyama said the cause of, death was "peritonitis due to m u I t I p 1 e traumatic perforations of the urinary bladder through the use of a sharp in.- strument." Since the death or Mrs. Tagllaibue, formerly or. Lomita, Sgt Charles Bl"OWll and bwestigator Joseph Stevens of the Orange police and investigator Claude J. Bricker of the COl"Ofler's office have t ~ontinued the probe "intermittently," Bricker said today. · Deputy District Attorney . M a r .t I n Heneghan said Mrs. Blach was employed 81· a nurse al Leona,d's Sanitarium, · 1240 Stewart Drive, Orange, at the tbne ' , of the alleged inurder. Hetteghan said today that Information Indicates that the Balch womaw since CiJlfa Mfsa· ll'llilneld"1, alter ·al!eied!Y .Vary .said he was walttng ·filr 'a. trjf8c running c~s· an; ~ road, and leading t light to cbah&e when he. saw Stafkey:~ to a jail 'l:en· trlelee in whicli one offic~r ; car sttea,ktJlg ·tOWa'.rd hiln and ,r6allzed was .l>oljlY. bl~.· 1 ' · he had no intelltlon ol stopping. La~ E. siartteylJJJ: of 129 Glendon : Patr6bnan Hossftld went 'to the Scene St., Anaheim, 'was : booted-on char&es , and helped Qfficer1 Hal ij0lbr0ok' Jn the of aaauJt with a deadiY, .weapOO, 111¥-ult arieits and trarisportation to jail. 1 • On a poJlce omcer and drua: int0xic8Uon. He P1d Starkey repeatedly threatened John: M. ¥orri8oo1 23,, of Cypresi, . to strangle hl{Jl with his .ha'ndc;uffs 'before was arrested .only. on the .assault with · viole.rice broke out when they tried to a deadly weapon and drul char&•· . ' move hi{ll from one cell to another, He tokl police. he is ~ 'paUent at a~aY. from a disturbed ·prisoner. · Metropolltan State Hospital In Norwalk. 'Se~eral officers were required to sub- Steven Drais; 19, of Yorba Linda, the du! ,the spitting, screaming su$peet, who second passenger in· the car driven by -managed to bite Officer Hossfeld three Morrison, was booked only on charges timeS on the shoulder and arm. also of bei,ng under the influence of drugs. inflicting severe bruises on Officer Police stopped their car on Newport Holbr:ook. Boulevard at Bay Street Wednesday Officer Hossfeld was treated at Bristol afternoon, after sevefal m o tor i s t s p'ark Medical Center for the gouge-like reported . they _had been run off the bites. road. Police said Lhree arrest warrants total- Officer Dennis Hossfeld WI! just taking ing nearly-$7,000 in bail and naming a report from motorcyclist Donald G. Starkey were discovered later and placed Vaary, 24, of Fullertoo. ·who said 'he as addiiionaJ Charges. • Nixon Stops _in St .. LoQ.is . . . ·En Route to Coast Visit 1966 has been traveling around the coun-r · ~~I~ r:e:i ;:. and may have· -., • " Frem Wire. Services in Kiel auditorium. She Is ·believed t be 11.u-I ST. LOUJ~ -Presuient Nixon ~topped The President stopped off in St. Louis . now 0 •u• n at Scott Air, Force Bue, across the ,and gave: arousing, off-the-c.!Jff speech Manitowoc, Wis:. Wedne9day Mmdclpal Ml&1lulppi. River from St. Loui!, ·this to about 20,000 delegates to the 50th Court Judge Paul Mall 1u)Jed a no-ball mornlnc en route to the Western White ' annual meetin& of the. Uriited States watTIUlt and authorities ln Wilcanain · House in San Cl~nte for a week Jaycee,s. '. ' ' ' : have been notified. of wdrk and telaxation. Jf the police are able to locate Mrs. • : TJle young b~ chee~ tilm Balch ·she will be returned to Orange At the airport, the president 1 ~ o o k · repeatedly, If , did ·ttte crowds 'of County for trial hand• wHh a few of the &,000 friendly • thousands ,.oo Jlned hl1 motorcade "'!le · • · wek:oming crowd tbat•came out to 11ee to Klei Audltorlwn. ~n .an lHWll1al move, He would 90t co1mueut on details ot him • ' ~ be stood up in .his open top limousUle the UDlllUal .... -of court rulllp : sP.~ briefly, the . Pn!sldenl uld, ' to wave ilnd then ge.tu ... d lo the crowds on pre-trt:al publicity, "[ tnoW that molt of y6u are Ajr . to press clc:me~. r r ' • • :~ tnvestigaton came up with cer· · roree people ind l want to thank the After the Jaycees had cheered bh1 lain evidence recently but l can't eom-• -and officers for tbe service they : entrance for .JO miRutes, Nixon (old them ment on tt." Henegban said. 'hlif'I rendered to' their country."· the utlon has problems but there ,la ' ' Twain Manuscript Bought by Library - He eonUnued by •aaying, •'Ttdl Jiiiian no need for,fear .. · ~ Is .new in war. We are· going to brtng ' "l believe ,that at this tirrle Jnatead that 'wll' to an end. Bui! we .-e golng , or talking only primarily about whit ts to bring it to an end in a way that wrong with America, it is Ume to "Ilk younger brothm and IOns of the people on what fs. ri«bt about America~ he in Vietnam will not have to opt tueh said. . · ' • • 01. s ' ' , . . By. Uptted: Prisa blteraatloul The 'Jsraeli-Syrian front exf>tOdect today · with, the' heaviest . battle ·since .the 1967 ' ·Middle East war, )and fierce combat ·enguUed a wide area of the SUez Canat' Immediate~ reaction" froin the: Arlti world •lo i tPe 11ew; U.S: plan1 fer1 peace in '11e area was lullewarm. 191ael declin- ediqimioe,pt on·~ Pl'QIJOS&fs amou~ by Secretary of St.at!' William P ~'Rogers and • 1U1Dmoned ijs r ambllssador in Washington1 back rto Jenisalem for con- sultations. • Tel Aviv communiques .said-JsraeH jets .attacked anny camps deep inside Syria near the capital o( Damascus aAd battled .Syrian ·interceptors in the lkies while Israeli ind Syrian t'anks and artillery fought across the entire 50-mtle length of the Golan Heights cease-fire line. Fighting raged for mOre than six hours, ·and 'spokesmen said lhe battle was the biggest since Israeli troops seized the . . Golari Heights 1n·the 1967 war. lt fOllOWed 1 a two-hour i fight Wednesday night ~ voiving tanks and arti llery. Israel reported , a, Soviet•built MJG2l . of the Syrian air for°' shot doWn in a11 afternoon _ dogfight over the Golan Heights. Syria sakl Its antiairCrait gun- ners down a U.S.-built Phanlom jet ..,,fi ghter-bomber of the Israeli air force. ' Iraq announced it haa pla4;ed its troops on the Arab E.astern . rront, with lsreel 'at Syri8's dispo·sal "to re~I the cOn .. tinued Zionist · aggresSions."1 The front (See MIDEAST, Pote Z) . ' ' Coat I ' ) ' I .• ·Weather. The wealberman's turning up1 1the ' burner Friday, with ' beach-- front areas simmering in sev~nty­ ilh sun and inland regions roasting at 85 degrees. INSIDE · TODAY stunnlnc, deadly brew to cleon lndultrlal rars and old clothes ii ooqllt today for queslioning,about a "5,000 explosion and fire that ripped a Coeta Maa la~ dromat Wednesday. Mn. Llrrline N•1-53, of MO center st., Colla Meu, was taken to ffoag Memorlol Hoepltal by ambulance, treated for severe lbock, Ind released. "It -lille the whole ceilinc wu ·cominc down Oii me/' lhe &aped. '"nlere wu wood and &lus and everytbillt',ocm. iD1 down." NEW YORK (AP) ...:,,,,. New York Public Llbnry -lM'Challed • hlthent un"-11 400-poge mlllllC:l'lpl by Mor~ Twain for more than $Zi,OOO. 'lbt a war!' · . , · "~use. You ~.1 wiµ.t ls'rilflt abqut 'Ibe Prelldf!nt t.troduced h11 wife and • America enablel us 'to •l'QrfeCt th<ile 1 .his dluihlef, Trtcla,_ remal!dnc. "Pat things that are wrong about Amerlcl." San.d11 'Alomar · goe1, m& the . Angels r1c;ord bo,o,k and .. takes , o"ver top ~po t !tt COM~C11~ve game1 hitttng a1 Anohtim team, nDUpi · double·htadtr. ' Sports,! 1 PPtx ':33~ . . ' ; '.!be 12,11 p.m. blasl roeftd tbe Villa Shopping Center, inJurtn& Gnt wtman who was doing her wab and: IPfayJnc iji&Uered glasa in all directions. ·wu1>ers...,. tumbled ornul1d-. the building like '">'•. while heaVJ dam- age wu lnflk:ted In an adjacent karate instI"\lcllon ltud1o ud 1 ...U alto backltd in a calt. I She wu able to give poliee aid !iro .-olficilll • load clacrlption of the man llUl(IOC!ted' GI Oluoing the esplooton that devastated • portion or the ..,, .. , at Well iltb Streel Ind Placentia Aven11e. He left by the rear door only moments before the uplooloo and fire, ofter !Wini (a. Ell'LOlllON, Pip II !f . ' ii pine to l'ml -weet<l lo viii! He pointed out that In 1he past 50 aieas 9Clft'ed by a recent e1rthquake." years population In the U.S. bu doubled. manua¢pt, ln the form of a Jett.er · Mn. Nmin-wM p;.ated with red ioees "But while I.be popdaUon hu doubled lo novelist ll'llllam Dun """'II~ and Trida wttb plnll now.1. · · the production ill th• U.S.· the 1,_.,. deacril>el how Twain had allepllJ been Moy of the crowd held Amerl<an in the U.S. has -·up ten-fold: the swindled by • YOlllll Encll*n• Ind .' Flap u the Prell-arrtftd in oumber of Americans In high 9Cliool his secretary. It wu written in JIOI. overeat weather, ·There wu ilto a has gone up 10 Umes: and the number A library opo11 .. 111n Sil<! ll'-11 ' ICatte!lnC of'puce llpl'in the crowd. ih «>liege has -up twenty.fold," he the mamucripl 'wll found In a -· n.. p""ldent Ind hla party boarded oald. among the papers or •n -te !" 1 helicopter for the brief hop to St. "Never In human history have ""'"' E d w • r d E. Loomis, whole wile wu Lauis, where he addressed the annual people 1hartd more wealth and had a rdaUve of Twlill'1 wilt. meetiJ11 of the United States J17cees (See NIXON, Pip I) . . • ... --·· ·-_.. ·---' ""9rtlt ""' llihi!llMl:t•I . =--A.lllll"""" ...... I ' ., ... • • " • •8 •n .. n • ___ .. -... ,.,.....,, ..... JI " ......... ... ...... c-tr 1t ,_. ..... ............... ~, ·-. -,.., ·-. ·-·· Newt ,,.. --... -------- • i '. , . . -. .. -< --r"h.;;.;;, -.i.;,. a i910 • ........... J . ' . ~-1\J:ESA EXPLOSION : •• Court Picks .. U.S. Plans .., . ~al wuben with !IP and clothinc Ulen addilll ..... type cl compoand rrom Jurym,en · Off Street For Mideast i..:· • ' • plastic bluc:li bottle. ' ' ... -r" Mrs. Nelaoh told invettlpton: she noticed tbe ra1s smelled highly of some plllllle compound. Peace Told ,. 'IJ,•·· Battalion Chief Ron Cole'man said a rumor was circulating at the explosion -tblt Miura! gaa hid c:ollecled, bu~ be -Jmmediale!J d-IWnmlble cbemlcal vapon to be tbe .. !lfl ..... \ ~ .. ,: .,:, DAILY PILOT ttMI ......_ BLAST VICTIM LOSES HEAD Karate Shop Buddh.e caule. ~ -,,. · Few people were inj tbe ,..-aide center: wben the noon hoPr blast oceurred -lucidly -•endi!l8 one raar.Uke chunk . ol P!ate gW. flying Ill .feot into the porl<!ng lot. . . . A erowd quietly gathettd u p......,by · · raced to ,.the scene and ~\\'.O repi;irtedly ran . .intO the. ·smoky structure huntinif any additional victims besides Mrs. Nelson. . , One man, iaentilied as l'homas Myers, raced to shut ciff "Ule natural 1u Jirie and prevent perllaps a aecondary lgoltion whidl would have threatened the crowd of spectators. . Detective Max Wilson was assigned by · polfce to aid firemen in the in· .. vest11ati011, • usblg a · descripl!OO of the l ~man · who may have been i'esponslble : '°" the accidental nploslbft. .\. He( was about five feet. two lnch~s ·tall weighing perhaps !60 pounds. 40 ~ to:> '45 years old afld driving a new •· ·"Fofd van, gold wlt_h a white stripe, • "*°1-dlng to Mrs, Nelson. ·: 1' Jnvostlgators theorlud_ he wu cl~ 1 'dOthes used i11 janJtonal or 1ndum;al ' .. ·wort with the. potent •solVent that Co[ll· •bined into a deadly compound .. Chief Coleman and GI.her invesUgaton . · !. ·were at· die ICen8 today, 1Jr0bing filr' additional clues besides the cloth rem- n&Rls and , other material pl~ked up Wednesday a~n. Damage to the rnme a!ld stucco struc- ture housing 'tbe la~.te, k' a ,r@. t e studio and restaurint "as cstim:tted ~at $30,000, while the lllUllllr!' ecjalpnienl • iiaelr was wortJt $15,000, flmnen aid. 'lbe Yo111LHQll_restaur.~ .. w1J1';11-r , talned wall damage, w~ the target o an arsotrlst on June .)81 whe• main· tenanCe -~n .arriving in the' morning hours fouod .Jeveral'firel set. a.tel c.1•• . ..-i il-1"-.I the blalt WednOoday -COl1!10cltd., noting Former Professor ·:::. ~"":'~·~ ~-~ Service.I t I : -' -~ fl West Oraqe County residents learned Wednesdoy that they were aboot to be "draftee[" And a f.F selecUve service card or 1 studenC deferment didn't · get the~ off tbe hoot. 1In ·a circwnstance·dtscribed. as "r~,._ by West Orange County Court 'Officials, uniformed deputy marshals went oot Into the street to recriiit juron foe pending court cases. ·~You have been selede4 as a juror ' for a criminal case la West Orange -j ¥ll!!lclpal <;ourt.'.' .. tl!o lawmen · saJd, aweeptng tbeiF recrul~ off to the ~l!artng rooms. . . Sgt. Alan Mitchell •ol· the Or11111e Coun- ty Manhal'1 office said· the draft ii made legal ·under Section :a7 of tbe State Code of Civil Procedures. "You 're sort of obligated to attend ... ' He e:rplajned that occUionally there ~ an unusual number of criminal pro- ceedings and not enough jurors to JO •r.ound which result in a court order to round up some more. ''Sometimes we may bf..ye 11 seats .., a jury !Wed and the.altMneys keep .disqualifying the people we Provide. When that hap~m we have to go out ' Into the street," Sgt. Mitchell said. · Wednesday the deP,uties headed to Marby Wesbnlnster City Hall where there were a Jot of civic employes, uk~ tbem if they were regiltered voters and residents of Orange County and tllen tok! tjlem they were polenUal jurors. 11 A Jot oC \hem had e1:cuses, but most of them were sucprlsingly cooperative," he said. The startled draftees were asked to ,appear "right away" and were told that they would be interviewed by attorneys , f~ ~Yon a .~~ poaesaioo case. DAILY" PILOT SI.if il'tlei. Cooling It Barbara Hyneck, 17, Claremont, ran into a cool breeze on an over- cast morning when she hit the beach in South Laguna Wednesday. But things a\o.e looking up along the Orange Coast -the su~ got up with the birds this morning, shaking off the June blahs earlier than usual. W_eatherman is p~sing more of the same. • • ,, WASHINGTON (AP) -s<cretar, or &tale )Vil-P. Jlotlen an-today ' whit ~ termed· a major new U.S. Mid· euf puce Jnitj.atJve alrried at setting the µabs and lsraelil l'ip stop shooting and start talking." . The,eaence of the still-sectet U.S. plan, . it was underst~. was a broadly worded proposal to Egypt, Jordan and .,,..Israel for a cease-lire of at least 90 days during which U.N. mediator Gunnar Jar~ ring wou1d start negotiations qn the · · ~ bfsls of these commitmentl ~by the op- posing parties: ·-:-~gypt and Jordan would p I e d g et themselvee to. the principle of peace wlt}t Israel and ackno'!ledge her" righ t to exist within secure bofderS. -Is.rael · in return would pledge withdrawal .from Arab lands ~ COO· quered in the 1967 war, ~ -All parties WQuld carry out the-1967 U.N. Security Council resolution for a peace set(lement. "' RogerS announced the "major polU.ical Initiative"' at · a news confere:nce, but he refused to go into details of the new U.S. diplomatic effort. Nor would he say what the Nixon administration's decision is on Israel's plea for 125 modern jet war planes . Rogers said because of the importance and sensitive nature of Lbe behind·lhe- acenes approach to • the Middle East opponents, it would be harmful to talk at this time about U.S. military assistance to Israel. However he restated what he said was the U.S. national interest in "the soverigoty, independence, and territorial integrity of Israel." He described u "a new factor and a very serious factor" the introduction of the new Soviet SAM3 antiaircraft mis.slles in Egypt and the flying of aircraft there by Soviet pilots. But he added: "We're not Inclined to think that Israel is at the moment unable to support itseU militarily." A F Ue . .. . Failure .io pay employe "11bbolding Ilis.·. Hothouse t u rtQn~ · ... ·~r:.:.~~,,,.~..i . Blackfin Leads · '. ~ . ., ti oWned'l>YWllliam Sleln,'ol Seal h. w· p th Pleads Guilt.y. ·· .· _..;:.1o1':t:t~.=.:~ " . as 0 ouse; Mir at Half'!_a __ y· Surfers Eye Huntington . . ·As Championships Near cyr;1 R. Epstein,~ fp~cid siat& ... : --.-· -· ------· -Mesan Arrested -- f'ullerton Engl~h . PiOl"!'!'>"i· .P~. . ')',..... P .. e ' I surfers from across the United stat.• The event will be """'tioqed by the Jn Tahiti Race_ guilty Wednesday " a .lni~ . : :y,:.l ' I • 'u; •• _.~ -N•t .. lbe ~-·-.,· will be Potnth.a their boardS toward westerli Surriag Asaoclat,ion and will , I charge stemmtnt'~rom~"a"c~'. MfheST •/';. .. -~._, .• ~~Ji,;;;;;•,.tth •.. .,..;·~b HunttngtonBUcblhilyear. betnvitatlooal. r.os ANGELES (AP) -The 13-foot disturbance at the school ~ ~-· i • • i. :_,1 .. ' ' • Wednesday night, after a tipoff Jed The 12th unual United S ta le s An added feature for thia year's contest ketch Blacklin neared tfie halfway mark Epstei~ ~ been :set for:i:~~r ..,. ~ .. trlq,. Syria and Jordan. Jract,' 'narcoUct detectives to aoop around hla ,.5urfboard Championship will be con.' Will be trophies especially desln-1 for W~ay in the lead of the 3,S71-mile Court tnal in Fldlerton· ~~~ ~ ~ W ~· 10 luiVe about 1'1: nrm~ttoop1.. backyard hothoue. . _, __ .,. . . '"A .. . , . the ·contest. The trophies wi be a Los Ai,aeJes-ttr"I:_ahiU Transpacific Yacht of misdemeanor charges. "Jte ",cti.,.d 't: Q, W:lfea. r. ~ . 1r-:" . · Bijan s. Detar, 19, of. 250 E. 22nd .. ~ 10 ."'11;; .city~ aashiq: waves from sculpture in bront.e ()( a surfer on a Race. . his J:'lea to ~illy on a Jiltiile .. ~9 -.Jn .~ Egypt annouDCed that its SL, was booked U.to city jail on charges Sept. 11-20. , wave for the &op winners rather than It was reported as 1,619 miles from of failure to disperse: -•, · ···.~Wt gQnners abot ·~·a, u.s. .. ,of Po~slon 8Pd. culU!aUon Of 1'81'1-More than ~ ,contestants, including the usual type of commercial trophy. the mainland. Blackfin is owned ~nd Judg~ Kenneth Lai accepted tltl·~ , .. · -.. ..... wk jet toda)' ,p .3Q 1Jsrae1l juana,·~io polfc:!; · · s<IJle from foreign countries, are ex-The event begins OJI Friday with the skippered by Kenneth DtMeuse of San and . set July 17 for ~tencl~~ . ~Waitili;':s"°attacked ~ ·SUS •trmt for 1 Imatlptlon .W:. to ·tlilco~ .t 1a pected to compete and some. 150,000 traditional' surfing luau f« contestants Franc~. . ~~1mum J>':M.ltr Epstem cou~d . ve . ·.~-19th consecutive day.·.·. , . ·total ·of · 28(t ~ ·plants m the pmons are expected-tQ line the and backers o( the surfmg contest. , In second place in the elapsed time IS SIX molns Jn Jad and a ~ fme •. ..., • : AD Egyptian )lpokemhan '8_kJ ~aptian ~ and ~ ~ ~. J>lus municipal pier 8Jld beach to watch the CompeUtion will begin early Saturday standings was the 78-foot ketch Mir, Epstein was one of two Cal S ~,l ~ f,_.y artillery in the IOQthem . iector . a ~tity ot.~ JIK( other marijuana-test of surfing skills. morning with the ellminaUons and end skippered by George O'Brien of Van· Fulferton faculty . members arnor.-·11. · oth SUez Ca,pal unl~~J\Yo:•tflerct'' relited 'pataphernana-. .. . Norman Worthy, director of the Parks Sunday with finals and award! to win-couver, B.C., reported 1,546 miles ffom ~.Jailed dunng·_the. weeks of IDlftst ~ .. es~ IaraEi:li:~ ... Clll lhe east ·~~'{es, ~d · they Wli"e told thal aJtd Recreation Department, has been ners. the main1and. this spr:mg o~ the··c~mpus. r .. :.._i:.: ·of. •h.·Wattiwat ~ ·. . . somel>Od)' named , Br~ ·,.as. allegedly designated contest director for the 1970 Featured Sunday will be taRdem surf-Third was Widgeon, a ·St.foot sJoop Dr. ~~ Silv~s:. f~ from ~s PoSi-~ ¥1"!1!i ~, ~ ·,1't Aviv said ~I a ~ Of'· ir11;1 'llOJneWhere in venion•of the national evenL ing, on the traditionally huge surf at captain by Norman Bacon or the Stnta lion • ~~iate.:Prof~r ·oe phikllophy, r ~l(~,.stQ~.~ Syria attacked ·the , 200 block Of ; E~:. 2Znd Street; IO .Entry infonnatioft will be availa~le Huntington and d_ory races around the Barbara Yacht Club, which bad logged was corrt~ ~ week an . tWo ·mitde-a~ bUM . \!; ~·inlleS'~ ,,sOutbwest of they atJrted ·peepih&'over fences. .· _ w:::1:lhln=:..:the::..:ne=n:..:r:ew~-:_.::k:::•.::• :..:W:.:or:..:th:::y:..:.::sa::id::._.::cl:::.ly...:p'.::ier.::::.. ___________ 1_:,49l __ mil_es_. ________ _ meanqt. l:bBrgQ by a mW1lclp>I court ~ -~ .-!f '.inlles aoatheast · ol 4 11)>,all. quan~l/'. ol cut and_ dried J"'! ond hao been sentence4 to to days the'~~~~·! · ~ """' itls~ation weed ready ,to smote or otherwJSe uBe In Jail. • . · .,...,...,.. :a -;;Tu11 swtheut ,.a, abo fo\!IKI )n~de the home occupied Silvers ls ftee pending appeal of the ~~ ~ ~ ·~w-ydi. ~u a by Detar, &Ccordiq to detecUves Norm sentence. _He Is •lso : the derendant ., ~ !Gr sJ<ilD arillored llllils Kulcb and Bob Leonert-• $10,00Q lawsuit riled Tue!doy -by Cal .-· • · State Fullerton ·teaching assistant 'Ralph Michael O'Hollarm who •cCuse. llilvers From Pfife I ' f and tw,o·students of assault' and battery. · , . O'Holiaren claims the.trio attacked biJn . NIXON IN ST LOUI~,' and.:•iDflicled :Jerlola: injuries during a _ • . ~ • • • ~· ui the Fullertoo campu& M-,,7.. , ""!I''•' • ... .· .. , ~ ' ' . more opportuRity -with ;~\ter jobs than in the United states of Anierica at this iime and" ,.. sliouid" Ile proud or that and I bllleve 'wa are." ''Die~·:.-00.~ Polo Field , . ' .. . \ -~i..ONDb& 'iuPt ) -Th.' Maharaj~h ol Jaipur 1 first .pi:esident of the lndian State·or··'Rajastbari"and one of the world's ~· .. ra· en.· . cOlla~e<l . i.nd died : ~l~e eattkit>Otl1'8" in ~ polo ·Jiilfdi it'GJobeeitershire: ·Hi was·58. ..... -" \ . ' . ~ -. •' 1:; ... • I•, '., ' . DAILY PILOT •li:.-"""'·' ~.'.__!'.'._~ ' ., ... _, ·,,i,~~r~·· M :c.... ...... • 0 ·-·~· .. _j.1' .... , ...... ......... ~ .. s..c- .. .· Hippie Bandit Threatens :Nitro, G~ts $1,17_5 Haul ·; A .hippie-clad susPect 1¥ho picks 01 , hi:anches of the Crocker Clilr.eu National .. ·Bank hit ano~ one Wednesday in Garden Grove and got away with $1,175. Police · said· the Jong hiired bandit, a~t · 7.G to 30 years o~, wfiO wears ,, ,' ' . · -.-1t\pple-type headband entued the bank · ~t.13125 Harbor BJvd., about aoon,JJud· ed '·teller Katherine Walker a note'"-am- ing that he had a vial of nitroglycerin and JVOUld blow up the building if not giveri .• iJlOney. ' . : ... ~ •.. J\ holdup man usil'lg the · sa~. ·~ ·· mAch, and ol the same apPear~, .. robbed a Crocker Citizens bai;ik at Ltn- . cObt Avenue near Brookhurst .Street In , countf territory May 13 of $1,ltO,, the Orange County Shefjff's Office reca.1&. ~ .: · JOF{e's' undoubtedly the same 'i':·,. The President bad warm words for his owa· wellare refonn program now • pendl.iig be.fore Congress, calling it "the most hiatorlc .•• the moat revolutionary program in this field ·in a period of SO years." "We _can .put a floor under the iacome of every •family in America -and, · ' it mearu: that a man and bis wife and, ·most· importaJ11t, his child°ren, can stand on ~at floor with dignity." J"il~R w&s:· ·flanked by his wife, Pat, ljld his ~aughter. Tricia. both carrying bOuqu,elS of flowers. 'Mleir 15-block motorcade to Kiel Auditorium was a triumphal parade, perhaps N t x on' s warmest reeepilon since the 19&8 cam- paign. The only janing note was provided by several thousand dem01'lstrators who clustered In front of the auditorium chan- ting "What do we want? Peace. Whea do we want it? Now." · But they were all but droned out by the cheers greetini Nixon as he arrived. Some of bls most enthusiastic t'OOters were cons(ructlon Mrkers wear- .· ing bard hat11 Along the way, crowd! · .were tined (OUl'I to six deep. , In. his , _.ti, Nl•Oll acknowledged · · the , lndoChlna war is a divisive force in the ' • .nation. but said, "because or ' OU~ · aUccess ·~hi destroying e n e m y : = :i ·~:i~· i!:e' more r ,, · · . iald 8herlfr't investigator. Bill Jq ~ ~. . ' •· ' this' lnGrl'llng. He said his dep'art~t , S · S ht O"llV iitlOf. •ilfl ..,lcll flt~ Nit • bid ·DO clues to the identity O[, the usnects oug "'"'''"'" IJ .,....""-' d1il1'> --.'hfto l'. .,.,, ... lfJN••~ $011-. tot !-flUNI le.'.dto • llJIPtCl bul "he'I obviou&l:y lt1ll · ln · ~· . . · '£-:~fir~:=;z.~~... ·buUeu." ~n Lido Robbery · c:-n+ pr1n1~ p111ntt ..... "' m1 ... , 1·1 ••let• •1~,. ,..wptrl •ete.'fl. ,,,. -... • "' •;::= ~. ,.,_.,n U.S. Export, Import Police today are looting r..-auopects a..w.-Al'Nrtltl-. '41-N71 • in the TueSCliy nilht .theft of Watches ~-.. :.s.o C'•~ u ........ -l{ecord Level Markel\. r .... an outside d!IPlay .... o1 ·i p1us11 · ,...,._ .,,.... Lido jewelr)( 11«1. .. .. J~ .r.;:~ ;:. ~~~·...= WAsiriNGTON" c°AP) --'Jbe United Three meq'i w.atd.es valued at tn0 . ~·'";9.;~ 1~~ ... -.= States merchandise exports '1e1cbed a were stolen from a cue at B. D. Howes """"" 11 co.vtliJl't1 -. • .l record Ol "$3,lt5,IOO,OOOin May, exceedinr & Sons jewelry store, 34.12 Via Udo. """' dlltl ,...,.,. H lf" "...,.., 11tte11 the month's imports by $33$ million, --,-n.. -, .... "'-· (:l l1Mtnl1. Jl1"e,lpllol\ .,. the ~----.. Department roported ,_ -\hlet-brokr '\h"i wlndow or-the Ccttrl ... t.:M IT'lllftlt.1y1 ~1 -II U.W 11111!'111\IYI \NllWIQ W"' t t111Hi.ry ""'"""'-.., ru.• "*'flttl'. day. ..t. displll' ca st1 investi&alor1 uid. l '' ~I 1 (1 SOFA BEi> n.,,, ·•r• .,,,., c1111fort1bl1 1of1 btcf1 for Sltti119 1N Sl11pi119, A witl• t1l1cti•11 •f f1bi-i'• 1wtl Color. t• choo11 frDlll •• I , I I 1, ·I I) ·• ' ' ' I >' j: ,, I I I • I 11 ' 'I I ' Ii ,, ~ ~ I • I . •• • . • "nntingion Beaeh • EDITION .. - • • N.Y. Steeb VOt 63, NO . IS I, 4 SECTIONS, 5'4 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, JUNE as. 1970 TEN CENTS I ' ' . " ~ir Clouded Over Edi~on Expansion Proposal • By ALAN DIRKIN Of .. D9llf "'"" ..... Who controls I.ht air over Huntington Beich? the air was sUll clouded today on t.tUs question and whether the Southern California Edison Company now has tht authority to go ahead with Its $171 million npanslon of lhe coast plant. • The prospect ol a .c:o11rt light to deal• jurildiction in the controv'"Uay appeared • t.o bt incrtaslnc wllh all parties wailing ~~ • for the otben to mike the lint ...... Tile Public Utilities Comm-tllll week granted Ediaon'1 applicalloa to build two . new generatinc units and directed the company kl begin con- struction on the first unit "immediately." Ricjlanl Campbell, muager ol the Huntington Beach plant aaid tJlil inom- ing, "Based llO"the PUC ruli111, ti will be reasonable to assume activity will begin this fall , • • Meanwbtle the Oranae CountJ Air PoUuttoo Cantrol DiJtrict. wblch apio dented l!disoo'a applicalioo the day before the PUC rulin&, reaflinned today that it believes ·lbe comPany Cannot expand without a permit from Uie district. . Asked Whether the cou.nty woukl ·take the matter ,to court, F4wan1 Cam~a, auocia~e engineer with the APCD,. replied, ."We may wait to see it Edison Court.'' Ha said lllal be did not -wbe\b<r K would be -•">' for the dlairtc:t to Initiate COW1 action. "We Ilk< the poailtan that Oilf authofl· ty is coni:umnt with tbe ,PUC's and 1!11• Ediaon <"'IUim permits ·""'11 lloth q:encies in order to, bulJil." . · · ·Deputy oounty .......i Jiii!". Uilian hlnlal that another lqal ........ J1111de, ,.,mt1nf out tllat !ht PUC bas the right to appeal the, AP¢li Board's llenial, Uri>an did-Dot -whether the county , cu appeal Illa PUC • decilion, . addtnc ~t ~ a ~ woul~ hive \0 '.be jointly .antv,.i at by the ~ly llo8rd ol Supervilon, APCD and county counsel'. ' • In a ri>uo..u'p to lb 'dadsloo , the rue • claimed in a ltltement. loday that "lite public health wm· be belier aerved rrom ·*·* *' ~ 'it; qual.ity and reliabjlity ol electric ,.,.ice standpoints with the ,_i Huntlngt4n Beach ._..,., than wflholl t it:" • 'l11e COlllllliWon said that ...,..,. •lee· lrkal demands, particularly In Oran1e County, 'require construction of the new Units be!Ween lt7S and' 1'15 and that new nuclear plan ti, U well , as other s, . (See EDISON, Pap I) , Council Split · Over 0 K Criticism, Support FolloU?·PUC's Edison Ruling , .:iJIWS N-ST ,Mi { llAl'r IS 'l'Hiilt llUSINalS : · • lnli'Jtlsi .. 11111 Alclrid!( 13, (loll), llH MU19rovo, 14 ~ • 1 • I -' . -:-: Sliniy business ' Boys Sell Worms to Anglers Bill f\1usgrove, 14, and Ron Aldrich, 13, of Huntingtoo Beach are gettlnr!: in- \'ofved in 1 slimy bu&iness -selling wonm to fishennen ai Lake Talbert . CltJ officials found that the young men meant business wh"en they walked Jnt6 City Hall UUs week with a ronnal Pfuposa.I for lhe administrator to open a bait stand at the lakc,·nexl to Talbert Avenue and Golden West Street. Their applicaUOn (or a license 10~ op:erate the stand on the city property 11·png to be approyed, · ·".fhe license costs $25 . but Bill allowed that the enterpri~ng pair still exi>ect 'lb-have $60 or $'70 of capita l to st.art Uie venture. / ' We are going lo sell all kinds of ba'k at the lakeslde includh1g crickets .aif·worms which we grow in my parents' oi'age." ' :CitY officials ha ve gone out o( their 1P(y '-help/the young merchanls. =Monday Mayor Donald D. Shipley pirionaUy congratulated the youngsters fat ·their enterpri&e and -they were aided tli1'>Ulh T}Jnicipal red tape by Director otftecreat1a..1 and Parks Nonnan Worthy, Dl~iopment Coordlnatw Tom Severns . -: " and Assistant City Administrator Brai1der Castle. BW, who will altend Fountain Valley High School next September, livea at 7591 Amazon Drive. Ron. headed for Marina High School in the fall, is from 7082 Heil Ave'l'lue. Bill said that if more money ii needed for the venture his sister Sherry, 19, had indicated a willingneu to invest. Bill had only a shocked look for a suggestion that his sister might actually be involved in handling tbt: 11ithery merchandise. "Art you kidding?" Bill 1sked. Ron .does not have the sister problem but his brother Billie at 7 is not quite ready to 1et fully involved in the busioe6s. Bill said he "began with an interest in raising earthworms and soon Ron ••as his partner. ''We ire readJ to wholesale worms.'' Roa added. Approval by the city follows approval by the parenls or both loda who ... aiding in putUng up 90me of the capital. Business i! to begin at the laktlkle on June -n if all goes wen in the earth~·orm and cricket factory, 1c- cording to the boys. Huntington Beach councilmen were divided today in their reaction to the PUC's approval of Southern Califoraia Edison Companf•s plan to expud its Huntingtor. Beach 1enerating plant. Councilman Mrs. Notma Gibbs &Poke the strongeilt. "I think it's appalling -the people were not listened to,'' she commented. "I've be.en fighting for extension of power from the San Onofre nuclear stat.ion -why can't we &et our poWer there! "rt's 11Q co""'1atioa that tbil Is 1<1ln£ to be the last one. t think people would be very happy to do without their electric k»Othbruahes and· some other appllances. '' Councilman Ge«ge McCracken backe1! Badham Bill Cutt~ Route AJanns Beaeh Huntington llteacb councilmen are becoming iacreastngly alarmed at the pl'OIJ'ess o( Assemblyman Ro be r t Badham'• bill to delete: 1 seament of the Coast Freeway. They believe it will kill the Top of the Pier plan for downtown redevelop- ment. The measure, which would terminate the freeway at Adams Avenue, Hun· ·tlullon Beach, tnitead of continuiq it downcast, cleared the Alaembl)' Wed· neaday and is now beiQ .carried ·by Senator Jollo Schmitz (R·Tu.lln) lhruugh the state Senate: The inte1tion of Badharn's move is for the freeway lo bypass Newport Beach. "Newport's cure ls J'luntington Beach's death,'' Councilman. Jack Gree• com· mented flltly this morning. "It Would choke our surface Streets." Councilmen have been told by traffic en,meers that the result or eJlding the frte;way at the juncUOn of the nort!Houth HuaUngton Beach Freeway near AdCns AYMUC IDd Beach Boulevard would be to dLDnp 'Jfllo BeaCh Boulevard all of the traffic from Los Angeles County be..:lin& for the beaches. "JUcht IOW Beach Boulevard is choked to 1 ltlndlUD on • warm weekendl," Green pointed out "Adding aU east.west tnffic Ind nort.\.llOUth traffic 1Rd dum· Pinc it onto Beach Boulevard would result .in a traffic jam or monumental ' (IM l'RkEWAY, Pip I) . :: . •• 1·· .. Salary , Talks at Impasse ,; :-, .. ·. .. Revietv Board to Strµly ,District, Teacher Stands .: By TERRY COVILLE (,,! Of Ille -., """ IMH . ~ impme hM been declared in salary =lions by teacllen ol the """' Beach Ci!)' Scl1ool Dlltrtcl, 'hi~ meus a board ol review mllll !oiatiiatt lb• neaotlaltons a n d drllmnlne tr there have been .ny errors ta'lhe rac1s praenlal by either lkle. 'nit board of trustees, however I ho .,.i no impa11< exists. ~An lmpaae relates to some J.ct fll\dln& ~· We. cloo~ ff:ol tflts J(h aae.'_' ~iUe Hll9ln, chairman a('the boa{d ol trustees, explalned tJlil ~~alter may be setUed in court. "'~ Dorothy McClure, head of th< telchers negotiating team, said this mlft'ning teachers would seek legal ediln!lt:I on the matter. ~We 1pl1n to talk with a Clllfornia 1'~ Mlociation representaUve/' Mk , llcoun said, "It'• J>Oliibte a -t ' ' . lnjunclion would be needed to force lht impasse p~." Disjrict olficlur havt olrer..i the teaches a Iii: percent ulary increase, &ivin& the -the right to -how much ol 111111 --id IC> towmf binp -... Teecben blve requested a nine" percent ,., -· plus -two percent in frince benefiLI. Tbere ii abo diaatreement over .mo sl1outd poy for teachen aides and sab- batical ,...... . If the ntfoliationl do IC> Into the impuae fOl'lnlt, NCh side wlh pick one spokesman ror the board ol re,vte>o, Thole two spok•men will U. eeMct a third penon for the reriew bolrd. All factual matters of dl!CUllion - Rmount of funds available , dollar value of medical benefits, etc. -will then be studied and ruled comet or lncor rect by tbe review bl>ard. The current difference between the two aides Is baaed on the det'lnition of 1 factual maUer. "'lbe board uys it never told us money wun't avail1ble.," Mn. Mc.Oare llat<d. "But M haa told the publjc lbat hllher aalarta can~ be ofrtnd 6acame c:ertaln rlurve funds are needtd. We want a reYlew board lo decide thatJ' -"11·11 th. ......,1111 .. ot 11oe baOrd lo determine what the JaerV• are. We have a certain 1hininnun ud we " ............. ,~ ~-· ' "And we never ~ 1 counler propoll] So our offer,'' -a.ie ldded. "We expect to hear from lhejr lawyers oo the impaue matter, Until tllat tlmt! there is nothln1 men to do." The admlnittralion proposal of 1 1i1 percent boost -id ._ the dlatrlcl 1117,000 rnoro for teodlers salaries - year. Diltrlct offidall have added tM.IOO on top of lhat. for extra salarl• naulUn1 1a. IALAllllll, ...... lhe PUC <!<cisioo aelicilY, ; • , wid. their · pbllutloo contn.ls ·we "l•Y standards set by the PACD, I sllll believe "There's no doubt the, dec:Won '" hilve 1 betfei'planl than we ha've now." my rtsolution to deny expanson · wu fair,'' he llid. "I ttµnk"'~'uUlll;,v com· "Anrt two months ase lht council the rtgtit c:ne. I aaKl at the time the PIIli;ts haw done u elaUent. job in pa5Sed a .~I~ opposlna \he Edi~ motion.we passed :was watered dowrrand Uep!al up With the ..... llttOn-aploaton. H(lli)siOn U~, the ,pbllulton '!II con· r iltlll say It." . This hu not been done-in ·CJtber-,,parb trolled. lt wU proposed: by Councilman CoWlCilman AL c.oen cotru'l)enled. "I of tbe country ..ch u the wtheut Jack Green ifter a . motion , by Jerry d<>n't know to what ·extent they will where they !lave bad -...Uls. ~ . M-y flatly· opposlrl&· the expanaton be. abl~ to, control. J!Ollutloa. I would "I'm allo &lad thll they round a oeemtd,to lack ~· · have hoped . Iha! the PUC had aloo Im· way to keep the e1niuions down "U1til , Green , commen~ this' mom~c. '.'1 posed controls oo visual pollution alio we pt nuc1ur plin&L" · hope that ute 1~0 la upheld m. Una. such as the· Jandacapirig and architei'ct1D'al Council .. Ted Bm'Uet\ qteed with ,Perhaps '"if 'the cOUaty 11· sincere . in controls a city imposes ,on applicaUoni this view. not winUnc· hpanakw'I, now la the time that.come before it." "l think the rulln& wu j~Uf .. ble," for us· to pt toi:ether and 1)owdown The seventh council .member, Mayor he commented. "After all, they are not the population Whit lnto thla area." Donald Shipley, was not ava.fteble for a•in& to bave• -plants ..,... 1or Ma!n<Y. noponded, "I don't a"'° with c:ommenl He lert ror a vacation In 10 ft&'•· U u.e, do follow lbnucb 'tbt, ~-"!'"1 l!dil!>n meela the Australia Tuesday .. __ .., ......... -dtlJtOll ani WU & ,''very llcl dlle. "pr-1; fttl1I drulJ,'' . ' l ''He just 11t 1tarin1 into iplct ln "his cqe. When ht' walked lie bumped dnto aB objecti: ,,,.,. jillt waon'I any .hope· for ltln,.," Robert E. Sharkey, direc-. · tor ol lhe hwnane soclety, Nkl. 'A. tac-irouoo his neck had klentified Brutus u a canlhe fond Of ''aetliltf high oo drup," but allo ... u trained and pd with kid!, Beach Boonie ·Biker Bail Begins-No 'Tickets As Yet By RUDI ~DZl!!l31U Clf .... DeHr ......... ~finibike and motorcycle riders will have another week'• reprieve before they . are llSUed citations for' bfastin1 through HunUngton Beach's boonies. "We want to apprise everyone of the fact !hat we have a new ordinance prohibitin1 their use and · for the next week to 11 day1 we'll jut blue warn- Huntington Art Contest Date Moved 2 Weeks So that all artiala may hav~:-"' time to set -worl<a Into Pr...-,. Art '70, I a&aaewkle aft contllt apcmored by the dty ol H~ Beach arid lnternaltooal Alt Sdlolonhlpa, th • dudline h11 been aHaded from June 27 to July 10. The contnt. M erpected to draw more lban 1,000 arltats who 'will ....p.c. for 12.500 In (l!1U -.y,, -la! by buslnealm"1 ' tn Ille Jllllllnlton Beach ·ll'el. - J-..... -tit •the -..!, reporltd that'tho•llme ma-~- rd .. Illa! -bl -and cenlnl CaUlonila """ -_..., -to lhip their -U te ff...,.... lluch. The receptlan -la ~ at room IOI 1ol t4le Ooldon .... COllap llmtc Bulldinf, • • CompelHJon will ... Mid .... maH ol tM llllOllna1e ~. •. 13 lb ....... and rt ta~ lllal .... .......... will -Ille •artoul -ts. An 1 fddll"""I 11.-wlD lit 4Wlfded to .-arllatl durtac the competition ...... lL 'l1lts -will ... - by llolilllU !nm ~ Or1111< CoudJ, • ·Aft obJeda.win be·judpd by. thl« ._,, bolrd,ol artlala lrom lb...,,,...t Sou!hent Calllornll. • ings,'' said Police Capt. Arland Ussher:-- The city's emergency law, passed unanimously Monday by the Huntington Beach City COU'ncil, makes it illegal to ride 1 motorcycle on city or private property unless Ule cyclist And the prop. erty owner have obtained special per· ml ts. Con.Jiction under the law means 1 fine ranging (rom . ns to •too aNt/or 30 -diys jmpriso nment. ' "JuSt because we're givinf Warnings, th.at doMn't mean we're not going to give . citations durina the next week," lhe captain said. ' "if n aive IOmeont a warning todaf and tte biltt committin1 1nother violation tomorrow, he's going to get • real ticket." · ~ Sneral other Or•np: County Cities, tncludlns Anaheim •nd Fountain Valley, have enacted 1imll•r ordinances. They ha,.. been wr1u.n largely becauao or 1dt1Rn cornplalnta a b o u t nceatvt 1m0unt.s of nola, dust, fumu, UOlion 1and fft daqer • "The clly ol 0r1.,. ha• juilt asbd us for 1 copy of our ordinance, '° they're probably thlnkill1 about the same lbinl," Ullher said. · Valley Planners Reject-Station .I ) ' ~raeli-~r,:~a . front E~plooes .bl&t Wdrfare ' Sy Uollltl Pma llllerUi!.aJ 1bt Israeli-Syrian front expM>ded ~y wiUi the heaviest battle lince~the 191'7 Midple East war, and fierce ccrnbat · ensutfed • wide area of the Suez Cin'al tmmediate 'relction rroffi the Arab worl4 to the new U.S. pl1n for peace Jn the aru was lukewann. Israel declin- ed colnnlent on the propos1la announced by secretary of State William P. Ro1ers and suptmoned its ambaMador In WuhlngtOO hick tcr Jeruailem 'for coo- aultMkliis. . -. Tel Aviv cemmuniques said Jsraell Jets attacked army camP1 ~ inside Syria ne1r Lfie: capital of Damascus and battled Syrian interceptors in th~ skies while Jsraeli and Syrian tanks -and artillery fought across the entire SO.,mile length of the Golan Heights cease-fir'• line. Fighting rq;ed for more Uian six hours, and spokesmen said-the battle wu the blgest since Isr.aeli troops seize4 the Golan Heights iii the 1967 war. lt followed a tw.c>h<>Ur .fight WedneSday nlcbt io- volving tanks and artillery. Israel reported a Soviet-built MIG21 ef the Syrian air force shot down in an aI~rnoon dogfight over the Got,n Heighls. Syria Uid ill antiaircraft IW'I- . ners do.wn a U.S.-buUl Phantom jet fighter-bomber of the tsraeH air force. Iraq announctd it has placed Ill troop. on the Arab. Eastern rrant with Israel at Syria's disposal "to· rtpel the con· tinved Zionist auresslons." The front includes Iraq, Syria and Jordan. Ir-i: is reported to have about 12,000 troops in the area . · The wealherman'1 turning up Iha burner Friday. wllb beac:IJ. front areas aimmtrina in Hvtnty· ialJ 11J11 and Inland · rqlooa .-me at•d<~, INSIDE TODAY Sondt1 AtOmar ao-1 en the Angels rtwrll bock ond takes over "top spOc , in co111ccutiw r 'goriwa hitting u A-Mheim team IW<tpa dollbl«ll<adcr, Spam, /'ag< 31. ·-·is::· ----·-::11w I -Alll L--. - • • ..... • • " • .... ...,, t • • • --" -... --.. --.. or....c....r ,, -... ......... ... , ·-.. -... -. --.... --.. I DAll.Y l'ILOr H ,......,, -15,1'10 ._ .. ., .... Dbtrlet Po·rtahle~: School Studies Revived The poulblllty ol an entirely portable , tlemenlary IChool in Huntington &acb Ls .WI allv~. · OW•ial1 ol tbe HllllliDclon lleoch CltJ Mesa Branch . ·Badham Bill A.s 'Stupid' School Diltrlct agreed Tu<*lay night to cootinue study of the propoaal made by trultee Roger Ancie2t Andenon sugg.,tad put ID portable classes and two 1dminiatra e lm!Jdlnp on a 1111 bounded by Brookburat and Bushard streets and Atlanta and In- dianapolis Avenues. · "Our schOols are alr!ady crowded,,. Andenon atated. "I doa.'t t!Unk "e need the atra ~ 'Untn February." Charles Pa 1 mer, busbtea superintendent, replied. "We con handl• expected grvwth In Seplembee by lncreu'ing clas'sroom size." • Simmering and IOft\eWhal bafOed,' "U ·we * the need la February 1 Costa Mesa civic 'leadm today' hr.anded dM't let Mow we can tpore it in' Sep.-the: easy victory of a bill to f:timlnate 1 crucial section or Pactnc Cout terpber," Anderson said. He pointed out Freeway as stupid, emoUooal and irr that school cafetoriums, not Intended rational. as classrooms, are already beina: used Assemblyman Robert H. Badham (R· as classrooms. Newport Btach) seemed surprised Total cost of the portable school - h!mself Wednesday at how simply lhe • pre-fabricated, relocatable bulldtnp. - bill ~ropplq the freeway stretch :from· and site improvemtnt woukl be about Hunting&Oa ~ to Corona del Mjr $500,000 ~ a aven JIU period. went tbroucb-' Palmer could &ive no estimate for the Maycw ROberl M. WUaoo said bltltrly Initial ripense. · ' that the vote may have been a com-"The first year's leue on the bultdinp pliment to the infhltnce.peddling and would be $62:,550 which must come out money-1pencu,.·o1 the rr-y Flghten · of the ...,.,.1 lund;"'{le <xplalnad. group, but will ulll11111ely aolve nothing. The dbtrlct 1iso bu about '1IO,Ollll "'!bit MCtlon of -Ole freeway wu only in av1JJ1ble bond money whkh eoeJd · designed to handle traffic generated in be used for improvement of the lite lbe IUJ'NUDdinc 1re1," he: explained. "I and furnishing of the cl11111. . ·: 1 • • cloo'I' -what Newport Beech will Palmer alJo aid the. metloo o! do with Ill that tra!Oc If the S.ntl< another achoo! -.Id JqWI )>lrlll(i m approves it." additional ao teacben. . He was Jess ana.lytic1l when first in-An~non coanterei;1 that , by Illini fonned. ev1llable staff ud lhlftinc -to the "You've got lo be k.iddin&," he rtmark· new ICbool thlt would not~ nece111r7., ed cautlOUJly. S. A. J,lollett, dlllrlcl 1UpOrinlllMlen~ "Costa Mesa changed the adopted said if the catetoriurm were· tHminated Newport Freeway route just to benefit 11 cliurooms 1bout IS extra ·~ t:J.1cific Coast Freeway," he con-would be 1vaillble in tbe diltrict. , - "When all these thousands of cars Palmer agried to Iiicludt the portable coming down the N-Freewa• 1111 claaael In the bud&et lludy,. bot pointed --.... • , j)U! the item could be dr-4 anytime oil the cliff by Hoeg Hospttal, then before the distrld'I llne1 . budiill ii ~·Ort ~Bn•dhahe m ao1n1 to do!" edoplad 111 AIJiull .. . •• even atlll·be U1lllnd then•" The tentaUv• bodpl "1oPl*f 'fll!adar Mayor Wilson added.-' poees a M.i mlllkrl n,.lre ")th $530,000 estlmat.ed for rtserve funds 1t the end f'ro11t P .. e I .. FREEWAY< ••• Jiroporljong every day." Earlier Ulls wed 1t a stuclY-...,. wjfh memben ol the Vrliill bed lnltltute•, cm..., st.ertnr Comllllttee councllme• were told that the freewaY Is "critlcal" to Top of the Pier recfeyelop. ment. ' Both William Lund, vice ireslclenl .of the cttrs economic consuJtanta, Econotnlc Reteareh Auoclate&, and William Wrea of the UL! panel qroed that the freeway WU needetl lo gel lra!Oc lo the lllld-beach area. The traffic tleups would be "1la1· ttrinl" if the freeway ended at Adams Avenue, Lund akf. Lund . added, however, tblt, U the freeway W<re utended to the boundary bei-o Newport lleoch ud Huntlniton Beach (the Santa Ana River}, the Top ol the Pier plan woWd not tie affected and C..ta M"" ud Newport Beach -.Id bear the bront of the congeatlon. Wmi, who heads the U L I transportation committee, said his crouP had met with representatives or Diatrict f of the 4 t 1 t e Div Won of Highways and the ltMe Parks and Recreation Department ' . He aakl the two •Lt.le agencies were not coordlnlting their plan• and that . the city may have to act as a Uuion -¥them· · Wren claimed the state's traffic Oow rnapg on the freeway do not milch wtth roads leading to beach parkln1 lots. Assemblyman Robert Burke (ft-Hun· tlngton Beach) argued against Badham's INll In the Aaaembly Wednesday. DAILY PILOT OllMGt CO.UT l'UllliMING COfll,l'.-,H¥ l•ll•i-t N. Wed J.,k l , Cw•l1y '1'\u ~nlo!ent .rid W n<J<•I MMlt ... ElillOr 11'.•,..•• A. Mu1phl11t M..W,1111 £1<'91' W..I o.._ ~ty ldilll . All11rt W. l1!1t •••HKl•tt l:f!lor . H ...... ._ a..ti0Hic1 1111~ l 11(h loul•v1rlll Moili11t Allltl1111: ,,0. 111 1•0. t2641 _ ....... """"' .. ldl: m ""''" •-, tet.i. lrHwi l• Wu! .. ., Strwt M-t l•tcri: 7211 Wnl l•ll•n lwi1W1111 .kl! '""*'le: IOJ N•rtll l[I 'lmlrle llHI IMo1lV lllLOT, wllll 'Moktl "c""llolftftl h ,..... •• ,._,, le .-ii.Md •lly U<lllf 5-••1' 111 ,.porllei d lltor. ,... ~ t..d\o Jtt-1 .. Mii. C•le Metl, Hufll""1M .. ,di .,,. "-"""' v11"'· '""' w1111 , .. , ..... ~•t111ni. Ot-C:.lll ""*""""" c-111' 11ti..n.,. ..... " lft ,, nu W•• ., .. , l !\111,. H..,..,.., IHCJI, .... »I Wttl ... Slrttt, C.11 M•t. , ..... 1114) 641..Ull "-W.•l11l1t c:.ei Mf·11H Cl•1IR1• '°"•*tl1 ... Ma.Nft '-"'...,. ""' °''* ..:1111 ....... """ ~. Ht _.,, ''°'"'"' H1¥ttr.i,.,,1. ..i ... 111 ---, ........ IM!Ml'l!1 '-"' ""'' • ....,._,., wllhflll 1peclll ..,. ""'"*' • ....11111 .... ,.,.. a.c.lf en ...... 11111 I• Htwi&rt .. ,di trAI , .... MM, C11111r11ll, Silbtcrllllkin 11'1 (troi.t ~·· -~llllr1 .,. INll 0 ,JO "*11111'11 '''""""' .. ,.,.,..,,, n.• "*""'"· • of the year. Money for a portable achool • would come from liloa ,,_.. funda. Beach Schoou .Try Sept. 15 ... ,For Bonth Okay • Elementary lldlool olllcltil hava picked Sept. Ii 11 the data for a third alt<mpl to , change the bond iolefolt ralll In Hunllnllfoo Beach. . Voters. have twice defu&ed1 en P'eb. 10 and aaain June 2, Jll'OPoUls by the Huntington Beach • City School Dlltri<I to change the achoo[ bood lnllmt rall from five percent to seven percent. The two narrow Joaet have paralyzed some 14'.'li mlflfon In lldlool COlllliuCtlon bond& l[l(lrWed a 1Mr aco by tile <It<> tor ate, An interest rate cbange needs approval by two thirds of those Y\lting for pusage. It failed a:a the · June 2 ballot by .4 pe<Oelll. Both losing elections were tied to other elections. 'This time citstrid officials hive scheduled a special electign with the interest rate as the only item on tht ballot. * * From P .. e I SALARIES ••. from teachers movin& up on the PIY lj(ale as agreed to the year before. current llacbe( demands would total about '250,000, not Jnciuding the acale increases, which teachers uy 11 automatic. The district's retttVe fund$ are ex- pected lo be ISll,400 at the •nd of lt!0-71. Those reserve funds, administraton .say, must carry the dlaltlct throuih part of a new year and cover any 0 surprim" during the year. Teacben polntod out thlll l><alth bmellll -moot of the fringe beft<ftll they want -are alreldy included in the budget in the amount of about '84,000 and would not come from reterVe funds. Dey also claim they art wlllinl to ne~all fllrther and perhaPo reduce their demarids. 1 Planners Rej<'Ct Tiburon Project The Lanrln Compoay failed to wtn city eppnwal Wednelday night !or n- -loo of Ill Tlbu""' townhouaa -~ ment In Founlala Valley. The plaMlng commission refulld to rtz0ne 20 acres IOUth ol the ultURi Tiburon tract which would have allowed another IO homes. Planners Nld the erpanslon would allow too muy borna and too many ld!ool children In the eru. About 20 mldeqts were pre:tenl durtnc t.ht public hearing to oppooe the propooed '" panslon. The Tiburon development Is on Brookhurst Street south or T1lbert Avenue. \ Beach B00tns . . . Jury Quiz Oppos.ed ByM~'!~ ' ' LOS ANGEi.ES (UPIJ _;1$fylng they want to deny the "esfablish,ment" the ·satisfaction oI a "court drama-" Cbarles Manson &nd-his thi-ee feJD111e codefen· dent.I an: tryirlg to prevent their~'" from quizzing prospective juroa: at the · h'ial for tbe murder ol actreU> n Tate. Two o( the defeqse attorneys Wed· nesday refused lo go along. with the ir clients' demands and. quotiqned 12 pr~ specUye ju'rors as lo whether they could brli11 in a ' fair verdict in the b1&arrc '· PiuJUp.le,kiJ~, .. J111t a few )'lllln a10.-lh!J southeast corner of Hunt- if!gton Beach "wai part of ''Southern California'• vegetable basket,'' an extensive series of hJgh.yteld truck farms stretchlng through the Talbert Gap. To- day, more than 700 apartment units are under con- llruction by three developers In this aria alone. Ph<>to was shot from blufi above Santa Ana River, near intersection of Hamilton· Avenu'e· and Brook- hunt Street (left). • ~· leader of the hippie cult ac· cused Of 1even murders, instructed hir; 'attomer, triing Kanarek, not to raise 1any dtferiH 6ut to sit riu·le in thr courtroom. ' '' , · • ' Dlfe Shinn, lawy~for Susan Atkin s. said the ·young wonllio11 alao ·Jlld in· structid' him • to aettpt tbe l! jurors without b:ilerrogaUon as tlie.. "Manson family" attempted to put up a unified From J"ege I EDISON .•. could not be bulll by that time. The commi.asion also ordered the ~ . pany to "modify operatiom 1t all its planll In the South CHlt Air Buln to reduce air pollutants further." 'lbe cost of. the modificatiom were estimated al SI million a year to Edbon. Camaren11 said the PACD welcomed the CDtdown order on emillllonl but clalmad that Ill< PUC could have ordered this ICtion,"IOIDfl time 110" and pointed rut tblt the new conlrohi ltlll would not meet !he requlmneoll !tr an PACD periolt. In Ju llalement, EdiBDll atlempts lo 1trtU • llllddl• pound, though -.1y .1tatin1 It believes the PUC baa overall. 1uthortty. "In ·authorlmg -trucuoa of these two -unlta we )<U.V. the commlaalon lfn tbilexercite ol lts paramount jurlsdk-- ~oa has acted in the best interests Of the South Coqut Air Basin by balancing two vital conakler1tlou -protecting tho_ and ~the-Ing demand for electric power by all ...,...1s of the public," the statement llYL "Time will be 1 critical 9eed for addltJon1I ·electrJc power throughout ,Southero Calllonila In 1174 ud lt75. Tlltlmolly before the c o m m I 1 a I o n delllOllllraled thet COllltructiOO of theae ·1;,. Jarp new units, with their advanced 'pollution contrOI. deslcn. will result !JI lower' ot erill enildJQn.1 for the area lhu· could be attainea. with .any com- bination of llU&ller, leU efficient planU.'' "The Hunliqlon BeaCh ualll will be the lllt mejor. IOlll1·fueled generating faclllufs "Edllon· will· build in the' South Cont Air Balin. BeiJnjlng with com- pletion ol the ltrst addition lo San Onofre 11uclear ,eneratlng station in 1971, Edison is committed to build only nuclear power planta -whicb ,in add aothing whatever to Ill< llDOI proOl<m in the South Coutal Bum." College District Teachers Get Salary Increase lrwtructor1 in the Or1n1e Coalt Junior College Ditt.rk:t will l'fJCeive a t.4 percent p1y ina'l!aae for 1970-71. Trustees voted the incre1ae during their. Wednetday night m<eting. The PIY raise, which will incrtaae budget allocaUoM ror salaries by about .$550,000, was recommended by the teacher Academic senates « the two schools In the dlllrlct -Orange Coast College and Golden West College. District. ,Chlnctllor Norman Watson said the incretse wlll boon the base salary of the pay sc1le to $8,:llO per year. Top poaaible salary will be $18,MUO, not includin( ermlvenary raises or doctor's dqree stipends. , "It should be noted," he told board- members, "that llthoulh the coot o( Uvtq increue ii 1.4 percent, most f1cult1 members and c I a s a I f I e d ' employea Will be receiving increuel of 10 to 11 percent when norm1l lncremenll are t1ken into coulderaUon." lllCl'elrients are given for each ad· dltlon1l yeen' te1Chln1 experience for at leu& 10 Y.ean and up to II ye1rs dependlna upon the teacher's educ1Uon. A propoeed dental plan was eliml.aated. .W•laoa told ·truot.a It couldn't be put ln&.o effect beca1.11e of a free• that -be lelilillecl -tbe ....,.., •• , pending t.u r<form INll. Realtors Slate , Talk on Camp.us Wom<n Real1«1 will !tarn ol <!forts belnf mlde to combll ''leftl1t 1 1 movementa on collqe campuses 1t their meet.Ina: ln Fr1ncoJ1 retlaqranl, Hun· tln;rton B<acil, Ill ...., l"rkfay. Gree Topper, 1 ~mber of Cunpu1 Studies tnstftute, detcrlbed as • non...,,. !II ori1nlutlon ••t up to -lefillll on campu~. "'Ill 1h<i" aound films and lllda II the luncheon. \ defense.. • Valley City Attorney Hosts School Project ne 'other two girls, Patricin Krenwlnkel and Leslie Van Houten, also instructed their lawyer's to cease que!J- tionin1 jurors but they refuied. Paul Fitzgerald, representing lUss Krenwinkel, said be felt it was hla duty to try lo gel the fairest possible jury but be said he understood the opinion of his client who stood up in court Wednesday and tried unsuccessfully lo fire him. Fountain V11ley City Attorney Thomas Woodruff expects 35 friends from MldLigan State University to drop by his house Satunlly. They'll llay -.1 two months. It's not 1 friendship trip, but• univeni· ty P,ojecl that brlnp ~ lludenll ind faculty to Orange County. They're part of 1 Michigan State experiment titled "Dialogue 70." ."They want to atudy the problems Of urt>anlzauin. Talb with local city eovernment officials, poUce departments and reaidenta "111 ~)' their time," Woodruff <>plained. Woodruff, who is president of the Michi1an State Alumni Club at Southern California, has lo find a home -other than his -which the 1roup can occupy for the summer. ''We Deed two or three large homes the 1roup can live in," he said. "Jn e1change for free rent they are willing to rtf..-bllb the home or other work required.'' The Dlllogue 70 IJ'OUP hopes to find solutkm to problems or urbanization whldl Mlchfpn dtlea will lace In the next ten to 15 years. North Viets Accept -. Return of Prisoners PARIS (UPI) -North Vietnam said today it would accept the return ol 18 war prtlOllers whose freedom was offered by South Vietnam, but insisted they were merely "Vletnamea.? patriot!." Dialogue 71) memben have each sleeted a particular city in Mlchlaan to study Jta problems, then loot for IOlutiom to thooe problems In Orange Count,y. "The students need to stay topther here so they can exchange Ideas. Eadl wtn 10 to different parts of the county with questions and come back to put all the information topthf:r," Woodruff aald. This group Is a conUnuation of 1 project titled "Dialogue 89" in which a number or Michigan St.ate students and faculty worked their way ICl'OSI country to California, talking with rural residents to show a different imqe of the colie&• ltudeol. Police Auction Bikes Saturday More thin 75 blcyclu, ranl(ing from ••stir.wen" to racer1, eo on PW: aucUon block this Saturday In the"l!unUngton Beach Pulice Department parklna: lot, near 5th Street and Orange Awnue.' Police Chief Earle Robltlllle said the auction will slart at IO a.m. and that all bikes will be on display for about half an hour before the event begins. . Parents are encouraged to attend with their dtildren since all siles ire final and are for cash. Per!IOllal checks will not be aa:e:pted, the chief said. The bicyclet offered have been col· lected as iost by the department over the past few months. Money raised dur- ing the sale is turned over to the city treasury. "lt is something ol a martyr complex," Flttzgerald told newsmen. "She fee ls ahe already bu been tried and convicted and sentenced to death in the news mtdia. , "She and the others wont lo denr, the fltabllahmenl the ••tllfactlon of put- ting on a court drama. Actually J. can undei:stand her feeling ." Ira Reiner, lawyer for Miss Van Houten, was ukep whether he *Id question jurors. "You bet yoor 1weet lire I will," he said. · Nine solid citl;ens had palled the fir1t hurdle in jury selection but 1'n0$l. if not all, were expected to be di1miaed as the trial pro~sses. Among them were a photographer, 1 mailman:. a chemical technician, 1 retired secr•y, 1 TV replirman, a fonner drama critic -and 1 min who paints the divt~ng lines on highways. . The first prospective juror was Hel'Alan Stokes, 1 Negro, who "orb -.. a mechanic at the post office. Filqfli'ald put • aeries of questions to him. !l~ Would he be prejudioed towird ·the defendanb because they wore long hair·~ Beca~ of their lllestyle! Bee..,. they wore no cosmetics? Becauae the 1lrls wore no brusltres? Stokes antWered '"no" to all the tfuestions. Lester Maildox' Son . Sentenced in Theii . ATLANTA, Ga.· (APJ°-L<ster"Maddox Jr., son of the Georgia governor, ple~ded guilty today to a charge ol attempted \ burglary and was sentenced to serve ' weekends in jail for six months. · 1 edit Tll.11 •t• "''Y (l1J1forl1bl• ••ft b.tl1 for Sitti11t ,..., Sl•epin9 . A w!i1 1•l1clio11 •f f1b1ic1 ,..., Coleu .. .11 .... ,, ..... , • ..:01' Now $299; . ' ,,.. ......... .. __ ,H:J~GKMijf ~f URNrr!i- INTERIOR DISl6NERS "'--MM-Tllln. & M 1-2215 HARBOR BLVD . -.-' COSTA MISA,· CALIF. M6-0171 M6-Dl76, • • \ -• ' • I I I I 4 ( ' I I r I l I l \ I.~ i'•Tn •100 hau T -w .. Ide! .. , t1111 'B. Ert 1, ' ' .. " ,. . ,, .. ".!': ... ·,, .. '· . , , ; " ~ . l-Looking for Help r.. This statue looks lifelike, doesn't it? That's because the figures are \ ,;'I , live models recreating the South Carolina monument at Gettysburg \ •, , for Laguna Beach's annual Pageant of the Masters. Trouble is, ~h!>ut J· 40 men are still needed by pageant casting directors to stage the living Gettysburg monuments in this year's pageant which opens July 17, For details, contact the casting office, telephone 4~3663. [ .. CapoBeachManNabbed 1 \ On Pot Smuggling Rap I A Capistrano Beach man and three • others have been arrested by tl.S 1· ... Tfeasury aee•ts on charges o( smuggling '. •100,000 worth of marijuana tn a boat. . haWed across the tl.S.-Mexican border. Tbe al"ced amug1ler1 were arrested ' ·"Wedltesday in Watsonville. They were ~ identified u Emanuel J . Hernandez, 26, -·'of Capiatrano Beach; William D. Llv· Jnpton, 23, Pearl City, Hawaii; Paul · B. Metqer, 11, of Redwood City, and ~ Ernest E. Mor1u, 31 or Santa Cruz. ~I . . . j Former Professor 1 At Fullerton, . ·:'Pleads Guilty . . i Cyril R. Epste.in, 33, former Cal State ·Jo'ullerton English professor, pleaded ···iuilty Wednesday to 1 misdemeanor · .~harge stemming from a campus diJturbance at the IChool last March. Epatein had been set for a Municipal Court trial in• Fullerton on a series Police and treasury .agenlS arrested the quartet in a warehouse after a tip from customs agents at Notales. Ariz. District attoney Peter Chang aald He said the four wou.kl be returlted to Arizona to face court action on the smuggling charge. agents became suspicious ol Morgan"s boat because marijuana had been found stashed in another boat a few days earlier. ag~ts-~ suspicious of Morgan's boat because marijuana had been found aiashied in anotber boat a few days earlier. , Chang said Morga• is believed lo have nbtained the small bales of dried mari- juana in the Mexican coa!lal city or Tepic between Muatlan and Guadala- jara. · Chang said officers followed Morgan"" . towed boat and located the forbidde'n weed wbe• a small fire broke out on the vessel near Banning. ' Blackfin Leads Mir at Halfway of misdemeanor charges. He char11ed LOS ANGELES (AP) _ The 73-fool : : his plea to ·guilty on a si ngle charge ketch. Blackfin neared the halfway mark '~·f failure lo disperse. • Wednesday in the lead of the 3,571-mile ;;.,.~ Judge Kenneth Lai accepted the plea Los ~~Tahiti Transpacific Yacht ),Ind set July 17 for sentencing. 'The ~·u:imum penalty Epstein could receive Race. ~·~ It was reported as J,619 miles from .. 'Js six months in jail and a $500 fine. the mainland. Blackfin i!'I owned and Court Picks I 'Jurymen .:> I Off Street I I ' '""'t II West Ora ... County ...tclenls le .... W-y.11111 °"1...,. -I· . lo be ''drafted. 1• ' And a f.F selective serVlce card or a student deferment. didn't eel . \bem1 air Ille-· 1 n • circumstance described as "r~" "by, West Oran .. County Court oflldals, uniformed deputy marshals went out into the street to recruit Jurors for pendlnc• court c:a.les. "You have been RleCted as a juror for a criminal case Jn West ·Orange County Municipal Court,., the lawmen said, aweeping their recruits off to the hearing rooms. , Sgt. Alan Mitchell of the Orange Coun· ty Marshal's office' said. the draft is· made legal under Section 227 or the' State Code of Civil ProcedureS. "You're sort ol obligated to attend." He explained that occaslonally there are an unusual number of criminal pro- ceedings and not enoogh jurors to go around which result M a court order to round up some more. "Sometimes we may have 11 1eats on a jury filled and the attorneys keep disqualifying the people we provide. When that happens we have to go out into the street," Sgt. Mitchell said. Wednesday the deputi es headed to nearby Westminster City Hall v.•here there were a lot of civic employcs, asked them If they were registered voters and residenl!I of Orange County and then told them they were potential jurors. ''A JOl ol them had excuses, but most of them wer~ surprisingly cooperative," he said . ' The startled draftees were asked ln ltppear ''right away" and were told that they would be interviewed by attorneys for duty on a marijuana ~essloa case. Hippie Bandit Threatens Nitro, Gets $1,175 Haul A hippie-clad SU~P,eCt who pic ks o• branches of the Crocker Cltizeu National , Bank hit another one Wedne9day in Garden Grove and 1ot away with $1,175. Police said the long haired bandit, about 20 to 30 years old, woo wears a hippie-tyj,e headband entered the bank 1l l3125 Har~r Blvd .• about llOOO, hald- ed tell~ Katherine Walker a note warn- ing that he had a vial of nilroglyc:erln and would blow up the building if aot given money. A holdup man usiJg the same ap- proach, and of the same appeara11ce, r<>bbed a Crocker Citizens bank al Lin- coln ~venue near Brookhurst Street in county territory May 13 Of $1,140, lM Orange County Sherill's Office recals. "He's undoubtedly the same fellow.'' Raid sheriff's investigator Bill -Johuon this moning. He said his department had no clues to the identity of tile i1uspec t but 1'he's obviously ttill in business.'' 1" ~ Epstein -...as one of two Cal S l a t e De r s {~l-'ullerton faeulty members among 41 .. skippered by Kenneth Meuse o an ~ ns jailed during the weeks of unrest Francisco.• Twain Manuscript. -In second place in the elapsed time t,. spring on the campus. f k h M' ,.,,: Dr. Stuart Silvers, fired from his posi'· , !tiandings was the ?I-oot etc ir, Bought by Library r: ... tioo • auociate professor ol philosophy, skippered by George O'Brien of Van· ~11-. "1as convicted last week ·on two ·mitde-couver, B.C., reported 1·541 miles from NE\V YORK (AP) -The New York )neanor charges by a municipal court the mainland. Pubi'lc Library has plirChased a hitherto Third' was Widgeon, ll s..root sloop ~iury and has been senlenced to 80 days captain ·by Nonnari Bacon of the Santa unknown 40Q..page manuscript by Mark I ~ ... n jail. Barbara Yacht Cltib, which had logged Twain for more than '25,000. The ... ~ Silvers is free pending appeal ol tM manuacrlpt, in the fonn ot • letter 1 ~·'sentence. He is alJO the defendant tn J,4M miles. to novelilt William Dean Howells. •:;i 110,000 lawsuit filed Tuesday by Cal .Dies on Polo Field ._Illes""" Twain had allegedly Ileen "·$tate Fullerton teaehing ass~ Ralph swiodted by a young ~llsbmln and ~)fichael O'Hollaren who accuaes Silvers LONDON (UPI) -'l'ht Mlharaj,lh his 1eeretary. It was written in ltol. ~two studenb of assault and battery. of Jaipur, first president ol the lodtan A .library spokesman sald Wednetday ,.._ O'HoDaren claifnl lht trio attacked him state of Rajasthln and one of the world's the manuscript was found in · a thoebox ~lind Inflicted aeriotJs injurle! during a top polo players, collapted and died amoo1 the papers of an a.uodlte or :-."1aturbance Cll the Fullerton campus Wednesday white participalinl in • polo E d w a r d E. Loomis. whose ~fe was :::May 7. match at Gloucestenhirt. He was 51. a relaUve of Twain'• wife. ,lf ~~ . ' .r. ~ •/I I i~Y, . . . t ! Beac4 Cities · Seeking Ai(l ' Claini Short Changing on Lifeguard Protection By RICHARD P. NAIL .......... ....., ..... 1 Are Oranse County'• five eo1stal cities ~-~ the short end of the alict .. ' -1? -y of beach lileguanl pro- was the aueament of 1.apa ::.t..c City M-0, Jam,. D. ~ .... Tuelday nlCht when questioned ;fi'y his councilmen durinr a budcet I~ k Councilman Edward Lorr uted 1boul I !'..,. counly atillucle toward providinc art funds to Lacuna 1lnce many beacb ~"" are from elsewhere. ~~ Wheaton said the five COlstal cities • r Orange County have been In cliJcussion ~ Ith the county administrator over the • bsldy matter for three years. ;',! He said there has been a l"tcognlzed ~~' unwritten formula for aubSidy until ·1tit-the oounty adminlltralor bqu j1 to )if_. Ille budP: , ' He said the adminlstratlv• officer bqan Jootlnc with dilfavor on the tublklies tbree year! •IO and there wu a chanCe in formula. Commeatin« that the IMUal . county _. lnel tor Lqunl hu been 111,111 Wbeatoo uld tour coastal dtle• had what the county 1'euphemlltkllly" called an audit to detmnlnt the cost· revenue situation with be:achlCJen. Wheaton uid, ••n. county auditor tent a five-man team to New-port Beach, Seal Beacb, Huatm,ton Beach and Lasuna. So far, San Clemente .... ha1 not been audfled, "I con1 bqin lo F Into the detail• of problems we ran inln In di!cuuing this with county offK:ialJ but ••• we were jobbed." Wheat.on s.aid revenue attributed to Laguna Beach was ,grossly exa11erated ,.nd llfeguardlna co!lts arossly un- .dorolayed. Jle uld the .Audit WU .no!. done by soond accounting pracUces. "The audit showed we owed them money. • ." ukl the city man11er. He 11ld the CGunly deducted Ill tzS,000 wblldy. on peper and still &hawed 1 balance favorable 1' Laguna. Wht.aton .,id ho bu been usilfl10d the la.!lk of preparing a position paper for the lnvoJved ciUes tbrou&h miew. Wheaton Slid, ''Hopefully then, with tmanimity, tht five cities will approach the county board of supervilors • • • I'm very uptd about the whole lhinA. I fttl the five coastal cities are not. being well treated." Councilman Roy Holm said ll ,..med a very polltical type problem. He said superviaors Alton Alim and David Baker supported the subsidy view- point but added, "It's a five-man bo1rd and lhe other lhree men represent inland c1u.,. I rffi n·1 1oin& to be • very dilflcull pnobHA"' Thurscl•Y. Ju/II 25, 1970 H DAILY PILOI' ~ " U.S. ·offers Mideast Plan 3-month Ceasefire S.~lieved Part ,.of · Package trAllllNGTON (AP), -SecreWy al --P.ilalerl--Y -Ill -a major -U.S. llJd. ----atlOllhlltbe Arlbl IOd Jar-, "to atop -... .... Illar! talldac-" Tllo_,. of die ltiJl4icret U.S. plan, It Wll uadentaod, Wll & Jioodly worded P-1 to EcYPt, Jonlu and -Israel for a aUe-flre of · at leut IO days durlnl wbic:h U.N. -Gunaar Jar· rinl . woold lllrt llltlQlllllcm ·on tbe buis of tlle8e c:ommJ-. by the op. pGllng portles: . . -EIYpt ·IJld.-_,w,p1edg.e ltlemaOMo . to-llo prtndpf~ of -puce I wttb Israel and ac-Jodae ber r1"'t and oensltive nature of the behind-lb .. to ni11 wllbin _,... borden. scenes llflll'OICh to tbe Middle East -llrael In nlurll -w )llodp opponeola,. tt would be bannlul lo talk wfllidrawal -Arab 1anda • coo-at thia time about U.S. military -, qused in tllo 1117 war. "'1llanc< 'lo llroel. -All ]llllill -111 CJt<rY out the tll1 Howe,., he remted what he 11id U.N. Security Council reaolution for 1 waa the U.S. national Jnterest in "the peace ldtkment. , soverignty, independence, and territorial Jqora ._._i the "major palltidl Integrity ol lln•I." · tnitilttve" M a news conference, but He delcribed as ~. new raceor eel .:_ -r·-'j .•-I" inlo detai'ls of ,,.,_ a very striOl,J;s factor" the introduction • ..... -w WI: of the MW Soviet SM13 a.nOairaalt . new U.S. diplomatie effort. Nor would missiles in Egypt and the flyln& ot he uy what tbe Milon admlniltratioll's aircraft there by Soviet pilots. dedslon is. •en Israel's plea for lJ5 But he added: "We're not. btclined 'modem jet war.planes. to .. think that ·Israel is at the moment Jlolers aaid becaue tJl lhe importance unable to support itself militmily .. •• • . enne••J· ALWAV8 F1Rflf' GUAUTY ... • A. • • NOY/I THESE V~LUES AT ANY ONE OF THESE PENNEY STOAESI fl ., ganl• center SPECIALS ~ -A. PIHi u,,..., Pahwt for • pn>feUion.r loot .. your landsc1ping ••• for • luxuriant look •• • fw contrast with .other shrubs. Tlie price I& tirrilc for 1 gtl. c.onteinerl 77c •• -,,,.,..._ in 4 Inch po IS •• , plant them Jn groups in auorted cobs or grow thent .. ..., own pots to ,group on your petio for rk>tou• color e~tds. 47c 11. c. w.;. --v ..... """""" plW* to ..., ' bv tht lny tncl plant !ft --Solm for • 1oll m-of color, •• Verben1 for colOlful ground ' "'"'· 44c tray D.-... l••lal h 7'A" liengi"!I ba1k1ts. Hlfdy, brigh!.blooming p1onfs •1-c!Y -ing I" omemeotal bt1kets to hang on YOUI' petlo or porch ,, , 1nchnjoy. 1.71 OI, I. A ,_,., Wnl Nth for your garden ... white, •• •tyrono bowl w111t poly"'!Yltne balo., o I 7"."GJ. • ........ 25" hfth. . • " lllnl loo!h .. , 7,,, '· ....... .., .......... "' 'YOJP yood ......... -.yollow-r,o!Mn lu..nl-..• ,..,,.,,., polywthyi.ne; stool. a.M • WI.SIAD • DOWNEY MON!tlAllt • NEWPORT IEACH SHOP.SUNDAY, 100 12to5P.M.1 ' t I llAll.Y I'll.OT . ~ ..... ~ .... A llemocraUc candidate lor con- ll'ftl from Ohio, 18)'1 ho a not up. HI bla son received a Jail 1011tenc• for poriicipatlnC In student dilor- den at Ohio State University. He uy1 the youth is 11 a fine idealist but immature." Monley K. McGee, 11, a 50pbomore at OSU. was lined 8100 and sen,tenced to 60 days in jail after his conviction. "A short tenn in jalJ won't hurt the boy,'" said Monley L. McGee. • Jot Wolcott of Denver. smashes car1 for both fun and pi'ofit. He is general man,ger of a firm whJch hammers juriked cars into acr1p st.et). For pleasure. he drlvu can in a demolition derby. "Allor a day at the mill, tlie·,dorby is a fonn of relaxation for me," Wolcott ex.· plalnad; • UPIT ......... CHlk one Vp. for (;OP A Ct<illtoo "'°"' cli<ek IDiU fJ< ma °" Qirl GWeW1 eompcthtg at tM an.Mell t(J()Mft'I cmtc1ttur a t ll I c tic ehatnpMHlf"ip.s tlals ... .-ill to.don, to ,,,.,.. Rep . Bany Goldwater Jr. (&.Calif.) is congratulal· Sladium in Washington. The Republicans, who ·have' ed by cheerleaders after hittU,g a home run in the dominated the aeries by winning seven of the eight '""' MM toear Jl(ldded bra. ''We tont Co be qvitt nrt that t~• r..i Qir1a and Mt Ille podlUd ones toin ln. onw tight fini1h," said a.saociction aecrtt.ary Marta Hartman. "Some of our /14f che1tt'd girls have not bttn to pU!<lltd with some of tht photo finish dtciaiqn1 which havt gont: ninth annual congr11aional bueball game at RFK games played, won 6-4 over th• Democrats. New HEW Chief Finds Protest House Democrats Aim 1 agO:ina:t tMm... . On Fint Day To Override Nixon .Eeto • Transport officials in Exeter, England, have silenced sin&jng bus conductor ArdtM Coram. They said his Impromptu perfomwu:t1 from the rear platfonn of the bus dll-tracted traffic. The CG1'11uctor'1 fav· orite IODg was a PoUtical ditty he wrote himself: "M•r<hinl Horne With Labor (pa1 l·" Andu Stoenbnger, 12, ol Denvtr, Colo. i1 looking fonDtJrd to the dat1 tDhfon ht will bt oble to ride ht. bike and throw pifehe1 ccrou tht plate again. Andu brolu' hfi arm while pla11· Ing and tJNn jut a week lattr brokt hi1 wrilt. • Cam~4.t University sehol1r Chris rty, 28, who felt gullly about 1ate crashing a campus par· ty, filJ41ly wrote out 1 check for the admisaion price -on a banana. The bank accepted it. "One of the ataff has eaten the banana but the skin will be po11ted back to the cus· tom•r· before it deteriorates," as .. •istanl bank m'na1er Barry·Ry41tr la.Id. P.-'lllrelorvlc:el WASHINGTON -EUlol L. llicllardlon had --ry ol the lroubled dlpotlmenl ol Heolth, Educ:llllon and W.Ware for anly a few houri when he .--.an employ• domonolra· lien. "!be .,..iaL meelin& ol HEW employ•, held W.u.diy a lhort time 1fter ~ ,Jot the oath ol office, w1s mt dnct.t a& their new boss but 1t tflit I ' .... emftict, 1'11Q Wit ii ftll&iC d tlvklnl this naliml to the i..t," !Iii p:oup Aid In a stalemel1l S,XW-s ol tht demonslraUon II the HEW IUdltorium ukl arr1ncem1nt.s for it 1were made while Robert H. Finch, now a CCUl.Selor lo Prestdent Ni10n, .Ull headed the department. Richardlon took no of(iciab notlCe of the tnllling four floors below his ntw HEW olftce, with U.s orienlal 1rt objecll and li&t1lad globe he brooFL with him from ebe Slate Deplrtmtia where he hid -undene<retary. 'Ill< &i<Jbo WIS I &Ill f""" fellow wcrlen lhlrt. At a morninc nen conference Rictianfloa offered I bnJld eadontm<nl today ol ldminiatr1llon ollarta to •od 111 southern IChool 1egrepUon this fall. "By the fall of thia year, all schools subject to official segregation will be detegregated or subject to procedures leading to desegregation ," Richardson aald at his maiden news oonference la his new job. 'AMA OK's Abortions' CHJCAGO (UPI) -The American Medical Association's house of delegates today by voice vote approved a new p0Ucy on abortion which woukl permit phyaiclans to perfonn the operation in •Lite• where it is legaL WASHINGTON (AP) 1 -H o u s e Dtmocratl, ficurinl lo be tile winners even if they loR, moved today lo ever~ ride President Nlxon'a vela of a $1.25 billion hoopital COOllruction bill. They went into today'a vote not partlcularly confldtnt of pickinc up the .f.wo-thirda majority to overccme the preaidential rejection of the measure, but f•linc relatively assured of miking political hay re11n:Uess. 1'ie Oftr.oc• ata felt they coulda't be hurt politie1lly by votini for hospital C<lfl· strudion at a time when NilOll is aHing Concrt11 to make available mo million College Rioting Probe Ordered ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -Gov. N<l<on A. Rockefeller tJ.a• crdertd a special invesli11tion ol the Hobart College dl1turb&nce earlier thil month U!at fOCUlld attention oo a puHce undercover infonner known to ltudenta as "Tommy the Traveler." Rockefeller announced Wedntsday that he had ordered a special grand jury probe "of the events related to the iei'ious disturbtnct" al Hobart in Geneva, N.Y., on June 5. The confrontation between police and several hundred sludent.s followed a rlormitory dru1 search. The youtJts defied .arresUna officers, damaged three patrol cars and obtained the release of live 5tudenls taken into custody. The students apparently were outraged ever the law clflcial s' use of a oonstudmt infonner, "Tommy the Traveler," who supplied information that led to lhe search and aocunpanied pclice on the tiWee p, .Cool Air .. Covers Midwest Record Loivs Reported Ot:er Michigan,•-Wisco1tsiii MtNlt _, !Mtr. Lltht "1rltb'- .,.,,.. llllM 11'1'111 -i... """" •• ftrlllnt M\lll'IWftt .. -· .. " 11 ~""' In ,,...,_ tOllt~ I /Ml f riOtY. Mllfl locllr fl. C111111 """""'""'" r•"" '"'"' Ml ..... l~l•M lwnHJ•IUrtt ••n" ''°"" .. M '1. W1ter l"""r1lur1 6), s""• !If .. ", Tide• TMUltlOAY Slt9'119 hltll , , ........ ';U •·"'· 4 t S1111t-PN A Wrtil -' tNI 11r l'Pl'WN IN Gn•t l 1k11 •rid 11-r Mlu !u i,.I \l•fltt ,. dlt bu! 11 Wl l tool 11\f lllrill'l'llf lfl tilt SOUlll 111!1 tht Wt 1I, TIM cool •Ir. wtllcll Wll w n H l!tt ••"• Ml I,.. 1111~'1 -fllllM Iii• II 1' I I Mt,..,..11 r Wl'lt tlfJlffl I Pld Ptll1t011. blltl In Mklll1111. Af'l(h0r1" A!11~l1 f1U.1r1!!1ld •ltn11rU: ... M •••loll ,,.,., ... ui. Clllcl .. Clncl1111ttl ...... °" .IMl11t1 ..... P1lrt1elllc1 '"' W..111 ·-"-· -· KtllMI (ltf LOI AJ1Ml11 Ml11r1I Ml-1P01i1 Ht• Orl11"' "*""" 'l'wlr N_..., il'i.tt1 OMl1no Olll•'*""-CJIJ ""'~· ..... 111111111 f'l!Otnl• PlltlfMlr•ll Port11M Jt11ld (lty lltd l lul! 61 .H " 11 .er .. " IJ H ,)0 ., '" .. '' " .. IO !6 ,Ot " m •• $7 .... l l " .1! 1' " .)t •1 71 '" .. ., ~ .. ,. •• fi n " .. " " " 11 ,. • •• u .. Ii U .tt .. .. " m " .. ,, .u 1)1 M II St .01 " " .... " n for loans to hard-pressed railroads. Fw1Jiennore many GOP members say they still are criticized back home for sustainin& the President's veto of a big health and education money bill last January. With COf'llJ'etlional elections less than fi ve months away. candidates don't want to provide their oppoaition any additional campaip fodder. "From an intellectual standpoint," a hilh-rantlnc GOP leader Aid privately, 4'l think the President fa rl&f!t, bul th< intelledulls doo't do 111 tho voling in my district. 1be timfnc «1 this is not too fortwllte." ilepubucans took no aolid position on the veto al a party cmference Wed· nesdly. Some said Uiey would vote to uphold the President with the Un· rierstandlng a new bill would be passed io meet major While Houae objections. The bill didn't register a sing!~ vote of opposition when it pasaed the House . and the Senate originally and again when it cleared both branches in compromise form. A Houae override sends the measure · lo the Senate where another two-thirds majority la required. But the President objected particulirJy to a requirement that fWlds provided to implement the bill must. be spent and not withheld. He &aid this was ''ont of the most unaccepted provjsionS." Nixon also complained because it ex- ceeded by more then $350 million his · budget plans for the fiacal year starting July 1. All in all, he Eaid in hi& velo message last Monday, the blll "is a lone step down the road of Jlscal irrupons{blllty, and we should not take tl1at road." ,. ' .., Cambodia Calls ~1 ; (. Fo·r Mobilization PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (UPI) ,... Cambodia tod•Y onlered I pneral moblliUU.O which <Olll<ripted 1U men and women between the aces ol II and• into the nation'• defenee forcea. 'Ibe move came .. air force IOW"Cel reported dellvery of tons al Am•lcan rlflOI and other mlJltary hlrdwlt< for the ti111 Clmbodiln ll'lllY In Ill c1mpaip to rope! Coinmunllt Vlelnlm<M in- vodon. An llrllft of -WednadlY nillbl Wll dtl<ribed U tho blfleli to date. n. moblliu.Uon decrees, enacted by the c.ouoci1 or J41nlllfrs, reqlired all Nixon Backer ·ro Call Vote ·On Dove Bill . I WASHINGTON (UPI) -S<n. Gonion Allotl (R..colo.) an administration backer, announced todaf he would call up for immediate consideration Lhe con· troversial "amendment to end the war in Vietnam" in an eUort lo scuttle the proposal. Sen. George S. h1cGovem (J).S.D._). a chief sponsor of Uie measure, Hid he would move lo table his own amend· menl when Allott makes his move. Allott said he planned to introd uce lhe McGovern proposal later in tht day. It would cul off funds for the war in Southeast Asia beginning Dec. 31 and set a deadline for complete American withdrawal on June 30, 1·971. "I have not cleared it.._wlth the White House,'' Allott said of the; tactical move. But he said there was no doubt in hi11 mind that President Nixon favors his strategy. "I think the White House and the President would like to see all these ancillary matters disposed of," Allott said . The upsid~wn, lnsid~ut, rear-end· forward situaUon developed 11 the Senate lurched into its seventh week of debate on the war. the U.S. military strike in to Cambodia -and the ComUtution. Here is wha t is happening: -The Senate is meetina on the forei1n policy iasue during the day and con- sidering domestic Jegislatkln at nilht in a congre55ionaJ version of the twinij:ht doubleheader. -Members roted to repeal the 19" Gulf of Tonkin resolution Wednelday but Sen. J. Wiiiiam Fulbright (0.Ark . I Ytho had called the resolution one of the areatest mistakes Q:ingress ever made, voted against it& repeat -The Cooper-church amendment to cut off funds for future sustained in· cursions into Cambodia is still pending, but many members now have doubts about what it means because of new language added to it l\fonday. "It's gelling 10 you can 't tell whn the hawks and dovea are around here any more." said ~. George D. Alken lR-Vt) the i'owl" of the Senate and dean of Senate Republicans. Israeli Aµ1bassador Recalled fo1· Talks JERUSALEM (AP) -The braell Cabinet held a special session today and decided to call in its W1shlngton ambassador, Ylt:r.hak Jlabin, for con- sultaUons1 1 1overnment spa.keaman an· nounced. clUzen1 to either perform military ,lfirvict or join aupportln&· or1anilltlons. All will be subject to military ilws ,and roguilllon.i afl(I suo)ecl Jo · military tribunals. American aourcea confirmed the thl~ D'ient and aaid k WIS part of ID ~ ~ ' ctlebrated aid program to Cambodia. Thi i: . V•lled Stalel was reported to have pro-:. mlled 11.1 million In arms lo c.mbodta ' : for this flacal year. 'MlC American shipment came on ti» heelt ol an Australian announcement ~ of a half a• mWion dollan worth ot : ~ aid to this country, and a new lhlpment : of Red Crou auppllet from 'lballand. ..:"' Fint indications of. the new AmerLcmt ~':' delivery CIJno Wedneocily nl&ht when • ; • Ille Phnom Pobn llrport. wn 1uddonly ; • : ; dlll<d. Flral report.I had olld lhe elolunl ~ :· was the result of a 'Communist abellinC allack but these reports were later denied. The delivery was announced loo day. In another development today, a IJ'OUP of 2,toO more Vietnamese war refupes were repatriated from Cambodia aboard· a flotilla at South Vietnamue navy boltll. '11ie repatriation prorram bepn tn the firsl days of the war in this once neutral nation when Cambodians, an(l'Y at the invasion by Vietnamese Com· munist.s, vented their wrath aaainat all Vietnamese. Hundreds were reported slain, •nd survivors were rounded up and placed in special auembly camps for dl11patch back to their homeland. Question Open On U.S. Jets Aiding Ca1nbodU.. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Secretary ol State William P. Rogers today left open the possibility that U.S. warplanes mi&ht engage in ck>se air su~.of.Clmbodian forces. At a news conferenct, he allO ditcklled that President Nixon was preparin&: to name an ambassador to Cambodia. The statements suaaested that the Unlted States might be movin1 away somewhat from its previous policy a1ainst becoming involved in direct military support of the Cambodian government headed by Premier Lon Nol. Rogert was asked whether he wouJd rule out the poss.ibility of U.S. warplanes operating in direct support of CambOdi•n forces. He llid that he would not. He said he would not make any atatemen• that would limit U.S. airpower -that he did not want to foreclose any air operation.s that may be neceaaary. Tl1ailand Chief Alerts Military BANGKOK, Thllland (AP) -Prime l\1inltter Tti.anom Kituklchorn tokl a cheering HOUie of Parliament today that Thailand would send ill army into Cam• bodla if necessary. Speaking at the openina of a ne• se!Slon, Thanom said Thai troope alon& • the too miles of border1 from Llot to the Gulf of Slam had been pltced on full alert and told to stand by for further orders. "If the Communists overrun Cambodia1 'Thailand will be the nest victim," he declared. "Thailand has no choice but to fighi. Mao Tse-tung has openly declared Thailand is the next tarael, Thailand will fight before it will yield to communiam ." "''~ Sltotllf tow •• •• f :U ,,m, 1,1 P•IO.AY ,lrtl hltll ............ ,., JiO 1.m, J,t llHOfd '-I !Of 11111 H it Wlfl WI 11 M.e•I-. Wl1.. HI l tfll lllt Inell• Grl r'ld lll.idl. Ml(ll,, lh 11\Uill!.t lOn, Mlt;ll., ~J. 1/ld Jt<:~lOll. M!cll, ~. W1t1Mf 1crl~llY w11 1111~~ from ·-StCrt Mtn•• St ir LH1 City S111 01 ... .. " .... .. " Crull Kills Councllnaa11 • '"'' ,._ ................ f J .. 1.m. 1.t ••<OllO hlt!I ............ t .tt ,,m. J.J lttollf ~·····•·•· .. ,,lltM 1~m, 1.1 1<1• '(j"",.; l:tJ 1.m. S111 l:o& p,m, M.-11t1 .. lJ;"I 1.m. '"' 11.11 1.m. • .,. Gulf c..11 l• N1w f.Mll ncl "''ft ""IOl1Jretd cloudt 11111 1(11!1t1G .,,.,.. 111, 1111.c;l1U1 1 1'"11 11'11 <N iii. OM OI lt!t NtJon'I ll'IUI 11 lnl1ll 1mount1 ...,,1n1 tt11 11l1hl "''' 11111 111 llKll re<Ofltd 1t •11m11dl, N,D Stll l'r1MIMI ,,.1111 Seo0;1~1 T~t•m1I Wt11111111e11 ' " .. .... 71 I ) " !I 11f I! .... A Santa f\fonlca city councillnan, Ken \Varnsley, was killed when tbls Beeehcrall Bonanza plane lost power on takeoff trom Santa Monica Airport and slammetf 1nto I residential sectfon moment1 later. Also klllad was veteran pilot Raymond Pianet, 71, I 1. ' • • • • ... - •• WI 11 ... Tl\ thiJ Calif auth, mi lib Th juria to.lit " ~-• ::· ... ·~· ·.Bill 13, of ~olvec ""'"' City men 1 irilo C prOIJO' a bait Avenu Thei ftpetal ts goir · ·The I !bat I lo ha• tije VE •-"We . ~t ' liJ!I w prag• :City 1PY ll -Mon ~sor. ~ Devel< • • ,., • 'f: .. ---• .. Foo11tai11 v ·atley ~ N.l'. Steeb ' ·yo~. U, NO. 151, 4 SECTIONS, 54 ,A6ES ORAN6E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, JUNl 25, 1970 TEN .CENTS • Air Clouded Over Edison Expansion Proposal • . By ALAN DIRIUN • .. Dell1 , ... , .... Who controls the alt over Huntincton Beach? · • ~ air was st'UI• clouded tOday on tbia question and whether the Southern Ci.Ufomia Edis<Ja Company now has.the authority to go ahead with its $179 mi!lion expansioQ of the CO&S! plinl. ?ht prospect of' a court fight to decde JuriacUction in tile controversy appeared to .be increaslnc with all parties waiting • for the otber1 to maU the tint move. The Pulllic· Utlllties Cammlaai'I" Ibis week &ranted itdilon's appliclljoa to build two new 1eneratlng wlits and diiected the company to bealn con· atructlon on the llrst unit "immediately." Richard· Campbell, manager· of tht Huntlnaton Beach plant laid this morn! Ing: ~·Based on the PUC rulm,, if will be rea90nable ·to Ulume activity will begin this fall. Meanwhile the Orange County Air PolluUon CO!lu.! District, which ap;,, denied Edison's applicaUoa the day before the PUC ,rullne. reaffirmed today that it believes the company cannot eitpand without a permit from the .district Asked whether the county .would take; the maUer to court, Edward Camarena. aSIOCiAte engineer with the APCO, replied, "We may wait to see i( Edison 1ppeols ·.., -to the Su""ior Couft." He said tbat be did not know whether It woWd be necesaary for the diatrict to initiate court· action. "We take the position that our aulhori· tY .. is cooeurmit With the Puc·s and tPat Ed~ ~u~s l)Umits from both igencles in order lo build." Deputy county counael James Urban hinted lhll lllOlhor 1t111 move be made. *., pointing out lhaf !hf PUC has tbe risht to appeal the APCD Board's Denial. Urban did not' know whether .the county , can appeal the PUC' decision, adding tha"t sUCj,l. a dtcision would have to · lie jointly arrivtd II by tbe county Board ol Sul*vil«I, APCD llld county .counsel,, • In a followup. to its declsiOn, lhe PUC claimed in a statement today that "t'l_e publlc health wUI be belt« lletVed Cnllil ' ,_h oir qua!Jly and nliablllty ol eltotrk service standpoints wiUt the JrOllGMd Huntin&ton Beach expansion !ban witbo1.it it\" The commission said that arowinC elec· lrical dem&m, partk:t!Wly in Oratige County, rtquire COMb'uction ti, the new units between lt73 and ll'li ancl tblt 1ttw-nuclear plants, a.s well 1:1 o&btrs, fllee EDlllON, Pip I) ouncil ··Split Over OK · Criticism, Support Follow PVC's Edison Ruling I • I 11 I I. -·· .... HI' .. NIWIST ME . S: ,IAIY IS Tflllli BUSIN .. I . Enterprlalnt 'llen ~rleh. 13, Cltltl, 1111Mulfrev•,11 .•! ,. ••• ·~· / \\ :;:: Sli111y Business Boys Sell Worms to Anglers ·~ill Musgrove, 14, and Ron Aldrich, ~:t~ of Hunlingtan Beach are 1ettin1 ln- ~olved In a slimy business -sellinl worms to (ishermen at Lake Talberl. Clity oHicials found that the young men meant business When they walked irit'O City Hall this we ek with a formal I pfqpasal tor the administrator to open a. bait st~nd at ttie lake, next to Talbert Avenue and Golden \Vest Street. I Their application fo11 a license to ' npe.rate the stand oo th e city property i! going to be approved. · ·the license costs $25 but Bill al!OYl'ed I tbal the enterprising pair still expect to. ha ve $60 or '70 of capital to star~ tM: venture. '.:!'We are going to sell all kinds of l)cjt.. al the lakeside includi'Llg crickets ai}.d worms which we grow in my parents' Pf age." · ~ ·City offi cia ls have tone out of their 1t'IY to help the young rnerc}lanu. :Mondsy Ma)'Or Donald D. Shipley ~sonally congratulated the youngsters fir their enterprise and they were aidtd heh municipal red tape by Director ctftecreatim and Parb Norman Wort .. y. ~v.elopmenl Coordinator Tom Severps, • • , and Assistant City Administrator Brander Caflle. Bill, who will allenr{ Founllln Valley High School next September, lives at 7591 Amazon Drive. Ron. headed for t\1arina High School in the fan, is from 7082 Heil Avenue. Bill said that if more money ls needed for the venture his sister Sherry, 19, had indicated a willingness to invesl. Bill had only a shocked look for a suggestion that his sister might actually be involved in handling the slithery merchandise. "Are you kidding?" Bill asked. Ron does not have the sister problem but his brother Billie at 7 is not quite ready to &et ·fully involved ·in the business. Bill said· he becan with an Interest In raising earthworms and IOOn Ron \f'&I his partner. "We are ready to Wholesale worms," Ron added. Approval by the city follows approval by the parents of both IHs who are •idhlt int:pUttlna: up some of the capital. Busineu is to be,tn at tht iakelidl Qll J\lne 27 if all 1oea well in the earthworm and cricket factory, ac· cordtna to the boys. Huntington Beach councilmen were divided today in their reaction to the PUC's approva\ of Soutbem Califonlia Edison Company's plin to expud its Huntington Beach generating plant. Councilman Mrs. Norma Gibbs apoke the strongest. "( think k" &pt>alling -the people were not listened to," she commented • "I've been fi&hting for exte~of power from lhe San Onofre nuclear station -why can't we get our power there~ "It's no consolatio• that UU. is &oint: to be the last one. I think people would be very happy to do without their electric \oOthbrulbel and some other applluces. •• Counc:ilnian o-g. McCrock• blCkec! ·eadham BiU Cutting Route Alarms Beach Huntington 1'each councilmen are becoinina: i1ereasiftaly alarmed at the progress or As1emblyman R o b er t Badham's bill to delete a segment of the Coast Freeway. They believe iL will kill the Top of the Pier plan for dowat.own redevelop- men I. The measure, which woukl terminate the freeway at Adami Avenue, Hun- tington Beach, instead of continui•g it downcast, cleared !he Assembly Wed· nesday and is now . beiRg carried by Senator John Schmitz (R·Tustin) through the state Senate. The inte11tion of Badham's move i5 for the freewa y lo bypass Newport Beach. "Newport's cure is Huntington Beach's death," Councilman Jack Gree11 com. mented flatly this morning. "It would choke our surface streets." Councilmen have been told by traffic engineers that the result of elldlng the freeway al the junction of the norlh-IOUth Huitinatoo Beach Freeway near Adams Avenue and Beach JWulevard would be to dump onto Beach Boulevard all of the 1rafflc from l.A>11 Angeles County headinl for the beaches. "Riehl •w Beach Boulevard is choll;ed to a standstill oo warm weekends," Green pointed out. "Addina all eut-west traffic and north·aoulh traffic ud dum- ping it on~ Beach Boulevard would result in a traffic jam of monumental Cllee FRDWAV, Pop II '· t:' :-Salary Talks at Impasse . , ~ :~ ., !~ Review Board to Stud)· Dutrict, T ea(!her Stands ~ By TJ:RB\' COVIU.E .. , ............. IMeff , ;~ impaase bu been declared in salary ofations by teachers of the Hun. S..ell Cily School Dl~cl. mew a board or review mull lpest.igate the nqotiation1 a n d fft!ennint if there have been any errora b( the fact~ presented by either side. The board of trusttes, however, has Uted no impaare emts. HAn impape .relates to IOme fact flodinf circumatance. We don't feel this !(~ :;~ cr~:t!~~:!.irm~~ . ..,.ina. ~ matter may be set.tied in court. I Mt.. llorolhy McClure, head of the teichers negotiating team, said this I nt;mina: teachers wou1d aeek le1at Ciltln•l on \ht matter, I "We l)lan to talk wilh 1 Ctlifornla T~chtrs . Association representative," ' Mn. McClure 11id. ••Jf1 poAibM: a cour\ - injunction would be needed lo force the impaue procedure." District officlul have offered the te.chet a tis: percent 11lary increaae, aivina the teachen lhe rilbt to decide how much of lhal iocreue would 10 toward lrinae bel'llfttl. Teachers bave requeated a nine percent pay booll, plus another two __percent in frina:e benefit.I. · Tberw ill also ditqretment owr who llhou~ pay for leachen aides and 111>- bltical leaves. ' If the nepUations do 10 into the • impaue format, each side will pick one IPC*eaman for the board ol rmew . Thole two ip0kt1men will theft select 1 third person for the revtew board. All factual matterr of dilcussion - amount or fµndl available, dollar value or med ical benefitl, etc. -wtll then be studied and nded correct or incorrect by the review board. Thi current dtffmnct belWten the f two sides is based on the definition or a factual matter. "The board saya It never told U! money wasn't available," Mr1. MCCiure stated. "But it lla1 told the public that higher 11laries can't be offered twc.1.e certain reserve funds are needed. We want f review,bplrd to decide that." ''It's the preroialive "Of the board to . detennine what the reaerves are. We have a certain minimum ud we want to retain," Hanaon amwered. "And we never received a counter propoul to our offer," ht added. "We ' expect to hear from their lawyers on lha lmpaAe matter. Until that time there is nothln1 mort to do." The administration proposal of 1 tile percent booit woukl cost the • 4lllr\c\ $137,080 more for tuclter1 1alariea Mlt year. District officials have added ... 000 on 'top of thlit for e~lra !alarlea reaultln& C ... IALAlllSI, hit II tho PUC declJion solidly. "There's no doubt the decision was lair," he $lid. "l think ,the utility com- panies have done 11 excellent job in keepbtg up with the .population explosion. This has not been done in other parts of the CQUnb'y a,,uch .. tbe nortbealt where they bave had browrH>Uta. • "I'm alto glad that they found a way tp keep the emissions down until we get nuclear plants." Councilman Ted Bartlett aareed with this view. "I thh•k the rulin& wu ju1Ufiable," he commented. "After au; they are not going to have atomic iilants around lor I~ yura. U llley do loUow lhnlu&b with lheir · J)OlluUon controls we may have a better plant than we have now." Abliut two months ap the. council p.used a. resolution opposina: the Ediloo exP1nsjon unleu the PQllulM>n was con- . trolled. It waa proposed by Councilman Jack Green alitr a mot.ton by Jerry Matney flatly opposin& the cxpanaion ... med. to !&ck ..,pport., Green commented ttila inomina. "I hope that the APCD ii upheld in tbis. Perhaps if the county is sincere in not •"Pt.inc ea:Jl:lloaion• nr,vc ia tbe time for ua to pt tot:elhet JU1d slowdown the pop1liUon lnfhix into this area." Matney respooded, ''I don't qree with tbe upulllao until Edboo meet• the Bratu•' I• Dead Dog Old, Tired, Drus.ridtlen ·- The 71-pound huakNbellherd canine wu killed Tuelday by ~ials ol the l!unlinirton ll<ICh Hwiw. Society - a week after he cauaed a mild aenulion when polico loimd him with a note tied to his neet announclrw., "My name is Brutus. I am looking for a home." Directors of the Humane Society aaki !he do& had to be put to sleep becaµae he was found to be •'olct, run down and hish on drugs." One Hunlinfton Beach family tried to adopt BNtus, but a veterinarian -.d· --- vised them ht might be danaerous around children and was a "very sick dog , problbty fnlm clrup.'' • "He just sat stariq into space in his cage. When he walked he btun~ into all objects. There just ·Wasn't any hope for him," Robert E. Sharkey, dirfc. tor of the humane society, aald. . A tag around his neck bad identified Bnd~ a9 a canine fdnd of "getting hiah on drugs," but also well trained an<t 1ood with kids. Beach Boonie Biker Ba11 Begins~No Tickets As Ye~ By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI OfN Dellr l'I• .._.. Minibike and motorcycle riders will have another week's reprieve before they are issued citations for blasting lhroup Huntington Beach's boonies. "We want to apprise everyone of the fact that we have a new ordinarnce prohibiUna: their use ind for the next Week to 10 days we'll just issue warn· Huntington Art Contest Date Moved 2 Weeks So that all artists may have' ampte lime to a:et their works into Pro&pectus Art '70, a statewide art contut sponaored by the city of Huntinftoa Bea:ch and International Art Scholarshipa, th e deadline has been extended from June )7 to July 10. The conte1t la upected to draw more than 1,000 artiirts who will compe&e for $2,IOO ill prt1< money, donoted by businessmen in &he Huntinl\On Beadl area. Jason Wona, director ot the contest, reported that the time extenlioa is neecf. ed., \Nit·artitts in northern and central Call(ornla would have enoqh Ume lo .ship their woFkl to H1mUnston Beach. The r~kln .center ii IOC1ted at room tOl of 1he Golden Wat ctllele Music Buildtnc. Competition will be htkl on the rDlll of the H..,tlqton Cerillr. flept. IS thl'IJlllh U ind It ii upected thlt llO,llQO per-wtU view the vlriool allibHI. All eddltion1I !'.lllO will be aworded to -lnllll ......... the -'""'" u well. Thia money will bt. donated by lliiu-c-lilnMllhoUt or-eounty. Art objecll •Ill be juqed by 1 three member board of 1rtiall from thnlullloUt -.. CllllorniL ... " ings," raaid Police Capt. Arland Ulisher. The city's emergeocy law .. passed unanimously t\1onday by the Huntingt on Beach City Cot111cil, makes it illegal to ride a motorcycle on ci ty or private property unless the cyclist and the prop. erty owner ha\•e obtained special p'er· mi ts. Conviction under the la\11 mean!! a fine ranging from •25 to $100 and/or 30 days imprisonment. 0'Ju11t because we're 1i,•i'.1g warning!!, that doesn't mear, we're not aoing tn give citations during the next week," lh,e captain said. "If we 1ive 1omeone a warning today and see him committing another violation tomorrow, .he's gor,1g to 1et .a real· ticket." Several other Orange County Cities, incluctifli Anaheim and rounllin Valley, have, enacted simi~ar ordinances. 'llley have peen written larply bec1u1e or cttjzen· complaints a b o u t exct111alve an10W1ts of nqise, 'dust, fumes, eroston and fire dancer . "The city of Orange has just asked us for a copy of our ordinance, so t they're probably thinkina about the same thin&," Uashtr llid. Valley ·Planners Reject· Station • A. ~opeeid 1u slat~ 0,. lhe aoUu*at comer ol Tolbert A....,. ud M-lla . S,_ Wll tumod ciow'l'\Y ........ y nll!M , by the Founlaln Vall<)I. Ptunin& Com· mls1lon. Pt•nlllt'I told Ibo Taylonon Develop. ment Company that "too mw atations . 1tmdy nlll In lit< clly." 4 The 1denl•I altp \Hied·• prop:aaed lhree "" llloaptnt -" planned i• con-junction with the lll'Vlce llltion. Pt1n- ners tnd.ICllted they wen womied the statton would he built before the stores 111Cl '""'' the 1m.,. ol -h ... comer 11attoa. standards set by Ibo PACO. I still bllieve my resolution '8 d;eny expan900 WU the right one. I said at the time the: motion we passed was watered down and J still say it." Councilman AL Coen commented, ... t don't. know to what extent they Will be able to control pollution. I _,Id have hoped thot the PUC had olao Im- posed control> on viau&I polluttoa "'° such as lhe landscaping and architeetural cootn>b I city impoees OD applicMi:tns that come behn it." · '!he, 111venth council member, Mayer Donald S>\ipley, waa· not available for comment. He left for a vacation ·~ Australia Tuesday. Israeli-Syria front .Eqlodes In Hot W&rf~-e · lly lhlllell ..._ ........... Ill The Israeli-Syrian fraot uplqcled today with the hNvi~t battle since · the 1117 Middle Eut war,. and nerce eemblt enguUed a wide area of the Sua Canal. Immediate reacUon from the ArH world to the new U.S.' plan for peae. in the area was lukewarm. lsrael declin- ed comment on the proposals amounced by Secretaf¥ of State William P. Roaer1 and swnmoned its ambassador in Washinp)o brtck to JUU311em for con- sultations. · Ti!I Aviv communiques sa1d Israeli jets attacked army camp:s. deep inside Syria near the capital of OamUCUI and battled Syrian interceptors in the skies while Israeli· and Syrian tanks and artillery fought acr01s the entire ~mile lenath of U:ie Golan Heights ceue-firt line. Fighting raged for more than atx hours, aod sPQkesmen uid the battle was . U. btgaesl slnct Israeli troops HJRd the Golan Heights in the 1967 war. Jt followed a two-hour fight Wednesday night in· volving tanks and artillery. Israel re ported a Soviet-built MIOJl or th e Syria n air force shot down in an · aOcrnoon dogfight over the Golan llcigh ts. Syria sa id its antiaircraft JU. ners down a U.S.·built Phantom jtl fighter·bomber of the Israeli air force . Jreq anno1,111ced it bu P.laced its troo,s on the Arab Eailern froot with lsrat-1 at Syria·s dispo1!al "to repel the COtt• tinutd Zionist aggreuions." The front includes Jraq , Syria and· Jordan . Iraq is reported' lo have about 12,000 lrOOfls 'in the area. · «:eut weaa.r Thi weatherman's lurnin& up the botner Frldoy. with belch- froot ar~s simmerinc in ae;vtmY-, lah . ..., IJld illllnd rep1111 roaattn1 1.t IS dqrees. IN8mB TOD.l 'l' , t Sa11d1' A&omar ~s on th1 l AnaeU -rtcord book and talce.s .outr top spat in COIWtcMtitlt .oamM hilttno aa Anohtim taam , •nfftpl d01tbl1-hahrr. SporU, Paoo 33. -. Clledl .. -' c...... 41·ti ..... .. -. .......... • lt --. .............. , ... ,.._ ».If -M AML.....,_ D .... _ . ~us..e.n 1 ........ .... ............. •1 ................ -'-" It -.... , ......... ..,. ·-. ·-... -. ._ ........ ............ . . I -------------·------~-~-,.--·----~~------~-,.--~·-~.= ..... -----------------------r -. DAILY, PILOT r -)l Thilrldlr, -25, 19111 ( ' 'l • .. ._,,.,,.. Dbtriea ' • Portable School Studies Revived The posoibillty of an entirely portable ~.t elementary IChool in Huntington Beach f. is ltill alive. \· School Dlotrict 1greed Tuelday night lo conlinµe study ol the -1 mode by trµatee llog<r Anderson. / I Ollicilll of Ille H~ Buch Cily ., ' Mesa Brands Badham Bill Andenon oug .. ted puttin& Ill porlablt classes and two adminiWaUve buildlncl on a site bounded by Brookhurlt and Bushard streets and . AUanta ~d In- dianapolis Avenues . • "OUr .schools are already crowded," Anderson stated. ''l don~t think we nieed the extra space until February," Charla' Pa Im er, · As 'Stupid' --business superintend replied. -"We can hudle expected growth in September by fncreasing classroom 1;.ze." . • ' Simmering and somewhat baffled, "J! we see the need in .February 1 Costa Mesa chic leaden today branded , • ho · •t · oo-tbe easy vtciory of a bill .to eliminate .-.. don t "'! w we can. l&Mfe J. lD ~r a crucial section of.. Pacmc Coast itember, AnderlOTl said. He Pointed out FtteWay as stupid, emQtiooal and ir-.lhat school cafetoriums, not intended .rational. · as claSsrooms, are already beina: used Assemblyman Robert H. Badham .CR-~ classrooms. ~~ Beach) seemed s .u r: pr is e d Total cost of the port.able school -~If ~ednesday at bow sunply ·the. pre-fabricated, ·relocatable build.in&s -bill ,~ the {!'eeway stretch from and site improvement would be about Huritingkie Beacla to Corona de.I Mii' $500,000 over a seven year period. went~ , Palmer could give no estimate for the ~ ·Robert M. Wilson said bitt.rly Initial """""· . · ' that the vote may have been a com-: -'"Mleiirst year's 1eue on the buildings p!pntnt. to tbe influence-peddling and would be $62,SSO which must come out J!'O"OY .. pendil!g.of the Freeway Figbterg . o1 the aeneral fund," he explained. poup, 1-will ult.imlRly 10lve nothinc-'Jbe district al90 1hal about $150,000 ! "1bat ldm al the frmyay wu only tn available bl:iad money which could ..-Pe:d tie handle traffic generated in be used for improvement of the site tJie ~ area,'' he explained. "l and furnishing of lllf clade;i .. don't _,., What Newport Beach will Pabner also iaid Utt CN!ation of do with 111 that traffic if the Senat.£ another 1ChooJ would mean hiri1a' an apsroves it." addiUonaJ 20 teachers. · ' · He wu less analytical when first in-Anderson counter«! that. ,by usin& formed . available staff and ohilling -• lo lbe "You've::. to be kidding," he remark-new school that Would DOt ~'necessary. <c\= M~ chal!ged. the adopted J.j ~· J!°'::~~=!_,~~= Newport .~reeway route Just "to benefit as clalSl'OC}'ms .. aboyt 15 ·eitri. teachers tl1ll Pacific Coast Freew1y, he .,.,.. wouJcl be ivll1Job¥ /n the diltitct .. ~ II theM lhousand of . Palmer qrOed to Include lbe por\able com1-~the N-,,,!__,..,.., U clllles in .Ille !>udiet' 1tudy, but poiJlt.d -e ..... ,.._. ·-·-.. Sl • out 'Uie item could be dropped anyUme olf lbe cliff by Hoq ~W. then before the cfiitr!<1'• fin&I budget is what la Badh1m ...,,lo do? adopled in August ''Or~will_ he even ·~·be around then!" The-tentaUve ~et adopted Tuelday Mayor Wilson added. poses a $4.7 million· figure with .$&30,000 * * * ,,,....p .... , FREEWAY ••• , estimated for reserve funds at the end of the year. ·Mone;: for a portable school . would COll'le (lorn thole rllerve fundJ, " . Beach Sch.pols proportiona every day.•• • • ~ • EuUer this week 11 1 'olu!IY ,,.... T 11.T'• t J5 With memben ol lbe . 'llr1.iiit Lllld ' ry ~.ep . ' lnllllute'1 ~ Steerilla'· <'-0.. councilme• wtre told thaf the free,ray ~, ·B _ J .. Oka · ~crtt1c11"1oTopo1theP1er~1>. • or on.u~ . y . 11ot11 William 1-, vie< PRlidaDt ol Elmnectary adlool oflicilll have picked the city's econnmlc comultant., Ecillloa>lc li<ft. 15 u the date for 1 thiid 1ltempt lltowcb Aaocletes, and Willilnr W,.. . tq change the bond ii>~ rates in or the UL! panel llHed that lbe tneway ~ Beach, WU needed to &et traffic to the inid-.Voters have twice defeated, .on Feb. beach ""'· 10 and apin June 2, prJ>po&ail by the The trlllic tieups would be "stag. Hunting11>n <.Beach .City Scbonl District lerinl" if the freeway ended at Adams to chaqae me "sChool bond iQt,emt rate A.~IH:, LUBd aaic;t. from five percent io ·seven percent. IAmd added, however •. that, if the 1be two ·narrow b&ei have paralyzed lree1ray,,.... •~ed lo the '*"1dary some"$4.71 million in adlool cootlructlon bet....,, Newport Beach and Huntlngton bond. IJllJl:l'Ved a felr llO by Ille elec>· Be&ol thecll (Pilbe s.nta1 Ana1d Riverber. the Top ·tor~. . . . •• . er P an wou not affected An"lnlerest rate dlqe needs appn:iyal and Costa Me1a and Newport Beach by two thirds of those voting for pusage. would bear the brunt ol the congation. It failed ·on the June 2 ballot by .4 Wren, who heads the U L I traMportation committee, said his ll'OUP ~:bing elections were tied to other had ~et with representaµve:s °'-District elections. This time district officials have 7 of, ·the 1 ta t e Division of Highways scheduled 8 special election with the and the l!ltate Parks and Recreation • interest rate as the only item on the Deparbnent. -Ht said the two state agencies were ballot. mt eoordllUltlng their plans and thel the dty may have to act as a liasion -·them. Wren claimed the state's traffic flow maps on the freeway do not match with roads leading to beach parking Iota. DAILY PILOT AS:lemblyman Robert Burke (R·Hun- Wll1an Beach! argued against Badblm's ii!' the Aaoembly Wednesday. OltAN5l CO.Uf ,U.LliHING COMP.1.Nf' . ...... rt N. ·W1.illl .. ~, ............ - J.,k a. Cw!l•v "11(1 p,_,ldtnl •nd .... Wl'"il Nl.\nltlr lliom11 K11vil EotlOf' l lio1111• A. M11rphi111• MMlitinO E11'1W A/0111 Dirki111 ; w .. 1 o,,,.. c-1~ E"dilor . Alb1rt W. l1t1• "...,.... .... Offic.• 17175 1.,,~ lowl•v•'illl M•ili.t Atlllit1~1 : P.O. loir 790, 92448 , . OtMI Officel L•91111t l111;ti : tu 1'0or .. 1 .. -. Ct-$" MeM: :RO WtJI 8•Y SltCll ,..~, ... ell! 2111 Wl1! llltlO I •oull¥ttf -' .. I Cltmt11!1; 3G.5 Horllt El C.1111nt ... ~· -• ""l{Y ••L.OT, w1m \llh!UI • ~• ,,,. tillW•·"""· W; ~lfll<f fflly o•Uf't ivl'I· ••v '" """''" t•lt""'• '°" L.---..:11. fk-1 h kfl, COHI Mall, """"'""°" .. tell 1N1' '°"'"''"' Vlllty, •10fll wl11'1 l'IQ •~fl U11lo~1. Orlfl9S Co:11 .... llallll!9 c..n..~v Pfll\111'41 p nr, ••• 11 2211 WMl 8111:10t 11 ... ,, N...,orl 111(11, 11\d 1ll W-.1 ••r ~lrMI, tto.. MMI. Tllt, .. 111 C7141 641...Ult ..... W••l11.., C.r141·1Jlt Cl•lfW A'-'W .. 641-1411 a.r....... lfJt. Of"•• C011t , .... 1 ... i.i1 ~,. Hci ,..,..., 11or1ea, 111u11rt1>1nt. .. 11 ... i.i ..,.,"' Of t:l~ff1i. • .-ti ..,.. ltll! be FCIM'WUtul witllt\ll f4*111 '91'• MIN• ti ·~ltl'il lw.'oel, ..... CllM -11 .... hi I I N"""'911 •1ull or.4 C..!I Met1, C1llMr"ll, ~crlpti.n lly Clrtllr t;.IO lllO:lllllYI by .... 11 U.~ MltltMYI .......... •1i...tlillfll, I: •• "'*"'"IV. .f'rom ·~qe 1 SALARIES •.. from tea<'heil!I moving up on the pay scale as agreed to the year before. Current teacher demands would total about $260,000, not inciuding the acale increases, which ' teactien ny i s automatic. The district'a reserve funds' are ex- pected lo be 1618,400 1t lbe end or 1970-71. . Those reserve funds, administrators say. must carry the dlsllict throulh part of a new year and cover any "aurpriaea" during the year. · Teachen pointed out lbat health l)enefits -most of the fringe benefits' U)ey want -are already included In the budget in the amount of about. '64,000 and would not come from reierVe funds. They 1lso clllm they ere willing to negotiate fUrtber and perhapa reduce thelr demands. Planners Reject Tiburon Project The Larwin Compa1111y failed to win ci ty approval Wednesday nJcht tor e~­ pauion o( Us Tiburon to•nhouse develop- ment in Fountala Valley. . The planning commission refused to rezone 20 acres aoulh of the exlsUP1g Tiburon tract which would ha ve allowed another to homes. Planners aakf the expansion would allow too many home• and too man y school clllldren in Ille '"''· About 20 mlden~ were prelfnt durtng the public hearing to oppose tht propoted ex· ponsloo: The Tiburon development it on Brookhurst. Street 5outh of Talbert Avenue. • Beach Boonas ' ' •• Jtiry Quiz ' •• • .. ! Oppo~ed .. . \ By Manson ' . . ' \ ' LOS ANGELES (UPn -&yin& they want to deny tbe ''establishment" the satlsfaction of a i•court drama." .Charles Manson iod hia three female1 cdde(en· denta a.rt tryi111 to prevtnt tbelt,Jawyers I from qu~ng prospective juro~· at the~ trial for the mUrder of actresa\Sharon Tate.. ~ ' ,~ TWo of the defense att-0rne~s Wed· nesday refused to go along w1lh their clients' dim.ands and questioned 12 pro- spective jurc:n as to whether they could •brina· in a. fair venU~t in the bizarre multJple killings. -. ~ ~ . . ' Jl!'I a few yean ago, this southeast comer of Hunt, ington Baich Was part of uSouU1~rn California;s vegetable basket,'' an ,extensive series of high-yield tru~k fanna stretching through the Talbert Gap~ T .. day, more than 700 apartment units ar~ under con- . struction by three . developers' ln this area ~one. Photo was shot from bluff al)ove Santa Ana Rive.r, nelr intersection of Hamilto.n Avenue and Brook· h_tITTI Street (left), Manson,· leader ,of the hippie clllt ac· cused of 11even murders, instructed his attorney, Irvine Kanarek. nQt to raise any ~fenserbut.to .sit J!lUte jJt th e courtroom. . · Daye Shin!), lawyer\ Jor Susan. Atkhls. said the · young woman allo 1'Jd in· structed him to 1ccepl, the 12, !jurors without interTogatlon IS\ the "Manson family" attempted to p u t Up a Unified defense. .f'rem Page 1 EDISON ••• Valley Ci~y Attorney The other two girls, Patricin Krenwinkel and Leslie Van •ffeuten, also instructed their lawyers to cease ques- • tioning jurors but they refused: Paul Fitzgerald, representiqg . •Miss Krenwinkel, said he felt it was his 'duty to try lo get the (airest possible j\lJ'y .. but he said he understood the. opinion of his client )Vho_ stood ~p ig court Wednesday and tried unsuecesstully to eould DOI be built by lhat time. The commission also ordered the com- pany to "mQdify operations 'at -all its plants in the South Coast Air Basin Hasts.:..Sch.ool Project to reduce air 1pollutanf.t further." 'nle Fountain Valley City Attorney 'lbomal!I . cost or the modifications were estimated Woodruff expects 35 friends from .at SJ million a year to Edison. Michigan State University to drop by Camarena said the PACO welcomed his house Saturday. the cutdcrivn order on emi8sioos but They'll stay about two months. · clalnltd that the PUC could have ordered It's not a friendship trip, but a univeni- lhis action "some time ago" and p0inted ty project that bringl!I the student.. and out that the new controls still would faculty to Orange County. They~re part not meet the reqWrement.. f<r an J'ACD ol a Michigan State experiment titled pennlt. "Dialogue 70." • Jn its statement, Eells.on attempts to "They want to study the problems l!ltriie a middle pound, though clearly of urbanization. Talks with local city stating it believes the PUC bu overall aovernment officiall!I, police departments authority. and mldenta will occupy their time," "ln authorizng coipatructioa or these Woodruff e1plained. two new units we~J>elleYetlle corrimluk>n Woodruff, who is president of the in the n:ercile of its paramount jurisdic· Michigan State Alumni Club of Southern tioa has acted in the best interests California, has to find a home -other of the South Coast Air Basin by balancing than his -which the group can occupy two vital considerations -protecting for the summer. the·enviromnent •d meeUnc the arowing "We need two or three large homes fire him. OiaJosue 70 members have each sleeted "It is something ot a martyr complei:. ·• a particular city in Michi1an to study Fitt,zcerald told new1men. "She feels its problem•, ·then look for aolutiooa she already baa betn tried and conVicted to thole problems lo Orange County. and sentenced to deal.ti in the news "The students need to stay together media. , here so they can exchange ideas. Each "She and the otbers want to derif the will go to different parts ot.the county tslabU1hment the aatislaction of .•pu1-· with questions and come back to put ting on a court drama. Actually I can all the information tocether,!' Woodruff ________ uOOerstand her feeling." aaid. Jr8 Riiner, awyer--ror~MlS:S--\1aft 'I1:iis group is 1 continuation of a Hou~n, '!as aaked whether pe pld project titled "Dialogue 89" in which ~uest1on ~~rots .. "You bet y~1r .,aweel a number· of . Michigan State atudenta life I will, he said. and faculty worked their way acro11 Nine solld citizens had pasted thf country to California talking with rural flrtt hurdle in jury selection but most. resident. lo show a' different iml&e of if DOI 111, were upected lo be d~mlpe< the collq:e student. as the trial procreues. Among· .then-were a photoirapher, a mailman, .; chemical technician, a retired secr.£8ry a TV repaJnnan, a former drama Criti1 and a man who paints the divtdin1 lines on )Jigbnys. , ~ demind for electric power . by all the group can live in," he said. "Jn_ segments of the public," the statement ~:c~: ::: :::e ~;y 03J!r wi~~~: More than 75 bicycles, rlfllinl from ' 11·~ will be a critical Jlffd for required." "Jtin&ers" to racers, IO on -tbe abction Police Auction Bikes Saturday The first proapective juror was Her'i'rta1 Stokel, a Neiro, who works its 1 mechanic at the past office. Fitz1era \4 put a 1erin of questions to him. ' ·; Would he be prejudiced toward· thi defendanta because they wol'f: IOng hair 1 Bec1ue of thiir lifesty·le?-&ecallli the: waft no COlmetics! Because the •girl wore no brassieres? Stokes anftere1 •(no" to all the questions. additional electric power throughout The Dailogue 70 fl'OUP hopes to find block this Saturday in the Huntlncton Southern California in 1974 ud 1975. soJuUons to problems or urbanization Beach Police Department parking lot, Testlmony before the commission whidl MichJ&an dtlea will face In the near5thStreetand-OrqeAvenue. demonstrated that construction of illel!le next ten to 15 years. Police Chief Earle Robitaille said the · twO large new units, with their advanced auction will st.aft at 10 a.m. anQ that pollution control .de,slgn, will result ~ all bikes will be on display for about lower" overall ernlaslon1 fur the area North Viets Accept · half an hour before the event begins. tha1t could be attaJned with any com· Parents are encouraged to at~nd with bina'tion of srrialier, lesl!I efficient plants." their duldren since all sales are final ''The Huntlpgton Beach ualt. will be Return of Prisoners and are for cash. Pe .... nal checb will ' Lester Maddox' ' Sentenced in Thet\ the last major f-.il-tu~led generating not be accepted, the chief said. facilities Edl90n wUJ build in the South PARIS (UPI) -North Vietnam said The bicycles offered ha ve been col· ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -Lester Ma,ddo: Coast Air B8'in. Begjnaing with com~ today it would accept the return of lected as lost by the department over Jr., son of the Georgia governor, pleadtll pl.elion of the ftnt addltioo to San Onofre 86 war prisoners whose freedom was the past few months . Money raised dur· gtiilty today to a charge of alten'lpte• 11uclear generating station in 1978, Edison offered by South Vietnam, h1it inaisted ing the sale is turned over to the city burglary and was sentenced to tervt is c.Ommitted to ~uild only nuclear power _the_y_w_er_e_me_re_l_y _"V_l_etn_am_e,._po_t_ri_ot.s_." __ tre_as_u_ry_. -''----------w_ee_k_e_nd_s_in_1_· a_11_1o_r_s_ix_m_o_n_lh._s. __ _ plants -which w,ill add P1othlng whatever lo the llDIOI problem in the South Coastal BUin." College District Teache1·s Get Salary Increase Instructors in the Orange Coast. Junior College District will receive a 8.4 percent pay increase for J9'1G-71. Trustees voted the Jncreasi during their Wednesday night meeting. The pay raise, which will increase budget allocations for salaries by about ~.000, was recommended by the teacher academic senates or the two schools In the district -Orana;e Coast College and Golden West College. Di.Strict Chancellor Norman \Vatson said U1e increase will boost the base salary of the pay scale to $8,300 per year. Top possible salary will be $18,641.50, not including anniversary raises or doctor's degree stipends. "It should be noted," he told board men1bers, "Ulat although Ute co&t or living increase is 1.4 percent, most faculty members and c I as s if i e it employes l'ill be receiving increases of 10 to 11 percent when normal illcrements are taken into cOnslderaUon." Increments are given for each ad· diUonal years' teachln& exper~nce for at least 10 years and up to ti years dependJn& upon the teacher's education, A propoaed dental plan wa1 ellmh•ated. Watoon tol~. tn,.stees It couldn't be put into effect because of a freeze that would be legisllted under the aoveraor's pendin. ta1 rtfonn bill. . . , ·Realtors Slate Talk on Campus Women Realtors will learn ot efforts btina_made ~ combat ' ' I e f t t st • • movemen~ on colle1e campuse1 at their meeting In Francois restaurant, Hun- tington Beach, at noon Ji'riday . Greg Topper, a member of Campus Studies Insti tute, de1erlbtd u a nc>n·pro- fit organt:r.atlon 1et up to oppon. leftim on c1u11pus, will show liOl.lnd films and 1lldes at lhe luncheon. ( I Th111 •r• v1ry c1mfort1bl1 1110 ~011111 for . Sitti111t incl Slo1pi~g. A wide 11loctio~ of f1bric1 •~cl Colors te •h•••• ....... . Jo~ 'Now $299 .. "\l,1 -;t,-~...;::;.. Your fovbritt interior dt1igntr wlU be ham to°''"' Vo"' .•• ,RO~SSIHA~J. GAR~ETf f u RN l~l~~IOR ILVD. INTERIOR DISl6NIRS 0,.. M-".""'-a flrl, 1-. COSTA MlSA, CALIF. 646-0275 60.0l76 I I • '· ~ . . · . • ·• I " . ' • • ' VO . ' ' ..,. . • ~ ~· .· "'fl .. ' '"'ii sal• up. A -Hur A \~ · . c •;; todl us. -fif- ciO •.(; ctA the thil C4n Jrvl . 'll no liar It ~' fl!J . '"" dill ., "' City nf. lllO ari furr ~ .. :t I r '~ I JkK: ~ ~ N • ti '. mo· ·'' Pl!> "" ii>r the :r ~ ... •W ' uri ·~ I I cit) , tax • • 1 f c !, l1ili ... 11 Ill! ~ Clll ; :: ... l'f, till ttlo 1111 'I IOI ..,. . ., ... the .. A "" "" ··~ the • I ~ • , . •• .. .. '· " t ; ' rt Beaeh Teday's Fl•I ' EDIT l·ON N.Y. Saaek • *· ORANGe COUNTY,•CA!JF6)NIA . VOL 63, NO. 151, 4 S6CTIONS, 52 PAGES . ~. --THURSDAY, JUNE 25. 1970 TEN CENTS , . , ~ewport 'Workers OK 7.6 ,Percent Pay Raise -~ ' . -'· , · B7 THOMAS FORTUNE ' . et .. DeltJ , .... ...,, Neptiatora for Newport · Beach cit)' ~l employes afTMd today to an' .,..IP 7 .I percenf pay ralst for ndl)-. with policemen le get biger sal~ 'increases of 12.S ·percent and up." . A "letter of agreement was .si1ned this m<rn.inl with City Manager· Harvey L. Hilrll>url. ~nexFight j ~y Irvine I . Gets Boost 11tt Jr.ilnt COmpany ~ a new ally · tiodly 1n Ila battle to prtvent the proposed IJl.acre annexation to Newp:wt Beach -er: P. operty northeast of the Orange Coilnly Ai'!"'rl. ·Local Aaency FormaUon Commission (LAP'C) members-received a letter from the county Grand Jury Wednesday ursin1 tUL. ppeutkm not ~ line with Irvine CompQly plana for the new city of lr>biecbe dUapproved. nit Jitter, upon whic:h the LAFC took no 1cUorl, was signed by Georce B. Ronold, jury foreman. n rtad in part, "The m.and Jury ~ :_,,ed thal Ions-range plaeoiJlc .... "!"¥ ... be un-by ~al ·· and premature action• of particular 4iunty qeacies . • "'nle recently announced plans for the. city or Irvine represents the out<*Dt <I ntemlve studies and should oat M 1110...,.ect io be scuUled before thej hlw an adequate Maring and . have been formally accepted, modified or re)ectecl bf'7~propriate governing agencies." :tbe jury's action points directly at tft!e 'friQch-debated proposed 1nne1alion 1, el. tfte 50-arce Astropower property al the northeast corner of MacArt}Jur ]JoUlevard and Campus Drive to Newport. &ad!, and the subsequent action to ~ 75 acres of Collin.s Radio property ti.I.be east to the merger move. Neither annexation has been approved tiy the city of Newport Beach although q,ticlals have been informed on the moves bf Azimuth F.quities Inc. which viOPoses a $50 -million commercial-hotel ~plex for the Astropower property incl' added th• Collins property lo Ii•• the prppoaal better a~ptance. . ~ Grand Jury letter did not menhon m..-. but referred to "proposed an· ndations to Newport Beach." : wn.e city of Newport Beach is beitll ar&ed by the new landowner to annex a Rl_!reel near the airport which is clearly a ~ of the industrial portion of· tht city ol Irvine and essential to a sound 1 tax base. ·"If one goodie i.s plucked by Newport ~ other parcels will soon be In dtbland by contiguous municipalities," the Grand Jury letter concluded. "nle LAFC just previous to readin1 ~ We letter had been briefed by lrvine , iftlctals on the company's plans .and I Met continued action on the Amnuth Annexation until July I at the request 1 rJ Azimuth'• attorney Alex Bowit and the concurrence of Irvine Vice President Raymond Watson. • Teacl1er Raises Fail to Stifle . ,, COntroversies I ~,-.Cheri 11tarla ln the Newport.Me&& 1'llfttd School Diltrlct are remalnln& a -ol OOll""'lnY in spite of the fact truflHI a week qo adopted an acroo- UIHoard U percent 1ncru ... • ·'l'edly Dlllrlcl Superintendent William ~m lllid be found il dlfflcull lo UDdlntand a mtement made by Birt t*. executive aecreW'y of the New· por&-Meu ldac1tion A.uociaUon, that tuchen were dialppointed with the raise . liDce tt bll'elJ covered the cost of Uvina tnenaae. •flake 1l10 Hid he. wu diaappalnted that the board did not adopt the auoci•· dla'1 recommendlUcm on chlqa in Iba top 1e ... 1 ol the oalarjo IChedoile. .,,_ N-Ml!A dtreclor aalcl tbe wa7 the .._.,le t1 cumnUy let up, teachen • conUnue to um credtt.a and who • -taqht In the diltrict about II ,..., ... al Iha lap ol the ochedule, Aller Ula~ the only raltes they can aet 1re· lncrta• a \'Cited all teachers by the board. At lhll stage of their carttr1, the• lnltn1Ctor11 also hive tenllft!, whkh they would IOle H they moted to another ~liitool district. They can't quil unleas they are willlna to rDn\e in lower on an- • . llllt'IS.l-CIDll, ... ll • 1't)t City Emp)Dye'1'A11 o c I a t I on, represent.inc most dty workers, •• to m..i looipt and vole wbolhef lo ratify wl>at their oeptialon bad sipled. Tl1e . ·~ --la the Sli of Ml city en)ployes who are not in the ·police . or ftre departments. Polle< and fire employ .. associalloos negotiated separately witb tbelr elected representatives haring full autborlty to 'iP for .the whole departmenll. Tile nna1 decision on all salary and fringe benefll paymenl! for Iha new rllCll yur be&innin4: Jut; 1 ls up to tbe City Council. Councilmen will bold .• special nwietinc on salaries it 1· J.m. Saturday. Saiaries and frin1e benefits cowred in Ute letttr of acrttment would COil the city H .000 Dl(ft than ttm year. MOii al the 1-was -· lo keep up with olber cilia by' ilaliry DAILY PICOT Stafl PMle GUATl!MALAH INDIAN DEMONSTRATE S DIVIN INIJ METHODS POfl Sh11ko'w In Ora"'° County lo Help Anlh,.,.l09i111 3 lxils at UCI ·' Linguist s Study Obscure Dialect . , , . coruult.ant Price W~terhouse and Com.' pany. ' The Police AslociaUon had Wed for a 17~i percent r~ise tor p'atrobntn but agreed to 121,J percent. Sef1e1nls will gel.15 percent, lieutenapts and captaim 17 ~1 ~ ' Price watemouoe had re<ommended creation 'c,f~ a Clan 2 police officer at higher pay like Costa Mea and tome other cities have. But Sat. Ronald W)'lller , . , said .the Police Department didn't think it· was a good Klea· to . se.,.rate the ranb ud they aske«I . for and 1« an , a~board raise. The Fire Department. agreed lo a reduction in the work week from -11 \ir to 11 hours plus a 7\~ perctnt pay raise. The wort week rdeuction ii ac- compUshed without hiring pew 'flrtmen by l'fducinc four.man companies to three-man. The recommended acfoas-tbe-tmrd raise for f;mployes in all other clissiflca- lions is five ptrtent with bikes of 7~, · 10 and 15_percent in some cues. brin&inc lheoverall average lo 7.1 pi1reent. · Putting a dOllar value on rringe benefits . .brin~ the. increase up to &1. perc'tnt, city Manq:er HUrlburt asid. The City Employts Aaocl1\ion had asked for a 15 peremt ICl'Ola-tbe-boud. !See J\All!Z, Pap I ) Mideast Explodes · . , . Israel, Syria in Bitter Fighting By Uolletl Pnu lllenatloul The Israeli-Syrian front ezploded today "'ith the heaviest batUe since tht 1967 Mkidle Eut war • .and fieref; o:imbat enaulfed a wide area ol tbe Suez Canal. Immediate reaction from the Arab world to the new 'U.S. plan for peac:!; i!l the , area was Jukewann . Israel declip- ed comment on the proposals aN>OUnctd by, Secretary of State Wiiiiam P. Roger! and summoned its ambassador in 1 Wuhin&ton back to Jerusatem for con-' aultatiom. , Tel Aviv communiques said ls.raell jets attacked army camps deep in&lde Syria near the capital of Damascus and battled Syrian interceptors In the skies while Israeli and Syrian tanks and artillery foqbt acro&a -the enlitt SO.mile Jeqth of the Golan Hei&hts• cease-fire line. Fl&hliftl ractd for more tha n lix hours, and ..,._ aaid lbe balUe ... ·lhe bia&ut alnce IJneli "°""" ,.ized the Golan Heights In the 1917 war. 'II followed a No.hour filht Wednesday nijht in· YOl•inl -Ud artillery. Israel reported a Soviet.built MIG21 ol the Syrian Jl:lr fWce shot down ia an anetnoon doefight over the Gotaa Hei&htl. Syria said its antiaircraft atin- ners down a U.S.-built Phantom jet fighter·bomber o( the lsraeli air force. Iraq annollllCfld it has placed its lroop!I on the Araq Ealtern Jront with· Israel at Syria's di.spoaaf "to re~I the · C004 tinued Zionist auression~. ' The Iron\ includes • Iraq, Syria and Jordan. lr1q is reported to have aboJt 1'2:,000 troops in the area. I Nixon Anival , -, ; Biday: BetlR.'ning Slated .Todav; . " N,wport Star it.a Brpad way Sho·w • Meeting Set By RICHARD P. NAU. ................ President Nixon waa schechded to meet with a 1roup of editon and publishers at h!J San Clemente home Jl'rklay follow· in& touchdown ol Air Force One •I El Toro Marine Corps Air Station this arternoon. .. I , .... JI . ' OAILY l'ILOT 1!111 l'Mlt BROADWAY CALLS Ruby KHl•r Lowe Wild Cha se Ends As Car Crash es; Thre e Injured • A station wagon crammed "'ilh teena1ers 1lammed Into a eucalyptus tree early today to climax an IO-mile-per- hour chaae by a motorisi. they had spraytd with a fire eztinguiSher in Newport Beach. Miracuklwlly, only three puse11Jers were tnjund, none seriously, at the end of the race which led lnlo Colla Mesa and llln>u!lh MVeral ltop Iii"'. The pursuer just drove on, accordln& to Colta Meu police. Ttmoth}' J, Neja, II, ol 311 llod SI., Cotta Mtu, old police his braka failed 11 he 1,.,.,,ached Irvine Avenue on Magnolia Street due \o overheating in earlier hilh speed maneuvers. Officer Tom Boylan 11id the car bounc· ed over &bl c:tnt.er divider al the T,,,type intel'lecUon and smashed into the tower- -ina eucal)oplua. Sus~ctl _Sought In Lido Robbery Roy W. Bnnrn Jr., II, of Ill Sherwood St-, Colla Meu, 1JU held oveml&ht at H... -al Hoopllel and roleaaed lodly,-111fftrinl a 11'1• head '-Ilion . Hit b<olMr, Peter ,H. 8""'11, 14, and Mldlael A. Keane, II, of Z'IT7 Lonnzo Aft., Colt.I Men, were treated for cuts Police tadaJ ..-....... fir .._u. md bndlM,llld l'lleaaed . In Iha Tllollday nip! llleft ol woldln SUAn Haller, 14, ol 11111 M11nolla SI., fiom an oulilde dliplif'cue ol a pluali -<mla Mua, etca~ lnju,Y in lhe 12:06 • Lido Jewelry llloro. a.m. coi)lllon -t P.Uoe aald -her Three men's watches v11utd at • teenalfd boy 1 puaenle• apparently 1tft Were 1toltn from 1 cue at B. 0. Howu the .tctne. · • Sona Jewelry "°"'· 1411 Via Lido. lnv11l11atqn ·were lold lilt·'"""''" The thief bn>ke the window ol Ille llM been crulli,. around the Harbor ailpl11 c .... ln•Ollilalon .... I .. CllMI~ ll For R8y x eeie.., ...... of the 19 musical movi" and one tbne wife of Al Jolson, "No, No, Nanette" will become a "ye.yes" role. MW Keeler, after 41 years away from the Broadway stage will return lo New York this August to take 1 part in the reviva l of Vincent Youmans' 1925 musical. • "l'm flattered and excited about &oin« back to work." the star said, from ber Corona del Mar home. ··~ty husband (real estate man John Lowe) died a year ago and my children are all grown, ao the re's no reason why I shouldn't re- sume a career, although l'd never given any thought 'to it at all.,. Miss Keeler, pow 80, last starred on Broadway in the 1929 hit "Show Girl'' for Flo Ziegfeld. FoJlowlng the show, she came to Hollywood Jn 1931 to star with the late Dick Powell in "Forty. Second Street," and later appeared in dozens of movies, mostly mlusiciils. - Miss Keeler, remembered by many or the older generation "tor her dancing talent, wu the daughter of Canadian immigrants. She left .school al the age of 13, lied armut her age and got a job in the cho- rus 'line. While dancinJt: in the chorus of 1'Whoopee" starring Eddie Cantor, she was spotted by Ziegft>ld, and was imme- diately signed with the Follies. "He was a real gentleman." she re· members. referring lo Ziegfeld. "If you gave a good performance, he'd send you a note backstage." In 1968, fhe °"'ent to Chicago and starrerl in "Bell. Book and Candle," per- formed at the lvanhoe Theater in the roul'l1. ~ "It was fun ," 1\.liss Keeler recalled. Expor t Level Ma rked \VAS~llNGTON (AP) -The United Sta tes merchandise exports reached a record of $3,695,100,000 In May, exceeding the month's bTiports by $335, million, Oru~ Weatller The wt.atherma.n'1 turning ~ up the burner Friday, with beach- front areas simmering in seventy- ish sun and inland realons roaat.in& at 115 de_.. ~ INS~E TODA\' Sandy Atomar g~a Oil the Angela reCord book and takes over top \ spot i'l cop&ecutillf go mes htttb1g Qt Anaheim team sweep& doUble-hrode,. Sport., ,.,,. ''· • • I DAILY I'll.OT H '-· -25, 1910 RQute Bill Bugs Beach Fro• P•re 1"· INDIANS ,. •. • the llil ~ .... e. Danger to Downtnwn Redevelopment? I ping it onto lleodl Boule911nl -.Id re111ll ln • tr.rile ~ al --•I proportions every day.'1 "They've done It that way for Uiree or four hundred years now, so ~ don'& ~ -wllliC UK! pr-lo, 1t1t 1bU ii lo part ., lhalr rltueJ ' ' llunUngton lluch councilmen are liecominc i.Creasingly a1armed at the procrea: of .. Assemblyman Robert Jbdhlm's bill lo delete a aegment ,of the Co8st Freew_ay. They believe it will kill the Top ol the Pier plan for dow1town redevelop- ment. The measure, which would terminate the freeway at Adams Avenue, Hun- ·tington. Beach, instead or continuing it dowocasl, cleared the Asiembly Wed- Jlllday and js now being carried by Senator John Schmit. (R-TU&tin) through the state Senate. The intention of Bad.ham's move is lor Ibo lnew•y to bypau Newport Buch, I "N9wpcrt01 cure is Huntington &etch's death," Councilman J ack Gree• com- mented fiatly this morning. "It would choke our surface streets.'.' Councilmen · have been told by traffic enginten · thlt the result ol e.mrtg the rreew1y at the juncUon of the north-south Hwttingtoo. Beach Freeway near Adams Avenue and Beach Boulevard would be to dump onto Beach Boulevard all of the traffic from; "Lo! Angeles County heading for the beaches. "Ri&ht .ow.Beach Boulevard Is choked to a standstill on warm weekends," Green pointed out. "Adding all east-west traffic and DOrlh·IOUth trafiic 8lld dum- Earlier this week at a study 1essiol ,. ilh members Of the Urbln Land lnstitute's Citizens Steering Committee councilmel'I wue told that the treewai is "critical" lo Top of the Pier redevelop- ment. Both WiWam Lund, vice pl'aident of the city's economic consulti.nla, Econom.Jc Research Associates, and William Wrea or the ULI panel agreed thit the freeway v.'as needed to get traffic to the mid- beach area. The traffic tieups would be "stag. gering" if the freeway ended at Adams Avenue, Lwtd sakl. ·~ . "The main locus of 1heir ~ious beliefs ce nters on ancestor worship for which the priest acts' as an lntermicfiary. ''l;hef 1fao have gods of . oil' .. s~ moon aod s_tors. The mytbol"i)' or ~-.~pie is strikingly similar to Hellenic-mythol- ogy," she noted. • ln a considerablY. less mystic Ye f n, Kaufm1n and hia tWo friincla ·~ finish. work on their dictionary. ' . \· ~ ~ MA)'AN LANGUAGES • "A bout 157,000 j>eople in thrte •towns SJteak l:ril (pronounce(! eesheel) Ylllch ls on~~t iabout 20 Ja11111aies· in \hf:'Mayan family," he ,ih:plalned. ' ti . Kaufman, who teacbes lingUb:Uts at uc Berkeley. uid he ii worklnc ,. thi5 Ex-~.ewport Child Beater To Get Psychiatric _Study * ·* ·* Mesa B~ands , Badham Bill As 'Stupid~ ~ ·1~a1e becauae It,. only has ,tlule dia-l~~ ,opposed to the other i.npages w!iic~ may ha\'e is. marfy, as 15-llld can be more· easily cata>ocu~. ·: The work is being done wlU. the aid or a coml>uter, he eiplained. ' ·· !'The words· are all one Sylllble usuallv conslstl ng of a consonant, a vow,1 and anol.her consonant. The computer was (ed a program with the maximum num. ber of sounds for ,ach and came, up wilh A lormtt Newport Budl man wbo admitted la s.n. -Superior Court that ht was 'respmslble far ex- tenlive injuries ~f!ered by his three. lllOllllHld ... has been ·prde«d in u..t CGW'I to WldOr• • IMoy diagnootic otudy in the .Ute's Cl1lno facility. Judge Henry M. BuSch ordered Michael Leroy Shear,' 23, fonntrly of 2327 Maraaret St., Newport Beach, and now ol Ontario, to return to his courtroom in late Se~ for d,jspoaiUon of what could be at Just a one--year jail term. Shear recenUy pleaded guilly before the ..... iudle to c11a,.. .. that he beat and injured his 10n, Eric. Dodon at OnWlo's F..wia Hoopitol eJerted police to the infant's injuries last Jin. 10 when Shear took the beaten boy to them for treatment. Shear's arrest immediately revived lhJ Interest of Newport Beach police in the death 1ut May 31 d. Shear'a atepaoa1 tWo-yur-old Patrick Tudor.' • f\lurder charges were filed agaftt Shear and subsequenUy reduced to IJJvol- untary mamlaughler, He Is ICbeduled to return to Ora111e Coanty ~1Couri JuJy I for what eorlld lie,...t #ie .,,...,. • ~ye. Orance County Jan fmft : ' Lillle P•~ Tudor died ln !he .llollrtub F,....P .. el RAISES ••. increue bec1U1e hNewport citians de- mand higher than aver1:4e aervtce." Jim Lanenn president of the emjlloyes aSIOC'iatlon, aald if the City Council wants the employes to be juat average the '1'ployes apparently are going to be oiatisifled with eight percent. He e1plained . wey-he, two othtr employe negotiators ...i their paid repreltntaUve, Phil Bower1 J. R. of the C.Ulamio Lie•gue of Cities Employ• Auociatlons, had signed the. letter of agreement. , . "I don't th1nk this is the year we are coing to come up with a big pay raise," he said. "The council ls trying to hold the llne on the lax rate and they pretty well committed themsel ves to hi&her·U\&n·1verage sa fety people (police and fire) back in Mareh.'' He sa.kl the letter of agreement In· eludes, in addition to the. average eigh t percent rasies now, provalon for mid-year r1ises Jan. I of another 2~ pen:ent for claWflcat.ions thal fill below average when other cities make I.heir ad· justment.s. Mayor Ed 11 irtJ1 sakl he Is ple1aed salary ne.goliallons have been congenial ••tn these days when cities are having strikes and all. We've got a real fine group of employes." DAILY PILOT O•AHGE COA•T P,Ullls.HIHG COM~AH'I' l•~•rf H. W11oi1 Ptt•llllenlWl"WlilhH J1c~ l . Cvrl1y Vici ,.,~.c1.,,1 •~• Gener1I M1n...,- T~oP111r K11.,il U..1111t A. M M1phi~• -~Inf l'lllfl' n111111 Forh1111 ,._,.,. ... " Offtc• 2111 W1tl 1111111 l1ul1w1rd M1lll111 Allldr111: ,,O. l1r 1111, 926ll ............. Olli lillCM: lJll Wt" ltr S,,_. L.,.,,... e1m: m ,.,,,, ,._ ~-li ... IM l1•et1~717f"lfJtfl l .,,,.leo'lr4 IM ~I all HIN'!~ 1:1 Cfll'litle I.Ml at the Margaret Street addr~s in circumstances that never really allowed NewpQrt JfeaQ.1 ... -eonee to close their file. Shear told 'firemen who unsuc· cessfully fought to revive the drowned dlild that he had heard .gurgllng and spluhlog 10Unda from 1he bathroom but was too late to Mlp hi.s,stepson. Injuries found on lhe little boy's body v.'ere at first attributed to the vigorous resuscitation proced11res practiced ' by desperate firemen. It is. now alleged lhal they were innieted by Shear. ·Erle Shear, now nine months, is still riceiving hospital treatment for the in- juries he received in Ontario, A physician recently described the child a s "unre&p0nsive, definitely impaired from his in}uries and in ·a · condition which only allows us to hope thot he might -oomelhing better th.. • vegetable." · Cou,nty to Pay For Auditor's Bay Trial Fees I ' . CoUnty .upervlairs got 1notherr1 tu«e o,f !he hiah -of court action W-y. 'Ibey voted 4-1 over the objtdiona of Supervisor Robert Battin to irllll8!er 125.000 to pay legeJ expe-for the de- fense or county Auditor Victor A. Heim over the Upper B•y land exchange pact with the lr\1ne Company. Jronlcally, Heim Is the oppanent of the county in the "friendly " suit to deter- mine legality oC the land swap. It was refus.al in 1967 to pay a $13,917 dr g bill that aet the stage for the tri whicJ:i renews Fridaf In superior Heim Is defended by the Santa Ana law finn ~ Rimel, Hlf\'ey and Helsing. ~ Three weeks ago, supervisors approved another expenditure in connection with the action. Bernard G. f;vam who made the 1915 appr1lsal oC the Upper Bay trade was hired at $35 an hour, effective .May I "for his expert information and testimony in the test case." Evans made the mu ch-debated apprais· a1 for the state Land! Commission in which he found an $8 million advantage to the county in the trade of 450 acres of Irvine Company uplands for 157 acres of oounty~wned tidelands. In the Swim 3,j)OO possible combioaUons. ' Simmering and somewhat baffled, Costa M~sa civic leaders today branded_, the easy victory of a bill to eliminate ' a crucial section of Pacific Coast Freeway as stupid, emotional and ir· rational. Wet or Drf1 1 "I read them th e comblnatloo and anv possible variatiQrui and they lelJ me Y.1hether it's a word, <'.nd if so. w)lat it means," Kaufman said. • The variations. as he noted, are word1 that canoot atand alone. but need an identitler of some sort. "In English yo11 have cranberry. Cran means nolhint. unless you use it with berry," he said. Assemblyman Robert H. Badham (ft. Newport B'eachJ seemed s urpr is ed himself Wednesday at how simply the bill dropping the freeway stretch from 1-luntington Beach to Corona del Mar went through. Mayor Robert M. WiJ500 said bitterly that the vote may have been • com- pliment to the influenc»peddling and money-spending of the Freeway Fighters group, but will ultimately solve nothing. "That section of. the freeway wu oo.ly designed to handle traffic generated in the surrounding area," M explained. "I don't know what Newport Beach will do with all that trarflc if the Senate approves it." • l'retn Page 1 NIXON ••. his rambling San Clemente estate overlookJng lhe ocean are lo include presidential as.sistanta H. R. Haldeman Dwight L. Chapin and Patrick J: BuChanan: Dr. Henry A. Kissinger na- tional security affairs adviser; Press Secretary Ronakl Ziegler and Rosemary Woods, Mr. Nixon's personal secretary. The President is ~xpeeted to work on hi.I report. to the nation concerning the controversial push qf U.S. troopa into Cambodia. It will be delivered Sometime next week. The President stopped in St. ·Louis ~n route to California to addr.eu the 50th anniversary convenUon oC lh; U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce. Aid,es said his talk would deal wtth domes.Uc problems, em~ the ho p e f u I ~-.. --~. . The Nixons ar' expected to renilln at the Western Wbite House until about the FOurth of July. On Mrs, Nixon's Peruvian flight, her first solo outside the U.S. as first l1dy~ she will fly to Lima and make 1 helicopter inspection of the disaller area left by the May 31 earthquake that killed 50,000 persons and left many more homeless. Vicki Lohman (that's her In the boat) will be taking novice sailors out on the water be1inning next week. Part of her job will be to keep them dry. 'nna Echternach Is a swimming instructor and Mike Kil- loy leaches surfing. Wet_ sport, or dry, telephone 673-3180 to get in on Newport Beach Recreation Department's summer program starting Monday. Fro• P .. e l TEACHERS PAY ••• other distrlct'1 salary 1eale. ,_ In his atotement J tod•y;-cunnlnl!wn sold the sd1edule ._ed by the 6oonl "uUUzed all of the avaUabJe tunds." He noted on the other end of the acale the atlrUn& salaries tor new teachers adopt. • F,....P .. el CHASE ••• Aru with time on their handa ml squirted a youth in his drivew•y on Lido laie. • The wet and aniry recipient of the fire eiUncuilhtr IPl'IY jwnped into a late model red and white pickup truck and gave chase, Jeadlnf to the climatic end. The accident is still under investigation. Sentenced in Tfieft ATLANTA , Ga. (AP) -Lester Maddox Jr., son of the Georgia governor, pleaded guilty today to a charae of attempted burglary and was sentenced to serve weekends Jn jail for six month s. ed by the boon! '"' Ill hllher th•n thole recommended by the te1chen' uaoea-tlon. Cunnlnsbam further stoled that the cost of the N-MEA '• schedule would have "e:rceeded available funds by sa,707. "Mr. Hake's comment that tome teach- er• were cheated under the IChedule adopted by the board ii diffli:ult to un· dentancl, in that on the ~~~~s· pt~ poul, m of t,ltl (or 221percent of the total teaching staff) would have received lea \bin • 5.1 pettent increue In salary improvement," CuMi"lham noted, '"It would seem Joefcal from thlt th1t the proposal 'presented by the teachers would have deprive over one-fourth of the teachers In the diftrid of their f•lr share of the monies available and cer- tainly would have given them Jesa·than 1 COil of llvlng inore&1e, ·~ he said. Replying tG CUnnm,hlm'• remarks, Hake .claimed there were some "Inac- curacies" in lhe superintepdent's state· ment. · "He's looking at a finite bit of infonna· lion," Hake said. "If he had something he wanted to say to me, he could have writ- ten a letter-to me or to lhe editor, but I'm not pl•Mln& to carry on a runnins feud in the newspaper." 11\'0 DIALECTS The llnguist said he has found that the two men are recogn izing about 15 per- cent of lhe combinations from the com- puter. Since each ls from a different town, he is g(!ttlng two dialects ef' the lan~age at once. • Jose is from Cotzal and Ballasar is from Chajul. The third town ls Nebaj. v.•hich the priest is from. Kaufman said he has already done work on the __Nebaj dialect. · Kaufman said he also plans to· teach the two men. who are both farmers and tailora, to write phonetically, their native ton,ue. . ';It'_. an unwritten language which ever b11.lf the people in the towns spuk~ er· clusi\'ely. I've been able to work With these men 9ecause they also spea k Sj)an- ish." he said. The linguist said having a dlctiOOa" and a written form of the lannaie will pro~e useful to missionaries. the · puate- malan government and future llnguistJ and anthropologists. · North Viets Accept Return of Prison~~s PARIS (UPI) -North Vietn8Jll said today it would accept the return d 16 v.·ar prisoners whose freedom was offered by Soolh Vietnam, but hlsisted they were merel)I "Vletnames..! pattiots.,. The N o r th Vietnamese delegation lo the Paris peace talks iss ued a ~om~ munique from the North Vietnamese infonnatlon agency agreeing to ~ the return, but lmpot;lng conditions on the release. Hanoi ha s never admitted 11.1 troop! are fighting in South V-ietnam. ._:il.··soFA BED 91/J/ f 11!t1t 1r1 ¥try -=omforltblt 1011 btch for : SittiRt i ncl Sl11pin9. f J. ,,.j,, 11le~lion of F1\oti~t •ft' Coler1 ft ; ehoo11 f1om. I I t~I R•g. No '400.00 w Your jaoorite Interior dc1ig11rr will bt Mm Co 41.ti.tt ~u .• , ' ... ,_ ....... - This young swi mmer at the Harbor Area Boys' Cl ub has the right idea -breathe while your head Is out of the water. The Boys' club la orrerin& summer swim classes for children all ages. with classes on a resef'.'.atlon and fee basis. For dctailf i contact the Boys' Club, 549 Center St., Co}la Mesa, telephone M&-93117. ,ROFESSIH~J.GARRETf fURNl~RE INTERIOR DISISNERS o,_ M-., T1lon. a M ·-II II HARBOR IL VO. COSTA MESA . CALIF. 646-0175 646-0276 .1: " l l 1 '41it hlit en1 I WO in ed by ... W& RJt 1 jct Syr bai wh arl len lln· I "" blf Gd • v~ .r' an H< ne fit i on •t lin Ji ln .; St ol ju a • . • -...... ~ . • -·---:-; • " t ;. , .• • . ~ • • : ) • ~osia Mesa .. • ' VOL '3, NO. 151, _.SECTIONS, 52 PAGES ORANGE Ci:>UW, CALIFORNIA THUasDAY, JUNf 25, 1'1D TEN c:ENfS ' .· Mideast Warfare Explodes By Ullitd Pnu 111- Tht lsrael!-Syrian front exploded today with the he1vlest battle since the 1967 li1iddle East war, and fiercf: combat ena:ulfed a wide area of the Suez Canal. Immediate reacUon from the Arlb world to the new U.S. plan for peace in the area was lukewarm. Israel declin- ed comment on the proposals announced by Secretary of State William P. f\ogers and summoned its ambusadbf in Washington back to Jerusalem for con- aultatioM. Tel Aviv commuriiques said Israeli jets attacked anny ccvnps deep Inside Syria near the capital of Damascus and batUed Syrian Jntert'eptor1 in the akie~ while lsraeli and Syrian tanks and artillery fought across the entire »mile ' lenith oC the Golan Heights ceue-lire line. Fighting' raged for more than 1ix hours, an4 spokeamen &aid the batUe wu the biaest since Israeli troops seiJ.ed the Golan Heights in the 1187 war. It folk>wed a two-hour · fight Wednesday night ln- volvlna: tanks and artillery. Israel reported a Soviet-built MIGJl of the Syrian air force shot dcnm in an afterooon dogfight over lhe Golan Hei&hll. Syria said its antiaircraft JU9- ner1 down a U.S.-built Phamolg jM li&hfer-bomber of the Israeli air fan:e. Ir1q announced it hu placed ill troops on the Arab Easjem froot witb bruJ i.t Syria's disposal "to repel the con-· tinued ZKmist aggressions." The front include• Jraq, Syria and Jordan. Jraq jl reportea to have a)lout U,000 troop. ln'1e aru. In Cairo, Egypt announced that its !See MIDKAIT, Pop II His Hothouse Was Pothousc; Mesan Arrested ·' . Handcuffs were put on the wTists of A Coata 1'1esan with a green thumb Wednesday night , after a Upoff ted Mn:otics detectives to SJHX>p around his l*:kyard hothouse. Brian S. Detar, 19, of 200 E. 22nd St ., wa1 booked into city jail on charies of possession and cultivation of mari- juana, according to police. .,Investigation led to discovery of a tqtal of 280 gro1ving plants in the grepihouse and inside the residence, pl us a quanUly of seeds ud olher marijuana· related paraphernalia. 1 Qetect1ves said they were klld that 8"111ebody named Brian wu alleaedly _gl-Owing a 1-0t or grass somewhere in lhe 200 block ol East 22nd Street, to they started peeping over fences. • A sma ll quantity of cut ~. dried 1 ~ ready lo smoke or otherww uae L Wu also found inside the hoTM occupied I by Detar, according to delecUve1 Norm Kutch and Bob Leinert. Ceut The weatherman 's turnina up the burner Frklay, with beach· front areu aimmering in sevenly· ish sun and inland re&ionl rouUnc • an • ., • ., .. Y.~,... GUATEMALAN INDIAN tEMONSTRATIS DIVINING MITHODS ,,,, Shaalce'w iii DrW c.,..ty ... Help Awt*••fl''••l•i• • r I 1 I 3 , lxils ,at .IJ~I ' . Linguists Study . Obscure 'DUdect " . By JOANNE llEYNOLIJS Of ... Delly. ......... Every summer. thousands of visitors pout i!lto the Oranae Coast, but this sum- mer there are three, who are • little different, living at UC Jrvlne. Baltasar Asicona. Joee Perei Toma and Pap Shasko'w are three Ixil Indiana from Guatemala who are living at ·the UCI farm while anthropologist Lore Colby and UnR:uisl Terry Kaufman 1tudy their oblcure culture i.nd Jangua1e. Baltasar and Joe are working with Kaufman in developing 1 comprehen&ive dictiooary of their dialects -OI the IJil langua11:e. • Pap Sba&ko'w ls 1 7S.ye1r-old calendar priest and a diviner, one of about 20 from hit mountainous region. Mrs. COiby is wr!Uq bis life atory in an effort to pre· serve the last remnant• pf an occupa- tion which is beiDI rapidly ablorbed in the Latin American culture.. OU Laundry Blas~ Fire Cost High By ARTHUR lt VINSEL Of ... °""" ,. ., ... A short, stocky man who mixed a stunning, deadly brew to clea11. industrial rags and old clothes is sought today for questioning about a "'5,000 explosion and fire that ripped a Coeta Mesa laun- dromat Wednesday. 'Jbe 12 :~ p.m. blast rocked the Vista Shopping Center, injuring one woman who was doing her wash and sprayina shattered gJasa In 1111 directions. Washers were twnbled around inside the building like toys, while bellvy dam. age was inflicted in an adjacent karate !MtructiQJI studio and 1 wall also buckled 1n a cafe. Mn. Lorraine Nelson, 53, of l40 Center St, Costa Mesa, was taken lo Hoag Memorial Hospital by ambulance,. treated for aevere shock, and releued. "lL seemed like the whQle ceilina wu coming down on me," she psped. "There ~81 wood and 11.us and everything com- ing down." , She wu able to live police and tire depulmeol olflc:iola • aood chlcription al the mon s.-..i al «lllinc the nplolliOn thlt cievNllted' I portion al the -ter 11 Well llllh. street llld Pl ..... .\_ . · lit loll' l" the -door '"'7 memetila befONllie ...... illllft, WW·lllJW several waahen wttfl )ap Ull *Mai then Oddil1J some type al comp>und from • plutlo -bottlt. . Mrs. Nelaon told lnveati&ators she noticed the rags smelled .IUctdY ol IOlDe plutic comPQWld, ·Battalion · Chief Ron Ccilema n Pid' a rumor was circulating at the explosion scene that natural gas had colff\lied but be almost imrnecUately determined fl ammable chemical vapors to be the cause. Few people \\'ere in the west side center when Ult nooo hour blast occurred -luckily -sendin& ooe raror-like chunk or plate gl.aM flying .. feet ·into the parking lot. _ A crowd quickly gathered as passersby raced ta the !ieepe and two reportedly ran into the smoky structW'f: huntinc .any additional victims besides Mn. Nelson . • One man, identified as Thomas Myers, r aced to shut off the natural gas line and prevent perhaps a secondary ignition which would have threatened the crowd or spectators. Detective Max Wllaon W83 assigned (See EXPLOSION, Pap Zl Drug Suspect Bites Policeman After Wild Chase Pap Shuko'w (pronounced pop-ahas- ko-wa) ii 1 delcendant ol the ancient Jrieat _ clalll who flourished at the height of the .Mayan civiliution around the ninUI century. His arandfather w111 1 calendar priest, A trio of suapected drug-users -one but as Mrs. Colby noted, the priesthood a mental patient -was captured in is not something a man comes Into by Cos~ Mesa Wednesday after allegedly heredity alont. runn1na: cars off the road, and leading "According tn the Information he's to a jail cell me lee in which one office r !old me," she said, "you mUBt tint dream was badly bitten. about it. Then you take your drea1n1 to Laurence E. Starkey, 20, of 129 Glendon an interpreter of drea~r cal· DAIL'I' PILOT •tat1 ,._ St., Anaheim, was booked on charges endar priest-and if be decidea you mlly PLANS INDIAN DICTIONARY of assault with a deadly weapon, assault ~~f .. ~ ca1lin&, he takes you on aa I stu-UC LlnfU'9t Keufmen on a police officer and druc Intoxication. John M. Morriaon, 23, of Cypress, Before bqtnnint his studle•, the cal-was arrested only on the usault with endar priest makes some ceremonin to deadl nd tell the gods that the atudent ia sincere beans and each day alr.o has its nwn a Y weapon a drug. charges. and should not be -... 1.1-1 for Wriaa the tod. ao that everytime he docs it, It is He told police he is a patient al calendar. .,......._ different." ~1etropolitan State Hospttal in Norwalk. Mr1. Colby, 1 Newport Beach resident The fuhctions of a calendar priest, as Steven Ora.is, lt,.of Yort>a Unda, the who ar1•niled the study, said the pur-Pap Shaako'w tells Mrs. Colby, .ja not second passenger in' the car driven by pose is to elucidate the theolo&Y of. the strlc:tly religious · and may invol vel divin· Morrison, wu booked only on charges ancient Ma)'ln• by stuctyinc "this man's ing about illneases. of bein& under the Influence of drugs. relllktua conceptl and mental and 1pir-Because lbe Mayan people abkirbed Police stopped their car on Newport ltual attltudel." the Catholicism of the conquistadores, BOulevard al Bay Street. Wednesday at 8$ dqrffl. Both Mn'. Colby and Kaul1n1n 11id ll0f1le of the prayers uled by the priest afternoon, after aeveral m o t o r i s t s INSIDE TOD4' l' ~ ~pe !heir efforts will ~id in d~ inch.Kie Christian prayers 'tranalated into reported they had been run o(f the cipher1nc . the mnalnin& h1eroslyph1c the lxil lanpaie. road. ~-···---:'"··-si111ny-·;41oma,. ... ootr1>11-1he •• --wrMi"ll,~IMI ··arMiteciutt-· .ot-..Uie--~l.hay've..doae.Jt.,lhat.wa)'Jor three or ....... Officer Dennis Hosale'd wu just takil'!g Aunela record book and takes lnchan&' ancest~rs. . four hundred years now, 90 lhty don 't • repon-rtQm ·mot.orcycttJt Donald G. over lop spot in coruecu&iw Hav:i!" become 1 calendar pr1e~. Pap really know what the prayer is, just that Vaary, 24, of ruJlerton, who said ' he .games hitting 41 .AMheim ''°"' Shuko w then dreamt hill calhn& to i\ \a flllrl ol dleU' ritual.. had to veer out or their way on Newport ~weeps double-header Sporta:. become • d!Ykm. Mn. COiby aaid . he "The main' focus'. of t.heir refltious Boulevard at Pallsades Road wtiim ti\~ • ""1 tt....,i. the ame proeeu of IO'•I •·11 f Ill I · •utpectl .,.,.. itopped, · Paoe 33. kl another priest, who wu alto 1 di· uc .e 1 cen te,rs on ancestor: worsrup or Va Nici he wu waittq for a tndtie C:911"1nlle ~-"' Cle .... 19111 ._., ,,,,_ ......... ,k .. •fffWlel ,.,. ·-----AML...,.. - ' ' ..... • • " • .. ~ ... • • • Me,,....;...,... 11 _.. ... ,.,..,,... .. ................ or-"""' " --... • .... ~ a..n ·-. ,....,.. .... w"""" ·• w_.,..._. .. --.. ·i. viner and beln& accepted 11 a student which the priest acts as an intermediary. ry • I ••-J dlvlnl hich · 1 They also have aod• oC air sun, inoon light to chanre when be 11w Starkey. I' . n Wiii procm Ul na. w 1 • • car 1treaklng toward him and reallied linked lo the Mayan calendm' at ts JO. ~nd s~!"· The "'!ythology of iJ!eir people he had no tntenUOn of stoppl day manthl; )le UMa baq mlcb-belnl ~;~.~1~1~~~l1r lo Helleiuc mythoJ. Palrolman~tkt went r;:· \he . ~ from the Pl~ ~into tree. In a c:onstderably 1e51 Jnystic v e 1 n. and helped Offaaer H1I Holbrook m Ute T~ be divides In hilt and aet.s ~ Kaufman and hla two frierKis are finish· ~Ill and lrat11portatlon te jail . In Pl;ltl. Mrs •. COiby aakt titer 1re still int work on their dJctlonary. He said Slarkey repeatedly threatened learn1n1 a 1real deal about the method "About. !17,000 people in three townii lo strangle him with hi11 handcuffs before uaed lor divtmna. apeak: lJll (pronounced ea.heel) Which Is violenct brolte out when fhe.y· tried to "Eocb doy 11 ,.,._led by 1 pair Ill lloo ~ ..... II lliee RAMPAGE, P11e I) • .I • . . "·/ , . ' ......... NAn .... ,....,..._ ~IRIMIN:SURVIY• DAMA.GI· TO C.0$'.l'A".'MJE$A LAU,ND~T ,' ·. MY•tory lxphilion Rwck• WOif SW..~ · . , . ' I ~ • ' • I ' : ' \ ... 1 I ' • f Mesa . Leail.ers · · · Say Fr~~y · Bili 'Irrational' ' . Simmerin1 and IOB'tlwhit baftJed. Costa Neu-ciyic leaders today branded the easy victory of .a blll to)1eli~ a crucial section of Pacific Coast F'reeway. as stupid, emotional and ir· ratiooal.· • ' ·· Assemblyman Robert tl. Badham (R.· Newport Beae~) .eemed s urpri.sed himself Wednesday at how simply tbe ,bill droppiOI ttie freeway stretch · from Huntington Beach to ·Corona 'del Mar we11t throut:h. · . ' ' MaYor Robeft tlf. )Yllson said · bitte;rtJ .that the vote may have been a coni- pllment to the innUencc-peddlinc and money-ipending of the Freeway ~ ·group,' but wlll ulthnately solve noUtlna.« "~h!ll ~tion of t.he freeway wu OlllJ designed to ha·11dle traffic. eener..., ih the Surround ing area." he explained.' "I don't knov•. ivhat Newport luc:h will do with all lhat traffic if the' Senate · approves it." <:.oruity t() Pay ' , F-o,, Audit.Or's Bay Trial Fees ' County oupervbon ... another ..... or the high COii of...,., octlon W-y. They voted f.t oYer the objecUona; or Supervisdr Robert· Bittin· to transfer ' US,Oill )o pay IO&al fxpe-for ,,,. de- fense ol county Auditor Victor A. Heim over lhe UpPer B~ larid exchaf11e l:ict with the li-Vtne1Con1pahy. ·1 D4ILY Pit.OT ...ft ;..... lronlc1Qy, H¥im is the oPllOflenl of _the , ILAST VICTIM LOSES HIAD L~unty in the "rriendly " auk to detu· ~•rate Shop·.......... mine the legality of the land swap-1 It was his refuul In 191'1 to pay a $1S.tl7 1 _ • • , I dredging bill that 11t the 1tace lor ~ • .. • , , 1 ~ trial which remwa J'rkiay in Superior S •-~·Lt Court.' . I· ; USMC~ ,'-!J>.'1-IJ•~ . ~eim is der.endtd by tho s.nt. Al'" law ' 1 1iMn ·orllb\M1, Horv,Y '1!1d llilii111.1 · In Lido. . Rob' be:~y.' ;'l'bree weeks., •• IUperYilan oppro+.d I ll!Olher expenditure hi _.,,, wtth Ute octlon. Bernon! G. !VIM wllo mode I t11e ltli 1ppnlall of the Upper 1111 tradt was hired at pi an hlur, eftedive I Pi.lay 1 "for hi1 expert tlltennation and ... te!Umeny ifl the lflt CIR,!.!__ Police toda)' an. looklna ' for ~l! lo the ""'"*' nl~hl tbel( of w•l-from ~ out.side dispjy cate_Qf l plash Lldo jewelry 5tore . • -i Three .men 's watches valued at .• were It.oleo frotn a case al 8. O. RinNs & Soo1 Jc~eley· llort, :WU.via Lido. 'f'lle t.hlef broke lh< windo~ ,of dl1JplA,y case, lnvu ti&ator1 uid. ·Evans made. the ~ted apprai• •1 rcr the •Ille Lindi Commlalon "' wlllch he lound on • million --to the county In the trtdt of 418 ICl'el tbe of lrViiie Cotnplny upl1ndl for ll7 acra Of• countJ-owned liclelondl. ' • ' .1 • I DAILV I'll.OT c F,.._P .. e I . EXPWSION • • • ""' polllo to aid -• in the in- k 1 rtiptkw. .... • description of the ------Nble r-b .. m:Me4Mla;p'lollon. . ·ne ,.. -five feot, two Inches • ~ weighing perhaps 110 polll1d5, 40 · \t '5 yun old ud driving a new ~FQf'd van, 1okl With 1 white stripe, !<-din& IO Mn. Net.on. ,...-::· lmelti&aton theorized he was cleani11g ·~ used I• janitorial or lndullrlal • ~-~ilb the potent solvent that com-_ · ~bined into a deadly compound. · ~ Chitr Coleman and other investtc1ton · 1 ~e at I.he scene today, Problac for "'. tklnil clues besides the cloth rem. naats and other materill picked up WodnesdaJ altemoon. ' Daml,e to the frame aad stucco struc• t.ure housing the laundem.te, k a r 1 t e atudio and restaurant was estimated at $311.000, 11·hll'e the laundry equipment itself was worth $15,000, firemen said. ,,,. y--~.which ..... UJnod nil damqe, ..... the t.upl of .. -.. J-11,-IMin· ......., men mivblg in the morning . heun found several flra set. Chief Coleman aa.ld it is doubtM the blbt Wednesday was connedld', notinC that the restaurant was .all dewn six doys . ... by the -11ev--· . Fllilure IO poy employe ·Wiuibofdlnc tues wu the reuoa. ,,,. loundenti< devulatod by the -Is .......t by WlllWn Slein, ol-1 Bucl>. Gl11 ~ WU klllllUled U ........ the __ ....._P-.el :INDIANS •••. -ol Poul • ...,_ in the l(ayan lomll)' •• he Gi>lalnid. Kaufman. who teacba llnlUUUcs at UC Berkeley, saJd be II wwtinc an this ~ -II ..r,. haa thrM ·dla· - DAILY PILOT Sit" ,..,. Belled. and Buckled Kikl Bowring, Miss Costa Me1a , buckles up for safety to remind motorilt& without &eat belts in their autos of Saturday's Costa "Mesa Jay<:ee Seat Belt Cllnlc at the Harbor Sb"l'!ling Center. Motorists c- purcbase belll .for $5.95 a aet, instal led,.at the clinic, which opens at 9 a .m. and '1'llS _through the day. Other auto safety equipment also will be available. -:i=totbeothtr..._... B h . B • :.'":::"!u11y:1a~~-c:an u y e1o, rn. 1nd 'Ille -Is betnr -with the aid ol ~ r • a -pu!a'. he uplalned. ., ~n::r=~~~ Newport Star i.n Broadway Show another -nt. The computar was · · =~=t::ci.tbeandmnlca:::.,: For Ruby Keeler, queen ot the 1930 with the late Dick Powell In "Forty- ... pmolb!t coml>lnaJI-, muak:al moviea Old oae time wile of Al Second street," Old lai<r appe11'd ll\ .. , rem them the coinblaldall and art! Jollan, "No. No, Nanette" will become a doiens of movlet, moally mluslcall. ....... variations and tbq tall me ••,.yea" role. Miss Keeler, remembered by many of - H'I a --' and lf ,. ~·t It the: older 1eneration for her dancln• .. .,..., • wu. Mill v .... 1-, a•-'I v•••s awav lrom • " r. I --'d ~-II.Cl .. ..--.. .. talent, wn the dau .... ter of Canadian JMllll, a.u man a.a • tht Broadway ltaie will return to New immigrants. 6" The vartaUons, u he noted, are 1"l'dl York tbli Auirnst to take a ........ in the She that cannot stand alone, but need an revival of DVincent y~· l92.l left school at the age of 13, lied Identifier of IOme tort. "In Ensl1lh you musical about her age and 1ot a job in the cho- have cranberry Cran means natblnc rus line. While dancing in the chorus unJeu you me it wtdl berry," he said: • "I'm ftat&ertd and excited about going of "Whoopee" starrin1 Eddie Cantor, she Thi ttncuilt aakl bf JIU found that Ule back to work," the star Aid, from ber Wu spotted by Ziegteld, and waa imme-~ -roca'""'"'"I a·~ II -C.VU deJ Mar hom•. "MJ husband dlalely signed with the Follies. :;d ·•;;'the are oamlltmtiOD; ,,:'ia.e ~ (rut ellale man JOhn Lowe) died a year "He was a real 1enlleman," she re- pullr, Sinot eacb 11. tnm • ......, illO ad 1117 ch1ldren are all ~· so members, ttfurlq to Zie1feld. "If you town, ·be it lllCtinl tw •af 11 ti UJt ....,... • r-.on why I abouJdtii't re-11ve a good performance, he'd send you hinguqe at once. ~•career, althaulh rd.,.. ,Wen • note ~clr1tap." JOle II from eotzal and llaJtulr is I~ thoulbt to It at all." In 11181, she went f() Chicago · and from Cbajul The tlllrd tftn la Neblj .. Miu Ketler, now 80, last starred on starred jn "Bell, Book and Candle," per. which the prioll 11 from. Kaufman uJ.i 'Broadway In the Int lilt "Show Girl" formed at · the Ivanhoe Theai<r in the lie has already done -on the lfobaj far .l!!o Zi'lfeld. Followtni the show, roond. dialect. she came: to Hollywood in 1931 to star '1Jt was run," Miu Keeler recalled. Kaufman satd he also pbna IO t..ch the two men, who are both fannera· artd lalfors, to write phmet)ally, their naUve ...... e. ' "[t's an unwritten lanfua1e which over hall lbe people in the towns apeak · ,._ cluidvely. I've been able to wort with these men becaiue: they also 1peat. Span- ish," he said. The linguist said bavfng a dlctiob1ry and a written form of the languqe wiD prove usefuJ to missionaries, the Gu.ale· malan IOVdtanent and future llniulsts and anthropolfJllSll. North Viets Accept Return of Prisoners )'ARIS (UPI) -North Vietnam laid today it would accept the return oC 81 war prisoners whose freedom was ollered by South Vietnam, but IMisl<d they were ~rely ''Vletname!lo) patriot!.'' The N or th Vietnamese: delq:IUon to t~ Paris peace lalU Jssued a com- ml!Wque from the North Vletname3t information agency agreeing to the retam, but impoUn1 condttionl on the re}eaae. Hanoi baa never •dmltted its ll'OO[lll are lilhUng In South Vietnam. DAILY PILOT O~JIOI' ~ST ,utLtSMIMG CDM,ANY Relt•ft N. W•e4 "'a llNM 9M ,1111111111<" Jet~ R. Curl•y v~, l're11ottn1 ""' "-•t ,,,..,...., Tl1e111•t IC1eril ;- Tho"'a' .11.:M1r,hi11f Man.eltit l!di ... c..t. .... OMu JJO Wa11 lay Strtet 'flleiht11t Alhlrm1 P.O. l11116i, t262i --"'"""'' loMc.llt ftll W.1 .... t ~ L..-9-11: m ~t .. ..... Mull! ...... l..O: U•7S .. tdl I~ lffll C"-11: »S.....,.. II C-loot ltMI rt _, -.~· Ol.11.Y l'l\,OT, wtltl .. !di It t.._,Pltf .... .....,.,.., ............ ,.., •II<• 11111• ..., ~ _., ..... 11 .... -wt-'"""" .......,. ....... C.la ~. Hvoll ........ ._. -,_..,. V111n", a ..... 41'1111 ,_ • ...... •llllfll. Or .... (ettl ,,,... .... ~-....... ~-.ittllWlll .... t .... ~ N1.,.n ~ .,_. ~ w..r .., ..,_, c ... Miii. , ........ 17t4t 641-4111 (1-ffW .......... ~ '41·1111 (~ ""' 0r.... (Wit .... "" .... ~. ... -...... ""'".,·""-~ --.......... ...._.. ...... ill ............... wtlW ..... ..,. ................... -. a--tlMI ,_...., .... et .......,, .. ~II ..,, c .... .._, '-'"'"''-· .......... ,, ,,.,..,. tiM _.,, llf Ml II.A...,....,, ll'lllll•rt •11M11tM. If.• -111,, .Carload of Teens Crashes L , After Wild Chase in Mesa 'Ille lrvlno Con)paey hu a "'" ally lodly in ill baKlo IO preveot the Pf'llilotod 126-acrt annuatk>n to Newport Beach of proptrty northeast Of the Orange County Airport. Local A1ency FonnaUon Commission (LAFC) members received a Jetter rrom lhe county Grand Jury Wedrlesday urslng that annexations not in line with Irvine Company pl~ for the new city of lrvine be diiapproved. The Jetter, upon which the LAFC took no action, was signed by Georae 8. Honold, jury foreman . It read in p.1rt, "The Grand Jury is concemed that loo.g-ranp planning as a whole not be undercut by piecemeal and premature actions of particular county agenciea. "The recently announced plau for the city of Irvine repruenta the outcome of extensive studies and should not be ~lloWed to be scutlled before they hav e an adequate hearing and have been formally accepted, modified or rejected by appropriate iovemlni aaencies." 1be jury's action points directly al the much-debated proposed anneution of the SG-arce Astropower property al the northeast corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Cu1pus Drive to Newport Beech, ud the subsequent acUon to add 71 acres of Collins Radio property to the east to the merger move. ,NeJther annexation has been approved by the dty ol Newport Beach allhoullh olfldals have been informed on t~ mova by Aalmuth Equities Inc. which fi'retlt r.,e J pn>p03es a $50 million commercial-hotel complex for the Astropower property and added the Collins property to give :the proposal better acceptance. The Grand Jury letter did not mention names but referred to "propo&ed an- nexations lo Newport Beach." "The city or Newport Beach ls being urged by the new landowner to annex a parcel near the airport which is clearly a parl of the industrial portion of the city of Irvine and essential to a sound tax base. "If ooe .1oodie Is plucked by Newport Beach, other parcels will soon be in den1and by contiguous munldpalities," -the Grand Jury leller concluded. 'nte LAFC just previous to readin g or the letter had been brieft>d by Irvine officials on the company's plans and had continued action on the Ailmulh annexaUon until July I at the request of Azimuth's attorney Alex Bowie and the concurrence of Irvine Vice President Raymond Watson. Nixon Arrives On Coast Today; Slates Meeting · President 'Nixon was scheduled to meet with a l""'P ol ec1J19n Old publishers at his SIQ Clemente home Frlday follow· Ing touchdown of Air Force One at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station thi s ' afternoon. · • . Cabinet members and other dlsnJllrles RAMP A G·E--------will join-the-President and·-hb family· -• • • at lhe Saturday momin1 weddin1 of move him from one cell lo another • away from a disturbed pritoncr. , Several officers were required to sub- due the 1plttln1. acreamlng suspect. who manapd to blte Officer Hossfeld three tJma on the rhoukler and arm , also tnn=: le'm'I bruises on Officer ffol ' Officer Hossfeld was treated at Bristol Plfk Medloal Center for the pp·llke bltn . Police 1ald three arrest warrants total- ln1 nearly fl,000 In bail and naming Starkey were dl&e0vt:red later 1nd placed 11 addltlonal charges. hi& nlec,e . at St. Andrews Presbyterian Olurch .at Newport Beach. Mrs. 'Nixon will fly to Peru Sunday at the President's request to personally deliver a plane k)ad of supplies for vir.tlms of the earthquake disaster. The trip Is to dramatize the nation's ~m fol' the 11ufferlng in 1 Latin country. 1'be First Lady ll lo return about mid-week. By proto<ol, tho Pmident will be the lart guest to arrive and the ·fir11t 10 leave.._ at the Saturday wflddlna or l.a~·rene Mac Nixon, H, dauah tcr of Ille President's brother, Donald\ • ' Teachers' Pay .Hiked ! But Newport-Mesa Salaria Still Controversy Tucbon ularllo In the Newport·M ... Unified School DUtrkt are remainin1 a source~of controversy in spJte of the fact trustees ~ week ap adopted an acroes- the-board 5.1 percent increase. Today District Superintendent William CuMiQlham ,.said he found it difficult to understand a statement made by Bart Halle, executive secretary of the New- port-Mesa Education AuociaUon , that teachers were disappointed with the raise since it barely covered the COit of living increase. Hake also sal.d he was disappointed that the board did not adopt the associa- tion's recommendations on changes in the top level or the salary schedule. The N·MEA director said the way the schedule is currenUy set up, lelchers who continue to earn credits and who have 1.au1.ht in the district about t2 ye.an · are al lhe t"op of ·the schedule, "After that, the only raiJel they can eet are Jncreas- ea voted all lachers by the board. .At this atqe of tbtir careers, these Instructors allo have tenure, which lhey would lose if they moved to anolher school dlatrict. They can't quit unless they are wUIJna to come in lower on an- other district's ulary scale. In his llal<mont today. CunnlniJwn said the scbodule adopted by the board "utilized all of the available runda." He noted on the other end of the acale the starUng salaries for new teachers adopt- ed by the board an Ill hicher than lbooe rocommaided by the ioachon' aaaoc:ia- tion. CuMlneham further stated that the coat of the N·MEA's tchedule would have "exceeded available funds by JD,707. "Mr. Hake'a comment that aome: teach- ers were cheated under the schedule •dopled by the board is dl!flcult to UI> dent.and, in lhat on the teachen' pro- pouJ , 322 or 1,191 (or 22 percent of the total teachln1 staff) would have received 1e111 than a 5.1 percent increase in salary improvement," Cunniqham noted. "It would ~ loSical from thia that E'f'OM P .. e I MIDEAST ••• anUalrcrart pnnen shot down a U.S.· built Slcyhawk jel today aa :ro Israeli warplanes attacked the Suez frant for the ltlh consecutive day. An Egyptian spokesman said ·Eoptian heavy artillery in the southern sector or the Suez Canal unle'ashed tWo "fierct" barrages on Israeli posiU0115 on the east bank ol the waterway. A communique from Tel Aviv said lsr1ell planes tlrlklnc Into Syria attacked army · buell 11 miles southwest of Damascus and 11 miles southeast or the Syrian capital and a third installation near Suwayd1, about 50 miles southeast of Dama.sew. It said Suwayda wa.s a base for Syrian armored units. Export Level Marked \VASHINGTON (AP) -The United Stales merchandise exports reached a record ol $3,815,100,000 in May, exceeding the month's imports by $33S million, the ptOpOlll prelmlld by tbr teachers curacies" in the auperintendenl's state- would have deprWe over one-fourth ment. ol the teachers in the district Of their fair 1 "He's looking at i finite bit o( lnforma-~re of the monies avalla~ and cer-· Uoo," Hake aaid. "Jf ·he !*I· somethin1 he ta1nly W(IJ.Jd have liven them IHI tban a· ' ••nttd to say to me, be coalll hlve writ- ·co.t of Uvtnc .. lncreue," he aw.-ten a Jetter to me or to the edlior,.but I'm Replyin& to CunniDlham'a remarks, not plaMing to carry on a runnm, feud itt Hake C1afmed tbert Were IOIDt "U..C.. the newspaper." . Against ·New~t Jury Boosts Irvine Co. In Annexation Fightfug • A llatioa wqon <rammed with . teenaa:er11 alimrned Into a · eucalyptus - tree early today to cllmu an 80-mll~per­ hour chase by a motoriJt they had sprayed with a fire extinJullher in Newport Beach. · Miraculously, only three puaenaers were injured, none seriouSly, at the end or the race which led into Costa Mesa and through several stop si'1ns . The pursuer just drove on, accotding lo Coe:ta Mesa police. 'nmothy J. Neja, II, of 325 :l2nd SI., C.0.ta Mesa, old police his brakes fallrd u he appro,ched Irvine Avenue on Mqnolia Street due to overheaUna in earlier biah speed maneuven. Officer Tom Boylan aaid the car bounc- ed ·over the center divider at the T-type interaectJoi, and smashed into the tower- inf eucalyplua. Roy W. Brown Jr., 19, of 241 Sherwood St., Colt.a Mm, was held overnllht at Hoq Memorial Hospital apd released today, auffering 1 lari~ head laceraUon. His brother, Peter H. Brown, 14, and Michael A. Keane, ta, or rm Lorenzo Ave., Coeta Meaa. 1t'll'e treated for cuts and brulae. and released. Suun Hatler, 14, ol 491 Mapolla St.. C4sto Meaa; eacapod Injury In the 11,00 a.m. coUllion and police aaJd another tffDqld boy pauenae.-apparently lert the 1eene. Jnveatiaators were told the teena1ers haa been cruil.lq around the Harbor" Area with tlrne: on thetr hands and .squirted a youth in hls driveway on Udo Isle. The wet and lnlfY recipient or the fire e1tlngui.sher spray jumped into a Restaurant Burgled A burglar broke into" a Costa ""1esa ~icxican restaurant for a drink of milk, 11 packs of claarettes and M5 In cash, the management told police Wednesday, Pl.iary Gallardo arrived at El ,_iatador. 1768 Newport Blvd., to find the rear ·door pried open,' according to in· vesti11tors. • ialo ,model •red and wllli< 'pickup !ruck and gave chase, lei.ding to lht climatic · enc;!. . , The accident is still under" investigation. .. Man.son 'Family' Tries to Swp Quiz of Jurors LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Saying they want •to deny the "establishment" the satisfaction of a "court drama ," Charles Manson and his three female codefen· dents art tryi111 to prevent lhelf lawyers rrom qulnln1 prospective jurors at the trial for the murder of actress Sharon Tate. · · Two of the defense attorneys Wed· nesday refused tO go along with their clients' demands and questioned J2 pro- spectlv~ jurors as lo whether they could brh11 tn a fair ve rdict in the biz.arre multlple killings. Man.son, leader or the hippie cull ac- cused of seven murders , instructed his attorney, Irving Kanarek, not to raise any defense but to sit m u t e in t h e courtroom. Daye Shinn, lawyer for Susan Alkins, said the young woman also had in- structed ~im to accept the 11 juror! without interrogation as the "Manson family" attempted lo p u l up a unified defense. The oth er two girl s, Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten,;also instructed their lawyers to cease: queti· tionina jurors but lhef refused. Paul Fitz1erald, representing ~fis~ Krenwinkel, said he felt ·it was hia <lutv to try lo ,et the fairest poss\bla jur}i but he said he: understood the opinion of his client who stood up in court. Wednesday and tried unsuccessfully to fire him. "It ls 10mcthin& ol a martyr complex," Fittzgerald told newsme'n. "She reels she already has been tried and convicted and sentenced to death in the news media. ··She and the others \1•ant to deny the E"Stab1Jsh1nent the satisfaction Of pUl• t1·,1g on a court drama . Actually I can understand her feeling." lh•11 I r• ¥11y c•"'fort•ltl• ••f• 1t.t1. fof Sitti11t 111411 Sl"l'iftt. • • A wl4• 11l1cli•11 •f F1!.rict 1114'C•ler1 lo ch•••• f111t1. .. ~ ' .. _....... ~-· ... "' . . -· ......,. __ Your fBl:oritc Inferior dtlfgMr toUl k ham to culiat Vo" .. , · PROFISSIH~J.GARRETT fURN~RE INTERIOR DISl6NEAS ' ...._ Mte.. -IM lftl. lll5 HAAIOA llVD. -.-COSTA MESA, CALIF, 64 .. 0275 646-0276 • r r •' . I v • - F wit ~ El al~ ,c wU al' his Cbl ft " wi Mi .,, WO 1 ( sh n• " ·Ji nc w, .IO ol .. ti! .. Iii g ~ n • ' h • i I •• l 1 I • ' l ' • I I I • r . · . • "I . .Saddlebaek ED ITIOl'JI vo~. 63, NO. Is I, 4 SECTIONS, 54 PA&ES OlAN&E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TEN .CENTS Nixon Flying -In · Today f Or Niece's Wedding By RICBARD P, NALL or "" o.11r , .... .,. President Nixon was schedqled to meet with a group of editors and publisllers at his San Clemente home Friday follow · in« touchdown 0( Air Force One al El Toro Marine Corps Air Stalion this afternoon. .c:.;tnnet members and o&her dignitaries w ""· the President and hla famil w .~~ . y at~•the Saturday morning weddinl of his niece at St. Andttws Pnsby\eri1n Ctiurch at Newport Beach. r&-s. Nix9n will fly to Peru Sunday at tlte President's request to personally . del!Yel' a 'jllaM lood Of llllJlllill for v-Of Ille torlbq--· . ,,,. trip la lo dramalllo Ille nallon • • _,, for tile lllflertnc In a Lalin ........,. • The l"lr1I Lady II lo return alloutmJd.-it. By protocol, Ille Pnoide111 will be the INt .... to arme and the lint lo ....... the Salilnfly -.. .Of La,,,_, Mae -........... Of the Prelldeal'• bro&ber, Donald. . She ii lftlr'1lll( 'lllomu Elmer Anfimoo, 21, a certifted publle ac- countant. There will be about IOO suesb arilvin& at :the weddinl between 10 a.m-. and 10:311 a.m. Guealo are lo ln<ludl evanaelilt Billy Grabam, lon&.IJme friend Of 'the Preaident. The bride, a teadler and lf'•duate !'L Wbittllr ColJe&e, the f'reaidenl'I alma mater, bu chosen a IOOOp-MCked and -IOWD Of lilk otpllll. It la emllri>lder<d wilt1 hand-mlde ......,b 1--..., slipper satin. The veil 11 al- lldled lo a tiara al aPl'liqued -.. ,.,,,. brldemialda, Amelie and Elizabeth N'-are doughte<s Of the Prealdent'1 brother, Edward. Two of ttle ushers, Richan! G., Nilqn, 17, qa111f!d after lhe • -~ lid Dooald AllUloll)' lilmi. an blltlhln Of !be brldt. ' The 1'1-.i will lit hi the 1""11 pew ... lhe loll wllb Ibo 11ride'1 lomily wtdlelllo,......vonan~. The --bu alnodJ.........., the Nd brick dlurdl wlddl will be lllled and ....tJowq lnlt tllt patio. Dr. Cllarles H. Dlonofleld, -...-. will llllrl'f the _ .. _ . Alla' Ille -..ddtnc. ....... wlD p to the r<eeptlon Ill tfle Newporter Ina whett 1etrel 9el'\lice men will be ltaliOned .-. the)ildlen staff. Alder -"'& tilt· President lo his rambllq , San Clpntnle wte overlootina ,lhe ocean ire to include presidential -..11tant.s H. R., Haldeman, Dwl&ht L. Olapln and Patrick · J, .'Buchanan: . Dr. Heory A • ."Kiuina<r. na, tional aeeurity affairs a4Vilff; Press Secrtlary Ronald Zie&ler' and Rooemary Woods, Mr. Nixon's pel'IOl'lll secretary. The Pres!-ii upected -lo ·w<irk • an . Ilia report lo Ibo oalion CU1Cernliqf the <'lllllrovtrslal pulb Of U.S. troops lnlo Cambodia. It Will be delivered sometime nut week. 'Ille President lllopped hi· SL. Louis · en route; to California to addreas the 5Glb anniversary convention of the U.S. Jun1or, Chamber of Commerce. Aides said his talt would dell witb domestic probleml, empbulzing Ibo h o p e I u I aspects. 'l,'be · NUons are expected to remain 1t the Western White House until about the Fourth o1 July. . Oo Mrs. Nixon's Peruvian f!ilhl, llei f~sl llllo oullide the U.S . .., .first faoly, she WIU fly lo Lima and maP a helicopter lnapeclion Of the -.... Iett by the May Ii e,lrlhq-that killed lt0,000 pmono and lefl _, mare ........... ;. ' ... ·au_ Ill ana ru 81 Worst Sinee '67 Board OKs ' Heavy Fighting Kreftling's Rages in Mideast Dismissal By Unlled Pre11 lllierutilul The Israeli.Syrian front exploded ~ay with the heaviest battle, since the J'87 Middle East /war, and ~~ ~& .encu.Utd 1 wtde area of the Suel Cu.aJ. Immediate reaction from the Arab world to the new U.S. plan for peace Police Weigh ' Similarities Of ,2 Slayings Bv JOHN VALTERZA ·or t11t .. itr Plllf tf9" San Clemente and Oranae County sberi!f'1 detecUves spent U, dly Wed- ne3day comparing notes m Utt two , u.vqe knife murders in the Capiatrano ·~y area, but thus far hl!ve annou~ no conclusions aboul a poiSJble slmllar1ty. · San Clemente Detective Leonard Good· win one or two San -Clemente investiga ~probing the knife s18ying of ~year­ tild CoMie Lynn Johnson , said the Nllion with sheriff's men ctnlered on theories about weapons. Both P.frs. Johnson, who was eight Weeks pregnant wheii she was brutall}' stabbed more than a week a10, and El 'foro teacher Mrs. Florence Brown, 31 , 1Uffered multiple stab wounds at the hllids or their assailants. • · Both investigative · details have repe1t- "Uy str essed that obvious similarltiea in lhe two crimes do not e:zlst thuJ fir. The only similarities art ~t both victims were female and knives were Uled to kill them. . · Mrs. Johnson, however, bore marks of 1 brutal beating with a bar stool. Goodwin said intricate comJ>lrllOlls are now being undertaken to see-if ,vounds -On both bodies .may hlife been made with lhe ume krufe. in the 1re1 was lutewmn. Isrliel declln· ed comment on t~ proposals unounced by Secretary of s~. WWlam P. Jlos•rs and 1 mpt .... , if.I tnlll~rradlr' in Wlflhinlton back to Jtn1ulem for con- 111ltalia. Tel Av-lv ecrnmuniques said • JwaeU Jell lflaclled """' cam111 deep lnolde Syria near tbt capital of Damuc:us and battled Syrian lnlerceplors In the skies wbile ilroell and Syrian tanb and artillery fouaht acroa tbe enUre 11)..mile 1"""1 al Ibo Gofao Hel&l>ta ...,..lire line. Fighting raled for more than Iii hours. and spokesmen aid the bittle wu the biggnt If Pee IS'aeU troopa _ M:ized the Golu Heipts in the 1117 war. It fellowed a two-hour filhl Wednesday nilirt in· volving tanD and artillery. Isr1el reported a Soviet-built )dlG21 of the Syriap air ,_ llilol dawn' in an afternoon dolflsht over the Golan Heights. Syria aaid its ant.iaircraft 1un· ners down a U.S.·bullt Phantom jet fighter-bomber of the Iaraell air force . Iraq announced it lw placed Its ·troops on the Arab Eastern frmt with Israel at Syria'& disposal "to repel the con- tinued Zioniat agresskms." 'lbe front includes Iraq , Syria and Jordan. Iraq is reported to have abotil 12,000 troops in the area. / In Cairo, Egypt 1nnounced that its antiaircraft gunners shot down a U.S.· built SkyJta-wk jet 'today 11 :JO Israeli warpllfttll a&tlcked the Suez front for the 11th .4.'llllllCUltve d·ay. An EllYJlliai! 1polwman llld EIYJlllan hea'1 artiliory hi the IOOfllern leClor of the Sum Clnal unleuhld two "fterte'-' harrqea !I' bneU palltiam cm Ibo eut bank fA the wala'way. A comnumique from Tel Aviv-aald Iaraell pl111e1 lltlklna Into Syria attacked anny buee 11 miles -...-of . Oama1CU1 and II miles IOU&he1at of the Syrian capil•l and a &hlrd Jnstlllatton near Suwayda, about IO mllu southeast of OamatcUs. It said S;uw.,U wu a bue "" s7r1 .. .-1111111. By BARBARA KREIBICH CM .. D11tr '°*" ,_ Ai~ a twO-hour' eJoaed efte\jlive ,.,,Ion Wedneaday-al&bl, Lqunli Btach ochaal lruslefi . UllllMI tllt dllinlDlll of hllh achaal muatc~ cilrec:tO( Jack Krellin1 by 1 3 to 2 vote, with Dr, Anthony Orlandella Ind William Wilcaxea dllle• ttni. Trustee Dr. --... naunced an.r the -ieulan that char1es •&a.inst Kreftbts Nd been aiit- lained and cause JM>t to continue JUs employment had been e9'ahlishell under provia.lons of the Stlte EducaU. C)xte. Browne moved that the dllmiaal •be upheld and the motloe was aecondtd by Mrs. Jane Boyd:' Board President Larry Taylor vo~ in favor of the motion, with the other two trustees i• the dissenting minority. Kreflin1 said he wu not t. the lea~1 surpri~ by the decisjoa, de~pJte the fact ·that state hearing officer 8rkknell J. Showen earlitr bad Jound '''no cause not to rehlr!" him'! He said he wis disappointed &hat "after three years of hara work they dktn't eve• give me a thank you." The 21-year-Gld ·music teacher came to Laiguna Beach in '1987 after beading the vocal music departmewt at El Capitan High School in Lakeside, San Diep County, for two years. "l deflnllely will not continue In tduca· :ion," Krellin& aaid tod1y. "I am JtOl goi ng back to atart over a1ain as a first-yea r teacher in uother district." KrefUng would have had tenure in the L111una Beach district had he been re-hired for the forthcomin1 school year. He llid he has no definite plans for lhe future but will "st.,t watchiq the want ldl." A resident of Laguna Nll\M!l. he la married and the father of two small boys. Kre1U11 and art teacher Doona Lynde both requeated public hearir11s before a state officer when they were told they would not be rehired next year. Durin& tbe hearinas in Santa Ana, fellow teachen and students testified ln their behalf, while aehool officials presented (Ille lllll"l'ING, Pip II • "We're just exploring that remote diance right now," Goodwin aakl. ;Meanwtile, his inVestigaUon h111 yleld-8:1 everything. including t.he kitchen llnk as evidemce Ln the slaying of .the San Clemente -Mfe of a young Marine. -• A scuff Id footprint an the link 111 the kltchen-bloodlea, Goodwin stro....i- hu been lidded to the stack of plly1k>! evktence In the killing. l,aguna Officials Fearf~ -The porcelain sink, which w11 removed from the aUll 1e11ed 11>1rtment at 411 C Monterey Lane. was in 1enenl allsnment .with a window found open when inve9ti1a- l:1t.or1 flrat ani'Hd on the murder acene Over Route Link Deletion tut June 17. Fears upreqed k'I tome quarters of Oul.llde the open' pane police I01111d a 1.a...,. --fubn fife al Pocitic metal clWr which could have been llled Caul ,,_..., _. reinforced · toctiy as acceu to the window. The front door of the apartment re-after 1 bill to delete a teeUon of the portedly wu locked when lhe victim'• n>Ute pa8* the CIBfomia Aaembly, ttusblnd, Marine Lance Cpl. Mark John-The meuure, 1 u t b o re d by ""· 11. come l1ome from gu1rd duty and AYemblyman Roberl E. · Badham CR· fouad the boclJ IJll'•wled oo lbe bed. Stab Newport Buch), would eliminate lro'l' -· ---· In the -. -Ibo -lr••IJ .,_ that Mellon ud 1bdomen al the victim. of the <OU1aJ rauta whtcb pa-lbrouah Other balfling aspect& o1 lhe c11e lllWpllt. l!'Ctude the uncertainty over I speciftc Bldhlm'• bUI w111 I 1'QCKltdln« • ume al death. lo 1 \'lclor'J on lhe "-1bl1 tloor J-lold olflcen ht leR for dul1 But -It -an lo the ~ 11 the Morine . helicopter bue In Santa ' Tr~·lion Comnlltlee w11ere It ii Ana at about 4:30 a.m., Jae 11. .......,._ -Coroner's aides have 111.d his wife expected to rtmve roulh lft 1pparently died 01metlme miUad the fnim Slnalor ~ Collier (I). dan houn of that mornlnc. but coWd Yreka), who" ii Down aa "father ot only point to 1 general time area . the freew111. Checkl with nellhbon hi 1be well kept Earlier thil -k, furs that the (llol ..... \1110. .... 11 "'"ting fi&bl mlPI -the -.. freeway project to be shelved were ti· presaed at the Laauna Chamber of Com- merce dlrOcton m..tl1111. "1 have been KJven to undentlnd t.he Coastal Fret:way bi allTIOlt on the lhelf," pr•ident-elect Bernard Syfon lold "1low dlrecton. 1•n.t CQnltructioft coaW be delayed for many ,_... I feel 1t behoovet the 0.amtie< ol Commerce lo ... that the rn.w..,. that ha been adopted ia not forgotten.•• ,Syfan pmenled a ,.,Jut.ion, ldopted • unanimously by dlreclors. -lo the Callfomia Hlghw1y Comml-and . the State Department al Public Works ur1in1 11tarly construction" of Ute rreew1y, whk:h wu routed Inland bthlild ._, Beach 11i.r m ,..,. a1 ..,._ Uons with the state. Tbe relOlullon 1tatea lhet 1be """"'' (llM ll'llllWAY, Pip I) I 1. 'I I ' ' ' ' ' ~ LHkl"fl for Bdp .. ' ' This statue loots lifelike, doesn'~ it? That's bec8use tfie figi,areir are live models recreating the.South CaToltna inontiment Q.1 Gettysburg for ~guna Beach's annual Pageant of \he _MasW.r.s. Trouble is, about 40 men are still needed by pageant Casting directo{s to stage the llving Gettysburg monuments in this year's pageant which opens July 11. FQ°r detail's, co9tact the casting office,. telephone ·4~3663. · ' CapoBeachManNabbed Ori Pot Smuggli~g Rap agents became su~piclou.s of MOt:.San's boat becauae marljuMa had betin found . slashed in anotbtr bolt a few diy• earlier. • ·tSDWorth Discovered A rout~ pndawn Pltrol check of alle(ed .....UC. acttvlty yielded a jocq,ot lodl)' jw two Oron.. County lhorifl's deputieo In Dano Point, cndlted wtlb'~"" '"'allepol aaajor ...... e1 •••• druo ..,.. Ille ~ 'Cllllf... ~ . -~-.- • lllpu\lel Wayne Cati.._. and Georp -...... they ·--11 ·v ... ODO >iortb al 181). ~--.. -m.jJuft a •'d -,,, _ __,!!fl la • .at tell Qlnlovo, . 1.-!plar Ed,,_, said lhe ·rold •tarted wilb routine IUl'V9Ulance and a ~r atop. . The 10URI penons arrested without 1ncideat· in the raid are : Roger Lee Skidmore, 22; John Charles Reed, 11; MCcbat( Alin,Janea. 11; Vernon Huch Carlyaie, JO; Steven Dou1ial· HID. 19: John Jlrlt.n Bishop, II;, Diane Ellen Petros; II: Gall Linda Sdulyder. 19: W\Ulam C. Ochs, JO; Vlctor Scott Howden, JI and one female juvenile. Jobnaon claim• the IW'Ch of tbe hou&e and . u automobtle Dlll'by yielded $,HIO tablets of UD vaJaed on the ilicit street mlriet at mon! tbln Pl.000. D ll'llDS of marijua1111, 111 fliaa11 of a lllU - tified white powder. 1ever1l blp of other vlrloul pllla and c1poules :ret unlllllyzod. plUs dalens al hypodermic 1yrin1es. needles and smokina can-- trivances. "We have been working thls c11e in ll minor way, and none of ua really expected to find thM much junk," Johmon observed. The ti prisoners wert 1cheduled f o r arraignntt!ltt on various dn111 char ... loday. Viejo Principal Plans to Quit Mission Viejo High School Principal Robert Ferguson. has announced tha~ he will resian from his position July I. Ferguson, who resides with his family In Mission Viejo, became principal Jut fall replacing Jay In11ll. Jn1all became an assistant superintendent of the Tustin U nlon High Schaal Dfltrlct. A Capl~trano Beach man and three' others havt .been arrested by U.S Treasury qelda on oh1t1t1 of smua;ling fl00,000 worth of m•iJ11ana in 1 boat ·hau~ across lhe U.S.-Me:zlclln border. · Chang 111d Mor1u 11 believed ·io have ·· .-..... -----------. obtained the smaD bales of dried mart-..../'- Tbe allepd unuqlen wm 11rr<1ted W-..lay In W1-vWe. 'l'hly wer< Identified as Emanuel J. Hernandez, 2&, of Capistrano BellCb; William D. Liv· lngston, 23, Pe1rl Cil)', Hawaii; Paul . B. Metzpr, 11, Of Redwood City, and juaal 1n the 'MaiCon couta1 c11y o1 411'Ule Emesl E. -.... SJ. Of Santa .Cnn. Pollet and ... ...., apnll amlled the qu.tet in a warehoule after a tip lrom """"'11 •nll at Noples, Ari~ Dillrld •tlorlleJ p-Chanl llld ~ veael near Blnntnl. He 1114 the --Id· be retuned to Ar-ti /ico --.. the •muplirif' dlarie. Topic bet_. M111tlan and Guadall- jan. Ch.., l&ld qffic;en followod llorpn'• towed boat and locoted the forbidden weed wbi!a a llDllU fire broke out 'oa Summer Dance ' ' Set on' Saturday Firat Of ,a •les al,~ -' dlllCOl '>PO'mared·b)' the1-.- Recreallon Depa-will, ~ ~ al the ne11 llolrl' CID~ on .~ Cin1on .. ~~~Y nl&ht "'"1i7:311 , o'c~k U.S. Export, Import Record Level Marked · WAlllll'IG'ION (AP) -The Ualted --""°"'-· ,_.d Of ...-.11111,1111 rn M&'f, ucetdlng lhl moalh'1 lmporll b)' '311 mlftlon, the Ceuuuen:e ~ nportld ~ .,..., . · 'l1ne band• lo bt ~ an Dow. F1n1Uta ml North. 'ftiore allo will be I -Ina of W.C. J'leldo and Lalfel and Hardy morila and 1efl-,..le wlD be sorved. Studenll fl'am junior hlCh illrall&tl col- lege ... win be adinlllod bi' lludent act1.tt1 call «1ly. Diii-II !I ..,11 far Reolval 1'Hn Club mtmbln and •tfarlllathlr- t Weatler The weatbtnnan·r twnlng up • the burner Frklay, with buch- front areu aJmmering in JtVcnly- llh ..., 1ad Inland reatana routing atDdqrees •. INSmE TOD-'Y Srutd11 Alomor ooc• on tht A.ngtf.s.1 rtc_Q.rd bpolc a!'f1. tqlcet owr top ~t ... ,,. coneecucJt gamfs 'hitttPig-oe AMhfiM ~ noeepa dottblt·heoMr, Sport&. Pogo 33, -' ..,,........_,, __ ., ' -.... -..... --• .... • -·-.. ·-•• --'" --" -... ....... , .. • ·---....... ti . ' ... ·-• ·---... -.. -• .. ._ • ---... ...,_ • ·--.. \ • • • . ' J DAjl Y ~ILOT SC la S•• f:leaeeate Proteste,rs Win;, ' • ' I Trailers Nixed , A •OC11l group of residents of the council. Harbor Estates tract in San Clemente On the application by Uncoln S.vings won their poiat Wednesday Dight and and Loan for the development of a canvlnced "'•••••• --'•"""'en to similar park between the 13111 and 14tll _.. ... 16 --~· fairways of the ShorecWh Golf Courie. deay .. application for a mobile home the body r"JUlred th... mo&.. -. j>arlc which -.Id line r<ptac:ed the approving the plan with a long list Harbor Hill• toll course. of strlneent conditions. The opponents of the application by And .spokesmen for. the .developer took Contemporary Mobilehome Corporation ~ with many of the f'tlU)IUons. of Newport Beach successfully arped Besides 11 specific development m1t.. that the pro~ "tin boxes" would · ters, commissioners 1aged on the ctty's d"byy views, slice lato property x•lues entlre proposed code drafted recently and bring high-density bouslng Into their ·to,,,.., mobile home park ctevelopuient. neighborbobd. 'l1lal document currently 11 undet' llludj' While comg>llsloners heeded l h • · by the city council. arguments on the Harbor Hills dt\relop-Among the condiUorw on the Sbore- m'.eat, · they followed that actkllt with • cliffs area application were ~ftg . aJ)P.r'Oval of a similar mcibile .hq:ftw: j.rk . improvements, condJtions for secondary 8Jlll)lcalion. in the · &hoftclill, aru bolt access to the park, imprvv.....,& of lmpooed a 1Wf list of colidtliw. · . streets and other struduru all the actual The Shorecllfll ldes drew lio ojipolllloit ·park 1tt. and llrlct clrainap pn>vWonl. from the floOr. · · · · ' Spokesmen for the savings and Joan But Ill prectece,_ lnvotvscl .-ttio Wokialion complained lllat many of the Jury Quiz • Opposed • ' ' By Manson ' ' •' •. ~ I ' • '(." ! • ' • • LOS' ANGELES (UPIJ'°'" l!aYlll( llley nnt to deny~ the ·~estabfi~~· the aatisfaction of a "cOu11 dr~,"\.Cbarles Man10n· and -his three female c:Odefen- dents are tryin& lo prevent their lawyers lroro qulUing praepectiva jurors at ihe trial for the murder of actress Sharon Tate.· .... Two or the defense attorneys Wed· ™:sday refUSed to go along with their clients' qe~ and, questloi:led 12 pr~ specUve jurors· as to whether \they could bring Jn a fair verdlCt jn 1 tl\e bliarre multJple killings. Manaon, 19der of the' hi~~, cult ac·· cused of seven rqurders, inStncted his attomty; Irving Kanarek, not to raise any defense but to sit m u t ~ tn, t h e courtroom. i 'O,ye ·soinn, lawy~r fOr Susan l\tkMs. said the young woman allo haCI: in- structed him Lo lttept the I)-~rort witho¢ interrogation as the .. Minson family" attempted to p u t up ·a Wlified hours of protests and diseullion la • the retrictions were .shnllll' to thole im- packed c~l chambers. poled on rtgular subdlvillons. ' DAILY,JLOT.-...... THROUGH THIS GATE, THE COUNTY HOPIS, PUBLIC WILL GIT •llACH-ACCESS · ~ defense. \ , The _ot..her -tw.o 1lrls, .... ~1tri~1 Krenwinkel and Leslie V,an Houten, also instructed their lawyers to cease ques- tioning jurors but they refused. The Coo~ ctevelopnient Wat ' They argued further Illa! the part twi411Md • a t41&.space part Oft ·M ' was not a subdivision per se. &aw of the aolf~.,,..... -would A firll motion to·chan1e the condition ~ -·wiped . T..-s lllordllll , list to allow -.-r -..,..,.,. ..,. el the~ wi\id bave ...pac.il to be ""'keel oul witli Ille ell)' stall ~Dnb. ~-_-.;, failed becaum of a S-Z "tie vote. Com- Laguna Citizens w Get From Page J FREEWAY ••• Paul Fitzgerald, representing ·Miss K.r enwinkel, said he felt it was his duty lo lry to get the fairest possible (ury but he said he underst9Qd the opinion .~_,'~.!!"~.~a -at .lbe mi5'ioner Roy Gorbortne wM ·-· -w ,__ -.--The -one Jn delay lhe •. apJ>n>Vll c:onan.lakin's June IO meeting. or the permit to work out 1 compromia Commlllionen cc:intinued public hear-wllh city staff ,a1:9o tied. Public Access to Beach is needed to "help meet lncttased rec. reatlonal trave1 demands" -which are causing cootinued traffic problems in Laguna. Completio11 of the vital freeway link is necessary for the community 's well-being, the directors agreed as they voted to "µrge the state to consider construction of Route 1 at the ·earliest possible opporlU!lity." or his client who stood up in court · Wednesday aod tried unsuccessfully to fire him. "It is something of a martyr complex," Fitt.zgerald told newsmen. "She feels she already has been tried and convicted and sentenctd to death in the news media. tngs on both park applications until The moUon to ·approve with the It Wednelday night. corxlltions i~t finally resulted in a Protests ran&ed from eiting traffiC favorable vote. -----Oranp Cotmly aupervilors have fn. problems. lffflt'ting drainage of runoff itiated action to provide public acce" water, the 1an<l's suscepUblllty to. to severa1 blocks of beach in Sooth tandslictea and the ruining "' home ,..,.... P.,.e J 1..quna. value!. , 1be eMement in question ts along And 111e debate sponned 1n1o other KREFTING a 1o.1oo1 -u..1 pr .... tly ....... Capistrano Bay area u well u the ~ • • • are resident.I. Harbor Hilb tr;ids. It """' from Cou1 llllhw•Y In the Patricia Bloom of 34511 Camino El the -lw d!milwl 'Ille h!o teaclJers. \'ll:lnlty of Ninth Street _.....,. 2811 Molino, Capistrano Beach, pr.lid a ..,. •• milscl by"• Tellbet, Jll'OI-· foot to Ille mean high tide line. A tlUoa In ~~ of ·~ k ~ aald deal el ll!e QUlandi 'Flderatloo el · docftplt cement stairway to the beach ~t IUch tJ;M",,'.w1y ~ .;:;;\.i a~ ,,_., wl!o apfa-· b,dore the below now nma down the -tliat tract low-lnc:ome groups into the com-LqlJDa board Wiiii KnlUnt iRn Jut II owned by the Baalc of -and munity •t lar1e. . nilhL • WU once owned by Blllt of. Italy. "Al or now ...... no Immediate Tbe otale·booriltJI ... !Q!held tline, Althoulh owned by the-· the ..... need !0< IUch hi&l><Jensity or .Jow-prlc"!f el 31 -....... aplmt lfn. """'t -called • • Tb o u a an d bouslnflnSanClemeute,".ahuaid. · 'Lby~-~-~ !..*'?:.!:':_.-adbmecl Slet!a" bas ._ a right of pn>p<rty rears aJao were <ljnued .that the --.-~ ~' . . ownen In Tract 141. This m..iv .. about park mlfhl become a alt. !qr 'tho ..;. 'Ille. boonl. bowem', ""'8111 a cm-tot -Lqlma lots uphill from Cout conc:tpl of "modular .,..,..,. " "'11<!> -In the KnftlJJs -In -Jll&bway. may aoon repl"'°'lle........:. '""'lit to .... lle-plele b-'*111 bil Tbe Tu9day action of county bcxne. ·-::-"'-~. I • i'-' .. .., ._ ;t atp& Ylion wb to open that IOCtU Commllllonera heeded h ......... and ' lie WU ..-apla lw ... up to the public. unanlmllully denied the ap)litcalloai, •a.. '" ..... lat n)&!JI -- -eould be_.. Ill cll1. .t!:t.·~ ., lrwww'8 'ff aald, •· -'P:J. ·1 ~~~.11.wit ~;If.I Toro's Plan .· _ .. ·~ ... --3 Pe,rsons Hurt -be -to._._ and ll!e "---to eo· ty fad thal be bed no1 .-ploUid -uuai un In Rear..ander. · 1ora -teadJIJw ....ient1a1 -""" :=t :.::._ qaaUfled blm 1o -Planning Group lie maintained be bad ·-hlrscl'U · • On Laguna Road ~.::i.:-:=.::.:= 'Ille El Tan! 1-.J plan. covering IOllloc llld cloftlopmeot !Gr 10,000 acres whtdl COU!lly plannn bdlove may have a Jq11"1 Uaa of up to U0,000 in 20 yean, -..-... to ... Onnp Coun- 1)'. !'lmJlntl Commiam W-y and ael for --after leqthy A rear.end colli!ion on the paved sboulder of Laguna o.n,.n lload naull<d in mlDar inJuri• to three penona •bortly after I p.m. Wedneaday, Two em bad to 1>e lo!red mm the ...... police noportod. pri•« John WUliam Ullom, It, IM<I Sail Remo Drive, had juat pulled onto the arboulder anlJ picked up ·a rider, police Wd when his lmall car was struck from the rear by another west- bound vehk:Je that apparently veered from the traffic lane onto the t!xlWder. LoulJe A. ·Brennan, 11, Of Lei Angtles, driver of the second car, was taken to -<:cut Cooununity Hospital by am- bulance, but released after treatment for a facial cut sustained when lhe lurched forward into Ille steering -• d her car. Ullom's passenger, William Andrew Dames, 15, 511 Mystic Way, allo was listed as 1Ushtly hurt, but police said both youths were taken home by friends. Ullom ia 11ie .., or Loguna Beach school Superintendent William UllQin. A student at UCLA; ha II employed in Colle M .... DAILY PILOT oo dld' ~~ for addHlooal atudy. Ro da!led cflirs9-be bad dllbmled ~ ~ tchnlnlstaidlve 81'1"0HI, alatJnr t1Jo1 ll!il' ..._ bad -C'•mdad and • ..-........ "llrdlac,...... bed -Jn ,tJlia chaqo. .. Ill 90llng lo llllllOJcl lbe· dlomlaal, ..,,_ lpoclfled diat tlJa -"relates IO)ely lo llie 'Wllfan el puplla aad the school." Krdllng said the board had acted "with no regard for any kind of jwitice or due process of law." He said he could not continue in education becaust, "I think-the whole administrative •Ystein ii a mnp1ete ftop. There is no parallel In prjvate industry. · .. Here, ~Ian ..mo don't know a thing about your fleld are· expected to evaluate your work •. Jl"ranldy I'd be afraid to go into another teaching job because I still honestly don't know what I did Ilia! mode them so &nl')' wll.b me." ---· Stuart W. llMleJ, usbtant planning dlrodor, aald the l'"eral plan probably '11111 be ClO!!llnued !nm meeting to meeUnc over the nut several weeks as the comnllssion deals with a series of ,_.., nquesls alf«lln( land In the El Toro area. "~.did not want to get locked into a P11n, then have to amend it in order to take care ol minor zminc variltions," Ball~y aakl "Most ol the r.onin1 requests commc up seem to be more or less In keeptnc with Iii• overaU plan so we hope to make the nectssary minor adjustments as we go along imtead of having to go back and change the plan repeatedly." Abo 'hn-t. the plamer said, ls mating wre that the Et Toro general , plan meshes with plw on file for the 1 Blackfm• Leads proposed huge city of Irvine, which w;u coyer several thousand acres abutting the pllllned El Toro area in many tec- tions. Mir at Half way ~ soon as the present zoning ap- ...,.. ..... IWlqt• .... pUcatlons are taken care of, it is ex-~ ._. h.t.I. ,...., ' LOS ANGELES (AP) _ 'lbe '13-foot pected that the EL Toro general plan C... ..._ s.. 0 1 ••• ketch Blackfln neared the hallway mark will be approved, after which all f.Onlng OltAAGE. mMT ,.,.LllHtNCI COM,Mn' Wednetday in the lead 0( the 3,S71-mile Will have to comply with ill re-,!~:..1 !!i :=.,. · Loi Aqelel-to-TahiU Tranapeclfic: Yacht qu~';:~':Pucations ~e acheduled for Vb ~~i:.~ ! ~T....,., ~ffts reported 11 l,llt mUes from hearing at the commission's Wednesday, n-•• K••"il the maJnland. BJ.ckftn ii owned and Jllly t, meeting, followed by two to E•u.,. skippered by Kenneth DtMeuse of San four more at eJch meeting for the next 1"111•• A. Mv1plliH F ___ ,__ thrte weeks . ........ •dllllf' r .. ft;.IM.Vo ""--· l •• In ....,,,.. -•·-tn Ille ela__. ~me ""~ req-. ~· multtple mldential lich•ttl '· N•ll ..-..... ...,.... JOnina could 11 I i s.. Ortf'IPt c-1, E1r• atandinp Wu the ~foot ke&ct\ ?tJir, -.. resu n o Pen n I Offite1 akippered by Ceorge O'Brien of Van· ~~!tl:iral land !or mobile home pro- a..-..: utwu1a..s""' ·couver, B.C., reported 1,541 mUes from R. N ~ .. """"' 1i11c.111 m1 W•t .. _ ~ •a.-mai'nland. • rnNJlfO, pioneer El Toro dtrus UfllM a.tdl: m ,_, A-Wiii: L. """' ..... , lllcJI: .,.,. .. Kii • .....,. 1blrd wu Wklgeon, 1 54-!oot sloop srower, q aeeklrc to re.zone n acres 1111 ~ • ,..... •• ~ .... captain by Norman Baron of the Santa at ~ end ol Cornelius LIDe and north Barbar11 Yacht ·cub wh1ch had Jogtd of Lakewood Lane from 1en1 r a I J tH miles.. ' agricultural use to multip1e resldentiaJ ' with l,flbo square feet of land per unit. ~ • · Thomas HaJI bu requested mu!Uple ·-DAILY..ll:UT,:...._,_.,..,,..........,~-·~· · ·-.--••·•··',..... .......... J~···~~·······~.JGnin&...with-l.~.feet, ,.,_.... .. 11 .-111"" •111, -• s-~"unit on 53 acres of acrtcultural land =..:,~..::. ··~~ •:.._~=:; SLAYING soulheast of El Toro Rold and Canada htdl • ,.,.., • .,. w1n11, •'9nf _.. ... • • • Road. , ,. ............ °'"'" CIHI ............... Seekl t ~,,...... ,. ..... ,,.._ •' itn ""' ipartment neighborhood above San CJe-ng o rezone 17.5 acrts of ::--, :,.!.M, ·-~~ud'I. n ,.,... , .... pl ba yielded "I" t f agricultural land to multiple residentlal ~~ er va • ••1 eacep or witli IOOO I ,,, •••• 11141 141-'tn ·one report by a neuby coup~ who uid • aquare Ht per 1D'llt is A. c1wlw .Wa•••illet '41·1611 they both awoke slmultaneousb' It I t.m. J . West. whole land is east Of El Toro .. Clo ••• 0r,. ••••• h on the 11th Of June. ROldw··a..and Second Strh .. t. II -I I , ... , ••• 4fl-44JI But both husband and wife c1nnot re-hu many s u c ama ae,,cu tura '"""'*'"· -. °'9fClt "c..t ~ member What if wu thlt awakened holdinp due for reaiing, pllMtrs ex- """""· • .-.. ........ iu..ir.a:.... them. peci. amaller developers, barred from :.:.':"':. -:::..C'!t ':.-:: ... --,: Jn the pall decade. the Johnl~ case the slant Jrvlne, Moulton and Minion .,......., .. .,..""' ...... and the bludceonina: of a to-year-old man Viejo holdinp, to zero in on tht El ....... ctM ,.,_ ""' ., ....._. tMclt I t •• T · .,.., c.• --. ~i.. $vl!K,191..._ w n a uJed car ot are 1.11e only two thus-oro area 11 IOOn u zonings are =:., \:,i:::' ~ .. "*~.-_.,.' far unsolved bomlcldet in the San Cle· esta~Jished and the general plan adopt.ed, mente police cteparhnen1 books. causllli a hua• spurt or population. , ' • Stanley Knuae, director of Real Property Servict!I for the county, said his office would attempt to nesauate with tbe Bank of America for the Utle alte: a Complete title report. This ml&ht involve a "friendly" suit to Jettle the matter in court, said Krause. Asked about Tract Mt property owners, who have attemlied to Umlt beach use to area residents, Krause aald Ille Bank of America alao has the right of access and could share that r:ight with the public u long as there is no intpnsement 00 righla of Tract Mt ......... John Killeler, aide to Supenilor Alton E. Allen, said the county will pursue the matter. "We feel that we have a reasonable coll)JMment to take the lhing over (for the public) and we want to get on with it," he Wet The 90-foot Jots on either aide Gf Ille e11tment are lilted for ult at a total purchaae price of $1111,000. Joim B. Gtllrlela or Lasuna Beach woald like lo pun:bue the pn>perty fer buildlng -· He aald earlier, .. , woald ltlr• to -them (the ....,ty) take ...,. that whole beach down !her<· for the 111< of <Ytry slnfle penon. I am inteml<d In havlnc H opened up .. that it ls adequately policed Ilk• Aliso Beach." Many area resldenll -also inttre.rted . in beach control and po1icln1 -would prefer that the' acceis remain a privilege of airroundtng bomeownen. One ph)'>ical fsctor that would pro. bably limit the amount of future public use is the fact that only lbnited parking Ls avaUable above the beach area in- volved in the accea qoestJon. Realty Board President Georgia Gill said she was sure Laguna Realtors would want to add their endorsement to the resolu'tion. Pluning Commiaiolier R o b e r t Hastinp noted that the quesUOR of freeway construcUon also has come up in discuss.ion of implementation or the general plan and the city mlnager and dty enataeer are scheduled to meet witli state highway officials July 6 to discuss scheduling of construction. They will report to the Planning Com- misai.on at ii.a meeting on lbe evening of July 6, Hastinp said. 'Ibe Chamber officials agreed they should not lake any pasitloa at this time reprdtng location of the freeway in the Newport Beach area, but almply urse that the project );le kept alive ao thlt Laauu can loOk toward 10me ...... or ill tralfk prObian witliin • ......nable-. - India State Leader Dies on Polo Field . LONDON (UPI) -The Maharajah of Jaipur, n~st presidert of the Indian Stale ol Rajutban and one ol the world's top poio players, collapsed and died Wednesday while participating in a polo match at Glouceatenbire. He WU $1. "She and the others want to deny the establishment the satisfaction of put· tm1 on a court drama. Actually I can understand her feeling." Ira Rein~r, lawyer for Miss Van Houten, was-asfed whether he would question jurors. "You bel your sweet Ufe I wlll," he said. Nine solid citizens had passed the first hurdle in jury selection but most, if not all, were !i!Xpected to be dismissed as the trial progr,e~. Among them were a photographer, a mailman, a cbem.ical teclmician, a retired Jettetary, a TV repainnan, a former drama critic and a man who paints the dividln& lines on highways. The first prospective juror was Hei-man Stoke1, a Negro, who works as a mechanic at the post office. Fitq;erald put a aeries ol questions to him. ; 1Laguna Gallery Art Meet Slated Both voting and non-voting members of the Laguna Beach Art Gallery' are asked to be on hand for the quarterly membership meeting to be. held Moriday, June 29, at 8 p.m. Scheduled for: the meeting is seteclio" oC a nominating committee for the annual fall meeting and approval of plans for remodeling the gallery. The, gallery is located at 307 Clill Drive, Laguna Beach. 'l"ll•-........... -.. ~ ...... Y .. r /...,.;(<interior. <lfligocr !Dill I>, llGppJ to cwill I/OU •• , PRORSSIH~J.GARRETT fURN~RE INTE"IO" DESl~NERS ,._ II-n..,·. "'-Im. 2215 HARBOR ILVD. • • • -.-COSTA MESA, CALIF . 646-0275 646-0276 . I I '• I y, ' • • ' • 11 .~ M~ .. , ti .... F s (; • ... . • .. • .. ...... • . Laguna Beaeh N.Y. Steek• EDITION · . • VQL:. 63,,NO. 151', 4 SECTIONS, 54 PA&ES • ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, .JUNE 25, 1970 TEN COOS .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,..-~~~~~~..-~~~~ •'• \. • ... 4 .., •I . • • -; Nixon Flying In Today fOi-Niece's Wedding ... , , By RICHARD P. NALL Of 11111 .Ddr '"' Stiff '• ~resident Nixon was scheduled to meet wi~ a 1roUp of editors and publishers at.Jbia San Clemente home Friday follow-i~ touchdown ol Air Force ~One at E.l~Toro Marine Corps Air StaUon ~thi.s aftilrnoon .. ~inet members and other dignitaries· '1' join the President and-bis family 1bjbe Saturdly morning weddini of his'1nlece at St. Andrews Presbyterian <Mrch·at Newport Beach. • ~~· Nlzou willJly~1oJei::u Slllltljy at::J!le President's reqUe~ to personally "· • • ' deliver a pilne lood ol mppllel for victlme of the earthqulle -· The trip is, lo dramatise the Dllloo'• ·c:oocern for Ille aullflinl Jn I Lltin counlly. The First Lady Is lo r<lllm about mid-week. • By prolocol, '<!>< P.-at wW be ·the lul ...,i lo arTive llld the - .lo leave 11 the Salurdll' -.C ol LI.,... Moe Nbon, JI, dlupter of the President'• -· Donald. She ii marT)'lnl ,,_., Elm<r • Anflnlon, 21, a certified public ac- countan_t,._Th.ere will be about aJO guests arriving at lhe weddinl between 10 a.m. ' 11111 10:30 1.m. Guests ore lo Include Pruldent, lllld' Qoalld ,\llllioaJ -· ev-lilt Billy Graham, long.time friend ""' -GI the bride. ,,,.. Praidlnt wW lit In' the frGotl ".;::. :;!~:1 ~ll(iler onc1 sr1<1ua1e pew .. the 1111t wltb the brido'a·flmlly while the-.. -an ........,...i. o1 Wblttier Co1Je1•. the Pruldeoi'a llml ,,,. --·• aJnod1 l,..,..,iod ·mater. hu cboaen a --and the· red brtd: dlurdl wlddl wt1I be &bortlleeved town ol ai1t otglllZL It ftlled and ONlflowlnl mlo Ila plllo. · Is em1>rolClered with ~ r-11 Dr. Chlrles H. ~. -r lace OV« l1lj>per 11tin. The veil ·l.s .~ pd«, wW 1111"1 the -..... tached IO I tlera ol 1PPUquod ...... After the -.., ~ wjll' .. IO Two bridesmaida, Amelie and Elillbelb---th<.P<Ojlllao a .the Mawporter-lnn wbero Nlxoo, .,. daughters of the Pmldenl'a aecnt aervi<e men will be atatlooed ~rotber_._ F.dw•rd. Two of the us~N, among the kitchen stiff. Richlrd G. NW>n, 17, named aft~ tb1 ~ ~PIDYinC the ·President to • .. ' ·, .. his . r1mbllna: .~ Cl~tnte e9'1i1 soth ·aruuVenary convent10n of the U.S. · ove:rklokiQ& the 'oceu are to lncll>de Junior, Chamber. of COmmerce. Ajdea :pre~cle,nuAJ' .~ta· H. R. Haldem111, said' h)J talk ~Id deal with clom.,lic Dwlpl • L. CJllp1n ' and Patrick J. probfeii\&. empbuizint the h o p e f u I lluclwuln; Dr~ Henry 'A. ~. 111-..p..ta. • Uon1l security affairs adviaer ~ Prm The, . Nilou are .. ....--.i-..1, to remain ~tery flon.lldliqler Gd -..lry ,1l the,W_,. wmt";; ..W lbaul \Voods, Mr. Nixon's penonal:sec:i:etery. .lbe Fourth bf July. ' 'lbt Pr,sident is ei:pected to work On Mrs. Nlxoo'a Penman ffi&ht, her on· hit ,.Port IO the nation ooncerntnc llrst ICllo oataide the U.S. as first ildf, the conlroverslal push ol U.S. troops abe w\11 fly lo lJm!' and ·make a iolo Cambodia. ll will be. dellvered1_Jie1""11110r,Jnilpecl•,.ol,;lb8.Aillllls._.ru._...JI aometime .nelt week. . -left by the Mly 31 ~uake th~t 'lbe · Pruldent ·stopped in, St. Louis tiJlal,14.000 pec'ICIQI' and left many more .en rculo lo· C.Ulorai.1 lo· lddml the ~-• • • I au Ill_. ana r ·u ~a1 . ' . •. • Worst-Since '67 .:Heavy Fighting Rages in Mideast By U.lled Pnu llllerulloul The Israeli-Syrian front exploded tod1y wilh the heaviest. battle since the 1117 Middle Eut war, ud r .. ce camblt eaplled 1 wldO -GI Ille Sun Caal. lmmedl1te reaction 1rom the !tr•b 'World to tbt new U.S. plan for PMCt Police Weigh Similarities Of 2 Slayings By·JOHN"VALTERZA Of "" Dmlf .. 11111 ..... . ··San Clemente and Oranie County shefiff's detectives spent the day Wed- nactay comparing notes on the two aavage knife murders in the Capistritno ~ area, but thus far ~ve ~nou~ed no-tonclusions about a poSSJble s1mllar1ty. Sin Clemente Detective Leonard Good- win one or two San Clemente investiga-tflri probing the knife slaying of 20-year-olcl~Connie....__Lynn_Johnson. said the session with sheriff's men centered on theories about weapons. lout Mrs. Johnson, who was eight weeks pregnant when she was brutally stibbed more than a week ago, alftl El Tii('o teacher Mrs. Florence Brown, 31, auffered mu\Uple stab wounds at the baitds of their assailants. 8olh investigaUve detaila have repeal· 4 stressed that obvious. simlllrtties in thf' two crimes do not exist thus far. . ln.e only similarities art ~al both vidhns wert female and knives ·were u*I to kill them. • Mn. Johnson, however. bore marks of a -tirutal beating with a bar stool. • Goodwin said intricate comparisons ·srl now being undertaken to tee if ftlftds on both bodies may hive been mi;de with the same knife. ~e~ just e~plorina:. tha~ remote ciljnce n11ht now, Goodwin said. . • eel' in the ye1 wu lukewann. Israel ~ IJ\o ed ~nt ea· tbe propouls 1.~ by~!)' of State William P. Roaers ut' •m1r!!JG9d Its ambllssadnr ip We+'.-lllft' to -Jeruule111 for con- •nbltm. Tel Aviv conuqunlque1 aaMI llrae!J jets .u.d:ld army CIJ'l}PI c:tefp Inside · Syria near the capital 61 Damascus and battled Syrian interceptors lrl the skies while Israeli Ind Syrian loo1ls and artillery fought across the entin JO.mile length of the Golan Heights ceue-fire line. Fighting raaed for more than six hours, and spokesmen aaid the battle wu the biggest sinct lsra~i troops seized the Golan Heilhta in the 1967 war. It follow!d a two-hour fight Wednesday night in- volving tanb and 1rUUery . Israel reported a Soviet-built MIG21 ol the Syrian air loroe ahot down ln an afternoon dotflght over the Golan Heights. Syria said its antiaircraft gun- ners down a U.S.-built Phantom jet fighter-OOmber of the Israeli air force. Iraq announced it has placed its troops on the Arab Eastern frmt with Israel at ._Syria:s· disposal "to repel the con- tinued Zionist aggressions." The front includes Iraq, Syria and Jordan. Iraq is reported to have about 12,000 troops in the area. In Cairn, Eopt announced that ils antiaircraft gunners shot down a U.S.- built Skyhawk jet today as 30 Israeli warplanes atllcked the Suez front for the 19th consecutive day. · An Egyptian 1pokeJman Ilic! EllY(llian heavy artillery in the IOUlhern aector of the Suez Canal unleashed two "fiertt" barraps on Israeli p>litions on the 'east bank o( the waterway. A communique from Tel Aviv said Israeli planes striking into Syria attacked arniy bases 11 miles JOUthwest of Damascus ind 11 miles southeast ol the Syrian capital and a third installation near Suwayda. about 50 milea: southeast ol Damascus. It Nici Suwayda WU a bue 1..-S)'l'iu umcnd unlta. Board OKs Kreftling's ' . D~iniSMil. By BAJltlAllA KREIBICR " .......... , .... After a two-hour closed exJcuuve ,.;Ilion Wedhe8dly nirJ>I, LMfll1I Beach sdllol 1n1.-upbal<I lhe 'ltsmluai ol . hlch ldlool ·muaio~dlncior Jack Krwllln1 by I I lo I ; with Dr. Anlh1n7 Orlllldella Ind Wtlcaun -ting. Trustee Dr. Normu BrDne an-- nounced after the closed seUion that charges a.gainst Xreftlng had been sus- tained and cause ltOt to continue tds empioyment bad been established Under provisions of the State Educatio• Code. Browne moved that the dismissal be upheld and the motion was seconded by Mrs. Jane Boyd. Board President Larry Taylor voted in· favor of the motion, with the oUler two trustees i• the dissenting minority. Krefling said he was not iA the ieast surprised by the decision, despite the fact that state hearing officer BrtcknelT J. Showen earlier bad IOUDd "no cause not to reture" him. . He said he was disappciinted tllat "after three years of hard · work they didn't eve11 give me a thank you." The 28-year-old music · teacher came lo Laguna Beach in · 1967 after heldlng the vocal music department 1t El Capitan High School in Lakeside. Sin D,iego County, for two years. "l definitely will not continue in educa· lion," KrefUng said today. "I 1m 110t png back to start over again as a first-year teacher in another district." Krefting would have had tenure In the Laguna Beach district had he been re-hired for lhe forthcoming school ye1r. He said he bas no definite plans for the future but will "start walchin1 the want ldl~" A resident of Laguna Nipel, he is married and the father of two small boys. · Kreft1111 and art teacher Donna Lynde both requeste<l public hearings before a state officer when they were told they would not be rehired next year. During the hearings in Santa Ana, fellow teachers and studtnta testified in their behalf, whUe tchool oUicials preseoted Clleo lllUIF11NG, Pep II • • j • • • • LOoki•g lor· B·~Jp This statue1100ks lifelike, doe'sn't it? That's be;callse the flgures· ate live. models recreating the•SOuth CarOJfna rrlonllln~nt It 'G~ttyS)>Drg for bguna Beach's ~nnu'al Pa'geant of the, Ma~ers .• Trou.b1e.Js,. about 40 men are still needed b1.' pageant casting directQrs .to.stage the living Get~ysburg monumehts in tfils ,yeir's page~~l w&ich ,openS July 17. F?~ details~ contact .ttie castipg office_, teJepbon. 494-3663. . ·. '• .. .. , . ' ' ' ' CapoBeachManNabbed . . . : On Po~ SmuggliJJ,g ~ap ' , . . ' A Capistrano Beach man and three agents became su.sp1c1ous of Mor11n's others have been arrested by u:s bolt bec1U1e •mar:lju1na had Deen foiund Treasury· aaents on charps of smuggling stashed ID anotber .boat' 1-few dly1 e1rller. 1100,000 worth of marljulna ln a boll Chang Aid Morgu Is believed tO hive LSD -Worth $20,000 ., Discovered ' . · A ...itne Pl1dlwn petrol checl: fl allePt. n&rtolloa actnlly yielded I " = 19d1Yu ~ ~-0nii .. County ..,.. "' .-. -· credited .• i up aft lllqed major. IOUrce ol ........... dnip alOlll Ille Orlnp eo.t: t -.-,. ' ~ ""'"" ~-. llld 6-ao :i·J.~··--... .., .. ~ ........ ,u::,., •• if A Jao'lt I of other •1-"'9 drup Jiu • . ,at 1111 Cordovi. . tmtll&itct Ed Joimon •lkf tbe rakl llinad Wltll roatlnt aun.JDance mid 1 car atop. !Jbe: fOWli persona aneated wiU.OUt Incident in the raid are: Roser Lee Skkt_more, 22;_ John Charles Reed, 11; Mtc~ Alan ,Jones, II; Vernon llurJ! Carly1le, .ati Steven Douglas HID. It; John Brien Bishop, JI; Diane Ellen Petrol.' 11; Gall UOO. Schnydtr, 19; WIUlem C. Ocha, lO ; Victor Scotl Howden. 11 and ri female juvenile. Johnlon cllbni the IWCh of the ·houle and .an automoblle ,nearby yiekled $,100 tablets of LSD valued on the Uiclt street m1rket a1 more·tban •.ooo, 300 ll'•mt of m&rijaana;lll grams of a sUll untdeft.. tifitd .white 'powder, tieveral bap ot other vaiioos . pills ind capsulea yet unanalyzed, plus dozent of hypodermic syringes, needles and mW»klng con· trivances. . "We hive been workln& .this cue in a minor, way, ar1d none of ui really expected_.to find thlt much junt,,. Johnson ob9erved. The 11 prltontn were acheduled f o r arralan111ent on various druc 1hlr1<1· lodly. • • J Viejo Principal Plans to Quit Minion Viejo Hllh School Principal Robert Ferguson, ha s announced tha t he will resign from tds position Jal7 I. Fersusoft. ·who retlde1 wtth his faniily In Miftion Viejo: became prtncipal last fall replKiftc Jay In1aU. lnpll became . an uaimnt super~tendent of the .Tustin . Union High School Dlltrlct. ~eanwhlte biJ investia:ation has yltld- everythbig Including the kil<:ben aink a ntdence in the slaying of the San C'timent.e wife of 1 youna: Marine. 11 11C11flnd footprint on the link. in the ~~bloodlaa. Goodwin ltreaed-ba" been added to the ,i&ck of .physical .,.jdence in the tilling .. Laguna Officials Fearful hiuled ICrOlll the U.S .. Mnlcan border. obtained the amoll blles.ol dried llllri· Tiie al1epd 1muqlera were . amoled Juana In the Mhk:an -iaJ city ol WedMlday in W1llonville. Tbty ·were Ttpk: bttwetn M111tlan 'and GoldaJa. identified as Emanuel J. llem1ndez, 211.. jara. ..... .. 1be porcelain sink, which was removed (rom ihe sUll aealed oporl-l II 411 C Monterey Lane. wu in general alip"!ent pP a window found open when lnvest11a-Mlitor's first arrived on the murder scene Over Route Link Deletion of Ca'plsttano Beach ; WIDlam 0: Uv-~ apkl otfl~ra follO'!ed Mcqan'a lowed boat. llld localed· the' forbidden in1ston, 23, Pearl City, fflwJlil; Pa'ul • ~· wbf11 1 1maD fire broke out en B. Metzger , II, ol ·Redwood City, and ' • ' ~ ' · .__ Ernest E. Mor au, 31 et Santa Cruz. . 'u.i: weathmnan's tarnina up last June 17. F ean tsprtllld In some quarters of Outside _the ~n pane police faunclmed Lqun1 Buch over futun late ol Pacific :-: lo whJ;b : .. :~•ve been Cout Freew17 .... r8nforced today Tbe front -ol the 1partmenl ,... a!Jer a bll1 to delet< a llClioo .ol the iiilledly .... IO<k.r-.the victim '.-""""...-the Cll1lam1a Aloembly. i-nd, Marine I,ance Cpl. Mark John-. The -· I u I b 0 r e d by .,._ ti. came home from IUlrd duly and Auemblymaii Robert E. Bldham (R· -the bocly aprawled Gn Ibo lied. Slob Newport Beacb) -.Id allntlnale from ~a ...,. evldeot in Ibo dlelt, aeclr the a1ate ,,_;, .,-lllll aection ail abdomen ol the victim. of Ibo coula1 ,_ ""1ch paloea lhrwlh ,Other bllflln( iapecll GI the ..., Newport. ~ the uncertainty over • apecWc BadhlD'l 's bill won a remunding • ~ deai:.ti olfl<ers he left for duty to I vi<l«J oo lhe '-bl)' llo!!r. ii Ille Morine helleopW bue In Sanlo But -tt -., lo the Senate Au al 1bout 4:30 1.m .. lune II. Tr~lotion ~ .. ~ Qoroner's aides have II.id his wife ex.,_...... rece ve • .....,, ~"'°renlly dind llOll10tlme around lhe £ram 5enalor llandolplr Cailler ff>. dawn hours of that morning, but could Yrtta), who .. ii known 11 "lither of 11nly potnt to a 1tntr11 time aru. the freeways. •. Cheda with Illich-In Ibo well ilepl El-lllis -k. faan lhlt the ,,, Cloe llLAYING, hlo II r"llf llPI mlPt -tbe ~ S D the -Friday, with ~ Police Ind treuury qenta ...... led • Hmmer 8DCe I-anu obmnerln11 in seventy· freew1y project to be shelved were e11-· In ·---P""ed •l the Llguna Chamber of Com· lhe ·qulriel 1 ...,._ after 1 bh 11111 and lll1ud re8)ona routln& meT1:e dlr.ctora meeting. tip from cuslom• qenta al Noples. . I:!·-S •··-da· al Iii ........ . "I h ~-~ lo d the Ariz. Distriet 'att--""-·-···~l-·OD-· . S&UJ.· ~-.. ·······----. ................................ _ .. ave """Cl'1 .,ven un erstaDd 1: .... _ ..... 7.'\...":::I·~ . ----• ;· U'IB .. m a vu .. • Coastal Freeway ls,almost'Ori~tfie .. i ill:f'"··;· fi'8el DMr BaJmiDI, · . . president-elect Bernard,Sylan told ftUlw · J AW the. foUri wuuid &e rttm Md first ol •~ terla of ~D-studfjnt summer Sa:n<tw Alomor ooes on t~t direclors. "Thal ""1struclioo could be ··1~ lo fa -< -11 Ille dllllC<l 'I~ by the Llpna Beldl An11<ls ncord ·btJolc aild' takes delayed for 119Df years. J feel it . .Daannc' cbll'le. i .. • ftecn:aUon ~ent wih ,be hlld ,11t ; owr top s~t i1t COflftcutivt • behooves the Ch1mber of Commerce the new,.Boy( Ch.lb.on Llitma Cl8f.Pn fD"N• 1'ittmo aa Aultftm. leam lo ,.. lhlt lhe freeway tbal hu heen • • • • • · Hoed Slt~Y. nlpt from. 7:30 o'clock · .,.,.,,. • doub1'·hrador. Sporta. adopted ii not forgotten." It. '1 Ii'~-I · · Jo· mldn!Pl ' Papr. aa: Syfan p.--led a reoolutlon, adopted .....,, ,...,,.y... t, mport n.r.. bandl lo be lulurnd .,. 0.,.. 11n1nlmously by dlrtcton. addrtlled to 6 t ~ F-1ntu61 ll'ld North. Tbere also wUI c.....,. 1 the ca1uom1a HlcJiw•1 Commlatai and .l\ecord Level Marked · be • showtnc of w.c. r1e1c1a and 1..1 .... 1 -"' .,.: the State Department or Publk: wans • and HudJ mom ud ·refrethmenta wlD ~ .. urging ''early construction'! of the :WA&Hl1'GTON CAP) -The United be 11rved. -::•.::... : freeway, which .... -Inland llehlnd .... ' -exports -• • .. ~. r-junior hip .............. 1. -··-• Llcuna Beach after ·alll yean of nqotia-.....,.,.,.,llltl,IOO In May, exceeding 1.;."q."°;.iii'b. edmttted b;""~ :-11 :r.: --n -... --. --.. --" -· -·----IW1 -. -.... -. __ ,... ........... ~ lions with the stete. 1~ eomin-:: .. ~"!..!., ':,.~~~· • acllTtty card only. Entrance la 'II cents =-:::., : The rellllluttoa atelM lhal the 1...-.17 ·~ • ~~~ • -for 'llev"91' TMo Club membm olid -• Cleo riiUWAY, ..... I) • day. . $1 fer ID -liudeols. . . "':"'---;;;------1...J ~~ )' "t (" . • •. "~ 'k • .· • J DOILY "1.0T SC -· -25. 19711 • Protesters Win; Trailers Nixed A vocal group of · residents or the councn. Harbor Estates traft in ~ C~mente On the applicaUon by Lincoln Savings the. · t w...a.;.-..1 .. i""t nd and 1.oa'1 for the development of a won II' PGUI -RaUIY '"&'' a similar p1rt between lhe 13th and 14th : ""Ylnced planoUia COllUlllsslonen to fairways of tbe Shor<clllf1· GoU Coone, d..,. an apflticatloo for a mobile home the body requjftd U.... _..,. be!,.. port which would have '1!placed the approving the plan with 1 Jong lbt Harbor Hilts golf course. ... or strlngent conditions. The opponents of the application by And spokesmen for the developer toot Contemporary Mobllehome Corporation blue with rnany of the recul&Uons. or Newport Beach succaslully arauect Belldes It specific development ma~ that the propoeed "Ua bases" wollld ten, commisslonen taalfld on the city's destroy vlen, sUce ia1o property values ·entire' proposed code drafted recenUy and bring high-density housing loto their to cover -lie home park devel.,,...,,t. nei&hborbood. . • That document currently Is under ltudy While commllllopera heeded l h e by the city council. arcwnents on the Harbor "illa dtveJop-Among tile canditiona on the ~ mat, 'they followed thlt ICttan with ~:liff1 area application were engineertJJg approval of a similar mobile bQme park improvements, conditiona for secondary application in the SborecUffs area but access to the park. improvemenb ot imlll*d a stiff llst of l!Olldltipns. / ltreeta and other structures off the actual -TlleOlloreclllfs·ldea ·drew Mi "l'POlillon-"Poi-k-IJlte---llrict-dr~inqe-pmvlsiom.-- from tbe floor. · • · ·, SP.okesmen for the savings ..ct loan But its Jrfdectaor involved about two aaoct.tion complained thlt many or the • • • - Jury Q~iz Oppos~d ,. By Manso:11 · ·' LOS ANGELES (UPO -Saying thty want to deny the "establishment" the satisfaction or a~"court arama," Charlet Manson and his three female coder.,.. dents ire. trying to prevent their lawyer• from qu1D1111 prospective Jurws at 11ie trial for the' murder or actreu staaiPn Tate. · • . • Two of the defense . Jltorneys w)d- ne9day refused, to go along with their clients' demands aod questioned 12 Jli'o. specUve Juran u to whether they coUld bri·,tg in a fair 1 verdict in tht ·bizarre mulUple kllllnp. t Manaon,' leader of the h\pple cult ac- cused ol seven murders, instructed his attorney, Irving Kan~ek, rl,Ot to 'l)le any defense but to sit m u t e (n t'fl e · courtroom. ., 'Daye Shinn, lawyer for Susan Aldis, said the yowig woman ·also haCi. 'n- structed him to acctpt the U=1 withoot interrogation as the · "· family" attempted to put up 1 ' defense. : · ~ ., • hoon of protests and dllCllSliGn In the reotrictlcms were 1bnilar to 0-iJn. packed CCKmcll chambers. polled on regular subdiviskms. The C..temPorary ·cie.elo-1 -They arsuecl further that 1he port MH.'t l"llOT Sl9fl ..... THROUGH THISX'ATE, THE COUNTY HOPES. PUBLIC WILL· GET BEACH ACCESS The other two glr·I•. P~Ja Krenwinkel and Leslie Vaii ~~ instructed their lawyers "to ceaM, ·4Ufs- tioning jurors but they lflused. ~j proposed as a 21&-space pa r k"" on II · was not a subdivision per ae. acns of the pl! c:oune "'*"' would A first motion to change the condition ha,. -wiped oul Terraces· ollonllnr 1111 to allow -~ a>nlloveny . v-. of tile -woiild. !lave nplaced to be -keel out with the ci!J llalf the IJnU. · failed became of a 2-1 Ile vote. Com- 'llle ~ ...,plalab _._. -miaaloner Roy Gorllarine..., a-. lion of , pmtelll IOclpd lnltiallJ at the The aecon4 -to delay the .approval commission's June 10 meeting. of the pennit to work out a cOm)nmise CommissM>ners continued public hear· with city staff also tied. Liigllnn CitiZens kJ Get Public Access to Beach fngs on both park applications unUl The moUon to approve with .the 19 Wednea:lay night. conditions intact finally multed_lll_a. Orange County supervisors have in- Protest.s ranaed from citing traffic favcrable vote. ttiated acUon to T\Mvlde public access problans, affecting drainage of runoff r· • water, the land's susceptibility to to several blocks or beach in South landslides and the ruining of home F.--..... I La(una. vslues. The -~Ill quo,!lotL !I' !lc>ng And the debole ~ lnlo 'other UDE'J;VJTJNG a 1Moot-111at )ll'ftelltly ,... .. Capt.trano •1 areu • well u tbe a.ll..El.C' .I J. • • • 8re reaidenll. Harbor llills tra<U. It runs from ' Caul lllalnr•Y Ill the Patricia Bloom of 34541 Camino El Iha ... for dllmlpo! · '1111 two_,. \'ldnlty of Ninth Sine! -...i1q 2118 Molloo, capistrano Beach, pr-led a wn ••-111 -Tellbel. ·pNll-feet to the mean hip tide line. A petitloo In pm1at of the port and said denl of lbe California l"ederallso of decrepit cement lllalnr1y to the beach that such hlgl><!onslty bousilr would at· Teadien. who ._...,_ -. lbe below -rum clown lbe euement that tract low-income groups into the com· :t"".'" board 1rilll Knlllq apln Lui lo ......i by the Bank of America and munity al large. night. wu •owned by Bank of Italy. "As or "°"· we ... no Immediate 'I11e state be""°I ollloer uphela -IJlboQgh owned by tbe bank, the ..... need for such hip.density ·or low-priced or 33 •uortecl chlrltl aaaimJ. Mrs. ment tmnetlmes called •'Tb ou·11 n d housing in San Clemente," ahe llld. ~ ~~~ ::i,~u ~ -Stepl" has been a right of property Fears aiJO were ezproased lbel the '? --· -~ • ....,. In Trlcl 149. 'l1lis lnwlv'" abou\ park might become a lite lor Ibo new . 'J'ba• ~ haoa..,, ......,, • _... ·•--Lqima Iota uphill from Couj ._. of "modular --.:· whlcb -" ... Kftlt1q .... ,,, ,.... lflibwi1· . · may soon '1!place the standard molllJe to lllGd1 Ille mnplete ~ II 1111 '!tit Tualclay action or c o u n t homo. ~-• ~ aeeb to ·Oii'" that access ...=:·~=:' 4: ••1•11::,,.•:..lor _h:, ap to Ille public. I whlcllooaldbea_.._.~_ c:;J:--~R-· , · , · ' c:tc.J"'....,.~~U:. ·'l}rToro's Plan 3 Persons Hurt -di'ap >'1 ... -Ill ..... --. -be came to Ille llCbool d lbe : ro _ __ r _ laet 11111 be had not ... ,.,....... -bUel!l1 to ''-AJ~ty I R d for a standard teaching .,..dial "'1Jch n ear~n er · :::.=.. quallfled him to -Planning Group O La R d Ha maintained be had -hind .. n guna oa ~=..::i.:=:i::.,: A rear-end collilim on the paV!d lhoulder of Lacuna Canyon Road ,....lied in rnJncr Injuries to Urie penono sbortly after I p.m. Wednelday. Two cm had to be towed from the ...... police r.ported. Driver John WllUam Ullmn, %1, 1940 San Remo Drive. had j\Jll pulled onto the shoulder and picked up a .-, police said When his small car wa struck from the rear by another west- bound vehicle that apparenUy veered from the traffic lane onto the shoulder. Louise A. Brennan, 11. of Los Ange1es, driver or the second car, was taken to South Coast Community Hispilal by am· bulance, but released after treatment for a facial cut sustained when &he lurched forward into the steenn, wheel of her car. Ullom 's passenger, William Andrew Qames, 15, 512 Myltk W•y, also was listed as slightly hurt, but police said both youths were taken home by friends. Ullom i5 the aon of Laguna Beach achool Superintttldent William U11om. A student at UCLA, he Js employed in Costa Mesa. DAI LY PILOT ........................ _ ..... --... CM 11.. s. CL:•••· OUHGE COAST ~IUSMlNO CCIM'ANY le .. trt N, Wte4 ,~llOIM.,,. ..... 11 ..... J••• a. c.rt.., Vk9 .. ,.,..,, ""' 0-.1 M.,...., Tia_,, K•t•il ........ .,.._,, A. Mtr,lrii~• Mllllll!W IE .. ,.,. l idi•nl P. H ... I ,..... OP9llllS c-itJ £~1--C.19 Mee: Ill Wl-11 lty Slreef .......,., .. ,di: nn .,., .. .., ~ utYM 8-tl: ID Ii'-,,_ .,..........,. ._.., 11111 l•tdl ._ ....... IM C......,19: Jlllll Htttrl Ill '-Int "•I DAILY ,ILOT, wllil w:lldl II Ull'IMMll l'le Nt•~ II ........ •"'Y --Mo .... ill ..... --.... "9IN k4llt --· ~ c.... -.. --~·· .. (fl ail ,._..Ill Y•""• •IMI ....... "flMel d llllM. Or ...... CMll ............. ~ .., .......... -., Jt'lt """ ••-• a:..i~ ....._, ~.,. • w.1 •• , '''"'· c." ....,.,, , ... ,.. .. 1114J '4Jo4Jl1 a..NiM , .......... "''"" ... Q 3 it All 0e,.. 1011 Ttl pl 111 4tJ-44H (...,fltlfll, .... Ot-. C-.t ........... C-. .... ••• •1""\ft. lfllllw•~ UlllWMtl _,... ., t......,'-1"1 ........ lfltf _. f~AI Wl1"""' ..... I""• """'""' . .,...., -· ..... ~ """"" ... M ti ......,, .... .... C-. .-.., Ctllfwft~. l'*K••""' ... u ,rlw N.• ............ ,! •Y -" 11 .II ..-111tr1 ftllltl""f -llMTM, ti .. -11\!y, • ., did not have time for -.1 tlludy. He dlnled ~ 11111 ha had d-c-wt-admlidstrau.. aepmval. Jlallnc that tho c~ had been COlllhlcfod and• _.,.. •• 11111 • '1!pnllq ~ hadnmlled Ill 11111 charae· . In mq to upboJd Iha dllmlaul, -specJlled lhal thO -··n1a1u 10!ely to the welfare of pupllo and the school ." Krefting said the board had acted .. with no regard for any kind of jmtice or due proceu of law." He aid he could not continue in educaUon btCluae, "I think the whole admlnistraUve 5)'3lem II a complete flop. There is no parallel In private Industry. "Here, adminiatraton who don't know a thing about your field are expected to evaluate your work. Frankly l'd be afraid to go into another teaching job because I still honestly don't know what I did that made &hen 10 angry with me." • Blackfin Leads Mir at Halfway LOS ANGELES (AP) -The 73-foot ketch Bllckftn neared the halfway ma.rk Wedneaday In the lead of the 3,571-mile Los Angelea-..,.TahlU Tran-ilic Yacht Race. It WIS reported u 1,111 milts from the mainland. BJ1ckfin is owned ind skippered by Kenneth OeMeua of San Fr111<:ilco. In teeond place in the elapsed Ume ~I WU the ~foot ketch Mir, skippered by George O'B rien of Van· couver, B.C., reported 1.546 miles from the mainland. Third WU Widgeon, a Sf.fool sloop captain by Norman Bacon of the Santa Barbara Yacht Club, whlch had Jogtd l,lfl milel. Prem P .. e I SLAYING •••. apartment neighborhood above San CJe. men~ pier have yielded little! ei:cept for one report by a near bf 'coup e whO said · tNy both awoke simultaneously at S a.m. OI\ the 11th of June . But both hu1blnd and wife can not re· member what it was lh•t awakened them. In the pa1t decade the Johnson c1se and the bluqeonlng of a fO.year-old ma n In 1 ulf!d Cir lot i re the only two thus- f1r unsolved homicides in the Sin Cle· 111<nla police departmenl boolu. 'I11e El Taro •-plan, covering zoom1 and cleveqmeot :for 10,000 acres which a:iuntJ plmmin belteve may have a populatlan of up lo lll0,000 in 20 years, W. preRD1ed to tbe Orqe Coun- ty Planninfl Comml8ian Wednesday and eel for . codlnuecl -alter lengthy --. Stuart W. Balley, usistant planning director, laid the gmeral plan probably wt11 be continued from meeting lo meetinc over the nut several weeks as the commission deals with a series of rerone 'requests 'affecUng land in the El Toro area. "We did not want to get Jocked into a plan, then hive to amend it in order to take care of minor zorung variations," Ball~y said. "Mast of the zoning requests com:nc up seem to be more or Jess in keeping with the overall plan so we OOpe to make ~ necessary minor adj~stments as we go along instead of having to go back and change the plan repeatedl y." Also important, the planner said, is making !Urt that the El Toro general plan~meshes with plans on file for the proposed huge city of Irvine, which will cover sever1I Uious1nd 1cres abutting, the pllmed El Toro 1re1 in many sec.- tions. As soon as the present zoning ap. plications are taken care of, it is ex- pected that the EL Toro general plan will be apprOved, after which all r.onlng' will 1have to comply with itl re· quirements. Four applications are scheduled for hearing at the commission's Wednesday, July l, meeUng, followed by two to four more at each meeting for the next three weeks . 'I1lrte requests for" multiple residential . zmlng could result in op e n,l n g agticultural hind for mobile home pro- jects, R. N. Prothero, pioneer El Toro citrus '"'""" is seeking: to rezone 71 1eres . at the end or Cornelius lAne Ind north of Lake~ Lane from 1ener1l qricultural use to mulUple residential 1 wlUr1 ,8Dd lqtiare feet or land perunlt. . Thomas Hall has requested mulUple · ftlideetl•l zoning with 5,000 1q11are feet . P,et ynlt on 53 1cres of •lriCV;,ltural land ""'lheast ol El Toro Road and Canad• Road . Seeking to rer.one 17.5 acres. of agricultural land to multiple resklential wltf! 4,000 1quare feet per unit is A. J . West. who!e land is east of El Toro Rold and Second St'1!et. With many s uch small agricultural holdings dve for rezonlna:, pl1mers ex- pe<:t smaUer developers, barred from the giant Jrvioe, Moulton i nd 1111Won 'Viejo holdings, to zero in on the El Toro area 1s 900n as zonings are established and the general plan adopted, causllli a hu(e 'l!l'rl ol population. I Stanley Krause, director of Reil Property Services for the county, said his office would attempt to negoUate with the Bank of America for the Utle an.,. a complete title report. 'J1iis might involve a~''frlendly" suit to settle tht matter in court, said Krause. Asked about Tract 149 property ownen, who hive attempted io limit beach use to irU residents, ICrlUJe said the Bank oC America· also has the r ight of access and oould share that right with the public IS long as there is no infringement on rights of Tract 149 owners. John Killefer, aide to Supervisor Alton E. Allen. said the county will pursue the maUer. "We feel tha t we have a reasonable commitment to take the thing:over (for the public) and we want to get on with it," he said. Tbe to-foot lots .on either 1ide of the easement are listed for sale at a total purd\ale price of IZI0,000. . J.. B. G1briels of Lagwia Beach \rould lift to ..,.,,.... the property for-!builcUng ...... homel. He~sakl earlier. ''1 would like to iee them (the county) lake over that whole beach down thett for the use of ,every stn1le peraon. 1 am interested in having it opened up so that it is adequately policed like Ali!O Beach." Many area residents -also intere.sted in beach control and policing -woukl prefer that the access remain a privilege of !UM'Ounding homeowners. _ One physical fact.or that would pro- bably limit the amount of future public use is the fact that only limited parking is available above the beach are1 in- volved in the access question. From Page I IfREEWAY ••. is needed to "help meet Increased rtC· reational travet demarids" which arc causing continued tr affic problems in ~guna. Cof!ipletion or the vita l freeway hn.k. I~ necessary for the community's well-being, the directors agreed as they voted to "urge the state to consider constructipn o( Route 1 at the earliest possible opportunity." Realty Board President Georgia Gill sajd she was sure Llguna Realtors would want to add their endorsement to the resolution. Planning c:OOirruUloner· Rob e:r t Hastings noted that the question or freeway constru ction also has come up in di scussion of implementation of the general plan and the city manager and city· tngineet are scheduled to meet • with stale highway ofOcial.! Ju1y 6 to discuss scheduling of construction. They will report to the Planning Com- mission 1t its meeting on tbe evening oC Jl;llY S, H~ said ........ ,'), .. The Chamber officials agreed , they should not lake aay ,poaiUoa at this time regardihg locaUon of the (ttieway in the Newport BeHll .,. .. •iut ilmply urge that the pro~be. llept '1ive 19 !Pt 'J.lil\Ula c~ toWltd 11>me easing ol its traUic proliJem' within a • reasonable time. · India State Leader Dies on Polo Field LONDON (UPI) -The Maharajah of Jaif)ur, first president of the_ Indian State of Rajasthan and one ot the world 's top polo players, collapsed and died Wednesday while participating in a polo match at Gloucestershire. He was 58. Paul Filzgerald; reljeuntii ~. as Krenwinkel, said he felt it wu..tif· tJ lo lry to &ft the fairell · poatbl6 '.llrY but he said_ be unden!qod the oi>lf'on of his client who stood ·up in eGurt Wednesday and tried unsucceufully to Ure him. • , "It is something ol a martyr complet," Fittzgerald told newsmen. "She feels she already has been tried and convicted and sentenced to death jn the ntwl media. • "She and the ethers want to deny ~ establishment the satisfaction Of put· ting on Ii court dram1. Actually I can understand her feeling." Ira Reiner, lawyer for Miss Van Houten, WIS asked whether 'be =fd question juror1. "You bet }'Ollr s . Jife I will," he iald. · · Nine solid cUizens had passed the first hurdle in jury selection but most, if not all, were expected to be dismlued as the trial progresses. .,.mong thtm were a photographer, a mailman, a ch emical technician , a retired secretary, a TV repairman, a fonner drama critic and a man who paints the diviclin& lines on· highways. · "The first prospective j~ror W'!• Henftln Stokes, a Negro, ·who works 1s a mechanic at the post office. Fltq:mld put a series of questions to him. • :taguna Gallery· Art Meet Slated·', Both voting arid non.voting members of the Laguna Beach Art Gallery "'re asked to be on hand for the quarterly membership meeting to be held Mondly1 June 29, at I p.m. '. Scheduled for the meeting is'' :selection of a nomina Ung commi ttee for the trutu1I fall mee ting and approval of plans 'for remodeling the gallery. The .gallery 'ls located at 307 Clift Drive, Laguna Beach. SOFA BED Ml {' The•• •r• ••rt co1J1f•rtebf1 ~ofe llt4• for Siffi119 iMI Sl••Pl11f. . 1 ' A wh•• 1tl1ctl•11 ef f•Oric1 .•M ·C.~ i. clloo1• frot11. · Rag. 'N '400.00 ow .. ,. ·: \ " '· .,. ... ·". . ... .. , .. ·. ... f •" . '~· .. , I• ' ' ' I i _I • : t "f :·~ • ... . ' • -· • ...... ' ·. '· , ~{; • • ·: ; ,, ' II' · !"ishennan in the Foam • '~J •, Kim Halderman, 10, Yorba Linda, tries her-Juck with rod and reel ·'during a surf fishing outing Wednesday afternoon at South Lagun.a's . Aliso Beach. New fishing pier scheduled for construction by county ~-.'soon will make; it J>06Sible for fisbennen at Alis'o Beach to drop their :· J ine in while keeping their feet dry. ' ~'Jobs Fill Summer Slate ·•: ?~£Many Young Lagunans " ~1· By-·FRED SCHOD.lEHL Of .. DllllY P'll9f Steff • t·~MMER'S HERE and that means · • Jot of time: at the beach. That is, . ' • flenever the sun gets out for any •P- reciable leagth or time. Summer also ~rakls work and many young Lagunans re· buf)' in ~ vari~ tr.ad~ ff, d>e ""'· Food is always imi)ortanl, especially Ith an the tourists that are flocking 1 the Art Colony. Employed down at ~· bke's Burgers this summer, creating : fl endless stream of hamburgers ue " f,le AnderSOll, Margot Cather, Jeanine ,'•'.ijeJstrom, Marsha Hiuwood, Bill Reimer, ~ann.ie Rowe and Ch1di Smith. . ' • ·OVER ·THE WAY at Jack in the r-Ox, Scott Byington, Cindy Carter and ecassionally Kathy Shapard delight ·\·Ungry beachgOers with their short order ervings. For those who want to "cool it". l Flavors lee Cream is goi•g full blast; elDine Be•ton. Telford Cottam. Kim !!DlnP. Tony Fryer, Diane Judy, and j!t.td Kerr make up the backbone or ~force. :1AJ.1o employed al the ice cream "rlor ~ li:Jc~furray, Nancy Parish. ck, Dana Slowsky, and Steve G PACKAGED food to shop-~ at Alpha Beta in South Laguna jt Mike Abbe,Y, Aick Dake, Rick Hal]a, liss Landreth. Randy Pace, and Joe tilzie•. Also, two cute "box girls" are. j,rking daivn at Alpha Beta, ~ue Bolte iMt Kim Heath. · :Moving awa_y rrom food , but on into }ttery, we fmd mahy Laguna yout~ etping things alive ar the Pottery Sh~k. {(-~CY BOYD, Bob Benham. Br.art pmam, Nr.a Comeli901, Scott Hunt, Laguna Teen ' Corner Brian Jones,, Lorna Lum. Ann Prigo, Sharlene Sutton, and Amy White are busy with the thousands of pieces of p o' t t e r y and a matching ~umber of customers. One of the most Important jobs during the slHllmer iS, of course, trying to watch out for all the tourists, who somehow end up trapped in the waters ofr Laguna, or at least, seem to be in me sort of·troub~ on Uw: beach •. Eight of the high schoolers are down on the beach this summer working as JiFeguanh. Dirk Van Duesen, J oh n Harbold, Brad '.M<."Clanahan, Steve Mor- reale, John Sk>wsky. and the three Ware Brothers. Amory, Charlie and Digger, are out on the 10 foot red towers. THOUGH SUMMER is here. sludenl COlUlcil is busy getting all kinds of chore! doiie be!ore school starts next fall. ' Couticiimen are busy · expanding the AsSociated Student 'Body Of£1ces next y.e:ar. Things , were a bit cramped in the ,small activities ofFice this year, and now that the Senior Lounge 1has been vacated by the graduate.&, student government is going to ~e in. Of course, any action will depend OP whether the hllh sd>aol Hminlstrltion -the ran Ior ,eta.es nes:t year. • DOLLY DIMPLES IS STILL MISSING Rowonl Ollorocl for Lott Art Work Subsidies Sought.lo:r ... Beach Care , lly RICHARD P. NAU. °' "" DlltJ ,..., .... Are Oranae County's five coastal cities getlin& the short end of the llllck on county ~Y of bead\ lHepard ....,. tecUon? L DAILY l'llDT 3 College Asks Lost Revenue ........ k Collep --ibis -.... _ .. Ille _ L , . . <>!~ uld thll • ftve-Pwca lllary -anlllttl ·o......, -!Iii COilillY -'Ille ·-llOilll Ii 1iie ..... ill<ftW for-. llld 1111 llddWon et~• 1i1o -·1 llld to........ _. -·S 11 ·.~~ID Ille frw If ·el ,.e..r.i -, ~ ·poo1-are tho ...-11 loll -lrta·opiculllnl lrvlae ud -•'"I" ..-ia'CI. primaryln-1 .. 111e _u._ 11-•• lo liton up a fU mlllloo -k-_, boUJnc on Aspropooed,.lhebuq<i-nwly Pl ... badieL tbe windfall. ltaallA, aml alrudJ' plln .-,OIO in undistributed rutr'VH and Bui Ille odds are lllrao&•thaMbe.coua· to raile lbe -·· tu rate from carryover lunda. t,'a wwer will be ~" 40 to 4't Clldl per ••OD of 1•e11ed AIOtbq reason tor the budget ln- Tht trusteea, wllo ..rller' this week valuation to eover their tentative bud&tL creeaea 19" the inaqur•tltll this summer apJnved the ~u .. -ol the OrtP>al projecUooa·called fllr 1 _, of a lull 1111 ol eta.. !or the brUd communit}' ~ 1 budpt. a9o reaolv-hike, but truateea opted to lipbon off new IUilllnel' quarter. · ed to uk tlle elum; for the •100,000 . reterves ud cut the new rate by two The next stqe in lhe budaet'a evolution la bt tu moaey· an land taken off centa. wiU come at the boar.d's July 13 meeting ~ rolls ud dalpa{ed 11 tu4rolen Tbe tentatlve bUqet totals eucUy when the .exact · amount of tax revenue in-ves. , 17~,ltl. -.u. .lion'• Ibara tu... will come belwe the board. Earlier this mcatb -'tnlltee• lot the up by • M mllllan twdldtnr hind.· The appearaoce of the 14poblicaUon .. This was the, assessment ol Llcuna Capistrano Uniftd ScbDol Di 1 tr t ct, The district's pnera1 hmd projections version of the budget will come along Be1c~ City M-er D. Jim,. D. unartiq inlm lbt -·-to. their ol llU million ta -llGO,llllO hllher with the auual public helrinl al the Whelton 'l'Ue!day nllht when queslinnod •lrud:r tlPI llodaol. -a -live thu the -flocal :rear's tolll. board's meeting Au1. 3. \y bis councilmen durm& a budael 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -· Councilman Edward Lorr asked about' the COWllY ,altitude toword invld\llc more tuD<ls to Laguna since lgAD)' beacb Ultl'1 are from el.sewbett. Wheaton said the five coutal cities of Orance County have_ bed tn discaSikln . with the comrty administrator over the subsidy matter for three years. He said there hu .been a recocnlaed but unwritten formula for 1ubsidy unttl the time ·the county admmisln!jlr be&an to prepare the budget He said the administrative olficer began looking with disfavor on the subsidies three years ago and there . was a ~hange in formula. -Commenting that the annual county support level for Laguna has been $23.000 Wheaton said tour coastal cities had what Ule county "'euphemistically" called an audit to determine the cost.- revenue situation with beachgoers . Wheaton said, ~·The county auditor sent a five-man ·tearn to Newport Beach, Seal Beach, . Huntinpn Beach ind Laguna. So far, San Clemente has not been audited. "I can't begin ~ go inlo the. details of problems we ran into in discussing this with county officials but • , • we were jobbed." Wheaton said revenue attributed to ·Laguna Beach was gro&aly e1.a1gerated and lifeguarding costs 1rossly un- del'J)layed. He said the audit was not dOM by sound accounting practices. "The audit showed we owed them money. • ." aid the city manager. He said the r" 1:nty deducted its $Z3,000 ~ubsidy on paper &nd sWI showed a balance favorable t.; Lagwia. Wheaton said he has been assiped the task of prepariq& a poaiUon j)lper for the lnvolv~ citia.tJJrouP revjew. Wheaton said, "HopefuUy then, with unanimity, the five cities will approach the county board · of supervisors • , , I'm very upset about the whole thing. 1 feel the five coastal cities are not: being well treated." Councilman Roy Holm said It 1eemed a very political type problem. He said supervisors Alton Allen and David Baker supported the subsidy view~ point but added, "It's a £ive-man boltd and the other three men. represent inland cities. t fetl it's going to be a very dlfficult problem." Spaying Urged For Female Cats Pending perfectiel of "'ftle Pill'' for cats, the best birth COl.b'ol measure for female felinet is tpaying or neutering. This Js I.he advice of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to An.iq1als /SPCA), which has a shelter at •20912 Laguna Canyo" Road. SPCA statistiC3 show that each hour, day ' and night, 10,000 puppie:i: and kittens are born i• the U.S. Many of them are not waited. SPCA olCicials recommend contacting them if you have kittens for which yot1 are unable to find homes. Glen Summers, 1 helter manaaer, uid a eaL for I pet. 1be SPCA al• recommends h"1ng cits spayed by a veterinarian to prevent the ftllne population el?iolioa. 'Fat Lady' Lost But Search On In Laguna Beach ~ Dolly Dimple, the "fat lady" whlcti has been mininc 1i1tce the. Senior AU Night Party It Lqunl Be1eh High School, is 11111 on the wanted Hst, ac- • cordinc to Doria Marcom. who wu In charat of decor1tJou lor the event, Dolly was one of several circus-motif screeru: which were leaed to the all night pmy by I Loi Atl&eles Theatrical llrm, and ii Clle of. a tiM, When Mn. -and ber 1a......i, Roy, -1o Cllllect the -at tho eaocbllilm GI Ille puty, abou1 4:30 1.m., June 11, DollJ· hid diu~ pured. . "We're are IOlMOlle toot Dolly a1 • -ol lbt party, withM mltzlng ttl Yalae, .. Marcom said. "If we can't find it, we may have quite an ei:pense. The problem is that the screen was one or a aeries and the company say1 jt woukl bt very hard to repl1ee IL." A ~ reward ts offered for Dolly'1 aafe return to 221 Forest Ave. Telephone tlua •ill be welcomed at 494-7511. ; NOWI lMESE VALutS AT At« ONE OF THESE PENNE'I STOllESI • ,. ·" ' . ' I 1 ' " I -- • , ,, garden· centei SPECIALS'· A.Ploot -..,_ for a pn>feulonll loali:·fn \ -your l1ndtelpfrig ••• for • luxuriant loofc;. ••for conlnllt.with otheuhrubs. Tho prico II """"for ·. l gal. container! 771 L ....... r.i.-iu• In 4 inch.,._,•• plant i1W1!' 1n-1n-...i..i-or_._ ...... , -polOlo gr0up Cft your polio,., _ _. efleets. 47c .. D.P ., .. --...... In 7'A· hlnaiftCI ........ Hordy, br~ing plants ol!Mdy •-"" In om-I bamli lo hong on ,.w pollo or porch, •• end enfoy. 1.77 H. I.A__, Wrd Uth for your 0trdtn ••• white ••• ..,..,. Nwi with poliell!yleno ..... , , .1 r di- ·-· 25" hlgll. 2." llnl lttth ••• 1." l -• 4oloy ....... In """' ,.... ........ -.,......,-.----~··· ~ pol)tll1 .... , _,, .... CAILSIAD • DOWNEY MONlaAIR • NIWPClT IEACH SHOP .SUNDAY, 100 12tD5P.M.l ' - ... . -.. • DAii. v l'ILOT Tll"""1. JuM 25, 197C ~--; .. ~ . ~~ Wotnett Toe Cambodia Calls . 1, For · MobilizatiOn ~ A Democratic candidate for con- treu from Ohio, says he is not up-. et bis r;oit received. a jail sentence or participating in student disor· len at Ohio State University. He ays the youth is "a fine idealist 1ut immature." Manley K. McGM,. 9. a sophomore at OSU, was fined 100 and sentenced to 60 daY.S in !;ii after his conviction.· "A short erm in jail won 't hurt the boy," aid Manley L. McGet. •• . . Joe Wolcott· of Denver: smashes ars for both fun and profit. He is :eneral manager of a firm which· .,mners junked cars into scrap leel. For .id~re, he drives cars • a demolition derby. "After a day t the mill, the d·erby is a fonn af elaxation for me," Wolcott ex· ·lained. ·• Claalk one llp tor GOP I A draling .nom cheek will be ! made Oii ofrl 111111<1<1 competing •. Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr. (!\:Calif.) is_congratulat· ' ed by cheerleaders after hitt1ng a home run in the Stadium in Washington. The Republicans, who have < I at tl'e 'ann1'GI toomen'1 ·amatnr , atl(,etie ehamf)ionlhipt this I weel:nd iit London, to make i sure none tHGr padded bros. I "We ·toant to -be quite: 1ure that . dominated th~ series by winning seven or the eight ninth annual congressional baseball 'game at RFK games played, won 6-4 over the Democrats. I the real girls and not the 'fXldded ones win .in ciny tig'ht finish," sa:id association seeret.ary Marea Hartman. "S~ of our flat 1 chested girls hove no( been to i J!l<aud with som< of the photo -Ne~ HEW Chief Finds Prot~t House Democrats Aim 1 1 .finilh.dccilions which have gone og4i,.,e them!' • On First Day To OverrUle Nixon .[eto Transport officials in Exeter.~ :ngland, have silenced singing bus onductor Archt. Cori1m. They said is impromptu performances from ~e rear plaUorm of the bus. di1- racted traffic. The conductor's fav· ,rite song was a political ditty' be vrote himsel!: "Marching Home Nitb Labor (pa1)." t• ., f .ndy Segenberger, 12, of Denver, 'o!o. is looking foMDa.rd to the dat1 1lien he will be able to ride hi& bike nd throw pitches across the plate gain. A'l&dy broke his arm t0fl,ile play· ig and .thtn just a week later broke is wrist. • Cambridge University scholar :hrl1 l>oughorty, 26, who felt guilty 1bout gate ·crashing a campus par- y, fini.ll:Y wrote out a check for he admlsSion price -on a banana. , '.'he bank accepted it. 0 0ne of the taff has eaten the banana but the kin will be posted, back to the cus· omei .before ·it· deteriorates .'' as· istant 1bank manager Bi1rry Ryder aid. '• I • ' I From Wire Semca W ASHJNGTON -Elliot L. Richardson had been secretary of the troubled i;deputment of Health, Education and Welfare for ooly a few Dours when he experienced an employe demonstra- tion. I 'lbe prot.est meeting of HEW empk>yes, held Wednelday a short time after Rk:hardlcll took the oath of office, was not directed at their new boss but ~t u. Jadodwine eaaruct. '"Jbis war ill cuWftl mcJ ciridine tills nation to tbe heart." tbe group said in a statement. c ' SpoMora of the deinonltration at the HEW auditorium said arrangements for it were made while Robert H. Finch. now a CCDlSelor to President Nixon, still headed the deparbnent. .,, RicbardBon took oo officials notice of the meeting four floors below his new lHEW office~ with its oriental art objects ~nd lighted globe he br«?ught with him from the 1State Department where he had been undersecretary. The globe was a gift from fellow W<ll'kers there. At a morning news c'onference Richardson offered a broad endonement today of adminlstralion effDrts tD end . all southern school segregation this fall. "By the fall of this year, all schools .subject to official segregation will be desegregated or subject to procedures leading to desegregatiDn ,'' Richardson said al his maiden news conference in his new job. Al\IA OK's Abortions . CHICAGO (UP.I) -The American ?i,ledical Association's house of delegales today by voice vote approved a new policy on abortion whi ch would pennit physicians to perform the ope.ration in atate11 where it is legal. WASHINGTON (AP) Hou se Democrata, figuring tD be the winners even if they lose, moved today to over· ride President Ni.xcri's vm of a $1 .25 billion hospital construction bill. They went into today's vote not pa~ularly confident ·of pici<lng up the two-thirds majority tD overcome the presidential rejection of the measure, but feeling re!atively assured of making political hay regardless. 1"e Democrats felt they couldn't be hurt politically by vDting for hospital con· struction at a Ume when Nixon is asking Congress to make available $750 million • College Rioting . Probe Or4ered ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller has ordered a special investigation of the Hobart College disturba11ce earlier this mooth that focused attention on a Police undercover informer known to students as "Tommy the Traveler." , Rockefeller announced Wednesday that >he had ordered a special grand jury 'probe 0 of the events related to the serious disturbance" at Hobart in Geneva, N.Y., on June S. The confrontation between police and sc\.·eral hundred students follDWed a dorm itory drug search. The youths defied arresting officers, damaged three patrol cars and obtained the release of five students taken into custody. , The students apparently were outraged over the law officials' use of a nonstudent infonner, "Tommy the Traveler." who supplied information tha t led to the search and accompanied police on the sweep. . Cool · Air Covers ·Midwest . ' . . . Reeord Lows Reported Over Michigan, Wisconsi1t r C911fel'll .. 14vtMr11 C11"""'1• "''' 1unnr 1M .... flfl't' ..mi -doudillUt •flll fOll 119111 tM c:o.1t In 1M lnlll'n11111 11!d IMlllrl .. '-""'"ltutel •I-lt!t' <Olll'I Jn t1ie '"~ A fft llttlt t1l11 ,.,_.,. .._ """1ld 11'"'9 IM lltortfl -1'1• 111 IM ,,,....r"', l• Af'llll" Wll metllY Ml""" 1nd WI""" fMllY 11 the PfldlCllO lllflll 11 Civic: Cll'ltlr ,,.., IS If"!' I '1t We.I• r>ndt'I'. The ... fonllhl •J Incl Ille tr11t> 'rldly 95. The .-.ir ~luliOll Control Dlslr>d ~ llttrl " ""°*''" llTIOI llt fhl ""'" ledlY wltl! 11\t llMVIHI t-c.nll'lftlM ill the hrl GllN'lll IM p-Y1llW 1rMI, Vl1lllllf1Y WIS ~--fl'llll'. SOUTlfEll:N CALIFOJINIA -S\lllllY ll'ICI !>wit ~h ll'rldflv tM.rt fol or '°"" c.-1irttnc111111 1 ""' mlltl Dt!IP!Orl MrPr FtlOIY. LOS AHOILIS AND YICINtTY -s~ ..t wrtw ""°"' 1trn111h Frldflr 1M Wlf1.llrlil M Ir low tll!.ldl "'"' FrlOl'f, Ovtffli9111 llW to. Hl1h It. ~l"T (OfKll!PTK>N TO MI XICAN Coastel M9'11f -V lod•Y. l 11ht \11rl1bl1 wr,... nltht 1nc1 "'°'"''" M>ur1 ~· COl!llnt IO\llh'Nllt hi wnt 10 to !I kl!Ot1 fft 11Ntr11110111 tod1v 1nd FrJd1v. Hiii! fodl.,.. ... '°"''' '-"Pll'llUUI flMI lrorn fO tD .,, lri11nd 1ein.,er11um r11111e lrOP!I «I to 11, Wiler lel!\pf(llurt •J. .Suie, Moon, -Tides '.f·emperatures If .S. .S11m111Grfl Alblitl-u1 .1.n<.1>or191 All1"t1 ll1ktn1l11d tlltm1rtlr; llOIM ao110., ll•OWftlV1111 C~lcl" Clitt!nn1ll .,,_ 0.1 MolMs ti.troll Fll!'Mnkt Fort W.rltt •mM ··-H>Ol'lolUlll IC1nu1 CllY Les A1101t11 M11m1 Mlll!lff!IOlll A Wnlt of ~DOI 1lf c-td !hi Gl'Mt NH OrlHM Nl'W YOft:: L1k11 1nc1 u-M1s11u r""1 v111.,. to-Nort11 "''"' d•v b\rl II WfJ hot 111111 llllll'lld In tl\tl 01kl11ld S<lut~ Ind Ille WHI. --~ Ololl~I City lt>t tool 11r. whld1 w11 llll•tadino =~•llellt.;i e1it, M l ll•t "lllofl'1 0Yt•nl1~1 low Photnl• ., 36 al Mf•OIJellt County l lfPOt l Pill•tMJrOll l<'!d P1ll•to11. llOln ln Mtc11l11n. PD!'ll1t1d Hlell Lew Prte. .. ~ .. " .. " " .. .. ~ " .. .. " • " ·~· " " .. " " " " .. " .. .. n " '" .. .. .. .. " " " .. .. .. m " .. " " " .. ., ,. " .. " " " .. " " • .. " .. " " , .. ... .~ ror loans to hard-pressed railroads. FurU!ermore many GOP members say th ey 1till are criticized back home for sustaiiling the President's veto or a big: health and education money bill last January. With congressional elections less than five months awa)', candidates d~n't want lo provide their opposition any additional campaign fodder. "From an intellectual standpoint," a high-ranking GOP leader said privately, "l think lbe President Is right, but the intell,ectuals don't do all the voting in my district. The timing on this is not too fortunate." Republicans took no solid position on the veto at a party conference -Wed- nesday. Some said they would vote to uphold the President with the un- derstanding a new bill would be passed to meet major White House objections. The bill didn't register a sjngle vote of opposition when it passed the House and the Sena.le originally and a'gain when it cleared both branches in compromise form. A House override sends the measure to the Senate where another two-thirds majority ill required. But lhe President <>bjected particularly to a requirement that funds provided to implement the bill must be spent and not withheld. He said this wa s "one of the most unaccepted provisions." Nixon also complained because it ex- ceeded by more than $3SO million his budget plans for the fiscal year starting July I. All in all, he said in his veto message last Monday, the bill" "is a long step down the road of fiscal irresponSibility, and we should ll<ll take that road." PHNOr.! PENH, Cambodia (UPI) - Cambodia today ordered a ceneraJ · mobillzaUon "111ch conscripted Ill men and women between the aces oC II . and 80 into the nation's defense forces. The' move caine. u air force .ICMDi:es rePorted ·dellveiy of tons oC American r'ifles and other military hantwlre for the Uny Cambodian anny in its campaign to repel Communist Vietnamese in. v1ders An. airlift or weapans Wednesday night Wu described as the bigest to date. 1\e mobilization decrees, enacted by ihe Council or Ministers, required all ·Nixon Backer· . . To Call Vote On Dove Bill WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Gonion Allott (fl-Colo.) an administration backer. announced today he would call up ror immediate: consideration the con· troversial "amendment ta end lhe war in Vietnam'' in an effort to scuttle the propoSal. Sen. George S. McGorern ([).S.D.). a chief sponsor or the measure, said he would move tD table his own amend· ment when Aliott makes his move. Allott said he plaMed to introduce the McGovern proposal later in the day. It would cut off funds for the war in Southeast Asia beginning Dec. 31 and set a deadline for complete American withdrawal on June 30, 197l. "l have not cleared it with the White House." Allott said of the tactical move. But he said there was no doubt in his mind thal President Nixon favors his stralegy. , "I think the White House and the President v.·ould like to see all these ancillary matters disposed of,',' Aliott said. The upside-down, Inside-out , rear-end· fo'rward situation developed as the Senate lurched into its seventh week or debate on the war. the U.S. military strike inlo Cambodia -and lhe Constitution. Here is what is happening: -The Senate is meetin1 on the foreign policy issue during the day and con· sidering domestic Jegislatk>n at night in a congressional version of the twinight doubleheader. -Members voted to repeal the 19114 Gui£ of Tonkin resolution Wednesday ·but Sen. J. William Fulbright (D-Ark.) who had called the resolution one or the greatest mistakes Congress ever made, voted against its repeal. -The CoopeT-Church amendment lo cut off funds for futUTe sustained in- cursions into Cambodia is still pending, but many members now have doubts about what it means because or new .. language added to it Monday. "It's getting so you can't tell who the hawks and doves are around here any more." said Sen. George D. Aiken (R-\;t.) the "owl" of the Senate, and dean of Senate Republicans. Israeli Aniliassador Recalled for Talks JERUSALEM (AP) -The Israeli Cabinet held a special session today and d«ided to call in its Washington ambassador, Yltzhak Rabin, for con- Sultations, a government SPokesman an. nounced . 8011:01!11: -lf91'rt -IJble Winds ~IN .....,.,., to U klloh 11111rl1111 1l1t1-PIOv1' lhrOllffl Fr Id I Y, i:tnt*•• lltl 11\tlM Ind 11rlv '"""""' dfllM fW •1111 "'"Ill' W'1"V lrli! llll'I' '""""""' "°"' ....... COMT.t.I,. V.t.llaYS -SU""" 11111 hit tlll'Wlfl '""" Iii.rt ...,,, '°' ""' tlll _. .,... _.., ITIOl'nl1>11 ....... =-flll CMtl to "1n1t11t, . ....tf.4!. INTIQIOtA I Vo\LLaYs -su ... rHt.llllDAY ~ trl•~ ............ 11n 1.m. •• $.c:ond low ,. ... t ll2 1.m.1,1 FlllDAY Fl•tl hlllfl ,,.,..,,,.,..,. J:n 1,m. J,1 ltK«d hlWj fOI' 1111• Ila!• wtrt sel Jtlllld (Uy 11 MldlJOn, Wl1, Iii La111ln9 •!'Id lttil 91Vfl Gr1f!lf ll•11ld,, Ml(h,. 4?1 Mu'll(t~ A- Mlcll,, 4l, •11d Jtt•ton, Mkh •• 4), S•ttln'""'~ WltfMf 1tt!VllY w•1 11,a~Y trom Sall L1~1 C1tr .. " .. " .. .. • " .. " t C:ruh KiU. Cou1acllnaan II~ .... lllt "'"""" FfWer. Hlfl!t P'trtl low ............... •·•1 1,m.o,• tt.41 Gulf Coe~I lo N!w E11~ltnd ""llh St ft OIHo " .. l ' citizens to either perform military , service or join supporting ~J.anii.atlOM. ( All will be subject to military Jaws and ~gulations and subject to military tribunals . American sources corifirmed the 'ship. ' : ment and said it was part of an ac· \ celebrated aid program to Cambodia. The l : United States was reported to have pro. ·i 6 mbed $7.9 million in arms to Cambodia l·~ for this fiscal year. '.1."" The American' shipment came on the · '• heels of an Australian announcement ~ ~­ of a half a million dollars worth of : l1 aid to this country and a new shipment i ~: of Red Cross supplies from Thailand . ~~ First indications of the new American ~ ~ delivery came Wedaesd1y night when f~ the Phnom Pehn airport was suddenly · ' closed. First reports had said the ~\Olure was the result of a Communist shelling attack but theS:e n:porta· wert titer .. - denied. The delivery was announced to- day. Jn aMther development today, a group y- of 2,eoo more Vietnamese war reiuaees ~ were repatriated from C""bodia aboanl ''· a noUlla of South Vietnameae navy boa':'- The repatriation program bepn . in · " the fitst days of the war in this once ~ neutral nation when Cambodians, angry at the invasion by Vietnamese Com- munists, vented their wrath againlt all , V~tnamese. Hundreds were repqrted slain, and survivors· were rounded up a.nd placed in special auembly camps for dispatch back to their homeland. ·Question Open On V.S. Jets ... Aidi1ig Ca1nbodi.a ... WASHINGTON (UPI) -Secret.,y ol , State William P. Rogers today left ~ · the possibility that U.S. warplanes 1;ru~ht engage 1n close air supporl of Cambodian forc es. At a news conference, he al90 disclosed that President Nixon was preparina: to name an ·ambassador to Cambodia. The slalements sugge sted that the ·. Uniled States might bt moving away . somewhat from its previous policy .. against becoming involved in direct', . military support. of the Cambodian • government headed by Premier Lon Nol. Rogers was asked whether he would rule out the Possibility of U.S. warplai!ts operating in direct supPort of Cambodian forces. He said that he would not. He said he would not make any statemeni that would limit U.S. airpower -that he did not want to foreclose any air operations that may ~ necellSU")'. Thailand Cltlef Alerts Military BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -Prime .;. Minister 'I'tlanom Kittikachorn told a ' cheering House of Parliament today tbat Thailand would send its army into Cam· -bodla if necessary. ~ Speakil'.lg at the opening of a new _, session, Thanom said Thai troops alonJ · the 400 miles of border from Laos to the Gulf of Siam had been placed on full alert and told to stand by for further orders. "If the Communists overrun Cambodia, Thailand will be the next victim ," ,__We declared. "Thailand has no choice but ; · to fight. Mao Tse-tung has openly declared Thailand is the next target, Thailand will fight before it will yield : to commµni sm." "'1" .... _..., .......... MOUNTAIN All:IM -CIMt' w1rm II~ lfMI -llof Nn ll'lrou.~ Frltw, ~ Mwt 15 Miii .... llr;t It • ..... ,_,. Ml._ Hltlll ..,., S.C:Ol'ICI lllt~ ..... , "" ,. A:ll p,m, J.J ~-'" .............. 11 :3' ... m. 1.1 l•Jt Jlhll -.J:d 1.rr1. Stlt l:Ol 11.m, .... flftll 11;.Q 1,m, Slit 12 :)1 1,m, Wklt 11>•1td cloud) i nd l(llller .... VIOW• Jl•n F•tMIKO t ri. tiflKl•!lv 1• int tot'"· s,,1111 OM of "'~ f\1110<\'S lltHI! raff!llll ' Jll>oktM •mou1111 dUhnl ""' 11lthl w1• Niii 11'1 T!!frl!'ltl 11!(h •tel>l'dtd 11 111am1rck. N O Wt•~ll\9•0" .. .. .. " " " "' .. A Santa f\.tonica city councilman. Ken \Va1nsley. \Vas killed when thi s Beechcraft Bonanza pla ne lost power on takeoff from Santa Monica Airport and slammed Into a residential section moments later, Also killed was veteran pilo< Raymond Pignet, 71. ,• .. .. - I I i I ' ' ' t ( ' 1 ' ! • ' j • ·' • • • • ~ • 1' 0 • t • • ·? ') •• t " t • • I • I < ( • i ( ' a • , ) ·1 ; • I • E "" ~ • I . .. I f • .. • •. San Clemenie . .. -·-. !· •. ' Capistrano . EDITION N.Y. Steeb ' VO~. 61, NO. I 5 I, 4 SECTIONS, 54 PAGES TEN CENTS ... .. • Nixoll Flying In Today fol" Niece's Wedding .• , By RICHARD P. NAU. OI .. .,..,"" ..... Presldenl Nixon was acbeduled to meet 'll'ith a a:roup or editors and publishers a~ his San Clemente bome Fridl)' follow- lnc touchdown ol Air Force One al El Toro Marine Corps Air Slllion thb . afternoon. ~inol members 11111 olber dlp1larles Will join . the Presidenl .... his fomily at the Saturday mominC weddin& of his· niece at St. Andrews Presbyteriap Cbur.cb at Newport Beach. Mn. Nixon will fly to Peru Sund1y at 1ht Preiiclent" request to penooa~y Worst Siace '67 deliver a p..e load ol ouppllos for vi.-ol the earthqub -· 'Jbe trip ii to dnmatlzt the nation's """'""' f« the !IUflerbll 'In • Latin -· . Tbe Flnt Lady ii to return -~ By ...-. Ibo ._ will be the lall .. to arrive and lbe first lo leaft II Ibo Saturday ...... ol 1-reOe llae Nino, ~~ ol the President'a brother, ~ Eb ~~ ia.mara~rtifled publl~m: countant 'lbere will be about mo guests arrlvb\g at the weclctilll bet,,... It 1.m. and lG:IO a.m. Guests an to Include e\".~llst BUJy Graham, lone~ friend Of the President. 'Mie bride, a teachei: and &raduate ol Whittier College, Ille President'• aim.I mat«, bu dJoaeo I · ..,,,,.....ci<e and ~ pm ol silk ......... It ii -"!'!'It band-made ~ . la<e Clftr llipper satin. The ffil Is II· lad10d to I tiara ol appllqued '°"'· • Two bridesmaids, Amelie and Ellsabelh Nixon, are daughters of the President's brother, Edward. Two of the ushers, Richard G. Nilon. 17, named after tho l'Nlldart, and Donald Anlhony Ni>an, are brotheh of the bride. Tbe l'relldent will lit In tbt front pew on tbe left with the bride'• flQlily wblle tbt weddlnc _, ... ucl>aated· Tbe -.t aervlce bu already ~ tbt red brick dlurdl -wlU be fllled and "'""1\>wltll ltilo Ibo patio: Dr. awtes 'u. --. aenior jwtor.1rill marry lbe "'"Fie· • Afteto the -Iii· ... wlD go to the reception at lbe Newjlarler Ina where seem service men will be , mtklned lll10lll tbt kltchen staff. .Aides~ Ille P"'8ident to ana Board OKs : his ramblmc Saa Clanente estate overlook~ · the ocean are to Include , prea.idenUal asslstany H. R. Haldeman, Dwi1ht L. <liapln and Patr\clt J . · Buchanan: Dr. Henry A. Kiasinflor, ... 'tional security affair1 ~aer; Press • Sec!Olary Ronald ·Zlecler .and &o,mary . Woodl, Mr. Nixon's penofta( -=retary. . '1'11' Preli~ II upectOci .. to """t on bio r<eort ,to .the nation -.rn1n1 • the -roverala) fl"'h ol u.s , lloops into Cambodia. It wilf be delivettd · aometime nnt ·week. 'The President' stopped in St. Louis ·•n l'Glltl to 'COlilornla. IO 'lddma tM 50th anniversary coovention of Ute U.S . JurUor Chamber · «. Commerce. Aides aaid bis talk would deal with dome.Uc p~blems. , emphaaWn, the b o· p e f u l upects. ~ 'lbe., Nilons •are expected lo remain at the· Western Whtte HOUie 1mtil about the roUr1b ol July. On Mrs: Niza)~s Penivian• night, her •. lint IOlo oullide the U.S. 11 flnt lady, ahe will Oy to Uma and make a helicopter lnipection of the -area left by the May 31 earthquake that killed I0,000 penons and left many more --. ,LSD Wortll Heavy Fighting Kref tling' s Rages in . Mideast · Dismissal :$20,000 · l)iscovered . . A routine . preda.wn. patrol check of lllopd narcotial activity ylelded I .McltPot today foi: two ,Qrance fAunty ,aberlll'l.<fep\ltles In .Dana Point, credited , wtth, breaking up ~ allepd mfjor source ol danieroua dl)ip • •IOfti.. the' Or1111e By Ualted Presa la-- The Israeli-Syrian front exploded today with the heaviest batUe sin~ 1he 19&7 Middle East -war, and. fierce combat eiipHed a wide area of the Suel Canal. Immediato -,from tho Arab world to lbe -U.S. pin f« peace ' . Police Weigh Similarities ::Of 2 Slayings By JOHN VALTERZA Of .. Dlllr , ...... f San Clemente and Orqe County sheriff'• detectives spent the day Wed-- Delda1 comparing .notes on the two aavqe knife murders in the Capistrano JI! area, but thus far ~ve ~need no Conclusions .a"bout a possible similarity. ; ~n Clcment~-~~ve ~~rd· Good- win one of two San Clemente 1nveaUga. -teri probing the knife; slaying of ~year­ old Connie Lynn Johnson, said the teSSion with sheriff's men centered on lhieories about weapons. •. Both Mrs. Johnson, who was eight wkks pregnant when she was brutally .libbed more than a week aao, and El Toro teacher Mrs. Florence Brown, 31, · iqf'fered multiple stab wounds at the 1'ancls of their assailants. .. 1 '8oth investigative details have repeat- . f:d!Y stressed that obvious similaritie1 in the two crimes do not es:ist. thus far. • The only similarities are that both ••ictims were female and knives-were d9ed to till them. ... Mrs. Johnson, however, bore marb ol. -a brutal beating with a bar stool. . .Goodwin• said intricate comparisons are now being undertl.ken to see if MUnds on both bodies m1y have been '!'Ide with the lltne knife. ~. •·we're jusl explorin& that remote Chance right now," Goodwin 11id. 'Meanwhile, his investigation bu yleld- ed everything including the tilchen.1ink a;g evidence in the slaying of the San Clrmente wife of a Jounc Marine. A acded footprint on the sink In the lllchen-llloodim. Goodwin ··-rw been added to the 111ck o1 pbfiical evidence tn lbe killln(. The porcelain ahit, which was removed' from the allll aealed apartment at 411 C Monterey Lane, was in seneral alipment •Jl'lth 1 window lound open when inveill1a· tliorl lint arrived on the murder scene Jut June tf. Outside lbe open pone 1'olieo fc.nd I metal dlalr wbicb could. hive beett ltlld • IC'CeU to tlle window. Tbe fmd -ol lbe .,.,.,--........ "'1ecily .... Joclted -tbt Ticlfm'1 huabend. Marine Lance Cpl. Mart Jolln- ian, lt. c1me home from pant duty and IGund the body sprawled on lbe bed. Stab 1"11Jnd1 were evidenl In the cbat, neck and abdomen ctl the victim. Other btlflhlc upecll ol the CHe Include the .-rlalnly over. 1 spectlic time "' death. • Johnaon IOlcl olficen he left lar duty 11 lllt Marine helicopltr bue In Santa An• at about t:• a.m., -June If. '~Coroner's aides have Aid hil wi" _,-.ntly dled .....um. around the down houn ol !hat lllOftllnc, but could en1J point to a pneral time area. ChtiW with nei(hbon In tbt well lltpl (111 ILA YING, l'llt II ., ln the. area wu lukewann. Iaratl declin- ed comment oo the proposals &mouDCtd by Secretary of State WiDiam. P, Rogers and ~ 0Jl1 ambasgdor in Waibftl&too back to J.-llai !Gr ci>n--· . Tel -communiques .. id bri eli Jell -army camps ...,, lnafd. Syria near the capital ol Dun_,. and battled Syrian im«<eptora ID lbe Mies while i.....u and Syrian ·tanU and autillery fought across the entire 50-mile l•ncth ai the Golan Helgbtl caae-fire Jine._ A -Fiehtinl raaed ror more tnan lix hours, and spo~ llid the battle wu the biqelt 11nce 1 .... u ....,,.--the Golan Heigbls In the Ill'/ war. It followed I two-bour fipt Wednesday nipt In- volving tanb and artillery. Israel . "J>O'led a Soviet-built MIGi! o1 lbe s,rtu air force llhot down in an afternoon dogfig'ht <1ver the Golan Heights. Syria said ill antiaircraft gun- ners down a U.S.-bullt Phantom jet. fighter-bomber ol the Israeli air force . IFaq-anl"IO\mCed It has. placed its-troops on the Arab Eastern front with Israel at Syria's d.isp6sal "to repel the con- tinued Zionist aggressions." 1'le front includes Iraq, Syria and Jordan. Iraq is reported to have about 12,000 troops in the area. In Cairo, .Egypt. announced that its antiaircraft g1U1ner1 shot down a U.S.- buut Skyhawk jet today as 30 Israeli warplanes attacbd the Suez froot for the l9&h _eonaecut.lve day. An Egyptian •pobrman said £m>lian heavy arUIJery in lbe IOUthern leCtor of the Soel Canal unleashed two "fierce" barTqes on Iaraeli politloru on the east bank of the waterway . A communique from Ttl Aviv said 1,....u planes JtrWna Into Syria attacked army · hues II mllea aouthwelt ol Damucu1 and II miles aoulbeut ol tbe Syrian capital and a llird imtallaUon near Suwiyda, about IO miles southuat of DamllCWI. Jt said Suwayda wu a -for Syrian armand unlll. . • By BARBARA l\REIBICH °' -. 0ettr r111t ttett Arter a two-hour c;loled executive session Wedne.sday. night , Laguna Beach school trustees upheld the •flsmiual 'o( hip IChool music dlreCIQr Jilek Kr<fllnt by I 3 to 2 YO!e, with' !fr. Antbooy Orlandella and Wil!ia"1 Wil~t.11'­ ting. Trultee Dr. Normal ~rowne an- nounced alter the cklled -Illa! Char1es against ltrefqng bad been aas- lained and • caUle 1IOt to conlimte his empk>yment had been established under provisions of the S~te Educatiol Code. Browne moved that the dismissal be upheld and the motion was seconded by Mrs. Jane Boyd. Board President Larry Taylor voted· in favor o( the motion, with the other two trustees ia lbe dissenting minorilY.. Krefting said he was not ia the least surpri~ by the decision, despite the fact that state hearing officer Bricknell J. Showen earlier bid found .. no cause not to rehire" bim. He said he was disappointed that "afler three years o( bard work they dkln't evew give me a thank you." The -28-year~Jd 1?lusit--teacher-came to Laguna Beach in 1967 after heading the vocal music departmeat at El Capitan High School in Lakeside1 San Diego County, for two years. "I definitely wll_I not continue in educ•· tion,'' Krefting aaid today. "I am aot going back to start over again as a first-year teacher in uother district." Krefting would have had tenure in U. Laguna Beach district had he been re-hired for the forthcoming school year. He aaid he has no definite plans for the futw't but will "start watchbi1 the want ada." A resident of Laguna Niguel, he is married and the father of two small boys. Kref'tblg and art teacher Donna Lynde bottl requested public hearing.! before a st.ate officer when they were told they would not be rehired next year. Durlna the heariqs in Santa Ana , fellow teacher• and 1tudenls testified in their · behalf, while school officials prete11ted (See llll!:PTING, Pap %) L . • . • ' •'' ! • -Looklnj for llelp . . This statue looks lifelike, doi!sn 't it? That's, because lfie figures are ' Jive models recreating the South Carolina monument at Gettysburg for Laguna Beach's annual Pageant of1he Masters. Trouble is , about 40 men are still needed by page~nt ~asting directors to stage the living Gettysburs monµments in this year's ·pageant which opens ·July 17. For delails, conlact the casting office, telephone 494-3663. C<;ipo Beach Man Nabbed On Pot Smuggl~~g ~Rap A Capiltrano •Beac!1 man and 1 three ag~f!ls ~ca~ ~qspJcloua .or , MorgJn'• others have been ,amsted· by U.S boat tiecau~· marijuana had been.found Trealur:y aa:e11ts on charees of smuglihg stashed in another bolt a few daya $100,000 worth of marijuana in • boat . e~ said ~ofru ti believed io 'bave Cout.' . i>ollullol. l'layoe c.-.... GWie \Jolmiao'' ~I' flley .~•mM II ;!!':~~~~·°'-Lil>· , msquna and • -ol other -"""" ta_ I .... ..t •t eonso.a. , ,. ~·Ed -lltd tile raid atu1ed wttb "rouUne 1unotOlanCe ahd 1 car stop. . ·Tbe young penom arreoted without fnctdent in the raid are : Roger Lee Skidmore, 22; John Charles. Reed, 18: Mldlael Alan Jones, JI; Vernon lfuib .Cafly1le, IO; llteven Dougl11 · Hill. 19: ,Jobn Brion Bishop,. II;. {liane Ellen Pitn:ll; Jl;1 Gill Linda Schnyder, 19; William C. Ocho, :JO ; Victor Scclt Howden, 11 and one female juvenile. JohnlOn claims the search of the 'home and u autdrnobUe 1nearby yle~ 5,108 tableta of LSD valued on the iffclt Rreet: mAllll:et at more than $20,000, JOO 1M1ms of marijuana, 119 grams of a sUll unklen· tined white powder, 1e:Veral bags of other varioua pills and capaules y~ unanalyzied,""-plus dozefll o( 1typodeJ 111k: ayrlnfl'S, needles and 11moldni con- trivances. "W~ have been working -tru1 cMe in a minor way, and none of us really expected to f1nd that much junk," Johnson observed. The 11 pri9onen were 8Chedultd for arraignment on various drug charges today. · ' Viejo Principal Plans to Quit Mission Viejo Hlth School P.rlacipal Robert Ferguson, has announced !Mt he will resign from hia position July I. FergusOn, who resides with his family In Mission Viejo!, became prtnclpe.1 last f.il riplaclng Jay Ingall. J'npll became an uslstant Superintendent ofrthe Tuitin Urilon IDlh, School District. Laguna Officials Fearful ha~i;,; aero,.· lhf U.S.·Molcait bont;,,_ of>\alned the llJl•ll baie1 ol dried mai- Tbe .aUepd amuqlera -. arrested juaJ)O In iho M'oilcan CO.SW \ill' ,ol W-.,Y In Wataomllle. '!'boy· win 1 'l'tplc ,-lllmUan. and ClUadaJa. identified u Emanuel J, Hemlndrz, ~' ja~ban, llid ~s followed Morpn's of Capistrano Beach: William D. Liv~ towed boat and 1 1oCaled the forbidden · inpton, 23, Pearl. Ctty, Hawaii; P~ul · weed wbeJI 1 nnall fire broke out On ..... .. Over Route Link Deletion B. Metz1er. II, ol Redwood City, and Ema! "E. Mor1u, II ol·Santa CM. Weaaer The weatherman'• tuning up the bumer Friday, with be11cb- front areu simmerins in IM!nty-Feon --ID ..... quarlen ol Lqma Beach_, !utan fate of Pacific Cout rr...., ..... ·-1oday aller1blll1D_1_ofthe -)llllOd Ibo cautamla Aaembly. The meuur:e. authort!_d by Aaaemblyman R*rt E. ·Badham (R· NeWport Beach). -Id ellmlnat. from lbe llate t.....ay .,.... that aectlon ol lbe --wltlcb pi.a tlnogb Newpn. lladhom'•' bill -• -.. * to I Ytclory .., the Aaaembly floor. But-•-•totbt-le Tr-Illian Conlm*-wbel:e ft II •ipected "' ,..,.1.. rough .... llnent from Slnator Raticlolph Colller (f>. Yreka), who is Down 11 "father of the freewa ys." Earlier 11111 -11. lean thal the _.., ll&lt& mJpl -Ille - ~ and .,.111"7 ...... arrested , Summer Dance . freeway project to be shelved were -et· the quartet 1n a warehoule aner 1 ' :::1 ~ i.:-:-mber ol Com-Up from CUlloml -'8 at NopJ0., , Se s d "l hive been """to lmderstand the Ari%. Dls1rict altonley ._ Cblnc aid t on atur ay· Coastal Fmway II almost on the llhell," 1be vesiel near Blmln(. · preoldent .. loct.Bemenf Syfan told fellow He Nld lbe four WllUld be mur...I Finl ol ,_ _ of .~t .......,. directors. "That cooslru<tion could be lo Arizona to fiice court acllon ' the dance• ~ by the Lallllll lleacll delayed for many Y'4f'!I. 1 feel it . on RecnaUon l>eplrtmtnt ~.be W \at behooves the Chamber ol Commercl: amualln1 char,.. lbe """Boy~ l:lab on Lqlma' C.O.,.. t 1o ... 1111t the "-a7 that 11U been • , • ·, • llofd.Sat'l"fn n1a111, f-,,. •:ciR<k I adopted II not lar,-ii ' U.S. ~ -· .1· ·. : to m~ . t • lsb ... and 1n1an<1 ,.g1 .... roatttnt •I~ de.,..i. INSmE ToDA Y sandy Alomor gots Ort tht . A'noela · record book and takes ; Qt?fr &op rpot" 1i.-~fJftCUfit7f1 , f14'11<1 J!illtng .,._A1'4h<11• .,.qm '!''IJJI doublt-Modtr, SportJ. ia'/ie aa. . •. . ' ... . I • Syfan P"""led 1 r01Clutlan, adopted ' r.x~rt, ,mport , ,,,,..·berldl ·ID ba1 ~ -,Dow. I unanhnoullt by dlredorl. addr 1 ~ fa · · ' , • · Fama.ll · IDd, Northi There .._. win ...,. the C&111am1a n1g1nr1y ~ and RecQr.d Level Marked · be • ""°""' o1 w«:. Fleldti ..r Laare! 1 r.:."' • Mtntlll ...... " 1 ....... •• lbe state l>eparlme!)t of Pllblfc Woru _ . and l!otlf1 '-llld -wlD =·, urging 11early construction" of the WASHINGTON {AP) .-The UNtecl 1 be lerYtd.. ......... freeway, which wu routed inland behind States merpw,cllie eqiorb readied a Studenta h'cln JunlQr NO ~ col-1 . =:.:: Lalltllllleoch •fterljlyearsofnqotll--.lol~llll,lllllolleJ,..-OC ' lop ap will be --·Iii' otudfnl , ,_ uona with the slate. the "month'• 'rmror11 ·~ • tnllllon, actlvltJ cord only. l!!n••a II '!l'ctnll , ,:i:':\:':." ................ .......... """ ... . "'--~ " n -...,. f , • ...._ ...... .. ,. ,........ . ... ,, """'" ... .. ......... . . .............. .. Tbe reaolutlon 111111 that the t.....oy the 'eoa.-.~ niiortad IA>. 19' Rlf(val Teen Club _ltin_'llftd I : - ( .. FlllWA;r, hit I) dlf, 1 • '1 "lor'_all -,._, '----------" ........... • • ,. ; •. :t D"'LY PILOT SC T""""', ..... 25. 1'111 la S•• Cleneettte • Protesters .Win; . . . ' Trailers Ni~ed- A .vocal IJ10llP of relldenll "' the council Harbor Estates tract in Sao C)emenle . O!'I the appllcation by Lincoln Savings won their poillt Wednesday nlJl'lt and and Loan for the development of a coovmced ·•·-•·· commislionen to lfmllar pork ho<,.... the' 13th and !Ith ,......-.. f-ay1 ol the Shorecllf11 GoH C<>urt<, deoy an appllcatloa for a mobile home the bOcly required ~ motlam before park which would haV< ftpll<Od the a-"'8 the plan with a long lbt Harbor Hills golf course:. of irtrlnpnt conditions. The opponents of · the application by And spokesmen for the deveSoper took Contemporary Moblleborne Corporation issue wi&h MllJY of the regulations. of Newport Beach iruccessfully .argued s.ic1es It ipOCiftc devolopment mat· that the proposed "tin tm.es" would ten, commilSionen \aaed on the city's destroy views, slice i1to property values entire propoaed code drafted recently and brin1 hlgh-demlty housing, Into their to cover moblle home p1tt development. neighborhood. Thal document clirrently is \JDder lllucly While commisaloners h<eded lb e by the city council. . arguments on .the Harbor "Ill• devolop-"-the coodlUono on the si... meat, ·they followed that octloa with cllffi area appllcatlon ...,. <1111-'"i approval of a aimllar mobile. bOme park llnprovement.a, c:ondltiom for secondary application in the Sbcnellffs .._ · llUl · acct1a 1o the ~k, impaove1uenta of lmpooed a Iliff list of cond!Uoos. • lllreels and -ltrudm.i off the actual The SbonclllfJ idea dmr ., OJ>)IOalti6n '. jiort Bite and llrtct drainage provisions. from the floor. · : Spokesmen for the savings and Joan , ' JuryQUiz Opposed ByM~son .... ,. . \\ . "LOS'ANGELES (UPI) -Sayiil( they want 1o deny the .. estabttsh,.ent" the satisfaction of a "court drama, ~le1 ·Manaon and h1s three female · en- denll are Jryi.ng_ to ~event their '\overs from qub:zlil( Jll'Olliecllve jllror1 \at" the. trial for the mqrder or -Sharon Tate.· Two of the defense attorneys Wed- nesday refused to go along with their clients' demands l,Dd questioned 12 pro- spectJve jurors u to whet.her they could brltig in a fair verdiCt in, the. biz.arre mulUple, killings. . Manaon, !eloder ·~ thi jii~ 'cult ..,. ~ of .seven murders, lnstrilqed hil •\~. Irving Kll)lf<k, not to rlise any deff;Me but to iii mute in t b e ~f'U'Wm. , · Daye $liinn; JaWyer foi-~ Atkins, . said the YO\Uli wonlan al!\l _.had in- s_tnlcted him to acctpt the_ ~ jurora without interrogation aa the "Marean family" attempted to put up unified. d~fense. But its Jftdeceuor involved about two. : ·auociation complalnred that many of the hours of protesls and dJJCUSSioa in the : notrictlom ...,. limllar to -Jm. packed council chambers. JX*d on regular subdivisions. DAtLY 'llOT lftff ....... THROUGH THIS GATE, THE COUNTY HOPES, PUBLIC WllL Gl!T BEACH ACCESS • The other two .girls. Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten, also instructed their lawyers to ceaae ques- tioning jurors but they refuted. The Contemporary development WU They argued furtheT that the park Laguna Citizens to ·Get pc"OplMd as a 2l~space park-• M · was not a subdivision per se. aCftl of tbei aoff cour1e wNdl: WGQJd A first motion to change the condllioll haft been wiped out. Temcs -.ifq 11!1 to allow thole under -.,,vmy views ol"lhe ..0 -Id have ~ to be worted GUI Wtih the city ital! tho link& failed beclUle of a M tie vote. Com-' • ,;,. strong -ptpits were a ...._ <!!'lilSionfr Roy Gorbarlne was ·- !Joa of proUota lodpd lnfllal)J at the The -"II" to dolay ~'Pfll.'l"I cmnmlasian'1 June to meeting.· or the prnntt to wort out a compromise CommisaJonen COlltinuod public beer· Willi city llaff. alto \led. Public Access to Beach . tnp: m both park applications unUI 'I'be motion to approve with the 11 Wednesday night. conditions iJUct finally resulted in a Protests ranged from citing traffic ft'o'Ol'lble vote. probleu. affecting drainage of runoff w-. the land'1 su...,,Ublllly in landslides and the ruining or borne values. And the debate _,1911 Into -Capistrano Bay areas as well 11 the Harbor Hills tr>c!s. Patricia Bloom of 34541 Camino El Mo~, Capistrano Beach, preernted .a ~ in protest ol the pork and slid that llUCh bf&)>demlty boullnc would al· tract low-Income groups Into the c<llJlo munlty at large. "As of · now, we aee no fmr9ediate need for such higl><fen.lty or low-priced housing in San Clemente," llbe laid. Fears alto were ezpreaoed .that the pork mig!it become a atte for the neiv concept tl. '"modular hom:tng,,. which may -replace the llandard moblle home. . Commlllioaen heeded .. proBla ml .--.,, denied tho a ....... '-, ---~~di;: 3 Persons Hurt In Rear-ender · On Laguna Road KREFflNG ••• ·tho -for dllmlaoal. 'Ille two teacllerr .... -.,..alold by Raoul TelUMt. pretl· deot of lbt caulomla FaraHoa ol Teacben, wbo a_,od -. the ~ -with ltnlllOI .,... Jut The --..-upheld -of 31 mortod clloa ... oplml Mn. Lynd and her dl'llllaal .... -·"" by the Lquna --. 'Ille boud, however, ...pi • - -In the ICnlllq .... In -lo _, ...... p1e1e lr-lpl of bla i-mc. Ill w• q1•• 91 .... "" - than .. hoar Jut -about ---of the ......... llal _.,_ ...._. .... _..... .~~. ~aplmlKnfllnr-tba -·--·---lie -lo ... _ and lbt fd that be bid not Mlj,...., atDdlll ,.. a -tea,ehlnc <ndenllal - --quaUlled blm in ---lie maintained bt had -bind u • -.) ...... -· -nqulred totueover-ldlDlcu...U, A ,_-end eolllakn on the paved', ., did not -time for addlllonal -olLqunaConyooRoadmulted -,. lie clonled .~ that bt had in minor lnjurtel to-~ lbortly dl1bloclod .--_1,.,•Uve all« 5 p.m. W-ay. Two 'can had "l'l"••al, llaCln( tbtt the .-had to be towed ,,_ the ..... P>lice --and a mllundenlandtnc reported. ' relU'lfnl ..u.tufnc bod l"llUlted In thia Dri..-John William Ullom, 21, IMO ~ _..__ lo the ~-~• San Rmlo DriV<, had just pulled ooto ·-n)lllold ~. the lhoulder &nc! plckeci "" • mer, b-_,a..i 1liat the ..,. ''relateo P>lice oald when bil lmall car was aolel)' lo the -.,.. of )lllflila ad the struck from the-rear by another west~ school.'~ . bound vehicle that apparenUy vemd Kreftmg said the board bod acled from the traffic lane onto the shoulder. "w:lth no regard for any kind of jmtice Loaiae A. Brennan, 11, of LO. Angeles,• or due process of law." drift? of the aecond car, was taken .to He said be could not continue in South Coat Commwrlty Hospital by am-education because, ''I think the whole hllance but released after tnitmenl admlnistraUV< l)'Stem ii a complete fiop. .for a facial cut IUSlained when she There i1 no para.Del jn paivate industry. lurched forward into the lleerinc wheel "Here, admlniltraton who don't know o( her car. a thing about your · fleld .are upected Ullom's passen&'r William Andrew to evaluate your wort. Frankly I'd be Barnes 15 512 Mysilc Way aho was afraid to go into another teaching job uSt.ed U slightly hurt, but P,Uce uid bec~use I still hon.esUy don't know what tx>th yootbl wen taken home by frieods. I ~ that mMle them IO angry with Ullom ls the ton of Laguna Beach school me. Superintendent Willlam Ullom. A student at UCLA, he is employed in Costa Mesa. DAILY PILOT .....,.. .............. ... ----c......... hi" ... OllANGE COAST PUILllMINO COMPANY Jtokrt N. w.M ll!'ulHf!t ..,.. l>WllllW J•c• l. C11rt • ., Vb l"nl:O.f .... ~ ......... '"'-•• r:...,u .... nto.H A. M.,.,lfli11• MMllN hi"' l icll•ril P. N•tl ...,,.. ONnMi c-1)' hltlf' ....... Blackfin Leads Mir at HaHway. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The 73-!oot ketch Blackfil neared the halfway mark Wednesday in the lead of the 3,571-mile Loo AnpleHo-Tabill TrlN)JOCiflc Y acbl · Race. Jt WU reported U !,Ill miles !Jorn the mainland. BlackOn is owned and skippered by Kenoeth °'Meua. of San Francl.Jco. Oranae C.Ounty superviaors have in- itiated action to provide public access to several blocks of beach in South Lquna. The .-..nt In q1IOlllon 11 along a Jo.foot corridor that preMnUy aenes .,. residents. It rum from Cout !Dpay In the vicinity of Ninth Slrttt detcendln& 281 Itel to the meon hllf> llde line. A decrepit cemenl lllainray to the beaclt below DOW 1UDI down the euement that laownedbytheBantofAmericaand ......... owned by Bank or Italy. Allhoqb owned by the bont, the -· ment ICll'llellmel called • • T h o u 1 a n d Stepo" bu been a right ol _.iy owrien In Tract Mt. Tlljl lnwlveo about IGO Soutll Lq1ma loll lipbil1 from Cout lfillnray. 1be Tuelda)' 8l:tion of c o u n t y ~ -u to open that -up lo tbe public. El Toro's Plan GOt'B to f.ounty Planning Group 'Ibo El Taro ..... al plan, <OYering zaolnc and developneot f(Jr 10,000 acres wbidl """'If plannm believe may have a popil•Hoa ol up lo 150,000 In 20 Y•n, Wll preaented to the Orange Coun· ty Planning Commllolon Wedneaday and Ml for ......,,IOd aollon after leii,thy dilcualoo. StUart W. Balley, usistarrt plaMing dir.dor, Aid the general plan probably will be cootinU«I lnm meetlng to meeting over the next several weeks _ as the connnlssi91J deals with a series of rezone requesq. affecting land in the El Toco area. "We did not want to get locked into a pl.an. then have to amend jt in order to take care ci minor zminc variaUons," Bail~ said. "Most of the mning requests COOlU'JC up seem to be more or less in keeping with the overall ·plan .so we hope to make the necessary minor adjustments as we go along instead of having to RO back and change the plan repeatedly." . Allo important, the pl1m« oald, is . making IUl"e thet the El Toro general plan meshes with plans oo file for the proposed huge city of Irvine, which will ' cover several thousand acres abutting 1 the plllined El Toro area in many sec-, lions. !'S . !OOCI as lhe present :zoning a~ plications are taken cart of, it is ex- pected that the EL Toro general plan will be approved, after whieh all t.0nlng will have k> comply with ita re- qulmnent.s. Four applications are scheduled for hearing at the commission's WednHday, July I, m .. Unc. followed by two lo four more at each meeting for the next three weeks. , Thr<e requests for mulliple ruidenlial :zml~g could result in o p e n 1 n g agricultural land for mobile home p~ jects. I Qflll Meli -Wot.., .... ....... , a.&dl: •11 _,...., .......... ~...a:m,...,..A_ tllN1Qla: t.dl: INJI ..._,. _.........,. 1111 '*-"'; -...... E C--. II ... In lleCOlld place In the elapood time sllndlnp "" tho 71-foot kelcb Mlr, aklppel'M by George O'Brien 1of.'Vin- couver, B.C., reported J,5441 miles from the malnland. Third WU Widgeon, a 54-fOOI lfoot> captaln by Norman Bacon of the Santa Barbara Yaebt Club, whkh bad Joaed !14" m1lea. R.. N. Prothero, pioneer El Toro citrus growtr, is 8'!klftl to rezone 71 acres at the end ol Comeliu.. Lone and llOrlh ' -of Lakewood Lane from g en e r a I · agricultural 1111! to multiple resldent.lal With 1,IXI aquare feet of land per unit. DAtl.Y f'ILOT, w"" .:11dt It ~ .. ....................... ,,.,, --._. .,. .......... d i!llM ,., ue--kd•· ......... , IMdl. c." ~ ........ ...... ... .. ~· ..,...,, •lk'll ... -................ OP ..... C.MI ......... a..-r ................ lrt II 1111 Wlltt ........... M ,......,, Midi, .... -_, .. , ,,,.... co... .-... , ........ f1141 ••:to4Jl1 ClwlM .._.W.. 6Q.Nn ._ Cl rs • ,..,., '" Tl;f1T4ta-441t ~ ... 0-..... c.... ,,,.,...,. c..._,., ... -........ .....,...,.. 1dltwlef _. ... .,. .............. .,...... 19My k IMlllH .. -"'-' ..... ,.,. ......... ....,.....__ . ...... , ......... "" ........... ---... '*-.... e.tlflrft&.. hllK•--... u ... i.. a• ~l ~ -•• aJt _ _,,, llllllt9,., ...ii!w1-. IN.II -lfllY· ' ,._ P .. e I SLAYING •• I aportment nelpbortlood above San Cle- mente pier hive yielded littJe, except for -nport by a nurby couple who ,.id they both awoke limultadlOUl!y at I a.m. .. tho lltll ol JUJtO • But both -..i and wile cannot re- member what It was that awakened them. In the put decade the Jol>nson CISC lllCl the bludceOIJ.!1111 ci a fO.year~d man in a used car lol are l.he only two lhua- lor unoolved bomlcld .. In the San CJe. me•le ,.,u .. department boob. .. Thomas llall ba1 requated multiple -_... with 5,000 """"" feet per unit on 53 acrea of ,agricultural land tc.itheat of El Toro Rood and Canada .Road . Seekinc to rezone 17.5 acrts of agrk:ultural, land to multiple mldenlial with 4,000 square feet per unit ls A. J, West. whose land is east of El Toro Rood aDd Second Street . With many s u c h small agricultural holdings due for rimnin&, plamer1 ex· P«1 smaller developers, bamd Imm the giant Irvine, Moulton and Mluion Vlojo holdings, to zero in on ti.: El Toro area as som. as zonings are estabfft!lhed and the general plan adopted, cawm, a bqe spun of populat.ion. · ,/ Stanley Krauae, director of Real Property Services for the county, said his otflce would attempt hr';negoUate with the Bank of America for the Utle altlr a complete title .._i. '!Ills might involve a "friendly" suit to aeftle the matter in court, said Krause. ' Asked about Tract 149 propmy owners, who have attempted 1o limit beach use rto area residents, Krluse said the Bank of America al.so has the right of access and could share that right with the public as long as there is no infrin&ement on righta of Tract l4t owners. . John Killefer, aide to Supervllor Alton E. Allen , said the county will pursue the matter. "We feel that we have a reasonable commitment to take the thing over (for the public) and we want to get on with it," he said. The .root lob on either side or the easement are listed for sale at a total pun:lwe price ol '280,000. John B. Gabriels of Laguna Beach would IJ!te lo purdJue the property for bul1ctint homes. He said earlier, "I wouJd like to aee them (the.county) late over that wflole beach down u..r.. for the me or every single per.,n. I am lnteretled In having tt opened up ao th1t it is lldequately pollced like Aliso Beach." MMy art• midentJ -also intere!lted in beach control and policing -woo.kt prefer th1t the access remain a privilege of '""'1>undlng -· One pllyslc1l factor that would pro- bably limit the amount of future public use is the fact that only limited parking is available above the beach area in- volved in the accees questlon. - Prom Page J FREEWAY ••• "' Is needed to "help meet Increased rec- reiltional trave1 demands" which are causing continued traffic problems in Laguna. CompletioR of the vital freeway fink is necessary for the community's well-being, the directors agreed as they voted to 11urge the state to co11sider construction of Route I at the earliest pos!lible opportunity." Really Board President Georgia Gill said she was sure Laguna Realtors would want to add their endorsement to the re!"'lution. Planning Commissioner Ro b e r t Hastings noted that tilt question of freeway construction also has come up in discussion of implementation of the general plan and the city manager and city engiAee:r are acheduJed to meet with state highway ofHcials July 6 to discuss scheduling of ·coruitruc1i0n. They will report to the Planning Com- misaion at ill meeting on the evening of July 6, Hastin1s said. The Chamber ollicials agreed they should not take any pos!Uoa at this time regarding location of the freeway in the Newport Beach area, but simply urge that the project be kept alive so that Laguu can l<>ok toWard some easing of its tralfic problem within a reuonablellme. India State Leader Dies on Polo Field !JONDON (UP() -The Maharajah of Jaipur, first _pr_esideot of the Indian State of Rajasthan and one of t6e world 's top polo players, collapsed and died Wednesday while participating in a polo match at Gloocestenhire. He waa 58. Paul Fit:zgerald, representing Miss KrenYl'inkel, said he-felt it· was his duty lo try to l'l the fairest poaible jury but he said he understood the opinion of his . client who 11.ood up in court Wednesday and tried unsuc<:Wfully to fire him. "It ia somethinl ol a martyr cornple1," Fittzgerald told newsmen. "She fetlS she already has been tried and eo11.victed and sentenced to death in the news media. ,,,. "She and the others want to deil.j the establlshment tho ut~faction of put- ting on a court drama. Actually I can understand her feeling ." . Ira Reiner, lawyer for Miss Van Houten. was asked whether he would question jurors. "You bet your sweet lite I will," he Said. Nine iolid citizens had J>&.'Sed the first hurdle in jury selecti<>n but most, if not all, were expected to be dismissed as the trial progresses. Among them were a photographer, a m&ilman, a cllem.ical technician, a retired teeretary, a TV repairman, a fonner drama critic and a man who paints the:1dinl Jines on highways. The first prospective juror ennan Stokes, a Negro, who works u a mechanic at the post office. Fitzgerald put a aeries of questions to him. Laguna Gallery Art Meet Slated Both voting and non-voting members of the Laguna Beach Art Gallery are asked lo be on hand for the quarterly membership meeling to be held Monday, June 29, at 8 p.m. Scheduled for lhe meeting is &elect.ion of a nominatin1 committee for the l!nllual fall meeting and approval ci plans for remodeling the gallery. The gallery is located at 31!1 Clift Drive, Laguna Beach. Cak! Tht•• ,,. .,,,y ctrnftrfablt 1tf1 llM; '"' . . . SittiRt •It'll . SIH1ti,...' • ,. A witlt· 11)1CtiM ef fabric1 aflli Col1fl te •httH ff1111, R-.· No. . s299· ~ w ' ' . • . . . . ... .. . . ' , . . .. . . . . . . . . . . • • . • • • • · .. ' ! • ·. - .Barons Crush Orange Fountain Valley's Barons moved into sole possession ol. the league le>dership Wed· oesday night with sa-zs romp over the Oranlie No. 2 team In summer leagUe cage acfioo In the O,range Recreation loop. Costa Mesa m ea nwhll.e dropped into second place by virtue of a 52..ft loss surrered at the hands of the Orange No. 1 quintet. 1 Fountain Valley ( 4 -0 ) " aniothered the Panthers' se. cond squad with a first half barrage, taking a 32·10 edge into the lockerroom at the. midway point. A hot shooting hand by s.a sparkplug guard G e o r g e Gerber kept the Barons over the hump in the second half. The diminutive noor leader ended up with 15 points. • fhwsdly, Jllnt 25, 1970 DAO.Y I'll.OT PJ Alternates Unsung Heroes . As Kiwanians Show Class A reflectlon on the flf\b aruwal North-South Orange CouRty All.Star basketball game. ployed Sawroay lliibt at Or•lli• coa.i College: Management of the classic, headed by Bob Hays of the Costa Mesa Kiwanis Club. showed class by prese.ting trophies to both. aides -includin1 the alternate on eac?l team. 1be alternates -· Bob AusUn of Costa Mesa High for the South, and Randy Christtnse1 of Los. Alamitos High ror • the North -were the unsung heroes after work· ;q out with their respective teams for:.J-:two weeks -knowing full-well they'd be sitting ----------- ROGER CARLSON --- on the sideliaes barring misfortune (injury or·slckness ) to one of their ~ammates. Seems like lhe squads should simply be made up of 11 playen -let them all play and if anyone drops olf the roster the coach would use what he bad left. • • • The Irvine League wlll utilize the substltu· liOll rule in loop baseball play next year, 1n line with SuMet League policy. , The nde allows for any starter to bfJ replaced once, in any capacity, without his retiring from the game. A subslitute can go into ~game only once. .. • • • le Ca!Uonala prep bueball superior lo ._. mt If Utt udoDT One mlpt lbMI k atplllclDI tUt ol tlle recent major ae.,.. draft, 111 CaJHont.• were tapped by the Pft11 -131 from tlte Soutb and II from Nordten Caillorala. New York WU ltCOUd with lit protpectl ud tlte average -••mbtt from IDY sta&e wa1Hly14. Fam will be afforded tlle --ty Ill aet a flm.band llok" al Ute studoala frtm Northern Callfonall and from ether pabdl ta Soatben CaUforala -lncladias tile IAI Angeles Cily Schools -wbell tbe l9COlld unaal Cal-Pal North-Selttll AD.state buebaD 1ame ls conducted at Aubtlm Stadl11111. • Gerber was supported by S.10 Dave Boyle and 6-1 Ed Pills with 11 points apiece. Sloppy defen se and haphazard ball handling allow- ed the Orange No. 1 unit to score 22 points (ag ainst Mesa's 14) in the first quarter. SANTA ANA CC WOMEN'S CLUB OFFICERS - Mrs. Iona Mouron of Newport Beach (second from right) has been elected chairman of the Santa Ana Country Club women's club, Other officers serving with her include, left to right: Mrs. S. C. (Fran) Carter, Garden Grove, handicap chairman; Mrs. Neil (Stella) FOster. Costa. Mesa, treasurer; Mrs. 1'11ouron; and Mrs. James (Jackie) Voelkl, Jrvine, tournament chairman. · .. • • Sammer I.tape waler polo a11ie111 .ire in the iallial ,atages at E1tancia HIP and Oran1e Coast Colle1e llDftr the Cotla Mep RecruUoa Department bMmter ucl scrullay or Ute teams lavolved nveal a solid look at the eUte prep teams for tbe 1171 ~ 1year. Tbe flnt pltcla II alated for 1 e'cloct a... day and wldl tbe roemhteu et tbe iBI A, tlte $1.51 tab for adulll wW paraatff u euel- lent seal. Four fint-nMlllld cbo~es from tlae mmjor league draft are laCladed ta the arra1 ti talent Ud dte pneeeds so te a wortli1 cbarity -the CaUfonda 'PGllce Atllletlc Leape -...... -tbe Joe DIMaglo I.tape. Mesa interim coach J im Fisher commented. • ' W e couldn't get the ball in and we played pretty lax defense all night long •.• plus our ball handling was terrible." The Mustangs attempted to l>Ul a smile back on Fisher's face by holding their op- ponenl3 to a total ol 30 points in the 1ast three quarters com- bined. Mike Allen and S c o t t Friested led the Mesa scoring with 15 and 12 points. Frlf!.ltd MKL••n COSTA Ml!SA C4tl " . • • , . .. " . " ' . ' . , " , , '""" Allne .. ~ ... ..... M1rchlflrltlll Tottl1 ' , . ' ' . ' . ' . " ' ' . , , " ~ ORAHGI! U:U Sd'lradl!I' Mo-S11tado -l l11!n1ston l . Gltsecw MeP~IOn f , GltsliOW Tot1l5 " " ' . , ' ' , ' . ' . . , • • . , " " .. " ... , ' ' " ' .. . , ' , • • , , " » SW1'8 ., 0Hrte111 C•I• Mt11 ll IO le ls.......f Orll'IM H11. 1 JD JO 10 10--52 POUMTAIH VAUaY' CM) ,, ""'. 5 1 0 11 ' 1 0 ' • 1 "' ' . ' 1 1 o 15 l 0 I ~ 1 1 ' l ll • 'y OltANel! 4ll1 ,. ff "' , .. l 1 I 1 0 • 0 • , 1 J 5 2 0 1 .. 1 1 0 5 l 0 0 ~ • 0 1 t) • • I • • • • 113115 Monarchs Suffer 6-2 Loop Loss Mater Dei's Monarchs. dip- ped below the .500 mark Tues- day night with a 6-2 loss to Santa Ana in that city's sum - mer baseball league action at Santa Ana Memorial Park. The big gun for the ?.fonarchs. who now stand at 1·2 in looP play, was pitcher- second baseman C h u c k Adams. He drove home Mark Stam- bra and Chuok Cottage with the only ~fonarch runs on a sixth-inning single. • MATSR OSI UI S1l1t1r, 2b 1Cn11111. 20 c1ou1h, 11 Me"'111nl. .. Witt, 11.., SI.nib!"•. tf L-rd, d ""'-· .. ICl-41)', lb N1nr"Y, 11>-• YOSI, l'f At11n1, .,_2b f!l111kowlltl, rl Mt ll«WI'• c Sinllh, lb 9"1ttl.10 ·-rl WrWitll, d Tlltl lt. ... , . " . ' . , . , . ' ' ' . ' ' ' . , . ' . ' . • • ' . ' . ' ' ' . , . ,. 2 Sctn "' llMll""' M1lff Dll 000 002 ~2 S111h A111 1 U IOI J1-4i " -·· ' ' . ' ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' . ' • • ' ' ' . ' ' ' , ' . • • ' . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . ' Masters Meet Next For CdM Corona de! Mar Track Club's neit outing is the U.S. Masters Track and Field cha.mpiomhips at San Diego beginning today and running through Sunday. The meet is designed for men in three age iroups, 40- 49; 50-59; and over 60 and will be held at Balboa Stadium. In the reeent Senior Olym- pics at Los Angeles Col iseum, Otis Chandler of the CdM club, led the area contingent with 46-llh toss in the shot put. other good marks were by mate Fortune Gordien (155-3 in the discus) and by Shirley Davisson (a national record in the Jong jump with a 20-9 effort). The ~meter relay team set a national mark with a 45.t clocking. CdM TC p1 ... n hi Seoior Olympla -100 meter -2. Dick Stolpe (IU). 200 meters - 2. Dick Stolpe (22.9). 800 meters -6. Bob Williams (2:20.3). 400 meter relay -1. CdM TC (Ambrose, Futz, Badinelli, Stolpe) 45.9 (national record). Shot put -1. Otis Olandler (46-l'h) 3. George Kerr (f3.7 ). Discus -1. Fortune iGordien 055-3) 2. Bob Richards (!IS. 4). Long Jump -t Shirley Davvisson (2{)..9) 4. Bob ruchards ( lS-11). Pole Vault -1. Bob Smith (12-0). J avelin -2. Steve Seymour (161·5). Triple jump -4. George Grupe (35-31h). -IOQ meters -S. RCWl Winton (12.8). 200 meterrs -5, Ross Win- loo (26.6). 400 meters -4. Ross Winton (59.1). Shot put -1. Nat Heard (SO<!). (National record). Triple jump -l. Don Win- ton (31~~). Discus -I. Nat Heard (144- 3) (National reoord) 2. Den Aldrkh (130-11). - Long jump -L Doo Winlm (15-1114) 2. Ros.! Winton (15- 1). Pole Vault -1. Royal Grubb (9-0) 2. Roso Wlnlm (8-6). Javelin -t. BiU Morales OSUI>) 2. Dan Al\iridl (llQ. 4) 3. Jack Thatt'her (124-1). High Jump - I . ROii Win- ton (4-7 ) 2. Don Wi-(MJ. CUSTOM-MADE DR,APERIES · USI O'ul COMnNllNT SHOI' AT HOMI SllYICI Hwll"1••C""" I ltl·U1 I -. ... 147-6141 A W1rclt cl1eor1t11r will c1ll ti yo11r horn1 with • 1hil 1Rf 11l1ctio11 of hi9h qu1Hty low cott f11ff ict f•r yo11 to ch1101• frol'l'I. Ne obli11ti11t1I Complel• 4•cortlor ••r•- 111 -vpholste,., -1lipco•tft, -H•lt.C..-7777 •• ..., """· ...... ' Nutrilite in Runaway Win; ' . The AAA leape, whtc• lncladel !Mt OF champion Corona del Mar ud numerap st. Paul High supporters are talking cham- Newport Harbor, also bas EI t I a c I a, pionshlp busineu hi the 1970 AngelWI Leque • • • Wilson Ford Triumphs F'llUerton, Gardea Grove, Lakewood, Long football campaign. Beach WU.On ud Costa Mesa. Bishop Amat still bas All..CIF performers Several of tlloae •tfitl fipre le be ia Pat Haden (quarterback) aad John McKay t" qaarterftaals et CIP ;&ayon compellll.. (eOci) in its fold and Servile figures to make A 101-70 runaway by Nutrilite o v e r Progressive Produce Monday n l g h t highlighted the first two even- ings of summer action in the Costa Mesa Open Basketball League . Scene or act.ion was Costa ~fesa High. They'll switch to Soothern California College June 30. · In the other contest Monday, Wison Ford eked past Harbor Merchants, 93-90. Tuesday's open loop action .saw Woody's Wharf capture a 78-77 decisi-on from Southern Plastic M o I d s and Newport Stationers o v e r c om e Sad- dleback by a 72-62 count. Tlin Witt paced Wilson's scoring column in the auto dealership's close call agaiM& 'the Merchants with 30 points. Teammate Jeff Cunningham pu"t in 21 points while Frank Zebot Jed the losers with 20. Nutrilite became the first Joop outfit to reach the cen- tury mark this summer as five winning team members hit in double figures. George Rogers Jed the win- ners with 231 followed by1.. Don Killian (21) and Tandy \.iillis (20). Mike Noonon of Progressive got 2S in a losing cause. Woody 's Wharf received 20- point efforts from Pat Grant and a -Newport Harbor High cage mentor Dave Waxman in its 'slim conquest of the Southern Plastics quintet. Daryl Onken and H a 1 Hollister shared high honors for Southern Plastics with 17 markers each. A well-balanced Saddleback offense was counteracted by an even-better-honed Newport Staioners attack. as the latter ~oup rolled to a 10-point vic- tory Tuesday night. Joe Cherney and Jerry Lan- doe headed the remark.ably well-balanced Newport attack with 20 and 11 points. Sa dd I e ba c k.C o 1 I e g e sharpshooter Eric Olristensen led Saddleback with 19 points, all but one on field goals. Ten Saddleback p I a-y e r s figured in the 1C01ing. "m Grl Y>Ol'l Cl""-en •·111:~· Ha1ll1lel" ... "~ Curlls T11r.li P LASTICS MOLDS fnl P"OP"TPP"TP 2 • , lit I ' 2. l • 1 • 17 I 0 3 1 I I S 11 I I 3 16 s I 1 11 I 0 I 2 :Mtl671 WOOOT'I WNAllP" IFI) PO l'T Pl' TP" l11loe ., .. , kuk"-"5 o l o J W1~m1n 7 6 l M Gr11'1f 141M Kind t12lt 0111! ll l 1 Tllillls lO II 13 711 k1lfllmr; SOultllrfl Plf111CI l1, Wm:lw'1 "· ~!lfllt ChtrM\I" , ..... F(lrltllll Ntllltl w•• ,_ Tol1l• SfATIOMSlll fn) I'• l'T l'P TP • J I II •1 3 11) ' • 1 11 , ' :? • ' 2 0 10 I l I J 1 0 • 2 21 11 .' n Duck Feet Fins -Blemished -$6.95 Duck Feet Fins Reg.-$8.95 Skin Diver Fins -$8.95 Cressi Fins .:.... $5.88 Masks-$1.19 to $7.95 Snarkles -95c to $2.95 Beach Floats-$4.95 to $14.95 Kick Boards alll Skim ems Sleeping IJals -$14.95 ta· $77 .9~ Back Packs -Day Bags Graulll Cloths -Sierra Cups Canteens -Mess Kits Swim Trulis-Warm-ap Jackets Sweat Salts -Wann-up SUits llasketbals -Volley Bals - Footbafts -Baseballs -Seccer Balls OPEN 9 to 6 I ' ia tlle faU. Tbey'll tqaare off every Monday the full return to football prominence Ulil SAOD&.18ACK I'll P"G l'T PP" TP algllt at Onm1e CQl.st, beglanlng Mm1Uy. upcoming season. . Games are at I, 1:51, 7:tl and l :st. Mater Dei figures to have its best team Lllll'I' k1ndtrMn Chrl1le<1Mn Eaw~rd1 rr111 Gt u1cltn Mlldlell Gtrantr ll•rMll Po~M~I Ho!""' Tolllt 1 0 , 2 ' 0 0 ' t I l lf The AA clrcalt la set for Estancia Hlgb In four years -but Swordsmen say they're 1 0 2 .. wltb Fowrtala Valley, M1riaa, Westminster, the team to beat -with a 21)4.pound replace· Troy, Saatiage, Baena Part, ud a seeeod ment for fullbick Pat McParUand and Jamil I 0 I I 2 0 2 ... I 0 l 2 team rrem eo..... del Mar eomprilias die Quirk at quarterback. aven-team loop. 4. St. Paul meets host l:lunlington Beach ' ' . . ' ' 1 a 1 1 , ' , . And, tbe A ll!ape competes Wednesday ht the second practice game of the season. • 1r==-ii------~----------, lO ' ,, '' k1lttlmt: Newper! JI, S.ddi.INltk 22. Deep Sea Fish Report PROO•SSSIVI PflOOUC• lnl •MO HtrNlldlll '-" Wllll•ms .Jon" S/19111¥ To11t1 ,. PT pp Tfl l 1 5 IJ t I 5 l '' 5 1 15 1 ' s n ) 2 • ' t 1 0 11 25 :io :io 70 NllTIULIT• (lllJ N•WH>•T IOanr'1 LKlltrJ -23'1 •Ml11111 IN l>lrrtclldl, 71S blis. .U 11on1tco. ' ,,u-1111, is roe11; ·eDd. 1 h•llllul. 510ln1 Fllt,..!rjdl -· l•me• 8rodl:m111 GllU1 Kllll1n f l1ndtrs ,,_ T1!11l1 H1 lfllmt: "· fG PT Pfll T" I I I J I .f I U !0Jl1J I I 7 ll I 0 J 0 I .t 1 '211 I 5 l 21 1 0 5 ' ' 0 1 • olll 11 11 IOI H11lrllllt ~ Protr111lv1, OCUNSIOm-205 •n1l1r11 UI blr· rtevdl. l.U llonllo. JM M11, 1 ftllow- 11rr. SAN Dl•OO C"""°lc!Ht Pi.r)-"9 1n11tt•; l bhH lln tu111, ts Yt llo\ll'tt ll, s whll1 Mt toe1s. JSO Mrr1cud1, IJO e•llco 1>111. MA•IO. MllCMANTS (ti) LONG ••ACM 18141Mfrt Plfrl-11 •11tltr1; lGI 1Nrr1tudll, 17' °'"' 2 h1ll0Ut. 111rH -J7 -le .. ; 200 Mr· r1cud1, lS N ••< 100 llonlt11, i hlllbut, 100 m1tkt r11. (Ptclfk S"'1tlllllj1t1>-1o10 111111r11 ' 'ftllow\11!, .M berr.atlM, 114 c•lkD lllHo 1• llllllflo, I• bl\11 blu , 2 hltlbut, CP~ L ....... >- llt 1ntl1111: m 111rraa11111. ue c111c1 N•s. 1-u rock cod. 2 httlbut, n blut blH, "'-Gcolw11111!1" Ct l>lt ··-....... Sl!tlllY A11111n 51'tlmt"lt r ... ,,.,_ ,_ W1lt.n Tlll1l1 P"O PT l'P TP , l , ' 2 .t 1 I l 0 J ' s 1 s II ' 1 2 ' ' l ' s ' 2 s 10 l I 1 1 0 0 J It • ' J :io I 7 l IJ :112l:l5 " SAN PIDflD CMMwl'1 LMllMl-1.M ffltltrl: I ytllclwt1U, 21 N rrt(llU, 12 bonito, 561 ullco tllH. JI wAd blss, MS blUI bell. lttMI It, &.1Hl11•l-tl) 1n:o!.,.11 1 whlt1 -11111, 21 IMlrr•· cll'd•, 210 ttllc• 111 ... , h1nout, a Mnd blH. WILM* P"ORO (ftl SANTA MONICA -61 •t11lt •ll U tNlis. 1 h1lftlul. Blr.-21 -1tr11 .O Nu. w'" M•l'ICtllo Conklin Thornton Hltlllerd H1tche!t ~".unnl~1n1m TDllll PO l'T Pfl TP • u J JO 3 • ' 10 5 0 s 10 0 1 s 2 1 0 5 2 . . •,. " • 5 21 lO:U2'fl ••OONoo-tlf tMltr11 115 t.111, 11 bon lt., 4 hlllbut, 5'° bl111 bin. 111,......a -l•n: 11 l\llllbut, JI mltk· 1rtl, IB r«ll cod. OXNAllD-171 tnt .. r11 15 t\lo llbUI, '16 rock cod, ll lln1 cDd, 3 c-cod. k•IUln-..: WjllCHI F«d '°' ktrbor "· S•A&. 81ACK-JU· 1n11lt r11 U.5 Ill•· rKUClt, 2• 0111, 7 hltlbuf, l1r~ tt11l11l11 11 11911, ll berr1M 1. SANTA UR8AflA-31 1neltr11 :llD rock cod, 14 u,.. cod, a ctlko 11111. • Wiisen -Dunlop -Davis . Bancroft Tennis Rackets . Wilson T2000 Steel Racket Struit Nylon -$39.95 PenssylYania Xtra Duty Tennis Bans -Doz. $7.50 Wilson Xtra Duty Tennis Baffs Dozen $8.35 ladies Tennis Dresses Men's Tennis Shorts & Shirts Converse Teoois . Shoes Mens-$7.75 ladies -$7.25 1 D Speed Bikes $59.95 ta $225.00 3 Speed Biles $48.95 to $79.95 Siitle Speed Biles -$39.95 rns -Jibes -Accessmies Closed Sundays It's DAILY PILOT -2 • for • 1 Nite .. OUT AT THE OLD BALL GAME , PILOT PnE INVITES EVERYONE TO SEE THE ANGELS PLAY KANSAS CITY WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, AT HALF PRICE ~•t tw• r11•rred •••t titl•h for ftoe WH11.M11y 11i9ht, J uly I, An91ls ••· R11y1l1 t•rn• et An1h1im St14ium for the 11or1111I pric. ef •11• f;e••t. ll11y on1; the DAILY PILOT 9i•e1 yo11 e111.) 2-$3.50 2-$2.50 'TICllm .... TIC Im .... $3.50 $2.50 Yoa tffl r111r•• 111 tn4ir• 11elion or j111t two •••h, lut t•t ., .. , p1rty fDg1th1r now 1114 m1il h1 the or4•r lil111• b1low with thec:l or rnon1y 11rcl1r lne c11h, pl1111) 111cl hurry. D1141ine for ticls:ot .,,,,. i1 J1111• 2f. Earl• Blrll BOKIU Oltfl te H,.. 1114 tirl1 16 y11r1 elcl tl'Hf ye111t9•r. IMlucle witli fit••t orcl•r • 1t•temenl of 100 wor41 or 1•111 ''My f1¥orit1 All<'_ 911 i• li•c•use ." Enlrl•• mu1t li• r1c1iw•4 by 110011 •11 Ju111 26. Winner will •••t hi1 I 11r h1rl f1•orit• A11oo 911, will r1t•i•• four tieleh fer e 'f11N,. Aaf•I h-• 91m• 1n4 will r•c1iw• • li1Ml»tll 111totr1ph1cl by the A119•I•! There'll H r111111•r·~P pri11 wi1111e,., toel ,--------~I I cu, ............. &Nd: ... ,....., ....... ta: ............... 1 I .._,,_ __ . -. C/O,__..,.. I JJt w . .., "'-'· c.... M-. C.rlf. fJID ,(PWll PllNTt I I I I N-• •• ,', •• .. ,. •• •• '' •• '•'' '' •· •• •· '' •· •••• ••. •· *"-" ..................... ' .............•......• ............................................... Cffy •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Zip •••••••• I w111t 1 tMtt .. 1. 4. 6. t. II Ccl,.;,_ ... er """"' .....,.... llt1'8 ............ N "'WM! _., l'llffNtlll _,.,•II_... i. ""'91', ., .... .191f' I AlllM ¥1. K-1 City tl"ll It ........... Stt•'-• 1'w, -II lktl" ""°'""'' I will ,....,. 11t ......... -'""'-""MILT PILOT, I Wlfll N.•llUI IC""""' -...... ...... II I .......... ,, i.,..,......"' MW 1111 .....-W' I ., ..... I ..._ .......... I .. 11111 • ttc:lllfl .... ""' • :.-: =-:..-:.~-... _.\ ........ I I I I I I I L ______ _ _ _j • awu m.or. SC WHY WE NEVER ADVERTISE PRESCRIPTION PRICES "' JlllY MAllT, I ... lt ii comldered unethical tor a pharmacy to advertise prescrlpti!MI prices jutt u tt ill for a doctor or lawyer t.o 1ollcit butdn~ss by adwrtis· ing their fcc11. • I Finance OVER THE COUNTER f.omplete-N~w York Stock List MIW YOAK (A,I• TllurlMV't ........ l ........................................... ""lll ........ ,1 .. ..., YOtt ~tock E~Cll""' tl'lut1 ..... tllel NASO Llatlnp for Wednead1y, June 24, 1t70 ~ ~El:r ~s 11,1 'flv. I ~ " i· liti ''i ; ! •• .. ......... 9 3 =If=~.......,' A.M, ,_MAIO. AllKlll ..., ,'•1 'l"' •• FI"-=~· r.'!!!:' I,·! .l! B"" tt .:.:·. i ' ~ I ~ = ~ ,,""'9 ........ fltlll ........ W UT h'lll AllOIL~ I.It tlJJ'/14 .. '"' 9111, _.. ~ \lo 1Briefs SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - "'"' ""' ........ -~........ ' f 111• ~-+ ~ ' "~ ff~ fl" -" ' .... ~'fd i:: I 14 • -tl\llo 1111. IA • l4i _;"' l~ IVI -t\-1 \ -i • ~t Ja U tl'\fi JI.Iii »t1o + 141 IT,.111 lM ii! Jflll + \fl d 1, 1W. 11• • Transamerica Compuitr Co. ... ..... ... ... ....... =;,.1.. I 11 11 u· ..... ltlellwc tJ,: I .WYI .WVI -•1 ..... • Ill l • bu •--' •• buy K million .... ~ • "" 1• ~ -H ?ll .f• ""' " .... ,.. "'"" ... I .. .. .... 'tt :::.::-ool " ... ml 11. :t • 'M" •.l ~ ~ ... 't ~ -~ ........... ... ... -Tl!efwl.rfll ··~ 7141 ..... ~ .. #; """,f" =:-r.:, 1·• '• 'Jt: M,tt ';~= 1'¥•11 • .1!1,;1 • ,. H\4 Ui +1 Milb n , 2IMt n :t\4 worthOfnmo&econtrolbatch~-··"1i s =~,.,~1r"w.; -~~ffMM!:JtLlfl .4llCJ3:~~tt~~i11oi!1r~·1 :1'~·l2~ ~~t· 1"-f· 'tth :1 t' .. terminal• from, Ren c 0 m ~ 11 .. :r .. .., T it :"'~111 , ... JV. f"' ., .... "' ~~,.~ ':: .. ~ I~ ~ -a r;:.t:1R/1,:;: 31 !l!i" I .. ti ::: ~ 2 Sl~ 1141 ,I~ -~ s~ loc., o( Dauo.s or not ""'Ji' ... ' "-" Ml I I P'•c 1• 1• • 1• \'I "'. G .. 110 • 11• 'I 11 -w r .. ttPH ·'° a I " i "" uibUI ) "' 17\'o ., f " , ' II-I "" -., .. , •• \II W1 Vo I F \lo 6 ' •• 0 ,· -1. 1 • ' + "· < '••o -" 1 O! 11• 11 >< Ml RelrK 10 11• '"' \ I• n. f D"""-'""• -1'1~1'111 • G'iw 10\11 tl\4 lf'lw I '41'1 'I" 't tl'od!Jllrln JO •!.:. • •14i -YI cITT .SO. 1• n1 , , 1PClffl'! ,, 1• 21i1 • IV. ~ -" rental 't.o Rtncom customers. z.i:· ~,# .... , :~~:lo 'It 3: ... "4 ol'l!I pf rs ="' ~J-. '"' ... n1e..,• .,:.;,'kn,19• S6 JI~ 301/o ~ -lii "NA r11fA1.IO ... , = l: .. \4 -:..: l1: ~ 3; u"~ ac VI -ln • -I o( "· d I 1m.1'l;;; l •i!ifi 2~ >• IJVI It f111111f A{ '"" AlblrtlN .:!' s ti'. Mii 2f\: + OQf SI Gft -10 .SW. OV. O'I -1 lt\hld ,IO l' I Ill V. -"-na par "'IC ea,:-i;::w111ct1"""'~f~w ! tvi."l "* li<S\'i ~ 1w,1,.•k1111A1u1.20 ",,fl""f}l\ist::+:."'~~i!..T!.i1t 1,.11"-~ n1i11 .•. •IEll . .U ,u I'>· 1111 -v. Tr11111.nitrlca Computer' will .;:;fit ciould ..... ..,... ,._Pie .. II l\li 11'1 T•r• w •> -.. Alc.o5l...O ,2' w. '!lo -ti. 1 ll • t v. T•llEI .nr " I'~ "' )llVI I t11vt M • lrol'lt 011 1,.,. I~ l'lktln · 51 Jt\'i .r.Mt ' 7 :::.~~· l't lt l~ I= 1,~ = 111 De.I ,.,I l:J: . '9 °" =VI 1•111' l>fl: tJO SV. ~ UVI :j:' .. ~ ,setwaro1r•n~-~ytl2511'00050_~,J:~l~~=a"" •• ""J~ ·~1~ 1!~1~ ..J::' 1t:'·Z:111:t:J', 2;1Ll!Wmii :.::~: "Alkl lllfm \:. 'lio!l'l Tll'•1.\. #~' li....:!i,,. lhares I"""""""" • . OHier ~ '"°""' .$\Ii I ,.,,. ' Mi -AS r: ,is ... All",.,. r.n lit In• ""' r + lntst ~ Ji ~ lo!\.'! +ti l•r ''l ' fl.I 14 ~ ... ~, .._.. lhellle lll£!lf!!': ._,_ S. 1\1 * Mlll :I .ID lleml A ,•n AUl«IOI 1,10 J2S 111ft, 16-+ tnll I .. II 1.~\'i 'Ii -V. •11\M • 2 ta ;;s -+ W •• .,..e. DUI -.. ..,_ i;;i: ~f'lllll cl .5 1"' NH n,VI fr =1 f: 7 AMldMl\t -I " 26 ..... 111 lfUS 2' ft\.-\ r,: r.111--,K . , .. 41* •1 + 1* ~!!\! ... '* m~111,F= ~1,.li .S~ 11'1 11"' 1111 Gp ••Jo•"' ~l~J~j~ 11 f;1,1' '1• 1~+" s 1ltl·1111 J 1l!l!1 .:.,~ .... ,', =.~. :;;;r,,.1::: ,',!1 ~ ,,_ ~~+~ HONOLULU (UPI) nie m----.. -~-· ~ ~Ill "'"".:: ..... ~ rK cl 1!"' Im I, IA 71 It\~ I "' It ... \\ s ;r. • ::il ,'t!f g= -" ~ 1:.. SY: ft. ;: MA -.. nt 2. 2\l \'M •14 \i ._. " 2 ~ 2 A '~ SJ ls~ l "'° 1Jli +\4 lll.IGIS l.'8 I' fji: I~ 1-. + \'\ , .• ,,.111'1.:IO 6 1'4 U .... 1 .... . pineapple operations of Libby, :rr~'°'"1nc: 11", 2t.. ••,.,1~ i~tt, 1 YI t c5: i:"' i:n ~i:1rl"d ~ ·~ ~~--»O flt tl'I t\.11-~ '·~ ~U mi ~ ~ -\\ t1!.1l'~ 'f 'l~ !Uz 1 • -,. acquisition af the Hawaii AAI Cirf •\ill s\li f:t~j"" \~I~~~ Ii I• ·1l ~ICO'i :1•1t ,f Al ~~ 1~1 lfil: 1.1v. 1f •.. .,, ~" •11: 21 Jll'I 22* zt +1'1 lftll"C ~ J fy, •. . ... , McNeil &-Libby by the Dole :v"" ~' n; ~ ~IM!lc ~~ ·S ldt1tfr'" '1111 :v. ~km .. , I \i "Ill ~~.· •• ,~ ••.• " •,! i~ " ll.. =it _1. ·.·.·.·-,. ,•, ,,..1ra l!llo. is:£'~ l~::t .i·i ,rt n~ ~ ~+·ti C. • dlvls,_ or Castle • •i!1i. i~ ~ ,, """,, ,.. • • .. Tt1'i ,.. ,.. """~ J \'I ' ...mrEI IV ".... _,, " lT I I • ~ ~ ••• •• ..... .ar Est .. .. .. I .. Am Hen ,1 .a 21 .. 2 , .. ~, l\IWI!! (lf'l,'2' 1! 21\ft ti v. +\'I nm JIC 33 ,., Air nc1111 v.. :l'tl 11 1!1.i 1'6: ~1111b El 16 I n !!.~'!!? "' Ami;~ pl!, \ If '2 '3 + w omw on .Ml n 1~ 1"' uv. + V. ..., "*'" r> ... i' Cooke Inc., has been com·,..h'Wft F ""°10111 .,. •'~ •'lia•wch SP ,J '°jiYiu11!~I :~ ~ ~r;:1~1:,~.1:i, "fl, ,,,...,~!fl :::ii om:I kl ~ 11 v. ~~ 1009 ~1 1.t i.Mlll..YJJs ~ ~\.-\ 2 v. 1 v.+: pleted, it was announced·TJ,l~s-: ~= H 'r~ ~ I:!':." w i.!~ ~~ ·wt~ 'W)j 1111 f.~~I y 1111 It VI Am ..... ' ·~. 9!il! 9 •. 'Mi -MUii 1 4 mt ,.~ ffl: -:--""' ./ M;t111-t; 1'"' ' :: :;: ~ OoJe has been operating Lib-:Ur..'f11 1: 111 L~ IU '"' Rl::J i1: !!-fi* ,111 5L4 •Ya '« ~ ~ !Y 3~ ,,.,. + U cr:: d .~,-= l)t ,,~ 21 211Jo + v. 1v~•· .as 1·~· '"'t ' 1:"" day. ~~ Lnll 1 11f~ lob ~~ f,4 ~. •rJ.., Pu lf~ lf"' us, l'[~ 1~ jI»: ••r.r:llCll 1·~ 1 u iff: WZ f1 onnMi ·'°' ~ ft w fl?; 'l~ + U Uft .i~12 st ~ I --• '' ... -!" I • " II 1.. ,•, .J AClll tlf '5 I n....._ 121\o 2~ • c: .. dll Pi• 2 71'11 Jf nv. "'" ldl!'IC IA ' ••• by'• H1wali pi neapp l e"'i::..: ~."' .:=i:1T~~2~:.~ ""~ !1 Lo 11ti ..... ..,.,~~1 -= 1:,m2m2~11i+1tl::J1111111's ~=~=i =: ~~01.~ "!il~"" ~ .. f.cl•"es u-•·r an interim "" •-j ltWi IA M1'9 311'1 n~ RllY C1tt Ni llA 1nc1 k 1~ l •\111 """'"11 '• 11 25~ l•l'I 'jS -• '°"'"'' .l1•0 1 ,. 11 n _,. ••ndilto -'° '° 1 , v. ... ., "u lllK: • , A Et Lill VI ~ ·Ml llVi 1' W '"w 23 h lllrOfl ''° 1\11 A~~ J'.40 12 U'll 151'1 I -Vi Conl"!'l'lllll._l 31 2~ mil J)lili -I rlftlt.C SU I' I h . •+ n ~act si~ shortly alter z;: ~:~ Jiii •: "'"11;1~ 1~1.t '!11. iZJir... "° 21~ ·~ -N~ :~ 1'1.,,. /1 ::;,n~bf.iul·'f 1~ ~ ft:t t,111 +~t: ::~r<?'\'i6• ~ 2f''1 ~ 2~ ~·ii; ,::iw1~..501 J ~ I.'= =1\: the< purdta3e pta,ns Were a n-A Gtlll ~Ii "51'1 ~l'W'h In Sll, 6\lt 1111• E J!t •'Ml 1Jn llcl 11 11 ADl1lf1I .:tOot ." Dfi 22"' 2'Aio -"' ~· 2 111 Ml(i 21\li • .,. + 'Ii r•VDtl 1.lt 5 111'1 19'6 m • 1' , • Am lllld ls:i. 111'1 ~•rd Cl\ •f 1111 Ill 3~ "~ Jl:Mclt JU ~ Atll DwolVnl 1' ~ ~ ~ -111 ~ilw rt l"nS S '4 1·1' .S.W+I+! UI UP I.lit 21l >1!! f= f -~ ~·ear!ier this year. The ~ ,m 'J\6 '}~ vt'.t!."' nt .~ fr:' j'~ ~ =~";G ll'.lt 1m AOuel ,t . .._ 7 II~ 11 1'1 ll'ii-+~ Ill'•• 21• 51 S7 SI + \~ itNorlr 1.351 i0\:; lO\t 1 -" operations include a 12,SOO. AS ' ~ ™ 6..., Kmnovr s it 21 m; ~ 1 t"" w..,, A£ Ja _::1i:.:1 1·t lMn T,4'111 'hi. 2m, +,.: Giii" ~~ ;~ ~ J~ &t J~ +·v. ~~u:f-1. " 1s0~ ltt% 1 = ~ acre Plant.ti' o n on the island ~--···II l~ •"" ... H·~ ,'. "••" '•'" ,r,:r ' 11 .... ~ ..... " 1'•• lllVI l l1 Am EXP lllCI llXI 10 . '"' N + ~ ont ~Oii .IS. ' 1~ J'li m -"' WU" ofl... ,1 ·... -" , • .,... 1\lo N """ ~II n _ 1 lO AGeri!~ .JG 101 U\'O 111/i I,._ -\'i onl CP 1 •2 ~ lOV. 30l• -16 IW•thln ,SCI flll Ii i -of Mok>kal •nd • cannery in :;i:..'* ... ,,:: = Iv. ",~, .... ,: 'i:w. ~" i: c,r, 1i:; l~~ =:.'"n M ll 11 AGnlft r1... 6 :nvo 22'\lo 23 -v. IC• pfA2.~· 12 3J!'i DVO ""' -I rMnGnl .'6 6 19111 '"" 1 ~t -· -· I ·~ .. p .$" •u. AmHoil .1(1 1J ""' 10"-' lO'lto +"' ICP pfl2.50 ] n VI nv. """ -"' rHnSh \,20 ll 204I '°"' Honolulu. :rdlll :: ;:;; :tt"' ,","1',,1~ '•~ 3'1' :' &"p,. ... 6v, In ~ 6,,. •~ A~ 1.sa ~ ~• s1,,.. 51~ +\'I on•M•P ·*' SJ u14 1"' lil -lot rt1~110und 1 •t 13'111 ll'll 3 ,. la lhh• .. ' -I.Ii ""'~ fil SV. A Ho1nf Ill 2 1 N>a N\!i N V. -~ CO!OI -cu 1.sa 232 fll'o 21 111/o -\II ~roll1r .90 · IOI IHll ''tt !1'4 -~~ To fulfill partially Libby's :;-!lt~ ll" ~ =EP 3:iit ·:~ ndol'I. ~ , .... ws~ . I Am HOlll .2• 1 .. »'Ii 32" ~ ... , Conl 011 pf 2 2 32'14 3214 ''"' ... .rummllCP I a ~ irl!t ~ +11111.1.i !•~~ I I ds Ar'( 1 ra 11 71'\4 29 111 M J!l.i N lflQ Wll v. Amln\Oflf .so ll IV. I l'la -V. CCIII! Stl I .? 1:11,• -,,~ ""••• -+ ~ ltMLIJild,~ t SIVI ~ 50.,.. _2111 wor u..--p neapp e nee , •tc 11ot 'lv. 2'\'J "'°""'11 Gt 1 7 ild st I :w. JI.lo w1.-o 1, HVi AMl+crx 1 . .a .. JAii :11111 ''"' -11o CCllOt Tel ... iii :.VI 3'\; 37111 _ ;: G~" Olr i'JZ 72• 73" 23 3jl'I + \~ t h e acquisition a-ment Au10 SCI Vr IV! Hur• •\I ~Vi ~Ill fl WI 1) ll?i'o WIK Pl 70 20Vi AMetCI• pj • 11 tJ ff\oJ tJ + l'J C:O!Oltol Dita ,11111 .,Vt •'M ff\)_ \4 Gull RnrCPS n 711 71'1 ._, , , .. , . &'":" lla td Al • •Ill ud pp 21 71' NE Tfl JJ '""" rGtw E t\l. WI ~m Molors HJ 6"' 6'" 6Vi ..... Cn01t pU.Sct' G•t 11-1 1• 11 'I 9f.i.palates that 8 portlOfl 0£ l •t e-r l• IS 141111 GBS ll l• Un Gt ll:ui 19\j,, Wricrl!t W It") II\~ AN11Gt1 J.lD S2 JJ~i J2h 37\0 t~ Conwoocf 1.90 1 ll 31 ll •'"" G ft if -21 19\lo I Vr 1 +·ti •• M ·-··· p<'Od ct' 'II 1111 Plftol •l'I s """' p ' ,.,. .. G1Cp llh I~ ril"" E ~ ..i• AmPllolo .11 u IV. I I ., •.• Coot IJft(I .$11 ,,' n,,_ ,n,~ .,n, • .:.:·~ g~u!st: .:.,:~ 170 ""' ll" !i _, u1e OIU'Ull U IOn WI ll1rwc:k 1'ilt l \lo l4v1rt Co I"" 111 AllnDv .Ott "11 ll~ SJ SJlll .,. lllo COOPlr1n 1..MI ... "" ---. ... 10 SSl'J \Ii ti ~ Id 1 ...... •\. 111~11 p (l'J s YIU Ito! 1 '"' Am $e1I I J 16 u~ 1s;o -"C:OOller TR I ·J lJ'ilt l:Jt.9 13'11 -v. ult u "''-l , , ..... _. llO to 14UUY over "''e 1_.-t """flV.HY!H Atl'I • ~w ""'5r>tp •60 , ,...., 1•111 1•:u; ... c-11nd 1.1' u l-1\~ :1:m 1o111; •••• 1u~lnd :17 l"f ID! ~ ···~ -~ .... ral -. ·-. ·.~. ,, ... r.'"',-.. •·'·' .·.~ .. ! A s-11 I.to lM 2M 2S 2Jllo -'4 C-Rge .5111:1 .. SO'H" •1\lo ..,,, -l\t ulfW' :1/11 I U'li ~ =\II .,..,., .1.~ .. ,. ~· -.., AmloAlr .111 lOt .u'1I tl'lll 61 -Ill C:Dl>\ltlS!I 1.10 1>, ,',' ,1~ !~.· :..2';~ ~lloll irid 22 r.: _I~ 141-h Bille 11i.. ""° 61' Ind N11d 2l U MUTUAL AmSAlr fn.70 1S 40 311-'t 41 ....• Corlnlllll .15' •• l'" ,,,-,,-:., ~~ u _ llelm lfld • 1 IP!"YCO 0 • ,i1 Am Sid I 11' 31\t Jll'li ~ -1.\t C:orGW 7.SO. -... ~·· _.. --f? 81r1< HR :rt •I lntot« & I~ AmStd pt•.7S 11 15'" I'" •j• __,,. ~or-tin .n 2J nv. iu. 11~ .. . w.ckW.r i;. s 31 '°" lll +u le•z lib ,Jt ..Olh '"''•rel 2\lo :iv. Am Sttrfl ,411 9 u 3'11o 1 + l'J owles Com :IO •If• l\~ •Ill -t!o l-i°iullbu<f llS 131 » ;u :Ult + \e U!YPS W !lol. II>\"' '°'11 •I~\..-. A ~~r 1.4'0 1 22 ... 22\'• 72111 .. •• a• 11111:11 lll 17 1~ 12'!0 13 + b HimWfl ltl 5 1 7 7 l !'rc Son 2J't;? 7Wt n1rm In s..:i 61') ASfl-f."1.il 2 J7V. J7Vt 3111lo ..... cpc 1n11 1'10 •6 1'111 21Vt 2111;, -1 Hemm P•io 1 15 It'll 1'\lo ""' + \\ e1~t.ih• H1 ,: ~~ \~~ .e.~1~r, ,l~ 21't; FUNDS ~msug;l~~ '1~ I~; I""' :,,,, ::;;; ~;.::m111~, 11 ~~\~ ~~ .~~~ ~.~ ~:~'1'~ ·U Il 2!" ,m i'iil'I ~·vi BO!l~e £1 J\'o l"'lnl Svs 2•1-'i 2 Arn TIT 2,icl 102l •1 40'-olO'li-'"'Criimp)I(" 10 u l2l9 n•it l2Ji -+V.Hin1iCp'JO 2• 111>4 10~ O .... eon aer '"' 1\lo lftf s~ pf 1•1'1 1' AinWWk$ ~ 1 I'll ~ I"' -Ito Crou~HI.,,; 1 ' 1t1.fi 19\\ It\\ -v. HenneM 1.30 21 .Uti tS'lt · 'Ii BDOthe C 11'i\ l21'1 lnltX1 71'. I AWW~ I," t•~ 111'1 11 171'11 """ CrcrwCol 1 011 S1 l~ ttii 10 + \0 Hl<CO~rt I 1, 2•'!0 2J'1o 2• +H~ ::i c:' lftt 1it? l:"'~U111 n~ n\\ :~~~ .60 :. f:~ 1• '4 l~lll ,;,;:u; CfOWft C~k 13 13 .... 13 IJ -V. Harfll lnl I 11 391.4 30'i 3t •·• · •••d Sn 11111 1914 l(ODI; F Jl/o ~ An1tltk • ·'°'" S1 10 10\li 10'4 -'~ c ....... z.11 1.'° 37 27i'I '™' ''"" -\~ HlrKO Cp I 11 ,, IS!t 11n + .... B"-1 Sc:• ll IJ>;. Jaauift c 1 t hi• 14 l"w Guld 7,t2 7.12 AMF ltw: l'O lS8 JI :IO'llo 70VI + VI CTS Corp .olll 1 11l'o 12'.li I Hi + Uo H.lr!Wrx .IO 27 1114 11 1 111 · · • • e ....... Ar I IV. Jam W•I •V. •U-~,.ew YllllK IA .. , l"w lndlc S.2' S.2' Amfl( IO ' l 1'I la'll """ -Vt CllCl111w .611 11 10\lo 10 lo -.... HI~ Al 1.211 t 11V. I~ I~ -.,. BnKI II: 7\1.a 1 ,,..,_ F 221/t 2>1.t -Tl>t tollowllll ~ lnwn llol 7.61 Ht..!5 -K cP XI 116 ls>i U\11 U + V. Culllg1n .21 6 ll:o.i; 11\'o 111'1 -\; H-11 El 1.32 It 2•"' l'~ 2•"'4 ... BrllSll lie 'l UV, J1mibv 7" I\'• latlom, wPOlll'd br l11Y1S!or1 Gorup: AMP Ill( . .SI l5 ~ ~ 46 + .. C11mmln .IOb It 21'9 2t\.'J M\'o -\Ii H1vr1 AID I 7 111'1 11\t 11\lt + 'Ii ludtt l.!o. N Jilly Fob ''' Slt Ille N1llon1! A.iSllCl· IDS ,.,I l.ll l.61 An'>PP Coro 1211 I~ 17\• 171/o t 11 CunnOrUll •• I 1l 11 . l f ••. H.titHkle II f~ I Ii.. ••· •• Prudential Reveals Investments BurnuPS ,, ... ,, Jllnln Pd 1Rtl!:1 .non ol S.Cutltln MUI I.,, t.llAnisled2• 11 2~ 27u;•21'4-111CurllHWrtl JS 11'4 111& 12'1-+liiHCAlnd .lOp s s s s .... CIC lf" l.<6 7 Kll!lef' SI s.111 Oe111n, lllC., atl !5•,·~ 1>.,..1' ,••,, Am lel .n'. 16 6'" ~ ''° ... Cu'1 Wr A 1 l U'A ?6U 21'0 -.... "-<II.Mn .Ur ff 22\'I 21\4 lll\lo -1 I n •• I t m • n t ' t otall'ng fl w SW n~ r..~ 1(11551 JIJf 11 I "" lll'kH •I WlllOI ad. 5. AnfCOllcl 1 " 13 2Tho ,,.. 2~ + \lo CUiier H 1.20 32 IS\lo l•{i u~ ... 14 Heinl HJ .92 ti l2~ JN. :m\ + Ill IWTKll Ill~ ..... aho1r U\11 •Yi lheH "fCUtlllll Sel«f l.6J t.,. Ant~ Hodi ' • 2114 U llo "~ + "' Cvc• 1.90 lJ 2' x ,. • .. Hel-Curt ID ·~ -·~ ' •. M Hf,037 fn -1 e Sf It e llDn M 61 61 Kah! Grn l\11 l!'I COUid ntvt tlffft O VO>.~ 1"1 •,.U AncorpNSw l , l~il 13'11 1Jll ., CYIWllsM 1.olO lt 501't ~\lo $1111 -l Helltr Int .411 :W 16 IS~ I~;, + " ...... ,. ~ 1111\M II )I " K1y5m JI l \.'t ..olcl !bid) or boullll .~. I ft 1,.,-, ,,.,•, ANctleCp .1J 21 121!t 12 12\o -"' 0-... lltr flf•.01 l 7'0"' 711'A 101.li •... , tranucUons in Orange County 1nr111 jl'o ' K"r r ~ P.1 l•iltl'lll Wedft!ldv. s e · · Ai>COOU 1.Jn ~""' 21~ 211111 _ io -Htlnw Pon 1 • 16..-. 1~ 1'"" +i'• IP M!<im I -UV. ~rllttt 31-l llo .,. ""'Ivy 5 ... J.U APL Corp l:l\oo ·~· llll -\0 O.nRlvr .)JD 34 • 1U I +·~ tieJllU'hP .211 10 l]Y. INo IJ\4 ·+ ~ weft mlde by the. Western IP S°"' 7•\ 1~ lllwd 11 II Abercl" 1.63 l.7' Hnc:od: 6.21 l ,IJ AAA Svc ff I .. l'i .. t•\11 _ '1< Oan.1 Cp l.2S 17 19:\i lt \lo 191'1 , ., . Hemlspl'I CtP 3 J\'I l 3V. ••. ~P lntA 4\1 ~ 11111 E 1i;. '"' Al:lmlr•Uv Funds: Joh"1tn 11.U 11.611 Arcl!aN pj, • 3' ll ll 01r1 Ind .lllb IOI 29'~ ?l!'tl m, + ~ Htr( inc -~ 61 32~ 32\.ll 37.\t -\lo homeolflceofthePrudential ••Tell fl\ 3" tYI FID ll~Ul.'J Grwlh s.u s.&1Ke"l'tlaM Funds: ArcM Ot" I I 211-'-21114 26\lt .:.:·,01rl lnll pf? 1 :Ut~ ~ JH:O-\<'lfler~Fcl 1.10 ,. ?l'lo n'll l31'+h !•••ranee'·. In ••e f'·st fi·ve ,•~j, ~~w 1)1, •,~ ,",,,',''1', • 10 111(11111 3.67 l .IO ~:'11i1 1;: 11·!1 Arl1Ps~c 1.111 1s uv. 1ru 17'" _ "• 0.1, Praa11 126 tto t t \\-1\.ll ~ubl•ln .IO 29 JJ\' :u1111 1w. +"" ...... vu 1.U .. TO .. 1:-t ··~ lntur 6,11 6,11 CV BJ\l'.u211'21 ArlaMOS .l'O X1' w. 714 N+~O·vcoCpl.I( 14 151'! UV. Ul'l-""Hew P1tk .?G J6,f 2•'h ~ 2:v.t -n -~•-f )-Jt 1rir Oo 111'1 19V. ICl.,q Int J~• f'olo Advl1rs 4.Clf .... 1r1 II 1 ·.~ · S Armc:oSI 1 611 13' 21'1l M\9 2Qlo\ -v, ld1vco Pf4.25 ~O SI 51 51 -21':1 HloM Volllll'! 15 '" 1111 1!11 -~1 HJUUWli> 0 :1111. W&S C1K NG •1111 9'" Kiiiin El •:00 5~ Attlll•ld 5'6 6,:W c::, K1 6.ii ~·L Atmc:a pfl:1a 82 26· 2~ 2.Sll _ &;. D1vtnHUC1 .SO I ,.,,. 2~'11. 2•1'1 + 'lie "lflllf<l4o1el 1 21 21* 21 27 ... , rted •·• b Robert F ~Ill C•P 'fl'I 21'1 Irk Cp •, •"', Alutrt ,.?,I 5.21 ,c:~ K2 Jto il' Ar.._ 1.60 2 «I .a 40 _ 11o g•YlnPL !.IO It 221/o 21 22 -\lo Hobtrl 1.211 l ,_\lo ,_YI :U.. t • repo """'Y Y • eMtK '°'~11 k.NaVDf16 '1 17!\AllAm F •• l .H C1r1Sll•)•u:JArmtof •.IS JS?\.l;5\l.<oSI""··· PLollllJJ z.!0•9., #I -l HorrnWil "ltl •II' 1~11 ~ Hays, Or•n-County in-~rn~:s 1;~ 1~'• ~k$1'o.1 ii! )? :~:1tFd l:ll :·:= c111 s1 1.41 t .11 Arm11Ck ,IO llS u~ 2m nl'o + .... O!!!>e •,o 1.4 1it1 t1V. t ll.lo t i"' -11111o Holt E1tc1in 2' 51'1 5'11 s~ ~ -~-' 0 • .. ... ' , ... ,,, ·-. Clll Sl 5.IS .. ,, ArmRub 1.60 1 ~-8 1'1 21:W. -"' r• 0 1 4l l lY, ·~ 31"' +w. Hol\d'vlM .n 212 2S"l ,, .... 2SV. +\~ vestments mana-.. that the ' Lt• 1 '"'" .,~,.' 11~ ,t; j?• 4"c•: :·~ 51·~ c111 s• 3.u 1.,7 Ara C:«P '° 11 uv. u111 1•11i -v, m1rP 1.12 9 11 i.s'll. ,, + ~ HoltwSug 1.20 ' Ul.4 u ut~ ... Ill-J\'o L S' • '" UI ·-·-Polar 2.tl J.U ArYfll Ind I 11 ltlJo 11-'41 ll!Oo -"9 IMl\11 1.11 l• 111% ~~-\.lo Hometlllt AO 96 '1Hlo 1M li\'o -1'11 entire amounl was f o r "" i'll'i 1,o,i, 1~v. ~~WCI · 1{1 1"' !:::,,D~:.:S~ 9-29 k"ltkb s.11 6 JO Asllkl ou 1.10 11M 2111-1011o '°"' + •• ~~1r0 .., 1~, VJ! 26" ~ -'It "_,.wt I.JO 221 1111. U\\ av. ~ ~ 1·t ! Chi lr&I ~1 Sol M. l~t Ill~ ,..,II •..D 7 U l(ni(k Gt 6.5t 1'.72 AJllOll an . ..a I «I «I «I -2 "'"' ftl ...,. ,,s P.• .. Hoow 111 1 lGf • 1 21:W. 21'4 21'111 -Ito ml:l.t'OpO I In Gan!. Cl\rlll 5 1111 105 Le:~ Ld """ l7'tt 1ncm. / 61 l"ll Lel Grtn 6.6' 7.ll Al!ld I r-2 1\11 11.ll IU. -"' O-Mt, . .0 311 ~Ill 121.'J l "' Ho'I Inn ·.3' I JO 2"1 ll +'h Dur''ng the r Iv. -m 0 n I h Chrhl pf tG 9l eh Coal 2'1 lV. lnw.,,1 7 15 1Ji1 ... ~ AKI! 11.olO 12.12 Aud DG 1.tfl 100 JI ... lllllt. :iov. -I "'nM•"1 pl t ! IS\~ lf!~ UV. ii Houd Ind ,IO 20 tlil ,._ w. +1. period dlSblJrSalS In C3h(om1a llll U A 'O'.'! 11 ~I llF h i; I "' s:':c'k 6.,, 7 d Life Slli: •.Joi •.J.I A!ldTr.,. .OS.. 5 I'' I'' II\ .•.. IR<Gol'lln! 1 • 11(• II\' 11'11 -YI Houll!Mf' i.10 11 3Jl.;; :l'l~ ltt'I +;o, . • • . . ~lll'dtl , • Lfltur G 15·-.11·· $ I 68' lbttfy •.71 J.u A1SC1$po l.'70 1 1J lJ 2J -l;~"V I .IM Jr Ao .... t "-HouoMlff .. 'l•V. nu 131;~-lO • LI I.I II \t i') 211 Lillv Ell fl """ A G Ill . s s'u Liff lnY 5.12 •. u AllCIVE! I.lo! 10 20\.'J 20'4 ~ -I.;, r 1.10 l U\1 ll'.-' 1S1'i -\lo HoulF pj• • ..O ' 911'.1 f7VI ""' _, amounted to ... ltl 582. Ttus 11y lnw 1Hio lll' 111111w s•• 1•• .~ In~ ~·5s ,·51 Linc: N11 1.t• 1.61 """ Jt1cn11d 2 u2 •t !1 ., .,~ +\~ '~a ~· 5 •1 l9V. -2~ HouiF pj2.37 s •tl'I "'"' ff\lo -1~ • • ' ' ~llrk Mf 211'J 2:;~ Loft Cclw 1'\ ltl Am Mui ,,. 7'6 Llnq 2.1' 3.Gl A!IAch 1IJ.IJ ll!O ~,, ..... Ill,\+., •Kii ... I ' :)f 31 311 -1;\o'i Hou1ILP 110 26 3''~ ll 34 ...• was divided $43,313.062 for 11v1on 1i,, 11. Loq E1rn 9l, 10,1. AmN Giii i n il1 Lll<!mls s.vi~: All RltM "' J 10 ""' n·~ •.ll~ -16 DtSololnc .<0 1• Ullo 1• 1-41'1 .... 14o\is!NGs :111 29 t111t "4h ,.ti--1~ • ·. 11~1 Mrr 1 • LY.-C:ll c 11 ,,,~ Am PK s'17 ill C:an.1d 31,ll ll,12 "'llldl pf1.ICI $5 M)'\ 20i. Jl':U -,... Pel·~·'· .,.<II) J.11 II\" 11 lt'lt -14 HOUG$ pfl.50 3 t3 43 n metropolitan properties and 11n11111 o s"' S~\y,ad GEi 1u1o1li. """""' GrM· · C•ol1 I.It f·'9 l•ft!Ci...,, 1 :in :II' 1• 1•~,-:ii..,01 PS.so 1 171'> 121'1 121,~"+ ... ,. HowJol'ln :u 51 1111 n lli.I. .... ... -, or arm ans. oeur D ~·· ~ allkr1 j7'1o Still Grwlh 1'«1 t'21 L1111l Bro '·'' 10.S• AfO l"c II!• ,.. 1i~ 7\lo 7>ot .a. '\,L Cle•ter .Z• U lt'11 1' -'I• Hubbrd I.Ok lO 10 19\~ f--'• MOH50tl f f lo ~low Cp 1•"1~_•, al IUtv 5\r ''~ C1pll 1::il 6tl MUI 11..$61 .56 A!l~s Car• U 1'4 7'11 21io . I leel 3} 1~ 1• IO> l''°'Howm111 c 11 22 ll\'ii 13"' 11111 -\'I -lot I t dist ·b ted tfllr Co •S SO Y.11mt As l 't ''' lftc.me ,·,, 1'11 •II~ In 1,6t l .olll Avror• Prod IS 1"i 1 7V.-+ I& g 11IF!n1" .<IO 1 l'h ~Al'I ,...,. ..... HliCll •• 1.20 2 22~ 1"1'4 la_ v1, '"e 8 a mOUn rl U -oltm E 1:\lo 3\lo Y,anln M )'Ji 3'• Fcl l"w 7'05 7'nM&nllt" •.II •.51 AulDrn•~ Inf! 'O <i;, 5 ~ _..., 11mlntl 1.IO l~ JOlo"" JO "" HutMHll .40 16 t~o t -I• by the P ruden tial thro'"'~OUt 0111111 F 111 1011 anor c 5'9 6\1> Aoo110 Fii 611 f4s M.•.u Fcl '·" •.1~ Avc.o Cto 110 111 ll l?'G 1";, -~~I'm Sh..., l '~ 1211! 12 ,•,., -"• Huntctim 12 It 1•~ 161'1 1aw. -.,.. "6'' 111Df1 Str 71 11 •r Mio ·~ ..... At$11Cll t'06 1\;• M•H Giii 9.JCI 10.11 ... \'1'0 ,.13,70 ,.. JH!o lo! ~"~ -.. 1S "'OIJO 23 \~ 131\ -1a111aPw l.olO H 26\l "'"' ,..,. .••. the JJ western stain dur ..... ~,,,..~··· il"'!?~ .,,·,.~ ' 10 ~•Iron 3'71 ••J Y.IU Tr 12.0S IS.11 AYe,.,Pd JG !II '7• ,., .. ,~ .. -"4, lcl1pi>on .4I "",, !..°* 10\.11 IO\.lo-\'i10qt1111 .06 70 10\~ It 11 -141 -_,, -..... -· 1 16U .... , ~raft· . ~fft 1.0. !· .. ~-·Ill( 'Cl 1A1 ""' ..... ,,..,_..,. lrbalcl ---lni .$6\lo -\'I •11 cent 1.1' 17 11 16~ 1 ... -~ '~ ftv .. mon" p 0 r j 0 d om I • 10"'° 11 vi LP ll'rio U'lt Fund A • d • 8' then t.115 .OJ -'""'Pel 1,lD ltJ3 1Y.\ 7''1o J"l!lo -YI g 1Glor1!o .oMI 16 11fo 11'11 J.1"' -,_.I I<-.... 12 •H' -..0.. + .. "~ "'' om fl nv. 71~ rer -0 17'9 II\• Fund a i:tl 1·1:1 Merld Fii ll.03 Tt;OS Arfft UI .7Jt 15 9 ltt l h • Uli!llJl>m ,«I t• l t 1"1 11~ 'Ii •n ... • •mounted to '85,549,931. Of om Hllll ~ ~ 11'1 2l 2• Slodl: s:1, : .. ~~M,• ',-ll ,'·'"' D . '""Dl,11111 llA1 • ..!,!!!•,.!!..I,», .• = •• ~:::.:r:--A~ 11 ':(? ':'"' 11 =~ • Gift Ps' 1 ''" fllil G 2J 74' kl C• 3.U • 11 ....,_,, P ·"' 1 · -Po--g""" .llll> -• '-7" '"""" .. ,. N C lf<I ~ 25 2! I this amount, $80,903,431 was llfl'P A 311o ·~ 'oltdlt H • '"' &ab$Oll 1n 1:r:i F 'F' 10.1111.11 ll•bd: w .• 1, ui. 1:tu. 11~ -v. 111Se111 1.10 ••' ",,• "••" @10 -~~ :ric~ c~:T1 s 9°"' i'1< t : • I ~-"ta lo ~R..i '"' Cm 11 12\'J Ml9 lt 20 ge-con 10·., 106t Ml cl '·" 7.55 t\itkrOllT -•· • ,~ ... U?'io 19• -\lo fill''"'nd .3' .............. ~ "'' -. "· ,,,,,.. ... I •i• 9\0 9\lo .•. OI' ... ~ .. "l"t"' n an5 OJN !m• lftll • •'lll Mecltrft 31"" l2~ trl Knl i6S 1:.S IF Giii •.11 •·" 11111 GE 1.11 1' 2~ 76 ,__ .. , IWMll 1 .12~ .,,. '"'" .,..,. "' 11 16 l!U 1~ ... ~ ... I r .......-.· mo Tee J14 • "Eld In 121'1 l:lt• lll1lr Fd 1:611 •.12 MuGow s 10.0111.111 a11r. plfi..50 un ~·4 , .. :. "'\ -v. rP-r .30 112 Hi. 11\lo 16'1 ,.. lndllft Hd .o!Ct • .,. I\;. -.,...,....,,500 or arm P•"l""'••es. °"'"" 1t;, •'llo 1c1 c• 6\'I 1 eandstk •f'I Sll u o ... G •.oo 4.J< 1•l1G PIC' iroo Sl..., J31.'io J.1VI.. Oornt!Ml" Ill .,, S6VI S•" 56v. .,..1,,.. lndo1'PL 1.sa n 111~ n 2 1;o •• ••• on Ract 'Hiii n v, YI 1ft )1,1, Jl• I PSlon St 631 ,·to Mu Omln l,,S t,#.1 ~nioPnl .ISP 2' 1~ ,!!; 1''0 -\lo Ooo!ntlllY "•• 6-1 161' 1"~ U , ... :=:A,:'·lS J ~\lo n... 1J :;\,,, C:onlftcl 1141 '"" Vllll"" GT 11 II 1'lo:\I Fdft t'1J f s1 .Y.ut Shrs 11.N 11.M ~=ntP pf 2 ~, 11 , ... 17>.lo -It;; Oorl( Ca ·32 1 I~ Ullo I~ -V. 1,,.,Ad pf7,35 15 30\o 30 30 _ \o C:on1r1ft 7 1v. Vll>ls Ga$ 21~ 1tvt llofton i n ,·..,Mut Trtt 1.1~ j-'• ~ll!IP Dfl.11 1,1\\ 1•1• 1~'• -t\o Dorr 011ve~ ' }lt~ !);!-' l.'\'~ ... , .. lnll,. 500 1 4 Jl'fi 23,4 "'" ... !-r t. 1S\'1 16Vt Y.l.1 VIG ll~•H'lo 8 rl)f011 SI ia'ttn'ooN~A Mui 1.tl .07 llkOfC1l l.ll 6 70 lt\lo lt'llo -... OowfrCp 1fl ) .......... ~... •• oro S ' 6'4 Vlo llK h 3'!. J•i ll~llock c:11win: · Nal Ina 1.11 2.11 "•'1110 I NV 2 7 •3U. t•'4 ••'': -+ \It oaw<:hm 7'.6G 72 6•llo UV. .,.,; -VI l"monlC:P . .0 I I 7'1 7" -\'t PSm Yr 17 l J Vlad Sci '"' 514 BuMck. H 07 lj nJ NH lnw5t .S.tt 6.'1 ll1ft• Tr !.I• .a ~ Stllo 60'~ + \lo OrivoCo 1 .io l 26;0 2~' Ul -,... l111llco .10b 51 IJ•.; 12"11 12~ -\'I Crwfrcl 11Vt17\'i MDhwl<R 11~~1'1.'J C1ndn 1661 1 't1N~t S«ur-Sir: "•rb0111.5'!t ~ 21 ?1~ 7ru • Oren llld l . ..0 n n ' 26\! 264+\•Jn1p!rCDP3.I 12 4' •II'> •Jl'l-1\'t Clenientean Crell Mll 1 .... 2"• MDllm Pt lO'ilo Ill\ N1tW s '1.s ,.., Bond •.6J 1.06 ll11lc Inc: ·"'° l• ln - ... rHlr I 81 n 2~· 11"' 21\li + v. tnlrlldnc: l.IO 2 13 2l 11 ••.• c:r,. MQt • ' Monf C<>I 11, IV· Ol~lcl 1·01 ]0 )0 B~lan l .'6 '·"' ll1rd CR _,s • '»u,~ •"•"" J6 +t filH' oti 20 1 JH' 31~\ JI• •.4 lftlerco 1.10 15 13'11. ""' nv. ..... '"I' Co H 'Jlo lO''J "'-' p ·~ ti~ NY Viti u '64 IJ'11 Olvld 3.411 . J.111 1B1lc pf tJO uo, JOV. lOYt-~ IYIU$&: !D 3' ll\t u IJVo lllM •.SO .lSl 261 256'4 2Y +l J • B fA Cru di R $ !.'lo oore S 111.l 11\.i e voM Fd 630 1'90 GrwtM 1.0. 7.ff •MJ Mii lt>.I 6l' ~llo , ePw 140 ,, 72 21\lo 2Ho +·~ lntFlfFr .!Ob ., s.~t lolV. lol\.-\ •.. , OIDS 0 f:llr6 c 10 11 Ml"-TrA 11·~ 17~· rG Fd i n fff Pl S•k S.61 6.'1 111111 Ind lOI 1"9 ft,i .... -v. OUk•P ioH)s I tJ tJ t7 lft! HlrY 1.ICI 115 23;>o 23 13 -\' lftlJ M I ll't !<1lr wl 11~ J1.i Ci•imr 66? i'6 lr1<om •.lO ~-1t1 fll111\l1t 1!12.SCI 13 30 l"I ,. + v; 0uft8rld i.111 .a '11'1 ,.\lo ,.l'I ~Ii.ti ln!lialcl l_.:tlit I 1214 1714 12\11 ..• t1 01• JV. 7'1a 'Ml(ft M •'IO S'" Caci! lftw f66 f" Slock !·" J.Ot 11..,ld>L b .• 1• JO 2' 2t -~ Oupli n ADI 2"9 1" u 111'1 +l\.ll lftl llldu1I 71 111-io 101'1 11VI + 'lo 111 Gen ""' 2~N ~ Club IV. ....., c1p11 Sllr s'11 sM Nel Grtl1 .11 1.1' t't1~trl•b .11 1" lA'' "'" 7.'lli + V. duPont 1.50e 201 I t"I 11•"" 1 fh +11\ lnllnll 111'1.111 • 20\lo 111'Ao 20'6 + ~• bee 111111 P 3\ .. 31'1 uelle{ •• .._ ll\ (e"I Shi t'i. 9ft fllW Cf! l.•I >.IO ll1w kClt .50 l till ti t i\ -VI 11t,1Porrt pH.50 l• 6llt 61\lo 6 IJo -Ill lftl Mlnat 76 111\'o "" ti\ -t'• Gr~ p. Scott has n gavls Fd s '"" 111111 Ei 11' 3!1 Cto1nnl111 Fuioclt · . Nf!IW Fd IS.ll li.ll llt~l"91 ' lG 3".\li 36 l6'11o -"I f;Ol11 irlJJo ' '° .,!, .,tio -" Int Miii .20e 15 17'o Hiio lHt + •• ppotnted ......... Celi IJ Mir t Jv; 1'\\ M~r LE 20'.~ 11 ll•laft • 11 io.n ew W1d 10.(f! H.ll hDI Fd1 I ll 21 26\lo ~ + " LI 1.64 32 21 20'llo. ll + ~ 1111 Nld!: I 20 21a ltl< 11'11 JI -•• a re ........... mar.. ng ICOI' Ill •ilo 6lo NCC: Lr• •\o •lk Com $1 i'.13 I •S Nrwlon U.11 U.t7 llec:kml1t ·'° 1"1 2)1.ri, ti 111 .. -lljo • 2DllfJ.1G !90 27'" '"" 11,o, ••• ,, 1n1 Paa 1.SO 1 .. 3111'1: 2th JO " •• "'(,_ w 'itb n -• J Amer'ica's °"•", ,•,•, ',i~ 2,~:'.! N,,',"',•,..,c 1lVr 1•111 c;rw111 ~·09 A •• , 1cn s1ro ,_., 1.n ""''Dick .:io 210 ~ 1s "~ + i,. a\' iot i 121111 2sn lil'I 11'1 + "' ftt PIO p1 • z10 S6 S6 s. -1 fC'Cl aaJA '-"' Oe~ ... --. t\o 21, 1Fl<l!ftl .. )6 its Nare11~I ll.73 IJ,IJ lleed!Ar .7SD 11 10\~ t .,_ •ho -\Ii 7Saf1.I' i100 72 21 211'1 -l l'o Intl RK!JI • I ~'I ~·· ••. ,, Or -•Sou~ t 1 -~ OelllX Ch •1\lo 01.~ NJtlC.r R '1 10 50«! f .. 1J.o.)o;~oh 5.11 5.11 81lco P1I .SO 11 13\lo 11'11 ll -\It JODl2 10 t100 29\'a 2t\\ 2'111 +\.\In! Siii 1 . ..0 S lll• ll!o ... -... up ••OU r.in::as em ........ o~t C•"T Ul'I: 15'1 C:mn CP Ill; t\oo C""!' Gr e Ot · Ome«~ S..$3 S,65 j•\lle" l.IO 1 l•\• 2•tlo 2•"11 -"" molnct .:.11 s Nl t\~ f.., _ .... Int T&T 1.115 1010 36..-l!\lo ~ + '-" '-"'llleles county R e g j o n a J I'' 11r 11\lt lt t'• Nar E111Jt 1• 21 c~a!t • ,; s :it oo Fd 11.:Jt 12.•s 1 dnoH .IOll 11 •!Ao ll\lo llh ->4o ""Am ..ci JJ !.'Iii 'l'I 6\il -~ lnrT" f alH • 1 u I• 1 t ' Hoed R . l v· .... Ame ~v. ~Vi N81 ~~-0 ll0'Z ll~ ~~~ si·I~ ~:~ ~. ~'"$ 1r:n 1f3~. 1:11 t:.'I:'.(: ,r .r• 1::Z ':~ ::.~ -E·F-l~1\ao/1 :lf. 1~ ll ll ~ + ~ ea quarters , . egiona ice r:: Cr 1~ 11111 N::1 Med 11!! '{~ inmt .:'°,, .,:"° o·~~ft l}:ls• 1J·~ lr.::lr. '1~.J 'fo lJ,,Ao ~~JZ ll ;.:. " 1=~p~= :'° I lt\l.t lt•-1. l19~ : : : : : l~ITbT11 or~ n tt" tm ntt i' ""'Iii P resld!!nt H. H. Jackson an-~\~ ... '~M 31::; :t: ~:; f:ctA ,,.. 1~. c De(' •· -10 ., AIM 12• to1 Btn<J1~ Pt > s •1 •ou •o~ -•:. 111 •1r L'rn u: l1~ l~~ 1 ~ .... 1"1 urn " 11 70i;, 20•1. J! • JlOunced today. • ollo,l<O O •• •, •"o"o· •,~'-,,,, 2 1\lt c::fo':if~1 -l•.5' ll.•l )TC S•< t :s2 10'.lS 6t"'llC:P l .40 111, ~·.· .~ .... :JtC. -.... 111 GI' .12t m l•'lt 2m l• -'"" 1••1o•ct 1 1 10•1 1ti•1 \ I'll M 51.'o S"" Elllllv" 303 3 31 Pft(e Fnd 1.6• 1.16 1en1ll au 30 ... .. 121'1 -1~ 11Kocl1k )a .. , 4S tl\\ 6"\/o ii "' rand .90 4 It'~ 1J'" j• " Both Scott and the Job are Oow Jon 2t~ lO NE" GE l•'T lflo Fund 1'e• t'61 l'•ul Rw S.90 6.•S enel 5ol2.l<O tl<O l'tl\'1 21\lo 211~ -\~ !11onY1 1.411 1• 1,0,!) Nlh 2t>Ai \~ lnltnlStr .IO 2• 1 '• ll\~ 1 \4 -i,,. • Oa\llt DB 1•111151" ! NII(\ u•• "'' Grwlh iJO ... ., .. enn SQ '·" 6 ... ,~W•\ ' lSt ~ S"~ \~ -V. llGI> all.It I 1' 27\1. 21\4. I lnr10 Pw 1.24 1 1~·· 11· tt"' +lo newwithBankofAmer1ca. grew NL 1 1~ chJll F '' 27'\ lr1<om 1·I0 9·2 "~Mul J.,21.s2 l!IOlll! n t s•1 sv, J'Jlo, .• t hllftMl ..52 1.s22\oy'i".!1~-•4 lowaB"' 11%1\l VI""-~• -Id S unllln D IOV.1 '4 tll A :IOlli j P• vr"' iuJ1.1P11U~ 11.16 12.jl erkt •Pha 216 ~ j'• 1\'i-h tkwllJ .70 25 21\'o 141 -'91ow•EIL1.:IO 101~ 1 •...• 'ue 2 7 •ft a r • 0 Ml 011rl1on l fV. 16 Nit" e JO~ I~ C:al G•!" ,.,, 46, Piki•lm 1.70 J. 1 i·~t-, >OI c,~~P 110 2h \'o " -'4 lcll"°"BrOI I 1 21t, 72 , • "-' low1111G 1.31 5 11\11 19\. ff"' -t \, C'---t ·d t • · th El P1l"I 1 17 A J!nc •i I""' commc in 1·30 Piiot s.10 6.21 " . 221 22\o 22V. 2 \0 ••••. G&G .10 ,~, 1CP.o 10,,_ + w low1Plt 1.411 ll 12 21•. + \o tc:Lln::n e J'eSI en JOLDS e E11IC. wt J ' NC~r NG l\o '"" COf"S Id 3'11 i '1\P!ne ~I 111 I.II T'U;! 1. -I U>. ll l! . · 1.MUlk: .ott •,v. ••\ ..,.. ..... IOWaPSw 1.>6 I lt\4 11:00 11'1 -h •--• f ••· F d Moto E111 sp, '"° 1 EUt Oii 21\ 21' cwl111 A& 1·10 t' Pion Ent s 3' •" \Kt.,.. ·"' 11l! ,"•:: '::,..'~ f1'11 -2\~ lrc:t Anoe N U •:i;, •:i;, • • loco Hoaa .31 1l j1W. XI V. jl" l" UU• rom Ul'C QI" r Econ Liit 72li 2ZIN NPA GH 17'6 lllo C:w I CO f .l?[Ploo'I Fnd t.'35 1i'.ll' •Ir John .411 ... I~ -"'°El Mtm Mfl( llf 1~ •. l 121~ 11\.'lo -~ lT E Ima M 1 1"4 1...._ AO V. Com t De·~1 whe h Edue s JV. • w N1IG • ··~ c::..: .... 7.t ~:;, Plfft l~y 1.n t.)I 11~-~a,uo ..! 1i~ l Ill EIMMIG pf I 16 ·1•'· 1•~ U'h -,,, Itek Corp m :1111• J1¥i 17\li v. pany n l>JV1 r e e I' .. ~~J 111'! n NW Pus~ 11•\ 111. ornllf1 J ll s 9CI rlct F~nd•: Blue II II f'il ~ ~~ ~ • 11 'l? 11i1n"-1. J/ld.-19 ltl.. 11:? -.+" t? -J·K-wu employed after receiving lb1 s~~t ,,._, '""' ud A1< ''\ 7 oma Bd ·uftawin Grwlll 11.u 11.tt 8obblr' 11rli1 11 ,..., w. 'i~ .;, 11r:~G1.~ $61' !,:: ,,,.. lt!o _ v. J1ct 1nAt1 2• 11 11~ "~ !'It+"' his ... _ . bu ' kltt II ·~ 7 la Ari ,, .... 1' ' ornp I'd u"•Y•ll N Erl l.)O •.30 •otl~ Co • 1t5 lJ(1 ll'l'I 1:1\0 1li llr• pl! .., ' 0 ,,..,, 26~ 261'1 -'"" J1cv.n pf,olQ l 5\~ S\.'t VI masters '"w.e'""' in sultss 1 Nlte 31111 """ 1 St1tr1 I'~ .,. orn11t i·t, '·•p,~ ~ lf·J: 1/·J: Bol1C11 .3St. 151 .,lo< •v. •i-. '!lo n11r E11C 1 . ,, 54 ji,.' s.i +1\.'J Jantun .60b 1 11\~ 12\o 1 i .. ~-(. dminl~ lion' f UCLA t 'kNuc ' Ao ""'"',, 10• 10•~ onc:ord t I.I · · Bond Ind ti 1 tli 9\4 t V. + lli rntrYA!t .to II •J.\.\ •t. •S1'1 -y, J1p1n Fund 23 ,.,. ''~ t \'I + u. a .,.... rom . n E ICPY J 2VI l!rr.,. 2.l jt" OllMiol lft .. J t'62 Prolld"t j·I' «U llool<Mlh in l lllW 11111 llV. EmMlrl 1.10 IS J11.'J \~ !'"" ... J~en I'd fn 1t 1-111 I"' I" ~·· !'I ••'••v' Al~ ,3,, .... ~·,c11w1 11111 1J\ii C:~•,1 0•,! •,.M, •,·~ e-·it 1,0,· '·'' Bor;W•r 1.is 20 191, 1t~ 19~ +111 m_. to 1 , .. , l• 20i + ,.. JtraentA .50 29 11~ 1• " -~\ 11\ift ~1'7'1 ~ "~ MA 12Vi l J U lft ,: .. 3)S pft~1:;;. FllfWi"°!-t.n Borelefl 1.20 IH lt>lo 11~ ltl'I +·~1··~1' 1.1• S 2J\;o 2•h .,,,, -~ JrtfnPUol .IO XI 1~ 25'\k J \0 .:..:·;;,. " ~ ,.. ~· " ,, ,. ... a .. '' 11-100 "" t 1~ 1111lhMlft olll 11• 11~ I JI"' -•• JEtl Co I.SO lS .O 39 40 J:"' Modlll • •-P1tr.11 r • • orP Lii 12'.?o ll'.a GIGr' 11 ,S7 lt,'-1 ormens ... ' • fta M a1i1~ 1 119'4 11}" 1 ~ -1\lt J m W•ll • .a 17 j21 16 11 '4 Imp$ 011 1!14 10'6 Pie Aufo '"" nlY c:111 t 55 0·l3 Grlh 1.01 1,1, Bot Ed!1 2,24 1 lJVi 33\'I 0331,1,_0 _ ..... ftnl• luo :32 3 lllh 1 ..., 11.,., _ 1~ J mw otl.60 11 lu !l Jl\/o 'Ill. lhlfl¥ C J, 21 l"K f'aE' 21 1' rn wg1w (61 5' I IFl<Dm •.7• 7.ll llour111 lft( 2 H ti 1Hl ., llUIGll l '° 11 28 .... 2 ''" '1~ _ v., Jol1nM1n 1.20 101 ) y, 30('.io lOh _ ~ Presl'dent Set --RI ''"' N P•kco CCI .->, S'li rtl w •• ,s'60 ,.,, '"west S.f7 I.ti! Br!fftlfAlr .so 1(11 l h I'.. I~ -',\ Sii Inc; ::io ' 20\lo 70\.11 2014o -.... Joh" Jolln .32 .. " 4111'1 "" n11l1 I '"' S\11 ,lnc'OI 1-. 2 dlVlh M .,·u ... ·ll VJSll l .6' 7,11Br1111st 2.40.I 9 .,".ti\: 4 \lo -lh scrulr1 .JO ..s ti\. 9Vi+v.JollrosSw.: .. o J 2"to 2' 2~;+.'ij, ElttWlll 2~ .... P1rt1r Dr Slit • o.1-ar1 GtOuo·' vw-. s.a .S.92 Brll Mr 1.20 '1 51 so SOI'> ... EIH~IJll 1.1'0 II 11~· II'\ 11~1 ..... JonLOCl•n .IO 71 •1\40 401~ ·1 -f. Wl'lli.am C. Powell, staff vie' e 0.1 .. , 1e·o• 1a't1 Rrwer~ I . ., t.H Brit Pt! .lle ,. ~ •~• ••• ,.. e111v1 c11 "' IB 11~~ 1 v. 11\ft 1v; Jorae-. 1.:io 1 1 v. 19'l u14 _\lo Otcl l tN )OSd ll:eaTec:h 3.23 J.5• l rillMY pl1 11 ll''l ll\'I J6l'l--1'E1tr1nc:p .IS. 1 l ft lj\O 1A !\.llJ0111L1u .3'11 9 lj 11'/o l '\+!• Dtll1 !." ,.'2 Alllfret 12.tl 11,JD lll!Wr H.llfo I t lllh '9\\ 11\'J T ~ ElllYI al2.4o 16 311.4 3Cl\lo ll'io Vi JOlllM .70 J 10VI 211\\ :111\'I -'h Pr •• idenl. -mput-serv•-•, Dr1x11 l '.65 I "1s Aotenlh S.M J.51 ewvH1 r Al 1 U"' 31~1 lJllo -Eurolnd .bf 2 1'4 1,'lit 11~ 'Ii Jov Mii 1.<IO 17 CJ"' .i"' '3'4 +ltr. ---AdM H ~h'rF11 f411'33S.1emFlll •,.5•1611111'.W'f'G .fO i U\1 2J ?S -Y.Eurllldlto.lie s 17 1 11 .... ,K•lstr Al1 .q 2n. 71h 21'1i +llo Conti-.il A!riinel, W' a S en to ear rtyt L-w ~~JI\' 11 )3 ~ FJl.o':: n.to 11,•,~0G<01.n 1 2.:1\~ U'4 1ll'I + ~ Evf,.p .60b ll ll lO\.-\ 30ft + .. K1l1 •f•.7.S I '6 '6 '6 \'!$: .... .w.. 2 Flt JV. Sh .... £xCtllO l.U 39 1Mt II II -"• IC11 '·7SPf2.37 lClll U '4 ll U .:..:·i~ e lected ...... ldent of Mutual I·'° t.• !"::t 1"" U·"l1 ~·:J 011wnst11tp ... 11 10111 t11. 9(' ...•. F1btr9e A .s.. 1v.1 1S's 1~ + .. K• 1 c...., .IO 2 lt!H 19\lo 1t111 +v. r•-S k PR ,14 111.61 1111 1,-71,-,, WftShol! 1.Sll 11 211'1'i '' ''"' ..•• F1crarA .61111 72 l6 :u+. JSlft, -v. K1 •C plJ,SQ 1 •1 •1 •1 t'" Computer Services, IDc, It a pea er on inccm S.ltt.s.•7 Ccm si 1'.4! 7;" 1uc:YE 1.20 2t If llS. lt\lt-\I F1lrtMC .JO 4• ~~ 11'11o 21\0 +\.'lo IC1l1C l'fl,J1 5 lm lt\~ lt\.t l'i OKI 61! 7,, Sic~ llY F 'Id UdCI Co IO .U 9'11o 9';0 9'4 •••• , F1rHlll .151 13 l \lo 7~ t'A +~' 1(11\CPwll 1 1 27"1! 21\ .. 21'* •O meeting ol. the Board of Direc-1111;,1 't'" 11:11 E~IY ~,..-= 'II llucld Co Pt 5 1:10 SS S! SS .... ' F1lrmonl I " 131~ 1r• 1)~ -v. KC Soulncl 2 l 2'1• ""' r,111 -\\ ton in Los Angeles .The com· Carnation Company's direc· ~"' Sc •:•r ~::I 1~wrst •·•• 1:~. R:::;,f1n-':~ 13 ;~ ;~ = -¥'" t:~1~~1fl~~ ;f 11'-w 101~ ij'111 +·14 ~=~~[ 1::2 ? ?f J;111 ,;"' -"" Ill!'"" 11 3'10 39 l.lltri 5··~ ~t!11u1tf'or111 10 6 32 3)'\ J1'"-v,F1111<t" Inc 13 J 9 -\lo Kttv Ind IJ '"' nt. 711;;.:.·,-_ puter company, purchased by tor of public relations, Wallace E"1llt'1e '1,1n1vl11 ~:/Mj,~1 1f:t! 1J:;; Bu1ov1 w "'° 10 1•'4 1•"' ,,'-+ I\ F•r wr11 Fh) t 10~ 10\\ 1~ -v. K•uf 11r11 .20 i10 Jl'• l21'1 m. + ~ N J · 'II k bef Eiwlh 7.3S 1.01 ~ham'?d f ~ 1 ~o Bunll ll:1mo lt• 11~ 1 1» -.., F1r11\Mf .tob • "'/> '6'l9 •h -'(o '<1wtt8 .7Db I \•l'o 1.i:io I•'!\ + ,_ Continental In March or this • am1e , WI s pea o re ~aul Giii ,,., ,.lf ,. hflr Ao I '11 •1·~ BulllcR pit.JO I :U1' 1J 23 -411' ~·$ Intl .•11 " 1!4 I • • -.... IC1v~rll:o .60 11 1 ""' 11 +\~ year, ill • wholly owned the orange County Chapter e~:~, ·~ l~:H 11:~ r. De•n '~): 1::n :~~IJ:' 1~~ ", ~ ~::! r,~ =1~ F=~ ·1~ ~~ ~1 .... J;~ ~~It::.~ ~:Tie~fnJ2·.~ ~ n~ jlfh ~ ! ~ di r th · I' f the A • 1· f Ind st · I f ·D C:aP •.JS •.'IS lqm~ FullclJ' B~rlNor pf H •7 6"' 1 6 ••• ,. Fl'llMDll .IO 1' ?Of'I zr, .. :!oh + ,, 1<111119• 1.70 35 40 .io 40 _ v. subsi ary o e a ir me. o ssoc1a ion o u r1a F11r1d 1.1• !·• c1an ,J.i 1,15 eurlldv .10· 2 i•·~ 1• ,,,, + \!O F1GP1( E ~ s t¥t '"' "' T ~· ~'''" 1.lll ' "" tru l•\\ + l• m.rk."-g I Wide selection of Ad rt• • Ju) } noon et Fi rm Bu 7.tt .tt lnwe~ 1.94 9 T7 BurrvM1 AO Ut xni o 95'• 9$11 -2" I' Pie pf1.2' • 141\ 1'11 1•\i -\.lo enll.lll .l<O t 3l 31\.< ll•1 -ti WI VI!: l!lers Y • 1 Fl'tl OrlM 11,l• 11.Xt Tru1I 7.•l I '11 BusllUnw .10t • UV. Uh ll\\o •.... ,• .. rdP,~p,.. .. ..,1 II 16\o H 1' -... _..,.,t .to ' 21\11 21 21 .... + It • dat th Ch t House 1• n Fld C111 1s 10.11 Smnh 11 1.J11 7.)111 -C-Sh. 6 16'h ,,,. '""' -"' Kllf'tflC"'' 2.1'0 s. "" m. ~ _ ~ computer programming • c ar er FJd Fund 1i·" 1J.u swn 1"" 1.o 1.60 Ffdlf111 l11t 111 ~ ' s -"' t<FCh Ot1 .10 s1 16>1o lf'il 1"'-+ 1• for a ~ariety of customers Anaheim Flo Trn11 1 -•' 211.tt s ... 1.,.,, Gt •.11 s.21 Cebot c1..,. ,, :w. l2>io »~ ..... ._,..,0ea1s1r 1 m JtP1 Jt!'i JO\lo -!lo ~· u111 i.S6 ~ ll\/o »to l:N _It ' • Fln1MJ1I Prat: lil1l l!W 11.'° 1'.10 C:11 Flnt11I ll 6'1 '"" 6o'• _ •• .,, f!",-:,::"'<°'~. 1 • 7'il "'9 1 ... -~" f!"r Mc 1.50 111 Jni 7flt 7'111 -~ Or""'1 3.U 4,01 !r1 !£1 1.06 1· lll>n Mftl 11 9>4o l vt .,. ..-.. .• .70 4l lit .. 11\i U;i. -"" IOcleC11 l.l'OI 51 :I0\11 ltlll lf\lo -"11 lnllU~I ll.11 l." tFrm Gt ,,,, -.21 lmPRL ""' 72 20• 231< '•i'"·· _+ •• '•'11~-•M •••• I 17 .... 17~ 17---\.lo IClmbCMc l.lO lt JO!.\ 30\li 3111) + \~ lricom •·'' s "1 1111e S1 JS.lll M.50 ""'* i.lt .ct ,. 2sV1o • ..... s 21 \' 21 11o ~\.2 ..•.• ic1,,..os1 .«1 u 17-'I u111 ltYi _ 1-1 111y..c1r• •cfive w11r for ...... , ltoy1 o~, the fun •nd comfort of 1ummar drtssl •1•k•t11.,{c•"' e P111ttr cli•rt• • ' ........ hlff4. .. .,..,. "'"' '44-I071 Vtt11 •-10 •n lffdm111. F~rldl ·, dlrew ..o. 11 •Iii t 11 \I ... ., F 1ror 1.• • 20'9 20r u. ..... KlrlnevNs :u " 2J1\ n 71 _, Flllft 011 '·'' a.u Am llld 6,,, ·°" " P1c' J.70 .f 51 .so>• S2 + .. "" FMfflln ~ 11 1• I ' -~-'tin...,. Pfl .7S n •7 u •S _, Fit lnGt~ 6..:Jt 1.00 Fl(IUC s.10 ',, •n•IRd 110 2 "'"'' 11'.~ 141>.i -" Ftrntroe 1.IO "·• ·,m ,•1i.• ·ir.:· •• ,". KLM A 2.4tf 16 lll'.li :IN :n ,.~, ln$1-6.tl 7.5' SCltn }.61 2.tt IP c 1111a 1 :no 27'· 22 221'1 +"' Fi i Chrl 2.291 ~· ~·· F't MuUI 1,22 1,U S!eln Aoe Fas · arbtlln 1 .a 6 •I~ •l'tl •1•• -... F11 M1<1I 1.5' Sf 21"'° 11 11 Ht -~,! Fst NI I 5.9J 6 •1 Bal U.)•i5.,. •rll1le 60 I• 10l; lat.,~ ID" ~Fl NC/lw ~-JOJ 11\11 '°'' 60 \\o -~ ~~ s~e,:-: 'l;~ '.':~ ~~ 00 1t:N 1::11 •,~p~·, 6'1 J im .OI• o10 • 601-'1 -1i f''~t:f.: SI 1~ = ll~! ~ .!_ h Flit ~"" 4.1• ••• ,uo l11Gt s.~ 5. 0 .;pyj;,; ,.611 3: g~ ff'' y .: .. ::\, ~f:~r Fcl ;~ •'" ,t.~ •t," ,•1•• :.::v; Fl1 G!M •.65 5.ot uoln$1G 7.•J I, 1 1,,lJ:,Cf '60 tt J,)<I l'l1 3J\I + ""FlsllerSci .1' 6 ti;" ,.. ~ -r (io ';J.~i.' ,:,r,, ,;:•,., ,',•"".·," t,~.i~:.~, :~~.~ :~ u\ ~ w-21\'1~ :.:· .. tri"t~~, ·l° ' ~ ... 1t\1 20\11 + t.. •• > · · ! . ..,.. l O ~· 811! 111 Al."' t ll'lt 11'' I 1 -""' Flllll p A~,50 11t .0\lo 5' i! ~ Fr" n Orouo~ ff.,n( 4 l$11\CR .IOll ~· tl•\ 'ltl• 22\~ -+ '' Fl!ftl o ll'JJ I 2' 2t -h c" c: •:: J,OI i~Gt .J:.~ 2::~ l1'r~~J-1D '}: ~~ ~" ~ = t: ~t: ~Colj' "1rr lh~ ,;:: t ~~ S111n1to•-uri:""' j.n i;ij owr MR •.10 •·ill ~j co pfl:1! l 16 16 . 11 -1 ,.., "ow 1.tll 2'I '-' .,._ i\~ -ll ... lllt"Dm ,Tl I.~ ~== c,n, •,·" 1·" ICICot'll ·... 2 )6 IS'li 1P; Flff"owll 2 :w 51 ,..,, S™ -ll ffNdm 1·111 7, ~ Fii l!·J:, ·" •l•llfllC•, •l SS S$ ll i-'t.\ Fii s1111• 1-! ,','• ~ ill, l'"•--~d lrMUI .tt 7. GI 2••1 :.. 1f1n a1A4,)I) J ~~ ~-~ fr' ~ Ftuc1tC1, .311 :; U\~ h"i f~ ! r_ TJHi ~ 11 1 • .., II .,,_. ... ~':'~Am ·::W,~!1~ -lroc l:.n .Ill lftCO 11'1$ .JI -" • + ".ll""r .111 a 11\to l! 11\io + \lo In Ille tfodl rMrlltt !'WWII.. -So< !'''''Uni Mui ·"llS enHuc1,1,4 3~11\o U 21111 ••. _F cw .u 1 • _ -• S.lft!'--..,·-.,., "i" o 'N 5·, Uftlta .111 "' enl/ILI ... 22• 1 ~ 20lt --. F'tltC 2..25 ,.. _ ... -.a • ~''Sec· • . • Un Col(IJll .• .:oo n LI "''·jt ''° 51 \l 5'1~ i1 -~ FoollF• ... JD II •n• II \ -............ """""""" ,... :r,•F:. f·?J :·# U').~~m Fufj, '·'' ~/~S ~11f {~ i~ i~ .,,~ + ~ ~= ~11111 "° 11,~ I,\' ~Jtt ! ~:.. ~-°;!":":'~';; ~: cam SI lf'.631!:61 i'rocom 1 :'6 1!.611 tnMPw 1.11 I lS" I~ 15\l ••·• FOOle "2.Jt ,J lli., ,~;~ J'r. +·Vt •lodl dl•lllllnd. ,_..,.,. 111 1 •eir • ._ rl!lf'd A .72 6,,, SCJen ·tf .'7 en! SW l.to ,, ~~~ fii! ~ :j: ~ ~== !: IJ 11\'t ll't 't" --....... Ill •Hid!. Wrt119 lt1' """'"'°' rth Ind 11" 15to .... ~ '·a ·'' trll Sovl ,IO ,, 1•1~ l"''i 111'1 +" l'MCK -''·ti l lt'io 31\ 3 \' -2 cllh Wlf\11 .. n-41Ylfofnd or t!Mllslr""'" rylll!n I 'tt11'1e UFd •n 7•• •12 enfll\J ,llb u 1.-. 11~ 1 "+lo\ l"cnt wft , • ll l• 12\o 1m -Ito llOlll 1111,,., ~ f/f Nkt 111 llr ~7'11'.n· 1t:n 1':,, \lti: Ll1i"' s.F!id: SJ:2 ::r.~~. l m 'I ····· Pail Wh ... I s ll1• ~ 13~ + ... 11'111 '"'1. l'l~l•rM Cit' .. ld '""' HI" ' UMV~ll .. ·-, S>> ',· ',il .. f'rt·I~ •l.90 l~ 1:1A 14 I ··• F0100o't .61 2' 2\\' 21 21 -~ tlBCft dlY-W ..i1t .. k-Dlclfl'M Gth \lfllw.il · • lllllllA .Mlb :it lj" \'" •j'll -"-Freeotlul ,N IJ 1 1'1f J•" +~or Nill tlllt l'Hf' 1111 '""""'~ IMIPI Hlrbor ,,flj-51 VrKtSll1DI l"I 1·: l'I SU ·'°' ll I 1~6 1,., +"'..._ '•'-°""o'o ' •• ·~ :!1 ~,,l: 't? '\l!-+ loo wlft\ llv~ncll °'fl' l rf'MI). ft-liltw ...... e•lwtt I,. .SO ~=I •1; ·~~"Ml~ \le t\ J\! 2~;: "'' + \l; -G-+ -l"llcl lhll rM!', CUYl*nlll -mtG, ... ~~ ~ l·:l i7·U ~r~1 1roc1p ;:~l •1: ~11tii".,Nv ·, ~~ ~. ~!". is1<1 •• 12 1 '\.., 12,, ..., PwTM., no 1t111111 tliken" lllt •rvi.o. -l'!I _ ·,u ,1/l'l tn t.lS l . Wo\11 I... .. -. -•l\<I -'1iOA~ C:• !JO l'• I ~+\lo 1Mfofl119, r-Dttlarflll I/I' NIB 1111911 1"9 ~~ 'J'.n1lE =i'~~~u~r.;tll;I? ="~ \i ~ ~~ J :.+ :~~: l l ~T; *·1 r·:!:~~=;_,~:~-r.'!~°i"~ 1 M Finl I.OJ lM 1""'1 'J1: J·~ c=: .\:: 11 S'9 '"' s: ! :: m\ :n.u J it 11 71 ••• tlll-C1111ot. n -Ex•lilllll. t-b"h'lo I I ~: '1··~ .:o. lM,::_ 11: :, CM$ ~.1 ti " H~ "'' 2J1' _,..., •rwottt .. • !!t!. )111\'o Ml?; -\I .... 11 -..... In fllll. !t4-IMltfrlo mPKt ..-)Ill \·ri rust t.lf I~ ~ ..... 1 tO ;& "''? •+no -J"' "'Pfn 1.)0 • ;:;; _n ,, "~ .. INtlol\. 1r-11 t1fht. -w""°"' .. ,. !'S F•• .z1 ·• wnl' 1p111 •-'• ,1 .. 1 '"" ff 15 -•• lit•• '' -~ .!1,"'1 "•• 11 1 •• ,,, •••= J 111'1' dlll'WWt, .._. •*'"""'' •,.....,. • Market .~:&:ho :l~ 1:1! ~F;.:}~ J:tJ1 !;'TMif'$~1 tf if.!':~ 31, :!.1, loC*vfnd 1J '!~ 11~ 11ttt1'~~~~bu=-=wrt111-:..-:.::: ';;Jt~ I. S 1-'2 ~lltP\lj.od lrnl 1 . -,. "'11/T-' n 1'w 1't -,., ""' Cl • lO"' 11 a _ " erttoll • ..,,.. ........,. ..._, ,,. .. '""' ,t.~ 11'116, w "'1°1d d .••• 1·1 ~.·1c ·.·.~ ,A l~:.· ,,·~.· H;t, = ~ rni~~ft 11'! ) 1111 .. 14 •. .."krwta Act • ., '"""""" " Mil 1------------------------JiN~Grv :·1 1'.~. "'·~d . 1 ;" " f..olt .Ur ii ''• ,,, .u. -\t 1mo11 ,61111 1 2f" 1f U-1141 COfl!Mllr... ftl-Fmll!\ ._ Miid • "" to.A. 1t.f111.16 w:ih .J& tl::l'1c11 lOi 32 f •~ Vil - \ ATr1ri IM ti U.t.. U \'I + 1111 lllllttlt _,...,lift* , . I ' l ! ' ' : f ' ' ' ' ' ' • I ' ' i • ' I ' ' I I I ! : • • I • ! I ' I • l I l ' ' i ' ' I T-. Junt 25, 1'70 Thursday's Closing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchan~ List Market Pulls Back On Light Turnover. NEW YORK (UPI) -The slock market, w1lh little to celebrate pulled back Tbursday from early levels 1n hgbt turnover Shortly before the close lhe Dow Jones lnclus- tr1aJ average of 30 selected blue chips was up 1 44 at 693 73 although it was ahead more than 5-pomts during the first hour The UPI marketwlde indicator showed a loss of 0 41 percent on 1 512 issues crossing the tape Of these 696 declined and 523 gained Turnover of around 8 000 000 f1om 12 630 000 shares Wednesday shares dropped At the close motori; were up Ford closed at 43 1/8 up 1/2 General Motors closed at 61 up 7/8 and Chrysler closed at 18 1/8 up 1/8 •ff ard 10 t:!'~,J 10 11=-~.:..i. l!!ffl\~; "' i tidwilcf: '!., t~ 10tt ti!U'' Corr~ Tma tin 25 Tenneco 1 n T•nNK IJ/5 SO Tt11•co 1.IO "*'Trn l olCI Ttll .. T l•t t:x Lir11 so ! ••• , •'-~b e•·~•~;r .iia Tt•OI GI 1~ T111PLd -.,,. Te11Utl llO Ttlltron 90 Te11 n Pl2 at T e11t n 1111 <111 Th Okot ::.0 tr:~~~ ':t Thom)W & Thr ltyOr IO TldewtlM olCI 'Jm•ln l to. TmnMr SO Tlmte-~ 1 llO IBM hit 258 at the gong up 3 Xerox was off l~'ds~~11: I 1/4 at 74 3/4 Texaco was up 1/8 to 27 and Stan-t~~EiJ ~ dard Oil of New Jersey closed up 3/8 at 56 1/4 t~!:i:0W ~' T nWAlr P1 2 U S Steel closed at 31 3/8 off 1/8 Bethlehen1 "' t,:-g~~.1s Steel closed even at 22 1/4 and Repubhc Steel \Vas >' fr::.":~lr 1n1: Off 3/4 at 29 1/8 ff:~r.~~D~ American Telephone 1/2 at 40 3/8 and Telegraph was down Prices softened 1n moderate Amer can Stock Exchange \ turnover on the Tr!Conl l 24e "/Con i>lt SO Tr 1notnd IO TRW Int I TRW pU SO ~~"tn~~..072 T""'" c~nl Ty,r(D D SC • DAILY PILOT 3l! '"" ""' 111111 I ffitll Lew C*9 Clll » 1~1111'1111~11' I •,. •:;. ''°' + ,u ~. lt • ,r~ ;.;,s ,.. "11616 2 15 15 _ ,,, lJ s• 5• S~o -lt ,, .._ .-. 11»9 -,. Finance Briefs NEW YORK (UPI) -Jnfla· Uon now has forced eight 0~& of ten Amencan fam1bes to change their buying habfil; acconhng to a random surv~y of 6 300 households across the country made by Warwick$-).: Legler Inc New York adver· ll11ng agency ~ , , Of the Ill Cam.dies respon(f .. 1ng to the questioonall'e, ~e out of ten. said they were~be. .. 1ng affected by inflaUon ~bt only one out of six said Jt was causing real hardships :?,!'k maior causes of lnnauon bat ed by the respondents were high government spendinL an ion wage demands and. J.be Vietnam wa!.r 1n that order Almost hau~9 perce~f those who answered f«Voted early 1mpo.s1tion of price wage and profit conlrols 1 NEW YORK (UPI) -Ma board World A tr lines w1JL ;rn crea~ its all-cargo fliati'ts between the Uruted States Md Italy to SIX weekly and 11111 add service to Pw near Flor .. ence on Moodaf s and 1111.i;~ days Seaboard also fhes ) •fl cargo planes dally or almost daily to most oij'ler west European countries ,. ' TULSA (UPI) Kln-Afk Corp said 1t has decided lll wrile otr 1tS net eqwty m twn high rise apartment bwkbllis 1n Tulsa that currently 'are lo.!1ng about $40 000 a month The equity will be written down from $10 million to '8 " m1lbon the amount of the outstanding mortgage on the properties Kin-Ark said 1t may be forced to turn Use bwkhngs over to the Fedei-31. Houamg Aulhot1ty. the ~oi;t gage guarantor • CLEVELAND (UPJ)-WhJli. Motors Corp has obtamed ;,. $1 2 rrullion order for 59 diuel highway tractors from Lob)l' Brown Inc of Albany, N Y NEW YORK tUPl)-Allan be Richfield Co wdl drop temporary voluntary dealer allowanc~ on tank wagon prices 1n all Lhe 46 states tn whteh 1t operates ef!ecti= di)' Such temporary 1 • ances are granted to competitive price cuts ,\ ON THE TUBE • I Fer t le M•t .. de te wh•t1 lt•pfl"11l11t e11 TV reed Tt NEEk -dlth '"'" wlth M ~ .. t ... nf•• 911llt1e11 el the DAILY r1lOl """ .. I. : .... -(Q(m)....,-.1· 8en I& Id 994 fC) C3D) !.~ r:'t 1:..1:" .. Clii!!o"I :"':' ::r ' 0 ... ··--..,-{ ..... ) .. -!111*9 ... lJift ................ ,, ..... ... _ .... _.. ......... •.-........ . • ,_(JOI ... , •• tc>~ ..... ..,I.., I tlrl ... a sr:1ttiiJt1r ...... • _. ~ " ......... n. Llllill -· ·-IC>llOI 8 lftl ~. ·····••1•11 .. ~ tc> ()CJ) ("I} "7v'1111" St ,.,....._ • D•· n.-. lllilJMwW• .......... .,. .............. lllM ... ·-...... -~. • ..... flllll ._ CC) (ID) T• •liW• ............ ,, ..... ul ........... -., ........ • -..... (Q (Ill) (II) ....................... ....--... ... __ _, ..... .... ................. t.... ....................... ---•mnut1 (IO)"Wa. .......................... ...... ---·,....,. .. . _ ......... ..,. .... .................... , .-.. ' . The Power of a Wmnan .. -~-... NY Unions Bug Film Producer By VERNON sccrrr HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Producer Arthur Broidy pulled ' his New York location movie out cf Manhattan and bac k t Hollywood after union battles and soaring costs . "I went to New York a week and •· half ahead of time to line up our three-week shooting schedule there," the youthful producer said. "The union people at IATSE . figured they had a Hollywood group they could take for as much money as possible. For instance, they demanded I hire a still photographer and a tw°"man sound crew . . ' Enjoy •• 1ppe1iain1 brultl•tt in Ille CaWe Cu.Kikbo en. If J OU e1 n't •lop by for bttakfut, 1fh)' ar.it pla1 lo Ji.we IWlcli or dinan. Opn dlilJ 1:00 A.M.. lllJ CIJ • - -.., ()ti) .r.~ -.., 11111 • Cll • -(C) {Ill) ·-·-(IO) ·-··-1.., ·uc.:-=:::. Katbleen.Rogart represses the. budding individuaJity of Bill Miller in South Coast , Repertory's "One Fiew Over the CuckOO:s Nest," on stage _tonight and Frid_ay at SCR's Costa Mesa the·ater . "It was pure featherbed· ding, 1 told .them J didn't want a still ·man, and that I could do very nicely with a two-man sound crew., ...... IM ...... A_. ..., .......... 111111Mi111MI -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·'·"'··~.Mill ....... .,. ~ "I wrote them a letter tell, Ing them to forget the whole thing. Then I lined up a crew from NABET, the other theatrical union in New York. Well, on the first day of shooting both crews showed up .. and the IATSE people picketed us right there on the corner of 5th Avenue and 58th Pll•Ml•lll• •N•A•IMIMT CMrltH H ... •J•-Pr1Mik91 nlt:NCATN THC PU.NI T OP TH• APIS" (GI C11tr ·--• -.. ·-"'!IOI Joel ....................... •lllllll ... -.., (II) ••me ,..., :?~:--••w•• Doctors on 'The Bold Ones' ....... loll • ...... A l'khln ftt tlll lflftN PlmltJ WI" DJtftt'l"I All C•llf' S....... "SLEIPIN• S•AUTY" (el CllW ..... -.. ..,(91) r •-..., ··--·..,{Ill) ·--17l·1M2 -"IN SIAlttH 0, TH• CASTAWAYS• 1•1 c ..... --.... -•t•CIJ•-tel (10) ................. ( .. ~.-....... ... ... ,_.. .... fC) (JO) ............... ... _...., ....... ., ..... ... Will Get Hearts Next Year Street. Jt -----W1H 01_.,-, All C ..... Slllw ''SLllPING IEAUTY'" (G) C ..... . .. "IN 5EAllCH OP THE CAITAWAYI" 111(1) ___ , ,,_ ............ ...... G(l)F 1:12222 fl:tOO) ... ,.. •• ..._ .... ! ::... ... 1mi "" -.... _..,{Ill) .. -,J • Cll• -Ill) -a.,,,v.=. ..'::""'-:.> ........ CCJ (IO) ........ lllllll•llwlspnt. !. :::... - -(C) 130) •• -!Cl (IO) . •lllllll•• -(t) •-.. ,...• c11111>-..-.-.._..,. ......... .... •. ..... ... ............. SllllllTI ....... . ............... ...... . .. .... .... By CYNmlA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -"The Bold Ones," whlch is three serJes run in rotation, is ideally suited to the changes television executives make during the summer In an ef, fort to brighten programs. NBC has dropped one "Bold Ones" &egment about a district attorney and a policeman and has ordered it replaced with ~l!l///J ( IJ(/1/ f/1 j}( I /IJ/\ ··---<CIPlll•" ,__ I I:'.:.= .., ""' -~.--.. iiM"lifliilll CCJ (., A .... W1•1149' tlnll hW9f .....,. ............. ~ "hit U... llf .... 0,.... c.-, S..M"-D.P. •-• ..... --· "ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST" .-. ........... ...... LAIT 2 WllKS ...... _111{111) DCIJ.,_ -1'1 (IO) ··----··1"" ................... I .... " ... fq -.... s.t.rWr .. s.N.r : =~.:.\' ..... == WUT COAD PllMllll-SHOCllNGI Vl'l'ID! t•1111t•ll .... ...._ ''SAVED'' i1yEdw1Nflontl ............ Jill ...,, .. ..... ..... .... POlt ll•llllVAT'°"I' CALL .... 1:MJ • lNI I• 1 e fl) (3Clt ....... ...... .......... ... 107.M......, •~ .. tnla Meu •Cll-• --· .., I • -()SI - -... l"==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==='i ... .,..,{Ill) fi ·• L.--~: .. "t;::I IN NEW SCREEN IMAGE l TIMES BRIGHTER •1•w: :a -"' llO> """""" .. I • , .. EM ...... • ........... Clllf -....... -.... ~ ··~-..... ... ... ';..~~!: -:~ ,r MBEIEIJI JBE .... ._,, . ..._ . / _ .... _ .. _ ....... -'!" !t~~~~=:.~s.: PU• IET11°FEIPES" - -""" __ ... . •111J11>•-(Cl ---....... -. ~ I.~~· -to> ____ .,,.._ -SHOWN'AT 8:15 AND 10:30 P.M; ·-·-·-..., . ----· COlfEEARLY!BOXOFFICEOPENS6:30 ..... , ... aill1T..... .......... ANT .__ ..... __ ............ (Cl GI PLAYGROUND·D/NEWnHUS! 1•c A cr.....i . ....-1 ..... •• ?' ..... tQ fl) ................. ' :.::.·~-~':""'if u.~ - -Paci1£'sFOUNTAINVAllEY •..., _ 1611) ' ••rair"'!' -IC! "°' DRIVl•IN THIATRI __ .,.,_ lliltlii: ._ ,,. ,... AT SAN DIEGO FREEWAY (Cl"" - - -.... - - , I *• ... .... llllOOICHURST (SOU11f) OFF RAMP • -•-{Ill) If' ..,,, --. TELEPHONE "2 ..... 77 ··-·-••lll•--tcil;~~::===~==~====~=-' .. ...,. Dr ... ......... iii-a-ii: ,... ....... f .... ...... ...--. I HAPP\' DAYS com:DY. J • -... 11 ""' - : llG llANDS of lt30'o !.'::'L... --loo-• __ ..,fll) -....... _._ ......... _ ... _ ......... .., ..... _ . .., ................. .. IM ..... fl .. Jarl ... 40'L .__ .... _. ... -. M1111cr-.. ...i ........ ......,, ,, nr M Bllfle ..-. <T,....> '57~• KIM. ._.., • llll Ill= .. .., l!O) ........ (I).,... ........... .... :r-.=s ...... ai::...-: ~ .... tQ ....... (Wlltlnl} ....._ .......... --Mir ........... Y'IOllM DI .... ._ ............. ........ -··-(Q • .,..,.. ..... fQ... .... ............. ..., Ii -__ .., -'::.::: ......._ _ •Cll---(91) •-Ill!'"' .............. ISi) 1:11••··-·-; ......... fCJ -·----... .,__. " ..... ""'-. ""' ....... T ... , .. .,._S.. •••CIJ•-(Q (ID) -· ii) ........... ,, ........ •·"' .. ...,. ., I t1' ''ff I a ... ,... II T1lil.., (II ' -w~i:r.r.=..-i -~ ... -->• , -....!.":i ,J::. ....... . DAYTmlE MOYIU ,,_ uL1..-::r fads 1 ".,_ ----.• -.. ·---·----~°'*'..... ... ,_ Md ISJ, I f I I 1 O&ml. ........ . -·---(-.... ,_, ........ ,.,.., 9.1111. .......... ....., ... • .,. ••. f*-> 'a-NI ·---~ ..... ~ ..... '*"'a.-. .... FOR ADVERTISING IN THE WEEKENDER PHONE 642-4321 THE ONLY TV NEWS SHOW .. YOU CAN MISS AND STILL SEE ~~ -( ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ \ .. >'o .(, NEWPORT NEWSWATCH 6 p.m., 7 p.m., I p.m., Monday thru Fri day ON CHANNIL 3 NEWPORT BEACH CABLEVISION " program!I about an Idealistic senator. Jt was as easy as chan1ing an auto's spark plugs. David llartman, the lanky young man who plays one of the doctors in the segment about contemporary medical advanca, said the other day that while lclence will con- . tin~ ~to dominate . the &eg, meiit, "we hear they're going to try to humanize the "l was iforced to negotiate with JATSE if we were to get our location shots, We compromised : No still man and a three-man sound team." 1 Brokty said New York City Hall was cooperative and the police made shooting on the street as painless as possible. But he is still infuriated with New Yark unions, O•A .. "I ORANGE DlllVf IN N l·Wl --·---5474011 • (G) Cllilll">" Elclnlttw SMwllls 1'111 IMtln 1R .. Ll!:T IT .... un c ..... ... .. ..... Sllltn Ill "'THE MAGIC CHlllSTIAM" (GPI Ctllr P•IMll!:ltll IN•Ael'M•NT J•'"" si.w1rt MMfy p..,.. "THli CHIYllNN• SOCIAL CLU .. (OPI C1lw "MAM PlllOM MOWHlllll" *'~~~~~~--,,~~~~~- "" C.llr PMlll" SlllW <u,•.o "'''A PAULO DRIV( IN -·-·-545-JllJ ~A IOY MAMIO CHAllLlll 1111.,.,.- 101 Ctllr •M J_,.. '°""" .. "LATITUOll 21110"' (81 C..... characters." · It did seem sometimes last sea90R that the antiseptic doc- tors were prisoners c( their career1 and slaves to their shining equipment. They were marvelous -helping the blind to see in a new way, diagnos· ing the illnesses er astronauts in space, keeping people alive with new surgical tehcniques. "They insisted l have a .s t a nd-by cinematographer, stand-by art director, C(lstume designer and others," Broidy id ---sa · "THI HONIYMOON IULLl•S" l•I "There is no such thing in "THI" OUNWIC:"'MOlllJIOlll'" C•PI Hollywood. I needed them like u...., 11 Mt11t •• •1111 r•rwlf I needed measles. On top of ts,.;;;;;~;~~~;.,, that, if the unions didn't ap. I "I don 't know what kind of cases we'll be having,'' said Hartman, "but 1 do hear that we're going to be given 1Cme scrt cf an existence outside the hospital -maybe even dittes with girls." .David, 33, quit a career as an economist for acting. He had the ]Jsual lean period in New Yark, but has been irt- creasingly 1u cc e s sful in Hollywoo:I. A native cf Pawtucket, R.I., he graduated from Duke and after military service enrolled in the prove of the way things were going, they'd stop work . "In Hollywood there Is no such unprofessional thing as a work stoppage. If the unions have a beef, they file it with the proper authorities and an investigation is made later. But they ~ver stop a movie in productkln, "It cost me at least $50,000 Jn time and extra charges. "The real shocker js that the un ion demands screen credits-for the stand-by people I d.idh't use or want. I'm not against unions, I'm a member of two of them myself. But those New York people are just h u r t i n g themsel.ves. American Academy of ... -.. ~~~~~~~~! Dramatic Arts, His big bre•k came with a role in the criginal cast of "Hello, Dolly!" After 800 perfcnnances in that, he was kept busy in the threater, then signed with Universal Sludiot four years ago. He has been working steadi- ly in films and television since, including-one year as a regular on "The Virginian." He traded his chaps and six- shooter for white coats and stethoscope to co-star with E . G. Manhall in "The Bold Ones." Since Hartman'a series con- sistl of only eight or nine programs, it occypied only a couple cf months of his time last season. "But t knew the role I was going to play, and spent months before that hanging around hospitals, watching doctors at work. I sat in on &Urgery, walked around with interns and got to know one cardiologist very well It is important to do lhooe IJtings right. .• El CHARD BURTON GENEVIEVE BUJOLD TIECHNICDLDR llllJ -f@J AUO 'A WALK IN THE SPRING RAIN ''ill Anthony Quinn "'"' l!!!'l lngricl Bergm1ii - THE BIGGEST SllOW.Of ITS ~lllD WEST OF THE lllSSISSIPPll. lll OllLY HOME & GARllR SHOW IN CALIFORlllAI .................... --sm COlll'lm "1.USU•E ll'lllC~ ........ Jric , .. ~ ...... S(Et f"9 '\l .... 1•Hl1h• C.t.llRK c• ~ U ...,._litltm SUI S!t«•r9f9 fltetr...ot 70a (Rf!"J "'91i;l .. A.NAHUM CON\lfNTIONCEHTll --.. ., .... .....,.... ._.,, ...... .....,. ~ .......... , ... ifliOn .... ,., M \_ ..-. ..... u .... " ' SOUTIIWID tGEORGE COLOURIS PRODUC1111N Sponsored byt The O range County &u ildera Assn.,and The Oronge Counry Chapter of th~ Building lndu1try Assn. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9CRS PASIDl .. CS· DOCTOR ZHi\ii\GO lxctn1 .. o.....- Ce1tt1tyht......, '""-.. 1:00 P,M. ··c·· --. -••t • SIAD/UM! . .. ..-.LI.. '11:.!1.J-· ~ .... Offk• 0'9fl 1 P.M. lffw tit ... pl• "'llLL THIM ALL I COMI MCI ALIYr' .. ' .. ' .. • • ' . . "' . ' ' . ' ' ' ' • .,. • •• .... ~ ... >'o '· " ... • .. .. • . ' ... ,. ' I ... • : ' t ' •• • . •' -~~ , . .. . ''On Your Harks .. ·.Lori· Gordon, 11, demonstrates on~ o.r new starting bloc~ ff!? s~m. races at Lake Forest Beach and Tennis Club for Don' Harris.(1n swim trunks). Lake Forest Men's Club President David ·CJ'iPps and Jodi Bennett, 9. Men's club donated $238 to swim team for blocks and other equipment which will be used Saturday in swim meet aeainst Anaheim YMCA at 9 a.m. at Lake Forest club. . Dawson to Leave Position As Capistrano's Attorney By PAMELA HALLAN Of t11t Deltr Plltl Stiff ·John Daw!IOn• attorney for San Juan Capistrano, annoonced Tuesday he will be leaving the city's employ. San Clemente B~autification , ~··Drive Launched ' ·' A check for $200 donated by · the San C1emente Women's Club has launched. :· . a new beautification drive spon!Ol'ed by "Jhe chamber of commerce. ~ ·. · Donation or the funds by clUb preside1t Mrs. Blaache Stoney will go taward ~· implementation o( a multifaceted pro- ,gram to uplift the esthetlcs of San '· Clemente wxler the direction of a five- . ' man conunittee. Working in concert with city parks :···'aid recreation director Arlie Waterman. : ~'the committee will be setting priority -projects' in tbe beautificatiom drive. Among several target areas are shrub and tree planting, work at public playgrounds. new sign ordinances, pier entrance modification and underground· ,~ of ul!lities. .!! Youth service group participaUon also ·:'h planned. ~,: Two municipally oriented p r o j e c t s ~~ing spurred in the drive are Las ~t:Patmas Park and the new Linda LaJe 1 ~acb access area. · t!., The initial donation from the woman's ~ up might be Used tD purchase 1 Adscape components for the Linda Lane ~ ~area where a new park was completed .~ few months ago. ~-. ;/$ ,. . ' 1i " • ·1 • •• ,., His announcement came after a cl06ed· door city council session Monday. Dawson,F who has been with the city · since its incorporation in 1111, said he would be leaving for two reasons .. One · Involves a commitment, the details of whidl .he did not diJclose, whidl, he said, would have caused a conflict or interest. The other, he said, was 1eneral dissatisfaction caused by the fact Uuit "the Cipistrano city 1oouncil ahvays has to be treated with kid gloves.·~ He said he would remain until Sept. l and bad advised the cooncil about ~ible replacementJ. Dawson, who resides in Anaheim, Is full time assistant city attorney for that city. Mayor· Tony Forster aald Uiat the council appreciated Dawm's 1ervice to the city and was gtad that he was remaining until September .. "This will give the couDcil Ume to (iod the best qualified penon for _the JOb," said Forster. Dawson's service over the years has been JnO&tly in an advisory capacity since his employmen~ wa only part time. He did occasionally take cases to court, the most recent beint a con· lroversy over an illegal billboard within . the city limits. He won that case with the court havjng ordered the' sign compitiy to remove the billboard by September, 1969. 'Ille sign still remains and eccordin1 tD Dawson is In contempt oC court. DaW90n has only one other duty which he fulfilled for the city council -he usually gave Ult invocation at the be1in- ning of each meeting. SubsitlWs ' Sought .for Beach Care - -.-n.1~. · s ·. r•Allvu 1 College Asks Lost: ~evenue 'ntat>·:tOIDill'tru•••tllll...t '"' ....... _.... nnw+•111&•llN .. ~•llllllr7 ............. ....,_ ... ComltJ . ,,. --..... ..,.., .... ,, .. .,......_ ...... ·- ll°'llll• ... tllltrlct'1'111d tDneelve mare lban·l 1' '''~Ill tbt ~fl el .....a-, hJ' ,. 'la 1 ~ .. a. ...... la 1111--qricullural Im. ad-YllJo-. ,....., _ ..... __ . paw " lbclrt up , • $7.:S mama. SrckllNla: • 1 t 11 lhll't baUSac • • AIJnpolld, tbt =e·~ _,, ,....... llilltpt. die wlDdflD, lllscuu, ..a llreldJ plm # ,,._ Ja ~ 11p "'*· lllilll .... -.. lllq,lbll Ille.COUil-ID ... lie -·· la - ----. t.1''•......, dl • .._... • tD a .-. ,.. t111 ti 1111111e, :.uDlbcr NMm ... a. . ...._. .,_ Tllo ............. -lbla -t ......... ___ lladlll. ..... ~ .. ---·-llJil --By 1UCllARD P. NAU. .......... 111o --UO. of llJo ortpia1,....di•,_1w a -of a 11111 llal of ..._ ... 1111 1n111 ., .. Dllr P11t..... comrmmity CIDllqe'1 llalltl&. duo l'tlDlv· hike, but ............ to 9phan off, 'JllW MbMU* quil1lw. ' ·, • AieOranpCounly'1five-dllea Od ID 111111111 OOlllll)' ... Ille '1•.-...,... ad eul llJo -rate by lwo ,,_ _ _.laa.t ...... 1-t• .... lellln( the -.i ead ol llJo -.. .. loll lu _, .. llnd ...... oil ceall. 1111'-al ............ 'llY' u •1111111 county~ of .beacb ._........ Ibo ..... ad......,_ u -'"" -1"ldlll -~ -·Ille -·-·of ·lu -·-Jedloo? --. . tl,Jll,111, -......... -.. ...... w:m·--..111o m.d. . '!Ida WU the ............ of 1-0 Eirller lbla --for !he upbyl'ti_hd_flmd. 'Ibo -of a.e••paMk1I•" -City M.._ D, .I-D. CapillrOIJO Unlhd SdJool Dlllrlct, 'llledlllrid'1_.t-... joctloJW .• ~II llie lladP,l·wlll '"!ftlO ...... _ ,,_,,y nlcbt-_._ llllllliDc "-1111--ID their ol 111.1 milllln II--.-....... ")111.-tllt ·.-vP.lblla.·--II tllt by bis .-durlnl a llodl'i ~alr~-~~ti!;llJl~~bud~l&M.~:_!aot~•~DOll~ati~ .. ~~-~!lhe~CUJ~1elll~O~-~l!_,_~'l~IDllL~·~-,:'.·'~~~-~.d~'li~.•!!·'~1l~l[lr~A~IS!, ~·s.:. __ ::_.....,_:· -. ~ <blmcttman Edward Lorr ated abuut "' • lhe counly •ltilude ........ ..oridlnl men.funds to Lquna since JDU1 beadl uaen are frOm elsewhert. -llld lhe five CGlllal cllill of Orin(< CounJy bave -ill dlo<>- with lhe """'ly --Ibo sublidy .matter. for three yean. He llld lboJ<• bu -I ............ bul wnrrltten formula for ..-, unlil lhe time the OOWlly aclminlllnW bepn lo _.,.. the budget. He satd the admbdstratlve officer began looting with dilfaYOr an the &Ublidlea tbreo yurtqoa tbn was a cMnge in formula. Commenting lhal the unual county support level for Lquna bu been m,ooo Wheaton said four coutal cttles had what lhe counly "eUl'hemil!llcally" called an au4if; to determine tbe eost.- revenue situatim -beachpn. Wheaton uid, "The county audilor seni a five-man team to Newport Beach. Seal Beacb, lllmJincJGn Beach and Laguna. So far, San Oemente bas JW.llt been 1udited. "I can 'I begin lo Ill lnlD the details of problems we r~ into in dkio1n1nc tills with county . officials but • • • we were jobbed_,," • Whe.aton. aaid revenue attribul.ed to Laguna Beach waa lfOllSly -lled and lileguanfing costs ....,iy un- . Gerplayed. ~ . --He said the audit w u not dme by 80Und acoowtling llraclicos. "The audit showffi we owed them money •• -,• said lhe ciiy IDIJlll"'· He said the r f ueducted Jl! $ZS,001t sublidy on paper md 1tm lbond a balance: favorable tG Laguna. Wheaton .... he bu been 'Ulipod the ·last of -ing I ....... poiper Ii>r lhe Involved cities thn>ulb rmew. Wheaton said, "liopefµny -. with unanimity, the five eKles will app1wcb the county board of . npe:t vilt.n • • . ,I'm very apoet 1bolJI the wlllle lhml. I r .. 1 lhe five ..-i cillei -""* be~~-~ Mid it~ a ve-ry poUdca.J i1Pf protiie1i. He IOid supervilon Allon Allen and ' David Bater~ the IUboldy View- point but added, •jJt's a fivHnlD board and the other three men ~ in1aod cities. I feel it's eoinl to bt • very difficult troblem. .. $1;400 in Loot Taken at Club Burglars who vaulted lhl .fence .fll. San Clemaite's Moooe Locfae Tueoday pried their way tbroucb •veral coin machines and storaae catinas and scooped up mon lban •1.• In ...U change and bills. San Clea-* police ___ .ulcl lhe lhiev .. used 1 peyillC -to tnat into the lodge before dlybrfak, then .rilled oevcral vencflnC mlClllnes androundedup11m11of--.c! lhroughout Jbe building. . The lodge, locatod in I dart and quiet portion of town at 105 Calle Trabuco, has been hit 1everal ·times by burglars in the past year. Flnprprinl checks by the Orange County crime lab proved lnconcluslve, officen' •kl today. ' • A. ' • . . , ' . > .... ,. L . . ; ' • '· • • -- L,... hi U'A{ 115 Sn4 ......... _.,,-._ .. I In-In. ,~ ........... d .. ... -............. ,_pldit.,, 7 ..... ~ ..... ar ··ir~111••·7'A"h•4114'211. HaldJln • .. 't t::_• P... ,._ .. s at• ...... to ...... ,_, .... .......... ....,. ' l.JJ& MONTa:All • NWifOlt WACH ' :·: CHAMBER OFFICIALS RECEIVE BEAUTY OF A 08'T FROM SAN CLIMINTI WOMIN'S CLUB ' 'Pi•idenl aud Fewlor (left), IMutfflcorion.Cllairman L-Hyun, Mra. C. W. S-,, w.,_•, Chili ,.,__, ,.. 'T ) ' • I ' . ' DAii. Y PR.OT -· J, .. 25, 19lC c~ w. t11t ..., "" ...., A Democratic candidate for con- reu from Ohio, says he is not UJ>- et )tis son received. a jail sentence i>r participating in student diaor- ers. at Ohio State University. He ays the youth is 11a fine idealist ut immature." M•nley K. McGee~ 9, a sophomore at OSU, was fined 100 and sentenced. to 00 days in Iii after his conviction. "A short ~nn in jail won't hurt the boy," Bid Menley L. Mc;GH . • • Jot Walcott of Denver, 'Smashes ars for both. fun and profit. He is eneral manager of 'a firm which ammers junked cars into scrap I.eel. For pleasure, he drives can 1 a demolition derby. "After a day t the mill, the derby is a form of elaxation for me," \Volcott ex· lain ed. • . A draiiocl "'°"' <ll<cl< ..al be "!adO °" ,WI allllel<1 """'JJ<tina at dae: CDt•wal llJOftlf'ft., amatnr a t h I • I i c c"""'pionlhip.1 W. weebnd 'ift London, to molce 111rr 1'0M iocor padded brGI. "W c 100td to be quite sure that ti•• •eol glril and not th< pad<l<d on.es win in' any tight finish," said association secretary Marea Hartman. "Some of our flat cflesttd girls have not betn to p~ased with some of the photo finilh decidom which have gone agGinit tMm." • Transport officials in Exeter, :ngland, have silenced sinling bus 1>nductor Archie Cor•m. 'Ibey said is impromptu performances from 1e rear platform of Ille bus di&- cectecl traffic. The conductor's !av· rite oong was a political ditty be •rote himself: "Marching Home lilh Labor (pa1)·" ,udy Segenberger, 12. of Dfllvcr, 'olo. is looking fonoard to tM d4v !hen he wit! be able to ride hil bike ttd throw pitches across the plate gain. A~ broke his qnn while plav- rig and, thftl jwt a week later broke 1is wrist. • Cam::1J! University scholar :hrl1 rty, 26, who felt guilty 1bout ·gate crashing a campus par4 y, flnally wrote .out a check for he admission price -on a banana. ['he bank accepted it. 110ne of the :taU has eaten the banana but the •kin will be posted back to lhe cus· omer before it deteriorates." ag.. •istant.11ank maoqer larry Ryder ;aid. Ul"IT....,_ Chalk one lip tor GOP Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr. (&.Calif.) is congretulal· eel b~ cheerleaders after hitting a ~~ run in the Stadium in Washington. The Republicans, who have dominated the series by winning seveh of the eight ' . · ninlh annual congresslonal baseball game at RFK games played, W9• M over the Democrats. New lfEW Chief Finds Protest On First Day i1le ·'llln -• WASHINGTON -Elllat L. RldWdlao bad-~cfthetmiblecl deplrimelll cf Hoalll>, Edllcation and .Wdue for clllly a lrw boin """1 he operleacld an emploJe -· !loo. . • 'Ille prul<lt .-1in1 cf HEW employ11, bold W«l.-!lf a lhart -ofter -ta Ille Olib cf olflce, WU 11111~----bulal et.( l8it:dM cmftlct. •"lhls WW II' cutllll a llvfcllllC this nation In the bHrl," tbe -said In a staJemeot. 8-> ol the demclllltralloo at the HEW ..nlorlum &aid 11Tanpment& for Jt were lnlde while Robert H. Finch, -1 .......,1.,. In Presidelll NIMo, lllJI headed the department: Rlcbardloo took oo o!fidals notice ol the meatJng four floors below bis nrw HEW afllce,·wllb Its oriental art obj<ctl and upted 11obe he brauflht with him from the State Deplrtmelll wh<re he hod -llftder-"tar)'• '!be clobe WU a gift !ram fellow worun then. At a momlnC news co.nference Richardlon offered a brood endonement today or administralian efforts In end all southern school segregaUon tbi1 falL "By the fall o{ th.ls year, all schools subject to official segregation will be deleg:regated or-subject to procedures leading to desegregation," Richardson nld at his maiden news conference ln bis new job. AMA OK's Abortions' CHICAGO (UPI) -The American Medical AalOciation's house of de~gates today by voice vote approved a new policy on abortion which would pennit physicians to perfonn the operation in .1tatea•wbere it is legaL House Democrats Aim To Override Nixon .[eto WAlll!ING'l'ON . (AP) -House IJomocra!I, fllUrllll In be the winners e•m if they loie, moved todly to over~ ride ~ Nlsao'• veto cf a $U5 bllliGn balpltal -bill. 'll1ey nil fnlo today's vote not parllcularly confident cf pickinf up the ~ majoritJ to overcome the pnoldenl!.d rejedlao of the meuure, but foellng rolllively uow:ed of miking pallllcel hay ... anff .... 'Ille Democrit. fett they couldn't lie hurt pal!llcally by voting for baopital coo- ltruc:Uoo at a time When Ni.Jon is asking CoqJ m lo m!lke avlilable $'llO million College Rioting Probe Ordered ALBANY, N.Y. (AP). -Gov. Neilan A. Rockefeller bu ordered a special invesU11Uon of the Hobart College diaturbance earlier tlUa month that focu.ed aUenUon m a police undercover imortner known to ltudenta u "Tommy the Traveler." Rockefeller announced Wednesclay that he had ordeted a apecill 1rand jury probe "of the events reWed '4° the serious dilturbance" at Ho!Sirt in Geneva, N.Y., on JW'lf: 5. 'Ttie confrontation between police and several hundred students followed a dormitory drug search. The youths defied arresUng officers, damaged three patrol cars and obtained the release of five students taken into custody. The studenb apparently were outraged over Ille law offielals' use of a nonstudent informer, "Tommy the Traveler,'' who supplied information that led to the search and accompanied police on the sweep. ror Joana to hard-pressed railroaas. Furthermore many GOP members say they still are criticized back borne for sustatninl the President'• veto of a big health Md educaUon money bill Jast J,anuary. i . With ~ '1eclions 1,,.. than fivt monthl any. candidates dcn't want In pro•ide their -1Uon ll1Y additional campolp fodder. "Fnm an intellectual standpoint," a hi~ GOP leader said privately. "I think . tbe Ptesident ·is ritbt, but the lntellecluals don't do all the voling In mY d!llrlcl. ibe Wnlng on ,UU.. i~ not loo f~te.'~ Republicans took no ' solid position on t!!e· veto at a party conference Wed· nesday. Some said they would vote to uphold Ult Presldeni with the · un- derstandin& a new bill would be passed to m,eet major White House objections. The b;tll didn't register a sJ.ngle vOte of opposition when it passed the House and the Senate originaUy and again when it cleared both branches in compromise form. A Hou1e override sends the measure to the Stn~fe where another two-thirds majority ·is· required. But tbe Prmident objected_ particularly to a requirement that funds provided to implement the bill must be spent and not withheld. He said tttis was "ooe of the most una~ted provisions." Nixon al90 complained because it ex- ceeded by more thlrl $350 million his budget plans for the fbcal year 1tarting July I. All in all, he said in his veto message last Monday, the bill "Is a long step down tbe rolMI of fbcal trresponsibWty,. and we shoufd not take that road." Wonaett Too •• • Cambodia Calls For Mobilization PHNOM: PENH,, Cambodia (UPI) - . Cambodia •Y ordered a general mobllilalilln which CONCripted all men and women between the ages of 11 and IO lnln the nalian'• defense forces. 1be move came as air force eourcea reported delivery of tons of American rifles and other mWtary hardware for the tiny cambod1ln annY in its campaign to repel Communist Vietnamese in- vaders. An alrWt of weapons Wedne1day night wu described as the bi.gest to date. '-I 1be mobillzalian decrees, ~ by • • the Cooncll or lollnl&ten, required· all Nixon Backer · To Call Vote ·on Dove Bill WASIUNGTON (UPI) -Sen. Gordon Allott (R-O>lo.) an administration backer, annouAced today he would call up for immediate consideration the con· . troversial t•amendment to end the war in Vietnam" in an effort to scuttle the proposal. Sen. George S. McGovern (0.S.D.). a chief sponsor of the measure, said he would move to table his own amend· ment when Allott makes his move. Allott sakt be planned to introduce the McGovern proposal later in the day. lt would cut off funds for the war in Southeast Asia beginning Dec. 31 and set a deadline for complete American withdrawal on June 30, 1971. "f have not cleared it with the White House,'' Allott said of the tactical mov~. But he said there was no doubt 10 his mind that Preeident Nixon Iavors his strategy. "I think the White House and the Presidf:nt would like to see all these ancillary matters disposed or," Allott 'said. The upside-down, inside-out, rear-end- rorward .situation developed as the Senate lurched into Jts seventh week of debate on the war, the U.S. military strjke into Cambodia -and the Constit~tion. Here is what is happening : -The Senate is metting on llle foreign policy i.saue during the day and con-, sldering domestic legislation at night in a congressional version of the twinight doubleheader. . -Members voted to repeal the 1$64 GuU o( Tonkin · resolution Wednesday but Sen .. J. Williani Fulbright (D-Ark.). who had called the resolution one of the greatest miStakes Congress ever made. voted against its repeal. . -The Cooper-Church amendment t~ cut off funds for future sustained in- cursions into Cambodia is still pending, but many members now have doubts about what it means because of new language added to it Monday. "It's getting so you can't tell who the hawks and doves are around here , any more." said Sen. George D. Aiken (R-Vt.) the "owl" of the Senate and dean of Senate Republicans. Israeli Ambassador Recalled for Talks JERUSALEM (AP) -The Jsraelt Cabinet held a special session today and decided to call in its Washington. ambassador, Yilzhak Rabin, for con- sultations, a government spakesman . an- nounced. cllllenl to ellher perlonn military tervtce or join supporting organizations . All will be subjec:t tO ml!Jtary laws and regulations and subject to military trlbilnals .. American !IOW'ctS confirmed the shiir • ment and said it .was pert of an ac4 • c.elebraled aid program to Cambodia. The United States was reported to have pro- mlled f7.I million in arms to Cambodia for this fiscal year. The American shipment came on· the heels of an Australian announcement of a half a million dollars worth Of aid to this coontry and a new shipment of Red Cross supplies from Thailand. F'lrst indications of the new American delivery caMe Wednesday night when ·the Phnom Pehn ai~ was suddenly closed. Fltst reporis had said the clOSW'e was the result of a Communist shelling attack but these reports were later denied. The delivery was announced to- day. In anotller development today, a group of 2 800 more Vietnamese war refugees wer~ repatriated from Cambodia aboard a flotilla of South Vietnamese navy boat!. The repatriation program began · in the first days of the war in this once neutral nation when Cambodlans, angry at the invasion by Vietnamese Com· munists, vented their wrath against all Vietnamese. Hundreds were reported slai n, and survivors were rounded up and placed in special assembly camps for dispatch back to their homeland. Question Open On U.S. Jets Aiding Ca1nbodia WASHINGTON (UPI ) -Secretary or State William P. Rogers today left ~pen the possibility that U.S. ·warplanes might engage in close air suppart of _9lmbodian forces. At a news conference, he also disclosed that President Nixon was preparing to name an anibassador to Cambodia, The statements suggested that the r United States might be moving away somewbat from its previous policy against tie&ming involved in direct military support of the Cambodian government headed by Premier Lon Nol. Rogers was asked whether he would rule out the posslbllity of U.S. warplanes operating in direct support of Cambodian forces. He said that he would not. He said he would not make any statement that would limit U.S. ·airpower -that he did not want to foreclose any air operations that may be necessary. Thailand Chief Alerts Military BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -Prime Minister Thanom Kittikacl!orn told a cheering House o( Parliament today that Thailand would send its anny into Cam~ bodia if necessary. Speaking at the opening of a new session, Thanom said Thai troops along the 400 miles" of border from Laos to the Gulf of Siam had been placed on full alert and told to stand by for further orders. "If the Communists overrun Cambodia, Thailand will be the next victim ," he declared. "Thailand has no choice but to fight. Mao Tse-tung has openly declared Thailand is the next target. Thailand will fight before it will yield to communism." Cool Air .Covers Midwest Record Lows Report.ed Over Michigan, Wisconsin ' Hllfl L• l"nc. " n .. ~ M U ,., Cruft KIU. Coundlman A Santa Monlca city councilman, Ken Wamsl•y, wu !tilled w!ien Ibis Beechcrafl Bonanza plane lost power on takeoU from Senta Monica A/lporl and I " Ul"IT ...... slammed Into a residentia l section moments lat~r. Also killed was veteran pilot Raymond Pigne~ 71. ' I . ' . I Ii ,, IL n b h R a: ur VE cc ye W• JL or w to he al gr 00 of 00 ca , .. ev no th' po ce Ar re lo bl; at 411 dil L in~ lh< '" pl.: 1 _} 1 ( \ Tri Vo'. gOI lo ral wit tra els• opt rai gOI nes po r 17; for H .inc lllit tra: an; ma cha tior por rcw b<'s h 1·re )(or Cou the ma• MV Inst tos • 1 l ·J -'---"-· ___ 2-'5._1_970 _______ DAILY l'ILllT IS ' Agnew Blisters Senate· Critic~ of Nixon ·-. I.II DENVER !UPI) -Vice Pnljdeal Spiro T. Agnew, wllh cld>ftiallng police and antiwmr de mo n s tr 1 tor• <lubtal _,by, W-y atlocbdtbe~o! lbeSmale"wllmDbe- ollryilg .. -the -- --lllll,000 American troo .. "remain wlns'lble" in lbe !leld. · Tbe vice --~ ap- parently unaw_.. qi tb e ·-_.. -the convention Complex wl)ere be spoH, -..Ibed the U.S. inv1:sirm ol Cambodja as "The . ' ...... -=~.:.:.l~~!Y ~:!"..;:-o: Tbe ---·pol--lnjund -be apolotilina "for their ir· hit in U. face with a IOda rational.ltlel" DOW inltead of bottle, "buoyinC -...,... ID' . The. mlwu'l'illy bfoke up 1-ie lbe c:ornmander-b>cd a!t<r I wodp of 50 pollco o1 , the armed ,.._ wbile · dlariod 1n1o •• crowd Uiat 41111.000 or 11111 men .....m bad -outalde lbe Currlian vulner1ble in the f I e Id , ' • J!!Jhlhltlon Hall for nearly five Alnew said. houri. At lout Ill ol the Outsick the .. -when -ton !led Into I Republlcam were boldlnC a nearby loplea -dub. ltz.a·plale dinner . and cam· Inside the baU, Ac-!all> pa len rally, police mid about ed out at SenMe. c:ritJcl of 200 demonllraton clubed in Pre.-t Nllm'a war poUclu I oerles of brief sklrmJabol. -partlcularly tbt nai1n II> • lo Ca--ad cr!Uclud tbe -!or lalllna lo rempl• the othmlve as a ' "pa& miJ11"'7 aucceaa." , .,,_. .,. the Casundru of thl Senate now?" Agnew DobCek Ouster Pending? Pl\AGUE (UPI) -'!be ru~ 1nl cealnl eommltlee ol the ~ Commllllilt Par· ty met taday, and - Mid II -'<I expd !ormer tint llm!tlf'1 Alexander Dub- c:tlt from the party. 'l1lo -.g annouaced by . Pr1CtJe radto was expected to last two or three days. Sources said a party control _..-,lhll .~ Dubcek's party IMlllti.rahip ii) March ¥Oled lit~ monlh lo expel him for hiJ tolerance o! "rl&hleat ~ IC- Uvlliea" in lite pat•ty. asked •fter describing the • Cam!kldla war effort as a SUC• cess. In Greek mythology. Cassandra was loved by APoUO who aranted her the gift of i. prlll)bocy. The vice preaident, who his combined rest and relaxation with politics on his lwo-day , vi.alt to Cclorado, said most • Americans bads u p p o r le d1 ~ President Nixon's decision .and ""' .. bad been proven right. • • ' "But there ia ·a good deal of egg on a good deal of other fices -and tt is well deterved," Agnew said. . . ' , . ' .· . •• ·U~IT ....... POLICE ARREST ANTIWAR PROTESTER . One of 14 Agnew Foes Held In Denoter 1une foundatio·ns sale u um Patrioti~ Riot~ Violent Confrontation Seen WASHINGTON (AP) -The llonor America Day gala scheduled for July 4th could turn into "America·s most ma Ssive red-white-and-blue bloodbath," says a group headed by Chicago 7 defendant Rennie-Davis, ''The demonstration is billed as nonpartisan a n d non- polilical when in fact it is not," said the Emergency Committee to Prevent a J uly 4th Fist Fight. The group said the event would a mount to an unscheduled Republican con- vention and invite a violent confrontation with I 5 • 0 O O young people Davis predicted would show up for a planned July 4th "Smoke-in" pot party on the grOunds of t h e \Vashington Monument. Davis and 15 others went to the Honor America Day headquartets Wednesday in an attempt to discuss the pro- gram, get themselves included nn the committee a11d gain office space but were told no one in authority was present. They said the currelll plans. call ing for appearances by <..'Omedian Bob Hope and evangelist Billy Graham, offer nothing for young people and the city's majority Negro population. In a statement. the group recommended the H o n o r America. Day commi t te e revise its program in an effort to make "the young and old . black and white. , .feel more at ease, and ... prevent J uly 4th from becoming a national disaster .. , Among th~ir suggestions were painting the W~ington Monument in washable day- glow colors and throwing a light show. Others included: -~1aralhon runners leaving from Ohlo's Kent S t at e University, New Haven, Coon., Augusta, Ga ., lndependenct Hall, Hall of Freedom in Valley Forge, and the colonial capitol in-Williamsburg. -~1emorial !ef'Vice featur- ing poet Allen Ginsburg with Graham, "America's two most prominent spiritual leaders, each respected by million.. of citizens.'' -Procession oC f I a g s parade in the afternoon in- cluding the flags of yooth, the flags or blacks, the flags of foreign lands. "This display would ene%lurage national aS well as global unitl'.'' they said ... Also, youth groups and black bands and marching units should be added." -An American salute with Hope's master of ceremonies duties shared by comedian Dic k Gregory and Abbie Hof- fman , another member of the Chicago 7. Rock mmlc, IOUl music an<I o t h e r en- tertainment pertinent to t'Oll-- lemporary America would be added to already planned acts. Davis. in a sidewalk news conference, said H o no r America Day, as now con- ceived is "no more than a national call to violence, a monstrous plan to incite a riot. Large, entire segments o( the American population ha ve been excluded from the rally in direct defiance of the statements by Honor America Day organizers." Sena te Again Nixes Anti-Busi11g Moves WASHINGTON IUPll -Us- ing the sa me arguments and the same tacllcs. Southern senators rinished in the same place. They lost. The Senate once again Wed- nesday killed legislation to outlaw mandatory busing of school children and revive the freedom ()f choice plans for school desegregation. I Raih~oadS-­ Takeover Considered For the third time in seven months, the Senate struck down S o u th e r n-sponsortd amendments in the House- -passed edacation-approprla~ -1----- WASHINGTON IAP) Transportation Secretary John Volpe has told Congress the government mighl be forced to nationalize th e <..'OUnlry's railroads i( federal aid is withheld from the Penn Cen· tral and ()ther lines. "If we do nothing, and all else fa ils, we only have the option ol takeover of the r ailroads by the fed e r a I government,'' Volpe said Wed· nesday while testifying In sup- port or a proposal to provide ~750 million in emergency ald for the railways. He told the House Interstate .i nd Foreign Commerce Com- mittee the bankrupt Penn Cen- tral was badly managed and any government aid \YOU!d be made at high risk. But chances of the firm, the na- tion's sixth I a r g est cor- poratlori. rfC()vering without federal help -iST galfil>IC at best, he said. lions bill which cont.-in the three p e r e n n i a I antkivil rights riders. But, k119wi ng from past ex. pericnce they were beaten before they started, Southern senators-and ()n]y a few of them-put up a dispirited and token defense to kee p the riders in the bill. Working late into the night, the Senate disposed of the civil rijihts controversy and prepared for passage of the $4.5 billion aid to schoob 111easure. possibly tonight The bill already provides $700 million more than the Nixon ad ministration request- ed and Senate liberals are hoping to add another '200 million. Bur they were told by Sen- ate Republican Lea der Hugh Scott that adding more funds v;ouJd bring on a presidential veto. He reminded his ~ leagues Nixon vetoed the orig- inal fl.scill 1970 appropriations bill when Congress topped Nixon's proposals by 'I bJJUon. The first defeat for the Southerners came when Scott -1llm<Ll kill lhL•i><:Alled -- Jonas amendment w h I c h would have revived fretdom- o(-chotce school desqrega- tion plans. Tile vote w11 53 to rt. Then. I• one mot.ion, Sen. Charles M. Mathi11, (R·Md.), asked the Senate to eliminate lhc st>eallcd Whitten amend- olga lace bra mates with panty hose partner girdle Olga contour lace cup bra aives a gently iounded.sil hOllette. Stretch straps and back. White; A,B,C cup re_&· 5.50 ..... -•• ~····· 4.n Briel te1 pan ty controls tummy and hips. Inner teg band has aripper surf!ce, no garters. Wllite, nude; S4L, reg. 9.00 .. ··-JM warner's young bra mates with garters gone RQnty "Young Thin&" bra has lace eups, stretch back and adiustable straps, White; B, G eups, 1eg. 5.00 ....... . 1-.,._...n. Garters.Go~panty girdle smooths pantyhose ..• holds .thigh hiatl stretch stockings. Lightly controlling. White 01 nude; S.M-L , ree. 8.00 • Lii peter pen shapes young figure s ncturcllx Hidden Treasure bra has sott nylon crepeset cups lined with fiberloarn: Sbltch sides and back. Wlllta; A, Braips, ,..., --1 rec. 4.00 ..................... 2.n On the Spot panty airdle has !rant, sides and back pamls. White; S*L, rec. ID.00 •• 1.lt fa shion beg ins with gossard's great shap ing f lair bra of nylon lace is lined wilh lhi n fi ber fill . Shapes naturally. White, A,B,C, cups, ! l • • l ' ' • ··' .'> • •'' '· . ' " ' • ., • • .• eg.S.00 ................... a,11---------1 Answer panty airdle is proporl· ioned for an average or lanf body span. Diagonal tummy hip bands; $-11.t.,.XL White, reg. 12.00 ....... -.-............... . In Chi c ago, meanv.•hile, Treasury Secretary David M. Xerinedy LOld the Chicago Council on Foreign RelaUons the government should have made a "desperate" effort to 511ve the railroad. But he said lnsurficient time was available to solve the firm's problems. m•nt. ~ mouoo carried. 41 NEWl'OllT CENTER lo 33. • #I FASHION ISLAND • ~2200 • MONDAY, TFWRSOAY,FRIDAY IO:OOTILL9:30 • 1'" !)'. OTHER DAYS I 0::00 TILL 5:30 · ol! '• f ' .' ' I • . " ~~ ! . ' f . .. . • . . . • • . . • • . . . . • Time for Solutions • Orange County•s Vote Syslmls Task Force wu &Cheduled to m..t this afternoon to decide on a recom- mendation to the Board of Supervlaors on bow to brinfl wUng and counting into Y,e second ·ball of the Twentieth Century. ' Embarr881ed by always being the Jut, or "!8'1Y last, coonty in the sta!O lo repo!i llnaJ returns, CC11111ty voten can hope the task 'force will llnally quit ararrlnl its heels. !l's time to stop laking problelbl to the super- visors and come up with well-considered solutlonl. Bickering, resignations and voting wltllout ia-lng just what the vote was about bave characterized the task force up to now. lf this is now,._at an end, then it appears the group will unite on a recommendation atone these lines: . _,. • -The present Coleman electronic vote c...-g ma- chine will again be used in the November election, but for only about hall of the county's 1,022 precincll, the machine's capacity. -For the remaining precincts, use as many mech- anical voting machines as are offered for free trial, then lease as many JJlPl'e as may be needed • The net Is tl&t the county la lln:.::r moving toward the more etticient voting machines, about Wne. lntegr!!y on f.ampus What really beppened to the quantity and quality ol education at California's stata univenitles and colleges dUrlng th• llnaJ month of tile put ICbool year, .wbep some performance requlremenll wen relaxed· and some students and faculty permitted to ''res:onstttute" eourses to make tbem '"more relevant" to world and national tba Jl'Ollllllll and ............ will ... 11111 fall ... 1111._ pulll. ' • Chllilcellon· of the 111De Unlvenity of· Cllifllmle c-. la1kln.I with 1111 nsilltl recently,< ._tat that. for the IDOi{ JJert the -~ funclft!a 111 a or-J · derly and nepalllllile lublan;' uld that "lout out.' '. of llv1 (or more) count1 Clllllmle their 1ior1D811uJ1. ion, and that the belllinr all' ruin and ·prvi:ldaru "" CoJlfonm cam..,... wu mild campared wltll <'wlaat Cljh-er acboolJ acroaa the nation did." Tb11 actncMrledpd then wen some a-in oome . of the caune -and tn·1htn1 cndlt for wort not dane. They bave ...,...1..i· to tnve1U1ate. Some students and faculty have m..-~ l1ICh abu111 were creator than the ...,......,11on ,...Uz.ed, and that the cbanclllon bad not ,-a true picture of .Ille number of claues that did not .-, the c:luinles in caune content or cndit 'elven for wort not done. It would Hem obviOUI· that the CClll!ldence o! the •tudeats lhe·LecJllature lllttlhe pahllc et ...... Cilll• for a careiiil investig~llon and detailed report by Ibo admln- iltraton and regents. ThlJ iboald Include a opedllc ,... port of action to be lak.,i qainlt· ~e found to bave abused the academit tequlnmenll and -moot impor• tant>O( 111-.... report o! lleps 'to be taken to improve the 'iltuallon for the fall term. : • Getting these specifics will . be most difficult. but lactlng them, the schools will face the fill term with -and faculty not t.wlns whet la ex'pected ot -. They fUrther will lact llCllDe essential credibility wttli both the' atudenu and the public. UCLA cbancellor Cbarlea E. Young put It very well when be told the regents that "the real lest remains for the llrture, for It la not yet poalble to determine whether or net the dla1Clcallon1 of the put quarter have 10 shaken the nonnaJ forms of acodemic life as to threaten the in- terrtty ol 111 foundations and 111 lutoft." •.. ~ I I .. • problems! · Thia is • sticky lssoe confronting college rovemini boards and adminlltraton, u tbOJ try to alHSs wbat -I! the tbreet to academli: life from within the cam- pus can be overcome, the threat from without the cam- JIUI will no lonrar be a prvblem. •OlJK MIN~5 MUST HAVE Bf EN ON OUR INCOME TAXf5.' ·-: White House I .. ' I , Needs to Be . ; f Ventilated' DeBr Gloomy Gus: Textile Industry· Is Crying 'Injury~! ! ~ of the boob I have been readin1 ildely is Georg• Reedy'• "The Twiligh< ){ the Pdisideney," by the man who Jerved briefly and bitterly .. President ,..,,_.,pna-.,. I What _.. ... from tllil book la the bscilute eaarictioa bi we have to "ven- llate" the-.. WhHe Home. We need to et in more air and ligllt aqd the hubbub i public cmtroveny. - DESPITE MORE facts at his fin&er· .ipg thin any other nan in the world, he Prelident-who- iver he may be-re- nainl one of the nost insulated men n the world. He is >roteded by his .... 1isera, toadied to by 1 i s sycbophants, pampered by his naff ud shut off lroni fresh breezes ol public sentiment. It's all right for the taadW!ata far public olfi<e lo hi,. pollen up durin1 the .._Jp, but """ about taking them clown afterward? -F.S.J. ,_ --..... .__.. ...... -__ ., -...... =·· 0 ..... .......... ._.. ... ..., .... kids suce<eded • dillodJinl him fnlm office? How ella Could '° facU. a com- promioer u Jllchanl N-llllke hro succellive mistakes in s e 1 e c t i n I nominees for tbe Supreme Court? Presidenla are told what they woold like to i-. Their wblms are lndul1ed, their -umopreued, their cir-cle la ..conflned to ep_,.n, sweet. talkon, and likH!linded -. II -s euy to believe that thil ltlect. •tf...-V· ing group repruents "the country," and und-the temper ol the llma. WASHINGTON -Wllon Fore I 1 a Minister 'gllclit Aichi ol J-...... lo Wfllhlnltm lhil -· he ahould in-fonn hlmliU ·lully a1>out the N- Adminlltr-'1 Southern atmea. Thi pnclae...,. ol the commitments made. by candldlle 1lldtard Nino to Sen. Strom '11mn)l)Dd of South Carolina in Miami; ill· rotarn ,.. Tbw-·· bolcllq ol thl Southern delepta, is ol crucial lmporlanoe lo the J1-- Thi JlflOW purplll is to arrive II I voluntary .,._ witb the ~ -... -faqtorla. Por ,_. ·-• year, Cammeree Secretary Mm,irice Sbm his -tryin(. lo (el the J- to -lo ""8ce·lblrply their esports ol tatlles lo this country. STANS HAI DONS Ibis 1! the behelt ol largely 8outbem ·ta!Ue mills, 1'hk:h clalm to hlva been inJ1!red by J•- oompetllion and wl>Jd> !htnlt they hive • promise ""'" ~ !hit the Presl· dllll will ellher force ibe J-tO cut down or 1Upport lqialaUon to ac: complllh !be ...,. lhin(. The JI-... upected lo ~ Instead -u a lut-dlt.cb compromise -1 one-year freeae at current kvelJ while Ille whole m1ttor ol ~le U.S. lo)uey -can be laed into by 1he ezpert.s It GA,,-, the tntematlonll tr a,d ~ orpntutkla kt wtdcb we, the Japaese and .-otlle< countries befm&. 1111s. wm be Proaldenl N"'"''• Jut """""'lo -Ille im-· by ........ lion. Aud the ~ held opinion Ill people w!lo hive -dole lo the llUljt.r is u..t, at -· and Tbummd's "'llnl. !he Pruident will tum down . the Japanese. .. U.S. 1llXTILE manufaCturei's ·~t .... flOrl o! . ID importlal iJl!ematioaal investlcatkm of their 0~." With .-. Illa at an all-time hip. !lleir much talked-of ••Jnjury" wiD tam out to be '"11y the c:antinulol ........ of I wlodfall wl>Jd> Soutbem tmlle men !htnlt they earned by their aolld ~ far Mr. NIHll and the Republlcan !lcUt in -Thi litamlUve lo 1 volunWY ,.._ and GATl' involvement is legislatiotl. Now before the House Ways and Means Conunittff is a bill offered by Chairman Wilbur !llilb (D-Arli.) whidl would aharp- ly reda<e tutile and -imports. (Shoe quotas were thrown in u baH for con. l gressmen from shoe-produclng areas, largely iJI New England.) '1)1< bil!'would cause real injury nOt to the prosperii:1g industry sponsors but lo J1pan and the underdeveloped world, whidl loaether provide 75 percent o!. our imponj) and to the American con.sumer, who may now tae advantage of cheaper shirts and shoes. THE TD:11LE ind~. which is crying "injury" and see~n& the new quotas, is -recent cost~·living figures show·-most responsible for the current price inflation. 1be 1C08t of ck>tblng is rising even·'itiore shirply thah that o( food. U the Japanese mission fails, it will be beeause the Preslc\ent has decided lo support the Mills bill; the effect will be directly inflationary as low·price foreign text.uel and shOa are · driven from the U.S. market. Sen. Thur~ released a statement after Miami, usuring his followers he- had the Pmideot'a promise he would ,. support textile quotas. As recently is last week Thurmond renewed tfijt assurance. So far he has delivered. • White House every time. • · .. t ' ' /.:..,.. THE TEXTILE industry as a wltilO bu prospered all through the talk ci< "cheap compietiton" and "foreign 1,li). jury." Profit! dipJIO!l slightly in tip over 1961, but still held at well oftr- double the 1961 level. In the c~ indu~, the story is . the same, except that even 1969 showed a profit increaa6.~ 1be danger to the United States, ;fit course, does not come from Japanei,e teniles « imports from underdeYdoaiJf -countries. The ~anger to our ~ policy, by ezcluding from our ~ precisely those countries whose devt~ meot we encourage, is coruiiderable. "'In addJtion, it hanlly behooves~the NI Administration tO talk, aboUt flghtins - flation and in the same week pa) an old political debt by runniac -. i•,. conswner prices.. ·~ If the Japanese know the history~ !be Southm! otrategy. !hey mu" ali'* be planning a cutback in production. :'> ,, By .Frtnl< M~ and Ttm JkMi1i;ia .,. ·~ ·" : This has always been true. Prelident J;arfield, nearly a century ago, remarked lhat ·-President la the 1181 penon In the world to know -t the people ieally want and think." Since then. the IVhite Houae has become even more . hmote from everyday life, as esperts multiply, administrative bureaus flourllh, •nd the whole -iy of promotion !line:! publicity armon the Chief Executive !against the rude winds of popular feeling. IT Ill A PARA-POUTICAL problem, (Oing beyond parties and -II n I matter, o! gtttioJ the Preliclent out of his gilded cage and into the mainstrmn of .:iciety. To cuder upon him such immense power. without.-ar the same time 1eein1 to it that he is nspoi\sive to all the complex and conflidin1 needs ti society, is to erect a kind of modern monarchy as oppttalive as the one we overtbrtw. ' Blessings of Freedom in .:America !-· .... 1 f HOW OTHERWISE could so ,shrewd '• politician as Lyndon John.00. have misjudged the mood of the-naUon that f haatily organized campaign of coUeae lt 9hould not be so necessary for Ille Coor! to ni>uke, or the Coner"' to revoke, what the White HOUR pro. poees. It is not the "power" of the Presidency that corrupts, JO much as the pride, the privlleces, the perquisites of offtce that seal off a man from the ultlmate .. ality o! hill qe. Time to Smile ·Again There Is 1 pbco In the United Sbles where poop1el lllllle al each other, and at you. the ttr..,er. Thell people hive yellow, brown. black, white, ud Vll')'lri( shades of ' golden still. Yet !be problems ol boltilily, prwnce fdt today in Hawaii-bl_,.. of allealtion, of 1Kt of commurUcation1 • ol inahlllly to (el aJooc hive not !Dido -for tho IJed, -rvance ol milloua the acme in Hawaii. · CU1toms, in education and learnlq as In the -·· IOth slate, race• mil II"~ pursuib lo the ICbievement and llil1 -lo a CUM10n m:U>-ol hill>er 1bndanl1 ol livlq, and mutual !lioCY !hit~ them clooe lo the ~-respect hr cllver(elll poilla of vitw. lean droom ol the true me1t1111 Pol. It .is To the Editor: On June 12, three articles appeared in yow newapeper which intrigued me by virtue ol their cootratintl n.W... P•ge one carried I rpeed1 by thl Fountain Valley cl .. of 1178 co-valedio- torlan, llivl"I IOC!elj> 1 blut for whit he termed ''American eultural pollution." He expre11cd a hope that "wars, wea)JOl'll and nationalism" would come to an end and ... -deep CCllCern !hot Jone hairs and hoa ........ ta, far ..._ "" pannlly lmoom only to him. clidn1 receive adequate IDcluaiGn under - BID ol Rl&h!s. Two ooiumns lo the ri&h.l. !Ill Ila . same pqe, o ....,,.,.t similar - --"'· Mad Dos !llRIOll and his fwr murdorinc hlrloll .,... •)ectN ""'" oourt -be fett Ille ..... .... llOI doliped lo ldequalely ..- maa murdfren. TllJ:N, ON PAGE SIX, Mias Emily -<ILapnaBeoch""11rtbuteda Called the .. Aloha Spirit", and it flauriDl In the beauty ol thla lsiandl. poicnlnt blllory " """ --lo Ille f1al .... ID, -ol the -... familiar to me; -.. the 1114 ·-t an Fort Mdlawy and Fnnds Scott Key peonln( the -that .,.... taler 1o-..--anlllem. WE A!IE NOO' NAIVE eaouib lo llUI· A fact -lo me wu that ii gest !hot the Aloha Spirit csn be Im-Wll not ... w JISI that the Star s.,.nsled IF YOU BELIEVE !hot the roota o1 ported by the new 717 jets or that Banner boclme our nalionll anthem. modem American conoepta lie lo the the current ghunnea 00 Wall -I -•IP'allY, .I recollod U-tn(le ""'lnlllnc -aphlel tbat dictate d~· CID be dilsipated wttb I ll1ll1o. '!lll y_.. wllm this .....try WM pipped !--• life sty•-·, t be n Ha-1111 emotional 1k>om and doom atnw,..._. ...., a -..w-.a--.w.. la 1m I ~ c!lmo~ 1111111 be ~ whlcb dominates the Mainland hU ~ ~,..;.-;;:,. ld~ in I is ooe d !he ,..._. hr Ila air Of lo 1 deeply llienlttd llnuc!al ..... , P-"1aala -' nUilq town. Tbm ~lild natunf'courlay. muntly U-nll Q -..... ---1!llle hope -far -.Jn - Or do. -atll"ibule thil tradition of din!ction toward anarchy and aelf• dlyw but ane pricelea ~•t•Doll ,-duJcence U I IUbotitute far ·academic everY-hid WM loft (,j Cod and love -_, nrmtb, hlpply ... dildpllne nd aeH. ""fll'OtbDODL Wiii ol .-ir,. ,,.. WU -. • ti ii ...._... bf • -lllelod develop-Slntel, u .,.u u the oollep CllD!pul, -.._ ~ --. UNDER meol o! l'M all< -11)>, II !Ill his been c:augbl in I ll'ldually deepenlac GOO" and tmiufi, -IUflerinp ... ~~':'.:... -· ...-... r-~"'~ I ~or. . . ~ lhiW t1tat·flltll ta"GOI'- -..., r-Whit is ...U, needed It lo -· "° ,. llrou&lt-leea down the •~ fl tbaa' WJ. COQftdlla in our l)'ltem, in our l'ha ntraordlnU1 ertctnal f9l1bl bMIDt pwrnment, tn ar total way of Hfe ~ ---and -In onler to oopo wltb a. tmlble pro. Yirtaoul m' 'Wrill. ID . _. lelftl tha& enclanlw° m Ill. Perhapa wtUt eqaal wibets · ol ..-.~ .,. should try Haw-ll)'le, and -h ,...kin( _.. ... prodU<ed • America lo amile ...... 1""' fl -·-!hot hive mainlained --o1 ldenlltJ while lhlrinl -.MocllauNM ..... lbtir Aloha Spirit. ... Nl .. cr • ,,. __ 11111 •e -r ....- .---., ~,.,,.----... Arlbur T. ft. tf Ellewblrl, Pll.,' writes: "I hive boon -. 1111' ~· to Gtorp hr nine Y•lrl. I -..-r why in the world t do thll." O.K., Arthar, no lllOl'e loltimoniu fnl!n Y>UI ( Lltttft ,.._ f"""1 ,,.. 'ftlatlM· """""" wtlten tl'IWlll aftVft' tlltlr flltll"" 111 • ..-. " Ms. 1'19 rl9M fll ctllMllq i.rt.rt fll tit IHClt w •llm~ M" lllllt II ,...,.....,_ All """9 muit IMfl.Ml9 1i. ~ ft fNllll'll .ol1Wt, M ""'* IMY M ~ M ,_,.... II MIHlcltllt ,._ II """""'- WE UllE, all o! 111, allo -ed llwou&b cur bHlri&bt aaolber llricil• pcMaa, "life, llJmty ad tbe puraait cl hlpplDMI." 8oweYer « •ri&caft)' dlpt 111 d:1 DO W coald tlb tltat .. .., -...... del!>ite the ........ odds, we aurvived and helped makt thi.s thl torian was more concerned with .. 1reat country it is. pursuit of the American way of .. e Personally, 1 was abl_e lhrouah this than with opposing il The c~ freedom , to obtain an education . in a · party, however, sensing an opporbmfl1 fi~ld of my ow~ choice, invested in to lnject its insidious philosophy iJto real estate by virtue of our free mo our hungry, bedraggled society, 1noftd terprise system and only because of in for the kill. They failed miseri$y a perforated ear drum was . I denied fol' we . were "one nation, under Go~·· the greatest privile1e ol ajl -to defend and those opposed were fightiJ'lc~a our country against its enemies in battle, powerful for~. We are sUll living undfr I must confess, however, that while God's divine protection and this ~ long: hair and ·hommexuality never ap-. shall survive "thouih the 1atea ri ~U pealed to me I swallowed a Yv~ gokifish may prevail against il " When •<w~. « two. I never once protested that weapons and nationalism come to "U 1okl fish swallowen did ~ receive end", as the Fountain Valley co-v~ special recognlllan iJI the BUI ol Rl~ls. tori_an .hopes, _we . will_!< openq ~ TRANK GOD OUlt clus co-valectic-gates to our enemies. 1-: ~ UNDER COMMUNISM, ant!-ptril.. Vanity vs. Real Cheating ment speeches cookl result in a SJbelitln exile or e:ttCUUon by a firing ,qa.a. rrotHt marches would end with tlllks machine-gwming lo d•alh the ·• women and children participatq, ~ they did in a Budapest square not "-" 11111' ....... lie about lier .... ! Tbt -'""' b aol alwlya a 1r1.-. one. On the eanlrat)\ ltriom: c:ourta'OOln --·-wapd-11111 very ...... . . h \ !.~ t .!!; T'-• l '" ' ._ .-W\ 111 ·~'CtioD ]. · .. • ' ! ;:l~~ ~. for e11nrple, !hit 1 brldaoroom finds out ilfl«, Ille -. oflenae. The court polnt..i out !hit the that Ida -II oldor Ihm lhe ukl main purpooe .r uking for the ,......!, she wu. Dols her dec:ieption stve hhn age was to make IUl'e she was okl a rlcht to an annulmtnt on lf'0'8ldl , enough to drive. In this case, said the of fr111d! •courl, Ibero WU no doubt about !hot. GeneraUJ, no. Annuimmts are iDdeed NeverthelesS, it may be a dWmnt srmted far fr111d. but only ·-the · story when • wunon takes -:iears lnad --lhlnc truly r... off her II< in applying for llfe inaunnce. damental to tbe m a r r t a 1 ·e .nJa. tiM+1f ma1tlldnC more vtlaJ than men• qe. The nllOll 11 that tbe .la• pnlen, whenever ,_Jble, .to _.. I liun1qe, not lo -.Y, II. Ont jtllllt added_ .. , . ... ,~ ' . . . ' ~-Tllll aww11~..-.~ _ .. jmt ---·~ tMll' camd .... ' ., fla01sF0 li' 'el U!lpllml _be_ wtde_ • . In -'kind ·" ... ....,,...,, • womm mMilt Wll bmd tiatd ~ ,.. cl"'"' -dllflnll!· .... Ill lo tho --dlflemt ,..i.trl· !Ion llatemeab. Kera: toe, howt•tr, tM ClOUl't decMied !bat )Mr m!llla--. llOI - --,,ii .. -blr pill)> <ii .. IN nllS &mJATION, there is no qua. lion .r pllantry, no queot!an ol'maturity. h ii simply I quellion of lri-.Jc. An insunnce --calculates lb rlslc an the ball of the woman's We es. pectancy. -lo turn def>endl primari- ly ----· Ip l!IO!ll ._ .,, .-mated ... ...... -...... ~ .... 1111) .... n tlllit !be • benellclsry o1 the ,.uc,. will collei:t~telj> leKiMm'llll:I. ' In . fac:I. W the misstatement la due . not lo coqueWshneta but . to . plain d-y. the entn policy mltllt be held nun and vokl. The U.w may condone v111tty. bot llOI c:beatinl. A• American Bar A1todacim1 pttl»-' lk 1eruicc /eatur1 bM Will Bernard. • 1111\l-. I A1>0lber lhing they laugh< us In • waa awareness. One doeSJ'l f~ l)il in high school curricuJa, one hM;.;1o •k it out. Why have so ~:Jd our young people been blinded fD1. it ~y? ' ;~ ERNEST W. M0ytp ~ :-.. --Wi Thursday, June 25, 111'111 • ' ' ' : ' . •• , .• .. , •J I • • ' ' • . .. . • • C1!E8,~G,. ly Phil tilitrlcincll j ' • Tllunday, Juoe 25, 1970 DAILY ".'l" 1, rextile Import.Cur~s 0.~'d • W ASRINGTOll (AP) -'!be . . . ! ·. • ·~ ' . • • I ' I ~.tadll'- ; . ced lll "rcluClanl" IUPllll"I ol . •' .....,....i. inH>or!. nlliidioos on lelllle proWela. mltlee. Siana ojipeared before be deall with undir •liltlnr _,Id rein a clatMO In the tlle-1tlee to..;.._ the law. trade act that permits ...,, •• ~·• decilloo 00 Sta111 Nici the shoo problem ponies Injured by Imports to !Gtllel;"~ . ==coul=d =be=•=ased==il=Coqi"ell~~=see=k=rell=•f=. ==== ·Smell of Raccoons ' ! Repulse~ P!geo~s · t . ' ' . ~ . ('' . -. ~ . · BJ I,. M. BOYD ., ' !~ 1J01 ball( iioaoil o, pla<e " ABOUT .JIALF the -le where the 1mell«il raccoons ~ who tlll themselves in this is particularly · s~. A . coun~r y do so with subscrihif.hi Lancaster, Pa., . bar b I t U•rates. • .AMONG So ieporli.-It's not iD i.m; ' TIE BIG TOWNS nation~ , I the city that gets ihe 'mOst. • C0ft\m9Jl"aigbt• ~ .-.ya, ,to ~ · &nOW eve!'Y year . on. 'the see· ·raccoons' tails Jwiging . , a v er a g 1 ii ,Syracuse; from . Lancaster w 1n·d·ow1 ; N.Y.. • .NA'l'ION'ALITY of wi>efe pi&lons~ -gone,~ ; the fellow -!a moot apt congrega!Od;--~ ;tobeseenwtlh 'a rlngon .. . ·his n..-r ·ii Swedish If LANGUAGE MAN -Take . ~ ~......: •.:... olot olot -~ ~ _.. •'-" i , a 1 :i'"': , .MEDICAL ' EX~ a look at the word "destru« --· ,_.._ """•· ~ Qi .ml"-·.~ ~ ,- ! PEJ\TS -their_-. tion." Wltllln "If -letters : ini:ticate at>\)ut' bail the ·• in ~ tO spell "ruin." : nes1a victims are ~ faking a sy~. no! Our Language --------~~--~--- ' ••• JT RAS BEEN SCIENTIF~ man says these are called '-~ ICAUY estabnsbed that ' iKiaigm>o; w<rds. Others \are ~ \ er· . . : man -...... a hat Is ml '<atrivel"' containing \'tries" ,;:,enator 1t1cizes '. so apt "to let cold feet at a and ~prematurely'' eontltnlng : man who does not.. · "ea.Ji:1:'": ~ ··~tm" '. THE LAW -When Police coolalning ':ta1Pte4", ••·d Off1"cer's 'M' ili"tar1"sm' : ofDcen frisk a fellow and find "barricaded" ~~'.bar· Slalll I lld the Id·.= Secretary of Commerce ·• Maurice H. Stans, 1 a l d ; however, that th e ·ad- mlnlllr-..... not IUppOrt propooed ~ctklns on the, .ilpportatlon <l shoes. --had hoped to*************-****' ~. :tuit~== MERCURY . SAV.INGB .I ·callapoed w~.and t1111 . md"-ISIOCilllcm no .....,en1 was ~ble. ...,.. Both· products are covered , by legtslatioo pend1J11 In the HOUie Wa)'S·~ Mew Com- "The need for· a eolutlon to tile· texllle lmpofl probleJn ii ·cleorly apparenti" Stam said. ."In the abs ea c e ·of asnements wllh .Jap1n. and -other key exportlq c:oun-S, Ameriean tl'lel. 111.s ""reluctant judg. ment that the only , means NOW OPEN EVERY SATURDAY '10 A f\11 -,1 ~J. M Open Mon.·Thln. 9 un.-4 P,.111.; frl 91.111.-6 p.m. · presently available for: IQlving • . K.Wnapings · tbll ~ ii the Jextlle ;•u••• ,.1K '!9uNT1•1Ta• 1ucH = ... -bolore !his Men:orySl'l~pBfdi. • ~Slllnpa:t Studied . ,. As. far as lhoes are con-VallerY~wllLlllc:~n ' . . E twit . -· Siias ldded, the ad· * * * * •·•·• * * -*·* * *·* * '* WA$lllNlilU{ CUP!) .-mlnillrallClll beJlev~ they i:an . • w-.. llimlophere fore! . . ·~ Plbetiil today for Iba · 11 u t tntee-American ~ -iy.to ~" . UICllll other ~s, the wave ol dlplomatle ildnaplngs !hat · .... lproad lhrough Latili . America. . 1'e Organization of · American lltales (OAS) Ls holdlag Ka flnt g e n e r a I ~ 1llkr Its ne"' • th I rizor in his ....... i.~-u--ir i'ed ,.._ · ( ' .. _.,< .,.....11:'1.,Jl.IR: ; ,,, • •. ; fil'lf _.guess IS not -Uiat he's· Youf" ~stfonl ~ tom- . cblrter, nTiled last wtotft to live Ibo prganlzaUon ao adminlllrlUte s t r u c t u r e llmllar lo lllat <l the United Natlool. - ; a cutthroat, but a pickpocket. ments ate welcomed' and ; Or so o~ lawman tells mi. will be used in Chtcking : A tricky tool, the razor. It's Up whereoer possiblt'. Ad- ~ used to slit open rear pockets dn_11 letters to L. M. Boyd, ; and to slash purse straps. . Boz 1175, Newport Beach, CONSIDER TIDS -Pigeons CaUf. 92660. WASIDNGTON (UPI) - Statements by a N a v y destroyer 1 q'u ad ro n com- .mander that men la uniform must take steps to stem an "anli·military ·tide" In llia'U · tion, have drawn a·t r on g crlilcilm In· lbe Senate .. tbat they threaten civilian control over the mllJtary. "TbJs lnflated sense of pro- fessloliii iftrocaU"" ii the Tiny Bah-y · very stuff, al 1fblcb mllllary, ~Pl d'~. ·tre 1Jli!!lde," llid. Sen. Frank Cbun:ll"(D-ldabo); Chun:h aald In a Semite speech Wednesday tbat lbe statements, published In a rnilllary journal, ..... ~ of several Senate critlca of the Sotilheast Allan War, former ·Ambassador. Jo b n. Kenneth Galbraith and retired Marine Gen. David M. Sboup. . Capt. ·-J,_ um; #1, . . a 1946 ~ .,...i..i. who ls commanding a deslroJer. ';lbe dellptes have a 14-· poiDI MODda but none has ~ modi Interest Heep\ · No. 13: PGllbeal ·Te"rrorisnl and Dlplomotlc Kidnaplnp 'lbat was a Jut.minute ad- dlllon to the 11enda afte< Arpnllna and urucuay su1· gested that DO pollll<al asylum be gnmtad to pollllcal prilonen. frt«I' as ransom fol lr:idnlped olflcial.s or dplom1ts. ! ' Doing Nicelv 1 squadron 1n the Pacific, ... J 1 preaec1111a v1ewt 1n .. arllcle Army Strengtli . MOUNT VEIINON, Wash. judged the lll'IO prise euay · , lAP> -Jill Mlrie Tripp 1n the March t11ue al Hits Low Mark weiehed me pound, nine .. Proceedings,_" publilbed bY. ... . _ """ · ounces when she was born-. the U.S. N al Instllule WASHINGTON (AP) -'!he three months premature May av · · · combined strongtb of tbe U.S. 27. Now, after four weeks in Hanks said that·••Wbue the Armed Forces decUaed S3,S35 an Incubator at Skagit Valley threat lro111 wilb!M remalns, men In I.lay, reacblnc l,GC,118 Hoepltal, Jill Marie baa Sained we now face l!D ;q.,any polenl at the em ol'the month. ; lllx ounces. ••• ,...... from ~t111n ,. '!be Pentqon Nici Weo- Dr. Maynard JobmOn, the ~·"&e "'' ·:t • , neadaJ thll w• "Iii line wlth beby's pilyslclan, describe<! Church, bow~, d•d not lhti N1xan -lnlatralloo'i • her pn>1ress as amazing. agree with thil view. pl ol reduelnc ·Iba -· to · ! Jill ii given aeven cubic · "Tbe oei<ure of legitlmala· Z'.I ·mllllon by JDl,y I, U71. ceatimetera·Gf milt 'every. two-• pvetlllJiellt by military ....,, 8efntlry oil Dill a '"lfllvtii hours; lluwah a nasal ·tube Is ·alwayi dreped In the .U. Laird ha ""Mid tlie ad- and a ttierlllGIDel<r attaclw! · servlnC ...,.,,., that patriollc · -II Iii tlie -· to ber body ncuJates tbo· duty left 1io other allemaUve," al rWo•• tllit 'level lo U . tempentuNalllo-lo!". be..... . . -~- * RION· HARDWARE now has a complete -new stock of pre-harmonized . . . PRE-HARMONIZED PAINT~ e PAINTS . , . '• .• .. in.a .rainbow .of new .,...'r.• decoratpr colors .. . . . . ... easy to apply . · . • • • l • ~ • .. int;ide or outsiae , . * with the RIGHT·Colors /Let us help y~u give your home ,, * with :the RIGHT PaintingEquipment , ". . ~a new"decorator"U:Jok... · ·. · · r. * with the RIGHT Type of Paint . RIO-~lrARDWAllE .· . . . 1024 IRVINE AYI. WUTCLIFF PLAZA NEWPORT llACH 642-1133 • HOURS: 9 A.M.·9 P.M., MONDAY THRU FRIDAY · ·9 A.M.·6 ;.M. SATURDAY 10 A.M.·4 P.M. SUNDAY I • ! • I .. . IEACH llJLS -........ "°"'""" , ••• w ..... .... .. ........... . PIKl-49c., LARCE SELECTION ·OF IN,LATAl~I P.Q 0 LS . ~ .... n•--.,~n~•••· Llop 111'.daes SWIM MASIS ... ""' GOGGLES -$129 .. $595 Snorkels •1•• 1o1au llPUTAILI · owiDsuRFER .., ............... $166 .. IUG KEEPER ~ i:::.-.::: aac ........ SAND 'tllPPER . . ....... fll•"••*'""' --·-- ' . ' 1t• lmATAlll SPLIT RING ASST. -·------aac --. AiR MATIRESS MAT ... -- SOUTH COAST PLAZA" COSTA MESA-1.owor Level Phane 540-6383 ' . ... ,_ ........ __ --·<M&llU·-·-..................... a!'!E!!lll!!!!' an.11-·-•-· --~ .. , ... ~·--· a.. ··-··· ··-•tm..., .• ~ SUNDAYS~ . 1 , • I llAI~ v PILOT T"'"4l1, Jwt1 2§, 1970· Of Taxes -·A111.e~e~:;:WeHare · Refo.r~1 Progr~ssi~g .. SA~ (UPJl -.A millico to , Jlllfdwe-food us .have~ do we buy 1-mw . ~ ....;,,•lmia~ 1111;· u.: 1pooec1 deniaJ ·ol 1 ~ c!.;. Calli~1 a.:. Iii.' • . ..;,.al : draluCau, alnended bill IO llampl 'I« Yedploola 'Ill the pair ol .,..i-or do wa lhlft Ill· fqoda•lo m«ely "bor~ IO .u'DC Piiia. DuflJ llid worken union, charpd tllal : ·0verbaul Ibo ---. A I cJ.ll>Fam!HM-wilJ>.DepeDcl. speiid a llltle -e .., loocllni nnillll lrGm Peter tO pay Pllll he lntenda=. do1111l admlnl,,,.aUve "mtomll!lr,: Near Vote . · .,_, e~ 't A J' DC ) p our kldl," .Dulfy told tile ....,. and Yiu're °'* aa1viD1 any core I«. ......,, m t"'-and "incom-·~ ·Iii~_.,. 111 tile l"lm. • miUee. problem." Colel!ll)I ·B _.. ·were the true -lo • SACRAMENTO (UPI) -~n· -orid "It will 1Pve •ftUare piorenta But Yvonne Rees,__.. 11be and ,ollMr _.,11 tiq the American CI vi I .cwnbersonle and costly . wal·• Gov. Ronald Reagan'• , $1 ~ flJ:, ~. a6-the 11me· cbcii<e !the -· ol Ung a Los Anpleo w.ir.t. ljnCJld ouUar llllck tlle pn> Liberties Union ol Soutbehl lire aystem.' Ilium. tu reviml pn>ll'ODI · yanctd In the JtPlotu/O In- --"'""' ..... a1 .,. . . USl'dti by crjtkl -beaded ~'J'1is .. ii· • we&f&re: •ct for I showdown vote nut ', .. abwt evwy poor Jlll'.'IDll in -.., tbe Senate ReV.... c.nwnil,'! dwpd Cllllwd ' . • . SHOP SEARS:'SUNDAYS 12 Noon·to .. s PM ~ond•yothr ... ~a.turd1y . . . . • • • •·9 .3'0A.M.to9.30P,M. ' ' • I ' ,.,.., ,. , Tllo -CCllD)lleied I wett-rlPU ~· r--.... --------- Md TUlliGo COmmiUee. ~ · Williaml ol Ille S..,,,_ , , ~ol (le ...... Wed· Le . ·Gas Bui Gov,,Jloo!ald • .....-· •. Create .. ·a . Waterfa.JI • nendaJ ... Ille mus!H lax , ' . '" 90CiolWelfare-,llGMrt · ,_ --"••e that -Marlia, <leciared IUpporl Jor .-... r -Bill S the bill'•-· ..... -1p1e .. --· --·· ~ daim wiH cul nearly . nags .. .---- all i..n-nm• property tu ' · · new ·--"pnerally bills. -,_ .. · : :· · · •· .. ~ • ~ tlle bill~'., · Tile pan•I il)en '" "early Jn Assembly· ·The prop1111 by ·-Sears ' • . I • ' ' ' ·""""'"~ . . : ' . ' ; ; at Your .:Home .~ .. nest week" for a final vote Aslemblyrnan Gordon Duffy • -~1y ssed , (R..flalDrd) won MrTOW ap- . '"' Ille ~•~ i>" :: SACRAMENTO (UPI) -p«>Val ol tu. Health and posaleral ~ttemr ~: to~~ ...... 1-, Ir: LegislaUon de• I I a e d to · We~ Com m I t tee Wed-· .. stv . ,..... ..... re..,.. · remove lbt lead fnlm· peoUne nuday C111 a' tlpUt voice vote. ~~ memberi,-on ~ by-19'1'1 wu ~ged today It went. to tbt Ways and splil vooce. vote, defeated-·• .., .. ~ .,.....-. .. 't<;tu ~!IOe for-·· proposed aJnelldment by~. •-f t« 'e'\"'"-;"!:" • I~ ~ .,,. ·.' • • ,· Geor&• · D«l1anejian (fl.Llln( oti;war f:iR1diC , ~-CNI •tuc!1". , . . '.. Beach) la,,.,..... a olatiori<fe ·-~· (1::/ f t ~)·~= !f.,tlle ~' property tax of-$2.05'per lltO ·~ POili' F • i,;& >1>j Reqin, ~..3, ·· ol a...ssed valuolion. Schahaum (fl.Qwina), ~-<II' IO .-...... the amount Reqail had suaeoted the ol the ~ i~' .t"welf..;1ki1'.-1y arrived levy when he first aubmitted -ay !lie clll(ltlle ~ ...OW recei.. ln the tu shift plan, but it was Gil the market:IDC pr, .. Cllifarna. --~ stricken from the meuure by Sbel and staadlJ'd · .; cmfo; : J)uffj',;edded.i provillon that th• Assemb1J:~nue. and pDes ~ one side Ma Unloo would cut l:iaclr: c er t 1 l n " Tuailon ~ttee. and Pbillil!I •the other. ··.-11n1mt.J". ~ cart ; ~ ' Deutme11an 1 a id ·the . He said am~ .sded 9el1IWil ~ jlcluls. · 1 1 : · · : estimated $80 mlllloa ratoed to 1i1i'. llill m Ille -, m <.ioald ~I -...l •11 . · ·" ·. ~ by the tax could ~ lut weelr:'4>y ~ • , finlncilil support for educatlon • RobtrJ, ff.,r Burke (~ .J · . J .• ~ ' between rich and P • • r 1ini10n Betlch), favoredi• , -~11 .. IUD.. et°. ···~·-··-~-~ ·~" ~·-' ' ~ w--· _....."'~'-,.,. t' ~ ~ • • J Bui Jack Merebaan. ·)Gb. "Standani oil and sneif OU ' bytol '"' the c •• • l Y Initiated a--.,. wllidl,. Pnof.eetion ~rs a~ •• op-if "they. ~· 1a~r·~ ~. -\'·?'!" • pnood the levy. He llid Ille• "aiYe--two com~ d ,<'. • ·, •· ·1 -1ax" aJreody 11e.v1-• --...-.. ,'the;, • Bill p d ly oo«burdened." '""· • COlllPetltlve advntqe,• . asse Earlier the c o m m i t t • e uid 8c:bablrmn. • ,.· ,. defeated a proposed ""1eJld. "The · ·Sllell and Standard SACRAMEJim (AP) -A ment by Sen. Tom Camll amendments have been 'Job. ~ve.eonswner. war· (0-San Fernande>). to strike bied:fierc81)'l" be said. uJ~m rl¥tl)''protectxm. act, first in out a prorilion in the tax en the aide :ci1 ao lead and California'• bil&ory, cl~· ,1 --,.ms1oo----aJaiio~aV-a~tler of lacl Union tile Sen• Wednendaf dnpite • ' a -ICllng lid pn ' achonl Oii .Co •. oiic( ,Phillips joined ! claim it would i_. ! . distrlcla. me In lhaf vlew.". , lanW!lc . ....,_ « l!urdep I 1be llnUtation woul<I freeze The bill,· .requires oil com· on ~~r~. · . expenditures et the Jeni 'they· panies to st.art ellminaling B)',.·a M-&,Y,ote tMe ' Senate " · will reocll by the end ol 1~0, l~ad : bi'.'·July"I, lrll lmd to . ;r.:v.: ~i!:""~ Jocludinc aU permissive tax eliminate ;all lead by July ·~ Would reqUire that-Ill . . ovenidel.Newov.errLde_s l·,-1'77. consumer &oods sold In ·/· would nnt he penmtted. Lead is added la fuel to Calllomia be protected by 111 •.. r111e its octane l"el tor-implied warranty or t!lse that ' .- Panel Kills s · lizeif h~r performance.~ critics the sale be specified u "with · ( .chars• it,m«.11111 au pollu-raults." ' ' ti mi (ouli .... _,.. Sen. Allred •&.;g (D-Mon. .,._ 1 devices~ terey Park), the bill's author, ~ ~ .. · . LA Schools , W1re~p :Bill . · .... ,_ ... sAce~ <u~·1> -·Redivision . Ucis1ation pennittinc 1',w en-, · \.-' , · lor<:ement per.O o4nel,in Bil.l Off " d C.lifomia IO uae :wlretapjJlng ere equipmenl, 10 gothW e.if!ence termed • ii • "flnl 'ltep in ' • 'the ri&ht di~on" toward ~~··· .. the practice ,., mW•( warrantia • "lttM& ~. lliu' · Hies lfmmlcb. tt, • I • • .' , The meuure would require consumer 1ood 1 n'iinufac- luren, Including carmalr•n, to have Califorilii r,e-p'.'a i r focilill., •• mainlailt .Jl>Odto oold beri ... waa killed Wedneoday by the SACRAMENTO (Al') - ~ Criminal Procedure Seti. John Harmer (f\.Glen- Committee. dale) IOday lntrvduced le(illa· 'J'be committee defeated a Uon to J'fJO:l'lanile tht· Log Hell' An } bill by Sen. John Nej<ill)'<(•R-,',~ U'niif'ed • ·I ch o o 1 -;S. '. ge ' Walnut Creek), which would Diltricf_ln(o 24 aeparate-ad· :: :~::m~~·~· m;i:-;;,r:u~ is lhe Chlef~S1J1~ 1 ~fl.·.~~; 1pplication by the sta'te at-ou~ .~ a , 1~· , 'I study jt .. IOme)" general or local dj'\rict hy Horm<r • .t<illli , • , · • Jn Ftg" btin" g · . d 1 i. " · ·attorneys. The commit\et afto on · ReorP.riJzalion 111' · t ....irtnned ill decision t0 ·kill urbaft utifftOct,~ Diatrkls ... a similar bill by A""'11blYman and COll!"ltliilt ~·iupplled SAN DIEGO . (AP) -A ~~ w. cra11 Biddle ·(·R. t,rtbe Mtbut~D.~Co. 3hooting, tnmn1r b• tt t e ~.)~·!~ Riverside ), ~ Of! t~, 2 4 ad· betwffn two rival motdreyclt ·~· ·:. "" Nejedly, 1 (onner ·COntra m1n1strative ·u~~ld . be clubs left 1 cMeftJin.1lef the · .. Costa County district altC!ir,ney. aoverned by elective boitd!, Hell's lngels \. ~Ill'~ ..1 n d told the committee ruS bil1 wtth · the average size about another man in critiliil con- -by _,.._ 6 _.. 20,000 IO 30,000 otudenll ·p« dltion IOday. wu ,........... to &'"' diatrict. The district ls now The president of a club call· °'!anized ~e. . . the nation'• second largest ed the Altman. Rimlrd 'Ibis (wtrelafllling) 11 .~ wlth·ailopt·IOll,llOO students. McCart, :!ti, WM' ~ed far n sponstble and effective and The prHent Los Angele!'! 1. · r · 1le ebeolutely necessary tool foe Unified School Distrt"ct Board inves 1gat1on o mur r. The slain man was• Andrew Jaw enforcement,"· tbe Jaw-would be --iacect under· tht D H •• 1·..i~'~"ed by -•-Id "I "'"-'"---'"l'' ' . om, ff, l.le•.,,.11 mlUM;:'r sa • n urc aU'l111:1A:e proposal by a centril board police . as , vic::J . )ftlident> of ol this tool, porticuluJy.the. compooed of dltitiict board the Hell's Ange~. II<. wu kill· area or organized and uncon-· representatives .• , · . .I : 1• ed by 1 ahetgui1 blast in the tro11e:d." .' · ' Harmer said ,> tf't'i~~al chest. Donald Andmon, 2S, . NeJedlY 'laid.' the ~asu~e· . is designed t0;.'P.r"Pvlc14 better • a Hell 's :Anal 'knOwn · as' WOl;lld have g1v~ Cahforma .quality edacatkm to, .Lo s: "Funky." was 'booked fOr in~ policemen the ,sarne ,authority., An1elts stUffeatl, \J!1prove tht vestigat ion· ot assault with in- to Ult the eqwpment that, has uses of reeourcs~Mtd •in'vOl_ve tent lo kill: 1 • • • ~ been eraded fedllral' laW·Wl-mo~ me~· fl(~ com-In critical ·~Uhri .._it.h licen lbe~past two years. mun1ty in goverlnl~·iebools._knife wounds In \M liver and chest was Fred Hill, 2i, of . . • 'r•' • .. . " I • • • • • ' ' I . ' ' . " ' , SA-VE ·•30! .· · ··.· ' . . . . • ' I , . . ' .. 9·9~s .< , .. , · Regular .. '129.95 ~Thif'~jneb w11ttrfaJl'~e;a ep""r,lete'y -~~ aftd ,.e.:41,. i. •'dd • dramtiti(:·~nl· I• y9'fr halM 1 iftleriOr er exterior. }'a.h~ontd fl"Olll na.. ..... • H• 4 ba~n ·Ji1btt aDd ar~fieiai pla.ob th. .W le ju re1lint · · 1 ' . ,. ' S'J'J.95W•••n•l ,79.,5 S.1!9.95 W8ler Fount.ii ·· · 99.•5 $8.'9 c.~. St;"re'~nin);', 6x 'l:-l-ft. ;'7 ' ' ' . SAVE '4! .Aluminum S111~inei:sihle Pumps _ ' '· 1188 I • • ! • R'"""'·1.I,,_, . :. . . . . ~~ • ,!, • .I -• '15.99, . . PAI NT NOW! ACOUSTIC CEl'LIJ!IG .PA·IN;f El Cajon, ldentifted by pollee · as member of the Asemen ' and nicknamed Pig ,Pen. 1 --·-·-·-·· ..... -----·· ...-·--·-__ ... , ... ---··-~·­----·---'"' . ·-........ ,;_ ' _-; . .. ·~ . {.•2· 15. •AUON ' > ' I PIARL GRAY DOCK PAINT $4~ SATI EIAlll w .... c-.., $6~ ' .. .. ' I • . . ' -..ocK CLEAR .. ~3~ Per Gr•vel Lawns ' .. ' . SUPIR " • •• EllAlll ''111 ....... ln ~ e' Un'' t ~0 ': .,, l~ . ( WAl:KER , PAINT-WORKS 116 w. , ... St. c.-,._ l ) ---· --··-·-· Sixteen penons were quei- tioned after. the brawl early ---.. ------..... -QI.. ...--· -·--......... ....., ................................... , ........ ,,.. ---··-_ ........ ---···-·· -·---· ' .• -... -........ ·--.-)..--. .... -·-Wednesday: . ' ' • I ···---- ' . Hu~ingto~ Beach .Office: <{J Loat~~t 91·f:luntington Center at Edinger Ave. & Beach Blvd., adjoining 0the San.Diego Freeway, ' ' ·_o..in.Huntington Beach.-. . I '1 IN YOUR NllGHBORllOOD ••• Huntingt.on Beacli Offe!e of Coast & Southern Federal Savings, where 'your account is · IAFI • COllYmllllT • AYAIL•BLi --don1-Collll--... lr COIJllal la oiwoys rtoing In .-Hlghoot MNrtt1o "!'f'lll-wllllMfetyw'*>,..._.Collll-. llSIUICI Tl $D,lll / -llCD llD • l~lll , ASK ABOUT THE .. ·. 'INBIDJl:BS 'CL1JB -- .• NEw WAY TO IAVI --· ..... • tlAl,ANCl 1H YOUR ~.llMU.'IOU•BJl•I . ' ' . HIGHEST PREVAILING RATES !IJlll%.f.13% P I hall; No Mini ...... '5.21M.31% 111•-Caill-;No-. .S.~ -.volrC..W-:et.ooo-. l.OO'l"8.1i% Two-Yw-;11,0DO ......... . . ' . ' • ' ' . I i I l . ' • ' • ;-.. .. • IWLY-f I • Wetld :Pup~ati•• Out of ·Bounds·· ' • • • • : ' 4 , ~e ~!!t~l[!!n~te!!r•!!!! .. !!f;Q } '!. • • •1 r ~~ticism Isn't . " UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. The _.wiat -· wlW will -..... lo ~ ••••• ""&:"!'..•-lllldlqaoto . ._,..... >by ... ,u (AP) -UDlw -ltlDds U -II)' "!'!'*.I _.. larllr llftli,..,, -flJDl!loo '... loor •Uil1' cbup Iba -id. a ,Jllll la del1Dod projoctlom lo Iba 'l\f --Ibo~ To .. -,.,,_ ferUHIJ." ' "-e will baYI tbne -eocf al Iba.,, cmlury, al Jl -llumlil llollp _..._.I ltlliC-Oat 1-, lo that tho .... !: ;:What Nixon. Likes ... . . : . . ' ...... lot. .,..y..,. -llvia(. -lndie.ie that fUoan II)' --prom p I trt. -lo I hU1irlb -di~ 11)1 1 c •••Ii,. 1'1111 ta Iba ll'OJoclioo al . -tlll lblo Iba World's cruo11 nred I -al U. 1*o al INI ""'w to 1ow1r --· ... -. ........ the , U.N. 1 e ere tar 1 at, birth rate wUf ~~D a rturlb llaW , 1 tbt-nrlll'1 ~ tJ nla uit ..me. PlftllLI Dave t.o preMD&ed, lo, I . becqn:luDd ~ from S3.1 dOwn lo JS.l tiDa bJ' -9 ......,.. i ''Bnt•••" tlae rtpllft IQI. f spend JDaDl1 .-. 111111 tbtJ W~G'l'ON (UPI) -Jallter llDd U II for Iba Jo>. 'paper lo help 1 -m!Ulf live bUlbl lper l,llllO people -----:II/Ill larda "la -al Iba modllt .1111,Y,dtOopo' to beve - ,,..... NllOft bu left ·little dlvidull ••• Ut detennint on "expertt tuCsest le'ft' ltudlu -while lbl cnlM ... ~ __...,It 1 •b, lbM idu Wll u I tWI fl U..· ,.. dt1ldnB • that tbeJ .. ~ about bis 1 t e I! n 11 Illa own ~ 0< nol be, oa Ille -ll" -· will foll 1 third -from .~.I ii lrl(lllJ b)'poltellcoL ,._ , ... II ·• .....,.,. , 111!"!'1 1fi1s 'ea '<Ill-11111 linrird criHds·m from In ,..a 'CGlllclence, Cln.<re-' popi!otm-treads Ud lo l .l'doolbo ,par l,1111. Ult ~ ....t· dl•elopiq -.,,_..... lllotlllllllJ-· ,_. .. ~!l\lnp. .,.....,,...tell In ~Ii acl-' Dlaln llDd cirr)''"' bis normal' ...._lo ......,..__., .. j>ecloncy 1.I birth will rlie 1r111i U .._ "'• .........._. "'•·.elano--. .-.-:::==· ====== ~iion. He doeln't like duties." The· pa~";y.-~ we<ld lo •i> yeon from 15%. pvwlll ... i:"~ i;"T..u ...,._-~~ .---,..--,-.--'--., !'· · . Sev<rli lower level policy' i9 "foced Wilh die bltb pro-. 1bal wW "'1111 the "'""'' i1uin11ors fl -...,,_ lbal -"le Ind eoeloJ · · ' i.. Twa bi&IHt~e~=--maken liayi consulted their blblllt,y Iba~ ii,._ ....... rate al -,.., .... tolon ., .... pojlulotloa -lllllOnlo. ..... ... to ...... Ibo ..., Ci>N THE TUBE ' . ~ •• c a'ti.. . . C<llllCienca: Ind quit. Di'. . -· Iba .... -" ,..-.... -1'Jt'1• I ,,..irnw,-qrlcullural; ranl ""flllllly eaob'oli' I i'B:Alle!>Jr.ariil.U.Ia. HU, ·:A. Kilibis•'• ... the pluet -...-.n -ttol.7-lla,lba 40d ·t11o "llb" tbai -Elpriace_;,tt..iu; ···'°'!;'::'#"!:J'1: Com merce.Seeretary tional teCUrtty 1t a fr lolt' ~·:,;.~1 ..... ~. ·~·~; •• , , ,. billion u .tarly as tbe m1dlUI year ' JDDO: After thit'· even ~ ti. prm.-n· that econcmic and IOdal · :rrk -..,.......;.,. wHti • .'N.Dovb-1lrt1dyh1ve· sewrat al its y...,.esperts. "'"'"· ""''"'''""'· allba211tconlurJ".· · , tjioqb•tjle.~ role',moy ---P"tll """"-·leod to.hrlllllJ -·-"'"" DAll.T -fired. And Inc_erlor Di'. Doniel .P. Jil.,.tbon has· , The estimotod lllll·-'8· ciontlnue to docDne, ''the ... "ii -to }ltr1ttllllln1 ....er.ii -lbat "•MP lmll .PILM.: ~ Willer J. Hickel,. ~ ~~:l:; .. ~-'"'"an111---_:...-----~tian~is~s~.:ta~bi~·w~ion~, ......:·...:·~_:-=..:-==~-"::.!:''"!:''::"::U..::....:-==·1e::....:boc:::'to:or::t111:-:~· low'.'.:.~"...:-::::::1c:....::~~~~· ~·ts~'-_.-,;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. Wt.a crlllcized Iba Preild<nt -~ -· "'1 failllll ot lltten lo yautbltil lbaN have --noip> .-1er.. .probably will be lions in ·-..-ltlrinl ...... ~- !planned sources ia ttit But the Allen and Davi! 111t1te H.o... confirm , that affairs -ale·tbat-the JIXhl'• nlationlbip -the White -ellJllC!s mB!lben J'ruldeol ia llralned llld say of Ille -•Win tO keep 1111l'·..,,.a Ibo-Allska their squabbles .-1 then> f10!ftD« 'lo lilve the Cabinet ..m. ud ls willlni.to Provide ~ I COllple al lllOlllhs. • · gilldance · for those W b o ?.'~en, a hilblJ regarded 'equivocate abolll what they !i\lii!:-wilo f«mtrly heodtd should be. • ~·Tart --· Of*I·. Hicb1'1 <ritidml WU <on· ll' d-·the Preoldent'i talned 1n a' prlvite lett.t: to ileclslOo to om! ·u.s. troO;o the Preoldent whlch ·was leik· !nlo Combodl1. ed from th< Interior Depar\· . ~ °'vis Was fired the 'day ·ment to 1*ie preis. · tffM be crlticiled White But comlni ai I lilllt when Jjqlite us_ In a ·epeecb the -t 'bedly -- in ''New York City, 1ut -IUllPOl'l-bewas!JlldtrheaVJ Hr Iba odvice Ibey ...,. giv-attack fot . bis ,Cambodien ··tnr· the President on imPrt policy and fldng a muslve ;olicies. Evtn mart dam•• student demonstration outside Inc. he said the GnlJ way his window .~ it left an in-f!< could noocb the Pmlcknl dellhla ~ oo tht rel•· Was throurh IPUtinc out Uomiip.bet•:ii!ft the two men, plllllcly. I ftl-lp lbal ll<Ve!' bad i Press Sec:reWy Ronald L. been a c)oee-ene. Zltller rec..Ur. aulllned th< The White:House is elpected Praident's thinkinC on dislent to 'announdt planl IOOll for --~wit;Jlin the administration. creating . an -~I . '"The President, both In prolecti<lll •&encr 11>-"'""lop practice and theory, bel!Ovte ' 1nlt:pollce' ~'Im in'an open ..trn.Jnistraicln· .... •'Ibis W.Ukl d.,lntO· .JOIDe of all( .,.....rages erprouioall al ·the itlfor-nopiiooaiili· liews,"Zjqleraailf. , UN Dfi·&be ~'.~ .• · "Jlul I thlnl< I ohollld go ment. ·. . \;yon<! that to .., U..t once II would not Iii! sur'l'fsing a decision is mllle by the if Hich,l coordin~ · his WtStdent and Uiat decision dectskln to ~ve ~ 1~e~­ "9colnes policy, any e~ve ment rih ~tht! dimmutien Of !iqbllc disculsion l>I .,...up. the reoponstbilitl,. · of bis --:JIOl't-beeomel 111--mdividual deputm_ent. . ,. .' • .. -.: ,. It's DAILY ·. PILOl: .. .. . 2-for'~ 1 ·lite . " out ·At THE OLD BALL GAME ·2666 ORIOi BlVlt • • l • .. '· S46·7UO COSTA MESA ·, WNbmtte.9 SATURDAY & SUNDAY .'. ' 9 .:.fO 5 .. .. . . btlotOrNowPotOur ·• "DO· rr • YOURSl1F •CLASS" .JO" 32"' 36" "HOW ·to HANG>· WALLIAPIR" . Tu.tMl.ty E•111i11, JUliifl.JI, .111D; ft;111 ·l h I P.M. frN rt'91h111..tt ly•u -•~ wo ll•11't put,.t .. ;_ i•tht M ....... fl •,.I• •ifty 4Mf prlU I the .. ,.,71, . ' ' 'I. .... r . . . I -• \ -.. • •. ·:u'" !" '· ,. ' •. •,, ot "' . . ~ . ' • Glllld•n W•••9'e~lilehl 'Hou .. Paint El i.;~. It •• , •• thi1 pti11t 11 ...... .... f fer-•11 •i ... t •f w••~r. 0 lt1tidl ,., ......... ~"' ,u ..... ......,.,. ....... "''•· .... ~ ............... ft, ': ........ "'.., .~ .... ,,., •AL . I · ·:flL1tiD1N cufTIMAN OIL IAll PAINT 5.+ ..... ·~·ilti .... fntlt .. ,il.r. •• 1• ,.1 ........... . " ' ' ' ... ' ' • ... • . . . ' 0 AMiltlt.tf1"4VN .... ,....i .......... . ""91.w..t,.,, wh.t...,ltl', 0 H1 ... M te..we11 ... .j ,, . I .... ,, , 1 ' PlLOT PETE INVITES IVUYONE TO SEE ·ntE.ANGELS PLAY KANSAS CITY . WEDNESDAY, JULY •• AT HALF PRICE •• -•'t fftht it, ••'II 1hew • ,.. th.tt .... Hi·Mtlhtt. i.. • .., ji1••~• .... c,._, .. eMI •••Y ft•wi111. r \ • ••••••• r.1 •• co, ........... '-' . """"'"'·.,...,., th4i ~ .. ,. ~ ........... , ) . I ' '. $et tw• tM•.-.1 ... t. ticket1 f.t th• WM11eMley •ftlit, July I , A,...11 ,,,, a • .,.1. •••• •• A11•!.ei111 st ... 11111~ f.r tM """•I ,,ice •f •11• ticket, fl11y e11•; th• DAILY PILOT ti"" ~·u •N.I 1 . ' 2~3.50 ":!~ $350 . . . 2 $2.50 ·~u:.s )$2.50 ' .. YM ... re1er•• •11·n flre 1ecti•11., jnt'twe,1tttt. Iv+ 1•t y•11r t•riy te1tftNr 11•w tN Mtil h1 tli• •Ntr r.ltnlr.: h Jew witlt chtelr.: er ••NY., ... , l11• ct1lt, pl•••tl tll .. h11rrv. O..t .. li119 fer tidttt ·"'-i1 J1111t tt. ,.s ... 1, Blrll ....... o,,. t• .MP ,.~ .. t irl1 I' yt•r1 .1 .. .tM 'f••11ttr. l11cl11 .. • witll titket etll•r t 1t.tt-eM ef IDO wer .. 1 er lt111 "My ft,,eri+. A11• .. I it Mc.tu•• " Eiitrit1 "'"'* ~· ~eui•~ r., 11••• •• Jwn• 26. Wi1111tr will lftt.t lli1 ler ll•r) ft••rit• All· ,,1, will t•cti•• f•llt tic.lr.:tt1 f•r .t f11t11N A91•I h•M• t•"'~ t~ will r•••i•• • r.111 .. •ll •ut.fr.tphd-r., fh• A111•l1I TMrt 11 M rllll"'""' priie wi•••r~ fttl r--_ ---:-----1 CMp _. ~. wlft .._.., _, .-,, .. , I . I I ....... _ ... -·---C/OP ............ . Ill W .... ..,_., C.... M-. c•. fJ&J7 1 f PLIAll PllMTI • I I .I • • ''i'OOL TAIU a .. ~, .... ,.,·u ... ., ,,~ ... ,.,,., ... t.w.~ .... . .. . TUUP SWAG · LIGHT ' A .. ifftrt11t,thi11'1 H1t11 Y••',j ••P•''· I I •_,-tct~i 111111etlli11t . uttl. 4iff .... itt1 . If .,." 4t11't lik•.Jt~ ltt'•\lr 1uy t•lk ytw i11t• 1•111•thi..;i .1 ••. 0 Or forttt th• wholt ttii., •11 .. ~"' • ch•i•• 1•1111,.~ ,.. 1·11 ... " ~ ..... " ...... ,.. , .. 3" ·,;uNC110N IOI 0 A""-".,., i.-.;.~1fye111'r• '9••itit11 • .. ~"I • little , _ _.i,1;11,. D H .. ..,. t••1• ,,.,..,, .. 11 .. 1 •itlll:.pleilty fDf 1r.:11 ... ••11h I 1•11M11 • litflt liko wlt•t 11,,,.....i t• "'' i1 tllo &.1 ..... s1 ...... , •• ,, ., • .1 • 7' ' I . ' ... ' . ROMU: WIRE : " : ' .. ' ' .4t1 ' '· > ~ -I •• ' ' .. STUCCO ROWR Sn· 0 s+ill I tlii11• this 111.ty l11 w1 • ''"' h•Mle+. •• a a.t tht IWtll Nlltf ,,... ,.11,, ..... .,, r.1, .... fh1ffy, ! D A,..t•I ,,11 ,_,t1t.1 th t• , l••h·11p CL.t1h l.tllfe,. ,. .......... hi1111), ' u . . WIRl ,IRUIH r ' D Thi• will t•l• tt.1 fl••• J•l1t •""' chollry ,i1Mt11t "" i• ••• ,,.,. 0 If yu ,,IM witltellt "IPltlt:t the .lll~tC.•1 lfi .,icr' ,,.r.fiM, •11t •• 4e11't w•11t .,., t.. )1yt .11y, ' .. f 20 GAL. llLAITIC , . ' ! I~--.. -3'' t ' . . . . , ' 7Pi1c·1 UR ·sn 'l ;· CJ A 1w1ll 1ift hr y~nclf er .11,..,,..,., .•• ., ... 111. 0 , c .... ,r.+. with •••Ml ...... ' flffl• ciill4l1 htWer •• t.p, 0 'Ht• tt-•·•tr•i-t, th• · '•ckf.til !P!"•ll, t•11t•• ''tlltr ... '" -.ther thi.,. 2i PllCI l'ONDUI In r I· ,, • ' • I I "-............................................ .. . ..._ ......................... ·······•·· ............... . I I A1•l11, lf"'V"'ii'r1-.. •i1tt the - r""4ellllf, 1•t tll• ~·•.•IHI ritlrtt 1tvff. TRASH '0 Oh, ""' ............ ,, -.... ;;··~ . -----=-·-.... _...,.~·~·-·--n . ..A • .-•+..ut.h_,_.,._.,~rtY,• ---ia..:- CAN ·. I ~ ~;t'r.;,,.,..-,,., .. ...,,~~=~~~---··· .•. !_ I .................. ; ......... ·······-········· Cfty • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • llp •••••••• I ~ .. ~ .. ~.::;. 4:.!. ~I 1::..-..:. :--=-= I ---11-'-........ •~~ ... , .... Uy ..... ...... I ....... "" ---................... _......., '-:--~ ........... f't&.ft. ' .. _.....,_ ... ... .......... ' .......... ~ ........ -..... 91111!"" I ., .... , .... ........,, ......... L -·--• ............ ,,.,., .. I J•.J. -----.--;a:s, _ _:~ _____ _J .•. !9 • " .. a '"' "'• ,.u ,,.., ...... , •• thitrt J iMIMf fNfll -,ltfftl~ . • ~' 6c· 14-Z ................ Pf, -·7c 11..J ................ "· . .. . • I \ · .... , . .. I t."' ......... ,..,...., ... u..., ............... ' 'G:l .... " ,..h, ..... .,. .... .,, ,. ................ .. . ' •• ,~ ••• I If ... .EI s .. "·" ....... ~hr ...... '"' ...... ,..,,... ... ,.,, .. ,. .... •11.+. ITtH .. If ...... hM .,.,, .,.. ... , ............ . ~·•··~ .... lt••y ' p-:::.~ ... ~·· r 1.4 88 I~ .... ' • -~·-·- •• r•~· .._ :r.:= • I l • It -.v I'll.OT • ·: 'Coffee Has Glorious . . ' History . lllW YORlt (AP) Some 'It --111.vt--wllll I Clip , of colfee and ... -10" bad todly bu bad I . loo& and &lolious ~. "--to IJ>e SUperlor Toa ad Callee Co., colfee at 11111'1 bu bad I repulaUon ... ~ lllmulanl, ._...,. · aiiif ooclal drink -lb 'dlioonry by I aoat·· -.. Coptic monk .... 1,'M,est qo. ''Callee -enables v«J ltupid people to do clever lllmp," -Moaloaqulea, the ,_,._JH..,...... 0.. •>•wfd«ed the Satin'• -.-25.1970 *Im. """ <:.-~ of. callee: '"Ibis S.tan'• drink laoodelicloolll..adbe I 1*I' to lei lolldola ...... ···--·a.I-Trtldhlea -uae of It. We llhaU ~'"'"'D' =~~.~It I ChriJ. Poll~iCoiis\alllOs 'M8fgirel Goa4acJe (L) IDft Ann ·-· MacPherson, wbo have .probably ~ their spot Few women drank colfee in British hist.Ory u a result of beinl the first women until the 1500's when they to i'oin the moun.ted lnneb of tbe Metropolitan dlaoovered that It eued labor ds. Tit will be d 1 ed palm. Back tllen coffee could Police, go a1iout their roun ;.-::c•Y '!f. oy ~ be obtained by doctor's on the HJDe -I-patrol du-u their m e col· pnacrlptlGn, ............ Earl ......;lc:.e•c::ill:_es_. __ -____________ , Calm, Sups!« Tea and Colle Co.~ ' ,£of;'-.:~J::-E~~Prime Minister . ' llnllm''• l,OOll .,.,.,.. -~~·:,1~·!"m lii 'Tempora.ry H. ome An Engtilh 1clenti1t, -.. .... ._ied tllat under ,, __ L_, . IJ>e influence of colfee, 1 LONDON (UPI) -Fanner -f°' nltl'enc<s. Hmods -can ---out• Prime Minister ear.Id 'lllioon_ -..! to aeek them but told pot foiir tima. ualll Friday tile occupont of l!:plleto Ille pn>epeetlve dlool Nell to pelrolaum, colfee No. 10 Jlownine Sir.et, has WU Wlllm. ls the llJ110I lllnlle Item In found a new temporary home. . Epstein, who voted Labor wwid trade, .-. to I , . World Coffee Information But be almost tiad to give ~.-wll!k, dropped hl1 Servtoe repart. .references to obtain it, real dliDand. . The ..mca ~ lbat 14,000 -.,.m. sal vmc.,i Square . '5 one of -dlpmd '"' col!ea WUlon, leader of the Labor the ~ and q o I et e I I far -lhttls· -17l,OOO Party ddeated in last week's _... In ~. II ls two -'< are clnctly employed mlnutoo drive ""'11 the -by tbe mdultry. general election, soon wDI of Parlilmfllt, ·m cue Willab Flpnl ID the np>rt allo move lnto--No. 14, Villceot bu to rulh there r.r a vote. --colfee at I.I .-.. 11quare for a three-month stay ·Among his ,JIOICbl>oh wlO a cup, the cheapest breakfut whlle he looks for a be Duncan Sandya, a former table '""'"<Illy• .._.,. 1 _.. addreu, c.mervalive mlnlsler, and price -of ool1 I.I Tbe -ls -by the Rlchanl c-n. uatll lul percent Cburtlr of Enaland but film week one of WlllOo'1 minlller • Who C.-7 • ~ J....,. .Epoteln bu There are also famlllts , I ..,... -«I it, ..,_ named SberJoot 1111 -cordlDC to Ille..-. Epaein and a .Mill. Diana -)eI, tt. ... ,... .... ,.,... I• ;-.. pol 111e--vp for -who 111111 'l'1ludlJ -ti -throUl!b HarrodL ne!ihbors. had --her ..,W ".,.. ...... .,.., c--· Iffy 11•· .,.... ...... ty 4.1 .. When Hamlcla qgested I •with I coorl lnJlllldlon 'Jor _,.,_.. ....._ lt'1 the DAILY PILOT. -clJent, 'w i t b o u I puttin& I Labor )IOlltt ID her Illa~ Ej>Ofela eJectioo c._tp. , . , ~ ' . . ' ' --------------~ :::" _ _,_:;;; ~ ~ YOUR MONEY §~ ·--~ ~~ ~~~ . --- We'll Piil' yoa f10111:4~% to 7'/.%-d1p111diDg an the Ille of your cllpCllll ud tlui lomgtll of liml you Jave It ID JO!ll' oav!Dp l<COIDlt. Then we lend It to your neighban and locsl lmtlnemnen .., they both can srow and 11rongthen the comm.unity -which help1 you even more, And Ill the time JOU? anbtp will be ~d to $20,000 by the Federal DepDllt llllunnte Corporation. Somld'pd? 'Ihm atop In at IDJ of our 5 cmmmlmt loc:atlanl llld set atatecL Fo1 Joanelf-and for your future. I First ::......:.:.. .. -·--. N t . 1 ~ ..... ·~a..-.•..... -a 1ona ::;:=::::=·-Ban·k .._,.... ____ ,_ Of' ....... GOUNTY Jlilla~ ...... BlrM-Jllf • · -- .. ·J ' ·--~--.. ·········+--·-·--~----···--­ ' . . ' .. • .. No 'Yankee Go Home~ • Ill Korea--. . . . ' • : r "'" •• f ·\ ' --KorelJI ......,,..,. Is not wtlhiut force. N<rlh Korea la under a mill· tut Oumqumill r 11 l m e dedicated to the reunification of K«ea lllder the Red nag. South Ko,.111 lnielllgence aay1 tblt tbe Soviet Union bu lllepped • Ill military aid to Ille north ..... 1967, .,pp1ylng MIG-1!'1, surlacc- &o-alr rockets launchers, lGl,,..io boatl ad T °" tanks. Norib Korea'• llO•man. 8nny m1lnt1ln1 eight dlviliGnl along the truce line, wllb -10 dlvislGm back· in( them •· Communlol in- llltraton ~ probe Into ' ' the -and """11Yanc radio mainlallll I lleady and -campaip 11lillll,Jb• United S1atoo and the seow eovemm..._ l!'.conomiellly, the •outb Is doing well, better than the north. • Soulh K ..... , e.,,ort. t.rset for thll year 1111 blllkn:; The Vietnam war; ha s broulbl flnlDclal gala to South Korea, ManY South KOreans have pne to work for ~and­nrm. In South ~ and eamlnp iJowioC back to_ Korea have been esttrbated .. hi&ll .. 1150 mil1lcn ... nually. -~ . ., • • ., .., ' . ·o ·u1er.car~m.8 -'couklrtt ~~ mak:l1 the car. cat1't mald1 the · *-· .. . ... ~ .. ' • < ' . ...... . I . . Tw. _ Che,1le h $147 ... •tllM •;r;::::h1J11t (lllfeld ........ Tllllt •Iii• ff Amartce'a-ot Pllad 111 ...... Wflre-·ollarltlc • ... C111v1l14 da•tlmt'•$14111w• wprell1•11Dw11tprloed .... Cllev1l1 ........ AmerlSa..... •lldm.dcm"-...... n.pllot _ ... , ....... ,_.,,......... ,.. ....... , ••. lhto NlleY,..._ -5)'11119 .. '· ~: '"'L•· .~~. , ' If"'°· -, . : M ·•95f"9I\ : . ~ ... -. ---¥" ,,...mirror. •p • I ' • ..... ....., ...... dMI. ...... -... ..,.__ ..... --·-=-IS-!""1-J • • :d:-.;...· --. D =--,,-... -,_.\ -a .. ·-__ · •\ •• • m·us1c t ' . I '1 lnrier,..,. front ml ' nar,to,..._ ........ -. . .. -;.;.~ ;§ !: 1 . . ' " ... "" .. "' . ')-"/ . (, ·~J .,-.. " . ' ,•1!.t-J ·'" ·1co-' • ,1 .. •• -· ! ' ' f I f i i i t ' i-' I I ll I .._ --------------------,----~-=~------------- • "1 ' .. ~ ___ rw_L_Y_P_ILllf-aJ.,J , . ' ' Mtuc!u,.~ DJt•troe1a1 , l ;JA'r.:" .... ;, {~ For the Beeord . . , Educated _ Aecide_~t May Lead to Clire . ;,•' . • '"IJ<.. ~ • c!11.1 Marriage ·~··.•Licenses lllCHAltDS.lllCHAltOS, Cllprlll c .. t4 ltOMIHSOM~IL, ....... e .. "· ., •nd c1ro1vn L .. 11. "°'" of '122 nn G•l'llen o-INL .,., .,., WASHINGTON (~P) Institute for .Muscle· Diseaise, •-k. w .. tm111tw. M., 11. "' 1nu ...._ w.t. 11et11 I told port 't' · HOGUE-FALLON, Doueln C~ ,., ., ., WntmlMtw. Se~ndi~ty !I kind o! nc., a re er I s po&51· 101'1 ' Ho111orn or1~. Hvntl"''°" Pl{l)E..t11EDGIS, G1r'Y W,1 H. Clf •11 ........ _8 ted a-ident _ has led ble human beings could befilill Ind! •nd LINN L •• 22, "' l)W •JoelWI St. .... ..... c.. 16. ., QBA; .... -!thin • few months --•'"- arid 1 said, 'Try utnower tarn recenuy.idenUfled con- oil,' " reported Mllhonil. He slituents ol the oils -wort eveo said ht had )one Md a Kie~ better. Morg.en Line, G1rdt!t Grow. 2032 W1ltlct, botl'I of COlll IMH. .u~-th he\ " r • "< l'ATTON·IU•OEAU. Dol'l•ld ... Jt, XH•OEDl!R·•AU:I! .. O.vlf c .. !7, to a UM!.NVery at may p : ed tbe recently-identified, :·ac. •17:.:,;.....ltRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED ' IN ol 121'11 Adrl111 W1v. Cilrdwl Grov1 · of 127 Crvatal SI,, .. lllol lllMll f"ncf th f · \" ' OQANGIO COUNfV uld J .. _ A .• "°' ot J21 E. A .... 111~ •!Id $U1111¥ L., 22 ... •n '""'-· I e cause 0 cr1pp Ing . tlve principle'' chemicals P45! sMrTH·PARKINSON, Mich"'' o ., 21, s111 Juan, sin cien-i.. . L1gun1 eMdl. muscular dystrophy, so far rigf4 safety tests already tiric interest in vecetable oill . Milhorat 'presentfid h i 1 for reuona having nothiltl to • repoit Monday to · Mn. Spiro do with muscular dy.,.}Q'. · T. Agnew, the wife of thl ,,, ,) ol 22Got Mint• 51. •nd Doml l .. OEHNE·MORR1$0N, RQ111r w .. ,,, ' ICIMIALL·LUGINIUIEHE, wuu-"·· .. ··-·-able.d'•ease, under way .•.• ot"'. e•-• , 17, of 31'4 Hllll Clrcle, brllh 'of ol' 323 1tt1 St. 11'111 IC1!h"9tl IC., ' If, o1 IW Mervlot1, SHI klch UK;lll ... ltnet • .•:.•ti< •Cosl1 Mtu. •·•> . -21, a1 •1 m s 1 •• brl111 ot Hun11"9ten •'Id Chr1ot1111 s,, 11. o1 1usi -Dr. Ade T. Mllhnrat, a New ,' perirnental animals. And ' he As things turned uut, he vice president, !or transmittal said, the miJture worked -to Mn: Nlion who is honorary but tt was liter found. that c ha i r m an of Mnsculat it Was someth~ng in tbe oU · Dystrophy Associatiqnl o f ilsflf. and' not the chemical ' Americ·a. The latter is a it was carrying, ··1at wu ·voluntary health oi'ganiution. doing the trick. providing most of the support ~· ~~OOWELL-MclCll81N, Phllip W .. 21, . Belch. Cln:;ll, Nunll"'lorl kid" > ·""Iii m P1rk...ocid Drlv•. G1e1>1111,, PENAoes.1..urT~EL1.:, Scott w .. 11, ,,_, York me·dical researcller, voiced con!idenc·e th!. .•l .:c1111. •rid Ctilrvl J., 2•, of 21ill • 11"1 •o-·• • , ... ,,.,, •• '"'' al \ h ~ -~ ~ ........ ·~ w .. " ~· ., "'LAZA•<AsE, 0a111t1 • .. 1f, of ted t h Whit H ·•-·c s wou d .... t e • lklllthouw L111t, Coron1 llel Mar. Ind C11'<:1!Vn , J,, \1, al »t2' W, -,. ,0 Co• .... '-lo , ... '"' J'epGr 0' t e e 0U5e .. uc:1nl --.. ~_:.NYOEA: "ARROLt. Sl•n•-, •· '' ''' '' ' I • '~ " " ...-" al t ' rtG t..1,11 e ..... 0«1n I MI. 1...d' C•nd•nc•. REAv1S'.1C::~ER~1'J1ma e .. ,., ol . Dr1111 l., 1t, ti S» Meffi °"""'' Monday that chemic s derlv-tes s. •-'E .. 21, of 111 ""°''"" Av1,, both u.o w1rner, Huntlneion 1111c11 •M 1 ~~~H~Js~LiNES, Mi~vr11 w .. ~: ed from vegetable oils have ASkec why veget"able oil~ 'IC<l~~·1~~!:N~~~NNELL, ic1rm11 ' G. ·i!s!,:;, 11~;;.,.~; c~11.lt31 ~., and c.,.,, M., 33. 11o111 t1 2111 reversed the mu s c I e -disln.-happened lo be tested in the : •J-.:11;.o, 01 :ms c1ub1111Ui. Rall!, . cos11 POR TILLO·LEADI ev. Robert J .• 2•, of Rur11 une. cost• tM11. te-ating process in chickens first place, Milhorat said some He said veg~ ::hie o i l 1 ror research qainst the puu1. the~elves work, but that ctr· ing disease. ,4 ;:n\\111 1nd Shflll1 J,, ,1, of MOt 211 s. e11<1u1. i"ullbian 1nd ·1C1ren SMITH-McCLAIN. L"5111 I"., U. •nd B •' ' h" S. P1rk, Stnl1 AN. J., 11, Iii tS1• G1rd9nl~. Fau1111111 LlnOI c .. 20, llDttl Of llJ\' -'"'-· Gl.,ell ...... -the first SUCh reversal' in sicenlist.S II lS insUfute plan- -.... ~~~1~~.~·~~~·Ro!~~n~e;,1n!f1,~' vi: Li~l:R1e.piNNic1C. N•L•, H .• •!t_ et N:=~.'!;~~his. •oblrt 1., 21, 11\d And -d ---.-----any li ving creat~ ned last-dltc~' tests in chickerls and S1ndr1 L., 21, of 1'VO M1ole, 27052 c~1~-llNI;-C111lifr"'° e11th~ -NllfttY;-f"., 71 , bo111-e1 -1ots-V\lltlll-A:rthur·G:-resen, e;; Milhorat, h O W e Ver , CUU· ()( j 18b'oralory-pr0duced con\- Co1t1 Mesa,' lllCI 11111• A.. 41, of 73D A~911ldl . Circle, Cost1 MtH. ,.. ·• c::IV SUpefintend••t fOf pound ca\\ed c ... ••ym'e Q "\ FO(tSTER·CHASE. Chlrln s .• 1J, Of C1brlllD, Siii C.ltlTll!li.. 1-'R~EY-MITCHELL. Cr•ltl A ..... 0 '( _, tioned against premature . .... .,,., ... 1m s. 1ro1c1w1v, S11111 An1 '"" c1FFORO.aAYNOJt. RodMr J., •· 1s:in AnMma11 · L-. Nuntl119ton S111ess of tlJ.e Los An-hopes the chicken experiments Tbe· lattei'· material, firiit Maps Give~· To Redlands P11tl ......... 20, of. 1616 IMford •I'd Lind• .Ii l!. bofll ti NU llNdl •!'Id """"" L.. lt. ti tt3 el Cit Sch I h • the l1n1. Nh'll<lrt> Biid!. ' Gu111r1iw:1 c1n:1e. H1111t11111on IHCh. T11111Mn111 s1., s..1 •••di. g es Y 00 s, as would assure a new treatment -reported in IM& by Dr. Knrl An elaborate map collection, . si~ the main ei'ltr~e to . --"""'---'--"--'-__;_ __ _;.;_ __ =.;_.:.:c.:.::_.:_::-'-'--''-"'-'--·I w:,!iEL~;;:'H'i,~,LE,'l; w=m J·• i:t rectdved a citation from for humans. Folkers, of Stanford Research · containing l.D,000 maps, 350 ' Redlands library. Li:o"o'~N.tt'OfJ~A.':m..s J .. If, the ImmAnacdulate ·tte282art1 "\Ve believe,·• he said in Institute, had initial!Y brou~ht books and •30 periodiCa!s,. will .Presideat Armacost said lhe J t~ 1, ' t • f .. I l =-p •. ... "'0"/o to. 25 "/o "' ·off\ NATIONALLY FAMOUS DACRON9 AND WORSTED TROPICAL SUITS TROl'IC·HAU 9 29aa Reg. 39.95 SORfNro• 39aa Reg, 49.95 They're our best·sellinfi tropicals, day ~n and day out at our regular voluntary- contro\\ed low" prices. NOW YOU SAV;E , OVER $10 and get the same quality, the i;ame comfort. the same bi g selection! Daci:on, Polyseter, Worsted, two and three buton single-breasted model s in an outstanding array of new patt;rns and colors ... sizes for regulars, shorts, longs. 1xru ADDID SAVINGS." COMP\m ALRIATIONS INCLUDED . ' o1 ,.. Ml111on Drive, cos•• Mtll• College. resen, 'a letter to Mrs. Richard Nix· about an ''apparent 1m· •nd Re11111 IC ... lt. of nn Gr1roc1 C a s Si a St Ne'"""'rt on. "that these observati""• pr_ o v e,m en t' '. in nliee be added to the Armacost ~~p -Library will . ,be a D•lv1, ,t+u11tlnt11o1"1 eeec11. • . '.' .. ,...... ...... 'b · •-U · · · · f .. va1uable. a~et to the .· · ICNOX·HAFFE•T. T11om11.1 D .. •· ind Beac)I, was cited by the \\'II! lead to a more complete genetically afflicted with Li rary ~I. Inc n1vers1ty o university's academic _.,......, r:~~~JHul:: bolt! ~mu N•l'fol, college for his devotion understanding of the cause muscuJar dystrophy .• ' . JledlandS" through •. sso,eoo .... sroRM·COX. Dout>I•• IC,, 21• o1 um to city school children. and nature of mus cu I a r BUt the initial promise fail-""ant from" The Jame$ lrvii>e gram, as well as ·, refer-enc.· Mltc111t11, Tb'"" •rid c1M1tice A., · · h Id . 1 1 "" facility to residents of tbt lt, 01 "'°1 s..s1ww1 °"""'' N_, dystrophy. 'We hope, but can-~d lo o up 1n a er mouse Foundation, according fo Dr. wTOund' •••th. "' not ... -.1ict, th'eli'< role in the tes ts, Milhorat said. "Before . . 8 !114,area. ORlt·WINMAN, t?•vld R .. 1•, 01 •1m I"'_, d" rded 't 1 1 1 " George ,II . Armacost, un.iversi-'Mle James , Irvine Foun-Ac..:11, cwD111 HI M•r •nd °'""' USC I treatment of the disease in we 1sca 1 comp e e Y, L., "· ol 301 O.Wa. N-rt ... ch. A w11ni other S"""'ieS, including man." he said, scientists decided to 19 president. ' daU91l has provided $1111,000 MIZE•·•owe. l'1ut J,, 73. of Ull2 r¥¥ I luded · th sal \ \ · rt of the U ,. -It• c~ .. ••r1r or1v1, G•rdl!n Grove '"°' Bul he also told t h e try it on dy.strophic chickens. nc in e propo s n suppo n v ..... ;r ~~=.""e.L.:~~~5• "' 16615\/i s. P•clftc, Pick Woinan President's wife the chicken· "They asked me: '\Vhat a $10,000 nine-foot· di8!11eter or Redlands in the past 10 Lowf"N·CHAsE. M1r1<: s., If, v1 15'2 test results were so promising !ioi'iih~a~lli.wiiei.us;i;;;e;;;;l;io;;;;diii\;iu0l•i;";;;;itii?~',-iiwiioiiriild;;;igi;\obe;;;;;;;;'•;;;;be;;;;ii\oc;;;;aiited;;;;,iiinii--~yiieiiaiirsii,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i Elm, Cost1 M.,_. lrld. C11hv M .. lf, of 21m H111•k•l L•111, Hu~llnt~n J\·1rs. Donald W. Starling, 204 that hwi\an trials of at least w~1~.ct-tOM,.',.,,, Rlt111n1 c., "· Evening Star ·Lane, Newport some oC the rompounds ars LEARN TO· SWIM· •nd M1rlor11 L.. ff, bcfll •f 6211 Beach, has been 1ppointed as envisioned. • •rllrcutt, N"':.~'::;", ••ell. a govemor-at-larae or the M or e t h a n i o O , O O 0 AT YOUI ,., .. , ........ ··" M. " ~ University o1· ....... rn Cali-Americans -mostly young oo· NGE . co•"'r YMCA 100ol3 Sin MJ11u1t c.,rt; ""''1111111 r~ -:"'\~ .,:"".,,\, . A boys suffer from tile ... '' v1111v 111c1 1C1111111n L .•• ,.. If fomi1's '"'nera ~mn1 &-· ·__, 64. 2 '•99.90 · 'fl~ $, L,,......11, S1nl1 Alli. off. . d'-SIMAtltD·UTLl!Y, W1yn1 N .• 22, of sociatl0i1. accordine to' j... uease. f6t 1r~man1 Aw .. L11111111 liNc11:1~C~l-~~~~~~~s~chnol~~-:__ ____ __:M~il~ho~ra~\~~d~i~rec~t~or~~·~I_tt~he~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Ind Niner l ., 2G, If 2201 N. L.wh St . S~llt~ Afll l•OWN·ICti~Nf"DY. it-Id •. , ,:: • of 75fl "r,d SI., W1stml11tter ~i:r~ion 'fo.:!m~l M1t1111• Dr..,., SLOAN·l"INICITON, J-l ., ·21, of 16222 Mont1rev LIM af\11 T.,_. L.. :io, vi .all! sc-rlo. llOlh et HuntlO~ton Btleh, lOOMEY·ALDRICH, Mlch11t A., 73, of 11302 ln11. VJhltller 11\d Fltltl)e! 2l, of 1m Ge l••v on..... Newl'Ort Rudi. IEACH·GALLANT. David I",, 2t, If lOf J.1111 St., )f4ewPOrt lllCll Ind JMlll\I '2, If 21S M1rl.. Ave., M8ti~F'i~L1 .. Mldlt•1 I"., ti-of 1111'"$. VIII N~ Slllff .._,._ INI ICllll~ A,, n, ti 1'16 AVWI Cltcll. ""! ..... FERll •·ESZES. Rlch1rd J .• n. Ind Ev1 G., 11, Dolh .. S.S W. Wiison, CD1!1 Mn1 FR ARY·Gllfi!:N, Al'l<lrlW F"., 53, of JU Pollllr SI. 11'1<1 June L. 41, of 19' Crllf Drl~e. bofll Iii L11un1 of 19' Clllf Drive, boltl Df L-1\1 lle1ch. SCHILLER-METKHElt, TM! M., 31. Ind Lynn I,, 15, IDoth ti 11.!2 Fern Hiii Clrcl1, Hulltlnt!Gn •••ch. STEWAltT-MILll!R, David A., If, 1nd ICllllV J., 11, bolt! ol WS New-t l lYd. Co911l Mesi. OLVE iiA-MEl'll NIS. M111111I T,. 1f of 3112 Arl•l l"l1ce, Alllh•lm •rid DlrYI ~f 2fio.~ 12012 "'"° 11o11111, L,.. SCl'.l~-SNEED, V111 It .• 2', Of ~ Stitt St. 11W:1 l11tv A., ff, of 1010 Oak st.kboth of Co~t• M~sa . LAWSON·YAC S, John W., 22, 11'111 IC1lllllln "'" 17 bell! of 11t w. JA~~Tb<f~~A~D1nltl C., ~. of ""' Greenvllll "'"'" Wts1ml1111«,r ~nd Fr1ncn IC.I •,~, of 17Uf S1n11 ModrJ111, f'av11t111 v1111v. '--,_. HOOf>..PEltltlS, J1m1! M., 23, Of 300 CtrlNftltr Drlw, All111t1, G1., I nd Vlt11iftll A .. 2l. flt HOIJI VJ1 Vltnto, ' Mf11lon Vltlo., " • ' ' EASON-ITllH,, DIYlll C., fl, ol a 'I. Alde111 l"llcl, Haw_, INdl Ind S111dr1 L., lf, of 1!11 St1rbNn1 W1y, Coro111 del -~r. "l ICEAltNJ.LANGFOltO, Thom11 l ,, 14, l o1 •m win St .. W1Stml11tllr 1iw:1 l""9V M., ~. If G H. ..11111111, RedDrldo lllld!. ' " .. ·~AMS-EDGAR, Al ran C,. :HI, 11'1<1 orl, __ D., 1t1 llolll Of 14102 Alo/I t., w.stmluJW. LAS VEGAS, NltV. -M1rrl-llca11119 luUld htr1 Include: 5.1.LAZAR·HAll:RISON -Junit 7, l"lul 17' :F~~~:r., ~;1•1fv.1iw:I Alml H. H1"ifRISON-8AllHAM -Jun1 7, Henrv W., n,. of S•nf• ,t.n1, Ind !lull! Anne, ~. of Wt~lmlnaltr. OICICINSON·ICIMllALL -JUM I. Jllh11 c.. "' trld ltlN M1rlt. •1, bott1 of COlll Miu. Mr: CULLOCH·CAUDILL -J11111 10, Otvld R•IW:l.t 21 al Newl>Orl I""" and Qon.na 01e111n, 21J Iii VL•ll 1. 'FROST.JOHNSON -UN! \1, Al111 e.. ,2, OI 5Ydntv, AU•tr11ll1. •!Id P1me11 A .. 22, o1 Nawporl Inell. RUIZ·NELSON •-Junt 12, D•vl~ A., lie •rid Mll"Y E., 5.5, brllll o1 COlll ~IN~OSH·SIMMDNS -June It, Robtrt M,, '3 of Nll'Woort lt•dl, 1NI Lll'ld1 lovlM, 271. ol LM ARNlr:. VA N SLUIS·OONOVA,. -Junf t, Oannv R1IJ111, :n, and SM It k1lhtrlnt. 11.• bclh of Fou11t1!11 pir11J~E~sCHMIDT -Junt 1,, Al'ldrew Rivi n. of S1nt• An1. '"°' C1tu.i11 ..8(rlilriEc~01.\H't1~~.MAN -Ju111 13, VlrvH C .. 231 ot G1rdln Grov1 Incl ~fl., 11, .,. Cost1 Mui . M AOOR·ICIOD -Junt1 13, llontld Lvflfi lf, If Wt$lml1ut1r, ind c~~lht1' I•-· 11, o1 G•rclln Grov1. H.t.JtRllON4NOW -JUnl ll, seett dl•ll't. :If, •nil C1rol M11, 22, llolh of Coste N.e11, MORROW·WALTEllS -June 13, G.or~ lrvl~l Sol, of W11tmln11tr. H~irioE~'t-~~\ri}'~~\'Es.l' ~ v'J'~'· 1,, Frtd .__,, 31, •llCL MlrlOll Su11n, DJ'GA'T.~1r'Pi~'l ~SJiin1 n. OOlltld JOhll, n, 1nd Vlolel Lte, 'll, both al Cosll M111. RECICNAGl!L·TUCKElt -Jun1 13, R-..t Rov, 30, ind Jot11 F., 34 botl'I ol Wltltml111t.r. M1rrl1ff llCI-_,.. luuld 111 Lo. Antllll ClllUi'lll' " tilt followlnl •s ol JUl!I 11: WELLS-GULLION -J1m11 H., ~. 1nd T1rrv \.., 20, boll! 1'911 Sltndltll ln., HUlllll'llt.. 1111:11. ALEXANDER·M0$S -Eric M., 11, N1wlllor111. 11'111 Stn1nne L., "· IMn "!1"' Ln.1 H"11.lllllton Midi. • " AU• LE-YAGGEll -JeMI' , Endo. •!Id Slndr1 S., Ji, 101U P-Y Clr'tt Fount1!n VtUll'. HOFFMAN·SEGRT -Dtvld M., 71, 3512 Giibert Dr .• HunflMtoll lelc:h, ~nd Lt_oe n. 5111 JOSI. l"ER!Z·T1"NA51 -.C1111t A., SO, G5 Orfald Avit., Corona dtl Mir, trld IR~~-1.:iNf' L_!. P"=., ,., l1 Montrg1• 111411 .:\ ~ 22. llJ.Z '"3~~M-'i>~~r~n'i1 ~·J-c .• M>, l-INCi!, 11W:1 111111 L,1 ..S, 11n2 Ct!Tllf'Oll, Nuntt ..... hKll. SWE~·l"ETf"RSON -OOu•l11 It. 2'-m •rtm•rton St., D1111 l".tnt, oo< 1ul1 M., '8, CoVlnl. EVANS. ~Ill -Cll1r1n T.f If! llr11, l"-1• J .. 11 12 v ... ""''"" -....... CONV!"RS ·:w.w.W -'!:l"""'I' fl,. ::i 211:~~cA~T, u...~Ji:,"'.°'1 •••en. • JOHN N·W.itfi!_ -@I• I:., 2', 112 . ce.n :'ii.' •Mell, '1'Yi'f.~ ·.:Ji ' 'IM:l: '"Li\'"~,-~~J~ 'Y'.'~;-T•: el.'llv~~,\iW-:wa-~-t< ~~ ~ •!Id ~~ l .;·211, MJ!Au 'k~-i-i·or~rr~J:=':Wu U, 0-1111'1. llW:I Mir!' L. Mo 1"41 Cll!ll L11,, -llM"" •lldl. LET'S IE FmrtY . I( )'OU Mve ftf"W nefshborl or know of. 1nyane movlna to our an.. pllue ten ua IO tMt ••e mlJ extend a flienlll7 welcome 1nll ·help them to become acquainted in their new .urroundlno. Hunting tor fun? h .. here. Anctr9COld Duck. A happy blancl.qt·flne chl1mp1111ne Ind lpartdlng burgundy. Whh deep pink bubbles I!' tlc;kl• your tongue with • •urprtalngly refrealllng taste. Serve Cold Duck • · when the flock gets · together. But make , It the bMI Cold Duck. Milk• h · Anclr9 Cold Duck! -' , ,, I " l SL 'Cilst Ybitir COST~ MES~· 4'Ml1' _,.. ii> 1601 NEWPORT ILVD. at· 16th Hnlr Yisltll' ... • . ~I ~·' • .. -!-II " ' GARDEN GROVE, 123n GARDIN GROVE ILVD'jl. .. lllllimMl~l·llm4 .... .,iJ,~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:--:__~~~~~~~~-:--~~~~~~~~-:-~~~~~~ .. 1 ,, '1 \ --------------•----~-----. ----·· --·---- I .I • • ff Dolll.V PILOT SA River Water DiStrict Cuts Tax Rate No More Dialing .,.,,~~ !led Gets ~ew Coat " 111e Santa Ana River ts ortinC • brand new coat ~ 'it runs through Foun- in ValJey. :Jbe coal features a three-- di thick uliing of asphalt 1viag, added above an older rat (I( . coricrete w h i c h eathered a roogh winter in "· . City and county officials ?dicated the coating Monday ir a 1.5 mile st-retell from 'amer Avenue to the San iego Freeway. . The a,,phalt strengthens the :iper' edges or the river I the une edgts "'i\ich w e re • lttalened during the heavy tins of January and ., ebruary, 1969. ~* During those r 1 o o d s I S trat" Vote toUSands ,o( residenlS · in ountain Valley, llunlington each, Costa Mesa and, Jill Shello.n, 22, ~tiss ewport Beach were alerted Seal Beach, is one of 19 1 tti e dlance of the river girls vying for Miss Or- reaking its levees. ange County Fair title. 'Ibis year cowity flood con-WilUlcr will reign over of ..,g;neers ,~hened the fair July 14 • 19 in arts of the levee with t)le Costa Mesa. sphall lajers. The u.s. Army -"-'-------- orps of Engineers a I s o redged out tons of sand eposited the winter before. tooday's dedication officially iarked the completion of IOSe projects. For. The Record rJissolation• or Jtfamage Pair Guilty Of Theft, Released . SANT A ANA -Two n1en arrested when San Clemenle police caught them carrying liquor last Jan. 1 from the Anchor Inn , 1814 N. El Camino Real, have been allowed lo plead guilty in Orange County Superior Court to l e s s e r charges. Judge .James F. .Judge reduced the charges against Marine .Jimmy Floyd Wallace, 21, of Ca mp Pendleton and C. J. Veldon Burgess, 21, described in court es a Tei.a.~ bonJ transient, lo petty theft lrom felony burglary. Judge Judge ordef'ed the im- mediate release of. both men from Orange County Jail and ruled that the time already served satisfied the reduced charaes. Both men were arrested when officers &iw; them leav- ing th= inn with wh at was escribed a~ a coo- tiider le quantity of liquor. Do g License Deadline Set ORANGE -Orange County Poundmaster Orville MalOll tlas announced that July I is the Jinal date to have do11s licensed in Orange County. Jn addition to the $& lhel covers the cost o{ the license. all dog owners must ~)' a certificate or rabies vac· cination, to show th.at lhtlr dog is free of rabies. All doga four months and older must be licensed. The anima l shelter t a located at 56L S. M11nchettter Ave., Orange. 1''or further In.- formation contact the anlsial sheller, 834-3181. Crane Deal For All·port Work OK'd SANTA ANA -Lease- purchase or a IS.ton mobile crane for $40,000 to remove damaged or wrecked planes from Orange County Airport runways has been approved by the county Board of Supervisors. The crane will be equipped with a safety cab and hydraulic boom, according to (;OUnty Purchasing A g e n t Nathan Cherry. The purchase price will be covered in three payments - $15,000 June ~: $15,CKXI Aug. J, and the Hnal $10,000 July l. 1971. The money will come from the county's Airport Enterprise Fund. Supervisor William Phillips said the airport is now using a 1941 model A-frame wrecker which. is only capable of removing small private planes from the runways. . .. The new crane will also be used to rescue . victims in plane wrecks( Phillips said. Soap ' Box Ra ce Slated leena«c:d boys will ' aet their first crack at ridln1 !Olp box- es Saturday on Peters Canyon Road near lrvine Park. They are all partictpenls in the Orange County Soap Box Derby, which i8 to be held at the same location July 11 and 12. Saturd1y'1 race 11 only 1 trial run, detilned to test lhe vehicles and to conduct u prellminaey aafety check oo ull entranll' IOIP boxes. Winner of the dert>y tn July, 11poneored by the Santa Ana Elka Club, will compete in the naUon IOIP box fln11l1 In Akron, Ohio, al the end of August ARBUCKLE & SON WestcWf Morta1ry t%'1 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa -THE BIGGEST SHOW .Of ITS KIND WEST·Of THE MISSISSIPPI! THE ONLY HOME & GARDEll SHOW IN CAllFDRIUA! • BALTZ MORnJARIES Corona del Mar OR ).t4S0 Costa Mell Poll 5-UU • BELL BROAOW A Y MORTUARY 111 BrNdway, Costa Mtu Llll-im • DILDAY BRDTllERS _..,_.v111ey .... , 1'1111--· a ''rmi Buc11 • MoCORMICK LAGUNA . BEACH MORnJARV 1111 ._. eu,.. Rd. -II • PACIFIC VIEW MDIORIAL PARI c.-,.•~ -l'ldlle~ Pr!"' N...,... -· Colllonl8 1144-1111 • ,PEEK rAMILY COl.oNL\L~ '1111-Aft. """'' F11f m.sm • SHEFFER MORnJARY l.oCJI•• -fM.1135 Sa a.-OMI• • SMITllll' MORTUARY en Mala Ill. u..a:c.- I • p,t,tmi Willi MOii' ~ 1UltlS JOR IITIElll.MIJ FOR IHI. fllSTllME ••• sru A ..ort.t o1 no-. -*' ' linlicaflM ........ SEU (0M~l0£ '1.llSU" t IVlltG'' ali-eletlrit --sru1 .. ~-...... ..W Mll!e~ S([I TH "'IJ~Htlt..M•'" CMURll c.i. Cir .... 1u•·ses kM.,.. stU 5'111C1-i1gt C!tortllk :xlfll (•nlWY lHUAt 1111Mns•o110n1 • Af'W-lllM ~HON CIHt(lt . . --· .......... "" -·11P ... i ll ..... • . ~*\,, ....... , ... M•Oll •····•• IM ~we19<1i1-t A GEORGE COL01JRIS PRODU CTION Spon1or.d b·,, ti ... Orange County B11llder1 Assn, and Th• Orang• Co1.1nly Chopter of the lullding lndv1try Ar.in. - For Top Sports COverage Read the DAILY PILOT Rossmoor Gets Some Tolls' Dropped • THATS ---. RIGHT! BUY 2 • • • GET 1-FREE! GIANT & BUY ANY TWO ~Ul! NURSERY co': AINER PLANTS • GAL -1 • • • S GAL 15 GAL • · • TH ANO GET . E 3rd ONE FREE! ·SUMMER S,.ECT ACllLAR SAVINGS! CLEARANCE CameUlas, Avocados, CitnlS SH Our Super Special Bargain llock! SALE Vines, . Jmilpen. Palms. R-. TNeRoses, Fems Limited to Stock on Hand EARLY llRD SPECIAL ! NITROLIZED MINIATURE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS DEEP I GREEN ~ REDWOOD COMPOST FOR COMPLETE SOIL CONDITION- ING. MAKES SOIL . SOFT. EASY TO WORK . PLANTS GROW-BEITER! ALL COLORS MANY EXCITING USES e P'AltTY DECORATIONS • e 4th Of JULY' C!LElltATION e SAVE fOlt CHRISTMAS * SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE LARGE $198 3 FT. BAG DEATH TO WEEDS Kills Oxalis Fast Kill1 Ox•li1 .Dutch Clo~1r, Ilic\ M1d;1;, Annu1I Blu19r1u i nd m1nv olh1r w11d1 . e Fo1d1 Dithondr1 pl1nt food lo your l~wn . e Clobberi moil l1wn in•ech, e S11ppli11 Iron, Sulph11r, M1nq1n~•• & Zinc. Al'l'LY NOW-SA~E NOW l'r•••llh llocl.grau G1rml119tio11 Rog. $6.98 • !CILLS FAST - li•ndelion, chic\wt1d, k1 nbil, knolw11d ind m1ny morl "'•td>. • SUPPLIES COMPLETt L"-WN FOOD wit~ liwe1 .,tion nilroqen . 18.4-4 FOR THE KIDS ! FREf PINE TRW ·-• ~ f\ PLANT IT WELL - TAKE CARE OF IT WATCH IT GROW! HUGE BAG ' t for s141 !ntt\\\\~1\\\ D.fs~:EE l 9A1'l . For a more luctous J ~ ' garden -controls weeds -kHps root zone cool-toad mulch 1' SALE Once A Year Extravaganza! World's Fin11t Fish Fertilizer! Buy Ona Gallon At $4.98 GET TWO GALLONS HANGING BASKETS All Redwood. Sturdy Conatructlon. Per· feet for our· Special Fuchsias . $4.99 CHARGE IT BY PHON~ WITH YOUR CREDIT CARD NO. rr.il I E•W~-~ I HOURS: MON. thrv FRI. 9 lo 6 -SUN. I D •·"'·lo S p.111. -SATUROA.V 9 1.111. to S:JO p.m. "9uality and Service Since 194•" 2640 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA CALL 54&-5525 .J I !!!!!!! iiiii ..... • .. . ..... ~· . ~~ . .. • -- '~ . c.Df"od111;Ur1 •AIO, MR-'~' lk:t,111 l'llES,•f or 11\e .1 111 full ' I 1011ow1: EUell NJWPDI' 01tl'll • • Sl•ll af C on J)I~ PubUt In IPPflrecl lo lie tnli P.d ,, ~c~t.oWI~ lOFFICU • • .,. .o •• • PUblbfl' JUN U .. ! --... • --.------------.. ·-- • . , Tllursdiy, Jun! 25, l'J70 DAILY PILOT f:J LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Papler ltlache Aninaals '"·S"-J N9Ttta TO C•aDlfMI T.-(llTl,ICATlf 0' •USlllllll IUlll'lllOI COVIT -TMI ltOTICa Oii lllnlllDID ll'ICTtTIOUS NM\a ITATI Of' CALIJIOINIA POl IUUC •TaA,..,11 t f\f under•ltl*I OOl5 Ctrlltv M Ii! TNI COUNTY OP. MAHea HOTIClf 11 NlflllY OIVl!N lti•I contludh11 • bu•llltM •t fl. O. lu .... A ... ln '•ul 1C110•, .i,. _._ fl l'•wl '~IO. NeWllOrl ltacl'I, C1llloml1, under EtllM of LllLIE EAltL HlfMORY fcllola C....,""'4 ""'"' ...... lllllhMIH mt ticUTIOlll fl.rm nlrM Df. SANOP'IP!lt ab EAIL H~NOllY, 0-11111. ..,,_ .. *' N • ...,.... llvd,. C°'M PRP!.!5-llld !II.It $aid tlrrn Is '°"'"'" NOTICE IS HlllEIY GIVEN ......... CMMh' "' 0r..-c1ur.r ... 11. II c• the ,1g11ow1,,. Pl"-· Wllot.I 111me etl'dlJOB ot tile 111avto 111m111 _..,... -.,. " IMll9 • .,lk ,,. .... ...,. 11i. In 11111 ' 1'1111 llllCI et millt!KI 11 •trill 111 --. 111111119 c: .. IJM ....... ~ D t! Wllli.i ..... lollll"'" ........ , 22 Lio·n Safari· Contest Winners tollOWI' tfle $filcJ dlt....... ._. -•" .... ' ' ... eu~n K, L•· 111s s111111111 cir .. """"' wllll 111e ,.,.;: '111 • • • ,......,.., A ...... co.ti 11' Twenty-two winning entries· N1w1>0rt l11dl. the off let Df f111 cte'::."., "':!""" ..!: ~~'!"~.oiw.e. Ctllfofllll, "" 1-·~-L' School for Elephant by Sharon Best Crafted F orm Best Cra!led, Color Ensign for Bat by Dori Hald Avery and Marilyn Hart and Killybrooke sc h 0 0 1 ror Ensign School for Elephant a nd Corona del Mar High 011ec1 June 17, 1t1D 9111111ec1 _, or ft or._. """' .... 7"; ;.;--.;,~ mitttl•ll. -m ""' Kiil Country Safari ~111, .,/'t~1ji!~1~.~r1,... countv: :-"11~1\111 ":::r~~ :!tt '!f..,:; ....., ..-he,.. .. .-· "'~.!~ papi.er ma<:tie animal art con- on J,ul\• 11. 1t10, btfor• .,., • Nclttrv Jt I( 1111 01 JM t! ., • Ul'tel" ""'" ... n111 ......... • .. 1.est spoolOted b y the• Ensign School for G irafre by Kirwood Derby ·by Karen by Roger Maxwell llnd Corona ~hoot for Duclc by Karen Marty Slevens. Hulse and Corona del Mar de! Mar High School for Bush 'jiimi1gh;;;!Oioiiwiierii.iii0iiiiiiiii;;;;;;Oiii"-i Putilk 1nj 1nd 1or u ld s1111, Hr1011111v sUrtt '111 c':si:°'M.u c -:.:.;:,.~ '=· tlDn, llntWft •• ,...., IEdltN Clllvron Strw+ Ne-... ·Men School DJ'slrl'cl, •~Ptl•M Elkin I(, La. knctWn " ""Which 11' Ille PltC:~ o'f :.S1 1·., ~ kl. "...-U• to bt j~ per'°" Whllae namt 11 1ukc:rlb-llrldlrJltMd In 111 "'llttrl'*:.n I I Tllll Prwoll.... Is loctllt'll ti 1Ml N. Were announced today, Most LUehke -l·larper High School for Bus h Baby Baby by Lynda Berry . II ~- School for St~gosauru.s by by Lynda Be r ry. Most Litellke Ensign ed ,,,. in. wtltiln l111trun>e11I tnd ,, Ille ISltte .. Mid clladlnl :.r~'l' Htl'lllr llYd., Cotti Me"'' nm. ~llllllY ~c11.nowledttd shl e~itCUltid 1111 """'· tour inilnflll lflw IM ""t ...ii11c:et~ ., Dre,..., c111tor11la. Tiie· animals, which were !OFFICIAL SEAL) el ft11• ,_rice Ttils llulll; trt,..,. Wiii .. _.... d'-'" M•rv K. Htr1rv O.tM June It 1no · °" or 1n.r Jutv ,., 1111. 1t itw ....,...yed at Fast)ion Is land Nol1rY Pull!lc-C1llfor1111 Ltott MM ..e...rv MCJ9W 4-l1mlllt If Wt:STWAlflD Jl.l'le ll thro".-h 13, Were •PdnclPtl OHkl In Admllll"rtlfbt If IM Et! 19> ESClll.OW CO., \On W, lnfl Slr .. t, "6" or11111 c11.1n1Y If "" _.... """*' • 11M1 AM. C.Unty « er-. c11w.rmt. designed and built by students ''M'y COl'llll'llH,loll IE•tlr11 R. ••ITM OllftMOoa -~ W1ffll11 t1W ••I .,. .. ~~ tfllllfll'or Shirley Arnold and Barbara Best Crafted, Finish School for Blue W 11le r Buffalo BeCkett and Ensign School for Paularioo School, Charlie b y by Lin Barkaric and Corona Giraffe by Marty Stevens. '!'racy Wl)itacre and Estancia del f\1ar \Ugh School for Scor~ WiMe rs in the sm a ll anim'a\ ·High School for Hippo b y ploo by F austo ~1acedo. NEED A BETTER ANSWERING SERVICE? .Try TAB 835-7777 Nev.''' ltn ......,.,... if Llw "-• •IN uMd Ille ,t.llllWI,... lllutl"'" in tbe1district. Pub!l3fi!'CI Or1ntt Coeat Dtlly Piie!, • •· 1"91 llrMt, 1111,. 111 n1rn11 1t tlll 1-llowl"I 1M11lnt11 ..,. WI · I Jun• 11~H 1nc1 J111y ~' 1, 1110 1111-11 C•tl MIN, c-1111• n.21 draaei: nrung c asses received a Tel: cn41 Wo17$li 1"1111 Edlols Chiv,.,. 1er1kt, •1 $35 mucGaDdise gill and win-- category include : l.1arl\ee W ebber, S mallest \Yith Detail Most Creative -Ensign f1>r1-'.'.'.'.'.'..:::::'._'.'..'.:'.'.'.'.'..'..:, ______ _.:'.'_"''.'.":'"_..':".'.'.__'.'.':"'.'.'__::~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEGAL NOTICE An-.. 11r """"""'""11 N. H1t11er 1iw .. eot11 Miia. c11n • . ------::::-;;---~---1 P11t1nsti111 or11191 COltl b•llY Piiat TM eurdl•w .,r1c1 w111 bl ... w •s ning individuals received a $5 10.u•u Ju,,. 2s •nd J111v 1 • u 1110 nu-7' ,..._, c:M11 "'"' "er-~ ••cl'l•nt• m e r C h a n d i s e certificate. <••TIFICATt: 01' ll.lllNISI ' ' ' Ill ........ liil1Wllfl IMIYI[ &. MJ1'1r._ ., .... •p1cT1T1ous NAM• LEGAL NOTICE Tr_...... hn 11kM --1°11 e1 Prizes were donated by the Tl>t •· trSltned clo U!llf\' Ill Is 1111 II~ tnd Pl-rtv IMlnt told ,_ , cha ~ond • , blltlneu 11 21-1 E. 1'th ~ .... Jy •• 111e """" • cenl.Cr s m~r nt association. Pit'" It Men. C1Uf9r111.. undl• T....... Trlftlf-M!ldlnt· COMMltn "' .. eon·-' I tne ~ • fl..., nlll'WI • EXPOllT NOTIC• TO c••DITOll M1'1. Tl'll tdlldll1'11f c:llllnt .. ft. II ..-~ winners in the arge MAR G SYSTEMS tnd lhll wlcl SUl"•IUOlt CCM.llT .. ,... 111f11111f Ill CMI COIN ledltn ~.I, animal ca•...onrv are: ll•m 1• o11'l'le folkllWllll peraon, ITAT• Oii' CALIPOlNIA POlt "''" tit 111 .. ,q.,. lMl'I ....... Whl "'-&~.,- wncsl ..... 1n hlll 11111 pllc• el rfllctll'IC• TH• COUNTY OP oaA,..I llld " •~ tlw. 11 .. u ••-COfldlllllll BeSt Crarted -Monte VistH ·1 -...... . ' ... ..,. .....,. -1•19d lw "" 11111111 I•• 5 (hrht"11,, c11nton, "' E. Eshltt ., •c»E MAiltll l"AC1"AllD, 111m11. School for Stegosaurus Sarp,my 16th '~~1: ;1•• .. Cilll. '1•11• ~~':tE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo "" ~r.~:::TSON by Betty Springer and Corona oat , ,,. c'h,fs1ollher c11"ton erldltw1 o1 th1 •bove n1mld llK9dttlt D1'9d· ·June It, 1t1' .. del Mat High School for'.Croc- tt lllornl1, Ori ..... C-ly: l!ltl Ill _Pl,_ ~tvlng Ctllml .. llM1 ....... .:. bCM Ct, sr~,, 17; 197'11;-bml'• me, 1 Nllhrrv lfll Mid m-...1 •r• ~..-.1rM • fli. 1.,, w. ,,. llNlt Alligator by Richard McNabb. Pub He~ end for 111d S11i.. "'IOlllllY "*"· with 111e -••rv \ltllldltn, 111 ,._. au. cell. ttJW; Most ~eative -Harper • sreven ChrlttoPtier .C...,IOl'I IM olllct of 1111 ~l•fll; ol 1111 ,.., •--. •n• ..., ~go>e~ ~me 10 bt. 11>1 1>1r1on wtooM 1111111ec1 Hurt, .,. • •r•Mnt "*"· wltlr Publlll'led O.-•nt• Ca.it o.uv ,.11111, School for Dinosaur by Belh 11;;1 llt'~wl!Krlbed 10 !ht within In-"" nteffwry VOllClltrs, to 111• -J-ti. 1t7' 11u.11 Curti's and Corona del Mar "," lllit""o.nd 1cknowlecttld flt e•tc:uttid *"'9Md tt Ille lfflct of"'* 111«1111a.1:::::..:::cc.c._ _______ __;;.;_c Dragon by Mlke Warne and Corona del Mar High School tor BuJltrog by Kris Tool , .Best Use of Materia ls - Mesa Verde School for Groucho Turtle by Kevin Har- ris and Coron a del ,Mar High $chool for Bush Baby by Lyn-\ da Berry. Fund Gets New Group . 1;'F~~Ci SEAL) PETHl!JtlJtlDGE, 1Jtt Norlll l<oeoilWIY·"-----~~cu_ .. ____ I!" 00 or Croc-Alligator t ~ Ph E:. 01vis 111111 A111. C11tfornl• nJN, wlllf:h 111 by Richard McNabb. 1rum1 &YHOWER , LONGLEY • LEGAL N-CE HI"" Sch Ir 1,y PubHc-C•lllornl• ""' PIKe of b111lneK af lfll 11nC1<tnt1ntct &AR UJ4 The Arlir1·ci·a1 K1'dney Foun clP•I oHke 1n in 111 """''" P1111l111,. • tt1t tt1111 IVf'•Jttol cou11t OP 'rM• Biggest -K i 11 y b r o o k e • " 1 cauntv of Mid cllc9denl, w11t11n "'11r monna ITATI' 01' CALIPOllNIA POJt dation in Garden G rove has ~omm1111on l!•lllrn 1tt•r ""'tint ..w11c:e11or1 ftl 1t111 11111c1. 1118 COUlillTY °" OllA ... • ,. oined hands w ith lhe West Publ J U'lt lit 21 1170 Dtltd June Jl, 1f7'11. .... ........ 0 ;'"'' c°''' 01uv 1t11ot, John c. P1e•1n1 NOTIC• ol' MUlttMG 011 .-rnTION L D Orange County United 1'~und trld J11IY 2, t, 1170 l12f.70 ~·~"'!'i!. "::.l: ~I ;:::•:::M:~-:~;.L ·~: OLro: aw egree in Seeking fina ncial aid. ac- L NOTICE IYNOWll, LON41U:Y A '#Al'l•D> d ' lo U 'led F d P . A f'ITHIRllllDOI l!m• .. DOltOTHY I(. SHOIEMAKI!. cor 1ng nl un res1---H:::-=-"-:;;;;;c------1nn Mtrtlr .....,..y_ •k• oo•DTHY sHOfMAKE, •k• Stephen R. Watson, 1877 dent Jack Feehan. .. • ...,,,. hl'llt AM, C1lllwtllli ""' DOJtOTHY I!. SHOl!MAKI'. • II. Rhodes Drive Cost M cf01PICATI OP IUllNISI. T .. : 0141 tU.fUI DOROTHY l!LMO SHOBMAICI!, lkl ' !I. esa, The K j d n t y Foundation CTITKIUS MAM• A"-'t "' ......... MllS. WAJtJtt:N H. SHOt:MAKI!, •Ill received his doctor of law I nd I 'f' . I Th• tlntd 11o certll'I' tlllY ,,. 1t11~"*' °'-ca.rt o.ny Piiat, Milts. w. H, IHOEMAKI!, o.c..Md. oans a eases an art1 1c1a (1(11111 Mlntll II $.11 c .... ,.,. J11111 1S: Ind J111, ,, '· , .. ltl't 11'•7' NOTICE IS Hl!Rl!IY GIVl!N 11'111 degree from H a r v a r d kidney machine called a ~""' Mete, c1t11ornl•, 11nd•1 JOHN K•LL v SHOl!MAKI!! hff flllcl University during recent 1970 h 00· I F h · 1ht 1 11rm 111m1 o1 DOLPHIN LEGAL NcrrtCE 111r.r11 1 .. 1111o11 tor 11rot1111 ot win em 1a yzer. ee an said the cLU I i !Nit .. kl 11rm ~ c_..c1 .,,. tor 1uu1P1U d t..rt.r• T•t-n· commencemenL exercises at Kidney Foundation will be the ~1 1tiel-110Wlnt P1raon1, -n1iNa i.rry .. ,..titlelllt clond w1iv..1 rlffl· the c br'd M h II rn tun , lld 111tc11 o1 mldl!K• •te -N:At:' -• .. w11rc11 b "'"' fer tut911r .. t. am I ge, assac use s 32nd ogranizalion lo join under .\ 101*"'r • leltllldt 1'612 Mall•• CIRTIPICATI °" IUllJllll f!C\11111. tlld !Nit "" ti-,,,., Pita •I institute. the banner ot the United Fund. 0 J ...... 1on\11110 c11fforn11. • PICTITIOUI PlllM NAMI l!Mrlll9 the ••IM Ila blen .. , .... July:1--••• ~,~~~~~········~·~··~~~ r .• lllQIM M Kint. 52:55 Amnlff, Tht ....,.,.1,nec1 do htrwtly cef1lf\' 1L 1m. tt 1:3' 1.m .. *" tht ~rt-n~• ' lhtl STVIi.iNG FlllE EQUIPMENT, INC. of Dtttrtmlnt No. 2 If •tld aurl, 1t ~~~JuM 12, ltJll tlld INOUITiltlAL Flltl! l!QUIPMIENT, JOO Civic CM'llw Drlvt 'Nelf, In ttlt Cl!Y "'JlrMI Jt. leltlMk INC. eonduc:ll"' • -•I P11'tner1hi, of ""'' AM, C1lllo"'l1 • • ~Jl'at11 M. Kint bll1lntu 11 4114 I!. U "'I"" ll!Mt, D11M June 2', ltl'O. M•!• fl. C•lllornl1, Lot A ..... ln C-IY: CllY of An1llllm, Coul'llt' el °'"""' W. IE, IT JOHN, Cown .... Cl1rt O J.,M 12 1t70 tMolf!r1 ""' 1 NofttY Still ftl C11tloml1, llNllltf' l!ll flcttttou. YOU .... l"••NNlll I M•WS ,. bj1 ·~ 1,.d tor' w1d s1111, ...,._11" firm MIM or dnl,netlon which don n1 w_. 'T1lllrf 1"91f u '· • 91ttlnck 1MI Ttm not sfloW the true nenw.. or 1111111t ,..... Alll. c"""""' ftl'Ol a~ptlKTN J=n to me '° 119 "" If "" WllOnS '""""'" ln Nld bu1tn111. TILi 1n•1 Ml.on M wtloil "'"'" 11• tubtCrlbld fo.wll; .. 111.E SAFETY INDUSTltll!S, tl'ld ""'""" flw ..... ....,. per:~-ln instrvmtnf •nd il(IU'llWllft. !!tit Mkl firm 11 ~ ftl flle l"ub11"'111 Ortntl c ... 1 01l1Y Pltot, !o .!.,E.Ktlled the MIM· follow!,. Hrlnet&. ._ l'llfMI tnd JUl'll 25, 2' W Jutv 1, 1'70 1162'10 I'd 1 Sl!AL) 1ddrn11S 1.-t• lolll<Ws: !OFF~ 11'1 NI G11dntt STYRING FlllE EQUIPMENT. INC,. LEGAL NOTICE """'"' l"ublk • C1llfll1nl1 .... E. LI P11m1t, Alllllllll'I, C1llfll'nl1. ' ----=-'-~-.,.-.,,~-cccc07 •-A""lff Coulll\I INDUSTllAL FtllE l!!QUIPMINT,I· COUOT o• C '•FOON•• ~ tammti1lon E•~lres INC., oWN E. Lt ,.,lmt, ,Alllll•lm, SUP£11.IOll ,. """ .., -e 3 1172 C11lfoml1. COUNTY 01' ORANGE 7111 Wffl Ith ~ ·wt1twooc1 alvd.. DAT(D: MIV 21. 1'70, strwt. ''"''Ant. C•llfortl!• .' A ...... n . Ct11t, torf•, STYlltlNG FtiltE ,:::O::"'t~ilt=-I ........ l'Y Putlllc EQUIPMENT, INC. '" fl tM -rr1-.... ttnlonlt": Put!-OrlMI c,M•,noO•ll'f 1i~0~ ~::~ J. Hl"'llton ELSll!! LOUlllA IAYLES ...... """""nt: June ll(IS 1nd JU IY '' • J1,.,t1 O. Styrl111 l'llAHCIS CLAJtlNCI!! IAYLES P,..ldtnt · Te ft!e Jtll!IQ!ldtnt: INDUSTlltlAL fliltlE Thi Plllilol'l•r "'~ 111'1d I Nlll1'1n EQUIPMENT, INC. <:O{l(llrlllnt vour m1rrf111. You m1y 8Y Ann 0 , WIUI•. s.c:r..i1rv f111 1 wrlftM'I r11pan11 wllllln thlrtv _,;LEGAL NOTICE .> • ...,_ -P·JIU1 Iv llobtrt S. Wllll1, Pr11rdlnt d•Y• of ft!• dill t1r1t 11'111 111mrtWn1 'UtTIPICATI OP IUllNIU STATI!! OF CALIFOiltNlA ) la Ml'Vlf flfl YOU. If .,.., fill 11 file '? PICTITlOUS NAM• COUNTY OF OltANGE · l 11 1 wtl""' ,..._., Wllllln IUCh llrnt, Tht':<..;.ter11!gMd dOff cerlffY l!llY •r• Oft Mty 2t. Im. blfwt ... 1111 .,..,, -.f1un !MY bl .,........ el'lll tlMI ncl\ldtllt I bllflnnl •I ~ N-rl 1111ftr1l1ntd, • Notwv PW!lc ,,, -C9U'1 MIY ......,. • '"'""""' conl11n119 ~o nlltt; Qr N-rt ihlcl'I. C.llfol'nll, for ... kl Stlte. NrMlllllY _,.. J1m11 J"flll!dl\le tr Ol'llltf' ..,i1n -mint t cHr:Wi. ·11c1111ou• "'"' ,..,... ef t. YON o. SIYrlnt. llllOWl'I to IM .. .. tlW dlvl1IOl'I • •-1'1· -Ml IU-1, ~~YC~OGICAL CONSULT.ANTI and PflSldlllt, Ind Ctr-ot J, Htmllltll, 0-... clllld cullod'(, dlltlll *"PllOrl• .........,., Th 1 Old tlrm 11 comPOMd ef tlle to "" IP bl lfll S.C:flttrv If Ills '-" t;Oltl, tnd IUCh 0'1W rtllel •• 1 10r1a,,...,.· "r.-. whcrM n•mtt In 11111 ~111on that .. eeulld "" w11t1111 m•Y IN ,,,~.., 1rr ""' t;Ollrf. 1nc1 pltfts el 1e1ldenc:e 1r1 •S tolklWll: IMtnlmtnf, lu-n • "" to • 11'11 If ,.. ... II • -• ,...._. fir .,.Ice DC"',..1n11m LYon, 1101 surlllnt W•Y, "'"°"' """9 ll!KUltid. lfll wlllllll ll'lttru-SI! 11111 -"""•""......, • • -•· COl'lll'll" dtl Mtr, C1Ulo1nl1, mtr1f °" ...,..ff of t1W Clll'POl'•lltn n..r.ln tJ " "'9t -....,._ ......,,.., W lllY. Of'.' •f:ottr Huebr1er, 161 D1rtmoutll 11tm1C1. tnd •cll,,..IM9'ld • "" lfllf _., " """ .. tllM. Pl ~I Me" C1llf. IUCh C'Of"Mrt!lon lacul'ld "" w11111... Dtlld Ael'll 17. 1'70 olii.· Ju'... 10, lno. In•~ ::':":.: .;-:, ..,....... .. IY w. '" ST JOHlt, Cl .... .... w11111m Lvon, Pl'l.D. • ~f:Ne:S "'Y lllM ..... .m:o"·, .,. IUTH HDl"HllNS, °""""' ~ ll0e1r H. Hlll-'• Ph.D. (OFFICIAL SEALI -• fSIEAl) STiit (I C11llo1nl1, Ore,..1 Cou~IY: M rle D Wlflblr,,... M, JAClll' MALL 0 _,_ 10 Jt70 l:llfor't "''' I NO!IN y ' Nlf1liM' \AW lvll•lfll ,. 71 fti• 1,,d for' uld s1111. ~llv Not•ry ~11&Uc·C11fflrn11 4,, ,.., tntl Sff'elt utl ~ knO'Jll'I to me Prlncl1>1I Offlct In .,... -. < -"''' IPPfll'Wlll WHll•m Lyon b-Counl'I' of°'-. ,...,_,.,,, I bt -"ri.on wl\oll llll'M 1• sublet! T...,....I m•l ... 1 .. 0 .... 111'11n 1n1trum1111 ,,.. My Commtulon EllPlrn A""'""' flt '"""""'"' eel IO ,,.. w ;,,. "" ' Jlnwrv :n. lfl'I .... c o u Piie lt~r-"Ooed' he t•KUll'CI M • STATE OF CALIPOiltNIA ' Publl$1M!d .... 11111e Giii I y '· (OF FfCV.L SEAL) COUNTY OF Oii.ANGE l " June 25 Ind J11ly 2, f, 16, 1t70 11U.1tl ... rblrl J, Mltl•11"tornl1 011 MIY 21, 11111, N!0!-1 ""' tltol GAL NOTICE ttot•rY ~llbllf"• vnd•rsl9Mc1, • Not1rv Pull!~ 1n 1nd LE t.'7!...:'s~ E .. lrff fol' •eld Sftfl, M•-llv ••-rH lloblrl 1---------------J '' M h 17 !tU S. WIU11, known to mt lo IN 1111 P_,.. tc' o}rcCAL/FOllNIA l President, tnd Ann 0 . Wiiiis, klllWfl C•lflTl,.ICATIE OP COlt~RATION "Olt • 51"....,.,. OF Oii.ANGE I ,. to m• Ill bl It'll Stc:rt11rv If ""' TIANIACTIOW cw IUlttt•ss UNO•ll cou.~·.c:.... 16 1'10 beola<'t '"'' 1hll cor-•Tlon th1t llltc:utecl "" wtll'lln • PtcTITIOUt MAM• On ..... ,,.-' Nattrv Pllbllc ln 1nd IMlrum911I. kntWn te mt to M ~ TH E UNOl!!ill:SIGNED COllt .. ORATION ""°-="':i',die 1 Nr1on•llY ''"arid lltot•r """" who ntc11fld the Wlll'lln ln"ru· din hereby ctrllf'I' th~t 11 Is co>nduclll'lt lor '-,. 1 ' to -to bl tM mini on blh1lt ftl 11'11 Cll'IJ!Ol'lllln tlllf"el" • bu1lnff• loctled •' 15(11 Adi"'' Aw111H", H, .. ~ ~ 1, i\lblef1""4 Ill nlmed, tlld 1cknowled11d .. 1111 lhlf COlll Mlle, Celllornl~ 11nder lht fl(!lllou1 l>el'".,......_~ nd eduiowlMlltd wc:h corllOltllon 1•ttllltd 11>1 Wllflln "rm "'"'' of CONCEPT MEDIA IN· ·~· -"'1'~;:;,'"':. 1 ... ,rrul'Mnl pur111anl Ill Its k ·l.frWI fl( COftPOllATED Ind lhll Wld fl"" II thtlijs"iute hind ':nd Olflci•J 1411 1 re101ut1on el Ill IOIN ftl Dll'tc:lllrs. ~ ti' flit tollowlnt nn>01"1tlon, W I ;"EAL) ' WITNESS mv ,._..... tnd offlc:lll -·· wlloM• 11r1~1•tl 1r1c1 9' Minns Is IOF FJ L btrllln IOFFICl.IL SEAL) 11 fellowt; ,' .,:ivn ~Ubfic"'Zutornil I f Myrl• 0 . Wt!tblretr CONCEPT MEDIA INCOlll"Oll.11"EO ' I . 'i '' I MARKC . .BLOOME IUllED 4PLY : * 1st Quality ALL WIA THIR llRI I * 11u••Y WlllLI 1 HAND NiW• 20,000 Mill ' ' GU'ARAfllTEED BONDED LINING 2. 'lAIOI & JNSTAllATION INClUDl,D. 3, MICIO·MIASUH Atl 4 DRUMS 4, ADD BRAKE flUID AS NEEDED 5. ARC·GllND llNING 6. BlEID SYSfEM & CLEAN BACKING PLATE AS !tlEDED '" 7 • GREASE i. PACK WHEEL IEAllNGS 8 All CYLINDERS INSPECTED INCLUDING ~ MASTER CYLINDER .9. 10. ROTATE WHEELS & f.DJUST BRAKES IOAD TIST VEHICLE TO STANDARDS ·~Or arY cowntv Nat1rv Publlc-C1lltornr1 15Clll Ad1m• Av•...,., Cost• Mfft. C•rl· ;•!'7!mrn1»1on Expff fS PrlnclPtl OHie• Jn farnl1 ~ y y 5 1971 Counl'I' of 011nge WITNL':!ll 111 "•nd ll'l!s 1lr'd ll1v flf I I I TlllYLAST flO.IJ.TAJ 1.,r, rttr~ • ~ lllll·Tf•( U I UICN•t1 •11co•. D1\1~• ·~.1~.1· · · c••s s1111.TIA( ~ ., ·~· 11•-(·~.11.1 ...... Pullil• Or1"9t Coesl D•llY Piiot. MY c;omml11!on Ell1lr•1 JUM, lt7'11 J 'II .4~ and July 2 1 1'1C 11\f.70 Jtnuwv 72, 1t1l CONCEllT MEOIA ""1 11" ' ' COJUIN, ITOkK• I OW(JI INCDltt>OllATEO ' CE Atlllr"'" If Ltw 11.11111 M. we11Dh1I , • ; LEGAL NOTI 1ttt N, .,..._..,., 1111i. ,,, t1ores1den1 --'·::·,.•:_--~cc::------· I Strllt Au, Ctl"'""' f'll'tl Yv9111'1fl M11dor Ttli ...,.. Secrtltrv P·JJ4" POllATIOM Pub!tll'lld O!'t"" Cotti DlllY Piiot, fCOiltt>OJIATI! SE.I.LI c1an,.1CATl O" co• J11!1t II. 11. 2s Ind J ulY t. 1f7t loat-1' •T·TE OF CALIFOINIA r POllt TllANSACTION 01" ,. ~ 1us1N1ts UN0•11 LEGAL NOTICE co00,•T,.v,,•,',,,••,•,•,•." ,",·,,, PICTITIOUS •AME " A.D. lt10. >"O .l .NOERSIONEO COIPOllATION before mt E. 0.-Crtln I Nat1rY "~ ,._ ... t n Is conduclln1 T-QIU l"ubrrc In ind !er 1tld C°""IY ""' doe~ ;.,... • .,y Clrl " "'' p S•oN, -•l<I--·••111, ~ •.• ·--!·•ktMll ~ llUlllltSS loclled 1t 27'11G tteraon NOTlC• TO CJt•OITOll •s ,,.. '" "" -""" -Way» r-..,11 Mew, C1llfornl1 uncll1 11'11 IU .. 1111011 COUllT OP TNI! ~nd 1wor11, Plnol'llll't •-red llull'I tlcl1t'1e11'711rm nlml: el OIANGllACK STATIE 0" CALl .. OiltMIA POlt M. Wff""-1 ind V-111 Meedor llnown INTBiltl'tATIDNAt. &. ORANGEa ... CI( TMI COUNTY o .. OJtANll to ,,,. lw bl "" ,.,..ldlnt Ind k<...r•rv MONfY and 11111 Slid firm II comPftld Ne. A....,. of tlle coo>0r1tlon thtl e•etUled l!lt o! ti. tellowlnt cor-1tlon, w!IOll 1rln-£11111 fJf C. CONOI E C,1,LL, l llD wlll'll~ ln•lrumtnt Oii bllltll of !tit cor--ci1>tl;llett of b\lfllltH 11 19 !OllOWI: known II CYlllL CONDIE CALL, Olctlf-porellPn 1t11.-1n namM, Incl' l(know1ede· J:: ~ Gllln•lt • Co. Inc. P.O. ed. ed ta rne tll1t 111dl c_.-111on t~tculed 8~1\A lrv!n1, Calif. NOTICE IS HElll:!l'I' GIVEN lo 1111! ll'le s1mt. In Wltnels Whertol. I h•~~ WITN,SS II• lllnd 1~11 Jrd d•Y of credl""• of tl>t •!Jove n1med deced"'I lltreunto Mt ...., hind •nd tlfl~l!d rny June:'!~. tti-.t 111 .. ,.,..., lllvl1111 ct.lms •t1ln1t flff!c11I 1ee1 ll'le d•' Ind YMr In thls ICc•-lle $1111 11'1• stlf dtneJWll ire 1'111111Ulrld t1 f1l1 certlllc1te fll'!.l 1tiov1 written. ,,· ·~• L. Glllesolt •Co. Inc, Ihm., wlll'I Ille ntcHl ll'V vouchel1. In {OF,.ICIAL SEAL) , ~rrv L, Glllti•l•• tfle offlct ef l,,. Clltf'IC el l"t 11Mwr e. Gellf' Cral" • PJnldenl en!llltd court, Ill' lo pr...,,t ftlfm, wlltl NOltrY l"ublic-C11ltor11l1 ~TAf!" ~I' CALIFORNIA. ltit l'lteflSllY 'IOll<Mr1. Ill 11\t llfl. PrlndHI Offlct In CouNT'l',ol" Qill:ANGE, p , dtnltned II tlMI ofllc• ftl IOONE AND 0!'1n11 CovnlY o .... itf• 3rd dl'f ef Ju~. A.D. 1tJO, SATCHl!.l,.L, ArforntYI II L1w, :J60S L-MY C-lnloft IE•1lr• betori IM MtrY k. Henry • Nottrv le•ch eoult'lard, L-ll11ch. C1llfornt1 Alrlt 11, 1'71 P!Jtll}t 111 and for 111d Counl'I' . and toeOJ, which h tlrt PltCI Pl Mll'llQ )¥.1.lLAC•, lllOWN a CJtAIN s1a11, r..1dln1 th•11m. dUIY comml111antd of _!111-l.lnfefi""'9d ln 111 "''""' "'" ~l!IPM\'• ooO =.n, per-llY -Ired Jti:!'V-lllfill,,. t1J 11'11 1111 .. et Mid tlltc:Ml!'ll, IJ2 09wet Drf.,., '""' It L 1 le knPWn Ill me to be the within feur _,ll'ls 1ftlr !Ill fir.I •11bllc. Jfl#Ht'I htcll CllM .... p,,,,,.., pf lhl cor-1florl !Ml ••tc:ulltl !Ion ol 111111111Hc1 """''""" o;._. COllf 01llY Piiot, Ille .iNll lnl!Nment on 1M111ll • Ille Dtl.-f Junt 5. Ifft. ,_ 2s -"" Jutv 1. t, 16, 1m 11D7'11 ·~~ lhtrtln ntrntd. Ind D. A. IDOHE eek eel ,1a ,,... 11111 1uch c0t,~r~11on Adml11l,tt1tor wfll'I 11'1t Wiii _ LEGAL NOTICE •~ec 'lh• MIM. A""'•" el lilt ntlle • "" In' tts WhtflOf, I h111t1 Mrwnto I~ .........., dlc:ldtnl ' iet ~y, hand t!'ld 1ffl•.-f mY offic!•I IOOWI AMO SATCN•LL 116T1t1 ~ MARINAL'1 SALi 1~11 ':1111' dlY end Ylll In lhll (ltllflelfl A"--• II Law T Jt ANS C 0 N T INl!NT.IL CRl!!OIT 11.-,1~ wrltt.n. _, L1119 ... ell ........ ..,, SEii.ViCi INC,. Pl1h1tlff vs. 11.1.L"H COF IAL SEAL) "-IOlcll. C1""'111e MIP Tt«)MAI IOIOIL, MAITIY. IOIOEL. Mary I(, H.,,,.., 1th 11111 tlMlllt1 o.flnelnl. N•. II 6a •"'·~tirY ,.utlllc.C11llt:lil'nl1 •Y: D. A. ...... I' vlrhll llf In 1QC11t11111 l--9 flfl .,. ~inc:!p1I Offlcl ln AllllllMltrlflr (TA ... ..,. Plr Jun• '· ,,.,., by "" MUNICl .. AL c~ • .' P,.1 m11 Coun!Y "ubllthld Or•-Coell DtllY 'llol, OllANOIE COUNTY HARIOR JUDICIAL •:•~y COl'l'lmlulOfl E11.•lrff J-11, It, 15 tnd Jilt¥''' lfl't 101'·N OISTll.ICT, Cavntr 9' .,,._,,.._ $1111 el • •' t(ov. ?4, ltr.t C1llfll,.,.I•• -I 1.............. •llt•l"td "~ °'"'" Cttsf 0.11Y "not. LEGAL NO'l1CE 1... ,,....., •' TaANICONTINl!NTAL Junt j. 'll, 11, 2S, ltlO 102!·1C CiltlDIT ' U:IVICt!, INC, n l .... lnlllt (l'tldlfe~ t!Wf "tlr.t !llALPH THOMAS •.-, LEGAL N<mCE l------,Tc-=,,.------'--l1oaa1L, MAlflTI'IA eot:Ol!L, .. 1udl· MOTIC• TO ctllOITOltt • lftllll ~ .,_.,,. e Ml IMlll'ICI ··~· IUPlltOI: COUllT OI' TM• al sriiM-----.ctueltv M liiil111d llldlmlllt ' • ...... ST,1,TI OP CALIPCHINIA fl'Ofl on ttlt •II If tlll lsllHMI If .. Id ' II T O• o•• I el:leutlon, I lllwe twlld' 11-1n l!>t °Allll:Tll'ICATI OP •USIN I TH• COUN Y ...,NO 1"111'11. tll1'1 llllil """"' .t iild h1clomtnl ., FICTITIOUI NA#ll NI, A .... n I file ty I 1M C hi T1!e •¥...derslaned do c1rtl"' ,...... I,. Ett•I• of MAllY SCHUPP CALL. 1lq ~....'! lllk Tce11for11nlt eetc~;_ co<WMtlllt I ... rtMrslll• llUllMSI ,, ~-1'1 II MAIY WAiltiltEN CALL, IS fenows: ' 11 "'.... Firs! St .. Tiii""' c111letfl\I. Oect1Md. LDT .ts 'flt.ACT ,... MAP 100!( ......... ...;i-~fltllllou1_tltm ~tlfll----!!'! CAL-NOTICE .IS Hf"llEIY GIVE N te lllt 2t uorl UL.!4 VE HO WEST OISTllllUTOlll 1nrffllt tl'edlton----.i M!--.lll!lllW-Nmld'"~ c'"-IY ·-"~ 11SO-KtilNCk"t '''d t'1nn ' I• comMlld If 1111 lol_I..._ 11'111 t!I """°"" heVlnt ci.lm1 ltll1111 f'llot C01t1 Mnl C•llfe,.,.11 o!fMM• wllaH 111"'91 In fwll IJ!d pllCll !ht t1ld dtc:tcllnl Ill """ltld ' II flle NOTK::1! IS tttitHY GIVIN 11111 el r~I art 11 flllltWll: fhtm, Wiii! l"t llft"ll!'V VOllChlrl, 11'1 M'I JUl'f Jtll 1'70, 11 ):• O'clodr P.M, Witllitm DltWl1l. ~rR1 Pirtner, "" """'' al It'll c:ltt'lt el !Ill ...... " .. ,.,, el C011rtll0111t • .511 ""'~'' 1tlh llll 91n Juin, ,.,, (;, Tw1ll11, C11ilol'l'lll ent!llM covrl, 1r to .,....,,, lflem, wlll'I *'·• CllY et Cosll MIMI, COUl'llY .i tl&, .,_,1 ""'"" tilt nec1saary,,.--h•r:; ........ , •• u'D ~. 111• ., c 1111or1111, 1 will ••!I lleitelll MtMlhon, ....,.,_ ' """' .... II "' 11 Miki evcflol'I II 1111 11 ....... .,...., · 11~.11. Flrll Street, T111ftn, C1llfomlt, tATCHIELl, AftltlltYI ti LIW• -LM'll ftt (HI\ .... lewflll "*"" If tfMI UnltM D~'M' 15, 117'11\ 1 .. ch Mulft...ct, LMt ... ell. C1llflnll1 Sl11ts, etl tM rltM, ttnt 11'111 l""rftt --. Wtlll1m Dr ... ltr '*'· wtikh Is 1111 plec:e • IM'-tf MN ~ """"' tll "" ..,....,. •1•MM McMtflOl'I el thl 11,,..,..l1nld lft •ft "'I""' -· dlKrf1Md """"' or ., mud! llllt'tef S!ftt;.:c1111or1111, Or11111 CounlY:Nlf l1lnl!'ll .. "" "'"" et 11!• dlc:ldln! ••• ""y .. -SI ..... ft Mlllf'I Mk! On a4~ 21. 111', betort mt. • '/Z "11111" four "'°"IM e1t1t' 11'11 Hut eullllc. 11ttdltl011o-!lh 1c:cruM w.111t 11'11111 'wb!IC"kii 11'111 !or .. ._ llllt, ""°"' llein tJ fl'llt ntllc•, Wiii ~·~· WUll1m Ortw"i 11'11111 t.,l1M: DtlM Junt S, 1t1't. 01i.f et ("II ~•llftH'11!1, June M( ~-lo 11'11 ft 0, A, 900ftl t lfJI ., wtioM --~ M!lllfllttrlfll' wtfl'I Ille 1¥111 ' • PlflANClS l . Gl; lilt, ••.c:utlf "" ...... ·--.. "" """ If #llnllel t. ll,AL) 1111 .............. _... MllflldHI C111rl, llTY' C, Jcwtl IOOfll A•O IATC.,ILL Of.,... ("""' He-llllY hblic.c.11t1m1e •"'""" "' ...., Juftcl•f e111Hif-. ...w--• •• .... r:T~a:t,. lnlm t':. ~·~11C'!i1-=., Ntr1 ~ .,::.T.; J, """~ Ofll1l)y l. ':.·u~M11•n T .. 1 1n11 .......,. ,. .. .....,.. _......., 1 - .. l•i O. A. 9-tH" N, ,__., ........_ . . -. .......... .-CTA "' '"'-....-•""""'91t. Clllf. c ... u """· (ttlllrllil P-"llllllCI or-• '"'' Olllr Ptllt l"!Ailll!IH O!lnte c.... 0.11'1' 1"!111. l"~HlllH Or1rt1• ,.... D•llt Pll•"'n' J""' "· , •• " .... JutJ 1. ,,,. .. ,,.x """ n, IL ,,_ 1'10 111•11:1 Jllt\f) •; lj,J•· tS, ''"' It ~!!.'." 1, \ 95 1.11111 Ill•" 1:111',.1 1u111 11 DATSUN • TOYOTA • OPEL , J 1511• l.2$kl' a~~,1~ 885115 s.~o.1s $ lfllt1•l (G~:~~:l (HJB/15) (11811 5) !:~~:~~ 9 5 J,lSJ:l!t I. 6.IS•IS loll • il.ll •Ul i111htl , \ltl!1\11Jlt 1 , 6.00~IJ h-l"locO llKli•l!I DUNLOP SUPER-BELTED RADIALS FOR MOST ••• Pl Y •FORD •CHEV ... Gro•• 14040 llOOKHURST 1c1rw.r 11 l1"llJ111n1 I W111ml""•r! SlO-J200 Anaheim • tuna Perk HU LINCOLN ILVD. IC-ef Llllcllll ,.,. •11110 12 .. 5510 COSTA MESA-NEWPORT BEACH AREA 3005 HARBOR BLV·D. CORNER OF BAKIR & HARBOR 557-8000 ' L r • • l'REEDOM NEAR Vorlltt J. Sponur 5 Slayings Long Ago Recalled SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - On May 5, 1940, a thin, mild mam«ed junior high - vice priDdpal and Ph.D. can- didate ahot and l: I fJ e d five school olfidah In South Paadena, paralyzed a &idh, Ulen ......iect bimse[, To this day some citizens in the Los Angeles suburb recaB it as the Monday Musa.ere and say dley're still afraid of Verlin Spencer. Their prolesta holped keep him In prison. Monday, Spencer was ordered paroled after 30 years in CUl'tody, He'll be free Nov • •• 1'Nov. 9?" said Jase p h Part.sch, a former Sooth P-.....mayor,wbmhewas told mbout jt. "I'd better go out and buy an iroo \'est. I'm the only living m<mbtr " that 1940 -b<iocd." Told that Spencer, now 70 m:l without relatives, plans lo work with a social service agency for ex-convicts in Hawaii, Partscb ·said, "you just Mded five y~rs to my life.• Spencer apparentJy was elV'aged·over reports tie might loo< ... iob. .. principal when be toot the .22-caJiber automollc pistol to the edlool board office ml junior high acbool that MOllday in 1940. He -down the South Pasadena supol'intendent ol sd><>Ols, the Sood> Pasadena Hieb Sd>ool principol, the -di>trict -qenl and ' m teachers -all JIS'IGDI be appwenUy fett bad ...... against him. The jlllli ... high -oec:r<Wy . was paral)>zed. He pleaded lnoocent by :rea90ll d. insanity, then on his lawyer's···advice changed his plea to guilty and received a life .enteoce. To this d&y Spencer has maintained he remembers nothing about the shootings. The Dr.partment of Cor- rect.ions II.YI Spencer has been • roodel. priaxta" at Vacaville, eaat of San Fran· cisco, and _.. prisons where he wu kept earlier, including San Quentin. Fellow inmates call the ~led man with thin· '*W 1"111 hair •·Doc" because he 61 en ••Un4: to prison ~. A> a prisoner he has · published several articles lJll J>S)'chological pic- ture testing. ~ autmrities and p I ydliatrists recommended parolt repeatedly loc Spencel', but~omia Adult Aalbority consistenUy rejected the .........,..cs.-. "Two memben <I the Adult Authority testified 'tllot they i.d never seen atrung recom- mmdltioos for p a r o J e, l.! Spancer's JawyeT, J. Clinton Petenan, tokt newsmen Jn i• .. ,,. files were bulcirc with l<lla'o from people prot.oting ..,, porole • , • 'lbe Adult Aullaarity hn to comider every&bing in the file, and ...., lelter ·-Spenc:<r -Into !hot file. 'Ibey fell tfle7" hid 1o tum Mm down." Elrlier Ibis y-o judge cadmed Che Aduh Authority to rec-•*~ perole. Nying thol poot njedMm indicated ....... caSriCe aDd rumor." .,.._ IAI< the Adult A Pnlly aid llGaday tha t -.... -,.., ltlten .. -,..... prolelllnc the ~<lparole. JUll two,..... .... -lo ... _,, asl:ing not .... --·told.~; •a. -olterword that he -_., llo .Jloda'I killed -llt .., ..... list " poopll be -tee! to l ilt. If ho .... GUI -k'li jUll be 1 m.eter cf time. He'll come .. _ .... job." r --WHITE FROIT DUUT•SIBIU • ••• ·-f COlfllOL PIAY mm feoohe• woiglll --Ojlon/opond.,. for cor:npl ... cw!rol~s~.5-S. • •• ~ .... -........ ··~.a"'4'Nl!'.~af .. --:S.i-»'!Jl'll.~~-:Jil.4 LADIES' ITALIAN S•ALS Cool Jling-boclt styling toff, f11ll· groin lecrther.'Si1es to 10. Whit• or brown. Our reg. prKe 5,29. 3" .s-.... IMCllW!Ode -,pen. Cu1hioMd i11ner••• Sins 10.l. White .r beige. 5p«iol putt e:ho••· MISSES' NYLON JAMAICA sm Tank tops and matching shorts In 100% double knit nylon. No- V'f• white, red, yellow, blue, in a wide 'YOfiely of styles •. 8-16. GIRLS' "· SWIMWEAR OUI llG. PllCI REG. :S.51to3,97 .Swim<Uits of slrelch nylon acefole. 1 ond 2-piece styles in ravy, red, blue, end pink. Greet buys! 4-6x & 7-14. MISSES' RUFFLED' SLEEVEIKS_ SHIRS 31~* OUI llGULAI tow DISCOUNT PlllCI 4.61 These pictuJe pretty ihiftt ore Oacron9 I pofyestat cotton poplin or voil. in colors, prints. 10-1 a. COLORFUL PRINT BIAGI TOWELS ~122 Vivid l'IO'leltf pril'ltt on thick •hil• cotto" teny cloth, JmM"' sit._ , ~ ..... 1 ~..oll-t<llf..,... e MEN'S DECK SHOE Non-clip l01e, uppers of heo'+'Y conva1. Thick rubber sole. 6Ya to 12. Blue or green, ~ ~'ii. BOLD JACQUARD BEACH TOWELS Exotic patterns in lux-$ 2 uriously thick cotton ter- rycloth. lots of colors. 30x60" size. •· HEllS' /LADIES' SLIPONS EatJ-ca,.. Manmode uppers. SftlOft cut eut desi9n. Sl tH to 10. Beige or whit.. Specicil pUt· chote. po· CHARGE YOUR TOP BRAND GUARANTEED DISCOUNT VALUE WITH A WHITE FRONT CREDIT CARD * FINEST AFTER SALE SERVICE PLUS WY CREDIT mMS! COSTA MESA 3088 BRISTOL AVE I ':lOR<I .\I 0 SlRV'NC In' '.~Ci· • \.,~ Rfli rn • TORRANL! • rri.1i..:. JUST OFF NEWPORT AVf O(TWEEN SD fAEFW flY ~ 81\M.l~ 5T~ UNJ:,f-1,0 •\AN FfRN~N~() w~:.f~ COAl'LETE DISCOUNT DEP'T STORE With THE LO~ST EVERYDAY PRICES In the · WEST! SPECIAL HOURS-SHOP 10A.M.TO10 P.M. llAILY • SATURllAY 10 T~ 7-CLOSEDS. ., I ' I j : t l r ' • . ' • . • . .. . ' i ' '· ., ·#>~ . , .s r SINCE ll29 WHITE , FRONT •IYftll•LI SCATTER RUGS NOW .,_h 'ONLY \ Mandy scolter ru;t ar• , .. ~-rsible for twice th• wear. 'Muhi<olor weaw. blends with a ny dKor. Compl.W-, wcnhable. · •UCKIT ITYLID BED RESTS OllLY 333 NOW each Oua a10.1ow ••tc• '-'' ""--t fof reading in bed or . ...,. ... ' • ... _ _._ftCI cotton· tt wotch1nv· '-""..... ..- h . __ ...t solid atlors. "•• clot '" v<""'" ILU9WOYIM -TOllPIUOWS .MOW ONLY 11!!l (hooW from fj..,. diffe1enl . shape ityl•• _ all in todoy'• best occe"I colon. Sill 48x84" IBI DVBll HURRY IN f9 IAVlll IN ALL 1• IPARTMENTSI WEBCIR sultan -oamum 1597 ·1 tect10.99• 12.91 • . .. Mediterran~n and S~ • h styled beauties, richly ·~inged. Machine wosh- bl, .select irregulars • a •· f light defecb do not o . feet looks o~ wear. LA•GI DICORATIYI ,,,-....1 ABLEG.O~HS .~222 . ; llJ'' round SREAM . PmlllE <J' .• MIXll · 797 Ponful..i~lit9l _, llPc tiart I Oii ._..; flit silt bt.att1s, eiect lat tle~og. #H • 9 position toa st color selector-• Chr1111e plated body • "Pop· IP" c3ril&~ #185. 45PC. MRMAcsa ,..~ Chip, cru1 · resistaal! Oislrwasher .sale. Service fer eitfrt plus creamer, sugar bowl se~ vegetable bowl, platter .. r.:fi:---' rh1""11, Junt 25, 1Cf70 DAllY PllDf IS . .EUREKA . PRINCESS ''PIWBl·PAK'' CANISTBI VAC · fan·jet moto r creates tremendous clean· ing power. Dual exhausts for greatei ·cleaning efficiency. lift-out tool tray; ' long-life nylon hose; soft vinyl bumper protects furniture and woodwork. All stee l construction. Treated disposable dust bags. Set of cleanihg accessories in- cluded. # 7058 SPECIAL LOW PRICE! 1697 9~~ lOW PllC(f ' 7fl' ....... · ttlalRC y~LUl1 a.autifut o...mient. flon- ool.badood. _, • -wlpO-· 14 99 Delightful accents: cheese board-&_,_19 9 knife; 2 tier sp~e rack; cik board; · . date slale; key & letter llltder; paper towd llllder; wttirt boa!ll; salt & EACH pepper mill s~; ma1kel minder. COLOltfUL PLAID . 1•1T BLANKET •2 ... llTYU.OUR 1MCW'•10••l.S NOW 51c ONLY e«h -If ""'!:: ab· Cotton ~ )o yovr '°'Mnt odd .-1 . ...,. tooliftl oNCI• $e ... I H'"Y dul1 2'' arum1aum Teflon coatt!,fl: 1r1111 • J ... 4 Quart va cuum bottle kteps Ii . U/d hot or cold. q 249~ .... l .. ,llC( ,,, IA,,,._ Mhesive~ "'assures safe i footing. • • Cafortul! i.:j. $f s::.:.. .r: .. "'"' A COMPUTE DISCOUNT DEP'T STORE With THE LOWEST MRYDAY PRICES i1 tW WEST! SPfCW llOUIS-SHOP 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. DAILY • SATllDAY 10 TO 7-(LOSED •AY l i T 1' ' I CONVENIENT TERMS I ,. .. .. 96" VECTRA lllNGSIZE SWPER AT A lllNGSIZE . '" JlYJNGS ·We defy you Ii> lind,...,.alue. like thi• anywhere in the market! Yes; t';-1i\'"ectrq, the ~ .. riii\t ONLY! ) ,,, , ' ' . SPEctatWAllllOUSJ , PRICE'lQDAYlllllY most wonted cover ovoilobl~ •. Punctur.e'; .PJ'OOf, slain proof and 1he ability to really wear! This king size sleeper hos the look, the Spanish style, to "10ke either your den or Jiving roo)D •a•showplace by day and ~room by nightl Compare ~ls·wlue to•any s.leeper,yov.ho~ seen ••• you11 save .over $127.00 ii you buy at levllz fodo yl · !• " $250 : ,, .. · ~' e Bran<ls f atnous i,atn . $20,000.00 . WORTH OF BEDDING (RIGHT FROM THE WAREHOUSE, IN ORIGINAL FACTORY CARTONS) MUST BE s·oLD TODAY! m, SEE HOW THE REVOLUTIONARY NEW LEVITZ WAREHOUSE WAY LETS YOU SB.ECT FROM THE WORLD'S LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FAMOUS BRAND NAME HOME FURNISHINGS WHILE SAVING YOU MONEY ~N All OF YOUR PURCHASES! "SIMMONS" POSTURE QUILT fUU.SIZE MAmESs AND BOX SPRING Tired of not hoving a good nigh1's sleep? Here's your chance kl ho"' a famous "Simrrpns" fuU.siz!" Maitress and Box Spring for one low price. Soni·Seol protected lo guard against miklew, baderia and oclor ••• camfbr!ex pad for exlra .support and finnness , •• odjusto-rest innerspring for fi~m comfortable support from head to toe. Corner .guon:ls to ~ edges of box spring plus honde and v.!nts for easy turning oAd 'l'entilolion, Come to Levitz today for saving~ pius mtful night's ileep on ''Sim· rnonl"' Posture Quilt Futl·Size Mal· trmsond Box Spring! SPECIAL WHSE. PllC.E TODAY'S SPECIALS 8 PC. TWIN SIZE SLEEP SET AT UNHEARD OF SAVINGS Here's your chance to buy a cornplete a.Pc. sleep ensemble for one low, low price. Set includes two (2) Deep tufted monreues, two (2) Box springs, two (2) Bross headboards with rich Walnut accent, plus two (2) Stui:dy bedframes with cos1ers. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE & SHOWROOM Se/li119 Direct to,., rHlic Al levif.t'ol~ !he "reto~ fritls" ore lake" out of 1"9 Worehou .. Sole Prke. To~ it home yovt'self or have it l:Mlivered by l..ntz.,. There will be a wall deli~ry charge due fa These incredibly low Wofe.. hou:.e Sole Prices! TERMS AVAILABLE h I .. TERMS AVAILABLE • TODAY ·10 .AM .. to ·~1o ·P.M . \'\}. · ...... " .SPICIA1 PURCHASI U SIMMONS! .. YES, WE'VE MADE THE MOST FANTASTIC SIMMONS BEDDING BUY OF THE YEAR ••• AND NOW R'S YOUR TURN TO REAP THE SAVINGS! Onfy a special Levitz Warehouse purchase could bring you the dolfor for dollar quality and value we're offering today on world famous Simmons bedding. If you act toda1 you con pick your bedding (sold in mOk:hed sets·only) right from our . warehouse in the original factory cartons ot the most exciting Simmons bedding price ever! We don't think you'll find a bedding buy to match this offer. Remember this ••• this is a speciol purchase and quantities are limited I Be here when the dQors open ••• Save too at Levitz! • This is the value in o combinatiort sleeper and •eo unit you've waited forl This full size sleeper hos not onlv. the ''sound" but the style and damask fabric that .mok~s it a true value at tWic' the pricel Just fl ip up the arm and select your favo"rite stereo stotionl Only Levitz could bring savings like this to you! Remember this price is for one day only. Hurry, sove today. al Levitz! ....-~~~~ ....... ~~~~~~ ..... CONVENIENT TERMS AVAILABLE . . ' 3 POSITION ROLL-A-WAY BED Here's your chonce to have tho! extra bed 1ho1 you ~ove needed for unexpected gues!L These roll·O·woy beds toke up ab- solute minimum of storage :space yet fold down l'O a full JO" loom, comfortable bed,• Think .of the many times you hove needed this bed and then htJTTy lo l~ilz. Great for comping tool . ' ... ...: .... " ., } ' SPECIAL WHSL PRICE TODA 'r ;?.' $247 ~ KING SIZE 3 PC. SIT • A ·TRUE "SOUND'' SLEEPER, ONE DA1 ONLY, FOR UNDER '300 wnH AM/FM MULTIPUX STEBO .~ RADIO PLUS . TWIN SPEAKERS! SPECIAL WHSE. PRICE PRICE • • ' TODA Y'S SPECIALS TWIN SIZE·SLEEP·SET Here is g two pc. for the budQel,'home'·m~er tho! hos fitnf sup. pore and restful Weep. You receive · $ · . the mattreM plus matchirig box SPICl&L 3 8 springs todoy only at Levitz. """-Pitel ' ., • • DEEP TUFTED TWO PIKE SLEEP SET A two piece designed for firm support and rftrful 11.., ft tternendous 1aVings. Your choke of SPICIAL $58 . twin or full $1ze sell plus !he molch· WAllNOUSI Ing bo)I Jprings. Today only at Levitz. ,tlKI .. 1 t 1 17 ~- 7 ' • ' ' I -' • • DAILY PILOT • . It's go-go-gO-go time! Whether it's by car, trailer, plane, or boat you'll need .cloth~s, footwear,. sporting gQOds, cameras, tires, auto accessories and all the necessities -for a -fun . -filled vacation. If you plan to relax at home-perk up 'y(>'ur -· potio with new furniture and barbeque equipment. J You'ie lucky! . Y ou'IJ° find ' every item for . •· heppy-trip inside this 1peci•I .-:. · Vecetion -Trevel section • • \ .. . ' t i • I f r r .. I ... • I DAILY PILOT Thursday, Jul'lt 25, 1970 Wid e ... World Beckons 1970 Vacationers • ; ' • I ' • ,' • • I , • bruises Offer " Girts Vacation ·of Ro.mante . ,. . . 1' bil "'1ul .i·a "'*tlon • C<pied flq lo ,.i; ID .lie Is ,,. ti1lidl' • Pi ... al prlecl ~ lhi!u8lt alalll Ille /wllJ (~; ii atllome _..,.l!it _m Hawaii Aloha Beckoris Tottr Package Boasts Detail-free Trip • bef~ to learn dae ~ i. your Cabin +r rtlel'Vt & your lillJacuhl:.,,!Joot drill. the lriendt. • ._" -h . " dlinc... .. ~ ~ 1-p, .. ....,. lalo a 1 %. ""'.<• aa'I!. ,i.r first romance). ' JEW. frilllndl• al 1he '8ct: tail On< Wllf la loo ..... ol ml isaiJillg «aJ. After JOU '"" meeting -~ Is Ill llign 1S1iatll.t Ill 1""' -ine, up for • crullf:. o.iS& with 'ht -Jae ~gers passengers -.rt .-t • total atanding oo eMller skit ti. you, strangers and <*n 4Wld !UP Mw aatlral &o...ad~ ao 0. as more than Chlistmas en trrrar for ~ 1-. U~· • of the olflcen and 'l'bil their table (or JGU• arouP in the ~,;, YooW ""1Y•1"1 bar·! ...... (the fatter wiU ' int 'I ' with them all••• bavt mlllic llld fll!Cing), To the !Ocelvill lbie bi'eaka .,,_ so to.a perty, &i•t • p&rtj'. S. Do silJl-thiJwl you 7, S!in up for 1ctJviU15 lo· wooldn'I "° •t home. Play the point of "'hauaum· deck the ....t-blnlt game the flrsl aports, dtncU. claaa, tht hat dll)' at ... and If'. to lhe '°'""'' the llillp'• ....,, (ll litll-nighl;eul g~ ls lmiiollible IOI to be«>me party afler d-. jll' which ' frl11"15' w!Jen Joo !halt the some "'f fri~ llmts Ire • same. lhtet music to learn played. . • , 1 new lta'le). . 9. Go Ill Early ..,.,., Coffee Oii deck at aeven a.m·. You -Ji'.lle onljo 1irl there. 'IL Than .,. llllllY piaoes about b *ii> Where you can meet .,..., ne D\ltter how shy ~ m.Q' be. -I.be library, the 1"rllllll ,.... ~the salon wben! you rMj find irr formati.,,. ,1 ..... s be.tore · poi't, organ CQICerts and friends. l"th!r· · , , 't . : Secrets or _. I n "3. '"1 oolle .,.... fol <#n · meeting yeur fello• Ilk toe&• &'allrap 60. ~ers, ._ in attaining llowe9er.) te lit -..:off ... 's instant popul-allioai;d sbip, table. ca~ lfe fisdnaling >r.e revealoll httt ~ a "ii<>• end ~olle!J find.._ ;pokesman ~ h '"'-l!fes ... ""* (llild ·moot Pacific Pasewerc.f~,' . aely,. moit -~) at. dllir .vhose Meabei's iaclu•e tales.\ .... 'merican '"9llerl l.Jns, 4. Go.~•~ lie ",.C.,.,.;~~i "itsu-OSK, Orion! _, the i-fles lllvm lly ta _. " l.ine and P .. ( N•rt• taill, .,.aa ... fris.flnt '9'11' NOT A PONTIAC -Looking somewhat like the !ltt(\'P'p~" Hemingway after,. 6. Give a cockl.IU part~ ear-· I . Ask the n e._ a re 1 t ly in ~ trip. Serve ·drin.IJ!. JtnUIDIOO to help you into church servica , . A ship is thl pir:fect settin~ for the start of a friendship. Tbe rtst is llP to· you. • LA to M~ntego Bay ~- Jamaica Group Fare Plan OK'd i\merica) Inc. , ~ is ... Uy • eemd· a 4 ,~rn1Je land and water odyssey in old Mexico, ~ntiac dealer Bob Longpre 1. Rememblr !llat CJn b>anl niflt-OUJ.~ ••-in leans _against 22-foot sailor, Peg's Pot, which the I.:ongpres trailed from New- ;h.ip it's lM friladliJ .t ac-lallnge. " port Beach to Mazatlan on their Vanson El Rey trailer. Both boat and trailer performed "excellently" on the vacation, first one Longpre has had in many years, he reported. Delta Air Lines has rei:eived approval from the C i v i I Aeronautics Board to offei-a new Group lnclilsiVe Tour fare -rl- for li person& or more lrtvel· days and no -et" than 21 in& topther on flights f~ days af\el' date ol origin2l . California to Montego Biiy, departure-~ ~ Jt~lia. ' AppiicebWty d1)e. are May' ' '' Soni'~,.,.;f-·rw.t~-a'ftlnd ,,_(~ ~9-hM.">lttt.twes tnMmost ad'llncm:I ·~=':~find around today. Cruc ial 1wuther • """'ic a(ld news, fh...-7F-82W pulls thlQ ~ • INc:k-1 •:Jinger.\This fine radio has supre~11MJtt¥.-~wity andJ'impressive~.6 watts ,ot1ootp t~*'*liWllf ,_.,sound.tit features a full 4", ,spm~r; '4F& tllll11Ch'1~"'/oc~ Hf'. FM . stations, a .large slide rule1..di·Jo~t ·s*t1ons with p1npo1nt accuracy and a diaf li_ltrt \1Qiof1 .. lf ._. Excitina-toolc:ing too in'.>!uMuriously soft s1mu'"9cl •liiiillwr.wlth smart chrome accents., marine gray in col0t~~ with batteties, ~ and.AC cord. Come on.in~tor •_lfnd'n.sea demonsfration.r"" -..;. SO-• '. --J.11.1.' ' @DAVIS P.Rl°1\.\/N T•l.•Vl910N•APPl.IANOl!S 411 E'. 17th St., Costa Mesa Dolly 9-6; Monday and F ri~•Y -~· r 646-1684 ' t Air Used Canada Europe Crowded . . Less Air Canada's "!J-lteway Jet Checked ~a g gage of Servia!:" provtd.ing Southern passengers making onward in- . Californians wilh tr8t\S•Atlan..-ternational connections is not tic ooe carrier scheduling via subject to inspection by Cana• dian customs. Baggage of • the Jess-congetled Toronto or pas~ers bound for · Los Monlreal t n tern a ti on a I Angeles is cleared by U.S. airports has been ·expanded custOms prior f.o westbound to handle 1 20 percent an-departure from Canada. Im· Flights Airports lounge ju.st prior to takH>ff. Air Canada's team o C ground hostesses-escort in- ternational • pa ssengers through any necessary govern- ment formalities and assist ,their needs in the departure lounge. Both terminals feature duty free shops for in· ternational passengers with a wide variety of products and services. Piieed at tm per person IS.June 30 and 5e.pt. 15-Dee. L~1"e Offer's from. Los Angeles and 12•2 · 8. Writteo ll'Pli<atioll coverins " " from the San Francisco· Bay the travel must be aubmiUeci l Arca, the aroup plan requires to Delta at least 30 days piror N ortn Crttise • minimum QI 110 per pe'""' lo the •1• 1rave1 is 1c ~ expenditure on ground 1 ar-originate . This summer will mark Uie rangementa involved in the The new fare affords sav· first time California residents -inclL11ive tour. This would in-inp of $62 per person over can book one-way passage to elude such Items 11 tkttels, the previous e 1 i at in g in- Canada and the p a c i f i c tours, and motor t'08Ch trips. dlvidual excursidn fares, l.<>f Northwest on a Matson liner. The group must remain at ' Angelet-San Ptancisco tc Mat.son now )las ~vailab\e ~-i;;;ts;;;d;;;e;;;st;;;in;;;il;;;ion;;;;;;;;;'t;;;;;;ie;;;as;;;t;;;aev;;;;;;e;;;niiiiJiiamiiii&Jii·ciia._ii. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij two, three and four-day 11 cruises to the northwest dur- ing its June sailings to Alaska. Vacationers can board Matson's SS Mariposa and SS Monterey in Los Angeles or San Francisco and take a leisurely short cruise I o British Columbia, debarking at eigther Vancouver or Vic- toria. t. ~ led · I t 11. migration clear~ of Los 1\;1pa mcrease n ra IC Angeles-bound travelers 11 this year, a1:ccording to David carried out in the depai'ture Young, dilltrii:t sales manager, li'"-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;i~' --------------------=. Los Angeles, Twice ~aily OC-1 flights from Los Angeles to the Eastern Canada g. a t e w a y s connei:t with nighUy sdiedules to London, Fra11kfurt, Paris, Zurich and Vienna. Frequent connections are offered to Shannon, Prestwick-Glasgow., Copenhagen, Prague, Brussels and Moscow. Young said these serviei!: patterns bring such key cities of Continental Europe and the U.K. approximately two hun- dre&-miles closer than flight connedioos via· other North American gateways. "Traffic control procedures, generally· Jine , we11~er con: diUons, uncrowded runways and skyways, and un- , cornpli~ customs and im· migrations formalities are in- herent features at both Toron- to -and Moiltreal, '' You n g added~ Only Ono Final stocks ln an honie editions. That's a big deal? It ts In Orange ·county. Tile OAILV PILOT Is tile only dally newsp~per that dellv· era tht package. Now thru SUNDAY JUNE 28th COMPLETE CAMERA DEPT. NEW THINKING FROM BELL & HOWE L ,,,._ SLIDE CUBE'" PROJECTOR ' • itrtllltilury .,,, ,. ... ,1 in tolor-•lid• 1roj#ti«I ,., •lid• •t.nf• Pontiac Headquarters for South Coa st Ponti1c Owner1 The JIM 'NABORS HOUR "TOMORROW NEVER COMES" • Bell & Howell's nefl "slide Cube Projector combines modem styling with Innovative des ign! Compact Slide Cube keeps slides in exact order. Stores 640 slides in'the same space as One bulky round tray , •• at a fraction of the cost. TM! SllO'I CUK -comPKt. du1t-Df'l»f. holds 40 C8l'dtlcerd-mounted 1H0111 '9edf for lnst.nt "-'"" 1NCLUDES: Tomorrow Never Coml's, Games Peo· 111£' Play, Jean, I Can't Help It. You ~1ust Have }"aith, You'll Never Walk Alone, A Day ln The Life of a Fool. I Really Don't Want to I<no"" Jt's r.·ty Life, Take My Hand Precious Lord. San Francisco. Reg. $4.98 SALE $2 88 ANDY WILLIAMS "RAI NDROPS KEEP FAL~IN' ON MY HEAD" INCLUDES: Rllindrops Kl'.'ep Fallin' On My Head, Long Timf' Blu~. It'!! Over. $\\'Mt l\1emories, Bridge 0vl'r Troubled 'Valer, Medley : Little Bo.}!, If Wi5hes Were Horses, Today l\1cdlf'Y. R~ason To Believe, Simple Thing As Love, Boih Sides Now. Reg. $4.98 SALE $288 SPEGALL Y PRICED LATEST RI LEASE $7'8 BOB DYLAN l'O~~ij.IT 2 Record Stt Reg. $9.98 BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS Reg. $4.98 ·$288 SANTANA Reg. $4.98 $288 STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Stt. 9:30 to 9:30; Sun. 10:00 to 6:00 HUNTINGTON BEACH J ' GRANT PLAZA-BftOOKHURST & ADAMS t other features include a long life t---r.=--quartz-haloe:en lamp, slide recall, lens elevation, and easy acce ss to slide changing mechanism. Some models include . AUTOMATIC FO-CUSING. - SU 1f DlMONSTllATlO TODAYI Model 981 Q Also Av•il•blo S•mo As Above. With Autom•lic Focus. Lis i Price $159 .50.· SALE $12468 SAYE ON PASf , .UAUTY . PHOTO lllNISHIM• e ijecll '• wtitte e C•r .... e Llllllftttry ,r1 ... '" 2" ·"· .... -.,,_ ..... HOUIS, Moo .......... 9'11 ,. f,11-.N. tftlt ..... .:__ Brookburst & Adams • Hunt Beacll I /, \ ,, • .· • ' • • ' .• . ' • . . ' • ,, • ' • ' • . ' •. , , • . 81 fi1 g1 m N• r.: ~-= #-f< ';/_, ~ ' ~ if * J >.;,~· 4 ·:v_: "'" t i ___ ;::. t ~;,; ><'--< -;> ~;' l it Ji, "' ~ , i f ';; -i< t e , "" • ; ... I ~ \ • • • ...t . . ,.....,, ,,.,,. 25, 1'170 DAILY PILOT J 9 Things Do, Places lll to . to Go • 1970 • • ' , • • • . • • .. • • • • , -. ' , , , •. . DAILY PILOT I ... l"llet8 • •• BUTTERFIELD COUNTRY~ These very hills, through which the lamed Butler· field stagecoaches once careened, are now part of Southern Catifornia's..fastest growing recreational vehicle resort. It's part of the Rancho California t1evelop- ment, near Temecula, in San Diego County. And it's called Butterlield Cou ntry. Note in photo the several different campsite areas visible at right, upper central part of photo and in for-e-ground -all at different I e v e I s and surrounded by 11green belts" filled with live oak trees and other shade-making vegetation. CAllPlll REITALS* "Tr.I.al niarrla&e'' effer: BEFORE YOU MARRY THE CAMP!! REH! IT FOR A W!IK OR wt!K·END AC..,.... Yacatiot1 i~ You,. Holl4ay Ca111pers featuri"' CIMvroNt Cu1toftll COMper Pict-Ups NAFrONAL (Alt ltlNJA( Operated by conso1;<1a1ed Leasing C0tp. -- 1111t~ 11 .. ...._. --------SPECIAL! The New • . ' ., ··-' SADDLE SOARING -Here's a "bike" jockey's view of one of many dirt trails on which motorcycles and mirtl·bikes can vroom-vroom over the hills of Butterfield Countcy. The noisy little twcrwbeelers are banned, of course, in campsite areas such as the Arroyo Seco area seen down the hill in this view. It offers 200 sites, each wjth water, electricity and sewer hookups, and is newest area in Butted'ield to be developed. Start sewing up I savings now! · Sew the jumpsuit at right in size 2 for just $3.20. Make two 1or what one could cost to buy! It's easy with a Stylist machine. Use Simplicity pattern 8521 and machine-washable Singer Country Cloth of 50% Avril, 50% cotton, 45"wide, $1.98yd. At most Singer Centers now. · • COSTA MISA ~ •n.i.1 "' s ... 1i.-• .,.1•n COllA MISA ltM .,.,.., ''"'· JU ,_119J Htl'tlor CMtff HUNTIN fiTON l lACH 1.'lflttlr "' t11(h .,,., .... IANlA ANA -•ARHN •ROYI "" Cll.tlHlllll JIMtlt ' hvlfl CNH (91tu MllfllllltlH ltHll Ct"llf Kl .. "41 • JIJ W. 1111 SI, Ot'"9t ~ ..... ' ' •••••••••••••••••••••• Ret1·acing Pioneer Trrails • • Trips R_~call ~istory This sunuiier, will you pan the Old South. Young and old of the dqer signs of IUD\mer fQr' gok!_ at Sutler's Mill. ride alike will enjoy the antebellum colds. Most cold remedies use rnuleback along the Santa Fe splendor which is preserved aotihiUminH to try to tame • trail, watch the Battle ol. ln p I a n ta t I o 11 s , fine aniffles and other symptoma. • Atlanta erupt around you, or restaurants, museums and the However, antihlJtamines often • <ide one ol the last sl>arn-tradillon \If s ou I her n brine "" drowsy aklwffecta • ASK FOR YOUR hospltal"y. which can slow reactions M · ships down to old historic n • Steamtown, Vermont? The Wild West seems a little the wheel or brake your en-HONEYMOON • • • The list of interesting, bit wilder as one surveys the thusium for the hjstorical • unusual vacations is endless last ruins of such historic bat· lessoos in our surrounaings. • OESJINATJON • for to d ay 's. free-wheeling ties as the Alamo. Custer's Jf your vacation trail takes e • motor.. family which hils Last Stand, and Ille final you to lhe Pacific N_orthwes~ • BROCHURE • the camping traii. From resting place of rriany a you11l find unrivalled natural • Rocky Mountains to rolling desperado, Boot Hill i>n beauty along the picturesque • • ·hills, Great Lakes to vast -Tombstone, Arizona. coastline and 1n the camping • Ch,rge Your Tr1.,.a deserts, milli00$ of Americ~ Even iq this speed~ious and park network that • , At Roblnton'1 Upper Floor • are expected to JOin camping age, motoring continues to be features geysers, waterfaJls. • . ... FASHION ISLAND • caravans this summer. one ot the most popular means volcanoes. mountains a n d • SINCE 1888 • Many families with school-or vacaUon travel. It offers waterways. NEWPORT BEACH, 92660 • age children are using their fun at modest budget, the Family fun will be enhanced \ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • vacations as travellng courses freedom to pause to enjoy If the chHdren study up on in American history as they scenic pleasures without stick· the events and significance ofl;=====================o; retrace pioneer trails. Choos-ing to a rigid timetable, the major sites on your Ing a theme, they cover all privacy and a mobility which itine!')' before the w a~ o n s the related sites within a con· can take in spur-0!'..th"e.mo-roll so that you can dtsCUss vmient geographical area. ment side trips. · them· during. your visit. It's _ For Top Sports Coverage Read the DAILY PILOT In the East, an interest in Good health ud good family a s u re! 1 re way . for I the American Revolution may Jun go hand-in-hand on these demonstrating that history . take the mobile family from ~h~i~gh~w~a~y~ho~li~da~y~s~.~so~be~w~a~re~~c~an~be~fun"'.':_· __ ,----~~=================== Independence SQuare.1• Philadelphia t h r o u R. h bat. tlefields and meeting halls in New York, Massachusetts and Vennont. Moonlight and magnolias, hush-puppies and catfish are still a way of life throughout Ea ch Year Reall y Full Of Vaca tions The realiza~ion that one. third of lhe year's days are holidays is astonishing. And it's !act, not fiction. llK days are accounted for w i t h Saturdays and Sundays . Another eight for the national holidays and then ten more for the 'two-weeks' vacation·, a total o( U2 days thus Jar. Now a proposal is b·e i n g considered to have four na- tional holidays fa ll on Monday, as does Labor Day, providing for five three-day. week-ends each year, in addition to the often e:1tended time-off at Christmas, New Year and Easter. -,, Reserve your personal trial run adventure cruise in a Condor Coac·h Los Ange ... Area Condor Cotch Siles (213) 443-1681 El CaJon, Calif. Hate's Enterprises {7141 442-0211 Oakland, C1Hf. l .A.W. l eaalng (415) 639-4801 Once yo1.L1ttp lneide and take the captain's tour, then take tfle helm, you'll understand why the Condor Is called The Yacht Tflat'a Not A Boat. And why It can make the entire ·conti• nent your private domain. This Is the ultimate in motor homes. It has all the luxury conveniences and comfort you might Imagine, plus a few pleasant t urprises. Write for information.or call your Condor Coach Dealer and reserve your personal Trial Ruo Adventure Crul,,e. He will welcome you aboard. r--------------------~ I CONDOR COACH CORP. ™ I 11262 E. Rush Street, Dept 011 I Sou1h El Monte, caui. 81733 I o\Pl1• .. Hnd -lrH color brocl'lu1•, I "Tiie C1j)t1ln'1 Tou,.' 181 I 0 Pl1u1 Miid 11111 d1t1 ll1 on C1'11tHu A1"°'n I . I N•~ I Addrlq I . 1 cur si.11 Zip ------~-------------- FREE CAMPER . SHOW F.REE GIFT w /purchase -4 BIG DAYS '70 Angeles 8Yz' '70 Harvest 10~ 8' King of th~ Road . Cab over camper. Sleeps 8, 4 burner stove, pressure WB· Wr, sc:reen--door. Ser. No . 2321. RETAIL $1995 SALE $1495 PllCE Cab over camper. Sleepg 8, reefer, '4 burner stove, front kitchen, toilet-room, lite. lime warranty, Ser. No. 2221. RETAIL $2195 SALi $1695 PRICE · Full cab over. Slove le 75 lb. tee box,-weighs 800 lbs. (#5314). RETAIL $1295 SALi $995 PltlCE -JUNE 26, 27,· 28, & 2f Angelus 9Yz' Full 54" cab over. Sleeps 6 . 4 bUmer Stove. (#1991), RETAIL $1n5 SALi $1595 PllCI 11~ FOOT Se I r contained cab over "Harvest'· camper, shower, aqua magic toilet with wa .. ·ter saver &: shower, hold .. Ing tank, sleeps 6, In nat .. ural wood, domestic gas/ elect. refrigerator, lifetime warrantv, gold trim. RETAIL $3195 SALl$2795 PllCI · GMC CAMPER TRUCK -CAMPER .COMBOS FULLY EQUIPPED . . '70 GMC 1500 '70 GMC ~ '70 GMC s.ir ~"~.!~~! , . ., '70 GMC HUGE SAVINGS "Harvest" camper, Big V..S, 4 speed auto-W-D Super Custom shower, aqua magic %. Ton 4 speed, heavy Long wheel base pick· mallc, dual mirrors. Pickup. "Sierra Gran· toilet, holding tank, duty, camper ~uip­ up. V.S, radio, heater gauge11. G-78 wide base custom cab, Alpine de," auto., 350 V-8, sleeps 6, In natural white with black nylon steering, brakes, air wood, gold trim. ped. 350 V-8 750x16 Interior, powe r .stee1lrh· "'r·o""d1.• ll!'kwl"'•' h'"ut.ak', Mounted on big GMC sp.lft rims. With new 8 tires. Bright yelJow &: black ,deluxe intc!rlor. Serial No. 51671 . Ing, tinted glass, w • ...... heavy duty % ton HD springs & shocks, H.O. springs tr shocks, "Long Horn" Pickup foot King of the Road 750x16 81 pbl,r splibt rims 5hl<lh000xw~:l~j~.,o~n&:w::fer 350 V-S. steering, wide cab over camper. to hand e tg ca over 1 base 950x16 8 ply sup· cnmpcr. Ser. No. 684· b&!c w ee s. Ser. No. er tir~ all camper Sleeps 6. Stove tr lee 497. 6.1545. equipped. Seilal 2186. box. , RETAIL $3397.64 RETAIL $3916.50 RETAIL $5162.40 ~~m~.~m• away from RETAIL $4197 i SALi $2795 SALi $3395 IALI $5250 RET$l5L $9 1 396-9045 IALI $4150 I NICI PRICE NICI SALi NICI i0l0SM.0Bll£ MOTOR HOMES -WALK THRU ~~MPER MOUNTS They Can It It's a '71 GMC MIU '71 GMC Dyna "llAYOr' "HOLIDAY" ,_ 11-Yan Coach It'1 got front disc Mllllfl n11rg b...... !onion hon, ff• SNW P-EW slllblllz.en, 375 or 400 Dodge chusls. VS en· lltll HP engjne goet JOO glne. Power brakes le miles per hour. Heavy sterring. Automatic duty OldsmobUe Toro-trans., comb. gm/elect. nftd<> powertraln. No refrigerator, 4 burntt bulky drive shaft. Com· atove w/ovtn, wall to plete"wlth toilet. 1hoW· wall carpet, TV, ra- er, double sink, view dlo, 8 track stereo. aven A: range. !5.5 cu. Butane wall heater, 2 ft. refrigerator. See air cond., 400 watt gen· one t en.tor. Brand new, sleeps 6 . fold out btds, 4 bum. fr stove le range, slid- ing 1lau windows, tol· let, V-8 eng., automa· tic trans., many ex- h-a~ I Not on market, built locally in Orange County a new fiber-1 glau motor home. 6 alttper, 4 burner range w/oven, pressure wa- ter system. vinyl Cf:ll· Ina, lifetime warranty. ANGELUS. 14' Chassis mounted camper ('70 'GMC 1 ton) walk thru option· al 4 or 6 sleeper al no sddiUonal cost, com· pletely equipped life. lime warranty. .. ------------------~ J .. , -· If DAILY PILOT Tll•....,, Junt 25, 1'170 ' MAKE Your VACATION _.PLANS NOW FUTURE 'FAITHFUL'? -This oiie may never be as big or famous as its cou- sin, "Old Faithful," but this multiple,geyser is also one of ~the natural .wonders oi Yellowstone Na'tional Park: Yellowstone, the Grand Tetons and JacksOn Hole countrY of Wyoiriing.811 can be included in a "pack·age" trip via_ family .. Car or c·amper and are within range of a slow-paced tw~week vacation originating along the .orange Coast. · • -. LAND OF ZION~ Looking like•a giant cil1an!nlln loal,-tbis ridge ol red sand· stone is typical of vast and colorful landmar~15 to be seen in panoramic views of. the Utah desert near Zion National Part. It's on1y Baother hour or ·so worth of driving beyond Las Vegas for Orange Coast area vaCatio~rs. LONG'S TRAILER -. . SUPPLY Saw Useful To Campers Early-season c a IT! p e r s , recreat ion -property owners and other outdoortmen often have a single problem in com- ,mon : cleaning up Nature's "litter" following w J n t er storms and spring floods. South Seas Ship Going To Hawaii Malson L1nia anDounced it bas reacheduled Ila 211,000-ton • Sou&h Seas cruise ship ,55 Monterey to provide service to .Haw.aii in place of the SS Lurline, . The move is subject to M'aiitune Admiililtratioil aJ> proval, -and comes followin• the company's sale ot tht J8.: year-old Lurline ~ the Greek- owned Qiandrls Lines. · -The 1ururioU. · MOnierey, with accommodatlons for -& all first-<! ... posseqers, will make 20, 15, JO and 5-day crubel to the Islands, and wW be carrying many of the pusengen thil summer who fOnneriy were booked on the Lurline. Matson also announced it ' ' . ~ We've Got 'Em AA, Chovrolet -V2 'rans -~ Tons-Vons -El Caminos -AD Aro Roady For Delivery AMI Just W1itin9 For You And Your Vacation Trovok. . /· • -' r BRAND NEW 1970 4 WHEEL 'DRIVE , llAND NEW .1970 .CHEVY PICKUP l/4 TON PICKUP • . 8 FOOT aox· "• (o.d1d widt •«iulplil ... t ~ • , · • VI, 6~•t••• with. 61m•Top C1mp1r Dl=~NTID seoo· $2895 -PULL' STICKll 0 · , -PllCI CONNELL CH.EVRO _LET · 2828 Harbor B.lvd. COSTA MESA 546-1200 . .l p1aQ1 to rechristen th e i.footerey SS Lurline v . It would make the fifth vessel ~ bear the famous name:[L~~~~~._ ............................................ ~~~~--~..r under' the Mallon flag, and would perpetuate an 83-year- old company travel tradition providing service between the West Coast and Hawaii. It's Hebit.formin9 Don't get weary_ Rtad Lury, Bill ltary's ont-h!'f comments on Ult wortd around us F' !;e habil-fotmlnt. t:lwc:k t.od•fs Graffiti by Lt.,. 1970 TRAYELALL ®-THE WAGON THAT OUT-TOWS THEM ALLI Models equipped ior hauling up to 5-ton trailer load. With 25% more inside room, the travel- all rides 9, sleeps· 3. Power ·choices from 145 hp economy six to 235 hp V-8 with optional automatic drive or 4-wheel drive. 4-speed or 5-speedtransmissions available. Wood·-- grain side panels are also optional. • llli.lltletl 11..,idld ftr t•t purpo1n only, "For Au Your Trailer And Camper N_..ds" HITCHES SOLD AND INSTALUD Many outdoorsmen have learned that automauon is the . answer, in the· form of a lightweight dlain saw. EAZ • LIFT & VALLEY ALL TYPES OF TRAILER REPAIRS 34125 COAST HIGHWAY DANA POINT 496-5886 Hours o f back-straining, hand-blistering work can be the result when an up-rooted tree is enC<lun~red along a trail or back coontry road. With a lightweight saw such I~::;;::~~ as McCulloch's Power-Mac, the deadfall can be cut into manageable 1 e c t 1 o n s in minutes. l--= GREAT OUTDOORS TIMEI ~/cif;tpar•#tl · Beauty Salons ' , .. , ..... ,. -"-·~··~''"""'".l"'"'·"·''O "'.,"Jffl'•"" .,,., . .,, . .,., .. ~ .......... .,. ................... ~r ~ __ .... , OUR YOUNG-LOOKING WAVES ... ' Our colorisl lifhttns your hair-thin just riftMI in Roux's m1rvelous Fanci-full: colorinc. conditioner, wav•aet, all in one. lns11ntly, without peroxide1 your liahttned h1 ir t1ke1 on a d1lic1l1tone-Co1d, blip, Champaane , wh at you will! And Fanci·full shampoos out, so you c1n r.fresh the I { ' • PIW Ill•"'"' ...... color whenever you wish. (Othtr F1ncl·full colors to cOYll' 1r1y -come Ht!) ,C.te M ... , Cmlif. 111 ~ 11 11 111 ... Mfy,,: ~ 11·•r l'lltr.1 Ht"617 ---....... n• ,......, , Iii J.-c11t pm111 ....... "*" Vtctw c..... _,.._.,, ,_ ....... ~ ----,.. w, ,,.. ltrMI :=:.Ll.'"' . -·-.c.11•. "" l•llltfr at i'tcM ·--"""' u, .... 1970 INTERNATIONAL CAMPER PICKUP® Specially equipped for slide-in inserts up to IOVz feet or chassis-mounted bodies up to 14 feet-with your choice of 3· or 6-passenger cabs, power from 145 hp six to 235 hp V-8-and optional air:conditioning, automatic drive, 5-speed with overdrive or four· wheel·drive !hat makes even roads optional! ,. •''i ..... fie rffKri .. -011 _, welikle 11 stcld- .Wle l""""°fy l•ts. SAVI UP TO SI ,000 ,-Here are the vehicles· for the people who want to be "far out"-in the wilderness, that is-trans- portation with all the truck ruggedness and power no passenger-car type vehicle can give you-end without any sacrifice of com- -fort,good looks or luxury options;eitnen-·· POWERFUL 1970 SCOUT® Whether you'4 1ust going or towing, the Scout gives you the traction you need for action! Engines from a tough ·lugging 111 hp four or 145 hp six up to a surging 193 hp .V·B. And with optional four-wheel drive, the Scout goes places that would make a horse .think twice . It'~. the "sports car" for all sports! Your cho1c2'of rG~dster, cab top, steel travel top or fabric top. fMtoltlc red11ctlou 011 ony wetllcl• 111 •tock M lle '"""'°" letl. ~---SAVIUPT0$1, ... KUSTOM MOTORS i :.:~ ~ " ICUSTOM MOTottS • 845 IAKER ST. COSTA MESA 540.5915 I BLOCK WEST OP BRISTOL-NEXT TO 4MOST LIQUORS Heritor Area's Only Exclus ittt Authori1ed lnttrn1tion1I Truck D11ltr ' ' l4S lok•~ I VI El ANC M H Did mlllio out in Of doe>n to Dlf lens • to sle aroun But camp days, comf< and : the e: Th e consic a rec1 the r famil; ca mp Ace ProdL eom, are t or f l good purch Th es£ size and i: cost. / Car large sleep Depe1 ' ' -------------~----------~·-~-..--.--.,..-·-·-,....----..-_...... _,_, > • _....,..._,~•w•••• ••.,. · ..... -~•• • •1 •o •• .. ----, • ' , Thundly, Juot 25, 1'170 DAILY PU.OT l .Z Vacation 6 1970 Promises_ tO Be Most Exciting Yet . -=--- CONDOR IS ACTUALLY~ HPME AW{'Y FR.OM HOt,\E Condor: Yachting On Wheels They call the Condor "the Yacht That's ~ a Boat." No wonder. One look at the luxurious interior and the modern features makes it clear that this is the ultimate in self-contained motor homes.' And even though the Condor ·i.s 27 feet long, 8 feet wide, and over 10 feet high -it is practically as easy to drive as a passenger car. 1lle 300 cubic inch Ford V-8 engine, power steering, and automatic transmiSSioo give. drivers - men {Ind women alike -the same driving "feel" they are al.rudy accustomed to. The Condor crulses easily at legal highway speeds. The Condor's I u x u r y VIEW OF CONDOR COACH "CAPTAIN'S CHAIR" AND PART OF ·LUXURY FORWARD INTERIOR. featuns include: completely seU,contained-AC-and-DC electrical power s y s t e m s : thennoslatically controlled heating and air conditioning; sleeping quarters for eight . people, Including beds with queen-size length;' a complete galley with big refrigf:ralor and gas range and e~level window oven; a dinette nook; a bathroom complete with shower; huge fresh water and holdlni tank capacity; a built- in stereo music system; a fully instrumented cockpit ~ eluding captain's chair, map table, and navigator•s-thalr; beautifully lighted and ap- pointed interior decor complete with wall-to-wall carpetin1; and more storage space than any other motor home. Modern-day Cawpers Hardly 'Roughing It ' Did you know that oyer two million people will be campi ng <lUt in the U.S. this summer ? Of course, "camping our• doesn"t mean what it used to mean. Sure, there are still tens or thousands who prefer to sleep under stars and cook around a campfire. But increasing numbers are camping out in ilyle these days, with aJI the creature comforts of the best hotels and motels, minus a lot -of the expense. There arc some facts to consider i£ you're thinking of a recreational vehicle -that's the ne\Y name# for the old family trailer or a truck camper or whatever. According to t11e Decorative Products Division of the 3M Company, whose _vinyl veneers are used in numerous types of recreational vehicles, a good way to start is by purchasing a camping trailer. T·hese can be pulled by any size or type motor vehicle and are comparatively low in cost. / Camping trailers open into large tent-top structures that sleep four to eight people.' Depending on cost, they may include cookihg facilties (some 'models feat u re "pull-00t" kitchens), attachable screened· rooms, and devices t h a l . automatically open the tent. After two or three year's use, a family may decide tG invest in a more elaborate vehicle and will usually select a travel trailer or a motor home. Most or these vehicles are "self-cootained," allowing a family to live for extended periods without access to ex- ternal ... ·electricity-and·· -plwn- bing. They a l s o feature handsomely coordinated in- terior furnishings for a true "vacation home on wheels." Many manufacturers offer For more infonnation and the name and location ot the nearest Condor Coach Dealer write or call Condor Coach Corp., 11262 E. Rush St., D:ept. 0/2, South El Monte, Calif. 91733. Boat Safety Review Good Before Trip fi_ne cabinetr)'. cover":' with As the captain and crew vmyl vene~r . in a variety of . prepare the family launch for hardwood f1n1shes. another Summer on the water . In . addition to giving the it's a good idea to revieia: mte.r1or a custom J':'°k~ such boating salety rules. cabinetry offers stain-and-Countless boaters jeopardize scratch resistance as· well as their lives·-every year by easy cleaninc. carfJess s t o r a g e and "Rec" vehicle kitchens offer transportation.of motor fuel . all the facilities you'd find Boat owners frequently in you r own home including make the mistake of ltoring. a compact refrigerator, and gasoline in glass or plastic s tove an d oven for cooking containers. Unfortunately, one your favorite gourmet dish, can break and lhe other can when you tire of hamburaers burst into flames under a hot and hot dop. sun. PRE·YAC~TION CAMPER SPECIAL I I !NOW IS THE TIMIJ 1970 FORD F-100 ~ TON PICKUP Side style. Amp and oil aauge, beavy duty springs. SIX-PAC • B·FOOT FRONT & SIDE DINETTE CAMPER · Ovoroll l1ngth: 142" Ovoroll Width: Ovlir•ll Heftht: 76-1/2" Interior Height: C1b-0Vor Ht: 28·1/8" or 25-S/I" Rur Door: Weight: 935 Poun~s 71" 74" 30"x64'' ' . s31·99 FOR NEW TRUCK . plus CAMPER 011a ,_, 0 SAN DIEGO OR GARDEN GROVE FWTS. . ' \ ' Stanfor Professor to ; Be Yosemite s Resident Pain.ter . . . , . . . . . -. . Y 0 SEMITE NATIQNAL PARK -Prof. Da niel Mendelowitz of the Stanford l!niveialty art · department faculty has accepted the in- vitation of Y memite Part a.nd Curry c.,. lo be -artist at Yooemite Valley 'from mid· September to'inld-Novembef. He became emeritus at Stanford this month after teachinc at the university since llM. BUY . IN PAIRS · At Yoeemlte, he plans to do hls own thing and help others do theirs. He will both paint and participate. • ~ tt;e envisions sj>ending. three afternoons j week, and one . evening, at the new gallery- worksbop in Yosemite Valley which is named The Art Place. Painter and art historian, Prof. Mendelowiti will tallr and work with thole who drop 700.13/695-14 2 for '32 77S.14/8!S.14 77S.15/125-15 21or•4o 855-14/11$.14 9Q0.15/91S.15 2 ter'48 •• feel. Ix. Tu from $1.SO"' $3.0 in, wtw.teve:r ·their art in· books.• terests. Arttculate-wilh words ~ are "Children Are and bru&h, he can talk about Artists" (Stanford Preas ); aft, h~· can critique another "History of Amer~an Art" art.ilt's work, he can help l.n (Holt, Rinehart and Winston. aspiriilg painter with· tbe fun-Inc., with a revised edition damentals. thil year); and "Drawing" Author also, ,. Prol. Mep-. (~nother Holt pu,blication iri delowltz has published several . two yolumes -a text and · art boo,ks which are wide1y a 'study guide). · read by the ·general pubUc Prol. Mendelowitz, one <t! and wklely used in schools 1he 1D01t well-known and loved and universilies as art text contemP!)rary painters of the ' 7.11-14/7.15-14 7.71-19 ..... .._ .. 7·10.11/1.11-11 California "tcene, ~ is. known for his fragile and fine pencil drawing!~ or " loWly al}Cl love)y weedr and Q\ber • ~~ elements. . · His ~ll of viewi that ranje from wild wayes on the Big Sur, coast to alhtl treU on the brown foothills ' are In- cluded in top • collections, public and privite, aciOss the coon try. He ~ bad ZI one- man shows. · 7•K• ....... 2 1or s28 2 1°r s34 2 ror s40 ""'ftllLb.Tu Pluthll.b.T• tJ.u .. u.,..-sz.11 .. ua ........ ,..... .. ..,. ........ "' ... '"-Mb.Tu ... , .. 1.11 ..... ,fl.lllllQIMlill na.14/7.71-14 ""''itt" na.u .11-11 . 871-1 JUI.JS ' "• M.h. Tai. .. ,.. S1.5S .. $2.77 .,_,.,.. ~1s11.ss.1s J71·15/l .IS.1$ Pkd r.4. (1, 'JDJ ,., 111• 12.93 .. $3.0I depe11din1 WHITEWAU ONLY $2.95 MORE _ .. _ .. _ RAISED WHIT~ LmERING LOW, WlDE & HAllDSOMI --•11$ • FOREIGN CAR TIREs • WIDE TIRES • WIDEU¥ • mEL REINFORCED• 78 SERIES• 70 SERIES• ~ .. a--~... 'Where tll,ere is more than meets the eYl' ~ .. " •• .,. . AIWEM I CORONA ,. GARDEN GIOVE I HAWAIIAN GARDENS I lftlNTINGTON . BEACH 'J'ile SfCJres· •••~,~' u• w. 6th sr. ~':'Jir!ls~•:tn~ car~~1!1~1o~~~AuQ . ~·:,1:~.?:,m!s1 OS.11111 1U.t0!0 lft..Uts . -At-7571 SANTA ·ANA I HAUOI AT IOI.SA 12'·3700 [(~J .UNIROYAL SANTA ANA 1211 W. WAIND AYL (WAINlll Al ll1$TOL) "°"''" I TUSTIN 1S1L1tt mm (Ill AND "D" $T,) 544-MI! UR YOUR MAJotl cmn CAD I I WISTlllNSTll I Wiil-AT aMI (2 kOCll:S L OI' OOUIDI WIST) lft..1511 COSTA MISA- NIWl!OIT UAOI mWT 11•n. Mt-4111 ' I SAN WMINTE '27 •• ll CAMlllO llAl 4'5-5141 .• • " OPEN 1-1:30 DAILY /1-5 SAT. - f I ) I t \ 12 DAILY PILOT Thursday, Jull! 25, ]q7Q Vacation, I .ravel Tiffie 1970 DINERS FUGAZY 1RT-w-oRK-WKTCHI-N"~G-oN"1RIP'"-----~-.RAVEL_,_ -· _ SPECTACULAR FOR The traveler in Soul h Louisiana's storied Acadiana has an ut'l'suaJ way of absort:r Ing the real fla vo~ of the peop&e jn this lively locale. How? By watching them work! . One ol the beauties of this approach is that it doesn 't cost 1 single extra· dime, and , J especiall y lo family vaca- tklners, that might mean a lot. The hundred or so milei. between Lafay tt e and . ' llouma, connected by U.S. to_, ~xhibit a whole gamut of oc- cupational activities which il- lustrate quite well t h e customs. herlt1ge and personality of these who came to Loulslmla as "displaced persons." Sugar cane, b o l .. persauce, moss arid shrimp are qne of the things by which they earn a living. Et mii& non. , .doo't forget TRAVEL BUG crawfiah, too! The list may stuff. Further evidence is the seem overbalanced by food, magnificent antebellwn· sugar but that's the way it is in plantation homes, still slan- Cajunland. ding jn enigmatic dignity as Speai:ing of food, you have they did more than a ctotury heard of a "crawfillh pie;" ago during Ameri<;a's Golden but did you ever hear or a Age. Some of dlele grand old crawfish farm? WeU. they hornet are open to the public, 'have them in South Louisiana a.. are .sever~ ol the sugar . refmeriet:. and they are tnol5t defmitely In driving . along t h e the coming thing. · · highways of L o u i a i a n a , Crawfilh are µ3ed in some whether it be oo the new of the most famous and super interstates or back ~pleasing f e Ii o n a I roads, longJ.rails of arey moss r9clpea -etourtt, a rich dripping. from giant-live oak vavy of aawfia:b. panley, trees greet the eyes, leodinf onions, black pepper and a a spectral, drtam-inducing tiny pinch of red pepper serv-· mnance to di! legendary land ed over fluffy white Lou.Diana ol EvlnlflJne. TRAVEL VALUE Join Our Ambassador's Cliib International Futuring A Special European Tour De~1.rtin9 Autu•t 29th -Si~or"1tries, 30 Days -$695.~'. . Also Tours to Africa, The Orient, The South P.c:if~~· Around The World, Hawaii and. Mexico Nowpod leach e 2075 S.n Joaquin Hiiia Rd.. • 64-4-46j)O rice coolted to perfedlon; and , Commonly alled "Span~h crawfisb b~ue, a delicious moss," it is surprisingly thick soup spicily &!lloned nejther Spanish nor moa, but and full of.the head-sheU. stuf.: ·is actuaUy a noo-parasitlc fed with 8 dressing. of crawfish member of the plneapplelliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij meat. bread onions, celery and family. At one time moss- peppery ~. ~lso serv~ gathering . was a r air I y over rlet. Boiled (In a special wkiespread commercial ven- brew) crawftsh are in great ture, but the practice and its demand, too. prac:tiUoners have largely fad- .j , .-I r • I ' ! s 1 6 9 5 ....... ~.~ .... · Make a travel IHlfJ out of ,_ YoliswllfJen. luy a Trails West Campster. A light, emy4a halll tnlYel trailer with a king size bed, designed especlally fvr lonely bugs. You can llff a crawfish fann ed away. Moss--gatherera have while you are in the vicinity not e n t i r e I y disappeared, ol St. Martinville, just off U.S. however. You can still find to, to visit the ·Longfellow-them plying sleepy bayous in Evangeline State Park and its their wide-bottomed. boats, Acadi1n House Museum and pulling bankside to life the Acadiarl Craft Shop. In fact, draping ma s 1 e a from if it's the crawfish season, ovemangingJ imbs with long, you could make inquiries at hook-end~d )Wiles. the park as to the whereabouls Experimentally, moss has of a ctawfitti farm -someone been frozen, soaked in turpen- there will no doubt be able tine, boiled, lacquered, coated to give you directions, or can with latex, encased in plaster, find out for you. inked, dyed, pressed and glued One Louisiana town New into paper, rolled and soeked Uberia, is reputedly ~ "hot-in hydrogen perox,ide. None t-., sweetest sakiest" spot of these , seem to affect the 00 earth beca~ of the area's essen tial character if mo.u. production of sugar, salt and NowadafiS. refined moss ia pepperaauce. True enough, 1nostly used . for upholstery Louisiana's annual Sugar Cane and.as a packing materia~ Festival is here· several of One of the rare remaining the world's larg~ salt domes moss gins .is at Labadiev!Ue, are in the area· and several a few miles northeast of popular brands <i peppersauce Morgan City. If you stop In are made here and nearby between 7 and 4 any Monday fnm b:ally grown peppera. through Friday, .you can see That this is deep Southland the processes which ready the HARBOUR V.w.' sugar cane country is un· sturoy fiber for market. mistatably evidenced by the huge trucks on the highways T 1 HUNTINGTON BEACH,' CALl;,;,F!. !!!!!14!2!-44!!!i3!S '!!!!!~~ot~ha~rv~est~t~im~•·~·~·~ch~l!:oa~d~ed 1 ra V oy S 18711 BEACH BL VD. DRASTIC DISCOUNTS ON A LARGE SELECTION OF BRAND NEW PRE -1970 MODEL CAMPERS CHECK OUR SAYINGS BEFORE YOU BUY! We Are Or•119e Countt1'• E..,eful.,e Deafer Ji'er The Ji'a,,ulons 1970 BALBOA POWERED BY FORD = with twenty tons of the 1weet e MOUNTAIN CHALET • BL\CH con AGE e DESERT CABIN · "ROLL" THEM ALL INTO ONE WITH A VACATION PACKAGE FROM THEODORE ROBIN'S CAMPER LAND! Authorized Salos For 12· TOP NAMES In Campen And Motor Homes 40 UNITS IN STOCK ALL READY FOR YOUR PRESENT PICKUP OR A NEW 1970 FORD! ~ .__.!" .. _,,- . ' . --, • -----RENT A VACATION HOME ON WHEELS-----· HA VE THE BEST FAl.(llL Y VACATION EVER, ON A MODEST FAMILY BUDGET l&.M.t.tP.M. .. __ _ IA.M ... & P.M. ..... , , ............. . - j SELF • CONTAINED ELDORADO CAMPERS SLEEP 6 PEOPLE DELUXE MOT9R HOMES UP TO 27 FEET LONG I I A.M.,. t P.M, .. __ _ I A.M.,. I P.M. 11 A.M ... I P.M. - Campers' Sports Car What is turning oul to be: the sports car of the motor home field is a 2&-foot..long, fleet-footed and streamlined job called the Travoy. Powered by a 455-cubic-inch Oldsmobile Toronado engine, the motor borne features front-wheel drive and several other features engineered by its builders, Ramona Motor Coach Co., l'hc., of San Jae~ to, Calif., with the help of Oldsmobile e'rlgineers. University Oldsmobile Is the dealer in the Orange Coast area for the ~leek fiberglass recreational vehicle w h · reportedly has steering and handling characteristics of the Toronado. Test drivers for both Wheels Afield and Trailer Travel, two leading recreational vehicle news publications, both rated the home-on-wheels as m11N>f lhe TilOl!lt stable vehicles of its type they hild ever driven. The motor home ls built much like its sisters, exl'tpt for the Toronado parts and other mechanical specHica- tions. ll does feature an entry door on the left, rear wall which is not found on tn05t motor homes. This is in ad- dition to the more con- ventiona l placement of the other door, just aft of the "copilot's seat" on the right side ol the vehicle. The Travoy offers all the usual sell-contained features -water and holding tanks, LP gas bottles, marine toilet (Monomatic is optional), stove with oVl!n, forced-air furnace, seven-cubic foot refrigerator with separate freezer an<t dou- ble si nk in the "galley" area. It also features among Its options a 4,QOO.watt auxiliary power plant and a roof. mounted 1ir conditioner. Iced Drinks Handy in Tub When t:nterlaining out-of- doorl, an ice-filled galvaruz.ed steel tub makes a great cooler for IOft drinks and beer. It holds a lot more than the 1verage picnic cooler and saves counU~ trips indoon \0 the refrigerator. If yoo. do a lot ol sum- mertime entmaintnc, reserve one tub especially for . tn- tertalnlng and p1int tt or deeorate jt to add a feslive note, Something New Has Been Added · HERBERT L.MILLER, Inc. COMES TO COSTA MESA . l& SOUTH COAST AREA> 1739 SUPERIOR lat 17th & Newport! WE AT HERBERT L. MILLER, INC .. are pleased and proud to an· nounce a second store in Costa Mesa to better serve our many friends and customers in the South Coast Area. THitoUGHOUT OUR 49 YEARS AT THE SAME LOCATION IN ORANGE COUNTY -Our business has put our customers on a personal basis. We are "on location" every day, personally supervising every step of our operation. We own~~d operate our own business -WITH US YOU TRADE WITH JHE MEN WHO OWN THE STORE. WE WOULD LIKE TO EARN YOUR BUSINESS BY INVITING YOU TO VISIT OUR STORE, that we may acquaint you with our personnel, our facilities, and our fine line of quality products. VACATION SPECIAL FEATURING MICHEUNX steel-betted radialtires!1 FORDS-CHEVYS-PLYMOUTHS all makes-all models-all sizes! - -- ..., ___ ..,.,,.__I ••••11J-Micheli11 X lim you KOnomy JOU never thoufht JOU'd Jtl from • tirt! They roll t1S1tr, use ltu tnern. Actually last at lt1sl twice as long as can. Y1nllo111I titts. euf1ty- ~lchelln X sleel·cords give h1ghnt degree of safety 1g1inst punctures-tesl·proven tor hleh-speed safety 11 115 mph. • perfonn11nce- ftllc11tt1n X tires ll'ffer superior cornering, superiOf braking, su. perlor !Utl'l!)ike driving with oo Wlndering on straightaways. • conltnlctlon- Mlchtli11 X steel.cord radill con-struction results in tires tllat grlJ lllrdt.~ trldi surer, 1nd·roJI easier wim minimum scuffing ind distortion. 40,000 MILE GUARANTEE of actual trud wear We Feature AUTO & TRUCK ALIGNMENT-BRAKES FOREIGN Ir DOMESTIC CARS • COSTA MESA 1739 SUPERIOR AYE. -642-3384 HOlll1 MOM. I "1. •I TO t P.M. 1VIL. WID .. THUii .. I TO I P.M. SAT.I TO I P.M. SANTA ANA 209 IUSH STREET -· 547-5685 HOUH: MON. THIU Pll. 7:11 TO IP.MM. . • ' SAT. 7:JO TO J P.M. I r .. • 8 inin life tar1 fun 'He · ;Dr. :evai :'detl '.mig ·edu1 , .1ch1 , wro1 ·)ea\ :een Dr. • nur: i:Rat !par1 • ... be ~: .we~ tt~ . ur . l Tht A· ' I I -------------~~~-~ _,,.-_ .. -~-... --_.. ---.. 1 -----•• •• -, •• -.~~-, ..... ~ ....... ~~-~-~......,..,.,.,.. DAILY PILOT • , • ' / . ' . " \'. ' I • " • ' . . r -.- • • I Junt 1'11 ' . ' . ' . . ~L , ,, . . ),\'~~l(la:f!'f1UN:Gi~eu1\ · ~··2• ..asni a "drq, a 1tnlggle, ~enia-ttireat. we.'11 change hii liiind about reading..:.. maybe even about llfe in genlraL We eofubine three -· . . ' . tare ingredients: -Individual instruction, fun and sitCcell! -· · • ~r ' , . • ... -. • !. The Aeedlng G1mt* copyrlghl 1970, Americ1n Leaming CorporeUon. ~-- • " • . . . . ' ;. • " . • ' . . ., ' . .. • • • • " ,•' r , I , • ~ • • • •o;, ! • ,, • . • • ' ·-1 • -~ • • ¥our ~unnter'a ftl'lt:\lOll~ ~th '1111 Readit11 11 this a "remedial" r••r proiramf · Gutt will be a n rlet bf t11.tUvldual dlarnoatlo teats ~ ~ · that jd!!ntify his reading strengths and. weaknesses~ -No.TlleReadinr,G&Jlle i~ deiii(lled to help cllildien (vocabulary, ..yord sounds, comprehension, reading a,t all levels:of reaAhfl abllitr.' The Chl14 wJ,o baa speed ; etc.)! From these tests, we work out his been makirig normal rNdlU Oto .. ~ve reading prescription and begin individual :-his skills. The child Who I• Mhfevlift1»l0w"11'.14e instruction in each of those reading skills le~el can be. br.oill{_ht t.a Jl'adl ·~1.Jl!lrlormaftet. The . needing improvement. child who has fallen far behlnd _ean lie flven the -opportunity to. ca~h up with hli peera: ' ,... '1 -"'··, \• I \.-'~ •, -, T1 l111~11t, •ilAlltl•li and '1chool phyalclana:-·What pifJtlf Jle 1-.haYe • Jhll•adln98amor .. uirHtl1tt The reading mol1ritlt ... f l (• • · -.that thll prO&'fllll Will work? tlch child-prior to enrollment-'t•me utilized ti\ T~I 11.-lnt 4 rftetve both rdding dlegnoetlt &ame inclu~1 V: It. t fl t th -.L·-•tp h I · ed ... ling·end ••-nlng tor hHriftl, a RL s.111... . ).'~'!lave WO. re ' e......... l'.8 w 0 conce v ' 1l9ht, toclel ond mentol melurlty. Reodm • 1 . " <' ~P.lld and m&nare thll ~ hiV8 diltllled Whll•••"lcuforrNdlngtHltfo• fUmtlrip••olt'r ... : -·~¥· f.ed tht! moat effective ...... _,,,_ .. _ .. teach.in ... each child vary, tht followinl lrt .lorg·W•rntr 1-..u ... • omong thoto u~ed ' S.11 • Howfll ,., , ' 8 t.Vail&b)il todar. Thf>' J1't not fOing to Gote1-Mec Glnll/eRNllin1 Tt1l1 VocebuMrt lo ·~ '"' ment On '10\ir; Child wfth' lny new , D~rf!ll·SullWan DilfltOltic •rid Eltt:tronic Futn11M. Audie -. I 11 ...1 ••• N d , Rm1., c.,..,,, '""' ,,.,,,,.,.,,,,. ,_ l'. . · educatibna thlOna or o they have any vested /ltrtn Di11noslic RNllinr TH!! EducolionJI q,,..,.,,,..., ,,_. " . fn ..... t jn'•nr. c· rtieUlat method Or machine Or Lot,._,...,,,., ... Muni•'"" '°''"' s,,,..,. ""*"l'l" . · · , .~rrr.:.-" ~" . .i lnl<HI ..... Tests Sci1ncoR1~A110"'6'0 · ·t, '-JJjSecOrid, O) d\yIDI the di;&itlOltiC teat, c'""""''·''" of M1n111 M11ur11y, R11d1n, '' '"' " Tiit adlnr Game .makes thll .. -'tten ""'•rantee: ~ 1ndlh1rudin1achit~1meni-T ~Tl ~ ·J.;"•-i •- ttsts usH by Ult lot1I school M1trl# ltHdinf /Aistricls. Skillt11r md . $Ali1t1p11. ' . ' -. • Y!i• lt1adllil l•mt 1uarli~ 141...i .. yeur chfM'I · . ~lnil "•ti air Int 11-.eiill1. 111111• or rttutn all • ~.-,~ ftr ln•llllltltL Ill 1;Hlll•llltt•11e•t-wll1t1 '· trade ltw•I l11111twt111•nt' c•111tt Ill ........... : Th• 11 ... lnl. 111111 wlll .1111t4nt•• l!Jj.,.vinitnt - In •P••lfletl readln1 ahm•. . WeJeel vi ry strongly about the need for · ' · I accountabQity in l!)ducatioil. Therefore, The Rftding Game will either succ~ed with your child or rettirn ' ' ' . · · yoµr money. Yoll llltt,a commitment to m•kt, too. ~ . . -i!~r attendinr one of the aevert.l .. ow-thatyou'dlike ·,, . tO l'lvt vlill• lld The Readlni Ghli,.~ jf · •· )'liU'U bl'~-\Ol pay $25 for the dia~tic tea~, . lnll·'2110'for thl lnstl'\1ction. T.hat'11 ; .. a kJt.a,f 11101111; but that's. t~!! eW ~~: .. : .. For tlie next three·or four month•, Yollr bif jOb · ,will bl 10ur p&~rlership with us and wl~ ioUr , child. You'll be brintinc him to th1 learnln1_11btir . three or four times a week. He nltd1 to tit tllere on tiine, ready to go. If YOU make It & drUdftry, · 60 will he. If you make it I n adventure, so will he. , We're going to do the r.Mt. We're Solnc to help your child succeed in readtnr, '"" we're romr tAIJet him kqC>W he's stjcceeded, &!Id Wl11'e roin1 to ' make it fun : • , Ltt:attlilulHr !!J 1our 9111etl0m. /tig"' flOlll, Dr. Kenn.ch .Mtll'lfll, Pr...,,, of. Ille Ammcon L1ar11i111 ColJ)M'alion, u 11ttelitt1 tlltlA 11roupe of,..,.,..,. ,.,..,. .iu•l liU 11ou. Pl..,. ifl"' "'· &t11l111t at 1:8' I'M H11llll11t1to1t .laiaeA ....... Ju11e JI J1111f 30. .lllli Z . ,,,,__ 111oa ,,...r . . ,.._,,,.,loll .. NIU1111 ( 114.): B4l·OIOI. .. -- ~ . The Reading Game:18782 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California · . • 1 -~ , -' • I • . , . • I { ! ' ,. • f • ,-.-·,•·,;"•i•1•0 f"'F- LATEX Allm'llll . ' . . ~XTERIOR : · . . . ·STUCCO··MASONRY .PA1NT , • 1~HOUR .TO DR¥ ·• WONl\f 'CJllP, · t ~·SCRUBBABllE CRACK' OR PEEL • : ClEAN·UP WIT.H '•· lfRIGH'l: WHITE 'WATER ' AND • COLORS· • .f'I • ~ • ' • 'CAN AUG . : GlJAfiANlmJ;l-ooAT. · 't .· f ACR~·1-•X•·1 .1 . 'i. · .. · . :on'aRIOR,•LAT• PAIN!I' · , •. -11~"1.BOR TO •DRY. '~ . sc.;u~~ r / . ' . • 1 CLE""9-t1P:'WIYH.';w AT£R . · " · , ·• e~y~)t:QR~~u _. . , "' ·USE ON jlNTERIOR: Sl',UC,CO,.'BRICK, ' ' ' ,.,ASoNRv,:Ei'C::.\~' ' . I:.: 11;11'' \·iWORl!t •• ' 'OUR Pf'ICE 3 98· ·GAL. •1 "-•1 '~/\I N SANTA ANA : tl -.... 1 . . , VINYL 'LATEX SEMl~Q&:OsSaltAli1EL AN EXCITING NBW ENAMEL THAT'LBTS YOU CLEAN•UP'WITH WATE'-1 ' •SATIN FINllH , .• F~ DRYING • WAll{ABLE • INTllllOR ,..~ • WHITE•AND COLORS , -· . J, _ _.~-~ ~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~!~----~~-~~~~ .. • t • . '• . " . • • I • . . " ·' ' .. • • :· • • • • • • • • . . . • :· ) :· ' ~ ; < ' ' ' ~ ' . r f I ' ! • . • • • I . ' • . ' ' ' ' • ' . . . : ' l l ~ . • .. • • ! •• I s. : th 1 Jo • . ,, • : fi : ta ' In I • ii! I' :, m I l' ,,, I Iii } l 1 . " • ' . :· ~ ' • ~ ' ·. • . -. ----------- GRIM REALl'l'Y OF UNWANTED LIFE What Dots tn1 Future Hold for the Unwed Mother? ! i Consumer Wages Own ' ' . ( . Campaign for Rights • • By BARBARA DUARTE Of ... ..,"""·'"" • A .. lighter Itom way back,'' ' Mrs. Dorothy Green fights Ior • something near and dear lo • every shopper'J heart • , , • something they 're usually t<><! lazy to fight fo r them.selves. • She wages • one-woman : campaign qainst hundreds ol : inferior product,, foisted upon the consumer in today's trend of · spiraling prices • n d deteriorating quality. reatures iO k 1 n d !I or deydrated , potatoes "all unfit to eat," thin applesauce, ex- pensive freeze.dried coffees and chocolale which Wle "terrible,' and, to add insult to in'jury, has discoolinued what . she teems a delicious brand of. sweet potatoes. "They try lo please all tasta and fail tomribere in tbe middle.'' N«rr QUITE SQUARE DAILY f'ILOT fl""9 ~ tlClllN kMIW ; ,.,..,....,, "'" u. lt1t ... " ·' ' ../ . ' r Hope Builds Wit.h Home .· - The girl next door . , . your daughter's friend •.• or ·evtn your daughter herself •.• there is no such thing a11 a "typical" unwed . mother. ' I In, Orange Coun~y, there are approximately 2,000 cbildrtn born out of wedlock annually. ls .an. unending sea of botU11, empty cribs, smashed dreams and a . forgotten education all the future holds for 'these thousands of unwed mothers? . There now is no appropriate facility for an unw~ mother's care wit.bin the county, but in the planning stage is a multi·faceted center which will offer medical, edu cational, vocationaJ, social and spiritual counseling to these young women: a Florenc.e Crittenton Home. . The home will provide all services preparatory to bringing a ne\v life into the world and so und planning for the future of both mother and child. To spur funding efforts Crittenton circles, the siipport lfOUPI of the home, will sponsor the premiere performance of. Disney on Parade, a live traveling arena and coliseum show, on Wednesday, July 1. Created by Walt Disney Productions and presented with NBC Enterprises, the show will bring all the great Disney creations t~ gether in a· unique combination of live production, sound effectl, ~ lion pictures, magic, music and special lighting in ~e Anaheim Cqo- vention Center. --· Gold tickeh at $10 each -a apeclal gill of Florence Critten!A>n · patrons -will ring the area floor and 9dditional tickets r~ainl from $2.50 lo $5 w!h be available at the ticket of!ice. . 1 Helping Hands Needed Hands ol. friendship will llo ext.nd<d by Or1J11e Coualy' ~ lbroulh a n e" qanizltion,. .Las M a a e 1 Aml1as, dedictled lo ,_I) IUpport !or Calholtc Cam· munily Arencle!. Appllc1Ucxa blanks f • r cbi.rter membenhlp in .,. I ''l WU brought 11P to be /air," Mrs. Green deci.ed as she ltroked her lwo llulfy while cata in ber comfortable mobile home in Capistrano B.:h. ''I believe in an honest day's worlr. for an honest da y's pay. But. unf'ortuilately, you can't believe • word anyone· says today, from the govern· ment on down. Mn. Green, who describes herself as "not square" ~~ "cubic," isn't easily put down. "l talr.e products back if they aren't aaU9faclory, end then I write a letter. If 20 women did the same, something would be done about it ... new· sroup have been' milltd. accontin1 lo Eupno Greytak, pre~ .. ~_.Mil. ~­ Cejka, manbenh.lp· cbalnnan. "For instance. reporters ask nffM:ials Intelligent questioos • and the officials answers in .. • a five-minute circle that says nothing." OOIJBLE TALK OOIJBLES , The trend for dooble talk 1, carries on into the business worid, Mrs. Green maintains. • Salesmen aren't interested in ' :,. compJaints against syrupy-thin ' applesauce, a shirt that dis-> i'dte(rates in ~ second wash, Her interest in substanda rd 'TAKE IT BACK' merdlandise was kindled in Mrs. Dorothy Green 1957 when she lived in the San Fernando Valley. A music fan, she decided to purchise who could rank w I th ao organ 'Ind found an eighl- fleavyweights in spirit. One month-old model whi ch the might expect · to find a sloce owner promised would disillusioned crank at the end play as well as new. After of her pen. but, to the con-payjng $125. she found the trary. Mrs. Green is an • organ woukln'l stay in tune. am~ble, happy-faced woman The seller was disinterested, who bases her campaign on so she wrote the maker. principle, not malice. "I got wonderful treatment : The •ncy provides aid lo the area& ol toCial llrVb and youth ICtJ.vities a • d .. rvu all ol Onnle County with nor~ u ~ nc. or relltlon. Oii.;.., I I ')1Colwion1l counselln1 in m a r i t a 1 • children'• teenQtri•, r ·• • t ·• r care ml ....-pr-... The elderly, lhol.lns and 'needy are uslated, I.nil in- fcnnltion la dfwed on •i· -· """"1Jnlly .....-f o r emerpncy aulltarb, a stereo Lhat won't play, or 11 car that falls apart coinci- denlally with the final pay- ment. •·1 live on a modest in- -... Aid the pelil< fi&bter "If tbin&ts don't work, l lake they sent out a repair man lhe m baclr.," she said. ••r write who toJd me the model was letten to district managers. three years old, had no back and, if that doesn't work, 1 and wu rusted. 'Ibey replaced go to the preSident ol lh'e the part! 8Dd returned It the t.'OO'lpany. day they said they would. "It's baffling lo understand Then I realized the advantage when you know stores w~nl in speaking out. busines.1," she noted, citing "No one knows there is bad -aupennarket w h 1 ch il!eo BIGll'l!,.Pqe II) CONCERN FOR EVERYONE -For the youngesl or the oldest residents of Orange County, help of every k1nd is available from Catholic Community Agencies. A new organization bas been chartered to offer financial assistance to the agency. Las Manos Amigas. Offering. a friendly hand to Andrea Kenney, 2, arc Mrs. George Cejka, membership chairman-and her husband~ yoqth aports pre1r1ni1, teenap and )'(IWll idult eta, leadenhlp lrainlnc and ...... pill(. Other officers of Ult ..., group ore Nldlola ·"-• vice prelidont. ind Illa lbry Jeu Llm1*I. -,. •• ' ' ' " • It's Not a Balcony That 'Social Security Romeos' Seek· f DUR ANN LANDERS: Kindly devole • 1 cohDm to the Romeos of the Social i Secmity Set. -the way they worm : their way into the widow's home, t 1-.mc on the we.tJ.made, expensive : luniiture. boupt and paid lor by a : fine bulblnd who worked his flngera : to the bone (may his aoul re.tin peace), : My elderly mother and J live together : in the family home. I have not been : lo wry 1ood beallb lat.ly. My bllJlesl • worry is thlt a certain old coot who l h11 been court.ina: Mother for aeveral ..-will marry her if I -Id di<. l'.. tried lo open her eyea but lhe } 1.!l nattered by his attention l'nd acts t like a silly achool 1irl when he is around. i Tkls man is like a bone in my throat. , I can'l a1anc1· blm. PJeuoc .... Molhet ! ,.... advice, Alla. Slit nadl your aihlmo • ANN LANDERS ~ every day, and I! the old coot reads it· too, that's perrect.1y fine with me. -HATE OLD MEN DEAR HATE: U tM .......... b a1 ·-•• ,.. .. ,, ...... , ...... it. Appweody yeor -njoyl Ille olol c:eot'1 mftpMJ ...... ,., Mr llalMss. Vea need • ltobbJ, kfHt, t recommnd a yon1 coot. DEAR ANN LANDERS : My sisier passed away aix montha •10. ihe was only 34 and left three young children . Her husband was never ont of my fa vorite people. Last week I bu1nped into him at •n. antique auclion. He wa1 llllkina: anlimatedly 1wilh a good looking. blonde: woman. I couldn't tell whether they .were together. I greeted my brolher-ln-law as warmly u 1 could under the circumstances -which was not easy, I noticed ht wu not weering his wtddinl ting. Thia WU lik• I knife In Dl1 hearL lify sisler always loved lo 5te lhat ring on his finger. She was so proud that ,he was never withoul ii. This incident has bothered me terribly. Should I get it of[ my chest and tell him wha\ 1 think ol hirri for forgetting lio soon? -STILL MOURN ING DEAR S.M: Perlla,. WNrlBI &bet wed- diq rla& wDldd be UH a utre la ~1. heart, .. •"1 "'"" ,.. ... d .. Y•r UIWll Md let ,..... fndler.ID-l1w lludle Ml ptd II Mi IWI WI)'? DEAR .\NN LANDERS: Our baby Is th ree months okt. This Is the first child In my husband's family ror 25 years ao you can imagine the excitement Whenever we welk Into a &athering • or. lib mailvu, 111eJ 1• wild over ilM baby and I' 1m a nervous wreck. My molher·in·law grabs him, lllen an aunt comes along, next a cousin. then an uncle and a &~at-uncle -and round the room he goes, from one pa ir o( ha1.ds 1o another like a JoUypop, and e11eryone gel.II a lick. Each one bounces him higher and tiandles tum more rougtfly than the last. Naturally he spits up his lunch. My mother-in-law then demands to know .. hat I led him thal callled him lo lhnrw up. They figure thal since this ii my flnt chikl I am a dumbbeO and don't know anythh11. What can I do with all lhue weJl·mean- lng l<li<>to! I'm niody lo lf1 anything. -AL~XANDRIA. LA. DEAR AL: Y•'ra 111 lo ...... JR' relld\'et, W cur ,.. • ,.. 6tlr .. -............ ...-.... ,._ CAN ...._ ......... ~11• "1 ... ,.. "" ... ..., -........ ,.. " . -lmll)r ........ -.... ...... wl larp -peiotqa. 'no relatlYu cu 1111 Mii ..._ t11eJ _. ltyour .... -t .. wlnt•a llmt. When romantic 111.nces tum lo warm embraces ii ii love or cllomialryT - !or tile -· "Loft .. In ... -lo Tell lhe Dlllennft," bf Am ta. den. i:nclooo a loof, _,.... - drnaed envolapo and lll -In -wilh your,...-111 taN ol llliDAIL"C PU.oT. ,,. I DAIL V PILOT lh~l'Sday, J1111t 2S, 1970 • Wants Last Fling r . - Julie -Postpones Gareer-OeGisieA By HELEN THOMAS th e· Western White House at WASHINGTON • (UPI) San Clemente, Cal~. rune Eisenhower, who Julie, a slim, pretty brunette :elebrates her 22nd birthday with great sensitivity, is in 111 July 5. says she hopes many \vays an old-rashloned o 1et a job when her husband girl. She can hardly bear to >.vkt goes into the Navy in be away from her tall. curly k!ptember-.. haired, smlling, husband. For But She says she Is .in a that reason , ;>he is at the 'sraduation S;yndrome" and t ballpark almost nightly while :1n't make up her mind wh,at David thoroughly' enjoys his ~ would like to do. "odd job" stint with the She plans to live at the Washington Senators. rhite House while David is David plans to , stay with raining to be an ensign with the Senators until the end of he U.S. Naval Reserves at July. Then he and Julie w\11 ~ewport, R I. But she will motor across the e<iuntry to re seeing him on weekends. California, taking the northern Shi gradua!,ed from Smith . route. ::Ollege last month with a ma· Since she moved b'ack to or in history and an· am-pie Whit.e. House, .Julie has ltion to "'ork on documentary shied. away froril the press, ilms. . · . ext"tpt for «)ile · ma}Qr ap- 'r:hert is no. doubt the job pearance y.rhen .s h e en·· ffers will flow in once she tertained a group of Cleprivcd Bakes up her mind. . . children. But this summer she wants Because her last days at o loaf and have a Jast fling Smith weie traumatic with the rith her husband. widespread student protests They will fly to Japan on against President N l x on ' s ruesday, June 30, as official Cambodian policy, Ju 1 i e :uests of the Japanese govern-retreated for a time into a nent but will be back in time shell. or Julie to celebrate her Although David's need to g~t iirthday with her family at back to his work wilh the Your Horoscope Tomorrow GRADUATION SYNDROME J1,11lle Nixon Eilfl'h_pwtr Senators has been gi Ven as not up lo the "official" a reason for the severely schedule which woukl have· shortened trip to Japan, in-seen them on the go con· formed sources 'say Julie was st.antly. Cancer: Financial Reward Due HOLIDAYING in S a n t a Barbara at the Biltmore are From Page 25 ... Rights feelin& unless you tell them. Some stores are aensiUve, most are not, but the ex· FRIDAY ~UNE 26 out of bag today. R~alize this conctpts. Welcome new coo~ one. way toward 'achievement. ecuUves of the company are -and plan accordingly. Ac· tacts, procedures and There are others. Investigate. interested. For instance, in- cent on bow to regain what challenges. Pleasant surprise A.QUARIVS (Jan. 20-Feb. ·atead of loin« to the local By SYDNEY OMA RR was Jost or misplaced. js due tonight. . . 18): Confusion could be order car _deal~: ;aik to the regional Gemini Is ap1-1o-n.J IL GEMJN_lJ MayJhJ_une-21ll;_ LIB1\A (Sept. 23·0cl. 22): -ol day. Check stolem,..., man&(er, , lfflcult to udentud Utt lf you have been taking .'(ou may ff:el very special-. -b11ls;-po1lcifr.1Je-1wmo r-Unfotf:unalely, ~ added, member o{ opposite sex Jo r But it is ~st to Jet others where you place valuables. , the ~t of the times stems rp1cal Tauras penon. TlllJ"lll grant~ _ this ls a day for set pace. You can learn by Short trips on agenda. But you to be do unto the other fellow ::.. 1:i':W::::b1;..1in w:: rude awakening. Be perctp-listening, observtng. S o m e require greater sense or direc-be!or~. he can do ~ you." tive;Separate fact°lrom fancy. may be trying to cause you tion. "Wnhng-a letter is eff~tlve. aUd ud Tunu do finally Know wbaC is an illusion wtlaL to make mistake. Protect PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): .1 absolutely do get sabsfac- tt. &ecek, die nlatiolUlp is solid. ' yourself. Financial app~ cart could be tion,'' ~ ~i But ~ ~~; 1:.::1':';::::: CANCER (June 21.July Z2): SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 2·1): ~pset. May be good for you the mmus side, she bunt Wien. Ai 1 team, Gemini Shake. up due in areas where Some who were confined make ~n long run. Yo~ ~e now heard from the applesauce Ill Taurui 1el tk job do9e. routine appeared established grand e x i t s • appearances. in better p o s J t t o n to ~pie or the yam ~pany at lt takea 10me de&lg to Keynote is chan&e ··added Forces tend to be scattered. reevaluate. Stream I In e which she ~ to lD hopes rill aboat a a 111 an ee preaure and res~bility. What you fear proves to be met~s. Get that addin1 of. 1eWnc their product on Utese odl al Favorable 'report ·results in without substance. Take heart. machine. Ute: lhelf, not df. ~· twD 2. ac fininctal reward You are on ro&d to progress. IF TODAY IS y 0 U·R ~eamrhile, Mrs. G r•e en LEO (July ~Aug. 22): SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22· BIRTHD~Y you can ht ~~~c~ ARIES (March 21-April 19): Finlsb rather than begin pro-Dec.· 21): Friend may act jn ultrapr~l'tical when occuion ~ day· when ':i-~omen 1>me agreements, partnership jeds Don't be too , eccentric manner. Be patient. so denf)inds. You are pro-will get mMI. enouP to take roposals are definitely on lO ~ yourself 00 ~~~ Y.ou c~l\.~uccBeessfully1J?rc1e tective or family interests. a swint them.elves. nortbodm: side, Be ready for Put writings aside until v1.ew1 on u .. u1c:rs. ana ,,..1ca. You are fond of saving for zrprile annouQ,?ments, quick another day. What you thought Find out i:easons why. Then proverbial rainy day. By u.,... Gain Mown throu"h w settled . the .le base reactions on facts, nol October .d -.. -· , · .,, u JS OJ>POSl • impulse. , your 1 eas are put :ading of special material. · See Ca1N:er" message. ~RICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. into acUon;there are benefits. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): VIRGO (Au1. 23-Sept. 22): 19): Domestic routine urr ' you have been attempting Mooey matters r e q u i r e der1oes change. Some in posi· 1 keep a.. &eetet, the cat is ,,.W. Oki methods. may not tions of authority may step suffJce. Get rid of outmoded down. Don't reel there is only Purple Hues Shade Fall All shades of purple and 1auve •come on strong fdr di. If you 're going in for purple. or mauve midi coat r dress, just match your osiery 3nd shoes to the soft hade and you'Ve 1or one tong -- ne of Ubbroken color. That's be way ·the midl looks it.I est. . HAIR ' BEAT C/4lv~.· 9 .. lriea: M'I .. 1i11lia!lll "'a• 111 heir. Sho11ld a m111°1 heir t condition•d and trimmed 911larly if. th1y fl'' waa1i119 if 119? • y -''•· D. C., H1111li119to11 loach) .....,: Hiir b hair retard. 11 ef who or what if ;. 011.' oit h111liia11cf1 1ho1i1ld conditio11 ~ trim thoir h1ir pr•ifflcally, 11ot ,a911larly. ADVICE: H • .,. him 9•t hi1· hair 1tyl... illfo f 10119 loo~ i111t.14 •f lust let. tint it ,,_ IMt •llCI 1tri1t9y. ts111l•1 De vo11 c11t 1'1'1111'1 ir tha ••JI'• at wol'l'l111'1? IMrt. M. C ., Newport leech) Aal-1 Tli• only w1y I c11I ;, i1 ·-OFF. 9-fl•: Do yo11 color "''"'' ir? ' lin E. M., Coro111 '•I Merl a..-r: Y11, we do 11111!1• • t of ii. I~ f1ct. fro1li119 or 11 tfr1a\i119 it whare it'1 •I , .ill ••••1: m1l1 or f1m1I•. ' 71 PAIMIO• llU•D MIWPOn ClllTll ........ J. ( • Mesa ~ebekeh . Every first and third Tues- day of the mooth members of Men ·Rebekah Lo d I e auemble in Odd Fellows Hall, Ctwta Mesa, at I p.m. .For Rites Greens Stored· Before r&loring leafy vegeta- bles, remove wrapping and trim <>ff bruised areas. Wash in cool water and drain slightly. Water, which provides the atmosphere of high humidity necesSary for keeping the leafy vegetables Jresh and crisp during storage, should be clinging to the greens as they go into the crisper. ,. APPRAISALS DIAMONDS GEMSTONES ESTATE JEWELRY South Co11t Pi111 lri~tol et the S•11 Oi190 Fwy. Co1t1 M11a 540·906' PANnUITS i"" ~ tolor1 __ ,.., lut IATIIDIG surrs -fWly lint4, hit In 1n 10.9' ' , SllCllT SETS -to mtt ·1... --u.., ·~ MATUNnY SllOPI # ION ISLAND NIWPOIT llACH HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER COSTA MISA ORANGE PLAZA SHOPPING •AIHN GIOVI '. -- SI fe fe: N• I B N b• hi f< $ ~ ' 1 . - R ' ----------·----------- 'M.aster' Speaks: Midi tt l_s f0r Fall Lagunans Say Vows ... Ul"IT~ SILVER SEQUINS -Designer Nonnan Norell of- fers this siren dress in silver sequ ins, worn with. a feather coat, during a showing of his collection in New York. BUTTONS -Designer Norman NoreU favors buttons as accents on his new midi length fashions for wi nter. AND FUR-Fur also is a favorite accent for Norman Noren, grand old master of American ready-to-wear. NOW OPEN SUND.A. Y 12·5 P .M. Sizes Ready! Seit Head info summer in sleek, cool sportswear from Half Size Shop. Real zingy. Tops & lottom1 f rom $6.00 .. , ·' i ~~~'sHALF ·SIZE I 1805 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MDA I V1 Ill. N. 1 ... St.I 84 HUNTINGTON CENTER ttUNTIN•TON IEACH IN•n t9 ...._ "-· hnlihrel , .. IM: nt OllAMG•l'Alll MALL. l'ULL•ltTON I~ I~ SHOP E EB, , Read ili.e Stars With Ornurr ' By CAROLYN BOWERS In evening wear. Nortll from while to black ranch NEW YORK-fUPl)--'--The-dropped . .-<I 111< jut!-with _ .. In betw-. Mn. Jane Let G,..n and and old m-.. <I Amert ---bemllnes to-a-,,_ aloo _.. tlle-lont--Anl!r<w·Fllnt'l!'ra.,-...,. nd gr can .mklcalf midi. With that, he haired furi: foul, r.oooMS in afternoon rite la the ready-to-w.. bao ........ II, lowered a few coats to Ille and ttone marienl -ad. 1 is the deatl> knell fur Ille mui, 0< aoltle length. vertically and horiJoolafly. N•l&bborbood Concr<iatlonal · He showed several black At tile ScandlnHiaD Mlnk Clmn:h of Lasuna Beach, 'l1le knees. ll who .. A_ dresses with halter top1 worn AaocilUon *"' , there wu Rev. Ellsworth Richlrdloa of. Norman Nore ' ...,. under !hart ~ ...... ets. Velvet a fuhkm innovation: tie-dfe4 fic'1ated. been on the fdikln 1Cene in ,_.... the Americe for a yean, !lbowed waa the dominant material, mink. "Thia tun trend,'' Matron of honor wu 'Mn. but many chiffons also were l890C.iatlon said, "Sbould be Robert Hall of Pebble Beach his fall and yioter .collection inc, J11ded. a joy to the c:onlen'ationilts and ha..t mon was Fr' --• aod It waa intdilenctb llklrts who ha ken llland .._... -all the way. Altbough Noren AJOber desigl)er who en-ve ta · 1 on . Bruno. Ushers were Oenil hit a oonipl'(llllile i.-in dorsed the midi, ·w'hicb see~s ~ h endllJCered Frary and :B, Tom Green, some ol his dayt8ne wear to be in whether American specM!S. ol GJoucester, Mass. _ just belmf the bees -women like it ot not, was The new Mrs. Frary ls a he made 111e pUt, otrongly, Gustave Tassel. MGOt of his _r-. Id West 11111. tp'8duate « Moot.tty that short lengtbs definit.ly u.piece collection was-below:v Penimul• Collec< and Is were out. the-ealf and pouibly one or aaociated with L a I u n a Not 8 mini in the house the Joneest midi aqths in I' f I Federal Savinas, Her husband from a dallP"'" who began town. He -Ille length n uences Is • loon olfictt for Ille same his New York career in 1921, in daytime dresses 111:1 coata. fLZm. since 1980 bao had bis own For evening, he !bowed Fash 1"ons finn, and ttrough lhe years ~y two-piece c r e p e has copped ~ery ,major dresses with ·}oog tunics, tied faSlioo award around. at UM:.waisl with a "beK. Ncrell's daytime clolhes in-Even Leo Ritter, tht in- cluded a lot <I~ diridualiot <I fur fasbims, midicoots, worn ove< simply showed longer Jencths. The cut jersey drf.CM!S, many d veteran of fur styling fre- them with high necklines Jq quently worked • daevrcn pat.. sleeves and alighUy lla..d tern lnlo midi and longer, all skirts. He aiso ftwed several _.. mink. For the midi dre86el, two pieet suits, acain with Rltter &Uglestei:I &~short fur the hemline juat below the jacket. However, he only knee. showed ooe. It was cut like But !or a dlqe, pents a baWe jacket. were scarce. Yet this. is the 'Ibrougbout the ool.Jections, designer wro several years shown to visiting reporters, ahead of the rest ol the high Hitter -the ful~skirted fashion world was mating fur eoat, whk:ih. ht feels is pantsuits for oily, country and adaptable to .. ory llldrt lenltb at-home wear. 1be few that and pantsuits too. were llhown this time were The fall picture came across usually wdm under midicoats. with equal eleg~, opulence Norell proved in a somber and luxury at the Futura mood with color, featuring Collection of the Fur Informa- browns, greens, be 1 g e s , Uon and Fubion Council. burgundies and Iota of black. There were romantic sable Occasionally, he splashed in wraps and sprtive muskrat bright red or a Oor~,J print. trench coats. Minks ranged • Cowboys and ~ndians are very definite influences In 1n1ny fall ·and winter fuhiom. Leather frlnaet. fa 11 e d suede, c Inched walatllnea, ranchero skirts, 1aucbo pants, boots and modified h a t s paraded down the nmp at several openi!!I•· Giorgio di Sant' Angelo went a bit further with a oollec:tion that would please any Indian princess -complele with . feathers wnd raccoon pelts. Mesa Auxiliary American Legion Hall in Costa Mesa is the setting for the meetings d the Auxiliary to Barracks 1249, Veterans of World Ww I. 'lhe first Tues- day of each moMli members aather' for a business ltSSion at 7:30 p.m. and the third Tuesday for a eocial and potluck at I p,m. ' ··~, Flags Flying At Meeting A display of several national flags was shown durln& th June meeting of the Newport Harbor Emblem Club. Mn.Eugene-8 e r-g e r o n , junior past presi.dent, presented the program which included • hiatory .. each !Log in oblervance of Americanism Week, June 14-21. Mrs. Kenneth Westman ls president of the group which emphasizes the, bnportance of displaying the national banner. Grandmothers At noon every second Thurs-I day the Newpor1 Harbor Grandmothen' Club meet.s in the Costa Mesa Goll an<I Coonley Club. ..,., South Coast Plua Saturday,June 27 Mickey MDllll, Pluto, Goof7, Alice in Wonderland, T~le Dee &: Tweedle Own. Bring the children to this per· son al appearance by the famous Disney on Parade cbu.cten. See them ·in our Carowel Court at 10:30 Lift. Where they will periorm in 1 liw mlllical show for you. This is 1 preview of what's to come in the 2\12 hr. DisfteJ' on Parad~ show at Anaheim Convention Center.July I-Aug. 9 ' ' DAILY PILOT 27 .. MAKE HER MISTY ·co1tec\i0ii Blu9 is our name for · diamonds of exceptiOnally fine color. ·it takes a very special diamond to earn the name. Ask to see them in rings, pins. pendants or other. piecea. Or, let our des;gners use Collection Blue . d~monda to create your original. Ch•rt• Atco11rits l111tilff Am•rio:•it Expr••11 l1nkAmorjt•r~ 1MI Moder Ch•r90, too, SLA.VICK'S J1w1l1n Since 1917 18 F•shion lsl•nd Newport le•c:~ -644° I 310 OPEN MONDAY •od FRIDAY uota 9:30 BEST . Tho DAILY 'ILOT offort. 1or110 of th• Nit fo•f11re1, .. ., ec.tu.I 111r1toy of ro•don, •¥•il•Dlo in •ny 11•w•p•p•r iit tho 11•tlon. ,. I • , ,. -:- " .. . . -' •' •• " • ~ :· < i I' !1 " , • :1 .. .. g ,: ·: • .. •• .. ··: . : . • .. . . .. • .. .. .. " .. .. •' ;, .. • • " •• " " •• .. .. ). . ·i .. . I -~·.,.·;-.·.· ' DAILY PILOT ih~rsday, Junt 25, 1970 ·~~.-lll\-.,-ht.At~J~-- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' • • • , · The Tee Tattler WA , .............. : ... column.,·-·· e· JllllMlan, "'" 31 ""' Mme. 1-1 ...... _... ._.. _, Nell ljj Hurilllti' S11m M.alila. W•liff .--i.J.~e.:'!!!._a~~·~H~~l--~.::i--'M"'-,.._. ·_-1--~ .. 'J. Q:-..; 1-. c.tt MtM. -41 Ci,tdt J_, .._ • ....-.-.,.... ....... ,......,... .. --~.) • tJle u '°'"' ~-• <Jr.:1 y.....,;. Ins......... 1, ., Lt:.-.. ~ ~C'g.,.fcl 1, .,..... u IRfUUll ~ ....... lvr'kll. Ai a Cl-. h Ml!Wt. ~.J. ~!!':!'-•1 !!!!!'! ~ N 1 Unique Guar1ntMd •--~'.?~ t.;.:.':T.w:-r..~. Method : Sino u J::..':T:w. 'i~~ ........ 64"1907 642 -54 !llS'I, LAOUNA HACM ' ~ 'V'I domit ~~:;·~TCOl:::VI~ P•;AIO-~;·;·;·""~'~M~<n~~:;;;~~~~~~~ .. - CUSTOM-MADE :? DR·APERIES · tE COMRJlllMT SHOP AT NOMI SllYICI Mx_ ._I ....... isne 1·-.,.,_.., in ca ' ·--lrtat.l•IM ,_ .. while plai>e Tb< lradk count valve - E Jonh Ida! comp lsrae airer. 1917 ' haft I In< of $100 and Sharman Farn11, a second $360 winner. Pres'ident Mrs. Lila Zali hands OYer bags lull of money lo the out.landing girls 'S' Gids Receive . Bags Full of Dol{ars Laguna Beach Soroptimists have advanced the cause Of scholar- ship wi th $800 in awards for senior girls. Earning recognition from the club thi s year a re (left to right) Susan Haupenthal, '350 win- ner, Edith Roesen, recipient of the 'S' Youth Citizenship Award ___ wbo graduattd this year. · Mil tlU J mU U. .. IU aifcr. hove pilot! Egyp ..... ., ......... ~ ...................... ,~, ' 'Ir' -~ir-'t~ ~emon:) WESTCl.FF PLAZA 17th Af'Cl R\11£ $441!1 ~BEJCH.CALF. Gloomy Gus Is Your Kinda Guy Let's Talk Mary Jo Standley w i J l represenl Huntington Beach High School during the 1970 session of California Girls State taking place on the Universit y of Calirornia, Davis campus, beginning f\tonday, July 6. Attending U1e 27th session will be 650 girls ! r o m throughout California. ~1iss REUPHOLSTERY •t F•ctory Prlc" Dlr~t FREE ESTIMATES Furniture ?.1ade To Ordl.'r \Vith "Quality Workmanship" Slop By and See Our Showr011m CASTLE INTERIORS 7.541 Chli,...•n, O.nten Grow• Call Cellect-at2-lm ... .,. or 147-7563 •V•'•· Girl Talk Slandley is being sponsored by American Legion Aux.i\iary 133 of HunlinglOn Beach. A spaghetti dinner will take place from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. on Tuesday. July 7. in the Seafaring Maso nic Temple, Ne wport Beach sponsored by Job's Daughters, Bethel 313. Proceeds will go to the Educalional and Promolional :Fund of the bethel. Among those r ~ceivln c scholarships will be Miss Lin- da French, junior princess of the bethel. Accompanied by belhel members, Honored Q u e e n Karen Robinette attended the Grand Bethel in Oakland. AH Wlft liMt. M rt/11!1111 •r exc1M111tt1. Serrv, ,.. "'111, p11e111 •• c.o.o. Un ywr ...... -11:.111, ~c-..191,c1111 ~-- SHOES 1831 NEWPORT BOULEVARD • ·EVERYTHING Y2 O·FF AND MORE ON SUCH BRANDS • • • * SBICCA * VITALITY * RISQUE * * WINTHROP ' VAUEY and OTHER WELL KNOWN BRANDS! STRIDE~RITE and LAZY BONES ENTIR! REMAINING'STOCK FINAL CLOSEOUT OF CHILDREN DEPT. Sins up to Growing Girls 9, _.Boy's'·. Vi lues to $17.00 s400 (COSTA MESA STORE ONLY> ' ALL SHOliS IN OUR COSTA MESA STOllE PRICED TO MOVE OUT RIMAINING STOCK -, Ow New Store Is Now Open At 54 Fashion Island l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Diamond Yoke Dale Oderman Claims Bride in Indianapolis SWIVEL BAR STOOL Crooked Creek B a pt i s t Academy and eaffii<I his - Church, Jndianapolis was the masters degree in Httia'lg for the late afternoon astronautics from P u r du e rites linking Vera Le ab where he was a member of McKeny of. Jndianapoli.5 and IVCF. Air Foree Lt. Dile B , niey will , e~blish their Oderman of Corcina del Mar. home at Del Rip Air Foret The Rev. Raymond Josephs,1,_;B~a~se~,~T~e~xa~s::_. -----==================== Jed the· voW e1change for the ' ·-iii t,Aa. B ... t. daughter and son oC Mr. and Mn. Cbarles R. McKeny of Indianapolis a'nd Mr. and Mrs. Sume.I D. Odennan of Corona de! Mar. Miu Luanne .McKeny al- tendecf'Ther siller as maid of honot..Jand bridesmakb were Mrs. Jolin E , Harnmood of Pilllburgh, Mrs, Philip Tre10 GI Ft. Lauderdale and Miss ltly Franklin of Lafayette. Ind. '!be bridegroom's brother, Jeffrey M. ~ oervecl as bat man while ushers were Air F.,.. Lts. Craig Baer of Detroit and Mk:haer camer It's soft, lilh~ comfor1Able ol P,,_. along wllh Paul with suits or separates. W)'fiotf of Lafayette, Mart Dramati~_diamond yo t e R. Odlrman. brother of .the o y e r . b I o u 1 e knit in one benedlct, and Charles R. piece from nect down , of 1 McKeny Jr., brother of the fingerin1 yam. Wear wJth brlct,. dressy skirt or puts for The r.ew Mn. Oderman is parUes. Pattern ntt: slaes a Jraduate of P u rd u e 12·18 included.. Uniwiraity where she was af. FIFTY CENTS for each pal-fUialed with Kapjja Delta Rho tern -add ·u cem. for each and lnter-V1r1lty Christian pattern for Air Mall and Fellowship. Special . Handling_; othtrwiae Her huaband. 11. a graduate third-clus delivety will take ol the U.S. Air Force three weeks or more. Se~ to Allee Brooks the DAIL y PILOT, 105 Needlecraft Dept , Box 113, Old Chelaea Stalloa, New York, N.Y. 10011. Print N'une, Addrea, Zip PMlln N11111ber. BIG 1171 Needlec:raft C&t&Jo1 -40 pages 20G designs, 3 free patlerna!1 Knit., crochet, fphJons, Quilt, em- broider, weave. Toya, &lf\s! Send 50 cents. ; NEW! Complt&e A f 1 •a a Book -rnarveloua afcbans, fuhlom, pillows, baby &lltl more! ti 00. ' '"N lmtut GHii" Book. 10 cents "11 JllfJ Rqs" to knit, crochet, weave, sew, boot. $0 cents. Book of lZ Prise Af. gban1. 50 cents. Bargah1 Qallt Book I has 16 beautlful pat- terns, 50 cents. l\luseum Quilt Beek 2 - patterns for 12 s\sperb quilt!. 50 cents. Book 3 ''Qdti "' Today11 Llvhlg." 15 patterns. 50 Cents. Doghouse No Place · For Mate NEw YORK (UPI) -Quar· relJ ·are lnlvttlble, but don't keep bbn, GI' her. in the _ ... kln&.-Dr. WllUun EdWarda, I LoadoD phJllclan. He adds: "All redblooded people quoml. U-one ol the two b content to be trod- den on, there are quarrels in every marrlq:e. "But they don't matter much so Jon1 as they art IOOD over and end in kisses and smiles rather than teara. Never keep NCb other too JoaainUttdoP'*-" NOW APPIAllM THE KANOA SEUNADERS INTllTAINMINt e IANCUI• ............. , ...... ,lll .... Naw Ser-llillr 6 ... f1M ~"-5.. M ..... COSTA MESA GOLF ,. COUNTRY CLUB ··--HAWAIAN WAU ,_,.. .. _ ... ... ,, .. _ --_____ .... _ .... I Port Wine, or brandy), Bulky Smoked Cheddar, Bulky Cheddy Blue, Butter Kaese. Butter Nip, Canadian Black Diemond, Canadian Cheddar White, Canadian Whitt, Camembert, Camembert in Tins, Caraway, Cheddar (in more forms than you can count on your fin gers and toes, you bettchuml), Cheese 'n Oriion, Cheese 'n Salami, ChWiirt Colored, Citation Swiss. Colby Waxed Longhorns. .• Whew! Tha t's only the A's, B's, and C's of iL Hickory Farms is a cheese store. How could W't mie up to our reputation if we only carried half a dozen varieties of domestic cheeses? Breaking the cellophane barrier Glory Glory Hallawrence, W't silo' have cheeses! Don't forget Dad Thinking about gilts for You want to buy a rNlly special cheese fot your family. Right7 You tromp dqwn to the aipermarket deli teetion and pwr at the rows of cheeses. Rlglit? Swiu. Chtdd•. Jeck. American. Proc I I t And • bunch of whatnots with fwicy, unpronounc.ble npes,, Right7 You stmre at the txotics. Prcwoloncinni. Port SaluL lu'91rian CamtlT'bert. lmit1· tton Himelayan Vlk Butter $tnad. PasleUriztd. h0mogol1ized .,inine-imimtion s-udo-Till1imook. Whit Che h«:k kinds of ch-.. they7 What do thtY 'llltl likt? Would ycur family Hk• Cheml How do you tell? How. indeed, do you tell7 You c.n't. B~ you and the cheese there ii 1h1t hideous cellophane barrier, 1 plfttic mnk th1t could bl hiding somt great ch ... flavor tecnt. Or, PlrhlPS. convincing you to buy• ctten. that tmtts like l•t wnk's mutton sttw. Good thints. like good cheeses, dqn't alwwys come in fancy peck1g11. All 1hat tinfoil, four-color latillint, tnd that unavoidable lay• of cello- pti.,. doen't alwtyS hm'kt11 to beginning of• pt.cheese ......... lllidal. nobody's deiming ""' toOd ch-. is inaxpen- .... wou1c1n•1 tt bl tthible to ........ 1mpu•,•- hundrtd pounds of Imported Hltvttica Spread, " ...,. tKOrbltlnt price, mnd discovef ht tt-. lik• mildlwld ~~whyM,at Hickory F-kllP-ond-. or-. of our 128 v.tsties of cheeses unwr~. In tht refrigerator, of cour.. Before you make •choice, we urge you to samp~. All 126 varitties, if you wish. T•t• 'em. Then decide. Finally, after you've chosen a paglMI or a p.annesan, we'll wr•P it for you. At Hickory fal'fl'W. dtt only cellophene b1trier ii what pro- tects your cheese on tha way homt. Aren't we wonderful? 121 (count '•ml 128 0.-1 Lonly lordy do ,.. Nvtchenesl 126 variet• of ma... Im- ported. Domntic. Special blends. Take. gand.-II this mind boggl ing list. Apple Pie Ch«t· dar, Armenien String Cheese. Atomic Olaae, &.r Brick, Bel Patse, Bene Fltur. Bleu, Blue Crem, Boccini, Brick Mild. Brown Crcx:ks jsharp, prlic, P'ather's Da y? If you'rt not wor ried about the size of Dad's waistline, try a gift pak from Hickory Farms. {If you are pondering Pa's pot belly, better stick to the high proteins, like ••· Hickory Fa rms Beef Stick, low 11 i fat cheeses. or tiny thin crackers.) i " Perhaps the Pleasure Pak. 1% ,; lbs. of tangy Beel Stick, ~,' Hickory Farms Horseradish ' ' ! . . • . • . • • • • • • Sauce, Mild Midget Loo!tlorn. ! Smoky (Smoked Che& Bar). : two imported.Cheese SprecKts, ! Belle Flt~r Cheese. plus gobs ! of imported candies. ! M•ybll Cheese 'n Clickers / Gift Pak. Two Goudas. Belle { Fleur Cheese, Butter Kaesa i Cheese. and a generous box of' · bite sizt Hickory ~s C»d ~ Fashioned Crackers. , It's mou!tl 10 make Did bellow in ecstasy. Warning ; Hickory F1rmsnn -i be h1bit forming. • ! ' , Free titting 1e1alona held deify: (Open Evonlng1 end Sundays) . ..,., .... , , ' ' i i Wtatcltff Plue (WntcUff and lrvtne} 642-0972 °'-T-..i Country Shopping C.-, 543-801 B , . . l ) -·= • , have moot """' -Soo bO!an .... Arab delivt -· No Ille . the I Phan miles hour, toos gen mane plane hr1 !<>ms ·-deliv1 Dw Waslt Israei -more Skybl --that: -warr; the • East. Am know by u Phan Sp ti ltrikt: ficial: to th purp< were Jg-; ~et ~Sovie over def en limiU Cana have Into I 'Ill< spark quart ! Tl I x D - l I . " ' . . ' ' ' . . ' . . . . . ...... ' .... . . . . . ( ' . .. . . .. . . l' DAILY I'll.OT Will ·1srael Get Jets ' From U.S.? 10 SUCCESSFUL YEARS FIND OUT WHY! SOU'l'll COllST Opon Nightly 6:45 p.m. Sund•y I :45 p.m. THE TRUTH AND SOUL MOVIE "PUTNEY SWOPE" x RATED x 0pon i118ht1y 6:45 p.m. Sund•y I :45 p.m. OATMEAL COOKIES~ ... -.45' NABISCO CRACKERS::mt ..... 35' BREAD :'.:6:.:.-:.V .. _ 33c RUSKET FlAKESi:::.':~ ............. 39' .,.-SOUP MIXES~i::'.'.'.':.':~ 9' BOUIUON CUBES::::r.-:'n~ ""· 19' PINTO BEANS::":"~.---20' MJ.B. RICE::~ ................... 44' ANTHONY SPAGHmn::.~: ...... 24' DR MONTE APRICOTS:::." ..... 74'. , ....... ~. ... '."<, ' ' -TUNA CAT FOOD:"::::.~'. .... -14' CALO DOG FOOD :!:.'.~ ............ -17' ALBERS CAT FOOD:~ ......... -49' KEN L RATION=~~ ........ -.... 7S' COTIAGE CHEESE~'l:.. .. -...... 61' LADY w auna::=. ......... 79' SOUi CREAM~'l:..~.~~ .. -.... 29' . .... . -59' 1a Mlllt. .......................... -..... · ORANGE JUICE~~ .... -.. 77' ... 4a,1.·-- HOMINY 15c MAIYUT DAI Jt 01. CAI ( ' • ' ; 7 . -. .. .........._. CANADA DRY ~ ............... -10' BURGERMEISTER ll&Rl'.':. .... •1• OLYMPIA BEERl'.':. .............. -.'1" , .............. ...,......, FISH & ClllPSl:"o:'~ .. --.P' SMU ·~A-.-WHlll-f>A-Y-GA1MI'!~ Now Mmne Onneo CelMly f..,,. Its lteMquo'*t •114512 IMch loulovonl SWlm School • Sports • Crafts • . Cookouts • Trips • Dancing • Tennll FOR ALL IOYS AND GIRLS AGES 4-14 ................ ca... ............... ·-- . ROUND Sllll cmacn """ TOPllAUTT • .. ' • • • • •, l . . . • • , • Summer fruits are IN! Juicy frffstone peoche1, 9ord.,. "ec:tarines ••• big, juicy strawberries and sweet Bing c:herries1 thick-meated canteloupes, delicate HoneydewJ and Crenshows ••• luscious watermelons, guaranteed red-red-ripe and sweet. fill your fruitbowl at lucky, where you get the ---piCKof-tlii crOp, at10w,lowpiices. --C-1---'~'-----I BANQUR DINNERS ::0.".' 37' llTAUllLm.--•ttJ CAKES AND ROW:::.'=.' ......... 79' ''""' .,..._~ ...,. ... ""'...-wr. c-•TUMICAIQ HAWAIIAN PUNCH::'u.w .... -37' GINOS PIZZA\=.~.~ .. -79' FISHSTICKS ::0:.~ ... --69' EGG 1ous~=. ................... ~ .... 11c --· ma:11t, ru.i., 1.'"'11, llUT I __, COOL WHIP~ ................ _.59' ORANGE DRINK =~.~~~ ...... 35' ... 4S,f.·-- • I Q """"' 39c SAUa 'l.~'· PACIFIC cool:'.'::':::' .................. 63' FISH CAKES~ .................... 31' PEPPIRED STEAKS=-~~~~-73' SWANSON MEAT PIES::.'.' ......... 26' ... 4a.,1. COPPllTONI ..., ...... pl•ct-iln .. • "'" s122 ..... ..., .... SCOPE MHllWASI __ , , ...... FARMER JOHN HAM Rll ROAST UHi .. "'" TOPtlAUTT ~ fUU SHAMI . MALI IOUIO lllf , nll.TCOOUO --·-ATUICIY 58~ .,... TISSUES~.:::'.:fri'.",.._,_ 25• FLUSHABYES=:'.'.".'.~ ............ 99" CHARCOAL BRIQUm ::'.:.':t.' ... 75' MR. CLEAN CLEANER ~ ........ 66' CAMAY SOAP ::::" .............. -.13• CO Mn CLEANSER r.:.'..~ ............ , 26' CASCADE DmRGENT ::::'.::':'.'.. 40' GAIN omRGENT::.:~-·-·-·•2· TIDE DRERGENT::.:~ .................. 'I". , ... 4a,1.·-- Dlll .... ''""59c PICKLES 'l:.L PIELL SHAMPOO .COIKEmATE FIMllf SIZE CIEST TOOTllPASTE -~·-·· .. ·1 Ct~~t ..... -... """ fipt.-• • • enblet flllrirtH1 Mff• ""nt•mJ. ltw hi Mn Mat IM r11· 1llr 11'"'1, It pluM •tta •" UIWnl. FAMILY SIZE 1111! 72c DUI LOW mmaY PllC[ JOY DmRGENT :.~ ...... __ 57' IVORY SOAP :\'::'.' ........... -.. 82' ,PnlTE PEAS :1:~l. ..................... 28' PORK & BEANS:::.~~ .... :. ___ 16' HUNTS TOMATOU:m": ...... -24' PICKLED .Bms::'.':."ll':~ .... -.32' V-8 JUICE:::.'1: ......................... 41' BARDO GRAPEFRUIT~ .... 30' ... 4S,f.·-- PEANUTrn11 , .. 5 7c· IUTIER · 'l.~'· PIE FILLING~"::~ii:~'. .......... S3' DEL MONTE PEACHES:\'::.w .... 30' HARVEST DAY PEARS~".: ........ 37' FRUITS FOR SALAD::':Z ........ 45' DOLE PINEAPPLE~uo ............ 39' LEMON JUICE :::.'.': ................... ..35' HILLS BIOS.:r.:.' ...... 87' HILLS BIOS.lr:ruo ... 11" HILLS IROS. =.'uo ... 1211 HILLS IROS.:":':r' ...... '1" NESTEA :'ll.":':.~-·-79' BABY Fooo:m~ ............... ,. • IABY FOOD=~ ............. : ... 12• BAIY FORMULAS:::'~ ..... 26' U.LD.L._11_ COUPONS Gladly Accepted ... DISCOUNT PllCIS Ill IW llEllS WILSON FRANKS 69c al.B.1ll.l'IClll&f, •• , •..•• , ..... -.... ..._...M !E!l~,222,:'l:': 68C ~~ .. ~~· $,491 . ""' ~U.?!f ~!~.~ t:.la~-... _ 36c LONSHORH CHEESE::.'." 69c ..,..,-.a.cu .... __ LEO'S MEATS"',., 45c &mCIPfll. alt-. .. --- VIENNA FRANKS 96c •..-t,,.IUF,11 ..... _ SHRIMP COCKIAJL 35c IWlllll.M. "-•••OH_>_>M• .... - ~!!~S,!,!!E!S~ .• _____ 3ac MOZZARELLA CHEES( 9"6c FllltlLl.PICllll ...................... -... - MOINING FllSH PIODUCI BANANAS CINDAL AMlllCA'S flNIST QUAUTT GOLDEN RIPE 100% CNltvn& 111&19 10~ U.S. NO. 1 SIAD£ RllSS£T 10 ·~ 48C POTATOES ·~· • ·"' ---. HORMll TAMALES:!:~ ... -.. -»• CHUNK TUNA~.':'." ................... 34° o-o· HEINZ llRCHUP~ ... -30' PRESERVES :::l':' .. ":'.'..~~!~-53· LOG CAllN SYRUP= .... -.71' IOIDENS CREMORAll:.'.· .......... .75' OUYE OIL:= ............... -.... -47' DILL HAL YES::".~ .................... 41' .,... llPE OllVU .::. ....... -33' Lt.ll•UUf.1'1119IAIM I ... 4s,1.-..... =•9.c .... ' - Shop Any Day • • .·Save ~very Day • -•• ~ith Lucky Everyday Low Discount Pricingi ' . ' I • ·~ .. , 1 ; .... , . • :. • DUl.Y l'ILDT ANTICS ANTlfUE ~ ....... , ............ -... ...,.. ___ _ -T any T natt Sez ti ,,_. ....... I ltlt9 .. ...................... ,.. ., ......... ....i; TOY&Tf'"l. 1111'1 ........................... ....... ...., ...... _ .. ..... ......... --... ... cltdl ....... WlllllllL ........... ... .... ~TT"I .... .....,. . TOYATI'S APPLIANCES ;.; . . . -' .. , . ' ... , . J • _.J • We'll Be· • Ill . . . Touch· 1p;;;;;;;;;;;;~~LOW£1~RS~ .. ::-by = . SUMB . ~ ~·•CIAL M:COU•TI Shultz Plans to Talk to Nixon '"""'"' ........ ~;:s:__l\!.1'511WllG'IlON_j'1Jl~~) ~-~..10<Nl!l!<C<1D11PliliiliabLnnwiore-wi&b,~lubtc__-.1H"°'Wl .. 'to.·on .. the 1ame Iloor-We.\~~~~4~'6-~5'~M~~~~~-- Gtilr1e P. Shultz, wbo leaves money tbtt •spent.'' will be in constmit touch wilhij •the Cabinet 'July 1 to take Sbu1tl brultied ailde ques-each other." • on the formida~e task Of tlons abOut•tbe exm:t functkms Shultz was asked if he has '""•• to ._..... .Jll .. i.......... to oC his office. He said they been a s s u re d :presidential ... ,,_ ..... ,. q., ........... ,. were "premature", backing if he runs into otes .. ates . the .sprawlinc fed er a 1 "If this crginlzation ii lo res i, lance from the , bureaucracy, said be baa been P.tf(orm well, ·it shouldn't bureaucracy. He replied Nixon assured of Greet accea to j·regant Itself as .a fixed and did got give him blank chec~ . '' • Presideot Nilon. l'iJkl structure," be said. "We ·support. STIYI. DAN I IYION PINUT . •-b-• ot .••--Offi•-will ha.ve. to deal witb ......._ But, Shultz said: "It. is his nn l;ilU "II:' ..... " ....... r-· 1 he will . i.... "°' ...,. ..., • pRlllll'*'t ~'tdle!t-, rl. Management and BudJtt, blems When they ~ alon1. po icies · be carry... tl•t _ will\ .....,.,.111<11_., no 'dolllll • Shultz said he will report to We mult adopt ourselves to out. I!m sure~ hf: will back -lf>Vf ... ..,,....., vqllf ,., en, the President without having ~ situations." his policies." t11t 111oc:1t to ,... ..-o1 Sund.Ir ~ to filter his views tiv'ough A Washington g. u e 1 a In gi========;':::::':'.:ll tor"t1, "'-"tieclt !"' 1111 ' 1 "'' 1 ·" .-: White House ai~ like John game recently has been teylng · r11e · 1so•1, ~omposec1 111 ~ ma111 .D. Ebrlichmao or H. R. to pinpoint the "man to see" , ., ~ IOl'lll en IMtiucriOn bu! ' Halderman. in the Nixon administration. 1111ort on 111e rnte:h1111a of • m•· .: chlnt ~id by 11p fo «II) ho,..,. Shulti. a onetime college Ehrlichman is the name most ,,.. i1.1PPDHd 1a 11ew. , 11H1ui1nt t dean, ii resl.ping as secretary often mentioned but Shultz bu 1n1iv..c1 °" ni. 11er1i.Mlll 1n11111ono:1 . of ' labor to accept the post some backers. bel'llnil ..;. wti"1 .. •~ 11<:1, ~ i-r- b ••-· •~·•tz · · In choloel11 _, 'Diii ~ • 1i.fl1t{C•I• created y NJJ:on " .. ""'gb an ~. was interviewed iirn11 w1111 ..,. .,1111.n.nt t11a1 ollllltr iex~ve ~tiOn plan his Labor Departrrient office. HENRY lt'llrr11d """' .,, ti.t11r:e,1vm """" earlier this year. He takes One wall is lined with booka, IM!r ¥,_...,.. 1mcr ''" brother11 a salary cut .. ~ '90,000 to makiQg the room look more FONDA 11!1111 •wt 111err 1bili!Y to ,, .. 1'p1rt, • '42,500 annually but the post• like the campus office he once 1o • t11I 11111S1r1c11on. cilsbu!Hd ., 111< ls mtn powaful... occupied at the University .of SA Y5: \'1\0C1ion wt.Ith pour•·''"" tilt bed!~ ro our w•Y or 11\lnklrlt, !ht enly 11!1tr1ctler! i-1119~1ty ""'tfkl•I to· 1 drl~.,. (lllJ oldtr, rNrrjed brlnd) JI thlo 1fghr "' 1 fllll·b_,, blonlll In ta an 1ntervlew with two Obic'8Q than the headquarters UPI ne-. Shultz Yid the ol a 'federal departmenl. '!be detailed functlonl cl bla office walls -• decorlled with have mot )'It: been worked abstract -paintinp. 411 M9'!1 It,. H......,t! ._. out. He indicated the details M. he chatted, Shultz ap. l~JNI i 11 look Ibis 'c\. t { al 'd h i t b li th t T _. would evolve over-t·i·me-peared con(Mleot.Jte_will_be Texas Jff,eter Maid? , lhol'I; Md•lllllCI I blkl doW/I the !'OH. ..AU.-.UJhJ1..»od1 10 ~HP mt .. ,y. wive .-;1r iOr:_ktV from dol1111 off, 111 11 111 w.... you Jll ure a ace v ue you ave o e eve a exas m~~er pouibly as the rault ol ~ able~ make his views beard ,_. ,.., mai(fs aren't what they used _tq be. Luckily sue~ is not the caae and tbJa call by-cue .Pndtine cf the pro-by N,JXon. S:everal members ;~~~,.~~._~ ... ~· ~~g;;w~••;;ju~st~awa~i~ling;;~hl~· s~o~wn~jer::to=r:et:urn=:::fr:om=:som=•::-•-bopp~=ing=:'.:in=D:eotoo.==T'.':u=. ==-bleDll cl federal D181111pmeal of. the Cabinel -notably . control. JnlerlOl" Secretary Wal°" J. -The new office is ' an ex-Hicket..-.have.amplained.IJit: ..... ...t-1 version of the bu" .... t terly about being unable to Md •ltd, -to our w1y of tllinlllnt. 11tmllhlnt me.rt llltn illgntly ~ lkllll '11 1 vl1lt to •YlllOH F!.HLliY INSUlllAHCIE, 902 M11n Jn Hunt~'°" -lliiCll, pl!ont $36-1525;-No mitt< , ..,.., vovr l11111r~nc1 llftds •• , hMllll • nr1. 1cclffnt , , • on• vllll ta 8yrDI'! Fenl•Y l11111r1nc1 will COl!Vll\Ct yqv • ~I wt .,.,... wh~t you w.1n1 11111 ~~ , Clff.,. flne11C• pt•n1 to gtv1 you lflll mtct1111 lnwr•ru:•· pro1ection. 1 ..,,, ··-... a...-•11tPad&I VITA M f NS -M 1 N.E R•A L 5 -... IMPACT FOOD SUPPLEMENT Tk• lllYM•ic 111t.r1I •191ni1 ~i1t1rr 11.1pplat11•nt which •rnltr1c11 •v•r 71 lt.•lt\ !.uiW11l9 1ich. WEl.SH'S NATUR,AL FOODS Navy Copwr Plan Goes Down the Tube ~ ...... reach the president. Some. bureau, whlcb it repla~ on times,· Ibey saiy, they · have the federal or111DiUtioo chart. bee nab Shultz made it clear he es· n u le. even to get an pects to be a much closer appointment . to see Ehrlich. adviser to the President than m:rlicbman will be staff most recent budget directors director of. Nixon's newly W ASHJNGTON (AP) A research · a n d pr~ .... •""'-," have been. created domeltic affairs coun--n Yates aaid. 111>"¥'.,...... The 'offic'e was created lo cil. The President said the Illinois House member said coordinate and make more e!-council """Will deal With tJie Tu-•-y the N ha• J t "More than half of the fi~·-• oh"·--~-of 1 ~ avy os \;l'C"I• """4111W> over ap. "what" of policy while Shutz' more than half of Us drone fieficopters crashed and, while ping and sometimes con-office will deal with the "how" 20 FOllST AYI. antisubmarine helicopters in some ol them ftmain on sta-~icting federal programs. It and the "how well.'' ~~~~~~~====== :;::==~! failure of a weapons program tion, many more have .been Jl!I generally conceded that tht "If these two units are to -that-cosHnore:ttum·a"""Quarter puLinto:BIDJ'age,.pl'Obably...fot (IO't'et •anerit wast:ts-billioM-ot---:wortr-effectivety·•• ShWtz said 4ff.3512 billion 1io1Jars. good." dollars every ·year becaUle it "John and I will have to work AXUNE'S ANN.UAL ' Rep. Sidney "R. Yates (D. The program, he said, cost Jacks oven~ll managerial con-together eHectiV<ly. "We will JU.), said an investigation has in excess of $250 million "but trol d. programs that total have offices in the White ~·~~. • ._&w..-.MtHI • ,,,. .. e.ri. discl06ed that 411 out of a the system could not even about $200 billion amually. purchase of 740 of the un--survive field m a n e u v e rs , · "The ·President is charged manned drone hel icopters mui;h less be relied upon in with making (government) crashed . . combat.'' P1'0IJl'8Jlll!I . wort effectively," The drones had been plan--He added, however, that Shultz said. "Our job is to Manila. Noting 399th Year ned for use 1o an an--. even if the drone heHcopter help · him do Jt. If we are tisubmarine. program known -DASH -hadn't b e e n so able to make the operatioos a s DASH. crash-pnme It could not have more effective, we will either MANI~A (UPI)-M~nila ob. Yates said a General Ac· achieved its mission. save money in the sense or' served its, 399th anniversary counting Office report-on an The DASH, he said, was doing the·aame thing at )es15 •• as a .C,hristian investigation made at his re-designed with an attack r~nge . cost or we will be ab}e to day· quest blamed tht poor oi ,30 miles but that in· order A 'Special .city holiday was perf.ormance on "lhe Navy 's. ·t ha proclaimed to commemorat for . J to ve dooe its job, the naming of Manila as a ordering drone s into ·pr~ the destroyer on which it WllJ Youth Likes ''Christian Capital City" and duction before ttlcy were fully ba' s'' requ1·r·' r . cu C\.I a son a seat of the natiaital govern. FABRICS SAL·E 30°/o TO 40°/o o ·FF Beginning Jilpe 29th 101-4 Irvin• ·f~2 S, Co11t!Hwv. · 16161-C l1 '•1 Rd • T111tin. C1lil, · L•911111 1,•,h. C.ilif .. Mi11io'n Vi•i·o, C1lif • lll-5174 494-2)10 . ·117.9 OJ . ............... ............. la.. ......... 11 •• 12.38 COIDINATID 0 • IAGS .... ,, . t1SU 14~29 I/Iiss America · de veloped and tested," capab1""ty that coold d " t · "The failure ol the o·ASH q e c ment by Spanish authorities on and pinpoint • submarine 30 His . C-hoo ... ·} J~~Ju~ne~:u~·~· m~~t.~~~~~~~~~==:::!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~ program is a classic example milei away. UC of the results of concurrent But, Yatei said, "the Navy did :not have such a capability Newport Beach r e,s id 'en t until 1968, although it had been Robert Host, . ~,of ~r. and · ''' PllCI .... Sil t9 SIS· 2 .... , ........... . . FREEMAN S~POl lllN 30°/o ·OfF ' . $6.67 & $9.52 . ' .... St .. 512 · SUMMERETIES Wedge Classi~ Pattem : ====r::: ...... · $4 ' .. 76 " Summerette Casuals ·:·. $3.81 --llCi. SS TO SI JSI PAii WHILI TMIY U.ST KEDS . MENS CASUALS .$,67 . ....... ··- .... LAILYSt.11 BOATSHQE' e ILUI $490 e WHITI . . e GUIN . .......... l .fftet." Women's Tennis Shoes $2.90 •••• -.. c..... Is; I It 14.ff .. H .ff HUSH PUPPIES ....... -POI U.DIH e '•• & . StNpet ..... .,., s 1 s .00 $9.52 Camping & Work Shoes Oxfords and . Boots $8 .. $12 Mens Soft Walk Casuals $12.38 '"·Sit.II C-... ...... r,1 •• , M_,. ,.,. AXLIN.ES SHOES 2ff • 2'7 l'ORUT AVE . e LAGUNA IEACH .... ,,,. -.... 4249 •' EYES RIGHT ., DI: LOUIS J . HASILflLD o,tom.tritt Alllllll twl ~ If t1t1 l"ttlllllllll II C~""'Ylllli Ill -ollfr91 111111 . ""r "'" .. ""'" '"''""" """""" ., tltl •Ill.,. " ,.,.clill II ... ,.. ,. ""91n...,. A comic: wt. 11 ,,..,. ..,.. • cltl c.-11111 ..,.. 11 win H"1nhot •IMI . frwtr1t..,, Ill • I 11111 'llliH Clll ..... In -9 <'-,,..,.... 1y11 Ire c-· 'w ..,. vi""' olllllclenca '#tic~ c111 M cwrKM' lllf Pl"9Pll' tlllMI. 11111 "" llfllllt tf -~ 11111n wm · "'° .,...llY ,.,.,_. the ,,...,,...,. clMldl· t1'fl, 111 -c11tt. Hf'llHJ -r " __ .,. .. (9n'l('I .. ..... .. . ..... le: ,_~ .... ,1 ..... .. _ ... ... ,.. ,....,. l'J'lll!lht. 11'1 ..... ,. 11111 to -Wiii. Liii 111 ci.:11; .,.Ill' •Y• M -tff!Ct Ill lilt PIVI .. 111111 SIMllltilll (' ..... 111 Mlllt Stnet Mir ._,. ............ ""'"' IM1·U11, buying DASH helicoptm since Mrs. Harlow Host will p~ 196.'I." bably be more eager than By the time it developed most to tttum to. college in the required sonar capability, September. he said, the Navy 8tfeady had He is one of 74. men students lost more than 300 of the at Sarah Lawrence College, drones. Bronxville, New York. Yates also released another A transfer last September GAO report, compiled at his from Wesleyan University, request, an effects ol con-Host served as secre:tary to currency simultaneous the college's student senate . research and producUon -on In addition, Host, who just the AN·SQS-26 sonar program, completed his ·junior year, is designed for fleet use. tbe sports writer. for the col· This report, he said, shows Jege's information office. Jn that the sonar will cost at his writing duties he has !east $4.29 million, far in ex· covered the colleges basket· cess of its expected cost and. ball team as well as the like DASH, s hort of coeducational Lennis and performance objectives. baseball teams. The Navy, he said, has ordered at least 85 of the sonars while as of last May 20 the operational evaluation of I.he system had not been completed. Yates, . a member ol the House Appropriations Com. mittee, said in a statement: "As Jong aS the Department of Defense continues to buy weapons systems prior to the completion of the research and development, the ta:r· pay<rs will be paying more money for less defense." Honor in Te~a!! Sandy Montgomery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Montgomery, llllO Citrus Place, Newport ·Beach, was recognized a& an awards dinner recenUy at S t . Stephen's Episcopal School in Austtn, Te:ras for her work as dormitory pnictor mrtag the fall and spring temeslera at the Texas school • An All New Sele"ction of ComP.lete Home Furni1hing1 ,,._.Cl'6 INTERIOR$ 'MAKE YOUR HOUSE A HOME' STOP IN AND MEET ESTHER BRACHA, noted expert in interior design, who will be happy to dis· cuss your design and decorating problems with you. Be it one room or your enUre home. Mrs. Bracha will also speak on Interior Decorating, free or charge to groups of 15 or more. • , FURNITURE -CARl'ErlNG -~RAPERIES AND ACCESSORIES COME AND BROWSE 'AT YOUR LEISURE ..................... a.... .......... 0..1 ........ ~ STORE ·~OURS: Da.!)yftoS:-F•ldayftot OlhorE-l"11ltyApp't, SID N. EL CAMINO REAL SAN. CLEMENTE "'-: >lft.7220 .. / ''Artistry in Movfug'' for the BEST 'MOVE of YOUR LIFE Call! ' ' 494-1025 580 B~oadway PRE INVENTORY SALE Peden's FASHION ·MANOR NOW IN PROGRISS I KIMBERLY KNITS COATS DRESSES PURSES BLOUSES SWEATERS ROBES JEWELR·Y PARKING IN REAR I , • ., n A v { ' • I ' ( s ( p ti n t1 Ii • R " h ~ h F n B E • ~ b a c c ri • • h 0 c ' Ir ~ u v • ---. . ---.------:--"""'"';' . "' . . . ' . . Thurldly, Jllftt 25, 1970 Old MacDonatd Would Love This Coed ! ! . • was s.a, nearly 1traigbt. A. 1 research colony of wbJte where a · will work as bead (ew men are quaWled to han-o l;TILLWATER, Okla . (UPI) -Carolyn Gunn, 20, is a typical coed at Oklahoma -'--Slate-t:Jnlvertity -liftltl )'Od She's a junior thb year and mice. wrangler of borsea -a job die . roob llllrd amq IS juniors She lo cha~l~rm'!',an~ol~lhe~g:na-;1;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 __ ~ E~~~ ~~1~:~ ii~1·~;~•-:~1· .. ·1·1z ~ • 'I Chairmen · Know the Score take a c}oser look. The girl from Tuba· llkea pretty" clothes, is fUn-lovinJ, poised and hard work11141. :Ier resemblance to most "citified " girls ends there, however. Miss Gwm in ma- joring at OSU in animal science -a field most women never think of eqtering. . She's se.rious about her studies as evklenced by her · grades. Her academic average through her sophomore year few ol them are women. cou~ to 1 b a me I • Alpha Zola, !he nalional recently, competing In OSU's agricultural honorary fraterni-Big Ei&t>I champi<>nship rlflo ty, recently selected her; for contestl. However, a shoulder !he special award for womea injury for<ed her to drop GUI students in agriculture. While moll young &iris ire Miss Gunn has won four enjoytnc the sumtner at scbolarshlpa llO far ," iocii!dlnl beaci1el or other laww!te a Wentz Sfrvice &eholarship haunU, Mias Gum wili be for $360, in which lhe works at a dude ranch;~ Wind River 2l hours a mmth caring for Ranch near l)JbolS, W)'tl., r•i1rt111-.. ... a111111 ALL S:T,QRES CELE.BRATE· · •••••••••••••••••••••• •ORTHO'S GRAND: OPENI G ' SALE!:; Laguna Beach Ph~rm.onic Committee officers (left lo righ~) Mrs .. :ri.1. Thomas --Risner-Jr.,. new-cha1rman;-and-Mrs-.-James-B:-ifeyes,-outgoing cbatrman,-take - note of the recent luncheon installation in the Emerald Bay borne of Mrs. Keyes. Also taking office are the Mmes. Ralph Tandowsky Jr., John H. Lowry, Wallace W. Walton and Frederick Richman. Funds from the Laguna Comnuttee go to Ortho grows again! And every Ortho Store ls .I · -. offering savings; you save on spedal prices right now. i-- ' the Los Angeles Philharmonic Society and youth conc_e_rt_s_. _______ _ ~ The Super King·size Set ~ si 2 9 95 ~=111e"""~.~=-::~""" unit& Buy direct and save from the nation's .i largest and finest chain of mattress specialists! • I __ Conference Calendared becauee It's carefulty, meticulously 1 · constructed lo...Ortho'• rigid 1peclflc~ llftW Center eupport. layers Of cotton felt end RU . sisal under a rich scroll qullted cover .... -.11 ~IDoublllonu1. 1 Queen Size Set Twin or Full Set A summer conference of lhe 1.~'f11--"-'~09-.a.8:.,.5~-'!_~-~.-:5-9 ... il5lpltnf Orange District, --Cahforiiiil- Fcderation or Women's Clubs will lake place from 8:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. on Monday, June 29, in the Fullerton First ChrisUan Church- ' Assumes New Role Mrs. Raymond Morehouse 0£ }iuntington Beach \viii assume duties 0£ president of the city's Women 's Division, Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Mo rehouse also is treasurer of the Golden Key, Child Guidance Center of Orange County. For the chamber she has served as co-chairman ol the ~1iss Huntington Beach contest and membership chairman. Couple Recite Vows In Catholic Rites Although registration begins at 8:30 a.m., the morning session starts an hour laler. Mrs. Theodore Cooper, dis trict third vice president, is conference chairman. Following a brief business meeting, two hours o ( workshops will t.!!.ke place on programs and itin erary, parliamentary p r o c edure, amenities and hostess, press and publfcity and others. A. programs audition will follow the noon luncheon. Picnickers Kick Off New Term A family picnic from 3 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 27, at the· Santa Ana home of Mrs. Lincoln , T. Rosey will kick off the new term or the 'South Coast Wellesley Club. Mrs. Jack W. Mccarley ol Irvine will serve as president of the club which draws membership from Or a n g e County, Palos Verdes and Long Beach. Other -0fficers include the Mmes. Arsenio L. Delgado, vice president; Paul M. Jones. r-ccording secretary; Jterbert L. Garson, treasurer: Robert V. Schmidt, acquaintanceship chairman: Mary B. Stoughton, parliamentarian, and Miss Janet L. Morri s, cor• responding secretary. Mrs. Ronald P. Voight and Mrs. J. Wa lter Heckman are co-chairmen ol the develoir ment fund . Qann Sill Sit *11tll ......_ .......... a.. I'll! a a....._ Tllil II' F1U Sit 18111 ....,.. ..... .,,... lllellildll Do9l9 a-.. The Deluxe King Ma-ond2 BoxSprlngo Another great Ot'tho value! This riC:h ec:roll quilted ex 7 ~ l<ing hi• fiber lol::k alaal Jneulator, layera-of fine cotton Jett, venUl1ted reinforced border. O~I ~ Botal&. I0•.,5915 Robin Heald Knowles and man. Ushers were Stanley Peter Charles Merandl recited Govers, Charles K n o w I e s , their weddi,1g vows during a Robert Johnson and Donald nuptial mass in St. Bonaven-Fischbcck. it.re's Catholic Church, Hun-The bride, a graduate of l\1arina Iugb School, now ia lington Beach. majoring in. political science Retiring from the exeeuliva board after two years are , 1 Mrs. Charles, E. Fredericksen • "" a·nd Mrs. Albro Lundy. The bride, daughter of Mr. at California Stale College .at and Mrs. ltoberl He a Id Fullerton. Emblem Club Knowles or Huntington Beach, Her husband was graduated was escorted to the altar by from Marina and Golden West Gathering for b u s i n e 1 s her father for the double rin& College. The newlyweds will sessions and programs are ceremony , . make their first t>ome in members of Newport Harbor Serving .as her matron of Upland while he majors in Emblem Club every second honor was her sister, Mrs. business ad ministration at .Tuesday at a p.m. in the Elks Frank ,J. Schneider, and her Claremont Men's CoUe:ge. Lodge, The Camelot King maid of honor was Miss --------'-----'--------! Belsey Neal, a cousin from ,,-------.... Hanover, Mass. Bridesmaids were the Misses Margaret Ann Merandi. sister of th e bridegroom, Elizabeth Huston and D o n n a Reid. Anne Cormack was flowe r girl and Charles Davis carr ied the Mtltlou and 2 lox Sprlngt Heavy duty unit with crown flax ~nter l!Upport, fiber tocfc altal lntul•lOl and Ur.thane foam for proper flrmneu . rings. The benedicl, sGn of Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Merandi o( I1unlington Beach, asked his brother Michael Mt!randi d Claremont to serve as best Soroptimists HOW OPEN 54 FASHION ISLAND e featuring FLORSHEIM for A.ten and-Women e COMPLETE CHILDREN'S DEPT. leaturing STRIDE RITE. • end oomfortl o.muk multi-quilted cover. OrtM-Pelr a DCMIMt 11onua. Tlllrl • Fii Slt'1llll 11ows27911 ................... .................. , . THE NATION'S LARGEST CHAIN LAKEWOOD 4433 Candltwaad Awtnut C.ndtewood lhopa I < actoH from Lakewood Center) Phone: 834-4134 SANTA ANA and FOUNTAIN VALLEY · 18131 Harbor Blvd. (corner of Edinger) NeKt to Zody'• Phone : 839·4570 Save A "Round" S&O lie. S20t.9!i. Truly • b.•utiful "•l••p i111 t~• round" berg•inl 6•t Ortflo f•'"oue· 1:1 u•li ty construction •rtd • 9ood, nle1int '''*· Full 7 ft. ell•'"•'•'· A cit••'"! Mo""" SJ 49'6 , .. ,uc1o. •nd Double Found•tlon lonus \ Closeout on Convertible Sofas Take &dvlintlge of Ortho'• dmdo rwctuo- tlons on all ltylM otaofai bedt.i&I Wllh genuine Oftho Malb 11111...,.on.of• kind ftnde.aolN .,.theendolthl 1871 llna ••• all tabuloua bup, qualltyCONtrw-___ --... """" ' --•121 F MATTRESS SPEQA• IST'S ANAHEIM 1a11 welt tlncoln Avenue Between Euclid and Brooldtunt A't'lnutl , Jwt E• of Fed Mart Phona : ntr-2590 Newport ~larbor Soropllmisl Club mcett Ille first three Wed...W.ys' for a luncheon to the PrJme Rib Tnn, Costa M ... The last Wednesday of the month members meet in vnrious locaUons lor dinner at 1:30 p.m. OPH+ DAii Y 10 9 •SAT Ill fi •SUN I? 6 • IMMf IJIA H 111 llVERY •CREDIT TERM S AVAILABI l ·BANKAMER ICARU ·MA S If K LllM'l;I " • ' I ----- l • • • "'.ii ' \ ' 18 DAILY PILOT Thursday, June 25, 1970 Council ' Elections ;~ Tttne To-Gire~'- • R.T. Hawleys Select I Redondo Beach Home F a ltawa 1an E .il'H-F--.Ar-tr-101.1RGed--... ·'h•r•-i .. .-iob-for-you'-irrlhe-H•l'ho•-A'""~,--­ position needing no other qualifications but your honeymoon. newlywed R. T.1 Hawley and his bride, the for. mer Susan Arico will (nake their first home Jn Redondo Beach. The Rl Rev. Msgr. George M. Gal~ ofCieiated at the double ring ceremony in Holy Trinity Calholli: Church, San Pedro. Parents of the LWPle arc 1'-lr. and Mrs. Jo5'!ph Arica of Rolling Hills Estates and Mr. and Mn.. Reginald G. Hawley Jr. of Newport Beach. Oil Grill her lather, Miss Judy Feole, a cousin, to be maid ol bomr. Other auendants were the Misses Cathy Feole, Sue Pastor, Fain Shield, Diana Wilde, Celest .. : Fremon and the Mmes. Peter Anderson, Ted Hammond and Randall Baker. Lisa and Elizabeth Arica ~er.e· Q.ower girls. Best man wu BaJter, a-ad assuming usher dut1•s were Joseph and Larry Arico, Kevin Lindsay, George Padsi, ·Peter Fraser, Frank Marshall, Pat Jlenaghan and Hammond. A graduate. ol. RQUing HiUs To prevent food from stick· lligh School and the Universi- ing ..on a barbecue rack. rub ty o! Southern Galifornia, the the rack with (.'(l()king oil briHe is pursuinf iraduate before grilling. Then af~er studies at USC where she is each cookout. scour the rad. affiliated with Pi Beta Phi. . .. The beoedict is a graduate B, . B, 'th of Newport Harbor High na1 r1 School, attended UCI and Orange Qoast Olapter ol -received a BA · degree from B'nai_ B'rith Wo/"en gather USC; He is an affiliate of the f1rM.~1fi at 8 p.m. Delta Tau Delta and is cur. in Mercury Savmp Bank. renUy a graduate student at Huntington Beach, USC. • Dolly ~~dison's in White House , Officers will be elected and programs planned when the Orange County Council of Hospital Volunteers meets at 10 a.m. on Monday,' June 29, in the Costa Mesa home o( Mrs. William Langston. Assuming duties will be Mrs. Jack M. Lyon s. president-elect,. and president of the South Coast Community Hospital Auxiliary. Those to be elected include president..el~t and secretary. A junior advisor will be ap- pointed. The council, organized 10 years ago, meets three times a year to exchange ideas on volunteer service and aid new- ly formed guilds. Senfor C itizen• Comm un ity Recreation Center at Orange County Fairgrounds is the scene of activity when Costa Mesa Senior Citizens meet at 11 a.m. every Tuesday. time and willing hands. r 'fhere are thousands of these openings for men and women from teenagers to senior citizens and summer is a good time to become involved. Summer is the time to help a youngster learn or ease th e burden or loneliness for the eJderly. , FAMILY PLANNING EXPANDS The Orange County Health Department i~ e~­ •pandinf its Family Planning Program and as 1n need o more volunteer-s. Bilingual persons and .ones with a medical background are 'urged to. volunteer .• Present openings include medical history tak- ers, interpreters, clerks and counselors. lnterested persons should call l\1i ss Diane Brause at 776-5551 Crom 8 to 10 a.m. r SERVICES FOR THE BLIND A volunteer is needed to run a computerized typewriter and one to supervise partially blind boys in a hobby shop. 1nterested persons should contact Mrs. Helen Church at 541-3354. - VITAL OPPORTUNITIES Recruitment has begun for· volunteers !or lhe new Red Cross Blood-Center. ) There is an immediatae need !or regi stered or licensed nurses along with volunteers,.:to recruit donors, take records, fill requests an d aid the cen- ter ge nerally. Mrs. Rose Marie Manwaring may be There's a liVe Dolly Madison in the White House. Dolly, 21, of Bronxville, N.Y. ls distantly related to the famous former First Lady. The new member or the White House tour staff poses by the portrait of the former First Lady. ~~---- conlacted at 542-1137, ext. 14. l's-Our-Gi.ant 23rd ••• 6 ~D A VI 5 -BRO WN SAYE ON THESE FAMOUS NAME APPLIANCES & TV's NOW! Some One-Of-A-Kind-All .At Big Savinl)s ! ~\k.~.~ R~A First in Color TV L~~ s443aa MANY • MANY T!) CHOOSE FROM Under-Counter DISH WASHERS WE SBtVICE WHAT WE SELL! In Our Own Service Shop. AND DRYER Pair by DOUBLE DOOR Frost-Proof Frigidaire Refrigerators This is a ll111itecl time sale -lhop early for best selection. PORT ABLE COLOR TV ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES sr:TRT s279aa BIG CAPACITY . 16.6 CU. FT. 154 LBS. TOP FREEZER FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR Frost Proof, Too l PRICED FROM SAVE NOW FRIGIDAIRE .AS LITTLE AS PORTABLE l/W TV CONVENIENT ·~ PAYMENT PLAN AVAILABLE · •CA r · ,., .. ,..1 TY ·-······· ·-... , . .,,,,,,,, $89.50 ,, .. Walnut C.Wnet SYLVANIA with temlter Door•, (AfT), RMucH te Comi.lnetlen 2J" Coler TV with fM/AM Ratlle, S toree Record Pleyar. Cut to -···· .. lemoto C.ntrol 2r RCA loll A'41ut Cort. Price Cut ta Only RCA 2:1" !T.L:.:i:o:..:~: .. ,, .......... $99.95 ::r., •:;,.~:.L.VAN.I~ .......... . .. $109.95 COLOR TV PORTABLES l lti lrlt• Plcturo. Only ........ : ... . ICA 11r ... In. lrlllleltt Coler ·--··············-~-····· STIREO RCA IM.._ In. RCA W•lnvt Cen'°'a $499.95 $699.50 $488.50 $429.50 Porteble, 40 Watt Atel'ff Amp, 4 1,cl. Ch•"ler, Air i u1pantlon i,..kerL N9W •nly e Stereos -e Renges e Stereo Phono Combe-• e R•dios e C•sette Pl•yers $118.50 111 16.6 cu. ft. PR.IGIDAllE All frnt-Proof With 15' lb. 511• frHa•r. Only .... ... . WASHERS -DRYERS "Side ly Sida" All Frost Proof FRIGIDAIRE With 191 lb. MAYTAG WalMr, Lar1e laa4 C•p•clty, Dallc•t•• I W•1h N' WNr, t ......... _ .... . MAYTAG 0.t Dryer, I ll Load C•1Mclty. Only .... --···· , fRIGIDAl•E w .. tter, Deluxe 2 Sptl. ..... o.llcote, W•llh·n-WMr Cycl• ...... . $239.50 $188.50 Sl1e fr"aor . -········ ......... . Hu,. 2Cl.5 cu. ft. FRIGIDAIRE with 200 I~. Sia• To, frMaer, fro•t Proof. Only ....... . COftVtnlent ludln1 40I lb. FRIGIDAIRE u,rl1ht , .... frMa•, Cam,.ct Sire ... • $278.50 $418.50 $358.50 $237.50 •it l rlpt Pk:tur• _., -·-·"·- SYLVANIA Ir. 8rllllant Celar, Mantery Pina Tunl"t , , $248.88 $338.88 $349.95· 6 ..... ..., •MI AM, • .._ $379 50 Record Cha,....., Wu tMt.tS now • Cu•tom Dalu•a fRIGIDAlltl . I Progr•m Walh l•tttn1, Autam•tlc Soak Cycle• ... $178.50 $208.50 GAS RAN~ES COLOR TV 2r SYLVANIA c....i. Colar $399 95 M'"'"'1 OIM T••l"t, Onlr • @DAVIS RRl1WN T•L•Vl910N •Al'l'LIANCBS I RCA Cem,_.,,t l.,.taM " Am" T•-· Cha-. 2 $238 50 Spaeker Cai.lnett. All fer ONLY a REFRIGERATORS -FREEZERS cam,.ct Cam,...aftt ly1twft, ~~~.'::i.:'.!:.,'o:f~ ..... , .. ,... .. .. $89.50 fltlGIDAIRI C9m,.ct aar-Ty,- ~ff~! •. '~nl~~~: _c·~~· ·--··· . __ $99.50 INTEGRITY & DEPENDABILITY SINCE 1947 411 E. 17th .... St.·Costa Mesa-646-1684 Dally 9 am to 9 pm. Sat. 9 am to 6 pm "Com,..:t JO" Dalu1.e CALORIC L•rwo Oven & 1re11ar Ona Only ----- Self CIMnlnt Oven I lreller CALO•tC H " Sl1e With M•"Y Daluaa fNtuf'OI ··-·· .... ~ $198.50 ) ., \ Th< wit the d•) t ..~ fro, is : " inl1 ran t \'CS re< TUl the ,,h! Da 1 shi t.ro. Me Se! of ve• h Ru bu bu ltlli M~ ex1 ret l od Boo resi Olh !ell pre the con don ratl Ira< B tiea w .. are filll say mi[ meo dep Ir yea bee mo> gni. five five waJ Ion fer bee1 B Mal trac beet lnct •lei s. S< this pav !or Iii the circ l\fal and Brit islai oth< () Smi met cial he <lea! ti.1al Uni+ in $86,• lror Tl exp1 Rus Di pl coul wan on I coul pa11 T Smi Jlus A c A Cler od I Iron Sch< .. .. Tl rl!!IU yea1 w, 'Bau. Fen Goo ryle Knl• Ten Mo 11ob Dor< \Var l\f ar Sc Veit cla~ and """ ------------.,..--.,--------.-,..-·~~---• '"'"'""'"~-;-·.••-.,-·~.·~.-·~.-·~•-·~.--,.·-.~·~.--.~·~.--.-·~.•~.~·--.. •--.~·-.r•~1-1=1-1~•~~-~--.· ...--;-.:·:;• i'""='-:-1 • . . ' ·Presence Felt Malta Now Sees • ' fh ursd.ay, June 5, 1970 DAILY PU.OT :JJ War Marr· ges Do Last 69 Aged WWI C riples Repeat Vows SAN DIEGO (AP). -11le Clyde a Mabel Harmer her In Hawa!L" war brides blushed as they were marri in 1915 at Pratt, The ceremony wu tor llll yeon llO wlieill!iir-l<JJ!n:--. -+----,:..--mwoml..,..-ol-llalFacu-2Dle411 .OI----' ~n beside them stood ''l broug her right off the orld War 1• 1 San 80 group, and marked a total straight and proud in the farm, rig off the farm," of some 3,500 ye an of married VALETTA, Malta (UPl) - in 1t1alta since the island im-unlforms of the World Wat Harmer id. "It wa.s in life. The Soviet flag can be seen ports quantities or cement October 1 " u. . from Russia. This would give 1. Presklent Nixon 1tnt a wiw• growing regularity off ••Qb, h , Clyde, IL wu 1 • the Soviets a chance to bring ''I promise that 1 will ca. AprU," "e •• 1,,. le egram calling lhe affair 'a the shores of Malla these experts, enctneers, and other tinue io cheriah, honor and u· --. reminder of the timeless, . days. workers into •the • "Mediter· f love my wUe, comfort aod John E erson, a six.foot.er spiritui'1 values ol married life The tiny, sun-washed is.land , ranean island, they said. ~ keep her,'through sickness and who joi the Navy In 1917, Whole Importances often seem which got its independence The So viet Union. which -health , •• " Tbete was a tear pinne~ a rsqe on hi1 wife too little stre~ in ·oi,ir already uset Malta's dry' dock· ..... or two. · Bertha o the, ir golden an-modern times." from Britain si r years ago,' ,-,,... ... -.....,..., ........ ing faciUUes for commercial As the vmys wert read to niversary A spokesman said the pro- js feeling the push-diplomatic ships undergoing retit · or u'' T•1t•11t._ each of 61 aged couples Mon-As a no played an old gram in the Veterans' w.- as well as naval-of Soviet repair,isalaosaidtobepress-.Just Bllllfl Out to Dry day, they repeated them to tunellel Warren spread .her Mmiorial was arranged infiue_nce in the Meditcr-ing for a Soviet-Maltese the Rev. Lewis Hunter, a San arms an w~ed. belying hei "because so many of the ranean. navigatj,on agreement which "Clean as a hound's tootli" so to sPeak \Vere these five kittens as they prepared Diego minister. almost 80 years. "She always members have passed 60 The,.. cr.owding of Russian would give Soviet I vessels to observe "Be Kind To Anim als1 ' \Veek. The kittens who had Jost their way By their · words they gave danced Ufully," her bus-years of marriage and think vcssles into the waterway was further r ights and privileges found a home at the Mbskingwn Coun ty Animal Shelter in Ohio. Soaked by the testimony to a viett they all band sai "Found that out it's important that war mar· in Malta. \veekend rainS, the kittens \Ve re groomed and hung up· to dry: . share: War marria•es. lasL right af I met and married riages l_ast." recently highlighted by a -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;· ;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Turkish goyernment report on th~ number of Soviet ships which passed through the Dardanelles Str;tits in 1969: Turkey said Russia sent· 263 ships through the Turki~qn­ trolled straits linking the Mediterranean and B I a c k Seas, 10 tirpes the number of all other' foreign naval vessels combined. Mikhail Smirno vs ky , Ru s s i a , non-resident am- ba.mador to Malta (also am- bassador to Britain), recently made a rare visit to the Miditerranean island seeking e:rpaiiiled trade and cultural relaftons. Last year, Smirnovsky ask· t!d Prime Minister Giorgip Borg Olivier to grant Russia resident ambassadorial status. Olivier rerused. The Maltese leader told the Russians the present arrangement whereby the two countries maintain commurUcation through Lon- don was adequate for their rather meager exchanges in trade and ~,.u,..ur"''~· ----l-•----- But Britain's 200.year-old ties with Malta seem to be weakening. The two countries are currently locked in a f~ncial dispute and Malta says Britain owes it $55.2 mil1ion under the 1964 agree- ment which made Malta in- dependent. JR accordance with the 10- year agreement, Britain has been giving Malta a sum of money on a 'lS/25 percent grant.Joan basis for the past five yeart. For the second five-year phase, Brit a in ~to reverse the fomiitl•. Malta refused the of. fer and no compromise has been reached. Britain also decided to skip Malta's Ju I y international trade fair, an event it. has been participating in filnce its inception a decade ago, Jn stepped the Russians. Soviet iedcnail!son acNuon Soviet officials announced this month they will send a pavilion to the fair this year for the first time. Britain was criticized for the move in Maltese trade circles. Britain is one of Malta's main export markets and there is less duty on British goods imported to the island than on products from other countries. During his fi.taltese visll, Sm.irnovsky tlid not publicly mention possible Soviet finan- cial assistance lo Malt(!. But he said he wanted a better deal in lrade in culture With Malta. At present, the Soviet Union exports only $300,000 in goods · to Malta against $86,400 received in imports from the island . The Soviet ambassador also expressed tile desire for more Russian tourist.I to visit Malta. Diplomatic IOW'ces aaid thia could mean the Soviet uruon wanted to open a touriat office on the bland which, ~y said, could be used for other pro. paganda purposes. Tile aources 1ald Smirnovlky also sunested Russia build a cement factory Adults E11d Capo Work A SCON of students of San Clemente Adult School receiv- ed lbelr bllh ldiool dlplorn• from the Captstrano UnlfMd School Diatrict during recent ceremonies, The students, 10Me of whom resumed their 9tudies al'ter years or delay s, are: Warren Benjamin, Connie 'Bauer, Sylvia Cannon, · Tim Ferrick, Janine Galey, Diane Goucher, Carl Holstrom, Ter- ryle lfutcltison, !If a r I e Knierlemen, Barbara McRae, Terrence M a r t i n, Pedro f\f o n t e mayer, 1"1artuerite Robinaon, Katheryn.... Smith, llqoothy Slrlc:Wond, James \Yarren, Lynda W J 111 a rn •, ~fary Wll90n and John Zie.Ier. School Principal A I o n 1 o Valentine commended the clan 11 a "hlthly motivated end conscienUous croup of PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONViNIENCE. .FIRST MONTHLY PA°YMENT DUE- AUG. I .. EVERY GOLD'S PRICE AG INCLUDES: ,- ' NOW OPEN-COSTA MESA 3089 BRISTOL STREET (Off San Diego Freeway) FREE DELIVERY, FREE PARKING, REE SERVICE; FREE SET-UP B. FREE EUREKA VACUUM PLUS ATTACHMENTS, WITH 32 Sq. Yd .. INSTALLED NYLON SHAG. GOLD'S COSTA MESA STORE 3089 B'RISTOL STREET c. D. • 101-" CRESCENT S TCHGARD VELVET SOFA ') . 't your way of living; regal rayon velvet bold leaf a nd scroll pattern; expensivo pill back design with i/reamy da~ron rapped cus hions; all posed on a firm ' hardwood frame. Rith mellow golden- glo! Take advantage of our terms! ARRANGE PAYMENTS TO FIT YOUR BUD·GET! A. 5-PC. PEDESTAL DINETTE T exfured oak table top 30 "x'48'1 extends io 60" with 1-12'1 fill. Block· wrought iron dou ble ped estol base, 4 hi bock scroll, swiv.- el pedestal chairs vin yl over foam seals. C. NYLON SHAG PILE INSTALLfD . I I ~· IMMONS QUILTED BEDDING lwi mattress or box spring with 1'rn t~ quilt top, built by the m ers of Beoutyrest to our rig· id pecifications. Floral covtrtd I n mattress or box spring. • MAR-PROOF TOP TABLES · i-pressure scratch and stain resistant topped tables; wood edge trim on. cocktail, antique . Ca lifornia created, deep lush, plush pile t hat con toke any· thin g yo dish out. Highly resili· ent Dupont nylon fiber in deco- rolor colors, double jute bee~ . llsq.yd1. /bross pulls and finished inte,iors on all three, cocktail, hexagon and squor1 commod1s. I ·i FILL IN . ' TODAY F.OR . YOUR GOLD'S ~EDIT PLAN oa. 5-PC. SPANISH BEDROOM BY GILLESPIE Choose full or queen size hiod- 1 board in this dromotico!l y styled $269 bedroom. Simulated wood carvings accent the 72" triple dresser, plate gloss mirror above it, as well as the full or queen eadboard ond 2 nite stands. • 5 RAWER CHEST, Rog, 139.95 .................... $19 M IL OR BRING IN ' --,. --___ ,_ ____ _ TURE & APPLIANCE Anaho;m, 1679 c-nt Ave. GOLD'S FUR Calla M11a, l019 l~1tvl St. NAM'·"··----· ·---··-·····-........... -......... .-.,HU51"ND'S NAMf.---·--·-·-··-.. ·-- Ab°ol.lSS ......... '. .. ··---··--·· .. --........ -•. :.._ .. -·--···-·"" .. -···-•HONl ... -..... _.__. I I CITY .. ....__.,_ .... ····----··-···--···----··--·----: .•. ?IP CODE ....... -... ---..'. I HUSBAND'S EJ,LOYllt .. _ .. ,_ ... _._ .. , ... _,,_._lM~LOYl•'S ADDl.155 ............... __ ... ,. ... _._ I ._ __________ --1---~ ,.._ ----__ .... GOLD'S ANAHEIM STORE 1679 CRESCENT AVENUE ~ • SHOP: Monday tliru Fri. I 0.9; ' Sot. 'til 6: Sunday 1 l·S:JO •llldenb." 1---------------------~-----~~-----------...:....-------~-----------------~ "' ' ' . ' I I I 'I • '' l • ' i I • -------------------- ' • ' . I .. ' ·p ~ 1eSents the first ••• f , ., • l , I ' I \ ' ' . j I •' . I ' ; L I· f ll 1\ ' ' i ' 1' \ ~ . ('1 ~ ' ,. I ,, ' l t 1 ,\ ,-, ' ' •• ' ' I . • . , I •' •' • ' See . it no'1V * THE FIRST 25" DIAGONAL SCREEN * 315 SQ. IN: FLAT SURFACE PICTURE *ULTRA-RECTANGULAR SCREEN * ULTRA BRILLIANT PICTURE. - Magnavox does it again by bringing you for 1970, the world's first 25" diagonal screen~the largest made! The uitra-retlangular, ultra·brilliant screen ha s a 315 sq. in. flat surface lo reduce glare and improve viewing. New square corners bring you a more • naturally ~haped picture ... the closest yet lo a motron picture screen! ••• PLUS • Total Autoinatic Color .~ Exclusive Magnavox 'TAC' keeps color constant and picture perfectly tuned no matter how otten YoU chaige . -channels. Just set it once and forge t it. No need to make bothersome adjustments. And Yoll get more: . Magnavox Chromatone for added color depth, featuring instant picture and sound! All this in a handcrafted cabinet to suit your decor. Why settle for another brand's obsolete TV when you can own the biggest and most advanced on the market today ? MAGNAvqx HOME ENTERTAINMEN1' CENTER ' . Factc-ry 'Direct Dealers ' 401 MAIN ST. ...... lllAllAlllX -lllUMlllS SAllSFIClllNI 11mn l'UlCllAI( . ... " . Downtown Huntington ·-~· BROOKHURST & WARNER Fountain ·Valley 962·2456 WMCH FOR GRAND OPINING OF OUR NIW STORE AT GOLDIN WIST & WARNIR 536·7561 ' . ' {. '' ., I A ' H1 t. AJ WIM lload, teoftis ovet v ' ~ ibc !/•a< Shalei the SI Cham1 The al le• \Vinnin the "" Hoa1 ccptin1 his se1 The Britist which that al toge· So t -abo~I UMP[ Bert known but .ct said: "Wh ir a -s slows receiv• "If why I save don~ ~ El ~ scored on ind ' 6-3, &-: - I At c told l out." "Afl becaui lets or the le and tt anywa CAW "I I the se over Wimbl On staged victor: The B called In t and tt Wed produi Mos match pleted Viet Evan~ Tom< of Sar. Bertr1 Tor be Or ant. Ediso: Austr1 carm: Gt s(] Wll Gonn jor u5 pionsl ·~of So- ma lei 12th . liar Gorm again two-fi &emif Me riwep1 Unite Ashe U.S. Coror Der rounc Joa cl 11eco• thrtt ()f N· Fran Palis MC Olyrr Aver; nesd; Sporl lost t976 : Jill those !<hunl lln1n r.-ort: • ,• " • • ' """"'1, Jt/M 23, 1970 IWI.Y Pl.OT if . Aloinar 38 Games Short of DiMaggio's Record ' . HoadRaps Lets Calls --- After Loss ' WlhlBLEDON , England (AP) -Lew • lioad, 3$.year~ld Australian veteran, had teMis stars and officials ,argu1na: tod1y ovet whether "let" service ·calla ahoukl ' be ibolished. J"{oad lost a five-setter to Ismael El shiilel of the United· Arab . Ropublic ta the second round or the All·Ena;land' Championships Wednesday. The Australian complained bitterly that ;qt least a hall-dozen of El Shafei's \Vinning Services touched the .et and lhe net judge let them go by. Hoad accused the Egyptian ol ac- cepting !be points when he knew that his service had touched the net. The row provided ammunition for the British Tennis Umpire's A!socialion, which receaUy passed a re•luUon urging ., that "let" services be s C r a pp e d 1 altogether. Soµth African umpires also wut to abo!ish them. . . UMPIRE AGREES Bertie Bowron, one of Europe's bei;t known umpires who lives in France but .comes over to help al Wimbledon, said: "Why not abolish them? After all, i[ a service touches the net it usually slows the ball down and gives the receiver an advantage. "If the server fails to clear the aet, why give him aaother go? It would save a lot of argument if lets were don~ away with." El Shafei, 22, \li'ho earlier this yea r scored two victories over Rod Lav~ on indoor wooden courts, defeated Hoad 6-3, 6-3, 4-&, "· 6-1. At one point during the match Hoad told the net judge: "Wash your ears out." "Afterwards t lost six or seven Points because the net judge failed to call lets on El Shafei whether he was hearing the lets. He said he had1't heard aay and that it wasn't his job to call )hem, anyway. CALLED HIM LIAR "I told him he was a liar." It was the second day running that arguments over Jet services had disturbed the Wimbledon peace. On Tuesday Peter CurUs of Britain staged a scene during his first-round victory over Jim Osborne <>f Honolulu. The Briton claimed he was being wroogly called on Jet services. ' .... In that match there was no net judge' and the umpire made the calls. Wednesday's play, curtailed by rain, produced no upset .results. Most o( the remaining second·rou11d matches ia the men's singles were com- pleted. Victors included Marty ruesaen of Evanston, Ill., Bob Lutz of Los Angeles, Tom Gorman ol SeatUe, Charlie Pasarell of Santurce, P.R., Frew lilcMillan, Byron Bertram altd Terry Ryan of South Africa, Torben Ulrich of Denmark, M&nuel Orantes or Spaia, Pifark Cox of Britain, Edison Mandarino or Braz.ii a n d Australians Owen Davidson and Bob Carmichael. Gor1nan Shocks South African WIMBLEDON, En&lud (AP) -Tom Gorman of SeaWe, Wash., acored a ma- jor upset in the AU-England ton.is cblm_. pionshipo lod•y, beating Clllf lleyldlle 'of South Africa In a third round rnen'11 malch 6-3, 5-3, 6-l Dryldale was seeded 12th. • • .Ranked onty 14th in the Uailed stales, Oonnan was conceded liWe chance against Drysdale, a pro tvlth a deadly two-fisted backhand and a former iemifinalist here. Meanwhile, Arthur Ashe, seeded third, swept past lamael El Shafe! of the United Arab Republic t-3, 6-11 U, 6-0. Ashe continued to loot like the belt U.S. hope of unseatiag Rod Laver of Corona del Mar. Dennis Ralston 1!90 ICOl'ed a third round victory, crUlhing Mexico's Joachim Ulyo-Mayo M , 1-0, 6-l while i;coo nd round matche1 wtrt won by three American clrll -Julie Heldman of New York, Rosemary Calla of San Francilco and Pe11Y Michel of Pacific Palisades. .,,,, ........ Second Sacker .. UpsHitS~· Halos Win 2 ', . "Sure I'd lib to bl! in S7 mwlPI ' •-·" Sindy Ablllr lllld u ·bo -akMnd Joe 1)6Magio'1 aatro:"•nkll. recanl. "Bui I'll -for It jullt • a., u we win." AJamal' was tbe man of tbe i.a.r W-.Y 11 Ibo C-""'"" -• hiHliglll -ader Irem .. Cblc ... -Solt, J.l Ind S-1. lit -.... bll In Hdl -lo. ut<nd blo blttlii& -k to 11 ad bn>b Bab !lodler'• old An(el club. mork al II ft\11-In llM. 'nll dtml:nuHve wond blmman lln't · .U.el Sr.te Al --QllllC ,,... J-.11 .......... ~ ~ II A11Mt1 .. 1(-City JvlMI U A11M11 11 It.... Clh' ...... ....._ .. "-Clh' CU really takins dead aim at DiMagio'a. famous slandml of II otraigllt )lut lbt White Sol: perhaps are makini a l'\Ul .. history. - ' They b.ve now )oat aeven llraicbl !Win bUls this ~ and bave 12 more .. Ille qenda -• lriaJ!tenluc lhoulbl for. nw111er Don Gutterldae. Thankfully for Ille luckless Soa tt'• only • llncle &llllt they blve scheduled with the Anlell loniglll. Tommy Joba, J.10, will -Clyde Writb~ M, al Ibo Aapll in the windup of the four-game series. SANDY ALOMAR SETS ANGEL CONSECUTIVE GAME HITTING STREAK. HE TRIES T~IGHT FOR HAT IUJ A. Wblle Alomllr' wu elicit.in& lbt -. Mays Nearing -3,000th Hit --Says · He Isn't Co·unting SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -"I'm not counting. l Just worry abwt playing ball," says \Villie ~tays, who has been involved in more countdowns than an astronaut. The 39-year-0ld San· 1'~rancisco Giant center fielder is closing in now on 3,000 hits, a total reached by only nine other players in major league baseball history. June 10, Mays hlt his 6141h big league home run, leaving him JOO short of Babe Ruth's all-time record. "I think getting 600 home runs, even 500, is tougher than reaching 3,000 hit~," Mays said. I "1 know I'll get 3,000 hits. But doo 't ask me about Babe Ruth 's 714 homers -I'm not that ambitious. "It's all right to have goals \\•hen you 're younger , but not now. When you have goals. you push yourself lo reach them . t can't do that anymore." But Atays, who joined the New York Giants in 1951, is enjoying a good stftson. Through Tuesday's games, Willie had 17 homers and was batting .288. He needed only 13 hits to reach 3,000. Giant coach Wes Westrum, the team's catcher in 1951, says, "This is one of the best starts -he's had tn· years. He's playing great ball in every phase of the game and he 's got great enthusiasm. He 1ooks like the Mays 0£ old .'' Injuries hampered Mays last season, when he played in only 117 games. 1'RUST FUND SET FOR PICCOLO KIN ClllCAGO -A trust fund for the college education ol the three young daughters of 1he late Brian Piccillo of the Chicago Bears has been established by the club's owner, George A. Halas. Piccolo, 26, died of cancer June 16 in New York. His widow, Joy, said Tuesday Halas had the college trust fund drawn up .for the three daughters, Lori, 4;' Traci, 3, and Kristi 11 months~ · - He had 114 hits and only 13 homert. Henry Aaron of the Atlanta Braves reached the 3,00G-hit mark May 17 this season. Ty Cobb I09fl the exclusive list of players with more than 3,000 hits .. with 4,192. Other members ol the club are Stan Musial, Tris Speaker, Honus Wagner, Eddie Collins, Nap Lajoie, Paul Waner'and Cap Amon. But a1 Mays says, the IOO-homer club Is more . exclutive. He and Ruth are the only members, with Aaron a uae1y inductee thil year. Westrum, sit.int up ~~y_s'·chances of breakini Rutb's home rUrf record, aaid, "He's in amazing ph)'3C:ial condition. You never know ln this aame. It. would take three or four good years, but I think he could do it." ~fays is often asked how much longer he plans la pl1y. "I never even think about it," he says. "As long u I'm not embanassin& anybody, I'll be out there." ... ,,. ........ CLEVELAND CATCHER RAY FOISE l'ELLED IV l'lllECRACKEll. Clay May Fight Champ Frazier In September . DETROIT (AP) -Cassius Clay's lS. monlh mt from the prbe-liglllio& rin1 appeared nearing an end today as groups in both Mi<blaan IUl!f Wuhlnglan moved lo clear the way for a heavyweight Ulle li&J!t belween Ille fiery "i""bunp and Joe FrWer, now recopiMd 11 u.a r world champ. A figlll promotion croup, repre...ttd by · former Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh, conflrmed Wednelday thfy are trying to st.age a beavyweipt tllle ·fight between Clay, also kno,m ,., • Muhammad Ali, and Frailer. · I 'lbefe remained the po s s l bl'J y, meanw~. tbat Clay might meet f'ruier in Seattle ttlil Septtmber. The Walbtngton Bozing Commildon, which meets Friday, wilt conaider Uctns- ing Clay. A group or Tacoma men filed lonnal application tor the license Mon- day . Clay bekl the world champion title until after hi• conviction for failure to report for Anny duty. His case ls befn& appealed. Michi1an Gov. William G. Millikt11 IJ\d SUite Boxing Commissiol1er "Chuck Davey hive indk:ated they wwkl not oppote efforts to place the fltht in Detroit. A spokesman for ihe aovemor said if all legal technicalitiel are cleared; and Davey approves the filhli tht governor would not stand In the way. Davey said he coul d make no recom- mendation for the fight until . fonnal papers, applyinc for sancUonlng of the match, had been fiJ~. "As far as I know, as thlnp stand now," he uid~ "Clay would be allowed to filtt here. 0 ITom a crowd of 21,llO, third far"" of the ......, 11 Auhelm Slldhun_ California's pitchers were eaminc a few plaudits u well. Tom Murphy, 7-t, find 1 th-"ieter In the opener, U.... Mel. ~. 1-i. and F.ddie Fisher collaborated on a twCr hit gem in the nightcap. 'lbe sweep lifted, the Anaels wilbln lour 1ames al flnt· place Minnesota in the American Leque- West. Murphy, winnln1 bis first since Illy )0, reduced hla career e.r.a. a,pinlt the Sox to 1.23. , He yielded a double to Syd O'Brien '111 blo lint pit<h " the ..... .... 1 run-scormc aiqlo la BUI Melton in the lint iminl. thell did 'not lliow ~. bit unlil Gill Hopkins llncled with -oulin lbtDintli. llurinf Ibo ........,. -~ Murpily t..ed only -bilta over tlie mlnim\lm. lit •!Jo , llin&led. "I open lht aevmth inning 11; \be · Anteli, went on to map a 1·1 Ue and aidcDI J~ Harlen with bis'eiehlll Ioa lo lf<loclllonl. Queen, making bJa ·nr1t American Loque start, burte4 11' "'""' lnninp befcn Manager Lefty PtitlHP1 , not •~ tins to strain his · pitcher'• tem- pormnenlal ritbl Inn, pulled lllm. He. struck out 1111 lll1d w.U.td lov while IJUlTendering both initt. lloz lllb In the l<IW'tb inning, FilbOr plberM blo Ilnl save with three hitJell relief innincs. *' ••coM• 9AM .. CNICAM CALN'MM .. .. , ,,.. .. ,.,.. w.wmi.m.., N ' • •. • Ai.m.r, a • • 1 1 Aplriclt, u J I I I J;:T•tum. cf 4 t I I O'lr-.a .flltt ,..._ .. ••at Mltlilft. rf I I I I ~·~ W 4 I I t ~c:lfll 1 1:• ~,..,,. , ......... ,. ... K....,a _,2 111s.-.c:.,., 111, J tlt H.,.r-, ,ii I I I I •ult. 31 J I f ' 1 a ... ry,(f 2111E ..... c: J iii "'-''·' ····~' 21•• ..... lfll, ,ii 1 I I I E.P~r. 1, I I I I Crlftr, 1 • I I I Tmb Vlt l TIMt. 31 t 1 • ____ , '" ... •-1 ~ -C .. lfwrlit t , l.O• -Cllk ..... Ctllfof· "le 1. Ja -Jo;.,..uon. • -Mfore. Al .. r• 11.,J-ll Crlcl1r 4-IW,l·tl ........... ... • • ' ' • • • • II Ill •• 10 2 J I I • • 1 • 1 I 4 ' I I I :t Brewer's Tip a Factor In Moeller's Triumplt ' ATLANTA (AP) -Joe -lier, wbo caa count his conlPMte pmu in the major leagues on one hand, ran the 1os An&eles pllcbln& liafl's ...,.lea string to 10 innlnp a1atmt AUanta Wed- nesday nllht in till ftrat 1t.ltout. With only three Bravn reaehln& third base, Moeller mowed down lf 11 1 row at one potnt ud heAd Atlanta to ,, .. ,_ •i• .... 111•-11• ..... 1ix hits -twe in lhe niDUI -aa lhe Dodpn runbled lo dMlr I h I r d llraiibl vid«y over the -7.e. Brewer fer helpin& him met ~ J.f defell 11 CilfinDIU lut Slturdl)'. "Brewer told mt J . w1s tryin& te throw too bird," Moeller aid. "Thlt'a been ... or my bllllesl laulb Ill lhroo1h my Caree", To prevent it, t just try la ralu. I did kiol(bl." ' The llodaen, who l!!I" blve live v~ toriu in 18 many sames in AUaala Stadium MU 1eia1Dn, opeled up a I \S,. 11me edae over !he Br1ve1 in lhelf blltle for -In the N1llonll Lequ< Well Dlvillon. ATUUtTA Russian Paper Blasts Brundage ''It's ,etUna kind of bani te NIDllnblr how mllll)' complele pma l'W Fl llnce J'ye p IO many," MoeDlr jMecl In the Doqer dhuinc room. "Yu, aad shutout&, too," he anawered " I quellion. L .. A .... Ja: Gr•Mrll''ll'lflM 4 1 tMta, • 4 I W.DIYll, rf •· f W,......,, II 11 l.lllt'!'rt. • • 1 ........ . . .....,,e 11 ,.. .. ,.,. 11.J~"'''' ILUfl\.Cf •tt• I H""'-" rt 4 ' I ' lc.rtJll' •• ,. 1cmi*.'M1 •••• • c:..... • • ••.• ~toscow (AP) -The lnlemalional Oly1nplcs Committee and President Avery Brunda1e came under attack Wed· nesday in the newtpaper "Sovetsky Spart" ror the 9eCOnd time tlnce MOICOW lo.sL ill bid May 11 '8 be hut io jhe 1971 Summer Olympia. Joomalilt Romo Klselev charged that th Sf! who dl111ree wllh Brundage are ~hunted to powerleu 1Ubcommlttees, thHt l\n1ndage's Interpretation of amateurism l\Oria a1ainll 1portamen and lo lht I beneril of capitalists and that the IOC has turned the games into a commodily. "The IOC's activities in. its present organilltJonal fonn, activities that ignore cootemporary socic>-political conditions. are becoming a drag on the development ol lmemational sport,'1he said. "Amateurism, as interpreled by hrun· dage," said Kiselev,. "Is a clas~· and tllerefol'e, soc10-pol1Uc11 1 ba r r 1 e r In tht' way or the developmcnl of a 1:e· f1Uinely ma$S sport." Kiselev said Lhat the niles or amaleuri!an exclude a reasonable and t:iecessary aid to sportsmen by national sports ora:ulzatklnl, Ulu1 opening a IQOP- hole for penetralion by business, a loophole Ignored by Brunda~ although he wa1te1 no time in criticUJnc vtolaton .of the Amateur's Code. Kiselev further charged that the Sl!Jec. Hon of towns to hold the nexl Olympic (lames was turned into a• undisguiltd auction. ' "The mythical 1-. ,_ pulllles and whallOever commilmHLI lo the world ol sport, of which the IOC prui· dent la IO proud, hu de,enerated into freedom from lolJ<:, from · !he lotlic or the development ol W11tld apart," wrote Kl.1elev. · Having claimed the ri&ht kl di"trlbute. profits made on aellln& televisk>n and mm rl1ht1, ,.id !he Joum•llll, !he lOC Ii turning tht Olympic aamea iato a commocllly, " For the record, Moeller 11 11 bll 1 seventh teum with the Dodpra. He has atarW M 1amu and has IDiy four complete 1ames, two thl• y.ar. Hi• other this year WU a .. J vldory over St. Louil J\lne 10. Sine!! then he 's hid two frulUe ss atarts • aaalnst Plttabur1h and ClnclMall, where he nid, •11 knew I didn't have it." Moeller credill OOdpr rolllvor Jim I ,...." 11 T ...... c I I • _...cf ., """""'' II ' I I TillllMa, e • I I .. I .. " ..... a I I Ii . ·""'· .. . .. • It"", 1111 1 •• I f'rldd~, 1 t e I • ~ ........... ' T9Ni. '4 1 1'1hll M t f I ~:........ = =·==~ " I -......... I , JtdlMll, TM!JnH, lOI -L9' ,......._ .. Alltlrl9 7, 1t -Met1 L "'9111r, "''* ""'· .. -H. Al!'M. 1.\111\, • -w, .,.,,.., Mttl. .., -'#. •tr11•. MMlllr tW,WJ J1Nh Cl.,7 .. t •rllWI' ..,,_ w• -f'•llf1, ...... ~_,...,, • • "' It ....... . • • • • • • I 1111 •, 1/)Jt •1t'' 21111 ••• Gt...-. TllM -1114. » I . • ~ ... '14 DAILY PILOT •. • ........ · Three Duel Thursday, Junt 2S, 1970 .. How to Ta1'e the Fun Out of Goll ! For Toome~+---- l.agua, MV 'Fall ~=>-..-l___'.S~a~n Clemente Cagers tviv! Spike Title SOUTH !AKE TAHOE !AP) .,. The i.J.S. decathlon champiOnmip WIS l(W ·up for· grabs today after. five event.a ·anc1 a pow sprood too namiw la · pick out a succeuor to the great' Bill Toomey, ' !onner Laguna Bead! resident. 1.1· Toomey, the 1968 Olympic Gaines cbampion, world record holder arid U.S. ..,cf\an\pMJn for the -. fi•e ygrs, bas mired and joined Ille P.,... Carpi. Jell Bannisler led the conlmders !or Toomey's mantle as the second baU of the National AAU men's decatlllqQ and' women's pentath)on besan. . • Bui Bannisler,. of Scarl>Qrougl" N.Y. ,, and competing unalt.aclwd, had 4,3XS points from the fir• five event.s to 4,295 !or second )ilace Russ Hodge of • the Southern California Strlders and J0hn :, Warkentin of Fresno, who bad 4,205 • points for third. ' ~tor....,,....\"'.~= 100 mellA -1. Ruff t'1od9s, So. C•llf. Strldlr1, ttl. 11,3 I ... lllltlnhl. 2, Jtff .........,., UNtrld>lcl, _ 11.• CtWl. ,, J.rf 8-tl', Oki.hom1 Chrlllllfl. lct,S 1 ~9"). '• Fr9111 Simer•, U"l'f. lit '"-\'hr111l1, 11.S I nt). S. Jolwl W~ llNffect.11 JM c•J. $, ~ ,.IMlll, IOMttlctlMI, 11,, (IOSI. l. Stew 'GW14'1, s.m. hdfk. 11.• IMSI. S. Mike Miii, Ml, '• $111 ""'°"611 COllMf, JU 1"51. 11, DM'I l.Ddl1, C.llo 1 ton1ll T.C. 10.1 (11'). II, Onld AUllller, HL111t1 'fl'Olltler Tl'Kt Clull, 11.t !mt. Lotll9 I~ -1~ Gaulh. U.1" ltol~""""'. 1. 8 111 l'*lrf• ~. :U.n4 (,.ll. l : WM<...tlflo 7).11 U1f.) '· l!lel 8-lll<tr ..... 01¥id Cu., Sldllle- blck Colt.ff, .2J.~ ti»!. ,, '°"'" 0-..._, H111"'9s, tMIJ., T.C. "-'\lo 1 ... 1. 1, '-tt. 11-4\lo (loMJ. L Heltll, .2>-Jl4 (IG). I, Dew Thorftoll, S.C. Str .... 1. ft.I Sii II»). 10. .I-~ ICMmtY, Ml!., ,,." 22-0\lo ('1CIJ. SholPVt -1, ...... 51-<I lnlll. t. .....,,, .. ; .,., nHJ. l , K-.rd, ... ,.... 171'.ll, 4, f"11r, •1·111h crnu. s;, w1r1<9111ln, .io.1111 t1•1. '· Goulfil, u.n 1!'0tl. 1, P-1. U.1014 (700. I, ll:ktl W.,.1m1k1t, Drlk' Univ .. U.J ltH). I, Lld:1, 0 ·1"" U51 J. IL .......... 0-W. 1$), Miii! Ill,,_ -1, SaellHzCJYI<, ... {ml. t. ~ .. ,.... 1174), i, T...,_ lftd ~ W 1M 19d!J, J, Miki HUI M V. cm).'· W1rkM1tl" l!'Mll •-htet, •1111 1111 ...,), L A11111llr. U 11Sll. t, ..._,, ...... &llcln .... 1111 '"'" «Ill IMtws -I. h<INtl, 41.2 19111, '· •-Ille<. 41,4 ffttl, 3, .......... 57.I Ital. <t, WlrllMllll. .._, " .• 1••!. 5, Miki HIH, ., ... (UJ). '-Thef-. .,,, llU). 1, "-'· //f.J Cllf), I, Lockl, Jl.2 tJm. I, -'-"' ..,... Sobltuatk. 50.J cm •Kiil, c-.ii.11 .. JIOlllh .,.,... • .,.... '"" n.. 1W1111: 1, llllrtlltlf", CU. J, ...... 41t5. a. W1l'tlfttlll. 405. -•• Goo.1111. 416', J, ........ .,., " MICtllwoi Jollll. .., 3"S. J, Thor._, ~. I, hlilt\I, .... t , ilbllu.-l' «VII. 31121. 10. L«*I, 1116. • • • • ~ WaterPoloTeams • • ~ Pour in Goals • ~ Orange C.out area tee.ms dominated ~ the win column in Clau A summer ~ wattr polo 'matdMil Wednesday night J •l lhe Estondll 111&11 pool. " :: Estancia won a wild affair from :! ,EdilDn, 15--11, while Mlrina creamed :;: Buena Park. 10..2. :: In other dashes, powerhouse Newport ~ --........... l i.iiwio by ~-:ie~~~~t~~= ::i 1 7·12~ ~ Edison'1 Matt Kraona was high Pointer from both skies in the Chargers' loss to Estancia with ail' points while the winnerS' Dan Ktnt tacked up five m•rkers. j Marina 's victory over a.t:na Park w11 1ed by a balanced offense with Roby Robin90R and Mark Rollins pacing the Vlking attack with two 1oals apiece. Newport got three ROall out of Charle! Glazier and a pair of scores from Frank Nunes en route to its 11mashing shutout win over undermanned Laguna. Costa Mesa's TUTY Fillmore was the da y's scoring star, tossing in successful attempts nine times past a tired Los Amigos goalkeeper. Dan Richey and Rick Whibnore scored three times each fo r the \lictorious w ...... -~~ Knocl~ 011 Loop Leader ~Jle,. 170E&IT. '. - It may become necessary lo improve your lie In order lo make a good -· Tba can be done by carefully nudging the ball with the side of y-foot (if yoo are in the IOUlh), or if you are in tb.e fair- way, by announc:m,, "We'n playtnc winter rules." Reds Close Out 58-year Stay At Crosley Field CINCINNATI (AP) -The Cin<innall Reds wrapped up 51 years at Cro1ley Field Wedneld.ay nJihi in relll stary.IJool: fashion, · They nipped San Francisco 5-4 in 1 thrilling comeback victory ~fore 28.027 fa1S, and it Wll the Giants who bad prove1 to be the Reds' nemesis in the park. "It was a great finish," said Cincinnati manager Sparky Anderaon . "IL waa jual great for the fans and it was another important wilt for the Reds. "This partr bu been aw!ul!y ..,.ct to us, but the move to the new park will be good for us I believe." 1be 'Reds WOii about three times as many games u they lost this year at Crosley Field to help build a sizeable lead in the West DlvisiOI of the National ~"""· The Reda doted the 51 years with a . record of 2,"1 triumphs and 2,051 IOMeS. They won tht opener at Crosley Field on April ll, 19U, wbe1 Bert Humphries hurled the team lo a IM ~ over the Chicago Cubs. 1be Reds won an 10 games against Montttal at the Queen City site and po1ted 3IJ victoriez over the Philadelphia. Phillies. The Giants, who formerl y played in New Y:ori, were the oUy team lo hold an edge over ClnciAnatl, 332-292 in a lileUme teries at the field. After the game, workmen dug up home plate and pretelted it to Cincinnati Mayor Eugene Ruehlmann who will place It in the 50,000..eat CinciimaU Rivi:rfront Stadium where the Reda wlll open 1ctJ011 June XI. The Reds gave away the other three bates to fans 'fJx>se tickets had been drawn by lot. .. Ted KluszewskJ, coach and former Red, said, "Since 1947 this has beea an in· timate park to me. I got my first major league homer and played in my first All-Star Game. I got a lot of good memories but I'm looking forward lo the aew park.• Spert.s m Brief Ca;ew Out, Twins Win; Ex-Bruin Cager Dies MINNEAPOLIS -Rod Carew, lhe Minnesota Twins' All-Star I e co n d baseman and leading b a t t e r in the American Leap, lay in a bolpital bed Wednesday aigbt u hiJ teammates beat the Milwaukee Bnwer1 S-2. That morning, Carew had Wldergone surgery at Fairview Hospital to repair the1 medial ligaments and remove detach- ed c"1tlqe !rum his rtpl -· The Twin1 have placed him GD the diaabled list for 10. weeks. "I hate to leave at a lime like this," Carew said. "Our 4""'ame lead In the Amerku League Welt Diviskrt isn't that ereat." • SAN DIEGO -Diet Rldp•y, once the leading scorer on UCLA.'1 butetball team, died of an apparent heart 1ttack at home Wednesday. He wu 31. Ridgway hid been basketball coach at Ml. Miguel High ScbooJ. for l' )'Ul'I, He tc0ted 470 points 11 a ~e sensation at UCLA in 1151 but wu injured Jn an aceident that kept him out of acUo• in 195.z. Although be played again ia 19!>J and 1954. Ridgway "coukl have been one or our all-Ume great players" without the injury, coach John Wooch!n 1ald. Ridgway complained of chest pains and died shortly after making a telephone call at h~. An autopsy is plan.ed. His widow, Diane, and two aons, Richard, 14, and Robert, 12, survive. • MEXICO CITY -Bolian on lhe ninlh World Cup aocce:r champkmahlpt who p....,hued IO cent lictell wUh Ille bope of winnlnl llrae inane)' priJes •pporully didlO=~l. The holdJac the money was robbed al ~ '3111,11811 wartll of lictel4 entered In Ille contat. an injured. right arm. Stottlemyre had been hil on the right bicep by Ted Uhlaender's ground ball i1 the second inning. Although he made the force play at secold after fielding the grounder, he gave up two runs in the third inning. Alter Mike Kekich took over at the Stitt of the fifth il WU announced Stot· tlemyre had left becaUle of 1 contusion of the right bicep muscle. • LOS ANGELES -eo.cli Rod Dedeaux of the Unlvenlty oi Southern California's nallonal collegiate bueba)J champions, was named NCAA Dbtrict Elghl Coach of the Year Wednelday. The popular Troj1n coach is In the running for the NCAA Coach of the Year. aklng with coaches of the other seven diltrlcts. Dedeaux has won the national honor three times. USC, ofter Ioelng lhe opening game In the double eliminatk>n tournament at Omaha Jaat week came back to win in succession over Delaware, Dartmouth, Teus and Florida Slate. • ClOCAGO -It's like putting 1 finger in the hole of a dike (or the Chicaao Qibs. Their desperation line-up shuffles and emergency calla to the Tacoma farm club for bullpen pitching help proved futile Wednetday. ·The New York Meta swept a doubleheader t-5 and 6-1 to scoot Into the National League Eut lead. The Cubl own a aix-game klling streak that matches their longest of the season . They have dropped aeven of their last eilbt 1ames. 'Ibey are out or the lead !or lhe !Int lime since April 22. Meanwhile, the sursinc Mets have erabbed a half-aame lead in the race by caplurln1 nine al lhetr lut ti aurt... The Fo0tbW IUDllller bute11Jo11 Juaue title rlCe wu tbrown lalo a tbne-way lie for ·0nt ·-•1 niiibl ol Footblll mp.-Jis Sa Clmamk blllded tbe mat FootbW ll!dlblll tbOir flnt Jou In lour tries wltb • oonvlndol -.in. The 'l'rifmll' win ..... Foollllll coupled with Tllltin'a Dll'TW', 57~ eacape over Minion Viejo eublod Son Clemeale ud 'l'llltin la loci; tbemoelvel In tbe deadloCt !OC" lhe top spot. AD tine ~ :1-1 mub. In the other Fo0tblll loop conlel~ Gorden Grove Loque blale Sonttqo picked Oii llltle Lquno, trouncioi !be Arttsla by a 7J.JI marp . Jolin 8UU·, s.. Clemenle quiatet allowed il• muscle by domlnalin& Ibo boudo wttb f.7 Steve Kaiota, • lortlW' Footblll -·· one! ~ nuit. Brad McCulin clolq lhe brunt al Ille clamoge. The biqesl Foothill player Ill M Steve Peteraoa. Footblll led lhe wilmers ot Ille eld o! Ille .!Int quarter by • slim, 14-IZ llW'Jlln but • Zl·poillt lltCOl1d period oulbunt by Boker'• boys pushed Ille San ClemenUam: in1o a 3'-211 halftime eds•· ' Tht Trtlona enjoyed lheir blU"' lead at 57~ in Ille thinI period one! t.pt the margin spread oul la no less lhu nine points tbe rest of the way home. Mission Viejo played without the services or iti star -player, Jef! Master90n, for the second atraJgltt &amt, but the Diablos were tough before fallin& victim to an experienced Tusti• group in the final minutes. The unlucky Diablos of coach Pat Roberls saw a ooe point .halftime lead and a lour polllt third period edge 10 down the drain as Tustin played steady defense in d-e flR81 frame, limiting the losers lo just seven points. Frank Mort took up the. Mission Viejo scoring slack In Masterson's abseace and threw in 20 points while itammate Richie Prlce had 13. Laguna, meanwhile, permitted its co•~ fronlltioa with tall Santiago to get out of 'hJJ\d early in tbe going Md Jerry Fair's impish crusaders were quickly left behind. Santiago piled up a 41-17 lead after Ille first ball and tben cooled ol! con- siderably after go ing to its beach. The Lagunans were only outnodded by. 2$-11 cdge.in.tbe..secood ball. Prospective junior forward John Harbold was the Josers' biggest point.· maker with eight points. · Oa!y five playen saw action tor the Ironclad San Clemente squad with · McCulln and Klllolll leading !be 1COrin1 parade with 23 and 20 Poi•ls. Orgill Leads Estancia Win Over Monarchs f11tt11• u" 5111 Ci.m111t1 C"I Tw.,.11 ,.lllllr Wn• Piii'*' :Stl'>Ulh ,.~ Ftlton TO It II " tt " " I t l t IC1lo11 7J •l1Copt I 2 1 4 ....... ...,.,,, J l S II McCl•lln 4•51tEU111<1 4 1 I I I t l • Jlll tJff "' " ,. " 1 ' J 111 J S I II J , l ' J • J tl I 0 J 2 n Jl u M Sc..,1 ~ OV.r1en FIO!lllrl . , U 12 14 ' -$t S.n Cltn'lenl' 12 21 11 " -11 ,.. ..... I'll fttlllf., L ...... l9ldl lttl ltil 0 111 H11ht Fh~tr H111blrt •m "'" Vt~Lllw T.i111 6 O 1 12 H1rtoo.ld 11 J 1 2l c-1n t ) J 6 GUl11ple 6 6 1 11 Wll\Tnlll I I 0 I M\1'1'1 O ' I ' Nlchal1 llllC•llftl 1 • ! J )6 lt 1111 Tolt h Sc-., .. "". " fl ,, '" ' I 3 I I t I J J 0 ' ' I 1 J • l ' 1 ' 0 I I I I J I ' n 2' H lJ -?1 11D l,-2' Mitt• Ylefe IHI T•lllll U'> Aillc:r1fl 1111111.111 .......... "'" ,.,,._ ... 1c. loTll~ .. "" '" 1l4J5wt1m ) t I • Crumlty 2 1 o S t y1k1wHI I 2 2 20 Ht!m I ' l • H•ndlt't J tlU Com~ ll lttSI R111>1r1t ICllk-Ct/l'lllOlll ...... '°" ll:«co Tot•1s Sctn aor Clitlmn MJ.11otr! Vltlt II U TuJtln 10 15 """'' • • l n I I 3 1 2 I 0 S , 0 0 ' 1 O I 1 1 3 ' J 4 I 1 t 1 • 1 2 J 2 2 I J , I 7 ' • 2 2 24 111 51 Rustlers Breeze To Cage Victory Talent-laden Golden Wes l ·College powered to Its second consecutive win wlthout a loss Wednesday nJght, as coach Dick Stricklin'• Rustlers romped past Cerrlt.Qs, 12~1, in junior college summe.r league · hardwood action at Rio Hondo Colleae in Whittler. After the Rustlers had led by only 39-31 at the half, Stricklia'.s crew poured it on it the second stanza to record lhe much wider victory margin. Former Huntington Beach ace Brian Ambrozlch popped through 17 points, plucked off 15 rebounds and did a yeoman defeaslve job on Cerritos' ber1lded ~9 Erv FOJXna In !be !inal bal£. Freshman Jim Andenon also acored 17 for the winnen. Estancia and Newport Harbor con- tinued their wiMing ways Wednesday night in the Esta'ncia Varsity summer basketball league at the Eagles' gym, The host Eagles ripped open Mater Del's defenses for a 75-5& victory in the opener and Newport finished out tile evening by clobbering Pacifica to the tune of 87·St Estancia and Newport are under tht tutelage of new head coaches and each squad showed some explosive stuff lo its new leader. Estancia burst into a 3J.20 halftime edge on the sharpshooting of 6-0 Gary Orgill, who ended up as the night'• high point man with 36 tall ies. With Orgill and mate Lee Friedersdort bombing away at the nets the Ea11e1 boosted their margin to ~ points, at 54-34, after three periods. Friede.rsdor( fin ished off with IO point.I. the sa me number picked up by Mater Dei's high scorers Da ve Kelly and steve Cuculic. Husky guard Taras Young, last year'• Newport playmaker under coach Dave Waiman, appears to be trying to eam laurels this time as a scorer under new varsity mentor Dale Hagey. The bespectacled Young led a first half Tar uprising that garnered Newport a comfy, 42.27 midway lead. He was also tl\e ctlief reason the · winners showed a fat 62·42 edge after lhree quarters and an e v e n cbunkler 33-point bulge when the contest had con- cluded. l1t1ncl1 HU 1,u,,11 M .. ff Del INI tttllftll 2 I l ! 4 2 I 11 J • 0 4 l ' l 111 1 I 1 l t I J 1 • 1 l ll 01'11111 , ..... 5-•r" 1Ctl1tr Ztl1dorf Frltiauctorl Fard "''"' Conltr To11l• I• I J ,. Pr-•r11111t 1 o 1 1 cvc1111c J I l t GorlN" l l4 JICl1tf 1 22 •R-I• l 4 1 10 1C1r1ll I O O ? ICnlll.,. 1 • J 4 2 1 I ' :it 11 11 1S Tu!•>• klr• 'Y •111rter1 "' 1' IJ .. E•l•!'•d • n 11 21 21 -71 Mtltr 0.1 12 I 11 Jl -Si HN11111 H1rhr UI) 1'1clflc1 IMI IK~tt K•1mer ,_ G.,.to&I Ht1Ull Scllneldt• Swlc• T"•c•ma" Clint ~htl/Wn TOTI~ lgltpl l• J 4 ,IO G11u 70J IR111nll I I l ,. Nlcllelien j 2 J IO Roberls l 2 • I ll0\1111111 Jt2 10 Pw•r J e o 1 0 2 J I ' 0 J 12 0 1 I I n i i 21 11 Tottlt Sew• .. , ."'""' MltWPll'I H1rbor n 11 'l'll PlclllCI !• 11 1$ .. ",, .. I t 0 U I J J S 1 J 2 I • ' Ju I I l I l ' 2 IJ !6n11 N 1S -17 1t -,.. Director AUOlllD Jlmenes C a 1 tr o repoNd la police Ulol when he -fro~ an Acap.1ko vtcaUon he dl1COVertd Ille -al lnl<rucfaool de p,,_. cionel wme robbed ol the tlcll:etl ud Ill the 1 furniture. I Winners who hid ,ueued the correct sc.oru ol World CUp I • m t 1 now will be unable to claim prlw. Major Leag~ Standings DEAN LEWIS NATIONAL LEAGUE • LOS ANGE~ -lsrae:l's touring Workl Cup aocc• team, on ltCOnd-half pis by Inside rlahl Moobe Romano one! oUtlJde rtpl George BOrbo, IUbdued the G,.•ler Loo A ... lel Ali.Slorl W W-Y•ilhl· More than 4,500 fans at Memorial New York Chicago Pittsburgh St. Louis Phtlodelplli• Montreal Collsewn watchtd the IsraeU. take the Cincinnati Eat DMlloo W L Pct. GB 38 31 .537 35 31 .530 II 38 35 .5117 2 :a: 35 .471 4 30 38 .415 SI\ 2' 4Z .:llZ JOI\ West Dfvl .... " .. AMERICAN LEAGUE BlllUmore New York Iletroll Booton Cleveland Wuhlnl(on Eat Dfv11loo W L 44 IS 41 27 34 3l 32 33 30 35 31 38 Weit DIYll5- Pct.GB .1311 .603 21> .m a .412 10 .4G ti .f.41 1,% Mlnnesolll ll 22 .1$1 California 39 21 .sa 4 ANNIYlllAIT SALi ITl[QllYIPOOAi COROLLA 1970 lead twice, only to JOH it before the L<ll Anceles HE ~E e•rly second-boll ... Is locked ~P lh• Allanlll 38 32 Oakland 31 31 .557 5~~ "'' -C<JM~NATIOtL.0£'-..--<onl•B...:==:.._~---===:....::.::._ __ JS!'"FranclllCO Kanau City 24 42 .364 11 ~~ o.. €hlc•ro·--'----IS-'L.312-lt-· --$.l697~h>rll"" '51WD'I AND JIM • , ou on rREGOSI 15 THE S11J1 Diego 30 4l .405 21 Milwaukre 22 t5 .328 21 8£ST t>I 7U£ A.l. NEW YORK -Mel Slotllemyre, New AND +IAS -A ~ York Yankee eight-game wlnMr, \\'as forced lo leave the first game or \Ved· L£AD JIJ 'DOIJ&L nelday's doubleheader with the Cleveland RA~ '7D PROIE lndlant after four iMilgs because of , fT. . II ... .. Barge .Moves- f;arl and Ma_ybelle Cameron, who have operated. the fishing barce Varga fron\, Huntington Beach for the Jut 10 year.1 are relocatln& In Santa Monica, begiMing saturday. "We'd like to extend an Invitation to our many rriends in the arta 10 come to Santa Morilca and tllh with ut," Mrs. Cameron said. The barge wlll be loclted two milt!! f1£f the S1nta Monlt.a Pier. A water taxi ~·Ill provide tr1n11ponatlon from the pier 10 •he 1>ora•. The barge., J41 fttl in lrJ\fU\, has a capaclly ol people. W ..... 11•1 llltllM Monlre1I I , PllUadt>IPlll1 I New Yo~ ~ Cllk1to J·I l'tlf1burtll ~ St, L011l1 1, 11 lrlfti"'I LOI ..._.... 1, Jllil!lll I ....,_ $. s... 01191 • Clnclfl!Wfl '· S.11 l'rl"<IXW ' • 1.-.~1•11t1t1 MllllrMI tN\'4'1 .. 1 •I PlllltoelHll• (Jldl-'·II. llllfhl---'-· - N-Y ....... fl{OOlf'M!o )'4) ti Cllk -IHol!rmtl'I M l St, 1.11111 !Cert• H I •t Plt111111'911 C'llMM .HJ, lllt hl • • LIM ........ 111 IOI!-.. 1 •r Sul!D!'I W ) II Alltflll tltttd 1 .. 1. 111lllt °""' "'""~ ,-,.....,... "-"' l o11on 1Ja1111mor* J C .. •tl1nd J·~ Ntw Yott t.J Delnlll I, Wt !ohl"'lo!I 2, 10 lr!~inll C•llfl"1111 W. Cl'lk-1·1 Otlllll'lf l. IC..., .... Cit¥ I Ml-.!1 "' Ml~ .. t ---Chltlft t Jll'lfl S-10) •I C•IL""1111 (wr11111 t .11. "11n1 -_ MlMOlfll lh ""' lt.J II NII ..... IK.rlllM. 1·10), """ 0.-•rtll ((tlfi toll ... ••11tti. flo!lm•ll ,,.,, "ltht . Clt¥t11'1'CI tO\lrwilfll l41 II N•w York lfl'1ttno11 .. n. """' l •hl"'°"" fCWtlll" Ml ti kw'1111 Otlfy l-<11 ()My ·-~ DEAN L·EWIS 1966 HARIOR ILVD., COSTA MISA 646-9303 . ' . S.twfce and P1rts for All lm,.rtecl Cara MHom lody 5""" for All C•rs Onnge Counly's largest 1nd Most Modern Toyota and Volvo Deller AIO.....M ...... "'94 M_. II-Hiiu Plcll•~ LMd Cn--.C.._ VOLVO · 1'70 DIMO $2759 t42 J .i,., 111110, h11t1r, 4.,,..-, 1s.,. ,47401 SPICIA~ 1970 TOYOTA WAGON ::..,n; $1817 I • • • " : I I ! ! . t ' • • ! • 1 • , ; . •• . . • ! ! ' • • • • ' • • '· ! l ; l ' l ! . • . • . ' ; ~ l • • . ' ' ' • • • Barons Cru h-----4 Orange FounlaiO Valley's Barons • · moved into sole possess.ion of • the l<arue leadership Wed- . · nesd1Y night with 58-15 romp over the Orange No. I team in switmer league cage action in the Orange Recreation loop. ;: .... Costa Mesa mean.While { ' • dropped Into second place by J virtue or a 51-49 loss suffered r . • at tht hands of tbe Orange t No. 1 quintet. ~ Fountain Valley ( 4 -D) •"mothered the Panthers' se-_ corK! squad · wilh a ·first hair ' barrage, taking a 3;2·10 edge into the lockerroom at the midway point. A bot shooting hand by s.a .,,,~-.r • sparkplug guard G e o r g e "'"'' "• Gerber kept the Barons over the hump in the second half. The diminutive floor leader ended up with 15 points. i.. • fh ursd.iy, J u11t 25, 1970 DAft. Y Pllllf ;lS Alternates Unsung Heroes ' . As Kiwaniru1s Sl1ow Oass A ttflectlon on the fiflh annual North&ulh Orange Cou•ty All-Star basketball game, playod Saturday night at Orange Coast College : Management of the classic, headed by Bob Hays of the Costa Mesa Kiwanis Clu b. showed class by prese•tin1 trophies to both sides -including ~ alternate on each team. . The Jltemates -Bob AusUn of Costa Mesa High far the .Soulh, and Randy Christense111 of Los Alamitos High for the North -were the unsung heroes after wOrt- iftg out with their respective teams for two weeks .-knowing full well they'd be sitting ------- ROGER CARLSON . "-------· on the sldeli~s barring misfortune (iQJUry or sickness) to one of their teammates. Seems like the squads should simply be made up of 12 players -let them all play and if anyone drops off the roster the coach .... ·ould use what he had left. • • • The lrvine League will utilize the substitu- tion rule in loop baseball play ne:1t .year, in li,ne with Sunset League po!1 • The rule allows for a11y starter to be replaced once, in any capacity1 without his retiring from the game. A substitute can go into the .game only once. • • • Is CalllenJa pttp bueball ..perlGr lo lbe re1t of the aatkNI? One mlpl llacl II olptllcaot tllal ff , .. receal major le-llnl~ Ill CaJllWlllua were tapped by ta ,... -tst fNlll die Soatb and D lrem Ntr*n Callfenla. New Yod: wu seCCNMI witk 51 prwpedl and· llle aveflg:e aumb:tr from , uy llUe wa1 only 14. . ·• Fus wlll be afferded tH ~ ,. get a flnt-lwld ._.. at Ute 1&.udaats fNlll Nortlwnt CalHornla ud 11'9111 etMr pelatl in Soatllern CaWonala -includiDI die i.. ,\ngeles City Scltool1 -wbeli &be teeeH annual Cal·Pal N-AU-Slate - game ls conchlcted at Analtelm Stadlam. Gerber was supported by 5-10 Dave Boyle and &.I Ed Pitts with 11 points apiece. Sloppy defense and haphu.ard ball handling allow- ed the Orange No. 1 unit to score 22 points (againsl Mesa's 14) in the fll'St quarter. SANTA ANA CC WOMEN'S CLUB OFFICERS - Mrs. Iona Mouron of Newport Beach (second from right) has been elected chairman of the Santa Ana Country Club women's club. Other officers servirlg with her include, left to right: Mrs. S. C. (Fran} Carter, Garden Grove, handicap chairman; ~1rs. Neil .(Stella! Foster. Costa Mesa, treasurer; Mrs. Mouron; and Mrs. James (Jackie) Voclkl, Irvine, tournament chairman. • • • Summer League water polo sessions are in the lnlllal 1lages at Estancia Hlgll and Orange Coast CoUeg:e wtdf:r the COlta Mesa Recrealioe Department banner ud acrutbiy of Ille ltam1 iavolved reveal a soUcl look at the elite prep teams for tbe 1970 acltool year. ne fine pitck ls llat.ed for t e'c&ed a-. day ud wHb Ute roomiaels Of tM I.Be A, 1k SZ.51 tab for aduli1 wW parutee • exee~ knt seat. . Four fint·round 9oicet frtm ta majer le1pe draft ire -~ la die UftJ et talent 1Dd u.e pnceed1 p le a ...., charity -tile Callltrala Polfce Alllletlc: -. ' Mesa interim Coach Jim Fisher commented. 1 ' W e couldn't get the baU in and we played pretty lax defense all night long ... plus our ball handling was terrible.•• 'I'be Mustangs attempted 'to put a smile back on Fisher's face by · holding their op- pontnts-to a total of 30 points in the last three quarters com- bined. Mike Allen and S c' o t t Friested led the Mesa scoring wilh 15 and 12 points. Frltslfd MecL•111 COSTA M•U. Cnl " . • • ' . " . . " ' . ' . ' " ' ' ' . ··-., .. ......... ,,_. M•rU!kwlettl Tol1ll ikhrlder Mulcklt'U ... ...... ·-L1Vlr191tor> L GL.l9CI"' ..... ..,_ ottANGI un ' ' . ' ' . ' . ' . " ' " . ' . ' ' l ' ' . ' . . ' • • . ' ' ' " ff " . ' " ' ' ' " ' " . ' ' ' • • F. Gl1qow Tot1l1 " " ' ' IS 5! kl,. "' 0\ltmn Co.11 Me11 1• 10 10 1~ °''"" Ho. 1 'JO 10 11 lt-12 l'OUNTAIN VALL•T' C•I ott.t.Net IJSJ """'" J I 0 11 ' l 0 t ' f ~ 1l J I 0 1! , o I 1 1 1 ' l 15 I I K """'I' l 1 I 1 0 0 ' • 1 1 1 ~ 1 t 0 J 1 0 • ' 0 D I 0 0 • ' 0 0 I I o 11 I I ll Monarchs Suffer 6-2 Loop Loss 1.fater Del's 1.fonarchs dip. ped be1ow the .500 mark Tues- day night with a 6-2 lou to Santa Ana In that city's sum- mer ba!eball league act.loo at Santa Ana Memorial Park. The -big gun for the l!fmarchs. who now stand at 1-2 in loop play, was pitcher- second baseman C h u c k Adams. He drove home Mark Stam· bra and Chuck Cottage with the only Monarch runs on a 11ixth-innlng single. Masters Meet Next For CdM Corona de! 1ttar Track Club's next outing Js the U.S. Masters Tract and Field championships at San Diego beginning today and running through Si.mday. The meet is designed for men in three age groups, ~ 49: 50-59; and over ao and will be held at Balboa Stadium. In the recent Senior Olym- pics at Los Angeles Colisewn, Otis Chandler of the CdM club, led the area contingent with 46-1~ toss in the shot put. Other good mark! were by mate: Fortune Gordlen (ISS-3 in the discus) and by Sh1rley Davisson (a national record in the long jump with a »t <if<>rt}. The 400-meter relay leam set a national mark with a 45.t clocklnc. CdM TC placers la Senl« Olympics 4MI 100 met.er -2. Dick Stolpe (11.4}. 200 meters -2. Dick Stolpe (2U}. 800 meters -e. Bob WiHiams (2:20.3). 400 meter relay -1. CdM n:: (Ambrose, Futz, Badinelli, Stolpe) 45,9 (national recont} .. Shot put -1. 001 Oiandler (46-J 'h) 3. George Kerr (u'.7). Discu!I - 1. Fortune Gordl.en (155-3} Z. Bob Rldnmls (tU· 4}. Long Jump -1. Shlrley Davvlsson (J0.9) 4. Bob Richards (18-11). Pole Vault -1. Bob Smith (12-0}. Javelin -2. Steve Seymour (161·5}. Triple Jump -4. c-ie Grupe (JS.8\i}. 1 ... 1 100 meters -5. Roes WiMcn (IU}. 200 meterrs -5. Roa Win- ton (21.6}. 400 meten -4. RON Winton (59,4}. Shot put -1. Nat Heard (SM}. (National reconi}. MATlll Olfl Ill ... " 1t•• Triple jump -I. Don W'm- 1 o ton (SI~~). 11!111r, ~ "'-·"' Clout h, H Mlt'lllVlrd, n WI", lf·I $11••· d L_nl, Cl ._,. KIMlll'I• :Ill Nlnl'Y• 111-1 V11t, rl Ad1m1, •211 e1nt.«11kl, rl M1~·~·---~1T11;1•- Smltfl, !It ' ll'Wd, rf Mll'IMll, r;f T"•ll ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • ' ' ' ~ : : Discus -l. Nat Heard (t~ o o 3) (Nalional record) 2. Dan ~ : Aldrich (131).11). • 1 Long jump -t. Doo Winton : : (1>11 ~~) 2. ~ Wintm (1$. I I I). • • 1 1 Pole Vault -1. Roya! : : : Grubb (9--0) 2. Roes Winton -•-•-t-(U-).---------: ! : Javelin -1, Bill MorW 1 o • (1$3-l'Ai) 2. Dan Aldrich (140- 2 l , 4) 3. Jack Thatcher (ISM). s.-1.., '""'"" High Jump -1. Roel Win-::~': A°:.: ::: : !::! ~ : ton (4-7) 2. Don Winlon (M). CUSTOM-MADE DR,APERIES U11 OUI CONYDllNT INOP A.1 HOMI lllY1CI ........... c.... I nl-6611 -·" 147-6141 A W1ri1 tl1cor1tor will c1ll 1t y11n hom1 with o 1trikl119 1olo1tlo11 of filth ciu1lity 11• 101t f1 .. rJ11 for 1011 to chooao from • N• •Wi91fl•11I C•"'P ot1 i1cor1fM ••rr· lee -•1trr..l1tory -tlltN•••"· - -N .... c.... 7777 ...... N ......... -.. . r ' • ,. ' Nutrilite in Runaway Wi~; WilSon Ford Triumphs Tbt AAA leap, wblcb lDclades t• ClF League -wbidl 1pouoh &be JM D1Mau1t Leape. • • • champion Corona del !\tar ud ruuerup St. Paul High supporters are talking cham· Newport II arbor. also Illas E 1 I 1 n c i a • plonship business In the 1970 Angelus League Fullerton, Gardt11 Grove, Lakewood, Long ' football campaign . Beach Wilson and Costa Mesa. Bishop Amat slUI has All..ClF perfonners Several of thole oatrits figure to be In Pat Haden (quarterback) ud John McKay the quarterfinals of CIF playoff compedtioa. (end) in its fold and Servile figures to make A 101-70 nmaway by Nutrillte o v e r Progressive Produce Monday n I g Ii t highlighted the first two even· ings of summer action in the Costa Mesa Open Basketball League. Scene of action waa C-Osla Mesa High. They 'll switch to Southern California College June 30. In the other contest Monday. Wison Ford eked past Harbor Merchants, 93-90. Tuesday's open loop action saw Woody's Vt'harf capture a 7g..77 decision from Southern Plastic M o I d s and Newport Stationers o v e r c o me Sad· dlebact by a 7U2 count. Tom Witt paced Wilson's scoring column in the auto dealership's close call agaimt the Merchants with 30 poin~. Teamm1te Jeff Cunningham put In 21 points while FraJ:!k Zebot led the losers with 20. Nutrilite became the first loop cuUJt to reach the ttn- tury mark this summer as five winning team members hit In double figures. George Rogers led the win- ners with 23, followed by Don Killian (ZI} and Tandy Gillis (20}. Mike Noonon of Progressive got ~ in a losing cause. Woody's Wharf received 2Q.. point efforta from Pat Grant and ex-Newport Harbor High cage mentor Dave Waxman in its sli m-conquest of the Soulhem Plastics quintet. Daryl Onken and ll a I Jlollister stiared high honors for Southern Plastics with 17 markers each. A well-balanced Saddleback cffense was counteracted by an even better-honed Newporl Staioners attack as the latter group rolled to a 10-point vic- tory Tuesday night. Joe Cherney and Jerry Lan- doe headed the remarkabl y well-balanced Newport attack with 20 and 18 points. Sad d I e back Co 11 e g e shar:pshooler Eric Olristensen led Saddleback wlth 19 polnts, all but one on field goals. Ten Saddleback p I a y e r s figured in the scoring. IOUTttRllM PLASTIC$ MOLOS 1'11 '~ G11voon O'llltn 8rvt.~I Holll1rrr ... .,_ C11r1l1 To Ill• •O •T I'' T~ 2 ' 1 10 I ' 2 7 I I D 11 I 0 l J I I 5 11 • • 3 16 I 1 I II I I I I ,..,,,71 WOOOY'I WHAltl" 01) , l"G l"T 1''1 T~ lnloe 11•t HlllctM<llo I 3 0 J 'Nl•mf,n 1 •2110 Gr1nl I ' 1 2D l(lncl t I t It 0111 ,1 .1 Tol'lilt :1111 11 lJ 11 H1u11,,,.: Soult!trn ~!Ul!CI JI, WOOCIY'I ,,, .. IWl"<*T ._...,1 .. CMr.,.y "-F°"llVI N1llle1 w•• ,_, Tol1l1 STATIONlflll '1G rT • l • • • • ' ' . ' . ' ' . ti II Otl '°" Tl' ' " l • ' " ' . . " ' ' . ' . " SAOOLR•AClt (ill •• " " " l lll e¥ ' • ' ' ll&n!Wnon ,_ ' • • • Clirltt~nwn • ' l " Eti .. ~rc11 ' • ' rr111 • ' GIUldM • ' • Mlldltll • ' • G1rDner ' ' • t11rne11 • ' ' PoL.nr.~I ' • ' ' ttoltn11 , • ' • Tot11t • ' " " H1 lftlme: New~ :n. SIOclic,bllc~ n. l'ltOOltl!SSIVR ~llOOUCli 11'1 .. " .. " •Nd ' ' ' " H1rn1ndu ' • • • ,_, " ' ' " Wl!111ms • • ' " ,_ ' ' • • Sl'lllbY ' ' • " T011I~ " • • • NUTltlLITI! 0111 SJblnt Fll>ol!rjc~ ·-· .. _ ln»<:km1n Glllll IC llU1" Fl1ndlr1 ,,_ lo!1!i tl11f1 lm1: Hu1rnh1 '" IG PT ~I T~ 1 I 1 l • ' n l J fl " • • • • ' ' ' 17 . ' . . ' . J ' 11 0 " t ' 0 l • "' ll Jl 101 :1J, Prot1rei1lv1. MA1tlilti1t MRllCMANT~ tMl H1ven GolwlU~ C1bl1 Holme• ....... S~tlbY Au1ll11 Sr>tlme'fer AINll-,_ W1lt1r• Tol11S l'GPT .. IT~ l l l • , • 7 • 1 0 l ' 5 ' .\ 11 ' ' i ' ' l ' 5 ' 1 5 ID I 0 I 1 0 0 J • I ' l 20 ' ' ' u ,, ,. l5 to WILSON ,0110 ttll Wiii "'~­con1c11 .. Tllor111ort Hlb!Hrd Htl("-lt ;'.unn1fl9111m Tot1l1 l'G l"T . " ' . ' . . ' ' . ' . . ' . " H11!1im1: Wjlllfl Forit ill, '" " " ' • ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' " • " ~ " H1rltor in lbe fall . Tltey'U 1quare off every ~tondly the full return. to football prominence this nl1bt at Orange Coast. be1lnning: Mtaday. upcoming season. Games are at I, l:M, 1:'8 and 1:30. Mater Dei figures to have its best team The AA circuit Is set · fGr Estancia High In four years -but Swordsmen say they're with Fountain Valley, l\larlna, Westminster, the team to beat -with a 204-pound replace- Troy, Santiago, Bot.Dll Park, and a second ment for fullback Pat McPartland and Jamie team from Coroa del Mir compri1lag: Ule Quirk at quarterback . aeven-te~m loop. St. Paul meets hcst HunUnglon Beach And, tbe A teague t'Ompetes Wednt.tday In the second practice game of the season. , ...... ~------~~------~ Deep Sea Fish Report NlfW~llT 10.....,.._ ..... .,1 -%Joi 11'9l1r11 "' blrracvot, ns bin. a bonito. I 11llowt111, ll rodt cod, 1 1t11!bllt. OCRAMllO•-XIS 1n1l1<11 ll6 Mr· r1euci., 111 bonito. 3't bin. I vtilow· 1111. SAM Ol•CIO fM1111kl ... I l'itr) -JM ln91tf'll ' blv. li11 lunll, U Yll-1111, J Wiiii. ... WIS. JJO w rrtcuci.. uo c1llco bllu . LONG OIACl4 1a1..,,..,I l'llt'l-11 1nvtftr11 ICI blrr1cud1, IJt b.1111. 1 t\Jlrti.11, &1{111 -JT 1ntltr11 200 bar. "te:vcl•, U NH, IOD bolllto, I l>ltl!>Ut, 100 m1ek1rll. C'•clfl( 5_.ff1Mj11tl- 14 1rwl1r1i l yel10w11ll, M blrr1C'ud1. 714 fltko bllH. I• boflltoo, 1• blu1 b111. t llllllbul. C~"""""' L.,..ln11- 11t lfl91trll 7t3 WrrlCvcll. 161 N iko 11a11, ld rock cod, 1 ,..t111ur, tl bl~ ....... SAN Pl.0110 (Nll'll'l'I LlllC!lt11)-1M •ntleo'll I ytllo""t1U, l J Nrr1uoda, 12 1 bD!lllo. »' calico bl11. JI 111111 11au. !oil blvl bl"'. ID ... SI. LIHllll>-IO lfllllltr11 I .. 11111 Ml bll1s. n bllrr•· cl,Kll, 2!0 catko DIN, 1 /11Ubut, 4CIO 11nd ...... SANTA MONICA --67 1n1l1ru IJ bin, 1 111llbvl. t11r1 .... 21 t ll9ltr11 ~ bill. I llEDON00-21t--ll!'11 JU bin, 11 bOnlto. ' ... llbul, lit blut bl51. 81r~J 1,..1.,.11 n ,..lfbul, ll m1ck· 1r11, ilJ rock tod. _ OllNAltD-ln 1'191.,.ll U ... llbvl, Iii rock Cod, U llnll CO(I, J cow cod. s•AL ••ACK-114 1nv!1r11 Ill ..... r1cvd1., 250 b111, I k1llbVI, tl1r11._Jt 1nvl.,.11 71 bl11. 16 bltrr1tvda. SANTA IAltSAllA-l1 1n1l1r11 XMl l rock toll, U llnti cod, 20D c1nco b.111, It's DAILY PILOT 2 • for • 1 Nite OUT AT THE OLD BALL GAME PILOT PETE INVITES EVERYONE TO SEE THE ANGELS PLAY KANSAS CITY WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, AT HALF PRICE G•t t ... o r111rv1d 111t t icli:1h for th1 w.t111o•d1v ,.;,ht, J.1., I, Ang1l1 "'· Roy1l1 91m1 e t An1h1im St1tlh1m for tho 11ormal price of 0111 tie.it. llvy 0111: tho DAILY l'ILOT 9iw11 yo11 0J11.I 2-$3.50' 2-$2.50 llClm '°' 11c•ns '°' $3.50 $2.50 YDu c111 r111rv1 111 1nlir1 11clio11 or i111t two 11th. lut 9ot V••r p1rf>t tot1ih1r no"' ind m1il in th1 ord•r .. l1nli: ... lo• with thoelt or mon•v ori•r !110 c11h, pl1111l inti h11rry. D1ttllin1 for t icli:1t ord1r1 11 Jwn• 29. Duck Feet Fins -Blemished -$6.95 Wilson -Dunlop -Davis Earl11 Bird 801111• Duck Feet Fins Reg.-$8.95 Bancroft Tennis Rackets Skin Diver Fins -$8.95 Wilson 12000 · Steel Radel Cressi Fins -$5.88 Strung Nylon -$39.95 Masks-$1.19 to $7.95 ... Penssylvania Xtra Duty Snorkles-95c to $2.95 Tennis Balls -Doz. $7.50 Beach Floats-$4.95 to $14.95 Wilson Xtra Duty Tennis Balls --1Ka-Boardt-and-Skin-1B1t1:oaimtrd1t--------~·-Dezen $8;3:i------ Sleepin& Bats-$14.95 to $77.95 Back Packs -Day Bats Grwnd Claths -Sierra Cups Canteeas -Mess Kits Swim T111•s -WllllHlp Jackets Sweat SUits -Wn-1111 Suits Basketmfts -Volley Balls' - Faotllals-Basellllls -Secc• Balls OPEN 9 to 6 Lalfies Tennis Dresses Men's Tennis Shorts & Shirts Converse Tennis Shoes Mens-$7.75 Ladies ..:.. $7.25 1 O Speed Bikes $59.95 to $225.00 3 Speed Bikes $48.95 to $79.95 Single Speed Bikes -$39.95 Tires -Tubes -Accessories Closed Sundays Opo11 to ..._,,, 1ittl 9lrt1 16 y11r1 ell inti vo111191r, l11ellltl1 witli ticli:1t •rdor • 1t•t.m1nt of 100 •ortl1 or 1111: "My f1••rilo An· 911 i1 1Mc11111 ," Entri11 mu1I ... r1c1i¥ff by nD011 on J11n1 26. Winnor .. HI m11t hit !or h•rl ft¥orll1 An- 911, will r1c1iy1 fDvr ticli:1h for ,• ,fvfur1 A11t11 hom• 91m1 111d will r1t•i¥1 1 .. 111b1ll 111to9r1phff liy tho ,A1191l1I Th1r1'll be r1111111r·11p 1'•i11 ""in1t1n, tool ,-------- '-r----'~ilp.. .... ..U.-•M.Uedi.111.-. . .,., •. te·~-..... l.fM•1 ..... hf o-.. C..t hit, Pll.t I C/O P.wk Senile Dtpt, I I I ... w . .., , ..... c:.~:-·,:::·. n•n I I " .................................... : .......... 1· "'"' .......................................... . I ...... . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . .... . . . .. . . .... .. . . .. . I City ••• , • , , • , , •••••• , , , ••. , , • , , • • • 11, , •• , •• , • I I "'"' • ..... " l. .. .. •• " (Clmt -" "'-lllllllllor I IHl<I ............ " ,... WIM -.1 ,_.,.. lllh. 1• --.. ...,...., It tllt '""' • Alltlll ,,,, ·--C:ltf ....... Al'llllltlll I 11111•11'1· ,,., -" tlcht """ ....... I Wiit l'OUllWI .. ""'"" I Mii trw 11'9111 flll DAIL't l't..0T, I Wlllf U.Jl/11.• ICIN .. _, llC,lh ........ It •........... :---· ,.,._. ., ..., 1111 ........ I "' tic'-'-I ....... r .......... I ............ lklloft ..... .. .... .. I -1¥ llMH, t .....,.. .... llltrl tM 11Mi • Mdllllll •I tltlr ... dlt " " ..... """ "" .... L------~-_J • • ' T_,, -25, 1971 • s • ' • I • I ' '• ' ·' ,. • I :Wednesday's Closing Price8 fAJmplele New York Stoek Exeliange List Stocks-Again-Off In Hea~ Trading • OAILY PILOT ·- Briefs WASHING TON (UPI) - The Secur!Ues ao<f EJOC!qnfo Commlasion bu revoUd the dealer reJistraUoo cl BalK:ock I.: Co. and Lewi1 w. Bal)a,ck and Robert P. Spead , lb< failure to maintain ~ and vto11tirig the cornmlaion 't credit eltmllon ruler: Bab- cock WU IUSpended for tit months and Spead for ttifit. mootlu. WASHINGTON (UPI) -A Ci Vil Aeronautics Board • t:l- a miner has ordere.d Transamerica ·Corp. to dives& i\HH Of foreign S t • d y Leapt, which arran1es air travel for students in summer study programs abroad. The Cunilntr 11kf·Translmilrlca·1- .....,ablp "'· n--,.,... UonaJ 'Airtlnlt WI I f:1n. --wltb ..... conttot o1 ''"'ilJI stud)' loaflllt ..... tho leapt la • ....-, or the alrttn.. • -.... ------~---· _....,. ..... ,. ................ .......-..... -...... .........,.-............... -.... --. --· ·-----------~----y--~~-------·--------- JUll[ .. I ....... :••ii-nit" I I = ., ....... r ... Llliill __ ..,..., I "~~N· .. ~::. I I n1 -. llit JM wllilt liMll' -. .......... .aiCll --11111 ..,. I wfttl WJllliu:C Mf ....,...,. ..... ,.... .. (C) (I)) , .. •• .. ... fQ .,, -°"""· •isht'• ..... -" .. , " ....... eea I I •t Uq .fC> (!OJ ell twi111 811111 w 1111 ti tri......_ ... ,.. , .. 'hilf fC) (JO} .......... (C) ~ (I) ..... it............. . ........ llldlllM.• ..... ..... .......... ,,zq ..... ., ........ ~ .. !Iii ., ....... ,.,...... ... ....., lit wllll ... • Ill ........ (C)........ ...,.. ................ . (,_.) '9 -SMlr'I ... Qiff •ill Dir. -.. ,...,.... ... ... ........ ._Damn. A t ... 11• 1• ......_ - lid __ ... _.it..,. ll11f· ... _ C10) -•• ... _,...... . ,.. • F 1,... (JO) JIM." f1'I .W War II ,n-.s • • ..... ,, fC)ClO) .:=i.:.:::::.=: ....... ..,,.,, . .... .. ---·-· Tiie Poteer of a -Woman IDlaJ• ...... -..,..., -. , ....... -it! llO) · -••If.: ..;...., -Kathleen Rogart represses the budding Individuality.of Bili°Miller In Sout.h Coast -~-· _ ... ,-. OlQiillic ,. OIMll•...,_ Repertory's ••one Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," on 1tage tonight and Friday -1&1 .,., _, """ lll:t ....,._ A ..,_ at SCR's Costa Mesa theater,1 ............. c:KI) . ., ........ ,. ........ , _____________________________ _ • , .. " ......... (.Jll'I ,..., • 9111::11 ., .... ., • ... ~ ...... fctfl(l).a.11 ,.... ..... ---..... -•IDlf1l8 ... _tcl(IO) ca• .. s else IC) flD> ~ ;,,::---llr Marb-' ____ .., ... , ·-flOf _, .... _..,...,..., __ ""'_ ...... _..., __ ____ ..,..., IDllJJ..,_(ID) GCl>R saa-u;fQCJO> ...... C3D) ""' -iii,_ llllll'"' --,,.) ·-MIQ(IO) ··---tQ(lO) WL..._. ·-~-1• .............. fqpo)C,.. ....... ..... _..,(10) atlll•--tcl•!Oi ·-.. -·""' .................. •Ill-· .., ... ,"~~ .. ~...=. ..... , ......... ic:dll•tw ............. " ..... -.,...., ......... ....... 8 -tcl ClOI -W.L ··-l'IClOI"'-•111m•--. -tc1-1111) (II)~-... ,,._, 1'Hc:J ...... Lt111 I'* IUlll. ··-..,(Ill) ......... .-cq .... . , ................ .......... Ilk ............. ..., -t~-,c:.,• -"""= Doctors on, 'The Bold Ones' -- Will Get Hearts Next Year By CvNnnA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -"The Bokl-Ones~hich __ Js _three series run in fotation , is ideally 1uited to the changes ,television es;ect*ves make during the summer In an ef- fort to brighten programs. NBC has dropped ooe "Bold Ones" segment about a district attorney and a policeman and has ordered it replaced with \u11/f1 ( IJ([lf /t1 flCJ/111\· ........ ..,. ftw., "Id S119w ef tM Or..., C....., s..-·• -D.P. "ONE FLEW OVER THE-CUCKOO'S NEST" LAST 2 WEI.KS ---wat COAST PllMllll-SHOCllNG>! Vl't'ID! ''SAVED'' -r.~Edw1rd lo11d •Oil a1s1•YATIC*l1 ci u .,..,,.. 1127 • ....., • ..,. .. ~ .... programs about an 1dealistic senat.or. It was as easy as cllanging an auto's spark plugs. David Hartman, the lanky young man'-who plays one <>( the doctors in the segment about contemporary medical advances, said the other day that while science will con- tinue to dominate the seg- ment, "we hear they're going to try to ·humanize the characters.-"-- • .,. ..... fCJ""' . -"'' • "" .. tel ..., '-·------------. l'==~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~=;=='1 •"' Ill..., .,,.I NY Unions Bug Film Prooucer By VERNON SCOTT HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Producer Arthur Broidy pulled his New York location movie out of Manhattan and back lo Hollywood after union battles and soaring costs. . "I went to New York a .; week and a ha lf ahead of tirrie to line up our th.ree-week shooting schedule there," the youthful producer said . "The union people at IATSE figured they had a Hollywood group they could take for as much money as possible. For instance, they demanded I hire a still photographer and a two-man aound crew . "It was pure feat~bed­ ding.' I told them I didn't want a still man, find . that I could do very nicely '!Yith .a two-man sound crew .. ' "I wrote them a letter· tell- ing them to forget the whole thing. Then I lined up a crew from NABET. the · other theatrical union in New York. Well, on the first . day of shooting both crews showed up, and' the lATSE people picketed us right there on the corner of Slh Avenue and 58lh StreeL "I was forced to negotiate with JATSE if we were to get our location shots. We compromised: No still man and a three-man sound team." Broidy 'said New Yor!; City Hall was cooperati ve and the police made shooting on the street as painless as possible. But he is still infuriated with New York union s. "They insisted J have a s t a nd-by cinematographer, stand-by art director, costume designer and others,'' Bro.idY. said. "There Is no such thing in Hollywood. J needed them like I needed me asles. On to p of that, if the unions didn't ap- prove af the wa y things were going, they'd stop work . (.ujoy an 1p1.e1iiing breaklul in the Cable Cir Khch· f'.n . U )'Oil ran'l 1top by for bre1kfJ1i;t. why nlll plan 1u h1,·e lunch or d in11er. Oprn d1ily 8 :00 A.~I. 'PJl:Voll••I! ENOAOt:Mt:NT turt Ll lOC:lll•r 0.1n M1rtl11 "ll•POIT" CG) C•lar A flrlllll't E11nrt11..-·1 c..,1.,- .. II Color FlmH't Sllew Grt90•Y P.c;k In ~MAllOONED'~ (GI , •1111 • Jolln Wayne !fl "THE UNDEFEATED" (G) PllEMtEllE ENGAOEMl!NT Ch1r1i.n H1tl9n Jlm1t Fr1nch tlll "BENEATH THE PLANET OF TH E APES" fG) Color A Pidlire Jor the Enlir• F1mily l A 'l .. •UA LA HABRA Walt DlsP1<1y•1 AH Color s~ow ..,=~::· "SLEEPING BEAUTY" !Gl Colo!' ·~ Dl!IVl IN ·-•..i. ''IN SEAJl:CH OF TH E CASTAWAY$" *~~~~~:•:-':"'::'.:._ ___ ~~·~·''.__'.'.c~o•:•~~~~ W•lt Dlsn~·· All Color 5hOW "SLEEPING BEAUTY" IGJ Color ... "IN SE.t.llCH DI' THE CASTAWAYS" " IG) Ctlor IA .. l .. A .. A HARBOR BLVD Dl!IVf-IN ----~-531-1271 ··-=~====---,-~;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;.--~ -E•ch11I~• Showi119 Tiit 811llft In W!STMIN\H~ HI -WAY 39 DR'IV£ IN * O~A .. G.I ORANGE DlllVf IN * lOSTA "'!SA PAULO DRIVE IN -~ '·-· --5"7-Wlll "LET JT IE" (GI Coltr and Peler Sellin In "THE M,t,GIC CHR ISTIAN" !GP) COior PREMIEIE ENGAGEMENT J1m11 SttwaM H..,ry Fond• "THE CHEYENNE SOCIAL CLUI'" CGP ) Color "MAN FROM NOWHERE" AU Color Ft mlly SlloW ••A BOY NAMED"CHARL(E IROWN" IG, Color and Jo1911h Con°" In "LATITUOE ZERO" (GI Color ~~=~~~~~~ilol~~ •• .1,,11, .... 1. • ..,il.~. ol.1191.iil~ "KING CF THE GR!llLIES" (GI ... "THE COMPUTER WOll:E TENNIS SHOliS" CG) -~ ·. ·! •. liUM.£111: ... DIW.Ce.,_ ·1·(1)--CCl (30) -... .. IN NEW SCREEN IMAGE 3 TIMES BRIGHTER lt did seem sometimes 1ast season that the antiseptic doc- tors were prisoners ot their careers and slaves to thei'r shining equipment. They were marvelous -helping the blind to see in a new way, diagnos- ing the illn.esses of astronauts in space, keeping people alive with new surgical tehcniques. "In Hollywood there Is no such unprof~ional thing as a work stoppage. If the unions ha ve a beef, they file it with the proper authorities and an investigation is made later. But they never stop a movie in production. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 ~ ....................................... (JOJ .......... _ ... ~ ·~·-... ................. ' ~ .... ,.. . ' ''-!fl.!'~.:::.: · , · .. BENr•q THE -...... rl • n.a... ....... t9D) IJI _ ... _._ ...... _(30) ::-:-=.:-.... --. ~==:=== IUllET11°f APES" .................. ··--· -..,_. ___ . . - -I"" -"" ~ •Glllll•"'"' 4'I •JI ~---"1 :::::::,..._ .... SHOWNATB:15AND10:30P.M. ilDI --- -w I,,, -· 111111( EARLY! BOXOFFICE OPENS 16".30 __ ,_..,_ ......... c.Ullf, :-C:::1i::". :'.' J":; • .. -. ..... ICI GIANT PLAYGROUND· DINE WffH US! ltlCrs: A ............. -1· • Dtt t ..... fq (IJ .................. -;-~·~ .. --=--~ 1U---Pacifk:'sFOUNTAINVALLEY • ..,_,.., . ••fll--ICI...., DRIYE·IN THEATRE __ ,,.,_ 11i1t1i; -,_ "' ... AT SAN DIEGO FREEWAY A l!Oi -'--· •i~ - -"'" -"' ,... IRQOKHURST (SOUTH) OFF RAMP •-•-(301 •· ..,, --· TELEPHONE H2-4e77 1••-·-•111w•--..,,,~~~=~=~~=~~~=~~=;! .... --..nr. Dr ... .,.... ·-~ a..... rMll .i ._ fl'MM8 --......... ....... •HAPPY DAYS CUlllEDr. \ • -.... ., - -* llG llANDS ol 1930'• 1-~'-""" -~ . -... ...... '* -"':;.. ...:.•=:::: ':,llOl ..... -(Cl .... t_ef ...... .., ....... __ .. ~ ........ ,... ....... " .. t•• ... 40't. £•r ...... a.tie MdMttlW. ...., ...... crr...MI ---1e.~:.~: ......., ............... ............ Cat-___ ,,,.._ ... W-Soltt ......... -.,., ... t..efQ• 1,• P'J --~ ..... IC) ·(I)-- -!Ill) ·-··.., • ta• T!2 T' W IPC ......,, .,,.._._,_ ...... -,... . .,... . -..,. "'" .. , ... ... _ .... t..-i,... ...... '?$•• ........ (~) ••1-.... •u;aa, _,_ ,, .... _,. __ IC! HIJ! __ ._. ... .. _,. " .......... .,... .. ,•..,.... s. FOR .ADVERTISING IN THE I WEEKENDER .PHONE 642-4321 ' •I THE ONLY TV NEWS SHOW YOU CAN MISS AND STILL SEE .NEWPORT . NEWSWATCH 6 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m., Mond1y thru Frid1y ON CHANNEL 3 NEWPORT BEACH CABLEVISION I "l don't know what kind of cases we'll be having," said Hartman, "but1 I do hear that we're going to be given some · sort or an existence ouWde the hospital -maybe· even dates with girls." "It cost me at least $50,000 In time and extra charges. "The real shoetter is that th.e union demands screen credits for the stand-by people I didn't use or want I'm not ag~imt unlons. I'm a member of •two of them myself. But those New York people are just h u r t i n g themsel ves. David, 33, quit a career as an economist Jor acting. He had the usu al lean period in New York, but has been in- creasingly suc c essful in Hollywood. A native o C Pawtucket, R.I., he graduated from Duke and after military service enrolled in the American A c a d e m y of fii---;;;;i:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~I Dramatic Arts. His big break came with a role in the original cast of "Hello, Dolly!" After 800 performances in that, he was kept busy in the threater, then signed with Universal Studios four yeats ago. He has been working steadi- ly in films and television -s1~·;-including one year as a regular on "The Virginian." He traded his chaps and six- shooter for white coats and stethoscope to co-star with E. G. Mar.shall jn ''The B o 1 d Ones." Since Hartman's series con- sists af only eight or nine programs, it occupied only a couple of months of his time last season. "But I knew the role I was going to play, and spent months before that hanging around hospitals. watching doctors at ~·ork. I sat in an surgery, walked around with Jntems and got to know ane cardiolog ist very well. It is important to do those things right." RJCHARD BURTON GENEVIEVE B_UJOLD TECHNICOLi;:JR lli)J -JGPj ALSO 'A WALK IN THE. SPRING RAIN'·~ . - '.Anthony Quinn COlOR 00 Ingrid Bergman "" lllI BIGGrn SllOW OF l1S KIRIJ WEST OF 111£ MISSISSIPPI!. THE OM. Y HOME & GARDEll SHOW IN CALIFORNIA! • f'lllOm """ -~ 71.s rolt wmt U\'NO tolHISSJ"lM ••• -A-W fl,.,_, ... --sm COiW>lflf "lilSUlt UVING~ irll-1le.i.Jri4 ~~.~~-­ sir ...... ,...,.... .... ._._ ~I The ""Llltbtlil•ololt• CAaml'Coi.~ iu..._kikM WI SH<:•-. ElecrrnC 201~ (motlFry t.ok~ ........ JUNE ·20-28 ANAHl!M COHVENTIOH CBrnll --,,,,, .... ...... ...... 1 ........... , l ~.:,1s ...... ··I'·" ••101s , •• , ... 1,M I~~--"~ A CEORCE,COLGDllS PROGUCllOW Spon'°'9d by: The Orange Cowiry Bu il der• Ass n. o nd The Oroftge Coul'l ty Chaple t of the Build ing tndu1try A1sn. • BOOIS PASTERNAKS· DOCTOR ZHiVAGO Te1lte Cit . 1;00 P'.M, ··c·· a- --,,-·-·v.v1 SIAD/UM •4 :,\', .. ~ • ' ..,- "" pl•• "llLL THIM All I COMI IACI ALIVI" • I • • . . + -• = I t •• I ' .. • ~. '• , "I " .. •fl P! " •• I I I 0 .... ! • • -------------------------------.......------~ ----------~--------·~--------_.......-~----------.-. ' . BALBOA 673-4048 OPEN ,:45 7ttr ....... ...... P.nlns-.il• NOW-End·s Tuesday ' It's By BIJ,.L RAWLINS , NASHVILLE, TeM, (AP) - If you have to, you can walk across the Shelby s t r e e t Bridge spaning the CUm- bertand ltiver from Mom U~hurch's' rooming house to the Grand Ole Opry House · three miles away. And, if you're jusl breaking into the country m u s i c business, you may have to. When you hit Music City, U.S.A., with a guitar, $10 In --~fii~ln -•M••slfilll . ENDS TONIGHT ~ COLOR !>J~~~ S&'J1 The most 11r1iq11e Adwewture I '9'T'kT"T"lEJlW'~ Filfll -51/1 year5 i1t the . 1 '"' ... ,.w. moki119, coferiftt 25,000 Cl'l1X mlles! ·Roted "Ci"' fn1pfnd~JUUSVEltflE · PUT CASH IN YOUR POCKET Sell unwanted items ,~·Ith ll DA.Il...Y Pll.OT C1assificd Ad. PHONE 642 -5678 I ......... -ALSO- ltOCK HUDSON IN "ICE STATION . ZEBRA" STARTS WED. 'JRllCl'saMI """"*~ '.IJicmost-iliu:S pidllm ' ' !)M)O.mztto:s-~ .... , •www l)'!tW\$¥,il olso SHORT SUIJECTS Co11tif111ov5 Dolly FROM 2 P.M. ''WIND " AT J AND 7:45 STARTS WEDNESDAY JULY 1 WHEN THEY TAKE YOU FOR AN our.OF-TOWNER THEY REALLY TAKE YOU. ·-. • \ ' . ' Thursday, J11"' 25, iq71) ((\'l, .... f ~ TMS:tTrt -~ 673-6260 2'05 Eost CoaSI Hwy. Corona del M.r · DAILY PILDT .Sit EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING All Ages Admitted • .. NOW EXCLUSIVELY MATINEES DAILY RA TED "G" IT'S FOR EVERYBODY ! <Jhe"Peanuta'Gang ·. ln theirlflntcMovie! ... -·•t •..,---.-..----·~ -"'-....... _, ________ _,_.,, . ___ _. __ .. ·----~- ·--... ·-· l!!I 2nd "G" RATED FEATURE Discover the incredible space•age world of tomorrow , •• "LATITUDE ZERO beMIGlh the sea !" e Cesar Romtro "****HIGHEST RATING! A thrilltr of human Interest; humor and suspense calore!" -Wanda Hale, N.Y. DaifyNewt "BLOCK-BUSTING ••• A SURE-FIRE HIT!" -Darolhy Miinnm, l.A. Herold-Examiner Tlll #111ML OFTillYW-- A llOTIOl PICTVll ! AIRPORT BURT LANCASTER • DEAN MARTIN JEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES VAN HEFLIN ~ MAUREEN STAPLETON BARRY NELSON lUIYD NOLAN Mlllll HAYES -O&COIQll;fTll rr llllllllllltlO\IDl'I WlllHJl(ltl .. Ul"lllllf~Q,Dll ,.QlllQOI< ALFRED NEWMAN• ARTHUR HAILEY •G(ORGE St:A TON• ROSS HUNTER Al•M ... W<""'""-"'":C"="='""='"'"O"'P'°•""'"'"~'"';',.'™",;;;,l.OOD-A(I-~ on •001 -.nu r °"""'".....,..." I _,..,... _ _.., .. DCQCAKC-1 "-"' ...... .:._ .... ,,""~-ea.-.1.,..i - THI YEAR'S MOST AWAITID FILM "G" RATED-IT'S FOR EVERYBODY! 5th SMASHING WEEK! NATIOftAl GENERAL ~CTURES PRESENIS • JAf'\ES STEWART HENRY1 FONDA 'THE CHEYENNE SOCIAL CWB that's what /hey called it in 1867 SHIRU:Y JONES SUE AME LANCDON , wRlntN er JAMES LEE BARRITT Pl'"OJC£DANi!011Kc1EoerGENE KELLY: 'MIJ51C 8Y WAUER SQWlf liECIJTM: l'!!OCIJC£11 \ • fll'> ·~....,.~-=-\ )l{CHHICOIJrPANAVISIO'r. JAMES LEE BARRElT • 'IA -------------·~-··---~- 2nd BIG ATTRACTION Acad. Awa rd Nominee Jea n Simmons In "ThcHapJ!y ~" Enil1ng" Rated "GP" -Parental Di scretion Suggested THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THEATRE IN AMERICA\ EDWARDS HARBOR al 'ADAMS, COSTA MESA, PHONE 546·3102 • " " < slereo-i Ji ; ~ the sounds of the harbor ~arine weather reports - 7 times daily _ .. ' , .. ...... l • • • • • I ' • • • I • • \' • -----... -~ --~----~ .... -............. -~--.. --...... -...--.. --. -.. --- • DAllV PILOT DICK 11ACY . TUMBLEWEEDS LET'S FACE n:.ru NEVER AW Ml'5fLf A NAME ... l'U. N.MYS l'E JUST A IQOVY' ••• JUST A ZERO ON 111E.l'!ACKJ1Ql\IW .-.~ OF~IFt: •.•• MUTI AND JEFF r •M LOoKllG . FOR MY l.OSTGOCF BALLI ·JUDGE PARKER PLAIN JANE 0 " Tllursday, Juflt 25, 1 q10 • r !Ell EYE YOY Mer Mf. WESTOM WMO ISTME~ CIA.l. wotKE« Oii THE .. ~ANPER CASE: -HEGETS ' THE 5TUPIDE$l" IDEAS! PERKINS I DAILY CROSSWORD ••• by R. A. POWO I ·--ACROSS k 1 Pound down 5 Brand 10 Ruminant featurt!> 14 One of tM rt td> 15 To il lt Boy 's nickname SD Brt~tntd 5Z Til1t 54 Prny thirvrs: Slan11 55 Suffe1s in · the heat 59 Plant with stingin11 hairs .. 17 "Watth your I manntrsl": b3 Large lll'O lf b4 Fo1mrr G1te k prem itr MISS PEACH 3 words ! l• l'tliod cf ' inattivily ' 2Q Ei•cted _21 Ancient Roman ruler 23 Gloomy Oran ,z5 Maple···· 211 Highway mtnac's j 0 Goad J4 ll•t1 ic srst•m uni! )5 Dull pMple 37 Obsrrved 31 Show prople to th•ir seats: Informal 3• lore h1z1rdous 42 '"1U011al 43 Skin dlseast 45 At no ti"'t: PHt, ~6 lake smile •• ''t rtally lllt'an HI" t_, l • • " .. ). !tit Con fess fra nkly lt7 CounterpM l 68 Winglike b9 Benign sk in tumors 70 Old- lashionrcl 71 .So ft light fa br it OOWH l Bustle Z Arabian l;itht r 3 Cit W°1 Btfg1u111 ~ llo1r insi!l'lific;int 5 Largr' hamm er ii Rcol ing matrr-lal 7 Be con lig· UOl.I S IC I' G111nrnt irtdu str y , r mp loyet ~ . ' Sham 10 Decanters ll Abovt : German 12 Record 13 S011 or Adam l S Carousa I 22 Frm inine name 24 Unev t nly shaped 211 t.t ixturt of sno111 and wa ter 27 Pe1uvian seap01 t 2S "·-··-Fromr " 2-9 l ilr9t falcon 31 Htsitatr 32 Rent 33 All o~tr 3b Dismissed 40 Ftarlt SS " .. "' •••• Of Z5/70 41 Knocktd 44 Pipe Ofgan devic t ~ 47 littditeuane1n wind 49 Blbbtr 51 Erred 53 A1t fCJ'm 55 Kind ol salad 511 ll;idr cloth 57 Black : Poet. 51 Petty dispute !.D Far : Comb. lorm hl Bit of bank ing business fl~ A continent; Comb. form lt5 Grow old . . ' l t .,.j1ess{ ~~fort lF.oaa...e. GvE>r t>l\Y :foOAV ' . . •.--........ STEVE ROPER ,,_ IU.tn .... ,.. ...... THE ONLY .............. .. ,, ...... ' -. .GORDO . By Harold Le Dou I WOllLP -LIKE TO .11\eer THE WJT'HER! MAYE 't10ll AN'I O!lf(.Tlotlffe? NO ••• UNLESS Ml', WESTON CAN THINK 01= 50ME REA~ WHY VOii ~oat.PN'r! By-Frank ~ginski ANIMAL CRACKERS AT~AST 7'<•Y"•• ,_/Wi-MA•D FD/I. us •• ·-'IW5. THOY'I'• COV."00 WITH PeRSPlll.ATIClN. COCK-A llOOO\.c- ' - -TMID or' NllSl'lltATIOH? -- ' . ' .... __ Ml, Hll'ii. MT nlJCI/~/$ r • <I'(/ 1-- • .• ' ) f ~ By Jolln -Mltes . . ' By Mii ,,.........,_,, .. ~ ML MUM . , .... --· By Cllarlel Bwljlftl . ' .. ,. .. • • 1y . Gn "Anlolc( : • By RCMJWllolen .. f .• ' . ~ .. I • • • t r r ' I' ( } •' ' ! . ' • • DENNIS THi MENACE . , , , By CIMnles M. Scliall -SEE 1H.U STAR UP 11IERE? THAT'S 1li£ 5001ll STAR. . . \ ' ·t--H-' '·--·-- 0 [ I ,, ------- • ·-. HOUSIS l'Oll WI HOUSIS !'Oil.SALE ~....,.· ' ' OUSIS .FOR SALE . HOUSES ~~ SA~E HOUSIS l'Oll IALE ,. HOuSEI l'OR SALi "• HOuSIS l'Oll sALI HOUSES l'OR WI i G-nl • HIGO Gonoral .-lOOI O....rol IOOI -rol IGCIO Gonorol I•• Cooto Mou . llOI ..... _ .. _ 1200 uniwr.lty Po_rlc 1237 Hunttngton Booch I• ---I . n . n /) UNDA ISLE .. Fix-,,,,, Ono Upl •• i READ THIS ' .oLinJd. .Jj{e w=:~:iNT · NE; ~:fl?::!: e. •. ••za,.!!iia Owner Loovlng Aroo $135 MO. IUYS 11tus_~Rll·quickly! 4 BR. 21.~ YOU A NEW ";--' ----R-------- l ' ' . .. ' • II you •r• in the · m•rk•t for ·1 NEW home, saa these outst•nd- ing cu1tom i1ed homes, bu jlt . by ft-•nk H. Ayres •nd Son, located in a prime •r•• in C1ntr•I Irvin•. The homes are priced from $29,99G to, $40,400, and v•ry in site from l to 7 bedrooms, 2 and ) c ar g•r•ges a nd 2 ·t o 4 baths.- with sh•ke or mission tile roofs, fir1pl1 c•s, underground utilities, ~onCrate drivaways, all buirtin'1,, and b•1'i c 'C•rpetlng. Jh•r~ •is VA,' FHA and Convention1I fi n•ncin g avail•ble, . Occupancy by August 1, 1970 Tho RANCH-Ayres Since 1905 Models •t Homts / Jeffery· Ro•d & S•nt• An• Fwy. • " 714-838-5136 714-838-5120 II :00 A.M. to l :CIO P>M. \ PRESTl~E WATERFRONT HOMES CUSTOM 4· TO 7 BEDROOM HOMES· 'FROM $1:15,000 TO $500,000 • . PRIME BUILDING LOTS 'FROM $40.000 TO $175.000 ;. •• With a apectacui.t' view a:nne! Great • location In of ~mile owr the Coror111 Me.a Verde. Good 3 + dinJ dtl Mar hilll from a 1p1.c. lam, Let's ao ae, It ri&:bt kM.1s teJTace, balconln and now! .. T\\'0 ' MASTER SUITES, Yoo' 11 find rmt only many aesthetic qualities in thfl fine hOrnt. but·• ftcy Dex- . For APPo1ntmenf C•ll: Ible -vuy workable! - llLL GRUNDY, REAL TOR =.:.: .. ~:..=.~ ALL' FOR m.seo ==--- 113 Dovor Dr,. Sullo 2, N.B. 642-(610 •-·~ ~ ~"'t ~ G 1 1"!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!J .... u., cw;,.,.., ....... u;, ran 3BR.114 BA, dble aar .. lhake 1~ Ratline &nd designed by J. root bup )'&I'd (feDO!d O...ral 1111111 -r•I FOREST~E.,--. - 1IOO Herbert Brownell. (Pier and tronl • rear) Quiet ••t slip to be provided.~ ~ with curb& A:' aideti'alb. TODAY to .ee this mag;r,.I. 1oa OLSON REAL TO'R · • . ..... ' 1"1"· , ...... Eucru-4 IR uoMI! IAYCR.IST yptu.• Lined pn.tha a: green-rJ $52.000 FuJJ ·pr1ce beatt all belts. Swln1 . &: tennis privil. tr )'<>ti earn $3,500 a year or competition for a large, Walk to 1choot &: market. LESS and have 5 or more quality home on ree· land, In ,parlc -JI~ atmosphere. per50ns ln ;your family, you Formal dining nn, fa.mUy Lnw down paymt. $32.500. may oow· qwilify undtr the t nn. 4 Bedrm. 3 blth ,l l<!r· • Red Hiii Realty new FHA P'mifta,m 235 fut , vice porch, •hac crpts &: Univ. Park Center, lrvide a 11eYl 4 Bedroom. 2 ~lit 1 custom drapn, Nl lcitc~n Call Anytime 833;Mal home. Pa)'mf.nll of $135 per overlooktne tarn, ~ ··~~!I!!!!""~~~~~ I nfo. for 360 monlhl C30 patio l 'Jo\-ely, low rhainten. E.,: • .-luff·--·---·~12~ years), iftCluding i&.'ttt I ance yard, View foda.v, call , '111 •& Insurance. Paymentl m.-y be : $«).1151: les.~ depending on your ln-NEIDS IUYER NOWI come. Annual pen::!!ntqe irt- Open Frt/S&VSUn. 1-5, uhlll tere:it rate of ·2% on a sold. 2131 Aralia, Most -. 900 ~· , beaut, home ln,lhe area \\'ith .....,, !'f"O,...,age, 0 LS 0 N Inc, RealtOl'I cent home! $139,000, 546-5511 lhe llnest impfuwrrne~. $400 ,in cash Is all yau rM!'ed 2400 Sq. tt.; formal din ... !(,.move' in, which includu * OCEANFRONT * ·'playroom !could he oCCice1 3 BR. 2 BA. Patio, Dbl. ESTATE SALE, 40' Corner 3 BR.,,2~ ~· The price is • l mlle•from the ocean gar $26,000. Tak~ ... ~ Jot; 3 Bednns, 2·BX. modem right! Wide open for offeni. in Hun1lngton Beach e brkfst rm. & dc:n & added an closing charges. S%% loan. ~. home, onJy 3 yrs oJd. Great May ron.sider lea~/option. Bkr. n4: 962-1353 l.E~SE OPTION . C E K y · ~::·UPPER-f BR:'li. ~ot~~~to~~~be!e~~j :~me a terrific 5~i% JUNE BRIDES Formal Dining 4BedrmHome CDM HIGH AREA an Yen Hp our Coleswo' rthy BA, E. side c;.M •• Qwnr Try· $65.000. All otters irub. Bill ltaVen, Ritt. . 673-3211 Young and shiny like llltin -• HORSES ' w/help fln. ( o rt i n Co. -ject to court approval. Appl.' "Al The Jamaica Inn" la ce • 3 bedroom dreamer, Fabulous value near Back: in The B.lck Yardl . 642-50C0.. only, Call M5-M24 dcill house kitchen with ~· custom Hom,e. bea~-This is a beautifW. comlriM. r LUSK BUILT-work •. M.ving diihwuher, tiluJly ~nclled F am 11 )I tion or nlOdem home in the & Co ./ By owner, 3 BR, 2 bl, 4 B@drm, 2~1 baths,. view, . lush carpet throughout, aht ,•room, c1~ar bar. T "o cit). \\'Ith tbe reel of trees 1 • comer lot, lo interest Gl .crpts, drps, JayeJy rear ¥&i(I. FANTASTICALLY :cheery fU"eplaet...i. 4 bed-horse• in the country Home Ne~~:R Otfic. lou 6~.>$26.ml. ~~. Prk:ed to sell at $48,500, ·at only $23.700 GI .or ~nu. Deep olymplc pool. hu private master. suite, ·1028-Bayaide Drive \L PJfu.i.trciit -tenns an.ilsble or UltDriit HJ board. lknt now, buy sunken living rm, eatina 675-4930 Paint ~ould , -CoRa. ·subject to 51' annual ~ later. Call now. area in the big, rnodernl----',..C,=~--Do Wonders . 1N11:M1112Aft'TINU centage rate VA Joan, SlZ9 . 1000 Gonor•I 1000 • 5 UNITS A llT OF Nttd• '°""' oarpou, too, but " , -ii kitchen le huge rumpus pays a . ,.,... bid m\ght take it. 1 t F I w lk & L coom. Onl,y. 5 ,.... old, the OLD SPAIN c ..... looalwa'" ..... y.,, n1lon "" E_l_T_o;.;,r,;.,• __ .;,_ __ 1244 a er ee' home comb1nes many rare OCEANFRONT _ featurea for ...... ,~ family Near NEWPORT'S .BACK de. 3 + Fam/din. Quiet, 2 Bednna +. •°'.000 R•allo-"--BAY' CJsto bw1t the deadend· atrett. Owners ...., CUSTOM RANCH . '" 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I TENDER LOVING . VIEW BACK IA y ASSUME FHA CARE 3 bedroom 0""""' .. ;, ""'" living enjoyment, Don't mlaa · ~ in 1 · -~ ,... __ ·t the 4103 Seashore Drive Home e Gucst houM'e Barn 7"'"" r'"'"g-Grand Tradition with HUGE pr a! IS....,,.......,. =i:-I • n ~ £:<Uu• •• seeing th.ls home. you won't let us Mir YOUR PRICE. Bill or J\larc:ia Bents Agt. 67>-2741, i\1r. Stewart 842-4:1:>5 MG-Sll) find another anywhere lib ROOMS, MASSJVE nR.£. Open dally 1:30 lo 5:30 . -·--- . it• PLACE wl!)'I built-in wood· ~ M&·SllO Barrett Real ty 642-5200 Irvine Tfrr•ce 1245 SPANISH HACIENDA N.ichOIS Real Estate hox! Autltiaoo SPANISH ---1 -;;;;;. .. .; ... ,;·;.;· -;;·-;;; .. ~;;;;;;;;;;; , s.dcoom. R"1 '"•cool. •• , TILE roof, BASEMENT and LEGE R~TY "!l'!~!!'!"'""'""'!!:"""'"I • 1u.me $21,300 6% FHA Joan; at Sl6,500 this hon;e baa looks upper Newport Bay, 4 &IL of everything. Huge bedrooms big earning 2 bedroom rent. 72 '/O sexy ba1h, dbl attached gar~ als .. Auuine current loan . age with !railer or boat ac. Call 'Now 60-0Jb6. I Big home, ,over 2000 sq ft, 3 Bcdtm1, lnaG family room, dining room, tile entry It wall to wall caJ'Tleling 'thruout. Paymenfs on exist- ing Joan only $190 per n10, ceu. All electric kitchen for mom With dlshwasheF. 'Nice carpc1STnd"rlrapes, Siitifuit ·your down lo• piyment! ol SI34.00 per mo to · Mi.-Q.303 2299 Harbor Blvd., C.J\f. at H!lrbor Center spacious workshop, Al:ljoln-, *"ti ;Cll fuR Sale or I ea 15 e VIEW'· $9000 Reduction payable S18,7 per mo. lnclud-· lng "garden' and orchard" I '!l!~~~!:'!'i:~!!!!!!!~~l!'oPl:•B!'B.ot:;-2'-brm. 21Ja, ~1721 Ga latea i~ taxl!fl,-l>eep earpett1cu~ ~· lot available. Owner will l '. ·frl>Jc, patto In Bll)'lllde Sl*C'°1l3 4 Bedrm, dining rm. tom drape1, private mut~ I, including taxes. ANOTHER, -BRAND NEW EXCLUSIVE. l :BE flRSI'! ! r . . ,. -~ COATS "· c .. ~ . W WALLACE > · REALTORS -14'-4141- -(~n Ev•ninesl $1.CIO ONE DOLLAR MOVES YOU IN NO DOWN TO G.l.'1- W lk '& L . TOTAL PAYMENT a 'er ee $127.CIO P~R MONTH ""-· Real sharij 3 bedioom· home, i1.t:a1tors -lu.xurious, bath. Fr e • h I y 27!ln _Rarbor Blvd;' .•t Adams paihted in and out. F1IA 54;>-9491 Open Iii 9' PM Joa.n of SIS,~ at 5% ~ an. nual interest rate. You can't INCOME P.ROD-UCER t;ei.t it! Separ:ilte snv!ce \Vanna makt' !!Orne dough 1 area. Dbl. garage, Forced ll's like banking your money a ir heal. Completely fenced. \\'hen you receive those rent Deep • pile carpets witb c:hecks each month on this matching dnpes·. New terms neal well maintained Tri-available. CAU.. ~~;,;r-· •ll"'rnt• '"'Walker & Lee carry Lf:NI interest loan and Mna -~•I M•r 1105 Village (pool & beach) pool .. Open dally 1 to 5, bedroom. Deluxe kitchen NO LOAN fee. SEE NOW! FOR Sale by owner, xlnt $13,500 vac.! J\lust sell. Pete B•rr1tt Realty with bllirts; W lk & L Sacr, for cash. Adults, no .'42-5200 llill ~;::;;:ii!i:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;::I a er ee loo, c1 ... to sohool•, ~ BR pe\•. Opea hou .. No. 95. lhnB!!!liwoi!ll or. 3 I< den, 1% BA, crpb;, •= .214 ___ _ Coll P k Realton drp1, bltos, frplc, fam din '-'"'-~-'7~·=~=~--COrona Cl.I Mar 1250 96J.4471 ( => ~ I eg·e . If 2M3 w 646 .,.rt 77 oM 11 u Dr. rm, ,crJv patio, dl~hondra MUST SELL __._-~----- t.wn, ·apmkl" frnVr.u, .Will TRADE 'WtflJE. w_ ATER $26,950 Open 'til 9:00 PM vety cle~. ..,-ell kept. Beautiful -Roomy Baycrcst ., 54~7090 , cuslom·bullt 4 bdrm home VIEW. EXCITING earner location 17 X 35 POOL 4 e-. "mily rm. w/w ~t on 11. Jovely lot on lt'!"iuded OF with decorative block wall. . "" .. ~.,, Famous '"F.JO'~ Dike & Cole-Yes, a beautifUl Anthony thruout. Owner rriu.st lea\"t street. Xlnt loan provision .......,e Award Winnl"f', Call pool • heated le ·fi.lt area. Askklg $3 1, 900. 2001Leev.•ard,54S-m73. unu: CORONA ;;;;_these are ·rare, p S sets the sta~ for this 3 bed-!>I MG-9'753. DUPLEX ahsOlulely. charming 2 Extra sharp thruout• . . . roon), 2. bath home. Safe, . . --ritO\·~in con~ll-2-8 . bedroom 2 11torv borne on EXCLUSIVE WITH· . separate play yanl for the Meta Yarde 1110 1 BR. Ten·tflc loc. Copper FEE LAND · .. ' children. Paneled Jiving ---· -1•1mbinr thruout On I y A ...,rJcct 11nnt lor ti.--v.•ho 3 Spacious Bedrnv;, i plumbing, biting,· fireplac:i! & xlnt location f,or school & ~hoppirig • \\'alk to the wortd·1 lines\ beach. OllJJ'. $20,950. Xlnl terms! P •ciflc Shores Realty 847-8586 or 536-8894 NO COSTS NEEDED ·PAUl.•WlllTB Resltora , . 2'7!11 HarbOr Blvd, at Adaim' 545-0465 open •tu 9 PM ' 3 BR -ado. pool, clbhse ..., ·-.. · ... ~ ,... '"':><:: Nowport room \\>Ith brick 1ireplatt, "u iJS 950 \'1tluc i;eelusion aod privacy. New gold. carpet, Kitchen Monticello llO Brookline 2 MoRGAN REAL TY Just a' stones throw to the Great 6 bed1oom5 1 wi1h 21.~ CARNAHAN •I completely redo.ne. It's blk1 0c· Coll &: all scbls, 6'1':1.ffiot2 · 675-6459 bCaCh' and ahopplng. PRESTIGE AREA baths. Roon1 for evc!'yone. ·••ALTT co. harp' Call t Cily Hall. Owner lihoW Fairview 5 . now 0 see,• ' 6/2Z-28 dally 1.5, 7-8 Aa BEST B\JY B.AYCREST Only S54.50ll \Valk•lo•beach. 4 Imlnn. tarn rm., I~ ba. Seil GI or lltA.. Need quick sale! , Separate family rno1n "'ith f4 1 beamed ceilint:" and hua:e 109.1 Baker. C.11,f, ~ 'i'tT49f.I *29.~. E.xclusive fireplace. Huge mode r n . ___ _ 64U811 (1nytlmo) 546-2313 jg $18,680. Beaut. land!IC8.pcd all elcc, Call 67J.85!j() FUR SALE BY OWNER. 4 BR, 3 ba, custom home on Immed JIOll 4 BR, Jg lam lge fee lot. ·Center island rm,. m a n y xtra1 . kitchen,'Juperma1ter BRA 847.s;:Al7 Eves: &12-0427 ,kitchen wi th lots. or eating MOST HOME _ 1paCt'. Near the beach 11ntJ O THE Rr:AI, "'\. ESTATlRS O THE REA!, ~ f:STATF:RS vieWot themountai11s. FUL.L FOR SMALL MJJN~.Y OPPORTUNITY PRlC~ $25, 750, CALL! ·2 Story, 4 J!edroom, ,,_dining To ~hak one of the few 54&--0313/645-3~48. • • fan'dly. S79.!KXI. 642-7136 ' J 1' W · 1 k & L ·area + breakfast" nook &:. home! in J\.fesa Verde with a er ee lamUy room. l'onven;eDUy located in Jlack Bay area, botll a. view & a pool. 4 Q<!· Perfl'l't garden tor children. rms., 3 baths + ~family, * ' TAYLOR l•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiijiiiiiiii;O 'BRM. home In M ... Vmle IRVINE TERRACE ~~~~;::.~~ LiDO WATERFRONT North. As,umo _5!l.%.1 lo8n Newport Hal,.!!hlf 121~ 3 Bdnm, 2 Ballu, Pool. Car. --. • . t • . APTS.-320 LIDO NORD or ·? Owner 831--0679 att. REDUCED To S:S.500, by ' peted ·1: romp. rumls~. MEREDITH GARD Realtor.s 2790 Harbor Blvd. al Adams 545-0465 Open 'Iii 9 PM PANORAMIC -OCEAN VIEW Lifht1 By Night ~ Sweeping view lron1 mQU n· ' tairui to sea. 4 Bedrooni.'!., 2 .bath!, large fam il y room plus dining room. -Double garage plWI carport lor boat storage. In move-in condi- tion, , $48,500 -Phone 64&.nn ·o THE REAL '~ ESTATERS ' . " ' ,· DOVER StfORES brkfst. le formal dining, Ai- S43.9JO. sumable 5~% loan! A REAL CHARMER NOW REDUCED TO 6. °"'nt'r, a.s8Ume 6% VA, Existing transrerrable 6'1'~ 2IXl52 Colgate Circle · Courtyd enU'llnce 3 &Inns It $175,000-Xlnt Tarms ·i-Spanish charmer, 2 BR, cor loan. niu price. $47,500, .J{unlington Beach ' formlll din rm •• I $43,950 6 Beautiful units. 6 car ga-Newport laach ~-lot, fncd yard. 645-1446 tr 4 Br, Split Level House Sep. PETE BARRETT 80 LINDA ISLE ,..., "'utUlly ,...m, wllh noana6'>--00IOaskl<><Paul aralo d;a, <m., lam, rm. See th.ls new 5 &: maid's rm 80 ft. fronting on exctlllent HARBOR VIEW HOME HetTick. Ul,IXX), No money down to REAL TY ~ · fam rm + RR. 5 baths 0 swimming beach. Units are Much sought ar.ter "C8nnel'' SALE or leue . Ne\\· 2 br, mipansible party, Immed. ''lllcsii\ <rl' Jlrnl'tf 546·5990 Open' daily S169,a00 newBlliyl Glumrundlihed. R It model. 3 BR. 2 Ba., formal 2 ba, fam., bl.tlra. $33,900 l1S MARINE AVE. 673-6900 occup1u1cy, P. D, Colburn, 1'05 WISTCLIFF Dl. ''Our 25th Ye•r'' ~ y, ea or dining rm. plus fani. rm. or S27 mo. 213: 4~1400 644-4327 ttEW,OlT llA~H t_ 2 HOMES WESLEY N. 833 Dover Dr., N.B. 6424620 LUXURIOUS interior1 by collect. _°"B"A"LB°"'OA,,·,.,JS~LA=N~D~-ARCHl:J'ECT'S HOME, 642·~200 • H"""'~N~~~Tbeamed TAYRLoOoltRor1CO. 4 e!~,r, 3 !~:room ~~~:i.d~c!or1'oc~!i; B~c.~;~ ~ba~r ;~:: tromho ~i~Aa~Ml~~~W small ~~~~·1c,Lo~ly~ 3'rlBR;.~ ,,.,.,.. . ,,.. to Swim Club&: Parle. Qual. pool Nr schools, lhpng, me. Profe.sslonally dec:or-fam rm , Cuslom lhltgfi, E•stside Special C"eilings, bltln,, R&O. Sep.. NEWPORT CENTER baths, Ivan Wells home, ity fealures, TOO NUMER.. beach. 548-4.156 ated. Completely charming, quarry tile, extensive wood Cuslom built 3 BR, 2 Ba, arate .garages Ir yards. Near 2111 San Joaquin Hills Road Dover Shores, Formal dln OUS TO LJSI'. Call us for Only $'16,500, p8.J'lt'Uing, architectunlly Xtra Jge living rm .. walk shopping. $28,500 With an 644-4910 rm, kitchen wlbrkfst area, detaUi. Immed. occupancy. O VOGEL co. RLTRS lnctscpd nk1n $211 &:ii) 10 shops, dble garage, Will assumahlc low Interest loan, "RAISE A GARDEN" Panelled family rm w/wel This ii a MUST SEE! ~3•500 Newport Shores 122 2667 E. Coas( Hwy, CdM 002-3969 spr ' · · sell IBA·VA tenm. Wells-McC•rdle. Rltrt. 2 BR hse. Dbl gar on bar. Sparkling pool In land. e Red Hiii Re•lty A Maftl'lzine 673-2020 Cal.I eve~: " ....... 69 l~lO Newport Blvd., C.J\t. .... I 1 o.~ .. I d n. scaped courtyard. Roy J , Univ. Park Center, Irvine .,-* SHARP I * """"'I• "''" 7729 E 644 ,.,.... ..... 0 • .,..,"'.I' an · .r;;><; va-Ward Realtor, 1430 Gal•...v C 4 BR+ 2 BR "'"" vei. _. cant July I. Fr ui t -~ Call Anytime 8J3.IJ820 OVer Lovely 2'BR. home, Nice on one lot with garageli. A -----trees-needs loving care &:1-°'-·;..""~~1550~·-~---I ~~~!"''!!"!'~!l'!'~~~ 1hov:pJace In· NEWPORT patio. So. ot Hwy, Xli'lt cond, real buy wllh good fine. OWNER LEAVING \118tering. 163 E. 2'lnd SL 61/zO/o Loan LARGE BALBOA HOME, SHORES. 4 large bedroom11, Spacjous Br'11., 5eP. din. rm. Fountain Valley 1410 Call eves: 548-6769 Lovely upgfaded 4 Bednn CM •. See Nowt 3 BR house anvnnA can· assume Bay.Ave. 2 Slol')', 4 bdrm., all with double size cloaeta, Under S~0.000. Well designed 4 bed room La he Rlty · on 1ii Acre SA Hgta 1-··-Dine Rm. R-2 lot, 1 Blk 3 batm, large living roo1n MORGAN REALTY home overlooking the entire C nmyer Condo, Dblc garage, hltlns, Pri•-te Party'· ; _:_0' of app· This annual '.~ r•te loan. lo -·, ., Blk to Bay bl 1. •hag c-og clubhouse & ~.. . ....,... 1 "'""""' >11 with custom mar e ire-613-6612 675-6459 OWNF;R • 4 br, 2 ba, ram. rin. Large rm1. Nice yd, patio,,· See It-You'll low ii.!• ;· Priced to sell -S30.~ 10'l48 NIGHTINGALE ' Good Location 968-14.if Bay, Large living roo1n &: OUice 646-3928 or 545-3483 .,, • s26,475 at 6% Int. Beautiful ettate •zed &Newport-YachlClub.Plus pl djol I bookhel dining room; marble fire. ~~~~~~~~~1 pool, Asking $2-4.500. Owner Assuniabl!: cash to Loan or groundl, 4 bdrm1., entry pe.ved R-2 iot g parking. ace 1:.a n n& .f. s v. 4 BR 2~~ batti, wtlh ocean place. 4 Baths. All electric -ASSUME will cany 1st TD at 7%~. '>·down & owner-will can')' hall; central Door plan. $71.500. FRANK MA&. es, Dini~ room eating vie\"'. Decorated and fully kitchen. Ready for tmmedi-Call Glen Queen, Herltqe 2nct TD. Nr Qranae Cty p,1me location. $28,950. SHALL REALTY fl75.4600. area in kitchen. A prtvate, landscaPft{. $58.800. owner ale ~occupancy, $89.fiOO Sl/4 O/o LOAN Real Estate, 540-1151, Airport. 3 units-2 BR each 540-172D. , CLIFF HAVEN-Ow'mlng,-::~~~-pac\':b =~oo~~~ n4: 673-8249 or 644-2929 Vacantandready3Bedroom on ~ acre. (,()od loan, app TARBELL •29'5 Harber Rustic 3 brm, 2 ha. Quiet 2poolll lenni1 courtlvalley CA.MEO SHORES: 2 BR &: • 2 b&th, }n ·choice Costa Brand New Listing $27,480. Private Party, Good neighborhood, a!ntral loca-ball ~rt P• with it Jt den, Luxury villa type r.tesa area.'.· \\'alking dis-Vacant • being ~led. Investment. neat Orange LJdo Isle Investment non, nr, schoolll. L«. trees shoWl!i like a Model ' house, &crlfice below cost. tnnce to ~nlary, Inter. Excellent 4 &: family rm at Co. Airport. DY;ner-Agent 3 Beaut 1tudio urrlts near on wersized Jot. &18-aMB $4f,t50 J46..2S13 S69,500, ~r 67~5698. n1ed iate and College . $28,250 only $25.!00 on VA no do"'" 545-2'109. be1ach. 31BR.2 2B":·i.n2 :;_a. * CHAR.lid: Bluffs Town-** $54,500 * • • LAKE ARRO\\'HEAO e ~7171 or fltA lcrms, In quiet f11 HOMES w frplc, A 1. • . v• house, 3 BR, pool, lo maint, Channtna duplex, Soutti of BY OWNER • 4 br, 2 ha. 163' sq. ft . Sprinklers front & ·rear. Fam. nn. $.11,500. Assume T'i'i'Ar VA Joan. .... ,... BY Owner-Assunu! 5%~ Joan 3 brm, 2 ba, unf. bonus rm, SJ0,500. Pml $182. Try $6.000 dn. 16644 Bushard 13.q..2314 . moves you Int o Nl_)l1h c.~I. location. hwTy! Listed \\'lthin the pas.t 30 days South patlol:. Xlnl cond10on. $6,000 .dn. Vac July 1, Rent hl&hway. 675-IDW beautiful 4 BR, 3 BA ~ SCl·SUO await )'OW' inspection, Wba\. SW.500 iJR.oKEJt $.125. 675'.044 Bol~-Ponlnoulo 1-.. Weptmln1ter tri-lcvel home wl' a 11 ever your needs lemui or · -.wv --dMlnlHIMN ...,,,11on, .. ha.e'theRIG'HT UJ.8700 ..... 2430 2 BR TOWNHOUSE. Must -r....... 1227 --;;..;;;;,;;;;;-,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;; modem con ... -enicncC!s. incl LEGE REALTY """ sell. All offcn considered. ..,.,.... -• BY OWNER-Front park A $5000 " worlh of new tum Golf Course Al'M *"""""'.CM HOlllE Im' your family, If ---z Owner 6C'""88 *UNIQUE-SCENIC* WEST BAY AVE. ·school. 2 story 4 brm, house. 1612 ' & drape1. Al90 dishwasher, Large Cal/Ranch J story :!aS:~~~·t ~t it, it's not UDO'$ JINfSJ BUY * hot Buy*. Pool * Unrivaled View of Bay & Channing new ~ bdrm. 2 ba. Cov patio. $33,900. 6871 Hqod di.s;posal, bltn vac uum, hOme wllh 40• long rumpus LIVE ON BROADWAY l\{tn / rl S . MedlteJTanean lt)'le; Block Dr. ~202. ::.-~~ ~~;~:.~~~~j or billlanl rm. Wide J30' Appealing 2 bdrm ' den with Walker & Lee End cf Jsland. 4 ·Bednn. '3 s~~~.~Z.' B~in2k~~·J:;: nea;~y w r!w v~~6id r:,~:~: :::oc: ;:i;· Builder's ~T".=,t=l=n======1Ml=J, eve ti. rleep lot· • nlenty o( J'OOm hardv.."OOd floot'l!I, cpti. a~ bath, SO' lot, 11rrnet to 1trada. dool"9 to patio. 3 GARAGES. Contemporary w~ court It Biil 'G ·nc1· R, Ito l (or pool. Fristi pain! &:. pa. drapes Dbl . garage, falf'. ' Rl?altor1 MUth patio. For appt Larp healed pool &: park 11.trlum. 5 Br's expandable, ru y, ~ r ----- .:BEACH-HOME $~6.f.tO_ -pert+$4a1;cio"or-be"'4Uer·!-Jlowd-lo,t...._~_allcy-a i~·~l11pr . . ean"$iiiiK'-R1311.r 11lf.eYIN'-Wlin'no-tare*in.--f!OOO""aq-tt;-4\rba;-ht=cen--1-,833:!!· :!!!°"':!!!"-:!!!°':!!--"~:!!B-""4~~~-r:'l3.ooo -LG--3-BR 2 ba. ' .s BR + den. 8 ,yrs. youn,.. ~ •-1111 !;~lc~~ars,;;,thpl.::!~;.n~=:. 842:'145.'j 540-51411 1u1,. ILUI vo\Vt'd. ~ this ree land lng1. 4 car pr. nn.ooo I: ash pnld fam rn1, IO"Vtly I ~\Valk to beach, teftnl~. poo s. _.. ,., "ft · condo rot ONLY $.13,900. fum . WUl take amall hooae lido Isle ' 1351 kit w/top Hne bltns, wlk-ln , • Cpts, drp!, ti\IM. 10~~ dO\\ID • ..... e.tllt. Priced, lo sell f1tsl at $23,950, 5 BR & FAMILY .....USS or vacant land ~L Owner __ __ pantry. W/W crpl, eXQUlsite , ,_CALL TODAY! LEGE REALTY M. M. La Borde, Rltr. ~1249. Dl.CORATOR'S drps. Used brk trpl, lg clsta. i CAY'''OOD REAL TY -~-.Cll -"""'· &t&-4579 Prlco Roducecl ESTATE SALE HOMI Co< lot. d•I .,,, , ... lad•c:p. ,. ~ qulclc tolo APPROX. ~ ac:re lot, 5 BR, 6306 W, Coal!t llwy., NB -~ ~------FIXER-UPPE~ to-$33,SOO &de Bay, New England cot-4 BA. HIS pool, Im~ Beautlflllly done, S Bdrms. Top custom nelgtiborh>od, e 548-1200 • JUST REDUCED with a Gl'klan ot $18,«Xl •ny-tage, 3 BR, 1% BA, llrdwd oc .• $81.500 Onr. 6U-S114 J'amib' rm, Xlnt streel to ~1.304 usume 5~ Jou. THREE UNITS f"onner nlode.1 home in \Vest· one qualllie•. 4 huge. bed-t.arae ta.mu;. home in No. On, ihAke roof, wood •kllng OCEAN VIEW llrelJ 45 n . lol. 2 bd rm. unll . 1 btlnn unll . clifr, wilh 512\0 as..-urnablc rooms, tv..v baths. Corner Costa !lo1esa. with aU bit.Ina A UllCd brick front. :nlA •P-rmmacWate, excltUw, large Wettcllff 12JO 193.:i<K> bachelor collage, Double loan. 4 BR. 2\, baths, fOf" lot on cttl-Oe-sac. Largest lot Including .water condiUoner. ~ I terms. •$26R7: ,7111 ,.-.Jt modem !Kmf, LIDO REALTY INC. Laguna laach ' iantC!' • Large laundry ~· rns111vingti:i-::"'f8mily rm. In tract, Play.hOUtt for kids QUlck Pou, Auurne exiflJrw ant South Coast only t liot. to OCMft. 5 Baths, BEST IUY 3337 Via Lido 613-~ ---- Near schools and &hoppi ng. w/frple. Profess. landlCI~ included. Subject to pay-FHA kllln. Only 13,000 down. Estate, 545.8424. Bednns' ~· LOT $52,500 FORCED SALE. Transfe'l'. ~ & 11teal at $36,flOO, \\'IU. ~ Now just ~.500. meota of S152 total at St;f. an. PERRON "2-1771 !..1n 11ttt!! :.~· : 1206 PEMllt.OKE LN Neat, coiy, S br. bit.ins. red. U.tinc opired. ftedllc.. SELL F.ltA./V.A. .. BROKER null nte, "Meager" down HARBOR: VIEW HILLS 4th Bit ~·been conwrtf!d Lovely -~·planned family Owner. 675-2IM3 or 497•1265. C!d $7,000. Afust .ell tb\!1 'M; ~ La BorcME·-·.'6R731!~1's UJ.1700 644-2431 w""""a elakiCe' r"""&'""L-c.uee ~: ::,ooo. Popular 3 B~ to Jowly bachelor apt. out. ·!=~3 :.~. !,._ ~ =· LARO.E LIDO LOT ~~:~ ~. ;~':~ ~~~~~:: -·~.. -n.i 5 IR I AM. M e. Famll,)' nn. w •kte entry. Sundeck, M!Ul I: !lowet9. On11~.12~ 5h88' 206 Via Lorca, Terms. $5,000 ~.,,, Fania.Uc biay *OCEANFRONT* $24.500 ' 't'::~~= =~N~KER"~:=· ~:--,;;,..~:r,;,:-::.j ---· ""-ftnltY, !n4l5IMllS;-. at$42,000.4..._. .... DUPLEX ' · owner desperate Reallor:s n 300l E. Cout """:, CdM. .... -N'E\V' Whitewater view homt, l ~Block lro~ Bay 1 bdrm + far,nlly rm. 2790 ltll.J'bor BJvd. at Adarhl Many exU'U. P.750, Owner f33.o700 &l.f.24.'KI Estate, 545-8424. 673-6510. Open SJn. 1.s. ·Huntlntton leach 140D 2 BR. 2 ha. 18 x ,,. llv's $85,000 Alinost no dOwn CJ. or ntA 5t5.ot65 Open 'tll 1 PM; mov:lnc Eut. ' Saw )'OW' di' -1t'1 not MEREOM'H Gardens, s BR, rm. Playroom. Bltn -1 Geor,. Wllllam1on tcrm1! Entry ball, huge ff'nt. 4 UNITS CALL TODAY f7!l.3000 'nll'ft thole White Elepbantl tar! lfnt ttacb tor YoW' 3 IN, din, nn, fam, rm, range, dilbwasher I: cPi-C. ' RIAL TOR lly rm. ove~zcd living rm, lO DOWN ''HA lay I IHch Rrty., Inc. ~~JE$ ~ ~L.~ ~! Into cub thru a O&ll7 pnot phone 4 call Dllb' Pilot cu:~e-111c cpl.I, drps, 11hut-Balanced power. $27,950, · '73-4350 64S..15'4 Eves. \u:r(l1r!OO\ kllc~. 5-1-0-1120. All 2 BR .. lnconie '480 ma. .... a du. t>tme--e-Uhe adlt I ClaMifled ~ Omse len. lat. ptllo. Ch\'l\Ct, 10~ down. 1~ Norla a. O'lal fO-M71 for RESULTS · TARBELL .2'55 Marbor A,fint, evfti. 54~. your ad -toda,yl _9t2_ .. _~ll_. -----499-m or ez...a.t.' 17115 I <-r '• '· t. ----... --.... ---· ~ . -.. • ------.)----... -- • I· ' . DAll.V Pll.OT Tb""'1, -2'. 1970 o L RE AU RINTALS RINTALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS -l'umhhoil H1ui11 Urlunil.... Aplo. ~-"""' Apto. Pumllhod Aplo. Unfuml,,,.. Apll. Unfumlshtld Apto: Unfvmlohtld ~ lffch 1115 Col'Ollol dll Mar m. Celtl -SIDO ~ ....., -~N!!1W!!JPl'P!!;!rt~le~1~ch~=:·~-~!J!N~~!!!!!Jl~1~1ch~~·~·J -•I ,.. Newport Beach. 5200 Huntiri.ton Beach ! D. •TY FACE 2 BR i.ow.e lib -· Neor --• LIKI NIW l90 t Bil near belt. Stv, I Bdnn apt si'i""Panoramle NEW 1 BR-hll< ,. beacll. • "*" •• ml buy_ Qannlng beech. $250 ptt ~ 2 BR. I EASE BellutU\d .,.... • OGie to I rer, pr, adults. view • .....,.l!Mr 673-4350. $130. Pri patioo:Q\liet! Cai •• Mb style home, SrMJAT. den. ~mall cottage J210, 3 bedroom bOme wttb pool, beach and Newport • 3 bed. Blue Beacon. Bkr. &GoOW '11 st. Andrew1 Rd. alnafe adlts. couple. 202--A ; ' CD ON LGE. LOT. NESl"I-University Jtea)ty 6'f3.4510 family room. aDdren a l'OOID4i, 2 b&tbl, den and run. 14th, 613--1784, .536--1319. lit> BENEATII TOWERING 3001 E. Coa•t Hwy., CdM ..'l!!. .. ....,ptod pao lod.J[OOI lly ,_, !Arp lenced C:otll Mall --SIDO !!!!'po<! Htleht1 5210 * 2 BR 111 ba, P'tio, pool . !fUDE TRE~. WHERE . . llm'. Cill ~ Y&l'ft: NO).ifll. Dilbwubn, ~ • ... ;....i...: k. $165' mo. -Moni. Kai Ap~ - COOL CREEN OF Nt\.. Lido lile WL and atovre bulltln.. Gardenlr 1---------NICE 2 Br, pool" ·~,_;c East of Beach Bl, ¥.i blk ' . E ABOUNDS IN A --and water includfd at $250 gar. blt~tns, cpb, drps, off Garfield. lET AlR OF SECLUS. WATERFRONT "'"4 Bedrm. permontb lmmacuJat.eo6.. adltJ, ~ pet~. fl~O. _c.:;.,,;:.::c..:,.c-~~~---,-1 A ~ t --'k from · "' .11 ..,IW'I ntb1y •·aJ~ C _..._. ' 6U-«J01/ ·~1GM1: •, 2 BR. Adults. VW -pd. • .,.ea.san will pittr • 01.1P. ,._,., mo • '"" v om_.., clition, C&U evenillll • ...._ • • -~ • · · Beaut--Quiet. Pool. P r Iv tbe beach-• AugUst $2000. 2~ 67J..3210 endl 673-6568. Lush landac.a.plng w/35' 2 BR. pOOl,. frplc., cryt & patio. Beam clngs. 17676 O~ fashioned parlor type or 270--4M7. ·CONOOMINIUM pi n e trees, aparkling drpt. no chll?Nn, t1hl pd. Cameron. 842-6121 ... ljv. nn. HA S OAKEN SPACIOUS Lido home Qfl 2 2 Br. Car, pabo, erptl. drpt, 2 Bednnl l% 1-tfts all-waterfalls, bub f> I i n g S22& A. Clay SI. 541-7325. PLANK FLOORS. \VOOD lots W/pool. • br. 3 ba· stow, refrig. Bamboo pllances 'tnc1 Aduits ~:'h" streams & serene ponds LGE clean 2 Br. duplex,, ~ANELED \\'ALI •• _ COZY tam nn J uJy It Aui Villqe bu.privacy• qµiet child OVtf' lC 'on.ly. $1'10 ~. make Merrimac Wood& the Eist Bluff S2C2 close to beach:~cpts. drpll. , IX>G B URNING FIR& 6~7. Jor mature adults only. Avail Jul lst. A 1 place to live. These '1 &: 2 --No pets, Adlts only $145. RLACE IN AN 'r IQ u E o· ------Dwntv.'11, CM, $160:~, y •. gen kR., 2 Ba., fum or unfurrl. P~ESTIGE LOCATION 536-1003. nESlGN. ""nte" hall o·~ns Huntington n ... L ·-•"'S-7134. _546-4~~'~41-~----apis. feature air-cond., F I del ·-ft. I ~::::..:::::::..... ____ ~ ~ .._.. ~ •-IM " -.n -" ~Jf.cleaning tivens, beam or ease, uxe .LOQO sq, LG 2 brm, 2 ba, fenced to lhe 2 txlrms., 'scrvict>d by 1-30--YRS .. -., .. older--.... • R t L "-'. $250 MO 4 BR 2 ba. lam ceilings, dishwashers, priV. 4 BR. 2~ BA apt, Frplc, yard, no utiJ .. St50 mo, Sm, ·t • F'-'RE BATI-! - . • ,..,w in or .... ""'t''ton rm fncd yd ,.., ... ,,... fT dra t t .. ~.. . 847 3889 ~OnPtniPER '-~.,. KJTCH-· small hse. on back Jot, 3 Bednn_ hom. e, lge livina rm. , bltns' . ~--e'r ••• __ or' garage w I s tor age, pes, crp s, we .,..., pn pets ok. -• " """''l.o&:.. 9750 v.... ............... Oak e l ev ators , 108 deg balconie1,dblpr0Hkitchen '=========I ~N 111111 ELEC ID\NGE S . per mo., /'ID pets. new kitchen, $200 mo. 4!»-2335 e"°". . d thereaveutlc pool, swim :r,wbr, dbl oven. Pool. Conv S•nla Ana 56-' .. .b. · 536-178.'l. N' h' I R 11 E1t•lt woo ~ ~ & •• , OVEN' CERA"UC TILE IC O I e l BR !lo t/drp • ba , s, saunas a -'--p'g ...... , • ,,,,,,.atloo r"'TC. oPENS ,.'Q SEPAi 3 ~~· 2 BA Modei home. * 5t6-952l * I& mer yd;' 2cpcar 1~: ~ e ii e acti!ft1!'.u 'Adu~1'is w~i:!~~ ..,'Only.uslsO mo. • VILLA MARSEILLES ATE BRKFSf. Ri~. Available ~ug. , 91!1 2 BR, 1 ba, gar, putiilly mo. SJ&-4834 t Ii • From $140. Just .Ea.st Of 835 Amigos Way, NB Tbc spacious rear' grounds Adam.s. HB 96~123 draped & cptd, w/s«Jve, ' 8 new way 0 Ve m 2600 Harbor· Blvd., near 1.-fgr. next door 865 Amigos. BRANO NEW tp,ve sheltered arbor t~pi e Z Brn1, 2 bath hou~ in dl~posal. tncd yd, . water 'ountaln Villey 3410 Naber's Cadillac at 425 A1anai'ed by .SPACIOUS ,2B-tio.1erTaced garden. pick-condo. 6 mo. lease, $225 paid, ref. $160, Avail Jul¥ ,, Newport Beach Mei.rlm~c Way. 545-6300 \VJLLIAM WALTERS co. 1 &' 2 Bdrm. Apt•~ Ot fence. THAT LOOKS TO mo. 846--4929. 24. 646-~· TWO-STORY, 3 Bdrm Everything new.. Adult Living 'CHE \'100DS & OLD \VOOD-• 1 2 BR house w/pr t fenced TO'W'l'lhl;luse .. ! Bath, shag Move in today. e NEW DELUXE e Furn. & Unfurn. EN BRfOGE BELO\V. This Vacation Rent1ls 2900 yd cpt I drp,_ $135 mo. c~'thruout, large bonus l BAY MEADOW APTS. 3 ER. 2 BA Apt for lease. Db:bwasher -color coordinat· d:iarining older homt needs LAK" Arrowhe•d·. Ne... 2625-C Elden Ave CM. ~ ~ver double ~· 'It's.fun, fine neigJ,bors a-Rd prestige living. New exciting 1 BR, $140, lncl. spadb't· master foUite,doordin ed appliances •• plush sh!llZ l • "' 't .. ail built Ins pool teM11 all in one luxuriOUJ' p' ackage •. That's Oak-2 BR •165 o.. u· rm &: • garage, auto_ · r 2 t I( .JI tle touch \IP el't' plush A-frame, 3 BR ~ ·ba, 673-stto. -• • .. • , " • ocam ce mp. . p 1 Re carpet .. cho1ce o co or lllCt't' tl's an outstanding lrpl, TV, + studio apt. 200 B b" ~ porch. etc. $250 mo leue. 968-3578 \\'Ood Garden"Apartments in N ewport WOOd pan'lg, shag crptg, ~ner ·av~il, 00 • & c. schemes .. 2 baths • stall li'uv f'or d r 1.... . • h" 3 R, · 11 Beachojusl minutes !tom. Balboa's Bay and priv. patio, -llOme w/ frplcs area •. , FRO•l ~' • showers .. mimlred ward· c.15 950 FULL PRICE Y s rom Al\e, pnv dfll ing famlly only. Max, 3 childrn., -Wntmin1ter 3612 beaches. I Pool, sand volley .ball crt, .,...,,, robe doon • indirect U;;ht.. ,. , • OK. & swmng. Rate flex Vacant. $225/mo. Acf, Ask---------rec bid<>, pool tables, put-865 Amigos Way, NB 4..,. ,_kl he b Id LO, WER DN. P\'1.-fT. · 213/936-6360. for Don UJ..,606(), ·• s BR, 2 ba, -drpo, There's a 1/j million dollar Clubhouse ••• :lh e. 1\1 ed b .. ,. .... tc n -rea MISSION REAL TY ••• ling green. Adults, no pets, ' anag Y bar • huge 'private fen BIG Bear very nice house, $145 AttraCtive separate bitl.s, $235 mo.· paily1"00m1 billiardsroom,indoor go1Jd~iv-387 W. Bay. Open House \VlLLIAM \VALTEP.S CO. patio .• plush .l".11'1USCapIJ1K~ !).f:i So. Coast 1i'YY-, I..aguna nr Lake, bllns. SIC day, house, 2 BR 1 BA, cpt/drp, •592-5625* ing range, me n'1 and women's h ealth clubs l2-7'pm daily. 646-0013. TOVv'NHS-3 br, 2 ba pool Phone (711> 4~731 $40 ~'krid, $90 wk. (nil) Adi'· only, no pea, n~-.1-=====;:;:=== , . pd hoot brick Bar-B-Q's -lal'ie heat.: ,. • ~ ~q 6 saunas, te nnis courts, resident tennis pro e MARTINl'"'UE e priv. n1alll . nr. sc s. ed pools & lanai. , • $29,950 • 511 .. 9672 S48-!W72, 673--0395. Mldw1y City 361 and PtO shop, and Olympic size pool. All T $300 mo. 19a-i San Bruno, 3101 So. Bristol St. J-'antastic V\ew, low dn, Summer Rent1l1 291012 BR gar, fncd yd. $125 2 BR & den plus1 wlr ahop. this, and much more, just s teps from y. ou ~ P•rk-Like Surroundings N.B. 6--14-2550 :>21-2117. (l,i Mi. N. o! So. CoaFt Plua) ' • $31,500 • 2.517-C Santa Ana Ave:, ' -~-· yd. 1•~, --~•y I . JI d DELlg{E 1-2 ~ 3 BR APTS. TNHSE; z BR 2lL• ha, fpl, Santa Ana -'k be'" ..,. .uJW. _...... UIUI"-"' pro ess1ona y ecorated apartment, each ALSO FURN BA~"' ~R n ~harp buy · "'"-' lo n. ,BEAOI COTTAGE C.M. or $175 lse. 893--0il4l · • ~ patio enc gar 752 Amigos PHONE: 557-1200 r • $35,900 • 3 Bedroom ( c 0m pIe le1 y CHEERFUiiiiiEim-iiL:221-.;;;;;:...,...;nn.I~~~~~==== with private balcony/patios. Air con di Lion-Prv patiOs • Htd Pools Wy, Apt 5, 5300. 675-503:J. ~ious 4 Br. Low down fumi~) week I Y_ ~ No pets. Adulta. .. S140 mo: Laeuna a.ich 3705 ing/fireplaces optional Nr shop'g •. Adults only --7"' e $49,500...... montfilY, July • Aug: $150 773 w. Wil•n ~2802. ;i..;..:.. --.. 1111 £iinta Ana Ave., CM Corona del Mir 5250 '.:?-Sty. 4 BR . North end per "''eek, C.all Mr, Wmtera, · . FOR Leue: New 3 Br 2 Olkwood Gmrden Aparlmenl• Mgr Apt 113 • 646-5542 I ~iii;iiii~·;.;;iiiiiiiiiiiiii Pl.ACE REALTY 494.9704 ~2313 2 BR, trpl, ~ clp, patio. be. split-level home, View On 16th Street between Irvine and Dover Dr. SPACIOUS·DELUXE· 2. Br, [ i '" 296!1 So. C""'t Hwy. BEACH Hou.se, ,.,.t & clean, l '!" obild ok. $1'8. ol ,.."""!. Huge Hv rm. (714] 642-8170 l '.'. ho "udio, bltn ra,,.., t.a:''·. • ~,;_ sleeps ii, Secluded area, !342-853). drps, trpl. $300 mo, 494-5320 & dshwashr,-new crpts & ...,. ·"°' Sin Juan private beach, S200 wk. l BR duplex, Util, range ~. Sp.cioa•9tadio,ta:2Bedroora1a.itu.Furoi•hedor drps, redee., huge closets, ·~• ''Capistrano 1725 774--&WO, eves; .( 94-00 ill &: :efrig furn. Large yarot·LO-VE_L_Y_<_Bd_rm-.-,-om-.-rm-. •afaroi,alted.. '1'1 to SllL lmmedi11t• Oc:cupuc:1, patio, gar, pool. E-side. --'-------after 6. Sl4a. 288 Knox St. CM view home. Cpts, drpc, blt-S175, adults, no pet J, ON TEN ACRES 2 ~ac .. ~ ~;;t~~ home, SPECTACULAR View: 3 BR Newport B11ch 3200 ins, d~e gar, patio, deck. 541J..$17 lJe:a:-1"':v.• :~ 1'11 vr. o!d, 2 br., 2 ba., 2 ha houlle, sips 8· nr Cd.\I $32.) mo. &12--4032 General 4000 Newport Beach 4200 CHOICE 2-BR. townhouse PooD. Tennls. Contnt'l Bk!st. """ ~-beach. S250 wk. 673-123.) or TOWNHOUSE: 3 BR, 2% ·-"'-----'-:.0.: apt. Lge .. liv. rm., trip., Cd 2b1l fruit trees, vaUE'y & ocean ~1~2268. BA, trplc, patio, pool, 2 Sin Cl1mente 371_0 RENT. FURNITURE -garden patio, htd. fXJO[, ten-900 Sea Lane; M 644· .. vit\\'. S6t500. Capistrano BAYCLIFF MOTE.I.'. nis. Walk to beach. 3 car (MacArthur nr. O:wst HwyJ V'1. ky Realt .. ,_ 493-112-4 _ O!'J The_ water1 Bal Pellin. car nr; all bltns, crpts, FOR Lse: Ocean Vw, lov•ly k' Ad Its on! p ( '-3_ · -I .i-.. •AA •.,.r,: --.. * LOW-Wi,;EKLY ~£ * par nig. u y, e 2" u LEX e -E ega~t.~ 2 BR 2 ba.-_.,.~ _ _._,_,._.,a.mo. o1.1.._"" 3-br;--1%.-ba,..-frpl.c, -2-car 3 ROi5iiii fiom $19.95 Kitchen, 'IV's, maid service. welcome.-r;ease-$210 mo. 8 -3 B~-n..BA-D P - Capistrano Beich 17~ new h1-r1se, pool. $250 wk. or 642-2497 eve1 er wknds. pr, crpts~ drps, In ex-Month to month Renta.b Heated Pool. 644--6281. Cpls, drps, bl tns , encl pr, 673-1235 (Jr 67>2'Ji8. HARBOR View Homes area elusive neighbrbd $250 me. Wide Se'--'--1,.::..:..:=::.....-----673-2402. $160 -LRG 2 BR. Studio Apt. {Triplex), Family si;JA! kltc:h. w/bltns, crpts, drpa, frplc., encl gar. 1 or 2 children ok. (Nr sehls) No pets. 2230 S. Center St., S.A. Nr Warner, 545--0989. Laguna B1ach 5705 e OCEAN VIEW, Lr:; Bachelor, 1 & 2 BR apts. Furn or unfurn, Crpts. drp,s, bltns, patios, w a I k i ti g distance to town. 100 Cli,U Dr .• -Lag. Bch.-4£14..5498 ' 1 _. Dana Point 57•0 OCEAN VIE\V, 3 br., cPtg, fipl. "'et bar. 1S50 sq, ft ., Palisades, $35,000. 496-2852 Cl lCl;UUI• 646-32G:i 2 BR Unfurn apt. Bit-ins, FOR July, 3 BR 3 ha ~' 3 BR, 2 ba, din'g &: Jam 4217 caile Abril, San. em. 100% PUJtCHASE OP'I10N 3 BDRM., p001 table, 1 ha, w/viev.'. 100' bath'g beach, rm. Fenced yard. Im-Call (714) 635-3500 5-7 pm. 24. hr. Delivery AVAIL #ow on yearly lease. w/w crpts. Infant ok. No s:iag crpt, drps. Washing u NB E L I E VABLE view & 2 br apt \\'/view, July mediately avail, Ca 11 Jn5 Cul!tom Furniture Rental 5 doors from ocean on N.B. l_>Cclts. 1tu'' A& 11"113~165Albmort facil. Gar. $255. 673-2356 oce•n <ront , 2 bc, 2 ha. I 613-3948 6 4--5358 C · t peninsula. Sm. furn . apt. in u • PP Y a . e Dan. Point 1740 & Aug. or yr Y· · -~ · 1;:;•;:,Po:;1;;';.;';;';.;"°.:;... __ .....;= 517 W. l.Clth, CM, . 548-3481 ideal for 1 AduJts only Pl., C.M. mgr upstaJJ"S apt 3 BR.11, 2 baths. electric frplc, dshwr. ref, c & d. 1_,,_...,-------BALBOA, 2 Br, furn apt * CHARM : New Bluffs 3 BR 211' BA Spanish 1568 W Linmln. Anhm 774-2800 · 3145 util. pej·d. ~7623. · or call (213) 693-5839. built-ins. $250, lease, 52i pool, S250. Adults, no pets · d;l,950 -3 New homes just ~~ly/~hg/S.p~. ~~ P ;:o: To~hae, 3 ~· r'1~0 Townhouse, pool &: extras. WKLY Rentals, 1_2 Br, !rom N~ attracti"'.e 2 BR i~ ~I;:ri~'·,;'~75-5:;:::1B8:=.:::::::===:. ~•-96-~l!).(_o_.~~~-,--,-- di:impleted near new Dana li7f>-5810. ~~'~tPt.v:-;:>0044~ . 1285. 49"--6941, 49f-.aH1. noMP .. 111~T $100. Near Beach & Bay, dlvidual units.· . ~rpl', 5300 2 brm. duplex-Crpt, clrp.'1', f,oint Harbor. 3 BR 2 ha, 3 Br, 211 ba ·--. -t, RENTALS • lJ [.J-L iJ Call (l) 683-8247 cpt/drp, beam c e 1l1 ng s ,. Balpo1 built-ins. $200 mo. 3.1938 1520 sq Jt. Ocean views. LOVELY Lido Isle 3 wwu ruu A-M F heel patios. Adults only, no.pets; Alcazar, 496-2319. rfn lots. 34001 Auttlio Dr. bedroom home for leue. lrg rrounds. Avail. tmmed. -~ ....,.... um11 APARTMENT CHANNEL front l brm Refs, $169.50 &: S179.5Q. 235f. $275 Yrly 2 BR.upper, ocean· ~R:;F.;::A;:;L:.:_,E=:S;;T,.;A;::T:;E---1 • !lldr. 642-4905. Available July 16 to Sept. $285 mo. Agt, &16--0T.12. Gener1I 4000 FINDERS apts-~earJ'3--~se. Adults, Santa Ana Ave. 5-18-9472 or :~~729. New c PI/ p ,n t, G1ner1I UNTALS 16. 675-7086. 1400 SQ. FT. 3 BR 1~ ba, Hundre~~st~ ~nts nopes. eves. 1.c:".:3..:-0395=:..· -~-~=~ Balboa lslend :·HOUSH Furnlshod JULY -I b)k tram ocean. d1" ..... blo ......... ozpb, -Just For Call 6'2"656 _YRLY-Sto .. to och. 2 br. VILLA MESA APTS. Pool, patio 3 br 2 ba spc $250. 642-6167 aft 5 1 "!!~~~~~~~~! [ frpl.c .. beamed ce11Lngs, all 2 BR. Priv patio. Htd (K>Ol, qt'.neral 2000 7 ~ut turn. hlrs. Jo'enton, 1 • bit-ins. $2l0. 6i2-3400. 2 car encl'd gar. Children DELUXE 2 BR ''Little if.I_.. BACHELOR PAD 642-9933. 673-21JO. N...,.rt. Height• 2210 S1"ngle Adults CHATEAU OCEAN Fron!-2 brm, \\'el(.'Ome. no prts please! Balboa'", Boat dock-tie up PENINSULA Bayfronl. 5 BR " LA POINTE garagt'. Yearly lease. S275 $165 mo. 719 \V. \Yilson. priv, No pets. no children. ·utiJ pd_ Bach apt Linens + maidi; qtrs. pier. Call END Of ~«:ul~to,-aac. 4 BR 1.ov~ly 2 BR furn apt, Pool, mo . 642·3443 or ~1148. 646-1251. $300 mo-yearly lease CJnly. ~ a.vail· now, Broker ~frs. Staples 12131 79;).-7575 2 ba. 1prk1rc pool. Nr South Bay Club ill a whole carport. walk to shop'g. 1.:.::c::::::.. _______ .:...1 673-0207, ~ or l2131 'fgg,..lG42 Eves. l!Chools, lh,,., bea c h . new way ol life designed Adults, no pets. Newport Hgft. 4210 BR. ~tudio Class1~, l /11 ~~======= ~DYi\fAN'S DELIGHT BAYSfDE Dr .• L;do, Linda 548-4156 just for single people, Jdyt's 1941 Pomona, C.J.f. stofrry. l ,.~. ba, blktn kitche,n, Huntington B11ch 5'00 '"'" 3 BR d ·1 fun living with wann, · 1 BR furn pool util pd re ig "'/K:.C ma er, crp s, "r."' • Y • gar. avai Isle & Penin. waterfronts ff 3230 MAGNIFICENT view lge ' ' · d 2 Adult riow. child & pet ok. Bkr. + off-water L•'do Hom-.. Westcll namic neighbon. Jt's a • High schl age OK. $125 mo. rps, car gar. s, bH980 .... --S700,000 Clubhouse .w it h rooms. Elegant . 2 bdrm 32'26 C Clay St. 548-7325. no pets, refer req. $175 mo. • Bill Grundy, Rltr. 642-4620 BEAUTIFUL.,;~~ hoJ'."e, health 'dub, saunas, swinl· duplex. Furn (Jr upturn, Cali before 12 PM, 545-3826 ~ 3REBDRECOr ~TEdD SUMMER .Rental apt, sleeps 3 BR 2 ~1'-.·_J!l7rdener me. ~ming px>I, party room, btL ~11ul"Ki~•y. Rd=, -~ewpo$300rt. Corona del Mar C250 HARBOR GREENS ..,.... nee Y • gar, 4. On Bayfront ~· Lfdo $375 mo. ~ Hards, jndoor goll ·driving #J ""' l'I 1'".Y ":~~.fam ,.welocme.\ Shop'g. 6U. 36th St. 673-4296. range, tennis courts, pro c""::h;. ======= 1 BLOCK to ocean Sl25 mo GARDEN & STUDIO APTS ~ .,.,.....,.,,,. S29a Mo./or best offer. Furn University--P11rk 3237 shop and resident tennis pro. ~ & up, util paid, NO pets. Bach. l. 2, 3 BR's. from $110. ',. OCEANFRONT Pacific Sands home near --Single, 1 &. 2 Bedroom lux. Costa M1s1 4100 2500 Seaviev.·. 2700 Pelerson Way, c·.M. Sl-00 Util pd. Bach apt Avail beach. 536-1951. ' 3 Bedrm & din rm, NEW $325 ury apartments v.•ith all the I Bdrm, Gara91 546-0370 now Bkr 534-6980. 3 Bedrm & atrium •••••• $300 mod · il -~------- 'ON BEACH! e 2 llR l~~ BA FROM $225 e 2 BR 2 BA FROJo.I $200 e 3 BR 2 BA FRO~l $300 Carpels-drapes-dishwasher heated pool-sauna.tennis 5990 RESPONS. Couple would like •.o rent 1 (Jr 2 br house \V/yard in Laguna. {71Q 722-80-19 aft 5: 30P~t: e LANDLORDS e • •' FREE RENTAL ·SERVICE , Broker 534-6982 1 '. , Rooms for Rent 5995 lJQQ, LINDA lsle, Bayside 4 Bedrm & fam rm .••• $325 bl ~-~vebA~ieandnce~-~.va · $35 WEEK & UP ·==*=="=54=95=·='=*==3 Large BR, 2 BA, new rec roon1-ooean views R9ntals to Shari 2005 Dr & Penin: waterfronts +-·4 Bednn, ram rm & dining a e. ~ UI'"" ~ U&llurn-STUDIO & 1 BEDROOtltS cpUdrp. No pets, chldrn pafios·ample parking. ,. 1---------~ off-water Lido homes. Bill nn, (Turtle Roc:k) ..... $360 ished. TV & Kitchenettes incl. Corona d1I Mar C250 ok. Avail July, $16 5. Security guards. ROOM f"o r Jady-shower. S·~ AR E ~I y e I e g ant Gru~y Realtor 642--4620. BOB .PETTIT, Re1ltor Linens &: maid ser a\'ail , ~"'=;....:7:::"=':..· ------FURN. ato;o Avail. pliv entrance, M children, ~dterl.ront hornc-w/dock. 3 BRM. 3 bfL home nr. Cdhf "SINCE 1946" -RENTS FROM Childrens & pet l!ection \VALK To beach, shops. 21'•DELUXE 1 & 2 BR Garden HUNTINGTON no pets." 646-5310, 1502 ~tan, J0....6(1 yrs. $150 mo. <nan & bay b{'a c hes , 833-0101 $150 to $350 2376 NEWPORT BLVD. H~~,Pi~lhi~~~tr. 675-4392 Apls. Bit-Ins, pliv. patio, PACIFIC Orange Ave., C.i\L ~7)-4331. 675--1081 or a-49--1843 2 BR 2 Bath $'7-548-9755 ========= heated pool, frplc. Adul!s. • Sl5 ""r Weck-up w/ · s ........... ~ 8801rvineAve. -711 0CEi\NAVE HB ,..~ 'tl1pDLE-A~c mhaan \v/8 _yr 3 . BEAOI cottage, i:;lcps 10 2 BR. 26&.ths .••....•••• $300 h ** 'VEEl<LY-Lovely apt, Balboa 4300 SI45 mo. 546-:>163 (?l~l 536-I'lii · ' kAitchcn. S.'l.5 per \Veck-up y <! son v.·Jll s ·re thei r main beach, sips 7, Sl5CI 3 BR. 2'ba. new home ••• $325 Irvine & I 6t B11.ch. or cpts. Furnishg's ------SPACIOUS 2 BR. ba, bltns, Ole, C""n 10 am-6 pm Daily -~':::°':.," .:.M.:0.::«.::t...:54>-:.::..::.".:."'::.·--\lrm home N.\V. Costa wk. 2tT Heliotrope. 675-3539. e Red Hill Realty comp!. Kitch, $l5 wk-pays PENN PT Yrly. Lge 1 BR cpts & drps. lncd hack yd. ,... $50 Lovely toorn, private ~t~. 546--2160. RENTAL!o Univ, Park Center, rNine Newport Beach all. 998 El Camino Dr. Pvt patio, w/w shag cpl. 770 W. ,}8th St., C.J\1. \VILLI~~~'"~T':{RS CO. hon1e, etnployed gen t.1 2100 Housis Unfurnished" Call anytime 833-0820 (71C) 6'5-0550 a46--0-l:'>l S180 Incl util. 675-2591 642--8907 eve. ~~~~~~~~~ 546-1713_ c,c.°'::.t..:a_:M=•::.•a:..... __ ~ SUS CASITAS B Ibo I nd DELUXE 2 Br Duplex. HERITAGE APTS -.~c-,"",,'-.-,.-,to-,-,.-,-0-0-ly-, ~!20 ~P. House. single _G_e_n_•_,_•_l _____ 3000_ Coron1 del Mir 3150 SOUTH BAY CLUB Furn. 1 BR Apts, Adults a a ''-~-Cl55 crpts, drps, bltns, frplc, S149 Attractive 2 BR, cpV month. 19th & Pomona Al/e; nta.le only. SOO mo. \Vatcr ON JSL.AND CHARMING 2 BR, So of Hwy. only, no pets, 2110 Newport BALBOA INN ~~ ~~· S~ S~.s,~:: drp, bltns, pool. Kids ok. CM. * 897-4885. (c. :gas paid. 6t2-~T. S200 Ne"•' 2 BR apt, suMk, lrplc, newly deoor, bltns, APARJMENJS Blvd, CJ\-f. &12-~ On the beach, From $35 \\'k,,I,.::!:.:::...::=..=.:::::.::.::.::::;;:_ Avail OO\IJ. l7401·A Keelson IDEAL Roon1, suminer only. -"'"'-='======= RIO, rel. Child or pct OK. $2511lse.61:>-4401. • • • ATIRAC 1 Br, beam clgs, 6 mo. n1inimum. 6/a-874{1 I LRG 2 & 3 BR, 2 Baths Ln. 847-7446,.847-032.'i. For young couple. 1 hlk Newport Be:•ch 2200 Broker 534-6980. S700 l>-fo lse Spectacular where the fUn isl !pl, patio. 1 adll ()nJy no ATI'R. 1 BR, sleeps 4: by Frplc, bltns'. crpts, drps, -*-'--B-E_A_C~H-B_L_U_F_F_ to beach. Immed. 494-395Q.. $90 Lg I BR apt, garage vie\v, frpl, bltns. Nr CdM ---pets. St39• 187 E. 21st, CM, mo. July & AUg avail: & encl. gar. patio. MG-lOM APT * 2 rms. w/priv bath. Priv. u~-OSUAL -axit.emp 3 brm .. pool g;rdr;r. S3ro/mo. Yr leu.e. Avall. 811!1. &12-2T:l3 & \vaNher hooku"~Avail beach. 3 BR. 2 ba. ptlyt•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... iiio l _64_2_.ss_·_zo _______ 1 \Vinter-70 t't!!V's 673·1503 Lg 3 BR 2 BA, cpts, drps, N 2 BR 1 · " f'ntrance, singlp •pa.rty only . t• . bit . hil•-0"' Xl t ew , poo, view, pauo,_ 7/1. Broker ~· tum. 673--1235 er 67~2268. NEWLY decoraled bach apt, * 2 BR apt, no Bayfront ·ins, C w<=n "·.. n dshwashr. 8231 Ellis Ave, $75 rno. 839-2185. $140 2 BR sep house, gar, SUMMER cpt/drp, bltns, patio. UtU v.•/view. $200 wk. Avail area. $175 mo. 557-6151 • 84%-8477 or 847·39:'>7 PRJV R1n & ba, kit privs, 1t OCEA.''FRO?v"T cider 4 Br ~' fror.l )'rd, $300 mo. F 1y. 673-8JSS. fncd Jor tot & pet. Lido Isle 3351 RENTALS inc. SllO mo. Ladies pref. Aug, 1, GT:>-3803. SHARP, Lg 1 BR,. cpt/drp,N --E-A-'R-'-'H"'u-,,-;,-.-10-',......_H_.c_bo_ur lor v.·orking lady refs., CM. Blue Beacon, Bkr. 645--0111 3 BR So p tio' erp~ drp ACCEPTED fl'12-8-IOO YEARLY. Cute 1 BR. Nr bltns, Quie! big. Jnfant ck. _New Triplexes. n.·iet area. -"°""'""~"::,·o:"'o;&-c.1::300:::.,: _,.,,.._. • · a · "" s, LG F 1 BR t $1~"' $130 ~9 •22 -.:u ;: $165 :; BR fixer upper. Lg bltr.fi, Lease (adults only) · urn ap ' ...,, beach, new kitchen. $170 inc ' ' Lrg 1 & 3 BR's. Dishwasher. R001\f S25 a v.'k, kitchen yd, kids & pets v.·elcome, $300. 6 'll-C063 , (213) For 1 or 2 adlts. only. No util. 675-2975. UNF. 2 & 3 BR, also furn S150. Pet ck. ~213), 592-2623 · privil, C.?lf. area. For appl. il\ast Bluff 2242 Bkr 645--0lll PALM MESA APJS. pets, See 1\lgr, Apt 6, 21351 ::========-2 BR, cpl. pool, kids ck or (714) 0 ". "= · . call 64" '"'2 alt 6 . .,;.n .. ' ~ .. ._.. .... Aug 4th •an ~. Blue BMcon, · 6~2808. Eld C'l "'='===~======...:=i::=:=:-,;;'~:,=;;;== ..... """"'....,., · "" .. ,.... ""=-======= e.n " · Huntington Beich 4400 1998 1\faplc, No. 1 5'1S-2SQ8. .. ~BR. 3 BA, Jg detached gtu. SI~ 2 BR dplx, bltns, cpls, H;.;fington BHch 3400 Bachelors·l-2 Bedrms. MERRE\1AC \YOODS new . SPLIT Level 3 BR 2'11 ba, Santa An• 5620 I Santa Ana 5620 ~y, sundeck lg yd \'icw of pu\\os, gar. tut ok. luxury 1-2 BR, air-con<!. OCEANFRONT view, sndk, cpt/drp, bltni;. No pets. 988 -;::.:.::;:.::;,:::, ___ .;:;7'..J.::::::!:::..:::::::_ ___ ;::::: ~ck Bay, n~· be~chcs & ten. Blue &neon, Bkr. 6'15-0lll ---------1 :;u~~NFURN 425 i\1errimac \Vay. 545-6300 beach. Newer, spac, dlx 2 Mission Dr No. 1 549-3524. 111is club, ldcaJ for family, DAILY PILOI' DihlE - A {Bedrooms, 2 bat.bl •SAUNA Sec clasS 5100 BR: elegant, furn, bJtns, pa. · l"50 mo, util's incl, PH: -LINES cost .wu Just ~ 1----$195 month Ho, ·lndry, nr shops &; pier, 2 BR drps/cpts. clean enc !gtt.2239 i:Ucs a day. 89f-..5102 after 6 PM • JACUZZI * * :.Z BR Furn. Apts. $225. Adults, baby OK. gar, adults, no pets. Harbor I f=;;:='======~-=~=======.:.==;;;=::;;;,;;:;::;;::,~=:. I from $135, Pool. 177 22nd .St, O.f. 536-2131 &: Baker Joe S140. 642-23.!9. ; ... ' •'· ~ 'c' ~--·-· . : r:' • l I .. .. .. neral Phone -546-9860 NASSAU PALMS. 642-3645 2000 I General 2000 1 Gen1r1I 2000 LARGE 2 .BR. near shop-NEW 1 BR-blk lo beach. 2 BR""· built.ins\ ne~ ca~. the new re-Pi""• Adu1ts, 110 pets, Jn. S150. Pri. patio _ QUIET! pets &: drapes, ·$15.l, ~ S~\\JllA.-l££!fis· The p..,zz/e with the Built-In Chudle tJRearranoe lellers ot th4! four Krambled ....ords be- low lo form four $l'mpl. word$. ) .... Gar, single adlts, couple. Orange.Ave. \ ~ quire 1791,~ ~hcsier. 202-A !•Ith, 673-1784, l BR v.•/v.·, elec stv, drps, 1 & 2 BDRM Aptl Bachelor apt, man only, 536-1319. nr shop'g. $12i> 820 Center Jor Adults. !'rem $150 132 W. "Wilson, Oot SI TIJSI'IN * 548-9577 * W A1.K To bch.-bachelor apt.1 .cc.:·--------15497~wu11am:s Stl1!Ct-BACH. Spac. beaut. furn, \Jtil.--paid. ttfll: required. SI~ 2-Bed rm. Crpts,-drps,. _ (714) 835-5335 elect. bltn~. v.·ashrm. Sl20 Aval! 7/1. 5.16-4281 or elec kit, Adults., no pets, CARDEN-GROVE incl. ulll. S4&-na2 8471177. Royal Palm Dr. 54G-0570 13212<nM 4 arno 1 ,..,..~t.ttet BEAUTIFULLY !urn 2 B" L n.. h , .wrr. LG 1 BR. beaut cpt/drp, :>.l•-o.>'N ''"' a9u~ -.1c ,_ P atio, enc gar. bltns. No FOUNTAIN VAU.EY Pool. Adults,. no pets. $155 + ctUdrn, pets. S135. 64~1762 111ll0 San Bruno Street .,ii, 2272 Maple St. SINGLE ADULTS! -- (n4) 9!8-2SOO ATTRACTIVE t btm, utll $3S WI(. VILL•GE INN Newport Beach paid. Adulr ove.r 30 on])>, ,.. REMARKABLY $10:l nm. 642-fi197 6 MO minimum UNBEUEVABLY Presti.ge living. Maid set, *OPEN DAILY 1-5 * EXTRAORDINAfllLY *SMALL J>a.chelor a P 1 • pool, stepsWliFii'Ch. 494.MSfi . 1n AMIGOS-WAY-""'UTIFU Older adults. S8:>·mo 2 2 ~ I.. 646-8464 BR. I.la. units, Wllurn. Vil D'fsere Garden Apt1 2 BLKS TO BEACH: Charm· Outaide living a~as a n d Putting green., 1'-'aterlall A 2 BR d 11 I u x e.. C,lliedral lng 1 br, frpl, patio, J uly double garages. $250 to :··o, stream, fl01''eJ'S e..~'Wbert, <'filings, pool, adults, $155. .r. Aug, $250 mo. Sept on, BOYD REAL TY 4.'i' pool. rec. room. billiards, ·642-7j(l8. S135 n\O, Evts. 494--0557 * 675"'5930 * 5200 BBQ's, S..una;turn_.unturn, RENTALS ?.tODERN 2 br Upper. Blk 1 I: 2 Br. alllo-Slnsln rtonr Newport 8"ch 4200 "Lah. -Unfumlthed to bch; crpts, drps. 11clf $135. See ill 2000 Panorw :..;?;..;..: clean. cltc range, refrlg, Rd., 642-8670. Detween lhf· • WiNTER RENTALS • Gener1f 5000 i1un dk. Respoosible adults, borlt N•wport • 2 Blk N.19Ch e AVAILABLE NOW! e no pets, $200 mo. &lz..3666 U11a-,. !.A;arl,,.."/' _Spa..Uh S1yr. Lu%rory z .-JD.Jr_,,., ,.,.,.1.w -' 11,.,,,,,.i,w AlllllJ l.i,iltl QMfllhr Slt•1 c.,,.._ • .,, r.rwt11i"' 6«ili"'I l1t.1erio, Dr.ar,.., .,.,,.,,. '•rtlrf •· a.,.., ,,.,.._ D.eA •M e.tcow,. AJr C-4/ti11rtH r;,.,.,. r_, a.,. r;1,,.,. s;. HNtN r--.Colot-fY A•l•n•• ·Now Renting ,.,,, fllml •f $Qa11t c ... , ..... 1000 W. MocArlhur Blod • l W.lr E•lf •f llrillfol Santa Ana 540-8497 ~ PRli'~/~u~:~~sl.!TJftS iii I' I' 11 I' rs r I ., u~~Ra~6~EN~~~~E lITTflS I I T I I ) I : SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICA noN 9000 DON'T give lt away, grt Abbey Realty 642-3850 N€W l. 2, 3 &dnns. All OCEANFRONT 2 BR Lowtr quick CA.ll h for It with • OCEAN (ronl •• 1 brm. yrly bltns i.:rit/drp, 2ar. Nr -So $2j0 yrly; bltm, wUI rcdei.: DAILY PILOT WANT AD., Sl40 • .Avail. now. Owner Coast Plaza 3C O-l !l73, irAXl!J\.; Scashofe. PaUo. gu.j ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Call 642·~ 4: cMrce I 673-2259: cvea &M ... 'i972 54~2311 AVail 6/Jt 213: 24~1921. j, • • -.... HO~ ' I h" gar , floc pri· pro '" ,., Re• By I (O "'" 847 'C!\f~ "" dlx $25 llJU~ Dut lot. Bui C-2 BR E., 67' But ~ STO "'' '"' ,,. cos ()f:(i "'· "' Off SUf i.i ort ,., Ir> ""' ,,,. r RtVATE HOME . poot, 1ut1. 11ble mature or retired Dana Point area • .f.93.3846 Income Property 6000 Attention Investors! f'ol' Sale, approx.imately ',~ at're prime R-3 property. Situat.cd on high bluff, over. looking Lido 4land, Ne"'" pOl1. Beach, etc. Adjacent to Huag Mem'orial llospital, surrounded by M e d I c a I Buildings and a lovely high. riiit', apartnient complex. E.'xt-c!lent liranci~ avail. 11.ble. $190,000, Write or call Petric Upton. (n4) 'f93..2841. TO\\·mquan! Dev, Corp. l W. Stale St .. Redlands, Ca. 9237:! 16 UNIT LUXURY APT. View, EastbluH location No Vacancif"s 0.\11ner says .sell!" ~ Will show ~xcellent llt'l return on cash investment . ,......,, -25, 1970 . MIU PIL~:: .. -.. --.--... -11111--*"l IUSINIU _. ANNDUNCIMIMTS * :A: * * * l'llWIC.~l::::AL=---_ .... _NDT __ 1c_1s __ _ lllYICI Dluc:nlll_! lllMCI DIUCTORY UIVICI DIUCTORY OIOll l IMPLlhijliT ' ; C.-dorlnt '"9 -·I S.rvlcu Ma r..;.·c;,;;.. ~Cl Jobi -._\!_-. .2!!' , : _M_•-"°'.-r;.._1e_L_•_1_• __ 11_20 Loot _______ W...;..I CARPINTRV HOME-Slloi>-Yml Malnt. * V•me, Tllo Tl!• Man* 1d TD L SIAMESE Cat. no m1u' drk MINOR REP.UU. Ne M Rnain. Paint..shelw1 13 0.UL work. ln&Wl A rep&Jn. 011 -· -w-.' Vic Too lmalL Cl-.. .... hr min. fl3..213S att 6. No job too ....U. PIQtor Bal IL Reward. ~ .... 6 et 1111 r cdmetL CEN_ERAL Clean-up 1; haul· patio, LeakinJ lhowtr "' INTEllEBl'-=-o-=c l.xotlNG Silt I: .;iewier mini MNl.15. tt no ....... ._,. t,.. ot ~thin&:. Honnt repair. 2n• TD-Coan ~~~, 11-:: • .:.:. --o. ....... ---· 111 • 11611 -.HANDYMAN. Paintinr, fen. Topt0l:lc ____ ff'T7 LOSr: Fem. Doberman. on QUALITY Woodcraft. tml clna. ~Dmll main!. -·· ·- badl tn H.B. REWARD! pa'l comtr. I: cuptntr)'. ~lb or 6t6-9900. TOPSOIL, Nitrogen fortUled CUI 536-40.'M FrM contUltatlon. • quote-. ~ added, &11~1000 or FOUND male mutt vickrity can Ken M5-«M4. 541-4235 Heullntl 67JO ,,:-:i=·=====::cl cif little Corona, REPAIRS* ALTERATIONS . -~'ml 6121 *CABINETS. Any abe job HAULING $10 A LOAD TrM lervlc. '"° ·IEAUTY· OPERATOR APPLY Pt<-nol Dfflco Third Floor THE BROADWAY Whe!Ny1 Well!? Whodolyo Gett SPICIAL CLASSIFICATION l'Oll NATUllAL -IWAl'PIU ., ......... J Ll••-S t"--1 ..... ,M;:,.,:::"9:::,:1,:,:-,----_,,,~~~====~ ' Zynexper.StM713 ~i:·~~ BOB'S TREE SURGERY Truot llMolo Q45 "'-•lo MOS GEN. -· add, cab. . II back -· the ...,. -;;;.:;;;-;::::r-::::;1 Rnnlca. pane~ marlite. YARD I Gu. (\te·an11p. 1'1119 Qllall~ Ttte Service 47 FASHION TSLAND ,,,... ----· --·~ MEN! "-hair ...,._. -I D1c1r 673-4459 "'""°"' -l\oy lrull. ' "'~" '" -_,.....,, cu do• muc11 a a man'• ' • .Gnde, backhoe. ta-i?'5 * M»7'9B * Newport le.ch -a1 u". Cbclco ...,., -.,. , ~----· -1m NEWPORT BEACH - .. "" -4'1;.llOI) u a wamui L ~ ConcNte 66IO ........ C"U ,._ ,___ ,n.r..r..;,, 1, tr , cut, !'....~ ..... ..:::--.,..., With tht rtpl i.il'cuttin& · r • --.x> • can&e c~.up. stumps ft1'llOYed hauled 30 Equal opportunity em~ ~-v -•• · * CO NCR _ _. Mon . ..Sun, $10 a load, Free ' • · . ===-'-:-7--~"°'"' IM.U -,. ..,.., Ma.UM ....................... ......,,.._. .. .... a-YOUlfl .... ....,_..... ...... ........ ,vu .. A lh:lpbw, the 1naJe bud ET E w ... ...., estimate 5Cl-M3l , )Tl exp, Fally Ins. ~. BEAtrrY Operafw, bolldl 1-ftOTMI ... FOil SA&.•-TUHS ONL.YI ANNOUNCIMINTS end NOTICIS can look sharttt, Joapr or Lk:'f:med. Pa&. I drvwys, · · DON'S TREE SERVICE AD 1P11Ce for rent. CdM bu, To Pl-Yoilr T..-o Por-M PHONE '42.5671 wider acconH,. to neec:t.. etc. Pbillipa Cement, MOVING, Garqe clean-up types. Lise A Ins. Free Es-Ph: 673-1646/~ A.a for thin hair, we cut 54i-alo. & lite hauling, lteuonable. ttmates 6U-558f v 9 lif eq. res. unit., Park U. do. 30M eq acttap Rancho, Calif, 50M val C2 hta Yue.. ca Vy, Ex.ch an/part 1or Inc, prop, 544-3i81 ~. l6lltltl Equity. J 811; ...... Costa Mesa 6%. ~ · loan. FOR Mobile Home. Calta Mesa, Newport, Tus. tin._ 548-0720, mmo. lJI Acre Country Estate, 3 Br, 2 ha., pool, horses OK. Want units, home or boatf Owner/Agent. - Call 548-9477 NEW 3 BR, 2 BA, Newport Heights, for beach ~a res- idential, comm'I. ind, lot Equity 114,000. 4 BR. 3 Bl, pool homs. FOUNI ,,,.. M1) ... ao it ril t1att ciut I: CGWr CONCRETE. All typeL Flff Frtt estimates. '6-ll02.. . . CASHIER Hup patio, Exm$ tor · more timitory. la olhrr nt. Sawinl. lftakina, haul· Upholitery '"° With Security firm m u. 1 t arnaD 3 Br, home tit. f HUSKY', .. 5uDo)oed .. ar wm:dl • W' 0--.•11 Sir Ina: I: ..,.....inc. Service Housecleenl!'f 67U · have experience, 'can Lo-, Fortin Co. JUtn 10100D Nar. mbaand. ~dos. Waltilr'~J051Newpart8lvd, Ii qualit'" 541-8661 Bob. FABRIC SALE raine Wettclltt Pt....& lm ~ w---NB l •s s I CM. Block w Mesa OftftbW Service 2SXt Blue Oilp •tamps ~. 2H3 WettcUU Dr. "" "'ui-. ma e, • • 0 h1, * nn.z.,y LICENSED* an.Driveways-Carpets,~ •• poon, etc. FREE. i..,c divan I: chair N.B. 64.S-2T10 * * * * g(wrlsraJ, kltl hair, V'1e Rinowned Rbtdu Splrttuallat.· Pa~walk. Lie. Res. ~ COmmc t 54&-o6111 '8e iacllldes fabric• labor. • TradeS13.000~tnLbna W....tde c:M. SC Plwnmtt Advice cin aD..mafttrl. IOll52 ~or eve * APl' CLi:ANmG * Aif' work dOnr in 5 days. OIEVRON STA Servb at. Beach U..unlt apt tor mobile SMALL White male dos. no Low, Maniace, Butineas CEMENT WORK, no job too Fut I tb::lrouah 60-8l6fi J'ree ndmate. 821-st74. tendaiit. Muiit have ~tap-~a. !~., ~ntUwton Dem~-~· ~~--~~V--~~.,..-· Readlnp aivtn 1 days a :::. H~=:c~es.::; Williams aeamr. s.rv. .IOIS & EMPLOYMENT pearance. Apply1 a 0 fl ..... .,._..,_... ~ week, 9AM~9PM 312 N. El BAY &: &acb Janitorial --sn.tol, C.M. ' Trade 2 clear vitw lots SD. FOUN_!!,,:_ ~alev· ~· -C&mlno Real, San CUPAsroTI~DlllCOVI'!,.<;t~. Carpets, windowl, Doon, Jolt W•ntlcl, Men 7000 verado clear lot Senta Ma nd l.VIUU'. ic. ~ A Oemente, 492--9136, c-ooT6 '""3-£ft3-i:.'.... etc Res A Commc'I 6£1401 • CLERK Ji&. b-•IDCb. ·boats, ~ = C.M. Pl-. call 'llELP )'OUl'lelf thru po1ltive Fl'ff estimate, 6r~l8. . . ~ i:i:4:1xp s~ ti! °PRoDUCTI; or what Mve )'OU. IliQI thlnldnc. Improve )'OUI' in-MO¥ ~te patio for lronlnt 6751 job Jim 6~ CONTROL 532-7903; 9Yft. 81102, ~SSES. Smal bo1lw in come. !ant ut.. EnJo7 life 1-money, Arthtlc 1ett1n&. -' LOOKING for bria:ht sir1 who ~ c.ee, *· Benud 1: it1 ~-lmd Lie., call M.u ~t 644--0687 ffiONIN'G lit ~ heme, $1 J_.. W ..._~ Jilma world with "-- TRADE 'IC Llncaln Conlin-Is ffllhar, C.M. S..lm. nime 1:.$2.0D. PO Box DI. D!XX>JµTIVE CONCRETE Hr. DreunWdn& 6 llt.n.. -In.--, .Will type ~Ices ;;;;; ental, fUll pwr, AM'll'M I: FOUND-Siamese eat. FOW'tlllinValley. DRIVES-WAJ..KS..PATIO tlona. 5U-11Cl. Women 7020 purcbure orders 'me.,... AIR., FOR 9 Pusenaet Van female. Name on tq ii PETER IS&\CSON. Now ap. CALL DON, 60-8514 1RON1Ncr20c each piece. WANTED, liw In tiou.~ dex: add. mach, I: C1k: HO:'ITE & INCOME, beautiful I =-~PH_: _O~R~3MSO~~· ~~ l Bedrm home, gleaming rownhouac, 3 Br, 2% b&. hard\\'Ood lloors & 2~li car N.B. Priv. patio, P®I. near garage. Large, easy to rent Bay, Valu $32,500. Take low '? Bedrm with hard~'OOd down T.D. or traUer, noors & single gar, Full Owner, 646-6654 prit;e on this ootstanding or Bua. ••Fe lee I a••, owner '• pearinr: at OW! Bratsluellar, Pick up I: de!, IOc ea. "*¥· tnc and cook serve, exp. Ex:P. rqd, Good CIPPb'. b- ean 968·109'1 or 56M2'1 1l&me'. Dunnine. 675-161M ot Town A Country, Qrs. Folk C..trectws "20 6tl5-9558. il ref. white, no drink or advancement $11J>l im in '65 Jeep Wqoneer.4 wd, 675-5747. & Folk~ L1b )'OU'vt IRONING IN MY HOME lmOU. Adults write: Vema start. • • new ps/pb, o.d., VI, am.I KEYS Found on beach vie. newt heanl!lt *'nlE REMOD~* SJ.25 hr. Pine, 1'rl10 Hwy, Ill, fm, Wpeed. for import 1ta. h1aDd I: Balboa. ~ GCK>O CREDIT: Wanted •· ~ e.a • 100% financltW: ~ c.all $M.etTO Cathedral City, cant er ph. XI.NT, worldnc CIOld.. .U tion wqon with auto tr&nl. at front counlel', Da.il7 cond truat deed fundin&. Kitcherw prqes • caryorts Iron'-In My Home. ~ ewt. ~ benefits lnd. )ftGt 494-n82 Pllot,2211Balboa,N.B. Call646-8749~-Don Complete Remodelinr. '';'~7219 • REUABLE woman wants lharizw ...... Tight money! We trade property is only $.15,9.iO. V11-land &: stock for anythi.,., cant tor your inspection to- day. Call 546-1151, Heritage Junk, antique,, boats, Real Realtors. F.atate, stock • buaineues. 541"6639, ever. 64M643, QuaH41' O:lllitrachln. &U-.a.. .. -~ C.all aft. 6:30 Cal...._-1• Trade qle family res In PUPPY • Approx. 3 mo. SWINGERS Oranp County 3880 . 'llf1T WUI"' "'""" Garden Grow xlnt c0nd o&d, terrier mix. Gl'l,Y Guide, :me into write P.O. Addltio * Remodellnc PM avail. Mon I Tues. ln(ection Mokflne , good st FOR dup&ex or tri: w/whitr fed. Vic. Hun-Box 2lll A.nUehn 1210t Fftd a Gttwick, Lie. Lendsceping U10 543-"867 IXt BricP Ave., C.M. pleX, H.B., N.B., or C.M. tineton Harbor. 146-2300 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous m.6041 * S&-2110 LANDSCAPING AlDES -Jor convaleseentt, flnrine Industrial O:Jmpla) $15,000 eq, 64U4CXI * * * GREY A white Pbaae 5e-mT ar writ. to eldttf1 c~ or family care. 28UNITS re~.!:°tYiit::.=: lt"Thomp1t111,A·lcondltion cai· recent mother. Glrl P.O.BDr1233o.taMllL CerpttClwtlnsl MIS :;;.la:-be.~· Ho~mabrt. 5'1-at. ~l::E;;:~~ By Builder. 2 &e 3 Br's. Walk Land, mountain home, ~ 80 HP Evinrude, few hl'I. :,:0 ... ~~'••-or~ .._Cfill -Free a 541-1742 PRIVATE care for elderly salary lot &unmer. Zx· ' u.--"----w __,.,... ~ a__;; ____ __._ ,,...,10 ... women CRecommendaUons) b b 1 tO shopping, $410,000, AJso, ert home at .'f -•• "J"'-.~-Panco trailer;-Trade wr . ~···--~-Q-f-JAPANESE -1ardenln1 .,..,..., • .; chanee I YI ttln.1-I: new f..6..8 units nr heh, Call 673-C'l56. property, etc. See in water J'OUND bof'• .,ieycle. Clll atDft'Nll"! •-_ lmlict, 11ndecaplnc. cleM '"'1"VUU, houaework. 1 child. JIH: 847.3957, 10to1000 acres s.E. ~n Lido Boat Grdns. OR s.M ta identity, n~· ... ~!'f -·-nitf.t...... • up tree eet.. Call 521wJ751, PRACTICAL Nune. Live in. 833-1310. Ci\f: bclo\11 rnkt, priced to SlOO to $3lO per acre. Want L1at tt --tn Onnp 5.J6.3+l3 i"'1~h ty~. CARPl!T Referencet Available 1-"~=------ sell. $1800 mo. Income, 12 So. Calil. property,~ Wbatdo)'OQ!ll.vetotndef MALE SWne9e cat • Call ~Fut,, acan.te .ervb ~ .. ·.~ .. Ct.El~~TDIS Mtisonry, Brick U30 893-256l OOu.ECI'ORbl Small ~; dlx 2 br, units. Pool: Sll5M er'• lrrvtatment RWQ Co. Caantr'1 .._NM ado to identtt)'. R~IL ""' --BOOKKEEPING-Gen1 oJ. Must be • e to type • ...-. ~ ... --~-• .-, 5IM3'10 far lettln. reiumei, A11o carpet lnltallatiml CUSTOM MASONRY ftce. -·d, want penn. Mr. YOUJ'I& at Colledlan S25,000 dn. Bkr. (i.45-4211 st6M50 ... ---ecrlpt1 etc ~• -·-1 w... ~ FOUND • __ _._ ........ v --:,~";5' • • ~1 Spardah brick A wroucht iron, position 645-2134 after 5 PM ~u 0 ft'n ..,._ 'rusr ,.u, by own•r: * ;.: :...: "'* :.o.:• :.... ~ • --~·· -c. block tlo Coonty ,.._,.., Duplex '"/adjoining vacant Jlr "Jlf Jiil W Mer/poodle, Call to idfn. NEW Orlropractlc: Moun LANDLORD SP!'.C1AL ment • atone. pa CX>OK. H&kpr, l111e out, X1nt ' ' Jot $29.500. 6.J6.JS89 ttty. ~ · 10-IPM Dr. Don A. ndd: 500 aq. tt. SI>. Diamond covers, 54f.321B catertnc exp. Have car. COASTAL AGENCY REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FEMALE~ S.tlor bind DC. 445 E. 17th .$t. CM Carpet a ....... lJ7 :n.t -fll..mt/6'1>-3045. .A mombu ol Business Property 6050 Gen.rel General by Wilton I: PlMentia in 60-fSa. -St. c.o.ta Meta. 66-1317 Mowl"I a Stor ... 6l40 DENTAL HYGIENIST Snellirc"' Snelllna Inc. CM. 51>-151%, !J4l.3S1I. trrEAM jet carpet -· LOCAL • Jona dill.' movt>w. Avall May 11-26. ~1181 The World'• Le .... t C-2 Jot, 50 x 200 with 2 'Commercial 6GIS Mounteht & Desert 6211 MENS Prescription c ........ !1 IAh Mii B7 a.rte.re, naiHalHrldt Rl!u. ·atorq'e. Free Est. Proh11'-'•I BR house on rear, near • $7','51 • 5 Scenic acres water and ~. A.,,...., A .-vice, ,we •t. eo.«t55 ISl.otOJ, 0.K. Van A Ston.p: Job W•nted, Employment Service :=n.~~· Owner, ~. 5 Units + 3 BR home electricity Y~ Valle)> Avalon. 518--1884. POR SUe, 2 Cemetery ~ RDlAKC Servlcn. 3 n:ioma Min & Women 7030 J790·Harbor Bl, CM 5fO.ID55 • $19,000 ·• -s.;,ooo. tnn· 4M-!l01. FOUN'D-BoY• bike. Clll to ~~a :i!!.tc D: ! ~ ":. $21.50. hUy cuannteed. Palntlnt, WORKERS A Uable Men Harbor mvd, at Adami Buu·ne11 Rent•I 6060 5 Uni ta + 2 Comm. 1•-ident1f;y o.dtt eu'lll OK. 111~ PeperhMll"I A5t va : COSMETICS, Women t .:. -~ ---------1· • Gloede,Jmm~.Ave ----· A Women. Cleaning, lawn • e $125,llGO e R. E. Wontod 6240 S3l-34G -. -· w-. 11133. ,._. 6665 PROFESSIONAL Patntlnr ........ unloadi..,, eto. Quick. ~:;!' ~-~.!~ '!!!1 STORE • 340 folnsettl11, Co- rona del hfar. Lease $125 tn start. ?i.tr. Hardacre 613-7689 O" 542-4601, COSTA hfesar 600 sq. f t. off,lce, 600 $Cf. Jt. store, 800 .sq. ft. i;hop. * Owner 646:ruo Office Rent•I 6070 Hotel. 12 + 3 apts. FOUND blk and wbilll' 1'clD D/5GotMlt, Ne.t work. Ftne paints. eUlclent, enytl.me. $2.50 ,.., u....-., LA~ poa av .......... PLACE REALTY 49f.9JDC WANTED: view home tn Cat at Dina Point. ... h 6 PACIFIC VJrW Memorial CARPET VINYL TILE Roller, brush, a I r-le 11 90-79ST Bet. I am-12 noon vian Woodard Cc:cnMlc:8 2969.So. Cout Rwy, C«ona. de'. Mar, Jftf, coilar. ~ Plrlr lotB. pao eaela. UC CONTR. FRO EST. 'lft)'1ilc, acaMll, cellinp. daily , ,;514-;;.;:l:;:46f~,C,...----- Harbor View Hills ~a: GOLD Bractlet yoatb nnter I0-1323 ar MMOM. * 51J..'1262 * Local ref's. Low prices! COOK * * * L~ot='-----•;;.;lc;IOo I from """'' ... ,. Call ,._ cour11 CdM. Roy UT-1.158. Jobo Mon, Wom. 7100 FULL OR PT. TlllS • $5,JOO • 673-8918. ITJ.1011 Tut.ring 6ttO Pumlture RntOrlnt HOUSE pal n tin 1 , a--No Phone Cllll S lss & RollnlMlnt .. 75 t.-,lnlorior, pope• banr· Apply ta Penon Lovely'"°"· !evd lob, """' au IN ... -1 rull.Y ~ -.............. bl• price, 2 a· bt'lt'fies * SURF .. SIRLOIN * to build M. FINANCIAL Lett -wW tutorchildftn. Readln& 1'URNmJRE Sbipplna I: Newport teachers, Summer 5930 Pacttic Out ff"1. PLACE REALTY f9t.9104 matb. f'lS..2GI. nftnllhbW, r•a1onabl• bmlneu. vast exper, itarl fJrllimifea Newport Beadl __ 2969_So_.Cout __ u_..,~·--,·~!-11•--·-MISSING TEACJIEllWill--...... Call 6U-9515 -1<Juno22nd.6TS,...... agencv •COOK-0.,.. .. lld. SUPER-DELUXE QUALITY R2 lot 66Xl40, 4 units, SS'r;iO, I-'--="-"'·=-=--.--..;.;.; from 127 E. 8Qfront, Ut0e IUllll'Dft' months. .___._. anytime. a l ~·-k Exper'd 1or be D-• 1 I small blck/whte --* PAINTING INT • EXT. .....,. w • .. 1-2-3 room., up to 3,000 &Cl. ft. '1'742 Li rty St, H.B . Diitrlbvten ,_. s e, edQt'ation. CdM C'J5.39T1. Ftzmlture • Antiqun Avera:. 1 •ty $260. 2 •b' convale.cent hosp, Am ln ollice suites. lmmed. occu-56-5963 100% PROPIT mn.Jeold .. _:t~ou:;;..: _SERVICE DIRICTORY Jtdlniahinc* ... ~ ""•torliw. $3!'D. 1nc1 all material 1: TRISH HOP~.NCS •• permn: 3tO Victoria. C.N. pa'ncy, ~ Cnty. Airport A1TR. View lot o'looki--ft-~-c.--•-Cc............................. • ·-., ............... ,. "'--1•• + 4811 E. 17th Suite ..,, JQ. "-• .. ,_,. Cc Cc ,__ ... nuute -. \.AXIU"AClll!O I: 11.. no.---,._ •-no -prepar&uun, ...,, per rm • COOK, Reut:l, 4 ...... . uv1ne mmerc. mp ...... , Mesa V~ Country Oub ·~ acct't, Jim Ser. ;.u;:-aabd.. ~ Auto Re,.ln '6UO Ge~-I paint. lAc&l refs. Call Jack 642-1470 Must know all di:'t.. 11 ~~~Ho~ j: ~~ ~~19,9;.".D 546-J6,j1 VlCe, No S.UIJW .required. ITUJD3 JAGUAR Repair s:pecklitt. .._."I 6'IO llK-3895 or 968.7900. am-7::r:t pm. PH: 638-HD. le N'pt, Fwy1. R•nches 6150 Jnveatment leCUl'lty. MQ PLEASE· Loki' rmte ii 125 RocbnUr CM elf NwpC AL'S GARDENING 1 SI'ORY Stucco A owril&ng * ACXX>UNTING CLERK COOK. female, aper, Lmcb ·, \lNCRO\~Eo PARKING finance IO qualifted • • ----~ ·-'5"33 for Profealonal r~-a-a-$99. ' story • tu cc 0 ' Experienced only, Accounta -1 •• pon!IChool. 5 "'-- • u (C II Collect.) -"" ""' ta ba.tnr "'••• --· ---....,,,.bte I payable '°" ~ --LOWEST RATES FOR sale~ ltn'! ranch. • a nrrvoua breakdown. lWr --A amall land1capln1 ow:rfwW" $149. A.cat. celling Call ndi'..atn.J · Call H5-067T Owner/mgr, 2172 DuPont Or., J.1odem 2 BJU.1 home. David IMoore. u .,P.S. mate a male Alukan lelrytfttl!'f '5SO lfMcet call lfl.3!29, Serv-SU. per rm. Min, l rms, =:8tn4J ~!Mill DENTAL SECRETARY, :a,. Rm, 8, Newport Beach. 54~2943 01' StS-2031, (213 4'1·751 M~te (sled ..._) is lrw Newpcrl. CdM, Colt.a 646-0Stt A 631-6ll9. 45 ex~ only PH·· m.32'23 Courtesy io Broken (111in. Invest. S995. Req.J blk/wtlutan Lost ; &.ck YOUNG SET Mea, Doftr lhcnt, Wiit. METICULOUS PAINT. INED~~is 84T-251i ' ' D~LUXE 1-2 or 3 nn. suite Acre•ge 6200 Sl!CORl!D Bay Sobsian&i ftwvd. PftE.SCHOOL clltt. BLUE OflP STAMPS. INS. l.qlw. Be1ch Calif. DONUT LADIES, nlatrt llllft. nr, Orange County Airport 3 STORES 492.-3573 /ta-,._JO 7 dQI. l :30-T::r:t WMdlna Speclelllh CftW col. ltudent•. Int-ext Equal opportunltf employer No exper. nee. Mr Daiwt &. Irvine J ndustrlal ~~=e~ '°: SOOD' Hell't of Lancaster. Lot BEAGLE mbbare, black w/ ~ifl~ ~ "";rk.. ;.,~ Garden heauliftcatkftl: pnm. hou9n. Exp. Docks, &'15-58!2 Accounting Cltrka 135 E. 17th C.M. C.Omplex.. Carpet, drapes, exceptioni.l in~ent on 78 x 111. 2 1torm>om11. & wht chest, H.B. lie. 1 child. '15c for 2, $1.00 ins. Rftnable prices. Call No Wutlng Ute bookkeeplJI& uper DRAPERY INSTAiiJRO music, air-condltionin& I: this 80 acres in cily limib Me_at Market lncluduic No. !MTD, A.lWWttl to for 3 in. •me family. Prle. 5CUl5.\ 7·10 am• ~WALLPAPER* helpful to $500 ' Exp'd. Penn. salary plia janitorial service. overlooking Sacramento equ1pmeht, Con\er Ave, I I: "'Oluile". Vk:: Glen Mar Special Summer Prop-am SU.Tm. When you call "Mac" 'Newpo'rt benefits. Apply Sat. 1-10 AVAILABLE NO\V RIVt"r & City or Redding. division, ACl'Oll from Fair. tract eut of Brookh1ll'5t. for &-10 ~ar olds. All COLLlil SfUtiiNTS St&-14" 646-4032 p I J.• AM, WINDOW DESIGNS, Courtesy to Brokel'lJ Have water, Bewel', elec-grounds, Excellent invelf:. Pl..-all 962-1500. qulilied teachers. 1525 San-Yor Around Pr'*9, Lawn EX-PAINTER. now ~ch I 133•;nt D...._e;:, 3731 Birch. Newpt. Bcb. :BOB PETI'IT, Realtor tricity A: natural gas. Wu ment! H.-.rtbnlkeD owners! ta Ana Ave, C.M. 6f6..9210. ear.. Yd dla!Mip, ...un, teacber will paint Summer '4e{-31;Q' • • 1-54::.:.:.>-04;=10=,,,,,===-,,-DE~~~:CE ~"".::. ",.""'io;; = Mn.'i:~;~n.r1. =~·~~ a~u':LE _.,tt.,..My -.. -. -~·_:.~-" iASSISTANT * DRIYDS * iii For_!'st Avenuo Loguno .Beach ,,.. .... DESK SPACE 117875 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 64z..ml, Ext 716 reduction. Have trlr park. 1lf.54Q.5595 Vic. So. Cout: Plua " home. Arry are. fDCd yard, N~~1:.:n ~~':,; 1WO UCLA studenl:B need HELPER No Experl~ comm/multiple unit pote~ $3500. wW start )'CIU tn Sandpoint Romes. Generous playmatn. W1a!)'I. summer 4..1.. _ _... Ex 'd h ""--I .,_, Adjoin' · .__. i ... w •-rnvd. 5t:i-0242 • up hy ,,.,., or ~ Free money. P O\l .. e E •-S.10 · ._..-uu. .,. property ...... me11 n uwo J.llft' mix vac.Callafter5:30Gartifld eatimatiL For info all pai~rs. Free n t. Ken .en .. ,... • part tune, ---•. priced at $3500 per ~. food band-out restaurant. 5IM5l2. 1: Buthud. ID-3171. 197-UJ.7 or Ul-4932. 544-3074 dependable. Sales I: lft'Vice. Ymt bmv. dean <>11• • Jnvestigatl!i now. any delay finest equip, only a ,,.a LOST-I male poodle, wbit1 BABYSIT l child my ~ Age ls.31. $3.25 hr to start. drMnc l'l'ClClfd. APllb" may be too tale' ........ old. H!-Tnfllc Bnch Q11 II ton with --eon. ,_ -11 !Ith sL *ALLIN BRDTHERS PAINTING-INT. " Ext. Call M• Allan 956-2870 VILLDW CAB CQ. P.O. Box fl6. Reddlr.V, • MUii laCl'ifice at once. ,._ to "'Sotalde" Vic .... n u• -C.aJl m fDr complete yard Highest Quality. LowestJ bn AUDITO.R (n~I) ~lh bet I UI E. 1ltll a. Shasta Co. Cal. 9alOL Call Call VAN at MS--nn THE ;-~Plaza I:~ ........ _...._ ..-vice at loftst ratea! Prices. Fully exp. Ins. o , ,... ..., e c.ta ._ 916: 241-44«. REAL E!!'ATERS Jbne. Genmiut reward. WIIL care for~ chlldnn 54G-1769 6'13-ll66. I: NCR .f.ZXI experience. AP' =~-• ==-==='----1 ~ or 54lM!5ll1 tn my 1---INT 6 Ext Palattnr Local ply at """""" IM 1400 * DINNER COOK * 5 ACRES. level, XI.NT n, F•·-·~~ bwo'--·-... Call •1511. GEN'L Clean Up, tree serv., 1; llc'd• . I · • Pal1llldea Rd, C.M. in Experienced cook needld. nr Roy Jtoett'• Apple AL-.i_,i....., mnm WHITE km&le hi t weed kill, roto-tl ll, ff a. ' ins., ree ea .. Ptnon for tntervfew, -HOTEL LAGUNA - Valley Inn 1: New Sprinc porb1nttJ 1«i• mtaurut. " ppe ' CHILD c.re ... E:lrp'd Mon. 1prlnkler1 repal:Nd. can Chuck, 645-M)!t, 425 So Coat H 305 No. El Cam;no Rul Valloy Lako. 16315 FP '91abl...;. N·~-~ ~ ~~ ..... Fri. "" -· .... !11&-5111. * PAPERHANGING ARE YOU 1-na Be~.. ~ .. s.n Cl•m•nt• w I Mm.s,;_ Olheb•t ... _,,It ~i.::.e due to= st. ~ .. SPM. y= Khool, -...:~....._ AL'S Landlc11pi,.-. Tree • PAINTING. * -~ IEAUTIFUL?7 Mr __ ._r_._ld_t ____ """151 __ , DESK SPACE 492-4420 acreage • ca n es o1 maMPI'. no,ooo dn. eon. Heutbroktn. .,.., ... ai. ... care )'OUI' t;IUllU'I< .. .removal. Yard mnodellnc. P•lntint-Decor•tlng It't d In the eye ot the be-==o~~600~--,~t~sm= I = terms. Birr. tact Mr. Pike, 49U37J t1t IDn' Wallet b\ ladles 1111 home. H.B. BJ~ Truh ba11Un1, lot cletJl.lP. Llc'd, bonded. 531-3988 holder. Check the TV mm- APPR X. Ml· • ·;.;-c.:c,,_.,,====-•I -1·-l'ffb0011l at "'A" SL Bnch. wlr. llBMT41 ~ sprnld:rl. 113-U&& ml, -• watch and H -• n)O, All util's incl., except -NVESTORSI --. i --.,--pjoon<>. N"'t to Sec. Pacific I 'RANCHlll' Ranni onn.d ..,. "-... , .. -~-.,.. ,.,5· JAPANESE • LANDSCAPE PhofoFephy 6170 lffl ,..·n u pnlt)' u e ESCROW , OFFICER e ·, E 17th St CM al Newberry/Barstow Home .. .-.... ,_ .f. klc:&lionl el PIPft'I A wrilt wMcb. ,....,. ... ,_ -a..a..Qp Maintenance ---~of thoee people, call US, =~ 1~i~. 642-4210.'1 ' .,:~pathofaireuh-belnc·;,;•Eic.toenent,.... 614-4115 Enloy yeur IMt MACK1* 842$42 =~PH=~ CALIF. CASTING CO. Polit1on avallabl• In our NEiPORT Beach Deluxe ion train planned f~ L.A. to run. moderate iDYHtment. GERMAN Shep. fem. pup, Cornlllt:te Marine Senice JOHNSON'S GARDENING * ~4145 * b continuing lt'1 1earch for C.0.ta Mtsa office for Jin'-• ....... =--... -1~d hid W/ l:;u Vepa.-OwneP-..W-fin. --....:..... -'""~---__s_mo'.a_old.,..._Blk, _whtte,,,_&;_ M_ ..... __ ,_,_.,.. ............ _, Yard-care,_Ce&DeUpa. ~ -everyda,y people_'fJl'ho haw llOtlaiW!, ""'U-p'OOmed, .ma. VJ..U<."t:S. l'\ ~Vl1U1 • ,,._....,.¥ ..... .., • .-.._-• ., V' Balboa 81\'d _..._ ~...... Mi r .. -_ prtv. ba. 2400 w. eout ance. Seu for $1000 ~acre. c.u Mr. Robert Sbant Jar ~...;_ JC;. _ _., C 11• lloaDmHn or out watar WW. sprinklera. gn..ms, Plnterlnt Petch a desire to work on TV or ture individual. nimwn-• HW,.. PERRON 642°1771 in!o szi.9Jeo. -· --~ a Varnl!l>hlatl"' EXPERT J-....... ' , ' -tJnr Jobi, $'15 lo mo yrs. aate """"' .... N~R Newport Post Ofc • --co~ LAUNDRY-lat tbM m,..cm. . n.rstul llafllns. .... Free at. O:icnplnt ~~·r ... per dq, No'" to you ewr, P~I aperienct ... Greyhow"ld depol. OUice 16 Out of St•te Prop. '20I o1leftd. Moat deluxe In USA. LOST-2 mo. Gld femUe kit. Flhqtua Reftnlthl111. yard ~. -.-. •·PA.mt PLABJ'EJUNG * FOR. ON CAMERA q\lired., -kn, ealim w/Whtte ,..... Call Jim, 518-1021 aft ' .0.11 .._ -· ··--·-AUDmON * x ·19. Slro.125 mo. lse. I BeauUtul New •qalp., ntablilhed Vk: Rawnna A Udo Iliad. Cempltte Ytrcl C•rel ,.... .,,...,i . .-.-....eiuwa.-CALL <n4) BlS-8292 Gdaham Rlty, 6*-2414. SHELTERED Ill.AND .,.._,BJ Owner. See-&Uer -._ -7 Jim $ll)..4S3'I' Call H).e825 10 AM ID 6 PM 2 idtes. 250 ICI ft., Well llt P'atawtl•, CM. then call ••-.o. ' 8f'klk. MllMry. ~-H ln\\'ub. .. , ~,!~ ~ -UOI. S11N1 -, W.""' -etw -CLL\lf.UP IPIX:IAL!Sf _1'1...,W.• .... idYSITl'l:R 1br 2 .... t XI.NT. FRINGE BENEFITS ..... :m w. ~t ''" ~ ~ ~ --.... -,. ... --....... odd jobo. '=-- -v-..... SUS per mo. 615-2112 b bcdnl pandlw Of the t'ODf l.adrJ' Harbor Blvd. Ho BUU.D, JtaDodtt. ft'l*lr Reamnabk. Ml-"55 GEN'L Repaim Water Tnll req'd, ~4 appt. Pac:tDc CouL Wooded.. aw-....10c1Tyert.Arot· ~ir ~ Brick, lJlock. concrete, GARDENING: Und-dean-beatf!n..Oitpolen.etc.S7.50aARMAID EXP~·~·CED Nabnl COft: fDr dodl: 11111. ioul. IAaWW caunb:)'. Onl1 --Joli b> ..,..u hr ~11S5 &G«i06. ~, NiCll 1-ch. aa. to lbon. IH,500. lillbmlt. Broker MA.N'S EY!!GLASSES _,.,.. .... ,,no · •· Spkr l)'I, ~ per · ' 21.JO . ...W.12 pm to S pm -GLENDALE- FEDeRAL SA VIN&S ceinmen:i.1 6111 SU~tltltl Sl'ORE bcl-. VA-691 ,v, 191.h st. Bethel TOMn atta. s.8-1168 Ast. TIME FOi QUICK CASH THROUGH A ·DAILY PILOT WANT AD Modin• dimlltlt, dtu ur. Ni IDL . Main Beach, 14una Uc. Com' llUM5 wark. Yaneey, M&-SlaJ PLUMBING REPAIR at The Flame Room. JM) div .. -. 1'111 illuol WANT TO BUY DR SELL -..i. -llulldon 6Slt -rel S.rvlcoi 6112 No :lob too 1mall M""""'1a, C.M, Is deftnltdJ' wilque. For fUD A BUSINESS? LET US Lost: Seiko man'• watch. e 60-J12I e BARMAID, The bcaptdt U3J NEWPORT BLVD. COSrA MEU Information write; P. o. KELP YOU. 11IE JlEAL SlaWta •tttt. auto, l..ott ADOmONS And Alteratk>ftl APT a.EANING -Pa1ntins !--"?' .... Room. 21-35. Attnctiw. .. 411. Bellmae, Wull. ESTATER& -.nn. ASK Clfl)'OQ DemenWy, J\e.. Rtt. -Comm. contnctor -Rua: hmpoolna • Ute -* Sf3.!Di8 * 9llll09 at call CD) ......... FOR. VAN ward. ..... aft 3:30. lictnMd. honded I: tntUl'td Repairs. REMAllC QUALITY )'Oll'W llWQI e"e'°Bi;A;;;NK:;;:..,TE;;:;,tJ;;,E;.R.O'.ox=·ll~.:--::EXECUTIVE===;;--:SiJCSi""'"'& eve.. 11UUVING COWEE SHOP LADIES. ('Old. Mavador tree etthnltu. (tlM.ndrc) SERVICES. NJ--wanted. Dretamaldnc • perlenc:ecl.P'uUtimt:.PI-TARY.BOOKKEEP£R:J:x. .,;.. In I Dllert Gll W.b located bi ndewlop{ftl Watch, vie:. Apolena to -.mo Ml-3805 CLEAR Vu MatnWnanc:e. We alterallona. Key 5-y, 1763 call 714: 5.1&-9371 penenc.oed ca.,.hle aOat· I -..... 0wnm fttll'. Mu1no Av Bal I~ Rewud. Ce---..rlnt '"' do ...,,... ... , ll!!_ "~ 2' 0ranoe A .... C.M. 645-1292 BOOKKEEPER-· od, tor challe-: _.,. CABIN·Mammotb 1A1e11 In .... Mn, TtrTy 53f..lfi, M:J..2237 .,......... hr serv. 646--3611 CREATIVE FASHIONS SECRETARY k, Girl Friday f\lnctlolw, IUsh SMrrat. 1\trn. T mttt GCPT It Par!Y ahop, trMt 'S Rtd Stt.n 1tlnpQ A-1 lmab Job IPld&Utl. Ed'• C1eanh11 Service By Donrw. DM Bltkpr, typlns II aen clerical Co"'tmction exptr, dn'd, $9iS. RH!'~ now 531-3374 location. P"or We. so.ma , reward, Ne•l!Oil Wtlt Cal1 Gordon. Carpdl • Uphol1ttry • WI~ J"or the fintat In roteDm duties. A job w/ a tuture 31• RedhfUt Avt. C.M. 1tve1 -1. .. ••em • • --. naorco... 5CMll1 ....i.11-a.1044 with au:AnVE. MHlll <edJ 1o ..,...>. I r l • I I; • . . • '· lr .. i. I i' ' ' ' ' : . ' ,.1 1 · ,. l · • • • • ' t I • • • l ' ' r ' ! .. ' t· ~·· I ! . I ,, f I • ... . ~ ' I'~ " '1 . ... r.1· '\ t If. ' . . ~ . ' . ' :t . . . :' . . .... , .. r·--~-·- ! ! . I .. ' ' ' c ,! ., .. I: I· ' ;--,·;: " " " .. . '- -.. ,. -.. - . " . " ' ,, " .. ' .. t·. ' -·' -•· ·- ~ . -·-' ., ... . I . , • ., ' ' ' - • .. • . . - . .. ,. . . . . Jo . lake· .An ... Orde:r? ~ • • • 1 • • • • • • •• • We're Good At · It •. r . . - We'll even pay the post.age lo gill you lo give U$ an onler~ Gel ready -for -some qulcK,roflts by malllng In yo.ur onler today. Put a hard-working DAILY PILOT classlflecl want acl to work for you. · ..... __ --.. -. '' " ' -. ' ' USE THIS ORDER FOR·M 5 SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE .UNE-NO ~D LESS THAN 3 UNES J 4 1 12 . t1wa nwa nwn nwn - '4.50 $6.IO $10.65 $15.90 4 • • ' $5.10 $1.21 $13.10 $20.10 $6.00 $9.76 ' $15.55 $24.30 PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND Bill 0 P.l>lidl hr, •• •••• ...... .,.. ktlnnint ••••• •• •• ••••• : ••••• , •••• •• ••• , • Cl•1tlfic•tiM • • • • • •. • ••• • •• • •.• • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •. • " . N1111• ••••••••••••• , ••••••• , •••••••• , ............ , •• , , •• ••., ••., • ....... ,... . ...................................................... . . City • •• •• •• •• •• , , •• •• •• •• ,, ••• , • Phen• • , •• , • , ••••••• ." •• , •••• , • • TO PlaUll COST Pllf enly en• word In eeth 1p1e1 11>01'•. lneh1d1 your 1ddre1s er phtHle n11ml>er. Thi cost 1f your od 11 1t the end of the lino on :,..hieh the test word ef yo11r 1d Hi Writ· ten. Add $2.00 erlro if yo• de1i"re •II ef DAILY PILOT' lo• senice with 111eiled , .. pli11 • -------CUT Hi ii -PASTI ON TOUI INYILON ______ _.._ BUSINESS REPLY MAIL Flnt Cl .. ~ Ne IJ, c.a. W-. C.11'-'- Oron9e Coast DAILY PILOT P. O. lox 15'0 c;o.t. Me., C:.llf. 92626 ClltllW Dlpt. • . Or ·Give Us · an Order by Phone ' . ' . . .. ........ .... . . ( .r!; •• 1 • ' : ( ,.., - :-· .. --":I ··~ ' ' .... -.. , •• ' .' -.. ' : ~ 'l 1 •J-. ... ~ ~ j 1J ' l " . . -. , . . . . . i l • . -! . ! ·~1'\ .;~ . ... ~4t =~ 1 I .. I :: l .. l • • ., . . ' . . I • ! .. _: j ! l l t ·:-:--.;:-: . ,;. I , • I .... ·i ' . ' ' •• .,, ' i . .. ' .-. , ' ; . I . I " I •' r l .... ~, , -' ' '' I ' ' .. i . ··.. I .. l ... ' . . .. . . . ! .-' .. t ' ' ! . . ...,. 1 ·:. ,,i ' .. ... .. , ,. . ' . > I ~:. l ' . : . l > ' " ' ~. : . ' ,,. '· . ~ .. •• ~ t . .. ' . ,. ' ' ., . ;, l --' . ~ ... At · .642-567.8, The Direct ·Lirie .·to ' . ' DAILY PILOT -.. -Classlflecl Want Acl ·~i " RE.UL TS ~.::1 . . -. I v ·--,, l ' J -I I , ! ' ! [ ' [ • ! I F • c I , I . I / , I I ' • ( [ • I ( I : I . . • I . I ! I ! . : l • _, """""· ..... 1'71 aWLOTMINT ~·~YMINT ~a1MPLOYMINT:"·:-~::':: =-~":,':;!i':~:= J~~/I~ ... ~~~~;~~~~~~~J~ Ja~· MIA; We& 71• Jl~1 ~a. WeM. 7100 ..... -MIRJ W• 7111 ~ < fu-. ........ T W [~lll'!jc -~- tJ[!CIJTl'B lurotary. INDIVIDUAL will> mall e e NliDID SALIS M.t..'IAOlltl TIW>D ._,., ... ltU, ~ 1'.Q11' w woman Grdtr exper. Box M·lOlf 1lmle Mftrt'• fnnchMe. 'lftdt ......_ eor1cW * A &fl * ·"" ... ......-""tlon -Pilot. mi w . .._ T-°"'"" ..... Oetalll .. ---..... wia STYLIST 111, aon _ IGll v--. °' •NOa ..... -· -N.B. -... 21 and -.. -Call .... --... AND SALIS IMMiTI. PlllDAY ,,. I typlql. --11£. JililTOlllAL -APPLY -...._ -· .IUNI -, QUillEDN.!';:t A~h PAllT TIMI IM E. ,.. It.. l!.K. * 1ALESW01W1 * N...,. .,. ,,,,,,,_, dept. Ona of a tlDd llama -odd pilcM -ml> ....... Moohlw 11• PIM Pw:: .... ro • """' """ CUual .. ~ -- ' pm 0 GE OOAIT .Ill coi, MA'l'l1RE Put ..... MUil be ---matcbod --dl-lilnlecl ... 111 --I ~ . • :::;:..:;;:::,,. -· .,; 'u1n11or..-n1 jani~-~~· LIXil: 1111t 1oo 1 1 I•• ... Y~-"!.~-~... parta of Bedroom 1111 ..,,~~~ ~~1110·.= ~----· . a . . -........ ~ -.. ... llL Sl'l:NO a.mu<. ~ r-M• • • APPL y AU mull ao to make.-.... -............ --' ........ . ' ""' I ~ HAlllll'YLISr '""""-. ...,. Am. ' •• -~ '111 SECRETARY .N. PEllSONNIL Ol'PICI -· nturnod from nnll!'-, I ~ 1-\!"'~ ...,. -:;..TV'~,~ "'"""'llleo.N.B. hlJow. ~5111-8:: ..... "° ... : 9:1::'.:.. ~RIP -...... ,. "'"' THIRD PLOOll Waarea ualououUotfortltt nalloll's llrP,lt I Pv ~ -ol 131.JO ::· ..... ""':"' ~. inr prerd. nu. bmeflta. • J4NITR!:ss b' , _.___ CJ(. Ph. 11&-1• tour yn or fflPnlble u.;1 fumltm. nntll -Uon. ... , , , , . • • per mo. Call ..,._ bookcl111, .....,.." l'Oelllil, &i&-1315. • --..,,.. .... -and""· --Broadway -...-·-· """""'· _,......,.-. .... EXP'D hetotor..-r!ao-~ -~-•...=.aO~-i:: lcol-.Bule"'-· lllW . Gree111of1sleeper,ub ......... • 11 'Jiiiil&~-·-· fie -.;..,,,, .,,.,.., ..,, Mate .... -· ... -S·IO'•;; PM Ill ;;;< 1 • -.... =--= "FASlllOll lllLAND Green 7'.IOfa ................... ti . ·eld. .'No --tor -... _ - w tJlh -St.C.11 .. 777 E.11111~--. -... " =~-~~ ... NEIVPOR.TllEAl'I ~~~~·IOi···j""~i~ r'11=· =..::.:,;1!!,; ~,...~":'.:' !!,' ... ~ .. u~~,.,.., ;:~~~U, w~ *.~"=t. ''~lWrc:iRT:MESA ,._~,.~ .~1',l!ll••loft ·:..1 .~ ....... Ml .· , =~e", .__ ~=~•,.:. ,..,;... ExVd '°"'· •'!""' •·~ -2-.-tn. SCHOO , D ... CT . . . ·Gtieacr,ulltdn!vetaofa .... ,, 1. ,. ,,. Mualcal ,' ..._"".,...·"""".,..' CALIP. 1CASTINO co .• -"'!Id•·°"' oft 'd'd1-. 111 ftl... ~ 1 .... 1 . '* Wios * Halt part comer ..... p ......... ,.. •. . ·1no1-· llU. ·-T'S ·-Is continUirw HI lllan:h In 3. 50-W a,ppllmntl, MncDe poup in. 110l 1ldl STRUT Sell ..... luNon wlo Corner ll'OUP atudlo couch ............ $"It..... , ... f Mftll- """P eo. tor a _,. o1 Jolt & 1hO Day -· _ ..... .......,, NHIUIT llE.lal "" -00 ,.. Job,. Color TV ...•..... , ..•••••••••• SIU ror-. • _. __ typos. !or -In-· .... -...... "" 1-.. a -'"'"9 .. -_.. O• ..... Per_, IOcially. (2) mack/White TV's ..••.•.. Mlh J 7S lodi -......... 111an1 COlll: BROWSE AltOllllD dtlilW. TV """""'''· • Ind. -,_.,.,.. 2 a -,.,_,_..... SICll TAllY ODii Sid .... -Occulonal chain · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · t 1• 'I' .... ...,., -• --20!>\; N ....... -., tilnll. Gnat ,..,. pt. -· Girl .-0. Ne .SH. '*" ~ ol - -Good lldllt. "''" -'"·· '" •H 12' white Admlnl rtlriaonlor .••. t ft . · !'al ~ ;:"'1'1J tor"""""" • ="",.:"''!Ide:::::;. We ... dltnt -.. .... !US. -.... -lul. -..... ""' ..... coll ......... Wllfclill Per. wlo STYLIST Dille.Ille •ts w/cbalrs ..•••••••.•• "1'·., "~"'*'==....,,==;;;:; Not • -· --.. so.na """' .. -. -Apq -Wal--""" CGelllO End wil.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . • 5 ., riNDfil IWS AMPLIFttR OPEN DAILlt .. ; Pllll llST -· -~ . Z.D. PllOWCTS ,.. Dr. NJI. icsmt , L= ......_ Cockta!i tables .•.••.•••. , •. , .•••. $ . S op DEL~~ VltA'flON ifllti.t11.11 TV SCllllN TEST * LAI TICMNICGifti 3111-. ~ '!:" •• lllCRJ:TA8J:.ClltL r.u ':,;~Liter-·.,..-· Lampi ....... , .•• , •..•.••••••• $UO op . ftodl -·-~ ii 'To';:·~ ':5:: . .,._~ :-r--w.. s.:'nW.:l.cD.~" ii!.i8...:'·y-... , ~.·, . ;z N. ~-:-~m _.._ . Aneouql)l•!in.dosk .............. ·' .... ,\J: ."w~ _.. -. w.x;n;n.. ~ .. ·..-.__,. · x 11 • • • • • · • • • • • • • • • ~ •·• • . .;:;u, Iller 1 Pi,i "-eqWJllDIDl a: "42• FllllGLASI I e J-=---~ :::: ~~ ~ SERll!IVICE~A~-.. WOMAN, put ~. t .,.. Mattnues · · · · · "· · • • • .. " • ·;" Pf :.1411' . , ,.. °"""" ,..._try In -• ... .._ -·~ -·~-·• l pm Some .......... txp 5 pc. Bedrm. HI ..••.• , •• • ... • :. . .... USED Olm Al., --to 7our ordlr. I IP •I·-lhltt.12.25 per >r + lOl'. ""·coll.....,., W01tcWI .,.---~ ,·hilt. Ex· ~,...:,,bu -~ B k bed ~ .. ! f llDe "' wllll -· Good _,"°" ~ 'l'lle tin lion · , • App in penon Pea.,.lltl Aaenc>' za :"',,._.. .....,....... t not me . .-..., ..... un , alllftl r • • . • • . • . • • • . VJ'"""'' I ....... ..,.... Ap-Z.D. PllODUCTS w-Dr. N.B .... mo .. -on1,, .... 25· See ...... --THE USED nRNmtllr fll'IMll' ·, . .!». -CIOlld -· j 1yi.,.,... ID-ll90Pullmoa,Oosta,._ PiioToGJWiibc -~':"·2"80NnoportBlvd., w6MAN.,._•__ uua 111o11111: lilCTiUC' OUJtor, ud mos~'::lJ.,( I LIP It INDusiitllS .,...,.........,,.....,._. ;. .. 1--~-«siJ!~.stn·-.•~ ~M~IDBooPIMI, .-!'W'Ha....,.loulw•nl,C-Meu .. ::,-na~~"=s °""'-* - , Usbt •rrice il lube • .ehoollrc. .c&U.· 'IAM·UAM l!fC· Apply In p1rain. 1'9m'• ·, J • Ml· MS7 ....,...--RIU' ot qo:e enw ! INC. 1101 Dn• man,""!time,5..,.. "'1Y •. "241". ·· Rlchfield. ~ ·4 Sci-i..i-1.-i .-,cl,.; .... ..,.NllS. .. ••ll•N.-.....;.: PIMoulO..-1121 - N.I ,..._, i-5 PM • P!Ut:1S OPl:llATORS ,_, 11B • . . · . · · St., • MAIDS· -Ro«el -... -... ·p1ut1c Sfiiv so. A-pt. ITS YOUlt MOYI = ,'4\101 DISCOUNT FILING dtot. lite ...... pr "°"I. Plelle coollcl -plonl. -Worl<. ttmo, exp'd only. Ste Jerry, '""'""" -Oarooo Solo ' -.., - help ... ,.. -"""" .... ""'DaJullo "' -.,., -2!IO Newpt, C.M. AJ• -& mm -""'-' . Wurl-.... C.M. 3-11, pm Mml1'ri. Rode way Ina, 1400 RELIAiLE Woman, SER.VICE station Attendant. llLllK 17 l'C. ICING Siii •LEAVING ITATE .! ~....ii.....:. f make SalarY OIM!n, Pw!rm. ~ PallladK. a.ta ~ ..,.._,,..,, WU 811117. exp'd. 2S-45. 1m Palilades UDltOOM ~ •••17 q : lllllJd ;.ANos-C.oANS ""· °"""' ... .., MAIDS llw "' -n -lid. C.M. mm CUHIS ........ t ---· --.... -~ . -LD Mllll( co. ,...__ LIKE HOUSEWOl\K! st, NB. SINGLE -a spttlal ,., 2 --. ........... f"' ~asN, "' ..:.-ltll FRY COOK·----........ Rel1amul __ lioud,,,__ ---l'ard I rorrAGE cornz SHOP -.......i 1or ...., "'---""" ......,.,. _._ ....,. eo-·TIONS A~-·.,,_..-;_ -<1x 11r -untL • E. -•Main. I.A. • !Q W"' l9lh st. C.M. -I --1191 led, Expa'd only. Top pay. r~ _,. .... ele. • Ullo st. CM. * 141' .... I * ! FULL or PART TIME. F.am iWi)i Ptnn. ftll1 time, 25 =to:-:~ :.... Pioduction Pl., N.B. : :v:s a.oice elf Spuilh roRNrl'UU A GINlt '*• • up tD $5. per hr. nn.LER or ON". Good saJuy lot Expenence not nece&-SKAllPOO Gtrl tD mW •AIR FREIGHT.c.AR.GO or Modern Style fttrlc, liunp9. cllalr•, THI lloctlnl I BRUSH. 54MT'5 _.,. -. ApplJ: ""'· -J pm to 5 pm. Toey I The llllr F"""7 e COMMUNICATIONS ALL POil $149 -pork<rib.• b I· P9-I 0..-Solo LEAVING,~ -1111: M OAOI LAI 3tn 8"""' Blvd. C.11. S.. Oii!. MUil '111 .. ClllL ,.,._; •TRAVEL AGENT No down pnib. only II '"°.t cbalr, -ldt -M T-;· ft ...... ,__,., - ; SUPlllVllOll MAIO MOJ«L Tho Plft Cl"!"ftl · Ooll: * _. * · · · Wl~K'l!'A,lllHOp$:T 1~'1f~· . 'l•tOlriii -., .... !or 11ps'"' TV, oi<. --on1y 5a11ry up *fi15.IT01 ·• 11-w ST Alrllflow..liPoclflclOllW,t111Sl,--. •ltht-ot e;,,: .. ~.i:e:. I ID ISOO,..,. -ih. MIINTENA_N.CE -..... ~=~ H.:t-..:: ~NO-rr!JPJ,..i 611L11'1h, ...,,. lllVI """1 MS.I IM ... UA ~ ·...::... ~ 6 i::: WAR.D'SJW.DIVIN mJI>IO $4. 2 "-• p • P. j:111 Appl7 In...... ---· ..... • . -.Steno/lypilt tor Truai . SCI-I ltEDECOllATING •• ~. Bc1<.'IM• .... ·W -.O. 111t,N0~1._,c;.11. ....... "2'11". ' Z.D. PJtODUCTS wr !l'M. 1on, c11. -llEBl'AU6lif0_111F 11111 or --·meta"'°'• . p_. iU ijllHI .. ,. -"' ""'"""' .., -· patio · -tabla, °"" E'"'! Niie ~~~-w/ID-a> 3190 Pullman lt.Vf!. apply I.mt blll"f' Rell., pl1't time, $1.1'5 hr. +, Mntta1. perm. career oppty. will be IMD1DNeb J»01 and trlsMe ~ =· dWl'I. Appl'•. Odd 'n endl. I:~ Aflft!M)OD ..,....._... .. ...... °""-·Calli. l'191211whlll\OI., H.B. 56-l•betWtm-... -....... Equal slrl-•-Blllleld>oni ~ "':...."' --PATIO. Gar ..,.. l\<nl butl<r .......... ......... _ ......... ,....,,.,.. MAIN'l'l:N~ / DIBK. <!> !<A'MIE. ...,.., ,.... ................ Xlnt 1"l-,1nnt~~: -=-,'s.'m..,.; ""•ta:-,., 11~u1: .·,'"':~:.-., 14-'0 per mo . ..-.., eGARDENER.TRAJNEE-e WASlltR;ftttmt·aP. 1111'•1 -....an. Alt p&oy.benellta.~tactM. 'o.taa&nla.MV\c:klrtl.on ... ttiu%-imceatrioo.·-tac:ide;'.siftr,ctdiia.·mci. · ·• , ott for anly S32.». ! No exper. it MC. Xlnt opp. BENTON'S Wiib:: SHOP U'IU of flruwe Co. open. W, Fafrcl'lild, l4Ul13 Ext. SUndU June 21, t:~ AM .... lnl. ews I: weUendl a 10-U.14. Com1r lJUI. A: e =~()rpm 50-9335 anytime. .,J.::. (714) MMllll5 1S3 8, 0out. LqUDl 8cb. l.ncoaM OWi' $1111 mo. ht. 308. Securit;y Padfic Nat1 Brinl )"DUI' Mindi! SFERJ\ED to 1 ·Bt.lbo& 11\td. lOAM·'IPY. • ..,.._ e • e e . Gemral -MAJCAOIMINT .... ,...,..... -· 591 N-Center ELEMENTAi\'!. lewl ~ 1111 .....,.::-•. PlcrtJll& ......... ,. """ : :::a.~ ... n -Sdoool l<r Dip $3.95 Hit. TllAlNll SALIS OllDlll Dr., s.Jte ""'· N.B. -~ ...,_,., --Ind m•. box. -mtec. COAlt MUSIC * Vaca"°" Spodal ... t.arp,expudl.elrainmedl Natiobll O>mpeft1. K111t bt _, CLlllK TelepMne Sellcitws aldlla. ~ ao.mo « ~ .. di')«, refrl.I.:.• turn,,~. Knned1 tool NHPOkT a HARBOR Your doc~ wlllM f'llb I: put.time help TtD'IP marrild, 2 to 5 ,_... ... J!xpenenoed in llln Oljer . · 53&-llZi . . norwn a.ntr, ltoor 11ox ~. ZDS ..,._ Pl, a.ta Mna + IG-215l MAJ\~~~ 1: Pmn ,.,,, lNl.·1 Mo'~ expen...,,, 0rup cauntr. Jll'OCflllrll. maintainl• L·Permanent: position I 'swIMKING ~,mo·• tonmr"ete.1Ca11.........._ • ea:.·1111 'tll·.md. 0pm IN nt. JM am w • • • •. ..-..·.......... Call Am, W-....... dtr lop A -,.,... IO 2. Oely exp'd. nHd spply ............. lied """' MIRROR. Cocldall 1b1, -a.<JOING Cll>lnet Shop \151-2S11 Jlnl R1a« "" ......,,, >l'1 W-wpm on tlect. '-Xlnl. -..i.., water"'""-· m.125T. n>r, -~ mlmr ~ TOoll, hrllwe, "'°"" mlec. · GOT A YW 7 O..'I Ole to SHI Dr!,., N...-B•••h. Col Panonnol Dopt. '-"""'co.""""" Private """"'""" -......,, GE""' .... .._ -tar Sapnln ~. ":;,":,!."'::; ,.,,,... --,. .., arted -Ill .._mo. (714) 4•4-t«ll ~New, modem .me. Your pool"' mh<I. --•. .. ·c.M. ... ...,. ....._ -"""In VW Boil"'"' no -• ~,."-BtachMANID_. ...... ,locll , __ ~t "'11 ,time.-e-.. •11<>-Brl• FOR_,.,. __ loft·'CW[AGElale.1-... CaHl.atlldomldllUUllc ln_tl_C~·u modlcal o1tice1 Top befte. appllanco .-. MQll be "" lppe Pl -In ----l IO -llOld • 1 QPbol. aton, t.left.hlnded dr.-. Oo. llOI N. Ma1D, --112-4m. • fit&. Call Mia Verna. ""'' ~ Call 9 AM TILONIC eue. ,..,.... '111oatrtcal not --..,. dr. -· 1r1c _e,-. la'""""'· · BAR -· -ed .Jn 55f.fl%1, Ablpll Abbot Per. "' 10 AM onlr. -lnduotn.. SEAllS, ROllUCK' · 6*-tm · .er. 5111-ITll PIANO, u-. .... , cand, -W. -- eonnel Alfncy, DI W. War. MECHANIC • Exp'd, own L..-looch AND COMPANY ORANGE Counl>'• ,,_ STOii Wood liar with PATIO -I -bod hml-tor ale. Call hobMll trim. Oost - nor, SUlle 211. Slnta Am. tonio. Fard truck exp. Equll -"""" employer lion&! Repa"*J ""' ..... -· -.J!!ll<lr -. $lO (lD:Cart $11-50c -T. ...95 _,., •ll ... llr Pl GlllL l'lllDAY ,........._ 1900 Nwpl Blvd., SALllMJN , 400 w. w..,,.,. Ave. So. C_out _....,, nu • 3 liar -.,.-. ·-. .... • 11mt1. MLl>WlN .........,, -•t -. 6*-ln! -;• Two man lnd.uatrlal aln C.M. Part time er fldl time. Yoar sarita. Ana hi ~ Ml ht .!'lbUc Call -~· . MMOD5 \ wa1nuit ftnllh. A WnUk: buy ~-~ ... "--,;;"":-~-~ .... I olllce located In "'1Jne Jn. MECHANIC OR M£CHAN. ,_ dalmnfnO ,,.... Al-=be~ Coll KOUSD'UL el --a-n~ ll• at 1415. -· HAMMOND Oopn $Tllll. T dUllrill ,... needs experi. IC'S HELPER., Commun!!> ""'·Call llr. _, _ AN ·EQuAL '. bomo. ~.,Rafr .. .,.., .:::!T= ··-FOR alHld llpanilh ""'° Pc. Drum Sol $200. 1f!o1 I' enced olllee holp. MQll be Chinn Buo .,....,._ "'3873 ......... m,tlO. OPPOR~ · Mtll~ll · P0tt now llJ!. -T er Ulll:D .,,,,_ • TV'' °"""'"' cahlnot Ir .. d IUilar 135, --.. tamlll&r w11b mM eteclrlc MEDICAL Secfttar>, Prr, EMPOOYER. '· SALi AND TIADI 637.-, -a11 ............. Dolllap's, pl&no. $IOIP • ....,.._ ~ M:.=, t111. A1!1r I CflO w.p.m. min.), lO-kt7 typlmc nee .• lmowled&e ol Ste Belt1 8NOI al ' THE BLbE Btt"I' F lture IOOO 6iSj'lkCriVi 3-pc ~ .1115 Newport, CJil. -· Ji(, I calcola1Dr6T-.Goodlll-lnl. llaport ,..,_ Sllhmll ~ m.llOC· DINNER.COOK urn. . • ". -. paid -lla<:rlllcO 511-T1tU. Tolovla.... 120t LADIES dis-dla ~or epbone tecbmque a mmt. nnme BoJ: M·lOM. D&Uy m !tart $.1t. per lhift -S125. Ckin, vanity. I rtns. . .et wttb 1"-.... t Ptnnantnt pltion with a Piiot W ._C •MAHOGANY double bed. 113-1112. ICENllORE aatomat e MOVING SALE 1flO TV'• .... .......,,.....,... I ... , .. _, ~ 11IREt Wetrkl va catio11 ......._ . wuber In Jllnt cond Ml ._.,. ~ ... • wbL 11 -• - -national company. ,__,, MEDICAL ltectptionilt ma. nlld.. Urolocic back ott1ce U\111, IPl'Ull I: mattn& LOVD.X 11anl 111111. ntYW WW dell..-541-1172 _... -· --on • .........,..., with ....,.. -. Exp'd only. run ......,, 1or c.-Glrll Start Jul &lh. -· oe<na . ..,.. '12l llatclL loft _1 1t1.ms · • ... ., 1o 1115. na-'IV .....,. cut_,.,.. -ond abililY. ~ ti"", Dn. Lqjey • GJI W • .,.... ""1., N.B. Y • MAPLE Bed, twin. box IT5. Pvt "'1· -· ilO L El Camino Rial .. r,. lo Boo 1'3UO, -- by _..._ .. only. Coll --.,. 144-2m. 81 -=~ Dn~ WW!e1 a -• ,..._. 1511. . KENMORE po ...,.., lOftt 0.-to. 4IM2SI. :z °"""" ilO I $15., 2- lf33.U7l, 3 pm ID 5 pm Wed. MEDICAL .......... lem&Ie, • . ...__ ofter ~ Offlco Punilture •11 :;:. "°.is, X:, ",:: Pll1LCO CONSOLE IT.50 _,., -tt. 1:·'lburs. only, exp 66.(Mllt Cd t to 1 1 Sal9I 2t PC. ''MADRID'' Blad: A Whht fl5. ncxd cablnet $$. Aft 111t GIRL P'RIDAY • ASS'T 2.; 5 -DOUBLE * • WAITRESS 2 llOOM OllOUP USED --l!Ut • --...... • .... _ .. .,. Ill. ID -RECREATION DIRECTOR.. -dolln $W0 6 ap LG '-I -llOO. _, 1311. :ZI" color 'l'.V. Apply In,..,..,. on sun. June MTSC/MTST OPR PRESENT Experienced InclFIUJ..! "°~';!d HO.,:::S • • Ulld 2 • 4 ..,._ IWJW W-wuher ' C11Mtn & 1145.11Wnl -........ 28th n""',. 'pm at Hn. ''GIM:311. ........, *. EARNINGS run nm. " . eabllilbeu...i....i-..,.., 14D,.. ..-111-. ............. -™ the Greenbrook Model Site, 5:ao· tar pod o.ta Mea chair, 2 end tab1e1 A toUee ....,,, ... 8'o. Dllll: Inc. All s, $150. 54J....S2lJ • '19 HONDA MINI·.---.... • 1122flantaAdelaCirc.,F.V, finn. ~mo, Exp.~ & · Apply''in pmon bnl)' :'i:.=,"':::!d':: . lllDfltWJ!Cllj 111¥11. ··'·'ROPER ni.-• 4. burner, e NIKKON 300mm LJ:NS $125. B&rblDs· A-~ ""'tor,....,. _ _. -·No rt THEN SOME """"'° • ms"'-s ,. °""' M-* MMB ... -. Good, """" 11111 :.';'. -;;!' .. • .!',;, 11iat:r HAIRDRESSER. w/dilntole p ~~ u -· .. in-~-su.llOll -TUr Rtll"ER ................... ' "'" LIKE ...... -"-· 133-toll w. -CM. .. -all I ... .. ..... ..... -for Sunlet Beach 9aloft. ,,..... z-_..,. I fK, Rll back chain ° MICe tallle'fl ....... jar aD. 54M'l'to e 1Aicdex IL e GUN Co1lectlon. old Cal1' A 70~. 5Q2...3)'19, Ev••· W Dewer Dr., N. • -wecanibowyaahoW~ No. 11 F--.. •--.,_, _ _,, COMPARE AT l'ICl.15 HMM84 · · .· NORGE Wuhinl maehtne, • -•~-~. "m · '424171 may make $3G-fi!O,DOD. :No ... _.., ....._.,.. X1nt .. ....._.,., • Wlnchelta'I, Naftjo ""' 53&-Q42. """""""· You'll be ,,._ N...,;,.. &&ch $m ---.1 ,_,· ~ •n JUll -~· lf5.0lU ,....try • -· All lnli. H.S. ritl awnmer helper. $19 MODEL needed for p/time bJ a multi-mWkm ~ . . ' No~ Pmt.. Ot11J $18 mo vtTMlW .,.,..... order ps. MM AJRQUJPT SUdt projector, annNred. Box MlOT, DMb mo. rm • -.r. Balboa ......_ Ctll Ill •· ·H no public '"· wtU. 11111 """"" WAITlllSSIS*** WILK S WAlllHOUSI DIM Elle. IUD. J4olll'ot e ---no .............. _ w. Pilot. CM r. Ia.ORUlll7. ....---' . EXPERIENCED eoow.fU.St.,Santa--Caleulalor'12l<J:dc. -·~cu-$200 -·'"'·-· llONY.f_TV __ HOUSEKEEPER, attractlw:, MCYI'El. Mi ...... ; Lacuna We suaraniee to tell )'OU hoW, . No 'Phone Calla Lr1 Cornor hf• upbol ntvt1 M 115·A pe. Otbln fftlm. J25ap matr battery or ftectnc, MW sa lor molhtlt-home eue Be.ch. Cheerflal, eoaple when and wt.ft )'O'I may Apply In Peb:Jn 115. m.a8 Uphal_ ,ID"aiCbt dn SI. USED UJ'RIGER.ATORS S,.rflnl ..... 1M !onJ-12 inch Cdal' TV, lllW' of cbildnn I A t pl• IOfne pr• fer red. Lovely INI'· betift ~ WI WODl'1-SURt I: llRLOlN · HIDE·BED $25. Doable box .W'Y cir $10 a-PJ. 1't:Q, * $55 • 115 * $XIO. VM ....-wD =--.Illa houswk. ................. +al. ttle_bls_,,!Ola !tilJl'odllcOout·H!'\-. -1-$26.lllOI _, ___ GoodOoodl"°"-C0Lr-iuldbq.1'ull tnompllliorl!2-'0itl stO-mf 4M-62!M. .==.. ~ ~ Newport Bwh ,.. 1 Seuhlft . . Hit, Unit V, CJI. aG-M, O'Km'E A M errl t t •t llacGnp ued ba9 ~~ Qlac:b,-w -'-. HOUSEWORK Mon, Wed, MOTEL MAID, ,art time. .. man dlU JI bomw .• WAJTltESS WUled, apPy in EXTRA-Leas twin w, caf· .......... ca..lt .. W/lrill. I )'fl old. $70. • 'Ma51 ..... Vay mo. . -·· "'I ·- Tri. 4: bn, I to 1, own Pndnlula .,.._ Ml!k. jlenDn. Mesa L&nea. 1703 l!e table, nd table, TV ' '* ...... * bq wttb Mpod. All lllr cay but tWl u..paWe A ..... :':2. Tbe Bluff! N.B. * ~lMl *· * Cadillac car plan at ee;icle . .,.._Ave. OJltla M .... ' 1!4 CIUCb. etc. ,21M ,Cln.lll'f MOVING • na6mM 'C&ird nosr~rr. Ww~ '3$. 5*-l:llD Ds:o~--=-- HOllEWORKEllS (,. ....... NURsfi LVN...S ., 11 PM. + U1e our -"""""'A WIG STYLIST ....... No. c , C.M. _.. -._ .._, -• mr;u. 1111 .._ COMPLETE -oul!I~ - 1 --•> -~. Rlllh Xlftt ..i.., • llonellta. ...,..... ,.....u 2 laiet,.,. w-. 11f2.0101J WHITE ,_ Prootnclal -.-, -. ft. 11!11. Aft. 5 pm. lllMDIL -. ..,.,..,., lul~ etc. ....,, -. ·-K,w, ~ ~ Undel> ~ per month. M'"561I canopy dbl bed wl box mah7 hawhold .illrnl. 2U 111--UIT f x 7 ·SIS. 5 Jl 1 .. T' i =· :g ~ ~· p •Im c ~ t ~ + Group Healtll lhlUl'aJICe-WANT AD! I apriJW A mattrtu. Jtl..37'1I. Knox k C.M. -.-. G.E. ~).dDGr tt eL ft. ;:: COMPLETE 3CU!IA. IET md $51. ~ , ~~. G....,· • ,._ 9"l. ' ?!~~~ BlwkNfd a. $25,000 zna;x. medk:al;Ufa --Tban tin am. pertane ..._..... · U.S. Diver Sl5 n:HDER Bw e sY. • ._....., ...... ..,.__.. .......... anc1. acck1ent. lchMIHnttructlen 7.00~ 7d00 -. . . 991-nn •~lOll• c1e1-a. Rkam tr ' HOUSEKEEPER, a mature * All an a.Deial9 of. and -....... Sale ' 1121 YELLOW l"rfl' i 1N ,....... -_ pjtar ' 'MXllAD tor cook, I I te NUl'ltnl I undlt tht afl1t of profel. J'nalr. ~ ~ ft. 111. Wll Mliien..i• ... * 1f1.W * ~ 1 ...,._,. tor eldnly lllOISTElllD NUllS --bd 1tn. GAR.AGE late; -12' -··-3SPEEOlllqdoo-wmw on BU. Ille, room l.C . .C.C.~ anda1 t1c.o•• H. w. . Jo·a· ... "READY fbrlll tiwblrd .xlilt CICID4, W.GD't ltd G6C)dl suo. CABIN Mammell'l l.Allltl in and Gbia -~ a bolrd.125-k. "'"""3 "'""--l""'llft,"'":....,~ ed. ·---Oolll. slrl'• -...,; -IOt, l5 -II -i>PI Hl&b ....... Fam. T nilel. repairs llUO -, HOfiSEJCp:p:pm • l'l ClDOk. ucatioll ...,.;;,.--O:tact RE. l:woletr, ccnmanHy White kins slal hlldllrd, rnner '100. -.urr 195. Rt.-w ....-S.U-317t 137...mt El '!We ' 2 adltJ, baytront borne, ul l>&ndar al Nunilll. Mill lHdlr' am ...... _..... I.._ 11 Wa&I matcbs bedlkh table, crib, WHJJt,LPOOL ••rta ble Evet 511).(1].f. MUNTZ Ada ... ,. i . op,exp,n1'1nq'd.m-lll7 ""'°""""lo.OoutOom. you "'8 team-~""' .. plq ,.., color 'N • -~· ldnt -.,~ x I JlllGUJ:O\T!ON pool ltnckearimit-.&e, HOUSEKEEPER. "" .u slrl mn eoa.-t ---· . II" ,. ..,..i.w a -. ·-1 --. l!t. -. • ....... """"""' o.-. llllot tamSy Sep. ,..t hit PH· munil1 lbp, + Pl ' h• .. tnlaq: ..... ,_ , .• ll AM to I Pil. Wtid thrv -,I t; '·! taWt e tsti• ""-all ac. sm. can .._ '\ attl:,:, p.m. ~. . =ni._ 1T (11f) puaWJto..._ • ' 19t..alllllw.t.a,-.rPea. ....... 1111' ~M:.,,:~·: $350. INVALD> w .... wtll Q HW"RS EmplJT PQI llt * Pr9 ~ .-itftld. ~. un . Chroml and '•0 w. !al Alloa---~--CAMPING ..... picnic . "llTA'n , HIJ:>EA_,,w.::.,'116, N.,..Ull.ll.Qill-11.A. MT-1111 • Clllf.· ll:ij II .MC "I _.... -6 .-.,· waler T~ J -· l,dr, .lllU tlnc 15 WAHl'l:D 'llNtt, .. -_ G<t'll<o.._,. ~,· 111111. ·~ (l1bl•I ., • ..:,Uf.. · ~ ,l&'SIMITl4'.0' , n:s.,.....:. ~T h • APl'LTln·-· llr.""""1l7lf)i30-IZll ____ ....,. ·· r&ual;_,,_ W. •• .. ... ~11111'1). HUNTINO'ION. awH a.' DQI .. • ... • ... r • i... ,, ...... ~ ... SITJI. GM drref, 'pd Pure. la ••l : .:~··~.~~·.~:: CONVAL•scatn' w. · ~bolt.mllc.dlrret'On e ~e:= s ..... 16 MS-Cn AJ.MOft Nw. awi .. GDOK WOllLJI ltDSPITAL * OPININ& * -polo ••11•11 • ...__,,,...,..._VWPAllTl.E•n1tbl•1 ..,. .. :i.=,°"\...i r.o.. a. 111'1--ll•ls ..,~ l'Oll llUL ISTATI =·= -· •.UO-elutAC\ll ~w"":"' '"-~ ~'!u ........_ --QI\!. NUiSii ·-..1:• am SALllPllllON aASSD llOW FOIMllll -· -· ..,., --•v•• ·-rw 1111111, I -Miii JIN. p-- " 720 OAIWllE late: Jone II, 2T, e 0wr --tt loo ""1. tiiiiiJWJ a,dlaHe IX· Spa ~ ... l~INHALA::;::~Tl"'O""N-=TllfiWiiri=== J..ll:• .... x... -• CALL POil:;:..;. Wl t56-l :._ ~ -~ IOl'S AUCTION --MM. Ullo-· ... _ ... ~ A~,::-~.•:,: "';'.;-. ___ · ... 0oatm.11r • ...ii. KIY PUNCH ACADIMY ,._ + .....,-= "'w·0 6:t =:-:.::,.,Iha 2C:O..;:o-"'• Oout Oom-1'1 lfolp, Patmuut C..Holl-u --' ~·.:...Girt =-U, ar l!ID. with llatllry • - !lm ,90.:. Ii'?• ·~· llolp.G :tn ~ SI. •CJ :::: ,.. .. au:::!J Of -llporb ,._;, °"""' • ·o,.n ... If ctld. E. OlllfJ -, Mite. W..... • ._.o;~ 0. · I.=-Mlt.111.WllVI. JUNX•G&NP""' Yoa ... ~ iAiY-.-.w.-------1 nu: tMI ICIEVIEll l!ETI .. -: LVii 'NI """· TS QUJCiili 10ll CALL. I.A.""· AT -..... I~ -"'" IL 11111 Au<lllonr . ..... °"' ITS. .. a IAIT TANIC a ~ MftYMOrWANTAD. ..... c •••• , ..... , -QUICDll10tlm.L °"""".QI, ludOoft•'""' ..... ' ...... -Hotpltol. PR: --.1.--..-.-.·._• '-----_____ _, -· . . " . .. -... _ .J • -.... ---y:-~ .... ~·--_, .... -·--.-.au t :;I I ' ....... . ... -.. . • T • 11&11.Y PILOT • ' t \ l'ORTATION -TllANll'OllTATION TU.lllSPOITATION TltANSl'ORTATION • TRANSl'OllTATION -TllANSl'OllTATION -TRANSl'OllTATION ): FREE TO YOU INll a y...... - -c-. -Miillli ,_ -Tr•Uor, ,, • .., ta5 -~...,.. NGO lmDortod A-NGO lm'"'1"' ...,.. ~ ·--"!'" !t ~ ~ PRICW POI\ QU1CK IWZ ... CAlllif aw. • -'RI 4TH S,ICIALSI I~ T.T., •le<t brb. 11110: AUmN HEALEY MG TOYOTA ~ ~ ANTah Di••"• ol ~ dl-rbird horns •rea. 11 ft. Glwpar, 75 H.P. c. Galley, hnd, '-'Ofnplctt ·. • •a Cbev can)'aLI $250.i---------___ _;:;:;::._ ___ ·--------:l-' • ~ .. 1--............ ~,... ·-,_ -......... IUll -........ N ... --~AL .. , ........ --·USTIN' 'MERI""• ----=---=-.. • .-• :i,-s..;;t w.......,.. ~ w.. can<'ll lndudlnr -.u Id -· $1l<ll. Slip "'" By~ 1111 0>, 2S< -"L~ -~~. -~ _.._..._..._ -NEW ·e USED Girh 9pGrta Amoe Call DACHSHUND, nl >''1• eowr, built-in pa tanltl (Jt 223 a.y.ide Vlllap, N,B. 56' c:ed9r limd wardrobl e 17"'' T•l'I')' e ~~1[.:.: • TMltl Recrutktnal Vehk:ie1 a-eimorpkkap~ctellv Ftn1. JOOC1 wt~ children, pUoa . capteiO'> New Callsa..115Ddlcr4pm. door 6 beautlflill apDOiat· Sftf-cont:ained. $1500 ~=-=..--' ''MG" JOO"' t~ to llB '"*. Wl!lltminsltt 119t-1912 lfM ~. buqt-in po le 31' Chrtl o.tt 13 Twin 1151 menll., MT-1l38 --7D 1~ 1 BEAUTIFUL ldnitm. wtlh ~. i.H tank and larl'I end. t.d, auto pUot. elec, ... \ NEED ..... lot dl!spera.,.."1Y1· ""w!{hout moehlr1 di&rtnt wtiiel Amtrlcu tn11er with ~..-Jlltt tank, boW DUAL Wtr>E PACIFtCA Tr•• Utfflty HSI L_ ~ F•ctor.v Warranty , a-, JNtlltbly rent ·c:oloN. SG-2333 em new u .tO 1 winch. ·MUlt nils. swim.,, tun coven Plan no. a . For tbclll wbo , ' ''FRlfDLAnutn ., ~ ~2 ~/A•~"'i!:~ BLACK...,...!emaleldtiio -., ,,.....111e. Ready '°""" ....._ $1>IO. 613-1260. WUll the belt. U1'IUTT-'l>alln-all .,.1a1 NEW MIDGET $19'' Av•ll•ble tl ·-to ~·.,. -~.. -n ""' old -.i 1or fillllnL --Jeep. OoOd cond. Sl25-• on Uud T.,.i.,; d: or~• eves &16-87f9. .... home' -...en gm_ for water· lklllll. Call nt: Sp~id Ciel IMts . PARAMOUNT SHOW IH-Ullil. 1 NEW MOC $3195 ltXIO Miles or.30 ~ ~ Wanted Bavarian china, mil-• 1 '73-3204: for appolntmegt. - : MODEL -.::.•·Out HWJ.,:;._~'llf , .. UAal fttWY, ,,. 15 UHCI Toyof•t to t~ cell pieces Electra pattmt' BLK klttt,. about 1 wks $10!.CIO plu hydra\IJle •et. 11• 8EAFKll'E trlhull JtxM. Reduced t0 Sell. Trvck1 95DG Avtborlmd MG nwer NIW.USU.SUY. Choo .. From tr. SwnmerV!ntt..Pbaft5PM: old to rood . borne motortllt.All19'lO~rwe• nmabt.Evt.arudt55bpot· ALLYEARS-1 ·! MM12S M2.&u •m and 1oU_o1 ex1ra1. ""'· UJor .... <TUl RIVER HOME • · TRUCKS· .,. ROADSTER '""" 1a1r ~ Ai.L MODELS 'it . WANTED-2 -.......... 2 DARIJNG Penton Jcitteo. SCRAM-LETS ~ ' '°""' wllJv, Rm. -0. All TYJlff M1d1l1 OC!ftd. Pvt .... $400. llO Elmore , -~ used coochH, coffee tables, l' em • b 1 Ir. A: w b t. SPECIAL . Culttttm 18' iq. 2 Br, new apt, nrw refril. We lluy er S.H ., . .ffD.158• ..._ SIMc.1. Partl ·l ama11 1ab1 .. 1am, .. -· 6125 ANSWERS boudUlhoat$1l<llcrbfft PICKlJpg...VANSGALORE D•nuN .llmoeclia .. llelJ¥wJ, l'' 540--39&3 or 540-:i6o1 3 TRAINED tabb1 kitte'... c&r. 53M8l. 12x44' GENERAL ' WHEELD!UVERS -.. AD )lodl&s Motors I i TWIN Sbe Caoop; 8'd in 6 wt.. old -l(OOd ........ . -es-1122 -.. >0<43' Sher· CAMPERS ' - } sood cond 5t8-9439. 6125 Mortar -1'mR _ QuHt -IMf Mlilnt....nce toli ton Manor. •1700l!I06. S1995. Many, many 10 4!~ trom -. TOYOTA < eaii 5ifl.4125 BEAUTiroL white " BU<. ""'"" -PASTOR ' -21x51' a.n.ra1 •om l9100. ELMOIE MOTORS -M-•M -' ~;; A 'ltitt kitten, male ... le Just becauee she'• a clHI)'-Comm or pleutlrt bolt~ ., .... l( MOchinory, Etc. 1700 female. 89>-"'67 61:11 ma•>'•dauahlerdo"'"""ean TIC· repair, patnttor. !!oiMClwo--ile-1 TOYOTA Foclory Dlrwct Duler r:: YR old •hite PuaiaJt female )'OU can pat~ PAST. carpentry, meo5 9&ISUf .913.N, H¥bDr Blvd. 151111 BMeb., Westmlnsttr "1-derlnTbt.Ear.bCIUu" MOO W. Cc1Ut 111'J', N.E. NEW CARS USED cARS • MFGR MOV7NG ... " 111 old Cali<O Oil '' . . ---ZIMMERMAN IG-Nll t>I0-1154 194-3322 _, Air compressors. spray cat~ 55-7212 yr l!2S BER'J'JtAM ~ Mar, 'B Merine ..,.,_ toU 5'1.a571 LEASE..A.TRUCK 2145 HARIOR ILVD. Authortled MG Dealer 15300 Beach Blvd,. ' -_, ..... """"'· 2 FLUFFY 1..,.,, ...... old twin iii hp ... : • .,, ....... MARINE Puts " ....... BAY ~lllOR .,. Dodae CSIO -VI, 2 ... 2l 14M410 MORG &N • WHtmlluler . • metal ,cabinets, turn&ce, kltt Jig, 1 Ct8Y le white Electrdnlc e q 11 i p, · incl. ment: Propl. control cabin, IMlalle .Hiirrte S.IM hl Van $1S619 ~mo __ _::::::.:::::::...__ ,. • I>_, lbb, "'"'· Pcl<'r mater, 1 ~ped .... -,,..; Auto lire equip .. many -Ida 1 to 1 marine ALL .NIW ?I MODILS '70 .,.,,;·a:;. v. 2 op.2l DQT DATSUN 1--.;.;,;.:.;.:..:;.:..:;:.;;_ __ 1 ... corona .:a;, = wall plaques, picture • extru,Jo.hn.onena: .. 1988 .tJ'usmillkln. Jade .Cole NOW ON 'DISP~Y hlv . ..:u:19 OPEND•ILY LEAVING STATE 4.spc1.Xtradnn ' Iii frames, statuary, ash trays, TAIU.ESS staY striped,, kit-Model. can. ~ seen at bucket teabi (beat) ftl:hinr ' 21 Wides u .,_ u S5985 · •n ~·v~·VS.~u:~ ANO"" · MUST SELL' ~MS2 Call a.nYbn1r , · t~ etc. 6f2-8289. 549-2861 tens, T wks, old ' 8albol. Bay · Oub. ·Daya chair. Two JaiJe inbmrd 17 Wides to 34° flidff radio •••••••• $89.00 per mo SUNDAYS 1951 MOJ;tGAN, new top, '69 'TOYOTA Crown 1 4~r I WOOD work I~ machinery. 6D-015I 6171 64~2331 or ~10, evft: au tank I, U.trumenta, Parle Spaces Available '70 DodP Pick. VB, auto, 111835 Beach Blvd. brakh, ~. Private Par-Rd XI t eond $16iid ,r 1t many items, l~ new MIXED, darling puppiH, 6% 67J..0783 blowers le mile. Spedal 1425 Bakier St .. Colla Meta •tep bumper • $89.00 per mo Hunthlcton Buch t)'. Call. 642-1724. , an, * ~~· * · · 1 :~ For appt call 548-3).16 weeks. weaned. "6-0356 or TRADE For your i&ftd eq, Price on 1wboie lot.· % block Eut'cd' Harber Blvd. "Olryaler Leue System" 142-7'181 or ~G-002 :~ -642-5853 .fi/26 a,,· Ohlson iall'c yswl. Sips 5ft.-0530. Costa Mesa (n4) S«).N70 John Davis * ,68 Dat.un-eood cond NSU :• FREE TO YOU FOUR ......... Jcittem want 5, hd, plliy, fully Id. ll hp Chryllor -•WI 2) x 55 KIT In exi.ttnc adult I to O dally. 557-l6tl0 Sticl< r/b · :z lovable home. Free. Call 714/985-11111 day a, outboard motor (5 hn. 2 puk, HB. 2 BR. 2 ti.. patio, Leo Lerner ' ' N 5 U '• J>etw at ---6126 n4f:982-4832. prop1. battery, controll a~. See this wlmd. T to t eves, • 213-TR 3-1095 5411-45&1 •. • • [: FIVE little gtrt kittens. One TOY Shepherd. female, 3 yrs 14' Mitchell Flberllw out-·c.ma:1e lever} cables, tank. Dl)ol M2-392t Ewe 982-7204 · · · '89· Datsun 2 dr. like new Introductory Offer 1: blllCk. me lft1'o ttiNe old. Free 1o toocf home. brd, Rmt control, sptedometer Sl'ZS. SG-a?30. GMC 1RUCKS AM .FM, radi4ls, carpets, e FREE AIR e Green,v/blacklnterior,IJ'lll : 1 : onnp tips' Cata. am with 541-62111 6/26 windshieold. trl. $•5o. Ai.a kindA of nwine eqWp. Motor Homes '215 Here now. St7oo ~aft 6· On any model in ·stock FM, dlr, wire whttls, ~ ~ loas·-· --old. ' BU< " Wh ,....,. " m-8922. ""nt. . lmmedlate DeJMry Kusto111 Motors drive. R<al """· <UOVMl :: -· 1->a,.,.... l/30 2 """ Id""" about 2 mo. 2 FIBERGLASS .... .,.., 5'9" co,, MPLETE _3,MN_G ~rt ~u!,o~ Sou,_ ~-r-.~,, ENGLISH FORD 845 Bak.,, C.M. 5'0-5915 wpnw ~~~-~ ~~ '• BEAUTl111Llmo.dd...U okt. ~ 6/27 and ll'. Both in sood cond. ~ar. ........ ........ ..... ... 05 .... ........., •• ~ va..,. ~v ....... _.. '· _ _ Good ~ -.,._..,, 551 W, Bay, Spoce 12, Of ooly A•lbcnbed GMC llealer OPjL or -· -:,• 1em1e llft bmri!r. BC ... nnnnx s . ..r. ---'h •1-wnu . ..,.... ALL·NEW ENGLISH ...,....,.,,,,_ • 1; = .!i, ~-,.._-;: =~ ~ ... Y~ S.llboots 1111 INt Chortor 9039 Mlnl BlkH '275 ~=\!!,_ roru:~J'i...~ '69 OPEL KALLEY :~ .. "."'~ .~ ;:, 6111 a. ....... ~E kitte"' 3lem. I'. OR CHARTER TACO 1111, I mo's old, ~t "'-ta M.,. .,..,,.,.._ REDUCED '"'-· , __ ... dean, $1500 or best 5· .,,. "'~ ' S225 Sdl $165. 2tOO Via .....,.. ...,.,.....,... TO CLEAR .....upe •.IAJIWed. Xlnt. condi, mUst sell. 617% Poppy~. '• FREE ID .,od bolne, I part To xmt. bomn, BU-3197. RHODES 33 .,HANAHULI" a ft cabin cndstt. s&eepl 8 . ~ tion. Gold tiniah w/bladc I o,==""'"~"""-'-'-'-i!-"1--j~ Cocker pap1. 1 wks. H.B. 6/21 Beautifully equipped and For pvt, miiRI throulboUt Marin&, NB. 646--7535 * lntem•tioNI * I LARGE SELECTION· leather Interior. (XTJ3>8). 67 TR 4A, J.R.S. ne1•~. :: &t6--Ta29 6/25 DARLING ~ me to rnatnt:alned. Ideal tor ndftl Southml Callt'. 'Dally I • POWE1J. • TRUCKS ' TO CHOOSE FROM Small down can finance: pri. top, _trans l: l'f!ar e~ 1~ BEAUTIFUL altered male .... -.U varieti••. or day salllnc. Weekly rates. For rn. call S HP $100 . Theodore_. • vate party. Call dlr alt 10 f,.! ~~ wknds, make,,~,,, I·; Jcitty 1 yr old • ,,,.,,._ 514-9421 •m """ . TERMS 1142-5177, ..... _ • Bir di-nb on all modell ROBINS FORD om 494-1029, '" 6:30 p.m. ~ ~~ compcuUoa bu all ahota. Stt at _19 SQ llland. PickuPI, Scouts, TraveJalla 540-3100 CLEAN '68 Triump . !~ 673-8504 8/25 ~ = • 'l wlm, :~ 873-1232 ~ Troe:lp. ~~=-Mll•cr-;... t30I K Sav. SMoAt _ Costa~~ Bl~ ,70 OPE~GT XLNT nd A1any xtru $2400 ~ • t !: (MALE kitten friendly. 2 mo · · t1!!Tif:r . femal 22' EN~lGN Sloop , $(50wk..&t&-BOOO. - -... -.. _ ntom ~ $lOO &: take ~ ... er pmuc:' · oHer. 673-1281. • :• 1: old nice ~ a blk TOY m 1 x, e, fiberrlan, main, jib, A a ... - --ff· M5 Baker, C.M. 540-5915 ' 540-6609 ~ i< ., 'whL 6 lralned, lloueebrclt.,,. 8!17-5480 1126 pnoa. Outboud mofor. Sail lloot Stor... -, THINI FERRARI VOLKSWAGltl I· 8»-<175' &125 BALL ol fur, no tall, ..,., & roc:kpi! """'"· $2750. HD,.,.._ 'Ill. New '70 Dainn ' ·PORsCHE , -:> I: YOUR c:bok:e }fttt)' hall aood home. 83&-H93 6/2& AIM!: 10, '61 Gtaupu GAR.AGE wanted Dana pt fir 'A~~ 1600 OHC, Pickup wtth camp. flRltARI ~ :· Siamne kitten or ~ FREE ftufty ldttem bl Kood dinshY, $100. 173-1.187 . Capo Bch to store lt" Ski -. :~ =) ~ ~,f!· Newpart ln1X/l'U -UcL Qr. '62 P;ORSCHE '66 ·vw Blt!V !•:' lone haired cat will Jive home 833-&1. 6125 MU~ sell 30' Mark C ~ boat, wri~ -~ Elcarpa •'Dia.I l .. l:D"I t<"!'o Coantr' • utllaro AM-FM.· Otron:le rim!I, new Radio Heater. CTBxii) . tn or out. ~267f 6125 2 GUINEA ""-complete iocl • mcJOl'irw, nylon m&lD Dr: L.A. 90041 or call 213-nuuruuwut · vate party. c;.an stM052 ar =-dealer. 1 • · paint, reblt efll[lne. super · ' $l l '9 ~ 1• ....... . sail, 28 hp Johnson aux. 255-Mn coUect aft. I pm 494-9713 ae ....... _ "-' "--1 ~ !·,· MOVING. W h It ~ Sox. w/ca~. 531.Q940 8125 Othff xtru Gd cond A • • SALES-SERVICE-PARTS an ..... ac: 01.1c:r. »C'1 a ~~· adln.l:M male kitten needs • · wkda)'I. '61 Chevy~ ton pickup, 8PUt 3100 W. Cout HWJ. · .2:89 Harbor Blvd. CM. 'H' bo Vil' <' d h I ed DIVAN-Good candition Steal at SDJO. Pvt pQr. rims, frtt ..x:le, 6 cyl. Stick H-.___.. House. in rear of A A" B ar:, ur , • •1'.· !~~'!-J' ome mm ,.,:n· 494-1332 after 5:30. 6125 194-6866 &.11~L11e --·-~· ~ _ w ~ ........ ~~~:: __ ~-·~!~~~~~~~~~ HS5~"~"~......,:;:~"[·v.:-.:;;;:eii;; w-~ 5'0-lT&t .Porsche~.... . ~ I:. HURltY i:lr thls beautiful, SEALPOINT Slamell!' cat· VEN11JRE 21. fUll equ.lpped, -LIKE new, •a Hodaka Ace '57 CHEV P .U. V8. Excelll!trt AuthoriJl!d Ferrari Dealer PORSCHE '68'1.r 912 "18711 BEACH BL.. . kq.ba!ftd, fluffy% Angora male, 1 yr old. 5f9.39BS. 6125 m:ct •11 4."llWn, Nn;port PRE 4TH SPECIALS I 100 and Kawaald 90. Both condition w/ ca bover 'tang w/blk, 19,cfu mi'a. ~: HUNTINGTON 8 :: 6 wk kMten only 1 left 2 BR short haired poppln shp &ftil, S2'l50 °" trede wt up tor dirt. Must see camper. 54fr1725 aft• · RAT tru. Abaolutely the best WANTED ~: It ,._ .. .-mixed breed. 54&--m2 6/21 !: ,...';!1-inbo&rd C2'Ui9eT. PARAMOUNT a.ASSJC lookirw P rsche . L.A• ,...-1 1 • .--.ru... __,_ to apprec. U senou., call '56 FORD P.U. New .trans, o in • ru pay top doll&"' :or>.)9ttr :: 3 EIGHT wk old Jtl~rw 1 FRISKY, F1ufty kittens. LOA-17' C'BD. Sloop. Fbcll 2bc5T needs aaod home. ~25:1. battery. $32.1. Best offtr. ~ 821-5764 aft 6pm. VOLKSWAGEN tod¥ .. ~ :~ tabby, 1 gray, 1 calico, cat 548-4615 6/25 • rir, dacs, alum. rnut, 24, WIDE UNIVERSAL '69.Smukl. .120 Gd cond. New can ~7535. I '"53" Porsche coupe with a and ask for Ron . ;: like monkeys .. trained A CUTE pla.yful kitten, 8 wks cushions, mtr, tlr, ztraa. •S.l5297 f'or thoM who expansion chamber '64 Ford, Xlnt cond, I' • TH Ml good "57'", 1600 en&ine, new 549-3031 Ext. 66-67. _. (.:.._.._ desp@rate ~9439. 6125 , old. 968-1315. 6121 Xlnt. $1600. 54l--OM9 want the mast for their dot-$175/take ow:r pym t•, camper, stove, relri&, sink. "flAr ~742. Alichelin tires. '68 VW sedan, ~ ce-'J • % ~ -· FREE cute mixed male ter-SMAU. breed puppy, cute-12" SAILBOAT no ail lan.-$9350 968-53f7. 545-3337 aft Sprn.. · m race cam, paint job:::JIH;t ~ rWr pUppin,, 6 wk•. a: tuszy. 541-2934. 6/f1 w/~ar I. trlr: Must sell '66 Norton 750cc Chopper GMC. 'GS% ton pickup, R& ''FRIEDi.A. NDER'' '68 Porsche 911 T, red oHer or trade for an/;;J'ln. S MMSll 6125 PETS •nd LIVESTOCK bdft SUn. Belt otter. 24' WIDE UNIVERSAL l bad rod H, 3 spd V-6, Vay clean. Al\t/FM, 10:,,ded with ex-Call 673-93.J:t :-.: ' ~-oil 1575 Ill""' ...,.., ~u.. tras: Best ouer over "::nnn, ~ .. TS I. Kittena. Various 548-8698 •15:1>2, Patio, kitchen A oe.l erovtr " · ~-...,,.._,.,.,. 117HIU.CH CHwy, ltJ ,,...,..... '70 V\V Bug. 9600 ml,.;.tl,ito. ( ; ages &: colon. Free 1o P1t1, Gener•I .. RACING Naples S.bot No. den. $10,993. * M8-9161, 675-2787 * e '59 FORD -l~whl DUMP tftW·USID-IOY. 673-390J. shift, A?.1/FM rad14...'.::W/ ~" • qualified homtl. For info. 4781 Xhlt. ltraUel' Stan '68 HODA.KA dirt hike, **-~1700 *·* Porsche 1960 Super 90 rear speaker. 4!K-007,..:"t- '.. Call 51\1-1816 1125 Ll!ARDS, ......... A am-M~-w 7'111 ' 24• WTDE eT069 !ibeqjau tank '° -~ ex-'31-11'1or194-9466 l'UVU'l.n Runs.,~~~ $lJOO '65 VW aulil !~:-"' FEM. 4 mo old ~· imt =~· ~ ~tt~ 9'~ IEN Den, 2 BR. 1% bath. Ex-panalon chamber. Best of-'65 CHEVY ~~ ton, camper '-67 RAT as·o G t trans-.. ·uo -...:..;,_ I•: ~ I: pert_ Germ .July 3rd. WhJte'• Pet Sl1!'P. .Ex .r,c.wditicm!' c:eptlonal valae at $9995. fer. 567-7315. " lftdy, v.r, auto, atr-conci, '63 PORSOIE-A.l\t/F~I. ski • ~a i"''"' · n ~-~~ Step. Blk I: Wht. ~ 440 E. 17th C.M. ' $250 ' * 5f5.09o6 HONDA dirt ,,. street. Pric-P/brakes 8' bed 842.-7936 Coupe 4 apeed radlo heat-rack, chrm nms, reblt. Priced to sell. CVHlltto, ;r aft 8 PM. 6121 CMpmM Mobl .. Homn ed rich\! Call Joe: ~ '67 FORD• Super 'van. Good er. iharp! ~ to aPpreci-Must gell . $2200. 543-9566 $799 »;:1 '•: 3 ·KITI'ENS. 2 blk a: wht, BABY PanllMtl A Finch. Fiberg].au A Gelooat 12331 Beach Blvd. days, 557-1218 eves. . cond. ·For sale or trade. ate. (VDL1J4l 1 1961 PORSCHE. Supe~ 90. H mi, y: ::~ 1 female tiger striped ~ =e•s ~lal Shop2>% 411 °~: Free~~·* :U.1732 Garden Gl'0\'1! ll68 YAMAHA ~ $425. Aft 6 M&-2698 $795 Xlnt cond. $7151l. 64>0063 If UOUf • ,•o wht.. box trained, Jft 2.00. l7th St.CM ~ 5J0.2ftt 545-1712, 2579 Oxford Lane, ' H b v w or 6G-o619 ~ j~ 962-?rol 6127 . . s5t.~'-'1~\s ra~u:. TH£ WlllllWS C.~. lecrufn Vehicl• 9$15 ar our • 1 '6:i PORSCHE. Immaculate l9'1=cg.:.~L8EJi.iu ,:.. 2 Snow 'lllhltr Anlom·~ralan "'---ir lllUIUU e HONDA 350 SL e ... -~ BEACH BL ••• ••35 Shape. Make Oller. 642-SGU ~ ',!C kl-male. S\l·ver ...,.. -.w * 64&-8559 * TRAVEL Bus. 1elf-ce~ .ell+.! "O'l.i-1., 01· 836-4091 'fifi VW. SUNROOF.:· '. •""'•-. 450 mi's flSO tah~. Ve"' .... cond. JnJNTINGTON BEACH NEW ENGINE~· , G. ~mother'. ktttens. GERM. Shep. JlUPI, 1 'Nb, KITE No. 229, IOOd cond., (Irvine) 495-431» aft lpm •.1 '61 COUPE, \'Cf')' good cond. . •t 2ax) Ocean Blvd., CdM 6/27 gd with famUy I: triends, Dolly A CO\'er. $650 flnn. FOR S&Je: ,69 Yamalw. New motor. $1,495, H).1385 ~ar.:w~ New cltch &: exh:st. Priv 646--7670 or : l~ u=~ ~"s~aw!8;s~~ :i~tb~en~ ':t F~:~~s;:,trird. Gd ~::"'~ncrw~ lllCC ~ ::i:75" ·~f=~·ttbullte~ ... ~ ~ .. l!.~~ '69 VW BgG "§' healthy, box trained, v.'t!an-anytime. ~~or bM: ofter. PH: finest A: most complete: park • ,70 Honda CB.J50 • au,.tomand .uc, .._top_. open11• .! -·o •port 1. td SUBARU Rad1~27 .. )ter.~, I ed. M&aKM 6/27 ALASKAN Malamute, .,,_ at 14851 Jett-Road (Sur. • tee.....,.. •• ove """'• .. .k:· _,.I ~ mr•. S650 96J-1111S * '70 SUBARU $1799 ~, t~' 16 You ... Acacl .. trees, 14'' Gei;mart Shep., male, 4 Hobie Cat-14', $850 rounded by 0rance Grovel) * 8CU129 * . 9823 Garik G Bl"' i:J;. 1 , mo Ii Sa.cha needs out "lovi t U r .. _.. -intonnation '69 DODGE Van. Cu-om !"°-n rove ' VJ ; ' ~n co11taine;,';7 ,-., ..:::""."~.':;$&!&:be ~· * ~:. c".nu .. m7 W.4511 ~ MINI TRAIL ttt. Elee. mrig., ~ ~ 537-rm 893-7568 Imm~~1::u·wry .Harbour ~ .. •· 'l° -, __ ~-LlDO ll, No. l.,.... 531-1105. Xlnt. cond. 67S-866t Tape deck. Bob 673-m8. '68 flAT ill Spart Coupe-e 90 MPH C.pability if:tl. :c 2 Vtty biendly older . """ New Michellns, chrome " i.;_ Blk boMet Collif ar other GERMAN Short haired Top condttlon. S S '69 Yamaha 250 Enduro, Likf C ti rims low mileage all • 3:> Miles Per Gallon lSTil BEACH BL., ~ '~· '~-c:u. •-6127 Pointer pupa, AKC cha.::p, $950. Mfr2529 S-ce1t pea .. pHel new, Must. aell, Best ofter. •mpen 20 ' ' e Beautiflll Styling HUNTINGTON BE . '-<><..., .. .....,.....,.,. •• ---.a r-Adul ~~ ~7-80'7 service · recordg, $ 2 5 0 0, ',~ D.C. N. _.._ .. new home. sired. Shots, ""u•u~. Reu. MOVING: S.bot, lib new New 5 atar t ,. .. -... ~ ' , , TI4/SJ2..5131 Test Drive Today At '65 V\V, reblt ellg, j£ new ~ 9611-1390 Centrally located In quiet 1 ...... _,, HONDA c···PERS K to Motors ...... • , Healthy aittred male cat. ' gls, aail A flttl.np. Cost neia:hborbood of Wectminl-;J•v '""' "'"' FIAT 1969 124 SP, 5 spd US m tire11.Be1t offer 642-,,-..i:: 1 1 ; .. Very lovable. 673-~d 6~~ ~~P/e1~~. ~d7e:~ $400 SA 1 ,.,c. '22516~ "6-67C•TS3 ru. ctoae to shopplnr atta ~.:::~~~nr, * 6 PACK * ~::J."?Ont con<!. $2700. 84.5 Baktt, C.M. 540-5915 '65 Volkswagen f.i: ~. ADORABallLE _3~k ~ •• ,,...!: $50 to good home. Quality Sa ·11 ~ ... ~.. I: treewa)t, A btauti~mlnew '60 HONDA M.tNI TRAIL Eves. 546-9235,:: .. ,; " -· •~ ~ "'° ""edl.,.. AKO. 816-733S en "· •~• clu-. Lp """"' "I $795 SUNBEAM '66 vw · M (Eattluff)" NB. 6/27 __. JacunlA:allotberfa. Xlnt. cond. $125 f i rm. JAGUAR ~"!'· • POODLE pu-AKC, b!k 12' w,_,, 1ta11 boat + ~ K ......., 1 . XI rxcel """'· B<•t ou..:-.: :: DESPERAT!:LY need gd miniaturn m';ie and female tralltt, 10 HP E\rtnrude cU\ttes 530-2930, Sll._n. · " e '63 A PJ.ne" -• nt cond. 642--0027 ~" :... home for 3 Mbr. 6: weaned 8 w1a! old, has •hot! 496-2670 motor. 536--9658. 53l-81.o5 '65 HONDA Scrambler Good stanc1.!~r!:1 .. cab Ml/FM, new interior. $595. '68 YW aooti.' !, r:: -M0-1403 6127 °5p•c1s ~.:.!ml'• Rb!! e ... $375. JAGUAR """""' :: SIU-.'Y Tcn1er pupp!.,, 19' Cabin sloop w/'"°"", all ~ -.... r .. ture,2burner•-. HEA..,..UARTERS =="'-===== I ' :~ "!.~=~tt~6Y=: =~~~~terms u ~t)'sr.:,·~~s11p A::;~~c!'iar!:~ '69~~:!5~K~':J ~-~d~~ne1~M=-i:Theon1y:LndJAGUAR TOYOTA ~:~dm~:~:~-~~K> ~.!ow· -511>-25>.I 1121 WM"TED? . FUN CAT ~ Kntom Moton dealer tn the <n11ra ..._ 51488 -ii: S Fr<e Id-7 ....... old, DOG GROOMING KIT 16' Maln • a.-. M"'I ..U MOBILE HOMES '" HONDA 161 511).5915 ""'L ; : rt = Motbfr J? F•~i; • 540-382S . $490 m-n62 A=·.::~: Nice. $275. ~ :5 =r~a~ camper, ~(~~ Harbour v . ~;i 7 MO'S e.;g. ""' Cocl<.r, STAN MILLER SABOT JOMICRA. INC. Auto Service lad. d;.contlnued model. ANNIVERSARY ' ' ,., Kl'TTENS • wry pretty, all shots. Loves childrei:i. Xlnt cond 673-tm 673-611196. .-...... n--h n•~ & p -Comple.•·. -. -Wnt SERVICE 18711 BEAOI BL ·c-: pa.,yrul A: friendly, Ideal for · ' 1-_...... _......_ •rf• .v---~ PARTS SALE ., ;!< ) ~. MJ..71J6 6125 $10 ar best otter. 64fr3549 ** CAL 20 ** Hunt\fllion Beach SSl5lJ 18th St, Costa Mesa. ·,}IUNTINGTON BE ·t· FREE t good home ./ AKC lRISH Sttter pup-l'itany Extras S.J .C .• 2-l'xU' new 2 br, 2 WHEELS •70 DATSUN w/cab--owr BAUER 1970 TOYOTA WAGON '61 VW -Immaculate. , ;\., .. 0 • pies Choose Youn Now! ** 644-1156 • * ba. w/w cpt&, 2 awnp, CIOHOUt of mag whee11. camper, telf-cont. Sell both IUICK •7592 Demo $1117 coco mats. New PCSllt 6 :-~ ~ Collie/Sbe~~~0female.51l250 61>8n8 Balboa LUGER lS' SloopFlbet1l•s1, ,.~, oUd, itor., conv., en.pr, A.P., Kf:Ystone,. Du-or camper separate . JN Toyot• Mark II $21•t interior. l6:">0. 548--64 ~ r mo. old. ~ d I ·'· ~= hrom U 1 ~, n $ . Li ZPBS16 :, • • COCKER. red le Mt a Great Dane Puppy e ae sa Is, trlr, motor, ;ow•t !hpg. cntr: 5 * adult park, rac e. P 0 "" 0 0 962-2656 COSTA ME A c. '60 VW Bus w/ ,enc l~ L-'-l'l'ef: 'to~ ,bo • Harlequin, AKC cond. $950. 830-lSn 49&-3968 .regU]ar prior. Jlurry-llmlt. '69 Ford Super Van 234 E. 17th Street DEAN LEWIS • & tran!I, Citll R{ln. 'Jl50 • u1~n. 5"' me. * 830-1362 aft 6:30 pm"* KITE No. 362, rlolly, mut · ed atock,'WW oot reorder. C pld ""-day1, 836-5934 eves .... ;. ·~ Has ahota. 8364493 6/25 BAYSIDE Village, 300 W. BROADWAY nRE CENTER om e camper. _....... 511-77i5 1966 Harbor,· C.H. 646-9M3 ._. j · . _ COCK-A·POO pqpp)', f,-w1cs, covt!r. tte. Top cond Cout Hwy NB .. 302 2 ~Ill '67 VW Bug ::;: , ~ rwirr. fur'°'' & 1 blu• browo. male $15, . sa:;o •• '42-:J019 ' ' ' ' . S5 Fuhlon !•land, '67 J 420 '70 TOYOTA'S ,., € sreY Malte:se • free to xood •61;>-$163* LJDO 14' No. 195 XJnt cord. BR. 2 Ba. $l0,950, trms. Newport Bff.ch Dune lut1le1 t525 aguar In •tock. Immediate df:ll~ry. Xlnl:67~j9 $ll ~, ! , honw.136-4493 6/25 BASSET PUPPY Dolly, cowr, raclrc •ii•. :~= 675-1642 ; WholeMleto.._.lc, 4DrSedan .• Automatk:,fact. iliiA !I=' c::;·'!:"';.~"Yi.=' Female. AKC. 544-3011 A>kin1 S8lfl. "3-73%!, .... 10 x ... Funtiohed. co:"s~' 111MeyenMoxllune""81Y. :~-::.. =... ... ~: ~ •• ,,.is '66 YW DW:i ' .~ ; $41413 6125 SILKY TERRIER PUPS ---Alum awning, $2895. 331 '?I· Met.> MM Ml nM = ':' :~ ;: ~ low mileage. Mlllt len. f.t8'~ ~~. Sky BIUt!l 3-IBlk l1: • AKC, Jant quality Power CrulHra f02I Bay, Sp. l2, CM · Small down will finance prl. ••"ll Vinyl Int. ll·Pfi096) iE &.Female, 2 while, !•male $170. -I BR, !7500, Choice ,,... VW 1 ..... , °""' c:..i. ""'""· Call 00-ml. vate party. (WAUlJll). Cai! L°'""" looch $899 ~· /~ • 1 caUco. Call ~ i~ AKC &.1Hf PuppN1 10' GU.SPAR w/•. deck-on toll coune. % blk. from . e &a-OMS e * .• BOUNTY H'lftter • dtr aft lO am 1'!W. Of.10'J9 .:. -""· ...-w!m<l>le1• ........ "°"""'· ....... ""· Bch.""""" .,, ___ ..... us. so,,.. vw. u..-4. N""• •• t>IQ.3100. "'s.; cot. H'-"••1 Harbour l ~ f'REEt1.'00d.ModftGlusCo. aqua meter-Gd 10 HP 2 BR. $7500. Choice space mttal.lop,$1CI0.61W915aft. wwtc/malllt oa.r. B ill, '65 3.8 S, tux ied, 4M-7JOS * ~100 • le 1IM !aperlor, C.M. Lln1tock -Evlnn>de, ad """' $295. .., pl""""'· II bile. -. &. 227-Sl.~.B. 113-1151 1'<T /air /!ethr / cl>r, w/w BilJ.. MAXEY 1!171! BEACH BL, siMus 1, -.ml am OR J.'7506 beach. Ht&. Bch. s.16--69'211 e VW .,.,... traN utn. 6 '19 DUNE Bua7, nd. delxe Mich tlm, lo ml.. tr.de. lllJNTJNGTON BEatlt i,§ T WK. <Id bl1I: • ........ part • · SACRIFICE 20' Cbn Crsr. 28' Mayflowtt. 1 BR, 1nowt.r tJod1 pub. chrome, 6.IXIO mi. RetJ $24511. 6+l-42S5 wr '"' Cocker 4 Terr I e r. WANTED immed.-Stall or •· bath. Fum. Setup in Adult 642-0WJ clean! * 536-2127 * , ·~-i vw.,, Bs"1~.1u,.~fif,!!!,; ' wwc; 8127 corral lot pony. In c.~. Wood, hf'ad, 121 40 hp -MEIC•DES llNZ '-''l!I' ...,., _.. ·-1 I or CdM att•. 615-2359 Jotulton tlttt. Gd c«xl. Parlf. SA. $14j0, 64Z-209S. O.H.V. 4 C)'Clf: jeep enr, evw .Chusi• Sho~-~:unce ,. 1-1E•CH.ILVD. betv;ttn ~1 P1\f. ·::;. I~'· COCIC-A-POODLE P\1111. 4:-5 :.&Lll'ORNI• LIVING SllXIO!brlt ofter. ~ 10 1( fS KIT w/ICl'ffntd radiator complete. Free p&ek up I uuoYa'J -• "" ~ ·.a~ V\ mo. all lhoCI. :.tl-11.17 ~ "" room $2995 Cash. Adult •548-m4• e&Q.04.43e ftwit ...... 147-1551 w V R118, Good~~ ..,..,,.,. 1125 25' Chris Craft Ovemlpter, -.....c. -. 646-2M6 -~ CHEVY lllllK.tlo.lllhT.•Bdt New Drak~1._$l~, , P•t'-1915 ghlp-to.4hlp, $2000 or offer. t-1"• no.,...... · _, . •naint Call I 1.., •• ...._ &t6-4IA f!Vt:I!. · 1 1: I AIXMABLE1 -_,\} "'?• .. ~ 633 N. Puqua.I Av. San :.i Day cad 24' x 25' 2. BR. Mf.Ult 6/15 ~=~ 'ff TOyltl Coroll• e J!J67 vw. Sunroof F ite • Id""", -~·~ p TIO ff Gobriel 9ITI~ 2 BA, '°' lot. Adlto. xuu. -7 . -.-AUSTIN $1299 !!ic"i Xlnl "'""· 1u~" i!; i 'FEMALE rabblta and ~mnlNJ~~1':,V: J$u~ iT'S WONDERFUL 1 he Owner 96Mt511. Tr•ller, Tr•vel MU ..-"' 6-J&.08&4 :-:. ~ llutdt, 1yrdd,!4&-tl'.l1/27 It, • -1Jo-""'""!' • m•~ ..,.. In appll··-U 2 ' X 2 4 IPff(I, white. fXRX080J r. • -· .• w .. ~ _,, -·--SKY NE : '°" BR. .,. Joo • Rbil cnr: ,..., Kntom Motors ·st vw. GOOd oomt::"' :• 2 8tftptd ten.le kltte111. 8 18'x12'. $450 1 )T old. you find in lhl OU1ltled tltn. I BA I: xtraa. ln '62-20' P•thflnder cluteh, ttm, chl'OnM JHllnt. Xl nt 111"1"!. ~ u ...... ta-mu 1171 IU-5268. Ads. Check them now! Rlncho ft) Rey. l4WIMCI 3M w. S.y, Sp. 12, CM ,.int. •. m.-wo. 845 hktt, C.M. 540-6915 $<193 ... 67l-JOJI c:.. ~r r • ----~_ .. ______ _ t: ,f TRIUMPH '67 TR-6 ROADSTU . ' ,J I ' ' .. ' . . ' • . ' . i ; jt' i ;t· • ' , ' . : " . i' l -! . -• ! .. l " ' ., ' .. n ' . I I - i ' '" • . i • I I. j ·~. . I . ' " -' . . . ·. ·' . " ' : . ----~-------------=~-, ··~·~ 1 ·'· !:;;,.-. ,, . '-· •ii·~~l"'~-t!!!~=TI~~~~!!~!k'.J : -TRAHSPOltT-'.TION TRANll'QRTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION "TRANllPORTATION ~.!!IRTATION TRANIPORTA'l'ION I :.: T l· !"!,........A-NGO ~~A-NGO """"""!'. -.""11 ~-~ 9JW Ulld Cor.' . · MO Ulld Coro . - 1 u;;lld;;;;;C;;o;ro;;;;-;;;· ;;-=:;;U;;;lld;;;C;;;•;;ro;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;U;lld;;;C;;o;;;r;;•;;;;;;;;;;;f~ . .youcswA&EN '67 vw BUG vot.vo w1 PAY TOP . CHEVROLET MUSTAN• : ,:.. LARGE -. ~-"·~Ir --·sa VOLVO • .,.._-· CASH .69 e. cam ... 11....., °"' .. · VB, • SELECTION ""'· UU.rior, etc. N-, b1u A w1" lop, RIK, auto $1299 · 1mall .-! wmc, 12!10. OolJ ~~-D ....... , '6,llOO mi's $10llO, of vw alter 5 ...-tar --" ~~ -~-Ir, Brilil!o --'. . --: -.~ .. -c.-A.MPERS ·Har6our V.W: .. vOL:O"';._ .... t .... C:RO"'mtar~ ~)·~:..':...\"':: ·eswSTANGva It b V W lQat coail • ~ OQUippod. g · • WIU llnonce -te -· P~/Jl.R/11 ar our • • 187U BEACH BL .• ---.... • Call -.. '94-9TIS. -" 6'6-1'10 . BEST SEATS .. IN THE HOUSE -I . HUNTINGTON BEACH P-1800 Cp, '63, xln't oond. , Mk u: = ':w. ... l 'M aa;vy v.a. auto triull, '65 fte4 whrhllll ~ • ' AU'nlORIZED ~-~t SI• ~ ~~ ,. ~ Hun-_...._ ndio, beater. Four new...., uphol r !:° ... ~ .. $12IO. •Call SALES .. SERVICE VOLVO •m~ . ·~--,--9-3331 tbM, -Clrb and -• ~ ~ • !87ll BEACH BL.,. llC"'35 . M1..., Kl ....-U.VexcellenttoA-'A CONVERTllLI! llUNTINGTON BEACll ~. Antlquo_•,t ~IU.lcs HIS , WE PAY . CASH I-· 962:-6211 . *· ,.._18'1 *· '64 VW Double~cab pickup, ~ '69'finii.'ii~;:;.J:i .. ;"ij:i)-jiliml.;;c-;;;;;~I"===;;:::=::::== rblt !SIJO "'°""· P<nche ~ '11111111 . LEAVIJilG STATI! ' . FOR .,.. CAR ;o::d;;;u, ·;;...,._ ;;f: QLDSMOlll.I clutch, -tire•, paint 'YN'VQl. MUST SELL P/B, Air. 8"l our. . •hock&. loo boo<. water air ~ l90T MORGAN + 4 In .,...,. '13-1023: Koop-Colllnr 'ti! '69 OLD9 Cutluo ......... cooler. W,. cover. Ex"i! ,' , ·' , •goOd condldoo, SIDI. New CONNEU 11 PM. . . · 2 dr H.T • ...,.,, Air. "111 pair, wide. -" -. •1:111£11'11111n1• top .. -· -call CHEVR. oLET· '10 CHEVE!li SS ·3911_ ........ --· Tlmd $1500 Or trade on '68 Dodp ~ , 642-l724; , _ Undtt W·--. Air -&iam. lnumculate! 8CllO mL I , vi.n. 536-2"9 ~ ' 21128 llarQ Blvd. -a_..,,., • BeklW Blue BOok at $2850. : ''jJ. VW, Xlnt cond. Inside -" 2;$2,~' R-Ciro, R""' ,HIO o.ta -$11.12111 ~ TaD ._. ,_ "·. lli'I.-.r. T,O.P. 60--0t115 .:, ... wt,$100.Abo0une~-WE PAY '69lllALIBUVB.red•int.~ . ~~~nli'uch .,:W':.~Y.' MUST SILLll . TOP DOLLAR vteyt too: uio. rib, 16.!lll> S8 Oldi. a..nlmldo.• out, 1169 Roadrunner, 4. speed. 4 For dean, ued can mi. $2,395. ~ Rwll sreat. nu rad.iatOI', , 'A Volkow-Bvo ~ bit"""· 1>a:e11ent «ind> JC!HNSON & SON . ~~ 4o<!r, iiei Air,~ -$,250. o:il!JO.!'O"d~':ie "::'! r i;e:, ·VOLVO' tion. Pri""te Party. 54&1932 • LINCOLfi ll'ERC!IBY • CAii -: . '61Luxury18 Oldo. .. ,!j62--0818 :ANNIVERSARY Autoo Wo-'70D -:.=-~·. '64. IMPALA ~ 213, '9,!IOO 52,000 ·mi. $139 :,S..· VW Bue. Excellent con. ml., w/xtru, Sood cond., 6t6--0B89 -.. -s.u $6SO w SALE TOP OOLW · . ~= 19QO, or bell ollu. -e '6'1 cun.ASS Supreme. h<at """· ...__ 1m DEMO llllL' MAXEr roYorA . CHR-YSLER. X1nt cond. SI""- ' OWNER ;62 VIV Campor, "142" ........... $2759 tar 1811111 -Bl....t -~145 new ~ & brkl. Good 4 speed, radio • heater. • R. Beach. Ph. M74SS5 cond. $1511. CAii 518-0211. 47 ... ""1 E Cpe. for d•Hv-CLEAN USED CARS '69 N•w Yifter hml!Op, . PLYMOUTH · ~--del c:-..f ... 11.. See George Ray . WE PAY TOP D01LAR 2-dr. Top coad. All ac-o---,------' ··'~ "65VW·Bug eryD.-EA~-N LEWl~S· THEODORE FO!tTOPUSEDCARS -.~5.1&-2153. ' e "711uTacuda . flio. 551-9191 . • ROBINS FO. RD . u """' "'·" ........... lll54 °"""' N<iw y_,_ Xlnt cond, M .. 1 .. IL \, · '61 VW CONVERT. 1966 Harbor, C.M. 6t6-9303 llU us firlt. Xlnt COid. Rulll aood. $125. * 54&-5599 * ~ ·' $':m1. 8.f6.6l2.) U1a Dime-A-Line Adi to buy 2060 Harbor Blvd. 2H E. 1Ttb St. . stt.-1169. I========:. ;!;-Ow 642-6511 t:Jr RESULTS or sell "Butdaet Priced" ~ Coat& Mesa 5«8-1115 =========-1 PONTIAC :'··· .,.,...,.,_ CORVAIR -Auto LHll!lf tllO --------1--------i;;;;;;;;.::;:.:..,, __ =:.t:::=:..::::.:__;,_..::,:=_~=..;=:_--,:::: -~ LEASE .~ '62 CORVAIR, Sp-..... '1IS BONN .• Dr.""""'· NI ....-.,...-vert. Runnq cond., perfect pwr. Fad air. Lo Mi. Xlilt ONLY AT CONNELL CHEVROLET '70 IMPALA CUSTOM CPE.* ,· lo.ded C•r with only 7,500 miles. Fectory frMh ..,Id cir w/ t•ld vinyl roof, RIH, euto .. P:S., P .I., feet. eir •. f1ctory 911r111t.1 te 10,000 1J1i111, JIO YI ~ff&l1I '89 Cad El Dorado, , fully ~ bua1 m ate r i a J • cond. $1200, 673-6156 equlpt incl air. 13,000 mi'L 833-3860 003 Carm.tion, CdM Gold w/eoJd inter. $197 per '63 CORVAIR Monza 4 dr '64 GRAND Prix, one owner, mo. $225, 54 :Mere.· Sta. Wag. P IS, P/B, Factory air. SOUTH COAST 1125. Need minor work. Xlnt """"-1815. """"°' CAR LEASING 54811!1'1 '62 Po,.iac Bonnllvtll• conv. 300 W. Cit Hwy, NB. M5-2ll2 '62 CORVAIR-deen, new Xln't cond. Auto, p/s, $425. tires need• braba, 5f9..2815 ~. MCI C•r1 9'00 or 675-m& '62 GRAND Prix ~ $300 or ·==~~~~~'="=i best offer. 2517-C Santa Ana CORYEI IE .\ve., C.M. ANYONE . '61 llONNEVILLE -ob-, '1IS F1111! ~ F1llly tao-'68 CORVETl'E conv. 3'ilhp po/pb, p/windnwo. La.- tar')' equipped. · am/fin. ' IPd. ,_traction, top. Private PlflY. 146-1029 199 1o mi, new t!ftll. $mO or '61 G.,, • ....... 'Do.\., 'lull •"SS VW (JPC-000)' best offer. f67-8'194 Xlnt. "; -power. $199 '61 Corwtle Oomo. 300 HP, "3e-m2 '68 Fwd c.orttns G.T. 2 dr, Auto., New ~. A: tranl,I====·====:. H.T, • opeed budoel _.,, Jmmaculato. New job..,..... T•llRD (TAS.195) lmmed. lale l'lS-l770, ,61 Buick en..~ ... • '65 Corvette-, 385 HP, 4 ~. -. _,.....,... •a,,vpul. f.utbeck, $185). (days) '6' T-BIRD, Cood cond, Wagon. Full power, m cond, 67S-TIMO, (ewt) ~1336. white red interior. Fact. <OOT-344) l399 ,112 VETrE Hd •• !Op, "'Ii 1teroo !1250. '9>-1445: CREDIT AUTO SALES red paint, 283 Ill pm .,,., 19'/0 T·BIRD w/Landau IOp. ID2ll2 Gardea Grewe Blvd, 4-lp, SHARP $IS95. 613-""5 FullY looded. $5000. Call 530-""' --I • • • • • • • • • COUG;AR ' UA -· . l ' L i I ! 1 i " Front row ·center end all waitint for th• curtain to 90 ~p on_ m1ny ~- mil•• of llrivin9 comfort, ~··h•w• a l1rg1 11l•cti'!n of star p•;Jorm .. ~, •r• all complet•ly ·•quipped. We'r• ow•rstoc;k1d and cats must be t 1old1 r1gard'lti11 of how small the profit. Com• in today incl let on• ~ of our 1al•1m•n thow you how •a1y it ;s to ••Y• bi9 on• b•tt•r'c:ar ;\ now. ~ 1970 MAVERICK 1[ MAND HIW DIMO jl 1970 MUSTANG H1rcltop, Hith Hck buUet ••ah, colo; Very 1-'""••t•· 200 CID & cyf .. , ..... ••yocl co,,.t.., fl-~I~, l111tr11m111t t•Ut• m•tic, white will tire•, cleluu occelt ••· E71a14 fil»l'll111 l.eltH tir11. OF-OIL· t~'P• ridio, OK91T21tl65, ~ 116111. " $2595 '65 FAIRLANE v.1, 4 .... , 1ecl111, power 1to•ri119, rotllo, h•oter, WSW, boit• with lfl•tchi~9 •l11YI trim. IEOV 61°51 lltl '6' GALAXIE 2 Dr. H•r4top, l•clio, he•t• or, 1utom1Hc, P/S, whit1 with lalue l11f1rior, WSW, wheel co•ora. tSVF llll SIJJI '65 GALAXll 500 2 Dr. H.T;•Vol; ••to., P.S., whe91 '"''"• WSW, r•tllo. '.f PCR4441J SIHI ,.,,II nu1 TAX .. LIC. '6' GALAXIE LTD 2 4r. lt1rcltop. R•dio, WSW, v.1, •uto., P.S., P.!., •ir colMI., auto 1,.od con· trol. ISLvtlt} 11161 'A IMPALA 2 Door H1r4top. R1clio, heifer, P/S, F1ctory A/C, WSW, ""''" vinyl fop. IWIE Jiil Slffl '67 T·BIRD Londou Full power, Shori119, Ir••"• Window., Seah, owto,, WSW, oir collcl. 1Ylfl741 Sl4fl $2274 I • , :! '62 GALAXIE 5CIOj! i door 1ecl1n. R1cfio, h..l.. .,, whit• wall "'"· v-f. outom•tic, <QXV5t41 NII " '67 VW BUG ! •• ,;,, ...... ,, 4 .,,..;Ir, wh ite well tiret, lo•utifiil Cir, oacollollf nlMli119'• (VAN2111 S11tl '6' ·ooooE 500 '' t dr. het'litop, v.1, .uJ, r•dio, P.S., P.I., WS\f, wMol co•erc. IRSDt71 ~ SIJ1' ., DON'T MISS THESE BUYS FROM THE GOOD GUYS ; SOUTH COAST l FORD-MIRCURY 4f4.lllll .llJ llOADWAY, LA.RNA RACH 1 w.1lt ind price. IAKl71 I JI '69 CAPRICE 2 DR. H~T.* BLUE CHIP SPECIAL '68 XR VA NT e '61 Me""'1'Y Comol $'9 7 . e '59 CO<! Cpe, de Ville $99 Foctory air nond. -Ink-'61Valiant2 dr Signet. Autn, . DAILY PILOT WlllT ADS BRIN" R£SllTS I e "59 Chev Im)lala $199 . • .teertnr, air, RAH. $8'!0. llR I a C • '82 Rambler Wp $299 er, vinyl top, dlr, ractna:1 ~67U512~~=====~~=::=====:::::=~=:=====:=~:==:::::===~E:I e ·~Buick, sharp w/alr $399 green wltb blade fntmor.J: • '61 Chev'-"' U99 Full price l2IWlO <YZZ058l. -Coro -1-C•n -1NowC:.n 9IOO I-Ciro ·"°" I . Thi1 Dluo cir w/Dh11 •i•vl roof i1 10 11ic1. lo.ded with 9oocli1s liko Clilft ... co11• ~ol 1ir coll4,. l:luck1t 1111• w/co1nol1, d1frott1n, AM -FM r1dio, tilt wi...r, P.wi11° .. o:iwt, 1uto. doOf locks, pr1t11. 40,000 "'ii' 91ur111t11 US ltoy11I Ti.r~1, Cir liko l:lr1nd Mw. TurM h.,..r•11t1tlc, l96 VI, Mlllf oth1r ice. Speci1I w11k 111d price tA.&11471, • '62 Chev Impala $499 With small down will ~ =iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij!iiiii!!jii We carry our own contract ance. ~te party, Call "' ! ~ . ' ,'69 MALIBU CONCOURS WAGON• . ; · • s3399 -bt1t1 t p111. w19011. l111 th•• 6,000 ... u,s; Sh1wroo"' cl11n. UM, 111to., P.S,. fed. 1ir, F1ctory 9111r1M11 A1M1h1i119 up to 50,0ob 111i111. Hurry, IZS644ll. '65 CHEVROLET lf Dr. ~42,000 mlln. V-1 , pow1r 1t.1ri119, r•clio, ho•ter, •vtom•tic, ,.,., flOll{ t11bbor. tSJX4l41. "68 BEL AIR COUPE' ;i Doot. VI, ••to., RIH, f•ctory oir, P.S. R1•l 1tro111 c•r witli 'J2,71S inilo1. Suro cl11erv11 • dri••· fVll6601. '68 IMPALA 4 DR. HARDTOP' Truly, flice yollow c•r with f•ctory •ir, P.S., RIH, Do•cl 1hor,_ Weokefld 1pociel. IXIF-797} ~ '68 MALIBU COUPE• Thi1 9•'1••11• cl•rk 9re111 cer h•1 r•clio, heef•r, 1vtom1tic.-p-•r 1t11ri119, V1ry 1poci1I price. lXOCSJ])' '67 IMPALA COUPE• 2 Dr. H.T. R1cl io, ho•f•r, powoc 1toori11t. 1vto., f1ctory oir. 601d milo1, 90~ cir. Wo11't be .h•r~ loflf 1t thi1 prico. ITUll401 '67 IMPALA COUPE ' h1vtif1o1I N it• cir with lo, lo mile1 he1 llH, P.S., lfl4 h•1 111p1r sport oquipmo11t with bucket 1•1t1 I cof11olo, Week eMI 1peciol. IYWRSIOI ' '66 CAPRICE HARDTOP• 4 Dr. QNE OF-THOSE CARS. R&H, eut°'m1tic, power 1t11ri119, f1c.to,Y oir, low milet. Yov w.,.'t fillcl 011efflor lflywhere. Spoc.i1I prico. IRQH1901 '66 BEL AIR SEDAN ' <f Dr. Fec.tory eir, P.S., RIH, 1utom•tic, Thi1 truly fllco cir h•1 flOW color, Op1l11cent 9ro1n •"cl you'll f,.,, it. ISVS6041 '66 IMPALA COUPE' H•11cl1omo told cir with r•cl io, ho1t1r, power 1t1erifl9,.111tom1tie tr1111m i51ion. IULA96SI '65 IMPALA COUPE' 2 Dr. H.T. R1clio, heit•r, 1ilh1t1•tic., power 1foori119, 1h•rp f1ctory 1ir. Nico IPCRJSt) ~99 $1799 $1899 $1779 $1899 ' $1699 s1399 $1499 s1399 *Would You Believe AD Of Tiie Above . Cars Carry ConneD's 100°/o Guarantee . . '81 o,•&. •ALLY• -TRANSPORTATION CARS ._,., __ .. c · - ... CHIYllOlST COii.VAiii. -__ ._ ..... .c.c_ .. _._·_~~---- Ull 4 °'··"*'·""'··"""· WAG 0 N s . 114 CHIVllOf.IT IM,Al.A -''1 "110 t ,........,. ~ ....... Air -• • DI', ....... """",· ,...,. .......... ,..... ... ...... - , •al!t._N_ICI. --:"Ct.:=.. i ........... ,..,~ ...... 1a. OLDS t Dll. .... ,._ ............... """'· 1a..,...,1 -t'M,'= ur. 'M Ul'llti i ............. 111 ... liiiiir, .., 113 CHllVY' II -_.... .. , •Mt ........ ,._., OrtfrOt. ""' 'cyt., t .._ M,T., pffa i-;;<; .. -Oi'ii1'i''"c.i'0:"Uifl'r;.--;;;;;;;;;.-.=,-;;= , .... elf', """"""' · •A POID P.a. 4 *· ....... liiii; iilitir. .,_,,,......., r1111. ....,., ""'9lfiC ws-I Pl , ,....,. ....,.... ClVZ• -L1w -(CNlK•I 1111 VUY SPICIAL ·• ........ -. s1• I Dr. NICI. ..... . ·-..,:;;;, .. ..-.-. =Mil"-·=n::=-· ,._, .... ~ ........ ..,. ............ -· fYWA41J, I .ftO <AMlliiU4.......,.....,G~ ... ,._ .._..... ,._ ~. ,...., ...... •• .. -· CWX141tl ' .·CON.NELL CHEVROLET · 2121 Harbor · Blv~., C'olta-Mesa 546-1203 -~;g~;, ~:c,-;: . JORISON & "soN - ~~~*~"il~-· F~~;~~J..w:.,_ LINCOLN-MERCURY • I • IUICK FALCON '69 Buick Skyl1rk '62 FALCON 4 dr Sla- 2 Door Hardtop. VS, automa.. Wagon, good tires, good tic tnnsmiaion, p o w e r cond. $350. 6G-444l lteeriJV, Factor)' air. Lie. '60 FALCON 4 dr, auto. 3 YPW988, new tires, pod tramporta- . $249' tlon $125. --··----. FIREllRD ' · . '68 FIREBJRD Pontiac ·sso .. _~ ·:~t PO:u::ft:: -" 11900 SI~ Ext. a; or 67 6Q.3IS92 mo HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '68 Riviera Xlnt·::c.c..-.-.~d' Loaded, Muat ~ to ap- preciate. $3390. 846-83M. 1968 SPORTS Wagon 400 9- ~. All power, new tires, ..,.,... ....... $2900. -- CADILLAC '61 Fleetwood ei.uctwn. 1tHI. crey, ltbr Int, Ill own. er. Lo mJ. XLNT cond. 6"-3677. 'II CAD Convert. leather Int, AM/FM ndkt, tun pwr, fact air. tilt ..,. ..... - door Jockl etc. fU.4119 WANTED: 'IU4 4 DR Cad. FORD -------'56 FOllD Automatic, oric1nal. dlr. 63,000 actual mile•. Must tell. J'4ab oiler, (PLG925) Call 54M052 or 49f.9773. '66 FORD GT 328, kp trans, nu motel', )'Dow. Bucket Sprint -• c.moJe. See to appNdate. '146-2100, 64UO&I . '69 MACH -i, fUUY equip, air cond, auto. *-* 1'65 FORD Oomo. rib, ltefto. XJnt cond. 5'8-S331 lo ml, tully -.. ortc '63 Ford . 421 enrlne, ~­ owner prel ..,.._, Xlnt cond, Mutt ll!ll-Best ;.;;;:;:_::,.;~""'··---=-,;:;;,.~;;...,~--1-otttt takff. 815--1753.~ ·go ..__.., ........... AMA! cond, 1ow mil'•· Evel: fB..18 CHEVROLET UNCOtN · '65 SEDAN CONVT Nu slam ttm. t owners FAMILY reduced! 'Ill Non SlZiO ** Ml-1171 Del""" 2 dr. \18. P/!'rP~ =========== R/11. Vinyl !Op. v.,,. clnn, MSlCURY 11,SOO ml $1950. eTW75C e '81 IMPALA-auto., ps/pb, Good cond. Best · 11ffer. .... 1023. •a NOVA Station waaqn. New ,.... -. "911, llS3<l692 '65 WHITE Mercedes 2'l SL Coupe. L6 mlleqe, new tlrel. Priced to 11 e t I . 675-7086. 5*183D, Ext 20. MUSTANG 'S6 VI Cbe•. Goad 1---- tranaportaUon $15 or Make e·§ 2+2 Futback, red, Vi, otter! M&-2191. auto. $825. •57 <::nEVY .talion wacon * 6C5jt39 att. s pm * New .,.tne. ~by GT 350 _.113$ M""' mru. Slcrtll<e PLANNING to mow1' You'll Sll85 ** M0-1'15 "" find an am•''DI number Cllf '17 Muatanc *• auto, VI. ._.. 1n foaiYi• a~•lfW .lr,...p.1., auti. aiit OWllft' Ado. Ch<clr ftoem """· _6f-Oia.._ __ 1. ____ _ ! " THREE GENERATIONS. IN THE AUTOMOllLEBOSINISS I • BIG SELECTION BIG SAYINGS ON STATION WAGONS NEW · MONTEGO STATION WAGON MONTEGO MX VILLAOl!R .,., .. , , .......... 111 ... :111 ......... c.er.tl, ...... SWft Ts ....... Ceuslw; upt .....,. WIW ... 7h14 n,.., P...r ... W!Mew, ........ c.m., -W/Alr .....,, ................... ...., ......... Air c... .,....;, AM ..... n.tM .... • C1•I• DIL Seet 6 PO ....... 11tti. .._.. CTL Left Mmll Mln'ID', .... ......... C..... Treller Tewfet ........ •OMllM .. 11617 Save$$ '11 OP•L •ALL YI CWDI IUI $1211 •• •UICW: llfYLAllK $1411 ·--AT, IMI, fwr, Stl'lo ... VOLltlWA•IM IQUAlllaACK 1w1• an $1416 'JD l'OllD MAVlltlCK A.T. IU. ...... SZ116 117 MUITAN• MAttOf'OP ............... a., ..... • ........ IVCL MfJ S1811 •• CN•VllOLIT ~ • Dier """""' ......._CIYNlltl S1116 '117 MlllCUllY ~"llM IT t DI'., M,T. ......... $181& .•• YOLKIWAIP IU• ·--$1816 BRAND NEW 1970 , Marquis Station Wagons{ '(edit Oii:. l'nt., CDncoellld Hd, L"'P. Grille, OU.I Atllan Tl. .. f'OW tt11r Wlndew', flO. ltll'\t Vtnl· Sntrem, L"'°'" 11.cti:, •-t· t:m!Ulln Cont., 1111. SIW•l1 H11x15 Tlrft, "-S/Wl~!_1_• Way flow. S..t, (""" FKlnl llllr INll, C.~111 Loed flllllf• Pw. l'rl. Ollt lr•k•, ri l'OW. s'"''"'' Whllp9r A.Ir Corid-, A.MJfM 1twoo tttflo, IM. win¥1 Miid W!ptr, Tl"llld Gle11 Comp,, 011., lltt • frt. lr-ldtl' lllJI, Rt. Cont. Lii, M11T1H', Luxury W, Co~•n, Cl'Olt C-1ry, tt• ~ DISCOUNT $967.50 I I i NOM. WINDOW ITICKll NICI ' ' Cougar Top Cat for '711 WHERE WILD MEETS ELEGANT l This llr•nd 11-Cou91r 11 complofo with pow1r 1te"'"*• r.owar clhc bt1k1t, white 1id1 will tires, incl m1ny o*;fr ux~ ... fo1t11roa. aOF91H517134 . · · . • I .$2995 J. +TAX & LIC. " IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ... fOllD COUNTllY SIOAN ' , ..... Mil. ,, .......... "' COM., l'llf 1'1111. CTDI 1111 $181 •• MAlllt 111 SAVE ...................... ,... IYDl ... I ' ' 'I& COMIT .. , eoa.to C... ......... lrMI., l!fWr., ._ CHOW 11'1 '81 COltTINA '81& 2 Dier, IYTP 1111 •• T .. llD ~COll .. I S1111i :2l '17 ,OttD COVNTttY SIDAN ...... troM., ••M, f',1'0/.1" •Ir ~ "" 1'1111.1 " ..,, •• TOYOTA COllOftA c;..,.. cwie 1111 '. ·11-· . 11111 Dirt ..... AT, llMI, I', Ifft, NOW IS THE IUT TIME IN TIN YEARS TO IUY A LINCOLN·MERCURY P~ JObD-SOD•S~D ...CM~LINCOLN CONTINENTAL ' MARK 111 l MERCURY • COUGAR Or-c_,,.._ -Pociwy DI-Ll_.Ml'""'Y Dlli.r 2626 HAUOR, COS.1'A MESA 540-5630 540-5635 (1 Mnt._h. of ''" DI ... Frwy.I I " • I '-. ' ' . ' • • ' ' • . ' . . BILL UNIVERSITY JONES .OLDS~OBILE 1970 . SPORTS CAR • · .. CENTER 2133 HARBOR TORONADO COS T A MESA . •Corner Of H1rbor & Elm. Service Entrance On Elm -·-If Jll!I own an inport· ed car and need mice, come see us at B I SjJorts Cars. All new service and parts facilities. _We service ALL imptirted cars. * • * l\.1g11 11trformar1e1 pecklM, Crul1t Contrat Comforlron 1lr condl· tlllnlng, tlntld wlnchhleld & •Jr.. dowl, whlM tlrlPJMld llbllrOllM "'"' 1111 lo Mlescoplc 1!Mrlng, dbl. Wl!ffl tov1n; 1111-trwnk, cus!Om lnllJl'IOr, dlx. redlo, Bl .._le. rNr 1pplttr, ,,.,_,. tlok wlndowi, powtr door lor;lo, 6-w.r -blt!Ch $HT, vinyl rool, -11ftrlng, most ,.,.,.y ~ c1lv1bi. cxlr1. Exec. ur low m11n. ·cstock No. 2011. s1250 DISCOUNT BRANO ·NEW 1970 1198° LUXURY SEDAN Crvl11 control." 4 11e1ion •I• con- 'dll'°'1111!1, tinted WIJ!hhltld lo wlndowi, whll1 1trlped fibel'9*-sa ti~. till lo ltlesc0pk: •-lno. POWe!' trunk, AM/FM tt.r.o r1• dlo, .... .,. ......,. -'· ¥lflyl roof, dlvldtd front t.HI wlttl M l con-"'°''' ti«. windows, .,._. wind ¥«111, dltC br1kn, 1utom11U1; tr-... etc: .... Molt _,. COll-c1lv-clehllte 11tlr1. (SMdc No. JIU. · · · ······· s1150 . F R E E DISCOUNT W•ICAnoN SPECIAL To The First 100 Cars With This Coupon Imports ~ly ••••••••• * • * TUNE UP SPECIAL · INCLUDES: S.t C1rburetor, . Plugs, Points, Condenttr, Timing All P1rts & L1bor REG. $24.95 . s1 &•s NEW '70 OLDS DELTA "88" . ROYAL HOL. CPE. s1oso. DISCO I.INT * '65 FORO CUSTOM SEOAN :127, VI, •utamatk, factory •Ir, ~..:~ai~ ttta1er, _...,, P.s .. p.a .• $955 * '69 CHEVROLET NOVA CPE. Auto, tran1., power atwrlng, pow. ef" br••n, raclla, PiMW, Whit• w•ll Urn. U,DOO ad. mlln. Yll:C .... $2222 * '61 CAOILtAC H.T. CPE. vt. •ute. 1r1ns. Full pOWW, R&H, """'· ~GAS 7161. sn1 * '63 CHEVROLET 'h·TON PICl<UP • 11lftd. air condllionlng, radio, llHllr. LOt'~ beol, (NNMO.) $1033 * ~,.., -. - , '61 09.D<;E .. BILL CUSTOM SPR.TSMN •. 4 • V·I, •uto. tr•n1 .. •fr condlllonfnl, raclla, l!H~r, ll>lr'd H~I. XEV fl~. l ~-· . $2666 . : JONES UNIV;RSiTY "' SPORTSCAR . l CENTER OLDSMOBILE 2131 HAlllOlt COSTA· MESA 540 4491 • '. 1IONDA . HERB . FRIEllUHDU . . . . . -... ~ ~j . ·1&M eJG iii:•~ s .. S.ELEC' TION , . I IE M. lJI ,625 Gardon Grove 9 Blvd. A .. . OF 537.7777 * 193-7561 ------ L DATSUN L Pick Up * ' k MINI BIKES True s * . = ''90' s'' a l.100's"i 1''350' s'' l = ''450's'' ~ f'750's''6 . * ~ ALL COLORS READY · FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY "Leader in The Beach , Cities" ZIMMERMAN 2145 HARBOR BLVO. 540+410 I· ONL y I '64 VOL:SWAGEN * FtAT * ll:1dio, h11t1r, 111w tir11, fr11hly p1int9', .,,,.,, .,,ty ., DEA. l· E~ .1 ..... '"· a,. ,,,.,,, r •• low pric1. !OZNIJOI $795 IN GARDEN GROVE • I AS I '69' VOL.KSWAGIN' I LOW AS A11tom1tic 1tick 1hift, rd io, h11t1r, look1 i nd dri••• llk1 s15 9 & 1 ;,;;•'"5;~'· ISIR· l month, 12,000 mile • r f1ctory W1rr1nty I '66 VOLKSWAGEN ********* . R1dio, he1!1r, 1co11-,. d1° p1nd1bility, Yoo co11ltf111't filllll THE 1 l>1flrr b1r91i11. !SU7lll MINI BIKES * iYoun9Way1 $895 BIG I To Go · • a , I********* 169 VO~KSWAGEN-~ I R•d io, he•t.'r, ••c1pti•11•llv ~ 'SELECTION auto a 1::~.,~51:i5 ;:~'::~:1 s. Sta.lion .~ w.agons ACL ! COtORS ;io READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY "Leader In The Beach Cities" ZIMMERMAN 2145 HARBOR ILVO. 540+410 '56 FORO **:**• ***** . chrotnt wh11l1, 1ir condi· tionin9, "'ll' cl11n 1nd chtc!t · 1 thi1 prict! !6GN~53l · THE $399 · I ONLY I • 8 * FIAT * j ~DEALER a '64 VOLKSWAGEN R•dio, h11t•r, cu1t~m pi11- 1tripi119, I FFM9971 $799 IN GARDEN GROVE • I AS LOW AS Q '66 BMW f"ii1 1 aoo. R•dio, h11 l1r, 4·•p11d, t'! ••~•pli on e lly cl11n cir. ~ !SSF627 ) S1035 ls159&~ • .12 month, 12,000 mile '67 KARMANN GHIA Factory W1 rr1nty Been w111tin11 11 1porfy cir •I • pric• tlie!'1 ilot 0111 of Hii1 world1 H1 r•'1 your • "Jr -ch1nc1! Tki1 little b••u+v IJ ; h•t r•dio, h1•t1r,' wliit1 w1ll1 i nd • i11 1kowroom co11clition. ',11 _<:'""51495 - • l·antl.I ~ . . .. sport T&M I ltd ·1 MOTORS 9625 Gordon Grove Blvd.· OPEN SUNDAYS 1011 G•rdon Orm , Boulew1rd ., 537.7777 * 193-7561 V, Blk. {. of Booch rn11 ' . Boulovord ,,.,~ 534-2214 ff2-5551 .. DIAN LEYl1$' i4th' ANNIVERSARY -·SALE -.: . . SPIC I AL L 1970 I TOYOTA \\'.AGON ~ $1817 A.LL COIOLLA MODELS IN $TOCK AU COIOJiA. MODILS -- IN .ITOCI 19l0 OEl,16 .. $2759 U2 2 di'., raclio, llM!cr, •·speed. (Ser. •"1MJ) · 1970 V LVO ". 142 S~DAN •. ...... ..$2759 PllCID • .... , Thl1 dtrilo 1111 low mlli!! will! • 1PN(I tr•n1., raclio • hM11<'. C#O<llll • '$2795 •• 1t6t Flet S,rffr 1Z4 tlod1tr, Jl1dlo, he1ler. 5· 1peed, like 11ew." IYXV576l $2895 ltlt ... -c 516 R1diO, he•ter, 4·spio,d, r11I 1h1rp, wire · whe1lt. IVVX 1641 '$2095 · 1t67 MGI GT Cpe. Wire wht1l1, 4·1p11:!, •11,,.lo, ~11ltrr · ' $995 l t l5 YW Co11v•rtiblt, . ltadio, h11ttr, '4·1p1ed. 'ITRH264 1 $1495 . 1ff7 Yel•• IZZ 2 door 'ttd•n.' lll•dio, ~he•I· er, 4·1p11d, IVFGl . .:.:IO::...I _ $1295 l tll Yel" 12,Z. 4 Dr. S1d1n. R•dio, h11t1r, '4·1p1,d, li~e· 11tw. IWIA 0161 1964 Yeln Pl 100 Cpe. R~dio, lie•fer, 4. speed, clh• cl1111. fCSR 146) $1195 1t 51 Mt;1'1501 Rodlir. <4 1p11d iii 1111 11ic1 cont!. IGHR0471 s"'°14"°'9=5-- 1t6S MGI Rodllr, R1dio, h11!1r, <1 . 1p11d, ,..;,, wh11ls,-l.VLIC 0<101 Rodttr. h1•t1r, 7t0) $1295 \ 1964' MGI 4 1p11d , r1d;o, r11I 111•111. I IFE . $995 ,,,. ,, ... ....., s;ri.. Rotl1tr. • llHie, t.•et.r, 4. tpe.4, 1h1rp. ITPUJIOI Sits ...... , .... , ....... lled1lr. Radio, he1t1r, 4. 1iNad, cl1•11. I EVK)O I) ·DEAN ·~EWIS. c .2 J! ] -ci. E e 0 i u c " ~ .,, 0 ::! ~· 0 _z w u > "' . " ~ ~ ' . r .. . • ' , "· ' ' 11 I . . 1• over -Ttie ,_niag'a . ~ service is excellent . . and . the prices are ~ · Jiii rig lit for yo1! . · HARBOR . SHOPPING CENTER . (OSTA MESA S--M."*' Center hpplement to The DAILY PILOT, 1hur1., June 25, 1'11 -. . 11111., ,,...,.. ;prisons Fj.lled Up ·Bv Unfit Recruits • WASHINGTON (AP) - Local dralt boards concerned with fillin1 t heir IDC)llthly tpJOtas often draft physically handicapped and m e n t a I I y disturbed youths who are Wlflt for military lel'Vice, accordin1 to a civlUan panel. and dischargi~ them before they get into trouble. The panel said slockade priaoners who were drafted make up lbout 31 percent of ~~p... lhe total Army priJQP popula- tion ol about 7,000. Draftlel constitute 54 percent 'of the Army. t 1be great majority - between IO to IO percent - or Army pri!oners are cbare- ed or convicted ot beinl The panel, appointed to study the Anny pri90D system and composed of six noted penologists, said it round many draftees in A r m y stockades "who were clearly not fitted for military service. absent ~ithout 1eave, the __ Little Beet on • ~ ... Trip panel said. Of these, many , ~w:I "The committee ls well aware or the fact that some local boards, havinc trouble fUling their quotas, draft youth with physical and men- tal i n a d e q u a c I e s , and .ometlmes with s e v e r e personality a n d char1cter defectS that doom them to •!most certain failure in the .Army." were unstable and unable to . withstand the tensions o1 The deepsea tug Arthur Foss, one of America's most Alaska's Bering Sea. 'lbe 9500 mile tow originated in Houston, Texas, where the units were fabricated for operation at the North Slope oil fields, by BP military life. powerful, beads north up the British Columbia coast Other stockade~~ lo-with two 5500-ton barges loaded with a self-contained duded "a put variety o1 oil production unit de.signed for Prudhoe Bay on Alaska, Inc. phylicm, mental and emo-==================~==------=--------------------------------------- Uonal misfits, sex deviants. drug addictl and others who were clearly unfit for military service," the penel reported in its lU.pact. report to Secretary o1 the Anny Stanle)t R. Raor. No speclHc fipres were &Jven on bow many YOUlll men mtctit be in thil catqory. In its report, relealed Mon- day by the Peatap, the panel reeommended the Army ecmcentrate on rapidly idm- tilylng the unfit and unsuitable The report, listing • l specific recommendations for priJon reform, noted prisonen who need medical o r J11Ycbiatric help have trouble lettJn& it becaUK none of the Anny's 23 stockades have hospital wards. And it s a I d few post hospitals h a v e separate wards and are thus reluctant to treat stockade in- mates. The panel called the Army's stockades outdated a n d overcrowded and nm by of- ficers and enllJted men with litUe or no training l n penololJ. Big Dealtt The biggest clHI you e••r 9et on quelity sfiC?es whose lebels you'n rec09nize H emon9 the finest • , • now offerecl et e fredion of their ori9inel prices! T eke your pick from clrns shoes, little heeh, sperh I the new chunky look sendels. 1nu1tr•tio111 merely su99t1ti,.. of some of the meny 1tyle1. II Save-on Shoes 2300 HAllOR ILVD. 546-6775 ::;: HAlllOll IHOPPI ... CINTH (Ne•t te Tlwffty ..,..., SUMMERTIME SAVINGS · AT TllUU. • FRI. ·SAT. JUNE 25·26-27 ONE RACK Dresses Skirts Capris Tops PRICE While They Last One Group Odds & Ends ·w~ile They Last Capris & Skirts Values to .$15.IO Out They Go -While They Last Windsor . •BE Nigerian Red Cross WorkEnds LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) - The Nigerian Red Cross 1s .. " ICheduled to end Us relief operations in what used to "' be Blafra at the end of June\, but about 3 mlllJon people are 1Ull living in hunger and economJc despair in t h e former .-ebel ltate. Eiperts warn that the Red Cross pullback could imperil the lives ol tome 2~ million cbildrea who lived through or ~ &..om into the Z\2-year war of secession. The director of the Nigerian Christian Council, Emmanuel ~ Urhobo, said the figure of 3 million people in danger - estimated three weeks ago - Protert '.flaem This first photograph of Dr. Margaret Mead and her granddaughter, Sevanne Martaret· Kassarjian, ap-~ars in the current issue ol Redhook Magazine. 'Grandparents need grandchildren to keep the ·. changing world alive for them:' says Dr. Mead, whose observations of our changing world often have dramatic impact. . New Mine Camp Virginia City Future Eyed probably has risen. National and state govem- m e n l rehabilitation com- missions are slated to take ' over the Red Cross relief work, but there la widespread doubt of their ability to run effective and coordinated operatlOAS. ASKED TO STAY In the Eaat Central State, once the hwtland of Biafra. the local rebabWtation com· mils1on reportedly bas asked the Red Cron to remain bfr yond June ao. The East Central State was bardelt bit by the war. Although ltarvatlon n o loncer bangs over the Ibo pee. pie and others who Joined the rebellion. many go hungry ln villages and towns around Owerrl and Orlu, HO miles IUOtheast ol Lagoa. Tbousandl of children are severely undernourished, some VIRGINIA CITY, Nev. agree on a· plan to restore lying in crowded bolpltall (UPI) -Gov. Paul Laxalt the former minlng camp to with number tap around their has proposed a half-mllllon Jts charm of the l810's. necks, others w a n d er l n I dollar plan to tum this historic "They're always t a l k l n g about, begging. Tbelr milk ra· mining town lnto t b 8 about restoration, but nothing tions will end when the_ Red ts ever done," she said. cross goes "Wllllamsbura. of the West,'' · er •t Another old timer, Ben The Red Cross ls already but long-time residents don Mosbeck, 81, reUred pro-restricting some operations in eeem too happy with the Idea. spector crippled in i Virginia order to provide food until "Nobody has ever sat down City mlll accident in 1933, said June 30 for 30,000 of the worst and showed us what they plan be thinks restoration woold cases whO are in hospitals, to do with the money," says turn Virglnla City into ''more as well as to give what they -Don McBride, 0wner of five of a tourist trap than lt can to 200,000 outpatients. buUdings-lncludlng the Bucket already ls." . . of -Blood saloon. "I don't even Mosbeck, one of the town's NO MONEY bow what the bell the plans oldest residents, Wd h 1 Parts of the East Central are for." doubts anybody ts willing to State, especially the capital, Laxatt wants to m a k e spend the funds necessary for Enugu, are picking their way Virginia City look like an old restoration and Mrs. Edwards back toward normaJ. There mlning camp, p o s s 1 b l Y agreed. ts food in the markets - weeding out some of the bot "I've put $50,000 in my place but often no money to buy dog staUons, cotton candy Id ._ .. _ ·1u It with. ·ttanc1s and trinket shops that alone. It wou -mi ons Countless people are out or now clutter the main street. to restore Virginia City. work in the towDI, and in One of the most con-"AIJ kinds of money has the villages the main cassava been put in other bulldlngs l un tw ths troversial parts of the restora· and you can hardly tell the crop s s o mon away, tton idea would have the main wbUe other crops have not etreet closed off. Merchants dillerence," she said. yet been planted. say It will hurt rather than Mn. Ednnts a1lo agreed Jn some areu, bands of help business. with McBride and others that thieves move about stealing Mrs. Florence B a 11 o u closing of the main s t r e e t food stocks and other goods. Ed rds 73 that would hurt d o w n t o w n 'l11e federal government has wa · ' • agrees business alloUed the equivalent 2 Virginia City's main street 11 • · filled with "Coney I$Jancl 'nJey said tourists bypassed to each bolder of wo etuff,'' but questions if hil =:! : ~': !tf 01:\: :~P ~IDd mtf: ' Thurs., June tS, 1t7t, Harbor Center Supplement to The DAILV PILOT-I the Hat's Gotta Go AT OUR HARBOR CENTER STORE LTD. summertime values in our big Change of Name Sale SPORT ·COATS $ ebeaehere •P to PS The latest shaped styles in neat. comfortable Wool. Dacron and Wool. Wider lapels and deep center vents for the comfort and styling demand ed in today's fashions. shop· the values in our big array of dress slacks 2300 HARBOR BLVD. SUITS .. $ Open tonight and Friday until 9 Open dally 9:30 to 6 Mon., Thurs., Fri. 'tll 9 pm Phone 540· 1500 ON THE MAll IN ~llOR CENTER ltt otlaer 1tot"e1 to •12s.oo Get the beautiful drape of fine woolens exquisitely, t11ilore'c:I by famous manufacturers. Choose from 100% Wool worsteds or easy· :tion prropoea1 will IOlve to park on the canyon ftoor Ute's economy, Many feel Sbe iJ0 Chat too many ml walk up the steep bill tblt la ;;utli. moneJ to of the-= "tourist iYPe'' to the dontown area. mate much lmplet. but It h 11beae1 an owned bf .. I can't tftll l't em to l6oald help llMU' the war· Jll'IOlll .talJ ..._... ID walk up 11111 stan. ln •Y ravllld ~ to• 1 r• ~-~--~~~-~-~---~:~~-~~~~~---------~~~~-~----------care Wool & Dacron. .. l I I I 1 ., ' " ! ·i •• 1 .r t!'-'"" _1 .. ~ -· • ..,. ..... •' '" ' • enne••1 • I I i • ... -.... - u: :as :see s ; s . .. 4 •• ? • 1· • ------· • PENNEYs· .COSTA' MESA· HARBOR SHOPf!ING_ .CENTER :." .. • ~ •• " ' . ' ' l ALWAY~'-FIRIST GUALIT~· l ' I l-.... .. • ' ' I I I I ' j . i '\ ' .. I f ' ' ' ~ . •"-· .~ ' t. •• J j • ' • j ~~~~~~~~----r~~~~~~~~-.~~~--,-~~~~-r-~~~~~~~~ I ! G~~aiu.-on ·Woinen'1 ·--Special GroupilHJ• .Woinen'1 Smart.Cqllectien of . .fashion Yardate aml " '1 ·1-·~uai Fliits ·and HHls ' Fashionable Dl'ftHI Reduced Woinen'1 HcindbOgs R~uced · Sports ·Fal:!!o!cs Red.ced ... GROUP I GROUP II GROUP I GROUP II GROUP Ill GROUP I GROUP II GROUP I GllOUP 11 l j • •• • J t i ' . J ·tOilti· 7.99-1.99 . Orl9. 7.99 .. 11.99 Orig. $5!i Orig. $1-10 Ori •• $1~15 Ori9. 3.00 Orl1. 8.00 1 Orig .. 19 yd. Orig. 2.99 yd • . I NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW' NOW NOW NOW NOW 'i • 1 ·5.fi-6.88_ 4.88-7.88 3.88 5.88 7.88 ; ~-'-----~-------:-' : . Women's snLlsH uN1F01Ms -3 88 I 0 88 t .: ; • Orlt. S.00-15.00 NOW e • • . \ ,. . ----'-· ---------, . . , ...... I -: WIGS. FAUS. _wr•Lns 3 . 88 16 88 wAaM FLANNIL SHIFT .owNs I 88 : ! a.;. 7.11-21.00 NOW _ • • e ·on., 4.00. NOW • t ) FASHic:iNAilLI' JIWILlY AA_2 88 MAHINl7Y SMOCKS -3 99 4.99 f j °'1': 1.00'.5.00 NOW ·-• Orit· 6.00-7.00 NOW e • 1: · FITS Alt Sm Hosi . ' · · 3/ 77 MAHINITY SKIRTS 2 99 -0 ; Orlt• J/1.00. NOW • Orlt· 5.00 NOW e !~ 1' FULL LIN•TH·SLil'S -· J ~-~.00 _-' i NOW 2.88 Ii ! HA$ AND fillDUS 1 j ::·.:;:,::~~SS l ' Orlt· lt.99 ' NOW l/3 .:0FF 1-6.88 3.99 I' ··~··3r·er -·~·-·· 't"'· ·-··· --.,ii'c:i6ri~"-sKin 'sn;' : · , . Orlt· 5.99 -< NOW . Girls' and 'Infants' COLORFUL PANT DllSSES OrhJ. 2:H NAUTICAi. S7YLI DIESSIS Orlt. 2.H llliHTMHoHT WINDlllAKllS NOW -2.44 NOW 2.44 Ort<J. 5.00 NOW 2.99 •. Pl.AID ... C~YLI~ S)lllTS :_ .. -_, . · ., --;. 2144 PASltlONAUI 11.0USH 99 Orit! 6.00. . · · ". -NO)lll · _ ~ . Orit· ~.00 NOW • ~ ..... ,._, . : . . . ~~------------~ ~07~o:TYLI SKIRTS • '~o~' ·3~99 -=~All.I SCOOTn $Kll~ow 2.99 - GwouP 'OF COOIDINATQ 2 99· 1191 99 Ort<J. 4.00 • I 0.00. NOW -e •I• ' 7, 99 ~-.. . 1,_'oN•. ~-PANT 'TOP. J'-Ollt.-••· · .. J . : · :Now SHOIT SLDVI PANT TOP ;6'e99 'Orii. ii.oo . . · • NOW ll' ·v .. :··. , . : . . . . . . ~ ' . "· 2 '0Nl:Y·· CIOCHmD Yin ,A .99· • .T 'Orit· 10.00. - . ' ... NOW ~ ,, -_,~-------.-..----~- . ,-STllrl DACRON TOP l... 6. 99 • Orit· t:OO -JjOW e •. ---------------- ., .SLllYll.ESS ILOUSIS I 88 S ·~ NO.W ' .. ,;·~-· . . ~ : ' . . . • , l.ONfi SLIM NYLON SHIRTS 3 99 Oilt· s.oo; NOW • ',fl ':" ~· -------------- ., ;, · LON• sum· siuns .. 2 • "Orll. -4.00. ' NOW • 99. ~ ' -· . v ' -stunLiSS · Nn'Oll SHIW 99 • ' -~ 4/1.00. ' NOW • lo " .I ONLY·· PANn SUIT Odt. 21.00. • ' .... . ' -1 ONLY • SKIRT-, TOP sn ~' ·0r1t. H .00 · . , ;~ l!TiciN snncH SHORTS ~• ,, s~ I • ~ • ' :-,,. HlilK,·SUIDl-JACKns· .;, . ' Orit-21;00. NOW 12.88 NOW 12.88 NOW NOW IAS'f.CAU SHORTS 99 Orit· 2.49 NOW e llACH JACKm 2 99 on., 4:00 NOW . e NIA T LOOKINIO SUN DIESSIS I 99 Orlt. l.00. NOW • • • COMIORATILE PANT-DllSSES Orlt· 1.00 NOW HANDSOME FllNfiED JACKn Ort<J. IJ.00 NOW EASY CAii KNIT SHORTS on., l .00 NOW FEMJ NINE LOOKIN• ILOUSU Orlj. J.00 NOW ONl-PllCE SWIM SU.IT Ort<J. 5.00 NOW ONl-l'llCE SWIM SUIT Orit. 6.00 NOW NYLON llA SLIP Orlt. 2.JI .J. EASY CAii HALF SLIPS Orit. I .ti NYLON qUILT 10115 Clrlt-5.oo-6.00 INFANT NYLON SOCKS 0r1,. 1.21 NOW NOW NOW NOW .3.99 1.99 1.44 2.99 4.99 1.99 1.44 2.99 -.9.9 .25-1.88 6.44 .50' YD. .1.44 YD • -. NOW 15.99 EASY CAii HllOH C!IAll Orlt• II.ti , llNIOLESS APACHI SCARFS Orlt-1.00 NOW . e50 -------...---'----~. ., .n 1,IP AND fiO STIOLLllS 21 88 Orit-26. ti NOW • mLISH UYnSllU Ill.TS Orlt-2.00-2.50 NOW .99 ~ COLORFUL PLAYl'IN PADS Ort<J. 2.tl POITAll.8 TRAVEL Clll NOW Orit: II.ti NOW IASSINn LINllS Or1t-4;t1 NOW ADJUSTAILI INFANT CAlllD , Ort<J. 4.tl . NOW Men's 1.99 15.88 3 •• 8 3.88· ' HANDSOME LIA THEI Ill TS Orlt-1.50. NOW .66 Famlly Sho~• LADllS PANT IOOTS Orlt-.4.00 ' COMPOITAIU CASUALS Orlt-1.99 WHm COVAM® DUTY SHOIS NOW 2.99 NOW 4.88 on., 11.99 • NOW 10.88 HANDSOMI SPOIT COATS Orlt· 4S.OO - NOW 29.88 ~u 4v::m PAftNT·SHOU '~'. '3:88 ;;[ •llU HD AND WHIR SHOIS on., 7.99 NOW 5.88 FINELY TAILORED DIESS SLACKS 12.88 on., 15.00 NOW JEANS AND PANTS on., 4.tM.tl EASY CAii PANTS 0r1,. 7.tl-1." NOW NOW fillU DIW UP SHOIS Orit; 6.99-7.99 NOW 4.88-5.88 2.99 88 IOTS HANDSOME DllSS SHOIS -5 88 Se , Orlt. 6.H. NOW e 4 oNLT. ALPACA swunas 9-.-88 For the Home on., u.tl NOW IOIE AND P.J. sm 4 88 COLORFUL cuaTAINS I , 22 3 88 NOW e Orlt-I .H-4.2' NOW e • e Orit• 7.tl ASSOIHD CAFI CURTAINS I 44 2 44 EAST CAii PAJAMAS NOW 2.22 Orlt· 2.2'-4.2' NOW ; e • e Orlt J.tl TIE TAC. CUFF LINK sm 88 EASY CAii PANIU . 1.44 1· 88 00 NOW 3.. Ort<J. 1.7t·:l.4t NOW • e on., 7.5.0-6. · -4 -0-NL-Y'-.• -Tl-E -.. -15-------_-9_9_ ~o:.:.~: • .:iw:,i: . 4.88~29.88 Orlt. l .00 NOW . IUSSIAN LIATHEI LIME KIT OrilJ. 6.00 JADE EAST AFHI SHAn °''•· 3.00 - JADE EAST COLO.NE Orlt· l .50 •OLF IALLS Orlt. 6." ..... NOW NOW . NOW NOW INITIALID, l'LAIN HANDOICHllF Orit .25. NOW SILK PUFFS FOii SUITS Orlt· 1.00 NOW Boys' SPANISH illD Sl'llADS 12 88 18 88 2.88 Orif; 11.00.24_.o NOW e • e FASHION llD Sl'UADS 14 88 26 88 2.22 Orft. 17.00·JO.OO NOW . e • e - FITTID 11.ANKm Orlt· 7.99.IJ.H NOW 6.99-11.88 2.77 STLISH TAILI LININS Orit· 2.Zt-1.00 NOW .1.88-7.44 4.99 FLORAL HUY TOWILS A2 I 22· I 0 Spoclol. 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COLOll'llL NnON JACICITS ~lol . , --. -. - 2 88 .J ONLY· Hl•H CHAllS 15 99 NOW e Orit-11.H NOW e l'LAID WALi SHORTS Or1t-l .IO NOW 2.99. l/3 OFF ON ALL REMNANTS ,. y _:: ,. •. ' Shop Monday Thru Saturdaj 'til 9 p.m. Use Your Penney Charge Card -i • • ~ .. , I \ \ , . . . ,,..fferbor Center SUpple.menl to Tlie DAIL V PILOT, Thun., June 25, 1t7t Ca•bedla Ve•tare Nixon Decis.ion · POlarized Nation. WASHING TON (UPI) -deliver~ on Capitol Hill ran President Nixon, in a televised as much u five days behlnd. addrell to the nation, April -The protest abu brushed the 30, mo: "'nils iJ my decision. administration. I n t e J l o r .. In cooperation with the Secretary Walter J. Rlckel ---~ f of Sou' ..... v· wrote a letter to Nixon uretnc an-orcea ua let· him to ~listm to the )'OUlll; nam, attacb are b e i n I 250 State D e p a r t m e n t launched thJs week to clean employee mailed a protest to out .major enemy sanctuaries Secretary William P. Rocers; on the Cambodt'an Vietnam and education cormntssiclner James E. Allen wai ftred for border." The P re 11 d e n t ' s an· . nouncement stunned the n• tlon . his views on Cambodia. But 1t was in the Congresa, mOltJy the Senate, where the confrontation between the Nix· on administration and the na- tion materialized, UJlGE BOl.JDAY It came a week alter the administration said an ad- dltlonal 1 5 o , O O O Americans would come borne by May, 1971; by recent standards, the campuses were simmering but silent; and Congress was plod· dlnc along, eyeing a Labor Day adjournment and the political campaigns of the fall. Overnl;ht, all that manged. Not only were the senators and House members most respoosl~e to the ltudents' dissent but many urged them to take the cue into the November electJons. Some Do You Get tlae lffe•••11e: tenators suggested a two week CAMPUSES EXPLODE IChool holiday prior to election Peck, Kansas farmer Bob Kerschen ls advertlslng planted his "EAT BREAD" slgn last fall -making day. hlJ own product, Wheat, tht1 harvest season. He letten 16 feet wide and up to UO feet long. 'l'he campuses ezpJoded, the fury Of the students reaching a new high; lawmakers grudc· lngly usetlng to Nixon'• pullout pace turned agalnat him ; 111d the country, already deeply dlvlded by the Vietnam war became even m o r e polarized by the invasion of The mvaskln of Cambodia __________________ ,.._ ________________________________________________ ~---. aho ended Senate daydream• of an early adjournment as Democratic leader M 1 k e MAnafield pushed all buslnesa aside to deal with the war lalue. Cambodia. vaslon Wll. nec~ .... L. ' as a one-lbot affair ;,,., out 1 the sanctuarles which threat. ened to delay withdrawal of U.S. troo111 and the Vietnam!· zatlon program. But thole opposed to the In- cursion Nld that t h e sanctuaries bad exltted for five years and that, ln effect, Nixon had eiceeded hlJ war making powers and broedened the conlUct from a Vietnam war to an lndocblna war and possibly a Southeast Alla war. The political consequences ln the fall elections of Nixon'• move remain u n c e r t a I n • Republicans are convinced that U Nixon keeps to his pledge of removina !he tl'oops by June 30 and can prove a military auccea it will bt a plua for thole on the cam· palgn trail \Vho backed him. Nor will the ramification of the Cambodian Invasion end with the lncurslon. The amendment to cut off funds for troops ln South Asia will be brought to a vote, with some chance of Senate passage. It bas little, 1f any chance, In the House. And beyond that la the pro. posal by Sen. Jacob K. Javlta CR·N.Y.) which would strictly llmit when a President could order U.S. troops into combat without a declaration of war. The declslon triggered death not only in Cambodia but in the mJdlands of the country when four Kent S t a t e University .>tudents, ~mbrolled in a protest against war, were gunned to death by National He acheduled, ln order, Jegltlation which would cut off funds for 1 'retalning'' U.S. troops ln Cambodia after June 30, Nixon's own termination date; repeal of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution; and legisla-·-------------------------------------- •~rdsmen. C.wbodla and Kent State fused Into one issue. Nearly 100,000, mo s t 1 y young, engulfed the capital to protec_ In front of the White House. Nixon, who Ignored a slmllar protest In November, left hit mansion ln the early dawn hours to establish a dlaloeue wun some students tion whjch would cut off funds for retalnlng U.S. troops In Southeast Alla by June 30, um. TAKING CUE The first up, the Cooper- Church amendment, quickly became the vffilcle for a ma- jor, U sporadic, deabte on the lnvask>n of Cambodia. A dmlnlttraUon defenders, taking their cue from the President, argued that the ln· at the Lincoln Memorial. Her ... --------111 failed. In November, the students protetted and left. nits time they atayed, or were replaced by others. For the fint time, they were not only long haired radicals but also crew cut moderates. THEY LOBBIED -Coming to Harbor They lolfbied. 1n the omces Center of Cabinet members, ad- m I n I s t r a t l o n offlclala, senaror.1, congressmen and, Vitf!Mfl. 's . even, the President. In amall groups and large, they asked and, aometimes, fasted for 112 & 1 -• Sizes peace. IMlfl ., Nor was the dissent llmlted to students. Lawyers, docton, WATCH FOR engineers, all established pro-OUR' fe s slon1 l1 who never participated before, came as constituents to plead tbelr GRAND case. against the Cambodlu ln- THURSDAY• •RIDAY •SATURDAY MEN'S 17 JEWEL WATER RESISTANT, SHOCK RESISTANT, ANTI-MAGNETIC WATCH WITH SPEIDEL EXPANSION IAND-ACL STAINLESS STEEL , ..• 01 Kiii CHAltH HAllOI SHOPPINe CIN1'll DH HAUOI an. COSTA MISA 141-Mll L''.The Store That Confidence Built'' 0,.. M-. Tllln., M 111 t p.& • HUNTIN•TON CINTlll llACH & DIN•ll HUNTIN•TON llACH ftZ·llOI The mall. overwbeJmlntly OPENING c~slon, wu to heaVJ tblt.._ .......................... ,.-----------------------------------------------------------------------.;.;.;.. J Thurs., June U, lt11, Hart.or Center Supplement to 1'e DAILY PILOT-7 .. --. --. -- Baeb Pe•blC••· _l!-_~Use _to ~park ' .. " fllll New Plane Euror WASHINGTON (AP) - A House report aure to spark new controversy over the cost- ly C5 gtaat transport supports the mllltary's bid for 120 of the planes to provide airlift capability for "one and a half wan." A Heuse krmed Services Committee report aays lhe Peota1on should complete the eriglQal, purcbue onler of 10 planes er devise a plan to achieve the 11111e a I r 1 I f t apablllty with II C5e and • m a 1 1 e r , supplementary aircraft. Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird cut back the original purchase o r d e r to 11 transporta In the face or con- gressional criticism over the spiraling cost. ' Laird has told Congress 81 C5s are enough to meet "foreseeable contingencies." That position was backed at the auJxonlmittee hearings by Asst. Air Force Secretary Philip N. Whittacker. one of the Air force's top civilians. He said 81 C5s could rush 300,000 Stoops, 15,IOO tons of weapons so big that only the CS can carry them, and 100,000 tons of other equipment into Europe ln 35 clays. While t• plal'l!I would more safely meet such a massive conUngerK'y -. movln1 the same force into Europe In 22 days, Wb1ttacker said, the 11-plane fleet was considered adequate in the face of, the need to cut de,gnse spending. The committee report said one alternative to buying 120 ol,the planes might be airlift of only the bigest equipment In 11 C5s while smaller planes . The report, drafted by a subcommittee after extensive closed-door hear I n.g 1 on military airlift needs for the next decade, was upected to be releas!d today. carry everything elle. But It Modern D•• €attle Drive . quotea Pentagon studies as ,. =~ n:'';e~~ ~;m't~! Cattle drive across the Mississippi River in St. Louis. heaviest equipment r as t Wyoming Jaycees, in St. Louis for their SOth anni- enough. versary national convention, became lonesome for 11le House report makes the the wide open spaces and decided to conduct a cattle members staged their drive from foot of Eads Bridge over the Mississippi (St. Louis skyline in back- ground) to the National Stockyards near East St. Louis, JU. Gen . John Ryan, Air Farce Chief of Staff, told the sub- committee the joint chiefs are 1 t I 1 I unanimously recorn~ mending -120 C5I -s I x squadrons -even thoulJl they support Laird's cut to II for budgetary reuons. reservation that its findings drive. The Wyoming Junior Chamber of Commerce a~ dependent on Lockheed ~--------~--...;;.... ________________________________________________________ __, ______ _ Alrttaft Corp. and l~ Air1~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Strategy plans for max- imum U.S. war comm1tmenta -an all-out war ln Europe 4>r Asia and a half war ln a.ne other trouble spot at the same time -eaaqat be met with II C51, Ryan testified. He said 1• ftllld be ad~uate. · Force aolvlng the CSA 's finan- cial problems. . Tbe Air Force has asked Concrea for , $200 milUon ror enersency payments t 0 'Meheed. The Cirm says it camot continue producUon tbil year wihtout emergency funds. Johnson Son-in-law · To Become a Lawyer WASHINGTON (UPI) -Philip Arman, press officer Marine Maj. Charlel S. Robb at Marine headquarters here. aaya his faiber-ln-law bad Robb told Annan be nn• DOthlng to do with his decision had planned on a miUtarJ to quit the military and io career. to law school. Robb uked Secretary ol the Robb is married to Lynda Navy Joha Chafee\ja a ktter Bird Johnson, the e I d tr-for releale from the .MmM daughter of former Pmident Corpe Sept. I. He a• asted Lyndon B. Johnson. to be .affiliated with the Eventually, Robb says, he Marine Reserves. Both re- wants to 'Pl'actice law In quesll are considered routine Virginia. He ls 11yln1 nothinl and will be approved, Arman about poliUcs, but Jt wouJdn't said. surprise many ~e If the Robb entered lhe Marine JOised. articulate Io r m e r Corps in 1961 after serving White House aide ends up In as a top officer In the ROTC 1Us f ather-ln-law 's lifetime at the University of Wisconsin. profession. He remaineJ in the service And Lynda Bird, i n beyond his obligated deadlire .. typical" military w I re -1985 -so that he could fashion, Is preparinc to move serve in Vietnam: He had a to Charlottesville, Va.. with one-year tour of duty ln the their two young daulflters In war zone and won decontiens the fall . Robb will enroll In for combat. lbe University of Virginia Law He plans to le&H their School. $75,000 borne In nearby Ari- I I ~·~~ ~ "'°k, 8-'121 Oat·~·1'6ll..:SQ.'f ll 9t .1f u ot\ngiorL c.n~r; &Ii n~crf' M-BGM.h lfvd .. 897.o.'tf 9 _ &.eo.t~o.i:~,3,,s~ititl,C.'ffca, MS~~. 'kritor c...kt,H.ffvt.or l'ld ~-.w~ ... 5,..5to2a& ,.._ . , ......... Robb, 30, durin1 his recent ington, 'la., and rent a house years In the pollUcal limelight in Charlottesville durin1 hi• In Washington has found three years ol Jaw school. ldmtelf "more and more In-Robb plans to tel 1 part thne terested" Jn lawyers aM &beir ~ lo .. ~ the lam.I~ --~""--.-..-.....:~----=-...;.;.-----~---------"'.'7'""----~"'­•llfe, · ~in1 to Marine M1J. llN!Dlnf ................ -. ... _ .. ..._......_. __________ .....,-.~ ...... --,,... • WI" • • --• • • ~ . . . ' . ... WASHINGTON (UPI) "Hello, Mr. Jones, this 11 the • lntematlonal Corp. calling. I'm Mr. Savqe, the d1ndor of affld1Ylis here and I have ~e&bint Vel'J 1mportant to discua with )'OU. Get a piece of paper and a pencil and I'll expt1tn what this ii an Harassme .. nt Goin11, IIU£Fir1nness Remains :.::.*~°'i·b~ "Ii; ~ 1111*na! What'• that ~ Baroo al.lo llid he ha flied tm'ninc" ·ICltpt II-tftenct: ' ~ Me. I can . only put my tut look around, ' ca u • t the room from you -1 couell, a suit to bar ''the me of "Do you rulllr what Y dlt·&i'r· en ~ papen for everything you • 1ber'e and a rq, a televilioo .•• oral mlmpmentatklal • • , mew lf I pa #Ai ~ !!: proridedtn t~v111a 1Ubstan-everytbinc you own will be "As you look over U'I and other barminl tadia, detainer on lleii' papent .... aan _..e rst, as a IOld out after judpnent. things, you r~ own 'a. Iota UIUAlly over the telephone." That meau,. Ms~ thli . ~·of P,ocl faith on your "You don't have the money? you really have a k>t to. lole, . about ... " · '!bat ls the start of a model telephone ICl'ipt for a bill col· lectloa qency. Its purpose ls to £Onvince debt.on with overdue account.a tbat they face trouble if they don't p.y up. 'l'tJe ICript be lbOwld the com-If yOU'"'don't pay t6ra bill,"'° J>'!' al II a down payment You doo't own anything? dOn't you? Abd that's wbat'• mblioa ii 1 umple It uees I would have to pay it. And ••• You do sound like an You're not worklna? What's 1olng to happen. We're JaUc terms which have a~ rinC 1f I have to pay lt, you know bone8t pel'IOll to me, Mr. that you're holclq In your to make an honest man CMi but which dln·notblnc· For you'd bl In 1e11oua trouble Joae1 ••. " hand? A toy? Oh, it's a of jOU becaua'! after jucJc. eumple· -then, becauee rd penonalJJ Tbll technique ii offered for telephone. I tboulllt you didn't ment, when we aee to lt Iba& "Y~ Mr ,,....., the 1e1 to it that you were MrVed debton who are "smart or have anything. You're able to this action la taken, you are ,, • --. IDd IOld out after Jl....... nclleltrn".; pay the phone eompmy, you not gom, to have .~ .. Ace Motor Oo. _. lllto tblll ••y Mr J ,.,,;. "Y 1 ~ .. &.uf to '"" hlYe the mooey to pay them, Mr Charles ff. Baron, who works for Community Lepl Services, Inc., an antleoverty 2gency in Philadelphia, lhow· ed It Tuesday to the National Commission on C o n a u m e r public offlcel and nan oat OU 188, • ~ -IU rt ..,. I....._ -ve • r I p.m. tomomJw, • ID afftdarit -aimt •ou in 1rt IO"llned hert by Vfl'I tbe maae)' JA. here tomm'fow, ftallt! · .. ·-• ·. Jones, 'lllJI 1lf tab )'OUt the amount ~ flM,a. This ltrtd rules and N1U1111Ja Mr. Jca1? Jrtll, tab Jfa "What are ye,(....,. M last leai.""6Mu6d.'' affidavit chars• JOU with at-ljiiii~iijiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjiiiiiii[iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii'ililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Finance. The c o m m i s s i o n was created by Congress to un- dertake a S!x-mooth study on how to revise credit laws which, witnesse; contend, now sanction haruament, bumilla- tion, garnishments and other tactics designed to frighten debtors. Baron said he has filed a ~urt \suit to block "future use of tactics designed for the purpose of producing '° much annoyance that the alleged debtor will p a y anything just to put an end to It." One· such tactic, be said, is "calling the place of the debtor's employment an d leaving a message that the debtor's child has been hit by a car." tempt to evade· Act Motors and directly refusing to pay tbll lawful obllpdon lor $lSU3. • . · "ln fact, the •ff 1 d a V l t papers I have bett on my desk now ·are marked and ICheduled aaainlt )'OU for im- mediate eucution. They're supposed to leave my ol6ee on the teletype at 8 p.m. tomorrow for your I e g a .l authorities ... 0 This mell'l$ that you will be served with these papefl and 1 SummoGI and that you will be 10ld out at public Mle after judgment. But I am call- ing you fint 18 I courtesy, to let you know that the only way thiJ can be avoided ls If the $15e.13 ls in my office and on my desk no later than I p.m. tomorrow • . • For debtors who un't pay the whole sum, thlt "eomer Eisenhower Finally Gets to Visit Japan WASH.INGTON (UPI) - David Eisenhower, preparln1 for a trip to Japan, told 1 gatberlna of Japane11 olfictall Tuesday nl&bt that one ol the great dbappolnlments ol hla grandf atber, Geo. Dwight D. Eisenhower, was thllt he could .oot visit tbelr country. The late 1eneral waa lo have visited Japtn In 1980, in his last full year u President, but the trip was can~led when violent demonstratlon1 broke out In Tokyo against Japan'• mutual leCUJ'ity treaty with the Untted States. were apolocetic that DtVkl'• grandf1ther'1 trip to 3ap111 never came to ~ During the dlnoer' bavkl quipped that while In Japu he mlght lurt a couple of Japenete buebalJ p la 1 If I aw1y to play for t b 1 Walhlngton Senators. Dani has 1 part..unt job with tbe Senators thia summer. Pollutio.n End Will & Costly In a tout at a dinner al SANTA 91.nn1.na Calif the Japanete Embassy in n.nannn, · honor ol the YOUDC Eisenhower (AP) -It would ~ and his wUe Julie, David said than f UIO bUJlon le lalYe Gen. Elaenhower felt that the America'• pollutloa ll'Ob._. teCUffty treaty with Japan In the next fi_vt JIUI _. --..was ol hit most silnUlcant the fedel'll toVernm;.D ~ accompllshmenta In eeeklnc do It all, says the UnW the goals of peace.'' States budeet director. Widespread p r o t e st a OC• Robert P. Mayo ·~ that curred ln Tokyo Tuesday .,those lndustrWI tblit ll't against ren~wl of the treaty, releasing their w•."'4aeb but the young Eisenbowera Into the ail' or w a f e r , were 8SIUl"ed they would especially If they cu hi clear- receive "• warm welcome" Jy identlfiecl. cannot escape In Japan. the responsibility for devialnc .• Their embassy hosts and and implementing w1ya of guests, lncludl"I. ... ~apan'1 manufacturlna their productf Foreign ':ff.nlc&K1.IHlfQl.6ltN1.•. ~...._1t'lll ~ etUfltt ~r:. THE f u~ PL ACE TO SHOP ~c q THE CNT m~ FtiMILV ORIGINAL RIPROOUCTIONS UM mt tlANTITY UNCIRCULATID : ~:COIN SETS . 'fA t0 1968 Each aet is mou nted In a clear pll!- tlc holder. Dlsplaya coin . also keeps them tarnish frr<'. HARBOR CENTER a.,. ,2.95 and up 2300 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA, CAUF.